Area 1 - Uploads                     

AI-WXv1.0.1.zip 8742936 15-01-2025 
artil_shurato.zip  171565 01-01-1998         ARTILLERY DOOR GAME V1.1
                                BBS door game that let's your users test
                                their marksmanship. Fire a projectile
                                over and through obstacles to destroy the
                                hiding enemy.  Very easy setup.  Supports
                                multiple nodes. Has sysop chat mode,
                                carrier detect, no maintenance, and
                                great graphics.  Most features sysop
bgwcdwin.zip  116486 01-01-1998 BBSlink Graffiti Wall Connector Door
Blade Runner- The Final Cut_t00.mkv 62714880 27-04-2024 
boot.log        7184 11-07-2024 
C++RuntimesALL.zip 100049573 22-09-2024 
Callers.ans     6475 05-08-2024 
Dominion Tank Police 1.ogm 252906986 24-02-2024 
ELEBBS-20130208_W32VP.ZIP 2255172 08-02-2022 
FID.ZIP        89239 12-11-2022 
Gall Force Eternal Story Dual Language.mkv 683158259 15-12-2024 
IEKEY235.ZIP    1161 05-07-2024 IceEdit Key For IceEdit Version 2.35
                                This key was prepared by the original
                                author of Ice Edit before he sold the
                                software. It is a legal key for Version
                                2.35 Only.
                                Registered To:
                                REGISTERED USER
                                REGISTERED COMPANY
Marty K.zip     4220 07-08-2024 
msvcp140d.zip  231965 31-12-2022 
Phantasy Star 2 hint book 1 JP.pdf 9316756 26-04-2024 
Phantasy Star 2 hint book 2 JP.pdf 9396311 26-04-2024 
Phantasy Star 2 manual JP.pdf 8208690 26-04-2024 
Phantasy Star II hint book US.pdf 15016194 26-04-2024 
REG_LORD.ZIP    6393 09-06-2022 Generates registration numbers for L.O.R.D.
                                Will register any version of Seths' great
                                online game Legend of the Red Dragon.
                                --===Another fine crack by "The Celt"===--
shuratoansis.zip   24017 01-01-1998 
ucrtbased.zip  560353 31-12-2022 
vcruntime140d.zip   55194 31-12-2022 

                    Area 132 - BBS Ads                    

conchaos.ans   19303 08-05-2024 
dangerb.ans     5945 08-05-2024 
hagars.ans      2619 08-05-2024 
pixelgr.ans     5507 08-05-2024 
shsbbs.zip     21625 08-05-2024 

                    Area 3 - BBS Files                    

853tagz.zip    22634 09-07-2023 
                                     853 Taglines for IceEdit     
                                 Yes, there are exactly 853 Tag-  
                                 lines in this file and is called 
                                 TAGLINES.CFG for use with IceEdit
                                 but can easily be renamed by you 
                                 for use with any other program   
                                 that uses Taglines like BlueWave,
                                 SLMR, etc..                      
                                          By: The Wizard          
                                    * 803.552.6292 * 14.4 Bps *   
addrom.zip     18939 08-05-2024 AddRom - By Mark Williamson
                                Easily add any CD Rom to your RemoteAccess 2
                                FILES.RA.  Stop entering redundent info into
                                RACONFIG!  Use AddRom and get it done - FAST!!
                                Best of all - it's FREEWARE!  By the author
                                Labtest comes another can't-do-without-it
afugb017.zip 2420071 13-05-2023      ALLFIX Universal, 6.00 build 17
                                          Gamma release version
                                ALLFIX is the most complete FileEcho and
                                EchoMail utility available. No other
                                program offers the large number of features
                                that are part of the ALLFIX package.
afu_513.zip  2844964 13-05-2023        ALLFIX Universal, 5.13
                                     Evaluation release version
                                ALLFIX is the most complete FileEcho utility
                                available. No other program offers the large
                                number of features that are part of the
                                ALLFIX package.
                                Version 5.13 is an update of version 5.12.
                                This means that we have solved a large number
                                of the problems that you have reported over
                                the past few months!
afxgb017.zip  862910 03-05-2022        ALLFIX for DOS, 6.00 build 17
                                          Gamma release version
                                ALLFIX is the most complete FileEcho and
                                EchoMail utility available. No other
                                program offers the large number of features
                                that are part of the ALLFIX package.
am_60.zip      68811 08-02-2022 Ŀ
                                   Online Archive Master version 6.0   
                                 AM is a RemoteAccess 2.0x archive       
                                 viewer.  AM can be used as a door and   
                                 as the RA External Archive Viewer.      
                                  View the contents of archives         
                                  Read files within archives            
                                  Extract file(s) to be downloaded      
                                  Supports all major archive formats!   
                                  Supports the RA 2.0x file database    
                                  Checks all security levels and flags  
                                  ...and more!                          
                                 AM is another quality freeware product  
                                 from Dykstra Software.                  
anim300.zip   200343 08-07-2023 Ϳ
                                      THE ANiMATOR v3.00      
                                 A new animated ANSi bulletin 
                                 program for most BBSes  that 
                                 support: DOOR.SYS, CHAIN.TXT 
                                 DORINFOx.DEF,   EXITINFO.BBS 
                                 SFDOORS.DAT, and CALLINFO.   
                                 Displays any ASC / ANS / AVT 
                                 bulletin  file  followed  by 
                                 an animated ANSi prompt.     
                                 Includes 103 predefined ANSi 
                                      * Download Now!! *      
                                     The Fonty Towers BBS     
ATAG_12.ZIP    31210 16-04-2024 Ŀ
                                 Another Tag Version 1.0 Ĵ
                                 FileTagging Door For Ra 2.XX         
                                 Features :                           
                                      Taglist Editing                
                                      New Design !                   
                                      Customisable Ansi              
                                      Easy Setup                     
                                      Easy Use                       
                                      French Production !            
                                      FreeWare !!!!!                 
BBS2HTML.ZIP   46930 07-12-2023 BBS2HTML v1.0p Conversion Utility  
                                Converts FILES.BBS listings to HTML 
                                Put you file collection on the WEB! 
                                Easy, automated, UNCRIPPLED FREEWARE
                                Works with PCBoard, Wildcat, TBBS or
                                any system that supports FILES.BBS  
                                file formats. Don't get left behind!
bbsl99b7.zip  112363 09-07-2023 Ŀ
                                 BBS Lister v0.996 
                                 A BBS Lister door for any BBS which  
                                 creates DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF or    
                                 MX_USER.DAT drop files. Callers can  
                                 upload and view BBS ads. The list of 
                                 BBSes can be downloaded.             
                                 Supports ANSI and MAXgraphics and is 
                                 completely litebar driven for ANSI   
                                 callers. Best of all its FREEWARE    
                                            (c)1998 D. Heaton, VMSoft 
BBSlinkWall-win32.zip  116513 23-01-2025 BBSlink.net Wall      Ŀ
                                Connector Door v0.1 Ĵ
                                A BBSlink Graffiti Wall door. Should 
                                work with any Windows DOOR32.SYS BBS.
bgwcdwin.zip  116486 01-01-1998 BBSlink.net Wall      Ŀ
                                Connector Door v0.1 Ĵ
                                A BBSlink Graffiti Wall door. Should 
                                work with any Windows DOOR32.SYS BBS.
bmkr1g.zip     75110 08-07-2023 *** BulletinMaker v1.00; Official Release
                                BulletinMaker is the greatest news file
                                or bulletin 'maker' for RemoteAccess and
                                other systems! Full-Screen editor env.,
                                produces ANSi/ASCII screens for the user
                                and provides a great interface for the
                                sysop with lots of options! Great File!
                                You owe it to yourself and your users to
                                download this!
callno.zip      2165 05-07-2024 Place .ans files in txtfiles directory
                                Place .q-a in questionaire directory
                                Run callno.q-a from menu or logon.
cat-fn15.zip  113564 07-07-2023                           
                                 f a d i n g            
                                             v 1 . 5 o
                                     [cat] fading news v1.5o
                                  groovy news door which allows
                                 you to fade news on and off the
                                  screen using your own custom,
                                 + pcb compatible colour sceme!!
                                 new: option to allow your users
                                 to not have to read news if its
                                  already seen, faster diplays!
                                 uses v1.01 of the catastrophic
                                 door library. runs on any bbs!!
                                 copyright (c) 1998 phiber optix
cat_2dlp10.zip  220615 07-10-2024   Ŀ
                                  ۳ ۳ ۳ '
                                  ۳ ٲ۳ ۳ 9
                                  ijڿ۳ ۳ 7
                                  CaT LeMMING PaGER v1.oo
                                 The Ultimate Pager for all
                                   Remote Access Sysops!!
                                Supports HSC/ICE Format Page
                                 Alert, Inbuilt Messagebase
                                Posting, Security Overrides,
                                and of course, configurable!
                                 (Oh HSC is SoundBlaster!!)
cn_mtx01.zip   19852 07-10-2024 
                                $$,.$$g.`$$$$`$$$$$'$ .$$g.`$$$$$$$
                                $ $$$$$$'"$&#%g. %.   .%$$$$$$$'"$&#%g.`$
                                $b'$$$$$ $   .$$g '$$$$$ $ $$$$$$ $
                                $$ $$$$$#g%$$$$b, $$$$$$'a $$$$$#g%$$$$$P $
                                $$,`"`"$$$$$$ '$$$$$ $ $$$$$`""' $$
                                $$,$$$$$,$.$$$$$$  $$$$$ $,$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$
                                $$$$$$$$$:[ SUiCiDE S PAiNLESS ]:$$$$$$$$$
                                $                                         $
                                $ RELEASED BY: [CoNDoR^SP]$
                                $                                         $
                                $[cOOL aNSI lOGIN mATRIX]$
                                $[fOR rEMOTEaCCESS...iN tHE sTYLE]$
                                $[oF nOVELL nETWARE v4.11! nORMAL]$
                                $[sERVICE wILL rESUME iMMEDIATELY! :)]$
crw-kw2!.zip   50375 16-02-2023                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                -[CROW Coding Division Presents]-ij
                                   KiWi Final! A onliner for DOOR.SYS   
                                   over 10 diffrent options, example:  
                                |   Censoring, Comment Editor/Nuker     
                                   Customize toplist, make own header  
                                   Ban bad users from writing          |
                                   Coded by Rezaad                     
                                <>Cyber Station<>Crow WHQ<>46-226-20119<>
datag105.zip   98834 20-04-2023 (v1.05) dATag by TWAiN PAiN Software
                                The best RemoteAccess filetagger. Fixes:
                                Files can now have costs and daily dls
                                are checked correctly (broken in v1.04)
                                    ĿĿĿ TWAiN PAiN's ͸
                                ڿ۳۳۳: ۳: ڿ۳
                                ٲ۳  ٲ۳Ŀ
                                ٰڿ  ڿٱ
                                ٳ   ٳĿ
dctbg120.zip   69419 29-11-2022 DCT Bulletin Generator v1.20 *  For RA, 
                                Concord, SuperBBS, and any other QuickBBS-
                                compatible system.  Will create aesthetically
                                pleasing NEWS.ANS/ASC screens to show to your
                                users at login.  Comes with its own built-in 
                                editor, so that you don't have to edit a text
                                file then compile it.  Very configurable, 
                                and it allows you to create your own bulletin
                                styles or use one of the supplied designs.  
                                Also allows colour changing within the 
                                bulletin itself.  Freeware by Dan Traczynski.
dcted004.zip  179908 19-10-2023 DCTEdit v0.04 Gamma; The full-screen editor 
                                from DCT Productions is here!  DCTEdit 
                                employs a pull-down menu interface -- which 
                                we are all experienced at using -- in 
                                addition to keyboard shortcuts for those who 
                                have memorised the commands.  Some other 
                                features include: spell checking, automatic 
                                tagline stealing, configurable user displays,
                                message area overrides (RA/PB/TG/EZY), text 
                                censoring, macros, message printing, multiple
                                language files, text file importing, SysOp Fn
                                hotkeys, user signatures, offline mail reader
                                support, plus more! An editor like no other! 
                                Still freeware!  [Released 5-Jan-98]
dctvd040.zip  126093 29-03-2023 DCT Voting Door v0.40 Deluxe voting door for
                                any BBS which supports the DORINFO1.DEF or
                                DOOR.SYS drop file. Features include:
                                Optional user censoring, auto-deletion of old
                                booths & inactive users, problem user lock
                                out, the lightbar selector, amazingly FAST &
                                EASY setup, bar graphs/percentages when
                                displaying results, AutoVote, language
                                support, plus much more!
dd_21_2dpage.zip    3909 07-10-2024 ---                    --Ŀ
                                --- dIGITAL PAGE ----
                                 Get this if you dont like that 
                                 silly yellow line  when a user 
                                     pages the sysop in RA.     
                                 Make your own screens instead! 
                                      Or use the examples!      
                                         Freeware of coz        
                                - dIGITAL dONUTS  1995 --
                                ---                    --
DUSER200.ZIP   27613 22-08-2023 DUSER v2.00 * ANS/ASC Userlist
                                Bulletin generator for RA v2.00.g1 *
                                Supports Handles, Exclusion of Hidden
                                Users and Specific Users.  Complete
                                Menu Configuration and Custom Colour
                                Configuration.  Freeware by James
EB10RC1W.ZIP 1916710 04-08-2023 EleBBS v0.10.rc1 - public gamma release
                                of EleBBS. A RemoteAccess-style BBS.
                                Features lightbarred menus, built-in
                                TELNET server, newsgroups client and
                                server support. Longfilename support.
                                DOS, Win9x/NT, OS2 and Linux versions
                                  ** EleBBS 0.09.G1 IS REQUIRED **
                                Windows (32-bit) version.
eb_009gw.zip 2403235 04-08-2023 EleBBS v0.09.g1 - public gamma release
                                of EleBBS. A RemoteAccess-style BBS.
                                Features lightbarred menus, built-in
                                TELNET server, newsgroups client and
                                server support. Longfilename support.
                                DOS, Win9x/NT, OS2 and Linux versions
                                Windows (Win9x/NT/2000) version.
echngr12.zip   37525 08-10-2023 +-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
                                |                                          |
                                |           -== Ele-Changer ==-            |
                                |               version 1.2                |
                                |                                          |
                                |  Lightbar Area/Group Changer for EleBBS  |
                                |                                          |
                                |    * Use Cursor Keys to navigate         |
                                |    * File & Message Area/Group support   |
                                |    * Combined Message area selector      |
                                |    * LAWGATOR style layout               |
                                |    * Supports ANSi or ASCii              |
                                |    * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced       |
                                |    * New: Also supports numeric keys     |
                                |                                          |
                                Beware of fake releases by Future Dream Net!
ed004dic.zip   82112 19-10-2023 English language dictionary file for use with
                                DCTEdit v0.04.
el071015.zip 2248071 02-06-2008 ELEBBSW-20071015 Win32 October 2007
                                CVS binaries
el080701.zip 2254746 04-02-2009 ELEBBS/W32-2008/07/01
                                Win32 July 2008 CVS binaries
EL120208.ZIP 2252746 08-02-2022 EleBBS/W32 - 20120208 Win32 binaries update
elebbs-20120       0 01-01-1980 
elebbs-20120208_vp_os2.zip 2042393 21-07-2023 
elebbs-20120208_vp_w32.zip 2253987 04-08-2023 
ELEBBS-20130       0 01-01-1980 
ELEBBS-20130208_W32VP.ZIP 2255172 08-02-2022 
elecht01.zip   12629 08-10-2023 Ĵ pcmicro presents Ŀ
                                            -== Ele-Chat ==-              
                                            version 0.01 beta             
                                   Split Screen Sysop/User Chat Script    
                                    * Designed exclusivly for EleBBS      
                                    * Small and fast (only 10k)           
                                    * Great looking background            
                                    * Supports ANSi/AVATAR/ASCii          
                                    * Fully configurable                  
                                    * Freeware - no nags/brags/delays     
                                    * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced       
                                   www.pcmicro.com/bbs for latest version
elehdr11.zip   13088 08-10-2023 +-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
                                |                                          |
                                |    -== Message Header for EleBBS ==-     |
                                |               version 1.1                |
                                |                                          |
                                |    * Elite Style Custom ANSI header for  |
                                |      EleBBS's internal message reader.   |
                                |    * Hilights to: field on messages      |
                                |       to the current user.               |
                                |    * Now faster then before.             |
                                |    * Freeware - no ads/delays.           |
                                |    * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced.      |
                                |                                          |
                                   www.pcmicro.com/bbs for latest version
eleval03.zip   17843 31-12-1997 +------------------------------------------+
                                |                                          |
                                |            -= Ele Validate =-            |
                                |                version 0.3               |
                                |                                          |
                                |   Email Validation Script for EleBBS     |
                                |                                          |
                                |    Sends the user a password to their    |
                                |    email address, and upgrades their     |
                                |    security level once they confirm it.  |
                                |                                          |
                                |    * Supports BLAT.EXE - Windows/32      |
                                |    * Can be modded for WarpMail - OS/2   |
                                |      or SendMail - Unix                  |
                                |    * Now includes ANSI mods by Shurato   |
                                |                                          |
                                http://archives.thebbs.org for latest version
emp-ulst.zip   17241 22-08-2023 
ewhodx10.zip   16219 08-10-2023 +-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
                                |                                          |
                                |        -== Whos Online Deluxe ==-        |
                                |          version 1.0 for EleBBS          |
                                |                                          |
                                | Replaces the internal Whos Online & Msg  |
                                |                                          |
                                |   * Supports Livesystems USERDOES.{node} |
                                |   * Sends messages to other BBS nodes    |
                                |   * Node messages wrapped in ANSi Box    |
                                |   * Lightbarred Messages are sent        |
                                |   * Instant Reply to Sender feature!     |
                                |   * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced        |
                                |   * Freeware - no nags or other drags    |
                                |                                          |
                                   archives.thebbs.org for latest version
fdl_v501.zip  636362 07-05-2024 FDL/P  FileDoor LITE/PRO      Version  5.01
                                DISP software: FileDoor protocol driver
                                Version/Date : V 5.01   / Aug. 9th, 1995
                                This version 5.01 runs for both FDL and FDP
                                users. FDP users get extra PRO options. For
                                FDL users there are lots of fixes and small
FE146.EXE     715009 13-11-2023 
FE146X.EXE    665635 12-11-2023 
fe146x.rar    656187 29-04-2022 ------------------------------------------
                                ## --------- FastEcho 1.46pl1 --------- ##
                                Very  fast FTN mail processor for  Hudson-
                                (aka QBBS), JAM-, Squish- and  Fido/*.MSG-
                                style messagebases.    [Shareware, $15/25]
                                Includes DPMI executables  only,  requires
                                full package (FE146.RAR)  to  run !!!  Now
                                also featuring 32 bit version of FESetup.
                                        Copyright (c) 1991-1997 by
                                Software Technik Burchhardt, Waltrop, FRG.
FF_200.RAR    771359 04-02-2022 FastFile 2.00. FileTagger, FileDoor and
                                FileManager for RemoteAccess 2.0x-2.50.
                                Built around a "graphic" user interface.
                                NOW SUPPORTS: CD-ROM & Internet Request,
                                LightBar, ISDN,RA2.02 Tagfile, Password,
                                CD-ROM, DAT, Color Configuration,  GIF-,
                                MOD-View, DupeCheck, Freefile, Comments-
                                in filelists, Virus scan, Long filedesc,
                                File tagging, Fast AreaChange, TextView,  
                                Locate, Archive View,  New Files Search,
                                MemorySwap functions, All FileProtocols,
                                TextView, Upload, Download,  Local mode,
                                SplitScreen Chat with macrofunctions and
                                Remote SysOps features like RA Manager!!
                                        * And much more ! *
fmlw_59b.zip  399558 29-04-2022 FMail 1.59/beta, Windows 32-bit version
                                FMail is an echo mail processor for Hudson
                                and JAM message bases. Also included is a
                                message base maintenance utility with a lot
                                of special features. The Windows version can
                                handle more areas than the standard version
                                and is optimized for use with 32-bit versions
                                of MS Windows like Windows 95 and Windows NT.
fwwinele.zip     637 05-07-2024 Place both files in txtfiles
                                directory, unless you've already
                                got a logo.ans file.  Set text
                                shelling to Yes and turn off UAC.
                                Hopefully you're running this in
                                a 32-bit VM and not a main system.
                                Firewall allows a maximum of 1000
                                rules, so you may have to prune
                                this occasionally.
graus102.zip   56062 26-09-2023 GRAUSER v1.02 -=- GLOBALY change users
                                CREDITS, SECURITY, USERS FLAGS, within
                                seconds based on users AGE or security.
                                MAKES envelope ready user listings based
                                on your users AGE or security. Great for
                                the sysop wanting a 21+ mailing list!
                                VIEW System usage graph on any lines
                                at a key stroke. VIEW/ALTER total
                                system call counter. DUPE checker
                                locates FAKE accounts and is 2-3 times
                                faster than any other dupe checker for
                                RemoteAccess. Can be used on RA versions
                                2.xx and the new 2.50 plus other useful 
                                features you will enjoy.
iedit235.zip  167592 11-06-2023 IceEdit v2.35 * Fullscreen Message Editor
                                For RA 2.xx/TG 3.x/QBBS 2.8x & compatibles *
                                Tagline Management, Full color configuration,
                                Line-Centering, Textfile exporting, Message
                                Censoring, Macro Config, Configurable
                                Function Key Macros, User Signatures, User
                                Overrides, Language File, Replacement Codes,
                                Color Control Strings, efficient Spell
                                Checking Routines and MUCH more!
                                Released: 03/27/97
jp-bull2.zip   33585 29-11-2022    ________________________
                                   ):::            _______/_______
                                   \::      /:    /:::           /
                                   /:      /:    /::  __________/
                                  /       /     /:    __/_____
                                 /        `    /             (
                                 \____________/              /
                                  #04 \_____________________/jp
                                 --------- Ŀ
                                |   D   E   M   O   N   i   C  
                                 lightbar bulletin menu door! 
                                | for dorinfo.def and door.sys 
                                       by jack phlash         |
k&kstat2.zip   68510 09-07-2023         K&K Statsz
                                Yet another version of this
                                stat screen maker. It generates
                                a ansi that tells your users
                                what they access level on the
                                board is, how many times they
                                have called it, what is their
                                time limit, stuff like that.
                                All this is for the RemoteAcces
                                BBS system 2.xx only, and this
                                version adds that awesome
                                animated prompts thingy.
                                Thanks to that guy who made that
                                animated prompts program..THANKS
                                Made by me in Canada,
                                FidoNet 1:153/609
lastcall.zip     953 05-07-2024 rename lastcall.bak lastcall.ans
                                and place in txtfiles directory
                                place lastcall.q-a in questionaire
                                directory and edit as desired.
                                Call lastcall.q-a for desired
                                users on logon and display
                                lastcall.ans where desired.
list108g.zip  189637 07-05-2024  ͸
                                 fullmultilanguage/multiline support
mafrag54.zip   61557 14-07-2021 [0;1;34mM[0;34mA[1;30mFRAG [34mv[0;34m5[1;30m
                                [34mThe Most Complete Lightbar File/Message
                                Group/Area for
                                Remote Access v2.xx around.
                                Can justify to center, left and right.
                                Can alter the text to upper, lower and fancy
                                Saves the Users favourite positions for each
                                individual group.
                                Allows the sysop to define a different setup
                                for each group.
                                Has an interactive config program so the sysop
                                can see what
                                it will look like before he sets it up on the
                                Security features include Flags, Alt. Groups,
                                Security etc.
                                Lets the sysop have multiple columns of
                                selections for the
                                user on each screen and now with automatic
                                column setup
                                which lets Mafrag figure out the best number
                                of columns at
                                Mafrag is the best looking, easiest to setup
                                and use area
                                changer around. Use it now.
                                Make sure you unzip with -d[0m
mark200g.zip  227966 07-05-2024 FileMark v1.99, FileTagger, KeyWord,
                                newfiles and expression searcher for
                                RemoteAccess 2.02. Full screen
                                configuration utility. Uses the list
                                format in RACONFIG. Supports download
                                time, and lots of more. Internal
                                archive viewer that supports all
                                popular archivers (ARJ/ZIP/RAR) and
                                many more. Keyword search : 5 keywords
                                at one run, NewFiles search: specify
                                self the date to search back.
                                General Expression search (unique).
                                Archive viewer: create own archive
                                file's. Fully supports the RA 2.x
                                Filebase, FileMark can update it,
                                and check for own filesizes. Supports
                                CD-Rom's and lots of more.
                                Check it out yourself!!
MCBEST10.ARJ   49304 04-07-2024 
ml200b3.zip   254937 07-10-2024    MADLOGIN v2.00.3 (02.08.98) 
                                External Login for the mailbox software
                                remoteACCESS (or EleBBS), which is
                                indispensable due to its numerous options
                                and features. Plug in for RA/ELE!
                                 -> Complete Modem administration
                                 -> IEMSI Support incl. Debug Mode
                                 -> ISDN CallerID Support
                                 -> Integrated Request Prozessor
                                 -> Integrated Login Matrix
                                 -> Displays the User-Passwrter
                                 -> Neu User / System password
                                 -> Automatic Event-Verwaltung
                                 -> 100% configurable (SetUp)
                                 -> Animated PcBoard Enter-Prompts
                                 -> Efficient DoorUnit with a RA-Look
                                **German only doks , but easy to under-
                                stand it unless you are a complete fool.
                                ** This must be unzipped with -d
mwusrd10.zip   60650 05-09-2023     Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ
                                 Userlist Door for RA 2.x Version 1.0
                                  Replaces the hard-coded RA userlist
                                  Outputs ASC/ANS/AVT [Colors eligible]
                                  Lists Name/Handle, Location [opt.],
                                    LastCall, Level, U-MB, D-MB, Calls
                                  Leveloutput as number or text!
                                  MB-Correction for UL creditK' [opt.]
                                  SHAREWARE (10DM) by Stephan Binner
                                 (c) 1995 MysticWare 
newnews.zip    49274 08-07-2023 NewNews v1.1 - Bulletin Door.
                                NewNews is a door for RA 2.xx that
                                show bulletins to the user that he
                                or she has NOT seen jet.
                                NewNews is Freeware.
NF126_B5.ZIP   94154 13-05-2023 NetFoss 1.26-beta5 Windows FOSSIL Driver
                                This minor beta update to NetFoss provides
                                better support for running DOOR32 (32-Bit)
                                Doors from a DOS based BBS, along with other
                                Freeware from PC Micro - https://pcmicro.com
NF126_B6.ZIP   84502 26-05-2023 NetFoss 1.26-beta6 Windows FOSSIL Driver
                                This minor beta update to NetFoss provides
                                better support for running DOOR32 (32-Bit)
                                Doors from a DOS based BBS, along with other
                                Freeware from PC Micro - https://pcmicro.com
PIKV2_1.ZIP    42442 04-07-2024 Pick-One v2.01
                                Random screen selection utility. Simple,
                                easy to install and run. Great for
                                selecting different logo or bulletin
                                screens. Now automatically supports ASC
                                and AVT. Maintenance release bug fix.
                                FREEWARE by: JL Enterprizing Software
pn-mrc133-al       0 01-01-1980 
pn-mrc133-alpha.zip   69974 17-02-2024 
qnode207.zip   89981 15-04-2024 QNODE - VERSION 6 + 7 NODELIST COMPILER.
                                A full-featured nodelist compiler to be used
                                for systems required version 6 or 7
                                compliant nodelists.  Comes in three
                                types: QNODE, QNODX, or QNOS2.  All versions
                                are well optimized for 80386+ processors,
                                but will run on lesser processors.
                                QNODE is the real-mode version (any system)
                                QNODX is the DPMI version (286+ w/2Megs ram)
                                QNOS2 is the 32-bit OS/2 version. (386+)
racfgfix.zip   19684 08-07-2023 Fixes the version number in your CONFIG.RA.
                                Usefull for FastFile if it tells you that
                                you need to run RA 2.02 or later even though
                                you are.
radoc252.zip  174660 05-10-2023 RemoteAccess BBS v2.52 Documentation
                                This documentation was not included
                                in the RA_252.ZIP release archive.
rahist10.zip  138551 22-04-2023 
rams.zip      281876 20-04-2023 Ŀ
                                RemoteAccess Automated Message System v2.00
                                      CopyRight 1995-96 by INXS Software   
                                      (Eddy Matthews & Geoff Bassett)      
                                Another release of the automated message   
                                system for RemoteAccess BBS! Automated     
                                posting of all those boring messages a     
                                busy Sysop needs to send to users. It can  
                                generate dozens of Ansi and Ascii stats.   
                                      RA 2.0x AND RA 2.5 Compatable       
                                      Hudson/Jam Support                  
                                      Proccess External Programs          
                                      Generate Ansi/Ascii stats screens   
                                      Fully optimised to run TEN times    
                                      faster than previous releases       
                                    A MUST for EVERY RemoteAccess Sysop!   
ranews14.zip   36440 15-04-2024 RANEWS  VER 1.40
                                Creates bulletins easily and
                                quickly using only a config file
                                and some macros... For RA,PB,SBBS
                                Ezycom & Spitfire. Other BBS's
                                that use the same control
                                characters as the above can also
                                use it... with Background Clr
                                and more styles... Now has a
                                more Macros, adjustable screen
                                length and Intro(REG Only)...
                                Fixes a few probs...
                                Renegade Software...
read082a.zip  120677 08-10-2023 PM!
                                 ۲    ߲   
                                  ۲ ۲   ߲   ۲
                                ܲ߱   ۱
                                ݱ ReadMsg vo.82  ۲  ReadMsg vo.82 
                                ݰ  Replaces the entire harcoded message    
                                ݰ  read & newmail scan part of RA 2.xx!    
                                   this is a unique door! download this!   
                                   after 3 years of developing, readmsg    
                                   is released! be aware: it is a BETA     
                                   version. so don't expect to much from   
                                            the configuration!             
                                   * REAL hudson & jam newmail scan!!      
                                   * scanning is allmost 3x as fast as RA! 
                                   * lightbar interface.                   
                                   * download msg's.                       
                                   * handy msglister.                      
                                   * build-in area/group changer.          
                                   * much much more! just download & see!  
                                         Released: 030598          
                                ߲    Coded by: Jungleboy^Dimension X    
read_450.zip  129778 15-04-2024 THE READER V4.50 - Online Mailreader/door
                                for RA (also 2.5x), PB 2.xx,  SBBS,  QBBS
                                and any other BBS creating DORINFOx.DEF.
                                Supporting HUDSON, JAM and SQUISH Msgbase
                                Style. Full Desqview, OS/2 and most other
                                multitasker aware.
                                Full  Netmail  and InterNet Gate support.
                                Features :  reading,  writing,  replying,
                                searching for Keywords,  Area-Change with
                                NewMail-Scan, Tagging messages, Language-
                                Files, Logbook,  Online - Help - Screens,
                                Full-Screen-Setup,   Offline  SysOp-Mail-
                                Reader Mode,  File attaches, Message text
                                upload, Message download and much more.
                                ******* RELEASE DATE: 21 May 1997 *******
                                ***** Now THE READER is FREEWARE !!! ****
S-NWS411.ZIP  182885 04-07-2024 Ŀ
                                 Super News v4.11 
                                   This is the BEST news maker for:  
                                    - RemoteAccess                   
                                    - PCBoard                        
                                    - WildCat                        
                                    - And all BBS program that uses  
                                      ANS/ASC or @-Codes             
                                  Super News makes 5 news styles!    
                                    New features:                    
                                    - Comma bug fixed!               
                                    - And other bugs fixed!          
                                -=-=- Created by Daniel Lafraia -=-=-
                                 SHAREWARE! - TAKE IT RIGHT NOW! 
sx!tg096.zip   43962 20-04-2022 > STYX_TAG 0.96b <ͻ
                                 Make your RA filebase look like PCB    
                                   Lightbar-driven file-base           
                                   Comfortable File-Tagging            
                                   099% Error-free file_id handling    
                                   100% Error-free ratio-handling      
                                   Extended CD-ROM Areas listing       
                                   Very fast                           
tag2m098.zip   13593 12-07-2023 TAG2RA 0.98g
                                 Replaces RA 2.02 message area descriptions
                                with descriptions from backbone.na.
td4new.zip      5179 15-04-2024  4 New Fonts for TheDraw ۲
                                *.TDF Format. Just Import into
                                TheDraw using TDFONTS. Created by
                                Rod Reed - Sysop- Runamuck BBS
                                Casper, Wyoming 307-265-3022
                                A Wildcat! 4.01 BBS.
tdrawpch.zip   54935 15-04-2024 TheDraw Patcher Program & Utilities
tfile080.zip   61611 08-05-2024 
                                           TOPFILE v0.80           
                                 A Freeware 'Top Downloaded Files' 
                                         Bulletin Generator        
                                 * Can exclude specific files or   
                                   file areas                      
                                 * Can restrict search by security 
                                 * Quick & Easy to Setup           
                                 * Fully Configurable              
                                 * ASCII/ANSi/AVATAR output        
                                  For Remote Access v2.0x, v2.50   
THD_11_0.EXE  270989 04-07-2024 
tlist10.zip    30595 05-09-2023 
                                  Userlister for RemoteAccess 2.xx   
                                  E ۰    ۰      ۰   
                                  W ۱  ۱     ۱   
                                  TList v1.0 (c) by Thunder  
                                 completely in German...... FREEWARE 
tnewz100.zip   17517 15-04-2024 The NEWZ v1.00 [FreeWare]
                                Written by: Eric Staufer
                                o Great News/Note to Next Caller Door!
                                o Beautiful ANSi Screens
                                o Customizable ANSis, if you want!
                                o Users can Select their Colors!
                                o Upto 7 Lines of News w/default ANSIs
                                o No Delays or Beeps...
                                o Looks like it's built in to RA!
                                o It's a RA Q-A File!  (No Kidding!)
                                    o Dont be fooled by it's size!
                                o Check it out Today!  You'll use it!
                                o -----> ASCii is SUPPORTED! <-----
ulist25.zip    23434 21-08-2023 ͻ
                                  ڿ         ڿ    ڿ Ŀ Ŀ  
                                  ô      ô    ô ¿   ô    
                                          User Lister v2.5           
                                 User Lister is a RA 2.xx Door that  
                                 Will List All users in your BBS or  
                                 Only Specific User(s), Ulist will   
                                 Not show the Users Location in list 
                                 Ulist can also search in Handles and
                                 In location of the user             
                                        User Lister Supports         
                                 Desqview + Multiline + Ansi/Avatar  
web10_3w.zip 1249863 10-12-2023 
web10_def.zi       0 01-01-1980 
web10_def.zip  146162 10-12-2023 
webbase2.zip   40299 11-12-2023 
webbase3.zip   42666 11-12-2023 
whtih30.zip   432709 22-04-2023 WHAT HAPPENED TODAY IN HISTORY!
                                         Version 3.0
                                  Freeware program that shows
                                  users what happened that day
                                  in history.  SysOp can add
                                  their own data for any day
                                  of the year too!! Will work
                                  on almost any BBS type.  This 
                                  version supports Wildcat!
                                      Talon Software '96
wi_20.zip     174316 07-05-2024 LiveSystems WhatIs 2.0,
                                The final filedescription utility.
                                Usable from dos or from within other programs
                                like RAMgr.  Can be used to create
                                4dos/files.bbs description, to extract
                                FILE_ID.DIZ, DESC.SDI, {SDA.ID} and
                                VENDINFO.DIZ from a compressed file and to
                                import it as a filedescription into f.e.  the
                                RA filebase.  Gives detailed information
                                about GIF, PCX, TIF, TGA, JPG, BMP, all IFF
                                filetypes, FLI and all other AutoDesc
                                animator formats, DBF, NG, TrueType, DeskJet,
                                Speedo Bitstream and WA0 fonts.  MID, MOD,
                                ROL, CMF, BNK, TRI, JUM, Zx infocom files,
                                PCK, EXE (and exe compressors) Windows EXE,
                                DLL,CRD, Cal, ICO, CUR, CLP, WRI, DOC and HLP
                                files.  ANSI, AVATAR, ASCII, all the
                                WordPerfect files, compressed files, SFX
                                files and more..
write22a.zip  105890 08-10-2023 PM!
                                 ۲    ߲   
                                  ۲ ۲   ߲   ۲
                                ܲ߱   ۱
                                ݱWriteMsg v2.2o  ۲  WriteMsg v2.2o
                                ݰ Replaces the hardcoded Type 27 (Write a  
                                ݰ new message) of RA 2.xx. You don't have  
                                  to use ansi's in your RA language file!  
                                      ҷַ ַַ  ַҷַҷַ       
                                       Ǻ ǽ  ǽǺ          
                                       ӽ-ӽ  ӽ н  ӽ       
                                     If WriteMsg didn't work before..      
                                               He now will!                
                                           ** MAJOR CHANGES! **            
                                      Read WHATS.NEW for more info!        
                                            ** BETA VERSION **             
                                    Official release will follow soon!     
                                         Released: 17o696          
                                ߲    Coded By: Jungleboy^DiMeNSioN X    
wt061.zip     310167 20-11-2022 [0;35m      .[ [0;1;35mWarezTag! v0.6
                                [0;1;34m         - 
                                [0;1;34m      -    - 
                                [0;1;33m          The Ultimate Filelister
                                [0;1;33m     Supports Both FastBase and
                                [0;1;33m            All Lightbar driven
                                [0;1;33m   Language File and Customizable
                                [0;1;33m Internal build file Nuker/Comment
                                [0;1;33m           Fast Internal Viewer
                                [0;1;33m      Optimized Internal build Zmodem
                                [0;1;33m    Keyword/Filesearch,
                                [0;1;33m Freaking Fast Configurable Allfiles
                                [0;1;33mTo be used with Remote Access v2.xx &
                                [0;1;35m      A lot of Enhancements and Fixes
                                [0;35mNew: Move! works with Rabase, TagFile
                                [0;1;30m     Release Date:  07 - 02 - 1997   
xfl109.zip     78890 20-04-2022 [ XenoFileLister (XFL) v1.09w ]ͻ
                                     ___     ___ ________  ___          
                                     \   \ /    |        \|   |         
                                 \   /    /|   /-----|   | 
                                       \      / |   \----\|   |         
                                      /   /\   \|   /----/|   \____     
                                 /   /\    \  ||        \ 
                                   -----     \-----\-     |---------\   
                                       For RemoteAccess v.2.02          
                                   * BUGS FIXED! MANY NEW FEATURES! *   
                                   XFL replaces RemoteAccess' Default   
                                   Scrolling File Lister With an Easy   
                                 To Use, Full-Screen, Cursor Controlled 
                                    Lister.  You've GOTTA See This!     
xfl250up.zip   37529 20-04-2022 [ XenoFileLister (XFL) v.1.09w/2.50 ]
                                       UPGRADE for RA v.2.50g1        
                                   This ONLY contains the new EXE     
                                   to work with RA v.2.50g1.  It      
                                   is NOT a full program.  Download   
                                   and install !XFL109.ARJ first.     
x_nag12.zip    48646 08-07-2023    ܲ     ܲ  ܲ  
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲   ۲ ۰ ۲ 
                                 ܱ  ۲ ܱ  ۲ ۲  ߲  
                                 ۲  ۲߰ ܲ        
                                 ܲ   ߲   ۲   
                                 ߲߲   ߲    ߲߰  
                                           Excalibur Presents           
                                        News ANSI Generator v1.2        
                                    Thiz News ANSI Generator Is Tha     
                                             Ultimate One !             
                                    It's Fully Configurable With An     
                                      Header ANSI And Line ANSIs.       
                                   Now With Autocentrating Function !   
                                  -]Coded By ThunderStrike[- 
                                       -= WRL0RD'S  BTTLFiLD =-
allfiles.txt 12563251 06-02-2025 

                    Area 10 - Archivers                   

7Z2107.EXE   1255704 03-02-2022 7Zip File Archive Tool
arc602.exe    138539 13-03-2024 
arj275.exe    475834 20-04-2023 ARJ Archiver
lha255b.zip    29058 20-04-2023 *** LHA v2.55B *** Yoshi's newest version of
                                his great freeware file compression program.
                                This archive has had the Japanese documents
                                removed, as most of us in the USA have
                                problems reading it on our systems.
pak251.zip     87055 20-04-2023 PAK Archiver
pkarc36.zip    63667 20-04-2023 ARC Archiver
pun200xn.zip  183684 13-01-2024 
rar206.zip    252939 20-04-2023 The RAR archiver v2.06 (release) for DOS
                                Integrated archive manager
                                - full screen interface / command-line driven
                                - tight general and multimedia compression
                                - recovery record option
                                - alternate Installation SFX, OS/2 SFX
                                - management of non-RAR archives
                                - RCVT aRchive ConVersion Tool
                                - FREE unRAR utility
                                - ANSI color comments, volume labels and more.
sqz1083.zip    97477 20-04-2023 SQZ is a file-compresser/archiver.
                                creating small archives with a good 
                                rate of compression.
                                32-bit CRC both on files and SQZ itself. 
                                New MOVE command. Easy to use; 
                                No extraction to COM0..9/CON/AUX.
tar-1.13-1-b       0 01-01-1980 TAR/GZ Archiver 32 bit Windows
tar-1.13-1-bin.exe 1331695 20-04-2023 TAR/GZ Archiver 32 bit Windows
uc2r3.exe     245258 20-04-2023 UC2 Archiver
unp411.zip     35506 08-06-2022 UNP V4.11 Executable file expander
                                Uncompresses files compressed with
                                DIET, EXEPACK, LZEXE, PKLITE and many
                                other file compression utilities.  UNP
                                also allows you to convert files from
                                COM to EXE and vice versa, optimize EXE
                                headers, remove overlay data from EXE
                                files and more.
unz600x3.exe  354797 13-01-2024 
zip232x.zip   355271 22-10-2023 
zoo210.zip     54757 20-04-2023 ZOO Archiver

                    Area 11 - Utilities                   

blat3222_32.full.zip  253854 01-05-2022 
consolefix.zip   14494 01-05-2022 ==============================================
                                 Windows2000/NT Console Prompt ANSI Color FIX
                                 Fixes your default console (CMD.EXE) colors
                                 to be compliant with the ANSI specification.
                                 Includes replacement 16x16x16c and
                                 icon. See Readme.html for more information
                                      by: grymmjack (grymmjack@home.com)
                                   +o: sector7 BBS telnet://sector7bbs.com
CrystalDiskInfo8_17_11.exe 5281160 27-11-2022 SSD And HDD Monitoring Software
curl-8.4.0.zip 6753397 08-11-2023 
curl-8.4.0_6-win32-mingw.zip 9359676 08-11-2023 
DORFIX.ZIP     10698 27-11-2024 
DORINFO1.DEF      92 28-01-2025 
DRWY232.ZIP   293256 15-07-2022 DOORWAY revision 2.32 - REMOTE ACCESS TO DOS.
                                Provides remote access to DOS or to DOS based
                                programs running under DOS or Windows. Also
                                allows BBS software to run DOS programs as if
                                they were BBS doors. Includes a HOST (Server)
                                and a CLIENT (Terminal) modem programs for
                                full functionality without needing 3rd party
                                software, and it's compatible with most other
                                DOS communication software. Doorway is also
                                compatible with telnet access under Windows32
                                by using NetFoss.  http://pcmicro.com/doorway
ge_120.zip    372533 10-03-2024 GEcho v1.20c Pro  [1/1]
                                Supports PCB and Wildcat MSG's
                                        A Group
                                         That Gives
                                         Less Than
                                              A Fuck.
                                [M%i%N%D%C%R%A%S%H  C%O%U%R%i%E%R%S]
gigo0109.zip  542267 04-12-2023 GIGO 01-09-97 - Fidonet<->UUCP
                                Gateway Pkg. DOS files only;
                                OS2 files are in GIGP0109.ZIP.
                                New features are listed in 
                                the NOTES file.
HxDSetup.zip 3348036 19-10-2023 
igate100.zip  269241 04-12-2023 ==========================================
                                InterGate v1.0 * Multiboard Communications
                                Full UUCP gateway package supporting UUCP,
                                MSG, PKT, BAG and JAM formats.   Give your
                                BBS email/newsgroups with this easy to use
                                menu-driven package. Lightning fast gating
                                and support for UUCP or Fidonet downlinks.
                                Email, news, mail lists,  auto-responders,
                                editable template messages, file attaches,
                                cc support, newsfix, listserv, statistical
                                graphing and more! We can even provide the
                                UUCP service if you are not yet connected!
                                A complete one-stop solution for your BBS.
igate102.zip  263228 04-12-2023 ==========================================
                                InterGate v1.02  Multiboard Communications
                                Full UUCP gateway package supporting UUCP,
                                MSG, PKT, BAG and JAM formats.   Give your
                                BBS email/newsgroups with this easy to use
                                menu-driven package. Lightning fast gating
                                and support for UUCP or Fidonet downlinks.
                                Email, news, mail lists,  auto-responders,
                                editable template messages, file attaches,
                                cc support, newsfix, listserv, statistical
                                graphing and more! We can even provide the
                                UUCP service if you are not yet connected!
                                A complete one-stop solution for your BBS.
igate102.zip - Shortcut.lnk    1108 27-11-2024 
IREXP231.ZIP 1108887 11-06-2023 Internet Rex 2.31 for OS/2
                                A program for sending your BBS mail
                                over the net.  Supports email, FTP,
                                MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO,
                                Watergate, TransX, Allfix, FrontDoor,
                                Binkley, D'Bridge and more.  Packed
                                with features.
IREXW231.ZIP 1130132 05-02-2023 Internet Rex 2.31 for 32-bit Windows
                                A program for sending your BBS mail
                                over the net.  Supports email, FTP,
                                MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO,
                                Watergate, TransX, Allfix, FrontDoor,
                                Binkley, D'Bridge and more.  Packed
                                with features.
mg024.zip     868974 04-12-2023 
                                          MailGate 0.24               
                                     The great Gateway program!              
                                 UUCP<->UUCP, Internet provider to as many   
                                 as 255 News downlinks, unlimited subdomains,
                                 Fidonet<->Fidonet gateway of net and echo,  
                                 Internet<->Fidonet, Fidonet net/echo->Fax,  
                                 Internet->Fax, *complete* TIC server and
                                 Local Listserver, ftpmail, fileserver, Lists
                                 Fidonet ARCHIE, newsgroups, Fax mailing list
                                 Entire nodelist with access to the Internet,
                                 Use Fido to transport pure UUCP mail, use
                                 to transport pure Fido mail  *automatically*
                                 netmail and echomail servers, message base, 
                                 encrypted mail, *not* crippleware and much, 
                                 much more! (15K very summarized FEATURES.DOC
                                 Cheapest registration for all it does: US39$
mknet115.zip  244128 06-03-2024 MKNet v1.15 QWK network tosser for MK, RA,
                                Quick, Super, and other systems using
                                Hudson, Jam, Squish, Ezy, or *.Msg Message
                                bases. Fast and easy to setup. Now with
                                alternate taglines. (FW)
mmdos051.zip  351321 12-07-2022 MultiMail offline reader for DOS, v0.51 -
                                DPMI version. Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN &
                                SOUP packets. Freeware, GPL'ed. Needs at
                                least a 386, and PKZIP or InfoZip.
                                C++ source is available in mmsrc051.zip.
mmmac051.zip  178009 12-07-2022 MultiMail offline reader for Mac, v0.51 
                                Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets.
                                A Terminal app, for recent versions of macOS.
                                Freeware, GPL'ed. C++ source is available in
mmos2051.zip  191437 12-07-2022 MultiMail offline reader for OS/2, v0.51 
                                OS/2 32-bit version. Reads Blue Wave, QWK,
                                OMEN & SOUP packets. Freeware, GPL'ed.
                                Needs at least OS/2 2.0 and InfoZip.
                                C++ source is available in mmsrc051.zip.
mmw64051.zip  505058 12-07-2022 MultiMail offline reader for Windows, v0.51
                                Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets.
                                A 64-bit Windows console app.
                                Freeware, GPL'ed. C++ source is available in
mmwin051.zip  445857 12-07-2022 MultiMail offline reader for Windows, v0.51
                                Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets.
                                A Windows console app, for Win 95 through 10
                                Freeware, GPL'ed. C++ source is available in
PabloDraw-3.2.1.zip 2028311 26-04-2022 Pablo Draw GUI Win32 ANSI Editor.
patchcrt.zip   31014 20-04-2023 Executable to patch RTE200 errors
PeerBlock-Setup_v1.2_r693.exe 2374320 31-12-2022 Win32 Firewall for IP and IP ranges.
qwkcnt10.zip   27304 06-03-2024 QWKCount Version 1.0 - Free utility that
                                shows how many conferences and messages
                                are contained in a QWK mail packet.  QWK
                                network sysops can use this program to
                                verify proper operation of mail doors and
                                mail tossers, and to track down lost mail.
                                Counts can be written to a log file with
                                time and date information or simply shown
                                on the screen.  Fast and easy to use.
ragev99a.exe  290163 19-11-2024 
suarm20.zip   123958 06-03-2024 SHUT UP AND RUN THE MAIL, Ver. 2.0
                                Version 2.0 of the popular QWK
                                network tosser for RA 2.0 and
                                other Hudson/.MSG/Squish/JAM
                                Now includes auto-decryption,
                                faster duplicate handling,
                                full integration with RA 2.02,
                                encrypted mail support, AND MORE.
                                Shareware by Pab Sungenis
suarm21.zip   125647 04-04-2024 SHUT UP AND RUN THE MAIL, Ver. 2.1
                                Version 2.1 of the popular QWK
                                network tosser for RA 2.0 and
                                other Hudson/.MSG/Squish/JAM
                                This version adds support for
                                RA 2.50.
                                Shareware by Pab Sungenis
TCFE1001.ZIP 2343980 09-01-2024 [1/1]Ŀ
                                TotalControl FE for Windows95/NT
                                      version 1.0.1 32-bit      
                                 is a fully graphical RA 2.0x.  
                                 util to maintain Ra's Filebase.
                                 Do things like:                
                                 - Add/Move/Delete files.       
                                 - Automatic FILE_ID.DIZ import.
                                 - Explorer look and feel.      
                                 - VERY fast filesearches.      
                                 - Export FILES.BBS.            
                                 - Sort files by everything.    
                                 - Fully native 32-bit Win95/NT 
                                       COMPLETE PACKAGE         
TCR2H999.ZIP  466986 09-01-2024 [1/1]Ŀ
                                   tcRA2HTML for Windows95/NT   
                                      version 0.999 32-bit      
                                 is a the one and only RA2.xx   
                                 to HTML filebase converter for.
                                 Windows95 and WindowsNT        
                                 - Create nice frames pages.    
                                 - 8 to 7-bit char replacement. 
                                 - Create your own templates.   
                                 - or use an expamle.           
                                 - Create newfiles lists.       
                                 - Use in batchfiles.           
                                 - Fully native 32-bit Win95/NT 
                                       COMPLETE PACKAGE         
                                    REQUIRES INSTALLATION OF    
                                  TOTALCONTROL FILEEDITOR 1.X!  
telnetdr.zip  102925 14-07-2021 R&M's Telnet Door for 32 Bit BBSes
tieb29w.zip    87703 04-12-2023 Tiemail POP3/SMTP Email Door.  v0.29 3/02/99
                                Written by: Shawn 'Tiny' Highfield
                                This is a full features email client for Win32
                                The difference between this and all the rest
                                is simple, this is written as a door.  Now
                                sysops no longer need UUCP / Gateway software
                                to offer their users Internet Email.  You
                                need to run standard POP3 / SMTP servers.
TitanMail-1.1.6-win32.exe 7717165 27-11-2022 Titan Mail - Win32 QWK Offline Mail Reader
tp7p5fix.zip    1245 20-04-2023 TSR to patch RTE200 errors that the other
                                patchers won't handle.
tppatch.zip     9623 08-06-2022 Another executable for patching RTE200 Errors
transx27.zip  198401 04-12-2023 ****** TransX 2.7 - Shareware Version *******
                                Use Internet email to transport your Fidonet-
                                style mail and files in  order to  avoid long
                                distance bills! Great for expanding networks.
                                Supports many mailers such as: FrontDoor,BBBS
                                PCBoard,Binkley,D'Bridge,Plantinum Xpress,PKT
                                Supports almost any type of  Internet service
                                including UUCP, SMTP, RFC822, Mercury Mailer,
                                gated netmail or even a regular POP3 mailbox.
                                See our web site at http://www.multiboard.com
txm350w.zip   151216 04-12-2023 TxMAILER/32 v3.5.0 Client for Windows
                                This module allows you to integrate "TransX"
                                and the Internet using the dialup networking
                                in Windows. Supports SMTP/POP3 & FTP. TransX
                                sends your Fidonet packets over the Internet
                                to avoid long distance charges.  Visit us at 
wg093.zip    1672195 04-12-2023 WaterGate 0.93 beta. (6 July 1997)
                                Integrated Fidonet tosser and gateway
                                towards Internet. Shareware ~30$US.
                                DOS, Overlay, DPMI and OS/2 versions!
                                Tosses for FidoNet, UUCP, SMTP, BAG and
                                POP3 formats. Distributes for FidoNet
                                and UUCP downlinks. Integrated gateway,
                                areafix, newsfix, sendfile robot,
                                multi-language support, multi-character
                                set support, MIME support, mailing list
                                server, automatic file encoding and
                                decoding (UU/XX/Base64), MailTunnel
                                (archives via e-mail) and a lot more!
                                The best, complete and most user
                                friendly package to connect your
                                FidoNet system to Internet e-mail and
                                Usenet news.
                                Supports the most widely used message
                                bases (JAM, Squish, *.MSG and WildCat)
                                and mailers.
                                Detailed manual in ASCII and HTML and
                                context sensitive on-line help.
                                Easy to set up and excellent support!!
                                No time locks, No bombs, Not crippled.
xananews_32bit_v1.21.zip 2677270 09-04-2024 

                    Area 45 - Terminals                   

icy_term_0.7.4_windows_exe.zip 9381834 08-04-2024          -* ICY TERM 0.7.4 *-
                                A modern terminal program for BBS systems.
                                - Written in pure rust - fast & secure
                                - Multi platform Windows, OSX, Linux
                                - X/Y/Z Modem + variants
                                - 3D accelerated
                                - Copy & Paste
                                - IEMSI support
                                - Supports CP437, PETSCII, ATASCII, 
                                For latest builds
                                Visit Crazy Paradise BBS WHQ: cpbbs.de:2323
                                GitHub https://github.com/mkrueger/icy_term
icy_term_0.7.4_windows_msi (1).zip 8059173 08-04-2024          -* ICY TERM 0.7.4 *-
                                A modern terminal program for BBS systems.
                                - Written in pure rust - fast & secure
                                - Multi platform Windows, OSX, Linux
                                - X/Y/Z Modem + variants
                                - 3D accelerated
                                - Copy & Paste
                                - IEMSI support
                                - Supports CP437, PETSCII, ATASCII, 
                                For latest builds
                                Visit Crazy Paradise BBS WHQ: cpbbs.de:2323
                                GitHub https://github.com/mkrueger/icy_term
icy_term_windows_0.7.7.zip 4825666 27-05-2024          -* ICY TERM 0.7.7 *-
                                A modern terminal program for BBS systems.
                                - Written in pure rust - fast & secure
                                - Multi platform Windows, OSX, Linux
                                - X/Y/Z Modem + variants
                                - 3D accelerated
                                - Copy & Paste
                                - IEMSI support
                                - Supports CP437, PETSCII, ATASCII, 
                                  VIEWDATA, RIPSCRIPT and SkyPix
                                For latest builds/development visit:
                                GitHub https://github.com/mkrueger/icy_tools
icy_term_windows_0.7.8.zip 5368244 23-09-2024          -* ICY TERM 0.7.8 *-
                                A modern terminal program for BBS systems.
                                - Written in pure rust - fast & secure
                                - Multi platform Windows, OSX, Linux
                                - X/Y/Z Modem + variants
                                - 3D accelerated
                                - Copy & Paste
                                - IEMSI support
                                - Supports CP437, PETSCII, ATASCII, 
                                  VIEWDATA, RIPSCRIPT and SkyPix
                                For latest builds/development visit:
                                GitHub https://github.com/mkrueger/icy_tools
MagiTerm-1.1.16-win32.exe 2869284 27-11-2022 
mtelb12.zip   140929 31-01-2022 mTelnet beta12 for OS/2 and Win32 (November
                                10th, 2003)
                                cool telnet client features zmodem, phonebook,
                                vt100 & color backscroll!
mtmaint.zip    49876 02-02-2022     Mtel Maintenence v1.00 1
                                                  Coded by Dink with portions
                                by Dream Master
nr21_w32.rar 1047068 08-04-2024 .-------------------------------------------.
                                | NetRunner v2.00 BETA 20    Windows 32-bit |
                                | Free SDL2-based telnet/rlogin/ssh client  |
                                | for ANSI BBS emulation.  Batch Zmodem,    |
                                | scripting, iCE and XTERM color, DOS and   |
                                | Amiga font switching, mouse, and more.    |
nr21_w64.rar 1291759 08-04-2024 .-------------------------------------------.
                                | NetRunner v2.00 BETA 20    Windows 64-bit |
                                | Free SDL2-based telnet/rlogin/ssh client  |
                                | for ANSI BBS emulation.  Batch Zmodem,    |
                                | scripting, iCE and XTERM color, DOS and   |
                                | Amiga font switching, mouse, and more.    |
syncterm-1.2rc4-win32.zip 3520712 27-10-2024 
syncterm-1.2rc4-win64.zip 4040275 27-10-2024 
syncterm-1.2rc5-win32.zip 3529180 04-11-2024 
syncterm-1.2rc5-win64.zip 4046957 04-11-2024 
syncterm-1.2rc6-win32.zip 3528669 06-11-2024 
syncterm-1.2rc6-win64.zip 4049415 06-11-2024 
syncterm-1.3-win32.zip 3440610 25-11-2024 
syncterm-1.3-win64.zip 3965173 25-11-2024 
syncterm-1.4-win32.zip 4333812 18-01-2025 
syncterm-1.4-win64.zip 4353868 18-01-2025 

