Area 1 - Uploads                     

AI-WXv1.0.1.zip 8742936 15-01-2025 
artil_shurato.zip  171565 01-01-1998         ARTILLERY DOOR GAME V1.1
                                BBS door game that let's your users test
                                their marksmanship. Fire a projectile
                                over and through obstacles to destroy the
                                hiding enemy.  Very easy setup.  Supports
                                multiple nodes. Has sysop chat mode,
                                carrier detect, no maintenance, and
                                great graphics.  Most features sysop
bgwcdwin.zip  116486 01-01-1998 BBSlink Graffiti Wall Connector Door
Blade Runner- The Final Cut_t00.mkv 62714880 27-04-2024 
boot.log        7184 11-07-2024 
C++RuntimesALL.zip 100049573 22-09-2024 
Callers.ans     6475 05-08-2024 
Dominion Tank Police 1.ogm 252906986 24-02-2024 
dosemu-1.4.0.tgz 2295595 01-01-1998 DOSEMU to use on the latest releases
ELEBBS-20130208_W32VP.ZIP 2255172 08-02-2022 
FID.ZIP        89239 12-11-2022 
Gall Force Eternal Story Dual Language.mkv 683158259 15-12-2024 
IEKEY235.ZIP    1161 05-07-2024 IceEdit Key For IceEdit Version 2.35
                                This key was prepared by the original
                                author of Ice Edit before he sold the
                                software. It is a legal key for Version
                                2.35 Only.
                                Registered To:
                                REGISTERED USER
                                REGISTERED COMPANY
Marty K.zip     4220 07-08-2024 
msvcp140d.zip  231965 31-12-2022 
Phantasy Star 2 hint book 1 JP.pdf 9316756 26-04-2024 
Phantasy Star 2 hint book 2 JP.pdf 9396311 26-04-2024 
Phantasy Star 2 manual JP.pdf 8208690 26-04-2024 
Phantasy Star II hint book US.pdf 15016194 26-04-2024 
REG_LORD.ZIP    6393 09-06-2022 Generates registration numbers for L.O.R.D.
                                Will register any version of Seths' great
                                online game Legend of the Red Dragon.
                                --===Another fine crack by "The Celt"===--
shuratoansis.zip   24017 01-01-1998 
ucrtbased.zip  560353 31-12-2022 
vcruntime140d.zip   55194 31-12-2022 

                    Area 132 - BBS Ads                    

conchaos.ans   19303 08-05-2024 
dangerb.ans     5945 08-05-2024 
hagars.ans      2619 08-05-2024 
pixelgr.ans     5507 08-05-2024 
shsbbs.zip     21625 08-05-2024 

                    Area 3 - BBS Files                    

853tagz.zip    22634 09-07-2023 
                                     853 Taglines for IceEdit     
                                 Yes, there are exactly 853 Tag-  
                                 lines in this file and is called 
                                 TAGLINES.CFG for use with IceEdit
                                 but can easily be renamed by you 
                                 for use with any other program   
                                 that uses Taglines like BlueWave,
                                 SLMR, etc..                      
                                          By: The Wizard          
                                    * 803.552.6292 * 14.4 Bps *   
addrom.zip     18939 08-05-2024 AddRom - By Mark Williamson
                                Easily add any CD Rom to your RemoteAccess 2
                                FILES.RA.  Stop entering redundent info into
                                RACONFIG!  Use AddRom and get it done - FAST!!
                                Best of all - it's FREEWARE!  By the author
                                Labtest comes another can't-do-without-it
afugb017.zip 2420071 13-05-2023      ALLFIX Universal, 6.00 build 17
                                          Gamma release version
                                ALLFIX is the most complete FileEcho and
                                EchoMail utility available. No other
                                program offers the large number of features
                                that are part of the ALLFIX package.
afu_513.zip  2844964 13-05-2023        ALLFIX Universal, 5.13
                                     Evaluation release version
                                ALLFIX is the most complete FileEcho utility
                                available. No other program offers the large
                                number of features that are part of the
                                ALLFIX package.
                                Version 5.13 is an update of version 5.12.
                                This means that we have solved a large number
                                of the problems that you have reported over
                                the past few months!
afxgb017.zip  862910 03-05-2022        ALLFIX for DOS, 6.00 build 17
                                          Gamma release version
                                ALLFIX is the most complete FileEcho and
                                EchoMail utility available. No other
                                program offers the large number of features
                                that are part of the ALLFIX package.
ai_wx.w32.1.1.1.zip 13377000 16-02-2025 The AI-WX Weather Door version 1.1 for
                                32 bit OS. Requires .Net Framework 4.8.1
                                ANSI and SIXEL radar animations. Shareware
                                date 02/15/2025.
ai_wx.w32.1.2.zip 13635406 23-02-2025 AI-WX Weather Door version 1.2 for Windows 32
                                bit. Requires the .Net Framework 4.8.1
                                or higher. Shareware 02/23/25.
ai_wx.w64.1.2.zip 54099679 23-02-2025 AI-WX Weather Door version 1.2 for Windows 64
                                bit. Requires .Net Core 9 which is included
                                in the build. Shareware 02/23/25.
am_60.zip      68811 08-02-2022 Ŀ
                                   Online Archive Master version 6.0   
                                 AM is a RemoteAccess 2.0x archive       
                                 viewer.  AM can be used as a door and   
                                 as the RA External Archive Viewer.      
                                  View the contents of archives         
                                  Read files within archives            
                                  Extract file(s) to be downloaded      
                                  Supports all major archive formats!   
                                  Supports the RA 2.0x file database    
                                  Checks all security levels and flags  
                                  ...and more!                          
                                 AM is another quality freeware product  
                                 from Dykstra Software.                  
anim300.zip   200343 08-07-2023 Ϳ
                                      THE ANiMATOR v3.00      
                                 A new animated ANSi bulletin 
                                 program for most BBSes  that 
                                 support: DOOR.SYS, CHAIN.TXT 
                                 DORINFOx.DEF,   EXITINFO.BBS 
                                 SFDOORS.DAT, and CALLINFO.   
                                 Displays any ASC / ANS / AVT 
                                 bulletin  file  followed  by 
                                 an animated ANSi prompt.     
                                 Includes 103 predefined ANSi 
                                      * Download Now!! *      
                                     The Fonty Towers BBS     
ATAG_12.ZIP    31210 16-04-2024 Ŀ
                                 Another Tag Version 1.0 Ĵ
                                 FileTagging Door For Ra 2.XX         
                                 Features :                           
                                      Taglist Editing                
                                      New Design !                   
                                      Customisable Ansi              
                                      Easy Setup                     
                                      Easy Use                       
                                      French Production !            
                                      FreeWare !!!!!                 
BBS2HTML.ZIP   46930 07-12-2023 BBS2HTML v1.0p Conversion Utility  
                                Converts FILES.BBS listings to HTML 
                                Put you file collection on the WEB! 
                                Easy, automated, UNCRIPPLED FREEWARE
                                Works with PCBoard, Wildcat, TBBS or
                                any system that supports FILES.BBS  
                                file formats. Don't get left behind!
bbsl99b7.zip  112363 09-07-2023 Ŀ
                                 BBS Lister v0.996 
                                 A BBS Lister door for any BBS which  
                                 creates DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF or    
                                 MX_USER.DAT drop files. Callers can  
                                 upload and view BBS ads. The list of 
                                 BBSes can be downloaded.             
                                 Supports ANSI and MAXgraphics and is 
                                 completely litebar driven for ANSI   
                                 callers. Best of all its FREEWARE    
                                            (c)1998 D. Heaton, VMSoft 
BBSlinkWall-win32.zip  116513 23-01-2025 BBSlink.net Wall      Ŀ
                                Connector Door v0.1 Ĵ
                                A BBSlink Graffiti Wall door. Should 
                                work with any Windows DOOR32.SYS BBS.
bgwcdwin.zip  116486 01-01-1998 BBSlink.net Wall      Ŀ
                                Connector Door v0.1 Ĵ
                                A BBSlink Graffiti Wall door. Should 
                                work with any Windows DOOR32.SYS BBS.
bmkr1g.zip     75110 08-07-2023 *** BulletinMaker v1.00; Official Release
                                BulletinMaker is the greatest news file
                                or bulletin 'maker' for RemoteAccess and
                                other systems! Full-Screen editor env.,
                                produces ANSi/ASCII screens for the user
                                and provides a great interface for the
                                sysop with lots of options! Great File!
                                You owe it to yourself and your users to
                                download this!
callno.zip      2165 05-07-2024 Place .ans files in txtfiles directory
                                Place .q-a in questionaire directory
                                Run callno.q-a from menu or logon.
cat-fn15.zip  113564 07-07-2023                           
                                 f a d i n g            
                                             v 1 . 5 o
                                     [cat] fading news v1.5o
                                  groovy news door which allows
                                 you to fade news on and off the
                                  screen using your own custom,
                                 + pcb compatible colour sceme!!
                                 new: option to allow your users
                                 to not have to read news if its
                                  already seen, faster diplays!
                                 uses v1.01 of the catastrophic
                                 door library. runs on any bbs!!
                                 copyright (c) 1998 phiber optix
cat_2dlp10.zip  220615 07-10-2024   Ŀ
                                  ۳ ۳ ۳ '
                                  ۳ ٲ۳ ۳ 9
                                  ijڿ۳ ۳ 7
                                  CaT LeMMING PaGER v1.oo
                                 The Ultimate Pager for all
                                   Remote Access Sysops!!
                                Supports HSC/ICE Format Page
                                 Alert, Inbuilt Messagebase
                                Posting, Security Overrides,
                                and of course, configurable!
                                 (Oh HSC is SoundBlaster!!)
cn_mtx01.zip   19852 07-10-2024 
                                $$,.$$g.`$$$$`$$$$$'$ .$$g.`$$$$$$$
                                $ $$$$$$'"$&#%g. %.   .%$$$$$$$'"$&#%g.`$
                                $b'$$$$$ $   .$$g '$$$$$ $ $$$$$$ $
                                $$ $$$$$#g%$$$$b, $$$$$$'a $$$$$#g%$$$$$P $
                                $$,`"`"$$$$$$ '$$$$$ $ $$$$$`""' $$
                                $$,$$$$$,$.$$$$$$  $$$$$ $,$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$
                                $$$$$$$$$:[ SUiCiDE S PAiNLESS ]:$$$$$$$$$
                                $                                         $
                                $ RELEASED BY: [CoNDoR^SP]$
                                $                                         $
                                $[cOOL aNSI lOGIN mATRIX]$
                                $[fOR rEMOTEaCCESS...iN tHE sTYLE]$
                                $[oF nOVELL nETWARE v4.11! nORMAL]$
                                $[sERVICE wILL rESUME iMMEDIATELY! :)]$
crw-kw2!.zip   50375 16-02-2023                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                -[CROW Coding Division Presents]-ij
                                   KiWi Final! A onliner for DOOR.SYS   
                                   over 10 diffrent options, example:  
                                |   Censoring, Comment Editor/Nuker     
                                   Customize toplist, make own header  
                                   Ban bad users from writing          |
                                   Coded by Rezaad                     
                                <>Cyber Station<>Crow WHQ<>46-226-20119<>
datag105.zip   98834 20-04-2023 (v1.05) dATag by TWAiN PAiN Software
                                The best RemoteAccess filetagger. Fixes:
                                Files can now have costs and daily dls
                                are checked correctly (broken in v1.04)
                                    ĿĿĿ TWAiN PAiN's ͸
                                ڿ۳۳۳: ۳: ڿ۳
                                ٲ۳  ٲ۳Ŀ
                                ٰڿ  ڿٱ
                                ٳ   ٳĿ
dctbg120.zip   69419 29-11-2022 DCT Bulletin Generator v1.20 *  For RA, 
                                Concord, SuperBBS, and any other QuickBBS-
                                compatible system.  Will create aesthetically
                                pleasing NEWS.ANS/ASC screens to show to your
                                users at login.  Comes with its own built-in 
                                editor, so that you don't have to edit a text
                                file then compile it.  Very configurable, 
                                and it allows you to create your own bulletin
                                styles or use one of the supplied designs.  
                                Also allows colour changing within the 
                                bulletin itself.  Freeware by Dan Traczynski.
dcted004.zip  179908 19-10-2023 DCTEdit v0.04 Gamma; The full-screen editor 
                                from DCT Productions is here!  DCTEdit 
                                employs a pull-down menu interface -- which 
                                we are all experienced at using -- in 
                                addition to keyboard shortcuts for those who 
                                have memorised the commands.  Some other 
                                features include: spell checking, automatic 
                                tagline stealing, configurable user displays,
                                message area overrides (RA/PB/TG/EZY), text 
                                censoring, macros, message printing, multiple
                                language files, text file importing, SysOp Fn
                                hotkeys, user signatures, offline mail reader
                                support, plus more! An editor like no other! 
                                Still freeware!  [Released 5-Jan-98]
dctvd040.zip  126093 29-03-2023 DCT Voting Door v0.40 Deluxe voting door for
                                any BBS which supports the DORINFO1.DEF or
                                DOOR.SYS drop file. Features include:
                                Optional user censoring, auto-deletion of old
                                booths & inactive users, problem user lock
                                out, the lightbar selector, amazingly FAST &
                                EASY setup, bar graphs/percentages when
                                displaying results, AutoVote, language
                                support, plus much more!
dd_21_2dpage.zip    3909 07-10-2024 ---                    --Ŀ
                                --- dIGITAL PAGE ----
                                 Get this if you dont like that 
                                 silly yellow line  when a user 
                                     pages the sysop in RA.     
                                 Make your own screens instead! 
                                      Or use the examples!      
                                         Freeware of coz        
                                - dIGITAL dONUTS  1995 --
                                ---                    --
DUSER200.ZIP   27613 22-08-2023 DUSER v2.00 * ANS/ASC Userlist
                                Bulletin generator for RA v2.00.g1 *
                                Supports Handles, Exclusion of Hidden
                                Users and Specific Users.  Complete
                                Menu Configuration and Custom Colour
                                Configuration.  Freeware by James
EB10RC1W.ZIP 1916710 04-08-2023 EleBBS v0.10.rc1 - public gamma release
                                of EleBBS. A RemoteAccess-style BBS.
                                Features lightbarred menus, built-in
                                TELNET server, newsgroups client and
                                server support. Longfilename support.
                                DOS, Win9x/NT, OS2 and Linux versions
                                  ** EleBBS 0.09.G1 IS REQUIRED **
                                Windows (32-bit) version.
eb_009gw.zip 2403235 04-08-2023 EleBBS v0.09.g1 - public gamma release
                                of EleBBS. A RemoteAccess-style BBS.
                                Features lightbarred menus, built-in
                                TELNET server, newsgroups client and
                                server support. Longfilename support.
                                DOS, Win9x/NT, OS2 and Linux versions
                                Windows (Win9x/NT/2000) version.
echngr12.zip   37525 08-10-2023 +-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
                                |                                          |
                                |           -== Ele-Changer ==-            |
                                |               version 1.2                |
                                |                                          |
                                |  Lightbar Area/Group Changer for EleBBS  |
                                |                                          |
                                |    * Use Cursor Keys to navigate         |
                                |    * File & Message Area/Group support   |
                                |    * Combined Message area selector      |
                                |    * LAWGATOR style layout               |
                                |    * Supports ANSi or ASCii              |
                                |    * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced       |
                                |    * New: Also supports numeric keys     |
                                |                                          |
                                Beware of fake releases by Future Dream Net!
ed004dic.zip   82112 19-10-2023 English language dictionary file for use with
                                DCTEdit v0.04.
el071015.zip 2248071 02-06-2008 ELEBBSW-20071015 Win32 October 2007
                                CVS binaries
el080701.zip 2254746 04-02-2009 ELEBBS/W32-2008/07/01
                                Win32 July 2008 CVS binaries
EL120208.ZIP 2252746 08-02-2022 EleBBS/W32 - 20120208 Win32 binaries update
elebbs-20120       0 01-01-1980 
elebbs-20120208_vp_os2.zip 2042393 21-07-2023 
elebbs-20120208_vp_w32.zip 2253987 04-08-2023 
ELEBBS-20130       0 01-01-1980 
ELEBBS-20130208_W32VP.ZIP 2255172 08-02-2022 
elecht01.zip   12629 08-10-2023 Ĵ pcmicro presents Ŀ
                                            -== Ele-Chat ==-              
                                            version 0.01 beta             
                                   Split Screen Sysop/User Chat Script    
                                    * Designed exclusivly for EleBBS      
                                    * Small and fast (only 10k)           
                                    * Great looking background            
                                    * Supports ANSi/AVATAR/ASCii          
                                    * Fully configurable                  
                                    * Freeware - no nags/brags/delays     
                                    * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced       
                                   www.pcmicro.com/bbs for latest version
elehdr11.zip   13088 08-10-2023 +-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
                                |                                          |
                                |    -== Message Header for EleBBS ==-     |
                                |               version 1.1                |
                                |                                          |
                                |    * Elite Style Custom ANSI header for  |
                                |      EleBBS's internal message reader.   |
                                |    * Hilights to: field on messages      |
                                |       to the current user.               |
                                |    * Now faster then before.             |
                                |    * Freeware - no ads/delays.           |
                                |    * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced.      |
                                |                                          |
                                   www.pcmicro.com/bbs for latest version
eleval03.zip   17843 31-12-1997 +------------------------------------------+
                                |                                          |
                                |            -= Ele Validate =-            |
                                |                version 0.3               |
                                |                                          |
                                |   Email Validation Script for EleBBS     |
                                |                                          |
                                |    Sends the user a password to their    |
                                |    email address, and upgrades their     |
                                |    security level once they confirm it.  |
                                |                                          |
                                |    * Supports BLAT.EXE - Windows/32      |
                                |    * Can be modded for WarpMail - OS/2   |
                                |      or SendMail - Unix                  |
                                |    * Now includes ANSI mods by Shurato   |
                                |                                          |
                                http://archives.thebbs.org for latest version
emp-ulst.zip   17241 22-08-2023 
ewhodx10.zip   16219 08-10-2023 +-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
                                |                                          |
                                |        -== Whos Online Deluxe ==-        |
                                |          version 1.0 for EleBBS          |
                                |                                          |
                                | Replaces the internal Whos Online & Msg  |
                                |                                          |
                                |   * Supports Livesystems USERDOES.{node} |
                                |   * Sends messages to other BBS nodes    |
                                |   * Node messages wrapped in ANSi Box    |
                                |   * Lightbarred Messages are sent        |
                                |   * Instant Reply to Sender feature!     |
                                |   * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced        |
                                |   * Freeware - no nags or other drags    |
                                |                                          |
                                   archives.thebbs.org for latest version
fdl_v501.zip  636362 07-05-2024 FDL/P  FileDoor LITE/PRO      Version  5.01
                                DISP software: FileDoor protocol driver
                                Version/Date : V 5.01   / Aug. 9th, 1995
                                This version 5.01 runs for both FDL and FDP
                                users. FDP users get extra PRO options. For
                                FDL users there are lots of fixes and small
FE146.EXE     715009 13-11-2023 
FE146X.EXE    665635 12-11-2023 
fe146x.rar    656187 29-04-2022 ------------------------------------------
                                ## --------- FastEcho 1.46pl1 --------- ##
                                Very  fast FTN mail processor for  Hudson-
                                (aka QBBS), JAM-, Squish- and  Fido/*.MSG-
                                style messagebases.    [Shareware, $15/25]
                                Includes DPMI executables  only,  requires
                                full package (FE146.RAR)  to  run !!!  Now
                                also featuring 32 bit version of FESetup.
                                        Copyright (c) 1991-1997 by
                                Software Technik Burchhardt, Waltrop, FRG.
FF_200.RAR    771359 04-02-2022 FastFile 2.00. FileTagger, FileDoor and
                                FileManager for RemoteAccess 2.0x-2.50.
                                Built around a "graphic" user interface.
                                NOW SUPPORTS: CD-ROM & Internet Request,
                                LightBar, ISDN,RA2.02 Tagfile, Password,
                                CD-ROM, DAT, Color Configuration,  GIF-,
                                MOD-View, DupeCheck, Freefile, Comments-
                                in filelists, Virus scan, Long filedesc,
                                File tagging, Fast AreaChange, TextView,  
                                Locate, Archive View,  New Files Search,
                                MemorySwap functions, All FileProtocols,
                                TextView, Upload, Download,  Local mode,
                                SplitScreen Chat with macrofunctions and
                                Remote SysOps features like RA Manager!!
                                        * And much more ! *
fmlw_59b.zip  399558 29-04-2022 FMail 1.59/beta, Windows 32-bit version
                                FMail is an echo mail processor for Hudson
                                and JAM message bases. Also included is a
                                message base maintenance utility with a lot
                                of special features. The Windows version can
                                handle more areas than the standard version
                                and is optimized for use with 32-bit versions
                                of MS Windows like Windows 95 and Windows NT.
fwwinele.zip     637 05-07-2024 Place both files in txtfiles
                                directory, unless you've already
                                got a logo.ans file.  Set text
                                shelling to Yes and turn off UAC.
                                Hopefully you're running this in
                                a 32-bit VM and not a main system.
                                Firewall allows a maximum of 1000
                                rules, so you may have to prune
                                this occasionally.
graus102.zip   56062 26-09-2023 GRAUSER v1.02 -=- GLOBALY change users
                                CREDITS, SECURITY, USERS FLAGS, within
                                seconds based on users AGE or security.
                                MAKES envelope ready user listings based
                                on your users AGE or security. Great for
                                the sysop wanting a 21+ mailing list!
                                VIEW System usage graph on any lines
                                at a key stroke. VIEW/ALTER total
                                system call counter. DUPE checker
                                locates FAKE accounts and is 2-3 times
                                faster than any other dupe checker for
                                RemoteAccess. Can be used on RA versions
                                2.xx and the new 2.50 plus other useful 
                                features you will enjoy.
iedit235.zip  167592 11-06-2023 IceEdit v2.35 * Fullscreen Message Editor
                                For RA 2.xx/TG 3.x/QBBS 2.8x & compatibles *
                                Tagline Management, Full color configuration,
                                Line-Centering, Textfile exporting, Message
                                Censoring, Macro Config, Configurable
                                Function Key Macros, User Signatures, User
                                Overrides, Language File, Replacement Codes,
                                Color Control Strings, efficient Spell
                                Checking Routines and MUCH more!
                                Released: 03/27/97
jp-bull2.zip   33585 29-11-2022    ________________________
                                   ):::            _______/_______
                                   \::      /:    /:::           /
                                   /:      /:    /::  __________/
                                  /       /     /:    __/_____
                                 /        `    /             (
                                 \____________/              /
                                  #04 \_____________________/jp
                                 --------- Ŀ
                                |   D   E   M   O   N   i   C  
                                 lightbar bulletin menu door! 
                                | for dorinfo.def and door.sys 
                                       by jack phlash         |
k&kstat2.zip   68510 09-07-2023         K&K Statsz
                                Yet another version of this
                                stat screen maker. It generates
                                a ansi that tells your users
                                what they access level on the
                                board is, how many times they
                                have called it, what is their
                                time limit, stuff like that.
                                All this is for the RemoteAcces
                                BBS system 2.xx only, and this
                                version adds that awesome
                                animated prompts thingy.
                                Thanks to that guy who made that
                                animated prompts program..THANKS
                                Made by me in Canada,
                                FidoNet 1:153/609
lastcall.zip     953 05-07-2024 rename lastcall.bak lastcall.ans
                                and place in txtfiles directory
                                place lastcall.q-a in questionaire
                                directory and edit as desired.
                                Call lastcall.q-a for desired
                                users on logon and display
                                lastcall.ans where desired.
list108g.zip  189637 07-05-2024  ͸
                                 fullmultilanguage/multiline support
mafrag54.zip   61557 14-07-2021 [0;1;34mM[0;34mA[1;30mFRAG [34mv[0;34m5[1;30m
                                [34mThe Most Complete Lightbar File/Message
                                Group/Area for
                                Remote Access v2.xx around.
                                Can justify to center, left and right.
                                Can alter the text to upper, lower and fancy
                                Saves the Users favourite positions for each
                                individual group.
                                Allows the sysop to define a different setup
                                for each group.
                                Has an interactive config program so the sysop
                                can see what
                                it will look like before he sets it up on the
                                Security features include Flags, Alt. Groups,
                                Security etc.
                                Lets the sysop have multiple columns of
                                selections for the
                                user on each screen and now with automatic
                                column setup
                                which lets Mafrag figure out the best number
                                of columns at
                                Mafrag is the best looking, easiest to setup
                                and use area
                                changer around. Use it now.
                                Make sure you unzip with -d[0m
mark200g.zip  227966 07-05-2024 FileMark v1.99, FileTagger, KeyWord,
                                newfiles and expression searcher for
                                RemoteAccess 2.02. Full screen
                                configuration utility. Uses the list
                                format in RACONFIG. Supports download
                                time, and lots of more. Internal
                                archive viewer that supports all
                                popular archivers (ARJ/ZIP/RAR) and
                                many more. Keyword search : 5 keywords
                                at one run, NewFiles search: specify
                                self the date to search back.
                                General Expression search (unique).
                                Archive viewer: create own archive
                                file's. Fully supports the RA 2.x
                                Filebase, FileMark can update it,
                                and check for own filesizes. Supports
                                CD-Rom's and lots of more.
                                Check it out yourself!!
MCBEST10.ARJ   49304 04-07-2024 
ml200b3.zip   254937 07-10-2024    MADLOGIN v2.00.3 (02.08.98) 
                                External Login for the mailbox software
                                remoteACCESS (or EleBBS), which is
                                indispensable due to its numerous options
                                and features. Plug in for RA/ELE!
                                 -> Complete Modem administration
                                 -> IEMSI Support incl. Debug Mode
                                 -> ISDN CallerID Support
                                 -> Integrated Request Prozessor
                                 -> Integrated Login Matrix
                                 -> Displays the User-Passwrter
                                 -> Neu User / System password
                                 -> Automatic Event-Verwaltung
                                 -> 100% configurable (SetUp)
                                 -> Animated PcBoard Enter-Prompts
                                 -> Efficient DoorUnit with a RA-Look
                                **German only doks , but easy to under-
                                stand it unless you are a complete fool.
                                ** This must be unzipped with -d
mwusrd10.zip   60650 05-09-2023     Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ
                                 Userlist Door for RA 2.x Version 1.0
                                  Replaces the hard-coded RA userlist
                                  Outputs ASC/ANS/AVT [Colors eligible]
                                  Lists Name/Handle, Location [opt.],
                                    LastCall, Level, U-MB, D-MB, Calls
                                  Leveloutput as number or text!
                                  MB-Correction for UL creditK' [opt.]
                                  SHAREWARE (10DM) by Stephan Binner
                                 (c) 1995 MysticWare 
newnews.zip    49274 08-07-2023 NewNews v1.1 - Bulletin Door.
                                NewNews is a door for RA 2.xx that
                                show bulletins to the user that he
                                or she has NOT seen jet.
                                NewNews is Freeware.
NF126_B5.ZIP   94154 13-05-2023 NetFoss 1.26-beta5 Windows FOSSIL Driver
                                This minor beta update to NetFoss provides
                                better support for running DOOR32 (32-Bit)
                                Doors from a DOS based BBS, along with other
                                Freeware from PC Micro - https://pcmicro.com
NF126_B6.ZIP   84502 26-05-2023 NetFoss 1.26-beta6 Windows FOSSIL Driver
                                This minor beta update to NetFoss provides
                                better support for running DOOR32 (32-Bit)
                                Doors from a DOS based BBS, along with other
                                Freeware from PC Micro - https://pcmicro.com
PIKV2_1.ZIP    42442 04-07-2024 Pick-One v2.01
                                Random screen selection utility. Simple,
                                easy to install and run. Great for
                                selecting different logo or bulletin
                                screens. Now automatically supports ASC
                                and AVT. Maintenance release bug fix.
                                FREEWARE by: JL Enterprizing Software
pn-mrc133-al       0 01-01-1980 
pn-mrc133-alpha.zip   69974 17-02-2024 
qnode207.zip   89981 15-04-2024 QNODE - VERSION 6 + 7 NODELIST COMPILER.
                                A full-featured nodelist compiler to be used
                                for systems required version 6 or 7
                                compliant nodelists.  Comes in three
                                types: QNODE, QNODX, or QNOS2.  All versions
                                are well optimized for 80386+ processors,
                                but will run on lesser processors.
                                QNODE is the real-mode version (any system)
                                QNODX is the DPMI version (286+ w/2Megs ram)
                                QNOS2 is the 32-bit OS/2 version. (386+)
RA25DOC.ZIP   171389 13-02-2025 
racfgfix.zip   19684 08-07-2023 Fixes the version number in your CONFIG.RA.
                                Usefull for FastFile if it tells you that
                                you need to run RA 2.02 or later even though
                                you are.
radoc252.zip  174660 05-10-2023 RemoteAccess BBS v2.52 Documentation
                                This documentation was not included
                                in the RA_252.ZIP release archive.
rahist10.zip  138551 22-04-2023 
rams.zip      281876 20-04-2023 Ŀ
                                RemoteAccess Automated Message System v2.00
                                      CopyRight 1995-96 by INXS Software   
                                      (Eddy Matthews & Geoff Bassett)      
                                Another release of the automated message   
                                system for RemoteAccess BBS! Automated     
                                posting of all those boring messages a     
                                busy Sysop needs to send to users. It can  
                                generate dozens of Ansi and Ascii stats.   
                                      RA 2.0x AND RA 2.5 Compatable       
                                      Hudson/Jam Support                  
                                      Proccess External Programs          
                                      Generate Ansi/Ascii stats screens   
                                      Fully optimised to run TEN times    
                                      faster than previous releases       
                                    A MUST for EVERY RemoteAccess Sysop!   
ranews14.zip   36440 15-04-2024 RANEWS  VER 1.40
                                Creates bulletins easily and
                                quickly using only a config file
                                and some macros... For RA,PB,SBBS
                                Ezycom & Spitfire. Other BBS's
                                that use the same control
                                characters as the above can also
                                use it... with Background Clr
                                and more styles... Now has a
                                more Macros, adjustable screen
                                length and Intro(REG Only)...
                                Fixes a few probs...
                                Renegade Software...
read082a.zip  120677 08-10-2023 PM!
                                 ۲    ߲   
                                  ۲ ۲   ߲   ۲
                                ܲ߱   ۱
                                ݱ ReadMsg vo.82  ۲  ReadMsg vo.82 
                                ݰ  Replaces the entire harcoded message    
                                ݰ  read & newmail scan part of RA 2.xx!    
                                   this is a unique door! download this!   
                                   after 3 years of developing, readmsg    
                                   is released! be aware: it is a BETA     
                                   version. so don't expect to much from   
                                            the configuration!             
                                   * REAL hudson & jam newmail scan!!      
                                   * scanning is allmost 3x as fast as RA! 
                                   * lightbar interface.                   
                                   * download msg's.                       
                                   * handy msglister.                      
                                   * build-in area/group changer.          
                                   * much much more! just download & see!  
                                         Released: 030598          
                                ߲    Coded by: Jungleboy^Dimension X    
read_450.zip  129778 15-04-2024 THE READER V4.50 - Online Mailreader/door
                                for RA (also 2.5x), PB 2.xx,  SBBS,  QBBS
                                and any other BBS creating DORINFOx.DEF.
                                Supporting HUDSON, JAM and SQUISH Msgbase
                                Style. Full Desqview, OS/2 and most other
                                multitasker aware.
                                Full  Netmail  and InterNet Gate support.
                                Features :  reading,  writing,  replying,
                                searching for Keywords,  Area-Change with
                                NewMail-Scan, Tagging messages, Language-
                                Files, Logbook,  Online - Help - Screens,
                                Full-Screen-Setup,   Offline  SysOp-Mail-
                                Reader Mode,  File attaches, Message text
                                upload, Message download and much more.
                                ******* RELEASE DATE: 21 May 1997 *******
                                ***** Now THE READER is FREEWARE !!! ****
S-NWS411.ZIP  182885 04-07-2024 Ŀ
                                 Super News v4.11 
                                   This is the BEST news maker for:  
                                    - RemoteAccess                   
                                    - PCBoard                        
                                    - WildCat                        
                                    - And all BBS program that uses  
                                      ANS/ASC or @-Codes             
                                  Super News makes 5 news styles!    
                                    New features:                    
                                    - Comma bug fixed!               
                                    - And other bugs fixed!          
                                -=-=- Created by Daniel Lafraia -=-=-
                                 SHAREWARE! - TAKE IT RIGHT NOW! 
sx!tg096.zip   43962 20-04-2022 > STYX_TAG 0.96b <ͻ
                                 Make your RA filebase look like PCB    
                                   Lightbar-driven file-base           
                                   Comfortable File-Tagging            
                                   099% Error-free file_id handling    
                                   100% Error-free ratio-handling      
                                   Extended CD-ROM Areas listing       
                                   Very fast                           
tag2m098.zip   13593 12-07-2023 TAG2RA 0.98g
                                 Replaces RA 2.02 message area descriptions
                                with descriptions from backbone.na.
td4new.zip      5179 15-04-2024  4 New Fonts for TheDraw ۲
                                *.TDF Format. Just Import into
                                TheDraw using TDFONTS. Created by
                                Rod Reed - Sysop- Runamuck BBS
                                Casper, Wyoming 307-265-3022
                                A Wildcat! 4.01 BBS.
tdrawpch.zip   54935 15-04-2024 TheDraw Patcher Program & Utilities
tfile080.zip   61611 08-05-2024 
                                           TOPFILE v0.80           
                                 A Freeware 'Top Downloaded Files' 
                                         Bulletin Generator        
                                 * Can exclude specific files or   
                                   file areas                      
                                 * Can restrict search by security 
                                 * Quick & Easy to Setup           
                                 * Fully Configurable              
                                 * ASCII/ANSi/AVATAR output        
                                  For Remote Access v2.0x, v2.50   
THD_11_0.EXE  270989 04-07-2024 
tlist10.zip    30595 05-09-2023 
                                  Userlister for RemoteAccess 2.xx   
                                  E ۰    ۰      ۰   
                                  W ۱  ۱     ۱   
                                  TList v1.0 (c) by Thunder  
                                 completely in German...... FREEWARE 
tnewz100.zip   17517 15-04-2024 The NEWZ v1.00 [FreeWare]
                                Written by: Eric Staufer
                                o Great News/Note to Next Caller Door!
                                o Beautiful ANSi Screens
                                o Customizable ANSis, if you want!
                                o Users can Select their Colors!
                                o Upto 7 Lines of News w/default ANSIs
                                o No Delays or Beeps...
                                o Looks like it's built in to RA!
                                o It's a RA Q-A File!  (No Kidding!)
                                    o Dont be fooled by it's size!
                                o Check it out Today!  You'll use it!
                                o -----> ASCii is SUPPORTED! <-----
ulist25.zip    23434 21-08-2023 ͻ
                                  ڿ         ڿ    ڿ Ŀ Ŀ  
                                  ô      ô    ô ¿   ô    
                                          User Lister v2.5           
                                 User Lister is a RA 2.xx Door that  
                                 Will List All users in your BBS or  
                                 Only Specific User(s), Ulist will   
                                 Not show the Users Location in list 
                                 Ulist can also search in Handles and
                                 In location of the user             
                                        User Lister Supports         
                                 Desqview + Multiline + Ansi/Avatar  
web10_3w.zip 1249863 10-12-2023 
web10_def.zi       0 01-01-1980 
web10_def.zip  146162 10-12-2023 
webbase2.zip   40299 11-12-2023 
webbase3.zip   42666 11-12-2023 
whtih30.zip   432709 22-04-2023 WHAT HAPPENED TODAY IN HISTORY!
                                         Version 3.0
                                  Freeware program that shows
                                  users what happened that day
                                  in history.  SysOp can add
                                  their own data for any day
                                  of the year too!! Will work
                                  on almost any BBS type.  This 
                                  version supports Wildcat!
                                      Talon Software '96
wi_20.zip     174316 07-05-2024 LiveSystems WhatIs 2.0,
                                The final filedescription utility.
                                Usable from dos or from within other programs
                                like RAMgr.  Can be used to create
                                4dos/files.bbs description, to extract
                                FILE_ID.DIZ, DESC.SDI, {SDA.ID} and
                                VENDINFO.DIZ from a compressed file and to
                                import it as a filedescription into f.e.  the
                                RA filebase.  Gives detailed information
                                about GIF, PCX, TIF, TGA, JPG, BMP, all IFF
                                filetypes, FLI and all other AutoDesc
                                animator formats, DBF, NG, TrueType, DeskJet,
                                Speedo Bitstream and WA0 fonts.  MID, MOD,
                                ROL, CMF, BNK, TRI, JUM, Zx infocom files,
                                PCK, EXE (and exe compressors) Windows EXE,
                                DLL,CRD, Cal, ICO, CUR, CLP, WRI, DOC and HLP
                                files.  ANSI, AVATAR, ASCII, all the
                                WordPerfect files, compressed files, SFX
                                files and more..
write22a.zip  105890 08-10-2023 PM!
                                 ۲    ߲   
                                  ۲ ۲   ߲   ۲
                                ܲ߱   ۱
                                ݱWriteMsg v2.2o  ۲  WriteMsg v2.2o
                                ݰ Replaces the hardcoded Type 27 (Write a  
                                ݰ new message) of RA 2.xx. You don't have  
                                  to use ansi's in your RA language file!  
                                      ҷַ ַַ  ַҷַҷַ       
                                       Ǻ ǽ  ǽǺ          
                                       ӽ-ӽ  ӽ н  ӽ       
                                     If WriteMsg didn't work before..      
                                               He now will!                
                                           ** MAJOR CHANGES! **            
                                      Read WHATS.NEW for more info!        
                                            ** BETA VERSION **             
                                    Official release will follow soon!     
                                         Released: 17o696          
                                ߲    Coded By: Jungleboy^DiMeNSioN X    
wt061.zip     310167 20-11-2022 [0;35m      .[ [0;1;35mWarezTag! v0.6
                                [0;1;34m         - 
                                [0;1;34m      -    - 
                                [0;1;33m          The Ultimate Filelister
                                [0;1;33m     Supports Both FastBase and
                                [0;1;33m            All Lightbar driven
                                [0;1;33m   Language File and Customizable
                                [0;1;33m Internal build file Nuker/Comment
                                [0;1;33m           Fast Internal Viewer
                                [0;1;33m      Optimized Internal build Zmodem
                                [0;1;33m    Keyword/Filesearch,
                                [0;1;33m Freaking Fast Configurable Allfiles
                                [0;1;33mTo be used with Remote Access v2.xx &
                                [0;1;35m      A lot of Enhancements and Fixes
                                [0;35mNew: Move! works with Rabase, TagFile
                                [0;1;30m     Release Date:  07 - 02 - 1997   
xfl109.zip     78890 20-04-2022 [ XenoFileLister (XFL) v1.09w ]ͻ
                                     ___     ___ ________  ___          
                                     \   \ /    |        \|   |         
                                 \   /    /|   /-----|   | 
                                       \      / |   \----\|   |         
                                      /   /\   \|   /----/|   \____     
                                 /   /\    \  ||        \ 
                                   -----     \-----\-     |---------\   
                                       For RemoteAccess v.2.02          
                                   * BUGS FIXED! MANY NEW FEATURES! *   
                                   XFL replaces RemoteAccess' Default   
                                   Scrolling File Lister With an Easy   
                                 To Use, Full-Screen, Cursor Controlled 
                                    Lister.  You've GOTTA See This!     
xfl250up.zip   37529 20-04-2022 [ XenoFileLister (XFL) v.1.09w/2.50 ]
                                       UPGRADE for RA v.2.50g1        
                                   This ONLY contains the new EXE     
                                   to work with RA v.2.50g1.  It      
                                   is NOT a full program.  Download   
                                   and install !XFL109.ARJ first.     
x_nag12.zip    48646 08-07-2023    ܲ     ܲ  ܲ  
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲   ۲ ۰ ۲ 
                                 ܱ  ۲ ܱ  ۲ ۲  ߲  
                                 ۲  ۲߰ ܲ        
                                 ܲ   ߲   ۲   
                                 ߲߲   ߲    ߲߰  
                                           Excalibur Presents           
                                        News ANSI Generator v1.2        
                                    Thiz News ANSI Generator Is Tha     
                                             Ultimate One !             
                                    It's Fully Configurable With An     
                                      Header ANSI And Line ANSIs.       
                                   Now With Autocentrating Function !   
                                  -]Coded By ThunderStrike[- 
                                       -= WRL0RD'S  BTTLFiLD =-

                    Area 10 - Archivers                   

7Z2107.EXE   1255704 03-02-2022 7Zip File Archive Tool
arc602.exe    138539 13-03-2024 
arj275.exe    475834 20-04-2023 ARJ Archiver
lha255b.zip    29058 20-04-2023 *** LHA v2.55B *** Yoshi's newest version of
                                his great freeware file compression program.
                                This archive has had the Japanese documents
                                removed, as most of us in the USA have
                                problems reading it on our systems.
pak251.zip     87055 20-04-2023 PAK Archiver
pkarc36.zip    63667 20-04-2023 ARC Archiver
pun200xn.zip  183684 13-01-2024 
rar206.zip    252939 20-04-2023 The RAR archiver v2.06 (release) for DOS
                                Integrated archive manager
                                - full screen interface / command-line driven
                                - tight general and multimedia compression
                                - recovery record option
                                - alternate Installation SFX, OS/2 SFX
                                - management of non-RAR archives
                                - RCVT aRchive ConVersion Tool
                                - FREE unRAR utility
                                - ANSI color comments, volume labels and more.
sqz1083.zip    97477 20-04-2023 SQZ is a file-compresser/archiver.
                                creating small archives with a good 
                                rate of compression.
                                32-bit CRC both on files and SQZ itself. 
                                New MOVE command. Easy to use; 
                                No extraction to COM0..9/CON/AUX.
tar-1.13-1-b       0 01-01-1980 TAR/GZ Archiver 32 bit Windows
tar-1.13-1-bin.exe 1331695 20-04-2023 TAR/GZ Archiver 32 bit Windows
uc2r3.exe     245258 20-04-2023 UC2 Archiver
unp411.zip     35506 08-06-2022 UNP V4.11 Executable file expander
                                Uncompresses files compressed with
                                DIET, EXEPACK, LZEXE, PKLITE and many
                                other file compression utilities.  UNP
                                also allows you to convert files from
                                COM to EXE and vice versa, optimize EXE
                                headers, remove overlay data from EXE
                                files and more.
unz600x3.exe  354797 13-01-2024 
zip232x.zip   355271 22-10-2023 
zoo210.zip     54757 20-04-2023 ZOO Archiver

                    Area 11 - Utilities                   

blat3222_32.full.zip  253854 01-05-2022 
consolefix.zip   14494 01-05-2022 ==============================================
                                 Windows2000/NT Console Prompt ANSI Color FIX
                                 Fixes your default console (CMD.EXE) colors
                                 to be compliant with the ANSI specification.
                                 Includes replacement 16x16x16c and
                                 icon. See Readme.html for more information
                                      by: grymmjack (grymmjack@home.com)
                                   +o: sector7 BBS telnet://sector7bbs.com
CrystalDiskInfo8_17_11.exe 5281160 27-11-2022 SSD And HDD Monitoring Software
curl-8.4.0.zip 6753397 08-11-2023 
curl-8.4.0_6-win32-mingw.zip 9359676 08-11-2023 
DORFIX.ZIP     10698 27-11-2024 
DORINFO1.DEF      92 28-01-2025 
DRWY232.ZIP   293256 15-07-2022 DOORWAY revision 2.32 - REMOTE ACCESS TO DOS.
                                Provides remote access to DOS or to DOS based
                                programs running under DOS or Windows. Also
                                allows BBS software to run DOS programs as if
                                they were BBS doors. Includes a HOST (Server)
                                and a CLIENT (Terminal) modem programs for
                                full functionality without needing 3rd party
                                software, and it's compatible with most other
                                DOS communication software. Doorway is also
                                compatible with telnet access under Windows32
                                by using NetFoss.  http://pcmicro.com/doorway
ge_120.zip    372533 10-03-2024 GEcho v1.20c Pro  [1/1]
                                Supports PCB and Wildcat MSG's
                                        A Group
                                         That Gives
                                         Less Than
                                              A Fuck.
                                [M%i%N%D%C%R%A%S%H  C%O%U%R%i%E%R%S]
gigo0109.zip  542267 04-12-2023 GIGO 01-09-97 - Fidonet<->UUCP
                                Gateway Pkg. DOS files only;
                                OS2 files are in GIGP0109.ZIP.
                                New features are listed in 
                                the NOTES file.
HxDSetup.zip 3348036 19-10-2023 
igate100.zip  269241 04-12-2023 ==========================================
                                InterGate v1.0 * Multiboard Communications
                                Full UUCP gateway package supporting UUCP,
                                MSG, PKT, BAG and JAM formats.   Give your
                                BBS email/newsgroups with this easy to use
                                menu-driven package. Lightning fast gating
                                and support for UUCP or Fidonet downlinks.
                                Email, news, mail lists,  auto-responders,
                                editable template messages, file attaches,
                                cc support, newsfix, listserv, statistical
                                graphing and more! We can even provide the
                                UUCP service if you are not yet connected!
                                A complete one-stop solution for your BBS.
igate102.zip  263228 04-12-2023 ==========================================
                                InterGate v1.02  Multiboard Communications
                                Full UUCP gateway package supporting UUCP,
                                MSG, PKT, BAG and JAM formats.   Give your
                                BBS email/newsgroups with this easy to use
                                menu-driven package. Lightning fast gating
                                and support for UUCP or Fidonet downlinks.
                                Email, news, mail lists,  auto-responders,
                                editable template messages, file attaches,
                                cc support, newsfix, listserv, statistical
                                graphing and more! We can even provide the
                                UUCP service if you are not yet connected!
                                A complete one-stop solution for your BBS.
igate102.zip - Shortcut.lnk    1108 27-11-2024 
IREXP231.ZIP 1108887 11-06-2023 Internet Rex 2.31 for OS/2
                                A program for sending your BBS mail
                                over the net.  Supports email, FTP,
                                MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO,
                                Watergate, TransX, Allfix, FrontDoor,
                                Binkley, D'Bridge and more.  Packed
                                with features.
IREXW231.ZIP 1130132 05-02-2023 Internet Rex 2.31 for 32-bit Windows
                                A program for sending your BBS mail
                                over the net.  Supports email, FTP,
                                MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO,
                                Watergate, TransX, Allfix, FrontDoor,
                                Binkley, D'Bridge and more.  Packed
                                with features.
mg024.zip     868974 04-12-2023 
                                          MailGate 0.24               
                                     The great Gateway program!              
                                 UUCP<->UUCP, Internet provider to as many   
                                 as 255 News downlinks, unlimited subdomains,
                                 Fidonet<->Fidonet gateway of net and echo,  
                                 Internet<->Fidonet, Fidonet net/echo->Fax,  
                                 Internet->Fax, *complete* TIC server and
                                 Local Listserver, ftpmail, fileserver, Lists
                                 Fidonet ARCHIE, newsgroups, Fax mailing list
                                 Entire nodelist with access to the Internet,
                                 Use Fido to transport pure UUCP mail, use
                                 to transport pure Fido mail  *automatically*
                                 netmail and echomail servers, message base, 
                                 encrypted mail, *not* crippleware and much, 
                                 much more! (15K very summarized FEATURES.DOC
                                 Cheapest registration for all it does: US39$
mknet115.zip  244128 06-03-2024 MKNet v1.15 QWK network tosser for MK, RA,
                                Quick, Super, and other systems using
                                Hudson, Jam, Squish, Ezy, or *.Msg Message
                                bases. Fast and easy to setup. Now with
                                alternate taglines. (FW)
mmdos051.zip  351321 12-07-2022 MultiMail offline reader for DOS, v0.51 -
                                DPMI version. Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN &
                                SOUP packets. Freeware, GPL'ed. Needs at
                                least a 386, and PKZIP or InfoZip.
                                C++ source is available in mmsrc051.zip.
mmmac051.zip  178009 12-07-2022 MultiMail offline reader for Mac, v0.51 
                                Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets.
                                A Terminal app, for recent versions of macOS.
                                Freeware, GPL'ed. C++ source is available in
mmos2051.zip  191437 12-07-2022 MultiMail offline reader for OS/2, v0.51 
                                OS/2 32-bit version. Reads Blue Wave, QWK,
                                OMEN & SOUP packets. Freeware, GPL'ed.
                                Needs at least OS/2 2.0 and InfoZip.
                                C++ source is available in mmsrc051.zip.
mmw64051.zip  505058 12-07-2022 MultiMail offline reader for Windows, v0.51
                                Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets.
                                A 64-bit Windows console app.
                                Freeware, GPL'ed. C++ source is available in
mmwin051.zip  445857 12-07-2022 MultiMail offline reader for Windows, v0.51
                                Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets.
                                A Windows console app, for Win 95 through 10
                                Freeware, GPL'ed. C++ source is available in
PabloDraw-3.2.1.zip 2028311 26-04-2022 Pablo Draw GUI Win32 ANSI Editor.
patchcrt.zip   31014 20-04-2023 Executable to patch RTE200 errors
PeerBlock-Setup_v1.2_r693.exe 2374320 31-12-2022 Win32 Firewall for IP and IP ranges.
qwkcnt10.zip   27304 06-03-2024 QWKCount Version 1.0 - Free utility that
                                shows how many conferences and messages
                                are contained in a QWK mail packet.  QWK
                                network sysops can use this program to
                                verify proper operation of mail doors and
                                mail tossers, and to track down lost mail.
                                Counts can be written to a log file with
                                time and date information or simply shown
                                on the screen.  Fast and easy to use.
ragev99a.exe  290163 19-11-2024 
suarm20.zip   123958 06-03-2024 SHUT UP AND RUN THE MAIL, Ver. 2.0
                                Version 2.0 of the popular QWK
                                network tosser for RA 2.0 and
                                other Hudson/.MSG/Squish/JAM
                                Now includes auto-decryption,
                                faster duplicate handling,
                                full integration with RA 2.02,
                                encrypted mail support, AND MORE.
                                Shareware by Pab Sungenis
suarm21.zip   125647 04-04-2024 SHUT UP AND RUN THE MAIL, Ver. 2.1
                                Version 2.1 of the popular QWK
                                network tosser for RA 2.0 and
                                other Hudson/.MSG/Squish/JAM
                                This version adds support for
                                RA 2.50.
                                Shareware by Pab Sungenis
TCFE1001.ZIP 2343980 09-01-2024 [1/1]Ŀ
                                TotalControl FE for Windows95/NT
                                      version 1.0.1 32-bit      
                                 is a fully graphical RA 2.0x.  
                                 util to maintain Ra's Filebase.
                                 Do things like:                
                                 - Add/Move/Delete files.       
                                 - Automatic FILE_ID.DIZ import.
                                 - Explorer look and feel.      
                                 - VERY fast filesearches.      
                                 - Export FILES.BBS.            
                                 - Sort files by everything.    
                                 - Fully native 32-bit Win95/NT 
                                       COMPLETE PACKAGE         
TCR2H999.ZIP  466986 09-01-2024 [1/1]Ŀ
                                   tcRA2HTML for Windows95/NT   
                                      version 0.999 32-bit      
                                 is a the one and only RA2.xx   
                                 to HTML filebase converter for.
                                 Windows95 and WindowsNT        
                                 - Create nice frames pages.    
                                 - 8 to 7-bit char replacement. 
                                 - Create your own templates.   
                                 - or use an expamle.           
                                 - Create newfiles lists.       
                                 - Use in batchfiles.           
                                 - Fully native 32-bit Win95/NT 
                                       COMPLETE PACKAGE         
                                    REQUIRES INSTALLATION OF    
                                  TOTALCONTROL FILEEDITOR 1.X!  
telnetdr.zip  102925 14-07-2021 R&M's Telnet Door for 32 Bit BBSes
tieb29w.zip    87703 04-12-2023 Tiemail POP3/SMTP Email Door.  v0.29 3/02/99
                                Written by: Shawn 'Tiny' Highfield
                                This is a full features email client for Win32
                                The difference between this and all the rest
                                is simple, this is written as a door.  Now
                                sysops no longer need UUCP / Gateway software
                                to offer their users Internet Email.  You
                                need to run standard POP3 / SMTP servers.
TitanMail-1.1.6-win32.exe 7717165 27-11-2022 Titan Mail - Win32 QWK Offline Mail Reader
tp7p5fix.zip    1245 20-04-2023 TSR to patch RTE200 errors that the other
                                patchers won't handle.
tppatch.zip     9623 08-06-2022 Another executable for patching RTE200 Errors
transx27.zip  198401 04-12-2023 ****** TransX 2.7 - Shareware Version *******
                                Use Internet email to transport your Fidonet-
                                style mail and files in  order to  avoid long
                                distance bills! Great for expanding networks.
                                Supports many mailers such as: FrontDoor,BBBS
                                PCBoard,Binkley,D'Bridge,Plantinum Xpress,PKT
                                Supports almost any type of  Internet service
                                including UUCP, SMTP, RFC822, Mercury Mailer,
                                gated netmail or even a regular POP3 mailbox.
                                See our web site at http://www.multiboard.com
txm350w.zip   151216 04-12-2023 TxMAILER/32 v3.5.0 Client for Windows
                                This module allows you to integrate "TransX"
                                and the Internet using the dialup networking
                                in Windows. Supports SMTP/POP3 & FTP. TransX
                                sends your Fidonet packets over the Internet
                                to avoid long distance charges.  Visit us at 
wg093.zip    1672195 04-12-2023 WaterGate 0.93 beta. (6 July 1997)
                                Integrated Fidonet tosser and gateway
                                towards Internet. Shareware ~30$US.
                                DOS, Overlay, DPMI and OS/2 versions!
                                Tosses for FidoNet, UUCP, SMTP, BAG and
                                POP3 formats. Distributes for FidoNet
                                and UUCP downlinks. Integrated gateway,
                                areafix, newsfix, sendfile robot,
                                multi-language support, multi-character
                                set support, MIME support, mailing list
                                server, automatic file encoding and
                                decoding (UU/XX/Base64), MailTunnel
                                (archives via e-mail) and a lot more!
                                The best, complete and most user
                                friendly package to connect your
                                FidoNet system to Internet e-mail and
                                Usenet news.
                                Supports the most widely used message
                                bases (JAM, Squish, *.MSG and WildCat)
                                and mailers.
                                Detailed manual in ASCII and HTML and
                                context sensitive on-line help.
                                Easy to set up and excellent support!!
                                No time locks, No bombs, Not crippled.
xananews_32bit_v1.21.zip 2677270 09-04-2024 

                    Area 45 - Terminals                   

icy_term_0.7.4_windows_exe.zip 9381834 08-04-2024          -* ICY TERM 0.7.4 *-
                                A modern terminal program for BBS systems.
                                - Written in pure rust - fast & secure
                                - Multi platform Windows, OSX, Linux
                                - X/Y/Z Modem + variants
                                - 3D accelerated
                                - Copy & Paste
                                - IEMSI support
                                - Supports CP437, PETSCII, ATASCII, 
                                For latest builds
                                Visit Crazy Paradise BBS WHQ: cpbbs.de:2323
                                GitHub https://github.com/mkrueger/icy_term
icy_term_0.7.4_windows_msi (1).zip 8059173 08-04-2024          -* ICY TERM 0.7.4 *-
                                A modern terminal program for BBS systems.
                                - Written in pure rust - fast & secure
                                - Multi platform Windows, OSX, Linux
                                - X/Y/Z Modem + variants
                                - 3D accelerated
                                - Copy & Paste
                                - IEMSI support
                                - Supports CP437, PETSCII, ATASCII, 
                                For latest builds
                                Visit Crazy Paradise BBS WHQ: cpbbs.de:2323
                                GitHub https://github.com/mkrueger/icy_term
icy_term_windows_0.7.7.zip 4825666 27-05-2024          -* ICY TERM 0.7.7 *-
                                A modern terminal program for BBS systems.
                                - Written in pure rust - fast & secure
                                - Multi platform Windows, OSX, Linux
                                - X/Y/Z Modem + variants
                                - 3D accelerated
                                - Copy & Paste
                                - IEMSI support
                                - Supports CP437, PETSCII, ATASCII, 
                                  VIEWDATA, RIPSCRIPT and SkyPix
                                For latest builds/development visit:
                                GitHub https://github.com/mkrueger/icy_tools
icy_term_windows_0.7.8.zip 5368244 23-09-2024          -* ICY TERM 0.7.8 *-
                                A modern terminal program for BBS systems.
                                - Written in pure rust - fast & secure
                                - Multi platform Windows, OSX, Linux
                                - X/Y/Z Modem + variants
                                - 3D accelerated
                                - Copy & Paste
                                - IEMSI support
                                - Supports CP437, PETSCII, ATASCII, 
                                  VIEWDATA, RIPSCRIPT and SkyPix
                                For latest builds/development visit:
                                GitHub https://github.com/mkrueger/icy_tools
MagiTerm-1.1.16-win32.exe 2869284 27-11-2022 
mtelb12.zip   140929 31-01-2022 mTelnet beta12 for OS/2 and Win32 (November
                                10th, 2003)
                                cool telnet client features zmodem, phonebook,
                                vt100 & color backscroll!
mtmaint.zip    49876 02-02-2022     Mtel Maintenence v1.00 1
                                                  Coded by Dink with portions
                                by Dream Master
nr21_w32.rar 1047068 08-04-2024 .-------------------------------------------.
                                | NetRunner v2.00 BETA 20    Windows 32-bit |
                                | Free SDL2-based telnet/rlogin/ssh client  |
                                | for ANSI BBS emulation.  Batch Zmodem,    |
                                | scripting, iCE and XTERM color, DOS and   |
                                | Amiga font switching, mouse, and more.    |
nr21_w64.rar 1291759 08-04-2024 .-------------------------------------------.
                                | NetRunner v2.00 BETA 20    Windows 64-bit |
                                | Free SDL2-based telnet/rlogin/ssh client  |
                                | for ANSI BBS emulation.  Batch Zmodem,    |
                                | scripting, iCE and XTERM color, DOS and   |
                                | Amiga font switching, mouse, and more.    |
syncterm-1.2rc4-win32.zip 3520712 27-10-2024 
syncterm-1.2rc4-win64.zip 4040275 27-10-2024 
syncterm-1.2rc5-win32.zip 3529180 04-11-2024 
syncterm-1.2rc5-win64.zip 4046957 04-11-2024 
syncterm-1.2rc6-win32.zip 3528669 06-11-2024 
syncterm-1.2rc6-win64.zip 4049415 06-11-2024 
syncterm-1.3-win32.zip 3440610 25-11-2024 
syncterm-1.3-win64.zip 3965173 25-11-2024 
syncterm-1.4-win32.zip 4333812 18-01-2025 
syncterm-1.4-win64.zip 4353868 18-01-2025 
syncterm-1.6-win32.zip 4658288 11-02-2025 
syncterm-1.6-win64.zip 4677967 11-02-2025 

                   Area 12 - Door Games                   

8WAY.ZIP      134901 20-04-2024 Apam's 8-Way Slots for Win32
                                Simple slot machine Door Game
                                for Win32.
abyss010.zip   87251 09-07-2022 Ŀ
                                                The Abysses                
                                ==============>Version 0.10<==============
                                This is my first game module for the game: 
                                      Dungeon Master by John Dailey.       
                                   It got 10 fully completed level, 8 new  
                                 monsters, 4 new wall drawing and is a lot 
                                  of fun to play (well of course!). It is  
                                 still under devellopement and more levels 
                                        are to be added pretty soon.       
                                 You can find the newest version at those  
                                             e-mail request:               
                                 On any BBS on which it has been uploaded  
                                           and kept up to date.            
adatr.zip    3437830 27-03-2023 Another day at the races.
                                Horse racing Door, by Andrew Pamment
                                Source & Win32 Binary
                                  __________________   __/ /____________
                                 /_  / . /_  /     /  / , / . / . /  ,_/
                                /_,_/ __/_,_/_/_/_/  /___/___/___/__/
                                   /_/  telnet://happylandbbs.com:11892
AlienRetribution.zip  536186 22-10-2024 
AMB4031.ZIP  1204617 07-06-2023 Ambroshia: Test of Time 4.5 Win32 BBS Door32
                                      -=- A Multi-User BBS Realm! -=-
                                Challenge your fellow companions in the great
                                Ambroshia Arena where onlookers decide thy
                                Your past evil and good deeds could save your
                                life or end it...   http://ambrosia.thebbs.org
ambroshia4.5.REGISTERED.abandonware.zip 2142913 12-12-2023 
arcd1.zip      36631 27-11-2024  Arcadia version 1.0
                                Freeware Galaga Clone
                                from Elysium Software
axe118f.zip   149523 27-03-2023 =======================================
                                    Axe & Fang Version 1.18 Public
                                    By Charles Marchant & GrimWare
                                        Copywrite 1994/1995
                                Axe & Fang is a unix style MUD game. It
                                features 127 node support over 65
                                interactive commands and real time play.
                                When players reach 25th level they may
                                then begin adding onto the world with
                                it's built in editors. See AXE.DOC for
                                more info.
ballgm1c.zip    4348 07-05-2024 AT THE BALLPARK  -  Quest for DogWorld ][.
                                Written by Sheryl Moore (aka Granny), from
                                AgSHARE BBS  (405) 454-2453.  Unzip  these
                                files into your  \QUESTS  directory & then
                                run  the  DogQuest.exe to install.  Choose
                                option two(2) and type in BALLGM1.FUN when
                                prompted for a filename. 
bbsvdrrg.zip   11115 17-11-2024 BBS Vaders registration code generator
                                Creates registration codes for the door game
                                BBS Vaders by Cothran Computing.
biodates.zip  104824 03-12-2023 >>>>>>>> BIORYTHMS & BIRTHDAYS v3.0 <<<<<<<<
                                The program has Biorythm charts and in-depth
                                astrological information for your date of
                                birth.  Fully functional, supports multiple
                                BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes,
                                bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers,
                                COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
buck210.zip    97608 06-03-2024 Buccaneer v2.10; Permits users to roam about
                                on a 13x13 grid, attacking each other and
                                treasure ships.
catshw1c.zip    5132 07-05-2024 AT THE CAT SHOW! -  Quest for DogWorld ][.
                                Written by Sheryl Moore (aka Granny), from
                                AgSHARE BBS  (405) 454-2453.  Unzip  these
                                files into your  \QUESTS  directory & then
                                run  the  DogQuest.exe to install.  Choose
                                option two(2) and type in CATSHW1.FUN when
                                prompted for a filename. 
circus1a.zip    4465 07-05-2024 AT THE CIRCUS!  -   Quest for DogWorld ][.
                                Written by Sheryl Moore (aka Granny), from
                                AgSHARE BBS  (405) 454-2453.  Unzip  these
                                files into your  \QUESTS  directory & then
                                run  the  DogQuest.exe to install.  Choose
                                option two(2) and type in CIRCUS1.FUN when
                                prompted for a filename. 
cnw-1361.zip 2171441 05-11-2023 Complete New World v136.1Ŀ
                                136 pre-installed IGMs for L.o.R.D. ][ 
                                 Has 61 NPCs, and MUCH MORE!           
                                 By: Joel Gathercole                   
                                               read cnw.txt for details 
                                DECEMBER 29th 2000
cnw-1370.zip 2126894 04-04-2024 LoRD2: Complete New World v137.0           
                                137 pre-installed IGMs for LoRD2  
                                 -FULL VERSION                          
                                 -Has 125 NPCs, and MUCH MORE!          
                                 --WEBSITE http://greenmachinebbs.com/lord2
                                 --MARCH 17th 2001
cnw-1371.zip  150396 04-04-2024 LoRD2: Complete New World v137.1 (UPGRADE ONLY
                                137 pre-installed IGMs for LoRD2  
                                 -UPGRADE VERSION
                                 -Has 125 NPCs, and MUCH MORE!          
                                 --WEBSITE http://greenmachinebbs.com/lord2
                                 --MARCH 17th 2001
cs012d.zip     90355 27-01-2025     CRYSTALLINE STATS
                                Game Statistics Generator
                                      DOS/DPMI 386+
                                      Version 0.1.2
                                Creates HTML files for BBS
                                door games that show
                                player data similar to the
                                program's own daily stats.
                                This program currently
                                supports LORD, LORD 2,
                                Planets: TEOS, and
                                Avalon v0.85.
                                Released: October 11, 2000
                                Created By: Michael Dillon
ctarot21.zip  159934 03-12-2023     -=> The Complete Tarot Door v2.1! <=-
                                Written  using  DWDoor  v3.1  for  PowerBASIC
                                v3.x.   Supports  comports 1-8, virtually any
                                BBS program, has complete ANSI animation  and
                                generates bulletins. Six different Tarot card
                                spreads reveal the  future  of  any  question
                                asked  using  AI logic!  A must for any BBS's
                                door area!  Try this out!
                                Written   by  James  R.  Davis  -  DavisWARE!
ctoss1a.zip    75697 29-04-2024 Ol' 3-Legs CoinToss! - CoinToss v1.0a [IGM]
                                In-Game-Module for DogWorld RPG doorgame.
                                Easy install and setup! Give it a try!
                                **Freeware** No registration required!
                                This version fixes a small error in the
                                install program.
dark019d.zip  349471 07-01-2023 Ŀ
                                 Dark Lands 0.19 lph 
                                  Platform : dpmi dos  
                                Dark Lands is a RPG    
                                game where player can  
                                choose over 12 races   
                                and over 60 sub-races  
                                each with their own    
                                skills. They alse can  
                                build their own cities,
                                make war, battle each  
                                other, go on quests.   
                                The data file editor is
                                included so that you   
                                can customize the map, 
                                monsters,weapons and   
                                other game item.       
                                Dark Lands require     
                                a fossil to work, and  
                                is email-ware.         
deven1_0.zip   57042 29-04-2024 Ŀ
                                        DEVENT.EXE V1.0         
                                   Random events creator for    
                                   the BBS door game DOGWORLD   
                                  * UK BBS support available *  
                                    * Author Colin Birch *      
                                    Sysop The Dog House BBS     
                                     (01443) 400327 24hrs       
                                   Latest files - 27 Oct 1997   
deven1_1.zip   58808 06-05-2024 Ŀ
                                        DEVENT.EXE V1.1         
                                   Random events creator for    
                                   the BBS door game DOGWORLD   
                                  * UK BBS support available *  
                                    * Author Colin Birch *      
                                    Sysop The Dog House BBS     
                                     (01443) 400327 24hrs       
                                   Latest files - 13 Apr 1999   
dgwrl301.zip  483484 08-04-2024 DogWorld ][ v3.01  - Advanced RPG DoorGame!
                                ** AN RPG THATS REALLY GONE TO THE DOGS! **
                                NEW FREEWARE VERSION RELEASED! RIP2 SOUND &
                                ANIMATION! Quest scripting language! Highly
                                detailed RipGraphics & Ingame RIP icon D/L.
                                Supports 999 IGMs/999 DogQuests! Multinode,
                                nonstandard irq's, locked baud to 115k. All
                                major dropfiles are supported. Be one of 16
                                breed of dogs.  Beat  the evil DogCatcher!!
                                *** ALL YOUR USERS WILL LOVE THIS GAME! ***
                                Cothran Computing  -  registration - FREE!!
dhscop41.zip  117679 03-12-2023    -=> Daily Horoscope Door Version 4.1 <=-
                                The popular Horoscope Door has  finally  been
                                updated   and  now  has  support  for  Fossil
                                Drivers!  A great door for any BBS will  even
                                create  a  bulletin of all the horoscopes for
                                your users!  A must  for  any  NEW  AGE  BBS!
                                Written by James R. Davis! - DavisWARE!
dm-arena.zip   57881 11-07-2022            THE ARENA OF BLOOD!    
                                 Another Module in the BOOKS OF BLOOD Series
                                ==== Tournament Variation of Quest #2 ====
                                 From the Very First Steps You Will Be Drawn
                                Into a World of Mysteries and Adventure that
                                    Will keep Players Begging for More!
                                 by Mike Collard -- email: collard@aps.edu
                                ----------  designed with and for
                                  John Dailey's Dungeon Master Environment
                                              (Required to Play)
                                  from Midnight's Realm       (505)254-9415
dm-first.zip   49254 11-07-2022 ******________ FIRST BLOOD! __________*******
                                An Exciting Dungeon Master Adventure with 1st
                                  Time Players and Advanced Players in Mind.
                                 From the Very First Steps You Will Be Drawn
                                Into a World of Mysteries and Adventure that
                                    Will keep Players Begging for More!
                                 by Mike Collard -- email: collard@aps.edu
                                ----------  designed with and for
                                  John Dailey's Dungeon Master Environment
                                              (Required to Play)
                                  from Midnight's Realm       (505)254-9415
dm-lab.zip     74012 11-07-2022            THE LABYRNTH OF BLOOD!    
                                 Sequel to the Books of Blood Epic Adventure!
                                With All NEW Animated Sequences and Locations
                                (Wall Grapics) Unseen before in ANY DM module
                                 6 Unique and Compact Training Grounds to
                                 Prepare you for your Quest in the Labyrnth.
                                 by Mike Collard -- email: collard@aps.edu
                                ----------  designed with and for
                                  John Dailey's Dungeon Master Environment
                                              (Required to Play)
                                  from Midnight's Realm       (505)254-9415
dmfaq.zip      27244 19-10-2023 John Dailey's Dungeon Master FAQ Rev 01970A
                                Frequently asked questions (FAQ) text file
                                (revision #01970A) about John Dailey's
                                Dungeon Master, a high-speed, SOLID 3-D
                                ANSI polygon, graphical, and sound capable
                                online doorgame scheduled for its first
                                release, March 1997.
dmlegend.zip  114267 09-07-2022       LEGENDS of the Books of Blood! 
                                The Most Exciting Dungeon Master Adventure Yet
                                 From the Very First Steps You Will Be Drawn
                                 Into a World of Mysteries and Adventure that
                                    Will keep Players Begging for More!
                                  * With 18 Maps and New Wall Definitions
                                  * With Over 20  Quest and Mini Quest
                                  * 10 Possible Endings
                                  * Plus a Cooperative Tournament Mode!
                                 by Mike Collard -- email: collard@aps.edu
                                ----------  designed with and for
                                  John Dailey's Dungeon Master Environment
                                              (Required to Play)
                                  from Midnight's Realm       (505)254-9415
dmud099d).zip  402527 04-04-2024 DOORMUD v0.99  (Door32.sys)      [8/30/03]
                                NOTE -- This version of DoorMUD is made
                                for Door32-compliant BBS software, such as
                                WildCat Winserver, MysticBBS (Win32), 
                                EleBBS (Win32) and Mannsoft GameSrv.
                                A doorgame RPG like no other!  DoorMUD is
                                a full-featured MUD with excellent multi-
                                node gameplay and a large game world 
                                consisting of 2100 rooms! Has 200+ unique
                                items, 50 spells, tons of boss monsters 
                                and quests, lots more. Registered version
                                comes with a World Editor for sysops!
                                More info -- http://www.doormud.com
dmud099d.zip  402527 26-11-2022 DOORMUD v0.99  (Door32.sys)      [8/30/03]
                                NOTE -- This version of DoorMUD is made
                                for Door32-compliant BBS software, such as
                                WildCat Winserver, MysticBBS (Win32), 
                                EleBBS (Win32) and Mannsoft GameSrv.
                                A doorgame RPG like no other!  DoorMUD is
                                a full-featured MUD with excellent multi-
                                node gameplay and a large game world 
                                consisting of 2100 rooms! Has 200+ unique
                                items, 50 spells, tons of boss monsters 
                                and quests, lots more. Registered version
                                comes with a World Editor for sysops!
                                More info -- http://www.doormud.com
dmv10.zip     878201 19-10-2023 John Dailey's Dungeon Master v1.0 On-Line RPG
                                breaks the high-speed  barrier with SOLID 3-D
                                ANSI polygon dungeons, awesome ANSI graphics,
                                and sound.  Visually face opponents with this
                                power-packed online game environment complete
                                with three pre-built  adventures.  Build your
                                own COMPLETE RPGs with the  Construction Set,
                                also  included.   Tired of menu-driven games?
                                Check THIS out!  Registration $15.00US
dog2icns.zip  100375 29-04-2024 DogWorld .BMP's for Rip 2.x! These are the
                                rip icons converted into .BMP's for use
                                in Rip 2.x at 640x480 resolution. Please
                                make this file available to your Rip 2.x
DRK200.ZIP    509157 26-11-2022     __,---,__  ,---,__  ,---,____,---,____
                                    \        \/       \/        /    /   /
                                 ////    /        /        / __       --/
                                   /    /   /        /    ,   /    /   ////
                                  /___     /___ /   /___ /   /___ /   _\
                                      `---'    `---'    `---'    `---'
                                           -- Darkness v2.0.0 --
                                    NEW FOR 2020: Completely recoded and
                                  redesigned version of the cyberpunk LORD
                                            style BBS door game!
dyaht02.zip   110834 04-09-2024 DYaht PRO v0.2
                                A familiar dice game for
                                Win32, rpi32 and linux64
                                Slightly more advanced
                                than the one that comes
                                with fb-doordk
ednd100a.zip  103689 13-07-2022  Enhanced Dragons & Dungeons ۲
                                Version 1.00 ALPHA [Pre-Beta Release]
                                A great D&D Kill em' type door game,
                                with lots of ANSIs and Options!
                                DOOR.SYS Req, **FREEWARE**
esc100.zip     76692 16-11-2024 ESCAPE Door Game - Vers 1.00 - Fun and
                                entertaining arcade door game
                                reminescent of the old robotron (c)
                                game. Evade the zombies as long as you
                                can to reachest the highest score
                                possible. Multiple levels. Multi-node
                                capable. Supports most BBS Software
                                packages, including PC Board Vers
                                15.XX & WildCat 4.XX. The game is RIP aware,
                                does not require a fossil, but will make
                                use of one if it is available, supports
                                interupts 0-15, selectable port addresses,
                                Com ports 1-4, and speeds up to 115,200
                                baud. Automatic Windows, WindowsNT, and
                                OS/2 time slice releasing. DESQview
                                supported. $10.00
fant200.zip   223481 15-04-2024 
farm1c.zip      4846 07-05-2024 AT THE FARM!!   -   Quest for DogWorld ][.
                                Written by Sheryl Moore (aka Granny), from
                                AgSHARE BBS  (405) 454-2453.  Unzip  these
                                files into your  \QUESTS  directory & then
                                run  the  DogQuest.exe to install.  Choose
                                option two (2) and type in  FARM1.FUN when
                                prompted for a filename. 
fhnrwin.zip   923787 27-03-2023 +----------------------------+
                                |        For Honour          |
                                |           by               |
                                |       Andrew Pamment       |
                                | For Honour is a BBS door   |
                                | game similar to LORD.      |
                                |                            |
                                | Now with LUA IGM Support!  |
                                |                            |
                                | It is opensource.          |
                                |                            |
                                |  v1.90-dev        win32    |
fl2adult.zip  790508 15-04-2024 
forest1c.zip    4650 07-05-2024 IN THE FOREST   -   Quest for DogWorld ][.
                                Written by Sheryl Moore (aka Granny), from
                                AgSHARE BBS  (405) 454-2453.  Unzip  these
                                files into your  \QUESTS  directory & then
                                run  the  DogQuest.exe to install.  Choose
                                option two(2) and type in FOREST1.FUN when
                                prompted for a filename. 
gb-v4.00.rar  238948 22-04-2024 --- GuTTeRBoWL 2024 - v4.00 ----
                                Online Bowling Door! 16bit/32bit
                                Simply the B E S T  bowling door
                                you'll ever play. ANSI-intensive
                                animation! Bowl the nearly  true
                                action-pin-reaction.   Featuring
                                multi-node, multi-OS support and
                                Telnet support.  Supports nearly
                                every known dropfile.  Copyright
                                ChasWare Software  (c) 1996-2024
                                Release date ---- April 16, 2024
                                ---- FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION ---
gb2k3v3.rar   280885 23-11-2023 GuTTeRBoWL 2003 - v3.00 --------
                                Online Bowling Door! 16bit/32bit
                                Simply the B E S T  bowling door
                                you'll ever play. ANSI-intensive
                                animation! Bowl the nearly  true
                                action-pin-reaction.   Featuring
                                multi-node, multi-OS support and
                                Telnet support.  Supports nearly
                                every known dropfile.  Copyright
                                ChasWare Software  (c) 1996-2003
                                Release date --- August 24, 2003
gb2k3v32.rar  292290 23-11-2023 GuTTeRBoWL 2003 - v3.02 --------
                                Online Bowling Door! 16bit/32bit
                                Simply the B E S T  bowling door
                                you'll ever play. ANSI-intensive
                                animation! Bowl the nearly  true
                                action-pin-reaction.   Featuring
                                multi-node, multi-OS support and
                                Telnet support.  Supports nearly
                                every known dropfile.  Copyright
                                ChasWare Software  (c) 1996-2004
                                Release date --- January 4, 2004
gbigmv3.rar   290202 23-11-2023 GuTTeRBoWL 2003 ------- IGM Pack
                                16bit/32bit   versions included!
                                Gutterbowl Colors -- allow users
                                to change  their in game colors.
                                Bowlers Banter --  allow players
                                to exchange verbal blows in this
                                oneline program. ---------------
                                SweetSpot ---- allows players to 
                                select  default  ball  and curve
                                position --------Gutterbowl 2003
                                Simply the B E S T  bowling door
                                you'll ever play.      Copyright
                                ChasWare Software  (c) 1996-2003
                                Release date --- August 24, 2003
gdyn2.zip    2008573 27-03-2023 GALACTIC DYNASTY 2 (dev7)
                                A new remake of Galactic
                                Dynasty. For Win32, Linux
                                and Source Available.
                                An new apam door in 2021
GDYNWIN.ZIP   644342 12-05-2023 +----------------------------+
                                |      Galactic Dynasty      |
                                |            by              |
                                |       Andrew Pamment       |
                                | Galactic Dynasty is a BBS  |
                                | door game similar to Solar |
                                | Realms Elite.              |
                                |                            |
                                | It is interBBS capable and |
                                | opensource.                |
                                |                            |
                                |  v1.3.2-dev       WIN32    |
gflwr1c.zip     4891 07-05-2024 GRANNY'S FLOWERBEDS-Quest for DogWorld ][.
                                Written by Sheryl Moore (aka Granny), from
                                AgSHARE BBS  (405) 454-2453.  Unzip  these
                                files into your  \QUESTS  directory & then
                                run  the  DogQuest.exe to install.  Choose
                                option two (2) and type in GFLWR1.FUN when
                                prompted for a filename. 
GO136.ZIP     261704 22-11-2024  Galactic Overlord 1.36 BBS Door Game 
                                GO is a game of galactic conquest.  Each
                                player will attempt to control a universe of
                                planets.  GO has 20+ ANSI screens/animation
                                and is Multi-node friendly!  Uses JSW
                                Resource Files that contain all of the ANSI,
                                doc, etc. files for the game.  Supports
                                std/nonstd comm ports, and FOSSIL. DV, Win,
                                and OS/2 aware.
GO137B.ZIP    332895 22-11-2024 Galactic Overlord 1.37 *BETA* BBS Door Game
                                You must have GO136.ZIP to install!
                                GO is a game of galactic conquest.  Each
                                player will attempt to control a universe of
                                planets.  GO has 20+ ANSI screens/animation
                                and is Multi-node friendly!  Uses JSW
                                Resource Files that contain all of the ANSI,
                                doc, etc. files for the game.  Supports
                                std/nonstd comm ports, and FOSSIL. DV, Win,
                                and OS/2 aware.
GOLF256.ZIP    84065 07-03-2025 GOLF256.ZIP /Bin  Bytes : 89488
                                Title       :  BBS GOLF 2.56 
                                Keywords    :  DOORS GAMES GOLF BBS
                                A Great Golf Simulation to play on
                                any BBS.  Actually play golf on ansi
                                Golf course screens. Selection of clubs,
                                Angle and Power. Has Built in internal 
                                serial routines and ansi support.
                                Become a Legendary Golfer.
gwar30b5.zip  154413 03-10-2022 Globaly War 3.05 Update from 2.7.
                                Adds IBBS capabilities!
gwarv27.exe   166565 02-09-2022 Global War 2.7
gwterm27.zip   41717 20-11-2022 Special Terminal Program for Global War
gypsy1.zip      3677 07-05-2024 Gypsy Fortuneteller  -  Quest DogWorld ][.
                                Written by Sheryl Moore (aka Granny), from
                                AgSHARE BBS  (405) 454-2453.  Unzip  these
                                files into your  \QUESTS  directory & then
                                run  the  DogQuest.exe to install.  Choose
                                option two(2) and type in  GYPSY1.FUN when
                                prompted for a filename. 
hack.zip      123888 27-03-2023 Hack BBSes! (Door game)
                                Now Freeware!
haunt1a.zip     4152 07-05-2024 THE HAUNTED HOUSE - Quest for DogWorld ][.
                                Written by Sheryl Moore (aka Granny), from
                                AgSHARE BBS  (405) 454-2453.  Unzip  these
                                files into your  \QUESTS  directory & then
                                run  the  DogQuest.exe to install.  Choose
                                option two(2) and type in  HAUNT1.FUN when
                                prompted for a filename. 
hcc10310.zip  583935 27-11-2023 **** Hackers: Cyber City v1.03.10 ****
                                  aRe YOu TiReD OF PLaYiNG THOSe
                                  OLD MeDieVaL ROLe PLaYiNG GaMeS
                                  WHeRe YOu FiGHT iN THe FOReST
                                  aND LeVeL uP, OR HOW aBOuT SPaCe
                                  eXPLORaTiON ROLe PLaYiNG GaMeS?
                                  WeLL, HACKERS: THE CYBER CITY iS
                                  NeiTHeR OF THeSe!  WHY NOT LeaVe
                                  THe DRaGON KiLLiNG, aND SPaCe
                                  eXPLORaTiON uP TO THe WeNieS,
                                  aND HaCK LiKe THe BiG BOYS DO.
                                  DOWNLOaD aND PLaY HACKERS: CYBER
                                  CITY !!!  NOW RuNS ON PeNTiuM PRO
                                  aND FaSTeR COMPuTeRS!
                                     COPYRiGHT 1998-1999 TaLON
                                     iNNOVaTiONS..SHaReWaRe $10
iching12.zip   97955 03-12-2023 .     -=> The True I-Ching Door v1.2 <=-
                                A new age door that will answer any question
                                put  to it about the future using the I-Ching
                                method of fortune telling.   Brand  new,  how
                                off  the  compiler.   Supports just about any
                                BBS system and Fossil drivers.   A  must  for
                                any BBS that enjoys new age doors!
                                Another Fine DavisWARE Door! - James R. Davis
ichng12a.zip  221496 03-12-2023 WYNTER STONE'S I CHING 1.2a 
                                The I Ching (Book of Changes) is an ancient 
                                Chinese book used for both fortune telling 
                                and philosophical insight. Toss coins or 
                                sticks to create a pattern of 6 lines, 
                                forming a hexagram for interpretation. You 
                                can edit the text for each hexagram and add 
                                your own comments. Readings can be saved, 
                                edited, printed.
jedi105.zip   130473 27-01-2025 Jedi Knights BBS Online Game Ver 1.05
                                This Game is a RPG Door Based on StarWars
                                Now With IGM Support!!!!
                                Please Read the WhatsNew.Txt File and Docs
                                before installing.
jns_gs45.zip  224278 22-11-2024 Golf Solitaire Door v4.5    By JNS Software,
                                Released 1-10-97. This  is a  solitaire card
                                game  which  features  Tournament Play for a
                                very competitive game. Supports Non Standard
                                Com Port  addressing,  & Fossil Support.  NO
                                EVALUATION KEY required. The registered ver-
                                sion features  Make-Up & Play Ahead  options
                                as well  as a Bulletin maker and  User Score
                                Data Editor which is built in. Fixes monthly
                                maintenance score problem and more.
kdom-223.zip  572550 07-03-2025 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                              KINGDOMS v2.23
                                              May 10th, 1998
                                  Better and Better! Once more Kingdoms
                                 sets the pace for InterBBS games. Don't
                                  waste time with other Doors that only
                                  have InterBBS facilities as an add-on!
                                   Get the Real Thing. Get Kingdoms.
                                  Completely integrated and Menu driven
                                 Game and InterBBS feature configuration.
                                 Game Play that users all over the world
                                 are raving about. C'mon. You WANT this!
                                Kingdoms (c) 93-98 Dave Chapman. Shareware
king821.zip   288873 07-03-2025 King of the Board Version 8.21
                                The most popular Trivia game 
                                for BBS Systems.
                                Supports Fossil Drivers
                                Non-Standard IRQ's
                                Supports ALL Major BBS's
                                Now menu Driven!
                                Now with First Intial & Last name
                                This is the complete package
                                Read the !KING.NEW for changes
                                Supported since 1987!
                                Corrected handling of LONG last names
L2102.RAR     447779 04-02-2022 -= LORD2: New World V1.02 =-
                                  ::: LORD2  : NEW WORLD ::  
                                ޲                         ۰ 
                                ޱ The sequel to LORD.  Real      
                                  time multinode interactive    
                                 ansi mud. For local/BBS use. 
l2tl160.zip   482091 27-01-2025 TEOS LORD, version 1.60
                                Req. LORD2 registration!
                                Use PKUNZIP -D to unzip.
                                By Michael Adams Programming
                                A Powerful LORD2 World,
                                derived from Planets:TEOS.
                                Pilot ships! Explore planets!
                                Take sides! Have fun!
leech72.zip    67804 19-02-2023 Leech 7.2 -- Online Hacking Game.
                                Update of an old Classic
                                A lot of Fixes and some new feature in this
                                version of Leech.  The best of all it's
                                Supports PCBoard, WildCat, WWIV,  Door.sys
                                dorinfo1.def drop files.
legd091a.zip 1150368 01-01-1998 [0m $$sss  s$"                             
                                 $$  $$ $$
                                 $$"""" $$""$e $"//  $$""s  $$""$$ $$sssss
                                 $$     $$  $$ $SSSS $$  $$ $$$$$$ $$ $$ $$
                                : // Legion v.0.9.1a
                                       by: cr1mson
                                 released: 12/07/22
                                       OS: Win32
                                A dark and ancient EVIL demon that rules
                                the unholy UNDERWORLD has captured your
                                KING. You must venture forth young traveler
                                to FIND and FREE him of the hell that he is
                                trapped and tortured in. May you have many
                                victories and GODSPEED to your travel ahead.
                                    ..///// phenom.productions \\\\\..
                                 >> website :: http://www.phenomprod.com
lemon43.zip   120195 21-04-2023 "Lemonade v4.30"
                                Run your own stand! Supports various COM
                                ports, DESQview aware, non-standard IRQ's,
                                colorful ANSI screens, top 10 bulletin
                                creation, fully SysOp configurable,
                                supports most BBS types, and even fossil
lisa20.zip    186392 17-04-2023 CHAT WITH LISA! Virtual Sysop or BBS Hostess.
                                v2.0 is FREEWARE. Lisa will chat with your
                                callers about any subject. Use as a Door or
                                Sysop Page. Sysop can select Lisa's name and
                                customize her responses. Chats can be logged.
                                Hot Chat available for adults. Supports most
                                BBS's, multinode, COM1-15. From ChAoS Online.
lord406.zip   355646 30-12-2023 -= Legend Of The Red Dragon 4.06 =-
                                 Marry and bury real people in the
                                 fantasy world of LORD, the grand
                                 daddy of all Multinode interactive
                                 BBS doorgames!
LORD407.ZIP   444450 08-02-2022 -= Legend Of The Red Dragon 4.07 =-
                                 From the ashes, the Dragon rides
                                 again! Major release featuring
                                 low cpu usage, cosmetic speed
                                 improvements, edit most everything!
lord408bupd.zip  286118 22-04-2022 Update file for Lord 4.08 from 4.07
lord_407_w32.zip 1416211 30-12-2024 LORD v4.07 (alpha) for Win32 (DOOR32.SYS
                                and WINS DOOR32.DLL compatible systems)
                                Seth Able's LORD for DOS ported to 32-bit
                                Windows by Michael Preslar
                                The configuration program (LORDCFG.EXE) was
                                not ported to 32-bit, so still requires a
                                16-bit MS-DOS environment to configure.
lore_250.zip  699224 16-04-2023 Ķ LORE  Version 2.50 
                                An on-line game of fantasy role-playing!
                                Features  a  full-screen  ANSI  graphics
                                interface, with a detailed and colourful
                                moving  map  system.    Over  1  million
                                locations to move to! Visit 50+ cities &
                                talk with the inhabitants interactively,
                                or go underground in search of treasure!
                                Hundreds  of  monsters  to  fight!  Full
                                Inter-BBS support,  real-time  multinode
                                interaction,  build and defend your  own
                                fully-featured  bases,   hire  computer-
                                controlled allies,  and much more.  Very
                                easy  to  install  and configure,even if
                                you've never installed a door before!
                                Ķ Released April 25, 1998 
lrd408txtupd.zip   15577 22-04-2022 Updated text data file for Lord 4.08
magic320.zip  110125 22-11-2024 Magic Poker Machine v3.10
                                Magic Poker Machine is a game that plays
                                exactly like the arcade poker machines.
                                You may insert up to ten coins (the more
                                coins the more you may win). The computer
                                then deals you a five card poker hand.
                                You may then decide which card(s) to keep
                                and which to have re-dealt.  You must
                                keep at least one card per hand. The
                                computer pays off for Royal Flushes,
                                Straight Flushes, three of a kind, four
                                of a kind, flushes, full houses, straights
                                two pairs, or a pair of Jacks or Better.
                                The amount won depends on the odds times
                                the amount of coins you inserted.
                                Original Programming by: Mike Wilson
                                Updated by; Marty Blankenship
                                Distributed by: BBSFiles.com
mahjongg (1).zip  101377 22-11-2024 Majongg Solitare (Door game)
                                Now Freeware!
mahjongg.zip  101377 19-02-2023 Majongg Solitare (Door game)
                                Now Freeware!
mel351.zip    466678 19-10-2023 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                -=-=-   MELEE v3.51 Public Release!   -=-=-
                                     This ansi door is the most in-depth
                                       gladiatorial combat role-playing
                                     game available for multi-player BBS
                                     use. Enter the guild and build your
                                        skills, equipment, stats, and
                                    knowledge toward the goal of becoming
                                       the top Warrior in the country!
                                    Warriors can be imported and exported
                                      from other BBS's and to the World
                                      MELEE HeadQuarters for entrance in
                                          International Tournaments.
                                    Supports multi-node play via internal
                                  file locking, and speeds up to 115,200bps.
                                   Do YOU have what it takes to become the
                                      Quality Shareware from Steve Adams
                                Fido 1:244/110 INet Melee@Aceshigh.Gryn.Org
mel352d.zip    32392 19-10-2023 
mel_352.zip   467531 19-10-2023 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                -=-=-   MELEE v3.52 Public Release!   -=-=-
                                     This ansi door is the most in-depth
                                       gladiatorial combat role-playing
                                     game available for multi-player BBS
                                     use. Enter the guild and build your
                                        skills, equipment, stats, and
                                    knowledge toward the goal of becoming
                                       the top Warrior in the country!
                                    Warriors can be imported and exported
                                      from other BBS's and to the World
                                      MELEE HeadQuarters for entrance in
                                          International Tournaments.
                                    Supports multi-node play via internal
                                  file locking, and speeds up to 115,200bps.
                                   Do YOU have what it takes to become the
                                      Quality Shareware from Steve Adams
                                Fido 1:244/110 INet Melee@Aceshigh.Gryn.Org
midt0995.zip  123351 03-12-2023 Midnite Hacker  is an intense online
                                door program that is based  sometime
                                in the near future where hackers are
                                always trying to overtake the entire
                                electronic world. The game simulates
                                crashing  bulletin  boards,  hacking
                                other players  in the game, plus has
                                great graphics, and supports the new
                                AVATAR emulation. Ver 0.994 Dec 19th
                                1994. Don St. Germain [Ring of Fire]
mm065b.zip     36747 16-11-2024 |07MystMan Beta Version o.65 Release!
                                |07It's Pacman(tm) ANSi-BBS Style!
                                |07Unzip with Pkunzip -D switch
                                |10Myst Productions (c) 1996,1997
mm46.zip      323002 07-03-2025 /\/\urder /\/\otel \/ersion 4.6
                                The original MURDER MOTEL!
                                Now supports all BBS's with
                                Fossil drivers. This Door Game
                                is now FREEWARE! :)
MOG100.ZIP    562206 30-12-2023 Mines of Gorr v1.00 BBS Door Game
                                MOG is the most advanced medieval role
                                playing door game available today. It has
                                full 3D dungeon exploration, 2D auto-
                                mapping, 250 monsters, and over 170 weapons
                                and armor items. It is also FULLY multi-node
                                capable with internode combat. Also supports
                                the FOSSIL and most BBS dropfiles.
momud14.zip   202731 26-11-2022  Mo's MUD v1.4 - MultiUser Dungeons 
                                Multi Node Chat/Action Adventure door.
                                Written for PCBoard, WildCat, QBBS, Gap,
                                SpitFire, WWIV, RBBS, UtraBBS, Telegard,
                                Remote Access and more! 115,200 baud support.
                                Also NON-BBS local (Single/Network) Play.
                                NOT CRIPPLED!!! 
                                Author: Maurice Boers     
mw19g.zip     404972 05-05-2023 MECHWARS v1.9G : Released 12/07/93.  Bug fix
                                upgrade with no missing files!
                                * Supports most BBS types.
                                * Fossil and non-standard IRQ support.
                                * Multitasker aware.
netrn102.zip  207918 26-11-2022 NetRunner Door V1.02 for PCBoard, Gap, WC!,
                                RBBS, QBBS and Others!  The first true 'Cyber
                                Punk' online game.  You're a NetRunner, bold
                                and arrogant!  Use your cyberdeck and an
                                assortment of hacking 'wares to invade the
                                corporate systems and raid their credits.
                                NetRunner uses ANSI graphics and keypad for
                                movement in the grid and systems.
                                By Rob Jacob and Seattle Cybertechnologies.
                                February 9th, 1992
nordic2.zip   203612 15-04-2024  NoRDiC ReaLMS Version 1.20wb 
                                An on-line game of fantasy role-playing!
                                You  are a Viking in times long gone by.
                                You set sail   in ships to battle deadly
                                sea creatures, tidal waves, cylones, and
                                foriegn lands. This game has some really
                                nice ANSi graphics!    It comes standard
                                with an easy to operate  configurator to
                                allow easy installation.    It currently
                                supports DORINFOx and DOOR.SYS drop file
                                formats,  and more are being working on.
                                This is the    first  WiDE BeTa-InterBBS
                                release of this game anywhere,   so PICK
                                IT UP NOW! This game  is  written   in a
                                combination  of   languages  for  better
                                communications. It was Written By:
                                      Corley Efurd  (c)1995, 96
                                - - -* Released:  November 14, 1996 *- - -
number15.zip  134187 03-12-2023 Online Numerology Door Version 1.5
                                Computes User Major Number and Gives an
                                Analyzes User Destiny Number
                                Analyzes User Birth Force Number
                                Analyzes User Heart's Desire Number 
                                Analyzes User Personality Number
                                Analyzes User Reality Number
                                Analyzes User Physical Plane Number
                                Analyzes User Emotional Plane Number
                                Analyzes User Mental Plane Number
                                Analyzes User Intuitive Plane Number
                                Personal Number for the Current Year
                                View Other Users Numerological Analysis
                                Sexuality Numerological Analysis
                                Life Cycle Graph
obsow100.zip   93937 29-04-2024 Ol'Blue's School of Wisdom
                                v1.00!  A totally new IGM
                                from the ground up for
                                DogWorld & DogWorld ][!
                                Writtne by Carl Goad of
                                CSG Software.No shareware
                                delays!  Now, when the IGM
                                is registered, players can
                                play more than once daily!  
                                External file can be added to 
                                change menu items! No hidden 
                                areas! Multi-node capable!
                                Only $5.00 to register!
obsow101.zip   93912 29-04-2024 Ol'Blue's School of Wisdom
                                v1.10!  A totally new IGM
                                from the ground up for
                                DogWorld & DogWorld ][!
                                Writtne by Carl Goad of
                                CSG Software.No shareware
                                delays!  Now, when the IGM
                                is registered, players can
                                play more than once daily!  
                                External file can be added to 
                                change menu items! No hidden 
                                areas! Multi-node capable!
                                Only $5.00 to register!
obtp100.zip    92716 29-04-2024 Ol'Blue's Trading Post 
                                v1.00!  A totally new IGM
                                from the ground up for
                                DogWorld & DogWorld ][!
                                Writtne by Carl Goad of
                                CSG Software.No shareware
                                delays!  Now, when the IGM
                                is registered, players can
                                play more than once daily!  
                                No hidden areas! Multi-node
                                capable! Only $5.00 to
obtp101.zip    92758 29-04-2024 Ol'Blue's Trading Post 
                                v1.01!  A totally new IGM
                                from the ground up for
                                DogWorld & DogWorld ][!
                                Writtne by Carl Goad of
                                CSG Software.No shareware
                                delays!  Now, when the IGM
                                is registered, players can
                                play more than once daily!  
                                No hidden areas! Multi-node
                                capable! Only $5.00 to
ooii_120.zip  672911 22-04-2022 Operation: Overkill v1.20 BBS doorgame
                                The original wasteland BBS on-line
                                doorgame, Operation: Overkill, allows
                                your users to battle against the evil
                                and vile Hydrites in preventing them
                                from conquering the planet.  Great
                                user interaction provides for revenging
                                subplots of bloodlust and conquering.
                                Compatible with most any BBS software,
                                fossil driver required of speeds 9600+,
                                multi-node aware! Telnet aware!
OREGON.ZIP    799477 15-11-2024 Oregon Trail - By Andrew Pamment
                                Ported from BASIC code written by
                                Bill Heinemann in 1971.
                                Your family sets out on a trip from
                                Independence Missouri to Oregon
                                City Oregon. Try to survive the
                                trip and make it  into the top 10
osbg101.zip    88213 29-04-2024 OSBG101.ZIP - Ol'Scruff's Bar & Grill
                                v.1.01  A hot, new igm for Ken Cothran's
                                DogWorld!  The first in a new series of
                                igm's for DogWorld! Download it today
                                and check it out! Multinode capable!
                                Registration is only $5.00!
osbg200.zip    94610 29-04-2024 Ol'Scruff's Bar & Grill
                                v2.00! A totally new IGM
                                from the ground up for
                                DogWorld & DogWorld ][!
                                Writtne by Carl Goad of
                                CSG Software.No shareware
                                delays!  Now, when the IGM
                                is registered, players can
                                play more than once daily!  
                                External file can be added to 
                                change menu items! No hidden 
                                areas! Multi-node capable!
                                Still only $5.00 to register!
osbg201.zip    94475 29-04-2024 Ol'Scruff's Bar & Grill
                                v2.01! A totally new IGM
                                from the ground up for
                                DogWorld & DogWorld ][!
                                Writtne by Carl Goad of
                                CSG Software.No shareware
                                delays!  Now, when the IGM
                                is registered, players can
                                play more than once daily!  
                                External file can be added to 
                                change menu items! No hidden 
                                areas! Multi-node capable!
                                Still only $5.00 to register!
otra101r.zip  440198 07-03-2025      ////
                                    (o o)
                                 oOO (_) Ooo
                                Outpost Trader (registered) v1.01
                                Space Trading Galactic Conquest Door 
                                Game. You can aquire better ships as 
                                you climb the ranks. Use multiple 
                                weapons and Devices. Team Officers 
                                have unique duties. Play with chesslike 
                                strategy or be a rouge! Build your planets 
                                to reach higher Tech Levels. 
                                Build your empire! 
                                   (_) (_)
pegjmp26.zip   94630 03-12-2023 Peg Jump v2.6. A logic puzzle game
                                similar to the classic Hi-Que peg puzzle.
                                Object is to jump the pegs in such a way
                                as to leave only one peg, preferably in
                                the center hole.  Supports most BBS
                                software, multi-node, COM 0-15, 115K
                                Baud, and non-standard IRQ's.  Now
                                supports multi-port boards using FOSSIL
                                drivers including PCBoard/M!. Runs in
                                local mode with /local.
PEGJUMP.ZIP   106016 03-12-2023 Peg-Jump v1.6 - Door Game by Mike Jordan.
                                Requires skill and thought. Jump the pegs
                                in this classic game. It's not just a 
                                solitaire game this time. Compete against
                                other players for the high score.  
                                No expiration date or demo key required.
PIT-417Q.ZIP   63623 05-06-2022 Patch for The Pit 4.17
pit417.zip    950297 05-06-2022 The Pit 4.17:  Dungeon Combat Game! 
planrip.zip     3739 27-01-2025 RIP interface for Planets TEOS
                                Give Planets a Rip screen for
                                your RIP users!
pn-legd084a.zip  533118 08-08-2022 Phenom Group's Legion RPG 0.8.4a
PORTVICTORIA.ZIP 1233604 15-11-2024 Port Victoria - By Andrew Pamment
                                Sea faring trading game. Amass wealth
                                by trading at various ports, Upgrade
                                your ship or Gamble away your gold in
                                the Tavern.
pw200.zip     124530 16-11-2024 Penis Wars--Version 2.00, NO
                                EXPIRATION, a spoof on the current
                                space games on the market. This is
                                an adult door!
race239.zip    68955 22-11-2024 Race239.zip - BBS Drag Racing ver 2.39
                                A Great DRAG RACING Simulation to play on
                                any BBS.  MULTI-NODE Interactive RACES.
                                Desqview support.Wager against other
                                players as well as against the track.  
                                Full report of who raced you and how much 
                                they beatout of you.  Has Built in internal
                                serial routines and ansi support.  Rule the 
                                Drag Racing Circuit. Very popular game. 
                                Only takes a few minutes per day for
                                players to take their races.. 
RCHASE01.ZIP  214847 04-09-2024 Robot Chase - an apam door 2019
                                Avoid the high voltage power lines
                                and lure the killer robots to their
                                death to ensure your safety.
                                SOURCE & WIN32 Binary
sbbs-master-xtrn-lord2.zip 2380112 08-04-2024 
sea1.zip        4632 07-05-2024 AT THE SEASHORE!  - Quest for DogWorld ][.
                                Written by Sheryl Moore (aka Granny), from
                                AgSHARE BBS  (405) 454-2453.  Unzip  these
                                files into your  \QUESTS  directory & then
                                run  the  DogQuest.exe to install.  Choose
                                option two (2) and type in  SEA1.FUN  when
                                prompted for a filename. 
sgv11.exe      63493 18-11-2024 
simbb240.zip  164276 27-03-2023 BBS Simulator v2.40 - Win32/DOS Version
                                A doorgame for ANY BBS.  Now supports the
                                Door32 standard! Let your users try their
                                hands at running their own board. Good
                                quality game, short and sweet game play.
                                Players are ranked by the number of
                                subscribers they have. Real world problems.
                                MANY new features! Now comes with a player
                                editor! Up to 32,000 sysop definable in game
                                messages now! The BEST BBS Simulation game
                                available! FREEWARE!
                                [ Elysium Software -*- www.elysoft.org/zoob ]
simbb243.zip  321150 12-02-2021 BBS Simulator v2.43 - For DOS/Win32/OS2/Linux
                                Let your users try running their own board.
                                Short and sweet game play, with real world
                                problems! Players are ranked by the number
                                of subscribers they have. *WIN32 FIXED*
                                [ Elysium Software -*- www.elysoft.org/zoob ]
sqgs131d.zip  706500 19-02-2023  -=- Space Quest 2112 Game Server v1.31d NOW
                                  - Space Quest 2112 32bit Game Server -
                                A Great SPACE ADVENTURE Simulation to play
                                via Telnet connection or BBS. Command your 
                                Galaxy Class Star Cruiser from the Virtual 
                                Reality type ANSI Bridge.  You can Actually 
                                see the planets and ships as you blow them 
                                up. Form alliances, construct Space cities.
                                Over 250,000 unique space locations.
                                Copyright 1990-2007 RealityPoint Productions.
                                            All Rights Reserved.
                                       Maintained by XBit (x-bit.org)
                                -[ welcome to Space Quest 2112 Game Server ]-
                                             ܲ۰۰   .       
                                  ߱        ܲ۳.۰۰        
                                   ߱      ۲  IJ۰۰      
                                ߱       .۳.۲۳  .       
                                         ۰۲     ۰       
                                  ܱ     ߲۲۲.۰۰.     ܱ
                                       .    ۲۲.۲  .      
                                     ܱ߱    .             ܱ
                                                      .   ܱ
                                web:    http://x-bit.org/sq2112.htm
                                server: telnet://x-bit.org:2112
stack_32.zip   86711 10-04-2023 Stack'Em! v3.2. 'Tetris' type DOOR game for
                                many BBS types from J & W Software.
                                New: support for FOSSIL ports > 8, Windows
                                and OS/2 time slices released, alias support
                                (DOOR.SYS only). Features include:
                                ANSI/RIPScrip displays, Full Multi-Node
                                support, easy setup and no maintenance.
startrek.zip  282740 27-01-2025 STAR TREK ENHANCED - KLINGON INCURSION 1.1
                                Star Trek is an enhanced version of the old
                                Startrek game in its concept. In this game
                                you still navigate around killing invading
                                Klingon ships, but you can also Dock to the
                                Starbases, Or orbit Planets like Earth. The
                                game does not stop there, you can get up
                                and walk around the ship, or space station,
                                Beam Down, Shuttle Down to Planets and walk
                                around, Talk to People, Get attacked by the
                                Klingons. This is a Star Trek game sure, but
                                it is also a Role Playing Adventure Game.
                                By Gary Crunk, anotherbbs.bbsindex.com!
subatk23.zip  181352 22-11-2024 "Sub Attack v2.3"
                                This game will attempt to simulate the
                                complex world of submarine warfare in a
                                fun and entertaining door game for your
                                BBS or as a personal arcade game for your
                                IBM/clone computer. You will be in command
                                of an American Los Angeles class
                                submarine. You will navigate your ship
                                across the globe in search of your
                                targets. As your experience grows so will
                                your ships lethal capacity and range. You
                                can play against other players and several
                                different missions.
                                Original Programming: Rick Salinas
SUDOKU.zip     67654 17-01-2022 Sudoku2 - By Andrew Pamment
                                -= Compiled for DOS =-
                                Classic game of sudoku in door
                                format. Now with high scores!
sudoku_w32.zip  115327 01-01-1998 32 Bit Version of Sudoku door by Apam
tarot.zip      96968 03-12-2023 >>>>>>>>>> TAROT CARD READER v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<
                                The Tarot Reader will attempt to predict
                                your future and determine your destiny using
                                the 78 card tarot deck.  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
tdogh1_2.zip  122402 29-04-2024 Ŀ
                                 **     TDH Rovers Place  V1.2     ** 
                                     The latest IGM for DOGWORLD      
                                  Visit the shrine of Rover.          
                                  Do you dare drink from the bowls    
                                  or attempt to pee against a post    
                                  not knowing what could happen ?     
                                   Find out - install the IGM NOW     
                                     * UK BBS support available *     
                                          Author Colin Birch          
                                       Sysop  The Dog House BBS       
                                         (01443) 400327 24hrs         
                                      Latest files - 14 Dec 1996      
tdogh1_3.zip  121904 29-04-2024 Ŀ
                                 **     TDH Rovers Place  V1.3    ** 
                                     The latest IGM for DOGWORLD     
                                  Visit the shrine of Rover.         
                                  Do you dare drink from the bowls   
                                  or attempt to pee against a post   
                                  not knowing what could happen ?    
                                   Find out - install the IGM NOW    
                                        Minor bug fix update         
                                    * UK BBS support available *     
                                         Author Colin Birch          
                                      Sysop  The Dog House BBS       
                                        (01443) 400327 24hrs         
                                     Latest files - 28 Dec 1996      
tdogh2_0.zip  122121 29-04-2024 Ŀ
                                 **     TDH Colins Casino V1.0     ** 
                                     The latest IGM for DOGWORLD      
                                        Visit Colins Casino.          
                                  Do you dare play the games - you    
                                  could loose all your bones - then   
                                  again, you might just win.          
                                   Find out - install the IGM NOW     
                                     * UK BBS support available *     
                                          Author Colin Birch          
                                       Sysop  The Dog House BBS       
                                         (01443) 400327 24hrs         
                                      Latest files - 14 Dec 1996      
tdogh2_1.zip  121689 29-04-2024 Ŀ
                                 **     TDH Colins Casino V1.1    ** 
                                     The latest IGM for DOGWORLD     
                                        Visit Colins Casino.         
                                  Do you dare play the games - you   
                                  could loose all your bones - then  
                                  again, you might just win.         
                                   Find out - install the IGM NOW    
                                       Minor bug fix update          
                                    * UK BBS support available *     
                                         Author Colin Birch          
                                      Sysop  The Dog House BBS       
                                        (01443) 400327 24hrs         
                                     Latest files - 28 Dec 1996      
therest.zip     3430 29-04-2024 THE RESTAURANT -  A quest for DogWorld ][. 
                                Written by Dawn Brockhausen  (aka Thumper)
                                of Thumper's Hole BBS.  Unzip  these files
                                into your  \QUESTS  directory and then run
                                the DogQuest program to install the quest.
                                Choose option 2 and type in REST1.FUN when
                                prompted for a filename. 
titanslots-master.zip  219428 13-10-2022 
tnt124.zip    225075 01-01-1998  Tunnels-n-Tombs 1.24 JPSoft Doorware
                                 A classic maze game with a touch of
                                 such greats as Moria, Rogue, Hack and
                                 Larn.  Sysop configurable. Supports
                                 DORINFOx.DEF or DOOR.SYS, FOSSIL or
                                 ASYNC, and RIP.  Full editor for easy
                                 configuration and maintenance.
town1.zip       3803 07-05-2024 OTHER SIDE OF TOWN - Quest for DogWorld ][
                                Written by Sheryl Moore (aka Granny), from
                                AgSHARE BBS  (405) 454-2453.  Unzip  these
                                files into your  \QUESTS  directory & then
                                run  the  DogQuest.exe to install.  Choose
                                option two (2) and type in TOWN1.FUN  when
                                prompted for a filename. 
train1.zip      4325 07-05-2024 IN THE TRAINYARD! - Quest for DogWorld ][.
                                Written by Sheryl Moore (aka Granny), from
                                AgSHARE BBS  (405) 454-2453.  Unzip  these
                                files into your  \QUESTS  directory & then
                                run  the  DogQuest.exe to install.  Choose
                                option two (2) and type in TRAIN1.FUN when
                                prompted for a filename. 
tuq100_1.zip  195512 22-11-2024 Uncertia: TUQ v1.00 - An incredible door game
                                which features a tremendous amount of great
                                ANSI, arcade-like battles, overhead and side
                                views of maps, adventure, and much more!
                                Supports DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF, CHAIN.TXT.
                                Extremely easy to set up!
TW02_309.ZIP 1430249 08-02-2022 This is a special, DPMI version  for use
                                a  Windows type  environment  or DOS extender
                                Trade Wars 2002 is one of the most popular
                                board games of all times! The new version 3.09
                                brings  multiplayer combat and  interaction to
                                the DOS or Windows based BBS! This version
                                a completely new file access system to
                                multiplayer problems and increase the speed
                                the game.   Version 3.09 now costs twenty
                                dollars to register and  is a  FREE upgrade
                                any sysop that  registered TW2002 in the past
                                This  archive contains version  3.09  and was
                                released on November 13th, 1998.
ubv13.zip     167922 03-12-2023 ULTIMATE BBS v1.3 BBS simulation game!
                                Multi-node aware now, and support for UDGs
                                (Ultimate Door Games). Also features a new
                                play style. Play as a Sysop and run your
                                board, call bbs's and actually logon, post
                                messages, or play door games. Compete to
                                become the "Ultimate BBS"!
update6.zip    96750 02-09-2022 Global War 3.06  3.05 Required!
utuq100r.zip   11268 22-11-2024  Uncertia: The Unknown Quest v1.00 keygen 
                                 Registers the door game Uncertia: The    
                                 Unknown Quest by Edhanced Software.  For 
                                 v1.00 only.                              
vader122.zip   88621 17-11-2024 BBS Vaders ver 1.22 - COOL ANSI ARCADE GAME!!
                                Fixes  "old"  gun characters  left on screen.
                                New bonus for unused fuel between each round.
                                Blast those darn "Vaders" before they land or
                                before they zap you with the deadly heat ray.
                                Earn guided missiles! Four Waves of aliens in
                                the registered version! Easy  setup and never
                                reset Ansi/Ascii top 10 external score files.
                                Cothran Computing. reg $10
vampire2_registered.zip 1265892 22-11-2024 VAMPIRES 2!!!  The Children of Darkness
                                are back!  Amazing new door release!  
                                Works great on all BBS's.  The Most & 
                                Best Graphics.  A Major Upgrade, Loaded 
                                with new features!  Completely Multinode
                                ******** A MUST DOWNLOAD!! ************
                                Your users will love you for it!
vbhang13.zip  101784 22-11-2024 VB-Hang Verison 1.3
                                Vagabond's Hangman Version 1.3
                                FREEWARE! Now you can play
                                hangman on your BBS for free!
                                Yet another freeware release
                                from Vagabond Software!
vhunt95.zip   199952 22-04-2022  V  I  R  T  U  A  L   H  U  N  T v0.95
                                   ** MUD-style game for your BBS **
                                         ** NOW FREEWARE!! **
                                  Hunt out computer players and human
                                 players in a real-time environment. As
                                 many as 20 computer players do battle
                                in a virtual world with the player.  AI
                                    players "think" and act on user
                                movements!  Download today, amazing new
                                 concept!  Make your own AI players or
                                         virtual worlds easily!
voyr293b.zip  123705 03-12-2023 Voyeur Adult Door game v2.93
                                from 'PG' Productions
                                Menu driven Adult text
                                adventure. *NEW* Multi-
                                gender game play!
                                Supports most all BBS drop
                                files. Easy to set up!
wboy048.zip    42299 22-11-2024 Weiner Boy v0.48.DOS              (97/06/25)
                                DOS clone of the popular doorgame Weiner Boy
                                for Amiga BBS's.  Now your BBS can get its
                                important intake of perversion and filth.
                                Freeware-ish, from Psych0Soft. Rating flags:
                                [AL, AS, MV, RP, SC], very sick, very funny!
win32wordle20240918.zip 1647616 18-09-2024 
win32wordle20250128.zip 1083448 13-03-2025 
wm3d126a.zip   72054 19-02-2023 >>>>>>>>>>> Wizard Maze 3D V1.26 <<<<<<<<<<<
                                100 levels of confusing 3D mazes. Your
                                users enter as a young apprentice who has
                                mistakenly put himself on trial. They must 
                                navigate the mazes using spells, automap, 
                                and a compass before being overcome by 
                                noxious fumes. Supports DOOR.SYS,
                                DORINFOx.DEF, WILDCAT, DigiBoard, Fossil,
                                higher IRQ settings, and RIP detection.
                                NEW: Improved auto-mapper, depth shading,
                                Multi-tasker friendly!  *SHAREWARE*  $15.00
xq165.zip     187975 08-03-2025 
                                 XENO-QUEST Ver. 1.65
                                     Sept 18, 1993
YT36.ZIP      225059 22-08-2024 Yankee Trader - The original space/trading war
                                game by
                                Alan Davenport.
YT36c.ZIP     223728 22-08-2024 
YT36d.ZIP     223778 22-08-2024 
YT36f-2000-sector.ZIP  223212 22-08-2024 
YT36g-2004-sector.ZIP  222087 22-08-2024 Yankee Trader - The original space/trading war
                                game by
                                Alan Davenport.
zat1-02c.zip  109433 03-12-2023 Zatij Inc v1.02... CyberPunk Door
                                Where Users Like Kick Butt on Bad
                                Guys and have to save the world.. 
                                  --- TBRGames (C) 1995 ---

                    Area 13 - Protocols                   

CEXYZ101.RAR   53070 03-02-2022 A FreeWare X, Y, and Zmodem protocol
                                driver from the author of The Blue Wave
                                Offline Mail System.  CEXYZ/2 is a 32
                                bit OS/2 text mode application.
                                Protocols include Zmodem, 8K Zmodem
                                (ZedZap), Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Ymodem-1K,
                                Xmodem CRC and Xmodem-Checksum. Includes
                                sample files for installation into
                                Maximus BBS's. Can be installed into ANY
                                BBS or terminal program that is able to
                                utilize external protocols.  Fully
                                windowed/graphical interface.
dsz0597.zip    94156 20-04-2023 DSZ Zmodem protocol. Graphic version of the
                                famous DSZ by Omen. 05/19/1997
dsz0597x.zip   40495 04-04-2024 DSZ Zmodem protocol. Fast X/Y/Zmodem protocol
                                for DOS by Omen. Enhanced .EXE file only.
                                You should also get DSZ0597.ZIP for docs.
fdsz0597.zip   36949 21-04-2023 FossilDSZ Protocol
gsz0597.zip   115417 20-04-2023 Omen Technology's DSZ.COM rel. (5-19-97)
                                Omen Technology's DSZ.COM   DSZ X/Y (-g)
                                Zmodem Driver. This is for FAST Computers.
pdzm126.zip    91206 20-01-2023 Public Domain Zmodem protocol; English and
                                German user interface and documentation
sexyz20.zip    91102 07-12-2022 Synchronet External X/Y/Zmodem (SEXYZ)
                                File Transfer Protocol Driver v2.0-Win32
                                for Windows TCP/Socket/Telnet-based BBSes
                                (e.g. Synchronet-Win32).

     Area 14 - Keys & Cracks for BBS Related Software     

afix5reg.zip   12465 13-05-2023 Ŀ
                                 ALLFIX v5.xx - *UNIVERSAL* registrator 
                                         (C) 1997 Mr.Boco/TCP           
                                 Oh, i hate to fill up this MUTTAPHUKEN 
                                 dizzy and i hope you will forgive my   
                                 lazyness... =) Go catch AFIX5REG.DOC   
                                  See ya, Mr.Boco...                   
AM271C.ZIP      1276 16-04-2023 Adventure Maze doorgame crack
axereg.zip       767 27-03-2023 Axe & Fang v1.18 Registration Key
BBROU11R.ZIP    8129 16-04-2023 Ŀ
                                              ___              Ŀ
                                    HackWare  \__\             
                                  ___  _ ___  _ ___            
                                  \_ \/ \\_ \/ \\  \           
                                /     \/     \\  \ٳ
                                   /  \/   \ \/   \\  \ presents 
                                /   ||___/ ||___//   \Ŀ
                                 \___|  \___|byMMi\___/        
                                 Loader to Register            
                                 Roulette  v1.1                
bbsreg13.zip 1280800 16-04-2023 bbsreg v13             [10-06-96]
                                a collection of cracks & key gens
                                for bbs doors and utils/misc stuf
                                get bbsreg v9, 10, 11, & 12 also!
                                [if you don't allready have them]
bbsreg9.zip  1771765 16-04-2023           08-23-95  v9.0!
                                BBS-REG Released By DiNK Is A Pack Of
                                Different Released Cracks For Doors,
                                BBS Programs and stuff for bbs's.
                                ..  Newest: 09.22.95, Oldest: 09.22.95
                                ..  Nfo Date: NONE, Diz Date: 09.22.95
bbsrolreg.zip   71114 19-01-2024 BBS Roulette v1.2. Full screen ANSI Roulette
                                DOOR game for many BBS types from J & W
                                Software. NEW: support for FOSSIL ports > 8,
                                Windows and OS/2 time slices released, alias
                                support (DOOR.SYS only). Features include:
                                ANSI animation, Multi-node support, easy
                                setup and no maintenance.
bordkey.zip      883 01-09-2022 Bordello 1.50 Key.  Simply place in the game
BUCKKEY.ZIP    11238 06-03-2024 Buccaneer 2.10 (door game, DOS)
                                keygen by akacastor 2024-03-04
                                Creates BUCK.KEY
Dcp35.zip      69133 20-11-2022 DiNK's Crack Pack v3.5! [03-15-96]
                                Cracks all the latest bbs doors/utils!!
                                Lot's of new cracks!
dmudkey.zip    27841 26-11-2022 DOORMUD KEY GENERATOR        [4/23/11]
                                As I no longer have time to support or
                                develop DoorMUD, I am here by releasing
                                Key Generator to the public.
                                This will also allow the DoorMud World
                                Editor to run.
DTAG105C.zip   46905 09-09-2022 (v1.05CRK) dATag by TWAiN PAiN Software
                                    ĿĿĿ TWAiN PAiN's ͸
                                ڿ۳۳۳: ۳: ڿ۳
                                ٲ۳  ٲ۳Ŀ
                                ٰڿ  ڿٱ
                                ٳ   ٳĿ
                                 [ Cracked .EXE ]
fe_key.zip      3779 17-02-2025 KeyGen for Fastecho
                                Tested on 1.45a,  1.46.
fjreg.zip       9794 13-05-2023  Funky Jewel Master regcode generator ķ
                                 ijڿ/    ij                  
                                   \          Registration 
                                   ٳ           code     
                                  Ŀڿ ڿ            generator  
                                    ó     (C)                  
                                        ij\  FunkySoft            
FREEKEY.ZIP   114555 01-01-1998 Multiboard key generator
gb2003kg.rar   37990 23-11-2023 GuTTeRBoWL 2003 - v3.02 -KEYGEN-
                                This is legit keygen release  by
                                the author of the product. Enjoy
                                Online Bowling Door! 16bit/32bit
                                Simply the B E S T  bowling door
                                you'll ever play. ANSI-intensive
                                animation! Bowl the nearly  true
                                action-pin-reaction.   Featuring
                                multi-node, multi-OS support and
                                Telnet support.  Supports nearly
                                every known dropfile.  Copyright
                                ChasWare Software  (c) 1996-2009
                                Release date ---- AUGUST 5, 2009
gecho!.zip      7123 06-10-2023 
hackkey.zip      249 03-12-2023 Hackers Cyber City 1.03.10 Key
IEKEY235.ZIP    1299 08-02-2022 IceEdit Key For IceEdit Version 2.35
                                This key was prepared by the original
                                author of Ice Edit before he sold the
                                software. It is a legal key for Version
                                2.35 Only.
                                Registered To:
                                REGISTERED USER
                                REGISTERED COMPANY
MLEE35KG.ZIP    9239 02-11-2023 Melee v3.5x keyfile generator
                                Creates a registration keyfile for versions
                                3.5x of the door game Melee by Aces
MWULSTKG.ZIP   10979 21-09-2023 MysticWare UserList keyfile generator
                                Creates a keyfile for the RemoteAccess 2.xx
                                userlist bulletin generator UserList by
MWUSRDKG.ZIP   10785 21-09-2023 MysticWare UserDoor keyfile generator
                                Creates a keyfile for the RemoteAccess 2.xx
                                userlist display door UserDoor by MysticWare.
NETRUNKG.ZIP   11022 04-02-2022 NetRunner Door Game *Legal* Key Generator.
                                Released on June 10, 2004 by Rob Jacob.
                                This allows you to register NetRunner
                                with any name and serial number you like.
                                Check out the web version of NetRunner
                                now called MatrixRunner under development
NVCRK.ZIP      96718 05-10-2023 Crack for NodeView 2.10Gold
OTHDRREG.ZIP   11257 02-07-2024 Othello registration number generator
                                Registers versions 3.xx of the BBS door game
                                Othello by Great Northwest/Blue Sunrise
oxgen.zip       6800 28-07-2024 64BIT Keygen for "Iron Ox" BBS door game.
                                Use a 64bit Windows to run it.
PIT-417Q.ZIP   63623 05-06-2022 The Pit 4.17 Registry Modification
regdoor7.zip    9620 22-04-2022 REGDOOR - V7.0
                                "Registers" Global War, Operation Overkill,
                                Imperium, Global Wars Editor, Tradewars 2002,
                                Solar Realms Elite, Barren Realms Elite,
                                Melee, Door Master.
regit130.zip   13669 22-04-2022 Register It! v1.30, by Lunatic
                                Cracker for Global War 2.57, Tradewars 2.0
                                7, Usurper 0.13b, LORD 3.52, NetRunner 1.02,
                                MechWars 1.9g, Steel & Ice 3.01, Outpost
                                Trader 1.01, Pimp Wars 1.41, Yanks & Reds
                                1.05, Immortal Combat 1.7, Shadow Board 1.5,
                                and WarWorld 2.07.
REGIT200.ZIP   43879 13-05-2023 Register It! 2.00 - Coded by Lunatic
                                Cracks 14 BBS doors. Seek & Destroy
                                cracks added for some cracks, some new
                                cracks, and some updated.
RGO777.ZIP      4278 22-11-2024 
RMOG777.ZIP     4149 30-12-2023 Mines of Gorr FREEWARE Registration Key
rude-key.zip    1821 24-11-2023 Rude Dog On-Line Adventure Engine
                                  -=K E Y   G E N E R A T O R=-
                                The Dragon's Claw Scenario Module
                                  -=K E Y   G E N E R A T O R=-
STACKSG!.ZIP    9885 16-04-2023 ͸
                                                ___        ͻ
                                     HackWare  \__\       
                                 ___  _ ___  _ ___   
                                \_ \/ \\_ \/ \\  \ŴS
                                /     \/     \\  \ŴT
                                /  \/   \ \/   \\  \ŴA
                                /   ||___/ ||___//   \ŴC
                                \___|  \___|byMMi\___/ŴK
                                The                Ŵ'
                                  Key Number         E
                                     Generator for       M
                                     Stack'Em! (BBS DOOR)  !
                                    version ?.?  3.1    
                                            3.1  ?.?     
tntreg.zip      9057 01-01-1998 Tunnels-N-Tombs registration code generator
                                Creates a registration code for the door game
                                Tunnels-N-Tombs by JPSoft.
TPOMENXF.ZIP    2597 20-04-2023 ---
                                 OmenX - "Seek and Register" all GSZ/DSZ. 
                                 Works from the first version to the most 
                                 recent releases. *Final* M[TP] 4-16-1995 
wzmazerg.zip    8897 19-02-2023 Wizard Maze 3D registration code generator
                                Creates a registration code for the door game
                                Wizard Maze 3D by First Vision Software.

              Area 6 - BGC Vocal Collection 1             

BGC Vocal 1 - Vraious - Track 01.mp3 6805038 14-10-2022 Track 1
BGC Vocal 1 - Vraious - Track 02.mp3 6843908 14-10-2022 Track 2
BGC Vocal 1 - Vraious - Track 03.mp3 6886540 14-10-2022 Track 3
BGC Vocal 1 - Vraious - Track 04.mp3 5788770 14-10-2022 Track 4
BGC Vocal 1 - Vraious - Track 05.mp3 7272734 14-10-2022 Track 5
BGC Vocal 1 - Vraious - Track 06.mp3 7017570 14-10-2022 Track 6
BGC Vocal 1 - Vraious - Track 07.mp3 6181234 14-10-2022 Track 7
BGC Vocal 1 - Vraious - Track 08.mp3 5916666 14-10-2022 Track 8
BGC Vocal 1 - Vraious - Track 09.mp3 6519781 14-10-2022 Track 9
BGC Vocal 1 - Vraious - Track 10.mp3 7699682 14-10-2022 Track 10
BGC Vocal 1 - Vraious - Track 11.mp3 5481572 14-10-2022 Track 11
BGC Vocal 1 - Vraious - Track 12.mp3 5203838 14-10-2022 Track 12
BGC Vocal 1 - Vraious - Track 13.mp3 6784978 14-10-2022 Track 13

              Area 7 - BGC Vocal Collection 2             

BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 01.mp3 4901025 14-10-2022 Track 1
BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 02.mp3 5763066 14-10-2022 Track 2
BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 03.mp3 5495363 14-10-2022 Track 3
BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 04.mp3 5713538 14-10-2022 Track 4
BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 05.mp3 6717266 14-10-2022 Track 5
BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 06.mp3 4501665 14-10-2022 Track 6
BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 07.mp3 5879676 14-10-2022 Track 7
BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 08.mp3 4763098 14-10-2022 Track 8
BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 09.mp3 6790618 14-10-2022 Track 9
BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 10.mp3 5583763 14-10-2022 Track 10
BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 11.mp3 8901523 14-10-2022 Track 11
BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 12.mp3 5295998 14-10-2022 Track 12
BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 13.mp3 5721690 14-10-2022 Track 13
BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 14.mp3 6162428 14-10-2022 Track 14
BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 15.mp3 4995068 14-10-2022 Track 15
BGC Vocal 2 - Various - Track 16.mp3 7139825 14-10-2022 Track 16

                  Area 5 - Sol Bianca OST                 

Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 01.mp3 4559976 13-10-2022 Track 1
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 02.mp3 4563111 13-10-2022 Track 2
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 03.mp3 5044600 13-10-2022 Track 3
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 04.mp3 3043411 13-10-2022 Track 4
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 05.mp3 3235881 13-10-2022 Track 5
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 06.mp3 4078487 13-10-2022 Track 6
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 07.mp3 3810784 13-10-2022 Track 7
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 08.mp3 3555620 13-10-2022 Track 8
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 09.mp3 6773070 13-10-2022 Track 9
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 10.mp3 3021470 13-10-2022 Track 10
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 11.mp3 3371302 13-10-2022 Track 11
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 12.mp3 3743077 13-10-2022 Track 12
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 13.mp3 3830848 13-10-2022 Tradk 13
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 14.mp3 4840847 13-10-2022 Track 14
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 15.mp3 3777559 13-10-2022 Track 15
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 16.mp3 3969402 13-10-2022 Track 16
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 17.mp3 8611257 13-10-2022 Track 17
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 18.mp3 4616403 13-10-2022 Track 18
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 19.mp3 5398195 13-10-2022 Track 19
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 20.mp3 8862032 13-10-2022 Track 20
Sol Bianca OST - Various - Track 21.mp3 4050277 13-10-2022 Track 21

                   Area 4 - Shurato OST                   

Tenku Senki Shurato - OP1 Single - Shining Soul OST.7z 12575384 26-11-2022 
Tenku Senki Shurato music collection.torrent   14712 26-11-2022 

              Area 8 - Virus Buster Serge OST             

Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 01.mp3 4992580 14-10-2022 Track 1
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 02.mp3 1185181 14-10-2022 Track 2
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 03.mp3 4223953 14-10-2022 Track 3
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 04.mp3 1903653 14-10-2022 Track 4
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 05.mp3 1973870 14-10-2022 Track 5
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 06.mp3 3568802 14-10-2022 Track 6
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 07.mp3 2219003 14-10-2022 Track 7
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 08.mp3 3558771 14-10-2022 Track 8
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 09.mp3 1938761 14-10-2022 Track 9
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 10.mp3 2806446 14-10-2022 Track 10
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 11.mp3 1766982 14-10-2022 Track 11
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 12.mp3 2675416 14-10-2022 Track 12
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 13.mp3 2159446 14-10-2022 Track 13
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 14.mp3 1995815 14-10-2022 Track 14
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 15.mp3 3185744 14-10-2022 Track 15
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 16.mp3 2818358 14-10-2022 Track 16
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 17.mp3 3528680 14-10-2022 Track 17
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 18.mp3 3540592 14-10-2022 Track 18
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 19.mp3 2919922 14-10-2022 Track 19
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 20.mp3 3921144 14-10-2022 Track 20
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 21.mp3 4332415 14-10-2022 Track 21
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 22.mp3 3751870 14-10-2022 Track 22
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 23.mp3 4344954 14-10-2022 Track 23
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 24.mp3 2105529 14-10-2022 Track 24
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 25.mp3 4059070 14-10-2022 Track 25
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 26.mp3 3187625 14-10-2022 Track 26
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 27.mp3 2705509 14-10-2022 Track 27
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 28.mp3 2812089 14-10-2022 Track 28
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 29.mp3 3175086 14-10-2022 Track 29
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 30.mp3 4212043 14-10-2022 Track 30
Virus Buster Serge OST - Various - Track 31.mp3 6421375 14-10-2022 Track 31

                      Area 9 - My AMV                     

Gowkaizer AMV.mpg 51219548 28-04-2022 An AMV I made many years ago.
Gowkaizer AMV_704x480.mkv 91697611 23-11-2024 

               Area 15 - Hentai Stuff by Me               

CLOSER.MPG   64632764 09-05-2023 HMV by Shurato to Closer by NiN.
                                Assorted Hentai.
CLOSER_704x480.mkv 116976076 23-11-2024 
pokelmn.txt     9099 20-04-2023 Pikachu's Revenge Pokemon Lemon by Me!

                   Area 2 - Anime Movies                  

Akira BD RiP HQ.mkv 1287620431 31-10-2024 
Dragon Ball Super- Super Hero BD Rip HQ.mkv 1303908385 31-10-2024 
Gall Force Eternal Story Dual Language.mkv 683158259 15-12-2024 
Ghost in the Shell_Anime BD Rip HQ.mkv 839389720 31-10-2024 
Ghost in the Shell_Anime BD Rip.mkv 839389720 31-10-2024 
Ninja_Scroll_BD_Rip.mkv 1990990645 13-02-2025 
Outlanders Subs 1986.ass   42159 23-11-2024 
Outlanders Subs 1986.srt   32951 23-11-2024 
Outlanders Subs 2  1986.ass   42857 23-11-2024 
Outlanders_OVA_[H264][ru_jp].mkv 802117883 23-11-2024 
Outlanders_OVA_[H264][ru_jp]_1440x1080.mkv 1658149556 23-11-2024 
Project A-ko BD Rip HQ.mkv -1996249335 31-10-2024 
Venus Wars BD Rip HQ.mkv 1457931406 31-10-2024 
[EMBER] Belle - Ryuu to Sobakasu no Hime (2021) (Movie) [BDRip] [804p Dual Audio HEVC 10 bits DD].mkv      -1 06-05-2023 
[GST] Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Eternal Movie 1 [720p][Multi-Sub].mkv 1895145775 26-08-2023 
[GST] Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Eternal Movie 2 [720p][Multi-Sub].mkv 1493623157 26-08-2023 
[HorribleSubs] Fuse Memoirs of the Hunter Girl [720p].mkv 1093379383 28-05-2023 
[Judas] Koe no Katachi (A Silent Voice) [BD 1080p][HEVC x265 10bit][Dual-Audio][Multi-Subs].mkv -1963012888 06-05-2023 
[Valenciano] Kimi no na wa (Your Name) (????) [1080p][AV1 10bit][Opus 5.1][Multi-Audio][Multi-Sub].mkv       0 01-01-1980 
[Valenciano] Weathering with You [1080p][AV1 10bit][Opus 5.1][Multi-Sub].mkv 1870606816 06-05-2023 
[Watchable] Suzume no Tojimari [1080p HDTS] [Dual Audio ~ Jap+Eng][English Sub].mkv -1575498889 06-05-2023 

                Area 22 - Akazukin Cha Cha                

Akazukin_Chacha_-_31_[DVD_H264]_[8134584D].avi 182724608 05-01-2024 FTP or EleWEB for full filenames...
Akazukin_Chacha_-_32_[DVD_H264]_[FFB2BE12].avi 184221696 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_33_[DVD_H264]_[3265494B].avi 185655296 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_34_[DVD_H264]_[F23354AA].avi 185274368 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_35_[DVD_H264]_[FC5ED42E].avi 183990272 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_36_[DVD_H264]_[1250BF46].avi 183793664 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_37_[DVD_H264]_[D91D3181].avi 183820288 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_38_[DVD_H264]_[BDCD2128].avi 184037376 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_39_[DVD_H264]_[1E0A6B69].avi 184576000 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_40_[DVD_H264]_[C6456164].avi 184743936 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_41_[DVD_H264]_[1A7CB19E].avi 183263232 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_42_[DVD_H264]_[32A71722].avi 183058432 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_43_[DVD_H264]_[DADD0A8F].avi 183166976 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_44_[DVD_H264]_[038CACB9].avi 183250944 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_45_[DVD_H264]_[481A0819].avi 183715840 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_46_[DVD_H264]_[09FF3B99].avi 183033856 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_47_[DVD_H264]_[C775FE11].avi 182831104 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_48_[DVD_H264]_[99C14564].avi 182118400 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_49_[DVD_H264]_[E020D9A1].avi 182913024 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_50_[DVD_H264]_[2EE7BD7E].avi 183291904 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_51_[DVD_H264]_[32807858].avi 184088576 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_52_[DVD_H264]_[8D3EC949].avi 184899584 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_53_[DVD_H264]_[750786C6].avi 183789568 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_54_[DVD_H264]_[26DA2E3A].avi 186003456 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_55_[DVD_H264]_[FEC7E691].avi 181270528 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_56_[DVD_H264]_[CFF79CD3].avi 182274048 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_57_[DVD_H264]_[17144D12].avi 183138304 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_58_[DVD_H264]_[E9522AA1].avi 183021568 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_59_[DVD_H264]_[9478D277].avi 183044096 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_60_[DVD_H264]_[A10C8468].avi 183046144 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_61_[DVD_H264]_[602940A3].avi 183578624 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_62_[DVD_H264]_[7EE74190].avi 182980608 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_63_[DVD_H264]_[41EB4E15].avi 182847488 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_64_[DVD_H264]_[621158FC].avi 182740992 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_65_[DVD_H264]_[1A91A9CC].avi 183382016 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_66_[DVD_H264]_[B180853E].avi 183541760 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_67_[DVD_H264]_[A6AC1207].avi 181143552 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_68_[DVD_H264]_[12CDC122].avi 181100544 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_69_[DVD_H264]_[F19CD433].avi 182495232 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_70_[DVD_H264]_[4A720F03].avi 183058432 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_71_[DVD_H264]_[A6BBCA84].avi 183574528 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_72_[DVD_H264]_[A5279D1C].avi 182329344 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_73_[DVD_H264]_[2DCAED57].avi 182325248 05-01-2024 
Akazukin_Chacha_-_74_[DVD_H264]_[7E3B69B5].avi 182026240 05-01-2024 
FILES.BAK       6062 25-05-2024 
[????????][01][??????????].mkv 360907153 05-01-2024 
[????????][01][??????????].srt   24085 05-01-2024 
[????????][02][?????????].mkv 377226295 05-01-2024 
[????????][02][?????????].srt   26803 05-01-2024 
[????????][03][?????????!].mkv 400270810 05-01-2024 
[????????][03][?????????!].srt   27029 05-01-2024 
[????????][04][??!????????].mkv 403385761 05-01-2024 
[????????][04][??!????????].srt   21895 05-01-2024 
[????????][05][??????????].mkv 360955527 05-01-2024 
[????????][05][??????????].srt   25257 05-01-2024 
[????????][06][???????????].mkv 361953082 05-01-2024 
[????????][06][???????????].srt   24067 05-01-2024 
[????????][07][????!?????].mkv 368037667 05-01-2024 
[????????][07][????!?????].srt   24327 05-01-2024 
[????????][08][???????????].mkv 375332442 05-01-2024 
[????????][08][???????????].srt   25279 05-01-2024 
[????????][09][??!??????Z].mkv 389174503 05-01-2024 
[????????][09][??!??????Z].srt   25095 05-01-2024 
[????????][10][?????????!].mkv 432303669 05-01-2024 
[????????][10][?????????!].srt   23866 05-01-2024 
[????????][11][??!?????????].mkv 384850590 05-01-2024 
[????????][11][??!?????????].srt   30960 05-01-2024 
[????????][12][????????].mkv 439299988 05-01-2024 
[????????][12][????????].srt   26279 05-01-2024 
[????????][13][????]????!].mkv 396350404 05-01-2024 
[????????][13][????]????!].srt   28372 05-01-2024 
[????????][14][???????????].mkv 421153518 05-01-2024 
[????????][14][???????????].srt   20713 05-01-2024 
[????????][15][??!????????].mkv 368500144 05-01-2024 
[????????][15][??!????????].srt   24308 05-01-2024 
[????????][16][??!?????].mkv 390383424 05-01-2024 
[????????][16][??!?????].srt   24902 05-01-2024 
[????????][17][???????????].mkv 399039970 05-01-2024 
[????????][17][???????????].srt   29229 05-01-2024 
[????????][18][?????!?????].mkv 389023790 05-01-2024 
[????????][18][?????!?????].srt   26400 05-01-2024 
[????????][19][??!???????].mkv 424455453 05-01-2024 
[????????][19][??!???????].srt   27237 05-01-2024 
[????????][20][???????????].mkv 397075506 05-01-2024 
[????????][20][???????????].srt   24122 05-01-2024 
[????????][21][???????????].mkv 388441511 05-01-2024 
[????????][21][???????????].srt   25028 05-01-2024 
[????????][22][????!???????].mkv 364573214 05-01-2024 
[????????][22][????!???????].srt   25195 05-01-2024 
[????????][23][??!????].mkv 364977731 05-01-2024 
[????????][23][??!????].srt   29413 05-01-2024 
[????????][24][?????????].mkv 379104248 05-01-2024 
[????????][24][?????????].srt   24159 05-01-2024 
[????????][25][????!??????].mkv 402011807 05-01-2024 
[????????][25][????!??????].srt   24961 05-01-2024 
[????????][26][???????????].mkv 349237099 05-01-2024 
[????????][26][???????????].srt   29044 05-01-2024 
[????????][27][???????????].mkv 371774504 05-01-2024 
[????????][27][???????????].srt   28979 05-01-2024 
[????????][28][????????].mkv 367281315 05-01-2024 
[????????][28][????????].srt   32409 05-01-2024 
[????????][29][????!??????].mkv 385703783 05-01-2024 
[????????][29][????!??????].srt   28339 05-01-2024 
[????????][30][??????????].mkv 451353304 05-01-2024 
[????????][30][??????????].srt   20926 05-01-2024 
[????????][ED1][????????].mkv 17145996 05-01-2024 
[????????][ED2][?????????].mkv 21498210 05-01-2024 
[????????][ED3][?????????????].mkv 21703452 05-01-2024 
[????????][OP1][????].mkv 31771512 05-01-2024 
[????????][OP2][????].mkv 27304933 05-01-2024 
[????????][OP3][????].mkv 30573620 05-01-2024 

             Area 43 - Armor Hunter Mellowlink            

Armor Hunter Mellowlink S01E01 Wilderness.mkv 2104435463 24-11-2023 For full filenames, use web or ftp access
Armor Hunter Mellowlink S01E02 Colosseum.mkv 2022900664 24-11-2023 
Armor Hunter Mellowlink S01E03 Jungle.mkv -1745677946 24-11-2023 
Armor Hunter Mellowlink S01E04 Leaning Tower.mkv 1686684828 24-11-2023 
Armor Hunter Mellowlink S01E05 Battlefield.mkv -2006032131 24-11-2023 
Armor Hunter Mellowlink S01E06 Prison.mkv -1938131426 24-11-2023 
Armor Hunter Mellowlink S01E07 Railway.mkv -1849727341 24-11-2023 
Armor Hunter Mellowlink S01E08 Ghost Town.mkv 1823836711 24-11-2023 
Armor Hunter Mellowlink S01E09 Forest.mkv 2042666791 24-11-2023 
Armor Hunter Mellowlink S01E10 Castle.mkv 1914547076 24-11-2023 
Armor Hunter Mellowlink S01E11 Base.mkv 2105212384 24-11-2023 
Armor Hunter Mellowlink S01E12 Last Stage.mkv 2142565407 24-11-2023 

                    Area 139 - Bastard!                   

Bastard_BD_01.mkv 581204177 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_02.mkv 582973068 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_03.mkv 582828207 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_04.mkv 581983586 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_05.mkv 582817865 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_06.mkv 583903414 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_07.mkv 583950525 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_08.mkv 586190361 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_09.mkv 581011186 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_10.mkv 583922061 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_11.mkv 580911863 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_12.mkv 579154895 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_13.mkv 582703766 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_14.mkv 583679589 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_15.mkv 586390497 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_16.mkv 581440190 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_17.mkv 584300527 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_18.mkv 582309293 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_19.mkv 583351249 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_20.mkv 580496049 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_21.mkv 580020880 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_22.mkv 578996699 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_23.mkv 579387442 06-02-2025 
Bastard_BD_24.mkv 580888535 06-02-2025 

                Area 138 - Bubblegum Crash                

Bubblegum Crash!_Ep01_BDRip.mkv 1087122294 16-01-2025 
Bubblegum Crash!_Ep02_BDRip.mkv 1065957702 16-01-2025 
Bubblegum Crash!_Ep03_BDRip.mkv 1086782103 16-01-2025 

            Area 56 - Bubblegum Crisis - DVD HQ           

BGC_Ep01.mkv 570148912 28-11-2024 
BGC_Ep02.mkv 346102576 28-11-2024 
BGC_Ep03.mkv 324978991 28-11-2024 
BGC_Ep04.mkv 467882703 28-11-2024 
BGC_Ep05.mkv 531822947 28-11-2024 
BGC_Ep06.mkv 608132794 28-11-2024 
BGC_Ep07.mkv 597443456 28-11-2024 
BGC_Ep08.mkv 615197994 28-11-2024 

               Area 137 - Demon King Daimao               

Demon_King_Daimao_DVDRip_Ep01.mkv 494063005 06-01-2025 
Demon_King_Daimao_DVDRip_Ep02.mkv 494138683 06-01-2025 
Demon_King_Daimao_DVDRip_Ep03.mkv 494007701 06-01-2025 
Demon_King_Daimao_DVDRip_Ep04.mkv 493998348 06-01-2025 
Demon_King_Daimao_DVDRip_Ep05.mkv 493714437 06-01-2025 
Demon_King_Daimao_DVDRip_Ep06.mkv 494232078 06-01-2025 
Demon_King_Daimao_DVDRip_Ep07.mkv 493638349 06-01-2025 
Demon_King_Daimao_DVDRip_Ep08.mkv 493911173 06-01-2025 
Demon_King_Daimao_DVDRip_Ep09.mkv 493790601 06-01-2025 
Demon_King_Daimao_DVDRip_Ep10.mkv 493522062 06-01-2025 
Demon_King_Daimao_DVDRip_Ep11.mkv 523431816 06-01-2025 
Demon_King_Daimao_DVDRip_Ep12.mkv 494038296 06-01-2025 

            Area 40 - Dimension Century Orguss            

Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 01 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 537652516 04-03-2024 Download via FTP or HTTP for full filenames
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 02 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 569270460 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 03 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 536711052 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 04 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 613127808 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 05 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 544793416 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 06 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 578987373 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 07 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 563608473 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 08 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 548200846 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 09 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 508584468 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 10 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 541485565 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 11 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 555349807 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 12 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 605183648 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 13 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 574483984 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 14 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 490609522 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 15 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 533514220 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 16 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 520217132 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 17 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 594185901 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 18 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 561805617 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 19 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 589905635 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 20 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 555856704 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 21 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 539354394 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 22 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 478325741 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 23 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 511450872 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 24 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 461156292 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 25 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 581156129 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 26 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 521497914 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 27 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 516964734 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 28 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 473856586 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 29 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 560973239 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 30 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 554875781 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 31 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 533328466 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 32 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 583976927 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 33 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 531593934 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 34 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 619864656 04-03-2024 
Choujikuu Seiki Orguss - 35 END (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC)[sxales].mkv 551990535 04-03-2024 

                  Area 44 - Dirty Pair TV                 

Dirty Pair + Lovely Angels yori Ai o Komete (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].md5    3721 16-11-2023 Web or FTP Suggest for LFNs...
Dirty Pair - 01 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 607629190 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 02 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 464734948 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 03 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 456992637 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 04 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 518212656 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 05 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 494528634 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 06 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 443545063 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 07 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 496348213 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 08 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 423529664 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 09 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 452775286 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 10 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 434997857 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 11 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 474499850 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 12 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 522511167 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 13 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 477342884 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 14 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 441882623 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 15 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 441141580 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 16 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 471501346 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 17 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 385456222 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 18 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 505004095 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 19 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 457171743 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 20 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 474551977 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 21 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 410688629 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 22 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 420606908 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 23 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 413942425 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 24 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 378038127 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 25 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 456562330 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - 26 END (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 461582538 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - BD-BOX CM01 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 6096933 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - BD-BOX CM02 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 14371729 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - BD-BOX CM03 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 6020199 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - BD-BOX CM04 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 13854030 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - BD-BOX Notice (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 69283755 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - DVD-BOX CM01 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 6272812 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - DVD-BOX CM02 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 6248134 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - DVD-BOX CM03 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 146242813 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - NCED (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 42356100 16-11-2023 
Dirty Pair - NCOP (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC 2.0)[sxales].mkv 43014294 16-11-2023 

              Area 38 - Dominion Tank Police              

Dominion Tank Police 1.ogm 252906986 24-02-2024 
Dominion Tank Police 2.ogm 260576083 24-02-2024 
Dominion Tank Police 3.ogm 260436472 24-02-2024 
Dominion Tank Police 4.ogm 268617791 24-02-2024 

           Area 46 - Gundam 0083 - Upscaled VCD           

Gundam_0083_Stardust_Memories_Pt1.mp4 89755077 28-04-2024 FTP Or Web Interface for LFNs...
Gundam_0083_Stardust_Memories_Pt2.mp4 199912153 28-04-2024 
Gundam_0083_Stardust_Memories_Pt3.mp4 218799027 28-04-2024 
Gundam_0083_Stardust_Memories_Pt4.mp4 191676474 28-04-2024 
Gundam_0083_Stardust_Memories_Pt5.mp4 202826791 28-04-2024 
Gundam_0083_Stardust_Memories_Pt6.mp4 196665395 28-04-2024 
Gundam_0083_Stardust_Memories_Pt7.mp4 221044458 28-04-2024 

             Area 135 - Hades Project Zeorymer            

Hades Project Zeorymer_DVDRip_Full.mkv 1134359690 06-01-2025 

               Area 19 - Heaven Wars Shurato              

FILES.BAK       3210 25-05-2024 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_09_[Arcadia].mkv 237417852 06-05-2023 Eleweb or FTP for full filenames...
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_10_[Arcadia].mkv 220870885 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_11_[Arcadia].mkv 214808537 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_12_[Arcadia].mkv 218314496 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_13_[Arcadia].mkv 218220905 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_14_[Arcadia].mkv 241890551 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_15_[Arcadia].mkv 255022847 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_16_[Arcadia].mkv 243743529 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_17_[Arcadia].mkv 223416660 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_18_[Arcadia].mkv 243454412 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_19_[Arcadia].mkv 220781780 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_20_[Arcadia].mkv 226736035 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_21_[Arcadia].mkv 273418362 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_22_[Arcadia].mkv 239378600 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_23_[Arcadia].mkv 253721185 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_24_[Arcadia].mkv 249344869 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_25_[Arcadia].mkv 357982893 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_26_[Arcadia].mkv 231993522 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_27_[Arcadia].mkv 194593237 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_28_[Arcadia].mkv 227326517 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_29_[Arcadia].mkv 223354135 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_30_[Arcadia].mkv 210065101 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_31_[Arcadia].mkv 197581223 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_32_[Arcadia].mkv 192365063 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_33_[Arcadia].mkv 200312365 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_34_[Arcadia].mkv 222806147 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_35_[Arcadia].mkv 211198312 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_36_[Arcadia].mkv 225717385 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_37_[Arcadia].mkv 217281378 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_-_38_[Arcadia].mkv 187959146 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_OVA_-_1_[Arcadia].srt   14192 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_OVA_-_2_[Arcadia].srt   12685 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_OVA_-_3_[Arcadia].srt   13404 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_OVA_-_4_[Arcadia].srt   13799 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_OVA_-_5_[Arcadia].srt   16524 06-05-2023 
Tenkuu_Senki_Shurato_OVA_-_6_[Arcadia].srt   10906 06-05-2023 
[lilly's] Tenkuu Senki Shurato OVA - 01 (DVDRip 628x480 x264 AC3).mkv 404910622 06-05-2023 
[lilly's] Tenkuu Senki Shurato OVA - 02 (DVDRip 628x480 x264 AC3).mkv 405809462 06-05-2023 
[lilly's] Tenkuu Senki Shurato OVA - 03 (DVDRip 628x480 x264 AC3).mkv 404535074 06-05-2023 
[lilly's] Tenkuu Senki Shurato OVA - 04 (DVDRip 628x480 x264 AC3).mkv 401339331 06-05-2023 
[lilly's] Tenkuu Senki Shurato OVA - 05 (DVDRip 628x480 x264 AC3).mkv 416640469 06-05-2023 
[lilly's] Tenkuu Senki Shurato OVA - 06 (DVDRip 628x480 x264 AC3).mkv 408007812 06-05-2023 
[Onibaku]_Tenku_Senki_Shurato_-_01v2.mkv 237159342 06-05-2023 
[Onibaku]_Tenku_Senki_Shurato_-_02.mkv 217332535 06-05-2023 
[Onibaku]_Tenku_Senki_Shurato_-_03.mkv 267754174 06-05-2023 
[Onibaku]_Tenku_Senki_Shurato_-_04.mkv 234129980 06-05-2023 
[Onibaku]_Tenku_Senki_Shurato_-_05.mkv 192968177 06-05-2023 
[Onibaku]_Tenku_Senki_Shurato_-_06.mkv 200394372 06-05-2023 
[Onibaku]_Tenku_Senki_Shurato_-_07.mkv 167676662 06-05-2023 
[Onibaku]_Tenku_Senki_Shurato_-_08.mkv 186580889 06-05-2023 

                     Area 41 - Macross                    

SDF Macross - 01 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 626660867 14-03-2024 EleWeb or FTP for full filenames...
SDF Macross - 02 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 559794170 14-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 03 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 634600568 14-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 04 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 464762067 14-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 05 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 580150966 16-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 06 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 575578286 16-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 07 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 576028839 16-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 08 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 528650338 16-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 09 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 547542737 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 10 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 543038233 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 11 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 590411945 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 12 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 571036458 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 13 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 585138561 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 14 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 720690766 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 15 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 485635009 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 16 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 593292697 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 17 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 776811405 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 18 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 509598891 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 19 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 502812055 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 20 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 440230022 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 21 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 399444712 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 22 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 565267104 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 23 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 513962467 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 24 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 523157977 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 25 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 532107620 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 26 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 494612149 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 27 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 642654039 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 28 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 518949601 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 29 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 463040054 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 30 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 475031743 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 31 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 503661259 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 32 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 471664884 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 33 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 545101083 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 34 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 441433845 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 35 (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 521736551 17-03-2024 
SDF Macross - 36 END (BDRip 1440x1080p x265 HEVC FLAC, AAC 2.0x2)(Dual Audio)[sxales].mkv 486049877 17-03-2024 

          Area 134 - Mobile Suit Gundam - BD Rip          

MS Gundam Pt1 - BD 1 Ep1.mkv 560217382 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD 1 Ep10.mkv 560624727 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD 1 Ep2.mkv 562740024 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD 1 Ep3.mkv 563414800 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD 1 Ep4.mkv 560763395 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD 1 Ep5.mkv 563243868 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD 1 Ep6.mkv 561740826 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD 1 Ep7.mkv 563499322 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD 1 Ep8.mkv 560196689 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD 1 Ep9.mkv 563119911 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD2 Ep11.mkv 560429728 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD2 Ep12.mkv 561984161 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD2 Ep13.mkv 560939435 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD2 Ep14.mkv 561904828 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD2 Ep15.mkv 562166659 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD2 Ep16.mkv 561807157 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD2 Ep17.mkv 559557590 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD2 Ep18.mkv 560911242 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD2 Ep19.mkv 562129598 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD2 Ep20.mkv 561739749 14-11-2024 
MS Gundam Pt1 - BD2 Ep21.mkv 560568944 14-11-2024 

                Area 136 - Puni Puni Poemi                

Puni Puni Poemi-DVDRip_Ep01.mkv 636014167 06-01-2025 
Puni Puni Poemi-DVDRip_Ep02.mkv 628133763 06-01-2025 

                Area 16 - Soar High Isami!                

??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?01? ??????????!? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 260280425 26-09-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?02? ???????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 325544425 06-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?03? ?????????!? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 246888411 06-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?04? ???????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 223416411 06-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?05? ????????!? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 225432425 06-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?06? ?RX95???? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 362024497 06-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?07? ???????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 253544411 26-09-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?08? ?????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 234120488 06-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?09? ???????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 296712411 06-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?10? ?????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 307544474 06-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?11? ??????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 263288425 06-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?12? ????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 282904425 06-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?13? ?????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 260408411 15-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?14? ???????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 302344425 17-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?15? ??????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 271736488 17-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?16? ?????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 291416425 15-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?17? ???!???!???? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 272360474 17-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?18? ??????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 287544488 17-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?19? ????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 283432439 14-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?20? ??????!? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 266104474 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?21? ??????????DVD.avi 245841920 16-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?22? ????????[DVD].avi 269393920 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?23? ?????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 302584439 15-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?24? ??????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 328024488 14-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?25? ?????? ???!? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 274200397 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?26? ??????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 326008411 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?27? ?????????!? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 328824425 19-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?28? ?UFO?????!? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90 rev2).wmv 344680425 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?29? ??????????[DVD].avi 274499584 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?30? ??????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 372440425 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?31? ?????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 277992411 18-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?32? ?????????!? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 258168425 14-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?33? ???????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 274168425 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?34? ?????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 246344488 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?35? ?????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 250520439 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?36? ???SL???!? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 286392411 15-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?37? ???!????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 276936439 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?38? ?????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 286296425 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?39? ??????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 280680425 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?40? ???????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 260808425 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?41? ??????????!?[DVD].avi 328464384 14-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?42? ??????????[DVD].avi 326662144 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?43? ???!??????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 300936425 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?44? ?????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 331256488 17-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?45? ???!?????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 268648425 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?46? ????????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 296808425 19-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?47? ??????? ????!?? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 235768439 19-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?48? ???????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 303448411 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?49? ????????? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 283592425 23-10-2023 
??!??? SOAR HIGH!ISAMI ?50? ??????? ???!? (DVD 640x480 WMV9 q90).wmv 298600362 19-10-2023 
IsamiEp01.mkv 473771626 14-10-2024 
IsamiEp02.mkv 475531533 14-10-2024 
IsamiEp03.mkv 476052244 14-10-2024 
IsamiEp04.mkv 463274766 14-10-2024 
IsamiEp05.mkv 463787202 14-10-2024 
IsamiEp06.mkv 464753371 14-10-2024 
IsamiEp07.mkv 464284289 14-10-2024 
IsamiEp08.mkv 463655901 14-10-2024 
IsamiEp09.mkv 464689793 14-10-2024 

         Area 20 - Yawara! A Fashionable Judo Girl        

[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_42_[599A6D25].avi 147406848 06-05-2023 I'd suggest FTP or EleWEB for downloading
[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_43_[F7F88212].avi 184193024 06-05-2023 
[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_44_v2_[F8A697ED].avi 184330240 06-05-2023 
[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_45_[924BF918].avi 183529472 06-05-2023 
[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_46_[C173F172].avi 184416256 06-05-2023 
[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_47_[58B39AE7].avi 184211456 06-05-2023 
[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_48_[1CBC41B8].avi 183519232 06-05-2023 
[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_49_[728C7723].avi 183957504 06-05-2023 
[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_50_[119169C4].avi 184299520 06-05-2023 
[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_51_[9F43FCAB].avi 183883776 06-05-2023 
[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_52_[1A130FAB].avi 183289840 06-05-2023 
[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_53_[61E6890E].avi 183736320 06-05-2023 
[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_54_&_55_[RECAP_EPS]_[6014933C].avi 368031744 06-05-2023 
[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_56_[8DE6BAAD].avi 184113152 06-05-2023 
[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_57_[57997CC2].avi 183953408 06-05-2023 
[F-B_L-E]_Yawara_-_Ep_58_[48B26B81].avi 183904256 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_100_[DVD][875BA668].mkv 184806135 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_101_[DVD][07D74927].mkv 183752853 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_102_[DVD][9D0B5B79].mkv 183676458 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_103_[DVD][8A21E64B].mkv 183917012 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_104_[DVD][859E9D9F].mkv 183649417 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_105_[DVD][11393FA4].mkv 183542411 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_106_[DVD][EAE20517].mkv 184022111 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_107_[DVD][60522713].mkv 184040859 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_108_[DVD][D249F853].mkv 183740249 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_109_[DVD][F347842A].mkv 183664287 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_110_[DVD][734DC156].mkv 183733856 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_111_[DVD][7BC3985A].mkv 184304359 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_112_[DVD][566A0251].mkv 184486531 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_113_[DVD][22539608].mkv 183871885 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_114_[DVD][A9666936].mkv 184057174 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_115_[DVD][0A9E41B2].mkv 184290959 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_116_[DVD][80E2B017].mkv 183837382 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_117_[DVD][4A0C1BF4].mkv 184102133 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_118_[DVD][E09D6369].mkv 184179362 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_119_[DVD][CF23D58E].mkv 184104881 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_120_[DVD][BC75D03A].mkv 184028554 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_121_[DVD][F085EDE8].mkv 184065014 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_122_[DVD][D35D901A].mkv 184147159 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_123_[DVD][FCBA54DC].mkv 210390187 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_124_[DVD][C21B8158].mkv 184429286 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_59_[DVD][F28A1E8F].mkv 190046883 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_60_[DVD][B4840306].mkv 183269042 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_61_[DVD][6B1A9801].mkv 183225199 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_62_[DVD][3D28BFE0].mkv 183248454 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_63_[DVD][2AD59410].mkv 190046512 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_64_[DVD][98A38BC4].mkv 190000176 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_65_[DVD][3476C366].mkv 183305356 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_66_[DVD][D23B838B].mkv 183273897 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_67_[DVD][5375114E].mkv 183300797 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_68_[DVD][F0D5F26B].mkv 183243904 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_69_[DVD][13359A91].mkv 183285799 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_70_[DVD][B78CEE03].mkv 183231800 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_71_[DVD][D522A209].mkv 183326982 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_72_[DVD][D2E5DA21].mkv 183166226 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_73_[DVD][EE8B5F46].mkv 183214715 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_74_[DVD][DA64CA89].mkv 183317070 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_75_[DVD][59B829D5].mkv 183231979 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_76_[DVD][99AF9DF3].mkv 183186395 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_77_[DVD][81F2A99E].mkv 183229477 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_78_[DVD][A5662B8D].mkv 183261110 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_79_[DVD][C5C7959F].mkv 183366249 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_80_[DVD][889F0B98].mkv 183173200 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_81_[DVD][17A2CB09].mkv 183417125 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_82_[DVD][443074D7].mkv 195490002 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_83_[DVD][AFAB2721].mkv 183666829 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_84_[DVD][F00B83C5].mkv 183624737 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_85_[DVD][928443DE].mkv 183664471 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_86_[DVD][B4B2E815].mkv 183401657 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_87_[DVD][90C36144].mkv 183667009 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_88_[DVD][8D25B20C].mkv 183619610 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_89_[DVD][45149101].mkv 183735403 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_90_[DVD][8031516A].mkv 183642485 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_91_[DVD][495EB318].mkv 183668076 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_92_[DVD][E4FBB5BA].mkv 183677580 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_93_[DVD][67F8B887].mkv 183772792 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_94_[DVD][1EF388F4].mkv 183664755 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_95_[DVD][4910574C].mkv 183679387 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_96_[DVD][C651DF65].mkv 183578125 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_97_[DVD][0F2946D8].mkv 183641902 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_98_[DVD][BE8B7E42].mkv 185205906 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_99_[DVD][312B0699].mkv 185127153 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_Atlanta_Special_[LD][F5C53F13].mkv 751763471 06-05-2023 
[FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_Extra_[DVD][BA27028C].mkv 196825742 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 01 [282181EE].avi 198756352 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 02 [89481B2E].avi 177940480 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 03 [6FAE4382].avi 177553408 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 04 [653D6C21].avi 182087680 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 05 [567F1168].avi 180404224 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 06 [653BB648].avi 182714368 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 07 [F9A8BFD3].avi 185886720 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 08 [E9E3B4AB].avi 183519232 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 09 [E8480D4C].avi 184924160 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 10 [BA881EAE].avi 183750656 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 11 [A0D468A0].avi 182568960 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 12 [FFB9517B].avi 182583296 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 13 [44DAB17A].avi 182374400 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 14 [85E08C05].avi 184723456 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 15 [4C82C6ED].avi 182675456 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 16 [87135168].avi 186044416 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 17 [161854BE].avi 190351360 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 18 [B056D300].avi 183490560 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 19 [9A085594].avi 183654400 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 20 [B5EE3024].avi 173406208 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 21 [E6F81BCA].avi 147406848 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 22 [0B9241A2].avi 147275776 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 23 [14DEB7EC].avi 147185664 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 24 [883D6BB4].avi 147189760 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 25 [584499BA].avi 147453952 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 26 [A989AAED].avi 147593216 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 27 [5E6FC778].avi 147615744 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 28 [277284A0].avi 147243008 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 29 [4AC86ACD].avi 147337216 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 30 [684AF00F].avi 147343360 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 31 [B6C4A8F3].avi 147298304 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 32 [B07FF84C].avi 147339264 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 33 [A75602DE].avi 147302400 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 34 [DC4D948C].avi 147406848 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 35 [0B9BF43A].avi 147357696 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 36 [F65B28ED].avi 147263488 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 37 [48AA9B1E].avi 147161088 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 38 [0E816F09].avi 147339264 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 39 [C61FE7D7].avi 147349504 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 40 [A02C1382].avi 147329024 06-05-2023 
[Live-eviL] Yawara - Ep 41 [C3171A71].avi 147271680 06-05-2023 

                 Area 133 - Hentai BD Rips                

HYPNOLOVE_BD_Ep1.mkv 255625316 12-11-2024 
HYPNOLOVE_BD_Ep2.mkv 246022053 12-11-2024 
Outlanders Subs 1986.ass   42159 23-11-2024 
Outlanders Subs 1986.srt   32951 23-11-2024 
Outlanders Subs 2  1986.ass   42857 23-11-2024 
Outlanders_OVA_[H264][ru_jp].mkv 802117883 23-11-2024 
Outlanders_OVA_[H264][ru_jp]_1440x1080.mkv 1658149556 23-11-2024 
Viper_GTS_BD.mkv 1125781355 12-11-2024 

            Area 24 - Weekly Infopack (fsxNet)            

FSXNET.ZIP    163870 20-03-2025                           
                                        ߰ ܰ߰  
                                        ۰۰ܰ ۰ net 
                                       ۰ ߲  
                                        ۰   ۰   
                                    fsxnet.txt  -- Info & App       
                                    fsxnet.xxx  -- Nodelist         
                                     fsxnet.zaa  -- Nodelist (ZIP)   
                                    history.txt -- History          
                                     systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet    
                                     fsxnet.na   -- Echo list        
                                     fsx_file.na -- File echo list   

            Area 25 - Weekly Nodelist (fsxNet)            

FSXNET.Z57     12333 12-09-2024 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet
FSXNET.Z66     11769 06-03-2025 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet
FSXNET.Z80     11726 20-03-2025 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

               Area 23 - Micronet Infopacks               

MININFO.ZIP    21912 07-03-2025 Micronet Information Network Infopack for
                                Friday, 7 March 2025 (day 066).
                                All the information you need to join
                                Micronet, an active and friendly BBS mail
                                network.  We offer FTN and QWK-gated
                                networking.  FREQ MININFO from 1:18/200,
                                618:618/1, or visit minftn.net.

               Area 26 - Micronet Nodelists               

MICRONET.Z66    8318 07-03-2025 Micronet Information Network (zone 618)
                                nodelist for Friday, 7 March 2025
                                (day 066). FREQ MININFO from 1:18/200,
                                618:618/1, or visit minftn.net.

          Area 27 - Micronet Miscellaneous Files          

IBBS1223.ZIP 1461514 07-12-2023 = The Telnet & Dial-Up BBS Guide - 12/23 =
                                       = December 2023 Edition =       
                                Now in our 27th year of serving you!
                                The Telnet BBS Guide is maintained
                                each and every month by a BBS Sysop
                                with over 30 years experience! (and over
                                44 years of computer experience!) The
                                largest listing of just BBS systems!
                                Nearly 1000 listings! Also includes
                                US/Canada Dial-Up BBS list. NetRunner
                                Freeware Telnet Client included.
                                Maintained by The BBS Corner at:
TWITLIST.ZIP    9296 07-03-2025 Latest Twitlist

            Area 35 - League 10 Game Info Packs           

league10.zip  249019 16-11-2023 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info)
                                Application Form, Echo's (messages areas -
                                qwk or ftn import files), Nodelist.
                                now with a web page banner
                                updated 6/8/23
node.zip       32409 26-11-2023 League Game Node Files

          Area 21 - League 10 complete Nodelists          

LEAGUE10.173   31458 20-06-2024 
MICRONET.Z62    8521 18-03-2025 Micronet Information Network (zone 618)
                                nodelist for Friday, 27 December 2024
                                (day 362). FREQ MININFO from 1:18/200,
                                618:618/1, or visit minftn.net.
node.zip       32409 26-11-2023 League10 Game node files

            Area 29 - Micronet League 618 Files           

ILORD300.ZIP  362016 31-12-2023 Inter-LORD 3.00 Inter-BBS Gaming for LORD 
                                Provides an easy to use Inter-BBS option for
                                NOW USES BRE HOST style routing system using
                                attaches.  Works with our without The Realm
                                of Vanadia Series of Inter-IGMs.  It has many
                                advanced features, many ANSI graphics, RIP,
                                lots of user interaction, and solid game
                                play.  Minor Upgrade Y2K Fix, and all
                                reported bugs have been fixed.
L618.ZIP       11870 14-08-2024 Micronet League 618 Information Pack
                                This file contains the following for
                                Micronet League 618: (Rev. 06-Jul-2023)
                                L618RULE.TXT    League 618 Rules
                                BRNODES.618     BRE NodeList
                                FENODES.618     FE NodeList
                                TANODES.618     TAL NodeList
                                8WAY618.ZIP     8Way Slots NodeList
                                MEGA618.ZIP     Mega Slots NodeList
                                ZOM618.ZIP      Zombie Slots NodeList
                                BJINTBBS.618    GAC BlackJack NodeList
                                FCINTBBS.618    GAC FreeCell NodeList
                                WHINTBBS.618    GAC Wahoo NodeList
                                CLANS618.ZIP    The Clans! NodeList
                                INTRL618.ZIP    InterLORD NodeList
                                SITE618.ZIP     LordNet NodeList
LNET14NA.ZIP  238415 31-12-2023      LordNet v1.4N BETA - LORD Companion
                                  Another large beta release on the way to
                                  version 1.5!  Make your LORD Game InterBBS!
                                  REQUIRES LORD 3.55+!!!  More features than
                                  any other InterBBS Game! Now with extensive
                                  documentation!  Fully RIPped, Brigades,
                                  Up to 75,000 players, 999 different zones,
                                  10+ Coordinator Options -*NOT AVAILABLE*-
                                  in any other I-BBS Game!  Full Cheat &
                                  Level Checking! Join the CROWD!
LNETKEY.ZIP     1423 31-12-2023 Lordnet v?.?? Key Generator
                                coded & disassembled by dink '96 =)
MAKEREGS.ZIP   62833 07-09-2024 Makeregs Version 1.0
                                Special Thanks to GSValore for this one....
                                This program will register all 
                                GAC_Software programs PLEASE read
                                the included README.TXT!
OXGEN.ZIP      33180 07-09-2024 Iron Ox Key Generator
                                oxgen.c - Source code
                                oxgen.exe - DOS 16-bit
                                oxgen2.exe - OS/2 32-bit
                                oxgen - Linux 64-bit
                                Compiled with source code from:
PAWN400.ZIP   491434 31-12-2023 The Pawn Shop v4.00 LORD IGM
                                ** Officially released on Sept. 05th, 2008.
                                ** By Donald Tidmore.  ** Freeware,
                                ** Includes SHOPEDIT IGM utility.
                                Visit the Shop and become its owner.  Visit
                                Weapons Shop, Armoury, ATM;  Resurrect Dead
                                Warriors, Rob Vault, Buy Mercenaries, Visit
                                Wendy.  Special privileges for Sysop User.
                                See PAWNSHOP.TXT for info. ** For DOS LORD.

          Area 30 - League-10 IBBS Games + Igm's          

8WAY132.ZIP   136669 11-09-2023 ͵    8 W A Y  S L O T S  v1.3.2   ͸
                                     Slot Machine Door Game.         
                                  Played on a 3 by 3 Grid of token   
                                  wheels, this door pays out on      
                                  vertical, horizontal and diagonal  
                                  lines. Multiple lines are also     
                                  payed out.                         
                                  Each win adds 1 more play.         
                                  Player Make Up Days                
                                  Resets at end of month.            
                                  InterBBS Capable                   
                                 FREE-WARE RELEASE ;
AB1V140.ZIP   393618 18-03-2025    >>---> ARROWBRIDGE I <---<<      
                                        Quest for the Orb
                                Arrowbridge Online Game is an Ultima
                                style  door.   It  has active combat
                                routines, over 240000 locations  and
                                supports multinode systems.  Players
                                must  earn  experience,  explore the
                                land,  raid burial  chambers,  build
                                armies,   gather    magic   weapons,
                                complete  special  missions and much
                                much  more!   The  game  can operate
                                on  an Inter-BBS basis with features
                                including    Inter-BBS    assassins,
                                destructors  and  a  top 100  player
                                list.   Arrowbridge  can be  equally
                                enjoyed  by  playing it  on a stand-
                                alone basis. Insist on the original!
ab2-220.zip   804491 11-09-2023    >>---> ARROWBRIDGE II <---<<
                                Arrowbridge II - The Guardians  of
                                Darkness,  is  a   fully  featured
                                Inter-BBS door.  Voted one  of the
                                top  five  doors  for  1997,  ABII
                                is the sequel  to the  classic hit 
                                door Arrowbridge.
                                Players  must   earn   experience, 
                                explore the land,  raid  dungeons,
                                joust  and  duel  players,   build 
                                armies, gather magic weapons, form
                                teams,  complete  special missions 
                                and much,  much  more.  ABII  also
                                features the  capability  of  game
                                coordinators  creating  their  own
                                lands,   dungeons,   missions  and
                                hints using a map editor. Optional
                                advanced    Inter-BBS    functions
                                include assassins, duels, castles,
                                armies,  taxation,  spells,  black
                                clouds,  gold  transfer  and  much
                                more. Get Arrowbridge II and bring 
                                the users back to your BBS!
AB2-220.ZIP   804491 18-03-2025    >>---> ARROWBRIDGE II <---<<
                                Arrowbridge II - The Guardians  of
                                Darkness,  is  a   fully  featured
                                Inter-BBS door.  Voted one  of the
                                top  five  doors  for  1997,  ABII
                                is the sequel  to the  classic hit
                                door Arrowbridge.
                                Players  must   earn   experience,
                                explore the land,  raid  dungeons,
                                joust  and  duel  players,   build
                                armies, gather magic weapons, form
                                teams,  complete  special missions
                                and much,  much  more.  ABII  also
                                features the  capability  of  game
                                coordinators  creating  their  own
                                lands,   dungeons,   missions  and
                                hints using a map editor. Optional
                                advanced    Inter-BBS    functions
                                include assassins, duels, castles,
                                armies,  taxation,  spells,  black
                                clouds,  gold  transfer  and  much
                                more. Get Arrowbridge II and bring
                                the users back to your BBS!
ab2code.txt      215 11-09-2023 
AB2MP117.ZIP  576413 11-09-2023 >-> ARROWBRIDGE II Map Editor <-<
                                Arrowbridge II  Map  Editor  is  a 
                                Windows application to allow users
                                to customize their  Arrowbridge II
                                games.  The editor permits editing
                                of   dungeons,  lairs,  hints  and
                                special missions.  This is a  very
                                powerful utility  for  those  that
                                are serious about Arrowbridge II.
                                Arrowbridge  II  -   bringing  the
                                users back!
AB2V212.ZIP   798520 11-09-2023    >>---> ARROWBRIDGE II <---<<
                                Arrowbridge II - The Guardians  of
                                Darkness,  is  a   fully  featured
                                Inter-BBS door.  Voted one  of the
                                top  five  doors  for  1997,  ABII
                                is the sequel  to the  classic hit 
                                door Arrowbridge.
                                Players  must   earn   experience, 
                                explore the land,  raid  dungeons,
                                joust  and  duel  players,   build 
                                armies, gather magic weapons, form
                                teams,  complete  special missions 
                                and much,  much  more.  ABII  also
                                features the  capability  of  game
                                coordinators  creating  their  own
                                lands,   dungeons,   missions  and
                                hints using a map editor. Optional
                                advanced    Inter-BBS    functions
                                include assassins, duels, castles,
                                armies,  taxation,  spells,  black
                                clouds,  gold  transfer  and  much
                                more. Get Arrowbridge II and bring 
                                the users back to your BBS!
ABR131.ZIP    428559 11-09-2023    >>---> ARROWBRIDGE I <---<<      
                                        Quest for the Orb           
                                Arrowbridge Online Game is an Ultima
                                style  door.   It  has active combat
                                routines, over 240000 locations  and
                                supports multinode systems.  Players
                                must  earn  experience,  explore the
                                land,  raid burial  chambers,  build
                                armies,   gather    magic   weapons,
                                complete  special  missions and much
                                much  more!   The  game  can operate
                                on  an Inter-BBS basis with features
                                including    Inter-BBS    assassins,
                                destructors  and  a  top 100  player
                                list.   Arrowbridge  can be  equally
                                enjoyed  by  playing it  on a stand-
                                alone basis. Insist on the original!
BARAK202.ZIP   61986 11-09-2023 -=Barak's House V2.02 : LORD IGM=-
                                In Game  Module for the door LORD.    
                                Your users can  meet Barak and his
                                crazy mother!  -=-=-  By Seth Able
                                UPDATED to remove RTE:200 Error by
                                Vagabond Software. 
BBYTRP47.ZIP  139793 11-09-2023 Booby Trap v4.7 - InterBBS Door Game by
                                Mike Jordan. Requires skill, thought &
                                luck. Find the 25 booby traps without
                                blowing yourself to bits in the field of
                                152 squares. Supports most major drop 
                                files, has Fossil detection, RIP
                                detection and works with environmental 
                                varables. No expiration date or demo key 
BLACKV10.ZIP  251750 11-09-2023 ============================================
                                       INTERBBS BLACKJACK  -  v1.0
                                FRREWARE! The LAST release from Lounge
                                Software...Enjoy folks!
                                Another great InterBBS Door Game. Now from
                                the makers of Colonies and TQFN(IBBS) comes
                                InterBBS BlackJack! Players from each BBS
                                compete to see who can become the BlackJack
                                King before anyone else and reach $1,000,000
                                first. Fully Multinode, features fossil
                                driver support, non standard IRQ's, and
                                easy InterBBS setup! Grab a copy today!
                                (C)Copyright 1997 Lounge Software
BREV988.ZIP   337672 11-09-2023 Barren Realms Elite [BRE] v0.988
                                IBBS - Attack, trade, and make 
                                political alliances throughout 
                                the world - the real world - in 
                                this completely inter-BBS capable
                                strategy war game.
CAVE14A.ZIP    91919 18-03-2025      The L.O.R.D. Cavern v1.4a LORD IGM
                                For LORD 3.25+ - Only fixes for OS/2.  13
                                different random actions, plus the ability
                                for you to make your own, called RHPs!  This
                                is the LAST PROJECTED VERSION (Again!)!
                                SETUP installs and uninstalls in seconds!
                                Does not need a BBS dropfile and uses non-
                                standard Com ports!  FREEWARE.
cave17.zip    164955 11-09-2023 The L.O.R.D. Cavern v1.7 LORD IGM
                                ** Freeware IGM by Jason Brown.
                                ** Maintained by Donald Tidmore.
                                ** Officially released on 06/11/2005.
                                ** Official distribution on 06/11/05.
                                ** NOT for use with LORD/32 Beta.
                                Designed for LORD v3.25+, and tested
                                with v4.07 beta. v1.6 changes Summary:
                                Riddler event will not allow Skill Use
                                Points to be below zero.  Skeleton now
                                gives slightly better value in weapon
                                and armour exchanges.  The IGM supports
                                #16+ weapon/armour numbers now.  New
                                River event added.  Some penalties were
                                decreased, and some rewards increased at
                                request of beta tester Michael Everett.
                                IGM config allows sysops to set new Kids
                                per Visit adoption limit, up to 4. It
                                also now includes IGM Path entry.  Some
                                new riddles were added for Troll and the
                                Riddler.  Some new RHP codes were added,
                                and more now work in Math formulas.
                                June 2004: Mostly internal code updates.
                                New Setup program LCSETUP.EXE added.
                                New cave monster: Gryphon.
                                Sep. 2004: Added Lord News entries when
                                player gets new weapon or armour from
                                the Cavern's Skeleton.
                                * LCSETUP.EXE updated to fine-tune the
                                Configure, Install and Un-Install
                                processes in early December 2004.
                                * IGM will automatically fix any
                                negative LORD stats a player has at
                                IGM entry/exit, as of 01/19/2005.
                                * The IGM now creates 2 Usage Reports
                                in CAVE-USE.TXT disk file during the
                                IGM exit process, as of 01/21/2005.
                                * LCSETUP.EXE's main menu has option
                                for viewing the IGM Usage Reports. If
                                cave-use.txt does not exist, and the
                                Lordcave.dat file does exists, the
                                process creates a new reports file.
                                Effective on 01/23/05.
                                * IGM's STATS screen revised to display
                                Children and Adoptions Today data in
                                top part of screen, before the Skills
                                data is shown. 02/02/2005.
                                ** Added support for LCSETUP REPORT
                                command for direct access/viewing of
                                IGM's Usage Reports file. 02/06/2005.
                                ** Modified max Exp Points rewards for
                                Riddler, Troll, Lost Child and Lost
                                Warrior events to 25,000 points; 35,000
                                points; 45,000 points; and 55,000 points
                                respectively. 03/09/2005.
                                ** Added Healing for injured players to
                                "drink from River" event. ** Added 2 new
                                questions in Riddler's event.  03/09/05.
                                ** Added 2 new riddles to Troll's event
                                on 03/10/2005.
                                ** IGM will display the on-screen IGM
                                Usage Reports for ALL players, instead
                                of just the Sysop user, as of 03/11/05.
                                Freeware door game by Jason Brown;
                                Maintained by Donald Tidmore.
                                Email: Jason - jmbrown@pcisys.net, and
                                  Donald - donald.tidmore@usa.net, or
                                  gtidmore@hiwaay.net, or
CAVE17.ZIP    164955 18-03-2025 The L.O.R.D. Cavern v1.7 LORD IGM
                                ** Freeware IGM by Jason Brown.
                                ** Maintained by Donald Tidmore.
                                ** Officially released on 06/11/2005.
                                ** Official distribution on 06/11/05.
                                ** NOT for use with LORD/32 Beta.
                                Designed for LORD v3.25+, and tested
                                with v4.07 beta. v1.6 changes Summary:
                                Riddler event will not allow Skill Use
                                Points to be below zero.  Skeleton now
                                gives slightly better value in weapon
                                and armour exchanges.  The IGM supports
                                #16+ weapon/armour numbers now.  New
                                River event added.  Some penalties were
                                decreased, and some rewards increased at
                                request of beta tester Michael Everett.
                                IGM config allows sysops to set new Kids
                                per Visit adoption limit, up to 4. It
                                also now includes IGM Path entry.  Some
                                new riddles were added for Troll and the
                                Riddler.  Some new RHP codes were added,
                                and more now work in Math formulas.
                                June 2004: Mostly internal code updates.
                                New Setup program LCSETUP.EXE added.
                                New cave monster: Gryphon.
                                Sep. 2004: Added Lord News entries when
                                player gets new weapon or armour from
                                the Cavern's Skeleton.
                                * LCSETUP.EXE updated to fine-tune the
                                Configure, Install and Un-Install
                                processes in early December 2004.
                                * IGM will automatically fix any
                                negative LORD stats a player has at
                                IGM entry/exit, as of 01/19/2005.
                                * The IGM now creates 2 Usage Reports
                                in CAVE-USE.TXT disk file during the
                                IGM exit process, as of 01/21/2005.
                                * LCSETUP.EXE's main menu has option
                                for viewing the IGM Usage Reports. If
                                cave-use.txt does not exist, and the
                                Lordcave.dat file does exists, the
                                process creates a new reports file.
                                Effective on 01/23/05.
                                * IGM's STATS screen revised to display
                                Children and Adoptions Today data in
                                top part of screen, before the Skills
                                data is shown. 02/02/2005.
                                ** Added support for LCSETUP REPORT
                                command for direct access/viewing of
                                IGM's Usage Reports file. 02/06/2005.
                                ** Modified max Exp Points rewards for
CLAN95B7.ZIP  345611 11-09-2023 The Clans v0.95b7 -- *InterBBS* RPG
                                Form a clan and wander from BBS to
                                BBS doing battle with other clans
                                and creatures!  The most unique and
                                *addictive* new RPG/wargame to come
                                out in a long time.
                                ** Now freeware! **
COL210.ZIP     65445 11-09-2023 CASTLE OF LORD v2.10 IGM for LORD
                                The long awaited update of the great
                                IGM! All known bugs were fixed, comm
                                drivers were updated, etc.
                                Archonware BBS : (540)341-1865
col220.zip     65550 11-09-2023 Castle of L.O.R.D. v2.20 LORD IGM
                                The long awaited update of the great
                                IGM!  All known bugs were fixed, comm
                                drivers were updated, etc. By Trevor
                                Herndon.  RTE200 Patch update version
                                prepared by Donald Tidmore for Trevor.
COL220.ZIP     65550 18-03-2025 Castle of L.O.R.D. v2.20 LORD IGM
                                The long awaited update of the great
                                IGM!  All known bugs were fixed, comm
                                drivers were updated, etc. By Trevor
                                Herndon.  RTE200 Patch update version
                                prepared by Donald Tidmore for Trevor.
FBB202.zip    613417 11-09-2023  Franchise Basketball v2.02
                                      -=Basketball Door/LAN Simulator=-      
                                 One of the best BBS doors available.  Users 
                                  Manage their own professional Basketball   
                                  Franchise vs other users.  Features:       
                                     Full InterBBS Support                  
                                     In Game Module Support                 
                                     Compatible with all major BBS software 
                                     Non-Standard COM ports and IRQ's       
                                  The game features trading with other teams,
                                   signing free agents, buying front office  
                                 items like stadiums and merchandise, setting
                                   ticket prices, training players and much  
                                    much more!  Do you have what it takes?   
fbbcca10.zip  129141 11-09-2023  The Computer  Coaching Assistant v1.00
                                  a utility for Franchise Basketball   
                                The CCA is a utility that actively plays the
                                computer teams in FBB.  It will buy all items
                                change ticket prices, sign free agents,
                                and reject trades, and much more.  Simple to
                                install, but vital to own.  Freeware with
                                registration of Franchise Basketball.
                                by Scott Snella
FE102.ZIP     280637 11-09-2023    -=Falcon's Eye (FE) v1.02=-
                                InterBBS Capable Fantasy War Game
                                     From the Makers Of BRE
                                Redesigned from previous versions
FEV106.ZIP    294748 11-09-2023 Falcon's Eye v1.06 
                                Set in a medeival world, Falcon's Eye is the 
                                ultimate in mythical strategy war-gaming. 
                                Players compete to maintain control of the 
                                Falcon's Eye, giving them advantages whether 
                                competing locally or in an inter-BBS league.
FIRES101.ZIP  160906 11-09-2023 Fireside Chat 1.01 (tm) IGM by G.A.C. 
                                Computer Services.  MULTINODE REALTIME user 
                                chat by the fireside.  Allows users to chat
                                with each other EVEN IF THEY ARE IN DIFFERENT
                                LORD GAMES!  Support for all BBSs and comm 
                                routines LORD supports, original ANSI art, 
                                RIP, chat actions.  NO MODIFICATIONS, just
                                multi-lord game chat!  Players can page
                                another player in ANY lord game from the
                                fireside.  Works with Major BBS Correctly!
flpfop11.zip  146338 11-09-2023 Flip Flop 1.1 - Door Game by Mike Jordan
                                Requires skill and thought to beat the
                                computer. Similar to Othello, but with some
                                differences... change the computers color
                                pieces to your's by landing next to them.
                                Watch out, the computer is a pretty smart
                                player. Supports most major drop files,
                                environmental variables for multi-node and is
                                fossil and RIP aware. InterBBS Playable.
                                No expiration date or demo key required.
flpfop51.zip  142982 11-09-2023 Flip Flop v.51beta - Door Game by Mike Jordan
                                       -- Wide Beta Release --
                                Requires skill and thought to beat the
                                computer. Similar to Othello, but with some
                                differences... change the computers color
                                pieces to your's by landing next to them.
                                Watch out, the computer is a pretty smart
                                player. Supports most major drop files,
                                environmental variables for multi-node and is
                                fossil and RIP aware. InterBBS Playable.
                                No expiration date or demo key required.
FMM104A.ZIP   119864 11-09-2023 ķ
                                 Fat Man's Misery! ver 1.04a - IGM for LORD
                                 Seth A. Robinson says, "Wow! I like it!!  
                                 I approve of it. It actually has some new 
                                 and interesting things! Nice new formats."
                                 The game is based on the premise that a   
                                 player who is too fat with gold and gems, 
                                 must drop some before exiting through a   
                                 small slit in the mountain.  Game editor, 
                                 Multiple heathens in a fight, ability to  
                                 use skills, hidden choices, a contest,    
                                 2 games and many more challenging choices.
                                 Written in Turbo Pascal 7.0 using DDPLUS. 
                                       (c) 1996 by John A. Tucker          
gacbj230.zip  331083 11-09-2023 Tournament Blackjack TM (TBJ) Version 2.30!!
                                by GAC\Vagabond Software. NEW! Includes
                                both DOS 16 and WIN95/NT versions!
                                This is a MULTINODE, INTER-BBS blackjack game
                                with NEW! ANSI CARDS for the user and dealer. 
                                TBJ will allow users on a BBS to participate 
                                in a blackjack game as if they were sitting 
                                at a real table, chatting is even available! 
                                Inter-BBS play allows users to send messages,
                                and view all scores. Easy IBBS operation.
                                Postcardware via Vagabond Software!
GACFC130.ZIP  310524 11-09-2023 Tournament FreeCell (tm) (TFC) Version 1.30!
                                by GAC\Vagabond Software. NEW! Includes
                                both DOS 16 and WIN95/NT versions!
                                This is a MULTINODE, INTER-BBS FreeCell game
                                that will work on all BBS systems.  FreeCell
                                is an addictive solitare card game.  Users
                                will compete for the best score (based on 
                                percent of wins and total games played).
                                Inter-BBS play allows users to send messages,
                                and view all scores. Easy IBBS operation. 
                                Now Postcard Wear via Vagabond Software!
gacwh130.zip  300092 11-09-2023 Tournament WaHoo (tm) (TWH) Version 1.30!
                                by Gac/Vagabond Software. NEW! Includes
                                both DOS 16 and WIN95/NT versions!
                                This is a MULTINODE, INTER-BBS WaHoo Board 
                                game that will work on all BBS systems.  Wa-
                                Hoo is a simple game that mixes skill and 
                                chance.  Attempt to move your marbles home
                                before the other opponents win or catch you.
                                Inter-BBS play allows users to send messages,
                                and view all scores. Easy IBBS operation. 
                                PostCardWare Via Vagabond Software!
GRAVE330.ZIP   70643 11-09-2023 The GraveYard v3.3  LORD IGM
                                 Fixed FILE LOCKING! now WORKS
                                 Multi-Node!  Multi-line systems
                                 GET THIS FILE!
                                Written By Tommy Baker, Dig up
                                graves and steal their treasures or
                                travel to a shop, collect items on
                                the way there, and trade for rewards. 
HTDICE22.ZIP  131867 11-09-2023 Hot-Dice v2.2 - InterBBS Door Game by Mike
                                Roll the dice and pick the numbers from a 
                                3x3 grid that equals the roll of the dice.
                                Try to get all the numbers before you run 
                                out of numbers to choose from. No Demo Key or
                                Expiration Date. RIP detection, is DV and
                                fossil aware. Supports environmental
                                variables for multi-node operation.
ILORD210.ZIP  372971 11-09-2023 Inter-LORD 2.10 Inter-BBS Gaming for LORD 
                                Provides an easy to use Inter-BBS option for
                                NOW USES BRE HOST style routing system using
                                attaches.  Works with our without The Realm
                                of Vanadia Series of Inter-IGMs.  It has many
                                advanced features, many ANSI graphics, RIP, 
                                lots of user interaction, and solid game
                                play.  Minor Upgrade Y2K Fix, and all
                                reported bugs have been fixed.  
ILORD300.ZIP  362204 11-09-2023 Inter-LORD 3.00 Inter-BBS Gaming for LORD 
                                Provides an easy to use Inter-BBS option for
                                NOW USES BRE HOST style routing system using
                                attaches.  Works with our without The Realm
                                of Vanadia Series of Inter-IGMs.  It has many
                                advanced features, many ANSI graphics, RIP, 
                                lots of user interaction, and solid game
                                play.  Minor Upgrade Y2K Fix, and all
                                reported bugs have been fixed.  
INDEX.HTM      46403 19-01-2025 
ironox10.zip  234359 11-09-2023 Iron Ox v. 1.00 -- Great strategy door!
                                Scheme to become the richest colonist on 
                                an alien world.  Nine player races that
                                can claim land, steal, sabotage, spy and 
                                trade.  Multinode and DV-aware with support 
                                for FOSSIL, many dropfiles, and "smart 
                                secure mode."  Up to 255 concurrent games 
                                with game-by-game and monthly scoring; 
                                sysop-configurable daily, weekly, and 
                                monthly time prizes for the leader.  Fun 
                                for your users; fast, easy installation 
                                and zero-effort maintenance for you.  
                                Don't miss it!
isa0994a.zip  398160 11-09-2023 -> InterStellar Annihilation v0.994a <-
                                   The long-awaited release is here!
                                This  classic  multi-bbs   online   game
                                features Multi-BBS Attack, send messages
                                and  work with  people  from other BBS's
                                when  coupled  with  a  Fido  compatable
                                mailer.  This online  game  will provide
                                your users  with a unique opportunity to
                                play online games  with more people than
                                just  your BBS!  Supports  all the  most 
                                popular BBS  packages including DOOR32,
                                WildCat, GAP,  PCBoard,  WWIV,  TriBBS,
                                and more!  Now FOSSIL and Telnet aware,
                                and supports IGMs.  From TayNik Software
                                  Copyright (c)1996-2003 Andy Stewart
ISA0994A.ZIP  398160 18-03-2025 -> InterStellar Annihilation v0.994a <-
                                   The long-awaited release is here!
                                This  classic  multi-bbs   online   game
                                features Multi-BBS Attack, send messages
                                and  work with  people  from other BBS's
                                when  coupled  with  a  Fido  compatable
                                mailer.  This online  game  will provide
                                your users  with a unique opportunity to
                                play online games  with more people than
                                just  your BBS!  Supports  all the  most
                                popular BBS  packages including DOOR32,
                                WildCat, GAP,  PCBoard,  WWIV,  TriBBS,
                                and more!  Now FOSSIL and Telnet aware,
                                and supports IGMs.  From TayNik Software
                                  Copyright (c)1996-2003 Andy Stewart
JEWEL29.ZIP   155018 11-09-2023 Jewel Thief v2.9 - InterBBS Door Game by
                                Mike Jordan. Jewel Thief is a multi-level,
                                action game, that requires concentration, 
                                courage, fast reflects and good hand eye 
                                coordination to be able to steal all the 
                                Jewels in each room...Without getting Zapped
                                by the very protective guards. No expiration 
                                date or Demo Key required. Supports RIP and 
                                DigiFossil, locked DTE, & most Drop Files.
                                An InterBBS playable Door.
KDOM-223.ZIP  572609 18-03-2025 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                              KINGDOMS v2.23
                                              May 10th, 1998
                                  Better and Better! Once more Kingdoms
                                 sets the pace for InterBBS games. Don't
                                  waste time with other Doors that only
                                  have InterBBS facilities as an add-on!
                                   Get the Real Thing. Get Kingdoms.
                                  Completely integrated and Menu driven
                                 Game and InterBBS feature configuration.
                                 Game Play that users all over the world
                                 are raving about. C'mon. You WANT this!
                                Kingdoms (c) 93-98 Dave Chapman. Shareware
knghtsmv.zip  117400 11-09-2023 Knight's Move - v1.6 Door Game by Mike Jordan
                                requiring skill and thought. Move the chess 
                                Knight around the board trying to land on 
                                each square only once.  Supports most major
                                drop files. Supports environmental variables
                                for multi-node operation. Has fossil and RIP
                                detection and works with Digifossil. 
                                No expiration date or demo key required.
KNTSMV20.ZIP  127583 11-09-2023 Knight's Move - v2.0 Door Game by Mike Jordan
                                requiring skill and thought. Move the chess 
                                Knight around the board trying to land on 
                                each square only once.  Supports most major
                                drop files, environmental variables for
                                multi-node and is fossil and RIP aware.
                                Now InterBBS Playable.
                                No expiration date or demo key required.
ldtrx115.zip   81637 11-09-2023 LORD TRX!  Version 1.15.  Socrates'
                                Shop IGM.  A SocraSoft In Game Module
                                for use with Seth Able Robinson's
                                immensely popular "Legend of the Red
                                Dragon" versions 3.25+.  New features!
                                Bug fixes!  Shareware $5.
ldyluk22.zip  135613 11-09-2023 Lady Luck 2.2 - Door Game by Mike Jordan.
                                Has the thrill of Craps, the excitment of 
                                Roulete and the anticipation of a Slots. 
                                Bet on the roll of 3 dice to try and 
                                make a bundle. But beware, the House
                                _DOES_ have the advantage. Supports RIP and
                                DigiFossil.  No Demo Key or Expiration date.
LIFE119D.ZIP  284175 11-09-2023              -=Lord Life V1.18 and up=-     
                                        A LORD IGM created at The Arctic Era
                                BBS at (604) 852-1447 by Trevor Kooy. NEW 
                                RELEASE FIXES some problems with file sharing
                                great new config!  Adds a whole new dimension
                                to your game.  You can chat at Trisnics 
                                tavern, joust with your horse, kill a lord 
                                enemy for good, gamble your money, more!
LINEUP10.ZIP  181159 03-12-2023 Line Up .50 - Door Game by Mike Jordan
                                Move the squares around the 9 x 9 board
                                to try and line up 5 or more of the same
                                color so they will be removed before the
                                fills up.  New squares added each turn and
                                more colors as the game progresses.
                                Supports most major drop files, environmental
                                variables for multi-node and is fossil and 
                                RIP aware. InterBBS Playable.
                                No expiration date or demo key required.
lineup33.zip  187280 11-09-2023 Line Up .33 - Door Game by Mike Jordan
                                Move the squares around the 9 x 9 board
                                to try and line up 5 or more of the same
                                color so they will be removed before the
                                fills up.  New squares added each turn and
                                more colors as the game progresses.
                                Supports most major drop files, environmental
                                variables for multi-node and is fossil and 
                                RIP aware. InterBBS Playable.
                                No expiration date or demo key required.
LNET12L.ZIP   342135 18-03-2025        LordNet v1.2L - LORD Companion
                                  The International Inter-BBS hit comes out
                                  of BETA after more than a year in testing!
                                  Make your LORD Game InterBBS! REQUIRES
                                  LORD 3.55+!!!  More features than any other
                                  InterBBS Game! Now with extensive
                                  documentation!  Fully RIPped, Brigades,
                                  Up to 75,000 players, 999 different zones,
                                  10+ Coordinator Options -*NOT AVAILABLE*-
                                  in any other I-BBS Game!  Full Cheat &
                                  Level Checking! Join the CROWD!
LNET14D.ZIP   249874 11-09-2023      LordNet v1.4D BETA - LORD Companion
                                  The second large beta release on the way to
                                  version 1.5!  Make your LORD Game InterBBS!
                                  REQUIRES LORD 3.55+!!!  More features than 
                                  any other InterBBS Game! Now with extensive
                                  documentation!  Fully RIPped, Brigades,
                                  Up to 75,000 players, 999 different zones,
                                  10+ Coordinator Options -*NOT AVAILABLE*-
                                  in any other I-BBS Game!  Full Cheat &
                                  Level Checking! Join the CROWD!
LNET14N.ZIP   238695 11-09-2023      LordNet v1.4N BETA - LORD Companion
                                  Another large beta release on the way to
                                  version 1.5!  Make your LORD Game InterBBS!
                                  REQUIRES LORD 3.55+!!!  More features than 
                                  any other InterBBS Game! Now with extensive
                                  documentation!  Fully RIPped, Brigades,
                                  Up to 75,000 players, 999 different zones,
                                  10+ Coordinator Options -*NOT AVAILABLE*-
                                  in any other I-BBS Game!  Full Cheat &
                                  Level Checking! Join the CROWD!
lnet200.zip   357213 11-09-2023      LordNet v2.0 BETA - LORD Companion
                                  Make your LORD Game InterBBS! 
                                  REQUIRES LORD 3.55+!!!  More features than 
                                  any other InterBBS Game! Now with extensive
                                  documentation!  Fully RIPped, Brigades,
                                  Up to 75,000 players, 999 different zones,
                                  10+ Coordinator Options -*NOT AVAILABLE*-
                                  in any other I-BBS Game!  Full Cheat &
                                  Level Checking! Join the CROWD!
                                  setup for league 10 use only (setup to run
                                  over the 200 mhz computer)
LNET200.ZIP   357213 18-03-2025      LordNet v2.0 BETA - LORD Companion
                                  Make your LORD Game InterBBS!
                                  REQUIRES LORD 3.55+!!!  More features than
                                  any other InterBBS Game! Now with extensive
                                  documentation!  Fully RIPped, Brigades,
                                  Up to 75,000 players, 999 different zones,
                                  10+ Coordinator Options -*NOT AVAILABLE*-
                                  in any other I-BBS Game!  Full Cheat &
                                  Level Checking! Join the CROWD!
                                  setup for league 10 use only (setup to run
                                  over the 200 mhz computer)
LNETKEY.ZIP     1423 11-09-2023 Lordnet v?.?? Key Generator
                                coded & disassembled by dink '96 =)
lord407.zip   440693 11-09-2023 -= Legend Of The Red Dragon 4.07 =-
                                 From the ashes, the Dragon rides
                                 again! Major release featuring
                                 low cpu usage, cosmetic speed
                                 improvements, edit most everything!
LORE_250.ZIP  698512 18-03-2025 Ķ LORE  Version 2.50 
                                An on-line game of fantasy role-playing!
                                Features  a  full-screen  ANSI  graphics
                                interface, with a detailed and colourful
                                moving  map  system.    Over  1  million
                                locations to move to! Visit 50+ cities &
                                talk with the inhabitants interactively,
                                or go underground in search of treasure!
                                Hundreds  of  monsters  to  fight!  Full
                                Inter-BBS support,  real-time  multinode
                                interaction,  build and defend your  own
                                fully-featured  bases,   hire  computer-
                                controlled allies,  and much more.  Very
                                easy  to  install  and configure,even if
                                you've never installed a door before!
                                Ķ Released April 25, 1998 
MAKEREGS.ZIP   62833 11-09-2023 Makeregs Version 1.0
                                Special Thanks to GSValore for this one....
                                This program will register all 
                                GAC_Software programs PLEASE read
                                the included README.TXT!
MEGA140.ZIP   165851 11-09-2023 ͵   M E G A  S L O T S   v1.4.0   ͸
                                      An Online Slot Machine.        
                                    Runs on Most BBS Software.       
                                    Each win adds 1 more play.       
                                    Resets at end of month.          
                                    Player Make Up Days              
                                    InterBBS Capable                 
                                 FREE-WARE RELEASE ;
MEGA141.ZIP   167075 11-09-2023 ͵   M E G A  S L O T S   v1.4.1   ͸
                                      An Online Slot Machine.        
                                    Runs on Most BBS Software.       
                                    Each win adds 1 more play.       
                                    Resets at end of month.          
                                    Player Make Up Days              
                                    InterBBS Capable                 
                                 FREE-WARE RELEASE ;
Mega150.zip   196521 11-09-2023 ͵   M E G A  S L O T S   v1.5.0   ͸
                                      An Online Slot Machine.        
                                    Runs on Most BBS Software.       
                                    Each win adds 1 more play.       
                                    Resets at end of month.          
                                    Bank Loans.                      
                                    Current Game Stats.              
                                    Random Player Mugging.           
                                    Random Return of Mugged Amount.  
                                    Player Make Up Days.             
                                    InterBBS Capable.                
                                 FREE-WARE RELEASE ;
Mega151.zip   149141 11-09-2023 ͵   M E G A  S L O T S   v1.5.1   ͸
                                      An Online Slot Machine.        
                                    Runs on Most BBS Software.       
                                    Each win adds 1 more play.       
                                    Resets at end of month.          
                                    Bank Loans.                      
                                    Current Game Stats.              
                                    Random Player Mugging.           
                                    Random Return of Mugged Amount.  
                                    Player Make Up Days.             
                                    InterBBS Capable.                
                                 FREE-WARE RELEASE ;
Mega160.zip   184582 11-09-2023 ͵   M E G A  S L O T S   v1.6.0   ͸
                                      An Online Slot Machine.        
                                    Runs on Most BBS Software.       
                                    Each win adds 1 more play.       
                                    Resets at end of month.          
                                    Bank Loans.                      
                                    Current Game Stats.              
                                    Random Player Mugging.           
                                    Random Return of Mugged Amount.  
                                    Player Make Up Days.             
                                    InterBBS Capable.                
                                    Robotic Players                  
                                 FREE-WARE RELEASE ;
NPCLOR28.ZIP   85399 11-09-2023 -= NPCLord v2.8! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+ =-       
                                   NPCs can now do EVERYTHING that  
                                   Humans can do!  EVERYTHING!
                                   AI Mail, up to 150 NPCs, NPCLord
                                   is 100% configurable!  By SOS!
OLMAN21.ZIP    33134 11-09-2023 Old   Man   IGM  2.1:  for   LORD   3.26+
                                   An    animated   test of archery,  and
                                fair  prizes,   unlike   some other  IGMs
                                Fixes   kids,  re-entry,  and  some  menu
                                Has  been  downloaded  over  1,000  times
                                off of SAR's The Darkside!
olman22.zip    34276 11-09-2023 Old Man v2.20 LORD IGM
                                -- RTE200 patch update
                                Old Man for LORD v3.26+.
                                An animated test of archery, and
                                fair prizes, unlike some other IGMs.
                                Fixes kids, re-entry, and some menu
OXV310.ZIP    688213 11-09-2023 Iron Ox 3.10 -- A New Universe!
                                Enjoy beautiful RIP art, land
                                developments like forts and refineries,
                                programmable drones that fight and work
                                the land in real time, and much more.
                                Now with three new drone classes,
                                factories, and remote IBBS reset.
                                Don't miss this game!
OXV3WB3.ARJ   588650 11-09-2023 Iron Ox 3.00wb3 -- A New Universe!
                                A major new release of the Iron Ox
                                strategy door, now featuring full
                                support for interBBS league play!  This
                                door also features full RIP graphics
                                support (optional local graphics),
                                REAL-TIME multinode combat, beautiful
                                RIP art by RogueMoonRips, land
                                developments like forts and refineries,
                                and much more.  Don't miss this game!
PAWN400.ZIP   491430 11-09-2023 The Pawn Shop v4.00 LORD IGM
                                ** Officially released on Sept. 05th, 2008.
                                ** By Donald Tidmore.  ** Freeware,
                                ** Includes SHOPEDIT IGM utility.
                                Visit the Shop and become its owner.  Visit
                                Weapons Shop, Armoury, ATM;  Resurrect Dead
                                Warriors, Rob Vault, Buy Mercenaries, Visit
                                Wendy.  Special privileges for Sysop User.
                                See PAWNSHOP.TXT for info. ** For DOS LORD.
POKER22.ZIP   131189 11-09-2023 Poker Bandit v2.2 - Door Game. Poker
                                in a Slot Machine. Pull the Handle and
                                watch the 5 cards spin. Your payoff is
                                decided by the "Hand" that comes up. Has
                                RIP and Fossil detection. Works with
                                non-standard addressing. Uses environmental
                                variables for single *.cfg file in multi-
                                node operation. Internal Setup. InterBBS
                                Playable. No expiration date or Demo Key 
SLOTTO10.ZIP   87066 11-09-2023      Seth's Lotto - LORD IGM
                                 Another IGM by Joseph Masters
                                 with full source code. Minimal
                                 game impact. 2sec Install.
STABLE15.ZIP  126317 11-09-2023  LORD Stables IGM Ver 1.5 for LORD 3.53+
                                 An IGM for LORD that let's players buy 
                                 and sell horses!  Sounds kinda' dumb, 
                                 but useful for SysOps that like to keep 
                                 cheating to a minimum by running few or 
                                 no IGMs.  I think I did a good job 
                                 'cause I'm one of those SysOps!  Lot's 
                                 of bug fixes from previous releases!  
                                 Much better now!
                                 Written by: Jason Parish
TALV103.ZIP   248444 11-09-2023 The Arcadian Legends [TAL] v1.03 IBBS
                                The count has selected you  to succeed him in
                                leading your county into history!  Accept the
                                challenge  and race  against  your opponents,
                                building  a  powerful  economy,   an  awesome
                                military,  and a realm worthy of recognition,
                                in this inter-BBS strategy game.   Originally
                                by Mehul Patel.  Registration $15.00US 
TBINGO36.ZIP  141321 11-09-2023 Tri-Bingo v3.6 - Door Game by Mike Jordan.
                                The best Bingo Door Game available. Many 
                                features, play up to 3 cards at a time and
                                choose from several types of Bingo games.
                                Several "Special" games that allow bonus
                                payoffs.  No expiration date or Demo Key
                                required. Supports RIP and DigiFossil.
                                This is an InterBBS Playable Door.
V0REA200.ZIP  177967 11-09-2023 Vanadia's Arena of Warriors 2.00 (tm) IGM
                                The first IGM in the Realm of Vanadia Series
                                of Inter-IGMs. MULTINODE REALTIME user
                                battles and chat in the Inter-IGM arena,
                                support for all BBSs and comm routines LORD
                                supports, original ANSI art, RIP, hundreds of
                                NPCs and chat actions. Will launch the other
                                5 IGMs in the series and Inter-LORD if
                                present. Now POSTCARDWARE
V1BAN200.ZIP  273172 11-09-2023 Banda's Boardinghouse of Vanadia(tm) 2.00 IGM
                                Users may explore the large Boardinghouse,
                                play some
                                great ANSI poker, bet on the cock fights,
                                write on the wall, explore upstairs, meet a
                                date, dance, battle, or visit the Gypsy
                                Trailer where they may curse other users,
                                learn their fate, and spy. Has RIP Support,
                                archives for the artwork, supports CLEAN mode
                                and works correctly with Major BBS!
V2GYP200.ZIP  269698 11-09-2023 The Gypsy Camp of Vanadia TM 2.00 Inter-IGM
                                Users may visit with the gypies, receive
                                explore vast caves, meet a powerful
                                sorceress, navigate a river, try knife
                                throwing, find the snake den, buy and sell
                                items found in the caverns, store gold and
                                gems in the caverns and MUCH MORE!  RIP
                                support and Part of The Realm of Vanadia
                                Series of IGMs! PostcardWare
V3FOR200.ZIP  288098 11-09-2023 The Haunted Forests of Vanadia TM 2.00 IGM
                                The Haunted Forest is a vast maze for users to
                                There are many new monsters, and they can
                                even create their own to inhabit the forest.
                                They can find fairies in a cave (if they are
                                lucky), meet the hermit, learn spells and go
                                on quests for the emchantress. There are
                                many secrets to be discovered and lots to do.
                                ANSI & RIP support. PostcardWare
V4DIS200.ZIP  209303 11-09-2023 Shepley's Distractions of Vanadia TM 20
                                Inter-IGM Will run independently or with The
                                Realm of Vanadia series of Inter-IGMs.
                                Shepley is an odd little man, but he enjoys
                                playing games. Pay a gem and get to play
                                a few of his 15 games. Games of all types;
                                Card Games, Number Games, Animations, and
                                Word Games. Most of them have never been
                                seen before! An excellent distraction from
                                your typical LORD day! PostcardWare
V5MED200.ZIP  193612 11-09-2023 The Medieval Tournament of Vanadia TM 2.00
                                LORD IGM Eightunique and addictive ANSI
                                Games provide the basis for the tournament.
                                Become the best in your realm and receive a
                                for the day! Your users have never seen an
                                IGM like this before! This IGM is excellent
                                for Inter-LORD, and has support that will
                                allow blind callers using voice terminals to
                                play all the games!! PostcardWare
video25.zip   136241 11-09-2023 Video Bandit v2.5 - InterBBS Door Game.
                                A video poker style game. Pull the
                                handle to bring up your 5 cards then 
                                select the cards to Hold or Discard and
                                spin again. Payoff is based on the "Hand"
                                that comes up. VB has RIP and Fossil 
                                detection. Accepts non-standard addressing
                                Will uses environmental variables in 
                                Multi-Node operation. No expiration date 
                                or Demo Key required.
XENON20.ZIP   131577 11-09-2023 Xenon's Town Square v2.0 - LORD IGM, was
                                written to provide  users with  a  place
                                to  store GOLD, GEMS, CHILDREN and their
                                HORSE. To those of you familiar with the
                                IGMs that  allow  players to steal  from
                                other players, this IGM can  be helpful.
                                Xenon's   Town  Square  was  written  in
                                QuickBasic 4.5 using QWKIGM  programming
                                library for IGMs, (c) Ballistic Labs.
                                           Now FREEWARE!!!
ZOMBI132.ZIP  142050 11-09-2023 ͵    Z O M B I E     S L O T S    ͸
                                         Version 1.3.2 Ibbs          
                                     The Ultimate Slot Machine.      
                                  Played on a 5 by 4 Grid of token   
                                  wheels, this door not only pays    
                                  out on horizontal lines but also   
                                  diagonally. Multiple lines are     
                                  also payed out.                    
                                  Daily Interest added to jackpot.   
                                  Each win adds 1 more play.         
                                  Player Makeup Days.                
                                  Resets at end of month.            
                                  InterBBS Capable                   
                                 FREE-WARE RELEASE ;
ZOMBI133.ZIP  201031 11-09-2023 ͵    Z O M B I E     S L O T S    ͸
                                         Version 1.3.2 Ibbs          
                                     The Ultimate Slot Machine.      
                                  Played on a 5 by 4 Grid of token   
                                  wheels, this door not only pays    
                                  out on horizontal lines but also   
                                  diagonally. Multiple lines are     
                                  also payed out.                    
                                  Daily Interest added to jackpot.   
                                  Each win adds 1 more play.         
                                  Player Makeup Days.                
                                  Resets at end of month.            
                                  InterBBS Capable                   
                                 FREE-WARE RELEASE ;

                Area 32 - Fidonet Nodelist                

NODELIST.Z36   43545 24-08-2024 ADM: Current Fidonet Nodelist in ZIP format
NODELIST.Z38   43509 07-02-2025 ADM: Current Fidonet Nodelist in ZIP format

               Area 31 - Micronet Node DIFFS              

MINDIFF.Z66     1194 07-03-2025 Micronet Information Network (zone 618)
                                nodediff for Friday, 7 March 2025
                                (day 066). FREQ MININFO from 1:18/200,
                                618:618/1 or visit minftn.net.