                   Area 12 - Door Games                   

8WAY.ZIP      134901 20-04-2024 Apam's 8-Way Slots for Win32
                                Simple slot machine Door Game
                                for Win32.
abyss010.zip   87251 09-07-2022 Ŀ
                                                The Abysses                
                                ==============>Version 0.10<==============
                                This is my first game module for the game: 
                                      Dungeon Master by John Dailey.       
                                   It got 10 fully completed level, 8 new  
                                 monsters, 4 new wall drawing and is a lot 
                                  of fun to play (well of course!). It is  
                                 still under devellopement and more levels 
                                        are to be added pretty soon.       
                                 You can find the newest version at those  
                                             e-mail request:               
                                 On any BBS on which it has been uploaded  
                                           and kept up to date.            
adatr.zip    3437830 27-03-2023 Another day at the races.
                                Horse racing Door, by Andrew Pamment
                                Source & Win32 Binary
                                  __________________   __/ /____________
                                 /_  / . /_  /     /  / , / . / . /  ,_/
                                /_,_/ __/_,_/_/_/_/  /___/___/___/__/
                                   /_/  telnet://happylandbbs.com:11892
AlienRetribution.zip  536186 22-10-2024 
AMB4031.ZIP  1204617 07-06-2023 Ambroshia: Test of Time 4.5 Win32 BBS Door32
                                      -=- A Multi-User BBS Realm! -=-
                                Challenge your fellow companions in the great
                                Ambroshia Arena where onlookers decide thy
                                Your past evil and good deeds could save your
                                life or end it...   http://ambrosia.thebbs.org
ambroshia4.5.REGISTERED.abandonware.zip 2142913 12-12-2023 
arcd1.zip      36631 27-11-2024  Arcadia version 1.0
                                Freeware Galaga Clone
                                from Elysium Software
axe118f.zip   149523 27-03-2023 =======================================
                                    Axe & Fang Version 1.18 Public
                                    By Charles Marchant & GrimWare
                                        Copywrite 1994/1995
                                Axe & Fang is a unix style MUD game. It
                                features 127 node support over 65
                                interactive commands and real time play.
                                When players reach 25th level they may
                                then begin adding onto the world with
                                it's built in editors. See AXE.DOC for
                                more info.
ballgm1c.zip    4348 07-05-2024 AT THE BALLPARK  -  Quest for DogWorld ][.
                                Written by Sheryl Moore (aka Granny), from
                                AgSHARE BBS  (405) 454-2453.  Unzip  these
                                files into your  \QUESTS  directory & then
                                run  the  DogQuest.exe to install.  Choose
                                option two(2) and type in BALLGM1.FUN when
                                prompted for a filename. 
bbsvdrrg.zip   11115 17-11-2024 BBS Vaders registration code generator
                                Creates registration codes for the door game
                                BBS Vaders by Cothran Computing.
biodates.zip  104824 03-12-2023 >>>>>>>> BIORYTHMS & BIRTHDAYS v3.0 <<<<<<<<
                                The program has Biorythm charts and in-depth
                                astrological information for your date of
                                birth.  Fully functional, supports multiple
                                BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes,
                                bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers,
                                COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
buck210.zip    97608 06-03-2024 Buccaneer v2.10; Permits users to roam about
                                on a 13x13 grid, attacking each other and
                                treasure ships.
catshw1c.zip    5132 07-05-2024 AT THE CAT SHOW! -  Quest for DogWorld ][.
                                Written by Sheryl Moore (aka Granny), from
                                AgSHARE BBS  (405) 454-2453.  Unzip  these
                                files into your  \QUESTS  directory & then
                                run  the  DogQuest.exe to install.  Choose
                                option two(2) and type in CATSHW1.FUN when
                                prompted for a filename. 
circus1a.zip    4465 07-05-2024 AT THE CIRCUS!  -   Quest for DogWorld ][.
                                Written by Sheryl Moore (aka Granny), from
                                AgSHARE BBS  (405) 454-2453.  Unzip  these
                                files into your  \QUESTS  directory & then
                                run  the  DogQuest.exe to install.  Choose
                                option two(2) and type in CIRCUS1.FUN when
                                prompted for a filename. 
cnw-1361.zip 2171441 05-11-2023 Complete New World v136.1Ŀ
                                136 pre-installed IGMs for L.o.R.D. ][ 
                                 Has 61 NPCs, and MUCH MORE!           
                                 By: Joel Gathercole                   
                                               read cnw.txt for details 
                                DECEMBER 29th 2000
cnw-1370.zip 2126894 04-04-2024 LoRD2: Complete New World v137.0           
                                137 pre-installed IGMs for LoRD2  
                                 -FULL VERSION                          
                                 -Has 125 NPCs, and MUCH MORE!          
                                 --WEBSITE http://greenmachinebbs.com/lord2
                                 --MARCH 17th 2001
cnw-1371.zip  150396 04-04-2024 LoRD2: Complete New World v137.1 (UPGRADE ONLY
                                137 pre-installed IGMs for LoRD2  
                                 -UPGRADE VERSION
                                 -Has 125 NPCs, and MUCH MORE!          
                                 --WEBSITE http://greenmachinebbs.com/lord2
                                 --MARCH 17th 2001
cs012d.zip     90355 27-01-2025     CRYSTALLINE STATS
                                Game Statistics Generator
                                      DOS/DPMI 386+
                                      Version 0.1.2
                                Creates HTML files for BBS
                                door games that show
                                player data similar to the
                                program's own daily stats.
                                This program currently
                                supports LORD, LORD 2,
                                Planets: TEOS, and
                                Avalon v0.85.
                                Released: October 11, 2000
                                Created By: Michael Dillon
ctarot21.zip  159934 03-12-2023     -=> The Complete Tarot Door v2.1! <=-
                                Written  using  DWDoor  v3.1  for  PowerBASIC
                                v3.x.   Supports  comports 1-8, virtually any
                                BBS program, has complete ANSI animation  and
                                generates bulletins. Six different Tarot card
                                spreads reveal the  future  of  any  question
                                asked  using  AI logic!  A must for any BBS's
                                door area!  Try this out!
                                Written   by  James  R.  Davis  -  DavisWARE!
ctoss1a.zip    75697 29-04-2024 Ol' 3-Legs CoinToss! - CoinToss v1.0a [IGM]
                                In-Game-Module for DogWorld RPG doorgame.
                                Easy install and setup! Give it a try!
                                **Freeware** No registration required!
                                This version fixes a small error in the
                                install program.
dark019d.zip  349471 07-01-2023 Ŀ
                                 Dark Lands 0.19 lph 
                                  Platform : dpmi dos  
                                Dark Lands is a RPG    
                                game where player can  
                                choose over 12 races   
                                and over 60 sub-races  
                                each with their own    
                                skills. They alse can  
                                build their own cities,
                                make war, battle each  
                                other, go on quests.   
                                The data file editor is
                                included so that you   
                                can customize the map, 
                                monsters,weapons and   
                                other game item.       
                                Dark Lands require     
                                a fossil to work, and  
                                is email-ware.         
deven1_0.zip   57042 29-04-2024 Ŀ
                                        DEVENT.EXE V1.0         
                                   Random events creator for    
                                   the BBS door game DOGWORLD   
                                  * UK BBS support available *  
                                    * Author Colin Birch *      
                                    Sysop The Dog House BBS     
                                     (01443) 400327 24hrs       
                                   Latest files - 27 Oct 1997   
deven1_1.zip   58808 06-05-2024 Ŀ
                                        DEVENT.EXE V1.1         
                                   Random events creator for    
                                   the BBS door game DOGWORLD   
                                  * UK BBS support available *  
                                    * Author Colin Birch *      
                                    Sysop The Dog House BBS     
                                     (01443) 400327 24hrs       
                                   Latest files - 13 Apr 1999   
dgwrl301.zip  483484 08-04-2024 DogWorld ][ v3.01  - Advanced RPG DoorGame!
                                ** AN RPG THATS REALLY GONE TO THE DOGS! **
                                NEW FREEWARE VERSION RELEASED! RIP2 SOUND &
                                ANIMATION! Quest scripting language! Highly
                                detailed RipGraphics & Ingame RIP icon D/L.
                                Supports 999 IGMs/999 DogQuests! Multinode,
                                nonstandard irq's, locked baud to 115k. All
                                major dropfiles are supported. Be one of 16
                                breed of dogs.  Beat  the evil DogCatcher!!
                                *** ALL YOUR USERS WILL LOVE THIS GAME! ***
                                Cothran Computing  -  registration - FREE!!
dhscop41.zip  117679 03-12-2023    -=> Daily Horoscope Door Version 4.1 <=-
                                The popular Horoscope Door has  finally  been
                                updated   and  now  has  support  for  Fossil
                                Drivers!  A great door for any BBS will  even
                                create  a  bulletin of all the horoscopes for
                                your users!  A must  for  any  NEW  AGE  BBS!
                                Written by James R. Davis! - DavisWARE!
dm-arena.zip   57881 11-07-2022            THE ARENA OF BLOOD!    
                                 Another Module in the BOOKS OF BLOOD Series
                                ==== Tournament Variation of Quest #2 ====
                                 From the Very First Steps You Will Be Drawn
                                Into a World of Mysteries and Adventure that
                                    Will keep Players Begging for More!
                                 by Mike Collard -- email: collard@aps.edu
                                ----------  designed with and for
                                  John Dailey's Dungeon Master Environment
                                              (Required to Play)
                                  from Midnight's Realm       (505)254-9415
dm-first.zip   49254 11-07-2022 ******________ FIRST BLOOD! __________*******
                                An Exciting Dungeon Master Adventure with 1st
                                  Time Players and Advanced Players in Mind.
                                 From the Very First Steps You Will Be Drawn
                                Into a World of Mysteries and Adventure that
                                    Will keep Players Begging for More!
                                 by Mike Collard -- email: collard@aps.edu
                                ----------  designed with and for
                                  John Dailey's Dungeon Master Environment
                                              (Required to Play)
                                  from Midnight's Realm       (505)254-9415
dm-lab.zip     74012 11-07-2022            THE LABYRNTH OF BLOOD!    
                                 Sequel to the Books of Blood Epic Adventure!
                                With All NEW Animated Sequences and Locations
                                (Wall Grapics) Unseen before in ANY DM module
                                 6 Unique and Compact Training Grounds to
                                 Prepare you for your Quest in the Labyrnth.
                                 by Mike Collard -- email: collard@aps.edu
                                ----------  designed with and for
                                  John Dailey's Dungeon Master Environment
                                              (Required to Play)
                                  from Midnight's Realm       (505)254-9415
dmfaq.zip      27244 19-10-2023 John Dailey's Dungeon Master FAQ Rev 01970A
                                Frequently asked questions (FAQ) text file
                                (revision #01970A) about John Dailey's
                                Dungeon Master, a high-speed, SOLID 3-D
                                ANSI polygon, graphical, and sound capable
                                online doorgame scheduled for its first
                                release, March 1997.
dmlegend.zip  114267 09-07-2022       LEGENDS of the Books of Blood! 
                                The Most Exciting Dungeon Master Adventure Yet
                                 From the Very First Steps You Will Be Drawn
                                 Into a World of Mysteries and Adventure that
                                    Will keep Players Begging for More!
                                  * With 18 Maps and New Wall Definitions
                                  * With Over 20  Quest and Mini Quest
                                  * 10 Possible Endings
                                  * Plus a Cooperative Tournament Mode!
                                 by Mike Collard -- email: collard@aps.edu
                                ----------  designed with and for
                                  John Dailey's Dungeon Master Environment
                                              (Required to Play)
                                  from Midnight's Realm       (505)254-9415
dmud099d).zip  402527 04-04-2024 DOORMUD v0.99  (Door32.sys)      [8/30/03]
                                NOTE -- This version of DoorMUD is made
                                for Door32-compliant BBS software, such as
                                WildCat Winserver, MysticBBS (Win32), 
                                EleBBS (Win32) and Mannsoft GameSrv.
                                A doorgame RPG like no other!  DoorMUD is
                                a full-featured MUD with excellent multi-
                                node gameplay and a large game world 
                                consisting of 2100 rooms! Has 200+ unique
                                items, 50 spells, tons of boss monsters 
                                and quests, lots more. Registered version
                                comes with a World Editor for sysops!
                                More info -- http://www.doormud.com
dmud099d.zip  402527 26-11-2022 DOORMUD v0.99  (Door32.sys)      [8/30/03]
                                NOTE -- This version of DoorMUD is made
                                for Door32-compliant BBS software, such as
                                WildCat Winserver, MysticBBS (Win32), 
                                EleBBS (Win32) and Mannsoft GameSrv.
                                A doorgame RPG like no other!  DoorMUD is
                                a full-featured MUD with excellent multi-
                                node gameplay and a large game world 
                                consisting of 2100 rooms! Has 200+ unique
                                items, 50 spells, tons of boss monsters 
                                and quests, lots more. Registered version
                                comes with a World Editor for sysops!
                                More info -- http://www.doormud.com
dmv10.zip     878201 19-10-2023 John Dailey's Dungeon Master v1.0 On-Line RPG
                                breaks the high-speed  barrier with SOLID 3-D
                                ANSI polygon dungeons, awesome ANSI graphics,
                                and sound.  Visually face opponents with this
                                power-packed online game environment complete
                                with three pre-built  adventures.  Build your
                                own COMPLETE RPGs with the  Construction Set,
                                also  included.   Tired of menu-driven games?
                                Check THIS out!  Registration $15.00US
dog2icns.zip  100375 29-04-2024 DogWorld .BMP's for Rip 2.x! These are the
                                rip icons converted into .BMP's for use
                                in Rip 2.x at 640x480 resolution. Please
                                make this file available to your Rip 2.x
DRK200.ZIP    509157 26-11-2022     __,---,__  ,---,__  ,---,____,---,____
                                    \        \/       \/        /    /   /
                                 ////    /        /        / __       --/
                                   /    /   /        /    ,   /    /   ////
                                  /___     /___ /   /___ /   /___ /   _\
                                      `---'    `---'    `---'    `---'
                                           -- Darkness v2.0.0 --
                                    NEW FOR 2020: Completely recoded and
                                  redesigned version of the cyberpunk LORD
                                            style BBS door game!
dyaht02.zip   110834 04-09-2024 DYaht PRO v0.2
                                A familiar dice game for
                                Win32, rpi32 and linux64
                                Slightly more advanced
                                than the one that comes
                                with fb-doordk
ednd100a.zip  103689 13-07-2022  Enhanced Dragons & Dungeons ۲
                                Version 1.00 ALPHA [Pre-Beta Release]
                                A great D&D Kill em' type door game,
                                with lots of ANSIs and Options!
                                DOOR.SYS Req, **FREEWARE**
esc100.zip     76692 16-11-2024 ESCAPE Door Game - Vers 1.00 - Fun and
                                entertaining arcade door game
                                reminescent of the old robotron (c)
                                game. Evade the zombies as long as you
                                can to reachest the highest score
                                possible. Multiple levels. Multi-node
                                capable. Supports most BBS Software
                                packages, including PC Board Vers
                                15.XX & WildCat 4.XX. The game is RIP aware,
                                does not require a fossil, but will make
                                use of one if it is available, supports
                                interupts 0-15, selectable port addresses,
                                Com ports 1-4, and speeds up to 115,200
                                baud. Automatic Windows, WindowsNT, and
                                OS/2 time slice releasing. DESQview
                                supported. $10.00
fant200.zip   223481 15-04-2024 
farm1c.zip      4846 07-05-2024 AT THE FARM!!   -   Quest for DogWorld ][.
                                Written by Sheryl Moore (aka Granny), from
                                AgSHARE BBS  (405) 454-2453.  Unzip  these
                                files into your  \QUESTS  directory & then
                                run  the  DogQuest.exe to install.  Choose
                                option two (2) and type in  FARM1.FUN when
                                prompted for a filename. 
fhnrwin.zip   923787 27-03-2023 +----------------------------+
                                |        For Honour          |
                                |           by               |
                                |       Andrew Pamment       |
                                | For Honour is a BBS door   |
                                | game similar to LORD.      |
                                |                            |
                                | Now with LUA IGM Support!  |
                                |                            |
                                | It is opensource.          |
                                |                            |
                                |  v1.90-dev        win32    |
fl2adult.zip  790508 15-04-2024 
forest1c.zip    4650 07-05-2024 IN THE FOREST   -   Quest for DogWorld ][.
                                Written by Sheryl Moore (aka Granny), from
                                AgSHARE BBS  (405) 454-2453.  Unzip  these
                                files into your  \QUESTS  directory & then
                                run  the  DogQuest.exe to install.  Choose
                                option two(2) and type in FOREST1.FUN when
                                prompted for a filename. 
gb-v4.00.rar  238948 22-04-2024 --- GuTTeRBoWL 2024 - v4.00 ----
                                Online Bowling Door! 16bit/32bit
                                Simply the B E S T  bowling door
                                you'll ever play. ANSI-intensive
                                animation! Bowl the nearly  true
                                action-pin-reaction.   Featuring
                                multi-node, multi-OS support and
                                Telnet support.  Supports nearly
                                every known dropfile.  Copyright
                                ChasWare Software  (c) 1996-2024
                                Release date ---- April 16, 2024
                                ---- FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION ---
gb2k3v3.rar   280885 23-11-2023 GuTTeRBoWL 2003 - v3.00 --------
                                Online Bowling Door! 16bit/32bit
                                Simply the B E S T  bowling door
                                you'll ever play. ANSI-intensive
                                animation! Bowl the nearly  true
                                action-pin-reaction.   Featuring
                                multi-node, multi-OS support and
                                Telnet support.  Supports nearly
                                every known dropfile.  Copyright
                                ChasWare Software  (c) 1996-2003
                                Release date --- August 24, 2003
gb2k3v32.rar  292290 23-11-2023 GuTTeRBoWL 2003 - v3.02 --------
                                Online Bowling Door! 16bit/32bit
                                Simply the B E S T  bowling door
                                you'll ever play. ANSI-intensive
                                animation! Bowl the nearly  true
                                action-pin-reaction.   Featuring
                                multi-node, multi-OS support and
                                Telnet support.  Supports nearly
                                every known dropfile.  Copyright
                                ChasWare Software  (c) 1996-2004
                                Release date --- January 4, 2004
gbigmv3.rar   290202 23-11-2023 GuTTeRBoWL 2003 ------- IGM Pack
                                16bit/32bit   versions included!
                                Gutterbowl Colors -- allow users
                                to change  their in game colors.
                                Bowlers Banter --  allow players
                                to exchange verbal blows in this
                                oneline program. ---------------
                                SweetSpot ---- allows players to 
                                select  default  ball  and curve
                                position --------Gutterbowl 2003
                                Simply the B E S T  bowling door
                                you'll ever play.      Copyright
                                ChasWare Software  (c) 1996-2003
                                Release date --- August 24, 2003
gdyn2.zip    2008573 27-03-2023 GALACTIC DYNASTY 2 (dev7)
                                A new remake of Galactic
                                Dynasty. For Win32, Linux
                                and Source Available.
                                An new apam door in 2021
GDYNWIN.ZIP   644342 12-05-2023 +----------------------------+
                                |      Galactic Dynasty      |
                                |            by              |
                                |       Andrew Pamment       |
                                | Galactic Dynasty is a BBS  |
                                | door game similar to Solar |
                                | Realms Elite.              |
                                |                            |
                                | It is interBBS capable and |
                                | opensource.                |
                                |                            |
                                |  v1.3.2-dev       WIN32    |
gflwr1c.zip     4891 07-05-2024 GRANNY'S FLOWERBEDS-Quest for DogWorld ][.
                                Written by Sheryl Moore (aka Granny), from
                                AgSHARE BBS  (405) 454-2453.  Unzip  these
                                files into your  \QUESTS  directory & then
                                run  the  DogQuest.exe to install.  Choose
                                option two (2) and type in GFLWR1.FUN when
                                prompted for a filename. 
GO136.ZIP     261704 22-11-2024  Galactic Overlord 1.36 BBS Door Game 
                                GO is a game of galactic conquest.  Each
                                player will attempt to control a universe of
                                planets.  GO has 20+ ANSI screens/animation
                                and is Multi-node friendly!  Uses JSW
                                Resource Files that contain all of the ANSI,
                                doc, etc. files for the game.  Supports
                                std/nonstd comm ports, and FOSSIL. DV, Win,
                                and OS/2 aware.
GO137B.ZIP    332895 22-11-2024 Galactic Overlord 1.37 *BETA* BBS Door Game
                                You must have GO136.ZIP to install!
                                GO is a game of galactic conquest.  Each
                                player will attempt to control a universe of
                                planets.  GO has 20+ ANSI screens/animation
                                and is Multi-node friendly!  Uses JSW
                                Resource Files that contain all of the ANSI,
                                doc, etc. files for the game.  Supports
                                std/nonstd comm ports, and FOSSIL. DV, Win,
                                and OS/2 aware.
gwar30b5.zip  154413 03-10-2022 Globaly War 3.05 Update from 2.7.
                                Adds IBBS capabilities!
gwarv27.exe   166565 02-09-2022 Global War 2.7
gwterm27.zip   41717 20-11-2022 Special Terminal Program for Global War
gypsy1.zip      3677 07-05-2024 Gypsy Fortuneteller  -  Quest DogWorld ][.
                                Written by Sheryl Moore (aka Granny), from
                                AgSHARE BBS  (405) 454-2453.  Unzip  these
                                files into your  \QUESTS  directory & then
                                run  the  DogQuest.exe to install.  Choose
                                option two(2) and type in  GYPSY1.FUN when
                                prompted for a filename. 
hack.zip      123888 27-03-2023 Hack BBSes! (Door game)
                                Now Freeware!
haunt1a.zip     4152 07-05-2024 THE HAUNTED HOUSE - Quest for DogWorld ][.
                                Written by Sheryl Moore (aka Granny), from
                                AgSHARE BBS  (405) 454-2453.  Unzip  these
                                files into your  \QUESTS  directory & then
                                run  the  DogQuest.exe to install.  Choose
                                option two(2) and type in  HAUNT1.FUN when
                                prompted for a filename. 
hcc10310.zip  583935 27-11-2023 **** Hackers: Cyber City v1.03.10 ****
                                  aRe YOu TiReD OF PLaYiNG THOSe
                                  OLD MeDieVaL ROLe PLaYiNG GaMeS
                                  WHeRe YOu FiGHT iN THe FOReST
                                  aND LeVeL uP, OR HOW aBOuT SPaCe
                                  eXPLORaTiON ROLe PLaYiNG GaMeS?
                                  WeLL, HACKERS: THE CYBER CITY iS
                                  NeiTHeR OF THeSe!  WHY NOT LeaVe
                                  THe DRaGON KiLLiNG, aND SPaCe
                                  eXPLORaTiON uP TO THe WeNieS,
                                  aND HaCK LiKe THe BiG BOYS DO.
                                  DOWNLOaD aND PLaY HACKERS: CYBER
                                  CITY !!!  NOW RuNS ON PeNTiuM PRO
                                  aND FaSTeR COMPuTeRS!
                                     COPYRiGHT 1998-1999 TaLON
                                     iNNOVaTiONS..SHaReWaRe $10
iching12.zip   97955 03-12-2023 .     -=> The True I-Ching Door v1.2 <=-
                                A new age door that will answer any question
                                put  to it about the future using the I-Ching
                                method of fortune telling.   Brand  new,  how
                                off  the  compiler.   Supports just about any
                                BBS system and Fossil drivers.   A  must  for
                                any BBS that enjoys new age doors!
                                Another Fine DavisWARE Door! - James R. Davis
ichng12a.zip  221496 03-12-2023 WYNTER STONE'S I CHING 1.2a 
                                The I Ching (Book of Changes) is an ancient 
                                Chinese book used for both fortune telling 
                                and philosophical insight. Toss coins or 
                                sticks to create a pattern of 6 lines, 
                                forming a hexagram for interpretation. You 
                                can edit the text for each hexagram and add 
                                your own comments. Readings can be saved, 
                                edited, printed.
jedi105.zip   130473 27-01-2025 Jedi Knights BBS Online Game Ver 1.05
                                This Game is a RPG Door Based on StarWars
                                Now With IGM Support!!!!
                                Please Read the WhatsNew.Txt File and Docs
                                before installing.
jns_gs45.zip  224278 22-11-2024 Golf Solitaire Door v4.5    By JNS Software,
                                Released 1-10-97. This  is a  solitaire card
                                game  which  features  Tournament Play for a
                                very competitive game. Supports Non Standard
                                Com Port  addressing,  & Fossil Support.  NO
                                EVALUATION KEY required. The registered ver-
                                sion features  Make-Up & Play Ahead  options
                                as well  as a Bulletin maker and  User Score
                                Data Editor which is built in. Fixes monthly
                                maintenance score problem and more.
L2102.RAR     447779 04-02-2022 -= LORD2: New World V1.02 =-
                                  ::: LORD2  : NEW WORLD ::  
                                ޲                         ۰ 
                                ޱ The sequel to LORD.  Real      
                                  time multinode interactive    
                                 ansi mud. For local/BBS use. 
l2tl160.zip   482091 27-01-2025 TEOS LORD, version 1.60
                                Req. LORD2 registration!
                                Use PKUNZIP -D to unzip.
                                By Michael Adams Programming
                                A Powerful LORD2 World,
                                derived from Planets:TEOS.
                                Pilot ships! Explore planets!
                                Take sides! Have fun!
leech72.zip    67804 19-02-2023 Leech 7.2 -- Online Hacking Game.
                                Update of an old Classic
                                A lot of Fixes and some new feature in this
                                version of Leech.  The best of all it's
                                Supports PCBoard, WildCat, WWIV,  Door.sys
                                dorinfo1.def drop files.
legd091a.zip 1150368 01-01-1998 [0m $$sss  s$"                             
                                 $$  $$ $$
                                 $$"""" $$""$e $"//  $$""s  $$""$$ $$sssss
                                 $$     $$  $$ $SSSS $$  $$ $$$$$$ $$ $$ $$
                                : // Legion v.0.9.1a
                                       by: cr1mson
                                 released: 12/07/22
                                       OS: Win32
                                A dark and ancient EVIL demon that rules
                                the unholy UNDERWORLD has captured your
                                KING. You must venture forth young traveler
                                to FIND and FREE him of the hell that he is
                                trapped and tortured in. May you have many
                                victories and GODSPEED to your travel ahead.
                                    ..///// phenom.productions \\\\\..
                                 >> website :: http://www.phenomprod.com
lemon43.zip   120195 21-04-2023 "Lemonade v4.30"
                                Run your own stand! Supports various COM
                                ports, DESQview aware, non-standard IRQ's,
                                colorful ANSI screens, top 10 bulletin
                                creation, fully SysOp configurable,
                                supports most BBS types, and even fossil
lisa20.zip    186392 17-04-2023 CHAT WITH LISA! Virtual Sysop or BBS Hostess.
                                v2.0 is FREEWARE. Lisa will chat with your
                                callers about any subject. Use as a Door or
                                Sysop Page. Sysop can select Lisa's name and
                                customize her responses. Chats can be logged.
                                Hot Chat available for adults. Supports most
                                BBS's, multinode, COM1-15. From ChAoS Online.
lord406.zip   355646 30-12-2023 -= Legend Of The Red Dragon 4.06 =-
                                 Marry and bury real people in the
                                 fantasy world of LORD, the grand
                                 daddy of all Multinode interactive
                                 BBS doorgames!
LORD407.ZIP   444450 08-02-2022 -= Legend Of The Red Dragon 4.07 =-
                                 From the ashes, the Dragon rides
                                 again! Major release featuring
                                 low cpu usage, cosmetic speed
                                 improvements, edit most everything!
lord408bupd.zip  286118 22-04-2022 Update file for Lord 4.08 from 4.07
lord_407_w32.zip 1416211 30-12-2024 LORD v4.07 (alpha) for Win32 (DOOR32.SYS
                                and WINS DOOR32.DLL compatible systems)
                                Seth Able's LORD for DOS ported to 32-bit
                                Windows by Michael Preslar
                                The configuration program (LORDCFG.EXE) was
                                not ported to 32-bit, so still requires a
                                16-bit MS-DOS environment to configure.
lore_250.zip  699224 16-04-2023 Ķ LORE  Version 2.50 
                                An on-line game of fantasy role-playing!
                                Features  a  full-screen  ANSI  graphics
                                interface, with a detailed and colourful
                                moving  map  system.    Over  1  million
                                locations to move to! Visit 50+ cities &
                                talk with the inhabitants interactively,
                                or go underground in search of treasure!
                                Hundreds  of  monsters  to  fight!  Full
                                Inter-BBS support,  real-time  multinode
                                interaction,  build and defend your  own
                                fully-featured  bases,   hire  computer-
                                controlled allies,  and much more.  Very
                                easy  to  install  and configure,even if
                                you've never installed a door before!
                                Ķ Released April 25, 1998 
lrd408txtupd.zip   15577 22-04-2022 Updated text data file for Lord 4.08
magic320.zip  110125 22-11-2024 Magic Poker Machine v3.10
                                Magic Poker Machine is a game that plays
                                exactly like the arcade poker machines.
                                You may insert up to ten coins (the more
                                coins the more you may win). The computer
                                then deals you a five card poker hand.
                                You may then decide which card(s) to keep
                                and which to have re-dealt.  You must
                                keep at least one card per hand. The
                                computer pays off for Royal Flushes,
                                Straight Flushes, three of a kind, four
                                of a kind, flushes, full houses, straights
                                two pairs, or a pair of Jacks or Better.
                                The amount won depends on the odds times
                                the amount of coins you inserted.
                                Original Programming by: Mike Wilson
                                Updated by; Marty Blankenship
                                Distributed by: BBSFiles.com
mahjongg (1).zip  101377 22-11-2024 Majongg Solitare (Door game)
                                Now Freeware!
mahjongg.zip  101377 19-02-2023 Majongg Solitare (Door game)
                                Now Freeware!
mel351.zip    466678 19-10-2023 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                -=-=-   MELEE v3.51 Public Release!   -=-=-
                                     This ansi door is the most in-depth
                                       gladiatorial combat role-playing
                                     game available for multi-player BBS
                                     use. Enter the guild and build your
                                        skills, equipment, stats, and
                                    knowledge toward the goal of becoming
                                       the top Warrior in the country!
                                    Warriors can be imported and exported
                                      from other BBS's and to the World
                                      MELEE HeadQuarters for entrance in
                                          International Tournaments.
                                    Supports multi-node play via internal
                                  file locking, and speeds up to 115,200bps.
                                   Do YOU have what it takes to become the
                                      Quality Shareware from Steve Adams
                                Fido 1:244/110 INet Melee@Aceshigh.Gryn.Org
mel352d.zip    32392 19-10-2023 
mel_352.zip   467531 19-10-2023 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                -=-=-   MELEE v3.52 Public Release!   -=-=-
                                     This ansi door is the most in-depth
                                       gladiatorial combat role-playing
                                     game available for multi-player BBS
                                     use. Enter the guild and build your
                                        skills, equipment, stats, and
                                    knowledge toward the goal of becoming
                                       the top Warrior in the country!
                                    Warriors can be imported and exported
                                      from other BBS's and to the World
                                      MELEE HeadQuarters for entrance in
                                          International Tournaments.
                                    Supports multi-node play via internal
                                  file locking, and speeds up to 115,200bps.
                                   Do YOU have what it takes to become the
                                      Quality Shareware from Steve Adams
                                Fido 1:244/110 INet Melee@Aceshigh.Gryn.Org
midt0995.zip  123351 03-12-2023 Midnite Hacker  is an intense online
                                door program that is based  sometime
                                in the near future where hackers are
                                always trying to overtake the entire
                                electronic world. The game simulates
                                crashing  bulletin  boards,  hacking
                                other players  in the game, plus has
                                great graphics, and supports the new
                                AVATAR emulation. Ver 0.994 Dec 19th
                                1994. Don St. Germain [Ring of Fire]
mm065b.zip     36747 16-11-2024 |07MystMan Beta Version o.65 Release!
                                |07It's Pacman(tm) ANSi-BBS Style!
                                |07Unzip with Pkunzip -D switch
                                |10Myst Productions (c) 1996,1997
MOG100.ZIP    562206 30-12-2023 Mines of Gorr v1.00 BBS Door Game
                                MOG is the most advanced medieval role
                                playing door game available today. It has
                                full 3D dungeon exploration, 2D auto-
                                mapping, 250 monsters, and over 170 weapons
                                and armor items. It is also FULLY multi-node
                                capable with internode combat. Also supports
                                the FOSSIL and most BBS dropfiles.
momud14.zip   202731 26-11-2022  Mo's MUD v1.4 - MultiUser Dungeons 
                                Multi Node Chat/Action Adventure door.
                                Written for PCBoard, WildCat, QBBS, Gap,
                                SpitFire, WWIV, RBBS, UtraBBS, Telegard,
                                Remote Access and more! 115,200 baud support.
                                Also NON-BBS local (Single/Network) Play.
                                NOT CRIPPLED!!! 
                                Author: Maurice Boers     
mw19g.zip     404972 05-05-2023 MECHWARS v1.9G : Released 12/07/93.  Bug fix
                                upgrade with no missing files!
                                * Supports most BBS types.
                                * Fossil and non-standard IRQ support.
                                * Multitasker aware.
netrn102.zip  207918 26-11-2022 NetRunner Door V1.02 for PCBoard, Gap, WC!,
                                RBBS, QBBS and Others!  The first true 'Cyber
                                Punk' online game.  You're a NetRunner, bold
                                and arrogant!  Use your cyberdeck and an
                                assortment of hacking 'wares to invade the
                                corporate systems and raid their credits.
                                NetRunner uses ANSI graphics and keypad for
                                movement in the grid and systems.
                                By Rob Jacob and Seattle Cybertechnologies.
                                February 9th, 1992
nordic2.zip   203612 15-04-2024  NoRDiC ReaLMS Version 1.20wb 
                                An on-line game of fantasy role-playing!
                                You  are a Viking in times long gone by.
                                You set sail   in ships to battle deadly
                                sea creatures, tidal waves, cylones, and
                                foriegn lands. This game has some really
                                nice ANSi graphics!    It comes standard
                                with an easy to operate  configurator to
                                allow easy installation.    It currently
                                supports DORINFOx and DOOR.SYS drop file
                                formats,  and more are being working on.
                                This is the    first  WiDE BeTa-InterBBS
                                release of this game anywhere,   so PICK
                                IT UP NOW! This game  is  written   in a
                                combination  of   languages  for  better
                                communications. It was Written By:
                                      Corley Efurd  (c)1995, 96
                                - - -* Released:  November 14, 1996 *- - -
number15.zip  134187 03-12-2023 Online Numerology Door Version 1.5
                                Computes User Major Number and Gives an
                                Analyzes User Destiny Number
                                Analyzes User Birth Force Number
                                Analyzes User Heart's Desire Number 
                                Analyzes User Personality Number
                                Analyzes User Reality Number
                                Analyzes User Physical Plane Number
                                Analyzes User Emotional Plane Number
                                Analyzes User Mental Plane Number
                                Analyzes User Intuitive Plane Number
                                Personal Number for the Current Year
                                View Other Users Numerological Analysis
                                Sexuality Numerological Analysis
                                Life Cycle Graph
obsow100.zip   93937 29-04-2024 Ol'Blue's School of Wisdom
                                v1.00!  A totally new IGM
                                from the ground up for
                                DogWorld & DogWorld ][!
                                Writtne by Carl Goad of
                                CSG Software.No shareware
                                delays!  Now, when the IGM
                                is registered, players can
                                play more than once daily!  
                                External file can be added to 
                                change menu items! No hidden 
                                areas! Multi-node capable!
                                Only $5.00 to register!
obsow101.zip   93912 29-04-2024 Ol'Blue's School of Wisdom
                                v1.10!  A totally new IGM
                                from the ground up for
                                DogWorld & DogWorld ][!
                                Writtne by Carl Goad of
                                CSG Software.No shareware
                                delays!  Now, when the IGM
                                is registered, players can
                                play more than once daily!  
                                External file can be added to 
                                change menu items! No hidden 
                                areas! Multi-node capable!
                                Only $5.00 to register!
obtp100.zip    92716 29-04-2024 Ol'Blue's Trading Post 
                                v1.00!  A totally new IGM
                                from the ground up for
                                DogWorld & DogWorld ][!
                                Writtne by Carl Goad of
                                CSG Software.No shareware
                                delays!  Now, when the IGM
                                is registered, players can
                                play more than once daily!  
                                No hidden areas! Multi-node
                                capable! Only $5.00 to
obtp101.zip    92758 29-04-2024 Ol'Blue's Trading Post 
                                v1.01!  A totally new IGM
                                from the ground up for
                                DogWorld & DogWorld ][!
                                Writtne by Carl Goad of
                                CSG Software.No shareware
                                delays!  Now, when the IGM
                                is registered, players can
                                play more than once daily!  
                                No hidden areas! Multi-node
                                capable! Only $5.00 to
ooii_120.zip  672911 22-04-2022 Operation: Overkill v1.20 BBS doorgame
                                The original wasteland BBS on-line
                                doorgame, Operation: Overkill, allows
                                your users to battle against the evil
                                and vile Hydrites in preventing them
                                from conquering the planet.  Great
                                user interaction provides for revenging
                                subplots of bloodlust and conquering.
                                Compatible with most any BBS software,
                                fossil driver required of speeds 9600+,
                                multi-node aware! Telnet aware!
OREGON.ZIP    799477 15-11-2024 Oregon Trail - By Andrew Pamment
                                Ported from BASIC code written by
                                Bill Heinemann in 1971.
                                Your family sets out on a trip from
                                Independence Missouri to Oregon
                                City Oregon. Try to survive the
                                trip and make it  into the top 10
osbg101.zip    88213 29-04-2024 OSBG101.ZIP - Ol'Scruff's Bar & Grill
                                v.1.01  A hot, new igm for Ken Cothran's
                                DogWorld!  The first in a new series of
                                igm's for DogWorld! Download it today
                                and check it out! Multinode capable!
                                Registration is only $5.00!
osbg200.zip    94610 29-04-2024 Ol'Scruff's Bar & Grill
                                v2.00! A totally new IGM
                                from the ground up for
                                DogWorld & DogWorld ][!
                                Writtne by Carl Goad of
                                CSG Software.No shareware
                                delays!  Now, when the IGM
                                is registered, players can
                                play more than once daily!  
                                External file can be added to 
                                change menu items! No hidden 
                                areas! Multi-node capable!
                                Still only $5.00 to register!
osbg201.zip    94475 29-04-2024 Ol'Scruff's Bar & Grill
                                v2.01! A totally new IGM
                                from the ground up for
                                DogWorld & DogWorld ][!
                                Writtne by Carl Goad of
                                CSG Software.No shareware
                                delays!  Now, when the IGM
                                is registered, players can
                                play more than once daily!  
                                External file can be added to 
                                change menu items! No hidden 
                                areas! Multi-node capable!
                                Still only $5.00 to register!
pegjmp26.zip   94630 03-12-2023 Peg Jump v2.6. A logic puzzle game
                                similar to the classic Hi-Que peg puzzle.
                                Object is to jump the pegs in such a way
                                as to leave only one peg, preferably in
                                the center hole.  Supports most BBS
                                software, multi-node, COM 0-15, 115K
                                Baud, and non-standard IRQ's.  Now
                                supports multi-port boards using FOSSIL
                                drivers including PCBoard/M!. Runs in
                                local mode with /local.
PEGJUMP.ZIP   106016 03-12-2023 Peg-Jump v1.6 - Door Game by Mike Jordan.
                                Requires skill and thought. Jump the pegs
                                in this classic game. It's not just a 
                                solitaire game this time. Compete against
                                other players for the high score.  
                                No expiration date or demo key required.
PIT-417Q.ZIP   63623 05-06-2022 Patch for The Pit 4.17
pit417.zip    950297 05-06-2022 The Pit 4.17:  Dungeon Combat Game! 
planrip.zip     3739 27-01-2025 RIP interface for Planets TEOS
                                Give Planets a Rip screen for
                                your RIP users!
pn-legd084a.zip  533118 08-08-2022 Phenom Group's Legion RPG 0.8.4a
PORTVICTORIA.ZIP 1233604 15-11-2024 Port Victoria - By Andrew Pamment
                                Sea faring trading game. Amass wealth
                                by trading at various ports, Upgrade
                                your ship or Gamble away your gold in
                                the Tavern.
pw200.zip     124530 16-11-2024 Penis Wars--Version 2.00, NO
                                EXPIRATION, a spoof on the current
                                space games on the market. This is
                                an adult door!
race239.zip    68955 22-11-2024 Race239.zip - BBS Drag Racing ver 2.39
                                A Great DRAG RACING Simulation to play on
                                any BBS.  MULTI-NODE Interactive RACES.
                                Desqview support.Wager against other
                                players as well as against the track.  
                                Full report of who raced you and how much 
                                they beatout of you.  Has Built in internal
                                serial routines and ansi support.  Rule the 
                                Drag Racing Circuit. Very popular game. 
                                Only takes a few minutes per day for
                                players to take their races.. 
RCHASE01.ZIP  214847 04-09-2024 Robot Chase - an apam door 2019
                                Avoid the high voltage power lines
                                and lure the killer robots to their
                                death to ensure your safety.
                                SOURCE & WIN32 Binary
sbbs-master-xtrn-lord2.zip 2380112 08-04-2024 
sea1.zip        4632 07-05-2024 AT THE SEASHORE!  - Quest for DogWorld ][.
                                Written by Sheryl Moore (aka Granny), from
                                AgSHARE BBS  (405) 454-2453.  Unzip  these
                                files into your  \QUESTS  directory & then
                                run  the  DogQuest.exe to install.  Choose
                                option two (2) and type in  SEA1.FUN  when
                                prompted for a filename. 
sgv11.exe      63493 18-11-2024 
simbb240.zip  164276 27-03-2023 BBS Simulator v2.40 - Win32/DOS Version
                                A doorgame for ANY BBS.  Now supports the
                                Door32 standard! Let your users try their
                                hands at running their own board. Good
                                quality game, short and sweet game play.
                                Players are ranked by the number of
                                subscribers they have. Real world problems.
                                MANY new features! Now comes with a player
                                editor! Up to 32,000 sysop definable in game
                                messages now! The BEST BBS Simulation game
                                available! FREEWARE!
                                [ Elysium Software -*- www.elysoft.org/zoob ]
simbb243.zip  321150 12-02-2021 BBS Simulator v2.43 - For DOS/Win32/OS2/Linux
                                Let your users try running their own board.
                                Short and sweet game play, with real world
                                problems! Players are ranked by the number
                                of subscribers they have. *WIN32 FIXED*
                                [ Elysium Software -*- www.elysoft.org/zoob ]
sqgs131d.zip  706500 19-02-2023  -=- Space Quest 2112 Game Server v1.31d NOW
                                  - Space Quest 2112 32bit Game Server -
                                A Great SPACE ADVENTURE Simulation to play
                                via Telnet connection or BBS. Command your 
                                Galaxy Class Star Cruiser from the Virtual 
                                Reality type ANSI Bridge.  You can Actually 
                                see the planets and ships as you blow them 
                                up. Form alliances, construct Space cities.
                                Over 250,000 unique space locations.
                                Copyright 1990-2007 RealityPoint Productions.
                                            All Rights Reserved.
                                       Maintained by XBit (x-bit.org)
                                -[ welcome to Space Quest 2112 Game Server ]-
                                             ܲ۰۰   .       
                                  ߱        ܲ۳.۰۰        
                                   ߱      ۲  IJ۰۰      
                                ߱       .۳.۲۳  .       
                                         ۰۲     ۰       
                                  ܱ     ߲۲۲.۰۰.     ܱ
                                       .    ۲۲.۲  .      
                                     ܱ߱    .             ܱ
                                                      .   ܱ
                                web:    http://x-bit.org/sq2112.htm
                                server: telnet://x-bit.org:2112
stack_32.zip   86711 10-04-2023 Stack'Em! v3.2. 'Tetris' type DOOR game for
                                many BBS types from J & W Software.
                                New: support for FOSSIL ports > 8, Windows
                                and OS/2 time slices released, alias support
                                (DOOR.SYS only). Features include:
                                ANSI/RIPScrip displays, Full Multi-Node
                                support, easy setup and no maintenance.
startrek.zip  282740 27-01-2025 STAR TREK ENHANCED - KLINGON INCURSION 1.1
                                Star Trek is an enhanced version of the old
                                Startrek game in its concept. In this game
                                you still navigate around killing invading
                                Klingon ships, but you can also Dock to the
                                Starbases, Or orbit Planets like Earth. The
                                game does not stop there, you can get up
                                and walk around the ship, or space station,
                                Beam Down, Shuttle Down to Planets and walk
                                around, Talk to People, Get attacked by the
                                Klingons. This is a Star Trek game sure, but
                                it is also a Role Playing Adventure Game.
                                By Gary Crunk, anotherbbs.bbsindex.com!
subatk23.zip  181352 22-11-2024 "Sub Attack v2.3"
                                This game will attempt to simulate the
                                complex world of submarine warfare in a
                                fun and entertaining door game for your
                                BBS or as a personal arcade game for your
                                IBM/clone computer. You will be in command
                                of an American Los Angeles class
                                submarine. You will navigate your ship
                                across the globe in search of your
                                targets. As your experience grows so will
                                your ships lethal capacity and range. You
                                can play against other players and several
                                different missions.
                                Original Programming: Rick Salinas
SUDOKU.zip     67654 17-01-2022 Sudoku2 - By Andrew Pamment
                                -= Compiled for DOS =-
                                Classic game of sudoku in door
                                format. Now with high scores!
sudoku_w32.zip  115327 01-01-1998 32 Bit Version of Sudoku door by Apam
tarot.zip      96968 03-12-2023 >>>>>>>>>> TAROT CARD READER v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<
                                The Tarot Reader will attempt to predict
                                your future and determine your destiny using
                                the 78 card tarot deck.  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
tdogh1_2.zip  122402 29-04-2024 Ŀ
                                 **     TDH Rovers Place  V1.2     ** 
                                     The latest IGM for DOGWORLD      
                                  Visit the shrine of Rover.          
                                  Do you dare drink from the bowls    
                                  or attempt to pee against a post    
                                  not knowing what could happen ?     
                                   Find out - install the IGM NOW     
                                     * UK BBS support available *     
                                          Author Colin Birch          
                                       Sysop  The Dog House BBS       
                                         (01443) 400327 24hrs         
                                      Latest files - 14 Dec 1996      
tdogh1_3.zip  121904 29-04-2024 Ŀ
                                 **     TDH Rovers Place  V1.3    ** 
                                     The latest IGM for DOGWORLD     
                                  Visit the shrine of Rover.         
                                  Do you dare drink from the bowls   
                                  or attempt to pee against a post   
                                  not knowing what could happen ?    
                                   Find out - install the IGM NOW    
                                        Minor bug fix update         
                                    * UK BBS support available *     
                                         Author Colin Birch          
                                      Sysop  The Dog House BBS       
                                        (01443) 400327 24hrs         
                                     Latest files - 28 Dec 1996      
tdogh2_0.zip  122121 29-04-2024 Ŀ
                                 **     TDH Colins Casino V1.0     ** 
                                     The latest IGM for DOGWORLD      
                                        Visit Colins Casino.          
                                  Do you dare play the games - you    
                                  could loose all your bones - then   
                                  again, you might just win.          
                                   Find out - install the IGM NOW     
                                     * UK BBS support available *     
                                          Author Colin Birch          
                                       Sysop  The Dog House BBS       
                                         (01443) 400327 24hrs         
                                      Latest files - 14 Dec 1996      
tdogh2_1.zip  121689 29-04-2024 Ŀ
                                 **     TDH Colins Casino V1.1    ** 
                                     The latest IGM for DOGWORLD     
                                        Visit Colins Casino.         
                                  Do you dare play the games - you   
                                  could loose all your bones - then  
                                  again, you might just win.         
                                   Find out - install the IGM NOW    
                                       Minor bug fix update          
                                    * UK BBS support available *     
                                         Author Colin Birch          
                                      Sysop  The Dog House BBS       
                                        (01443) 400327 24hrs         
                                     Latest files - 28 Dec 1996      
therest.zip     3430 29-04-2024 THE RESTAURANT -  A quest for DogWorld ][. 
                                Written by Dawn Brockhausen  (aka Thumper)
                                of Thumper's Hole BBS.  Unzip  these files
                                into your  \QUESTS  directory and then run
                                the DogQuest program to install the quest.
                                Choose option 2 and type in REST1.FUN when
                                prompted for a filename. 
titanslots-master.zip  219428 13-10-2022 
tnt124.zip    225075 01-01-1998  Tunnels-n-Tombs 1.24 JPSoft Doorware
                                 A classic maze game with a touch of
                                 such greats as Moria, Rogue, Hack and
                                 Larn.  Sysop configurable. Supports
                                 DORINFOx.DEF or DOOR.SYS, FOSSIL or
                                 ASYNC, and RIP.  Full editor for easy
                                 configuration and maintenance.
town1.zip       3803 07-05-2024 OTHER SIDE OF TOWN - Quest for DogWorld ][
                                Written by Sheryl Moore (aka Granny), from
                                AgSHARE BBS  (405) 454-2453.  Unzip  these
                                files into your  \QUESTS  directory & then
                                run  the  DogQuest.exe to install.  Choose
                                option two (2) and type in TOWN1.FUN  when
                                prompted for a filename. 
train1.zip      4325 07-05-2024 IN THE TRAINYARD! - Quest for DogWorld ][.
                                Written by Sheryl Moore (aka Granny), from
                                AgSHARE BBS  (405) 454-2453.  Unzip  these
                                files into your  \QUESTS  directory & then
                                run  the  DogQuest.exe to install.  Choose
                                option two (2) and type in TRAIN1.FUN when
                                prompted for a filename. 
tuq100_1.zip  195512 22-11-2024 Uncertia: TUQ v1.00 - An incredible door game
                                which features a tremendous amount of great
                                ANSI, arcade-like battles, overhead and side
                                views of maps, adventure, and much more!
                                Supports DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF, CHAIN.TXT.
                                Extremely easy to set up!
TW02_309.ZIP 1430249 08-02-2022 This is a special, DPMI version  for use
                                a  Windows type  environment  or DOS extender
                                Trade Wars 2002 is one of the most popular
                                board games of all times! The new version 3.09
                                brings  multiplayer combat and  interaction to
                                the DOS or Windows based BBS! This version
                                a completely new file access system to
                                multiplayer problems and increase the speed
                                the game.   Version 3.09 now costs twenty
                                dollars to register and  is a  FREE upgrade
                                any sysop that  registered TW2002 in the past
                                This  archive contains version  3.09  and was
                                released on November 13th, 1998.
ubv13.zip     167922 03-12-2023 ULTIMATE BBS v1.3 BBS simulation game!
                                Multi-node aware now, and support for UDGs
                                (Ultimate Door Games). Also features a new
                                play style. Play as a Sysop and run your
                                board, call bbs's and actually logon, post
                                messages, or play door games. Compete to
                                become the "Ultimate BBS"!
update6.zip    96750 02-09-2022 Global War 3.06  3.05 Required!
utuq100r.zip   11268 22-11-2024  Uncertia: The Unknown Quest v1.00 keygen 
                                 Registers the door game Uncertia: The    
                                 Unknown Quest by Edhanced Software.  For 
                                 v1.00 only.                              
vader122.zip   88621 17-11-2024 BBS Vaders ver 1.22 - COOL ANSI ARCADE GAME!!
                                Fixes  "old"  gun characters  left on screen.
                                New bonus for unused fuel between each round.
                                Blast those darn "Vaders" before they land or
                                before they zap you with the deadly heat ray.
                                Earn guided missiles! Four Waves of aliens in
                                the registered version! Easy  setup and never
                                reset Ansi/Ascii top 10 external score files.
                                Cothran Computing. reg $10
vampire2_registered.zip 1265892 22-11-2024 VAMPIRES 2!!!  The Children of Darkness
                                are back!  Amazing new door release!  
                                Works great on all BBS's.  The Most & 
                                Best Graphics.  A Major Upgrade, Loaded 
                                with new features!  Completely Multinode
                                ******** A MUST DOWNLOAD!! ************
                                Your users will love you for it!
vbhang13.zip  101784 22-11-2024 VB-Hang Verison 1.3
                                Vagabond's Hangman Version 1.3
                                FREEWARE! Now you can play
                                hangman on your BBS for free!
                                Yet another freeware release
                                from Vagabond Software!
vhunt95.zip   199952 22-04-2022  V  I  R  T  U  A  L   H  U  N  T v0.95
                                   ** MUD-style game for your BBS **
                                         ** NOW FREEWARE!! **
                                  Hunt out computer players and human
                                 players in a real-time environment. As
                                 many as 20 computer players do battle
                                in a virtual world with the player.  AI
                                    players "think" and act on user
                                movements!  Download today, amazing new
                                 concept!  Make your own AI players or
                                         virtual worlds easily!
voyr293b.zip  123705 03-12-2023 Voyeur Adult Door game v2.93
                                from 'PG' Productions
                                Menu driven Adult text
                                adventure. *NEW* Multi-
                                gender game play!
                                Supports most all BBS drop
                                files. Easy to set up!
wboy048.zip    42299 22-11-2024 Weiner Boy v0.48.DOS              (97/06/25)
                                DOS clone of the popular doorgame Weiner Boy
                                for Amiga BBS's.  Now your BBS can get its
                                important intake of perversion and filth.
                                Freeware-ish, from Psych0Soft. Rating flags:
                                [AL, AS, MV, RP, SC], very sick, very funny!
win32wordle20240918.zip 1647616 18-09-2024 
wm3d126a.zip   72054 19-02-2023 >>>>>>>>>>> Wizard Maze 3D V1.26 <<<<<<<<<<<
                                100 levels of confusing 3D mazes. Your
                                users enter as a young apprentice who has
                                mistakenly put himself on trial. They must 
                                navigate the mazes using spells, automap, 
                                and a compass before being overcome by 
                                noxious fumes. Supports DOOR.SYS,
                                DORINFOx.DEF, WILDCAT, DigiBoard, Fossil,
                                higher IRQ settings, and RIP detection.
                                NEW: Improved auto-mapper, depth shading,
                                Multi-tasker friendly!  *SHAREWARE*  $15.00
YT36.ZIP      225059 22-08-2024 Yankee Trader - The original space/trading war
                                game by
                                Alan Davenport.
YT36c.ZIP     223728 22-08-2024 
YT36d.ZIP     223778 22-08-2024 
YT36f-2000-sector.ZIP  223212 22-08-2024 
YT36g-2004-sector.ZIP  222087 22-08-2024 Yankee Trader - The original space/trading war
                                game by
                                Alan Davenport.
zat1-02c.zip  109433 03-12-2023 Zatij Inc v1.02... CyberPunk Door
                                Where Users Like Kick Butt on Bad
                                Guys and have to save the world.. 
                                  --- TBRGames (C) 1995 ---

                    Area 13 - Protocols                   

CEXYZ101.RAR   53070 03-02-2022 A FreeWare X, Y, and Zmodem protocol
                                driver from the author of The Blue Wave
                                Offline Mail System.  CEXYZ/2 is a 32
                                bit OS/2 text mode application.
                                Protocols include Zmodem, 8K Zmodem
                                (ZedZap), Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Ymodem-1K,
                                Xmodem CRC and Xmodem-Checksum. Includes
                                sample files for installation into
                                Maximus BBS's. Can be installed into ANY
                                BBS or terminal program that is able to
                                utilize external protocols.  Fully
                                windowed/graphical interface.
dsz0597.zip    94156 20-04-2023 DSZ Zmodem protocol. Graphic version of the
                                famous DSZ by Omen. 05/19/1997
dsz0597x.zip   40495 04-04-2024 DSZ Zmodem protocol. Fast X/Y/Zmodem protocol
                                for DOS by Omen. Enhanced .EXE file only.
                                You should also get DSZ0597.ZIP for docs.
fdsz0597.zip   36949 21-04-2023 FossilDSZ Protocol
gsz0597.zip   115417 20-04-2023 Omen Technology's DSZ.COM rel. (5-19-97)
                                Omen Technology's DSZ.COM   DSZ X/Y (-g)
                                Zmodem Driver. This is for FAST Computers.
pdzm126.zip    91206 20-01-2023 Public Domain Zmodem protocol; English and
                                German user interface and documentation
sexyz20.zip    91102 07-12-2022 Synchronet External X/Y/Zmodem (SEXYZ)
                                File Transfer Protocol Driver v2.0-Win32
                                for Windows TCP/Socket/Telnet-based BBSes
                                (e.g. Synchronet-Win32).

     Area 14 - Keys & Cracks for BBS Related Software     

afix5reg.zip   12465 13-05-2023 Ŀ
                                 ALLFIX v5.xx - *UNIVERSAL* registrator 
                                         (C) 1997 Mr.Boco/TCP           
                                 Oh, i hate to fill up this MUTTAPHUKEN 
                                 dizzy and i hope you will forgive my   
                                 lazyness... =) Go catch AFIX5REG.DOC   
                                  See ya, Mr.Boco...                   
AM271C.ZIP      1276 16-04-2023 Adventure Maze doorgame crack
axereg.zip       767 27-03-2023 Axe & Fang v1.18 Registration Key
BBROU11R.ZIP    8129 16-04-2023 Ŀ
                                              ___              Ŀ
                                    HackWare  \__\             
                                  ___  _ ___  _ ___            
                                  \_ \/ \\_ \/ \\  \           
                                /     \/     \\  \ٳ
                                   /  \/   \ \/   \\  \ presents 
                                /   ||___/ ||___//   \Ŀ
                                 \___|  \___|byMMi\___/        
                                 Loader to Register            
                                 Roulette  v1.1                
bbsreg13.zip 1280800 16-04-2023 bbsreg v13             [10-06-96]
                                a collection of cracks & key gens
                                for bbs doors and utils/misc stuf
                                get bbsreg v9, 10, 11, & 12 also!
                                [if you don't allready have them]
bbsreg9.zip  1771765 16-04-2023           08-23-95  v9.0!
                                BBS-REG Released By DiNK Is A Pack Of
                                Different Released Cracks For Doors,
                                BBS Programs and stuff for bbs's.
                                ..  Newest: 09.22.95, Oldest: 09.22.95
                                ..  Nfo Date: NONE, Diz Date: 09.22.95
bbsrolreg.zip   71114 19-01-2024 BBS Roulette v1.2. Full screen ANSI Roulette
                                DOOR game for many BBS types from J & W
                                Software. NEW: support for FOSSIL ports > 8,
                                Windows and OS/2 time slices released, alias
                                support (DOOR.SYS only). Features include:
                                ANSI animation, Multi-node support, easy
                                setup and no maintenance.
bordkey.zip      883 01-09-2022 Bordello 1.50 Key.  Simply place in the game
BUCKKEY.ZIP    11238 06-03-2024 Buccaneer 2.10 (door game, DOS)
                                keygen by akacastor 2024-03-04
                                Creates BUCK.KEY
Dcp35.zip      69133 20-11-2022 DiNK's Crack Pack v3.5! [03-15-96]
                                Cracks all the latest bbs doors/utils!!
                                Lot's of new cracks!
dmudkey.zip    27841 26-11-2022 DOORMUD KEY GENERATOR        [4/23/11]
                                As I no longer have time to support or
                                develop DoorMUD, I am here by releasing
                                Key Generator to the public.
                                This will also allow the DoorMud World
                                Editor to run.
DTAG105C.zip   46905 09-09-2022 (v1.05CRK) dATag by TWAiN PAiN Software
                                    ĿĿĿ TWAiN PAiN's ͸
                                ڿ۳۳۳: ۳: ڿ۳
                                ٲ۳  ٲ۳Ŀ
                                ٰڿ  ڿٱ
                                ٳ   ٳĿ
                                 [ Cracked .EXE ]
fjreg.zip       9794 13-05-2023  Funky Jewel Master regcode generator ķ
                                 ijڿ/    ij                  
                                   \          Registration 
                                   ٳ           code     
                                  Ŀڿ ڿ            generator  
                                    ó     (C)                  
                                        ij\  FunkySoft            
FREEKEY.ZIP   114555 01-01-1998 Multiboard key generator
gb2003kg.rar   37990 23-11-2023 GuTTeRBoWL 2003 - v3.02 -KEYGEN-
                                This is legit keygen release  by
                                the author of the product. Enjoy
                                Online Bowling Door! 16bit/32bit
                                Simply the B E S T  bowling door
                                you'll ever play. ANSI-intensive
                                animation! Bowl the nearly  true
                                action-pin-reaction.   Featuring
                                multi-node, multi-OS support and
                                Telnet support.  Supports nearly
                                every known dropfile.  Copyright
                                ChasWare Software  (c) 1996-2009
                                Release date ---- AUGUST 5, 2009
gecho!.zip      7123 06-10-2023 
hackkey.zip      249 03-12-2023 Hackers Cyber City 1.03.10 Key
IEKEY235.ZIP    1299 08-02-2022 IceEdit Key For IceEdit Version 2.35
                                This key was prepared by the original
                                author of Ice Edit before he sold the
                                software. It is a legal key for Version
                                2.35 Only.
                                Registered To:
                                REGISTERED USER
                                REGISTERED COMPANY
MLEE35KG.ZIP    9239 02-11-2023 Melee v3.5x keyfile generator
                                Creates a registration keyfile for versions
                                3.5x of the door game Melee by Aces
MWULSTKG.ZIP   10979 21-09-2023 MysticWare UserList keyfile generator
                                Creates a keyfile for the RemoteAccess 2.xx
                                userlist bulletin generator UserList by
MWUSRDKG.ZIP   10785 21-09-2023 MysticWare UserDoor keyfile generator
                                Creates a keyfile for the RemoteAccess 2.xx
                                userlist display door UserDoor by MysticWare.
NETRUNKG.ZIP   11022 04-02-2022 NetRunner Door Game *Legal* Key Generator.
                                Released on June 10, 2004 by Rob Jacob.
                                This allows you to register NetRunner
                                with any name and serial number you like.
                                Check out the web version of NetRunner
                                now called MatrixRunner under development
NVCRK.ZIP      96718 05-10-2023 Crack for NodeView 2.10Gold
OTHDRREG.ZIP   11257 02-07-2024 Othello registration number generator
                                Registers versions 3.xx of the BBS door game
                                Othello by Great Northwest/Blue Sunrise
oxgen.zip       6800 28-07-2024 64BIT Keygen for "Iron Ox" BBS door game.
                                Use a 64bit Windows to run it.
PIT-417Q.ZIP   63623 05-06-2022 The Pit 4.17 Registry Modification
regdoor7.zip    9620 22-04-2022 REGDOOR - V7.0
                                "Registers" Global War, Operation Overkill,
                                Imperium, Global Wars Editor, Tradewars 2002,
                                Solar Realms Elite, Barren Realms Elite,
                                Melee, Door Master.
regit130.zip   13669 22-04-2022 Register It! v1.30, by Lunatic
                                Cracker for Global War 2.57, Tradewars 2.0
                                7, Usurper 0.13b, LORD 3.52, NetRunner 1.02,
                                MechWars 1.9g, Steel & Ice 3.01, Outpost
                                Trader 1.01, Pimp Wars 1.41, Yanks & Reds
                                1.05, Immortal Combat 1.7, Shadow Board 1.5,
                                and WarWorld 2.07.
REGIT200.ZIP   43879 13-05-2023 Register It! 2.00 - Coded by Lunatic
                                Cracks 14 BBS doors. Seek & Destroy
                                cracks added for some cracks, some new
                                cracks, and some updated.
RGO777.ZIP      4278 22-11-2024 
RMOG777.ZIP     4149 30-12-2023 Mines of Gorr FREEWARE Registration Key
rude-key.zip    1821 24-11-2023 Rude Dog On-Line Adventure Engine
                                  -=K E Y   G E N E R A T O R=-
                                The Dragon's Claw Scenario Module
                                  -=K E Y   G E N E R A T O R=-
STACKSG!.ZIP    9885 16-04-2023 ͸
                                                ___        ͻ
                                     HackWare  \__\       
                                 ___  _ ___  _ ___   
                                \_ \/ \\_ \/ \\  \ŴS
                                /     \/     \\  \ŴT
                                /  \/   \ \/   \\  \ŴA
                                /   ||___/ ||___//   \ŴC
                                \___|  \___|byMMi\___/ŴK
                                The                Ŵ'
                                  Key Number         E
                                     Generator for       M
                                     Stack'Em! (BBS DOOR)  !
                                    version ?.?  3.1    
                                            3.1  ?.?     
tntreg.zip      9057 01-01-1998 Tunnels-N-Tombs registration code generator
                                Creates a registration code for the door game
                                Tunnels-N-Tombs by JPSoft.
TPOMENXF.ZIP    2597 20-04-2023 ---
                                 OmenX - "Seek and Register" all GSZ/DSZ. 
                                 Works from the first version to the most 
                                 recent releases. *Final* M[TP] 4-16-1995 
wzmazerg.zip    8897 19-02-2023 Wizard Maze 3D registration code generator
                                Creates a registration code for the door game
                                Wizard Maze 3D by First Vision Software.

              Area 6 - BGC Vocal Collection 1             

BGC Vocal 1 - Vraious - Track 01.mp3 6805038 14-10-2022 Track 1
BGC Vocal 1 - Vraious - Track 02.mp3 6843908 14-10-2022 Track 2
BGC Vocal 1 - Vraious - Track 03.mp3 6886540 14-10-2022 Track 3
BGC Vocal 1 - Vraious - Track 04.mp3 5788770 14-10-2022 Track 4
BGC Vocal 1 - Vraious - Track 05.mp3 7272734 14-10-2022 Track 5
BGC Vocal 1 - Vraious - Track 06.mp3 7017570 14-10-2022 Track 6
BGC Vocal 1 - Vraious - Track 07.mp3 6181234 14-10-2022 Track 7
BGC Vocal 1 - Vraious - Track 08.mp3 5916666 14-10-2022 Track 8
BGC Vocal 1 - Vraious - Track 09.mp3 6519781 14-10-2022 Track 9
BGC Vocal 1 - Vraious - Track 10.mp3 7699682 14-10-2022 Track 10
BGC Vocal 1 - Vraious - Track 11.mp3 5481572 14-10-2022 Track 11
BGC Vocal 1 - Vraious - Track 12.mp3 5203838 14-10-2022 Track 12
BGC Vocal 1 - Vraious - Track 13.mp3 6784978 14-10-2022 Track 13

              Area 7 - BGC Vocal Collection 2             

BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 01.mp3 4901025 14-10-2022 Track 1
BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 02.mp3 5763066 14-10-2022 Track 2
BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 03.mp3 5495363 14-10-2022 Track 3
BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 04.mp3 5713538 14-10-2022 Track 4
BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 05.mp3 6717266 14-10-2022 Track 5
BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 06.mp3 4501665 14-10-2022 Track 6
BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 07.mp3 5879676 14-10-2022 Track 7
BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 08.mp3 4763098 14-10-2022 Track 8
BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 09.mp3 6790618 14-10-2022 Track 9
BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 10.mp3 5583763 14-10-2022 Track 10
BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 11.mp3 8901523 14-10-2022 Track 11
BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 12.mp3 5295998 14-10-2022 Track 12
BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 13.mp3 5721690 14-10-2022 Track 13
BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 14.mp3 6162428 14-10-2022 Track 14
BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 15.mp3 4995068 14-10-2022 Track 15
BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 16.mp3 7139825 14-10-2022 Track 16

                  Area 5 - Sol Bianca OST                 

Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 01.mp3 4559976 13-10-2022 Track 1
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 02.mp3 4563111 13-10-2022 Track 2
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 03.mp3 5044600 13-10-2022 Track 3
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 04.mp3 3043411 13-10-2022 Track 4
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 05.mp3 3235881 13-10-2022 Track 5
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 06.mp3 4078487 13-10-2022 Track 6
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 07.mp3 3810784 13-10-2022 Track 7
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 08.mp3 3555620 13-10-2022 Track 8
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 09.mp3 6773070 13-10-2022 Track 9
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 10.mp3 3021470 13-10-2022 Track 10
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 11.mp3 3371302 13-10-2022 Track 11
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 12.mp3 3743077 13-10-2022 Track 12
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 13.mp3 3830848 13-10-2022 Tradk 13
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 14.mp3 4840847 13-10-2022 Track 14
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 15.mp3 3777559 13-10-2022 Track 15
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 16.mp3 3969402 13-10-2022 Track 16
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 17.mp3 8611257 13-10-2022 Track 17
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 18.mp3 4616403 13-10-2022 Track 18
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 19.mp3 5398195 13-10-2022 Track 19
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 20.mp3 8862032 13-10-2022 Track 20
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 21.mp3 4050277 13-10-2022 Track 21

                   Area 4 - Shurato OST                   

Tenku Senki Shurato - OP1 Single - Shining Soul OST.7z 12575384 26-11-2022 
Tenku Senki Shurato music collection.torrent   14712 26-11-2022 

              Area 8 - Virus Buster Serge OST             

Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 01.mp3 4992580 14-10-2022 Track 1
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 02.mp3 1185181 14-10-2022 Track 2
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 03.mp3 4223953 14-10-2022 Track 3
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 04.mp3 1903653 14-10-2022 Track 4
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 05.mp3 1973870 14-10-2022 Track 5
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 06.mp3 3568802 14-10-2022 Track 6
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 07.mp3 2219003 14-10-2022 Track 7
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 08.mp3 3558771 14-10-2022 Track 8
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 09.mp3 1938761 14-10-2022 Track 9
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 10.mp3 2806446 14-10-2022 Track 10
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 11.mp3 1766982 14-10-2022 Track 11
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 12.mp3 2675416 14-10-2022 Track 12
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 13.mp3 2159446 14-10-2022 Track 13
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 14.mp3 1995815 14-10-2022 Track 14
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 15.mp3 3185744 14-10-2022 Track 15
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 16.mp3 2818358 14-10-2022 Track 16
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 17.mp3 3528680 14-10-2022 Track 17
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 18.mp3 3540592 14-10-2022 Track 18
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 19.mp3 2919922 14-10-2022 Track 19
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 20.mp3 3921144 14-10-2022 Track 20
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 21.mp3 4332415 14-10-2022 Track 21
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 22.mp3 3751870 14-10-2022 Track 22
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 23.mp3 4344954 14-10-2022 Track 23
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 24.mp3 2105529 14-10-2022 Track 24
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 25.mp3 4059070 14-10-2022 Track 25
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 26.mp3 3187625 14-10-2022 Track 26
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 27.mp3 2705509 14-10-2022 Track 27
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 28.mp3 2812089 14-10-2022 Track 28
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 29.mp3 3175086 14-10-2022 Track 29
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 30.mp3 4212043 14-10-2022 Track 30
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 31.mp3 6421375 14-10-2022 Track 31

                      Area 9 - My AMV                     

Gowkaizer AMV.mpg 51219548 28-04-2022 An AMV I made many years ago.
Gowkaizer AMV_704x480.mkv 91697611 23-11-2024 

               Area 15 - Hentai Stuff by Me               

CLOSER.MPG   64632764 09-05-2023 HMV by Shurato to Closer by NiN.
                                Assorted Hentai.
CLOSER_704x480.mkv 116976076 23-11-2024 
pokelmn.txt     9099 20-04-2023 Pikachu's Revenge Pokemon Lemon by Me!

                   Area 2 - Anime Movies                  

Akira BD RiP HQ.mkv 1287620431 31-10-2024 
Dragon Ball Super- Super Hero BD Rip HQ.mkv 1303908385 31-10-2024 
Gall Force Eternal Story Dual Language.mkv 683158259 15-12-2024 
Ghost in the Shell_Anime BD Rip HQ.mkv 839389720 31-10-2024 
Project A-ko BD Rip HQ.mkv -1996249335 31-10-2024 
Venus Wars BD Rip HQ.mkv 1457931406 31-10-2024 
[EMBER] Belle - Ryuu to Sobakasu no Hime (2021) (Movie) [BDRip] [804p Dual Audio HEVC 10 bits DD].mkv      -1 06-05-2023 
[GST] Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Eternal Movie 1 [720p][Multi-Sub].mkv 1895145775 26-08-2023 
[GST] Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Eternal Movie 2 [720p][Multi-Sub].mkv 1493623157 26-08-2023 
[HorribleSubs] Fuse Memoirs of the Hunter Girl [720p].mkv 1093379383 28-05-2023 
[Judas] Koe no Katachi (A Silent Voice) [BD 1080p][HEVC x265 10bit][Dual-Audio][Multi-Subs].mkv -1963012888 06-05-2023 
[Valenciano] Kimi no na wa (Your Name) (????) [1080p][AV1 10bit][Opus 5.1][Multi-Audio][Multi-Sub].mkv       0 01-01-1980 
[Valenciano] Weathering with You [1080p][AV1 10bit][Opus 5.1][Multi-Sub].mkv 1870606816 06-05-2023 
[Watchable] Suzume no Tojimari [1080p HDTS] [Dual Audio ~ Jap+Eng][English Sub].mkv -1575498889 06-05-2023 
Outlanders Subs 1986.ass   42159 23-11-2024 
Outlanders Subs 1986.srt   32951 23-11-2024 
Outlanders Subs 2  1986.ass   42857 23-11-2024 
Outlanders_OVA_[H264][ru_jp].mkv 802117883 23-11-2024 
Outlanders_OVA_[H264][ru_jp]_1440x1080.mkv 1658149556 23-11-2024 

                Area 22 - Akazukin Cha Cha                

Akazukin_Chacha_-_31_[DVD_H264]_[8134584D].avi 182724608 05-01-2024 FTP or EleWEB for full filenames...
Akazukin_Chacha_-_32_[DVD_H264]_[FFB2BE12].avi 184221696 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_33_[DVD_H264]_[3265494B].avi 185655296 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_34_[DVD_H264]_[F23354AA].avi 185274368 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_35_[DVD_H264]_[FC5ED42E].avi 183990272 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_36_[DVD_H264]_[1250BF46].avi 183793664 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_37_[DVD_H264]_[D91D3181].avi 183820288 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_38_[DVD_H264]_[BDCD2128].avi 184037376 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_39_[DVD_H264]_[1E0A6B69].avi 184576000 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_40_[DVD_H264]_[C6456164].avi 184743936 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_41_[DVD_H264]_[1A7CB19E].avi 183263232 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_42_[DVD_H264]_[32A71722].avi 183058432 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_43_[DVD_H264]_[DADD0A8F].avi 183166976 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_44_[DVD_H264]_[038CACB9].avi 183250944 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_45_[DVD_H264]_[481A0819].avi 183715840 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_46_[DVD_H264]_[09FF3B99].avi 183033856 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_47_[DVD_H264]_[C775FE11].avi 182831104 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_48_[DVD_H264]_[99C14564].avi 182118400 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_49_[DVD_H264]_[E020D9A1].avi 182913024 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_50_[DVD_H264]_[2EE7BD7E].avi 183291904 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_51_[DVD_H264]_[32807858].avi 184088576 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_52_[DVD_H264]_[8D3EC949].avi 184899584 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_53_[DVD_H264]_[750786C6].avi 183789568 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_54_[DVD_H264]_[26DA2E3A].avi 186003456 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_55_[DVD_H264]_[FEC7E691].avi 181270528 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_56_[DVD_H264]_[CFF79CD3].avi 182274048 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_57_[DVD_H264]_[17144D12].avi 183138304 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_58_[DVD_H264]_[E9522AA1].avi 183021568 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_59_[DVD_H264]_[9478D277].avi 183044096 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_60_[DVD_H264]_[A10C8468].avi 183046144 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_61_[DVD_H264]_[602940A3].avi 183578624 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_62_[DVD_H264]_[7EE74190].avi 182980608 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_63_[DVD_H264]_[41EB4E15].avi 182847488 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_64_[DVD_H264]_[621158FC].avi 182740992 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_65_[DVD_H264]_[1A91A9CC].avi 183382016 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_66_[DVD_H264]_[B180853E].avi 183541760 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_67_[DVD_H264]_[A6AC1207].avi 181143552 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_68_[DVD_H264]_[12CDC122].avi 181100544 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_69_[DVD_H264]_[F19CD433].avi 182495232 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_70_[DVD_H264]_[4A720F03].avi 183058432 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_71_[DVD_H264]_[A6BBCA84].avi 183574528 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_72_[DVD_H264]_[A5279D1C].avi 182329344 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_73_[DVD_H264]_[2DCAED57].avi 182325248 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_74_[DVD_H264]_[7E3B69B5].avi 182026240 05-01-2024 
FILES.BAK       6062 25-05-2024 
[????????][01][??????????].mkv 360907153 05-01-2024 
[????????][01][??????????].srt   24085 05-01-2024 
[????????][02][?????????].mkv 377226295 05-01-2024 
[????????][02][?????????].srt   26803 05-01-2024 
[????????][03][?????????!].mkv 400270810 05-01-2024 
[????????][03][?????????!].srt   27029 05-01-2024 
[????????][04][??!????????].mkv 403385761 05-01-2024 
[????????][04][??!????????].srt   21895 05-01-2024 
[????????][05][??????????].mkv 360955527 05-01-2024 
[????????][05][??????????].srt   25257 05-01-2024 
[????????][06][???????????].mkv 361953082 05-01-2024 
[????????][06][???????????].srt   24067 05-01-2024 
[????????][07][????!?????].mkv 368037667 05-01-2024 
[????????][07][????!?????].srt   24327 05-01-2024 
[????????][08][???????????].mkv 375332442 05-01-2024 
[????????][08][???????????].srt   25279 05-01-2024 
[????????][09][??!??????Z].mkv 389174503 05-01-2024 
[????????][09][??!??????Z].srt   25095 05-01-2024 
[????????][10][?????????!].mkv 432303669 05-01-2024 
[????????][10][?????????!].srt   23866 05-01-2024 
[????????][11][??!?????????].mkv 384850590 05-01-2024 
[????????][11][??!?????????].srt   30960 05-01-2024 
[????????][12][????????].mkv 439299988 05-01-2024 
[????????][12][????????].srt   26279 05-01-2024 
[????????][13][????]????!].mkv 396350404 05-01-2024 
[????????][13][????]????!].srt   28372 05-01-2024 
[????????][14][???????????].mkv 421153518 05-01-2024 
[????????][14][???????????].srt   20713 05-01-2024 
[????????][15][??!????????].mkv 368500144 05-01-2024 
[????????][15][??!????????].srt   24308 05-01-2024 
[????????][16][??!?????].mkv 390383424 05-01-2024 
[????????][16][??!?????].srt   24902 05-01-2024 
[????????][17][???????????].mkv 399039970 05-01-2024 
[????????][17][???????????].srt   29229 05-01-2024 
[????????][18][?????!?????].mkv 389023790 05-01-2024 
[????????][18][?????!?????].srt   26400 05-01-2024 
[????????][19][??!???????].mkv 424455453 05-01-2024 
[????????][19][??!???????].srt   27237 05-01-2024 
[????????][20][???????????].mkv 397075506 05-01-2024 
[????????][20][???????????].srt   24122 05-01-2024 
[????????][21][???????????].mkv 388441511 05-01-2024 
[????????][21][???????????].srt   25028 05-01-2024 
[????????][22][????!???????].mkv 364573214 05-01-2024 
[????????][22][????!???????].srt   25195 05-01-2024 
[????????][23][??!????].mkv 364977731 05-01-2024 
[????????][23][??!????].srt   29413 05-01-2024 
[????????][24][?????????].mkv 379104248 05-01-2024 
[????????][24][?????????].srt   24159 05-01-2024 
[????????][25][????!??????].mkv 402011807 05-01-2024 
[????????][25][????!??????].srt   24961 05-01-2024 
[????????][26][???????????].mkv 349237099 05-01-2024 
[????????][26][???????????].srt   29044 05-01-2024 
[????????][27][???????????].mkv 371774504 05-01-2024 
[????????][27][???????????].srt   28979 05-01-2024 
[????????][28][????????].mkv 367281315 05-01-2024 
[????????][28][????????].srt   32409 05-01-2024 
[????????][29][????!??????].mkv 385703783 05-01-2024 
[????????][29][????!??????].srt   28339 05-01-2024 
[????????][30][??????????].mkv 451353304 05-01-2024 
[????????][30][??????????].srt   20926 05-01-2024 
[????????][ED1][????????].mkv 17145996 05-01-2024 
[????????][ED2][?????????].mkv 21498210 05-01-2024 
[????????][ED3][?????????????].mkv 21703452 05-01-2024 
[????????][OP1][????].mkv 31771512 05-01-2024 
[????????][OP2][????].mkv 27304933 05-01-2024 
[????????][OP3][????].mkv 30573620 05-01-2024 

             Area 43 - Armor Hunter Mellowlink            

Armor Hunter Mellowlink S01E01 Wilderness.mkv 2104435463 24-11-2023 For full filenames, use web or ftp access
Armor Hunter Mellowlink S01E02 Colosseum.mkv 2022900664 24-11-2023 
Armor Hunter Mellowlink S01E03 Jungle.mkv -1745677946 24-11-2023 
Armor Hunter Mellowlink S01E04 Leaning Tower.mkv 1686684828 24-11-2023 
Armor Hunter Mellowlink S01E05 Battlefield.mkv -2006032131 24-11-2023 
Armor Hunter Mellowlink S01E06 Prison.mkv -1938131426 24-11-2023 
Armor Hunter Mellowlink S01E07 Railway.mkv -1849727341 24-11-2023 
Armor Hunter Mellowlink S01E08 Ghost Town.mkv 1823836711 24-11-2023 
Armor Hunter Mellowlink S01E09 Forest.mkv 2042666791 24-11-2023 
Armor Hunter Mellowlink S01E10 Castle.mkv 1914547076 24-11-2023 
Armor Hunter Mellowlink S01E11 Base.mkv 2105212384 24-11-2023 
Armor Hunter Mellowlink S01E12 Last Stage.mkv 2142565407 24-11-2023 

                    Area 139 - Bastard!                   

Bastard_BD_01.mkv 581204177 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_02.mkv 582973068 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_03.mkv 582828207 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_04.mkv 581983586 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_05.mkv 582817865 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_06.mkv 583903414 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_07.mkv 583950525 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_08.mkv 586190361 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_09.mkv 581011186 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_10.mkv 583922061 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_11.mkv 580911863 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_12.mkv 579154895 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_13.mkv 582703766 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_14.mkv 583679589 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_15.mkv 586390497 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_16.mkv 581440190 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_17.mkv 584300527 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_18.mkv 582309293 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_19.mkv 583351249 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_20.mkv 580496049 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_21.mkv 580020880 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_22.mkv 578996699 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_23.mkv 579387442 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_24.mkv 580888535 06-02-2025 

                Area 138 - Bubblegum Crash                

Bubblegum Crash!_Ep01_BDRip.mkv 1087122294 16-01-2025 
Bubblegum Crash!_Ep02_BDRip.mkv 1065957702 16-01-2025 
Bubblegum Crash!_Ep03_BDRip.mkv 1086782103 16-01-2025 

            Area 56 - Bubblegum Crisis - DVD HQ           

BGC_Ep01.mkv 570148912 28-11-2024 
BGC_Ep02.mkv 346102576 28-11-2024 
BGC_Ep03.mkv 324978991 28-11-2024 
BGC_Ep04.mkv 467882703 28-11-2024 
BGC_Ep05.mkv 531822947 28-11-2024 
BGC_Ep06.mkv 608132794 28-11-2024 
BGC_Ep07.mkv 597443456 28-11-2024 
BGC_Ep08.mkv 615197994 28-11-2024 

               Area 137 - Demon King Daimao               

Demon_King_Daimao_DVDRip_Ep01.mkv 494063005 06-01-2025 
Demon_King_Daimao_DVDRip_Ep02.mkv 494138683 06-01-2025 
Demon_King_Daimao_DVDRip_Ep03.mkv 494007701 06-01-2025 
Demon_King_Daimao_DVDRip_Ep04.mkv 493998348 06-01-2025 
Demon_King_Daimao_DVDRip_Ep05.mkv 493714437 06-01-2025 
Demon_King_Daimao_DVDRip_Ep06.mkv 494232078 06-01-2025 
Demon_King_Daimao_DVDRip_Ep07.mkv 493638349 06-01-2025 
Demon_King_Daimao_DVDRip_Ep08.mkv 493911173 06-01-2025 
Demon_King_Daimao_DVDRip_Ep09.mkv 493790601 06-01-2025 
Demon_King_Daimao_DVDRip_Ep10.mkv 493522062 06-01-2025 
Demon_King_Daimao_DVDRip_Ep11.mkv 523431816 06-01-2025 
Demon_King_Daimao_DVDRip_Ep12.mkv 494038296 06-01-2025 

            Area 40 - Dimension Century Orguss            

Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 01 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 537652516 04-03-2024 Download via FTP or HTTP for full filenames
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 02 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 569270460 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 03 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 536711052 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 04 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 613127808 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 05 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 544793416 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 06 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 578987373 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 07 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 563608473 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 08 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 548200846 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 09 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 508584468 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 10 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 541485565 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 11 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 555349807 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 12 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 605183648 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 13 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 574483984 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 14 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 490609522 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 15 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 533514220 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 16 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 520217132 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 17 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 594185901 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 18 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 561805617 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 19 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 589905635 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 20 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 555856704 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 21 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 539354394 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 22 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 478325741 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 23 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 511450872 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 24 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 461156292 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 25 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 581156129 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 26 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 521497914 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 27 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 516964734 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 28 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 473856586 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 29 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 560973239 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 30 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 554875781 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 31 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 533328466 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 32 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 583976927 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 33 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 531593934 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 34 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 619864656 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 35 END (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 551990535 04-03-2024 

                  Area 44 - Dirty Pair TV                 

Dirty Pair + Lovely Angels yori Ai o Komete (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].md5    3721 16-11-2023 Web or FTP Suggest for LFNs...
Dirty Pair - 01 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 607629190 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 02 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 464734948 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 03 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 456992637 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 04 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 518212656 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 05 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 494528634 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 06 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 443545063 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 07 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 496348213 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 08 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 423529664 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 09 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 452775286 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 10 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 434997857 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 11 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 474499850 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 12 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 522511167 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 13 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 477342884 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 14 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 441882623 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 15 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 441141580 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 16 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 471501346 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 17 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 385456222 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 18 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 505004095 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 19 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 457171743 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 20 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 474551977 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 21 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 410688629 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 22 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 420606908 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 23 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 413942425 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 24 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 378038127 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 25 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 456562330 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 26 END (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 461582538 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - BD-BOX CM01 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 6096933 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - BD-BOX CM02 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 14371729 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - BD-BOX CM03 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 6020199 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - BD-BOX CM04 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 13854030 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - BD-BOX Notice (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 69283755 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - DVD-BOX CM01 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 6272812 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - DVD-BOX CM02 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 6248134 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - DVD-BOX CM03 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 146242813 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - NCED (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 42356100 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - NCOP (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 43014294 16-11-2023 

              Area 38 - Dominion Tank Police              

Dominion Tank Police 1.ogm 252906986 24-02-2024 
Dominion Tank Police 2.ogm 260576083 24-02-2024 
Dominion Tank Police 3.ogm 260436472 24-02-2024 
Dominion Tank Police 4.ogm 268617791 24-02-2024 

           Area 46 - Gundam 0083 - Upscaled VCD           

Gundam_0083_Stardust_Memories_Pt1.mp4 89755077 28-04-2024 FTP Or Web Interface for LFNs...
Gundam_0083_Stardust_Memories_Pt2.mp4 199912153 28-04-2024 
Gundam_0083_Stardust_Memories_Pt3.mp4 218799027 28-04-2024 
Gundam_0083_Stardust_Memories_Pt4.mp4 191676474 28-04-2024 
Gundam_0083_Stardust_Memories_Pt5.mp4 202826791 28-04-2024 
Gundam_0083_Stardust_Memories_Pt6.mp4 196665395 28-04-2024 
Gundam_0083_Stardust_Memories_Pt7.mp4 221044458 28-04-2024 

             Area 135 - Hades Project Zeorymer            

Hades Project Zeorymer_DVDRip_Full.mkv 1134359690 06-01-2025 

               Area 19 - Heaven Wars Shurato              

FILES.BAK       3210 25-05-2024 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_09_[Arcadia].mkv 237417852 06-05-2023 Eleweb or FTP for full filenames...
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_10_[Arcadia].mkv 220870885 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_11_[Arcadia].mkv 214808537 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_12_[Arcadia].mkv 218314496 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_13_[Arcadia].mkv 218220905 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_14_[Arcadia].mkv 241890551 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_15_[Arcadia].mkv 255022847 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_16_[Arcadia].mkv 243743529 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_17_[Arcadia].mkv 223416660 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_18_[Arcadia].mkv 243454412 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_19_[Arcadia].mkv 220781780 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_20_[Arcadia].mkv 226736035 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_21_[Arcadia].mkv 273418362 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_22_[Arcadia].mkv 239378600 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_23_[Arcadia].mkv 253721185 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_24_[Arcadia].mkv 249344869 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_25_[Arcadia].mkv 357982893 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_26_[Arcadia].mkv 231993522 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_27_[Arcadia].mkv 194593237 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_28_[Arcadia].mkv 227326517 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_29_[Arcadia].mkv 223354135 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_30_[Arcadia].mkv 210065101 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_31_[Arcadia].mkv 197581223 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_32_[Arcadia].mkv 192365063 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_33_[Arcadia].mkv 200312365 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_34_[Arcadia].mkv 222806147 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_35_[Arcadia].mkv 211198312 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_36_[Arcadia].mkv 225717385 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_37_[Arcadia].mkv 217281378 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_38_[Arcadia].mkv 187959146 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_OVA_-_1_[Arcadia].srt   14192 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_OVA_-_2_[Arcadia].srt   12685 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_OVA_-_3_[Arcadia].srt   13404 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_OVA_-_4_[Arcadia].srt   13799 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_OVA_-_5_[Arcadia].srt   16524 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_OVA_-_6_[Arcadia].srt   10906 06-05-2023 
[lilly's] Tenkuu Senki Shurato OVA - 01 (DVDRip 628x480 x264 AC3).mkv 404910622 06-05-2023 
[lilly's] Tenkuu Senki Shurato OVA - 02 (DVDRip 628x480 x264 AC3).mkv 405809462 06-05-2023 
[lilly's] Tenkuu Senki Shurato OVA - 03 (DVDRip 628x480 x264 AC3).mkv 404535074 06-05-2023 
[lilly's] Tenkuu Senki Shurato OVA - 04 (DVDRip 628x480 x264 AC3).mkv 401339331 06-05-2023 
[lilly's] Tenkuu Senki Shurato OVA - 05 (DVDRip 628x480 x264 AC3).mkv 416640469 06-05-2023 
[lilly's] Tenkuu Senki Shurato OVA - 06 (DVDRip 628x480 x264 AC3).mkv 408007812 06-05-2023 
[Onibaku]_Tenku_Senki_Shurato_-_01v2.mkv 237159342 06-05-2023 
[Onibaku]_Tenku_Senki_Shurato_-_02.mkv 217332535 06-05-2023 
[Onibaku]_Tenku_Senki_Shurato_-_03.mkv 267754174 06-05-2023 
[Onibaku]_Tenku_Senki_Shurato_-_04.mkv 234129980 06-05-2023 
[Onibaku]_Tenku_Senki_Shurato_-_05.mkv 192968177 06-05-2023 
[Onibaku]_Tenku_Senki_Shurato_-_06.mkv 200394372 06-05-2023 
[Onibaku]_Tenku_Senki_Shurato_-_07.mkv 167676662 06-05-2023 
[Onibaku]_Tenku_Senki_Shurato_-_08.mkv 186580889 06-05-2023 

                     Area 41 - Macross                    

SDF Macross - 01 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 626660867 14-03-2024 EleWeb or FTP for full filenames...
SDF Macross - 02 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 559794170 14-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 03 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 634600568 14-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 04 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 464762067 14-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 05 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 580150966 16-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 06 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 575578286 16-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 07 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 576028839 16-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 08 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 528650338 16-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 09 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 547542737 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 10 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 543038233 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 11 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 590411945 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 12 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 571036458 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 13 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 585138561 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 14 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 720690766 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 15 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 485635009 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 16 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 593292697 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 17 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 776811405 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 18 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 509598891 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 19 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 502812055 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 20 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 440230022 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 21 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 399444712 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 22 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 565267104 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 23 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 513962467 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 24 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 523157977 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 25 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 532107620 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 26 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 494612149 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 27 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 642654039 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 28 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 518949601 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 29 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 463040054 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 30 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 475031743 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 31 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 503661259 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 32 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 471664884 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 33 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 545101083 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 34 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 441433845 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 35 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 521736551 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 36 END (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 486049877 17-03-2024 

          Area 134 - Mobile Suit Gundam - BD Rip          

MS Gundam Pt1 - BD 1 Ep1.mkv 560217382 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD 1 Ep10.mkv 560624727 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD 1 Ep2.mkv 562740024 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD 1 Ep3.mkv 563414800 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD 1 Ep4.mkv 560763395 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD 1 Ep5.mkv 563243868 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD 1 Ep6.mkv 561740826 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD 1 Ep7.mkv 563499322 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD 1 Ep8.mkv 560196689 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD 1 Ep9.mkv 563119911 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD2 Ep11.mkv 560429728 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD2 Ep12.mkv 561984161 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD2 Ep13.mkv 560939435 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD2 Ep14.mkv 561904828 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD2 Ep15.mkv 562166659 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD2 Ep16.mkv 561807157 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD2 Ep17.mkv 559557590 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD2 Ep18.mkv 560911242 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD2 Ep19.mkv 562129598 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD2 Ep20.mkv 561739749 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD2 Ep21.mkv 560568944 14-11-2024 

                Area 136 - Puni Puni Poemi                

Puni Puni Poemi-DVDRip_Ep01.mkv 636014167 06-01-2025 
Puni Puni Poemi-DVDRip_Ep02.mkv 628133763 06-01-2025 

                Area 16 - Soar High Isami!                

??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?01? ??????????!? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 260280425 26-09-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?02? ???????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 325544425 06-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?03? ?????????!? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 246888411 06-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?04? ???????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 223416411 06-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?05? ????????!? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 225432425 06-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?06? ?RX95???? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 362024497 06-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?07? ???????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 253544411 26-09-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?08? ?????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 234120488 06-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?09? ???????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 296712411 06-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?10? ?????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 307544474 06-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?11? ??????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 263288425 06-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?12? ????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 282904425 06-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?13? ?????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 260408411 15-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?14? ???????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 302344425 17-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?15? ??????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 271736488 17-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?16? ?????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 291416425 15-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?17? ???!???!???? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 272360474 17-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?18? ??????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 287544488 17-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?19? ????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 283432439 14-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?20? ??????!? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 266104474 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?21? ??????????DVD.avi 245841920 16-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?22? ????????[DVD].avi 269393920 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?23? ?????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 302584439 15-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?24? ??????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 328024488 14-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?25? ?????? ???!? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 274200397 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?26? ??????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 326008411 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?27? ?????????!? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 328824425 19-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?28? ?UFO?????!? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90 rev2).wmv 344680425 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?29? ??????????[DVD].avi 274499584 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?30? ??????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 372440425 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?31? ?????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 277992411 18-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?32? ?????????!? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 258168425 14-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?33? ???????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 274168425 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?34? ?????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 246344488 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?35? ?????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 250520439 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?36? ???SL???!? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 286392411 15-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?37? ???!????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 276936439 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?38? ?????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 286296425 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?39? ??????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 280680425 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?40? ???????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 260808425 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?41? ??????????!?[DVD].avi 328464384 14-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?42? ??????????[DVD].avi 326662144 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?43? ???!??????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 300936425 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?44? ?????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 331256488 17-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?45? ???!?????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 268648425 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?46? ????????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 296808425 19-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?47? ??????? ????!?? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 235768439 19-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?48? ???????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 303448411 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?49? ????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 283592425 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?50? ??????? ???!? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 298600362 19-10-2023 
IsamiEp01.mkv 473771626 14-10-2024 
IsamiEp02.mkv 475531533 14-10-2024 
IsamiEp03.mkv 476052244 14-10-2024 
IsamiEp04.mkv 463274766 14-10-2024 
IsamiEp05.mkv 463787202 14-10-2024 
IsamiEp06.mkv 464753371 14-10-2024 
IsamiEp07.mkv 464284289 14-10-2024 
IsamiEp08.mkv 463655901 14-10-2024 
IsamiEp09.mkv 464689793 14-10-2024 

         Area 20 - Yawara! A Fashionable Judo Girl        

[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_42_[599A6D25].avi 147406848 06-05-2023 I'd suggest FTP or EleWEB for downloading
[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_43_[F7F88212].avi 184193024 06-05-2023 
[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_44_v2_[F8A697ED].avi 184330240 06-05-2023 
[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_45_[924BF918].avi 183529472 06-05-2023 
[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_46_[C173F172].avi 184416256 06-05-2023 
[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_47_[58B39AE7].avi 184211456 06-05-2023 
[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_48_[1CBC41B8].avi 183519232 06-05-2023 
[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_49_[728C7723].avi 183957504 06-05-2023 
[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_50_[119169C4].avi 184299520 06-05-2023 
[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_51_[9F43FCAB].avi 183883776 06-05-2023 
[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_52_[1A130FAB].avi 183289840 06-05-2023 
[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_53_[61E6890E].avi 183736320 06-05-2023 
[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_54_&_55_[RECAP_EPS]_[6014933C].avi 368031744 06-05-2023 
[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_56_[8DE6BAAD].avi 184113152 06-05-2023 
[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_57_[57997CC2].avi 183953408 06-05-2023 
[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_58_[48B26B81].avi 183904256 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_100_[DVD][875BA668].mkv 184806135 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_101_[DVD][07D74927].mkv 183752853 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_102_[DVD][9D0B5B79].mkv 183676458 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_103_[DVD][8A21E64B].mkv 183917012 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_104_[DVD][859E9D9F].mkv 183649417 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_105_[DVD][11393FA4].mkv 183542411 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_106_[DVD][EAE20517].mkv 184022111 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_107_[DVD][60522713].mkv 184040859 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_108_[DVD][D249F853].mkv 183740249 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_109_[DVD][F347842A].mkv 183664287 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_110_[DVD][734DC156].mkv 183733856 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_111_[DVD][7BC3985A].mkv 184304359 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_112_[DVD][566A0251].mkv 184486531 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_113_[DVD][22539608].mkv 183871885 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_114_[DVD][A9666936].mkv 184057174 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_115_[DVD][0A9E41B2].mkv 184290959 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_116_[DVD][80E2B017].mkv 183837382 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_117_[DVD][4A0C1BF4].mkv 184102133 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_118_[DVD][E09D6369].mkv 184179362 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_119_[DVD][CF23D58E].mkv 184104881 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_120_[DVD][BC75D03A].mkv 184028554 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_121_[DVD][F085EDE8].mkv 184065014 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_122_[DVD][D35D901A].mkv 184147159 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_123_[DVD][FCBA54DC].mkv 210390187 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_124_[DVD][C21B8158].mkv 184429286 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_59_[DVD][F28A1E8F].mkv 190046883 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_60_[DVD][B4840306].mkv 183269042 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_61_[DVD][6B1A9801].mkv 183225199 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_62_[DVD][3D28BFE0].mkv 183248454 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_63_[DVD][2AD59410].mkv 190046512 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_64_[DVD][98A38BC4].mkv 190000176 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_65_[DVD][3476C366].mkv 183305356 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_66_[DVD][D23B838B].mkv 183273897 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_67_[DVD][5375114E].mkv 183300797 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_68_[DVD][F0D5F26B].mkv 183243904 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_69_[DVD][13359A91].mkv 183285799 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_70_[DVD][B78CEE03].mkv 183231800 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_71_[DVD][D522A209].mkv 183326982 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_72_[DVD][D2E5DA21].mkv 183166226 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_73_[DVD][EE8B5F46].mkv 183214715 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_74_[DVD][DA64CA89].mkv 183317070 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_75_[DVD][59B829D5].mkv 183231979 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_76_[DVD][99AF9DF3].mkv 183186395 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_77_[DVD][81F2A99E].mkv 183229477 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_78_[DVD][A5662B8D].mkv 183261110 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_79_[DVD][C5C7959F].mkv 183366249 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_80_[DVD][889F0B98].mkv 183173200 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_81_[DVD][17A2CB09].mkv 183417125 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_82_[DVD][443074D7].mkv 195490002 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_83_[DVD][AFAB2721].mkv 183666829 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_84_[DVD][F00B83C5].mkv 183624737 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_85_[DVD][928443DE].mkv 183664471 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_86_[DVD][B4B2E815].mkv 183401657 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_87_[DVD][90C36144].mkv 183667009 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_88_[DVD][8D25B20C].mkv 183619610 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_89_[DVD][45149101].mkv 183735403 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_90_[DVD][8031516A].mkv 183642485 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_91_[DVD][495EB318].mkv 183668076 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_92_[DVD][E4FBB5BA].mkv 183677580 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_93_[DVD][67F8B887].mkv 183772792 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_94_[DVD][1EF388F4].mkv 183664755 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_95_[DVD][4910574C].mkv 183679387 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_96_[DVD][C651DF65].mkv 183578125 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_97_[DVD][0F2946D8].mkv 183641902 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_98_[DVD][BE8B7E42].mkv 185205906 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_99_[DVD][312B0699].mkv 185127153 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_Atlanta_Special_[LD][F5C53F13].mkv 751763471 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_Extra_[DVD][BA27028C].mkv 196825742 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 01 [282181EE].avi 198756352 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 02 [89481B2E].avi 177940480 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 03 [6FAE4382].avi 177553408 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 04 [653D6C21].avi 182087680 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 05 [567F1168].avi 180404224 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 06 [653BB648].avi 182714368 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 07 [F9A8BFD3].avi 185886720 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 08 [E9E3B4AB].avi 183519232 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 09 [E8480D4C].avi 184924160 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 10 [BA881EAE].avi 183750656 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 11 [A0D468A0].avi 182568960 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 12 [FFB9517B].avi 182583296 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 13 [44DAB17A].avi 182374400 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 14 [85E08C05].avi 184723456 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 15 [4C82C6ED].avi 182675456 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 16 [87135168].avi 186044416 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 17 [161854BE].avi 190351360 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 18 [B056D300].avi 183490560 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 19 [9A085594].avi 183654400 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 20 [B5EE3024].avi 173406208 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 21 [E6F81BCA].avi 147406848 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 22 [0B9241A2].avi 147275776 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 23 [14DEB7EC].avi 147185664 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 24 [883D6BB4].avi 147189760 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 25 [584499BA].avi 147453952 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 26 [A989AAED].avi 147593216 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 27 [5E6FC778].avi 147615744 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 28 [277284A0].avi 147243008 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 29 [4AC86ACD].avi 147337216 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 30 [684AF00F].avi 147343360 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 31 [B6C4A8F3].avi 147298304 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 32 [B07FF84C].avi 147339264 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 33 [A75602DE].avi 147302400 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 34 [DC4D948C].avi 147406848 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 35 [0B9BF43A].avi 147357696 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 36 [F65B28ED].avi 147263488 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 37 [48AA9B1E].avi 147161088 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 38 [0E816F09].avi 147339264 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 39 [C61FE7D7].avi 147349504 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 40 [A02C1382].avi 147329024 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 41 [C3171A71].avi 147271680 06-05-2023 

                 Area 133 - Hentai BD Rips                

HYPNOLOVE_BD_Ep1.mkv 255625316 12-11-2024 
HYPNOLOVE_BD_Ep2.mkv 246022053 12-11-2024 
Outlanders Subs 1986.ass   42159 23-11-2024 
Outlanders Subs 1986.srt   32951 23-11-2024 
Outlanders Subs 2  1986.ass   42857 23-11-2024 
Outlanders_OVA_[H264][ru_jp].mkv 802117883 23-11-2024 
Outlanders_OVA_[H264][ru_jp]_1440x1080.mkv 1658149556 23-11-2024 
Viper_GTS_BD.mkv 1125781355 12-11-2024 

            Area 24 - Weekly Infopack (fsxNet)            

FSXNET.ZIP    162207 06-02-2025                           
                                        ߰ ܰ߰  
                                        ۰۰ܰ ۰ net 
                                       ۰ ߲  
                                        ۰   ۰   
                                    fsxnet.txt  -- Info & App       
                                    fsxnet.xxx  -- Nodelist         
                                     fsxnet.zaa  -- Nodelist (ZIP)   
                                    history.txt -- History          
                                     systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet    
                                     fsxnet.na   -- Echo list        
                                     fsx_file.na -- File echo list   

            Area 25 - Weekly Nodelist (fsxNet)            

FSXNET.Z38     12197 06-02-2025 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet
FSXNET.Z57     12333 12-09-2024 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

               Area 23 - Micronet Infopacks               

MININFO.ZIP    27084 31-01-2025 Micronet Information Network Infopack for
                                Friday, 31 January 2025 (day 031).
                                All the information you need to join
                                Micronet, an active and friendly BBS mail
                                network.  We offer FTN and QWK-gated
                                networking.  FREQ MININFO from 1:18/200,
                                618:618/1, or visit minftn.net.

               Area 26 - Micronet Nodelists               

MICRONET.Z31    8496 31-01-2025 Micronet Information Network (zone 618)
                                nodelist for Friday, 31 January 2025
                                (day 031). FREQ MININFO from 1:18/200,
                                618:618/1, or visit minftn.net.

          Area 27 - Micronet Miscellaneous Files          

IBBS1223.ZIP 1461514 07-12-2023 = The Telnet & Dial-Up BBS Guide - 12/23 =
                                       = December 2023 Edition =       
                                Now in our 27th year of serving you!
                                The Telnet BBS Guide is maintained
                                each and every month by a BBS Sysop
                                with over 30 years experience! (and over
                                44 years of computer experience!) The
                                largest listing of just BBS systems!
                                Nearly 1000 listings! Also includes
                                US/Canada Dial-Up BBS list. NetRunner
                                Freeware Telnet Client included.
                                Maintained by The BBS Corner at:
TWITLIST.ZIP    9296 31-01-2025 Latest Twitlist

            Area 35 - League 10 Game Info Packs           

league10.zip  249019 16-11-2023 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
                                Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
                                qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
                                now with a web page banner
                                updated 6/8/23
node.zip       32409 26-11-2023 League Game Node Files

          Area 21 - League 10 complete Nodelists          

LEAGUE10.173   31458 20-06-2024 
node.zip       32409 26-11-2023 League10 Game node files

            Area 29 - Micronet League 618 Files           

ILORD300.ZIP  362016 31-12-2023 Inter-LORD 3.00 Inter-BBS Gaming for LORD 
                                Provides an easy to use Inter-BBS option for
                                NOW USES BRE HOST style routing system using
                                attaches.  Works with our without The Realm
                                of Vanadia Series of Inter-IGMs.  It has many
                                advanced features, many ANSI graphics, RIP,
                                lots of user interaction, and solid game
                                play.  Minor Upgrade Y2K Fix, and all
                                reported bugs have been fixed.
L618.ZIP       11870 14-08-2024 Micronet League 618 Information Pack
                                This file contains the following for
                                Micronet League 618: (Rev. 06-Jul-2023)
                                L618RULE.TXT    League 618 Rules
                                BRNODES.618     BRE NodeList
                                FENODES.618     FE NodeList
                                TANODES.618     TAL NodeList
                                8WAY618.ZIP     8Way Slots NodeList
                                MEGA618.ZIP     Mega Slots NodeList
                                ZOM618.ZIP      Zombie Slots NodeList
                                BJINTBBS.618    GAC BlackJack NodeList
                                FCINTBBS.618    GAC FreeCell NodeList
                                WHINTBBS.618    GAC Wahoo NodeList
                                CLANS618.ZIP    The Clans! NodeList
                                INTRL618.ZIP    InterLORD NodeList
                                SITE618.ZIP     LordNet NodeList
LNET14NA.ZIP  238415 31-12-2023      LordNet v1.4N BETA - LORD Companion
                                  Another large beta release on the way to
                                  version 1.5!  Make your LORD Game InterBBS!
                                  REQUIRES LORD 3.55+!!!  More features than
                                  any other InterBBS Game! Now with extensive
                                  documentation!  Fully RIPped, Brigades,
                                  Up to 75,000 players, 999 different zones,
                                  10+ Coordinator Options -*NOT AVAILABLE*-
                                  in any other I-BBS Game!  Full Cheat &
                                  Level Checking! Join the CROWD!
LNETKEY.ZIP     1423 31-12-2023 Lordnet v?.?? Key Generator
                                coded & disassembled by dink '96 =)
MAKEREGS.ZIP   62833 07-09-2024 Makeregs Version 1.0
                                Special Thanks to GSValore for this one....
                                This program will register all 
                                GAC_Software programs PLEASE read
                                the included README.TXT!
OXGEN.ZIP      33180 07-09-2024 Iron Ox Key Generator
                                oxgen.c - Source code
                                oxgen.exe - DOS 16-bit
                                oxgen2.exe - OS/2 32-bit
                                oxgen - Linux 64-bit
                                Compiled with source code from:
PAWN400.ZIP   491434 31-12-2023 The Pawn Shop v4.00 LORD IGM
                                ** Officially released on Sept. 05th, 2008.
                                ** By Donald Tidmore.  ** Freeware,
                                ** Includes SHOPEDIT IGM utility.
                                Visit the Shop and become its owner.  Visit
                                Weapons Shop, Armoury, ATM;  Resurrect Dead
                                Warriors, Rob Vault, Buy Mercenaries, Visit
                                Wendy.  Special privileges for Sysop User.
                                See PAWNSHOP.TXT for info. ** For DOS LORD.

          Area 30 - League-10 IBBS Games + Igm's          

8WAY132.ZIP   136669 11-09-2023 ͵    8 W A Y  S L O T S  v1.3.2   ͸
                                     Slot Machine Door Game.         
                                  Played on a 3 by 3 Grid of token   
                                  wheels, this door pays out on      
                                  vertical, horizontal and diagonal  
                                  lines. Multiple lines are also     
                                  payed out.                         
                                  Each win adds 1 more play.         
                                  Player Make Up Days                
                                  Resets at end of month.            
                                  InterBBS Capable                   
                                 FREE-WARE RELEASE ;
AB1V140.ZIP   393618 11-09-2023    >>---> ARROWBRIDGE I <---<<      
                                        Quest for the Orb           
                                Arrowbridge Online Game is an Ultima
                                style  door.   It  has active combat
                                routines, over 240000 locations  and
                                supports multinode systems.  Players
                                must  earn  experience,  explore the
                                land,  raid burial  chambers,  build
                                armies,   gather    magic   weapons,
                                complete  special  missions and much
                                much  more!   The  game  can operate
                                on  an Inter-BBS basis with features
                                including    Inter-BBS    assassins,
                                destructors  and  a  top 100  player
                                list.   Arrowbridge  can be  equally
                                enjoyed  by  playing it  on a stand-
                                alone basis. Insist on the original!
ab2-220.zip   804491 11-09-2023    >>---> ARROWBRIDGE II <---<<
                                Arrowbridge II - The Guardians  of
                                Darkness,  is  a   fully  featured
                                Inter-BBS door.  Voted one  of the
                                top  five  doors  for  1997,  ABII
                                is the sequel  to the  classic hit 
                                door Arrowbridge.
                                Players  must   earn   experience, 
                                explore the land,  raid  dungeons,
                                joust  and  duel  players,   build 
                                armies, gather magic weapons, form
                                teams,  complete  special missions 
                                and much,  much  more.  ABII  also
                                features the  capability  of  game
                                coordinators  creating  their  own
                                lands,   dungeons,   missions  and
                                hints using a map editor. Optional
                                advanced    Inter-BBS    functions
                                include assassins, duels, castles,
                                armies,  taxation,  spells,  black
                                clouds,  gold  transfer  and  much
                                more. Get Arrowbridge II and bring 
                                the users back to your BBS!
ab2code.txt      215 11-09-2023 
AB2MP117.ZIP  576413 11-09-2023 >-> ARROWBRIDGE II Map Editor <-<
                                Arrowbridge II  Map  Editor  is  a 
                                Windows application to allow users
                                to customize their  Arrowbridge II
                                games.  The editor permits editing
                                of   dungeons,  lairs,  hints  and
                                special missions.  This is a  very
                                powerful utility  for  those  that
                                are serious about Arrowbridge II.
                                Arrowbridge  II  -   bringing  the
                                users back!
AB2V212.ZIP   798520 11-09-2023    >>---> ARROWBRIDGE II <---<<
                                Arrowbridge II - The Guardians  of
                                Darkness,  is  a   fully  featured
                                Inter-BBS door.  Voted one  of the
                                top  five  doors  for  1997,  ABII
                                is the sequel  to the  classic hit 
                                door Arrowbridge.
                                Players  must   earn   experience, 
                                explore the land,  raid  dungeons,
                                joust  and  duel  players,   build 
                                armies, gather magic weapons, form
                                teams,  complete  special missions 
                                and much,  much  more.  ABII  also
                                features the  capability  of  game
                                coordinators  creating  their  own
                                lands,   dungeons,   missions  and
                                hints using a map editor. Optional
                                advanced    Inter-BBS    functions
                                include assassins, duels, castles,
                                armies,  taxation,  spells,  black
                                clouds,  gold  transfer  and  much
                                more. Get Arrowbridge II and bring 
                                the users back to your BBS!
ABR131.ZIP    428559 11-09-2023    >>---> ARROWBRIDGE I <---<<      
                                        Quest for the Orb           
                                Arrowbridge Online Game is an Ultima
                                style  door.   It  has active combat
                                routines, over 240000 locations  and
                                supports multinode systems.  Players
                                must  earn  experience,  explore the
                                land,  raid burial  chambers,  build
                                armies,   gather    magic   weapons,
                                complete  special  missions and much
                                much  more!   The  game  can operate
                                on  an Inter-BBS basis with features
                                including    Inter-BBS    assassins,
                                destructors  and  a  top 100  player
                                list.   Arrowbridge  can be  equally
                                enjoyed  by  playing it  on a stand-
                                alone basis. Insist on the original!
BARAK202.ZIP   61986 11-09-2023 -=Barak's House V2.02 : LORD IGM=-
                                In Game  Module for the door LORD.    
                                Your users can  meet Barak and his
                                crazy mother!  -=-=-  By Seth Able
                                UPDATED to remove RTE:200 Error by
                                Vagabond Software. 
BBYTRP47.ZIP  139793 11-09-2023 Booby Trap v4.7 - InterBBS Door Game by
                                Mike Jordan. Requires skill, thought &
                                luck. Find the 25 booby traps without
                                blowing yourself to bits in the field of
                                152 squares. Supports most major drop 
                                files, has Fossil detection, RIP
                                detection and works with environmental 
                                varables. No expiration date or demo key 
BLACKV10.ZIP  251750 11-09-2023 ============================================
                                       INTERBBS BLACKJACK  -  v1.0
                                FRREWARE! The LAST release from Lounge
                                Software...Enjoy folks!
                                Another great InterBBS Door Game. Now from
                                the makers of Colonies and TQFN(IBBS) comes
                                InterBBS BlackJack! Players from each BBS
                                compete to see who can become the BlackJack
                                King before anyone else and reach $1,000,000
                                first. Fully Multinode, features fossil
                                driver support, non standard IRQ's, and
                                easy InterBBS setup! Grab a copy today!
                                (C)Copyright 1997 Lounge Software
BREV988.ZIP   337672 11-09-2023 Barren Realms Elite [BRE] v0.988
                                IBBS - Attack, trade, and make 
                                political alliances throughout 
                                the world - the real world - in 
                                this completely inter-BBS capable
                                strategy war game.
CAVE14A.ZIP    91919 11-09-2023      The L.O.R.D. Cavern v1.4a LORD IGM
                                For LORD 3.25+ - Only fixes for OS/2.  13
                                different random actions, plus the ability
                                for you to make your own, called RHPs!  This
                                is the LAST PROJECTED VERSION (Again!)! 
                                SETUP installs and uninstalls in seconds!
                                Does not need a BBS dropfile and uses non-
                                standard Com ports!  FREEWARE.
cave17.zip    164955 11-09-2023 The L.O.R.D. Cavern v1.7 LORD IGM
                                ** Freeware IGM by Jason Brown.
                                ** Maintained by Donald Tidmore.
                                ** Officially released on 06/11/2005.
                                ** Official distribution on 06/11/05.
                                ** NOT for use with LORD/32 Beta.
                                Designed for LORD v3.25+, and tested
                                with v4.07 beta. v1.6 changes Summary:
                                Riddler event will not allow Skill Use
                                Points to be below zero.  Skeleton now
                                gives slightly better value in weapon
                                and armour exchanges.  The IGM supports
                                #16+ weapon/armour numbers now.  New
                                River event added.  Some penalties were
                                decreased, and some rewards increased at
                                request of beta tester Michael Everett.
                                IGM config allows sysops to set new Kids
                                per Visit adoption limit, up to 4. It
                                also now includes IGM Path entry.  Some
                                new riddles were added for Troll and the
                                Riddler.  Some new RHP codes were added,
                                and more now work in Math formulas.
                                June 2004: Mostly internal code updates.
                                New Setup program LCSETUP.EXE added.
                                New cave monster: Gryphon.
                                Sep. 2004: Added Lord News entries when
                                player gets new weapon or armour from
                                the Cavern's Skeleton.
                                * LCSETUP.EXE updated to fine-tune the
                                Configure, Install and Un-Install
                                processes in early December 2004.
                                * IGM will automatically fix any
                                negative LORD stats a player has at
                                IGM entry/exit, as of 01/19/2005.
                                * The IGM now creates 2 Usage Reports
                                in CAVE-USE.TXT disk file during the
                                IGM exit process, as of 01/21/2005.
                                * LCSETUP.EXE's main menu has option
                                for viewing the IGM Usage Reports. If
                                cave-use.txt does not exist, and the
                                Lordcave.dat file does exists, the
                                process creates a new reports file.
                                Effective on 01/23/05.
                                * IGM's STATS screen revised to display
                                Children and Adoptions Today data in
                                top part of screen, before the Skills
                                data is shown. 02/02/2005.
                                ** Added support for LCSETUP REPORT
                                command for direct access/viewing of
                                IGM's Usage Reports file. 02/06/2005.
                                ** Modified max Exp Points rewards for
                                Riddler, Troll, Lost Child and Lost
                                Warrior events to 25,000 points; 35,000
                                points; 45,000 points; and 55,000 points
                                respectively. 03/09/2005.
                                ** Added Healing for injured players to
                                "drink from River" event. ** Added 2 new
                                questions in Riddler's event.  03/09/05.
                                ** Added 2 new riddles to Troll's event
                                on 03/10/2005.
                                ** IGM will display the on-screen IGM
                                Usage Reports for ALL players, instead
                                of just the Sysop user, as of 03/11/05.
                                Freeware door game by Jason Brown;
                                Maintained by Donald Tidmore.
                                Email: Jason - jmbrown@pcisys.net, and
                                  Donald - donald.tidmore@usa.net, or
                                  gtidmore@hiwaay.net, or
CLAN95B7.ZIP  345611 11-09-2023 The Clans v0.95b7 -- *InterBBS* RPG
                                Form a clan and wander from BBS to
                                BBS doing battle with other clans
                                and creatures!  The most unique and
                                *addictive* new RPG/wargame to come
                                out in a long time.
                                ** Now freeware! **
COL210.ZIP     65445 11-09-2023 CASTLE OF LORD v2.10 IGM for LORD
                                The long awaited update of the great
                                IGM! All known bugs were fixed, comm
                                drivers were updated, etc.
                                Archonware BBS : (540)341-1865
col220.zip     65550 11-09-2023 Castle of L.O.R.D. v2.20 LORD IGM
                                The long awaited update of the great
                                IGM!  All known bugs were fixed, comm
                                drivers were updated, etc. By Trevor
                                Herndon.  RTE200 Patch update version
                                prepared by Donald Tidmore for Trevor.
FBB202.zip    613417 11-09-2023  Franchise Basketball v2.02
                                      -=Basketball Door/LAN Simulator=-      
                                 One of the best BBS doors available.  Users 
                                  Manage their own professional Basketball   
                                  Franchise vs other users.  Features:       
                                     Full InterBBS Support                  
                                     In Game Module Support                 
                                     Compatible with all major BBS software 
                                     Non-Standard COM ports and IRQ's       
                                  The game features trading with other teams,
                                   signing free agents, buying front office  
                                 items like stadiums and merchandise, setting
                                   ticket prices, training players and much  
                                    much more!  Do you have what it takes?   
fbbcca10.zip  129141 11-09-2023  The Computer  Coaching Assistant v1.00
                                  a utility for Franchise Basketball   
                                The CCA is a utility that actively plays the
                                computer teams in FBB.  It will buy all items
                                change ticket prices, sign free agents,
                                and reject trades, and much more.  Simple to
                                install, but vital to own.  Freeware with
                                registration of Franchise Basketball.
                                by Scott Snella
FE102.ZIP     280637 11-09-2023    -=Falcon's Eye (FE) v1.02=-
                                InterBBS Capable Fantasy War Game
                                     From the Makers Of BRE
                                Redesigned from previous versions
FEV106.ZIP    294748 11-09-2023 Falcon's Eye v1.06 
                                Set in a medeival world, Falcon's Eye is the 
                                ultimate in mythical strategy war-gaming. 
                                Players compete to maintain control of the 
                                Falcon's Eye, giving them advantages whether 
                                competing locally or in an inter-BBS league.
FIRES101.ZIP  160906 11-09-2023 Fireside Chat 1.01 (tm) IGM by G.A.C. 
                                Computer Services.  MULTINODE REALTIME user 
                                chat by the fireside.  Allows users to chat
                                with each other EVEN IF THEY ARE IN DIFFERENT
                                LORD GAMES!  Support for all BBSs and comm 
                                routines LORD supports, original ANSI art, 
                                RIP, chat actions.  NO MODIFICATIONS, just
                                multi-lord game chat!  Players can page
                                another player in ANY lord game from the
                                fireside.  Works with Major BBS Correctly!
flpfop11.zip  146338 11-09-2023 Flip Flop 1.1 - Door Game by Mike Jordan
                                Requires skill and thought to beat the
                                computer. Similar to Othello, but with some
                                differences... change the computers color
                                pieces to your's by landing next to them.
                                Watch out, the computer is a pretty smart
                                player. Supports most major drop files,
                                environmental variables for multi-node and is
                                fossil and RIP aware. InterBBS Playable.
                                No expiration date or demo key required.
flpfop51.zip  142982 11-09-2023 Flip Flop v.51beta - Door Game by Mike Jordan
                                       -- Wide Beta Release --
                                Requires skill and thought to beat the
                                computer. Similar to Othello, but with some
                                differences... change the computers color
                                pieces to your's by landing next to them.
                                Watch out, the computer is a pretty smart
                                player. Supports most major drop files,
                                environmental variables for multi-node and is
                                fossil and RIP aware. InterBBS Playable.
                                No expiration date or demo key required.
FMM104A.ZIP   119864 11-09-2023 ķ
                                 Fat Man's Misery! ver 1.04a - IGM for LORD
                                 Seth A. Robinson says, "Wow! I like it!!  
                                 I approve of it. It actually has some new 
                                 and interesting things! Nice new formats."
                                 The game is based on the premise that a   
                                 player who is too fat with gold and gems, 
                                 must drop some before exiting through a   
                                 small slit in the mountain.  Game editor, 
                                 Multiple heathens in a fight, ability to  
                                 use skills, hidden choices, a contest,    
                                 2 games and many more challenging choices.
                                 Written in Turbo Pascal 7.0 using DDPLUS. 
                                       (c) 1996 by John A. Tucker          
gacbj230.zip  331083 11-09-2023 Tournament Blackjack TM (TBJ) Version 2.30!!
                                by GAC\Vagabond Software. NEW! Includes
                                both DOS 16 and WIN95/NT versions!
                                This is a MULTINODE, INTER-BBS blackjack game
                                with NEW! ANSI CARDS for the user and dealer. 
                                TBJ will allow users on a BBS to participate 
                                in a blackjack game as if they were sitting 
                                at a real table, chatting is even available! 
                                Inter-BBS play allows users to send messages,
                                and view all scores. Easy IBBS operation.
                                Postcardware via Vagabond Software!
GACFC130.ZIP  310524 11-09-2023 Tournament FreeCell (tm) (TFC) Version 1.30!
                                by GAC\Vagabond Software. NEW! Includes
                                both DOS 16 and WIN95/NT versions!
                                This is a MULTINODE, INTER-BBS FreeCell game
                                that will work on all BBS systems.  FreeCell
                                is an addictive solitare card game.  Users
                                will compete for the best score (based on 
                                percent of wins and total games played).
                                Inter-BBS play allows users to send messages,
                                and view all scores. Easy IBBS operation. 
                                Now Postcard Wear via Vagabond Software!
gacwh130.zip  300092 11-09-2023 Tournament WaHoo (tm) (TWH) Version 1.30!
                                by Gac/Vagabond Software. NEW! Includes
                                both DOS 16 and WIN95/NT versions!
                                This is a MULTINODE, INTER-BBS WaHoo Board 
                                game that will work on all BBS systems.  Wa-
                                Hoo is a simple game that mixes skill and 
                                chance.  Attempt to move your marbles home
                                before the other opponents win or catch you.
                                Inter-BBS play allows users to send messages,
                                and view all scores. Easy IBBS operation. 
                                PostCardWare Via Vagabond Software!
GRAVE330.ZIP   70643 11-09-2023 The GraveYard v3.3  LORD IGM
                                 Fixed FILE LOCKING! now WORKS
                                 Multi-Node!  Multi-line systems
                                 GET THIS FILE!
                                Written By Tommy Baker, Dig up
                                graves and steal their treasures or
                                travel to a shop, collect items on
                                the way there, and trade for rewards. 
HTDICE22.ZIP  131867 11-09-2023 Hot-Dice v2.2 - InterBBS Door Game by Mike
                                Roll the dice and pick the numbers from a 
                                3x3 grid that equals the roll of the dice.
                                Try to get all the numbers before you run 
                                out of numbers to choose from. No Demo Key or
                                Expiration Date. RIP detection, is DV and
                                fossil aware. Supports environmental
                                variables for multi-node operation.
ILORD210.ZIP  372971 11-09-2023 Inter-LORD 2.10 Inter-BBS Gaming for LORD 
                                Provides an easy to use Inter-BBS option for
                                NOW USES BRE HOST style routing system using
                                attaches.  Works with our without The Realm
                                of Vanadia Series of Inter-IGMs.  It has many
                                advanced features, many ANSI graphics, RIP, 
                                lots of user interaction, and solid game
                                play.  Minor Upgrade Y2K Fix, and all
                                reported bugs have been fixed.  
ILORD300.ZIP  362204 11-09-2023 Inter-LORD 3.00 Inter-BBS Gaming for LORD 
                                Provides an easy to use Inter-BBS option for
                                NOW USES BRE HOST style routing system using
                                attaches.  Works with our without The Realm
                                of Vanadia Series of Inter-IGMs.  It has many
                                advanced features, many ANSI graphics, RIP, 
                                lots of user interaction, and solid game
                                play.  Minor Upgrade Y2K Fix, and all
                                reported bugs have been fixed.  
INDEX.HTM      46403 19-01-2025 
ironox10.zip  234359 11-09-2023 Iron Ox v. 1.00 -- Great strategy door!
                                Scheme to become the richest colonist on 
                                an alien world.  Nine player races that
                                can claim land, steal, sabotage, spy and 
                                trade.  Multinode and DV-aware with support 
                                for FOSSIL, many dropfiles, and "smart 
                                secure mode."  Up to 255 concurrent games 
                                with game-by-game and monthly scoring; 
                                sysop-configurable daily, weekly, and 
                                monthly time prizes for the leader.  Fun 
                                for your users; fast, easy installation 
                                and zero-effort maintenance for you.  
                                Don't miss it!
isa0994a.zip  398160 11-09-2023 -> InterStellar Annihilation v0.994a <-
                                   The long-awaited release is here!
                                This  classic  multi-bbs   online   game
                                features Multi-BBS Attack, send messages
                                and  work with  people  from other BBS's
                                when  coupled  with  a  Fido  compatable
                                mailer.  This online  game  will provide
                                your users  with a unique opportunity to
                                play online games  with more people than
                                just  your BBS!  Supports  all the  most 
                                popular BBS  packages including DOOR32,
                                WildCat, GAP,  PCBoard,  WWIV,  TriBBS,
                                and more!  Now FOSSIL and Telnet aware,
                                and supports IGMs.  From TayNik Software
                                  Copyright (c)1996-2003 Andy Stewart
JEWEL29.ZIP   155018 11-09-2023 Jewel Thief v2.9 - InterBBS Door Game by
                                Mike Jordan. Jewel Thief is a multi-level,
                                action game, that requires concentration, 
                                courage, fast reflects and good hand eye 
                                coordination to be able to steal all the 
                                Jewels in each room...Without getting Zapped
                                by the very protective guards. No expiration 
                                date or Demo Key required. Supports RIP and 
                                DigiFossil, locked DTE, & most Drop Files.
                                An InterBBS playable Door.
KDOM-223.ZIP  572609 11-09-2023 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                              KINGDOMS v2.23
                                              May 10th, 1998
                                  Better and Better! Once more Kingdoms
                                 sets the pace for InterBBS games. Don't
                                  waste time with other Doors that only
                                  have InterBBS facilities as an add-on!
                                   Get the Real Thing. Get Kingdoms.
                                  Completely integrated and Menu driven
                                 Game and InterBBS feature configuration.
                                 Game Play that users all over the world
                                 are raving about. C'mon. You WANT this!
                                Kingdoms (c) 93-98 Dave Chapman. Shareware
knghtsmv.zip  117400 11-09-2023 Knight's Move - v1.6 Door Game by Mike Jordan
                                requiring skill and thought. Move the chess 
                                Knight around the board trying to land on 
                                each square only once.  Supports most major
                                drop files. Supports environmental variables
                                for multi-node operation. Has fossil and RIP
                                detection and works with Digifossil. 
                                No expiration date or demo key required.
KNTSMV20.ZIP  127583 11-09-2023 Knight's Move - v2.0 Door Game by Mike Jordan
                                requiring skill and thought. Move the chess 
                                Knight around the board trying to land on 
                                each square only once.  Supports most major
                                drop files, environmental variables for
                                multi-node and is fossil and RIP aware.
                                Now InterBBS Playable.
                                No expiration date or demo key required.
ldtrx115.zip   81637 11-09-2023 LORD TRX!  Version 1.15.  Socrates'
                                Shop IGM.  A SocraSoft In Game Module
                                for use with Seth Able Robinson's
                                immensely popular "Legend of the Red
                                Dragon" versions 3.25+.  New features!
                                Bug fixes!  Shareware $5.
ldyluk22.zip  135613 11-09-2023 Lady Luck 2.2 - Door Game by Mike Jordan.
                                Has the thrill of Craps, the excitment of 
                                Roulete and the anticipation of a Slots. 
                                Bet on the roll of 3 dice to try and 
                                make a bundle. But beware, the House
                                _DOES_ have the advantage. Supports RIP and
                                DigiFossil.  No Demo Key or Expiration date.
LIFE119D.ZIP  284175 11-09-2023              -=Lord Life V1.18 and up=-     
                                        A LORD IGM created at The Arctic Era
                                BBS at (604) 852-1447 by Trevor Kooy. NEW 
                                RELEASE FIXES some problems with file sharing
                                great new config!  Adds a whole new dimension
                                to your game.  You can chat at Trisnics 
                                tavern, joust with your horse, kill a lord 
                                enemy for good, gamble your money, more!
LINEUP10.ZIP  181159 03-12-2023 Line Up .50 - Door Game by Mike Jordan
                                Move the squares around the 9 x 9 board
                                to try and line up 5 or more of the same
                                color so they will be removed before the
                                fills up.  New squares added each turn and
                                more colors as the game progresses.
                                Supports most major drop files, environmental
                                variables for multi-node and is fossil and 
                                RIP aware. InterBBS Playable.
                                No expiration date or demo key required.
lineup33.zip  187280 11-09-2023 Line Up .33 - Door Game by Mike Jordan
                                Move the squares around the 9 x 9 board
                                to try and line up 5 or more of the same
                                color so they will be removed before the
                                fills up.  New squares added each turn and
                                more colors as the game progresses.
                                Supports most major drop files, environmental
                                variables for multi-node and is fossil and 
                                RIP aware. InterBBS Playable.
                                No expiration date or demo key required.
LNET12L.ZIP   342135 11-09-2023        LordNet v1.2L - LORD Companion
                                  The International Inter-BBS hit comes out
                                  of BETA after more than a year in testing!
                                  Make your LORD Game InterBBS! REQUIRES
                                  LORD 3.55+!!!  More features than any other
                                  InterBBS Game! Now with extensive
                                  documentation!  Fully RIPped, Brigades,
                                  Up to 75,000 players, 999 different zones,
                                  10+ Coordinator Options -*NOT AVAILABLE*-
                                  in any other I-BBS Game!  Full Cheat &
                                  Level Checking! Join the CROWD!
LNET14D.ZIP   249874 11-09-2023      LordNet v1.4D BETA - LORD Companion
                                  The second large beta release on the way to
                                  version 1.5!  Make your LORD Game InterBBS!
                                  REQUIRES LORD 3.55+!!!  More features than 
                                  any other InterBBS Game! Now with extensive
                                  documentation!  Fully RIPped, Brigades,
                                  Up to 75,000 players, 999 different zones,
                                  10+ Coordinator Options -*NOT AVAILABLE*-
                                  in any other I-BBS Game!  Full Cheat &
                                  Level Checking! Join the CROWD!
LNET14N.ZIP   238695 11-09-2023      LordNet v1.4N BETA - LORD Companion
                                  Another large beta release on the way to
                                  version 1.5!  Make your LORD Game InterBBS!
                                  REQUIRES LORD 3.55+!!!  More features than 
                                  any other InterBBS Game! Now with extensive
                                  documentation!  Fully RIPped, Brigades,
                                  Up to 75,000 players, 999 different zones,
                                  10+ Coordinator Options -*NOT AVAILABLE*-
                                  in any other I-BBS Game!  Full Cheat &
                                  Level Checking! Join the CROWD!
lnet200.zip   357213 11-09-2023      LordNet v2.0 BETA - LORD Companion
                                  Make your LORD Game InterBBS! 
                                  REQUIRES LORD 3.55+!!!  More features than 
                                  any other InterBBS Game! Now with extensive
                                  documentation!  Fully RIPped, Brigades,
                                  Up to 75,000 players, 999 different zones,
                                  10+ Coordinator Options -*NOT AVAILABLE*-
                                  in any other I-BBS Game!  Full Cheat &
                                  Level Checking! Join the CROWD!
                                  setup for league 10 use only (setup to run
                                  over the 200 mhz computer)
LNETKEY.ZIP     1423 11-09-2023 Lordnet v?.?? Key Generator
                                coded & disassembled by dink '96 =)
lord407.zip   440693 11-09-2023 -= Legend Of The Red Dragon 4.07 =-
                                 From the ashes, the Dragon rides
                                 again! Major release featuring
                                 low cpu usage, cosmetic speed
                                 improvements, edit most everything!
LORE_250.ZIP  698454 11-09-2023 Ķ LORE  Version 2.50 
                                An on-line game of fantasy role-playing!
                                Features  a  full-screen  ANSI  graphics
                                interface, with a detailed and colourful
                                moving  map  system.    Over  1  million
                                locations to move to! Visit 50+ cities &
                                talk with the inhabitants interactively,
                                or go underground in search of treasure!
                                Hundreds  of  monsters  to  fight!  Full
                                Inter-BBS support,  real-time  multinode
                                interaction,  build and defend your  own
                                fully-featured  bases,   hire  computer-
                                controlled allies,  and much more.  Very
                                easy  to  install  and configure,even if
                                you've never installed a door before!
                                Ķ Released April 25, 1998 
MAKEREGS.ZIP   62833 11-09-2023 Makeregs Version 1.0
                                Special Thanks to GSValore for this one....
                                This program will register all 
                                GAC_Software programs PLEASE read
                                the included README.TXT!
MEGA140.ZIP   165851 11-09-2023 ͵   M E G A  S L O T S   v1.4.0   ͸
                                      An Online Slot Machine.        
                                    Runs on Most BBS Software.       
                                    Each win adds 1 more play.       
                                    Resets at end of month.          
                                    Player Make Up Days              
                                    InterBBS Capable                 
                                 FREE-WARE RELEASE ;
MEGA141.ZIP   167075 11-09-2023 ͵   M E G A  S L O T S   v1.4.1   ͸
                                      An Online Slot Machine.        
                                    Runs on Most BBS Software.       
                                    Each win adds 1 more play.       
                                    Resets at end of month.          
                                    Player Make Up Days              
                                    InterBBS Capable                 
                                 FREE-WARE RELEASE ;
Mega150.zip   196521 11-09-2023 ͵   M E G A  S L O T S   v1.5.0   ͸
                                      An Online Slot Machine.        
                                    Runs on Most BBS Software.       
                                    Each win adds 1 more play.       
                                    Resets at end of month.          
                                    Bank Loans.                      
                                    Current Game Stats.              
                                    Random Player Mugging.           
                                    Random Return of Mugged Amount.  
                                    Player Make Up Days.             
                                    InterBBS Capable.                
                                 FREE-WARE RELEASE ;
Mega151.zip   149141 11-09-2023 ͵   M E G A  S L O T S   v1.5.1   ͸
                                      An Online Slot Machine.        
                                    Runs on Most BBS Software.       
                                    Each win adds 1 more play.       
                                    Resets at end of month.          
                                    Bank Loans.                      
                                    Current Game Stats.              
                                    Random Player Mugging.           
                                    Random Return of Mugged Amount.  
                                    Player Make Up Days.             
                                    InterBBS Capable.                
                                 FREE-WARE RELEASE ;
Mega160.zip   184582 11-09-2023 ͵   M E G A  S L O T S   v1.6.0   ͸
                                      An Online Slot Machine.        
                                    Runs on Most BBS Software.       
                                    Each win adds 1 more play.       
                                    Resets at end of month.          
                                    Bank Loans.                      
                                    Current Game Stats.              
                                    Random Player Mugging.           
                                    Random Return of Mugged Amount.  
                                    Player Make Up Days.             
                                    InterBBS Capable.                
                                    Robotic Players                  
                                 FREE-WARE RELEASE ;
NPCLOR28.ZIP   85399 11-09-2023 -= NPCLord v2.8! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+ =-       
                                   NPCs can now do EVERYTHING that  
                                   Humans can do!  EVERYTHING!
                                   AI Mail, up to 150 NPCs, NPCLord
                                   is 100% configurable!  By SOS!
OLMAN21.ZIP    33134 11-09-2023 Old   Man   IGM  2.1:  for   LORD   3.26+
                                   An    animated   test of archery,  and
                                fair  prizes,   unlike   some other  IGMs
                                Fixes   kids,  re-entry,  and  some  menu
                                Has  been  downloaded  over  1,000  times
                                off of SAR's The Darkside!
olman22.zip    34276 11-09-2023 Old Man v2.20 LORD IGM
                                -- RTE200 patch update
                                Old Man for LORD v3.26+.
                                An animated test of archery, and
                                fair prizes, unlike some other IGMs.
                                Fixes kids, re-entry, and some menu
OXV310.ZIP    688213 11-09-2023 Iron Ox 3.10 -- A New Universe!
                                Enjoy beautiful RIP art, land
                                developments like forts and refineries,
                                programmable drones that fight and work
                                the land in real time, and much more.
                                Now with three new drone classes,
                                factories, and remote IBBS reset.
                                Don't miss this game!
OXV3WB3.ARJ   588650 11-09-2023 Iron Ox 3.00wb3 -- A New Universe!
                                A major new release of the Iron Ox
                                strategy door, now featuring full
                                support for interBBS league play!  This
                                door also features full RIP graphics
                                support (optional local graphics),
                                REAL-TIME multinode combat, beautiful
                                RIP art by RogueMoonRips, land
                                developments like forts and refineries,
                                and much more.  Don't miss this game!
PAWN400.ZIP   491430 11-09-2023 The Pawn Shop v4.00 LORD IGM
                                ** Officially released on Sept. 05th, 2008.
                                ** By Donald Tidmore.  ** Freeware,
                                ** Includes SHOPEDIT IGM utility.
                                Visit the Shop and become its owner.  Visit
                                Weapons Shop, Armoury, ATM;  Resurrect Dead
                                Warriors, Rob Vault, Buy Mercenaries, Visit
                                Wendy.  Special privileges for Sysop User.
                                See PAWNSHOP.TXT for info. ** For DOS LORD.
POKER22.ZIP   131189 11-09-2023 Poker Bandit v2.2 - Door Game. Poker
                                in a Slot Machine. Pull the Handle and
                                watch the 5 cards spin. Your payoff is
                                decided by the "Hand" that comes up. Has
                                RIP and Fossil detection. Works with
                                non-standard addressing. Uses environmental
                                variables for single *.cfg file in multi-
                                node operation. Internal Setup. InterBBS
                                Playable. No expiration date or Demo Key 
SLOTTO10.ZIP   87066 11-09-2023      Seth's Lotto - LORD IGM
                                 Another IGM by Joseph Masters
                                 with full source code. Minimal
                                 game impact. 2sec Install.
STABLE15.ZIP  126317 11-09-2023  LORD Stables IGM Ver 1.5 for LORD 3.53+
                                 An IGM for LORD that let's players buy 
                                 and sell horses!  Sounds kinda' dumb, 
                                 but useful for SysOps that like to keep 
                                 cheating to a minimum by running few or 
                                 no IGMs.  I think I did a good job 
                                 'cause I'm one of those SysOps!  Lot's 
                                 of bug fixes from previous releases!  
                                 Much better now!
                                 Written by: Jason Parish
TALV103.ZIP   248444 11-09-2023 The Arcadian Legends [TAL] v1.03 IBBS
                                The count has selected you  to succeed him in
                                leading your county into history!  Accept the
                                challenge  and race  against  your opponents,
                                building  a  powerful  economy,   an  awesome
                                military,  and a realm worthy of recognition,
                                in this inter-BBS strategy game.   Originally
                                by Mehul Patel.  Registration $15.00US 
TBINGO36.ZIP  141321 11-09-2023 Tri-Bingo v3.6 - Door Game by Mike Jordan.
                                The best Bingo Door Game available. Many 
                                features, play up to 3 cards at a time and
                                choose from several types of Bingo games.
                                Several "Special" games that allow bonus
                                payoffs.  No expiration date or Demo Key
                                required. Supports RIP and DigiFossil.
                                This is an InterBBS Playable Door.
V0REA200.ZIP  177967 11-09-2023 Vanadia's Arena of Warriors 2.00 (tm) IGM
                                The first IGM in the Realm of Vanadia Series
                                of Inter-IGMs. MULTINODE REALTIME user
                                battles and chat in the Inter-IGM arena,
                                support for all BBSs and comm routines LORD
                                supports, original ANSI art, RIP, hundreds of
                                NPCs and chat actions. Will launch the other
                                5 IGMs in the series and Inter-LORD if
                                present. Now POSTCARDWARE
V1BAN200.ZIP  273172 11-09-2023 Banda's Boardinghouse of Vanadia(tm) 2.00 IGM
                                Users may explore the large Boardinghouse,
                                play some
                                great ANSI poker, bet on the cock fights,
                                write on the wall, explore upstairs, meet a
                                date, dance, battle, or visit the Gypsy
                                Trailer where they may curse other users,
                                learn their fate, and spy. Has RIP Support,
                                archives for the artwork, supports CLEAN mode
                                and works correctly with Major BBS!
V2GYP200.ZIP  269698 11-09-2023 The Gypsy Camp of Vanadia TM 2.00 Inter-IGM
                                Users may visit with the gypies, receive
                                explore vast caves, meet a powerful
                                sorceress, navigate a river, try knife
                                throwing, find the snake den, buy and sell
                                items found in the caverns, store gold and
                                gems in the caverns and MUCH MORE!  RIP
                                support and Part of The Realm of Vanadia
                                Series of IGMs! PostcardWare
V3FOR200.ZIP  288098 11-09-2023 The Haunted Forests of Vanadia TM 2.00 IGM
                                The Haunted Forest is a vast maze for users to
                                There are many new monsters, and they can
                                even create their own to inhabit the forest.
                                They can find fairies in a cave (if they are
                                lucky), meet the hermit, learn spells and go
                                on quests for the emchantress. There are
                                many secrets to be discovered and lots to do.
                                ANSI & RIP support. PostcardWare
V4DIS200.ZIP  209303 11-09-2023 Shepley's Distractions of Vanadia TM 20
                                Inter-IGM Will run independently or with The
                                Realm of Vanadia series of Inter-IGMs.
                                Shepley is an odd little man, but he enjoys
                                playing games. Pay a gem and get to play
                                a few of his 15 games. Games of all types;
                                Card Games, Number Games, Animations, and
                                Word Games. Most of them have never been
                                seen before! An excellent distraction from
                                your typical LORD day! PostcardWare
V5MED200.ZIP  193612 11-09-2023 The Medieval Tournament of Vanadia TM 2.00
                                LORD IGM Eightunique and addictive ANSI
                                Games provide the basis for the tournament.
                                Become the best in your realm and receive a
                                for the day! Your users have never seen an
                                IGM like this before! This IGM is excellent
                                for Inter-LORD, and has support that will
                                allow blind callers using voice terminals to
                                play all the games!! PostcardWare
video25.zip   136241 11-09-2023 Video Bandit v2.5 - InterBBS Door Game.
                                A video poker style game. Pull the
                                handle to bring up your 5 cards then 
                                select the cards to Hold or Discard and
                                spin again. Payoff is based on the "Hand"
                                that comes up. VB has RIP and Fossil 
                                detection. Accepts non-standard addressing
                                Will uses environmental variables in 
                                Multi-Node operation. No expiration date 
                                or Demo Key required.
XENON20.ZIP   131577 11-09-2023 Xenon's Town Square v2.0 - LORD IGM, was
                                written to provide  users with  a  place
                                to  store GOLD, GEMS, CHILDREN and their
                                HORSE. To those of you familiar with the
                                IGMs that  allow  players to steal  from
                                other players, this IGM can  be helpful.
                                Xenon's   Town  Square  was  written  in
                                QuickBasic 4.5 using QWKIGM  programming
                                library for IGMs, (c) Ballistic Labs.
                                           Now FREEWARE!!!
ZOMBI132.ZIP  142050 11-09-2023 ͵    Z O M B I E     S L O T S    ͸
                                         Version 1.3.2 Ibbs          
                                     The Ultimate Slot Machine.      
                                  Played on a 5 by 4 Grid of token   
                                  wheels, this door not only pays    
                                  out on horizontal lines but also   
                                  diagonally. Multiple lines are     
                                  also payed out.                    
                                  Daily Interest added to jackpot.   
                                  Each win adds 1 more play.         
                                  Player Makeup Days.                
                                  Resets at end of month.            
                                  InterBBS Capable                   
                                 FREE-WARE RELEASE ;
ZOMBI133.ZIP  201031 11-09-2023 ͵    Z O M B I E     S L O T S    ͸
                                         Version 1.3.2 Ibbs          
                                     The Ultimate Slot Machine.      
                                  Played on a 5 by 4 Grid of token   
                                  wheels, this door not only pays    
                                  out on horizontal lines but also   
                                  diagonally. Multiple lines are     
                                  also payed out.                    
                                  Daily Interest added to jackpot.   
                                  Each win adds 1 more play.         
                                  Player Makeup Days.                
                                  Resets at end of month.            
                                  InterBBS Capable                   
                                 FREE-WARE RELEASE ;

                Area 32 - Fidonet Nodelist                

NODELIST.Z36   43545 24-08-2024 ADM: Current Fidonet Nodelist in ZIP format
NODELIST.Z48   43452 13-01-2025 ADM: Current Fidonet Nodelist in ZIP format

               Area 31 - Micronet Node DIFFS              

MINDIFF.Z31      857 31-01-2025 Micronet Information Network (zone 618)
                                nodediff for Friday, 31 January 2025
                                (day 031). FREQ MININFO from 1:18/200,
                                618:618/1 or visit minftn.net.