              Area 33 - TQW: Weekly Infopacks             

TQWINFO.ZIP    40661 21-03-2025 [0;40;37m[7C[1;46;36m[0;36m
                                [1mܲ[46m[0m [1;36m   [46m[0m
                                [7C[1;46;36m [30m[0m[5C[1;46;36m
                                [30m[0m [1;46;36m [30m[0m [1;46;36
                                [30m[0m   [1;46;36m [30m[0m [1mnet
                                [0m [1;46;36m [30m[0m
                                [1;46;36m [30m[0m [1;46;36m [30m[0
                                [1;46;36m [30m[0m [1;46;36m [30m[0m 
                                  [36m[37m  [1;46;36m [30m[0m
                                [1;46;36m [30m[0m  [36m[1;46m [30m[0
                                [1;46;36m [30m[0m [1;30m [46;3
                                 [36m[1m[0m [1;46;30m[0m
                                [1;46;30m[0m [1;30m [46m  [0m[6C
                                 [36m[1m[0m [1;30m 
                                [0m[7C[1;30m[0m[5C[1;30m [0m[8C
                                [1;32m [0;36m[37m [1;36m [0m[32C
                                 [36m[37m   tqwnet.txt  -- Info & App
                                [1;32m   [0m  [1;32m [0m
                                [1;32m [0;36m[37m   history.txt --
                                tqwNet History  [1;32m [0m
                                [1;32m [0;36m [37m   systems.txt --
                                BBS's in tqwNet [1;32m [0m
                                [1;32m [0;36m[37m [1;32m [0m news.txt
                                   -- News from tqwNet[1;32m [0m
                                [1;32m [0m [1;32m  [0m tqwnet.xxx  --
                                [1;32m [0m [1;32m   [0mtqwnet.zxx  --
                                Nodelist (zip)   
                                [1;32m [0m    tqwnet.na   -- Message
                                [5Ctqw_file.na -- File echolist    
                                [5Ctqwnet.ans  -- tqwNet Logo[6C
                                [1;32m [0m [33C[1;32m [0m
                                [1;32m [0m [1;32m [0m[19C 

              Area 34 - TQW: Weekly Nodelists             

TQWNET.Z36      9047 30-08-2024 No Description
TQWNET.Z80      9716 21-03-2025 No Description

          Area 28 - Micronet BBS-Related Programs         

LWORDLE.ZIP  2186991 25-09-2024 
NCV01NIX.ARJ   27100 17-02-2025 NODECONV 0.1 Linux: Converts a FTN-style
                                net/node address to and from decimal and hex.
SWAIT02D.ARJ    6082 25-09-2024 
SWAIT02P.ARJ   16738 25-09-2024 
SWAIT02W.ARJ   21244 25-09-2024 

          Area 17 - FSXNet BBS Doors, Games etc.          

FHNRSRC.ZIP   800107 09-12-2023 +----------------------------+
                                |        For Honour          |
                                |           by               |
                                |       Andrew Pamment       |
                                | For Honour is a BBS door   |
                                | game similar to LORD.      |
                                |                            |
                                | Now with LUA IGM Support!  |
                                |                            |
                                | It is opensource.          |
                                |                            |
                                |  v1.91-dev         SOURCE  |
FHNRWIN.ZIP   848238 09-12-2023 +----------------------------+
                                |        For Honour          |
                                |           by               |
                                |       Andrew Pamment       |
                                | For Honour is a BBS door   |
                                | game similar to LORD.      |
                                |                            |
                                | Now with LUA IGM Support!  |
                                |                            |
                                | It is opensource.          |
                                |                            |
                                |  v1.91-dev        win32    |
gdynwin.zip   897924 27-03-2023 +----------------------------+
                                |      Galactic Dynasty      |
                                |            by              |
                                |       Andrew Pamment       |
                                | Galactic Dynasty is a BBS  |
                                | door game similar to Solar |
                                | Realms Elite.              |
                                |                            |
                                | It is interBBS capable and |
                                | opensource.                |
                                |                            |
                                |  v1.2.1-dev       WIN32    |

            Area 18 - Micronet BinkD Nodelists            

MINBINKD.Z43    1841 30-08-2024 Micronet Information Network BinkD nodelist
                                for 30 August 2024 (day 243).
MINBINKD.Z66    1741 08-03-2025 Micronet Information Network BinkD nodelist
                                for 7 March 2025 (day 066).

     Area 36 - FSX ANSI Art - Groups, Individuals etc.    

ADVENT23.ZIP   35787 27-02-2024 [0m
ADVENT24.ZIP   34961 26-12-2024 ݰ޲ݲܱް޲޲
                                ݱޱ  ߱ޱޱ
                                ݱ   ۲   ް
                                ݰ ܱ۲߲ܱ߱߰۱
                                 ܰ۲ܰ  ߰߱۲
                                 ܱ۲ܱlbs  ߱
                                ޱ۲ܰܰ۲ܰ ߱
                                ް۱ܱ  ۲   ߰
                                ߰ ܲ ݰ߰ ߰
                                   ޱ ܰ ܰ ް
                                 ܰ ް ߰ޱܱޱޱ
                                 ܱ߰߰ް   ް ߲޲ް
                                ޱ    ޲ޱ     ޱޱ
                                ޱ  ޲  ܱ ߱ ߱ 
                                     ޱ ݲ ܰ  ܱ
                                  ܱ   ޱ      ޱޱ
                                ޱ ܰ    ޱܱ ޱ  ޱ
                                       ܱޱޱܰ  |1
                                ޱ  ߱ ޱޱ ޱ   ݰ 
                                   ܱ ܱ߰       ܱ 
                                ݱ  ܱޱ  ܲ
                                  2 0 2 4   A d v e n t   C a l e n d a r
                                      ( M S - D O S   v e r s i o n )
AG4NS01.ZIP    24369 27-02-2024 aGU4RD ANSi Pack o1 - "the beginning" - 2o24
                                drawings mostly from 2o21-2023 (+2o24
AVPACK23.ZIP   24125 27-02-2024      
                                ۰۰        ۲
                                ۱۰            ۰  
                                >  <<      ܰ      ܰ   
                                ۰                ۰    
                                                      ߰    ۰
                                ۰                       ۲
                                ۰     ܰ     ߰         2023
                                ۰                          ۰
                                ۰                    ܰ
                                 ܰ۰       ۰      
                                   ۰       ۱       
                                       ۰       ް
                                  ߰a pocalyptic      
                                     visio n  s.۲۰
BADAPPLE.ZIP  376379 01-03-2024                        [MFT145                
                                \   :: ::    :: ::     ::  ::   ::    \/
                                 \                                        /\
IMPURE86.ZIP   44935 27-02-2024 ޳  ޳    ޳޳ ޳޳
                                  ޳  ޳  ޳     ޳
                                ޳\/޳    ޳޳  ޳޳
                                ޳        ޳  ޳
                                ޳      ޳޳  ޳޳
                                       ޳   ޳
                                  ޳޳޳޳   ޳޳ 
                                        ޳   ޳޳ 
                                  ޳   ޳     Impure 
                                  ޳޳޳޳ Ascii 
                                  ޳   ޳    #86 
IMPURE87.ZIP   65905 26-12-2024              ___           ___
                                            /\  \         /\  \
                                .----------/  \__\-------/\ \__\-------.
                                |:6/2/24: / / /  / :::: /  \/__/_ :::::|
                                |::::::: /\  /__/ :::: / /\ \/\__\ ::::|
                                /:::::: /  \ \  \ ::: /\/_/ /\/__/ ::::/
                                |::::: /  \ \ \__\ : /  \_\ \__\  :::::|
                                /:::: /\ \/\ \/__/  / \ /\ \/__/ ::::::/
                                |:::: \/\ \ \/__/ : \     \__\  :::::::|
                                |:::::  /\ \__\  ::: \/ \ /  / ::aNSt!:|
                                `-------\ \/__/-------\  /  /----------'
                                         \/__/         \/__/
IMPURE88.ZIP   48904 26-12-2024    \   \
                                   \\ \ >
                                  __/o\__  impure #88
                                 ->___   \___,____,____/
                                      \      \___/     \
                                       \__             /
                                 2024-    \  _  __  _  \
                                 10-06   _/ // /  \ \\  \
                                 ::::::: \_//_/   \__\\_/
LAZ18.ZIP     235395 01-03-2024 [0m        
                                ޲          ޲
                                 [30;47m [5;37;40m[0m 
                                 [30;47m [37;40m  
                                 [30;47m  [5;37;40m[0m  
                                  [30;47m  [37;40m  
                                 [30;47m   [37;40m  1 
                                [30;47m   [37;40m 
                                 [30;47m   [40m [37m  8 
                                 [1;33;47m   [0;30;47m[37;40m 
                                 [30;47m  [40m   [37m    
                                   [1;33;47m  [0;30;47m[37;40m 
                                 [30;47m[40m    [37m   
                                   [1;33;47m [0;30;47m[37;40m 
                                 [30;47m    [37;40m  
                                [1;30m [0m        
                                 [30;47m [40m   [37m    
                                [30;47mBABYLON COLT DE GAME[37;40m
                                [30;47mWAH GWAN  PRAISE JAH[37;40mSAUCE00da
                                chrome DIZ                      warpus        
                                     LAZARUS             20240208g
                                IBM VGA
LAZ19.ZIP     174514 26-12-2024 [0m    [47m[40m  [1;47
                                [0m[30;47m  [37;40m  ߲
                                  [47m[40m [47m          
                                [40m[30;47m [37;40m[30;47m [37;40m[30;47m
                                [37;40m [47m[40m
                                [47m[40m [47m [30m [37m
                                [47m[40m [47m [30m
                                [37;40m[30;47m  [37;40m[30;47
                                [37;40m[30;47m [37
                                0;47m[37;40m[30;47m [37
                                [30m[47m [37;40m[1;47m
                                [0m[30m[47m [1;37m [0m[30;47m 
                                [30;47m [37m
                                 ݲ[30;47m [37;40m  
                                [30m[37m  ܲ   
                                 ݲ[30m[37m ݲ   
                                 ݲ[30m[37m [30;47m[37;40m
                                 [34m [37m   
                                [40m[37m[47m[40m[30;47m [1;37m
                                 [30;47m [37;40m[30;47m
                                [40m[37m[47m[1m   [0;30;47m
                                [37;40m[30;47m   [37;40m 
MIST0223.ZIP 7290648 27-03-2024 [0m         'ss.
                                  | . . .,8888 :. . d888b.. .  . d88888:.|
                                  |. . . 8888Y : . d88888Y:  . ,888Y8888 :
                                  | . . d888P /   d888888'/ . ,88P'd888Y :
                                  |. . ;8888'/  ,8888888Y:   ,88"  d8888/
                                  | . ,8888Y:  ,88"d888P /  ,8P',';8888':
                                  |. .8888Y / ,88';8888 /  d8' /,8888Y /
                                  | .d888Y / ,8P ,8888'/  dP ,' 8888P /  :
                                  |.d8888'/ d8' /d888Y: ,8" /  d888Y /   |
                                  |;8888'/ dP','d888Y /,8','  ;8888'/ ,d')
                                  ,8888Y: dP / ,8888'/dP /   ,8888': dP /
                                  d888P /d','  ;888Y d','    8888Y ,8",'
                                 ;888Y ,8'/  . `888lP /  . . `888s8" /   |
                                .8888',P,'  . .  `"','  . . . .`"'.-'   .|
                                :888Pd"/   . . . .   . . . . . .     . . |
                                Y888P'/   `*  . . . 8.  `*  . . . . . `* |
                                `888:|   dP  d**. "dP* dP a**.  dps, dP d**.
                                 `*8l:  8P  `"Ys  8P  8P 8' ;P 8P   8P `"Ys
                                  . `-' `" `ssP' .`" .`" `**8: `"  .`"`ssP'
                                  `---------------------`ssP' -0223-v1.4-'
MIST0523.ZIP 18185530 27-03-2024 [0m
                                     "   ߰           
                                   '              ܱ      
                                 ݲ  ݱ                 ߲
                                  ݰ  ߲                     ߲
                                              .         . 
                                  MiSTiGRiS                       MIST0523
MIST0823.ZIP 9934031 27-03-2024 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiSSSSSSiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM
MIST1023.ZIP 4692695 06-03-2024 '  .::'. ' .,:' ۲ :::.. ,    '''
                                ::''' .... ... ۰۲  ````..::''::'
                                .:'.:::''::'  ۰ ۲  :''''  `   '
                                  ''  ,,..   ۰    ۲  `::''.`:::.
                                 `::...   ``۰  ۲   ..  ,.``
                                .   '::::'  ۲:::::..
                                ``::..  , ۰ ۲۲   ``::.
                                  .,  .  ۰    ۲ ۲`:.
                                '  ...;'۰    ۰     ۰ ۲  `::
                                ::::'' ۰    ۰۰   ۱  :.
                                  .., ۰ ۲۰    l  ۲ ,:
                                :::' ۱      ߱۰ܰ     b   ܱ.
                                 .. ۱             s ``.
                                  ''ܰ               ۱  `::
                                '::.  ۱      ܱ     :.,
                                  ,  ۰     ۲ 
                                 '۲ ۰    ۱ ۱
                                ۱  ܲ  
                                ۲۱ ۲
                                ۲  ۱MIST1023
MIST1223.ZIP 25887412 27-03-2024                    
                                  m   i s    t    1 2    2    3
TK-ANSI.ZIP   210786 27-03-2024 ANSI and ANSIMation art file compilation
                                Artist: Tank
                                Spanning years 1989 to 1994.
                                Assembed March 16, 2024
                                The ANSis contained in this pack were
                                reviewed in ACiDView 3.53, written by
                                Tank and SAUCEd using Spoon 2 by
                                Tasmaniac. Any errors are the sole
                                responsibility of Tank, apologies!
                                All files (excluding the BBS log dump
                                containing art by an iCE artist ) were
                                produced by Tank and to the best of my
                                knowledge, were not included in any
                                previous packs.
                                Apologies in advance as my earlier works
                                were rough to put it kindly. Loss of vision,
                                nausea, shortness of breath, and other
                                symptoms may occur while browsing this
                                pack. Please consult a doctor if symptoms
                                Works SAUCEd as ACiD Productions may not
                                be officially recognized group releases.
                                However, they were created while I was an
                                official member of ACiD Productions.
                                All artwork is copyright their respective
                                -Ryan Schuermann aka Tank

                Area 37 - Araknet BBS Mods                

DUBLZ101.ZIP  260868 01-03-2024      Ŀ
                                /\/\/:    PHENOM PRODUCTIONS   :\/\/\
                                :    ( EST. 2018 )    :
                                *   download from:                  *
                                :   https://www.phenomprod.com      :
                                : filename / DUBLZ101.ZIP           :
                                --- -- -           - --- -Ĵ
                                : door / DUBLZ v1.01                :
                                . bbs software / All                .
                                * author / Tom Swartz - Night Rider *
                                : released / 02/24/2024             :
                                ----- - -      - --Ĵ
                                : desc: The BBS door version of     :
                                 the tile game 2048.               
                                 Programmed in 16/32bit.           
                                : Free Pascal.                      :
                                : [x] win [ ] linux [ ] mac         :
                                  [ ] amiga [ ] c64 [x] dos
                                ---    -

                Area 39 - Araknet 16colors                

blndr2023d.zip  573475 24-02-2024 [0m the borg / parkour / WWIII
                                 ۲         ۲
                                blender 2023d
                                 czwarty blender roku 2023
FIRE-36.ZIP   202520 03-03-2024 [0;40;37m
                                [6C  ޲[9C޲ 
                                [13C     ܲ
                                [14C   ܲ
                                 fire warning : combustable package 03/23
FIRE-38.ZIP   153117 03-03-2024 [0;40;37m
                                ۰   ߰
                                 ۲   ۰
                                 ܱ [7C    ۰    
                                    ߰   ߲  warning!
                                [8Ccombustable     [6C
                                [7Cpackage 11/23       
FIRE-39.ZIP   187415 03-03-2024 [0;40;37m[14C[12C
                                           ܲ          n!
                                        ܲ  ܲ   
                                     ݲݲ ߲ 
                                  ۲ ۲  
                                      ܲ         ߲
                                           ܲ ߲
                                 ް  ܲ    ۲  
                                ۲ ܲ       ۲
                                ߲    ۲       ߲ 
                                 ߲  ߲߰       ߲[11C
                                 fire warning : combustable package 03/2024
IMPURE84.ZIP   50445 03-03-2024 
                                 iMPURE!     .::::.   .::::.      fEB^2023
                                           /\_)::/  (\::/ (\ .
                                    ====) )=====)  )  /====)__/=|>
                                 oUR 84th pACK oF  ;  sWEET tEXTmDE lUV
IMPURE85.ZIP   92933 03-03-2024 _                     TTA TIGIR OK FIMM _
                                |\                                       |\
                                T\\ :: ::.  .:: :::.  ::  :: :::.  :::.  | \_
                                | \ :: :::::: :: :.::  :: :: :.:: : |  |
                                !   :: :::::: :: .:::  :: :: .::: .  !  !
                                 /  :: ::    :: ::    ::  ::.:::.  ::  .  /\
                                /   :: ::    :: ::    ::  :::: :.::.: <  >
                                \   :: ::    :: ::     ::  ::   ::    \/
                                 \                                        /\
IMPURE86.ZIP   44935 03-03-2024 ޳  ޳    ޳޳ ޳޳
                                  ޳  ޳  ޳     ޳
                                ޳\/޳    ޳޳  ޳޳
                                ޳        ޳  ޳
                                ޳      ޳޳  ޳޳
                                       ޳   ޳
                                  ޳޳޳޳   ޳޳ 
                                        ޳   ޳޳ 
                                  ޳   ޳     Impure 
                                  ޳޳޳޳ Ascii 
                                  ޳   ޳    #86 
LAZ16.ZIP     223376 03-03-2024 [0m߲߲
LAZ17.ZIP     557456 03-03-2024 [0m
                                [1;36m  [0;5;30;47m[0;30m[37m
                                [1;36m [0;5;30;47m[0;30m[37m߲
                                [47m  [30m [37m       
                                   [30m [37;40m
                                [47m[30m  [40m[37m [30;4
                                m [30;47m[40m[37m [30;47
                                [37;40m[30m[37m [30;47m [37;40m [47m
                                [47m[30m [40m [4
                                [37;40m[30;47m[40m[37m [30;47
                                [40m[37m[30;47m[40m[37m [30;47m
                                [37;40m[30m[37m [30;47m[40m[37m[30;47m
                                [47m[40m[30;47m [40m [37m[30;47m[40m
                                [47m [37;40m[30;47m[40m[37m [30;47m
                                [40m[37m[30;47m[40m[37m [30m[37
                                [47m[30m[40m[37m[47m [40m
                                [47m[40m[30;47m[40m[47m[40m [47
                                [40m[37m [30m[37m[30;47m [37m[30m
                                [47m[30m[37;40m [30m
                                [37;40m[1;36m   [0m
                                [1;35m            [0mCELEBRATING NEON LOVE
LAZ18.ZIP     235395 03-03-2024 [0m        
                                ޲          ޲
                                 [30;47m [5;37;40m[0m  
                                [30;47m [37;40m  
                                 [30;47m  [5;37;40m[0m    
                                [30;47m  [37;40m  
                                 [30;47m   [37;40m  1
                                [30;47m   [37;40m 
                                 [30;47m   [40m [37m  8  
                                [1;33;47m   [0;30;47m[37;40m 
                                 [30;47m  [40m   [37m      
                                [1;33;47m  [0;30;47m[37;40m 
                                 [30;47m[40m    [37m     
                                [1;33;47m [0;30;47m[37;40m 
                                 [30;47m    [37;40m   [1;30
                                 [30;47m [40m   [37m        
                                [30;47mBABYLON COLT DE GAME[37;40m
                                [30;47mWAH GWAN  PRAISE JAH[37;40m
MIST1121.ZIP 59192991 03-03-2024 |15|16.      |07.|15      |08 |14|07
                                |08|15  .   |07.|15     *
                                |15|16   |07*|15  .   |08|15  .   
                                |14|07       |08
                                |15|16  |07.|15    |08     |07.|15 
                                |09۲|01|07  .|15    |08.|15   .
                                |07|16     |08     |15*    |09۲|01|09   
                                |01|07          |08
                                |14|16|06|14|07   |08.|15     
                                |09|01|07 |15*   |07.  
                                14|06|14|07 |09۲|01|09   |01|09
                                |09۲|01|09     |01|07 |06|14|06
                                |09|16     |01|07
                                |06|16|14|06|07 |09۲|01|09     |01|07
                                |09۲|01|07 |09    |01l|07
                                |06|14|06|09 ۲|01|09       |01s|09
                                |08*|15   |09|01|07  *|15      
                                |09|16  |01      |08.|15   |08
                                |15|16       |08        |09۲|01|09 
                                |15.     |08|15    |07*
                                |15|16  |07*|15       |08|15      
                                |14|07       |08|15     |07.
                                |15|16.       *   .|08 |07 |14|07
                                |08      |15*      .
MIST1223.ZIP 25887412 03-03-2024 
                                  m   i s    t    1 2    2    3
NI-2MAD.ZIP    44626 03-03-2024 [0m۲۲۲۲۲
                                ۲ ۲ ۲۰
                                ۲۲ܱ     ߲ܲ۲۲
                                ۲۲۲޲ ܱ۲۲
                                ۱۲۲    ܲ۲۰
                                ۱۲߲   ۱

                Area 42 - Araknet Nodelist                

ARAKNET.080    21365 24-03-2024 
ARAKNET.099    21417 09-04-2024 

                    Area 50 - Ansi Art                    

18ansis.zip    27755 08-05-2024 18 Wonderful ANSI Graphics Screens
1992ans.zip   410571 08-05-2024 THE SOFT PARADE ANSI Art From FidoNet ANSI
                                Art Distribution Net. 'TONS' of Pictures!
30ftd50.zip    27589 08-05-2024 30 new fonts for TheDraw! All ready and set
                                to go!
5mp_2dgb01.zip    2787 08-05-2024      
                                   Goodbye Anim   
                                   Mello of 5MP   
765no0.zip     46770 08-05-2024 The Girl Scouts  ANSi Penetration Number-0
                                ۲     ۲
                                    [765] The Pack Of Phuck [765] 
abi_2d0695.zip  649711 08-05-2024       ABi PACK [06/95]
                                    ______  _____________
                                   (      \(_      \     \
                                   \   _|  \|   >   \     \
                                    \ (__   \        \     \
                                    /   |    \   >    \     \
                                   /____|     \_______/ABi__/
                                 :------|      \-----:-------:
                                  ASiAN |_______) BOYZ iNSANE
ac!-dd.zip     50185 08-05-2024  _____|_____________ ____|____________|_ __ 
                                |\___ |  _  / __/._/__ . |  _   / _   |    :
                                |  _/ :  / /  |  l   / | :  / _/  _}--:s   |
                                |__l__l_(  \__l_____/____l_(   \______|c   |
                                |   diGiTAL dREAM - iN a DiGiTAL WoRLd     |
                                |   dONE BY  [ -mANtA/aRT cORE ]           |
                                         P0!NTbReK -3Zii436925
                                |\/|l ()V +32.56.34i2o6
acid693a.zip  336619 08-05-2024 Acquisition ANSI Art and viewer from Acid
                                Productions. Contains A-Z of the ART
                                collection  [1/3]
acid693b.zip  330973 08-05-2024 Acquisition ANSI Art and viewer from Acid
                                Productions. Contains A-Z of the ART
                                collection [2/3]
acid693c.zip   77055 08-05-2024 Acquisition ANSI Art and viewer from Acid
                                Productions. Contains A-Z of the ART
                                collection [3/3]
acme1295.zip  155418 08-05-2024                   
                                             ߲     tm!
                                QQQQ^QQQQQ QQQQQ^QQQQ QQQQ^QQQQ^QQQQ
                                xxxxxQQ QQ ^^^^ QQ QQ QQ
                                Q::Q Q:::Q Q:::Q xxxx Q::Q Q::Q Q::Q
                                QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ
                                QxxQxQxxxQ QxxxQxQxxQ QxxQ QxxQ QxxQ
                                 a c m e  p i n n a c l e  1 2 9 5
                                X%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%X
act_2d1094.zip   60889 08-05-2024                    
                                  |                    |                   
                                   ANSi CREATiON TEAM                    
                                  |       10/94        |                   
                                 [ TH.E   0nE. BB'S '[33](1)4988.76 9'1] 
                                     ! H    T    0  X !Ŀ
                                     > > > > >  321481XXXX  < < < < <
ac_21_2ddd.zip   50185 08-05-2024  _____|_____________ ____|____________|_ __ 
                                |\___ |  _  / __/._/__ . |  _   / _   |    :
                                |  _/ :  / /  |  l   / | :  / _/  _}--:s   |
                                |__l__l_(  \__l_____/____l_(   \______|c   |
                                |   diGiTAL dREAM - iN a DiGiTAL WoRLd     |
                                |   dONE BY  [ -mANtA/aRT cORE ]           |
                                         P0!NTbReK -3Zii436925
                                |\/|l ()V +32.56.34i2o6
aim_2d0994.zip  710735 08-05-2024           
                                        PRODUCTiONS     ܲ
aim_2d0995.zip  121121 08-05-2024  .art.in.madness.09/95.pack.. 
                                      ߲         ۲   
                                ۱   ۱    ۱    
                                ޲ ޲ ޲   
                                _\I/_ SUICIDE CREW COURIERS _\I/_
ali_2d0194.zip  477711 08-05-2024                   
                                Art Productions 1994 & Beyond
                                >Release Date 1/15/94!<
ali_2d0394.zip  561047 08-05-2024              
                                   ALiVE March 1994 Survival Pak!
                                  "Giving you more in ninety-four"
ali_2d0494.zip  529677 08-05-2024 ________  __   __ ____ ___/\____
                                \___    \/  \ (__)    |    /    \
                                PL/      \   \/   \   |   /  ___//\
                                 /        \  /__   \     /   _)_/  \
                                /    :.    \    \  /\   /          /
                                \____||    /__| /_/  \_/\_____:   /
                                      |___/   |/              |__/
                                ALiVE Survival Pack #3 - April 1994
ali_2d0594.zip  265921 08-05-2024 _________ ____   /\ ___  _____ _)\
                                \_____   \    \ (__)   ||    /    \
                                 \__/     \    \/  \   :    /    __)
                                   /      \  _/____\______/_/\  _)__ pl
                                  /         \                  \     |\
                                 /     :     \              .   \    | |
                                <      |_____/\_____________:    \   | |
                                 \     |\____\/_____________|    /\__| |
                                  \____|.| Survival Pack #4 |___/ /___\|
                                   \____\| 5th Month of '94  \__\/
ali_2d0694.zip  328832 08-05-2024 ________  __   __ ____ ___/\____
                                \___    \/  \ (__)    |    /    \
                                PL/      \   \/   \   |   /  ___//\
                                 /        \  /__   \     /   _)_/  \
                                /    :.    \    \  /\   /          /
                                \____||    /__| /_/  \_/\_____:   /
                                      |___/   |/              |__/
                                 ALiVE Survival Pak For June 1994!
ali_2d0794.zip  195855 08-05-2024    ___/\  /\___  _____/\____________
                                  /  _  \/    /_ \__/   |   \ _____/
                                 /   |  \\  _// \/  \   |  //  _)__
                                /    _   \\ \/  \\  \\  | //   tz! \
                                \  __|____/______/___/\___/______ //
                                 \/alive survival pack #6 [07-94]\/
ali_2d0894.zip  720155 08-05-2024        __  __    __ ..     _______
                                     /   |   |  /md|   |   |  ____/
                                   /  o  |   | |   |   |---.    |
                                 /  ..  |   |..|   |  /|  ..
                                (__|  |__| ________)_____/ |_______)
                                0894   A    L    I    V     E   0894
ane_2d0496.zip  265792 08-05-2024       anemia april 1996
                                     packet of eliteness
                                    ܰܰ  ܰ   
                                   ܰ ܰ 
                                  ߲ܲ   ۲ 
ansi-ma.zip   274199 08-05-2024 Collection Of ANSI screen Art By Arnett
ansikeep.zip  167219 08-05-2024 Some Of The Better ANSI Screens Ever!  Some
                                are animated.  Great for BBS use!
ansiltr2.zip    5694 08-05-2024 
ansisnd.zip    14140 08-05-2024 
ansi_2dma.zip  274199 08-05-2024 Collection Of ANSI screen Art By Arnett
apack_231.zip   33236 08-05-2024           ANSIPACk  bY kElthAR
                                ܱܲܲ ܲ۲[1/1]ܲ ܲ ܲ
                                 ܲ۲۰۲۲ ۲۱
                                 ۱ ۲ ۲۱۰
                                 o۲۰۲۱ ۰g
                                 G۱߲۲ ߲ܲ۰a
                                 ۰۱߲ ۱۲ ۲s
                                 ۰۱۲۰ ޱ۰
                                 ۰ܱ۲ ۰۱
                                ߲ ߲ ۲۲߰  ߲
apathy08.zip  451711 08-05-2024   
                                a p a t h y   n u m e r o  8
ARAKNET.099    21417 09-04-2024 
art1294l.zip   19688 08-05-2024       
                                       ArTT Productions, Israel.
                                Yeah, just another ansi pack, last year's
artmag2.zip    30442 08-05-2024    .____________________ _____________
                                 . |   ___   _/\_____  /_\______     /.:  .
                                :::|   __.    \     /    \   .______/_.:::.
                                 ::|     |     \_  /      \_ |        |:::.
                                --[ rOadhOgz aRt cOURIERs pRESENt yOu ]--
                                |                                         |
                                |     The aRt mAGAZINe iSSUe jUNe '95     |
                                |                                         |
                                |--------------------------( 14/06/95 )---|
                                `--( iT'S iN aRT wE tRUST! )--------------'
artt1_2d95.zip   14237 08-05-2024   ߰     ߰߰
                                            ߲   ߲ 
                                ܰ   ܰܰ     ܰ        ܰ
                                       ANSi RiP TRaDeRS TeAM
                                      ArTT's FIRST 1995 Pack!
atl!-01.zip    63576 08-05-2024    A T L !  -  A N S i S
                                   R E L E A S E - # 0 1
atl-eans.zip   24213 08-05-2024        __                                   
                                 ___ _/_/ ___    ___   __  __ -  -- -------.
                                 \_ \\_ \/ _//\/\\_ \ /_/_/_/___   __`95   |
                                / / / / / / / / / __// ____ \\_ \ /_/_     |
                                \__/\__/\__/\__/\__// / / / / __// \_ \/\/\:
                                .------------ --  - \__/\/ /\__// / / / /\ \
                                |   is back with...      \/-jD! \/\__/\_/\_/
                                |   Kewl ANSi Collection by                :
                                |   JacK^DanielZ              DiSK [o1/o1] |
atm-0294.zip  486262 08-05-2024          
                                        ARTS PACK #4 
atm-0594.zip  477423 08-05-2024          
                                        ARTS PACK #5 
aura1195.zip   42126 08-05-2024         ۲۲۲
                                  ߲        ܲ 
                                 ܲ                   ܲ 
                                ޲     AURA Imagery 1995..   ޲
                                 ۲      november #2      
avpack01.zip  687261 08-05-2024 
                                   PAK #1
                                    - VGA's  -
                                   ۲  - S3M's  -
                                 ۲  - ANSi's -
                                  ۲  - LiT's  -
                                 ۲  APOCALYPTiC
avpack02.zip  264589 08-05-2024               
                                            ۲        ߰
                                          ۲      Ŀ
                                     ۲    Dec 1994   
                                   ۲   :             
                                    A  P  O  C  A  L  Y  P  T  I  C
                                       V  I  S  I  O  N  S     
avpack07.zip  151936 08-05-2024    here we come from melbourne australia!
                                            ܲ۲ ޲
                                     ۲ ۲     ۲
                                             ۲      ۲
                                           ۲  ܲ 
                                       Apocalyptic Visions Presents
                                       Groovy Art Pack Number Seven
                                     "dammit!! he didnt hark!" c. fk!
axis-9.zip    189660 08-05-2024 
                                 AXiS  Art Pack #1
                                 ---------(Oct 96)
                                 AXiS : A Xanthous
                                 inventive Symthom
                                 This is our first
                                 art pack , hope u
                                 will enjoy it. :)
b2b!0795.zip  270852 08-05-2024 ...bACK...tO...tHE.. ..BASiX.....
                                   ۲  ۲۰۱  
                                 ۲  ۲  ۱  
                                ۱۲    ۱   ۰  ۲ 
                                ۲۰۲ ۰   ۰ ۰۲   ۰۲ 
                                 ۲r۰  ۰۰ ۰۲ ۰۰  ۲ 
                                 ۲A۱  ۰۱ ۲  ۱۰۲ ۲
                                 ۲Y۲  ۲۲ ۰۲ ۲
                                 ߰ ۰   ߰۲
                                 ...THE PREMiER PACKAGE 07 - 1995... 
                                 ..APPLY NOW AS ARTiST, DiST OR HQ.. 
b2b!1195.zip  209125 08-05-2024 
                                         o      ܲ    tO            
                                              ߲     O      ߰
                                ܲ  O    ۲   thE   o    ۱     ߲
                                                  O              O   
                                ۲ ray ۲    ۲  ߱  ۲    ۲
                                ۲ ܱ  ۲         
                                 ۲  ۲   ۲        ۲
                                  ۲ ۲ ۲۰ ۲۰ ۲  ۲  ۲  ۲
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲۱ ۲  ۲  ۲  ۲
                                 ۲  ۲۲ ۲  
                                          o thE 2Nd ASSAUlT o       
                                o AN COllECTiON Of ANSiS CAllEd bLUbLUblUb o
                                 ܲ  ܲ
bad-0194.zip  578613 08-05-2024                
                                   Bitchin ANSi Design   
                                1st Anniversity January Pack 1993
bad-0394.zip  108473 08-05-2024                
                                   Bitchin ANSi Design   
                                       February/March 1994
                                  Spread by Bounty Hunter [BAD]
bad-0494.zip   92496 08-05-2024                
                                   Bitchin ANSi Design   
                                            April 1994
bad-0694.zip  107889 08-05-2024  nutritional facts
                                 bitchin'  calcium.......25%
                                ansi iron...........6%
                                design ansi..........98%
                                 * contains > 100%
                                june 1494 packij
                                contains 11 previously unreleased
                                ansi's from our hidden archives!!
bang_scr.zip   46821 08-05-2024 Current collection of ANSi and BBS screens. I
                                have tried to use the @-variables in the BBS
                                ones as much as I could. If you want to see
                                them call my board at (507) 281-0966! Easy,
                                good, quick 1st caller access, with TriSysop
                                upgrade door also! Let me know what you
                                think. I may even be contracted cheaply to
                                make an ANSi or two for you.
bigred.zip      4770 08-05-2024 -|-BiG RED Dick  -- -  -
                                  An elite replacement for
                                  your old access meter.
                                  By psycho 
                                --- -   -
bkn-1194.zip  445933 08-05-2024     broken productions - november 1994
                                  .    . .   
                                          . BROkEN Pack #2    
                                   "If it ain't BROkEN, then break it!"
bkn-1294.zip  523003 08-05-2024 _____________________________________ ___
                                |    -\     \     \    \  /    _\    \  :
                                |\    -)     ) --  )     /     _\ bkn#3!:
                                :\\ /\/\\ /\/\\__//\/\_|__\/|\/__\\/\___:
                                . \/ : |\/:  |~~:  .\\/: \:/~\\/: \\/| .|
                                  .  . :  .  :  .    : .  . .   .  . :  :
                                .      .     .       .        . .    .  .
                                   broken productions - december 1994
blde0394.zip   67506 08-05-2024 BL/DE ANSi Pak Number 1 - M A R C H 94
blde9404.zip   76369 08-05-2024  BL/DE Pak <---------> April 1994
                                /----\/--\ m /-------\/----\ /----\
                                | / || /| c |. /-\ .|| /-\ || /--/
                                <   - <  <--\< /|-|\ >/ | | |>.|>
                                | \ ||\ . | | .| |. || \-/ || \--\
                                \----/\-----/\--/ | .|\----/ \----/
                                \-----------------\  |------------/
blde9405.zip  426896 08-05-2024 The Blade Pak
                                Volume 1Issue 3  May 1994
blde9406.zip  196752 08-05-2024    The Blade Pak    June 1994
                                   ۲  ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲  
                                   ۱  ۱ ۱  ۱  ۱ ۲
                                   ۱  ۱ ۱  ۱  ۱ ۱
                                   ۰  ۰  ۰  ۰  ۰  ۱
                                         Volume 1Issue 4
blde9407.zip  185896 08-05-2024    The Blade Pak    July 1994
                                   ۲  ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲  
                                   ۱  ۱ ۱  ۱  ۱ ۲
                                   ۱  ۱ ۱  ۱  ۱ ۱
                                   ۰  ۰  ۰  ۰  ۰  ۱
                                         Volume 1Issue 5
blde9408.zip  223006 08-05-2024                     ܲ
                                 ޲  ޲   ޲  ޲  ޲   
                                  Blade Productions Presents  
                                  The August 1994 Blade Pack  
blde9409.zip  132835 08-05-2024          09/94
                                  ߲   ߲  ri 
                                    ܲ  ܲ   ܲ
                                 Blade Productions Presents
                                The September 1994 Blade Pak
blde9410.zip  162470 08-05-2024               
                                     -Blade Productions-
                                 The October 1994 Blade Epic
blde9411.zip  147525 08-05-2024   b l a d e  n o v e m b e r  1 9 9 4 
                                  e     p      i       c 
                                 ۲  ۲           
                                ۲   ۲       ۲߰    
                                 ۲    ۲         ۲     
                                  ۱    ۲     ۲   
                                  ۱ ۲   ۲  ܰ
                                  ۲ ۲ ܲܲ۲  ۲۲߰
                                  ۱ ۲ ۲ ۲۲ ۲۱
                                  ۰gr   ۲߲  ߲߲
blde9412.zip  332027 08-05-2024     bladedecemberepic ߲ ck
                                ߲  ܲ    ܲ߰        ߲      ߲
                                  ۲   ۲          ۲     
                                   ۲    ߲   ۱ ܲ  
                                   ۱۲    ۲۰ܲ ۰ 
                                    ۰ ۱     ۱   ۰ ߰ 
                                  ۱۰   ۰  ۰  ߲ܲ
                                  ߲   ۲ ۰ܲݲ ۰ ߱  
                                ܲ           ߰     ߰ ܱ
                                    blade productions i994 ܱ   
blde9604.zip 1171707 08-05-2024      ۲
                                ߲          ܲ ܲ   ܲ
bli-0994.zip  537225 08-05-2024 BLitZ PackSeptember '94 
bli-1094.zip  352871 08-05-2024 BLitZ PackOctober '94            
                                      ANSi  VGA                
                                        RiP  Coding                 
blnt0494.zip  339704 08-05-2024           
                                  =BLuNT Ansi Pack For 4-94=
blnt0594.zip  123975 08-05-2024        
                                    The BLuNT -May, 94'- Compilation 
                                           ~Released 5-1-94~
                                [ Beamed up by THe QuaeSToR ]
                                   -/\-   WHo CaReZ   -/\-
blnt0994.zip   70440 08-05-2024          
                                  September ANSi Compendium
                                         BLuNT! 9-94
                                /\/\/\ MEnace/SCum94 /\/\/\
                                /\/\/\   K a a n a    /\/\/\
blr9605a.zip  577158 08-05-2024 a  blur ma y 96 colection [o1/o2]
                                k  plnL we d 69 colacf!ou [ol/oS]
                                     "I can't believe it's not bah-tah"      
blr9605b.zip 1176561 08-05-2024 m  blur ma y 96 colection [o2/o2]
                                !  plnL we d 69 colacf!ou [oS/oS]
                                     "I can't believe it's not bah-tah"
bm-pack1.zip  493916 08-05-2024          ͻ       
                                ó  tHE vERY fIRST rELEASE !!!  ij      
                                fROM tHE nEW lUXEMBOURG #1 aRT gROUP      
                                |      |      
boa-0494.zip  185306 08-05-2024  ĿĿĿ
                                 oOo    Logo Pack 04/94    oOo 
                                  Sd b  WCC M 
bre-0394.zip  296760 08-05-2024 T         
                                W  HN
                                     BREED Inogural Pack #1
                                              By: BREED
                                      Released: [03/16/94]
bre-0594.zip  286323 08-05-2024         
                                     The Breed May Pack
                                     Diz by .:AcidFlash:.
bt_sigs.zip    60272 08-05-2024 A Collection of ANSI Sigs From Noted Ansi
                                Artist, Bill Thys.
b_b_ansi.zip   10028 08-05-2024 Here's my latest Beavis & Butthead
                                ANSI Screens for Tribbs Software
                                from Entropy II BBS 508-937-3856.
                                Use them with a Beavis & Butthead
                                language file ...enjoy!
cci-011.zip    77480 08-05-2024 CCi__[       ]]____[       ]]__InfoPack 011
                                { {{      :     \,     ,     <<______>== =
                                   \      |_____/_     |__,,__\      \_mHz!
                                == /'     |     //^    |      /^      [_
                                .                                        .
                                     CYBERCRIME INTERNATIONAL NETWORK
                                      INFORMATION/APPLICATION PACKET
                                      Updated Effective 05 August 97
                                .                                        .
                                  - - -    -   - ---  - ---    - - --  -
                                 ; CyberCrime:  Here to help bring back ;
                                 | that long-lost ``oldschool'' feeling |
                                 | for the computer underground scenes. |
                                   Available as a Fido-standard message
                                 | network, Listserv-style mailing list |
                                 : and e-mail-based Private Point Node. :
                                 | Dedicated to all three phases of the |
                                 | computer scene - art, warez and h/p, |
                                 ; CCi is absolutely required reading!! ;
                                  -  -- - -    --- -  --- -   -    - - -
chlk1094.zip  765224 08-05-2024 
                                October 1994 Collection
ciapak08.zip  548303 08-05-2024       _______ ___ ________  
                                ____ /     . (___) .      \ ____
                                \___|    (___/   \    +    |___/
                                 \__|    (   \    |   |    |__/
                                -| CiA PACK #8a- O2/07/94 |-
ciapak09.zip  496386 08-05-2024         _____ _____ _____  
                                _____ /      (_____)      \ ______
                                    /    \___ \   /    <    \
                                   (     /              * )
                                --- \________)(___)\__) \___/ ----
                                     Creators of Intense Art
                                 > February '94 Compilation <-
ciapak10.zip  210135 08-05-2024              
                                   The March Conspiracy
ciapak11.zip  486596 08-05-2024    > CiA  Presents <  
                                       ____   ___    ___
                                _____ /    \ (___)  /   \ _____
                                ----/    \__)/   \/   <   \----
                                ___< +   /  \    <      # >___
                                > The April 94 Conspiracy <-
ciapak12.zip  704492 08-05-2024 The CiA Conspiracy 2
                                  )\\  (_))  /((     5
                                 /   \\/ \\/ . \\    /
                                <   \/ \  <  :   \\  9
                                 \_____/___\_|___//  4
ciapak13.zip  783765 08-05-2024 CiA Conspiracy   13
                                :         ۲ 6
                                :   ۲ ܱ /
                                  ۲ ޲ ޲  9
                                  ܲ ܱ 4
ciapak14.zip  507641 08-05-2024                   
                                  a     ޱ   ۲   
                                 CiA Conspiracy # 14  July 1994 
ciapak15.zip  808904 08-05-2024                 
                                      [ 894 ]Ŀ
                                :          ۲                  :
                                 15th CiA ۲      Conspiracy 
                                :          ۲                  :
ciapak16.zip 1064766 08-05-2024 
                                 16th CiA   Conspiracy
                                  ܰ    ܲ   ܰ߱  
                                 ܱ۱  ۱ ܱ۱ 
                                ޲۲  ۲ ۲۲
                                 ۲    ۲  
                                Readaboutthe scandal
                                that caused this pack
                                     to be late!
ciapak17.zip  706309 08-05-2024             
                                CiA        #17
                                CiA Conspiracy - October 94
ciapak18.zip 1006001 08-05-2024       Ŀ
                                : c             # :
                                 i   ޲  ۲   1 
                                : a       8 :
                                 cia conspiracy #18 - Nov. 1994
                                 sanitized for your protection!
ciapak19.zip  299446 08-05-2024                  
                                   ۲    ۲ 
                                  ۱ ۲      ۱ 
                                   ۱ ۲  ۲ ۱
                                   ߲    ߲ 
                                   cia conspiracy #19  
ciapak33.zip  644169 08-05-2024  ---  -Ŀ
                                 ߰  ۲  ۲  ۰    
                                 ۱   ߰   ۱   
                                 ۲   ۲    
                                 --  ---   ---  --     
                                  cia conspiracy number :     
ck!col13.zip    6619 08-05-2024      .___|   |                             
                                _____|  _|_  |_/\__ ck! presents:          
                                \_   _____/  |  __/------------------->    
                                 |   |  _|_  _   |  ascii col no. 13       
                                _|_  |  \_   |   |_-------------->         
                                \__  ____|___|____/         
ck!col14.zip   11452 08-05-2024    _ _________ __ ____           .   . ...
                                  _\\ _      / __/   /_  katharsis!ascii :
                                .-|   |_____/  \_      \_--------- -- - -|
                                | |________/_____\______| presents:      |
                                |  my ascii col#14: I HATE THE ARMY II   |
                                :... .  .    ..  .             .     . ..:
cnc-0494.zip 1068978 08-05-2024 April '94 Pack 1st CaNCeR Pack
                                 ߲ܲ  ܲ   ߲ܲ ߲ܲ޲
                                ޲  ܲ޲ ޱ   ܲ޲  ܲ޲
                                 ߲   ߲ ߲ޱ ߱
cnc-0694.zip  951614 08-05-2024 [255D[0;1m June '94 Pack  Original Work
                                 ߲ܲ  ܲ   ߲ܲ ߲ܲ޲
                                ޲  ܲ޲ ޱ   ܲ޲  ܲ޲
                                 ߲   ߲ ߲ޱ ߱[0m
corp0394.zip   84908 08-05-2024             
                                    ۲  ޲       
                                    ۲    ߲
                                  THE MARCH COMPILATION 1994
cran1094.zip  273630 08-05-2024 ..
                                ó     ij
                                   c r a n i u m   ٳ
                                 p r o d u c t i o n s  
                                art pack number one art 
                                pack number one art pack
                                 number one art pack num
                                    ansi & vga    Ŵ
                                 for the mind, body and 
                                 ....yeah, that's right 
crd-0995.zip  286222 08-05-2024 ۲  ۲ ۲ 
                                ۲  ۲۲ ۲  ۲   ۲ ۲
                                ۱     ۱۱ ۱    ۱     ۱ ۱
                                 ۲  ۰  ۱  ۱   ۰
                                c r    e e  d
                                ܲ   ܲ   ܲ#1 ܲ
                                 ߲۱   ۲ ۲۲  ܲ
crd-1095.zip  271644 08-05-2024     why masturbate when you've got
                                ۲    :creed:   octobah pk 95 ߲
                                      ߲߲   ܲ        
                                     ߲           ܲ   ޲
                                      ܲ     ۲    ܲ  
cri-0394.zip  777228 08-05-2024                          
                                    Volume 1: Partners in Crime 
                                       Released on: 03/01/94 
                                     Spread by:  Ru Manchu [X] 
cri-0494.zip  539843 08-05-2024     Chapter II: The Premonition 
                                  .              .       .
                                 .          .
                                       Released on: 04/01/94 
cri-0594.zip  471597 08-05-2024 CRISIS Chronicles  Chapter 3  MAY 94
                                       Shattered Man
crim0694.zip  720554 08-05-2024   ______  .______   .___ .__    __. ____
                                 / =__   \\ =___ \  \__/ |= |  |= |/ =___\
                                |  /   \ =|| \ _|=|.____ |   \/   |= |__ .
                                | |  .  |/ | |\__/ |   =|| |.\/ | |   __|  
                                |= \_______|=|\ \___\= /__\=\  /=/. =|___.
                                 \___________| .\___________/kS\_________/ 
                                        . CRiME 06/94 Release =+=     .
crp-0794.zip  424867 08-05-2024    
                                   CoRPSE Art Pak #1
                                      July 1994
crp-0894.zip  735888 08-05-2024      August 1994 Art Pak...    
                                  CoRPSE August Pak #2     b
                                "The Pak You'LL Die For" 
dansipic.zip   99344 08-05-2024 Color Ansi Collection 'D'.
dark0294.zip 1472870 08-05-2024     
                                   DRK's Premiere Pack   
                                 ۱  ۱ ۱    ۱  ۱ ۱  ۱ 
                                 ۱   ۱    ۱   ۱   
                                    ߱ ߱   
                                  ۰ ۰ܲ ܲܲ ܲ 
                                    DiGiTALARTiSTS of the RARE KiND
dark0494.zip 1071029 08-05-2024        [ DRK April Pack ]
                                  Digital  Artists
                                           o   the
                                        Rare  Kind
dark0496.zip 2118179 08-05-2024                      ߰     
                                    the originators of originals ߲  
                                 ۲     ۲۲۲      ۲ 
                                 ܲ   ۲      ܲ
                                        ۲    ۲  
                                  ܲ    ܲ ۲      ۲ 
                                 ۲   ܲ ۲ ۲     ߲ 
                                     ޲   ۲ ۲   ߲ 
                                  ߲ ۲۲۲ ۲
                                   _  d a r k   i 1 1 u s t r a t e d  _pk 
                                  ܰ    The Dark Collection      ܰ   
                                     ߲    April 1996    ߲ܰ      
                                 ۲  ۲      ۲  ۲ 
                                    ۲ ۲ ۲ ߲    
                                    ܲ ܲ   
dark0894.zip  959382 08-05-2024        The August 1994 Collection 
                                          CyberCon Couriering 
dark0994.zip 1632640 08-05-2024   The September 1994 Collection 
                                 ۲ ۲       ۱
                                    ۲   ۲
                                 ۲  ۲ ۲   ߲ 
                                 ۱ ߲۱ ۱ ߱ 
                                 ߰    ߰ ߰da ߲     ߲
dark1294.zip 1322535 08-05-2024 the dark collection: december 1994
                                ܲ۲ܲ߰ ܲ۲   ܰ 
                                ۱    ۱   ߰߰
                                ۲  ۲ ܲ۲  ܲ  
                                ۲ ۲۲ܰ ߲ܰ
                                ߰߰     ߲C ܰ
                                 ܲ     ۲޲   ߲۲۲n  ۲
                                             Dark Illustrated '94
                                "Dark '94, the Legacy begins" -Black Ire
datatek.zip     3431 08-05-2024 These are somemore TriBBS ANSI screens
                                from DataTek BBS  MAINALL.ANS,
                                FILEALL.ANS, MESSALL.ANS and a really
                                neat DOWNALL.ANS DataTek BBS
                                810-541-2325  Reg. 638
db-pack1.zip   47726 08-05-2024       
                                  ANSI PACK BY DiRT BAG FOR THA
                                       !!! TX PACK !!!
db-pack2.zip   24306 08-05-2024       
                                  ANSI PACK BY DiRT BAG FOR THA
                                       !!! TX PACK !!!
dcr0194.zip    24538 08-05-2024 [ January '94 ]
                                D      e
                                i           S
                                G       E
                                i     a
                                T                    r
                                a  C H A o T i C  C
                                L     A N S i     H
death07.zip    72412 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 DeaTH ANSiS' Pack of July 1995 
                                   LifE iS OnLy pRelUde tO...   
                                 ͺͻ ͺ ͺͺ ͺ     
                                     ͺ   ͺ      ͺͺ 
                                 ͺͼ ͺ               
                                     DeaTH ANSiS 1995     
die-pk7.zip   945579 08-05-2024  . ____________      _______________________ 
                                 .  . _______  <    |___     <  _________ .  
                                          >  \ \\   |. ( dIE7 > __/ (fK!
                                        _//  _\ \\  |.  \   _//     \\
                                       /__  ______> |:___> /____  ____>
                                          \|        |/          \|
                                           DiE Pack Number Seven!
                                       Australia's Finest at play! :)
                                              9th April 1994
die-pk8.zip   998841 08-05-2024                     
                                ۱    ۲  ۱۰      ۱۱
                                  ۱    ۱   ۱۱ fK!  ۱     
                                  ۰۱  ܰ  ۰۲    ܲ۰     
                                    DiE PR0DUCTI0NS PRESENTS PACK 8!    
                                        Australia looking good!         
                                           Released 26/06/94            
dm_7-95.zip   527276 08-05-2024 > DOMAiN 7-o1 Release [1/1] <¿
                                        .    Presents    .       
                                               DOMAiN Pack 00              
                                     NFO, Apps, Txt, ANSi, RG Mods, VGA    
                                      All    [ DOMAiN ] '95    o1/o1     
doa-0494.zip  130039 08-05-2024   Dead on Arrival 
                                 April Art Packeto 
doomansi.zip   16602 08-05-2024 ------------------------
                                THE FIRST DOOM ANSI PACK
                                YOUR FAVORITE BLOODFEST
                                  NOW IN ANSI FORMAT!
dope0694.zip  134212 08-05-2024   _____    Pack  _____  ______    
                                 |\ ____\    #1   |\ ____\|\ _____\ 
                                  ||   _  \ _____  ||     ||   ___|
                                 ||  | |  |\ ____\||  |  ||  |_\ 
                                 ||  | |  ||  _  ||   __||  ___|  
                                  ||  |_|  || |_| ||  | ||  |__\
                                  \|_____ / \|_____|\|__|   \|______|
dope0894.zip  237991 08-05-2024 [255D[3C[0;1;31m
                                [0;1m [0;1;31m ۰ܱ ܱ۰ [0;1m
                                 [0;1;31m ۱۲ ۲۱ [0;1m
                                 [0;1;31m߲۰۲ [0;1m
                                ۲ Pack #2  [0;1;31m [0;1m'94 
                                - w[0;1;31mh[0;31mite noise
                                cyberc[0;1;31mo[0;1mn -[0m
dope1094.zip  242691 08-05-2024     
                                   Farewell Pack 
dr-poop1.zip    9629 08-05-2024 DR. POOP LOG ON/OFF BBS ANSI SCREENS v1.0
                                A totally different and unique way to greet
                                your callers. Dr. Poop presents "The Straight
                                Poop on. . ."  Package of 50 different log-
                                on POOP screens with FREE Bonus Package of 25
                                additional Christmas POOP Screens with your
                                first purchase. Entertaining, Informative,
                                Ready-To-Go on All BBS systems.  Another
                                Innovative First from Jay Gaines & BBS
                                in Dallas.  
dta_app.zip    59547 08-05-2024                      
                                               ۲ L 
                                  ݱ        T
                                      ݰ ۰  A
                                   ۱    ۱     
                                     dUTCH aNSI aRTISTS aWAKE !     
                                  A NEW DUTCH ANSI GROUP WILL SOON  
                                   START..THIS TIME A GOOD!! ONE!   
                                      NO $ / NO WANNABE'S      
                                   ONLY REAL!!!!! QUALITY ARTISTS   
                                  including some ansi's so ye know
                                         what 2 expect!             
                                 no need 2 leave your current group 
                                 -(only assholes put their # here!)-
dvs-0196.zip 1702789 08-05-2024 [2J[0m[16C
                                  ܲ       ߲ ܲ        ۲        ߲
                                ޲  [6C     [10C  [5C   
                                  (d  e   ߲ v  i  oݲ  u  s) 
                                                  ߲    ܲ
                                - --  -- -  -   --   --
                                january dvs reunion.. what a scary thought!
                                -- ---  --  ---- --- -- - --(deg7
dvs-0995.zip 3124851 08-05-2024                               
                                               ߲       ۲ݰ
                                               ۲  ܲ۲۲    
                                       ܲ   ޲۲ܲ
                                    ۲    ܲ  ޲  ߲ 
                                             ްݰ  ߰  ۲
                                   ݰ             ޲      
                                         ޲ ݰ  ݰ   
                                     ߲      ܲ۲  ޲ܲܲ߰release #6
                                -----߰           ۲       
                                : The dvs project   ܲ       -bh 
                                 :      The not so one year anniversary     
eansipic.zip   48248 08-05-2024 Color Ansi Collection 'E'.
ea_oct94.zip   28880 08-05-2024  ________)\____)\______)\  __)\  ______)\
                                _)_  _____/  __  \   __  \/    \_)   __  \
                                )_   ___/__    __/_    __/   |  \__    __/
                                /     |    \ |    \_ |    \_ |    \_ |    \_
                                \_______   /_|     /_|     /__     /_|     /
                                :[ERRoR ART PReSeNTS]Ŀ  A
                                [THE E ToSH1o NSIPACK OCTOBER -94]  
                                :                                          R
                                    N WESOME COLLECTION OF ToSH1o'S     
                                :  LTEST ANSi-ART. THIS IS RELLY KOOL!   T
                                :    - RELEASED ON 1994-10-18 AT 22:30 -   :
                                 P$$ H C X 
ecl-0694.zip  132959 08-05-2024 
                                ij    -ART PACK #2-
                                       -JUNE '94-
ecl-0794.zip  508124 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                ij  -ART PACK #3-
                                      -JULY  '94-
eden0894.zip  181797 08-05-2024       
                                        The August 1994 Ansi    
eden1294.zip  177874 08-05-2024      Eden Entertainment Ansi Pak
                                     ۱  for December 1994 ۲
                                     ܱ       ܲ
                                     ߲ ܲ۲۲۱۲ 
                                     ۲  ۲۲۱۲ 
                                     ۲  ۲  
emic0496.zip   60383 08-05-2024 
                                   $$$$$$$$$###$$.##$ #~.,. .#$#$$$
                                 $$$# #s.`$ #. ~~ .# $ $x $$ #s.`$$$
                                $$$$ $$ $ $ $$~$$~$$ $ $# $ $$ $ $$$$$
                                $$$$ $$ $ $ $$ $$ $$ $..$ $$ '.$$$$$
                                $$$$ $$ ~.$ $$ ~~ $$ $ $$ $ $$ . $$$$$
                                $$$$ $$ $$$ $$ .. $$ $ $$ $ $$ $ $$$$$
                                $$$$ $$ ~.$ $$ $$ $$ $ $$ $ $$ $ $$$$$
                                $$$$,.~~~': $ .$$ $' $.sss$.`#s',$$$$$
                                   [EMiC] - CREATIONS 1996 -[EMiC]
                                              `April 96'
empire01.zip   28577 08-05-2024                                              
                                                   thE empre              
                                                pROUDLY pREsENTZ :           
                                     tHE FiRST empre /NSiCOLLECTiON 94/95 !
                                           tHiZ FiLE wAS DiSTRiBUTED bY      
escape04.zip  665127 08-05-2024                       esc 4
                                  ܱ    ܱ۲۲    ܲ
                                 ߲  ߱   ۲߲߱
                                ۲     ܲ     ܲ    
                                ޲          ۲ ۲    ۲
                                  ޲  ܲ
                                 ۲߲  ۲    ߱߱ jz
                                                   productions '94
ete-0194.zip  138871 08-05-2024 
                                   ETERNiTY  January 1994 Release
faces.zip       4705 08-05-2024 3 Funny Face DoorMenu's by Antje Darling
                                Another Brick In The Wall (405)248-1645
fansipic.zip  107196 08-05-2024 Color Ansi Collection 'F'
fat-0694.zip  597838 08-05-2024           F/T's Premiere Issue
                                      /---------\      /---------\
                                      |          |~~~\|           |
                                      |  _______/      \       __/
                                 =====|  ___|=|   /~\   |~\   /=====
                                ======|  |====|   ~~~   |==| |='94===
                                      |   \   |   | |   | /   \ cd
                                      |____|  |___| |___||_____|
                                    Futuristic /rtists with Talent
                                     -/- FaT ANSi -/- (c)i994 -/-
fat-0894.zip  651598 08-05-2024 
                                 -<*>- Futuristic /rtists with Talent -<*>-
                                      -<*>-   August '94 Release   -<*>-
fat-0994.zip  312347 08-05-2024   F.(.T.  September Compilation
                                 ߲       ߲
                                       ߲             ߲
                                 ޱ   ޱ   ޱ 
                                 ۲   ܲ ۲   ۲ ۲  
                                  ۲    ۲      ۲  ް
                                ۲  ۲ ޱ ۲
                                 Futuristic (rtists with Talent
fawk0194.zip   14576 08-05-2024  ____  ______  __  __  ___ __
                                |     \\___  ||  )(  ||  /(  |
                                |  C\_/ __ | || |  | || |/  /
                                |  _/  | _|| || |  | ||    (
                                | |0194| | | || |/\| || |\  \
                                |__\   |_| |_||__/\__||__\|__)
                                  Just For The Fawk Of It!
fawk0294.zip   50257 08-05-2024 [255D[1C[0;1;30m____  ______  __  __  ___ __
                                |[5C\\___  ||  )(  ||  /(  |
                                |  C\_/ __ | || |  | || |/  /
                                |  _/  | _|| || |  | ||    (
                                | |2994| | | || |/\| || |\  \
                                |__\   |_| |_||__/\__||__\|__)
                                  Just For The Fawk Of It![0m
fawk0494.zip   29349 08-05-2024   ____  ______  __  __  ___ __
                                 |     \\___  ||  )(  ||  /(  |
                                 |  C\_/ __ | || |  | || |/  /
                                 |  _/  | _|| || |  | ||    (
                                 | |0494| | | || |/\| || |\  \
                                 |__\   |_| |_||__/\__||__\|__)
                                What The FAWK Are You Looking At?
fawk0794.zip  101727 08-05-2024   ____  ______  __  __  ___ __
                                 |     \\___  ||  )(  ||  /(  |
                                 |  C\_/ __ | || |  | || |/  /
                                 |  _/  | _|| || |  | ||    (
                                 | |0794| | | || |/\| || |\  \
                                 |__\   |_| |_||__/\__||__\|__)
                                 .Your Mom Must  Be A Squirrel.
                                 ...All She Does Is Eat Nuts...
fear1294.zip  750879 08-05-2024 ۲޲ ް   ް ۰޲
                                 ޲    ް߲   ް     
                                    ݰ         ݰ    ݰ 
                                       ۰   ۱      ۱ 
                                      ߰    ۱ ܰ   
                                  ݰ       ߰ ۰      
                                           _ ݰ  ۰    ۰  
                                ܲ޲      ް 
                                   December '95 -- Merry Christmas!  
fi-1194.zip   877099 08-05-2024 
                                       ۳      ۳SC 
                                 FiDELiS Compilation  November, 1994
fire0494.zip  611098 08-05-2024   F i R E   S k U L L
                                  [A NEW SWiSS GROUP]
                                     ART PACK  #1
                                Release Date:  26/03/94
                                THiS iS OUR  FiRST PRO-
                                DUCTION.  CHECK IT OUT!
fire0496.zip 1442772 08-05-2024                         
                                   ۲  ߰          
                                   ۲ ܲ      
                                 fire warning : combustable package 04/96
                                       our time in the limelight
                                    (NEW VERSION WITH SHAZAM BUGFIX)
fire0694.zip  151962 08-05-2024 
                                  * presents *  
                                . ART PACK #2   -  JUNE/JULY 1994 .
                                : -  - :
                                *  The second art pack from FiRE  *
                                   SkULL, the real swiss group.  
                                   A lot of ANSi's and VGA pix.  
                                 -  - 
                                    FiNEST SWiSS ANSi/VGA ART    
                                 *  * knļ
fire0894.zip  201327 08-05-2024      _______ ___  ____  ______
                                : |'     +|    \     \     +| :
                                : |  .____|.   _| +   | .___| :
                                : |h ___|  |  |   |   | __|_  :
                                : |a   |  _|  |_     \      | :
                                : |l   | |      | |   |     | :
                                :  \___|  \_____|_|___|_____| :
                                         August Combustion
fire0994.zip   89228 08-05-2024    
                                  ۲  ۲ a ۲  ۲ 
                                 September Combustion 9/10/94
fire1295.zip 1253390 08-05-2024       ߲  ܰ
                                ޲  happy holidays       from 
                                 ۲۲  ݰ        
                                  ݰ         ܰ             
                                ܲ  ۲     ݰ
                                    ޲       ߰            
                                 ޲           hal     ۲      
                                ޲  fire pack       for december '95  
                                    ܲ  ߰
firm0695.zip  200887 08-05-2024     _____________________
                                  /(:::       _:::       ) june 95
                                 ( /|:  p!___|/|:   :   |___ ______
                                  | |     _)_|_|    |__::   |      )
                                  /(_____:____ |    | |:    :     |
                                 (/____/|::   _______)|   :  :    |
                                      | |:     |____/(____|__|::  |
                                      /(________)  (/____/__/|:   |
                                     (/________/           /(______)
                                  freaks in revolutionary modding
flip-23.zip  1198662 08-05-2024 FLiP PRoDuCTioNS ReLeaSe TWeNTY-THRee!
                                96       t
                                   ۲ ۲ ۲    ۲  ۲ ۲ w
                                 f ۲  ۲    ۲  ۲ ۲ 
                                 l ۱ ۱    ۱  ۱ 
                                 i ۱  ۱    ۱  ۱ 
                                 p ۰   ۰   ۰  ۰ 082196
                                   ۰   ۰   ۰  ۰ 
                                "2 THe NoN-BeLieVeRZ... We WoNT B FaDeD!"
flood-01.zip   63781 08-05-2024 .flood productions.
                                pack number one....
                                released 05/96.....
forge_05.zip 1094344 08-05-2024  ۲    
                                |   |  ۲||  | ki
                                :     :  ۲:  :  ۲:
                                .     .۲.  ۲.۲.۲
                                -May Pack of fun and cheap sex!--
fsh-0194.zip  147696 08-05-2024    /\_______________  ___________ _/\
                                  /   ___   ____    \/   _____   |   \
                                 /   __/|   |__/  .  \__   \ |   :    \
                                /     | |      \  .   \ \   \|   .  sc!\ 
                                \  ___: :____  /__:_  /___  /:___|___  /
                                 \/          \/     \/    \/         \/
                                 FLASH(tm) Presents : The January Peck ! 
fury0794.zip  429908 08-05-2024        
                                      U   R   Y    ۲ 
                                         UNLEASHED #1  ۲
                                         JULY 07/94     
                                          ART COMPEDIUM ۲ 
fury0894.zip  240280 08-05-2024          FURY 08.94  ܲ       
                                 ܲ           ۲        
                                ܲ     ܱ ߲      
                                   ܰ         ߰    
                                  ۲                   ܱ
                                                     ߲     ۱
                                                     ߱   ۲
                                  ܰ          ߲  
                                -/-/-/ EXoTiC TRaXX / TMC /-/-/-
fury1094.zip  236395 08-05-2024  fury art compendium for october '94          
                                     .             ܲ           
                                      . ߱  ۲      
                                 ۲           ۲ ۲   ۲   ۲         
                                   ۲     ۲ ۲    ޱ          
                                    ۲      ۲  . ۲ ۲  ߲               
                                    ۲      .۲ ۲ ۲   ܲ            
fut-1094.zip   33528 08-05-2024 .. _______. ..::FUTiLE October,1994::..
                                : /       \::_::.. .       . ..::____::.
                                ./_   ____/_| \ ______/\ _ __/\ / _  \::
                                //      \\  | _\ _  ___/__)   \\ / __/::
                                \\   \___/  :  \\   \\ / _\   //_  __)::
                                .\\   \ \   .  //   ///   \\  /  \   \::
                                ..\\ _/  \_____/\___/ \__  /_____/_  /::
                                .:.\/::.. .. .  . .. ....\/........\/.:.
                                      . ..:: Ansi\Lit/Ascii ::.. .    wd
gansipic.zip   70090 08-05-2024 Color Ansi Collection 'G'.
gas-01.zip    828755 08-05-2024  .sS$$$$$$s$$$$$$$$$$$s$$Ss,
                                .$" ss   $$ssss.`$$$,
                                $$   $$   $' ss   $s, S$$
                                s$   $$   $   $$   $"$$$   $$
                                $$   $$   $   $$   $   $$   $,
                                $$s.    $s.    $    .s$$
                                `$"S$$   $$$$$$Ss.$Ss,$$$$$$$
                                $$.   .s$$SS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$s
                                `$$$$$$$$$$$SsS$$'pack 1.$$$'
                                 arcane bbs +61-7-5529-6541 
gas-02.zip    798137 08-05-2024   
                                ߲ ۲۲ 
                                 ۲ ߲ ۲ 
                                ߲ ޲   
                                 ۲  ۲ 
                                 ۲  ۲ ߲
                                ߲ ܲ۲ 
                                 g a s  p a c k 2 
gen0794.zip   494837 08-05-2024      .The First.
                                ߲       ߲      ߲ sp!߲   .Reich.
                                ߱       ߱  ߱    ߱   .07/94.
genpack1.zip  238927 08-05-2024 ۲۲۲۲
                                ߰  ߲    ۲
                                 ܰ     ܰ   
                                ܰ۲۰     ܰ 
                                   GENETiCS PREMiERE GRAPHiCS PACK #1  
                                      OUR FiRST GRAPHiC PACKAGE       
                                     iT CONTAiNS SOME NiCE STYLE      
                                  ANSi SCREENS [LOGOS&MENU EXAMPLES]  
                                    AND SUPER KEWL GiF PiCTURES !     
                                  DOWNLOAD iT NOW AND DECiDE YOURSELF 
                                  GREETZ TO ALL GERMAN GROUPS&ARTiSTS 
                                   OUTLAND BBS [49]-40-5596013  (WHQ)
glx-col1.zip    6317 08-05-2024 
                                  :::::' _______:  AscII collection!
                                  :::'  |       |  By Sanity assassin
                                  ::____|_      |____ ____    Nr. 1!
                                  :/       \    |_   Y    | +--------+
                                  |   l_____|__ ` |  `  _/   ! 1995 !
                                  l            |  |      \  +--------+
                                  :\_____|     |__|__|____|
                                  :::::::|____/ :::::::::::::::::::::::
grfx0894.zip  142235 08-05-2024              
                                August 1994ABoMiNATioN PackiNCARNATE Merge
grim0894.zip  286377 08-05-2024       
                                        GRiM ART PACK   
                                         AUGUST OF '94   
grip0194.zip  604460 08-05-2024 Graphic Revolution in Progress Presents
                                        GRiP/AD Pack #5 - 01/94
                                     "A Strong Grip Never Lets Go"
grip0294.zip 1192682 08-05-2024 Graphic Revolution in Progress Presents
                                        GRiP/AD Pack #6 - 02/94
grip0394.zip  199827 08-05-2024        ___ ____   __  ____    ..
                                      /   |    \ |__||    \  /||\
                                     /  /\|  |\ \ __ |  |\ \/ || \
                                    /  /  `  |/  )  ||  |/ /  ||  \
                                   /  /__ |     (|  ||   _/ . ||   \
                                  /  /_  \|  |\  \  ||  |/    || |\ \
                                 /  /__|  |  | \  | ||  /     || | ) )
                                (_________|__|  \ |_||_(   |  /| |/ /
                                                 \|     \  | / |   /
                                Graphic Revolution`in Pro\ |/gr|  /ess
                                          Proudly Presents\|   | /
                                         GRiP/AD Pack 03/94`   |/
                                             "Just Fine"       '
gthc0194.zip  374904 08-05-2024      __________________.______.____
                                 LC!/   <______ __  __
                                   /  /__//  /  /  /  /  /  / _/__/_
                                  /  /__  > /  /  /     /  /  /  /
                                 <____/  <____<__<__/__/__<_____/
                                  The Gothic Revival - January 1994
gthc0294.zip  311233 08-05-2024      __________________.______.____
                                 LC!/   <______ __  __
                                   /  /__//  /  /  /  /  /  / _/__/_
                                  /  /__  > /  /  /     /  /  /  /
                                 <____/  <____<__<__/__/__<_____/
                                  The Gothic Revival - Febuary 1994
gthc0394.zip  829880 08-05-2024      __________________.______.____
                                 LC!/   <______ __  __
                                   /  /__//  /  /  /  /  /  / _/__/_
                                  /  /__  > /  /  /     /  /  /  /
                                 <____/  <____<__<__/__/__<_____/
                                  The Gothic Revival - March 1994
gvt-0596.zip 1236227 08-05-2024  gravity/gravity/gravity/gvt
                                g$%a. "$$$$$$$$$$$$' `$$$$'.
                                n$$$$$$ $$$$$'`' ,as$$$$$%
                                s$$$$$' $'`    ``$$$$$$$'
                                i  ,a%$$$$$$$$$$'``'   ,'.
                                r,$$$$$$$$$$$` ,a%$$$$$a    '
                                e$$$$$$$$$$$$' .$$$$$$$$$    
                                d`$$$$$$$$$SS g `$$$$$$$`   .a.
                                b  `$$$$$$$,   $$$$$`    `'
                                y$a   `"%$$$$,  $S$$"  a$
                                f$$$a.      `'`'`"  .a$$$
                                a.'$$$$' `$$$$$$$$$$$$" .a%$
                                e%$$$$$%a,dZ  `$$$$$ $$$$$$
                                 `'$$$$$$$      ``' '$$$$'
hansipic.zip   64203 08-05-2024 Color Ansi Collection 'H'.
hav-0494.zip  481554 08-05-2024      -/- Havok Premier Release -\-
                                          -/- April 1994 -/-
                                   __    __    ___    __         _   _
                                 /__/| /__/| /___ / /__/| | \  /_ //_ /
                                |  | ||  | /     | |  | |/ \| |  |/  |/
                                |  |/_|  /   /   | |  |/   / \      /
                                |   __ /   /__|  | |     /( ) |    \ \
                                |__|/ |\ /    |__|/|__ / \___/|__|\__\/
hav-0594.zip  369439 08-05-2024         -/- Havok Release -\-
                                          -/- May 1994 -/-
                                   __    __    ___    __         _   _
                                 /__/| /__/| /___ / /__/| | \  /_ //_ /
                                |  | ||  | /     | |  | |/ \| |  |/  |/
                                |  |/_|  /   /   | |  |/   / \      /
                                |   __ /   /__|  | |     /( ) |    \ \
                                |__|/ |\ /    |__|/|__ / \___/|__|\__\/
hav-0694.zip  148554 08-05-2024         -/- Havok Release -\-
                                          -/- June 1994 -/-
                                   __    __    ___    __         _   _
                                 /__/| /__/| /___ / /__/| | \  /_ //_ /
                                |  | ||  | /     | |  | |/ \| |  |/  |/
                                |  |/_|  /   /   | |  |/   / \      /
                                |   __ /   /__|  | |     /( ) |    \ \
                                |__|/ |\ /    |__|/|__ / \___/|__|\__\/
haze_002.zip   87564 08-05-2024  haze: june 1995 pack no.2!
                                ۲߲ ߲߲ ߲
                                ۲ ۲ ܲ 
                                   ۲  ߲ld!    
heat-04.zip   284771 08-05-2024  ް   ݰܰ                
                                 ߰              ް
                                ް ݰް  ݰܰ  ް 
                                 ߱  ߰ܰ  ۰ܰ  ߱  ݰ
                                   ߱ ް   ܰ 
                                ް         ߰ݰ   ܰ
                                 ߱      ޱ  ߱
                                   ߰  ܰ    ݰ  
                                  HEATWave Packet #04 - Released 01/15/94
highscr.zip    18935 08-05-2024 Display menus and other Ansi Drawings used on
                                Highlander BBS. Cool!!
hkm-2die.zip   21257 08-05-2024 ascii      .            s,.                 
                                pack 2   __:             $s                
                                        /  |    `$$Ss    $s       ______ _
                                _ __  _/   | _ __ $$$$_ __ $$____  / ___ __ 
                                 _____/____|____  $$$$ __ _$___ \/ /   \'95
                                 \__________    \ $$$$   .$    \  /     \  
                                    /      |    .\`$$$ .s$      \/     ./  
                                    \      |     \\`$$s$$$._____/     //   
                                     \_____|       \`$   $$$. iC/      /    
                                           |________>:    $$$  /______/     
                                .----------------.sss ---$$ -------------.
                                | tha ePITAPHIC .'  oph  $  hKM preZents |
                                | the second ascii colly  '  kalled . . .  |
                                |    - ---(- tO lIVE iS tO dIE -)-- - -    |
hkm-ngry.zip   20458 08-05-2024 ascii      .            s,.                 
                                pack     __:             $s                
                                        /  |    `$$Ss    $s       ______ _
                                _ __  _/   | _ __ $$$$_ __ $$____  / ___ __ 
                                 _____/____|____  $$$$ __ _$___ \/ /   \'95
                                 \__________    \ $$$$   .$    \  /     \  
                                    /      |    .\`$$$ .s$      \/     ./  
                                    \      |     \\`$$s$$$._____/     //   
                                     \_____|       \`$   $$$. iC/      /    
                                           |________>:    $$$  /______/     
                                .----------------.sss ---$$ -------------.
                                |  EPiTAPHiC of .' HACME $    preZents   |
                                |------------------------ '----------------|
                                | tha first ascii pack kalled  aNGRy aGAIn |
hmg0494.zip    94783 08-05-2024         
                                April Pack, ANSI ONLY....                    
                                Vga grafix etc.. coming                      
                                out in mid-april.........                    
hor-1095.zip   64772 08-05-2024                  
                                ۲  ߲   ۲۲     ۱ 
                                 ߲     ܲ۰    
                                 ۰߲     ޲ܰ۰ݲ   
                                 ۱  ۲   ܱ  ۲  
                                 ۲ ۱  ܲ  ܲ۰    
                                   ۲               ۱  ۱
                                 ۲  ۲              ܰ۲  
                                ۱ ߲             ۲    
                                ۰ ޲                   
                                ߲  ۲  ߲                
                                      H  O  R  R  O  R           ߲
                                   o  F    R  E  A  L  I  T Y      10/07/95
                                            tRANCENTRAL MOVEMENt            
hor-1295.zip  264389 08-05-2024                   
                                   the new beginning  
hr09-94.zip   357785 08-05-2024     
                                  ۰     xu۲
                                  ۰       ۲
                                  ۰       ۱
                                  ۱    ۱
                                  ۱         ۱
                                  ۱           ۰
                                  ۲          ۰
                                  ۲      /-\Productions/-\        ۰
                                       -=Presents 09-94 Release=-
                                       -=Packaged by .\\. .\\=-
iansipic.zip   77515 08-05-2024 Color Ansi Collection 'I'.
ic-2am.zip     14625 08-05-2024 ______:           _  ___ ____
                                \___  |________/\___________ \  ___________
                                iC/   |  \______  _____   / \ \/ _________/
                                _/   _|   \   _|  \   \__/   \  / \  __/__
                                \    \_    \  \_   \  /  \    \/   \  |   \
                                |   ... ePiTAPHiC oPh hACME preZents ...   |
                                |     tha tHIRD askii collection kalled    |
                                |      --- -- ---(- 2 a.m. -)- - -----     |
ice-08.zip    169375 08-05-2024 iCE ANSi PACk o8]
ice-9401.zip 1547395 08-05-2024 January     ߱  iCEPACK
                                1994   ۲  ߲
                                ܲ          ߲ 
                                ޲       ܲ    
ice-9402.zip  983521 08-05-2024 February    ߱  iCEPACK
                                1994   ۲  ߲
                                ܲ          ߲ 
                                ޲       ܲ    
ice-9403.zip 1049517 08-05-2024 March      ߱  iCEPACK
                                1994   ۲  ߲
                                ܲ          ߲ 
                                ޲       ܲ    
ice-9404.zip 1213062 08-05-2024 [255D[3C[0;1;34m[5C[37m[5C
                                   [36m [37m       [30mtm
                                  [37m   [0m  [1m    
                                ۰   [0m[1m ߲  [0m[1m
                                [6C   Presents:   
                                   The April '94 iCEPACK
                                    [30mType "XV" to begin.[0m
ice-9405.zip  930859 08-05-2024 May        ߱  iCEPACK
                                1994   ۲  ߲
                                ܲ          ߲ 
                                ޲       ܲ    
ice-9406.zip 1163664 08-05-2024    ܰ          
                                ۲  ۲  ܲ   
                                Advertisements(tm) Presents:
                                     The June iCEPACK!
ice-9407.zip 1148057 08-05-2024    ܰ          
                                ۲  ۲  ܲ   
                                Advertisements(tm) Presents:
                                    The August iCEPACK!
ice-9408.zip  729892 08-05-2024                       
                                      ۱ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۰     
                                      ۱ ۲  ۲ ۱     
                                  ۰ ۲ ۰ ۲ ۱     
                                   ۱ ۱ ۱  ܰ
                                     ۲ ۰  ۰ ۱  ߱
                                  iC3 aDVO'Z pACk fOR aUGUST
ice-9409.zi1 1198323 08-05-2024 
ice-9409.zi2 1012717 08-05-2024 
ice-9410.zip  480985 08-05-2024  [!] Natural Born Killers [!]
                                  ޲     ܲ      ܲ
                                 ߲ ߲  ߲ ߲  ߲ ߲
                                ۰۲   ۰۲     ۰۲   
                                ޲۰   ޲     ޲  
                                 ۲    ۲    ۲
                                  ߲     ߲      ߲ 
                                  the October '94 iCEPack  
ice-9411.zip 1029066 08-05-2024 
                                  ޲     ܲ      ܲ
                                 ߲ ߲  ߲ ߲  ߲ ߲
                                ۰۲   ۰۲     ۰۲   
                                ޲۰   ޲     ޲  
                                 ۲    ۲    ۲
                                  ߲     ߲      ߲ 
                                  the November'94 iCEPack  
ice-9412.zip 1000659 08-05-2024 
                                  ޲     ܲ      ܲ
                                 ߲ ߲  ߲ ߲  ߲ ߲
                                ۰۲   ۰۲     ۰۲   
                                ޲۰   ޲     ޲  
                                 ۲    ۲    ۲
                                  ߲     ߲      ߲ 
                                  the December'94 iCEPack  
ice0894.zip    24589 08-05-2024 Two RIP screens from Sept '94 iCEPACK!
                                These are the only two RIP screens from
                                inside a graphic pack from the iCE
                                graphics group. The original file
                                (ICE-9408.ZIP) also contains ANSI (25
                                and 50 line) and VGA GIF graphic
ice9409a.zip 1198229 08-05-2024                     
                                  ޲     ܲ      ܲ
                                 ߲ ߲  ߲ ߲  ߲ ߲
                                ۰۲   ۰۲     ۰۲   
                                ޲۰   ޲     ޲  
                                 ۲    ۲    ۲
                                  ߲     ߲      ߲ 
                                 the September '94 iCEPack IJ
                                        Part <1 of deux>
ice9409b.zip 1012624 08-05-2024                     
                                  ޲     ܲ      ܲ
                                 ߲ ߲  ߲ ߲  ߲ ߲
                                ۰۲   ۰۲     ۰۲   
                                ޲۰   ޲     ޲  
                                 ۲    ۲    ۲
                                  ߲     ߲      ߲ 
                                 the September '94 iCEPack IJ
                                        Part <2 of deux>
ice9505a.zip 1279814 08-05-2024        Disk 1 of 2!  
                                  " i c e ^ o 5 / 9 5  . . . ! "
                                    ۲          ۲        
                                  ܲ     ܲ  ߲
                                    ߲   ܲ ck 
                                ߲߲ ۲    ߲
                                [0;36mV34? +3|-35693-7816/2860/17xx[0m
                                [0;36mE-Mail: eoh@eoh.idn.nl[0m
ice9505b.zip  668117 08-05-2024        Disk 2 of 2!  
                                  " i c e ^ o 5 / 9 5  . . . ! "
                                    ۲          ۲        
                                  ܲ     ܲ  ߲
                                    ߲   ܲ ck 
                                ߲߲ ۲    ߲
                                [0;36mV34? +3|-35693-7816/2860/17xx[0m
                                [0;36mE-Mail: eoh@eoh.idn.nl[0m
ice9511a.zip 1122299 08-05-2024      
                                   ۱      ۰   
                                  p    ܲ  
                                    ۱ ݰ    ݰݰ   ܲ
                                  ۲      ߰  ߲    
ice9511b.zip 1117315 08-05-2024      
                                   ۱      ۰   
                                  p    ܲ  
                                    ۱ ݰ    ݰݰ   ܲ
                                  ۲      ߰  ߲    
ice9511c.zip 1336304 08-05-2024      
                                   ۱      ۰   
                                  p    ܲ  
                                    ۱ ݰ    ݰݰ   ܲ
                                  ۲      ߰  ߲    
ice9601a.zip 1112374 08-05-2024         ܰ         
                                    p۲      ۲      ۲
                                   a       ߰ 
                                    ۱     ݲ     
                                   ܲ   --İ- ߱
                                     iCE January 1996 [1/2]
ice9601b.zip  877556 08-05-2024         ܰ         
                                    p۲      ۲      ۲
                                   a       ߰ 
                                    ۱     ݲ     
                                   ܲ   --İ- ߱
                                     iCE January 1996 [2/2]
ice9602a.zip 1013130 08-05-2024            
                                          ۲ ۲tna
                                   iCE February Pack      
                                   Disk 1/2                   
ice9602b.zip  960001 08-05-2024            
                                          ۲ ۲tna
                                   iCE February Pack      
                                   Disk 2/2                   
ice9603a.zip 1255317 08-05-2024                        
                                   ܲ  ۲  ܲ  ۲ 
                                ۲۱   ۲ ۱ ܲ ۲ 
                                 ۱ ۲  ۲  ۰  ۲ 
                                 ۰ ۲      ݰ 
                                 ۲   ۲     ܲ
                                 ۱  ۲  ۲  ۱  ۱  
                                   ܱ   ۲  ܲ    ߲ܰ
                                ۱ ۲ ۲   ۲
                                - ߲ -  1/2 ޲߲ March 1996
                                 sg      ޲            iCEPack 
ice9603b.zip  903118 08-05-2024                        
                                   ܲ  ۲  ܲ  ۲ 
                                ۲۱   ۲ ۱ ܲ ۲ 
                                 ۱ ۲  ۲  ۰  ۲ 
                                 ۰ ۲      ݰ 
                                 ۲   ۲     ܲ
                                 ۱  ۲  ۲  ۱  ۱  
                                   ܱ   ۲  ܲ    ߲ܰ
                                ۱ ۲ ۲   ۲
                                - ߲ -  2/2 ޲߲ March 1996
                                 sg      ޲            iCEPack 
ice9604a.zip 1250970 08-05-2024         ߲   ۲
                                   ܲ     ߲ 
                                 ۲  ۲     ۲ ߰
                                     ޲۲    ޲ܲܰ
                                       ܲ       ܲ ܱ
                                ۲  ۲      ۲  ۱
                                 ߲  ߲ 
                                ܲ    ܲ     ܲ     
                                 iv!  ܰ      ۲
                                iCE pack . April 1996 . part 1 of 2
ice9604b.zip  877539 08-05-2024         ߲   ۲
                                   ܲ     ߲ 
                                 ۲  ۲     ۲ ߰
                                     ޲۲    ޲ܲܰ
                                       ܲ       ܲ ܱ
                                ۲  ۲      ۲  ۱
                                 ߲  ߲ 
                                ܲ    ܲ     ܲ     
                                 iv!  ܰ      ۲
                                iCE pack . April 1996 . part 1 of 2
icepackz.zip  441074 08-05-2024 Large Collection Of Ansi & Ice Files &
ice_2d0194.zip 1545227 08-05-2024 January     ߱  iCEPACK
                                1994   ۲  ߲
                                ܲ          ߲ 
                                ޲       ܲ    
ice_2d08.zip  169375 08-05-2024 iCE ANSi PACk o8]
icheck12.zip    4034 08-05-2024 IceCheck v1.2
                                Really IceTech. style mailchecker.
                                English & Hungarian version!
                                2x3 ANSi screens for RA 2.50
ifx-0694.zip  387268 08-05-2024                    ܲ
                                   ޱ    ۲          ۲
                                   iLLEGAL F/X 06-94 (mini)pack
                                "This is our K-v4g1n4|_ file.iDEEZ"
ihs-fire.zip   16569 08-05-2024      _ _   __   __ _  .
                                     \ (__) /______.______ _/\______
                                      \____/ \_  __:_   _/_\    ___/__
                                  .-_/      \_   \___    \_ \_____    \_
                                .-' \_______ /_____:______/ ___________/-.
                                `--adk!---\/--- inhumans \_/-----------'
                                    |  REcAll/HS^MST^PLS^LSD PRESENTS   `-.
                                    |   >COLD FRE!<                       |
                                    `-.   THIS TME THE COLLY S REAL...   |
image001.zip  540646 08-05-2024   
                                  ۰    ۰ ۰ܰ ۰   
                                 ۱ ۱   ۱ޱܱ۱ 
                                ۲ ۲      ۲ ޲   ۲۲۲
                                 iMAGE February Pack 94'
imp-0494.zip  284616 08-05-2024   
                                IMPERiAL APRiL COLLECTiON '94
imp-0594.zip  558371 08-05-2024                          
                                    ߲   ۲ ۲
                                    ۲ ߰ 
                                    ۲     ۲  ܲ 
                                  ߱       ۲    ߰
                                   ܲ  Imperial ܲ  
                                ܲ     Art Pack     ܲܲ
                                ߲۱ May Edition 1994! ܱ۲
imp-0694.zip  780598 08-05-2024         
                                 ޲HV     ܲ 
                                MPEi  PE      ߱  Ri
                                IMPERi  PE A  M  iAL I  Ri
                                  Imperial Art Pack 
                                   June 15 '94 
imp-0794.zip  516000 08-05-2024 
inc0494.zip    95623 08-05-2024   ͻ
                                  ͼ ͻ
                                  ͻ  ͼ
                                  ͼ ͼ
                                iNCARNATE GRAPHICS
                                  04/15/94 PACK
ins1295a.zip  110027 08-05-2024 oh willy      we will take
                                don't be            over the
                                silly               world in..
                                use a    ޲              ...1996
                                       ߲۲    ܲ۲   join us!
                                 ܲ         ޲       
                                ANSi                       insomnia
                                Part!         december
                                ---             pack'95
                                    ߲     ߲  
                                      ۰   ۰   ۰ 
                                   ܲ   ܲ  
                                  iNSOMNiA are BLACK MAiDEN, PHAT 
                                 PARANOiA AND SAiLORMOON together 
ins1295v.zip  795378 08-05-2024 oh willy      we will take
                                don't be            over the
                                silly               world in..
                                use a    ޲              ...1996
                                       ߲۲    ܲ۲   join us!
                                 ܲ         ޲       
                                VGA                        insomnia
                                Part!         december
                                ---             pack'95
                                    ߲     ߲  
                                      ۰   ۰   ۰ 
                                   ܲ   ܲ  
                                  iNSOMNiA are BLACK MAiDEN, PHAT 
                                 PARANOiA AND SAiLORMOON together 
int-0494.zip  250377 08-05-2024                          
                                        P R E S E N T S:
                                  The Poet / Art Scout Mag!  #001
inu-9408.zip  291312 08-05-2024 iNNUENDO Art Pack N1 - [06-Aug-94]
                                 ۲  : Ŀ
                                |                   |               :
                                :     ۲  
                                        |    ۲
                                    ۲ ۲    ۲:۲    ۲    
                                     ۲ ۲   ۲ ۱    ۲    
                                         ۲  ۲    :
                                :             ۲               MB |
iph_2d_23001.zip   23741 08-05-2024 .oO  ooo  ooOooooo  oOoo        ooo.
                                .ssS   Sss. oo .ssss. ssSsSssSsss.
                                $$$'II `$$$  .S$~~SS  `$$~ ~$$.
                                .$$' :l  `$$ .SS`    'S$. $$  II  S$
                                .S$  :   SS. $`  .   'SS. S  l:  $$
                                SS$      $$S S   :.   S$S S  :  $S
                                SS.  :  .SS S   l:   SS S     $$
                                $S.   .SS $$.  II  .S$ S   :  S$
                                 SS. .S$  S$.    .$S $$      $$
                                O SS.SS Oo $$.  .$S .$$.    .$S
                                 oo SSS oooo $$ss$$ .s$SSs.sS$$
                                oOo S ooooooo $$ .sS$$$$SSSS$
                                -                            -
                                 TiTL: IPH FiRST OFFICIAL        
                                         ANSI/ASCI PACK!!!!
                                         [this pack really kicks!]
                                 DT.: 1997-07-05 (Summer in SWE)
                                 RT.: [99/1oo]  Di$K:. [1/1]
iph_2d_23002.zip   36154 08-05-2024   .: .sS:.            S :.
                                .::: :$$$: :::.::..:: E :.:.
                                 `:. `'     :      C :.'
                                  :: V$$$V         :  O ::
                                  .: `$$:'         .  N .:
                                  ::  $:: s#::$SS#s.  D ::
                                  ::  $$: $$$" ~"::.   :.
                                  :: .:$$.`$:     i$i 1 :.
                                  :. $$$$S $$,.  .s:: o ::
                                  ::    : ,$$$$.:::' o .:
                                  .:    . ::$         % .
                                  .: .$s  $:: $s  :     ::
                                  :: $$:  $$$ $  .   N :.
                                   : $$$  ::$s.`      E ::
                                  :. $$:s.  .ssS   :  W :.
                                  :: ::$$$$ss$::   .    ::
                                  :: $$$"~ ~"$$$      S .:
                                  .: $:$     ::$  :   C ::
                                  :: ::$ :   $$:  .   H :.
                                  :: $ .   $ iPH  O ::
                                  .:                  O :.
                                  :. iTRPHZE 2D   L ::
                                  :. 1oo% WSCHoOL      :
                                  .: PKK, WiTH THE   P ::
                                   : BEST SHiT-SCHoOL A ::
                                  :. SCii U C GT  K :
                                  .: D MUSH, MUCH   K .:
                                  :: MoR, LiK FUY   ::
                                  :. TXT FiLS ' STUFF.:
                                  ::                    :
                                  .:  T R A N C E !   ::
                                 .::.                   .:.
                                 `::'                  `::'
iph_2d_23003.zip   39014 08-05-2024   .s .ss.              ,s.
                                s$$$ $$ sssssssssss s$$$$s
                                 `$$ `' $$$$$$$$$$$.$$'
                                  ss V$$V $$$$$$$s$$$$$bss
                                  $$,`$$' $$$$$$$$
                                  $$ $$ s#S$S#s.`$$$$$$
                                  $s$ $ $" ~"$,`$$$$
                                  $$'.$$.`$: $s ii $$s$$
                                  $$ $S $,`'.s$ $$$$$
                                  $$sssss ,$$s$$V',$$$$$
                                  $$P $$   ssss$$$$$$$
                                  $$ s$s .$$ $s $$$$$S$$$$
                                  $$ $ ;$ $ $$'     `$
                                  $$ $$ l$s`$ $$  iPH  $
                                  $$ $s.  .sdS $$ ----- $
                                  $$ $$$ss$ $$ nr 03 $
                                  $$ $"~ ~"$$ $$ ----- $
                                  $$ $ s$s $$ $$ ascii $
                                  $ $$ $$$ $ $$.     .$
                                  $s $ $$$ $ $$$$SsS$$$
                                  $$ iNPHAMiLAiR  '97 :i$$$
                                  $$ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  :i$$
                                  $$ Presents: SPASM!   :$$
                                  $$                     $$
                                  $$ The 3rd 100% NS     $$
                                  $$ ascii pack, all     $$
                                  $$ made by i P H !     $$
                                  $$ ------------------- $$
                                  $$ Featuring:          $$
                                  $$  Outstanding Fx    $$
                                  $$  BBS Menus/stuff   $$
                                  $$  Kewl txt's/logo's $$
                                  $$  ONLY Colored Asc! $$
                                 s$$s,  - S P A S M -  ,s$$s
                                s$$$$$ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm $$$$$s
                                 $$' 1997-09-19; dec.`$$
                                [0;1;30m.:[ V.o.D +46-O42-16O7OO ]:.
iph_2d_23004.zip   18427 08-05-2024  _..,,sssS$Ssss,,.._
                                $',s#s,  iPH ASCii #4 `$
                                $ $$$ ,,..__  _.  _. $
                                $.`""'d$$$ sS$ sS$ $
                                $$ $$ $$ $ $ $$ $$ $
                                $$ $$ $$sss$ $$s$$$ $
                                $$ $$ $$ sss $$ $$ $
                                $'                    `$
                                $ -- iPH ASCii #004 -- $
                                $  tiny party release  $
                                $.                    .$
                                $    "winner asc's"    $
                                $ -> by iNPHAMiLAiR <- $
                                [0;1;30m.:[ V.o.D +46-O42-16O7OO ]:.
itr-9401.zip   65536 08-05-2024 
itr-9402.zip  156951 08-05-2024 February 1994 iCE Trial Pack
                                    ۰      C
itr-9503.zip  178649 08-05-2024 ICE TRIAL        
                                 A Time Honored Tradition
                                Has Made It's Return to iCE
                                [0;36mV34? +3|-35693-7816/2860/17xx[0m
                                [0;36mE-Mail: eoh@eoh.idn.nl[0m
jihad-1.zip   979018 08-05-2024 
jihad-2.zip  1068755 08-05-2024      _____________ ____________________
                                _____\_   _____   |    _  \_    _____  \_
                                \_   :|   |   |   |    |   |    |  .|   |
                                 |   .|   |  :|   _    |   _    |  :|   |
                                 |   .|   |  .|  :|    |  :|    |  .|   |
                                 |    l   |  .|  .|    |  .|    |  .|   |
                                 l________l___l___|    l___|    |___    |
                                 ====)  tHE sECOND mOFO jIHAD pACK  (====
jks-ordn.zip   23338 08-05-2024     ____  :_____: _____ _________
                                   (____) |__   |/    // _______/
                                    /   \   / __/ ___/ \_____   \_
                                 __/     | /  \   \_   \    |    /
                                 \       | \   \    \_  \_______/'95
                                \_____:'  \___\____\------
                                 oRDNUNG.EXE      dATE [16/12/95] 
                                | dIE  tOILETTEN  bENUTZER oRDNUNG |
                                 fR bEAMTE         [gERMAN tEXT] 
jks-same.zip   23047 08-05-2024     ____  :_____: _____ _________
                                   (____) |__   |/    // _______/
                                    /   \   / __/ ___/ \_____   \_
                                 __/     | /  \   \_   \    |    /
                                 \       | \   \    \_  \_______/'95
                                \_____:'  \___\____\------
                                 sAMEPROC.EXE     dATE [16/12/95] 
                                | tHE sAME pROCEDURE aS eVERY yEAR |
                                 (dINNER fOR oNE)  [eNGLISH tEXT] 
jus-0894.zip   75880 08-05-2024     ________
                                  /^      .^\ _        _______
                                 |         ) | ^\ px /^     .^\
                                  \__________/  ) |/^\(         )|
                                   ___|   ,\ .   |  |.  \____/
                                 /^. \_   .|     /  .|\_-     .\
                                |(         |      , |/        |
                                 \_________/\________/ \________/
                                          [Justice Ansi]
                                  [August 1, 1994 -- Release #1]
kimp1294.zip   27280 08-05-2024    KiMP December '94 Pack
                                Couriered by iCA, DiZ:Halo  
kin-1294.zip  618667 08-05-2024       The 'KiNDRED' Proudly Presents...
                                  )\  __(__)\___.)\____ )\___)\___)\_____
                                 /  |/  (__/    \ .    \  _  \  _ \ .    \
                                |;  :  _/ .| .   |:  \  \ (___)  __):  \  \
                                (|Tt!   \ :| :  .||  _)  ):|       )|  _)  )
                                 \__|  ./ ||_)  /(__    / ||\___  /\__    /
                                  KiNDRED's Debut Pack... Pack #1 12/26/94
                                          M E R R Y    X - M A S !
kts-tz01.zip   11499 08-05-2024 =    1st tinyz ascii pak    =
                                    __      ______________
                                   /  \  /\/       \      \
                                   \   \/  \        \ ____/
                                    \  /   / __ __  /  \
                                    /     /\/ / \ \/ \  \
                                   /    \/tz /   \ __ \  \
                                  /      \  /     \  \/   \
                                 /    \   \ \     /  /    /
                                 \____/\   \ \___/\______/
                                --------\  /-----------------
                                -   anoth\/er hot release   -
                                -------------------X o1/o1 X-
kts-tz02.zip    8672 08-05-2024 => tinyz k00l-ascii pack no.2 <=
                                ==>_____  _/\______/\________<==
                                ==>\__  |/   \    /  \       \<=
                                ===>/        /_   ___/_____/ /<=
                                ==>/      __/ /   \/\____  \/\<=
                                =>/          \     \ \       /<=
                                =>\____|\__  /__|  /______  /<==
                                ==========>\/<=>| /<=====>|/<===
kts-tz03.zip   23237 08-05-2024 => tinyz ascii pack numero 3  <=
                                ==>_____  _/\______/\________<==
                                ==>\__  |/   \    /  \       \<=
                                ===>/        /_   ___/_____/ /<=
                                ==>/      __/ /   \/\____  \/\<=
                                =>/          \     \ \       /<=
                                =>\____|\__  /__|  /______  /<==
                                ==========>\/<=>| /<=====>|/<===
kts-tz04.zip   11406 08-05-2024 => tinyz ascii pack numero 4  <=
                                ==>_____  _/\______/\________<==
                                ==>\__  |/   \    /  \       \<=
                                ===>/        /_   ___/_____/ /<=
                                ==>/      __/ /   \/\____  \/\<=
                                =>/          \     \ \       /<=
                                =>\____|\__  /__|  /______  /<==
                                ==========>\/<=>| /<=====>|/<===
kts-tz05.zip   15819 08-05-2024 => tinyz!askii pak numer fnf <=
                                ==>   no it's not german...  <==
                                ==>_____  _/\______/\________<==
                                ==>\__tz!/   \    /  \       \<=
                                ===>/        /_   ___/_____/ /<=
                                ==>/      __/ /   \/\____  \/\<=
                                =>/          \     \ \       /<=
                                =>\____|\__  /__|  /______  /<==
                                ==========>\/<=>| /<=====>|/<===
kts-tz06.zip    9457 08-05-2024 => tinyz askii paKKK no siXXX <=
                                ==>_____  _/\______/\________<==
                                ==>\__tz!/   \    /  \       \<=
                                ===>/        /_   ___/_____/ /<=
                                ==>/      __/ /   \/\____  \/\<=
                                =>/          \     \ \       /<=
                                =>\____|\__  /__|  /______  /<==
                                ==========>\/<=>| /<=====>|/<===
                                [===> spread this in #warez <===]
kts-tz07.zip   11425 08-05-2024  -[  katharsis!ascii pack   ]-
                                 -[ tz!ascii is now kts!ascii ]-
                                 ______ ____________________/\
                                 | tz!|/     /         /____  \
                                 |   ://    /_: \_   // ___\ //
                                 |   //   _/_|:   \__/\/ \| \/\
                                 |   \     \ |    \\/         \\
                                ~|____\    \\|______\  ________/~
kts-tz08.zip   12796 08-05-2024  -[  katharsis!ascii pack   ]-
                                 --[ yes... yet ANOTHER pack ]--
                                 ______ ____________________/\
                                 | tz!|/     /         /____  \
                                 |   ://    /_: \_   // ___\ //
                                 |   //   _/_|:   \__/\/ \| \/\
                                 |   \     \ |    \\/         \\
                                ~|____\    \\|______\  ________/~
kts-tz09.zip    8236 08-05-2024  -[    kts!ascii  pack IX    ]-
                                 -[ another quiky from tinyz ]-
                                 ______ ____________________/\
                                 | tz!|/     /         /____  \
                                 |   ://    /_: \_   // ___\ //
                                 |   //   _/_|:   \__/\/ \| \/\
                                 |   \     \ |    \\/         \\
                                ~|____\    \\|______\  ________/~
kts-tz10.zip   38610 08-05-2024   -[   kts!ascii pack !TEN!    ]-
                                 ______ _____________________/\
                                 |.   |/     /         /_____  \
                                 |:   //    /_: \_   // ____\ //
                                 |   //   _/_|:   \__/\/  \| \/\
                                 |   \     \ |    \\//         \\
                                ~|____\    \\|______\  _________/~
kts-tz11.zip   12058 08-05-2024  -[ katharsis!ascii pack  ]-
                                 -[ brought to you by tinyz! ]-
                                 ______ ____________________/\
                                 | tz!|/     /         /____  \
                                 |   ://    /_: \_   // ___\ //
                                 |   //   _/_|:   \__/\/ \| \/\
                                 |   \     \ |    \\/         \\
                                ~|____\    \\|______\  ________/~
kts-tz12.zip   12467 08-05-2024  -[  kts!ascii  twelve-pack  ]-
                                 ______ ____________________/\
                                 | tz!|/     /         /____  \
                                 |   ://    /_: \_   // ___\ //
                                 |   //   _/_|:   \__/\/ \| \/\
                                 |   \     \ |    \\/         \\
                                ~|____\    \\|______\  ________/~
kts-tz13.zip   17013 08-05-2024 
kts-tz14.zip   15171 08-05-2024    _____ _____________________________/\_
                                 _/-tZ!|/      ___   __ _   / ____ _ __ /
                                 |     //      / _:   \   //   ___\   //
                                 |:   //     _/_ |:   \\ //\___/ | \ //
                                 |.   \       \  |      \//      :  \/\__
                                 |     \      \\_|      \\_____         /
                                 |.    :\_________________\   \______ //
                                 |       katharsis!ascii numerooo #14\/
                                 `-------`if yer gay, the ya can read it'
kts-tz16.zip   43661 08-05-2024          ______
                                        |     /___  !100+ ASCIIS!
                                ==== ___|   //   _)______________========
                                %%%%/   |  //    ________  _____/_%%%%%%%
                                %%%//     _/_    |    .|   _____  \%%%%%%
                                %%%\____|    \___     :|__/__     \\_%%%%
                                %%%%%%%%|    \\%\______|%%%%%\______/%%%%
kts-tz17.zip   54662 08-05-2024      __/\|_________.__/\_____/\_
                                   _/    \    \_   |    \_ ____/_  kTS!aSK
                                   \_     \  ._/  \_/  ._/ _)_   \_  cOLLY
                                    |    \   :|    |   :|        .|    #17
                                    l____|   .|____|   .|____    :|  `tHE
                                   ::[===l____l====l____l===\_____l:  nME'
kts_a-15.zip   25257 08-05-2024   %] kATHARSIS!aSCII pACK fIFETEEN [%
                                         _________  %!] 43 lOGOS! [!%
                                    ____|         |____________________
                                   /    |:   /    ________ _______    /
                                 _//      __/\   :|    | \   __  \  //
                                 \     :|     \_ .|   :|  \_/ |  \\_/
                                  \ ____|      /_     .|______     /
                                  %\/%%%%\   //%%\_____|%-tZ!\   //%
                                          \\//                \\//
                                           \/                  \/
                                [31m[%] THiZ CaMe FRoM +31-2159-37816 [%]
lap-0494.zip 1273067 08-05-2024 :.:.:.   April 1994   .:.:.:
                                         ܲ   ܲ
                                ۲ܲ ߲߲ܰ
                                 ۰ ߰ݱܱܰްܰ
lap-0594.zip 1152326 08-05-2024         
                                      [Lapse 05-94]
lap-0794.zip  676754 08-05-2024 Lapse Productions July 1994
lap-0894.zip  503566 08-05-2024       .____ __________________.
                                 : ::  \ : . \  .\ _: __/  :: : 
                                 : ::  :TE:__: :  _/_  :  __:  :: : 
                                 : ::  /_____:_:_:_____:____\  :: : 
                                       . August 94 Art  .
lap-1094.zip  830316 08-05-2024         .       .      .    .       .
                                :::. ___/\_____/\____/\__/\_____/\_  
                                ||||::\    .\      \   _  \    \  _ 
                                ||||::/_   \ __(--   _\ ___/\___/  \__
                                ||||::/_   /    \    _\  \___   : \ _
                                ||||::/_____   /  _/   _/__   /TE ___
                                ::_________\ /_\ /__\ /____\ /__\ /______
                                /---------- : - : -- : ---- : -- :
                                :        Lapse Productions October 94       
lap-1194.zip  908027 08-05-2024         .       .      .    .       .
                                :::. ___/\_____/\____/\__/\_____/\_  
                                ||||::\    .\      \   _  \    \  _ 
                                ||||::/_   \ __(--   _\ ___/\___/  \__
                                ||||::/_   /    \    _\  \___   : \ _
                                ||||::/_____   /  _/   _/__   /TE ___
                                ::_________\ /_\ /__\ /____\ /__\ /______
                                /---------- : - : -- : ---- : -- :
                                :      Lapse Productions November Pack      
lap-1294.zip  937043 08-05-2024        ____                                   
                                       \  /___ /\___ /\___/\___/\_            
                                  ::: /  \  /  :  /  : \___:te\__\ :::      
                                  ::: /  :/\:  :  :  :___  \  ___\ :::      
                                  ::: /__   /\__\ __/___\  :_____\ :::      
                                          \/    :__\       \/                 
                                [lapse artwork compilation December i994]     
larts2.zip    159956 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 ۲޲޲޲  ܲ 
                                 `'`' ''`''`'`'`'`'`'`''`' 
                                          ޲ ޲          
                                   Julio          1995   
                                          ޲ ޲          
                                  LoCoArts Group Pack #2   
                                   = Otros 20 Ansis =    
                                [0;36mV34? +3|-35693-7816/2860/17xx[0m
                                [0;36mE-Mail: eoh@eoh.idn.nl[0m
legend04.zip   87286 08-05-2024        ܲ     
                                            ܲ   ݰ
                                   ܲ      ߲
                                 ݲ   ܲݰ    
                                           ܲ ܲ   
                                    ܲ         ۲ܲ
                                       ܲ۲  ۲     04  
                                 P R E S E N T S. . .  L E G E N D 0 4
lght9404.zip 1082374 08-05-2024   LiGHT April '94 Pa ck 
                                         ܰ ܲܲ ߰ 
                                            "BooM in  '94"
lght9405.zip  215146 08-05-2024  LiGHT May 1994 Spectrum 
                                 Kicking the Scene in 94 
                                           And The Night Is
                                            Yet  the LiGHT
                                         A new dawn appears
                                        And a new day begins
lght9406.zip  217135 08-05-2024   ] LiGHT June Spectrum [
                                            As the medallion
                                             swayed gently
                                               to  and fro
                                       I became  entranced
                                   ۲   And  the LiGHT
                                 ۲  was all that
lotd_2d_2301.zip   17866 08-05-2024 Legion of the Damned - ANSI Pak 1
lqd-0594.zip 1021277 08-05-2024       ߱     ߱
                                 -LiQUiD Pack #2-    "Carpe Diem"
                                  We are looking for new members 
                                    Fill out the application and   
                                  send it to our WHQ or member board 
lqd-9403.zip 1419084 08-05-2024   LiQUiD  Introducing our first pack 
                                 MARCH 1994 - The End Of The Beginning 
lqd-9406.zip 1019728 08-05-2024           
                                 -The Space-  3nd Release 06/94 
                                   ...Dear all CyberRealm users
ls-0394.zip   104448 08-05-2024 
ls-0594.zip    72700 08-05-2024          
                                  epe ociet 
                                 pack ii  may 94
ls-0794.zip   214562 08-05-2024         
                                 s    o    c    i    e    t    y
                                       pack iii  july 94
ls-0995b.zip   46207 08-05-2024         
                                       l e p e r  s o c i e t y
                                        pack x  september 95
lsp-1095.zip  642439 08-05-2024        R T  D I V I  I 0 N 
                                      ܲ ۱   ܰ
                                ߲ ܱ  ܱ۲ 
                                     ۱۲  ۱
                                ܲ ۱   ۱  ܲ
                                      ۰ ۲ ۲۲ ߲
                                 ۲۰ ܱ   ܲ
                                        ۱۲ܲܲ۱   [1/1]
                                   . THE . OCTOBER . X-PERiENCE .
                                        aNSI  aSCII  jPG 
                                        tRANCENTRAL MOVEMENt        
m-ansi3.zip    23950 08-05-2024 ----------------------------------------
                                Merde's ANSi Pack #3  -+-  Just for fun!
                                 I FELT LiKE I HAD TO SPREAD SOME AGAiN
                                 BTW: I MAKE ANSi FOR FUN, NOT REQUESTS
mad0194.zip   171776 08-05-2024 
                                Malicious Artists
                                Denomination Pack
mad0294.zip   357058 08-05-2024               
                                Malicious Art Denomination
                                Art Pack Number 2 Feb ' 94
                                BaZeRKa TOXiC  CONTOUR 
mad0494.zip   954258 08-05-2024     MP
                                  MALiCiOUS ART DENoMiNATiON
                                      April '94 Pack [4]
mad0594.zip   376440 08-05-2024     MP
                                ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ 
                                ۲   ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                  Malicious Art Denomination
mad0694.zip   467537 08-05-2024     MP
                                ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ 
                                ۲   ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                  Malicious Art Denomination
massive2.zip   47555 08-05-2024 --- -- -  ,*@SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS@*,-
                                |        *''^``^'*$$$$$$$$$$$$$8li: 
                                      '               `'$$$$$$*$$$$8: |
                                |   ,                     `'$ l$$8:' .
                                           ,     *ڿ,.        :$8:'
                                |  :                `'8:        '    |
                                :     - ,,          __ '8:       l,    
                                .dl        b.   .d$$s.8:       i:,
                                $$$*,_    *$$$$$$$$$8li:       li:,  |
                                $$$$$$$$S@4$$$$$$$$$$$8li:       8li:, :
                                '$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$8li       :$8li:,
                                 '$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$8li:       l$$8li:,
                                 `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$8li:      :$$$$8li:
                                | 5f '$$$$$$$$$$$$$8li:       l$$$$$$$$
                                 ,*@S$$$$$$$$$$$$$$8li:*, ,*$$$$$$$$$
                                :$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$  _,q$$$$$$$$,_ '*7S$
                                i$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$@$$$$$$$`'*$$$i*,
                                l$$$$? $$$$l $$$$l'`  $$$$ yyy,`'$$$$l
                                $$$$$: '*$; $$$$:     $$$$,4$$$l' l$$$$
                                $$$$ -- -- :$$$$ - -- $$$$$$$$'-- l$$$l
                                `'*@ mASS  i$$$$ ive? $$$$$$$$Q*$$$7:
                                --- ------ `'*S -- - *8$ --`'*S*'-
mft-0394.zip  737849 08-05-2024 The First  
                                               3/1/94           RELEASE
mft-0494.zip  479530 08-05-2024 First of April of the YEAR: 1994
                                Innovations present: MANIFEST AMAGALM
mft-0594.zip  310860 08-05-2024     Manifest Innovaiton
                                     May Release 1994
mft-0794.zip  702340 08-05-2024 
                                 Manifest Innovations
                                      July 1994
mft-0894.zip  212386 08-05-2024 
                                    The Final.....
                                 Manifest Innovations
                                     August 1994
miis0594.zip  512214 08-05-2024      //iiS May 1994 Contemplation
miis0794.zip  601502 08-05-2024     MenaceIISociety    
                                    MiiS Contemplation - July 1994
mind0894.zip  264158 08-05-2024     The August 1994 Mindless Art Pack 
                                                   ܲ  ܲܲ
                                ޲ܱ߲ ܲ  ߲ܲ޲  ޲C޲
                                ޲  ޱ ޲ ݲ  ݱ߲ܱ߲߲
                                    ߲   ܱݰ  ޲ݰ ޲
                                             ߰     ߱
                                     ޲ ܲ  
                                ޱ߲ Mindless Incorpotated  ߰ܲTM
                                ܰP   R   E   S   E   N   T   Sܲ
mind9409.zip  448886 08-05-2024    The September 1994 Mindless Art Pack 
                                                   ܲ  ܲܲ
                                ޲ܱ߲ ܲ  ߲ܲ޲  ޲C޲
                                ޲  ޱ ޲ ݲ  ݱ߲ܱ߲߲
                                    ߲   ܱݰ  ޲ݰ ޲
                                             ߰     ߱
                                     ޲ ܲ  
                                ޱ߲ Mindless Incorpotated  ߰ܲTM
                                ܰP   R   E   S   E   N   T   Sܲ 
mist1094.zip  517658 08-05-2024 _________|\  ____,___|\_|   |___33
                                __, __, __, `\(____-  ,_,'_, _______
                                #|'  |'  |'  |'   ,\__,  `|' _|'  |#
                                (mistigris) (the first pack) (10/94)
mist1194.zip  733490 08-05-2024     MiSTiGRiS Art Compilation
                                     The Second Pack  11/94
                                     ۲  ۱  ۱   ܲ۲
                                    ۱       ۱
                                   ۰ ۱  ܰ۰ܱ ޲
                                      ޲޲  ܱܲ   
                                      ۱   ߰ tz۲
                                     ܱ߰        ܲ 
mist1294.zip  908988 08-05-2024 MiSTiGRiS December Pack
                                  Our THIRD! WE LIVE!
                                    ______ __  ____ _____
                                ::/     __|/: __   __\
                                :/: : |:|:|__  |: |:::
                                "Elitists shot on sight."
mmv30.zip     174767 08-05-2024 Melody Maker v3.0
                                Create ANSI Music quickly and easily!   Three
                                modes  of playback,  SB/Adlib compat.,  mouse
                                support, easy use,  easy setup!  Save in many
                                formats,  including ANSI,  Melody Maker's own
                                compressed format,  RA page format and  more!
                                Check  out the best ANSI Music editor  on the
                                shareware market,  that even has  the ability
                                to  change  it's  Sound  Card  voice!   Block
                                commands,  key signatures,  point and  click!
                                Registration - $12.00
mop-9604.zip 1956187 08-05-2024 "the april tools pack"
                                             ܰܰ pa/#28
                                (4/96) ۲ܱܰ
                                  ۱۲  ۲
                                 ۲ ۲  
                                ۱                  ۲
moz9601a.zip  443601 08-05-2024 <------->
                                         ۲۲ o   ۲ ۲ Z   
                                   <- ۲     -->
                                   X x۲        
                                 xx x ۲ݰ ۲ݰ x ޲  ۲ݰ X  
                                   X ۲ ۲۰ x ۲  ۲X x x
                                 x  ۲  ۲  ۲ݰ ۲  X  
                                <-- ߲ ۲ ->ray
                                  moz[IC]art presents      1996    
                                   the 1st ART compilation for 1996!   
moz9604a.zip  750079 08-05-2024 <------->
                                         ۲۲ o   ۲ ۲ Z   
                                   <- ۲     -->
                                   X x۲        
                                 xx x ۲ݰ ۲ݰ x ޲  ۲ݰ X  
                                   X ۲ ۲۰ x ۲  ۲X x x
                                 x  ۲  ۲  ۲ݰ ۲  X  
                                <-- ߲ ۲ ->ray
                                  moz[IC]art presents      1996    
                                  the moz[IC]art April '96 collection  
mpir0194.zip 1011644 08-05-2024     Empire Compilation   01/94   
                                           Happy New Year!          
mpir0294.zip 1488918 08-05-2024     Empire Compilation   02/94   
                                      Will The Reign Ever Stop?     
mpir0494.zip  365684 08-05-2024  EMPiRE ART  Compilation 04/94 
                                ۲   ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲
mppakk02.zip   16398 08-05-2024 
                                  ۲  ۲
                                  ۲ ޲t ޲    
                                    ޲C ޲   
                                     ޲R ޲  ۲
                                  ۲ ܲ  ޲  ۲
                                    MGIC PODUCTiON 
                                  ޲ MGiC PR0D ART PAKK #02 
                                  ޲  Artists in this release  
                                   ۲kLEFZ, RatMan, tHE cREATOR
                                  ޲       MP ART DiViSiON    
mp_pakk1.zip    9323 08-05-2024     
                                | MGiC PR0d ART PAKK  |
                                |          #1!         |
                                | Artists in this pack |
                                | KleFZ, Thy PyrOo     |
                                | And YooGi            |
mtnt-ap4.zip   93257 08-05-2024    ____--| /--|--____ ---|____|--_____
                                  -----  |/  -:  -----|  \    :  ------
                                   ._/        |    |  .  .    |    |  .
                                <<<|_____%    \___ |--|__|    \___ |--|>>>
                                    MtNT |___--  |___--  |___--  |___--
                                -------------------------------[disk 1/1]--
                                             - aRt PaCk FouR -
                                      Cewl ASCIIS, ANSIS and VGA art!!!
                                    Download this and take a look at some
                                          cewl belgian drawings...
                                      You can order your asciis too!
                                 We're about to clean up our group a bit!!
                                 If you're a member now make sure you call
                                 our EHQ!!! and mail me if you still wanna
                                 be a distsite/courier/... whatever...!!!!
mtp-bye.zip    56964 08-05-2024 The Good-Bye ANSI Pack
mtx-9412.zip  705829 08-05-2024      MATRiX Art Pack  - [21-Dec-94]
                                                 M  Ĵ
                                    A monthly collection of quality art
                                       including ANSi, GFX and MUSiC
myst1_96.zip 1468604 08-05-2024 =------=\o1/96/=------=
                                #   MYSTiC ANSi PAK 5   #
myst3_96.zip  608638 08-05-2024 [PAK ][March 1996  Art Archive][PAK ]
                                  $.   ,$ $.   ,$,$$$$. $$$$$$$   ,$$$$.
                                  $$. ,$$ `$. ,$'$'  `$ ` `$' 'o ,$'  `$
                                  $ $o$ $  `$o$' `$.       $     $'
                                  $  $  $   `$'   `$$.     $   $ $.
                                  $     $    $      `8$    $   $ `$.   ,o
                                .o8o. .o8o..o8o.`8o.o8$  .o$o. $o.`8o.o8'
                                [PAK #6][March 1996  Art Archive][PAK #6]
                                 $                                     $
                                 $    MYSTiC PRODUCTiONz MARCH PAK!    $
                                 $                                     $
                                 $o.                                 .o$
nat-0694.zip  638669 08-05-2024    
                                 ۲ ۲     ۲ 
                                  ܲNation - 06/94 Art Release޲
nat-0794.zip  318951 08-05-2024        
                                   ۲         ޲ ۲
                                 ۲     ߲   
                                         ۲ ۲  
                                   The Nation Extravaganza - 07/94
nat-0894.zip  378927 08-05-2024        
                                   ۲         ޲ ۲
                                 ۲     ߲   
                                         ۲ ۲  
                                   The Nation Extravaganza - 08/94
nat-0994.zip  670946 08-05-2024          
                                     ۲         ޲ ۲
                                   ۲     ߲   
                                           ۲ ۲  
                                     The Nation Extravaganza - 09/94
                                 Came From  :  T h e   / c i d   L a b 
                                 [ 9 0 5 ]  8 8 1 - 9 7 5 8 
ncl_21_2301.zip   69470 08-05-2024     _ _____. _ ______. _ ___.
                                 _ _____.   \ _____   \     | ._
                                 -=-/   |    \ /   |___\    |/  \
                                 =-/    |     >   /     >   '    >
                                 -<     |____/      ___/     ___/-
                                 <                                >
                                  \  P R  E  S  E  N  T S   /
                                   |                           |
                                   | NuCLeaR! ANSi CoLLeCTiON  |
                                         #1 January 1995       :
ne0_arab.zip   15036 08-05-2024 ______ ___________ 
                                |  _  V_____|  _  V
                                |  |  |_____|  |  |
                                |  |  |  |  |  |  |
                                |  |  |    |    |
                                l__|  |_____l_____l
                                - -  ---------  - -
                                  pRESEN7s a nEw
                                 aSKIi c0LLEC7I0N
                                - -95---pay---95- -
newfileg.zip    4907 08-05-2024 
                                     ô ¿           
                                     eWiLeSC   V 1.0    
                                      MDe B 6UeeX         
                                   SS0P MSeR B0RD DUeRe 
                                   02421-931244 V34          
                                   02421-931245 X75          
ng0995ng.zip   34729 08-05-2024                    : 
                                 : saas.    : ,ssssssss
                                   `$$$$"ssa   $$$$ ,$$'
                                   $$$$ $$$$  $$$$ `$'  
                                 :  $$$$ $$$$ $$$$     :
                                    $$$$ $$$$  $$$$"$$$a
                                :  $$$$ $$$' $$$$ ,$$$  :
                                   ,$$$' `$'   `$$$$$$$$
                                   $"' :    :    `$$$$ 
                                 negative creeps 09-95 pack
                                     if you run a group
                                        pick this up!
nit-0194.zip   54735 08-05-2024           
                                       .Pack  #1.
                                  .Released  O1/2O/94.
nit-0394.zip   70589 08-05-2024     
                                      NITRO March Art Pack
nit-0594.zip   79858 08-05-2024           
                                    .Final  Release.
                                  .Released  O5/15/94.
nup-desc.zip   16715 08-05-2024 (\      .-.         _
                                  \)(_) |-'   @$@Nl$
                                 cHARON -tHE dESCRIPTION cOLLY!
nwa-0294.zip  294116 08-05-2024     |||||
                                 |NWA Art Pack: 02/94
opp-0695.zip  524955 08-05-2024  ____________________________________________
                                |\______     \ \\_________   \\__________  
                                |  //   \\   \\ \//     \//  \ \//     \// 
                                | //    /\\   \\//   _       /\//   _      
                                | \_____\/______\_____\______/\\_____\______/
                                | |             ||      |       |      |  __|
                                | /____________//_____ /_____ //_____ /  /  |
optk0194.zip  762896 08-05-2024       
                                   JaNuArY ArT CoLlEcTiOn   
optk0394.zip  632494 08-05-2024       
                                     March Art Collection   
                                       . ANSi/VGA/MoD .     
                                      Contact OPTiK NOW!    
out-0100.zip   18251 08-05-2024 January 2000 OutWorld Arts Artpack
                                Ansi RIP Graphics
                                Artpack released monthly
                                ICQ -- 129697
out-0197.zip   33654 08-05-2024 January 1997    -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                graphics@outworldarts.com  ICQ -- 129697
out-0198.zip   38559 08-05-2024 January 1998 OutWorld Arts Artpack
                                /^\__-__ |--| Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Artpack released monthly
                                |[| | |-|| -| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                |_|_|_|_||__| graphics@outworldarts.com
                                 ICQ -- 129697  ichat -- outworldarts
out-0199.zip  122366 08-05-2024 January 1999 OutWorld Arts Artpack
                                Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
                                Artpack released monthly
                                ICQ -- 129697
out-0296.zip   57881 08-05-2024 February 1996    -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                graphics@outworldarts.com  ICQ -- 129697
out-0297.zip   61284 08-05-2024 
                                /^\__-__ |--|  
                                |-|  _ _||[]|        OutWorld Arts February
                                |[| | |-|| -| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
out-0298.zip   71315 08-05-2024 February 1998
                                OutWorld Arts Artpack
                                Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
                                Artpack released monthly
                                ICQ -- 129697
out-0299.zip   12520 08-05-2024 February 1999 OutWorld Arts Artpack
                                Ansi MAX RIP Graphics
                                Artpack released monthly
                                ICQ -- 129697
out-0396.zip   47962 08-05-2024 March 1996    -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                graphics@outworldarts.com  ICQ -- 129697
out-0397.zip   18036 08-05-2024 March 1997          -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly, free
                                |_|_|_|_||__| OutWorld Arts outworld
out-0398.zip   21617 08-05-2024 March 1998
                                OutWorld Arts Artpack
                                Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
                                Artpack released monthly
                                ICQ -- 129697
out-0496.zip   43640 08-05-2024 April 1996    -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                graphics@outworldarts.com  ICQ -- 129697
out-0497.zip   24155 08-05-2024 April 1997          -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly, free
                                |_|_|_|_||__| OutWorld Arts outworld
out-0498.zip   16124 08-05-2024 April 1998
                                OutWorld Arts Artpack
                                Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
                                Artpack released monthly
                                ICQ -- 129697
out-0499.zip   13426 08-05-2024 April 1999 OutWorld Arts Artpack
                                Ansi MAX RIP Graphics
                                Artpack released monthly
                                ICQ -- 129697
out-0596.zip   32557 08-05-2024 May 1996    -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                graphics@outworldarts.com  ICQ -- 129697
out-0597.zip   53659 08-05-2024 May 1997            -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly, free
                                |_|_|_|_||__| OutWorld Arts outworld
                                outworldarts@hotmail.com -or-
out-0599.zip   12998 08-05-2024 May 1999 OutWorld Arts Artpack
                                Ansi MAX RIP Graphics
                                Artpack released monthly
                                ICQ -- 129697
out-0696.zip   55197 08-05-2024 June 1996    -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                graphics@outworldarts.com  ICQ -- 129697
out-0697.zip   53286 08-05-2024 June 1997            -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly, free
                                |_|_|_|_||__| OutWorld Arts outworld
                                outworldarts@hotmail.com -or-
out-0796.zip   52528 08-05-2024 July 1996    -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                graphics@outworldarts.com  ICQ -- 129697
out-0797.zip   29090 08-05-2024 July 1997       -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly, free
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/    
                                outworld_arts@geocities.com -or-
                                outworldarts@hotmail.com -or-
out-0798.zip   14380 08-05-2024 July 1998
                                OutWorld Arts Artpack
                                Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
                                Artpack released monthly
                                ICQ -- 129697
out-0799.zip   20665 08-05-2024 July 1999 OutWorld Arts Artpack
                                Ansi MAX RIP Graphics
                                Artpack released monthly
                                ICQ -- 129697
out-0896.zip   53043 08-05-2024 August 1996    -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                graphics@outworldarts.com  ICQ -- 129697
out-0897.zip   55710 08-05-2024 August 1997       -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly, free
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/    
                                outworld_arts@geocities.com  ICQ -- 129697
out-0898.zip   15220 08-05-2024 August 1998
                                OutWorld Arts Artpack
                                Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
                                Artpack released monthly
                                ICQ -- 129697
out-0996.zip   48295 08-05-2024 September 1996    -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                graphics@outworldarts.com  ICQ -- 129697
out-0997.zip   34025 08-05-2024 September 1997       -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly, free
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/    
                                graphics@outworldarts.com  ICQ -- 129697
out-0998.zip  121507 08-05-2024 September 1998 OutWorld Arts Artpack
                                Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
                                Artpack released monthly
                                ICQ -- 129697
out-1096.zip   31801 08-05-2024 October 1996    -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                graphics@outworldarts.com  ICQ -- 129697
out-1097.zip   45183 08-05-2024 October 1997    -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                graphics@outworldarts.com  ICQ -- 129697
out-1098.zip   11383 08-05-2024 October 1998 OutWorld Arts Artpack
                                Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
                                Artpack released monthly
                                ICQ -- 129697
out-1196.zip   42573 08-05-2024 November 1996    -- OutWorld Arts --
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                graphics@outworldarts.com  ICQ -- 129697
out-1197.zip   44817 08-05-2024 November 1997 Holiday Graphics OutWorld Arts
                                /^\__-__ |--| Restless, restless were the gods
                                . S.V.Benet
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
                                |[| | |-|| -| Artpack released monthly
                                |_|_|_|_||__| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                graphics@outworldarts.com  ICQ -- 129697
out-1198.zip   18417 08-05-2024 November 1998 OutWorld Arts Artpack -
                                Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
                                Artpack released monthly
                                ICQ -- 129697
out-ansi.zip  125545 08-05-2024 OutWorld Arts Ansis -- Everything from
                                Landscapes to Comicbook Characters;
                                including holiday ansis. 
                                /^\__-__ |--| Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Artpack released monthly
                                |[| | |-|| -| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                |_|_|_|_||__| graphics@outworldarts.com
out-rip.zip   461871 08-05-2024 OutWorld Arts RIPS -- Everything from
                                Landscapes to Comicbook Characters;
                                including holiday RIPs. 
                                /^\__-__ |--| Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Artpack released monthly
                                |[| | |-|| -| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                |_|_|_|_||__| graphics@outworldarts.com
out-swan.zip    5554 08-05-2024 
out_2d0200.zip   10357 08-05-2024 February 2000 OutWorld Arts Artpack
                                Ansi RIP Graphics
                                Artpack released monthly
                                ICQ -- 129697
phat1195.zip   50034 08-05-2024         
                                                "hey dude, leech this
                                            artpack or get lost!"
                                         ޲  the phatquisition
                                  ۰           11/95
                                     ۲߲  ߲   ޲      
                                 ܲ    ߰ ߲                    ޲
                                ۲۲ ܲ۲  ܲ ߲޲   
                                   ޲۲  ۲  ܲ
                                  ܲ ߲     ݰ۲
                                         ۲۲   ۲
                                  bk!     ޲  ۲
                                        ߰  ߲۲ ܲ۲ 
                                                   ܲ   ޲
plain07.zip   217318 08-05-2024                                              
                                 ߲ ۲                     
                                + ----   ------ +                  
                                   plain in style 05 / 96                     
                                + ----------- +                  
plf-0798.zip  142839 08-05-2024                                
                                   "life aint a flower, life is 
                                  ball of rubber, cus we're live
                                      in a poffelipoff world"   
                                ۲    bym
                                      ۲     ޲
                                    ޲ ޲   ޲
                                 ۰          ܲ۲
                                 ۱      ۱
                                 ۲  ܱ    ۰
                                       "pOffelipOff #14"
pm-fra01.zip   39715 08-05-2024 FREE Ansi screenz for BBSs of any type.  
                                More packs will be released, and
                                requests are welcome. 619 ONLY!!!
                                If u run a BBS, download this!
                                see ansi.txt for more info
pm-fra02.zip   38290 08-05-2024 Precious Metal's Free
                                ansi screens #2.  download
                                and use on your BBS.
pois0494.zip  967094 08-05-2024               
                                      APRiL '94- Vol. 4.0
                                        VGA, ANSI, MODs
                                          Art Release
                                        (c)POiSON [6i2]
prml0294.zip  332372 08-05-2024 [0;35m______ _____ ___ __  __ ___ ____
                                [0;35m| __  \ __  \\  \\ \/ |/ _ \|  /
                                [35;1m|  /__/  \  //  //    /  .  \ |__\
                                [35;1m|__|  |__\__\\__\\_\/_\__|__/____/
                                    [37;1mPrimal Ansi Packet Feb '94
                                      [0;37mReleased : Feb o6 1994
                                       [ BLooD PooL  187 ]
punc0695.zip  430803 08-05-2024  _________________________
                                |:       ||   |:   |   |:      |
                                |:   :   ||   |: . |   |:  ____|
                                |:   ____||   |: | |   |: |
                                |:  | |:  |   |: | |   |: |____ 
                                |:  | |:  .   |: | .   |:      |
                                |___| |_______|__|_____|_______|
                                   P u n C  P r o d u c t i o n s   
                                       presents the June `95        
                                         outta school pack          
punk0594.zip   70398 08-05-2024   /~~~~~~~~~\
                                  |    //  |  )\\ |~\/~|//~~|
                                  |    -----/  | \\| || |/  /
                                  |    | /--|~~\  \\ ||    /
                                  |    / \  |  |   \\||pNk  \
                                  \/~~~   \____||___\\\__|\__|
                                  P U N K   A n s i  P a c k
                                 05.05.94       M  A  Y
pur-0594.zip  895362 08-05-2024 Pursuit Pack 
                                All Artwork Up To 
                                 May '94 
pur-0694.zip  153931 08-05-2024   ____  Pursuit o6/94 Pack  ________
                                 /    \    ._   >               
                                      |   |/ _/ ,___/  |   __  __/
                                  _/  :    . \ ___. \  :      
                                   > \___/\__|\__\____/.___/__/   
                                 ./                             \ar
                                / 'pursuing a higher form of art' \
pur-0794.zip   70480 08-05-2024 |00 ________________________________________
                                |07 \_  _  \    _  \  .____    _  __  __/
                                |12  /  __/:      /__.    :      ah
                                |04 /   \_____/____\_____/\_____/____
                                |08<____/.::.  pursuit art pack o7/94  .::.
pur-0894.zip  540000 08-05-2024 
rage-294.zip  451662 08-05-2024            RAGE ! 02/02/94 Release !
                                 /\/-        first Art Pack        -\/\
raid1294.zip  306207 08-05-2024 [40m[2J[6C[0;1m RAiD 12/94 Second Pack 
                                     ܲ[10C  ܲ
                                ۲۲ܱܰ    ۲soi߱
                                ޲۲۱ ܱܰ    ߲
                                 ߰ ۱  ߲ܲ ޲ޱ[5Cޱ
                                 ܱ   ޲ ߰߱߰ ۲ ۲  ۲
                                 ߲   ߱۱ ۱ ۲۲
                                 ܲ ܲ ۲۲ݲ۱
                                    ߱۱߰߱ ۲߰
                                [9C Merry Christmas! 
ran-0194.zip  129191 08-05-2024 
                                  SZ!     '94 
                                RANCiD Presents  The January RANCiD Pak
random.zip    141371 08-05-2024 100 ANSI pix, make use of new RND insert parm
rave-02.zip  1167722 08-05-2024   RAVE! Artistic Spew  [09/01/94]  
                                |  __  >__ <  <|  | ___>| | DE
                                |     <  _  \  \/  /  __)|_|
rbs-db01.zip   43840 08-05-2024 REBELS Ansi Collection 1
rctpak02.zip   75744 08-05-2024         THE AUGUST REACTOR PACK
                                          -=/=- REACTOR -=\=-
rctpak03.zip  275509 08-05-2024        THE SEPTEMBER REACTOR PACK
rel-0194.zip  934145 08-05-2024                      
                                 :                :           
                                  ޲ ޲  ޲    ޲ ޲               
                                  ޱ  ޱ    ޱ    ޱ ޱi2           
                                  ް  ް    ް    ް ް               
                                 :       :           
                                  RELiC Pack Release for 1-94             
                                   --- Our First Pack -              
rel-0294.zip 1038588 08-05-2024                      
                                 :                :           
                                  ޲ ޲  ޲    ޲ ޲               
                                  ޱ  ޱ    ޱ    ޱ ޱi2           
                                  ް  ް    ް    ް ް               
                                 :       :           
                                  RELiC Pack Release for 2-94  
rel-0394.zip  542288 08-05-2024                      
                                 :                :           
                                  ޲ ޲  ޲    ޲ ޲               
                                  ޱ  ޱ    ޱ    ޱ ޱi2           
                                  ް  ް    ް    ް ް               
                                 :       :           
                                  RELiC Pack Release for 3-94  
rel-0494.zip  474005 08-05-2024                      
                                 :                :           
                                  ޲ ޲  ޲    ޲ ޲               
                                  ޱ  ޱ    ޱ    ޱ ޱi2           
                                  ް  ް    ް    ް ް               
                                 :       :           
                                  RELiC Pack Release for 4-94  
                                   --- Here we go again -
rel-0594.zip  794692 08-05-2024                      
                                 :                :           
                                  ޲ ޲  ޲    ޲ ޲               
                                  ޱ  ޱ    ޱ    ޱ ޱi2           
                                  ް  ް    ް    ް ް               
                                 :       :           
                                  RELiC Pack Release for 5-94  
                                   ---  Blah Blah Blah  -
rel-0694.zip 1296949 08-05-2024 |08
                                |15   GW 
rel-0794.zip  601996 08-05-2024                   
                                 Relic ACK-uisition 07-94
                                 Btw, this diz is just to
                                 piss off all you people
                                  who don't like Jaydee.
rel-0894.zip  709957 08-05-2024  ߲  ۲        ۲  ۲ 
                                ۲ ۲ ۲        
                                ۲ ۲     ۰     Diz
                                 ۲  ۲ ۲۲ ۱ 
                                 ۲ ޲ ߲  ۲    ۲  
rel-0994.zip  935464 08-05-2024                       
                                   ܲ             ߲ܲݲ Studies show that
                                ۲ܲ             ޲ 9 out of 10 ISZs
                                 ߲ ܲ۲ ߱ prefer the September
                                   ۲    1994 Relic pack
                                 ޲۲    over Maxx.  
                                   ޲ ݲ         ܲ ܲ  
                                    ߲            ۲߲޲   ܲ
                                    ܲ          ߲ 
                                   ޲۲ ޲۲۲         
                                   ޲  ۲          
                                    ۲ܱ ۲              
                                     ߲۲۲  ܲ             
                                                   diz by Hunchback.
                                DT shading on the font is dedicated to Flood.
rel-1094.zip  580078 08-05-2024 ܲ ߲ ܱ  ܱ߲ܲܲ
                                yet another relic pack  oct. 1994
                                ۲۲  ۲۲޲ܲ
                                   ۲   ߲
                                    ۲  ܲ 
                                    ޲۲ ߲߲
                                ߰      ߲  
                                 ܲ  ߲ܲ۲  ܰ
                                 ޲   ܲ  ܱ   
                                      ޲     ܲ   
                                ޲      ܲ ޲   
                                ܲ  ޲ ޲   
                                ߲  ۲     33
                                better than coolness... relicness!
                                ߲   ߲߰  
rel-1194.zip  561667 08-05-2024 ߲    
                                   ۲  ߲۲  
                                 ߲     ۲  ۲  ܲ
                                  ܲ ۲ 
                                relic studios presents the november 1994 pack
                                ܲ   ܲ
                                 ܲ ܲ
                                  ߲ ۲
                                checkout next month: full-coloured 50x160 diz
                                (err.. nah) diz by the almighty eerie [relic]
rel-1294.zip  326692 08-05-2024  ߲ܲ  ߲   
                                 santa claus presents the relixmas pack 
                                          - december 25, 1994 -      
                                   ܲ  ܲ    ܲ
                                       ߲    relic 
                                   ۲     ho ho 
                                    ۲ ho!  
                                 ۲   ޲    
                                  ܲ۲ ܲ  
                                  ۲  ߲۲ 
                                    ߲߲ ۲ ޲ 
                                 eh! this is ܲ       
                                 jello, dis-  ۲۲     
                                ߲  guised!  ޲ ۲߲    ܲ
                                 ߲  ܲ _33
                                   merry christmas you ansi d00dlers.   
                                 don't get too dERUNK like zipperhead!! 
                                  ܲ  ܲ 
rem-0294.zip  499885 08-05-2024   The February 1994 Mission Pack
rem-0394.zip  747746 08-05-2024   The March 1994 Mission Pack
                                    [ SPeCTRE '94 ]
rem-0494.zip  617453 08-05-2024    The April 1994 Mission Pack
rem-0594.zip  806356 08-05-2024      The May 1994 Mission Pack
rem-0694.zip  619730 08-05-2024     The June 1994 Mission Pack    
rem-0894.zip  328523 08-05-2024     The August 1994 Mission Pack    
                                 -/-/-/ EXoTiC TRaXX / TMC /-/-/-
riot0194.zip  329730 08-05-2024    
                                  RIOT Uprising:  January '94   
rise-ans.zip   14711 08-05-2024       
                                    "ThE ToKER AnSI"   
                                       By ZeB        
                                     ANSi PaCK     ۳
                                 --- ۳
rmrs-01.zip    58975 08-05-2024 _______ ___ ______ ____ _____ ____ ____
                                \___  /___/      /    /___  / _  / ___/
                                 / ' / _|__ |_|  \ |  \  ' /__ \/\ _|__
                                /_|  \ _  /_| |  /__  /_|  \ __  /__  /
                                wd|___\ \/     \/   \/  |___\  \/   \/
                                    __ __ _     Remorse     _ __ __
                                   / /\ __ _  Ascii Pack   _ __ /\ \
                                   \_\/__ _    #1, 12/94    _ __\/_/
rmrs-02.zip    38933 08-05-2024    ____ ____ ____ ____ ____  ________
                                   ) . )) __))   \)   )) . )/   /) __)
                                Ss/ __// __// / ) )/ // __/( (>// __/Ss
                                 / ) )/ <) > / / // // ) )/<) )/ <) >
                                (_/ /(__  /_(_/ /__/(_/ // __/(__  /
                                  \/    \/    \/      \/ \/      \/
                                   ascii assault
roc1094.zip   186717 08-05-2024         ܰ           ܱ
                                      ܰ      ܰ
                                      ܱ߱gd ߰
                                  ܲ         ߲     ߲
                                      P A N D E M O N I U M    
                                      T h e  1 s t  W a v e   ۲
rv495bad.zip   48966 08-05-2024        
                                 B/D  PRODUCTION 1995 
                                     BiTCHiN aNSi DeSiGN
                                      RaVe [BAD/LCS/ALP]
                                Diz is my new aNsi Collection
                                 B/D  PRODUCTION 1995 
                                [0;36mV34? +3|-35693-7816/2860/17xx[0m
                                [0;36mE-Mail: eoh@eoh.idn.nl[0m
sap-0594.zip 1008549 08-05-2024                       
                                 dS       Issue #1
                                    SLiVER Art Products `94  
sb-new.zip      6302 08-05-2024 |04  shivan bastard^illness
                                |15    NEW USER ANIMATION
                                |07new user animation using a
                                |07super cool ld! chick.
scar0294.zip  569399 08-05-2024 
                                / / / /
                                ݳ____/ ____/    /    /
                                /____/       ___/ __//
                                /_____/ /_____/ //   // //  / /
                                SCaR February 1994 Pack (Volume II)
scar0494.zip  250558 08-05-2024 
                                / / / /
                                ݳ____/ ____/    /    /
                                /____/       ___/ __//
                                /_____/ /_____/ //   // //  / /
                                 April 1994 PaK -=- (Volume ]V)
shao0798.zip  299680 08-05-2024 
                                  SHAOLIN'S FINEST PACK 11           07/98
                                           "Tasty treats inside!"
                                   (.oOo.) pRIMAL fEAR aUSTRALIA (.oOo.)
shock-94.zip 1549646 08-05-2024    Shock-Pak:  1994 Second Edition  
                                    Released by ACiD Productions     
                                Featuring:  Shock Wave's 1994 VGAs   
                                           and also, never-before-   
                                           seen original secret VGAs 
shv-0595.zip  132555 08-05-2024 S H I V E R  0 5 / 9 5  E X H I B I T I O N
                                  ߲۲ ۲    ߲ܲ  ܲ
                                  ۲    ۲  ߲      ޲  ۲ 
                                ߲ ۱     ۰߲    ۱  ߲
                                   ۰ ܲ  ۱  ۲ ۲ 
                                     ۲  ۱  ݲ۲
                                       ۲߲    ۲  ۲  ۱  
                                     ۲ ۲  ۲    ۰ ߲
                                  ޱ۲  ۲  ۱     ۰
                                  ܲ۲  ۰ ޲   ߱۲۰
                                  ܲ   ۲ ߲  ۲       ۲ 
                                        zp          ߲   ߲
shv-0694.zip  425169 08-05-2024    SHIVER 6/94 Exhibition    
shv-0794.zip 1140448 08-05-2024    SHIVER 07/94 Exhibition    
                                  SHIVER + Vi Merge Info Inside  
shv-0994.zip  997517 08-05-2024 _____________ __ __________________ 
                                | _____)o :  |__|o |  |o____)o ____)
                                |-nn   |: =  |o |: :  |: ---|:  .  :    
                                |:     |. .  |: |. .  |.   :|.  .  :    
                                .SHIVER Art Exhibition #3 (9/01/94):
shv-1094.zip  643203 08-05-2024   SHIVER 10/94 Exhibition -   
shv-1194.zip  672227 08-05-2024   SHIVER 11/94 Exhibition -   
shv-1294.zip  809433 08-05-2024   SHIVER 12/94 Exhibition -   
simpson!.zip  113341 08-05-2024 --------------------------------
                                The SIMPSON FAMILY ! Whats this?
                                SIMPSON ANSI-Movie .ANS-Format
                                mehr als 1,1 MB ANSI-Film, lieber
                                gepackt - zum offline-ansehen,
                                oder Einbinden in die Mailbox.
                                !! passed the ChAnNeL ][ BBS !!
                                -- +49-(0)-9141-81389 V34/X75 --
skag9406.zip  346992 08-05-2024        ______________________  ________ _
                                      /   ____    /   /  _   \/  ______
                                     /\__   \/     __/   /   /   /    /
                                    /   /   /      \/  _    /   /    /
                                   /       /   /   /   /   /        /
                                   \_     /\__/   /\__/   /\___    /
                                _ __/ June '94 Artwork Pack 2 /___/
skl-0194.zip  241632 08-05-2024               Compilation
                                    S K i L L    O 1 / 9 4
                                 SKiLL is now called BARQ! ۲
sld!1194.zip   27308 08-05-2024 .ܲ ܲ ܲ ܲ ܲ
                                ޲ ޲ݲ ݲ
                                .޲ݲ ݲ
                                ߰  ۰ 
                                  -[ NoVeMBeR aNSi PaCK]-
sldc1294.zip   68913 08-05-2024 
spz0494.zip  1010608 08-05-2024      _____  _____  _____  _____   _______
                                |:::/     \|     \/     |/     \:|      
                                |::|    \_/|  -\  | /   |\_/    ||       
                                |: /\_    \|  ___/      |/    _/\|  |  | 
                                |:|        |  \::|  |   |        |  |  | 
                                |::::[ SPZM/VG     APRIL 1994 RELESE 
                                |::::[ 4-15-94 ]:::::::::::::::[ 1 OF 1 
srg-0494.zip  360878 08-05-2024 @X04|----/\-|--/\---/\---/\---|
                                @X04:  --|  |  | -- | /--/ ---:
                                @X04:--  |  |  |   \ | -/| ---:
                                  Pack Numero Uno 04-94
                                     Game hints/Faqs
                                    Released 03-27-94
                                 Hey @USER@ Leech this !!!
srg-0794.zip   98154 08-05-2024 [255D[5C[0;34m__________ _________  ______ ___
                                    /  ________)  //  _  )/[5C//  ____)
                                   [1m(___   )/  /  //   __//  /__//  ___)
                                  [0m/   /  //[5C//  /  )/  /_  )  /  )
                                 [1m(______/(_____/(__/__/(___/  (_____/
                                   - P r e s e n t s -    (__/
                                   - July Ansi Pack - 0794 -[0m
srg-0994.zip  414663 08-05-2024      si                 
                                      ߱ ߱  
                                           ܱ ߲
                                  s e p t e m b e r  p a c k ag e
sth-best.zip  168721 08-05-2024 Best of '94 ANSiS 
                                 ſ ڴ     Ĵ    Ĵ   Ĵ Ĵ
                                       Ĵ    Ĵ     Ĵ
                                 BEST OF '94 ANSiS BY CRACK & ATREiDES!   
                                 FROM o1/o9/94 to 15/12/95          [1/1] 
stl-001.zip   320393 08-05-2024  THE STILE COLLECTION  - 1994
                                  ߲  ߲       ۲ 
                                   ۲   ۲    ۲   ۲ 
                                 ߲ܲ ߲ܲ ۲ ߲ܲ ߲ܲ 
                                 P R O U D L Y    P R E S E N T S
                                  The Stile Premiere Collection!
                                  Lots of  kickass art and other
                                  incredible stuff from your own
                                  favorite group - Stile!
                                  You have to check this out...
                                 goOp :: +46-8-7744895
stn-0694.zip       0 08-05-2024 
stn-0794.zip  815598 08-05-2024       
                                       The Stoned Pak 07/94
                                      VIATi URIR!G 
stx0494.zip   574584 08-05-2024 562-6395
                                Killer BBS
                                Ignacio Allende
                                his handle is RACQUER.
                                The Killer BBS 619-562-6395
                                [1/1] STX art pack April '94
                                dy_____ _____ . __  ____ __   /-\   _)\
                                /     \     |: .  \ \__/   \  \   \/  /
                                <  --\/  :__/ | : |\ \ _ /-\ |/ | /
                                /\--   >  \  -| | |/ /  \ -/ | / _/\   \
                                \_____/ __/\___/____/\__/___/  \(    \_/
stx0594.zip  1234208 08-05-2024 
stx0694.zip   856431 08-05-2024 
sui-0594.zip  507400 08-05-2024   ܲ               
                                    ۲ݱ  ݲ
                                ۰  ۰ܰ NT
                                    SUiCiDE     O5   94
tk-pak01.zip   36798 08-05-2024 TANK PACK ANSi 1
tl199407.zip   46371 08-05-2024           
                                  A TekLordZ Promo Release #0
                                  Code: OJ  Interface: Smooth
                                      (Repacked Archive)
tl199409.zip       0 08-05-2024 
tl199411.zip  491830 08-05-2024 CaUTiON 8-channel / km.AMBi
tly-0795.zip  117725 08-05-2024  TRiLoXy JuLy 1995 aNSi PaCK ߲߲
                                   ܲ       ܲ                  
                                 ۲ ۲       ܲܲ 
                                    ߲          ۲ 
                                  ܲ ۲     ܲ
                                [0;36mV34? +3|-35693-7816/2860/17xx[0m
                                [0;36mE-Mail: eoh@eoh.idn.nl[0m
tly-0995.zip  167665 08-05-2024    TRiLoXy SePTeMBeR 1995 aRT PaCK 
                                ߲   ߲    ߲     ܲ
                                ۲  ۲۲      ۲      
                                ޲ ۲    ۲۲
                                ۲  ߲߱۲    ۲ܲ
                                 ۲    ޲۲     
                                ۲     ۲۲ ۲    Cd
                                   ܲ        ܲ   ܲ
tox-0894.zip   30353 08-05-2024 [ TOXiC ANSi PRODUCTiONS ]
                                |PAK#1 "InSeRT TaB HeRe!" ART: |
                                  ް ް   ް    ް    FRODO
                                   ޱ ޱ   ޱ     ޱ    RMSTR
                                   LR   UNKNW
                                [-August 1994-]
                                minimium 35% post-consumer content
                                |made from 100% recycled ansi's|
tribe-08.zip  326346 08-05-2024  __/|___________________________|\__
                                  \___  ______  /___|  _   /______/
                                    /:   \ |/  /    |  / /__ :>____
                                   / .    \ _  \    |  _\  / .    |
                                    \ _____|/___\___|_____/______/
                                     \| TRiBE Archive #8 - Jan '94
tribe-09.zip  143572 08-05-2024  __/|___________________________|\__
                                  \___  ______  /___|  _   /______/
                                    /:   \ |/  /    |  / /__ :>____
                                   / .    \ _  \    |  _\  / .    |
                                    \ _____|/___\___|_____/______/
                                     \| TRiBE Archive #9 - Feb '94
tribe-10.zip  220052 08-05-2024 
                                The TRiBE Archive #10: March 94
tribe-11.zip  193055 08-05-2024 [255D[0;1m ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲  
                                  TRiBE Archive #11 - April 1994 [0m
tribe-12.zip  511642 08-05-2024 GIF89a@$$,))8
                                               by Alex Mead   
                                  A great new ANSI editor, with a completely
                                new approach.  Works like cursor driven paint
                                program in graphics mode, and then converts
                                your picture to ANSI.  Already well on its 
                                way to becomming a very popular ANSI tool.
                                  Requires EGA or better Monitor.
                                  FREEWARE!!  No registration required.
an2pcb11.zip   12164 08-05-2024 ANSI2PCB - Converts an ANSI encoded text file
                                into PCBoards AT text file.
anctrl21.zip    5858 08-05-2024 Ansi Control is a program that gives you easy
                                control of your
                                screen colors, and modes without having to
                                remember cryptic ANSI commands.
ans2wld2.zip    9917 08-05-2024 ANS2WLD V2.0; (A utility to convert ANSI
                                files to Wildcat! 3.0 format) This program
                                will convert your ANSI screen files into a
                                format which is compatable with Wildcat! 3.0
ansi2rcf.zip   18768 08-05-2024 ANSI_To_RaColorFile (ANSI2RCF) is a 
                                small tool to convert your ANSI-files 
                                to a ASCII-File which contains also RA-
                                Colors. SHOW_RaColorFile (SHOWRCF) let 
                                you display RA-Color-Files and 
                                ANSI-files without ANSI-Fossil.
ansi330.zip   125503 08-05-2024 ANSi Art Gallery v3.30 BBS Door Art /Graphics
                                display program
ansi364.zip     6719 08-05-2024 Detailed list of ANSI Standard Control
ansico.zip     46318 08-05-2024 convert plain ASCII text files into color
                                ANSI files, ANY size file  This program is
                                great for Sysops to colorize some of there
                                BBS text files.
ansicode.zip    4667 08-05-2024 ANSI.SYS's Escape Sequences Files.
                                >>>>>TOUT SUR LES CODES ANSI<<<<<<
ansicon.zip    39144 08-05-2024 ANSIcon V2.1 ANSIcon is a program that will
                                convert plain ASCII text files into color
                                ANSI files, This program can convert ANY size
                                file, and you can append the output
ansicv22.zip   62846 08-05-2024 Two ANSI utility programs
ansidis1.zip   28066 08-05-2024 AnsiDis- Displays ANSI files locally
                                or on a BBS.  AnsiDis is FREEWARE.
                                 AnsiDis program (c) Copyright 1998
                                 Simeon Potts, All Rights Reserved.  
                                Run AnsiDis after moving it to your
                                BBS directory.  It creates a config
                                  file with further instructions. 
                                Works on COM1-2, up to 115200 baud.
                                Requires ANSI.SYS.  Pauses after #
                                 of lines defined in config file.
                                 Distribute freely.  Do not sell.
ansidrv.zip     6926 08-05-2024 This essay is an attempt to explain how I use
                                the ANSI.SYS driver to configure the function
                                keys on my computer, and to control the
ansiimge.zip   25234 08-05-2024 ANSI Image Version 1.01.00
ansikeep.zip  166713 08-05-2024 Some Of The Better ANSI Screens Ever!  Some
                                are animated.  Great for BBS use!
ansilong.zip   36418 08-05-2024 Useful For Uploading ANSI Files To BBS Nets.
                                Eliminates CR/LF's From The Picture
ansiltr2.zip    6236 08-05-2024 
ansim12.zip    98382 08-05-2024 ANsIMATION is a door that allows users
                                to upload an ANSI picture or Animation
                                file that they have previously created
                                Then other users can view those
                                creations on-line.  This door should
                                work fine with any system that can
                                produce a DOOR.SYS, PCBOARD.SYS,
                                DORINFOx.DEF and a few others. v 1.2
ansimate.zip   77182 08-05-2024 The friendly way to learn more about
ansims10.zip   35414 08-05-2024 ANSI Mouse drawing program the drawing
                                workspace with a menu-bar on the top line.
ansiopt.zip    21575 08-05-2024 Optimizes your ANSI files for smallest size
                                and maximum speed!
ansip21a.zip  190270 08-05-2024 ANSIPLAY version 2.1 [1/2]
ansip21b.zip   85811 08-05-2024 ANSIPLAY VERSION 2.1 [2/2]
                                ANSIPLAY plays music, sounds and pause delays
                                from your ANSI files.
ansipl30.zip  284782 08-05-2024 ANSIPLUS 3.00: Great console driver for
                                VGA/EGA under DOS 3.0-6.0, packed with
                                features: full color control, screen saver,
                                scroll-back, scroll freeze, smooth scrolling,
                                key stacking, ANSI support, Windows aware,
                                international support, easy to use utilities,
                                free BBS updates, and much, much more. New
ansirem2.zip   10160 08-05-2024 ansi-rem - A program to remove ANSI escape
                                sequences from a text file.  This program
                                uses a very simple-minded method of
                                identifying  an escape sequence.
ansirez1.zip  123494 08-05-2024 ANSIrez 1.0 - Converts GIFS to ANSI
                                code.  Image processing allows you
                                to boost, scale, filter and paint
                                before converting to ANSI.  VGA and
                                MOUSE required.  By Fred Bertagnolli
ansisnd.zip    14140 08-05-2024 
ansit100.zip   48746 08-05-2024 ANSIT! version 1.00
                                There are a lot of  ANSI drivers on the PD/SW
                                market and most of them  are much faster than
                                ANSI.SYS  -  but  which one  is the  fastest?
                                ANSIT! will  answer that.   It's a  benchmark
                                program  testing  how fast  your  machine (or
                                your  current  ANSI   driver,  actually)  can
                                execute ANSI escape  sequences, screen writes
                                and scrolls.  Support available  from author.
                                *** AND... It's PoleWare - It's FreeWare! ***
ansiwtch.zip   41584 08-05-2024 AnsiWatch;  ANSI file viewing utility. It has
                                a built-in ANSI interpreter, so you do not
                                need an  ANSI driver  such  as  ANSI.SYS
ansi_2dj.zip   41988 08-05-2024 ANSI.COM  V1.3j  - PC Magazine's ANSI driver.
                                It can be used in place of DOS's ANSI.SYS and
                                gives better performance too.   Also includes
                                ANSIPCB.COM that implements PCBoard's @ codes
                                for displaying text files at the  DOS prompt.
                                This version now includes @freespace@, @who@,
                                @lmr@  and all the new PCBoard 15.0 variables
                                along with supporting @variable:nnx@ formats.
ansi_i.zip     38752 08-05-2024 A memory-resident utility that enables
                                selectable use of the extended screen and
                                keyboard control sequences that normally
                                require loading the ANSI.SYS device driver.
ansi_j.zip     41448 08-05-2024 ANSI.COM  V1.3j  - can be used in place of
                                DOS's ANSI.SYS and gives better performance
                                too.  Includes ANSIPCB.COM that implements
                                PCBoard's @ codes for displaying text files
                                at the  DOS prompt. This version now includes
                                @freespace@, @who@, @lmr@  and all the new
                                PCBoard 15.0 variables along with supporting
                                @variable:nnx@ formats.
ansi_pl2.zip   43898 08-05-2024 A group of ANSI screens from PLCM.
ansv20.zip     63006 08-05-2024 ****** ANSI View 2.0 - ANSI Viewer ****** 
                                Full featured command line driven ANSI 
                                graphics viewer supporting ANSI 
                                animation.  Throw away DOS's slow and 
                                cranky ANSI.SYS forever!  Faster than 
                                ANSI.SYS but non-memory-resident.  
                                Includes features that simplify menu 
                                generation.  Great buy at only $15!
aoday10.zip    49428 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                ANSI Of The Day  v1.0  This great new door
                                will let your users view random ANSI files
                                  * Works with most BBS software Types *  
aplus404.zip  395582 08-05-2024 ANSIPLUS v4.04 - Console driver for
                                SVGA/VGA/EGA under DOS, Win95, Windows 3.x,
                                OS/2 or DESQview, feature packed: vivid
                                colors, full color control, screen saver,
                                scroll-back, copy/paste, scroll freeze,
                                smooth scrolling, ANSI support, larger key
                                buffer, typematic speedup, key stacking,
                                international support, loads to UMBs, HMA or
                                EMS, & more.
apres20.zip   247115 08-05-2024 ANSI Presentations V2.0 - User ANSI
                                advertisement door.  Allows users to display
                                their own ANSI messages such as BBS ads or
                                any type of advertisement they want in ANSI.
                                Can display up to 100 ANSI screens.
                                Compatible with most BBS software.  Supports
                                up to 115K baud rate, COM 0-15, non-standard
                                IRQ's and multi-port boards using a FOSSIL
                                including PCBoard/M.  Desqview compatible.
                                    **** From: DEKM Software, Inc. ****
apres21.zip   248266 08-05-2024 ANSI Presentations V2.1 - User ANSI
                                advertisement door.  Allows users to display
                                their own ANSI messages such as BBS ads or
                                any type of advertisement they want in ANSI.
                                Can display up to 100 ANSI screens.
                                Compatible with most BBS software.  Supports
                                up to 115K baud rate, COM 0-15, non-standard
                                IRQ's and multi-port boards using a FOSSIL
                                including PCBoard/M.  Desqview compatible.
                                    **** From: DEKM Software, Inc. ****
arenawel.zip   80946 08-05-2024 The Ansi graphic files that come with
                                welcomeg.exe contain ansi music code. The
                                registered WELCOMEG.exe will come with an
                                ansi music configuration progam so that you
                                may add Ansi music to your welcome screens.
art25.zip     207823 08-05-2024 ANSIartist SAA-Editor for ANSI Screens v2.5;
                                A handy tool for sysops, advertisers,
                                designers with some pretty features and
                                state-of-the-art userinterface. Easy to use,
                                easy to learn, featuring an intelligent
                                optimizing of code for the smallest amount of
                                bytes. Very good features.
artx091a.zip  171938 08-05-2024  The ULTIMATE ANSI Editor  
                                ArtWorx v. 0.91 (a) Beta       HOOPTiE
                                 Sector Logic   
                                 - Now Featuring a VGA Mode Editor!
                                 - VGA Font Generator
                                 - Palette Editor
                                 - Lines, Elipses, and Boxes
                                 - Unlimited length ANSI
                                 - BinVU (.EXE saved ANSI's)
                                 - .ADF: ArtWorx Data Format
                                Plus tons of great features.  No other
                                ANSI editor can possibly compete with
                                ArtWorx - it is simply superior!
asciitsr.zip    6321 08-05-2024 ASCII-TSR is a Terminate, stay resident
                                written in Turbo Pascal 7.0 and includes full
                                source code.  This TSR displays an ascii
                                when you press the F10 key, but can be re-
                                programmed to be any other key.
ashowdem.zip   41730 08-05-2024 Slide show that will help you demo your BBS.
atane102.zip   54872 08-05-2024 Creates/Merges RemoteAccess colour-coding
                                     ASC files from normal ASCII text files.
atb110.zip     43929 08-05-2024 Full-scrolling ANSI, PCBoard and WildCat
                                colour and music code browser. Supports
                                CGA/EGA/VGA video modes up to 66 lines.
atype_11.zip   14925 08-05-2024 Display ASCII / ANSI / ANSI MUSIC / AVATAR
                                files from Dos.
avatar0.zip     5588 08-05-2024 
avd_2d436.zip  201240 08-05-2024 ACiD View v4.36 for DOS - Multi-Image Viewer
                                      """"Y$b  ,d$P""Y$b  ,d$P ,d$P""Y$$'
                                   ,d$P""Y$$' ,$$'  `""" ,$$' ,$$'  ,$$'
                                  ,$$'  ,$$' ,$$'  ,$$' ,$$' ,$$'  ,$$'
                                ",$$' ",$$' ,$$' ",$$' ,$$' ,$$' ",$$'
                                ,$$'  .$$' ,$$'  ,$$' ,$$' ,$$'  ,$$'
                                `"""""""'  `"""""""'  `"'  `"""""""'
                                     """"""""""""""""""""" "  ""   "" " """ "
                                    ,$$'  ,$$' ,$$  ,d$"""Y$b  ,$$' ,$$' ,$$
                                   ,$$'  ,$$' ,$$' ,$$""""""' ,$$' ,$$' ,$$'
                                  ,$$'  ,$$' ,$$' ,$$'  ,$$' ,$$' ,$$' ,$$'
                                 ,$$' ",$$' ,$$  ,$$' ",$$' ,$$' ,$$' ,$$'
                                ,$$'  ,$$' ,$$' ,$$'  ,$$' ,$$' ,$$' ,$$'
                                `"""""""'  `"'  `"""""""'  `"""""""""""'   
                                The  most  comprehensive  image  viewer  in 
                                production.  This  innovative   program  is
                                capable of displaying  ANSI, ASCII, BINary,
                                GIF, JPEG, RIPscrip and  XBIN graphics.  In
                                In addition, the viewer has  been  designed
                                with  a  special  interest  for  those  who  
                                multi-task.  ACiD  View  utilizes  its  own
                                internal  ANSI engine,  capable of  viewing
                                ANSI  without  a  seperate  device  driver.
                                Other  features   include   slideshow,  GIF
                                screen capture, and modem emulator.
                                Uncrippled Freeware.
ave205e.zip    24753 08-05-2024             ,,,          ,,,         ,,,,
                                      _,zd$$$$$ 444      $z$     _,zd$$$$
                                    z$$$$$"$$$ $$$      $$$i ,d$$$$"$$$
                                   i$$$`   $$$ $$$      $$$ii$$$`   $$$
                                  :$$$i     $$$ $$$      444i$$$i ____$$$
                                  ;$$$i     $$$ $$$     i$$$i$$$$ '~"$"$
                                  i$$$      $$$ $$$     i$$$i$$$i       "
                                  i$$$  ____$$$"$$$     $$$ii$$$i   ,zd
                                  i$"$ ''~"$$$;$$$z$zd$$$" ;$$$i   $,$
                                - $$$ ---- $"$-$$$$$"-[dp]-$$,zd$$ ---
                                    a v e n g e ! v i e w   ver. 2.05e
                                 (c)Copyright Grant Passmore (skaboy101)
avt0plus.zip    4158 08-05-2024 
avt1con.zip    35250 08-05-2024 
avtconv.zip    15172 08-05-2024 The RemoteAccess Avatar
                                Conversion utility, or
                                AVTCONV, will convert
                                your existing ansi (.ANS)
                                screens into Avatar (.AVT)
                                screens suitablefor use with
                                RemoteAccess 1.10.
avtctl.zip      6588 08-05-2024 
avtdemo.zip     6238 08-05-2024 
av_2d414.zip  142757 08-05-2024 ACiD ViEW. ACiD Productionsn Enhanced File
                                Viewer Coded by Skull Leader and Tasmaniac
aw065b.zip    109493 08-05-2024 ArtWorx v0.65 (Beta) Full-featured ANSI
                                editor that BLOWS AWAY TheDRAW, ACiD DRAW,
                                GuileDRAW, or any others currently out.
awp075e.zip    81779 08-05-2024                                      
                                ArtWorx version 0.75b (rev. D/QEMM Fix)
                                This is a full-featured ANSI editor
                                that BLOWS AWAY TheDRAW, ACiD DRAW,
                                GuileDRAW, or any others currently
                                out.  Take a look at these features:
                                   - ANSI's upto 99,999 lines long
                                   - View VGA mode
                                   - COMPLETE mouse support
                                   - Fill, Flip, etc transformations
                                   - Multiple scrolling types
                                   - Lines, Elipses, and Boxes
                                   - ANSI Brushes and Paint Modes
                                   - Killer interface
a_2dr10.zip    18924 08-05-2024 ANSIB v1.O - Batch File ANSI Controller: ALSO
                                RAT v1.O - Batch File Mouse Interface
bbsamt20.zip   16135 08-05-2024 BBS ANSI Music Tutorial v. 2.0: now includes
                                instructions for coding ANSI Music for
                                message posting and information on terminals
                                that support it.
bbsamt41.zip   51792 08-05-2024 BBS Ansi Music Tutorial 4.1
                                Comprehensive step-by-step tutorial shows
                                how to add music to your BBS and messages,
                                includes sample music files for each step.
                                Now includes a TSR quick code reference,
                                and information on the proposed new ANSI
                                music standard.
blde9511.zip  950032 08-05-2024 ^^ ۲ ۰ ۲  ^^
                                 ۲  ۱  ۲     
                                   ۲     ۲ ۲      
                                     ۲    ۲  
                                  m ۲       ۲c  
                                ۲    ܲ
                                the blade november epic.nineteen ninetyfive
bod_2drip.zip   47564 08-05-2024      .    .  BLACKOUT DESIGN PRESENTS
                                    /(    )\     Ascii Pics No 6
                                   |  -^^-  |
                                    \_ `' _/  ------------------------
                                      \  )    More Cows pic, Big Nice
                                       )/     Robots, Animals, Beavis
                                      ('      & Buthead, More MoBikes
                                       `      And a lot lot of other Ascii
                                 Compiled by: DarkSpirit/BOD
btype20.zip    38147 08-05-2024 Btype 2.0 - View ANSI files without ANSI.SYS 
                                loaded. Also plays ANSI music. From the 
                                makers of BananaCom. Feeware! Feel free to 
                                rename BTYPE.EXE to whatever is most 
                                convenient to you. (e.g. T.EXE) 
ciadrwb8.zip   96179 08-05-2024          C           i           A-- 
                                          ۲   | ex!
                                  ۲-- -             
                                  ۲ |    - 
                                +---       ۲        ۲
                                         ۲      ۲
                                     ۱         ۲     
                                  ۲   ۲۲۲
                                       d        r         a         w
                                      official public beta release 0.8
colorpro.zip   61020 08-05-2024 
condor30.zip  148884 08-05-2024 CONDOR; ANSI.SYS replacment of sorts. Enables
                                your CGA/EGA/VGA computer to do bitmap style
                                graphics ANY time from DOS or from any
                                program that uses DOS CON: for text output.
                                With CONDOR you get from 320x200 to 640x480
                                pixel graphics and ANSI too if you want
                                because CONDOR recognizes most ANSI commands
                                and can execute ANSI commands even while in a
                                graphics mode.  CONDOR will enhance online
                                communications with it's abilities.
ddt_2dac30.zip   77473 08-05-2024 ------------------------------------
                                ***    DiEBELS DRiNKiNG TEAM     ***
                                          AnsiConvert V3.0 
                                            GIF to ANSI
                                [UTiL]         [DoS]         [o1/o1]
design_8.zip   64611 08-05-2024 SCREEN DESIGN is an easy to use program  for
                                designing fullscreen output for the IBM PC.
dgansi10.zip   36429 08-05-2024 
dline22.zip    69162 08-05-2024 DATELINE 2.2 Calendar bulletin maker for any
                                Generates RIP, ANSI and ASCII bulletins,
                                updates files 
                                by deleting outdated entries.  Contains a
                                built in Calendar 
                                feature for easy monthly planning.
drawcat.zip    31132 08-05-2024 DrawCat v1.0; allow callers and sysops to
                                take advantage of WC 3.0's @ codes for color.
                                Sysops can save a tremondous ammout of time
drmasc10.zip   19271 08-05-2024 DreamASCIIv1.0Ŀ
                                    DreamASCII generates a chart    
                                   of all possible ASCii characters   
                                      along with their ALT codes.     
                                     Better than looking it up in     
                                         your manuals/books!          
elyedit4.zip   32022 08-05-2024 +------------------------------------------+
                                |  Elysium Software's ElyEdit version 4.00 |
                                +--- -- - - - -              - - - - -- ---+
                                | An easy to use menu editor that supports |
                                |    SANSI, Pipe, Telegard, Wildcat!,      |
                                |     ASCII, PCBoard, Sync and Adept.      |
                                |                                          |
                                |                Freeware!                 |
etgce10g.zip  193650 08-05-2024 ETGCedit v1.0; Extended Terminal Graphics and
                                Capabilities Sequence Editor
fansi21.zip   216794 08-05-2024 Fancy ANSI V2.1 - User ANSI display door.
                                Allows users to display their own ANSI's.
                                Either ANSI's the user created or ones
                                they found interesting.  Can display up 
                                to 100 ANSI screens of any size.  Compatible
                                with most BBS software.  Supports up to 115K 
                                baud rate, COM 0-15, non-standard IRQ's and 
                                multi-port boards using a FOSSIL including 
                                PCBoard/M.  Desqview compatible.
                                    **** From: DEKM Software, Inc. ****
fc301k_1.zip  302786 08-05-2024 termcap for FANSI-CONSOLE This should be used
                                with UNIX or UNIX-like utilities. It works
                                with communications programs that interface
                                with the console through BIOS or DOS calls.
fconupd4.zip    7450 08-05-2024 About FANSI-CONSOLE The Integrated Console
                                Utility Fast ANSI X3.64 Console Driver  for
                                the IBM-PC, IBM-PC/AT, IBM PS/2, and clones
fdg_2d107.zip  277724 08-05-2024 FIGlet creates large banners from text using
                                ascii characters (ie text symbols)
                                 _ _ _           _   _     _
                                 | (_) | _____  | |_| |__ (_)___
                                 | | | |/ / _ \ | __| '_ \| / __|
                                 | | |   <  __/ | |_| | | | \__ \_
                                 |_|_|_|\_\___|  \__|_| |_|_|___(_)
                                There are many differnt fonts included.
                                FigLet can be run from DOS, or by using
                                the GUI editor from Windows.
fdio11.zip     13186 08-05-2024 FDIO v1.1
                                [Creates ANSi screens]
                                [of IN/OUTBOUND calls]
                                [of your Front  Door,]
                                [or InterMail.   Nice]
                                [screens generated!  ]
                                [Support  for all BBS]
                                [systems.   CyBiC '95]
flpvu015.zip   17548 08-05-2024         ۲ ۲<@T  ۲ 
                                  ۲       ܲ
                                ߲ P R o D u C T i o N S 
                                  Coding Department Presents:  
                                     FLiP ANSi/ASCii Viewer    
                                      Coding by: Dire Wolf     
                                     (c)FLiP PRoDuCTioNS 1996  
font130.zip   131335 08-05-2024 FONTASTIC v1.30; ANSI Text Editor with 15
                                Fancy Fonts for ASCII and ANSI applications.
                                Fonts are typed in "real time" and the screen
                                can be saved as an ASCII, ANSI, .COM, or
                                BINARY  file. Many features for editing.
                                FONT, DRAW, & TEXT  modes. Two pages for
                                loading and block tranfer of data.  Special
                                color functions for ANSI fonts.   Pulldown
                                menu, borders, box drawing, & more.
fseev1.zip     27112 08-05-2024         ۲ ۲     ۲ 
                                ߲ P R o D u C T i o N S 
                                       Coding Department      
                                       FlipSee v1.0 [DOS]     
                                          by Redcoat          
                                    (c)FLiP PRoDuCTioNS 1996  
g2a20.zip      95207 08-05-2024 [ G2A V.2.00 ][ GRAPH ]Ŀ
                                 GIF ----> ANSI                            
gbs2bbs.zip    25341 08-05-2024 GBS2BBS; Works with most ANSI files and
                                converts them to nice ANSI files. Just
                                compare the size of FLAG.GBS (ANSI) and
                                FLAG.BBS (ANSI compiled with this program).
gds31f.zip    385025 08-05-2024 GDS:Graphic Display System 3.1f: Like CSHOW &
                                VPIC, but far better! Shows, thumbnails,
                                converts, flips, rotates, crops, scales,
                                dithers, GIF, JPG, PCX, TIF, IFF, LBM, DL
                                HAM, BMP, RLE, TGA, MAC, WPG, CUT, ANSI, TXT,
                                IMG, PBM, CUT, GL, FLI, MPG. CGA-SVGA.
                                QUICK,EASY& MOUSE DRIVEN, complete hypertext
                                help and prints 103 page manual. SYSOP vers
                                avail! Great ASP shareware.
gdsansis.zip   61787 08-05-2024 Amazing color ANSI files created with GDS
                                3.1c. Check out these files, and then check
                                out the program that created them, the best
                                DOS file viewer available.  GDS is QUICK,
                                EASY, MOUSE DRIVEN, complete hypertext help
                                and full manual to print.  This professional
                                CATALOGING software published by Photodex
gifasci.zip    27697 08-05-2024 Convertisseur de GIF
                                en ASCII !!!
goldview.zip  161305 08-05-2024 GoldView is a viewer for files such as :
                                 .ANS (American National Standards Institute)
                                 .BIN (BINARY Format files)
                                 .RIP (Remote Imaging Protocol)
                                 .GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)
                                 .PCX (By ZSoft)
                                 .BMP (Windows Bitmap Files)
                                 .TXT (Any Plain Text File)
                                GoldView is a player for files such as :
                                 .MOD (Sound Module)
                                  .S3M (Scream Tracker Module v3)
gpaper55.zip   30320 08-05-2024 Compu-Paper Generator - GPAPER.EXE v5.50 Now
                                supports Synchronet BBS color codes. Adds
                                computer paper effect to text files. SysOp
                                configurable as to background color.  Creates
                                ANSI, WC!3.x, Synchronet, SearchLight and PCB
                                color coded files.  Set environment variables
                                for different BBS systems and file
                                extensions. Registration : FREE
grabr398.zip  424657 08-05-2024 GRABBER(tm) V3.98 - The Original Screen
                                Capture Programs for MS-DOS.  Convenient!
                                Capture *any* text or graphics screen up to
                                1280 x 1024 x 256.  Captures directly to
                                self-viewing .EXE, .PCX, or plain ASCII file
                                formats.  Many options.  Compatible with all
                                VGA and most Super-VGA video cards including
                                VESA and 8514/A, and with all Intel CPUs.
                                GIF and ANSI conversion, text editing tools
                                included.  Shareware, $29 or $59.
graph.zip       4523 08-05-2024 GRAPH  is  a  set of freeware screens for
                                those   sysops   taking  donations. These
                                simple  screens show the progress of your
                                donation  drive in an effective bar graph
                                mode.   ANSI   and   ASCII   versions are
                                included.  Freeware  from:  @X0EStalag 13
                                BBS (219) 763-0826@X0B
grfwk70e.zip  494256 08-05-2024 Graphic Workshop for DOS v7.0e: The best
                                Workshop yet! Converts, prints, views,
                                dithers, transforms, flips, rotates, scales,
                                crops, colour adjusts, catalogs, quantizes,
                                and wreaks special effects on MAC, IMG, PCX,
                                GIF, TIFF, EPS, JPG, WPG, MSP, IFF/LBM, WMF,
                                BMP, RLE, CUT, ART, HRZ, RAS, TGA, EXE and
                                TXT files. Decodes uuencoded images directly.
                                Mouse driven interface, supports most SVGA
                                cards and printers. Alchemy Mindworks Inc.
hdisp16.zip    74100 08-05-2024 !!!!  HACKDISP v1.666  !!!!
                                now includes the HACKDISP
                                Universal Display Driver with
                                Intelligent Monochrome (HDUDD/IM)!
                                Convert between ANSI/Laughing
                                Wildcat formats.  The only
                                file converter with MOTAMA,
                                the Moron-O-Tronic Attribute
                                Minimizing Algorithm!
headln20.zip   54756 08-05-2024 HEADLINE v2.00 is used for building
                                promotional messages such as BBS Ads, and
                                announcements. V2.00 replaces Version 1.00. A
                                helpfile, along with on screen prompts, help
                                to make the program user friendly.  This
                                FREEWARE program uses large captions and HIGH
                                ASCII drawings to enhance the message.
ic2_100.zip  1881321 08-05-2024 iC2-32 console screen maker Win95/NT [1/1]
                                              by W. Mike Hare  
                                              8/17/96 v1.0.0   
                                 -import BMP, ICO, WMF. export ANSI.      
                                 -use any windows font in your ANSIs.     
                                 -makes anyone a killer ANSI artist.      
icev066.zip   111539 08-05-2024 iCEView Features
                                 ANSI/BIN Viewing in ALL video modes.
                                 GIF viewing in VGA or Super VGA modes
                                 The debut of the new iCEDraw format,
                                  which utilizes custom font and palettes
                                 File manipulation functions - Copy, Move,
                                  Delete and Mkdir.
                                 VGA ANSI Display. This is far faster than
                                  any other viewer out there.
idw20b.zip     65906 08-05-2024           
                                  ޲ ޱ   
                                 ޲  ۲ ߱ 
                                       ۲ ܲ     
                                  ۲ ܲ 
                                    ߲  ۲ 
                                     ߲  ܲ   
                                ---+-- --- -     -- --+.-
                                       iTPDraw v0.20Beta
                                -- ---- -+---- ---+--- -----
jspv101.zip    32564 08-05-2024 Joes Snow Paint v1.01; ANSI Graphics Drawing
                                Program with plenty of features.
jview_20.zip   28948 08-05-2024 JiVEview v2.0 - Intense Ansi viewer
                                Quick, clean ansi viewer with silky-smooth
                                textmode scrolling and VGA viewing of ANSI.
                                Many fatures including SAUCE editing
                                support, greyscale viewing and quick file
kg_2diview.zip  110432 08-05-2024   -= iNSANE ViEW (TM) v2.01 =-
                                'Scene' Viewer, With Many Features.
                                      KoDeD By KaRNaGE [iNS] 
                                Supports: ANSi, Text, XBiN, BiN, ADF,
                                        FLi, FLC, GiF, PCX, 
                                          S3M, And HSC's.
lansi1.zip     13513 08-05-2024 Shell program for ANSI File Viewing From A
lbm14.zip      17356 08-05-2024 [  LBM v1.4  ]
                                Lottery Bulletin Maker. Utility to Make Ansi
                                /Ascii/Rip Display File  Of Your Lucky Lotto
                                Numbers For Display On BBS's. Run As An
                                Event. Configurable.
                                 Latin Connection BBS (318) 535-1863 
lw_2ddiz1.zip   10690 08-05-2024 
mansi10.zip     2711 08-05-2024 microANSI 1.0 is replacment for ANSI.SYS
                                which is smaller (1.7k), faster, and can
                                be loaded from a .bat file as needed.
                                by David Nugent & Unique Computing Pty Ltd
melody21.zip  235123 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                    MELODY MASTER v2.1      
                                 Create, edit, and play music on your PC  
                                 speaker! Graphical interface with staff! 
                                 Over 100 melodies included! Can export   
                                 music into Pascal, C, BASIC, ANSI, etc.  
                                 New version! Supports CGA/Herc/EGA/VGA!  
mgeshare.zip  211562 08-05-2024 MGE vDM2.01a; MGE is the Microstar Graphics
                                Editor, a graphics creation package that lets
                                you create vivid, high resolution, full
                                colour drawings using standard PC hardware.
                                The drawings conform to the NAPLPS standard
mkdrw100.zip   77420 08-05-2024 MKDraw Ansi/Avatar drawing package. Easy to
                                Use (FW)
mlpansi.zip    42417 08-05-2024 ķ
                                NASA MLP SPACE SHUTTLE ANSI۲
                                 From The NASA MLP BBS in Washington 
                                 comes this stunning array of shuttle
                                 ANSI you may use as you wish!  Also 
                                 included is MLPNET information!!!!! 
mmv30.zip     158289 08-05-2024 Melody Maker is a unique, full screen, sound
                                card supported ANSI music editor. ANSI music
                                itself has been making its way into the BBS
                                world by sending single-voice music over the
                                modem with the help of an already established
                                ANSI command language also use for displaying
                                menus. With the help of Melody Maker, making
                                ANSI music is as simple as clicking a mouse.
mn_110.zip     21724 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                  MAVERICK NEWS 1.10    
                                  NEWS.A?? Screens Generator  
                                     Multiple News Filters    
                                 Multicolor news highlighting 
                                       Dedication Line        
nansiutl.zip    7874 08-05-2024 Utilities For NNANSI.SYS ANSI Driver
                                MORE.COM and VIEW.COM For ANSI Text Reading
napart1.zip   275012 08-05-2024 Over 90 NAPLPS pictures, animation, etc.
napico11.zip   38842 08-05-2024 NAPICO version 1.1 will take a specially
                                prepared NAPLPS drawing and insert Windows 3
                                icons into it as NAPLPS bitmaps. Includes
                                sample images.
naplps.zip     57461 08-05-2024 Technical specifications for NAPLPS graphics
netpic10.zip  212849 08-05-2024 NETPIC encodes GIF graphic files into 
                                7-bit ASCII code for electronic mail.
                                Unlike UUEncoded pictures NETPICs are 
                                entirely self-contained and need no 
                                decoding or viewer. The end user needs 
                                only DOS/VGA to view a 320x200x256
                                color picture. NETPICs include a help 
                                screen, slide show timing and password 
                                protection. $0 - Jim Tucker
newfonts.zip   47082 08-05-2024 Fixes Mondo Fonts that did not fill properly.
                                Simply Unzip them in your C:\ROBOFX\FXDRAW
newie161.zip   55874 08-05-2024 NEWIES 1.61 BBS Utility From The MORONIHAH 
                                BBS. Creates NEWS Bulletins\Screen 
                                Bulletins for Spitfire BBS, WildCat, 
                                TRIBBS, PCBoard and more!
                                ALL NEW AND IMPROVED FEATURES! Give IT A TRY! 
nh16.zip       18315 08-05-2024 NerfHead v1.6: VBBS Language File All Done in
                                REAL ANSI! Colors Instead of VBBS Codes
nnans591.zip   55712 08-05-2024 NNANSI.SYS -- Enhanced MS-DOS ANSI Console
                                Driver For EGA/VGA Displays
nnans593.zip   69596 08-05-2024 
no_ansi.zip    38238 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                           NO_ANSI v1.0              
                                 NO_ANSI is a utility to strip ANSI  
                                 codes from text files. This program 
                                 was written to allow ANSI color     
                                 codes to be used in RemoteAccess    
                                 file descriptions for on-line BBS   
                                 display, and then strip the codes   
                                 from the ALLFILES.LST created by    
                                 RAFILE.   Freeware by Bill Hull   
oacvt_2d50.zip   14648 08-05-2024 
pab096b.zip   240982 08-05-2024 Pablo Draw v0.95 beta
                                   D   R A  W 
                                    More than 130 new features!!
                                 Diz,ACGS,Mirc,EXE,windows BMP,VP
                                   100% Configurable,Sprite Edit
                                    20 definable character sets
                                  25/50 lines,Autosave,ScreenSaver
                                  Line/Char/Attribute drawing,XMS
                                  Any size BIN,VGA preview,9 pages
                                   4 ruler modes,Multiple backups
                                 Online Help,Sample Source,& More!
pablo086.zip   34684 08-05-2024 da ultimate ansi drawing util
                                pablo_  x.xx____ __by_|_minus
                                |     #\____|_ #|_|  #|____
                                |  __  |___ #\    #\  |    #\
                                |  ___,'__   | __  |  | __  |
                                |___| |______|_____|__|____,'
                                a mistigris production    _33
paintpro.zip  117946 08-05-2024 -PaintProͻ
                                 A very powerful paint in ANSI COLOR mode! 
                                 drawing functions:line,point,rectangle,
                                 full color drawing & open(wow!)          
                                 optional number of image lines: 16 - 200 
                                 drawing examples                         
                                             And lots others!              
                                   This program is very useful for making
                                 comments,file_id.diz,for BBS             
                                YOU CAN MAKE ANYTHING YOU WANT IN ANSI MODE
pcbx100.zip    12568 08-05-2024 4k TSR to save any screen in PCBoard @X code
pcolor21.zip   54211 08-05-2024 PCOLOR.EXE  v2.1 Add WC! "@" color codes to
                                the double line file output listing from
                                wcPRO.  Now supports WC!3.x and 4.x. This is
                                BANNERWARE.  That is, No charge. Compliments
                                of PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon.  PCOLOR
                                now supports the creation of RIP graphic
pcprompt.zip    5418 08-05-2024 These DOS prompts are the 13 prize winners
                                from PcComputing Magazine (Using ANSI codes)
pc_ad12b.zip   21188 08-05-2024               
                                       hRoZeN   ReW 
                                 ACiDDraw 1.20 *Bug-Fixed*        
                                 Crack Patch by TKC/PC-uCF        
                                [dOS/aNSI][mAY 96]
pict104.zip    75308 08-05-2024 
pksfansi.zip    3941 08-05-2024 
pview130.zip  106991 08-05-2024 ķ
                                   T H E   P I C T U R E   V I E W E R   
                                            VERSION 1.30
                                ANSI screen viewer program to display up to
                                60 ANSI screens. This program can be run as
                                a stand alone program or from a BBS to
                                display any ANSI screen. 60 ANSI screens
                                included. Requires BRUN45.EXE
pvs_1.zip      55148 08-05-2024 Prevue; Preview many different games, BBS
                                lists and BBS screens.
pwsansi.zip    43808 08-05-2024 A wide assortment of collector edition ANSI
                                art files.
qpeg15e.zip   440106 08-05-2024 QPEG 1.5e, the famous graphics viewer,
                                incredibly fast!, with unique preview feature
                                (nearly realtime), mouse panning etc., it
                                supports VGA and many SVGAs (including VESA),
                                requires 386 or better.  Currently supports
                                JPG, TGA, GIF, PCX, BMP files. NEW:  IFF/ILBM
                                (LBM) SUPPORT!!
ragev99a.zip  274874 08-05-2024 RAGE v.99a "Rapid ANSI Graphics Engine" 08/94
                                The most powerful ANSI art program available!
                                Draw your art creations in EGA mode, and save
                                them in ANSI format.  Features include: Great
                                icon driven environment,  full sprite editing
                                routines  (flip,  rotate,  copy,  etc.), zoom
                                mode, converting parts of PCX files,  regular
                                and  external  font  capabilities,  re-sizing
                                routines, color replacement and more!  A must
                                have! EGA+/Mouse Required. Registration - $20
randans2.zip   49329 08-05-2024 RANDANSI v2.0 is a simple util for Sysop who
                                want to change login
                                ANSI many times on a day. Support ANSI & RIP.
rbmorph.zip   109943 08-05-2024 RoBomorph v1.0; converts *.GIF files into
                                *.RBO. format for RoboBBS
rdaviewb.zip   31832 08-05-2024                         
                                       ۱ ۲۲ ۱ܲ
                                       ۲       ۲  
                                           ۲  ۲
                                    ۲      ۱ ۲۲ ۲  
                                           RDaVieW v1.2 / aNS/aSC VieWeR
                                                     By BioHazard
reansi12.zip   25659 08-05-2024 REANSI converts files from ANS (ANSI + PC
                                Graphics), AVT (AVATAR 0+), ASC
                                (RemoteAccess color codes), and
                                backspacing printer formats into ANS,
                                monochrome-ANS, plain ASCII, AVT, and ASC.
                                This program is free and comes with full
riotv1_0.zip 2000479 08-05-2024 RioTVieW v1.0 ANSi viewer
                                For Win95/NT Coded by 2much4u of
                                RioT Productions.
rtist095.zip   83859 08-05-2024 AnsRtist; Sysop Tool Kit, 21 Font Styles,
                                Simultaneous ANSI and ASCII Text Files, Fast
                                Color Selection, Screen Fills and More.
scr2bbs.zip    14547 08-05-2024 Wildcat or PCB ANSI screen converter to
                                codes. Mainly Wildcat.
scrap120.zip   39410 08-05-2024 =Scrap-IT! Ver 1.20=Ŀ
                                  Released: 07-02-1997       
                                  Utility to process Ansi    
                                  or Ascii files and search  
                                  them for certain words,    
                                  then if one of those words 
                                  is found it will replace   
                                  the Ansi file!             
                                     Created By: Roblo       
scribea3.zip  210629 08-05-2024   
                                           ޲    ޲         
                                     ޲    ޲               
                                      Scribe v1.00 alpha 3, "Obelisk"   
                                    Scribe  is a highly powerful  full  
                                    screen editor,  fully featured for  
                                    creating  & editing  text screens.  
                                    Includes :                          
                                      - Full ANSi/2 Support!             
                                      - Full Sauce Support!             
                                      - Full TextFX Support!            
                                      - Most Advanced Font Editor!      
                                      - Multiple Pages                  
                                      - View in VGA                     
                                    Coming Soon :                       
                                      - ADF palette editting            
                                      - Animation                       
                                      - Help Interface                  
                                      - Option Editor                   
                                      - Sauce Editor                    
                                      - xBin Support                    
scrlit15.zip   36689 08-05-2024 SCROLLit 1.5 Screen Scrollback buffer utility
                                Lets you scroll back, in full color, through
                                lines of text that have scrolled off the
                                screen. Features searching, block-writing,
                                43/50 line mode, and XMS/EMS support.
                                Compression is used to squeeze more than
                                twice the number of lines into the available
                                buffer space. Desqview aware. A 9k TSR.
shans102.zip   95270 08-05-2024 ShowAnsi v1.02 - Online RIP/ANSI file viewer.
                                User: view & download file tagging, upload &
                                description importing. Sysop: Chat, DOS
                                shell. Capable database; add, delete,
                                describe anytime.
shm180_2db.zip  158524 08-05-2024 SHMANSi 1.8o. - Incredible FREEWARE ANSi
                                editor with iCE, PPS, +MORE!
show100.zip    93798 08-05-2024 Online RIP/ANSI file viewer
                                ShowAnsi 1.00 [22-08-95]
                                User features:
                                   - tag files for viewing or download
                                   - view ANSI/RIP files online      
                                   - download tagged files
                                   - upload an archived file of
                                     ANSI/RIP files to be imported
                                   - add descriptions as the files are
                                Sysop features:
                                   - Add files at any time
                                   - Edit descriptions at any time.
                                   - delete groups of files from the
                                     database (and/or disk).
                                   - restrict viewing of selected files
                                     to selected baud rates
                                   - Sysop chat
                                   - Dos shell         
sira_v20.zip   56412 08-05-2024 SIRA
                                Single Image Random ANSI Generator 
                                creates 3D ANSIs much like the
                                Stereogram posters seen in malls
                                all across the U.S..
                                Great for Unique BBS Logon screens.
                                Includes several good examples.
                                FREEware from SHARKware.
smile20.zip    73496 08-05-2024 SMILE v2.0; Viewer is an ANSI display/library
                                utility that allows the user to view files
                                containing ANSI sequences, Music strings in
                                BASIC "PLAY" format and Sounds using a custom
                                SOUND code.
spoon216.zip   35530 08-05-2024   Spoon II - SAUCE Description Editor V1.6
                                     S       P       O       O       N     
                                 ޲  ܱ    ޲    ޲    ޲     
                                          ޲    ޲    ޱ       
                                  ߲     ߲ܲ    
                                - - -     - - - tosh10(ACiD)    
                                SPOON II - the most configurable SAUCE editor
                                ever.  Through it's INI file, one can custom-
                                ize things such  as  file sorts,  the name of
                                their organization, and up to 100 abbreviated
                                Uncrippled Freeware.
strip7h.zip    12894 08-05-2024 //-/----------------------\-\\
                                  Strip ?7h ANSi Escape Code
                                  strips  the  ?7h code from
                                  the  specified  ansi file!
                                  coDed bY: LoRd NiKoN (LNP)
s_rcf091.zip   12484 08-05-2024 SHOW_RaColorFile (SHOWRCF) let you
                                display 100% RA-Color-Files, AVATAR,
                                ANSI and ASCII-files without ANSI-fossil
                                and some dummy's for the RA-User codes.
t2a20.zip      41869 08-05-2024 T2A Version 2.0 Create Ansi/Avatar
                                files from ANY LENGTH text files.
                                For RemoteAccess. Insert RA
                                variables with simple Ctl-Key
                                presses. Fast and flexible.
td132.zip      65025 08-05-2024 SEMAFORE, Revision 3 - Handy
                                utility for handling semaphore
                                files in your batchfiles. Can
                                create, delete and touch
                                semaphore files. In addition
                                it can wait (optional maximum
                                time) until a semaphore exists
                                or is removed. It can also
                                check for semaphore files and
                                return an errorlevel if the
                                semaphore exists. Supports
                                various multitaskers. Now Has
                                build in support for FDOPT
                                for optimum compatiblity with
                                FrontDoor. Freeware by
                                Marco Miltenburg, 2:512/64.
tdraw463.zip  288862 08-05-2024 THEDRAW SCREEN EDITOR VERSION 4.63 - (10/93)
                                A text-oriented screen design tool.  Similar
                                is some regards to a graphics paint program.
                                Offers multiple page SPRITE editing, powerful
                                Ansi ANIMATION support, Ansi/Ascii FONTS,
                                pulldown menus, full mouse support & online
                                help.  Saves files for ANSI, ASCII, AVATAR,
                                PCBOARD, WILDCAT, COM, BINARY, BSAVE, OBJECT
                                (C/Pascal/QuickBasic), and source code in Asm
                                Pascal and C formats.  Registr: $22-$25
tdtutor.zip    23519 08-05-2024 
tdxl3.zip      35534 08-05-2024 TSR for TheDraw to create PCBoard @X ANSI
                                color screens.  View, Load and Save @X format
                                files from within TheDraw(R).
tdxl_3.zip     34082 08-05-2024 Shareware TSR for TheDraw to create
                                PCBoard @X ANSI color screens.  View,
                                Load and Save @X format files from
                                within TheDraw(R).
thebrush.zip   39096 08-05-2024 The Brush - Freeware
                                CONVERT PCX... TO ANSI
tipsv10.zip   117545 08-05-2024 TIPS v1.0 - Makes plain text and/or color
                                file(s) of daily words of wisdom.  Primary
                                for display on BBS.  Data file is an ASCII
                                file configurable by user.  All colors are
                                user configurable.  Colors can be ANSI codes,
                                RBBS smart text, PCBoard @ commands, etc.
                                Executables for both DOS and OS/2 v2.x are
tlcolor.zip    39676 08-05-2024 ===================================
                                =====  TLCOLOR V1.0  =====
                                Utility to convert a normal ASCII
                                text file to an ANSI color file.
                                Quick, easy, and inexpensive!
                                Great for sysops and anyone who
                                works with ANSI color displays.
                                By Russ Haag
tna1_2d1.zip   82523 08-05-2024 >> Tits n' Ass Sauce Editor 1.1 <<
                                ;$Sy                      ""$Sy,
                                $$ss   yyyy, yS^$Sy,ssssss$$$
                                yy$     [$$$$  _y_[$$b     $$ 
                                [$$$     ;$  "$";$$$$     $$$y
                                 {$$y,   $yyy     ,$$$}   ,y$$}'
                                y,_`""ss$$$$$    ;$$$$;ss""' m!
                                "$$ss,_ `"""'    """"'
                                       By M_Mouse and Fever
                                            - -CiA- -
topdr007.zip   34463 08-05-2024 Top_Draw v0.07; designed to create ANSI /
                                AVATAR screens for BBS systems. It's not an
                                all-round ANSI creation program. It's main
                                purpose is to design and create ANSI and
                                AVATAR screens that are useful on a BBS
triscr.zip     22149 08-05-2024 Screen Display. Allows sysops to display one
                                screen in either RIP, ANSI, or ASCII format
                                depending on callers setting.
                                $$$ FREEWARE $$$
tunes.zip      46757 08-05-2024 
tx2pcx.zip     11472 08-05-2024 TXT2PCX; a unique, memory resident, file
                                utility which will convert any text screen to
                                a graphics screen and save that graphics
                                screen as a PCX file.
txpnt18.zip   200819 08-05-2024 
ucfwarlc.zip  513537 08-05-2024 @X0FWARLOCK v1.1.3
                                @X03A new concept in screen development.More
                                @X03features than any  other screen  editor.
                                @X03Import PCX, BMP, GIF files  to any  size
                                @X03screen; zoom/pan around edit screen; mix 
                                @X03shades for drawing; line drawing;  flood 
                                @X03fill regions; boxes, circles, etc.; load
                                @X03RAGE, ANSI, ASCII, Avatar; save  Pascal, 
                                @X03C/C++, Assembler source, etc.Online help
                                @X03system; develop custom fonts; much more. 
                                @X03FORGET THEDRAW! IF YOU MAKE TEXT SCREENS
                                @X03OF ANY SORT, YOU MUST TRY  THIS PROGRAM!
udraw100.zip   45071 08-05-2024 ULTIDRAW; Commands are simular to those of
                                TheDraw so usage is easy. Loaded with tons of
update56.zip   38654 08-05-2024 Wide variety of ANSI Screens, Good Stuff!
uved140.zip   434712 08-05-2024 V-EDIT vers 1.40         Screen Creator +
                                  Ansi, Ascii, PCB, VBBS, Font, Editor, File
                                  Manager Plus. Converts to/from any format.
                                  End user may create 999 font sets, 8 incld.
                                  Vast drawing compliments. Interprets latest
                                  PCB "@X" macros. Generates smallest output
                                  files of any known editor. Shareware $22.00
                                  Registered version includes Terminal funct.
                                  Requires 286+, HDD, VGA color, mouse opt.
                                  Full Motion Net (609) 625-4475 24H Support
vall_100.zip   50342 08-05-2024 VIEWALL v1.0  Online file viewing front end
                                utility. View files while online your BBS
                                locally. BMP, GIF, JPG, PCX, TGA, TIF  and
                                will also play FLI files and play VOC, CMF,
                                WAV and MID files on your Sound Blaster or
                                compatable sound board. VIEWALL also shells
                                to your favorite archive file viewer.   Works
                                with any DOOR.SYS compatible BBS system.
vansi2.zip     97609 08-05-2024               - VertiANSI -
                                        v2.0 By Infinity Software
                                VertiANSI is a FREEWARE ANSI gallery that
                                will add some spice to your BBS! Can display
                                over 50 ANSIs, supports ALL major drop
                                files, and features fully customizable menus
                                and messages! What are you waiting for?
                                Download it 2-day!
vig_2dc_11.zip   50813 08-05-2024    CONVERT! v1.1 for ALL software!   Ŀ
                                 Converts @X and PIPE color codes to ANSI 
                                 on the fly!  INCREDIBLY FAST!  Works for 
                                 PCB-RG-V/X-V/2-OBV-ETC.  If you run FIDO 
                                 style networks you need this.            
                                 Coded by: Vigilante for PWA              
                                ߱                  UTiL 
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                 ViG    ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
viz433.zip     91868 08-05-2024 BIOS-DOS-ANSI screen text video accelerator.
                                Compatible with SVGA/VGA/EGA, snow-free CGA,
                                and MDA/HGC+ adapters, PC and PS/2 machines.
                                Options: tiny, independent video ANSI driver
                                (can be turned on or off); UMB self-loading;
                                086/286/386/486/586 optimized releases. Uses
                                as little as 900 bytes; v.fast acceleration.
                                - Release information: Unzip and enter READ.
vuimg349.zip  121979 08-05-2024 VUIMAGE GIF/TIFF/PCX Fast View/Print.
                                Zoom,Pan, Scale on almost any size image on
                                CGA/Herc/ATT/ EGA/Tandy/VGA/SVGA/VESA/8514.
                                Print to laserjet/ dotmatrix/postscript, 600
                                dpi laserjet IV. Print full image or zoomed
                                area to user set size. Many dithers incl.
                                error diffusion dither. Auto/manual filetype,
                                videomode, scaling, print size etc.
                                Slideshow, XMS, tons of features.
vwansi32.zip   30116 08-05-2024 
wae0044.zip   131533 08-05-2024 Windows Ansi Edit - FREEWARE!
                                386, Win 3.1 & 256 colours req'd.
                                Doesn't run on all versions of
                                Win95 for some reason  (:-(
wansi1_2.zip   35703 08-05-2024 WinANSI Windows ANSI Editor; WinANSI provides
                                a Windows 3.x user with the ability to edit
                                ANSI display screens without exiting Windows.
warl111.zip   430917 08-05-2024 WARLOCK Screen Editor v1.1.1a: new concept in
                                screen development. More features than any
                                other screen editor. Import PCX, BMP, GIF
                                files to any size screen; zoom/pan around
                                edit screen; mix shades for drawing; line
                                drawing; flood fill regions; boxes, circles,
                                etc.; load RAGE, ANSI, ASCII, Avatar; save
                                Pascal, C/C++, Assembler source, etc.; Online
                                help system; develop custom fonts; much more.
                                IF YOU MAKE TEXT SCREENS OF ANY SORT, YOU
                                MUST TRY THIS PROGRAM OUT! - vga, mouse
wiretap.zip    61194 08-05-2024 Wiretap: Multi-format dos based file viewer
                                      coded by Burning Chrome of cia
zansi_12.zip   22220 08-05-2024 Zephyr ANSI driver, based on Daniel Kegel's
                                excellent ANSI driver, NANSI (version 2.2).
                                ZANSI is faster than NANSI and takes up less
                                memory and disk space. However it is missing
                                the nonstandard character translation handler
                                provided with NANSI.
zavt111.zip    47727 08-05-2024 zavt; Enhanced MS-DOS ansi/avatar console
                                driver which understands ANSI control
                                sequences as well as Avatar level 0. It has
                                several advantages over most other drivers.
                                It supports any display mode the BIOS can set
                                up; It can be addressed by two different
                                names so the default output can be left in
                                raw mode; The blasted bell is now 1/9 second