              Area 33 - TQW: Weekly Infopacks             

TQWINFO.ZIP    40522 31-01-2025 [0;40;37m[7C[1;46;36m[0;36m
                                [1mܲ[46m[0m [1;36m   [46m[0m
                                [7C[1;46;36m [30m[0m[5C[1;46;36m
                                [30m[0m [1;46;36m [30m[0m [1;46;36
                                [30m[0m   [1;46;36m [30m[0m [1mnet
                                [0m [1;46;36m [30m[0m
                                [1;46;36m [30m[0m [1;46;36m [30m[0
                                [1;46;36m [30m[0m [1;46;36m [30m[0m 
                                  [36m[37m  [1;46;36m [30m[0m
                                [1;46;36m [30m[0m  [36m[1;46m [30m[0
                                [1;46;36m [30m[0m [1;30m [46;3
                                 [36m[1m[0m [1;46;30m[0m
                                [1;46;30m[0m [1;30m [46m  [0m[6C
                                 [36m[1m[0m [1;30m 
                                [0m[7C[1;30m[0m[5C[1;30m [0m[8C
                                [1;32m [0;36m[37m [1;36m [0m[32C
                                 [36m[37m   tqwnet.txt  -- Info & App
                                [1;32m   [0m  [1;32m [0m
                                [1;32m [0;36m[37m   history.txt --
                                tqwNet History  [1;32m [0m
                                [1;32m [0;36m [37m   systems.txt --
                                BBS's in tqwNet [1;32m [0m
                                [1;32m [0;36m[37m [1;32m [0m news.txt
                                   -- News from tqwNet[1;32m [0m
                                [1;32m [0m [1;32m  [0m tqwnet.xxx  --
                                [1;32m [0m [1;32m   [0mtqwnet.zxx  --
                                Nodelist (zip)   
                                [1;32m [0m    tqwnet.na   -- Message
                                [5Ctqw_file.na -- File echolist    
                                [5Ctqwnet.ans  -- tqwNet Logo[6C
                                [1;32m [0m [33C[1;32m [0m
                                [1;32m [0m [1;32m [0m[19C 

              Area 34 - TQW: Weekly Nodelists             

TQWNET.Z17      9648 31-01-2025 No Description
TQWNET.Z36      9047 30-08-2024 No Description

          Area 28 - Micronet BBS-Related Programs         

LWORDLE.ZIP  2186991 25-09-2024 
SWAIT02D.ARJ    6082 25-09-2024 
SWAIT02P.ARJ   16738 25-09-2024 
SWAIT02W.ARJ   21244 25-09-2024 

          Area 17 - FSXNet BBS Doors, Games etc.          

FHNRSRC.ZIP   800107 09-12-2023 +----------------------------+
                                |        For Honour          |
                                |           by               |
                                |       Andrew Pamment       |
                                | For Honour is a BBS door   |
                                | game similar to LORD.      |
                                |                            |
                                | Now with LUA IGM Support!  |
                                |                            |
                                | It is opensource.          |
                                |                            |
                                |  v1.91-dev         SOURCE  |
FHNRWIN.ZIP   848238 09-12-2023 +----------------------------+
                                |        For Honour          |
                                |           by               |
                                |       Andrew Pamment       |
                                | For Honour is a BBS door   |
                                | game similar to LORD.      |
                                |                            |
                                | Now with LUA IGM Support!  |
                                |                            |
                                | It is opensource.          |
                                |                            |
                                |  v1.91-dev        win32    |
gdynwin.zip   897924 27-03-2023 +----------------------------+
                                |      Galactic Dynasty      |
                                |            by              |
                                |       Andrew Pamment       |
                                | Galactic Dynasty is a BBS  |
                                | door game similar to Solar |
                                | Realms Elite.              |
                                |                            |
                                | It is interBBS capable and |
                                | opensource.                |
                                |                            |
                                |  v1.2.1-dev       WIN32    |

            Area 18 - Micronet BinkD Nodelists            

MINBINKD.Z31    1819 31-01-2025 Micronet Information Network BinkD nodelist
                                for 31 January 2025 (day 031).
MINBINKD.Z43    1841 30-08-2024 Micronet Information Network BinkD nodelist
                                for 30 August 2024 (day 243).

     Area 36 - FSX ANSI Art - Groups, Individuals etc.    

ADVENT23.ZIP   35787 27-02-2024 [0m
ADVENT24.ZIP   34961 26-12-2024 ݰ޲ݲܱް޲޲
                                ݱޱ  ߱ޱޱ
                                ݱ   ۲   ް
                                ݰ ܱ۲߲ܱ߱߰۱
                                 ܰ۲ܰ  ߰߱۲
                                 ܱ۲ܱlbs  ߱
                                ޱ۲ܰܰ۲ܰ ߱
                                ް۱ܱ  ۲   ߰
                                ߰ ܲ ݰ߰ ߰
                                   ޱ ܰ ܰ ް
                                 ܰ ް ߰ޱܱޱޱ
                                 ܱ߰߰ް   ް ߲޲ް
                                ޱ    ޲ޱ     ޱޱ
                                ޱ  ޲  ܱ ߱ ߱ 
                                     ޱ ݲ ܰ  ܱ
                                  ܱ   ޱ      ޱޱ
                                ޱ ܰ    ޱܱ ޱ  ޱ
                                       ܱޱޱܰ  |1
                                ޱ  ߱ ޱޱ ޱ   ݰ 
                                   ܱ ܱ߰       ܱ 
                                ݱ  ܱޱ  ܲ
                                  2 0 2 4   A d v e n t   C a l e n d a r
                                      ( M S - D O S   v e r s i o n )
AG4NS01.ZIP    24369 27-02-2024 aGU4RD ANSi Pack o1 - "the beginning" - 2o24
                                drawings mostly from 2o21-2023 (+2o24
AVPACK23.ZIP   24125 27-02-2024      
                                ۰۰        ۲
                                ۱۰            ۰  
                                >  <<      ܰ      ܰ   
                                ۰                ۰    
                                                      ߰    ۰
                                ۰                       ۲
                                ۰     ܰ     ߰         2023
                                ۰                          ۰
                                ۰                    ܰ
                                 ܰ۰       ۰      
                                   ۰       ۱       
                                       ۰       ް
                                  ߰a pocalyptic      
                                     visio n  s.۲۰
BADAPPLE.ZIP  376379 01-03-2024                        [MFT145                
                                \   :: ::    :: ::     ::  ::   ::    \/
                                 \                                        /\
IMPURE86.ZIP   44935 27-02-2024 ޳  ޳    ޳޳ ޳޳
                                  ޳  ޳  ޳     ޳
                                ޳\/޳    ޳޳  ޳޳
                                ޳        ޳  ޳
                                ޳      ޳޳  ޳޳
                                       ޳   ޳
                                  ޳޳޳޳   ޳޳ 
                                        ޳   ޳޳ 
                                  ޳   ޳     Impure 
                                  ޳޳޳޳ Ascii 
                                  ޳   ޳    #86 
IMPURE87.ZIP   65905 26-12-2024              ___           ___
                                            /\  \         /\  \
                                .----------/  \__\-------/\ \__\-------.
                                |:6/2/24: / / /  / :::: /  \/__/_ :::::|
                                |::::::: /\  /__/ :::: / /\ \/\__\ ::::|
                                /:::::: /  \ \  \ ::: /\/_/ /\/__/ ::::/
                                |::::: /  \ \ \__\ : /  \_\ \__\  :::::|
                                /:::: /\ \/\ \/__/  / \ /\ \/__/ ::::::/
                                |:::: \/\ \ \/__/ : \     \__\  :::::::|
                                |:::::  /\ \__\  ::: \/ \ /  / ::aNSt!:|
                                `-------\ \/__/-------\  /  /----------'
                                         \/__/         \/__/
IMPURE88.ZIP   48904 26-12-2024    \   \
                                   \\ \ >
                                  __/o\__  impure #88
                                 ->___   \___,____,____/
                                      \      \___/     \
                                       \__             /
                                 2024-    \  _  __  _  \
                                 10-06   _/ // /  \ \\  \
                                 ::::::: \_//_/   \__\\_/
LAZ18.ZIP     235395 01-03-2024 [0m        
                                ޲          ޲
                                 [30;47m [5;37;40m[0m 
                                 [30;47m [37;40m  
                                 [30;47m  [5;37;40m[0m  
                                  [30;47m  [37;40m  
                                 [30;47m   [37;40m  1 
                                [30;47m   [37;40m 
                                 [30;47m   [40m [37m  8 
                                 [1;33;47m   [0;30;47m[37;40m 
                                 [30;47m  [40m   [37m    
                                   [1;33;47m  [0;30;47m[37;40m 
                                 [30;47m[40m    [37m   
                                   [1;33;47m [0;30;47m[37;40m 
                                 [30;47m    [37;40m  
                                [1;30m [0m        
                                 [30;47m [40m   [37m    
                                [30;47mBABYLON COLT DE GAME[37;40m
                                [30;47mWAH GWAN  PRAISE JAH[37;40mSAUCE00da
                                chrome DIZ                      warpus        
                                     LAZARUS             20240208g
                                IBM VGA
LAZ19.ZIP     174514 26-12-2024 [0m    [47m[40m  [1;47
                                [0m[30;47m  [37;40m  ߲
                                  [47m[40m [47m          
                                [40m[30;47m [37;40m[30;47m [37;40m[30;47m
                                [37;40m [47m[40m
                                [47m[40m [47m [30m [37m
                                [47m[40m [47m [30m
                                [37;40m[30;47m  [37;40m[30;47
                                [37;40m[30;47m [37
                                0;47m[37;40m[30;47m [37
                                [30m[47m [37;40m[1;47m
                                [0m[30m[47m [1;37m [0m[30;47m 
                                [30;47m [37m
                                 ݲ[30;47m [37;40m  
                                [30m[37m  ܲ   
                                 ݲ[30m[37m ݲ   
                                 ݲ[30m[37m [30;47m[37;40m
                                 [34m [37m   
                                [40m[37m[47m[40m[30;47m [1;37m
                                 [30;47m [37;40m[30;47m
                                [40m[37m[47m[1m   [0;30;47m
                                [37;40m[30;47m   [37;40m 
MIST0223.ZIP 7290648 27-03-2024 [0m         'ss.
                                  | . . .,8888 :. . d888b.. .  . d88888:.|
                                  |. . . 8888Y : . d88888Y:  . ,888Y8888 :
                                  | . . d888P /   d888888'/ . ,88P'd888Y :
                                  |. . ;8888'/  ,8888888Y:   ,88"  d8888/
                                  | . ,8888Y:  ,88"d888P /  ,8P',';8888':
                                  |. .8888Y / ,88';8888 /  d8' /,8888Y /
                                  | .d888Y / ,8P ,8888'/  dP ,' 8888P /  :
                                  |.d8888'/ d8' /d888Y: ,8" /  d888Y /   |
                                  |;8888'/ dP','d888Y /,8','  ;8888'/ ,d')
                                  ,8888Y: dP / ,8888'/dP /   ,8888': dP /
                                  d888P /d','  ;888Y d','    8888Y ,8",'
                                 ;888Y ,8'/  . `888lP /  . . `888s8" /   |
                                .8888',P,'  . .  `"','  . . . .`"'.-'   .|
                                :888Pd"/   . . . .   . . . . . .     . . |
                                Y888P'/   `*  . . . 8.  `*  . . . . . `* |
                                `888:|   dP  d**. "dP* dP a**.  dps, dP d**.
                                 `*8l:  8P  `"Ys  8P  8P 8' ;P 8P   8P `"Ys
                                  . `-' `" `ssP' .`" .`" `**8: `"  .`"`ssP'
                                  `---------------------`ssP' -0223-v1.4-'
MIST0523.ZIP 18185530 27-03-2024 [0m
                                     "   ߰           
                                   '              ܱ      
                                 ݲ  ݱ                 ߲
                                  ݰ  ߲                     ߲
                                              .         . 
                                  MiSTiGRiS                       MIST0523
MIST0823.ZIP 9934031 27-03-2024 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiSSSSSSiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM
MIST1023.ZIP 4692695 06-03-2024 '  .::'. ' .,:' ۲ :::.. ,    '''
                                ::''' .... ... ۰۲  ````..::''::'
                                .:'.:::''::'  ۰ ۲  :''''  `   '
                                  ''  ,,..   ۰    ۲  `::''.`:::.
                                 `::...   ``۰  ۲   ..  ,.``
                                .   '::::'  ۲:::::..
                                ``::..  , ۰ ۲۲   ``::.
                                  .,  .  ۰    ۲ ۲`:.
                                '  ...;'۰    ۰     ۰ ۲  `::
                                ::::'' ۰    ۰۰   ۱  :.
                                  .., ۰ ۲۰    l  ۲ ,:
                                :::' ۱      ߱۰ܰ     b   ܱ.
                                 .. ۱             s ``.
                                  ''ܰ               ۱  `::
                                '::.  ۱      ܱ     :.,
                                  ,  ۰     ۲ 
                                 '۲ ۰    ۱ ۱
                                ۱  ܲ  
                                ۲۱ ۲
                                ۲  ۱MIST1023
MIST1223.ZIP 25887412 27-03-2024                    
                                  m   i s    t    1 2    2    3
TK-ANSI.ZIP   210786 27-03-2024 ANSI and ANSIMation art file compilation
                                Artist: Tank
                                Spanning years 1989 to 1994.
                                Assembed March 16, 2024
                                The ANSis contained in this pack were
                                reviewed in ACiDView 3.53, written by
                                Tank and SAUCEd using Spoon 2 by
                                Tasmaniac. Any errors are the sole
                                responsibility of Tank, apologies!
                                All files (excluding the BBS log dump
                                containing art by an iCE artist ) were
                                produced by Tank and to the best of my
                                knowledge, were not included in any
                                previous packs.
                                Apologies in advance as my earlier works
                                were rough to put it kindly. Loss of vision,
                                nausea, shortness of breath, and other
                                symptoms may occur while browsing this
                                pack. Please consult a doctor if symptoms
                                Works SAUCEd as ACiD Productions may not
                                be officially recognized group releases.
                                However, they were created while I was an
                                official member of ACiD Productions.
                                All artwork is copyright their respective
                                -Ryan Schuermann aka Tank

                Area 37 - Araknet BBS Mods                

DUBLZ101.ZIP  260868 01-03-2024      Ŀ
                                /\/\/:    PHENOM PRODUCTIONS   :\/\/\
                                :    ( EST. 2018 )    :
                                *   download from:                  *
                                :   https://www.phenomprod.com      :
                                : filename / DUBLZ101.ZIP           :
                                --- -- -           - --- -Ĵ
                                : door / DUBLZ v1.01                :
                                . bbs software / All                .
                                * author / Tom Swartz - Night Rider *
                                : released / 02/24/2024             :
                                ----- - -      - --Ĵ
                                : desc: The BBS door version of     :
                                 the tile game 2048.               
                                 Programmed in 16/32bit.           
                                : Free Pascal.                      :
                                : [x] win [ ] linux [ ] mac         :
                                  [ ] amiga [ ] c64 [x] dos
                                ---    -

                Area 39 - Araknet 16colors                

blndr2023d.zip  573475 24-02-2024 [0m the borg / parkour / WWIII
                                 ۲         ۲
                                blender 2023d
                                 czwarty blender roku 2023
FIRE-36.ZIP   202520 03-03-2024 [0;40;37m
                                [6C  ޲[9C޲ 
                                [13C     ܲ
                                [14C   ܲ
                                 fire warning : combustable package 03/23
FIRE-38.ZIP   153117 03-03-2024 [0;40;37m
                                ۰   ߰
                                 ۲   ۰
                                 ܱ [7C    ۰    
                                    ߰   ߲  warning!
                                [8Ccombustable     [6C
                                [7Cpackage 11/23       
FIRE-39.ZIP   187415 03-03-2024 [0;40;37m[14C[12C
                                           ܲ          n!
                                        ܲ  ܲ   
                                     ݲݲ ߲ 
                                  ۲ ۲  
                                      ܲ         ߲
                                           ܲ ߲
                                 ް  ܲ    ۲  
                                ۲ ܲ       ۲
                                ߲    ۲       ߲ 
                                 ߲  ߲߰       ߲[11C
                                 fire warning : combustable package 03/2024
IMPURE84.ZIP   50445 03-03-2024 
                                 iMPURE!     .::::.   .::::.      fEB^2023
                                           /\_)::/  (\::/ (\ .
                                    ====) )=====)  )  /====)__/=|>
                                 oUR 84th pACK oF  ;  sWEET tEXTmDE lUV
IMPURE85.ZIP   92933 03-03-2024 _                     TTA TIGIR OK FIMM _
                                |\                                       |\
                                T\\ :: ::.  .:: :::.  ::  :: :::.  :::.  | \_
                                | \ :: :::::: :: :.::  :: :: :.:: : |  |
                                !   :: :::::: :: .:::  :: :: .::: .  !  !
                                 /  :: ::    :: ::    ::  ::.:::.  ::  .  /\
                                /   :: ::    :: ::    ::  :::: :.::.: <  >
                                \   :: ::    :: ::     ::  ::   ::    \/
                                 \                                        /\
IMPURE86.ZIP   44935 03-03-2024 ޳  ޳    ޳޳ ޳޳
                                  ޳  ޳  ޳     ޳
                                ޳\/޳    ޳޳  ޳޳
                                ޳        ޳  ޳
                                ޳      ޳޳  ޳޳
                                       ޳   ޳
                                  ޳޳޳޳   ޳޳ 
                                        ޳   ޳޳ 
                                  ޳   ޳     Impure 
                                  ޳޳޳޳ Ascii 
                                  ޳   ޳    #86 
LAZ16.ZIP     223376 03-03-2024 [0m߲߲
LAZ17.ZIP     557456 03-03-2024 [0m
                                [1;36m  [0;5;30;47m[0;30m[37m
                                [1;36m [0;5;30;47m[0;30m[37m߲
                                [47m  [30m [37m       
                                   [30m [37;40m
                                [47m[30m  [40m[37m [30;4
                                m [30;47m[40m[37m [30;47
                                [37;40m[30m[37m [30;47m [37;40m [47m
                                [47m[30m [40m [4
                                [37;40m[30;47m[40m[37m [30;47
                                [40m[37m[30;47m[40m[37m [30;47m
                                [37;40m[30m[37m [30;47m[40m[37m[30;47m
                                [47m[40m[30;47m [40m [37m[30;47m[40m
                                [47m [37;40m[30;47m[40m[37m [30;47m
                                [40m[37m[30;47m[40m[37m [30m[37
                                [47m[30m[40m[37m[47m [40m
                                [47m[40m[30;47m[40m[47m[40m [47
                                [40m[37m [30m[37m[30;47m [37m[30m
                                [47m[30m[37;40m [30m
                                [37;40m[1;36m   [0m
                                [1;35m            [0mCELEBRATING NEON LOVE
LAZ18.ZIP     235395 03-03-2024 [0m        
                                ޲          ޲
                                 [30;47m [5;37;40m[0m  
                                [30;47m [37;40m  
                                 [30;47m  [5;37;40m[0m    
                                [30;47m  [37;40m  
                                 [30;47m   [37;40m  1
                                [30;47m   [37;40m 
                                 [30;47m   [40m [37m  8  
                                [1;33;47m   [0;30;47m[37;40m 
                                 [30;47m  [40m   [37m      
                                [1;33;47m  [0;30;47m[37;40m 
                                 [30;47m[40m    [37m     
                                [1;33;47m [0;30;47m[37;40m 
                                 [30;47m    [37;40m   [1;30
                                 [30;47m [40m   [37m        
                                [30;47mBABYLON COLT DE GAME[37;40m
                                [30;47mWAH GWAN  PRAISE JAH[37;40m
MIST1121.ZIP 59192991 03-03-2024 |15|16.      |07.|15      |08 |14|07
                                |08|15  .   |07.|15     *
                                |15|16   |07*|15  .   |08|15  .   
                                |14|07       |08
                                |15|16  |07.|15    |08     |07.|15 
                                |09۲|01|07  .|15    |08.|15   .
                                |07|16     |08     |15*    |09۲|01|09   
                                |01|07          |08
                                |14|16|06|14|07   |08.|15     
                                |09|01|07 |15*   |07.  
                                14|06|14|07 |09۲|01|09   |01|09
                                |09۲|01|09     |01|07 |06|14|06
                                |09|16     |01|07
                                |06|16|14|06|07 |09۲|01|09     |01|07
                                |09۲|01|07 |09    |01l|07
                                |06|14|06|09 ۲|01|09       |01s|09
                                |08*|15   |09|01|07  *|15      
                                |09|16  |01      |08.|15   |08
                                |15|16       |08        |09۲|01|09 
                                |15.     |08|15    |07*
                                |15|16  |07*|15       |08|15      
                                |14|07       |08|15     |07.
                                |15|16.       *   .|08 |07 |14|07
                                |08      |15*      .
MIST1223.ZIP 25887412 03-03-2024 
                                  m   i s    t    1 2    2    3
NI-2MAD.ZIP    44626 03-03-2024 [0m۲۲۲۲۲
                                ۲ ۲ ۲۰
                                ۲۲ܱ     ߲ܲ۲۲
                                ۲۲۲޲ ܱ۲۲
                                ۱۲۲    ܲ۲۰
                                ۱۲߲   ۱