               Area 52 - Ansi TheDraw Fonts               

30ftd50.zip    28060 08-05-2024 30 new fonts for TheDraw! All ready and set
                                to go! Last revision date in archive:
3d_fade.zip     4233 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  Custom TheDraw Font  
                                Requires  TheDraw v4.63
                                    F R E E W A R E    
                                JOFFETECH Software 1995
asr_asc2.zip    3080 08-05-2024 _______  ________________
                                /     \/  \/ \/   ___/   \/     \
                                /   /  /      /\__   /    /   /  /
                                /      /      /   /  /    /      /
                                       ascII Font 2 
                                     A C00L Font for The Draw
awpl_tdf.zip   37404 08-05-2024 FoNt FoR tHe DrAw - PuShEaD - Sh!T
cfh_2damig.zip    5804 08-05-2024                       .
                                  /        /  __    / |  __/
                                _/    |___/   _\___/ _|   \
                                \     |  /    \  \   \_    \_
                                 \______/______\  \___|     /
                                .--cOWBOYz fROm hELl-.|____/.
                                | a cEWl aMIGa-sTYLe fONt 4 |
                                :  tHEDRAw (CFH-AMIG.TDF)   :
                                :       pC wIZARd           :
                                |                           |
                                 TRiP MaCHiNe  ++31-30-288009
cfh_2dhoer.zip    5851 08-05-2024                       .
                                  /        /  __    / |  __/
                                _/    |___/   _\___/ _|   \
                                \     |  /    \  \   \_    \_
                                 \______/______\  \___|     /
                                .--cOWBOYz fROm hELl-.|____/.
                                :  aNOTHEr aMIGa/ASCIi fONt :
                                      fOr tHEDRAW (TDF)
                                :                           :
                                | dONe bY pC wIZARd/CFh'95  |
                                 TRiP MaCHiNe  ++31-30-288009
cfh_2dsnow.zip    6704 08-05-2024                       .
                                  /        /  __    / |  __/
                                _/    |___/   _\___/ _|   \
                                \     |  /    \  \   \_    \_
                                 \______/______\  \___|     /
                                .--cOWBOYz fROm hELl-.|____/.
                                |                           |
                                : FoNT FoR THe DRaW - SNoW! :
                                :   DoNe BY: CYaNoSiS '95   :
                                |                           |
                                 TRiP MaCHiNe  ++31-30-288009
cn_fnt04.zip    3431 08-05-2024 [255D[0;1;30m<[0;31m[37m$[1;30muCDe[0;31m[
                                [10C  [0m 
                                [10C[1;30m [34m [37mCoNDoR/SP [34m۲
                                [9C[0m  [1;30m Ĵ
                                   [0m   [1;30m 
                                   [0m[35m[37ma NeW Coo
                                   [35m[37mBLue aSKii FoNT Fo
                                [37m We NeeD a PeRMaNaNT FTP SiTe! [0m
cpu_2dfont.zip    7036 08-05-2024  C PUK UTK 
                                Thedraw Font Paket    v1.0     
                                Four really new Fonts from
                                Kirth Gersen  for  Thedraw
                                leeched from:Ŀ
                                 ]3ACK H0LE +49-4101-691826 3/t 
df_21fontz.zip   50141 08-05-2024     53 FoNTz fOR THE DRAW
                                  Da MeGa FoNT-CoLLeCTiON
electrk.zip     4249 08-05-2024 E  L  E  C  T  R  O  N  I  C
                                  Font for TheDraw By Derek Lemay
elitefnt.zip    2768 08-05-2024  eLiTe   .   
                                ..  .
                                NoW You CaN Be eLiTe Too!
escape.zip      4342 08-05-2024 Escape Font For TheDraw; By Doefreaker
                                Doefreaker Art Productions is a group
                                that creates ansis, menus, fonts for
                                TheDraw and more.  This archive here
                                includes the Escape Font for TheDraw.
ex_2dfonts.zip   33986 08-05-2024 
                                       TH BST32     
                                     TH DRAWFONTS    
                                        OF 95/96       
                                   PASSD DA WONDRFUL 
                                    -=* MiCROBBS *=-  
fantasy.zip     3657 08-05-2024 Fantasy Font For TheDraw; By Doefreaker
                                Doefreaker Art Productions is a group
                                that creates ansis, menus, fonts for
                                TheDraw and more.  This archive here
                                includes the Fantasy Font for TheDraw.
fb_2dcolds.zip    2193 08-05-2024 -= FB-COLDS.TDF =-
                                -= TheDraw Font =-
fb_2dfogft.zip    2540 08-05-2024        -= FB-FOGFT.TDF =-
                                       -= TheDraw Font =-
                                Thisis a font for TheDraw doneby:
                                     Brian Rider - Frost Byte
                                      -= Cold Snap BBS! =
                                      -= (904) 750-3874 =-
fb_2dgrays.zip    2753 08-05-2024        -= FB-GRAYS.TDF =-
                                       -= TheDraw Font =-
                                Thisis a font for TheDraw doneby:
                                     Brian Rider - Frost Byte
                                      -= Cold Snap BBS! =
                                      -= (904) 750-3874 =-
fb_2dline.zip    2358 08-05-2024 -= FB-LINE.TDF  =-
                                -= TheDraw Font =-
fb_fogft.zip    2619 08-05-2024           -= FB-FOGFT.TDF =-
                                          -= TheDraw Font =-
                                  This is a font for TheDraw done by:
                                        Brian Rider - Frost Byte
                                         -= Cold Snap BBS! =
                                         -= (904) 750-3874 =-
                                leeched from a 19k2 ZyX at:Ŀ
                                 +49-4101-691826  OVER 1 GiG SOURCES 
fb_goth.zip     2623 08-05-2024           -= FB-GOTH.TDF  =-
                                          -= TheDraw Font =-
                                  This is a font for TheDraw done by:
                                        Brian Rider - Frost Byte
                                         -= Cold Snap BBS! =
                                         -= (904) 750-3874 =-
                                leeched from a 19k2 ZyX at:Ŀ
                                 +49-4101-691826  OVER 1 GiG SOURCES 
fb_grays.zip    2830 08-05-2024           -= FB-GRAYS.TDF =-
                                          -= TheDraw Font =-
                                  This is a font for TheDraw done by:
                                        Brian Rider - Frost Byte
                                         -= Cold Snap BBS! =
                                         -= (904) 750-3874 =-
                                leeched from a 19k2 ZyX at:Ŀ
                                 +49-4101-691826  OVER 1 GiG SOURCES 
fb_oldsd.zip    2676 08-05-2024           -= FB-OLDSD.TDF =-
                                          -= TheDraw Font =-
                                  This is a font for TheDraw done by:
                                        Brian Rider - Frost Byte
                                         -= Cold Snap BBS! =
                                         -= (904) 750-3874 =-
                                leeched from a 19k2 ZyX at:Ŀ
                                 +49-4101-691826  OVER 1 GiG SOURCES 
fb_redsd.zip    2184 08-05-2024           -= FB-REDSD.TDF =-
                                          -= TheDraw Font =-
                                  This is a font for TheDraw done by:
                                        Brian Rider - Frost Byte
                                         -= Cold Snap BBS! =
                                         -= (904) 750-3874 =-
                                leeched from a 19k2 ZyX at:Ŀ
                                 +49-4101-691826  OVER 1 GiG SOURCES 
font1.zip       2131 08-05-2024       ܲ ܲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  
                                     ޲ ޲ݲ ݲ 
                                      ޲ݲ ݲݳ
                                     ߰  ۰  
                                        -[FoNT No #1 FoR THeDRaW]-    
                                         -[MaDe By THuNDeRHaWK]-      
font3.zip       1992 08-05-2024       ܲ ܲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  
                                     ޲ ޲ݲ ݲ 
                                      ޲ݲ ݲݳ
                                     ߰  ۰  
                                        -[FoNT No #3 FoR THeDRaW]-    
                                         -[MaDe By THuNDeRHaWK]-      
font4.zip       2635 08-05-2024       ܲ ܲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  
                                     ޲ ޲ݲ ݲ 
                                      ޲ݲ ݲݳ
                                     ߰  ۰  
                                        -[FoNT No #4 FoR THeDRaW]-    
                                         -[MaDe By THuNDeRHaWK]-      
font5.zip       2235 08-05-2024       ܲ ܲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  
                                     ޲ ޲ݲ ݲ 
                                      ޲ݲ ݲݳ
                                     ߰  ۰  
                                        -[FoNT No #5 FoR THeDRaW]-    
                                         -[MaDe By THuNDeRHaWK]-      
font6.zip       2104 08-05-2024       ܲ ܲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  
                                     ޲ ޲ݲ ݲ 
                                      ޲ݲ ݲݳ
                                     ߰  ۰  
                                        -[FoNT No #6 FoR THeDRaW]-    
                                         -[MaDe By THuNDeRHaWK]-      
fontpk20.zip   27237 08-05-2024 [ by The Phixxx ]Ŀ
                                 Font Pack v2.0 for The Draw 
                                [ a must for SysOps ]
frk_0195.zip  120584 08-05-2024 The Freak Art Pack Januar 1995
                                THEDRAW FONTS / ANSI / ASC / LIT
frk_0295.zip  133811 08-05-2024 THE FREAK ART PACK FEBRUAR 1995
                                   ANSI, THEDRAW FONT'S, EXE
frk_2d0195.zip  472952 08-05-2024 The Freak Art Pack Januar 1995
                                THEDRAW FONTS / ANSI / ASC / LIT
glare.zip       5662 08-05-2024     ɻ ͻ 
                                    ̹ ˼ 
                                The first TheDraw
                                font by RANSiD. A
                                 cool font, very
                                artistic!  White,
                                 light grey, and
                                   dark grey!!
gnarly.zip      3760 08-05-2024         ĿڿڿĿĿ
                                        ٳڿ ݳ
                                 Presents yet another great Font
                                 or THEDRAW. This one's not to
                                 be missed!!! 
hs_2dtdf3.zip    2251 08-05-2024  \    \ \\\\ \\\\ \\\\
                                 \    \ \    \ \    \ \
                                 \\\\  \\\ \\\\ \\\\
                                 \    \ \    \ \    \       \
                                 \    \ \    \ \    \       \
                                 \    \ \    \ \\\\ \\\\
                                   |  MY DRIDDA FONT FOR THEDRAW  
                                            LEECHED NOW          
                                              iTS FREE           |
                                    PASSED 06871/5545 HOLGiS ABS 
inertia.zip     3722 08-05-2024 Inertia Font For TheDraw; By Doefreaker
                                Doefreaker Art Productions is a group
                                that creates ansis, menus, fonts for
                                TheDraw and more.  This archive here
                                includes the Inertia Font for TheDraw.
jet_thf1.zip    6709 08-05-2024 temple of Hackers 1st release..
                                 Ŀ Ŀ  
                                  JET FONT FOR THEDRAW 
                                  CoDeD bY: aLeX aLVeS 
                                 CyZ oF JET BBS 55-61-577-4003
jet_thf2.zip    4074 08-05-2024     
                                     [TEMPLE OF HACKERS]
                                  JET fONT #2 - iCE_fANTA-Z
                                 bY aLeX aLVeS - JET BBS ViP
                                  +55-61-577-4003 - 7pM-7aM
jsfhilit.zip    1840 08-05-2024 FONTE POUR THE DRAW
jsfround.zip    2252 08-05-2024 FONTE POUR THE DRAW
jsf_tdf.zip     5248 08-05-2024 TheDraw Fonts: Thin, Thick Wide and Raster
kevfonts.zip   26483 08-05-2024 
majik.zip       3994 08-05-2024 Majik Font For TheDraw; By Doefreaker
                                Doefreaker Art Productions is a group
                                that creates ansis, menus, fonts for
                                TheDraw and more.  This archive here
                                includes the Majik Font for TheDraw.
midnight.zip    4194 08-05-2024 Midnight Font For TheDraw; By Doefreaker
                                Doefreaker Art Productions is a group
                                that creates ansis, menus, fonts for
                                TheDraw and more.  This archive here
                                includes the Midnight Font for TheDraw.
neon.zip        3428 08-05-2024 ĴRANSiDĿ
                                ĴThe Black Realms
                                ۲  Present   
                                ۲ THEDRAW FONT 
                                ۲      NEON      
om_blue.zip     5137 08-05-2024   .----..-.  .-..----.  .---.  .-.
                                  | /\ ||  \/  ||  __/ / /--' /  \
                                | \/ || |\/| ||  __\ | --| |'| |Ŀ
                                 `----'`-'  `-'`-----'`----'|/' |/' 
                                |    TheDRAW Font: OM-BLUE.TDF       |
                                ---             - - --Ĵ
                                 A font for TheDRAW ansi program.   
                                | Has blue shaded letters with a grey|
                                : dripping  background.              :
                                --- -          - -  --
om_paint.zip   38482 08-05-2024 
rusty.zip       3546 08-05-2024      -=Rusty=-
                                A New TheDraw Phont
                                By Tupperware Ninja
                                and Silver Dragon
                                   of RANSiD...
supturbo.zip    7713 08-05-2024 
td4new.zip      5179 08-05-2024  4 New Fonts for TheDraw ۲
                                *.TDF Format. Just Import into
                                TheDraw using TDFONTS. Created by
                                Rod Reed - Sysop- Runamuck BBS
                                Casper, Wyoming 307-265-3022
                                A Wildcat! 4.01 BBS.
tdfgerma.zip    2772 08-05-2024 
tdfroman.zip    2508 08-05-2024 
tdrawpch.zip   54935 08-05-2024 TheDraw Patcher Program & Utilities
td_fire.zip     2290 08-05-2024                       .
                                 Da CeWL THeDRaW-FoNT 
                                  by CyberProductions 
                                  -#- tHE bLACK hOLE -#-  
td_for.zip      2316 08-05-2024                       .
                                 Da CeWL THeDRaW-FoNT 
                                  by CyberProductions 
                                  -#- tHE bLACK hOLE -#-  
td_icy.zip      2261 08-05-2024                       .
                                 Da CeWL THeDRaW-FoNT 
                                  by CyberProductions 
                                  -#- tHE bLACK hOLE -#-  
tmg_2dcfnt.zip    3728 08-05-2024 <====߰ ߰߰======>
                                 ::::                    ::::::
                                 ::::                     ::::::
                                 ::::              ::::::
                                 ::::               ::::::
                                 :::::::               ::::::
                                 :::::::               ::::::
                                 :::::::                ::::::
                                 :::::::ܰ ܰܰܰ::::::
                                <=======[ PROUDLY PRESENTS: ]=======>
                                -/\-  2 New & Cool FoNTs of TMG  -/\-
                                -/\-  for TheDraw.               -/\-
                                <===[04/06/95]==========[ 1 OF 1 ]==>
                                @X08  @X0F Leeched from @X07CAMP OF
                                SUiCiDES @X08
ttc_2dfont.zip   53742 08-05-2024 [     _______  ____________  __    _____      
                                [      \_   _\\    \ \_   _\/  \  /hC__/      
                                [        |  | / _|  \  |  |/    \/  /         
                                [        |  |/  \_   \ |  |\    /   \__       
                                [        |__|___| \   \|__| \__/\_____|       
                                [                  \__/                       
                                [ THE DRAW 4.x MEGA FONT COLLECTION, CONTAINS 
                                [ 62 BLASTING FONTS!                          
                                  -#- tHE bLACK hOLE -#-  
vdofont4.zip    5118 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                 Released:   -=> VDOfont4 .ZIP <=- 
                                 [27-o1-95]  [3 COLORED FONTS 4 TD!] 
                                 BY :CrEePeR [FeEL FrEe 2 UsE ThEm!] 
                                 V()()|)()() [DoNE By CrEePeR / VDO] 
                                  -#- tHE bLACK hOLE -#-  
vdosun.zip      4171 08-05-2024 
                                     VOODOO PROUDLY PRESENTS  
                                VoODOO THEDRAW FONT! DONE BY CREEPER/VDO!!
                                LoOKs ReaLy CraZy.. DONE AT o2.o3.95! :)))   
                                  -#- tHE bLACK hOLE -#-  
vdotdf3.zip     4890 08-05-2024      
                                 VoODOo ͺ
                                VDO-The Draw Font III
                                Ex-Tasy TheDraw color
                                Font (Red/White/grey)
                                   Done by Creeper      
                                [Its Cool Man]
                                  -#- tHE bLACK hOLE -#-  
white_2dbl.zip    2512 08-05-2024 Another coool font for TheDraw

          Area 53 - Archive Compression Utilities         

acddiz2b.zip   18692 08-05-2024 (ACiDiC 95) THE DiZ STRiPPER v0.02 (08/03/95)
                                 = A UTiLiTY TO STRiP UNWANTED DiZ LiNES = 
                                 The fastest  tag line remover ever!  This 
                                 program  will work with  any BBS software 
                                 which  runs a  batch file after  uploads. 
                                 Smart SCANNING will  detect SUBSTRINGS in 
                                 diz lines.  Good for  groups/boards  that 
                                 try to  hide their  lame tagging schemes. 
                                ܲ                 ܲ         
                                ۲       ۲ ܱ  ܲ
                                ۲   ۲۲ޱ  ۲
                                tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ    
                                 ۱۱       ܲ   ۰
                                   ۰   ߲۱   ۱
                                     ޲ݰ  ۲ ۲  ۲
                                   ߰  ߰ 
                                ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
actest05.zip   14346 08-05-2024 ******* A.C.T.  -  May 1995 ********
                                Archive Comparison Test
                                A.C.T. is a monthly report comparing
                                37 different compression programs
                                (archivers) for speed and ability to
                                compress files.  The archivers are
                                tested on TXT, EXE, 669, BMP and
                                multiple files.  It also includes a
                                checklist of special features some
                                archivers can perform and the e-mail
                                addresses of the authors.
                                Author  :  JEFF GILCHRIST
                                Internet:  jeffg@mi.net
act_24.zip     35301 08-05-2024 -----< Archive Comparison Table >------
                                This ZIP file contains all the results
                                and any other information about the
                                Archive Comparison Table.
                                This table contains comparisons between
                                45 different archiving programs. Using
                                4 different data sets for the testing.
                                New Users:  Please read README.TXT
                                Old Users:  Please read CHANGES.TXT
                                -------< Version 24 - 15/05/95 >-------
acvt_o16.zip   40235 08-05-2024     Archive Converter V1.20    
                                Copyright (c) WhiteTown Software
                                Email:     support@whitetown.com
                                WWW:    http://www.whitetown.com
                                ( ) DOS   16-bit
                                ( ) DOS   32-bit
                                (*) OS/2  16-bit
                                ( ) OS/2  32-bit
                                ( ) Win32 console
                                ( ) Win32 GUI
acvt_o32.zip   48926 08-05-2024     Archive Converter V1.20    
                                Copyright (c) WhiteTown Software
                                Email:     support@whitetown.com
                                WWW:    http://www.whitetown.com
                                ( ) DOS   16-bit
                                ( ) DOS   32-bit
                                ( ) OS/2  16-bit
                                (*) OS/2  32-bit
                                ( ) Win32 console
                                ( ) Win32 GUI
adpro10g.zip   13759 08-05-2024 AdPRO 1.00; This program will add ad's for
                                your BBS to ZIP or ARJ files so you will get
                                more business!
apdz30.zip     72926 08-05-2024 Apply-Diz v3.0 * Will scan for any file spec
                                in any directory and check for a FILE_ID.DIZ
                                or DESC.SDI file within an archive.  If one
                                exists it can be placed into the PCBoard DIR
                                file.  If no DIZ, and there's a PCBoard DIR
                                file entry, that listing can be turned into a
                                FILE_ID.DIZ and compressed into the archive.
                                Great for boards with lots of file traffic!
                                Fixed a few minor bugs.  Now excepting Credit
                                Cards and providing Voice Support.
                                *** SHAREWARE ***            Compiled 7/23/93
arcid125.zip   52031 08-05-2024 Archive Identifier 1.25 - A utility to
                                identify ARC A7+ ARJ HYP LZH PAK RAR SQZ ZIP
                                ZOO JAR GIF JPG and BMP files by SIGNATURE,
                                not just extension, including SFX (and 
                                WinzipSFX) archives!  Other files can be 
                                filtered based on file extensions. For use 
                                in customized BBS upload batch files and 
                                similar archive testing applications. 
                                Excellent for PCBTEST.BAT use. ZTTechnology
                                Includes both DOS and 32-bit OS/2 versions!
arcon2_3.zip   44873 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 **        ARCON.EXE V2.3          ** 
                                 ARCON.EXE is an  automatic  archive  
                                 format  converter with  the ability  
                                 to  add files  to  the destination   
                                 archive. Useful for Sysops who want  
                                 all the files on the BBS in the same 
                                 format and want to add BBS adverts   
                                 to each archive.                     
                                 Can also be used from RemoteAccess   
                                 RAMGR.EXE to convert files and add   
                                 BBS adverts.                         
                                 Can now delete or view files within  
                                 an archive.                          
                                     * UK BBS support available *     
                                          Author Colin Birch          
                                       Sysop  The Dog House BBS       
                                         (01443) 400327 24hrs         
                                      Latest files - 15 July 1995     
arcwiz21.zip   28834 08-05-2024 Archive Wizard v2.1
                                Handles multiple compression techniques.
au116_c.zip   125315 08-05-2024 AU Archive converter *Freeware*
                                Add     - Add file(s) to archive(s)
                                COMpare - Compare 2 BBS file lists for diff.
                                Convert - Convert 1 archive format to another
                                Delete  - Delete file(s) from archive(s)
                                DIr     - Display a directory of filenames
au202.zip      49854 08-05-2024 ARCHIVE UTILITY 2.02 -freeware, configurable.
                                supports most major archivers available! ARJ,
                                ARC, LHA, HAP, SQZ, DWC, PAK, ZIP 1.1 and
                                2.0, ICE, LHARC, LARC, UC2, HYPER, SDN,
                                QWK,and ZOO. Uses MULTIPLE config files, so
                                you can completely change AU's operation from
                                a batch file. Preserves embedded directories,
                                Can be run as an "event" to update all .ZIP
                                files, or be used as an UPLOAD PROCESSOR. add
                                comments or strip them from the files... SCAN
                                for Virus during activity! completely
                                customizeable,logs of all activity.
                                Re-comment your entire BBS file area with ONE
                                command. Search archives for FILE_ID.DIZ,
                                DESC.SDI, *.SDA or VENDINFO.DIZ
av803.zip     143239 08-05-2024 AV.EXE (8.03):  Archive directory
                                viewer.  Presents list of files in
                                archive (ZIP, ARC, etc) and lets you
                                sort as desired.  Also allows
                                resetting of the file date based on
                                the archive's contents.  Freeware.
                                Bruce Guthrie / Wayne Software
breakarj.zip   15630 08-05-2024 
cap2diz3.zip   84830 08-05-2024 ͸
                                    -= CAP2DIZ Converter v1.49 =-    
                                    Extracts 'FILE_ID.DIZ' files from 
                                 connection LOGs or ALLFILES.LST files 
                                 (PCBoard format).                     
                                    Automatically  adds each DIZ file 
                                 to the correspondent archive.         
                                    Supports   ZIP, ARJ, RAR, LZH and 
                                 ARC archive formats.                  
                                      -= LPS Computing, Inc. =-      
cczip22.zip   969755 08-05-2024 
centradr.zip   35702 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 All Traders grab This!         
                                 adds/Remove Taglines, Creates  
                                 Listings of Diz's like a Board 
                                 can, Add comments, Add files   
                                 automatically and that can     
                                 ZIP, ARJ & LHA files.          
                                 and many more things!          
                                 Coded By CeNoBiTe              
                                 Idea by Ralph - Razor 1911     
clnace14.zip   36124 08-05-2024       
                                BBS AddYs ClEaNeR
                                Kill those silly randoms addys
                                from your archives
                                VerSion 1.4
                                PKZIP & PKUNZIP no more needed!
condz117.zip  140463 08-05-2024 
                                CONDIZ v 1.17
                                Looking for a decent FILE_ID.DIZ manager ???
                                Look no further CONDIZ  is  a  complete  DIZ
                                management  tool, for both the SYSOP and BBS
                                user.  Add, Edit,  Delete,  Create DIZ files
                                and then insert into ZIP  or  ARJ  archives.
                                Fully  menu  driven  -  and  point and shoot
                                interface.  Also has  a  library feature and
                                many many more - this is the  the  DIZ  tool
                                you  need.   Version  1.17  fixes many small
                                bugs, adds speed. Written By Paul Giraud.
                                CONCEPT Systems +27 11 440-6246
cr_2drmv.zip   85307 08-05-2024 UNWANTED FILE_ID.DIZ LINE REMOVER[07/07/95]  
                                ::.---.----./~\--.---- :::::::::::::::::::  
                                ::  - |  |  .   --  :::::::C O R E:::::  
                                ::|  | `    |  |__|   ::::P R O U D L Y::  
                                ::\____.__.|__|::.____/:: P R E S E N T S:  
                                Features : The fastest remover around        
                                : Works Under Desqview              
                                : Uncase Sensative                  
                                : Semi Intelligent Remover          
cv2sam31.zip   17071 08-05-2024 MOD Edit users utility!  This program
                                converts raw sound data, VOC files and now
                                WAV files, to SAM files (for use as MOD
                                instruments).  All major VOC and WAV types
                                are now supported!  Great speed enhancements
                                were added to this version!  Convert WAV,
                                VOC, or raw to SAM, or SAM back to RAW for
                                editing!  Ver 3.01 (03/06/93)
                                (Minor bug fix of test release 3.00)
delzip11.zip   10939 08-05-2024 Have you ever accidentally mixed ZIP contents
                                with the current
                                disk directory? The result requires you to
                                sort through the files
                                and individually delete them.  No more. 
                                DELZIP sorts through the
                                ZIP file and deletes all the files you
                                accidentally unzipped!
                                $5 Shareware, not crippled, 45 day evaluation
                                - Millenium Software -
dfiles27.zip   18472 08-05-2024 DoFiles. Uses PKZIP.EXE(C) Archive files with
                                extensions  of  same name using original file
                                names.  Erases files  after archiving.  Write
                                to current dir or use path to dir.  Freeware!
diz4d200.zip   45434 08-05-2024 DIZ4DESC v2.00 DIZ/SDI to 4DOS DESCriptions
                                Intelligently extracts descriptions in most
                                any archive and creates reduced and concise
                                4DOS descriptions with your max # of lines.
                                Will not destroy your current descriptions.
                                Now allows RAW import of descriptions asis
                                Author: John S. Fowler <<$15 Registration>>
dizcat10.zip   45241 08-05-2024 DIZzyCat! DIZ Importer v 1.0, 07-27-92.
                                Imports FILE_ID.DIZ and DESC.SDI from an
                                upload to Wildcat!'s file description.
                                (Wildcat! version 3.50 or higher required.)
                                -AV by author, Affordable Computer Services.
                                Shareware, $10 registration.
dizdi101.zip   26468 08-05-2024 DizFind v1.01 - shareware $5 - For RBBS-PC.
                                This program is made for scanning entire
                                directories and extract file_id.diz from
                                ZIP, ARJ, SDN and LZH archive files and
                                writing a .DIR file in RBBS-PC format.
                                It can work with up to 5000 files in the
                                directories to scan.
                                bug fix and new features release.
                                (C) Eric Van Hyfte 1995 (2:320/222)
dized49e.zip   75244 08-05-2024 DIZEDIT  Version  4.9e (c)  1994 GDSOFT.
                                Allows  editing   of  description  files
                                found in  archives.  Supports  ZIP,  ARJ
                                and  LZH  formats.  Ability  to  CONVERT
                                archive to a particular default  format,
                                COPY file and  ADD ARCHIVE  COMMENT  for
                                ZIP and ARJ files. DIZEDIT easily allows
                                you  to create/edit the FILE_ID.DIZ  (or
                                SDI, DES), and automatically repacks the
                                archive on exit. NEW Virus  SCAN, repack
                                with  NEWEST  date,   and    ARJ,  PKZIP
                                switches. Recognizes  MOST SFX files for
                                ARJ,ZIP and LZH. If  you run a BBS,  you
                                NEED this !!
dizgen.zip     57523 08-05-2024 DIZ FILE GENERATOR v1.0 
                                Creates and maintains FILE_ID.DIZ description
                                files in the proper format for most BBS's to
                                accept. The generator allows a maximum of 10
                                lines of 45 characters or a maximum of 450
                                characters. $0 Shareware by Micro System
                                Solutions. Registration requested. Software
                                is free.
dizl140.zip   196911 08-05-2024 The DiZList v1.4  Shareware version of the
                                best filelist creator available today!  For
                                ANY BBS, or no BBS at all - creates lists of
                                files and descriptions in 8 attractive styles
                                supports 7 archivers,unlimited configurations
                                Easy to install and setup.  Supports Windows,
                                Multi-taskers, DOS, OS/2, and CD-ROMS. 
                                Features you won't find in any other 
                                filelister in the world!  Copyright 1997, 
                                Mind Over Byte Software
dizpro16.zip  111164 08-05-2024 DizIt PRO v1.6 - Description Importer
                                Sysops-Stop spending time uploading files
                                with local uploads, use DizIt Pro to automate
                                the process! Snoops through files quickly for
                                FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI and imports them.
                                This is the most full featured program of
                                it's type. Includes file age limits, random
                                file import selection, duplicate file in
                                directory or PCB index files, virus scan, use
                                as upload verification and much more.
diztrim7.zip   32797 08-05-2024 DIZTrim v7.00 (07-June-1995): Remove all the
                                unnecessary junk from FILE_ID.DIZ.  Trims
                                Lo/Hi-ASCII, non alpha-numeric, PCB color
                                codes, ASCII art, user-defined keywords and
                                more.  Can also replace PCBDESC.EXE for
                                PCBoard Systems. (c) 1995 by Geoffrey Sy.
dizvue20.zip   67348 08-05-2024 DIZVIEW 2.0-Catalog all of your ZIP files!   
                                Ever wonder just what all those ZIP files    
                                were? Now you can look at them without       
                                opening every one of them manually! DIZVIEW  
                                will gather all of the FILE_ID.DIZ files from
                                archives in a directory and put them in a    
                                menu to view by files or by subdirectory. Now
                                you can catalog all of your directories, edit
                                each description and resave it! SYSOPS!! Now 
                                create a custom FILES.BBS file for your BBS!!
dizzy002.zip   33801 08-05-2024 FILE_ID.DIZ management: creates DIZZY.TXT for
                                all .ZIP files in a directory.
                                Shows file name, date, size, and contents of
                                /S will search subdirectories, rather than
                                /TL creates a .TL file for mass editing
                                /HTML will produce the listing in HTML format
                                /NOWARN removes warnings
                                FreeWare from Danen Information Services.
dmpexe23.zip   53644 08-05-2024 The OBSESSiON EXE-Dumper, version 2.3 [1/1]
                                This program can unpack ANY exepacked file.
                                It means that a file packed with an unknown
                                exepacker, can be expanded to it's original
                                size and format. This is a MUST for all you
                                crackers & patchers out there. Supports the
                                following debuggers : Soft-Ice, GameTools &
                                Turbo Debugger. Remember this is *CARDWARE*
                                Now with SoftICE for windows support, PSP-
                                validation level, rasterbar/textmodebar, 
                                support for TD 4 & 5 and much much more. 
dn151.zip     708194 08-05-2024 DOS NAVIGATOR 1.51  FREEWARE
                                ۳        ۳   
                                ۳     ۳   
                                ۳ ۳     ۳   
                                ۳ ۳     ۳   
                                ۳     ۳   
                                ۳        ۳   
                                The best OS Shell a Man can get
dn151src.zip  850619 08-05-2024 Dos Navigator 1.51 sources [official]
doubldiz.zip   15900 08-05-2024 DoubleDiz v1.0 by The Brain           [o1/o1]
                                this will remove double FILE_ID.DIZ files in
                                zip's (so your processor does not lock-up)...
                                ------------------[ amphetamine ltd 1995 ]---
dozip150.zip   35736 08-05-2024   .[ QZip & DoZIP! v1.50 ].   
                                 Fastest ZIP Processors around!
                                 CommandLine & Online version
                                 Quick Stripping of Unwanted Files
                                 Quick Info Adding (as FileNames!)
                                 Get FILE_ID.DIZ (ANS/PCB also!)
                                 Nice Layout for Online Processing
                                 QZip To be Used with DOS
                                 DoZIP! is for RA 2.xx & FDL v5.xx
                                 Ofcourse made by Synopsis
                                   Release Date: 03 - 02 - 1996      
                                [1;30m[0;37m[1m [0;36mEOH
ebs_2dgi20.z       0 01-01-1980     
                                    El Bucanero Soft Presents    
                                        Get File_Id v2.0         
                                  Unlimited Files & Directories 
                                  Support ZIP/ARJ/RAR/LZH       
                                  Also Support GIF/JPG/TIF/BMP  
                                  Easy to use                   
                                  FREEWARE! Download it NOW!    
ebs_2dgi20.zip   13491 08-05-2024     
                                    El Bucanero Soft Presents    
                                        Get File_Id v2.0         
                                  Unlimited Files & Directories 
                                  Support ZIP/ARJ/RAR/LZH       
                                  Also Support GIF/JPG/TIF/BMP  
                                  Easy to use                   
                                  FREEWARE! Download it NOW!    
ebs_2dzd10.z       0 01-01-1980         
                                ߰ ۰ ߰
                                    El Bucanero Soft Presents    |
                                          Zip Date v1.0          
                                          -----          :
                                  Put on the Zip the Date of    
                                   the Oldest File on it.        
                                :  Support Wildcards!            
                                  Easy to Use                   |
                                  Download it NOW!              |
ebs_2dzd10.zip    9697 08-05-2024         
                                      ߰ ۰ ߰
                                    El Bucanero Soft Presents    |
                                          Zip Date v1.0          
                                |          -----          :
                                  Put on the Zip the Date of    
                                   the Oldest File on it.        
                                :  Support Wildcards!            
                                  Easy to Use                   |
                                |  Download it NOW!              |
ediz_2d1.zip   20098 08-05-2024 EDIZ v1.0: Allows to extract the FILE_ID.DIZ
                                from ANY .ZIP, .ARJ, .LHA, .LZH, .DMS, .EXE,
                                .NFO, .TXT files and rename it in
                                filename.diz. ------------------ Permette di
                                estarre il FILE_ID.DIZ da tutti i .ZIP, .ARJ,
                                .LHA, .LZH, .DMS, .EXE, .NFO, .TXT file e lo
                                rinomina in filename.diz.
ept_2dsd30.z       0 01-01-1980 ______ _____ __ _____ _____ _____ __ ___
                                :   "|    "| "|    "|    "|    "|| | "|
                                | |__|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |: |  |
                                  _|_.  ___!  |  |__!     |  ___!     |
                                | |  |: |  .--:: |  |: |  |: |  || |  |
                                :    |__!  !__!__!  !__!_____!  |: |  |
                                !_____! ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~[ZeCH]!__'__!
                                [  StripDIZ v3.00 - Removes ALL known  ]
                                [ types of publicity from FILE_ID.DIZ! ]
                                [  (Vertical, Random/Morph Ad's, ...)  ]
                                [    A must have for all SysOp's ;)    ]
                                ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ![18/08/95]! ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
ept_2dsd30.zip   46727 08-05-2024 ______ _____ __ _____ _____ _____ __ ___
                                |:   "|    "| "|    "|    "|    "|| | "|
                                || |__|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |: |  |
                                |  _|_.  ___!  |  |__!     |  ___!     |
                                || |  |: |  .--:: |  |: |  |: |  || |  |
                                |:    |__!  !__!__!  !__!_____!  |: |  |
                                !_____! ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~[ZeCH]!__'__!
                                [  StripDIZ v3.00 - Removes ALL known  ]
                                [ types of publicity from FILE_ID.DIZ! ]
                                [  (Vertical, Random/Morph Ad's, ...)  ]
                                [    A must have for all SysOp's ;)    ]
                                 ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ![18/08/95]! ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
fact132.zip    54692 08-05-2024 FACT 1.32 - Freeware Archive Conversion Tool.
                                Small and easy to use, yet is still powerful,
                                thorough & user-expandable. With .PAS source.
                                Copyright (c) 1997 [4 Apr.], DDA/ Reign Ware.
                                Now supports Info-ZIP; tweaked Win95 support.
far164.zip    546932 08-05-2024 FAR v1.64 for Windows 95/NT/2000
                                Text mode file and archive manager
                                - Long file names support
                                - User defined view modes
                                - File descriptions and highlighting
                                - User menu, file associations
                                - FTP client, network browser
                                - Task list and control
fileid19.zip   64625 08-05-2024 FILEID.TXT v1.9 - A complete explaination of
                                the format and use of the FILE_ID.DIZ file, 
                                created originally for PCBoard BBSs, but 
                                adopted as the "standard" description file. 
                                This file also contains a detailed guide for 
                                creating a Distribution Archive file that can
                                be used by both Disk Vendors and BBS systems.
                                Will help any author get the most benefit 
                                from their distribution archive file(s). 
                                Written for the ASP by Richard Holler.
gtr184.zip     58357 08-05-2024 GenericTRacer (EXE/COM UNPACKER) 1.84 [1/1]
                                GTR unpacks PKlite2.0, WWPack3.05, ALEC1.6,
                                HS1.17/386, LSCrypt1.21, ICE1.0,  ELITE2.0,
                                Protect!6.0,   DoPCrypt1.04,   ExeCode1.00,
                                RCC1.13h/m, RCC386 0.51, Diet1.45f, AXE2.0,
                                FDS-CP0.4a,    TINYPROG3.9,    RJCRUSH1.10,
                                ProtEXE3.10, RCRYPT0.91,  SHRINK1.0, LZEXE,
                                GuardianAngel1.0b, MASK2.3,  MESS1.13b, ...
                                new:  added paging against memory-detection
                                !         !!RESET-BUG-FIXED!!             !
                                homepage:  home.t-online.de/home/enoch        
gus_195.zip    59589 08-05-2024 General Unpack Shell (GUS) v1.95 handles 15
                                archive types and their self-extractors.
                                (ARC ARC+ ARJ DWC HA HAP HPK HYP LZH PAK RAR
                                SQZ UC2 ZIP ZOO & SFXs)
                                New in this version:
                                - small GUS header in case of redirection;
                                - virus scan of unpacked files;
                                - option to move bad or unknown archives
                                - "personalized" GUS for registered users.
htcdiz1.zip    10082 08-05-2024                  
                                    [HTC] DiZZeR v.1.00    
                                   Modifies file_id.diz    
                                    Adds & Del's lines     
                                Released Jan 27/'95    tO
                                 HiGH TeCH CouRieRS 1995 
id10.zip       37076 08-05-2024 ID v1.0; Create, edit and modify FILE_ID.DIZ
                                and DESC.SDI files. ID is a menu driven ded-
                                icated text editor that will create either
                                FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI or BOTH file formats
                                and place them in ZIP files for you. ID takes
                                all the guess work out of using these file
                                description schemes and makes the authors
                                work easier. A must have! 1/08/92; Ron Brandt
idiz2.zip      61763 08-05-2024 iDIZ v2.0 is a file_id.diz viewer.
                                Simply click on any .arj or .zip
                                file to view the file_id.diz in 
                                the archive. $15.00 registration
                                updates are FREE. 
                                Must have vbrun300.dll not included
isdiz2.zip     32427 08-05-2024 Ever wish you could separate ZIP files 
                                that don't have FILE_ID.DIZs from those 
                                that do without having to go thru them
                                manually?  Now you can move or delete 
                                ZIP files based on whether they have 
                                a FILE_ID.DIZ inside them automatically.
                                Freeware from MWC Enterprises and
                                Central Core BBS.
jup170us.zip  139546 08-05-2024 Jens's UnPacker v1.70 - identifies different
                                archived file types and extracts them.
kwikdiz.zip    73209 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                Kwik-Diz v1.1a The Professional DIZ Editor.
                                 This editor has features not found in any 
                                 other DIZ editor such as automatic border 
                                drawing of your choice of 5 border styles, 
                                 copy-cut-paste, 12 line x 45 column edit  
                                 window, left-center-right justification,  
                                 and much more.  Many more features coming 
                                 in future versions. Written by the author 
                                       of Identi-Filer and Qwiklist.       
                                      Contains the latest bug fixes!       
looky10.zip    14130 08-05-2024 
                                  Looky There v1.0 a PKZIP
                                 file utility for PK Files 2.04g
                                 or later.  Very Nice, displays
                                 The Operating System needed for
                                 the file, and detailed information
                                 (One Screen full to be exact) for
                                 each file in the Archive.
                                 --==Another fine product from==--
                                  --== The Strawberry Patch ==--
megavert.zip    9638 08-05-2024 MegaVert is a batch file designed to help you
                                get the most out of your compression programs
                                by automating the process of converting
                                almost any archive format to almost any other
                                archive format!  You can taper MegaVert to
                                fit your personal needs, and it is clearly
                                laid out and documented.
mge_diz1.zip  111089 08-05-2024               _______         ______
                                _________  /  _____>_____  /  __  \______
                                <____     \/  /\________  \/  / /  /  ____>
                                . /  /  /  /  <__  \  /_/  /  /_/  /  /__mGE
                                :/  /  /  /  /__/  / _____/\___   __>__  \95
                                /  /\_/\__\____/  /\_______   >\_/   ____/:.
                                DiZZAD v1.0 (c) MAGiC WALKER^mGE
                                - ADDS/REMOVES ADVERTS TO/FROM ARCHIVES
                                - ADDS/REMOVES TAG-LiNES TO/FROM FILE_ID.DIZ
                                - ADDS/REMOVES ARCHIVE COMMENTS
                                - CREATES A FILELIST
                                - AND SOME MORE FEATURES! CHECK iT OUT!
mkdiz132.zip   57873 08-05-2024 MKDIZ Version 1.32S - A Menu driven program 
                                which allows you to create and insert 
                                FILE_ID.DIZ and/or DESC.SDI description 
                                files into archive files created by PKZip. 
                                These description files contain a short 
                                informative description of the files & 
                                programs contained within .ZIP files. These 
                                descriptions can be read and automatically 
                                displayed on a BBS file directory that 
                                supports .DIZ/.SDI descriptors.
modzip12.zip   23031 08-05-2024 MOD2ZIP v1.2 by SofTech. [01/Jun/95]
                                Extracts title, writes FILE_ID.DIZ
                                and creates compressed file ready
                                to upload from music files! Support
                                for ZIP, ARJ, RAR, LHA and Info-ZIP
                                programs! It handles MOD, 669, STM,
                                S3M, MTM, FAR, DMF, XM and MID.
                                Cardware software!
mscic65a.zip   43815 08-05-2024 MSCiC (tm) - Compression Identifies Checker
                                Preview v6.50   1st December 1998 Released
                                -=-=-=-=-=-[ Freeware Releases ]-=-=-=-=-=-
                                MSCiC is a file compression format identify
                                tool which can identifies with 178 types of 
                                archives/compression/multimedia formats and
                                it will exits with an errorlevel at the end.
                                Arc: XIE,ARC,ARJ,LZH,SQZ,RAR,UC2,JAR,etc...
                                Exe: TinyProg,PKLite,XPack,LZExe,WWP,etc...
                                Win: InstallShield,WinZip,MSCAB,SARC,etc...
                                Gfx: GIF,JPG,HSI,BMP,TGA,RM,SWF,TIFF,etc...
                                Mus: MP1,MP2,MP3,WAV,RA,AIFF,MID,SND,etc...
                                * 131 Archive/Disk formats were identified.
                                *  25 Compressions formats were identified.
                                *  25 Multi-Medias formats were identified.
                                 Automaticly show graphics of resolutions.
                                 Many new features, check on WHATSNEW.007.
                                (c) 1992-1998 Mercury Soft Technology, Inc.
ncav47.zip    145431 08-05-2024 AVIEW V4.7, 13-Aug-94 (Non-Beta!),
                                The Norton Commander Archive Viewer. 
                                A small utility to manipulate ARC,
                                ARJ, HYP, LZH, PAK, RAR, SQZ, UC2,
                                ZIP and ZOO files, lots of options,
                                can be fully mouse-operated, very
                                easy to use, can also be used as
                                stand-alone utility. *FREEWARE*
                                Copyright (C) 1994 Chris Buijs.
ncd_rar.zip    17229 08-05-2024  
                                 NEUROTICA CRACKING DIVISION
                                rar archiver v1.54 crack
paradz11.zip  381236 08-05-2024 ParaDiz 1.1 Shareware version.
                                ParaDiz is an easy to use utility that will
                                extract file_id.diz description files from
                                ZIP and self-extracting ZIP files. It will
                                build a files.bbs file from them for import
                                into your BBS file lists. ParaDiz runs under
                                MS Windows and requires PKUNZIP from PKWARE
                                (NOT INCLUDED) for extracting from ZIP files
                                Shareware Registration $10.00.
pci_2df210.zip  108770 08-05-2024              ܱ۲              
                                     ۲   ۱         ޱ
                                 ޲  ܰ۰  ۲ rssl   
                                 ۱ ۰۱ ܲ  ۱  ۱
                                   ۲ ۲             ޲
                                ۲         ۱۲         
                                 ߲        ++ pRESETNTs ++
                                |           FID v2.10 Cardware            |
                                          File_id.diz extractor          
                                Support 33 packer(AIN,ARC,ARI,ARJ,ARK,BSN
                                       7 sfx(AIN,ARJ,ESP,LHA,RAR,ARC,ZIP)
                                      11 picture  (BMP,FIF,FLI,GIF,JPG,  
                                      13 music(669,AMF,DMF,FAR,MID,MTM,  
                                       + HTML format.                    
                                     57+ options for the best performance
                                New: Languages,Archive path,Erase tempdir
                                [dist via pcmicro]-[97.o5.12]
pci_2df213.zip  174751 08-05-2024              ܱ۲              
                                     ۲   ۱         ޱ
                                 ޲  ܰ۰  ۲ rssl   
                                 ۱ ۰۱ ܲ  ۱  ۱
                                   ۲ ۲             ޲
                                ۲         ۱۲         
                                 ߲         ++ pRESETNs ++
                                |            FID v2.13 Cardware           |
                                          File_id.diz extractor          
                                Support 36 packer (ACE,AIN,ARC,ARI,ARJ,  
                                   8 sfx(ACE,AIN,ARJ,ESP,LHA,RAR,ARC,ZIP)
                                  12 picture (BMP,FIF,FLI,FLC,GIF,JPG,IMG
                                  14 music (669,AMF,DMF,FAR,MID,MTM,MOD, 
                                   + AIR,CO,D64,HTML,PS,T64 format.      
                                  74 options and 47 macro for the best   
pfit023a.zip   16318 08-05-2024 Psych0FIT v0.23a (07/15/96) - 
                                File Information Tool.  PFIT identifies over
                                40 different file types and will gives info
                                on each.  Fast and freeware.
                                **NOTE: documentation changes only
pxa_flp.zip     3220 08-05-2024 PolyXarc v2.1a configuration file, updated to
                                support newer compression utilties. A good
                                4dos command line companion.
pxdos21a.zip   39585 08-05-2024 PolyXarc v2.1a - permits automatic extraction
                                of most known archive formats and
                                incorporation of newly adopted compression
                                methods as they become available.
pxdos21n.zip   54703 08-05-2024 Poly-XARC - multiple compression program shell
pxsrc21a.zip   36367 08-05-2024 Program source code for PolyXarc v2.1a, 12
                                May 1991. A 4dos command line companion from
                                the furlan primus archives.
qcom10.zip     12241 08-05-2024 FASTEST .ZIP COMMENTER ON EARTH!
                                This comments your .ZIP files, and
                                skips the ones that already have
                                your comment!  No sense re-commenting
                                all those files.  Do it much quicker
                                than you ever thought.
                                Freeware and source code included!
                                Courtesy of AntiVirus ROCK 817-282-5542
r2z_v12.zip   114782 08-05-2024 *** Rep2Zip V 1.2 By Eddy Salvador ***
                                .TIC files "Replaces" command converter.
                                Rep2Zip will scan all of your .TIC files
                                and replace the file extension of the
                                "Replaces" command to .ZIP, .ARJ, .ARC
                                or .* , Etc.  Rep2Zip solves the dilemma
                                of having your file base in one particular
                                compression format and not being able to
                                take advantage of the replace command in 
                                the .TIC file because the file extension
                                to replace is not the same one you are 
                                using. Cheap to register!
rac_2dfd10.zip    9905 08-05-2024       
                                        reallyawesomecoders!     rk
                                             FRAMEDIZ v1.oo           
                                     the bbs.ad-adder of ya dreams     
                                       coded by Black Eagle / RAC      
                                         release date: 18/09/95       
rac_2dsp20.zip   11752 08-05-2024             
                                     ۲   ܰ     ܰ޲
                                    ۲ݱ               ޲   
                                      ݰ rk ޱ     
                                       presents you today:      
                                          STEALTH PRO 2.0         
                                   Very cool! Prevent your passed-thru  
                                    text in dizzes from being deleted   
                                  using this tool! It will steatlh your 
                                  text! Up to 100.000 possibilities per 
                                   line! Included example files! Works  
                                  fine with every System or Standalone! 
                                  Coded by Black Eagle/RAC  [10-01-95] 
rarshlex.zip   10068 08-05-2024 RAR Shell Extension 1.0 for WINDOWS 95/NT.
read115c.zip  116043 08-05-2024 [ Read 115C <> Display & View Files ]Ŀ
                                 Display Directories and View Files. Copy,
                                 Move, Rename and Delete Files. Create,   
                                 Remove & Rename Directories. Search for a
                                 Keyword in a file or Paste portions of a 
                                 file. Edit files & Manage Zip, Lzh & Arj 
                                 files. Excellent for BBS and Internet    
                                 use! Read Maximizes memory to RUN files. 
remove25.zip  641817 08-05-2024   Remove_IT v2.5 coded by Eneuman
                                  This program is created for    
                                  all you non syops.             
                                  The program uses PKZIP,PKUNZIP 
                                  and ARJ.                       
                                   --==> Full Reelease <==--     
                                   EVERYONE NEEDS THIS PROGRAM   
                                 [] Remove -AV info from ZIP's. 
                                 [] Remove ZIP & ARJ comment.   
                                 [] Remove ordinary BBS ads     
                                     from .arj and .zip files.   
                                 [] User definable workdrive.   
                                 [] Creats a list of your       
                                     .zip and .arj files whit    
                                     file_id import.             
                                 [] Scan up to 8 directorys.    
                                 [] Virus scan your .zip & .arj 
                                 [] Total mouse support.        
                                 [] Menu's for faster work.     
                                 [] And mutch mutch MORE !      
rvs113.zip     49801 08-05-2024 RVS-RView Shell, v1.13  Shell for viewing and
                                extracting contents of several archive types.
                                Calls on user-selectable external programs to
                                extract and view.   File types supported are:
                                ARC, ARJ, HYP, LZH, LZS, PAK, SQZ, ZIP & ZOO.
                                Displays either ZIP- or LZH-style compression
                                ratios.  Various sort options.  FreeWare!
sb_2ddiz11.zip   10554 08-05-2024 |15--/\sb^illness modifcations/\----------
                                         DIZ CLEANER v1.10
                                The BEST utility to clean incoming
                                file_id.diz's introducing SMART SCANNING
                                it can scan diz lines for certain keywords
                                then delete those lines. also lets you add
                                you own tag once the diz has been cleaned.
scanzip2.zip   17758 08-05-2024   SCAN A ZIP version 2.0 ۲
                                SCAN A ZIP scans inside ZIP archive
                                files for virus. It's new, improved
                                and better then before. Includes
                                update system if you have an older
                                version of SCAN A ZIP. A must D/L
                                for all ZIP file D/L'ers FREEWARE.
                                Programmer: Mehran Ahmad
                                oKeR SoFtWaRe 
sdiz510.zip   226268 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      v5.10 Deluxe!  
                                       The Ultimate Dizzer       
                                    Programmed by Eran Meuhas    
                                SupreDiZ is the BEST FILE_ID.DIZ to
                                 FILES.BBS import for: RA, PCB, RG 
                                 IQ, TG and PROB! With lots of new 
                                 and Useful features! What's new?! 
                                  400% FASTER - AMAZING!          
                                  2PCB, IQDiZ, XFBBS.. attached! 
                                  SuperDiZ NOW supports:          
                                 This is ôIGHLY RECOMMENDED 
spaz_200.zip    8601 08-05-2024 SPAZ - Universal decompression shell for all
                                archive formats. 
srtdsc32.zip  442678 08-05-2024 *** SORTDESC Version 3.2 *** This utility
                                find file descriptions (from FILE_ID.DIZ or
                                TIC files, captured file listings(s), README
                                files, etc.), then move files to a different
                                directory based on key words in that
                                description, and place the description in
                                a separate listing ...with options to add a
                                "FILE_ID.DIZ" to archives that don't have
                                them, remove graphic characters, match on
                                names with different extensions, more!
stripv20.zip   17655 08-05-2024 S T R i P D i Z
                                RM0VS LL KN0WN
                                TPS  0 PUBLiCiT
                                R0M File_id.DIZ!
                                SS0PS, LCH iT!
sysops.zip    559219 08-05-2024 Collection of ZIP/DIZ/FILES.BBS Utilities
                                Included in this package are:
                                Qwik-List The Ultimate File List Processor
                                Kwik-Diz  The Professional DIZ Editor
                                DIZ Wiz   Edit DIZ's without unzipping!
                                ZIP Note  Create "cool" unZIP screens!
                                DIZFix    Convert VENDINFO.DIZ to FILE_ID.DIZ
                                ZIP-ZAP   Multi-Function ZIP File Processor
                                All written by Kevin Smith at GadgetSoft
szconv11.zip   20914 08-05-2024 Convert from one Archive to another.
                                SmokewarZ(tm) SmokCONV Version 1.1
                                ZIP and ZOO archivers are supported
                                by SmokCONV. Small, but powerful 
                                program and VERY easy to use! You
                                don't have to be a Brain Surgeon!
szdesc11.zip   22966 08-05-2024 Find File Descriptions within Archives
                                SmokewarZ(tm) SmokDESC Version 1.1
                                Supports the following Archivers,
                                ZIP and ZOO. Find DESC.SDI, FILE_ID.DIZ
                                and SDN.ID description files without
                                unarchiving the entire package and
                                read them first!
szv102f.zip    50967 08-05-2024 SIMPLE ZIP VIEWER v1.01F
                                This program will allow the viewing of .ZIP
                                files with very little hassle involved.
                                The nice feature about this version of SZV
                                is that it is totally and completely free of
                                charge.  I still own all copyrights on it,
                                but anyone may use it without paying for it.
                                The registered version (optional) does add
                                several new features, but registration is
                                not necessary or required for this version.
szv132.zip     53222 08-05-2024 SIMPLE ZIP VIEWER v1.3
                                This program allows viewing of .ZIP files
                                without having to extract the contents of
                                the.ZIP file.
                                This new version now fixes a couple bugs and
                                adds quite a few new features such as now
                                being able to shell to DOS while viewing.
                                Please see HISTORY.SZV for full details on
                                all changes.
                                Release date: 11-13-1994, $5 registration fee.
szview11.zip   19926 08-05-2024 View list of files within an Archive!
                                SmokewarZ(tm) SmokVIEW Version 1.1
                                Supports the following Archivers,
                                ZIP and ZOO. List the files that are
                                inside of an Archive without unarching
                                the entire package! Small, but you
                                don't need a Masters Degree!
tunacp40.zip   61861 08-05-2024 ͻ͸   TUNAdCut Public ver.4
                                ͸ڿɻ     'The Final Release'
                                  Removes nearly any BBS
                                ;ͼ   ad from ZIP files 1/1
                                standard or random filenames/Textfiles
                                .EXE/.COM files/TheDraw ANSi-.COM/Word
                                Processor/0 byte/High ASCII/VGA loader
                                Compiled .BAT files /Invalid Filenames
                                or Directory Names /.ARJ or .ZIP self-
                                extractors / "-,@,!,and $" filename ad 
                                schemes / Anything in  sub-directories
                                and removal  of empty  sub-directories
                                created  by the  removal of  a BBS  ad
                                Support  for  filenames  greater  then 
                                11 characters (OS/2 Generated BBS Ads)
ucfcup34.zip   50165 08-05-2024     CyberWare 
                                      proudly presents  
                                            CUP386 v3.4     
                                 The Ultimate Executables Unpacker    
                                 Unpacks DOS EXE, COM file packed via 
                                  PkLite, Diet, Protect and ANY other! 
                                 RM INT 1 Tracer, V86 Multitasking,   
                                  80386 CPU Emulator - full RM support 
                                  w/processor queue and DRX emulation! 
                                 Built-in interactive MegaDebugger:   
                                  CyberWare Code Digger v3.4           
                                 "I'm alive feature" - led flashing   
                                 Faster and smarted than any similiar 
                                 CODED BY SAGE/CyberWare, UCF         
unp411.zip     37127 08-05-2024 UNP V4.11 Executable file expander
                                Uncompresses files compressed with
                                DIET, EXEPACK, LZEXE, PKLITE and many
                                other file compression utilities.  UNP
                                also allows you to convert files from
                                COM to EXE and vice versa, optimize EXE
                                headers, remove overlay data from EXE
                                files and more.
untiny.zip     15836 08-05-2024 UnTiny  Generic TinyProg Unpacker 
                                Written by ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Ralph
                                Roth  FREEWARE  Opens: TinyProg 3.0,
                                3.3, 3.5, 3.6, 3.8, 3.9  Air-Protect 
                                PKTiny 1.5, 1.6x
                                ڿ ڿ¿¿ڿ¿ڿ  ڿ 15. Nov
                                    ٳ   1995
vip_72b9.zip  134284 08-05-2024 Vip version 7.2 b9  Handles ZIP, ARJ or LHA
                                files. Convert LHA, ARJ & ZIP to ARJ or ZIP
                                files.  Scan or test ARJ, LHA, ZIP  files.
                                Tag desired files for extraction. Delete or
                                edit individual files within the archive.
                                Requires 286, DOS 5 or higher & PkZip 2.04
                                or newer. Handles archives containing up to
                                25000 files. Simple screen saver And more..
                                Registration $15  ($25 commercial use)
wd107e.zip    786518 08-05-2024   WinDIZ Version *1.07*
                                * Extract FILE_IDs from every kind of archive
                                and combine them into a customizeable list
                                * very easy handling
                                * very fast due to own decompression routines
                                * many filters ( characterfilter, linefilter)
                                * supports ZIP, ARJ, ZOO, LHA, SFX, ARC...
                                * supports full Drag And Drop
                                * recognizes defect archives
                                * Office97-style ;-)
                                * many new functions
                                * needs Windows95 or Windows NT 4.x
whatis11.zip   39706 08-05-2024 WHATIS v1.1 is a DOS based utility that
                                will extract and display the description 
                                files inside of PKZIP archives!
                                Never again UNZIP those files to find out 
                                what is in them.
                                Version 1.1 optimized the code to make it
                                Incredibly fast!
                                FREEWARE Utility From COMPUTER ONE BBS!
wrip107.zip   135755 08-05-2024 WinRip is a program designed for simple
                                packing and unpacking of multi-volume ZIP,
                                ARJ, and RAR files. It is a shell extension,
                                in that it doesnt actually perform the
                                archive operations but calls upon external
                                programs (pkzip.exe, pkunzip.exe, arj.exe)
xdiz003.zip    39741 08-05-2024                             
                                       ۲   ޲
                                   ۰       ۰߱
                                      ۲  ۰      
                                ߲۰    Yb 
                                    ۲         ߲      
                                Part of the PcXcess package
                                XDIZ v0.03b
                                Grabs FILE_ID's from archives
                                and updates the files.bbs in the
                                current directory. File-touch
                                option, and only files which are
                                not in the files.bbs already are
                                processed. Very handy util, FAST!
xdiz26e_.zip   55792 08-05-2024 XDIZ v2.6e               [*DateFix*]
                                DateCheck-Fix  for registered users!
                                Extracts FILE_ID.DIZ & DESC.SDI from
                                ZIP, ARJ, LZH,RAR, SQZ,AIN archives,
                                create/append in a PCBoard listfile.
                                Many fantastic features:
                                 Automatic stripping  of  nonsence,
                                high  ASCII  codes, graphics  etc. 
                                 Moving files with good description
                                 CD-ROM support, multi config files
                                 Processing  up  to  5000  archives
                                 Use this before (DAT-Tape-)backups
                                 No   other   BBS-Software   needed
                                 NEW: Optimized for speed...
zc301.zip     164455 08-05-2024 Zip Chunker 3.01 - Fast! ZIP File Splitter
                                for DOS, OS/2, & Win32.  Zip Chunker splits
                                and sizes all types of files, including ZIP
                                files.  Will split to a size to fit specific
                                floppy format or to user determined size.
                                Files except ZIP files can be rejoined.
                                Supports PKZIP 1.x/2.x files. ZIP files can
                                be split so that they will extract to fit on
                                a specific floppy size.
zcp301.zip    183330 08-05-2024 Zip Chunker Pro 3.01 - Fast! ARC, ARJ, LHZ,
                                ZIP Splitter for DOS, OS/2, & Win32.  ZCP by
                                Jibben Software splits and sizes all types
                                of files, including archived files.  Will
                                split to a size to fit specific floppy
                                format or to user determined size.  Files
                                except archives can be rejoined.  Supports
                                ARC, ARJ, PKZIP (1.1/2.x), LZH, and HYP.
                                Archives can be split so that they will
                                extract to fit on a specific floppy size.
zdiff21b.zip   99173 08-05-2024 V2.1: Full screen Turbo Vision UI, new
                                filtering options, and more! ZDiff compares 2
                                archives (even of different formats), 2
                                directories, or an archive and a directory ->
                                it's FAST! Zip, Arj, Lha, Lzh, Pak, Arc, Zoo
                                archives supported. 32-bit or 16-bit CRC
zipbr111.zip   45185 08-05-2024 ZIP Brand FAST! v1.11. A (BBS) util to
                                brand .ZIP files  in a whole directory
                                tree SAFELY and QUICKLY with a comment
                                or banner taken from a file. Typically
                                processing speed is 20+++ files a sec.
                                Advanced but very easy to use.Does NOT
                                use external programs as PKZIP or Info
                                ZIP.  DOS version.   US$ 10 Shareware.
zipcln11.zip   21111 08-05-2024 Zip Clean! v1.1. Removes Unwanted
                                Files from .ZIP's
                                Zip Clean will automatically rid your .ZIP
                                files of those unwanted files that get
                                thrown into .ZIP files. Uses a text file
                                listing of all bad file names that you want
                                erased from .ZIP's (one is included). Can
                                do a whole directory in one shot. Fast!
                                Now has option to keep a log file.
                                ** Freeware **
zipcvt29.zip   14198 08-05-2024 ZIP Converter 2.9 converts ZIPs to version 
                                2.04 format, using maximum compression.  It 
                                can be used on both hard and floppy drives to
                                convert 1.x ZIPs to 2.04 format or to 
                                recompress all ZIPs which were not created 
                                with PKZIP 2.04's maximum compression 
                                algorithm.  ZIP comments can be retained, 
                                added, or removed.  Volume labels will be 
                                Copyright (c) 1995 by Gregory Sherman
zipem12.zip    45870 08-05-2024 Zip'em Version 1.3 Freeware!
                                Zip'em is a EXE file that uses
                                PKZIP(c) to search all the Hard
                                Drives that you tell it to and
                                Compress and Delete all of a
                                Certain Filespec. Will put it
                                into a Daily Zip file, then into
                                a Monthly Zip file. Great for
                                managing those LOG files!
                                *NOW SUPPORTS MAX COMPRESSION*
                                Freeware From VagaBond Software!
zips12.zip      9084 08-05-2024    Z i p   S t a m p   V e r   1 . 2
                                Zip Stamp allows you to add comments to all
                                uploaded ZIP archives up to 20,000 kb in size
                                Supports many major bulletin board packages,
                                including TriBBS, PCBoard, Spitfire and more!
                                All done automatically via a batch file. It's
                                fast, easy to use, and simple to install.
                                Design your own comments, can be either ANSI
                                color graphics, or a simple ASCII text file.
                                Also can be run directly from the command line
                                From Lightning Software - quality computer
                                software products. (Shareware) Try Zip Stamp
zipstr15.zip   11705 08-05-2024 ZipStrip v1.5 - Adds/Removes ZIP Comments
zr7.zip       108456 08-05-2024 ZR7- Next generation unzipping program
                                by Scandere Software. Icon based unzip
                                ZIP, ARC, ARJ, LZH, and ZOO files into 
                                same, new, or temporary directories by
                                double-clicking the file's icon. NOTHING
                                could be easier. Icon directory loading,
                                directory warping, icon program launcher,
                                load any file into any program. Single
                                click update and single click recompress.
                                Keys for anti-virus, tasks, file mananger
zstrip99.zip   14898 08-05-2024 ZipStrip V0.99 Beta. From Computer Online
                                ZIP file comment stripper/replacer for the RA
                                File Manager or
                                No Registration Fee.
zzap66a.zip   101791 08-05-2024 Universal automated archive 
                                conversion.Supports all known archive 
                                programs. Convertarchive type, test 
                                integrity, scan forviruses, validate program 
                                CRC's. Properlyhandles nested archives. NEW, 
                                support forself-extracting archives (SFX). 

               Area 54 - Archive Compressors              

ace12b.zip    545715 08-05-2024 Archiver ACE v1.2b (DOS/Win32/OS2)
                                Shareware, Copyright by Marcel Lemke
                                Features: * fast extraction, updates
                                 * good compression ratio, high speed
                                 * LFN-support, different languages
                                 * user interface with two directories
                                 * multi-volume and SFX archives
                                 * encryption,recovery records,coments
                                 * req.: 386/2Mb
                                Date:  1.7.1998
                                Price: $29 (single license)
                                This ACE package contains these files:
                                 * ACE.EXE      - the archiver for DOS
                                 * ACE32.EXE    - the archiver for 
                                                  Windows 95/NT
                                 * ACE2.EXE     - archiver for OS/2
                                 * UNACE.EXE    - a small program for
                                 * ACE.DOC      - description of ACE
                                 * LICENSE.DOC  - license information
                                 * REGISTER.FRM - registration form(s)
                                 * REGISTER.DOC - registration process
                                 * FILE_ID.DIZ  - this file
                                 * REACE\       - REACE by
                                                        Juergen Peters
                                 * UNACESRC\    - free UNACE source
                                BE AWARE:
                                   ACE.EXE doesn't run with 16BIT DPMI
                                   (read ace.doc for more information)
arc602.exe    138539 08-05-2024 
arca129.zip    11351 08-05-2024 
arce40g.zip    11148 08-05-2024 ARCE to extract files from an ARC file.
                                Vernon D. Buerg System Enhancement Associates
arh3_2.zip     59171 08-05-2024 ⠥ p  18(!) p娢p
                                 ARH p 3.2:
                                 -  p
                                 -  p  p娢 (ARJ, RAR, ZIP
                                (⮫쪮  BANNER)
                                 - প 18 p娢p
                                AIN, ARJ, BSA, HA, HAP3, HPAK, LHA, ICE,
                                PAK, RAR, LIMIT, QUANTUM, UltraCompressor2,
                                UFA, YAC, WIC, ZIP, ZOO
                                 - ⮮p ᫥ p娢,
arj275.exe    475834 08-05-2024 
arj2x262.zip  159198 08-05-2024 ARJ/2 2.62.02 LX
                                 * compressed with LXLITE
                                 * smaller & better SFX-STUBS
                                 * runs on OS/2 3.0 and better
                                if you need the utils to compress your
                                private registered ARJ.EXE cantact me
arj2_262.exe  196585 08-05-2024 
crush18.zip    71462 08-05-2024 CRUSH v1.8 -  Super-compressor for DOS.
                                Fed up with limited compression performance
                                of Stacker, PKZIP, UC2, ZOO, ARJ and LHA?
                                CRUSH will usually give 5%-50% improved
                                compression over any other DOS compression
                                tool, & yet allows the user to continue using
                                the archiver already in use. CRUSH is fast &
                                the ideal choice for users keen to save disk
                                space. Too good to be true?  No! Try it!
                                PocketD v4.1 compat. New: no 1000 file limit
giflt200.zip   69004 08-05-2024 GIFlite v2.0; GIF-to-GIF Compressor
                                compresses GIF files by an average of 30% and
                                yet still preserve the same quality and
                                resolution. The resulting GIF files are
                                almost identical to the original file. Human
                                eyes can hardly tell them apart. By the
                                author of Telemate and GIFLink
gifpress.zip   69627 08-05-2024 Gifpress is a lossless GIF file compressor.
ha0999.zip     92829 08-05-2024 The file release of HA - 0.999 - Offers
                                maximum file compression and c source - dos
hyper25.zip    25385 08-05-2024 Hyper, a file compression utility
jar102.exe    520722 08-05-2024 
jar102x.exe   506975 08-05-2024 
lha213.exe     44416 08-05-2024 
lha255b.zip    29058 08-05-2024 *** LHA v2.55B *** Yoshi's newest version of
                                his great freeware file compression program.
                                This archive has had the Japanese documents
                                removed, as most of us in the USA have
                                problems reading it on our systems.
msxie140.zip   64195 08-05-2024 MSXiE (tm) High-Performance Archiver 1.40 Pro
                                High Data Compressing XiE Archiver, up to 77%
                                Better Compression.  Cool Colours Interface.
                                Our compression ratio can compare with others
                                RAR, ARJ, UC2, ZIP, UC2, LHA, ARC, SQZ, etc..
                                * Highest Multimedia Compression
                                * FREE UnXiE Quick Extracter Utility
                                - Fixed 1.30 Beta Signature Error
                                - Fixed Directory Creates with "\"
                                * Supported with MSCiC Edition 5 and 6
                                + Added Errorlevels For Status Returns
                                (C)Copyright 1997 Mercury Soft Technology Inc
mup118.zip     32476 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                    MUP 1.18  Multiple Unpacker      
                                Supports ARC, ARJ, DWC, HAP, HPK, UC2,
                                HYP, LZH, MD, PAK, SQZ, ZIP, LIM, GFB,
                                AIN, ZOO, RAR and PUT.                
                                         -= FreeWare =-           
                                  Copyright (C) 1995 Morten Isaksen   
pak251.zip     87055 08-05-2024 
pk250c32.zip  272263 08-05-2024 PKZIP(R) for Windows  COMMAND LINE Ver 2.50
                                released 04-05-1998.  Copyright PKWARE Inc.
                                This is a COMMAND LINE version of PKZIP
                                for Windows 95/98/NT with full support
                                for longfilenames. It is a replacment for
                                the DOS 2.04g version which looks and the
                                same, but supports long file names. It is
                                also faster as it is 32bit code optimized
                                for an 80X86 code processor.
pk250upd.zip  267289 08-05-2024 
pk260w16.exe  704430 08-05-2024 
pk260w32.exe  755712 08-05-2024 
pk361.exe     119808 08-05-2024 
pkarc36.zip    63667 08-05-2024 
pklte150.exe   54921 08-05-2024 
pkos2250.exe  309181 08-05-2024 
pkz204g.exe   203594 08-05-2024 
pkzws201.exe  503121 08-05-2024 
rjcru100.zip   61556 08-05-2024 --------------- RJCRUSH v1.00 ---------------
                                -                                           -
                                - DOS Executable Compressor.                -
                                -                                           -
                                - Initial public release.                   -
                                - RJCRUSH is not only an executable file    -
                                - compressor, but it is probably the only   -
                                - of its kind that compresses overlays too! -
                                - Supports Borland's VROOM.                 -
                                -                                           -
                                -------- Another great utility from ---------
                                --------------- RJS Software ----------------
sitex10.zip   295196 08-05-2024 StuffIt Expander - The Universal File
                                Decompressor, Version 1.0.  The
                                simplest, most efficient way to expand any
                                compressed file you may have
                                downloaded from an online service, bulletin
                                board system, or the Internet.
                                Supports .sit, .zip, .arj, .arc, .gz, .uue and
                                .hqx formats.  Requires at
                                least Windows 3.1 and 4MB RAM.  FREEWARE from
                                Aladdin Systems.
sqz1083.zip    97477 08-05-2024 SQZ is a file-compresser/archiver.
                                creating small archives with a good 
                                rate of compression.
                                32-bit CRC both on files and SQZ itself. 
                                New MOVE command. Easy to use; 
                                No extraction to COM0..9/CON/AUX.
stuffit.zip   228118 08-05-2024 Stuffit expander supports,
                                .sit,.zip,.arj,.gz,.uue, and .hqx formated
uc2pro.exe    403884 08-05-2024 
uc2r3.exe     245258 08-05-2024 
untar105.zip   11542 08-05-2024 UNTAR v1.04 - Unpacks unix tar-files in DOS
                                mode. Handles illegal characters in DOS
                                file names, subdirectories and more. Log
                                file lists all file name revisions.
unz520d2.zip  157697 08-05-2024 Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.2:  OS/2 2.x/3.x DLL
                                Portable ZIP archive extractor with:
                                  32-bit UnZip DLL (both C and REXX in-
                                    terfaces; ZipInfo code included)
                                  32-bit UnZip stub demo app
                                  unzip.h header file
                                  some docs, but not very complete :-)
                                This is FREE (but copyrighted) software.
                                See COPYING for details on distribution.
unz520x.zip   162286 08-05-2024 Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.2:  DOS exes & docs
                                Contains documentation and generic (16-
                                bit) MS-DOS executables for:
                                  UnZip (portable ZIP archive extractor;
                                    ZipInfo built in)
                                  UnZipSFX (self-extractor stub: prepend
                                    to zipfiles)
                                  fUnZip (filter UnZip: use with pipes)
                                This is FREE (but copyrighted) software.
                                See COPYING for details on distribution.
unz520x2.zip  221260 08-05-2024 Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.2:  OS/2 2.x/3.x exes
                                Portable ZIP archive extractor; docs + :
                                  32-bit UnZip (ZipInfo built in)
                                  16-bit UnZipSFX (self-extractor stub:
                                    prepend to zipfiles)
                                  32-bit fUnZip (filter UnZip, for use
                                    with pipes)
                                This is FREE (but copyrighted) software.
                                See COPYING for details on distribution.
winzip70.zip  930857 08-05-2024 WinZip 7.0 SR-1 for Windows 95/98/NT 
                                A powerful and easy to use compression
                                supports ZIP, CAB, TAR, GZIP, MIME, and more.
                                Features tight integration w/the Windows
                                drag and drop TO or FROM the Explorer, or
                                ZIP and UNZIP without leaving the Explorer.
                                Includes the WinZip Wizard and WinZip
                                Self-Extractor Personal Edition.
                                * 1998 "Win100 Award"from Windows Magazine
                                * 1998 "World Class" Award from PC World
wlh7021p.zip 1110326 08-05-2024 Huffman Compression Engine II Version 0.21o
                                A File compression utility designed
                                specifically for WINDOWS 95/98/NT
                                and many other utilities.
                                Free for Non-commercial use. See LH7.doc for
                                commercial usage.
                                Online documentation:  http://www.webworldinc
                                By Joe Jared, joejared@webworldinc.com
                                This version is compatible with most lha style
                                compression utilities.
                                Fixed Extended header issues with unix lha
                                Fixed compatibility with type 2 extended
                                Added compatibility with lha32 archives.
                                Added Datestamp with recursion.
wrar250.exe   633856 08-05-2024 
wrar26b8.exe  541696 08-05-2024 
zoo210.zip     54757 08-05-2024 

              Area 55 - Archive Testers Doors             

12_5_upg.zip  293312 08-05-2024 12_5_UPG.ZIP - Upgrade v12.3 (12.4) to v12.5
                                Fixes OS/2 related problems with v12.3.
                                Upgraded THDPRO.EXE and THDPLUS.EXE to fix
                                problems with ZIP command lines in the OS/2
                                version and TRAP problems due to FCB use
                                with the DOS version under WARP 4.
                                THDINSTL.EXE is NOT included (use the one
                                distributed with THD?12_3.EXE).
                                THDPLUS supports MAXIMUS style FILES.BBS
                                and Renegade 04-05. Replaces 12_4_UPG.ZIP.
abbs12.zip     20557 08-05-2024 1.2Ŀ
                                  ANTI   Anti BigBear Scan  
                                       Removes da BB crap 
                                  ۲   addies..           
                                  ߲   Btw: This painting 
                                         on the left site   
                                  SCAN   is a big bear.. ;) 
                                 DONE BY G.BROCKHAUS 
afp09b.zip     19073 08-05-2024 AFP v0.9 - (c)1994,95 TWK Productions.
                                Advanced File Processor for bulletin
                                board systems. Should be activated di-
                                rectly after a file is uploaded. It can
                                do the following things:
                                 Test archive integrity
                                 Delete files from archive
                                 Add files to archive
                                 Add text to FILE_ID.DIZ
                                 Filter MCI codes out of FILE_ID.DIZ
                                Returns an errorcode when file integrity
                                check fails, so you can install it in
                                your CHECK.BAT (PCE, etc) if you wish.
                                Supports the PKZIP, ARJ and RAR formats.
                                Can swap to disk for more memory.
                                'Fokkin' fast, because it does
                                not do a full dos shell when executing
                                external commands! June 15th 1995.
alab126.zip   175221 08-05-2024 ArchiveLAB v1.26; Utility for RA 1.xx & 2.00
                                sysops to test uploaded archive, GIF/JPG, and
                                TD0 files for errors, and add/remove comment,
                                add/remove advertisment files, extended
                                virus-scanning, -AV removal, FILE_ID.DIZ and
                                DESC.SDI support, and GIF/JPG templating,
                                swapping, on-line conversion of archive
                                types, checks uploads against Hack Report.
anti144.zip    87366 08-05-2024 AntiAd v1.43a - The ultimate BBS ad detection
                                and removal utility. Uses 3 methods to detect
                                BBS ads: a conventional database algorithm
                                for static BBS ads, a keyword algorithm for
                                ads that are changed frequently and filename
                                detection for tiny BBS ads that are not
                                mathematically unique. AntiAd's keyword
                                algorithm can detect extensively modified BBS
                                ad files that fools other detection schemes!
                                Includes a native 32-bit OS/2 version!
arcid123.zip   49399 08-05-2024 Archive Identifier 1.23 - A utility for
                                identifying ARC ARJ HYP LZH PAK RAR SQZ ZIP
                                ZOO GIF JPG and BMP files by SIGNATURE, not
                                extension, including SFX (and WinzipSFX)
                                archives!  Tiny and very fast.  Other files
                                can be filtered based on file extensions. For
                                use in customized BBS upload batch files and
                                similar archive testing applications.
                                Excellent for PCBTEST.BAT or SLOWDRV.BAT use.
                                Includes both DOS and 32-bit OS/2 versions!
arcon2_k.zip   64904 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 **        ARCON.EXE V2.K          ** 
                                 ARCON.EXE is an  automatic  archive  
                                 format converter with the ability to 
                                 add or remove files, virus scan,     
                                 auto delete text from FILE_ID.DIZ    
                                 and add a banner to the converted    
                                 archive. Useful for Sysops who want  
                                 all the files on the BBS in the same 
                                 format and want to add BBS adverts   
                                 to each archive.                     
                                 Can also be used from RemoteAccess   
                                 RAMGR.EXE or RAFT.EXE file manager   
                                           ** FREEWARE **             
                                     * UK BBS support available *     
                                          Author Colin Birch          
                                       Sysop  The Dog House BBS       
                                         (01443) 400327 24hrs         
                                   Latest files - 9 February 1999     
atest24b.zip   88835 08-05-2024 ArcTest Archive Processor v2.4B (Demo) File
                                upload/download tester, virus scanner, file
                                commenting, nested archive testing, CRC
                                checking for GIF and TD0 files, convert
                                archives, and much more. Designed for use
                                with Synchronet BBS systems. Support for
                                fossil and non standard IRQ ports. Automatic
                                ASCII/ANSI detection display screens.
                                Extract! will automaticly extract FILE_ID.DIZ
                                or DESC.SDI file, and create a FILE_ID.DIZ
                                containing resolution and colors GIF & JPG
atmclock.zip   19467 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 The Atomic Clock v1.1 Dated:07/16/95 
                                The Atomic Clock through a ghost event
                                will set your TBBS System Clock in sync
                                with the US Atomic Clock in Washington,
                                DC. The Atomic Clock is the most
                                acturate computer clock around.  The
                                program will even take into consider-
                                ation the time it takes in getting the
                                time to the time to tell TBBS to make
                                the change the time. The Atomic Clock
                                needs TBBS v2.3, TDBS v1.2, and
                                InterChange v1.2 and Sysom v1.1
                                This Product is shareware and is FULLY  
                                functional but does expire on 08/05/95  
                                Written by:  Dave.Ward@tbb.com          
                                The Beach Board BBS (941) 337-4950      
bbs_ads.zip    37703 08-05-2024 BBS-ADS v. 1.0  -- Automatically insert your
                                BBS  advertisement  into  an  archive  file. 
                                Handles up to 99 different filenames!  Never 
                                insert   the   same   advertisement   twice! 
                                Flexible and easy to install.  BBS-ADS works 
                                with  any  compression  utility and most BBS 
                                systems.  SHAREWARE RELEASE.  
                                   From Main Street Programming Services. 
blab_062.zip  211816 08-05-2024             BOOMLAB v0.62  
                                  COMPLETE Upload Processor for PcBoard.
                                  Coded by Gene Layton (BOOMER) 06/11/95
                                  Automated PPE to handle failed files
                                  Age test archive 5 different ways.
                                  ZAP all BBS ads even random ads using
                                   filelist, CRC value, or text keywords.
                                  Supports 7 different virus scanners.
                                   Can use 1, multiple, or all scanners!
                                  32+ macros to add file stats to desc,
                                   customize ZIP comment, PCBPASS, etc...
                                  Strip unwanted text from FILE_ID.DIZ's
                                  Pack uncompressed, Repack non-ZIP's.
                                  (Can be used partially with any BBS)
clno_100.zip   54442 08-05-2024 CleanOut v1.0 Free utility to keep your
                                Binkley- style mailer's outbound clean and
                                kill "forgotten" files. Replaces O/T-Track's
                                MAINT function in Binkley - style
                                environments. Works with BinkleyTerm, Xenia,
                                McMail and probably PoP.
crccalc1.zip   30588 08-05-2024         
                                    ۰۰  ޲
                                            ۲      ޲
                                    AddCrcCalc v1.o  
                                    Jungleboy^DiMeNSioN X 
                                 This Program Calculates The 
                                 CRC Of All Files In One Dir.  
                                 And Puts Them In SKULLCHK.CRC 
                                 Takes A Lot Of Work Out Of  
                                    Your Hands When Using   
                                      SkullCheck. And You  
                                         Hate BBS Adds  
cspro10.zip   307100 08-05-2024 CatScan Professional v. 1.0 "The Intelligent
                                File Processor"  CSPro is the 
                                state-of-the-art in Upload  File Processors.
                                No other upload file  processor provides the
                                rich feature set that Catscan Professional 
                                provides its users.  Such features include, 
                                built in duplicate file CRC checker, internal
                                messaging system, 100% configurable ANSI 
                                screen, supports DIGI and Uart, supports 
                                RIP Script, speeds up to 115k baud, uses up 
                                to 15 virus scanners at one time, retains 
                                only 3.5k of conventional memory when swapped
                                to disk or EMS, CSPro is your new "Hired 
                                Hand" that can make your file area appear 
                                like a hard working Sysop is behind all the 
czbeta2a.zip  231314 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                       CheckZip (CZip) v2.00          
                                    The ULTIMATE Upload Processor      
                                        PUBLIC BETA VERSION            
                                 Test ZIP/ARJ/LZH/ZOO/PAK/SDN/GIF/TD0  
                                 Convert from ANY using any converter  
                                 Test uploads for valid CRC's, Viruses 
                                 File dates (4 ways), Dupes. Extract   
                                 archive comments to a logfile, Remove 
                                 comments or add your own. (even       
                                 randomly). Remove BBS ads by filename 
                                 or CRC and add your own. Touch dates. 
                                 Remove -AV tags. Configurable ANSI    
                                 screen, custom comments. Finds archive
                                 type based on signature. Supports non 
                                 standard ports up to 115.2K, Works    
                                 with ANY BBS software. TOTAL MultiNode
                                 support. Plus MUCH MORE!              
                                 Shareware $10                         
darc210.zip    62198 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 Download ARchive Converter        2.10 
                                 Front end for download protocols to be 
                                 used on BBS's. Allows users to convert 
                                 archive  files  from   one  format  to 
                                 another.  Can  be  configured  convert 
                                 .ZIP to .ARJ,  .JPG  to .GIF,  .ARC to 
                                 selfextracting archives, etc.   May be 
                                 configured to run with any commandline 
                                 driven external  protocol suze as DSZ, 
                                 GSZ, HSLINK, CEXYZ, etc. Totally sysop 
                                 configurable.  Supports custom  ASCII, 
                                 ANSI, and RIP menus with built in auto-
                                 detect  for both.  Runs great under DV 
                                 and DOS window  in OS/2 or Windows.  A 
                                 must for  any BBS.  Requires  a FOSSIL 
dfiles28.zip    9348 08-05-2024 DoFiles:  Uses  PKZIP.EXE(C)  to archive file
                                extensions  of  same name using original file
                                names.  Erases  files  after archiving. Write
                                to  current  dir  or use path to dir.  Adds a
                                FILE_ID.DIZ to most extensions.    !Freeware!
dice151.zip    80229 08-05-2024 Domain DiceWar v1.51 (UNREGISTERED)
                                A multi-player, interactive dice game
                                written for Synchronet BBS systems.
                                Supports up to 250 players.
dut210.zip     85591 08-05-2024 Domain Upload Tester v2.10 (UNREGISTERED)
                                A file upload tester and virus scanner
                                written especially for Synchronet BBS
                                systems.  Supports several virus
                                scanners and compression types, as well
                                as GIF testing and multi-level archive
                                testing.  Built in com routines, and
                                ASCII/ANSI/RIP screens for users.
dzcat10.zip   237998 08-05-2024 DIZCAT v1.0 by SofTech. [07/Apr/95]
                                Creates a file (such as an index) from
                                669,STM,S3M,MTM,FAR,XM. Handles
                                FILE_ID.DIZ, DISK.ID and DESC.SDI.
                                Converts index to .DBF and to Pc-Board
                                compatible file-list. Intelligent file
                                handling, Clean-DIZ feature, VGA
                                user-friendly interface and mouse support.
                                A must for great downloaders!
                                Shareware $25.
eod_2d0495.z       0 01-01-1980         _________  _____  ________
                                <=======\   ____/=/  _  \=\_____  \========>
                                ..../   __|/\/  |_|  \/  |_/   \...
                                ../         \        \         \...
                                <===========[EMPIRE OF DARKNESS]===========>
                                Proudly Presents
                                -=[ UNWANTED FILES 04/95 ]=-    
                                <================[ 1 of 1 ]================>
                                List of Unwanted Files for your Upload 
                                Checker and a special CRC list (Skull-Check)
eod_2d0495.zip   19750 08-05-2024         _________  _____  ________
                                <=======\   ____/=/  _  \=\_____  \========>
                                 ..../   __|/\/  |_|  \/  |_/   \...
                                 ../         \        \         \...
                                <===========[EMPIRE OF DARKNESS]===========>
                                              Proudly Presents
                                        -=[ UNWANTED FILES 04/95 ]=-    
                                <================[ 1 of 1 ]================>
                                   List of Unwanted Files for your Upload 
                                Checker and a special CRC list (Skull-Check)
epsrfdv1.zip   29537 08-05-2024 
                                Smart Ring detector for BBS's or stand alone
                                Smart Ring Front Door V1 by EaglePro.
                                   EPSRFD will work with many different types
                                of BBS's
                                or as a stand alone unit for recieving
                                FAX-DATA calls. It
                                was written for use with the Smart Ring
                                features of the phone
                                line but will work with standard rings and as
                                a ring back
                                system. For those that don't know about the
                                Smart Ring
                                it's a feature that the phone company sells so
                                that you can
                                have two phone numbers for one phone line. It
                                costs around
                                $5.00 a month and is a great way to run a
                                personal BBS
                                and-or FAX system. EPSRFD much cheeper than
                                paying 75-80
                                dollars for one of those boxes that switch
                                lines and
                                answer on the 2-3-4 ring.
ex145.zip      51403 08-05-2024 Ex 1.42; CD-Rom front end for file
                                transfers; copies files located on 
                                CD-Rom to a hard drive or ramdisk
                                before downloading.  DOS and OS/2
                                versions, works with any BBS program 
                                that supports redirected file download 
                                lists and external file transfer 
                                protocols.  Shareware.
f2r_114.zip    28259 08-05-2024 F2READER - Fastecho area-config to msg-reader
                                converter.   v1.14  (c) Peter Hampf, pbs-vec.
                                      Including three-level-sort  ... !
                                  Requires FASTECHO.CFG revision 6 to run.
food_21zap.z       0 01-01-1980                         ߲
                                    ۲ ۲     
                                 Update yar ZAPFILES.TXT in yar upload    
                                 processor (eg. Boomlab)... Here's a list 
                                 of hundreds of lame adds just waiting to 
                                 be zapped! :)  -Collected by Codeblaster 
                                06/10/96              1/1ܲ
food_21zap.zip   25012 08-05-2024                         ߲
                                     ۲ ۲     
                                 Update yar ZAPFILES.TXT in yar upload    
                                 processor (eg. Boomlab)... Here's a list 
                                 of hundreds of lame adds just waiting to 
                                 be zapped! :)  -Collected by Codeblaster 
                                06/10/96              1/1ܲ
fstat145.zip   29193 08-05-2024 FeStat creates a file called FeStat.Txt.
                                Have a look at it and enjoy. FeStat saves
                                date and time of the last log-entry read,
                                so you can run it several times on the
                                same log without getting wrong results.
fwkcs205.zip  766492 08-05-2024 Test uploads; block duplicate & pirate files.
                                FWKCS(TM) Contents_Signature System, ver 2.05
                                1996 Apr 26. Shareware. Premier system for
                                recognizing duplicate files and zipfiles; can
                                process standard zipfiles made under DOS,
                                OS/2, UNIX, Windows; zipped paths up to 126
                                levels deep; long filenames; check individual
                                current AV stamps; run anti_virus programs.
                                Estimated typical statistical pairwise error
                                rate: less than, or of the order of, 1.0E-51.
gfxck124.zip   77085 08-05-2024 GFXCheck v1.23a - Graphics file checking
                                utility for validating GIF, JPEG and BMP
                                graphics files.  Great for sysops who receive
                                graphic files via uploads or other means.
                                Detects corrupt, incomplete or invalid image
                                files, dispositions files based upon image
                                characteristics, trims extraneous bytes,
                                updates BBS descriptions and inserts GIF and
                                JPEG comments.  Includes both DOS and OS/2
gifgat21.zip   54814 08-05-2024 GIFGate is a High Speed GIF picture tester.  
                                Designed primarily for BBS upload testing, 
                                GIFGate can also be used offline to test GIFs
                                individually or subdirectories at a time!  
                                Many options!  Version 2 now features indepth
                                integrity checking of GIFs as well as all the
                                original great options.  A must for serious 
                                GIF testing!  Shareware!
giflt210.zip   67208 08-05-2024 GIFLITE 2.10, GIF-to-GIF Compressor
                                GIFLITE is a GIF file compressor which
                                compresses GIF files by an average of 30%
                                and yet still preserve the same quality
                                and resolution. The resulting GIF files
                                are almost identical to the original file.
                                Human eyes can hardly tell them apart.
                                Now compatible with GDS's GIF catalog.
i_m261a.zip   392957 08-05-2024 INTEGRITY MASTER V2.61virus scanner
                                and data Integrity!  Works well under OS/2,
                                Win95, Win/NT. Easy to use but protects
                                against much more than just viruses! Hardware
                                glitches, software bugs, even deliberate
                                sabotage are detected.  If a virus strikes,
                                IM identifies it by name and (unlike other
                                programs) also indentifies any viral damage.
                                It will even detect new and unknown viruses
                                and provides full CMOS protection!
labtst34.zip  451062 08-05-2024        *** Labtest 3.4 ****
                                Possibly the most complete upload
                                processing system available!  Performs
                                file conversion, scanning, date testing,
                                duplicate checking, BBS advertisement
                                search/removal and more!  Tosses
                                incoming .TIC files to their destination
                                directories,  Online Help system gives
                                detailed info on every configuration
                                option.  New!  Supports RemoteAccess 2.5
                                     Omega Software, Po Box 131,
                                   Imperial Beach, CA 91932-0131
mtaovf10.zip  141594 08-05-2024 MTA is a conversion utility to convert al-
                                most any archive and/or GIF to another for-
                                mat. It contains special support for BBS's,
                                exits, doors and such. Also you can check
                                for virus inside the archives while you
                                convert. Add-on utilities included !!
                                See MTA_VF10 for a description of changes.
                                ** THIS IS THE OVERLAY PART OF MTA **
mta_vf10.zip  482988 08-05-2024 MTA is a conversion utility to convert al-
                                most any archive and/or GIF to another for-
                                mat. It contains special support for BBS's,
                                exits, doors and such. Also you can check
                                for virus inside the archives while you
                                convert. Add-on utilities included !!
                                15.10 is a minor release with support
                                for FileDoor and FILE_ID.DIZ + extra.
obdat019.zip    6658 08-05-2024 Data file for the Offline BBS Lister!
                                Only needed if the last 3 numbers of
                                the OBBSLXXX.ZIP file are lower than
                                the last 3 numbers in this data file
                                (Where XXX are the numbers).
pcbck324.zip  131119 08-05-2024 ========>   PCBCheck 3.24 
                                Upload processor for PCBoard - easiest to 
                                use and set up.  Fastest upload processing
                                available!  This version talks directly to
                                OS/2 comm drivers, adds RAR support, greatly
                                enhances description file processing, 
                                scanner customization abilities, smarter
                                FILE_ID.DIZ processing (removal of ANSI,
                                @-codes) and still includes convert archives,
                                add/remove files, modify comments, etc..
                                Minor bug fix update.
pcbu143b.zip   89868 08-05-2024 PCBULT - v1.43 :by FeatherNet Software, Inc
                                An outstanding PCBoard Upload Tester & Files
                                Converter.  Tests passing archive *WHILE ON-
                                LINE*!  Supports FILE_ID.DIZ  and  DESC.SDI.
                                Optional convertion of archive to  ARJ, ZIP,
                                or LHA format.   Deletes  nuisance  BBS  ads
                                and inserts archive comment, tests  .GIF and
                                .TD0  files.  Swaps  to  XMS,  EMS or  Disk.
                                Includes easy configuration program.
                                * MUCH MORE * 100% Functional - NOT CRIPPLED
                                or KEYED! LATEST BETA VERSION !
psal10.zip    103653 08-05-2024 
pscn202e.zip  293936 08-05-2024 PalmScan v2.02 - Archive Conversion Utility
                                *** DOS version ***
                                PalmScan is the conversion utility to
                                convert almost any archive to another
                                format. It can check for viruses     
                                inside the archives while converting 
                                (with up to 20 virus scanners), get  
                                file descriptions, process embedded  
                                archives, remove/add files from/to   
                                archives, full support for GIF       
                                packing, and lots more! PalmScan has 
                                full FileDoor, FILES.BBS and Remote- 
                                Access, Ezycom and Concord file-     
                                database support, works with any     
                                door.sys and dorinfo supporting bbs  
                                system, works great in Allfix and    
                                many other programs, or stand-alone! 
                                Shareware, very low registration fee.
pumpsrc.zip   149831 08-05-2024 PUMPCHECK: A *COOL* UPLOAD CHECKER DOOR FOR
                                ALL BBS SYSTEMS Copyright (C) 1996 FLORIAN
                                DITTMER Includes Full BASIC Source Code.
                                Published 1998 under the terms of the General
                                Public License
pview20.zip    83401 08-05-2024 FTS Corp. -- ProView v2.0
                                PROVIEW for TBBS/TDBS:
                                Provides an advanced interface for
                                ONLINE text databases.  The viewer
                                allows users to browse text files,
                                scrolling both backward and forward.
                                Includes RIP interface.  Supports
                                compound searching in text files.
p__strip.zip   17309 08-05-2024 STRiP/DiZ V1.0
qlist114.zip  165483 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                             Qwik-List v1.14               
                                     The Ultimate File List Processor      
                                     (formerly known as Identi-Filer)      
                                   Extracts FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI from   
                                      compressed files and creates an      
                                     attractive and useful file list.      
                                    The lists are compatible with most     
                                     BBS's and CD-ROM database doors.      
                                  ** Includes Kwik-Diz v1.1 Diz Editor **  
qread33.zip   147779 08-05-2024 QReader 3.3.  Powerful on-line text reader
                                for publications, tutorials, reports, etc.
                                Scroll text with PgDn, PgUp, Home and End.
                                Full featured Find & Repeat-find facility.
                                Displays entire page around the found text.
                                Scroll left & right for text over 80 chars.
                                Download capability.  Highly configurable.
                                Permits grouping of text items by subject.
                                Uses standard & non-standard COM or FOSSIL.
qwiklisu.zip  158392 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                             Qwik-List v1.11a              
                                     The Ultimate File List Processor      
                                     (formerly known as Identi-Filer)      
                                   Extracts FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI from   
                                      compressed files and creates an      
                                     attractive and useful file list.      
                                    The lists are compatible with most     
                                     BBS's and CD-ROM database doors.      
                                  ** Includes Kwik-Diz v1.0 Diz Editor **  
                                       This file contains bug fixes        
rascn202.zip   18628 08-05-2024 RAScan v2.00;  An online/offline upload
                                processor for RA 2.00 and higher. Support for
                                importing FILE_ID.DIZ, DESC.SDI, DESC.SDN
                                files into the RA Files Data Base. Support
                                for up to 10 compression programs. Support
                                for your choice of scanning program. Support
                                for commenting of archives.
remads32.zip   33556 08-05-2024 
reqscn14.zip  183039 08-05-2024 ** REQSCAN 1.04 - File Request Reporter **
                                Scans File Request logs from Request
                                Processor programs, maintains information.
                                Currently supports FDRPR,RP,FDFREQ.
                                Maintains compact database, can create
                                display screens, has list,search,print
                                functions. Editing, Hide entries, more
                                Can execute another program or DOS
                                command upon completion. EASY to setup and
                                use!  "Cowboy Software!"
satpro10.zip  142502 08-05-2024 SatPro! v1.00R                        /
                                SatPro!  is  a  communications     |-=-----
                                program for use with PageSat       |  \
                                Satellite System. Incorporates     |
                                multi-file processing, on screen statistics,
                                and will handle DOMAIN specific EMAIL! 
                                SatPro! is the ULTIMATE satellite receiver 
                                program! From Compudoc Consulting.
scanv_1a.zip   71211 08-05-2024 
setarc11.zip   45244 08-05-2024 SetArc v1.1 - Will easily transpose the date
                                stamps in your upload DIR with those  posted
                                by the popular new file handlers.  Changes  
                                are date sensitive.   Fast  &  Easy to use. 
                                Current version will handle the  following: 
                                Last Revison Date in Archive# 01-17-1992   .
                                (Last Revised# 01/17/1992)                 .
                                xx - Files New#01/17/1992  Old:01/02/1980  .
                                v1.1 corrects reading improper spaces/nulls.
skc40g3.zip   484958 08-05-2024                 
                                   V.4.00  Public Gamma Release 3     
                                Upload and filebase processor supporting
                                RA1, RA2, PB2,  SBBS,  Ezycom, WME, PCB,
                                Concord, TMail, XFD, EFT. Virus/crc chck
                                converter of archives/files, description
                                im/export with many filters, passthrough
                                adder, stamps  logo, insert advertising,
                                removes unwanted  by  name/crc/contents,
                                *fast* dupechecking,  hacklist  support,
                                abandom old files, -AV support for  ZIP/
                                ARJ/RAR/SZQ and their SFX,  DMS/TD0, GIF
                                to JPG,  CDROM support,  mailer updater,
                                20 compresors,  5 VScans, 5 EXE unpacker
                                ShareWare: 30,- DM       english version
                                    (c) G.Brockhaus, SkullSoft Group    
skc40g3g.zip  126124 08-05-2024                 
                                   V.4.00  ffent.GAMMA Release 3     
                                Deutsche Sprach- und Hilfe Dateien und  
                                ShareWare: 30,- DM        german version
                                    (c) G.Brockhaus, SkullSoft Group    
skcvoc_m.zip  104200 08-05-2024                 
                                           SKC VOC files              
                                 Monster VOC's (Kreisch! Boom! :-) )    
sua082g.zip   126445 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                  SuperBBS Upload Analyzer v0.82  
                                  Most powerful Upload Checker     
                                  for SuperBBS and Concord!        
                                  ** Public gamma test version **  
sync_v2.zip    86340 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                   RA 2.x KeyMaker   
                                     Version 3.0     
                                   "They served us   
                                     well..."    SrMn
tdchk110.zip   16062 08-05-2024 TDCheck - Check A TeleDisk Image File
thd213_0.zip  422337 08-05-2024 THD ProScan File Processor v13.0 [OS/2] File 
                                Processor for almost any BBS. Extracts and 
                                tests nested archives. Provides complete 
                                conversion options. Can update many BBS File 
                                bases. Introduces unofficial support for Long
                                Filenames. Y2K Compliant. Supports testing of
                                Imagex for testing of Disk Images and many 
                                new features. Freeware or Instantly Register 
                                for additional features.
thd_13_0.zip  365694 08-05-2024 THD ProScan File Processor v13.0 [DOS] File 
                                Processor for almost any BBS. Extracts and 
                                tests nested archives. Provides complete 
                                conversion options. Can update many BBS File 
                                bases. Support testing of the following types
                                IMAGEX included for testing of Disk Images. 
                                Full Y2K compliance. Freeware or Instantly 
                                Register for additional features like 
                                wildcard support and directory recursion.
tscn411.zip   270678 08-05-2024 TRANSCAN v4.11  - The Premium File
                                Scanner & Converter. Extracts compressed
                                files of ALL types for Virus Scanning by ANY
                                virus scanner. Converts files to default
                                compression method.  Also processes GIF files
                                Works with ALL BBS systems complete with COM
                                output.  Files can be tested for Integrity,
                                Virus, Age/Date, Gif Resolution, etc. $30
ttran10.zip    43209 08-05-2024 Time Transfer ver 1.0 door for
                                use with Powerboard(tm) BBSes.
                                Allow your users to transfer
                                their Time Bank account time
                                to another user's account.
ulp2_228.zip  265024 08-05-2024 UpLoadProcessor/2 for OS/2 v2.28b. Now the
                                premier upload processing system is available
                                in a multi-threaded 32-bit native OS/2
                                version! *** NOTE: This archive is not a
                                complete package; it contains the OS/2 files
                                only. The general release archive 
                                ULP_228b.ZIP must also be downloaded for 
                                the complete package!!!  To install, 
                                simply copy these files to your DOS 
                                ULP 2.x subdirectory.
ulp_228.zip   381135 08-05-2024 UpLoadProcessor v2.28b*** Overall Winner ***
                                of the 1995 PCBoard Favorite Add-on Contest!
                                Detects, processes and converts archives,
                                nested archives and imbedded pathed archives.
                                Also processes selected uncompressed files.
                                Three online modes and three event modes of
                                operation available. Integrated duplication
                                system, ZDCS supported as well. Extremely
                                configurable using a menu-driven system
                                manager. Fixes Y2K Date problem.
upchk71f.zip  176755 08-05-2024 UPCHECK 7.1f  Checks uploads for age, viruses
                                and duplicates by crc32. Inserts FILE_ID.DIZ/
                                DESC.SDI  into RA/PB/PCBoard/TriBBS/FILES.BBS
                                file listing. It can post messages when files
                                fail. Custom messages.  Direct Hudson/JAM/PCB
                                msgbase support with the ability to use a 3rd
                                party package for others. RIP. Can add number
                                of files/date & GIF/JPG info to descriptions. 
                                Supports ARC/ARJ/LHA/LZH/PAK/SQZ/UC2/RAR/ZIP/
                                ZOO/GIF/JPG/SFX and GUS.  No Fossil required.
                                See FREE-KEY.TXT for FREEWARE registration!!!
uplmov05.zip   82234 08-05-2024 Version .05 of Upload Mover
                                A utility to move uploaded files to
                                Download directories based on catagory
                                code and maintain FILES.BBS files for
                                those directories.  Works with RBBS-PC
                                V17.4, V17.5, Cdoor, Maple Street, etc
                                By Mike McGee, SYSOP of the Dark Tower
                                49-9721-630387 and 630104. Proudly
                                running Dan Drinnons Cdoor Mods and
                                using Brandon Carnahans Utils. :)
zap131.zip     88942 08-05-2024 
zdcs203.zip   412642 08-05-2024 ZDCS 2.03, ZIPFILE DUPLICATE CHECKING SYSTEM
                                     * * * PRODUCTION RELEASE! * * *
                                Detect dupe files inside ZIP and ARJ files
                                uploaded to a BBS.  Direct interface to
                                UpLoadProcessor (ULP), ZipLab and ExzTest.
                                Simple to install, needs no external utils.
                                LAN & DV friendly.  Maintenance update to
                                ZDCS 2.0x.  Fully functional shareware.
zipnote.zip    77952 08-05-2024 ZIP-Note v1.0   ZIP Commenting Utility
                                The fast and easy way to add and edit
                                comments in your ZIP files.
                                Features a 15 line x 65 column internal
                                editor and access to external editor.
                                Automatic border drawing plus a box drawing
                                mode to make your ZIP comments stand out.
                                Also has left/center/right justification,
                                copy, paste, etc...
                                SHAREWARE  30 day DEMO key included.
zip_zap.zip    97062 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                ZIP-ZAP v1.1  Multi-Function ZIP Processor 
                                Zap! those unwanted files and annoying ZIP 
                                  comments.  Reclaim wasted disk space by  
                                  removing the TRASH from your ZIP files.  
                                 ZIP-ZAP will allow you to strip comments  
                                or add your own, strip unwanted files such 
                                as advertisements as well as add your own. 
                                 Has option to update the date/time stamp. 
                                 Will do single files, entire directories, 
                                  and even entire drives!  by GadgetSoft   
zl2b0115.zip  388430 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                    ZipLab PLUS - 2..8 Upload Tester     
                                        PCBoard/ProDoor Specific          
                                      Compiled 01/15/93 at 00:54am        
                                    * Wide-area BETA of version 2.0 *     
                                    Upload testing for PCBoard/ProDoor    
                                   Processes include SCAN, CRC checking,  
                                    date limits, comment strip/replace,   
                                     BBS advertising removal and more.    
                                    $15 Shareware by Jeffrey S. Morley    

                  Area 57 - BBS Programs                  

2am3_2d1a.zi       0 01-01-1980 2AM-BBS (c) Copyright 1986,1987,1988 by:
                                Chris Gorman-Neil Clarke-Tom Vogl
                                2AM-BBS will run on any IBM-PC compatible
                                computer with at least 256K of memory running
                                under MS-DOS or PC-DOS operating system.
                                Disk [1/3]
2am3_2d1a.zip   75150 08-05-2024 2AM-BBS (c) Copyright 1986,1987,1988 by:
                                Chris Gorman-Neil Clarke-Tom Vogl
                                2AM-BBS will run on any IBM-PC compatible
                                computer with at least 256K of memory running
                                under MS-DOS or PC-DOS operating system.
                                Disk [1/3]
2am3_2d2a.zip  125137 08-05-2024 2AM-BBS disk [2/3]
2am3_2d3a.zip  134864 08-05-2024 2AM-BBS disk [3/3]
300dbeta.zip 1285562 08-05-2024 
430sysop.zip  258043 08-05-2024 WWIV v4.30 SYSOP Documentation
                                Documentation is provided in both
                                ASCII and MS-Word (TM) formats.
                                This archive is freely distributable
                                in unmodified form.
                                Copyright (c) 1998-2000
                                WWIV Software Services, LLC
430systx.zip   44113 08-05-2024 
430user.zip    91341 08-05-2024 WWIV v4.30 USER Documentation
                                Documentation is provided in both
                                ASCII and MS-Word (TM) formats.
                                This archive is freely distributable
                                in unmodified form.
                                Copyright (c) 1998-2000
                                WWIV Software Services, LLC
500ter.zip   1450321 08-05-2024 ------======< TERMINATE 5 >======------
                                .....The Final Datacomms Terminal!.....
                                Extremely Powerful  Terminal Program w.
                                many Features: BBS system with Fidonet-
                                Mailer/Events/IEMSI, Fax System, VT100,
                                VT220, ANSI, Avatar,  Cost Calculation,
                                File  Manager,  Full Fidonet Mailsystem
                                for  Points/Nodes,  Scripts,  CAPI 1.1,
                                ISDN B-Channel Bundling,  Doorway  NOW!
                                X2  and  56k Flex  supported,  Internal
                                ISDN CAPI 1.1 support, BBSnext support,
                                Doorway Mode incl.  printer redirection
                                and has Doorway.exe included.  Complete
                                BBS system.  Mailer supports  up to 100
                                AKA's.   Powerful   compiled   scripts.
                                IEMSI auto logons &  mini-scripts, Keyb
                                Editor, Translation Tables,  CD Player,
                                Professional Mail Reader "TERMAIL"  now
                                with  internal  message  editor,  Gecho
                                technology for message bases (and QWK),
                                Style colors,  AutoCorrect, MegaSearch,
                                Signature  Manager,  Extremely advanced
                                Quote Reformatting, ROT13, AddressBook,
                                Groups,  Templates,   AreaFix  Manager,
                                Calls  Netscape / Internet  Explorer to
                                view  www-pages   found  in   messages.
                                Tracks  messages,  Carbon Copy  Groups,
                                Crossposting,   UUencoding,    Nodelist
                                compiler,  diff-updater, Forms, Support
                                external  spellcheckers, Request files.
                                ***AND MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE***
                                ***** FAST-AUTOMATIC-INSTALLATION *****
                                ------======< TERMINATE 5 >======------
abbs2.zip      67718 08-05-2024    ABBS Version 2.5
                                by Kingdom  Enterprises
                                Copyright 1987 and 1988
                                Direct from Austin, Texas - a Bulletin Board
                                written, tested, and run by the author.
adf111y.zip  2397647 08-05-2024 AdeptXBBS Version 1.11y Full Install
                                 32-bit, Multi-Threaded GUI, NNTP,
                                 SMTP, POP3, Telnet, Sockets, FTP,
                                 Integrated Mailer, REXX, Utils,
                                 multiple language, XMsg, *.Msg,
                                 Squish and JAM msg bases,
                                 localized date/time display and
                                 a lot more!
                                 Very customizable for almost any
                                 BBSing needs.
                                 GUI (PM) BBS for OS/2. FREEWare/2
                                         24 Node Version
                                Just create a directory \Adept and
                                unpack the files in this archive
                                into the \Adept dir.
                                 E-Mail bugs to: nitin@poboxes.com
adome.zip     137955 08-05-2024 The Astrodome Bulletin Board Software
                                             Version 1.10
                                   Copyright 1988 by Thomas Boutell
                                This BBS previously relied on a fossil driver
                                but this version no longer supports or needs
                                such a communications driver.
aff100b.zip   381136 08-05-2024     Affinity BBS Software
                                  ܲ -       ߲mw
                                 ۱      ver. 1.oo eta       ߱
                                ۰     Author: Vivisector      
                                ۰ -        
                                 ۱   $15 Registration Fee    ܱ
                                  ߲         FREE UPDATES!  ܲ
                                    .oONewTerra SoftwareOo.
asgard86.zip 1227401 08-05-2024 Asgard-86 BBS. A Freeware hack of Citidel BBS
                                for DOS by Gary Meadows.
aur134a.zip   207668 08-05-2024 AURORA BBS 1.34 (1 of 2)
aur134b.zip   135486 08-05-2024 AURORA BBS 1.34 (1 of 2)
auto_2d241.zip  111142 08-05-2024 AutoBBS 2.41 Copyright 1991-1992, Ray Yeargin
                                AutoBBS is a Bulletin Board System (BBS)
                                written for people who don't want to dedicate
                                their lives to the many mundane chores
                                surrounding the administration of a BBS.
                                AutoBBS can automatically validate users,
                                purge inactive accounts, manage the message
                                bases, optimize the use of the
                                space, and back itself up every night.
axisv19c.zip  942077 08-05-2024 Zero-TechnologyPresents:
                                              -BBS Software!
                                     -AXiS v1.9c Standard!
                                AXiS Revision .c  - 11/24/95
                                Final Beta Release: Until 96
baphsrce.zip  461778 08-05-2024 Baphomet BBS source code.
                                A Vision Hack
bbbsr2.zip   1852894 08-05-2024 BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with
                                WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
                                modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
                                InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
                                email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK,
                                AllFix, gateway, full screen editor, offline,
                                Mg, multilingual, CD-ROM, VT320, ANSI, voice,
                                multitask, charsets, accounts, Zmodem, HYDRA,
                                multinode, Kermit, BZLink, FAX, IRC, and more
                                This packet: OS2/Intel, with RSA
bbbsrd.zip   1709457 08-05-2024 BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with
                                WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
                                modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
                                InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
                                email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK,
                                AllFix, gateway, full screen editor, offline,
                                Mg, multilingual, CD-ROM, VT320, ANSI, voice,
                                multitask, charsets, accounts, Zmodem, HYDRA,
                                multinode, Kermit, BZLink, FAX, IRC, and more
                                This packet: PC-DOS/Intel, with RSA
bbbsrlii.tar       0 01-01-1980 
bbbsrlii.tar.gz 1592184 08-05-2024 
bbs4c10.zip    54400 08-05-2024 BBS KIT FOR C/C++ [BBS4C]
                                (BBS4C10.ZIP), May 96, Ver 1.0, .
                                MSDOS based multi threaded state driven
                                BBS program handles up to 16 callers at
                                once, without the need for a multitasker.
                                With source code. Supports Watcom C/C++,
                                Turbo C/C++, Borland C/C++, MIX Power C,
                                and Microsoft C/C++. By MarshallSoft
                                Computing, Inc. $95.
bd0521.zip    469519 08-05-2024 * B A C K D O O R - B B S * 
                                originated from TeleGard 2.5g
blsrcpas.zip  480937 08-05-2024 Black Lightning BBS Source in Pascal
bx20bsrc.zip  138353 08-05-2024 Brand-X BBS 2.0b
                                Forum Clone [PAS] Soruce
cbbs110r.zip  332139 08-05-2024 Charisma BBS Software v1.10 Released
                                The Best dial-in BBS Software around!
                                Includes internal ANSi support, built
                                in Fidomail tosser, full-screen
                                editor, advanced file bases support,
                                LZH compressed message bases, every-
                                thing is configurable! Much Much More.
                                          Now Freeware!
cel204r.zip  1978824 08-05-2024 Celerity BBS v2.04 Full Release
                                Celerity BBS is a full-featured
                                electronic bulletin board system supporting
                                multiple nodes, FidoNet connectivity, LAN
                                and multitasker support, QWK offline packet
                                generation, the ability to add multiple
                                CelerityText ASCII/ANSI/RIP/NAPLPS motif
                                designs with 75+ command directives, single,
                                batch, and bidirectional file transfers, a
                                sophisticated hierarchal conferencing system,
                                local console scrollback, DesqView/Win 3.1/
                                Win95 / OS/2 multitasking, advanced 50+ verb
                                scripting language, and much much more!
                                May 1996 release.  Celerity v2.04 is
                                freeware and carries no registration fee!
choice11.zip  829061 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 * CHOiCE BBS Software v1.10 * 
                                   Supports ALL Baud Rates    
                                   Supports Multiple Menu Sets
                                   Multiple Matrix Menus      
                                   Auto Import File_id.diz to 
                                    database - up to 20 lines  
                                   Build-in Allfiles list     
                                   Time Bank                  
                                   Totally configurable       
                                   FREE - NO payment required 
                                   Easy to setup              
                                    and much more....          
cirron.zip    489787 08-05-2024 Cirron BBS Pascal Source Code.     Disk o1/o1
citbbs65.zip 2024346 08-05-2024 Citidel+/065 for DOS. Citidel BBS is a legend
                                in it's own time. It was first developed for
                                CPM in 1981, and since then has been ported
                                to DOS, Unix, Amiga, Atari, Mac, and C-64/128
concstrc.zip   18819 08-05-2024 CONCORD BBS 1.06 Structures
                                December 30, 1999
cono106.zip   736128 08-05-2024             _
                                     (_)  CONCORD BBS SOFTWARE
                                               v1.06   OS/2
conp005c.zip  808175 08-05-2024             _
                                     (_)  CONCORD BBS SOFTWARE
                                               vO.O1 Gamma-5
                                              Protected mode
conp106.zip   848212 08-05-2024             _
                                     (_)  CONCORD BBS SOFTWARE
                                           v1.06 Protected mode
conr005c.zip  705162 08-05-2024             _
                                     (_)  CONCORD BBS SOFTWARE
                                               vO.O1 Gamma-5
                                                 Real mode
conr106.zip   764883 08-05-2024             _
                                     (_)  CONCORD BBS SOFTWARE
                                             v1.06  Real mode
conw106.zip   810005 08-05-2024             _
                                     (_)  CONCORD BBS SOFTWARE
                                              v1.06   Win/32
con_2d005c.zip  459628 08-05-2024             _
                                     (_)  CONCORD BBS SOFTWARE
                                               vO.O1 Gamma-5
                                             General & Install
con_2d106.zip  461720 08-05-2024             _
                                     (_)  CONCORD BBS SOFTWARE
                                           v1.06 General & Install
cri_2dg04.zip  414326 08-05-2024                                  
                                                     ߰      ߰
                                 ۲        ۲nn!     ܲ
                                 ۲۲ܲ۲ܰ  ܲ 
                                  ܲ۲ ܰ
                                 ۲۲ ۲ ۲۲
                                 ޱ ۲ ۲
                                ߲۲ ۲ݰ ߰ 
                                     ۲۲ ܲ߰۲۲
                                [crisis]    [v0.4 gamma] ۲
                                 Unlimited Ansi Lentgh
                                 More stable then previous versions
                                 Last callers shitz fixed
                                 written by dark^force[rune]
crnv104b.zip  517764 08-05-2024     ___________________  _____  _______
                                   /  ___/   /  / )   / )(    )/  |   /
                                  /  /__/   /    /     /|   / |      /
                                 .-----:moti0n proudly presents:----.
                                 |  .:CiRRON v1.04 BBS Software:.  |
ctdl286.zip   472026 08-05-2024 Everything to run a Citadel-86e BBS for
                                80286 and higher CPUs. This BBS software
                                requires very little maintenance by the
                                Sysop. DESQview aware, will run in under
                                300k DV partition. Supports national
                                networking via the C86NET (soon via UUCP).
                                Supports doors, X/Y/Zmodem up/downloading
                                (Zmodem requires DSZ or equivalent). Many
                                other features. Freeware.
cyanide.zip   254542 08-05-2024 Cyanide - TP BBS SRC
d5pro210.zip  554281 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      P r o f e s s i o n a l   2 . 1 0    
                                        Shahar Hajdu & Amir Mirenberg      
                                     The BBS Program Of the 21st Century   
                                    Take a good deep look into the Future  
                                       Setting new Standards to BBSing     
darkside.zip   86986 08-05-2024 Darkside BBS v.03a  Source Code, by Mr. Happy
daydream_2d2.11.tar.gz  633052 08-05-2024 
dci3.zip      465069 08-05-2024     DCI BBS Software
                                Version 3.00 August 26, 1991
                                DCI is a full-featured bulletin board system,
                                providing facilities for multiple bases, base
                                formats, user identities, file transfer
                                options, and internal callback verification.
                                DCI was written in Borland International's
                                Turbo Pascal version 6.0 and Turbo Assembler.
demen10.zip   513130 08-05-2024 Dementia BBS 1.0 Standard [3/23/93]
                                      First public release!
                                ==========MUST UNZIP with -D===========
                                Midnight Sun's Dementia incorporates
                                the features of all your favorite BBS
                                softwares into one unique BBS package.
                                Menu editor, strings editor, pulldown
                                menus, fidonet, multinode, file_id.diz,
                                and MUCH more. A very versatile,
                                configurable software that looks great
                                "right out of the box."
diso20a.zip   555383 08-05-2024 Disorder BBS version 2.0Alpha
diso_1oa.zip  453927 08-05-2024 ---                    --Ļ
                                 Disorder and Disarray BBS v1.O 
                                 new forum hack style bbs software
                                 includes :
                                     external string editor
                                     fido-compatable networking
                                     rg/tg compatable
                                     configurable newuser
                                      logon sequence
                                     support board
                                     lots more
                                 note: not an origional software 
                                 mooched from renegade 1O-O5 exp 
                                ---                    --ļ
dlx70bbs.zip  492766 08-05-2024 DLX MULTI-LINE BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEM
                                Version 7.0. Mainly used for social
                                BBS systems, has chat rooms, etc.
dom300.zip    345932 08-05-2024 ¿
                                ۲ ĿĿĿĿĿĿ ۳
                                ۲        ۳
                                ۲ Version 3.0          File [1/1] ۳
                                ۲  The Innocents - 908-739-2416   ۳
                                ۲ The Impact Zone - 908-566-1216  ۳
dom3fix.zip   170605 08-05-2024 ¿
                                ۲ ĿĿĿĿĿĿ ۳
                                ۲        ۳
                                ۲ Version 3.01        Patch [1/1] ۳
                                 Fix for small problems in v3.0, upgrades
                                 to v3.01                                
dsoft61.zip   522011 08-05-2024 DragonSoft BBS:  Version 6.1
                                A BBS designed to operate with an IBM or IBM
                                compatible computer system with DOS 2.1 or
                                higher, a minimum of 256K ram, and at least
                                one internal or external modem.
eb_008g2.zip 1904628 08-05-2024 EleBBS v0.08.g1 - public gamma release
                                of EleBBS. A RA v2.5x compatible BBS.
                                Features lightbarred menus, built-in
                                TELNET server, newsgroups client and
                                server support. Longfilename support!
                                Available for DOS, Win95/NT and OS/2.
                                OS/2 version.
eb_008g3.zip 1291635 08-05-2024 EleBBS v0.08.g1 - public gamma release
                                of EleBBS. A RA v2.5x compatible BBS.
                                Features lightbarred menus, built-in
                                TELNET server, newsgroups client and
                                server support. Longfilename support!
                                Available for DOS, Win95/NT and OS/2.
                                DOS (32-bit) version.
eb_008gd.zip  814092 08-05-2024 EleBBS v0.08.g1 - public gamma release
                                of EleBBS. A RA v2.5x compatible BBS.
                                Features lightbarred menus, built-in
                                TELNET server, newsgroups client and
                                server support. Longfilename support!
                                Available for DOS, Win95/NT and OS/2.
                                DOS (16-bit) version.
emulx200.zip  287186 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                EMULEX Bulletin Board System -new- v2.00. 
                                 Complete, ready-to-compile TURBO PASCAL  
                                 SOURCE CODE for a powerful, and  simple  
                                 BBS software package.                    
                                 Emulex has file, message and online door 
                                 functions plus a handy internal line and 
                                 full screen editor.  This software  also 
                                 has multiple chat types, bulletin system 
                                 and internal configurable database. This 
                                 code even includes the  internal  Trivia 
                                 system - a bonus.                        
                                 REQUIRES: Turbo Pascal 7.0, 300kb, and   
                                 a hard disk.  *FREEWARE*                 
et220.zip     424105 08-05-2024 .____.____.____.____.____.____.____.____.
                                |   _|_  _|   _|   _|  | |____|_  _|  | |
                                |   _|    |   _|    |    |    |    |    |
                                |_   |_   |_   |_|  |_|  |_   |_   |_   |
                                 e|__|t|__|e|__|r|__|n|__|i|__|t|__|y|  |
                                   __________________________________|  |
                                ,/` ..eternity bbs software! v2.20.. `  |
                                |  ...new multinode features added...   |
excal152.zip 3944518 08-05-2024 Excalibur BBS Server version 1.52e
                                Evaluation Version
ezy120s.zip   112550 08-05-2024 
falk901.zip   758539 08-05-2024 Falken BBS Software v9.01 - A complete DOS
                                multi-user BBS package, complete with most
                                BBS functions, and contains its own FOSSIL
                                driver and multi-tasker. Eliminating the
                                need for an external multi-tasker. Can
                                support up to 64-lines on a single
                                computer. Available for Linux OS also.
faq_2ds.zip   344065 08-05-2024 FAQ BBS - Functional and Quick V1.02
fc5623us.zip 4419141 08-05-2024 First Class 5.623 Client
                                A Win32 Client for First Class BBS
fcbbs200.zip  610392 08-05-2024 ߲ܲ
                                         CHa0SBBS v2.00   
                                CHa0SBBS is a rip of PipeLine BBS that is
                                comes with the menus all setup and usable
                                after you configure the bbs to your
                                settings. All this needs a fossil driver!
                                No DOCs included. Just use pipeline docs.
                                  Just say no to lame .333 RAR hacks.
fcisdemo.zip 4061102 08-05-2024 
fnp101a.zip   188093 08-05-2024 FEATHERNET PRO! - v1.01 Test Drive      [1/4]
                                One of the most  POWERFUL,  Full Featured BBS
                                Packages To Be Found.  User & SysOp Friendly.
                                Fantastic Performance and Capabilities, Great
                                Utilities, and Superb Documentation Are Among
                                Just A Few Highlights Of This Package. CD-ROM
                                ANSI/RIP, 115k baud & Non-Standard IRQ ports,
                                subscription mode with user accounting, up to
                                1 Million Doors handled!    ->SO MUCH MORE!<-
                                UPLOADED BY: FeatherNet Software, Inc.
fnp101b.zip   338687 08-05-2024 FEATHERNET PRO! - v1.01 Test Drive      [2/4]
                                One of the most  POWERFUL,  Full Featured BBS
                                Packages To Be Found.  User & SysOp Friendly.
                                Fantastic Performance and Capabilities, Great
                                Utilities, and Superb Documentation Are Among
                                Just A Few Highlights Of This Package. CD-ROM
                                ANSI/RIP, 115k baud & Non-Standard IRQ ports,
                                subscription mode with user accounting, up to
                                1 Million Doors handled!    ->SO MUCH MORE!<-
                                UPLOADED BY: FeatherNet Software, Inc.
fnp101c.zip   240890 08-05-2024 FEATHERNET PRO! - v1.01 Test Drive      [3/4]
                                One of the most  POWERFUL,  Full Featured BBS
                                Packages To Be Found.  User & SysOp Friendly.
                                Fantastic Performance and Capabilities, Great
                                Utilities, and Superb Documentation Are Among
                                Just A Few Highlights Of This Package. CD-ROM
                                ANSI/RIP, 115k baud & Non-Standard IRQ ports,
                                subscription mode with user accounting, up to
                                1 Million Doors handled!    ->SO MUCH MORE!<-
                                UPLOADED BY: FeatherNet Software, Inc.
fnp101d.zip   306385 08-05-2024 FEATHERNET PRO! - v1.01 Test Drive      [4/4]
                                One of the most  POWERFUL,  Full Featured BBS
                                Packages To Be Found.  User & SysOp Friendly.
                                Fantastic Performance and Capabilities, Great
                                Utilities, and Superb Documentation Are Among
                                Just A Few Highlights Of This Package. CD-ROM
                                ANSI/RIP, 115k baud & Non-Standard IRQ ports,
                                subscription mode with user accounting, up to
                                1 Million Doors handled!    ->SO MUCH MORE!<-
                                UPLOADED BY: FeatherNet Software, Inc.
force390.zip  249174 08-05-2024 FORCE BBS 3.90 - Shareware Bulletin Board
                                (F)lexible (O)nline (R)emote (C)ommunications
forum250.zip  198397 08-05-2024 Forum BBS v2.50 - will build under tp5+
fpc_2drun.zip  147796 08-05-2024 Fortress -- A Citadel Style BBS for the PC
                                and compatibles
fpc_2dutil.zip  259685 08-05-2024 Fortress -- Utilities
                                You will also need FPC-RUN.ZIP
free.zip      111185 08-05-2024 Free Speech BBS, a unique BBS written by
                                Pinnical Software, the author of Sapphire.
frontsrc.zip 4634220 08-05-2024 Complete source code for the Frontier BBS
                                Included in this package are:
                                - Complete sources for the PowerPPL Editor v3
                                .0 (Frontier-dedicated)
                                - Complete sources for PPC, the PPE Compiler
                                - Complete sources for the PPC Utilities
                                (PPLIB, PPSTRIP)
                                - Complete sources for The PPLX Decompiler v2
                                - Complete sources for the PPE Runtime
                                - Complete sources for the Fullscreen
                                - Complete sources for the Frontier BBS System
                                - Complete sources for all the Frontier PPEs
                                To compile the sources, you need Borland C++
                                v3.01 or above. 
fusion.zip    406278 08-05-2024    FUSiON BBS Software
                                 With Full PASCAL Source
fusion05.zip  701303 08-05-2024 Illusion BBS v1.99 beta 10 - Illusion is
                                a fully featured bulletin board software
                                sporting a extensive programming
                                language (IPL), a message system that
                                supports JAM, Squish, and *.MSG message
                                formats, an action capable multinode
                                teleconference, and more. Illusion home
                                page at http://illusionbbs.home.ml.org.
                                Uncrippled shareware $25.  Includes
                                NetModem 1.0b13.sL telnet server daemon.
fusiongs.tgz   50137 08-05-2024 
fysrcv47.zip  144185 08-05-2024 Felony BBS version 4.7 Source Code
                                Written & Documented by Sureptus
gap66dos.zip 2068246 08-05-2024 GAP BBS version 6.6. DOS install.
                                Now Y2K complient and FREEWARE!
                                The ultimate DOS BBS Software.
gap66win.zip 3178426 08-05-2024 GAP BBS version 6.6. Win installer.
                                Now Y2K complient and FREEWARE!
                                The ultimate DOS BBS Software.
gen12src.zip  482167 08-05-2024 Genesis Ver 1.2 Source
                                * A Telegard Clone *
genopas.zip   681611 08-05-2024 Genocide/TransPhor .40i
                                Full Pascal Source
                                Forum/Vision Clone
gsbbs301.zip  293966 08-05-2024 GSBBS version 3.0 is probably the most
                                versatile and enjoyable Bulletin Board
                                software for the IBM PC/XT or AT models.
                                Many years in writing, development, and
                                online testing, GSBBS is the ideal
                                alternative for prospective system
                                operators who like the FidoNet system of
                                echoed message bases but are not satisfied
                                with the limited programs generally used
                                to access the network, such as Opus.
gv022.zip     775691 08-05-2024 GrapeVine Bulletin Board System v0.22
                                public beta release
h2_100.zip    430199 08-05-2024 ======[hype/2 bbs v1.00  full install]======
                                includes talon scripting language, mci codes
                                file and msg systems, 255 comm ports, fossil
                                rev5 driven communications, hype programming
                                language, fidonet tosser & light-bar support
                                         Ŀ   ٳ     ٳ     Ĵ
helm001s.zip  780804 08-05-2024 hELMET bbs source code
host2.zip     152913 08-05-2024              BERNIE HOST
                                (an electronic bulletin board host program)
                                      (C) 1995 Bernie Gallagher
host25.zip     34912 08-05-2024 ------------- HOST 2.5 ---------------------
                                Miniature BBS host program by Bob Eyer
                                Uses very little disk space, and less
                                than 50K memory. Runs 'right out of the box'
                                with no configuration at all. Two types of
                                local Sysop logon. ESC key abort to terminate
                                online caller. User specifiable rings to
                                answer on Ringback option. user selectable
                                wait time. Chat, Messaging, File transfer,
                                typing files, Sysop shell to DOS, User
                                specifiable protocols, and more.
ibbs12_2da.zip  201314 08-05-2024 InterBBS Version 1.2 - SHAREWARE DOS BBS 1/4
                                Feature Laden. User & SysOp Friendly. Ultra-
                                Quick Installation - CALL-READY in 5 Mins.
                                Features Rival top DOS BBS'. Excellent SysOp
                                Utilities. Very Fast Message and File System.
                                CD-ROM support, ANSI/RIP, 115k Baud & Non-Std
                                IRQ's/Ports, DV, OS/2 & Windows Aware. Sub-
                                scription modes.  User Accntg. By Ron Pierce
ibbs12_2db.zip  425717 08-05-2024 InterBBS Version 1.2 - SHAREWARE DOS BBS 2/4
                                Feature Laden. User & SysOp Friendly. Ultra-
                                Quick Installation - CALL-READY in 5 Mins.
                                Features Rival top DOS BBS'. Excellent SysOp
                                Utilities. Very Fast Message and File System.
                                CD-ROM support, ANSI/RIP, 115k Baud & Non-Std
                                IRQ's/Ports, DV, OS/2 & Windows Aware. Sub-
                                scription modes.  User Accntg. By Ron Pierce
ibbs12_2dc.zip  283972 08-05-2024 InterBBS Version 1.2 - SHAREWARE DOS BBS 3/4
                                Feature Laden. User & SysOp Friendly. Ultra-
                                Quick Installation - CALL-READY in 5 Mins.
                                Features Rival top DOS BBS'. Excellent SysOp
                                Utilities. Very Fast Message and File System.
                                CD-ROM support, ANSI/RIP, 115k Baud & Non-Std
                                IRQ's/Ports, DV, OS/2 & Windows Aware. Sub-
                                scription modes.  User Accntg. By Ron Pierce
ibbs12_2dd.zip  369849 08-05-2024 InterBBS Version 1.2 - SHAREWARE DOS BBS 4/4
                                Feature Laden. User & SysOp Friendly. Ultra-
                                Quick Installation - CALL-READY in 5 Mins.
                                Features Rival top DOS BBS'. Excellent SysOp
                                Utilities. Very Fast Message and File System.
                                CD-ROM support, ANSI/RIP, 115k Baud & Non-Std
                                IRQ's/Ports, DV, OS/2 & Windows Aware. Sub-
                                scription modes.  User Accntg. By Ron Pierce
il203.zip     661989 08-05-2024 Illusion BBS v2.03 - Illusion is a fully
                                featured bulletin board software
                                sporting a extensive programming
                                language (IPL), a message system that
                                supports JAM, Squish, and *.MSG message
                                formats, an action capable multinode
                                teleconference, and more. Illusion home
                                page at http://www.personal.psu.edu
                                /bxm170/illusion.html. Uncrippled
                                shareware $25.
imp45s7.zip   704202 08-05-2024 Impulse 4.5 BBS Source Code
imp65ful.zip  572503 08-05-2024   ___ __.--.__.-.__.--.___ __.--.__.--.
                                 (___) |  | _ | |  |  |    |  __|
                                 |  |     |  | |  |  |   |  `--|   _)_
                                :|   | \_/ |  ._;  |  |   |--.  |  |  |:
                                .|___|  |__|  | |  ___|___|  ___|__   |.
                                Impulse v6p5 BBS Full Version by Nivenh!
imp71.zip     614502 08-05-2024 Impulse BBS 7.1
                                Final Version
imp71src.zip  404553 08-05-2024 Impulse BBS 7.1 Source Code (TP)
                                Released to Public Domain, as author
                                has abandoned development
in2sourc.zip  638612 08-05-2024 Innovation BBS Software 2.0 SOURCE CODE
                                (written in pascal, compile with TP/BP)
                                Like Renegade&TG BBS, based on the same
                                code. *Recompile and use as you wish!**
                                Has rumors, 10line FILE_IDs, ect! Eh'95
inf15a20.zip  524156 08-05-2024 ===========================
                                ##   infusion bbs software   ##
                                ##   version 1.55 alpha 20   ##
                                ## (c)grant passmore 1996-99 ##
                                ##   (skaboy@mail.acid.org)  ##
                                ## www.demonic.net/infusion/ ##
infinity.zip  238157 08-05-2024    iNFiNiTY BBS 
                                  (Source Code, Pascal)
inq26src.zip  341576 08-05-2024 
inqa26r5.zip 1639325 08-05-2024  :::  _____  :::: :::::: ____       :::::
                                     /____/___   ______ /___/___  ______
                                   ____/_    >-/     /___/_    >--/     /
                                   /     >   / /    /     / : /  / ::  /
                                  / ::  :___/ /     /     :___(__/     /
                                 (_____/ -ks <____/(_____/      /     / 
                                 --İİ----------/>>  /_____/<--)
                                 : i n i q u i t y   b b s  s y s t e m  :
                                 ----->  v1.00a26r5   12/01/97 )-
                                 | time bank, ansi abort, new mci codes  :
                                  iniqmail bugs fixed, updated docs     |
                                 :  ..bah just read the whatsnew =]      :
                                 |                                       :
                                 <--< (c) copyright  idt productions  >-->
                                %%-(a iniquity development team release)-%% 
ins32.zip     566063 08-05-2024 Ĵ Insanity 3.2 BBS New Release!! Ŀ
                                 One of the most advanced BBS packs  
                                 to date. NO FIDO or silly PD frills!
                                 New User Voting, Menu Editor and all
                                 the features any decent pirate BBS  
                                 wants and needs. Slick look and feel
                                 like a Forum hack. Plus MORE.       
insane.zip      4662 08-05-2024 
insom10.zip   358359 08-05-2024     Insomnia BBS v1.0 update 4
iq101dos.zip  608296 08-05-2024 ߲ܰܲܲ      ߲ ߱ 
                                ܲܰܰ    ܲ   ߱ 
                                ܰ߱ ks/xps ۲ ܰ۲ 
                                ܲ iniquity!  ߰    
                                 version 1.01 ܱ߰ 
                                  telnet server۲   
                                 not just a bbs   
                                 Its a BBS with     ۰
                                 inet server! ۲ܱ ۰
                                (da/te/!!)            ۲
                                ߰   ܱܰ
                                (c)1997 Michael Pike
iq20.zip     1125677 08-05-2024 
                                     ۲ ۲     
                                 ۲     ۲   ܲ
                                        ۲      ܲ
                                     ۲ ۲ bz  
                                -İ  --
                                       i n i q u i t y  t w o  
                                   -- twice more fixes ..
                                   -- twice more stable ..
                                   -- twice more kick ass ..
                                   -- ..
                                   -- leech it twice!@# =)
                                  (c) 1998 iniquity development team
iq210jp.zip   345185 08-05-2024 .--.__
                                i  ___i_  _________________
                                l__\___/____|    ___\___/_    |____
                                \_    __\_  |____\_    __/____|  _/
                                l/____|=/_____|===/____|====| pO!\
                                l>>i n i q u i t y 2 . 1 0<<|_____\
                                l    iniquity bbs v2.10 [DOS]     l
                                i  this is an UNOFFICIAL update   l
                                :   for iniquity 2.0 FINAL that   i
                                .   fixes many bugs, including    :
                                i   numerous y2k issues. use at   .
                                l         your own risk.          i
                                l jack phlash/demonic productions i
itc_300d.zip  552092 08-05-2024  - iNSTINCT 3.0d - Hangin' Gardens -
                                    :      _____:   _ ___________
                                -  -(-----|%    |__  /_        %/'
                                    |     |     __/___|   _|___/
                                   _:     :     |     \    |   `\_
                                (--\_       ____       ___       /--)
                                .    `-----'    `--:--'   `-----'   .
                                : OFFICIAL RE-RELEASE! (discards    .
                                | release 3.0c). This package is..  |
                                |  * Runtime Error 200 bug fixed    |
                                |    (crashed on 233 MHz or faster) |
                                |  * Upgrade (from 3.0x) fixed      |
                                |  * Prompt bug fixed               |
                                | Check our new kick-ass-projects:  |
                                |  -> http://www.instinct.nu <-   |
jdrbbs97.zip 1407378 08-05-2024 
                                  ķķķķķķ ҷ BBS+MAIL
                                ĽĽ   Ľ   software
                                 ĽĽ [JDR_BBS]['97]
                                Congratulations!  You've found the best
                                DOS-based "BBS" software on the planet!
                                Awesome...Incredible!!  Not a demo! 1/3
                                =-=-=-=-=-= DOES IT ALL!!!! =-=-=-=-=-=
jdrd2_97.zip 1191012 08-05-2024 
                                  ķķķķķķ ҷ BBS+MAIL
                                ĽĽ   Ľ   software
                                 ĽĽ [JDR_BBS]['97]
                                Congratulations!  You've found the best
                                DOS-based "BBS" software on the planet!
                                Awesome...Incredible!!  Not a demo! 2/3
                                =-=-=-=-=-= DOES IT ALL!!!! =-=-=-=-=-=
jdrd3_97.zip 1197422 08-05-2024 
                                  ķķķķķķ ҷ BBS+MAIL
                                ĽĽ   Ľ   software
                                 ĽĽ [JDR_BBS]['97]
                                Congratulations!  You've found the best
                                DOS-based "BBS" software on the planet!
                                Awesome...Incredible!!  Not a demo! 3/3
                                =-=-=-=-=-= DOES IT ALL!!!! =-=-=-=-=-=
jetbbs50.zip  399516 08-05-2024 JETBBS 5.0  -- Easy to install, easy to use,
                                and customizable! Put any command on any key
                                in any menu, and make your own menus and
                                commands. Supports multi-line with inter-user
                                chat and multitasking in the background while
                                you use your computer. QWK, file x-fers with
                                ANSI tagging, supports most doors, voting
                                polls, e-mail with forwarding, quoted reply,
                                file attachments, 8 casino games, voting
                                polls, ANSI-scroll-bar mail/message reader.
jetbbs5r.zip  700766 08-05-2024 JETBBS 5.0 Registered - Released as Freeware
                                by Author Troy Beckstrom on August 26, 2000.
                                Easy to install, easy to use,
                                and customizable! Put any command on any key
                                in any menu, and make your own menus and
                                commands. Supports multi-line with inter-user
                                chat and multitasking in the background while
                                you use your computer. QWK, file x-fers with
                                ANSI tagging, supports most doors, voting
                                polls, e-mail with forwarding, quoted reply,
                                file attachments, 8 casino games, voting
                                polls, ANSI-scroll-bar mail/message reader.
kbbsz20p.zip 1145174 08-05-2024 20P TEST Release. Download and use at 
                                your own risk :)
kbbs_40.zip   342585 08-05-2024 KissBBS 4.0 Demo. Expires after 255 calls.
kwikbbs3.zip 3898609 08-05-2024 
lc111696.zip  987347 08-05-2024 Lucid Bbs Software Version .1 (C) 1996
                                Ruthless Enterprises
                                Pascal Source Incl. * Unpack With -D *
lcdb26r2.zip  682711 08-05-2024 Lucid BBS v0.1.26.2
                                by Judge Dredd & Team Lucid
lcdb26x2.zip   26380 08-05-2024 Lucid BBS v0.1.26.2 *FIX*
                                This is for the people who
                                got an error 103 during
                                by Judge Dredd & Team Lucid
liq120cr.zip  991086 08-05-2024  LiQUiD BBS version 1.20c
lo241sr.zip   831395 08-05-2024 LORA 2.41 Source Code
lo242b1e.arj 1488584 08-05-2024 
lo242b1s.arj  897670 08-05-2024 
lo242bf1.arj   14127 08-05-2024 First Fix for Lora-BBS 242B1. A little
                                bug has been fixed in the language files
                                that produced an ugly screen-output in
                                the system usage menu. Replace all files
                                with them in this archive. Then compile
                                the language files as described in the
                                file README.1ST !
lo299sr.zip   938812 08-05-2024 LORA 2.99 Source Code
lo2_0514.zip  955365 08-05-2024 LoraBBS v2.99.41 - Beta release for OS/2
                                The most advanced BBS, FidoNet mailer and
                                mail processor ever seen. If features
                                multiple message bases (Squish, JAM,
                                AdeptXBBS, Hudson and Fido *.MSG), multiple
                                offline mail reader (ASCII, QWK, BlueWave
                                and PointMail), Telnet and FTP clients,
                                USENET news reader, internal file transfer
                                protocols, ANSI Avatar and RIP graphics, and
                                much more. Available for DOS, OS/2, Windows
                                (NT and 95) and Linux operating systems.
lod_0514.zip 1169473 08-05-2024 LoraBBS v2.99.41 - Beta release for DOS
                                The most advanced BBS, FidoNet mailer and
                                mail processor ever seen. If features
                                multiple message bases (Squish, JAM,
                                AdeptXBBS, Hudson and Fido *.MSG), multiple
                                offline mail reader (ASCII, QWK, BlueWave
                                and PointMail), Telnet and FTP clients,
                                USENET news reader, internal file transfer
                                protocols, ANSI Avatar and RIP graphics, and
                                much more. Available for DOS, OS/2, Windows
                                (NT and 95) and Linux operating systems.
lol_0514.zip  743983 08-05-2024 LoraBBS v2.99.41 - Beta release for Linux
                                The most advanced BBS, FidoNet mailer and
                                mail processor ever seen. If features
                                multiple message bases (Squish, JAM,
                                AdeptXBBS, Hudson and Fido *.MSG), multiple
                                offline mail reader (ASCII, QWK, BlueWave
                                and PointMail), Telnet and FTP clients,
                                USENET news reader, internal file transfer
                                protocols, ANSI Avatar and RIP graphics, and
                                much more. Available for DOS, OS/2, Windows
                                (NT and 95) and Linux operating systems.
lorafree.zip  675327 08-05-2024 LoraBBS v2.9.41 FREEWARE upgrade for Win32.
                                An advanced BBS, FidoNet mailer and mail
                                processor all in one for Win 95/98/NT/2K.
                                Features multiple message bases (Squish, JAM,
                                AdeptXBBS, Hudson and Fido *.MSG), multiple
                                offline mail reader (ASCII, QWK, BlueWave
                                and PointMail), Telnet and FTP clients,
                                USENET news reader, internal file transfer
                                protocols, ANSI Avatar and RIP graphics, and
                                much more. This upgrade requires LOW_514.ZIP
                                to be unzipped first. Compiled June 11, 1999.
low_0514.zip  855735 08-05-2024 LoraBBS v2.99.41 - Beta release for Win32 (NT
                                and 95)
                                The most advanced BBS, FidoNet mailer and
                                mail processor ever seen. If features
                                multiple message bases (Squish, JAM,
                                AdeptXBBS, Hudson and Fido *.MSG), multiple
                                offline mail reader (ASCII, QWK, BlueWave
                                and PointMail), Telnet and FTP clients,
                                USENET news reader, internal file transfer
                                protocols, ANSI Avatar and RIP graphics, and
                                much more. Available for DOS, OS/2, Windows
                                (NT and 95) and Linux operating systems.
lsd135r.zip   326409 08-05-2024 LSD BBS v1.35 Released [08/02/91]
lsd41r.zip    501114 08-05-2024 LSD BBS version 4.3 Release. [04/13/1992]
lsd_2d123.zip  281503 08-05-2024 LsD BBS SOURCE CODE!
                                  In Turbo Pascal
lwf_60.zip    758276 08-05-2024 LoraBBS Win32 2.99.60 - Full Install
                                Simply drop the Lwf_60.Exe file into
                                the root of your hard drive and run it.
                                The necessary dirs will be created by
                                the installer. This is a ready-to-run
                                configuration and if you have a modem
                                (or virtual modem) installed on COM2,
                                you can start it up immediately and
                                start configuring it to taste.
majorbbs.zip  111383 08-05-2024 **************************
                                *                        *
                                *     The Major BBS      *
                                *     by Tim Stryker     *
                                *     and Galaticomm     *
                                *      Release 2.2       *
                                * this was the last free *
                                * version, including the *
                                *     C source code!     *
max301n2.zip  886261 08-05-2024 
max301p2.zip  814350 08-05-2024 
max301r2.zip  911756 08-05-2024 
mbb03314.zip 2153058 08-05-2024 
mbb0_33g.tgz 1223733 08-05-2024 
mbbstd62.zip 2151225 08-05-2024 The Major BBS Test Drive 6.2 Demo
                                Copyright (c) 1993 Galacticomm, Inc.
mbsebbs_2d0.33.14.tar.gz 1714010 08-05-2024 
mb_250.zip     79064 08-05-2024 Multi-Board BBS 2.50BN Copyright 1989
                                known to be compatible with the following:
                                *  BinkleyTerm
                                *  FrontDoor
                                *  D'Bridge
                                *  QuickBBS
                                *  Wildcat!
                                *  OPUS CBCS
                                *  Smallnet
mhst235.zip   637364 08-05-2024 MEGAHOST v2.35  - "The EASY BBS"
                                Full featured multiuser BBS designed for ease
                                of use.  Includes btrieve indexed databases,
                                support for networks, RIP, NAPLPS, BIG, &
                                graphics, FOSSIL, DigiBoard, NS16550A FIFO,
                                28.8 kbps, dynamic or custom built menus,
                                for voice lines, callback, built-in and
                                file transfer protocols, net and echo doors.
                                Easy ASCII text file configuration. 
                                By Don Mankin,  $49-$79,  BBS 209-836-2402.
micro.zip     344986 08-05-2024 
microbbs.zip  294550 08-05-2024 ͸
                                MicroBBS - MultiLine Windows BBS System
                                 This is the last release of MicroBBS  
                                      includes the source code.        
                                  It is written in Visual Basic 3.00   
                                  You can modify the code at will but  
                                please leave me some credit on the BBS.
                                     NOTE: PKUNZIP -D MICROBBS.ZIP     
morphsrc.zip  341613 08-05-2024 MorpheusBBS source  - based on Forum sources
mtnt1_19.zip  767697 08-05-2024 Mutant BBS v1.1 by Tom Johnson
                                Supports up to 1000 message and file
                                areas, unlimited doors, up to 65535
                                users, multinodes, sysop definable
                                prompts and menus, and much more.
                                Registration is only $40.
mysd_107.zip  432925 08-05-2024 .-------------------------------------------.
                                | Mystic BBS v1.07         DOS FULL INSTALL |
                                `------------- www.mysticbbs.com -----------'
                                 + Freeware Multinode BBS software
                                 + Native DOS, Windows, OS/2, Linux versions
                                 + Extemely flexible and configurable
                                 + Unlimited configurable menuing system
                                 + Powerful language/theme/string editor
                                 + Pascal-like programming language
                                 + JAM/Squish message bases and QWK system
                                 + Full screen editor with quote window
                                 + Lightbar and standard file/msg listings
                                 + 99-line file description & FILE_ID.DIZ
                                 + Internet Zmodem, archive viewing, testing
                                 + Many DOS DOOR formats and 32-bit DOOR32
                                 + BBS list, Voting booth, Time bank, 1Liners
                                   Quote of the day, Rumors, Split Chat, MORE
                                 + Long file names and telnet servers in most
                                   32-bit versions
mysw_107.zip  549242 08-05-2024 .-------------------------------------------.
                                | Mystic BBS v1.07     WINDOWS FULL INSTALL |
                                `------------- www.mysticbbs.com -----------'
                                 + Freeware Multinode BBS software
                                 + Native DOS, Windows, OS/2, Linux versions
                                 + Extemely flexible and configurable
                                 + Unlimited configurable menuing system
                                 + Powerful language/theme/string editor
                                 + Pascal-like programming language
                                 + JAM/Squish message bases and QWK system
                                 + Full screen editor with quote window
                                 + Lightbar and standard file/msg listings
                                 + 99-line file description & FILE_ID.DIZ
                                 + Internet Zmodem, archive viewing, testing
                                 + Many DOS DOOR formats and 32-bit DOOR32
                                 + BBS list, Voting booth, Time bank, 1Liners
                                   Quote of the day, Rumors, Split Chat, MORE
                                 + Long file names and internet telnet server
nano110.zip   725990 08-05-2024 NanoBBS: Simply the most unique
                                BBS on the market! Loaded with
                                features! Internal X-Y-Zmodem and
                                SEAlink transfers, high speed file
                                searching, internal QWK, an
                                internal full screen editor, and
                                the legendary UFO scripting
                                language only begin to list the
                                multitude of features in this
                                amazing package! Shareware, $69 for
                                two nodes. From Whirlwind Software!
net37.zip     739759 08-05-2024 WWIV Network 37 Released: 03/06/2000
                                Proprietary networking package for WWIV
                                based BBS networks.  Now suppports 10-digit
                                Copyright (c) 1998-2000,
                                WWIV Software Services, LLC
net37pb1.zip  181355 08-05-2024 
nex099g1.zip 1246506 08-05-2024 Nexus Bulletin Board System v0.99 GAMMA (DOS)
                                GAMMA-01 Installation - Released Jul 06, 1997
                                Full installation package  includes JAM(mpb),
                                Squish, and *.MSG support. UUCP-gated e-mail,
                                CD-ROM support, config. file system, powerful
                                menuing system, customizable language system,
                                Nexecutable programming  language,  and more!
                                EVALUATION VERSION    http://www.ivcs.net/edc
nxdoc010.zip   66753 08-05-2024 Nexus Bulletin Board System v0.99 BETA  (DOS)
                                Full documentation    - Released May 11, 1997
                                This is a pre-release version of the complete
                                Nexus Bulletin Board System documentation.
                                This is for review and corrections.  Please
                                feel free to comment and correct.
                                * PRE-RELEASE ONLY *  http://www.ivcs.net/edc
obv235r2.zip  406921 08-05-2024 -  Oblivion/2 v2.35 Public Release  -
                                  ܲ ۲۲ ۲۲   ۲ 
                                ߲ ߱߱߱ 
                                ݰ   ۰      ۰      ۰   ۲
obv240b1.zip  321260 08-05-2024 Oblivion/2 v2.40 Beta 1
                                Released August 11, 1999
                                Transcentral Enterprises
obv240b2.zip  269781 08-05-2024 Oblivion/2 v2.40 Beta 2
                                Released August 14, 1999
                                You must have v2.40beta1 installed
                                before applying this beta!!!!
                                Transcentral Enterprises
obv2_2d230.zip  800075 08-05-2024    Oblivion/2 v2.30
                                Released July 19, 1995
obvreg.zip      6581 08-05-2024 Oblivion/2 BBS Serial Number Generator
                                This is not a hack, Oblivion/2 is now
                                Visit http://oblivionbbs.home.ml.org/
                                for more information.
                                (c) 1997-1998 Transcentral Enterprises
oexe179.zip   165899 08-05-2024 Opus CBCS BBS/Mailer v1.79 direct from author
omake179.zip  323930 08-05-2024 Opus CBCS BBS/Mailer v.1.79 installation kit
                                direct from author.
oracomm1.zip  137062 08-05-2024 ORACOMM-Plus(tm) Multiuser BBS
                                Release 5.00 April 9, 1990
                                Disk [1/3]
oracomm2.zip  126734 08-05-2024 ORACOMM-Plus(tm) Multiuser BBS
                                Release 5.00 April 9, 1990
                                Disk [2/3]
oracomm3.zip  164442 08-05-2024 ORACOMM-Plus(tm) Multiuser BBS
                                Release 5.00 April 9, 1990
                                Disk [3/3]
orashare.zip  313826 08-05-2024 Oricom BBS Shareware Release 5.00
                                December 27, 1990
orion41x.zip 2686608 08-05-2024 
osirisv501.zip 3325847 08-05-2024 +---------------------------------------+
                                |   Osiris BBS 5.01 For Windows 95/98   |
                                |   Copyright 1985-2000 Mike Bryeans.   |
                                |                                       |
                                |  Supports TELNET, POP3, NNTP, SMTP,   |
                                |  ANSI, RIP and MAX GRAPHIC interface, |
                                |  and much more!  Now Freeware.        |
                                |    **** Released May 5, 2000 ****     |
otec179.zip   104923 08-05-2024 Opus CBCS BBS/Mailer v1.79 Sysop Operations
                                Manual direct from author.
oterasrc.zip  339719 08-05-2024 ĿĿ ĿĿ
                                        Ĵ  BBS Program
                                          Source Code 
                                   This is not a Forum Hack 
                                      Released by Author! 
                                     Features Menu Editor! 
outil179.zip  682558 08-05-2024 Opus CBCS BBS/Mailer v1.79 Utilities archive
                                direct from author.
parag115.zip  344345 08-05-2024 Paragon BBS- A Cross between Telegard and RA
                                includes matrix DOS logon, rumors, automsgs,
                                and much more. 4 nodes freeware version has
                                all the features included. Very Elite style
                                board, not ment for lamers. Version 1.15.
pb125a_1.zip  139851 08-05-2024 POWERBOARD BBS 1.25A. Complete  BBS  Pkg.
                                offering 6 Minute/6 Question Install  for
                                100%   Operational   System!   Completely
                                Configurable by Scripting Language.  FULL
                                RIP Graphics Support, including  RIP MENU
                                DEVELOPMENT  TOOL   for   fast  and  easy
                                creation   of   RIP    menus   WITHOUT  a
                                RIP Drawing Program!
pb125a_2.zip  332527 08-05-2024 POWERBOARD BBS 1.25A. Disk 2/4: Main BBS
                                Files  and  Executables.
pb125a_3.zip  236089 08-05-2024 POWERBOARD BBS 1.25A. Disk 3/4:  Utilities
                                Utility Package, Status Line Configurator,
                                Event Manager,  Dynamic Menu Editor,  Menu
                                Development Tool and Protocol Engine.
pb125a_4.zip   99698 08-05-2024 POWERBOARD BBS 1.25A.  Disk 4/4:    System
                                Operations Manual.
pb216y22.zip    5261 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 << Miha Ulanov presents >> 
                                 Proboard 2.16 y2k patch v2 
                                 This patch fixes year 2000 
                                 bugs in Proboard 2.16 BBS. 
pbbs506.zip  3764745 08-05-2024 PowerBBS FOR WINDOWS v5.00
                                 The #1 solution for running a full-featured,
                                   * Multimedia GUI* multi-line BBS with 
                                   sound and graphics from within Windows!
                                 Includes both a 16-bit version and an
                                 optimized 32-bit version for Windows 95/NT!
                                 * Full Internet support.  Full 256 node    *
                                 * Local and Large Area Network support.    *
                                 * Windows 3.1, 3.11, WFWG, NT &  Win '95   *
pbbsw35a.zip 1358996 08-05-2024 PowerBBS FOR WINDOWS v3.5  (Disk 1/2):
                                    The #1 telecommunication solution for  
                                   running a full-featured, multi-line BBS
                                    from within the Windows environment!   
                                 *** AMONG THE MANY NEW FEATURES IN v3.5:****
                                 * In/out TELNET capability!!! New internal *
                                 * GUI File Manager! GUI Sysops display!    *
                                 * Major group Teleconference enhancements! *
                                 * Download directly from P/Base! New FAX   *
                                 * back feature! Autocreation of DOOR.SYS!  *
                                 * New .DLL add-ons for C/Pascal developers!*
pbbsw35b.zip 1104671 08-05-2024 PowerBBS FOR WINDOWS v3.5  (Disk 2/2):
                                 A powerfully flexible BBS system with GUI
                                 Config, ANSI/ASCII/RIP support, DOS Doors,
                                 online dBase, Internet/Usenet mail server
                                 connection, FTPmail, QWK-mail network, MAPI
                                 Gateway, satellite mail support, air-tight
                                 security, KERMIT/X/Y/Zmodem protocols, 1000
                                 forums, file-enclosures in messages, CD-ROM
                                 support, FILE_ID.DIZ support, u/l scanning,
                                 split-screen & group teleconferencing! More!
                                 ZIP viewing, multi-lang support! PowerLANG
                                 scripting for total configurability!
pb_216.zip    654935 08-05-2024 ProBoard v2.17 - Professional BBS System
                                Includes: Full multi-line support (255
                                Nodes), Squish, Hudson, JAM, and *.MSG
                                support, Support for 10,000 message/
                                file areas, Unique development kit (SDK)
                                included, Language support, TTY/ANSI/
                                AVT/RIP, CD-ROM support, Runs most
                                doors, UL Scan support, Interal QWK,
                                Alias support, and lots lots more!
                                Now Freeware - (c) 2002 Philippe Leybaert
pb_220e.zip   804286 08-05-2024 ProBoard v2.2 - Professional BBS System
                                Demo 2 line version supporting up to 255
                                nodes when registered.  Squish, Hudson, 
                                JAM, and *.MSG support. Support for 10K 
                                message/file areas, Unique SDK included,
                                Language support, TTY/ANSI/AVT/RIP, 
                                CD-ROM support, Runs most doors, UL Scan
                                support, Interal QWK, Alias support, and
                                lots lots more!
                                (c) 1990-1999 TeleGrafix Communications.
pcbdemo.zip  1294407 08-05-2024 
pcbsws_2d1.zip  419293 08-05-2024 PCBoard Shareware Special.  Fully functional
                                release of an older, single node version of
                                PCBoard to replace previous PCBoard 10.0
                                shareware release.  Copyright (C) 1989,1992
                                Clark Development Company, Inc.  (1 of 2)
pcbsws_2d2.zip  603289 08-05-2024 PCBoard Shareware Special.  Fully functional
                                release of an older, single node version of
                                PCBoard to replace previous PCBoard 10.0
                                shareware release.  Copyright (C) 1989,1992
                                Clark Development Company, Inc.  (2 of 2)
pcc300.zip    251910 08-05-2024 PcConnect "the alternative BBS"
                                  Version 3.00 (August 1989)
pccark1.zip    11895 08-05-2024 PcConnect PCCARK V1.0 An ARC-File Copy/Lister
pccedit.zip    76187 08-05-2024 PcConnect File Editor
pce130d1.zip  788292 08-05-2024                     O
                                   _______________/__/\_______   ___ _ _ _ __
                                  :               \__\/       _|_______  ___
                                 _!______ v1.30DEMO   (-fAZ!) |  ____/__  \
                                 \ __   /!____  PC- !  _ _ ____|__  \   \  /
                                _/ /___/ !   /________/\   __  //   /_____/
                                \______\   _/  _   / _  \  /__/___ /(c) :
                                  ./_____!  \  /  /  / _/____/ . \/     !
                                  |      !___\ __/__\   \               |
                                  :         l___\   /____\ The new PC/X |
                                  ! comes with  many improvements & new :
                                  | features, among them  TheTag v1.20D;!
                                  : switched  over to  JAM messagebase; |
                                  : multilanguage support; new documen- :
                                  ! tations; many tools(userbase/msgbase!
                                  ! packer) are internal; also included |
                                  : is PCEKiT v2.67.                    :
                                  |  _ .  _                             :
                                      (_)  .
pce130d2.zip 1343762 08-05-2024                     O
                                   _______________/__/\_______   ___ _ _ _ __
                                  :               \__\/       _|_______  ___
                                 _!______ v1.30DEMO   (-fAZ!) |  ____/__  \
                                 \ __   /!____  PC- !  _ _ ____|__  \   \  /
                                _/ /___/ !   /________/\   __  //   /_____/
                                \______\   _/  _   / _  \  /__/___ /(c) :
                                  ./_____!  \  /  /  / _/____/ . \/     !
                                  |      !___\ __/__\   \               |
                                  :         l___\   /____\ The new PC/X |
                                  ! comes with  many improvements & new :
                                  | features, among them  TheTag v1.20D;!
                                  : switched  over to  JAM messagebase; |
                                  : multilanguage support; new documen- :
                                  ! tations; many tools(userbase/msgbase!
                                  ! packer) are internal; also included |
                                  : is PCEKiT v2.67.                    :
                                  |  _ .  _                             :
                                      (_)  .
pcpn41a1.zip  152418 08-05-2024  PCPN BBS V4.1a 
                                Fourth generation Bulletin Board System   
                                with full-screen color interactive menus  
                                and intelligent dialog boxes, complete    
                                context-sensitive help, and integrated    
                                "hands-off" networking built in! Full     
                                UNIX-style download section with unlimited
                                directory structure and intelligent file  
                                searches, up to 2000 conferences, and     
                                total Sysop configuration control. The    
                                ideal system for novice and expert Sysops 
                                alike, this complete rewrite puts PCPN in 
                                it's eleventh year of release! Critically 
                                acclaimed by leading industry             
                                publications, this is the BBS software    
                                that YOU should be running! Also download 
                                PCPN41A2.ZIP, PCPN41A3.ZIP, PCPN41A4.ZIP  
                                and PCPN41A5.ZIP.                         
pcpn41a2.zip  793096 08-05-2024 
pcpn41a3.zip  954245 08-05-2024 
pcpn41a4.zip  960452 08-05-2024 
pcpn41a5.zip  973087 08-05-2024 
pcxbbs12.zip  554962 08-05-2024   -=[       PC-EXPRESS BBS V 1.2        ]=-
                                  -=[        WITH LANGUAGE FILE         ]=-
                                  -=[    Now no registration required   ]=-
pipe05bs.zip  363295 08-05-2024 PipeLine BBS 0.5b Source Code
                                Another Vision Hack
pl99a_2d1.zip  245448 08-05-2024 
pl99free.zip  513561 08-05-2024 [PipeLine BBS v.99a (Freeware)]
                                       ۰  :
                                --İ ---- -
                                        ޲            .'
pppbb301.zip  308996 08-05-2024 PPPBBS Version 3.01
                                TCP/IP-based BBS program with many advanced
                                capabilities. Designed to let anyone operate
                                as a small-scale Internet Service Provider,
                                with a minimum of expense. PPPBBS connects
                                to the Internet a variety of different ways:
                                PPP Dial-Up, PPP over ISDN, or Ethernet. Does
                                not require "dedicated" Internet access, a
                                static IP address, or even that you "own" a
                                range of IP addresses. Can even "gate" a PPP
                                feed to your Ethernet LAN.
                                Built-in: PPP Internet Network Access Server,
                                Web Server, FTP Server, Telnet Server, Ident
                                Server, SMTP Server, POP3 Server, SMTP Client
                                , POP3 Client, DYNDNS.COM Client, Multi-User
                                BBS, Mail Processor With Universal Mailbox
                                Support, and much, much more.
pro0101.zip   248129 08-05-2024     ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲
                                 Prophecy Bulletin Board Software  
                                 (C)opyright 1992-1996 Yojna, Inc. 
                                 Version 1.3b Beta - Full Featured 
                                 Software. A delicate mix of PCB,  
                                 Renegade, Telegard, and Obv/2.    
                                      Released on (01-01-96)       
q285cs.zip    215093 08-05-2024 
                                ޳   QuickBBS V2.85 Classic     ޳
                                 QuickBBS Version 2.85 Classic Version.
                                 (Single Node Support Executables)
                                 - New Event Manager
                                 - New Language Entries
                                 - New Direct InterNode Command System
                                 - Better Multinode Support
                                 Official Archive Release Date: 03/01/98
qb285p4a.zip 1819255 08-05-2024 
                                ޳ QuickBBS V2.85 AutoInstaller ޳
                                 Matrix Technologies QuickBBS Installer
                                 for version 2.85.  Contains *ALL* files
                                 needed to start a QuickBBS System.
                                 Simple installation.  Now contains 
                                 Modem Database for even simplier 
                                 Official Archive Release Date: 12/30/97
qb285p4c.zip 1157168 08-05-2024 
                                ޳   QuickBBS V2.85 Classic     ޳
                                 QuickBBS Version 2.85 Goldbase Version.
                                 - New Event Manager
                                 - New Language Entries
                                 - New Direct InterNode Command System
                                 - Better Multinode Support
                                 Official Archive Release Date: 01/12/98
qb290z2c.zip 1197044 08-05-2024 
                                ޳    QuickBBS V2.90 Classic    ޳
                                 QuickBBS Version 2.90 Classic Version.
                                 Pre-Release #2 - Many enhancements.
                                 - Year2K (2000) Fixes
                                 - Qconfig Internal User Editor
                                 - New Qconfig Modem Interface
                                 - File Area Printing from Qconfig
                                 - Qconfig Text Editor Interface
                                 - More Modem Connect Strings (30)
                                 - Advanced Modem Configuration
                                 - Enhancements to MATH function
                                 - IF FLAG  command
                                 - PageFile addition for Sysop Paging.
                                 Official Archive Release Date: 1/06/99
qb290z2g.zip 1109070 08-05-2024 
                                ޳    QuickBBS V2.90 Goldbase   ޳
                                 QuickBBS Version 2.90 Goldbase Version.
                                 Pre-Release #2 - Many enhancements.
                                 - Year2K (2000) Fixes
                                 - Qconfig Internal User Editor
                                 - New Qconfig Modem Interface
                                 - File Area Printing from Qconfig
                                 - Qconfig Text Editor Interface
                                 - More Modem Connect Strings (30)
                                 - Advanced Modem Configuration
                                 - Enhancements to MATH function
                                 - IF FLAG  command
                                 - PageFile addition for Sysop Paging.
                                 Official Archive Release Date: 1/06/99
quiv94b.zip   478651 08-05-2024 QUiVER BBS Software v0.94r beta
                                -The rewrite- includes a
                                beautiful user interface
                                featuring pop-up / pulldown
                                menu's and pushbuttons. Also
                                features a forum-like message
                                section, strings editor,
                                SoundBlaster support, file by
                                number, built in Zip-Lab, and
                                much more.  *MUST* PKUNZIP
                                with -d option.
qvreg94b.zip  229097 08-05-2024 Quiver RBBS 0.94beta FULL 11-27-1994
                                If you do not have not set up the,
                                0.94b DEMO, you MUST download the
                                demo, QUIV94B.ZIP.  Read README.QV
                                which is included in this zip.
                                Unzip with pkunzip  -s
radoc252.zip  174660 08-05-2024 RemoteAccess BBS v2.52 Documentation
                                This documentation was not included
                                in the RA_252.ZIP release archive.
rap150up.zip  399243 08-05-2024 Raptor BBS 1.0-to-1.50a upgrade
rap15a2.zip   382655 08-05-2024 Raptor BBS 1.55a bug-fix exe only
                                This bugfix fixes the bug in version 1.55a
                                that would not allow you to add additional
                                message bases! POSTED JULY 29, 1998
                                This requires Raptor 1.50 or later.
raptor1.zip   677804 08-05-2024 RAPTOR BBS Ver 1.0 Now includes internode
                                teleconference!. Fido mail compatible,
                                256 nodes, on the fly color and RIP menu
                                generation. Up to 20 language files,
                                it's own display file and menu file dir,
                                taglines, external editor support,
                                Freeform menu structure with powerful
                                security features. Uncrippled using the
                                included beta test key. 32,000 file areas
                                32,000 message areas. Includes free utils
                                for bulletins, split screen chat,internal
                                call back verifier! Now with QWK Support!
                                Release 7-31-96
ra_001.zip    306962 08-05-2024 
ra_262sw.zip  849012 08-05-2024 RemoteAccess Version 2.62.1
                                This is the long awaited y2k upgrade to
                                RemoteAccess Shareware.  In addition to 
                                finalizing Year 2000 compliance (which 
                                uses the full four digit year) there are 
                                some additional features.  Be sure to 
                                read the WHATSNEW.TXT file.
                                Please report any and all bugs or 
                                strange happenings to me through any of 
                                the following means:
                                 RA_SUPPORT echo on fidonet
                                 Netmail to me at 1:324/122@fidonet
                                 E-Mail mailto:bugreports@rapro.com
                                Bruce Morse
                                RemoteAccess Central
rbbs_2d174.zip 1536599 08-05-2024 RBBS (Remote Bulletin Board Software)
                                final version 17.4
rev96b4.zip   579907 08-05-2024 r e v e l a t i o n   b b s   v 0 . 9 6  0 4
                                   Copyright (C) 1995 G. Gann & R. Hadsall
                                        Release Date - June 2, 1995
rg99044d.zip  475997 08-05-2024  - Renegade Bulletin Board System -
                                Copyright Patrick Spence & Gary Hall
                                      - All rights reserved-
                                This file contains all you need to 
                                  fully install or upgrade your 
                                Renegade Bulletin Board Software.
rgd98101.zip  317387 08-05-2024 Renegade BBS docs version 98-101 in PDF
rgm0405.zip    25902 08-05-2024 ^0   Renegade Maintenance Utility by Cott
                                 Packs  users, purges users, packs msgs,
                                 files, sorts  files, fixes  data files,
                                 short msgs, fixes file sizes and status.
                                 logs off users for the maintenance event!
rgy2ka2.zip   447782 08-05-2024 [=========================]
                                [== Renegade BBS vY2Ka2 ==]
                                [ (c)2000, Jeff Herrings  ]
                                [                         ]
                                [ "HotFix" update to      ]
                                [ resolve RENEGADE's Y2K  ]
                                [ compliancy issues.      ]
                                [                         ]
robofx.zip   1614936 08-05-2024 RoboBOARD/FX by Hamelton Telegraphics
rybbs80a.zip  374830 08-05-2024 RyBBS Version 8.0 BBS System PART A
                                represents the finest in bulletin board
                                systems.  Setup in five minutes flat!
                                Features include: unlimited menus and
                                protocols. Up to 500 message areas
                                allowing private, public, anon., file
                                attaches and more! Up to 200 file areas.
                                Built in QWK support and all X,Y and
                                Zmodem included. All file and msg areas
                                are security dependent as are all menu
                                commands.  BBS, voice and national
                                echomail support. Visa/MC accepted.
rybbs80b.zip  275950 08-05-2024 RyBBS Version 8.0 BBS System PART B
                                represents the finest in bulletin board
                                systems.  Setup in five minutes flat!
                                Features include: unlimited menus and
                                protocols. Up to 500 message areas
                                allowing private, public, anon., file
                                attaches and more! Up to 200 file areas.
                                Built in QWK support and all X,Y and
                                Zmodem included. All file and msg areas
                                are security dependent as are all menu
                                commands.  BBS, voice and national
                                echomail support. Visa/MC accepted.
sa_st409.zip  510452 08-05-2024 Sapphire BBS.  Easy to install.  Easy to run.
                                For small business and institutions. Advanced
                                self-maintaining design. Used by consultants,
                                support lines, type-setters, and translators.
                                Good choice for people who have not run a BBS
                                before but need one running immediately. From
                                Pinnacle Software, the developers of the Free
                                Speech and Pyroto Mountain BBS's. For support
                                dial 514-345-9578, or call our free files BBS
                                at 514-345-8654 (download on first call).
sbbs1173.zip  753922 08-05-2024 SuperBBS Bulletin Board Software.
                                Release 1.17, date: February 1, 1993
                                SuperBBS is a QuickBBS look alike program,
                                but with many more options.
                                Hudson type messagebase, USERS.BBS style
                                userbase, flexible Menu and textfiles
                                options allow the Sysop to build his BBS
                                system as complex as he/she wants. Supports
                                Many doors (external programs) and utilities
                                written for QBBS, RA, and ProBoard.
                                Copyright (C) 1990-1993 Aki Antman and
                                Risto Virkkala.
sbbs300b.zip 4669094 08-05-2024 Synchronet v3.00b Multinode BBS Software
                                for Windows 95/98/NT4/2000 - Full Install
                                Includes integrated Telnet, FTP, and Mail
                                servers. Up to 250 nodes in one window!
                                Supports popular DOS doors, 32-bit WinSock
                                doors, multinode chat, QWK, FidoNet, and
                                much, much more! Highly customizable. 
                                Check www.synchro.net for the latest and 
                                greatest. See v300_new.txt for list of new 
sbbs_src.zip  889474 08-05-2024 Synchronet v2.30a Multinode BBS Software
                                Full C++ Source Code..
sbup300b.zip 2322277 08-05-2024 Synchronet v3.00b Multinode BBS Software
                                for Windows 95/98/NT/2000 - UPGRADE - 
                                Includes integrated Telnet, FTP, and Mail
                                servers. Up to 250 nodes in one window!
                                Supports popular DOS doors, 32-bit WinSock
                                doors, multinode chat, QWK, FidoNet, and
                                much, much more! Highly customizable. 
                                Check www.synchro.net for the latest and 
                                greatest. See v300_new.txt for list of new 
scy044b.zip   302783 08-05-2024 secrecy - what you've been waiting for.
                                o.44߲               ܲ ܰ ܲ
                                 ܲ ܲܰ     ߰
                                 ܰ۲ ܲ ܲ۲ܰ ܲ ݲs 
                                 ߲    ۲ ߲   b 
                                   ߲ ߲ܲ ۲ ް
                                 ߰ܰ ۲ ޲ ޲ ۲  a
                                ߰޲ ݱ ޲ ۲  ۲ c
                                ߱ܲ ۲  ۲ ۲i
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߲߲۲ d
                                 ߲ ܲ ߲ ܲ   ۲ 
                                 ߲߰ܲ ߰ܲ
                                artist+cder=super.  ܲܲ   ܲ
                                check out this bbs-softwre.߲   ܲ
                                mostly designed for artboards ot.  
sdlxdemo.zip  608072 08-05-2024 Searchlight BBS Share Ware version 1.31
                                Easy to Set up.  And Hey! it's Free :-)
                                This is the last version made, and there
                                will be no more !
                                (updated .EXE's in this file 9-25-90)
se401a.zip    342897 08-05-2024 ----- OSIRIS SE BBS Rev 4.01 ------
                                Copyright (c) 1988, 89, 90, 91, 92
                                By International TeleCommunications
                                Disk [1/5]
se401b.zip    307475 08-05-2024 OSIRIS SE BBS Rev 4.01 - Disk [2/5]
se401c.zip    328092 08-05-2024 OSIRIS SE BBS Rev 4.01 - Disk [3/5]
se401d.zip    328152 08-05-2024 OSIRIS SE BBS Rev 4.01 - Disk [4/5]
se401e.zip    374328 08-05-2024 OSIRIS SE BBS Rev 4.01 - Disk [5/5]
sf351_2d1.zip  251755 08-05-2024 [ SPITFIRE Bulletin Board System ]͸
                                 Version 3.51 - Disk 1 - System Disk 
sf351_2d2.zip  286104 08-05-2024 [ SPITFIRE Bulletin Board System ]͸
                                 v3.51 - Disk 2 - Utililty/DOC Disk  
sg138a.zip   1284795 08-05-2024 Update Shotgun Professional v1.38 to
                                v1.38a. REQUIRES an existing installation
                                of v1.38!!!! If you already have a v1.38a
                                installed, simply install this patch
                                WITHOUT running 138TO140.EXE.
sg200key.zip   12485 08-05-2024 Shotgun BBS Professional 255 Line Key!
                                Shotgun is now freeware! An official
                                keygen direct from the Shotgun author.
sg20src.zip  9686073 08-05-2024 Shotgun Professional v2.00-alpha 10 source
                                code. Requires BP7, as well as a couple of
                                commercial toolkits.
sg2_10.zip   4637607 08-05-2024 Shotgun BBS Professional version 2 alpha 10.
                                Now freeware.
sgprokey.zip   11395 08-05-2024 Shotgun Professional 2-line key file.
                                In the spirit of BBSing, we are making
                                Shotgun a free product. Just place the
                                key file in your \shotgun directory
                                and you are set!
                                Brent Shellenberg
                                - Author Of Shotgun Professional
sgt138b.zip   952466 08-05-2024 ***** SGT Services Manager Version 1.38 *****
                                Powerful communications software for SuperVGA
                                systems. Use even on text based systems!! Has
                                all the features you would expect to pay for.
                                * Built in XModem/YModem/YModem-G/ZModem
                                * Complete dialer with seperate password,
                                  login names and function key assignments.
                                * Fax send & receive for adaptive answer
                                  equiped modems. (Zoom, Supra etc.)
                                * YAPP connections to Shotgun systems.
                                * Automatic front end mailer bypass.
                                * Supports 640x480, 800x600 & 1024x768 video.
                                Requirements:  SuperVGA (640x480x256 colour),
                                IBM or MS compatible mouse, 580k of available
                                conventional memory, and 3 MB of FREE XMS.
sg_v138.zip  5400216 08-05-2024 Shotgun Professional - Version 1.38
                                Complete SVGA/ANSI/ASCII/RIP installation of
                                Shotgun Professional. Bring the touch of high
                                quality Super-VGA to your online service or
                                BBS. Everything is included that you would
                                normally pay extra for:
                                * SQUISH/JAM/FIDO Support
                                * Front End Mailer Software
                                * TIC File Echo Processor
                                * Echomail processor
                                * Multiple Interface (SVGA/ANSI/TTY/RIP)
                                * Shotgun GUI Editor included!
                                * XModem/YModem/ZModem and much much more!
                                Requires 540k of RAM, 1024k of EMS/XMS, SVGA
                                monitor & mouse. 8 minute online limit demo.
shkpro10.zip  280890 08-05-2024 -=>ShockWave:PRO BBS<=-  v1.00.Alpha for DOS
                                released 05/11/1997. Freeware!
shkwvsrc.zip  250570 08-05-2024 ShockWave Source Code
slbbs31.zip   301996 08-05-2024 Searchlight BBS Share Ware version 1.31
                                Easy to Set up.  And Hey! it's Free :-)
                                This is the last version made, and there
                                will be no more !
                                (updated .EXE's in this file 9-25-90)
slbbs510.zip 3814537 08-05-2024 Searchlight BBS Version 5.1 
                                Working Demo of Searchlight 5.1, the BBS 
                                software with Integrated RIP Graphics and 
                                local RIP support. Includes built-in RIP 
                                features like dialog boxes, menus and scroll 
                                bars. Full featured BBS software includes 
                                DigiBoard and CD-ROM support, unlimited 
                                message & file areas, and much more. Full 
                                documentation provided. Version 5.1 supports
                                Windows 32-bit server as well as DOS server.
sldem450.zip 1044499 08-05-2024 Searchlight BBS 4.5 Demo Version
                                Working Demo of Searchlight 4.5, the BBS 
                                software with Integrated RIP Graphics and 
                                local RIP support. Includes built-in RIP 
                                features like dialog boxes, menus and scroll 
                                bars. Full featured BBS software includes 
                                DigiBoard and CD-ROM support, unlimited 
                                message & file areas, and much more. Full 
                                documentation provided. New version 4.5 
                                supports RIPterm 2.0 with JPEG & WAV files!
sldoc450.zip  239127 08-05-2024 Searchlight BBS 4.5 Documentation
                                Complete user manual for Searchlight BBS
                                version 4.5, the BBS software with built
                                in RIP Graphics Support. Includes browser
                                program. For use with file DEMO450.ZIP.
src994s5.zip  458226 08-05-2024 Revelation BBS version 0.994 Source
sx4_2.zip     261511 08-05-2024 
synergy.zip   429324 08-05-2024 
sys75.zip     600508 08-05-2024 sYSTEM/75 sOURCE cODE
sys_2dx15a.zip  333560 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 Hologram PC Productions - (c)1995 [HGM!] 
                                    ܲ  ޲   ܲ  SYSTEM/X! 
                                ޱ  ߰޲ ޱ۰ ܲBBS Software
                                ߱  ޲۰ ۰      ߲ v1.5 Alpha! 
                                    ߱   NOW FREEWARE
                                ޲       ޱ   ޲             
                                ޱ޲  ۲                
                                ޲   ߱  ޱ ޱ            
sys_2dx15e.zip 2014576 08-05-2024 > System /X 1.5 Alpha Strike Eagle Edition <
                                  Customized version w/ all utils you need
                                ܱܲܲ ܲ۲[1/1]ܲ ܲ ܲ
                                 ܲ۲۰۲۲ ۲۱
                                 ۱ ۲ ۲۱۰
                                 o۲۰۲۱ ۰g
                                 G۱߲۲ ߲ܲ۰a
                                 ۰۱߲ ۱۲ ۲s
                                 ۰۱۲۰ ޱ۰
                                 ۰ܱ۲ ۰۱
                                ߲ ߲ ۲۲߰  ߲
tachyon.zip   582834 08-05-2024  Obsidian Knight's TACHYON BBS Software 3.06
                                 Cracked to teach the bum a lesson in ethics
                                 and morality. Registered to whoever wishes
                                 to run his cheesy hack. Obsidian Knight is
                                 one of those "fly-by-night" authors who will
                                 take your cash and then drop the project. If
                                 you ever see him, kick him in the balls for
                                 me...if you can locate those tiny things!!!
tagd27.zip    133177 08-05-2024 T.A.G. Version 2.7
tagm27.zip    401822 08-05-2024 T.A.G. Version 2.7
                                Main Program
tags27.zip     78880 08-05-2024 T.A.G. Version 2.7
                                Startup Package
tagsorce.zip  116578 08-05-2024 This ZIPed file contains all the source code
                                and associated files for TAG version 1.03
tagu26b.zip     9720 08-05-2024 T.A.G. 2.6b
                                Update documentation package
tagu27d1.zip  325383 08-05-2024 T.A.G. BBS y2k Update Release 2.7d1
                                   Issued on December 04,1999
                                        Must be to 2.7d
tagu27d2.zip  325236 08-05-2024 T.A.G. BBS y2k Update Release 2.7d2
                                 Issued on December 26,1999
                                 Second y2k update-Corrects JAM error
                                 Must be to 2.7d
tb120.zip     383609 08-05-2024 TurBoard Version 1.20 - July 2, 1993
                                By Shawn Rhoads
                                A NAPLPS, ANSI and ASCII telecommunications
                                program designed to provide server E-Mail,
                                data and information exchange for a group of
                                users.  The system can be used in a public
                                or private environment and over a LAN or
                                Modem connection.
tbbs115.zip   978212 08-05-2024 ******** TriBBS v11.5 ********
                                TriBBS is the most feature packed,
                                shareware BBS program on the market.
                                Features multinode support, RIPscrip
                                graphics, Zmodem, full-screen, editor,
                                extensive netmail support, extensive door
                                support, alias support, extensive CD-ROM
                                support, indexed file areas, caller id
                                support, and more. Try TriBBS Today!          
                                By PTC Software
tcra985.zip  2733612 08-05-2024 ============================
                                  tcRemoteAccess32 0.985
                                100% compatible RemoteAccess
                                clone for Win95/98/NT (GUI)
                                See WHATSNEW.985 for more
tcs150.zip    204274 08-05-2024 TCS v1.50 - based on Forum sources
tempest.zip   479441 08-05-2024      THE TEMPEST BBS SOFTWARE v2.0B6 FOR DOS
                                   The  greatest  multinode  BBS  software
                                _/ \_ available.   Has  Internal  support for
                                both  FidoMail  and  QWKmail   networks,  LZH
                                compressed  messages,  file_id.diz,  new user
                                voting,  CD-ROMS,  tape drives,  LANs, multi-
                                taskers, bidirectional  file transfers, split
                                screen chat, internal file scanner,  internal
                                file  caching, fullscreen  editor, infoforms,
                                and more!  Shareware (c)Grip MicroDesigns Inc
tg2309g2.zip  688018 08-05-2024    Telegard/2 BBS Version 3.09.g2 for OS2
                                (*------ Release date: July 5, 1998 ------*)
                                Full featured bulletin board system software
                                for beginners and experts!  Features full 
                                message section with JAM and Squish formats,
                                a full file section w/file tagging & CDROM 
                                support, multinode, multilingual, powerful 
                                menus, scripting language, and door support!
tg25src.zip   611427 08-05-2024 ------------------------------------
                                -- Telegard Bulletin Board System -- 
                                --     Version 2.5i Standard      --
                                --     Source code in Pascal      --
tg309sp4.zip  584405 08-05-2024   Telegard BBS Version 3.09 Service Pack 4
                                Service pack 4 is only intended for use with
                                a Telegard 3.09.g2 (sp3) installation, 
                                fixing known Y2K related bugs and problems 
                                with the 3.09.g2 (sp3) release.  Both DOS &
                                OS/2 patches are included. Date: 19 Dec 1999
tgdev309.zip   76626 08-05-2024 Telegard BBS v3.10 Development Kit (Rev 3.09)
                                [*----------- November 06, 1997 -----------*]
                                Development kit includes data structures for 
                                Pascal and C, a comprehensive design document
                                which explains all of the BBS data files and 
                                other important details of the data formats. 
                                Documentation also includes other information
                                related to creating and distributing third 
                                party utilities for Telegard.
tg_302.zip    569761 08-05-2024    Telegard BBS Software Version 3.02/DOS
                                (*-------- Released: JULY 14, 1996 --------*)
                                Full featured BBS software for beginners to
                                experts alike!  JAM and Squish format message
                                bases, powerful file section w/file tagging,
                                mulitnode support, full multilingual support,
                                languages with text and key configs (>length,
                                255 colours, 100+ MCI codes), RIP support,
                                powerful menus, scripts, doors and more!
tg_309g2.zip  656575 08-05-2024     Telegard BBS Version 3.09.g2 for DOS
                                (*------ Release date: July 5, 1998 ------*)
                                Full featured bulletin board system software
                                for beginners and experts!  Features full 
                                message section with JAM and Squish formats,
                                a full file section w/file tagging & CDROM 
                                support, multinode, multilingual, powerful 
                                menus, scripting language, and door support!
th300.zip      74252 08-05-2024 TinyHost V3.00 - A small, simple Host / BBS
                                program. Internal XModem, external protocols,
                                messaging, operator chat, shell-to-DOS, log
                                support, & much more!          24 April 1992
tor1006a.rar  394598 08-05-2024 
tor1006w.rar  776691 08-05-2024 
tor1504a.zip  390392 08-05-2024 Tornado/DOS 1.70alpha/15-Apr-99
tor1504p.zip  383152 08-05-2024 Tornado/OS2 1.70alpha/15-Apr-99
tor1504w.zip  685345 08-05-2024 Tornado/W32 1.70alpha/15-Apr-99
tor2308a.rar  459035 08-05-2024 Tornado/DOS 1.70alpha xx-yyy-zz
tor2308p.rar  349866 08-05-2024 Tornado/OS2 1.70alpha xx-yyy-zz
tor2308w.rar  842663 08-05-2024 Tornado/W32 1.70alpha xx-yyy-zz
tor2506a.rar  375207 08-05-2024 
tor2506w.rar  760191 08-05-2024 
torsrc17.zip  909336 08-05-2024 Tornado BBS 1.70alpha/25-Jun-99 Source Code.
                                - Dos/Win32/Os2..
toxbbs20.zip  216248 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      ToxBBS v2.0 Beta 326       
                                  TOXIC SOFTWARE - ToxBBS        
tpb61_1.zip    65110 08-05-2024 ----------- TPBoard Version 6.1 ------------
                                (c) 1987-90 by Jon Schneider & Rick Petersen
                                TPBoard is based on the Pascal Integrated
                                Communications System (PICS), (c) 1986, 1987
                                by Les Archambault, and the Remote Operating
                                System (ROS), (c) 1985, 1986 by Steve Fox.
                                Disk [1/3]
tpb61_2.zip   170290 08-05-2024 ----------- TPBoard Version 6.1 ------------
                                Disk [2/3]
tpb61_3.zip   168999 08-05-2024 ----------- TPBoard Version 6.1 ------------
                                Disk [3/3]
tvbbs1_0.tar   13634 08-05-2024 
ubbfree2000.zip  102773 08-05-2024 
ubbs208a.zip  259576 08-05-2024 UltraBBS v2.08 (1/3)
ubbs208b.zip  217663 08-05-2024 UltraBBS v2.08 (2/3)
ubbs208c.zip  144789 08-05-2024 UltraBBS v2.08 (3/3)
ub_100g2.zip  695555 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                        Ŀ  Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ 
                                         Ŀ  Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ          
                                   UltimateBoard - The final BBS-Program   
                                 Version 1.00.424  GAMMA RELEASE 2   [DOS] 
                                 The BBS system of the Future! Operates    
                                 completely in the DPMI mode! PlugIns      
                                 can access directly the ULTiMATE-SYSTEMS  
                                 Kernel! Enormously right rate! Extremely  
                                 small memory load! Hight flexibility-     
                                 almost everything is completed by PlugIns!
                                Copyright (C) 1996-1998 by ULTiMATE-SYSTEMS
v284betb.zip  490727 08-05-2024 ViSiON/2 v.84 eta Release 'B' - 04/17/94
va210.zip    1371988 08-05-2024 Virtual Advanced Ver 2.10 (for DOS)
                                Complete Bulletin Board System, Internet UUCP
                                and FIDO Server, SLIP/CSLIP/PPP Server and
                                much more all in one powerful, easy to use
                                and set-up shareware package. Optional TCP/IP
                                SMTP, POP3, NNTP, WebServer, FingerServer,
                                IRC, etc. add-on package available that
                                ntegrates a live Internet feed with the
vbbs614a.zip  774011 08-05-2024 VBBS 6.14 MULTINODE/MULTINETWORK BBS
                                This 4-channel version of VBBS has an 
                                integral front end mailer and tosser.
                                Completely customizeable look and
                                feel. Supports an unlimited number of
                                conferences and messages. Compatible
                                with FIDO, UUCP, WWIV, and local type
                                networks. DEMO VERSION. 
                                Registration:  $99.
                                Virtual Technologies:   210-787-2443.
vbbs7.zip     136908 08-05-2024 VBBS 7.0 Source code in BASIC
vbd_301a.zip  453348 08-05-2024 VBoard is an advanced Bulletin Board System
                                for OS/2 and DOS. This version is for DOS
                                 v3.01/Rev A 
                                + Built in msg editor with ANSI support.
                                + Internal QWK, OMEN and BlueWave offlines.
                                + VBasic! QBasic like programming language.
                                + User configurable settings & colors.
                                + Built in easy-to-use user editor.
                                + 32 highly configurable user groups.
                                + Long file descr. & file_id.diz support.
                                + Message threads & intelligent msg reading
                                + Supports many doors and protocols, SModem
                                + ...and much more! Test VBoard now!
vis082s.zip   338873 08-05-2024    ViSiON BBS Software 0.82
                                Compiled under Turbo Pascal v6.0 
                                The BEST Kick-Ass software in the business! 
vis2orig.zip  775766 08-05-2024 Vision/2 Original Source Code
visb136.zip   384035 08-05-2024 VisBlast BBS 1.36- A Hack of Telegard v2.5i.
                                It started with the Telegard source code, and
                                after considerable modding and re-writing, it
                                is now far superior.
                                Martin J. Pollard, Eric Oman and Todd Bolitho
                                deserve most of the credit, as they are the
                                original authors of Telegard BBS.
                                The MultiNode, and the rewritten result codes
                                are more then mods, they constitute complete
                                overhauls of Telegard's internal workings.
                                This hack is fully legal, since Telegard BBS
                                and it's source are public domain.
vision83.zip  321201 08-05-2024 Vision-X BBS software Source Code...Pascal
void_1a.zip    89004 08-05-2024 [bbs software(n-z)] void bbs v0.1a
v_x200.zip   1695091 08-05-2024            
                                 ***      V E R S I O N   2 . 0 0     ***
                                 ***  ViSiON-X v2.00 RELEASE 02/06/94 ***
                                 ***  RYEC Product, RYEC Distributors ***
w430pb8.zip  1454920 08-05-2024 WWIV v4.30 Public Beta 8 - Released: 11/09/99
                                 ****** PUBLIC BETA DISTRIBUTION ******
                                     Full Installation Package.
                                This archive contains a complete working
                                copy of WWIV v4.30 in its  current state
                                of  development.   This  package is  not
                                recommended for first time  users as the
                                documentation is incomplete. Experienced
                                WWIV sysops will have  little difficulty
                                with setup and operation.
                                Read README.430 and BETAREAD.ME!
                                Copyright (c) 1999
                                WWIV Software Services, LLC
wc420y2k.zip   81470 08-05-2024 WildCat 4.20 Y2K Patch.
                                This patch will fix the Y2K bugs in WildCat
                                version 4.20. Backup your original WILDCAT
                                first, then run this patch from the same dir.
wme_100b.zip  353985 08-05-2024 
ww430rc2.zip 1424599 08-05-2024 WWIV v4.30 Shareware BBS Package (RC2)
                                Contains a complete and fully functional
                                trial version of WWIV v4.30 BBS Package.
                                New features include completely reworked
                                FOSSIL com routines, hooks for telnet
                                operation and Internet connectivity using
                                the PPP Project add on.  The trial period
                                is 60 days.  Registration is still only
                                $80 and includes source code license.
                                This archive is freely distributable in
                                unmodified form.
                                Copyright (c) 1999
                                WWIV Software Services, LLC
wwiv430.zip  1440817 08-05-2024 WWIV v4.30 Shareware BBS Package
                                Contains a complete and fully functional
                                trial version of WWIV v4.30 BBS Package.
                                New features include completely reworked
                                FOSSIL com routines, hooks for telnet
                                operation and Internet connectivity using
                                the PPP Project add on.  The trial period
                                is 60 days.  Registration is still only
                                $80 and includes source code license.
                                This archive is freely distributable in
                                unmodified form.
                                Copyright (c) 1998-2000
                                WWIV Software Services, LLC
wwivtp7.zip    98321 08-05-2024 
xdev_117.zip  153083 08-05-2024 ---- XBBS v1.17 (c) 1989/90 by M. Kimes ----
                                XBBS is a BBS designed for sysops who are
                                more concerned with flexibility than ease
                                of setup. If you want something you can run
                                out of the box, XBBS is not for you. If you
                                like to constantly tinker, tweak and improve
                                your setup, XBBS should be the one for which
                                you're looking.  - Disk [3/4] Developers Kit
xdoc_117.zip  107033 08-05-2024 ---- XBBS v1.17 (c) 1989/90 by M. Kimes ----
                                XBBS is a BBS designed for sysops who are
                                more concerned with flexibility than ease
                                of setup. If you want something you can run
                                out of the box, XBBS is not for you. If you
                                like to constantly tinker, tweak and improve
                                your setup, XBBS should be the one for which
                                you're looking. - Disk [1/4] Documentation
xenobbs.zip    66308 08-05-2024 XENOTERRA (TM) BBS v1.00b2 - 14 APR 1999
                                A Freeware BBS for Windows 95/98/NT
xexe_117.zip  443481 08-05-2024 ---- XBBS v1.17 (c) 1989/90 by M. Kimes ----
                                XBBS is a BBS designed for sysops who are
                                more concerned with flexibility than ease
                                of setup. If you want something you can run
                                out of the box, XBBS is not for you. If you
                                like to constantly tinker, tweak and improve
                                your setup, XBBS should be the one for which
                                you're looking. - Disk [2/4] Executables
xlt305_a.zip  502030 08-05-2024 
xlt305_b.zip  478921 08-05-2024 
xlt305_c.zip  486978 08-05-2024 
xlt305_d.zip  485515 08-05-2024 
xlt305_e.zip  342476 08-05-2024 
xsrc_117.zip  228559 08-05-2024 ---- XBBS v1.17 (c) 1989/90 by M. Kimes ----
                                XBBS is a BBS designed for sysops who are
                                more concerned with flexibility than ease
                                of setup. If you want something you can run
                                out of the box, XBBS is not for you. If you
                                like to constantly tinker, tweak and improve
                                your setup, XBBS should be the one for which
                                you're looking. - Disk [4/4] Source Code

              Area 58 - Bulletin/News Makers              

anews11.zip    53337 08-05-2024 
anim300.zip   200343 08-05-2024 Ϳ
                                      THE ANiMATOR v3.00      
                                 A new animated ANSi bulletin 
                                 program for most BBSes  that 
                                 support: DOOR.SYS, CHAIN.TXT 
                                 DORINFOx.DEF,   EXITINFO.BBS 
                                 SFDOORS.DAT, and CALLINFO.   
                                 Displays any ASC / ANS / AVT 
                                 bulletin  file  followed  by 
                                 an animated ANSi prompt.     
                                 Includes 103 predefined ANSi 
                                      * Download Now!! *      
                                     The Fonty Towers BBS     
ann12a.zip     53502 08-05-2024             Announce! v1.2a
                                        A GREAT Announcement Door!
                                      This is your BBS' own running
                                     'NewsRoom'.  Run it as a logon
                                    event and/or Door.  Fully editable
                                   messages/news.  Now with RIP grafix!
                                    Supports all the most popular BBS'
                                    NOT CRIPPLED!!!   $10 Registration
                                           ATLANTIS SOFTWARE
ann37.zip      92542 08-05-2024 The Announcement Door! v3.7 by T&J Software.
                                Send a screen of your choice/design before
                                or after your real door. Helps you thank
                                users for registering the door, or nudge
                                them to help. Supports all major BBS's, COM
                                1-15, non-standard IRQ's, multinode & DESQ-
                                view aware.
anncev33.zip  123132 08-05-2024  ANNOUNCE! v3.3 
                                FINAL FREEWARE RELEASE!
                                A great BBS door for the busy Sysop!
                                Why do a major ansi screen for a simple
                                text announcement?  Announce your Door 
                                Game Resets, User Meets and more!  
                                Includes Sysop/Co-Sysop deleting features, 
                                auto centering for all text in each 
                                announcement, your choice of foreground 
                                and background colors, with a preview before 
                                saving feature.  Now supports DOOR.SYS, 
                                DORINFOx.DEF, PCBOARD.SYS, SFDOORS.DAT 
                                and CALLINFO.BBS.  (C)1996 Lounge Software
b2day321.zip  209136 08-05-2024 
bbsnew32.zip   15612 08-05-2024 x.....................................x
                                ...          BBS NEWS v3.2          ...
                                .    (C)1997 F.U.S.S. Software        .
                                . A fast & effective way to create or .
                                ...   append your News Bulletin     ...  
                                .  Supports ANSI &ASCII, Text file   .
                                ...  importing, 8 lines of text &   ...
                                .   any BBS Specific pause commands   .
bbs_2dn10.zip    8477 08-05-2024   -   --  ---ĸ 1997 --- -
                                       BBS News v1.0
                                  ---- --   -
                                       for use with Remote Access v2.50
                                            (older versions might work)
                                Simple offline news generator that
                                creates a colorful text from a simple
                                text script showing the BBS news using
                                RA color control codes.
                                    -Jens Turning Bramstedt--- -
bltmstr2.zip   92858 08-05-2024 ***********************
                                BULLETIN MASTER 2.0 DELUXE
                                EXCELLENT Bulletin Lister
                                & Bulletin Maker!
                                Dungeon Creations &
                                Saturn Entertainment
bmkr1g.zip     75110 08-05-2024 *** BulletinMaker v1.00; Official Release
                                BulletinMaker is the greatest news file
                                or bulletin 'maker' for RemoteAccess and
                                other systems! Full-Screen editor env.,
                                produces ANSi/ASCII screens for the user
                                and provides a great interface for the
                                sysop with lots of options! Great File!
                                You owe it to yourself and your users to
                                download this!
bm_v11.zip     21314 08-05-2024 
bnews12.zip    61485 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                 BBSNEWS! v1.2 COOL BBS NewsLetter Maker   
                                 RIP/ANSI *INFO*. Has Built-in Editor,     
                                 This Utility creates a cool "VGA LOOKING" 
                                 Newsletter in .SCR, .ANS, .TXT, .RIP      
                                 Shareware only $15.00 US by William Mantz 
                                 @ Maddog Productions *Bug Fix!*           
bn_108.zip     22961 08-05-2024 Legendsoft's news generator v1.08. New feat.
bullmk20.zip   16815 08-05-2024 
cat_2dfn15.zip  113564 08-05-2024                           
                                 f a d i n g            
                                             v 1 . 5 o
                                     [cat] fading news v1.5o
                                  groovy news door which allows
                                 you to fade news on and off the
                                  screen using your own custom,
                                 + pcb compatible colour sceme!!
                                 new: option to allow your users
                                 to not have to read news if its
                                  already seen, faster diplays!
                                 uses v1.01 of the catastrophic
                                 door library. runs on any bbs!!
                                 copyright (c) 1998 phiber optix
clasfy40.zip  377583 08-05-2024 CLASSIFIED Ads    -  Door       v4.0        .
                                **  Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                Callers enter Classified Ads into categories
                                configurable by the Sysop. Sysop sets number
                                of days Ads remain active, by category. Auto
                                purging via nightly event. SUPPORTS ALL Door
                                Capable BBS pgms. EXCHANGE ADS DATABASES WITH
                                OTHER BBS'!! INCLUDES its own MESSAGE BASE!
                                Download ads, read/reply offline! Allows for
                                the SELLING of AD SPACE ! Now PICTURE capable
cnews220.zip  218735 08-05-2024 ********************************
                                * (C)atbytes News Version 2.20 *
                                  +++ FREEWARE & SHAREWARE +++
                                 Die etwas anderen NEWS fuer RA
                                - Eigene ANSI/AVATAR-Screens
                                - In Deutsch oder Englisch
                                - 6 verschiedene Modis
                                - 3 verschiedene Stile
                                - Farbdirektwahl
                                - USER KOENNEN AUCH SCHREIBEN
                                - Mit Zufallsgenerator (damit
                                  sehen die NEWS immer anders
                                  aus)  :-)
                                - Einfache Installation
                                - CNEWS-Modul = Freeware
                                - INPUT-MODUL = Shareware
                                  By (C)atbytes Software 1995
cnews312.zip   67543 08-05-2024 *********************************
                                * (C)atbytes News  Version 3.12 *
                                        +++ CARDWARE +++
                                - YOU CAN USE 11 DIFFERENCE MODES
                                  WITH 8 COLOURS
                                - CREATES  NORMAL  OR _ICE-STYLE_
                                - WITH INTEGRATED ELITE-FILTER
                                - CREATES ANSI AND ASCII FILES
                                - WITH  THE _RANDOMIZER_ YOU  GET
                                  DIFFERENCE NEWS, EVERY TIME THE
                                  PROGRAM RUNS
                                *  By (C)atbytes Software 1996  *
dab_2dnm10.zip   39423 08-05-2024  DaB News-Maker v1.0                     .
                                         DaB News-Maker v1.0          
                                           For ALL BBS Types            
                                 (Create News\Bulletins for your users) 
                                   -  ANSI & ASCII compatible.          
                                   -  Use custom or default headers     
                                   -  Displays Date, Subject & BBS      
dayb4_2d15.zip   64772 08-05-2024 DAYS-B4-XMAS v1.5  Creates full color screens
                                and bulletins with number of days left before
                                Christmas.  Supports WC!3.x and PCBoard
                                special color codes. Also creates ANSI and
                                ASCii files. Another FREE utility from PAROLE
                                Software and Dennis Maidon.
dctbg120.zip   69419 08-05-2024 DCT Bulletin Generator v1.20 *  For RA, 
                                Concord, SuperBBS, and any other QuickBBS-
                                compatible system.  Will create aesthetically
                                pleasing NEWS.ANS/ASC screens to show to your
                                users at login.  Comes with its own built-in 
                                editor, so that you don't have to edit a text
                                file then compile it.  Very configurable, 
                                and it allows you to create your own bulletin
                                styles or use one of the supplied designs.  
                                Also allows colour changing within the 
                                bulletin itself.  Freeware by Dan Traczynski.
ddoor400.zip   36217 08-05-2024 Top Door Statistics. Will generate "Top Door"
                                bulletins (i.e. which doors are being used
                                and how much), as well as "Top Door User"
                                bulletin (i.e. which *users* are accessing
                                the doors).
                                Provides a nice looking graphs for easy
                                comparison. Will detect if a door is entered
                                more than once in sequence by the same user,
                                and will not count it. Supports Handles and
                                Real Names.
dgbg100.zip    15263 08-05-2024 
disc130.zip   183529 08-05-2024 Ϳ
                                       DiSCLAIMER v1.30       
                                 A new 'fun' disclaimer  door 
                                 for    most    BBSes    that 
                                 support: DOOR.SYS, CHAIN.TXT 
                                 DORINFOx.DEF,   EXITINFO.BBS 
                                 SFDOORS.DAT, and CALLINFO.   
                                 Displays any ASC / ANS / AVT 
                                 disclaimer  file  and  waits 
                                 for the user to  select  yes 
                                 or no.  Displays  background 
                                 ANSI  animations   and   can 
                                 delete the user's account.   
                                      * Download Now!! *      
                                     The Fonty Towers BBS     
dline22a.zip   68847 08-05-2024 DATELINE 2.2a Calendar bulletin maker for any
                                Generates RIP, ANSI and ASCII bulletins,
                                updates files 
                                by deleting outdated entries.  Contains a
                                built in Calendar 
                                feature for easy monthly planning. This
                                version updates the
                                documentation and registration procedures only
                                users do not need this update.
dnews100.zip   40479 08-05-2024 (v1.00) dANeWS by TWAiN PAiN Software
                                Version 1.00 - A cool  and  fast  news
                                reader   for   RemoteAccess.  Multiple
                                "news-groups" can be defined. Uses the
                                HUDSON base  for it's  news! With cool
                                lightbar and  windowed  output.  Cheap
                                Shareware. Only FL 15,-
dornew21.zip  103912 08-05-2024 
dr_2dnag10.zip   43210 08-05-2024 ۲     ܲ
                                     .  .  
                                 .   .    . 
                                . ޱ   . .   .ޱ 
                                     DiGiTaL RuLeRS  Presents :      .
                                      News ANSI Generator v1.0       .
                                .               By Laser                
                                .     .
                                 Thiz Program Makes Yar BBS's NEWS ANSI  
                                  File. Almost Everything Is Configurable. 
                                          Really Cewl Lay-Out !!           
                                        ONLY FOR ELITE BOARDS !!         
                                Release Date : 07-03-96
dwcbg21.zip   179572 08-05-2024 DavisWARE:Calendar Bulletin Generator v2.1
                                An excellent calendar generator like no 
                                other.  Generates Holiday Ansi's in PCB, 
                                Wildcat, Ansi, or ASCII.  Not to mention, 
                                Famous Birthdays, Historical Events, Words of
                                Wisdom, and much more.  Easy to use and set 
                                up.  If you've been looking for something to 
                                do all your daily needs, look no further!
                                Download this today and see for yourself!
ebs_2dno11.z       0 01-01-1980     
                                    El Bucanero Soft Presents    
                                     News Maker On-Line v1.1     
                                  Full Running BBS Door         
                                  Create, View & Erase the News 
                                  Built-in Chat                 
                                  Easy to Install & Use         
                                  Download it NOW!              
ebs_2dno11.zip   34204 08-05-2024     
                                    El Bucanero Soft Presents    
                                     News Maker On-Line v1.1     
                                  Full Running BBS Door         
                                  Create, View & Erase the News 
                                  Built-in Chat                 
                                  Easy to Install & Use         
                                  Download it NOW!              
fbull20.zip    52550 08-05-2024 ͸
                                    = Fake Bulletin v2.0 =    
                                 Door program that simply displays an   
                                 ANSI/ASCII file to the user, just like 
                                 they were at the bulletin menu! Useful 
                                 as a Help option at BBS menus, or run  
                                 before a door in a door's batch file   
                                 as a notice for users before they      
                                 enter the door. Compatible with many   
                                 BBS platforms, including TriBBS.       
                                brought to you by SaltySoft
fbull300.zip   57519 08-05-2024 /[ Fake Bulletin v3.00 ]\
                                  Simply displays an ANSI/ASCII file to
                                  the user. This small door is a solution
                                  to the problem that many BBS softwares
                                  don't give the option of displaying an
                                  ANSI/ASCII file to the user as a menu
                                  selection. You can also use this as a
                                  notice for users to read before or
                                  after a particular door is run, or as
                                  a notice put in place of a door saying
                                  the door is temporarily offline.
                                      brought to you by SaltySoft        
fest2.zip      78417 08-05-2024 Festivity v2.0: Holiday Bulletin Generator.
                                Creates RIP/ANSI/ASCII bulletins on Canadian
                                holidays and makes the life of a SysOp so 
                                much easier.
flash32.zip    91219 08-05-2024 FLASH (Daily News File Generator) is likely to
                                be the BBS sysop's
                                handiest utility.  With  FLASH a sysop  can
                                instantly inform  his
                                callers of important  information,  specials, 
                                up coming  events,
                                etc.  As most BBS programs  will display a
                                certain file at  logon
                                time FLASH  takes  it  a step  further 
                                allowing  attractive  and
                                changeable displays.  Old  news  messages  are
                                 appended  to  new
                                messages so that your  important news is  not
                                lost to  infrequent
fmnews12.zip    9776 08-05-2024 FormNews v1.2; ANSI/ASCII screen generator.
                                Generates screens in continuous paper mode.
fnews100.zip   29934 08-05-2024 ķ
                                  FalcoSoft Software Development  
                                 We're back again with the newest 
                                 FalcoSoft door !! This is a      
                                 replacement for NVSM (BUH) and   
                                 it's called FalcoNews !!         
                                 Including Text-Editor, Max. 10   
                                 news-screens, full color-setup   
                                 and much more !!                 
                                 ShareWare (Registration Fl 10)   
                                 HQ  Support : 31-8380-24077 24hrs
                                 UK  Support : 44-207-290422 9-7  
                                 USA Support : 01-9195807194 24hrs
frame11.zip    51045 08-05-2024 FRAME v1.1 for RemoteAccess Generate Top User
                                Bulletins, Top Download File List, and File
                                Header for RemoteAccess. All outputs can be
                                customizable and drawn with your favourite
                                ANSI editor. For RemoteAccess 2.0 and up
fx2day12.zip  187529 08-05-2024 *FXtoday Ver1.1* From Jem Software
                                creates TFX, Ansi & Asci screens
                                of birthdays, historical events
                                and celebrations for each day.
                                Meant to be run as an event.
                                Can be used on Robo /FX or any
                                Bbs supporting Ansi/Asci.
g2b_101.zip    13731 08-05-2024 ͵ Germ2Bul 1.01 ͵
                                 *FREEWARE*                *FREEWARE* 
                                 Germ2Bul konvertiert die tglich  in 
                                 das File GERMNEWS.ddd (ddd = 000-366 
                                 oder  TXT)  geschriebenen  News   in 
                                 ANSI-Files und erstellt ein  Remote- 
                                 Copyright (c)1996 by Jens Kalinowsky 
headln20.zip   55262 08-05-2024 HEADLINE v2.00 is used for building
                                promotional messages such as BBS Ads, and
                                announcements. V2.00 replaces Version 1.00. A
                                helpfile, along with on screen prompts, help
                                to make the program user friendly.  This
                                FREEWARE program uses large captions and HIGH
                                ASCII drawings to enhance the message.
hn_v112.zip    52699 08-05-2024 ķ
                                 /-/ot /\/ews v1.12      
                                 News & Bulletin Door    
                                 A Beautiful News &      
                                 Bulletin door especially
                                 for Remote Access 2.00  
                                 Hot News Doesn't Use    
                                 ANSI Screens but allows 
                                 you to use Colours &    
                                 Graphics ! Now you Can  
                                 Also change the Frame   
                                 Colours ! CARDWARE      
                                   DOWNLOAD IT NOW !!!   
                                 A Velvet Software Prod. 
hostge22.zip   51068 08-05-2024 HOSTAGE v2.21  Creates a Bulletin/Hello
                                Screen for all you Conservative SysOps still
                                lurking about.  A FREE utility from PAROLE
                                Software. I take no responsiblilty for all
                                the whining and crying from Liberals and
                                Democrats. HOSTAGE now supports WC!3.x and
                                PCB specific color codes as well as regular
                                ANSI/ASCII files.  Also creates RIP Graphic
iai130.zip     61805 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 Cyber     Ŀ    Product
                                 Knight Ŀ    Ŀ (C) '95
                                ij ij ڿ ij ij
                                Bug FiX    Version
                                    News Generator v1.30a     
                                  The 1st News That Can Make 
                                   your Own Header + Design ! 
                                  Can Support Up To 999 News 
                                  NiCe AnSi                  
                                  Like iCe - Note Multinode !
                                  Easy To inStall Too.       
                                  Best News Generator iN Town
                                  Best oF All "FREE WARE" !  
                                   Get iT Now !!! Sure To Best
                                   For Your BBS !             
                                  Key Generator included...  
                                  Bug Fixed Version !        
                                   By:Hendrayono Soekamto     
in_2d220.zip   64003 08-05-2024   oSi presents
                                ͵news 2.2oͿ
                                 - easy install         
                                 - pipe colour codes    
                                 - support for:         
                                 - converts from:       
                                   Wicked News/OriNews  
                                   Pirate News/EvrNews  
                                 + much much more!      
                                 ͵ 3/1/96
                                    "Simply the Best"
jp_2dbull2.zip   33585 08-05-2024    ________________________
                                   ):::            _______/_______
                                   \::      /:    /:::           /
                                   /:      /:    /::  __________/
                                  /       /     /:    __/_____
                                 /        `    /             (
                                 \____________/              /
                                  #04 \_____________________/jp
                                 --------- Ŀ
                                |   D   E   M   O   N   i   C  
                                 lightbar bulletin menu door! 
                                | for dorinfo.def and door.sys 
                                       by jack phlash         |
kn141_2d3.zip   81187 08-05-2024  Kinetic News Generator for RA/OPL/PCB/MAX
                                 Version 1.41.Release 3.00
                                 (Proudly created in Singapore)
                                  ASCII/ANSI/AVATAR   Configurable Colours
                                  Config in 5 mins    Multi Topic Headers
                                  Very flexible       Many other features!
                                 Minimum req : DOS 5.00, AT 286, VGA and
knewz_12.zip   14113 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=--=-=-=-=-=
                                     K&K NewZ Generator 1.20
                                A really cool type NewZ Generator
                                Great for making your board 
                                look really cool!
                                Written in Pascal By Kim Kha of
                                The Rough Guy BBS. 
                                (604) 792-9239 Only a 5$.oo to
                                Register, just download this file
                                and check it out!
lwbull21.zip   51425 08-05-2024 LWBULL v2.1  ** LlanoWare **
                                Bulletin/News door, shows users what
                                news/bulletin files have been updated
                                since their last logon. Can be used
                                multiple times for showing any files.
                                Supports most RA 2.0x codes (now 
                                including RA's color codes!).  Once
                                registered you can specify individual
                                files as "MANDATORY" reading! Supports
                                locked baud rates to 115,200. Supports
                                multi-node systems.
                                **** For RemoteAccess 2.0x ONLY! ****
master20.zip   53859 08-05-2024 [   NEWS MASTER  v2.0   ]Ŀ
                                 News Bulletin generator for Spitfire, RA,
                                 Wildcat and others.  Creates  ANSI/ASCII 
                                 news bulletins. 9 formats to choose from 
                                 Fast and easy to use and setup. Uses your
                                 favorite text editor. It Allows multiple 
                                 entries in the same file. Saves entry to 
                                 top or bottom of file, and when the max  
                                 configured number is reached it deletes  
                                 the oldest entry automatically. View your
                                 newsletter without leaving the program.  
                                 Header and Footer are optional, and other
                                 features. Only $15.00 to Register.       
                                             Original from:               
                                [ Latin Connection BBS  (318) 535-1863 ]
mbull219.zip  131117 08-05-2024 
mmbull16.zip   57229 08-05-2024 MMAKER Message Waiting Bulletin Maker v1.6 .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                A companion program to the Sunrise Match
                                Maker (version 4.0 or higher). This
                                standalone program will create Bulletins
                                (Color, ASCII or Color using PCB @ type
                                codes) containing the names of the callers
                                with messages waiting in the Match Maker
                                Door and number of messages for each. Can be
                                run in your event or as part of logoff.
mn_113.zip     42293 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                   MAVERICK NEWS 1.13   
                                  NEWS.??? Screens Generator  
                                     Multiple News Filters    
                                 Multicolor news highlighting 
                                       Dedication Line        
                                 Creates ASCII, ANSI, Avatar  
                                   and RIP news bulletins.    
                                 * NEW * : Translation Table  
                                STILL FREEWAREĺ
mstrbv10.zip   20389 08-05-2024    MasterB   ͸
                                ThunderStorm    Software   presents....
                                Master-B,  THE  bulletin-menu  manager.
                                This  program  will  create both/either
                                ANSI  and  ASCII  displays   for   your
                                bulletins.   The  created display-files
                                show the  descriptions  and  last  date
                                updated  of  all your bulletins.  Fast,
                                highly configurable for use on any  BBS
                                with the standard 1-99 numbering system
                                for   bulletins.    Next  version  will
                                support user-definable names  for  each
mtnews15.zip   47446 08-05-2024          ܱ
                                      ߱   ߱
                                    SoFTWare PReSeNTS
                                  MT News v1.5 The Final
                                    News Maker for any
                                        Version of 
                                  RemoteAccess, with new
                                   Auto Input the date     
                                   Center the Text on Page 
                                   100% Configurable       
                                   And much more           
                                   Coded By RaTTo and by    
newies4.zip   116677 08-05-2024       --= NEWIES 4.0 =-- 
                                Creates NEWS Bulletins \ Screen 
                                Bulletins for Spitfire BBS, 
                                WildCat, TRIBBS, PCBoard and more!
                                Produces ASCII, ANSI and RIP
                                Screen!  Fully configurable 
                                colors allow you to make just the
                                right Newsletter, Bulletin you want 
                                for your BBS. Even supports solid
                                background colors! Now with its
                                own EDITOR!  ALOT of NEW FEATURES
                                and IMPROVEMENTS!
                                A Product of The MORONIHAH BBS.
                                FIDO @1:3657/5. Lastest release 
                                FREQ'able under the MAGIC name 
                                of NEWIES.
newnews.zip    49274 08-05-2024 NewNews v1.1 - Bulletin Door.
                                NewNews is a door for RA 2.xx that
                                show bulletins to the user that he
                                or she has NOT seen jet.
                                NewNews is Freeware.
news100.zip    87807 08-05-2024  Fritsoft's NewsMaker v1.0 
                                News-Door fuer alle Mailboxen.    
                                Benutzt DORINFOx.DEF oder DOOR.SYS
                                Enthaelt einen komfortablen       
                                NewsEditor, den der Sysop "mal    
                                schnell zwischendurch" aufrufen   
                                kann. Der User kann die letzten 20
                                News lesen, oder aber die Door    
                                verlassen, wenn kein Interesse    
                                besteht. Einfache Konfiguration,  
                                dank Config-Programm.             
                                (c) 1995 by Snke Dirksen         
news12_2.zip   23157 08-05-2024 DuckNews v1.22 (c) Duck-Productions
                                Cursorgestuurde NewsReader. Free-ware
                                werkt gewoon met ANSI files, en is
                                volledig configureerbaar, ook terug-
                                scrollen is mogelijk.
                                Local mode is nu ook mogelijk.
                                (c) The Creator (Rob vd Eijnden)
                                Spreaded by Duck-Net.
news210.zip    16780 08-05-2024 [News Reporter v2.10] News file compiler
                                Fully customizable outputs (using templates
                                and macro's); sample templates included;
                                easy to use!
                                Another Amateur Programmers Association (APA)
                                release; *free* for non-commercial use!
news320a.zip   75344 08-05-2024 News Manager v3.20 RE-RELEASE.
                                Supports Any BBS, or Local Only Mode.
                                News Manager allows local/remote sysop or
                                conference sysops to add or delete news to
                                any conference on their BBS.  It supports
                                two different news formats and allows the
                                sysop to configure the colors.  Newsman
                                supports up to 38.4K and unlimited com ports.
news57.zip     67125 08-05-2024 LiveSystems NEWS door v5.7: Not just an other
                                NEWS bulletin door.  NewsFlashes directly
                                from your (hudson) messagebase.  No messing
                                around with extra maintainance utils, editors
                                etc.  Just use your normal maileditor and
                                msgbase maintenance utilities.  Force users
                                to read bulletins, only the last x bulletins,
                                ask if they want to read, send them through
                                your network and share bulletins. Send them
                                to your points etc, etc.  Dutch Quality
                                ShareWare: Only 25 Dutch Guilers.
news9_10.zip   58216 08-05-2024 News at 9 V 1.0 (Freeware)
                                 Would you love to have a news
                                 generator that can do 3 types
                                 of files, it's own Maintenance,
                                 be run every night with out
                                 problems, IS Y2K Complient,
                                 and FREEWARE as well.
                                 News at 9 is for you! Way too
                                 many things to list in here!
                                 Freeware from Vagabond!
newsc2_0.zip   51051 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                          NEWSCAST V2.0            
                                  Create colourful NEWS.A?? files  
                                  for RemoteAccess BBS's quickly   
                                  and simply from a plain text     
                                  file with this program. Fully    
                                  NEW - Centralised text header    
                                   * UK BBS support available *    
                                     * Author Colin Birch *        
                                     Sysop The Dog House BBS       
                                      (01443) 400327 24hrs         
                                   Latest files - 8 July 1995      
newsc9c.zip    53356 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                           NEWSCAST V1.9c            
                                   Create colourful NEWS.A?? files   
                                   for RemoteAccess BBS's quickly    
                                   and simply from a plain text      
                                   file with this program. Fully     
                                    * UK BBS support available *     
                                      * Author Colin Birch *         
                                      Sysop The Dog House BBS        
                                       (01443) 400327 24hrs          
                                    Latest files - 16 Feb 1995       
newsed2.zip    39330 08-05-2024 
newsplus.zip   45910 08-05-2024 NEWSplus V2.0 News Bulletin generator
                                for RA, TriBBS, GAP, PCBOARD, GT, Wildcat,
                                Spitfire, and others. Creates Fancy ANSI-
                                ASCII news bulletins that looks like Bar
                                or plain printer paper, user definable
                                colors. Fast and easy to use and setup.
                                uses your favorite text editor. also
                                allows you to optionally add a header
                                to your news files, and many more
nmgr20g1.zip   38409 08-05-2024  News-Mgr 2.00g1 Ŀ
                                     The ultimate News Generator!        
                                     Supports almost any BBS System!     
                                     Supports ANSI/AVATAR/ASCII/RIP !    
                                 For Non-Commercial use it's CardWare!   
                                 MultiSoft Development! 
nr306.zip     170239 08-05-2024 NewsRoom         version 3.06
                                BBS News generating software.
                                Create news files using ANSI, PCBoard
                                color codes.  A few minor fixes
                                to formatting of files created by external
                                editor, and loss of "days to keep" field
                                from external editor.
nwen_41.zip    33652 08-05-2024 
nwsmkr10.zip   19413 08-05-2024 NEWSMAKR.EXE : ANSI/ASCII News File Generator.
                                program will take a standard text file and
                                create a
                                colorful ANSI file and scrolling ASCII file to
                                be displayed
                                by your BBS program. Features include :
                                Ability to change
                                color of text within body of text with color
                                codes, use
                                of multiple configuration files to make
                                multiple news items,
                                and more!..by Fozzy INC!
obcv12.zip    147878 08-05-2024 ONLINE BARGAIN CORNER  v1.2
                                An easy to use for sale and announcement 
                                BBS utility.  10 different categories to 
                                choose from including, Announcements, 
                                Free Items, Garage Sales, For Sale, 
                                Services Offered and Help Wanted.  
                                Allows user to post items, write mail
                                to those who have posted, as well as
                                edit and delete their own items.  Fully 
                                multinode, non standard IRQ's, fossil 
                                driver support and much more.
                                (C)opyright 1997, 1998 Lounge Software
pitsb1.zip     83184 08-05-2024 
pline045.zip   49189 08-05-2024    -= Psych0Liner oneliner v.45 =-
                                Full featured oneliner for everyone.
                                Multinode, powerful language file, MCI
                                codes, easy to use, freeware, and more.
pnews2.zip     11355 08-05-2024 ͸
                                      Pirate News Version 2.00         
                                 Welcome to pirate news version 2.00   
                                 Pirate news has had a MAJOR Revamp    
                                 form the last version released and    
                                 now has these features:               
                                 PIPE CODES ( COLOR CODES )            
                                 CONTROL CODES                         
                                 NEW GRAPHICS                          
                                 FASTER INTERFACE                      
                                 Pirate news is the BEST news generator
                                 around with all the features of:      
                                 Insane News, Evrnews,Ori,Wicked And   
                                 Bo Bedsons News all rolled together   
                                 into one!                             
                                 Why Settle For The Rest When Pirate   
                                 Is The Best! - At 9k Download It Now -
qread33.zip   146750 08-05-2024 QReader 3.3.  Powerful on-line text reader
                                for publications, tutorials, reports, etc.
                                Scroll text with PgDn, PgUp, Home and End.
                                Full featured Find & Repeat-find facility.
                                Displays entire page around the found text.
                                Scroll left & right for text over 80 chars.
                                Download capability.  Highly configurable.
                                Permits grouping of text items by subject.
                                Uses standard & non-standard COM or FOSSIL.
rainfo10.zip   36702 08-05-2024 RA-Inform v1.0 - News Bulletin Door For
                                Remote Access v2.xx. Easy to Setup,
                                Great looking ANSI, Colour Configuration,
                                Infinite Number of Bulletins. And it's -
                                FREEWARE!!!. Released: 25/02/96
ramag20.zip   149783 08-05-2024 LiveSystems RA magazine door 2.0:
                                Read electronic magazines online.  Many
                                improvements, Read magazines online.  This
                                door can handle ReadRoom (RAH, Ruby, etc),
                                Emag/Link, flatfile (FidoNews) and it's own
                                Magazine formated magazinefiles.  It has
                                indirect support for USA-ToDay.  A freely
                                distributable reader for the magazine format
                                is included.This door is written for
                                RemoteAccess 2.0 but also has a DORINFO?.DEF
                                mode usable for other BBS programs.  Dutch
                                Quality ShareWare: Only 25 Dutch Guilers.
ranews.zip     37784 08-05-2024 News Bulletin generator for RA BBS systems
                                creates both ANSI and ASCII output files,
                                supports NEWS.A?? and ANEWS.A?? Files,
                                On screen color selection, Output looks
                                like printer paper.
ranews14.zip   35934 08-05-2024 RANEWS  VER 1.40
                                Creates bulletins easily and
                                quickly using only a config file
                                and some macros... For RA,PB,SBBS
                                Ezycom & Spitfire. Other BBS's
                                that use the same control
                                characters as the above can also
                                use it... with Background Clr
                                and more styles... Now has a
                                more Macros, adjustable screen
                                length and Intro(REG Only)...
                                Fixes a few probs...
                                Renegade Software...
ranote12.zip   21888 08-05-2024 
rdrm20.zip     89332 08-05-2024 READROOM v2.0 Online magazine reading door
                                Full support for ASCII, ANSI text and ANSIART
                                Holds 99 publications each with 99 different
                                articles.  Designed for ease of updating pubs
                                on single and multi-node systems.  Users can
                                d/l pub. using any protocol sysop allows.
                                Uses DOOR.SYS standard and supports 16550UART
                                locked and non-standard com ports.
re200.zip      78812 08-05-2024 Remote Editorial 2.00
                                (c)1991,1994, Third Floor Laboratories
                                The best BBS news creator availiable!
                                Its main features are:
                                Pretty cute big titles w/font editor;
                                Automatic detection of the new news items
                                the user hasn't read yet;
                                Compatible with QBBS, RA, SBBS, EzyCom,
                                Omega, PCBoard, Telegard, Renegade,
                                TBBS and WildCat!
readerd.zip    90803 08-05-2024 READER DOOR TEXT FILE VIWER DOWNLOADER
                                Callers can read, search, or download
                                (zipped or non-zipped) text files.
                                From the Brainex System.
                                310/275-2344 310/273-5234
readrm10.zip  119033 08-05-2024 THE READING ROOM v1.01 - Online File Viewer
                                Allows Infinate Menu Levels Deep And Menu
                                Chaining In Any Order. Allows Callers
                                To View Text, ANSI, And RIPScrip Files
                                Located In Any Directory, On Any Drive.
                                An Updated Alternative To The LIBRARY.
rtread02.zip   83167 08-05-2024  RTREADER V0.02 WITH RTNEWS02.REF       
                                RTREADER is a powerfull script language 
                                system - Multinode BBS Support.  With
                                the RT Soft newsletter for June/July.
s2a150.zip     94413 08-05-2024 
showf20.zip    44633 08-05-2024 LiveSystems ShowFile 2.0: The final utility
                                show textfiles. Multilanguage, up/down
                                searching and online help. Freeware! For RA2
sn362.zip      56154 08-05-2024   SICKNEWS 3.62 (Evaluation Copy)  
                                Create custom news screens with this
                                oustanding bulletin generator from
                                the creative minds at Flax Software.
                                Creates ANSI/ASCII. Treat your BBS!
sn500501.zip  218474 08-05-2024      ķ
                                Ķ Super News 5.0 > 5.1 ķ
                                  This is the upgrade of the   
                                   Super News 5.0 to 5.01 !    
                                 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
                                  This new version is useful   
                                    just for PCBoard users.    
                                Ķ Written by Daniel Lafraia Ľ
splite12.zip   81353 08-05-2024 Spot-Light Bulletin Generator v1.2
                                This door utility creates a compiled
                                winners bulletin using your door games
                                ASCII bulletin. Support for many
                                popular door games is included.
                                Additional support provided on
                                request. By Mace Software
s_2dnws500.zip  188112 08-05-2024      ķ
                                Ķ The Super News v5.0 ķ
                                   It's the best news maker    п
                                   someone already written!    I
                                 Designed to RemoteAccess but  R
                                   it can also be used with    O
                                 PCBoard, WildCat and all otherN
                                  BBS softwares which screens   
                                    format are compatible.     S
                                 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - O
                                  Now functions like the new   F
                                  MAGIC ANSI and HACKER MODE!  T
                                 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W
                                  The Registration Fee is $15  A
                                  -= Release date: Jan/96 =-   R
                                 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - E
                                   SHAREWARE MADE IN BRAZIL!   
                                Ķ Written by Daniel Lafraia Ľ
tden_30.zip    42366 08-05-2024 
tnewz100.zip   17517 08-05-2024 The NEWZ v1.00 [FreeWare]
                                Written by: Eric Staufer
                                o Great News/Note to Next Caller Door!
                                o Beautiful ANSi Screens
                                o Customizable ANSis, if you want!
                                o Users can Select their Colors!
                                o Upto 7 Lines of News w/default ANSIs
                                o No Delays or Beeps...
                                o Looks like it's built in to RA!
                                o It's a RA Q-A File!  (No Kidding!)
                                    o Dont be fooled by it's size!
                                o Check it out Today!  You'll use it!
                                o -----> ASCii is SUPPORTED! <-----
topx100.zip    35273 08-05-2024 TopX Searcher v1.00 for Shotgun Pro
                                 Bulletin Generator for Shotgun.
                                This program generates bulletins of the
                                best users and files in your BBS based on
                                diferent categories.
                                 Completely configurable, it can generate
                                .SG, .ANS, .ASC, .RIP bulletins. It works
                                with Shotgun-like variables (those using
                                { and } caracters).
                                Works with Shotgun 1.38 to 2.00 (and
                                maybe more!)
                                Copyright (C) 1996-1999 Zeus' Software
                                P.S. FREEWARE!
town10.zip     25937 08-05-2024 
tview294.zip  100575 08-05-2024 TextView door by Joseph Sheppard. The defacto
                                standard for PCBoard 14.x Sysops who want to
                                display text information online. In-door
                                downloading supported. Non-stardard com ports
                                and multi-port fossil drivers now supported!
                                Shareware $20.00.
txt2ppr1.zip   37843 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                   |                              |   
                                 o | ͻ                 | o 
                                   |           Txt2Papr        |   
                                 o |  cotsman  Ver: 03/05/95   | o 
                                   |  oftware  Creates ANS/ASC |   
                                 o |  ystems   screens from a  | o 
                                   | ͼ text file.      |   
                                 o | Screens simulate continuous  | o 
                                   | formfeed computer paper.     |   
                                 o | *FREEWARE*                   | o 
                                   |                              |   
view15.zip     90999 08-05-2024 VIEW v1.5: Smart text file lister for RA2.x
                                and DORINFO?.DEF'BBSs - Search option -
                                PageUp/PageDn (uses smart ANSI/Avatar
                                Sequences for optimal speed) - online help
                                (ANSI file) - customizable ANSI files (even
                                if not registered!) - CTL files offering nice
                                bulletin access to files These CTLs may be
                                nested! - Supporting ReadRoom.TOC + RaMAG
                                Electronic Magazines - multi-lingual -
                                multi-node - configuration program
vnewz08.zip    49926 08-05-2024 * VNEWZ v0.80 By Vision Systems *
                                Several changes, the most important is
                                many of the incompatibility problems
                                with many systems.  VNewz is one of
                                the most stylistic news generators
                                available, and very reasonably priced.
                                Check it out!  VNewz is easy to set up
                                and easy to use.  You will like the
                                way it works, and your users will like
                                the way it looks!
wire100b.zip   39409 08-05-2024 
                                FalcoSoft Software Development
                                WireNews 1.00()
                                BBS-NewsCompiler : creates ANS
                                & ASC files in WIRESTYLE !!!!!
                                Absolutely great, download and
                                use it...            ShareWare
xnews110.zip   12195 08-05-2024 [ XNews 1.10 ]Ŀ
                                  Creates NEWS.ANS/ASC files  
                                   for displaying the news    
                                        of your BBS.          
                                 * Able to change previously  
                                   written news               
                                 * Able to delete previously  
                                   written news               
                                 * Automatic maintenace       
                                 * Menu based                 
                                 * XNews is complete freeware 
                                  XNews is (C) Copyright to   
                                     Daniel Forsberg 1995     
x_nag12.zip    48646 08-05-2024    ܲ     ܲ  ܲ  
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲   ۲ ۰ ۲ 
                                 ܱ  ۲ ܱ  ۲ ۲  ߲  
                                 ۲  ۲߰ ܲ        
                                 ܲ   ߲   ۲   
                                 ߲߲   ߲    ߲߰  
                                           Excalibur Presents           
                                        News ANSI Generator v1.2        
                                    Thiz News ANSI Generator Is Tha     
                                             Ultimate One !             
                                    It's Fully Configurable With An     
                                      Header ANSI And Line ANSIs.       
                                   Now With Autocentrating Function !   
                                  -]Coded By ThunderStrike[- 
                                       -= WRL0RD'S  BTTLFiLD =-

                 Area 59 - Chatting Doors                 

ac235.zip      67418 08-05-2024          ANOTHER CHAT 2.50
                                     Version du 4 juillet 1996
                                            =  2.3.5 =
                                (mise  jour, il faut achat200.zip)
bc5beta2.zip   66826 08-05-2024       B l u e S o f t
                                      p r e s e n t s
                                 BlueSoft MultiChat 5.00 
                                +HATTR 0NSTRUTi0N KiT
                                Deutsche Version 5.0 des 
                                wohl umfangreichsten     
                                 Gleichzeitig downloaden
                                  uploaden und chatten!  
                                 Construction Kit II    
                                  fuer Deine persoenliche
                                 Bis zu 10 Fenster      
                                 Bis zu 500 Makros      
                                 OLMs senden, Kicken,...
                                 Logfiles (hehe ;-))    
                                 Verbessert. Timeslicing
                                 Sysop in Chatter rufen!
                                und und und...           
bchat303.zip   49749 08-05-2024       
                                BlueSoft MultilineChatter
                                BlueSoft presents: Our   
                                brand new fantastic Multi
                                Line Chatter!! Features: 
                                 Superior design        
                                 Extended functionality 
                                  (Send OLM and more)    
                                 Easy to install        
                                 Easy to run            
                                Leech it and get happy!  
bcht110a.zip   50579 08-05-2024 BasChat - Version 1.1a - Compiled 08/01/92 -
                                  *** Another Great Vampyre Bar! Door ***
                                BasChat is a CB chat simulator with a twist.
                                It allows users to send ACTIONS to each. The
                                actions are definable by the SysOp and there
                                can be up to ->50<- actions declared! 
                                An EXCELLENT door!           [SHAREWARE-$25]
cat_2dlp10.z       0 01-01-1980   Ŀ
                                ۳ ۳ ۳ '
                                ۳ ٲ۳ ۳ 9
                                ijڿ۳ ۳ 7
                                CaT LeMMING PaGER v1.oo
                                The Ultimate Pager for all
                                Remote Access Sysops!!
                                Supports HSC/ICE Format Page
                                Alert, Inbuilt Messagebase
                                Posting, Security Overrides,
                                and of course, configurable!
                                (Oh HSC is SoundBlaster!!)
cat_2dlp10.zip  220615 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                  ۳ ۳ ۳ '
                                  ۳ ٲ۳ ۳ 9
                                  ijڿ۳ ۳ 7
                                  CaT LeMMING PaGER v1.oo
                                 The Ultimate Pager for all
                                   Remote Access Sysops!!
                                Supports HSC/ICE Format Page
                                 Alert, Inbuilt Messagebase
                                Posting, Security Overrides,
                                and of course, configurable!
                                 (Oh HSC is SoundBlaster!!)
cbrain.zip    103067 08-05-2024 CHATBRAIN multi-line Chat Door
                                Let's any number of nodes talk to each other
                                without the need for NETBIOS. Works with
                                DesqView, Windows, or any Network.
                                From The Brainex System: 310-275-2344
cdoor002.zip   37892 08-05-2024 ChatDoor v0.02 - Multiuser /
                                Multinode IRC-like Conference
                                Chatting Door. With support for
                                all major DOOR drop files and
                                up to 1000 users online at a
chat103.zip   173462 08-05-2024 CHAT103
                                     THE CHAT WINDOW V1.03      
                                 Split Screen Chat For Any      
                                 DORINFOx.DEF, DOOR.SYS Or      
                                 TRIBBS.SYS BBS! Twenty-Seven   
                                 Paging Tunes Break Up The      
                                 Monotony Of Being Hailed By    
                                 The Same Old Music Every Time! 
                                 Option To Shut Off The Sound   
                                 Means You Don't Have To Miss   
                                 Important Chats By Telling The 
                                 BBS (Falsely) That You're Not  
                                 Available To Chat.             
                                  Compiled: December 2, 1996    
                                        GENERATION III          
                                   Support BBS: 817-794-0126    
                                 Fido: 1:130/319     FREQ: CHAT 
                                 FTP: ftp.pca.net/Carlton_Doors 
chat22.zip     20388 08-05-2024 CHAT.EXE Remote Dos Chat Program
                                - Also distributed as part of the RATPak
                                utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
                                by McSoft Corp. 
chatbox.zip    84645 08-05-2024 CHATBOX multi-line Chat Door Let's any number
                                of nodes talk to each other without the need
                                for NETBIOS. Works with DesqView, Windows, or
                                any Network.
chatman1.zip    4504 08-05-2024 ChatMan 1.0- Chat with a sysop who's not as
                                nice as you'd hope..2 way chat even! Freeware
chats021.zip   99548 08-05-2024   T I N E -  C H A T
                                       V 0.21
                                (c) Christoph Rockenstein
                                Supports RA, SBBS, and ???
chat_147.zip  161543 08-05-2024 -----Ŀ
                                Ĵ STD-CHAT V1.47 Ĵ
                                Sehr gutes Chat-Programm fuer viele BBS- |
                                |Systeme (z.B. RA, PB, GS-BOX, SBBS uvm.).
                                SB-/Adlib-Sound-Paging, integrierter Up-/
                                Download und Swap-Dos-Shell, Autozensur  
                                |und Zeilenumbruch. SysOP-Funktionen wie  |
                                z.B. Makros, Chatzeiten definierbar,     
                                Special-User-Defining, SysOP-Rufe werden 
                                protokolliert (incl. Boot-Log-Datei).    |
                                Mit CFG-Programm und integriertem MOD-   
                                |Player. Die ANSI.SYS wird nicht bentigt!
                                Alle Systemfarben sind frei definierbar. 
                                Weitere Funktionen: Siehe Dokumentation! |
cheri251.zip  234324 08-05-2024 
chrcht25.zip   54539 08-05-2024 Cheersoft Global Teleconference v2.5
                                Global Teleconference is a full featured
                                multi-channel globalized teleconference.
                                Action words included.  Users can
                                participate in thirty-six channels
                                simultaneously out of two billion!
                                Fully configurable.  Commands included
                                for sorting channels and listing public
                                Current selling price is $49.00
                                Contact:  Cheersoft
                                          Voice: 908-591-1234
                                            Fax: 908-591-8652
                                            BBS: 908-591-1171
chtmn252.zip  317590 08-05-2024 CHTMN252.ARJ JUST RELEASED!  Now includes
                                detailed instructions (and FREEWARE
                                auxiliary program, CHATUSR) enabling
                                ChatMan to work PERFECTLY with
                                ProBoard 2.XX as well as MANY other
                                BBS systems.
                                Full Multi-line chatting, select one of
                                max. 20 chats and join it, chatting with a
                                maximum of 16 chatters at the same time in
                                the same chat. Total maximum of people
                                chatting at the same time is 255! Don't worry
                                if you got less lines. Chat Manager is a
                                great ChatDoor even for BBS's with one line.
cmp_2d110b.z       0 01-01-1980 ChatMaster Plus v1.10 by BLand Software
                                An Automated/Simulated Split-Screen Chat 
                                Program which will allow your users to chat
                                with your computer!  VERY realistic and
                                VERY configurable.        Registration: $15
cmp_2d110b.zip   87518 08-05-2024 ChatMaster Plus v1.10 by BLand Software
                                An Automated/Simulated Split-Screen Chat 
                                Program which will allow your users to chat
                                with your computer!  VERY realistic and
                                VERY configurable.        Registration: $15
coolc099.zip   85000 08-05-2024 
                                             Ŀ Ŀ 
                                   Der neue Chatter fr alle   
                                    Systeme mit Dorinfox.Def    
                                   Eigenes AnSi definierbar    :
                                   Viele Features              |
                                   CooLe Flieschrift          
                                   Viel einstellbar            
                                   SplitScreen-Chat !!         
                                   Kleine Registrierungsgebhr 
cpage30.zip   147766 08-05-2024 Cyber-Page Door v3.0 By Cyber-Technics....
                                Released 12-04-94. Drop-in BBS paging soft-
                                ware. ANSI and ASCII support. SoundBlaster
                                support. The pager your BBS has been  
                                looking for!
craz140.zip   110896 08-05-2024  Fritsoft's [RAZY [HAT v1.4 
                                Toller Sysop-Chat. (deutsch)       
                                Benutzt DORINFOx.DEF oder DOOR.SYS 
                                Bietet Optionen, die alle gngigen 
                                Chatter in den Schatten stellen!   
                                Mit verschiedenen "Schriftarten",  
                                Hintergrundbildern, Scrolling,     
                                vielen lustigen Spielereien...     
                                Hat sogar ein eingebautes Blackjack
                                und einen Chatbeantworter.         
                                RA-Sysops haben einen User-Editor  
                                und RA-User knnen Mails schreiben.
                                (c) 1995 by Snke Dirksen          
craz150.zip   116551 08-05-2024  Fritsoft's [RAZY [HAT v1.5 
                                Mad Sysop Chat. uses DORINFO1.DEF or
                                DOOR.SYS. Features that puts all other
                                chat doors in the dust.
                                With different "character fonts",
                                background pictures, scrolling, many
                                more features... Even an added black-
                                jack game and a fake chatter. RA
                                Sysop pager and can write mail to
                                sysop with its own message editor.
                                   (c) 1998 by Snke Dirksen
crich300.zip  401070 08-05-2024 Ŀ Ŀ
                                 ij ij   ij   ڿ Ŀ  
                                 ij    ij Ŀ  ڿ    
                                           Version 3.00
                                 (C) 1994 by Stefano & Aris Ferrara
                                A powerful split screen chat for
                                 RA (1.xx & 2.xx), SBBS, Maximus, 
                                 ProBoard , WME.                  
                                 - External log viewer with mouse 
                                   support (tag, delete, etc. !). 
                                 - User Editor (RA2 only)         
                                 - Upload / Download  during chat 
                                   using a full file-manager!     
                                 - Macro language (function keys) 
                                 - Multinode support.             
                                 - Horizontal, Vertical, Quarter, 
                                   Random & Custom chat.          
                                - and many others....           
dchat14a.zip  101812 08-05-2024              DreamCHAT v1.4
                                         The MUSICAL Chat Door
                                          NOW WITH MORE SONGS
                                   Choose from 68 songs to be played
                                     to page you.  Can Open/Close,
                                    Restrict  (Password Protect) by
                                   security level, and restrict time.
                                   Supports all the most popular BBS'
                                   NOT CRIPPLED!!!   $10 Registration
dctuc001.zip  106979 08-05-2024 DCTUserChat v0.01 -=- A multinode user-user 
                                chat door for RA 2.0x/2.5x, RBBS, or any 
                                other DOOR.SYS/DORINFOx.DEF system.  Extra 
                                support for RA systems.  Split-screen chat 
                                and conference chat.  FreeWare.
dc_chat4.zip   77211 08-05-2024 
dd_21_2dpage       0 01-01-1980 ---                    --Ŀ
                                --- dIGITAL PAGE ----
                                 Get this if you dont like that 
                                 silly yellow line  when a user 
                                     pages the sysop in RA.     
                                 Make your own screens instead! 
                                      Or use the examples!      
                                         Freeware of coz        
                                - dIGITAL dONUTS  1995 --
                                ---                    --
dd_21_2dpage.zip    3909 08-05-2024 ---                    --Ŀ
                                --- dIGITAL PAGE ----
                                 Get this if you dont like that 
                                 silly yellow line  when a user 
                                     pages the sysop in RA.     
                                 Make your own screens instead! 
                                      Or use the examples!      
                                         Freeware of coz        
                                - dIGITAL dONUTS  1995 --
                                ---                    --
ezchat12.zip   75421 08-05-2024 E-Z Chat v1.2 ** LlanoWare **
                                E-Z Chat is a multi-node, User to User 
                                chat door that is designed to work on
                                most BBS software.  E-Z Chat is NOT a
                                split screen chat door, but rather sends
                                communications via 1 to 4 line messages.
                                E-Z Chat has 10 edit able action commands,
                                edit able language support, private 
                                (whisper) support, who's on, 256 private
                                "rooms" that may optionally be passworded.
                                All language and actions can be edited from
                                within the door either remote or local.
                                E-Z Setup will have this door up and running
                                in minutes!  Supports up to 99 nodes (more 
                                available). Extra support for RA 2.0x.
                                Supports locked baud rates to 115,200.
                                Now Supports non-standard com ports.
fc104a.zip    303616 08-05-2024 FastChat Beta 1.04a for RemoteAccess 1.11 or
                                2.00. This is the ultimate Sysop-to-User
                                chatting door. Too Many features to mention!
                                A must have for all RA sysops. This version
                                of FastChat does have some minor bugs, but
                                they can all be fixed by getting FC_FIX.ZIP.
fchat13.zip    34123 08-05-2024 FireChat v1.03 by Mark Rosen.  Allows user
                                to page SysOp.  Chats have 15 colors, 4
                                different text styles available.  Designed
                                originally for TriBBS, now supports PCBoard,
                                GAP, Spitfire, WildCat, and RBBS doors.  The
                                world's best has come out, and the world's
                                cheapest too!  Better than any other chat
                                programs, only $5 bucks to register!  Under
                                CyberWare! Distributing.  A few bug switches!
                                Support BBS: (813) 939-1760, TriBBS #1659
fcusered.zip   21633 08-05-2024 FastChat User Editor for FastChat 1.02a or
                                later and RemoteAccess 2.xx. This allows you
                                to press Alt-E from within Fastchat, and
                                edit your users account.
fc_fix.zip     49998 08-05-2024 This will "Downgrade" FastChat 1.04a to a
                                'Bug-Free' 1.02a version. It simply contains
                                the FC_EXE.EXE file which originally came
                                with 1.02a. 1.02a still has most of the
                                features that 1.04a has, with none of the
                                problems! This also contains some hints on
                                running FastChat Multi-Node.
fjchat22.zip   36275 08-05-2024 ߰߰ ߰.  - FfejChat 2.2 -   
                                      : Split-Screen Chat
                                     ܲ |program. Compatible
                                W  A  R  E w/ most BBS softs.
                                 -   - --       
freechat.zip   49107 08-05-2024 ۲ FREECHAT 0.01 ۲
                                SplitScreen Chat for RA 2.0x that will play  
                                RA format sound files for Paging.            
                                OS/2,Win and Desqview aware.                 
                                Also included is a RA sound file Player      
                                that will play sound files from a pulldown   
                                menu interface without logging on to RA      
                                Another Quality FREEWARE from Martin Woods!  
frog10.zip    171798 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                            ( \    / )               
                                             FROG 1.0              
                                 THE NEW BBS MULTILINE CHAT SYSTEM 
                                            easy to use            
                                     including "who is online"     
                                    fully language configurable    
                                 for dorinfo and door.sys systems  
                                    fully functional shareware     
futchat.zip    83247 08-05-2024 ķ
                                         uture Chatter v1.1           
                                 The ULTIMATE CHATTER: Future Chatter. 
                                 Sound Blaster support: Now you can    
                                 HEAR what the user is  writing.       
                                 Many new features such as: Auto       
                                 Chatter, Translator, and 'Third' Mode,
                                 and of course macros. Very flexiable. 
                                 Highly recommended ! Download it NOW !
fxchat70.zip   45641 08-05-2024  F/X-Chat  Version 7.0a 
                                Split-Screen SysOp To User Chat-Mode Door
                                For Many BBSes (PCB/QBBS/RA/RBBS/RBBS/Etc)
                                Supports ASCII ANSI And Avatar Emulations
                                Supports File Display And .RA Paging Files
                                Possibly THE BEST Chat Door Available Today
                                Written By Tom Bradford
gchat140.zip   36158 08-05-2024 
gti_2ddc20.z       0 01-01-1980          -=:) Devils Chat v2.0 (:=-
                                By: -=Devils Eye=-
                                __ ____________  __________  __________
                                ///_//_______    /_/    _    /_/_________/_/_
                                .-----/    \/_____/     /     /           /--
                                ::::/     /     /_____/     /           /:::
                                :::/     /     /:::::/     /           /::::
                                Start End ANSi for SysOp Chat.
                                For Use 0n RemoteAccess vX.XX
                                Rating []
                                Type   [RA ANIM]
                                SizE   [4.6 Kb]
gti_2ddc20.zip    3442 08-05-2024          -=:) Devils Chat v2.0 (:=-
                                             By: -=Devils Eye=-
                                    __ ____________  __________  __________
                                ///_//_______    /_/    _    /_/_________/_/_
                                .-----/    \/_____/     /     /           /--
                                |::::/     /     /_____/     /           /:::
                                |:::/     /     /:::::/     /           /::::
                                   Start End ANSi for SysOp Chat.
                                   For Use 0n RemoteAccess vX.XX
                                   Rating []
                                   Type   [RA ANIM]
                                   SizE   [4.6 Kb]
hchat300.zip  326007 08-05-2024 Hyperchat 3.00  New version release under new
                                company. All old
                                                registrations will work with
                                THIS version. Demo key
                                                included for two nodes in
                                registered mode. Sysop name and
                                                bbs name must appear in
                                hypercfg as demo.
hchat_2111.z       0 01-01-1980 [0;35m     .[ [0;1;35mHexaChat! v1.10
                                [0;1;34m         - 
                                [0;1;34m      -    - 
                                [0;1m     RealTime Windowed MultiNode Chatter
                                [0;1;33m      Fast Chatting and Up to SIX
                                [0;1;33m         Customizable ChatScreens
                                [0;1;33m   Real MultiColor Chat, Selectable
                                [0;1;33m         Actions and Macro Support
                                [0;1;33m        Whisper and Invisible mode
                                [0;1;33m     Buildin Who's on and Send
                                [0;1;33m       Fast Fossil and UART Routines
                                [0;1;33m     To be used with RA 2.0x or RA 2
                                [0;1;33m         Ofcourse made by Synopsis
                                [0;1;35mMajor Revision, Multicolor chat,
                                [0;1;35m      Chatscreens, Action commands
                                [0;1;30m      Release Date: 03 - 17 - 1997   
hchat_2111.zip   82492 08-05-2024 [0;35m     .[ [0;1;35mHexaChat! v1.1
                                [0;1;34m         - 
                                [0;1;34m      -    - 
                                [0;1m     RealTime Windowed MultiNode Chatter
                                [0;1;33m      Fast Chatting and Up to SIX
                                [0;1;33m         Customizable ChatScreens
                                [0;1;33m   Real MultiColor Chat, Selectable
                                [0;1;33m         Actions and Macro Support
                                [0;1;33m        Whisper and Invisible mode
                                [0;1;33m     Buildin Who's on and Send
                                [0;1;33m       Fast Fossil and UART Routines
                                [0;1;33m     To be used with RA 2.0x or RA 2
                                [0;1;33m         Ofcourse made by Synopsis
                                [0;1;35mMajor Revision, Multicolor chat,
                                [0;1;35m      Chatscreens, Action commands
                                [0;1;30m      Release Date: 03 - 17 - 1997   
hlp_mc24.zip   91078 08-05-2024 ---ͻ
                                        HLP MEGACHAT V.2.4        
                                    The ultimate Chatter for RA/Ele   
                                 - CooLesT DESiGN, CLEAR/REFRESH FUNCT
                                 - 25o TEMPLATES / 5oo MaCRoS         
                                 - FUNcTioNS MAcRoS / 3o ANSiS        
                                 - 5o PAGE-SoNGS / ELiTe ANSiS        
                                 - NoRMal FoNT / FuNFoNT FUNcTioN     
                                 - LoGGinG oF CHATS                   
                                 - STATiSTicS MACRoS                  
                                 - oNLiNE MACRo EDiToR                
                                       NEw iN tHis VERSioN        
                                 - oNLiNE LiSt of tHe ToP 10 CHaTteRs 
                                 - oNLiNE HELPSCREEN FoR LaMeRs.      
                                 - SoME LiTTLE BUG'S FiXED            
                                    < SHAREWARE  DM 20,- >    |
                                      (c) 1996-99 by H. LiERHAUS      
hot_21chat.z       0 01-01-1980                      
                                RemoteAccess split
                                screen chatter
                                 Definable ansi's
                                 User editor
                                 Kewl colours
                                 Lots more
                                 Worth a download
                                 Hot! Chat by Raider 
hot_21chat.zip   43789 08-05-2024                      
                                  RemoteAccess split
                                    screen chatter
                                  Definable ansi's
                                  User editor
                                  Kewl colours
                                  Lots more
                                  Worth a download
                                 Hot! Chat by Raider 
hs_2drps50.z       0 01-01-1980 HS-RPS v5.0 (Major Update)
                                With this program you can copy one 
                                out of a whole lot of pagesongs to
                                any pagefile. 
                                A different pagesong for every 
                                user on your BBS.
                                Now supports more BBS-types!!
hs_2drps50.zip   55908 08-05-2024 HS-RPS v5.0 (Major Update)
                                With this program you can copy one 
                                out of a whole lot of pagesongs to
                                any pagefile. 
                                A different pagesong for every 
                                user on your BBS.
                                Now supports more BBS-types!!
hw_2dechat.z       0 01-01-1980   .       .
                                   . 's
                                 .   . 
                                    .   .  
                                P   $   
                                ELiTe CHaT VeRSIoN 1.0
                                h hos / od
                                [ sd  25.05.1995 ]
hw_2dechat.zip   36456 08-05-2024   .       .
                                   . 's
                                 .   . 
                                     .   .  
                                           P   $   
                                      ELiTe CHaT VeRSIoN 1.0
                                        h hos / od
                                 [ sd  25.05.1995 ]
hyper202.zip  348632 08-05-2024 HYPERCHAT V2.02 Multi-Node ActionCHAT
                                Teleconferencing System with personal
                                rooms, ANSI color, definable screens,
                                whispering, paging, unlimited actions,
                                online editing of users and actions,
                                support for most multi-port COMM boards,
                                internal COMM routines with buffering
                                and 16550 UART support.  HyperChat
                                does NOT use a FOSSIL!!!  Drop files
                                supported:  DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF,
                                and EXITINFO.BBS (RA 2.00 Style).
                                Supports up to 999 COMM configurations.
                                Much more included!!  This version is a
                                MAJOR fix.  Also included is a 386 
                                version of the program!
icdes.zip      19695 08-05-2024      
                                 VoODOo ͺ
                                VooDoo IceChatt Design
                                  12 NeW DeSiGnS FoR  
                                     ya IceChatt      
                                 By Creeper of VooDoo 
ichat440.zip  216983 08-05-2024 IceChat v4.40 * Sysop-User Chat Utility *
                                *** MAJOR ADDITIONS IN THIS NEW VERSION! ***
                                For RA v2.xx, PB v2.xx, Door.Sys and
                                Dorinfo1.def Compatibles * 10 completely
                                configurable chat modes available, Chat
                                Macros, Emergency Page, User Editor,Definable
                                Chat ANSis, Configurable Strings, VIP
                                Detection, File transfer support,HMB/JAM
                                Support, External DOS Utility Option,
                                Online TextFile Viewing, Auto-Templates
                                & much MORE!! Released: 02/08/97
ic_2dsp080.z       0 01-01-1980          
                                - -- --     --
                                   v0.80  [23.05.97]
                                 for EZYCOM and any          |
                                 filename in DORINFO-format  |
                                 (so compatible to pb/ra/etc)|
                                - MultiLineChatter           |
                                - detects/uses 25/50 modes!! |
                                - font-toggle                |
                                - up to 128 macros!          |
                                - variable scrolling         |
                                * EZYCOM SPECIALS:           |
                                - intelligent "who is online"|
                                - ivitation. online messages |
                                - online message receiving   |
                                - user left/logged on messis!|
                                ]new: invit. online messages[-
ic_2dsp080.zip   58763 08-05-2024          
                                - -- --     --
                                |                             |
                                   v0.80  [23.05.97]
                                 for EZYCOM and any          |
                                 filename in DORINFO-format  |
                                 (so compatible to pb/ra/etc)|
                                - MultiLineChatter           |
                                - detects/uses 25/50 modes!! |
                                - font-toggle                |
                                - up to 128 macros!          |
                                - variable scrolling         |
                                * EZYCOM SPECIALS:           |
                                - intelligent "who is online"|
                                - ivitation. online messages |
                                - online message receiving   |
                                - user left/logged on messis!|
                                ]new: invit. online messages[-
idr104.zip     96706 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 B      iDOCTOR Chat Door v1.04           
                                 B         Shareware Edition              
                                ͼ The Best Chat Door available now a    
                                     days! Full configurable  and  even    
                                     can talk  alone  with  your  users    
                                     using AI (Artificial Inteligence)     
                                  Internal ANSi/AVATAR                    
                                  Configurable COLORS                     
                                  Definable Screens                       
                                  Fossil aware                            
                                  ANY BBS System                          
                                  Local Emulate BaudRate                  
                                  Uses Artificial Inteligence             
                                  Up to 2000  different dialogs           
ids_2dpage.z       0 01-01-1980   ss ss~s.   s~$~$$Hb.
                                $   $ $   $   $ . $ .:$   :::$$
                                $   $ $   $   $  $ $.:i$    :.:$
                                $   $ $   $   $  $ $iii$      ~
                                $  .$ $  .$   $ .$ S$$$s.sS~s
                                $ .:$ $ .:$   $.:$         $   $
                                $.:i$ $.:i$   $:i$ ss   $  .$
                                $iii$ $iii$   $i$$ $ .:$   $ .:$
                                $$$$$ $$$$$   $$$$ $.:i$   $.:i$
                                $$$ $$$$s.s$$$$ $iii$   $iii$
                                iNFiDELS  ~S$ $$$$$   $$$$$
                                PROUDLY PRESENT `$ SWW$s.s$$$S
                                ~$Sssss..sss.s . . s.sss..sssssS$~
                                $      iDS-PAGER v1.o      $
                                $  Nice pager for Remote XS! $
                                $ With built-in chatter and  $
                                $    cOol flashing text!     $
                                $  With ANSi from 3 artists  $
                                d$b      Coded By AnguS      d$b
                                .sSP'' ~     ~ $IDS'97$Ss.
ids_2dpage.zip   71296 08-05-2024   ss ss~s.   s~$~$$Hb.
                                  $   $ $   $   $ . $ .:$   :::$$
                                  $   $ $   $   $  $ $.:i$    :.:$
                                  $   $ $   $   $  $ $iii$      ~
                                  $  .$ $  .$   $ .$ S$$$s.sS~s
                                  $ .:$ $ .:$   $.:$         $   $
                                  $.:i$ $.:i$   $:i$ ss   $  .$
                                  $iii$ $iii$   $i$$ $ .:$   $ .:$
                                  $$$$$ $$$$$   $$$$ $.:i$   $.:i$
                                  $$$ $$$$s.s$$$$ $iii$   $iii$
                                    iNFiDELS  ~S$ $$$$$   $$$$$
                                  PROUDLY PRESENT `$ SWW$s.s$$$S
                                ~$Sssss..sss.s . . s.sss..sssssS$~
                                  $      iDS-PAGER v1.o      $
                                   $  Nice pager for Remote XS! $
                                   $ With built-in chatter and  $
                                   $    cOol flashing text!     $
                                   $  With ANSi from 3 artists  $
                                  d$b      Coded By AnguS      d$b
                                .sSP'' ~     ~ $IDS'97$Ss.
jchat11.zip    76868 08-05-2024 JChat v1.0 Full-Screen Chat Door
                                Best Full-Screen SysOp/User Chat door 
                                available with attractive chat screens 
                                and lots of paging options.
                                Can totally replace internal chat
                                modes!  Registration only $5!
jchat2.zip     77472 08-05-2024 JChat v2.0 Full-Screen Chat Door
                                Best Full-Screen SysOp/User Chat door 
                                available with attractive chat screens 
                                and lots of paging options.
                                Can totally replace internal chat
                                modes!  Registration only $5!
jpcht100.zip   17313 08-05-2024 --=[ JP-Chat ]======-----------
                                ÿ \w pg¿  ೳw
                                y  ÿ  sp-s
                                wÿ ¿zg s!!
                                y   s   ps‡d!
kchat_10.zip   72672 08-05-2024 KeWlcHaT v1.0, FREEWARE
                                Split screen chat door!
                                Runs on most BBSes. Ability
                                to page. 4 built in chat
                                emotions. Fun and easy to 
kchat_12.zip   74010 08-05-2024 KeWlcHaT v1.2, FREEWARE
                                Split screen chat door!
                                Runs on most BBSes. Ability
                                to page. 4 built in chat
                                emotions. Fun and easy to 
                                use! RIP!!!!!
lchat121.zip  438386 08-05-2024 
                                    iGô CôA     Version 1.21     
                                 New version, crammed with   exciting 
                                 new features! External chat program, 
                                 external message  editor,  255  chat 
                                 modes  (18  pre-defined),   multiple 
                                 languages, SoundTracker support, SB/ 
                                 GUS/Ensoniq   support,   intelligent 
                                 auto-installation to RA or ProBoard. 
                                 External program support, DOS shell, 
                                 paging activity monitor, macro keys, 
                                 Msg to SysOp facility,  AutoExclude, 
                                 editor-like chat  windows,  SimuType 
                                 greetings, word/command-macros, user 
                                 editor, chat capture and LOADS MORE! 
lisa20.zip    186392 08-05-2024 CHAT WITH LISA! Virtual Sysop or BBS Hostess.
                                v2.0 is FREEWARE. Lisa will chat with your
                                callers about any subject. Use as a Door or
                                Sysop Page. Sysop can select Lisa's name and
                                customize her responses. Chats can be logged.
                                Hot Chat available for adults. Supports most
                                BBS's, multinode, COM1-15. From ChAoS Online.
mchat20g.zip  291628 08-05-2024 MultiChat v2.0; Complete multinode chat
                                system for RA 2.xx based BBSes. Using _3_
                                modes of chatting, it virtually allows up to
                                255 users to chat at the very same time.
                                Including full setup, multi-lingual
                                customizable online guide, forced-politeness
                                mode, and many other unique features.
                                Supports LAN and MultiTasker based systems!
mchat564.zip  232433 08-05-2024  Magic Chat v5.64 Ŀ    
                                 THE Chat door for *ANY* BBS !!       
                                 Split ANSI display + MACROS! +       
                                 very powerfull paging hours sy-      
                                 stem + JOKES!+ Timer + Cooool        
                                 ANSI screens + Everything is         
                                 customizable !                       
                                 DORINFOx.DEF + DOOR.SYS (6, 31 or    
                                 52 lines) support + COMMAND LINE     
                                 This make Magic Chat compatible      
                                 with *ALL* BBS programs              
                                        DOWNLOAD NOW !!!!!            
moon101.zip   169568 08-05-2024 MOONCHAT - Standalone Door Chatterer.
                                This is a multi-node chatter door. Chat
                                with other users in MoonChat or in the 
                                MoonChat features of MoonDust County Fair
                                or Phantom of the Catacombs.
                                Optional LORD IGM. Color messaging. Rewind.
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
mxc_v210.zip  230469 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 BBS Utiliteez Software 
                                 MAXchat v2.10 - is a fully MAX compatible 
                                 multi-node chat door, with full local MAX 
                                 Graphics support. FREEWARE, complete with 
                                 full TDK and MAX-GUI source code. Makes a 
                                 great example program  for those learning 
                                 to write MAX Graphics doors. Also makes a 
                                 great novelty door for sysops who like to 
                                 watch their doors run in local SVGA mode. 
neon.zip        5252 08-05-2024 : A cool screen for the registered
                                version of NitroChat!  
newchat.zip   231216 08-05-2024 .Ŀ.
                                  NEW CHAT (c) 1996 - MultiSplit 3.54   
                                 New MultiNode Chat Room BBS Door with    
                                 up to 4 way split screen, with action    
                                 commands..  Allows people to chat at the 
                                 same time.  ANSI, RIP 1.54 and Rip 2.0   
                                 compatible.s BBS (207) 582-8392.         
                                 Hi teck Trek Look, Requires a Multitasker
                                 and a RAMDRIVE.  Works great with a      
                                 486DX-40 running two nodes and a local.  
                                 Try it out, Registration only $10.00.    
                                 Works with many known drop file types. 
niven01.zip    18406 08-05-2024                 
                                ۱      ۰
                                ۱        C h  A  t        
                                ۲    (C) 1996 byN0ViCE/P0W  
                                         :           ް
                                P0WPRESENtS A NEW ChAttER !!!!!!!!!!!!
                                       -=[ NiVEN ChAt V0.1 ]=-       
                                -thESYS0PCANChANGEEVERYANSi SCREEN
                                -thEChAt-WiNd0WSCANbE ChANGEd iV EVE
                                -thEUSER/SYS0PbACk- ANd f0REGR0UNd C0
                                 l0R CANbE ChANGEd                    
                                -thEACtiVitiES 0f thE ChAttER Will bE 
                                -thEkEYiSGRAtiS !!!!!!!             
                                -M0REfEAtURES C0MMiNGS00N            
                                 .        it'S A P0WPR0dUCt       .
ns_21_2dh099       0 01-01-1980        .sS$$Ss.   .sS$Ss.     s$.
                                .$$$$$$$$s s$$$$$$$$s .$$$$
                                $$$$s$$$s$$$'  `$$ $$$$$
                                $$$ s$$$$ $$$$s      $$$$$
                                `$' $$$$  $$$$$$s   $$$$
                                 s$.$$$s `$$`$$$s `$$'Ϳ
                                 .$$$ $$$s .ss.  s$$$        
                                  $$$$  $$$$ $$$$.s$$$$ .s$$.  
                                 $$$  $$$ `$$$$$$$' s$$$$  
                                ۲۲                             ۲
                                   >       CHAT v0.99       <   
                                          *** FREEWARE! ***          
                                ޲  [NS!] [PRG] [#o72] [25-08-96]  
ns_21_2dh099.zip   68210 08-05-2024        .sS$$Ss.   .sS$Ss.     s$.
                                      .$$$$$$$$s s$$$$$$$$s .$$$$
                                      $$$$s$$$s$$$'  `$$ $$$$$
                                      $$$ s$$$$ $$$$s      $$$$$
                                      `$' $$$$  $$$$$$s   $$$$
                                 s$.$$$s `$$`$$$s `$$'Ϳ
                                 .$$$ $$$s .ss.  s$$$        
                                  $$$$  $$$$ $$$$.s$$$$ .s$$.  
                                 $$$  $$$ `$$$$$$$' s$$$$  
                                ۲۲                             ۲
                                   >       CHAT v0.99       <   
                                          *** FREEWARE! ***          
                                ޲  [NS!] [PRG] [#o72] [25-08-96]  
page01.zip     48397 08-05-2024 
page119.zip    81120 08-05-2024 Page 1.19 - Door For Any BBS Software To
                                Ask The User WHY They Wish To Page You,
                                Then Continue With The Normal ProDoor Page
                                Procedure.  Loads PROTRNS File So That You
                                May Customize Display. Seamless Page Door!
                                Now Includes An Emergency Password Option
                                So That Users With The Password Can Page
                                You Even If The Page Bell Is Turned Off.
                                ShareWare From Greg Parsons.    [04/04/93]
pagedoor.zip   71689 08-05-2024 
pageem.zip     10371 08-05-2024 
pageme11.zip    9008 08-05-2024 PAGEME V 1.1
                                This utility will send a number to
                                your pager.  Driven from the command
                                line, it can be used in batch files
                                as well.  Many uses.  No cost.
                                From Series 1 Software.
pageme25.zip   46473 08-05-2024 PAGE ME Version 2.5
                                A Great Utility that will
                                Page you via a command line
                                in a bat file. You will now
                                be paged when your system
                                re boots or any time you want
                                to run it! Very Configable,
                                Added in sephmore so that
                                Pageme will not Page if you
                                do not want it to, will log
                                times that it paged you.
                                Easy setup - ShareWare $5.00
                                - Another SMYC Product -
pageme30.zip   48295 08-05-2024 PAGE ME Version 3.0
                                A Great Utility that will
                                Page you via a command line
                                in a bat file. You will now
                                be paged when your system
                                re boots or any time you want
                                to run it! Very Configable,
                                Added in sephmore so that
                                Pageme will not Page if you
                                do not want it to, will log
                                times that it paged you.
                                Easy setup - FREEWARE
                                Another Vagabond Software Product
pager200.zip   87064 08-05-2024 
pagev155.zip   13524 08-05-2024 RA-Pager v1.55 - SysOp pager for         
                                RemoteAccess v2.0x and v2.5x.           
                                Many improvements over RA's internal   
                                pager.  Allows you to continue using   
                                RA's SysOp chatter with a much         
                                improved interface and many more       
                                features such as:                      
                                 - Full logging of all activity/page    
                                   reasons to a separate log 
                                 - Full lightbar support of all prompts
                                 - Moving bars during paging
                                 - Page reason and leave message prompt,
                                   just like in registered RA
                                 ..And much more!        
                                * Another fine RA Q-A program *         
                                Also included: RAPSA v1.0: A handy      
                                utility to adjust RA's paging status    
                                from DOS.                               
pchat131.zip  141807 08-05-2024 [0;35m     .[ [0;1;35mPhotoChat! v1.3
                                [0;1;34m         - 
                                [0;1;34m      -    - 
                                [0;1;33m    Definable ChatScreens (with
                                [0;1;33m   Real MultiColor Chat, Selectable
                                [0;1;33m     Internal ZModem with AutoDownload
                                [0;1;33m   Sysop can Send/View files within
                                [0;1;33m          Extensive macro support
                                [0;1;33m      Pager with Random Moving
                                [0;1;33m   Pager sound can be
                                [0;1;33m     (Optional) Lemming Pager included
                                [0;1;33m       Fast Fossil and UART Routines
                                [0;1;33m     To be used with RA 2.0x or RA 2
                                [0;1;33m         Ofcourse made by Synopsis
                                [0;1;35m             Some small Fixes
                                [0;1;35m    New URL: www.edge-of-honor.demon
                                [0;1;30m      Release Date: 03 - 17 - 1997   
pchat312.zip  117482 08-05-2024 ProChat 3.1 Beta 2.  The ultimate chat
                                replacement door for PCBoard.  For multi-
                                node systems.  Replaces the NODE/CHAT
                                commands.  Compu$erve-type chat interface
                                with many improvements over PCBoard.
                                Includes setup program.  NEW!  Added
                                support for the new USERNET.XXX format
                                on versions lower than /Xyyy
pcht199g.zip   94424 08-05-2024 
pgsysp.zip     45973 08-05-2024 
photo201.zip   67395 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                     ٳ    B
                                     ݳ        S
                                  File : PHOTO201.ARJ
                                ܳDiscription :    
                                Ŀ  Ĵ
                                 a couple o new ANSi'S 4      
                                 use with photochat, Tlist     
                                 and all the other photo-using 
                                 programms, version 2.01       
                                ߰ ۰۲۰۲
                                  ް       ߲    ߰۰
psys.zip       45973 08-05-2024 
qchat.zip      10404 08-05-2024 
rac10.zip     122769 08-05-2024 RACHAT allowsusers to chat to each other on
                                a Multi Line/Node bulliten Board System.
                                They can send messages to all who
                                participate in the conference and also send
                                private messages to people in chat or on the
                                board. It's sililar to some other Multi-Line
                                BBS system's Chat facilitys to make it easier
                                to use both.
ramorse1.zip   40692 08-05-2024 RAMORSE is a quick little utility for
                                RemoteAccess (and maybe others?) that
                                will import the user's name into your
                                PAGE.RA file in Morse code, so you'll
                                KNOW who's paging you before you even
                                get off your duff!  From ArenaSoft...
                                And it's FREEWARE!  (Hey, Cool!)
ram_13.zip     23451 08-05-2024 
rap182.zip    191382 08-05-2024 RAP - The RemoteAccess Pub v1.82, a multi-user
                                teleconferencing program.
                                Authorized rewrite of the original!  This
                                version is strictly a bug-fix
                                release, and should FINALLY be stable enough
                                for everybody to use!
rap182a.zip   104244 08-05-2024 Upgrade package for The RemoteAccess Pub v1
                                .82a, a multi-node chat door.  Fixes
                                several bugs and includes a couple of new
rapagep.zip     9986 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                 RemoteAccess Page Player 
                                 Plays RA page files. You 
                                 can set it up to play    
                                 different page files for 
                                 different sec. levels.   
                                    Digital Software      
rapick1.zip    18505 08-05-2024 
raplnk10.zip   69896 08-05-2024 RAPLink v1.00 - Links a RemoteAccess Pub
                                teleconference to almost any other
                                teleconference program via modem! Supports
                                actions, genernal actions, direct text and
                                more. Not crippled!
rapp102.zip    75464 08-05-2024 RAPP 1.02 RemoteAccess Pagetune Player
                                << 1.02 adds a INSTALL feature. >>
                                Plays RA page files, single, all or
                                TAG files from a picklist.
                                Easy to use, and FREE!
                                From "Cowboy Software!"
ratlc200.zip  235983 08-05-2024 RemoteAccess Ultra-Teleconference v2.00.
                                This is a multi-node chat program that
                                will allow users on different nodes of
                                a RemoteAccess BBS to chat back and
                                forth in a comfortable and easy to
                                use environment.
ratune10.zip  107014 08-05-2024 RAMAKE - Finally, now you can easily
                                create your own PAGE.RA files
                                using an onscreen keyboard!
                                RATUNE - An automated switching
                                system, have many PAGE.RA files
                                and switch between them easily!
                                RAPLAY - A commandline player
                                for your PAGE.??? files.
                                For RemoteAccess
rawkosv3.zip  180121 08-05-2024 RaWKoS 3.0  Possibly the best Chat
                                Door ever!. Multinode/MultiView 
                                ON SCREEN!, realtime updating.
                                Includes custom actions,whispers 
                                and back-stabbing.
                                Runs on almost any BBS!!.
                                       Created by LOKI.
                                          (NZ Made)
ra_2dconte.z       0 01-01-1980 Ĵ RA-CONTE ÿ
                                  A utility for all the BBS softs   
                                 able to generate a DOOR.SYS file.  
                                 Makes your BBS announce in a cloud 
                                 digitised voice all User Logons,   
                                 User Actions on the Board etc..... 
                                    You need a Sound Blaster.       
                                 Easy config . $5 Shareware from a  
                                 Froggy Sysop :)                    
ra_2dconte.zip   86412 08-05-2024 Ĵ RA-CONTE ÿ
                                  A utility for all the BBS softs   
                                 able to generate a DOOR.SYS file.  
                                 Makes your BBS announce in a cloud 
                                 digitised voice all User Logons,   
                                 User Actions on the Board etc..... 
                                    You need a Sound Blaster.       
                                 Easy config . $5 Shareware from a  
                                 Froggy Sysop :)                    
ra_ndom1.zip    8563 08-05-2024 
ra_songs.zip   26791 08-05-2024 
rchat110.zip  109117 08-05-2024 RayChat V11.0 - OS/2 Multiline and Window 
                                Chatter of Maximus and other BBSs; German 
                                and English version!
rchat1_8.zip  108763 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                          RAPIDCHAT V1.8         
                                    RapidChat - Multi-Feature    
                                    Split Screen Chat program    
                                    for RemoteAccess, ELEBBS     
                                    and ProBoard BBS             
                                   * UK BBS support available *  
                                         **  FREEWARE  **        
                                     * Author Colin Birch *      
                                     Sysop The Dog House BBS     
                                      (01443) 400327 24hrs       
                                    Latest files - 01 Jan 2000   
rechat10.zip   48054 08-05-2024      
                                 -[ReChat v 1.0]-
                                 Great Chatter that works With every
                                   BBSProg that can use external prgs
                                   (RA, ITC, Wildcat and more...)
                                   Lots of features and yet simpel to
                                   use! TRYITOUT! - ReCoil '96 -
                                   - UNZIP WITH -d -
ringd17.zip    52736 08-05-2024 RingDoor 1.7.  A FREE door from Joseph
                                Sheppard. A Sysop CHAT door that lets
                                only certain callers page the Sysop during
                                configurable times. Sysop can alter the sound
                                of the page, the default is a ringing
                                telephone!  Turbo Pascal source included.
                                This update works with FOSSIL drivers for
                                PCBOARD /M compatibility. Also works with
                                non-standard COM port configurations.
ripchatd.zip   43657 08-05-2024 ==ͻ
                                  SOLOWARE RIPCHAT v1.0    ޱ
                                A RIP only bbs chat programޱ
                                  EXCELLENT RIP GRAPHICS!  ޱ
                                     Released 3/5/94       ޱ
rmlc105.zip    78787 08-05-2024 =RML-CHAT Ver 1.05=Ŀ
                                 RML-CHAT is a Multi-line    
                                 chatter for any BBS that    
                                 supports DOOR.SYS.  This    
                                 chatter is faster than      
                                 some others on the market   
                                 and is believed to be bug   
                                 free. THIS IS NOT CRIPPLED  
                                 IN ANY WAY! Fully functional
                                 version. FREE REGISTRATION  
                                 (Read the documentation).   
                                 RMLCHAT TRIAL VERSION ONLY. 
sc100g1e.zip  135736 08-05-2024 S-Chat v1.00/gamma-1
                                S-Chat is the full-screen chat door 
                                for bbs-es. Some features are: full 
                                screen horizontal and vertical chat,
                                fully configurable chat screens,    
                                abbreviation definitions, sysop dos 
                                shell, file transfer features, file 
                                displaying, guest user support,     
                                supports any DORINFOx.DEF and       
                                DOOR.SYS bbs system, special        
                                RemoteAccess 2.0x support, supports 
                                Fido, Hudson, Squish, Ezycom 1.02,  
                                Ezycom 1.10 and JAM messagebases,   
                                supports many popular multi-tasking 
                                environments.              Shareware
sc23.zip      243545 08-05-2024 SyncChat v2.3 - August '96 Release
                                The ULTIMATE Teleconferencing Program!!
                                 EASY Installation!  EASY Upgrading!
                                 Advanced Actions System!
                                 Every String Can Be Edited!
                                 Games Can Be Played While Chatting!
                                 You Can "Direct" Messages To Users
                                 Support For A RAM Drive For Speed
                                 "WG chat for people without a billion $$$!"
                                |12 Telegard 3.0 is now FULLY supported!
                                 Bug fixes, TONS of more actions!.
schat10.zip    73273 08-05-2024 SantaCHAT Door v.1.0 - for PCB or for 
                                LOCAL use at home to CHAT with Santa "live" 
                                via Internet. Freeware from Polymath One,
                                 * * *   Try it (609) EWA-LYKE  it!   * * *
                                * it can recognize User that is not Login 
                                User (as, the one sitting on your lap!)
                                 * * Use it at HOME in LOCAL mode! * *
                                MERRY CHRISTMAS! * *
scht100e.zip  192213 08-05-2024 S-Chat v1.00
                                S-Chat is the full-screen chat door  
                                for bbs-es. Some features are: Full  
                                screen horizontal and vertical chat, 
                                Fully configurable chat screens, Full
                                multi-language support, Abbreviation 
                                definitions, User control library,   
                                Fully configurable paging hours, File
                                transfer features, File displaying,  
                                Sysop dos shell, Guest user support, 
                                Supports any DORINFO*.DEF and        
                                DOOR.SYS bbs system, Special RA 2.xx 
                                support, Supports Fido, Hudson, JAM, 
                                Squish and Ezycom messagebases,      
                                Multi-Node support, Supports many    
                                popular multi-tasking environments,  
                                and even more!              Shareware
scht503r.zip   73129 08-05-2024 
sc_2dpage.zi       0 01-01-1980 ķ
                                 Pager Music Player for RA 2.xx 
                                  (c) 1997 by -=SculCracker=-   
                                  This proggie plays your       
                                  standard PAGE.RA file. RA     
                                  2.50's PAGE.RA demo is        
sc_2dpage.zip   29776 08-05-2024 ķ
                                 Pager Music Player for RA 2.xx 
                                  (c) 1997 by -=SculCracker=-   
                                  This proggie plays your       
                                  standard PAGE.RA file. RA     
                                  2.50's PAGE.RA demo is        
sdi_2dchat.z       0 01-01-1980 
sdi_2dchat.zip    2975 08-05-2024 
split100.zip  582597 08-05-2024 ----- ----Ŀ
                                | SPLiTTER v1.00 
                                Fully Lightbar-driven! 9 PageSongs
                                Fossil-Support,  SoundBlaster Page|
                                Sound in Chat,    User-Blacklister|
                                Configuration-Utility,  3 CoSysOps|
                                |Netmail-Support,     Mail to SysOp|
                                internal Up/Download and much more|
                                :  (C)'96 by DELUSiON DEVELOPMENT  |
sspdlx35.zip  190184 08-05-2024 RA Sysop Super Pager Deluxe for Soundblaster
                                Yes, This is crippled in the following ways:
                                1. The USERS.CHT file will NOT be looked at.
                                2. Choice of internal/external menu Limit of
                                   3 selections.
                                3. 15 Second Delays will be in effect at the
                                   beginning, and at the end.
supchat.zip   133116 08-05-2024 SuperChatter 0.1.02B
                                SuperChatter is a splitscreen chatting door
                                steroids for BBS use. It is fossil driven.
                                Each user's text zone was scrollable and
                                editable. Users could even backscroll in
                                chat buffer and modify their old text.
                                Supports ANSI, VT102, AVATAR, and AVATAR/0+.
                                (each auto-detecteed)
                                Copyright 1992, 1993 by Mark D. Rejhon
                                Re-released freely redistributable in October
                                1998 under GPL In memory of ViDDiBBS
                                (Freeware, full QB source incldued!)
talk001a.zip   58526 08-05-2024 @X0C^^^^TALK v.0.1 by Shawn Stanley^^^^
                                @X0EExtremely easy to setup and very
                                @X0Econfigurable telechat replacement
                                @X0Edoor for TriBBS systems and any BBS
                                @X0Ewhich supports the door.sys type
                                @X0Edropfile. Features include: Full
                                @X0Eaction capabilities, color
                                @X0Ecustomization, private node sends.
                                @X0ESupport COM ports 1-8. DesqView and
                                @X0EWindows aware.  Easily configurable
                                @X0Efor network use.  Does not require
                                @X0Ea BBS to run. This is the telechat
                                @X0Edoor you've been looking for.
tch107.zip    129988 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                        T O M M C H A T   1.07         
                                 A Door which turns your BBS into a    
                                 multi-user chat line!  Full remote    
                                 c0 functions, Generic and Intelligent 
                                 Actions, supports four door info file 
                                 types, no special hardware or special 
                                 TSRs needed!  Many more features!     
                                 Inexpensive Shareware!                
                                 From  \//hirlwind Software!           
tchat041.zip  170109 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                   ۲  TheChat v0.41     
                                 SysOp-User split screen chat utility 
                                 for DOOR.SYS, CALLINFO.BBS,          
                                 CHAIN.TXT, DORINFO1.DEF & PCBOARD.SYS
                                 type BBS's. Includes, fully definable
                                 chat windows, definable chat screens,
                                 definable prompts, definable page    
                                 hours for weekdays, easy macro       
                                 language, full customizable color    
                                 support and control strings, ANSI    
                                 chat and ASCII chat, & MUCH MORE!!   
                                 *Shareware $15*                      
tchatv30.zip   47604 08-05-2024 ķ
                                        THE CHAT v3.0         
                                  The chat is a "very slick"   
                                split screen chat for sysops.  
                                swinging bar shows who is cur- 
                                rently talking, eleminates the 
                                annoy person who types when you
                                do. Uses: Door.sys, PCBoard,   
                                Wilcat, Dorinfo1.def,Spitfire  
                                and more. This is still a beta 
                                version. A MUST SEE SPLIT      
                                SCREEN CHAT ! ! !              
                                Gemini BBS 316-838-8390        
tcht100g.zip   44898 08-05-2024 
tcht270a.zip  138325 08-05-2024 ޳    TurboCHAT Version 2.70a    ޳
                                 TurboCHAT  is  an  online  SysOp/User 
                                 split-screen  chat program  including 
                                 macros, phrase expansion,  FunkyChat, 
                                 paging hours, logging, an online user 
                                 editor, scroll-lock, time  crediting, 
                                 REMOTE drop to DOS, built-in  message 
                                 editor, page reasons, page  override, 
                                 bad user options,  Sound Blaster & PC 
                                 Spkr support,  multitasker  awareness 
                                 custom chat/editor screens, and more! 
                                 Paging Tunes Supported:               
                                   RA Page Files     SBBS Page Files 
                                   CDROM Audio CDs!  Sound .MODules  
                                 * NEW! ONLINE configuration menu!     
                                 * NEW! Typing speed on statbar (WPM!) 
tlnkd2g1.zip   32045 08-05-2024 TOPLink v2.00g1 - Links The Online Pub
                                teleconference to almost any other
                                teleconference over the modem!  DOS
                                version; works with TOP/DOS, TOP/2, or
tonmstr1.zip   34911 08-05-2024 ToneMaster v1.00 BAJA SysOp Pager 
                                 -Provides Variety for SysOp
                                 -Allow Users to select .TON file!
                                 -Easy Installation!
                                 -Logs Chat Attempts w/ Reason!
                                 -Not Crippled!
                                Written by Mike Nestrud
topd200.zip   315245 08-05-2024 *** The Online Pub for DOS v2.00 ***
                                The most configurable teleconferencing
                                program available!  Supports multiple
                                channels, actions, private chats,
                                moderators, user biographies, and lots
                                more.  Every character of text, colour,
                                and command is configurable!  Complete
                                online help system for users.  Six-level
                                censor for controlling user input.
                                Direct interfacing with RA, Maximus, and
                                SuperBBS.  Also works with almost any
                                other BBS program. Installs in minutes!
topd3b1.zip   368497 08-05-2024 *** The Online Pub for DOS v3.00wb1 ***
                                The most configurable teleconferencing
                                program available!  Now with external
                                command support that lets TOP run add-on
                                commands that anybody can write!  Tons
                                of other features.  Interfaces with RA,
                                SuperBBS, Maximus, and Ezycom.  Works
                                with almost any other BBS!  NOTE:  Wide
                                beta (public testing) version.  Contains
                                files to upgrade from v2.00 only!
topo200.zip   427887 08-05-2024 *** The Online Pub for OS/2 v2.00 ***
                                The most configurable teleconferencing
                                program available!  Supports multiple
                                channels, actions, private chats,
                                moderators, user biographies, and lots
                                more.  Every character of text, colour,
                                and command is configurable!  Complete
                                online help system for users.  Six-level
                                censor for controlling user input.
                                Direct interfacing with RA, Maximus, and
                                SuperBBS.  Also works with almost any
                                other BBS program, including DOS-based
                                BBSs running under OS/2!  32-bit
                                multithreaded communications and video
                                routines.  Installs in minutes!
topw3b1.zip   486285 08-05-2024 ** The Online Pub for Win95 v3.00wb1 **
                                The most configurable teleconferencing
                                program available, now in a 32-bit
                                Windows version!  Now with external
                                command support that lets TOP run add-on
                                commands that anybody can write!  Tons
                                of other features.  Interfaces with RA,
                                SuperBBS, Maximus, and Ezycom.  Works
                                with almost any other BBS!  NOTE:  Wide
                                beta (public testing) version.  Contains
                                files to upgrade from v2.00 only!
tp1_00ra.zip   94572 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                ͻ  ͻ          ɳ
                                      ͹       ͹ 
                                    - P - A - G - E -    
                                       fr  RA 2.x       
                                 Multiline-Chat  fr bis 
                                 zu  6 User gleichzeitig 
                                     Request  bei      
                                  ZAP!2  ... 2:2474/355  
                                  ZAP!   ... 2:2474/350  
                                  ZAP!3  ... 2:2474/360  
                                    (Magic: TALKPAGE)    
trichtv1.zip   47563 08-05-2024 -// TRiBL (iNC) '95 PRSNTS: \\-
                                 iCECHAt sTEp aSIDe.. ;]        :
                                 Here's TRiBL-CHaT v1.01      |
                                :  Lotta Options!               !
                                :  Easy To Use!
                                |  Totally FreeWare!
                                 \___  ______  /___i  _   /______/
                                   /:   \ !/  /    i  / /__ :>___
                                  / .    \ _  \    |  _\  / .    ;
                                   \ _____|/___\___|_____/______/
                                    \ [DATE: o6.o9.95]
                                     [HaTCHeD THRu TRiBL-NeT]
                                [0;35mHungry? +31-35693-7816/2860[0m
                                [0;38m TFR +44 181 287 4190
                                   Split Second of United Couriers 
                                THiZ FiL SW XTRM V0RTX
                                oi623 7958io 5pm-5am
                                24hrz Weekendz
                                THiZ FiL SW XTRM V0RTX
                                   oi623 7958io 5pm-5am
                                      24hrz Weekendz
                                         -= tHiZ FiLE pASSED =-
                                            -- tHE BLUEBOX! --
twt_2dsc11.z       0 01-01-1980 yy ========= dH!b ==== yy =========== yy
                                $$""  $$ y $b`'$$" $$""  $$"$b $$"$$
                                $$ $$ $$ $ $$ $$  ""$b $$ $$ $$""" $$ $$
                                $y$$ $y$y$$ $$ $$y$$ $y$$ $y$$ $y$$
                                ===========( CODER SECTION )============
                                Split-Screen chatter v1.1
                                Split Screen chatter.
                                code by The Raven
twt_2dsc11.zip   17453 08-05-2024 yy ========= dH!b ==== yy =========== yy
                                $$""  $$ y $b`'$$" $$""  $$"$b $$"$$
                                $$ $$ $$ $ $$ $$  ""$b $$ $$ $$""" $$ $$
                                $y$$ $y$y$$ $$ $$y$$ $y$$ $y$$ $y$$
                                ===========( CODER SECTION )============
                                       Split-Screen chatter v1.1
                                Split Screen chatter.
                                           code by The Raven
txachatb.zip   43594 08-05-2024    TXA-CHt! - 1.00 - 07/01/96 - FREEWARE    
                                  | This hatter supports:                |  
                                  | Remot Access, Wildcat!, PcBoard, TAG |  
                                  | RBBS,QuickBBS, Force, Phoenix, WWIV  |  
                                  | 2AM, RIBBS, Spitfire, GAP, more!     |  
                                  | - incudes: - UART/FOSSiL/XFOSSiL     |  
                                  |            - Up to 115,200 baud!     |  
                                   ܲ  - Easy to install ;-)     |  
                                   ܲܲ  - Upload/Drop2DOS option  |  
                                   ۲  - Loads more!!!           |  
                                  ޲  - Leech-this-NOW-!!       |  
                                    ܲ                              |  
                                     ܲ        |  
                                      atl!      -'  
uchat105.zip  149313 08-05-2024 
uchat110.zip   27673 08-05-2024 - The Ultimate Chat - v1.10
                                 Split or Full Screen Mode (Choice Given)
                                 Built-In WatchDog & Authenticity Check
                                 Acid & Multi-Color Typing Effects
                                 New Pager Sound.....
                                01/08/94 - Please Distribute!!
userchat.zip    4140 08-05-2024   * UserChatter v 0.0001 *
                                For all RA 2.xx SysOps, ever
                                wished you could have a chat
                                area like in LORD or Usurper
                                on your BBS? Well guess what
                                you can do now. You can have
                                it! Through use of RA v 2.0x
                                Questionaire files and other
                                various files, you can have
                                one! Easy to use, with very
                                simple menu commands being
                                the only thing needed, get
                                it today!
vp100b.zip      8980 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                .     .       .  ߳
                                 Viper is a rad page tune  
                                 randomizer for  IceChat   
                                 v3.x that can do it so    
                                 quick you won't believe   
                                 what hit ya.              
                                 Made by Viper Inc. `(94)  
                                Tony Gorkoff ** Andrew Ness
xop_2dchat.z       0 01-01-1980  Ŀ
                                ɳ   ٻ
                                 DiZ TiM, M0! OF X0P  
                                 WNN PRSNT Y TH  
                                 X0P iC CHT CiD-    
                                 TMPLT. LET YR iC 
                                 CHT RLLY L00K LiK 
                                 "CiD" ... LCH iT!  
                                    FUN GURNTD!    
                                  X0P MMBS WNTD!   
                                 ( RD D iNFO FiL ) 
xop_2dchat.zip    4875 08-05-2024  Ŀ
                                ɳ   ٻ
                                 DiZ TiM, M0! OF X0P  
                                 WNN PRSNT Y TH  
                                 X0P iC CHT CiD-    
                                 TMPLT. LET YR iC 
                                 CHT RLLY L00K LiK 
                                 "CiD" ... LCH iT!  
                                    FUN GURNTD!    
                                  X0P MMBS WNTD!   
                                 ( RD D iNFO FiL ) 
xtcchat.zip    76090 08-05-2024     
                                 Xtreme  Terror  Corps presents:
                                 EXTREME TERROR CHAT v1.o RELEASE      
                                 XTC-CHAT features: - multiple ANSI's for
                                lamers and coolers (based on security),   
                                 fading colors, fully configurable and its
                                100% freeware! For all RA2.0x sysops!     
zc0123d.zip   495935 08-05-2024 ZChat Advanced Teleconference System.  THE
                                most full-featured multinode chat package.
                                NOW INCLUDES NEW TRIVIA SERVER MODULE
                                *ZChat can link your BBS into Internet IRC!*
                                *ZChat can link your BBS with other ZChats!*
                                ZChat offers full featured chat, a full
                                mouseable config program, and easy install.
                                ZChat has everything you have ever wanted in
                                "chat" package.  As seen in "SysOp News" and
                                on the Discovery Channel.  Demo version.
zf_2dchat1.z       0 01-01-1980 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$[GeC]
                                $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $""'`""$$$s.`$$$$$s,.`$$
                                $$'..`$$$ sS$$$$$Ss.`$$$s '.ss.`s.`
                                ..sS$$ $$ s$$$$$$$$$$$S.`$$ s$$$$$S.`$,
                                $$$$$'.$ s `$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$ $$$$$$$$s 
                                $$' s $. $ `S"$$$$$$$'s$; $$$$$$$$$ :
                                '. .,s$$S ` ,s$ S$$S's$',s,.`$$$$ $
                                $$s,...,,ssSS$$$$ , ..'.s$$$$$Ss,.,s$'
                                $$'  %)Squell^zOD proudly presents(% `"$
                                $          [%] zCHat v1.0 [%]          
                                $   .     .   .  . .. .  .   .     .    `
                                s      cewl 99% configurable chatter
                                scrolling messages/ansi-prompts   .
                                         excellent macro support
                                definable function-keys
                                .       cewl user-annoying features
                                3 external protocols with autoleech
                                  ansi/pcb, chatrecorder, and much more
                                door.sys based! (ra/pcb/pb/etc)
zf_2dchat1.zip  104460 08-05-2024 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$[GeC]
                                $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $""'`""$$$s.`$$$$$s,.`$$
                                $$'..`$$$ sS$$$$$Ss.`$$$s '.ss.`s.`
                                ..sS$$ $$ s$$$$$$$$$$$S.`$$ s$$$$$S.`$,
                                $$$$$'.$ s `$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$ $$$$$$$$s 
                                $$' s $. $ `S"$$$$$$$'s$; $$$$$$$$$ :
                                '. .,s$$S ` ,s$ S$$S's$',s,.`$$$$ $
                                $$s,...,,ssSS$$$$ , ..'.s$$$$$Ss,.,s$'
                                $$'  %)Squell^zOD proudly presents(% `"$
                                $          [%] zCHat v1.0 [%]          
                                $   .     .   .  . .. .  .   .     .    `
                                s      cewl 99% configurable chatter
                                      scrolling messages/ansi-prompts   .
                                         excellent macro support
                                          definable function-keys
                                .       cewl user-annoying features
                                    3 external protocols with autoleech
                                  ansi/pcb, chatrecorder, and much more
                                      door.sys based! (ra/pcb/pb/etc)
zopager.zip     5687 08-05-2024 ===========================
                                 Z o N e  o N e 
                                 Fake  P a G e R 
                                [ thiz iz a pager for PB .. ]
                                [ it'z not a pex or exe ... ]
                                [ just being smart ........ ]
                                [ it can be used with "any" ]
                                [ sysop's chat door ....... ]
                                [ and it looks great ...... ]
                                [ another release from .... ]
                                [ da master of ansi: shadow ]
                                (Zone One WhQ... Shadow Zone)
                                ( +46 - (0)54 - 5 6 8 0 0 7 )
                                -==- -==- -==- -==- -==-

                  Area 60 - Concord Utils                 

baudcnc4.zip   37566 08-05-2024 Concord's Baudrate Statistics
                                BAUDCONC v.04       !!!Bugfix
                                a  nice Tool  for  Concord-BBS
                                BAUDCONC creates an ANSI Screen
                                that shows the Modemspeed of all
                                BBS Calls in a ANSI Statistic.
                                FreeWare    (c)  '95  D.Zeilmann
c2mcm105.zip  138310 08-05-2024  V1.05 ͻ
                                    Conc2McM - The one and only   
                                     versatile Concord lastcall   
                                 >>         Easy setup         << 
                                 >>       Good features        << 
                                 >>     Free registration      << 
                                 >>     Nice look and feel     << 
                                 >>   For McMail, InterMail,   << 
                                 >>       and FrontDoor        << 
                                 >> Now supporting plain ASCII << 
                                 Requestware by Lothar Lindinger  
cc2xe08.zip    43066 08-05-2024  CC2XE v0.8 Ϳ
                                 Lastcaller Tool fuer Binkley/XE und   
                                 Concord-BBS. Traegt den letzten BBS-  
                                 Anrufer in die Binkley/XE History ein.
                                 Getestet mit Binkley/XE g5 und        
                                 CONCORD O.O1g5                        
                                 NEU: Optionales BT-Style Logfile      
                                 Lastcaller Tool for Binkley/XE and    
                                 Concord-BBS. Writes the BBS lastcaller
                                 in the Binkley/XE History. Tested     
                                 with Binkley/XE g5 and CONCORD O.O1g5 
                                 CONCORD O.O1 Gamma-5. OS/2 Version    
                                 NEW: Optional BT-Style logfile        
                                              OS/2 Version             
                                  FREEWARE, Ralf Amrhein(c),  9.12.97  
cd2c100.zip    14805 08-05-2024 Ϳ
                                   CD-ROM TO CONCORD O.O1 v1.0   
                                   by Michael Ott (2:2480/857)   
                                 o CD2CONC automatically imports 
                                   CD-ROMS to Concord O.O1 !     
                                 o You can set all switches that 
                                   you can configure in CSETUP   
                                   for default !                 
                                 o CD2CONC is easy to use and to 
                                   configure !                   
                                 o CD2CONC is Free-Ware :) !     
cevent.zip     11905 08-05-2024 Concord Event Editor Convertor.
                                Imports and Exports Concords
                                event base.
cfaq1297.zip   26839 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 CONCORD-BBS FAQ, Tips & Tricks, 
                                 Fragen  und  Antworten  rund um 
                                 CONCORD. + Bugreport Formulare  
                                  (c) Ralf Amrhein,  16.12.1997  
conc2fd.zip     7578 08-05-2024 
concuser.zip    5605 08-05-2024 Concord Usered Configuration v0.A
                                This is a new layout for the Concord
                                userbase Editor.
conv0909.zip   98577 08-05-2024 
cscrpts2.zip    4841 08-05-2024 Three  script files for Concord BBS
                                to allow your users  to have a more
                                flexible way  of scanning your file
                                areas.   Written by  Eddy Matthews.
                                This is the second release of these
                                scripts, which adds some extra bits
                                and corrects a minor bug in the NEW
                                files script.
cusage02.zip   10933 08-05-2024 Ϳ
                                 CONCORD SYSTEM-USAGE v0.02 
                                  for CONCORD O.O1 Gamma-2  
                                  written  by  Michael Ott  
                                 This  is a  small  utility 
                                 that lets your  users view 
                                 the  system-usage  of your 
                                 BBS graphically...         
                                       100% FREEWARE !      
cview20.zip    17017 08-05-2024 Ϳ
                                    CONCORD VIEW v2.00    
                                  for CONCORD O.O1 Gamma  
                                 written  by  Michael Ott 
                                 CVIEW  gives   you  some 
                                 information about what's 
                                 going on on each node of 
                                 your BBS, let's you view 
                                 your  Logfiles  and  the 
                                 Lastcall  History and it 
                                 shows  you   some  stats 
                                 about your BBS including 
                                 a system usage-graph !   
                                 Supports OS/2, DV, WIN ! 
                                  CVIEW is 100% FREEWARE  
cwl_2deg10.z       0 01-01-1980                  
                                  Concord  without  limits  
                                  >>>  CWL-ENTERGEN V1.00  <<<  
                                 - Animated enters in Concord - 
                                  Includes a script generator   
                                      and 39 ready-to-use       
                                       animated enters!!        
                                       TRY iT OUT !!        
                                  (c) 1996 by Christoph Rasim   
cwl_2deg10.zip   40241 08-05-2024                  
                                  Concord  without  limits  
                                  >>>  CWL-ENTERGEN V1.00  <<<  
                                 - Animated enters in Concord - 
                                  Includes a script generator   
                                      and 39 ready-to-use       
                                       animated enters!!        
                                       TRY iT OUT !!        
                                  (c) 1996 by Christoph Rasim   
cwl_2dlc10.z       0 01-01-1980                  
                                  Concord  without  limits  
                                  >>>  CWL-LASTCALL V1.00  <<<  
                                  The *FiNAL* lastcaller-door   
                                         for Concord!!          
                                  ->  Fully animated       <-  
                                  ->  Color fading         <-  
                                  ->  Multiline-support    <-  
                                  ->  4 different          <-  
                                  ->   animated-enters      <-  
                                      LEECH iT NOW !!       
                                  (c) 1996 by Christoph Rasim   
cwl_2dlc10.zip   44542 08-05-2024                  
                                  Concord  without  limits  
                                  >>>  CWL-LASTCALL V1.00  <<<  
                                  The *FiNAL* lastcaller-door   
                                         for Concord!!          
                                  ->  Fully animated       <-  
                                  ->  Color fading         <-  
                                  ->  Multiline-support    <-  
                                  ->  4 different          <-  
                                  ->   animated-enters      <-  
                                      LEECH iT NOW !!       
                                  (c) 1996 by Christoph Rasim   
cwl_2drt11.z       0 01-01-1980                  
                                  Concord  without  limits  
                                  >>>  CWL-REQTOOL  V1.10  <<<  
                                  Reads Concord's filearea-cfg  
                                   and writes the config-file   
                                   for your request-processor   
                                  (c) 1996 by Christoph Rasim   
cwl_2drt11.zip   24856 08-05-2024                  
                                  Concord  without  limits  
                                  >>>  CWL-REQTOOL  V1.10  <<<  
                                  Reads Concord's filearea-cfg  
                                   and writes the config-file   
                                   for your request-processor   
                                  (c) 1996 by Christoph Rasim   
delta17b.zip  114385 08-05-2024 DELTATAG V1.7b        (C) 1994/95 Delta
                                Systeme Wst
                                * Filetagger, file list creator and a
                                statistics   *
                                * package all in one. Run with all FLSEARCH
                                .CTL,   *
                                * EXITINFO.BBS, DORINFOx.DEF, and BBSTAGFL.x
                                BBS   *
                                * programs. Full Support for CONCORD O.O1 or
                                later *
                                * numerous bug-fixs and speed improvments. New
                                * features including can download the
                                descriptions *
                                * of file with d/l, error logging, and
                                supports    *
                                * global AREA settings and has now also a
                                TURBO-C  *
                                * Switch + bug-fixed + to Rescan              
                                *             SHAREWARE - Registration  25,-DM
diftxd10.zip   11745 08-05-2024 ۲-==> Diff-TXD  V1.0 <==-
                                 Dieses Programm kann Diffs im  
                                 TXD-Format verarbeiten, welche 
                                 z.B. von VF-List erstellt wer- 
                                 FREEWARE by Michael von Tessin 
f2c100.zip    159914 08-05-2024 
fe2cc104.zip   39484 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                  FASTECHO 1.46 to CONCORD O.O1  
                                   by Michael Ott (2:2480/857)   
                                          Version 1.04           
                                 FE2CONC is a small utility that 
                                 imports the areas and AKAs from 
                                 FastEcho 1.46 to Concord O.O1 ! 
                                ۳ *** DOS & OS/2 executables ***  ۺ
                                ۳                                 ۺ
                                ۳   THIS UTILITY IS FREEWARE !!!  ۺ
ged_conc.zip    7325 08-05-2024 How to make GEdit running under Concord
im2cc102.zip   17762 08-05-2024 Ϳ
                                   IMAIL 1.7x to CONCORD O.O1    
                                     v1.02 - FINAL RELEASE!      
                                   by Michael Ott (2:2480/857)   
                                 IM2CONC will  import your areas 
                                 and  AKAs  from  IMAIL 1.7x  to 
                                ۳ Concord O.O1 !                  ۺ
                                ۳  THIS UTILITY IS FREEWARE !!!   ۺ
limcnc01.zip   21587 08-05-2024 LIMCONC - v.01 for Concord-BBS
                                creates an Ansi Sec.Lev./Limit
                                Overview Screen from Concords
                                CONFIG.DAT Limit Entries.
                                Tested with Concord Gamma 2
                                NetmailWare (c) '95  D.Zeilmann
luconc10.zip   33819 08-05-2024 LUCONC - Concord's Lastuser v1.0
                                a nice tiny Tool for  Concord-BBS
                                LUCONC create an ANSI Screen that
                                show the today's Caller what they
                                are doing  in  your System and a
                                Ansi  Screen  with  the  Last 10
                                Callers  at your System.
                                Nice to use as Welcome Screen
                                Not for Twits...
                                CardWare  (c)  '95'96  D.Zeilmann
mcmtocon.zip   11007 08-05-2024                        
                                MCMail Inbound to Concord by -=(KNBLEIN)=-
                                CONCORD Tool                 DOS only
                                Schreibt den letzten Inbound Call bei MCMAIL
                                in die Lastcaller Datei von Concord.
                                Somit sehen onlineuser wann Points etc.
                                bei Dir angerufen haben.
                                Program  '97 by -=(KNBLEIN)=-
                                Gepackt mit RAR v. 2.00
mlw_2d1_2d2.       0 01-01-1980                        
                                MLW Package v. 1.2 by KNBLEIN
                                CONCORD Tool Who is Online - DOS only
                                WHO-ELSE.EXE ist ein Who is Online Watcher
                                und ein Multiline Message Editor
                                Starten Sie einfach MLWINS.EXE und das
                                Programm wird bei Ihnen installiert.
                                Program  '96 by -=(KNBLEIN)=-
mlw_2d1_2d2.zip   76240 08-05-2024                        
                                MLW Package v. 1.2 by KNBLEIN
                                CONCORD Tool Who is Online - DOS only
                                WHO-ELSE.EXE ist ein Who is Online Watcher
                                             und ein Multiline Message Editor
                                Starten Sie einfach MLWINS.EXE und das
                                Programm wird bei Ihnen installiert.
                                Program  '96 by -=(KNBLEIN)=-
nodeset.zip    42916 08-05-2024 Nodeset Multiline Status Patcher
                                fr Concord !           FREEWARE
                                DOS und OS/2 Version !
pb2conc.zip   102807 08-05-2024 This little utility is able to convert
                                the filearea- and the messagearea-
                                configuration from ProBoard 2.xx to
                                Concord 0.01 Gamma-1 !
qwkscr.zip      5772 08-05-2024 
ra2cfb.zip      9722 08-05-2024 RA2CFB V1.0 converts RemoteAccess
                                2.0x filebase to Concord
                                0.01Gamma filebase.
shk_2dam11.z       0 01-01-1980                    
                                       It's dangerous!      
                                        AREAMOVE V1.10          
                                   Sort your areas   
                                   - Move blocks with multiple  
                                     areas at a time            
                                   - For mail- and fileareas    
                                   - Fully cursor-controlled    
                                   - DOS and OS/2 version       
                                  (c) 1997 by Christoph Rasim   
shk_2dam11.zip   27028 08-05-2024                    
                                       It's dangerous!      
                                        AREAMOVE V1.10          
                                   Sort your areas   
                                   - Move blocks with multiple  
                                     areas at a time            
                                   - For mail- and fileareas    
                                   - Fully cursor-controlled    
                                   - DOS and OS/2 version       
                                  (c) 1997 by Christoph Rasim   
shk_2dgg11.z       0 01-01-1980                    
                                       It's dangerous!      
                                       GLOBAL GROUP V1.00       
                                  Assign multiple areas to a    
                                  group, supports mail- and     
                                  file-areas, changes by range  
                                  or keyword.                   
                                      DOS- and OS/2-version     
                                  (c) 1997 by Christoph Rasim   
shk_2dgg11.zip   21274 08-05-2024                    
                                       It's dangerous!      
                                       GLOBAL GROUP V1.00       
                                  Assign multiple areas to a    
                                  group, supports mail- and     
                                  file-areas, changes by range  
                                  or keyword.                   
                                      DOS- and OS/2-version     
                                  (c) 1997 by Christoph Rasim   
sn_21who12.z       0 01-01-1980       Ŀ
                                  presents  Au
                                :    WHO iS ONLiNE WATCHER 1.2       :
                                     FOR CONCORD BBS SYSTEMS        
                                %Cursor controlled%up to six nodes% 
                                ;%receive & send online messages%    
                                %view stats from other users online%
                                ;%fully configurable%semaphores%     
                                ;%updates screen every few seconds%  
                                %shareware%low registration few%    
                                [16.9.96]     [SW(PPER]
sn_21who12.zip   54175 08-05-2024       Ŀ
                                  presents  Au
                                :    WHO iS ONLiNE WATCHER 1.2       :
                                     FOR CONCORD BBS SYSTEMS        
                                %Cursor controlled%up to six nodes% 
                                ;%receive & send online messages%    
                                %view stats from other users online%
                                ;%fully configurable%semaphores%     
                                ;%updates screen every few seconds%  
                                %shareware%low registration few%    
                                [16.9.96]     [SW(PPER]
sup2con5.zip   35924 08-05-2024 SUPTOCON  converts SBBS Screen Macros
                                to CONCORD Macros. Now with LONG- and
                                SHORTform conversation.  Version 2.01
tbank1.zip      2965 08-05-2024 Enhanced Timebank script for Concord BBS
                                This script hopefully cures the problems
                                in the original script that was released
                                in the Gamma5 version of Concord. It has
                                a prettier  menu,  and should  not allow
                                negative values to creep in  (unlike the
                                original script)  or allow users to bank
                                time that they do not have.
                                Modified by Eddy Matthews 2:256/651
usered_2dg.z       0 01-01-1980                  
                                  Concord  without  limits  
                                  Deutsche Oberflche fr den   
                                  (c) 1996 by Christoph Rasim   
usered_2dg.zip    5338 08-05-2024                  
                                  Concord  without  limits  
                                  Deutsche Oberflche fr den   
                                  (c) 1996 by Christoph Rasim   
vflst100.zip   96400 08-05-2024 ۲-==> VF-LIST / Ver 1.00 <==-
                                 Der ultimative Filelisten-Genera-  
                                 tor fuer Concord !!                
                                 - Konfiguration mit bedienungs-    
                                   freundlicher TurboVision-Ober-   
                                   flaeche (Maus, Dialoge usw.)     
                                 - Allgegenwaertige Online-Hilfe    
                                 - Listen-Typen nach Wahl definier- 
                                   bar (Allfiles, Newfiles usw...)  
                                 - Areazuordnung wird im Concord-   
                                   Setup mit Flags vorgenommen      
                                 - Integrierter Concord-Flag-Mgr    
                                 - Aussehen der Text-Fileliste ist  
                                   durch Templates frei waehlbar    
                                   (Beispiele werden mitgeliefert)  
                                 - Generiert Top-Download-Liste und 
                                   eine hirarchische Areauebersicht 
                                 - Erstellt Request-Okfiles im FD-  
                                   oder Binkley-Format, oder ein    
                                   fast FReqest-Index fuer MegaTic  
                                   (alles mit Passwort-Support)     
                                 - Erstellt Text-Filelist-Diffs     
                                 - Filerequest-Magic-Unterstuetzung 
                                 - Erstellt eine binaere Fileliste  
                                   im VFL-Format, welche mit VFL-   
                                   View (Freeware-Viewer mit vielen 
                                   nuetzlichen Features) angeschaut 
                                   werden kann.                     
                                 Shareware by: Michael von Tessin   
wall_312.zip  111115 08-05-2024                        
                                BBS ONLINER WALL v. 3.1-2 by KNBLEIN
                                Da hat schon jeder Sysop drauf gewartet !
                                - voll DORINFOx.DEF kompatibel.
                                - Help Screen frei editierbar, Logdatei
                                - Suche nach Stichwrtern im eingegebenen
                                  Spruch, somit Abfangen von BBS-Werbungen
                                - Top Ten Wallwriter
                                - Macros im Spruch mglich
                                - Editor zum bearbeiten der Wall Sprche
                                - Einzelne Wrter werden durch
                                  ZENSORED ersetzt, frei editierbare Liste.
                                - Schreibverbot fr bestimmte User, frei
                                  editierbare Liste.
                                - Update Multilinestatus in Concord
                                - 50 Zeilen Modus.
                                Program  96,97 by -=(KNBLEIN)=-
                                Gepackt mit RAR v. 2.00