                Area 42 - Araknet Nodelist                

ARAKNET.080    21365 24-03-2024 
ARAKNET.099    21417 09-04-2024 

                    Area 50 - Ansi Art                    

18ansis.zip    27755 08-05-2024 18 Wonderful ANSI Graphics Screens
1992ans.zip   410571 08-05-2024 THE SOFT PARADE ANSI Art From FidoNet ANSI
                                Art Distribution Net. 'TONS' of Pictures!
30ftd50.zip    27589 08-05-2024 30 new fonts for TheDraw! All ready and set
                                to go!
5mp_2dgb01.zip    2787 08-05-2024      
                                   Goodbye Anim   
                                   Mello of 5MP   
765no0.zip     46770 08-05-2024 The Girl Scouts  ANSi Penetration Number-0
                                ۲     ۲
                                    [765] The Pack Of Phuck [765] 
abi_2d0695.zip  649711 08-05-2024       ABi PACK [06/95]
                                    ______  _____________
                                   (      \(_      \     \
                                   \   _|  \|   >   \     \
                                    \ (__   \        \     \
                                    /   |    \   >    \     \
                                   /____|     \_______/ABi__/
                                 :------|      \-----:-------:
                                  ASiAN |_______) BOYZ iNSANE
ac!-dd.zip     50185 08-05-2024  _____|_____________ ____|____________|_ __ 
                                |\___ |  _  / __/._/__ . |  _   / _   |    :
                                |  _/ :  / /  |  l   / | :  / _/  _}--:s   |
                                |__l__l_(  \__l_____/____l_(   \______|c   |
                                |   diGiTAL dREAM - iN a DiGiTAL WoRLd     |
                                |   dONE BY  [ -mANtA/aRT cORE ]           |
                                         P0!NTbReK -3Zii436925
                                |\/|l ()V +32.56.34i2o6
acid693a.zip  336619 08-05-2024 Acquisition ANSI Art and viewer from Acid
                                Productions. Contains A-Z of the ART
                                collection  [1/3]
acid693b.zip  330973 08-05-2024 Acquisition ANSI Art and viewer from Acid
                                Productions. Contains A-Z of the ART
                                collection [2/3]
acid693c.zip   77055 08-05-2024 Acquisition ANSI Art and viewer from Acid
                                Productions. Contains A-Z of the ART
                                collection [3/3]
acme1295.zip  155418 08-05-2024                   
                                             ߲     tm!
                                QQQQ^QQQQQ QQQQQ^QQQQ QQQQ^QQQQ^QQQQ
                                xxxxxQQ QQ ^^^^ QQ QQ QQ
                                Q::Q Q:::Q Q:::Q xxxx Q::Q Q::Q Q::Q
                                QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ
                                QxxQxQxxxQ QxxxQxQxxQ QxxQ QxxQ QxxQ
                                 a c m e  p i n n a c l e  1 2 9 5
                                X%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%X
act_2d1094.zip   60889 08-05-2024                    
                                  |                    |                   
                                   ANSi CREATiON TEAM                    
                                  |       10/94        |                   
                                 [ TH.E   0nE. BB'S '[33](1)4988.76 9'1] 
                                     ! H    T    0  X !Ŀ
                                     > > > > >  321481XXXX  < < < < <
ac_21_2ddd.zip   50185 08-05-2024  _____|_____________ ____|____________|_ __ 
                                |\___ |  _  / __/._/__ . |  _   / _   |    :
                                |  _/ :  / /  |  l   / | :  / _/  _}--:s   |
                                |__l__l_(  \__l_____/____l_(   \______|c   |
                                |   diGiTAL dREAM - iN a DiGiTAL WoRLd     |
                                |   dONE BY  [ -mANtA/aRT cORE ]           |
                                         P0!NTbReK -3Zii436925
                                |\/|l ()V +32.56.34i2o6
aim_2d0994.zip  710735 08-05-2024           
                                        PRODUCTiONS     ܲ
aim_2d0995.zip  121121 08-05-2024  .art.in.madness.09/95.pack.. 
                                      ߲         ۲   
                                ۱   ۱    ۱    
                                ޲ ޲ ޲   
                                _\I/_ SUICIDE CREW COURIERS _\I/_
ali_2d0194.zip  477711 08-05-2024                   
                                Art Productions 1994 & Beyond
                                >Release Date 1/15/94!<
ali_2d0394.zip  561047 08-05-2024              
                                   ALiVE March 1994 Survival Pak!
                                  "Giving you more in ninety-four"
ali_2d0494.zip  529677 08-05-2024 ________  __   __ ____ ___/\____
                                \___    \/  \ (__)    |    /    \
                                PL/      \   \/   \   |   /  ___//\
                                 /        \  /__   \     /   _)_/  \
                                /    :.    \    \  /\   /          /
                                \____||    /__| /_/  \_/\_____:   /
                                      |___/   |/              |__/
                                ALiVE Survival Pack #3 - April 1994
ali_2d0594.zip  265921 08-05-2024 _________ ____   /\ ___  _____ _)\
                                \_____   \    \ (__)   ||    /    \
                                 \__/     \    \/  \   :    /    __)
                                   /      \  _/____\______/_/\  _)__ pl
                                  /         \                  \     |\
                                 /     :     \              .   \    | |
                                <      |_____/\_____________:    \   | |
                                 \     |\____\/_____________|    /\__| |
                                  \____|.| Survival Pack #4 |___/ /___\|
                                   \____\| 5th Month of '94  \__\/
ali_2d0694.zip  328832 08-05-2024 ________  __   __ ____ ___/\____
                                \___    \/  \ (__)    |    /    \
                                PL/      \   \/   \   |   /  ___//\
                                 /        \  /__   \     /   _)_/  \
                                /    :.    \    \  /\   /          /
                                \____||    /__| /_/  \_/\_____:   /
                                      |___/   |/              |__/
                                 ALiVE Survival Pak For June 1994!
ali_2d0794.zip  195855 08-05-2024    ___/\  /\___  _____/\____________
                                  /  _  \/    /_ \__/   |   \ _____/
                                 /   |  \\  _// \/  \   |  //  _)__
                                /    _   \\ \/  \\  \\  | //   tz! \
                                \  __|____/______/___/\___/______ //
                                 \/alive survival pack #6 [07-94]\/
ali_2d0894.zip  720155 08-05-2024        __  __    __ ..     _______
                                     /   |   |  /md|   |   |  ____/
                                   /  o  |   | |   |   |---.    |
                                 /  ..  |   |..|   |  /|  ..
                                (__|  |__| ________)_____/ |_______)
                                0894   A    L    I    V     E   0894
ane_2d0496.zip  265792 08-05-2024       anemia april 1996
                                     packet of eliteness
                                    ܰܰ  ܰ   
                                   ܰ ܰ 
                                  ߲ܲ   ۲ 
ansi-ma.zip   274199 08-05-2024 Collection Of ANSI screen Art By Arnett
ansikeep.zip  167219 08-05-2024 Some Of The Better ANSI Screens Ever!  Some
                                are animated.  Great for BBS use!
ansiltr2.zip    5694 08-05-2024 
ansisnd.zip    14140 08-05-2024 
ansi_2dma.zip  274199 08-05-2024 Collection Of ANSI screen Art By Arnett
apack_231.zip   33236 08-05-2024           ANSIPACk  bY kElthAR
                                ܱܲܲ ܲ۲[1/1]ܲ ܲ ܲ
                                 ܲ۲۰۲۲ ۲۱
                                 ۱ ۲ ۲۱۰
                                 o۲۰۲۱ ۰g
                                 G۱߲۲ ߲ܲ۰a
                                 ۰۱߲ ۱۲ ۲s
                                 ۰۱۲۰ ޱ۰
                                 ۰ܱ۲ ۰۱
                                ߲ ߲ ۲۲߰  ߲
apathy08.zip  451711 08-05-2024   
                                a p a t h y   n u m e r o  8
ARAKNET.099    21417 09-04-2024 
art1294l.zip   19688 08-05-2024       
                                       ArTT Productions, Israel.
                                Yeah, just another ansi pack, last year's
artmag2.zip    30442 08-05-2024    .____________________ _____________
                                 . |   ___   _/\_____  /_\______     /.:  .
                                :::|   __.    \     /    \   .______/_.:::.
                                 ::|     |     \_  /      \_ |        |:::.
                                --[ rOadhOgz aRt cOURIERs pRESENt yOu ]--
                                |                                         |
                                |     The aRt mAGAZINe iSSUe jUNe '95     |
                                |                                         |
                                |--------------------------( 14/06/95 )---|
                                `--( iT'S iN aRT wE tRUST! )--------------'
artt1_2d95.zip   14237 08-05-2024   ߰     ߰߰
                                            ߲   ߲ 
                                ܰ   ܰܰ     ܰ        ܰ
                                       ANSi RiP TRaDeRS TeAM
                                      ArTT's FIRST 1995 Pack!
atl!-01.zip    63576 08-05-2024    A T L !  -  A N S i S
                                   R E L E A S E - # 0 1
atl-eans.zip   24213 08-05-2024        __                                   
                                 ___ _/_/ ___    ___   __  __ -  -- -------.
                                 \_ \\_ \/ _//\/\\_ \ /_/_/_/___   __`95   |
                                / / / / / / / / / __// ____ \\_ \ /_/_     |
                                \__/\__/\__/\__/\__// / / / / __// \_ \/\/\:
                                .------------ --  - \__/\/ /\__// / / / /\ \
                                |   is back with...      \/-jD! \/\__/\_/\_/
                                |   Kewl ANSi Collection by                :
                                |   JacK^DanielZ              DiSK [o1/o1] |
atm-0294.zip  486262 08-05-2024          
                                        ARTS PACK #4 
atm-0594.zip  477423 08-05-2024          
                                        ARTS PACK #5 
aura1195.zip   42126 08-05-2024         ۲۲۲
                                  ߲        ܲ 
                                 ܲ                   ܲ 
                                ޲     AURA Imagery 1995..   ޲
                                 ۲      november #2      
avpack01.zip  687261 08-05-2024 
                                   PAK #1
                                    - VGA's  -
                                   ۲  - S3M's  -
                                 ۲  - ANSi's -
                                  ۲  - LiT's  -
                                 ۲  APOCALYPTiC
avpack02.zip  264589 08-05-2024               
                                            ۲        ߰
                                          ۲      Ŀ
                                     ۲    Dec 1994   
                                   ۲   :             
                                    A  P  O  C  A  L  Y  P  T  I  C
                                       V  I  S  I  O  N  S     
avpack07.zip  151936 08-05-2024    here we come from melbourne australia!
                                            ܲ۲ ޲
                                     ۲ ۲     ۲
                                             ۲      ۲
                                           ۲  ܲ 
                                       Apocalyptic Visions Presents
                                       Groovy Art Pack Number Seven
                                     "dammit!! he didnt hark!" c. fk!
axis-9.zip    189660 08-05-2024 
                                 AXiS  Art Pack #1
                                 ---------(Oct 96)
                                 AXiS : A Xanthous
                                 inventive Symthom
                                 This is our first
                                 art pack , hope u
                                 will enjoy it. :)
b2b!0795.zip  270852 08-05-2024 ...bACK...tO...tHE.. ..BASiX.....
                                   ۲  ۲۰۱  
                                 ۲  ۲  ۱  
                                ۱۲    ۱   ۰  ۲ 
                                ۲۰۲ ۰   ۰ ۰۲   ۰۲ 
                                 ۲r۰  ۰۰ ۰۲ ۰۰  ۲ 
                                 ۲A۱  ۰۱ ۲  ۱۰۲ ۲
                                 ۲Y۲  ۲۲ ۰۲ ۲
                                 ߰ ۰   ߰۲
                                 ...THE PREMiER PACKAGE 07 - 1995... 
                                 ..APPLY NOW AS ARTiST, DiST OR HQ.. 
b2b!1195.zip  209125 08-05-2024 
                                         o      ܲ    tO            
                                              ߲     O      ߰
                                ܲ  O    ۲   thE   o    ۱     ߲
                                                  O              O   
                                ۲ ray ۲    ۲  ߱  ۲    ۲
                                ۲ ܱ  ۲         
                                 ۲  ۲   ۲        ۲
                                  ۲ ۲ ۲۰ ۲۰ ۲  ۲  ۲  ۲
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲۱ ۲  ۲  ۲  ۲
                                 ۲  ۲۲ ۲  
                                          o thE 2Nd ASSAUlT o       
                                o AN COllECTiON Of ANSiS CAllEd bLUbLUblUb o
                                 ܲ  ܲ
bad-0194.zip  578613 08-05-2024                
                                   Bitchin ANSi Design   
                                1st Anniversity January Pack 1993
bad-0394.zip  108473 08-05-2024                
                                   Bitchin ANSi Design   
                                       February/March 1994
                                  Spread by Bounty Hunter [BAD]
bad-0494.zip   92496 08-05-2024                
                                   Bitchin ANSi Design   
                                            April 1994
bad-0694.zip  107889 08-05-2024  nutritional facts
                                 bitchin'  calcium.......25%
                                ansi iron...........6%
                                design ansi..........98%
                                 * contains > 100%
                                june 1494 packij
                                contains 11 previously unreleased
                                ansi's from our hidden archives!!
bang_scr.zip   46821 08-05-2024 Current collection of ANSi and BBS screens. I
                                have tried to use the @-variables in the BBS
                                ones as much as I could. If you want to see
                                them call my board at (507) 281-0966! Easy,
                                good, quick 1st caller access, with TriSysop
                                upgrade door also! Let me know what you
                                think. I may even be contracted cheaply to
                                make an ANSi or two for you.
bigred.zip      4770 08-05-2024 -|-BiG RED Dick  -- -  -
                                  An elite replacement for
                                  your old access meter.
                                  By psycho 
                                --- -   -
bkn-1194.zip  445933 08-05-2024     broken productions - november 1994
                                  .    . .   
                                          . BROkEN Pack #2    
                                   "If it ain't BROkEN, then break it!"
bkn-1294.zip  523003 08-05-2024 _____________________________________ ___
                                |    -\     \     \    \  /    _\    \  :
                                |\    -)     ) --  )     /     _\ bkn#3!:
                                :\\ /\/\\ /\/\\__//\/\_|__\/|\/__\\/\___:
                                . \/ : |\/:  |~~:  .\\/: \:/~\\/: \\/| .|
                                  .  . :  .  :  .    : .  . .   .  . :  :
                                .      .     .       .        . .    .  .
                                   broken productions - december 1994
blde0394.zip   67506 08-05-2024 BL/DE ANSi Pak Number 1 - M A R C H 94
blde9404.zip   76369 08-05-2024  BL/DE Pak <---------> April 1994
                                /----\/--\ m /-------\/----\ /----\
                                | / || /| c |. /-\ .|| /-\ || /--/
                                <   - <  <--\< /|-|\ >/ | | |>.|>
                                | \ ||\ . | | .| |. || \-/ || \--\
                                \----/\-----/\--/ | .|\----/ \----/
                                \-----------------\  |------------/
blde9405.zip  426896 08-05-2024 The Blade Pak
                                Volume 1Issue 3  May 1994
blde9406.zip  196752 08-05-2024    The Blade Pak    June 1994
                                   ۲  ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲  
                                   ۱  ۱ ۱  ۱  ۱ ۲
                                   ۱  ۱ ۱  ۱  ۱ ۱
                                   ۰  ۰  ۰  ۰  ۰  ۱
                                         Volume 1Issue 4
blde9407.zip  185896 08-05-2024    The Blade Pak    July 1994
                                   ۲  ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲  
                                   ۱  ۱ ۱  ۱  ۱ ۲
                                   ۱  ۱ ۱  ۱  ۱ ۱
                                   ۰  ۰  ۰  ۰  ۰  ۱
                                         Volume 1Issue 5
blde9408.zip  223006 08-05-2024                     ܲ
                                 ޲  ޲   ޲  ޲  ޲   
                                  Blade Productions Presents  
                                  The August 1994 Blade Pack  
blde9409.zip  132835 08-05-2024          09/94
                                  ߲   ߲  ri 
                                    ܲ  ܲ   ܲ
                                 Blade Productions Presents
                                The September 1994 Blade Pak
blde9410.zip  162470 08-05-2024               
                                     -Blade Productions-
                                 The October 1994 Blade Epic
blde9411.zip  147525 08-05-2024   b l a d e  n o v e m b e r  1 9 9 4 
                                  e     p      i       c 
                                 ۲  ۲           
                                ۲   ۲       ۲߰    
                                 ۲    ۲         ۲     
                                  ۱    ۲     ۲   
                                  ۱ ۲   ۲  ܰ
                                  ۲ ۲ ܲܲ۲  ۲۲߰
                                  ۱ ۲ ۲ ۲۲ ۲۱
                                  ۰gr   ۲߲  ߲߲
blde9412.zip  332027 08-05-2024     bladedecemberepic ߲ ck
                                ߲  ܲ    ܲ߰        ߲      ߲
                                  ۲   ۲          ۲     
                                   ۲    ߲   ۱ ܲ  
                                   ۱۲    ۲۰ܲ ۰ 
                                    ۰ ۱     ۱   ۰ ߰ 
                                  ۱۰   ۰  ۰  ߲ܲ
                                  ߲   ۲ ۰ܲݲ ۰ ߱  
                                ܲ           ߰     ߰ ܱ
                                    blade productions i994 ܱ   
blde9604.zip 1171707 08-05-2024      ۲
                                ߲          ܲ ܲ   ܲ
bli-0994.zip  537225 08-05-2024 BLitZ PackSeptember '94 
bli-1094.zip  352871 08-05-2024 BLitZ PackOctober '94            
                                      ANSi  VGA                
                                        RiP  Coding                 
blnt0494.zip  339704 08-05-2024           
                                  =BLuNT Ansi Pack For 4-94=
blnt0594.zip  123975 08-05-2024        
                                    The BLuNT -May, 94'- Compilation 
                                           ~Released 5-1-94~
                                [ Beamed up by THe QuaeSToR ]
                                   -/\-   WHo CaReZ   -/\-
blnt0994.zip   70440 08-05-2024          
                                  September ANSi Compendium
                                         BLuNT! 9-94
                                /\/\/\ MEnace/SCum94 /\/\/\
                                /\/\/\   K a a n a    /\/\/\
blr9605a.zip  577158 08-05-2024 a  blur ma y 96 colection [o1/o2]
                                k  plnL we d 69 colacf!ou [ol/oS]
                                     "I can't believe it's not bah-tah"      
blr9605b.zip 1176561 08-05-2024 m  blur ma y 96 colection [o2/o2]
                                !  plnL we d 69 colacf!ou [oS/oS]
                                     "I can't believe it's not bah-tah"
bm-pack1.zip  493916 08-05-2024          ͻ       
                                ó  tHE vERY fIRST rELEASE !!!  ij      
                                fROM tHE nEW lUXEMBOURG #1 aRT gROUP      
                                |      |      
boa-0494.zip  185306 08-05-2024  ĿĿĿ
                                 oOo    Logo Pack 04/94    oOo 
                                  Sd b  WCC M 
bre-0394.zip  296760 08-05-2024 T         
                                W  HN
                                     BREED Inogural Pack #1
                                              By: BREED
                                      Released: [03/16/94]
bre-0594.zip  286323 08-05-2024         
                                     The Breed May Pack
                                     Diz by .:AcidFlash:.
bt_sigs.zip    60272 08-05-2024 A Collection of ANSI Sigs From Noted Ansi
                                Artist, Bill Thys.
b_b_ansi.zip   10028 08-05-2024 Here's my latest Beavis & Butthead
                                ANSI Screens for Tribbs Software
                                from Entropy II BBS 508-937-3856.
                                Use them with a Beavis & Butthead
                                language file ...enjoy!
cci-011.zip    77480 08-05-2024 CCi__[       ]]____[       ]]__InfoPack 011
                                { {{      :     \,     ,     <<______>== =
                                   \      |_____/_     |__,,__\      \_mHz!
                                == /'     |     //^    |      /^      [_
                                .                                        .
                                     CYBERCRIME INTERNATIONAL NETWORK
                                      INFORMATION/APPLICATION PACKET
                                      Updated Effective 05 August 97
                                .                                        .
                                  - - -    -   - ---  - ---    - - --  -
                                 ; CyberCrime:  Here to help bring back ;
                                 | that long-lost ``oldschool'' feeling |
                                 | for the computer underground scenes. |
                                   Available as a Fido-standard message
                                 | network, Listserv-style mailing list |
                                 : and e-mail-based Private Point Node. :
                                 | Dedicated to all three phases of the |
                                 | computer scene - art, warez and h/p, |
                                 ; CCi is absolutely required reading!! ;
                                  -  -- - -    --- -  --- -   -    - - -
chlk1094.zip  765224 08-05-2024 
                                October 1994 Collection
ciapak08.zip  548303 08-05-2024       _______ ___ ________  
                                ____ /     . (___) .      \ ____
                                \___|    (___/   \    +    |___/
                                 \__|    (   \    |   |    |__/
                                -| CiA PACK #8a- O2/07/94 |-
ciapak09.zip  496386 08-05-2024         _____ _____ _____  
                                _____ /      (_____)      \ ______
                                    /    \___ \   /    <    \
                                   (     /              * )
                                --- \________)(___)\__) \___/ ----
                                     Creators of Intense Art
                                 > February '94 Compilation <-
ciapak10.zip  210135 08-05-2024              
                                   The March Conspiracy
ciapak11.zip  486596 08-05-2024    > CiA  Presents <  
                                       ____   ___    ___
                                _____ /    \ (___)  /   \ _____
                                ----/    \__)/   \/   <   \----
                                ___< +   /  \    <      # >___
                                > The April 94 Conspiracy <-
ciapak12.zip  704492 08-05-2024 The CiA Conspiracy 2
                                  )\\  (_))  /((     5
                                 /   \\/ \\/ . \\    /
                                <   \/ \  <  :   \\  9
                                 \_____/___\_|___//  4
ciapak13.zip  783765 08-05-2024 CiA Conspiracy   13
                                :         ۲ 6
                                :   ۲ ܱ /
                                  ۲ ޲ ޲  9
                                  ܲ ܱ 4
ciapak14.zip  507641 08-05-2024                   
                                  a     ޱ   ۲   
                                 CiA Conspiracy # 14  July 1994 
ciapak15.zip  808904 08-05-2024                 
                                      [ 894 ]Ŀ
                                :          ۲                  :
                                 15th CiA ۲      Conspiracy 
                                :          ۲                  :
ciapak16.zip 1064766 08-05-2024 
                                 16th CiA   Conspiracy
                                  ܰ    ܲ   ܰ߱  
                                 ܱ۱  ۱ ܱ۱ 
                                ޲۲  ۲ ۲۲
                                 ۲    ۲  
                                Readaboutthe scandal
                                that caused this pack
                                     to be late!
ciapak17.zip  706309 08-05-2024             
                                CiA        #17
                                CiA Conspiracy - October 94
ciapak18.zip 1006001 08-05-2024       Ŀ
                                : c             # :
                                 i   ޲  ۲   1 
                                : a       8 :
                                 cia conspiracy #18 - Nov. 1994
                                 sanitized for your protection!
ciapak19.zip  299446 08-05-2024                  
                                   ۲    ۲ 
                                  ۱ ۲      ۱ 
                                   ۱ ۲  ۲ ۱
                                   ߲    ߲ 
                                   cia conspiracy #19  
ciapak33.zip  644169 08-05-2024  ---  -Ŀ
                                 ߰  ۲  ۲  ۰    
                                 ۱   ߰   ۱   
                                 ۲   ۲    
                                 --  ---   ---  --     
                                  cia conspiracy number :     
ck!col13.zip    6619 08-05-2024      .___|   |                             
                                _____|  _|_  |_/\__ ck! presents:          
                                \_   _____/  |  __/------------------->    
                                 |   |  _|_  _   |  ascii col no. 13       
                                _|_  |  \_   |   |_-------------->         
                                \__  ____|___|____/         
ck!col14.zip   11452 08-05-2024    _ _________ __ ____           .   . ...
                                  _\\ _      / __/   /_  katharsis!ascii :
                                .-|   |_____/  \_      \_--------- -- - -|
                                | |________/_____\______| presents:      |
                                |  my ascii col#14: I HATE THE ARMY II   |
                                :... .  .    ..  .             .     . ..:
cnc-0494.zip 1068978 08-05-2024 April '94 Pack 1st CaNCeR Pack
                                 ߲ܲ  ܲ   ߲ܲ ߲ܲ޲
                                ޲  ܲ޲ ޱ   ܲ޲  ܲ޲
                                 ߲   ߲ ߲ޱ ߱
cnc-0694.zip  951614 08-05-2024 [255D[0;1m June '94 Pack  Original Work
                                 ߲ܲ  ܲ   ߲ܲ ߲ܲ޲
                                ޲  ܲ޲ ޱ   ܲ޲  ܲ޲
                                 ߲   ߲ ߲ޱ ߱[0m
corp0394.zip   84908 08-05-2024             
                                    ۲  ޲       
                                    ۲    ߲
                                  THE MARCH COMPILATION 1994
cran1094.zip  273630 08-05-2024 ..
                                ó     ij
                                   c r a n i u m   ٳ
                                 p r o d u c t i o n s  
                                art pack number one art 
                                pack number one art pack
                                 number one art pack num
                                    ansi & vga    Ŵ
                                 for the mind, body and 
                                 ....yeah, that's right 
crd-0995.zip  286222 08-05-2024 ۲  ۲ ۲ 
                                ۲  ۲۲ ۲  ۲   ۲ ۲
                                ۱     ۱۱ ۱    ۱     ۱ ۱
                                 ۲  ۰  ۱  ۱   ۰
                                c r    e e  d
                                ܲ   ܲ   ܲ#1 ܲ
                                 ߲۱   ۲ ۲۲  ܲ
crd-1095.zip  271644 08-05-2024     why masturbate when you've got
                                ۲    :creed:   octobah pk 95 ߲
                                      ߲߲   ܲ        
                                     ߲           ܲ   ޲
                                      ܲ     ۲    ܲ  
cri-0394.zip  777228 08-05-2024                          
                                    Volume 1: Partners in Crime 
                                       Released on: 03/01/94 
                                     Spread by:  Ru Manchu [X] 
cri-0494.zip  539843 08-05-2024     Chapter II: The Premonition 
                                  .              .       .
                                 .          .
                                       Released on: 04/01/94 
cri-0594.zip  471597 08-05-2024 CRISIS Chronicles  Chapter 3  MAY 94
                                       Shattered Man
crim0694.zip  720554 08-05-2024   ______  .______   .___ .__    __. ____
                                 / =__   \\ =___ \  \__/ |= |  |= |/ =___\
                                |  /   \ =|| \ _|=|.____ |   \/   |= |__ .
                                | |  .  |/ | |\__/ |   =|| |.\/ | |   __|  
                                |= \_______|=|\ \___\= /__\=\  /=/. =|___.
                                 \___________| .\___________/kS\_________/ 
                                        . CRiME 06/94 Release =+=     .
crp-0794.zip  424867 08-05-2024    
                                   CoRPSE Art Pak #1
                                      July 1994
crp-0894.zip  735888 08-05-2024      August 1994 Art Pak...    
                                  CoRPSE August Pak #2     b
                                "The Pak You'LL Die For" 
dansipic.zip   99344 08-05-2024 Color Ansi Collection 'D'.
dark0294.zip 1472870 08-05-2024     
                                   DRK's Premiere Pack   
                                 ۱  ۱ ۱    ۱  ۱ ۱  ۱ 
                                 ۱   ۱    ۱   ۱   
                                    ߱ ߱   
                                  ۰ ۰ܲ ܲܲ ܲ 
                                    DiGiTALARTiSTS of the RARE KiND
dark0494.zip 1071029 08-05-2024        [ DRK April Pack ]
                                  Digital  Artists
                                           o   the
                                        Rare  Kind
dark0496.zip 2118179 08-05-2024                      ߰     
                                    the originators of originals ߲  
                                 ۲     ۲۲۲      ۲ 
                                 ܲ   ۲      ܲ
                                        ۲    ۲  
                                  ܲ    ܲ ۲      ۲ 
                                 ۲   ܲ ۲ ۲     ߲ 
                                     ޲   ۲ ۲   ߲ 
                                  ߲ ۲۲۲ ۲
                                   _  d a r k   i 1 1 u s t r a t e d  _pk 
                                  ܰ    The Dark Collection      ܰ   
                                     ߲    April 1996    ߲ܰ      
                                 ۲  ۲      ۲  ۲ 
                                    ۲ ۲ ۲ ߲    
                                    ܲ ܲ   
dark0894.zip  959382 08-05-2024        The August 1994 Collection 
                                          CyberCon Couriering 
dark0994.zip 1632640 08-05-2024   The September 1994 Collection 
                                 ۲ ۲       ۱
                                    ۲   ۲
                                 ۲  ۲ ۲   ߲ 
                                 ۱ ߲۱ ۱ ߱ 
                                 ߰    ߰ ߰da ߲     ߲
dark1294.zip 1322535 08-05-2024 the dark collection: december 1994
                                ܲ۲ܲ߰ ܲ۲   ܰ 
                                ۱    ۱   ߰߰
                                ۲  ۲ ܲ۲  ܲ  
                                ۲ ۲۲ܰ ߲ܰ
                                ߰߰     ߲C ܰ
                                 ܲ     ۲޲   ߲۲۲n  ۲
                                             Dark Illustrated '94
                                "Dark '94, the Legacy begins" -Black Ire
datatek.zip     3431 08-05-2024 These are somemore TriBBS ANSI screens
                                from DataTek BBS  MAINALL.ANS,
                                FILEALL.ANS, MESSALL.ANS and a really
                                neat DOWNALL.ANS DataTek BBS
                                810-541-2325  Reg. 638
db-pack1.zip   47726 08-05-2024       
                                  ANSI PACK BY DiRT BAG FOR THA
                                       !!! TX PACK !!!
db-pack2.zip   24306 08-05-2024       
                                  ANSI PACK BY DiRT BAG FOR THA
                                       !!! TX PACK !!!
dcr0194.zip    24538 08-05-2024 [ January '94 ]
                                D      e
                                i           S
                                G       E
                                i     a
                                T                    r
                                a  C H A o T i C  C
                                L     A N S i     H
death07.zip    72412 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 DeaTH ANSiS' Pack of July 1995 
                                   LifE iS OnLy pRelUde tO...   
                                 ͺͻ ͺ ͺͺ ͺ     
                                     ͺ   ͺ      ͺͺ 
                                 ͺͼ ͺ               
                                     DeaTH ANSiS 1995     
die-pk7.zip   945579 08-05-2024  . ____________      _______________________ 
                                 .  . _______  <    |___     <  _________ .  
                                          >  \ \\   |. ( dIE7 > __/ (fK!
                                        _//  _\ \\  |.  \   _//     \\
                                       /__  ______> |:___> /____  ____>
                                          \|        |/          \|
                                           DiE Pack Number Seven!
                                       Australia's Finest at play! :)
                                              9th April 1994
die-pk8.zip   998841 08-05-2024                     
                                ۱    ۲  ۱۰      ۱۱
                                  ۱    ۱   ۱۱ fK!  ۱     
                                  ۰۱  ܰ  ۰۲    ܲ۰     
                                    DiE PR0DUCTI0NS PRESENTS PACK 8!    
                                        Australia looking good!         
                                           Released 26/06/94            
dm_7-95.zip   527276 08-05-2024 > DOMAiN 7-o1 Release [1/1] <¿
                                        .    Presents    .       
                                               DOMAiN Pack 00              
                                     NFO, Apps, Txt, ANSi, RG Mods, VGA    
                                      All    [ DOMAiN ] '95    o1/o1     
doa-0494.zip  130039 08-05-2024   Dead on Arrival 
                                 April Art Packeto 
doomansi.zip   16602 08-05-2024 ------------------------
                                THE FIRST DOOM ANSI PACK
                                YOUR FAVORITE BLOODFEST
                                  NOW IN ANSI FORMAT!
dope0694.zip  134212 08-05-2024   _____    Pack  _____  ______    
                                 |\ ____\    #1   |\ ____\|\ _____\ 
                                  ||   _  \ _____  ||     ||   ___|
                                 ||  | |  |\ ____\||  |  ||  |_\ 
                                 ||  | |  ||  _  ||   __||  ___|  
                                  ||  |_|  || |_| ||  | ||  |__\
                                  \|_____ / \|_____|\|__|   \|______|
dope0894.zip  237991 08-05-2024 [255D[3C[0;1;31m
                                [0;1m [0;1;31m ۰ܱ ܱ۰ [0;1m
                                 [0;1;31m ۱۲ ۲۱ [0;1m
                                 [0;1;31m߲۰۲ [0;1m
                                ۲ Pack #2  [0;1;31m [0;1m'94 
                                - w[0;1;31mh[0;31mite noise
                                cyberc[0;1;31mo[0;1mn -[0m
dope1094.zip  242691 08-05-2024     
                                   Farewell Pack 
dr-poop1.zip    9629 08-05-2024 DR. POOP LOG ON/OFF BBS ANSI SCREENS v1.0
                                A totally different and unique way to greet
                                your callers. Dr. Poop presents "The Straight
                                Poop on. . ."  Package of 50 different log-
                                on POOP screens with FREE Bonus Package of 25
                                additional Christmas POOP Screens with your
                                first purchase. Entertaining, Informative,
                                Ready-To-Go on All BBS systems.  Another
                                Innovative First from Jay Gaines & BBS
                                in Dallas.  
dta_app.zip    59547 08-05-2024                      
                                               ۲ L 
                                  ݱ        T
                                      ݰ ۰  A
                                   ۱    ۱     
                                     dUTCH aNSI aRTISTS aWAKE !     
                                  A NEW DUTCH ANSI GROUP WILL SOON  
                                   START..THIS TIME A GOOD!! ONE!   
                                      NO $ / NO WANNABE'S      
                                   ONLY REAL!!!!! QUALITY ARTISTS   
                                  including some ansi's so ye know
                                         what 2 expect!             
                                 no need 2 leave your current group 
                                 -(only assholes put their # here!)-
dvs-0196.zip 1702789 08-05-2024 [2J[0m[16C
                                  ܲ       ߲ ܲ        ۲        ߲
                                ޲  [6C     [10C  [5C   
                                  (d  e   ߲ v  i  oݲ  u  s) 
                                                  ߲    ܲ
                                - --  -- -  -   --   --
                                january dvs reunion.. what a scary thought!
                                -- ---  --  ---- --- -- - --(deg7
dvs-0995.zip 3124851 08-05-2024                               
                                               ߲       ۲ݰ
                                               ۲  ܲ۲۲    
                                       ܲ   ޲۲ܲ
                                    ۲    ܲ  ޲  ߲ 
                                             ްݰ  ߰  ۲
                                   ݰ             ޲      
                                         ޲ ݰ  ݰ   
                                     ߲      ܲ۲  ޲ܲܲ߰release #6
                                -----߰           ۲       
                                : The dvs project   ܲ       -bh 
                                 :      The not so one year anniversary     
eansipic.zip   48248 08-05-2024 Color Ansi Collection 'E'.
ea_oct94.zip   28880 08-05-2024  ________)\____)\______)\  __)\  ______)\
                                _)_  _____/  __  \   __  \/    \_)   __  \
                                )_   ___/__    __/_    __/   |  \__    __/
                                /     |    \ |    \_ |    \_ |    \_ |    \_
                                \_______   /_|     /_|     /__     /_|     /
                                :[ERRoR ART PReSeNTS]Ŀ  A
                                [THE E ToSH1o NSIPACK OCTOBER -94]  
                                :                                          R
                                    N WESOME COLLECTION OF ToSH1o'S     
                                :  LTEST ANSi-ART. THIS IS RELLY KOOL!   T
                                :    - RELEASED ON 1994-10-18 AT 22:30 -   :
                                 P$$ H C X 
ecl-0694.zip  132959 08-05-2024 
                                ij    -ART PACK #2-
                                       -JUNE '94-
ecl-0794.zip  508124 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                ij  -ART PACK #3-
                                      -JULY  '94-
eden0894.zip  181797 08-05-2024       
                                        The August 1994 Ansi    
eden1294.zip  177874 08-05-2024      Eden Entertainment Ansi Pak
                                     ۱  for December 1994 ۲
                                     ܱ       ܲ
                                     ߲ ܲ۲۲۱۲ 
                                     ۲  ۲۲۱۲ 
                                     ۲  ۲  
emic0496.zip   60383 08-05-2024 
                                   $$$$$$$$$###$$.##$ #~.,. .#$#$$$
                                 $$$# #s.`$ #. ~~ .# $ $x $$ #s.`$$$
                                $$$$ $$ $ $ $$~$$~$$ $ $# $ $$ $ $$$$$
                                $$$$ $$ $ $ $$ $$ $$ $..$ $$ '.$$$$$
                                $$$$ $$ ~.$ $$ ~~ $$ $ $$ $ $$ . $$$$$
                                $$$$ $$ $$$ $$ .. $$ $ $$ $ $$ $ $$$$$
                                $$$$ $$ ~.$ $$ $$ $$ $ $$ $ $$ $ $$$$$
                                $$$$,.~~~': $ .$$ $' $.sss$.`#s',$$$$$
                                   [EMiC] - CREATIONS 1996 -[EMiC]
                                              `April 96'
empire01.zip   28577 08-05-2024                                              
                                                   thE empre              
                                                pROUDLY pREsENTZ :           
                                     tHE FiRST empre /NSiCOLLECTiON 94/95 !
                                           tHiZ FiLE wAS DiSTRiBUTED bY      
escape04.zip  665127 08-05-2024                       esc 4
                                  ܱ    ܱ۲۲    ܲ
                                 ߲  ߱   ۲߲߱
                                ۲     ܲ     ܲ    
                                ޲          ۲ ۲    ۲
                                  ޲  ܲ
                                 ۲߲  ۲    ߱߱ jz
                                                   productions '94
ete-0194.zip  138871 08-05-2024 
                                   ETERNiTY  January 1994 Release
faces.zip       4705 08-05-2024 3 Funny Face DoorMenu's by Antje Darling
                                Another Brick In The Wall (405)248-1645
fansipic.zip  107196 08-05-2024 Color Ansi Collection 'F'
fat-0694.zip  597838 08-05-2024           F/T's Premiere Issue
                                      /---------\      /---------\
                                      |          |~~~\|           |
                                      |  _______/      \       __/
                                 =====|  ___|=|   /~\   |~\   /=====
                                ======|  |====|   ~~~   |==| |='94===
                                      |   \   |   | |   | /   \ cd
                                      |____|  |___| |___||_____|
                                    Futuristic /rtists with Talent
                                     -/- FaT ANSi -/- (c)i994 -/-
fat-0894.zip  651598 08-05-2024 
                                 -<*>- Futuristic /rtists with Talent -<*>-
                                      -<*>-   August '94 Release   -<*>-
fat-0994.zip  312347 08-05-2024   F.(.T.  September Compilation
                                 ߲       ߲
                                       ߲             ߲
                                 ޱ   ޱ   ޱ 
                                 ۲   ܲ ۲   ۲ ۲  
                                  ۲    ۲      ۲  ް
                                ۲  ۲ ޱ ۲
                                 Futuristic (rtists with Talent
fawk0194.zip   14576 08-05-2024  ____  ______  __  __  ___ __
                                |     \\___  ||  )(  ||  /(  |
                                |  C\_/ __ | || |  | || |/  /
                                |  _/  | _|| || |  | ||    (
                                | |0194| | | || |/\| || |\  \
                                |__\   |_| |_||__/\__||__\|__)
                                  Just For The Fawk Of It!
fawk0294.zip   50257 08-05-2024 [255D[1C[0;1;30m____  ______  __  __  ___ __
                                |[5C\\___  ||  )(  ||  /(  |
                                |  C\_/ __ | || |  | || |/  /
                                |  _/  | _|| || |  | ||    (
                                | |2994| | | || |/\| || |\  \
                                |__\   |_| |_||__/\__||__\|__)
                                  Just For The Fawk Of It![0m
fawk0494.zip   29349 08-05-2024   ____  ______  __  __  ___ __
                                 |     \\___  ||  )(  ||  /(  |
                                 |  C\_/ __ | || |  | || |/  /
                                 |  _/  | _|| || |  | ||    (
                                 | |0494| | | || |/\| || |\  \
                                 |__\   |_| |_||__/\__||__\|__)
                                What The FAWK Are You Looking At?
fawk0794.zip  101727 08-05-2024   ____  ______  __  __  ___ __
                                 |     \\___  ||  )(  ||  /(  |
                                 |  C\_/ __ | || |  | || |/  /
                                 |  _/  | _|| || |  | ||    (
                                 | |0794| | | || |/\| || |\  \
                                 |__\   |_| |_||__/\__||__\|__)
                                 .Your Mom Must  Be A Squirrel.
                                 ...All She Does Is Eat Nuts...
fear1294.zip  750879 08-05-2024 ۲޲ ް   ް ۰޲
                                 ޲    ް߲   ް     
                                    ݰ         ݰ    ݰ 
                                       ۰   ۱      ۱ 
                                      ߰    ۱ ܰ   
                                  ݰ       ߰ ۰      
                                           _ ݰ  ۰    ۰  
                                ܲ޲      ް 
                                   December '95 -- Merry Christmas!  
fi-1194.zip   877099 08-05-2024 
                                       ۳      ۳SC 
                                 FiDELiS Compilation  November, 1994
fire0494.zip  611098 08-05-2024   F i R E   S k U L L
                                  [A NEW SWiSS GROUP]
                                     ART PACK  #1
                                Release Date:  26/03/94
                                THiS iS OUR  FiRST PRO-
                                DUCTION.  CHECK IT OUT!
fire0496.zip 1442772 08-05-2024                         
                                   ۲  ߰          
                                   ۲ ܲ      
                                 fire warning : combustable package 04/96
                                       our time in the limelight
                                    (NEW VERSION WITH SHAZAM BUGFIX)
fire0694.zip  151962 08-05-2024 
                                  * presents *  
                                . ART PACK #2   -  JUNE/JULY 1994 .
                                : -  - :
                                *  The second art pack from FiRE  *
                                   SkULL, the real swiss group.  
                                   A lot of ANSi's and VGA pix.  
                                 -  - 
                                    FiNEST SWiSS ANSi/VGA ART    
                                 *  * knļ
fire0894.zip  201327 08-05-2024      _______ ___  ____  ______
                                : |'     +|    \     \     +| :
                                : |  .____|.   _| +   | .___| :
                                : |h ___|  |  |   |   | __|_  :
                                : |a   |  _|  |_     \      | :
                                : |l   | |      | |   |     | :
                                :  \___|  \_____|_|___|_____| :
                                         August Combustion
fire0994.zip   89228 08-05-2024    
                                  ۲  ۲ a ۲  ۲ 
                                 September Combustion 9/10/94
fire1295.zip 1253390 08-05-2024       ߲  ܰ
                                ޲  happy holidays       from 
                                 ۲۲  ݰ        
                                  ݰ         ܰ             
                                ܲ  ۲     ݰ
                                    ޲       ߰            
                                 ޲           hal     ۲      
                                ޲  fire pack       for december '95  
                                    ܲ  ߰
firm0695.zip  200887 08-05-2024     _____________________
                                  /(:::       _:::       ) june 95
                                 ( /|:  p!___|/|:   :   |___ ______
                                  | |     _)_|_|    |__::   |      )
                                  /(_____:____ |    | |:    :     |
                                 (/____/|::   _______)|   :  :    |
                                      | |:     |____/(____|__|::  |
                                      /(________)  (/____/__/|:   |
                                     (/________/           /(______)
                                  freaks in revolutionary modding
flip-23.zip  1198662 08-05-2024 FLiP PRoDuCTioNS ReLeaSe TWeNTY-THRee!
                                96       t
                                   ۲ ۲ ۲    ۲  ۲ ۲ w
                                 f ۲  ۲    ۲  ۲ ۲ 
                                 l ۱ ۱    ۱  ۱ 
                                 i ۱  ۱    ۱  ۱ 
                                 p ۰   ۰   ۰  ۰ 082196
                                   ۰   ۰   ۰  ۰ 
                                "2 THe NoN-BeLieVeRZ... We WoNT B FaDeD!"
flood-01.zip   63781 08-05-2024 .flood productions.
                                pack number one....
                                released 05/96.....
forge_05.zip 1094344 08-05-2024  ۲    
                                |   |  ۲||  | ki
                                :     :  ۲:  :  ۲:
                                .     .۲.  ۲.۲.۲
                                -May Pack of fun and cheap sex!--
fsh-0194.zip  147696 08-05-2024    /\_______________  ___________ _/\
                                  /   ___   ____    \/   _____   |   \
                                 /   __/|   |__/  .  \__   \ |   :    \
                                /     | |      \  .   \ \   \|   .  sc!\ 
                                \  ___: :____  /__:_  /___  /:___|___  /
                                 \/          \/     \/    \/         \/
                                 FLASH(tm) Presents : The January Peck ! 
fury0794.zip  429908 08-05-2024        
                                      U   R   Y    ۲ 
                                         UNLEASHED #1  ۲
                                         JULY 07/94     
                                          ART COMPEDIUM ۲ 
fury0894.zip  240280 08-05-2024          FURY 08.94  ܲ       
                                 ܲ           ۲        
                                ܲ     ܱ ߲      
                                   ܰ         ߰    
                                  ۲                   ܱ
                                                     ߲     ۱
                                                     ߱   ۲
                                  ܰ          ߲  
                                -/-/-/ EXoTiC TRaXX / TMC /-/-/-
fury1094.zip  236395 08-05-2024  fury art compendium for october '94          
                                     .             ܲ           
                                      . ߱  ۲      
                                 ۲           ۲ ۲   ۲   ۲         
                                   ۲     ۲ ۲    ޱ          
                                    ۲      ۲  . ۲ ۲  ߲               
                                    ۲      .۲ ۲ ۲   ܲ            
fut-1094.zip   33528 08-05-2024 .. _______. ..::FUTiLE October,1994::..
                                : /       \::_::.. .       . ..::____::.
                                ./_   ____/_| \ ______/\ _ __/\ / _  \::
                                //      \\  | _\ _  ___/__)   \\ / __/::
                                \\   \___/  :  \\   \\ / _\   //_  __)::
                                .\\   \ \   .  //   ///   \\  /  \   \::
                                ..\\ _/  \_____/\___/ \__  /_____/_  /::
                                .:.\/::.. .. .  . .. ....\/........\/.:.
                                      . ..:: Ansi\Lit/Ascii ::.. .    wd
gansipic.zip   70090 08-05-2024 Color Ansi Collection 'G'.
gas-01.zip    828755 08-05-2024  .sS$$$$$$s$$$$$$$$$$$s$$Ss,
                                .$" ss   $$ssss.`$$$,
                                $$   $$   $' ss   $s, S$$
                                s$   $$   $   $$   $"$$$   $$
                                $$   $$   $   $$   $   $$   $,
                                $$s.    $s.    $    .s$$
                                `$"S$$   $$$$$$Ss.$Ss,$$$$$$$
                                $$.   .s$$SS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$s
                                `$$$$$$$$$$$SsS$$'pack 1.$$$'
                                 arcane bbs +61-7-5529-6541 
gas-02.zip    798137 08-05-2024   
                                ߲ ۲۲ 
                                 ۲ ߲ ۲ 
                                ߲ ޲   
                                 ۲  ۲ 
                                 ۲  ۲ ߲
                                ߲ ܲ۲ 
                                 g a s  p a c k 2 
gen0794.zip   494837 08-05-2024      .The First.
                                ߲       ߲      ߲ sp!߲   .Reich.
                                ߱       ߱  ߱    ߱   .07/94.
genpack1.zip  238927 08-05-2024 ۲۲۲۲
                                ߰  ߲    ۲
                                 ܰ     ܰ   
                                ܰ۲۰     ܰ 
                                   GENETiCS PREMiERE GRAPHiCS PACK #1  
                                      OUR FiRST GRAPHiC PACKAGE       
                                     iT CONTAiNS SOME NiCE STYLE      
                                  ANSi SCREENS [LOGOS&MENU EXAMPLES]  
                                    AND SUPER KEWL GiF PiCTURES !     
                                  DOWNLOAD iT NOW AND DECiDE YOURSELF 
                                  GREETZ TO ALL GERMAN GROUPS&ARTiSTS 
                                   OUTLAND BBS [49]-40-5596013  (WHQ)
glx-col1.zip    6317 08-05-2024 
                                  :::::' _______:  AscII collection!
                                  :::'  |       |  By Sanity assassin
                                  ::____|_      |____ ____    Nr. 1!
                                  :/       \    |_   Y    | +--------+
                                  |   l_____|__ ` |  `  _/   ! 1995 !
                                  l            |  |      \  +--------+
                                  :\_____|     |__|__|____|
                                  :::::::|____/ :::::::::::::::::::::::
grfx0894.zip  142235 08-05-2024              
                                August 1994ABoMiNATioN PackiNCARNATE Merge
grim0894.zip  286377 08-05-2024       
                                        GRiM ART PACK   
                                         AUGUST OF '94   
grip0194.zip  604460 08-05-2024 Graphic Revolution in Progress Presents
                                        GRiP/AD Pack #5 - 01/94
                                     "A Strong Grip Never Lets Go"
grip0294.zip 1192682 08-05-2024 Graphic Revolution in Progress Presents
                                        GRiP/AD Pack #6 - 02/94
grip0394.zip  199827 08-05-2024        ___ ____   __  ____    ..
                                      /   |    \ |__||    \  /||\
                                     /  /\|  |\ \ __ |  |\ \/ || \
                                    /  /  `  |/  )  ||  |/ /  ||  \
                                   /  /__ |     (|  ||   _/ . ||   \
                                  /  /_  \|  |\  \  ||  |/    || |\ \
                                 /  /__|  |  | \  | ||  /     || | ) )
                                (_________|__|  \ |_||_(   |  /| |/ /
                                                 \|     \  | / |   /
                                Graphic Revolution`in Pro\ |/gr|  /ess
                                          Proudly Presents\|   | /
                                         GRiP/AD Pack 03/94`   |/
                                             "Just Fine"       '
gthc0194.zip  374904 08-05-2024      __________________.______.____
                                 LC!/   <______ __  __
                                   /  /__//  /  /  /  /  /  / _/__/_
                                  /  /__  > /  /  /     /  /  /  /
                                 <____/  <____<__<__/__/__<_____/
                                  The Gothic Revival - January 1994
gthc0294.zip  311233 08-05-2024      __________________.______.____
                                 LC!/   <______ __  __
                                   /  /__//  /  /  /  /  /  / _/__/_
                                  /  /__  > /  /  /     /  /  /  /
                                 <____/  <____<__<__/__/__<_____/
                                  The Gothic Revival - Febuary 1994
gthc0394.zip  829880 08-05-2024      __________________.______.____
                                 LC!/   <______ __  __
                                   /  /__//  /  /  /  /  /  / _/__/_
                                  /  /__  > /  /  /     /  /  /  /
                                 <____/  <____<__<__/__/__<_____/
                                  The Gothic Revival - March 1994
gvt-0596.zip 1236227 08-05-2024  gravity/gravity/gravity/gvt
                                g$%a. "$$$$$$$$$$$$' `$$$$'.
                                n$$$$$$ $$$$$'`' ,as$$$$$%
                                s$$$$$' $'`    ``$$$$$$$'
                                i  ,a%$$$$$$$$$$'``'   ,'.
                                r,$$$$$$$$$$$` ,a%$$$$$a    '
                                e$$$$$$$$$$$$' .$$$$$$$$$    
                                d`$$$$$$$$$SS g `$$$$$$$`   .a.
                                b  `$$$$$$$,   $$$$$`    `'
                                y$a   `"%$$$$,  $S$$"  a$
                                f$$$a.      `'`'`"  .a$$$
                                a.'$$$$' `$$$$$$$$$$$$" .a%$
                                e%$$$$$%a,dZ  `$$$$$ $$$$$$
                                 `'$$$$$$$      ``' '$$$$'
hansipic.zip   64203 08-05-2024 Color Ansi Collection 'H'.
hav-0494.zip  481554 08-05-2024      -/- Havok Premier Release -\-
                                          -/- April 1994 -/-
                                   __    __    ___    __         _   _
                                 /__/| /__/| /___ / /__/| | \  /_ //_ /
                                |  | ||  | /     | |  | |/ \| |  |/  |/
                                |  |/_|  /   /   | |  |/   / \      /
                                |   __ /   /__|  | |     /( ) |    \ \
                                |__|/ |\ /    |__|/|__ / \___/|__|\__\/
hav-0594.zip  369439 08-05-2024         -/- Havok Release -\-
                                          -/- May 1994 -/-
                                   __    __    ___    __         _   _
                                 /__/| /__/| /___ / /__/| | \  /_ //_ /
                                |  | ||  | /     | |  | |/ \| |  |/  |/
                                |  |/_|  /   /   | |  |/   / \      /
                                |   __ /   /__|  | |     /( ) |    \ \
                                |__|/ |\ /    |__|/|__ / \___/|__|\__\/
hav-0694.zip  148554 08-05-2024         -/- Havok Release -\-
                                          -/- June 1994 -/-
                                   __    __    ___    __         _   _
                                 /__/| /__/| /___ / /__/| | \  /_ //_ /
                                |  | ||  | /     | |  | |/ \| |  |/  |/
                                |  |/_|  /   /   | |  |/   / \      /
                                |   __ /   /__|  | |     /( ) |    \ \
                                |__|/ |\ /    |__|/|__ / \___/|__|\__\/
haze_002.zip   87564 08-05-2024  haze: june 1995 pack no.2!
                                ۲߲ ߲߲ ߲
                                ۲ ۲ ܲ 
                                   ۲  ߲ld!    
heat-04.zip   284771 08-05-2024  ް   ݰܰ                
                                 ߰              ް
                                ް ݰް  ݰܰ  ް 
                                 ߱  ߰ܰ  ۰ܰ  ߱  ݰ
                                   ߱ ް   ܰ 
                                ް         ߰ݰ   ܰ
                                 ߱      ޱ  ߱
                                   ߰  ܰ    ݰ  
                                  HEATWave Packet #04 - Released 01/15/94
highscr.zip    18935 08-05-2024 Display menus and other Ansi Drawings used on
                                Highlander BBS. Cool!!
hkm-2die.zip   21257 08-05-2024 ascii      .            s,.                 
                                pack 2   __:             $s                
                                        /  |    `$$Ss    $s       ______ _
                                _ __  _/   | _ __ $$$$_ __ $$____  / ___ __ 
                                 _____/____|____  $$$$ __ _$___ \/ /   \'95
                                 \__________    \ $$$$   .$    \  /     \  
                                    /      |    .\`$$$ .s$      \/     ./  
                                    \      |     \\`$$s$$$._____/     //   
                                     \_____|       \`$   $$$. iC/      /    
                                           |________>:    $$$  /______/     
                                .----------------.sss ---$$ -------------.
                                | tha ePITAPHIC .'  oph  $  hKM preZents |
                                | the second ascii colly  '  kalled . . .  |
                                |    - ---(- tO lIVE iS tO dIE -)-- - -    |
hkm-ngry.zip   20458 08-05-2024 ascii      .            s,.                 
                                pack     __:             $s                
                                        /  |    `$$Ss    $s       ______ _
                                _ __  _/   | _ __ $$$$_ __ $$____  / ___ __ 
                                 _____/____|____  $$$$ __ _$___ \/ /   \'95
                                 \__________    \ $$$$   .$    \  /     \  
                                    /      |    .\`$$$ .s$      \/     ./  
                                    \      |     \\`$$s$$$._____/     //   
                                     \_____|       \`$   $$$. iC/      /    
                                           |________>:    $$$  /______/     
                                .----------------.sss ---$$ -------------.
                                |  EPiTAPHiC of .' HACME $    preZents   |
                                |------------------------ '----------------|
                                | tha first ascii pack kalled  aNGRy aGAIn |
hmg0494.zip    94783 08-05-2024         
                                April Pack, ANSI ONLY....                    
                                Vga grafix etc.. coming                      
                                out in mid-april.........                    
hor-1095.zip   64772 08-05-2024                  
                                ۲  ߲   ۲۲     ۱ 
                                 ߲     ܲ۰    
                                 ۰߲     ޲ܰ۰ݲ   
                                 ۱  ۲   ܱ  ۲  
                                 ۲ ۱  ܲ  ܲ۰    
                                   ۲               ۱  ۱
                                 ۲  ۲              ܰ۲  
                                ۱ ߲             ۲    
                                ۰ ޲                   
                                ߲  ۲  ߲                
                                      H  O  R  R  O  R           ߲
                                   o  F    R  E  A  L  I  T Y      10/07/95
                                            tRANCENTRAL MOVEMENt            
hor-1295.zip  264389 08-05-2024                   
                                   the new beginning  
hr09-94.zip   357785 08-05-2024     
                                  ۰     xu۲
                                  ۰       ۲
                                  ۰       ۱
                                  ۱    ۱
                                  ۱         ۱
                                  ۱           ۰
                                  ۲          ۰
                                  ۲      /-\Productions/-\        ۰
                                       -=Presents 09-94 Release=-
                                       -=Packaged by .\\. .\\=-
iansipic.zip   77515 08-05-2024 Color Ansi Collection 'I'.
ic-2am.zip     14625 08-05-2024 ______:           _  ___ ____
                                \___  |________/\___________ \  ___________
                                iC/   |  \______  _____   / \ \/ _________/
                                _/   _|   \   _|  \   \__/   \  / \  __/__
                                \    \_    \  \_   \  /  \    \/   \  |   \
                                |   ... ePiTAPHiC oPh hACME preZents ...   |
                                |     tha tHIRD askii collection kalled    |
                                |      --- -- ---(- 2 a.m. -)- - -----     |
ice-08.zip    169375 08-05-2024 iCE ANSi PACk o8]
ice-9401.zip 1547395 08-05-2024 January     ߱  iCEPACK
                                1994   ۲  ߲
                                ܲ          ߲ 
                                ޲       ܲ    
ice-9402.zip  983521 08-05-2024 February    ߱  iCEPACK
                                1994   ۲  ߲
                                ܲ          ߲ 
                                ޲       ܲ    
ice-9403.zip 1049517 08-05-2024 March      ߱  iCEPACK
                                1994   ۲  ߲
                                ܲ          ߲ 
                                ޲       ܲ    
ice-9404.zip 1213062 08-05-2024 [255D[3C[0;1;34m[5C[37m[5C
                                   [36m [37m       [30mtm
                                  [37m   [0m  [1m    
                                ۰   [0m[1m ߲  [0m[1m
                                [6C   Presents:   
                                   The April '94 iCEPACK
                                    [30mType "XV" to begin.[0m
ice-9405.zip  930859 08-05-2024 May        ߱  iCEPACK
                                1994   ۲  ߲
                                ܲ          ߲ 
                                ޲       ܲ    
ice-9406.zip 1163664 08-05-2024    ܰ          
                                ۲  ۲  ܲ   
                                Advertisements(tm) Presents:
                                     The June iCEPACK!
ice-9407.zip 1148057 08-05-2024    ܰ          
                                ۲  ۲  ܲ   
                                Advertisements(tm) Presents:
                                    The August iCEPACK!
ice-9408.zip  729892 08-05-2024                       
                                      ۱ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۰     
                                      ۱ ۲  ۲ ۱     
                                  ۰ ۲ ۰ ۲ ۱     
                                   ۱ ۱ ۱  ܰ
                                     ۲ ۰  ۰ ۱  ߱
                                  iC3 aDVO'Z pACk fOR aUGUST
ice-9409.zi1 1198323 08-05-2024 
ice-9409.zi2 1012717 08-05-2024 
ice-9410.zip  480985 08-05-2024  [!] Natural Born Killers [!]
                                  ޲     ܲ      ܲ
                                 ߲ ߲  ߲ ߲  ߲ ߲
                                ۰۲   ۰۲     ۰۲   
                                ޲۰   ޲     ޲  
                                 ۲    ۲    ۲
                                  ߲     ߲      ߲ 
                                  the October '94 iCEPack  
ice-9411.zip 1029066 08-05-2024 
                                  ޲     ܲ      ܲ
                                 ߲ ߲  ߲ ߲  ߲ ߲
                                ۰۲   ۰۲     ۰۲   
                                ޲۰   ޲     ޲  
                                 ۲    ۲    ۲
                                  ߲     ߲      ߲ 
                                  the November'94 iCEPack  
ice-9412.zip 1000659 08-05-2024 
                                  ޲     ܲ      ܲ
                                 ߲ ߲  ߲ ߲  ߲ ߲
                                ۰۲   ۰۲     ۰۲   
                                ޲۰   ޲     ޲  
                                 ۲    ۲    ۲
                                  ߲     ߲      ߲ 
                                  the December'94 iCEPack  
ice0894.zip    24589 08-05-2024 Two RIP screens from Sept '94 iCEPACK!
                                These are the only two RIP screens from
                                inside a graphic pack from the iCE
                                graphics group. The original file
                                (ICE-9408.ZIP) also contains ANSI (25
                                and 50 line) and VGA GIF graphic
ice9409a.zip 1198229 08-05-2024                     
                                  ޲     ܲ      ܲ
                                 ߲ ߲  ߲ ߲  ߲ ߲
                                ۰۲   ۰۲     ۰۲   
                                ޲۰   ޲     ޲  
                                 ۲    ۲    ۲
                                  ߲     ߲      ߲ 
                                 the September '94 iCEPack IJ
                                        Part <1 of deux>
ice9409b.zip 1012624 08-05-2024                     
                                  ޲     ܲ      ܲ
                                 ߲ ߲  ߲ ߲  ߲ ߲
                                ۰۲   ۰۲     ۰۲   
                                ޲۰   ޲     ޲  
                                 ۲    ۲    ۲
                                  ߲     ߲      ߲ 
                                 the September '94 iCEPack IJ
                                        Part <2 of deux>
ice9505a.zip 1279814 08-05-2024        Disk 1 of 2!  
                                  " i c e ^ o 5 / 9 5  . . . ! "
                                    ۲          ۲        
                                  ܲ     ܲ  ߲
                                    ߲   ܲ ck 
                                ߲߲ ۲    ߲
                                [0;36mV34? +3|-35693-7816/2860/17xx[0m
                                [0;36mE-Mail: eoh@eoh.idn.nl[0m
ice9505b.zip  668117 08-05-2024        Disk 2 of 2!  
                                  " i c e ^ o 5 / 9 5  . . . ! "
                                    ۲          ۲        
                                  ܲ     ܲ  ߲
                                    ߲   ܲ ck 
                                ߲߲ ۲    ߲
                                [0;36mV34? +3|-35693-7816/2860/17xx[0m
                                [0;36mE-Mail: eoh@eoh.idn.nl[0m
ice9511a.zip 1122299 08-05-2024      
                                   ۱      ۰   
                                  p    ܲ  
                                    ۱ ݰ    ݰݰ   ܲ
                                  ۲      ߰  ߲    
ice9511b.zip 1117315 08-05-2024      
                                   ۱      ۰   
                                  p    ܲ  
                                    ۱ ݰ    ݰݰ   ܲ
                                  ۲      ߰  ߲    
ice9511c.zip 1336304 08-05-2024      
                                   ۱      ۰   
                                  p    ܲ  
                                    ۱ ݰ    ݰݰ   ܲ
                                  ۲      ߰  ߲    
ice9601a.zip 1112374 08-05-2024         ܰ         
                                    p۲      ۲      ۲
                                   a       ߰ 
                                    ۱     ݲ     
                                   ܲ   --İ- ߱
                                     iCE January 1996 [1/2]
ice9601b.zip  877556 08-05-2024         ܰ         
                                    p۲      ۲      ۲
                                   a       ߰ 
                                    ۱     ݲ     
                                   ܲ   --İ- ߱
                                     iCE January 1996 [2/2]
ice9602a.zip 1013130 08-05-2024            
                                          ۲ ۲tna
                                   iCE February Pack      
                                   Disk 1/2                   
ice9602b.zip  960001 08-05-2024            
                                          ۲ ۲tna
                                   iCE February Pack      
                                   Disk 2/2                   
ice9603a.zip 1255317 08-05-2024                        
                                   ܲ  ۲  ܲ  ۲ 
                                ۲۱   ۲ ۱ ܲ ۲ 
                                 ۱ ۲  ۲  ۰  ۲ 
                                 ۰ ۲      ݰ 
                                 ۲   ۲     ܲ
                                 ۱  ۲  ۲  ۱  ۱  
                                   ܱ   ۲  ܲ    ߲ܰ
                                ۱ ۲ ۲   ۲
                                - ߲ -  1/2 ޲߲ March 1996
                                 sg      ޲            iCEPack 
ice9603b.zip  903118 08-05-2024                        
                                   ܲ  ۲  ܲ  ۲ 
                                ۲۱   ۲ ۱ ܲ ۲ 
                                 ۱ ۲  ۲  ۰  ۲ 
                                 ۰ ۲      ݰ 
                                 ۲   ۲     ܲ
                                 ۱  ۲  ۲  ۱  ۱  
                                   ܱ   ۲  ܲ    ߲ܰ
                                ۱ ۲ ۲   ۲
                                - ߲ -  2/2 ޲߲ March 1996
                                 sg      ޲            iCEPack 
ice9604a.zip 1250970 08-05-2024         ߲   ۲
                                   ܲ     ߲ 
                                 ۲  ۲     ۲ ߰
                                     ޲۲    ޲ܲܰ
                                       ܲ       ܲ ܱ
                                ۲  ۲      ۲  ۱
                                 ߲  ߲ 
                                ܲ    ܲ     ܲ     
                                 iv!  ܰ      ۲
                                iCE pack . April 1996 . part 1 of 2
ice9604b.zip  877539 08-05-2024         ߲   ۲
                                   ܲ     ߲ 
                                 ۲  ۲     ۲ ߰
                                     ޲۲    ޲ܲܰ
                                       ܲ       ܲ ܱ
                                ۲  ۲      ۲  ۱
                                 ߲  ߲ 
                                ܲ    ܲ     ܲ     
                                 iv!  ܰ      ۲
                                iCE pack . April 1996 . part 1 of 2
icepackz.zip  441074 08-05-2024 Large Collection Of Ansi & Ice Files &
ice_2d0194.zip 1545227 08-05-2024 January     ߱  iCEPACK
                                1994   ۲  ߲
                                ܲ          ߲ 
                                ޲       ܲ    
ice_2d08.zip  169375 08-05-2024 iCE ANSi PACk o8]
icheck12.zip    4034 08-05-2024 IceCheck v1.2
                                Really IceTech. style mailchecker.
                                English & Hungarian version!
                                2x3 ANSi screens for RA 2.50
ifx-0694.zip  387268 08-05-2024                    ܲ
                                   ޱ    ۲          ۲
                                   iLLEGAL F/X 06-94 (mini)pack
                                "This is our K-v4g1n4|_ file.iDEEZ"
ihs-fire.zip   16569 08-05-2024      _ _   __   __ _  .
                                     \ (__) /______.______ _/\______
                                      \____/ \_  __:_   _/_\    ___/__
                                  .-_/      \_   \___    \_ \_____    \_
                                .-' \_______ /_____:______/ ___________/-.
                                `--adk!---\/--- inhumans \_/-----------'
                                    |  REcAll/HS^MST^PLS^LSD PRESENTS   `-.
                                    |   >COLD FRE!<                       |
                                    `-.   THIS TME THE COLLY S REAL...   |
image001.zip  540646 08-05-2024   
                                  ۰    ۰ ۰ܰ ۰   
                                 ۱ ۱   ۱ޱܱ۱ 
                                ۲ ۲      ۲ ޲   ۲۲۲
                                 iMAGE February Pack 94'
imp-0494.zip  284616 08-05-2024   
                                IMPERiAL APRiL COLLECTiON '94
imp-0594.zip  558371 08-05-2024                          
                                    ߲   ۲ ۲
                                    ۲ ߰ 
                                    ۲     ۲  ܲ 
                                  ߱       ۲    ߰
                                   ܲ  Imperial ܲ  
                                ܲ     Art Pack     ܲܲ
                                ߲۱ May Edition 1994! ܱ۲
imp-0694.zip  780598 08-05-2024         
                                 ޲HV     ܲ 
                                MPEi  PE      ߱  Ri
                                IMPERi  PE A  M  iAL I  Ri
                                  Imperial Art Pack 
                                   June 15 '94 
imp-0794.zip  516000 08-05-2024 
inc0494.zip    95623 08-05-2024   ͻ
                                  ͼ ͻ
                                  ͻ  ͼ
                                  ͼ ͼ
                                iNCARNATE GRAPHICS
                                  04/15/94 PACK
ins1295a.zip  110027 08-05-2024 oh willy      we will take
                                don't be            over the
                                silly               world in..
                                use a    ޲              ...1996
                                       ߲۲    ܲ۲   join us!
                                 ܲ         ޲       
                                ANSi                       insomnia
                                Part!         december
                                ---             pack'95
                                    ߲     ߲  
                                      ۰   ۰   ۰ 
                                   ܲ   ܲ  
                                  iNSOMNiA are BLACK MAiDEN, PHAT 
                                 PARANOiA AND SAiLORMOON together 
ins1295v.zip  795378 08-05-2024 oh willy      we will take
                                don't be            over the
                                silly               world in..
                                use a    ޲              ...1996
                                       ߲۲    ܲ۲   join us!
                                 ܲ         ޲       
                                VGA                        insomnia
                                Part!         december
                                ---             pack'95
                                    ߲     ߲  
                                      ۰   ۰   ۰ 
                                   ܲ   ܲ  
                                  iNSOMNiA are BLACK MAiDEN, PHAT 
                                 PARANOiA AND SAiLORMOON together 
int-0494.zip  250377 08-05-2024                          
                                        P R E S E N T S:
                                  The Poet / Art Scout Mag!  #001
inu-9408.zip  291312 08-05-2024 iNNUENDO Art Pack N1 - [06-Aug-94]
                                 ۲  : Ŀ
                                |                   |               :
                                :     ۲  
                                        |    ۲
                                    ۲ ۲    ۲:۲    ۲    
                                     ۲ ۲   ۲ ۱    ۲    
                                         ۲  ۲    :
                                :             ۲               MB |
iph_2d_23001.zip   23741 08-05-2024 .oO  ooo  ooOooooo  oOoo        ooo.
                                .ssS   Sss. oo .ssss. ssSsSssSsss.
                                $$$'II `$$$  .S$~~SS  `$$~ ~$$.
                                .$$' :l  `$$ .SS`    'S$. $$  II  S$
                                .S$  :   SS. $`  .   'SS. S  l:  $$
                                SS$      $$S S   :.   S$S S  :  $S
                                SS.  :  .SS S   l:   SS S     $$
                                $S.   .SS $$.  II  .S$ S   :  S$
                                 SS. .S$  S$.    .$S $$      $$
                                O SS.SS Oo $$.  .$S .$$.    .$S
                                 oo SSS oooo $$ss$$ .s$SSs.sS$$
                                oOo S ooooooo $$ .sS$$$$SSSS$
                                -                            -
                                 TiTL: IPH FiRST OFFICIAL        
                                         ANSI/ASCI PACK!!!!
                                         [this pack really kicks!]
                                 DT.: 1997-07-05 (Summer in SWE)
                                 RT.: [99/1oo]  Di$K:. [1/1]
iph_2d_23002.zip   36154 08-05-2024   .: .sS:.            S :.
                                .::: :$$$: :::.::..:: E :.:.
                                 `:. `'     :      C :.'
                                  :: V$$$V         :  O ::
                                  .: `$$:'         .  N .:
                                  ::  $:: s#::$SS#s.  D ::
                                  ::  $$: $$$" ~"::.   :.
                                  :: .:$$.`$:     i$i 1 :.
                                  :. $$$$S $$,.  .s:: o ::
                                  ::    : ,$$$$.:::' o .:
                                  .:    . ::$         % .
                                  .: .$s  $:: $s  :     ::
                                  :: $$:  $$$ $  .   N :.
                                   : $$$  ::$s.`      E ::
                                  :. $$:s.  .ssS   :  W :.
                                  :: ::$$$$ss$::   .    ::
                                  :: $$$"~ ~"$$$      S .:
                                  .: $:$     ::$  :   C ::
                                  :: ::$ :   $$:  .   H :.
                                  :: $ .   $ iPH  O ::
                                  .:                  O :.
                                  :. iTRPHZE 2D   L ::
                                  :. 1oo% WSCHoOL      :
                                  .: PKK, WiTH THE   P ::
                                   : BEST SHiT-SCHoOL A ::
                                  :. SCii U C GT  K :
                                  .: D MUSH, MUCH   K .:
                                  :: MoR, LiK FUY   ::
                                  :. TXT FiLS ' STUFF.:
                                  ::                    :
                                  .:  T R A N C E !   ::
                                 .::.                   .:.
                                 `::'                  `::'
iph_2d_23003.zip   39014 08-05-2024   .s .ss.              ,s.
                                s$$$ $$ sssssssssss s$$$$s
                                 `$$ `' $$$$$$$$$$$.$$'
                                  ss V$$V $$$$$$$s$$$$$bss
                                  $$,`$$' $$$$$$$$
                                  $$ $$ s#S$S#s.`$$$$$$
                                  $s$ $ $" ~"$,`$$$$
                                  $$'.$$.`$: $s ii $$s$$
                                  $$ $S $,`'.s$ $$$$$
                                  $$sssss ,$$s$$V',$$$$$
                                  $$P $$   ssss$$$$$$$
                                  $$ s$s .$$ $s $$$$$S$$$$
                                  $$ $ ;$ $ $$'     `$
                                  $$ $$ l$s`$ $$  iPH  $
                                  $$ $s.  .sdS $$ ----- $
                                  $$ $$$ss$ $$ nr 03 $
                                  $$ $"~ ~"$$ $$ ----- $
                                  $$ $ s$s $$ $$ ascii $
                                  $ $$ $$$ $ $$.     .$
                                  $s $ $$$ $ $$$$SsS$$$
                                  $$ iNPHAMiLAiR  '97 :i$$$
                                  $$ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  :i$$
                                  $$ Presents: SPASM!   :$$
                                  $$                     $$
                                  $$ The 3rd 100% NS     $$
                                  $$ ascii pack, all     $$
                                  $$ made by i P H !     $$
                                  $$ ------------------- $$
                                  $$ Featuring:          $$
                                  $$  Outstanding Fx    $$
                                  $$  BBS Menus/stuff   $$
                                  $$  Kewl txt's/logo's $$
                                  $$  ONLY Colored Asc! $$
                                 s$$s,  - S P A S M -  ,s$$s
                                s$$$$$ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm $$$$$s
                                 $$' 1997-09-19; dec.`$$
                                [0;1;30m.:[ V.o.D +46-O42-16O7OO ]:.
iph_2d_23004.zip   18427 08-05-2024  _..,,sssS$Ssss,,.._
                                $',s#s,  iPH ASCii #4 `$
                                $ $$$ ,,..__  _.  _. $
                                $.`""'d$$$ sS$ sS$ $
                                $$ $$ $$ $ $ $$ $$ $
                                $$ $$ $$sss$ $$s$$$ $
                                $$ $$ $$ sss $$ $$ $
                                $'                    `$
                                $ -- iPH ASCii #004 -- $
                                $  tiny party release  $
                                $.                    .$
                                $    "winner asc's"    $
                                $ -> by iNPHAMiLAiR <- $
                                [0;1;30m.:[ V.o.D +46-O42-16O7OO ]:.
itr-9401.zip   65536 08-05-2024 
itr-9402.zip  156951 08-05-2024 February 1994 iCE Trial Pack
                                    ۰      C
itr-9503.zip  178649 08-05-2024 ICE TRIAL        
                                 A Time Honored Tradition
                                Has Made It's Return to iCE
                                [0;36mV34? +3|-35693-7816/2860/17xx[0m
                                [0;36mE-Mail: eoh@eoh.idn.nl[0m
jihad-1.zip   979018 08-05-2024 
jihad-2.zip  1068755 08-05-2024      _____________ ____________________
                                _____\_   _____   |    _  \_    _____  \_
                                \_   :|   |   |   |    |   |    |  .|   |
                                 |   .|   |  :|   _    |   _    |  :|   |
                                 |   .|   |  .|  :|    |  :|    |  .|   |
                                 |    l   |  .|  .|    |  .|    |  .|   |
                                 l________l___l___|    l___|    |___    |
                                 ====)  tHE sECOND mOFO jIHAD pACK  (====
jks-ordn.zip   23338 08-05-2024     ____  :_____: _____ _________
                                   (____) |__   |/    // _______/
                                    /   \   / __/ ___/ \_____   \_
                                 __/     | /  \   \_   \    |    /
                                 \       | \   \    \_  \_______/'95
                                \_____:'  \___\____\------
                                 oRDNUNG.EXE      dATE [16/12/95] 
                                | dIE  tOILETTEN  bENUTZER oRDNUNG |
                                 fR bEAMTE         [gERMAN tEXT] 
jks-same.zip   23047 08-05-2024     ____  :_____: _____ _________
                                   (____) |__   |/    // _______/
                                    /   \   / __/ ___/ \_____   \_
                                 __/     | /  \   \_   \    |    /
                                 \       | \   \    \_  \_______/'95
                                \_____:'  \___\____\------
                                 sAMEPROC.EXE     dATE [16/12/95] 
                                | tHE sAME pROCEDURE aS eVERY yEAR |
                                 (dINNER fOR oNE)  [eNGLISH tEXT] 
jus-0894.zip   75880 08-05-2024     ________
                                  /^      .^\ _        _______
                                 |         ) | ^\ px /^     .^\
                                  \__________/  ) |/^\(         )|
                                   ___|   ,\ .   |  |.  \____/
                                 /^. \_   .|     /  .|\_-     .\
                                |(         |      , |/        |
                                 \_________/\________/ \________/
                                          [Justice Ansi]
                                  [August 1, 1994 -- Release #1]
kimp1294.zip   27280 08-05-2024    KiMP December '94 Pack
                                Couriered by iCA, DiZ:Halo  
kin-1294.zip  618667 08-05-2024       The 'KiNDRED' Proudly Presents...
                                  )\  __(__)\___.)\____ )\___)\___)\_____
                                 /  |/  (__/    \ .    \  _  \  _ \ .    \
                                |;  :  _/ .| .   |:  \  \ (___)  __):  \  \
                                (|Tt!   \ :| :  .||  _)  ):|       )|  _)  )
                                 \__|  ./ ||_)  /(__    / ||\___  /\__    /
                                  KiNDRED's Debut Pack... Pack #1 12/26/94
                                          M E R R Y    X - M A S !
kts-tz01.zip   11499 08-05-2024 =    1st tinyz ascii pak    =
                                    __      ______________
                                   /  \  /\/       \      \
                                   \   \/  \        \ ____/
                                    \  /   / __ __  /  \
                                    /     /\/ / \ \/ \  \
                                   /    \/tz /   \ __ \  \
                                  /      \  /     \  \/   \
                                 /    \   \ \     /  /    /
                                 \____/\   \ \___/\______/
                                --------\  /-----------------
                                -   anoth\/er hot release   -
                                -------------------X o1/o1 X-
kts-tz02.zip    8672 08-05-2024 => tinyz k00l-ascii pack no.2 <=
                                ==>_____  _/\______/\________<==
                                ==>\__  |/   \    /  \       \<=
                                ===>/        /_   ___/_____/ /<=
                                ==>/      __/ /   \/\____  \/\<=
                                =>/          \     \ \       /<=
                                =>\____|\__  /__|  /______  /<==
                                ==========>\/<=>| /<=====>|/<===
kts-tz03.zip   23237 08-05-2024 => tinyz ascii pack numero 3  <=
                                ==>_____  _/\______/\________<==
                                ==>\__  |/   \    /  \       \<=
                                ===>/        /_   ___/_____/ /<=
                                ==>/      __/ /   \/\____  \/\<=
                                =>/          \     \ \       /<=
                                =>\____|\__  /__|  /______  /<==
                                ==========>\/<=>| /<=====>|/<===
kts-tz04.zip   11406 08-05-2024 => tinyz ascii pack numero 4  <=
                                ==>_____  _/\______/\________<==
                                ==>\__  |/   \    /  \       \<=
                                ===>/        /_   ___/_____/ /<=
                                ==>/      __/ /   \/\____  \/\<=
                                =>/          \     \ \       /<=
                                =>\____|\__  /__|  /______  /<==
                                ==========>\/<=>| /<=====>|/<===
kts-tz05.zip   15819 08-05-2024 => tinyz!askii pak numer fnf <=
                                ==>   no it's not german...  <==
                                ==>_____  _/\______/\________<==
                                ==>\__tz!/   \    /  \       \<=
                                ===>/        /_   ___/_____/ /<=
                                ==>/      __/ /   \/\____  \/\<=
                                =>/          \     \ \       /<=
                                =>\____|\__  /__|  /______  /<==
                                ==========>\/<=>| /<=====>|/<===
kts-tz06.zip    9457 08-05-2024 => tinyz askii paKKK no siXXX <=
                                ==>_____  _/\______/\________<==
                                ==>\__tz!/   \    /  \       \<=
                                ===>/        /_   ___/_____/ /<=
                                ==>/      __/ /   \/\____  \/\<=
                                =>/          \     \ \       /<=
                                =>\____|\__  /__|  /______  /<==
                                ==========>\/<=>| /<=====>|/<===
                                [===> spread this in #warez <===]
kts-tz07.zip   11425 08-05-2024  -[  katharsis!ascii pack   ]-
                                 -[ tz!ascii is now kts!ascii ]-
                                 ______ ____________________/\
                                 | tz!|/     /         /____  \
                                 |   ://    /_: \_   // ___\ //
                                 |   //   _/_|:   \__/\/ \| \/\
                                 |   \     \ |    \\/         \\
                                ~|____\    \\|______\  ________/~
kts-tz08.zip   12796 08-05-2024  -[  katharsis!ascii pack   ]-
                                 --[ yes... yet ANOTHER pack ]--
                                 ______ ____________________/\
                                 | tz!|/     /         /____  \
                                 |   ://    /_: \_   // ___\ //
                                 |   //   _/_|:   \__/\/ \| \/\
                                 |   \     \ |    \\/         \\
                                ~|____\    \\|______\  ________/~
kts-tz09.zip    8236 08-05-2024  -[    kts!ascii  pack IX    ]-
                                 -[ another quiky from tinyz ]-
                                 ______ ____________________/\
                                 | tz!|/     /         /____  \
                                 |   ://    /_: \_   // ___\ //
                                 |   //   _/_|:   \__/\/ \| \/\
                                 |   \     \ |    \\/         \\
                                ~|____\    \\|______\  ________/~
kts-tz10.zip   38610 08-05-2024   -[   kts!ascii pack !TEN!    ]-
                                 ______ _____________________/\
                                 |.   |/     /         /_____  \
                                 |:   //    /_: \_   // ____\ //
                                 |   //   _/_|:   \__/\/  \| \/\
                                 |   \     \ |    \\//         \\
                                ~|____\    \\|______\  _________/~
kts-tz11.zip   12058 08-05-2024  -[ katharsis!ascii pack  ]-
                                 -[ brought to you by tinyz! ]-
                                 ______ ____________________/\
                                 | tz!|/     /         /____  \
                                 |   ://    /_: \_   // ___\ //
                                 |   //   _/_|:   \__/\/ \| \/\
                                 |   \     \ |    \\/         \\
                                ~|____\    \\|______\  ________/~
kts-tz12.zip   12467 08-05-2024  -[  kts!ascii  twelve-pack  ]-
                                 ______ ____________________/\
                                 | tz!|/     /         /____  \
                                 |   ://    /_: \_   // ___\ //
                                 |   //   _/_|:   \__/\/ \| \/\
                                 |   \     \ |    \\/         \\
                                ~|____\    \\|______\  ________/~
kts-tz13.zip   17013 08-05-2024 
kts-tz14.zip   15171 08-05-2024    _____ _____________________________/\_
                                 _/-tZ!|/      ___   __ _   / ____ _ __ /
                                 |     //      / _:   \   //   ___\   //
                                 |:   //     _/_ |:   \\ //\___/ | \ //
                                 |.   \       \  |      \//      :  \/\__
                                 |     \      \\_|      \\_____         /
                                 |.    :\_________________\   \______ //
                                 |       katharsis!ascii numerooo #14\/
                                 `-------`if yer gay, the ya can read it'
kts-tz16.zip   43661 08-05-2024          ______
                                        |     /___  !100+ ASCIIS!
                                ==== ___|   //   _)______________========
                                %%%%/   |  //    ________  _____/_%%%%%%%
                                %%%//     _/_    |    .|   _____  \%%%%%%
                                %%%\____|    \___     :|__/__     \\_%%%%
                                %%%%%%%%|    \\%\______|%%%%%\______/%%%%
kts-tz17.zip   54662 08-05-2024      __/\|_________.__/\_____/\_
                                   _/    \    \_   |    \_ ____/_  kTS!aSK
                                   \_     \  ._/  \_/  ._/ _)_   \_  cOLLY
                                    |    \   :|    |   :|        .|    #17
                                    l____|   .|____|   .|____    :|  `tHE
                                   ::[===l____l====l____l===\_____l:  nME'
kts_a-15.zip   25257 08-05-2024   %] kATHARSIS!aSCII pACK fIFETEEN [%
                                         _________  %!] 43 lOGOS! [!%
                                    ____|         |____________________
                                   /    |:   /    ________ _______    /
                                 _//      __/\   :|    | \   __  \  //
                                 \     :|     \_ .|   :|  \_/ |  \\_/
                                  \ ____|      /_     .|______     /
                                  %\/%%%%\   //%%\_____|%-tZ!\   //%
                                          \\//                \\//
                                           \/                  \/
                                [31m[%] THiZ CaMe FRoM +31-2159-37816 [%]
lap-0494.zip 1273067 08-05-2024 :.:.:.   April 1994   .:.:.:
                                         ܲ   ܲ
                                ۲ܲ ߲߲ܰ
                                 ۰ ߰ݱܱܰްܰ
lap-0594.zip 1152326 08-05-2024         
                                      [Lapse 05-94]
lap-0794.zip  676754 08-05-2024 Lapse Productions July 1994
lap-0894.zip  503566 08-05-2024       .____ __________________.
                                 : ::  \ : . \  .\ _: __/  :: : 
                                 : ::  :TE:__: :  _/_  :  __:  :: : 
                                 : ::  /_____:_:_:_____:____\  :: : 
                                       . August 94 Art  .
lap-1094.zip  830316 08-05-2024         .       .      .    .       .
                                :::. ___/\_____/\____/\__/\_____/\_  
                                ||||::\    .\      \   _  \    \  _ 
                                ||||::/_   \ __(--   _\ ___/\___/  \__
                                ||||::/_   /    \    _\  \___   : \ _
                                ||||::/_____   /  _/   _/__   /TE ___
                                ::_________\ /_\ /__\ /____\ /__\ /______
                                /---------- : - : -- : ---- : -- :
                                :        Lapse Productions October 94       
lap-1194.zip  908027 08-05-2024         .       .      .    .       .
                                :::. ___/\_____/\____/\__/\_____/\_  
                                ||||::\    .\      \   _  \    \  _ 
                                ||||::/_   \ __(--   _\ ___/\___/  \__
                                ||||::/_   /    \    _\  \___   : \ _
                                ||||::/_____   /  _/   _/__   /TE ___
                                ::_________\ /_\ /__\ /____\ /__\ /______
                                /---------- : - : -- : ---- : -- :
                                :      Lapse Productions November Pack      
lap-1294.zip  937043 08-05-2024        ____                                   
                                       \  /___ /\___ /\___/\___/\_            
                                  ::: /  \  /  :  /  : \___:te\__\ :::      
                                  ::: /  :/\:  :  :  :___  \  ___\ :::      
                                  ::: /__   /\__\ __/___\  :_____\ :::      
                                          \/    :__\       \/                 
                                [lapse artwork compilation December i994]     
larts2.zip    159956 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 ۲޲޲޲  ܲ 
                                 `'`' ''`''`'`'`'`'`'`''`' 
                                          ޲ ޲          
                                   Julio          1995   
                                          ޲ ޲          
                                  LoCoArts Group Pack #2   
                                   = Otros 20 Ansis =    
                                [0;36mV34? +3|-35693-7816/2860/17xx[0m
                                [0;36mE-Mail: eoh@eoh.idn.nl[0m
legend04.zip   87286 08-05-2024        ܲ     
                                            ܲ   ݰ
                                   ܲ      ߲
                                 ݲ   ܲݰ    
                                           ܲ ܲ   
                                    ܲ         ۲ܲ
                                       ܲ۲  ۲     04  
                                 P R E S E N T S. . .  L E G E N D 0 4
lght9404.zip 1082374 08-05-2024   LiGHT April '94 Pa ck 
                                         ܰ ܲܲ ߰ 
                                            "BooM in  '94"
lght9405.zip  215146 08-05-2024  LiGHT May 1994 Spectrum 
                                 Kicking the Scene in 94 
                                           And The Night Is
                                            Yet  the LiGHT
                                         A new dawn appears
                                        And a new day begins
lght9406.zip  217135 08-05-2024   ] LiGHT June Spectrum [
                                            As the medallion
                                             swayed gently
                                               to  and fro
                                       I became  entranced
                                   ۲   And  the LiGHT
                                 ۲  was all that
lotd_2d_2301.zip   17866 08-05-2024 Legion of the Damned - ANSI Pak 1
lqd-0594.zip 1021277 08-05-2024       ߱     ߱
                                 -LiQUiD Pack #2-    "Carpe Diem"
                                  We are looking for new members 
                                    Fill out the application and   
                                  send it to our WHQ or member board 
lqd-9403.zip 1419084 08-05-2024   LiQUiD  Introducing our first pack 
                                 MARCH 1994 - The End Of The Beginning 
lqd-9406.zip 1019728 08-05-2024           
                                 -The Space-  3nd Release 06/94 
                                   ...Dear all CyberRealm users
ls-0394.zip   104448 08-05-2024 
ls-0594.zip    72700 08-05-2024          
                                  epe ociet 
                                 pack ii  may 94
ls-0794.zip   214562 08-05-2024         
                                 s    o    c    i    e    t    y
                                       pack iii  july 94
ls-0995b.zip   46207 08-05-2024         
                                       l e p e r  s o c i e t y
                                        pack x  september 95
lsp-1095.zip  642439 08-05-2024        R T  D I V I  I 0 N 
                                      ܲ ۱   ܰ
                                ߲ ܱ  ܱ۲ 
                                     ۱۲  ۱
                                ܲ ۱   ۱  ܲ
                                      ۰ ۲ ۲۲ ߲
                                 ۲۰ ܱ   ܲ
                                        ۱۲ܲܲ۱   [1/1]
                                   . THE . OCTOBER . X-PERiENCE .
                                        aNSI  aSCII  jPG 
                                        tRANCENTRAL MOVEMENt        
m-ansi3.zip    23950 08-05-2024 ----------------------------------------
                                Merde's ANSi Pack #3  -+-  Just for fun!
                                 I FELT LiKE I HAD TO SPREAD SOME AGAiN
                                 BTW: I MAKE ANSi FOR FUN, NOT REQUESTS
mad0194.zip   171776 08-05-2024 
                                Malicious Artists
                                Denomination Pack
mad0294.zip   357058 08-05-2024               
                                Malicious Art Denomination
                                Art Pack Number 2 Feb ' 94
                                BaZeRKa TOXiC  CONTOUR 
mad0494.zip   954258 08-05-2024     MP
                                  MALiCiOUS ART DENoMiNATiON
                                      April '94 Pack [4]
mad0594.zip   376440 08-05-2024     MP
                                ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ 
                                ۲   ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                  Malicious Art Denomination
mad0694.zip   467537 08-05-2024     MP
                                ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ 
                                ۲   ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                  Malicious Art Denomination
massive2.zip   47555 08-05-2024 --- -- -  ,*@SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS@*,-
                                |        *''^``^'*$$$$$$$$$$$$$8li: 
                                      '               `'$$$$$$*$$$$8: |
                                |   ,                     `'$ l$$8:' .
                                           ,     *ڿ,.        :$8:'
                                |  :                `'8:        '    |
                                :     - ,,          __ '8:       l,    
                                .dl        b.   .d$$s.8:       i:,
                                $$$*,_    *$$$$$$$$$8li:       li:,  |
                                $$$$$$$$S@4$$$$$$$$$$$8li:       8li:, :
                                '$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$8li       :$8li:,
                                 '$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$8li:       l$$8li:,
                                 `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$8li:      :$$$$8li:
                                | 5f '$$$$$$$$$$$$$8li:       l$$$$$$$$
                                 ,*@S$$$$$$$$$$$$$$8li:*, ,*$$$$$$$$$
                                :$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$  _,q$$$$$$$$,_ '*7S$
                                i$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$@$$$$$$$`'*$$$i*,
                                l$$$$? $$$$l $$$$l'`  $$$$ yyy,`'$$$$l
                                $$$$$: '*$; $$$$:     $$$$,4$$$l' l$$$$
                                $$$$ -- -- :$$$$ - -- $$$$$$$$'-- l$$$l
                                `'*@ mASS  i$$$$ ive? $$$$$$$$Q*$$$7:
                                --- ------ `'*S -- - *8$ --`'*S*'-
mft-0394.zip  737849 08-05-2024 The First  
                                               3/1/94           RELEASE
mft-0494.zip  479530 08-05-2024 First of April of the YEAR: 1994
                                Innovations present: MANIFEST AMAGALM
mft-0594.zip  310860 08-05-2024     Manifest Innovaiton
                                     May Release 1994
mft-0794.zip  702340 08-05-2024 
                                 Manifest Innovations
                                      July 1994
mft-0894.zip  212386 08-05-2024 
                                    The Final.....
                                 Manifest Innovations
                                     August 1994
miis0594.zip  512214 08-05-2024      //iiS May 1994 Contemplation
miis0794.zip  601502 08-05-2024     MenaceIISociety    
                                    MiiS Contemplation - July 1994
mind0894.zip  264158 08-05-2024     The August 1994 Mindless Art Pack 
                                                   ܲ  ܲܲ
                                ޲ܱ߲ ܲ  ߲ܲ޲  ޲C޲
                                ޲  ޱ ޲ ݲ  ݱ߲ܱ߲߲
                                    ߲   ܱݰ  ޲ݰ ޲
                                             ߰     ߱
                                     ޲ ܲ  
                                ޱ߲ Mindless Incorpotated  ߰ܲTM
                                ܰP   R   E   S   E   N   T   Sܲ
mind9409.zip  448886 08-05-2024    The September 1994 Mindless Art Pack 
                                                   ܲ  ܲܲ
                                ޲ܱ߲ ܲ  ߲ܲ޲  ޲C޲
                                ޲  ޱ ޲ ݲ  ݱ߲ܱ߲߲
                                    ߲   ܱݰ  ޲ݰ ޲
                                             ߰     ߱
                                     ޲ ܲ  
                                ޱ߲ Mindless Incorpotated  ߰ܲTM
                                ܰP   R   E   S   E   N   T   Sܲ 
mist1094.zip  517658 08-05-2024 _________|\  ____,___|\_|   |___33
                                __, __, __, `\(____-  ,_,'_, _______
                                #|'  |'  |'  |'   ,\__,  `|' _|'  |#
                                (mistigris) (the first pack) (10/94)
mist1194.zip  733490 08-05-2024     MiSTiGRiS Art Compilation
                                     The Second Pack  11/94
                                     ۲  ۱  ۱   ܲ۲
                                    ۱       ۱
                                   ۰ ۱  ܰ۰ܱ ޲
                                      ޲޲  ܱܲ   
                                      ۱   ߰ tz۲
                                     ܱ߰        ܲ 
mist1294.zip  908988 08-05-2024 MiSTiGRiS December Pack
                                  Our THIRD! WE LIVE!
                                    ______ __  ____ _____
                                ::/     __|/: __   __\
                                :/: : |:|:|__  |: |:::
                                "Elitists shot on sight."
mmv30.zip     174767 08-05-2024 Melody Maker v3.0
                                Create ANSI Music quickly and easily!   Three
                                modes  of playback,  SB/Adlib compat.,  mouse
                                support, easy use,  easy setup!  Save in many
                                formats,  including ANSI,  Melody Maker's own
                                compressed format,  RA page format and  more!
                                Check  out the best ANSI Music editor  on the
                                shareware market,  that even has  the ability
                                to  change  it's  Sound  Card  voice!   Block
                                commands,  key signatures,  point and  click!
                                Registration - $12.00
mop-9604.zip 1956187 08-05-2024 "the april tools pack"
                                             ܰܰ pa/#28