                    Area 47 - Doorgames                   

01b_trit.zip   92412 08-05-2024 Tri-Towers Version .01Beta
                                Door Card Game. This
                                is one of the most
                                addicting card games
                                ever created!  You
                                must reach the top of
                                all three towers! Fast
                                action, bonus rounds,
                                high scores!  Great for
                                contests and user inter-
                                action on your BBS!
                                Get this door today!
                                Shareware-> but 1 in 4
                                games in Unregistered
                                version get registered
1001v102.zip  166333 08-05-2024 An excellent multi-node game. Includes
                                DESQview awareness and COM 1-4 support. Best
                                if used underneath DESQview because of con-
                                current processing. Comes with 165 rooms and
                                28 different monsters, but can easily be
                                adapated by the sysop for their system.
                                Includes ability for unlimited monsters.
105aptch.zip  326311 08-05-2024  * ROK v1.05a Patch *
                                Fixes reported problems
                                in Version 1.05. Mainly
                                a copy over upgrade.
10cd107.zip    89173 08-05-2024 *** VIP*10C Game Door - Version 1.07 ***
                                VIP*10C is an exciting and extremely
                                challenging BBS game door of 10 Colors
                                and 10 Chances. The object of VIP*10C is
                                for the Challenger to correctly match
                                randomly selected colors from a master
                                list of 10 Colors. There are 10 Chances
                                in each round. Color clues are provided
                                to assist the Challenger following each
                                turn. Very easy setup on either single or
                                multi-node BBS. Requires ANSI graphics.
                                Enhanced DOOR.SYS BBS interface support.
                                Original VIP*Software - Revised: 01-15-95
11sad.zip      68369 08-05-2024 Search and Destroy v1.1 - New action packed
                                door game similar to the familiar game of
                                Battleship, but much better.  Features
                                include multinode compatibility, ANSI
                                animation, excellent ANSI music, supreme
                                play control, scan ocean surface or use
                                periscope to search for enemy ships, fire
                                missiles and torpedoes, drop bombs, crack
                                codes, send messages & more!  Your callers
                                will love it, and since this incredibly
                                detailed game is only five bucks to
                                register, so will you!  Try SAD today!
144bbs10.zip  155303 08-05-2024 144BBS List Door v1.00 by T&J Software:
                                This is a free door to view and search the
                                national 144BBS List. The door supports
                                various BBS/Com Port configurations and is
                                very easily installed. Latest version may
                                be file requested as 144BBS from 1:268/400
                                and may be freely distributed. Another
                                quality door from:
                                        -- T&J Software --
                                -- (717)325-9481 3 Nodes - 28.8k --
15puzzle.zip   88409 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 15 PUZZLE v3.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
                                The object of the game is to move the blocks
                                into numerical order on a 16 grid board with
                                only one empty space available to move the
                                blocks.  Fully functional, supports multiple
                                BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes,
                                bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers,
                                COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
1arm_23.zip    85626 08-05-2024        ONE-ARM! v2.3      ۲
                                LIKE NOTHING YOU'VE SEEN BEFORE!
                                WOW!  Tilt the slot machine, flirt
                                with casino workers, MORE! THIS WORKS
                                WITH PCBOARD 15.2 ***OR*** 15.22!!!!
                                New GET LAID, "Clean Mode," Even
                                MORE Sysop config options! GET IT!!!
                                 Another Jim Coleman $5 Game! 
                                  MLPNet Support Conference!  
1checker.zip   87839 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1 CHECKER v3.5 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
                                The object of the game is to remove as many
                                'pegs' as possible by jumping each 'peg'
                                with another.  Fully functional, supports
                                multiple BBS formats, file sharing for
                                multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h
                                fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is
                                DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
1txds130.zip  710551 08-05-2024 ------------- TXDS v1.30wb -------------
                                * THE ENIGMA OF ASHRELLA RPG DOOR 1.30 *
                                > several bug fixes  :  mud mode fixed <
                                > enter the medieval world of ashrella <
                                > fly on a dragon : get  drunk : joust <
                                > long, ongoing story : spells : items <
                                > NOW MULTINODE : ONLINE FIGHTS : CHAT <
                                =COMES w/TXDS--MAKE YOUR OWN DOOR GAMES=
                                =or add-ons for your bbs! So easy that =
                                =ANYONE CAN DO IT! TXDS by Allen Ussher=
                                =NOW WORKS WITH FOSSIL DRIVER!  LOTS OF=
                                =bugs fixed! still $10 -- see documents=
1txdxtra.zip  166384 08-05-2024 Expansion Pack for TXDS (Ashrella)
                                 Simple Drop-in Adds 2 NEW Races
                                to the Enigma of Ashrella (TXDS)!
                                 Including 6 NEW Spells and Dozens
                                of New Weapons, Armour, and Items.
                                  Two New Locations as well as
                                   Enhanced Class Distinction.
                                  FREEWARE from Midnight's Realm
1wst1.zip     131480 08-05-2024 Who Said That? Trivia.  Rip Support.  Not
                                Crippled/Most BBS's
                                Test your knowledge of famous and not so
                                famous sayings!  Do
                                you know who said "I like a woman with a head
                                on her shoulders.  
                                I hate necks" ? -- (evetS nitraM) you'll have
                                to look at it
                                backwards to find out the answer!
                                A WiggleWare 1st release!
2002d309.zip 1441655 08-05-2024 This is a special, DPMI version  for use
                                a  Windows type  environment  or DOS extender
                                Trade Wars 2002 is one of the most popular
                                board games of all times! The new version 3.09
                                brings  multiplayer combat and  interaction to
                                the DOS or Windows based BBS! This version
                                a completely new file access system to
                                multiplayer problems and increase the speed
                                the game.   Version 3.09 now costs twenty
                                dollars to register and  is a  FREE upgrade
                                any sysop that  registered TW2002 in the past
                                This  archive contains version  3.09  and was
                                released on November 13th, 1998.
2002v309.zip 1353299 08-05-2024 Trade Wars 2002 is one of the most popular
                                board games of all times! The new version 3.09
                                brings  multiplayer combat and  interaction to
                                the DOS or Windows based BBS! This version
                                a completely new file access system to
                                multiplayer problems and increase the speed
                                the game.   Version 3.09 now costs twenty
                                dollars to register and  is a  FREE upgrade
                                any sysop that  registered TW2002 in the past
                                This  archive contains version  3.09  and was
                                released on November 13th, 1998.
2100a104.zip  231358 08-05-2024 RPG-2100*THE AWAKENING v1.04 [door 4/20/95]
                                Single-Multiline DView-WIN-OS/2 aware door
                                supports FOSSIL and non-standard settings...
                                57 years after preventing the awakening of  
                                Khalal its evil wraith has finally recovered 
                                the body and has the evil semi-god, semi- 
                                dragon awaken. You have been summoned to the 
                                land once more by the sacred fire to kill 
                                Khalal once and for all. A fully interactive
                                game, the best adaptation of a  role-play
                                game (RPG) for BBSs ever!             
2100w202.zip  195761 08-05-2024 RPG-2100*THE WRAITH OF KHALAL v2.02 [4/20/95]
                                Maintenance release.  Corrects time-slicings
                                under OS/2, Windows, DV; RIP bug; and others.
                                As a fighter, rogue, or wizard,  get clues,
                                blessings,  money,  and hints from the old
                                men of the land.  Will you escape the Land
                                Of Eternal Confusion?   See the king for  
                                commissions,  hunt other human players, and
                                ultimately, prevent the awakening of Khalal
                                --SUPPORTS MULTILINE BBSs, HIGHLY ADDICTIVE--
212xsdl.zip   801579 08-05-2024 Stardock Loco BBS Door Game 2.12 "The Core"
                                with over 70 new ANSI screens! IGM support
                                tripled! Visit the Colony, 'Roid, Stardock!
                                Very popular door game brings a fresh new RPG
                                to your BBS!
2tf_v101.zip  292614 08-05-2024 The Forest ][ V1.01
                                First Public Release
                                THE ULTIMATE BBS DOOR!
                                Released Nov 13/95
                                *** JUST GET IT! ***
316to317.zip  326698 08-05-2024 Exitilus v3.16 to v3.17 Updater This program
                                is to be used to Update Exitilus v3.16 files
                                to v3.17 files.
3stoge15.zip  183494 08-05-2024 The 3 Stooges! Trivia v1.05 - BBS Door about
                                the age old comedy team. The ONLY Door of
                                it's kind! all questions about the life &
                                times of "The 3 Stooges". MULTI-NODE, RIP
                                Supported, many BBS types too. Registration
                                only $12.00. Also check our Special
                                Package Pricing too.
4card.zip      87183 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>> 4 CARD SOLITARE v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<
                                Try to get rid of all 52 cards in this
                                version of a solitare card game.  Fully
                                functional, supports multiple BBS formats,
                                file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to
                                115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4,
                                IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
4cast2bb.zip  259832 08-05-2024 Weather Forcats door - users can request
                                forcasts for most cities.
4corn14.zip   397303 08-05-2024  FOUR CORNER CHECKERS v1.4 Ŀ
                                            BBS DOOR GAME            
                                 Four Corner Checkers is a Multi-    
                                 node playable game based on Chinese 
                                 Checkers. The play is the same, but 
                                 the board layout is different.      
                                 Fully multi-node capable to provide 
                                 excellent real-time play.           
                                 Mace Software, Inc.         $10.00  
4cyt2_03.zip  482621 08-05-2024 4CYTE!  v2.03 - Word making game door.  
                                4CYTE is a word making game from ParrotSoft.
                                This game is
                                configurable by registered sysop for number of
                                games and
                                difficulty level for playing. A player tries
                                to make as many
                                words as he can on a 6x6 grid using the
                                generated letters 
                                (or wildcards) supplied. Play back/ahead days,
                                and last months
                                high scorer. Door is compatable with most
                                major BBS systems.
                                Door supports Non-Standard com port IRQ's and
                                Door uses same PS dictionary as Boggle and
                                Perplexity and 
                                can share the same directory. NO Dictionary
                                Files In this zip.
4drplay.zip    47136 08-05-2024 FOUR DOLLAR DOORPLAY 1.2 by Jim Barkdull This
                                utility came about when I started testing
                                doors for a friend of mine who writes doors.
                                The idea was to find out how often the door
                                was played. Then it was who played, then when
                                So $4 doorplay was born. It's simple to use
                                and versatle. It worked very nice to see how
                                the NEW door was used. And I soon had it
                                installed into every door batch file. I had
                                tried a program that would write to the BBS
                                log to tell the sysop when a door was used
                                it lacked the ability to see who and when and
                                to get a total of times played it still
                                required counting the
4leaf15.zip   151582 08-05-2024 FourLeaf Clover v1.5 On-Line Door Game
                                Test your users skills with this simple but
                                yet strategic card game.  Game play is ANSI,
                                with cursor control movements.  Your given 16
                                cards face up, in four rows of four each. You
                                have to now discard cards in batches of 13
                                points.  Kings, Queens and Jacks in the same
                                suit can be discarded.
                                FOURLEAF ONLINE DOOR GAME SOLITAIRE
                                Worldwide Programming (209) 325-0278
4sq25.zip      98048 08-05-2024 4Square v2.5 BBS game door.  Logic
                                puzzle game. Try to group the four colors
                                together in their respective corners of
                                the Square.  Supports almost any BBS
                                software, multi-node, COM 0 - 15, up to
                                115K Baud, and non-standard IRQ's. Now
                                supports multi-port boards using FOSSIL
                                drivers including PCBoard/M!. Runs in 
                                local mode with /local.
4us_trv3.zip  147530 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>> MUSIC TRIVIA III v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of music.  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
500bbs21.zip  261159 08-05-2024 REMOTE ACCESS FIVE HUNDRED card game.
                                             ver 2.1.1
                                        This program plays the popular 
                                card game of 500 across a BBS, with
                                another player on a modem, or on a
                                Network.  You play a 4 handed game with
                                other humans able to join or leave 
                                the game at will.   The computer 
                                automatically plays for missing 
                                players.   You can choose your style 
                                of play, as well as customise for 
                                local rules and MISERE options.  It 
                                has card animation.   Speed and 
                                colours can be customised.
5cs100.zip    138064 08-05-2024 ķ
                                              5 Card Stud      ver. 1.00 
                                Play 5 card stud against the computer and
                                match your ability against others.  Keeps
                                daily winners as well as a total winner  
                                for that month.  Uses DOOFRAME library   
                                for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's.      
                                Programmer: William Rountree             
                                Release Date: 02\20\95                   
5cs141.zip    143361 08-05-2024 5 Card Stud         (Door Game) ver. 1.41
                                Play 5 card stud against the computer and
                                match your ability against others.  Keeps
                                daily winners as well as a total winner  
                                for that month.  Uses DOOFRAME library   
                                for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's.      
                                Now able to to be played without a BBS!  
                                Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x and many others.
                                Release Date: 1\1\97                   
5dhang10.zip   83222 08-05-2024 Simple HaNGMaN word game door. No EXP, FREE No
5dws193.zip   161169 08-05-2024 5D Word Search, v1.93
                                Word Search is a word game very much like the
                                hidden word games
                                you see in newspapers and magazines.  A list
                                (theme) of ten words
                                is selected, then mixed into the playing area,
                                to be found by the
                                caller using the door.  Words can be found
                                horizontally, vertically,
                                diagonally, in forward or backward spelling. 
                                Scoring is based on
                                the time it takes to find the word in the
7s201.zip      41837 08-05-2024  THE SEVEN SAGES    Version 2.01
                                  A world for the Sage engine.
7s201src.zip   37789 08-05-2024 THE SEVEN SAGES v2.01 - FLC SOURCE CODE
                                  These are the FLC script files used
                                      to create "The Seven Sages"
8ball11.zip    53122 08-05-2024 
                                 689 Studios / Infinity Software Presents: 
                                       *** ASK THE MAGIC 8-BALL ***        
                                                Version 1.1                
                                 This door is a simulation of those nifty  
                                agic 8-balls that we all know and love! Jus
                                ask the magic 8-ball a question about your 
                                future and it'll answer! Neato! Perfect for
                                 that SysOp that's looking to add a little 
                                 variety to their BBS! Supports all major  
                                dropfiles, easy setup, colorful and easy to
                                  use! Compatible with any BBS software.   
                                    Your users will love it...trust us!    
                                 (c) 2000 689 Studios / Infinity Software  
8balla.zip    141218 08-05-2024 MAGUS 8 BALL FOR ANSI
                                ANSI door for all BBS Systems.
                                Remember those magic 8 balls
                                in the toy store you played
                                with as a kid?  Well, now
                                you can provide your callers
                                their very own magus 8 ball.
                                Copyright (C) 1997, Robert C. Robinson
8linev13.zip  136044 08-05-2024 
8way131.zip   137897 08-05-2024 ͵    8 W A Y  -----  S L O T S    ͸
                                     Slot Machine Door Game.         
                                  Played on a 3 by 3 Grid of token   
                                  wheels, this door pays out on      
                                  vertical, horizontal and diagonal  
                                  lines. Multiple lines are also     
                                  payed out.                         
                                  Each win adds 1 more play.         
                                  Player Make Up Days * NEW *        
                                  Resets at end of month.            
                                  InterBBS Capable                   
                                 FREE-WARE RELEASE ;
8way132.zip   137196 08-05-2024 ͵    8 W A Y  S L O T S  v1.3.2   ͸
                                     Slot Machine Door Game.         
                                  Played on a 3 by 3 Grid of token   
                                  wheels, this door pays out on      
                                  vertical, horizontal and diagonal  
                                  lines. Multiple lines are also     
                                  payed out.                         
                                  Each win adds 1 more play.         
                                  Player Make Up Days                
                                  Resets at end of month.            
                                  InterBBS Capable                   
                                 FREE-WARE RELEASE ;
99v13.zip      85417 08-05-2024 99 Year Conquest:A Galactic Conquest Door
aa_v100.zip    44985 08-05-2024 
                                     -Avalon Archives v1.00!-
                                  An EGO For Avalon v0.77 - WB4!
                                 Talk the Hooded Figure and learn
                                 the rankings of enemy characters
                                 in ten different categories that
                                  aren't found in Avalon itself!
                                      Blazing Fire Software
ab100b2.zip    55893 08-05-2024  AutoBiography v1.002. Ŀ
                                   AutoBiography is an advanced User BIO   
                                    System for all DOOR.SYS compatible     
                                         Bulletin Board Systems.           
                                        99.9% Sysop Configurable!          
                                 Copyright 1994-95 by Doug Kalman. 
ab1v140.zip   394145 08-05-2024    >>---> ARROWBRIDGE I <---<<      
                                        Quest for the Orb           
                                Arrowbridge Online Game is an Ultima
                                style  door.   It  has active combat
                                routines, over 240000 locations  and
                                supports multinode systems.  Players
                                must  earn  experience,  explore the
                                land,  raid burial  chambers,  build
                                armies,   gather    magic   weapons,
                                complete  special  missions and much
                                much  more!   The  game  can operate
                                on  an Inter-BBS basis with features
                                including    Inter-BBS    assassins,
                                destructors  and  a  top 100  player
                                list.   Arrowbridge  can be  equally
                                enjoyed  by  playing it  on a stand-
                                alone basis. Insist on the original!
ab2mp114.zip  577169 08-05-2024 >-> ARROWBRIDGE II Map Editor <-<
                                Arrowbridge II  Map  Editor  is  a 
                                Windows application to allow users
                                to customize their  Arrowbridge II
                                games.  The editor permits editing
                                of   dungeons,  lairs,  hints  and
                                special missions.  This is a  very
                                powerful utility  for  those  that
                                are serious about Arrowbridge II.
                                Arrowbridge  II  -   bringing  the
                                users back!
ab2v218.zip   805199 08-05-2024    >>---> ARROWBRIDGE II <---<<
                                Arrowbridge II - The Guardians  of
                                Darkness,  is  a   fully  featured
                                Inter-BBS door.  Voted one  of the
                                top  five  doors  for  1997,  ABII
                                is the sequel  to the  classic hit 
                                door Arrowbridge.
                                Players  must   earn   experience, 
                                explore the land,  raid  dungeons,
                                joust  and  duel  players,   build 
                                armies, gather magic weapons, form
                                teams,  complete  special missions 
                                and much,  much  more.  ABII  also
                                features the  capability  of  game
                                coordinators  creating  their  own
                                lands,   dungeons,   missions  and
                                hints using a map editor. Optional
                                advanced    Inter-BBS    functions
                                include assassins, duels, castles,
                                armies,  taxation,  spells,  black
                                clouds,  gold  transfer  and  much
                                more. Get Arrowbridge II and bring 
                                the users back to your BBS!
abrutil.zip    70017 08-05-2024 ۲ Arrowbridge II 
                                  Support Utilities 
                                This archive contains 2
                                editors for the door game
                                Arrowbridge 2.  The first
                                is a Player Editor and the
                                second is for game hints.
                                The rest of the program 
                                allows you to view various
                                Arrowbridge 2 files!
                                Revised 10/10/97
                                Version 1.02.14
abtl128.zip    68907 08-05-2024 
abull100.zip   20995 08-05-2024 AvalonBull V1.00 FreeWare Avalon Utility for
                                Avalon Version 0.75+! This simple to use
                                Bulletin generater will create *.ANS and
                                *.ASC save files of the Avalon Players. Easy
                                to use in your BBS Bulletins area.
abyss100.zip   65537 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                                The Abysses                
                                ==============>Version 1.00<==============
                                This is my first game module for the game: 
                                      Dungeon Master by John Dailey.       
                                   It got 12 fully completed level, 10 new 
                                 monsters, 4 new wall drawing and is a lot 
                                  of fun to play (well of course!). It is  
                                 still under devellopement and more levels 
                                        are to be added pretty soon.       
                                 You can find the newest version at those  
                                             e-mail request:               
                                 On any BBS on which it has been uploaded  
                                           and kept up to date.            
ab_v110.zip    20786 08-05-2024 
                                    AvalonBull Version 1.10
                                   A FreeWare Avalon Utility
                                   for Avalon Version 0.78+!
                                  This simple to use Bulletin
                                  generater will create *.ANS
                                  and *.ASC save files of the
                                  Avalon Players. Easy to use
                                  in your BBS Bulletins area.
                                 (C) 1997 - Devon Brooks - BFS
ac6_0943.zip  167076 08-05-2024 
acdc1_06.zip  104303 08-05-2024 Acey Deucy v1.06- Door Game for most BBS.
                                Acey Deucy from ParrotSoft Doors. ANSI Video
                                Gaming machine 
                                like the casinos. Configurable by sysop in
                                registered version 
                                to hands a day, Coin Value, and starting
                                bankroll.  Scoring 
                                resets with first caller on Sunday. Bulletin
                                files show weekly 
                                winner and all time top score and top 11
                                scores (works in 
                                registered version only). Door will run on any
                                BBS supporting 
                                many BBS drop file types.
                                Supports MultiNode and non-standard com port
aces11.zip    100344 08-05-2024 
acey22.zip    134025 08-05-2024 ACEY DEUCEY      -  Door Game       v2.2    .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                An all time favorite! Fast-paced, challenging
                                card game. Automatic game reset & Hall of 
                                Fame bulletins, at end of month. Makeup games
                                missed, during the month. 
                                .........Progressive Jackpot.................
                                SEND/RECEIVE MESSAGES from within the DOOR !!
                                ******** INTER-BBS  capable *****************
acidd100.zip  104581 08-05-2024              ACID v1.00 For DOS
                                  The Adaptable Caller Identification Door
                                  The definitive Caller ID door.  Provides
                                you with everything you could ever want in
                                a Caller ID verifier, including:
                                 * Full scale verification for RA & QBBS.
                                 * "Sentry" mode - works with any BBS type!
                                 * COMPLETELY customizeable!
                                 * TONS of features & possible uses!
                                 * Comprehensive documentation & examples.
adatr.zip      53547 08-05-2024 A Day at the Races simulates real track bet-
                                ting! Callers may race Horses, Dogs, Crabs 
                                or Bugs, and may name their racers. 
                                NEW Door Game by: BDSoft/PbP Productions...
addbar11.zip    6637 08-05-2024 ADDBAR v1.1 This program takes a file listing
                                capture from a BBS which lacks the vertical
                                bars used to indicate secondary lines and
                                adds the bars back into the capture file.
                                Version 1.1 adds /D=mm-dd-yy to set all files
                                to the same date.
adgt103.zip   471823 08-05-2024 ADVENTURE DOOR GAME TOOLKIT - VERS 1.03
                                Tired of paying for individual text
                                adventure door games? Here is the answer!
                                The Adventure Door Game Toolkit will allow
                                you to use any of the many available normal
                                size AGT(c) game modules as door games on
                                your BBS. Included in the game package are
                                3 sample AGT(c) modules for your use. You
                                can also use the included AGT17(c) package
                                to author your own game modules. A great
                                way for a sysop on a budget to offer many
                                door games for one low price! For those
                                who love text adventure door games your ship
                                has arrived! MULTI-NODE CAPABLE. Supports
                                most BBS Software packages, including PC
                                Board Vers 15 & Wild Cat 4.01. The game
                                is RIP aware, does not require a fossil,
                                but will make use of one if it is
                                available, supports interupts 0-15, 
                                selectable port addresses, Com ports 1-4,
                                and speeds up to 115,200 baud. Automatic
                                Windows, WindowsNT, OS/2 time slice
                                releasing. DESQview supported. $15.00
adopt13a.zip   50517 08-05-2024              Adopt Me! v1.3
                                      The 'Door Adoption' Concept!
                                  Ask you users for donations to adopt
                                   your unregistered doors. Just run
                                   this pgm in a batchfile before or
                                  after the door. If adopted, a thank-
                                  you message is shown.  Now with Rip!
                                   Supports all the most popular BBS'
adopt34.zip    97983 08-05-2024 ADOPT-A-DOOR - Door v3.4  From the Sunrise
                                Door Collection  
                                Runs after any door program and prior to
                                returning to the BBS. Displays a formatted
                                screen promoting the ADOPT-A-DOOR concept or
                                you can replace with your own screen message!
                                Has the option to define which security
                                levels should bypass running the door! NOW
                                supports Multi-port cards using Fossil Driver
adopt51.zip   145028 08-05-2024 Adopt-A-Door v5.1 Helps find users to
                                'adopt' or register a door program
                                for your BBS.  Runs before the door
                                program and creates a text file of user
                                responses.   Another BBS Door from PAROLE
                                Software and Dennis Maidon.
adoptme1.zip   65762 08-05-2024   Adopt Me! v1.0   
                                The 'Door Adoption' concept! This 
                                runs before or after a door is run
                                by calling it in a batch file. It
                                asks the user(s) for a donation to
                                'Adopt' the door. If the door is
                                'Adopted', the adopter's name is
                                shown with a thank you message.
                                Supports all of the most popular 
                                door data formats: PCBoard, GAP 
                                (Door.Sys), Spitfire, RBBS, 
                                WildCat!, TriBBS, and WWIV. 
                                By DreamWARE Communications.
                                Support Board: (317)-780-1264. 
ads10.zip      81387 08-05-2024 The BBS ADVERTISER. Buy, Sell and Trade
                                Door with built in Message capability.
                                Program the amount of days in each 
                                category for ads to remain. Purge utility
                                removes expired Ads and Messages. 
                                Written by.....
                                Those Two Programming Guys!
                                Brad Watts and Vince Sbordone, (C) 1994
adtimeuw.zip   47813 08-05-2024 ADDTIME FOR WILDCAT! 1.0  Adds user's
                                time back to BBS.  Specially designed for
                                WildCat v4.11.  By running ADDTIME in your
                                door batch file, user's door time is added
                                back to their on-line BBS time! It's like
                                using the door for "free"! Great for
                                encouraging users to support your BBS.
                                EXTREMELY simple to set up and use!
                                Register: $5.00
advmaze.zip   177129 08-05-2024 Adventurer's Maze - *** Release 1.0 ***
                                               Door Game
                                User's take their characer from the 1st
                                level of the MAZE on a quest to kill
                                the feared DRAGON.  This doors need no
                                nightly maintance.  The Sysop may con-
                                figure the number of users able to play.
                                The Sysop also may decide on how many 
                                days to allow a non active player to 
                                continue to occupy a slot.  This door
                                REQUIRES ANSI.  Supports RBBS/DOOR.SYS
                                /WilCat 2.0/PCBoard 14.X  Author 
                                >>>>>>>>> AIRCRAFT TRIVIA I v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of aircraft.  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
aka.zip        26704 08-05-2024 
aladdin.zip   106626 08-05-2024 ALADDIN MAGIC LAMP TEXT ADVENTURE DOOR; Works
                                with door.sys, chain.txt, dorinfo.def,
                                sfdoors.dat. Can you summon the Djinni and
                                escape from the mystic grotto? Weird, fun,
                                exciting text adventure. No save/load games
                                in this unregistered version, otherwise fully
aladdin5.zip   45859 08-05-2024 ALADDIN MAGIC LAMP TEXT ADVENTURE
                                wcCODE game for Wildcat! 5. Can you
                                summon the Djinni and escape from 
                                the mystic grotto? Weird,
                                fun, exciting text adventure. No
                                save/load games in this unregistered
                                version, otherwise fully functional.
                                From Brainex 310-275-2344.
alien12b.zip 1517813 08-05-2024 Operation Alien version 1.2 freeware WWW
                                internet style door game with SVGA graphics,
                                stereo sound, original music. It's like
                                the web! Complete version, no additional files
alldata.zip    52240 08-05-2024 More Add on Data for Quantum Jump Needs
                                NUGIREG.ZIP for FREEWARE
alsktrv4.zip  106128 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>> ALASKA TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of the state of Alaska.  Fully
                                functional, supports multiple BBS formats,
                                file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to
                                115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4,
                                IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
am2_110.zip   574314 08-05-2024 ķ
                                 Adventurer's Maze II (Door Game) 1.10   
                                If you like Role Playing and D&D, this   
                                sequal to my Adventurer's Maze will keep 
                                you busy! 3-D ANSI views in the maze, so 
                                while your trying to find the exit, your 
                                fighting monsters and finding treasure.  
                                Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard  
                                Comport and IRQ's.                       
                                Programmer: William Rountree             
                                Release Date: 01\3\97                    
am302.zip     374100 08-05-2024 Adventurer's Maze (Door Game) ver. 3.02  
                                Quest to find and kill the feared DRAGON!
                                This is a D&D style door. No nightly     
                                maintance is required. Requires ANSI.    
                                New Hall of Fame, Reset after won & gen.
                                new mazes.  Now ues DOORFRAME Library, 
                                supporting Non-Standard Comport & IRQ's.      
                                Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x and many others.
                                Release Date 01\11\97                    
amart101.zip  113848 08-05-2024  BBS Auction Mart Ŀ
                                 version 1.01 by SaltySoft 
                                 A door where online auctions can be held.
                                 In addition to the fuctionality of a real
                                 auction mart, features include optional
                                 silent auctions, daily news, a message
                                 system, and more.
                                 Specifically designed to make the sysop
                                 immune to all legal liabilities normally
                                 associated with running an auction!
amaze252.zip  289375 08-05-2024 ķ
                                Adventurer's Maze (Door Game) ver. 2.52  
                                Quest to find and kill the feared DRAGON!
                                This is a D&D style door. No nightly     
                                maintance is required. Requires ANSI.    
                                Now ues DOORFRAME Library, supporting    
                                Non-Standard Comport & IRQ's.            
                                Programmer: William Rountree             
                                Release Date 04\18\94                    
amazing.zip   122453 08-05-2024 
amm11.zip      30669 08-05-2024 
amnd_v11.zip   62443 08-05-2024 
amn_dv13.zip   53851 08-05-2024 Total Amnesia Door v1.3! for BBS's Good
                                Memory Game like Concentration! Allows Online
                                Play even UnRegistered! Allows 3 games per
                                Day UnRegistered! Configuration allows the
                                sysop to set how many chances you get or how
                                many games per day! Saves Highest Score info
                                as Last Months Champ, shown in scores!
amtriv15.zip  100035 08-05-2024 
                                ۳ AMERICAN  TRIVIA  v1.5 
                                  AMERICAN TRIVIA On-line Door Game asks 
                                 the caller a series of questions on the 
                                 Famous People, Famous Places, and Famous
                                 Dates in American History.              
an16.zip      105693 08-05-2024 Antsy Nancy v1.6 Adult Antonym Game
and3.zip      110602 08-05-2024 
anmltrv4.zip  126266 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>> ANIMAL TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of animals.  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
ansi10.zip     90465 08-05-2024 
ansi330.zip   125110 08-05-2024 ANSi Art Gallery v3.30 BBS Door Art /Graphics
                                display program
ansich02.zip 1786113 08-05-2024 Random ANSi v0.2         -*0*- FREEWARE -*0*-
                                RanDomly selects ANSi files to display to
                                Users Each time they Log-On.. Or you can
                                it upon your computer Each Time you turn it on
                                With Pascal Source Included.      =NYMPHO= .RC
aoday10.zip    49035 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                ANSI Of The Day  v1.0  This great new door
                                will let your users view random ANSI files
                                  * Works with most BBS software Types *  
aom2.zip       65495 08-05-2024 The Park v1.0 AOM  for  Top Cop! v2.1
                                Sysop configurable as hidden features
                                Features Archery,  Picking  Up Trash,
                                Picnic, The Public Bathroom, Jogging,
                                Frog Jump,   On-line messaging,  ATM,
                                hidden features.
                                      Visit TC! Web Site at
                                for  latest  AOMs  and updates to TC!
                                -=Copyright (c) 1996 John A. Tucker=-
aoss130d.zip  194913 08-05-2024 AVATARS OF SCREAMING STEEL 1.30d; A simple
                                Arena-type game using anticipatory attack
                                techniques instead of the tired-old "hit" and
                                "hit" and "hit", ad nauseum. From the creator
                                of ARM OF THE DRAGON and METRO-MEZZANINE!
                                Contemporaries are Melee! and The Pit.
                                Supports DigiBoard, FOSSILs, & non-standard
ap10mask.zip   20818 08-05-2024 MASKEN - A ProBoard OnLine-Game v1.0 The game
                                'Masken' is a simple but highly addictive
                                arcade game for ProBoard 2.1x BBS system
apiev14.zip   203797 08-05-2024 APIE Version 1.4.  Join in and throw
                                some pies at friends in this multi-player
                                BBS game door.  Most BBS interface files
apnews.zip      2561 08-05-2024 
apnt_102.zip  129133 08-05-2024 
apoc11.zip    194280 08-05-2024 T&J Software's Apocrypha Door v1.1:
                                Supports most BBS systems, fossil drivers,
                                and digiboard systems. Online searching in
                                each book or the entire Apocrypha. This
                                is a demo version containing the first
                                three books only. Registration includes
                                the full text of The Bible, Apocrypha,
                                and Book of Mormon (3 doors).
apoc61.zip    229417 08-05-2024 
apv125.zip    139985 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 * Blazing Fire Software Presents To All * 
                                 * * * Aladdin's Palace Version 1.25 * * * 
                                 Visit Aladdin's Palace in this incredible 
                                 IGM! New options in Version 1.25 include: 
                                 * Re-worked Configuration Menu in APCFG * 
                                 *  Several Default Variables decreased  * 
                                 * Added Check for Skills in the Caverns * 
                                 *  SysOp can now disable Fairies-R-Us!  * 
                                 * Maximum Events is SysOp Configurable! * 
                                          Another Quality Program          
                                        From Blazing Fire Software!        
                                 Registration Just $3.00! By Devon Brooks. 
aqbibl15.zip  209487 08-05-2024 AQBIBLE  Version 1.5
                                An excellent Bible quiz game door
                                with 600 questions in 60 category
                                areas.  Runs on many BBS interface
                                files.   FREEWARE!
aqbible.zip    95253 08-05-2024 
arcade_1.zip  298040 08-05-2024 MotorCity aka SoftNet Aracde Pak. Lame Games.
                                BJACK10- GUPPY10- Q7_10- QSLOT10
                                Anyone who has registered these must pay
                                again since we changed our name to SoftNet!
arcade_2.zip  346485 08-05-2024 MotorCity aka SoftNet Aracde Pak. Lame Games.
                                DARTS10- KENO10- NOTER10- STORY10
                                Anyone who has registered these must pay
                                again since we changed our name to SoftNet!
arcade_3.zip  234539 08-05-2024 MotorCity aka SoftNet Aracde Pak. Lame Games.
                                SPIN10- TRIVIA10
                                Anyone who has registered these must pay
                                again since we changed our name to SoftNet!
arcade_4.zip  265747 08-05-2024 MotorCity aka SoftNet Aracde Pak. Lame Games.
                                BOWL10- MFD10- MSWP10- THINK10
                                Anyone who has registered these must pay
                                again since we changed our name to SoftNet!
arcbrain.zip   96754 08-05-2024 ARCBRAIN: ArcBrain is an archive
                                viewer/downloader program. It will supplement
                                any BBS that does not offer full archive
                                features, such as Remote Access.
arcd096b.zip   74523 08-05-2024 
arclogs.zip    37612 08-05-2024 
arena10.zip    41474 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-Haldar's Arena v1.0b-=-=-=- LORD IGM
                                Another fighting arena IGM for LORD 
                                with new features, such as sysop configuable
                                monsters.  A user pays for fights with gems
                                instead of gold in this IGM.
                                **Old version's didn't take down on gems**
arena121.zip  313887 08-05-2024 Arena of the Ancients is a role playing door
                                game for Bulletin Board Systems (BBS). This
                                game offers tons of options to the
                                users, as well as incorporating over a
                                thousand weapons, armors, spells, monsters,
                                and various items. Monsters and special
                                events await the characters in the dungeons.
                                Or you can break into the castle, fight in the
                                Arena, lounge in the Adventurer's
                                Guild, go to your occupation, visit the temple
                                 and more. The unique thing about Arena of the
                                Ancients is not the above. Most
                                RPG door games only have a role playing aspect
                                to it. The above description is only HALF of
                                what Arena has to offer. You
                                can win ARENA more than 1 way. The game
                                incorporates another part to it: Dominion. The
                                characters get to rule over a plot
                                of land, warring with each other, casting
                                magic on each other's realms, invading the
                                King's Castle, and hiring peasants to work
                                the land. Dominion is just as integral to the
                                game as the RPG part is. But, because there is
                                more than one way of winning, you
                                can play only the RPG portion, only the
                                Dominion portion, or both, depending upon what
                                you like. And, a lot of the game is
                                included in the unregistered version. Not only
                                do you get the entire Role Playing portion of
                                the game, but you get a glimpse at
                                the Dominion portion as well. It's like
                                getting a game for free. But with dominion,
                                that game becomes SO much more. And
                                registration is only $15.00.
                                ARENA OF THE ANCIENTS is compatible with these
                                drop files:
                                Compatible with drop files:
                                DOORSYS - The DOOR.SYS format (Wildcat!,GAP
                                ,TAG, etc)
                                *DORINFO1 - Remote Access,others(uses DORINFO1
                                RBBS - Rbbs version 16.1+ (uses DORINFOx.DEF*
                                QUICK - Quickbbs,Force,R.A. (uses DORINFOx.DEF
                                PCB14 - Pcboard version 14 PCB15 - Pcboard
                                version 15
                                PHOENIX - Phoenix bbs (uses INFO.BBS)
                                SPITFIRE - Spitfires bbs (uses SFDOORS.DAT)
                                WWIV - WWIV bbs (uses CHAIN.TXT)
                                TRIBBS - TriBBS software (uses TRIBBS.SYS)
                                2AM - JUMPER.DAT
arena15.zip    90505 08-05-2024 
arena21.zip    86233 08-05-2024 
arenacrp.zip   86830 08-05-2024 
argust2.zip    29442 08-05-2024 The Mystical Land of Argust! A Quest Set
                                for Leviathan's Reef. Join nymphs Ruthie,
                                Hannah, & Jordan, Gordon, Sachs, Badillo &
                                many others in these quests based on Greek
                                Mythology. You might find some of your
                                favorite DOORGAME friends here! FREEWARE!
                                Rated "G" for Great Family Fun! UNZIP in 
                                its own UNIQUE directory. Load into REEF 
                                with: reef quest -- then do #2! Simple!
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
arm106.zip    324014 08-05-2024 Armageddon V1.06!
                                The long awaited new version of
                                Armageddon is finally here!  This
                                totally re-written version 
                                features wicked new ANSIs done by 
                                OutWorld Arts!  This strategic
                                war game becomes more greater
                                and will recapture your awe!  
                                (c) Copyright Brad Carson 1998
arpd131.zip    52661 08-05-2024 Amateur Radio Packet Door v. 1.31.
                                Allows Land-Line BBS users to use
                                Packet Radio online. Includes HELP
                                and CHAT modes. Works with any BBS
                                package that will generate a
                                DORINFO1.DEF file. Simple to setup
                                and requires no maintenance. Allows
                                SysOps to share resources with users.
                                Users are locked out while SysOp is
                                using the TNC. This release includes
                                KAM mode to properly set time and
                                call signs with KanTronics TNC's.
                                FREEWARE from W4KGU / PTB Software.
arra_2dv12.z       0 01-01-1980 Adventurers of Renown: Ruins of Able-Wyvern(TM
                                V1.2/wcCode 4.12 & 4.20. New Features, minor 
                                fixes. "Innovative Adventure Fantasy ..." from
                                Manufacturer Association (GAMA) member. 
                                AI, SCA-style combat, FULL Billing Support, 10
                                Characters per Player, On-Line Player Editors,
                                Options, Configurable Logons, Healings, and
                                additional PLAY options.  Game allows Modern,
                                Futuristic,or Archaic weapons. This game make
                                Easy Installation Program & SysOp Editor-FREE!
                                1st of 11 Game modules in the AR Series to be
                                wcCode 5.0 coming soon!! Copyright (C) 1995,
                                Gose.  All Rights Reserved. Permission to
                                granted.  Call MegaComm(sm) BBS (540) 829-Big1
arra_2dv12.zip  260431 08-05-2024 Adventurers of Renown: Ruins of Able-Wyvern(TM
                                V1.2/wcCode 4.12 & 4.20. New Features, minor 
                                fixes. "Innovative Adventure Fantasy ..." from
                                Manufacturer Association (GAMA) member. 
                                AI, SCA-style combat, FULL Billing Support, 10
                                Characters per Player, On-Line Player Editors,
                                Options, Configurable Logons, Healings, and
                                additional PLAY options.  Game allows Modern,
                                Futuristic,or Archaic weapons. This game make
                                Easy Installation Program & SysOp Editor-FREE!
                                1st of 11 Game modules in the AR Series to be
                                wcCode 5.0 coming soon!! Copyright (C) 1995,
                                Gose.  All Rights Reserved. Permission to
                                granted.  Call MegaComm(sm) BBS (540) 829-Big1
artil11.zip    79882 08-05-2024         ARTILLERY DOOR GAME V1.1
                                BBS door game that let's your users test
                                their marksmanship. Fire a projectile
                                over and through obstacles to destroy the
                                hiding enemy.  Very easy setup.  Supports
                                multiple nodes. Has sysop chat mode,
                                carrier detect, no maintenance, and
                                great graphics.  Most features sysop
as111.zip     149600 08-05-2024 ķ
                                 Accordion Solitaire  (Door) ver. 1.11    
                                A game of solitaire with a twist.  No    
                                deck to play cards from, just shift cards
                                from one pile to the other.  Sounds easy,
                                but it is quite challanging!   Keeps     
                                daily winners as well as a total winner  
                                for that month.  Uses DOORFRAME library  
                                for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's.      
                                Now able to be played without a BBS!     
                                Programmer: William Rountree             
                                Release Date: 04\18\95                   
as120.zip     153035 08-05-2024 Accordion Solitaire  (Door Game) ver. 1.02   
                                A game of solitaire with a twist.  No deck 
                                to play cards from, just shift cards from 
                                one pile to the other.  Sounds easy, but it 
                                is quite challanging!  Keeps daily winners 
                                as well as a total winner for that month.  
                                Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard 
                                Comport and IRQ's. Now able to be played 
                                without a BBS! Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x 
                                and many others.  Release Date: 01\3\97       
as26.zip      174328 08-05-2024 AutoScribe 2.6 - Automated (Credit Card)
                                Subscription Door. Features configurable 
                                Credit Card selections, Accepts Visa/Master
                                Card/More. Auto Identifies type Instantly.
                                upgrades users security and expire date. 
                                User defined Invoices!. Supports up to 50 
                                different subscription levels. Support for
                                fossil and digiboards.
ascn110.zip   230729 08-05-2024 Assassin v1.10 On-Line Door Game
                                Medieval Adventure, where you must persue and
                                victims.  Multi-Player, Multi-Node Aware,
                                MultiTasker Aware.
                                Full support for Fossil, DigiBoard and Serial
                                Port communications.
                                Voted BEST game on 8 of 10 BBS's polled.
asez11a.zip    73151 08-05-2024               Simon Sez v1.1
                                         Simon comes to your BBS!
                                  You remember Simon, the old UFO shaped
                                    game with 4 colored 'pie slices'?
                                      Can you match Simon's moves!?
                                  100% Ansi Graphics!   Supports all the
                                   most popular BBS' including WildCat!,
                                  PCB, WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more!
                                   NOT CRIPPLED!!!  FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!
ashow11.zip    83931 08-05-2024 Address Show'r Version 1.0
                                This is a small utility that
                                will show a screen to your Users,
                                showing them their Email Address
                                on your BBS. Great to have in your
                                Email Menu. Option's to use Real
                                Name or Handle, Works with ANY 
                                DOOR.SYS compatable BBS Software
                                Best of all it is FREEWARE. SMYC
askprez1.zip   84768 08-05-2024 ASKthePREZ Door 8/95 1.2 Fun for all your
                                users. President Clinton responds to the
                                user's question.  Lotsa random answers to
                                entertain users and keep this door in use.
                                Only 26k w/ special effects! Like an 8 ball
                                Full multinode support.  Easy to setup.
                                DOOR.SYS, SpitFire, WC!, GAP, PCB, & most
                                other BBS types. $8 by TTW - [ASAP]*
asnpc110.zip  230131 08-05-2024 Assassin v1.10 On-Line Door Game
                                Medieval Adventure, where you must persue and
                                victims.  Multi-Player, Multi-Node Aware,
                                MultiTasker Aware.
                                Full support for Fossil, DigiBoard and Serial
                                Port communications.
                                Voted BEST game on 8 of 10 BBS's polled.
aspcb401.zip  340422 08-05-2024 AutoScribe 4.01! Subscription Door!
                                ASPCB now offers unlimited lines of
                                description, Intensive Subscription
                                and User Database. Allows use of
                                Checks and Credit Cards! Upgrades
                                instantly with Sec Level or Credits,
                                you design it! True Database instead
                                of text. Auto upload program for
                                your checks! Allows use of language
                                files, color codes and MORE! check
                                it out...its definetly the best!
assasv11.zip   87842 08-05-2024 
astrdsw4.zip  184041 08-05-2024 Asteroid for VGA Planets 3.5
                                Asteroid is an add-on utility for VGA
                                Planets 3.5 that takes advantage of the
                                AUXHOST features found in HOST 3.20.
                                This add-on provides the capability for
                                players to capture asteroids and tow
                                them to planets for added mineral
                                resources and the ability gather
                                Quadbenium (a new mineral) from the
                                surface of the asteroid and use it as a
                                super fuel.
asydv204.zip  886400 08-05-2024             
                                                         The Arkhaim Asylum  
                                                           Version: 2.04     
                                                             Door Game       
                                                            Full Release     
                                                    Programed By & Story Line
                                                         Christian Danychuk  
                                                        Sysop Of: The Firm
                                             (c) Gorath                      
                                                              File 1 of 1
at12.zip       43918 08-05-2024 Digital Genesis's 'After Thoughts' v1.1 -
                                FOSSIL support - ANSI support - door.sys and
                                Message to next caller door. Very configurable
atlanv12.zip  151828 08-05-2024 ATLANTIS  v1.2
                                Multinode Underwater World BBS Door!
                                As Crew Commander, you head out in
                                your Submarine, in search of the
                                lost City of Atlantis.  Along the
                                way you'll encounter enemy subs,
                                enemy mine fields and much more!
                                It's a long journey, but the lost
                                City of Atlantis awaits you...
                                Fully multinode, featuring fossil
                                driver support, non standard IRQ's
                                and bauds to 115,200.
                                (C)opyright 1999 BC Software
atriv110.zip   64686 08-05-2024 ARCHON TRIVIA v1.10
                                Fully customizable trivia door! Up
                                to 10 different question files with
                                no question limit! Easy to use editor,
                                and simple user-interface!
                                Archonware by Trevor Herndon
atw17.zip     455499 08-05-2024 Across The Wire Monthly BBS Magazine (Door)
                                by T&J Software. Issue #17 for Aug 1996.
                                Supports various BBS formats, COM ports,
                                non-standard IRQ's, and much more! This is
                                a FREE monthly magazine which can be file
                                requested from 1:268/400 as ATW (full door)
                                or ATWDATA (for just monthly updated data
                                once you have the door installed).
                                T&J Software (717)325-9481 -or-
                                ftp.thekeep.com /TJ-Software
auction1.zip  100589 08-05-2024 Auction It! 1.0 Online Auction Door. Multinode
                                Bid while viewing items.Self Maintenance
                                for hassle free functioning.  'BETA' version
                                Multitasking Time Slice Give Back is featured
                                this door.  Many, Many options for both the
                                and the buyer.  Give it a try today!
aucton12.zip   15387 08-05-2024 AUCTION ONLINE - Version 1.2                 
                                Author: Scott J. Bradbury - Coral Software    
                                   Released July 1995
                                Written using WC-Code v4.10
                                * THIS IS A MINOR BUG FIX TO VERSION 1.1 *
                                Auction Online does just what the name implies
                                  You put up an item
                                to be auctioned off and set the starting bid. 
                                Callers can then use
                                this door to see what is being auctioned.  If
                                a caller decides to  
                                post a bid the new bid is updated.  However,
                                before a caller can  
                                post a bid, the bid is checked against their
                                subscription or netmail
                                balance (definable by Sysop) to see if credits
                                exist.  The number of
                                days to leave a posted bid is also definable. 
                                When the bid has been
                                posted for as long as you indicate, a winner
                                is declared.
                                Easy to setup in minutes!  
                                Support BBS    THE CORAL REEF - (517)
                                894-0729    3 Nodes
aug95.zip     116876 08-05-2024 
autoim11.zip   53981 08-05-2024 AutoIM for InterMail V 1.1
                                Autoim is a Utility that will
                                look through your im.log and
                                send a Message to
                                anyone that freqed your System.
                                Great for advertizing networks
                                that are just getting started
                                new door games New Programs
                                Ect. Another SMYC Product!
                                Update 9-17-98 FREEWARE!~
autoreg.zip    48780 08-05-2024 Automated BBS Membership Form v2.3
                                This program helps users fill out
                                the membership form for your bbs.
                                It will ask the user for his information
                                and let him choose witch membership level
                                he would like.  It is fun to do and it will
                                make a file and print out the form for him.
                                Lets face it, if it is fun for the user and
                                he has the form filled out he just may send
                                it in with a check.  Sometimes they need all
                                the help they can get. :-}
autoup1b.zip   42061 08-05-2024 
autscn10.zip   99865 08-05-2024 AutoScan V1.0a - Autodetect Online CD's For
                                Available CD's Online Bulletin Works With
                                ALL CD-ROM Doors. Using CDMX2DOR, Autodetect
                                Which CD's Are In Which Drives And Mark Them
                                As Available, Then Make The Availability
                                Bulletin. Make CD Change A Breeze!
av077wb3.zip  151664 08-05-2024    Avalon v0.77 Wide Beta 3
                                    Many have thought they
                                    have seen all there is
                                    to BBS door-gaming....
                                     *** THINK AGAIN! ***
                                  Avalon creates an entirely
                                   new world with explosive
                                  options, game-interaction,
                                  and an awesome story-line!
                                  Live The Epic...In AVALON!
availist.zip   44108 08-05-2024 
avb26.zip     115878 08-05-2024 ANSI Voting Booth Door v2.6 - for all BBS
                                types! Supports COM1-15, DESQview aware,
                                non-standard IRQ's, colorful ANSI screens.
                                This is great for online competition
                                between your users on their favorite ANSI
                                screens. Keeps a tally of votes for each
                                screen, etc... Also has support for
                                fossil drivers T&J Software!
avday351.zip  104365 08-05-2024 AVDAY351.ARJ
                                     AVERAGE DAY II V3.51       
                                 Average Day II - On An Average 
                                 Day In America... Here's Some  
                                 Trivia You Won't Find Floating 
                                 Around Every Day! Interesting  
                                 Facts That Can Be Displayed To 
                                 Each Caller Real-Time Or Sent  
                                 To A Daily Bulletin.           
                                 Co-Authored With Mike Walters  
                                 Compiled: December 1, 1996     
                                         GENERATION II          
                                   Support BBS: 817-794-0126    
                                 Fido: 1:130/319  FREQ: AVERAGE 
                                 FTP: ftp.pca.net/Carlton_Doors 
average.zip    12105 08-05-2024 
aw63.zip       89431 08-05-2024 
award106.zip   48028 08-05-2024 Award Door - 1.06                           
                                Simple little door to run as a PCB login door
                                that will display a file to every Nth caller.
                                Simple to set up and use.  FREEWARE !!
                                Increased maximum value of "Nth" entry.
                                Recompiled for /M FOSSIL compatibiliy.
award40.zip   139978 08-05-2024 Entertainment Awards Trivia v4.0  A BBS door
                                program concerning "OSCAR" trivia questions
                                over the years.  Registration will allow you
                                to add questions to the database.  Another
                                PAROLE Software program by Dennis Maidon. Now
                                creates RIP graphic bulletins as well as
                                supports a RIPSCRIP interface.  Supports all
                                the major BBS drop files. WC!/PCB/SF/GAP,
awordv11.zip  116585 08-05-2024 AWORD Version 1.1 A WORD OF FORTUNE
                                Join in and play this excellent BBS 
                                game door similiar to Wheel of Fortune.
                                Select from 5 Topic files and try to
                                be at the top of the high score list.
                                PCBoard.sys, Door.sys, doorinfo1.def
                                and other BBS's interface files are
axe118.zip    150545 08-05-2024 =======================================
                                    Axe & Fang Version 1.18 Public
                                    By Charles Marchant & GrimWare
                                        Copywrite 1994/1995
                                Axe & Fang is a unix style MUD game. It
                                features 127 node support over 65
                                interactive commands and real time play.
                                When players reach 25th level they may
                                then begin adding onto the world with
                                it's built in editors. See AXE.DOC for
                                more info.
axe118f.zip   150631 08-05-2024 =======================================
                                    Axe & Fang Version 1.18 Public
                                    By Charles Marchant & GrimWare
                                        Copywrite 1994/1995
                                Axe & Fang is a unix style MUD game. It
                                features 127 node support over 65
                                interactive commands and real time play.
                                When players reach 25th level they may
                                then begin adding onto the world with
                                it's built in editors. See AXE.DOC for
                                more info.
axrud582.zip  133918 08-05-2024 
axrud594.zip  167083 08-05-2024 
a_21sre2b.zi       0 01-01-1980 A!SRE2B .ARJ  Animaniacs SRE ver 2b. BUG FIXER
                                chem attacks renamed accordingly. SRE Sysops,
                                this NOW!
a_21sre2b.zip    6428 08-05-2024 A!SRE2B .ARJ  Animaniacs SRE ver 2b. BUG FIXER
                                              chem attacks renamed accordingly
                                 SRE Sysops, DL
                                              this NOW!
a_type12.zip   15039 08-05-2024 
b52.zip       109619 08-05-2024 
baby200.zip    91545 08-05-2024 Baby Derby! Version 2.00
                                 Let your users join
                                 into the excitement
                                 of your expected Baby!
                                 Freeware from S.M.Y.C.
back210.zip    49765 08-05-2024 
backdr12.zip   39992 08-05-2024 
backhs12.zip   75807 08-05-2024 Back-house Solitaire v1.2 Door
                                From BG Creations Release Date 5-1-94.
                                A great card game that accomodates many
                                features. When registered features a
                                bulletin generator, calendar, single or
                                multi-node operation & free updates to
                                later versions.
bacr30.zip     38109 08-05-2024 
bad200.zip    100865 08-05-2024 
baduse30.zip  115457 08-05-2024 BadUser v3.0 - lock bad users from your
                                door. BadUser supports all the major BBS
                                formats, DESQview aware, and many other
                                features. Simply add the users name
                                to a data file and they'll never know
                                what is wrong. Has a STANDARD and CUSTOM
                                mode available to the SysOp. This version
                                also supports fossil drivers! T&J
                                Software Program
bakfirem.zip  149513 08-05-2024 
bapnew20.zip    9022 08-05-2024  New Users Bulletin Generator   Another
                                edition in the BapWarez! 
                                    Collection. v2.0
                                * Makes Hello/HTML/bulletin showing new users
                                in the last XX days (up to 30)
                                * Displays Stats on the sex of the callers.
                                * Displays Stats on the Number of callers, and
                                how many have been verified
                                  as other than newusers.  (Used CBV, or paid
                                or what not)
                                * Displays the average age of the callers.
                                Written in WcCode, and compiled with v5.0
barv13.zip    160159 08-05-2024 BARWORLD  v1.3  UPDATED VERSION!
                                ADULT Rpg Style BBS Door Game.  Been 
                                waiting awhile for a NEW ADULT Door 
                                Game?  Wait no longer!  BarWorld is
                                great Tounge-In-Cheek fun for anyone
                                over the age of consent.  Can you
                                compete to become the ultimate
                                BarHound?  Bar brawls, drinking,
                                leaching, swearing and just good
                                old adult fun!  WARNING:  BarWorld 
                                is intended for mature audiences
                                ONLY.  BarWorld contains suggestive
                                content and coarse language.  Fully 
                                multinode, fossil support, non standard 
                                IRQ's, bauds to 115,200 and more.
                                (C)opyright 1999 BC Software.
bar_2d441.zi       0 01-01-1980 W & W Communications BARONS door.
                                Barons is a challenging game of
                                strategic skill and interactive combat.
                                Your goal is to become King of the land
                                by capturing neighboring towns and
                                defeating your enemies in personal
bar_2d441.zip  289471 08-05-2024 W & W Communications BARONS door.
                                Barons is a challenging game of
                                strategic skill and interactive combat.
                                Your goal is to become King of the land
                                by capturing neighboring towns and
                                defeating your enemies in personal
basedoor.zip   38202 08-05-2024 The Military Base Door by Ryan "Diragor"
basket3.zip   114911 08-05-2024 Big league BasketBall Version 3.0 Door Game
                                Game Features: Two 8 minutes halves, technical
                                player fouls, 3 point shots, ansi music sound
                                4 different shots and 4 different defenses, 
                                2 minute overtime, etc. SysOp can define how
                                long each 
                                half of play is on the command line. Users can
                                select other Users to play against.
batdor34.zip   51923 08-05-2024 Multi Player Battleship V3.4 - Now uses
                                DoorPatch 3.8 and supports multiple BBS
                                types and baud rates up to 115,200 Baud!
                                Only $10.00 to Register.
batguy30.zip  101677 08-05-2024 
batldv21.zip   63168 08-05-2024 BatlShip Attack Door Ver 2.1 with OnLine Play
                                Allows Diagonal Ships and ScatterBombs!
                                Prevents Sysop from Viewing while Users Enter
                                Now allows Sysop to include a credit line in
                                the Exit Screen.
                                Allows Sysop vs User Direct play while User is
battle3.zip    54422 08-05-2024 
battle31.zip   74078 08-05-2024 BATTLEFIELD - A BBS Door
                                This door is based on the popular board
                                game STRATEGO.  It pits two players against
                                each other in a battle of wits and strategy.
bb520.zip     338066 08-05-2024 Board Base Pro! On-Line BBS Lister/Data Base
                                for most BBS Programs.
                                Board Base Pro! is a complete full featured
                                data base for keeping track 
                                of up to 999 other Bulletin Board's
                                information. Includes Add, Delete, Edit
                                (user can edit their entries, sysop can edit
                                ALL), Pattern Match Search,
                                Sort, Quick Listing, Detailed Browse and
                                Extended Comments for each entry.
                                Auto-Updates Ansi and/or ASCII bulletin in
                                main BBS (optional). Also
                                includes a complete on-line door maintenance
                                For a complete look at what is available from
                                Digital Interface Software
                                you can reach us at DATA: (503)563-5482 2400
                                to 14.4k, VOICE: (503)563-5481
bbaltrv1.zip  149284 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>> BASEBALL TRIVIA I v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of baseball.  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
bbaltrv4.zip  108902 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>> BASEBALL TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of baseball.  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
bbdice28.zip  141485 08-05-2024 BASEBALL DICE    -    Door Game         v2.8
                                **  Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                Play an addicitve and sometime frustrating
                                game of BaseBall with a roll of the dice!!
                                Nake your own Roster of players. Fast-paced
                                and fun for all ages! Now with MAKE-UP-DAYS!
                                Automatic score reset at end of month.
                                Supports Fossil-based Multi-port cards
                                Including PCBOARD /M. READ/WRITE MESSAGES to 
                                other players!    ** InterBBS CAPABALE **
bbdown11.zip   55853 08-05-2024 BBDOWNv1.1Ļ
                                       The ULTIMATE Download Door!      
                                 Use to allow users to download special 
                                  files (BBS info, ever changing files, 
                                  Automatically reads file_id.diz from  
                                  the file if available.  Downloadable  
                                           filelist and more!           
                                 Supports Wildcat! and most other bbs's 
                                   NOT CRIPPLED!!   $12 Registration.   
bbfix511.zip  167729 08-05-2024 
bbfpd349.zip  122724 08-05-2024 
bblist11.zip   49126 08-05-2024 
bbroul12.zip   70450 08-05-2024 BBS Roulette v1.2. Full screen ANSI Roulette
                                DOOR game for many BBS types from J & W
                                Software. NEW: support for FOSSIL ports > 8,
                                Windows and OS/2 time slices released, alias
                                support (DOOR.SYS only). Features include:
                                ANSI animation, Multi-node support, easy
                                setup and no maintenance.
bbs102d.zip   113002 08-05-2024 BBS: A "bulletin board system" add-on 
                                     forthe SRE-Filter WWW server.
                                     Ver 1.02d.
                                To install:
                                 i) Unzip the contents of this file to 
                                    an empty temporary directory.
                                ii) Read the installation instructions
                                    in BBS.DOC.
                                Questions and comments should be 
                                addressed to DANIELH@ECON.AG.GOV.
bbsbg152.zip   40576 08-05-2024 
bbsbg226.zip   40246 08-05-2024 
bbsbul11.zip  116505 08-05-2024 
bbsbwl17.zip   79027 08-05-2024 BBS Bowl; BBS Door game written for
                                RA/QBBS/RBBS - Spitfire - PCB12.x PCB14.x -
                                Wildcat v2.x - Wildcat3.x
bbscat12.zip   77475 08-05-2024 BBSCatalog - FREE BBS list door.
                                Users can view the BBS list and add to it.
                                BBSCatalog will then create a text and an
                                ANSI BBS list which could be used for
                                and/or logoff screens.
bbscr56.zip   110778 08-05-2024 
bbsdb20.zip    93292 08-05-2024 
bbsdd102.zip  224444 08-05-2024 BBS Dollars Direct 1.02, Door Takes/Processes
                                Checks Online!
                                Door for WildCat!, PC-Board, Remote Access,
                                PowerBBS, or any DOOR.SYS BBS.  Allows callers
                                electronically transfer funds from a checking
                                or savings
                                account online as payment for merchandise,
                                subscriptions, etc.  Fully automated.  Full
                                text logging
                                of all transactions.  Multi-node and DigiBoard
                                Transaction data can be sent automatically via
                                modem in an
                                event using a built in comm program.  All
                                processed by American Banking Systems
bbsdor33.zip   98356 08-05-2024 BBS_DOOR v3.30: The Premiere BBS Listing Door
                                {Bugfix from v3.2}
                                This program features :
                                * Color Configurable with BBS_TOOL!
                                * RIP Graphics Supported! 
                                * DesqView Aware!
                                * Compatibility with DORINFO1.DEF drop file!
                                * Alphabetized listing of the BBS's
                                * Detailed entries containing
                                    BBS Name, Number, Sysop, Location,
                                    Baud Rates, Hours of operation, Networks
                                    BBS is on, and 3 lines of additional
                                * Editing and Deleting of entires.
                                * Ability to DOWNLOAD the Entire Listing from
                                  within the door! (External transfer program
                                * ZIP/ARJ/LZH support for Listings!
                                * New Search function to Locate entries based
                                  on 8 Cross-Indexed Criteria Fields!
                                * Help Screens within program!
                                * Includes BBS_TOOL.EXE Accessory program to
                                 create TEXT FILE LISTINGS from the command
                                 IMPORT entries from another TEXT FILE or
                                 BBS_DOOR data file and more! ... By Fozzy INC
bbsee22a.zip  242935 08-05-2024 BBSee 2.2. Powerful, easy-to-use disk catalog
                                system. Options to catalog disks, catalog
                                inside ARC, LZH, ARJ, and ZIP files, import
                                most BBS file listings, optimize disk filling
                                and simplify disk management. Extremely fast
                                description searches.  BBS database links to
                                most file automation systems (ie Intellicomm,
                                Robocomm, Liberator, Access).  [1 of 2]
bbsee22b.zip  115335 08-05-2024 BBSee file catalog system documentation file.
                                Also BBSee's IMPORT PCBoard BBS conversion
                                file program.  [2 of 2]
bbsee22c.zip   64456 08-05-2024 BBSee catalog database conversion utilities.
                                Convert from CatDisk, InteliCat, DiskTrak,
                                CUDM, and Wssindex.  Now includes an ASP
                                catalog conversion utility.
bbsee22x.zip  157995 08-05-2024 BBSee file catalog system utilities.  These
                                files are not required for BBSee operation,
                                but will enhance its performance.  Programs
                                include a packing utility for the databases,
                                the 'deleted' file database manager, a
                                to rearrange delete, and insert BBS's in the
                                database, and a PCBoard output file utility.
bbsglf10.zip   97950 08-05-2024 BBSGolf ver1.0 - Latest game from "FairWare"
                                Excellent Putt-Putt golf simulation door!
                                Like none you've seen yet. You control the
                                direction and putt strength. Good looking
                                interface. Top scores, realtime scorecard,
                                Chat function, More! Registration brings
                                you a Course Maker which allows you to
                                change/create new courses as often as you
                                wish. Must see this one. Ver 1.0 is beta!
bbsl27.zip    664860 08-05-2024 
bbsl30.zip    614320 08-05-2024 The BBS List Database Door v3.00 The NEW BBS
                                List Database Door! Many unique features that
                                include automated database exchanges with
                                other systems, unlimited database size while
                                still maintaining quick speeds. Multiple
                                searches, keyword searches, more!
bbslist.zip   106038 08-05-2024 
bbslst.zip     47920 08-05-2024 BBS Lister door by enigma (v2.0)
                                Lots of features, freeware!
                                Includes both DOS and OS/2
                                executibles included!
bbspkr20.zip   46753 08-05-2024 
bbsslots.zip   89976 08-05-2024 BBS Slot Machine BBS Door Game
                                Seven Levels Of Play Including
                                The Ability For Spitfire Users
                                To Play For Extra Time.
                                Works at home locally to.
                                A Blue Foxx Software Production.
bbstr11.zip    84947 08-05-2024 ________________BBS*Tris V1.1_______________
                                BBS door game that requires fast hands
                                and quick thinking to play. Score by
                                maneuvering falling pieces to form complete
                                rows.  Supports multiple nodes and many
                                different drop file types.  Has sysop chat
                                mode, carrier detect, bulletin generation,
                                great graphics, and NO MAINTENANCE!
                                Difficulty can be configured by the sysop.
                                Very easy setup!  Shareware.
bbstriv1.zip   57697 08-05-2024 BBSTrivia *FREE!* For PCBoard Operators. Have
                                A Different Question/Answer 
                                "Trivia" Style Bulletin Displayed To Your
                                Users For Each Day For Nearly A 
                                YEAR! (Changed During Your Event) OR *NOW*
                                Comes With An Executable PPE 
                                For Your Users To Execute "On The Fly!"
                                Included Is A Database For Nearly A 
                                YEARS Worth Of Different Q/A's. Edit/Add Your
                                Own Q/A's. From The Maker Of 
                                WhoCalled V7 (Your Safety Insurance!)
bbstxt12.zip   23527 08-05-2024 
bbsvp105.zip   48732 08-05-2024 BBS Video Poker v1.05 Sept 1997
                                (Jacks-or-Better). DOOR.SYS,
                                PCBOARD.SYS and DORINFO#.DEF
                                compatible. (Optional) Fossil
                                and multinode support. 1200 to
                                115,200 BPS. Non-standard com
                                port addrs and IRQs support...
bbs_term.zip   20732 08-05-2024 
bbs_time.zip   32116 08-05-2024 
bbytrp47.zip  140320 08-05-2024 Booby Trap v4.7 - InterBBS Door Game by
                                Mike Jordan. Requires skill, thought &
                                luck. Find the 25 booby traps without
                                blowing yourself to bits in the field of
                                152 squares. Supports most major drop 
                                files, has Fossil detection, RIP
                                detection and works with environmental 
                                varables. No expiration date or demo key 
bcade.zip     105696 08-05-2024 
bcheck15.zip  107169 08-05-2024          BCHECKERS 
                                A checkers door that supports most BBS 
                                drop files, BCheckers provides a number
                                of sysop functions, Hoyle rules, full 
                                data input error checking, multiple
                                personality status line, and multi-
                                node operation. Can make comments to 
                                your opponent and generates bulletins.
                                Interactive "play-against-the sysop"
                                mode! No FOSSIL required -- supports 
                                non-standard comm ports. Registration
                                ONLY $12!
bcheck20.zip  154398 08-05-2024          BCHECKERS 
                                A checkers door that supports most BBS 
                                drop files, BCheckers provides a number
                                of sysop functions, Hoyle rules, full 
                                data input error checking, multiple
                                personality status line, and multi-
                                node operation. Can make comments to 
                                your opponent and generates bulletins.
                                INTERNODE PLAY, AND PLAY THE COMPUTER!
                                No FOSSIL required -- supports non-
                                standard comm ports. Registration
                                ONLY $5!
bchiv050.zip  168442 08-05-2024 Age of Chivalry - Beta Version - BCHIV050.ZIP
                                This new rpg/adventure/mud type door game
                                the face of door playing. Go up from knight
                                dragonslayer or wizard to sorceror. Items
                                a REAL feeling. By Jason Coo
bctriv2.zip  2374309 08-05-2024 Brainchild Trivia Sample Program
                                This file contains the following components:
                                SERVER.ZIP - The 32-bit Trivia Server for WINS
                                (please unzip
                                             and run the SETUP.EXE to install
                                WCCODE.ZIP - Full Screen wcCode Trivia client
                                HTML.ZIP   - DHTML Client and sample HTML page
                                to launch client.
                                CLIENT.ZIP - The 16-bit Visual Basic Trivia
                                Client for WINS.
bday102.zip    13242 08-05-2024 
bday21.zip      7240 08-05-2024  Who's Birthday Today  v2.1.  Another
                                edition in the BapWarez! 
                                * Will display a list of birthdays, and how
                                many in either a bulletin,HTML,or
                                  a hello screen.
                                * Sends a Private preformatted message to the
                                Birthday caller. (configuarable)
                                * Fixed Double Message when more than 1
                                Written in WcCode, and compiled with v5.0
bderby26.zip  162169 08-05-2024 Baby Derby v2.6 -=- Let your users join in
                                the fun and anticipation of a new baby.
                                Allows them to guess the baby's DoB, age,
                                weight height and time of birth. Another BBS
                                Door program form PAROLE Software.  Now
                                creates RIP style bulletins.
bdice11a.zip   76414 08-05-2024                BoxDice v1.1
                                   Based on the classic card/dice game.
                                     Remove all 24 cards from within
                                  the box, based on the roll of the dice
                                  100% Ansi Graphics!   Supports all the
                                   most popular BBS' including WildCat!,
                                  PCB, WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more!
                                   NOT CRIPPLED!!!  FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!
bdoor101.zip  141610 08-05-2024 Boxing Door Game That HAs ANimation Ansi
bdoor31m.zip   68108 08-05-2024 BDoor Multiline 3.1 - A Wildcat 3.X and 4.X
                                compatible Door manager.  Generates a
                                Wilcat DOORS.BBS and DOORS.RIP screens
                                with various door information.  RIP screens
                                are 100% RIP compatible with mouse support.
                                From Beakware Software.
bduwcd10.zip  191863 08-05-2024  Underworld the Crime Doorgame !!! ۲
                                For use with many BBS software systems.
                                Choose 1 of 6 dishonest professions kill
                                your neighbor, buy a house or rent an pad,
                                buy a car or steal one to make a living.
                                A real election for mayor is held and the
                                lucky player gets to alter certain aspects
                                of the city!  Registration is only $20.00
                                with a trial period of 60 days.
                                SysOps will love the flexabilty and the
                                minimum use of harddrive reading & writing.
beale101.zip   91936 08-05-2024 
beatle16.zip  190929 08-05-2024 Beatles! Trivia v1.06 - First of it's kind!
                                All questions about the Beatles from the
                                beginning to their breakup. Do you even
                                remember them at all? Who was the fifth
                                Beatle? When did John join the group? These
                                and more are loaded inside this work of
                                intense research. MULTI-NODE, RIP Supported,
                                Many BBS Types too. Registration $12.00.
beer110.zip    51068 08-05-2024 
beert110.zip   82326 08-05-2024 Beer Trivia V1.10 Online Door Game
                                "Intoxication Simulation!"  Questions
                                typical of a party are asked.  If the
                                player misses the question, they must
                                'slam' a beer!  The more they drink,
                                they more the screen becomes garbled
                                making it harder to read the next
                                question.  Supports DOOR.SYS & 
                                DORINFOx.DEF.  Fossil required.
                                $10.00 registration. From Caliber
best102.zip    20448 08-05-2024 
betsy43.zip   143605 08-05-2024 BETSY ROSS Solitare  -    Door Game     v4.3
                                **  Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                Move the cards from the grid and the deck to
                                the 4 foundations. Fast-paced, addictive and
                                very hard to beat! Makeup games missed,
                                during the month. Automatic game reset and
                                Hall of Fame bulletins, at end of month.
                                Now supports Fossil-based Multi-port cards.
                                NEW: Player-to-Player MESSAGES ! Now includes
                                a chance to win extra points....!
                                *******  INTERBBS Capable *********
between.zip    18178 08-05-2024 
bfiremtd.zip  196401 08-05-2024 
bfirestd.zip  195817 08-05-2024 
bfl100.zip    396982 08-05-2024 BBS Football League v1.00
                                This BBS Door simulates a complete season of
                                Football in 22 days. Users join one of ten
                                possible leagues, and choose from 80 offense
                                and 18 defense plays during each game. BFL
                                features fully animated ANSI action onscreen.
                                From the authors of THE PIT.
bfx13.zip      44270 08-05-2024 
bgame101.zip   74368 08-05-2024 
bgame34a.zip   52119 08-05-2024 Multi Player Backgammon V3.4A - Now uses
                                DoorPatch 3.8 and supports multiple BBS
                                types and baud rates up to 115,200 Baud!
                                Has auto-play Sysop vs. User mode.
                                Only $10.00 to Register.
bgrid439.zip 1429660 08-05-2024 BATTLE GRID  4.39 * Release Version *
                                EGA/VGA/SB Animated Action Door Game!
                                * Dozens Of Updates/Changes/Features*
                                * NEW "No-Thought" Host/Term Install*
                                *********  ALL NON-EXPIRING  ********
                                ******  Remote TSR For Easy Use  ****
                                ***  Supports DOORSYS File Format  **
                                **  Now Supports RIPTERM & FX-TERM  *
                                **  Supports ALL Of The Following!  *
                                **  Graphics * Stero Sound * Mouse  *
                                *****  Animation * Multi-Player  ****
                                *******  Multi-Node * 13 Terms  *****
                                ***Direct NON-STANDARD IRQ Support***
                                ** Join The Multi-Media Revolution! *
bgterm.zip    511729 08-05-2024 
bgtop20.zip    13679 08-05-2024 
bgwho20.zip    11251 08-05-2024 
bhp_v5.zip     56042 08-05-2024 BHP
                                Blockheads! Grid Player.
                                A Blockheads! EXTension.
                                Allows users to play
                                previously played Grids.
                                To practice or play.
                                Simple and easy to
                                install to the game.
                                y2k compatible.
                                Pentium II/III (266+mhz)
                                FREEware from SHARKware.
                                EXTension for Blockheads!
                                (c) 1997 by SHARKware.
bh_v2_2d5.zi       0 01-01-1980 Blockheads!
                                Blockheads! is a new puzzle type
                                door. THE OBJECT: To slide the
                                red block through the opening
                                in the grid, before the timer
                                expires, and in the least amount
                                of moves. How far can you get?
                                Allows EXTensions to enahnce
                                and broaden the game.
                                Y2k compatible.
                                Pentium II/III (266+MHz)
                                compatible. .
                                Only $10. Another fine game
                                from SHARKware.
bh_v2_2d5.zip   97105 08-05-2024 Blockheads!
                                Blockheads! is a new puzzle type
                                door. THE OBJECT: To slide the
                                red block through the opening
                                in the grid, before the timer
                                expires, and in the least amount
                                of moves. How far can you get?
                                Allows EXTensions to enahnce
                                and broaden the game.
                                Y2k compatible.
                                Pentium II/III (266+MHz)
                                compatible. .
                                Only $10. Another fine game
                                from SHARKware.
bibltrv4.zip  182109 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>> BIBLE TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<
                                This is a trivia game with questions testing
                                your knowledge of the Bible.  Fully
                                functional, supports multiple BBS formats,
                                file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to
                                115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4,
                                IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
bibtrv01.zip  152201 08-05-2024 ********************************************
                                  ***** BIBLE TRIVIA * NEW RELEASE ! ******
                                 Based on Dan Linton's TRIVIA SHELL Product! 
                                From Romance to Murder, Kings and Rulers,  
                                Miracles and Mysteries this game can be more  
                                fun then some of the top bestsellers. Your   
                                whole family can learn while you really      
                                discover whats in the written Word of God!    
                                 Requires Minimum EGA. Supports Mouse & KBD.
bid14.zip      54690 08-05-2024 
bigrol13.zip   98419 08-05-2024 BIG Rollers Dice Game Door by Joel Dunlap.
                                Version 1.3      Compatible with most BBS
                                software. DESQview aware. Uploaded by the 
bike15.zip     79265 08-05-2024 Galaxy 5 Xport... The Bike Shop.
                                How's your bike been running?
bingo200.zip  186251 08-05-2024 CHALLENGER BINGO v2.00 - B&D 
                                 Software's Challenger Bingo is
                                 better than being at the local
                                 church, club, or meeting! No
                                 money to lose but lot's of fun!
                                 For FUN only! Full support of 
                                 almost all BBS types. DESQview
                                 aware. Easy to setup. No compli-
                                 cated config files to battle with!
biodates.zip  104431 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>> BIORYTHMS & BIRTHDAYS v3.0 <<<<<<<<
                                The program has Biorythm charts and in-depth
                                astrological information for your date of
                                birth.  Fully functional, supports multiple
                                BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes,
                                bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers,
                                COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
biodoor.zip    83487 08-05-2024 Biodoor v3.0 -- A door where
                                callers can get to know each
                                other. Profiles, mail system,
                                graffiti walls, live chat,
                                voting center, classifieds,
                                newsletter, profanity filter,
                                flowers, marriages, and more!!
                                Get this now, your BBS won't
                                be so boring again.
biog200.zip    76005 08-05-2024 BIOGUIDE BIORHYTHM Door Program - Vers 2.00
                                Fun and entertaining program for plotting
                                biorhythm charts for your BBS users.
                                Multi-node capable. Supports most BBS
                                Software packages, including PC Board Vers
                                15.XX & WildCat 4.XX. The game is RIP aware,
                                does not require a fossil, but will make
                                use of one if it is available, supports
                                interupts 0-15, selectable port addresses,
                                Com ports 1-4, and speeds up to 115,200
                                baud. Automatic Windows, WindowsNT, and
                                OS/2 time slice releasing. DESQview
                                supported. $10.00
bioscan2.zip   98385 08-05-2024 BioScan Version 2.0 Online
                                Biorythm Door Program. Features
                                "Real Time" Bar Graph and
                                Empirical Graph. Also Allows
                                User to Download Emperical
                                Graph File When Exiting Door.
biov100b.zip  100037 08-05-2024 BioRhythmic Analysis v1.00b - Use this
                                 neat door to analyze your biorhythm 
                                 and discover what your future holds
                                 in store for you! For *FUN* only! 
                                 Full support of almost all BBS types. 
                                 DESQview aware. Easy to setup. No 
                                 complicated config files to battle with!
bj19.zip      149533 08-05-2024 Black Jack v1.9 Online Black Jack Card Game
                                Black Jack has all the options of real life
                                Black Jack.  This version is played with two
                                decks and has built in automatic reshuffle.
                                The users can double down, split, and more.
                                Displays winner and losser and also shows you
                                what you had in your hand (ie. BUST, Black
                                Jack, Five Card Charlie and more)
                                BLACK JACK ONLINE DOOR GAME
                                WORLDWIDE PROGRAMMING (209) 497-6722
bj200.zip      72384 08-05-2024 BLACKJACK v. 2.0 - Blackjack game for Falken
                                BBS software. Classic game, get 21 but don't
                                go over. Allows sysops to bet ficticious
                                money or credits. Each player has its own
                                dealer, but CAN chat with any other player
                                in the game. Works with Falken v9.x DOS
bj21.zip      152255 08-05-2024 Black Jack v2.1 Online Black Jack Card Game
                                Black Jack has all the options of real life
                                Black Jack.  This version is played with two
                                decks and has built in automatic reshuffle.
                                The users can double down, split, and more.
                                Displays winner and losser and also shows you
                                what you had in your hand (ie. BUST, Black
                                Jack, Five Card Charlie and more)
                                BLACK JACK ONLINE DOOR GAME
bj23b.zip      75025 08-05-2024 Vegas BLACKJACK v2.3b. Another door from
                                WRM Systems. Vegas BlackJack is played
                                the same as in Las Vegas. A single deck
                                is used and shuffled every 3 hands. If you
                                are a card counter then this is the game
                                for you. Double Down on a card count of
                                10 or 11. Split any pair of cards. A
                                very entertaining game that keeps you
                                coming back for more. Generates Top Ten
                                Scorers, All Time High Bulletins after
                                each game. Easy setup via BJUTIL.
                                DesqView Aware. Non-Standard Comm. ports
                                supported. No Maintance is Required.
                                Supports most major BBS Drop file types,
                                including TRIBBS, PCBoard, Door.sys, Spitfire
                                and others.
                                Shareware. Uploaded by WRM Systems
bj30l.zip     108585 08-05-2024 Blackjack v3.0 (Linux) for Falken BBS
                                systems. The classic game of 21 for the
                                Falken BBS. Not 100% interactive. Also
                                avail. for Dos version of Falken.
bj323.zip      56414 08-05-2024 BBS BlackJack/21 card game door.
                                Version 3.23 - June 25, 1994.
                                PCBoard 14/15., DOOR.SYS,
                                DORINFO#.DEF compatible.
                                Fully functional Shareware.
                                Fossil support. ANSI.SYS
                                required. Com 1-4. BPS to
                                115,200. Multinode BBS
                                support. Registration $10.00.
                                30 day trial period.
bj331.zip     110071 08-05-2024 BJ331.ARJ
                                        BLACK JACK V3.31        
                                 Blackjack: Double Down, Split  
                                 Hands, Five-Card Charlies And  
                                 Insurance Against Aces Are     
                                 Some Of The Pro/Vegas Features 
                                 This ANSI Blackjack Door Has   
                                 To Offer. Full-Screen Graphics 
                                 And Cursor-Controlled Menus    
                                 Make It A Favorite To Play!    
                                   Compiled: December 1, 1996   
                                        GENERATION II           
                                   Support BBS: 817-794-0126    
                                 Fido: 1:130/319     FREQ: JACK 
                                 FTP: ftp.pca.net/Carlton_Doors 
bjack.zip     155964 08-05-2024 Black Jack v1.8 Online Black Jack Card Game
                                Black Jack has all the options of real life
                                Black Jack.  This version is played with two
                                decks and has built in automatic reshuffle.
                                The users can double down, split, and more.
                                Displays winner and losser and also shows you
                                what you had in your hand (ie. BUST, Black
                                Jack, Five Card Charlie and more)
                                BLACK JACK ONLINE DOOR GAME
                                WORLDWIDE PROGRAMMING (209) 497-6722
bjack10.zip    60590 08-05-2024 
bjack10a.zip   32864 08-05-2024 Blackjack: Double Down, Split Hands and
                                Five Card Charlies are only a few pro/
                                Vegas features this ANSI Blackjack door
                                offers! Full screen graphics and cursor
                                controlled play makes this a favorite!
                                Support BBS: 616-968-7150
bjack12.zip   453612 08-05-2024 Black Jack 21 1.20 - DDO-F/X Online 21 game.
                                Black Jack 21 utilizes DDO-F/X to create a
                                stunningly realistic evening at a gambling
                                saloon's black jack table.  Complete with
                                saloon tune music and realistic sound f/x.
                                This rendition of Black Jack is so well put
                                together you'll swear you can feel the felt
                                top as you listen to the stacking of chips.
                                ========= Requires LI-TERM 1.00+ ============
bjack24.zip   139810 08-05-2024 BLACKJACK     -Door-                     v2.4
                                **** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection ****
                                BLACKJACK is a fast play game that follows
                                most of the regular Blackjack rules. The game
                                includes a few other ways in which to obtain 
                                money you will need to play!
                                *************** InterBBS Capable ************
bjackbrn.zip  134979 08-05-2024 BRAINEX BLACKJACK RIP ANSI
                                Great Blackjack, just like
                                Las Vegas. Features Double and Split
                                hands, and great ANSI/RIP graphics!
                                From The Brainex System 310-275-2344.
bjbbs125.zip  142463 08-05-2024 
bjbeta27.zip   75496 08-05-2024 WCS BlackJack v.27 - BlackJack game and
                                MORE!!  Double down, Split, but beware of
                                the pickpockets!  Of course, you just might
                                "find" some money, too!  Registered version
                                enables make-up days.  NO KEY FILE REQUIRED!!
                                Registration is $10/Single-$15/Multi node
                                From WCS Software
                                Rob Williams, WCS Software 11/6/94
bjc15.zip     172306 08-05-2024 
bjd11a.zip     76226 08-05-2024             BlackJack Dice v1.1
                                         Play BlackJack with dice!
                                   Can you get to 21 before the computer
                                   opponent does?  Watch it, he's good!
                                   Incredible AI!  100% Ansi Graphics!
                                          Supports all the most
                                  popular BBS' including WildCat!, PCB,
                                    WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more!
                                   NOT CRIPPLED!!!  FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!
bjf.zip       108254 08-05-2024 
bk14_400.zip   37142 08-05-2024 Book Review Door; Supports several BBS
                                formats and baud rates up to 115,200.
bkbase46.zip  123921 08-05-2024 
bkbox15.zip   170285 08-05-2024 THE BLACK BOX is both a BBS Door game and a
                                alone game. It's a game of wit and
                                concentration. You 
                                will find this game challenging and fun. With
                                all the 
                                epic adventure games out there that go on and
                                on, I 
                                wanted to produce something that could be
                                played in one 
                                sitting. But, with an elaborate scoring system
                                and a 
                                different game each time it is run, the
bkgdoor1.zip  264792 08-05-2024 Backgammon Door program v1.0 from Just FUN
                                Software is a BBS door game with its own
                                EGA/VGA terminal program which is included
                                in this zip file.  Handles 200 to 2000
                                games.  Supports file sharing and is
                                Desqview aware.  EGA/VGA monitor and mouse
                                required for terminal program. 
bkrdr110.zip   45322 08-05-2024 ۲  Books On-Line v1.10 - BBS Library! 
                                Now you can make your BBS a  Virtual  Library
                                Allow your  users to read  thousands  of
                                while logged  on to your BBS!  This will
                                any standard TXT file to be viewed online. 
                                even  give you a  listing of  places to
                                these books.  Classics like  Moby Dick  or
                                books only days old!
bkr_41.zip     41105 08-05-2024 Book Review Door. Supports several BBS
                                formats and baud rates up to 115,200.
bl010dev.zip   13805 08-05-2024 DCTList v0.10 Development Kit; This kit
                                provides the tools required to import other
                                BBS lists into DCTList's database.  Code is 
                                in Turbo Pascal 7.0 format.
bl100.zip     137782 08-05-2024 Ball Busters. Version 1.00, An
                                adult door, word game.
black69.zip     6171 08-05-2024 << Black Days, EXITILUS QUEST >>
                                Written by Jester, a 10-day hard
                                quest for EXITILUS v2.05
blackv10.zip  251479 08-05-2024 ============================================  
                                       INTERBBS BLACKJACK  -  v1.0
                                FRREWARE!  The LAST release from Lounge 
                                Software...Enjoy folks!
                                Another great InterBBS Door Game.  Now from 
                                the makers of Colonies and TQFN(IBBS) comes 
                                InterBBS BlackJack!  Players from each BBS 
                                compete to see who can become the BlackJack 
                                King before anyone else and reach $1,000,000
                                first.  Fully Multinode, features fossil 
                                driver support, non standard IRQ's, and 
                                easy InterBBS setup!  Grab a copy today!
                                (C)Copyright 1997 Lounge Software
blast428.zip  118861 08-05-2024 BLAST FOUR v2.8 door game! Connect Four with
                                colors, unlimited players, and weapons to
                                opponents' blocks away! Fun & HIGHLY
                                door game that all your users will love!
blaxhole.zip  122778 08-05-2024 Black Hole, a Strategy Game Like Atoms.  
bleed204.zip  651211 08-05-2024 The Bleeding Cave II - Version 0.4
                                StarFish Software finally releases
                                The Bleeding Cave II - Version 0.4!
                                *MUCH* BETTER and FASTER than older
                                versions. BACKGROUND SOUND, FOREGROUND
                                SOUND, AND GRAPHICS SUPPORT! Will run
                                as a door with sound and graphics
                                deactivated. The object of the game is
                                to go through a cave trying not to get
                                killed by monsters. EXCELLENT GAME!
                                By: Jason Knowles of StarFish Software,
                                StarFish Host - (508) 752-7249
                                Date Released: 09/28/96
blkjak41.zip   20124 08-05-2024 Version 4.1 compiled on 07/24/92 at 9:27p
                                using the DOORPCH38.EXE run-time module.
                                Play the SysOp at a game of 21. You are
                                given $500 to start and can play as long
                                as you have money. The registered version
                                writes top 10 bulletin to a SysOp defined
                                file also reads file upon exiting the door.
bllist2.zip    79895 08-05-2024 
blockv10.zip  135486 08-05-2024 Blocked!   v1.0
                                Multinode BBS Door Game.
                                Just like the classic game BattleShip,
                                Blocked is mind boggling fun!  Hide your
                                15 blocks yourself or let the computer
                                do it automatically.  Keeps track of the
                                top 9 High Scores.  Can you beat the
                                High Score?  Fully multinode, fossil
                                driver support, non standard IRQ's and
                                much more.  
                                (C)opyright 1997 Lounge Software.
blokdr.zip     25714 08-05-2024 
bltmove.zip   128440 08-05-2024 BLTMOVE is a great BBS door program that
                                allows specified users to upload bulletins,
                                and then post them.  BLTMOVE is fully
                                functional and is in no way crippled.
                                Registration is only $5.00!  Registration
                                includes free access to the support
                                conference on Micro Simulations BBS.
                                Version 1.01.  Written in QB.
blw2.zip      122998 08-05-2024 Big League Wrestling Version 2.0 Online
                                Wrestling Door Program.  Features
                                WoodyWare's ActionScript(tm) for scripted
                                Action, 2 Artificial Players, Head to 
                                Head Action, 10 Moves/Holds, Rest Periods
                                and Illegal Objects.  The BEST Online
                                Wrestling Simulation Available!
blwh13.zip    153440 08-05-2024 Adult Oriented game where you try to be the
                                Best Pimp on the block.  Race
                                to be the Biggest. Pay off the cops. Get New
                                Girls and Keep them disease free.
                                Version 1.3
bmstr24.zip   135881 08-05-2024 [  Board Master v2.4  ]Ļ
                                          F.U.S.S. Software         
                                    A truly fun & addictive BBS     
                                       simulation door game.        
                                   Inter-BBS, Multi-node/tasking,   
                                  Supports most drop file formats,  
                                        & Non-standard IRQ's        
                                 release 2/14/97, copyright (c) 1997
bnsv110b.zip  226715 08-05-2024 Blood and Silver v1.10. Release as of
                                   <> September 10th, 1994 <> 
                                MAJOR IMPROVEMENT over 1.02! Now has:
                                Player's Menu, Trade In of armor/weps,
                                Buy more than one item at a time, Hear
                                Town Crier (daily news), Make An
                                Announcement, Say Prayers, View other
                                Warriors, And go to a WhoreHouse! Even
                                works for homosexuals! Mideival RPG 
                                Game -- REALLY graphical, and keeps
                                  users coming back for more.
bnsv200.zip   350843 08-05-2024     Blood and Silver v2.00. 
                                   <> December 17th, 1994 <>
                                Official NON beta release! Try 
                                this graphical ANSI & RIP game.
                                RPG all the way, similar to
                                Dungeons and Dragons! Awesome
                                game, awesome graphics! Fight
                                monsters, enemies, etc.! GET
                                ME! Just $13 amer. to register!
bobcat40.zip  278637 08-05-2024 
boggle11.zip  215185 08-05-2024 
bogl4_00.zip  424503 08-05-2024 Big Boggle Word Game Door v 4.00 for most
                                Released by ParrotSoft Doors. Big Boggle is
                                based on
                                the game by Parker Brothers. You have a grid
                                of 25 letter   
                                cubes and have to make as many 4 or more
                                letter words as 
                                you can find. The letters have to be touching
                                and can 
                                only be used once per word. Extra features
                                by sysops. Door will run on most major BBS
                                Now supports Multi-nodes and Non-Standard com
                                port IRQ's.
                                Complete dictionary file included in .zip file
boms10b2.zip   88070 08-05-2024 Beast Of The Midnight Suns 1.0B2
                                This fantastic rpg door game
                                offers artificial realtime
                                battles, flirting for boys
                                & girls, IGM capabilities,
                                and a whole lot more!
                                Created by Local: Tim Brown
                                Wolf Pack BBS Technologys!
boobv11.zip   708511 08-05-2024 ******************************************
                                ** Betrayal of the Obsidian Baboon v1.1 **
                                 RPGadventure door with combat, intregue
                                 humor, and loads of detail.  Includes 10
                                 selectable races and classes, each with
                                 different abilities and combat actions,
                                 upgradable equipment with special powers,
                                 'Implant' support for external modules,
                                 full internode support with chat and
                                 combat, and a myriad of other features!
boobytrp.zip  125904 08-05-2024 Booby Trap v3.2 - Door Game by Mike Jordan.
                                Requires skill, thought & luck. Find the 25
                                booby traps without blowing yourself to bits
                                in the field of 152 squares. Supports most 
                                major drop files, has Fossil detection, RIP
                                detection and works with environmental 
                                varables. No expiration date or demo key 
books11.zip    80141 08-05-2024 BOOKS On-Line Books Description Door v1.1
                                Allows your users to view the Greenwood
                                Publishing Group's book descriptions via a
                                colorful interface with true pop-up buttons
                                and more.  ANSI, AVATAR/1, DESQview, Windows,
                                OS/2 (DOSbox), and multinode support, too.
book_980.zip  661264 08-05-2024 BOOKIE JOINT BBS SPORTS BETTING DOOR
                                Better than ever in '95.  Parlay, Teaser
                                and Over/Under betting.  Stats galore.
                                Desqview aware. Digiboard & fossil support.
                                A must for the football & basketball fans.
                                   -----[ From No Anchovies ]-----
bord200.zip   175313 08-05-2024 ͸
                                Bazooka Of the Red Dragon 2.00
                                      by Pottsware 1999       
                                 -Funny RPG, L.O.R.D. spoof   
                                 -Multinode aware             
                                 -dorinfo1.def / door.sys     
                                 -Easy setup                  
                                 -Highly configurable         
                                 -Registration: $2.00         
                                 -Fun and easy to learn/play  
                                 -Well-tested & improved      
                                 -Complete program support    
                                 -Includes Mr. Fish           
                                 -Callers will love it!       
bordint.zip    41457 08-05-2024 Bordello Interest Calculator v1.10 for
                                Bordello v1.5x+. BIC allows the sysop to set
                                interest rates on all Bordello banked money.
                                Easily sets up and runs during nightly
                                maintenance on your BBS (you must set the
                                maintenance up manually). From T&J Software.
bordkill.zip   40374 08-05-2024 Bordello Player Killing Util v1.00
                                BordKill is a util to remove unwanted players
                                from the door game Bordello. You must be
                                using v1.50+ of Bordello for this program
                                to function correctly. From T&J Software.
bord_21151.z       0 01-01-1980 Bordello! Door v1.51 -- Run your own whore
                                house and fight against other players!
                                Supports COM0-15, all speeds, top ten
                                bulls, built-in message editor, make
                                up days, fully sysop configurable, non-
                                standard IRQ's, and even supports fossil
                                drivers!. This door has some great player
                                interactions! Steal money, whores, destroy
                                other houses, fight with opponents thugs,
                                and much more! From T&J Software!
bord_21151.zip  448737 08-05-2024 Bordello! Door v1.51 -- Run your own whore
                                house and fight against other players!
                                Supports COM0-15, all speeds, top ten
                                bulls, built-in message editor, make
                                up days, fully sysop configurable, non-
                                standard IRQ's, and even supports fossil
                                drivers!. This door has some great player
                                interactions! Steal money, whores, destroy
                                other houses, fight with opponents thugs,
                                and much more! From T&J Software!
borg109.zip    91783 08-05-2024 Borg v1.08 Online door game
borg14tw.zip   42240 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                THE BORG 1.4  for TradeWars 2002 version 2
                                The BORG  is one  of several  add-on's for
                                TradeWars  2002 v2 from  the  TW-EXTENDERS
                                series  by SimSoft  Professional  Computer
                                Services.  Have up to 10 BORG  cruising in
                                your universe assimilating Traders!  It is 
                                very easy to use and configure, and is run
                                directly  after the TradeWars  maintenance
                                program EXTERN.EXE.    Registration- $7.00
                                Attention SYSOP's  -   Download this file!
botapak2.zip  398767 08-05-2024  Great new AOUs for Battle Of The Arts
                                 Door Game... Registration is ONLY $10    
                                 for  all 5 AOU's contained witin this        
                                 ZIP File!  MUST HAVE!  Great AOU's!!!
                                     Search for Tetley AOU
                                     The Graveyard AOU
                                     Got Extra Money to Spend? AOU
                                     Guess the Lucky Number AOU
                                     Visit the Martial Arts Master
                                                Written and Coded by:      
                                                     Mike Hiatte            
botav101.zip  274289 08-05-2024 Battle of The Arts v1.01.           |    
                                An Awesome new RPG based Door Game! |    
                                Features:                           |    
                                 Martial Arts Based Game!          |    
                                 Many Styles to Choose From!       |    
                                 Over 40 NPC players!              |    
                                 34 Techniques & 20 Weapons!       |    
                                 Players can join Gangs!           |    
                                 Conversation, Babes, and more!    |    
                                 Supports almost ANY BBS!          |    
                                 Powerful Game Editor!             |    
                                 Registration only 15 U.S. Bucks!  |    
botav220.zip  377013 08-05-2024      -=[ Battle of The Arts v2.20 ]=-    
                                      An RPG Based Door Game Dealing     
                                          With the Martial Arts.         
                                 Gang feature- Allows more interaction 
                                   48 NPC players to compete against   
                                     Conversation, Babes, and More     
                                     Register for only 15 US bucks     
                                       Very Powerful Game Editor       
                                        Supports almost any BBS        
bounc054.zip   76217 08-05-2024 BOUNCER v0.54b your Adult/Cd-Rom/Private
                                Areas Keeps the kiddies/Unwanted out of the
                                Adult Games, Can be used to allow Trial
                                Periods on your CD-Roms, or Validator tool
                                for Prvt Bbs
bounce20.zip   44048 08-05-2024 ͸
                                      = Bouncer v2.0 =       
                                 Restricts access to any door based on 
                                 user's name, age, security level, or  
                                 can require a password to enter.      
                                 Compatible with many BBS platforms,   
                                 including TriBBS.                     
                                brought to you by SaltySoft
bouncr54.zip   76067 08-05-2024 GUARD v0.54b your Adult/Cd-Rom/Private Areas
                                Keeps the kiddies/Unwanted out of the Adult
                                Games, Can be used to allow Trial Periods on
                                your CD-Roms, or Validator tool for Prvt Bbs
bowl30.zip     92624 08-05-2024 
bowling.zip    88685 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BOWLING v3.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
                                Bowling computer style for up to four human
                                players.  Fully functional, supports
                                multiple BBS formats, file sharing for
                                multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h
                                fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is
                                DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
box101.zip    148753 08-05-2024 Boxcars 1.01 BBS Door Game
                                Boxcars is a blackjack dice game.  Each
                                player can bet credits on the rolls of the
                                dice.  Each month the player with the most
                                credits is put on a monthly winner list and
                                the game resets automatically.  Multi-node
                                friendly!  Supports std/nonstd comm ports,
                                and FOSSIL.  DV, Win, and OS/2 aware.
boxing.zip     87431 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BOXING v3.5 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
                                Text boxing game with SysOp definable
                                fighters.  Fully functional, supports
                                multiple BBS formats, file sharing for
                                multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h
                                fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is
                                DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
boxpkr58.zip  140611 08-05-2024 BOX Poker Solitaire  -  Door Game       v5.8
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                Play 5 card stud poker on a 5x5 board grid.
                                You place the 25 cards on the grid to form
                                the best hands you can and accumulate points.
                                Automatic game reset & Hall of Fame
                                bulletins at end of month. Makeup games
                                missed, during the month. Supports Fossil-
                                based multi-com port cards incl PCB /M !
                                SEND/RECEIVE MESSAGES to/from other players!
                                >>>>>> I N T E R - B B S   capable <<<<<<<<
boxv090b.zip   34863 08-05-2024 CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING v.090b by TomTron. Action
                                doorgame where you pit yourself against the
                                current Champ.  Move your boxer left and
                                right while throwing as many effective
                                punches as you can. See the cuts and bruises
                                on the fighters faces and go for the
                                knockout! Written by Thomas W. Burker Sr.
boydb52.zip    75240 08-05-2024 *** Boydian Blocks V.52  RIP DOOR GAME
                                Boydian Blocks is a colorful RIP solitaire 
                                board game in which your users try to get 
                                the highest score by matching the colors on 
                                each side of the blocks. The more sides that
                                are matched the more points that are scored.
                                Supports multi-node systems, DOOR.SYS,
                                DORINFOx.DEF, WILDCAT, Fossil drivers,
                                Digiboard, and higher IRQ settings. Tested
                                for use with OS/2 and DESQview. ** NEW ** 
                                from First Vision Software.
                                *** SHAREWARE  $15.00
bquest12.zip  981908 08-05-2024 Blood Quest 1.20 - DDO-F/X Online Horror RPG
                                Blood Quest is a multiplayer online game
                                where you take the form of the mythical
                                vampire. Gain power and influence through
                                the accumulation of humans, werewolves,
                                ghosts, and other legions of the undead.
                                Find relics of ancient power, and use them in
                                in your struggle to become the one Vampire
                                ========= Requires LI-TERM 1.00+ ===========
br14_400.zip   40381 08-05-2024 BBS Review Door. Supports several BBS
                                formats and baud rates up to 115,200.
bradyref.zip   10542 08-05-2024  Brady Bunch Adventure .REF 1.00  
                                Create havoc by running around the      
                                Brady house!  But watch out for
                                Mike!  Requires LORD2 beta 5+
                                to run. Created by Seth Able.
brainex.zip   291645 08-05-2024 BRAINEX DOOR MANAGER
                                All Brainex Doors require the
                                Door Manager. Makes installation of
                                new doors easy! Configures your CDROM,
                                comports, nodes, etc. Works with most
                                BBS types. From The Brainex System.
                                310-275-2344 / 310-273-5234
brdor121.zip  208945 08-05-2024 Bre Stats (The Door) v1.21 is a highly
                                sysop configurable door that is
                                designed to help eliminate alot of
                                guess work when planning attacks, etc. 
                                in the popular game Barron Realms Elite
                                (BRE).  Generates Bulletins, Accesses
                                Spy Database.  Now supports .0956 and
                                .0960 versions of BRE.
brecon94.zip   23693 08-05-2024 BRECon v0.094 Barren Realms Elite IP bulletin
                                generator. Features: configurable FAST
                                by Regions/Networth/Score/Planet#, optional
                                BULLETIN.LST-style output. For BRE v0.960-up
                                ** Bug Fixes **   -FREE-   From HighWayWare!
brehelp.zip     9663 08-05-2024 
brehint2.zip   11590 08-05-2024 Hints for playing and winning the door game
                                BRE. Should be a great help to all.
bresk201.zip   59447 08-05-2024 BRESK v2.01 -BRE League Score Keeper.
                                For BRE Leagues running BRE 0.970+
                                Creates a BRE League Standing Summary 
                                Bulletin for BRE leagues. 
                                Monitors the change of scores over 
                                the last 7 days.
                                From Bulmer Computer Systems, Inc.
                                The latest version may be received
                                from the following locations:
                                BBS: The War Zone BBS @ (313)467-9950
                                Web: http://www.wp.com/bcs
                                Fido: FReq 'BRESK' @ 1:2410/805
brest12b.zip  188155 08-05-2024 BreStats - Offline League Score Viewer
                                Bre Stats is a very user friendly mouse
                                driven program.  It is designed to allow
                                players in Baron Realms Elite Leagues to
                                read the League's score files offline.
                                This allows the user to spend their online
                                time playing the game instead of scrolling
                                through all the score files trying to find
                                Empires to attack or form treaties with.
                                Bre Stats will also handle all the
                                calculations when adding up your attack
                                and defense strength.  It will also keep
                                track of how many commanders and carriers
                                you need for your Empire.  You can even
                                enter in information about other Empires
                                and get an instant report comparing your
                                Empire to theirs.
                                Bre Stats will also keep a 14 day history
                                of all Empires activities in the League.
                                This allows you to quickly find Empires
                                that are on the rise or thoses that are
                                possibly in trouble.  When you register Bre
                                Stats you will be able to view graphs on
                                Empires activities and be able backup your
                                files. You will also be able to view spy
                                information created by Bre Stats (The Door).
brestats.zip  193800 08-05-2024 Bre Stats v1.1: Designed to allow players in
                                Baron Realms Elite Leagues to read the
                                League's score files offline.
brev988.zip   317446 08-05-2024 Barren Realms Elite [BRE] v0.988 IBBS
                                Nuclear destruction has spread throughout the
                                planet and  now  only an immense barren  void
                                exists.   Expand  your barony  and become the
                                ultimate  baron.   Attack,  trade,  and  make
                                political  alliances  throughout  the world -
                                the real world - in this completely inter-BBS
                                capable  strategy  war  game.   Originally by
                                Mehul Patel.  Registration $15.00US
breview.zip    50881 08-05-2024 [BARREN REALMS ELITE SCORES VIEWER 1.1]   
                                Easy to set up, essential for any         
                                Interplanetary Game in progress.          
                                Allows players to view other BBS's        
                                networth, info on realm, extended         
                                information on BBS standings, top         
                                players on BBS's, top players in the      
                                league, and it's all free!  A must        
                                have for any BBS who wants to win!        
                                          Freeware from No Quarter       
bronx1_5.zip  536192 08-05-2024  South B*R*O*N*X UNREG Ver. 1.5 (DOOR GAME)
                                 Fully Interactive, Multi-Node Aware, 
                                 "Street Gang" Action Door Game. 
                                 Offers users a full *7* locations to play.
                                 Fight rival Gang Members, Have Sex, Sell 
                                 Dope, run a string of "Girls", Hire Hit- 
                                 Men*, Steal, Destroy 3rd Party Property 
                                 all in "Real-time", but don't get BUSTED!
                                 Internal player Message System offers "Node 
                                 to Node" and Player to Player Communication. 
                                 South B*R*O*N*X includes a Built-in "Install
                                 Program" aids in set up.  Supports  DOOR.SYS
                                 and many other "STANDARD" type drop files. 
                                 NO Nag Screens or "Dreaded" Demo Keys needed
                                 Just "unzip" and install.  Everything a DOOR
                                 game should have been and more !  
                                 "Hit-Man" options only available in
                                 Version.  Unregistered Version supports 3
                                 and 120 players, Registered Version limits
                                 SysOp defined. 
                                       Registration only $20.00 U.S
                                   ---=== South B*R*O*N*X  1996 ===--- 
                                       Revolving Door Software Canada 
                                 Latest Version Available from WELL CONNECTED
                                       (613) 829-9885 or (613) 829-8345
                                      Login as "GUEST"  Password "BRONX"  
brupd04.zip   167913 08-05-2024 UPDATE 04, Project BookRead
                                BOOKREAD.EXE & LIBRARY.EXE now
                                supports GAP style 52-line DOOR.SYS!  Use:
                                BOOKREAD c:\ns3\node-1\door.sys 2cities
                                LIBRARY  c:\ns3\node-1\door.sys
                                NOW WINDOWS AWARE!
                                MUST have Project BookRead book
                                files.Included in a future
brview11.zip   51383 08-05-2024 [BARREN REALMS ELITE SCORES VIEWER 1.1]   
                                Easy to set up, essential for any         
                                Interplanetary Game in progress.          
                                Allows players to view other BBS's        
                                networth, info on realm, extended         
                                information on BBS standings, top         
                                players on BBS's, top players in the      
                                league, and it's all free!  A must        
                                have for any BBS who wants to win!        
                                          Freeware from No Quarter       
br_2dupd01.z       0 01-01-1980 Update files for Project BookRead.
                                Bug fixes in LIBRARY.EXE and BOOKREAD.EXE
                                To update, just copy over original files.
                                FREEWARE!  Must have either books or
                                Librarian from Project BookRead.
br_2dupd01.zip  161488 08-05-2024 Update files for Project BookRead.
                                Bug fixes in LIBRARY.EXE and BOOKREAD.EXE
                                To update, just copy over original files.
                                FREEWARE!  Must have either books or
                                Librarian from Project BookRead.
br_41.zip      42838 08-05-2024 BBS Review Door. Supports several BBS
                                formats and baud rates up to 115,200.
bs.zip         40656 08-05-2024 B a r n e y S p l a t !
                                An online game where you and your users
                                CAN KILL Barney,
                                our FAVORITE Purple Dinosaur!
                                DEMENTED!  Bong Software==>Free!!!
bs003.zip     116662 08-05-2024 
                                          BarneySplat! v.003           
                                Have fun while killing our  favorite
                                purple dino (Barney), Baby Bop and the
                                kids. Get them Drunk, High, or Kill them  
                                Games so cool even your computer will get HIGH
bsbscr35.zip   74897 08-05-2024 BSBScore, Version 3.5, 9/28/91
                                A scoreboard generator for Bay Street Bulls
                                Small Bug fix to properly change net worth
                                if the user has traded stocks.  Somewhat 
                                faster operation.
bsell10.zip    70413 08-05-2024 Buy & Sell - The Computer Flea Market
                                Post anything for sale, user sets the
                                catagory, price, etc.  Send messages to
                                others about products.  Lots of options
                                to sell your stuff or your caller's
                                stuff quick!
                                No Keys, No Expire
                                Michael Wilson
                                The Village: 408-229-0706
bship13a.zip   92268 08-05-2024               BattleShipv1.3
                                       Atlantis Software's BattleShip!
                                       The classic game of BattleShip
                                             comes to your BBS !
                                      100% ANSi Grafix!    EXCELLENT!
                                    Your users will LOVE this version of
                                       BattleShip!!!   NOT Crippled!
                                          Multi-Node Compatable!!
                                     Read WHATS.NEW   $10 Registration
bsim2.zip     135922 08-05-2024 BSIM v2.00: universal battle simulator. It is
                                able to set up battles and use VCR.EXE to
                                show them visually and it can set up host
                                data to simulate multiship battles. (VCR.EXE
                                comes with VGA-Planets)
bssdunge.zip   23790 08-05-2024 
bsv0981.zip   103360 08-05-2024 Blood Shed v0.981 Upgrade Patch
                                Fixed bug where it would hang
                                if player ran out of time.
bt111.zip      93532 08-05-2024 ķ
                                 Bible Trivia      (Door Game) ver. 1.11 
                                Compare your knowledge of the Bible to   
                                others.  Two modes: Normal and Challage. 
                                Over 500 questions. Automatically resets 
                                each month. Missed questions are repeated
                                as Make-up questions. Keeps daily winners
                                as well as a total winner for that month.
                                Now able to be played without a BBS!     
                                Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard  
                                Comport and IRQ's.                       
                                Programmer: William Rountree             
                                Release Date: 02\22\95                   
bt202.zip     282748 08-05-2024 Bible Trivia         (Door Game) ver. 2.02
                                Compare your knowledge of the Bible to 
                                others.  Two modes: Normal and Challage.
                                Over 500 questions. Automatically resets
                                each month. Missed questions are repeated
                                as Make-up questions. Keeps daily winners as 
                                well as a total winner for that month. Now 
                                able to be played without a BBS! Uses 
                                DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard  Comport 
                                and IRQ's.  Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x & many 
                                others.  Release Date: 01\22\97        
bthm11.zip    148299 08-05-2024 Bible Themes I trivia door v1.1          
                                A BBS door program Q & A on God, Jesus
                                Christ, Prayer, Faith, Love, Miracles,
                                Angels, and the Ten Commandments
                                of the Bible.  Three more doors to follow.
                                See BTHM_1.HIS for descriptions of these doors
                                Supports RIPSCRIP Graphics, COM1-4, 
                                IRQ 0-15, Fossils and PCB/WC! 
                                Environment variables.  Also creates full
                                color bulletins in ASCii/ANSI, WC!3.x & 4.x
                                and PCB special color codes.  Locked DTE rates
                                115200.  No expiration date for this door.
                                Copyright 1994. Dr. Charles A. Wootten
                                       All Rights Reserved
bthm2.zip     152750 08-05-2024 Bible Themes II Trivia Door v1.0
                                A BBS door program Q & A on Original Man and
                                His Fall, 
                                Doctrine of Salvation, Spiritual Life,
                                Christian Refinement, and the Doctrine of Last
                                577 questions!
                                Two more doors to follow if needed.
                                See BTHM.HIS for descriptions of these doors.
                                Supports RIPSCRIP Graphics, COM1-4, 
                                IRQ 0-15, Fossils and PCB/WC!
                                Environment variables.  Also creates full
                                color bulletins in ASCii/ANSI, WC!3.x and PCB
                                special color codes.  Locked DTE rates to
                                115200. No guarantee of operation in WINS. 
                                Copyright 1998. Dr. Charles A. Wootten
                                       All Rights Reserved
btower11.zip  174758 08-05-2024 Tower of Shadows By: Daniel Holmes
                                Fight monsters with other online
                                users.  This is a text adventure
                                game, where it will let your
                                users write, some adventures of
                                there own. Use just there plain
                                text editor, like "EDIT.COM".
                                This is Version 0.19b Try it, I
                                think you and your Users will
                                injoy it.
btrip22.zip   173944 08-05-2024 Battle Trip v2.2 - Based on the French Card
                                game Mille Borne. **InterBBS Now!!!** Race
                                against the computer to see who can get to
                                1000 miles first.  Watch out for accidents,
                                out of gas, flat tires, etc.  Supports all
                                the usual, non standard COM ports,
                                Now supports Multinode configurations!
                                Reg only $15 for Single Node/$20 Multinode
                                NEW, IMPROVED INTERBBS PLAY!!!!
                                Author:Rob Williams, WCS Software 1/10/96
btriv13.zip    25911 08-05-2024 ADVANCED Bible Trivia v1.3 in wcCODE for WC5! 
                                *** FREEWARE ***
                                    Advance Bible Trivia is a trivia game
                                based on both the Old and New
                                Testaments of the Bible! Includes over 300
                                questions in the data pack!!!!
                                   ******** This Game is NOT crippled in
                                anyway *********
                                                 VERY EASY SETUP!
                                                 Good Christian Fun!
                                                 NEW Menu Sets!
                                                 NEW Scoring Routines!
                                                 NOW Supports unlimited DATA
                                PAK sizes!
                                                 It's still being developed
                                and is still GROWING! 
btube25.zip   269126 08-05-2024 Boob Tube V2.5 - Trivia/Role Door Game.
                                Users answer phrases taking from TV slogans,
                                commercials and jingles.  The player moves
                                up the corporate ladder in order to reach
                                President by gaining company shares. 
                                Compatible with most BBS software.  Supports
                                up to 115K baud rate, COM 0-15, non-standard
                                IRQ's and multi-port boards using a FOSSIL
                                including PCBoard/M.  Desqview compatible.
                                    **** From: DEKM Software, Inc. ****
btw50.zip      27133 08-05-2024 BEAT THE WHEEL v5.0 (WCX32) - FREE word
                                game for WC5. Ships with 450+ words, 30+
                                categories, and best of all add your own
                                easily! If you are addiicted to Wheel of
                                Fortune  type games, this is a just  for
                                you.  Spin the Wheel, pick  the letters,  
                                but watch  out  for  the  bankrupt slot!    
                                If  you are looking to add 32-bit  doors
                                to your  new 32-bit BBS, here is a  good
                                one to grab. Keeps top 10 scores &  much
                                more.  Best of all it doesn't cost you
                                (c) 1996, Gerard C. Johnson & KeySoft.
bucc110.zip    16367 08-05-2024 Buccaneer's Quest - LEVIATHAN'S REEF! QUEST
                                Version 1.1
                                -------------------= * =--------------------
                                Can you find your way the the hideout of the
                                pirate known only as the Buccaneer? 
                                Now with ANSI screens.
                                -------------------= * =--------------------
                                          New from HLH3 Unlimited
                                -------------------= * =--------------------
buck210.zip    97031 08-05-2024 
bulk_ml.zip    16699 08-05-2024 This archive contains a long document
                                that explains how to use a number of
                                different software packages, together,
                                to generate "bulk e-mail" on a Wildcat!
                                BBS with UUCP Internet E-Mail.  It also
                                includes a public domain program that
                                was designed as a tool just for this
                                procedure, and the source code to that
burst17.zip    99977 08-05-2024 OutBurst v1.7 like the board game
                                with a small twist. You allow the
                                number of clues, number of plays.
                                Multi/node, multi/bbs. Another
                                addition to the Livewire Doors
                                Collection. Fixed Detect Ansi and
                                Log errors. Runs in local mode
                                with /local.
buscrd13.zip  206540 08-05-2024 BUSINESS CARDS    -  Door       v1.3        .
                                **  Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                Callers enter Business Cards into categories
                                configurable by the Sysop. Sysop sets number
                                of days Cards remain active, by category. 
                                Auto purging via nightly event. SUPPORTS ALL 
                                Door Capable BBS pgms. EXCHANGE DATABASE WITH
                                OTHER BBS'!! Download Cards & read offline! 
buscrd15.zip  200567 08-05-2024 BUSINESS CARDS    -  Door       v1.5        .
                                **  Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                Callers enter Business Cards into categories
                                configurable by the Sysop. Sysop sets number
                                of days Cards remain active, by category. 
                                Auto purging via nightly event. SUPPORTS ALL 
                                Door Capable BBS pgms. EXCHANGE DATABASE WITH
                                OTHER BBS'!! Download Cards & read offline! 
busdf989.zip  166812 08-05-2024 Bre User Survey Door V F.0989
                                Version "F" for BRE 0989 or lower
                                The BUSD is a Utility that let's
                                BRE league Coordinators see what
                                there users want for the next
                                reset. Run before/after BRE or
                                as a stand alone door.
                                By SMYC Software
busted53.zip  118778 08-05-2024 BUSTED is for those SysOps who have users that
                                always pushing keys they  shouldn't looking
                                for that
                                hidden stuff! Need NUGIREG.ZIP for FREEWARE.
busy_v10.zip  110207 08-05-2024 ******Busy Door v1.0**********
                                Have you ever found a door 
                                that was *NOT* Multi-Node, and
                                you were? Well I did (BRE, 
                                FE, SRE, Exitatilus, etc...)
                                So I made this little program to 
                                send a message to The other Node
                                that the door was busy, and to try
                                back before they logged off.
                                It's not much, but it works and it's
                                FREEWARE! From Kenneth Danner, 
                                AKA Palace SoftWares
buydor12.zip   94739 08-05-2024 Buy-A-Door v1.2; Buy-A-Door is a program that
                                encourages the Adopt-A-Door concept. This
                                program allows Sysop to display a message to
                                the user after he or she runs a door program
                                encouraging them to help adopt that
                                particular door program or the names of users
                                who help to adopt the door.  Now allows sysop
                                to take donations within the program by
                                credit card. Support Non-Standard IRQ's.
buzz11.zip     98010 08-05-2024         BUZZ 
                                The original role-playing game of
                                drug abuse! Reach the ozone layer
                                before burning all your brain
                                cells! Grow your hair, go to jail,
                                jump our the window if you take too
                                many drugs. MUCH more! No sysop
                                maintenance, multi-node, no FOSSIL
                                required, supports non-standard
                                COM ports. $10 Registration!
bved10.zip    110594 08-05-2024 Bible Verse Extractor Door
                                Allows the BBS to display a random verse to
                                from a SysOp editable bible verse database. 
                                50 verse database included.
bwl09b.zip    149850 08-05-2024 BigWins Lotto v0.9: Allow you callers to win
                                prizes and  online time in three Lotto-type
                                games! Fully SysOp configurable and NOT
                                CRIPPLED! Support multiport cards with Fossil
                                drivers and speeds  up to  115,200 baud.
                                Multi-BBS capable.
bwl12b.zip     99009 08-05-2024 ___>< Black Widow's Lair Vers. 1.2b ><___
                                 An IGM for Lunatix 2.3a and newer 
                                 Find the evil BlackWidow and Kill 
                                ^^^ her if you can. See Upgrade.Doc   ^^^
bwlsol13.zip  140375 08-05-2024     BBS BOWLING SOLITAIRE v1.3  
                                Online BBS door game for most BBS systems
                                which features colorful ANSI graphics. Score
                                the highest bowling score by filling in a
                                many "pins" each frame as possible. Support
                                for fossil based multi-port boards including
                                PCBoard /M. Baud rates to 115,200, COM 0-15,
                                non-standard IRQ's and fossil drivers
                                supported.                         08/14/94
                                Author:Robert Neal -------- NOT CRIPPLED!
                                Supports USERS.SYS, DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF,
                                SFDOORS.DAT, PCBOARD.SYS, CALLINFO.BBS,
                                TRIBBS.SYS, USERINFO.DAT, and GTUSER.BBS BBS
                                file formats.
bwlsol15.zip  137515 08-05-2024 BBS BOWLING SOLITAIRE v1.5
                                Online BBS door game for most BBS systems
                                which features colorful ANSI graphics. Score
                                the highest bowling score by filling in a
                                many "pins" each frame as possible. Support
                                for fossil based multi-port boards including
                                PCBoard /M. Baud rates to 115,200, COM 0-15,
                                non-standard IRQ's and fossil drivers
bxdice39.zip  137994 08-05-2024 BOX DICE  -  Door Game           v3.9     .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                Remove all 24 boxes from the grid, based on
                                the roll of the dice. Fast-paced, frustrating
                                and VERY hard to beat!! Makeup games missed
                                during the month. Automatic game reset & Hall
                                of Fame bulletins, at end of month. NOW with
                                'POOL' points and REAL-TIME scoring! Supports
                                Fossil-based Multi-Port cards incl PCBoard /M
                                SEND/RECEIVE MESSAGE to/from other players !!
                                >>>>>> I N T E R - B B S capable <<<<<<
bxicons.zip    41473 08-05-2024 RIPscript Icons for use with Brainex Door
byanose1.zip  107192 08-05-2024 BYANOSE v1.0; Your users will have loads of
                                fun betting on the horses at UAN
                                International Racecourse. Watch all the
                                racing action!  Sysop Config. Supports for
                                most BBS software, COM 1 - 15, up to 115K
                                Baud, non-standard IRQ's, multi- nodes,
                                Digiboard and multi-port boards using FOSSIL
                                drivers. Requires ANSI.
byteback.zip    8695 08-05-2024 
bzone11.zip   152615 08-05-2024 
ca101.zip     148604 08-05-2024 ķ
                                 Classified Ads    (Door Game) ver. 1.01 
                                Ever wanted to collect all those messages
                                about buying/selling items into one area?
                                This door allows you to have upto 15     
                                different catagories. Keeps track of the 
                                top 10 Users/Readers/Posters.            
                                Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard  
                                Comport and IRQ's.                       
                                Programmer: William Rountree             
                                Release Date: 04\18\95                   
cagev101.zip   75694 08-05-2024        -=[ The Cage v1.01 ]=-            
                                   Programmed By:  Robert Colozza        
                                  An add-on for Battle of The Arts       
                                  v2.20 and up. This is a must for       
                                    any Battle of The Arts game.         
calldr18.zip   36561 08-05-2024 
callem11.zip  218857 08-05-2024 Callem' v1.1 (The Fake Call Out Door)
                                Callem' is a "Fake" Call Out Door that
                                will make your users think they have
                                gained access to a door that will allow
                                them to make Long Distance Calls and charge
                                them to your BBS number.  Catch those
                                "Snoopy" users that just can't seem to
                                resit trying to get to areas they know
                                they don't have access to.  Callem' will
                                create a log file for the sysop to review
                                showing EVERYTHING the user did when they
                                went into the door.  The user can choose to
                                call Long Distance BBS's from the BBS List
                                supplied or Manually enter their own phone
                                numbers.  ALL BBS screens and menus can be
                                edited and customized to suit your taste.
                                Everything looks and acts like a true BBS,
                                from the Page Bell to the File List.  Callem'
                                will even allow a user to drop to a "Fake"
                                Dos environment.
callv411.zip   65700 08-05-2024 CALLERS v4.10 is a activity 
                                file processor that makes any .BBS 
                                file you want it to make.  It is 
                                Multi-Node aware.  It also allows 
                                you to pick 2 security levels to 
                                have stand out.  This is a 30-day 
                                trial and is shareware NOT FREEWARE.
calndoor.zip   83616 08-05-2024 CALENdoor 8/95 1.0 NEW BBS door utility
                                Allows users to print out or d/l specified
                                calendars.  Valuable utility for the BBS
                                community.  View calendars online, thus
                                making a BBS a valuable part of the user's
                                working life.  Easily configures.  Only 25k
                                yet with special effects!  Full multinode
                                support.  Easy to setup. Supports DOOR.SYS,
                                SpitFire, WC!, GAP, PCB, & most other BBS
                                types. $7 by TTW - [ASAP]*
campt200.zip   83467 08-05-2024 CAMPTOWN RACES Door Game - Vers 2.00
                                Fun and easy to play door game of pony
                                track racing.  Makes several types of
                                score bulletins to include a Hall of
                                Fame for the all time best players.
                                Multi-node capable. Supports most BBS
                                Software packages, including PC Board Vers
                                15.XX & WildCat 4.XX. The game is RIP aware,
                                does not require a fossil, but will make
                                use of one if it is available, supports
                                interupts 0-15, selectable port addresses,
                                Com ports 1-4, and speeds up to 115,200
                                baud. Automatic Windows, WindowsNT, and
                                OS/2 time slice releasing. DESQview
                                supported. $10.00
canada16.zip  191549 08-05-2024 Canadian! Trivia v1.06 - BBS Trivia Door.
                                Questions about facts from the events of
                                Canadian History. Registration gets you an
                                expanded database with over 500 questions.
                                MULTI-NODE, RIP Supported, Many BBS Types
                                too. Registration only $12.00.
cansi21.zip    83251 08-05-2024 The Ansi Call Door v2.1 By Arti Software
                                Allows your users to view your selected 
                                ansi. Great for out of service doors 
                                for your callers.
cansi22.zip    85254 08-05-2024 Call Ansi Door v2.2. Allows a sysop to 
                                put up this door in place of a door
                                that may  be under repair to inform 
                                users that door is not working or, coming
                                soon etc. Sysop configurable ansi.
cantina2.zip   22873 08-05-2024 Cantina GEM Module:  Written for the Galactic
                                Empire Door, this module can be added to the
                                game to allow your players to "drop by" for a
                                cold one, play the slot machine, or just chat
                                it up on the mini-message board.  Freeware.
                                Now with timeout fixed.
can_trv4.zip  139948 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>> CANADA TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of Canada.  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
cap_trv1.zip  107798 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>> CAPITALS TRIVIA I v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of world capital cities.  Fully
                                functional, supports multiple BBS formats,
                                file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to
                                115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4,
                                IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
car111.zip    116011 08-05-2024 
carib28.zip    69951 08-05-2024 Ĵ CARIBBEAN CONTRABAND  v2.8 Ŀ
                                 BBS Door Game.  Test your skills at buy- 
                                 ing & selling contraband while traveling 
                                 the Caribbean Sea!  Highly addictive and 
                                 Entertaining Game! Supports PCBoard 12.0 
                                 - 14.5x, Wildcat!, DOOR.SYS, MikeBBS and 
                                 DORINFOx.DEF System Files. Supports Non- 
                                 Std Ports, FOSSIL Drivers and Digiboard. 
                                 Another Great Game  By  Majic Software!! 
cartel26.zip   78707 08-05-2024 
car_2d125.zi       0 01-01-1980 Hi-Low Cards v1.25  Another Classic game 
                                of chance.  Bet on whether the next card
                                is higher or lower.  Winner proclaimed 
                                at the end of the month.
car_2d125.zip   86391 08-05-2024 Hi-Low Cards v1.25  Another Classic game 
                                of chance.  Bet on whether the next card
                                is higher or lower.  Winner proclaimed 
                                at the end of the month.
cas102.zip    152152 08-05-2024 Calculation Solitaire (Door) ver. 1.02   
                                Game of solitaire where there are 4      
                                foundations to build upon and 4 discard  
                                piles to use. Each foundation requires a 
                                different increment to be played. Keeps 
                                daily winners as well as a total winner for 
                                that month.  Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-
                                Standard Comport and IRQ's. Now able to be 
                                played without a BBS!  Supports PCB, 
                                WC3.x/4.x & many others. Rel Date: 01\03\97   
cas120.zip    139342 08-05-2024 
cas1b0.zip     69208 08-05-2024 Casino At The End Of Time v1.0 (beta)  
                                A collection of MECCA time gambling 
                                games in one convenient package.
cas21_10.zip   19792 08-05-2024 
cash3lot.zip   85419 08-05-2024 Lotto v5.0
                                When the door starts, you enter
                                3 numbers (0-9). After that the 
                                program will generate 3 random 
                                numbers and test to see if your 
                                3 numbers are a match (in any 
                                order). If so, a 'winners.dat' 
                                file is created (or appended) 
                                with the winners name, the 3 
                                numbers he/she picked, and the 
                                3 numbers the computer randomly 
                                selected (for verification 
                                purposes). Also, another file is 
                                created called 'winners.txt' 
                                (this file contains names of 
                                previous winners). If you do not 
                                win, a simple 'sorry' is displayed 
                                and players are asked if they 
                                wish to try again....max of 3 
                                attempts per entry.
casino.zip     99963 08-05-2024 
casino30.zip   99976 08-05-2024 
castle77.zip  105603 08-05-2024 Dark Castle Door Game Version 7.7 
                                   From Late-Nite Software
                                Multiple BBS', ANSI, HST, 115k 
                                 baud and 99 Nodes Supported !
castle80.zip  108531 08-05-2024 [ The Dark Castle v8.0 ] BBS Door
                                ANSI,Multinode,COM1-4,non-std IRQ
                                DTE to 115kbps.  Venture into the
                                Dark Castle and retrieve awesome
                                prize inside, But you must stay
                                ALIVE to do it! 
                                 (c)1986-95 Late-Nite Software
cas_2d125.zi       0 01-01-1980 W & W Communications CASTLE SIEGE door.
                                Castle Siege is a multiplayer realtime
                                interactive adventure game where
                                players attempt to build their forces
                                in order to topple the Castle.  There
                                are magic items, wizards, beasts,
                                enemy warriors and many other items
                                of interest in this interactive game.
cas_2d125.zip  212148 08-05-2024 W & W Communications CASTLE SIEGE door.
                                Castle Siege is a multiplayer realtime
                                interactive adventure game where
                                players attempt to build their forces
                                in order to topple the Castle.  There
                                are magic items, wizards, beasts,
                                enemy warriors and many other items
                                of interest in this interactive game.
cat200.zip    342254 08-05-2024 Catacombs is a game of empire builidng and
                                strategy.  The game plots
                                you as the leader of a clan, in an undeveloped
                                dungeon.  Your job is
                                to dig and mine out your dungeon, build
                                buidings to attract monsters
                                and heros to clan, and build an army of
                                monsters and heros to defend
                                your dungeon and attack other clan's dungeons.
                                 But beware, your
                                enemies are also buiding an army of their own,
                                with one thing in
                                mind, destroying you!  And, you greatest
                                defense will the complex
                                maze of hallways you create, in your CATACOMB
                                Supports custom created drop files, multinode,
                                external quests.
                                Created with KDrive, the greatest door library
                                around!  Registration
                                only $10!  Copyright 1998 The Inner Meaning
catlist0.zip  383044 08-05-2024 CatList BBS Listing Door v4.70 Support most 
                                major BBS User drop files. Support RIPSCRIP 
                                graphics and creates RIP compatible 
                                bulletins. Registration enables enhanced 
                                functions. Registered SysOps may set a limit 
                                to the number of days that listings remain 
                                current. Upon expiration, users are notified 
                                that their listings have expired. New UPDATE 
                                feature for Registered SysOps.
catlist1.zip    9431 08-05-2024 Catlist 1.0 - A cool BBS lister,
                                good graphix, users are able to
                                download short or long lists,
                                will produce a bulletin or hello
                                file, multinode compatible.
                                A wcCode Application for WC 4.12+!
                                Catlist 1.0 for Wildcat 4.12+
                                by Paul Elson 03/07/96
catscan1.zip  163618 08-05-2024 
cbb_2du2.zip   18134 08-05-2024 Updated and upgraded copy of 
                                Charlie's Baseball game door 
                                that you just pop into your game
                                subdirectory.  Couple of fixed 
                                bugs and more realistic play!
cbb_2dv11.zi       0 01-01-1980 Charlie's Baseball game BBS door!
                                Version 1.1 and it's cool and free!
                                So enjoy America's best sport...
                                Speech friendly for blind callers.
cbb_2dv11.zip  319969 08-05-2024 Charlie's Baseball game BBS door!
                                Version 1.1 and it's cool and free!
                                So enjoy America's best sport...
                                Speech friendly for blind callers.
cbvtag50.zip  177635 08-05-2024 CBVTAG - Callback verification door
                                for T.A.G. BBS v2.7c
cbvw4p14.zip   50326 08-05-2024 John Dailey's CBV WWIV Procesor v1.4 Update
                                Executable upgrade  for the version 1.3  WWIV
                                Pre/Post processor included in  John Dailey's
                                Call Back Verification v1.4  only.  Fixes bug
                                with random lock-ups.
cc193.zip     146088 08-05-2024 Criss-Cross          (Door Game) ver. 1.93 
                                Attempt to make pairs, 3 of kinds, 4 of  
                                kinds and straights in this 5x5 grid. User 
                                controlable colors.  Easy to play, but 
                                challanging for all ages.  Requires ANSI.   
                                Keeps daily winners as well as a total 
                                winner for that month. Now able to be played 
                                without a BBS!  Uses DOORFRAME library for 
                                Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's. Supports PCB,
                                WC3.x/4.x & many others. Rel Date: 01\03\97   
cca102.zip    130157 08-05-2024 *** The Computer  Coaching Assistant v1.02***
                                  *** a utility for Franchise Football ***
                                The CCA is a utility that actively plays the
                                computer teams in FFBL.  It will buy all items
                                change ticket prices, sign free agents, and
                                much more.  Simple to install, but vital to
                                own.  Freeware by Scott Snella
ccatv1_2.zip   92927 08-05-2024        -=-=Copycat V1.2=-=- 
                                Try your skill and memory in this fast
                                paced 'Simon Says' type onliner
                                for BBS's.  Multi-node, Non-standard IRQ's
                                and Com Ports, Fossil support, and most 
                                drop file type support.
                                THE ULTIMATE BBS (619)741-1530
ccdor300.zip   67549 08-05-2024 
ccheck10.zip  174947 08-05-2024 Com Checkers V 1.0
                                A BBS Door game that Learns to
                                Play Checkers with your users.
                                Freeware! From VagaBond Software.
ccrc32.zip      4271 08-05-2024 This file contains the routine that I use for
                                calculating 32-bit CRCs for strings in
                                TriBBS and related utilities.
cdept22c.zip   78743 08-05-2024 CDEPT22.ZIP
                                Complaint Department  v2.2
                                Complaint Department is a gag door that first
                                will display an
                                ASCII or ANSI screen to the entering caller,
                                then drop carrier
                                on 'em.  It comes with two screens, which are
                                the snotty ones
                                but you can modify them however you like.
                                There is no registration for Complaint
cdev011.zip    86218 08-05-2024  The Clans Development Kit v0.11
                                Information on making NPCs and
                                Quests for the popular door game
                                The Clans.
cdice10.zip    67996 08-05-2024 Ĵ  CHALLENGER  DICE  v1.0  Ŀ
                                 BBS Door Game!!   Multi-Player Dice Game 
                                 for 2 to 4 players. Simular to the Don't 
                                 Go To Jail dice game by Parker Brothers. 
                                 Very Challenging, Fast-Paced and Highly  
                                 Addictive! Supports All Major BBS Types! 
                                 Non-Standard Port - IRQ (1-15), FOSSIL & 
                                 Digiboard Support.   By MAJIC SOFTWARE!! 
cdmx2204.zip  695081 08-05-2024 CDMX2DOR v2.04: The "Next Generation
                                CDRom-Access BBS Door"
cdmx2206.zip  885681 08-05-2024 CDMx2Dor CDRom BBS Door.  A superb
                                BBS door.  102 CDs online, unzip &
                                view files, search, 115200 maxbaud,
                                adds zip comment, tag downloads, off-
                                line file requests, works on ANY CD
                                and saves megabytes of HD space!
                                Multinode; Pioneer DRM support.
                                Exceptional user support.  Over 140
                                140 registered users worldwide.
                                Best of all, only $20 U.S. shareware!
cdoor13.zip   149322 08-05-2024 CYBER-LIST Door version 1.3.   BBS List Door.
                                Fast, easy,  inexpensive.  Cyber-List Door is
                                the perfect BBS list utility door for any BBS
                                system.  Users can add a BBS, search the list
                                or view the  entire  listing.  Comes complete
                                with a 258k  current BBS list.  New lists are
                                available to registered users every month and
                                are 4 times the size of the unreg'd BBS list.
                                SUPPORTS most drop files! No FOSSIL required!
cdowl_22.zip  135680 08-05-2024 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                                Night Owl's CD Retrieval!
                                Supports: 3000 CD's, Bauds 300-115200, Com
                                ports 1-4, FIFO, Fossil, and the Door.Sys
                                file format. EASY install!
                                Options: 1 key tagging for downloads and
                                requests. On/Off line CD's, views and reads
                                Zip files. Tracks Bytes, Time, Events, and
                                Inactivity. Keeps a Activity Log, Error Log,
                                and a Request Log.
                                By Night Owl Publisher Inc. 
cdrom15a.zip   41359 08-05-2024 
cdsub50.zip   109763 08-05-2024 Ver 5.0 CDSub door that allows callers
                                to attempt winning a FREE subscription
                                to BBS Callers Digest or buy online with
                                there Visa/MasterCard. Sysop gets FREE
                                listing as authorized BBS in Print Ver.
                                of BBS Callers Digest. Fixed Color Mode?
                                Fossil Driver/DV aware, com-ports 0-15
                                Now runs in local mode for testing.
ce14tw.zip     38107 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                CRYSTALINE ENTITY 1.4 -  for TradeWars v2.
                                The  CRYSTALINE ENTITY  is one of  several 
                                add-on's  for TradeWars  2002 v2  from the
                                TW-EXTENDERS  series by SimSoft PCS.  Have
                                the  CRYSTALINE  ENTITY  cruising   around
                                your  universe,  stopping  on planets  and
                                ingesting  colonists!  It is very  easy to
                                use  and configure, and  is  run  directly
                                after the  TradeWars  maintenance  program
                                EXTERN.EXE.     Registration is only $7.00
                                Attention SYSOP's  -   Download this file!
celeb40.zip   145587 08-05-2024 Celebrity Trivia v4.0  A BBS door program
                                concering trivia about famous people around
                                the world.  Now creates RIP graphic
                                bulletins. Another BBS Door program from
                                PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon.
census10.zip  174759 08-05-2024 Census Door v1.00: Contains info for each
                                state on the 1990 census. No reg required.
                                Supports various BBS configuration and
                                systems and supports nearly all available
                                drop files. Part of the T&J Software info
                                door collection.
chald21.zip    33955 08-05-2024 
challb14.zip   52002 08-05-2024 Challenge Trivia Bible 1.4  files included for
                                Wildcat 4.01 and 4.1
                                This is an updated version of a very
                                successfull trivia game used on many
                                Wildcat systems.  
                                This is an Interactive Trivia game that allows
                                friendly competition 
                                among your users.  This game is very
                                configurable, built in sysop menu
                                and the game does its own maintenance and
                                tells you when someone has won
                                the game. (If a users does not answer
                                correctly it the game displays the 
                                correct answer and where to go in the bible to
                                read about the subject
                                so the users of the game can learn about the
                                bible as well.) 
                                You can list prizes that users can win by
                                playing, or just play
                                for fun. After game is won, it generates a
                                winner screen for you and your 
                                users to see, resets and clears the game. once
                                you set the game ending 
                                date the game continues, as users are knocked
                                down the ladder they are 
                                sent a friendly letter telling them who did it
                                  this has been found to 
                                increase game usage, keeps everybody involved
                                and interested in whats 
                                going on.  and besides... Everybody Loves
                                Mike Wilson
                                Interstate Online Services
                                Denton, Texas
                                817-382-0524 28.8 USR Courier
cham101.zip   101452 08-05-2024   ****  Chameleon ver. 1.01 ****
                                - Small Bug fix.
                                Chameleon is a game like Lord.  It
                                is a fast paced game, that takes
                                place in Future times.  Your
                                Adventure includes battles with
                                monsters, futuristic weapons,
                                time jumping, and a lot of fun.
                                This is ver. 1.01.  The wide
                                release.  It has been fully beta
                                tested, and was made by a 16 year
                                old kid.  Download it for me, at
                                least Try it.  I am sure you will
                                LOVE It.  By, Zach Gusky.
cham110.zip   106200 08-05-2024    Chameleon ver. 1.10  
                                - NEW Shareware Release.
                                Chameleon is similar to Lord.  It
                                is a fast paced game, that takes
                                place in Future times.  Your
                                Adventure includes battles with
                                monsters, futuristic weapons,
                                time jumping, and a lot of fun.
                                Supports DORINFOx.DEF and DOOR.SYS.
                                Upto 255 players, many features,
                                fast and easy installation.
                                by Zach Gusky of PRoToN Software.
chaos.zip       8626 08-05-2024             a CHaoTiC SiLeNCe ۲
                                By Kenny Johnson and Nathan Cournia
                                A 3 day quest for the hit door game Exitilus.
                                Your hot chick Amanda has been captured by
                                evil Sekliw.  Time to get her back.  
chaos210.zip  361049 08-05-2024        -=[ Primal Chaos v2.10 ]=-        
                                 Complete rewrite of the old Primal Chaos
                                 RPG door game.  This game is a *must*    
                                 have for any BBS with doors.            
                                 * NPC's that move & act as real people *
                                 * 10 Cities and 10 Quests to complete  *
                                  * Over 200 monsters to fight against * 
                                    * Ability to Rewrite entire game *   
                                      * 40 Magic Spells to Learn *       
                                      * Different Game Each Time *       
                                       * MindBlowing Excitement *        
                                         * Multi-Node Capable *          
                                           * Awesome Editor *            
chaoswar.zip   23110 08-05-2024 ChaosWar high speed action door game 
                                for 9600-57600 BPS only. Shoot zombies
                                before they shoot you! Shareware $15
charge19.zip  282897 08-05-2024 InTeleCharge Credit Card Door v1.9
                                (Credit Card Processing Services INCLUDED!)
                                At last here is a Door that makes you Money!
                                Once you download the InTeleChargeTM Door
                                and install it, you then can automatically
                                accept BBS membership registrations and/or
                                shareware program registrations via American
                                Express, Discover, Mastercard and Visa.
                                We then process the charges for you, send you
                                a monthly statement...and a check!
chat10.zip     44080 08-05-2024 Door for checking SysOp Chat Status.
chat103.zip   172776 08-05-2024 CHAT103
                                     THE CHAT WINDOW V1.03      
                                 Split Screen Chat For Any      
                                 DORINFOx.DEF, DOOR.SYS Or      
                                 TRIBBS.SYS BBS! Twenty-Seven   
                                 Paging Tunes Break Up The      
                                 Monotony Of Being Hailed By    
                                 The Same Old Music Every Time! 
                                 Option To Shut Off The Sound   
                                 Means You Don't Have To Miss   
                                 Important Chats By Telling The 
                                 BBS (Falsely) That You're Not  
                                 Available To Chat.             
                                  Compiled: December 2, 1996    
                                        GENERATION III          
                                   Support BBS: 817-794-0126    
                                 Fido: 1:130/319     FREQ: CHAT 
                                 FTP: ftp.pca.net/Carlton_Doors 
chat10a.zip   100647 08-05-2024  Chat Room & Player's Journal IGM! Ŀ
                                For Lunatix 2.3a+, Allows players on 
                                different nodes to talk to each other
                                PaTieNT'S JouRNaL portion for 1-Node.
chatbox.zip    85038 08-05-2024 CHATBOX multi-line Chat Door Let's any number
                                of nodes talk to each other without the need
                                for NETBIOS. Works with DesqView, Windows, or
                                any Network.
chatr104.zip   47370 08-05-2024 Chatter v1.04 - Chat VOICE with your callers,
                                then automatically re-establish the BBS data
                                link without dropping carrier. Full feature
                                chat with selectable hours and page sounds.
                                Configurable options. All BBS types.
                                Shareware registration $4.
chcrap15.zip   70369 08-05-2024 
check21.zip    89147 08-05-2024 ______________BBS Checkers V2.1_____________
                                Now your users can test their skills at
                                Checkers by playing each other in up to 20
                                simultaneous games.  Works on almost any BBS
                                system.  Very easy setup.  Has in-game
                                messaging feature that lets the players send
                                notes to each other.  New in this version is
                                the ability to use a password to reserve
                                games for specific opponents.  Great
                                graphics, sysop chat, carrier detect,
                                bulletin generation, and NO MAINTENANCE!
check33.zip    58781 08-05-2024 
checksec.zip   13324 08-05-2024 WC3 util-tests if a callers secur. level has 
                                been upgraded by a door or hook.  Useful with
                                all callback verifiers or any other program  
                                that upgrades new users to a higher security 
                                level in a door or hook.  Can be used with   
                                my UPLMSG3 package.                          
chedit.zip     62310 08-05-2024 Chain Reaction - DataBase Editor.
cheers16.zip  189785 08-05-2024 Cheers! Trivia v1.06 - Door about the TV
                                Sitcom "Cheers!" Learn more about the gang
                                at Cheers or find out what you really know.
                                What was Diane's Real name? Where was Sam
                                really from? When did Woody come on the show
                                are just a few. MULTI-NODE, RIP Supported,
                                many BBS types too. Registration only $12.00.
chefdoor.zip   84756 08-05-2024 CHEFDOOR, version 4.02 for Wildcat!
                                DOOR program lets users search through
                                a database of recipes.
                                For versions 4.x and 3.x of Wildcat!
chess35a.zip  457668 08-05-2024 Chess V3.5a - RIP, ANSI, ASCII
                                multi-user and network supported
                                (Fidonet support!) Chess for Falken!
                                The other programmers are
                                scrambling to keep up with
                                this top of the line Chess!
                                From Two Minute Warning at
                                BBS (716) 359-4736. $35.00.
chessc29.zip  126414 08-05-2024 
china303.zip   24667 08-05-2024 
china306.zip   25239 08-05-2024 Version 3.06 compiled 02/13/92 - 9.43p
                                Wheel and deal in the south China sea
                                become a millionaire dealing in opium
                                and guns, or a pauper hunted by the
                                local constabulary.
chksec21.zip   21483 08-05-2024 
chktime.zip    16547 08-05-2024 CheckTime v1.01 - allows a BBS sysop
                                to ensure that users must wait after
                                running a door game before entering it
                                again.  Uses DORINFO1.DEF.
chnrt22.zip   803731 08-05-2024  CHAIN REACTION  v2.2 Ŀ
                                         InterBBS  Capable!          
                                 Chain Reaction is a challenging     
                                 word game by Mace Software based on 
                                 the TV game show of the same name.  
                                 Players must guess words based on   
                                 the relationship with the preceeding
                                 and following words. A fun and Edu- 
                                 cational game. Auto fossil detect.  
                                 DV and Windows detection. Supports  
                                 most BBS types. Can also be played  
                                 at home without a BBS.              
                                 Mace Software, Inc.       $10.00    
choice31.zip   94358 08-05-2024 Ver 3.1 Choice, this game has three
                                old fashioned text type games in one.
                                Choose between Find-Me, Trap-Me and
                                Reverse. Multi-bbs, multi-node, baud
                                rates to 115K, Fossil Driver / DV
                                aware. Com-ports 0-15. Fixed the NO
                                ANSI errors. Works with /M and also
                                works in local mode with /local.
chomp10a.zip  105544 08-05-2024 Chomper v1.0.  Pacman comes to your BBS!
                                Pacman comes to your BBS! How long can
                                you avoid the ghosts? Can you eat all the
                                dots before YOU are lunch?
                                100% Ansi Graphics!   Supports all the
                                most popular BBS' including WildCat!,
                                PCB, WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more!
                                NOT CRIPPLED!!!  FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!
chrmtm10.zip   32102 08-05-2024 Cheersoft's Modem to Modem
                                Modem to Modem will allow your users to play
                                over the modem games right on your bbs.  It
                                also permits file transfers with any
                                transfer protocol, directly from one
                                user to another.  Modem to Modem is very
                                efficient, your users will normally
                                receive 95% or higher efficiency during
                                file transferring! Supports Doom and
                                many other popular games...
                                Current price is $29.00
                                Contact:  Cheersoft
                                          Voice: 908-591-1234
                                            Fax: 908-591-8652
                                            BBS: 908-591-1171
chtdv20a.zip  179822 08-05-2024 CHEAT/Online v2.0a - Online door to view 
                                the world famous CHEAT list and also 
                                submit the survey information to the
                                author.  Supports all popular dropfiles
                                and uses the data files from the CHEAT
                                program - no need to obtain different 
                                data files!  Will not work with versions
                                of CHEAT earlier than 20.0! Support BBS - 
                                The Cult of the Tentacle (1:272/169) 
                                914-583-6237, 28.8k v.fc!
chukaluk.zip  121823 08-05-2024 Chuck-A-Luck 1.3 - Door Game by Mike Jordan.
                                Has the thrill of Craps, the excitment of 
                                Roulete and the anticipation of a Slots. 
                                Bet on the roll of 3 dice to try and hope
                                to make a bundle. But beware, the House
                                _DOES_ have the advantage. Supports RIP and
                                DigiFossil.  No Demo Key or Expiration date.
cidall.zip    409011 08-05-2024 Consumer Info Door Database Updates:
                                This file includes the full set of
                                databases (1 - 9). In order to use
                                2-9 the door must be registered. FREQ
                                CINFO for the full door and CINFOD for
                                the database files from 1:268/400 or
                                visit http://www.tjsoft.com to grab
                                either files! Just drop the databases
                                in the CID directory, it couldn't
                                be easier! Mar/97 T&J Software
cid_10.zip    296281 08-05-2024 Consumer Info Door v1.00: Contains info for
                                consumers with regular database updates for
                                the registered version. Demo has 56 subject
                                entries. Supports various BBS configuration
                                and systems and supports nearly all available
                                drop files. Part of the T&J Software info
                                door collection.
cimerge.zip    13609 08-05-2024 
ck100.zip     271994 08-05-2024 
ck3012.zip     54085 08-05-2024 
clan95b7.zip  346138 08-05-2024 The Clans v0.95b7 -- *InterBBS* RPG
                                Form a clan and wander from BBS to
                                BBS doing battle with other clans
                                and creatures!  The most unique and
                                *addictive* new RPG/wargame to come
                                out in a long time.
                                ** Now freeware! **
clasad31.zip   36982 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                        Classified Ads v3.1          
                                     (c)1997 F.U.S.S. Software       
                                 Great sell it style door, supports  
                                 up to 20 categories,(all definable) 
                                 unlimited # of ads, fast record     
                                 searches, user friendly menus, and  
                                 supports ad deletion from the user  
                                 who posted the ad or the Sysop. All 
                                 new screens, all Category's are now 
                                 on the main menu, you see all 20 at 
                                 once and choice by moving the arrow 
                                 key to the one you want,easier to   
                                 read colors. watch for more.        
clasfy45.zip  313748 08-05-2024 CLASSIFIED Ads    -  Door       v4.5        .
                                **  Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                Callers enter Classified Ads into categories
                                configurable by the Sysop. Sysop sets number
                                of days Ads remain active, by category. Auto
                                purging via nightly event. SUPPORTS ALL Door
                                Capable BBS pgms. EXCHANGE ADS DATABASES WITH
                                OTHER BBS'!! INCLUDES its own MESSAGE BASE!
                                Download ads, read/reply offline! Allows for
                                the SELLING of AD SPACE ! Now PICTURE capable
class2.zip    192435 08-05-2024 Advertise It! Version 2.0 InterBBS Classified
                                Ads Door
                                o Creates HTML code 'on the fly' of
                                o Up to 33 SYSOP DEFINABLE advertising
                                o Special 'windows' look and feel in Ansi mode
                                o One line "Billboard" Advertising 
                                o Local/Fidonet netmail to classified ads.
                                o Downloadable graphic display files 
                                o Users can delete their ads.
                                o Users can search for new ads 
                                o INTERBBS NETWORKABLE.
classchg.zip    8525 08-05-2024 NEW IGM for DUNGEON BATTLE 2! Elrond's
                                Instant Class Change Hut v1.01. Enter this
                                IGM and instantly change your characters
                                class from a fighter or Wizard to one of
                                several other options! Get entirely new
                                attributes not available to Wizards of
                                Fighters! FREEWARE - NO CHARGE! Have Fun!
classol1.zip   74238 08-05-2024   CLASSIC SOLITAIRE v1.0- BBS door game.
                                 A nicely done Klondike Solitaire game that 
                                supports most BBS types. Full ANSI graphics 
                                and a great scoring system make this a very 
                                fun game to play. Includes make-up days and 
                                automatic daily and monthly maintenance. It 
                                also keeps track of last months and the all 
                                time champion, along with the daily champs. 
                                Easy setup and complete game control by the 
                                SysOp, with the included configuration file 
                                editor. Registration fee $20               
                                From TiJaSoft doors.
clbkv372.zip  117111 08-05-2024 MY CallBack verifier by SteveSoft.
                                SUPPORTS RBBS, and ANY bbs that will read
                                a DOOR.SYS after returning from a door!
                                WildCat! 3.0 support.  DV friendly.  DIALBACK
                                feature!  Will NOT dial 911,555,976, or 900
                                numbers.  Trashcan file.  SysOp definable
                                for verification.  Separate security for
                                and long distance callers.  FOSSIL support.
                                SysOp definable Failures and pass codes!
cleagues.zip    2999 08-05-2024 C O L O N I E S - InterBBS Leagues Listing
                                This listing of COLONIES Leagues created and
                                controlled by Lounge Software.  If you are
                                looking to join a COLONIES InterBBS League,
                                you'll find one here!
clfb20a.zip   245532 08-05-2024 
closedor.zip   67932 08-05-2024 
clssad26.zip  169482 08-05-2024 Classified Ads v2.60 Full Featured online ADs
                                list door. Supports most popular BBS 
                                Softwares. Fully SysOp configurable and self-
                                maintaining. Old listings deleted 
                                automatically. Creates full color bulletins 
                                using WC!, PCB color codes or regular 
                                ANSI\ASCii screens. User may download an 
                                ASCii version of all listings directly from 
                                the door. The DL option may be disabled at 
                                the SysOp's option.
clues22.zip   115910 08-05-2024 20 Clues v2.2 is a game of skill and
                                memory. Sysop controls showing right
                                answers and times to play. Gives you
                                choice of 20 clues to guess a Person,
                                Place, Thing or Year. Get points on
                                the Clues you DO NOT use. Great new
                                Game. Multi/Node, Multi/BBS, Will run
                                on Non/Standard IRQ's plus much more.
                                Sysop Log Toggle and Color Toggle.
cl_sol20.zip  112294 08-05-2024 CLASSIC SOLITAIRE v2.0-  
                                BBS door game from TiJaSoft...
                                An excellent rendition of the regular ol
                                Solitaire game. Supports most BBS types.
                                Your card players  will love the easy to
                                use interface & scoring system. Features
                                make-up/play ahead days with a calendar,
                                tournament mode,  AutoPlay when a win is
                                secured, exports scores bulletins, multi
                                node ready, DESQview aware,  Windows and
                                OS/2 time slicing,  along with automatic
                                maintenance.  Tracks last months and the
                                all time champion, and the daily champs.
                                Easy setup and complete game  control by
                                the SysOp with  the included config file
                                editor.             Registration fee $15
cmagi510.zip  573010 08-05-2024 ChessMagic! 5.10 - "Best Chess Door".
                                RIP GRAPHICS! USCF style rated play,
                                cross-node play,Sysop Join Feature,
                                if/then moves,many stats,tournament
                                pairings,d/l games view offline,
                                replay games. ANSI,Hi-Res Graphics
                                computer vs human,supports most BBS,
                                customized ports, digiboard, fossils
cmani202.zip 1015081 08-05-2024 CheckerMANIA! 2.02 - "Best Checker Door"
                                RIP Graphics,Rated play,cross-node play,
                                Sysop Join,many stats,tournament pairings,
                                supports most BBS,customized ports,
                                digiboard,to 115k,many features!
cmed402.zip    49263 08-05-2024 CMEdit 4.01 - ChessMAGIC! System editor.
                                Required if you have ChessMAGIC! 4.01.    
                                Maintain databases, configure ChessMAGIC!  
                                Requires CMEDLIBC.ZIP (conven. memory)
                                or CMEDLIBE.ZIP (EMS lib req 2 MEG) 
cmiyc.zip     104040 08-05-2024 
cmp105w.zip    73839 08-05-2024 
cmsra200.zip  100932 08-05-2024 Credit Maintenance System v2.0.0 for
                                RemoteAccess v2.0x and v2.50
                                CMS  allow you to upgrade any user that
                                reach the amount of credit which is set
                                in CMSCFG.  It  also have an ability to
                                generate  * four *  different  types of
                                transaction report.
                                Moreover  CMS  can  post  a tailor-made
                                email to an upgraded user.
cmsys230.zip  191715 08-05-2024 
cm_2dkit.zip   43922 08-05-2024 *Chaos Module Developer's Guide (rev.1)*
                                 This is the official guide to making
                                 Chaos Modules for The Land of Chaos
                                 from SD Technologies!  Sample source
                                 for the Wishing Well INCLUDED!!
cointoss.zip   76611 08-05-2024 Ol' 3-Legs CoinToss! - CoinToss v1.00 [IGM]
                                In-Game-Module for DogWorld RPG doorgame.
                                Easy install and setup! Give it a try!
                                **Freeware** No registration required!
colonv21.zip  396189 08-05-2024 
                                          C O L O N I E S     v2.1
                                   InterBBS War Style Strategy Door Game!
                                 Players from each BBS run their own Colony
                                  to populate the planet Mars.  Players on 
                                 each BBS can form alliances with others on 
                                   that BBS.  Internal battles along with 
                                  international battles, global messaging, 
                                   automatic message quoting, alliances, 
                                  agreements, peace treaties and much more.  
                                    Support for 5 major Drop Files, non 
                                 standard IRQ's, Fossil Drivers and includes 
                                  easy to use Configuration Utility.  Easy 
                                    InterBBS setup and maintainability!
                                     (C)Copyright 1997 Lounge Software
colony32.zip  410627 08-05-2024 COLONIES        - Door -                 v3.2
                                ***  Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  ***
                                InterBBS War Style Strategy Game! Players 
                                from each BBS run own Colony to populate the 
                                planet Mars. Players on each BBS can form 
                                alliances with others on that BBS.  Internal 
                                battles along with international battles, 
                                global messaging, automatic message quoting, 
                                alliances, agreements, peace treaties & much 
                                more. Includes easy to use Configuration 
                                Utility. Easy InterBBS setup & maintainance!
color.zip     109827 08-05-2024 
colors19.zip   95012 08-05-2024 Ver 1.9 Colors. Players get to play
                                against the computer for points by
                                guessing which color the computer
                                will pick next. Multi/bbs/node &
                                baud rate to 115K. Fossil Driver
                                DV aware. Com-ports 0-15 and all
                                played from one main menu. Fixed
                                the NO ANSI errors. Works with /M!
                                Can now test in local mode..
colors20.zip  287235 08-05-2024 COLORS v2.0. BBS Door game of Gang Violence.
                                       Strategic War Game BBS Door
                                  Start a street gang, wreak havoc, and
                                  lead them on to city-wide strangehold
                                 V2.0 now includes...
                                 - Multiple simultaneous games!
                                 - Allies:  Money and Defense!
                                 - MultiNode capability!
                                 - Better UI, more auto, more help!
colors21.zip   91278 08-05-2024 Ver 2.1 Colors. Players get to play
                                against the computer for points by
                                guessing which color the computer
                                will pick next. Multi/bbs/node &
                                baud rate to 115K. Fossil Driver
                                DV aware. Com-ports 0-15 and all
                                played from one main menu. Fixed
                                the NO ANSI errors. Works with /M!
                                Runs in local mode with /local.
comptrv1.zip  119413 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>> COMPUTER TRIVIA I v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of computers.  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
comptrv4.zip  133407 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>> COMPUTER TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of computers.  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
conc12.zip    328700 08-05-2024 CONCENTRATION F/X 1.2:DDO-F/X Online game.
                                This classical memory game is enhanced with
                                the aid of DDO-F/X.  Test your memory as you
                                try to match up 18 pairs on a table with
                                36 face down cards.  The faster you match
                                up the pairs the greater your score.  See
                                how well your memory stands up to other
                                players. 640x480x256 Hi-Res, (MOD/S3M)
                                ========= Requires LI-TERM 1.00+ ============
concdoor.zip  872326 08-05-2024 ConCorde - Concordance Door - KJV - Shareware
concen21.zip  137192 08-05-2024 CONCENTRATION -  Door Game              v2.1
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                A very challenging game where caller must
                                guess the hidden 5-digit number. Sounds
                                easier than it really is since the hidden
                                numbers are not conventional. Makeup games
                                missed during the month. Automatic game
                                reset & Hall of Fame bulletins, at end of
                                month. Send/receive MESSAGES to other
                                people! Random chance to earn extra points!
                                ***** INTERBBS Capable ******
condr15b.zip  171522 08-05-2024 CONNDOOR v1.5 BETA - File transfer door for 
                                SBBS/QBBS/RA style BBSs and BBSs using 
                                EXITINFO.BBS or DORINFO1.DEF files and 
                                FILES.BBS text files.  Supports TAPE DRIVE 
                                and CDROM access, and full duplex protocols 
                                such as HSLINK and BIMODEM.  Up to 16 sysop 
                                definable protocols.  Fully configurable, 
                                MANY features!!! 
connect4.zip   88765 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> CONNECT 4 v4.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
                                Object of the game is to stack four X's in a
                                row before the computer can stack four O's.
                                Similar to tic-tac-toe.  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
connectx.zip   46146 08-05-2024 
conv_15.zip    95482 08-05-2024 Convince! Door v1.5 -- Help convince your
                                users to register the door they are about
                                to play. Will give them a message after
                                playing the door so many times! Supports
                                all major BBS's, COM0-15, multinode and
                                DESQview aware, easy configuration, and
                                also supports fossil drivers!
                                T&J Software
cook_200.zip  505783 08-05-2024 
cool11.zip     46208 08-05-2024 Cool-Aid Stand v1.1 Excellent door game.  
cord_ab2.zip    6131 08-05-2024 ArrowBridge II Map Coordinates
cornv100.zip   32578 08-05-2024 4-CORNERS Door Game by TomTron Software
                                Need a welcome addition to your RPG, card
                                and dice doors?  4-CORNERS plays on a tic
                                tac toe grid, the object being to match
                                numbers in any direction, 4 corners and
                                full board match!  Fun for ALL ages and
                                keeps the champion's score on the main
                                screen at all times. v1.0 and only $10
cots12.zip     65118 08-05-2024 
countv10.zip   48043 08-05-2024 DoorCount v1.0 for WILDCAT 4xx Systems
                                DoorCount is a simple and easy to use
                                Door tracker for WILDCAT Systems.
                                DoorCount will keep a running total of
                                how many times each of your Doors are
                                accessed and create an ANSI display
                                screen that can be put up on your BBS
                                as a bulletin or logon screen.  No 
                                need to edit all of your DOORx.BAT 
                                files either. 
                                (C)Copyright 1996 Lounge Software
cov11v2.zip    54871 08-05-2024 
cove1.zip     208888 08-05-2024 "THE COVE" DOOR GAME version 1a.
                                A door game like no other!
                                An adventure game set in the buccaneering days
                                of the
                                Adventure and treachery await you in The Cove
                                From: Smugglers Cove BBS (904) 682-7516
covr2_20.zip   98307 08-05-2024 Cover 11 v2.200 - Solitaire Card Door Game 
                                Cover 11 is a solitaire card game door for PCB
                                or systems 
                                using 31 line door.sys files. ANSI graphics
                                game based on 
                                an old solitaire card game. All instructions
                                are in the 
                                door program. The door features auto roll-over
                                of the scores
                                on the first of the month, play makeup or
                                ahead days. Features
                                are configurable in registered version by the
cp3a3.zip      56159 08-05-2024 Computer Player for VGA Planets.
cpage30.zip   147080 08-05-2024 Cyber-Page Door v3.0 By Cyber-Technics....
                                Released 12-04-94. Drop-in BBS paging soft-
                                ware. ANSI and ASCII support. SoundBlaster
                                support. The pager your BBS has been  
                                looking for!
cps11.zip     210821 08-05-2024 Consumer Product Safety Door v1.10:
                                Contains info for consumers on various
                                product recalls and notices. Regular data-
                                base updates for the door are available
                                free of charge from T&J Software at
                                (717) 325-9481. Supports various BBS
                                configuration and systems and supports
                                nearly all available drop files. Part
                                of the T&J Software info door collection.
cpscdata.zip  262652 08-05-2024 Consumer Product Safety Door Update  for
                                March 1996. Latest product safety news
                                and recalls. You must be running the
                                Consumer Product Safety Door v1.20+ to use
                                this data. Latest database update FREQ as
                                CPSDATA from T&J Software 1:268/400
cq114.zip     389349 08-05-2024 [CRIME QUEST - BBS DOOR GAME (RPG)  v1.14]
                                 High action thriller  with over 190 ANSI 
                                 screens and ANIMATIONS.  This is a "NEW" 
                                 style of RPG door game.  255 game levels 
                                 create unleveled fun!  Be a Cop or Thug! 
                                 IGM compatibility makes it different for 
                                 everyone.  Use RADAR, Fight Players, use 
                                 the COMPUTER, visit the BAR, use the ATM 
                                 and a LOT MORE! Configurable!  Quick and 
                                 EASY setup.  Great game editor.  This is 
                                 a "MUST HAVE" door game  for your users! 
                                 This is the FULL version, not a Fix-Pak! 
                                 (C) 1997 Ross Cassell   SHAREWARE DOOR  
                                 - Full Game Version -    - 06/08/97 -   
cqfix12.zip   221809 08-05-2024 [CRIME QUEST FIX-PAK  (EXE, OVR & DAT)]
                                 This file is for updating an "INSTALLED" 
                                 game of Crime Quest only...  It contains 
                                 files that were changed since the latest 
                                 version.  It only includes updated *.EXE 
                                 *.OVR and *.DAT files!   If you need the 
                                 complete package...  it is CQ112.ZIP and 
                                 you can freq CQRPG from  1:3652/1 daily! 
                                 Make sure that you read the WHATSNEW.TXT 
                                 file to see what changes have been made. 
                                 (C) 1996 Brian Leiter   SHAREWARE DOOR  
                                 - Game Fix-Pak Only -    - 11/11/96 -   
cqigmk10.zip   91665 08-05-2024 CQIGM v1.0
                                Driver Kit To make IGMS's For The Great
                                BBS RPG Door Game Called CRIME QUEST!
                                Turbo Pascal v6.0 or greater.
craps15.zip    78934 08-05-2024 
craps20.zip    75243 08-05-2024 
crash100.zip    4571 08-05-2024 
crazdv12.zip   52083 08-05-2024 Crazy Dice Door Version 1.2! for BBS's
                                Good Game of chance, Using Six Dice
                                and take chances Rolling for more or
                                Play it safe. Registered Uses a
                                Configuration file allowing the sysop
                                to set how many turns you get or how
                                many games per day! Saves Highest Score
                                info as Last Months Champ in scores!
crazy121.zip  178967 08-05-2024 THOSE CRAZY EIGHTS v1.21 - The Classic Game
                                Of CRAZY 8's Is Given A New Life In This ANSI
                                Online Game! Computer Have You Played Into A
                                Corner? Use One Of Your Crazy Eights To Put
                                It Back On The Defense! Total Hands Won And
                                Lost Tracked For High Scoring Competition!
crazy20.zip    96432 08-05-2024 Crazy Eights v2.0 Play the card game of
                                Crazy Eights against the computer (he's
                                tough!).  Supports most BBS software,
                                multi-node, COM 0-15, 115K Baud, and
                                non-standard IRQ's. Now supports
                                multi-port boards using FOSSIL drivers
                                including PCBoard/M!. Runs in local
                                mode with /local.
crcas10.zip   167098 08-05-2024 ------- CASTLE ROCK CASINO  v1.0 -------
                                 another DDPlus door game from TiJaSoft 
                                   Supports most popular BBS packages   
                                Castle Rock Casino, home of SIX gambling
                                games:  BlackJack, Video Poker, TiJaWild
                                Slot machine with a progressive jackpot,
                                Las Vegas Solitaire, High Cut table, and
                                the Lotto.  The Main Menu is an overhead
                                view of the Casino. It also has a lounge
                                where you can view the scores,  HOF, and
                                the Daily News.  It even  has a bathroom
                                where users can write on the wall,  send
                                messages to other "users", or read their
                                private mail. When you run out of money,
                                you can sell some time, take a loan from
                                the inhouse bank, or borrow from another
                                player. At the bank machine you can make
                                withdrawals,  deposits, take out a loan,
                                make a loan payment, transfer money, and
                                sell time. The Casino has 32 full screen
                                ANSI's in the screen library!           
                                The games editor allows complete control
                                over most bets, pay-offs, and other game
                                functions by the Sysop.
crdfsh40.zip   70251 08-05-2024 Cardfish v4.0 - This is a cardsharks
                                type game door for PCBoard 14.5x.
                                Place your bet based on what you think
                                the next card will be. Fun and addictive!
create10.zip   92924 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                        Create An Adventure 1.0        
                                Users create an interactive novel on-  
                                line. Support for Com1 to 15 and non-  
                                standard IRQs. 6 different BBS drop    
                                file formats including DOOR.SYS        
credit18.zip   85818 08-05-2024 v1.8 of the credit card PPE. Allows for your
                                designation of YOUR countrys money symbol.
cribsq14.zip  136754 08-05-2024 CRIBBAGE SQUARES   -   Door Game         v1.4
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                Create 8 Cribbage hands of 5 cards each. The 
                                computer will evaluate the hands and award
                                points. Fast, exciting and challenging play.
                                Makeup games missed during the month. Auto
                                reset & Hall of Fame. Supports Digiboard, DV,
                                LANs, Non-Standard Com ports!................
                                     ***** INTER-BBS capable *****
crip0021.zip  110668 08-05-2024 
crom010a.zip   66407 08-05-2024 |10
                                |02 SQUIRE LANDS OF CROM 0.10  |14*|04Alpha|14
                                |09 This is a new BBS DOOR GAME by
                                 Matthew Raftery of SQUIRE 1997-98.
                                 |10|02MADE IN BRISBANE (QUEENSLAND)|10
                                |09 This game is similar to Lord 2 in
                                 style but is different.  A DOOR
                                 GAME which is going to be a mix 
                                 between STUDS, LORD 2, DIABLO, and 
                                 others. This is a must for any BBS.
                                 CROM now has |03MUSIC|09 with SB support.
                                 You are on a group of islands
                                 called CROM.  It is your job to
                                 search the islands for the four
                                 pieces of the scroll of technology.
                                |02   |10REGISTRATION ONLY AUS$10 |02
crosword.zip   96689 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>> CROSSWORD PUZZLE v1.5 <<<<<<<<<<<
                                Try to solve SysOp definable crossword
                                puzzles.  Fully functional, supports
                                multiple BBS formats, file sharing for
                                multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h
                                fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is
                                DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
crs131.zip    152167 08-05-2024 Cribbage Solitaire    (Door) ver. 1.31   
                                For those people who enjoy Cribbage, a   
                                new challange!  Score as many points as  
                                possible with one trip through a deck.   
                                Keeps daily winners as well as a total   
                                winner for that month.  Uses DOORFRAME   
                                library for Non-Standard Comport and     
                                IRQ's.  Now able to be played without a  
                                BBS! Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x & many others.
                                Release Date: 01\03\97                   
cryptic.zip    88583 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>> CRYPTIC SAYINGS v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<
                                Decipher the encrypted sayings (if you can).
                                Fully functional, supports multiple BBS
                                formats, file sharing for multiple nodes,
                                bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers,
                                COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
crypto28.zip  151907 08-05-2024 Cryptograms  -  Door Game        v2.8     .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                Solve a coded phrase. Played exactly like the
                                puzzles found in magazines and newspapers.
                                Very difficult, yet challenging.
crystali.zip    3560 08-05-2024  EXITILUS: CrYsTaLiS' SeCreT! 
                                Add-On QUEST for EXITLUS 2.05              
                                Version 1.0 by CJ Murphy                   
                                Difficulty: Hard (Level 100+)              
                                    Length: 4+ days                        
                                BBS File Site:                             
                                 TOC-BBS (816) 767-1488                    
                                Internet Site:                             
crzbbs11.zip    9957 08-05-2024 Crazed BBS Lister! v1.1 for Wildcat! v5
                                Compilied with wcCODE v5.
                                 * Add as many BBS's to the LIST
                                 * Text search through the BBS LIST
                                 * Download the BBS LIST
                                 * View the BBS List
                                 support: crazed.lister@juno.com
                                 home board: Eagle's Nest BBS (713)852-3982
cs14_500.zip   28563 08-05-2024 Community Service Door. Supports several BBS
                                formats and baud rates up to 115,200.
csd72.zip     146734 08-05-2024 CARD SHARKS Deluxe v7.2 - Multi-BBS Door
                                Card Sharks is based on the TV show of the
                                same name. Fast paced game to play,
                                encouraging continued play. New graphical
                                look to game. Supports baud rates to
                                115,200 baud, non-standard IRQ's, com 0-15
                                and fossil based multi-port digiboards.
                                Author: Robert Neal               
csgolf10.zip  124444 08-05-2024 
cshark57.zip  146246 08-05-2024 Card Sharks v5.7 Multi BBS Door; Based on the
                                TV show of the same name. Fast paced game to
                                play, encouraging continued play. Supports
                                baud rates up to 115,200 baud, non-standard
                                IRQ's, com 0-15. Now supports fossil based
                                multi-port digiboards.
csmdm2.zip     54550 08-05-2024 CSMODEM is a DOOR program that will allow 
                                callers to use a different modem connected 
                                to a single node BBS system with 2 com ports,
                                like an HST on COM1 and a V32/V42 on COM2.
                                *FREEWARE* PCB 14.x
                                See History file for changes or fixes.
csn_106.zip   106753 08-05-2024 Casino v1.06 is a game for everyone that has
                                a little bit of a gambler in them. Baccarat,
                                Black Jack, Keno, Grand Hazard, Klondike,
                                Stud Poker, Roulette, Slots, and Video Poker.
cspb12b.zip    96846 08-05-2024 CatScan Professional v1.2b  Beta For Wildcat
                                4.x. EXE ONLY!  For the Complete archive get
                                CSPB12A.ZIP for the other files. CSPRO is the
                                state of the art in Upload File Processors.
                                No other upload file  processor provides the
                                rich feature set that Catscan Professional 
                                provides its users.  Such features include, 
                                built in duplicate file CRC checker, internal
                                messaging system, 100% configurable ANSI 
                                screen, supports DIGI and Uart, supports 
                                RIP Script, speeds up to 115k baud, CSPro is 
                                your new "Hired Hand" that can make your file
                                area appear like a hard working Sysop is 
                                behind all the work.
cstud13.zip   351791 08-05-2024 Turbo Caribbean Stud Poker v1.3 Fastest, most
                                exciting poker game ever.
csysp03a.zip  336573 08-05-2024 CyberSysop v0.03a - BBS DOOR GAME!
                                Simulation game where users taken on the  
                                identity of a sysop and try to become  
                                the largest BBS.  Along the way they buy  
                                software, hardware, hack other systems,   
                                pass mail back and forth.  This is the    
                                second beta of CyberSysop. Many fixes and
                                improvements.  Read the history.doc file
                                for full details.  (c) 1996 David A. Clark
cs_51.zip      32592 08-05-2024 Community Service Door. Supports several BBS
                                formats and baud rates up to 115,200.
ctarot12.zip  155595 08-05-2024 The Complete Tarot Door v1.2! Written using
                                DWDoor v1.2 for PowerBASIC v2.10f.  Supports
                                comports 1-4, virtually any BBS program, has
                                complete ANSI animation and generates
                                bulletins.  Five different Tarot card spreads
                                reveal the future of any question asked using
                                AI logic!  A must for any BBS's door area!
ctarot21.zip  160345 08-05-2024     -=> The Complete Tarot Door v2.1! <=-
                                Written  using  DWDoor  v3.1  for  PowerBASIC
                                v3.x.   Supports  comports 1-8, virtually any
                                BBS program, has complete ANSI animation  and
                                generates bulletins. Six different Tarot card
                                spreads reveal the  future  of  any  question
                                asked  using  AI logic!  A must for any BBS's
                                door area!  Try this out!
                                Written   by  James  R.  Davis  -  DavisWARE!
ctchg412.zip  243391 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 CatCharge! 4.12I  wcCODEv4.11 ONLINE ORDER
                                 & SHOPPING WCX with CREDIT CARDS, CHECKS, 
                                 CASH ordering. NOT CRIPPLED! Handles CC,  
                                 Checks, TABS w/ 14 Sale Areas, NO LIMIT!  
                                 Multiline OK, Message Importing, NO THIRD 
                                 party utils needed, uses WC! internal     
                                 features. Handles Extra fees, Primary or  
                                 Secondary profiles. Can Shell to run a    
                                 Batch File/Door, Handles profiles, Exp.   
                                 dates, and User Exclusion, Alternate &    
                                 French Menus, Supports Gif image, ATS &   
                                 Dragon Pkts. No-ANSI/Ansi, AND wcBILLING  
                                 TradeWare (C) Maddog Productions 1994-1996
ctoss1a.zip    76717 08-05-2024 Ol' 3-Legs CoinToss! - CoinToss v1.0a [IGM]
                                In-Game-Module for DogWorld RPG doorgame.
                                Easy install and setup! Give it a try!
                                **Freeware** No registration required!
                                This version fixes a small error in the
                                install program.
ctrs101.zip    96944 08-05-2024 *** CONNECTRIS * VGA PUZZLE GAME ***
                                A unique variation on the falling
                                tile theme. Full mouse and sound
                                card support! Mode-X graphics!
                                From the author of G-STONES III.
cube200.zip    72884 08-05-2024 The Cube v2.00 By DKS Software. Most 
                                BBS's supported. The Computer randomly
                                twists a cube and you have to twist it
                                back in its original position. 
                                Multi-Node and Desqview Aware.When 
                                registered features make-up missed 
                                days and bulletin generator.
cube_2d100.z       0 01-01-1980 The Cube v1.00ް - BLand Software  (RIP Only
                                A simplified RIP Graphics version of the
                                Rubik's Cube.    Features a complete 
                                click  GUI for the user!   Very easy to
                                Reg.: $20         (Expires 30 Days From
cube_2d100.zip  108349 08-05-2024 The Cube v1.00ް - BLand Software  (RIP Only
                                A simplified RIP Graphics version of the
                                Rubik's Cube.    Features a complete 
                                click  GUI for the user!   Very easy to
                                Reg.: $20         (Expires 30 Days From
cummac12.zip   35357 08-05-2024 Cum As You Are Slut Machine - v1.0
                                BBS Door.  No Cherries And Bars In
                                This Door! Spin The Wheel To Match
                                Up The Female Anatomy To Make Her...
                                UH HUM... Fun Adult Entertainment.
curly100.zip  139756 08-05-2024 ڿCURLY'S CASINO version 1.0Ŀڿ
                                  Addon Module for King's Crown  
                                 Includes: In-Between, Odds-N-Evens,
                                  Roulette, Dawg Races, Lottery, and   
                                  Slot Machines. 100% configurable.   
                                Ŀ   RIP 1.54 & RIP 2.0 & ANSI     Ŀ
cvlwar48.zip  118350 08-05-2024 Civil War Door Game Version 4.8 
                                   From Late-Nite Software
                                Multiple BBS', ANSI, HST, 115k 
                                 baud and 99 Nodes Supported !
cvlwar50.zip   76920 08-05-2024 [ The Civil War! ] v5.0a BBS Door
                                ANSI graphics, multi-node and DTE
                                port speeds 115kbps. See how well
                                you can do with your troops in the
                                continuing battle between North &
cvtdoor.zip    26657 08-05-2024 CVTDOOR: CONVERT/ALTER DOOR.SYS TO SUIT!
                                From UltraSoft! Convert DOOR.SYS any way. 
                                For DOORS that won't run, for SYSOP Name 
                                Changes for DOORS, for running Doors that 
                                just won't run anymore. Zero line 23, the 
                                long one, with extensive Conferences that 
                                lock up Doors. Multiple-Uses. A BBS MUST!
cwords70.zip  149853 08-05-2024 CrossWords v7.0 
                                is a door program unlike any 
                                other of its kind.  Users may
                                choose to solve ANY of the 
                                clues they wish! SYSOP configurable
                                as to the number of plays allowed 
                                per puzzle. Best of all, the 
                                Registered version gives the 
                                SYSOP the capability of importing 
                                more cross word puzzles into the 
                                game. CrossWords has been tested 
                                and supports the DOOR.SYS drop file 
                                (standard 52 line format) as well 
                                as many other formats. Baud rates 
                                to 115kb.
cyber209.zip   37192 08-05-2024 
cybr_112.zip  205560 08-05-2024 CYBERSPACE Version 1.12
                                Cyberspace was created by Patrick Hunlock,
                                based on the Holodeck by Jon Boede.
                                Welcome to Cyberspace! Look around and marvel
                                Anything you can think of, you can create here
                                The world, nay, the Universe, is yours to
                                and play with Sit back, put your feet up,
                                time to begin.
c_town20.zip  121687 08-05-2024 
d2d113.zip    325294 08-05-2024 /^^\/^^/--\--!/^^^\---\^^\!-/^^^\^
                                :\    / +  : _ ==: = :    :  +  !
                                ! \__/____/____]__/_]_:_\__:\___/~
                                =-     Dust2Dust v1.11    -=
                                          NOW INTERBBS!         
                                          NOW INTERBBS!         
                                          NOW INTERBBS!         
                                  DUST2DUST: THE GOD MACHINE  
                                NEW release of the fab BBS game!  
                                      Tired of LORD clones?           
                                                  Well this game
                                is  something  new  in  the  BBS
                                world._More_ sophisticated than 
                                the  fantastic Civilization, but
                                it's  not  even  close!  Superb       
                                ANSI ingame graphics! Tonnes  of
                                variety,   action,   humour  and
                                interaction!  Don't  miss out on
                                the new wave. !WOW! 40 Missions!
                                       Dust to Dust v1.11       
                                Copyright 1996..1998 Luke Miller
                                       All Rights Reserved.     
dag212.zip   1381376 08-05-2024 Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall 1.07.212
daga.zip       34344 08-05-2024 
dalgames.zip 2230858 08-05-2024 11 FREEWARE DOS Door Games by Bob Dalton
                                Included in this archive are 11 DOS ANSI/
                                ASCII Door Games and their key codes.
                                Games included are GodFather of Crime,
                                Rise To Power, Death by Trivia, Adventure
                                Door Game Toolkit, CampTown Races, Escape,
                                Grunt Fest, Ship of the Line, Task Force
                                Broadside, Way Freight and BioGuide.
dare30.zip    101975 08-05-2024 
dark019r.zip  411192 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 Dark Lands 0.19 lph 
                                  Platform :  real dos 
                                Dark Lands is a RPG    
                                game where player can  
                                choose over 12 races   
                                and over 60 sub-races  
                                each with their own    
                                skills. They alse can  
                                build their own cities,
                                make war, battle each  
                                other, go on quests.   
                                The data file editor is
                                included so that you   
                                can customize the map, 
                                monsters,weapons and   
                                other game item.       
                                Dark Lands require     
                                a fossil to work, and  
                                is email-ware.         
dart1.zip     110737 08-05-2024 Trivia Darts Version 1.0 combines the game
                                of Darts with trivia!  The player throws
                                the dart and is asked a trivia question.
                                If right then the player receives the points
                                he made on the dart board.  Also features
                                ansimusic sound effects.
data122b.zip  314458 08-05-2024           --==> BBS Utiliteez <==--
                                +++++++++ The DataDoor Version 1.22 +++++++++
                                Others may claim to be Easy, The Ultimate, or
                                The Brain of file download doors, but none of
                                them match the features or ease of use of The
                                DataDoor! This one supports all types of disk
                                drives as well as datatape drives. Just check
                                it out yourself and see which is the easiest,
                                fastest, and has the most features!  Supports
                                Shotgun, Wildcat, and RemoteAccess user bases
                                and 5 different message base formats. Offline
                                file requests, message tossing, read/view and
                                download any file inside of archives, updates
                                FILE_ID.DIZ  before download,  works over any
                                network, and a whole lot more!  Get more bang
                                for your buck and - GET THE DATADOOR TODAY!!!
                                    !Fully Functional While Unregistered!
data220a.zip  538384 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 BBS Utiliteez Software 
                                 The DataDoor v2.20a  is probably the most 
                                 advanced file download door available. It 
                                 is probably even easier for your users to 
                                 understand than your BBS's file menu. You 
                                 can provide files from Hard Disk, CD-ROM, 
                                 Data Tape, and about any other media type 
                                 imaginable.  Tosses messages to the sysop 
                                 when offline files are requested and also 
                                 to the user when  offline files are ready 
                                 for them to download.  Supports ANSI, RIP 
                                 and the all new MAX Graphics. There's too 
                                 many features to list in this small area, 
                                 download it today and judge for yourself! 
datelog.zip    53516 08-05-2024 
davaeawa.zip  329494 08-05-2024 EMPIRES AT WAR Door Game - Vers 2.53
                                Game of conquest and empire building
                                in Napoleonic Europe. Geographical and
                                political maps. Inter-BBS capable.
                                Six players per game - 6 empires -
                                France, England, Prussia, Austria,
                                Russia, and Ottoman Turks. Economics,
                                politics, weather, army and navy
                                building, morale, leaders, events
                                like rebellions or alliances.
                                DAVASOFT BBS 718 967-6827
davesbar.zip  102915 08-05-2024 DAVESBAR.  A conversation door where caller's
                                can use a full screen
                                 editor to leave up to three lines in a
                                message.  This is an ANSI based
                                 door with a full-screen ANSI editor.  Random
                                messages from "Dave the
                                 bartender" are inserted at random as callers
                                read messages.  Callers
                                 have the option to "colorize" messages they
                                 Run DDSETUP to configure the door (drop file
                                 Call BARMAINT xx in your batch file using
                                "xx" as the number of messages
                                   you want to retain in the database. 
                                BARMAINT will eliminate earlier
                                   messages so your callers don't wade through
                                messages from 1989.
                                 DOOR6.BAT is an example batch file which runs
                                the program and then trims
                                   the database to 20 messages afterward.
dawn100.zip   145073 08-05-2024 DAWN v1.00 - The semi-intelligent bbs door.
                                Dawn is an example of artificial intelligence
                                that supports most bbs drop files.  Simple
da_list1.zip   56124 08-05-2024 
db209.zip     238453 08-05-2024    DUNGEON BATTLE 2 [v2.09]   
                                RPG Door. Update Adds SLICK new Menu
                                System, ATRIX-CODE Interface, Open  
                                Ended Dungeon Interface. More Magic,
                                Ansi's, Secrets & MORE! It doesn't  
                                get any better than this! Can Now   
                                use DOOR.SYS!   Shareware - Reg $15
dba102.zip    247416 08-05-2024 DEATH BY ADRENALINE--The Ultimate Onliner.
                                Game designed for bulletin board systems, but
                                it can be run without a BBS as well!
                                Absolutely packed with ANSI graphics, ANSI
                                music, and the works! You are your average
                                hoodlum out cruising the town and living on
                                the edge! Lots of blood, sex, violence, and
                                stealing! Grab a copy and try it out today!
dblsol12.zip   98431 08-05-2024 Double Solitaire v1.2. Play against the
                                computer in this DOOR version of the classic
                                game. From J & W Software. New: support for
                                FOSSIL ports > 8, Windows and OS/2 time
                                slices released, alias support (DOOR.SYS
                                only). Features: ANSI and RIPscrip graphics,
                                Multi-node support, easy setup and
                                no maintenance.
dbstat10.zip   60853 08-05-2024 DoorBill Stat Generator v1.0a - Create nice
                                looking statistics from your Doorbill log
                                file. Creates Top Ten users and Top Ten doors
                                used. Creates ANSI & ASCii bulletins.
                                Best of all: This is Freeware - No Fee to pay
                                Garrett Whitney - Gamma Software Design
dbt100.zip    250582 08-05-2024 DEATH BY TRIVIA Door Game and Construction
                                Set - Version 1.00 - Stop paying for
                                individual Trivia Category Door Games!
                                With Death By Trivia you can design your
                                own or let your users design trivia
                                categories for use by the DBT Door Game.
                                Up to 10 different categories can be
                                played in the same directory. Includes
                                a distributable stand-alone DOS trivia
                                category design and construction program
                                which includes mouse support!  Multi-node
                                capable. Supports most BBS Software
                                packages, including PC Board Vers 15 &
                                WildCat 4.10. The game is RIP aware, does
                                not require a fossil, but will make use of
                                one if it is available, supports interupts
                                0-15, selectable port addresses, Com ports
                                1-4, and speeds up to 115,200 baud.
                                Automatic Windows, WindowsNT, and OS/2
                                time slice releasing. DESQview
                                supported. $20.00
dbttdr05.zip  205966 08-05-2024 DBTTdoor v0.5 - DataBase Manager for Tiny
                                Tafels door. Give to your users a way to
                                access, select and download TT's from your TT
                                DataBase. TT lines can be searched by Surname
                                (partial, exact or soundex code). Very
                                usefull for genealogy researchers on your
                                BBS. DBTTmgr is included for maintaining the
                                DataBase. DOS version. Needs GSZ.
dcat16.zip     46364 08-05-2024        ͵Door-Cat! V1.6
                                Door-Cat! will create\update your Door Menus. 
                                It will very quickly generate a BBS and fully
                                mouseable .RIP Menus, much faster than the 
                                other softwares.  
                                Door-Cat! will also convert Dropfiles so that
                                RIP callers may recieve color in the "older" 
                                door games.  Easy to setup, and only $9.95!
                                D\L me now, and check out the great features 
                                including status bar and speed!
                                **** Samples included!
                                *+*+ Updated for more speed with
                                     smaller\faster\better RIP!
                                **** New SHARE Error protection!
                                **** No more - PAUSE - Prompts!
dchase10.zip  116217 08-05-2024 Deluxe Chase 1.0: a great graphical ANSI Door
                                for most BBSs.
ddeal.zip     104004 08-05-2024 
ddice24.zip    64936 08-05-2024  DIAMOND DICE 2.4 Game Door Program ޳
                                 Challenging & highly addictive dice game!
                                 Supports PCBoard 12.0 -> 14.5, WildCat!,
                                 DOOR.SYS and DORINFOx.DEF System  files.  
                                 Supports non-std ports & FOSSIL Drivers.
ddjr15.zip     72935 08-05-2024  DIAMOND DICE JR 1.5 BBS Game Door ޳
                                 Challenging & highly addictive dice game!
                                 Supports PCBoard 12.0 -> 14.5, WildCat!,
                                 DOOR.SYS and DORINFOx.DEF System  files.  
                                 Supports non-std ports & FOSSIL Drivers.
ddmen271.zip  116377 08-05-2024 This program allows a door to open up to many
                                It also keeps the door usage statistics.
ddoor400.zip   35967 08-05-2024 
ddown11a.zip   80613 08-05-2024               DreamDOWN v1.1
                                        The ULTIMATE Download Door!
                                  Use to allow users to download special
                                   files (BBS info, ever changing files,
                                  etc)  Configure each downloadable file
                                    by password and/or security level.
                                   Automatically reads file_id.diz from
                                   the file if available.  Downloadable
                                   filelist and more!  Multi-Node aware!
                                    NOT CRIPPLED!!!  $10 Registration.
dd_lite.zip   150926 08-05-2024 DATA DOWNS LITE v1.00 Horse Racing Door
                                DOS Online Door Game works with
                                virtually all BBS programs.  Features
                                include real time Post Time Clock; real
                                time odds updated using simulated
                                "virtual betters"; thoroughbred horse
                                races from 5 1/2 furlongs to 1 1/8 mile
                                long; all types of bets, including
                                Quinella, Trifecta, Exacta, and Daily
                                Double; maintains a Racing Form type
                                history of all horses and their past
                                performances; circular race track.
                                Copyright 1996,1997 John Ellis, Idaho
                                Central Interchange BBS (208) 677-2028
deadn13.zip   534791 08-05-2024 DEADLY NIGHTS VERSION 1.3    
                                The Best Vampire Door Game in
                                North  America  Now  supports
                                In Game  Modules! Your a huge
                                Vampire  Hunter trying to rid
                                the town  of the ugly  vamps!
                                Movies,  Hospitals,  Dungeons
                                Hermits,  Trash Cans(?!), and
                                a  lot more stuff,  Including
                                RIP graphics  and Ansi Music!
                                Also supports Most Drop files
                                Fossil Drivers,  and also non
                                standard IRQ's!              
death150.zip  213053 08-05-2024 DEATH MASTERS v1.50  [ BBS-DOOR 2-21-96 ]
                                Two levels added, New spell (BLINDNESS),and
                                ALL KNOWN BUGS KILLED (including 1 serious)
                                A door game with intense gruesome action!!
                                Fully MULTINODE aware! 50-Node public chat,
                                telegrams, live battles, etc. Popup boxes
                                and scrollable menus provide an easy to use
                                interface: players concentrate on escaping
                                hell, not on learning the game. Supports
                                non-standard settings, FOSSIL, and more!
deathq.zip     12612 08-05-2024 Trials of Death : Exitilus Quest
                                (5 days / Hard) by: Robb Boswell
deface11.zip   52494 08-05-2024               Dungeon Defacement  Ŀ
                                           ڳ Copyright  August 1995 
                                      ij   This graffiti wall    
                                              includes LiteBars.   
                                                 Version 1.10     
deflecto.zip   87497 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> DEFLECTO v1.5 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
                                Object is to get all of the targets by
                                placing deflectors on the board to change
                                directions.  Fully functional, supports
                                multiple BBS formats, file sharing for
                                multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4,
                                IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
deluxe30.zip  131278 08-05-2024 
derby11.zip    76288 08-05-2024 
destruct.zip   87993 08-05-2024 DESTROY HARD DRIVE JOKE DOOR Let your callers
                                destroy their hard drives! Just a joke...
                                Does no harm!
deton31.zip    55705 08-05-2024 
deven1_0.zip   58108 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                        DEVENT.EXE V1.0         
                                   Random events creator for    
                                   the BBS door game DOGWORLD   
                                  * UK BBS support available *  
                                    * Author Colin Birch *      
                                    Sysop The Dog House BBS     
                                     (01443) 400327 24hrs       
                                   Latest files - 27 Oct 1997   
deven1_1.zip   58739 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                        DEVENT.EXE V1.1         
                                   Random events creator for    
                                   the BBS door game DOGWORLD   
                                  * UK BBS support available *  
                                    * Author Colin Birch *      
                                    Sysop The Dog House BBS     
                                     (01443) 400327 24hrs       
                                   Latest files - 13 Apr 1999   
devtav1.zip    55558 08-05-2024 DEVONSHIRE'S TAVERN! v1.0 Come in, have a beer
                                 chat with the locals,
                                get the latest gossip.  We've been waiting for
                                you. A Brand new BBS Door
                                For systems using DOOR.SYS.  Check it out!
dgwrl154.zip  406686 08-05-2024 DogWorld v1.54  -  Advanced RPG Door Game!
                                **AN RPG THATS  REALLY GONE TO THE DOGS!**
                                New inventory items & smart NPC oneliners!
                                Multinode, non-standard irq's, locked baud
                                to 115k. Fossil/internal.  Major dropfiles
                                supported. Be one of 16 breed of dog. Beat
                                the evil Dog Catcher!  Amazingly  detailed
                                Rip Graphics! In-game RIP icon D/L, unique
                                IGM  support,  144 enemies and much, more.  
                                ***ALL YOUR USERS WILL LOVE THIS GAME!!***
                                Cothran Computing -- registration - $20.00
dgwrl2fx.zip  616817 08-05-2024 DogWorld ][ SOUND EFFECTS!  - DGWRL2FX.ZIP
                                **AN RPG THATS  REALLY GONE TO THE DOGS!**
                                This archive contains over *40* sounds for
                                the new  DogWorld v2.00!  Just unzip these
                                WAV files into your present RipTerm2 ICONS 
                                directory! **YOU'LL LOVE IT !!**
dgwrl301.zip  483415 08-05-2024 DogWorld ][ v3.01  - Advanced RPG DoorGame!
                                ** AN RPG THATS REALLY GONE TO THE DOGS! **
                                NEW FREEWARE VERSION RELEASED! RIP2 SOUND &
                                ANIMATION! Quest scripting language! Highly
                                detailed RipGraphics & Ingame RIP icon D/L.
                                Supports 999 IGMs/999 DogQuests! Multinode,
                                nonstandard irq's, locked baud to 115k. All
                                major dropfiles are supported. Be one of 16
                                breed of dogs.  Beat  the evil DogCatcher!!
                                *** ALL YOUR USERS WILL LOVE THIS GAME! ***
                                Cothran Computing  -  registration - FREE!!
dhang11a.zip  282772 08-05-2024              DreamHANG v1.1a
                                     The ULTIMATE Online HangMan game!
                                            100% ANSi Grafix.
                                   Over 31,000!! words in the database!
                                     Your callers will LOVE this door
                                      version of the classic game!!!
                                    Supports all the most popular BBS's
                                          Multi-node Compatible!
                                    NOT CRIPPLED!!!   $10 Registration
                                           ATLANTIS SOFTWARE!
dhilo12.zip   107295 08-05-2024 Deluxe HiLo Version 1.12
                                Popular Card Game from
                                Suburban Software - Author of
                                the most popular Trivia game 
                                for BBS Systems, King of the Board.
                                Supports Fossil Drivers
                                Non-Standard IRQ's
                                Supports ALL Major BBS's
dhouse13.zip   41914 08-05-2024 Dog House! v1.3. Great Who Dropped Carrier
                                Lister For
                                Wildcat! 3.XX & 4.XX. Lists all callers who
                                carrier for the day, where they called from,
                                how many
                                times they dropped carrier today, and the
                                total of
                                dropped carriers for the day! This program
                                does not
                                list the callers names who dropped carrier
                                once for
                                every time they dropped, it keeps a total
                                number of
                                times that caller dropped carrier for the day,
                                to their name listed once! Now with a "Big
                                **FREEWARE** From Thomas J. Smith!
dhscop34.zip  131187 08-05-2024 DHSCOPE3 Your Daily Horoscope v3.4; Uses
                                astrology and the positions of the planets to
                                plot out your daily horoscope.  Allows you to
                                save the horoscope for every sign into an
                                ASCII text file to display as you wish.  Will
                                know the sign of a user every time he or she
                                enters this door upon initial run.  Lots of
                                features for registered owners. Creates PCB,
                                ASCII and ANSI text files.
dhscop41.zip  118059 08-05-2024    -=> Daily Horoscope Door Version 4.1 <=-
                                The popular Horoscope Door has  finally  been
                                updated   and  now  has  support  for  Fossil
                                Drivers!  A great door for any BBS will  even
                                create  a  bulletin of all the horoscopes for
                                your users!  A must  for  any  NEW  AGE  BBS!
                                Written by James R. Davis! - DavisWARE!
dh_2dmsm13.z       0 01-01-1980 Merchant Street Murders 1.30: DH Add-On
                                Merchant Street Murders is an Add-on compaign
                                pack for Dark Harvest.  Players become part
                                of an animated tale of mystery, murder, and
                                monsterous agendas. This four part compaign
                                includes: The Merchant Street Murders, Secret
                                Of The Signet Ring, Into The Lair, And The
                                Tomb Of Fenris The Manwolf. Req. Dark Harvest
                                ========= Requires LI-TERM 1.00+ ============
dh_2dmsm13.zip 2608569 08-05-2024 Merchant Street Murders 1.30: DH Add-On
                                Merchant Street Murders is an Add-on compaign
                                pack for Dark Harvest.  Players become part
                                of an animated tale of mystery, murder, and
                                monsterous agendas. This four part compaign
                                includes: The Merchant Street Murders, Secret
                                Of The Signet Ring, Into The Lair, And The
                                Tomb Of Fenris The Manwolf. Req. Dark Harvest
                                ========= Requires LI-TERM 1.00+ ============
dialv11.zip   148195 08-05-2024 DIAL-A-DATE  v1.1
                                Now your users can enter Dial-A-Date
                                and interact with each other.  Users
                                can view other Users information,
                                search for a Match for themselves
                                based on 6 different search requests
                                and write mail back and forth with
                                each other.  Fully multinode, support
                                for fossil drivers, non standard IRQ's,
                                bauds to 115,200 and much more!
                                (C)opyright 1998 Lounge Software
diamnd13.zip   72278 08-05-2024 Diamond Solitaire v1.3 Door
                                From BG Creations Release Date 8-6-95.
                                A challenging solitaire game with many
                                features. When registered features a
                                bulletin generator, calendar, single or
                                multi-node operation & free updates to
                                later versions.
dice30.zip     97401 08-05-2024 
dich.zip      101365 08-05-2024 
dict_103.zip   79176 08-05-2024 
din_2d105.zi       0 01-01-1980 Dino v1.05  You are in the mystical 
                                labyrinth of DINO. You are in search 
                                of the 13 treasures of rule. There is 
                                a reward on your head!  Dinosaur's are 
                                out to get you!  Be fast or die.
din_2d105.zip  118498 08-05-2024 Dino v1.05  You are in the mystical 
                                labyrinth of DINO. You are in search 
                                of the 13 treasures of rule. There is 
                                a reward on your head!  Dinosaur's are 
                                out to get you!  Be fast or die.
dircmp1b.zip   49958 08-05-2024 DIRCOMP 1.0 PCB/ProDoor file list utility.
                                Compares two file lists and produces 3 new
                                lists.  Two of them contain the files unique
                                to each of the input files.  The third lists
                                the files that are common to the input files.
                                Very handy for those who do a lot of DL'ing.
                                Makes preparing Upload and Download lists a
                                real snap.  Fully functional ShareWare. $10
disarm15.zip   47512 08-05-2024 
disc130.zip   183680 08-05-2024 Ϳ
                                       DiSCLAIMER v1.30       
                                 A new 'fun' disclaimer  door 
                                 for    most    BBSes    that 
                                 support: DOOR.SYS, CHAIN.TXT 
                                 DORINFOx.DEF,   EXITINFO.BBS 
                                 SFDOORS.DAT, and CALLINFO.   
                                 Displays any ASC / ANS / AVT 
                                 disclaimer  file  and  waits 
                                 for the user to  select  yes 
                                 or no.  Displays  background 
                                 ANSI  animations   and   can 
                                 delete the user's account.   
                                      * Download Now!! *      
                                     The Fonty Towers BBS     
disntrv4.zip  126246 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>> DISNEY TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of Disney movies and shows.  Fully
                                functional, supports multiple BBS formats,
                                file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to
                                115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4,
                                IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
disp10.zip     21122 08-05-2024 Display Door v1.0 - Use this to display
                                On-Line Magazines or whatever you need.
                                Allows downloading in the Door. You
                                customize the door.  FREEWARE from
                                G.Freymann Doorware.
disply10.zip   28912 08-05-2024 DISPLAY v.1.0 By UltimaWARE.
                                Displays screens to the user.  
                                Can be used in a logon sequence 
                                or off a Menu.  Can also be used 
                                to alert users of a door that is 
                                out of order.  Autodetects 
                                presence of files in stages.  If 
                                ANSI, then it searches for the ANS 
                                extension.  If not found then it 
                                will look for a BBS extension.
                                If neither are found it swiftly 
                                exits.  To conserve disk space you 
                                can create only the one file for 
                                all terminal types.  Sysop defined 
                                colors!  FREEWARE!
dizl140.zip   196299 08-05-2024 The DiZList v1.4  Shareware version of the
                                best filelist creator available today!  For
                                ANY BBS, or no BBS at all - creates lists of
                                files and descriptions in 8 attractive styles
                                supports 7 archivers,unlimited configurations
                                Easy to install and setup.  Supports Windows,
                                Multi-taskers, DOS, OS/2, and CD-ROMS. 
                                Features you won't find in any other 
                                filelister in the world!  Copyright 1997, 
                                Mind Over Byte Software
dj11.zip      112321 08-05-2024 Double Joker v1.0 door game. Popular hi/low
                                card game.
djcv02.zip     52190 08-05-2024 [Drake's Jackpot Casino v0.2]
                                 The first IGM for use with  
                                 Drakeville 2.21+! Enter the 
                                 casino and try to make your 
                                  fortune, playing any of 5  
                                  different games. Only $5   
                                        to register!         
dlords13.zip 2068428 08-05-2024 DUNGEON LORDS 1.3 - DDO-F/X Online Adventure.
                                Dungeon Lords F/X utilizes DDO-F/X to create
                                an outstanding interface for this fast action
                                Fantasy adventure game.  You command a party
                                of 4 characters to help the small town of
                                Midmeadow clear the forgotten dungeons of
                                spine castle.  You must compete with other
                                players for the fortune and glory to be had.
                                ========= Requires LI-TERM 1.00+ ============
dlotto06.zip   88969 08-05-2024            Dave's Lotto 0.6
                                Cheap  to  register!   Only  $3!  Public
                                release!  Have your users try and  match
                                the  computer!  Registered   SysOp's can
                                have the high scores saved! Fun for all!
dluc10.zip     51999 08-05-2024 
dl_2done14.z       0 01-01-1980 DL-Oneliner v1.4 For WC5 * 32Bit WcCode 
                                This is a Great Oneliner program for WINS
                                Please, Download and check it out. Its FREE!
                                Contact JERRE ROSE or read the sysop.doc for
                                other contact information.
                                Written At: Dark Lands BBS
                                -= Updated 07/04/97 =-
dl_2done14.zip    7496 08-05-2024 DL-Oneliner v1.4 For WC5 * 32Bit WcCode 
                                This is a Great Oneliner program for WINS
                                Please, Download and check it out. Its FREE!
                                Contact JERRE ROSE or read the sysop.doc for
                                other contact information.
                                Written At: Dark Lands BBS
                                       -= Updated 07/04/97 =-
dl_utils.zip  163981 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>> DOORLIB DOOR UTILITIES <<<<<<<<<<
                                Config Utility v2.0 and Score Utility v1.5
                                Utilities for use with DoorLib doors.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
dm11s.zip      79536 08-05-2024 Doormind v1.1/standard [Jul-01-94]
                                Doormind monitors door usage, creates graphs,
                                notifies users of number of users running
                                doors and what door, determines most and
                                least active doors, allow single node doors
                                on a multinode system, and much more.
                                Registration: $10 to $15. Made in the U.S.A.
                                Dezone Services, Co. (1:103/203)
dmania30.zip  218881 08-05-2024 Dollarmania! Door v3.00 -- InterBBS
                                online slot machines! Supports various
                                COM ports, multinodes and DESQview aware,
                                TOP 25 bulletin creation, resets every
                                Monday, colorful screens, easy setup,
                                fossil driver support, make-up days, and
                                much more! Another quaility T&J Software
dmblood1.zip  109262 08-05-2024            THE BOOKS OF BLOOD!    
                                  The Complete Epic Saga in Three Chapters!
                                 An Exciting Dungeon Master Action Adventure
                                 From the Very First Steps You Will Be Drawn
                                Into a World of Mysteries and Adventure that
                                    Will keep Players Begging for More!
                                 by Mike Collard -- email: collard@aps.edu
                                ----------  designed with and for
                                  John Dailey's Dungeon Master Environment
                                              (Required to Play)
                                  from Midnight's Realm       (505)254-9415
dmcsv11.zip   371009 08-05-2024 Dungeon Master Construction Set v1.1 Upgrade
                                Build your own COMPLETE 3-D Role Playing Game
                                for  John Dailey's  Dungeon Master  with  the
                                Dungeon Master Construction Set.  The DM Game
                                Module Environment is enclosed  seperately in
                                DMV10.EXE. See details inside  about how  you
                                can get a *FREE* DM  REGISTRATION  simply  by
                                creating  a  DM  game  module!   Registration
                                $15.00US  http://www.johndaileysoftware.com
dmdoor20.zip   32475 08-05-2024 Ļ
                                           DoomDoor v2.0             
                                 BBS Door That Will Allow Users To Post  
                                 Ads About Modem Game Play.  Includes    
                                 Fields For Times To Call, Phone Numbers 
                                 And Much More.  Reg Only $5.00.         
                                         D/Rk Technologies          
dmdtrv42.zip  144928 08-05-2024 Diamond Trivia  v4.2  Feature Update!
                                A BBS door program concerning trivia
                                of our national pasttime, BaseBall.
                                Now creates RIP bulletins and has a
                                RIPSCRIP interface.
                                Another BBS Door program form PAROLE
                                Software and Dennis Maidon.
dmfaq.zip      27244 08-05-2024 John Dailey's Dungeon Master FAQ Rev 01970A
                                Frequently asked questions (FAQ) text file
                                (revision #01970A) about John Dailey's
                                Dungeon Master, a high-speed, SOLID 3-D
                                ANSI polygon, graphical, and sound capable
                                online doorgame scheduled for its first
                                release, March 1997.
dmii100.zip   879551 08-05-2024 DOORMANIA II - 28 Doorgames In One Package!
                                DOORMANIA II: Bring Your Callers Back!
                                Players Move Around A 3-Tier Monopoly-Style
                                Playboard.  Every Move They Make Leads To A
                                Different Door Game;  28 Door Games In All!
                                20-Pick Keno,  5x5 Solitaire,  Balloon Pop,
                                Bingo,  Blackjack,  Chance Board, Colossal,
                                Concentration, Deluxe CardGuess, Derby Day,
                                Escape From The Pokey, HighRoller II, Jacks
                                Or Better, Lo-Man Out,Lucky Seven,MineZone,
                                Mini-Nav Grid,  Penny  Stocks, Plinko, Safe
                                Cracker, Simple Pleasures(Special Edition),
                                Simple Slots, Solitaire,Sratch'n Win, Thats
                                Life Cards, Tris,  Trivia Master, and  Word
                                Board. All Challenge Your Callers To Be The
                                Best!  Monthly And  All-Time  High  Scorers
                                Recorded.This isn't an update To DoorMania;
                                It's The LONG AWAITED SEQUAL!
dminfo.zip     52012 08-05-2024 John Dailey's Dungeon Master Info/Screens
                                Informational text & screen shots outlining
                                game features, distribution locations, and
                                where to get more information about this
                                incredible 3-D, high-speed, online game
                                package. Included are five executable
                                demonstration programs of sample screen
                                shots and comparisons between current
                                text, menu-driven online applications.
dmi_2d345.zi       0 01-01-1980 DoorMan v3.45ް - Door Mgnt/Menuing System
                                If you run doors on your BBS and you don't
                                this program then you are making life too
                                for yourself!  This is a *MUST DOWNLOAD*
dmi_2d345.zip  488215 08-05-2024 DoorMan v3.45ް - Door Mgnt/Menuing System
                                If you run doors on your BBS and you don't
                                this program then you are making life too
                                for yourself!  This is a *MUST DOWNLOAD*
dmud096.zip   299386 08-05-2024 DOORMUD v0.96  (16bit/DOS)      [12/28/00]
                                The new doorgame you've been waiting
                                for! DoorMUD is a fully-featured real-time
                                MUD with a game world consisting of over
                                1350 rooms! Has 175 items, 40 spells, 
                                great player interaction, text-based
                                command interface, tons of boss monsters
                                and quests, lots more! Actively supported!
                                More info -- http://dmud.thebbs.org
dmv10.zip     878201 08-05-2024 John Dailey's Dungeon Master v1.0 On-Line RPG
                                breaks the high-speed  barrier with SOLID 3-D
                                ANSI polygon dungeons, awesome ANSI graphics,
                                and sound.  Visually face opponents with this
                                power-packed online game environment complete
                                with three pre-built  adventures.  Build your
                                own COMPLETE RPGs with the  Construction Set,
                                also  included.   Tired of menu-driven games?
                                Check THIS out!  Registration $15.00US
dm_2darena.z       0 01-01-1980            THE ARENA OF BLOOD!    
                                Another Module in the BOOKS OF BLOOD Series
                                ==== Tournament Variation of Quest #2 ====
                                From the Very First Steps You Will Be Drawn
                                Into a World of Mysteries and Adventure that
                                Will keep Players Begging for More!
                                by Mike Collard -- email: collard@aps.edu
                                ----------  designed with and for
                                John Dailey's Dungeon Master Environment
                                (Required to Play)
                                from Midnight's Realm       (505)254-9415
dm_2darena.zip   58901 08-05-2024            THE ARENA OF BLOOD!    
                                 Another Module in the BOOKS OF BLOOD Series
                                ==== Tournament Variation of Quest #2 ====
                                 From the Very First Steps You Will Be Drawn
                                Into a World of Mysteries and Adventure that
                                    Will keep Players Begging for More!
                                 by Mike Collard -- email: collard@aps.edu
                                ----------  designed with and for
                                  John Dailey's Dungeon Master Environment
                                              (Required to Play)
                                  from Midnight's Realm       (505)254-9415
dm_2dblood.z       0 01-01-1980            THE BOOKS OF BLOOD!    
                                The Complete Epic Saga in Three Chapters!
                                An Exciting Dungeon Master Action Adventure
                                From the Very First Steps You Will Be Drawn
                                Into a World of Mysteries and Adventure that
                                Will keep Players Begging for More!
                                by Mike Collard -- email: collard@aps.edu
                                ----------  designed with and for
                                John Dailey's Dungeon Master Environment
                                (Required to Play)
                                from Midnight's Realm       (505)254-9415
dm_2dblood.zip  105344 08-05-2024            THE BOOKS OF BLOOD!    
                                  The Complete Epic Saga in Three Chapters!
                                 An Exciting Dungeon Master Action Adventure
                                 From the Very First Steps You Will Be Drawn
                                Into a World of Mysteries and Adventure that
                                    Will keep Players Begging for More!
                                 by Mike Collard -- email: collard@aps.edu
                                ----------  designed with and for
                                  John Dailey's Dungeon Master Environment
                                              (Required to Play)
                                  from Midnight's Realm       (505)254-9415
dm_2dfirst.z       0 01-01-1980 ******________ FIRST BLOOD! __________*******
                                An Exciting Dungeon Master Adventure with 1st
                                Time Players and Advanced Players in Mind.
                                From the Very First Steps You Will Be Drawn
                                Into a World of Mysteries and Adventure that
                                Will keep Players Begging for More!
                                by Mike Collard -- email: collard@aps.edu
                                ----------  designed with and for
                                John Dailey's Dungeon Master Environment
                                (Required to Play)
                                from Midnight's Realm       (505)254-9415
dm_2dfirst.zip   50274 08-05-2024 ******________ FIRST BLOOD! __________*******
                                An Exciting Dungeon Master Adventure with 1st
                                  Time Players and Advanced Players in Mind.
                                 From the Very First Steps You Will Be Drawn
                                Into a World of Mysteries and Adventure that
                                    Will keep Players Begging for More!
                                 by Mike Collard -- email: collard@aps.edu
                                ----------  designed with and for
                                  John Dailey's Dungeon Master Environment
                                              (Required to Play)
                                  from Midnight's Realm       (505)254-9415
dm_2dlab.zip   75032 08-05-2024            THE LABYRNTH OF BLOOD!    
                                 Sequel to the Books of Blood Epic Adventure!
                                With All NEW Animated Sequences and Locations
                                (Wall Grapics) Unseen before in ANY DM module
                                 6 Unique and Compact Training Grounds to
                                 Prepare you for your Quest in the Labyrnth.
                                 by Mike Collard -- email: collard@aps.edu
                                ----------  designed with and for
                                  John Dailey's Dungeon Master Environment
                                              (Required to Play)
                                  from Midnight's Realm       (505)254-9415
dm_2dspoof.z       0 01-01-1980 The MISS Adventures of BoB the Slob!         
                                A Disgustingly FUNNY Dungeon Master Mod!
                                Spoofing the Original DM Sample Module.
                                Bob's House is a Royal Mess and Only YOU
                                can Save it from Condemnation while BoB
                                Stalls the Board of Health Inspection...
                                A Fast Paced Game Packed with Surprises
                                by Mike Collard -- email: collard@aps.edu
                                ------  designed with and for ------------
                                John Dailey's Dungeon Master Environment
                                (Required to Play)
                                from Midnight's Realm       (505)254-9415
dm_2dspoof.zip   65490 08-05-2024 The MISS Adventures of BoB the Slob!         
                                A Disgustingly FUNNY Dungeon Master Mod!
                                Spoofing the Original DM Sample Module.
                                Bob's House is a Royal Mess and Only YOU
                                can Save it from Condemnation while BoB
                                Stalls the Board of Health Inspection...
                                A Fast Paced Game Packed with Surprises
                                by Mike Collard -- email: collard@aps.edu
                                ------  designed with and for ------------
                                John Dailey's Dungeon Master Environment
                                          (Required to Play)
                                 from Midnight's Realm       (505)254-9415
dnd29src.zip  219765 08-05-2024 The Adventure System v2.9c-4 bbs/door/game 
                                source code in PDS 7.1.
dngsamp.zip    16353 08-05-2024 Arrowbridge II - Sample maps
dnload30.zip   29236 08-05-2024 Download Door v3.0; Fast Downloading of up to
                                nine specified files. This up-date adds
                                RipScript Graphics. You do not have to have a
                                Rip aware BBS to use this program. If your
                                user is running a Rip Terminal programming
                                DownLoad Door will detect the terminal and
                                send the Rip Graphics screens and give the
                                user mouse contol of the menus. If your user
                                has an ANSI terminal then they will get ANSI
                                screens. This version includes a files list
                                and a log file.  MUST HAVE!   GSZ.EXE Found
                                on most bulletin board systems.
dnt10.zip     224975 08-05-2024 Donuts-Brain teaser BBS door...  visit
                                your sysop - have donuts and coffee.
doctor10.zip   63114 08-05-2024 Doctor's Office V1.0
                                FIRST IGM For Smoke IT
                                Easy installation.. Flirt with the nurse.
                                Cure your STD's cause chaos throughout the
dodge101.zip   57077 08-05-2024 Dodge Ball - version 1.1 - BBS Door
                                Just like the old days.  Avoid the
                                flying balls and pickup the treasure
                                to get the high score.
                                No Keys, No Expire
                                Michael Wilson
                                The Village: 408-229-0706
dodge_em.zip   88500 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> DODGE'EM v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
                                Object of the game is for you, the Racer, to
                                try and get all of the .'s before the Jammer
                                gets you.  Arcade style game.  Fully
                                functional, supports multiple BBS formats,
                                file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to
                                115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4,
                                IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
dogfaq10.zip  472877 08-05-2024 DogFAQ Info Door v1.00 from T&J Software and
                                Cindy Tittle Moore. The complete Dog FAQ
                                information door including info on new
                                puppies, problems, vets, publications, and
                                much more! This is a FREE door with regular
                                database updates available from the T&J
                                Software BBS at 717-325-9481. 200+ topics
                                are covered!
dogpd118.zip  119196 08-05-2024 Dogpound is an exciting new Door Game
                                where you become a Dog catcher and
                                compete with other callers to see
                                who can catch the most dogs.
                                Multi-bbs compatible, easy
                                to set up and lots of fun!
domi221.zip    14334 08-05-2024 Dominus Castle v2.21
                                Lord 2 IGM
                                Author: Stephen Walls
                                E-Mail: SaintLocke@aol.com
                                This castle contains a training center 
                                in which only the people in the 
                                castle can use, an Armoury, Wizard, 
                                Generals, even a war room, it also
                                contains 6 bedrooms!  A must have!
                                NEW: Allows people to place 50,000$
                                bounties and you can sneek into other
                                castles. Now Dominus castle has a bank!
                                And, here at Dominus Castle, Bobby
                                likes to spend a weekend relaxing ;)
domino28.zip  219087 08-05-2024 DOMINOES Door Game v2.8 Part of the Sunrise
                                Door Collection. An all time favorite!
                                Fast-paced, challenging simulation of the
                                ever popular game played by everyone.
                                Automatic game reset & Hall of Fame
                                bulletins, at end of month. Makeup any games
                                missed during month. FOSSIL support. NOW
                                FEATURING it's OWN INTERNAL MESSAGE BASE.
                                Send messages to other players! INTER-BBS
domino31.zip  139554 08-05-2024 DOMINOES      -  Door Game     v3.1         .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                An all time favorite! Fast-paced, challenging
                                simulation of the ever popular game played by
                                everyone. Automatic game reset & Hall of Fame
                                bulletins, at end of month. Makeup any games
                                missed during month. FOSSIL support. NOW 
                                FEATURING it's OWN INTERNAL MESSAGE BASE. 
                                Send messages to other players!!!
                                ******** INTER-BBS  capable *****************
dooratio.zip   32716 08-05-2024 
doortime.zip    5168 08-05-2024 
dopewars.zip   98925 08-05-2024 DOPEWARS game with color and sound, includes 
                                source code in C and DOPEDOOR program for BBS
                                SysOps which is safe for online use through  
                                DOORWAY or GATEWAY.  Online help, music from 
                                AC/DC, Metallica, ZZ Top, etc.               
doradvnt.zip   55038 08-05-2024 DOOR ADVENTURE, an adventure in a BBS door.
                                This is the classic Adventure that started
                                it all, turned into a BBS door game.  To
                                make it suitable for a BBS, it observes the
                                BBS's time limit, keeps a separate save
                                file for each player, and has a high-scores
                                list.  The supported door chain files are
                                DORINFO1.DEF, CALLINFO.BBS, CHAIN.TXT, and
                                DOOR.SYS.  Multi-line compatible.  Simple
                                to install.  Freeware.
dormn210.zip   64333 08-05-2024 DorMenu v2.10 - Categorize your doors,
                                restrict users from opening doors based
                                on time and security. Now maintaines a
                                log file of user activity.
                                Supports PCB 14.x along with most other
                                popular bbs systems.
                                DORMENU, DOOR CATEGORIZER
                                Don Cheeks 2.10 05-29-92
dormod22.zip  100810 08-05-2024 TcSoft's Door Moderator Door (control door
                                access) v2.2
                                Assign a door moderator that can either:
                                a) keep a list of users allowed access to a
                                certain door
                                b) keep a list of users not allowed access to
                                a certain door
dorv111.zip   200025 08-05-2024 [DoR][DAY OF RECKONING][DoR][v1.11]
                                  tons of special moves and combos!!!! 
                                 action-packed new fighting abilities 
                                . cool team/fortress fighting, a must! .
                                 fight in ninja-monkeys in the trees! 
                                  discover codes and explore the map!! 
                                . upgrade your weapons, armor, & stats .
                                =FIERCE PLAYER COMPETITION: USERorTEAM!=
                                =Best rpg game out there right now!!!!!=
                                =written by Jason Coo, InfinitySoftware=
                                =new "live switch" revolutionizes doors=
                                =only $10 before Jan. 1, 1996:$15 after=
                                =lots of bugs fixed!====================
dorwrn15.zip   14590 08-05-2024 ***********************************
                                Whether its Bill Gates, or Dr. Doom, 
                                you need a program that will page
                                you if one of your 100 "VIP" or
                                "NON-VIP" users logon.  Unfortunately,
                                most BBS packages dont have such 
                                capabilities.  FORTUNATELY..DORWarn
                                Does!  Try DORWarn Version 1.5 by
                                Donny Brand.  (c) 1994. (Almost '95)
                                ******DORWarn Version 1.5**********
dotd_2d111.z       0 01-01-1980 Drink Of The Day v1.11ް by BLand Software
                                Creates bulletins containing the Ingredients,
                                Recipe, and Glassware of mixed drinks.   Demo
                                includes 159 drinks, 1000 more are available!
                                Now inlcludes RIP!         Registration: $20+
dotd_2d111.zip   60957 08-05-2024 Drink Of The Day v1.11ް by BLand Software
                                Creates bulletins containing the Ingredients,
                                Recipe, and Glassware of mixed drinks.   Demo
                                includes 159 drinks, 1000 more are available!
                                Now inlcludes RIP!         Registration: $20+
doth160.zip   216433 08-05-2024 Dawn of the Hunted BBS Door Game v1.60
                                Dawn of the Hunted is a BBS Door Game that
                                supports all spopular BBS Dropfile formats.
                                Huge upgrade, including many  bug fixes.
                                Drive B errors in DesqView now fixed.  
                                Your a bounty hunter in the cold hard future
                                of tommorow, and its up to you to rid the
                                world of DAGGER.  Take  your gun, and get
                                ready for a wild ride!
doth192.zip   244711 08-05-2024  Dawn of the Hunted v1.92 ۲
                                See what all the talk is about!
                                The easiest to install, funnest
                                to play door around!  Multi-node,
                                and Multi-User!  Shareware.
                                You play a bounty hunter in the
                                cold hard future of tommorow, and
                                its up to you to clean up the
                                streets of New York City, New
                                Orleans, even Dublin, France!
doubles.zip    86956 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>> DOUBLES SOLITARE v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<
                                Object of this solitare game is to get rid
                                of all 52 cards by removing all of the
                                'doubles' or 'pairs' from the screen.  Fully
                                functional, supports multiple BBS formats,
                                file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to
                                115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4,
                                IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
doublest.zip  122388 08-05-2024 
dozpb1.zip    160411 08-05-2024 <->-<->  Defenders of Zentax  <->-<->
                                        v0.57 - Public Beta 1
                                Overhead ANSI RPG with real time
                                player interaction.  Complete
                                multinode and multitasker support.
                                Supports most BBS drop file types.
                                Just as much fun locally too!
                                This version is free!  But I would
                                really appreciate an email with
                                your comments/suggestions.
dp200.zip      36589 08-05-2024 DRAW POKER v2.0 - A multi-player, fully
                                interactive, 5 card, nothing wild, Draw
                                poker door for Falken BBS v7.x or 9.x
                                Dos series.
dplus145.zip  163999 08-05-2024  DownLoad Door Plus 1.45 
                                Bug Fixes - Fixed the forced fearture.
                                Offers a 52 file database.
                                InterActive ANSI & RIP menus, without re-draw
                                Set Security levels, and Force Files!
                                You individually force any # of files on
                                your users. This version adds a database to
                                keep track of WHO downlaoded WHAT.
                                Call DUOnline for the latest version and
                                to make a personalized 30 Day Demo key.
                                513-324-8606.  Needs GSZ or DSZ to work.
dpok141.zip    98940 08-05-2024 Domain Poker v1.41 (UNREGISTERED)
                                A 5 card draw, multi-player, interactive
                                poker game for Synchronet BBS systems.
                                Supports multiple tables/limits and an
                                intelligent computer opponent.
dpoll013.zip  395777 08-05-2024 Diskpoll 0.1.3 - Public Domain by T. Ernst
                                Diskpoll exchanges mail  and files between
                                FTN systems that have mutual access to the
                                filesystems    where    their     outbound
                                directories   are  stored.   You  can  use
                                diskpoll to transfer  mail  from your node
                                mailer's  outbound  to  your  sysop  point
                                system's inbound or to a fidogate  inbound
                                directory.   Supports  Binkley  style  and
                                "plain"  outbound  directories.   Includes
                                english documentation, source code for any
                                Unix-like system  (including  Linux),  and
                                standalone OS/2, DOS and Win32 binaries.
dr14_300.zip   37046 08-05-2024 BBS Door Review door. Supports several BBS
                                formats and baud rates up to 115,200.
dragon30.zip  257639 08-05-2024 The Dragon's Claw v.3.0 - In your quest to
                                slay the evil Baldor you will explore the
                                richly illustrated ANSI terrain, delve into
                                the depths of multi-level dugeons, fight
                                other players and over 200 monsters, and
                                collect fabulous weapons and magical
                                relics.   Uses fossil, or interrupt driven
                                COM routines for best compatability. 
drake30.zip   211788 08-05-2024 * Drakeville v3.0 *Ŀ
                                 The exiting 4 player engine RPG  
                                gets even better. You can now play
                                evil parties.  Superb combat! IGM 
                                support ,ansi bulletins and much  
                                more. Who will be the first to    
                                kill MALAKY or the COUNCIL!       
                                * Drakeville v3.0 *
drawpkr.zip   140577 08-05-2024 
drawpo15.zip  156687 08-05-2024 Draw Poker v1.5 On-Line Door Game
                                Here is a nice ANSI Draw Poker game that your
                                users will love.  Has many nice features to
                                the game.  Tells the player who won and why.
                                DRAW POKER ONLINE DOOR GAME
                                Worldwide Programming (209) 325-0278
dread26.zip   290868 08-05-2024 Dr. Dread--Multi-player BBS Door or local 
                                RPG game. Player challenges. On-line chat.
                                Travel together in Zones. Battle Droids. 
                                Use your wits to make your way past 
                                Sizzlers, Zingers, Force Fields & many 
                                other Electro-Droids to rescue the 
                                Hostage. Watch out for Traps! Animated 
                                color ansi graphics! Secret door Key 
                                Quests for shortcuts thru Zones.
dread29.zip   305697 08-05-2024 NEW 10-MINUTE DREAD VERSION!!!
                                Dr. Dread--Multi-player BBS Door or local 
                                RPG game. Player challenges. On-line chat.
                                Travel together in Zones. Battle Droids. 
                                Use your wits to make your way past 
                                Sizzlers, Zingers, Force Fields & many 
                                other Electro-Droids to rescue the 
                                Hostage. Watch out for Traps! Animated 
                                color ansi graphics! Secret door Key 
                                Quests for shortcuts thru Zones.
dread2n.zip   299610 08-05-2024 Dr. Dread Multi-player BBS Door RPGame. 
                                Player challenges. On-line chat. Travel 
                                together in Zones. Battle Droids. Use your 
                                wits to make your way past Sizzlers, Force 
                                Fields & many other Electro-Droids. Watch 
                                out for Traps! Animated color ansi! Secret 
                                door Key Quests. Supports MANY drop files.
                                Color Messages! Long or 10-Minute options.
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
drk100b2.zip  287107 08-05-2024  /<_____________________________________>\
                                 \___   ____ ____    ______________   ___/>\
                                    /      /  \___    \  \ \___    \   \___/
                                   /      /     /     /  /   /     /     /\
                                __/      /     /     /  /   /     /     / /
                                \_______/     /_____/  /   /_____/     / /
                                 \____\______/\____/__/___/\___\______/ /jp!
                                 damned / a division of demonic productionz
                                       darkness v1.00 beta 2 (public)
                                 lord style game play in a cyberpunk world.
                                 requires a fossil driver and dorinfoX.def
                                          or door.sys drop files.
drlog13a.zip   61056 08-05-2024              DreamLOG v1.3
                                   DreamLOG is a beautiful caller log
                                   display that shows the last 15
                                   callers, node, baud, and location.
                                  OS/2, DesqVIEW, & Windows compatable.
                                   Supports all the most popular BBS'
                                    NOT CRIPPLED!!   $10 Registration
drmace14.zip   79076 08-05-2024 [ Acey Deucy  v1.4 ]Ļ
                                      Acey Deucy, also known as       
                                   'Between the Sheets' and 'High-Low'  
                                 100% Ansi graphics.  Supports all the  
                                  most popular BBS' including WildCat!, 
                                 PCB, WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more! 
                                   OS/2, DesqVIEW & Windows compatable. 
                                 Multi-node Compatable!   NOT CRIPPLED! 
                                   $10 Registration --- A Must See    
                                [ DreamWARE Communications ]ļ
drmann12.zip   76681 08-05-2024 Announce! v1.2: A GREAT Announcement Door!
                                This is your BBS' own running 'NewsRoom'.
                                Run it as a logon event and/or Door.  Fully
                                editable messages/news.  Now with RIP grafix!
                                Supports all the most popular BBS's
drmbjd11.zip   82701 08-05-2024 [ BlackJack Dice v1.1 ]Ļ
                                       Play BlackJack with dice!      
                                  Can you get to 21 before the computer 
                                  opponent does?  Watch it, he's good!  
                                  Incredible AI!  100% Ansi Graphics!   
                                         Supports all the most          
                                 popular BBS' including WildCat!, PCB,  
                                   WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more!    
                                  NOT CRIPPLED!!!  FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!  
                                   $10 Registration --- A Must See    
                                [ DreamWARE Communications ]ļ
drmbox11.zip   82223 08-05-2024 [  BoxDice v1.1  ]Ļ
                                 Based on the classic card/dice game. 
                                    Remove all 24 cards from within     
                                 the box, based on the roll of the dice 
                                 100% Ansi Graphics!   Supports all the 
                                  most popular BBS' including WildCat!, 
                                 PCB, WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more! 
                                  NOT CRIPPLED!!!  FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!  
                                   $10 Registration --- A Must See    
                                [ DreamWARE Communications ]ļ
drmbsp13.zip  112915 08-05-2024 BattleShipv1.3Ŀ
                                        DreamWARE's BattleShip!!        
                                      The classic game of BattleShip      
                                            comes to your BBS !           
                                     100% ANSi Grafix!    EXCELLENT!      
                                   Your users will LOVE this version of   
                                      BattleShip!!!   NOT Crippled!       
                                         Multi-Node Compatable!!          
                                   Read WHATS.NEW   $10 Registration    
drmcds14.zip   78937 08-05-2024 [ Card Sharks v1.4 ]Ļ
                                      Card Sharks, also known as      
                                  High Low.  100% ansi graphics.  OS/2, 
                                 DesqVIEW, Windows compatable!  Multi-  
                                 node compatable! Supports all  he most 
                                 popular BBS' including WildCat!, PCB,  
                                   WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more!    
                                  NOT CRIPPLED!!!  FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!  
                                   $10 Registration --- A Must See    
                                [ DreamWARE Communications ]ļ
drmcd_b.zip    12411 08-05-2024 DreamROM CD List Manager. To allow you
                                 to manage the order of your CD list.
                                 To sort, swap 2 entries or move only
                                 one to a specified position. No DOC
                                 provided, its easy to use.
                                 Another one from TREF Logic BBS
                                 Fabien Tremblay, Riv-Malbaie 
                                 Qc, Canada
                                 (418) 665-7713  USR/DS 28,800
drmcmp10.zip  112085 08-05-2024  Chomper v1.0.  Pacman comes to your BBS!
                                [ Chomper v1.0 ]Ļ
                                        Pacman comes to your BBS!       
                                   How long can you avoid the ghosts?   
                                  Can you eat all the dots before YOU   
                                               are lunch?               
                                 100% Ansi Graphics!   Supports all the 
                                  most popular BBS' including WildCat!, 
                                 PCB, WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more! 
                                  NOT CRIPPLED!!!  FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!  
                                            $10 Registration            
                                [ DreamWARE Communications ]ļ
drmcrp11.zip   79914 08-05-2024 [ DreamCRAPS v1.1 ]Ļ
                                    An EXCELLENT Vegas style Craps    
                                  door for your BBS!  How well can you  
                                     roll the dice?  Try it and see!    
                                 100% Ansi Graphics!   Supports all the 
                                  most popular BBS' including WildCat!, 
                                 PCB, WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more! 
                                  NOT CRIPPLED!!!  FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!  
                                   $10 Registration --- A Must See    
                                [ DreamWARE Communications ]ļ
drmdwn11.zip  103672 08-05-2024 DreamDOWN v1.1: The ULTIMATE Download Door!
                                Use to allow users to download special files
                                (BBS info, ever changing files, etc)
                                Configure each downloadable file by password
                                and/or security level. Automatically reads
                                file_id.diz from the file if available.
                                Downloadable filelist and more!  Multi-Node
drmfr_a.zip     8624 08-05-2024 DRMFRCOP.EXE  - DreamROM FrontShell
                                 for Request Copy. To show before copy
                                 which CDs to get ready. CDs are 
                                 listed as they will be asked by 
                                 REQCOPY. Exits ERRORLEVEL 1 if no 
                                 requests found. Usefull in a batch 
                                 file process... FReq's Magic: DRMFRC
                                 Another one by TREF Logic BBS
                                 Fabien Tremblay (418)665-7713
drmhng10.zip  308430 08-05-2024 DreamHANG v1.0 The ULTIMATE Online HangMan
                                game! 100% ANSi Grafix. Over 31,000!! words
                                in the database! Your callers will LOVE this
                                door. version of the classic game! Supports
                                all the most popular BBS'. Multi-node
drmhng11.zip  291579 08-05-2024  DreamHANG v1.1 Ļ
                                   The ULTIMATE Online HangMan game!  
                                           100% ANSi Grafix.            
                                  Over 31,000!! words in the database!  
                                    Your callers will LOVE this door    
                                     version of the classic game!!!     
                                   Supports all the most popular BBS'   
                                         Multi-node Compatable!         
                                   NOT CRIPPLED!!!   $10 Registration   
                                             A MUST SEE !!            
                                 DreamWARE Communications ļ
drmjot10.zip   87054 08-05-2024 [ Pog v1.0 ]Ļ
                                  The childhood game comes to your BBS! 
                                    Can you guess the 3-letter word     
                                  in under 10 tries?  Sound easy?  Try  
                                              it and see!               
                                 100% Ansi Graphics!   Supports all the 
                                  most popular BBS' including WildCat!, 
                                 PCB, WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more! 
                                  NOT CRIPPLED!!!  FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!  
                                            $10 Registration            
                                [ DreamWARE Communications ]ļ
drmlgt10.zip   77477 08-05-2024 [ Lights Out v1.0 ]Ļ
                                      The Rubic's Cube of the 90's      
                                 The object of the game is to turn out  
                                 all the lighted blocks on the 5x5 grid 
                                 Sound easy?  .  Games Magazine says 
                                     "...the answer to Rubic's Cube."   
                                 100% Ansi Graphics!   Supports all the 
                                  most popular BBS' including WildCat!, 
                                 PCB, WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more! 
                                  NOT CRIPPLED!!!  FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!  
                                     $10 Registration - A Must See      
                                [ DreamWARE Communications ]ļ
drmoth12.zip   89931 08-05-2024 Othello v1.2: The classic board-game comes to
                                your BBS! 100% ANSi Grafix. Othello has
                                incredible AI!  Plays VERY smart,  VERY tough
                                opponent! Supports all the most popular BBS'
                                Multi-node Compatable! NOT CRIPPLED!
drmpog10.zip   78106 08-05-2024 [ Pot of Gold v1.0 ]Ļ
                                     A game of chance based on the    
                                 Commodore C*Base BBS MOD by the same   
                                     name.  Your users will love it!    
                                 100% Ansi Graphics!   Supports all the 
                                  most popular BBS' including WildCat!, 
                                 PCB, WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more! 
                                  NOT CRIPPLED!!!  FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!  
                                    $10 Registration - A Must See     
                                [ DreamWARE Communications ]ļ
drmprs11.zip   77794 08-05-2024  PressIT v1.1 Ļ
                                      The classic dice-game comes     
                                     to your BBS!  100% ANSi Grafix.    
                                   Roll you dice, gambling that they    
                                    won't match the stop dice.  VERY    
                                  challenging game, yet easy to learn!  
                                   Supports all the most popular BBS'   
                                         Multi-node Compatable!         
                                   NOT CRIPPLED!!!   $10 Registration   
                                             A MUST SEE !!            
                                 DreamWARE Communications ļ
drmreg29.zip   45411 08-05-2024 DreamReg v3.0! From Atlantis Software!
                                Registration utility to register all
                                DreamWARE BBS doors! FREE! All current
                                versions of DreamWare doors are free 
                                as of July 2000! All doors are still 
                                copyrighted and future versions and 
                                variations may require registration.
                                FREEWARE, from Jimmy Rose!
drmreg31(1).       0 01-01-1980 DreamReg 3.1! From Atlantis Software!
                                Registration utiliies to register all
                                DreamWARE BBS doors! FREE! All current
                                versions of DreamWare doors are free 
                                as of July 2000! All doors are still 
                                copyrighted and future versions and 
                                variations may require registration.
                                This archive replaces drmreg29.zip.
                                FREEWARE, from Jimmy Rose!
drmreg31(1).zip  169082 08-05-2024 DreamReg 3.1! From Atlantis Software!
                                Registration utiliies to register all
                                DreamWARE BBS doors! FREE! All current
                                versions of DreamWare doors are free 
                                as of July 2000! All doors are still 
                                copyrighted and future versions and 
                                variations may require registration.
                                This archive replaces drmreg29.zip.
                                FREEWARE, from Jimmy Rose!
drmreg31.zip  169797 08-05-2024 DreamReg 3.1! From Atlantis Software!
                                Registration utiliies to register all
                                DreamWARE BBS doors! FREE! All current
                                versions of DreamWare doors are free 
                                as of July 2000! All doors are still 
                                copyrighted and future versions and 
                                variations may require registration.
                                This archive replaces drmreg29.zip.
                                FREEWARE, from Jimmy Rose!
drmrom14.zip  316233 08-05-2024 [ DreamROM  v1.4 ]Ļ
                                    The ULTIMATE CDRom Access Door!   
                                    Let your callers browse your CDs,   
                                 download from online CDs,  and request 
                                   from offline ones.  Uses it's own    
                                 databases, unlimited disks/directories 
                                    Archive commands, fast searching,   
                                 supports Pioneer changers, plays audio 
                                 CDs, and more! Supports all the most   
                                 popular BBS' including WildCat!, PCB,  
                                   WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more!    
                                  NOT CRIPPLED!!!  FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!  
                                   $25 Registration --- A Must See    
                                [ DreamWARE Communications ]ļ
drmsez11.zip   79633 08-05-2024 [ Simon Sez v1.1 ]Ļ
                                       Simon comes to your BBS!       
                                 You remember Simon, the old UFO shaped 
                                 game with 4 colored 'pie slices'?   
                                      Can you match Simon's moves!?     
                                 100% Ansi Graphics!   Supports all the 
                                  most popular BBS' including WildCat!, 
                                 PCB, WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more! 
                                  NOT CRIPPLED!!!  FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!  
                                   $10 Registration --- A Must See    
                                [ DreamWARE Communications ]ļ
drmshf10.zip  435629 08-05-2024 [ DreamSHUFFLE v1.0 ]Ļ
                                     The Online Word Scramble Game!   
                                  Over 56,000!! words in the database!  
                                    Your callers will LOVE this door    
                                     version of the classic game!!!     
                                 100% Ansi Graphics.   Supports all the 
                                  most popular BBS' including WildCat!, 
                                 PCB, WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more! 
                                 Multi-node Compatable!   NOT CRIPPLED! 
                                   $10 Registration --- A Must See    
                                [ DreamWARE Communications ]ļ
drmslt17.zip   71324 08-05-2024 DreamSlots v1.7 - DreamWare
                                The ultimate online slot machine.
                                Can you become a billionaire and 
                                join the Billionaires' Club?  
                                Supports all the most popular 
                                BBS packages including WildCat, 
                                PCBoard, WWIV and more.  Multi-node 
                                capable!  Not crippled!
drmsta10.zip   81692 08-05-2024 DREAMSTACK v1.0 THE ULTIMATE TETRIS DOOR!
                                Totally Sysop configurable!  Bombs,
                                Piledrivers, Discarding, and Swapping. 100%
                                Ansi Graphics!  Supports all the most
                                popular BBS' including WildCat!, PCB, WWIV,
                                SpitFire, TriBBS, and more! NOT CRIPPLED!!!
                                FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!! $10 Registration --- A
                                Must See DreamWARE Communications
drmsta11.zip   81705 08-05-2024 [ DreamSTACK v1.1 ]Ļ
                                       The ULTIMATE Tetris Door!      
                                   Totally Sysop configurable!  Bombs,  
                                 Piledrivers, Discarding, and Swapping. 
                                 100% Ansi Graphics!  Supports all the  
                                 most popular BBS' including WildCat!,  
                                 PCB, WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more! 
                                  NOT CRIPPLED!!!  FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!  
                                   $10 Registration --- A Must See    
                                [ DreamWARE Communications ]ļ
drmstk11.zip   81821 08-05-2024 [ DreamSTAKES v1.1 ]Ļ
                                    Based on the classic dice game    
                                 SweepsStakes. How lucky will YOUR roll 
                                  of the dice be?  100% Ansi Graphics!  
                                         Supports all the most          
                                 popular BBS' including WildCat!, PCB,  
                                   WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more!    
                                  NOT CRIPPLED!!!  FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!  
                                   $10 Registration --- A Must See    
                                [ DreamWARE Communications ]ļ
drmtch13.zip   92287 08-05-2024 DreamMATCHv1.3Ŀ
                                     Similar to "Concentration"     
                                  100% ANSi Grafix !!  How fast can   
                                    you match the 32 cards on the     
                                           playing field  ??          
                                  Supports all the most popular BBS'  
                                       Multi-node compatable!!        
                                  NOT CRIPPLED!!!   $10 Registration  
                                  A MUST SEE !!    Read WHATS.NEW ! 
drmtrg11.zip   80915 08-05-2024 [ Target Dice v1.1 ]Ļ
                                    Based on the classic dice game    
                                 Target Dice.  How well can you predict 
                                    your roll?   100% Ansi Graphics!    
                                         Supports all the most          
                                 popular BBS' including WildCat!, PCB,  
                                   WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more!    
                                  NOT CRIPPLED!!!  FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!  
                                   $10 Registration --- A Must See    
                                [ DreamWARE Communications ]ļ
drmtrk10.zip   82592 08-05-2024 [ DreamTRACK v1.0 ]Ļ
                                ~<>^  The Animated Dog Racing Door  ^/\~
                                   Simply the best!  Your users will    
                                        LOVE it!  Try it and see!       
                                 100% Ansi Graphics!   Supports all the 
                                  most popular BBS' including WildCat!, 
                                 PCB, WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more! 
                                  NOT CRIPPLED!!!  FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!  
                                ~/\^ $10 Registration - A Must See  ^<>~
                                [ DreamWARE Communications ]ļ
drmw2g11.zip   18587 08-05-2024 WWIV2GAP v1.1 Reads WWIV and VBBS' CHAIN.TXT
                                and converts it to DOOR.SYS. Free DreamWARE
drmytz10.zip   88482 08-05-2024 [  Yahtzee v1.0  ]Ļ
                                      The ULTIMATE Yahtzee Door!      
                                  Simply the best!  Your users will     
                                        LOVE it!  Try it and see!       
                                 100% Ansi Graphics!   Supports all the 
                                  most popular BBS' including WildCat!, 
                                 PCB, WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more! 
                                  NOT CRIPPLED!!!  FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!  
                                   $10 Registration --- A Must See    
                                [ DreamWARE Communications ]ļ
drolls.zip    106169 08-05-2024 
drtrk107.zip   51208 08-05-2024 
dsdkno10.zip   38100 08-05-2024 Keno v1.0; BBS door for IBM, RemoteAccess
                                Compatible BBS systems. With DSD Keno users
                                will be able to wager their online time on
                                games of Keno, and compete with other users
                                for the top scores.
dsdpke10.zip   40801 08-05-2024 Poker v1.0; BBS door for RemoteAccess
                                Compatible BBS systems. With DSD Poker users
                                will be able to wager their online time on
                                games of Draw Poker, and compete with other
                                users for the top scores.
dshuf10a.zip  426683 08-05-2024              DreamSHUFFLE v1.0
                                       The Online Word Scramble Game!
                                   Over 56,000!! words in the database!
                                     Your callers will LOVE this door
                                      version of the classic game!!!
                                  100% Ansi Graphics.   Supports all the
                                   most popular BBS' including WildCat!,
                                  PCB, WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more!
                                  Multi-node Compatable!   NOT CRIPPLED!
                                     $10 Registration --- A Must See
dstak11a.zip   75198 08-05-2024              DreamSTACK v1.1
                                         The ULTIMATE Tetris Door!
                                    Totally Sysop configurable!  Bombs,
                                  Piledrivers, Discarding, and Swapping.
                                  100% Ansi Graphics!  Supports all the
                                  most popular BBS' including WildCat!,
                                  PCB, WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more!
                                   NOT CRIPPLED!!!  FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!
                                     $10 Registration --- A Must See
dstory.zip     21102 08-05-2024 The Story Book - Neverending Story
dsys220a.zip   34329 08-05-2024 Domain Shopper/Teller Sysop Program v2.20a
                                This is the version of DSYSOP.EXE meant to go
                                with v2.20a of Shopper/ InstaTeller, it was
                                accidentally left out and the older version
                                of the program was shipped instead.  If you
                                downloaded SHOP220A.ZIP or INST220A.ZIP prior
                                to 10/25/94, you should get this file to
                                replace your existing DSYSOP.EXE file.
dt51a.zip      60271 08-05-2024 ͸
                                         DOORTRAK V5.1a         
                                 Display Door Registration      
                                 Status, And Top Doors! Also    
                                 Shows Callers The Name Of The  
                                 Person Who Registered Each Door
                                 A The Door Is Loaded For Play! 
                                 Great Way To Reward Donors!!   
                                 Promotes BBS Door Donations    
                                 Without The Embarrassing Task  
                                 Of Having To Ask!              
                                     Compiled: June 7, 1995     
                                         GENERATION I           
                                   Support BBS: 817-794-0930    
                                 Fido: 1:130/319     FREQ: TRAK 
dtape22.zip    72793 08-05-2024 DoorTape 2.2 for Colorado Memory Systems
                                tape software
dtdo.zip      106303 08-05-2024 
dtill10.zip    28939 08-05-2024 
dtime22.zip   149558 08-05-2024 TES Software Presents:
                                Double Time Bank! 2.2 Lets users store 
                                and retrieve time for later user! 
                                Many Sysop configurable options! 
                                Multi-Node capable! For latest updates
                                call TES Software 919-895-0368 HST!
                                This is FREEWARE!
dublword.zip   87977 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>>> DOUBLE WORDS v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<<<
                                Determine the second half of a 'double word'
                                phrase.  (ie: teddy bear, power steering,
                                etc.)  Fully functional, supports multiple
                                BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes,
                                bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers,
                                COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
duel10.zip    108504 08-05-2024 
dug104.zip     31397 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 Dug ver 1.04 - Door Usage Graph 
                                      A TopherSoft Product!      
                                 A Door Usage Graph Generator.   
                                 Works on any BBS system capable 
                                 of displaying a text file.      
                                 Features include ease of setup, 
                                 flexiblity, speed and program-  
                                 able color codes.               
                                 Fully Functional Shareware: $15 
dunks120.zip  180702 08-05-2024 
dupsol12.zip  167075 08-05-2024 DUPLICATE SOLITAIRE Door: Compatible with
                                most BBS Software
dupsol13.zip  167486 08-05-2024 
dvote10a.zip   42982 08-05-2024 ͸
                                      = DoorVote v1.0a =      
                                 Run right after a door in a door's     
                                 batch file to allow users to vote on   
                                 whether to keep the door online. Great 
                                 way to determine if users like a       
                                 particular door! Compatible with many  
                                 BBS platforms, including TriBBS.       
                                brought to you by SaltySoft
dvote10c.zip   45641 08-05-2024 ͸
                                      = DoorVote v1.0c =      
                                 Run right after a door in a door's     
                                 batch file to allow users to vote on   
                                 whether to keep the door online. Great 
                                 way to determine if users like a       
                                 particular door! Compatible with many  
                                 BBS platforms, including TriBBS.       
                                brought to you by SaltySoft
dwarz210.zip  837365 08-05-2024 
dwarz22.zip    89225 08-05-2024 DiceWarz - THE DOOR GAME v.2.2 is as
                                 much like original Yahtzee you
                                 can get without actually rolling the
                                 dice yourself! Full support of almost
                                 all BBS types. DESQview aware. Easy
                                 to setup. 
dworld10.zip  399765 08-05-2024 DogWorld 1.00 - Advanced Role-Playing Game!
                                **AN RPG THATS REALLY GONE TO THE DOGS!**
                                Multinode, non-standard irq's, locked baud
                                up to 115k. Fossil/internal com routines.
                                Choose to be one of 16 different breeds of
                                dog. Do all kinds of "doggie" things. Beat
                                the Evil Dog Catcher! This one is a load
                                of fun. Amazingly detailed Rip Graphics!
                                In-game icon download, unique IGM support,
                                144 Alley creature enemies and much, much
                                more. GET THIS ONE! YOU'LL LOVE IT!!!
dworld11.zip  225031 08-05-2024 Door World Magazine ONLINE DOOR. New release
dworx401.zip   67059 08-05-2024 DoorWorks v4.01; GT Power v19 compatible.
                                Ultimate door manager for GT.  Converts
                                to PCBoard 12, 14, DOORWAY, GAP, C-Kit,
                                Operation Overkill II, RBBS, QuickBBS,
                                Wildcat, Milton Gameworks, WWIV, Remote
                                Access, plus can run entire WWIV BBS and
                                QBBS in a door.  Keeps statistics and
                                creates top user and door usage bulletins.
                                RELEASE VERSION-NO EXPIRATION DATE
dwrun121.zip  118185 08-05-2024       -=> The Rune Caster Door v1.2 <=-
                                A new age door that will  answer any question
                                put  to it about the future  using  the Runes
                                method of fortune telling.   Brand  new,  how
                                off  the  compiler.   Supports just about any
                                BBS system and Fossil drivers.   A  must  for
                                any BBS that enjoys new age doors!
                                Another Fine DavisWARE Door! - James R. Davis
dy4_2d2b.zip   39759 08-05-2024 Dragon's en v4.2b DOOR supports
                                MOST ALL Drop Files!
                                Addictive game where your users
                                run around a Board and slay Dragons.
                                Eternal Loop Lock fixed! (I think)
                                Reg. only 15 Bucks!
dynas302.zip   86003 08-05-2024 
dzkwr221.zip  102549 08-05-2024 DZK War-Rank V2.21 is a utility that
                                generates a variety bulletins containing
                                information about the current status of the
                                Global War OnLine game for BBSs.  The
                                information is presented in clear charts
                                with ANSI or BBS Specific color codes for
                                use as BBS Bulletins.  By DZK Development
                                Group - Data: (908) 566-8267 HST DS!
e1901_18.zip   57684 08-05-2024 
ea120.zip     162119 08-05-2024 
eacharge.zip  226683 08-05-2024 Eagle Enterprise Charge door & Subscription
                                Let us take care of all your subscriptions
                                and Shareware sales. Each user will be
                                one on one. We do this for security reasons.
                                If nothing else Please d/l the file and 
                                check it out, read about us and what we are
                                doing... Unlike some that have come and gone
                                we are here to stay. Please feel free to 
                                place this file for download on your BBS.
eaw251.zip    325659 08-05-2024 EMPIRES AT WAR Door Game - Vers 2.51
                                Game of conquest and empire building
                                in Napoleonic Europe. Geographical and
                                political maps. Inter-BBS capable.
                                Six players per game - 6 empires -
                                France, England, Prussia, Austria,
                                Russia, and Ottoman Turks. Economics,
                                politics, weather, army and navy
                                building, morale, leaders, events
                                like rebellions or alliances.
                                Supports most popular BBS Software
                                packages, including PCBoard Vers 15
                                & WildCat 3.9. With Rip graphics,
                                supports non-standard interrupts, com
                                1-4, IRQs 0-15, and speeds up to 115,
                                200 baud.
ea_free.zip   288505 08-05-2024 Eclectic Avenue 2.02FW.  The Final
                                FREEWARE release (including source
                                code!) of the BBS board game door
                                where players attempt to own entire
                                City Blocks to collect higher rent
                                from other players. Supports
                                FOSSIL/ASYNC, DORINFO/DOOR.SYS,
                                installation and configuration
                                editor for easy use. WARNING: File
                                scanners set to re-archive the
                                INSTALL.DAT zip file will destroy
                                the install programs ability to
                                install this program! If the
                                install fails, you can download a
                                copy from Pets-R-Us BBS.
ebbslst3.zip  186487 08-05-2024             
                                -   v3.0   --
                                Fast, Online, BBS list door which allows
                                user to search for BBS by Name, Software,
                                Baud, Nodes, Hours, and Telephone Number.
                                Now has BBS list downloading capability!
                                User can view EXTENDED information on a
                                specific BBS.  The program is configurable
                                so that it will only allow a certain se-
                                curity or higher to enter a new BBS.
                                  More features in Registered Version.
                                    @X0EMANY NEW FEATURES THIS VERSION!!
                                @X8FCompatible with a wide variety of BBS!
                                @X07    Another release from MicroWare! 
ec101.zip     100678 08-05-2024 Ecstasy, Adult Door. Supports
                                RIP and ANSI.
ec150.zip     264381 08-05-2024 
ecc_21.zip    138840 08-05-2024 ECC v2.1 Esterian Conquest
                                Commander - GUI interface
                                for DOOR game
ecf100.zip     13242 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                            EchoFix v 1.00            
                                            Copyright 1997            
                                          Gnome Enterprises           
                                         Author : David Chord         
                                EchoFix compares echoareas in your
                                SQUISH.CFG and MSGAREA.CTL files. If an
                                area is not in MSGAREA.CTL, it is added
                                to MSGAREA.ECF which is in the
                                Maximus 3.x  MSGAREA format.
                                Optionally reads descriptions for areas
                                from SQAFIX.CFG.
                                EchoFix is capable of creating an entire
                                MSGAREA.CTL file from scratch if you
                                wish it to.
ecgbbs1.zip   696709 08-05-2024 
ecm04_2d95.z       0 01-01-1980 ***Electronic Classified Magazine***
                                Premier Edition
                                National electronic classified ads!
                                Very reasonable rates. Ads for
                                Business Opportunities, Services,
                                Products, for sale items, and bbs
                                list. Check it out. Not just another
                                text file. Published monthly.
ecm04_2d95.zip  118222 08-05-2024 ***Electronic Classified Magazine***
                                           Premier Edition
                                National electronic classified ads!
                                Very reasonable rates. Ads for
                                Business Opportunities, Services,
                                Products, for sale items, and bbs
                                list. Check it out. Not just another
                                text file. Published monthly.
ecrank15.zip   30823 08-05-2024 
ecu_b.zip      36716 08-05-2024 
ec_crc12.zip  167303 08-05-2024 ------- CASTLE ROCK CASINO  v1.2 -------
                                Another GREAT door game by Tim Winkfein!
                                   Supports most popular BBS packages   
                                Castle Rock Casino, home of SIX gambling
                                games: BlackJack, Video Poker, EagleWild
                                Slot machine with a progressive jackpot,
                                Las Vegas Solitaire, High Cut table, and
                                the Lotto.  The Main Menu is an overhead
                                view of the Casino. It also has a lounge
                                where you can view the scores,  HOF, and
                                the Daily News.  It even  has a bathroom
                                where users can write on the wall,  send
                                messages to other "users", or read their
                                private mail. When you run out of money,
                                you can sell some time, take a loan from
                                the inhouse bank, or borrow from another
                                player. At the bank machine you can make
                                withdrawals,  deposits, take out a loan,
                                make a loan payment, transfer money, and
                                sell time. The Casino has 32 full-screen
                                ANSIs in the screen library!            
eden.zip       99376 08-05-2024 Land of Eden v1.0 Exciting New Game
                                - Full colored ANSI door game,
                                you become a god trying to take 
                                rule Eden!  Includes Storms,
                                Swamps, Tornados, Volcanos,
                                Floods, Raising Land, Spying. 
                                Can you outwit your opponents
                                and survive Eden?
editem11.zip  138945 08-05-2024 Editem'v1.1 (The Fake Sysop Menu) is a
                                "Fake" Sysop Menu Door that will make your
                                users think they have gained access to
                                your Sysop Menu.  You can set it up as a
                                door or as a dos hook.  Catch those
                                "Snoopy" users that just can't seem to 
                                resist trying to get to areas they know
                                they don't have access to.  Editem' will
                                create a log file for the sysop to review
                                showing EVERYTHING the user did when they
                                went into the door.  Editem' works with
                                most popular dropfiles ,however, it works
                                best with a 52 line DOOR.SYS dropfile.
                                Some of Editem's features include:
                                Edit User Accounts
                                Edit File Databases
                                BBS Status and Activity Reports
                                And much more...  All in a safe "Fake"
                                environment.  Highly Sysop Configurable.
ed_26d100a.z       0 01-01-1980  Enhanced Dragons & Dungeons ۲
                                Version 1.00 ALPHA [Pre-Beta Release]
                                A great D&D Kill em' type door game,
                                with lots of ANSIs and Options!
                                DOOR.SYS Req, **FREEWARE**
ed_26d100a.zip  103689 08-05-2024  Enhanced Dragons & Dungeons ۲
                                Version 1.00 ALPHA [Pre-Beta Release]
                                A great D&D Kill em' type door game,
                                with lots of ANSIs and Options!
                                DOOR.SYS Req, **FREEWARE**
egoman10.zip   10511 08-05-2024 EGO Manager v1.0
                                 EGO Manager for Realm of      
                                 Kisom v1.5 and above.  Edit  
                                 and delete your current egos 
                                 in a easy to use interface.  
                                 Dekka Visions(c) 1997        
ehtgam10.zip   22558 08-05-2024 
elb110.zip     73516 08-05-2024 ELB V1.1: Echo List Browser Door; This door
                                allows you to let your users browse the Echo
                                List and recommend Echos for you to connect
                                to your BBS...   Simple to use, simple to
                                install, you can search the list for keywords
                                or just browse the entire list... New version
                                can filter echos by presence in BACKBONE.NA!
                                "Almost" Freeware, all I want is to hear that
                                you use it and like it...  And will try my
                                other doors and utilities at vvv.com/~weirdal
elim55.zip    103336 08-05-2024 Eliminate v5.5. The computer selects a
                                secret word. You try to guess it by
                                entering words of the same length. Choose
                                4-9 letter words.  Features 3 levels of
                                difficulty. Supports most BBS software,
                                multi-node, COM 0-15, 115K Baud, and
                                non-standard IRQ's.  Now supports
                                multi-port boards using FOSSIL drivers
                                including PCBoard/M!. A Livewire Door
                                and now runs in local mode.
eliza11.zip    14618 08-05-2024 Eliza:Improved spelling, grammar & layout.
elvis16.zip   191745 08-05-2024 Elvis Presley! Trivia v1.06 - BBS Door
                                Game about the life and history of the
                                "King of Rock & Roll". This is THE First
                                of it's kind! Questions like: Where was
                                Elvis born? Was he an only child? What
                                was his first wife's maiden name? How many
                                movies did Elvis direct himself? Supports
                                MULTI-NODE, RIP and many BBS types too.
                                Registration only $12.00.
ely14.zip      74014 08-05-2024 
emp_2d101.zi       0 01-01-1980 W & W Communications EMPEROR door.
                                Emperor is an online multi-player
                                real-time interactive combat game.
                                Enter an arena filled with computer
                                controlled monsters.  Careful, other
                                players can appear from the other nodes
                                and do battle with you.  You can gang
                                up on the monsters with the other
                                players or go attack one of the other
                                players who is in combat with a monster
emp_2d101.zip  195701 08-05-2024 W & W Communications EMPEROR door.
                                Emperor is an online multi-player
                                real-time interactive combat game.
                                Enter an arena filled with computer
                                controlled monsters.  Careful, other
                                players can appear from the other nodes
                                and do battle with you.  You can gang
                                up on the monsters with the other
                                players or go attack one of the other
                                players who is in combat with a monster
ems_trv4.zip  122712 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>> E.M.S. TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of Emergency Medical Service.
                                Fully functional, supports multiple BBS
                                formats, file sharing for multiple nodes,
                                bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers,
                                COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
enginv11.zip  380567 08-05-2024 The Trivia Engine  v1.1
                                NEW UPDATED VERSION!  Have multiple games
                                running from just 1 copy of The Trivia 
                                Engine.  New LOW registration of only $15!
                                Wouldn't it be great if you as a Sysop could 
                                make all of your OWN Trivia door games?  Now 
                                you can!  The Trivia Engine allows you to 
                                make as many Trivia door games as you like.  
                                Enter your own questions and create your own 
                                opening screen for each door that you make!
                                It's easy and it's fun!  Not to mention all 
                                of the registration money you'll save.  One 
                                registration fee gets you as many Trivia 
                                doors as you want.  The Trivia Engine is 
                                FULLY MULTINODE, features Fossil Support, 
                                non-standard IRQ's, bauds to 115,200 and much
                                more!  (C)Copyright 1996, 1997 Lounge
enquir63.zip  115009 08-05-2024 Enquirer type Headlines at Log on BBS DOOR
enquir65.zip  124670 08-05-2024 The Enquirer door is a spoof on that great
                                Logon door 'Today in History'.
                                The  Enquirer comes up with Enquirer type
                                headlines! Need NUGIREG.ZIP
                                for FREEWARE.
ens110.zip    170156 08-05-2024 Ensemble 1.10 - This is a compainion door to
                                NEXUS ADULT MATCH MAKER!  
                                This door is very similar to Nexus, but is a
                                general match maker that
                                any user can enjoy as opposed to the adults
                                only approach of Nexus.
                                Ensemble has all the features the other doors
                                are missing, and a good
                                professional look.  The questionnaire is fully
                                configurable by the Sysop,
                                and each question can be "weighed" as to it's
                                importance.  This door
                                has support for comms 1-4, and non-standard
                                IRQ's.  It is desqview aware,
                                and has support for locking baud rates and
                                some RIP graphics.  This door 
                                does not expire, has no irritating delays, and
                                does not need a demo key.  
                                GET NEXFREE.ZIP which is FREEWARE and
                                substitue this data for a NON-
                                ADULT door.
eob101.zip     99289 08-05-2024 Online Electronic Banking v1.01, Door Takes
                                Checks Online! Door for WildCat!, PC-Board,
                                RemoteAccess, TriBBS, PowerBBS, or any
                                DOOR.SYS BBS.  Electronically process checks
                                from a checking or savings account online as
                                payment for merchandise, services,
                                subscriptions, etc. Fully automated.  Full
                                text logging of all transactions.  Multi-node
                                and DigiBoard compatible. Transaction data
                                can be sent automatically via modem in an
                                event using a built in comm program.
epm1v30m.zip   92036 08-05-2024 FRANKENDELLA'S LAIR  v3.0
                                Extended Play Module for use with
                                The Quest For Nora Door Game.
                                Users are able to visit the Lair in
                                order to get some extra help in their
                                quest.  Frankendella will also help
                                the user trick the Village Statue.
                                Now FULLY MULTINODE!  For v5.0+ of 
                                The Quest For Nora!  
                                (C)1996 Lounge Software
epm2v30m.zip   90792 08-05-2024 DOON'S DOMAIN  v3.0
                                Extended Play Module for use with
                                The Quest For Nora Door Game.
                                Bothered by those other players who are
                                killing you on a daily basis?  Here's a
                                great place to get the rubies you need
                                to buy some new weapons or defense!
                                Attacking them will be much easier then!
                                Can you pick the right candle to light?
                                If you do then Doon will be very kind!
                                Now FULLY MULTINODE!  For v5.0+ of 
                                The Quest For Nora!
                                (C)1996 Lounge Software
epm3v30m.zip   91345 08-05-2024 THE CAVE OF TREASURES  v3.0
                                Extended Play Module for use with
                                The Quest For Nora Door Game.
                                Searching through a cave in the Jungle
                                you stumble upon The Cave of Treasures.
                                Inside you find a Jungle Knome
                                guarding 12 Treasure Chests.  The
                                Jungle Knome will allow you to open 1
                                Chest and keep whatever you find.
                                You can find more rubies, experience
                                and even the next level weapon!
                                Great treasures await you in The Cave 
                                of Treasures!  Now FULLY MULTINODE!
                                For v5.0+ of The Quest For Nora!   
                                (C)1996 Lounge Software
epm4v20m.zip   91609 08-05-2024 SANRIGO'S SPY HUT  v2.0
                                Extended Play Module for use with
                                The Quest For Nora Door Game.
                                Having trouble battling a certain
                                player?  NEED to know some more
                                information about that player?  Then
                                SANRIGO is the man to talk to!  He 
                                will help you with the information you
                                need, for a price of course!  Now
                                FULLY MULTINODE!  For v5.0+ of 
                                The Quest For Nora!   
                                (C)1996 Lounge Software
epm5v10m.zip   91908 08-05-2024 SPIRIT BURIAL GROUND  v1.0
                                Extended Play Module for use with
                                The Quest For Nora Door Game.
                                Just when you thought you were all out
                                of battles for the day, you stumble 
                                into the Spirit Burial Ground.  Some
                                of the Spirit Skeletons are not happy
                                to see you though!  Do you run like
                                he## or do battle?  For v5.0+ of 
                                The Quest For Nora!   
                                (C)1996 Lounge Software
esc100.zip     76692 08-05-2024 ESCAPE Door Game - Vers 1.00 - Fun and
                                entertaining arcade door game
                                reminescent of the old robotron (c)
                                game. Evade the zombies as long as you
                                can to reachest the highest score
                                possible. Multiple levels. Multi-node
                                capable. Supports most BBS Software
                                packages, including PC Board Vers
                                15.XX & WildCat 4.XX. The game is RIP aware,
                                does not require a fossil, but will make
                                use of one if it is available, supports
                                interupts 0-15, selectable port addresses,
                                Com ports 1-4, and speeds up to 115,200
                                baud. Automatic Windows, WindowsNT, and
                                OS/2 time slice releasing. DESQview
                                supported. $10.00
esd10wc5.zip  110467 08-05-2024 Endangered Species Door v1.00 (32-bit
                                verion for Wildcat! 5) from T&J Software.
                                Allows users to view and search for
                                endangered species online. Regular
                                database updates will be available
                                to download from T&J Software BBS at
                                (717)325-9481 or FREQ ESDATA from
                                1:268/400. Latest door version can
                                be FREQ'ed as ESDOOR5.
esdata.zip     58948 08-05-2024 Endangered Species Update :     02-02-97
                                Simply unzip this file in your running
                                Endangered Species Door directory!
                                FREQ ESDATA from 1:268/400
                                FREQ ESDOOR for 16-bit door.
                                FREQ ESDOOR5 for Wildcat 5 door.
                                Visit http://www.tjsoft.com
esdoor11.zip  187849 08-05-2024 Endangered Species Door v1.10 from T&J
                                Software. Allows users to view and search
                                for endangered species online. Supports most
                                BBS's and drop files (i.e. DOOR.SYS, etc).
                                Regular database updates will be available
                                to download from T&J Software BBS at
                                (717)325-9481 or FREQ ESDATA from 1:268/400.
                                Latest version can be FREQ'ed as ESDOOR.
eshow17.zip    86715 08-05-2024 Address Show'r Version 1.7
                                This is a small utility that
                                will show a screen to your Users,
                                showing them their Email Address
                                on your BBS. Great to have in your
                                Email Menu. Option's to use Real
                                Name or Handle, Works with ANY
                                DOOR.SYS compatable BBS Software
                                Best of all it is FREEWARE.
                                VagaBond Software
esp_25.zip    113566 08-05-2024 ESP Extra Sensory Perception!  v2.5
                                Guess which Die is going to turn up.  Fun for
                                all ages.  Another BBS Door program form
                                               !!! FREE !!!
et30.zip      153093 08-05-2024 Enterprise Trivia 3.0 from TES Software.
                                Lets users compete for points by answering
                                questions about Startrek TV show. All
                                options are  sysop configurable!. Also
                                you can get ADDET.EXE to add more
                                questions to the database. NOT CRIPPLED!
                                **Special Off** Purchase 1 Trivia door at
                                regular price and and get 2 Trivia doors
                                FREE! Your pick! Online registration
                                with MC/VISA at 910-895-0368.
evalf130.zip  131165 08-05-2024 WC4 door EvalFile 1.30 rates files, AllFiles
                                .Txt, rewards uploads
                                EvalFile v1.30 is a Wildcat! v4 BBS door that
                                lets the users evaluate
                                their downloaded files.  It tracks which files
                                they have downloaded
                                and compensates them for the evaluation by
                                lowering their down/upload
                                ratio.  Sorted results are written to the text
                                file AllFiles.Txt to let
                                you and your users know which files are hot
                                and which are not.
                                Uploaders are compensated for files
                                downloaders really want to pay for.
                                EvalFile is a tool for the age of information
                                Version 1.30 now rewards uploaders for good
evidence.zip  105763 08-05-2024 
ewarv30.zip   344369 08-05-2024 Evangelist Wars v3.0 BBS door -
                                A rowdy, racuous dive into the
                                dregs of televangelism.   More
                                ANSI, more multinode action, more
                                levity than ever before!  Supports
                                non-std IRQs, OS/2 & desqview
                                aware. Still only $10 to register.
excal09d.zip  102690 08-05-2024 EXCALIBER v0.9c: Multi-player door game
                                designed to be run on Wildcat 3.x bulletin
                                board systems. It can, however, be run on any
                                BBS that supports the DOOR.SYS standard.
exitbug.zip    10675 08-05-2024 Drop file compatability for QuickBBS and some
exitfaq.zip    13182 08-05-2024 
exitv320.zip  643005 08-05-2024 Exitilus v3.20
                                [    __                    v3.20]
                                [  /        . -l-  . l       _  ]
                                [ |---  \ / l  l   l l |  | [_  ]
                                [  \ __ / \ l  l_| l l |__| ._] ]
                                [Exitilus is a fantasy door game]
                                [involving tremendus monster    ]
                                [battles, bloody player fights, ]
                                [highly intelligent magic, many ]
                                [weird creatures, wheeling and  ]
                                [dealing as a merchant, thrones ]
                                [to overthrow, kingdoms to      ]
                                [conquer, and fun to have. Come ]
                                [check out the new version from ]
                                [new owners! You won't be       ]
                                [dissappointed! Check out our   ]
                                [website at www.ecisoftware.com!]
exusr10b.zip   43264 08-05-2024   EXitUSER 1.0 by PhOtON                
                                   A good way to meter                   
                                    All SysOps running                   
                                 EXITILUS v2.05 should get               
                                  this NOW!                              
                                 A Sonic Fusion Production               
ezbing21.zip   57478 08-05-2024 E-Z Bingo v2.1  ** LlanoWare **
                                Play an exciting game of Bingo!
                                E-Z Bingo is an OnLine door game
                                that will give your players hours
                                of fun and enjoyment!  E-Z Bingo
                                supports most BBS dropfiles.  
                                E-Z installation will have you up 
                                and running in minutes, even on
                                multi-node systems!  Now supports
                                locked baud rates up to 115,200.
                                Multi-node playable.
ezchk100.zip    4878 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 EzCheck 1.00  (c) Michael Niekut  
                                 intented for use with EZROM 1.30h 
                                 EzCheck checks if there is a rea- 
                                 son (FileRequest) to start EZREQ. 
                                 If there is a reason you can      
                                 start EZREQ automaticaly. Have a  
                                 look a see how usefull 1 KB can   
                                 Freeware, you can use it for free 
                                -= Leeched from Pleasure Dome BBS =-
                                      Line I: +49-911-471107       
ezhang22.zip  137832 08-05-2024 E-Z Hang'n v2.2  ** LlanoWare **
                                Play an exciting game of HangMan! 
                                E-Z Hang'n is an OnLine door game 
                                that will give your players hours 
                                of fun and  enjoyment!  E-Z Hang'n 
                                supports most BBS  dropfiles.  
                                E-Z installation will have you up 
                                and running in minutes, even on 
                                multi-node systems!  Multi-node 
                                playable!  Full fossil support for 
                                com1 thru com99.  Over 21,800 words! 
                                Supports locked baud rates to 115,200. 
                                Now with Handle support for some BBS types.
eznews20.zip   88167 08-05-2024     EZNews 2.0 By: Brad Garner!   ۲
                                 This is a brand new BBS News Pro-۲
                                 gram that features: 3 question   ۲
                                 setup, EASY interface, purging of۲
                                 INDIVIDUAL articles - not all or ۲
                                 nothing!  It's also FREEWARE! If ۲
                                 you run a BBS then you NEED THIS!۲
ezslot31.zip   61885 08-05-2024 EZSLOT v3.1  ** LlanoWare **
                                From the mindless array of slot
                                machines littering the electronic
                                arcade and casino rooms emerged a
                                new face, a new era...EZ-Slots! An
                                online gambling door in which your
                                players loose, I mean, bet $'s in
                                the EZ-Slot Machine.   Supports
                                most BBS drop files. Supports locked
                                baud rates to 115,200.  Multi-node
ezstat23.zip   43710 08-05-2024 ķ
                                             EZSTAT v2.3             
                                     (C)1997 F.U.S.S. Software       
                                     For any EZrom or SFrom user.    
                                 Allows you to easily view or change 
                                  your ezrom.mas or sfrom.mas file.  
                                   NOW SUPPORTS MULTIPLE CD'S!!!     
ez_2dhelp.zi       0 01-01-1980 Troubleshooting EZ-ROM cd door by Mike
ez_2dhelp.zip    4480 08-05-2024 Troubleshooting EZ-ROM cd door by Mike
facts36.zip   110087 08-05-2024 Ver 3.6 Facts, The door that test your
                                knowledge. Similiar to TV's Jeopardy.
                                Multi-bbs, Multi-node, handles baud
                                rate to 115K. Configure the # of plays
                                and can now show answers. Entire game
                                now played from game menu. Fixed the
                                score and register displays. Fossil
                                Driver aware. Com-ports 0-15. Works
                                with /M. Updating BLT error is Fixed.
                                Now works in local mode for testing
facttrv4.zip  145743 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>> TRUE FACTS TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of general topics.  Fully
                                functional, supports multiple BBS formats,
                                file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to
                                115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4,
                                IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
fair407.zip   200026 08-05-2024 MOONDUST'S COUNTY FAIR - STANDALONE DOORGAME
                                Spend a Day at the Fair. Visit Balloon Pop &
                                Medicine Man. Be a Pie Eating Champ. Plant a 
                                wet one on a sweetie at the Kissing Booth. 
                                Join the Spear Toss & Javelin Throw Tourneys.
                                Haunted & Enchanted Forests. Fairy Catch. 
                                Slosh enemies in the Dunk Tank! MoonChat.
                                Guess Fairy's Weight. Optional LORD IGM.
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
famous20.zip   96714 08-05-2024 v2.0 Famous Celebrities. Can you guess
                                what Celebrity name that was picked?
                                Multi/bbs/node and handles bauds to 115k.
                                Fossil Driver aware and needs no run time
                                file. Sysop selects to give correct
                                answer or not. Now handles com-ports
                                0-15!  Fixed the NO ANSI errors. Works
                                with fossil drivers and in local mode
                                with /local.
fant120.zip   191442 08-05-2024 
fant200.zip   223481 08-05-2024 
fantfb.zip      9364 08-05-2024 
fantwv22.zip  148970 08-05-2024 FANTASY WALL  v2.2  
                                Adult Sexual Stories BBS Door!
                                Users can read Fantasy Wall stories
                                or enter\read user Adult Sexual 
                                Adventures.  Explore the world of Adult 
                                Literature and have some fun too!  
                                NOT FOR ANYONE UNDER AGE!
                                Now supports DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF,       
                                PCBOARD.SYS, SFDOORS.DAT and 
                                Copyright (C)1996 Lounge Software
farkl219.zip  160201 08-05-2024 Farkl 2.19 Interbbs Dice Online Door Game.  
farr180.zip   120230 08-05-2024 ͸
                                ۳   Farrago - Version 1.80   ۳
                                  [ ShehkTech Software ]  
                                 Farrago is a word guessing 
                                     game where the user    
                                   chooses one of several   
                                   topics and attempts to   
                                      guess words which     
                                 correspond with the chosen 
                                 topic.  SysOp configurable 
                                 for increasing difficulty. 
                                    Supports *MULTI-NODE*   
                                  EXTREMELY EASY TO SET UP. 
                                    Registration is $13.    
                                       (lucky number?)      
fastdv12.zip   44138 08-05-2024 FAST DOWNLOAD sysop Tool.
                                This is a utility that is just for
                                the sysop who does alot of work
                                on there BBS from remote. This door
                                allows you to Download files Without
                                the work of putting it into the BBS
                                file directory then having to take it
                                back out. Plus you can upload and drop
                                to dos all in the same door!!!!!
                                Think of all the time it will save you.
                                Try Fast download for yourself it
                                could be one of your favorite sysop
                                tools ever..
fatm92l.zip   102583 08-05-2024 Trivia Module for Free For All Trivia for
                                Falken BBS software, (Linux version).This
                                module has 1300+ questions about the
                                year of 1992. Requires a registered
                                version of FFAT (see doc's).
                                Freeware, but donations can be made!
fbasev10.zip   58797 08-05-2024 The BBS FILE DATABASE   v1.0
                                Database system that allows you to keep 
                                track of the BBS's that you call and the
                                files that you upload.  Never upload a
                                duplicate file to a BBS again!  Great
                                utility for shareware programmers that
                                upload their files to various BBS's.
                                Allows entry of as many BBS's as you
                                like and automatically writes the date
                                that the file entry was made, keeping
                                track of up to 30 files for each BBS!
                                Comment line for each BBS allows you to
                                note which files a certain BBS accepts or
                                does not accept and any other special notes
                                for that particular BBS.  Grab a copy of
                                the BBS FILE DATABASE today!
                                (C)Copyright 1996 Lounge Software
fbb111b.zip   290125 08-05-2024 Franchise Basketball v1.10 Online Basketball
                                League Simulator Door. Excellent door, you
                                guide you team through a pro basketball
                                season, as general manager and coach. Earn
                                money from ticket sales and other sources.
                                Trade, train, bench, release and many other
                                player options. Full playoffs for registered
                                users. Full support for non-standard PORTS
                                and Multiple Lines.
fbb202.zip    614454 08-05-2024  Franchise Basketball v2.02
                                      -=Basketball Door/LAN Simulator=-      
                                 One of the best BBS doors available.  Users 
                                  Manage their own professional Basketball   
                                  Franchise vs other users.  Features:       
                                     Full InterBBS Support                  
                                     In Game Module Support                 
                                     Compatible with all major BBS software 
                                     Non-Standard COM ports and IRQ's       
                                  The game features trading with other teams,
                                   signing free agents, buying front office  
                                 items like stadiums and merchandise, setting
                                   ticket prices, training players and much  
                                    much more!  Do you have what it takes?   
fbbcca10.zip  130178 08-05-2024  The Computer  Coaching Assistant v1.00
                                  a utility for Franchise Basketball   
                                The CCA is a utility that actively plays the
                                computer teams in FBB.  It will buy all items
                                change ticket prices, sign free agents,
                                and reject trades, and much more.  Simple to
                                install, but vital to own.  Freeware with
                                registration of Franchise Basketball.
                                by Scott Snella
fbpool4.zip    74575 08-05-2024 The FB POOL Live Door V1.60  A Very
                                Easy to run POOL door! Excellent for
                                FOOTBALL, BASEBALL or Any TEAM sport.
                                Auto-Locking during actual game play,
                                can be updated by user or sysop,
                                easily configurable for BBS's using
                                DOOR.SYS or CALLINFO.BBS files.
                                WILDCAT!, PCB etc Compatible. By Peter
                                Guethlein 8/6/92
fbrain.zip    297549 08-05-2024 FILE BRAIN UPLOAD VIRUS ZIP CHECKER
                                Use this to check uploads for virus and
                                bad zip, arj, lzh, arc, and gif files.
                                Will also extract FILE_ID.DIZ, and check
                                your CDROM for duplicate files. Used in
                                UPCHECK.BAT file for GAP.
fbull20.zip    52550 08-05-2024 ͸
                                    = Fake Bulletin v2.0 =    
                                 Door program that simply displays an   
                                 ANSI/ASCII file to the user, just like 
                                 they were at the bulletin menu! Useful 
                                 as a Help option at BBS menus, or run  
                                 before a door in a door's batch file   
                                 as a notice for users before they      
                                 enter the door. Compatible with many   
                                 BBS platforms, including TriBBS.       
                                brought to you by SaltySoft
fbull300.zip   57233 08-05-2024 /[ Fake Bulletin v3.00 ]\
                                  Simply displays an ANSI/ASCII file to
                                  the user. This small door is a solution
                                  to the problem that many BBS softwares
                                  don't give the option of displaying an
                                  ANSI/ASCII file to the user as a menu
                                  selection. You can also use this as a
                                  notice for users to read before or
                                  after a particular door is run, or as
                                  a notice put in place of a door saying
                                  the door is temporarily offline.
                                      brought to you by SaltySoft        
fb_2dpool9.z       0 01-01-1980 The FB POOL Live Door V1.81 A Very
                                Easy to run POOL door! Excellent for
                                FOOTBALL, BASEBALL or Any TEAM sport.
                                Auto-Locking during actual game play,
                                can be updated by user or sysop,
                                easily configurable for BBS's using
                                DOOR.SYS. COM1-4,IRQ's to 15, Fossil.
                                WILDCAT!, PCB etc Compatible. By
                                Peter Guethlein, Deltronix
                                Enterprises. Support Board,
                                The Solar System BBS 714-837-9677 
                                RE-Release Date : 8/24/96 V1.81
fb_2dpool9.zip  171476 08-05-2024 The FB POOL Live Door V1.81 A Very
                                Easy to run POOL door! Excellent for
                                FOOTBALL, BASEBALL or Any TEAM sport.
                                Auto-Locking during actual game play,
                                can be updated by user or sysop,
                                easily configurable for BBS's using
                                DOOR.SYS. COM1-4,IRQ's to 15, Fossil.
                                WILDCAT!, PCB etc Compatible. By
                                Peter Guethlein, Deltronix
                                Enterprises. Support Board,
                                The Solar System BBS 714-837-9677 
                                RE-Release Date : 8/24/96 V1.81
fb_pool8.zip  179255 08-05-2024 The FB POOL Live Door V1.81 A Very
                                Easy to run POOL door! Excellent for
                                FOOTBALL, BASEBALL or Any TEAM sport.
                                Auto-Locking during actual game play,
                                can be updated by user or sysop,
                                easily configurable for BBS's using
                                DOOR.SYS. COM1-4,IRQ's to 15, Fossil.
                                WILDCAT!, PCB etc Compatible. By
                                Peter Guethlein, Deltronix
                                Enterprises. Support Board,
                                The Solar System BBS 714-837-9677 
                                Release Date : 7/17/95 V1.81
fchess1b.zip   49495 08-05-2024 
fdoor106.zip  118005 08-05-2024 ==========================================
                                    FreeDoor v1.0.6 For Virtual Pascal
                                    - Totally free!
                                    - Support for Door32.sys as well as
                                      door.sys and dorinfox.def.
                                    - Allows creation of socket (telnet)
                                      or modem based doors.
                                    - Win32 or OS/2 native doors.
                                    - ANSI terminal emulation
                                    - Support for Telegard, WWIV, and
                                      Synchronet colour codes.
                                    - And more...
feb96.zip     395853 08-05-2024 
fel2_0.zip    121693 08-05-2024  -=-=- Felicity's Temple v2.0  LORD IGM -=-=-
                                   A new IGM for LORD. Explore this Ancient
                                   Temple. Meet Felicity, and her disciples
                                   Try to find the Janitor! Pray for Stats!
                                       Easy Configuration and Set-up!!
                                      Tech'N Software - Lloyd Hannesson
feud27.zip     99566 08-05-2024 Ver 2.7 Feud, Game similiar to TV's
                                Family Feud. Allows players only 3
                                strikes to be out. Multi-bbs/node
                                and handles baud rates to 115K.
                                Now Fossil Driver Aware. Fixed the
                                bulletin reports plus much more.
                                com-ports 0-15. Fixed the NO ANSI
                                and too many files error. Runs in
                                local mode with /local.
fev106.zip    295613 08-05-2024 Falcon's Eye [FE] v1.06 IBBS
                                Set in a medieval  world,  Falcon's Eye gives
                                the player  extensive control  over a  feudal
                                state and must learn to  balance the needs of
                                their  empire,  while  competing  with  other
                                states.   A vast array of races and military,
                                economic,  and magical strategies  compliment
                                this inter-BBS strategy war game.  Originally
                                by Mehul Patel.  Registration $15.00US
fe_sfnet.zip    2566 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                   Run Falcon's Eye In Inter BBS  
                                        Mode Using SFNET.         
                                   Contained in this zip are      
                                   some batch files for running   
                                  Falcon's Eye in interbbs mode   
                                  using SFNET.                    
                                   Courtesy of The-Gatherer       
                                     SFNET NODE: A0604003         
                                 (604)589-4338 Surrey, B.C.  Can. 
ffatl.zip     225500 08-05-2024 Free-For-All-Trivia for Linux versions of
                                Falken BBS systems. This is a multiplayer
                                interactive game of trivia. Registration
                                will allow you more than one database to
                                use at a time.
ffbl122.zip   559890 08-05-2024         -=Franchise Football 1.22=-
                                    *BBS/LAN/PC Football League Simulator*    
                                In Franchise Football you draft your team,
                                train players, trade, sign free agents,
                                your stadium, concessions, advertise your team
                                and more.  All this leads to the ultimate
                                the FFBL Bowl, and the coveted championship
                                ring.  Multi-node, IGM's, non-standard setups
                                are just a few of the items to allow sysops
                                to set this door up with little or no trouble
                                Football fan or not, you'll love Franchise
ffc2v100.zip  220402 08-05-2024 Fiction Factory v. 1.00 for OS/2 -- Finally,
                                professional-quality OS/2 story door! 
                                * Full-screen editor and windowed ANSI
                                * Full RIP support w/fast screen save/restore
                                * 32-bit, multithreaded native OS/2 program!
                                * Real-time multinode support
                                * Built-in multinode messaging and chat
                                * Context-sensitive, hotkeyed help
                                * Up to 255 stories of virtually unlimited
                                * "High-water marks" and other conveniences
                                * Five "pre-started" stories for a fast start
                                * DOS version available
                                * Instant on-line registration available!
ffcv100.zip   265919 08-05-2024 Fiction Factory v. 1.00 -- Finally, a "story
                                door" with professional-quality features!
                                * Full-screen editor and windowed ANSI
                                * Full RIP support w/optional local RIP
                                * Real-time multinode support
                                * Built-in multinode messaging and chat
                                * Context-sensitive, hotkeyed help
                                * Up to 255 stories of virtually unlimited
                                * "High-water marks" and other conveniences
                                * Five "pre-started" stories for a fast start
                                * Support for virtually all BBS software
                                * Support for DESQview, Windows, and OS/2
                                * Native OS/2 version available
                                * Internal serial *and* FOSSIL up to 115
                                * Instant on-line registration available!
ffedit11.zip   91451 08-05-2024 FOOD FIGHT EDITOR, ver 1.1
                                The perfect companion to Food Fight,
                                A very popular BBS door.  This
                                give the sysop full editing control
                                over players, the bank, configurations,
                                and much, much more.
                                Registration: $10.00
                                Author: Michael Wilson
                                Support BBS: The Village 408-229-0706
ffght461.zip  168904 08-05-2024 FOOD FIGHT BBS Door Game ver 4.6 - Addictive,
                                Colorful, Fast-paced, fun.  A popular game on
                                every board.  Very simply, the callers find
                                money, buy food, and throw it.  You get
                                points if hit, and lose points if you miss.
                                There is a bank to save your money, get loans
                                and protect yourself from robbery.
                                There is protection to help you out.
                                Food items, protection and a dozen other
                                options are 100% configurable by the sysop.
                                Supports DOOR.SYS, PCBOARD.SYS, CALLINFO.BBS
                                and DORINFOx.DEF.  NO EXPIRE, no keys.
                                Author: Michael Wilson
                                The Village (support) BBS: 408-229-0706
ffind11.zip   139244 08-05-2024 FileFinder v1.1 allows users to view and 
                                search other BBS's ALLFILES list.  When
                                they find the file they want they simply
                                instruct FileFinder to send a file
                                request/FREQ to that BBS to retrieve the
                                file.  This door is similar to how INTERNET
                                Gophers (Veronica, Jughead, Archie, etc...)
                                work.  Works with most dropfiles and is 
                                compatiable with front ends that can create
                                FIDO style messages (MSG's)
ffs27001.zip  165788 08-05-2024 Freshwater Fishing Simulator v 2.7.001
                                        Door by Eric Hamilton
                                Fishing door. 28 different types of
                                fish. Up to 4, sysop configurable,
                                tournaments running at a time. 5 lakes
                                to choose from, 20 when registered.
                                DV, WIN, OS/2 aware. Handles up to 20
                                nodes when registered.
                                compiled 5/18/95.
fg200.zip      77067 08-05-2024 FALKGUN V 2.0 - A text-style game that has
                                users shooting each other down, gamble, or
                                fight other MIGS. Taken from an old WWIV
                                game. Requires Falken BBS software to run.
fglad100.zip    4677 08-05-2024 The Faerie Glade IGM for LORD 2 Beta 7+
                                Visit the Faerie Glade and talk to some
                                Faeeries! Talk to the Faerie Queen, who
                                says 9 different things! "Arrange the
                                Flowers" to leave a message, like in
                                LORD 3.55!
                                Freeware from ShroomTrip Software. 
                                Written by Jay Weber
fhv112.zip    200877 08-05-2024 Falcon's Honor [FH] v1.12
                                Disciplined  in the art of  combat and magic,
                                you must  earn  the honors of  the leaders of
                                your land  and become the  strongest and most
                                capable  fighter in  this interactive fantasy
                                role-playing  adventure game.   Choose from a
                                variety of races,  a wide array of spells and
                                opportunities  galore.   Originally by  Mehul
                                Patel.  Registration $15.00US 
fidoconf_2d0       0 01-01-1980 Husky Project Fidoconfig 0.10b-stable
                                This archive contains the Fidoconfig
                                documentation in HTML format and the
                                Fidoconfig tools compiled for Win32.
fidoconf_2d0.10b_2dwin.zip  452083 08-05-2024 Husky Project Fidoconfig 0.10b-stable
                                This archive contains the Fidoconfig
                                documentation in HTML format and the
                                Fidoconfig tools compiled for Win32.
fifteen.zip   146072 08-05-2024 Match 15 v1.5 On-Line Door Game
                                Test your users skills with this simple but
                                yet strategic card game.  Game play is ANSI,
                                with cursor control movements.  Your given 16
                                cards face up, in four rows of four each. You
                                have to now discard cards in batches of 15
                                points.  Kings, Queens, Jacks & 10's in the
                                same rank can be discarded.
                                MATCH CARD ONLINE DOOR GAME SOLITAIRE
                                Worldwide Programming (209) 497-6722
fiften17.zip  150376 08-05-2024 Match 15 v1.7 On-Line Door Game
                                Test your users skills with this simple but
                                yet strategic card game.  Game play is ANSI,
                                with cursor control movements.  Your given 16
                                cards face up, in four rows of four each. You
                                have to now discard cards in batches of 15
                                points.  Kings, Queens, Jacks & 10's in the
                                same rank can be discarded.
                                MATCH CARD ONLINE DOOR GAME SOLITAIRE
                                Worldwide Programming (209) 325-0278
filehunt.zip   56323 08-05-2024 FILEHUNT, version 4.02 for Wildcat!
                                DOOR program lets users search through
                                file lists from other BBSes.
                                For versions 4.x and 3.x of Wildcat!
filmtrv1.zip  120108 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>> TV & FILM TRIVIA I v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of TV and films.  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
filreq14.zip   57388 08-05-2024 FILE REQUEST Version 1.4 w/RIPGraphics
                                File Request is a BBS Door that allows
                                your callers to post file descriptions
                                or names of files they would like to
                                have U/Led to the BBS.  FileReq now
                                supports RIPGraphics.  File Request
                                is DesqView, OS/2 and Windows aware.
                                Supports most any BBS software!
                                Written by: Chip Tumblin
                                From The R/C Connection BBS
                                (703) 330-6871
fire100.zip   105451 08-05-2024 ķ
                                     JPSoft... Doorware for your BBS.      
                                  Fire Fighter 1.00 is an addicting game   
                                  where players try to stop the forest     
                                  fire before it spreads.  Players         
                                  achieve higher scores by preventing      
                                  damage and loss.  Requires ANSI          
                                  emulation.  Detects RIP and sets up for  
                                  80x25 font.  Supports DORINFOx.DEF,      
                                  DOOR.SYS, FOSSIL driver, ASYNC and more. 
                                  Installation and configuration programs  
                                  make for easy install and setup.         
fires10.zip   175342 08-05-2024 Fire-Rescue Trivia v1.0 - A BBS Door of Many
                                topics for Fire Rescue, EMT's and Medical
                                Personnel. Are you ready for this one? Many
                                questions are included in the expanded
                                database when you register this door. You
                                gotta have it and get it registered to get
                                the entire database with well over 500
                                questions. RIP Supported, many BBS types too.
fires15.zip   183077 08-05-2024 Fire-Rescue Trivia v1.05 - BBS Door of
                                Many topics for Fire Rescue, EMT's and
                                Medical Personnel. Are you ready for this
                                one? Many questions are included in the
                                expanded database when you register this
                                door. MULTI-NODE, RIP Supported, many BBS
                                types too. Registration only $12.00.
fires16.zip   191011 08-05-2024 Fire-Rescue Trivia v1.06 - BBS Door of
                                Many topics for Fire Rescue, EMT's and
                                Medical Personnel. Are you ready for this
                                one? Many questions are included in the
                                expanded database when you register this
                                door. MULTI-NODE, RIP Supported, many BBS
                                types too. Registration only $12.00.
firetrv4.zip  126339 08-05-2024 >>>>>>> FIRE FIGHTING TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of fire fighting.  Fully
                                functional, supports multiple BBS formats,
                                file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to
                                115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4,
                                IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
firev12.zip    86522 08-05-2024 ͻ  Fire Village IGM   ͻ
                                   VR 1.2    ͼ
                                 Vestlands Enchanted Castle   
                                  First quest. A 2 day quest  
                                  to Fire Village. Two        
                                  paths to take to get to     
                                  the village. Fight your     
                                  way there or use your wits. 
                                  Best of all its FREEWARE    
                                  You must be running         
                                  Vestland Ver 1.1 !!!!       
                                     Wonderland Software      
                                ͼ  ͼ
                                 Mad Hatter BBS (919)736-7003 
                                  Join the World of Fantasy   
firev13.zip    73315 08-05-2024 Fire Village IGM VR 1.3 Vestlands Enchanted
                                Castle First quest. A 2 day quest to Fire
                                Village. Two paths to take to get to the
                                village. Fight your way there or use your
                                wits. Best of all its FREEWARE. You must be
                                running Vestland V1.1.
fishsub.zip    88585 08-05-2024 
fish_100.zip   68611 08-05-2024 
fk202.zip     458559 08-05-2024  Ŀ
                                  Farmers and KingsWith external      
                                  ver 2.0                colorful chat
                                 Multi-node RPG    
                                 Mixture of intense role-playing, action
                                 and puzzles. Battle monsters, pirates, 
                                soldiers and dragons on your way to 
                                avenge your home and become king.  Seven 
                                unique towns. Over 150 unique monsters 
                                from squirrels to presidents. Supports 
                                all major BBS types. Easy installation.  
                                Easy to learn and get into with many
                                colorful ANSI graphics.
fl2adult.zip  790508 08-05-2024 
flapi95.zip    31449 08-05-2024 DoorUtil for Falken BBS systems, Linux.
                                This package is for the programming of
                                doors for Falken BBS systems. (DOS version
                                also available.
flash10.zip    12167 08-05-2024 FLASHDEF is a no hastles (PCB) style DOOR.SYS
                                conversion program that switches DOOR.SYS  to
                                DORINFO?.DEF drop file format. Its lightening
                                fast for almost seemless operation. FREEWARE!
flash52.zip   101441 08-05-2024 Flash  Poker--Version 5.12 Likethe Card Game
                                A great poker game that is really fun for your
flc103.zip     38297 08-05-2024 ---------- FLC Compiler 1.03 ----------
                                   The powerful programming language
                                          for the Sage engine
                                Documentation includes a brief list and
                                detailed explanation of of all commands.
flctut1.zip     4624 08-05-2024 The FLC tutor           Revision 1
                                Learn how to program Sage with the
                                powerful script language FLC.
fleet121.zip  183941 08-05-2024 FLEET121.ARJ
                                       FLEET HUNTER V1.21       
                                 FLEET HUNTER: Enemy Waters     
                                 Part II. You're In The Bay Of  
                                 The Enemy's Shipyards With A   
                                 Mission. Use Your Torpedos To  
                                 Destroy Ships On Your Taget    
                                 List... Of Course Extra Damage 
                                 To Their Fleet Means Extra     
                                 Points If You're Successful In 
                                 This Real-Time Online Game!    
                                  Compiled: December 2, 1996    
                                         GENERATION II          
                                   Support BBS: 817-794-0126    
                                 Fido: 1:130/319    FREQ: FLEET 
                                 FTP: ftp.pca.net/Carlton_Doors 
fleet131.zip  170877 08-05-2024 FLEET HUNTER V1.31 - Enemy Waters: Part II.
                                You're In The Bay Of The Enemy's Shipyards
                                With A Mission. Use Your Torpedos To Destroy
                                Ships On Your Target List... Of Course Extra
                                Damage Done To Their Fleet Means Extra Points
                                If You're Successful In This Real-Time Game!
flotto.zip     40931 08-05-2024 -FL LOTTOv1.0Ŀ
                                    The Quick Pick Door for the     
                                           FLORIDA LOTTREY            
                                   picks random numbers for lotto     
                                     Fantasy 5 Pick 4 and Cash 3      
                                  Supports Wildcat and most other     
                                  popular BBS's                       
                                 NOT CRIPPLED!!     $5 Registration 
flped13.zip    19441 08-05-2024 
flpfop11.zip  146836 08-05-2024 Flip Flop 1.1 - Door Game by Mike Jordan
                                Requires skill and thought to beat the 
                                computer.  Similar to Othello, but with some
                                differences... change the computers color
                                pieces to your's by landing next to them.
                                Watch out, the computer is a pretty smart
                                player.  Supports most major drop files, 
                                environmental variables for multi-node and is
                                fossil and RIP aware. InterBBS Playable.
                                No expiration date or demo key required.
fm11.zip       30023 08-05-2024 
fmail59d.zip  523313 08-05-2024 FMail 1.59/beta, Standard version
                                FMail is an echo mail processor for Hudson
                                and JAM message bases. Also included is a
                                message base maintenance utility with a lot
                                of special features.
fmlx_59d.zip  700344 08-05-2024 FMail 1.59/beta, DOS-DPMI 16/32 bit versions
                                FMail is an echo mail processor for Hudson
                                and JAM message bases. Also included is a
                                message base maintenance utility with a lot
                                of special features. The DPMI versions of
                                FMail support much more echo mail areas than
                                the standard version.
fnls124.zip    67261 08-05-2024 FNLScan v1.24 - *BUG FIX* fixes invalid key
                                format bug in 1.23. Fidonet NodeList Scanner
                                Scans up to 15 Fidonet-compatible nodelists
                                for criteria defined by your users,e.g. BBS,
                                sysop, city, area code or misc text. 
                                Supports most BBS software, IRQs 2-15, 
                                FOSSIL drivers and Digiboard multiport cards.
                                Fully multi-language compatible, supports 
                                @macros and @X color codes and is  OS/2, DV 
                                and Windows aware!
fo307sw.zip    90009 08-05-2024 Flip Out Door game from GACQ.  
fob12.zip     574529 08-05-2024 FIELDS OF BATTLE F/X 1.2:Online War Game.
                                FOB is back and better than ever.  Utilizing
                                DDO-F/X to make it one of the best VGA/EGA
                                war strategy games available today.  Numerous
                                units, real-time online map editor built in,
                                and allows up to 8 players simulteaneously
                                per game.  FOB is a one of a kind.
                                ========= Requires LI-TERM 1.00+ ============
fob138.zip   1265571 08-05-2024 FIELDS OF BATTLE 1.38 * Release Vrsn*
                                EGA/VGA/SB Animated Action Door Game!
                                * Dozens Of Updates/Changes/Features*
                                * NEW "No-Thought" Host/Term Install*
                                *********  ALL NON-EXPIRING  ********
                                ******  Remote TSR For Easy Use  ****
                                ***  Supports DOORSYS File Format  **
                                **  Now Supports RIPTERM & FX-TERM  *
                                **  Supports ALL Of The Following!  *
                                **  Graphics * Stero Sound * Mouse  *
                                *****  Animation * Multi-Player  ****
                                *******  Multi-Node * 13 Terms  *****
                                ***Direct NON-STANDARD IRQ Support***
                                ** Join The Multi-Media Revolution! *
fod250b.zip   249837 08-05-2024 Forces of Darkness 2.50 beta - The greatest
                                space role playing adventure  
                                ever created!  And now it's a true multinode
                                door with internode combat 
                                and internode messaging!  Forces of Darkness
                                is NOT another space trading
                                door.  Instead it is true role playing, D&D
                                style, set in outer space.
                                Players travel from planet to planet engaging
                                in street fights with      
                                computer controlled monsters in their quest to
                                reach the Fortress of
                                Darkness.  In addition to hand to hand combat,
                                players will encounter 
                                other ships as they travel and must compete in
                                space deuls.  Players can
                                also fight other players, either by attacking
                                them when they are offline,
                                or by challenging them live when they are
                                online.  If your board has
                                any Star Wars or Star Trek fans, or science
                                fiction fans in general,
                                then you can not be without Forces of Darkness
                                  This door does not
                                require a fossil driver, but can use one if
                                desired.  Support for non-
                                standard IRQs, and locked baud rates included.
                                 Door will not expire or
                                nag your users with delays.
fodfree.zip   233990 08-05-2024 Forces of Darkness 2.01 SE - Greatest space
                                role playing adventure ever 
                                created!  Very fun!  This is not a space
                                trading game, but a role playing
                                game set in space.  The monsters you fight are
                                space monsters.  You travel
                                from planet to planet as your character
                                advances up the ranks of the
                                galactic street fighters.  This door features
                                support for fossil drivers,
                                non-standard IRQ's, locked baud rates and more
                                  Setup is a snap.  
                                This door IS NOW FREE.  The author is no
                                longer developing this door, so
                                this version does not require any registration
                                fee, and is fully  
                                operational.  Enjoy.
foh209.zip    266196 08-05-2024 Field of Honor v2.09: 
                                  Multi-node Door
                                Field of Honor online RPG adventure. Enter the
                                old world, survival of
                                the fittest. Where only the strong survive,
                                and the best become the 
                                rulers. Field of Honor offers many areas to
                                hunt, challenges in the
                                field, and lots of secrets to discover in an
                                interactive town. 
                                Featuring customizable enemies, weapons,
                                armours, and levels. Also 
                                full RIP script and ANSI support, with custom
                                screens. And FOH has 
                                the ability to run other Doors from a Dock
                                Multi-node/player, DesqView aware, 16550 UART
                                support, non-standard IRQs,
                                auto-detect and use of FOSSIL drivers and much
                                Fully supported by author, a Wildcat Sysop.
foolem11.zip  180546 08-05-2024 Foolem' v1.1 (The Fake Dos Door)
                                Foolem' is a "Fake" drop to dos door
                                that will make your users think they
                                have gained access to your hard drive.
                                You can set it up as a door or as
                                a dos hook.  Catch those "Snoopy" users
                                that just can't seem to resit trying
                                to get to areas they know they don't have
                                access to.  Foolem' will create a log file
                                for the sysop to review showing EVERYTHING
                                the user did when they went into the door.
                                Foolem' recognizes ALL dos commands and has a
                                few surpirses for the user when they run
                                *.EXE's and *.BAT's.  It also has *.TXT
                                files that users can read which contain
                                "TOP SECRET INFORMATION" about your BBS,
                                USERS ACCOUNTS, and even your BANK ACCOUNT
                                (all sysop configurable of course).  Some
                                of the more popular dos commands supported
                                for those "Real Scum Users" are:  FORMAT,
                                FDISK, DEL, ERASE, COPY, XCOPY, CD, CHDIR,
                                RD, RMDIR, etc. etc.....
football.zip   94986 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> FOOTBALL v4.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
                                Play football against the computer using
                                standard NFL rules.  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
footbl20.zip  275942 08-05-2024 {     Football Betting Door v1.00    )Ŀ
                                 Just in time for Football 1995 to start! 
                                 Supports DOOR.SYS Systems Locked To 19.2 
                                 Full Betting (Legal), Interbbs Score     
                                 Sharing, Stats And More.                 
forge10.zip    85321 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... The Forgery.
                                Take the 35 gold piece tour,
                                or perhaps you might prefer
                                to apply for a job.... 
forgt10a.zip  141846 08-05-2024  FORGET-IT Vr.1.0a, by Mike Snyder 
                                 This is the FIRST EVER door game for  
                                 RageTerm users.  256-color VGA game,  
                                 for play over a BBS.  From N-E-Ware.  
                                 The Rolling Eye BBS: 316-733-6365 
forsale1.zip    8571 08-05-2024 =[ Chuckle Box FORSALE Script v1.0 ]=Ŀ
                                 Here is a FREE script which you can  
                                   run as a FORSALE door.  It comes   
                                 with automatic maintenance. Rewards  
                                   for posting ads, notification to   
                                  SysOp of new posts, and has other   
                                    features like eMail replying.     
                                =[ The Chuckle Box BBS ]=
fortun10.zip  105412 08-05-2024 Fortune Wheel 1.0: BBS Door. Great Wheel game!
                                 Good graphics.  Most BBSs.
forum503.zip  132285 08-05-2024 BBS FORUM V5.03 - Callers Create
                                And Mediate Their Own Message Bases.
                                "Open Access", "Password To Join",
                                "Password Every Entry"; Optional Alias
                                Support, Public And Private Messaging
                                Too! Sysop Has Access To All Forums.
fourleaf.zip  146871 08-05-2024 FourLeaf Clover v1.3 On-Line Door Game
                                Test your users skills with this simple but
                                yet strategic card game.  Game play is ANSI,
                                with cursor control movements.  Your given 16
                                cards face up, in four rows of four each. You
                                have to now discard cards in batches of 13
                                points.  Kings, Queens and Jacks in the same
                                suit can be discarded.
                                FOURLEAF ONLINE DOOR GAME SOLITAIRE
                                Worldwide Programming (209) 497-6722
fowl110.zip    36987 08-05-2024 Win Time Or Credits Duck Pond Type Game.  
fr360.zip     974021 08-05-2024 Future Runner On-Line Door Game for most All
                                BBS Programs. Future Runner is a Futuristic
                                Role Playing Game that is never the same each
                                time the game is won and restarted. There are
                                over 160 different play variations depending
                                on the play version, who hired you, object
                                you are searching for and the character you
                                select. Over 150 different location and Ansi
                                color screens give you a realistic view of
                                where you are. We have even added a little
                                Ansi Animation like Hover Cabs and Computer
freedoor.zip   43176 08-05-2024 FREEDOOR 1.0 For WC 4.x Systems
                                Allow users to play door games
                                without subtracting from their
                                online time.  FREEWARE!
freelinr.zip   20211 08-05-2024 A very simple comment wall.
                                My first door written in
                                TurboPASCAL 7.0.  Freeware,
                                of course!  (C) 1998 Sean
frog10.zip    170876 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                            ( \    / )               
                                             FROG 1.0              
                                 THE NEW BBS MULTILINE CHAT SYSTEM 
                                            easy to use            
                                     including "who is online"     
                                    fully language configurable    
                                 for dorinfo and door.sys systems  
                                    fully functional shareware     
front101.zip   32871 08-05-2024 Front Line 1.01 is a highly configurable,
                                very secure host front door.  Can be used
                                with Doorway or any executable.  Supports
                                all COM ports at speeds up to 115200.
fr_26t11.zip 1408664 08-05-2024 Friends & Thugs 1.1
                                PROFILE/RPG doorgame by children of Galaexy
                                New inteferface, tons of new options, new
                                mods, interbbs capable. Simply the coolest.
                                If you're looking for something new/exciting
                                for your board then check this out.
                                for more cool stuff.
fr_26thugs.z       0 01-01-1980 FR&THUGS.ZIP v1.0
                                A Cool new Profile/RPG Door game.
                                Lets your users build a profile that can
                                include a  picture or text file and compete
                                against each other as "thugs" in the ghetto.
                                Pull down menus, IGM support, IBBS capable,
                                lots of other features, visit the web page at
                                for more details.
                                Children of Galaexy 1997.
fr_26thugs.zip 1140738 08-05-2024 FR&THUGS.ZIP v1.0
                                A Cool new Profile/RPG Door game.
                                Lets your users build a profile that can
                                include a  picture or text file and compete
                                against each other as "thugs" in the ghetto.
                                Pull down menus, IGM support, IBBS capable,
                                lots of other features, visit the web page at
                                for more details.
                                Children of Galaexy 1997.
fse_332.zip   122553 08-05-2024 
fsit33.zip     97299 08-05-2024 FSIT v3.3 Mail Conference Request Door
                                Your users can use this door to search
                                your echolists for keywords or phrases
                                and request that echomail areas be
                                added to your bbs.  Control access to 
                                echolists by security level.  Supports 
                                15 mail networks at the same time.
                                Echotag typing not required -- select
                                by number.  This door WILL NOT modify 
                                your AREAS.xxx file or post a netmail 
                                message.  It will post the request to 
                                an ASCII text file.  Shareware -- Not 
                                Crippled In Any Way.
fstreq13.zip   76717 08-05-2024 FastReq v1.3 by Don Sausa  Offline request
                                door  Awesome colors  Page the sysop option
                                 ANSI Music  Works with RBBS, Wildcat,
                                GAP and PCBoard  Minor bug fix  New key
                                system  Reg $5 
ft1_0.zip      13970 08-05-2024  -=-=- Felicity's Temple ver 1.0 for Lord2
                                 A new IGM for Lord 2. Talk to Felicity, find
                                 the Janitor, purchase a new home! 
                                        Tech'N Software - Lloyd Hannesson
ftb120fw.zip  141633 08-05-2024 Flip the Bits 1.20 (Free-ware) BBS
                                word puzzle game door that
                                challenges players to achieve the
                                highest monthly score. Can operate
                                in optional Hang-Man mode. Works
                                with DORINFOx.DEF and DOOR.SYS BBS
                                types. Recognizes RipScript
                                terminals and adjusts for them.
                                JPSoft... Free-ware for your BBS.
                                Lots of new formatting, features,
                                puzzles, and more.
ftpd101.zip    45375 08-05-2024 ====================
                                   FTPDOOR * ON-LINE *  Version 1.01   
                                  FTPDOOR is an online Files Request   
                                  Door with built in FILES.BBS display 
                                  Chat, Message to Sysop Functions Etc.
                                 SHAREWARE $4 - Proceds go to Childfind
                                           Compiled 01/09/94           
fuel10.zip    127078 08-05-2024 FUEL 1.0 is a tool for VGA-PLANETS.
                                *** Optimize fuel consumption ***
                                Never again burn unnessecary fuel!
                                - based on PHOST formulas
                                - finds out the best combination
                                  of warp factors for a given
                                  distance. Best combination means:
                                  as little fuel consumption as
                                - Calculates in advance all waypoints
                                  of the flight
                                - Shows temporary waypoints if
                                  destination point lies out of
                                  PLANETS' scan window
                                - EMAILWARE (free)
                                - (c) michael_moetje@hh2.maus.de
fullpack.zip  253943 08-05-2024 Revision 1.00. Want to set up your BBS under
                                OS/2 but not sure where to begin?
                                FULLPACK.ZIP contains everything you'll need
                                from start to finish to get your DOS-Based
                                up and running under OS/2 with minimal
                                downtime. FULLPACK includes sample batch files
                                various bug fixes, the newest SIO drivers,
                                and anything else you'll need to get you on
                                your way!  Revised 12/22/94.
funk2_2d23.z       0 01-01-1980 
                                 [ FUNKMAN v2.3 ] REALsoft ͻ
                                 =  = 
                                :  You FAILED in your last mission...  
                                  (Trying to stop evil aliens         |
                                  disguised as demons from taking     :
                                :  over your home planet of Xenon).    :
                                  Now it is up to you to set          
                                  everything straight (again). This   |
                                  version now includes a player/      
                                  enemy editor, a bulletin generator, 
                                :  user to user mail, and a bomb.      |
                                  Deletes users after 30 days.        |
                                :  Some bugs fixed.. $5 registration.. 
                                 =  = 
                                 This is a DOOR [10/02/95] ļ
funk2_2d23.zip  100574 08-05-2024 
                                 [ FUNKMAN v2.3 ] REALsoft ͻ
                                 =  = 
                                :  You FAILED in your last mission...  
                                  (Trying to stop evil aliens         |
                                  disguised as demons from taking     :
                                :  over your home planet of Xenon).    :
                                  Now it is up to you to set          
                                  everything straight (again). This   |
                                  version now includes a player/      
                                |  enemy editor, a bulletin generator, 
                                :  user to user mail, and a bomb.      |
                                |  Deletes users after 30 days.        |
                                :  Some bugs fixed.. $5 registration.. 
                                 =  = 
                                 This is a DOOR [10/02/95] ļ
funkyads.zip   21987 08-05-2024 The Funky Ansi Ad Version 1.0
                                A Simple Freeware Ansi ad Viewer
                                Download Now
furnace.zip     4025 08-05-2024 The Furnace Door For Wildcat! 4.x only! NEW
                                user FLAME door in wcCODE. (C)1994
                                WasteLands Software, Jeff Wayne author.
                                Registration only $10.00! Just another
                                ByProduct of The WasteLands
fwall22e.zip  146036 08-05-2024 FAITHFUL WITNESS v2.2e        *FREEWARE*
                                A Christian oriented Stories BBS Door!
                                Users can read Faithful Witness stories
                                from around the world or enter\read user
                                Christian Adventures, Stories, Tributes,
                                or Testimonies. Explore the world of
                                Christian Literature and have some fun
                                too! Supports DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF,
                                PCBOARD.SYS, SFDOORS.DAT & CALLINFO.BBS
                                [A modified form of the final freeware]
                                [release of FANTASY WALL.             ]
                                [Copyright (C)1996 Lounge Software    ]
fwallfix.zip   91273 08-05-2024 Faithfull Witness v2.2c bug fix.
fwarfree.zip  233391 08-05-2024 Food Wars 2.10 - Exciting door game from the
                                makers of Nexus and FOD!
                                This game supports fossil drivers,
                                non-standard IRQ's, locked baud
                                rates, DIGIBOARD, and comms 1-4.  Food Wars is
                                a humerous role playing
                                game that is fun to play yet low on violence. 
                                Players are placed in
                                Microlimp Jr High "for problem children" where
                                they get involved in a
                                massive campus food war!  Players fight
                                computer "monsters" like the
                                School Nerd and Class President, as well as
                                going up against each
                                other.  Game has 41 levels and can be won. 
                                This door IS NOW FREE!!
                                No registration required.  The door is fully
                                operational.  Enjoy.
g5108to9.zip  207621 08-05-2024 Galaxy 5 v1.09 upgrade patch. This patch will
                                upgrade Galaxy 5 v1.08 Wide Beta (registered
                                or unregistered) to v1.09 Wide Beta.
g5109b.zip    270336 08-05-2024 
g5stat10.zip   13346 08-05-2024 Galaxy 5 Game Statistics Generator v1.0
                                Straight from -Noel Software- Creates
                                ANSI and/or ASCII screen(s) of your G5
                                game stats. Total players, number of
                                male/female players, and much more!
                                * Freeware *
gacbj230.zip  338645 08-05-2024 Tournament Blackjack TM (TBJ) Version 2.30!!
                                by GAC\Vagabond Software. NEW! Includes
                                both DOS 16 and WIN95/NT versions!
                                This is a MULTINODE, INTER-BBS blackjack game
                                with NEW! ANSI CARDS for the user and dealer. 
                                TBJ will allow users on a BBS to participate 
                                in a blackjack game as if they were sitting 
                                at a real table, chatting is even available! 
                                Inter-BBS play allows users to send messages,
                                and view all scores. Easy IBBS operation.
                                Postcardware via Vagabond Software!
gacfc120.zip  307462 08-05-2024 Tournament FreeCell (tm) (TFC) Version 1.20!
                                by G.A.C. Computer Services. NEW! Includes
                                both DOS 16 and WIN95/NT versions!
                                This is a MULTINODE, INTER-BBS FreeCell game
                                that will work on all BBS systems.  FreeCell
                                is an addictive solitare card game.  Users
                                will compete for the best score (based on 
                                percent of wins and total games played).
                                Inter-BBS play allows users to send messages,
                                and view all scores. Easy IBBS operation. $10
gacfc130.zip  311051 08-05-2024 Tournament FreeCell (tm) (TFC) Version 1.30!
                                by GAC\Vagabond Software. NEW! Includes
                                both DOS 16 and WIN95/NT versions!
                                This is a MULTINODE, INTER-BBS FreeCell game
                                that will work on all BBS systems.  FreeCell
                                is an addictive solitare card game.  Users
                                will compete for the best score (based on 
                                percent of wins and total games played).
                                Inter-BBS play allows users to send messages,
                                and view all scores. Easy IBBS operation. 
                                Now Postcard Wear via Vagabond Software!
gacwh120.zip  312632 08-05-2024 Tournament WaHoo (tm) (TWH) Version 1.20!
                                by G.A.C. Computer Services. NEW! Includes
                                both DOS 16 and WIN95/NT versions!
                                This is a MULTINODE, INTER-BBS WaHoo Board 
                                game that will work on all BBS systems.  Wa-
                                Hoo is a simple game that mixes skill and 
                                chance.  Attempt to move your marbles home
                                before the other opponents win or catch you.
                                Inter-BBS play allows users to send messages,
                                and view all scores. Easy IBBS operation. $10
gacwh130.zip  300619 08-05-2024 Tournament WaHoo (tm) (TWH) Version 1.30!
                                by Gac/Vagabond Software. NEW! Includes
                                both DOS 16 and WIN95/NT versions!
                                This is a MULTINODE, INTER-BBS WaHoo Board 
                                game that will work on all BBS systems.  Wa-
                                Hoo is a simple game that mixes skill and 
                                chance.  Attempt to move your marbles home
                                before the other opponents win or catch you.
                                Inter-BBS play allows users to send messages,
                                and view all scores. Easy IBBS operation. 
                                PostCardWare Via Vagabond Software!
galemp60.zip  124943 08-05-2024 Galactic Empire v6.0:  Conquer the Galaxy!
                                This door allows up to 100 users to scout out
                                nearby planets and launch fleets to take them
                                over... Strategy or luck? You be the judge...
                                Many features, multi-node compatible, uses a
                                fossil for compatability... Great addition to
                                any BBS!  $15 cheap shareware.
                                Now with Galactic Empire Modules (GEMs)!
                                Create your own add-ons for the game! Also w/
                                economics! Tax & buy ships and upgrades!
galemp62.zip  159572 08-05-2024 ----====<<< Galactic Empire v6.2 >>>====----
                                This door allows up to 100 users to scout out
                                nearby planets and launch fleets to take them
                                over... Strategy or luck? You be the judge...
                                Many features, multi-node compatible, uses a
                                fossil for compatability... GEM (Galactic
                                Empire Module) capability for external IGMs!
                                Great door for any BBS!  $15 cheap!
                                Minor update, with support for multiple door
                                formats fixed, plus repaired economic code.
galery11.zip   33204 08-05-2024 
galtrvia.zip    7405 08-05-2024 
galwar75.zip  423543 08-05-2024 
gal_doc3.zip    7657 08-05-2024 
gamble2.zip    64501 08-05-2024  Time Gamble  v2.0  
                                          AT Version!
                                Gamble your time remaining in the
                                door playing games such as BlackJack,
                                Polish Roulette, Card Shark, and 
                                others.  User Editor included. 
                                Supports all of the most popular 
                                door data formats: PCBoard, GAP 
                                (Door.Sys), Spitfire, RBBS, 
                                WildCat!, TriBBS, and WWIV. XT 
                                version available under the name: 
                                GAMB2_XT.ZIP or GAMB2_XT.ARJ.
                                By DreamWARE Communications.
                                Support Board:  DreamNET
                                (317)-780-1264. Cmpld 2/10/93.
gamest11.zip   43439 08-05-2024 
gammon11.zip   68033 08-05-2024 Global Backgammon Doorgame version 1.1.
                                A real-time multi-node Backgammon and
                                Acey-Deucy door game by the author of the
                                popular doorgame Global War.  Players wager
                                the Hall of Fame.
                                Works with any BBS. Supports any number of
                                nodes.  Fossil, Non-Fossil or Digiboard.
                                Global Backgammon Acey-Deucy Door
                                Joel Bergen
gammon20.zip   42514 08-05-2024 
gangl37.zip   247183 08-05-2024 GANGLAND WARS         - Door Game -      v3.7
                                ***   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection ***
                                Fully MULTINODE RPG Door Game. Also includes 
                                new Configuration Utility with full mouse 
                                support.  Now includes a GANGLAND WARS AIP 
                                Module too!  Add 10 Computer Players to your 
                                game quickly and easily!  Do battle with 
                                Street Punks, Recruit Gang Members, visit the
                                Gangland Boss, Rob Local Stores, play 
                                Blackjack and much more!  Do you have what it
                                takes to be the Top Gang Leader?  
gapbank.zip   119813 08-05-2024 TimeBank for GAP. Version 1.8, GAP 5.x & up.
                                Store & retrieve time while on-line. Easy to
                                set-up. Configurable... allows different
                                security levels to store different amounts of
                                time. Multi-node aware. Event-aware, will not
                                allow withdrawals at the wrong time! Includes
                                editor to alter or disable accounts. Supports
                                38400 speeds. Complete logging of what takes
                                place.               Cheap!
gapcnf10.zip   82022 08-05-2024 GAP Automated Network/Conf Listing      v1.0.
                                **  From Sunrise Door/Utility Software   **
                                Create a conference listing automatically
                                based on the FORUM.DAT file, by Network. Make
                                a conference change or add a whole network
                                and this utility will generate the listing.
                                Colors and verbage are configurable; 9999
                                conferences. For GAP BBS' only. In the
                                tradition of Sunrise Doors......!!!!!
gaplimit.zip   52424 08-05-2024 GAPLIMIT GAP BBS CALL PER DAY LIMITER
                                GapLimit offers a way for sysops to limit
                                the number of logons per day by user
                                security level.
gbkg14.zip     68477 08-05-2024 Global Backgammon Doorgame version 1.4
                                A real-time multi-node Backgammon and
                                Acey-Deucy door game by the author of the
                                popular doorgame Global War.  Players wager
                                points using the doubling cube to win a
                                place on the Hall of Fame.
                                Works with any BBS. Supports any number of
                                nodes.  Fossil, Non-Fossil or Digiboard.
                                By the author of Global War
                                Joel Bergen
gbkgv16.zip   136596 08-05-2024 John Dailey's Global Backgammon v1.6
                                A real-time,  multi-node Backgammon and Acey-
                                Deucy door  game by the author of the popular
                                doorgames  Global  War  and  Dungeon  Master.
                                Players  wager points  for the  Hall of Fame.
                                Works with bulletin board system software and
                                supports any number of nodes. Fossil, UART or
                                Digiboard capable. Originally by Joel Bergen.
                                Registration $25.00US
gblist23.zip  197335 08-05-2024 The GoodBye List Door! v2.3 Allow visiting
                                SysOps to add their BBS to your logoff
                                screen (or other display file). Now uses a
                                keyed registration system for easier
                                upgrades for registered users. SysOp only
                                menu for online configuration, callers can
                                download an ASCII listing, SysOps can edit
                                and/or delete their entries, single or
                                double line output formats, etc...
                                Copyright (c) 1996 Thomas J. Smith
gb_v101.zip   136580 08-05-2024 GuTTeRBoWL Ver 1.01 -  Online Bowling Door!
                                Freeware see docs for details. Simply the
                                B E S T  bowling door you'll ever play.
                                ANSI-intensive animation! Bowl the nearly
                                true action-pin-reaction. Featuring multi-
                                node, multi-OS support. Supports nearly
                                every known dropfile. Works at speeds all
                                the way up to ISDN. Fully functional.
                                Easy installation  ONLY $15..or free.....
                                From -- ChasWare Software - (c) 1996-1999
gc2f.zip      215139 08-05-2024 
gcwfd130.zip   67716 08-05-2024 GCWF-The Door Game 1.30 - 1.20 UPGRADEABLE
                                      The newest release of this
                                         shareware door includes new
                                       features such as a Bulletin
                                Board and a private message system between
                                wrestlers. Supports DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF,
                                and PCBOARD.SYS. Registration: $10
ge104.zip      79677 08-05-2024 GalacticEmpires 1.04 multiplayer game door
                                GalacticEmpires is a game of treachery and
                                strategy.  A cross between Risk and Chess,
                                with each 4 to 9 player game lasting for
                                months.  This game is not for those with
                                short attention problems.  This is another
                                BBS Onliner Inteface game from the warped
                                and highly dangerous mind of Andrew Mead.
gen10.zip     134698 08-05-2024 Genius I version 1.0 
                                a Multi-Node / Multi-User
                                ANSI BBS door game, has been described 
                                as "...the mother of all trivia games" 
                                for good reason. Genius I will offer 
                                players a challenge on a level completely 
                                different than that found in any other 
                                door trivia game currently in use today! 
                                Because Genius I is not tailored to one 
                                specific topic or subject, but is instead 
                                very diverse (in covering six categories), 
                                players themselves must possess an overall 
                                knowledge of the six categories to advance 
                                beyond rounds. Players who compete in 
                                Genius I compete against each other for 
                                total points, overall percentage of correct 
                                answers, and number of rounds completed. 
                                Baud rates 1200-115600 are supported.
                                DV & Windows aware.
gen_trv1.zip  191876 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>> GENERIC TRIVIA I v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of general topics.  Fully
                                functional, supports multiple BBS formats,
                                file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to
                                115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4,
                                IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
geobaker.zip   86064 08-05-2024 
geotrv11.zip  144748 08-05-2024 World Geography  Trivia v1.1  A BBS door
                                program that tests your knowledge of the
                                world's geography.  Another PAROLE Software
                                program by Dennis Maidon. Now creates RIP
                                graphic bulletins as well as supports a
                                RIPSCRIP interface.  Supports all the major
                                BBS drop files. WC!/PCB/SF/GAP, etc....
gfest122.zip  136769 08-05-2024 GRUNT FEST -Mech Inf Combat Door Game
                                Vers 1.22 - Hooahh... It's head to head
                                mechanized combat between the two most
                                powerful armies on earth in this fun to
                                play BBS DOOR game which is half wargame
                                and half card game. Journey to the near
                                future somewhere between 1995 and 2005 where
                                you will lead a mechanized Infantry Platoon
                                in hypothetical Combat against another force
                                of similar strength or greater.The opponents
                                are the Russian Army and the United States
                                Army. Using Artillery Support, Tac Air, Anti
                                Tank Missiles, Tank Main Guns, APC Cannons
                                and Dismounted Infantry assaults attempt to
                                destroy the enemy Platoon of five vehicles
                                before that fate happens to you.  Oh yes,
                                don't forget to plan on drawing friendly
                                fire and minefield encounters which can ruin
                                the best planned assault of either side! An
                                enjoyable quick playing game which is sure
                                to become a user favorite on any BBS! MULTI-
                                NODE CAPABLE. Supports most BBS Software
                                packages, including PC Board Vers 15 & Wild
                                Cat 3.91. The game is RIP aware, does not
                                require a fossil, but will make use of one
                                if it is available, supports interupts 0-15,
                                selectable port addresses, Com ports 1-4,
                                and speeds up to 115,200 baud. Automatic
                                Windows, WindowsNT, OS/2, DOS 5.0+ time
                                slice releasing. DESQview supported. $10.00
gifsee20.zip  107548 08-05-2024 GIFSEE 2.0 - Let your users preview GIF
                                files, in less time, by mashing a bunch
                                together and shrinking them. Your users
                                will love you forever!! Registered mode
                                allows you to put an advertising GIF in
                                the compilation.  Sorted lists, precomp
                                CDROM lists, multinode capable. * NEW *
                                lightbar tagging, sequential file names
                                Can run with or without a fossil driver
                                Cheap Shareware from Pete Rocca - $8.00
gilltrv4.zip  104379 08-05-2024 >>>>> GILLIGAN'S ISLAND TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of the Gilligan's Island TV shows
                                and movies.  Fully functional, supports
                                multiple BBS formats, file sharing for
                                multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h
                                fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is
                                DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
giron24.zip   255760 08-05-2024 Grid Iron V2.4-Sports Trivia/Role Door Game.
                                Users answer questions taking from all areas 
                                of sports.  The player moves up in titles
                                in order to reach the owner of their own 
                                Football team, by gaining points. Compatible 
                                with most BBS software.  Supports up to 115K 
                                baud rate, COM 0-15, non-standard IRQ's and 
                                multi-port boards using a FOSSIL including 
                                PCBoard/M.  Desqview compatible.
                                    **** From: DEKM Software, Inc. ****
giscbeta.zip  100342 08-05-2024 
glock106.zip 1004526 08-05-2024 GRID-LOCK  1.06 ** Release Version **
                                VGA256c/SB Animated Action Door Game!
                                * Dozens Of Updates/Changes/Features*
                                * NEW "No-Thought" Host/Term Install*
                                *********  ALL NON-EXPIRING  ********
                                ******  Remote TSR For Easy Use  ****
                                ***  Supports DOORSYS File Format  **
                                **  Now Supports RIPTERM & FX-TERM  *
                                **  Supports ALL Of The Following!  *
                                **  Graphics * Stero Sound * Mouse  *
                                *****  Animation * Multi-Player  ****
                                *******  Multi-Node * 13 Terms  *****
                                ***Direct NON-STANDARD IRQ Support***
                                ** Join The Multi-Media Revolution! *
glock12.zip   412751 08-05-2024 GRIDLOCK F/X 1.2:Online Tron Cycles game.
                                Gridlock F/X is an old time favorite ported
                                over to DDO-F/X PRO.  Come face the grid
                                and see how long you can last before you
                                become gridlocked! Now presented using
                                320x200x256 VGA Graphics and Heart Pounding
                                Sound Track.
                                ========= Requires LI-TERM 1.00+ ============
gmon_402.zip  110644 08-05-2024 Game Monitor v4.02 door interface for RBBS.GO
go136.zip     264242 08-05-2024  Galactic Overlord 1.36 BBS Door Game 
                                GO is a game of galactic conquest.  Each
                                player will attempt to control a universe of
                                planets.  GO has 20+ ANSI screens/animation
                                and is Multi-node friendly!  Uses JSW
                                Resource Files that contain all of the ANSI,
                                doc, etc. files for the game.  Supports
                                std/nonstd comm ports, and FOSSIL. DV, Win,
                                and OS/2 aware.
go137b.zip    333947 08-05-2024 Galactic Overlord 1.37 *BETA* BBS Door Game
                                You must have GO136.ZIP to install!
                                GO is a game of galactic conquest.  Each
                                player will attempt to control a universe of
                                planets.  GO has 20+ ANSI screens/animation
                                and is Multi-node friendly!  Uses JSW
                                Resource Files that contain all of the ANSI,
                                doc, etc. files for the game.  Supports
                                std/nonstd comm ports, and FOSSIL. DV, Win,
                                and OS/2 aware. Info: http:www.jibbensoftware
go14_400.zip   21429 08-05-2024 Gotcha Door, game. Supports several BBS
                                formats and baud rates up to 115,200.
gobble.zip     88258 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>>>> GOBBLE MAN v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
                                Object of the game is for you, the Gobble
                                Man, to try and get all of the .'s before
                                the Monsters get you.  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
goc211.zip    319765 08-05-2024 GODFATHER OF CRIME Door Game - Vers 2.11
                                A rip-roaring, knock-em-dead ANSI role
                                playing door game of the 1930s New York
                                organized Crime Scene! Supports multi-
                                node AND on-line multiple players!
                                Carefully researched, the game provides
                                authentic flavor as well as a fun to
                                play game of the period. Using treachery,
                                bribery, corruption, the horse betting
                                parlor, illegal businesses and, of
                                course, some criminal acts, you attempt
                                to work your way up from a young family
                                Lieutenant to become the GodFather and
                                most powerful crime family in New York
                                City. Supports most BBS Software
                                packages, including PC Board Vers 15.XX
                                & WildCat 4.XX. The game is RIP aware,
                                does not require a fossil, but will make
                                use of one if it is available, supports
                                interupts 0-15, selectable port
                                addresses, Com ports 1-4, and speeds up
                                to 115,200 baud. Automatic Windows,
                                WindowsNT, and OS/2 time slice releasing.
                                DESQview supported. $20.00
gold6_20.zip  111731 08-05-2024 Gold Hunt! V6.20 for almost any BBS system.
                                Welcome to Gold Hunt ! The ANSI game is
                                simple to play wiph all instructions in the
                                door itself. You start at the entranca to a
                                mine and all you have to do is explore the
                                mine looking for gold. Along the way are
                                storage boxes which could hold some items
                                useful to you on your quest. Be careful for
                                disasters which could befall you on your
                                journey through the mine. This release
                                version has switched to support almost any
                                BBS drop file , multi node systems and for
                                Non-Standard Com Port IRQ's. New weekly
                                scoring format.
golfst.zip    136849 08-05-2024 
gomoku.zip     89417 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GOMOKU v4.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
                                Object of the game is to get five X's in
                                a row either diagonally, vertically, or
                                horizontally before the computer does.
                                Fully functional, supports multiple BBS
                                formats, file sharing for multiple nodes,
                                bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers,
                                COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
goodu17.zip    94295 08-05-2024 GoodUser v1.7 - only allow "good" users
                                into your door programs! Supports all the
                                major BBS types, DESQview aware, and non-
                                standard IRQ's. Great for running
                                tournaments between rival users! This
                                version now supports fossil drivers! T&J
                                Software Program
goph_10.zip    53345 08-05-2024 Gopher Hunt V.1.0 - BBS Door game supports
                                DOOR.SYS and GENERIC.SYS files.
                                 Gopher Hunt DOOR Game
gotcha21.zip   45107 08-05-2024 GOTCHA! v2.01 for WC5+
                                Gotcha! is a joke program that let's users
                                "stumble" into a fake user editor.  Once in
                                the editor they can make changes to their
                                "fake" user record.  When they quit and
                                save, GOTCHA!  Optionally creates ANSI BBS
                                and HTML "Hall of Shame" bulletins.
gotcha54.zip   24241 08-05-2024 PC version of the BBS Gotcha! door. Mono or
                                Color. Fun game for all ages. Keeps score!
gothik16.zip  354654 08-05-2024  G O T H I K v 1.6 -=- Shareware Release
                                  Copyright (C) 1997 AQUARIUS Software
                                  GOTHIK is a BBS door RPG game with a
                                     modern gothic vampire setting.
                                 Now with MULTINODE HEAD-TO-HEAD COMBAT!
go_41.zip      25066 08-05-2024 Gotcha Door, game. Supports several BBS
                                formats and baud rates up to 115,200.
gplus2.zip     83187 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      Graffiti Plus version 2.0         
                                [ By: Nik Bauer ]Ĵ
                                  This is the BEST Graffiti Wall! It    
                                  includes options such as:             
                                   Light Bar post menus                
                                   Up to 6 line posts                  
                                   Add color to your posts             
                                   Anonymous options                   
                                   Sysop menus and configurable        
                                   Configurable amount of posts        
                                   ANSi only                           
                                   100% FREEWARE                       
gpwar98f.zip  211145 08-05-2024  GPWAR 0.98F ķ
                                    Learn the 3 X's of Galactic Rule!     
                                 eXpansion, eXploitation & eXtermination! 
                                 The Best Multi-Player Door Game Around!  
                                  GPWAR is one of the FEW games still in  
                                  existance that push player interaction. 
                                    GPWAR starts out to be an economic    
                                 style game, making the players depend on 
                                  one another, but quickly turns into an  
                                  all out war!  Supports all Dropfiles,   
                                   IRQ's and FOSSILs.  ShareWare! $20!    
grave101.zip   93196 08-05-2024  The Graveyard:  An AOU for Bota!
                                 Great new AOU for Battle Of The Arts!
                                 The Graveyard, just within the  well-   
                                 known place, China Town. If you don't    
                                 have this new addition to BOTA,  then    
                                 you need to download it right now and    
                                 put it up... for your users, so  they    
                                 can enjoy it. Registration is cheaper    
                                 than most AOU's, or IGM's for any  of        
                                 the other doors  around!   MUST HAVE!
                                            Written and Coded by:      
                                                 Mike Hiatte            
greedy22.zip  246083 08-05-2024 Greedy v2.1 - Addictive Game of Nine Dice
                                              from Seven Wells On-Line!
                                              RIPscrip support on both
                                              local & remote ends! New look;
                                              easy setup & maintenance;
                                              Desqview, OS/2, Windows co-
                                              operative; up to 255 games-
                                              per-day & 28 makeup days.
                                              Supports com port speeds up to
                                              115,200 without a FOSSIL!
grfiti20.zip   73261 08-05-2024 Grafitti Wall For Any DOOR.SYS BBS!
                                Sysop Configurable!       DV Aware!
                                Version 2.00 -> NEW RIP Graphics! <-
                                From FireHawk SoftWare.
grid100.zip    56872 08-05-2024 GridLock version 1.00 Online Game Door.
                                GridLock is yet another online game written
                                with the BBS Onliner Interface, meaning it
                                will run under virtually all MS-DOS BBSes.
                                GridLock is a player vs. computer updating
                                of the school room game of connect the dots
                                GridLock is one more fine game from the
                                warped and dangerous mind of Andrew Mead.
grid30b.zip   122162 08-05-2024 NavGRID: Kiss Your Battleship GOOD-BYE
                                 >>> Now Supports RIP And ANSI! <<<
                                A-10 and I-4 Coordinates Were Great For
                                The Board Game, But Now You Can Compete
                                Against Literally Unlimited Challengers
                                In This Mouse/Cursor-Controlled Game.
                                Direct Support For COM1-15, Digi-Port,
                                Fossils, Multi-Node, Desqview.
                                Support BBS: 616-968-7150
groan30.zip   137852 08-05-2024 GROAN  DICE   -  Door Game     v3.0        .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                A fast paced, challenging dice board game.
                                Makeup games missed during the month.
                                Automatic game reset & Hall of Fame
                                bulletins, at end of month. REAL TIME scoring
                                and POOL points! NOW send MESSAGES to other 
                                players !                                    
                                ****** INTERBBS Capable ******
grunt140.zip  416329 08-05-2024 GRUNT! v1.040 - FANTASY ROLE PLAYING GAME.
                                A FULLY INTERACTIVE RPG GAME! Full of shops
                                and secret places. Wander a 400+ room town
                                with doors, portals, gates and more!
                                Interact with your surroundings and other
                                players! Contains rings, wands, potions,
                                scrolls and spells, player classes & more!
                                Fully multi-player including Novell 3.+,
                                Lan 4.+, DV, Win 3.+ & Win '95 AND
                                "BBS_DOOR" configurable! Not crippled!
grwe11.zip    169649 08-05-2024 GALACTIC RIM WARS ELiTE v1.1 a new humourous
                                parody of online space games, and an
                                addictive onliner in it's own right.
gs101.zip     144133 08-05-2024 ķ
                                 Golf    Solitaire    (Door) ver. 1.01    
                                A game of solitaire where you attempt to 
                                the playing field by playing one card    
                                higher or lower than the deck's card.    
                                Keeps daily winners as will as a total   
                                winner for that month.  Now able to be   
                                played without a BBS!  Uses DOORFRAME    
                                library for Non-Standard Comport and     
                                Programmer: William Rountree             
                                Release Date: 04\18\95                   
gs103.zip     148211 08-05-2024 Golf Solitaire    (Door Game) ver. 1.03    
                                A game of solitaire where you attempt to 
                                the playing field by playing one card higher 
                                or lower than the deck's card. Keeps daily 
                                winners as well as a total winner for that 
                                month.  Now able to be played without a BBS! 
                                Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard 
                                Comport and IRQ's.  Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x 
                                and many others.  Release Date: 01\03\97      
gsbbsl12.zip   34493 08-05-2024 GSBBSL v1.12. The Garden State BBS List Door.
                                Search by Area Code, Phone Number, Text, BBS,
                                Modem Speed or BBS Software. Supports Popular
                                BBS Software Packages that produce DOOR.SYS
                                or DORINFO1.DEF. Can use external ANSI and
                                ASCII Menus after FREE Registration.
                                FREEWARE by Dennis Murphy.
gship107.zip  853813 08-05-2024 GUNSHIP 3000 1.07 * Release Version *
                                VGA256c/SB Animated Action Door Game!
                                * Dozens Of Updates/Changes/Features*
                                * NEW "No-Thought" Host/Term Install*
                                *********  ALL NON-EXPIRING  ********
                                ******  Remote TSR For Easy Use  ****
                                ***  Supports DOORSYS File Format  **
                                **  Now Supports RIPTERM & FX-TERM  *
                                **  Supports ALL Of The Following!  *
                                **  Graphics * Stero Sound * Mouse  *
                                *****  Animation * Multi-Player  ****
                                *******  Multi-Node * 13 Terms  *****
                                ***Direct NON-STANDARD IRQ Support***
                                ** Join The Multi-Media Revolution! *
gship12.zip   396178 08-05-2024 GUNSHIP 3000 F/X 1.2:Online Asteroids game.
                                GUNSHIP 3000 F/X is an old time favorite
                                ported over to DDO-F/X PRO.  You're stuck in
                                deep space with limited fuel.  You must warp
                                from asteroid belt to asteroid belt in search
                                of feul to make the next jump brining you
                                one step closer to home!  Good Luck!
                                ========= Requires LI-TERM 1.00+ ============
gshop10a.zip  109609 08-05-2024   Gift Shop of Illusion v1.0a  
                                | An IGM for Lunatix 2.3a+ by M. Snyder |
                                | Flirt and buy gifts for other players |
                                | silly questions to answer & More fun! |
gt3_term.zip   25241 08-05-2024 
gtabsv10.zip  136048 08-05-2024 GAPTABS v1 Telephone Access Billing Service   
                                TABS A 100% automatic subscription door.
                                Through use of a 900# Billing service, this
                                door takes the work and hassle out of
                                subscriptions. Users call a 900# for a code
                                and use the door to get upgraded instantly.
                                They are then billed by thier Phone Company!
                                No Startup costs. You just can't lose!
                                Signup today!
gterm511.zip  483956 08-05-2024 GTERM for LOD Ver 5.11 [Optional]
                                By Scott M. Baker
                                GTERM is a graphical terminal program
                                intended to allow remote users to see
                                graphics when playing LOD. Music is
                                also supported, although you must
                                also unzip LOD500F.ZIP into the gterm
                                directory (on the remote player's
                                side) for music to play. The supported
                                graphics resolutions are 800x600x256
                                and 640x480x256. A SVGA adapter with
                                at least 512k memory is required.
gtii_52.zip    68290 08-05-2024 
gtpl_52.zip    55839 08-05-2024 GT Power List Door. View worldwide GT Power
                                BBS network.   Supports several BBS formats
                                and baud rates up to 115,200.         v5.10
gtwin511.zip  129776 08-05-2024 
guard.zip       3207 08-05-2024 GUARD - Protect your BBS from lockups,
                                hangups, and the resulting ring-thru!
                                Fully automatic, inexpensive, and easy
                                to install.  Works on all IBM or IBM
                                compatible BBS Systems!
guess.zip      17706 08-05-2024 GUESS.ZIP
                                BBS DOORGAME Guess a number from 1 to 1000.
guess102.zip   79883 08-05-2024  Great new AOU for Battle Of The Arts!    
                                 Guess the Lucky Number is an  AOU  in    
                                 which you  try  to  guess  the  lucky
                                 number of the day, and if  you  guess      
                                 the number correctly,  then  you  are
                                 rewarded  with   the  prize  of  your
                                 choice.  Good luck, the  numbers  are      
                                 only numbered  0 - 10!  Get these AOU        
                                 for BOTA now!   MUST HAVE!
                                            Written and Coded by:      
                                                 Mike Hiatte            
guess231.zip  137302 08-05-2024 Card Guess - RIP 1.54 Compatible! Wager
                                Points Whether The Next Card In Line Will
                                Be Higher Or Lower Than The Current Card
                                In Play! Taken From The CARD GUESS Module
                                In DoorMania. Check It Out Today!
guest32.zip   138275 08-05-2024 GUEST REGISTRY 2.5! From Atlantis Software
                                32bit Win95/NT version w/ Windows Interface!
                                World's most popular user profile door!
                                Guests can share information about themselves
                                and view other guest profiles. Information
                                can include hobbies, children, favorite books
                                and movies, dating availability, and more!
                                Includes configurable questions and Sysop
                                editor! Much improved browse and search
                                capablities. This is THE best user profile
                                door! Excellent Support, with registered
                                users on five continents!
gunz10.zip    148281 08-05-2024  Gunz V. 1.0 is a new bbs door game 
                                Make money by running guns in and out of the 
                                country buy low and sell high look out for
                                the cops!!!
guruibm1.zip  263956 08-05-2024 The TradeWars Guru v1
                                This archive consists of a database and
                                scripts designed to assist people
                                playing the BBS Door game Tradewars 1.03 & 2.0
                                Version 1, Rls Date 8/18/95.
gwar30b5.zip  155461 08-05-2024 
gwarv26.zip   222937 08-05-2024 John Dailey's Global War v2.6 On-Line Game
                                An  adaptation  of  the hit board game  RISK.
                                Three  to  six  players  compete   for  world
                                domination alone or in teams.  Works with any
                                BBS  system,  any  number  of  nodes.   UART,
                                FOSSIL and Digiboard support provided. Multi-
                                tasker  aware.  Beautiful  ANSI  screens  and
                                mouse  support.  Originally  by  Joel Bergen.
                                Registration $25.00US
gwdoor11.zip  259898 08-05-2024 
gwedit31.zip   48344 08-05-2024 
gweditb5.zip   84851 08-05-2024 
gwrk101b.zip   18420 08-05-2024 
gwterm25.zip   33618 08-05-2024 
gw_slt13.zip   56794 08-05-2024 
h2hns.zip      44564 08-05-2024 
hack10b.zip    64663 08-05-2024 B.B.S. HACKER: Interactive BBS doorgame where
                                your users get to play against other users or
                                the computer. The object of the game is to
                                become the best hacker out there!
hack9301.zip   70899 08-05-2024 The Hack Report for January, 1993.
                                A monthly list of potentially dangerous files
                                including hacks, hoaxes, Trojan Horses, and
                                pirated commercial files found posted for
                                download on many BBS systems worldwide.
                                SysOps and Users alike may benefit from this
                                report by using it to avoid potentially
                                dangerous files.  By Lee Jackson,
                                Co-Moderator, FidoNet International Echo
                                SHAREWRE (1:382/95).
hackv33a.zip  288749 08-05-2024 HACKARAMA!  v3.3a   RELEASED 03-31-1997
                                The BEST BBS HACKING RPG on the market!
                                Now fully MULTINODE and INTERBBS capable!
                                Can you compete to become the TOP HACKER?
                                Hack program codes, visit the HIGH HACKER,
                                hack into bank accounts, ripoff hack codes
                                and more.  Easy InterBBS setup and
                                configurability.  Supports most major Drop
                                Files using internal com routines or any
                                Fossil Driver.  Baud support to 115,200
                                and Non-Standard IRQ's.  New Configuration
                                Utility is our easiest to use yet, featuring
                                full mouse support and quick node to node
                                configuration!  v3.3a features a small IBBS 
                                bug fix from v3.3.
                                (C)Copyright 1996, 1997 Lounge Software
hang005.zip   989699 08-05-2024 New Graphical Hangman BETA for Wildcat!
                                 - $25.00 or $12.50 upgrade from Worldgroup
                                 - Awsome graphics
                                 - Hang Jesse James or Wild Bill Hickok
                                 - Dictionary with 15,000 common words
                                 - Supports both the mouse and keyboard
                                 - Keeps score of the top ten users
                                 - Jesse and Wild Bill talk to you
                                 - Includes an Active HTML Interface so
                                   your users can use it from the web
                                 - * NEW * Active HTML support!
                                The Labyrinth Design & Development
                                Voice: (818) 449-2852
                                Telnet: wildcat.labyrin.com
hang23.zip    158447 08-05-2024 Hang-Man v2.3 Online Hang-Man Door Game
                                Hang-Man allows your users to choose from 30
                                different categories of words.  Gives you the
                                option of displaying a word when it is missed
                                Hang-Man is a full ansi game with ANSI MUSIC
                                as well.  Comes with its own category maker.
                                HANG MAN ONLINE DOOR GAME
                                Danny Davis [209] 325-0278
hang501.zip    31575 08-05-2024 Version 5.01 compiled 04/28/92 - 4.28p
                                using the DOORPCH38.EXE run-time module.
                                Hangman ][ is a one on one game that allows
                                the opponent to choose a word that has to be
                                guessed by the player. Maximum of 10 words
                                per game, and maximum control by SysOp.
hanghim1.zip   27600 08-05-2024 HANG HIM NUDE IS AN ADULT STYLE 
                                HANG MAN GAME.  EVERYTIME THE USER 
                                GUESSES A WRONG LETTER A BODY PART 
                                OF A NAKED MAN WILL APPEAR.   
                                WORKS ON MOST BBS'S!!
hangmn1.zip    47952 08-05-2024 Viper Hangman Door v1.0; This is an old
                                favorite with a twist. RBBS, PCB, GAP, WWIV,
                                SPITFIRE and more!
hangmn12.zip  315054 08-05-2024 HANGMAN F/X 1.20 - DDO-F/X Online Hangman.
                                Hangman F/X utilizes DDO-F/X to create SVGA
                                graphics and sound f/x for this addictive
                                classic game.  Boggle the mind as you fill in
                                the letters to solve the phrase.  If you win
                                you can add a phrase to the hangman's list.
                                If you loose, its your neck that will
                                ========= Requires LI-TERM 1.00+ ============
hangmn15.zip   66609 08-05-2024 HANGMAN is an online HANGMAN door game.  This
                                door is designed to be
                                used on nearly every BBS system. Although this
                                was designed as a door,
                                it also runs well locally as a game and is
                                quite challenging.
hank_100.zip  128301 08-05-2024 Hoser Hank v1.00 The ultimate online adult
                                adventure game.
                                Guide your way through the town trying to sow
                                your oats.
hanoi10.zip    76271 08-05-2024       TOWERS OF HANOI 
                                A door like the classic puzzle, but
                                better! Move the stacked disks on the
                                three posts without ever placing a
                                larger disk on the smaller one. You
                                are being timed! Move more disks in
                                less time than others and enter the
                                Hall of Fame! Full sysop functions,
                                multi-node, no maintenance. No
                                FOSSIL required and supports non-
                                standard com ports. $8 Registration!
harvst13.zip 5956766 08-05-2024 DARK HARVEST 1.30 - DDO-F/X Online Epic RGP.
                                Dark Harvest is an Adventure game on an epic
                                scale never before seen in the online world.
                                It utilizes DDO-F/X to create realistic 3D
                                raycasting worlds to navigate.  100's of
                                monsters, magic items, spells, NPC's.  It is
                                an RPG so unblievable and large the Intro
                                alone will captivate you for more than 30min.
                                ========= Requires LI-TERM 1.00+ ============
haunt105.zip    4283 08-05-2024 Search of The Haunted Mansion VERSION 1.05 -
                                This is a Quest to be added to Exitilus.
                                You are in Search of The Haunted Mansion
                                which you fight monsters and find some
                                really cool things. This is a level 7,
                                and is two days long. "BEETLEWARE"
hba_v20.zip   126915 08-05-2024 
hbbs43.zip    156818 08-05-2024 
hcc10310.zip  583935 08-05-2024 **** Hackers: Cyber City v1.03.10 ****
                                  aRe YOu TiReD OF PLaYiNG THOSe
                                  OLD MeDieVaL ROLe PLaYiNG GaMeS
                                  WHeRe YOu FiGHT iN THe FOReST
                                  aND LeVeL uP, OR HOW aBOuT SPaCe
                                  eXPLORaTiON ROLe PLaYiNG GaMeS?
                                  WeLL, HACKERS: THE CYBER CITY iS
                                  NeiTHeR OF THeSe!  WHY NOT LeaVe
                                  THe DRaGON KiLLiNG, aND SPaCe
                                  eXPLORaTiON uP TO THe WeNieS,
                                  aND HaCK LiKe THe BiG BOYS DO.
                                  DOWNLOaD aND PLaY HACKERS: CYBER
                                  CITY !!!  NOW RuNS ON PeNTiuM PRO
                                  aND FaSTeR COMPuTeRS!
                                     COPYRiGHT 1998-1999 TaLON
                                     iNNOVaTiONS..SHaReWaRe $10
hchat300.zip  324555 08-05-2024 Hyperchat 3.00  New version release under new
                                company. All old
                                                registrations will work with
                                THIS version. Demo key
                                                included for two nodes in
                                registered mode. Sysop name and
                                                bbs name must appear in
                                hypercfg as demo.
heart911.zip    7820 08-05-2024 Lordnet League 911 Application.
                                Connecting Red Dragon's from state to state
                                and beyond.. L.O.R.D Inter-BBS League..
heath32.zip    62480 08-05-2024 Thieven's Heathen.  WCv5.x ONLY!!!!! Extra
                                world for Lachrymator v2.x
                                Will only work on a registered copy of
                                Lachrymator. (04/18/96)
                                -- Heal your wounds
                                -- Do devilish things to other users
                                -- Improve your Charm
                                -- Bank Weapons, Armour, Fights, Gold, you
                                name it you can bank it!
                                -- Easy setup
                                -- Only $5 Registration
heathwc4.zip   51992 08-05-2024 Thieven's Heathen.  WC4.x ONLY.  Extra World
                                for Lachrymator.
                                Easy Setup using the Helper Program.
heh23.zip      65023 08-05-2024 
hilo21.zip    132640 08-05-2024 HI-LO      -     Door Game         v2.1     .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                A fast-paced card game whereby the player has
                                to guess whether the card from the deck is 
                                HIGH or LOWER than one of the cards on the 
                                triangular board. Makeup games missed during 
                                the month. Automatic reset & Hall of Fame. 
                                Send/receive messages from other players!! 
                                Random chances to earn extra points after 
                                each game.
                                ***** INTER-BBS capable *****
hint200.zip   245762 08-05-2024 Door Game Hint Door! This is a compilation
                                of all the best door game hints found by   
                                Door World Magazine. Every six months a new
                                publication of hints will be made available
                                This Door is FREE with any subscription to
                                Door World Magazine! Subscriptions are now
                                for life! BBS 413.684.0145. dwendlg@bcn.net
                                or wendling@terrafirma.win.net           
hiroll65.zip  144498 08-05-2024 HIROLL DICE   -  Door Game -             v6.5
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                A fast paced, challenging dice board game.
                                Makeup games missed, during the month.
                                Automatic game reset & Hall of Fame
                                bulletins, at end of month. Introducing
                                REAL TIME scoring and POOL points !!!!!
                                NOW send/receive MESSAGES to other player !!!
                                Earn extra points when you win a game!!
                                ***** INTERBBS Capable ******
histry22.zip  145684 08-05-2024 American History Trivia v2.2 Update!!!
                                A BBS door program based on the history of
                                North America. Supports RIPSCRIP Graphics,
                                COM1-4, IRQ 0-15, Fossils and PCB/WC!
                                Environment variables.  Also creates full
                                color buletins in ASCii/ANSI, WC!3.x and PCB
                                special color codes.  Locked DTE rates to
                                115200.  Another quality door from PAROLE
                                Software and Dennis Maidon.
                                Copyright 1991-94, PAROLE Software
                                all rights reserved
histtrv4.zip  164145 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>> HISTORY TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of the history.  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
hkrama43.zip  305982 08-05-2024 HACKARAMA!       RPG-Door                v4.3
                                **** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection ****
                                The BEST BBS HACKING RPG! Now INTERBBS 
                                capable! Can you compete to become the TOP 
                                HACKER? Hack program codes, visit the HIGH 
                                HACKER, hack into bank accounts, ripoff hack 
                                codes and more.  Easy InterBBS setup  and
                                configurability. New Configuration Utility is
                                our easiest to use yet, featuring full mouse 
                                support & quick node to node configuration!
hk_v11.zip    110153 08-05-2024 HOUSE KILLERS! Kill those people we have all
                                learned to hate. Works with almost all types
                                of bulletin board software. Fossil Driver
                                supported. EXTREMELY EASY TO SETUP. (NO
                                REGISTRATION REQUIRED, OR AVAILABLE.) Made
                                by: Chuck Charpentier October `95
hl100.zip     147265 08-05-2024 ----------------------------------------
                                * High N' Low v1.00 - Online Door Game *
                                * For BBSs. By Michael Kinser.  Multi- *
                                * Node Support, Full Split Screen Chat *
                                * Great ANSI Graphics, and  much  much *
                                * more.  A player bets money and tries *
                                * to  guess  if the next  die  will be *
                                * higher or  lower.   Scores  are kept *
                                * through out the  month/year.  GREAT! *
                                *        Low Registration fee.         *
                                *  From Games Unlimited (tm) Software  *
hl131.zip      15071 08-05-2024 
hlc112.zip    143371 08-05-2024 High-Low Cards    (Door Game) ver. 1.12 
                                Attempt to guess if the next card will be 
                                higher or lower than the previous one. Keeps 
                                track of individual day's highest as well 
                                total for the month.  Excellent contest door. 
                                Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard 
                                Comport and IRQ's. Now able to be played 
                                without a BBS!  Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x 
                                and many others.  Release Date: 01\03\97      
hngman11.zip   77344 08-05-2024 
hnr121.zip     82581 08-05-2024 
hob_trv4.zip  117083 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>> HOBBIT TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of the Hobbit stories.  Fully
                                functional, supports multiple BBS formats,
                                file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to
                                115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4,
                                IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
hockey.zip    268082 08-05-2024 Hockey Door Game
hockeyt.zip    15381 08-05-2024 
hodgtrv4.zip  147637 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>> HODGEPODGE TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of general topics.  Fully
                                functional, supports multiple BBS formats,
                                file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to
                                115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4,
                                IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
hof100.zip     10581 08-05-2024 
hoffix.zip     36596 08-05-2024 HOFFFIX   v1.3: This FREE utility will fix
                                any mis-aligned SUNHOF.ASC or SUNHOF.ANS
                                bulletin files. These files are created at
                                the end of the month and contain the Hall of
                                Fame information for individual Doors. Each
                                Sunrise Door Directory has their own set.
                                More information will be displayed when run.
hoho106.zip    84404 08-05-2024  Ho' House (HoHo) 
                                 V1.06GO/4 Software 
                                 GO/4's First *ADULT* Door Game 
                                As manager of your own cathouse, you
                                compete with other BBS members for the
                                rating of "Top Pimp" by carefully
                                selecting whores, keeping them clean,
                                and, when all else fails, by sabotaging
                                the other players.It's an intense
                                game that will bring out the worst side
                                of competitiveness in anyone!
                                 $20 Registration 
honor111.zip  182425 08-05-2024   Falcon's Honor (FH) v1.11
                                    Interactive  Fantasy
                                   Role-Playing Adventure
                                  By the BRE and FE People
horple.zip    115231 08-05-2024 HORPLE is a simple game  of artificial
                                intelligence that teaches the computer
                                to guess what you think.   It is meant
                                for  kids or adults that haven't grown
                                up yet!  Full  multi-node support.  It 
                                supports most dropfiles all baudrates.
                                    This program is FREEWARE!!!!!!
                                ****** Released - February 1997 ******
hostplus.zip   62957 08-05-2024 Host Plus v3.00: Created to provide the host
                                of a VGA Planets (C) game to have more
                                control over the galaxy. It can be used to
                                created a "trade" race which other players
                                may trade, sell, and buy from. It may also be
                                used to create a personalized galaxy to fit a
                                certain scenerio. Use your imagination...
hot_2ddice.z       0 01-01-1980 Hot-Dice v1.7 - Door Game by Mike Jordan.
                                Roll the dice and pick the numbers from a 
                                3x3 grid that equals the roll of the dice.
                                Try to get all the numbers before you run 
                                out of numbers to choose from. No Demo Key or
                                Expiration Date. RIP detection, is DV and
                                fossil aware. Supports environmental
                                variables for multi-node operation.
hot_2ddice.zip  120325 08-05-2024 Hot-Dice v1.7 - Door Game by Mike Jordan.
                                Roll the dice and pick the numbers from a 
                                3x3 grid that equals the roll of the dice.
                                Try to get all the numbers before you run 
                                out of numbers to choose from. No Demo Key or
                                Expiration Date. RIP detection, is DV and
                                fossil aware. Supports environmental
                                variables for multi-node operation.
hr307sw.zip    92599 08-05-2024 Hiro Mania door game from GACQ.  
hrm100.zip     13345 08-05-2024 
hrpg160.zip   259384 08-05-2024 * Hackers: the Role Playing Game v1.5*
                                 aRe YOu TiReD OF PLaYiNG THOSe
                                 OLD MeDieVaL ROLe PLaYiNG GaMeS
                                 WHeRe YOu FiGHT iN THe FOReST
                                 aND LeVeL uP, OR HOW aBOuT SPaCe
                                 eXPLORaTiON ROLe PLaYiNG GaMeS?
                                 WeLL, HACKERS: THE ROLE PLAYING
                                 GAME iS NeiTHeR OF THeSe!  WHY
                                 NOT LeaVe THe DRaGON KiLLiNG, aND
                                 SPaCe eXPLORaTiON uP TO THe WeNieS,
                                 aND HaCK LiKe THe BiG BOYS DO.
                                 DOWNLOaD aND PLaY HACKERS: THE ROLE
                                 PLAYING GAME!!!  COPYRiGHT 1997
                                 TaLON SOFTWaRE..  SHaReWaRe $10.
hrrupv10.zip   55684 08-05-2024 HRIBBS - HACKARAMA! InterBBS Module UPGRADE
                                Released 03-08-1997
                                This archive contains HRIBBS.EXE, the 
                                HACKARAMA! InterBBS Module.  This is an
                                upgrade from the Module released with v3.1
                                of HACKARAMA!  If you are running HACKARAMA!
                                InterBBS, you NEED this Module!  Grab it now.
                                (C)Copyright 1997 Lounge Software
hsa40.zip     124907 08-05-2024 
hst10.zip     211171 08-05-2024 Hubble Space Telescope Info Door v1.00:
                                Contains all the latest press releases and
                                other data. Regular database updates are
                                available by file request from 1:268/400
                                as HSTDATA or calling T&J Software at
                                717-325-9481. Part of the T&J Software
                                info door collection.
hst322.zip    523838 08-05-2024 
hst32201.zip  156222 08-05-2024 VPL: Host-V3.22 Revision 10 Tim-Host
hstdata.zip   194761 08-05-2024 HST Info Door Database Update  Feb 97
                                Simply unzip this in your running HST
                                Info Door directory!
                                FREQ: HSTDATA from 1:268/400
                                FREQ: HST for the 16-bit door.
htchtrv1.zip  103694 08-05-2024 >>>>>> ALFRED HITCHCOCK TRIVIA I v2.5 <<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of Alfred Hitchcock and his works.
                                Fully functional, supports multiple BBS
                                formats, file sharing for multiple nodes,
                                bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers,
                                COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
htdice22.zip  131438 08-05-2024 Hot-Dice v2.2 - InterBBS Door Game by Mike
                                Roll the dice and pick the numbers from a 
                                3x3 grid that equals the roll of the dice.
                                Try to get all the numbers before you run 
                                out of numbers to choose from. No Demo Key or
                                Expiration Date. RIP detection, is DV and
                                fossil aware. Supports environmental
                                variables for multi-node operation.
htrv1920.zip   24981 08-05-2024 History Trivia 1920-1939 v5.2 from Nerdville
                                WCX5.0 - You can download this and many more 
                                great trivia doors at ftp://bbs.nerdville.com
                                telnet to bbs.nerdville.com or 219.736.4957
                                This version adds sysop configurable user
                                per day and number of times the user can play
                                per day.
hubmak15.zip   38178 08-05-2024 HubMake - Version 1.5
                                A simple Utility to make
                                a text file for writing
                                netmail to all nodes in
                                a nodelist or hubs in a
                                nodelist. Great for
                                small fido comp. networks.
                                ***  FREEWARE  ***
hunt103.zip   478650 08-05-2024 The HUNT v1.03.  BBS Door RPG, like "Escape
                                from NY".
                                           Role-Playing Game BBS Door   .
                                        A harsh, bleak world where often
                                          violence is the only option.
                                 - 242 Locations, described in atmospheric
                                 - 169 Computer Characters, each entirely
                                 - 725k of Detailed Support Files!
                                 - 28,000 Lines of Code!  1.5 years in
hunt120.zip    84049 08-05-2024 TREASURE HUNT ver 1.20 by Paul Sible & Paula
                                Now with split-screen chat and NEW Hi/Lo game!
                                Can you beat the games to collect your prizes
                                Supports most drop files, and is true
                                Sysop Functions such as Chat, Shell to Dos,
hut100.zip      4077 08-05-2024 The Hut v1.0 by Beau Barker.
                                IGM for Sage world "The Seven Sages".
                                Location: Broken Road.
                                Includes a step-by-step explanation of
                                how this IGM was made!
hxwars10.zip  428962 08-05-2024   HEXX WARS v1.0  Ŀ
                                 HEXX WARS is an fun and challenging 
                                 strategic bbs door game in which you
                                 try to conquer the most squares by  
                                 taking them from your opponent(s).  
                                 Fully multi-node capable to provide 
                                 excellent real-time play. Includes  
                                 a VERY challenging play the computer
                                 module. Mace Software, Inc. $20.00  
hyprtape.zip   44693 08-05-2024 
iagowm10.zip   70199 08-05-2024 IAGO'S WAR MANUAL for playing TradeWars 2002
                                v1.03 and v1.03d
ibbs37.zip    141231 08-05-2024 INTERBBS.EXE        v3.7                    .
                                **** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection ***
                                NOW SUPPORTS FRONT-END MAILERS & messages!!!
                                SETUP PROGRAMS ARE NOW INCLUDED! As more 
                                Sunrise Doors are updated to support the 
                                InterBBS option, this program will be updated
                                to reflect those changes as well as other 
                                enhancements/bug fixes. Now includes a DOC 
                                file that contains information that is common
                                to all Sunrise InterBBS capable Doors.
icard21.zip   244716 08-05-2024 InterBBS Business Cards Version 2.1 Door
                                6 Business Card Formats Available
                                Ability to define border, foreground and
                                background color of Business Card
                                Phase 1 and Phase 3 InterBBS Connectivity!
                                New Business Card Search
                                Search Business cards by : number, keyword
                                search or in alphabetical order
                                Users can upload/download ansi/ascii file
                                attaches to their business cards
iching12.zip   98975 08-05-2024 .     -=> The True I-Ching Door v1.2 <=-
                                A new age door that will answer any question
                                put  to it about the future using the I-Ching
                                method of fortune telling.   Brand  new,  how
                                off  the  compiler.   Supports just about any
                                BBS system and Fossil drivers.   A  must  for
                                any BBS that enjoys new age doors!
                                Another Fine DavisWARE Door! - James R. Davis
ichng12a.zip  222516 08-05-2024 WYNTER STONE'S I CHING 1.2a 
                                The I Ching (Book of Changes) is an ancient 
                                Chinese book used for both fortune telling 
                                and philosophical insight. Toss coins or 
                                sticks to create a pattern of 6 lines, 
                                forming a hexagram for interpretation. You 
                                can edit the text for each hexagram and add 
                                your own comments. Readings can be saved, 
                                edited, printed.
ics100f.zip    59673 08-05-2024 InterConnect 1.0f  This program allows your
                                users to connect directly to one another on
                                different nodes using the IPX protocol for
                                fast reliable connections.  Your users can
                                transfer files directly between themselves
                                and play interactive modem games such as 
                                DOOM.  Now released as FREEWARE!
icw14tw.zip    37274 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                ICONIAN COMPUTER WEAPON 1.4 for TW2002 v2.
                                THE ICONIAN COMPUTER WEAPON  is one of the 
                                several of the add-on's for TradeWars 2002  
                                v2 from the TW-EXTENDERS series by SimSoft 
                                Professional  Computer Services.  Have  an 
                                ICONIAN  COMPUTER WEAPON  wandering around 
                                in your  universe, infecting any shipboard 
                                computers that  it happens to  run across.  
                                It's very  easy to  use and configure, and 
                                is  run  after the  TradeWars  maintenance 
                                program EXTERN.EXE.   Registration - $7.00
                                Attention SYSOP's  -   Download this file!
idelight.zip  140227 08-05-2024 
idm_2d101.zi       0 01-01-1980 W & W Communications IDOM door.
                                Interstellar Domination is an
                                inter-BBS, multi-player game of
                                conquering the galaxy.  It is a
                                strategic warfare game in which you
                                must rely on your skills as an
                                interstellar emperor, not random luck,
                                to conquer the galaxy.  This game can
                                be played both in local BBS mode as
                                well as inter-BBS, allowing you to
                                compete with other BBS's.
idm_2d101.zip  139674 08-05-2024 W & W Communications IDOM door.
                                Interstellar Domination is an
                                inter-BBS, multi-player game of
                                conquering the galaxy.  It is a
                                strategic warfare game in which you
                                must rely on your skills as an
                                interstellar emperor, not random luck,
                                to conquer the galaxy.  This game can
                                be played both in local BBS mode as
                                well as inter-BBS, allowing you to
                                compete with other BBS's.
idoor105.zip   52201 08-05-2024 
ie211.zip     581022 08-05-2024 Island Empires On-Line Door Game for most BBS
                                programs. Island Empires is an 
                                exciting sequel to our Rebel Kingdom Door Game
                                 In Island Empires you start 
                                with one Island out of a 100 on the map. Once
                                you have developed your Empire
                                on that Island you will build you sailing
                                fleet and set out to develope other
                                Islands while searching and conquoring your
                                opponents islands. You must have
                                developed 5 Islands and destroy 3 opponents
                                Islands in order to win. While on the 
                                open seas there are plenty of things that
                                could go wrong so careful 
                                preparation is a must. Complete with on-line
                                editor and maintenance module.
                                Max Players, # of Islands, # of Play Days,
                                Auto-Delete inactive players and 
                                Door Sysop all Sysop Definable.
                                For a complete look at what is available from
                                Digital Interface Software
                                you can reach us at DATA: (503) 563-5482 2400
                                to 14.4k, VOICE: (503) 563-5481
                                or on FidoNet at 1:3418/8.
ig107.zip      63609 08-05-2024 INTERGAME V 1.7 - Intergame was designed so
                                that you can run NON-Falken doors with
                                Falken via a null-modem connection to
                                another computer. Will support drops of
                                door.sys, dorinfox.def, and chain.txt.
                                This one is for DOS version, Linux
                                version soon to be release.
igene2.zip    308329 08-05-2024 InterBBS Genealogy Online Door Program
                                Version 2.0. Fixed Structure, Free Form
                                and Picture/Document Database.  Online
                                Genealogical Classified Ads. Import 
                                Ascii Genealogical records into the
                                free form database. All are
                                InterBBS Networkable!
igmc1.zip      67712 08-05-2024  -< The IGM Curmudgeon - Issue One >-
                                 Finally!  Honest IGM Reviews!  This
                                 issue reviews: Castle of Lord, The
                                 Fairy Peddler, The Jeweler, Morph's
                                 Gym, Honeymoon Hotel, Jadov, The
                                 Outlands Tavern, and The Graveyard!
                                 In REF Format (Includes RTReader)
igmc2ref.zip   12649 08-05-2024  -< The IGM Curmudgeon - Issue Two >-
                                 Finally!  Honest IGM Reviews!  This
                                 issue reviews: Cathdral of Nalishar,
                                 Fun & Games, Weapons of War, Felicity's
                                 Temple, ABattlegrounds, Village of the
                                 Phoenix, Turgeon's Dungeon, Latrine.
                                 Without RTReader
igmc3ref.zip   12722 08-05-2024  -< The IGM Curmudgeon - Issue Three >-
                                 Finally!  Honest IGM Reviews!  This
                                 issue reviews: LORDopoly, Joanne's
                                 Tavern, Backalley Bar, DB Mountain,
                                 Castle Coldrake, Isle of the Witches,
                                 Kaldor's Court, and DRAGon'S cAsTLe
                                 Without RTReader
igmdv308.zip  133751 08-05-2024 IGMDrive                  3.08
                                SHARKware presents a door driver
                                for IGM development for LORDs. This 
                                is for Turbo Pascal 7.0.  Sample
                                program included. Multi-BBS aware!
                                Seth Able's color codes.
                                Still FREEWARE!
igmkit10.zip   19059 08-05-2024 *** IGM Kit v1.0 for Hackers: the Role Playing
                                Game **
                                    This archive contains information and
                                souce for
                                    writing your own IGM (Internal Game
                                Modules) for
                                    Hackers: the Role Playing Game!  Greatest
                                of all
                                    this kit does not cost the author a THING!
                                    hard could writing an IGM be with all the
                                    givin in this archive!  Go for it. 
                                    by Talon Software, makers of Hackers: the
                                    Playing Game.  Copyright 1997 Talon
igms069_.zip   44670 08-05-2024 More IGMS is a freeware program that will
                                you to have more than 4000 IGMS in LORD. v0
                                by: Computer Nut @ The Insane BBS (609
imall12.zip   362222 08-05-2024 InterMall version 1.1 INTERBBS online
                                Mall DOOR Program.  Features InterBBS
                                and Up/Download for offline store managers.
                                Contains features found in shopping programs
                                TWICE the price.  Also contains an Offline
                                Store Manager for Store Owners.
imb191.zip    142540 08-05-2024 ķ
                                 In-Between Cards  (Door Game) ver. 1.91 
                                Card Game where 2 cards are displayed.   
                                The user then wagers that the next card  
                                be higher than the first and lower than  
                                the second.  Odds of a winning hand are  
                                contiually updated.  Keep daily winners  
                                as well as a total winner for that month.
                                Now abe to be played without a BBS!      
                                Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard  
                                Comport and IRQ's.                       
                                Programmer: William Rountree             
                                Release Date  4\18\95                    
imb193.zip    145354 08-05-2024 In-Between Cards    (Door Game) ver. 1.93
                                Card Game where 2 cards are displayed. The 
                                user then wagers that the next card be 
                                higher than the first and lower than the 
                                second.  Odds of a winning hand are 
                                contiually updated. Keeps daily winners as 
                                well as a total winner for that month. Now 
                                able to be played without a BBS!  Uses 
                                DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard Comport 
                                and IRQ's.  Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x and 
                                many others.  Release Date  1\03\97           
imm1_10r.zip  343330 08-05-2024 Immortal, D&D online game.
imm1_70r.zip  314646 08-05-2024  ޲
                                        iMMortal Combat       
                                  Another  run around explore 
                                  the world, kill everything, 
                                  find treasure,and hide from 
                                  the  other players type  of 
                                   The  overall  object is to 
                                  complete  several Quests to 
                                  become  iMMortal, and  then 
                                  try to  keep  your Head On  
                                  the  Longest, so  you  can  
                                  enter...   The              
                                  Order Of Eternal iMMortals! 
                                 Supports Door.sys,Sfdoors.dat
                                 Dorinfo.def, and Callinfo.bbs
imp362.zip    830540 08-05-2024 Imperium v3.62b - Strategic Wargame Door
                                       -- Beta Release Version --
                                 Ansi Graphics based game of world    
                                 conquest with support for up to 31   
                                 players, custom or random maps sized 
                                 as large as disk space will allow,   
                                 16 different terrain types and 30    
                                 different & completely editable unit 
                                 types. Has support for both internal 
                                 and fossil comport support.          
inc_309.zip    67366 08-05-2024 Incognito v3.09 Aliasing door for PCB14.5
                                Allow users to switch to an alias name while
                                online. No more call backs. Great for sysops
                                who run adult conferences like THROB NET.
                                Includes acces to 200 different conferences,
                                Automatically registers users in private
                                conferences, Configurable alias name and
                                security level and more!. Updated SWITCH
indy11.zip    168642 08-05-2024 INDY SPEEDWAY v1.1 - ACTION GRAPHIC DOORGame
                                ALL NEW From UltraSoft! INDY CAR Racing with 
                                wrecks, spin-outs, engine sounds & HI-Speed! 
                                Supports COM1-COM4 NON-STD IRQs, NONStandard 
                                PORTS to 115Kbps. ONLINE MUSIC/Sound Effects.
                                UltraSoft Animated Action! DOOR.SYS/DORINFO1
                                for Almost all BBS types. A thrill a minute! 
                                Recommended for hi-speed Systems:DX/50 plus.
inet31.zip    393503 08-05-2024 The Internet Connection! Version 3.1 By
                                Mark Williamson, Omega Software. Allow
                                your users to EASILY write an Internet
                                message from your system! Menu driven,
                                mousable setup program, new built-in
                                message editor with quote-text window,
                                even better, indexed, user file system.
                                Simply the BEST!  Works Great!
                                Now with EASY-REG registration
                                system! Shareware, $25.00 to register.
ineta100.zip   56322 08-05-2024 Intranet IGM for Hackers: the Role
                                Playing Game v1.5.  The point of this
                                IGM is to hack a company's intranet and
                                download files, and crash security, and
inetal11.zip   95001 08-05-2024 InetAL is an ALIAS door. That allows
                                your users to create there own Internet
                                email aliases. It has been designed for
                                use with NetXpres by Merlin Systems.
                                This is V1.1(BETA) We are currently
                                looking for some Beta testers who can
                                give us report back on the door
                                Written by : Ian Gerada
inetlst1.zip    3456 08-05-2024 Listing of InterNet Sites For General 
                                Doorgame Files and LORD Files.  These
                                Lists Are Routinely Posted In The FIDO 
                                Echo ON_LINE_GAMES.
infern2.zip   109967 08-05-2024 
infoc102.zip   66102 08-05-2024 Information Centre v1.02: Information centre
                                is the almost-perfect way to give your users,
                                old and new, information about your bulletin
                                board and what's happening in it.
infodoor.zip   87785 08-05-2024 INFO DOOR DISPLAY TEXT FILE Use this to
                                display a text file. Requires the Brainex
                                Door Manager.
infov20.zip   113317 08-05-2024 INFO-DOOR   
                                DOOR program for most bbs software.
                                Creates menued, searchable database
                                from simple text file. MENU is created
                                automatically. Easy to install. 
                                Built in support for most bbs software.
                                Excellent for displaying online services
                                such as USA TODAY, BOARDWATCH MAGAZINE,
                                or create your own Caller Registrys, BBS
                                Lists, Classified Ads etc.
initdr24.zip   69973 08-05-2024 Modem  Init  Strings  "The  BBS  Door"  v2.4
                                Needs: DOOR.SYS or TRIBBS.SYS or DORINFO.DEF
                                Requires: GSZ or DSZ of Omen Technology INC.
                                Let the user search there init string online
                                Download the string with the Zmodem protocol
inntoss.zip    15297 08-05-2024 InnToss v1.0 L.O.R.D. enhancement to toss
                                Players/NPCs out of the Inn. Includes VBDOS
                                source code. 386+ reqd Freeware by John
insta310.zip  271531 08-05-2024 InstaReg v3.04 - SysOp-configurable Answer
                                evaluation door. Now supports PCBoards
                                #PCBNODE, #PCBDRIVE, and #PCBDIR, replace
                                the # with a %.
                                Fixed problem with the USER.SYS file
                                reporting erroneous bugs and not
                                always working correctly.
                                INSTAREG ANSWER EVALUATION
                                Don Cheeks 3.04 07-14-92
intr2010.zip  138531 08-05-2024 {Intercourse 2010} an Adult Door game It can
                                be played by 
                                both male or female It uses alias names.  All
                                is internally done the only program that you
                                to run in your Nightly maint bat file is the
                                This the Robots for Intercourse.  The door
                                does not expire
                                and there are no demo Keys...
                                This door handles non standard IRQ's Fossile
                                it will run on most BBS systems 
                                Intercourse support ansi & Rip callers.  It
                                creates Bulletins and keeps Track of Who
                                last months high Scorer was......
                                Intercourse is Brought to you By: Garveyard
introv10.zip  281084 08-05-2024  Future Shock Intro Maker v.1.0Ŀ
                                  A new type of door for your BBS!  
                                 This program allows your users to  
                                 make their own customized intros!  
                                 They can customize text which      
                                 appears over a flame effect at the 
                                 bottom. Works with DORINFOx.DEF,   
                                 DOOR.SYS, PCBOARD.SYS, CALLINFO.BBS
inuse10.zip   100198 08-05-2024 INUSE        Utility                  v1.0  .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                Use this utility when you have a DOOR that is
                                NOT Multi-Node aware. If you create a file in
                                the Door directory when the NON-MultiNode
                                aware Door starts, this utility will check
                                for that file everytime someone tries to play
                                from another Node. Just about everything is
                                configurable from colors to verbage! Supports
                                the Multi-Com port/ Digiboard cards! In the
                                tradition of the rest of the Sunrise Doors!!!
ipscr10.zip    23207 08-05-2024 IPSCORER 1.0
                                A Solar Realms Scoring Program
                                for the popular InterBBS doors
                                BRE and FE.
                                This program will...
                                * Determine the top planets
                                * Determine the top players
                                  ...in three main areas and the over
                                  all top systems.
                                * Keeps track of previous ranking
                                A must have for any system in an
                                InterBBS league!  Creates both an
                                ANSI and ASCII file to be
                                posted as a bulletin or within
                                a message!
                                Fully functional in the SHAREWARE
                                version!  $5.00 to register.
irec1.zip     808158 08-05-2024 InterBBS Recipe Door Version 1.0.
                                o Ability to import ascii Meal Master (tm) 
                                recipe files (registered)
                                o Database contains over 1800 recipes
                                o Users can enter Recipes / Search Forward, 
                                Reverse, Keyword Search (reg.),or Individual 
                                o Users can download individual Recipes while
                                searching/scanning.  The downloaded recipe
                                be in Meal Master (tm) format.
                                o Has WoodyWare's exclusive "Make Me A Meal!
                                module.  Here users can have IREC "make them a
                                meal".  Irec will search the database for the
                                following dishes: Beverage, Side Dish, Salad,
                                Appetizer, Pasta, Main,Bread and Dessert.  If
                                satisfied the user can download all 8 recipes
                                 for the meal (in Meal Master (tm) format).  
                                o Also has a field for calories per serving.
                                o Editor to Delete Recipe files (registered)
                                o INTERBBS / NETWORKABLE .
ironox10.zip  235279 08-05-2024 Iron Ox v. 1.00 -- Great strategy door!
                                Scheme to become the richest colonist on 
                                an alien world.  Nine player races that
                                can claim land, steal, sabotage, spy and 
                                trade.  Multinode and DV-aware with support 
                                for FOSSIL, many dropfiles, and "smart 
                                secure mode."  Up to 255 concurrent games 
                                with game-by-game and monthly scoring; 
                                sysop-configurable daily, weekly, and 
                                monthly time prizes for the leader.  Fun 
                                for your users; fast, easy installation 
                                and zero-effort maintenance for you.  
                                Don't miss it!
irt291.zip    223047 08-05-2024 ķ
                                I Remember That...!(Door Game) ver. 2.91 
                                Trivia Game that user attempts to guess  
                                the year an event took place.  No nightly
                                maintance is required. Requires ANSI.    
                                New capability for the user's to add     
                                additional questions. Sysop Editor!      
                                Now able to be played without a BBS!     
                                Now uses DOORFRAME Library, supporting   
                                Non-Standard Comport & IRQ's.            
                                Programmers:Jim Pierce & William Rountree
                                Release Date  4\19\95                    
irt293.zip    225626 08-05-2024 I Remember That...!   (Door Game) ver. 2.93
                                Trivia Game that user attempts to guess the 
                                year an event took place.  No nightly 
                                maintance is required. Requires ANSI. New 
                                capability for the user's to add additional 
                                questions. Sysop Editor!  Now able to be 
                                played without a BBS!  Now uses DOORFRAME 
                                Library, supporting Non-Standard Comport & 
                                IRQ's.  Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x and many 
                                others.  Release Date 1\3\97                  
isa0993.zip   328950 08-05-2024  -> InterStellar Annihilation v0.993 <-
                                 -> ISA is back and DreamWare has it <-
                                This  classic  multi-bbs   online   game
                                features Multi-BBS Attack, send messages
                                and  work with  people  from other BBS's
                                when  coupled  with  a  Fido  compatable
                                mailer.  This online  game  will provide
                                your users  with a unique opportunity to
                                play online games  with more people than
                                just  your BBS!  Supports  all the  most 
                                popular BBS  packages including WildCat,
                                GAP,  PCBoard,  WWIV,  TriBBS  and more!
                                   Copyright (c)1996-97 Andy Stewart
isa_099.zip   418455 08-05-2024 Isa Door Game. Space Conquest Game.  
iscalln1.zip   12714 08-05-2024 IsCallN - This is a public-domain
                                program for bulletin boards that
                                use the DOOR.SYS file to determine
                                if the current caller (in the door)
                                is calling for the (nth) time
                                (e.g., the first time, or hundredth
                                time).  This allows sending a call-
                                appropriate mail message or similar
isw115a.zip   223952 08-05-2024 Interstellar War Onliner v1.15a
                                A new version of the Interstellar
                                War Onliner, featuring enhanced
                                configurability, multi-node support,
                                and a nicer interface. Up to ten
                                players compete in a head to head
                                struggle to control the galaxy.
                                Internal comm routines, most dropfile
                                formats, flexible .CFG file, logging,
                                and more. Up to 100 games supported
                                with one copy of the registered
                                version. Shareware.
iswrge10.zip   25211 08-05-2024 ISW Rogues v1.0
                                Add Rogue fleets to the ISW 1.1
                                (and higher) onliner! Add extra
                                competition to spice up any ISW
                                game. Fully configurable, and
                                there's no extra registration
                                cost! From Data Express Software.
itb19b.zip     67225 08-05-2024 >>>>>>In the Building v.1.9b beta<<<<<<<<< 
                                Version 1.9b -- Fixed LIST RESIDENT command
                                A new door game from RNA Software in which
                                residents or players fight each other in a
                                building. Includes: punching, slapping,
                                kicking, jumping, nerds pick on, wimps
                                pick on, talking about mothers, disturbing
                                the peace, name calling, harassing, 
                                building damaging, one hunk, and one mean
                                creature. Supports DOOR.SYS, DORINFO.DEF,
                                CHAIN.TXT, and PC-BOARD.SYS. Only
                                $10.00 to register. No expiration!  Game
                                written by Rachid Abdul.
itoan15.zip    44668 08-05-2024 "I'm Thinking of a Number" v1.5 is a Logon
                                Game for WILDCAT
                                v4.1x that will allow your user to win time by
                                guessing a
                                number between 1 and 1000 and tells the player
                                if the number
                                is higher or lower than their guess.
                                The time won and turns are sysop configurable
                                and only lets 
                                the user play once a day. Creates winner Logs,
                                instant nightly
                                maintenance (no batch files!), chainable logon
                                programs, fast
                                logon bypass option and our ever-popular
                                security lock!
                                *Includes EASY install and Configuration
                                program to get you up
                                and running in under 1 minute!!!
                                wcCode for WILDCAT v4.1x  
iview1.zip    115584 08-05-2024 Online Interview and Resume Door version 1.0
                                Can be run as stand-alone door or as a Jobs
                                3.0 Module.  Users can answer Job Interviews
                                Online, keep their resumes online, get tips
                                on interviewing and view myths on
                                and resumes.  100% Sysop configurable who can
                                put in interview questions and who can read
                                interview answers and download/read resumes.
iw107.zip     119599 08-05-2024 
jabbaigm.zip   61135 08-05-2024 Jabba Jr's Palace IGM for
                                Jedi Knights version 1.03+
jackm.zip      68559 08-05-2024                      
                                                       The Adventures of Jack
                                    Jack Mehoff is a text-based door game
                                filled with sex and puzzles.
                                This is an Adult game and contains explicit
                                material (when registered).
                                If you are offended by explicit material,
                                please go no further.
                                    You are Jack Mehoff, a sex crazed maniac
                                who just returned from a 12
                                year campaign for riches and fame.  You get to
                                your great house, and have
                                some fun with your concubines.  After hearing
                                of your return, you decide
                                to attempt companionship with Lady Sandy,
                                because she is the most beautiful
                                woman in the world, and is still a virgin! 
                                "I'll wear her in," you think to
                                yourself, as you inform your slaves that you
                                are going adventuring again.
                                    You decide on a day, and prepare in
                                advance.  You know that she is a
                                wild one, that fears invasion, and so she is
                                protected by a fortress full
                                of traps and miss-leading rooms.  Hopefully
                                you can get to her and convince
                                her that you are worthy of her companionship..
                                whether by gold or some other
                                means.  You think dream of the sex you will
                                have with her, all to noticeable
                                when you awaken to a cum-stained bed, and a
                                dick as hard as a rock.  You beat
                                off for a few minutes, then go back to bed. 
                                You awaken at the crack of dawn,
                                eat your breakfast, and you realize that you
                                had better get going.
jackpot.zip    11555 08-05-2024 Jackpot! For Sysops who hold drawings.
                                Picks winner randomly. Bulletin and
jacks100.zip  182820 08-05-2024 JACKS OR BETTER v1.00 - LasVegas Style Video
                                Poker! 5-Card, Single Draw, Nothing Wild, And
                                Dealer Pays EVERY Hand With A Pair Of JACKS
                                OR BETTER. Score Accumulates Daily & Monthly
                                High Scores Are Tracked. It's A Great
                                Competitive Door For Your BBS!
jacob1s.zip   183526 08-05-2024 Jacob's Ladder -- Part of the TAGLINE SERIES
                                MULTI-NODE BBS Door Phrase Game! Can you    
                                help Jacob climb the ladder of faith by     
                                filling in the blanks for Inspirational    
                                & Bible Scripture phrases? A game your 
                                Christian players will appreciate.
                                Supports nearly ALL DROPFILES and SYSTEMS.
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
jacobp.zip     22933 08-05-2024 JACOB'S LADDER PHRASE PATCH --
                                Update your Jacob's Ladder phrase by
                                unzipping this in your Jacob's Ladder
                                game directory. Easy as that! Three times
                                as many phrases! Thanks to Rick Gordon!!!
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
jagbye.zip     21880 08-05-2024     JAGBYE v4.12 ANIMATED GOODBYE UTILITY 
                                ** A Wild Goodbye Utility for Wildcat 4.x **
                                   * Offers option of checking for marked 
                                     files for download or a fast logoff!
                                   * Displays your BBS Name at top!
                                   * 3 screens and 3 goodbye messages that 
                                     change with the time of day!
                                   * Choose Conference # for all messages.
                                   * Every feature has UNREAL animation!!
                                   * Runs your wcCode Pager, Comment, or
                                     Time Bank Utilities!
                                   * Displays your Goodbye screen!
                                   * Registration gets you Free wcCode!
                                Download this file and be REAL glad you did!
                                   -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jbond16.zip   189865 08-05-2024 James Bond Trivia! v1.06 - BBS Door Game
                                about Ian Flemings Fictional Character,
                                James Bond 007 Super Spy! Many more are
                                included in the expanded database when you
                                register this door. Supports MULTI-NODE,
                                RIP and many BBS types too. Registration
                                only $12.00.
jc_240.zip    104607 08-05-2024 
jedi105.zip   130530 08-05-2024 Jedi Knights BBS Online Game Ver 1.05
                                This Game is a RPG Door Based on StarWars
                                Now With IGM Support!!!!
                                Please Read the WhatsNew.Txt File and Docs
                                before installing.
jest222.zip    73275 08-05-2024 JestBBS 2.22; Funny BBS utility that displays
                                a joke at logon/logoff. OVER 2130 JOKES
                                INCLUDED! Creates ANSI, ASCII, and optionally
                                RIP files!
jewel29.zip   155545 08-05-2024 Jewel Thief v2.9 - InterBBS Door Game by
                                Mike Jordan. Jewel Thief is a multi-level,
                                action game, that requires concentration, 
                                courage, fast reflects and good hand eye 
                                coordination to be able to steal all the 
                                Jewels in each room...Without getting Zapped
                                by the very protective guards. No expiration 
                                date or Demo Key required. Supports RIP and 
                                DigiFossil, locked DTE, & most Drop Files.
                                An InterBBS playable Door.
jewelm1.zip   101647 08-05-2024 The Funky Jewel Master 1.0
                                This Tetris Type Puzzle Game
                                Is kinda like columns From sega
                                you match the falling jewels
                                to make lines to score points
                                try it! For any door.sys
                                or dorinfo.def bbs
jfkeno10.zip   39894 08-05-2024 JFKeno - Keno Door game from "FairWare"
jfrq103d.zip  176640 08-05-2024 JFReq v1.03 (DOS) - External file request
                                processor for FrontDoor, MainDoor, T-Mail,
                                Intermail or SRIF compatible mailers. DOS &
                                OS/2 Native versions. Supports Remote
                                Access (2.0x and 2.50), Maximus and any
                                other BBS systems based on FILES.BBS. Five
                                types of session: Secure, Listed, Unlisted,
                                VIP systems and a Happy Hour period,
                                defining file lists and limits separately.
                                File Password, Download Counter Support and
                                Speed-up index in Remote Access, automatic
                                Download Counter support for Maximus and
                                FILES.BBS. TIC file support and Carbon Copy
                                to Sysop. On-line program execution as part
                                of the FReq process. By Jordi Sese (Fidonet
jgatesw4.zip  181712 08-05-2024 Jump Gate for VGA Planets 3.5
                                Jump Gate is an add-on utility for VGA
                                Planets 3.5 that takes advantage of the
                                AUXHOST features found in HOST 3.20.
                                This add-on provides the capability for
                                players to Build, Attack, and Repair
                                Jump Gates as well as using them as a
                                form of travel.
jkb99g.zip    109437 08-05-2024 Jedi Knights BBS Online Game Ver .99G BETA.
                                This Game is a RPG Door Based on StarWars
                                Please Read the Whats.New File and Readme.1st
                                Docs before installing.
jlist26.zip    62243 08-05-2024 J&L List Master v2.6 
                                Truely the BEST BBS list maker
                                around!  Easily configurable
                                and very powerful.  Reads a nodelist
                                and creates .ANS .ASC files using the
                                that info, detects speeds from 300 to
                                28.8 automatically. 
                                by: JL Enterprizing Software
jnsam425.zip  142399 08-05-2024 Amazing Memory Door v4.2A  By JNS Software,
                                Released 7-22-94. Simon clone where the game
                                displays a sequence and the user repeats it.
                                Non  Standard  Com Port  addressing & Fossil
                                Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY  required.
                                The  registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a  Bulletin
                                maker and  User Score  Data Editor  which is
                                built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for
                                RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
jnsbp415.zip  141249 08-05-2024 Boxed Poker Door Game v4.1A By JNS Software
                                Released 7-22-94.  Place Cards in a 5x5 grid
                                to come up  with the  best ten  poker hands.
                                Non  Standard  Com Port  addressing & Fossil
                                Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY  required.
                                The  registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a  Bulletin
                                maker and  User Score  Data Editor  which is
                                built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for
                                RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
jnsdp215.zip  148807 08-05-2024 5 Card Draw Poker v2.1A --- By JNS Software
                                Released 7-22-94.  A nice  poker  game where
                                the user plays against the dealing computer.
                                Non  Standard  Com Port  addressing & Fossil
                                Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY  required.
                                The  registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a  Bulletin
                                maker and  User Score  Data Editor  which is
                                built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for
                                RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
jnsds215.zip  142694 08-05-2024 Double SoliTree Game v2.1A  By JNS Software
                                Released 7-22-94.  If you like  SoliTree you
                                will love this. Like Soli-Tree With 2 Decks! 
                                Non  Standard  Com Port  addressing & Fossil
                                Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY  required.
                                The  registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a  Bulletin
                                maker and  User Score  Data Editor  which is
                                built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for
                                RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
jnsgs425.zip  145318 08-05-2024 Golf Solitaire Door v4.2A By  JNS Software,
                                Released 7-22-94. This  is a  solitaire card
                                game  which  features  Tournament Play for a
                                very competitive game. Supports Non Standard
                                Com Port  addressing,  & Fossil Support.  NO
                                EVALUATION KEY required. The registered ver-
                                sion features  Make-Up & Play Ahead  options
                                as well  as a Bulletin maker and  User Score
                                Data Editor which is built in. Now detects &
                                adjust screen for RIP Graphics 25 line mode.
jnsgw415.zip  145262 08-05-2024 The Great White Card v4.1A By JNS Software,
                                Released 7-22-94.  A fantastic  card guppies
                                clone that adds a lot more  fun to the play.
                                Non  Standard  Com Port  addressing & Fossil
                                Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY  required.
                                The  registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a  Bulletin
                                maker and  User Score  Data Editor  which is
                                built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for
                                RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
jnsib415.zip  144615 08-05-2024 In-Between Door Game v4.1B By JNS Software,
                                Released 7-22-94.  This is a  simple but yet
                                a very  aggravating card high/low card game.
                                Non  Standard  Com Port  addressing & Fossil
                                Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY  required.
                                The  registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a  Bulletin
                                maker and  User Score  Data Editor  which is
                                built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for
                                RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
jnsid135.zip  167256 08-05-2024 Idiot's Delight Door v1.3A  By JNS Software
                                Released  7-22-94. You can't be an  idiot if
                                you want  to win this  solitaire  card game.
                                Non  Standard  Com Port  addressing & Fossil
                                Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY  required.
                                The  registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a  Bulletin
                                maker and  User Score  Data Editor  which is
                                built in.  RIP Detection and has several new
                                features over v1.3. Also a few bug fixes.
jnskl215.zip  143153 08-05-2024 Kings Last Door Game v2.1A  By JNS Software
                                Released 7-22-94. A pure luck Solitaire game
                                that children  really like,  and adults too!
                                Non  Standard  Com Port  addressing & Fossil
                                Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY  required.
                                The  registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a  Bulletin
                                maker and  User Score  Data Editor  which is
                                built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for
                                RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
jnsmt125.zip  145179 08-05-2024 Match-Two Door Game v1.2A By JNS Software,
                                Released 7-22-94 This is a poker style card
                                game in which you bet on matching cards. It
                                is tuff. Non Standard Com Port addressing &
                                Fossil Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required.
                                The registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a Bulletin
                                maker and  User Score Data Editor  which is
                                built in. Now detects  and  adjusts  screen
                                for RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
jnsoe145.zip  145668 08-05-2024 On The Edge Door v1.4A -  By JNS Software,
                                Released 7-22-94. This is a solitaire style
                                card game which features  Tournament  play.
                                Supports Non Standard Com Port addressing &
                                Fossil Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required.
                                The registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a Bulletin
                                maker and  User Score Data Editor  which is
                                built in. Now detects  and  adjusts  screen
                                for RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
jnspl145.zip  144534 08-05-2024 Press Your Luck Door v1.4A By JNS Software,
                                Released 7-22-94 Pressing your luck on rolls
                                of dice is the theme but  you must know when
                                to stop.  Non Standard Com Port addressing &
                                Fossil Support.  NO EVALUATION KEY required.