                                (4/96) ۲ܱܰ
                                  ۱۲  ۲
                                 ۲ ۲  
                                ۱                  ۲
moz9601a.zip  443601 08-05-2024 <------->
                                         ۲۲ o   ۲ ۲ Z   
                                   <- ۲     -->
                                   X x۲        
                                 xx x ۲ݰ ۲ݰ x ޲  ۲ݰ X  
                                   X ۲ ۲۰ x ۲  ۲X x x
                                 x  ۲  ۲  ۲ݰ ۲  X  
                                <-- ߲ ۲ ->ray
                                  moz[IC]art presents      1996    
                                   the 1st ART compilation for 1996!   
moz9604a.zip  750079 08-05-2024 <------->
                                         ۲۲ o   ۲ ۲ Z   
                                   <- ۲     -->
                                   X x۲        
                                 xx x ۲ݰ ۲ݰ x ޲  ۲ݰ X  
                                   X ۲ ۲۰ x ۲  ۲X x x
                                 x  ۲  ۲  ۲ݰ ۲  X  
                                <-- ߲ ۲ ->ray
                                  moz[IC]art presents      1996    
                                  the moz[IC]art April '96 collection  
mpir0194.zip 1011644 08-05-2024     Empire Compilation   01/94   
                                           Happy New Year!          
mpir0294.zip 1488918 08-05-2024     Empire Compilation   02/94   
                                      Will The Reign Ever Stop?     
mpir0494.zip  365684 08-05-2024  EMPiRE ART  Compilation 04/94 
                                ۲   ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲
mppakk02.zip   16398 08-05-2024 
                                  ۲  ۲
                                  ۲ ޲t ޲    
                                    ޲C ޲   
                                     ޲R ޲  ۲
                                  ۲ ܲ  ޲  ۲
                                    MGIC PODUCTiON 
                                  ޲ MGiC PR0D ART PAKK #02 
                                  ޲  Artists in this release  
                                   ۲kLEFZ, RatMan, tHE cREATOR
                                  ޲       MP ART DiViSiON    
mp_pakk1.zip    9323 08-05-2024     
                                | MGiC PR0d ART PAKK  |
                                |          #1!         |
                                | Artists in this pack |
                                | KleFZ, Thy PyrOo     |
                                | And YooGi            |
mtnt-ap4.zip   93257 08-05-2024    ____--| /--|--____ ---|____|--_____
                                  -----  |/  -:  -----|  \    :  ------
                                   ._/        |    |  .  .    |    |  .
                                <<<|_____%    \___ |--|__|    \___ |--|>>>
                                    MtNT |___--  |___--  |___--  |___--
                                -------------------------------[disk 1/1]--
                                             - aRt PaCk FouR -
                                      Cewl ASCIIS, ANSIS and VGA art!!!
                                    Download this and take a look at some
                                          cewl belgian drawings...
                                      You can order your asciis too!
                                 We're about to clean up our group a bit!!
                                 If you're a member now make sure you call
                                 our EHQ!!! and mail me if you still wanna
                                 be a distsite/courier/... whatever...!!!!
mtp-bye.zip    56964 08-05-2024 The Good-Bye ANSI Pack
mtx-9412.zip  705829 08-05-2024      MATRiX Art Pack  - [21-Dec-94]
                                                 M  Ĵ
                                    A monthly collection of quality art
                                       including ANSi, GFX and MUSiC
myst1_96.zip 1468604 08-05-2024 =------=\o1/96/=------=
                                #   MYSTiC ANSi PAK 5   #
myst3_96.zip  608638 08-05-2024 [PAK ][March 1996  Art Archive][PAK ]
                                  $.   ,$ $.   ,$,$$$$. $$$$$$$   ,$$$$.
                                  $$. ,$$ `$. ,$'$'  `$ ` `$' 'o ,$'  `$
                                  $ $o$ $  `$o$' `$.       $     $'
                                  $  $  $   `$'   `$$.     $   $ $.
                                  $     $    $      `8$    $   $ `$.   ,o
                                .o8o. .o8o..o8o.`8o.o8$  .o$o. $o.`8o.o8'
                                [PAK #6][March 1996  Art Archive][PAK #6]
                                 $                                     $
                                 $    MYSTiC PRODUCTiONz MARCH PAK!    $
                                 $                                     $
                                 $o.                                 .o$
nat-0694.zip  638669 08-05-2024    
                                 ۲ ۲     ۲ 
                                  ܲNation - 06/94 Art Release޲
nat-0794.zip  318951 08-05-2024        
                                   ۲         ޲ ۲
                                 ۲     ߲   
                                         ۲ ۲  
                                   The Nation Extravaganza - 07/94
nat-0894.zip  378927 08-05-2024        
                                   ۲         ޲ ۲
                                 ۲     ߲   
                                         ۲ ۲  
                                   The Nation Extravaganza - 08/94
nat-0994.zip  670946 08-05-2024          
                                     ۲         ޲ ۲
                                   ۲     ߲   
                                           ۲ ۲  
                                     The Nation Extravaganza - 09/94
                                 Came From  :  T h e   / c i d   L a b 
                                 [ 9 0 5 ]  8 8 1 - 9 7 5 8 
ncl_21_2301.zip   69470 08-05-2024     _ _____. _ ______. _ ___.
                                 _ _____.   \ _____   \     | ._
                                 -=-/   |    \ /   |___\    |/  \
                                 =-/    |     >   /     >   '    >
                                 -<     |____/      ___/     ___/-
                                 <                                >
                                  \  P R  E  S  E  N  T S   /
                                   |                           |
                                   | NuCLeaR! ANSi CoLLeCTiON  |
                                         #1 January 1995       :
ne0_arab.zip   15036 08-05-2024 ______ ___________ 
                                |  _  V_____|  _  V
                                |  |  |_____|  |  |
                                |  |  |  |  |  |  |
                                |  |  |    |    |
                                l__|  |_____l_____l
                                - -  ---------  - -
                                  pRESEN7s a nEw
                                 aSKIi c0LLEC7I0N
                                - -95---pay---95- -
newfileg.zip    4907 08-05-2024 
                                     ô ¿           
                                     eWiLeSC   V 1.0    
                                      MDe B 6UeeX         
                                   SS0P MSeR B0RD DUeRe 
                                   02421-931244 V34          
                                   02421-931245 X75          
ng0995ng.zip   34729 08-05-2024                    : 
                                 : saas.    : ,ssssssss
                                   `$$$$"ssa   $$$$ ,$$'
                                   $$$$ $$$$  $$$$ `$'  
                                 :  $$$$ $$$$ $$$$     :
                                    $$$$ $$$$  $$$$"$$$a
                                :  $$$$ $$$' $$$$ ,$$$  :
                                   ,$$$' `$'   `$$$$$$$$
                                   $"' :    :    `$$$$ 
                                 negative creeps 09-95 pack
                                     if you run a group
                                        pick this up!
nit-0194.zip   54735 08-05-2024           
                                       .Pack  #1.
                                  .Released  O1/2O/94.
nit-0394.zip   70589 08-05-2024     
                                      NITRO March Art Pack
nit-0594.zip   79858 08-05-2024           
                                    .Final  Release.
                                  .Released  O5/15/94.
nup-desc.zip   16715 08-05-2024 (\      .-.         _
                                  \)(_) |-'   @$@Nl$
                                 cHARON -tHE dESCRIPTION cOLLY!
nwa-0294.zip  294116 08-05-2024     |||||
                                 |NWA Art Pack: 02/94
opp-0695.zip  524955 08-05-2024  ____________________________________________
                                |\______     \ \\_________   \\__________  
                                |  //   \\   \\ \//     \//  \ \//     \// 
                                | //    /\\   \\//   _       /\//   _      
                                | \_____\/______\_____\______/\\_____\______/
                                | |             ||      |       |      |  __|
                                | /____________//_____ /_____ //_____ /  /  |
optk0194.zip  762896 08-05-2024       
                                   JaNuArY ArT CoLlEcTiOn   
optk0394.zip  632494 08-05-2024       
                                     March Art Collection   
                                       . ANSi/VGA/MoD .     
                                      Contact OPTiK NOW!    
out-0100.zip   18251 08-05-2024 January 2000 OutWorld Arts Artpack
                                Ansi RIP Graphics
                                Artpack released monthly
                                ICQ -- 129697
out-0197.zip   33654 08-05-2024 January 1997    -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                graphics@outworldarts.com  ICQ -- 129697
out-0198.zip   38559 08-05-2024 January 1998 OutWorld Arts Artpack
                                /^\__-__ |--| Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Artpack released monthly
                                |[| | |-|| -| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                |_|_|_|_||__| graphics@outworldarts.com
                                 ICQ -- 129697  ichat -- outworldarts
out-0199.zip  122366 08-05-2024 January 1999 OutWorld Arts Artpack
                                Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
                                Artpack released monthly
                                ICQ -- 129697
out-0296.zip   57881 08-05-2024 February 1996    -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                graphics@outworldarts.com  ICQ -- 129697
out-0297.zip   61284 08-05-2024 
                                /^\__-__ |--|  
                                |-|  _ _||[]|        OutWorld Arts February
                                |[| | |-|| -| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
out-0298.zip   71315 08-05-2024 February 1998
                                OutWorld Arts Artpack
                                Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
                                Artpack released monthly
                                ICQ -- 129697
out-0299.zip   12520 08-05-2024 February 1999 OutWorld Arts Artpack
                                Ansi MAX RIP Graphics
                                Artpack released monthly
                                ICQ -- 129697
out-0396.zip   47962 08-05-2024 March 1996    -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                graphics@outworldarts.com  ICQ -- 129697
out-0397.zip   18036 08-05-2024 March 1997          -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly, free
                                |_|_|_|_||__| OutWorld Arts outworld
out-0398.zip   21617 08-05-2024 March 1998
                                OutWorld Arts Artpack
                                Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
                                Artpack released monthly
                                ICQ -- 129697
out-0496.zip   43640 08-05-2024 April 1996    -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                graphics@outworldarts.com  ICQ -- 129697
out-0497.zip   24155 08-05-2024 April 1997          -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly, free
                                |_|_|_|_||__| OutWorld Arts outworld
out-0498.zip   16124 08-05-2024 April 1998
                                OutWorld Arts Artpack
                                Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
                                Artpack released monthly
                                ICQ -- 129697
out-0499.zip   13426 08-05-2024 April 1999 OutWorld Arts Artpack
                                Ansi MAX RIP Graphics
                                Artpack released monthly
                                ICQ -- 129697
out-0596.zip   32557 08-05-2024 May 1996    -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                graphics@outworldarts.com  ICQ -- 129697
out-0597.zip   53659 08-05-2024 May 1997            -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly, free
                                |_|_|_|_||__| OutWorld Arts outworld
                                outworldarts@hotmail.com -or-
out-0599.zip   12998 08-05-2024 May 1999 OutWorld Arts Artpack
                                Ansi MAX RIP Graphics
                                Artpack released monthly
                                ICQ -- 129697
out-0696.zip   55197 08-05-2024 June 1996    -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                graphics@outworldarts.com  ICQ -- 129697
out-0697.zip   53286 08-05-2024 June 1997            -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly, free
                                |_|_|_|_||__| OutWorld Arts outworld
                                outworldarts@hotmail.com -or-
out-0796.zip   52528 08-05-2024 July 1996    -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                graphics@outworldarts.com  ICQ -- 129697
out-0797.zip   29090 08-05-2024 July 1997       -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly, free
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/    
                                outworld_arts@geocities.com -or-
                                outworldarts@hotmail.com -or-
out-0798.zip   14380 08-05-2024 July 1998
                                OutWorld Arts Artpack
                                Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
                                Artpack released monthly
                                ICQ -- 129697
out-0799.zip   20665 08-05-2024 July 1999 OutWorld Arts Artpack
                                Ansi MAX RIP Graphics
                                Artpack released monthly
                                ICQ -- 129697
out-0896.zip   53043 08-05-2024 August 1996    -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                graphics@outworldarts.com  ICQ -- 129697
out-0897.zip   55710 08-05-2024 August 1997       -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly, free
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/    
                                outworld_arts@geocities.com  ICQ -- 129697
out-0898.zip   15220 08-05-2024 August 1998
                                OutWorld Arts Artpack
                                Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
                                Artpack released monthly
                                ICQ -- 129697
out-0996.zip   48295 08-05-2024 September 1996    -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                graphics@outworldarts.com  ICQ -- 129697
out-0997.zip   34025 08-05-2024 September 1997       -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly, free
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/    
                                graphics@outworldarts.com  ICQ -- 129697
out-0998.zip  121507 08-05-2024 September 1998 OutWorld Arts Artpack
                                Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
                                Artpack released monthly
                                ICQ -- 129697
out-1096.zip   31801 08-05-2024 October 1996    -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                graphics@outworldarts.com  ICQ -- 129697
out-1097.zip   45183 08-05-2024 October 1997    -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                graphics@outworldarts.com  ICQ -- 129697
out-1098.zip   11383 08-05-2024 October 1998 OutWorld Arts Artpack
                                Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
                                Artpack released monthly
                                ICQ -- 129697
out-1196.zip   42573 08-05-2024 November 1996    -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                graphics@outworldarts.com  ICQ -- 129697
out-1197.zip   44817 08-05-2024 November 1997 Holiday Graphics OutWorld Arts
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                graphics@outworldarts.com  ICQ -- 129697
out-1198.zip   18417 08-05-2024 November 1998 OutWorld Arts Artpack -
                                Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
                                Artpack released monthly
                                ICQ -- 129697
out-ansi.zip  125545 08-05-2024 OutWorld Arts Ansis -- Everything from
                                Landscapes to Comicbook Characters;
                                including holiday ansis. 
                                /^\__-__ |--| Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Artpack released monthly
                                |[| | |-|| -| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                |_|_|_|_||__| graphics@outworldarts.com
out-rip.zip   461871 08-05-2024 OutWorld Arts RIPS -- Everything from
                                Landscapes to Comicbook Characters;
                                including holiday RIPs. 
                                /^\__-__ |--| Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Artpack released monthly
                                |[| | |-|| -| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                |_|_|_|_||__| graphics@outworldarts.com
out-swan.zip    5554 08-05-2024 
out_2d0200.zip   10357 08-05-2024 February 2000 OutWorld Arts Artpack
                                Ansi RIP Graphics
                                Artpack released monthly
                                ICQ -- 129697
phat1195.zip   50034 08-05-2024         
                                                "hey dude, leech this
                                            artpack or get lost!"
                                         ޲  the phatquisition
                                  ۰           11/95
                                     ۲߲  ߲   ޲      
                                 ܲ    ߰ ߲                    ޲
                                ۲۲ ܲ۲  ܲ ߲޲   
                                   ޲۲  ۲  ܲ
                                  ܲ ߲     ݰ۲
                                         ۲۲   ۲
                                  bk!     ޲  ۲
                                        ߰  ߲۲ ܲ۲ 
                                                   ܲ   ޲
plain07.zip   217318 08-05-2024                                              
                                 ߲ ۲                     
                                + ----   ------ +                  
                                   plain in style 05 / 96                     
                                + ----------- +                  
plf-0798.zip  142839 08-05-2024                                
                                   "life aint a flower, life is 
                                  ball of rubber, cus we're live
                                      in a poffelipoff world"   
                                ۲    bym
                                      ۲     ޲
                                    ޲ ޲   ޲
                                 ۰          ܲ۲
                                 ۱      ۱
                                 ۲  ܱ    ۰
                                       "pOffelipOff #14"
pm-fra01.zip   39715 08-05-2024 FREE Ansi screenz for BBSs of any type.  
                                More packs will be released, and
                                requests are welcome. 619 ONLY!!!
                                If u run a BBS, download this!
                                see ansi.txt for more info
pm-fra02.zip   38290 08-05-2024 Precious Metal's Free
                                ansi screens #2.  download
                                and use on your BBS.
pois0494.zip  967094 08-05-2024               
                                      APRiL '94- Vol. 4.0
                                        VGA, ANSI, MODs
                                          Art Release
                                        (c)POiSON [6i2]
prml0294.zip  332372 08-05-2024 [0;35m______ _____ ___ __  __ ___ ____
                                [0;35m| __  \ __  \\  \\ \/ |/ _ \|  /
                                [35;1m|  /__/  \  //  //    /  .  \ |__\
                                [35;1m|__|  |__\__\\__\\_\/_\__|__/____/
                                    [37;1mPrimal Ansi Packet Feb '94
                                      [0;37mReleased : Feb o6 1994
                                       [ BLooD PooL  187 ]
punc0695.zip  430803 08-05-2024  _________________________
                                |:       ||   |:   |   |:      |
                                |:   :   ||   |: . |   |:  ____|
                                |:   ____||   |: | |   |: |
                                |:  | |:  |   |: | |   |: |____ 
                                |:  | |:  .   |: | .   |:      |
                                |___| |_______|__|_____|_______|
                                   P u n C  P r o d u c t i o n s   
                                       presents the June `95        
                                         outta school pack          
punk0594.zip   70398 08-05-2024   /~~~~~~~~~\
                                  |    //  |  )\\ |~\/~|//~~|
                                  |    -----/  | \\| || |/  /
                                  |    | /--|~~\  \\ ||    /
                                  |    / \  |  |   \\||pNk  \
                                  \/~~~   \____||___\\\__|\__|
                                  P U N K   A n s i  P a c k
                                 05.05.94       M  A  Y
pur-0594.zip  895362 08-05-2024 Pursuit Pack 
                                All Artwork Up To 
                                 May '94 
pur-0694.zip  153931 08-05-2024   ____  Pursuit o6/94 Pack  ________
                                 /    \    ._   >               
                                      |   |/ _/ ,___/  |   __  __/
                                  _/  :    . \ ___. \  :      
                                   > \___/\__|\__\____/.___/__/   
                                 ./                             \ar
                                / 'pursuing a higher form of art' \
pur-0794.zip   70480 08-05-2024 |00 ________________________________________
                                |07 \_  _  \    _  \  .____    _  __  __/
                                |12  /  __/:      /__.    :      ah
                                |04 /   \_____/____\_____/\_____/____
                                |08<____/.::.  pursuit art pack o7/94  .::.
pur-0894.zip  540000 08-05-2024 
rage-294.zip  451662 08-05-2024            RAGE ! 02/02/94 Release !
                                 /\/-        first Art Pack        -\/\
raid1294.zip  306207 08-05-2024 [40m[2J[6C[0;1m RAiD 12/94 Second Pack 
                                     ܲ[10C  ܲ
                                ۲۲ܱܰ    ۲soi߱
                                ޲۲۱ ܱܰ    ߲
                                 ߰ ۱  ߲ܲ ޲ޱ[5Cޱ
                                 ܱ   ޲ ߰߱߰ ۲ ۲  ۲
                                 ߲   ߱۱ ۱ ۲۲
                                 ܲ ܲ ۲۲ݲ۱
                                    ߱۱߰߱ ۲߰
                                [9C Merry Christmas! 
ran-0194.zip  129191 08-05-2024 
                                  SZ!     '94 
                                RANCiD Presents  The January RANCiD Pak
random.zip    141371 08-05-2024 100 ANSI pix, make use of new RND insert parm
rave-02.zip  1167722 08-05-2024   RAVE! Artistic Spew  [09/01/94]  
                                |  __  >__ <  <|  | ___>| | DE
                                |     <  _  \  \/  /  __)|_|
rbs-db01.zip   43840 08-05-2024 REBELS Ansi Collection 1
rctpak02.zip   75744 08-05-2024         THE AUGUST REACTOR PACK
                                          -=/=- REACTOR -=\=-
rctpak03.zip  275509 08-05-2024        THE SEPTEMBER REACTOR PACK
rel-0194.zip  934145 08-05-2024                      
                                 :                :           
                                  ޲ ޲  ޲    ޲ ޲               
                                  ޱ  ޱ    ޱ    ޱ ޱi2           
                                  ް  ް    ް    ް ް               
                                 :       :           
                                  RELiC Pack Release for 1-94             
                                   --- Our First Pack -              
rel-0294.zip 1038588 08-05-2024                      
                                 :                :           
                                  ޲ ޲  ޲    ޲ ޲               
                                  ޱ  ޱ    ޱ    ޱ ޱi2           
                                  ް  ް    ް    ް ް               
                                 :       :           
                                  RELiC Pack Release for 2-94  
rel-0394.zip  542288 08-05-2024                      
                                 :                :           
                                  ޲ ޲  ޲    ޲ ޲               
                                  ޱ  ޱ    ޱ    ޱ ޱi2           
                                  ް  ް    ް    ް ް               
                                 :       :           
                                  RELiC Pack Release for 3-94  
rel-0494.zip  474005 08-05-2024                      
                                 :                :           
                                  ޲ ޲  ޲    ޲ ޲               
                                  ޱ  ޱ    ޱ    ޱ ޱi2           
                                  ް  ް    ް    ް ް               
                                 :       :           
                                  RELiC Pack Release for 4-94  
                                   --- Here we go again -
rel-0594.zip  794692 08-05-2024                      
                                 :                :           
                                  ޲ ޲  ޲    ޲ ޲               
                                  ޱ  ޱ    ޱ    ޱ ޱi2           
                                  ް  ް    ް    ް ް               
                                 :       :           
                                  RELiC Pack Release for 5-94  
                                   ---  Blah Blah Blah  -
rel-0694.zip 1296949 08-05-2024 |08
                                |15   GW 
rel-0794.zip  601996 08-05-2024                   
                                 Relic ACK-uisition 07-94
                                 Btw, this diz is just to
                                 piss off all you people
                                  who don't like Jaydee.
rel-0894.zip  709957 08-05-2024  ߲  ۲        ۲  ۲ 
                                ۲ ۲ ۲        
                                ۲ ۲     ۰     Diz
                                 ۲  ۲ ۲۲ ۱ 
                                 ۲ ޲ ߲  ۲    ۲  
rel-0994.zip  935464 08-05-2024                       
                                   ܲ             ߲ܲݲ Studies show that
                                ۲ܲ             ޲ 9 out of 10 ISZs
                                 ߲ ܲ۲ ߱ prefer the September
                                   ۲    1994 Relic pack
                                 ޲۲    over Maxx.  
                                   ޲ ݲ         ܲ ܲ  
                                    ߲            ۲߲޲   ܲ
                                    ܲ          ߲ 
                                   ޲۲ ޲۲۲         
                                   ޲  ۲          
                                    ۲ܱ ۲              
                                     ߲۲۲  ܲ             
                                                   diz by Hunchback.
                                DT shading on the font is dedicated to Flood.
rel-1094.zip  580078 08-05-2024 ܲ ߲ ܱ  ܱ߲ܲܲ
                                yet another relic pack  oct. 1994
                                ۲۲  ۲۲޲ܲ
                                   ۲   ߲
                                    ۲  ܲ 
                                    ޲۲ ߲߲
                                ߰      ߲  
                                 ܲ  ߲ܲ۲  ܰ
                                 ޲   ܲ  ܱ   
                                      ޲     ܲ   
                                ޲      ܲ ޲   
                                ܲ  ޲ ޲   
                                ߲  ۲     33
                                better than coolness... relicness!
                                ߲   ߲߰  
rel-1194.zip  561667 08-05-2024 ߲    
                                   ۲  ߲۲  
                                 ߲     ۲  ۲  ܲ
                                  ܲ ۲ 
                                relic studios presents the november 1994 pack
                                ܲ   ܲ
                                 ܲ ܲ
                                  ߲ ۲
                                checkout next month: full-coloured 50x160 diz
                                (err.. nah) diz by the almighty eerie [relic]
rel-1294.zip  326692 08-05-2024  ߲ܲ  ߲   
                                 santa claus presents the relixmas pack 
                                          - december 25, 1994 -      
                                   ܲ  ܲ    ܲ
                                       ߲    relic 
                                   ۲     ho ho 
                                    ۲ ho!  
                                 ۲   ޲    
                                  ܲ۲ ܲ  
                                  ۲  ߲۲ 
                                    ߲߲ ۲ ޲ 
                                 eh! this is ܲ       
                                 jello, dis-  ۲۲     
                                ߲  guised!  ޲ ۲߲    ܲ
                                 ߲  ܲ _33
                                   merry christmas you ansi d00dlers.   
                                 don't get too dERUNK like zipperhead!! 
                                  ܲ  ܲ 
rem-0294.zip  499885 08-05-2024   The February 1994 Mission Pack
rem-0394.zip  747746 08-05-2024   The March 1994 Mission Pack
                                    [ SPeCTRE '94 ]
rem-0494.zip  617453 08-05-2024    The April 1994 Mission Pack
rem-0594.zip  806356 08-05-2024      The May 1994 Mission Pack
rem-0694.zip  619730 08-05-2024     The June 1994 Mission Pack    
rem-0894.zip  328523 08-05-2024     The August 1994 Mission Pack    
                                 -/-/-/ EXoTiC TRaXX / TMC /-/-/-
riot0194.zip  329730 08-05-2024    
                                  RIOT Uprising:  January '94   
rise-ans.zip   14711 08-05-2024       
                                    "ThE ToKER AnSI"   
                                       By ZeB        
                                     ANSi PaCK     ۳
                                 --- ۳
rmrs-01.zip    58975 08-05-2024 _______ ___ ______ ____ _____ ____ ____
                                \___  /___/      /    /___  / _  / ___/
                                 / ' / _|__ |_|  \ |  \  ' /__ \/\ _|__
                                /_|  \ _  /_| |  /__  /_|  \ __  /__  /
                                wd|___\ \/     \/   \/  |___\  \/   \/
                                    __ __ _     Remorse     _ __ __
                                   / /\ __ _  Ascii Pack   _ __ /\ \
                                   \_\/__ _    #1, 12/94    _ __\/_/
rmrs-02.zip    38933 08-05-2024    ____ ____ ____ ____ ____  ________
                                   ) . )) __))   \)   )) . )/   /) __)
                                Ss/ __// __// / ) )/ // __/( (>// __/Ss
                                 / ) )/ <) > / / // // ) )/<) )/ <) >
                                (_/ /(__  /_(_/ /__/(_/ // __/(__  /
                                  \/    \/    \/      \/ \/      \/
                                   ascii assault
roc1094.zip   186717 08-05-2024         ܰ           ܱ
                                      ܰ      ܰ
                                      ܱ߱gd ߰
                                  ܲ         ߲     ߲
                                      P A N D E M O N I U M    
                                      T h e  1 s t  W a v e   ۲
rv495bad.zip   48966 08-05-2024        
                                 B/D  PRODUCTION 1995 
                                     BiTCHiN aNSi DeSiGN
                                      RaVe [BAD/LCS/ALP]
                                Diz is my new aNsi Collection
                                 B/D  PRODUCTION 1995 
                                [0;36mV34? +3|-35693-7816/2860/17xx[0m
                                [0;36mE-Mail: eoh@eoh.idn.nl[0m
sap-0594.zip 1008549 08-05-2024                       
                                 dS       Issue #1
                                    SLiVER Art Products `94  
sb-new.zip      6302 08-05-2024 |04  shivan bastard^illness
                                |15    NEW USER ANIMATION
                                |07new user animation using a
                                |07super cool ld! chick.
scar0294.zip  569399 08-05-2024 
                                / / / /
                                ݳ____/ ____/    /    /
                                /____/       ___/ __//
                                /_____/ /_____/ //   // //  / /
                                SCaR February 1994 Pack (Volume II)
scar0494.zip  250558 08-05-2024 
                                / / / /
                                ݳ____/ ____/    /    /
                                /____/       ___/ __//
                                /_____/ /_____/ //   // //  / /
                                 April 1994 PaK -=- (Volume ]V)
shao0798.zip  299680 08-05-2024 
                                  SHAOLIN'S FINEST PACK 11           07/98
                                           "Tasty treats inside!"
                                   (.oOo.) pRIMAL fEAR aUSTRALIA (.oOo.)
shock-94.zip 1549646 08-05-2024    Shock-Pak:  1994 Second Edition  
                                    Released by ACiD Productions     
                                Featuring:  Shock Wave's 1994 VGAs   
                                           and also, never-before-   
                                           seen original secret VGAs 
shv-0595.zip  132555 08-05-2024 S H I V E R  0 5 / 9 5  E X H I B I T I O N
                                  ߲۲ ۲    ߲ܲ  ܲ
                                  ۲    ۲  ߲      ޲  ۲ 
                                ߲ ۱     ۰߲    ۱  ߲
                                   ۰ ܲ  ۱  ۲ ۲ 
                                     ۲  ۱  ݲ۲
                                       ۲߲    ۲  ۲  ۱  
                                     ۲ ۲  ۲    ۰ ߲
                                  ޱ۲  ۲  ۱     ۰
                                  ܲ۲  ۰ ޲   ߱۲۰
                                  ܲ   ۲ ߲  ۲       ۲ 
                                        zp          ߲   ߲
shv-0694.zip  425169 08-05-2024    SHIVER 6/94 Exhibition    
shv-0794.zip 1140448 08-05-2024    SHIVER 07/94 Exhibition    
                                  SHIVER + Vi Merge Info Inside  
shv-0994.zip  997517 08-05-2024 _____________ __ __________________ 
                                | _____)o :  |__|o |  |o____)o ____)
                                |-nn   |: =  |o |: :  |: ---|:  .  :    
                                |:     |. .  |: |. .  |.   :|.  .  :    
                                .SHIVER Art Exhibition #3 (9/01/94):
shv-1094.zip  643203 08-05-2024   SHIVER 10/94 Exhibition -   
shv-1194.zip  672227 08-05-2024   SHIVER 11/94 Exhibition -   
shv-1294.zip  809433 08-05-2024   SHIVER 12/94 Exhibition -   
simpson!.zip  113341 08-05-2024 --------------------------------
                                The SIMPSON FAMILY ! Whats this?
                                SIMPSON ANSI-Movie .ANS-Format
                                mehr als 1,1 MB ANSI-Film, lieber
                                gepackt - zum offline-ansehen,
                                oder Einbinden in die Mailbox.
                                !! passed the ChAnNeL ][ BBS !!
                                -- +49-(0)-9141-81389 V34/X75 --
skag9406.zip  346992 08-05-2024        ______________________  ________ _
                                      /   ____    /   /  _   \/  ______
                                     /\__   \/     __/   /   /   /    /
                                    /   /   /      \/  _    /   /    /
                                   /       /   /   /   /   /        /
                                   \_     /\__/   /\__/   /\___    /
                                _ __/ June '94 Artwork Pack 2 /___/
skl-0194.zip  241632 08-05-2024               Compilation
                                    S K i L L    O 1 / 9 4
                                 SKiLL is now called BARQ! ۲
sld!1194.zip   27308 08-05-2024 .ܲ ܲ ܲ ܲ ܲ
                                ޲ ޲ݲ ݲ
                                .޲ݲ ݲ
                                ߰  ۰ 
                                  -[ NoVeMBeR aNSi PaCK]-
sldc1294.zip   68913 08-05-2024 
spz0494.zip  1010608 08-05-2024      _____  _____  _____  _____   _______
                                |:::/     \|     \/     |/     \:|      
                                |::|    \_/|  -\  | /   |\_/    ||       
                                |: /\_    \|  ___/      |/    _/\|  |  | 
                                |:|        |  \::|  |   |        |  |  | 
                                |::::[ SPZM/VG     APRIL 1994 RELESE 
                                |::::[ 4-15-94 ]:::::::::::::::[ 1 OF 1 
srg-0494.zip  360878 08-05-2024 @X04|----/\-|--/\---/\---/\---|
                                @X04:  --|  |  | -- | /--/ ---:
                                @X04:--  |  |  |   \ | -/| ---:
                                  Pack Numero Uno 04-94
                                     Game hints/Faqs
                                    Released 03-27-94
                                 Hey @USER@ Leech this !!!
srg-0794.zip   98154 08-05-2024 [255D[5C[0;34m__________ _________  ______ ___
                                    /  ________)  //  _  )/[5C//  ____)
                                   [1m(___   )/  /  //   __//  /__//  ___)
                                  [0m/   /  //[5C//  /  )/  /_  )  /  )
                                 [1m(______/(_____/(__/__/(___/  (_____/
                                   - P r e s e n t s -    (__/
                                   - July Ansi Pack - 0794 -[0m
srg-0994.zip  414663 08-05-2024      si                 
                                      ߱ ߱  
                                           ܱ ߲
                                  s e p t e m b e r  p a c k ag e
sth-best.zip  168721 08-05-2024 Best of '94 ANSiS 
                                 ſ ڴ     Ĵ    Ĵ   Ĵ Ĵ
                                       Ĵ    Ĵ     Ĵ
                                 BEST OF '94 ANSiS BY CRACK & ATREiDES!   
                                 FROM o1/o9/94 to 15/12/95          [1/1] 
stl-001.zip   320393 08-05-2024  THE STILE COLLECTION  - 1994
                                  ߲  ߲       ۲ 
                                   ۲   ۲    ۲   ۲ 
                                 ߲ܲ ߲ܲ ۲ ߲ܲ ߲ܲ 
                                 P R O U D L Y    P R E S E N T S
                                  The Stile Premiere Collection!
                                  Lots of  kickass art and other
                                  incredible stuff from your own
                                  favorite group - Stile!
                                  You have to check this out...
                                 goOp :: +46-8-7744895
stn-0694.zip       0 08-05-2024 
stn-0794.zip  815598 08-05-2024       
                                       The Stoned Pak 07/94
                                      VIATi URIR!G 
stx0494.zip   574584 08-05-2024 562-6395
                                Killer BBS
                                Ignacio Allende
                                his handle is RACQUER.
                                The Killer BBS 619-562-6395
                                [1/1] STX art pack April '94
                                dy_____ _____ . __  ____ __   /-\   _)\
                                /     \     |: .  \ \__/   \  \   \/  /
                                <  --\/  :__/ | : |\ \ _ /-\ |/ | /
                                /\--   >  \  -| | |/ /  \ -/ | / _/\   \
                                \_____/ __/\___/____/\__/___/  \(    \_/
stx0594.zip  1234208 08-05-2024 
stx0694.zip   856431 08-05-2024 
sui-0594.zip  507400 08-05-2024   ܲ               
                                    ۲ݱ  ݲ
                                ۰  ۰ܰ NT
                                    SUiCiDE     O5   94
tk-pak01.zip   36798 08-05-2024 TANK PACK ANSi 1
tl199407.zip   46371 08-05-2024           
                                  A TekLordZ Promo Release #0
                                  Code: OJ  Interface: Smooth
                                      (Repacked Archive)
tl199409.zip       0 08-05-2024 
tl199411.zip  491830 08-05-2024 CaUTiON 8-channel / km.AMBi
tly-0795.zip  117725 08-05-2024  TRiLoXy JuLy 1995 aNSi PaCK ߲߲
                                   ܲ       ܲ                  
                                 ۲ ۲       ܲܲ 
                                    ߲          ۲ 
                                  ܲ ۲     ܲ
                                [0;36mV34? +3|-35693-7816/2860/17xx[0m
                                [0;36mE-Mail: eoh@eoh.idn.nl[0m
tly-0995.zip  167665 08-05-2024    TRiLoXy SePTeMBeR 1995 aRT PaCK 
                                ߲   ߲    ߲     ܲ
                                ۲  ۲۲      ۲      
                                ޲ ۲    ۲۲
                                ۲  ߲߱۲    ۲ܲ
                                 ۲    ޲۲     
                                ۲     ۲۲ ۲    Cd
                                   ܲ        ܲ   ܲ
tox-0894.zip   30353 08-05-2024 [ TOXiC ANSi PRODUCTiONS ]
                                |PAK#1 "InSeRT TaB HeRe!" ART: |
                                  ް ް   ް    ް    FRODO
                                   ޱ ޱ   ޱ     ޱ    RMSTR
                                   LR   UNKNW
                                [-August 1994-]
                                minimium 35% post-consumer content
                                |made from 100% recycled ansi's|
tribe-08.zip  326346 08-05-2024  __/|___________________________|\__
                                  \___  ______  /___|  _   /______/
                                    /:   \ |/  /    |  / /__ :>____
                                   / .    \ _  \    |  _\  / .    |
                                    \ _____|/___\___|_____/______/
                                     \| TRiBE Archive #8 - Jan '94
tribe-09.zip  143572 08-05-2024  __/|___________________________|\__
                                  \___  ______  /___|  _   /______/
                                    /:   \ |/  /    |  / /__ :>____
                                   / .    \ _  \    |  _\  / .    |
                                    \ _____|/___\___|_____/______/
                                     \| TRiBE Archive #9 - Feb '94
tribe-10.zip  220052 08-05-2024 
                                The TRiBE Archive #10: March 94
tribe-11.zip  193055 08-05-2024 [255D[0;1m ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲  
                                  TRiBE Archive #11 - April 1994 [0m
tribe-12.zip  511642 08-05-2024 GIF89a@$$,))8
                                               by Alex Mead   
                                  A great new ANSI editor, with a completely
                                new approach.  Works like cursor driven paint
                                program in graphics mode, and then converts
                                your picture to ANSI.  Already well on its 
                                way to becomming a very popular ANSI tool.
                                  Requires EGA or better Monitor.
                                  FREEWARE!!  No registration required.
an2pcb11.zip   12164 08-05-2024 ANSI2PCB - Converts an ANSI encoded text file
                                into PCBoards AT text file.
anctrl21.zip    5858 08-05-2024 Ansi Control is a program that gives you easy
                                control of your
                                screen colors, and modes without having to
                                remember cryptic ANSI commands.
ans2wld2.zip    9917 08-05-2024 ANS2WLD V2.0; (A utility to convert ANSI
                                files to Wildcat! 3.0 format) This program
                                will convert your ANSI screen files into a
                                format which is compatable with Wildcat! 3.0
ansi2rcf.zip   18768 08-05-2024 ANSI_To_RaColorFile (ANSI2RCF) is a 
                                small tool to convert your ANSI-files 
                                to a ASCII-File which contains also RA-
                                Colors. SHOW_RaColorFile (SHOWRCF) let 
                                you display RA-Color-Files and 
                                ANSI-files without ANSI-Fossil.
ansi330.zip   125503 08-05-2024 ANSi Art Gallery v3.30 BBS Door Art /Graphics
                                display program
ansi364.zip     6719 08-05-2024 Detailed list of ANSI Standard Control
ansico.zip     46318 08-05-2024 convert plain ASCII text files into color
                                ANSI files, ANY size file  This program is
                                great for Sysops to colorize some of there
                                BBS text files.
ansicode.zip    4667 08-05-2024 ANSI.SYS's Escape Sequences Files.
                                >>>>>TOUT SUR LES CODES ANSI<<<<<<
ansicon.zip    39144 08-05-2024 ANSIcon V2.1 ANSIcon is a program that will
                                convert plain ASCII text files into color
                                ANSI files, This program can convert ANY size
                                file, and you can append the output
ansicv22.zip   62846 08-05-2024 Two ANSI utility programs
ansidis1.zip   28066 08-05-2024 AnsiDis- Displays ANSI files locally
                                or on a BBS.  AnsiDis is FREEWARE.
                                 AnsiDis program (c) Copyright 1998
                                 Simeon Potts, All Rights Reserved.  
                                Run AnsiDis after moving it to your
                                BBS directory.  It creates a config
                                  file with further instructions. 
                                Works on COM1-2, up to 115200 baud.
                                Requires ANSI.SYS.  Pauses after #
                                 of lines defined in config file.
                                 Distribute freely.  Do not sell.
ansidrv.zip     6926 08-05-2024 This essay is an attempt to explain how I use
                                the ANSI.SYS driver to configure the function
                                keys on my computer, and to control the
ansiimge.zip   25234 08-05-2024 ANSI Image Version 1.01.00
ansikeep.zip  166713 08-05-2024 Some Of The Better ANSI Screens Ever!  Some
                                are animated.  Great for BBS use!
ansilong.zip   36418 08-05-2024 Useful For Uploading ANSI Files To BBS Nets.
                                Eliminates CR/LF's From The Picture
ansiltr2.zip    6236 08-05-2024 
ansim12.zip    98382 08-05-2024 ANsIMATION is a door that allows users
                                to upload an ANSI picture or Animation
                                file that they have previously created
                                Then other users can view those
                                creations on-line.  This door should
                                work fine with any system that can
                                produce a DOOR.SYS, PCBOARD.SYS,
                                DORINFOx.DEF and a few others. v 1.2
ansimate.zip   77182 08-05-2024 The friendly way to learn more about
ansims10.zip   35414 08-05-2024 ANSI Mouse drawing program the drawing
                                workspace with a menu-bar on the top line.
ansiopt.zip    21575 08-05-2024 Optimizes your ANSI files for smallest size
                                and maximum speed!
ansip21a.zip  190270 08-05-2024 ANSIPLAY version 2.1 [1/2]
ansip21b.zip   85811 08-05-2024 ANSIPLAY VERSION 2.1 [2/2]
                                ANSIPLAY plays music, sounds and pause delays
                                from your ANSI files.
ansipl30.zip  284782 08-05-2024 ANSIPLUS 3.00: Great console driver for
                                VGA/EGA under DOS 3.0-6.0, packed with
                                features: full color control, screen saver,
                                scroll-back, scroll freeze, smooth scrolling,
                                key stacking, ANSI support, Windows aware,
                                international support, easy to use utilities,
                                free BBS updates, and much, much more. New
ansirem2.zip   10160 08-05-2024 ansi-rem - A program to remove ANSI escape
                                sequences from a text file.  This program
                                uses a very simple-minded method of
                                identifying  an escape sequence.
ansirez1.zip  123494 08-05-2024 ANSIrez 1.0 - Converts GIFS to ANSI
                                code.  Image processing allows you
                                to boost, scale, filter and paint
                                before converting to ANSI.  VGA and
                                MOUSE required.  By Fred Bertagnolli
ansisnd.zip    14140 08-05-2024 
ansit100.zip   48746 08-05-2024 ANSIT! version 1.00
                                There are a lot of  ANSI drivers on the PD/SW
                                market and most of them  are much faster than
                                ANSI.SYS  -  but  which one  is the  fastest?
                                ANSIT! will  answer that.   It's a  benchmark
                                program  testing  how fast  your  machine (or
                                your  current  ANSI   driver,  actually)  can
                                execute ANSI escape  sequences, screen writes
                                and scrolls.  Support available  from author.
                                *** AND... It's PoleWare - It's FreeWare! ***
ansiwtch.zip   41584 08-05-2024 AnsiWatch;  ANSI file viewing utility. It has
                                a built-in ANSI interpreter, so you do not
                                need an  ANSI driver  such  as  ANSI.SYS
ansi_2dj.zip   41988 08-05-2024 ANSI.COM  V1.3j  - PC Magazine's ANSI driver.
                                It can be used in place of DOS's ANSI.SYS and
                                gives better performance too.   Also includes
                                ANSIPCB.COM that implements PCBoard's @ codes
                                for displaying text files at the  DOS prompt.
                                This version now includes @freespace@, @who@,
                                @lmr@  and all the new PCBoard 15.0 variables
                                along with supporting @variable:nnx@ formats.
ansi_i.zip     38752 08-05-2024 A memory-resident utility that enables
                                selectable use of the extended screen and
                                keyboard control sequences that normally
                                require loading the ANSI.SYS device driver.
ansi_j.zip     41448 08-05-2024 ANSI.COM  V1.3j  - can be used in place of
                                DOS's ANSI.SYS and gives better performance
                                too.  Includes ANSIPCB.COM that implements
                                PCBoard's @ codes for displaying text files
                                at the  DOS prompt. This version now includes
                                @freespace@, @who@, @lmr@  and all the new
                                PCBoard 15.0 variables along with supporting
                                @variable:nnx@ formats.
ansi_pl2.zip   43898 08-05-2024 A group of ANSI screens from PLCM.
ansv20.zip     63006 08-05-2024 ****** ANSI View 2.0 - ANSI Viewer ****** 
                                Full featured command line driven ANSI 
                                graphics viewer supporting ANSI 
                                animation.  Throw away DOS's slow and 
                                cranky ANSI.SYS forever!  Faster than 
                                ANSI.SYS but non-memory-resident.  
                                Includes features that simplify menu 
                                generation.  Great buy at only $15!
aoday10.zip    49428 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                ANSI Of The Day  v1.0  This great new door
                                will let your users view random ANSI files
                                  * Works with most BBS software Types *  
aplus404.zip  395582 08-05-2024 ANSIPLUS v4.04 - Console driver for
                                SVGA/VGA/EGA under DOS, Win95, Windows 3.x,
                                OS/2 or DESQview, feature packed: vivid
                                colors, full color control, screen saver,
                                scroll-back, copy/paste, scroll freeze,
                                smooth scrolling, ANSI support, larger key
                                buffer, typematic speedup, key stacking,
                                international support, loads to UMBs, HMA or
                                EMS, & more.
apres20.zip   247115 08-05-2024 ANSI Presentations V2.0 - User ANSI
                                advertisement door.  Allows users to display
                                their own ANSI messages such as BBS ads or
                                any type of advertisement they want in ANSI.
                                Can display up to 100 ANSI screens.
                                Compatible with most BBS software.  Supports
                                up to 115K baud rate, COM 0-15, non-standard
                                IRQ's and multi-port boards using a FOSSIL
                                including PCBoard/M.  Desqview compatible.
                                    **** From: DEKM Software, Inc. ****
apres21.zip   248266 08-05-2024 ANSI Presentations V2.1 - User ANSI
                                advertisement door.  Allows users to display
                                their own ANSI messages such as BBS ads or
                                any type of advertisement they want in ANSI.
                                Can display up to 100 ANSI screens.
                                Compatible with most BBS software.  Supports
                                up to 115K baud rate, COM 0-15, non-standard
                                IRQ's and multi-port boards using a FOSSIL
                                including PCBoard/M.  Desqview compatible.
                                    **** From: DEKM Software, Inc. ****
arenawel.zip   80946 08-05-2024 The Ansi graphic files that come with
                                welcomeg.exe contain ansi music code. The
                                registered WELCOMEG.exe will come with an
                                ansi music configuration progam so that you
                                may add Ansi music to your welcome screens.
art25.zip     207823 08-05-2024 ANSIartist SAA-Editor for ANSI Screens v2.5;
                                A handy tool for sysops, advertisers,
                                designers with some pretty features and
                                state-of-the-art userinterface. Easy to use,
                                easy to learn, featuring an intelligent
                                optimizing of code for the smallest amount of
                                bytes. Very good features.
artx091a.zip  171938 08-05-2024  The ULTIMATE ANSI Editor  
                                ArtWorx v. 0.91 (a) Beta       HOOPTiE
                                 Sector Logic   
                                 - Now Featuring a VGA Mode Editor!
                                 - VGA Font Generator
                                 - Palette Editor
                                 - Lines, Elipses, and Boxes
                                 - Unlimited length ANSI
                                 - BinVU (.EXE saved ANSI's)
                                 - .ADF: ArtWorx Data Format
                                Plus tons of great features.  No other
                                ANSI editor can possibly compete with
                                ArtWorx - it is simply superior!
asciitsr.zip    6321 08-05-2024 ASCII-TSR is a Terminate, stay resident
                                written in Turbo Pascal 7.0 and includes full
                                source code.  This TSR displays an ascii
                                when you press the F10 key, but can be re-
                                programmed to be any other key.
ashowdem.zip   41730 08-05-2024 Slide show that will help you demo your BBS.
atane102.zip   54872 08-05-2024 Creates/Merges RemoteAccess colour-coding
                                     ASC files from normal ASCII text files.
atb110.zip     43929 08-05-2024 Full-scrolling ANSI, PCBoard and WildCat
                                colour and music code browser. Supports
                                CGA/EGA/VGA video modes up to 66 lines.
atype_11.zip   14925 08-05-2024 Display ASCII / ANSI / ANSI MUSIC / AVATAR
                                files from Dos.
avatar0.zip     5588 08-05-2024 
avd_2d436.zip  201240 08-05-2024 ACiD View v4.36 for DOS - Multi-Image Viewer
                                      """"Y$b  ,d$P""Y$b  ,d$P ,d$P""Y$$'
                                   ,d$P""Y$$' ,$$'  `""" ,$$' ,$$'  ,$$'
                                  ,$$'  ,$$' ,$$'  ,$$' ,$$' ,$$'  ,$$'
                                ",$$' ",$$' ,$$' ",$$' ,$$' ,$$' ",$$'
                                ,$$'  .$$' ,$$'  ,$$' ,$$' ,$$'  ,$$'
                                `"""""""'  `"""""""'  `"'  `"""""""'
                                     """"""""""""""""""""" "  ""   "" " """ "
                                    ,$$'  ,$$' ,$$  ,d$"""Y$b  ,$$' ,$$' ,$$
                                   ,$$'  ,$$' ,$$' ,$$""""""' ,$$' ,$$' ,$$'
                                  ,$$'  ,$$' ,$$' ,$$'  ,$$' ,$$' ,$$' ,$$'
                                 ,$$' ",$$' ,$$  ,$$' ",$$' ,$$' ,$$' ,$$'
                                ,$$'  ,$$' ,$$' ,$$'  ,$$' ,$$' ,$$' ,$$'
                                `"""""""'  `"'  `"""""""'  `"""""""""""'   
                                The  most  comprehensive  image  viewer  in 
                                production.  This  innovative   program  is
                                capable of displaying  ANSI, ASCII, BINary,
                                GIF, JPEG, RIPscrip and  XBIN graphics.  In
                                In addition, the viewer has  been  designed
                                with  a  special  interest  for  those  who  
                                multi-task.  ACiD  View  utilizes  its  own
                                internal  ANSI engine,  capable of  viewing
                                ANSI  without  a  seperate  device  driver.
                                Other  features   include   slideshow,  GIF
                                screen capture, and modem emulator.
                                Uncrippled Freeware.
ave205e.zip    24753 08-05-2024             ,,,          ,,,         ,,,,
                                      _,zd$$$$$ 444      $z$     _,zd$$$$
                                    z$$$$$"$$$ $$$      $$$i ,d$$$$"$$$
                                   i$$$`   $$$ $$$      $$$ii$$$`   $$$
                                  :$$$i     $$$ $$$      444i$$$i ____$$$
                                  ;$$$i     $$$ $$$     i$$$i$$$$ '~"$"$
                                  i$$$      $$$ $$$     i$$$i$$$i       "
                                  i$$$  ____$$$"$$$     $$$ii$$$i   ,zd
                                  i$"$ ''~"$$$;$$$z$zd$$$" ;$$$i   $,$
                                - $$$ ---- $"$-$$$$$"-[dp]-$$,zd$$ ---
                                    a v e n g e ! v i e w   ver. 2.05e
                                 (c)Copyright Grant Passmore (skaboy101)
avt0plus.zip    4158 08-05-2024 
avt1con.zip    35250 08-05-2024 
avtconv.zip    15172 08-05-2024 The RemoteAccess Avatar
                                Conversion utility, or
                                AVTCONV, will convert
                                your existing ansi (.ANS)
                                screens into Avatar (.AVT)
                                screens suitablefor use with
                                RemoteAccess 1.10.
avtctl.zip      6588 08-05-2024 
avtdemo.zip     6238 08-05-2024 
av_2d414.zip  142757 08-05-2024 ACiD ViEW. ACiD Productionsn Enhanced File
                                Viewer Coded by Skull Leader and Tasmaniac
aw065b.zip    109493 08-05-2024 ArtWorx v0.65 (Beta) Full-featured ANSI
                                editor that BLOWS AWAY TheDRAW, ACiD DRAW,
                                GuileDRAW, or any others currently out.
awp075e.zip    81779 08-05-2024                                      
                                ArtWorx version 0.75b (rev. D/QEMM Fix)
                                This is a full-featured ANSI editor
                                that BLOWS AWAY TheDRAW, ACiD DRAW,
                                GuileDRAW, or any others currently
                                out.  Take a look at these features:
                                   - ANSI's upto 99,999 lines long
                                   - View VGA mode
                                   - COMPLETE mouse support
                                   - Fill, Flip, etc transformations
                                   - Multiple scrolling types
                                   - Lines, Elipses, and Boxes
                                   - ANSI Brushes and Paint Modes
                                   - Killer interface
a_2dr10.zip    18924 08-05-2024 ANSIB v1.O - Batch File ANSI Controller: ALSO
                                RAT v1.O - Batch File Mouse Interface
bbsamt20.zip   16135 08-05-2024 BBS ANSI Music Tutorial v. 2.0: now includes
                                instructions for coding ANSI Music for
                                message posting and information on terminals
                                that support it.
bbsamt41.zip   51792 08-05-2024 BBS Ansi Music Tutorial 4.1
                                Comprehensive step-by-step tutorial shows
                                how to add music to your BBS and messages,
                                includes sample music files for each step.
                                Now includes a TSR quick code reference,
                                and information on the proposed new ANSI
                                music standard.
blde9511.zip  950032 08-05-2024 ^^ ۲ ۰ ۲  ^^
                                 ۲  ۱  ۲     
                                   ۲     ۲ ۲      
                                     ۲    ۲  
                                  m ۲       ۲c  
                                ۲    ܲ
                                the blade november epic.nineteen ninetyfive
bod_2drip.zip   47564 08-05-2024      .    .  BLACKOUT DESIGN PRESENTS
                                    /(    )\     Ascii Pics No 6
                                   |  -^^-  |
                                    \_ `' _/  ------------------------
                                      \  )    More Cows pic, Big Nice
                                       )/     Robots, Animals, Beavis
                                      ('      & Buthead, More MoBikes
                                       `      And a lot lot of other Ascii
                                 Compiled by: DarkSpirit/BOD
btype20.zip    38147 08-05-2024 Btype 2.0 - View ANSI files without ANSI.SYS 
                                loaded. Also plays ANSI music. From the 
                                makers of BananaCom. Feeware! Feel free to 
                                rename BTYPE.EXE to whatever is most 
                                convenient to you. (e.g. T.EXE) 
ciadrwb8.zip   96179 08-05-2024          C           i           A-- 
                                          ۲   | ex!
                                  ۲-- -             
                                  ۲ |    - 
                                +---       ۲        ۲
                                         ۲      ۲
                                     ۱         ۲     
                                  ۲   ۲۲۲
                                       d        r         a         w
                                      official public beta release 0.8
colorpro.zip   61020 08-05-2024 
condor30.zip  148884 08-05-2024 CONDOR; ANSI.SYS replacment of sorts. Enables
                                your CGA/EGA/VGA computer to do bitmap style
                                graphics ANY time from DOS or from any
                                program that uses DOS CON: for text output.
                                With CONDOR you get from 320x200 to 640x480
                                pixel graphics and ANSI too if you want
                                because CONDOR recognizes most ANSI commands
                                and can execute ANSI commands even while in a
                                graphics mode.  CONDOR will enhance online
                                communications with it's abilities.
ddt_2dac30.zip   77473 08-05-2024 ------------------------------------
                                ***    DiEBELS DRiNKiNG TEAM     ***
                                          AnsiConvert V3.0 
                                            GIF to ANSI
                                [UTiL]         [DoS]         [o1/o1]
design_8.zip   64611 08-05-2024 SCREEN DESIGN is an easy to use program  for
                                designing fullscreen output for the IBM PC.
dgansi10.zip   36429 08-05-2024 
dline22.zip    69162 08-05-2024 DATELINE 2.2 Calendar bulletin maker for any
                                Generates RIP, ANSI and ASCII bulletins,
                                updates files 
                                by deleting outdated entries.  Contains a
                                built in Calendar 
                                feature for easy monthly planning.
drawcat.zip    31132 08-05-2024 DrawCat v1.0; allow callers and sysops to
                                take advantage of WC 3.0's @ codes for color.
                                Sysops can save a tremondous ammout of time
drmasc10.zip   19271 08-05-2024 DreamASCIIv1.0Ŀ
                                    DreamASCII generates a chart    
                                   of all possible ASCii characters   
                                      along with their ALT codes.     
                                     Better than looking it up in     
                                         your manuals/books!          
elyedit4.zip   32022 08-05-2024 +------------------------------------------+
                                |  Elysium Software's ElyEdit version 4.00 |
                                +--- -- - - - -              - - - - -- ---+
                                | An easy to use menu editor that supports |
                                |    SANSI, Pipe, Telegard, Wildcat!,      |
                                |     ASCII, PCBoard, Sync and Adept.      |
                                |                                          |
                                |                Freeware!                 |
etgce10g.zip  193650 08-05-2024 ETGCedit v1.0; Extended Terminal Graphics and
                                Capabilities Sequence Editor
fansi21.zip   216794 08-05-2024 Fancy ANSI V2.1 - User ANSI display door.
                                Allows users to display their own ANSI's.
                                Either ANSI's the user created or ones
                                they found interesting.  Can display up 
                                to 100 ANSI screens of any size.  Compatible
                                with most BBS software.  Supports up to 115K 
                                baud rate, COM 0-15, non-standard IRQ's and 
                                multi-port boards using a FOSSIL including 
                                PCBoard/M.  Desqview compatible.
                                    **** From: DEKM Software, Inc. ****
fc301k_1.zip  302786 08-05-2024 termcap for FANSI-CONSOLE This should be used
                                with UNIX or UNIX-like utilities. It works
                                with communications programs that interface
                                with the console through BIOS or DOS calls.
fconupd4.zip    7450 08-05-2024 About FANSI-CONSOLE The Integrated Console
                                Utility Fast ANSI X3.64 Console Driver  for
                                the IBM-PC, IBM-PC/AT, IBM PS/2, and clones
fdg_2d107.zip  277724 08-05-2024 FIGlet creates large banners from text using
                                ascii characters (ie text symbols)
                                 _ _ _           _   _     _
                                 | (_) | _____  | |_| |__ (_)___
                                 | | | |/ / _ \ | __| '_ \| / __|
                                 | | |   <  __/ | |_| | | | \__ \_
                                 |_|_|_|\_\___|  \__|_| |_|_|___(_)
                                There are many differnt fonts included.
                                FigLet can be run from DOS, or by using
                                the GUI editor from Windows.
fdio11.zip     13186 08-05-2024 FDIO v1.1
                                [Creates ANSi screens]
                                [of IN/OUTBOUND calls]
                                [of your Front  Door,]
                                [or InterMail.   Nice]
                                [screens generated!  ]
                                [Support  for all BBS]
                                [systems.   CyBiC '95]
flpvu015.zip   17548 08-05-2024         ۲ ۲<@T  ۲ 
                                  ۲       ܲ
                                ߲ P R o D u C T i o N S 
                                  Coding Department Presents:  
                                     FLiP ANSi/ASCii Viewer    
                                      Coding by: Dire Wolf     
                                     (c)FLiP PRoDuCTioNS 1996  
font130.zip   131335 08-05-2024 FONTASTIC v1.30; ANSI Text Editor with 15
                                Fancy Fonts for ASCII and ANSI applications.
                                Fonts are typed in "real time" and the screen
                                can be saved as an ASCII, ANSI, .COM, or
                                BINARY  file. Many features for editing.
                                FONT, DRAW, & TEXT  modes. Two pages for
                                loading and block tranfer of data.  Special
                                color functions for ANSI fonts.   Pulldown
                                menu, borders, box drawing, & more.
fseev1.zip     27112 08-05-2024         ۲ ۲     ۲ 
                                ߲ P R o D u C T i o N S 
                                       Coding Department      
                                       FlipSee v1.0 [DOS]     
                                          by Redcoat          
                                    (c)FLiP PRoDuCTioNS 1996  
g2a20.zip      95207 08-05-2024 [ G2A V.2.00 ][ GRAPH ]Ŀ
                                 GIF ----> ANSI                            
gbs2bbs.zip    25341 08-05-2024 GBS2BBS; Works with most ANSI files and
                                converts them to nice ANSI files. Just
                                compare the size of FLAG.GBS (ANSI) and
                                FLAG.BBS (ANSI compiled with this program).
gds31f.zip    385025 08-05-2024 GDS:Graphic Display System 3.1f: Like CSHOW &
                                VPIC, but far better! Shows, thumbnails,
                                converts, flips, rotates, crops, scales,
                                dithers, GIF, JPG, PCX, TIF, IFF, LBM, DL
                                HAM, BMP, RLE, TGA, MAC, WPG, CUT, ANSI, TXT,
                                IMG, PBM, CUT, GL, FLI, MPG. CGA-SVGA.
                                QUICK,EASY& MOUSE DRIVEN, complete hypertext
                                help and prints 103 page manual. SYSOP vers
                                avail! Great ASP shareware.
gdsansis.zip   61787 08-05-2024 Amazing color ANSI files created with GDS
                                3.1c. Check out these files, and then check
                                out the program that created them, the best
                                DOS file viewer available.  GDS is QUICK,
                                EASY, MOUSE DRIVEN, complete hypertext help
                                and full manual to print.  This professional
                                CATALOGING software published by Photodex
gifasci.zip    27697 08-05-2024 Convertisseur de GIF
                                en ASCII !!!
goldview.zip  161305 08-05-2024 GoldView is a viewer for files such as :
                                 .ANS (American National Standards Institute)
                                 .BIN (BINARY Format files)
                                 .RIP (Remote Imaging Protocol)
                                 .GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)
                                 .PCX (By ZSoft)
                                 .BMP (Windows Bitmap Files)
                                 .TXT (Any Plain Text File)
                                GoldView is a player for files such as :
                                 .MOD (Sound Module)
                                  .S3M (Scream Tracker Module v3)
gpaper55.zip   30320 08-05-2024 Compu-Paper Generator - GPAPER.EXE v5.50 Now
                                supports Synchronet BBS color codes. Adds
                                computer paper effect to text files. SysOp
                                configurable as to background color.  Creates
                                ANSI, WC!3.x, Synchronet, SearchLight and PCB
                                color coded files.  Set environment variables
                                for different BBS systems and file
                                extensions. Registration : FREE
grabr398.zip  424657 08-05-2024 GRABBER(tm) V3.98 - The Original Screen
                                Capture Programs for MS-DOS.  Convenient!
                                Capture *any* text or graphics screen up to
                                1280 x 1024 x 256.  Captures directly to
                                self-viewing .EXE, .PCX, or plain ASCII file
                                formats.  Many options.  Compatible with all
                                VGA and most Super-VGA video cards including
                                VESA and 8514/A, and with all Intel CPUs.
                                GIF and ANSI conversion, text editing tools
                                included.  Shareware, $29 or $59.
graph.zip       4523 08-05-2024 GRAPH  is  a  set of freeware screens for
                                those   sysops   taking  donations. These
                                simple  screens show the progress of your
                                donation  drive in an effective bar graph
                                mode.   ANSI   and   ASCII   versions are
                                included.  Freeware  from:  @X0EStalag 13
                                BBS (219) 763-0826@X0B
grfwk70e.zip  494256 08-05-2024 Graphic Workshop for DOS v7.0e: The best
                                Workshop yet! Converts, prints, views,
                                dithers, transforms, flips, rotates, scales,
                                crops, colour adjusts, catalogs, quantizes,
                                and wreaks special effects on MAC, IMG, PCX,
                                GIF, TIFF, EPS, JPG, WPG, MSP, IFF/LBM, WMF,
                                BMP, RLE, CUT, ART, HRZ, RAS, TGA, EXE and
                                TXT files. Decodes uuencoded images directly.
                                Mouse driven interface, supports most SVGA
                                cards and printers. Alchemy Mindworks Inc.
hdisp16.zip    74100 08-05-2024 !!!!  HACKDISP v1.666  !!!!
                                now includes the HACKDISP
                                Universal Display Driver with
                                Intelligent Monochrome (HDUDD/IM)!
                                Convert between ANSI/Laughing
                                Wildcat formats.  The only
                                file converter with MOTAMA,
                                the Moron-O-Tronic Attribute
                                Minimizing Algorithm!
headln20.zip   54756 08-05-2024 HEADLINE v2.00 is used for building
                                promotional messages such as BBS Ads, and
                                announcements. V2.00 replaces Version 1.00. A
                                helpfile, along with on screen prompts, help
                                to make the program user friendly.  This
                                FREEWARE program uses large captions and HIGH
                                ASCII drawings to enhance the message.
ic2_100.zip  1881321 08-05-2024 iC2-32 console screen maker Win95/NT [1/1]
                                              by W. Mike Hare  
                                              8/17/96 v1.0.0   
                                 -import BMP, ICO, WMF. export ANSI.      
                                 -use any windows font in your ANSIs.     
                                 -makes anyone a killer ANSI artist.      
icev066.zip   111539 08-05-2024 iCEView Features
                                 ANSI/BIN Viewing in ALL video modes.
                                 GIF viewing in VGA or Super VGA modes
                                 The debut of the new iCEDraw format,
                                  which utilizes custom font and palettes
                                 File manipulation functions - Copy, Move,
                                  Delete and Mkdir.
                                 VGA ANSI Display. This is far faster than
                                  any other viewer out there.
idw20b.zip     65906 08-05-2024           
                                  ޲ ޱ   
                                 ޲  ۲ ߱ 
                                       ۲ ܲ     
                                  ۲ ܲ 
                                    ߲  ۲ 
                                     ߲  ܲ   
                                ---+-- --- -     -- --+.-
                                       iTPDraw v0.20Beta
                                -- ---- -+---- ---+--- -----
jspv101.zip    32564 08-05-2024 Joes Snow Paint v1.01; ANSI Graphics Drawing
                                Program with plenty of features.
jview_20.zip   28948 08-05-2024 JiVEview v2.0 - Intense Ansi viewer
                                Quick, clean ansi viewer with silky-smooth
                                textmode scrolling and VGA viewing of ANSI.
                                Many fatures including SAUCE editing
                                support, greyscale viewing and quick file
kg_2diview.zip  110432 08-05-2024   -= iNSANE ViEW (TM) v2.01 =-
                                'Scene' Viewer, With Many Features.
                                      KoDeD By KaRNaGE [iNS] 
                                Supports: ANSi, Text, XBiN, BiN, ADF,
                                        FLi, FLC, GiF, PCX, 
                                          S3M, And HSC's.
lansi1.zip     13513 08-05-2024 Shell program for ANSI File Viewing From A
lbm14.zip      17356 08-05-2024 [  LBM v1.4  ]
                                Lottery Bulletin Maker. Utility to Make Ansi
                                /Ascii/Rip Display File  Of Your Lucky Lotto
                                Numbers For Display On BBS's. Run As An
                                Event. Configurable.
                                 Latin Connection BBS (318) 535-1863 
lw_2ddiz1.zip   10690 08-05-2024 
mansi10.zip     2711 08-05-2024 microANSI 1.0 is replacment for ANSI.SYS
                                which is smaller (1.7k), faster, and can
                                be loaded from a .bat file as needed.
                                by David Nugent & Unique Computing Pty Ltd
melody21.zip  235123 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                    MELODY MASTER v2.1      
                                 Create, edit, and play music on your PC  
                                 speaker! Graphical interface with staff! 
                                 Over 100 melodies included! Can export   
                                 music into Pascal, C, BASIC, ANSI, etc.  
                                 New version! Supports CGA/Herc/EGA/VGA!  
mgeshare.zip  211562 08-05-2024 MGE vDM2.01a; MGE is the Microstar Graphics
                                Editor, a graphics creation package that lets
                                you create vivid, high resolution, full
                                colour drawings using standard PC hardware.
                                The drawings conform to the NAPLPS standard
mkdrw100.zip   77420 08-05-2024 MKDraw Ansi/Avatar drawing package. Easy to
                                Use (FW)
mlpansi.zip    42417 08-05-2024 ķ
                                NASA MLP SPACE SHUTTLE ANSI۲
                                 From The NASA MLP BBS in Washington 
                                 comes this stunning array of shuttle
                                 ANSI you may use as you wish!  Also 
                                 included is MLPNET information!!!!! 
mmv30.zip     158289 08-05-2024 Melody Maker is a unique, full screen, sound
                                card supported ANSI music editor. ANSI music
                                itself has been making its way into the BBS
                                world by sending single-voice music over the
                                modem with the help of an already established
                                ANSI command language also use for displaying
                                menus. With the help of Melody Maker, making
                                ANSI music is as simple as clicking a mouse.
mn_110.zip     21724 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                  MAVERICK NEWS 1.10    
                                  NEWS.A?? Screens Generator  
                                     Multiple News Filters    
                                 Multicolor news highlighting 
                                       Dedication Line        
nansiutl.zip    7874 08-05-2024 Utilities For NNANSI.SYS ANSI Driver
                                MORE.COM and VIEW.COM For ANSI Text Reading
napart1.zip   275012 08-05-2024 Over 90 NAPLPS pictures, animation, etc.
napico11.zip   38842 08-05-2024 NAPICO version 1.1 will take a specially
                                prepared NAPLPS drawing and insert Windows 3
                                icons into it as NAPLPS bitmaps. Includes
                                sample images.
naplps.zip     57461 08-05-2024 Technical specifications for NAPLPS graphics
netpic10.zip  212849 08-05-2024 NETPIC encodes GIF graphic files into 
                                7-bit ASCII code for electronic mail.
                                Unlike UUEncoded pictures NETPICs are 
                                entirely self-contained and need no 
                                decoding or viewer. The end user needs 
                                only DOS/VGA to view a 320x200x256
                                color picture. NETPICs include a help 
                                screen, slide show timing and password 
                                protection. $0 - Jim Tucker
newfonts.zip   47082 08-05-2024 Fixes Mondo Fonts that did not fill properly.
                                Simply Unzip them in your C:\ROBOFX\FXDRAW
newie161.zip   55874 08-05-2024 NEWIES 1.61 BBS Utility From The MORONIHAH 
                                BBS. Creates NEWS Bulletins\Screen 
                                Bulletins for Spitfire BBS, WildCat, 
                                TRIBBS, PCBoard and more!
                                ALL NEW AND IMPROVED FEATURES! Give IT A TRY! 
nh16.zip       18315 08-05-2024 NerfHead v1.6: VBBS Language File All Done in
                                REAL ANSI! Colors Instead of VBBS Codes
nnans591.zip   55712 08-05-2024 NNANSI.SYS -- Enhanced MS-DOS ANSI Console
                                Driver For EGA/VGA Displays
nnans593.zip   69596 08-05-2024 
no_ansi.zip    38238 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                           NO_ANSI v1.0              
                                 NO_ANSI is a utility to strip ANSI  
                                 codes from text files. This program 
                                 was written to allow ANSI color     
                                 codes to be used in RemoteAccess    
                                 file descriptions for on-line BBS   
                                 display, and then strip the codes   
                                 from the ALLFILES.LST created by    
                                 RAFILE.   Freeware by Bill Hull   
oacvt_2d50.zip   14648 08-05-2024 
pab096b.zip   240982 08-05-2024 Pablo Draw v0.95 beta
                                   D   R A  W 
                                    More than 130 new features!!
                                 Diz,ACGS,Mirc,EXE,windows BMP,VP
                                   100% Configurable,Sprite Edit
                                    20 definable character sets
                                  25/50 lines,Autosave,ScreenSaver
                                  Line/Char/Attribute drawing,XMS
                                  Any size BIN,VGA preview,9 pages
                                   4 ruler modes,Multiple backups
                                 Online Help,Sample Source,& More!
pablo086.zip   34684 08-05-2024 da ultimate ansi drawing util
                                pablo_  x.xx____ __by_|_minus
                                |     #\____|_ #|_|  #|____
                                |  __  |___ #\    #\  |    #\
                                |  ___,'__   | __  |  | __  |
                                |___| |______|_____|__|____,'
                                a mistigris production    _33
paintpro.zip  117946 08-05-2024 -PaintProͻ
                                 A very powerful paint in ANSI COLOR mode! 
                                 drawing functions:line,point,rectangle,
                                 full color drawing & open(wow!)          
                                 optional number of image lines: 16 - 200 
                                 drawing examples                         
                                             And lots others!              
                                   This program is very useful for making
                                 comments,file_id.diz,for BBS             
                                YOU CAN MAKE ANYTHING YOU WANT IN ANSI MODE
pcbx100.zip    12568 08-05-2024 4k TSR to save any screen in PCBoard @X code
pcolor21.zip   54211 08-05-2024 PCOLOR.EXE  v2.1 Add WC! "@" color codes to
                                the double line file output listing from
                                wcPRO.  Now supports WC!3.x and 4.x. This is
                                BANNERWARE.  That is, No charge. Compliments
                                of PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon.  PCOLOR
                                now supports the creation of RIP graphic
pcprompt.zip    5418 08-05-2024 These DOS prompts are the 13 prize winners
                                from PcComputing Magazine (Using ANSI codes)
pc_ad12b.zip   21188 08-05-2024               
                                       hRoZeN   ReW 
                                 ACiDDraw 1.20 *Bug-Fixed*        
                                 Crack Patch by TKC/PC-uCF        
                                [dOS/aNSI][mAY 96]
pict104.zip    75308 08-05-2024 
pksfansi.zip    3941 08-05-2024 
pview130.zip  106991 08-05-2024 ķ
                                   T H E   P I C T U R E   V I E W E R   
                                            VERSION 1.30
                                ANSI screen viewer program to display up to
                                60 ANSI screens. This program can be run as
                                a stand alone program or from a BBS to
                                display any ANSI screen. 60 ANSI screens
                                included. Requires BRUN45.EXE
pvs_1.zip      55148 08-05-2024 Prevue; Preview many different games, BBS
                                lists and BBS screens.
pwsansi.zip    43808 08-05-2024 A wide assortment of collector edition ANSI
                                art files.
qpeg15e.zip   440106 08-05-2024 QPEG 1.5e, the famous graphics viewer,
                                incredibly fast!, with unique preview feature
                                (nearly realtime), mouse panning etc., it
                                supports VGA and many SVGAs (including VESA),
                                requires 386 or better.  Currently supports
                                JPG, TGA, GIF, PCX, BMP files. NEW:  IFF/ILBM
                                (LBM) SUPPORT!!
ragev99a.zip  274874 08-05-2024 RAGE v.99a "Rapid ANSI Graphics Engine" 08/94
                                The most powerful ANSI art program available!
                                Draw your art creations in EGA mode, and save
                                them in ANSI format.  Features include: Great
                                icon driven environment,  full sprite editing
                                routines  (flip,  rotate,  copy,  etc.), zoom
                                mode, converting parts of PCX files,  regular
                                and  external  font  capabilities,  re-sizing
                                routines, color replacement and more!  A must
                                have! EGA+/Mouse Required. Registration - $20
randans2.zip   49329 08-05-2024 RANDANSI v2.0 is a simple util for Sysop who
                                want to change login
                                ANSI many times on a day. Support ANSI & RIP.
rbmorph.zip   109943 08-05-2024 RoBomorph v1.0; converts *.GIF files into
                                *.RBO. format for RoboBBS
rdaviewb.zip   31832 08-05-2024                         
                                       ۱ ۲۲ ۱ܲ
                                       ۲       ۲  
                                           ۲  ۲
                                    ۲      ۱ ۲۲ ۲  
                                           RDaVieW v1.2 / aNS/aSC VieWeR
                                                     By BioHazard
reansi12.zip   25659 08-05-2024 REANSI converts files from ANS (ANSI + PC
                                Graphics), AVT (AVATAR 0+), ASC
                                (RemoteAccess color codes), and
                                backspacing printer formats into ANS,
                                monochrome-ANS, plain ASCII, AVT, and ASC.
                                This program is free and comes with full
riotv1_0.zip 2000479 08-05-2024 RioTVieW v1.0 ANSi viewer
                                For Win95/NT Coded by 2much4u of
                                RioT Productions.
rtist095.zip   83859 08-05-2024 AnsRtist; Sysop Tool Kit, 21 Font Styles,
                                Simultaneous ANSI and ASCII Text Files, Fast
                                Color Selection, Screen Fills and More.
scr2bbs.zip    14547 08-05-2024 Wildcat or PCB ANSI screen converter to
                                codes. Mainly Wildcat.
scrap120.zip   39410 08-05-2024 =Scrap-IT! Ver 1.20=Ŀ
                                  Released: 07-02-1997       
                                  Utility to process Ansi    
                                  or Ascii files and search  
                                  them for certain words,    
                                  then if one of those words 
                                  is found it will replace   
                                  the Ansi file!             
                                     Created By: Roblo       
scribea3.zip  210629 08-05-2024   
                                           ޲    ޲         
                                     ޲    ޲               
                                      Scribe v1.00 alpha 3, "Obelisk"   
                                    Scribe  is a highly powerful  full  
                                    screen editor,  fully featured for  
                                    creating  & editing  text screens.  
                                    Includes :                          
                                      - Full ANSi/2 Support!             
                                      - Full Sauce Support!             
                                      - Full TextFX Support!            
                                      - Most Advanced Font Editor!      
                                      - Multiple Pages                  
                                      - View in VGA                     
                                    Coming Soon :                       
                                      - ADF palette editting            
                                      - Animation                       
                                      - Help Interface                  
                                      - Option Editor                   
                                      - Sauce Editor                    
                                      - xBin Support                    
scrlit15.zip   36689 08-05-2024 SCROLLit 1.5 Screen Scrollback buffer utility
                                Lets you scroll back, in full color, through
                                lines of text that have scrolled off the
                                screen. Features searching, block-writing,
                                43/50 line mode, and XMS/EMS support.
                                Compression is used to squeeze more than
                                twice the number of lines into the available
                                buffer space. Desqview aware. A 9k TSR.
shans102.zip   95270 08-05-2024 ShowAnsi v1.02 - Online RIP/ANSI file viewer.
                                User: view & download file tagging, upload &
                                description importing. Sysop: Chat, DOS
                                shell. Capable database; add, delete,
                                describe anytime.
shm180_2db.zip  158524 08-05-2024 SHMANSi 1.8o. - Incredible FREEWARE ANSi
                                editor with iCE, PPS, +MORE!
show100.zip    93798 08-05-2024 Online RIP/ANSI file viewer
                                ShowAnsi 1.00 [22-08-95]
                                User features:
                                   - tag files for viewing or download
                                   - view ANSI/RIP files online      
                                   - download tagged files
                                   - upload an archived file of
                                     ANSI/RIP files to be imported
                                   - add descriptions as the files are
                                Sysop features:
                                   - Add files at any time
                                   - Edit descriptions at any time.
                                   - delete groups of files from the
                                     database (and/or disk).
                                   - restrict viewing of selected files
                                     to selected baud rates
                                   - Sysop chat
                                   - Dos shell         
sira_v20.zip   56412 08-05-2024 SIRA
                                Single Image Random ANSI Generator 
                                creates 3D ANSIs much like the
                                Stereogram posters seen in malls
                                all across the U.S..
                                Great for Unique BBS Logon screens.
                                Includes several good examples.
                                FREEware from SHARKware.
smile20.zip    73496 08-05-2024 SMILE v2.0; Viewer is an ANSI display/library
                                utility that allows the user to view files
                                containing ANSI sequences, Music strings in
                                BASIC "PLAY" format and Sounds using a custom
                                SOUND code.
spoon216.zip   35530 08-05-2024   Spoon II - SAUCE Description Editor V1.6
                                     S       P       O       O       N     
                                 ޲  ܱ    ޲    ޲    ޲     
                                          ޲    ޲    ޱ       
                                  ߲     ߲ܲ    
                                - - -     - - - tosh10(ACiD)    
                                SPOON II - the most configurable SAUCE editor
                                ever.  Through it's INI file, one can custom-
                                ize things such  as  file sorts,  the name of
                                their organization, and up to 100 abbreviated
                                Uncrippled Freeware.
strip7h.zip    12894 08-05-2024 //-/----------------------\-\\
                                  Strip ?7h ANSi Escape Code
                                  strips  the  ?7h code from
                                  the  specified  ansi file!
                                  coDed bY: LoRd NiKoN (LNP)
s_rcf091.zip   12484 08-05-2024 SHOW_RaColorFile (SHOWRCF) let you
                                display 100% RA-Color-Files, AVATAR,
                                ANSI and ASCII-files without ANSI-fossil
                                and some dummy's for the RA-User codes.
t2a20.zip      41869 08-05-2024 T2A Version 2.0 Create Ansi/Avatar
                                files from ANY LENGTH text files.
                                For RemoteAccess. Insert RA
                                variables with simple Ctl-Key
                                presses. Fast and flexible.
td132.zip      65025 08-05-2024 SEMAFORE, Revision 3 - Handy
                                utility for handling semaphore
                                files in your batchfiles. Can
                                create, delete and touch
                                semaphore files. In addition
                                it can wait (optional maximum
                                time) until a semaphore exists
                                or is removed. It can also
                                check for semaphore files and
                                return an errorlevel if the
                                semaphore exists. Supports
                                various multitaskers. Now Has
                                build in support for FDOPT
                                for optimum compatiblity with
                                FrontDoor. Freeware by
                                Marco Miltenburg, 2:512/64.
tdraw463.zip  288862 08-05-2024 THEDRAW SCREEN EDITOR VERSION 4.63 - (10/93)
                                A text-oriented screen design tool.  Similar
                                is some regards to a graphics paint program.
                                Offers multiple page SPRITE editing, powerful
                                Ansi ANIMATION support, Ansi/Ascii FONTS,
                                pulldown menus, full mouse support & online
                                help.  Saves files for ANSI, ASCII, AVATAR,
                                PCBOARD, WILDCAT, COM, BINARY, BSAVE, OBJECT
                                (C/Pascal/QuickBasic), and source code in Asm
                                Pascal and C formats.  Registr: $22-$25
tdtutor.zip    23519 08-05-2024 
tdxl3.zip      35534 08-05-2024 TSR for TheDraw to create PCBoard @X ANSI
                                color screens.  View, Load and Save @X format
                                files from within TheDraw(R).
tdxl_3.zip     34082 08-05-2024 Shareware TSR for TheDraw to create
                                PCBoard @X ANSI color screens.  View,
                                Load and Save @X format files from
                                within TheDraw(R).
thebrush.zip   39096 08-05-2024 The Brush - Freeware
                                CONVERT PCX... TO ANSI
tipsv10.zip   117545 08-05-2024 TIPS v1.0 - Makes plain text and/or color
                                file(s) of daily words of wisdom.  Primary
                                for display on BBS.  Data file is an ASCII
                                file configurable by user.  All colors are
                                user configurable.  Colors can be ANSI codes,
                                RBBS smart text, PCBoard @ commands, etc.
                                Executables for both DOS and OS/2 v2.x are
tlcolor.zip    39676 08-05-2024 ===================================
                                =====  TLCOLOR V1.0  =====
                                Utility to convert a normal ASCII
                                text file to an ANSI color file.
                                Quick, easy, and inexpensive!
                                Great for sysops and anyone who
                                works with ANSI color displays.
                                By Russ Haag
tna1_2d1.zip   82523 08-05-2024 >> Tits n' Ass Sauce Editor 1.1 <<
                                ;$Sy                      ""$Sy,
                                $$ss   yyyy, yS^$Sy,ssssss$$$
                                yy$     [$$$$  _y_[$$b     $$ 
                                [$$$     ;$  "$";$$$$     $$$y
                                 {$$y,   $yyy     ,$$$}   ,y$$}'
                                y,_`""ss$$$$$    ;$$$$;ss""' m!
                                "$$ss,_ `"""'    """"'
                                       By M_Mouse and Fever
                                            - -CiA- -
topdr007.zip   34463 08-05-2024 Top_Draw v0.07; designed to create ANSI /
                                AVATAR screens for BBS systems. It's not an
                                all-round ANSI creation program. It's main
                                purpose is to design and create ANSI and
                                AVATAR screens that are useful on a BBS
triscr.zip     22149 08-05-2024 Screen Display. Allows sysops to display one
                                screen in either RIP, ANSI, or ASCII format
                                depending on callers setting.
                                $$$ FREEWARE $$$
tunes.zip      46757 08-05-2024 
tx2pcx.zip     11472 08-05-2024 TXT2PCX; a unique, memory resident, file
                                utility which will convert any text screen to
                                a graphics screen and save that graphics
                                screen as a PCX file.
txpnt18.zip   200819 08-05-2024 
ucfwarlc.zip  513537 08-05-2024 @X0FWARLOCK v1.1.3
                                @X03A new concept in screen development.More
                                @X03features than any  other screen  editor.
                                @X03Import PCX, BMP, GIF files  to any  size
                                @X03screen; zoom/pan around edit screen; mix 
                                @X03shades for drawing; line drawing;  flood 
                                @X03fill regions; boxes, circles, etc.; load
                                @X03RAGE, ANSI, ASCII, Avatar; save  Pascal, 
                                @X03C/C++, Assembler source, etc.Online help
                                @X03system; develop custom fonts; much more. 
                                @X03FORGET THEDRAW! IF YOU MAKE TEXT SCREENS
                                @X03OF ANY SORT, YOU MUST TRY  THIS PROGRAM!
udraw100.zip   45071 08-05-2024 ULTIDRAW; Commands are simular to those of
                                TheDraw so usage is easy. Loaded with tons of
update56.zip   38654 08-05-2024 Wide variety of ANSI Screens, Good Stuff!
uved140.zip   434712 08-05-2024 V-EDIT vers 1.40         Screen Creator +
                                  Ansi, Ascii, PCB, VBBS, Font, Editor, File
                                  Manager Plus. Converts to/from any format.
                                  End user may create 999 font sets, 8 incld.
                                  Vast drawing compliments. Interprets latest
                                  PCB "@X" macros. Generates smallest output
                                  files of any known editor. Shareware $22.00
                                  Registered version includes Terminal funct.
                                  Requires 286+, HDD, VGA color, mouse opt.
                                  Full Motion Net (609) 625-4475 24H Support
vall_100.zip   50342 08-05-2024 VIEWALL v1.0  Online file viewing front end
                                utility. View files while online your BBS
                                locally. BMP, GIF, JPG, PCX, TGA, TIF  and
                                will also play FLI files and play VOC, CMF,
                                WAV and MID files on your Sound Blaster or
                                compatable sound board. VIEWALL also shells
                                to your favorite archive file viewer.   Works
                                with any DOOR.SYS compatible BBS system.
vansi2.zip     97609 08-05-2024               - VertiANSI -
                                        v2.0 By Infinity Software
                                VertiANSI is a FREEWARE ANSI gallery that
                                will add some spice to your BBS! Can display
                                over 50 ANSIs, supports ALL major drop
                                files, and features fully customizable menus
                                and messages! What are you waiting for?
                                Download it 2-day!
vig_2dc_11.zip   50813 08-05-2024    CONVERT! v1.1 for ALL software!   Ŀ
                                 Converts @X and PIPE color codes to ANSI 
                                 on the fly!  INCREDIBLY FAST!  Works for 
                                 PCB-RG-V/X-V/2-OBV-ETC.  If you run FIDO 
                                 style networks you need this.            
                                 Coded by: Vigilante for PWA              
                                ߱                  UTiL 
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                 ViG    ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
viz433.zip     91868 08-05-2024 BIOS-DOS-ANSI screen text video accelerator.
                                Compatible with SVGA/VGA/EGA, snow-free CGA,
                                and MDA/HGC+ adapters, PC and PS/2 machines.
                                Options: tiny, independent video ANSI driver
                                (can be turned on or off); UMB self-loading;
                                086/286/386/486/586 optimized releases. Uses
                                as little as 900 bytes; v.fast acceleration.
                                - Release information: Unzip and enter READ.
vuimg349.zip  121979 08-05-2024 VUIMAGE GIF/TIFF/PCX Fast View/Print.
                                Zoom,Pan, Scale on almost any size image on
                                CGA/Herc/ATT/ EGA/Tandy/VGA/SVGA/VESA/8514.
                                Print to laserjet/ dotmatrix/postscript, 600
                                dpi laserjet IV. Print full image or zoomed
                                area to user set size. Many dithers incl.
                                error diffusion dither. Auto/manual filetype,
                                videomode, scaling, print size etc.
                                Slideshow, XMS, tons of features.
vwansi32.zip   30116 08-05-2024 
wae0044.zip   131533 08-05-2024 Windows Ansi Edit - FREEWARE!
                                386, Win 3.1 & 256 colours req'd.
                                Doesn't run on all versions of
                                Win95 for some reason  (:-(
wansi1_2.zip   35703 08-05-2024 WinANSI Windows ANSI Editor; WinANSI provides
                                a Windows 3.x user with the ability to edit
                                ANSI display screens without exiting Windows.
warl111.zip   430917 08-05-2024 WARLOCK Screen Editor v1.1.1a: new concept in
                                screen development. More features than any
                                other screen editor. Import PCX, BMP, GIF
                                files to any size screen; zoom/pan around
                                edit screen; mix shades for drawing; line
                                drawing; flood fill regions; boxes, circles,
                                etc.; load RAGE, ANSI, ASCII, Avatar; save
                                Pascal, C/C++, Assembler source, etc.; Online
                                help system; develop custom fonts; much more.
                                IF YOU MAKE TEXT SCREENS OF ANY SORT, YOU
                                MUST TRY THIS PROGRAM OUT! - vga, mouse
wiretap.zip    61194 08-05-2024 Wiretap: Multi-format dos based file viewer
                                      coded by Burning Chrome of cia
zansi_12.zip   22220 08-05-2024 Zephyr ANSI driver, based on Daniel Kegel's
                                excellent ANSI driver, NANSI (version 2.2).
                                ZANSI is faster than NANSI and takes up less
                                memory and disk space. However it is missing
                                the nonstandard character translation handler
                                provided with NANSI.
zavt111.zip    47727 08-05-2024 zavt; Enhanced MS-DOS ansi/avatar console
                                driver which understands ANSI control
                                sequences as well as Avatar level 0. It has
                                several advantages over most other drivers.
                                It supports any display mode the BIOS can set
                                up; It can be addressed by two different
                                names so the default output can be left in
                                raw mode; The blasted bell is now 1/9 second