                                The  registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a  Bulletin
                                maker and  User Score  Data Editor  which is
                                built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for
                                RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
jnspm425.zip  142271 08-05-2024 The Puzzle Machine v4.2A - By JNS Software,
                                Released 7-22-94. Number puzzle that must be
                                returned to it's 1 to 15 numbered  sequence.
                                Non  Standard  Com Port  addressing & Fossil
                                Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY  required.
                                The  registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a  Bulletin
                                maker and  User Score  Data Editor  which is
                                built in.  Now detects and adjusts screen for
                                RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
jnsqf425.zip  149251 08-05-2024 Quote Fall Door Game v4.2A By JNS Software,
                                Released 7-22-94. The player must unscramble
                                mixed quotes by  droping letters into boxes.
                                Non  Standard  Com Port  addressing & Fossil
                                Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY  required.
                                The  registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a  Bulletin
                                maker and  User Score  Data Editor  which is
                                built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for
                                RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
jnsst525.zip  147966 08-05-2024 Soli-Tree Door Game v5.2A By JNS Software,
                                Released 7-22-94. This is a  solitaire card
                                game  which features  Tournament & Standard
                                Modes,  Non Standard Com Port addressing, &
                                Fossil Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required.
                                The registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a Bulletin
                                maker and  User Score Data Editor  which is
                                built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for
                                RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
jnstc415.zip  145053 08-05-2024 Two-Card Poker Game v4.1A  By JNS Software,
                                Released 7-22-94.  Two card poker game where
                                the player  plays against 3  computer hands.
                                Non  Standard  Com Port  addressing & Fossil
                                Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY  required.
                                The  registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a  Bulletin
                                maker and  User Score  Data Editor  which is
                                built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for
                                RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
jnstp215.zip  142860 08-05-2024 Trapper Door Game v2.1A  -  By JNS Software
                                Released  7-22-94. A fun and challenging game
                                where you try trap  the varment  on a block.
                                Non  Standard  Com Port  addressing & Fossil
                                Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY  required.
                                The  registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a  Bulletin
                                maker and  User Score  Data Editor  which is
                                built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for
                                RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
jnstt145.zip  147311 08-05-2024 Treasure Trove Door v1.4A By JNS Software,
                                Released 7-22-94. This is a  solitaire card
                                game  which  features  Tournament play.  It
                                Supports Non Standard Com Port addressing &
                                Fossil Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required.
                                The registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a Bulletin
                                maker and  User Score Data Editor  which is
                                built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for
                                RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
jnsyt115.zip  157508 08-05-2024 Yacht Door Game v1.1A ---- By JNS Software.
                                Released 7-22-94.  Nice Yacht Dice game that
                                awards points for the high score of the day.
                                Non  Standard  Com Port  addressing & Fossil
                                Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY  required.
                                The  registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a  Bulletin
                                maker and  User Score  Data Editor  which is
                                built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for
                                RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
jns_bs10.zip  158518 08-05-2024 Bomb Squad v1.0  By  JNS Software,  Released
                                8-06-95. A power of deduction game where you
                                try to deactivate bombs before they explode.
                                Non  Standard  Com Port  addressing & Fossil
                                Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY  required.
                                The  registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a  Bulletin
                                maker and  User Score  Data Editor.  Has RIP
                                Detection and has several new features over.
jns_ds22.zip  171061 08-05-2024 Double SoliTree Game v2.2   By  JNS Software
                                Released 8-06-95.  If you like  SoliTree you
                                will love this. Like Soli-Tree With 2 Decks! 
                                Non  Standard  Com Port  addressing & Fossil
                                Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY  required.
                                The  registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a  Bulletin
                                maker and  User Score  Data Editor  which is
                                built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for
                                RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
jns_edit.zip   55430 08-05-2024 
jns_fc10.zip  170542 08-05-2024 Free Cell Solitaire  v1.0,  by  JNS Software
                                8-10-95  Tuff Solitaire Card game that takes
                                a lot of  skill to remove cards  from table.
                                Non  Standard  Com Port  addressing & Fossil
                                Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY  required.
                                The  registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a  Bulletin
                                maker and  User Score  Data Editor.  Has RIP
                                Detection and has several new features over.
jns_ft12.zip  219735 08-05-2024 Forty Thieves Solitaire v1.2 by JNS
jns_gs45.zip  223887 08-05-2024 Golf Solitaire Door v4.5    By JNS Software,
                                Released 1-10-97. This  is a  solitaire card
                                game  which  features  Tournament Play for a
                                very competitive game. Supports Non Standard
                                Com Port  addressing,  & Fossil Support.  NO
                                EVALUATION KEY required. The registered ver-
                                sion features  Make-Up & Play Ahead  options
                                as well  as a Bulletin maker and  User Score
                                Data Editor which is built in. Fixes monthly
                                maintenance score problem and more.
jns_ib50.zip  209866 08-05-2024 In-Between Door Game v5.0 - By  JNS Software
                                Released 1-10-97.  This is a  simple but yet
                                a very  aggravating card high/low card game.
                                Non  Standard  Com Port  addressing & Fossil
                                Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY  required.
                                The  registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a  Bulletin
                                maker and  User Score  Data Editor  which is
                                built in.  Now is played in  Tournament Mode
                                where users recieve the exact same hands.
jns_id15.zip  226643 08-05-2024 Idiot's Delight Door v1.5    By JNS Software
                                Released  6-08-96. You can't be an  idiot if
                                you want  to win this  solitaire  card game.
                                Non  Standard  Com Port  addressing & Fossil
                                Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY  required.
                                The  registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a  Bulletin
                                maker and  User Score  Data Editor  which is
                                built in. Also a few bug fixes.
jns_info.zip    6728 08-05-2024 JNS Software Door Description File. The
                                JNS_INFO.TXT file contains descriptions,
                                File Request (FREQ) names as well as
                                Voice and JNS Software Support BBS Nodes
                                and Numbers. (08-01-95)
jns_ms11.zip  220009 08-05-2024 Montana Solitaire  v1.1  -  by  JNS Software
                                01-10-97.  Solitaire Card game thats easy to
                                play but hard to beat. Tournament Style!
                                Non  Standard  Com Port  addressing & Fossil
                                Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY  required.
                                The  registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a  Bulletin
                                maker and User Score Data Editor.
jns_ps11.zip  218815 08-05-2024 Tri-Peaks Solitaire  v1.1 - by  JNS Software
                                01-10-97. Solitaire Card game where its easy
                                to lose points instead of winning them.     
                                Non  Standard  Com Port  addressing & Fossil
                                Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY  required.
                                The  registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a  Bulletin
                                maker and User Score Data Editor.
jns_sl10.zip  173341 08-05-2024 Slider Solitaire v1.0, JNS Software Released
                                8-06-95. GREAT Solitaire Card game where you
                                try to make  alignments of three of a  kind.
                                Non  Standard  Com Port  addressing & Fossil
                                Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY  required.
                                The  registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a  Bulletin
                                maker and  User Score  Data Editor.  Has RIP
                                Detection and has several new features over.
jns_ss10.zip  172732 08-05-2024 Strike's & Spares Door v1.0, By JNS Software
                                Released  8-06-95.  A bowling solitaire card
                                game where users try to get the high series.
                                Non  Standard  Com Port  addressing & Fossil
                                Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY  required.
                                The  registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a  Bulletin
                                maker and  User Score  Data Editor,  Has RIP
                                RIP Detection and Top-Ten Scores List.
jns_st54.zip  225834 08-05-2024 Soli-Tree Door Game v5.4  By  JNS Software,
                                Released 1-10-97. This is a  solitaire card
                                game  which features  Tournament & Standard
                                Modes,  Non Standard Com Port addressing, &
                                Fossil Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required.
                                The registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a Bulletin
                                maker and  User Score Data Editor  which is
                                built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for
                                RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
jns_tc50.zip  210941 08-05-2024 Two-Card Poker Game v5.0 -  By  JNS Software
                                Released 1-10-97.  Two card poker game where
                                the player  plays against 3  computer hands.
                                Non  Standard  Com Port  addressing & Fossil
                                Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY  required.
                                The  registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a  Bulletin
                                maker and  User Score  Data Editor  which is
                                built in. Now plays in Tournament Mode where
                                all players recieve the exact same hands.
jns_te10.zip  168658 08-05-2024 The ELIMINATOR v1.0 By JNS Software Released
                                8-06-95. GREAT Solitaire Card game where you
                                try to remove cards  using the least  piles.
                                Non  Standard  Com Port  addressing & Fossil
                                Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY  required.
                                The  registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a  Bulletin
                                maker and  User Score  Data Editor.  Has RIP
                                Detection and has several new features over.
jns_ts12.zip  220523 08-05-2024 Three Shuffles And A Draw v1.2, JNS Software
                                6-08-96 Super Solitaire Card game that takes
                                a lot of  skill to remove cards  from table.
                                Non  Standard  Com Port  addressing & Fossil
                                Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY  required.
                                The  registered  version features  Make-Up &
                                Play Ahead  options  as well  as a  Bulletin
                                maker and  User Score  Data Editor.  Has RIP
                                Detection and has several new features over.
job4.zip     1570980 08-05-2024 Jobs! Version 4.0 Employment Opportunity Door
                                - Over 1500 Federal Job Openings
                                - Over 2500 Private Sector Job Contacts
                                - Online Occupational Jobs Outlook Handbook
                                - Enhanced Classified Ads
                                - Upload/Download Resumes/Job Openings
                                - Online Jobs Journal
                                - Employer <> Employee Matches
                                - InterBBS Modules
                                - Job * Span Module
joke202.zip    40177 08-05-2024 TODAY'S JOKE V2.02 Ultimate Joke displayer
                                for any type of BBS!! This utility will
                                display a random drawn joke from it's
                                database each time it is executed, this
                                SHAREWARE version holds 25 different jokes.
                                REGISTERED owners can add and delete there
                                own custom made jokes, the REGISTERED
                                version will hold thousands of jokes.
                                Registration is only $7.00, with FREE minor
                                upgrades! We accept most Major Credit
                                Cards! This new version of Today's Joke
                                will work with any type of BBS!
jokedoor.zip    6127 08-05-2024 ABITW - THE JOKE DOOR V1.0 - A WcCode door for
                                WC 4.10/4.11/4.12 +
                                This is a door for Joke lovers!
joked_02.zip  194636 08-05-2024 
jokes10.zip    83439 08-05-2024 TES Software Presents:
                                Jokes 1.0 eta. This little program lets
                                users add there jokes to a list that 
                                other users will be able to read. 
                                Supports all popular BBS types and is
                                Multi-Node capable! For latest updates
                                call TES Software 919-895-0368 HST!
                                This is FREEWARE!
jot10a.zip     80279 08-05-2024 Jot v1.0! The childhood game comes to
                                your BBS! Can you guess the 3-letter
                                word in under 10 tries?  Sound easy?
                                Try it and see! 100% Ansi Graphics!
                                Supports all the most popular BBS'
                                including WildCat!, PCB, WWIV,
                                SpitFire, TriBBS, and more!
                                NOT CRIPPLED!!!  FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!
joust12.zip  2208889 08-05-2024 JOUST F/X 1.20 - DDO-F/X Online Joust game.
                                Just uses state of the art SVGA Pics, sound,
                                animation with the help of DDO-F/X to create
                                this head to head game of mental prowess.
                                Play against the computer or other players
                                in real time or turn by turn action.  But,
                                becare not to make a wrong move or you could
                                plumit 1000 feet to your death.
                                ========= Requires LI-TERM 1.00+ ============
joyhouse.zip   89629 08-05-2024 JOYHOUSE TEXT ADVENTURE DOOR
                                Works with door.sys, chain.txt,
                                dorinfo.def, sfdoors.dat, etc. 
                                Can you escape from Madame ZaZa's 
                                weird Joyhouse? For adult players! 
                                A fun, exciting text adventure. No
                                save/load games in this unregistered
                                version, otherwise fully functional.
                                From Brainex 310-275-2344.
jpvp103.zip    59439 08-05-2024 Video Poker for Time 1.03 - Final FREEWARE
                                of a time gambling video poker for
                                RemoteAccess 2.x
                                and ProBoard systems. Source included!
                                Released as
                                freeware because author is retiring from DOS
jsgo122.zip   193173 08-05-2024 Galactic Overlord 1.22 BBS Door Game; GO is a
                                game of galactic conquest.  Each player will
                                attempt to control a universe of planets.  GO
                                has 20+ ANSI screens/animation and is
                                Multi-node friendly!  GO can create text,
                                ANSI, or Wildcat! ranking bulletins. Uses JSW
                                Resource Files that contain all of the ANSI,
                                doc, etc. files for the game. Easy to use
                                player interface.
jsgo130.zip   205083 08-05-2024  Galactic Overlord 1.30 BBS Door Game 
                                GO is a game of galactic conquest.  Each
                                player will attempt to control a universe of
                                planets.  GO has 20+ ANSI screens/animation
                                and is Multi-node friendly!  GO can create
                                text, ANSI, or Wildcat! ranking bulletins.
                                Most of the CRIPPLING has been removed!
                                Uses JSW Resource Files that contain all of
                                the ANSI, doc, etc. files for the game.
                                Easy to use player interface.  Now has
                                over 20 !NEW! features.  Member of STAR!
jspatch.zip   103202 08-05-2024 [=-------------]:[---------------=]
                                The Junk Shuttle XPort For Galaxy 5
                                    Version 1.02 Upgrade Patch
                                Users of the previous version 1.01
                                 may use this file  to upgrade to
                                 the upcoming  version 1.02 fast!
                                   (C)1996 13D Graffix/Software
jtg_bbs5.zip  189683 08-05-2024 Jimmy The Geek's Trivia Gems V1.60
                                Outstanding Trivia Live Door with over
                                3000 TOP QUALITY questions available!
                                Questions presented in 5 different
                                formats.  Definitely the Best Quality
                                Trivia Door Available. Sports & General
                                Database DEMO.  NO KEY NEEDED.
                                Easily configurable for BBS's using
                                DOOR.SYS. COM1-4,IRQ's to 15.
                                FOSSIL, WC!, PCB, RIP, Compatible.
                                By Peter Guethlein, Deltronix
                                Enterprises Release Date : 2/20/94
jt_2dibbs.zi       0 01-01-1980 Jewel Thief v1.91 - Door Game by Mike Jordan.
                                Jewel Thief is a multi-level, action game, 
                                that requires concentration, courage, fast
                                reflects and good hand eye coordination
                                to be able to steal all the Jewels in each
                                room...Without getting Zapped by the over
                                protective guards. No expiration date or
                                Demo Key required. Supports RIP and 
                                DigiFossil, locked DTE, & most Drop Files.
jt_2dibbs.zip  153083 08-05-2024 Jewel Thief v1.91 - Door Game by Mike Jordan.
                                Jewel Thief is a multi-level, action game, 
                                that requires concentration, courage, fast
                                reflects and good hand eye coordination
                                to be able to steal all the Jewels in each
                                room...Without getting Zapped by the over
                                protective guards. No expiration date or
                                Demo Key required. Supports RIP and 
                                DigiFossil, locked DTE, & most Drop Files.
jumble70.zip  145267 08-05-2024 Jumbles 7.0 
                                is the latest ANSI online BBS 
                                Door game from shareware author 
                                Steven Lucey. Jumbles presents 
                                your users with 4 scrambled words 
                                for them to unscramble. Scores are 
                                updated immediately and displayed 
                                for users to see as they make their 
                                plays. If users correctly unscramble 
                                all 4 words, they are given a chance 
                                at the  'Bonus Round' and a shot at 
                                the big point values! All jumbles are 
                                automatically changed on the first 
                                call each day. 
                                As always, Jumbles is fully Multi-Node/
                                Multi-User capable and supports baud 
                                rates to 115kb. 
jumpbase.zip   37751 08-05-2024 JUMPBASE.EXE The data base converter for
                                making data bases
                                for the Door game  Quantum Jump. Get NUGIREG
                                .ZIP for FREEWARE
junk104.zip   115179 08-05-2024    The Junk Shuttle XPort v1.04 for the
                                            Galaxy 5 door game.
                                 From 13th Dimension Graffix and Software
                                           Minor bug fix release
                                Let your  users take  a beam  up to the big
                                garbage  truck  in the sky  where  they can
                                gather new weapons and armours to  help aid
                                them in the fight against the dreaded Raven
                                Released 11/17/1996 - (C) 1996 Paul Slinski
junkv110.zip  300948 08-05-2024 JunkYard! Door v1.10 by BC Software: A
                                completely new door unlike anything you have
                                played before. Users scrounge the junkyard
                                looking for items to sell. Lots of neat
                                options including attacking other players,
                                a junkyard stock market, weapons protection,
                                hiring helpers. Add your own items to the
                                junkyard database and much, much more!
                                MAJOR BUG FIXES FROM V1.0
                                BC Software: (643)382-5355 28.8 
                                Web: Http://www.angelfire.com/bc/bcsoftware
                                E-Mail: zodiac10@ihug.co.nz
jzbl12.zip    132770 08-05-2024 JEZEBEL! Version 1.2 Excellent New RPG
                                where the player becomes a computer virus
                                and tries to conquere the computer.
                                Players are ranked by their size, which
                                increases as players destroy programs.
                                Players must answer a riddle to increase
                                a level. Written by the author of Sim-BBS!
                                (c) 1996/97 Zodian Software. Reg. $15
                                Many new features, and many bugs killed.
j_2ddoor11.z       0 01-01-1980 THE ELECTRONIC JOB FAIR v1.1; Job seekers
                                need more than skill, they must also be
                                informed about interview skills, job trends,
                                legal rights and responsibilities, career
                                options.  Use this online door to make it
j_2ddoor11.zip  589215 08-05-2024 THE ELECTRONIC JOB FAIR v1.1; Job seekers
                                need more than skill, they must also be
                                informed about interview skills, job trends,
                                legal rights and responsibilities, career
                                options.  Use this online door to make it
k4.zip         93250 08-05-2024 Konnect Four!  Colorful ANSI graphics &
                                Online game, Drop pieces down to create four
                                in a row! 
                                Multiple games at once, player vs. player or
                                challenge players, view rankings, Nifty!
kaboom22.zip   83281 08-05-2024           KABOOM! 
                                A game door similar to MineSweeper* that
                                supports most BBS drop files, KaBoom! 
                                provides a great number of sysop 
                                functions, "multiple personality" status 
                                line, and multi-node operation. Supports
                                both IBM and straight ASCII character 
                                sets and monochrome monitors -- Hall of 
                                Fame and left-handed operation, tutorial
                                and hint modes, paging hours. No FOSSIL 
                                required -- handles non-standard comm 
                                ports. $10 registration! 
                                *MineSweeper copyright Microsoft Corp.
kadv600.zip   216567 08-05-2024 KDrive Kit Addition For
                                Dog World 
                                KDrive Kit Addition for Dog World.
                                Allows development of Dog World IGMs.
                                Uses Dog World color codes. Many
                                features include error checking of
                                Dog World variables for IGMs.
kasahit1.zip  192400 08-05-2024  ͻ
                                  21 STYLE POKER DOS   
                                 More FREEWARE from    
                                 KASA ENTERTAINMENT-   
katbbs20.zip   59828 08-05-2024 ***************************
                                *          Kat-BBS        *
                                *    BBS Advertisements   *
                                *       Version 2.00     *
                                *                         *
                                *    Supports most BBS    *
                                *        Packages         *
                                *                         *
                                *   Written using DDPLUS  *
                                *                         *
                                *     By Sharon Sparks    *
                                *    Cool Dude the Kat    *
                                *     +61-07-288-7680     *
                                *     +61-07-288-7681     *
katnes20.zip   67583 08-05-2024 ***************************
                                *          Kat-NES        *
                                *    Never Ending Story   *
                                *       Version 2.00     *
                                *                         *
                                *    Supports most BBS    *
                                *        Packages         *
                                *                         *
                                *   Written using DDPLUS  *
                                *                         *
                                *     By Sharon Sparks    *
                                *    Cool Dude the Kat    *
                                *     +61-07-288-7680     *
                                *     +61-07-288-7681     *
kawsol11.zip  144058 08-05-2024 KINGS ARE WILD v1.1 - Multi-BBS Door Program
                                Challenging and quick paced game where users
                                score points by matching the total of the
                                card displayed. Features make-up days option
                                plus 12 month annual scoreboard. Supports
                                COM0-15 up to 115,200 plus fossil driver,
                                non-standard IRQ's and much more.  Another
                                fun online game from CorpSoft.     04/18/95
kbeta16.zip    73470 08-05-2024 WCS Keno v.16 - Fun, fast-paced keno game.
                                Just like playing the lottery, only better!
                                Visually exciting screens, plus watch out for
                                those pickpockets!  Registered version comes
                                with make-up days enabled.  ***REQUIRES NO
                                KEY FILE TO RUN.
kbxr_10.zip    67900 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                 -=-=-= KICKBOXERv1.0 =-=-=- 
                                      Released  2/15/94      
                                   A soloware S Door Game  
kc10001.zip   103228 08-05-2024 ͵KINGDOM COME͸
                                ...like the board game     
                                Risk!, but better. A new   
                                multi-player game where you
                                must conquer all enemies on
                                a strange new planet.      
                                Special options allow a    
                                different strategy every   
                                game. Designed for BBS or  
                                network play, but can also 
                                be played locally. Try it  
                                out. See if you can become 
                                an "IMMORTAL"! Supports    
                                standard drop files and    
                                behaves well under common  
                                multitasking systems.      
                                ͵[Version 1.00.01];
kchat_12.zip   73349 08-05-2024 KeWlcHaT v1.2, FREEWARE
                                Split screen chat door!
                                Runs on most BBSes. Ability
                                to page. 4 built in chat
                                emotions. Fun and easy to 
                                use! RIP!!!!!
kcrown33.zip  257317 08-05-2024 King's Crown V3.3 - Trivia/D&D Door Game.
                                Users answer questions given by the wizard
                                Shirak to move up in levels in order to
                                reach King.  All users compete for the Crown
                                and try to overthrow the existing King.
                                Compatible with most BBS software.  Supports
                                up to 115K baud rate, COM 0-15, non-standard
                                IRQ's and multi-port boards using a FOSSIL
                                including PCBoard/M.  Desqview compatible.
                                    **** From: DEKM Software, Inc. ****
kcup147b.zip  274121 08-05-2024 Upgrade for King's Crown to V1.47Beta
                                This is a private Beta release and will
                                only run for registered SYSOPs. King's
                                Crown is now FREEWARE. BE SURE to get
                                KINGREG.ZIP to generate your registration
kd308sw.zip    96432 08-05-2024 
kdom_2d223.z       0 01-01-1980 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                KINGDOMS v2.23
                                May 10th, 1998
                                Better and Better! Once more Kingdoms
                                sets the pace for InterBBS games. Don't
                                waste time with other Doors that only
                                have InterBBS facilities as an add-on!
                                Get the Real Thing. Get Kingdoms.
                                Completely integrated and Menu driven
                                Game and InterBBS feature configuration.
                                Game Play that users all over the world
                                are raving about. C'mon. You WANT this!
                                Kingdoms (c) 93-98 Dave Chapman. Shareware
kdom_2d223.zip  573388 08-05-2024 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                              KINGDOMS v2.23
                                              May 10th, 1998
                                  Better and Better! Once more Kingdoms
                                 sets the pace for InterBBS games. Don't
                                  waste time with other Doors that only
                                  have InterBBS facilities as an add-on!
                                   Get the Real Thing. Get Kingdoms.
                                  Completely integrated and Menu driven
                                 Game and InterBBS feature configuration.
                                 Game Play that users all over the world
                                 are raving about. C'mon. You WANT this!
                                Kingdoms (c) 93-98 Dave Chapman. Shareware
kdv600.zip    522025 08-05-2024 KDrive                   6.00
                                SHARKware presents a driver
                                for Door development. This is
                                for Turbo Pascal 7.xx.  Sample
                                program included. Multi-BBS
                                aware! Multi-tasker aware.
                                Includes Uart, Fossil and
                                Digiboard support. Allows for
                                Kit Additions for development
                                with other Door Games that
                                allow add ons. Like Lord,
                                Dog World, and Galaxy 5.
                                Freeware! Not Public Domain.
keep110.zip    12576 08-05-2024  -= IceLord Keep for LORD2 =-
                                A simple IGM for LORD2 v1.10
                                or newer.  Includes 8 new maps
                                and a .ref file.  EASY INSTALL!
kenny11b.zip  102552 08-05-2024  Kenny's Crazy Casino V-1.1b 
                                       An IGM for Lunatix 2.3a+     
                                    Waste your Crazy Bucks the old- 
                                  fashioned way: Gamble them away 
keno.zip       97757 08-05-2024 BRAINEX KENO; Features automatic number
                                picks. ANSI/RIP display. Fun! Top weekly/all
                                time scoring. Requires the Brainex Door
keno29.zip    137154 08-05-2024 KENO    -     Door Game         v2.9        .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                Can You pick 8 numbers that match the
                                computer's picks. If you do you can win the
                                REAL TIME Jackpot! Fast-paced & challenging.
                                REAL TIME scoring with other players online.
                                Automatic game reset & Hall of Fame
                                bulletins. Makeup games missed during the
                                month. NOW with multi-port card support.
                                NOW send/receive MESSAGES to other players!!!
                                *** INTER-BBS capable ***
kenov11.zip   156533 08-05-2024 
kfour21.zip   109053 08-05-2024 Konnect Four 2.1!  Colorful ANSI graphics &
                                Online game, Drop pieces down to create four
                                in a row! 
                                Multiple games at once, player vs. player or
                                challenge players, view rankings, Nifty!
                                version 2.1 fixes many bugs from version 2.0.
kfs2_2d23c.z       0 01-01-1980   hoSPITAL lobby -- LUNaTIx IGM 2.3c!!!  
                                GO  DoWn  THE  ELeVAtoR,   ANd vEnt  YOUr
                                iNsANity In ThE LobBY!  WhO Is CRazIER...
                                yOu oR  thE  authoR oF  THiS igm?
kfs2_2d23c.zip   48289 08-05-2024   hoSPITAL lobby -- LUNaTIx IGM 2.3c!!!  
                                GO  DoWn  THE  ELeVAtoR,   ANd vEnt  YOUr
                                iNsANity In ThE LobBY!  WhO Is CRazIER...
                                yOu oR  thE  authoR oF  THiS igm?
kfs4_2d101.z       0 01-01-1980     hospitAl LoBBy -- Lunatix IGM 1.0!!!
                                Go  DoWn  tHE  elevAtoR,   AnD vENt  YOuR
                                inSAnIty IN thE lobBY!  whO is CRaziER...
                                you oR  tHE  aUTHor OF  ThIS IgM?
kfs4_2d101.zip   45375 08-05-2024     hospitAl LoBBy -- Lunatix IGM 1.0!!!
                                Go  DoWn  tHE  elevAtoR,   AnD vENt  YOuR
                                inSAnIty IN thE lobBY!  whO is CRaziER...
                                you oR  tHE  aUTHor OF  ThIS IgM?
kicksv11.zip  106766 08-05-2024 
king144b.zip 1364996 08-05-2024 ڿKING'S CROWN (02/27/96) 1.44Ŀڿ
                                     "Crown of the Monarch"      
                                 A MULTINODE  Role Playing Door Game
                                   Fully supported by RIP graphics  
                                   Supports LOCAL RIP, and 8 nodes  
                                 Now has a smaller memory footprint.
                                  IGM features.  Runs much cleaner  
                                Ŀ than 1.31 very easy to install  Ŀ
                                Real time-interaction
king821.zip   289930 08-05-2024 King of the Board Version 8.21
                                The most popular Trivia game 
                                for BBS Systems.
                                Supports Fossil Drivers
                                Non-Standard IRQ's
                                Supports ALL Major BBS's
                                Now menu Driven!
                                Now with First Intial & Last name
                                This is the complete package
                                Read the !KING.NEW for changes
                                Supported since 1987!
                                Corrected handling of LONG last names
kinglast.zip  122810 08-05-2024 
kingreg.zip    30151 08-05-2024 King's Crown  Kingreg.exe Now FREEWARE!!
                                The program for generating a registration
                                code for King's Crown. Due to personal
                                reasons, we are not continuing development of
                                the game at this time. Feel free to
                                distribute the key generator freely. There
                                are no doc's for it. Just run the program,
                                and input your bios number as generated by
                                the kingcfg.exe program.
kink12.zip    128779 08-05-2024 
kitlit10.zip  120004 08-05-2024 ͸
                                ۳      Kitty Litter v1.0     ۳
                                  [ ShehkTech Software ]  
                                  *KILLER* NEW DOOR GAME!!! 
                                   The streets have become  
                                   overcrowded with stray   
                                  kittens.  It is your job  
                                     to help control the    
                                    growing population of   
                                  cats.  Armed with various 
                                  toys you find, you search 
                                  the streets in an endless 
                                  quest to collect the most 
                                 kitties.  Easy to install. 
                                   Multiple Events, Mail,   
                                   Player and Cat Fights.   
                                 Virtually bugless (we hope)
kkorn113.zip   64114 08-05-2024      ** King's Korner v1.13**
                                Fast  paced  addictive  card  game.
                                Reworked   using   DDPlus  DoorKit.
                                Easy setup. Local play. SysOp Chat.
                                    User Access Level Feature.
                                  Go from Court Jester to King.
                                FUN! FUN! FUN! FUN! FUN! FUN! FUN!
                                 Copyright (c) 1993 John A. Tucker
klondike.zip   23770 08-05-2024 
kmare100.zip   46247 08-05-2024 ͸
                                ۳       Knight-Mare 1.0      ۳
                                  [ ShehkTech Software ]  
                                   Knight-Mare is a very    
                                  challenging puzzle game   
                                  played on a chess board.  
                                 The player (acting as the  
                                 knight) tries to touch all 
                                  of the squares one time   
                                    without landing on a    
                                 previously touched square. 
                                 check out the shehktech hq 
                                   iMPiNT: [541]440-9032    
                                 PHiLTHEiST: [541]672-4926  
kng120.zip     52373 08-05-2024 Kingdom Online Door Game.  Be the ruler of a
                                Kingdom for 50 years!  Make the season to
                                season decisions of how much food to eat and
                                plant, how much land to buy, etc.
                                DORINFOx.DEF & DOOR.SYS systems.  Fossile
                                Required. From Caliber Software, the makers
                                of Beer Trivia.
knghts.zip     15007 08-05-2024 Ver. 2.5 - Knights game door.  Played
                                using the chess piece called the
                                knight.  Object is to move the knight
                                on as many squares as possible without
                                moving in the same place twice. 
                                (requires DORPCH38.EXE and BRUN30.EXE)
knghtsmv.zip  118320 08-05-2024 Knight's Move - v1.6 Door Game by Mike Jordan
                                requiring skill and thought. Move the chess 
                                Knight around the board trying to land on 
                                each square only once.  Supports most major
                                drop files. Supports environmental variables
                                for multi-node operation. Has fossil and RIP
                                detection and works with Digifossil. 
                                No expiration date or demo key required.
knights.zip    88176 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> KNIGHTS v3.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
                                This game is played using the chess piece
                                called the knight.  The object is to move
                                the knight on as many squares as possible
                                without moving on the same square twice.
                                Fully functional, supports multiple BBS
                                formats, file sharing for multiple nodes,
                                bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers,
                                COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
knightv1.zip  306352 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                                KNiGhtS v1.00    AE Productions
                                One of the most awesome online
                                games out today.  This game is
                                jam packed with fun.   Journey
                                through the kings castle,  and
                                fight  your  way to become the
                                next King.     Take On The PIT 
                                Search For Dragons.  Rob Other
                                Knights.    Come's with 2 FREE
                                IGMS, IGMEDIT.EXE, Multi-Nodes
                                Supported. Desqview Aware. 
knk44.zip      85125 08-05-2024 Kannons & Katapults v4.4 by Alan
                                Davenport is a shareware door game where
                                your users play against the computer in
                                a simulation of the old castle vs.
                                castle wars. It is fun and quick to
                                play. KNK makes extensive use of ANSI
                                sound effects and the AI engine is no
                                pushover! KNK supports COM1 through
                                COM4, non-standard interrupts, fossil
                                drivers and baud rates up to 115200 BPS.
                                Registration is $20. The two common BBS
                                dropfiles DORINFOx.DEF and DOOR.SYS are
                                supported. Error trapping improved for
                                version 4.4.
kntsmv20.zip  128110 08-05-2024 Knight's Move - v2.0 Door Game by Mike Jordan
                                requiring skill and thought. Move the chess 
                                Knight around the board trying to land on 
                                each square only once.  Supports most major
                                drop files, environmental variables for
                                multi-node and is fossil and RIP aware.
                                Now InterBBS Playable.
                                No expiration date or demo key required.
kobmtd2.zip    24595 08-05-2024 
kobutl13.zip   53760 08-05-2024 
kogs150.zip   274076 08-05-2024 KOGS (Knights of the Golden Sword) v1.50 
                                Role-playing game for BBS or local. 
                                There is also a real-money contest 
                                for players! There are 12 challenging 
                                levels where players ride the time 
                                module to the 20th century and buy
                                items in different cities to bring to 
                                colorful charcters in the 12th 
                                century in exchange for getting help 
                                on finding jewels. They also fight 
                                monsters for gold and experience. 
                                Players can also write their own story 
                                line with storyln.
konnect4.zip   98784 08-05-2024 Konnect Four 2.0!  Colorful ANSI graphics &
                                Online game, Drop pieces down to create four
                                in a row! 
                                Multiple games at once, player vs. player or
                                challenge players, view rankings, Nifty!
                                Now works with almost any BBS type. 
krazy30.zip    89197 08-05-2024 
kreuz12.zip    56304 08-05-2024 Kreuz v1.2, Crossword Puzzle Door Game! 
                                This pre-release is FREE!
krozasst.zip   29377 08-05-2024 Krozword Assistant ver 1.10
                                A full-featured puzzle editor that
                                greatly simplifies the task of
                                creating your own Krozword puzzles.
                                by Alan Deala
ks111.zip     151600 08-05-2024 ķ
                                 Klondike Solitaire   (Door) ver. 1.11    
                                A classic game of solitaire. One trip    
                                through the deck, one card at a time.    
                                Keeps daily winners as well as a total   
                                winner for that month.  Now able to be   
                                played without a BBS!.  Uses DOORFRAME   
                                library for Non-Standard Comport and     
                                Programmer: William Rountree             
                                Release Date: 04\18\95                   
ks112.zip     154261 08-05-2024 Klondike Solitaire   (Door Game) ver. 1.12  
                                A classic game of solitaire. One trip 
                                through the deck, one card at a time. Keeps 
                                daily winners as well as a total winner for 
                                that month.  Now able to be played without 
                                a BBS!  Uses DOORFRAME library for 
                                Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's.               
                                Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x and many others.
                                Release Date: 01\3\97                   
ksltrv20.zip  144579 08-05-2024 Klingon Trivia v2.0 -naDev tlhInganpu'tu'lu'-
                                (There are Klingons around here). Test your
                                KLINGON knowledge with this BBS door program
                                devoted to all aspects of "Klingon Trivia."
                                Registered SysOps may obtain a special
                                utility to add/edit questions in the database
                                Supports a RIPSCRIP interface and creates
                                ANSI/WC!3.x/PCB/RIP bulletins. Supports the
                                following user files: CALLINFO, USERS, DOOR,
                                USERINFO, PCBOARD, DORINFOx, TRIBBS, SFDOORS
                                Klingon SoftWare Labs (tm) 1992-93....Qapla'
ktbb_100.zip  180334 08-05-2024 
ktfm_213.zip  228958 08-05-2024 
kumite11.zip  426047 08-05-2024 Kumite v1.1 - If you like LORD, you
                                will LOVE Kumite. This is a TRUE
                                MULTI-NODE Door game that takes place
                                in China Town. Choose a Dojo to train
                                under, earn your belts, fight online
                                fights, computer opponents, and other
                                players. Play Wacky Taipo, send mail
                                to other players, Today's and
                                Yesterday's news keeps everyone up to
                                date. Many features are packed in this
                                *NEW* exciting game. This is a minor
                                bug fix and also a minor update release
kuwaiti.zip    17930 08-05-2024 
kybar11u.zip   46643 08-05-2024 Kylon's Bar 1.1 (November 13, 1995)
                                (UpAllnite Software; $25 cdn)
                                A multi-node, multi-user ChatDoor
                                features online user help and is
                                fully "DOORCHAT" compatable (new).
                                (can talk to other "DoorChat" doors)
                                Works with any DOOR.SYS BBS software
                                and runs up to 200 concurrent nodes
                                with 255 chatter channels, RIP
                                graphics capable. Supports DigiBoard
                                through fossil support.
kylon242.zip  214404 08-05-2024 Kylon's World 2.42 (JULY 4, 1995)
                                (upAllnite Software; $30)
                                A multi-node, multi-user real time door 
                                game with a dungeons & dragons role playing 
                                theme. Users may battle the monsters, team 
                                up against the monsters, or kill each other.
                                Features online user help and multi-node 
                                chat. Works with any DOOR.SYS BBS software 
                                and runs up to 200 concurrent nodes.  RIP
                                graphics capable. Supports DigiBoard through
                                fossil support.
l2102.zip     468103 08-05-2024 -= LORD2: New World V1.02 =-
                                  ::: LORD2  : NEW WORLD ::  
                                ޲                         ۰ 
                                ޱ The sequel to LORD.  Real      
                                  time multinode interactive    
                                 ansi mud. For local/BBS use. 
l2s500.zip     72809 08-05-2024 "Lord 2 to Sage" world converter, v5.0
                                Contains all the tools required to convert
                                entire Lord 2 worlds to Sage format.
                                Includes Map screen converter, Items
                                file converter and REF script converter.
lacast10.zip   95645 08-05-2024 
                                       In 1999           
                                  Coolhouse Productions  
                                 ----- ---
                                  Latex's Castle v1.00   
                                 IGM for Life in Latexila
                                --- ----- --
                                   A Huge Castle, with   
                                a better bank and scribe.
                                Try to find Master Latex 
lachv26.zip   491555 08-05-2024 Lachrymator 32 Online Adventure game for
                                Wildcat v5.x BBS systems.
                                (Updated 05/13/96) v2.06
                                -- Full Multi-Player Online adventure.  Users
                                can chat, enter msg's
                                   Battle, and gossip.
                                -- Fully Expandable for different worlds,
                                extra adventures, you name it.
                                -- Full sysop control/customization.  Full
                                Editor for players, NPC's
                                   and the Masters.
                                -- Configurable Game Levels.  3 to choose from
                                  Kiddie, Mild, and
                                   adult versions.
                                -- Only half of the game is actually seen. 
                                The rest the Players will
                                   have to figure out and find.
                                -- Many hidden features. Graphical HTML Top
                                Scores output!
                                -- Best of all worlds.  Bar, Gambling, Lottery
                                 Sex, Violence
                                -- A MUST play to get the full feeling.
ladder52.zip  145216 08-05-2024 LADDERS Dice  -  Door Game      v5.2        .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                If you use the right strategy and have plenty
                                of luck, you will climb the ladders and
                                "capture" the required number to earn points.
                                Makeup games missed during the month. Auto
                                game reset & HOF bulletins. FEATURING 'POOL'
                                points & REAL TIME scoring! Supports Fossil-
                                based Multi-port cards, incl PCB /M version!
                                Send/Receive MESSAGES to other players !!!!!!
                                >>>>> I N T E R - B B S   Capable <<<<<
lakota.zip     24809 08-05-2024 [ LAKOTA QWK SPITFIRE Mail Door ]͸
                                    Version 1.5 - Small & Fast     
lalinedm.zip   82520 08-05-2024 "The Underground Hunt" - Can you find Laline?
                                A DM Module Requires John Dailey's Dungeon
                                Master v1.0+.  Written and designed for BBS
                                use by Dan Shore - The Shoreline BBS
landf100.zip   56675 08-05-2024  Landfill V1.00 Planets: TEOS IGM 
                                Add an exciting way for your players    
                                to earn money - work at the landfill!
                                Freeware by the creators of TEOS.
                                Requires TEOS V2.00 Beta 3 or newer.  
lasagna.zip    98382 08-05-2024 LASAGNA BBS game door v1.00; Welcome to
                                Lasagna, a mastermind type of game using 3
                                numbers.  Will you get cheese, meatballs, or
                                noodles? Most bbs interface files are
lasso_15.zip  234849 08-05-2024 Lasso! Door v1.5 by T&J Software, based on
                                the popular HANGMAN type game. Comes with
                                over 28,000 words! Supports up to 115k baud
                                rate, various COM ports, non-standard IRQ's,
                                DESQview aware, fossil driver support, and
                                much more! A fun game for all your users!
laston44.zip   28333 08-05-2024 
lastory2.zip   44466 08-05-2024 LaStory v2.01 - for Wildcat 5.0 (Never Ending
                                Story) Shareware
                                Written in WcCode, this version replaces V1.0,
                                this is a complete rewrite.
                                Users may add to 36 stories, each story is
                                configurable to be Adults only,
                                each is also configurable for the ability for
                                the user to post anonymously,
                                and each story is configurable for the number
                                of lines that the user can
                                add. Built in swear word checker for the non
                                adult stories. Non Adult users
                                cannot even see the Adult titles. Ansi screens
                                and HTML screens produced.
                                Up to 76 different security levels for each
                                story, all sysop functions
                                built in, no maintenance needed. Export
                                stories routine built in, many
                                more options for viewing and editing. Built in
                                spell checker.
                                Written by Larry Anderson, author or The
                                Classifieds and The Top Twenty
                                Minor bug release.
                                Copyright(c) 1996 Express Computers
laword1.zip   773993 08-05-2024 LaWord v1.00 "The Ultimate Word/Phrase Game" -
                                for Wildcat 5.0
                                LaWord is a unique game with a dictionary of
                                over 225,000 Scrabble accepted
                                words. Each game randomly picks 5 words of
                                different sizes. The user tries
                                to solve the words by guessing letters. A
                                complex scoring system makes it
                                possible to score more points by guessing
                                'uncommon' letters. Scores are
                                saved to a high score file for each month. You
                                can then challenge another
                                user to beat your score on the same five words
                                 Wins and losses are auto-
                                matically calculated. Features multiple word
                                lists. Create your own. Each
                                word list has it's own high score file.
                                Win/loss streaks tallied. Many
                                more features. The 'mother' of all word games.
                                Many, many options. Each
                                list can also have security levels assigned to
                                Written by the author of Top Twenty Generator,
                                The Classifieds, and Lastory
                                Copyright(c) 1996 Express Computers
lawyer10.zip   40253 08-05-2024 [THE LAWYERS OFFICE  CRIME QUEST IGM v1.0]
                                 Visit the shyster lawyer & sue the bank, 
                                 Frank, the City or game players!  Change 
                                 your character name, sex or skill.  This 
                                 is a great IGM for Crime Quest and it is 
                                 FREEWARE direct from the author!         
                                 (C) 1996 Brian Leiter    - 08/18/96 -   
lbgolf.zip    352970 08-05-2024 
lb_glass.zip    5347 08-05-2024 Add on quest for Exitilus 2.05 door game
lb_golem.zip    5333 08-05-2024 Add-on quest for Exitilus 2.05 door game
lb_rescu.zip    5441 08-05-2024 Add-on quest for Exitilus 2.05 door game
lcbud12.zip    60826 08-05-2024 LCbud Version 1.2
                                A Freeware Utility for League
                                Coordnators of any SRGAME.
                                This will take most of the work
                                out of being a LC. Will write a
                                netmail to anyone in the league
                                that is not "Keeping" up there
                                system. Old Recons, No Recons,
                                and Wrong Version's. You write
                                the Mail, and LCBUD checks
                                the league for you. New Reset Option
                                added in this version.
                                 Freeware from VagaBond Soft
lc_120.zip    438415 08-05-2024 
                                    iGô CôA     Version 1.20     
                                 New version, crammed with   exciting 
                                 new features! External chat program, 
                                 external message  editor,  255  chat 
                                 modes  (18  pre-defined),   multiple 
                                 languages, SoundTracker support, SB/ 
                                 GUS/Ensoniq   support,   intelligent 
                                 auto-installation to RA or ProBoard. 
                                 External program support, DOS shell, 
                                 paging activity monitor, macro keys, 
                                 Msg to SysOp facility,  AutoExclude, 
                                 editor-like chat  windows,  SimuType 
                                 greetings, word/command-macros, user 
                                 editor, chat capture and LOADS MORE! 
ld201.zip      38967 08-05-2024 LZHDoor v2.01 - This door will explain to
                                your users why you use LZH (LHA.EXE) for your
                                archiver and what file to download. This door
                                also has several other uses. You may use to
                                display information to your users. Supports
                                COM1-4, non-standard IRQ's and other
                                features. NOW SUPPORTS RIPScrip! Very easy to
                                install. Fixes DOOR.SYS error.
ldrrated.zip   34691 08-05-2024   A Dragons Mistress Production
                                       R Rated Menu Set
                                         for lord 3.26
                                     Let your users meet the
                                         Women of Lord
                                        COMES WITH NEW
lds160a.zip   135243 08-05-2024 Lord Development System v1.60a Upgrade for
                                LORD 3.50 '95 Neo-Gen
ldyluk22.zip  136140 08-05-2024 Lady Luck 2.2 - Door Game by Mike Jordan.
                                Has the thrill of Craps, the excitment of 
                                Roulete and the anticipation of a Slots. 
                                Bet on the roll of 3 dice to try and 
                                make a bundle. But beware, the House
                                _DOES_ have the advantage. Supports RIP and
                                DigiFossil.  No Demo Key or Expiration date.
learn15.zip   104335 08-05-2024 
                                ۳   LEARN   HAWAIIAN  v1.5   
                                  LEARN HAWAIIAN On-line Door Game asks  
                                 the caller a series of questions on the 
                                 Hawaiian Words, Hawaiian Phrases and    
                                 Hawaiian Sentences. Educational and Fun.
legend5.zip   519503 08-05-2024 LEGENDS v5.0 - Fantasy Role-Playing System!
legend73.zip  838869 08-05-2024 
lem12wc5.zip   52685 08-05-2024 Lemonade! Door v1.20 (32-bit) for Wildcat! 5
                                BBS Platforms written in wcCode from T&J
                                Software. http://www.tjsoft.com
lemon42.zip   148640 08-05-2024 Lemonade Door v4.20 - run your own stand!
                                Supports various COM ports, DESQview aware,
                                non-standard IRQ's, colorful ANSI screens,
                                top 10 bulletin creation, fully SysOp
                                configurable, supports most BBS types,
                                and even fossil drivers! T&J Software
lemrip20.zip  135235 08-05-2024 Lemonade (RIP) Door v2.0: FULL RIP door.
                                Make money selling lemonade! Full RIP
                                graphics, various com ports, non-standard
                                IRQ's, DV aware, RIP bulletins, easy sets
                                up on ANY BBS that supports doors, sysop
                                options available, and much more! Another
                                door release from T&J Software!
leper100.zip  101968 08-05-2024 |10
                                |02        SQUIRE LEPERACY 1.00
                                |09 This is a new BBS DOOR GAME by
                                 Matthew Raftery of SQUIRE 1997.
                                 |10|02MADE IN BRISBANE (QUEENSLAND)|10
                                |09 Do you remember the old log-off 
                                 game Spiked?  If you do, and if you 
                                 liked that game you'll love this 
                                 game.  Your mission is to save your 
                                 girlfriend who is trapped in a 
                                 house of spiked walls.  You must 
                                 travel through the house to save 
                                 her.  Make sure you don't become a 
                                 leper by running into a wall 
                                 because if you do she'll dump you!
                                |02   |10REGISTRATION ONLY AUS $5 |02
lfair31.zip    94941 08-05-2024 LORD COUNTY FAIR -- An In Game Module (IGM).
                                **Now! Unzip in its OWN \FAIR subdirectory!*
                                Spend a Day at the Fair & visit the Balloon
                                Pop & Medicine Man. Can you be a Pie Eating 
                                Champ? Plant a wet one on your favorite 
                                sweetie at the Kissing Booth. Join the Spear 
                                Toss & Javelin Throw Tournaments. Check out 
                                the Haunted & Enchanted Forests & Fairy 
                                Catch. Slosh enemies in the Dunk Tank!
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
lgnp9c.zip    100460 08-05-2024 
lhview19.zip   20084 08-05-2024 Lordhint Sheet ON-line Viewer version 1.9! For
                                Wildcat! 4.11+,
lhview22.zip   38557 08-05-2024     The Hidden Door Creations Presents:
                                    The Lordhint Sheet On-Line Viewer 2.2
                                Lordhint Sheet On-line Viewer is For Wildcat!
                                4.12+ in wcCODE. It Allows you to view lord-
                                Hint with a few extra features like:
                                * Colorized
                                * Menus with use of Arrow key/Normal Keys
                                * Users can Add/View hints
                                * Lord Can be run from Within Scores can too!
                                * Highly Secure SysOp menu (Nice Features)
                                Lordhint Can be Registered at these places:
                                The Hidden Door BBS (805)836-9162 (HOME BBS)
                                The DarkRoom BBS (618)345-3663 REG/Supp/dist
                                >Description by DIZ Wiz v2.21 [UNREGISTERED]
lib_v120.zip   45016 08-05-2024 
                                  The Library v1.20 - A ROK EGO!
                                 Talk the Hooded Figure and learn
                                 the rankings of enemy characters
                                 in ten different categories that
                                 aren't found in ROK! *FREEWARE*!
                                 *This will work with ROK v2.03!*
                                      Blazing Fire Software
lidoor.zip     50221 08-05-2024 L.I. DOOR MENU MAKER IS AN ENHANCED
                                MENU CREATION PROGRAM FOR YOUR DOORS.
                                IT IS COMPATIBLE WITH ANY BBS WHICH
                                CAN USE DOOR.SYS AS A DROP DOOR 
                                FORMAT.  EASY TO INSTALL AND VERY
                                CONFIGURABLE.  IT WILL CREATE AND
                                KEEP UPDATED FOR YOU HOW MANY TIMES
                                A DOOR HAS BEEN PLAYED, THE LAST
                                DATE THE DOOR WAS PLAYED, THE LAST
                                PERSON TO HAVE PLAYED THAT DOOR, AND
                                PIECE IT ALL TOGETHER FOR YOU IN A
                                NICE SELECTION OF PRE-MADE MENUS; OR
                                YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OWN.  JUST ADD THE
                                CORRECT CODES TO ANY ANSI DRAWN MENU
                                AND FOLLOW SOME SIMPLE RULES AND YOU
                                CAN CREATE YOUR OWN DOOR MENU SCREEN.
lil100.zip    354955 08-05-2024 
                                       In 1998-99        
                                  Coolhouse Productions  
                                 ----- ---
                                    Life in Latexila     
                                --- ----- --
                                 LORD style adventure    
                                game,which is even better
                                  Accepts many dropfiles 
lineup33.zip  187807 08-05-2024 Line Up .33 - Door Game by Mike Jordan
                                Move the squares around the 9 x 9 board
                                to try and line up 5 or more of the same
                                color so they will be removed before the
                                fills up.  New squares added each turn and
                                more colors as the game progresses.
                                Supports most major drop files, environmental
                                variables for multi-node and is fossil and 
                                RIP aware. InterBBS Playable.
                                No expiration date or demo key required.
links40.zip   193326 08-05-2024  Links Golf v4.0 - BBS Door Program 
                                Links Country Club Golf. Play a round of
                                9 or 18 holes. Includes course architect
                                so that you may customize your course to
                                your board. Now includes ANSI display for
                                each hole. Supports baud rates to 115,200,
                                COM0-15, non-standard IRQ's and fossil based
                                multi-port digiboards.              08/31/93
                                Author:Robert Neal             NOT CRIPPLED!
                                Supports USERS.SYS, DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF,
                                SFDOORS.DAT, PCBOARD.SYS, CALLINFO.BBS,
                                TRIBBS.SYS, USERINFO.DAT, and GTUSER.BBS BBS
                                file formats.
links60a.zip  191426 08-05-2024 Links Golf v6.0a - BBS Door Program
                                Links Country Club Golf. Play a round of
                                9 or 18 holes. Includes course architect
                                so that you may customize your course to
                                your board. Now includes ANSI display for
                                each hole. Supports baud rates to 115,200,
                                COM0-15, non-standard IRQ's and fossil based
                                multi-port digiboards.         NOT CRIPPLED!
lis26.zip     281207 08-05-2024 LOST IN SPACE    RPG-Door                v2.6
                                **** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection ****
                                MULTINODE BBS RPG GAME! Trapped 1,000,000 
                                light years from the planet EARTH, you must 
                                make your way home with only your wits and 
                                your spaceship!  Travel through 9 different 
                                planets, engaging enemy spacecraft along the 
                                way.  Be sure to keep your eye out for other 
                                players too!  FULL MULTINODE support, with 
                                REAL-TIME MAIL.  
listdoor.zip   85467 08-05-2024 
lisv12.zip    276018 08-05-2024 L.I.S.  (Lost In Space) v1.2
                                MULTINODE BBS RPG GAME!  New features 
                                ADDED in first FULL RELEASE VERSION!
                                Trapped 1,000,000 light years from the 
                                planet EARTH, you must make your way
                                home with only your wits and your
                                spaceship!  Travel through 9 different
                                planets, engaging enemy spacecraft 
                                along the way.  Be sure to keep your
                                eye out for other players too!  
                                FULL MULTINODE support, with REAL-TIME
                                MAIL.  Supports DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF,
                                PCBOARD.SYS, SFDOORS.DAT and 
                                CALLINFO.BBS!  Also, non-standard IRQ's,
                                bauds to 115,200 and FOSSIL DRIVERS.
                                (C)1996, 1997 Lounge Software
lite152.zip   171484 08-05-2024 LiteCar Challenge v1.52 - Join In On The
                                Fastest Paced Online Demolition Derby!
                                Race Around The Arena Dodging Obstacles
                                And Evading Other Players As You Locate
                                Bonus Purses To Grab. The Longer You Survive
                                The Tighter The Course Becomes. Only The
                                BEST Will Survive This Real-Time Door!
literm20.zip 2794291 08-05-2024 LI-TERM F/X v2.0: DDO-F/X TERMINAL PROGRAM.
                                 LI-TERM is a fully function terminal program
                                with features typically found in commercial
                                packages, like Scripting Language, Dialing
                                Directory Importer, BBS Database, Fax, Host
                                and more, 100% UNCRIPPLED Shareware - A Must
                                have for any diehard BBSer. Required for
                                DDO-F/X.  Compatible with Windows 95, OS/2,
                                DOS 5.0+, & WIN 3.1+ - FULL AUTOMATIC SETUP.
ll101.zip     141329 08-05-2024 ķ
                                 Lunar Lander          (Door) ver. 1.01   
                                You control the amount of fuel to your   
                                engines in an attempt to successfully    
                                land on the moon. Uses DOORFRAME library 
                                for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's.      
                                Now able to be played without a BBS!     
                                Programmer: William Rountree             
                                Release Date: 04\18\95                   
ll111.zip     143283 08-05-2024 Lunar Lander       (Door Game) ver. 1.11   
                                You control the amount of fuel to your   
                                engines in an attempt to successfully    
                                land on the moon. Uses DOORFRAME library 
                                for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's.      
                                Now able to be played without a BBS!     
                                Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x and many others.
                                Release Date: 1\3\97
lmania.zip     77245 08-05-2024 Door Game Based on the ever popular
                                Game Show Wheel of Fortune, but slightly
                                Different approach to scoring. UnRegistered
                                Version Can Access 300 Different Puzzles.
                                SysOp can Create and Add to existing
                                Puzzle Files. Users are encourged to upload
                                their Puzzle files for other Sysop's to
                                DesqView aware. Non-Standard Comm.
                                ports supported.
                                Generates All Time High and Top Ten Score
                                Bulletins after each game. Easy setup via
                                LMUTIL. No Maintance is Required.
                                Supports most major BBS Drop file types,
                                including TRIBBS, PCBoard, Door.sys, Spitfire
                                and others.
                                Shareware. Uploaded by WRM Systems
lmatch25.zip  134393 08-05-2024 Letter Match         -    Door Game     v2.5
                                **  Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                A unique and challenging game that tests
                                your memory and knowledge of the category
                                subject chosen by the Sysop. Automatic reset
                                of game at end of month. Make-up-games-missed
                                option and MORE! Supports Fossil-based 
                                Multi-Port cards, including PCBoard /M 
lng47.zip     119486 08-05-2024     Lottery Number Generator   v.4.7      
                                 LNG picks lottery numbers for your users 
                                   Works with                             
                                   RemoteAccess, Wildcat, Spitfire,PCBoard
                                   Renegade, or any system that produces  
                                   DORINFOx.DEF or DOOR.SYS drop files    
                                       Released as <<<>>>       
lnp160.zip     71493 08-05-2024 
lob215.zip     63693 08-05-2024 
loc1_11b.zip  116473 08-05-2024 *The Land of Chaos v1.11 -- Door Game*
                                 20 Levels of brutal combat, player v
                                 player battles, lots of monsters, w/
                                 addon module support.  Fixes major
                                 bugs.  Supports DOOR.SYS & DORINFO#.DEF
locfix1.zip    71782 08-05-2024 *The Land of Chaos -- Patch File*
                                 This file fixes the problems in
                                 The Land of Chaos v1.0 & v1.0a.
                                 THIS FILE IS NEEDED TO GET THE ABOVE
                                 MENTIONED VERSIONS WORKING PROPERLY!
lockjw10.zip   76311 08-05-2024 
lod511a.zip   146452 08-05-2024 LOD Ver 5.11 - Docs & text [Required]
                                By Scott M. Baker
                                This file is required for all
                                installations of LOD.
lod511b.zip   712362 08-05-2024 LOD Ver 5.11 - Executables [Required]
                                By Scott M. Baker
                                This file contains the executables for
                                LOD and some associated utilities. It
                                is required for all installations of
lod511c.zip   281693 08-05-2024 LOD Ver 5.11 - SVGA 1 of 4 [Optional]
                                By Scott M. Baker
                                This file contains graphics for use
                                in the SVGA (and OS/2 Graphical PM)
                                versions of LOD. It is not required
                                if you wish to use the text-only
                                version of LOD.
lod511d1.zip 1351766 08-05-2024 LOD Ver 5.11 - SVGA 2 of 4 [Optional]
                                By Scott M. Baker
                                This file contains graphics for use
                                in the SVGA (and OS/2 Graphical PM)
                                versions of LOD. The graphics are
                                mostly large "bigpics" of monsters
                                and specific locations. It is not
                                required if you wish to use the text-
                                only version of LOD.
lod511d2.zip 1134961 08-05-2024 LOD Ver 5.11 - SVGA 3 of 4 [Optional]
                                By Scott M. Baker
                                This file contains graphics for use
                                in the SVGA (and OS/2 Graphical PM)
                                versions of LOD. The graphics are
                                mostly large "bigpics" of monsters
                                and specific locations. It is not
                                required if you wish to use the text-
                                only version of LOD.
lod511d3.zip  758546 08-05-2024 LOD Ver 5.11 - SVGA 4 of 4 [Optional]
                                By Scott M. Baker
                                This file contains graphics for use
                                in the SVGA (and OS/2 Graphical PM)
                                versions of LOD. The graphics are
                                mostly large "bigpics" of monsters
                                and specific locations. It is not
                                required if you wish to use the text-
                                only version of LOD.
lod511e.zip   896294 08-05-2024 LOD Ver 5.11 - Dataset Design [Optional]
                                By Scott M. Baker
                                This file contains tools for designing
                                your own custom datasets for LOD.
                                Included is the source data for the
                                default dataset as well as map editors,
                                dataset compilers, brief documentation,
lod511f.zip   808326 08-05-2024 LOD Ver 5.11 - Audio Support [Optional]
                                By Scott M. Baker
                                This file contains songs and music
                                drivers to play LOD's music. Music is
                                only available under the DOS versions
                                and does require a lot of memory.
lod511g.zip    34043 08-05-2024 LOD Ver 5.11 - SVGA Kit [Optional]
                                By Scott M. Baker
                                This file contains tools for adding
                                your own graphics to LOD and
                                instructions on the required formats
                                and resolutions for LOD's graphics.
lod511l.zip   186676 08-05-2024 LOD Ver 5.11 - "Lite" exes [Optional]
                                By Scott M. Baker
                                The "lite" exes are DOS executalbes
                                that have graphics and sound support
                                REMOVED from the code. This means they
                                require a bit less memory than the
                                standard version. If you have trouble
                                running LOD under desqview, then you
                                may wish to try these executables.
lod511o.zip   684880 08-05-2024 LOD Ver 5.11 - OS/2 exes [Optional]
                                By Scott M. Baker
                                These executables are for the OS/2
                                version of LOD. Included are both
                                a graphical PM version and a standard
                                character mode application. Also
                                included are several utilities and
                                other associated programs.
lod511p.zip   680191 08-05-2024 LOD Ver 5.11 - DPMI exes [Optional]
                                By Scott M. Baker
                                DPMI stands for Dos Protected Mode
                                Interface. These executables are
                                designed for DOS use under protected
                                mode and thus utilize memory a bit
                                more efficiently than the standard
                                real mode executables.
logdate.zip    27271 08-05-2024 
loglim.zip     10753 08-05-2024 Logon Limit Changer -- Changes the maximum
                                logon time limit in TriBBS.  You can now
                                set up scheduled hours with different max
                                logon times.  Good for managing peak traffic
                                hours.  Game players can have special hours
                                for in and out logons.  Early morning hours
                                for extra long logons?  TriBBS Only !
logs102.zip    37352 08-05-2024 
loid200p.zip  129359 08-05-2024 Lords of Irongate v2.00 - Quest for the Orb!
                                EXCELLENT BBS ADVENTURE DOOR. IBM/PC VERSION
                                Now FULLY supports: TriBBS, GAP (DOOR.SYS),
                                RBBS, PCBoard, WildCat!, WWIV, and can be
                                run locally. Freely distributable version.
                                \\\\ An Enchanted Software Production! ////
lokout10.zip   59471 08-05-2024 LockOut 1.0͸
                                  Lock problem users out of  
                                  any or all of your doors!  
                                  Easy setup, configurable!  
lolv11.zip    120029 08-05-2024 LOG-OFF LOTTO  v1.1
                                FREEWARE!  See how your luck is just
                                before logging off your favourite BBS!
                                Pick 6 numbers and see if you can match
                                ALL 6 for $1,000,000.  Keep playing
                                until you lose.  User has the option
                                of playing or not.  Supports DOOR.SYS,
                                DORINFOx.DEF, PCBOARD.SYS, SFDOORS.DAT
                                and CALLINFO.BBS!  Fully multinode
                                aware!  (C)1996 Lounge Software
lomax10.zip   471339 08-05-2024 LOMAX BOULDERS 1.0 - Boulderdash Clone
looney10.zip   33215 08-05-2024      Looney Lord ver. 1.0
                                These monster and menu files were
                                worked on every Satuday morning
                                before noon. Brought to you by
                                Lord Drizzt of the Darque Castle
                                BBS  (814)786-7688.
loov12.zip    160614 08-05-2024 LEGENDS OF 'OLE   v1.2
                                UPDATED VERSION!  ALL NEW ANSI!
                                BBS Online RPG style Door Game!
                                Set back in the time of Knights, the 
                                King has chosen you to become the
                                ultimate Knight, with the help of
                                the Knight Master.  Battle in the
                                Arena, battle other players, send
                                messages, including previous message
                                quotes and much more.  Fully multinode,
                                non standard IRQ's, fossil driver
                                support and much more.
                                (C)opyright 1997, 1998 Lounge Software
lord2.zip     118935 08-05-2024 Land of the Red Dragon ver 2 Great door game.
lord2b7.zip   468977 08-05-2024 
                                  ::: LORD2  : NEW WORLD ::  
                                ޲                         ۰ 
                                ޱ The sequel to LORD.  Real      
                                  time multinode interactive    
                                 ansi mud. For local/BBS use. 
lord400a.zip  326500 08-05-2024 -= Legend Of The Red Dragon 4.00a =-
                                Marry and bury real people in the      
                                fantasy world of LORD.  Multinode 
                                interactive BBS door from RTsoft
lord406.zip   355646 08-05-2024 -= Legend Of The Red Dragon 4.06 =-
                                 Marry and bury real people in the
                                 fantasy world of LORD, the grand
                                 daddy of all Multinode interactive
                                 BBS doorgames!
lordstr2.zip   27973 08-05-2024 Here's the New & Improved Langauge
                                of LORD Talk for WWIV.  I think all
                                the menus are there now, and I put a
                                non-ansi menu in too.
                                by The Cyber Witness
lore_250.zip  699291 08-05-2024 Ķ LORE  Version 2.50 
                                An on-line game of fantasy role-playing!
                                Features  a  full-screen  ANSI  graphics
                                interface, with a detailed and colourful
                                moving  map  system.    Over  1  million
                                locations to move to! Visit 50+ cities &
                                talk with the inhabitants interactively,
                                or go underground in search of treasure!
                                Hundreds  of  monsters  to  fight!  Full
                                Inter-BBS support,  real-time  multinode
                                interaction,  build and defend your  own
                                fully-featured  bases,   hire  computer-
                                controlled allies,  and much more.  Very
                                easy  to  install  and configure,even if
                                you've never installed a door before!
                                Ķ Released April 25, 1998 
lostv02.zip   219223 08-05-2024 -=* The Lost Temple V0.2 *=-
                                -=*The Newest On-Line RPG*=-
                                 Advance Through 30  Levels 
                                 Explore  Hundreds Of Rooms 
                                 And  Fight Evil  Creatures  
                                 Of All Kinds On Your Quest
                                 To  Free  The Lost Temple!   
lostv10.zip   251927 08-05-2024         -=* The Lost Temple V1.0 *=-
                                        -=*The Newest On-Line RPG*=-
                                  Check Out The Enclosed Contest.Doc File!
                                          Many New Features Added.  
                                Supports DOOR.SYS And DORINFO1.DEF Dropfiles.
                                 Now Includes A Full User Documentation File
                                        Now Supports Single Key Input
                                        New Monsters And  Rooms Added
lotery48.zip  107441 08-05-2024 Ver 4.8 Lottery Door, players can win
                                at Pick-3 or Pick-4. You can set the
                                prizes that they win and also set the
                                amount of times in the door per day!
                                Multi-bbs, Multi-node, bauds to 115K.
                                Fossil Driver aware and NO other file
                                needed to run door. Com-ports 0-15
                                Now runs in local mode for testing.
lotf09.zip    287813 08-05-2024 LAND OF THE FORGOTTEN v0.9        [8/2/99]
                                An adventure doorgame of epic proportions, 
                                LAND OF THE FORGOTTEN (LOTF) is a command-
                                based RPG with a game world consisting of 
                                over 1350 separate rooms! Features over 
                                175 items and 40 spells; also has many 
                                quests, boss monsters, and secret areas to
                                keep your users entertained! This game is
                                HUGE, very interactive, highly addictive,
                                and is still actively supported by its 
                                author! More info is available at the LOTF
                                web site -- http://onix.com/darklord/lotf
lotogem2.zip   22634 08-05-2024 Lotto 6049 GEM: This GEM was written for the
                                Galactic Empire Door, to allow your users to
                                try their luck at winning the "big one". Buy
                                tickets to the daily draw for up to 1,000,000
                                credits, to be used in the game to buy ships,
                                combat upgrades, or whatever!
lotto10.zip    37080 08-05-2024 
lotto100.zip   91459 08-05-2024 -'-'Latexila Lotto v1.00 a LIL IGM'-'-
                                     Great Place to win/loose 
                                      your money. If you win
                                      you'll get your moneys 
                                            2x back!!!
lotto32.zip   194146 08-05-2024 LOTTO MANIA!      RPG-Door               v3.2
                                **** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection ****
                                Players can scratch Lotto Tickets, play the 
                                Lottery and wager on the outcome of Hockey 
                                Games, Football Games, and Basketball Games 
                                in the battle to see who becomes the "Top 
                                Dog"!  Easy setup & no maintenance required. 
lotto35.zip   140652 08-05-2024 
lottov24.zip  181510 08-05-2024 LOTTO MANIA!   v2.4
                                MAJOR rewrite from v2.3!  Now fully
                                Multinode!  Players can scratch Lotto 
                                Tickets, play the Lottery and wager on 
                                the outcome of Hockey Games, Football 
                                Games, and Basketball Games in the
                                battle to see who becomes the "Top Dog"!  
                                Easy setup and no maintenance required.  
                                Supports DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF, 
                                PCBOARD.SYS, SFDOORS.DAT and CALLINFO.BBS!
                                Now includes easy Configuration utility with
                                full mouse support! 
                                (C)1995 - 1997 Lounge Software
lpdrb161.zip  287142 08-05-2024       LAUNCHPAD - BALLISTIC 1.61       
                                Run the Svga game called Ballistic with
                                a MAX compatible BBS! Launchpad is the 
                                bridge you need for a quick and error  
                                free interface!  In this module you    
                                will be able to play the super clean   
                                arcade style game called Ballistic by  
                                Sean Price of Rudedog software!        
                                        \\\\ MAX SVGA ////             
lpdrd161.zip  522034 08-05-2024        LAUNCHPAD - ROIDS v1.61         
                                Run the Asteroids style game called    
                                ROIDS with your MAX compatible BBS!    
                                Digital Sound Blaster Support, SVGA and
                                quick and error free interface.  Roids 
                                was written specifically to interface  
                                with Launchpad!  Roids v1.61 is written
                                by Brad Larned of Fzsoft Software.     
                                Includes Roids v1.61 Svga Arcade Game! 
                                         \\\\ MAX SVGA ////            
lpost160.zip  310090 08-05-2024  LASERPOST 1.6 Ŀ The Excellent Multi
                                ڳ    ___/\  ____/\     Message AutoPosting
                                    \  ./  \   . \   ó Door. Supports Many
                                    /  ___/   ._    BBS Programs. Self-
                                   /      \        ó Maintaining. Fossil
                                   \_______/___      Optional. No Config
                                [Shareware Version] File Required. Easy
                                Installation. Ability to Lock Multiple Users.
                                No Obsolete Output Screens. Includes:Autopost
                                Backlog, Access Block, Anonymous Mode, Custom
                                Colors, ChatMode, Custom Word Filtering, Time
                                Limiting, Status Bar, Topic Sentence, StartUp
                                Screen, Sysop Macros, Ansi/Ascii Graphics and
                                More! [O9.O1.95] So Sophisticated, It's Easy!
lp_2dfrnc1.z       0 01-01-1980 [ The Furnace! v1.0 ]Ŀ
                                 Awesome  Flame Thrower  door.  Let  your 
                                 users  post whatever  they want, totally 
                                 anonymously!  Also  allows the  SysOp to 
                                 display rules before  entering the door. 
                                        --- LiQUID pRODUCTIoNS ---        
                                   %% MegaStuff BBS % (317) 873-4818 %%   
lp_2dfrnc1.zip   75543 08-05-2024 [ The Furnace! v1.0 ]Ŀ
                                 Awesome  Flame Thrower  door.  Let  your 
                                 users  post whatever  they want, totally 
                                 anonymously!  Also  allows the  SysOp to 
                                 display rules before  entering the door. 
                                        --- LiQUID pRODUCTIoNS ---        
                                   %% MegaStuff BBS % (317) 873-4818 %%   
lrd2tip.zip     5466 08-05-2024 LORD II: New World-Hints and Tips
                                to help master the continuing saga
                                of LORD composed by Cammy Cochrane     
                                of Wonderland Software
lrdenmy1.zip   15725 08-05-2024 LORDENMY v1.1 -=-FREEWARE!-=-  Improved!
                                A new way to customize your Legend of the
                                Red Dragon door!    Now you can edit the
                                LENEMY.DAT file and add all-new monsters
                                to LORD.  Also views all existing monsters.
                                Easy to use, no setup required, just place
                                in LORD directory and run it!  FREEWARE
                                from Clothing Optional Software.
lrdfx111.zip   27019 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-= LORD FX: v.1.11 =-=-=-
                                   -= Add SOUND to LORD! =-
                                Replace the LORDRIP.DAT with
                                LORDRIP.FX and give RIP 2.2
                                callers 16-bit Stereo Sound in
                                Legend of the Red Dragon! 
                                  Doesn't effect ANSI! 
                                by Mike Collard (505)831-0797
lrdgft11.zip   39296 08-05-2024 --=== PHAZE SOFTWARE PRESENTS ===---
                                LORDGIFT v1.1 - LORD add-on utility.
                                Runs from nightly maintainence to
                                give each of your players a gift.
                                Gifts range from gold to skill points
                                to sex changes to bonus weapons/armor.
                                7.5% chance of LOSING from 10 to 50%
                                of your gold.  92.5% chance of a free
                                bonus for your charactors.
                                      Phaze Software home BBS:
                                 Chaos' Cavern  14.4  502-333-5570
ls200.zip      27805 08-05-2024 THE LOST PLANET      Version 2.00
                                You run out of gas while cruising
                                the galaxy and are forced to land
                                on a strange unchartered planet to
                                look for fuel.
                                  A world for the Sage engine
                                      REQUIRES SAGE 1.00
ls200src.zip   18467 08-05-2024 THE LOST PLANET v2.00 - FLC SOURCE CODE
                                  These are the FLC script files used
                                      to create "The Lost Planet"
lscan103.zip   53802 08-05-2024 
lstat20.zip    25341 08-05-2024  LunaSTAT v2.0 Lunatix Report Generator
                                 ANSi/ASCii/Avatar/Maximus/PC Board/WildCat
                                 reports for BBSs running Lunatix. Supports
                                 Lunatix color codes!  A must have utility!
                                   By Deepak Khurana   
luck01.zip     27608 08-05-2024 Luck! version 0.1 is a door that
                                will pick lottery numbers for your
                                users.  It should work with any
                                BBS type that there is.
                                06-03-96 23:23
lucky110.zip  136113 08-05-2024 Lucky Star Casino Ship 1.10 Star Dock Loco
                                IGM by G.A.C. Computer Services.
                                There are many things to do on this luxurious
                                ship including playing poker, playing keno,
                                betting on the alien bloodsport tournament,
                                playing Red Dog, playing chuck-a-luck and
                                writing on a wall.  All of the games are
                                ANSI animated and RIP users get to click
                                their way through the ship.  Shareware $5.00
lucky13.zip    91366 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>> LUCKY 13 SOLITARE v3.0 <<<<<<<<<<
                                Solitare with a slightly different twist.
                                Fully functional, supports multiple BBS
                                formats, file sharing for multiple nodes,
                                bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers,
                                COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
lucky22.zip    95854 08-05-2024 v2.2 Lucky-7 Let callers buy some
                                lotto tickets and bank time. You set
                                the cost per ticket, winning odds &
                                max to save in the Online Time Bank!
                                Now fossil driver/DV aware and will
                                run on most all BBS Softwares, runs
                                at 115K baud, multi-node, etc. Runs
                                in local mode with /local.
lunat43a.zip  410398 08-05-2024 Lunatix 4.3a -- a Door Game by Mike Snyder
                                 Shareware (c) 1995-97 by N-E-Ware  
                                  RIP & ANSI, Multi-Node, IGMs & More!  
                                 One of the hottest door games, EVER!   
                                 Use LUNPROMO.ANS to announce 4.3a! 
                                 DOS, Win/Win95, OS2, DV, Lots of fun.  
                                 Also has "In-Game Story" (IGS) support 
                                 Lunatix is an RPG/Adventure doorgame.  
                                 For info on upgrading read UPGRADE.DOC 
                                 For the latest N-E-Ware doors, browse  
                                 to http://www.cxo.com/~wyndo! Enjoy!!! 
lunatxfx.zip   12919 08-05-2024 LUNATIX FX v.1 Adds RIP & FX Sound to Lunatix 
                                  Another FREEWARE FX Sound System Add-On!
                                  Adds 16 ALL NEW RIP Screens with FX Sound 
                                       to Mike Snyder's LUNATIX 4.xx!
                                 from Midnight's Realm BBS     (505)254-9415
lunb111.zip    19996 08-05-2024 > LuNaTiX PLaYeR'S BuLLeTiN MaKeR v1.11! <
                                This program will generate definable bull-
                                etins for  your Lunatix  game,  runs right
                                after Lunatix!  Alignment fixed! Freeware!
                                From Mullins Software, BBS: (918)457-3453!
                                This version contains  several  bug fixes,
                                and additions.   Now has it's own  config-
                                uration program!
lunb130.zip    18870 08-05-2024 :::LunBull v1.30 Lunatix Bulletin Maker:::
                                Generates ANSI, ASCII, WildCat!, Renegade,
                                and PCBoard player statistic bulletins for
                                the door game 'Lunatix!' *FREEWARE* (2/96)
                                From Mullins Software, BBS: 1-918-457-3453
lunedt11.zip  117273 08-05-2024  Lunatix Player Editor 1
                                 A very powerful player editor for Lunatix. 
                                 Delete players, UNDELETE players, menu of  
                                 accounts lets you move quickly in active   
                                 accounts. Reg. required. By Frank Luke.
lu_100.zip      8702 08-05-2024 
lvcraps.zip   142211 08-05-2024 LAS VEGAS CRAPS GAMBLING DOOR Works with
                                door.sys, chain.txt, dorinfo.def, sfdoors.dat
                                Supports WWIV's gold. Plays just like a real
                                Las Vegas crap game!  Uses ANSI color. High
                                score bulletin not saved in this version.
lvkeno10.zip  133068 08-05-2024 Las Vegas KENO.... Just like VEGAS.
                                Popular SHAREWARE VERSION Door GAME
                                Las Vegas KENO is a MULTI-NODE,
                                MULTI-USER BBS Door Game. EASY SET-UP!
                                Any Com Port/IRQ. Fossil use if desired!
                                Set it and Forget it for SysOp convenience
                                The REGISTERED VERSION allows:
                                BET CHANGES
                                MAX BET $999
                                1 to 15 numbers per CARD
                                Up to 999 CARDS per DAY
                                Easy or Hard Payoffs
                                AUTO-RESET ON MONDAYS
                                HIGH SCORER OF DAY, WEEK, ALLTIME logged
                                Makes COLOR, B/W and WILDCAT @ bulletins
                                ALL SysOp configurable!
                                Monitors time out, dropped carrier, etc.
                                NO KEYS required. Never expires!
                                SHAREWARE VERSION. Please distribute.
                                COPYRIGHT(c) CORVETTE BBS Las Vegas, Nevada
lwrll10.zip   109735 08-05-2024 
lyrics13.zip  208795 08-05-2024 -=> Lyrics v1.3 BBS Door <=-
                                This   door   will    maintain   a
                                database  of  all  your  Lyrics  &
                                Tablatures.   Easy   to  use  menu
                                interface.  Includes  both  BBS  &
                                USER version.  ANSI/AVATAR.  Users
                                can upload/download lyrics. French
                                & English.  Now  with compression.
                                Internet lyrics song file support,
                                OLGA Internet Tablatures  Support.
                                Programmed by: Dominic Dupuis.
                                Released: 02/22/96.
l_dv20.zip    188430 08-05-2024 Life & Death v2.0; An Online game where your
                                users are the doctor. Your users are taken to
                                a room where they are shown a patient's
                                chart. Their job is to read the chart and
                                then make a diagnosis to save the patient's
                                life. This game gives your users 20 cases to
m17v15.zip    135647 08-05-2024 Mine 17: Game Door
m8o11.zip      32082 08-05-2024 Magic 8-Ball Online v1.1 -- Your personal
                                    o Internal/Remote ANSI/AVATAR
                                    o Fossil/internal async communications
                                    o DOOR.SYS/DORINFO#.DEF
                                    o Multitasker aware/file sharing
macesoft.zip 2088179 08-05-2024 Download ALL Mace Software Doors at
mad118.zip     59185 08-05-2024 Madness v1.18 Online Game Door; Online game
                                written with the BBS Onliner Interface,
                                meaning it will run under virtually all DOS
                                based BBS systems. Madness is a simple to
                                play hard to master and extremely addictive
                                screen clearing game.
magbjk.zip    208416 08-05-2024 MAGUS ADULT BLACKJACK
                                ANSI door for all BBS Systems.
                                The classic game of 21 with a twist.
                                Upon winning each round your 
                                choice of dealers removes a piece
                                of clothing.  If you get the dealer 
                                completely nude,  you play one
                                round of hi-card to determine if 
                                you get to take the dealer home 
                                for a night of passion displayed
                                in animated ANSI.  If you run an
                                adult BBS with ANSI games, you
                                MUST have this game.  Registration
                                enables all features.  $15.00 US.
                                Copyright (C) 1997, Robert C. Robinson
magetowr.zip    7577 08-05-2024  EXITILUS: The Mage's Tower 
                                Add-On QUEST for EXITLUS 2.05
                                Version 1.0 by Floyd and Carol Shell  
                                Difficulty: Medium
                                    Length: 6 days
maghng.zip    102578 08-05-2024 
mailbx12.zip   60173 08-05-2024 MAILBOX   Create PCRelay MailBoxes      v1.2
                                **  Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                With this Door your callers will be able to
                                create a Private PCRELAY Mail Box.  Sysop 
                                controls all options associated with the
                                creation of a Private Mailbox.  This Door 
                                runs on ANY Door-Capable BBS Software.  Must
                                be running PCRELAY.  Very easy to use and a
                                snap to set up!
mailhv11.zip   40052 08-05-2024 MailHist Ver 1.1
                                Display your Mailer history to 
                                users. works with Maindoor, 
                                FrontDoor and Intermail.
                                DOS and OS/2 Versions included.
majyk131.zip   67309 08-05-2024 MAJYK EMPIRES 1.31: The Online Fantasy
                                Conflict Door
majyk90.zip    54657 08-05-2024 Fantasy Army RIP Door Game. Take over the
                                world in this cross between Warlords and
                                Civilization. RIP Icon package included.
make15v3.zip   52033 08-05-2024 
makeamap.zip   58866 08-05-2024 
mandown7.zip  120985 08-05-2024 ManDown! v1.7 Force your callers to d/l file
                                of your choice
mania13d.zip  231752 08-05-2024 Door Mania Ver 1.3D, 12 Games in One.  
mania403.zip  996813 08-05-2024 MANIA403.ARJ
                                        DOORMANIA V4.03         
                                 Rip 1.54 Compatible!           
                                 COM1-15, NonStd IRQ's, Fossil! 
                                 12 Popular BBS Doors In One!   
                                 Blackjack, Lucky 7, Plinko,    
                                 High Roller, Card Guess, Point 
                                 Vault, Master Trivia, Chance   
                                 Board, Concentration, and MORE 
                                 On A Monopoly-Style Playboard. 
                                 High Scores Cycle Monthly      
                                 DOORMANIA II - 25 All New      
                                 Games Due March 15, 1997!!     
                                 Register Now For Discount!     
                                  Compiled: December 2, 1996    
                                         GENERATION II          
                                   Support BBS: 817-794-0126    
                                 Fido: 1:130/319    FREQ: MANIA 
                                 FTP: ftp.pca.net/Carlton_Doors 
mania405.zip  659349 08-05-2024 DOORMANIA V4.05 - 12 Popular Doors In One
                                Blackjack, Lucky 7, Plinko, High Roller,
                                Card Guess, Point Vault, Master Trivia,
                                Chance Board, Concentration, and MORE On A
                                Monopoly-Style Playboard. High Scores
                                Cycle Monthly. Rip 1.54 Compatible!
                                Also Try DOORMANIA II - 26 All New Games
                                On A 3-Tier Board!
manual.zip     92780 08-05-2024 BBS USER MANUAL DOOR Callers can read or
                                download your BBS user manual online.
mapedit.zip    79093 08-05-2024 Mapedit ver 1.00.02 
                                Arrowbridge ][ Door Game
                                DOS map editor can be used 
                                in Windows and Dos.  It has 
                                the  Following functions:
                                 o Make new maps
                                 o Edit existing maps
                                 o View existing maps
                                 o Print maps (all or 
                                   map subsections)
                                 o Map Stats
                                Created by Scott Adams
                                Fringe BBS - EWOG II
market10.zip   27781 08-05-2024 
mashtrv.zip   133011 08-05-2024 M.A.S.H Trivia v1.0 No Expiration
                                A BBS door program relating to trivia
                                questions about the televison series and
                                the movie M.A.S.H. Now creates RIP
                                bulletins and has a RIPSCRIP interface.
                                Registered SysOps may download a utility
                                to add questions to the database.
                                A shareware product from Twilight
                                Software and Robert Ayers.
master22.zip   59478 08-05-2024  MASTER DICE 2.2 Game Door Program ޳
                                 Challenging & highly addictive dice game!
                                 Supports PCBoard 12.0 -> 14.5,  WildCat!,
                                 DOOR.SYS and DORINFOx.DEF  System  files.  
                                 Supports non-std ports &  FOSSIL Drivers.
mastr101.zip   88918 08-05-2024  Great new AOU for Battle Of The Arts!    
                                 Visit the Martial Arts Master just in
                                 the depths of China Town.If you don't    
                                 have this new addition to BOTA,  then    
                                 you need to download it right now and    
                                 put it up... for your users, so  they    
                                 can enjoy it. Registration is cheaper    
                                 than most AOU's, or IGM's for any  of        
                                 the other doors  around!   MUST HAVE!
                                            Written and Coded by:      
                                                 Mike Hiatte            
match13a.zip   71848 08-05-2024             DreamMATCHv1.3
                                       Similar to "Concentration"
                                   100% ANSi Grafix !!  How fast can
                                     you match the 32 cards on the
                                            playing field  ??
                                   Supports all the most popular BBS's
                                        Multi-node compatable!!
                                   NOT CRIPPLED!!!   $10 Registration
                                    A MUST SEE !!    Read WHATS.NEW !
match22.zip    98246 08-05-2024 Ver 2.2 MatchIt. Similiar to the TV
                                game of Concentration. Multi-node/bbs
                                bauda up to 115K. Com-ports 0-15.
                                Sysop creates the prizes (real or not)
                                and timesin the door each day. Now is
                                Fossil Driver/DV aware and commands are
                                all on one screen for faster game play.
                                Runs in local mode with /local.
match97e.zip  169203 08-05-2024 
matchit6.zip  102594 08-05-2024 MATCHIT.EXE - Soundex Match Door for BBS's
matchm10.zip  107786 08-05-2024 Welcome to the world of The Match Maker!
                                Door program written for  GAP or any BBS
                                using a  DOOR.SYS file.   This door will
                                allow users to match  up with each other
                                based  on responses  given  to questions
                                you  set-up.   Nice  look.  Configurable
                                for  your  BBS's  individual feel/theme.
                                Version 1.0/July 1992
matchtwo.zip  128888 08-05-2024 
math30.zip     79588 08-05-2024 
maxit.zip      88389 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MAXIT v4.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
                                Object of the game is to score as many
                                points as possible while playing against the
                                computer.  Fully functional, supports
                                multiple BBS formats, file sharing for
                                multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h
                                fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is
                                DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
max_v170.zip  592016 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 BBS Utiliteez Software 
                                 Max-Menu v1.70  is the ultimate BBS front 
                                 end menu system  and/or  multi-level door 
                                 manager. What all does Max-Menu do? "What 
                                 doesn't it do" should be the question! If 
                                 you have tried BFE, MetroCore, BBS Switch 
                                 or any other front end  menu system which 
                                 just seems to be too complicated/limited, 
                                 then Max-Menu is for you! SysOps that run 
                                 a lot of doors prefer Max-Menu over other 
                                 door managers because of its power packed 
                                 door managing capabilities. Supports four 
                                 message base formats, online chat,  built 
                                 in protocols, grafitti wall, you name it! 
may96.zip     286551 08-05-2024 This file contains just the
                                monthly articles for Door
                                World Magazine.  Very easy
                                to install. Contact the NUGI
                                Consortium BBS 413.684.0145
                                or check out our WEB Page at
                                dwendlg@bcn.net 1:332/107
maze1.zip       1852 08-05-2024 Utilities for REEF --- Get REEF207.ZIP
maze2.zip       1764 08-05-2024 Utilities for REEF --- Get REEF207.ZIP
mazemap1.zip    1846 08-05-2024 Utilities for REEF --- Get REEF207.ZIP
mazwar.zip     19346 08-05-2024   MAZE  WARS  1.1  
                                Absolutely Amazing 3-D Maze Game! Get a real
                                feel for virtual reality! Lightning Fast!!
                                Supports VGA and a Mouse (rodent not req'd).
                                Multiple maze levels & levels of difficulty.
                                Monsters to kill and mazes to solve! Arcade
                                style graphics. Fully functional Shareware
                                version, not crippled in any way. This is
                                NOT just another maze game!
mb503.zip     191467 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 Mille Borne - The Number One Rated     
                                 Family Game Is Now Available On Your   
                                 Friendly Local BBS! A challenging      
                                 computer opponent will keep even the   
                                 sharpest players on their guard!       
                                 It's a 1000 Mile car race played with  
                                 Mileage, Safety and Hazard Cards!      
                                 It's been a board game hit since 1963, 
                                 and now it's even more fun online!     
                                 Save Game Feature For Those Games When 
                                 You Just Don't Quite Have The Time To  
                                 Finish A Too-Good-To-Be-True Game!     
                                 Play Head-to-Head On Multi-Node BBSes! 
                                 Multi-Node BBS Support with only ONE   
                                 .CFG file!   GENERATION III - 10-25-94 
                                 Support BBS: 616-968-7150 28.8k 24 Hrs 
mb525.zip     187548 08-05-2024 MILLE BORNE V5.25 - The  Family Card Game
                                Is Now Available On The BBS! A Challenging
                                Computer Opponent Will Keep Even The Sharpest
                                Players On Guard! Node-to-Node Play With
                                Comments Entertains All Your Callers! Save
                                Game Feature Too!
mbbs12.zip     46134 08-05-2024 MULTI-BBS Lister 1.2 - A great new bbs
                                listing door.  Allows sysop to configure up
                                to four (4) categories.  Visiting sysops can
                                list their bbs info in as many of the four
                                as are applicable.
                                   Built in Setup Program.  Easy to install
                                and maintain.  
mbdoor18.zip   83726 08-05-2024 Personality testing & match making Door;
                                an online version of the Myers-Briggs
                                personality type indicator. It's not
                                embarrassing, but it is of interest to
                                EVERYONE, whether they BBS or not.
mbe1_2d4.zip   31213 08-05-2024 MBE v1.4 - YOU WANT this Door!
                                It is A TBRGames DOOR!
                                ALL MAJOR DROPFILES Supported!
                                Only 5 Dollar Registration.
mbpro18f.zip 1285115 08-05-2024 ModemBase Pro On-Line DataBase
                                Management System (MBPRO DBMS)
                                Release 1.82 - All NEW easy-to-use
                                design & setup!  SYSOPS MUST HAVE!
                                dBase III+ DBF & xBase compatible!
                                Works with MOST Online Systems,
                                BBS's, or host programs as a DOOR!
                                Complete communications built-in
                                with multi-user access & security!
mc112.zip      85996 08-05-2024 
mcbowl20.zip   61286 08-05-2024 The Bowling Door v2.0 - McSoft Corp.
                                Fully Multi-Node Aware,
                                Gives up TimeSlices to other tasks,
                                uses Dorinfo1.Def OR Door.Sys.
                                Works with ANY BBS that uses a fossil driver.
mcgup12.zip    57603 08-05-2024 
mcrace22.zip   94498 08-05-2024 
mcspin21.zip  106857 08-05-2024 McSpin v2.10 - The Wheel Of Fortune type Door
                                by McSoft Corp. Works with any BBS that runs
                                a fossil and can create a DOOR.SYS or
                                DORINFO1.DEF file.
mcsub20.zip    71972 08-05-2024 McSub v2.0 - Submarine Hunt Door game for any
                                BBS with Door.Sys or Dorinfo1.Def and a
                                fossil driver. A cross between 3D tic-tac-toe
                                and Battleships. Great ANSI screens.
mctriv20.zip   84743 08-05-2024 McTrivia v2.00 - The Trivia Door by McSoft
                                Many New Features and Bug Fixes!
                                Works with any BBS that runs a fossil and
                                can create a DOOR.SYS or DORINFO1.DEF file.
                                Allows Time Gambling with RA, QBBS, SUPERBBS,
                                and PROBOARD.
mdfe1a.zip     60763 08-05-2024 MEGADOOR Front End release version 1.0a
                                Version compiled 04-06-92 21:34
                                Allows the use of multiple protocols and
                                local sysop usage of Megadoor through one
                                conveinent doorway.   Requires:
                                if you already have megadoor installed
                                this add on is easy to setup/operate.
mdice22b.zip  172351 08-05-2024 MATCH DICE - BBS Door Game v2.2b
                                (BUG FIX) Fixes 
                                error during monthly maintenance
                                for you Sysops running SHARE.EXE***
                                Bet on how many rolls you can match the
                                computer's dice. Try to win the Jackpot!
                                FREE Trial period good until 5/1/95.
                                Fun & Addictive! Works on all major
                                BBS's. Registered version has a monthly
                                Hall of Fame/Jackpot reset. See upgrade
                                info. Registration cost is only $10.
me100.zip     154296 08-05-2024 Meat Meister.. An adult word door
                                game. Meat the meister and see
                                your surprise!!!!!
med3.zip      928643 08-05-2024 MedLink Version 3.0 Online Medical Door
                                - Online Medical Library with over 150
                                - Virtual Doctor answers Users Questions
                                - Symptom <> Illness match.  Up to 5 definable
                                symptoms, includes 75 
                                - Medical Age Calculator
                                - Life Span Calculator
                                - Weight Analysis
                                - Heart Attack Risk Calculator
                                - Online Pharmacy Drug Cross reference
                                - Pulse Taker
                                - MedNet.  An InterBBS part of Medlink can
                                send Medical Queries to Other
                                  BBSes running Medlink for search of their
medoor11.zip   88135 08-05-2024 MEDIEVAL WAR DOOR v1.1 
                                MEDOOR is a BBS door game of medieval
                                war/strategy. From 2-6 players compete on a
                                map of up to 100 x 100 and up to 50 games may
                                be played simultaneously. Almost any BBS may
                                be configured to play MEDOOR including
                                PCBoard and Wildcat!
mega120.zip   133930 08-05-2024 ͵      M E G A     S L O T S      ͸
                                      An Online Slot Machine.        
                                    Runs on Most BBS Software.       
                                    Each win adds 1 more play.       
                                    Resets at end of month.          
                                    Player Make Up Days * NEW *      
                                    InterBBS Capable                 
                                 FREE-WARE RELEASE ;
mel351.zip    466678 08-05-2024 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                -=-=-   MELEE v3.51 Public Release!   -=-=-
                                     This ansi door is the most in-depth
                                       gladiatorial combat role-playing
                                     game available for multi-player BBS
                                     use. Enter the guild and build your
                                        skills, equipment, stats, and
                                    knowledge toward the goal of becoming
                                       the top Warrior in the country!
                                    Warriors can be imported and exported
                                      from other BBS's and to the World
                                      MELEE HeadQuarters for entrance in
                                          International Tournaments.
                                    Supports multi-node play via internal
                                  file locking, and speeds up to 115,200bps.
                                   Do YOU have what it takes to become the
                                      Quality Shareware from Steve Adams
                                Fido 1:244/110 INet Melee@Aceshigh.Gryn.Org
mel352d.zip    32392 08-05-2024 
meldv15.zip   343791 08-05-2024 Meldon - v1.5 Graphical ANSI Meldon Style BBS
                                Excellent Roleplaying game, fight in the
                                join a gang and have one on one fights or a
                                gang bash.
                                Great ansi's and storyline to follow.
                                Lord to easy and boring?? Try Meldon! Fully
                                features fossil driver support, non standard
                                bauds to 115,200 and support for COM 0 - 15.
                                (C)opyright 1999 BC Software
melee21.zip   236991 08-05-2024 
mel_352.zip   467531 08-05-2024 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                -=-=-   MELEE v3.52 Public Release!   -=-=-
                                     This ansi door is the most in-depth
                                       gladiatorial combat role-playing
                                     game available for multi-player BBS
                                     use. Enter the guild and build your
                                        skills, equipment, stats, and
                                    knowledge toward the goal of becoming
                                       the top Warrior in the country!
                                    Warriors can be imported and exported
                                      from other BBS's and to the World
                                      MELEE HeadQuarters for entrance in
                                          International Tournaments.
                                    Supports multi-node play via internal
                                  file locking, and speeds up to 115,200bps.
                                   Do YOU have what it takes to become the
                                      Quality Shareware from Steve Adams
                                Fido 1:244/110 INet Melee@Aceshigh.Gryn.Org
mem100.zip     63346 08-05-2024 Memory v1.0; BBS Door game reminiscent of the
                                old card game you used to play as a child.
                                This game was written for SEARCHLIGHT BBS
                                software, but there is no reason why it
                                shouldn't work with other packages.
memberit.zip   75038 08-05-2024 
menu1_21.zip   52014 08-05-2024 NameMenu v1.21 is a front end to make 
                                the use of boB Gage's Name Change door
                                user friendly.  Now it is easy to change
                                from your real name to an alias and 
                                back again.  Great for Adult Networks
                                like After Dark where the user wishes
                                to use an alias.  
menumus.zip    13815 08-05-2024 
merc101.zip   150436 08-05-2024 <=-Mercury Fighter 1.0 Beta-=>
                                A door game that breaks the..
                                mold of any ever to come.....
                                around your monitor..........
                                You are the planet-12 fighter
                                and your mission is to defeat
                                the Mercury Fighters of the..
                                Universe to save the very....
                                fabrics of existence to which
                                you hold on to dearly........
                                { MADE BY RAPICIDE SOFTWARE }
merc125.zip   151409 08-05-2024 Mercury Fighter 1.25
                                You are a warrior of a dying race,
                                the race we know as the human race.
                                In order to save your planet, you
                                must fight the evil guys on earth and
                                venture to Mercury to defeat the evil
                                King GlimCrom.  Gameplay is role-playing
                                mixed with street fighting.
meyn01a.zip    22763 08-05-2024 Meynau 0.1a
                                Meynau is an OS/2 BBS game door. This alpha
                                version is put out as a query for comments.
mezz431.zip   138952 08-05-2024 METRO-MEZZANINE, Type IV, V4.31
                                Let your users access more than one BBS
                                program on your system, even with multinode
                                setups. Has many other uses, too, like
                                DOOR monitor, program downloading front-end,
                                etc. Registration adds lots of extra
                                features! Supports DigiBoard & non-standard
                                ports. Brand new structure, & now has express
                                command access & menuing & download log!
mf111.zip     140900 08-05-2024 ķ
                                 Mind Field        (Door Game) ver. 1.11 
                                Similar to Windows' Mind Sweeper, only   
                                better!  This starts you out with an     
                                clear area.  Scoreing based upon         
                                correctly identifying the mines. Requires
                                user to have ANSI.   Keep daily winners  
                                as well as a total winner for that month.
                                Now able to be played without a BBS!     
                                Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard  
                                Comport and IRQ's.                       
                                Programmer: William Rountree             
                                Release Date: 04\18\95                   
mf221.zip     147392 08-05-2024 Mine Field            (Door Game) ver. 2.21 
                                Similar to Windows' Mind Sweeper, only 
                                better!  This starts you out with an clear 
                                area.  Scoreing based upon correctly 
                                identifying the mines. Requires ANSI. Keeps 
                                daily winners as well as a total winner for 
                                that month. Now able to be played without a 
                                BBS!  Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard 
                                Comport and IRQ's. Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x 
                                and many others. Release Date: 01\03\97       
mgplan20.zip   82471 08-05-2024 MgPlan, is a wcCode program that organizes the
                                play of VGA Planets (by Tim Wisseman) on your
                                Wildcat 5.x BBS.  MgPlan allows for the
                                of up to 5 games.  MgPlan allows callers to
                                and resign from games.  MgPlan allows callers
                                download TRN's and upload RST's.   It will
                                check the turns for corruption or staleness.  
                                displays scores and game participants.  
                                informs the caller when new RST's are
                                available for 
                                download and which games the caller is
                                in.  If the caller is logged on with the sysop
                                as in mgplan1.cfg, there is an dit Game
                                included in the MgPlan main menu.  The dit
                                option allows the sysop to schedule host runs,
                                configure player names, how many turns a
                                player can 
                                miss or be resigned from the game.
mideval.zip   122072 08-05-2024 
midt0995.zip  123717 08-05-2024 Midnite Hacker  is an intense online
                                door program that is based  sometime
                                in the near future where hackers are
                                always trying to overtake the entire
                                electronic world. The game simulates
                                crashing  bulletin  boards,  hacking
                                other players  in the game, plus has
                                great graphics, and supports the new
                                AVATAR emulation. Ver 0.994 Dec 19th
                                1994. Don St. Germain [Ring of Fire]
milo12.zip    418583 08-05-2024 MILO'S HI/LO'S 1.2:DDO-F/X Online Card-Sharks
                                Milo's Hi/Lo's is a very entertaining and
                                SVGA 640x480x256 graphical rendition of the
                                all time favorit Card Sharks game.  Complete
                                with dancing animated Milo doing the macarana
                                Enjoy hours of fun while trying to win the
                                most money on MILO'S HI/LO'S!!
                                ========= Requires LI-TERM 1.00+ ============
mindbend.zip   46591 08-05-2024 
mine102.zip    50385 08-05-2024 Minefield version 1.02 Online Game Door
                                Minefield is an online game written with
                                the BBS Onliner Interface.  It will run
                                under virtually all DOS based BBS systems.
                                The object of Minefield is to clear a path
                                from one side of the screen to the other.
                                This is another fine game from the warped
                                and dangerous mind of Andrew J. Mead.
mine11.zip     12411 08-05-2024 DAHLONEGA DAVE'S DO-IT-YOURSELF MINING v1.0
                                An IGM for LORD II that allows users to pay
                                a fee to enter a mine and keep any gold or
                                gems that they may find.  Comes with it's
                                own installer and uninstaller.
                                Registration is FREE!!
                                From Mamoosoft Programming.
minefld3.zip   51655 08-05-2024 Mine Field v3.0 is an online door program for
                                any BBS that uses a FOSSIL driver and can
                                generate a DORINFO1.DEF,  or DOOR.SYS drop
                                file.   The game challenges users to maneuver
                                the man (the 'X' character) from the "START"
                                square to the "FINISH" square without being
                                blown up. By McSoft Corp.
ming1.zip       8369 08-05-2024 The Wizard of Ming! A Potion Quest Set
                                for Leviathan's Reef. Can you make your
                                way past the enchanted beasts of the
                                Wizard of Ming to gain these powerful
                                elixers & potions? 12 Menu Items! FREEWARE!
                                Rated "G" for Great Family Fun! UNZIP in 
                                its own UNIQUE directory. Load into REEF 
                                with: reef quest -- then do #2! Simple!
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
mintr20b.zip   89011 08-05-2024 The Minataur's Maze - an intriguing quest
                                set for Leviathan's Reef from Lucky Troll
                                Software.  Wander the maze in search of
                                fame, fortune, and your final battle with
                                the Minataur himself!
                                    Defeat the Minataur - win a Prize!
                                    Rated "G" for Great Family Fun!
                                Note: This quest requires Reef v2.05 or up.
                                Unzip in its own UNIQUE directory. Load into
                                REEF with: reef quest -- then do #2.  Easy
                                to install, fun to play!
                                by: Lucky Troll Software & Robert O. Sachs
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
min_2d115.zip   85509 08-05-2024 Mind Breaker v1.15, a game of deductive 
                                reasoning. The object of this game is to 
                                enter a sequence of numbers that match 
                                the sequence that is hidden behind the 
                                squares at the top of the display.
mix_trv4.zip  117721 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>> MIXED BAG TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of general topics.  Fully
                                functional, supports multiple BBS formats,
                                file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to
                                115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4,
                                IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
mkd202.zip    184784 08-05-2024 -------=[ THE MAD KING'S DUNGEON ]=-------
                                Version 2.00 Features
                                200+ base monster
                                340+ Items
                                30+  Spells
                                Special attacks for Monks
                                Special attacks for Thiefs
                                30+ Special attacks for Monsters
                                20 Level dungeon even unregistered version
                                Highly Advanced AI dungeon builder
                                25+ special affects for players/npc alike
                                30+ special affects and enchants for items
                                Internal/digi/fossil support
                                Desqview/windows/os2 aware
                                So much I can't list it all!
                                Goal: The mad king burnt your family and
                                farm just for kicks! You recover and head
                                to town for revenge on him. To do this
                                you must fight and explore the king's
                                dungeon in order to develop your pc
                                to take your revenge! Once taken your
                                pc becomes the new king and you start
                                again with a new peasant.
mkdiz_12.zip   31718 08-05-2024 MakeDiz Version 1.2
                                Create FILE_ID.DIZ quick and easy for your
                                will create and ZIP it into the file of your
                                choice, V1.2 minor cosmetic change !!
mkdoor90.zip  792454 08-05-2024     -= Metal Knights VGA v0.90! =-        
                                Registration cost is now only $12 in USA!! 
                                A Door in VGA 256 colors. NOW supports     
                                Sound Blaster, SB Pro, SB 16, PAS, PAS 16, 
                                GUS, etc. and mouse! Excellent Startegy    
                                Wargame. This door should be more polular  
                                then any other wargame on BBS yet! SysOps  
                                have many options and don't have to        
                                register, so download it NOW! Run well     
                                under Desqview, NetWorks... Supports       
                                non-standard IRQ, 300-115200 bps. EZ to    
                                install for SysOps. Many new game options! 
                                Maps up to 3 times bigger! Now in english! 
                                >Contient galement la version Francaise<  
                                        You MUST have this one!
mkyaht10.zip   73762 08-05-2024 
mledit10.zip   35945 08-05-2024 MLEdit v1.0: Monster Editor for Legends of
                                the Red Dragon door game. Allow you to change
                                the monsters anyway you want! FREEWARE!
mlib14.zip     63338 08-05-2024 
mltrv1.zip    138422 08-05-2024 Multi Trivia(tm) is a trivia BBS Door game
                                let the user choose from 5 catagories of
                                Multi Trivia is compatible with most BBS
                                it will handle no standard IRQ'S and fossil
                                This Program needs Brun45.exe to run a copy of
                                is included in this archive, if you already
                                have it just
                                delete the one that comes with the program...
                                Graveyard Software 
mm065b.zip     36747 08-05-2024 |07MystMan Beta Version o.65 Release!
                                |07It's Pacman(tm) ANSi-BBS Style!
                                |07Unzip with Pkunzip -D switch
                                |10Myst Productions (c) 1996,1997
mm294.zip     270022 08-05-2024 Murder Mansion         (Door Game) ver. 2.94 
                                Search throughout a mansion to discover to 
                                solve a murder. WARNING: If you take to long,
                                you maybe the next victim! Now has user 
                                configurable names.  Time remaining online 
                                is display added. Requires ANSI. Now ues 
                                DOORFRAME Library, supporting Non-Standard 
                                Comport & IRQ's. Now able to be played 
                                without a BBS! Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x and 
                                many others.  Release Date 01\09\97           
mm46.zip      326307 08-05-2024 It's Back!!!! 
                                The original MURDER MOTEL! 4.6
                                Don't settle for a substitute
                                Now supports all BBS's
                                Fossil drivers
                                Supported by Suburban Software
                                Home of KING OF THE BOARD
mmag002.zip    86517 08-05-2024 METRO-MAGAZINE, Type I, V0.02
                                A simple online magazine DOOR using
                                the PRESS.LMT magazine indexing file.
                                Let your users read the latest issues
                                of any online magazine from your BBS,
                                your community, a mail network, a
                                file network, etc.! Too cool to miss!
mmaker56.zip  369982 08-05-2024 MATCH MAKER II    -   DOOR   - v5.5        *
                                **  Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                Allows for the matching of callers with like
                                interests, up to 100 questions, DESIRED
                                MATCH AND SELF-DESCRIPTION questionaires
                                (configurable), sending/receiving of private
                                messages, ATTACH PICTURES to user profiles!!
                                DOWNLOAD questions and PICTURES & UPLOAD
                                answers! Multiple answers per question!!
                                Exchange of user and msg bases with other
                                BBS'. Use supplied program to MODIFY TEXT!
                                Supports Digiboard, DV, LANs, etc
mmaker57.zip  361357 08-05-2024 MATCH MAKER II    -   DOOR   - v5.7        *
                                **  Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                Allows for the matching of callers with like
                                interests, up to 100 questions, DESIRED
                                MATCH AND SELF-DESCRIPTION questionaires
                                (configurable), sending/receiving of private
                                messages, ATTACH PICTURES to user profiles!!
                                DOWNLOAD questions and PICTURES & UPLOAD
                                answers! Multiple answers per question!!
                                Exchange of user and msg bases with other
                                BBS'. Use supplied program to MODIFY TEXT!
                                Supports Digiboard, DV, LANs, etc
mmaze10.zip    13461 08-05-2024 Multi-Maze; Set of SysOp generated puzzles,
                                in which the user must try to reach an
                                objective.  Mazes can be 2 or 3 dimensional
                                depending on the SysOps imagination.
mmbull20.zip   54237 08-05-2024 MMAKER Message Waiting Bulletin Maker v2.0  .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                A companion program to the Sunrise Match
                                Maker (version 4.0 or higher). This
                                standalone program will create Bulletins
                                (Color, ASCII or Color using PCB @ type
                                codes) containing the names of the callers
                                with messages waiting in the Match Maker
                                Door and number of messages for each. Can be
                                run in your event.
mmd_100.zip   235749 08-05-2024 MMD_100.ZIP
                                Online access to Meal-Master(tm) recipe
                                databases.  $ Cheap Shareware Release $
                                Regis. allows up to 18 databases online
                                Recipes can be browsed, or searched, by
                                Title & Category. Sysop configurable DL
                                in MM importable format.  A maintenance
                                program is included to sort MM database
mmenu10f.zip   69249 08-05-2024 * MultiMenu 1.00f Menu Door for ANY BBS.
                                * UART, FOSSIL, DigiBoard, or local mode.
                                * DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF, SFFILES.DAT.
                                * Run up to 254 Doors. Access control by
                                * security, age, baud, password.
mmen_20.zip    33392 08-05-2024 
mmerc102.zip  137498 08-05-2024     ۲  ݰ ۰  ۰    
                                    ۲  ݱ   ۰    
                                      ߲  ۲     ۲        
                                Metal Mercenaries Online Game - v102  
                                Great New Onliner.  Blow away targets
                                and enemy mechs on dozens of planets!  
                                           By Philip Davis           
                                --- Multinode & Very Configurable ---
mmf111d.zip   100324 08-05-2024 
mmfix111.zip   67875 08-05-2024 this fixes an error that occurs in
                                Murder Motel 2114 v1.1 when you 
                                run maintenance from the commandline.
mmngr134.zip  189613 08-05-2024 
mmotel10.zip  155484 08-05-2024 Murder Motel 1.0 BBS on-line door game. Hunt
                                other players and explore,
                                many weapons and defenses.  Users can create
                                their own rooms.  Install
                                multiple motels and create your own. 
                                Registration only $5.
mmotel11.zip  160877 08-05-2024   Murder Motel 2114   v1.1 BBS on-line door
                                game. Hunt other players 
                                and explore, many weapons and defenses.  Users
                                can create their own 
                                rooms. Install multiple motels and create your
                                own. Register only $5.
mmtnc4.zip     24920 08-05-2024 Marx's MTNC version 4
                                Simple little Message
                                To Next Caller proggie
                                for bbs's. Emailware,
                                very customizable, and
                                easy to use.
                                Elysium Software /
                                  Michael Preslar
mmv250.zip     57038 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                   Maldorf's Mountain Version 2.5   
                                 A FreeWare IGM for Lord Ver 3.26a+ 
                                 The Legendary Wizard named Maldorf 
                                 who lives high atop a mountain is  
                                 here now to help Warriors of Lord  
                                 in their quest, if they are deemed 
                                 worthy.  New features include:     
                                  o As per MANY people's requests,  
                                    LEVEL-BY-LEVEL CONFIGURATION is 
                                    now in this version!            
                                  o Re-Wrote User Records.  In the  
                                    previous versions, a user could 
                                    change their name repeatedly, & 
                                    enter Maldorf's more than once  
                                    per day.  It is fixed now!      
                                 *FreeWare* Written by Devon Brooks 
mmv30.zip     175072 08-05-2024 Melody Maker v3.0
                                Create ANSI Music quickly and easily!   Three
                                modes  of playback,  SB/Adlib compat.,  mouse
                                support, easy use,  easy setup!  Save in many
                                formats,  including ANSI,  Melody Maker's own
                                compressed format,  RA page format and  more!
                                Check  out the best ANSI Music editor  on the
                                shareware market,  that even has  the ability
                                to  change  it's  Sound  Card  voice!   Block
                                commands,  key signatures,  point and  click!
                                Registration - $12.00
mnm20.zip      43430 08-05-2024 
mobbs20.zip    29528 08-05-2024 
mog100.zip    562778 08-05-2024 Mines of Gorr v1.00 BBS Door Game
                                MOG is the most advanced medieval role
                                playing door game available today. It has
                                full 3D dungeon exploration, 2D auto-
                                mapping, 250 monsters, and over 170 weapons
                                and armor items. It is also FULLY multi-node
                                capable with internode combat. Also supports
                                the FOSSIL and most BBS dropfiles.
momud14.zip   202731 08-05-2024  Mo's MUD v1.4 - MultiUser Dungeons 
                                Multi Node Chat/Action Adventure door.
                                Written for PCBoard, WildCat, QBBS, Gap,
                                SpitFire, WWIV, RBBS, UtraBBS, Telegard,
                                Remote Access and more! 115,200 baud support.
                                Also NON-BBS local (Single/Network) Play.
                                NOT CRIPPLED!!! 
                                Author: Maurice Boers     
money101.zip   91007 08-05-2024  Great new AOU for Battle Of The Arts!    
                                 Got Extra Money to Spend? is  an  AOU      
                                 which lives up to its name, because..
                                 if you have some extra money to spend      
                                 that you don't know what to  do  with  
                                 it, than  maybe  you  would  like  to
                                 change your name, or buy more  forest       
                                 fights, it is all up to you! Get this        
                                 great AOU for BOTA Now!  Must Have!
                                 AND, registration is CHEAP!
                                            Written and Coded by:      
                                                 Mike Hiatte            
moneym40.zip  139111 08-05-2024 Money Market v4.00 Door Game: Compete in a
                                simple stock market, great fun! Game resets
                                every monday. Supports various COM ports,
                                standard and non-standard IRQ's, DESQview
                                and Network ready, top ten bulletins,
                                colorfull ANSI screens, sysop options,
                                and supports fossil drivers. T&J Software
monte53.zip   142608 08-05-2024 MONTE CARLO Solitaire  -  Door Game      v5.3
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                Another highly challenging, hard to beat
                                solitaire card game. Makeup games missed,
                                during the month. Automatic game reset and
                                Hall of Fame bulletins, at end of month.
                                SEND/RECEIVE MESSAGES from within DOOR
                                Earn extra points at end of game
                                >>>>    I N T E R - B B S   capable     <<<<
monty130.zip   86499 08-05-2024                 
                                   MONTY's REVENGE V1.30 
                                *  Released February 1, 1995  *
                                A User against User ANSI Doorgame
                                    *> Bug Fix Version <*
                                Here it is!  That Infamous 3 Card
                                Card Game you Lose all your money
                                with in the Big Cities of the
                                Country! Monty's Revenge is a si-
                                mular Card Game as that of 3 Card
                                Monty between users only with a
                                slight Twist!  Features a Montly
                                AUTO-SCORE-RESET, Last Months
                                Winner Screen, and also Supports
                                MOST ALL of the popular BBS
                                FOSSIL SUPPORT Aware!
morep101.zip   34364 08-05-2024 More Play V1.01 Door Multi-alias utility
                                More Play allows players to use more 
                                than one account in any BBS Door that
                                uses DOOR.SYS or DORINFOx.DEF.  Some
                                SYSOP options.  Fossil required.
                                Only $5.00 registration.  From Caliber 
mortar10.zip   73014 08-05-2024 MORTAR STRIKE Ver. 1.0.  This great door game
                                combines  tactics with 'BLIND STUPID LUCK' in
                                an  attempt  to knock out an opponents mobile
                                mortar vehicles before they get you. Includes
                                both door game and maintenance manager in one
                                complete file.  Treat your  users  to a quick
                                and fun game without an hours worth of manual
                                reading to play. Breeze to set-up &  blast to
                                use.  Different weapon types and random event
                                play.  Brings  to  mind those great old doors
                                they  had  before everyone started making all
                                the same stuff.  They'll thank you for it....
mosh20.zip     51771 08-05-2024    _______ ___________ __ _
                                  |       \     |  ___|  | \
                                  |  |  |  \ |  |___  |     \
                                  |__|__|   \ __|_____|__|   \
                                       The Mosh Pit v2.0
                                Copyright (c) 1995 Cyberdyne Ent.
                                     Programmed By Tetanus
movtrv42.zip  149776 08-05-2024 MovieTime Trivia v4.2 No Expiration
                                A BBS door program relating to trivia
                                questions about the movie industry.
                                Now creates RIP bulletins and has a
                                RIPSCRIP interface.  Registered SysOps may
                                download a utility to add questions to the
                                Another shareware product from PAROLE
                                Software and Dennis Maidon.
mov_trv3.zip  161296 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>> TV & MOVIE TRIVIA III v2.5 <<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of TV and movies.  Fully
                                functional, supports multiple BBS formats,
                                file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to
                                115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4,
                                IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
mpcg30.zip    102589 08-05-2024 CITY GUIDES 3.0 - by Mike Perry / PCS
                                MPCG is a multipurpose database "door"
                                (that can also be run stand-alone)
                                supporting "guides" of restaurants,
                                clubs, hotels, attractions & more!
                                MPCG supports almost any BBS incl.
                                PCB, RBBS, Max, Wildcat, WWIV, and
                                can be run via command line parms.
                                Maintain online "guides" of local,
                                national & international restaurants
                                & clubs & more; register and receive
                                20+ additional guide files.  Included
                                in this archive are listings of New
                                Orleans restaurants, clubs & attractions.
                                You can even set up MPCG to allow users
                                to update & maintain the databases.
mplus400.zip  484672 08-05-2024 MMGR +Plus+ v4.00 QWK mail door: RBBS/Fido.
                                Supports RBBS and Fido message bases plus
                                Fido netmail.  The v4.0 series supports
                                25,600 conferences, RIP graphics, RBBS 17.5
                                Internet conferences, and a lot more.
                                Fully functional shareware from Makai
mquiz132.zip   88125 08-05-2024 MEDQUIZ v1.32 - Online Medical question game.
                                Supports DORINFO1.DEF & DOOR.SYS.  Includes
                                an 80+ question database.  This update fixes
                                all known bugs.  Now runs under OS/2 in a dos
                                ShareWare ($15.00)
mr_31.zip      39924 08-05-2024 Music Review Door. Supports several BBS
                                formats and baud rates up to 115,200.
ms107sw.zip    94928 08-05-2024 
ms2v201.zip   206802 08-05-2024 * Mission  v2.01  Vacation In Hell! *  
                                Many different ANSI screens and ANSI 
                                graphics.  Dozens of different possible 
                                storylines.  An ANSIfied playing screen, 
                                which contains maps that you can walk on 
                                and see what is happening! A partner with 
                                intelligence as well!  Lots of fun and 
                                easy to play!  A must of SysOp's that run 
                                Door Games!
msged_10.zip  137464 08-05-2024 Message Edit, a BBS door that edits mesages
                                Very user friendly and freeware!
                                v1.0 public beta.
                                Another MegaSoft Development Release.
msgv12.zip     48781 08-05-2024 
msiwlw5.zip   175245 08-05-2024 World League Wrestling 5.0 Door Game!
                                 Free Registration!  Compatible with
                                 all major BBS's.  Many new features!
mspy20.zip     86498 08-05-2024 MailSpy 2.0 - Now supports Lord, DogWorld,
                                GuTTeRBoWL and ROK !!!  An easy to use
                                interface for the monitoring or editing of
                                all written comunications in the games that
                                are supported!  Able to leap Lantasic net-
                                works in a single bound!  The Lord module
                                is completely functional in the unreg
                                version, the rest are read only.  Cheap!!!
                                Only $6 bucks!  ChasWare (c) 1996
mstrm10d.zip   98603 08-05-2024 Master Mind                         [V 1.0-D]
                                *> Part of the  TEMPEST Network Collection <*
                                This is the old game of Master Mind.  You and
                                the computer match witt's.  You try to figure
                                out the code generated by the computer  based
                                the clues given you after each move.  This is
                                the Door Version..
mtchmkrl.zip  111058 08-05-2024 Matchmaker v3.0 for Linux version of
                                Falken BBS software. Want to find out
                                who else has the same experiences or
                                interests that you do? Try this door.
                                For entertainment only. BC Software.
mtriv11.zip    74401 08-05-2024 Ĵ  MASTER'S  TRIVIA  v1.1  Ŀ
                                 BBS Door Game!!  Five Category Databases 
                                 Available.  Includes Entertainment Data- 
                                 base with 300 Multiple Choice Questions. 
                                 4 Other Category Databases Available to  
                                 Registered Users. Very Entertaining and  
                                 Highly addictive!!   Supports All Major  
                                 BBS Types.   Non-Std. Port, FOSSIL and   
                                 Digiboard Support.  By MAJIC SOFTWARE!!  
mtx_101.zip    60619 08-05-2024 
mudv13.zip    160712 08-05-2024           MudMan - v1.3
                                Graphical ANSI Mud Style BBS Door!  Move 
                                your character around town, visiting 
                                various places including the Fighting 
                                Arena, Gambling Hall, Post Office and 
                                more.  Real time mail from other users, 
                                while online.  Stay where you are and 
                                face the passing players or pay the 
                                Lodging fee and rest easy overnight.  
                                Fully multinode, features fossil driver 
                                support, non standard IRQ's, bauds to 
                                115,200 and support for COM 0 - 15.
                                (C)opyright 1997, 1998 Lounge Software
mud_131.zip   511203 08-05-2024 MUD  INDUSTRIAL PROSE & MAGIC  DEMO  1.31
                                World's first commercial MUD (Multi-User-
                                Dungeon) development kit, introduced at 1994
                                ONE BBSCON. Invent your own online RPG, any
                                genre!  RIP and ANSI graphics, run your MUD
                                as a door or BBS, windowed interface for
                                callers, easy interactive world-building,
                                Wizard access levels, combat system, config-
                                urable skills and attributes, monsters,
                                treasures, etc.
multi604.zip  217297 08-05-2024 
murdr291.zip  267998 08-05-2024 ķ
                                   Murder Mansion (Door Game) ver. 2.91  
                                Search throughout a mansion to discover  
                                to solve a murder. WARNING: If you take  
                                to long, you maybe the next victim!      
                                Now has user configurable names.  Time   
                                remaining online is display added.       
                                Require ANSI. Now ues DOORFRAME Library, 
                                supporting Non-Standard Comport & IRQ's  
                                Now able to be played without a BBS!     
                                Programmer: William Rountree             
                                Release Date 04\18\95                    
murphy1a.zip   21965 08-05-2024 
murthot.zip    13102 08-05-2024 
mutant13.zip  229308 08-05-2024 MUTANTS v1.3   A futuristic adventure game for
                                Wildcat BBS's.
                                Version 1.3 brings about the Mystic Pools of
                                Darkness, Night-time events,
                                enhanced missions, and some minor bug fixes. 
                                In addition, players may
                                encounter many strange events, meet characters
                                 battle other BBS players 
                                and discover hidden secrets!  Players can
                                explore Cafe 90's, Dynasty Mall,
                                The Warrior's Arena, the Streets, or Mutation
                                Communications.  They can 
                                also visit with Saphira the Psychic, obtain
                                advice from Drachon or seek 
                                Tamara the Sorceress!  Options for people to
                                join teams, setup a headquarters 
                                and work with or against others.  Archive
                                includes 6 advertisement screens.
                                (C) Copyright 1996 Sapphire Software
                                Compiled WCX for Wildcat v4.12+    Single or
                                Multi-Line    Easy to Install
                                  * This game will only run from a BBS using
                                Wildcat software *
mutara10.zip  199528 08-05-2024 Mutara Proving Sector 1.0: awesome ANSI Door
                                for most BBSs. Pilot your own
                                      starship!  For RBBS/PCBoard/Wildcat
mutnt131.zip  229624 08-05-2024 MUTANTS v1.31   A futuristic adventure game
                                for Wildcat BBS's.
                                Version 1.3 brings about the Mystic Pools of
                                Darkness, Night-time events,
                                enhanced missions, and some minor bug fixes. 
                                In addition, players may
                                encounter many strange events, meet characters
                                 battle other BBS players 
                                and discover hidden secrets!  Players can
                                explore Cafe 90's, Dynasty Mall,
                                The Warrior's Arena, the Streets, or Mutation
                                Communications.  They can 
                                also visit with Saphira the Psychic, obtain
                                advice from Drachon or seek 
                                Tamara the Sorceress!  Options for people to
                                join teams, setup a headquarters 
                                and work with or against others.  Archive
                                includes 6 advertisement screens.
                                (C) Copyright 1996 Sapphire Software
                                Compiled WCX for Wildcat v4.12+    Single or
                                Multi-Line    Easy to Install
                                  * This game will only run from a BBS using
                                Wildcat software *
mutt100.zip    25563 08-05-2024 
mv150.zip     316039 08-05-2024 
mw110unr.zip   86046 08-05-2024 
mw19g.zip     404972 08-05-2024 MECHWARS v1.9G : Released 12/07/93.  Bug fix
                                upgrade with no missing files!
                                * Supports most BBS types.
                                * Fossil and non-standard IRQ support.
                                * Multitasker aware.
mworld12.zip 1065212 08-05-2024 METAL WORLDS 1.2:DDO-F/X Online Adventure.
                                Metal Worlds utilizes DDO-F/X to place you in
                                a sorcerers fortress where you must face his
                                hordling minions and navigate a twisted maze
                                of corridors and rooms gathering treasure,
                                keys, and map pieces to his underground
                                labyrinth to seal up the gate to the world
                                of demons forever. Fail...and you die!
                                ========= Requires LI-TERM 1.00+ ============
mx201b.zip     55995 08-05-2024 Masterix; An interactive game Door game There
                                are unlimited levels of play, and a score
                                listing is kept so that users may compete
                                with each other for the highest score.
                                Masterix's logic-oriented strategy should
                                keep players on their toes for quite some
mxu_v130.zip  239446 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 BBS Utiliteez Software 
                                 MAX-Update v1.30  is a FREEWARE door that 
                                 automatically updates  a caller's MAXterm 
                                 terminal program, and graphics resources. 
                                 This program eliminates  the need for you 
                                 to notify users to  download new versions 
                                 of the terminal program, or to download a 
                                 new graphics resource .PKG file when ever 
                                 you change your screens or add a new door 
                                 to the system. MAX-Update can be run as a 
                                 regular door,  or can be run in Front End 
                                 Mode between your BBS and Mailer.  If you 
                                 do not run a mailer, then it is suggested 
                                 you run it in a PRELOG.BAT batch file.... 
mydoor01.zip  102749 08-05-2024 MYDOOR -- Write BBS Door Games And Online
                                Utilities Using Microsoft Quickbasic v4.x
                                Based The Generation III Library  Used By
                                Todd  Carlton To  Write Doors Since 1995!
                                Fully-Supported, Active Library.
myotd11.zip   274013 08-05-2024 
myotm001.zip   30132 08-05-2024 
mys016.zip     92779 08-05-2024  MYSTiC TOWER 0.1.6 
                                Despair Software Productions
                                In game Inn, pull some pranks,
                                humiliate, get laid, talk with
                                people, torture slaves, and
                                 get weapons, and McDrugs
mystlord.zip   25357 08-05-2024   Mystical happenings in the Realm
                                 Add-On for Legend Of The Red Dragon
                                 This program gives your LORD game
                                 An eerie background, and a feeling 
                                 of other things going on around you.
                                     FREEWARE! Enjoy the Game!
                                     Programmed by Jonathan R Holman
mzone11b.zip   34629 08-05-2024 
nast106.zip   113409 08-05-2024 Nasty Wanda. Version 1.06, An adult
                                word doorgame. BBS member must
                                score enough points to help Nasty
                                Wanda reach an orgasm.
nav341.zip    204106 08-05-2024 NavGrid v3.41 - NavGrid: Enemy Waters Part I
                                A-10 And I-4 Coordinates Were Okay For Battle
                                Ship, But Now You Can Compete Against Un-
                                limited Challengers In This Mouse/Cursor
                                Controlled Combat Game! A 25x25 Naval Grid
                                And Diagonal Placing Allows Ships Plenty Of
                                Room To Hide And Attack! Supports RipScrip
                                1.54 And ANSI Terminals!
nbetween.zip  124832 08-05-2024 
nc_b12.zip    143370 08-05-2024 Sybilware's NameChange door  1.512
                                Hottest Aliasing door on the market today!
                                Now includes conference mask on VERIFY
                                command, internal conference change & news
                                Shareware by boB Gage.  Registration $15.
ndoor009.zip   49140 08-05-2024 NDOOR " Night Owl's CD-ROM door will support
                                15 different versions of Night Owl's disk,
                                Will ONLY support PCBoard 14. and up, Door
                                allows for searching disk for a file name,
                                allows tagging file for download, allows
                                viewing content of file and rezipping only
                                files you want in achive.
neckti12.zip  230629 08-05-2024 
nerix.zip       9209 08-05-2024 SHARE, Game like the Rubic's Cube -ASR
nes132.zip     71603 08-05-2024          
                                           Ĵ Presents  
                                [11][Feb 16, 1993]IJ
                                      Chain Story BBS Door. Supports      
                                        DOOR.SYS and DORINFO1.DEF      
net2web2.zip   64934 08-05-2024 Net2Web Version 2.0
                                This is a Utility that will
                                take a Standard Fido Compatable
                                Nodelist and turn it into a
                                Table for online viewing. Uses
                                Standard HTML Tags and can be
                                intergrated into any type of
                                Freeware From Vagabond Software
netgm22.zip    88225 08-05-2024 NetGame1 Version 2.2
                                Pc-Board Time gamble door, charge the
                                users to play the game - you decide the odds
                                you decide the winnings. FREEWARE, fully
                                network aware.
netrn102.zip  207918 08-05-2024 NetRunner Door V1.02 for PCBoard, Gap, WC!,
                                RBBS, QBBS and Others!  The first true 'Cyber
                                Punk' online game.  You're a NetRunner, bold
                                and arrogant!  Use your cyberdeck and an
                                assortment of hacking 'wares to invade the
                                corporate systems and raid their credits.
                                NetRunner uses ANSI graphics and keypad for
                                movement in the grid and systems.
                                By Rob Jacob and Seattle Cybertechnologies.
                                February 9th, 1992
newgal11.zip  125975 08-05-2024 
newland1.zip   65380 08-05-2024 NEWLAND, civilization building BBS door game
                                where players actually put together their
                                own cities with building blocks in a two-
                                dimensional world.  The goal is to maximize
                                industrial strength by constructing
                                production centers for building cities, and
                                defending them from other players.  With
                                industrial strength, a player can attack and
                                capture cities from other players, but good
                                tactics are required to be successful.
newsie10.zip   15245 08-05-2024 Newsie 1.00 - Freeware program that
                                converts a text file into a RIP
                                graphic of a 3-column newspaper
                                including banner, headline, and
                                story text fonts. Newspaper can be
                                mouse-click-able. Can be used to
                                generate BBS welcome screens and
                                bulletin menus.  Includes pascal
                                source code contributed to the
                                public domain. (JPSoft)
newusr11.zip   22722 08-05-2024 New User 95! v1.1. Cool New User
                                Display. Freeware!
                                For Wildcat! 3.XX & 4.XX Systems.
                                Scans activity log(s) for New Users
                                and creates a cool looking output
                                display file listing all new users
                                and where they are calling from.
                                ** Freeware **
nexfree.zip   171760 08-05-2024 Nexus 2.60 - Incredible match maker door! 
                                This is the best available
                                today.  It has all the features the other
                                doors are missing, and a good
                                professional look.  The questionnaire is fully
                                configurable by the Sysop,
                                and each question can be "weighed" as to it's
                                importance.  This door
                                has support for comms 1-4, and non-standard
                                IRQ's.  It is desqview aware,
                                and has support for locking baud rates and RIP
                                graphics.  This door is now
                                FREE!!  No registration required, and the door
                                is fully operational.  Enjoy.
nim.zip        88211 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NIM v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
                                An ancient game of skill and strategy.
                                Don't be the player to take the last piece.
                                Fully functional, supports multiple BBS
                                formats, file sharing for multiple nodes,
                                bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers,
                                COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
nitemare.zip    5275 08-05-2024 [ The Nightmare! Exitilus Quest! ]Ŀ
                                 The Nightmare Exitilus Quest, written     
                                 on August 20, 1995. Explore your worst    
                                 nightmare to make you mentaly superior.   
                                [ Written By :Zero]
njawar10.zip   67982 08-05-2024   --- NinjaWar ---
                                Great new door game! You
                                are a ninja, and must battle
                                evil enemy ninjas! Freeware!
                                A MUST have for any good BBS!
nmare12.zip   587605 08-05-2024 NIGHTMARE MANSION 1.2:DDO-F/X Online Fantasy.
                                Nightmare Mansion is a light hearted laugh
                                riot which with the help of DDO-F/X captures
                                the spirit of Halloween.  This Multi-player
                                MUD style game has players chasing and
                                attacking each other to see who will be next
                                years monster king.  The graphics and music
                                are surperb! SVGA 640x480x256 (MOD/S3M)
                                ========= Requires LI-TERM 1.00+ ============
nmdoor50.zip  112370 08-05-2024  Number Guess Door - Fun & Small ۲
                                Ver 5.0 FREE: SEE DOCS - Allows users
                                to guess a #.  Full multinode support.
                                If matches a random number he'll get a
                                nice message & (at your option) 5 min of
                                time. If he loses can be configured to lose
                                5 min.  Slick & easy.  Takes up hardly any
                                space (60k).  Directly supports DOOR.SYS.
                                Now with Easy Upgrade System. Xtra support
                                for GAP, Wildcat and PCBoard. Shareware $7
nop101l.zip    39349 08-05-2024  IGM Circ (New Other Places) v1.0 Limited. By
                                Curtis Vargo. Allows the sysop 
                                to circulate his/her IGMs for LORD. FREEWARE!!
nordic2.zip   203612 08-05-2024  NoRDiC ReaLMS Version 1.20wb 
                                An on-line game of fantasy role-playing!
                                You  are a Viking in times long gone by.
                                You set sail   in ships to battle deadly
                                sea creatures, tidal waves, cylones, and
                                foriegn lands. This game has some really
                                nice ANSi graphics!    It comes standard
                                with an easy to operate  configurator to
                                allow easy installation.    It currently
                                supports DORINFOx and DOOR.SYS drop file
                                formats,  and more are being working on.
                                This is the    first  WiDE BeTa-InterBBS
                                release of this game anywhere,   so PICK
                                IT UP NOW! This game  is  written   in a
                                combination  of   languages  for  better
                                communications. It was Written By:
                                      Corley Efurd  (c)1995, 96
                                - - -* Released:  November 14, 1996 *- - -
nothing.zip    84380 08-05-2024 
nowl17.zip    307296 08-05-2024 Night Owl 17: Compiled DreamROM 
                                database. Security levels set to 0.  
                                Use NEWSEC.EXE in the DreamROM archive
                                to convert to desired security level.
nse_2d115.zip  138387 08-05-2024 W & W Communications NOOSE door.
                                Noose is your basic hangman style game
                                whose object is to out-guess your
                                fellow players.  There is a bonus
                                value associated with each word. The
                                bonus will decrease with each incorrect
                                guess.  If you guess the word correctly
                                you get the bonus.  Beware, if you
                                don't guess the word you LOSE money.
ntertrv4.zip  145388 08-05-2024 >>>>>>> ENTERTAINMENT TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of the entertainment field.  Fully
                                functional, supports multiple BBS formats,
                                file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to
                                115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4,
                                IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
nuclear.zip    18757 08-05-2024 
nugi.zip     2022357 08-05-2024 JUMPBASE.EXE The data base converter for
                                making data bases
                                for the Door game  Quantum Jump. Get NUGIREG
                                .ZIP for FREEWARE
nugireg.zip    26322 08-05-2024 NUGIREG.ZIP December 1996.  This
                                program will produce the registration
                                number for any of the following
                                N.U.G.I. ConSorTium Door Games.
                                Terra Firma, Who Dunit, Busted The
                                Enquirer, Quantum Jump and Pass It On.
                                ALL N.U.G.I. Doors are now FREEware!
nuid10.zip     67519 08-05-2024 NUID - NewUser Information Door v1.0 NUID
                                will help get your new users to "jump" into
                                the BBS world a little bit more easily by
                                explaining the major concepts of BBS systems.
                                Supports all popular BBS types.
nuke350.zip   172839 08-05-2024  NUKEWARS v3.50! ULTIMATE DOOR 
                                Grab it!  Hours of enjoyment from your
                                users!  This is the ultimate in spy
                                games.  Your users will setup and
                                run their country and tax their people
                                in order to get money to buy nuclear
                                war heads to explode your opponents
                                country!  Over 500 Copies sold!
                                Practically Cripple Free Shareware
                                version!  Try before you Buy!
                                (c)93 End of Time Software
nukew300.zip  131727 08-05-2024 Nuke Wars ver3.0 Door game  
number15.zip  133587 08-05-2024 Online Numerology Door Version 1.5
                                Computes User Major Number and Gives an
                                Analyzes User Destiny Number
                                Analyzes User Birth Force Number
                                Analyzes User Heart's Desire Number 
                                Analyzes User Personality Number
                                Analyzes User Reality Number
                                Analyzes User Physical Plane Number
                                Analyzes User Emotional Plane Number
                                Analyzes User Mental Plane Number
                                Analyzes User Intuitive Plane Number
                                Personal Number for the Current Year
                                View Other Users Numerological Analysis
                                Sexuality Numerological Analysis
                                Life Cycle Graph
numguess.zip    5564 08-05-2024 GUESSING GAME - A Wildcat 5.0 Game.
                                The caller can win more time online
                                in this number guessing game. The
                                sysop can configure the game very
                                easily. Created by Iezzi Software.
                                Runs only on Wildcat 5.0 BBS Software.
                                Released as FREEWARE!
nup1.zip      109979 08-05-2024 (new) User Profiler Version 1.0
                                Basic User Questionaire + Sysop Configurable
                                Cultural, General and Adult Questionaires.
                                28 Question Personality Test + Optional
                                Test. Scan, QuickScan and New Scan of Profiles
                                SysOps can optionally force users to enter
                                their profile before scanning others.
nuxtn106.zip   43827 08-05-2024 NU-XTERN v1.06 for TradeWars; External
                                maintenance add-on for the  popular door
                                program  Trade Wars 2002.   This utility adds
                                interest to the galactic  bank account,
                                cloaking device failures, the ability for the
                                Ferrengi Home World to progress,  underground
                                hit  contracts,  port  replenishments and the
                                Krystalline Entity.   All are configurable.
nventtrv.zip   22981 08-05-2024 Entertainment Trivia v5.1 from Nerdville
                                WCX5.0 - You can download this and many more 
                                great trivia doors at ftp://bbs.nerdville.com
                                telnet to bbs.nerdville.com or 219.736.4957
nw780.zip     529631 08-05-2024 Nuclear War On-Line Door Game for most BBS
                                Modeled in part after the Desert Storm Crisis,
                                Nuclear War is a strategic
                                War Simulation game with a complete arsenal of
                                offensive weapons including
                                Missiles, Smart Bombs, Scuds and Viper
                                Warheads. Reliable Patriots are used
                                for defense while you are not playing.
                                Includes a complete On-Line Maintenace
                                Section that can be accessed anytime you are
                                in the game. No need to run stand
                                alone editors.
                                For a complete look at what is available from
                                Digital Interface Software
                                you can reach us at DATA: (503)563-5482 2400
                                to 14.4k, VOICE: (503)563-5482
                                or on FidoNet at 1:3418/8
nwo951b.zip   157518 08-05-2024 
nx12.zip       77323 08-05-2024 NX12.ZIP
                                Name eXchange v1.2
                                Name eXchange is a personal utility that will
                                allow the
                                sysop or an authorized caller to choose their
                                name when
                                entering a door or hook.
                                There is no registration for this program at
                                this time.
ny_100.zip    358503 08-05-2024  New York 2008 v1.00 ķ
                                FREEWARE FINAL RELEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                RPG game  for almost any BBS system
                                Fully multinode capable with online
                                fights and messages.  User friendly
                                and colorful,  and straight forward
                                fun  door  game.   Has  many  other
                                features.  Regular  IGMs  and Fight
                                Event   IGMs!    RIP!    Inter-BBS!
                                GET IT, PLAY IT!         FREEWARE! 
ny_bar13.zip   80766 08-05-2024 Franz's BAR IGM v1.3 for New York 2008
                                An IGM from Franz! Will only work 
                                on NY2008 wb7 or higher!
ny_jp12.zip    61924 08-05-2024 JACKPOT IGM v1.2 for New York 2008 
                                this is FREEWARE simple IGM! Will 
                                only work on NY2008 wb7 or higher!
ny_jpsrc.zip    8179 08-05-2024 New York 2008 Jackpot IGM source code.
                                IGM for New York wb7 and up!
                                In C++ and Opendoors 5.0
ny_sh11.zip    78906 08-05-2024 Shoot Em IGM v1.1 for New York 2008
                                An IGM from Franz! Will only work 
                                on NY2008 wb7 or higher!
ny_src.zip    206172 08-05-2024 C/C++ SOURCES for NY2008
                                online bbs game
                                FREE,Public domain!!!!!!
                                get em hack em ....
obl10.zip       7996 08-05-2024 Our BBS List v1.0
                                A .WCX program that will allow members of 
                                your WILDCAT! v4.01 BBS to add their own 
                                BBS information that is compiled directly
                                a color Bulletin or Goodbye.BBS file.
                                Fast, direct way to start an ongoing BBS list
                                for download or display. 
                                Fully operational......Not Crippleware!!!
                                No expiration
                                v1.0 Great color scheme and file routines!
                                Computer One BBS (818)763-9006
ocean212.zip   68100 08-05-2024 Hal's Ocean View Resort ver 2.12
                                IGM for Planets:TEOS ver 2.0 or later
                                Go scuba diving, send gifts to others
                                even a letter bomb, customize your ship
                                interact with the NPC's and more....
ocean213.zip   75871 08-05-2024 Hal's Ocean View Resort ver 2.13
                                IGM for Planets:TEOS ver 2.0 or later
                                Go scuba diving, send gifts to others
                                even a letter bomb, customize your ship
                                interact with the NPC's and more....
                                Now FREEWARE
ocltrv1.zip   118992 08-05-2024 Occult Trivia is a trivia BBS Door game that
                                let the user choose from 5 catagories of
                                Occult Trivia is compatible with most BBS
                                it will handle no standard IRQ'S and fossil
                                This Program needs Brun45.exe to run a copy of
                                is included in this archive, if you already
                                have it just
                                delete the one that comes with the program...
                                Graveyard Software 
ocs_door.zip   25677 08-05-2024 
off194.zip     61869 08-05-2024 Immigration Office IGM for Planets
                                Version 1.94 compiled November 1997
                                FREEWARE by Robert Fogt
                                An Urban Jungle Production
offlin11.zip   64975 08-05-2024 
ogde10.zip      4896 08-05-2024 One Good Download Enforcer   1.0
                                  This will make new users
                                 download certain files you 
                                select. Like applications then
                                 upgrade them to a specified
                                security level. If they refuse
                                to download them, they will be
                                logged off. You can make them
                                download up to three different
                                files. From KIKSTAND Software at
                                The KIKSTAND BBS (423) 698-3363
                                For Wildcat! 4.12
ohouse50.zip   49101 08-05-2024 The Outhouse IGM for King's Crown
                                Version .50, first public release.
                                Play pranks on the other users,
                                Increase your charm, leave messages,
                                Requires King's Crown ver 1.40 or greater.
oil103.zip     38159 08-05-2024 Oil Well door game for RBBS-PC.  
oil113.zip     62855 08-05-2024 Oil Field v1.13 Online Game Door; Written
                                with the BBS Onliner Interface, meaning it
                                will run under virtually all DOS based BBS
                                systems. Oil Field is a one player
                                wildcatting game with a monthly Hall of Fame.
oj12.zip      148880 08-05-2024 OJ SIMPSON door with SOURCE code. Freeware!
                                Learn how to write doors, or play the game
                                and see what really happened. Parody lets
                                you live OJ's life from his football days
                                to the verdict! Fantastic ANSI screens,
                                bulletin of Top Ten players. QuickBasic/
                                DoorFrame SOURCE code is fully commented.
                                Supports most BBS's, multi-node, COM1-15.
                                Version 1.2 from ChAoS Online 310-318-5089.
ojrace.zip   1228617 08-05-2024 O.J. Game 1.1 - O.J.'s Race to Acquittal
                                O.J.'s All-American Race to Acquittal:
                                Start your Bronco and hit the highway as
                                you join O.J. in his All-American Race to
                                Acquittal.  The object of the game is to
                                get twelve jurors in your favor while
                                dodging tabloid reporters, the L.A.P.D.
                                and avoiding bankruptcy. You can test your
                                knowledge of the Crime of the Century with
                                Trivia Questions, Evidence Cards and More.
                                It's a low-speed police chase with high-
                                speed thrills!
ola_11.zip    204044 08-05-2024 --== On Line Legal Advisor Door v1.1 ==--
                                Legal advice on your BBS! Many different
                                help topics broken down into 36 text files.
                                Over 400 legal trivia question! Supports
                                COM 0-15, multinodes and DESQview aware,
                                automatic maintenance, colorful screens,
                                top ten bulletin, EASY setup and much
                                more! Brought to you by T&J Software and
                                The On Line Legal Group!
olcat201.zip  416843 08-05-2024  Online Catalog v2.01 
                                The Online Catalog from Andrew
                                Brown Computing! If your trying to
                                sell a product from your BBS, this
                                is the program to use! Totaly SysOp
                                configurable screens! WildCat!
                                style menuing system. Allows VISA,
                                MasterCard, American Express, and
                                COD payment! Configurable TAX 
                                percentage, Downloadable pricing 
                                quotes, and much, much more! 
                                Download Today!
olgaches.zip  190901 08-05-2024 OLGACHES - OLGA CHESS v 1.3.2
                                Play interactive chess with fellow BBS
                                users by allowing OLGA to automatically
                                extract the moves made from your .QWK
                                mail.  Just like Postal Chess except
                                the pieces do not fall off the board 
                                when you put it through the letterbox.
                                Requires OLGACTL.ZIP
                                Contact : simonc@innotts.co.uk
olhm1_2.zip   141516 08-05-2024 Online Hangman v1.2 supports all major Door
                                Information Files, ANSI Color, ANSI Music.
                                Allows Sysop to configure up to 30 different
                                categories of words and the ability to define
                                all words for each category. Very easy to
                                install. Your callers will love this one.
olrev_11.zip  144840 08-05-2024 OnLine Reviews v1.10 Maintenance release A
                                featured BBS door program that allows your
                                users to write reviews relating to different
                                categories which you have pre-determined in
                                the door. Other users may read or even
                                download these reviews and read them at their
                                leisure.  Another PAROLE Software BBS Door 
olsq_wb4.zip  162411 08-05-2024 OnLine Stock Quotes v.10w  12/23/95
                                This is a Wide-BETA release.  This door will
                                function until February 1, 1996 and then
                                cease operating.  This is a BBS Door program
                                that allows your users to view the
                                PCSTOKxx.xxx files from Planet Connect.
olt32_10.zip  177534 08-05-2024 OnLine Trivia/32 for WC5.  v1.0  A trivia
                                door with 1750 questions on various topics.
                                Written in wcCode for WC!5 so that no drop
                                file is needed.  Fast and fun to play.
                                Creates full-color bulletin.  Another fun
                                product from PAROLE Software and Dennis
oltr_2dv26.zip  117073 08-05-2024 rnLine Text Reader OLTR.EXE v2.6 A BBS door
                                program that adds a bit of color and security
                                to reading text files while online.  SysOps
                                may add special color codes to 10 text files
                                in each of 6 special categories.  Each
                                category may be restricted by security level.
                                Uncrippled other than a brief pause which is
                                removed by registering. Another BBS Door from
                                PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon.
olt_13.zip    109758 08-05-2024 OnLine Trivia/32 V1.3 for WC5. A trivia
                                door with 1750 questions on various topics.
                                Written in wcCode for WC!5 so that no drop
                                file is needed.  Fast and fun to play.
                                Creates full-color bulletin.  A 32 bit door
                                from C&S Software.
olt_51.zip    218526 08-05-2024 OnLine Trivia v5.1 Faster/New Interface
                                OLT is a triva door that supports many
                                different BBS systems.  It contains over
                                1700 questions in 4 different
                                categories that is user selectable.  OLT
                                will also create a full color bulletin
                                using ANSI/WC!4.x and PCB color codes.
                                It is fully functional with only a
                                slight delay at startup.  Registration
                                will remove this delay.  OLT now
                                supports the use of a FOSSIL driver.
                                Now creates RIP graphic bulletins and has a
                                RIPSCRIP interface.
ol_v130.zip   198646 08-05-2024 OUTLAW Door Game For Many BBS Types.
                                Wild West Gunfight Shoot-Em-Up Game.
                                Low Cost Registration Of $15.00 {US}
                                EZSoft Software.
omovies1.zip  203421 08-05-2024 Online Movie Source & Trivia Door Version 1.0
                                Database of over 500 movies. Each record
                                up to 10 Cast members, Credits, User can rate
                                Movies (1-4 Stars), Users can leave and read
                                reviews of movies, Users can add new movies.
                                Online Movie Trivia game included.
oms1.zip      170497 08-05-2024 Online Music Source Door Version 1.0
                                Comes with a Database of over 400 entries
                                User can Rate a musical entry 
                                User can Review / Comment on Music entry
                                User can download a particular Music Entry
                                User can browse by Record Number, Media Name,
                                Artist(s)/Group Name,
                                Media Track(s), Release Date and Genre Type.
                                Users can Add new
                                Albums/Cd's/Cassettes/Singles, etc (media) 
                                Online Music Trivia Module 
onerun34.zip   94105 08-05-2024 OneRun v3.4; limit door runs for doors that
                                have no runs per day limit! Supports all the
                                major BBS types, COM1-15, non-standard IRQ's,
                                DESQview aware, and speeds up to 115.5k! Also
                                supports fossil drivers.
online2.zip   198978 08-05-2024 This door program is a great way to get more
                                users and to help cut operational costs while
                                at the same time providing a great service to
                                your users.
onr3_93.zip    48491 08-05-2024 Online News and Review!
                                A monthly online magazine written
                                by and for the online BBS community.
onread31.zip   31763 08-05-2024 
onthedge.zip  125357 08-05-2024 
oo112_2d1.zip  543965 08-05-2024 Operation: Overkill v1.12 BBS doorgame
                                The original wasteland BBS on-line
                                doorgame, Operation: Overkill, allows
                                your users to battle against the evil
                                and vile Hydrites in preventing them
                                from conquering the planet.  Great
                                user interaction provides for revenging
                                subplots of bloodlust and conquering.
                                Compatible with most any BBS software,
                                fossil driver required of speeds 9600+,
                                multi-node aware!
                                Disk 1 of 3
oo112_2d2.zip  276593 08-05-2024 Operation: Overkill v1.12
                                BBS doorgame
                                [Disk 2/3 -- Editor/InterBBS ]
                                This second disk contains the
                                Overkill game editor, EDITOOII,
                                as well as 50+ extra maps and
                                their text printouts.  This
                                disk also has the latest utilities
                                for setting up a BBS-vs-BBS
                                (interBBS) game!
oo112_2d3.zip  580989 08-05-2024 Operation: Overkill v1.11 BBS doorgame [Disk
                                3/3 -- Local Sound Package]
                                The third disk of the Overkill package
                                contains the sound driver and
                                sound effects file required for Sysops who
                                wish to utilitize the local
                                Soundblaster capabilities.  A small
                                configuration file, SOUNDPKG.CFG,
                                can be modified to toggle the sounds on and
                                off when desired.
ooat112.zip    73959 08-05-2024 Overkill 1.12 Ansiterm
                                for Operation Overkill
                                The Overkill Ansiterm
                                provides lightning fast
                                menus and text while playing
                                remotely.  Easy to setup
                                and install for any avid
                                Overkill players!
ooat112s.zip  651084 08-05-2024 Overkill 1.12 Ansiterm
                                with Soundblaster for
                                Overkill Players
                                Similar to the OOAT112.ZIP
                                package, this Overkill
                                Ansiterm has Soundblaster
                                capabilites!  While playing
                                remotely, you'll hear all
                                the oohs and aahs, all the
                                grunts and groans, and other
                                mysterious sound effects
                                while playing Overkill 1.12!
                                A Soundblaster (or compatible)
                                is required.
oosndlib.zip  614495 08-05-2024 Operation: Overkill SOUND.FX library
                                builder.  Customize your own SOUND.FX
                                file for the Overkill Ansiterm and local
                                sound mode!  For use with the Operation:
                                Overkill BBS door game (OO112.ZIP)
oosrckit.zip    9025 08-05-2024 Operation: Overkill Source Kit library,
                                includes data file structures to modify
                                or create the game's data.  This could
                                be useful for creating external programs
                                to run in conjunction with the door game
                                of Operation: Overkill v1.12 (OO112-#.ZIP)
oracle11.zip   72277 08-05-2024 THE MAGIC ORACLE - A freeware magic oracle
                                (a la the Magic 8 Ball(tm)) that will help
                                you and your users solve the mysteries of
                                the universe!  Will work with almost any
                                BBS available today!  Extremely simple to
                                set up and use.  Another CheepWare
                                production!  (C) 1999 Sean Dennis (a
                                member of Elysium Software:
oracle4.zip    72853 08-05-2024       The Magic Oracle v4.0
                                by Sean Dennis of Elysium Software
                                A freeware DOS-based door... like the
                                Magic 8 Ball(tm) for your BBS or can be
                                run as a standalone program.  Extremely
                                easy to set up and use! Ultra-configurable
                                and can be configured to use other languages
                                besides English.  Supports up to 32767
                                answers!  (C) 2001 Sean Dennis...
                                A CheepWare release in partnership with
                                Elysium Software (http://www.elysoft.org).
orion079.zip  155670 08-05-2024 
ospd3.zip     317884 08-05-2024 
oth301.zip     84632 08-05-2024 
othell12.zip  430080 08-05-2024 OTHELLO F/X 1.2:DDO-F/X Online Othello.
                                This graphical SVGA version of Othello makes
                                for an easy point and click play.  With
                                real-time head to head play and spectators
                                can watch while others play.  Real time chat
                                windows for setting up challenges.  Excellent
                                turn by turn player and computer player.
                                Othello Online the way it was ment to be.
                                ========= Requires LI-TERM 1.00+ ============
othlo12a.zip   67004 08-05-2024               Othello  v1.2
                                       The classic board-game comes
                                              to your BBS!
                                            100% ANSi Grafix.
                                    Othello has incredible AI!  Plays
                                    VERY smart,  VERY tough opponent!
                                    Supports all the most popular BBS'
                                          Multi-node Compatable!
                                    NOT CRIPPLED!!!   $10 Registration
otour11d.zip  107513 08-05-2024 On Tour Version 1.10c
                                    The sysop is not at home! So we must do 
                                            the correspondence for him!     
                                               HE IS --- ON TOUR!            
                                You  know  the  problem?  You  are  on  
                                vacation and  thousands  of netmails  are 
                                reaching your system with  thousands of
                                in the background  who  are sitting  in front
                                of  their computer  and are awaiting your 
                                response :-)
                                Why  not tell  them, that you  can't answer
                                right now but  will do this later? Nothing 
                                easier than this!
otrad101.zip  374680 08-05-2024 Outpost Trader v. 1.01 -- Space Trading
                                Galactic Conquest Door Game.  You can
                                aquire better ships as you climb the
                                ranks.  Use multiple weapons and Devices.
                                Team Officers have unique duties.  Play
                                with chesslike strategy or be a rouge! 
                                Build your planets to reach higher Tech
                                Levels.  Build your empire! 
outrim2.zip   223791 08-05-2024 
outrimfx.zip   13494 08-05-2024 
outs11.zip    114838 08-05-2024       The Outlands Tavern v1.1 LORD IGM
                                For LORD 3.50+ - Minor bug fix!  A nice
                                little place to visit or perhaps to stay the
                                night! Keeps users (mostly) save and warm
                                during the night, plus they can eat, drink,
                                talk, PARTY, and get drunk!  Now uses LORD
                                v3.55 BADWORDS.DAT and includes a hard to get
                                in Back Room!  FREEWARE, from the author of
                                LordStat and The L.O.R.D. Cavern.
over10.zip     56161 08-05-2024 OVERFLOW Version 1.0.  This is a FREEWARE bbs
                                door  that  allows you to  have some fun with
                                your users. The door begins by acting like it
                                is a dial-out service that is running a modem
                                off another  node.  A convincing intro & menu
                                is  displayed.   At the first user prompt the
                                door  fakes a crash from an 'overflow' error.
                                Your user is dropped to a fake DOS prompt and
                                all activity is logged for future laughts. If
                                he's smart he'll run the batch files and exit
                                otherwise you'd be surprised what they'll do!
                                Looks and feels like DOS...  Good fun!  FREE!
                                All popular systems supported.  FOSSIL or NO.
ovrund50.zip  138819 08-05-2024 OVER UNDER Solitaire  -  Door Game       v5.0
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                Very addictive, tough, frustrating solitaire
                                card game, requiring luck and good strategy.
                                Automatic game reset & Hall of Fame
                                bulletins, at end of month. Makeup games
                                missed during the month. Earn EXTRA POINTS!
                                Send MESSAGES to other players !!!!!!
                                ******* INTER-BBS option *******
ovrund52.zip  139318 08-05-2024 OVER UNDER Solitaire  -  Door Game       v5.2
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                Very addictive, tough, frustrating solitaire
                                card game, requiring luck and good strategy.
                                Automatic game reset & Hall of Fame
                                bulletins, at end of month. Makeup games
                                missed during the month. Earn EXTRA POINTS!
                                Send MESSAGES to other players !!!!!!
                                ******* INTER-BBS option *******
ox2v300.zip   699618 08-05-2024 Iron Ox 3.00 for OS/2 -- A New Universe!
                                Ox is the first door of any kind to
                                include full EGA/VGA RIP graphics,
                                real-time multinode play, and interBBS
                                league support.  Enjoy beautiful RIP
                                art, land developments like forts and
                                refineries, programmable drones that
                                fight and work the land in real time,
                                and much more -- all in a full, 32-bit,
                                multithreaded OS/2 program that works
                                with native OS/2 BBS'es and DOS BBS'es
                                running in VDM's.  Don't miss this game!
ox32v310.zip 1659207 08-05-2024 Iron Ox 3.10 32-bit for Wildcat 5!
                                Finally, the exciting online strategy
                                game is available in a 32-bit Windows
                                version just for Wildcat! 5/WINS.
                                Easy Windows-based configuration
                                program; ultra-fast client-server
                                database code is twenty times faster
                                running multinode.  Stop wasting your
                                32-bit horsepower on 16-bit doors!
oxv310.zip    688740 08-05-2024 Iron Ox 3.10 -- A New Universe!
                                Enjoy beautiful RIP art, land
                                developments like forts and refineries,
                                programmable drones that fight and work
                                the land in real time, and much more.
                                Now with three new drone classes,
                                factories, and remote IBBS reset.
                                Don't miss this game!
o_newwrl.zip  103885 08-05-2024 The orginal New World
                                door by Seth Able, the
                                one that wasn't finished.
p1000v27.zip  159649 08-05-2024 Purity 1000 Purity Evaluation Test v2.7 A BBS
                                Door program to test your "Purity". Fully
                                functional. 1000 questions relating to all
                                aspects of Sex and Sexual activities. This is
                                an ADULTS ONLY! Door program and extreme care
                                should be taken to prevent minors access to
                                this program. Another BBS door program from
                                PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon.
packworm.zip   91810 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> PACK-WORM v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
                                Object is to guide Pack-Worm through its
                                world without hitting his head against
                                anything but food.  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
pac_man.zip    24537 08-05-2024 Pac Man Style Door Game.  
pain_2dv23.zip   54620 08-05-2024 Pain's Wrath v3.0
                                Planets: The Exploration of Space
                                IGM By Davey Case
pair348.zip   140580 08-05-2024 3-Pair Poker  -  Door Game       v4.8       .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                Play Poker against the computer. Will you get
                                3-Pair first? Makeup games missed, during the
                                month. Automatic game reset and Hall of Fame
                                bulletins, at end of month. Supports Fossil-
                                based Multi-Port cards, including the PCBoard
                                /M version! Send/Receive MESSAGES from other 
                                players     *** INTERBBS Capable ***
pal2_3.zip    153491 08-05-2024 Paladin - CRIPPLE BUGS FIXED! v2.3 Online
                                role-playing game, similar to LORD and
                                Usurper. New additions - custom menus,
                                shelter system, more! Supports all major drop
                                files (DORINFO, DOOR.SYS, and many more), and
                                has an Armour, Class, Bar Conversation,
                                Weapon, Monster, and Player editor program
                                for reg'ed sysops
parse130.zip  144544 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                  PEREIRA SOFTWARE/CYBERSYSTEMS 
                                 Presents: Parseit v. 1.30 - Files list   
                                 parseing utility. Hits & Exclusions are  
                                 supported. Generate lists of definate    
                                 interest from your favorite bbs system.  
                                 Parseit v. 1.30          A Must have!    
passit15.zip  154161 08-05-2024 Pass it on is like the old parlor game where
                                pass a sentence around the room to see how it
                                out on the other end. Users pass a sentence
                                the BBS. Needs NUGIREG.ZIP for FREEWARE.
password.zip   12852 08-05-2024 Ver. 1.5 - Password Creator door. 
                                Generates random user passwords every
                                SysOp definable number of days. 
                                (requires DORPCH38.EXE and BRUN30.EXE)
path105.zip    50773 08-05-2024 Path Finder version 1.05 Online Game Door
                                Path Finder is an online game written with
                                the BBS Onliner Interface, meaning it will
                                run under virtually all MSDOS BBS systems.
                                Path Finder is a maze game, and possibly
                                the coolest game ever written (maybe not).
                                Path Finder is another fine game from the
                                warped and dangerous mind of Andrew Mead.
pawnshop.zip  110866 08-05-2024 [ THE PAWN SHOP V1.0  By Camroc
                                [ FREEWARE LORD IGM
                                - Fast and easy installation.
                                - Complements LORD, not ruins it!
                                - Interesting storyline.
                                - Buy weapons, armour, and other
                                  items and services.
                                - Talk to the employees.
payoff.zip     36304 08-05-2024 Bordello Payoff v1.10 for Bordello door
                                game v1.5x+. Payoff randomly adjusts the
                                police payoff amount with each run. Useful
                                to run as part of your nightly maintenance
                                routines to keep the players guessing! The
                                sysop specifies the range of numbers for the
                                payoff (i.e. 1000 to 5000). From T&J Software
pbeta2.zip    208017 08-05-2024 Prima: 4th War BBs Door *Second Beta*
                                Compatible with all major BBS systems!
                                Lots of medivial hack & slash fun!
                                Works with almost any BBS systems!
                                by Mike Counts, creator of several LORD ][
                                IGMs and the Town Clock IGM for LORD 1!
pbl_200.zip   349231 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 PBBSList Version 2.00 
                                  Multi-Database   Multi-Line Aware
                                  Lnaguage File    NetMail Requests
                                  Auto Verifier    FS Editor/Reader
                                  List Download    Screen Upload
                                  Sysop Config.    ALL BBS supported
                                     ...... MUCH MUCH MORE
                                  DOWNLOAD/FREQ today to try it out
                                    (C) 1993 - 1995 by Bing Wu
pbrlib01.zip  101199 08-05-2024 *Project BookRead Librarian*
                                For Project BookRead On-line
                                books.Runs on any BBS that
                                supports DORINFO1.DEF. FREE!
pcbvp32.zip    32179 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                ۺDWF Productions Ltd. presents:            
                                ۺ  PCBVP v3.2 - A PCB 15.0+ interface for  
                                ۺ    VGA Planets.  Handles up to 100 games 
                                ۺ    concurrently.  Configures itself on   
                                ۺ    first run.  Users can be involved in  
                                ۺ    multiple games.  Allows users to d/l  
                                ۺ    and u/l only their own game files.    
                                ۺ    SysOp functions allow online          
                                ۺ    initialization of new games and       
                                ۺ    configuration of program options.     
pce9972.zip   192137 08-05-2024 From the authors of PcExpress
                                This is version 0.9972 of PcExpress
                                Doors Version
                                Release date 921214.
pches200.zip  187930 08-05-2024 Prochess v2.0 - Chess Door with User
                                Vs User (Crossnode), Chess computer
                                with openings library, User-Vs-Sysop,
                                Netmail chess (InterBBS), Multiline,
                                VGA-Mouse-Terminal (PCTERM), AVT/0+
                                and many things more. For all BBS
                                software types, everything is
                                configureable by textfiles.
pcove_56.zip   97480 08-05-2024 Pirate's Cove BBS Door. Team / individual
                                play. Multi-BBS support and baud rates to
                                115,200 bps.  Includes maintenance progs.
pcrescue.zip   55210 08-05-2024 PC-Rescue      ----- Game ------        v1.2
                                * Part of the Sunrise Door/Game Collection *
                                Rescue all the hotel guests before the bombs
                                explode! Fast-paced, frustrating and FUN!
                                Plays exactly like the popular BBS Door game
                                found on many BBS around the world. Game
                                opening sound and music is now OPTIONAL!
pcsuni1.zip   990909 08-05-2024 Practical Computer Services UniKey Aware    :
                                Software. The Best of the Best From PCS!    :
                                This MegaZip contains shareware versions    :
                                of VRS,LOOPBACK,AUCTION,SUGGESTION BOX,     :
                                PCBDE,HO'HOUSE,USER PROFILER,PCBBE          :
                                & VOTER++.  All this software for one low   :
                                price of $40.00!  Easy Setup, and zero      :
                                SysOp maintenance make these award          :
                                winning PPE's a must have for your PCB      :
                                BBS!  PCS Support Board (609) 587-2672      :
                                (c)96,1997 Practical Computer Services      :
pcyatzee.zip   60571 08-05-2024 PC-YAHTZEE     --- Dice Game ---     v1.7   .
                                **Part of the Sunrise DOOR/GAME Collection**
                                Stand-alone version of the Triple Yahtzee 
                                Door game. Plays the same and is also as
pd14tw.zip     37663 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                TW-PAYDAY 1.4 for TradeWars 2002 version 2
                                TW-PAYDAY  is one of several  add-on's for
                                TradeWars  2002 v2  from  the TW-EXTENDERS
                                series  by SimSoft PCS.  Have the Feds pay
                                your good traders for assistance  and good
                                morals, or have the  Underground help fund
                                the  evil traders.  It's very  easy to use
                                and configure, and  is run directly  after
                                the  TradeWars  2002  maintenance  program
                                EXTERN.EXE.     Registration is only $5.00
                                Attention SYSOP's  -   Download this file!
pdrags18.zip  181989 08-05-2024 AHRA PRODRAGS v1.8 - ACTION GRAPHIC DOORGame
                                Upgrade From UltraSoft! PRO DRAG Racing with
                                wrecks/spins/engine sounds. Even ambulances! 
                                FIRST ONLINE INTERACTIVE, Hi-Speed DoorGame! 
                                Supports COM1-COM4 NON-STD IRQs, NONStandard 
                                PORTS to 115Kbps. ONLINE MUSIC/Sound Effects.
                                DOOR.SYS/DORINFO1 for Almost all BBS types.  
                                Recommended for Hi-Speed Systems:DX/33 plus.
peanut35.zip   56216 08-05-2024 PEANUTS - A BBS Door
                                Peanuts is a solitaire style card tile game
                                where the player has 10 minutes to move 48
                                card tiles, in sequential order, to the
                                ace piles at the top of the screen.  A high
                                score display tracks the best of the best!
                                Try this addicting door out!
pegjmp26.zip   94630 08-05-2024 Peg Jump v2.6. A logic puzzle game
                                similar to the classic Hi-Que peg puzzle.
                                Object is to jump the pegs in such a way
                                as to leave only one peg, preferably in
                                the center hole.  Supports most BBS
                                software, multi-node, COM 0-15, 115K
                                Baud, and non-standard IRQ's.  Now
                                supports multi-port boards using FOSSIL
                                drivers including PCBoard/M!. Runs in
                                local mode with /local.
pegleap.zip    88145 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> PEG LEAP v3.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
                                The object is to remove as many pegs as
                                possible by jumping each peg with another.
                                Fully functional, supports multiple BBS
                                formats, file sharing for multiple nodes,
                                bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers,
                                COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
pentas24.zip  425179 08-05-2024 PENTASIM      RPG Door                   v2.4
                                **** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection ****
                                Your Quest to reach the PENTASIM has begun!
                                PENTASIM...The new Strategy/RPG BBS Door Game
                                The year is 2184 and Earth has been taken 
                                over by the Cyborg Army. As a member of the
                                Rebel Alliance, your goal is to reach the 
                                PENTASIM and turn back the hands of time. 
                                Fully multinode with real time E-Mail and 
                                player challenges. Supports it's very own 
                                Scripting Language that ANYONE can write! 
                                Sample Script Files included with this archive
per09b1.zip   102987 08-05-2024 The Personals! 0.9 Beta from Jimmy Rose
                                This door allows callers to write and
                                respond to personal ads like those found
                                in the newspaper. May be used as a serious
                                matchmaking tool, or just for fun to see
                                who can write the most interesting Ad.
                                Shareware from Atlantis Software.
perso100.zip  125623 08-05-2024 Personal Information Library (PIL) 
                                Ver. 1.0.  Allow BBS users to get to 
                                know one another.  The PIL allows users 
                                to enter biographical information about 
                                themsleves.  Other users can then look 
                                at this information. Supports Non-
                                Standard comports and IRQs.  Supports 
                                PCB, WC3.x/4.x, and many others.
person1.zip    90875 08-05-2024 The Personals! 1.0 from Jimmy Rose.
                                Wildly Popular door allows callers to write
                                and respond to personal ads like those found
                                in the newspaper. May be used as a serious
                                matchmaking tool, or just for fun to see
                                who can write the most interesting Ad.
                                Shareware from Atlantis Software.
peyes12.zip   527562 08-05-2024 PRIVATE EYE'S F/X 1.2:Online Mystery game.
                                Private Eye's F/X is an old time favorite
                                ported over to DDO-F/X PRO.  You play an
                                upstart detective looking for big headlines.
                                So you stick strickly to murder cases.  You
                                wonder around the crime scene's speaking to
                                suspects, cross checking alibi's, and looking
                                for clues.  Good Luck and good hunting.
                                ========= Requires LI-TERM 1.00+ ============
peyes127.zip 1184235 08-05-2024 PRIVATE EYES 1.27 * Release Version *
                                VGA256c/SB Animated Action Door Game!
                                * Dozens Of Updates/Changes/Features*
                                * NEW "No-Thought" Host/Term Install*
                                *********  ALL NON-EXPIRING  ********
                                ******  Remote TSR For Easy Use  ****
                                ***  Supports DOORSYS File Format  **
                                **  Now Supports RIPTERM & FX-TERM  *
                                **  Supports ALL Of The Following!  *
                                **  Graphics * Stero Sound * Mouse  *
                                *****  Animation * Multi-Player  ****
                                *******  Multi-Node * 13 Terms  *****
                                ***Direct NON-STANDARD IRQ Support***
                                ** Join The Multi-Media Revolution! *
pface3_2.zip  285179 08-05-2024 *****Poker Face 3.2********************
                                Now with RIP graphics!  An animated
                                poker door with multi-bbs support,
                                support for locked com ports, and
                                complete RIP support!
                                Now includes make-up days, and support
                                for THEBANK.EXT.  If you use OnLine
                                INSTAbank, or similar programs, your
                                users can now win time in their bank
                                Now with INTERFAZ for multi-bbs play!
                                Latest version always available
                                from 1:138/151
                                Magic name: RIPPOKER
pgold10a.zip   71918 08-05-2024              Pot of Gold v1.0
                                       A game of chance based on the
                                  Commodore C*Base BBS MOD by the same
                                      name.  Your users will love it!
                                  100% Ansi Graphics!   Supports all the
                                   most popular BBS' including WildCat!,
                                  PCB, WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more!
                                   NOT CRIPPLED!!!  FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!
                                      $10 Registration - A Must See
pgwar.zip     406248 08-05-2024 PGWar v1.00
                                Persian Gulf War memorial.
                                For any BBS that supports
phan217.zip   208499 08-05-2024 PHANTOM OF THE CATACOMBS -- STANDALONE
                                Make your way past the Skeletons to capture
                                the Key from the Phantom in the Cemetery.
                                Enter the Mausoleum and see if you can
                                survive the plunge through the Deep Abyss. 
                                Find the Treasure or Rescue the Victim if
                                you can survive the Creatures that await
                                you in the Catacombs. Earn Bonus Quests!
                                OPTIONAL LORD IGM!!!
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
phant81s.zip  196689 08-05-2024 Phantasia v8.1 BBS Door Game
                                Phantasia is a role playing game where the
                                user creates a character to guide through
                                wilderness fighting monsters and rescuing
                                virgins. The game supports attacks between
                                players on multiple node systems.
                                Compiled on 11-01-92
phants12.zip  161169 08-05-2024 Phantasm BBS Server v1.2 DOOR Program permits
                                remote users to play the Phantasm Interactive
                                3D game utilizing Phantasm's remote GUI.
                                Phantasm is a 3D 256 color 300x200 fast
                                action interactive graphics game with sound
                                card support. Engine supports customized com
                                ports, digis, door.sys format, easy to
                                install. Requires Phantasm I3D Remote GUI.
phi_lo12.zip   56852 08-05-2024  -=[ Phil's Hi-Lo v1.21 ]=- Hi-Lo DoorGame
                                  -RIP Support - ComPorts 1-4 and IRQs 1-15
                                 Simple setup for Single-Line or Multi-Line
                                 Systems -[]- Players Are Individually Reset
                                 as  their score break  -[ $1,000,000,000 ]-
                                 to give Everyone a chance to Win  DOOR.SYS
                                 Compatible Door Game -- FOSSIL Support ---
                                 -Author: Tom Phillips 1:2607/303 Fidonet-
phone300.zip   25055 08-05-2024 Version 3.00 compiled 02-11-92 @ 07:03
                                Allows users to list known BBS's by
                                area code. Lists if pay or free, and
                                also will list the actual calling area
                                SysOp Utility now accessed from DOS
phrase12.zip  161221 08-05-2024 Phrase Craze v1.2 On-Line Door Game
                                The game plays like Hang-Man and Wheel of
                                Fortune.  A user is allowed to guess letters
                                in a phrase and is awarded so many points for
                                each correct letter.  This process continues
                                until the user misses a letter or solves the
                                phrase.  You can also be awarded a phree spin
                                PHRASE CRAZE DOOR GAME ONLINE ON-LINE BBS
                                The Lighthouse BBS [209] 325-0278
pick7_10.zip  148399 08-05-2024 Pick 7! Online KENO/Lotto BBS Door. Supports 
                                most major BBS drop files. Also supports WC! 
                                and PCB color codes. Full color bulletins 
                                created. Weekly Lotto available to registered
                                SysOps. Users have the ability to play 
                                regular KENO. Registered doors expand the 
                                area of play to different KENO options. 
                                Payoffs based on Las Vegas actual KENO. Self-
                                maintaining and very easy to setup.
pike23.zip    317909 08-05-2024 -=  Pike Place  ver 2.30  =-
                                Awesome new adventure/roll
                                playing door game!  This
                                game is designed to allow
                                SysOp's to customize the 
                                entire look and feel of the
                                game.  The program text is
                                read from a text file that
                                is easily edited to change
                                colors, the actual text
                                menu's, and screens that
                                the user sees!  It is a
                                role-playing adventure where
                                users can go to the past,
                                present, and future!
                                Supports most BBS software
                                automatically, has carrier
                                detection routines, lock-out
                                capabilities, chat and much
                                more!  Now with full color
                                ansi screens!
pinsev10.zip   90241 08-05-2024 PinSecure v1.0  FREEWARE! for ANY 
                                Door.sys BBS.  Add that extra level
                                of security you've been looking for 
                                to YOUR BBS!  Users must choose a
                                4 Digit Pin Number and enter it
                                each time they log onto your BBS!
                                          (C)1995 Lounge Software
pioner20.zip  971309 08-05-2024 PIONEER v2.0:FREEWARE DDO-F/X TERM PROGRAM.
                                  Fully supports ALL levels of the DDO-F/X
                                Graphical Scripting language specifications.
                                With easy to use WINDOWS/DOS Installation
                                setup.  A must have for any BBS running
                                DDO-F/X DOORS or using the DDO-F/X GUI.
                                Compatible with Windows 95, OS/2, & DOS 5.0+
pira151a.zip  253901 08-05-2024 
pit417.zip    950874 08-05-2024 THE PIT v4.17 - Online Fantasy Combat Door
                                This Door features multiline interactive chat
                                and combat. Players battle monsters and other
                                players in an arena setting. The game also
                                EGA/VGA graphics with mouse support. A remote
                                terminal can be run to see graphics remotely.
                                A Classic Door Game from Midas Touch Software
pit417_2dt.zip  555327 08-05-2024 THE PIT v4.17 - Remote Users Terminal
                                This is the remote terminal that can be used
                                in conjunction with the BBS Door Game THE PIT
                                By attaching this terminal to a
                                package as an external protocol, a user may
                                connect to THE PIT and play in EGA/VGA
                                Provided by Midas Touch Software.
pit417_t.zip  555022 08-05-2024 THE PIT v4.17 - Remote Users Terminal
                                This is the remote terminal that can be used
                                in conjunction with the BBS Door Game THE PIT
                                By attaching this terminal to a
                                package as an external protocol, a user may
                                connect to THE PIT and play in EGA/VGA
                                Provided by Midas Touch Software.
pjt18.zip     157841 08-05-2024 Plain Jane Trivia v1.8 - Simple multiple
                                choice trivia game that allows entry and edit
                                of questions with accompanying editor prog.
                                Keeps track of questions answered, correct,
                                etc.  Auto monthly maintenance.  Support for
                                non standard COM ports, fossil, etc.
                                Now supports Multinode configurations!
                                Reg only $15 for Single Node/$20 Multinode
                                REQUIRES NO KEY FILE TO RUN - Now RIP Aware!!
                                Author:Rob Williams, WCS Software 3/30/95
pjtriv20.zip  236617 08-05-2024 PJ Trivia v2.0 - Exciting multiple choice
                                trivia game that allows entry and edit
                                of questions with accompanying editor prog.
                                Keeps track of questions answered, correct,
                                etc.  Auto monthly maintenance.  Support for
                                non standard COM ports, fossil, etc.
                                ** InterBBS Playable with NEW play screen!
                                Reg only $15 for Single Node/$20 Multinode
                                Author:Rob Williams, WCS Software 1/01/96
pkins710.zip  107534 08-05-2024 PKinsert Version 7.10 released Jan 1st 1992
                                Check  archive  integrity,  insert comment/
                                taglines,  scan for  virii, add  and delete
                                disclaimers, etc. Handles Zip, Lzh, Arj and
                                Arcs w/in Arcs. Support  for PCB V14.5a and
                                *any*  other  BBS  Software.  Perfect SysOp
                                hands-off u/l monitor! Highly configurable.
                                Version 7.10 handles an unlimited number of
                                archives, 4 BILLION  nested archives, and a
                                major reduction in memory requirements.
pkrakv52.zip  136884 08-05-2024 PRIZE KRAKKER v5.2  
                                Krak the combination and win the prize 
                                determined by the Sysop!  Easy to use 
                                and fun to play.  Automatically sets and 
                                resets the combination!  Now supports
                                DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF, PCBOARD.SYS,
                                SFDOORS.DAT and CALLINFO.BBS!
                                (C)1996 Lounge Software
plains2.zip    73022 08-05-2024 THE OGRE PLAINS          v2.0
                                a world for the +SAGE+ engine
                                Updated to work with Sage 1.0
                                ------------------[ Abyss ]--
plan1.zip     136273 08-05-2024 Planets, the Conquest of Space Door Game.  
plan112.zip   166814 08-05-2024 
planeref.zip   16262 08-05-2024  
                                 Nogit's Airport A small IGM
                                 for lord2. Adds a airport
                                 with many places to go.
                                 |08By Nogit of Dragons Lair BBS
                                 |08     (7o3)-94i-4490
planet.zip    128499 08-05-2024 FORBIDDEN PLANET TEXT ADVENTURE DOOR Works
                                with door.sys, chain.txt, dorinfo.def,
                                sfdoors.dat. Can you save beautiful Altaira
                                from the deadly Forbidden Planet.  Weird,
                                fun, exciting text adventure. No save/load
                                games in this unregistered version, otherwise
                                fully functional.
planetm1.lzh   67963 08-05-2024 
planfair.zip    4654 08-05-2024 PlanFair version 1.5
                                A utility for Planets:TEOS
                                Add this to the start.bat file
                                and will change all planets to public.
                                Keeps the Planets game more fair.
                                FREEWARE by Robert Fogt
planupg2.zip   38639 08-05-2024 -= Planets:TEOS upgrade package =-
                                It adds 5 new ships, 14 new planets,
                                new planet pictures, many new items,
                                and new NPCs.  Look for more
                                upgrade packages here. 
                                     LeEcHed FroM DesTinY
plex1_03.zip  421105 08-05-2024 Perplexity!  v1.03 - Word making game door.  
                                Perplexity is a word making game from
                                ParrotSoft. The game
                                is configurable by registered sysop as to
                                number of letters
                                (15 to 23) a user can search through to make
                                words and for  
                                the amount of time a user can spend (1 to 3
                                minutes) typing in
                                the words he's found. Play back/ahead days,
                                and last months
                                high scorer. Door is compatable with most
                                major BBS systems.
                                Door uses same PS dictionary as Boogle and can
                                share the same
                                directory. Non Standard COM port IRQ's now
plink114.zip   68055 08-05-2024 PLINKO V1.14 - Aim Your Plinko Chips With
                                Great Care, Then Drop Them Down The Pegged
                                Board To Land Into One Of The Prize Chutes!
                                A Popular Door Game Based On The Game From
                                TV's THE PRICE IS RIGHT!
plinko.zip    133390 08-05-2024 
plum6_20.zip  106257 08-05-2024 Master Plumber v6.20 - ParrotSoft Door Game
                                for almost any BBS system. ANSI graphics game
                                where you attempt to connect the pipes and
                                try to keep the fluid flowing throughout the
                                gridwork. Door features auto roll-over on
                                Sunday of every week. Play missed days in
                                registered version. Fully configurable in
                                registered version by the sysop. Game will
                                play in ANSI mode if RIP is detected. Now
                                supports Non-Standard Com Port IRQ's and
                                Multi-node use.
plytxt11.zip   27386 08-05-2024 PLAYTEXT v1.1 - a command line utility 
                                for LORD!  This unique utility lets 
                                you change virtually anything in LORD's 
                                PLAYER.DAT file from the command 
                                line.  Freeware from SocraSoft!
pmatch3.zip   476052 08-05-2024 ProMatch Version 3.0 Online Professional 
                                MatchMaking Door. 100% SysOp configurable
                                Classic Matchmaker questions, User Profile
                                ActionGrams between nodes, Internal
                                Netmail, Local mail with Picture signatures.
                                Personal Classified ads with up/download
                                of file.  User Profiles, Personal Ads and
                                Netmail can be sent InterBBS via 2 methods!
pmscr101.zip 2656037 08-05-2024 PredMan - Stock Car 1.0
                                   An office pool manager for the Stock Car
                                racing season.
                                This program helps you customize, track, and
                                and manage your office pool.
                                   Customization options include finishing
                                position points.  It offers a detailed pool
                                standings window and printouts.
pmv12.zip      56003 08-05-2024 Player's Market v.12 An IGM for LORD.
                                Multi-BBS, Multi-Node, MultiTasking Aware and
                                can be in its own directory. A great place to
                                buy and sell almost any item you want, and
                                for the price you want! If you have Dragon's
                                Breath Mountain IGM installed, you can
                                integrate the two!
pmv13.zip      54921 08-05-2024     -=-=Player's Market v.13=-=-         
                                An IGM for LORD. Multi-BBS, Multi-Node,  
                                MultiTasking Aware and can be in its own 
                                directory. A great place to buy and sell 
                                almost any item you want, and for the    
                                price you want! If you have Dragon's     
                                Breath Mountain IGM installed, you can   
                                integrate the two!                       
                                ** NEW COMM ROUTINES **                  
                                **Easy installation and configuration!** 
                                        * * **FREEWARE!** * *            
                                Written By: Ricky Friesen
poker.zip     103506 08-05-2024 VEGAS VIDEO POKER Great video poker game,
                                just like Las Vegas. Features Double or
                                Nothing bet, and great ANSI/RIP graphics!
poker12.zip   484643 08-05-2024 POKER F/X 1.2:DDO-F/X Online Poker.
                                Utilizing DDO-F/X's SVGA graphics scripting
                                language POKER F/X was able to capture the
                                same easy interface and graphics appeal
                                found when playing video poker.  This game
                                has all the poker lover could want in an
                                online door:  Graphics, Music, Sound, and
                                ofcourse Poker....
                                ========= Requires LI-TERM 1.00+ ============
poker20.zip    52307 08-05-2024 
poker201.zip   68140 08-05-2024 Vegas Poker v2.01 Poker Door Game.
                                Vegas Poker is played the same as
                                Five card Poker. A single deck is used
                                and shuffled every hand. Set Payoff from
                                2 and Better to 9 and Better. DesqView
                                aware. Non-Standard Comm. ports supported.
                                Highly addictive and a very  entertaining
                                game that keeps you coming back for more.
                                Allows users to Make Up the Days they have
                                missed, SysOp configurable.
                                Generates All Time High and Top Ten Score
                                Bulletins after each game. Easy setup via
                                POKERUTIL. No Maintance is Required.
                                Supports most major BBS Drop file types,
                                including TRIBBS, PCBoard, Door.sys, Spitfire
                                and others.
                                Shareware. Uploaded by WRM Systems
poker22.zip   131071 08-05-2024 Poker Bandit v2.2 - Door Game. Poker 
                                in a Slot Machine. Pull the Handle and
                                watch the 5 cards spin. Your payoff is 
                                decided by the "Hand" that comes up. Has
                                RIP and Fossil detection. Works with 
                                non-standard addressing. Uses environmental
                                variables for single *.cfg file in multi-
                                node operation. Internal Setup. InterBBS
                                Playable. No expiration date or Demo Key 
pokervid.zip   87957 08-05-2024 Poker Video Machine BBS Door Game
                                Now you can play Video poker over
                                the modem or at home. You can even
                                view the cards left in the dealers
                                hand.  Even with the odds in your
                                favor can you beat the most popular
                                card game of all time?
                                Works at home locally to.
                                A Blue Foxx Software Production.
poker_2dbn.zip  121371 08-05-2024 Poker Bandit v1.1 - Door Game. Poker 
                                in a Slot Machine. Pull the Handle and
                                watch the 5 cards spin. Your payoff is 
                                decided by the "Hand" that comes up. Has
                                RIP and Fossil detection. Works with 
                                non-standard addressing. Uses environmental
                                variables for single *.cfg file in multi-
                                node operation. Internal Setup. 
                                No expiration date or Demo Key required.
pokrd19b.zip   66669 08-05-2024 POKERDOR (1.9b) is a online 5 card
                                draw poker game.  This door is 
                                designed to be used on nearly every 
                                BBS system. This file updates 
                                documentation and registration files.
                                Registered users do not need this.
pokrface.zip  120794 08-05-2024 Poker Face Version 1: Finally, the best poker
                                Poker face is a Poker game door for Door.sys
                                based systems and others as well.  If you ever
                                to find a good poker game door you can stop
                                looking now!
                                This door is easy to set up and easy to run. 
                                The modest
                                registration fee of $10 is well worth it for
                                the hard
                                work put into creating this door game.  This
                                door is not
                                crippled.  Feel free to distribute this door
                                to others.
pol150.zip    111801 08-05-2024 -=* Polaris Strike V1.50 *=-
                                -----------BBS Door Game--------------
                                The killer game is here! It features 
                                a GRAPHICAL fighting system! Earth 
                                once again is in trouble! A giant 
                                meteor is headed straight toward 
                                earth at fast speeds and there are no 
                                nuclear weapons to destroy it! Your
                                mission is to go to the planet Polaris 
                                and take control of the laser cannon
                                orbiting the planet and destroy 
                                the asteroid! This game has IGM 
                                support! Get it today!
                                Support: Dark Caverns 408-238-7273
pong32.zip     65133 08-05-2024 
pony12.zip     64129 08-05-2024 STONE PONIES; door game where players pick
                                one of the six ponies and enter a bet
                                (minimum 2) and then the race is run and the
                                winner pays 6-1. The odds on each pony
                                winning is identical. It's a simple, but fun
pon_2d105.zip   90427 08-05-2024 Pony Races v1.05  The object of this 
                                game is to win money by placing a bet 
                                on the horse(s) that finish the race 
                                first. Beware, the horses will not 
                                always play by the rules.
pool12.zip    111665 08-05-2024 Sports Pool v1.2 is a highly versatile door.
                                It can be used to create a pool for
                                football, baseball, hockey, boxing,
                                tiddly winks, virtually any sport in
                                which one team/person versus another.
                                You can have a pool that contains football,
                                baseball, and basketball teams.  Or, you
                                could have indivdual pools created.  The
                                list of teams is unlimited (well actually
                                around 32,000 but who is going to type in
                                over 32,000 teams' names?).  Sports Pool
                                will create ASCII and ANSI score bulletins
                                when the final scores are input, including
                                a "Hall of Fame" ASCII and ANSI bulletin.
                                Supports Rip!
pop_v104.zip  518714 08-05-2024 
postd13.zip     6051 08-05-2024 POSTSCRIPT Ver. 1.3
                                Telix Script for handling RIME message
                                transfers through POSTDOOR.  This script
                                file system has been written specifically
                                to be used with ACCESS mail automation (or
                                QMM) but I suppose it can be called by any
                                automator under TELIX. Contains bug fixes
                                and now deletes UPLOAD packets after a
                                succesful mail upload.  FREEWARE
postplus.zip   51097 08-05-2024        Post++ 1.0       
                                Let's anyone post a message of  
                                ANY length for others to see. W/
                                color system, FREEWARE  Any BBS.
                                  By: Demon Lord Leaders 
potptrv4.zip  137813 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>> POTPOURRI TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of general topics.  Fully
                                functional, supports multiple BBS formats,
                                file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to
                                115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4,
                                IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
pot_trv3.zip  195522 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>> POT LUCK TRIVIA III v2.5 <<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of general topics.  Fully
                                functional, supports multiple BBS formats,
                                file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to
                                115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4,
                                IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
pp026b.zip     49943 08-05-2024 Psych0Phore v0.26 BETA
                                not for general distribution.
                                release 4/27/96
pp94un.zip     91407 08-05-2024 The best Pro Football Door ever made for
                                Wildcat 3.x & 4.0 1994 NFL Season!
ppostv1.zip    70312 08-05-2024 ProPost v1.00 by Savant Software, powerful
                                Autopost door, generates ASCII/ANSI/RIP
                                text file, replace those obsolete message
                                to next caller doors. Multinode aware.
                                Fully configurable.
pquote1b.zip   71191 08-05-2024 Professional Quote v1.0beta.
                                Quotes random tags to your users.
                                Supports DOOR.SYS and non std
                                Com Ports and IRQ's. Reg is
                                FREE! FREE! FREE!
                                Written by Billy Sargent
prahak12.zip   13434 08-05-2024 Prack Hack 1.12 for OO][
                                This is exe file that you can
                                use to practice on Hacking the
                                Missle launching codes in
                                Operation OverKill ][ 1.12
                                No BBS needed for this File!
pray200.zip   140755 08-05-2024 Prayer v2.00   FREEWARE!
                                Dedicated to GOD, the Father, almighty.
                                This program is a prayer request door.
                                It will work on any BBS that supports
                                DORINFO1.DEF drop file format. It allows
                                your users to enter prayer requests and
                                has the ability to allow the sysop to
                                make a screen with a random prayer on it
                                for his/her BBS.
pres.zip       59246 08-05-2024 US President's Trivia v1.0 No Expiration
                                A BBS door program relating to trivia
                                questions about the history of the US
                                Registered SysOps may download a utility
                                to add questions to the database.
                                A shareware product from DataPlus
                                Software and Robert Ayers.
presluck.zip  124923 08-05-2024 
prestrv4.zip  120033 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>> PRESIDENT TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of U.S. presidents.  Fully
                                functional, supports multiple BBS formats,
                                file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to
                                115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4,
                                IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
probwl30.zip   90956 08-05-2024 
prod352.zip   283834 08-05-2024 
prodz203.zip   45462 08-05-2024 ProDIZ 2.03 - ProDoor 3.44 utility to replace
                                caller U/L descriptions with a FILE_ID.DIZ or
                                DESC.SDI file  if found in ZIP, LZH,  and ARJ
                                archives.  This version fixes the /Local mode
                                of operation and adds the /E switch  to erase
                                files that fail the maximum  age requirement.
                                WARNING!!!  This only works with ProDoor 3.44
                                dated 12/31/91 or later!  This is FREEWARE
profil19.zip  160451 08-05-2024 PROFILE     -     Door           v1.9      .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                Give your users a way to answer questions 
                                about themselves which will be viewable by 
                                other callers. If your BBS software will 
                                allow, you can FORCE new callers into the 
                                Door. The Sysop designs the questions!!!
                                ATTACH PICTURES TO USER PROFILES.....!!!!...
                                As with all Sunrise Doors, supports 
                                NON-Standard IRQs, fossils, digiboards, etc.
profv30.zip    27818 08-05-2024 
prok345.zip   309026 08-05-2024 
prom216.zip   348401 08-05-2024 PonyROM v2.16 Premium CD-ROM Download Door
                                Works with WC! 3.x, RA v1.11/2.0, PCB 15.0
                                or =ANY= BBS software that create or
                                to DORINFOx.DEF or 52 LINE DOOR.SYS and it
                                will create a GENERIC.### file so you can
                                write your own BBS updater, depending on your
                                BBS software. =RIP= External Graphics display
                                files & menus for =ANY= BBS software system.
                                Works with =ANY= CDROM Disc/Hard Drive that
                                has a text files listing. From 1-9 CD-ROMs.
prons.zip       5723 08-05-2024 
prophecy.zip  180726 08-05-2024 
propiku.zip   144999 08-05-2024 NFL Pro-Pik v1.93 Online Door
protrns3.zip    6359 08-05-2024 
prowho19.zip   51877 08-05-2024 
prtnum10.zip   37507 08-05-2024 PRTNUM.EXE v1.0  Prints the user record
                                number and expiration date to the
                                ACTIVITY.xxx log for each caller.  A FREE
                                utility from PAROLE Software and Dennis
ps103.zip     151707 08-05-2024 Poker Solitaire       (Door Game) ver. 1.03 
                                Attempt to make pairs, 3 of kinds, 4 of 
                                kinds, straights, flushes, and straight  
                                flushes in this 5x5 grid. User controlable 
                                colors.  Easy to play, but challanging for 
                                all ages.  Requires ANSI. Keeps daily winners 
                                as well as a total winner for that month. Now
                                able to be played without a BBS!  Uses 
                                DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard  Comport 
                                and IRQ's. Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x and many 
                                others.  Release Date: 01\03\97               
psa_2dv21.zip  136410 08-05-2024 PURITY 1000: Comprehensive Purity Evaluation
                                Test Stand-Alone Version modeled after a BBS
                                Door program.
psol_132.zip   51881 08-05-2024 Palace Solitaire door v1.32 (Uses DORINFO).
pteos200.zip  290363 08-05-2024  Planets: TEOS V2.00 FULL RELEASE 
                                True interactive multinode node play    
                                for any dos based BBS.  Hundreds of 
                                new features - Cartels, IGM Support,  
                                smart NPC's! 98% new/rewritten code.
pteos202.zip  290001 08-05-2024  Planets: TEOS V2.02 FULL RELEASE 
                                Planets: TEOS is back in full action!
                                This is the first release by the new
                                    owners, Metroplis, Inc and is
                                    developed by Michael Preslar.
ptime15.zip   123911 08-05-2024 PostTime v1.5 - A Horse Racing BBS Door Place
                                you bets, it's Posttime.  A BBS Door program
                                to allow you and your users to enjoy the
                                excitement of horseracing without the smell.
                                Bet and borrow to your hearts content but
                                watch out, the bank wants and will get its
                                money back.  Posttime creates ANSI/ASCii,
                                Wildcat! 3.x, PCBoard and RIP graphic
                                bulletins. Another BBS door program from
                                PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon.
ptp100.zip     46792 08-05-2024 ** Phone Tapper Plus **
                                This is the very first
                                IGM for Hackers: the
                                Role Playing Game v1.5.
                                Your mission is to hack
                                the phone lines to get
                                more information on
                                your journey to destroy
                                the gibson.  This IGM
                                was made by Talon
                                Software, the makers of
                                Hackers: the Role
                                Playing Game, and it is
pubqst20.zip   16321 08-05-2024 Lucky Troll Pub Quest - a new quest for
                                Leviathan's Reef from Lucky Troll Software!
                                Play the games of chance, have a drink (or
                                two or three!), join in on the excitement!
                                   Great Fun at a Great Price - FREE!!
                                Unzip in its own UNIQUE directory. Load into
                                REEF with: reef quest -- then do #2.  Easy
                                to install, fun to play!
                                by: Lucky Troll Software & Robert O. Sachs
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
punch1s.zip   209324 08-05-2024 Punchline! -- Part of the TAGLINE SERIES
                                MULTI-NODE BBS Door Phrase Game! Meet Funny 
                                Freddy, a computer geek who steals TAGLINES 
                                and uses them in his nightly comedy act at 
                                the Punch Line Comedy House. Can you help 
                                Freddy tell his one-liners without forgetting
                                the punch line? Keeps scores for all players.
                                Supports nearly ALL DROPFILES and SYSTEMS.
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
purity11.zip  214804 08-05-2024 Purity Test Door V1.1: The only Purity Test
                                door (that I know of) that allows you to have
                                multiple tests online at the same time, as
                                well as being able to quit the test and
                                continue later!  Easy to set up, multi-node
                                safe, security levels to restrict access from
                                kids to "Adult" oriented Purity tests (3 non-
                                adult tests included!), plus many other great
                                features!  Try it today! $10 cheap shareware!
                                New Version: Return to previous questions,
                                even back to beginning of the test! More RIP!
purity27.zip  163255 08-05-2024 PURITY 500 v2.7 Adults Only BBS Door
                                Comprehensive Purity Evaluation Test. 500
                                Adult oriented questions on all aspects of
                                SEX and sexual relates subjects. Now supports
                                RIP bulletins. Another PAROLE Software BBS
                                Door by Dennis Maidon.
push120.zip    81714 08-05-2024 PUSH YOUR LUCK ver 1.20 by Paul Sible & Paula
                                Now with split-screen chat and terminator
                                Double and triple points, make-up missed days,
                                and more!
                                Supports most drop files, and is true
                                Sysop Functions such as Chat, Shell to Dos,
putt192.zip   184391 08-05-2024 BBS Putt Putt        (Door Game) ver. 1.92
                                Take a break on this 9/18 hole miniature
                                golf course.  WARNING: This game has Live
                                Action, No Daily Maintence, Requires ANSI.
                                Uses DOORFRAME Library.  Now able to be 
                                played without a BBS! Supports PCB, 
                                WC3.x/4.x and many others.
                                Release Date 1\3\97                   
puzz104.zip    39600 08-05-2024 BBS 15 Puzzle game door.
                                Version 1.04 - Nov 10, 1994.
                                PCBOARD 14/15., DOOR.SYS,
                                DORINFO#.DEF compatible.
                                Fully functional shareware.
                                Fossil support. ANSI.SYS
                                required. Com 1-4. BPS to
                                115,200. Multinode BBS
puzzle.zip    112065 08-05-2024 BBS Door Game from JNS Software.  
pv_46.zip     133108 08-05-2024 Prize Vault! Door v4.6: Crack the 4 number
                                combination and win the prize inside! Support
                                for most BBS types and drop files. You may
                                set each digit of the combination from 1 to
                                999,999,999,999. The user is presented with
                                a 'bar chart' telling them how close/far
                                away they are. Easy setup by typing:
                                PVAULT UTILITY which brings up a utility
                                T&J Software (717)325-9481 14.4 / 4369 28.8
pw12.zip       48301 08-05-2024 Online game "Password v1.2" - Can you guess
                                the password?
pw200.zip     124530 08-05-2024 Penis Wars--Version 2.00, NO
                                EXPIRATION, a spoof on the current
                                space games on the market. This is
                                an adult door!
pwar141a.zip   54274 08-05-2024 
pword_17.zip   44216 08-05-2024 ProWords - Fast action 3 letter word game.
                                Users try to create three letter words from
                                randomly generated letters. Words are checked
                                from a online dictionary of all three letter
                                words found in the Amercian Heritage
                                Dictionary. Great for ALL ages. All BBS Types
pw_150w.zip    66680 08-05-2024 .-------------------------------------------.
                                | PimpWars Version 1.50        Win32/Door32 |
                                | PimpWars is a game where players assume   |
                                | the role of a Pimp and work the streets   |
                                | through "extra-cirricular" activities.    |
                                | This version contains the Windows version |
                                | with the DOOR32 interface.    FREEWARE    |
                                |         www.mysticbbs.com/pimpwars        |
pyr13_2d20.zip  124826 08-05-2024 PYRAMID 13, TUT'S TREASURE v2.0-         
                                BBS door game from TiJaSoft.             
                                A major league update on the best Pyramid
                                Solitaire door game ever! Supports 9 drop
                                files. Full ANSI graphix, a great scoring
                                system with hidden treasures,  and a nice
                                3D interface make this a very fun game to
                                play. It includes makeup/play-ahead days,
                                a tournament mode and automatic daily and
                                monthly maintenance.  It also tracks last
                                months,  and the all time champion, along
                                with the daily champs.  Multi-node ready,
                                DESQview,  Windows,  and OS/2 aware. Easy
                                setup and total game control by the SysOp
                                with the included config file editor. 
                                Registration fee $15.                       
pyramid.zip    88782 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>> PYRAMID SOLITARE v2.0 <<<<<<<<<<<
                                The object of the game is to remove all the
                                cards from the pyramid.  The  cards removed
                                must total 13.  Fully functional, supports
                                multiple BBS formats, file sharing for
                                multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h
                                fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is
                                DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
pyramid1.zip  126481 08-05-2024 PYRAMID QUIZ - EXCITING new door!!
                                Exciting new interactive quiz door
                                Players must climb the pyramid by
                                answering the correct amount of 
                                questions correctly!.. Knock other
                                players down as you go up.. Who 
                                can reach the top of the pyramid!
                                KattleSoft, version 1.0
pz111.zip     142074 08-05-2024 ķ
                                         Puzzle       (Door) ver. 1.11    
                                Remember those numeric puzzles where you 