               Area 52 - Ansi TheDraw Fonts               

30ftd50.zip    28060 08-05-2024 30 new fonts for TheDraw! All ready and set
                                to go! Last revision date in archive:
3d_fade.zip     4233 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  Custom TheDraw Font  
                                Requires  TheDraw v4.63
                                    F R E E W A R E    
                                JOFFETECH Software 1995
asr_asc2.zip    3080 08-05-2024 _______  ________________
                                /     \/  \/ \/   ___/   \/     \
                                /   /  /      /\__   /    /   /  /
                                /      /      /   /  /    /      /
                                       ascII Font 2 
                                     A C00L Font for The Draw
awpl_tdf.zip   37404 08-05-2024 FoNt FoR tHe DrAw - PuShEaD - Sh!T
cfh_2damig.zip    5804 08-05-2024                       .
                                  /        /  __    / |  __/
                                _/    |___/   _\___/ _|   \
                                \     |  /    \  \   \_    \_
                                 \______/______\  \___|     /
                                .--cOWBOYz fROm hELl-.|____/.
                                | a cEWl aMIGa-sTYLe fONt 4 |
                                :  tHEDRAw (CFH-AMIG.TDF)   :
                                :       pC wIZARd           :
                                |                           |
                                 TRiP MaCHiNe  ++31-30-288009
cfh_2dhoer.zip    5851 08-05-2024                       .
                                  /        /  __    / |  __/
                                _/    |___/   _\___/ _|   \
                                \     |  /    \  \   \_    \_
                                 \______/______\  \___|     /
                                .--cOWBOYz fROm hELl-.|____/.
                                :  aNOTHEr aMIGa/ASCIi fONt :
                                      fOr tHEDRAW (TDF)
                                :                           :
                                | dONe bY pC wIZARd/CFh'95  |
                                 TRiP MaCHiNe  ++31-30-288009
cfh_2dsnow.zip    6704 08-05-2024                       .
                                  /        /  __    / |  __/
                                _/    |___/   _\___/ _|   \
                                \     |  /    \  \   \_    \_
                                 \______/______\  \___|     /
                                .--cOWBOYz fROm hELl-.|____/.
                                |                           |
                                : FoNT FoR THe DRaW - SNoW! :
                                :   DoNe BY: CYaNoSiS '95   :
                                |                           |
                                 TRiP MaCHiNe  ++31-30-288009
cn_fnt04.zip    3431 08-05-2024 [255D[0;1;30m<[0;31m[37m$[1;30muCDe[0;31m[
                                [10C  [0m 
                                [10C[1;30m [34m [37mCoNDoR/SP [34m۲
                                [9C[0m  [1;30m Ĵ
                                   [0m   [1;30m 
                                   [0m[35m[37ma NeW Coo
                                   [35m[37mBLue aSKii FoNT Fo
                                [37m We NeeD a PeRMaNaNT FTP SiTe! [0m
cpu_2dfont.zip    7036 08-05-2024  C PUK UTK 
                                Thedraw Font Paket    v1.0     
                                Four really new Fonts from
                                Kirth Gersen  for  Thedraw
                                leeched from:Ŀ
                                 ]3ACK H0LE +49-4101-691826 3/t 
df_21fontz.zip   50141 08-05-2024     53 FoNTz fOR THE DRAW
                                  Da MeGa FoNT-CoLLeCTiON
electrk.zip     4249 08-05-2024 E  L  E  C  T  R  O  N  I  C
                                  Font for TheDraw By Derek Lemay
elitefnt.zip    2768 08-05-2024  eLiTe   .   
                                ..  .
                                NoW You CaN Be eLiTe Too!
escape.zip      4342 08-05-2024 Escape Font For TheDraw; By Doefreaker
                                Doefreaker Art Productions is a group
                                that creates ansis, menus, fonts for
                                TheDraw and more.  This archive here
                                includes the Escape Font for TheDraw.
ex_2dfonts.zip   33986 08-05-2024 
                                       TH BST32     
                                     TH DRAWFONTS    
                                        OF 95/96       
                                   PASSD DA WONDRFUL 
                                    -=* MiCROBBS *=-  
fantasy.zip     3657 08-05-2024 Fantasy Font For TheDraw; By Doefreaker
                                Doefreaker Art Productions is a group
                                that creates ansis, menus, fonts for
                                TheDraw and more.  This archive here
                                includes the Fantasy Font for TheDraw.
fb_2dcolds.zip    2193 08-05-2024 -= FB-COLDS.TDF =-
                                -= TheDraw Font =-
fb_2dfogft.zip    2540 08-05-2024        -= FB-FOGFT.TDF =-
                                       -= TheDraw Font =-
                                Thisis a font for TheDraw doneby:
                                     Brian Rider - Frost Byte
                                      -= Cold Snap BBS! =
                                      -= (904) 750-3874 =-
fb_2dgrays.zip    2753 08-05-2024        -= FB-GRAYS.TDF =-
                                       -= TheDraw Font =-
                                Thisis a font for TheDraw doneby:
                                     Brian Rider - Frost Byte
                                      -= Cold Snap BBS! =
                                      -= (904) 750-3874 =-
fb_2dline.zip    2358 08-05-2024 -= FB-LINE.TDF  =-
                                -= TheDraw Font =-
fb_fogft.zip    2619 08-05-2024           -= FB-FOGFT.TDF =-
                                          -= TheDraw Font =-
                                  This is a font for TheDraw done by:
                                        Brian Rider - Frost Byte
                                         -= Cold Snap BBS! =
                                         -= (904) 750-3874 =-
                                leeched from a 19k2 ZyX at:Ŀ
                                 +49-4101-691826  OVER 1 GiG SOURCES 
fb_goth.zip     2623 08-05-2024           -= FB-GOTH.TDF  =-
                                          -= TheDraw Font =-
                                  This is a font for TheDraw done by:
                                        Brian Rider - Frost Byte
                                         -= Cold Snap BBS! =
                                         -= (904) 750-3874 =-
                                leeched from a 19k2 ZyX at:Ŀ
                                 +49-4101-691826  OVER 1 GiG SOURCES 
fb_grays.zip    2830 08-05-2024           -= FB-GRAYS.TDF =-
                                          -= TheDraw Font =-
                                  This is a font for TheDraw done by:
                                        Brian Rider - Frost Byte
                                         -= Cold Snap BBS! =
                                         -= (904) 750-3874 =-
                                leeched from a 19k2 ZyX at:Ŀ
                                 +49-4101-691826  OVER 1 GiG SOURCES 
fb_oldsd.zip    2676 08-05-2024           -= FB-OLDSD.TDF =-
                                          -= TheDraw Font =-
                                  This is a font for TheDraw done by:
                                        Brian Rider - Frost Byte
                                         -= Cold Snap BBS! =
                                         -= (904) 750-3874 =-
                                leeched from a 19k2 ZyX at:Ŀ
                                 +49-4101-691826  OVER 1 GiG SOURCES 
fb_redsd.zip    2184 08-05-2024           -= FB-REDSD.TDF =-
                                          -= TheDraw Font =-
                                  This is a font for TheDraw done by:
                                        Brian Rider - Frost Byte
                                         -= Cold Snap BBS! =
                                         -= (904) 750-3874 =-
                                leeched from a 19k2 ZyX at:Ŀ
                                 +49-4101-691826  OVER 1 GiG SOURCES 
font1.zip       2131 08-05-2024       ܲ ܲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  
                                     ޲ ޲ݲ ݲ 
                                      ޲ݲ ݲݳ
                                     ߰  ۰  
                                        -[FoNT No #1 FoR THeDRaW]-    
                                         -[MaDe By THuNDeRHaWK]-      
font3.zip       1992 08-05-2024       ܲ ܲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  
                                     ޲ ޲ݲ ݲ 
                                      ޲ݲ ݲݳ
                                     ߰  ۰  
                                        -[FoNT No #3 FoR THeDRaW]-    
                                         -[MaDe By THuNDeRHaWK]-      
font4.zip       2635 08-05-2024       ܲ ܲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  
                                     ޲ ޲ݲ ݲ 
                                      ޲ݲ ݲݳ
                                     ߰  ۰  
                                        -[FoNT No #4 FoR THeDRaW]-    
                                         -[MaDe By THuNDeRHaWK]-      
font5.zip       2235 08-05-2024       ܲ ܲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  
                                     ޲ ޲ݲ ݲ 
                                      ޲ݲ ݲݳ
                                     ߰  ۰  
                                        -[FoNT No #5 FoR THeDRaW]-    
                                         -[MaDe By THuNDeRHaWK]-      
font6.zip       2104 08-05-2024       ܲ ܲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  
                                     ޲ ޲ݲ ݲ 
                                      ޲ݲ ݲݳ
                                     ߰  ۰  
                                        -[FoNT No #6 FoR THeDRaW]-    
                                         -[MaDe By THuNDeRHaWK]-      
fontpk20.zip   27237 08-05-2024 [ by The Phixxx ]Ŀ
                                 Font Pack v2.0 for The Draw 
                                [ a must for SysOps ]
frk_0195.zip  120584 08-05-2024 The Freak Art Pack Januar 1995
                                THEDRAW FONTS / ANSI / ASC / LIT
frk_0295.zip  133811 08-05-2024 THE FREAK ART PACK FEBRUAR 1995
                                   ANSI, THEDRAW FONT'S, EXE
frk_2d0195.zip  472952 08-05-2024 The Freak Art Pack Januar 1995
                                THEDRAW FONTS / ANSI / ASC / LIT
glare.zip       5662 08-05-2024     ɻ ͻ 
                                    ̹ ˼ 
                                The first TheDraw
                                font by RANSiD. A
                                 cool font, very
                                artistic!  White,
                                 light grey, and
                                   dark grey!!
gnarly.zip      3760 08-05-2024         ĿڿڿĿĿ
                                        ٳڿ ݳ
                                 Presents yet another great Font
                                 or THEDRAW. This one's not to
                                 be missed!!! 
hs_2dtdf3.zip    2251 08-05-2024  \    \ \\\\ \\\\ \\\\
                                 \    \ \    \ \    \ \
                                 \\\\  \\\ \\\\ \\\\
                                 \    \ \    \ \    \       \
                                 \    \ \    \ \    \       \
                                 \    \ \    \ \\\\ \\\\
                                   |  MY DRIDDA FONT FOR THEDRAW  
                                            LEECHED NOW          
                                              iTS FREE           |
                                    PASSED 06871/5545 HOLGiS ABS 
inertia.zip     3722 08-05-2024 Inertia Font For TheDraw; By Doefreaker
                                Doefreaker Art Productions is a group
                                that creates ansis, menus, fonts for
                                TheDraw and more.  This archive here
                                includes the Inertia Font for TheDraw.
jet_thf1.zip    6709 08-05-2024 temple of Hackers 1st release..
                                 Ŀ Ŀ  
                                  JET FONT FOR THEDRAW 
                                  CoDeD bY: aLeX aLVeS 
                                 CyZ oF JET BBS 55-61-577-4003
jet_thf2.zip    4074 08-05-2024     
                                     [TEMPLE OF HACKERS]
                                  JET fONT #2 - iCE_fANTA-Z
                                 bY aLeX aLVeS - JET BBS ViP
                                  +55-61-577-4003 - 7pM-7aM
jsfhilit.zip    1840 08-05-2024 FONTE POUR THE DRAW
jsfround.zip    2252 08-05-2024 FONTE POUR THE DRAW
jsf_tdf.zip     5248 08-05-2024 TheDraw Fonts: Thin, Thick Wide and Raster
kevfonts.zip   26483 08-05-2024 
majik.zip       3994 08-05-2024 Majik Font For TheDraw; By Doefreaker
                                Doefreaker Art Productions is a group
                                that creates ansis, menus, fonts for
                                TheDraw and more.  This archive here
                                includes the Majik Font for TheDraw.
midnight.zip    4194 08-05-2024 Midnight Font For TheDraw; By Doefreaker
                                Doefreaker Art Productions is a group
                                that creates ansis, menus, fonts for
                                TheDraw and more.  This archive here
                                includes the Midnight Font for TheDraw.
neon.zip        3428 08-05-2024 ĴRANSiDĿ
                                ĴThe Black Realms
                                ۲  Present   
                                ۲ THEDRAW FONT 
                                ۲      NEON      
om_blue.zip     5137 08-05-2024   .----..-.  .-..----.  .---.  .-.
                                  | /\ ||  \/  ||  __/ / /--' /  \
                                | \/ || |\/| ||  __\ | --| |'| |Ŀ
                                 `----'`-'  `-'`-----'`----'|/' |/' 
                                |    TheDRAW Font: OM-BLUE.TDF       |
                                ---             - - --Ĵ
                                 A font for TheDRAW ansi program.   
                                | Has blue shaded letters with a grey|
                                : dripping  background.              :
                                --- -          - -  --
om_paint.zip   38482 08-05-2024 
rusty.zip       3546 08-05-2024      -=Rusty=-
                                A New TheDraw Phont
                                By Tupperware Ninja
                                and Silver Dragon
                                   of RANSiD...
supturbo.zip    7713 08-05-2024 
td4new.zip      5179 08-05-2024  4 New Fonts for TheDraw ۲
                                *.TDF Format. Just Import into
                                TheDraw using TDFONTS. Created by
                                Rod Reed - Sysop- Runamuck BBS
                                Casper, Wyoming 307-265-3022
                                A Wildcat! 4.01 BBS.
tdfgerma.zip    2772 08-05-2024 
tdfroman.zip    2508 08-05-2024 
tdrawpch.zip   54935 08-05-2024 TheDraw Patcher Program & Utilities
td_fire.zip     2290 08-05-2024                       .
                                 Da CeWL THeDRaW-FoNT 
                                  by CyberProductions 
                                  -#- tHE bLACK hOLE -#-  
td_for.zip      2316 08-05-2024                       .
                                 Da CeWL THeDRaW-FoNT 
                                  by CyberProductions 
                                  -#- tHE bLACK hOLE -#-  
td_icy.zip      2261 08-05-2024                       .
                                 Da CeWL THeDRaW-FoNT 
                                  by CyberProductions 
                                  -#- tHE bLACK hOLE -#-  
tmg_2dcfnt.zip    3728 08-05-2024 <====߰ ߰߰======>
                                 ::::                    ::::::
                                 ::::                     ::::::
                                 ::::              ::::::
                                 ::::               ::::::
                                 :::::::               ::::::
                                 :::::::               ::::::
                                 :::::::                ::::::
                                 :::::::ܰ ܰܰܰ::::::
                                <=======[ PROUDLY PRESENTS: ]=======>
                                -/\-  2 New & Cool FoNTs of TMG  -/\-
                                -/\-  for TheDraw.               -/\-
                                <===[04/06/95]==========[ 1 OF 1 ]==>
                                @X08  @X0F Leeched from @X07CAMP OF
                                SUiCiDES @X08
ttc_2dfont.zip   53742 08-05-2024 [     _______  ____________  __    _____      
                                [      \_   _\\    \ \_   _\/  \  /hC__/      
                                [        |  | / _|  \  |  |/    \/  /         
                                [        |  |/  \_   \ |  |\    /   \__       
                                [        |__|___| \   \|__| \__/\_____|       
                                [                  \__/                       
                                [ THE DRAW 4.x MEGA FONT COLLECTION, CONTAINS 
                                [ 62 BLASTING FONTS!                          
                                  -#- tHE bLACK hOLE -#-  
vdofont4.zip    5118 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                 Released:   -=> VDOfont4 .ZIP <=- 
                                 [27-o1-95]  [3 COLORED FONTS 4 TD!] 
                                 BY :CrEePeR [FeEL FrEe 2 UsE ThEm!] 
                                 V()()|)()() [DoNE By CrEePeR / VDO] 
                                  -#- tHE bLACK hOLE -#-  
vdosun.zip      4171 08-05-2024 
                                     VOODOO PROUDLY PRESENTS  
                                VoODOO THEDRAW FONT! DONE BY CREEPER/VDO!!
                                LoOKs ReaLy CraZy.. DONE AT o2.o3.95! :)))   
                                  -#- tHE bLACK hOLE -#-  
vdotdf3.zip     4890 08-05-2024      
                                 VoODOo ͺ
                                VDO-The Draw Font III
                                Ex-Tasy TheDraw color
                                Font (Red/White/grey)
                                   Done by Creeper      
                                [Its Cool Man]
                                  -#- tHE bLACK hOLE -#-  
white_2dbl.zip    2512 08-05-2024 Another coool font for TheDraw

          Area 53 - Archive Compression Utilities         

acddiz2b.zip   18692 08-05-2024 (ACiDiC 95) THE DiZ STRiPPER v0.02 (08/03/95)
                                 = A UTiLiTY TO STRiP UNWANTED DiZ LiNES = 
                                 The fastest  tag line remover ever!  This 
                                 program  will work with  any BBS software 
                                 which  runs a  batch file after  uploads. 
                                 Smart SCANNING will  detect SUBSTRINGS in 
                                 diz lines.  Good for  groups/boards  that 
                                 try to  hide their  lame tagging schemes. 
                                ܲ                 ܲ         
                                ۲       ۲ ܱ  ܲ
                                ۲   ۲۲ޱ  ۲
                                tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ    
                                 ۱۱       ܲ   ۰
                                   ۰   ߲۱   ۱
                                     ޲ݰ  ۲ ۲  ۲
                                   ߰  ߰ 
                                ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
actest05.zip   14346 08-05-2024 ******* A.C.T.  -  May 1995 ********
                                Archive Comparison Test
                                A.C.T. is a monthly report comparing
                                37 different compression programs
                                (archivers) for speed and ability to
                                compress files.  The archivers are
                                tested on TXT, EXE, 669, BMP and
                                multiple files.  It also includes a
                                checklist of special features some
                                archivers can perform and the e-mail
                                addresses of the authors.
                                Author  :  JEFF GILCHRIST
                                Internet:  jeffg@mi.net
act_24.zip     35301 08-05-2024 -----< Archive Comparison Table >------
                                This ZIP file contains all the results
                                and any other information about the
                                Archive Comparison Table.
                                This table contains comparisons between
                                45 different archiving programs. Using
                                4 different data sets for the testing.
                                New Users:  Please read README.TXT
                                Old Users:  Please read CHANGES.TXT
                                -------< Version 24 - 15/05/95 >-------
acvt_o16.zip   40235 08-05-2024     Archive Converter V1.20    
                                Copyright (c) WhiteTown Software
                                Email:     support@whitetown.com
                                WWW:    http://www.whitetown.com
                                ( ) DOS   16-bit
                                ( ) DOS   32-bit
                                (*) OS/2  16-bit
                                ( ) OS/2  32-bit
                                ( ) Win32 console
                                ( ) Win32 GUI
acvt_o32.zip   48926 08-05-2024     Archive Converter V1.20    
                                Copyright (c) WhiteTown Software
                                Email:     support@whitetown.com
                                WWW:    http://www.whitetown.com
                                ( ) DOS   16-bit
                                ( ) DOS   32-bit
                                ( ) OS/2  16-bit
                                (*) OS/2  32-bit
                                ( ) Win32 console
                                ( ) Win32 GUI
adpro10g.zip   13759 08-05-2024 AdPRO 1.00; This program will add ad's for
                                your BBS to ZIP or ARJ files so you will get
                                more business!
apdz30.zip     72926 08-05-2024 Apply-Diz v3.0 * Will scan for any file spec
                                in any directory and check for a FILE_ID.DIZ
                                or DESC.SDI file within an archive.  If one
                                exists it can be placed into the PCBoard DIR
                                file.  If no DIZ, and there's a PCBoard DIR
                                file entry, that listing can be turned into a
                                FILE_ID.DIZ and compressed into the archive.
                                Great for boards with lots of file traffic!
                                Fixed a few minor bugs.  Now excepting Credit
                                Cards and providing Voice Support.
                                *** SHAREWARE ***            Compiled 7/23/93
arcid125.zip   52031 08-05-2024 Archive Identifier 1.25 - A utility to
                                identify ARC A7+ ARJ HYP LZH PAK RAR SQZ ZIP
                                ZOO JAR GIF JPG and BMP files by SIGNATURE,
                                not just extension, including SFX (and 
                                WinzipSFX) archives!  Other files can be 
                                filtered based on file extensions. For use 
                                in customized BBS upload batch files and 
                                similar archive testing applications. 
                                Excellent for PCBTEST.BAT use. ZTTechnology
                                Includes both DOS and 32-bit OS/2 versions!
arcon2_3.zip   44873 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 **        ARCON.EXE V2.3          ** 
                                 ARCON.EXE is an  automatic  archive  
                                 format  converter with  the ability  
                                 to  add files  to  the destination   
                                 archive. Useful for Sysops who want  
                                 all the files on the BBS in the same 
                                 format and want to add BBS adverts   
                                 to each archive.                     
                                 Can also be used from RemoteAccess   
                                 RAMGR.EXE to convert files and add   
                                 BBS adverts.                         
                                 Can now delete or view files within  
                                 an archive.                          
                                     * UK BBS support available *     
                                          Author Colin Birch          
                                       Sysop  The Dog House BBS       
                                         (01443) 400327 24hrs         
                                      Latest files - 15 July 1995     
arcwiz21.zip   28834 08-05-2024 Archive Wizard v2.1
                                Handles multiple compression techniques.
au116_c.zip   125315 08-05-2024 AU Archive converter *Freeware*
                                Add     - Add file(s) to archive(s)
                                COMpare - Compare 2 BBS file lists for diff.
                                Convert - Convert 1 archive format to another
                                Delete  - Delete file(s) from archive(s)
                                DIr     - Display a directory of filenames
au202.zip      49854 08-05-2024 ARCHIVE UTILITY 2.02 -freeware, configurable.
                                supports most major archivers available! ARJ,
                                ARC, LHA, HAP, SQZ, DWC, PAK, ZIP 1.1 and
                                2.0, ICE, LHARC, LARC, UC2, HYPER, SDN,
                                QWK,and ZOO. Uses MULTIPLE config files, so
                                you can completely change AU's operation from
                                a batch file. Preserves embedded directories,
                                Can be run as an "event" to update all .ZIP
                                files, or be used as an UPLOAD PROCESSOR. add
                                comments or strip them from the files... SCAN
                                for Virus during activity! completely
                                customizeable,logs of all activity.
                                Re-comment your entire BBS file area with ONE
                                command. Search archives for FILE_ID.DIZ,
                                DESC.SDI, *.SDA or VENDINFO.DIZ
av803.zip     143239 08-05-2024 AV.EXE (8.03):  Archive directory
                                viewer.  Presents list of files in
                                archive (ZIP, ARC, etc) and lets you
                                sort as desired.  Also allows
                                resetting of the file date based on
                                the archive's contents.  Freeware.
                                Bruce Guthrie / Wayne Software
breakarj.zip   15630 08-05-2024 
cap2diz3.zip   84830 08-05-2024 ͸
                                    -= CAP2DIZ Converter v1.49 =-    
                                    Extracts 'FILE_ID.DIZ' files from 
                                 connection LOGs or ALLFILES.LST files 
                                 (PCBoard format).                     
                                    Automatically  adds each DIZ file 
                                 to the correspondent archive.         
                                    Supports   ZIP, ARJ, RAR, LZH and 
                                 ARC archive formats.                  
                                      -= LPS Computing, Inc. =-      
cczip22.zip   969755 08-05-2024 
centradr.zip   35702 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 All Traders grab This!         
                                 adds/Remove Taglines, Creates  
                                 Listings of Diz's like a Board 
                                 can, Add comments, Add files   
                                 automatically and that can     
                                 ZIP, ARJ & LHA files.          
                                 and many more things!          
                                 Coded By CeNoBiTe              
                                 Idea by Ralph - Razor 1911     
clnace14.zip   36124 08-05-2024       
                                BBS AddYs ClEaNeR
                                Kill those silly randoms addys
                                from your archives
                                VerSion 1.4
                                PKZIP & PKUNZIP no more needed!
condz117.zip  140463 08-05-2024 
                                CONDIZ v 1.17
                                Looking for a decent FILE_ID.DIZ manager ???
                                Look no further CONDIZ  is  a  complete  DIZ
                                management  tool, for both the SYSOP and BBS
                                user.  Add, Edit,  Delete,  Create DIZ files
                                and then insert into ZIP  or  ARJ  archives.
                                Fully  menu  driven  -  and  point and shoot
                                interface.  Also has  a  library feature and
                                many many more - this is the  the  DIZ  tool
                                you  need.   Version  1.17  fixes many small
                                bugs, adds speed. Written By Paul Giraud.
                                CONCEPT Systems +27 11 440-6246
cr_2drmv.zip   85307 08-05-2024 UNWANTED FILE_ID.DIZ LINE REMOVER[07/07/95]  
                                ::.---.----./~\--.---- :::::::::::::::::::  
                                ::  - |  |  .   --  :::::::C O R E:::::  
                                ::|  | `    |  |__|   ::::P R O U D L Y::  
                                ::\____.__.|__|::.____/:: P R E S E N T S:  
                                Features : The fastest remover around        
                                : Works Under Desqview              
                                : Uncase Sensative                  
                                : Semi Intelligent Remover          
cv2sam31.zip   17071 08-05-2024 MOD Edit users utility!  This program
                                converts raw sound data, VOC files and now
                                WAV files, to SAM files (for use as MOD
                                instruments).  All major VOC and WAV types
                                are now supported!  Great speed enhancements
                                were added to this version!  Convert WAV,
                                VOC, or raw to SAM, or SAM back to RAW for
                                editing!  Ver 3.01 (03/06/93)
                                (Minor bug fix of test release 3.00)
delzip11.zip   10939 08-05-2024 Have you ever accidentally mixed ZIP contents
                                with the current
                                disk directory? The result requires you to
                                sort through the files
                                and individually delete them.  No more. 
                                DELZIP sorts through the
                                ZIP file and deletes all the files you
                                accidentally unzipped!
                                $5 Shareware, not crippled, 45 day evaluation
                                - Millenium Software -
dfiles27.zip   18472 08-05-2024 DoFiles. Uses PKZIP.EXE(C) Archive files with
                                extensions  of  same name using original file
                                names.  Erases files  after archiving.  Write
                                to current dir or use path to dir.  Freeware!
diz4d200.zip   45434 08-05-2024 DIZ4DESC v2.00 DIZ/SDI to 4DOS DESCriptions
                                Intelligently extracts descriptions in most
                                any archive and creates reduced and concise
                                4DOS descriptions with your max # of lines.
                                Will not destroy your current descriptions.
                                Now allows RAW import of descriptions asis
                                Author: John S. Fowler <<$15 Registration>>
dizcat10.zip   45241 08-05-2024 DIZzyCat! DIZ Importer v 1.0, 07-27-92.
                                Imports FILE_ID.DIZ and DESC.SDI from an
                                upload to Wildcat!'s file description.
                                (Wildcat! version 3.50 or higher required.)
                                -AV by author, Affordable Computer Services.
                                Shareware, $10 registration.
dizdi101.zip   26468 08-05-2024 DizFind v1.01 - shareware $5 - For RBBS-PC.
                                This program is made for scanning entire
                                directories and extract file_id.diz from
                                ZIP, ARJ, SDN and LZH archive files and
                                writing a .DIR file in RBBS-PC format.
                                It can work with up to 5000 files in the
                                directories to scan.
                                bug fix and new features release.
                                (C) Eric Van Hyfte 1995 (2:320/222)
dized49e.zip   75244 08-05-2024 DIZEDIT  Version  4.9e (c)  1994 GDSOFT.
                                Allows  editing   of  description  files
                                found in  archives.  Supports  ZIP,  ARJ
                                and  LZH  formats.  Ability  to  CONVERT
                                archive to a particular default  format,
                                COPY file and  ADD ARCHIVE  COMMENT  for
                                ZIP and ARJ files. DIZEDIT easily allows
                                you  to create/edit the FILE_ID.DIZ  (or
                                SDI, DES), and automatically repacks the
                                archive on exit. NEW Virus  SCAN, repack
                                with  NEWEST  date,   and    ARJ,  PKZIP
                                switches. Recognizes  MOST SFX files for
                                ARJ,ZIP and LZH. If  you run a BBS,  you
                                NEED this !!
dizgen.zip     57523 08-05-2024 DIZ FILE GENERATOR v1.0 
                                Creates and maintains FILE_ID.DIZ description
                                files in the proper format for most BBS's to
                                accept. The generator allows a maximum of 10
                                lines of 45 characters or a maximum of 450
                                characters. $0 Shareware by Micro System
                                Solutions. Registration requested. Software
                                is free.
dizl140.zip   196911 08-05-2024 The DiZList v1.4  Shareware version of the
                                best filelist creator available today!  For
                                ANY BBS, or no BBS at all - creates lists of
                                files and descriptions in 8 attractive styles
                                supports 7 archivers,unlimited configurations
                                Easy to install and setup.  Supports Windows,
                                Multi-taskers, DOS, OS/2, and CD-ROMS. 
                                Features you won't find in any other 
                                filelister in the world!  Copyright 1997, 
                                Mind Over Byte Software
dizpro16.zip  111164 08-05-2024 DizIt PRO v1.6 - Description Importer
                                Sysops-Stop spending time uploading files
                                with local uploads, use DizIt Pro to automate
                                the process! Snoops through files quickly for
                                FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI and imports them.
                                This is the most full featured program of
                                it's type. Includes file age limits, random
                                file import selection, duplicate file in
                                directory or PCB index files, virus scan, use
                                as upload verification and much more.
diztrim7.zip   32797 08-05-2024 DIZTrim v7.00 (07-June-1995): Remove all the
                                unnecessary junk from FILE_ID.DIZ.  Trims
                                Lo/Hi-ASCII, non alpha-numeric, PCB color
                                codes, ASCII art, user-defined keywords and
                                more.  Can also replace PCBDESC.EXE for
                                PCBoard Systems. (c) 1995 by Geoffrey Sy.
dizvue20.zip   67348 08-05-2024 DIZVIEW 2.0-Catalog all of your ZIP files!   
                                Ever wonder just what all those ZIP files    
                                were? Now you can look at them without       
                                opening every one of them manually! DIZVIEW  
                                will gather all of the FILE_ID.DIZ files from
                                archives in a directory and put them in a    
                                menu to view by files or by subdirectory. Now
                                you can catalog all of your directories, edit
                                each description and resave it! SYSOPS!! Now 
                                create a custom FILES.BBS file for your BBS!!
dizzy002.zip   33801 08-05-2024 FILE_ID.DIZ management: creates DIZZY.TXT for
                                all .ZIP files in a directory.
                                Shows file name, date, size, and contents of
                                /S will search subdirectories, rather than
                                /TL creates a .TL file for mass editing
                                /HTML will produce the listing in HTML format
                                /NOWARN removes warnings
                                FreeWare from Danen Information Services.
dmpexe23.zip   53644 08-05-2024 The OBSESSiON EXE-Dumper, version 2.3 [1/1]
                                This program can unpack ANY exepacked file.
                                It means that a file packed with an unknown
                                exepacker, can be expanded to it's original
                                size and format. This is a MUST for all you
                                crackers & patchers out there. Supports the
                                following debuggers : Soft-Ice, GameTools &
                                Turbo Debugger. Remember this is *CARDWARE*
                                Now with SoftICE for windows support, PSP-
                                validation level, rasterbar/textmodebar, 
                                support for TD 4 & 5 and much much more. 
dn151.zip     708194 08-05-2024 DOS NAVIGATOR 1.51  FREEWARE
                                ۳        ۳   
                                ۳     ۳   
                                ۳ ۳     ۳   
                                ۳ ۳     ۳   
                                ۳     ۳   
                                ۳        ۳   
                                The best OS Shell a Man can get
dn151src.zip  850619 08-05-2024 Dos Navigator 1.51 sources [official]
doubldiz.zip   15900 08-05-2024 DoubleDiz v1.0 by The Brain           [o1/o1]
                                this will remove double FILE_ID.DIZ files in
                                zip's (so your processor does not lock-up)...
                                ------------------[ amphetamine ltd 1995 ]---
dozip150.zip   35736 08-05-2024   .[ QZip & DoZIP! v1.50 ].   
                                 Fastest ZIP Processors around!
                                 CommandLine & Online version
                                 Quick Stripping of Unwanted Files
                                 Quick Info Adding (as FileNames!)
                                 Get FILE_ID.DIZ (ANS/PCB also!)
                                 Nice Layout for Online Processing
                                 QZip To be Used with DOS
                                 DoZIP! is for RA 2.xx & FDL v5.xx
                                 Ofcourse made by Synopsis
                                   Release Date: 03 - 02 - 1996      
                                [1;30m[0;37m[1m [0;36mEOH
ebs_2dgi20.z       0 01-01-1980     
                                    El Bucanero Soft Presents    
                                        Get File_Id v2.0         
                                  Unlimited Files & Directories 
                                  Support ZIP/ARJ/RAR/LZH       
                                  Also Support GIF/JPG/TIF/BMP  
                                  Easy to use                   
                                  FREEWARE! Download it NOW!    
ebs_2dgi20.zip   13491 08-05-2024     
                                    El Bucanero Soft Presents    
                                        Get File_Id v2.0         
                                  Unlimited Files & Directories 
                                  Support ZIP/ARJ/RAR/LZH       
                                  Also Support GIF/JPG/TIF/BMP  
                                  Easy to use                   
                                  FREEWARE! Download it NOW!    
ebs_2dzd10.z       0 01-01-1980         
                                ߰ ۰ ߰
                                    El Bucanero Soft Presents    |
                                          Zip Date v1.0          
                                          -----          :
                                  Put on the Zip the Date of    
                                   the Oldest File on it.        
                                :  Support Wildcards!            
                                  Easy to Use                   |
                                  Download it NOW!              |
ebs_2dzd10.zip    9697 08-05-2024         
                                      ߰ ۰ ߰
                                    El Bucanero Soft Presents    |
                                          Zip Date v1.0          
                                |          -----          :
                                  Put on the Zip the Date of    
                                   the Oldest File on it.        
                                :  Support Wildcards!            
                                  Easy to Use                   |
                                |  Download it NOW!              |
ediz_2d1.zip   20098 08-05-2024 EDIZ v1.0: Allows to extract the FILE_ID.DIZ
                                from ANY .ZIP, .ARJ, .LHA, .LZH, .DMS, .EXE,
                                .NFO, .TXT files and rename it in
                                filename.diz. ------------------ Permette di
                                estarre il FILE_ID.DIZ da tutti i .ZIP, .ARJ,
                                .LHA, .LZH, .DMS, .EXE, .NFO, .TXT file e lo
                                rinomina in filename.diz.
ept_2dsd30.z       0 01-01-1980 ______ _____ __ _____ _____ _____ __ ___
                                :   "|    "| "|    "|    "|    "|| | "|
                                | |__|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |: |  |
                                  _|_.  ___!  |  |__!     |  ___!     |
                                | |  |: |  .--:: |  |: |  |: |  || |  |
                                :    |__!  !__!__!  !__!_____!  |: |  |
                                !_____! ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~[ZeCH]!__'__!
                                [  StripDIZ v3.00 - Removes ALL known  ]
                                [ types of publicity from FILE_ID.DIZ! ]
                                [  (Vertical, Random/Morph Ad's, ...)  ]
                                [    A must have for all SysOp's ;)    ]
                                ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ![18/08/95]! ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
ept_2dsd30.zip   46727 08-05-2024 ______ _____ __ _____ _____ _____ __ ___
                                |:   "|    "| "|    "|    "|    "|| | "|
                                || |__|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |: |  |
                                |  _|_.  ___!  |  |__!     |  ___!     |
                                || |  |: |  .--:: |  |: |  |: |  || |  |
                                |:    |__!  !__!__!  !__!_____!  |: |  |
                                !_____! ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~[ZeCH]!__'__!
                                [  StripDIZ v3.00 - Removes ALL known  ]
                                [ types of publicity from FILE_ID.DIZ! ]
                                [  (Vertical, Random/Morph Ad's, ...)  ]
                                [    A must have for all SysOp's ;)    ]
                                 ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ![18/08/95]! ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
fact132.zip    54692 08-05-2024 FACT 1.32 - Freeware Archive Conversion Tool.
                                Small and easy to use, yet is still powerful,
                                thorough & user-expandable. With .PAS source.
                                Copyright (c) 1997 [4 Apr.], DDA/ Reign Ware.
                                Now supports Info-ZIP; tweaked Win95 support.
far164.zip    546932 08-05-2024 FAR v1.64 for Windows 95/NT/2000
                                Text mode file and archive manager
                                - Long file names support
                                - User defined view modes
                                - File descriptions and highlighting
                                - User menu, file associations
                                - FTP client, network browser
                                - Task list and control
fileid19.zip   64625 08-05-2024 FILEID.TXT v1.9 - A complete explaination of
                                the format and use of the FILE_ID.DIZ file, 
                                created originally for PCBoard BBSs, but 
                                adopted as the "standard" description file. 
                                This file also contains a detailed guide for 
                                creating a Distribution Archive file that can
                                be used by both Disk Vendors and BBS systems.
                                Will help any author get the most benefit 
                                from their distribution archive file(s). 
                                Written for the ASP by Richard Holler.
gtr184.zip     58357 08-05-2024 GenericTRacer (EXE/COM UNPACKER) 1.84 [1/1]
                                GTR unpacks PKlite2.0, WWPack3.05, ALEC1.6,
                                HS1.17/386, LSCrypt1.21, ICE1.0,  ELITE2.0,
                                Protect!6.0,   DoPCrypt1.04,   ExeCode1.00,
                                RCC1.13h/m, RCC386 0.51, Diet1.45f, AXE2.0,
                                FDS-CP0.4a,    TINYPROG3.9,    RJCRUSH1.10,
                                ProtEXE3.10, RCRYPT0.91,  SHRINK1.0, LZEXE,
                                GuardianAngel1.0b, MASK2.3,  MESS1.13b, ...
                                new:  added paging against memory-detection
                                !         !!RESET-BUG-FIXED!!             !
                                homepage:  home.t-online.de/home/enoch        
gus_195.zip    59589 08-05-2024 General Unpack Shell (GUS) v1.95 handles 15
                                archive types and their self-extractors.
                                (ARC ARC+ ARJ DWC HA HAP HPK HYP LZH PAK RAR
                                SQZ UC2 ZIP ZOO & SFXs)
                                New in this version:
                                - small GUS header in case of redirection;
                                - virus scan of unpacked files;
                                - option to move bad or unknown archives
                                - "personalized" GUS for registered users.
htcdiz1.zip    10082 08-05-2024                  
                                    [HTC] DiZZeR v.1.00    
                                   Modifies file_id.diz    
                                    Adds & Del's lines     
                                Released Jan 27/'95    tO
                                 HiGH TeCH CouRieRS 1995 
id10.zip       37076 08-05-2024 ID v1.0; Create, edit and modify FILE_ID.DIZ
                                and DESC.SDI files. ID is a menu driven ded-
                                icated text editor that will create either
                                FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI or BOTH file formats
                                and place them in ZIP files for you. ID takes
                                all the guess work out of using these file
                                description schemes and makes the authors
                                work easier. A must have! 1/08/92; Ron Brandt
idiz2.zip      61763 08-05-2024 iDIZ v2.0 is a file_id.diz viewer.
                                Simply click on any .arj or .zip
                                file to view the file_id.diz in 
                                the archive. $15.00 registration
                                updates are FREE. 
                                Must have vbrun300.dll not included
isdiz2.zip     32427 08-05-2024 Ever wish you could separate ZIP files 
                                that don't have FILE_ID.DIZs from those 
                                that do without having to go thru them
                                manually?  Now you can move or delete 
                                ZIP files based on whether they have 
                                a FILE_ID.DIZ inside them automatically.
                                Freeware from MWC Enterprises and
                                Central Core BBS.
jup170us.zip  139546 08-05-2024 Jens's UnPacker v1.70 - identifies different
                                archived file types and extracts them.
kwikdiz.zip    73209 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                Kwik-Diz v1.1a The Professional DIZ Editor.
                                 This editor has features not found in any 
                                 other DIZ editor such as automatic border 
                                drawing of your choice of 5 border styles, 
                                 copy-cut-paste, 12 line x 45 column edit  
                                 window, left-center-right justification,  
                                 and much more.  Many more features coming 
                                 in future versions. Written by the author 
                                       of Identi-Filer and Qwiklist.       
                                      Contains the latest bug fixes!       
looky10.zip    14130 08-05-2024 
                                  Looky There v1.0 a PKZIP
                                 file utility for PK Files 2.04g
                                 or later.  Very Nice, displays
                                 The Operating System needed for
                                 the file, and detailed information
                                 (One Screen full to be exact) for
                                 each file in the Archive.
                                 --==Another fine product from==--
                                  --== The Strawberry Patch ==--
megavert.zip    9638 08-05-2024 MegaVert is a batch file designed to help you
                                get the most out of your compression programs
                                by automating the process of converting
                                almost any archive format to almost any other
                                archive format!  You can taper MegaVert to
                                fit your personal needs, and it is clearly
                                laid out and documented.
mge_diz1.zip  111089 08-05-2024               _______         ______
                                _________  /  _____>_____  /  __  \______
                                <____     \/  /\________  \/  / /  /  ____>
                                . /  /  /  /  <__  \  /_/  /  /_/  /  /__mGE
                                :/  /  /  /  /__/  / _____/\___   __>__  \95
                                /  /\_/\__\____/  /\_______   >\_/   ____/:.
                                DiZZAD v1.0 (c) MAGiC WALKER^mGE
                                - ADDS/REMOVES ADVERTS TO/FROM ARCHIVES
                                - ADDS/REMOVES TAG-LiNES TO/FROM FILE_ID.DIZ
                                - ADDS/REMOVES ARCHIVE COMMENTS
                                - CREATES A FILELIST
                                - AND SOME MORE FEATURES! CHECK iT OUT!
mkdiz132.zip   57873 08-05-2024 MKDIZ Version 1.32S - A Menu driven program 
                                which allows you to create and insert 
                                FILE_ID.DIZ and/or DESC.SDI description 
                                files into archive files created by PKZip. 
                                These description files contain a short 
                                informative description of the files & 
                                programs contained within .ZIP files. These 
                                descriptions can be read and automatically 
                                displayed on a BBS file directory that 
                                supports .DIZ/.SDI descriptors.
modzip12.zip   23031 08-05-2024 MOD2ZIP v1.2 by SofTech. [01/Jun/95]
                                Extracts title, writes FILE_ID.DIZ
                                and creates compressed file ready
                                to upload from music files! Support
                                for ZIP, ARJ, RAR, LHA and Info-ZIP
                                programs! It handles MOD, 669, STM,
                                S3M, MTM, FAR, DMF, XM and MID.
                                Cardware software!
mscic65a.zip   43815 08-05-2024 MSCiC (tm) - Compression Identifies Checker
                                Preview v6.50   1st December 1998 Released
                                -=-=-=-=-=-[ Freeware Releases ]-=-=-=-=-=-
                                MSCiC is a file compression format identify
                                tool which can identifies with 178 types of 
                                archives/compression/multimedia formats and
                                it will exits with an errorlevel at the end.
                                Arc: XIE,ARC,ARJ,LZH,SQZ,RAR,UC2,JAR,etc...
                                Exe: TinyProg,PKLite,XPack,LZExe,WWP,etc...
                                Win: InstallShield,WinZip,MSCAB,SARC,etc...
                                Gfx: GIF,JPG,HSI,BMP,TGA,RM,SWF,TIFF,etc...
                                Mus: MP1,MP2,MP3,WAV,RA,AIFF,MID,SND,etc...
                                * 131 Archive/Disk formats were identified.
                                *  25 Compressions formats were identified.
                                *  25 Multi-Medias formats were identified.
                                 Automaticly show graphics of resolutions.
                                 Many new features, check on WHATSNEW.007.
                                (c) 1992-1998 Mercury Soft Technology, Inc.
ncav47.zip    145431 08-05-2024 AVIEW V4.7, 13-Aug-94 (Non-Beta!),
                                The Norton Commander Archive Viewer. 
                                A small utility to manipulate ARC,
                                ARJ, HYP, LZH, PAK, RAR, SQZ, UC2,
                                ZIP and ZOO files, lots of options,
                                can be fully mouse-operated, very
                                easy to use, can also be used as
                                stand-alone utility. *FREEWARE*
                                Copyright (C) 1994 Chris Buijs.
ncd_rar.zip    17229 08-05-2024  
                                 NEUROTICA CRACKING DIVISION
                                rar archiver v1.54 crack
paradz11.zip  381236 08-05-2024 ParaDiz 1.1 Shareware version.
                                ParaDiz is an easy to use utility that will
                                extract file_id.diz description files from
                                ZIP and self-extracting ZIP files. It will
                                build a files.bbs file from them for import
                                into your BBS file lists. ParaDiz runs under
                                MS Windows and requires PKUNZIP from PKWARE
                                (NOT INCLUDED) for extracting from ZIP files
                                Shareware Registration $10.00.
pci_2df210.zip  108770 08-05-2024              ܱ۲              
                                     ۲   ۱         ޱ
                                 ޲  ܰ۰  ۲ rssl   
                                 ۱ ۰۱ ܲ  ۱  ۱
                                   ۲ ۲             ޲
                                ۲         ۱۲         
                                 ߲        ++ pRESETNTs ++
                                |           FID v2.10 Cardware            |
                                          File_id.diz extractor          
                                Support 33 packer(AIN,ARC,ARI,ARJ,ARK,BSN
                                       7 sfx(AIN,ARJ,ESP,LHA,RAR,ARC,ZIP)
                                      11 picture  (BMP,FIF,FLI,GIF,JPG,  
                                      13 music(669,AMF,DMF,FAR,MID,MTM,  
                                       + HTML format.                    
                                     57+ options for the best performance
                                New: Languages,Archive path,Erase tempdir
                                [dist via pcmicro]-[97.o5.12]
pci_2df213.zip  174751 08-05-2024              ܱ۲              
                                     ۲   ۱         ޱ
                                 ޲  ܰ۰  ۲ rssl   
                                 ۱ ۰۱ ܲ  ۱  ۱
                                   ۲ ۲             ޲
                                ۲         ۱۲         
                                 ߲         ++ pRESETNs ++
                                |            FID v2.13 Cardware           |
                                          File_id.diz extractor          
                                Support 36 packer (ACE,AIN,ARC,ARI,ARJ,  
                                   8 sfx(ACE,AIN,ARJ,ESP,LHA,RAR,ARC,ZIP)
                                  12 picture (BMP,FIF,FLI,FLC,GIF,JPG,IMG
                                  14 music (669,AMF,DMF,FAR,MID,MTM,MOD, 
                                   + AIR,CO,D64,HTML,PS,T64 format.      
                                  74 options and 47 macro for the best   
pfit023a.zip   16318 08-05-2024 Psych0FIT v0.23a (07/15/96) - 
                                File Information Tool.  PFIT identifies over
                                40 different file types and will gives info
                                on each.  Fast and freeware.
                                **NOTE: documentation changes only
pxa_flp.zip     3220 08-05-2024 PolyXarc v2.1a configuration file, updated to
                                support newer compression utilties. A good
                                4dos command line companion.
pxdos21a.zip   39585 08-05-2024 PolyXarc v2.1a - permits automatic extraction
                                of most known archive formats and
                                incorporation of newly adopted compression
                                methods as they become available.
pxdos21n.zip   54703 08-05-2024 Poly-XARC - multiple compression program shell
pxsrc21a.zip   36367 08-05-2024 Program source code for PolyXarc v2.1a, 12
                                May 1991. A 4dos command line companion from
                                the furlan primus archives.
qcom10.zip     12241 08-05-2024 FASTEST .ZIP COMMENTER ON EARTH!
                                This comments your .ZIP files, and
                                skips the ones that already have
                                your comment!  No sense re-commenting
                                all those files.  Do it much quicker
                                than you ever thought.
                                Freeware and source code included!
                                Courtesy of AntiVirus ROCK 817-282-5542
r2z_v12.zip   114782 08-05-2024 *** Rep2Zip V 1.2 By Eddy Salvador ***
                                .TIC files "Replaces" command converter.
                                Rep2Zip will scan all of your .TIC files
                                and replace the file extension of the
                                "Replaces" command to .ZIP, .ARJ, .ARC
                                or .* , Etc.  Rep2Zip solves the dilemma
                                of having your file base in one particular
                                compression format and not being able to
                                take advantage of the replace command in 
                                the .TIC file because the file extension
                                to replace is not the same one you are 
                                using. Cheap to register!
rac_2dfd10.zip    9905 08-05-2024       
                                        reallyawesomecoders!     rk
                                             FRAMEDIZ v1.oo           
                                     the bbs.ad-adder of ya dreams     
                                       coded by Black Eagle / RAC      
                                         release date: 18/09/95       
rac_2dsp20.zip   11752 08-05-2024             
                                     ۲   ܰ     ܰ޲
                                    ۲ݱ               ޲   
                                      ݰ rk ޱ     
                                       presents you today:      
                                          STEALTH PRO 2.0         
                                   Very cool! Prevent your passed-thru  
                                    text in dizzes from being deleted   
                                  using this tool! It will steatlh your 
                                  text! Up to 100.000 possibilities per 
                                   line! Included example files! Works  
                                  fine with every System or Standalone! 
                                  Coded by Black Eagle/RAC  [10-01-95] 
rarshlex.zip   10068 08-05-2024 RAR Shell Extension 1.0 for WINDOWS 95/NT.
read115c.zip  116043 08-05-2024 [ Read 115C <> Display & View Files ]Ŀ
                                 Display Directories and View Files. Copy,
                                 Move, Rename and Delete Files. Create,   
                                 Remove & Rename Directories. Search for a
                                 Keyword in a file or Paste portions of a 
                                 file. Edit files & Manage Zip, Lzh & Arj 
                                 files. Excellent for BBS and Internet    
                                 use! Read Maximizes memory to RUN files. 
remove25.zip  641817 08-05-2024   Remove_IT v2.5 coded by Eneuman
                                  This program is created for    
                                  all you non syops.             
                                  The program uses PKZIP,PKUNZIP 
                                  and ARJ.                       
                                   --==> Full Reelease <==--     
                                   EVERYONE NEEDS THIS PROGRAM   
                                 [] Remove -AV info from ZIP's. 
                                 [] Remove ZIP & ARJ comment.   
                                 [] Remove ordinary BBS ads     
                                     from .arj and .zip files.   
                                 [] User definable workdrive.   
                                 [] Creats a list of your       
                                     .zip and .arj files whit    
                                     file_id import.             
                                 [] Scan up to 8 directorys.    
                                 [] Virus scan your .zip & .arj 
                                 [] Total mouse support.        
                                 [] Menu's for faster work.     
                                 [] And mutch mutch MORE !      
rvs113.zip     49801 08-05-2024 RVS-RView Shell, v1.13  Shell for viewing and
                                extracting contents of several archive types.
                                Calls on user-selectable external programs to
                                extract and view.   File types supported are:
                                ARC, ARJ, HYP, LZH, LZS, PAK, SQZ, ZIP & ZOO.
                                Displays either ZIP- or LZH-style compression
                                ratios.  Various sort options.  FreeWare!
sb_2ddiz11.zip   10554 08-05-2024 |15--/\sb^illness modifcations/\----------
                                         DIZ CLEANER v1.10
                                The BEST utility to clean incoming
                                file_id.diz's introducing SMART SCANNING
                                it can scan diz lines for certain keywords
                                then delete those lines. also lets you add
                                you own tag once the diz has been cleaned.
scanzip2.zip   17758 08-05-2024   SCAN A ZIP version 2.0 ۲
                                SCAN A ZIP scans inside ZIP archive
                                files for virus. It's new, improved
                                and better then before. Includes
                                update system if you have an older
                                version of SCAN A ZIP. A must D/L
                                for all ZIP file D/L'ers FREEWARE.
                                Programmer: Mehran Ahmad
                                oKeR SoFtWaRe 
sdiz510.zip   226268 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      v5.10 Deluxe!  
                                       The Ultimate Dizzer       
                                    Programmed by Eran Meuhas    
                                SupreDiZ is the BEST FILE_ID.DIZ to
                                 FILES.BBS import for: RA, PCB, RG 
                                 IQ, TG and PROB! With lots of new 
                                 and Useful features! What's new?! 
                                  400% FASTER - AMAZING!          
                                  2PCB, IQDiZ, XFBBS.. attached! 
                                  SuperDiZ NOW supports:          
                                 This is ôIGHLY RECOMMENDED 
spaz_200.zip    8601 08-05-2024 SPAZ - Universal decompression shell for all
                                archive formats. 
srtdsc32.zip  442678 08-05-2024 *** SORTDESC Version 3.2 *** This utility
                                find file descriptions (from FILE_ID.DIZ or
                                TIC files, captured file listings(s), README
                                files, etc.), then move files to a different
                                directory based on key words in that
                                description, and place the description in
                                a separate listing ...with options to add a
                                "FILE_ID.DIZ" to archives that don't have
                                them, remove graphic characters, match on
                                names with different extensions, more!
stripv20.zip   17655 08-05-2024 S T R i P D i Z
                                RM0VS LL KN0WN
                                TPS  0 PUBLiCiT
                                R0M File_id.DIZ!
                                SS0PS, LCH iT!
sysops.zip    559219 08-05-2024 Collection of ZIP/DIZ/FILES.BBS Utilities
                                Included in this package are:
                                Qwik-List The Ultimate File List Processor
                                Kwik-Diz  The Professional DIZ Editor
                                DIZ Wiz   Edit DIZ's without unzipping!
                                ZIP Note  Create "cool" unZIP screens!
                                DIZFix    Convert VENDINFO.DIZ to FILE_ID.DIZ
                                ZIP-ZAP   Multi-Function ZIP File Processor
                                All written by Kevin Smith at GadgetSoft
szconv11.zip   20914 08-05-2024 Convert from one Archive to another.
                                SmokewarZ(tm) SmokCONV Version 1.1
                                ZIP and ZOO archivers are supported
                                by SmokCONV. Small, but powerful 
                                program and VERY easy to use! You
                                don't have to be a Brain Surgeon!
szdesc11.zip   22966 08-05-2024 Find File Descriptions within Archives
                                SmokewarZ(tm) SmokDESC Version 1.1
                                Supports the following Archivers,
                                ZIP and ZOO. Find DESC.SDI, FILE_ID.DIZ
                                and SDN.ID description files without
                                unarchiving the entire package and
                                read them first!
szv102f.zip    50967 08-05-2024 SIMPLE ZIP VIEWER v1.01F
                                This program will allow the viewing of .ZIP
                                files with very little hassle involved.
                                The nice feature about this version of SZV
                                is that it is totally and completely free of
                                charge.  I still own all copyrights on it,
                                but anyone may use it without paying for it.
                                The registered version (optional) does add
                                several new features, but registration is
                                not necessary or required for this version.
szv132.zip     53222 08-05-2024 SIMPLE ZIP VIEWER v1.3
                                This program allows viewing of .ZIP files
                                without having to extract the contents of
                                the.ZIP file.
                                This new version now fixes a couple bugs and
                                adds quite a few new features such as now
                                being able to shell to DOS while viewing.
                                Please see HISTORY.SZV for full details on
                                all changes.
                                Release date: 11-13-1994, $5 registration fee.
szview11.zip   19926 08-05-2024 View list of files within an Archive!
                                SmokewarZ(tm) SmokVIEW Version 1.1
                                Supports the following Archivers,
                                ZIP and ZOO. List the files that are
                                inside of an Archive without unarching
                                the entire package! Small, but you
                                don't need a Masters Degree!
tunacp40.zip   61861 08-05-2024 ͻ͸   TUNAdCut Public ver.4
                                ͸ڿɻ     'The Final Release'
                                  Removes nearly any BBS
                                ;ͼ   ad from ZIP files 1/1
                                standard or random filenames/Textfiles
                                .EXE/.COM files/TheDraw ANSi-.COM/Word
                                Processor/0 byte/High ASCII/VGA loader
                                Compiled .BAT files /Invalid Filenames
                                or Directory Names /.ARJ or .ZIP self-
                                extractors / "-,@,!,and $" filename ad 
                                schemes / Anything in  sub-directories
                                and removal  of empty  sub-directories
                                created  by the  removal of  a BBS  ad
                                Support  for  filenames  greater  then 
                                11 characters (OS/2 Generated BBS Ads)
ucfcup34.zip   50165 08-05-2024     CyberWare 
                                      proudly presents  
                                            CUP386 v3.4     
                                 The Ultimate Executables Unpacker    
                                 Unpacks DOS EXE, COM file packed via 
                                  PkLite, Diet, Protect and ANY other! 
                                 RM INT 1 Tracer, V86 Multitasking,   
                                  80386 CPU Emulator - full RM support 
                                  w/processor queue and DRX emulation! 
                                 Built-in interactive MegaDebugger:   
                                  CyberWare Code Digger v3.4           
                                 "I'm alive feature" - led flashing   
                                 Faster and smarted than any similiar 
                                 CODED BY SAGE/CyberWare, UCF         
unp411.zip     37127 08-05-2024 UNP V4.11 Executable file expander
                                Uncompresses files compressed with
                                DIET, EXEPACK, LZEXE, PKLITE and many
                                other file compression utilities.  UNP
                                also allows you to convert files from
                                COM to EXE and vice versa, optimize EXE
                                headers, remove overlay data from EXE
                                files and more.
untiny.zip     15836 08-05-2024 UnTiny  Generic TinyProg Unpacker 
                                Written by ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Ralph
                                Roth  FREEWARE  Opens: TinyProg 3.0,
                                3.3, 3.5, 3.6, 3.8, 3.9  Air-Protect 
                                PKTiny 1.5, 1.6x
                                ڿ ڿ¿¿ڿ¿ڿ  ڿ 15. Nov
                                    ٳ   1995
vip_72b9.zip  134284 08-05-2024 Vip version 7.2 b9  Handles ZIP, ARJ or LHA
                                files. Convert LHA, ARJ & ZIP to ARJ or ZIP
                                files.  Scan or test ARJ, LHA, ZIP  files.
                                Tag desired files for extraction. Delete or
                                edit individual files within the archive.
                                Requires 286, DOS 5 or higher & PkZip 2.04
                                or newer. Handles archives containing up to
                                25000 files. Simple screen saver And more..
                                Registration $15  ($25 commercial use)
wd107e.zip    786518 08-05-2024   WinDIZ Version *1.07*
                                * Extract FILE_IDs from every kind of archive
                                and combine them into a customizeable list
                                * very easy handling
                                * very fast due to own decompression routines
                                * many filters ( characterfilter, linefilter)
                                * supports ZIP, ARJ, ZOO, LHA, SFX, ARC...
                                * supports full Drag And Drop
                                * recognizes defect archives
                                * Office97-style ;-)
                                * many new functions
                                * needs Windows95 or Windows NT 4.x
whatis11.zip   39706 08-05-2024 WHATIS v1.1 is a DOS based utility that
                                will extract and display the description 
                                files inside of PKZIP archives!
                                Never again UNZIP those files to find out 
                                what is in them.
                                Version 1.1 optimized the code to make it
                                Incredibly fast!
                                FREEWARE Utility From COMPUTER ONE BBS!
wrip107.zip   135755 08-05-2024 WinRip is a program designed for simple
                                packing and unpacking of multi-volume ZIP,
                                ARJ, and RAR files. It is a shell extension,
                                in that it doesnt actually perform the
                                archive operations but calls upon external
                                programs (pkzip.exe, pkunzip.exe, arj.exe)
xdiz003.zip    39741 08-05-2024                             
                                       ۲   ޲
                                   ۰       ۰߱
                                      ۲  ۰      
                                ߲۰    Yb 
                                    ۲         ߲      
                                Part of the PcXcess package
                                XDIZ v0.03b
                                Grabs FILE_ID's from archives
                                and updates the files.bbs in the
                                current directory. File-touch
                                option, and only files which are
                                not in the files.bbs already are
                                processed. Very handy util, FAST!
xdiz26e_.zip   55792 08-05-2024 XDIZ v2.6e               [*DateFix*]
                                DateCheck-Fix  for registered users!
                                Extracts FILE_ID.DIZ & DESC.SDI from
                                ZIP, ARJ, LZH,RAR, SQZ,AIN archives,
                                create/append in a PCBoard listfile.
                                Many fantastic features:
                                 Automatic stripping  of  nonsence,
                                high  ASCII  codes, graphics  etc. 
                                 Moving files with good description
                                 CD-ROM support, multi config files
                                 Processing  up  to  5000  archives
                                 Use this before (DAT-Tape-)backups
                                 No   other   BBS-Software   needed
                                 NEW: Optimized for speed...
zc301.zip     164455 08-05-2024 Zip Chunker 3.01 - Fast! ZIP File Splitter
                                for DOS, OS/2, & Win32.  Zip Chunker splits
                                and sizes all types of files, including ZIP
                                files.  Will split to a size to fit specific
                                floppy format or to user determined size.
                                Files except ZIP files can be rejoined.
                                Supports PKZIP 1.x/2.x files. ZIP files can
                                be split so that they will extract to fit on
                                a specific floppy size.
zcp301.zip    183330 08-05-2024 Zip Chunker Pro 3.01 - Fast! ARC, ARJ, LHZ,
                                ZIP Splitter for DOS, OS/2, & Win32.  ZCP by
                                Jibben Software splits and sizes all types
                                of files, including archived files.  Will
                                split to a size to fit specific floppy
                                format or to user determined size.  Files
                                except archives can be rejoined.  Supports
                                ARC, ARJ, PKZIP (1.1/2.x), LZH, and HYP.
                                Archives can be split so that they will
                                extract to fit on a specific floppy size.
zdiff21b.zip   99173 08-05-2024 V2.1: Full screen Turbo Vision UI, new
                                filtering options, and more! ZDiff compares 2
                                archives (even of different formats), 2
                                directories, or an archive and a directory ->
                                it's FAST! Zip, Arj, Lha, Lzh, Pak, Arc, Zoo
                                archives supported. 32-bit or 16-bit CRC
zipbr111.zip   45185 08-05-2024 ZIP Brand FAST! v1.11. A (BBS) util to
                                brand .ZIP files  in a whole directory
                                tree SAFELY and QUICKLY with a comment
                                or banner taken from a file. Typically
                                processing speed is 20+++ files a sec.
                                Advanced but very easy to use.Does NOT
                                use external programs as PKZIP or Info
                                ZIP.  DOS version.   US$ 10 Shareware.
zipcln11.zip   21111 08-05-2024 Zip Clean! v1.1. Removes Unwanted
                                Files from .ZIP's
                                Zip Clean will automatically rid your .ZIP
                                files of those unwanted files that get
                                thrown into .ZIP files. Uses a text file
                                listing of all bad file names that you want
                                erased from .ZIP's (one is included). Can
                                do a whole directory in one shot. Fast!
                                Now has option to keep a log file.
                                ** Freeware **
zipcvt29.zip   14198 08-05-2024 ZIP Converter 2.9 converts ZIPs to version 
                                2.04 format, using maximum compression.  It 
                                can be used on both hard and floppy drives to
                                convert 1.x ZIPs to 2.04 format or to 
                                recompress all ZIPs which were not created 
                                with PKZIP 2.04's maximum compression 
                                algorithm.  ZIP comments can be retained, 
                                added, or removed.  Volume labels will be 
                                Copyright (c) 1995 by Gregory Sherman
zipem12.zip    45870 08-05-2024 Zip'em Version 1.3 Freeware!
                                Zip'em is a EXE file that uses
                                PKZIP(c) to search all the Hard
                                Drives that you tell it to and
                                Compress and Delete all of a
                                Certain Filespec. Will put it
                                into a Daily Zip file, then into
                                a Monthly Zip file. Great for
                                managing those LOG files!
                                *NOW SUPPORTS MAX COMPRESSION*
                                Freeware From VagaBond Software!
zips12.zip      9084 08-05-2024    Z i p   S t a m p   V e r   1 . 2
                                Zip Stamp allows you to add comments to all
                                uploaded ZIP archives up to 20,000 kb in size
                                Supports many major bulletin board packages,
                                including TriBBS, PCBoard, Spitfire and more!
                                All done automatically via a batch file. It's
                                fast, easy to use, and simple to install.
                                Design your own comments, can be either ANSI
                                color graphics, or a simple ASCII text file.
                                Also can be run directly from the command line
                                From Lightning Software - quality computer
                                software products. (Shareware) Try Zip Stamp
zipstr15.zip   11705 08-05-2024 ZipStrip v1.5 - Adds/Removes ZIP Comments
zr7.zip       108456 08-05-2024 ZR7- Next generation unzipping program
                                by Scandere Software. Icon based unzip
                                ZIP, ARC, ARJ, LZH, and ZOO files into 
                                same, new, or temporary directories by
                                double-clicking the file's icon. NOTHING
                                could be easier. Icon directory loading,
                                directory warping, icon program launcher,
                                load any file into any program. Single
                                click update and single click recompress.
                                Keys for anti-virus, tasks, file mananger
zstrip99.zip   14898 08-05-2024 ZipStrip V0.99 Beta. From Computer Online
                                ZIP file comment stripper/replacer for the RA
                                File Manager or
                                No Registration Fee.
zzap66a.zip   101791 08-05-2024 Universal automated archive 
                                conversion.Supports all known archive 
                                programs. Convertarchive type, test 
                                integrity, scan forviruses, validate program 
                                CRC's. Properlyhandles nested archives. NEW, 
                                support forself-extracting archives (SFX). 

               Area 54 - Archive Compressors              

ace12b.zip    545715 08-05-2024 Archiver ACE v1.2b (DOS/Win32/OS2)
                                Shareware, Copyright by Marcel Lemke
                                Features: * fast extraction, updates
                                 * good compression ratio, high speed
                                 * LFN-support, different languages
                                 * user interface with two directories
                                 * multi-volume and SFX archives
                                 * encryption,recovery records,coments
                                 * req.: 386/2Mb
                                Date:  1.7.1998
                                Price: $29 (single license)
                                This ACE package contains these files:
                                 * ACE.EXE      - the archiver for DOS
                                 * ACE32.EXE    - the archiver for 
                                                  Windows 95/NT
                                 * ACE2.EXE     - archiver for OS/2
                                 * UNACE.EXE    - a small program for
                                 * ACE.DOC      - description of ACE
                                 * LICENSE.DOC  - license information
                                 * REGISTER.FRM - registration form(s)
                                 * REGISTER.DOC - registration process
                                 * FILE_ID.DIZ  - this file
                                 * REACE\       - REACE by
                                                        Juergen Peters
                                 * UNACESRC\    - free UNACE source
                                BE AWARE:
                                   ACE.EXE doesn't run with 16BIT DPMI
                                   (read ace.doc for more information)
arc602.exe    138539 08-05-2024 
arca129.zip    11351 08-05-2024 
arce40g.zip    11148 08-05-2024 ARCE to extract files from an ARC file.
                                Vernon D. Buerg System Enhancement Associates
arh3_2.zip     59171 08-05-2024 ⠥ p  18(!) p娢p
                                 ARH p 3.2:
                                 -  p
                                 -  p  p娢 (ARJ, RAR, ZIP
                                (⮫쪮  BANNER)
                                 - প 18 p娢p
                                AIN, ARJ, BSA, HA, HAP3, HPAK, LHA, ICE,
                                PAK, RAR, LIMIT, QUANTUM, UltraCompressor2,
                                UFA, YAC, WIC, ZIP, ZOO
                                 - ⮮p ᫥ p娢,
arj275.exe    475834 08-05-2024 
arj2x262.zip  159198 08-05-2024 ARJ/2 2.62.02 LX
                                 * compressed with LXLITE
                                 * smaller & better SFX-STUBS
                                 * runs on OS/2 3.0 and better
                                if you need the utils to compress your
                                private registered ARJ.EXE cantact me
arj2_262.exe  196585 08-05-2024 
crush18.zip    71462 08-05-2024 CRUSH v1.8 -  Super-compressor for DOS.
                                Fed up with limited compression performance
                                of Stacker, PKZIP, UC2, ZOO, ARJ and LHA?
                                CRUSH will usually give 5%-50% improved
                                compression over any other DOS compression
                                tool, & yet allows the user to continue using
                                the archiver already in use. CRUSH is fast &
                                the ideal choice for users keen to save disk
                                space. Too good to be true?  No! Try it!
                                PocketD v4.1 compat. New: no 1000 file limit
giflt200.zip   69004 08-05-2024 GIFlite v2.0; GIF-to-GIF Compressor
                                compresses GIF files by an average of 30% and
                                yet still preserve the same quality and
                                resolution. The resulting GIF files are
                                almost identical to the original file. Human
                                eyes can hardly tell them apart. By the
                                author of Telemate and GIFLink
gifpress.zip   69627 08-05-2024 Gifpress is a lossless GIF file compressor.
ha0999.zip     92829 08-05-2024 The file release of HA - 0.999 - Offers
                                maximum file compression and c source - dos
hyper25.zip    25385 08-05-2024 Hyper, a file compression utility
jar102.exe    520722 08-05-2024 
jar102x.exe   506975 08-05-2024 
lha213.exe     44416 08-05-2024 
lha255b.zip    29058 08-05-2024 *** LHA v2.55B *** Yoshi's newest version of
                                his great freeware file compression program.
                                This archive has had the Japanese documents
                                removed, as most of us in the USA have
                                problems reading it on our systems.
msxie140.zip   64195 08-05-2024 MSXiE (tm) High-Performance Archiver 1.40 Pro
                                High Data Compressing XiE Archiver, up to 77%
                                Better Compression.  Cool Colours Interface.
                                Our compression ratio can compare with others
                                RAR, ARJ, UC2, ZIP, UC2, LHA, ARC, SQZ, etc..
                                * Highest Multimedia Compression
                                * FREE UnXiE Quick Extracter Utility
                                - Fixed 1.30 Beta Signature Error
                                - Fixed Directory Creates with "\"
                                * Supported with MSCiC Edition 5 and 6
                                + Added Errorlevels For Status Returns
                                (C)Copyright 1997 Mercury Soft Technology Inc
mup118.zip     32476 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                    MUP 1.18  Multiple Unpacker      
                                Supports ARC, ARJ, DWC, HAP, HPK, UC2,
                                HYP, LZH, MD, PAK, SQZ, ZIP, LIM, GFB,
                                AIN, ZOO, RAR and PUT.                
                                         -= FreeWare =-           
                                  Copyright (C) 1995 Morten Isaksen   
pak251.zip     87055 08-05-2024 
pk250c32.zip  272263 08-05-2024 PKZIP(R) for Windows  COMMAND LINE Ver 2.50
                                released 04-05-1998.  Copyright PKWARE Inc.
                                This is a COMMAND LINE version of PKZIP
                                for Windows 95/98/NT with full support
                                for longfilenames. It is a replacment for
                                the DOS 2.04g version which looks and the
                                same, but supports long file names. It is
                                also faster as it is 32bit code optimized
                                for an 80X86 code processor.
pk250upd.zip  267289 08-05-2024 
pk260w16.exe  704430 08-05-2024 
pk260w32.exe  755712 08-05-2024 
pk361.exe     119808 08-05-2024 
pkarc36.zip    63667 08-05-2024 
pklte150.exe   54921 08-05-2024 
pkos2250.exe  309181 08-05-2024 
pkz204g.exe   203594 08-05-2024 
pkzws201.exe  503121 08-05-2024 
rjcru100.zip   61556 08-05-2024 --------------- RJCRUSH v1.00 ---------------
                                -                                           -
                                - DOS Executable Compressor.                -
                                -                                           -
                                - Initial public release.                   -
                                - RJCRUSH is not only an executable file    -
                                - compressor, but it is probably the only   -
                                - of its kind that compresses overlays too! -
                                - Supports Borland's VROOM.                 -
                                -                                           -
                                -------- Another great utility from ---------
                                --------------- RJS Software ----------------
sitex10.zip   295196 08-05-2024 StuffIt Expander - The Universal File
                                Decompressor, Version 1.0.  The
                                simplest, most efficient way to expand any
                                compressed file you may have
                                downloaded from an online service, bulletin
                                board system, or the Internet.
                                Supports .sit, .zip, .arj, .arc, .gz, .uue and
                                .hqx formats.  Requires at
                                least Windows 3.1 and 4MB RAM.  FREEWARE from
                                Aladdin Systems.
sqz1083.zip    97477 08-05-2024 SQZ is a file-compresser/archiver.
                                creating small archives with a good 
                                rate of compression.
                                32-bit CRC both on files and SQZ itself. 
                                New MOVE command. Easy to use; 
                                No extraction to COM0..9/CON/AUX.
stuffit.zip   228118 08-05-2024 Stuffit expander supports,
                                .sit,.zip,.arj,.gz,.uue, and .hqx formated
uc2pro.exe    403884 08-05-2024 
uc2r3.exe     245258 08-05-2024 
untar105.zip   11542 08-05-2024 UNTAR v1.04 - Unpacks unix tar-files in DOS
                                mode. Handles illegal characters in DOS
                                file names, subdirectories and more. Log
                                file lists all file name revisions.
unz520d2.zip  157697 08-05-2024 Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.2:  OS/2 2.x/3.x DLL
                                Portable ZIP archive extractor with:
                                  32-bit UnZip DLL (both C and REXX in-
                                    terfaces; ZipInfo code included)
                                  32-bit UnZip stub demo app
                                  unzip.h header file
                                  some docs, but not very complete :-)
                                This is FREE (but copyrighted) software.
                                See COPYING for details on distribution.
unz520x.zip   162286 08-05-2024 Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.2:  DOS exes & docs
                                Contains documentation and generic (16-
                                bit) MS-DOS executables for:
                                  UnZip (portable ZIP archive extractor;
                                    ZipInfo built in)
                                  UnZipSFX (self-extractor stub: prepend
                                    to zipfiles)
                                  fUnZip (filter UnZip: use with pipes)
                                This is FREE (but copyrighted) software.
                                See COPYING for details on distribution.
unz520x2.zip  221260 08-05-2024 Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.2:  OS/2 2.x/3.x exes
                                Portable ZIP archive extractor; docs + :
                                  32-bit UnZip (ZipInfo built in)
                                  16-bit UnZipSFX (self-extractor stub:
                                    prepend to zipfiles)
                                  32-bit fUnZip (filter UnZip, for use
                                    with pipes)
                                This is FREE (but copyrighted) software.
                                See COPYING for details on distribution.
winzip70.zip  930857 08-05-2024 WinZip 7.0 SR-1 for Windows 95/98/NT 
                                A powerful and easy to use compression
                                supports ZIP, CAB, TAR, GZIP, MIME, and more.
                                Features tight integration w/the Windows
                                drag and drop TO or FROM the Explorer, or
                                ZIP and UNZIP without leaving the Explorer.
                                Includes the WinZip Wizard and WinZip
                                Self-Extractor Personal Edition.
                                * 1998 "Win100 Award"from Windows Magazine
                                * 1998 "World Class" Award from PC World
wlh7021p.zip 1110326 08-05-2024 Huffman Compression Engine II Version 0.21o
                                A File compression utility designed
                                specifically for WINDOWS 95/98/NT
                                and many other utilities.
                                Free for Non-commercial use. See LH7.doc for
                                commercial usage.
                                Online documentation:  http://www.webworldinc
                                By Joe Jared, joejared@webworldinc.com
                                This version is compatible with most lha style
                                compression utilities.
                                Fixed Extended header issues with unix lha
                                Fixed compatibility with type 2 extended
                                Added compatibility with lha32 archives.
                                Added Datestamp with recursion.
wrar250.exe   633856 08-05-2024 
wrar26b8.exe  541696 08-05-2024 
zoo210.zip     54757 08-05-2024 

              Area 55 - Archive Testers Doors             

12_5_upg.zip  293312 08-05-2024 12_5_UPG.ZIP - Upgrade v12.3 (12.4) to v12.5
                                Fixes OS/2 related problems with v12.3.
                                Upgraded THDPRO.EXE and THDPLUS.EXE to fix
                                problems with ZIP command lines in the OS/2
                                version and TRAP problems due to FCB use
                                with the DOS version under WARP 4.
                                THDINSTL.EXE is NOT included (use the one
                                distributed with THD?12_3.EXE).
                                THDPLUS supports MAXIMUS style FILES.BBS
                                and Renegade 04-05. Replaces 12_4_UPG.ZIP.
abbs12.zip     20557 08-05-2024 1.2Ŀ
                                  ANTI   Anti BigBear Scan  
                                       Removes da BB crap 
                                  ۲   addies..           
                                  ߲   Btw: This painting 
                                         on the left site   
                                  SCAN   is a big bear.. ;) 
                                 DONE BY G.BROCKHAUS 
afp09b.zip     19073 08-05-2024 AFP v0.9 - (c)1994,95 TWK Productions.
                                Advanced File Processor for bulletin
                                board systems. Should be activated di-
                                rectly after a file is uploaded. It can
                                do the following things:
                                 Test archive integrity
                                 Delete files from archive
                                 Add files to archive
                                 Add text to FILE_ID.DIZ
                                 Filter MCI codes out of FILE_ID.DIZ
                                Returns an errorcode when file integrity
                                check fails, so you can install it in
                                your CHECK.BAT (PCE, etc) if you wish.
                                Supports the PKZIP, ARJ and RAR formats.
                                Can swap to disk for more memory.
                                'Fokkin' fast, because it does
                                not do a full dos shell when executing
                                external commands! June 15th 1995.
alab126.zip   175221 08-05-2024 ArchiveLAB v1.26; Utility for RA 1.xx & 2.00
                                sysops to test uploaded archive, GIF/JPG, and
                                TD0 files for errors, and add/remove comment,
                                add/remove advertisment files, extended
                                virus-scanning, -AV removal, FILE_ID.DIZ and
                                DESC.SDI support, and GIF/JPG templating,
                                swapping, on-line conversion of archive
                                types, checks uploads against Hack Report.
anti144.zip    87366 08-05-2024 AntiAd v1.43a - The ultimate BBS ad detection
                                and removal utility. Uses 3 methods to detect
                                BBS ads: a conventional database algorithm
                                for static BBS ads, a keyword algorithm for
                                ads that are changed frequently and filename
                                detection for tiny BBS ads that are not
                                mathematically unique. AntiAd's keyword
                                algorithm can detect extensively modified BBS
                                ad files that fools other detection schemes!
                                Includes a native 32-bit OS/2 version!
arcid123.zip   49399 08-05-2024 Archive Identifier 1.23 - A utility for
                                identifying ARC ARJ HYP LZH PAK RAR SQZ ZIP
                                ZOO GIF JPG and BMP files by SIGNATURE, not
                                extension, including SFX (and WinzipSFX)
                                archives!  Tiny and very fast.  Other files
                                can be filtered based on file extensions. For
                                use in customized BBS upload batch files and
                                similar archive testing applications.
                                Excellent for PCBTEST.BAT or SLOWDRV.BAT use.
                                Includes both DOS and 32-bit OS/2 versions!
arcon2_k.zip   64904 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 **        ARCON.EXE V2.K          ** 
                                 ARCON.EXE is an  automatic  archive  
                                 format converter with the ability to 
                                 add or remove files, virus scan,     
                                 auto delete text from FILE_ID.DIZ    
                                 and add a banner to the converted    
                                 archive. Useful for Sysops who want  
                                 all the files on the BBS in the same 
                                 format and want to add BBS adverts   
                                 to each archive.                     
                                 Can also be used from RemoteAccess   
                                 RAMGR.EXE or RAFT.EXE file manager   
                                           ** FREEWARE **             
                                     * UK BBS support available *     
                                          Author Colin Birch          
                                       Sysop  The Dog House BBS       
                                         (01443) 400327 24hrs         
                                   Latest files - 9 February 1999     
atest24b.zip   88835 08-05-2024 ArcTest Archive Processor v2.4B (Demo) File
                                upload/download tester, virus scanner, file
                                commenting, nested archive testing, CRC
                                checking for GIF and TD0 files, convert
                                archives, and much more. Designed for use
                                with Synchronet BBS systems. Support for
                                fossil and non standard IRQ ports. Automatic
                                ASCII/ANSI detection display screens.
                                Extract! will automaticly extract FILE_ID.DIZ
                                or DESC.SDI file, and create a FILE_ID.DIZ
                                containing resolution and colors GIF & JPG
atmclock.zip   19467 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 The Atomic Clock v1.1 Dated:07/16/95 
                                The Atomic Clock through a ghost event
                                will set your TBBS System Clock in sync
                                with the US Atomic Clock in Washington,
                                DC. The Atomic Clock is the most
                                acturate computer clock around.  The
                                program will even take into consider-
                                ation the time it takes in getting the
                                time to the time to tell TBBS to make
                                the change the time. The Atomic Clock
                                needs TBBS v2.3, TDBS v1.2, and
                                InterChange v1.2 and Sysom v1.1
                                This Product is shareware and is FULLY  
                                functional but does expire on 08/05/95  
                                Written by:  Dave.Ward@tbb.com          
                                The Beach Board BBS (941) 337-4950      
bbs_ads.zip    37703 08-05-2024 BBS-ADS v. 1.0  -- Automatically insert your
                                BBS  advertisement  into  an  archive  file. 
                                Handles up to 99 different filenames!  Never 
                                insert   the   same   advertisement   twice! 
                                Flexible and easy to install.  BBS-ADS works 
                                with  any  compression  utility and most BBS 
                                systems.  SHAREWARE RELEASE.  
                                   From Main Street Programming Services. 
blab_062.zip  211816 08-05-2024             BOOMLAB v0.62  
                                  COMPLETE Upload Processor for PcBoard.
                                  Coded by Gene Layton (BOOMER) 06/11/95
                                  Automated PPE to handle failed files
                                  Age test archive 5 different ways.
                                  ZAP all BBS ads even random ads using
                                   filelist, CRC value, or text keywords.
                                  Supports 7 different virus scanners.
                                   Can use 1, multiple, or all scanners!
                                  32+ macros to add file stats to desc,
                                   customize ZIP comment, PCBPASS, etc...
                                  Strip unwanted text from FILE_ID.DIZ's
                                  Pack uncompressed, Repack non-ZIP's.
                                  (Can be used partially with any BBS)
clno_100.zip   54442 08-05-2024 CleanOut v1.0 Free utility to keep your
                                Binkley- style mailer's outbound clean and
                                kill "forgotten" files. Replaces O/T-Track's
                                MAINT function in Binkley - style
                                environments. Works with BinkleyTerm, Xenia,
                                McMail and probably PoP.
crccalc1.zip   30588 08-05-2024         
                                    ۰۰  ޲
                                            ۲      ޲
                                    AddCrcCalc v1.o  
                                    Jungleboy^DiMeNSioN X 
                                 This Program Calculates The 
                                 CRC Of All Files In One Dir.  
                                 And Puts Them In SKULLCHK.CRC 
                                 Takes A Lot Of Work Out Of  
                                    Your Hands When Using   
                                      SkullCheck. And You  
                                         Hate BBS Adds  
cspro10.zip   307100 08-05-2024 CatScan Professional v. 1.0 "The Intelligent
                                File Processor"  CSPro is the 
                                state-of-the-art in Upload  File Processors.
                                No other upload file  processor provides the
                                rich feature set that Catscan Professional 
                                provides its users.  Such features include, 
                                built in duplicate file CRC checker, internal
                                messaging system, 100% configurable ANSI 
                                screen, supports DIGI and Uart, supports 
                                RIP Script, speeds up to 115k baud, uses up 
                                to 15 virus scanners at one time, retains 
                                only 3.5k of conventional memory when swapped
                                to disk or EMS, CSPro is your new "Hired 
                                Hand" that can make your file area appear 
                                like a hard working Sysop is behind all the 
czbeta2a.zip  231314 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                       CheckZip (CZip) v2.00          
                                    The ULTIMATE Upload Processor      
                                        PUBLIC BETA VERSION            
                                 Test ZIP/ARJ/LZH/ZOO/PAK/SDN/GIF/TD0  
                                 Convert from ANY using any converter  
                                 Test uploads for valid CRC's, Viruses 
                                 File dates (4 ways), Dupes. Extract   
                                 archive comments to a logfile, Remove 
                                 comments or add your own. (even       
                                 randomly). Remove BBS ads by filename 
                                 or CRC and add your own. Touch dates. 
                                 Remove -AV tags. Configurable ANSI    
                                 screen, custom comments. Finds archive
                                 type based on signature. Supports non 
                                 standard ports up to 115.2K, Works    
                                 with ANY BBS software. TOTAL MultiNode
                                 support. Plus MUCH MORE!              
                                 Shareware $10                         
darc210.zip    62198 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 Download ARchive Converter        2.10 
                                 Front end for download protocols to be 
                                 used on BBS's. Allows users to convert 
                                 archive  files  from   one  format  to 
                                 another.  Can  be  configured  convert 
                                 .ZIP to .ARJ,  .JPG  to .GIF,  .ARC to 
                                 selfextracting archives, etc.   May be 
                                 configured to run with any commandline 
                                 driven external  protocol suze as DSZ, 
                                 GSZ, HSLINK, CEXYZ, etc. Totally sysop 
                                 configurable.  Supports custom  ASCII, 
                                 ANSI, and RIP menus with built in auto-
                                 detect  for both.  Runs great under DV 
                                 and DOS window  in OS/2 or Windows.  A 
                                 must for  any BBS.  Requires  a FOSSIL 
dfiles28.zip    9348 08-05-2024 DoFiles:  Uses  PKZIP.EXE(C)  to archive file
                                extensions  of  same name using original file
                                names.  Erases  files  after archiving. Write
                                to  current  dir  or use path to dir.  Adds a
                                FILE_ID.DIZ to most extensions.    !Freeware!
dice151.zip    80229 08-05-2024 Domain DiceWar v1.51 (UNREGISTERED)
                                A multi-player, interactive dice game
                                written for Synchronet BBS systems.
                                Supports up to 250 players.
dut210.zip     85591 08-05-2024 Domain Upload Tester v2.10 (UNREGISTERED)
                                A file upload tester and virus scanner
                                written especially for Synchronet BBS
                                systems.  Supports several virus
                                scanners and compression types, as well
                                as GIF testing and multi-level archive
                                testing.  Built in com routines, and
                                ASCII/ANSI/RIP screens for users.
dzcat10.zip   237998 08-05-2024 DIZCAT v1.0 by SofTech. [07/Apr/95]
                                Creates a file (such as an index) from
                                669,STM,S3M,MTM,FAR,XM. Handles
                                FILE_ID.DIZ, DISK.ID and DESC.SDI.
                                Converts index to .DBF and to Pc-Board
                                compatible file-list. Intelligent file
                                handling, Clean-DIZ feature, VGA
                                user-friendly interface and mouse support.
                                A must for great downloaders!
                                Shareware $25.
eod_2d0495.z       0 01-01-1980         _________  _____  ________
                                <=======\   ____/=/  _  \=\_____  \========>
                                ..../   __|/\/  |_|  \/  |_/   \...
                                ../         \        \         \...
                                <===========[EMPIRE OF DARKNESS]===========>
                                Proudly Presents
                                -=[ UNWANTED FILES 04/95 ]=-    
                                <================[ 1 of 1 ]================>
                                List of Unwanted Files for your Upload 
                                Checker and a special CRC list (Skull-Check)
eod_2d0495.zip   19750 08-05-2024         _________  _____  ________
                                <=======\   ____/=/  _  \=\_____  \========>
                                 ..../   __|/\/  |_|  \/  |_/   \...
                                 ../         \        \         \...
                                <===========[EMPIRE OF DARKNESS]===========>
                                              Proudly Presents
                                        -=[ UNWANTED FILES 04/95 ]=-    
                                <================[ 1 of 1 ]================>
                                   List of Unwanted Files for your Upload 
                                Checker and a special CRC list (Skull-Check)
epsrfdv1.zip   29537 08-05-2024 
                                Smart Ring detector for BBS's or stand alone
                                Smart Ring Front Door V1 by EaglePro.
                                   EPSRFD will work with many different types
                                of BBS's
                                or as a stand alone unit for recieving
                                FAX-DATA calls. It
                                was written for use with the Smart Ring
                                features of the phone
                                line but will work with standard rings and as
                                a ring back
                                system. For those that don't know about the
                                Smart Ring
                                it's a feature that the phone company sells so
                                that you can
                                have two phone numbers for one phone line. It
                                costs around
                                $5.00 a month and is a great way to run a
                                personal BBS
                                and-or FAX system. EPSRFD much cheeper than
                                paying 75-80
                                dollars for one of those boxes that switch
                                lines and
                                answer on the 2-3-4 ring.
ex145.zip      51403 08-05-2024 Ex 1.42; CD-Rom front end for file
                                transfers; copies files located on 
                                CD-Rom to a hard drive or ramdisk
                                before downloading.  DOS and OS/2
                                versions, works with any BBS program 
                                that supports redirected file download 
                                lists and external file transfer 
                                protocols.  Shareware.
f2r_114.zip    28259 08-05-2024 F2READER - Fastecho area-config to msg-reader
                                converter.   v1.14  (c) Peter Hampf, pbs-vec.
                                      Including three-level-sort  ... !
                                  Requires FASTECHO.CFG revision 6 to run.
food_21zap.z       0 01-01-1980                         ߲
                                    ۲ ۲     
                                 Update yar ZAPFILES.TXT in yar upload    
                                 processor (eg. Boomlab)... Here's a list 
                                 of hundreds of lame adds just waiting to 
                                 be zapped! :)  -Collected by Codeblaster 
                                06/10/96              1/1ܲ
food_21zap.zip   25012 08-05-2024                         ߲
                                     ۲ ۲     
                                 Update yar ZAPFILES.TXT in yar upload    
                                 processor (eg. Boomlab)... Here's a list 
                                 of hundreds of lame adds just waiting to 
                                 be zapped! :)  -Collected by Codeblaster 
                                06/10/96              1/1ܲ
fstat145.zip   29193 08-05-2024 FeStat creates a file called FeStat.Txt.
                                Have a look at it and enjoy. FeStat saves
                                date and time of the last log-entry read,
                                so you can run it several times on the
                                same log without getting wrong results.
fwkcs205.zip  766492 08-05-2024 Test uploads; block duplicate & pirate files.
                                FWKCS(TM) Contents_Signature System, ver 2.05
                                1996 Apr 26. Shareware. Premier system for
                                recognizing duplicate files and zipfiles; can
                                process standard zipfiles made under DOS,
                                OS/2, UNIX, Windows; zipped paths up to 126
                                levels deep; long filenames; check individual
                                current AV stamps; run anti_virus programs.
                                Estimated typical statistical pairwise error
                                rate: less than, or of the order of, 1.0E-51.
gfxck124.zip   77085 08-05-2024 GFXCheck v1.23a - Graphics file checking
                                utility for validating GIF, JPEG and BMP
                                graphics files.  Great for sysops who receive
                                graphic files via uploads or other means.
                                Detects corrupt, incomplete or invalid image
                                files, dispositions files based upon image
                                characteristics, trims extraneous bytes,
                                updates BBS descriptions and inserts GIF and
                                JPEG comments.  Includes both DOS and OS/2
gifgat21.zip   54814 08-05-2024 GIFGate is a High Speed GIF picture tester.  
                                Designed primarily for BBS upload testing, 
                                GIFGate can also be used offline to test GIFs
                                individually or subdirectories at a time!  
                                Many options!  Version 2 now features indepth
                                integrity checking of GIFs as well as all the
                                original great options.  A must for serious 
                                GIF testing!  Shareware!
giflt210.zip   67208 08-05-2024 GIFLITE 2.10, GIF-to-GIF Compressor
                                GIFLITE is a GIF file compressor which
                                compresses GIF files by an average of 30%
                                and yet still preserve the same quality
                                and resolution. The resulting GIF files
                                are almost identical to the original file.
                                Human eyes can hardly tell them apart.
                                Now compatible with GDS's GIF catalog.
i_m261a.zip   392957 08-05-2024 INTEGRITY MASTER V2.61virus scanner
                                and data Integrity!  Works well under OS/2,
                                Win95, Win/NT. Easy to use but protects
                                against much more than just viruses! Hardware
                                glitches, software bugs, even deliberate
                                sabotage are detected.  If a virus strikes,
                                IM identifies it by name and (unlike other
                                programs) also indentifies any viral damage.
                                It will even detect new and unknown viruses
                                and provides full CMOS protection!
labtst34.zip  451062 08-05-2024        *** Labtest 3.4 ****
                                Possibly the most complete upload
                                processing system available!  Performs
                                file conversion, scanning, date testing,
                                duplicate checking, BBS advertisement
                                search/removal and more!  Tosses
                                incoming .TIC files to their destination
                                directories,  Online Help system gives
                                detailed info on every configuration
                                option.  New!  Supports RemoteAccess 2.5
                                     Omega Software, Po Box 131,
                                   Imperial Beach, CA 91932-0131
mtaovf10.zip  141594 08-05-2024 MTA is a conversion utility to convert al-
                                most any archive and/or GIF to another for-
                                mat. It contains special support for BBS's,
                                exits, doors and such. Also you can check
                                for virus inside the archives while you
                                convert. Add-on utilities included !!
                                See MTA_VF10 for a description of changes.
                                ** THIS IS THE OVERLAY PART OF MTA **
mta_vf10.zip  482988 08-05-2024 MTA is a conversion utility to convert al-
                                most any archive and/or GIF to another for-
                                mat. It contains special support for BBS's,
                                exits, doors and such. Also you can check
                                for virus inside the archives while you
                                convert. Add-on utilities included !!
                                15.10 is a minor release with support
                                for FileDoor and FILE_ID.DIZ + extra.
obdat019.zip    6658 08-05-2024 Data file for the Offline BBS Lister!
                                Only needed if the last 3 numbers of
                                the OBBSLXXX.ZIP file are lower than
                                the last 3 numbers in this data file
                                (Where XXX are the numbers).
pcbck324.zip  131119 08-05-2024 ========>   PCBCheck 3.24 
                                Upload processor for PCBoard - easiest to 
                                use and set up.  Fastest upload processing
                                available!  This version talks directly to
                                OS/2 comm drivers, adds RAR support, greatly
                                enhances description file processing, 
                                scanner customization abilities, smarter
                                FILE_ID.DIZ processing (removal of ANSI,
                                @-codes) and still includes convert archives,
                                add/remove files, modify comments, etc..
                                Minor bug fix update.
pcbu143b.zip   89868 08-05-2024 PCBULT - v1.43 :by FeatherNet Software, Inc
                                An outstanding PCBoard Upload Tester & Files
                                Converter.  Tests passing archive *WHILE ON-
                                LINE*!  Supports FILE_ID.DIZ  and  DESC.SDI.
                                Optional convertion of archive to  ARJ, ZIP,
                                or LHA format.   Deletes  nuisance  BBS  ads
                                and inserts archive comment, tests  .GIF and
                                .TD0  files.  Swaps  to  XMS,  EMS or  Disk.
                                Includes easy configuration program.
                                * MUCH MORE * 100% Functional - NOT CRIPPLED
                                or KEYED! LATEST BETA VERSION !
psal10.zip    103653 08-05-2024 
pscn202e.zip  293936 08-05-2024 PalmScan v2.02 - Archive Conversion Utility
                                *** DOS version ***
                                PalmScan is the conversion utility to
                                convert almost any archive to another
                                format. It can check for viruses     
                                inside the archives while converting 
                                (with up to 20 virus scanners), get  
                                file descriptions, process embedded  
                                archives, remove/add files from/to   
                                archives, full support for GIF       
                                packing, and lots more! PalmScan has 
                                full FileDoor, FILES.BBS and Remote- 
                                Access, Ezycom and Concord file-     
                                database support, works with any     
                                door.sys and dorinfo supporting bbs  
                                system, works great in Allfix and    
                                many other programs, or stand-alone! 
                                Shareware, very low registration fee.
pumpsrc.zip   149831 08-05-2024 PUMPCHECK: A *COOL* UPLOAD CHECKER DOOR FOR
                                ALL BBS SYSTEMS Copyright (C) 1996 FLORIAN
                                DITTMER Includes Full BASIC Source Code.
                                Published 1998 under the terms of the General
                                Public License
pview20.zip    83401 08-05-2024 FTS Corp. -- ProView v2.0
                                PROVIEW for TBBS/TDBS:
                                Provides an advanced interface for
                                ONLINE text databases.  The viewer
                                allows users to browse text files,
                                scrolling both backward and forward.
                                Includes RIP interface.  Supports
                                compound searching in text files.
p__strip.zip   17309 08-05-2024 STRiP/DiZ V1.0
qlist114.zip  165483 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                             Qwik-List v1.14               
                                     The Ultimate File List Processor      
                                     (formerly known as Identi-Filer)      
                                   Extracts FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI from   
                                      compressed files and creates an      
                                     attractive and useful file list.      
                                    The lists are compatible with most     
                                     BBS's and CD-ROM database doors.      
                                  ** Includes Kwik-Diz v1.1 Diz Editor **  
qread33.zip   147779 08-05-2024 QReader 3.3.  Powerful on-line text reader
                                for publications, tutorials, reports, etc.
                                Scroll text with PgDn, PgUp, Home and End.
                                Full featured Find & Repeat-find facility.
                                Displays entire page around the found text.
                                Scroll left & right for text over 80 chars.
                                Download capability.  Highly configurable.
                                Permits grouping of text items by subject.
                                Uses standard & non-standard COM or FOSSIL.
qwiklisu.zip  158392 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                             Qwik-List v1.11a              
                                     The Ultimate File List Processor      
                                     (formerly known as Identi-Filer)      
                                   Extracts FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI from   
                                      compressed files and creates an      
                                     attractive and useful file list.      
                                    The lists are compatible with most     
                                     BBS's and CD-ROM database doors.      
                                  ** Includes Kwik-Diz v1.0 Diz Editor **  
                                       This file contains bug fixes        
rascn202.zip   18628 08-05-2024 RAScan v2.00;  An online/offline upload
                                processor for RA 2.00 and higher. Support for
                                importing FILE_ID.DIZ, DESC.SDI, DESC.SDN
                                files into the RA Files Data Base. Support
                                for up to 10 compression programs. Support
                                for your choice of scanning program. Support
                                for commenting of archives.
remads32.zip   33556 08-05-2024 
reqscn14.zip  183039 08-05-2024 ** REQSCAN 1.04 - File Request Reporter **
                                Scans File Request logs from Request
                                Processor programs, maintains information.
                                Currently supports FDRPR,RP,FDFREQ.
                                Maintains compact database, can create
                                display screens, has list,search,print
                                functions. Editing, Hide entries, more
                                Can execute another program or DOS
                                command upon completion. EASY to setup and
                                use!  "Cowboy Software!"
satpro10.zip  142502 08-05-2024 SatPro! v1.00R                        /
                                SatPro!  is  a  communications     |-=-----
                                program for use with PageSat       |  \
                                Satellite System. Incorporates     |
                                multi-file processing, on screen statistics,
                                and will handle DOMAIN specific EMAIL! 
                                SatPro! is the ULTIMATE satellite receiver 
                                program! From Compudoc Consulting.
scanv_1a.zip   71211 08-05-2024 
setarc11.zip   45244 08-05-2024 SetArc v1.1 - Will easily transpose the date
                                stamps in your upload DIR with those  posted
                                by the popular new file handlers.  Changes  
                                are date sensitive.   Fast  &  Easy to use. 
                                Current version will handle the  following: 
                                Last Revison Date in Archive# 01-17-1992   .
                                (Last Revised# 01/17/1992)                 .
                                xx - Files New#01/17/1992  Old:01/02/1980  .
                                v1.1 corrects reading improper spaces/nulls.
skc40g3.zip   484958 08-05-2024                 
                                   V.4.00  Public Gamma Release 3     
                                Upload and filebase processor supporting
                                RA1, RA2, PB2,  SBBS,  Ezycom, WME, PCB,
                                Concord, TMail, XFD, EFT. Virus/crc chck
                                converter of archives/files, description
                                im/export with many filters, passthrough
                                adder, stamps  logo, insert advertising,
                                removes unwanted  by  name/crc/contents,
                                *fast* dupechecking,  hacklist  support,
                                abandom old files, -AV support for  ZIP/
                                ARJ/RAR/SZQ and their SFX,  DMS/TD0, GIF
                                to JPG,  CDROM support,  mailer updater,
                                20 compresors,  5 VScans, 5 EXE unpacker
                                ShareWare: 30,- DM       english version
                                    (c) G.Brockhaus, SkullSoft Group    
skc40g3g.zip  126124 08-05-2024                 
                                   V.4.00  ffent.GAMMA Release 3     
                                Deutsche Sprach- und Hilfe Dateien und  
                                ShareWare: 30,- DM        german version
                                    (c) G.Brockhaus, SkullSoft Group    
skcvoc_m.zip  104200 08-05-2024                 
                                           SKC VOC files              
                                 Monster VOC's (Kreisch! Boom! :-) )    
sua082g.zip   126445 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                  SuperBBS Upload Analyzer v0.82  
                                  Most powerful Upload Checker     
                                  for SuperBBS and Concord!        
                                  ** Public gamma test version **  
sync_v2.zip    86340 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                   RA 2.x KeyMaker   
                                     Version 3.0     
                                   "They served us   
                                     well..."    SrMn
tdchk110.zip   16062 08-05-2024 TDCheck - Check A TeleDisk Image File
thd213_0.zip  422337 08-05-2024 THD ProScan File Processor v13.0 [OS/2] File 
                                Processor for almost any BBS. Extracts and 
                                tests nested archives. Provides complete 
                                conversion options. Can update many BBS File 
                                bases. Introduces unofficial support for Long
                                Filenames. Y2K Compliant. Supports testing of
                                Imagex for testing of Disk Images and many 
                                new features. Freeware or Instantly Register 
                                for additional features.
thd_13_0.zip  365694 08-05-2024 THD ProScan File Processor v13.0 [DOS] File 
                                Processor for almost any BBS. Extracts and 
                                tests nested archives. Provides complete 
                                conversion options. Can update many BBS File 
                                bases. Support testing of the following types
                                IMAGEX included for testing of Disk Images. 
                                Full Y2K compliance. Freeware or Instantly 
                                Register for additional features like 
                                wildcard support and directory recursion.
tscn411.zip   270678 08-05-2024 TRANSCAN v4.11  - The Premium File
                                Scanner & Converter. Extracts compressed
                                files of ALL types for Virus Scanning by ANY
                                virus scanner. Converts files to default
                                compression method.  Also processes GIF files
                                Works with ALL BBS systems complete with COM
                                output.  Files can be tested for Integrity,
                                Virus, Age/Date, Gif Resolution, etc. $30
ttran10.zip    43209 08-05-2024 Time Transfer ver 1.0 door for
                                use with Powerboard(tm) BBSes.
                                Allow your users to transfer
                                their Time Bank account time
                                to another user's account.
ulp2_228.zip  265024 08-05-2024 UpLoadProcessor/2 for OS/2 v2.28b. Now the
                                premier upload processing system is available
                                in a multi-threaded 32-bit native OS/2
                                version! *** NOTE: This archive is not a
                                complete package; it contains the OS/2 files
                                only. The general release archive 
                                ULP_228b.ZIP must also be downloaded for 
                                the complete package!!!  To install, 
                                simply copy these files to your DOS 
                                ULP 2.x subdirectory.
ulp_228.zip   381135 08-05-2024 UpLoadProcessor v2.28b*** Overall Winner ***
                                of the 1995 PCBoard Favorite Add-on Contest!
                                Detects, processes and converts archives,
                                nested archives and imbedded pathed archives.
                                Also processes selected uncompressed files.
                                Three online modes and three event modes of
                                operation available. Integrated duplication
                                system, ZDCS supported as well. Extremely
                                configurable using a menu-driven system
                                manager. Fixes Y2K Date problem.
upchk71f.zip  176755 08-05-2024 UPCHECK 7.1f  Checks uploads for age, viruses
                                and duplicates by crc32. Inserts FILE_ID.DIZ/
                                DESC.SDI  into RA/PB/PCBoard/TriBBS/FILES.BBS
                                file listing. It can post messages when files
                                fail. Custom messages.  Direct Hudson/JAM/PCB
                                msgbase support with the ability to use a 3rd
                                party package for others. RIP. Can add number
                                of files/date & GIF/JPG info to descriptions. 
                                Supports ARC/ARJ/LHA/LZH/PAK/SQZ/UC2/RAR/ZIP/
                                ZOO/GIF/JPG/SFX and GUS.  No Fossil required.
                                See FREE-KEY.TXT for FREEWARE registration!!!
uplmov05.zip   82234 08-05-2024 Version .05 of Upload Mover
                                A utility to move uploaded files to
                                Download directories based on catagory
                                code and maintain FILES.BBS files for
                                those directories.  Works with RBBS-PC
                                V17.4, V17.5, Cdoor, Maple Street, etc
                                By Mike McGee, SYSOP of the Dark Tower
                                49-9721-630387 and 630104. Proudly
                                running Dan Drinnons Cdoor Mods and
                                using Brandon Carnahans Utils. :)
zap131.zip     88942 08-05-2024 
zdcs203.zip   412642 08-05-2024 ZDCS 2.03, ZIPFILE DUPLICATE CHECKING SYSTEM
                                     * * * PRODUCTION RELEASE! * * *
                                Detect dupe files inside ZIP and ARJ files
                                uploaded to a BBS.  Direct interface to
                                UpLoadProcessor (ULP), ZipLab and ExzTest.
                                Simple to install, needs no external utils.
                                LAN & DV friendly.  Maintenance update to
                                ZDCS 2.0x.  Fully functional shareware.
zipnote.zip    77952 08-05-2024 ZIP-Note v1.0   ZIP Commenting Utility
                                The fast and easy way to add and edit
                                comments in your ZIP files.
                                Features a 15 line x 65 column internal
                                editor and access to external editor.
                                Automatic border drawing plus a box drawing
                                mode to make your ZIP comments stand out.
                                Also has left/center/right justification,
                                copy, paste, etc...
                                SHAREWARE  30 day DEMO key included.
zip_zap.zip    97062 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                ZIP-ZAP v1.1  Multi-Function ZIP Processor 
                                Zap! those unwanted files and annoying ZIP 
                                  comments.  Reclaim wasted disk space by  
                                  removing the TRASH from your ZIP files.  
                                 ZIP-ZAP will allow you to strip comments  
                                or add your own, strip unwanted files such 
                                as advertisements as well as add your own. 
                                 Has option to update the date/time stamp. 
                                 Will do single files, entire directories, 
                                  and even entire drives!  by GadgetSoft   
zl2b0115.zip  388430 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                    ZipLab PLUS - 2..8 Upload Tester     
                                        PCBoard/ProDoor Specific          
                                      Compiled 01/15/93 at 00:54am        
                                    * Wide-area BETA of version 2.0 *     
                                    Upload testing for PCBoard/ProDoor    
                                   Processes include SCAN, CRC checking,  
                                    date limits, comment strip/replace,   
                                     BBS advertising removal and more.    
                                    $15 Shareware by Jeffrey S. Morley    

                  Area 57 - BBS Programs                  

2am3_2d1a.zi       0 01-01-1980 2AM-BBS (c) Copyright 1986,1987,1988 by:
                                Chris Gorman-Neil Clarke-Tom Vogl
                                2AM-BBS will run on any IBM-PC compatible
                                computer with at least 256K of memory running
                                under MS-DOS or PC-DOS operating system.
                                Disk [1/3]
2am3_2d1a.zip   75150 08-05-2024 2AM-BBS (c) Copyright 1986,1987,1988 by:
                                Chris Gorman-Neil Clarke-Tom Vogl
                                2AM-BBS will run on any IBM-PC compatible
                                computer with at least 256K of memory running
                                under MS-DOS or PC-DOS operating system.
                                Disk [1/3]
2am3_2d2a.zip  125137 08-05-2024 2AM-BBS disk [2/3]
2am3_2d3a.zip  134864 08-05-2024 2AM-BBS disk [3/3]
300dbeta.zip 1285562 08-05-2024 
430sysop.zip  258043 08-05-2024 WWIV v4.30 SYSOP Documentation
                                Documentation is provided in both
                                ASCII and MS-Word (TM) formats.
                                This archive is freely distributable
                                in unmodified form.
                                Copyright (c) 1998-2000
                                WWIV Software Services, LLC
430systx.zip   44113 08-05-2024 
430user.zip    91341 08-05-2024 WWIV v4.30 USER Documentation
                                Documentation is provided in both
                                ASCII and MS-Word (TM) formats.
                                This archive is freely distributable
                                in unmodified form.
                                Copyright (c) 1998-2000
                                WWIV Software Services, LLC
500ter.zip   1450321 08-05-2024 ------======< TERMINATE 5 >======------
                                .....The Final Datacomms Terminal!.....
                                Extremely Powerful  Terminal Program w.
                                many Features: BBS system with Fidonet-
                                Mailer/Events/IEMSI, Fax System, VT100,
                                VT220, ANSI, Avatar,  Cost Calculation,
                                File  Manager,  Full Fidonet Mailsystem
                                for  Points/Nodes,  Scripts,  CAPI 1.1,
                                ISDN B-Channel Bundling,  Doorway  NOW!
                                X2  and  56k Flex  supported,  Internal
                                ISDN CAPI 1.1 support, BBSnext support,
                                Doorway Mode incl.  printer redirection
                                and has Doorway.exe included.  Complete
                                BBS system.  Mailer supports  up to 100
                                AKA's.   Powerful   compiled   scripts.
                                IEMSI auto logons &  mini-scripts, Keyb
                                Editor, Translation Tables,  CD Player,
                                Professional Mail Reader "TERMAIL"  now
                                with  internal  message  editor,  Gecho
                                technology for message bases (and QWK),
                                Style colors,  AutoCorrect, MegaSearch,
                                Signature  Manager,  Extremely advanced
                                Quote Reformatting, ROT13, AddressBook,
                                Groups,  Templates,   AreaFix  Manager,
                                Calls  Netscape / Internet  Explorer to
                                view  www-pages   found  in   messages.
                                Tracks  messages,  Carbon Copy  Groups,
                                Crossposting,   UUencoding,    Nodelist
                                compiler,  diff-updater, Forms, Support
                                external  spellcheckers, Request files.
                                ***AND MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE***
                                ***** FAST-AUTOMATIC-INSTALLATION *****
                                ------======< TERMINATE 5 >======------
abbs2.zip      67718 08-05-2024    ABBS Version 2.5
                                by Kingdom  Enterprises
                                Copyright 1987 and 1988
                                Direct from Austin, Texas - a Bulletin Board
                                written, tested, and run by the author.
adf111y.zip  2397647 08-05-2024 AdeptXBBS Version 1.11y Full Install
                                 32-bit, Multi-Threaded GUI, NNTP,
                                 SMTP, POP3, Telnet, Sockets, FTP,
                                 Integrated Mailer, REXX, Utils,
                                 multiple language, XMsg, *.Msg,
                                 Squish and JAM msg bases,
                                 localized date/time display and
                                 a lot more!
                                 Very customizable for almost any
                                 BBSing needs.
                                 GUI (PM) BBS for OS/2. FREEWare/2
                                         24 Node Version
                                Just create a directory \Adept and
                                unpack the files in this archive
                                into the \Adept dir.
                                 E-Mail bugs to: nitin@poboxes.com
adome.zip     137955 08-05-2024 The Astrodome Bulletin Board Software
                                             Version 1.10
                                   Copyright 1988 by Thomas Boutell
                                This BBS previously relied on a fossil driver
                                but this version no longer supports or needs
                                such a communications driver.
aff100b.zip   381136 08-05-2024     Affinity BBS Software
                                  ܲ -       ߲mw
                                 ۱      ver. 1.oo eta       ߱
                                ۰     Author: Vivisector      
                                ۰ -        
                                 ۱   $15 Registration Fee    ܱ
                                  ߲         FREE UPDATES!  ܲ
                                    .oONewTerra SoftwareOo.
asgard86.zip 1227401 08-05-2024 Asgard-86 BBS. A Freeware hack of Citidel BBS
                                for DOS by Gary Meadows.
aur134a.zip   207668 08-05-2024 AURORA BBS 1.34 (1 of 2)
aur134b.zip   135486 08-05-2024 AURORA BBS 1.34 (1 of 2)
auto_2d241.zip  111142 08-05-2024 AutoBBS 2.41 Copyright 1991-1992, Ray Yeargin
                                AutoBBS is a Bulletin Board System (BBS)
                                written for people who don't want to dedicate
                                their lives to the many mundane chores
                                surrounding the administration of a BBS.
                                AutoBBS can automatically validate users,
                                purge inactive accounts, manage the message
                                bases, optimize the use of the
                                space, and back itself up every night.
axisv19c.zip  942077 08-05-2024 Zero-TechnologyPresents:
                                              -BBS Software!
                                     -AXiS v1.9c Standard!
                                AXiS Revision .c  - 11/24/95
                                Final Beta Release: Until 96
baphsrce.zip  461778 08-05-2024 Baphomet BBS source code.
                                A Vision Hack
bbbsr2.zip   1852894 08-05-2024 BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with
                                WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
                                modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
                                InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
                                email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK,
                                AllFix, gateway, full screen editor, offline,
                                Mg, multilingual, CD-ROM, VT320, ANSI, voice,
                                multitask, charsets, accounts, Zmodem, HYDRA,
                                multinode, Kermit, BZLink, FAX, IRC, and more
                                This packet: OS2/Intel, with RSA
bbbsrd.zip   1709457 08-05-2024 BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with
                                WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
                                modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
                                InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
                                email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK,
                                AllFix, gateway, full screen editor, offline,
                                Mg, multilingual, CD-ROM, VT320, ANSI, voice,
                                multitask, charsets, accounts, Zmodem, HYDRA,
                                multinode, Kermit, BZLink, FAX, IRC, and more
                                This packet: PC-DOS/Intel, with RSA
bbbsrlii.tar       0 01-01-1980 
bbbsrlii.tar.gz 1592184 08-05-2024 
bbs4c10.zip    54400 08-05-2024 BBS KIT FOR C/C++ [BBS4C]
                                (BBS4C10.ZIP), May 96, Ver 1.0, .
                                MSDOS based multi threaded state driven
                                BBS program handles up to 16 callers at
                                once, without the need for a multitasker.
                                With source code. Supports Watcom C/C++,
                                Turbo C/C++, Borland C/C++, MIX Power C,
                                and Microsoft C/C++. By MarshallSoft
                                Computing, Inc. $95.
bd0521.zip    469519 08-05-2024 * B A C K D O O R - B B S * 
                                originated from TeleGard 2.5g
blsrcpas.zip  480937 08-05-2024 Black Lightning BBS Source in Pascal
bx20bsrc.zip  138353 08-05-2024 Brand-X BBS 2.0b
                                Forum Clone [PAS] Soruce
cbbs110r.zip  332139 08-05-2024 Charisma BBS Software v1.10 Released
                                The Best dial-in BBS Software around!
                                Includes internal ANSi support, built
                                in Fidomail tosser, full-screen
                                editor, advanced file bases support,
                                LZH compressed message bases, every-
                                thing is configurable! Much Much More.
                                          Now Freeware!
cel204r.zip  1978824 08-05-2024 Celerity BBS v2.04 Full Release
                                Celerity BBS is a full-featured
                                electronic bulletin board system supporting
                                multiple nodes, FidoNet connectivity, LAN
                                and multitasker support, QWK offline packet
                                generation, the ability to add multiple
                                CelerityText ASCII/ANSI/RIP/NAPLPS motif
                                designs with 75+ command directives, single,
                                batch, and bidirectional file transfers, a
                                sophisticated hierarchal conferencing system,
                                local console scrollback, DesqView/Win 3.1/
                                Win95 / OS/2 multitasking, advanced 50+ verb
                                scripting language, and much much more!
                                May 1996 release.  Celerity v2.04 is
                                freeware and carries no registration fee!
choice11.zip  829061 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 * CHOiCE BBS Software v1.10 * 
                                   Supports ALL Baud Rates    
                                   Supports Multiple Menu Sets
                                   Multiple Matrix Menus      
                                   Auto Import File_id.diz to 
                                    database - up to 20 lines  
                                   Build-in Allfiles list     
                                   Time Bank                  
                                   Totally configurable       
                                   FREE - NO payment required 
                                   Easy to setup              
                                    and much more....          
cirron.zip    489787 08-05-2024 Cirron BBS Pascal Source Code.     Disk o1/o1
citbbs65.zip 2024346 08-05-2024 Citidel+/065 for DOS. Citidel BBS is a legend
                                in it's own time. It was first developed for
                                CPM in 1981, and since then has been ported
                                to DOS, Unix, Amiga, Atari, Mac, and C-64/128
concstrc.zip   18819 08-05-2024 CONCORD BBS 1.06 Structures
                                December 30, 1999
cono106.zip   736128 08-05-2024             _
                                     (_)  CONCORD BBS SOFTWARE
                                               v1.06   OS/2
conp005c.zip  808175 08-05-2024             _
                                     (_)  CONCORD BBS SOFTWARE
                                               vO.O1 Gamma-5
                                              Protected mode
conp106.zip   848212 08-05-2024             _
                                     (_)  CONCORD BBS SOFTWARE
                                           v1.06 Protected mode
conr005c.zip  705162 08-05-2024             _
                                     (_)  CONCORD BBS SOFTWARE
                                               vO.O1 Gamma-5
                                                 Real mode
conr106.zip   764883 08-05-2024             _
                                     (_)  CONCORD BBS SOFTWARE
                                             v1.06  Real mode
conw106.zip   810005 08-05-2024             _
                                     (_)  CONCORD BBS SOFTWARE
                                              v1.06   Win/32
con_2d005c.zip  459628 08-05-2024             _
                                     (_)  CONCORD BBS SOFTWARE
                                               vO.O1 Gamma-5
                                             General & Install
con_2d106.zip  461720 08-05-2024             _
                                     (_)  CONCORD BBS SOFTWARE
                                           v1.06 General & Install
cri_2dg04.zip  414326 08-05-2024                                  
                                                     ߰      ߰
                                 ۲        ۲nn!     ܲ
                                 ۲۲ܲ۲ܰ  ܲ 
                                  ܲ۲ ܰ
                                 ۲۲ ۲ ۲۲
                                 ޱ ۲ ۲
                                ߲۲ ۲ݰ ߰ 
                                     ۲۲ ܲ߰۲۲
                                [crisis]    [v0.4 gamma] ۲
                                 Unlimited Ansi Lentgh
                                 More stable then previous versions
                                 Last callers shitz fixed
                                 written by dark^force[rune]
crnv104b.zip  517764 08-05-2024     ___________________  _____  _______
                                   /  ___/   /  / )   / )(    )/  |   /
                                  /  /__/   /    /     /|   / |      /
                                 .-----:moti0n proudly presents:----.
                                 |  .:CiRRON v1.04 BBS Software:.  |
ctdl286.zip   472026 08-05-2024 Everything to run a Citadel-86e BBS for
                                80286 and higher CPUs. This BBS software
                                requires very little maintenance by the
                                Sysop. DESQview aware, will run in under
                                300k DV partition. Supports national
                                networking via the C86NET (soon via UUCP).
                                Supports doors, X/Y/Zmodem up/downloading
                                (Zmodem requires DSZ or equivalent). Many
                                other features. Freeware.
cyanide.zip   254542 08-05-2024 Cyanide - TP BBS SRC
d5pro210.zip  554281 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      P r o f e s s i o n a l   2 . 1 0    
                                        Shahar Hajdu & Amir Mirenberg      
                                     The BBS Program Of the 21st Century   
                                    Take a good deep look into the Future  
                                       Setting new Standards to BBSing     
darkside.zip   86986 08-05-2024 Darkside BBS v.03a  Source Code, by Mr. Happy
daydream_2d2.11.tar.gz  633052 08-05-2024 
dci3.zip      465069 08-05-2024     DCI BBS Software
                                Version 3.00 August 26, 1991
                                DCI is a full-featured bulletin board system,
                                providing facilities for multiple bases, base
                                formats, user identities, file transfer
                                options, and internal callback verification.
                                DCI was written in Borland International's
                                Turbo Pascal version 6.0 and Turbo Assembler.
demen10.zip   513130 08-05-2024 Dementia BBS 1.0 Standard [3/23/93]
                                      First public release!
                                ==========MUST UNZIP with -D===========
                                Midnight Sun's Dementia incorporates
                                the features of all your favorite BBS
                                softwares into one unique BBS package.
                                Menu editor, strings editor, pulldown
                                menus, fidonet, multinode, file_id.diz,
                                and MUCH more. A very versatile,
                                configurable software that looks great
                                "right out of the box."
diso20a.zip   555383 08-05-2024 Disorder BBS version 2.0Alpha
diso_1oa.zip  453927 08-05-2024 ---                    --Ļ
                                 Disorder and Disarray BBS v1.O 
                                 new forum hack style bbs software
                                 includes :
                                     external string editor
                                     fido-compatable networking
                                     rg/tg compatable
                                     configurable newuser
                                      logon sequence
                                     support board
                                     lots more
                                 note: not an origional software 
                                 mooched from renegade 1O-O5 exp 
                                ---                    --ļ
dlx70bbs.zip  492766 08-05-2024 DLX MULTI-LINE BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEM
                                Version 7.0. Mainly used for social
                                BBS systems, has chat rooms, etc.
dom300.zip    345932 08-05-2024 ¿
                                ۲ ĿĿĿĿĿĿ ۳
                                ۲        ۳
                                ۲ Version 3.0          File [1/1] ۳
                                ۲  The Innocents - 908-739-2416   ۳
                                ۲ The Impact Zone - 908-566-1216  ۳
dom3fix.zip   170605 08-05-2024 ¿
                                ۲ ĿĿĿĿĿĿ ۳
                                ۲        ۳
                                ۲ Version 3.01        Patch [1/1] ۳
                                 Fix for small problems in v3.0, upgrades
                                 to v3.01                                
dsoft61.zip   522011 08-05-2024 DragonSoft BBS:  Version 6.1
                                A BBS designed to operate with an IBM or IBM
                                compatible computer system with DOS 2.1 or
                                higher, a minimum of 256K ram, and at least
                                one internal or external modem.
eb_008g2.zip 1904628 08-05-2024 EleBBS v0.08.g1 - public gamma release
                                of EleBBS. A RA v2.5x compatible BBS.
                                Features lightbarred menus, built-in
                                TELNET server, newsgroups client and
                                server support. Longfilename support!
                                Available for DOS, Win95/NT and OS/2.
                                OS/2 version.
eb_008g3.zip 1291635 08-05-2024 EleBBS v0.08.g1 - public gamma release
                                of EleBBS. A RA v2.5x compatible BBS.
                                Features lightbarred menus, built-in
                                TELNET server, newsgroups client and
                                server support. Longfilename support!
                                Available for DOS, Win95/NT and OS/2.
                                DOS (32-bit) version.
eb_008gd.zip  814092 08-05-2024 EleBBS v0.08.g1 - public gamma release
                                of EleBBS. A RA v2.5x compatible BBS.
                                Features lightbarred menus, built-in
                                TELNET server, newsgroups client and
                                server support. Longfilename support!
                                Available for DOS, Win95/NT and OS/2.
                                DOS (16-bit) version.
emulx200.zip  287186 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                EMULEX Bulletin Board System -new- v2.00. 
                                 Complete, ready-to-compile TURBO PASCAL  
                                 SOURCE CODE for a powerful, and  simple  
                                 BBS software package.                    
                                 Emulex has file, message and online door 
                                 functions plus a handy internal line and 
                                 full screen editor.  This software  also 
                                 has multiple chat types, bulletin system 
                                 and internal configurable database. This 
                                 code even includes the  internal  Trivia 
                                 system - a bonus.                        
                                 REQUIRES: Turbo Pascal 7.0, 300kb, and   
                                 a hard disk.  *FREEWARE*                 
et220.zip     424105 08-05-2024 .____.____.____.____.____.____.____.____.
                                |   _|_  _|   _|   _|  | |____|_  _|  | |
                                |   _|    |   _|    |    |    |    |    |
                                |_   |_   |_   |_|  |_|  |_   |_   |_   |
                                 e|__|t|__|e|__|r|__|n|__|i|__|t|__|y|  |
                                   __________________________________|  |
                                ,/` ..eternity bbs software! v2.20.. `  |
                                |  ...new multinode features added...   |
excal152.zip 3944518 08-05-2024 Excalibur BBS Server version 1.52e
                                Evaluation Version
ezy120s.zip   112550 08-05-2024 
falk901.zip   758539 08-05-2024 Falken BBS Software v9.01 - A complete DOS
                                multi-user BBS package, complete with most
                                BBS functions, and contains its own FOSSIL
                                driver and multi-tasker. Eliminating the
                                need for an external multi-tasker. Can
                                support up to 64-lines on a single
                                computer. Available for Linux OS also.
faq_2ds.zip   344065 08-05-2024 FAQ BBS - Functional and Quick V1.02
fc5623us.zip 4419141 08-05-2024 First Class 5.623 Client
                                A Win32 Client for First Class BBS
fcbbs200.zip  610392 08-05-2024 ߲ܲ
                                         CHa0SBBS v2.00   
                                CHa0SBBS is a rip of PipeLine BBS that is
                                comes with the menus all setup and usable
                                after you configure the bbs to your
                                settings. All this needs a fossil driver!
                                No DOCs included. Just use pipeline docs.
                                  Just say no to lame .333 RAR hacks.
fcisdemo.zip 4061102 08-05-2024 
fnp101a.zip   188093 08-05-2024 FEATHERNET PRO! - v1.01 Test Drive      [1/4]
                                One of the most  POWERFUL,  Full Featured BBS
                                Packages To Be Found.  User & SysOp Friendly.
                                Fantastic Performance and Capabilities, Great
                                Utilities, and Superb Documentation Are Among
                                Just A Few Highlights Of This Package. CD-ROM
                                ANSI/RIP, 115k baud & Non-Standard IRQ ports,
                                subscription mode with user accounting, up to
                                1 Million Doors handled!    ->SO MUCH MORE!<-
                                UPLOADED BY: FeatherNet Software, Inc.
fnp101b.zip   338687 08-05-2024 FEATHERNET PRO! - v1.01 Test Drive      [2/4]
                                One of the most  POWERFUL,  Full Featured BBS
                                Packages To Be Found.  User & SysOp Friendly.
                                Fantastic Performance and Capabilities, Great
                                Utilities, and Superb Documentation Are Among
                                Just A Few Highlights Of This Package. CD-ROM
                                ANSI/RIP, 115k baud & Non-Standard IRQ ports,
                                subscription mode with user accounting, up to
                                1 Million Doors handled!    ->SO MUCH MORE!<-
                                UPLOADED BY: FeatherNet Software, Inc.
fnp101c.zip   240890 08-05-2024 FEATHERNET PRO! - v1.01 Test Drive      [3/4]
                                One of the most  POWERFUL,  Full Featured BBS
                                Packages To Be Found.  User & SysOp Friendly.
                                Fantastic Performance and Capabilities, Great
                                Utilities, and Superb Documentation Are Among
                                Just A Few Highlights Of This Package. CD-ROM
                                ANSI/RIP, 115k baud & Non-Standard IRQ ports,
                                subscription mode with user accounting, up to
                                1 Million Doors handled!    ->SO MUCH MORE!<-
                                UPLOADED BY: FeatherNet Software, Inc.
fnp101d.zip   306385 08-05-2024 FEATHERNET PRO! - v1.01 Test Drive      [4/4]
                                One of the most  POWERFUL,  Full Featured BBS
                                Packages To Be Found.  User & SysOp Friendly.
                                Fantastic Performance and Capabilities, Great
                                Utilities, and Superb Documentation Are Among
                                Just A Few Highlights Of This Package. CD-ROM
                                ANSI/RIP, 115k baud & Non-Standard IRQ ports,
                                subscription mode with user accounting, up to
                                1 Million Doors handled!    ->SO MUCH MORE!<-
                                UPLOADED BY: FeatherNet Software, Inc.
force390.zip  249174 08-05-2024 FORCE BBS 3.90 - Shareware Bulletin Board
                                (F)lexible (O)nline (R)emote (C)ommunications
forum250.zip  198397 08-05-2024 Forum BBS v2.50 - will build under tp5+
fpc_2drun.zip  147796 08-05-2024 Fortress -- A Citadel Style BBS for the PC
                                and compatibles
fpc_2dutil.zip  259685 08-05-2024 Fortress -- Utilities
                                You will also need FPC-RUN.ZIP
free.zip      111185 08-05-2024 Free Speech BBS, a unique BBS written by
                                Pinnical Software, the author of Sapphire.
frontsrc.zip 4634220 08-05-2024 Complete source code for the Frontier BBS
                                Included in this package are:
                                - Complete sources for the PowerPPL Editor v3
                                .0 (Frontier-dedicated)
                                - Complete sources for PPC, the PPE Compiler
                                - Complete sources for the PPC Utilities
                                (PPLIB, PPSTRIP)
                                - Complete sources for The PPLX Decompiler v2
                                - Complete sources for the PPE Runtime
                                - Complete sources for the Fullscreen
                                - Complete sources for the Frontier BBS System
                                - Complete sources for all the Frontier PPEs
                                To compile the sources, you need Borland C++
                                v3.01 or above. 
fusion.zip    406278 08-05-2024    FUSiON BBS Software
                                 With Full PASCAL Source
fusion05.zip  701303 08-05-2024 Illusion BBS v1.99 beta 10 - Illusion is
                                a fully featured bulletin board software
                                sporting a extensive programming
                                language (IPL), a message system that
                                supports JAM, Squish, and *.MSG message
                                formats, an action capable multinode
                                teleconference, and more. Illusion home
                                page at http://illusionbbs.home.ml.org.
                                Uncrippled shareware $25.  Includes
                                NetModem 1.0b13.sL telnet server daemon.
fusiongs.tgz   50137 08-05-2024 
fysrcv47.zip  144185 08-05-2024 Felony BBS version 4.7 Source Code
                                Written & Documented by Sureptus
gap66dos.zip 2068246 08-05-2024 GAP BBS version 6.6. DOS install.
                                Now Y2K complient and FREEWARE!
                                The ultimate DOS BBS Software.
gap66win.zip 3178426 08-05-2024 GAP BBS version 6.6. Win installer.
                                Now Y2K complient and FREEWARE!
                                The ultimate DOS BBS Software.
gen12src.zip  482167 08-05-2024 Genesis Ver 1.2 Source
                                * A Telegard Clone *
genopas.zip   681611 08-05-2024 Genocide/TransPhor .40i
                                Full Pascal Source
                                Forum/Vision Clone
gsbbs301.zip  293966 08-05-2024 GSBBS version 3.0 is probably the most
                                versatile and enjoyable Bulletin Board
                                software for the IBM PC/XT or AT models.
                                Many years in writing, development, and
                                online testing, GSBBS is the ideal
                                alternative for prospective system
                                operators who like the FidoNet system of
                                echoed message bases but are not satisfied
                                with the limited programs generally used
                                to access the network, such as Opus.
gv022.zip     775691 08-05-2024 GrapeVine Bulletin Board System v0.22
                                public beta release
h2_100.zip    430199 08-05-2024 ======[hype/2 bbs v1.00  full install]======
                                includes talon scripting language, mci codes
                                file and msg systems, 255 comm ports, fossil
                                rev5 driven communications, hype programming
                                language, fidonet tosser & light-bar support
                                         Ŀ   ٳ     ٳ     Ĵ
helm001s.zip  780804 08-05-2024 hELMET bbs source code
host2.zip     152913 08-05-2024              BERNIE HOST
                                (an electronic bulletin board host program)
                                      (C) 1995 Bernie Gallagher
host25.zip     34912 08-05-2024 ------------- HOST 2.5 ---------------------
                                Miniature BBS host program by Bob Eyer
                                Uses very little disk space, and less
                                than 50K memory. Runs 'right out of the box'
                                with no configuration at all. Two types of
                                local Sysop logon. ESC key abort to terminate
                                online caller. User specifiable rings to
                                answer on Ringback option. user selectable
                                wait time. Chat, Messaging, File transfer,
                                typing files, Sysop shell to DOS, User
                                specifiable protocols, and more.
ibbs12_2da.zip  201314 08-05-2024 InterBBS Version 1.2 - SHAREWARE DOS BBS 1/4
                                Feature Laden. User & SysOp Friendly. Ultra-
                                Quick Installation - CALL-READY in 5 Mins.
                                Features Rival top DOS BBS'. Excellent SysOp
                                Utilities. Very Fast Message and File System.
                                CD-ROM support, ANSI/RIP, 115k Baud & Non-Std
                                IRQ's/Ports, DV, OS/2 & Windows Aware. Sub-
                                scription modes.  User Accntg. By Ron Pierce
ibbs12_2db.zip  425717 08-05-2024 InterBBS Version 1.2 - SHAREWARE DOS BBS 2/4
                                Feature Laden. User & SysOp Friendly. Ultra-
                                Quick Installation - CALL-READY in 5 Mins.
                                Features Rival top DOS BBS'. Excellent SysOp
                                Utilities. Very Fast Message and File System.
                                CD-ROM support, ANSI/RIP, 115k Baud & Non-Std
                                IRQ's/Ports, DV, OS/2 & Windows Aware. Sub-
                                scription modes.  User Accntg. By Ron Pierce
ibbs12_2dc.zip  283972 08-05-2024 InterBBS Version 1.2 - SHAREWARE DOS BBS 3/4
                                Feature Laden. User & SysOp Friendly. Ultra-
                                Quick Installation - CALL-READY in 5 Mins.
                                Features Rival top DOS BBS'. Excellent SysOp
                                Utilities. Very Fast Message and File System.
                                CD-ROM support, ANSI/RIP, 115k Baud & Non-Std
                                IRQ's/Ports, DV, OS/2 & Windows Aware. Sub-
                                scription modes.  User Accntg. By Ron Pierce
ibbs12_2dd.zip  369849 08-05-2024 InterBBS Version 1.2 - SHAREWARE DOS BBS 4/4
                                Feature Laden. User & SysOp Friendly. Ultra-
                                Quick Installation - CALL-READY in 5 Mins.
                                Features Rival top DOS BBS'. Excellent SysOp
                                Utilities. Very Fast Message and File System.
                                CD-ROM support, ANSI/RIP, 115k Baud & Non-Std
                                IRQ's/Ports, DV, OS/2 & Windows Aware. Sub-
                                scription modes.  User Accntg. By Ron Pierce
il203.zip     661989 08-05-2024 Illusion BBS v2.03 - Illusion is a fully
                                featured bulletin board software
                                sporting a extensive programming
                                language (IPL), a message system that
                                supports JAM, Squish, and *.MSG message
                                formats, an action capable multinode
                                teleconference, and more. Illusion home
                                page at http://www.personal.psu.edu
                                /bxm170/illusion.html. Uncrippled
                                shareware $25.
imp45s7.zip   704202 08-05-2024 Impulse 4.5 BBS Source Code
imp65ful.zip  572503 08-05-2024   ___ __.--.__.-.__.--.___ __.--.__.--.
                                 (___) |  | _ | |  |  |    |  __|
                                 |  |     |  | |  |  |   |  `--|   _)_
                                :|   | \_/ |  ._;  |  |   |--.  |  |  |:
                                .|___|  |__|  | |  ___|___|  ___|__   |.
                                Impulse v6p5 BBS Full Version by Nivenh!
imp71.zip     614502 08-05-2024 Impulse BBS 7.1