                                attempted to arrange them in order from  
                                1 to 24, well here it is again.          
                                Requires the user to have ANSI.  Keeps   
                                daily winners as well as a total winner  
                                for that month.  Uses DOORFRAME library  
                                for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's.      
                                Now able to be played without a BBS!     
                                Programmer: William Rountree             
                                Release Date: 04\07\95                   
pz113.zip     145294 08-05-2024 Puzzle               (Door Game) ver. 1.13   
                                Remember those numeric puzzles where you 
                                attempted to arrange them in order from  
                                1 to 24, well here it is again.  Requires 
                                ANSI.  Keeps daily winners as well as a 
                                total winner for that month.  Uses DOORFRAME 
                                library for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's.   
                                Now able to be played without a BBS!     
                                Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x and many others.
                                Release Date: 01\03\97                   
p_dice11.zip   56510 08-05-2024  -=[ Phil's -Dice v1.12 ]=- Craps DoorGame
                                  -RIP Support - ComPorts 1-4 and IRQs 1-15
                                 Simple setup for Single-Line or Multi-Line
                                 Systems -[]- Players Are Individually Reset
                                 as  their score break  -[ $1,000,000,000 ]-
                                 to give Everyone a chance to Win  DOOR.SYS
                                 Compatible Door Game -- FOSSIL Support ---
                                 -Author: Tom Phillips 1:2607/303 Fidonet-
p_slot10.zip   57296 08-05-2024  -=[ Phil's Slots 1.0 ]=-Slot Machine Door
                                  -RIP Support - ComPorts 1-4 and IRQs 1-15
                                 Simple setup for Single-Line or Multi-Line
                                 Systems -[]- Players Are Individually Reset
                                 as  their score break  -[ $1,000,000,000 ]-
                                 to give Everyone a chance to Win  DOOR.SYS
                                 Compatible Door Game -- FOSSIL Support ---
                                 -Author: Tom Phillips 1:2607/303 Fidonet-
q14tw.zip      41817 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                "Q" 1.4  -  for TradeWars 2002  version 2.
                                "Q" is one of  several of the add-on's for 
                                TradeWars  2002 v2  from the  TW-EXTENDERS  
                                series by SimSoft PCS.  Have "Q" wandering
                                around in your  universe, giving or taking
                                goodies, depending on his mood.  It's very 
                                easy  to use  and  configure,  and is  run 
                                after the  TradeWars  maintenance  program
                                EXTERN.EXE.     Registration is only $7.00
                                Attention SYSOP's  -   Download this file!
qclimb10.zip   95103 08-05-2024 Quad Climb v1.00  COOL LITTLE ANSI DICE GAME!
                                Knock out 3 ladders  on the QUAD & keep right
                                on going with a new screen! Never reset Ansi,
                                Asci top 10 external score files.  Sysop sets
                                number of plays per day. Easy multinode setup
                                using QUADCFG.EXE. Cothran Computing. reg $10
qcrown33.zip  257877 08-05-2024 Queen's Crown V3.3 - Trivia/D&D Door Game.
                                Users answer questions given by the wizard
                                Shirak to move up in levels in order to
                                reach Queen. All users compete for the Crown
                                and try to overthrow the existing Queen.
                                Compatible with most BBS software.  Supports
                                up to 115K baud rate, COM 0-15, non-standard
                                IRQ's and multi-port boards using a FOSSIL
                                including PCBoard/M.  Desqview compatible.
                                    **** From: DEKM Software, Inc. ****
qd10.zip       72606 08-05-2024 
qdog300.zip    55255 08-05-2024 
qjump22.zip   205870 08-05-2024 Quantum Jump Version 2.20 Multinode N.U.G.I.
                                Jump lets you leap through time to try and
                                figure out who are and what you are supposed
                                to do. Database builder available
qkterm41.zip   34087 08-05-2024 
qleap15.zip   183018 08-05-2024 Quantum Leap! Trivia v1.05 - BBS Door about
                                the TV Series. BEST Door of it's kind!
                                All questions about the different episodes
                                of "Quantum Leap". From the first episode
                                to the last. Tons of information you'll
                                never knew was available. Questions of who,
                                what, where, when and why are packed in
                                every episode. MULTI-NODE, RIP Supported,
                                Many BBS Types too. Registration $12.00.
qmailcfg.zip    2080 08-05-2024 Here is how you can ADD and DROP
                                conferences from your Qmail Door 4.00 setup
                                directly from inside your offline mail
                                reader.  All you need to do is to enter a
                                message to "QMAIL" with a subject of "CONFIG"
qmast100.zip   58650 08-05-2024 Quiz Master                  Version 1.00
                                Trivia Game with a difference.  Brought to
                                you by the same makers of The Wall Graffiti
                                Wall and Suprema-List.
qmrwmail.zip    3601 08-05-2024 Qmodem script to allow callers to quickly
                                and easily obtain echo mail from the Qmail
                                door on RunWay BBS.
qpatch.zip    235911 08-05-2024 .EXE PATCH FILES for The Quest For Nora
                                v5.0  -  These are the .EXE files ONLY!
                                These files will fix a few small bugs in
                                v5.0 of TQFN.  You MUST be running v5.0
                                of TQFN in order to use these .EXE files.
                                (C)Copyright 1997 Lounge Software
qpw.zip         3006 08-05-2024  EXITILUS: Drug Lord                  
                                Add-On QUEST for EXITLUS 2.05              
                                Version 1.0 by Philip Wiseman              
                                Difficulty: Medium                         
                                    Length: 3 days                         
                                BBS File Site:                             
                                 TOC-BBS (816) 767-1488                    
                                Internet Site:                             
qpw2.zip        2494 08-05-2024  EXITILUS: Dark Spirit                
                                Add-On QUEST for EXITLUS 2.05              
                                Version 1.0 by Philip Wiseman              
                                Difficulty: Easy                           
                                    Length: 2 days                         
                                BBS File Site:                             
                                 TOC-BBS (816) 767-1488                    
                                Internet Site:                             
qseven30.zip   69023 08-05-2024 
qslot12.zip   137377 08-05-2024 Quarter*Slots v1.20 Minor Update!  A
                                full-featured online Slots game.  Users may
                                wager up to 5 quarters and payouts are based
                                on the amount of wager.  Win up to 5
                                ways.  Creates full color bulletins utilizing
                                WC!, PCBoard or ANSI color codes.  Another
                                BBS Door product from PAROLE Software and
                                Dennis Maidon.
qslot30.zip    70133 08-05-2024 
qst_2dpak1.zip  112997 08-05-2024 EXITILUS QUEST pack .A                    
                                All quests collected by TOC-BBS for EXITILUS
                                v2.05x as of 01/29/96.                      
                                Contains the following 19 quests:
                                The Mage's Tower, Maligor the Mage, 
                                Can You Save the World?, Search for the
                                Haunted Mansion, 
                                The Search for Justice!, Legend of the Dark
                                Tale of the Ultimate Jouster, Revenge!!!, 
                                The Search for Lust!, Black Days, 
                                Rescue of the Fair Damsel, To Kill A Troll, 
                                The Prophecy, Drug Lord, 
                                Gwendolin's Peril, CrYsTaLiS' SeCrEt!, 
                                Dark Spirit, Soldier of Fortune, 
                                The Ice Dragon!
                                compiled for Tao Ge by                      
                                Ganthet of TOC-BBS (816) 767-1488
quant230.zip  228812 08-05-2024 Quantum Jump Version 2.30 Multinode
                                WEB http://www.bcn.net/~dwendlg
                                BBS:413-684-0145 FREQ Latest QUANTUM
                                1:332/107 INterNet dwendlg@bcn.net
                                Quantum Jump lets you leap through time
                                to try and figure out who are and what
                                you are supposed to do. Database builder
                                available on my bbs.
quest1.zip     86329 08-05-2024 
quest2.zip     76138 08-05-2024 
quest21.zip     2322 08-05-2024  EXITILUS: To Kill A Troll 
                                Add-On QUEST for EXITLUS 2.05
                                Version 1.0 by Mr. Quick
                                Difficulty: Easy
                                    Length: 1 day
                                BBS File Site: 
                                   TOC-BBS (816)767-1488
                                Internet Site: 
quest72.zip   509800 08-05-2024 THE QUEST FOR NORA   RPG-Door            v7.2
                                **** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection ****
                                The classic RPG just got even better.  The 
                                quest to save Nora continues with even more 
                                competition from players on other BBS's.  You
                                can send messages to players on other BBS' as
                                well as transfer Rubies, curse & battle them.
                                No additional place for users to go to, ALL 
                                players are automatically incorporated into 
                                the main game. INTERBBS capable.
quiz140.zip    33653 08-05-2024  -=QUIZ 1.40=- QUIZ is a trivia logon
                                and logoff screen generator for any BBS!
                                QUIZ creates a question for the user
                                when the user logs on, then displays the
                                answer when the user logs off. Questions
                                are easily edited and there many
                                different question files available!
                                FreeWare from No Quarter!!!
quizrd51.zip  190608 08-05-2024 Quizard's Mountain v5.1; Trivia Adventure
                                type game. Climb the Mt. by answering Trivia
                                questions & use Spells to help/hinder the
                                progress of the other Wizard's on the Mt.
                                Supports most BBS software, multi-node, COM
                                1-15, 115K Baud, and non-standard IRQ's.  Now
                                supports multi-port boards using FOSSIL
                                drivers including PCBoard/M!
quotfall.zip  137325 08-05-2024 BBS Door Game.  
race155.zip    55114 08-05-2024 BBS Drag Racing vn 1.55. Great door game. 
races32.zip    97698 08-05-2024 Ver 3.2 Races, a horse racing game to
                                let players bet all their points away.
                                Multi-bbs, Multi-node, baud rates up
                                to 115K, Fossil Driver / DV aware.
                                Game played from one Main Menu for
                                a faster game. It now has a Color 
                                toggle! Com-ports 0-15. Runs in
                                local mode with /local.
racev13.zip   151405 08-05-2024 ۰ BbS hORsE RaCINg v1.3 ۰
                                Horse racing Door Game! 
                                Do you have what it takes to become a 
                                member of the Million Dollar Club?  
                                Choose from 6 different horses in each
                                race.  Will you horse WIN, PLACE or 
                                SHOW?  The odds are 100:1...is it worth 
                                the risk?  Now supports DOOR.SYS,
                                DORINFOx.DEF, PCBOARD.SYS, SFDOORS.DAT
                                and CALLINFO.BBS!
                                (C)Copyright 1996 Lounge Software
rackm155.zip  143756 08-05-2024 RACK-EM-UP!  v 1.55   Very slick card game by
                                Robin Farkas & Rob Flor.   Arrange  cards  in
                                ascending order and get three in a row.  High
                                scorers offered bonus round of quick  (timed)
                                trivia.  This game is addicting!  No demo key
                                needed. Doesn't expire. Registration provides
                                additional bonus  round  trivia, make-up  and
                                play-ahead capability and  full-month  score-
                                keeping.  Built-in ANSI support;  Multi-Node;
                                Supports DOOR.SYS, other drop files, fossils,
                                gives up time slices to multi-taskers.   Your
                                users will LOVE THIS DOOR!  Copyright 1996 by
                                Robin Farkas & Rob Flor  1:3619/40 Freq RACKM
                                (813) 842-1835  Release Date: August 10, 1996
radiov11.zip  202305 08-05-2024 ROCKIN RADIO  v1.1  RELEASED 05-03-1997
                                Fully multinode RPG style BBS Door!
                                Here's your chance to finally be a
                                D.J. and have your own radio show.
                                Play requests, have contests, do
                                promotional appearances, SPIN-OFF with
                                other D.J.'s, accept payola in 
                                Underground Operations and much more!
                                Fully multinode, fossil aware, bauds to
                                115,200 and more.  Fearures easy to use,
                                mouse compatible Configuration Utility 
                                and no maintenance.  No demo keys or
                                delays in unregistered version!
                                Proud to be a G rated BBS door game.
                                (C)Copyright 1997 Lounge Software
rae102.zip     92005 08-05-2024   The Rae V1.02 Planets: TEOS IGM  
                                The Rae, a RealTime ANSI Bar!  Play
                                Tron, watch the Mutant Chickens Race,
                                Talk to the nine unique people in the
                                bar, and much more!  By TrentSoft!
                                Requires TEOS V2.00 Beta 3 or newer.
                                New features, comm routine/maraken
                                bug fix.
raid34a.zip   200525 08-05-2024 
rassle.zip    130617 08-05-2024 Super Rassle v6.2  Wrestling Door Prg.
                                Supports DOOR.SYS, USERINFO.DAT,
                                CALLINFO.BBS, PCBOARD.SYS, SFDOORS.DAT,
                                CHAIN.TXT and several other BBS user files.
                                Super Rassle now supports a FOSSIL driver.
                                No expiration date. Now supports RIP Graphics
                                and WC!3.9. Another "PAROLE Software"
                                release. Registration Fee: $15
ratrce11.zip   87140 08-05-2024           RATRACE DOOR GAME V1.1
                                BBS game that allows users to bet time or
                                money on rats that race around the track.
                                Supports multiple nodes.  Name your rats
                                to suit your needs.  Works on almost any
                                BBS system and supports multiple drop file
                                types.  Great graphics, sysop chat, carrier
                                detect, no maintenance, bulletin generation,
                                and much more. (Note: Ability to bet session
                                time dependent upon BBS software capability.)
raw257.zip    289557 08-05-2024 ROMANS AT WAR Door Game - Vers 2.57
                                From the Pillars of Hercules to the
                                Indus river the empires in the times
                                of Rome battle for world domination.
                                Geographical and political maps. Six
                                players per game - 6 empires - Rome,
                                Carthage, Macedonia, Egypt, Parthia
                                and Persia. Economics, politics,
                                weather, army and navy building and
                                training, morale, leaders, events
                                like rebellions or alliances.
                                Supports most popular BBS Software
                                packages using DDplus door kit.
ra_pk100.zip   72721 08-05-2024 ķ
                                      --- RA_POKER V 1.00g ---      
                                 Ra_Poker ist ein Onlinespiel fuer  
                                 Remote Access 2.xx und wurde dem   
                                 Spielhallenklassiker "Full House"  
                                 Komplett in deutsch, Shareware     
rbbj105.zip   158215 08-05-2024 RIVERBOAT BLACKJACK Door Game - Vers
                                1.05  Multi-player Realtime Rip and
                                Ansi Blackjack game.  Players take
                                on the character of 1800s riverboat
                                gambler 'seated' at the table with
                                up to four others.
                                Supports most popular BBS Software
                                packages, including PCBoard Vers 15
                                & WildCat 3.9. With Rip graphics,
                                supports non-standard interrupts,
                                fossils, comports 1-4, IRQs 0-15,
                                and speeds up to 115,200 baud.
rbiz.zip       30051 08-05-2024 Risky Business TDBS Required
                                In Risky Business you are the owner of a sales
                                You must find salepersons, Book flights for
                                them to
                                various cities and then send them on their way
                                 You also
                                must make sure the SEC and other agencys don't
                                want to
                                shut you down.  Oh you'll want to find some
                                lawyers to help with your legal dealings.  Put
                                on retainer but every so often you have to pay
                                their fees
                                again.  The can arrange for all kinds of
                                things including
                                the for the SEC to investigate your rivals.
                                Full real time interaction between players
                                with messaging capabilities.
rb_v110.zip    21030 08-05-2024 
                                     ROKBull Version 1.10
                                    A FreeWare ROK Utility
                                    for ROK Version 2.03+!
                                  Generate *.ANS/*.ASC files
                                  which have the rankings of
                                  the characters in your ROK
                                  game!  Easy to setup & use
                                  in your BBS bulletins area.
                                 (C) 1997, Devon Brooks - BFS
rdball12.zip  739767 08-05-2024 BALLISTIC v.1.2 - Ballistic is an addictive
                                fast paced arcade puzzle game.  It has 
                                beautiful 256 color VGA graphics with very
                                smooth animation and game play.  When used
                                in conjunction with FzSoft's LaunchPad, it
                                can be used as a VGA MAX compatible door
                                game.  REQUIRES 386/25MHz or faster, VGA,
                                450K RAM, and 1.4 MB HDD space. Sound
                                Blaster, Joystick and Mouse optional.
rdrbj10.zip    48698 08-05-2024 RDR Black Jack Door game for
                                use with RDR Time Bank.
                                Allow your users to gamble
                                with their saved time in the
                                TIME BANK. Version 1.0.
rdrlot10.zip   64789 08-05-2024 RDRLotto v 1.0: The Time Bank lottery door
                                designed for use with the RDR Time Bank
                                door.  PBLotto allows users to gamble with
                                their saved time in the BBS's TIME BANK. 
                                * Shareware *
realm003.zip  157732 08-05-2024 Mountain Realms build 003 eta
                                BBS door game supporting all
                                major BBS formats. An Infocom
                                style text parser, and great
                                play for your users. This
                                release includes an UPGRADE
                                program for users of previous
                                versions. SysOps: get this!
realm100.zip   61054 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                ۲Realm of ImmortalsͰ
                                ĺ      IGM v1.00      ĺĴ
                                      Realm of Immortals v1.00 for    
                                        Legend of The Red Dragon      
                                          for version 3.26+           
                                  The largest IGM to date. More to    
                                  find, more games, humour, and raw   
                                  entertainment than any other IGM!   
                                ĮMake your LORD a Party!!!
realm221.zip  235438 08-05-2024 Land of the Realm game door for WWIV BBS.  
realms.zip     66096 08-05-2024 
recall47.zip   96584 08-05-2024 Total Recall v4.7 You will need Total
                                Recall to get a perfect score in this
                                Concentration-type board game!  Supports
                                most BBS software, multi-node, COM 0-15,
                                115K Baud, and non-standard IRQ's.  Now
                                supports multi-port boards using FOSSIL
                                drivers including PCBoard/M!. Runs in
                                local mode with /local.
recrtrv4.zip  141287 08-05-2024 >>>> SPORTS & RECREATION TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of the sports and recreation.
                                Fully functional, supports multiple BBS
                                formats, file sharing for multiple nodes,
                                bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers,
                                COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
red100a.zip   106250 08-05-2024 
rednck10.zip   71040 08-05-2024 REDNECK.EXE Version$=[01.00.00]
                                Shareware by Thomas Harrison
                                (30-Aug-95)  First release of a
                                CHEAPWARE! program that creates
                                ANSI/ASCII bulletin screens that
                                contain a redneck joke of the day
                                for your BBS (heck or even for 
                                DOS!)  Registration is just $7.
                                Download me today!
redpv10.zip   158080 08-05-2024 
red_s10.zip   101766 08-05-2024 Red Squares Door Game by Joel Dunlap.
                                Version 1.0.  Compatible with most BBS
                                systems.  DESQview aware.  Uploaded by
                                the author.
reef207.zip   273779 08-05-2024 2.07 LEVIATHAN'S REEF - BBS DOOR RPG GAME!
                                Conquer the mighty beast of the deep? Join
                                the Centaurs, Humans & Satyrs in a land of
                                Warriors, Rogues, or Magus'. In your quests
                                attempt to defeat the Gorgon Medusa, Hydras,
                                Minotaurs, and many other beasts. G-RATED!
                                Meet Hercules & Zena. Challenge the gods on
                                Mount Olympus and receive an enchanted gift!
                                Party hard at the Toga Party. See Aphrodite!
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
ref_2d115.zip  133406 08-05-2024 Refraction v1.15 Find the marbles based 
                                on the reaction of dropping marbles into 
                                a box.  For those who enjoy logic games.
regkey.zip      5438 08-05-2024 BBS Door Registration Keys
                                For Stardock Loco and
                                World Of Tears BBS Door
                                Games.  Donation requested,
                                honor system registration.
                                These keys will give full
                                functionality to both
                                doors!!!!  See sysop.txt
                                for full details.
                                Distribute this unmodified
                                zip file freely!  From
                                the author, Aaron Alanen
                                (c) 1997 I.M.S.C. Software
regsstb.zip     3863 08-05-2024 SBBS Shoot The Bottle Full Version!!!!
                                Yes Challenge Your SysOp at a Shooting
                                Contest And Win Credit! But Be Carfull
                                You can Miss!!! This is the Full Version
                                We Think This will be alot Better For The
                                SysOps Who Need it!    FROM ACESOFT!
remind21.zip  125962 08-05-2024 REMIND ME !   - Reminder Door           v2.1
                                **  Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                Callers leave REMINDERS to themselves. They
                                are reminded daily/on a specific date/day of
                                week/date of the month. Reminders displayed
                                to caller when Door is opened; automatically
                                if you make it AutoLogin. SYSOP can leave
                                reminders to all/specific Security levels or
                                SPECIFIC user. Supports Fossil-based Multi-
                                Port cards, including PCBoard /M version!
repeat10.zip   39717 08-05-2024 
repeat_1.zip   38992 08-05-2024 New challenging ANSI game door.  
req32.zip     117360 08-05-2024 Requiem's Dungeons for Lachrymator v2.x (WC v5
                                x ONLY) Updated (05/13/96)
                                Requiems Dungeons is an extra add on world for
                                2.x.  This will only work in the registered
                                version of
                                Lachrymator v2.x
                                -- 50+ more areas for you to battle.
                                -- Find Gold, Secret areas, booby traps
                                -- Rack up some more exper points, cash, etc..
                                -- Program takes care of itself.  Set it up,
                                and leave it!
                                -- Secret vaults for your users to find.
                                -- Many Many more!
                                -- Registration is only $5
reqst13.zip   104629 08-05-2024 File Request Processor Version 1.3
                                  Let's your users do FREQ's with
                                  out bothering you. Will write a 
                                  Netmail FREQ for you to decide
                                  if you want to let your user 
                                  retrive this file for you.
reqwc4.zip     88513 08-05-2024 Requiem v0.95.  WC4.x ONLY! Extra World for
                                Easy Setup, using the helper program.
rescue.zip      7515 08-05-2024  EXITILUS: Rescue of the Fair Damsel 
                                Add-On QUEST for EXITLUS 2.05
                                Version 1.0 by Floyd and Carol Shell  
                                Difficulty: Medium
                                    Length: 4 days
rescue34.zip  138686 08-05-2024 Rescue  -  Door Game       v3.4            .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                Rescue all the hotel guests before the bombs
                                explode! Fast-paced, frustrating and FUN!
                                Supports Fossil-based Multi-Port cards,
                                including the PCBoard /M version. Now with
                                MAKE-UP days and automatic score reset and
                                Hall of Fame update, at end of month !!!!!!!
                                Send/Receive MESSAGES to/from other players!!
                                ********* INTERBBS Capable ************
reverse.zip    85934 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> REVERSE v3.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
                                Object is to arrange a list of numbers in
                                numerical order by moving sections of
                                numbers at a time.  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
revive10.zip    7590 08-05-2024 
rftm132.zip    76821 08-05-2024 Run For The Money v1.32 - Horse Racing Door
                                                  from Seven Wells On-Line!
                                                  View the horses, jocks and
                                                  weather forecast before
                                                  you place your bet. Watch
                                                  a "video tape" of each
                                                  race! Now supports com
                                                  port speeds up to 115,200
                                                  without a FOSSIL driver!
                                                  Avatar protocol support!
ringbtr.zip     4883 08-05-2024 
ripbj36a.zip  177836 08-05-2024 RIPscrip Blackjack v3.6 - Features Local RIP!
                                * RIPscrip Blackjack game for any  BBS that *
                                * can make a DOOR.SYS drop file.   Features *
                                * include SL Modem unit support,   Internal *
                                * COM support for COM 1-8  and IRQ's to 15. *
                                * Easy to Setup!  Local  RIPscrip  Graphics *
                                * and Sound on Local Login's.  - Major  Bug *
                                * fix - More Icon Support Now with Icon and *
                                * RIP Autodetection                         *
                                *   $10 Shareware From SUNCOAST MARKETING   *
                                *          VOICE (904) 628-7040 OR          *
                                *           (904) 628-7752 VOICE            *
ripcslot.zip   63934 08-05-2024 Crooked Slots 1.00 Door with RIP Graphics
ripuz100.zip   41504 08-05-2024 RIP Puzzle: FREE door game with RIP graphics!
                                First of its kind online game with windows,
                                dialogs, buttons and online mouse support.
                                Runs under any BBS program. Uses DOOR.SYS,
                                PCBOARD.SYS, or command line. Supports
                                standard and nonstandard com ports, FOSSIL
                                drivers and DigiBoards. Multitasker aware and
                                multiuser compatible. Simple installation.
                                FREE program brought to you by the makers of
                                Searchlight BBS, leaders in RIP technology.
rit32.zip      47281 08-05-2024 Ritual Altar. (WC v5.x ONLY)  Extra World for
                                Lachrymator v2.x
                                UPDATED (04/18/96).  FOR USE ONLY ON
                                REGISTERED VERSION OF LACHRYMATOR!
                                -- Altar of dreams and wishes
                                -- Registration is only $5
ritwc4.zip     49812 08-05-2024 Ritual Altar.  WC4.x ONLY.  Extra world for
                                Easy Setup using the Helper Program.
riverv11.zip  151891 08-05-2024 
                                      ô River Styx  -  v1.1
                                This new installment in the BBS door 
                                market will have your users coming back 
                                for RPG fun every day.  Trapped in hell 
                                by Satan, each user must travel along 
                                The River Styx, battling Demons all 
                                along the way.  Find the Transfer Token 
                                and you can take the Train of Death to 
                                the next stop.  Your goal is to reach 
                                stop 50 before your Soul has been 
                                stripped away.  Full multinode support, 
                                fossil drivers, non standard IRQ's and 
                                much more!  
                                (C)opyright 1997 Lounge Software
rk950.zip     439092 08-05-2024 Rebel Kingdom On-Line Door Game for most BBS
                                Programs. Rebel Kingdom is
                                a medievil RPG where you build your kingdom
                                while destroying your opponents.
                                The game takes place in the 16th century. You
                                build your Kingdom by harvesting
                                crops, investments, gambling and capturing
                                land from your enemies. Includes a
                                complete on-line Door Sysop Maintenance
                                section as well as many other features
                                For a complete look at what is available from
                                Digital Interface Software
                                you can reach us at DATA: (503)563-5482 2400
                                to 14.4k, VOICE: (503)563-5481
                                or on FidoNet at 1:3418/8
rlok104b.zip   24494 08-05-2024            TGR Software Presents...
                                Random Lord Looks v1.04wb! - Randomly picks
                                from 1 to 50 different LORDTXT.DAT's and
                                LENEMY.DAT's when your user enters LORD!
rn502pg.zip   359420 08-05-2024      RANCHO NEVADA 5.02      
                                What once was the greatest Adult Door ever
                                is now the greatest BBS Door of any kind!
                                This special PG-Rated version of Rancho
                                Nevada is fit for public distribution for
                                the first time, and is fully convertible to
                                the original Adult-Oriented theme.  Dozens
                                of new features, true multi-line support,
                                loads of fun, your users will call again
                                and again and again to play this game!
                                Fast, tight, stable, full-featured, easy
                                setup, easy config, easy to customize.
                                Requires DOS.  TRY BEFORE You BUY - Only
                                $15 Shareware!  Don't get left out in the
                                cold - Install Rancho Nevada on your BBS
rnaway51.zip  285480 08-05-2024 R U N A W A Y   - -  The Ultimate Onliner.
                                RUNAWAY is an interactive online game designed
                                bulletin board systems, but it can be run
                                without a
                                BBS as well! You have run away from home, and
                                are trying to make a living the rough way!
                                This game
                                is PACKED with action, strategy, and tons of
                                graphics and music! So download it and put it
                                on your
                                BBS today! Registration is only $15! And be
                                sure to
                                help support the game, and distribute it far
rnd3prty.zip   83705 08-05-2024 LORD utility to randomly select IGM's
                                This utility will randomly select IGM's and
                                rewrite the 3RDPARTY.DAT file each and every
                                time LORD is run...
rnq1_041.zip   89745 08-05-2024 ******RedNeck Quotes v1.04********
                                -=-=-=Palace SoftWares=-=-=-=-
                                 RedNeck Quotes will give random
                                " You Know Your a RedNecK If "
                                Quotes as a logon screen or from
                                where ever you like.
                                Now has 300+ quotes in the
                                registered version
                                Fixed Share Problem, RE-Worked The
                                Install Program. Fixed and added a
                                few things. Read the WHATSNEW.TXT
                                for more info
                                From Kenneth Danner, AKA Palace 
                                -=-=-=Palace SoftWares=-=-=-=-
rn_2dfree.zip 1952537 08-05-2024       RANCHO NEVADA 5.00      
                                What once was the greatest Adult Door ever
                                is now the greatest BBS Door of any kind!
                                Includes both PG-Rated and X-Rated versions.
                                This final version has a real goal (beyond
                                simply reaching level 100)!  Many gnawing
                                problems fixed; any others are left to you
                                as this archive includes FULL SOURCE CODE!
                                Also includes REGISTRATION KEY MAKER!
                                Dozens of new features, true multi-line
                                support, loads of fun, your users will call
                                again and again and again to play this game!
                                Fast, tight, stable, full-featured, easy
                                setup, easy config, easy to customize.
                                Requires DOS.  Source code requires
                                Borland Turbo Pascal 7.0. Now FREEWARE
                                and SOURCEWARE!  Read the file README.!!!
                                for important legalities you need to know.
                                From Whirlwind Software, of course.
                                  ----->  BEST OF ALL, IT'S FREE  <-----
road6_16.zip  103359 08-05-2024 Road Work v6.16 Door Game. Newly Released
                                Road Work door game for just about any BBS
                                sytem out there. ANSI graphics game where you
                                have to construct a road from the Western
                                Town to the Eastern town within the days of
                                the contract, trying to make a profit. The
                                door feature auto roll-over of the scores on
                                the 1st of the month, play back/ahead days.
                                Fully configurable in registered version by
                                the sysop. Door auto-detects Fossil driver if
                                used, supports multinode systems and
                                non-standard com port IRQ's.
rob10.zip      48136 08-05-2024 
robot150.zip   32577 08-05-2024 
robot200.zip  119967 08-05-2024 
robotix.zip    87081 08-05-2024 
robwar15.zip  166192 08-05-2024 
rob_free.zip   70304 08-05-2024 Final FREEWARE release of Red or Black for
                                Time - a time
                                gambling card game for RemoteAccess 2.x and
                                ProBoard BBS systems.
                                Includes source code!
rock602.zip   128229 08-05-2024 ROCKIN' SUCCESS V6.02 - Hire Managers, Tour
                                Continents Start Fan Clubs, Write Songs, And
                                Produce Chart Busting Hits!! It's All A Part
                                Of Life When You're A ROCKIN' SUCCESS! It's
                                A Classic! Fully Supported Since 1988!
rockb5.zip    119730 08-05-2024 RockMe! Beta-5. Be the "star" on
                                your BBS! RPG game that lets you
                                live your dream.
rocktr21.zip  187359 08-05-2024 ROCKLAND TRIVIA     Door                 v2.1
                                **** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection ****
                                Rock and Roll Trivia Door Game! Your users 
                                can test their Rock and Roll knowledge.  Tons
                                of different questions from the 60's 70's and
                                80's!  Automatically creates an in-game and 
                                external High Score Bulletin.  Test YOUR Rock
                                and Roll knowledge with Rockland Trivia!  
rocktrv1.zip  111785 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>> ROCK & ROLL TRIVIA I v2.5 <<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of rock and roll.  Fully
                                functional, supports multiple BBS formats,
                                file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to
                                115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4,
                                IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
rocktrv4.zip  122880 08-05-2024 
rocktv10.zip  157943 08-05-2024 Rockland Trivia v1.0  Rock and Roll Trivia
                                Door Game for ANY Door.sys BBS!  Now your
                                users can test their Rock and Roll 
                                knowledge.  Tons of different questions
                                from the 60's 70's and 80's!  Automatically
                                creates an in-game and external High Score 
                                Bulletin.  Test YOUR Rock and Roll knowledge
                                with Rockland Trivia!  
                                                     (C)1995 Lounge Software
rocktv12.zip  169366 08-05-2024 ROCKLAND TRIVIA   v1.2  
                                Rock and Roll Trivia Door Game!
                                Your users can test their Rock and Roll 
                                knowledge.  Tons of different questions
                                from the 60's 70's and 80's!  
                                Automatically creates an in-game and 
                                external High Score Bulletin.  Test YOUR 
                                Rock and Roll knowledge with Rockland 
                                Trivia!  More questions added!
                                Now supports DOOR.SYS, 
                                DORINFOx.DEF, PCBOARD.SYS, SFDOORS.DAT
                                and CALLINFO.BBS!  
                                (C)1995, 1996 Lounge Software
rokbatch.zip    2219 08-05-2024 ROK batch files to run ROK and the EGO's
rokfx_1b.zip  130951 08-05-2024 -=-=--=-=-=-= ROK FX 1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                                          -= ROCK to ROK! =-
                                Replace the original SCREENS.DAT with
                                the ROK FX SCREENS.DAT and give RIP 2.2
                                    callers 16-bit Stereo Sound in
                                      ROK: The Realm of Kisom! 
                                   by Mike Collard (505)831-0797
                                    FREQ: FXSYSTEM      1:301/5
                                    for more RIP 2.x FX Add-ons
rokpak10.zip   11164 08-05-2024           ROK User File Packer         
                                .          FOR VERSION 1.02 ONLY!         .
                                  This utility will pack your userfile to
                                  eliminate deleted/blank records as well
                                  as removing non-deliverable MSG files.
                                          BFS Stamp Of Approval!           
                                .                FREEWARE!                .
                                           illusion software           
rokv252.zip   571564 08-05-2024 
                                   ROK Version 2.52 - By Devon Brooks
                                The #1 RPG door on hundreds of BBS's all
                                around the world gets better.  A few bug
                                fixes - ROK is now ready to undergo some
                                changes: major options are being planned
                                for the next release!  ROK is a kick-ass
                                  doorgame that your users will LOVE!
                                ( Order online at www.bfs.home.ml.org! )
                                Devon Brooks - of BFS, Inc.
                                E-Mail: bfs@sk.sympatico.ca
                                [WWW] : www.bfs.home.ml.org
rom0396.zip   401507 08-05-2024  DreamROM v1.5 - The ULTIMATE CDRom Door!
                                [ DreamROM v1.5 ]Ļ
                                      March 31, 1996 Public Beta      
                                     The ULTIMATE CDRom Access Door!    
                                    Let your callers browse your CDs,   
                                 download from online CDs,  and request 
                                   from offline ones.  Uses it's own    
                                 databases, unlimited disks/directories 
                                    Archive commands, fast searching,   
                                  supports multi-changers, plays audio  
                                 CDs, and more! Supports all the most   
                                 popular BBS' including WildCat!, PCB,  
                                   WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more!    
                                  NOT CRIPPLED!!!  FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!  
                                   $25 Registration --- A Must See    
                                [ DreamWARE Communications ]ļ
rom0618.zip   303338 08-05-2024 6.18.95 DreamROM v1.5 (Public Beta)
                                File includes DREAMROM.EXE, BETA.NEW
                                COMPILE.EXE, DREAMROM.DOC, DREAMROM.FAQ,
                                REQCOPY.EXE, SORT.EXE, ROMBULL.EXE,
                                NEWSEC.EXE, RBRAIN.EXE, FIX.EXE, and
                                DRMEDIT.EXE. (All files modified since
                                v1.4 are included).  You also need the
                                full version of DreamROM v1.4 (filename
                                DRMROM14.ZIP) to run this beta.
                                NOTE:  MAJOR changes!!! Read BETA.NEW!!!
romance1.zip   42801 08-05-2024 ͸
                                ۳ The Romance Door v1.0 Beta ۳
                                  [ ShehkTech Software ]  
                                 The Romance Door is a cool 
                                 door that gets information 
                                  from the user and tells   
                                   their romantic traits.   
                                  Great fun!!  Changes on   
                                 different days of the week 
                                  to reflect peoples moods. 
                                  Wait for the full version 
                                     to be released for     
                                 information on registering 
                                         this door.         
romarea.zip    16567 08-05-2024 RomArea 0.7 reads a summary of CD file
                                areas and creates a RomDoor 4.12 areas
                                table.  Normal RomDoor utilities can 
                                then be used to add in the files.  
                                Freeware, with source.
rombrain.zip  194121 08-05-2024 CDROM FILE DOOR
                                Rombrain works with door.sys, chain.txt
                                dorinfo.def, sfdoors.dat. Supports multi-
                                cd drives. Features fast searches, archive
                                functions (read/transfer/view/download)
                                and more. The best CDROM door! (Demo)
                                From Brainex 310-275-2344.
rqlist24.zip  140006 08-05-2024    Tristo Request List v2.4
                                 Creating Better Doors/Utilies
                                 Fully Configurable Request/Want
                                          Listing Door
                                       SHAREWARE - $5.00
                                   BUG FIX From 2.1 Version
rr14_400.zip   38404 08-05-2024 Restaurant Review Door. Supports several
                                BBS formats and baud rates up to 115,200.
rradio23.zip  218233 08-05-2024 ROCKIN RADIO    RPG-Door                 v2.3
                                **** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection ****
                                Fully multinode RPG style Door! Here's your 
                                chance to finally be a D.J. and have your own
                                radio show. Play requests, have contests, do
                                promotional appearances, SPIN-OFF with other 
                                D.J.'s, accept payola in Underground 
                                Operations and much more!
rrx218.zip    318334 08-05-2024 RAILROAD EMPIRES Door Game - Vers 2.18
                                Railroad Tycoon Door game. You are one of six
                                railroad tycoons who attempt to take over
                                most the US and Canadian railroads. Operate
                                the railroad and make a profit.  Invest in
                                rail lines and drive your competitors out of
                                business. Forge your own railroad empire.
                                Supports most popular BBS Software packages,
                                Rip graphics, supports IRQs 0-15, comports
                                1-4, and speeds up to 115,200 baud.
rr_41.zip      42477 08-05-2024 Restaurant Review Door. Supports several
                                BBS formats and baud rates up to 115,200.
rs001.zip      42880 08-05-2024 Robo-Sysop Version 1.0
                                Intelligent new-user interview system for BBS
                                (uses door.sys)
                                A product from the:
                                Servile Software AI Research Laboratory
                                *** Freeware ***
rsrch102.zip  111024 08-05-2024 RimeSearch is a RelayNet Conference Browsing 
                                Door for any bbs type that can use any of 
                                the following drop files: door.sys, 
                                pcboard.sys, callinfo.bbs, dorinfo#.def or 
                                chain.txt.  This door allows you to search
                                the RIME conference list for any word or
                                phrase. It returns the information on any
                                applicable conferences.  Setup is simple and 
                                this door is a must for any BBS that 
                                carries RIME! Registration only $7.50
rtape400.zip  533379 08-05-2024 RoboTape v4.00 Users download from tape CD
                                rom and hard drive areas. Has great RIP
                                graphics support. Supports multiple tapes,
                                cds, and cd drives. File tagging and file
                                ratios, dbase engines, quality file base
                                management tools.
rtb102.zip    141885 08-05-2024 Roll the Bones 1.02 BBS Door Game
                                RTB is a game of chance.  Each player can
                                bet credits on the rolls of the dice.  Each
                                month the player with the most credits is
                                put on a monthly winner list and the game
                                resets automatically.  Multi-node friendly!
                                Supports std/nonstd comm ports, and FOSSIL.
                                DV, Win, and OS/2 aware.
rtbs24.zip    115457 08-05-2024 Real-Time Battleship v2.5. Play online in
                                real-time against a human! You may also
                                choose the one-move-at-a-time option or
                                play against the computer. Game save for
                                all 3 options. Supports most BBS
                                software, multi- node, COM 0-15, 115K
                                Baud, & non-standard IRQ's. Now supports
                                multi-port boards using FOSSIL drivers
                                including PCBoard/M!. One of the Livewire
                                Doors. Runs in local mode with /local.
rtches26.zip  118118 08-05-2024 Real-Time Chess v2.6 Play chess online in
                                real-time against a human! Can save
                                unfinished games. Requires minimum of 2
                                Nodes.  Supports almost any BBS software,
                                multi-node, COM 0 - 15, up to 115K Baud,
                                and non-standard IRQ's.  Now supports
                                multi-port boards using FOSSIL drivers
                                including PCBoard/M!. Runs in local
                                mode with /local.
rtckrs29.zip  105465 08-05-2024 Real-Time Checkers v2.9 - Play checkers
                                online in real-time against a human! Can
                                save unfinished games. Requires minimum
                                of 2 Nodes. Supports almost any BBS
                                software, multi-node, COM 0 - 15, up to
                                115K Baud, and non-standard IRQ's. Now
                                supports multi-port boards using FOSSIL
                                drivers including PCBoard/M! Runs in 
                                local mode with /local.
rtcon22.zip   108784 08-05-2024 Real-Time Connect4 v2.2. Play Connect 4
                                online in real-time against a human! You
                                may also choose the one-move-at-a-time
                                option or play against the computer. Game
                                save for all 3 options. Supports most BBS
                                software, multi- node, COM 0-15, 115K
                                Baud, & non-stand. IRQ's. Now supports
                                multi-port boards using FOSSIL drivers
                                Runs in local mode with /local.
rterm10a.zip  165918 08-05-2024 RageTerm Version 1.0a: Freeware Terminal
                                 256-Color VGA, GUI/Mouse-supported, Text or
                                 VGA (Rage) Mode, Macros, Dialing Directory.
                                 Written by Mike Snyder, (c) 1995: N-E-Ware
                                 Home BBS: The Rolling Eye, (316)733-6365.
rtgam21.zip   114558 08-05-2024 Real-Time BackGammon v2.1. Play Backgammon
                                online in real-time against a human! You may
                                also choose the one-move-at-a-time option or
                                play against the computer. Game save for all
                                3 options. Supports most BBS software, multi-
                                node, COM 0-15, 115K Baud, & non-stand.
                                IRQ's.  Now supports multi-port boards using
                                FOSSIL drivers including PCBoard/M!
rtoth24.zip   106976 08-05-2024 Real-Time Othello v2.4. Play Othello
                                online in real-time against a human! You
                                may also choose the one-move-at-a-time
                                option or play against the computer. Game
                                save for all 3 options. Supports most BBS
                                software, multi- node, COM 0-15, 115K
                                Baud, & non-standard IRQ's. Now supports
                                multi-port boards using FOSSIL drivers
                                including PCBoard/M!. Runs in local mode
                                with /local.
rtp200b.zip   282062 08-05-2024 RISE TO POWER Door Game - Vers 2.00B
                                Now Multi-Node!  Game of intrigue in
                                15th Century Germany. Using treachery,
                                diplomacy, marriage, assassins,
                                combat and other strategies common to
                                the middle ages can you become king and
                                unite Germany in this Machiavellian
                                game? With Ansi art provided by ANSI
                                Artist Violet Stymacks. Supports most
                                BBS Software packages, including PC Board
                                Vers 15.X & WildCat 4.XX. The game is RIP
                                aware, does not require a fossil, but
                                will make use of one if it is available,
                                supports interupts 0-15, selectable port
                                addresses, Com ports 1-4, and speeds up
                                to 115,200 baud. Automatic Windows,
                                WindowsNT, OS/2,DOS 5.0+ time slice
                                releasing. DESQview supported. $20.00
                                WIDE AREA BETA VERSION!
rt_menu5.zip   95160 08-05-2024 REALtime Menu System a LIVE DOOR MENU
                                GENERATOR for LiveCat, LivePRO &
                                WildFire by Steve Cox. Generates Live
                                Door Menus REALtime in ASCII, ANSI,
                                and RIP! Lists last accessing caller
                                and times the door was played. Complete
                                USER Stats and AWESOME game menus!
                                Generates bulletins on doors and
                                users. By Peter Guethlein V0.997
                                11/28/93  Support Board THE SOLAR
                                SYSTEM BBS  714-837-9677/3218.
rumors10.zip   51249 08-05-2024 RUMORS v1.0 - A simple module for Falken
                                BBS systems that will spread rumors that
                                you users enter to certain areas at random.
runawy13.zip  115218 08-05-2024 
rush12b.zip    57026 08-05-2024 Gold Rush v1.2 - Gold Rush is a online door 
                                that put you in the role of a miner to mine  
                                gold.  Supports Multitasker awareness, COM1-4
                                and just about any door drop file. Very Easy 
                                set up.                                      
rv11.zip       53661 08-05-2024 Rebels Vengance v1.1 [EGO]
                                 Rebels can now create their   
                                 own teams of soldiers and    
                                 players to rebel against the 
                                 Dekka Visions(c) 1997        
rvpa1002.zip   86902 08-05-2024 Advanced Door Supporting VGA Planets V3 &
                                V3.1.  REMOTE access to host AND Master.
                                Multiple game support, multiple external
                                protocols.  Registration $15.
rvtai100.zip  104189 08-05-2024 RockVision Taipan   RPG DOOR  trading game
                                         =RockVision Taipan=          
                                    Online  game   that   involves    
                                    trading, pirates, sea monsters    
                                    and m a r i t i m e adventure!    
                                    Play the  role of  the captain    
                                    of a  circa  1860  w o o d e n    
                                    s a i l i n g ship, dealing in    
                                    commodities w h i l e juggling    
                                    the  realities  of  trying  to    
                                    b e c o m e  rich and powerful    
                                    without   losing   everything!    
                                    S  H  A  R  E  W  A  R  E:  $5    
s085fix.zip    82333 08-05-2024 S085FIX.ZIP - Sorcery v0.85B FIX. I made
                                a little booboo with 0.85. I had the HP
                                for the computer set low for testing and
                                forgot to change it back before release.
s2pcb10.zip    43993 08-05-2024 Scrabble-2-PCBoard v1.0 * This utility will
                                import messages into any PCBoard format
                                message base from the popular Scrabble game
                                door by Chris Hall.  You can specify if the
                                message will be private, echo'ed, and what
                                the subject is.  It even has an option to
                                keep the message text file on disk after it
                                is imported.
                                *** FREEWARE ***             Compiled 1/24/93
s3_32_a.zip    60601 08-05-2024 
sage100.zip   121565 08-05-2024          SAGE 1.00  (now out of Beta!)
                                 SAGE, probably the largest and most powerful
                                 BBS door ever. Real-time interaction,  in an
                                 ANSI graphical environment.  Plug-in as many
                                 worlds as you like to one copy of the engine
                                 Enormous worlds with up to 18 mil. locations
                                 making Sage NINE TIMES larger than Lord 2.
                                 Flax Soft. http://www.corplink.com.au/~beau
                                         ۲   ۲  
sage32.zip    137185 08-05-2024 
sales35n.zip  610290 08-05-2024 
santa93.zip    72327 08-05-2024 Callers talk to Santa Claus on your BBS.
                                DOOR written for PCB & WC! but any BBS that
                                can use DOOR.SYS or DorinfoX.Def can use
                                this. Fossil compatible. XMAS gift to sysops
                                from The Drawbridge BBS in Florida & The
                                Freeware Hall of Fame in Virginia.
sara36.zip    180510 08-05-2024 SARATOGA RACEWAY v3.6 - ACTION GRAPHIC DOOR
                                NEW VERSION! New Updates! Highly Registered,
                                WorldWide. Supports COM1-COM4, NON-Standard
                                IRQs NON-STD locked BPS/NON-Standard PORTS,
                                TO 115KBPS. Max ONLINE MUSIC/Sound Effects.
                                An UltraSoft Animated Action Series Game for
                                DOOR.SYS/DORINFO1.DEF & almost all BBS types.
                                Win the BIG Bucks! But Watch those BAD GUYS!
savel100.zip   19362 08-05-2024 |10
                                |02           SAVE LARISA 1.00
                                |09 This is a brand new LARISA game by
                                 Matthew Raftery of SQUIRE 1998.
                                 |10|02MADE IN BRISBANE (QUEENSLAND)|10
                                |09 This is a Clone or Leperacy!! :)
                                 The main mission in this game is, 
                                 as Hunter, is to save Larisa who 
                                 is trapped inside the chemical 
                                 plant. You must travel through 
                                 rooms of spiked walls to save her.  
                                 Make sure you don't become die on 
                                 her because if you do she might 
                                 fear that you are in fact a loser 
                                 and she'll be traped in there for 
                                 the rest of her life! :).
                                   * Greets to #LARISA Undernet *
                                |02   |10REGISTRATION ONLY AUS $5 |02
scary22.zip   199954 08-05-2024 ScaryFish 2.2 - Multispecies Fishing Game
                                1-4 Players; over 25 species; many options.
                                Has "Relaxing" and Tournament modes.
                                Shareware version has 49 holes at 3 worlds.
                                Humorous mishaps occur. Results different
                                every time you play. Need at least 470K RAM
                                Graphics not req'd but supports VGA EGA CGA
                                & Herc. Keywords: games sports fishing scary
                                Exciting contest with over 100 ways to win!
                                Anglers will appreciate the realism.
scav200.zip   191280 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 Scavenger Hunt is a door of intense      
                                 competition! Searching, Stealing, and    
                                 hiding... setting traps and carefully    
                                 avoiding set-ups by other players!       
                                 Locate the objects on your list before   
                                 you opponents can and you win the round! 
                                 GENERATION III                 10-26-94  
                                 Support BBS: 616-968-7150 28.8k 24 Hrs.  
scav221.zip   189139 08-05-2024 SCAVENGER HUNT v2.21 - Searching, Stealing,
                                Hiding... Setting Booby-Traps And Dodging
                                Set-Ups By Other Players! Obtain The Objects
                                On Your List Before Your Opponents Do, And
                                You Can Be The Master Scavenger Hunter Of
                                Them All! A Game Of Intense Competition!
                                (Co-Authored By Mike Walters)
schmz12.zip   135911 08-05-2024 Schmooz!  1.2, BBS Game Door from DavisWARE
                                that will blow you away!  Highly  addictive
                                game  that  challenges the mind!  Users can
                                chat with each other while  playing.   Very
                                competitive  game  for  just  about any BBS
                                system!  Written by James R. Davis!
schtkr12.zip  133771 08-05-2024 SCHTKR v1.2 - ScaryFish world editing util.
                                Many options.  Create your own "worlds". 
                                Stock fishing holes or let computer stock  
                                them. Worlds can have up to 32 species from 
                                a list of over 40. Extensive documentation. 
                                Includes 2 example files, test mode, screen-
                                saver, best worlds contest rules, and more!
                                Keywords: games sports fishing ScaryFish PMP
                                Freeware "lite" version of Make Your Own 
                                Worlds Util ($15), almost identical.
scitrv.zip    169665 08-05-2024 Science Trivia v1.0  A BBS door game
                                written in a manner to make SCIENCE
                                fun to learn!  Over 300 random questions
                                including peculiar facts & events.
                                Not crippled
sci_trv4.zip  137871 08-05-2024 >>>>> SCIENCE & NATURE TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of science and nature.  Fully
                                functional, supports multiple BBS formats,
                                file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to
                                115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4,
                                IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
scorbd11.zip   41014 08-05-2024 
scr10wc5.zip  165086 08-05-2024 Scramble! Door v1.00 (32-bit) for Wildcat! 5
                                BBS Platforms from T&J Software. Unscramble
                                the words for points! 30,000+ dictionary
scram41.zip   256410 08-05-2024 Scramble! Door v4.1 - unscramble the words
                                in a set time period, ships with OVER
                                30,000 words, supports various COM ports,
                                DESQview aware, all major BBS's supported,
                                speeds up to 115.5k, tournament play, high
                                score and monthly high score saved, and
                                colorful ANSI screens! This version also
                                supports fossil drivers! A door for all
                                your users to enjoy! T&J Software Program
scrbd4f2.zip  109264 08-05-2024 Scrabble Door v4.0F - Shareware Release
                                BBS Door adaptation of the popular
                                Scrabble board game!  Supports many
                                different BBS file formats internally.
                                Uses a FOSSIL if available - not required.
                                Supports its own internal ANSI routines.
scrbdic.zip   203936 08-05-2024 Scrabble Dictionary - Shareware Release
                                This is the ONLY authorized dictionary
                                file that is available for the shareware
                                version of Scrabble Door.
                                It is required in order to play Door game!
scrbm1s0.zip  125557 08-05-2024 Scrabble Door v1.0R - Multinode Release
                                BBS Door adaptation of the popular
                                Scrabble board game!  Supports many
                                different BBS file formats internally.
                                Uses a FOSSIL if available - not required.
                                Supports its own internal ANSI routines.
                                This is a REGISTERED ONLY version; it is
                                NOT Shareware and may be distributed only
                                with the author's consent!
scrbword.zip  203679 08-05-2024 
scribe13.zip   46393 08-05-2024 The Inscribers Guild v1.3 An Xport for the
                                door game  Galaxy 5 
                                Ok, I think I finally fixed all these new
                                bugs I keep making! 
                                Copyright (c) 1996 Thomas J. Smith
scriptdl.zip   12731 08-05-2024 SCRIPTDL version 1.0 (02-12-92).  A simple 
                                program that converts the output of script
                                questionnaires (answer files) to comma 
                                delimited text files for later import into
                                a database.  A free utility from Bob and
                                Kathey's BBS!
scrptrv4.zip  270773 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>> SCRIPTURE TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of the Bible.  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
sct200.zip     98639 08-05-2024 Science Class Trivia 2.0 from TES Software!
                                300+ tuff scientific question to blow your
                                users minds. NON-CRIPPLED Sharware 
                                for updates call 919-895-0368 DUAL
scuba35.zip   183077 08-05-2024 Scuba Diving Trivia! v3.05 - BBS Door for
                                Divers and Wanna-be Divers. This is the
                                "Original" Scuba Trivia Author, that the
                                others have copied... Topics include various
                                aspects of the Sport of Scuba Diving. Deep,
                                Wreck, Night, Rescue and Navigation to name
                                a few. When you register this door, you will
                                receive an expanded database with over 1000
                                questions. RIP Supported, many BBS types too.
                                Registration is a mere $12.00.
scubtrv4.zip  127188 08-05-2024 >>>>>>> SCUBA DIVING TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of scuba diving. Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
sdl20faq.txt    4563 08-05-2024 
sdl212x.zip   805310 08-05-2024 Stardock Loco BBS Door Game 2.12
                                "The Core" with over 70 new ANSI
                                screens!  IGM support tripled!
                                Visit the Colony, 'Roid, Stardock!
sdl32_1b.zip  860387 08-05-2024 Stardock Loco 32 bit Door Game-beta1
                                16 / 32 bit multi-platform.  WC! 5
                                PowerBBS,etc 32bit. Works on 16 bit
                                systems as well.IGM's, Scripts, ANSI
sdloco20.zip  714252 08-05-2024  -=Stardock Loco Version 2.0! DOOR Game=-
                                The sci-fi role playing game of 1996!
                                Easy install, multi-node, IGM expandable!
                                Fixed share, lock, and fossil routines.
sdlpro32.zip   76255 08-05-2024 PROFILE 1.32 IGM for Stardock Loco=-
                                Expand your door game!  Upstairs for
                                Terran Pete's. Works only with SDL
                                16/32 bit Version 1 Beta or greater.
se210.zip     188021 08-05-2024 
seabat31.zip   27211 08-05-2024 Version 3.01 compiled 04/02/92 - 7.18p
                                using the DOORPCH38.EXE run-time module.
                                Door version of the popular battleship game
                                A one on one game, writes a news flash of
                                the winner to a SysOp defined file.
search44.zip  136543 08-05-2024 Word Search  -  Door Game      v4.4        .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                All-time favorite puzzle game. Choose a word
                                from the Word List, locate it on the letter
                                grid and earn points! Makeup games missed,
                                during the month. Automatic game reset and
                                Hall of Fame bulletins, at end of month.
sea_dv20.zip   71013 08-05-2024 Sea Hunt Door Ver 2.0 with OnLine Play!
                                Allows Online Play even UnRegistered!
                                Allows Setup even while UnRegistered!
                                Can leave messages in Games for opponent!
                                Allows Diagonal Ships, ScatterBombs, 
                                Mines,& Fatal mines, & Supply ships! 
                                Prevents Sysop from Viewing while Users 
                                enter Ships. Sysop may include a credit 
                                line in the Exit Screen. Allows Sysop vs 
                                User Direct play while User is Online. 
secret11.zip   10538 08-05-2024 The Secretary - Version 1.1
                                Excellent Wildcat 4.x Call-Back
                                verifier written in wcCODE.
                                     - Sysop definable upgrade security level
                                     - Tone or pulse dialing
                                     - Very fast and easy to set up!
                                     - Sysop definable toll-call
                                Let your Secretary do the work for you!     
seed.zip        1694 08-05-2024 Seed File for the LORD 2 File Echo
                                on the LORD FDN. This file can be 
seer_v11.zip   26432 08-05-2024 Emerald Seer v1.1; ICON verification/update
seev101.zip   187606 08-05-2024 
seewal29.zip   93922 08-05-2024 See-Wall 2.9
                                Very simplified grafitti
                                wall program for those tired
                                of endless pauses and
                                registration delays.
                                Supports LORD style color codes
                                <<<< FREEWARE >>>>
                                Released 04/16/1999
sep11_2d12.zip  111180 08-05-2024 This is BNSV110B.EXE which fixes
                                ONE minor bug from the release
                                of September 11th to September
                                12th. Just replace this .EXE on
                                 top of the old one. For Blood
                                 and Silver v1.10 door game.
                                << D/L me if you have an .EXE
                                 marked as September 11th! >>
                                 To get the entire Blood and
                                   Silver game, look for:
                                   <<< BNSv110B.ZIP  >>>
servewb7.zip  104809 08-05-2024      TradeWars Services v1.00 WideBeta-7
                                Add-On for TW2002 v2.0 WideBetas 1 through 8.
                                Offers turn bank, credit bank, private eye,
                                casino, junkyard, towing services, and more.
seven101.zip  114507 08-05-2024 7777   Seven v1.01 Online Game.   7777
                                Modeled  After  a  popular Board Game. 
                                Fun,  addicting, and not as easy as it
                                looks.   Play up to 25 games at a time.
                                Features 'Top Ten' 'Last Winner' 'Mail'
                                'Anonymous Players' and more.  Animated
                                instructions (No boring text to read).
                                SysOp Configurable. No maintenace reqd!
                                Performs self CRC check to protect you
                                against viruses.
seven213.zip  104909 08-05-2024 Seven/Eleven v2.13 By DKS Software. Most 
                                BBS's supported. A dice game in which you
                                try to match your first roll or get a 7 or 
                                11 on your first roll. Similar to Craps.
                                Multi-Node Supported and Desqview aware.
                                When registered features make-up missed 
                                days and bulletin generator.
sevtow15.zip  152557 08-05-2024 Seven Towers v1.5 On-Line Door Game
                                A fun little dominoe game that is addictive.
                                The game play is made up of seven columns
                                stacked four high. Object is to remove two
                                dominoes whose pip value is 12 points.  It
                                takes luck to be able to finish this game.
                                Game is played with a standard Double-6 set.
                                DOMINOE DOOR GAME ONLINE
                                Worldwide Programming (209) 325-0278
sexq32.zip    103398 08-05-2024 Ver 3.2 SexQuiz, An Adult Quiz door to
                                test players knowledge of sex, woman &
                                and men. Multi/node/bbs, Bauds to 115K.
                                Able to set number of questions/timesin
                                Fossil Driver / DV aware. Com-port 0-15.
                                Very configurable by sysop. Runs local
                                for testing.
sextrv58.zip  148600 08-05-2024 Sex Trivia v5.80 Adult Entertainment.
                                A trivia door program containing over
                                200 questions on america's favorite
                                pasttime, SEX!  This is a full-featured
                                release with only a small delay at the
                                start.  Registration will remove the
                                delay.  Sex Trivia now supports a FOSSIL
                                driver.  Registered doors will
                                automatically reset the game scores at
                                the beginning of each month.  Another
                                BBS Door from PAROLE Software by Dennis
                                Maidon.  Now creates RIP style bulletins
                                and has a RIPSCRIP interface.
sex_trv4.zip  130959 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>>> SEX TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of the sex.  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
sfbajtrv.zip   82672 08-05-2024 Bajoran Trivia Door v1.00b
                                A fast paced Bajoran trivia door designed to
                                run on any BBS or as a StandAlone-DOS prompt.
                                The .DAT file is still being upgraded weekly
                                and is always available for download from
                                our BBS  215-426-5596 (SFBAJTRV.DAT). Test
                                your skills and knowledge on the Bajoran
                                Culture, History and Heritage!
                                KLINGON TRIVIA TREK STAR BAJORAN DOOR GAMES
                                Klingon SoftWare Labs (tm) 1993
sfbeatrv.zip   35105 08-05-2024 [  SFBEATRV  ]͸
                                  Beatle Trivia Game for Spitfire     
                                  by Bob Dunn                         
                                [  Glass Onion Software  ];
sfc111.zip    442586 08-05-2024 STAR FORCE COMMANDER 1.11 Door Game. The
                                Ultimate head-to-head doorgame. Players
                                battle it out in head-to-head online battles
                                for absolute supreamacy of the Quadrant. 10
                                Star races, with 500+ warships and numerous
                                auxilaries. Star Force Fleet actions like
                                you've never seen before in a doorgame.
                                Battle using missiles,phasers,torpedoes.
                                Launch waves of fighters from carriers or
                                fight hand-to-hand boarding actions. Up to 4
                                players fight at once in a single online
                                battle. Rip Graphics. Action Word Chat. Using
                                DDPLUS7.1 doorkit. Supports most popular BBS
                                Software, including PCBoard Vers 15x, WildCat
                                4.xx. Supports all fossils, Digi-boards, non-
                                standard interrupts, com 1-4, IRQs 0-15, and
                                speeds up to 115,200 baud.
sfdocs.zip     44228 08-05-2024 
sfklttrv.zip   41247 08-05-2024 PART I ͸
                                 KLINGON LANGUAGE TRIVIA!          v1.0    
                                 A fast paced Klingon Trivia Door:         
                                 designed to run on any BBS or as a Stand  
                                 Alone (DOS prompt). Has over 200+ trivia  
                                 questions in Klingon to English  - AND -  
                                 English to Klingon!     (1st Release)     
                                 PROGRAM AUTHOR: Robert J Ferguson - SysOp 
                                 Klingon Bird of Prey BBS (215) 426-5596   
sfrom22a.zip  216002 08-05-2024 SF-ROM 2.20 - The Spitfire CD-ROM Door.
                                UART, FOSSIL, DIGIBOARD. Now supports
                                Spitfire 3.51. Keeps Own Database,
                                Enforces Limits, MultiDisk, MultiNode
                                File Tagging, Text Search, Offline
                                Requests, ZIP & Text Viewer, Inserts
                                BBS Ads, Supports Pioneer Disk Changer,
                                Internal Protocols, Disk Detect,
                                Auto Menus, Auto File List Maker.
sftm115.zip   158959 08-05-2024 SCI-FI TRIVIA MARATHON - 1996 Edition, v1.15
                                The Sci-Fi Trivia Marathon - BBS version. 166
                                installations and counting! This version adds
                                a new challenge to the players as scores are
                                now based on seconds left on the ever ticking
                                timer displayed on screen. Also added is a
                                more colorful and appealing question display
                                screen. 500 question database. The toughest
                                genre trivia game just got better! From Cyber
                                Artists Studios.
sft_212.zip   317899 08-05-2024 
sft_2d214.zip  291265 08-05-2024 W & W Communications STAR FIGHT door.
                                To become the most powerful in the
                                galaxy is the goal of this Star Fight.
                                You do this by colonizing planets and
                                building their industries in order to
                                gain political power.  Send radio
                                messages to other players real-time,
                                as well as receive distress messages
                                from your colonies as they are being
                                attacted by other players from
                                another node.
sgutlpak.zip   30894 08-05-2024     Shotgun BBS Utility Pak  v1.5 
                                   Copyright (C)1997 F.U.S.S. Software  
                                           All Rights Reserved!
                                 Command line driven. Easy to use, and
                                  highly flexible. 14 processing options.
                                 Automated processing for most options
                                  through batch files.
                                 Safe to use while a user is online.
                                 Designed with multi-tasking systems in mind
                                  Time slices are given up when it can and
                                  hard drive reads/writes are minimal.
                                 Low memory requirements.
shadow2.zip   341179 08-05-2024 Shadow Board Version 2.0 Real Time SysOp
                                / BBS Simulation Door Game.  Highly SysOp
                                Configurable. Players can select BBS, up 
                                to 8 "Shadow Nodes", Fake InterNet and 
                                Online Store connection, Covert actions 
                                to "hack" other Shadow Baords, Virus
                                Scan, Artificial Intelligent users log into
                                the Shadow Board and "use" the board and
shards14.zip  764170 08-05-2024  Knight of the Dark Shards v1.4 ۲
                                  The hottest RPG door to hit   ۲
                                  the market yet!  This is a    ۲
                                  multiplayer adventure with    ۲
                                  a great plot and a giant      ۲
                                  midevil universe full of      ۲
                                  towns, castles, dungeons, and ۲
                                  a huge outdoors.  ANSI grafx  ۲
                                  Mark Davis / Cybernetic Realms 
shark100.zip   78220 08-05-2024 Tile Sharks!  Based on the TV Game Show!
                                Very User-Friendly.  Also has many
                                informative features.  Registration
                                enables many new features!
shark14a.zip   72610 08-05-2024              Card Sharks v1.4
                                        Card Sharks, also known as
                                   High Low.  100% ansi graphics.  OS/2,
                                  DesqVIEW, Windows compatable!  Multi-
                                  node compatable! Supports all  he most
                                  popular BBS' including WildCat!, PCB,
                                    WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more!
                                   NOT CRIPPLED!!!  FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!
sharx201.zip   56694 08-05-2024 BBS Door: Card game guess hi/low on next card
sharx32.zip    65064 08-05-2024 
shcase.zip     17491 08-05-2024 
shelia02.zip  100375 08-05-2024 
shells1.zip    66707 08-05-2024 NEW! Shells! Door 9/94 Fun BBS game for all
                                users, the ancient game of Shuffle.Exciting 
                                ANSI graphics & movement, special effects!
                                Bulletins output.  Full multinode support.
                                Score Tracking.  More, much more!  Easy to
                                setup, very configurable.  Bulletin Outputs.
                                Supports DOOR.SYS, SpitFire, WC!, GAP, PCB,
                                & most other BBS types. $8 by TTW - [ASAP]*
shgun251.zip  124160 08-05-2024 Shogun V2.51 Multi BBS Door Game.  
shipreg.zip    65305 08-05-2024  Ship Registry V1.00 Planets: TEOS IGM 
                                The first 3rd party IGM for Planets! This
                                is a little way for players to have some
                                more fun with the game!
                                     Brought to you by:  Neo-Gen
                                  Requires TEOS V2.00 Beta 3 or newer.
shivtomb.zip  149358 08-05-2024 Tomb Door puzzle solution
                                for SHIVERS! by Sierra
shl15.zip      74802 08-05-2024 
shlstt20.zip   29657 08-05-2024 
showa101.zip   94593 08-05-2024 ShowAnsi v1.01 - Online RIP/ANSI file viewer.
                                User: view & download file tagging, upload
                                & description importing. Sysop: Chat, DOS
                                shell. Capable database; add, delete,
                                describe anytime.
showbiz.zip   107120 08-05-2024 SHOW BIZ TRIVIA QUIZ DOOR; Test your ShowBiz
                                trivia IQ! Great entertainment trivia door
shower.zip     11820 08-05-2024 Communal Showers V.10
                                This is an add on module for the
                                Star Dock Loco door game.
                                Fully Functional!!!
shrpshtr.zip   46960 08-05-2024 
shrwd101.zip  105347 08-05-2024 Sherwood v1.01 - Sherwood is an online
                                door that places you in the role of
                                Robin Hood.  You must recruit new
                                outlaws, visit Maid Meriam, and defeat
                                the evil Sherrif.  Supports most Drop
                                Files, COM1-4 & Nonstandard IRQs, and
                                Written by Parlor City Software
shuffl34.zip  162461 08-05-2024 Word Shuffle  -  Door Game     v3.4        .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                Word letters are shuffled and the player must
                                unscramble them. Includes a database/event
                                manager. Supports Fossil-based Multi-Port 
                                cards, including the PCBoard /M version!
sh_262.zip    151682 08-05-2024 
siggy6_0.zip   38863 08-05-2024 Siggy, the AI Door Games: It talks to you,
                                and LEARNS!
simbb240.zip  164991 08-05-2024 BBS Simulator v2.40 - Win32/DOS Version
                                A doorgame for ANY BBS.  Now supports the
                                Door32 standard! Let your users try their
                                hands at running their own board. Good
                                quality game, short and sweet game play.
                                Players are ranked by the number of
                                subscribers they have. Real world problems.
                                MANY new features! Now comes with a player
                                editor! Up to 32,000 sysop definable in game
                                messages now! The BEST BBS Simulation game
                                available! FREEWARE!
                                [ Elysium Software -*- www.elysoft.org/zoob ]
simgn12a.zip  116268 08-05-2024 Sim-Gang v1.2a
                                        This is a BBS on-line game that will
                                run under
                                        any type of Bulletin Board software so
                                        as that type of software can produce
                                the CHAIN.TXT
                                        file. This is a high-paced Gang
                                Warfare game which
                                        requires much thought and is indeed a
                                great challenge
                                        to all who attempt to succeed in the
                                world of the
simon10.zip    32100 08-05-2024 
simpl103.zip  177190 08-05-2024 SIMPLE PLEASURES V1.03 - Loosely Based On
                                IDIOT'S DELIGHT SOLITAIRE Card Game. Skill-
                                fully Remove Cards From Four Stacks Based
                                On Point Value And Suit! Bonuses For Speed
                                Play, And Successful Completion. Self-
                                Maintaining Monthly Score Files Make It
                                GREAT For Month-To-Month Competitions!
                                ANSI Cursor Control!
sim_2d101.zip   99137 08-05-2024 W & W Communications SIMON SAYS door.
                                Can you remember the sequence of
                                numbers?  The computer will test your
                                power of recall with this one.  Each
                                number had a color associated with it
                                and will beep.
sink35.zip    166691 08-05-2024 
si_201.zip    145930 08-05-2024       -_-_ Steel & Ice v2.01 _-_-
                                This great hockey online game includes a 
                                large number of bug fixes, and many new 
                                features such as NHL awards, variable league
                                lengths, configurable teams/players, and 
                                statistics.  The game is ANSI/Avatar only 
                                due to its unique fullscreen ANSI interface.
                                (c) 1992,93 Minds Edge Productions Inc.
skiing10.zip   59680 08-05-2024   SKIGAME  
                                FREEWARE skiing door from Brian 
                                Pirie of OpenDoors fame. This is an 
                                example door from the distribution 
                                archive. If you are a C programmer
                                and would like to write your own 
                                doors, OpenDoors is highly recommended.
                                SKIGAME provides many sysop functions, 
                                many different drop files, multi-
                                config, multiple personality status 
                                line, and multinode operation. No 
                                FOSSIL required -- supports
                                non-standard comm ports. FREE!! 
skill015.zip   50887 08-05-2024 +--------------------------------+
                                |          SKILL v0.15           |
                                | The Alternative Top Player/BBS |
                                | bulletin generator for Barren  |
                                | Realms Elite and Falcon's Eye. |
                                |                                |
                                |      FREEWARE From VMSoft      |
skill104.zip   56025 08-05-2024 Skill Training Center v 1.04 - LORD IGM
                                An IGM that allows  users to gain extra
                                skill    points   by  playing    games.
                                Now works with all drop file types that
                                are supported by LORD.  Includes  three
                                        * Tic Tac Toe
                                        * Target practice
                                        * The Shell Game
                                Only allows one use per day.
sktb010b.zip   40121 08-05-2024 
skycop17.exe  197631 08-05-2024 
slamb115.zip  134616 08-05-2024 Slambam Trivia is a new concept
                                in BBS Door Games. You play
                                a game of Football against the
                                Computer and you gain yards and
                                score Touchdowns by answering
                                Sports' Trivia Questions.
                                Once the Game is won the door
                                automatically resets, so,
                                once set up it runs itself!
                                By the author of Dogpound.
slayer.zip     86924 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>>> DRAGONSLAYER v2.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<
                                Text game where you must slay the fearsome
                                dragon.  Fully functional, supports multiple
                                BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes,
                                bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers,
                                COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
slayer12.zip 1743277 08-05-2024 SLAYERS F/X 1.1:DDO-F/X ONLINE FANTASY GAME.
                                You assume the role of a dragon slayer hunt-
                                ing down dragons for their gold and skulls.
                                You search through beutifully rendered land-
                                scapes and where compitition pits slayer
                                against slayer in this SVGA 640x480x256
                                adventure with 16 trk Music and Sound F/X.
                                ========= Requires LI-TERM 1.00+ ============
slice_2d10.zip   45708 08-05-2024 
                                Slice's War Manual
                                The Best collection of tips
                                tricks, hints, and bugs for
                                TradeWars 2.00 Beta 5.
                                Required reading for those
                                who want to WIN!
                                Assembled by Slice.
slide35.zip    53208 08-05-2024 SLIDE TO INSANITY - A BBS Door
                                Slide to Insanity is a deceptively tough
                                puzzle game where the object is to "slide"
                                a large puzzle piece from one side of the
                                playing frame to the opposite side.  How
                                many moves will it take you?
slist201.zip   58015 08-05-2024 Suprema-List  Version 2.01
                                A new type of Bulletin Board DataBase that is
                                as revolutionary as it is inspirational.  
                                Yet Another Fine Product of EMPIRE DoorWare!
                                FREE REGISTRATION!
slot110.zip  1502715 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 Multi-Player: YES    Graphics: VGA 
                                    Animation: YES       Sound: YES 
                                 Mouse Supprt: NO    MultiNode: YES 
                                  Custom Maps: NO      Players: 1   
                                   Game Style: ACTION ARCADE        
                                Slot-Tris is a Tetris like game com-
                                bined with the casino atmosphere of 
                                a slot machine.  Not only do you    
                                have to match-up the shaped blocks  
                                but match-up the symbols to win     
                                money to purchase the next desired  
                                piece.  With VGA Graphics, and 16bit
                                digital sound, this Online Game will
                                add an ARCADE feel to your BBS.     
slot128.zip  1254461 08-05-2024 SLOT-TRIS 1.28 ** Release Version **
                                VGA256c/SB Animated Action Door Game!
                                * Dozens Of Updates/Changes/Features*
                                * NEW "No-Thought" Host/Term Install*
                                *********  ALL NON-EXPIRING  ********
                                ******  Remote TSR For Easy Use  ****
                                ***  Supports DOORSYS File Format  **
                                **  Now Supports RIPTERM & FX-TERM  *
                                **  Supports ALL Of The Following!  *
                                **  Graphics * Stero Sound * Mouse  *
                                *****  Animation * Multi-Player  ****
                                *******  Multi-Node * 13 Terms  *****
                                ***Direct NON-STANDARD IRQ Support***
                                ** Join The Multi-Media Revolution! *
slot18.zip     64534 08-05-2024 DreamSlots v1.8! * Atlantis Software
                                The ultimate online slot machine.
                                Can you become a billionaire and
                                join the Billionaires' Club?
                                Free registered version! BBS door
                                supports all BBS drop files.
slots.zip      91206 08-05-2024 Brainex Vegas Slots; Brainex Video Slot
                                Machine, just like Las Vegas. Great ANSI
slots12.zip    45332 08-05-2024 SLOT MACHINE game door for any BBS.  
slots20.zip    44134 08-05-2024 
slots24.zip   180717 08-05-2024 Slots of Luck V2.4 - Slot Machine Door Game.
                                Users place a bet and pull the lever to get
                                a chance to win the Jackpot.  This game has
                                three separate rows, so the users triple 
                                their chances of winning.  Compatible with 
                                most BBS software.  Supports up to 115K 
                                baud rate, COM 0-15, non-standard IRQ's and 
                                multi-port boards using a FOSSIL including 
                                PCBoard/M.  Desqview compatible.
                                    **** From: DEKM Software, Inc. ****
slpuzzle.zip   12596 08-05-2024 
smashed.zip    84572 08-05-2024                     
                                      This is a really cool game, where you
                                kill and try to kill god.   
                                      It's kinda like Legend Of The Red
                                Dragon, but not really.  If you 
                                      like that game, wait till you play this
                                one.  It will knock your  
                                      pants off!!!  It's kinda like L.O.R.D
                                and Cripple Smash put       
                                      together but even cooler.  It doesn't
                                require anything except like
                                      500,000 bytes of free hard drive space,
                                or you could play it on a 
                                      disk, but why?  Totally Smashed is a
                                really cool door game too.   
                                      You can either play it in DOS or you
                                can use it as a Door!!!      
smellr13.zip   23308 08-05-2024 Fortune Smeller v1.3 (C) Copyright 1994.
                                A Tronix Developer's production by CJ aka
                                Charles Sperber ...
                                Fortune Smeller v1.3 is a WWIV online door
                                which will
                                smell fortunes. Funny & entertaining. I'm
smine152.zip   56229 08-05-2024 
smk214.zip    163518 08-05-2024 
smkitd16.zip  139772 08-05-2024 Smoke It V1.6Beta Door Game Version
                                The cool Druggie Game Is Now a Door!
                                See if you are a true Chronic/Pimp
                                Diffrent Jobs Buy Bongs.. Smoke Down!
                                Condom Shop and IGM Support!
                                Check out Insane Productions Web Site
smk_225.zip   136433 08-05-2024 W & W Communications STAR MARKET door.
                                Star Market is a game of intergalactic
                                trading.  Players attempt to build
                                trading companies in space and then
                                purchase stock in the most profitable
                                ones.  Players must use logic and
                                planning to make the most out of
                                companies by causing them to grow and
                                merge with each other.
smk_2d225.zip  136128 08-05-2024 W & W Communications STAR MARKET door.
                                Star Market is a game of intergalactic
                                trading.  Players attempt to build
                                trading companies in space and then
                                purchase stock in the most profitable
                                ones.  Players must use logic and
                                planning to make the most out of
                                companies by causing them to grow and
                                merge with each other.
smm_201.zip   319790 08-05-2024 Synchronet Match Maker (BBS door) v2.01
                                supports any DOOR.SYS or Synchronet BBS.
                                Internationally networked profiles, 
                                telegrams, wall, photographs, and more! 
                                Developed by Digital Dynamics, makers of 
                                Synchronet BBS Software. Perhaps the most 
                                comprehensive match maker available.
smpsns14.zip   83222 08-05-2024 
sn107sw.zip   102488 08-05-2024 
snarf102.zip   40385 08-05-2024 
soda11.zip      7375 08-05-2024 SODA MACHINE v1.1 - An IGM for LORD II
                                which creates a random event in which
                                players will find a soda machine.  For
                                $2 they can get a can of soda.  Most of
                                the time, it is just a refreshing can of
                                Red Dragon Cola.  But, sometimes, they
                                will get a can filled with a potion.
                                Easy to install.  Registration is FREE!!
                                From Mamoosoft Programming.
sof.zip        10332 08-05-2024  EXITILUS: Soldier of Fortune         
                                Add-On QUEST for EXITLUS 2.05              
                                Version 1.0 by Brett Smith                 
                                Difficulty: Difficult                      
                                    Length: 3+ days                        
                                BBS File Site:                             
                                 TOC-BBS (816) 767-1488                    
                                Internet Site:                             
sol21.zip     150985 08-05-2024 Solitaire v2.1 Online Door Game
                                Solitaire plays just like your ordinary game
                                Some nice features have been added to this
                                game though.  Full ansi and ANSI MUSIC.
                                SOLITAIRE ONLINE DOOR GAME
                                WORLDWIDE PROGRAMMING [209] 325-0278
solace1.zip    15265 08-05-2024 SOLACE v1.1 IGM for LORD2 by Tony
solit1_2d0.zip  230371 08-05-2024 Solitaire '97 - Version 1.0 ================
                                Standard soltaire game with high score file
                                and bonuses for being fast!
                                ***** Written by Midnight Programmers ******
solitpyr.zip  107750 08-05-2024 
solitree.zip  122108 08-05-2024 
solnet20.zip   91671 08-05-2024 -=SolarNet 2.0=- 
                                Solar Net is an Inter-BBS Mail file
                                trasfer door for Baren Relms Elite
                                and Falcon's Eye.  Removes the need
                                for mailer such as Intermail.
                                Total rewrite much easyer to use!
solu33.zip     67433 08-05-2024 
songs29.zip   104953 08-05-2024 Ver 2.9 Songs, Game that allows players
                                to get first line of a song and then
                                guess what the tune is! Multi/bbs/node,
                                baud rates to 115K, Fossil Driver / DV
                                aware. Com-ports 0-15. Now faster play
                                from one menu and you select number of
                                songs per entry. Now runs in local mode.
sorc100.zip   126875 08-05-2024 SORCERY v1.00 - You can now send E-Mail
                                and fight other users. One of the most
                                addictive games just gave your users
                                another reason to call every day! Some
                                small updated code and bug fixes.
sotl112.zip   135086 08-05-2024 SHIP OF THE LINE - Sailing Ship
                                Combat Door Game - Vers 1.12-Batten
                                down the hatches and man the cannons
                                for you are about to sail in harms way!
                                Journey back in time in this DOOR Game
                                of the period where you will experience
                                what is considered by many to be the
                                pinacle of the great wooden sailing
                                ships of the line era. A easy to learn
                                but fun game which is half wargame and
                                half card game and takes place in the
                                Atlantic Ocean between 1778 and 1805.
                                Using refit, Fire Ships, Boarding
                                Actions, Double Shot, Rakes, and 64 & 74
                                Gun Broadsides you attempt to sink or
                                capture the opponents fleet of five ships
                                before that fate happens to you.  Oh yes,
                                don't forget to plan on drawing Storm,
                                Additional Damage, Run aground and
                                Adverse Wind cards which can ruin the best
                                laid plans of either side! Without a doubt
                                this game will be a real user favorite on
                                any BBS! MULTI-NODE CAPABLE. Supports most
                                BBS Software packages, including PC Board
                                Vers 15 & WildCat 3.91. The game is RIP
                                aware, does not require a fossil, but will
                                make use of one if it is available, supports
                                interupts 0-15, selectable port addresses,
                                Com ports 1-4, and speeds up to 115,200
                                baud. Automatic Windows, WindowsNT, OS/2,
                                DOS 5.0+ time slice releasing. DESQview
                                supported. $10.00
spectre.zip   464647 08-05-2024 SPECTRE CHALLENGER; Simple, fun, and
                                addictive game. With the full version of
                                Spectre, you can do battle with up to seven
                                other people over a local area network.
speed110.zip  158269 08-05-2024 SPEED READ 1.10 QWK reader/message database.
                                You define how many old messages to keep per
                                area.  Includes: optional message base
                                compression, context-sensitive help, JH
                                support, popup menus, multiple packet
                                import, word censor, twit filter, Fido mode,
                                3000+ conf support, picklists, command line
                                processing and much more.  Easy to use.
sphinx3.zip    22319 08-05-2024 Riddle of the Sphinx -- Quest Set for 
                                Leviathan's Reef. 13 mind-numbing quests!
                                Join the Argonauts in their dungeon escape,
                                help Zena escape the Cyclops, dance with
                                the nymphs and more! Not for the BRAIN DEAD!
                                UNZIP in its own UNIQUE directory. Load into
                                REEF with: reef quest -- simply enter the
                                path! Rated G for Good Family Fun!
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
spider35.zip  679889 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                   The Ultimate in 
                                      Online RPG'S!!! 
                                  FREE BETA VERSION
                                    3.5 DOWNLOAD NOW!
                                Spider Gates is an awesome ANSi graphical
                                role playing game that allows you and your
                                callers to create their own custom RPG
                                world, using an easy-to-use map, monster
                                & script editor.  Gameplay is similar to
                                games like Zelda or Final Fantasy, but
                                with much better role-playing detail.
                                This version is totally uncrippled, and
                                comes with two starter adventures..
                                This door game works with any DOOR.SYS,
                                DORINFOx.DEF and WWiV systems.
spike1s.zip   173686 08-05-2024 SPIKED! -- Multi-node BBS Door Log-Off Game! 
                                How long can you survive before you are 
                                spiked by the walls? They keep closing in
                                on you! When you're spiked it logs you off 
                                automatically. Make logging off a game! 
                                Players love it! Allows multiple players at 
                                the same time. High Survival Scores & High 
                                Accumulative Scores for all players.
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
spkout10.zip   53544 08-05-2024 Speak Out!  Anonymous message door.
                                Find out what your callers *really*
                                have to say by allowing them to
                                exercise their right to free speech.
                                Very popular and easy to use, yet has
                                many advanced features.  Multinode
                                support.  Uses DORINFOx.DEF.  Or use
                                standalone on your LAN.
                                By California ClipArt
splu6_17.zip  107094 08-05-2024 Super Plumber v6.17 Door Game. New Super
                                Plumber door game for any BBS system. Any
                                drop file. ANSI graphics game where you
                                connect the pipes to try to keep the fluid
                                flowing throughout the gridwork. Door
                                features auto roll-over with the first caller
                                after midnight on Saturday night. Registered
                                version allows makeup days, creates
                                bulletins, and is configurable by the sysop.
                                Master Plumber is tough, but Super Plumber is
                                tougher. Supports MultiNode and non-standard
                                com port IRQ's.
spnit300.zip   38345 08-05-2024 /[ Spin-It v3.00 ]\
                                  Oftentimes you have a set of logon
                                  screens you want to show to your users,
                                  but don't want to show every one each
                                  time. Spin-It provides a way to show a
                                  different one each time a user logs on.
                                  Compatible with virtually all DOS-based
                                  BBS software. FREEWARE!!
                                       (c) 1996-1998 by SaltySoft        
spoke131.zip  160998 08-05-2024 Strip Poker! v1.31--The adult card game!
                                Play against 10 computer male or female
                                players who also get listed in the top
                                10 bulletins! Supports various COM ports,
                                DESQview and Network ready, top ten,
                                alltime high, last weeks high, fossil
                                drivers, easy setup and configuration via
                                a utility program! Now supports ALIAS
                                names! From T&J Software! FIDO 1:268/400
                                FREQ TJMAGIC for listing!
spoker02.zip  103058 08-05-2024 Slot Poker BBS Door V1.01. Just like a poker
                                machine. Place your wager and your playing.
                                Easy to play, easy to setup. No nightly
                                maintance is required. Supports Non-Standard
                                Comport & IRQ's. Supports most BBS software.
spoker13.zip  158768 08-05-2024 Strip Poker! v1.3 -- The adult card game!
                                Play against 10 computer male or female
                                players who also get listed in the top
                                10 bulletins! Supports various COM ports,
                                DESQview and Network ready, top ten,
                                alltime high, last weeks high, fossil
                                drivers, easy setup and configuration via
                                a utility program! Now supports ALIAS
                                names! From T&J Software! FIDO 1:268/400
                                FREQ TJMAGIC for listing!
sportrv4.zip  141085 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>> SPORTS TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of the sports.  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
sprtrv42.zip  146378 08-05-2024 NCAA Sports Trivia v4.2   A college sports
                                BBS door program from PAROLE Software.
                                Automatically resets each month.  Create full
                                color ANSI, WC!3.x, PCBoard and RIP graphic
                                bulletins.  Registered SysOps may DL an
                                to allow questions to be added to the database
spyder11.zip  177330 08-05-2024 SpyderWEB c Programming Toolkit version 1.1
                                SpyderWEB is a toolkit for adding WWW
                                look and feel to door games / programs. It is
                                compatible with OpenDoors 5.0 and Borland 
                                compiler. A sample program is included, and
                                can use the toolkit to make your own web
spygem.zip     27347 08-05-2024 SPIES GEM Module:  Written for the Galactic
                                Empire Door, this module can be added to the
                                game to allow your players to hire a spy to
                                infiltrate the enemy's planets and get up-
                                to-date information on his strengths (and
                                weaknesses!)... Freeware.
squad146.zip  192511 08-05-2024 COP SQUAD v1.46 - Like to play "Cops &
                                Robbers" ? This game gives you a chance to
                                test your knowledge of law and your use of
                                your own common sense. Your goal is to rise
                                from the rank of ROOKIE to become the CHIEF
                                OF POLICE! You will take promotional exams,
                                visit doughnut shops, conduct investigations
                                and fight your suspects. Basic registration
                                is $15.00 (Deluxe registration for $20.00
                                includes a Player Editor) and all future
                                upgrades are FREE! Additional enhancements
                                are always being written. A Great Game!
squatris.zip   94527 08-05-2024 
sq_login.zip   27639 08-05-2024 SQ-LOGIN V1.0
                                Dieses Login-Door sendet einen Text
                                an alle Online-User mit dem Namen und
                                der Node-Nummer, Bsp:
                                 0PETER HAESSIG logged-in Node: 3 
                                (Programm luft auf der SQUIRREL)
sq_v291.zip   134194 08-05-2024 Sq_v289.zip - Space Quest 2112.
                                A Great SPACE ADVENTURE Simulation to play
                                on any BBS.  Command your Galaxy Class
                                Star Cruiser from the Virtual Reality type
                                ANSI Bridge.  You can Actually see the 
                                planets and ships as you blow them up. 
                                Form alliances, construct Space cities.
                                Over 250,000 unique space locations.
                                Includes ANSI Sound Support. Has Built
                                in internal serial routines.
sr293.zip     269327 08-05-2024 Space Race           (Door Game) ver. 2.93
                                Try to become the strongest empire in this 
                                space conquest game.  A lot of stratagy and 
                                a little luck is needed! Many various 
                                combinations of game setups. Very challaging! 
                                Now able to be played without a BBS! Now uses
                                DOORFRAME Library, supporting Non-Standard 
                                Comport & IRQ's. Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x 
                                and many others.  Release Date 01\03\97
sre0994b.zip  310660 08-05-2024 Solar Realms Elite (SRE) Version 0.994b
                                Online door game - strategy, space, war,
                                empire building.  Supports FOSSIL & works
                                with most BBS software.  New version works
                                standalone w/infiniteturns for SRE addicts
sre2trek.zip    5694 08-05-2024 
sread104.zip   83930 08-05-2024 SREAD/SPLUS Version 1.04. The multi-
                                script script Door. Uses DScript(tm) 
                                language to allow interactive scripts, 
                                branch to subscripts, parsing of
                                responses, run DOS programs during and 
                                after Door.  SPLUS adds screen
                                positioning, full screen data entry and
                                dBase like control.
srview12.zip  109080 08-05-2024 SRVIEW Version 1.1
                                This is the first utility
                                that will let your users
                                view all the IBBS SRGAMES
                                (BRE, TAL, FE) on your sys-
                                tem, with out tieing up your
                                games for your other users.
                                Easy setup - ShareWare $5.00
                                - Another SMYC Product - 
srwin16.zip    54675 08-05-2024 SrGames Winner Version 1.6
                                This Utility will look at the
                                Scores from Any version of
                                any SRGAME Interplanetary
                                league and use them to
                                determine the True winner of
                                the League.
                                Allows for Custom Math to
                                determine the winner.
                                New Limit on Scores (read
                                FREE WARE from S.M.Y.C.
ss14tw.zip     35642 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                SUPPLY SHIP 1.4 -  for TradeWars version 2
                                The SUPPLY SHIP is one of several add-on's
                                for  TradeWars  2002  version 2  from  the
                                TW-EXTENDERS  series by SimSoft PCS.  Have
                                a SUPPLY SHIP cruise  through the universe
                                stopping and restocking ports!  Also drops
                                colonists  on Terra!  It  is very  easy to
                                use  and configure, and  is  run  directly
                                after the  TradeWars  maintenance  program
                                EXTERN.EXE.     Registration is only $7.00
                                Attention SYSOP's  -   Download this file!
ssicons.zip     2347 08-05-2024 Icons for use with Super Slots online game. 
ssslot15.zip  103126 08-05-2024 Super Slots v1.50a for Synchronet BBS
                                v2.1xx. Drop in upgrade, all versions.
                                Game of chance for your users to win
                                credits by playin' the slots! Dirt
                                cheap to register, easy to setup.
                                Now with the PDF File System. Try it
                                out, now know exactly what your door
                                is doing, and how well it's doing it.
                                Multi-node, COM1-8, 300-115.2K, if
                                you use credits, you need this door!
                                 Designed for SBBS v2.10a/2.11a.
                                    From Savage SoftWare Co.
                                      (604)495-2690 14.4K
                                      (604)495-2694 28.8K
sstb_v10.zip    3978 08-05-2024 BAJA GAME! - SBBS Shoot The Bottle v1b
                                Yes Challenge Your SysOp at a Shooting
                                Contest And Win Credit! But Be Carfull
                                You can Miss!!! SysOps Read Docs About
                                Free Registration!!!!
                                FROM ACESOFT!
ss_2133.zip   106977 08-05-2024 SuperSlots! v3.3. Slot machine game DOOR for
                                many BBS types from J & W Software.  Minor
                                maintenance release. Features include:
                                ANSI/RIPscrip screens with sound and
                                animation, full Multi-Node, FOSSIL, OS/2
                                Windows support, easy installation and no
ss_33.zip     107750 08-05-2024 SuperSlots! v3.3. Slot machine game DOOR for
                                many BBS types from J & W Software.  Minor
                                maintenance release. Features include:
                                ANSI/RIPscrip screens with sound and
                                animation, full Multi-Node, FOSSIL, OS/2
                                Windows support, easy installation and no
stack_32.zip   86711 08-05-2024 Stack'Em! v3.2. 'Tetris' type DOOR game for
                                many BBS types from J & W Software.
                                New: support for FOSSIL ports > 8, Windows
                                and OS/2 time slices released, alias support
                                (DOOR.SYS only). Features include:
                                ANSI/RIPScrip displays, Full Multi-Node
                                support, easy setup and no maintenance.
stair20.zip   263799 08-05-2024 STAIRWAY   -     Door Game         v2.0     .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                A word game that will put your vocabulary 
                                skills to the test. The computer selects the
                                starting letter and player must make words
                                ranging from 2-7 letters. Dictionary is
                                included! Makeup games missed during the 
                                month. Automatic reset & Hall of Fame. Earn
                                Extra Points randomly, after completion of 
                                each game SEND/RECEIVE MESSAGES in Door!
                                ***** INTER-BBS capable *****
stake11a.zip   74814 08-05-2024              DreamSTAKES v1.1
                                      Based on the classic dice game
                                  SweepsStakes. How lucky will YOUR roll
                                   of the dice be?  100% Ansi Graphics!
                                          Supports all the most
                                  popular BBS' including WildCat!, PCB,
                                    WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more!
                                   NOT CRIPPLED!!!  FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!
star10.zip     37504 08-05-2024              StarFire LORD &  Wakko
                                StarFire LORD:  Warriors work for the galactic
                                emperor Kail, are have
                                  been ordered to destroy the Red Dragon . . .
                                Wakko Enemies (?):  Doesn't really go with the
                                LORDTXT file above, fight
                                  enemies from X-Men, Power Rangers, Star Wars
                                 and other weirdos . . .
                                (Hey, I think it's cool)
star425b.zip   49606 08-05-2024 BBS Door: Tradewars-like game 
starexp.zip   118857 08-05-2024 
startrv1.zip  107642 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>> TV STARS TRIVIA I v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of TV Stars.  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
state110.zip   29661 08-05-2024 State Capitols v1.1; Trivia Door Game Which
                                Allows Users To See How Well They Know The
                                USA.  Try to guess the Capitals of all 50
                                States, Fun To Learn.
states11.zip  152316 08-05-2024 U.S. States Trivia v1.1 Update Release
                                The Ultimate "States" Trivia Door Game!
                                Has over 300+ trivia questions with four
                                multiple choice answers regarding all facets
                                of information on the individual sates in the
                                United States.  There is a bit of history,
                                geology and just general knowledge type
                                questions contained in the database.
                                PAROLE SoftWare (C) 1991-95 - All rights
states31.zip  105772 08-05-2024 STATES  -  Door Game       v3.1             .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                The computer guesses the State you have
                                selected by asking you a series of questions.
                                This is FREEWARE, so use it and enjoy !
statsb1.zip    95014 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                  STATS - The complete user file xfer  
                                        statistics door for PCB        
                                 Allows the user to display what files 
                                 successfully UL/DL as well as aborted 
                                 UL/DLs and rejected uploads.  Supports
                                 comm ports 1-4 as well as non standard
                                 comm port interrupts.                 
staxdemo.zip   50911 08-05-2024 Challenge Your Users With This Tetris Clone!
stb426c.zip    58486 08-05-2024 Shut The Box Deluxe v4.26c released 10-04-96.
                                Dice-rolling door game for DORINFO/DOOR.SYS
                                BBS's. Uses fossil driver for communications.
                                Monthly tournament by total or average
                                scores. All players use the same dice rolls
                                for an even challenge! RIP and text mixed
                                with FULL mouse control.
stbbs368.zip   79147 08-05-2024 Star Traders version 3.68 Online Game Door
                                StarTraders is an onliner written with the
                                BBS Onliner Interface, meaning it will run
                                under virtually all DOS based BBS systems.
                                StarTraders is a one player game of
                                interstellar mercantilism with a monthly
                                Hall of Fame.  Another fine game from the
                                warped mind of Andrew J. Mead.
stc101.zip    184667 08-05-2024 ķ
                                 Star Trek Crytograms (Door) ver. 1.01    
                                The best of both! Some of the wisdom of  
                                the original series along with the       
                                challange of solving a cryptogram.       
                                Requires the user to have ANSI.  Keeps   
                                daily winners as well as a total winner  
                                for that month.  Uses DOORFRAME library  
                                for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's.      
                                Now able to be played without a BBS!     
                                Programmer: William Rountree             
                                Release Date: 04\18\95                   
stc122.zip    190012 08-05-2024 Star Trek Crytograms (Door Game) ver. 1.11   
                                The best of both! Some of the wisdom of the 
                                original series along with the challange 
                                of solving a cryptogram. Requires ANSI.  
                                Keeps daily winners as well as a total winner 
                                for that month.  Uses DOORFRAME library  
                                for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's.      
                                Now able to be played without a BBS!     
                                Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x and many others.
                                Release Date: 01\03\97                   
stckdoor.zip  203051 08-05-2024 
stg306b.zip    79493 08-05-2024 USRSTATS GENERIC version V3.06 BETA 12/3/94
                                This version of USRSTATS will work with ANY
                                BBS or COMM program!  Supports FOSSIL mode,
                                any port and IRQ, and speeds up to 115.2K.
                                Multi-node aware and super easy setup as a
                                standard DOOR application or via DOS shell!
stmk10.zip     45476 08-05-2024 
stmk11.zip     45850 08-05-2024 
stock107.zip   64520 08-05-2024 BBStock Exchange v1.07 Online Game Door;
                                Bulletin Board Stock Exchange is another BBS
                                Onliner Interface game that will run under
                                virtually all DOS based BBS systems. Play the
                                market and the computer and get your score on
                                the monthly Hall of Fame.
stokgem2.zip   25427 08-05-2024 Stock GEM Module:  Written for the Galactic
                                Empire Door, this module can be added to the
                                game to allow your players to buy and sell
                                stocks, making money for their empire...
ston101.zip   173108 08-05-2024 POWER STONES 1.01
                                A simple ANSI online board game
                                where players maneuver their
                                "stones" in an attempt to capture
                                their opponent's stones with two
                                of their own. Multi-node capable.
                                Supports DigiBoard, FOSSILs, &
                                non-standard ports! A simple
                                DevOnline game by Radical Wave.
stooge30.zip  137632 08-05-2024 
story.zip      93978 08-05-2024 MAKE A STORY DOOR; Callers can read and add
                                to never ending multiple choice story
                                adventures. Includes a story editor.
story1.zip     38670 08-05-2024 
story11.zip    47930 08-05-2024 Story Door is a DOOR Program that will run on
                                most any BBS
                                It allows the SysOp to set up a Story that
                                users can
                                Read and add to.  Run and Tested on Wildcat 4
                                Also allows Reading of a Previously Finised
                                FREEware.  Version 1.1. Added some info to the
                                DOC file.
                                By: Jim McCracken of CoCo Beach BBS (804)
story20.zip    84038 08-05-2024 The StoryMaker Door v2.0  Users write it.
                                By Arti Software Allows your 
                                users to create or add to an 
                                existing Story for online viewing 
                                for your callers.
storynes.zip   86882 08-05-2024 The Never Ending Story - EXCITING NEW DOOR
                                from KattleSoft.  A door where users can
                                read and enter new imaginative stories.
                                Features full color ANSI screens and 
                                multinode aware.  Sysops can have up to
                                8 stories going simultaniously as well
                                as create their own special stories.
                                Copyright 1995, Shane Guay, KattleSoft.
stquotes.zip   11694 08-05-2024 
strakd10.zip    9163 08-05-2024 StarTrak V1.00 Door Activity Tracker
                                   From StarLab Systems SoftWare
                                MEX program for MAX V3.00+ which
                                tracks the activity of the doors and
                                other menu options on your BBS. Easy
                                to use and SetUp. A must for the
                                statistics nut!
street33.zip   77091 08-05-2024 The Streets V3.3: Ever wondered what it would
                                be like to be a drug dealer? This door gives
                                you the chance to try out the 23rd oldest
                                profession... DON'T LET YOUR USERS MAKE A
                                POOR CAREER CHOICE! Very tongue in cheek, w/
                                lots of little inside jokes...Easy to install
                                and configure, the most popular door on my
                                BBS! Uses a modem fossil. Cheap $10 shareware
strek.zip      79072 08-05-2024 Star Trek Trivia v1.0 No Expiration
                                A BBS door program relating to trivia
                                questions about the televison series and
                                the movie Star Trek.
                                Registered SysOps may download a utility
                                to add questions to the database.
                                A shareware product from DataPlus
                                Software and Robert Ayers.
strfit20.zip  213853 08-05-2024 StarFighter! 2.0 BBS door game.
                                Save the Earth from the might of 
                                the Raptoran Empire in your trusty
                                Tri-Gun, in this new role-player!
                                Now has support for third party
                                add-on games! There are three 
                                places where add-ons may be found:
                                the elsewhere, the game room, and
                                as space events!
strik935.zip  133932 08-05-2024 Strike 9 Version 3.5
                                A complete rewrite of the Door
                                Now supports all major BBS Packages
                                Supports Non-Std Comm Ports and IRQ's
                                Full Fossil Driver Support
                                Complete package including conversion
                                programs. From Suburban Software
                                Home of "King of the Board" &
                                DoorFrame Support Board
stripup1.zip   37067 08-05-2024 Utility to strip out that "Uploaded By:"
                                message. Does one directory or multiple
                                directories. FREEBEE!!!
                                From the Author of King of the Board
structs2.zip   10168 08-05-2024 Pascal Record Structures   Revision 2
                                Contains the Pascal Record Structures
                                for the following Sage data files:
                                SWORLD.DAT, SMAP.DAT, ITEMS.DAT,
                                PLAYER.DAT, NODE.TMP, SAGE.CFG and
                                Now includes source code demonstrating
                                how to read a Sage world and display
                                the template and map screens, and how
                                to read the Player file and display
                                players' names.
strybk12.zip   70972 08-05-2024 
stsf10.zip     31251 08-05-2024  SEX THOUGHTS! v1.0 For Spitfire 
                                Show your users one line ADULT thought  
                                * Great utility for Adult Sub-Boards *
stt15.zip     208733 08-05-2024 Super Trek Trivia 1.5 Lets the trekers choose
                                from 5 question topics or combine all of them
                                into one. Deep Space 9, Original Series,
                                Startrek Movies and The Next Generation
                                topics included. Ansi/Ascii Displays/Bulls
                                and has fossil support built in.
sttos17.zip    46333 08-05-2024 
sttosb2g.zip  157774 08-05-2024 
studet12.zip  214136 08-05-2024 Studette! v1.2 -- Adult action door game! Be
                                the TOP STUDette on your BBS! Supports all
                                major BBS's, mulitnode, COM0-15, non-standard
                                IRQ's, colorful ANSI screens, TOP TEN
                                bulletin creation, sysop configurable for
                                of men/day, plays/day and time limits,
                                DESQview aware, animated ANSI, and fossil
                                driver support too! Your users will love it!
                                This door compliments Studs! and was written
                                with the ladies in mind. T&J Software!
studs_15.zip  217328 08-05-2024 Studs! v1.5 -- Adult action door game! Be
                                the TOP STUD on your BBS! Supports all the
                                major BBS's, mulitnode, COM0-15, non-standard
                                IRQ's, colorful ANSI screens, TOP TEN
                                bulletin creation, sysop configurable for #
                                of girls/day, plays/day and time limits,
                                DESQview aware, animated ANSI too! Your users
                                will love it! From T&J Software!
stupd190.zip  470461 08-05-2024 Simply the ULTIMATE Planets Interface Door
                                (S.T.U.P.I.D?) - Over 2 years in the making.
                                Rip compatible! Many, many features... most
                                not available in any other VGA Planets door!
                                Now has Language File for the custom look!
                                NOW WORKS WITH DOOR.SYS & LOCKED BAUDRATES!
                                >  Version 1.90 : Sped up/fixed CFG View & <
                                >have fixed locked baud > 34800 !!!  Many  <
                                >other small functional & cosmetic changes!<
stussy10.zip   65229 08-05-2024 [THP] The Stssy Message Door v1.0 (5-5-92)
                                Simple program that can be used with
                                Info-Form Door to force the user into a
                                Comment to SysOp also has various other
subatk12.zip  183154 08-05-2024 
subsf32.zip    16487 08-05-2024 SUBSF Version 3.2.  This program allows
                                Spitfire BBS Sysops to run a second copy
                                of Spitfire as a door from the main BBS.
                                It supports UL/DL ratios and QuickLogons.
                                An easy to use config program is provided.
                                This utility comes in handy for those adult
sumv100.zip    77912 08-05-2024 *** SUMMATION! V1.00 with FULL RIP SUPPORT!
                                A strategy game where the players must use
                                careful selection and addition to defeat
                                thier computer or human opponents. Supports
                                REAL-TIME multi-user, multi-node, DOOR.SYS,
                                DORINFOx.DEF, WILDCAT, Fossil drivers,
                                Digiboard, and higher IRQ settings. Tested
                                for use with OS/2 and DESQview.
                                NEW: Improved RIP code, DSZ and GSZ support!
                                *** SHAREWARE  $15.00
sun80cnf.zip   38136 08-05-2024 
sunhof16.zip   89305 08-05-2024 Sunrise Doors HOF BLT Generator     v1.6    .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                SUNHOF is a utility used to create a SET of
                                HALL of FAME bulletins for selected Sunrise
                                Door Software games on the 1st of each month;
                                automatically via an EVENT. Will also clear
                                files for a new game. Can only be used with
                                Cryptograms and Word Shuffle !!
sunhor09.zip  134405 08-05-2024 SUNHOR09.ARJ
                                  NIEUW! Een On-Line Horoscoop  
                                  programma. Werkt met (bijna)  
                                  alle BBS Systemen!            
                                  Zelf configureerbaar.         
                                  GRATIS REGISTRATIE OP NAAM    
                                  AANGEBODEN DOOR:              
                                  Sunshine BBS                  
                                  0591 311999 24 UUR PER DAG!   
super30.zip    95158 08-05-2024 
supers51.zip   23332 08-05-2024 SUPER SCRAMBLE v5.1 (WCX32) - FREE word
                                game for WC5. Ships with 450+ words, 30+
                                categories, and best of all add your own
                                easily!  See how fast you can unscramble
                                the word before the timer runs out.  The
                                quicker you do it, the larger the jackpot
                                you win.  Hint feature makes it playable
                                across all levels. If you are looking to
                                add 32-bit doors to your new 32-bit BBS,
                                here is a good one to grab. Keeps top 10
                                scores and more.  Best of all it doesn't
                                cost you anything!
                                (c) 1996, Gerard C. Johnson & KeySoft.
supert12.zip  217555 08-05-2024 Super Trivia v1.2 Door From BG Creations
                                Release Date 8-22-95. Excellent Trivia
                                Door That Allows Sysop To Create Their
                                Own Topics!. Up To 120 Questions Per
                                Topic, & 40 Topics Maximum. When registered 
                                features bulletin generator, calendar, 
                                single or multi-node operation & free 
                                updates to later versions. Includes 500
                                Trivia Questions.
suprig6a.zip  113257 08-05-2024 [ Super Rig! v6.0a BBS Door game ]Ŀ
                                ANSI graphics, Multinode, DTE speeds
                                to 115kbps w/non-std IRQ. Includes a
                                CB.Radio simulator and realistic    
                                highway action.  Fun for all ages.  
                                (c)1988-95 Late-Nite Software.      
suprscan.zip   55839 08-05-2024 SUPRSCAN, version 4.02 for Wildcat!
                                DOOR program lets users search through
                                a variety of BBS Lists
                                For versions 4.x and 3.x of Wildcat!
suptrv10.zip  212059 08-05-2024 Super Trivia v1.0  A stand-alone version of
                                OnLine Trivia.  A FREE play at home game from
                                PAROLE Software & Dennis Maidon.
survey13.zip  158369 08-05-2024 SURVEY  -     Door Utility      v1.3        .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                Take SURVEYS or VOTE on issues. Allows for up
                                to 10 Surveys, up to 25 questions per Survey,
                                up to 10 choices per question, & up to 10
                                lines of user FREE-FORM text comments. Sysop 
                                sets the length of time Survey is to be 
                                active. Will show number of responses for 
                                each question choice as well as the 
                                percentage of total vote count per question. 
survey15.zip  162098 08-05-2024 SURVEY  -     Door Utility      v1.5        .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                Take SURVEYS or VOTE on issues. Allows for up
                                to 10 Surveys, up to 25 questions per Survey,
                                up to 10 choices per question, & up to 10
                                lines of user FREE-FORM text comments. Sysop 
                                sets the length of time Survey is to be 
                                active. Will show number of responses for 
                                each question choice as well as the 
                                percentage of total vote count per question. 
survive2.zip  147529 08-05-2024 
sview12.zip   165003 08-05-2024 
                                    T H E   S C R E E N   V I E W E R    
                                              Version 1.2                  
                                 ANSI screen viewer program to display up  
                                 to 80 ANSI screens. This program can be   
                                 run as a stand alone or from a BBS to     
                                 display any ANSI screen. 80 ANSI screens  
svrd330.zip   219683 08-05-2024 Svalvards Door v3.30.  A D&D type door for
                                PCB/QBBS/RemoteAccess BBS's.  Very fun and
                                addicting. It takes about 3-5 months to
                                complete the game as a beginner.  Very
sw14_600.zip   41822 08-05-2024 Software Review Door. Supports several BBS
                                formats and baud rates up to 115,200.
swar20.zip     47300 08-05-2024 
                                Street Warrior
                                 Version 2.0
                                Street Warrior is a new rage in doors.  
                                Prepare to find yourself in a combat 
                                game of surprising complexity.  Great
                                ANSI graphics.  A must try!
swars.zip     109491 08-05-2024 Sector Wars  A Multi Player Real time door
                                that is similar to tradewars.
                                Features include Online messaging and fights. 
                                Trade at ports and get more
                                cash.  Go to the casino and lose it or win
                                more.  Buy more fighters and
                                holds so you can become the top trader.  Buy a
                                planet and starbase or two to
                                make more fighters.  TDBS Required
swartrv4.zip  100256 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>> STAR WARS TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of the Star Wars movie series.
                                Fully functional, supports multiple BBS
                                formats, file sharing for multiple nodes,
                                bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers,
                                COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
sweeps23.zip  136983 08-05-2024 SWEEPSTAKES  DICE   -   Door Game     v2.3  .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                A fast paced, challenging dice game where you
                                bet on the outcome of the roll of 6 dice.
                                Automatic game reset & Hall of Fame
                                bulletins at end of month. Makeup games
                                missed during the month. REAL TIME scoring
                                and JACKPOT points !!!!! Supports Multi-Port
                                cards, including PCBoard /M version!!!!!!!!!!
                                ********* INTERBBS Capable ***************
sweeps25.zip  139753 08-05-2024 SWEEPSTAKES  DICE   -   Door Game     v2.5  .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                A fast paced, challenging dice game where you
                                bet on the outcome of the roll of 6 dice.
                                Automatic game reset & Hall of Fame
                                bulletins at end of month. Makeup games
                                missed during the month. REAL TIME scoring
                                and JACKPOT points !!!!! Supports Multi-Port
                                cards, including PCBoard /M version!!!!!!!!!!
                                ********* INTERBBS Capable ***************
sweeps26.zip  130916 08-05-2024 SWEEPSTAKES  DICE   -   Door Game     v2.6  .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                A fast paced, challenging dice game where you
                                bet on the outcome of the roll of 6 dice.
                                Automatic game reset & Hall of Fame
                                bulletins at end of month. Makeup games
                                missed during the month. REAL TIME scoring
                                and JACKPOT points !!!!! Supports Multi-Port
                                cards, including PCBoard /M version!!!!!!!!!!
                                ********* INTERBBS Capable ***************
swnk223a.zip   84780 08-05-2024         Dr. Swank Sez v2.23a! 
                                     * The Revenge of PROFESSOR SHWAG *
                                   -[ THE DIRECTOR'S CUT - UNCENSORED! ]-
                                   / Quite possibly the best quote door of
                                 /  all time! If you like quote doors like
                                /  \ "Deep Thoughts", this is for you! Have
                                     it run when your users logoff, or on!
                                   Features colorful ANSI graphics, Lotsa'
                                  secrets (including 5 secret characters),
                                  DOOR.SYS & DORINFOx.DEF support and a lot
                                  more! You've never seen a quote door like
                                        this before! HUUUUGE FIXES!!
sword.zip      88378 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>>>> SWORD FIGHT v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<<<
                                Text game where you must defend yourself
                                from the fierce Baron.  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
sw_61.zip      45541 08-05-2024 Software Review Door. Supports several BBS
                                formats and baud rates up to 115,200.
symon11.zip    65849 08-05-2024 Did you like to play "Simon" as a kid?
                                If you did, then check out this BBS
                                door based on that popular game! Fun
                                & addictive. This door generates the
                                random sequence of colors & the user
                                must match the same sequence. From
                                Crazy Nights Software. Symon 1.1
syn005.zip    211155 08-05-2024 Synabacab v0.0.5 Alpha - Science Fiction RPG
                                door. Supports ANSI and RIP graphics! Very
                                SysOp configurable. FOSSIL, MultiTasker
                                Friendly, DOOR.sys, DORINFO1.def, MultiNode
                                Support! It's new in '95 from Digital Genesis
                                Software! Major bug fix release!
synd11.zip    272248 08-05-2024 THE SYNDICATE 1.1:DDO-F/X Online Fantasy.
                                In the syndicate you play an upstart hacker
                                on the rise trying to crack into hundreds of
                                secure servers on the Cybernet of the future.
                                You must evade Netwatchers, break passwords,
                                avoid virus's, and decrypt files to sell off
                                to a sinister organization known only as the
                                "Column".  And protect your server too.
                                ========= Requires LI-TERM 1.00+ ============
szone20b.zip  126963 08-05-2024 [] Shift Zone 2.0b - By Mike Snyder []
                                [] From the author of Lunatix comes []
                                | a totally original door game. Do your  |
                                | users think they're smart?  Find out!  |
                                |   This cool ANSI puzzle game rocks!    |
                                Shift Zone runs under most any platform,
                                most any BBS software. This isn't an
                                RPG or an adventure game, it's a new
                                puzzle game designed to make you THINK!
                                Registration is just $10.  N-E-Ware.
                                Play in LOCAL mode with all features
                                enabled!  (So you, as the sysop, can
                                see the game uncrippled before you
                                choose to register it. So what are you
                                waiting for??? Hurry up and install
                                Shift Zone on your BBS! :)
s_26i_400.zip  256328 08-05-2024  .  - [ Steel & Ice Hockey v4.00 ] -
                                Now with a full four-round PLAYOFFS
                                support (registered versions).  Welcome
                                to the next level of online sports 
                                simulations.  Complete rosters of the
                                26 teams, a multitude of statistics,
                                and a full regular season.  ANSI-only
                                due to the extensive use of full-screen
                                ANSI graphics.  DORINFOx.DEF/DOOR.SYS.
                                (c) 1992-95 Minds Edge Productions Inc.
s_idm110.zip   16478 08-05-2024 
                                        < SQUIRE IDMAKE 1.10 >
                                Create up to 99 FileIds automatically 
                                with this great new program.  This 
                                Allows colour in FileIDs... plus you 
                                can add your own ASCii artwork aswell!
                                This program is very easy to use and 
                                makes great FileIDs.  It even does 
                                correct spacing for the titles.  This 
                                one is BETTER than all other FileID 
                                Creation Programs put together!
                                 < Many Bugs have been FIXED!!!!!!! >
                                < $5 Registration Fee: By Squire '97 >
                                   - PS: Any Donations welcome! -
s_i_400.zip   256475 08-05-2024  .  - [ Steel & Ice Hockey v4.00 ] -
                                Now with a full four-round PLAYOFFS
                                support (registered versions).  Welcome
                                to the next level of online sports 
                                simulations.  Complete rosters of the
                                26 teams, a multitude of statistics,
                                and a full regular season.  ANSI-only
                                due to the extensive use of full-screen
                                ANSI graphics.  DORINFOx.DEF/DOOR.SYS.
                                (c) 1992-95 Minds Edge Productions Inc.
s_line30.zip   70637 08-05-2024 
s_lotto2.zip   81815 08-05-2024 Lotto Subscription v2.0
                                Have your new users auto-enter this door
                                to try to win a subscription on your BBS.
                                Users are prompted to enter 3 digits and
                                if the computer picks those same three
                                digits (not necessarily in the same order), 
                                they are greeted with a winning screen and 
                                a file is written to disk containing the 
                                users name and the date. 
s_twrep.zip    19322 08-05-2024 Tradewar 2002 Report Analyzer v1.0
                                The best program available to analyze
                                tradewar CIM files for sectors and
                                ports. Match up ports for trading,
                                search for dead-end tunnels and 
                                sectors, search for tunnels, search
                                for one-way warps, and merge multiple
                                CIM files together (great to be used
                                by CEO's of Tradewar Corporations.
                                Register: $20 using order form printed
                                          at end of an analysis
t15s100.zip   118560 08-05-2024 --===-- Fifteen's Solitaire BBS Door --===--
                                Fifteen's Solitaire Card BBS Door Game.     
                                Remove cards from a 4x4 grid that total 15. 
                                Any Number of Cards can be removed at once. 
                                Tens, Jacks, Queens, and Kings get removed  
                                in sets of Four ONLY!  Easy to win, but what
                                about doing it in the time limit!!  Supports
                                many drop files with internal comm routines 
                                and fossil driver support.  Keep monthly top
                                ten scores, last month's high, and an       
                                all-time high score.  Allows make-up and    
                                play ahead days.  Very configurable to suit 
                                every SysOp.   Registration as low as $5.00!
                                --====--====--- Version 1.00 ---====--====--
t3069.zip     201000 08-05-2024 Territories 3069: JDH's Universal RIP Game!
tabssub2.zip   21132 08-05-2024 TABSSUB...The instant membership door..
                                TABSSUB work in conjunction with TABS 900 
                                subscription line.TABS is a service of 
                                True Media Inc.You must be using TABS to 
                                use this door.
                                What TABSSUB does is allow callers to 
                                enter the code they recieved from TABS 
                                and instantly update thier security 
                                level. TABSSUB is TriBBS specific and 
                                will not work with any other type of 
                                BBS software as far as I know.
tadopt1.zip    39110 08-05-2024 Tiny's Adopt a Door V1.0
                                The best Adopt a door around!
                                Fully configurable, with both
                                LORD and Pipe Colour codes!
                                Freeware, DOS & OS/2 Versions
tagpie.zip     60787 08-05-2024 
talshot.zip   690554 08-05-2024 Talismans is a Whole New Technology
                                in 3D Online Gaming, featuring:
                                * 3D Virtual Reality Interface Unfolds
                                  Stunning Fantasy Worlds in SVGA
                                * Exciting All Digital Sound Track
                                * Create Your Own Worlds, Quests, and
                                  Battles with Online Editing
                                * Runs as Stand Alone Online System
                                * Runs as a Door with Your BBS Software
                                For Info Call Toll Free 1-800-420-8242
                                Take a Multimedia Tour of Talismans on
                                the Web at: www.csra.net/talismans
talv103.zip   249219 08-05-2024 The Arcadian Legends [TAL] v1.03 IBBS
                                The count has selected you  to succeed him in
                                leading your county into history!  Accept the
                                challenge  and race  against  your opponents,
                                building  a  powerful  economy,   an  awesome
                                military,  and a realm worthy of recognition,
                                in this inter-BBS strategy game.   Originally
                                by Mehul Patel.  Registration $15.00US 
tank30.zip     94008 08-05-2024 
tape110a.zip  279062 08-05-2024        --==> BBS Utiliteez <==--
                                ++++++ The TapeDoor Version 1.10 ++++++
                                The TapeDoor  is a feature  packed door
                                to allow  your users to  download files
                                from DataTapes...Offline file requests,
                                message tossing,  999 File Groups, with
                                999 File Areas  per group. Support  for
                                Shotgun Pro user and message databases.
                                Works equally well with all BBSes.  Has
                                support for 9 different  drop files and
                                5 different message base formats! Super
                                fast and accurate file searching method
                                Supports Jam, Squish, Hudson, Ezy,  and
                                Fido *.MSG message bases. Just too many
                                features to list here.....Check It Out!
                                 Fully operational while unregistered!
                                ........Written By Larry Athey.........
tapedr42.zip  155232 08-05-2024 Tape Door 4.2, Allows BBS's To
                                Use Their Tape Drive As A Door To Add 60
                                To 700 Meg Of Files!! Support's Most BBS's
                                And Tape Drives. Checks to see if the file
                                Exist's in your file lists before starting
                                your drive, Fast and easy!
taper100.zip   76145 08-05-2024 
target32.zip   35865 08-05-2024 Target v3.2; The ANSI Shooting Game Door
tarot.zip      96968 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>> TAROT CARD READER v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<
                                The Tarot Reader will attempt to predict
                                your future and determine your destiny using
                                the 78 card tarot deck.  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
tattle10.zip   48228 08-05-2024 Creats BLTs for PostLink and PCRelay
                                By reading the lasttime.txt files.
                                Creates a nice clean display with
                                the times and date of the last
                                message transfer.  Will create
                                ASCII, ANSI and XCODE screens by
                                configuration and allows sysop to
                                specify the output file names.
tbchk100.zip   71952 08-05-2024 
tbd103.zip     83512 08-05-2024 The Beast's Domain v1.03 (UNREGISTERED)
                                A multi-player, interactive, ANSI,
                                real-time adventure game for
                                Synchronet BBS systems.
                                Supports up to 250 players.
                                NEW CONFIGURATION OPTIONS!
tbingo36.zip  140665 08-05-2024 Tri-Bingo v3.6 - Door Game by Mike Jordan.
                                The best Bingo Door Game available. Many 
                                features, play up to 3 cards at a time and
                                choose from several types of Bingo games.
                                Several "Special" games that allow bonus
                                payoffs.  No expiration date or Demo Key
                                required. Supports RIP and DigiFossil.
                                This is an InterBBS Playable Door.
tbogg110.zip  395665 08-05-2024 --=====-- Boggle Classic Word Door --=====--
                                Boggle Classic Word Door Game.  Supports
                                many drop files with internal comm routines
                                and fossil driver support.  Keep monthly top
                                ten scores, last month's high, an all-time
                                high score, and high scores per word.
                                Allows make-up/play ahead days.  Includes a
                                dictionary of 99,000+ words!  Tournament
                                type play with every user playing the same
                                letters.  External Bulletins and data file
                                editor.  Very configurable to suit every
                                SysOp.           ONLY $10.00 to Register!!  
                                --====--====--- Version 1.10 ---====--====--
tbrain4.zip    95492 08-05-2024 
tbsvp11d.zip  824325 08-05-2024 *** This version contains VGA Planets
                                *** CRACK and CPLAYER
                                A BBS host for the popular VGA Planets game
                                for TBBS with TDBS option module.  This 
                                host also supports the popular third party 
                                software CPLAYER and CRACK as well as other 
                                batch based VGA Planets utilities.  Other 
                                features, allows players to withdraw from 
                                games, allows games to start only after 
                                minimum number [specified by sysop] of 
                                players join.  Players expire after [x] 
                                turns, Players can download VGA Planets
                                from TBBSVGAPH, View Scores and Error log.
                                Detects players that are unavailable.
                                Hosts multiple games, detects bogus TRNs
                                $35 Registration
tc104.zip     226998 08-05-2024 ķ
                                 Top Cop! version 1.04  Full Featured Game.
                                 Multi-Node support, Player Editor, Ansi,  
                                 4-Way requirement to raise levels, play   
                                 the Lottery or Dice games, fly to 6 cities
                                 chasing the 10 Most Wanted, Patrol the    
                                 streets to catch the common criminals,    
                                 fight multiple perpetrators, take a break 
                                 at the Inn, heal at the Clinic, ATM and   
                                 normal banking, visit the Court House,    
                                 positive and negative consequences, hidden
                                 choices and many more untold features!    
                                 Written in Turbo Pascal 7.0 using DDPLUS. 
                                       (c) 1996 by John A. Tucker          
tc20.zip      320662 08-05-2024 A Full Featured Game detailing a cops ups &
                                on a daily patrol searching for the Most
                                Dealing with the cantankerous Chief, other
                                and those every day criminals.  You must earn
                                pay, nothing is free, except the food and
                                in the NightStick Inn.  Get to know your
                                well, because as a rookie, there are a lot of
                                places you will need to find.  And get
                                some good protection.  Buy yourself that
                                weapon.  You will be required to fly to six
                                different cities searching for those elusive
                                Most Wanted.  When you build up your
                                get enough experience, make enough arrests
                                catch those Most Wanted, you can go ask the
                                for a promotion, eventually becoming Chief
                                yourself and the TOP COP!
tc254.zip     299931 08-05-2024 Top Cop! v2.54 - New EASY Sysop setup!
                                Arrest the  10 Most Wanted.  Select  a
                                partner. Many hidden features! Make it
                                to Chief, and you become the  Top Cop!
                                Featuring  AOMs  as Sysop configurable
                                hidden features! Lots to do. Will keep
                                users calling back for more!
                                              Web Site
                                   Copyright 1996 - John A. Tucker
tcall25.zip    61750 08-05-2024 Alley v2.5 Add-On Module Top Cop! v2.51
                                Sysop configurable  as a hidden feature
                                Features   Sabotage,  On-Line Messaging
                                Illegal Gambling,  Take a Payoff,  ATM,
                                hidden features, and more.
                                           New Web Site
                                  Call for AOMs and  updates to TC!
                                 -=Copyright (c) 1996 John A. Tucker=-
tcbla25.zip    56460 08-05-2024 Black Market v2.5 AOM - Top Cop! v2.51
                                Sysop configurable as a hidden feature
                                Features  Purchase of Illegal Weapons,
                                Purchase of Patrol Items,  Make a Drug
                                Deal, Fence Stolen Items and more.
                                            New Web Site
                                   Call for updates to AOMs and TC!
                                 -=Copyright (c) 1996 John A. Tucker=-
tcfis25.zip    51193 08-05-2024 Gone Fishin' v2.5 AOM -  Top Cop! v2.51
                                Sysop configurable  as a hidden feature
                                Features   Baiting, Casting and Reeling
                                for that big Fish.  Feeding fish,  ATM,
                                napping, and swimming.  Hidden feature.
                                           New Web Site
                                   Call for updates to AOMs and TC!
                                 -=Copyright (c) 1996 John A. Tucker=-
tch107.zip    123968 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                        T O M M C H A T   1.07         
                                 A Door which turns your BBS into a    
                                 multi-user chat line!  Full remote    
                                 c0 functions, Generic and Intelligent 
                                 Actions, supports four door info file 
                                 types, no special hardware or special 
                                 TSRs needed!  Many more features!     
                                 Inexpensive Shareware!                
                                 From  \//hirlwind Software!           
tchkpop1.zip   33266 08-05-2024 Tiny's CheckPOP Ver 1.0
                                **Freeware** MAR 20 1998
                                Allows BBS users to check their
                                internet email accounts for mail.
                                Requires OS/2 Warp and TCP/IP.
tcholi47.zip   92718 08-05-2024 TcSoft's Holiday/Personal reminder door..v4.7
                                many bbs types, allows users to enter personal
                                dates that ONLY THAT USER CAN SEE. Allows
                                to enter personal dates and Holiday dates. 
                                will remind users of dates.
                                Fossil not req.. non standard IRQ support
                                Unlimited Baud Rate, ASCII, ANSI, AVATAR+
tchss141.zip   46282 08-05-2024 
tclib25.zip    67586 08-05-2024 The Library! v2.5 AOM - Top Cop! v2.51
                                Sysop configurable as a hidden feature
                                Features  2 mental games, The Whiz and
                                a Word game.   Researching for a perp.
                                Read a book.  Hidden feature.
                                             New Web Site
                                   Call for AOMs and updates to TC!
                                 -=Copyright (c) 1996 John A. Tucker=-
tcpar25.zip    67330 08-05-2024 The Park v2.5 AOM for  Top Cop! v2.51
                                Sysop configurable as hidden features
                                Features Archery, Trash Pick-up, ATM,
                                Picnic, The Public Bathroom, Jogging,
                                Frog Jump and hidden features.
                                            New Web Site
                                  Call for updates to AOMs and TC!
                                -=Copyright (c) 1996 John A. Tucker=-
tcred10.zip    68239 08-05-2024 TCreds v1.0. Released 12-06-97.
                                Convert your current BBS "membership
                                system" (the one the users don't like)
                                to a "Credits system". Now, their fees
                                expire ONLY when the credits run out!
                                Works with most BBS systems that
                                create a DOOR.SYS dropfile...even if
                                your current software does not support
                                a "Credits System". Try TCreds today &
                                see the users come back! 
tcspad45.zip   88350 08-05-2024 TcSoft's FREEWARE Spades door game v4.5 
                                use fossil  or  no fossil needed
                                non standard IRQs .. no baud rate limit
tctpa25.zip    56227 08-05-2024 The Police Academy v2.5 -Top Cop! v2.51
                                Sysop configurable as a hidden feature.
                                Features   Crime Scene,   Martial Arts,
                                and Obstacle Course Training. A Parade.
                                Testing, Inspection & Performance Eval.
                                           New Web Site
                                   Call for updates to AOMs and TC!
                                 -=Copyright (c) 1996 John A. Tucker=-
tcyaht45.zip  100861 08-05-2024 TcSoft's Yahtzee door v4.5 - non standard IRQs
                                supported - NO FOSSIL REQ
                                Automatic ANSI/AVATAR detection, Fossil or
                                internal com routines
                                with UNLIMITED baud rate support.  IRQs 1-15
                                .BAT file no longer needed to run the door.
tc_2dmm49.zip  279238 08-05-2024 TcSoft's Inter-BBS, MultiNode Match Maker Door
                                 TcSoft's Inter-BBS, MultiNode Match Maker
                                Door v4.9 ۲
                                This package supports many BBS types. This
                                version now
                                supports Inter-BBS User Netmail + File
                                No fossils req.  and support for non standard
                                + much much more.  
tdare100.zip   70582 08-05-2024 
tday2k2.zip    43099 08-05-2024 Days until the Y2k  Ver 2.0
                                Simple door to display the days until
                                the year 2000 to your users.
                                DOS and OS/2 Versions.
tdhxp1_0.zip  145425 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 **     TDH Space Store V1.0       ** 
                                    The latest Xport for GALAXY 5     
                                  TDH Space Store, the best Xport     
                                  currently available, allows your    
                                  players to buy and sell Hyper Bikes 
                                  and craft, drink, flirt, play card  
                                  games etc and much, much more.      
                                     * UK BBS support available *     
                                          Author Colin Birch          
                                       Sysop  The Dog House BBS       
                                         (01443) 400327 24hrs         
                                      Latest files - 21 Sept 1996     
tdhxp2_0.zip  129841 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 **  TDH Temple of Llamedos V1.0   ** 
                                    The latest Xport for GALAXY 5     
                                  Visit the Temple of Llamedos        
                                  Do you dare drink from the golden   
                                  cups or attempt to light a candle   
                                  not knowing what could happen ?     
                                  Find out - install The Temple NOW   
                                     * UK BBS support available *     
                                          Author Colin Birch          
                                       Sysop  The Dog House BBS       
                                         (01443) 400327 24hrs         
                                      Latest files - 09 Nov 1996      
tdice222.zip  102729 08-05-2024 Target Dice v2.22 By DKS Software. Most 
                                BBS's supported. A dice game in which you
                                try to match or come close to the computers 
                                roll and win money. Multi-Node and Desqview
                                aware. When registered features make-up 
                                missed days and bulletin generator. 
tdogh1_4.zip  123942 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 **     TDH Rovers Place  V1.4    ** 
                                     The latest IGM for DOGWORLD     
                                  Visit the shrine of Rover.         
                                  Do you dare drink from the bowls   
                                  or attempt to pee against a post   
                                  not knowing what could happen ?    
                                   Find out - install the IGM NOW    
                                        Minor bug fix update         
                                    * UK BBS support available *     
                                         Author Colin Birch          
                                      Sysop  The Dog House BBS       
                                        (01443) 400327 24hrs         
                                     Latest files - 13 Apr 1999      
tdogh2_1.zip  122797 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 **     TDH Colins Casino V1.1    ** 
                                     The latest IGM for DOGWORLD     
                                        Visit Colins Casino.         
                                  Do you dare play the games - you   
                                  could loose all your bones - then  
                                  again, you might just win.         
                                   Find out - install the IGM NOW    
                                       Minor bug fix update          
                                    * UK BBS support available *     
                                         Author Colin Birch          
                                      Sysop  The Dog House BBS       
                                        (01443) 400327 24hrs         
                                     Latest files - 28 Dec 1996      
tdogh2_2.zip  123584 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 **     TDH Colins Casino V1.2    ** 
                                     The latest IGM for DOGWORLD     
                                        Visit Colins Casino.         
                                  Do you dare play the games - you   
                                  could loose all your bones - then  
                                  again, you might just win.         
                                   Find out - install the IGM NOW    
                                       Minor bug fix update          
                                    * UK BBS support available *     
                                         Author Colin Birch          
                                      Sysop  The Dog House BBS       
                                        (01443) 400327 24hrs         
                                     Latest files - 13 Apr 1999      
tdoor50.zip   277666 08-05-2024 Time Door 5.0:Time Banking,Gambling &
                                Transfers for WC! 4.x
                                Time Door 5.0 is a Wildcat! 4.x door with full
                                featured Time
                                Banking, Gambling and Transfer sections. Time
                                Door is the
                                only door to offer all these sections along
                                with the BEST
                                and most complete sysop control. The
                                registered version even
                                has a BYTE and DOWNLOAD bank where users can
                                deposit bytes
                                and downloads. Time Door is the premiere Time
                                Banking Door
                                for Wildcat! 3.x being the only Wildcat! door
                                to bring
                                together Time Banking, Gambling and transfers
                                along with the
                                bonus of a BYTE and Download bank. This
                                program is shareware
                                and will not expire.
tdoors11.zip   55029 08-05-2024 TRIDOORS (V 1.10) - A program for use with
                                TriBBS Bulletin Board Systems, which will
                                track the usage of up to 80 door programs,
                                and generate both ANSI and ASCII bulletins
                                containing the door program names and the
                                number of times each has been used.  Allows
                                you to track the usage of all door programs
                                on your BBS, or part of them.             
                                From FC Software!
tdown10.zip    18502 08-05-2024 TakeDown 1.0 - This handy little utility can
                                be used to take down an entire multinode BBS
                                system.  By the author of TriBBS, but will
                                work with any other BBS software that allows
                                each node to run its own events.
tdt_inc.zip    23790 08-05-2024  The Legend Of The TDT Incorparated
                                 Menu sets!! A TDT Inc. Production.
                                 Interesting back ground...
tea101.zip    149318 08-05-2024 The Eternal Adventure Door Game
                                is a new kind of game that lets
                                users test out their creativity
                                and allows for a time of fun and
                                relaxation.  This is version 1.0.
                                Registration is only $5 until Nov.
                                By The K Corporation.
tempv101.zip   69604 08-05-2024       -=[ The Temple v1.01 ]=-           
                                   Programmed By:  Robert Colozza        
                                  The Temple AOU for Battle of The       
                                   Arts v2.20+.  Users go through        
                                  different tests to prove if they       
                                     are worthy enough for help          
teno10.zip     21125 08-05-2024 TENOAOS is a Story Door, the story is written
                                entirely by your users,
                                writing the story five lines at a time.
                                TENOAOS is normally strange,
                                sometimes funny, and alway enteraining.
                                Features Include:
                                 Up to 10 user defined stories at any one
                                time!  FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!
                                 Will check the current users name against a
                                sysop created BADUSER.LST
                                 Will check the user security level against a
                                sysop created SECURITY.LST
                                 All Stories as stored in ASCII format. Easy
                                Editing of storylines.
                                 Spell Checking, Word wrap, cursor control,
                                and much more!
                                 Color Supported in Story via @-Codes! 
                                Written by CDS Software.
                                 FULLY Prompted.  From the authors of
                                Internet Addresser and ECHOREQ!
                                 Bullet-Proof Multi-Node, Multi-User Support.
                                 Multi-Lingual Support!
                                 FULLY DOCUMENTATED Prompt file.   More
                                Features, No more Room to list!
                                 Written in Blazing fast wcCODE for Wildcat!
                                 Shareware - Registration just $7.50 - Source
                                Code available!
teos2wb3.zip  269868 08-05-2024  Planets: TEOS V2.00 Wide Beta 3 
                                True interactive multinode node play    
                                for any dos based BBS.  Hundreds of 
                                new features - Cartels, IGM Support,  
                                smart NPC's! 97% new/rewritten code.
teosxt10.zip   43592 08-05-2024  -= TEOS 2 - Planetary Extension 100 =-
                                100 new  planets for TEOS 2.0 along with
                                many  new and cool things  you can trade
                                on them! A  *MUST*  get for any TEOS 2.0
                                game!  FREEWARE                 12/21/96
teosxt11.zip   43427 08-05-2024 = TEOS 2.X  - Planetary Extension 1.10 =
                                100 new  planets for TEOS 2.X along with
                                many  new and cool things  you can trade
                                on them! A  *MUST*  get for any TEOS 2.X
                                game!  FREEWARE                  1/14/97
terra840.zip  744145 08-05-2024 Terra-Firma Real Time Interactive Space War
                                Biggest and the best! 10000 sector Universe
                                Robot Players, Robot transports, Co-Pilots
                                for continued play while off line! Real
                                time ship to ship attacks and Trading!
                                Much, much more. E-Mail dwendlg@bcn.net
                                WEB http://www.bcn.net/~dwendlg. Ver 8.40
                                BBS support 413-684-0145 FiDoNet 1:332/107
                                ONLINE credit card/savings checking support.
terrafix.zip   96771 08-05-2024 Bug fix for Terra Firma door game v8.35
tetly101.zip   96824 08-05-2024  Great new AOU for Battle Of The Arts!    
                                 Search for Tetley's house just in the    
                                 outskirts of China Town. If you don't    
                                 have this new addition to BOTA,  then    
                                 you need to download it right now and    
                                 put it up... for your users, so  they    
                                 can enjoy it. Registration is cheaper    
                                 than most AOU's, or IGM's for any  of        
                                 the other doors  around!   MUST HAVE!
                                            Written and Coded by:      
                                                 Mike Hiatte            
tetris13.zip   26048 08-05-2024 
texastrv.zip   49788 08-05-2024 
texlot14.zip    9077 08-05-2024 TEX'S LOTTO is a combination TimeBank
                                & Spin off of the Texas State Lotto.
                                The Time Bank can be disabled if you
                                don't want to use it or already have
                                one. The Lotto keeps track of matches
                                from 1 to 6 (Winning the Lotto) along
                                with Times Played, Money that might
                                have been won/lost if playing the
                                real Texas Lotto. You gamble time by
                                loosing 1 minute for no matches,
                                break even with a match, and win 1
                                minute for 2 matches. 10 minutes for
                                3, 20 for 4, 45 for 5 and 60 for 6
                                matches. Compiled with WcCode 4.01!
tf21.zip      136452 08-05-2024 
tfb112.zip    135631 08-05-2024 TASK FORCE BROADSIDE - Pacific Naval
                                War Door Game - Vers 1.12-Anchors
                                away and full steam ahead in this light
                                hearted but fun game which is half
                                wargame and half card game and takes
                                place in the Pacific Ocean of the 1940's.
                                Using drydock, sub attack, minefield,
                                land based air support and broadside
                                cards, you attempt to sink the opponents
                                fleet of five ships before that fate
                                happens to you.  Did I mention that you
                                can also draw Storm and Secondary Damage
                                cards which can ruin the best laid
                                strategy of either side?  Destined to
                                be a real user favorite on any BBS!
                                MULTI-NODE CAPABLE. Supports most BBS
                                Software packages, including PC Board
                                Vers 15 & WildCat 3.91. The game is RIP
                                aware, does not require a fossil, but
                                will make use of one if it is available,
                                supports interupts 0-15, selectable port
                                addresses, Com ports 1-4, and speeds up
                                to 115,200 baud. Automatic Windows,
                                WindowsNT, OS/2,DOS 5.0+ time slice
                                releasing. DESQview supported. $10.00
th200a.exe    100272 08-05-2024 
th201u.zip     97416 08-05-2024 
th53.zip      276619 08-05-2024 
thang11.zip    38364 08-05-2024 *******************************
                                Tri-Hang 1.10 - This game mocks
                                the childhood game of hangman.
                                Added 20 more puzzles to this
                                version, along with an actuall
                                Hang-Man dude that develops when
                                the user misses a letter.
                                Written by Bruce W. Farley
the70s15.zip  183127 08-05-2024 The 70's! Trivia v1.05 - A BBS Door Game
                                about the time and troubles during the
                                period of the 70's in the U.S. Many more
                                are included in the expanded database when
                                you register this door. You gotta have it
                                and get it registered to get the entire
                                database with over 500 questions. Supports
                                MULTI-NODE, RIP and many BBS types too.
                                Registration $12.00.
thehack4.zip  158992 08-05-2024 The Hack Door game v4.0 - Users think they
                                are hacking into other BBS's
thepool1.zip  143776 08-05-2024 THEPOOL v1.1; Your users can pick who they
                                think will win the weeks NFL Football games.
                                Sysop Config. Supports for most BBS software,
                                COM 1 - 15, up to 115K Baud, non-standard
                                IRQ's, multi- nodes, Digiboard and multi-port
                                boards using FOSSIL drivers. Requires ANSI.
thereg11.zip   20028 08-05-2024 The Reg Version 1.1
                                A BBS Door To Run At
                                Logon That Gives An
                                Unregistered Pause if
                                the user has not donated
                                ITS FOR ANY BBS!
                                ITS ALSO FREEWARE!
therest.zip     4391 08-05-2024 THE RESTAURANT -  A quest for DogWorld ][. 
                                Written by Dawn Brockhausen  (aka Thumper)
                                of Thumper's Hole BBS.  Unzip  these files
                                into your  \QUESTS  directory and then run
                                the DogQuest program to install the quest.
                                Choose option 2 and type in REST1.FUN when
                                prompted for a filename. 
thilo110.zip  138455 08-05-2024 --===-- Classic Hi-Lo Card BBS Door --====--
                                Hi-Lo Card Door.  Supports many drop files  
                                with internal comm routines and fossil      
                                driver support.  Keep monthly top ten       
                                scores, last month's high, and an all-time  
                                high score.  Allows make-up days.  Very     
                                configurable to suit every SysOp.  $5.00    
                                --====--====--- Version 1.10 ---====--====--
think20.zip    54965 08-05-2024 Thinker V2.0 by McSoft Corp. Thinker
                                is a fun, simple online card game which
                                challenges you to achieve the highest
                                monthly score possible. This game is
                                similar to the game of "Concentration"
                                as seen on television.
thi_2d100.zip   93279 08-05-2024 Castle of Thibea v1.0
                                Battle your way up to the top of the castle
                                composed of 10 randomly created mazes!
                                Great Graphics!  Great Game!  Great Fun!
thro2_20.zip   97031 08-05-2024 Throw Out v2.200 - Solitaire Card Door Game 
                                Throw Out is a solitaire card game door for
                                PCB or systems 
                                using 31 line door.sys files. ANSI graphics
                                game based on 
                                an old solitaire card game. All instructions
                                are in the 
                                door program. The door features auto roll-over
                                of the scores
                                on the first of the month, play makeup or
                                ahead days. Features
                                are configurable in registered version by the
throwv2.zip    53031 08-05-2024 
thrten14.zip  152609 08-05-2024 Thirteen v1.4 On-Line Door Game
                                Here is a nice ANSI card game that your
                                users will love.  Has many nice features to
                                the game.  Object of the game is to clear a
                                foundation of eight cards.  Make match of
                                using only 2 cards or just the King.  Not
                                easy by any means.
                                Thirteen CARD ONLINE DOOR GAME
                                Worldwide Programming (209) 325-0278
tht105f.zip   129164 08-05-2024    *****************************
                                   ** TreeHouse Truants v1.05F **
                                Freeware version of TreeHouse Truants.
                                A role-playing online game.  In this
                                game you are a 13 year old jerk who
                                doesn't take any bull from anyone.
                                Fun, easy to play, supports almost
                                ANY BBS type.  Written by Justin King.
thunv31b.zip  177603 08-05-2024 THUNDER VALLEY v3.1b ---RIPPABLE!! Trivia,
                                 user combat, role playing door game!
                                 Multinode aware with multinode chat!
                                 E-mail, autodetect fossil or internal com
                                 routines. Supports many door formats. Editor
                                 available to create custom trivia files.
                                 Travel through ThunderValley. Guided by the
                                 Spirit of the Shaman race other users to
                                 recover the Orb of  Knowledge. Now supports
                                 speeds to 115,200.
                                 Shareware from LAIRWare. Released 4/8/95.
tiar10.zip     41818 08-05-2024 
tictac10.zip   65631 08-05-2024 
tictac11.zip   75613 08-05-2024          TIC-TAC-TIME 
                                ...A lot more fun than it sounds!
                                A TicTacToe door that supports most BBS 
                                drop files, TIC-TAC-TIME provides many 
                                sysop functions, multi-config, full 
                                data input error checking, multiple
                                personality status line, and multi-
                                node operation. Play against the 
                                computer and win or lose connect time!
                                No FOSSIL required -- supports 
                                non-standard comm ports. Registration
                                ONLY $5!
tid20.zip      99728 08-05-2024            The Infinite Door
                                            version 2.0
                                           by:  Mike Herndon
                                Never be restricted to  the number
                                of doors you can have on your BBS!
                                  Ansi Support
                                  Easily Supports 496,976 Doors
                                   (Can support an infinite ammt.)
                                  Supports all popular drop files
                                  MenuMaker(TM) A Technology 1st!
                                    (Makes ANSI-RIP menus for you)
                                  Easy enough for a five year old
                                  NO MAINTENANCE
                                  Checks Time and Security level
                                  Keeps active log file
                                  Unlimited BBS Licence only $15!
                                Grab it, there is nothing to lose.
                                 P.S. A MUST for SpitFire Sysops!
time22.zip    272269 08-05-2024 TIME TRAVEL        RPG-Door              v2.2
                                **** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection ****
                                You find yourself trapped between 3 different
                                times: Prehistoric, Present and the Future.  
                                You must find the 10 codes to enter into the 
                                Time Piece in order to return to your own 
                                time!  Battle cavemen, convicts, aliens and 
                                other time travellers.  Spin the Time Dial, 
                                play the Hi\Lo Card game, find the SECRET 
                                answers to the bartenders riddles and enter 
                                them into the Time Computer and much more!  
                                Includes FULL SUPPORT for Extended Play 
                                Modules (EPM's) or (IGM's)!  
timebank.zip   22604 08-05-2024 Ver. 1.5 - TimeBank, the UN-door door.
                                This is seamless non-TPA style time
                                bank door with many SysOp definable
                                features such as a lottery and the
                                ability to give interest to each
                                account.  (requires BRUN30.EXE)
timefix1.zip   69157 08-05-2024 Time Port (TIMEPORT.EXE) 1.1a Bug Fix: Fixes
                                problem that was causing a level-increase to
                                impossible after a certain point.  Use this
                                in conjunction with TPORT11A.ZIP.  A new
                                (with new features) will be released soon.
timev16.zip   251828 08-05-2024    
                                     TIMETRAVEL   v1.6
                                RPG door for any DOOR.SYS BBS!
                                You find yourself trapped between 3
                                different times: Prehistoric, Present
                                and the Future.  You must find the 10
                                codes to enter into the Time Piece in 
                                order to return to your own time!  
                                Battle cavemen, convicts, aliens and 
                                other time travellers.  Spin the Time 
                                Dial, play the Hi\Lo Card game, find 
                                the SECRET answers to the bartenders 
                                riddles and enter them into the Time 
                                Computer and much more!  Includes FULL 
                                SUPPORT for Extended Play Modules 
                                (EPM's) or (IGM's)!  Archive also 
                                includes EPMCODE.ZIP containing
                                information for programming EPM's in
                                ANY language.  Grab a copy of TIME
                                TRAVEL today!
                                (C) Copyright 1996 Lounge Software
time_2datm.zip   35341 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                TimeBank-ATM v1.6  An ATM-styled time bank 
                                  written in wcCode for your Wildcat BBS.  
                                   It gives your users the look and feel   
                                 of an Automatic Teller Machine for saving 
                                     their online time for later use.      
                                   This version features a Sysop menu to   
                                  allow local or remote configuration and  
                                   the ability to exclude access levels.   
                                   Now with Scratch-Off Lottery tickets    
                                 to allow your users to gamble their time. 
                                       A great addition to your BBS!       
                                        Compiled with wcCode v4.11         
                                  Another product of GadgetSoft Solutions  
tisharks.zip   64074 08-05-2024 
tit102.zip    132787 08-05-2024 Legend Of The Purple Tit.
                                Version 1.02 Adult Door Game
                                RIP and ANSI.
tjbibl10.zip  296741 08-05-2024 T&J Software's Bible Online Door v1.0:
                                Supports most BBS systems, fossil drivers,
                                and digiboard systems. Online searching in
                                each book or the entire Bible. Registered
                                version requires approx. 10 megs free.
tjinb10.zip   152523 08-05-2024 T&J InBetween Door v1.00: A few twists on an
                                old game! Supports most BBS types. Features
                                include: three of a kind jackpot payoff,
                                sysop can set payoff ratios, jackpot winner
                                list, user statistics, top ten list, and
                                much more! From T&J Software (717)325-9481 or
                                file request TJINB from 1:268/400 for the
                                latest version.
tjlem43.zip   147193 08-05-2024 Lemonade Door v4.30 - run your own stand!
                                Supports various COM ports, DESQview aware,
                                non-standard IRQ's, colorful ANSI screens,
                                top 10 bulletin creation, fully SysOp
                                configurable, supports most BBS types,
                                and even fossil drivers! T&J Software
tjlot17.zip   139436 08-05-2024 The T&J Lotto Door v1.70 - win at the lottery
                                by picking the right lotto numbers! Let
                                your users win up to three different prizes
                                that you select, supports COM1-15, DESQview
                                aware, non-standard IRQ's, colorful ANSI
                                screens, fully SysOp configurable, supports
                                fossil drivers, and most BBS types. A
                                product of T&J Software
tjmorm11.zip  661721 08-05-2024 Book of Mormon Online Door v1.10:
                                Supports most BBS systems, fossil drivers,
                                and digiboard systems. Online searching in
                                each book or the entire book. From T&J
                                Software - www.tjsoft.com
tjpok171.zip  182086 08-05-2024 T&J Video Poker! v1.71-- You set the payoff,
                                2's or better to Ace's or better! High hand
                                of the day gets a BONUS tomorrow! BONUS is
                                sysop configurable, various COM ports, DESQ-
                                view and Network ready, top ten, alltime
                                high, last weeks high, fossil drivers, easy
                                setup and configuration via a built-in
                                utility program! From T&J Software!
tjraf_11.zip  134654 08-05-2024 The T&J Raffle Door v1.1: Run a raffle on
                                your BBS! Fixed # of tickets per person
                                and door locks on your set date! Supports
                                COM 0-15, multinodes and DESQview aware,
                                automatic maintenance, colorful screens,
                                and much more! Also supports Wildcat IM
                                and PCBoard/M versions! This version also
                                supports RIP!
tjstat13.zip   53862 08-05-2024 TJStat v1.3; Activity Log analyzer for
                                Wildcat! 3.xx BBS's. Makes a concise one
                                screen display of your activity log file for
                                up to 10 different log files. No registration
                                fee! A free utility for Wildcat! SysOp's.
tk202.zip     237173 08-05-2024 
tkd10d.zip     47420 08-05-2024 The King's Delimma 1.0d [IGM] 
                                 Help the king of Serin out.   
                                 A giant has been stealing    
                                 his towns food, and he needs 
                                 your help!  Play as either   
                                 a Hunter or a Fisherman      
                                 Multi-Node Aware               
                                 Dekka Visions(c) 1996        
tktes.zip     232255 08-05-2024 Trivial King 3.9 from TES Software. Lets
                                users compete for points from a database
                                of over 1800 questions! Supports COM 1-4 
                                with various IRQ's. All options are 
                                completly sysop configurable! It features 
                                a 1800 question database!. Also you can
                                get ADDTK.EXE to add more questions to the
                                database. For the latest releases or to 
                                report a bug please call Terminal Entry 
                                919-895-0368 HST. 1:3634/32 TESFREQ is
                                included in this ZIP.Supports Multi-BBSs.
tkv04.zip      42337 08-05-2024 Time Keeper v.04, Excellent Time Bank
                                for WildCat!(c) v3.9X and v4.X!
                                Definable interest on accounts,
                                registration only $5!
tld_2d221.zip  253526 08-05-2024 The Labyrinth Door v2.21ް - by BLand
                                A Maze Game pure and simple.  No role playing
                                Setup program to create the config file. 
                                Tasker detection and support.  Very
                                5 Mazes included, SysOp can make more! $20 -
tlotto11.zip   54348 08-05-2024 
tlst125b.zip  121245 08-05-2024 
                                ޳    TurboLIST Version 1.25b    ޳
                                TurboLIST is an online BBS listingdoor
                                for RemoteAccess v2.xx or anything that
                                uses DORINFOx.DEF or DOOR.SYS dropfiles
                                Some features include :
                                 Cross-index searching
                                 Downloading (txt,telemate,terminate)
                                 Nodelist importing
                                 Users can upload ANSI ads of the BBS
                                 Completely run by light-bars!
                                by: Michael Helliker of Mikerosoft Pro.
tlxtw204.zip  213543 08-05-2024 Telix Scripts for Tradewars 2002 2.x wb5
                                Powerful SALT scripts that help players
                                perform repetitive tasks fast, efficient
                                and effortlessly.  Paired Port Trading,
                                Transport/Sell/Steal Cycle, much more.
tmastr52.zip  139192 08-05-2024  v5.2b BBS Door game.
                                ANSI graphics, Multinode, DTE speeds
                                to 115kbps w/non-std IRQ. Includes a
                                free Rock'n Roll database with over
                                40 years of trivia for all ages. REG
                                version includes a free 5 game MENU 
                                front end and game configurations.
                                (c)1990-94 Late-Nite Software.
tmg108.zip    355318 08-05-2024 /==--        The Magic Gate  1.08        
                                The Magic Gate is a true multi-node door set
                                a medieval town plagued by problems and
                                occurances.  In this world, you can choose
                                any  of 6  professions  and advance through 
                                levels in each of them and help to rid the
                                of these creatures. To do that though, you
                                enter a portal that will take you through 
                                time and space.   This archive includes all
                                documents necessary to create your own
                                to the world via a simple scripting language.
tmont110.zip  138719 08-05-2024 --==-- Monte Carlo Solitaire BBS Door --==--
                                Monte Carlo Solitaire Card Door.  Supports
                                many drop files with internal comm routines
                                and fossil driver suport.  Keep monthly top
                                ten scores, last month's high, and an
                                all-time high score.  Allows make-up days.
                                Very configurable to suit all SysOps. $10.00
                                --====--====--- Version 1.10 ---====--====--
tncdr105.zip   29350 08-05-2024 The TNC DOOR uses a PACKET RADIO
                                terminal-node-controller (TNC) to control
                                amateur radio transmitting equipment.  Using
                                such equipment requires a FEDERAL amateur
                                radio license of the appropriate class.  If
                                you are a BBS sysop, then you are very welcome
tnglord.zip    34452 08-05-2024       -= Star Trek =-
                                     The Next Generation
                                New  menu  sets,  text  files,
                                and  monsters  for  your  LORD
                                game.  From the maker of  Star
                                Wars LORD.
tng_trv1.zip  105056 08-05-2024 >>>>>>> STAR TREK: TNG TRIVIA I v2.5 <<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of the Star Trek, The Next
                                Generation.  Fully functional, supports
                                multiple BBS formats, file sharing for
                                multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h
                                fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is
                                DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
tnt124.zip    225647 08-05-2024  Tunnels-n-Tombs 1.24 JPSoft Doorware
                                 A classic maze game with a touch of
                                 such greats as Moria, Rogue, Hack and
                                 Larn.  Sysop configurable. Supports
                                 DORINFOx.DEF or DOOR.SYS, FOSSIL or
                                 ASYNC, and RIP.  Full editor for easy
                                 configuration and maintenance.
tntbrd10.zip   21419 08-05-2024 TnT Board List - version 1.0 for TriBBS 3.0
                                A DOOR utility which enables visiting SysOps
                                to add their BBS to a list of many.  Makes
                                ASCII and ANSI Bulletins.
tnyhang6.zip   70486 08-05-2024 Tiny's Hang-Man Ver 1.6
                                **Freeware** May 29 1998
                                The BEST hangman door!
                                Many bug fixes & features.
                                DOS and OS/2 Versions.
tob.zip      3124729 08-05-2024 (T)he (O)nline (B)ible v1.00 - This software
                                is a Bible
                                that a sysop may use to provide their users
                                with the
                                word of God.  However; you do not need a BBS
                                to use this
                                software. The software provides a method of
                                reading any
                                of the books of the Bible. It should be noted
                                that this
                                is the King James Version, all sixty-six books
                                are provided.
                                This software is offered FREELY to anyone who
                                it. Bobby Darin
toc4_7.zip    467118 08-05-2024 Time of Chaos v4.7; Basically a futuristic,
                                demographical, role-playing type of game, or
                                simulation, which leans mainly towards
                                scientific theory and fact.
tocme.zip       8901 08-05-2024 
todlordc.zip  194484 08-05-2024    Tod LORD - By Kevin Foster
                                Great new program for your LORD!
                                Bored of the same old boring text
                                in LORD?  Bored of the same old
                                edited text in LORD?  GET TODLORD!
                                Added to your start.BAT file,
                                TODLORD detects the time of day
                                and uses the according text for
                                the time!  Also has a random rain
                                function.  Adds variety to the
                                game of Lord and is very easy to
                                install!  A must for all BBS's
                                running LORD! -Version 1.5-
                                Created By Kevin Foster for the
                                Luxor BBS - (403) 271-5135
                                Unless I find another Bug, this
                                will be the last version...Just
                                rerun the Install program and all
                                necessary changes will take place!
topchop1.zip   20537 08-05-2024 TopChop Version 1.0 By: Simmons
                                Utility for Legend Of the Red Dragon to stop
                                users from staying at a certain level and 
                                building up strength and defense points to
                                invincible... Registration: $3.00
topten26.zip   67193 08-05-2024 ͸
                                ۳ The User Top Ten List v2.6 ۳
                                  [ ShehkTech Software ]  
                                 A fun interactive BBS door 
                                 just like the Top Ten List 
                                 on that nighttime tv show. 
                                  Supports ANSI internally. 
                                   Users supply Topics and  
                                  Responses.  Registration  
                                    is only $9 US.  Full    
                                 DOOR.SYS and DOORINFOx.DEF 
                                   support.  Call Virtual   
                                      Insanity World HQ     
                                    or The PhilTheist BBS   
                                   for the latest products  
                                  from SHHKTCH Software!  
torc12.zip    104482 08-05-2024 Truth or Consequences v1.20  A FREE! Door
                                program from PAROLE Software.  See just how
                                many user have the nerve to see the
                                conclusion of this door program. There is NO
                                registration fee for this door.  This is one
                                birthday where I'm giving out the presents.
                                Copyright (c) 1993-95, PAROLE Software
                                all rights reserved
tor_23.zip    196633 08-05-2024 ====================
                                     The Realm of Illuryia v1.01       
                                 The best BBS Doorgame gets better --  
                                 Bug fixes and many changes to make    
                                 game play easier and more fun. Become 
                                 a guildmaster, guard, manager, even a 
                                 king or queen in the fantasy world of 
                                 Illuryia. True player interaction.    
                                 Copyright (c) 1995-96 Ficus Software  
tower20b.zip  291784 08-05-2024 Tower of Shadows By: Daniel Holmes
                                Fight monsters with other online
                                users.  This is a text adventure
                                game, where it will let your
                                users write, some adventures of
                                there own. Use just there plain
                                text editor, like "EDIT.COM".
                                This is Version 0.19b Try it, I
                                think you and your Users will
                                injoy it.
towers32.zip   42425 08-05-2024 Mystic Towers. (WC v5.x ONLY)  Extra World for
                                Lachrymator v2.x
                                UPDATED (04/18/96).  FOR USE ONLY ON
                                REGISTERED VERSION OF LACHRYMATOR!
                                -- Gambling world for Lachrymator v2.x
                                -- Registration is only $5
towerwc4.zip   47678 08-05-2024 Mystic Towers.  WC4.x ONLY.  Extra World for
                                Easy Setup using the Helper Program
tow_2d101.zip  238102 08-05-2024 **     >>---> Times Of War v1.01 <---<<    **
                                **     By Egg-O-Matic Ltd. Productions     **
                                Conquer the  galaxy in this  treacherous  and
                                unforgiving strategy war game!  Build massive
                                fleets, defend your planets,  and strike your
                                opponent where s/he's weakest!  Complete with
                                intelligence  reports, diplomatic  relations,
                                full  screen  message editor,  and a  zillion
                                ways to make your  ascention to  ruler of the
                                galaxy  miserable!  T.O.W. is not a  game for
                                the coward or weak minded!
                                REVERSEware, BETAware, or PASSITONware - Your
                                choice! :)
                                            [Released 09/28/1999]
tpac120c.zip  128850 08-05-2024 
                                ޳    TurboPAC Version  1.20c    ޳
                                    TurboPAC  is a  hot new online
                                    arcade-type door in which  the
                                    user  guides   his  character,
                                          PacMan,   through   dozens  of
                                 action-packed mazes, gobbling pellets,
                                 finding   secrets,    grabbing
                                 bonuses, and  avoiding ghosts.   
                                 Supports    DORINFOx.DEF   and   
                                 DOOR.SYS type Dropfiles.         
tpb_2dptch.zip   60915 08-05-2024 PATCH.EXE  File required to apply the patch
                                files for the PAROLE Software door and
                                utility updates.
tpgolf10.zip  114895 08-05-2024 Ĵ      TPC Golf v1.0       Ŀ
                                 TPC Golf is a game door that was written 
                                 to be as realistic as possible. It is    
                                 played exactly the way you would attack  
                                 your local course. Check the yardage on  
                                 your score card, select your club and    
                                 swing away. Supports PCBoard 12.0-14.5,  
                                 Wildcat, DOOR.SYS and DORINFOx.DEF!      
                                 System Files. By: SDP SoftWare Systems   
tplus24.zip   263445 08-05-2024 Trivia Plus V2.4-Multi Trivia/Role Door Game.
                                Users answer questions taking from six trivia
                                categories.  Starting at a Comatose level the
                                user moves up in levels by gaining IQ points 
                                until they become the Genius.  Compatible 
                                with most BBS software.  Supports up to 115K 
                                baud rate, COM 0-15, non-standard IRQ's and 
                                multi-port boards using a FOSSIL including 
                                PCBoard/M.  Desqview compatible.
                                    **** From: DEKM Software, Inc. ****
tpm_71.zip    126712 08-05-2024 The Pool Machine 7.1 BBS sports pool
                                door. Includes game schedules for 1996
                                NFL and CFL football seasons. Allows
                                wagering on games. Support for many BBS
                                systems and Fossils. Can be maintained
                                by selected users from remote.
                                You must run the conversion 6.X to 7.X
                                if you are upgrading a 6.X door!
tpool200.zip  176174 08-05-2024 ThePool v2.00 Online Footbal Pool Door. The
                                NFL football pool for your BBS! Your users
                                can pick who they think will win the weeks
                                games. Sysop config. supports for most BBS
                                software, COM 1 - 15, up to 115K Baud,
                                non-standard IRQ's, multi-nodes, Digiboard
                                multiport boards w/FOSSIL drivers. Requires
tport11a.zip  502863 08-05-2024 ޯ TIME PORT Version 1.1a Beta
                                 A totally IGM-based BBS door game from 
                                 the author of Lunatix.  Set in the far 
                                 future, you have been given access to  
                                ݯ the Time Portal.. History awaits!
tportreg.zip   39692 08-05-2024 Your FREE REGISTRATION to the TIME PORT Door
                                Absolutely Free!  This is the REG program I
                                when TimePort required a registration, and I
                                Releasing it to the public.  You can now
                                Time Port for FREE!  Rolling Eye BBS:
tpsol100.zip  125409 08-05-2024 --=====-- Poker Solitaire BBS Door --=====--
                                Poker Solitaire Card Door.  Supports many
                                drop files with internal comm routines and
                                fossil driver suport.  Keep monthly top ten
                                scores, last month's high, and an all-time
                                high score.  Allows make-up and play ahead  
                                days.  Very configurable to suit every
                                SysOp. $5.00 to Register.  T&T Software!    
                                --====--====--- Version 1.00 ---====--====--
tpsv099a.zip  100659 08-05-2024 The Polling Station Voting Door 0.99a
tpyra130.zip  143038 08-05-2024 --====-- Pyramid Solitaire BBS Door --====--
                                Pyramid Solitaire Card Door.  Supports many
                                drop files with internal comm routines and
                                fossil driver suport.  Keep monthly top ten
                                scores, last month's high, and an all-time
                                high score.  Allows make-up days.  Very 
                                configurable to suit every SysOp. $10.00
                                --====--====--- Version 1.30 ---====--====--
tqm111.zip    123548 08-05-2024 
track10a.zip   76671 08-05-2024             DreamTRACK v1.0
                                       The Animated Dog Racing Door
                                    Simply the best!  Your users will
                                         LOVE it!  Try it and see!
                                  100% Ansi Graphics!   Supports all the
                                   most popular BBS' including WildCat!,
                                  PCB, WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more!
                                   NOT CRIPPLED!!!  FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!
                                      $10 Registration - A Must See!
tradewar.zip 1432970 08-05-2024 
traf6_21.zip  116859 08-05-2024 Traffic Jam v6.21 - Door Game for any BBS
                                system. Upgraded Traffic Jam door game for
                                many BBS systems. Most major BBS drop files
                                supported. ANSI graphics game where you try
                                to get from home to the airport in time and
                                avoiding uneccesary delays. Must stop along
                                the way to pick up snacks for the kids. The
                                door features auto roll-over of the scores
                                the 1st of the month, play back/ahead days.
                                Fully configurable in registered version by
                                the sysop. Suppots Multi-nodes and
                                non-standard com port IRQ's.
trap232.zip   101985 08-05-2024 MineTrap 2.32
                                        MINE TRAP v2.32         
                                 Locate And Detonate All The    
                                 Mines On The Playfield! ANSI   
                                 Cursor Control Makes The Game  
                                 Fun To Play, And Challenging.  
                                 Multiple Play Levels Help New  
                                 Players Avoid The Frusteration 
                                 Of The Logic. Find Out Why     
                                 This Game Has Become A Classic!
                                  Compiled On: December 2, 1996 
                                         GENERATION II          
                                   Support BBS: 817-794-0126    
                                 Fido: 1:130/319 FREQ: MINETRAP 
                                 FTP: ftp.pca.net/Carlton_Doors 
trapper.zip   122530 08-05-2024 
tra_115.zip   125123 08-05-2024 Traps v1.15  Uncover all of the tiles 
                                as fast as you can!  But, expose a 
                                trap and you are out.  Fun, and add-
                                icting game which also includes a term 
                                to allow use of a mouse for callers!
tra_2d110.zip  164846 08-05-2024 W & W Communications TRAPS door.
                                The object of Traps is to uncover all
                                of the tiles without uncovering a trap.
                                You are timed throughout the game play,
                                so act quickly, your score depends on
                                it.  Version 1.10 comes with a term
                                program allowing users to play Traps
                                with their mouse.
tra_2d115.zip  124818 08-05-2024 Traps v1.15  Uncover all of the tiles 
                                as fast as you can!  But, expose a 
                                trap and you are out.  Fun, and add-
                                icting game which also includes a term 
                                to allow use of a mouse for callers!
trboxg20.zip  179401 08-05-2024 TOP RANK BOXING v2.0 GRAPHIC ACTION DOOR GAME
                                From UltraSoft. Animated Boxing Matches! Game
                                includes exciting, attractive graphics w/lots
                                of Online Sound Effects. Very addictive! This
                                is a MUST for any BBS featuring Sports Doors.
                                REGISTRATION INCLUDES PLAYER EDITOR & EXTRAS.
                                EZ-INSTALL Utility and [/L ] LOCAL operation. 
                                COM1-COM4 to 115K/DOOR.SYS/DORINFO1/NSTD-IRQ.
trc96.zip     295761 08-05-2024  The Restaurant Connection (C)1996
                                  EARN $5,000 to $100,000 a year!
                                This package contains everything you
                                need to use your BBS as a successful
                                business.  The Restaurant Connection
                                is a  program designed to help a BBS
                                earn money while offering a valuable
                                resource  to the community  which it
treasure.zip  128156 08-05-2024 
trek44.zip    113557 08-05-2024 Ver 4.4 Trek Trivia, allows callers to
                                choose between Original Series, TNG or
                                Deep Space 9 Trivia. Multi/Node/BBS.
                                Fossil Driver / DV Aware. Com-Ports
                                0-15. Bauds to 115K. Also added a 
                                BONUS round for winners. Sysop now
                                configures number of questions. Now
                                runs in local mode.
trekquiz.zip  119115 08-05-2024 Star Trek Trivia Quiz BBS Door; Features
                                questions from TNG, and TOS. Registered
                                version has question editor and 479 questions
                                to test the skill of the most dedicated
                                Trekker! Supports GAP, PCBOARD, WILDCAT 3,
                                RBBS, WWIV, SPITFIRE or any DOOR.SYS BBS.
trektg1s.zip  218209 08-05-2024 Trekkie Tags -- Part of the TAGLINE SERIES
                                MULTI-NODE BBS Door Phrase Game! Over 1500   
                                of your favorite Trekkie Taglines! Includes
                                taglines from the original Star Trek, the
                                Next Generation, Voyager, and Deep Space 9.   
                                Supports nearly ALL DROPFILES and SYSTEMS.
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
trektrv1.zip  117752 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>> STAR TREK, TRIVIA I v2.5 <<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of the original Star Trek TV
                                series and movies.  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
trektrv4.zip  145552 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>> STAR TREK, TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of the original Star Trek TV
                                series and movies.  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
tribingo.zip  129524 08-05-2024 Tri-Bingo v2.2 - Door Game by Mike Jordan.
                                The best Bingo Door Game available. Many 
                                features, play up to 3 cards at a time and
                                choose from several types of Bingo games.
                                Several "Special" games that allow bonus
                                payoffs.  No expiration date or Demo Key
                                required. Supports RIP and DigiFossil.
tricrd30.zip   72380 08-05-2024 
tridice2.zip   39628 08-05-2024 
trien_31.zip   69299 08-05-2024 
tripk110.zip  139149 08-05-2024 --===-- TriPeaks Solitaire BBS Door --====--
                                TriPeaks Solitaire Card Door.  Supports many
                                drop files with internal comm routines and
                                fossil driver suport.  Keep monthly top ten
                                scores, last month's high, and an all-time
                                high score.  Allows make-up days.  Very 
                                configurable to suit every SysOp. $10.00
                                --====--====--- Version 1.10 ---====--====--
triple.zip    145774 08-05-2024 
tris107.zip   182344 08-05-2024 TRIS v1.07 - The TETRIS BBS Door!
                                25 Unique Play Screens (3 In Unregistered
                                Version) Present Callers With Varied
                                Challenge Levels. Players Must Complete
                                25 Lines Per Level To Advance. It's Tetris
                                The Way Tetris Was Meant To Be Played!
                                Scores Cycle Monthly, All-Time Highs
                                Are Tracked! Great Competition!
trisec21.zip   22935 08-05-2024 
trisol45.zip  140137 08-05-2024 TRIANGLE Solitaire  -  Door Game    v4.5    .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                Remove all cards from the pyramid in Pairs
                                that equal 13. Fast-paced solitaire game.
                                Makeup games missed during the month. Auto 
                                game reset & Hall of Fame bulletins, at end 
                                of month. Supports Multi-port/Digi cards.
                                NOW with internal MESSAGING CAPABILITY!!!
                                Earn extra points when you score 300 or 
                                more points in a game!
                                ******* INTER-BBS Capable *******
trisrd10.zip  108746 08-05-2024 Tri-Software Registration Door v1.0 ATTENTION
                                PROGRAMMERS! Have you wanted to provide your
                                users with a way to register your software
                                online? Tri-Software Registration Door v1.0!
                                This door will allow your users to register
                                your software ONLINE! It has TOO many
                                features to list including a LOG FILE,HACKER
                                ONLINE THROUGH THE USE OF THE TABS 900
                                SYSTEM, It is compatable with the software
                                registration door TriTABS! VERY LOW
                                registration through January 15, 1995!
                                Compatable with MOST BBS FORMATS!
trivia27.zip  166730 08-05-2024 TRIVIA    -Door Game-                   v2.7
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                Nothing fancy, just a good old solid TRIVIA
                                Door game. Question Database, change the
                                questions via your Event process, import
                                questions created offline or use the Trivia
                                maintenance module to enter questions.
trivia_c.zip   96638 08-05-2024 
trktrv22.zip  161925 08-05-2024 Star Trek Trivia v2.2 Enhancement Release!
                                The Ultimate "Star Trek" Trivia Door Game!
                                Has over 300+ trivia questions with four
                                multiple choice answers regarding all "Star
                                Trek" facets, i.e. ST:TOS, ST:TMP, ST:TNG,
                                ST:DSN, Klingon/English and English/Klingon
                                trivia, Science, Technology, Race, Religion,
                                Culture, Heritage, Make-Up and MORE!
                                TRIVIA TREK STAR LANGUAGE DOOR KLINGON
                                PAROLE SoftWare (C) 1991-94 - all rights
trollm20.zip    7733 08-05-2024 The Troll Mazes -- Another Quest Set for
                                Leviathan's Reef from Lucky Troll Software.
                                Wander the maze in search of fame, fortune,
                                and a nasty Battle Troll on the loose.
                                     Defeat the Troll - win a Prize!
                                FREEWARE!!  Rated "G" for Great Family Fun!
                                Unzip in its own UNIQUE directory. Load into
                                REEF with: reef quest -- then do #2.
                                Simple to install, fun to play!
                                Lucky Troll Software & Robert O. Sachs
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
trolls20.zip   33789 08-05-2024 Adventures of The Lucky Troll -- Quest Set
                                for Leviathan's Reef. 7 enjoyable quests!
                                Meet the Troll Witch, Ugh the Cave Troll,
                                do a little gambling, and generally have a
                                good time!
                                       ---<<<[ FREEWARE ]>>>---
                                Unzip in its own UNIQUE directory.  Load into
                                REEF with: reef quest -- #2 to install.
                                Lucky Troll Software & Robert O. Sachs
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
trouble3.zip   85870 08-05-2024 
trpul123.zip   97979 08-05-2024                   
                                 TDM's TRACTOR PULL NATIONALS! 
                                        NEWEST VERSION (1.23)
                                    *  Released: Jan 4, 1995  *
                                  *Last Months Dirt Merchant Bug Fix*
                                                            ^^^ ^^^
                                 A User against User ANSI Doorgame 
                                  featuring Tractor Pulling Machines
                                  with competetive action!   Full
                                  Featured Pit Area and Engine Torque
                                  Meter to measure the strength of
                                  your pulling machine before and 
                                  during your pull!  Also, POP IN
                                  agents that offer you special deals
                                  that can make you or break you!
                                  New Month Auto-Scores Re-set! Last
                                  Months Winner Screen!  Supports
                                  MOST ALL (7) BBS Dropfile Types!  
                                  V1.23 includes FOSSIL SUPPORT!
trvfv131.zip   99158 08-05-2024 Trivia Fever is an addictive
                                trivia door program for use
                                with VBBS. Just gives a score
                                so users can play more than
tsblue20.zip  142286 08-05-2024 
tsc_2d213.zip   83742 08-05-2024 -= Trivia Spin Challenge v2.13 =-
                                TSC is a trivia door game based
                                on the old television game show
                                "The Joker's Wild". The shareware
                                version contain 6 categories with
                                50 questions in each. Once out of
                                Beta testing, there will be about
                                6,000 questions total.
                                Many bug fixes and 600 questions!
                                Registration: $15
tsub01.zip     13579 08-05-2024 TSUB -- A utility to make a door (subboard)
                                out of TRIBBS.  Will work with most BBS's
                                that can create a DOOR.SYS file.  Passes
                                Callers baud, time left and error correcting
                                connection status.  
ttac_003.zip  113295 08-05-2024 Tic-Tac Hi-Lo v0.03 By DKS Software. Most 
                                BBS's supported. A Tic-Tac-To and Card 
                                game combined. Try to win before the
                                computer does. Multi-Node and Desqview
                                aware. When registered features make-up 
                                missed days and bulletin generator. 
ttrial25.zip  129047 08-05-2024 Time Trials v2.5 Drag Racing Simulation. A
                                BBS door program that gives you everything
                                but the smell of burning rubber.  Supports
                                all the major BBS types.  Another BBS door
                                from PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon.  Now
                                creates RIP Graphic Bulletins.  You gotta see
                                it to believe it!
tuff222.zip   207316 08-05-2024 TERMINAL USERS FANTASY FOOTBALL is
                                Fantasy Football BBS software for PC's 
                                that runs on Windows 95, Windows 3.1 
                                and DOS. Running a "TUFF" league is 
                                simple as your callers can use modems 
                                to access their Fantasy Football 
                                rosters to make trades, sign free 
                                agents, and other interactive team and 
                                player management decisions. Download a
                                FREE copy from the author's web site -> 
tune20.zip     63342 08-05-2024 
tunetrv1.zip  129064 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>>> TUNE TRIVIA I v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with ANSI music asking you to
                                "Name that tune".  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
turbo1.zip    118849 08-05-2024 
turdun18.zip   57238 08-05-2024    TURGONS DUNGEON V 1.8  ͻ
                                  d of the Red Dragon add on     
                                  utility from Wonderland Software.   
                                  Help set Gwendyln free. Gamble with 
                                  the Realms guards. Find the hidden  
                                  Thieves Guild. Explore the dungeon  
                                  all while gaining experience,       
                                  gold and rewards from the fair      
                                  Gwendyln. Another great add on to   
                                  enhance your game for the users.    
                                        WONDERLAND SOFTWARE           
                                   MAD HATTER BBS (919) 736-8005      
turttrv4.zip   98548 08-05-2024 >>>>>>> NINJA TURTLE TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of the Teenage Mutant Ninja
                                Turtle movies and comics.  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
tut105.zip    125104 08-05-2024 
tut17.zip     151814 08-05-2024 Tuts Revenge v1.7 On-Line Door Game
                                You may know this game as Pyramid 13.  Game
                                is done in ANSI.  Has some real nice features
                                to the game.  Works on cursor movement.  A
                                must game for you solitaire type players.
                                PYRAMID TUT GAME DOOR ONLINE
                                Worldwide Programming (209) 325-0278
tv321.zip      37003 08-05-2024 
tvademo.zip   657743 08-05-2024 TV Agent Demo v1.01 - customizable TV guide
                                for 99 users. Remembers hilites and deletes
                                for titles, types, and channels. Delete
                                channels you don't subscribe to (and dull
                                types or titles) so you don't have to read
                                thru so many listings. Print listings
                                matching previous hilites without looking.
                                130+ channels, MANY episode details, FRESH
                                listings. Demo is fully functional but only
                                includes 22 channels for Jan 1-8, 1995.
tvbm200a.zip   34965 08-05-2024 TVBmail - Version 2.0a - Compiled 07/07/92
                                Creates A Nicely Formatted News File For Use 
                                With _ANY_ BBS Program on the last date/time
                                of any network mailrun!           [FREEWARE]
tvdemo30.zip  110625 08-05-2024 
tvpm10.zip     28286 08-05-2024 TBBS VGA Planets Manager v1.0
                                An interface for VGA Planets v3.0 Players
                                and a multiple game configuration utility
                                for Sysops using TBBS v2.x and TDBS v1.2.
tvpokr21.zip  463183 08-05-2024 Turbo Video Poker v2.1
                                Fastest, most exciting poker game ever.
                                *  Full statistics in Scrollable window
                                *  High quality fast graphics. Pie Graph.
                                *  Popup Help on all controls. 16 bit Sound.
                                *  Programmable Payouts for any hand
                                *  Full featured in the shareware version
                                Shareware $15 
tvtriv10.zip   34212 08-05-2024 "Television TRIVIA" v1.0 in wcCODE 5 -=- If
                                you like Television,
                                You will Love being quizzed about some of the
                                greatest shows of
                                all time!  Written in 32bit wcCODE for Wildcat
                                    Questions from: Gilligan's Island, M*A*S*H
                                 Mr. Ed, Leave
                                       It to Beaver, The Waltons, The Munsters
                                 Batman, McCloud,
                                       Three's Company, Friends, Frazier, The
                                Beverly Hillbillies,
                                       Melrose Place, Friends, Green Acres,
                                Bonanza, Baywatch...
                                       .....and a whole bunch more!
                                   Shareware version has 60 questions with the
                                registered version
                                   having more than 400 Questions!
tvtriv26.zip  112209 08-05-2024 Ver 2.6 TvTrivia, Players get to choose
                                from 5 different Tv shows for the all
                                the trivia. You can enhance it also &
                                select how many times played etc. It
                                is multi/node/bbs, bauds to 115K. Is
                                fossil driver / DV aware. Com-ports
                                0-15. Very configurable by sysops.
                                Now runs in local mode.
tv__trv4.zip  144876 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>>> TV TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of TV programs.  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
twar100.zip   276037 08-05-2024 TACTICAL WARFARE 1.00 - B&D Software's
                                 soon to be a CLASSIC Tactical Warfare
                                 One-on-One Strategic Wargame!
                                 Easy to install & setup with full
                                 support from the Greatest Door
                                 distribution site in the WORLD!
                                 Full support of almost all BBS types.
twast23.zip   196408 08-05-2024 Trade Wars 2002 Assistant v2.30 Excellent
                                offline TW2002 player utility! Supports door
                                game version 1.03(d) and v2 and the Major BBS
                                game v2. Easy to use full featured database
                                for an edge over your competition! Many text
                                reports (sector, port, route, etc.) and
                                EGA/VGA graphic displays. Includes a no-turn
                                universe mapper, dead ends, paired ports, and
                                more. Also has many reports not found in most
                                other database utils, like Custom Reports,
                                Dead End Clusters, and Secluded Areas.
                                DESQview aware.
twbibl11.zip   34661 08-05-2024 The TradeWars 2002 Bible v1.1 (by Psycho)
twbull12.zip   49194 08-05-2024 TradeWars Bulletin Generator v1.2; Generates
                                an easy to read bulletin of your current
                                TW2002 game.  If you are a sysop, Get It!
twe1bo16.zip   67831 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                THE BORG 1.6  for TradeWars 2002 version 2
                                The BORG  is one  of several  add-on's for
                                TradeWars  2002 v2 from  the  TW-EXTENDERS
                                series  by SimSoft  Professional  Computer
                                Services.  Have up to 10 BORG  cruising in
                                your universe assimilating Traders!  It is 
                                very easy to use and configure, and is run
                                directly  after the TradeWars  maintenance
                                program EXTERN.EXE.    Registration- $7.00
                                Attention SYSOP's  -   Download this file!
twe1br16.zip   57926 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                GALACTIC BANK ROBBERS 1.6 for TradeWars v2
                                GALACTIC BANK ROBBERS  is  one of  several
                                add-ons  for  TradeWars 2002 v2  from  the
                                TW-EXTENDERS  series by  SimSoft PCS.  Now
                                the  Galactic Bank at the Stardock  can be
                                robbed  by Evil  Aliens!  Whover  destroys
                                the Alien  will  recover the  money!  It's
                                very  easy to  use and  configure, and  is
                                run  directly  after  the TW  maintenance,
                                EXTERN.EXE.     Registration is only $5.00
                                Attention SYSOP's  -   Download this file!
twe1ce16.zip   62702 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                CRYSTALINE ENTITY 1.6 -  for TradeWars v2.
                                The  CRYSTALINE ENTITY  is one of  several 
                                add-on's  for TradeWars  2002 v2  from the
                                TW-EXTENDERS  series by SimSoft PCS.  Have
                                the  CRYSTALINE  ENTITY  cruising   around
                                your  universe,  stopping  on planets  and
                                ingesting  colonists!  It is very  easy to
                                use  and configure, and  is  run  directly
                                after the  TradeWars  maintenance  program
                                EXTERN.EXE.     Registration is only $7.00
                                Attention SYSOP's  -   Download this file!
twe1ic16.zip   62159 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                ICONIAN COMPUTER WEAPON 1.6 for TW2002 v2.
                                THE ICONIAN COMPUTER WEAPON  is one of the 
                                several of the add-on's for TradeWars 2002  
                                v2 from the TW-EXTENDERS series by SimSoft 
                                Professional  Computer Services.  Have  an 
                                ICONIAN  COMPUTER WEAPON  wandering around 
                                in your  universe, infecting any shipboard 
                                computers that  it happens to  run across.  
                                It's very  easy to  use and configure, and 
                                is  run  after the  TradeWars  maintenance 
                                program EXTERN.EXE.   Registration - $7.00
                                Attention SYSOP's  -   Download this file!
twe1ma11.zip  345915 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                TW-EXTENDERS  SERIES  I  MANAGER   v1.0.
                                The  TW-EXTENDERS  Series I  Manager  is  
                                a manager for the Series I addon modules 
                                from SimSoft PCS. The Manager will allow  
                                the  sysop  to run  all Series I modules 
                                with a single command in his  maintenace 
                                batch file, without   having  to  modify 
                                anything  whenever  a change in the  way 
                                the modules  work  is desired!  It  also 
                                includes a program  which will configure 
                                all of the Series I addon modules!
                                Attention SYSOP's -  Download this file!
twe1pd16.zip   62028 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                TW-PAYDAY 1.6 for TradeWars 2002 version 2
                                TW-PAYDAY  is one of several  add-on's for
                                TradeWars  2002 v2  from  the TW-EXTENDERS
                                series  by SimSoft PCS.  Have the Feds pay
                                your good traders for assistance  and good
                                morals, or have the  Underground help fund
                                the  evil traders.  It's very  easy to use
                                and configure, and  is run directly  after
                                the  TradeWars  2002  maintenance  program
                                EXTERN.EXE.     Registration is only $5.00
                                Attention SYSOP's  -   Download this file!
twe1q16.zip    67473 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                "Q" 1.6  -  for TradeWars 2002  version 2.
                                "Q" is one of  several of the add-on's for 
                                TradeWars  2002 v2  from the  TW-EXTENDERS  
                                series by SimSoft PCS.  Have "Q" wandering
                                around in your  universe, giving or taking
                                goodies, depending on his mood.  It's very 
                                easy  to use  and  configure,  and is  run 
                                after the  TradeWars  maintenance  program
                                EXTERN.EXE.     Registration is only $7.00
                                Attention SYSOP's  -   Download this file!
twe1ss16.zip   59892 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                SUPPLY SHIP 1.6 -  for TradeWars version 2
                                The SUPPLY SHIP is one of several add-on's
                                for  TradeWars  2002  version 2  from  the
                                TW-EXTENDERS  series by SimSoft PCS.  Have
                                a SUPPLY SHIP cruise  through the universe
                                stopping and restocking ports!  Also drops
                                colonists  on Terra!  It  is very  easy to
                                use  and configure, and  is  run  directly
                                after the  TradeWars  maintenance  program
                                EXTERN.EXE.     Registration is only $7.00
                                Attention SYSOP's  -   Download this file!
twe1wa16.zip   67116 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                THE WANDERERS 1.6 - for TradeWars version2
                                THE WANDERERS  is one of  several add-on's
                                for TradeWars 2002 2 from the TW-EXTENDERS
                                series  by  SimSoft PCS.  Have   WANDERING 
                                planets  roaming  the   universe,  stocked
                                with goodies to be picked up by traders or
                                claimed and relocated!  It is very easy to 
                                use  and  configure, and  is run  directly 
                                after the  TradeWars  maintenance  program 
                                EXTERN.EXE.   Registration is only $7.00!!
                                Attention SYSOP's  -   Download this file!
twe1wi15.zip   60772 08-05-2024 TW-WINNER 1.5 for TradeWars 2002 version 
                                2.  WIDE BETA 8 COMPATIBLE! TW-WINNER is 
                                one of several add-on's for TradeWars v2 
                                from the  TW-EXTENDERS Series by SimSoft  
                                Professional  Computer  Services.   Have 
                                your  players  continuously  ranked  and 
                                bulletins created after each plays their 
                                turns.  Set a  date for the  game to end 
                                and have TW-WINNER  declare the  winner!  
                                Many Config Options! If you are a Sysop,  
                                Download this file!    
twe2ba20.zip  224572 08-05-2024 THE BAJORANS v2.0 for TradeWars2002 v2b8
                                This  module  adds  an  entire  race  of 
                                BAJORANS to TradeWars2002, complete with 
                                an entire quadrant of the  universe with
                                planets with citadels  and  fighters and
                                mines to  defend them. Ability  to  drop
                                and  track  limpets,  Attack and destroy
                                other ships/fighters/mines/planets.  Too
                                many  features to describe!  An entirely
                                new module!  Sysops - download this now!
twe2bo20.zip  225829 08-05-2024 THE BORG 2.0 for TradeWars 2002 v2 beta8
                                This module adds an  entire race of BORG
                                players to  TW2002, complete  with their
                                own quadrant of the universe  containing
                                planets with citadels  and  fighters and
                                mines to  defend them. Ability  to  drop
                                and  track  limpets,  Assimilate/destroy
                                other ships/fighters/mines/planets.  Too
                                many  features to describe!  A  complete
                                re-write!    Sysops - download this now!
twe2ca20.zip  224431 08-05-2024 THE CARDASSIANS v2.0 for TW2002 v2 beta8
                                This  module  adds  an  entire  race  of 
                                CARDASSIANS to TW2002, complete with an
                                entire  quadrant  of  the  universe with
                                planets with citadels  and  fighters and
                                mines to  defend them. Ability  to  drop
                                and  track  limpets,  Attack and destroy
                                other ships/fighters/mines/planets.  Too
                                many  features to describe!  An entirely
                                new module!  Sysops - download this now!
twe2kl20.zip  225531 08-05-2024 THE KLINGONS v2.0 for TW2002 v2    beta8
                                This  module  adds  an  entire  race  of 
                                KLINGONS to TradeWars2002, complete with 
                                an entire quadrant of the  universe with
                                planets with citadels  and  fighters and
                                mines to  defend them. Ability  to  drop
                                and  track  limpets,  Attack and destroy
                                other ships/fighters/mines/planets.  Too
                                many  features to describe!  An entirely
                                new module!  Sysops - download this now!
twe2ro20.zip  225260 08-05-2024 THE ROMULANS v2.0   for TW 2002 v2 beta8
                                This  module  adds  an  entire  race  of 
                                ROMULANS to TW2002, complete  with their
                                own quadrant of the universe  containing
                                planets with citadels  and  fighters and
                                mines to  defend them. Ability  to  drop
                                and  track  limpets,  Attack and destroy
                                other ships/fighters/mines/planets.  Too
                                many  features to describe!  An entirely
                                new module!  Sysops - download this now!
twe2vu20.zip  224612 08-05-2024 THE VULCANS v2.0 for TradeWars2002 v2 b8
                                This  module  adds  an  entire  race  of 
                                VULCANS to TradeWars 2002, complete with 
                                an entire quadrant of the  universe with
                                planets with citadels  and  fighters and
                                mines to  defend them. Ability  to  drop
                                and  track  limpets,  Attack and destroy
                                other ships/fighters/mines/planets.  Too
                                many  features to describe!  An entirely
                                new module!  Sysops - download this now!
tweve045.zip  131138 08-05-2024 
twg500.zip    102483 08-05-2024 TOURNAMENT WORD GUESS 5.00
                                Figure Out Each Of The Nine Mystery Words
                                Entered By Opposing Players. Each Guess
                                Increases Their Score; Every Correct
                                Guess Increases Yours! Guess The Entire
                                Word, And You Get To Enter The Next One!
                                Great Fun For All Ages!
twhelp88.zip  248725 08-05-2024 Trade Wars Helper release 8.8 is a terminal
                                program with an optional Graphical User
                                Interface used ONLINE with the BBS door
                                game "Trade Wars 2002".  It maintains a
                                database of sectors with the known port and
                                warp to information.  Several commands are
                                available to utilize this data in addition
                                to commands that automate repetitive
                                processes and map the TW universe
                                GRAPHICALLY.  Don't leave FedSpace without
twhgui88.zip  409070 08-05-2024 Trade Wars Helper w/GUI (8.8) is a terminal
                                program with an optional Graphical User
                                Interface used ONLINE with the BBS door
                                game "Trade Wars 2002".  It maintains a
                                database of sectors with the known port and
                                warp to information.  Several commands are
                                available to utilize this data in addition
                                to commands that automate repetitive
                                processes and map the TW universe
                                GRAPHICALLY.  Don't leave FedSpace without
twkit010.zip   91944 08-05-2024 
twlav309.zip   63504 08-05-2024 The Mad Hatter's Lavalite Universe V3.09
                                for TW2002 V3.09 - Sysop Util. Annoy 
                                your players, and drive mapping programs 
                                insane with this little toy. 386 or
                                higher CPU required.
twlava10.zip   27208 08-05-2024 The Mad Hatter's TW2002 Lavalite Universe 
                                Version 1.0 - this utility reverse the
                                warp points in your universe. Sector 5000
                                now connects to 2,3,4,5,6,7 etc. This toy
                                will confuse your players, and confuse
                                TWHELP, TWVIEW, and any other mapping
                                utility in use.
twmall31.zip   88689 08-05-2024 
twneb309.zip   68423 08-05-2024 The Mad Hatter's TW Nebuale V3.09
                                for TW2002 V3.09 - Sysop Util. 
                                Customize your game by changing 
                                Nebulae names wholesale. 386 or
                                higher CPU required.
twocard.zip   125450 08-05-2024 
tworld40.zip  294771 08-05-2024    -= Trade World Version 4.0 =- 
                                     by TAZOR Software  2/10/96
                                   A great online utility for
                                Trade Wars v2b5 and up.  Gambling,
                                eg.(poker, slots, high-low, black-red)
                                  Also a Pirate Ship for bad guys !
                                Build your own Star Dock class 9 !
                                Many Fixes and changes due to user's
                                suggestions.  Check it Out !
twsc011.zip    38917 08-05-2024 Trade Warz Sector CrunchĿ
                                 For TW2, you can now log
                                 all the Sector data,    
                                 without having to write 
                                 anything down, handles  
                                 4000 sectors, multiple  
                                 games++  more           
txds101.zip   457320 08-05-2024 THE ENIGMA OF ASHRELLA RPG DOOR 1.01 enter
                                the medieval world of ashrella fly on a
                                dragon : get  drunk : joust long, ongoing
                                story : spells : items arena fights :
                                assassins : sex : job curse/bless/flirt with
                                other players
txds121.zip   591588 08-05-2024 [THE ENIGMA OF ASHRELLA RPG DOOR 1.21]
                                : enter the medieval world of ashrella |
                                | fly on a dragon : get  drunk : joust :
                                : long, ongoing story : spells : items |
                                | NOW MULTINODE : ONLINE FIGHTS : CHAT :
                                : WORKS WITH OS/2  VERY STABLE UPGRADE |
                                =COMES w/TXDS--MAKE YOUR OWN DOOR GAMES=
                                =or add-ons for your bbs! So easy that =
                                =ANYONE CAN DO IT! TXDS by Allen Ussher=
                                =NOW WORKS WITH FOSSIL DRIVER!  LOTS OF=
                                =bugs fixed! still $10 -- see documents=
txdspa.zip    192150 08-05-2024  TXDS/Ashrella Patch A for v.1.20/1.21
                                - This patch is required for TXDS!
                                - You must patch your TXDS v1.20/1.21
                                - with this porgram!  Fixes the No.7
                                - monster, Korandim script,and healing
                                - bugs.  Please distribute this patch!
tyahtz71.zip  148303 08-05-2024 TRIPLE YAHTZEE  -  Door Game      v7.1      .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                Great Dice game. Plays like the popular board
                                game and is VERY ADDICTIVE! One of the top 5
                                Door games in the world. Supports Fossil-
                                based Multi-Port cards, including PCBoard /M
                                Automatic game reset and Hall of Fame
                                bulletin generation, at end of month.
                                ********* INTERBBS capable ***********
typelord.zip   13021 08-05-2024 TYPECODE.EXE
                                Type equivalent that will interpret the
                                LORD color codes used in log files, and
                                so forth.  Will type files, or you can
                                use this for practice offline from LORD!
                                Offer included for usage of the color
                                code interpreter code in your own LORD
                                related program!  Freeware!
t_2dlibv10.zip   54667 08-05-2024 *************THE LIBRARY v1.0****************
                                  A simple text file door that allows your
                                users to Read or Download text files.  You
                                can catagorize into 10 different Sub-Menus,
                                each consisting of up to 10 different text
                                files in each Sub-Menu.  You can also
                                colorize your text files using embedded color
                                codes.  ANSI and RIP 1.54 Graphics supported.
                                Multi-Node, Desqview, Windows and OS/2 
                                Timeslicing routines supported.
                                    (C) Copyright 1996 - LloydWare
t_stm111.zip   70821 08-05-2024 StickMan 1.11 ANSI Arcade BBS Door Game
                                Cool Arcade Action for your BBS.
                                Users walk, climb, jump & shoot to
                                avoid monsters & grab bonus points.
                                Easy setup, low maint. fossil req.
                                ___                                ___
                                />> From the TSS Development Team! />>
t_zero.zip    232793 08-05-2024 
uabg24.zip    202370 08-05-2024 ULTRASOFT ANIMATED BACKGAMMON  UPGRADE!
                                GRAPHICS ACTION DOOR Game with FIXES/UPDATES.
                                BackGammon EXCITING?? YOU BET!! Exceptionally
                                realistic, RIP-Like, Fast ANSI graphic Board.
                                Animated cursor picks up and drops all pieces
                                No  moves. Max MUSIC & SOUND Effects. 
                                DOOR.SYS/DORINFOx.DEF/COM1-COM4 to 115K BPS, 
                                DV, Non-Standard IRQ's and More! A MUST!
uacey12.zip   209032 08-05-2024 ULTIMATE ACEY DEUCY v1.2  ANIMATED DOOR GAME.
                                NEW Release from UltraSoft!! Unlike any Card 
                                DoorGame you've ever seen. Fast RIP-like Ansi
                                Graphics & Music enhance this exceptionally 
                                colorful, 3D, version of the popular Vegas 
                                Style Card game of chance. EZ-INSTALL Utility
                                and LOCAL operation make it simple. COM1-COM4
                                to 115K/DOOR.SYS/DORINFO1/NS-IRQ's, NS-Ports.
ubank200.zip   70176 08-05-2024 UniBank version 2.00
                                A completely customizable timebank for sysops
                                QuickBBS 2.75->2.80 and door.sys systems. Loan
                                Lotto, config/install program, mail, more!
ubbs333.zip   510487 08-05-2024 *** THE ULTIMATE B.B.S. LIST door v3.33 ***
                                The original ULTIMATE BBS LIST!  New release,
                                with faster search routines and a new look.
                                Check this one out, it's not like any other.
                                Registered users get the updated national
                                database.  Just send us your database and it
                                is added to the national database, then you
                                download the new one.  Updated nightly!
ubbsdiz.zip    47477 08-05-2024 UBBSDIZ v1.0 Will scan new uploads for
                                file FILE_ID.DIZ. If it exists UBBSDIZ will
                                import the comment into the FILEBASE file.
                                Written by Robert Neal - CHQBBS.
ubbslist.zip  355897 08-05-2024 THE ULTIMATE B.B.S. LIST A door like no other
                                you'v seen
                                This BBS listing door is like no other
                                BBS listing door I have ever seen.
                                SysOps can add there board along with
                                upto 64k worth of description.  Users
                                can search the database by 10 different
                                methods.  You have to check this one out.
ubd10.zip     101787 08-05-2024 
ubdd_456.zip   74166 08-05-2024 User's Birthday Door v2.0b Horoscope
                                Yearly Files for 1992
ubd_20b.zip    82008 08-05-2024 User's Birthday Door v2.0 beta for BBS Sysops
                                Makes Users list and reports Birthday also
                                makes AGE file, for finding those over 18.
                                Now includs a Horoscope, Network and Multi
                                node compatible, faster modem support and
                                more. Registeration removes HOT BBS ad only.
                                Need UBDH-92.ZIP & UBDD-456.ZIP for Horoscope
ubt101.zip    223825 08-05-2024 
ubv13.zip     185426 08-05-2024 ULTIMATE BBS v1.3  February 17th, 1997
                                A great bbs simulation game!  
                                Multi-node aware now, and support for
                                UDGs (Ultimate Door Games).  Also
                                features a new play style. Play as
                                a Sysop and run your board, call bbs's 
                                and actually logon, post messages, or
                                play door games.  Compete to become
                                the "Ultimate BBS"! 
                                Dekka Visions Software '97
uedit20.zip     7911 08-05-2024 UEDIT v2.0, User Editor for the GCWF door.
                                This program is a profile editor for
                                GCWF. It allows editing of each and 
                                every one of the user profiles kept 
                                by GCWF. Written 100% in Quick Basic 
                                4.5, this program requires BRUN45.EXE. 
ufacts10.zip   78327 08-05-2024 The Useless Facts Door! v1.0.
                                Freeware! Great Door for
                                allowing your callers to act
                                stupid! Comes with database
                                browser that allows SysOp to
                                view, edit, add, & delete
                                any entries, and a SysOp
                                menu in the door, that only the
                                SysOp can access, for configuring
                                the door online!
ufl100.zip     85795 08-05-2024     USER FILE LISTINGS 's DOOR v1.00
                                UFL provides a way  for users to CREATE and 
                                EDIT a file list of files that they contain 
                                on their  system  to  provide a  very  wide  
                                range of file's  that can  be  requested by 
                                other users.  They can EDIT their own list,
                                and  view others.  U/Ling & D/Ling  is done
                                threw UFL as well.  All  maintnance is done
                                by UFL.  A REALLY USEFUL ONLINE PROGRAM....
                                Sends request slips to owners,  "15"  Total   
                                Owners may exist in the UNREGISTERED ver...
                                As well as "50" total requests at one time.
                                [AE PRODUCTIONS INC. COMPILE DATE: 6/22/95]
                                [DESQVIEW AWARE, WINDOWS AWARE, RIP SUP.  ]
                                [INCLUDES ONLINE HELP TOPICS TOO!!!       ]
                                [          TOTAL ONLINE HELP              ]
ufo11.zip      57049 08-05-2024 
ufobase6.zip  195583 08-05-2024 UfoBase Version 6.0 Online UFO
                                Sightings Database. Add/Browse
                                Download/Search/Rank Percentage
                                Finds of over 271 UFO Sightings.
                                INTERBBS Compatible!  Network
                                UFO Sightings Between BBSes!
                                Online UFO "Journal" and ability
                                to download files while within
                                the door.
ufrd100a.zip   59145 08-05-2024  The Ultimate File Request Door V. 1.00Aķ
                                 This is a File Request Door with the     
                                 features all the others forgot!  Has tag 
                                 messages so your users can help each     
                                 other, sends mail to users who's requests
                                 have been fulfilled, etc.! It's great!   
                                 Comes with sample setup for PCB 14.x and 
                                 Maximus but can be used with most BBS    
                                 software.  Registered version comes      
                                 complete with editor and data to text    
                                 file converter.  Shareware!  Only $20!   
ulb20_d.zip   354822 08-05-2024 THE ULTIMATE B.B.S. LIST door v2.00
                                Complete with 100 board database!
                                Users can search your database by CITY,
                                STATE, BOARD NAME, ZIP CODE, SOFTWARE, 
                                BAUD RATE, many others. Searches are VERY
                                FAST!, and the data is displayed in a
                                clean orgainized mannor.  SysOps can add
                                a COMPLETE description of there board,
                                up to 64K in a full editor, not 2 or 3
                                lines like many other BBS listing doors.
                                Benefits of registration: UNLIMITED
                                DATABASE, BULLETIN MAKER, DOWNLOAD FILE
                                MAKER, ACCESS TO THE NATIONAL DATABASE.
ulist10b.zip   37850 08-05-2024  UltraList - v1.0 For UltraBBS v2.09+
                                User file lister for UltraBBS. Lists
                                User Name, # Of Downloads, # Of Uploads,
                                Kbytes Downloaded, and KBytes Uploaded.
                                Outputs to the screen with configurable
                                colors, and/or to a ASCII text file.
ulog12.zip     13969 08-05-2024 Ϳ
                                     Ultimate Logger v1.2 ۲    
                                    (C)1997 F.U.S.S Software        
                                Searches your BBS log for up to 10  
                                keywords and creates a great looking
                                ANSI &ASCII bulletin as a report.  
                                More Features and more configuarble!
                                Supports any BBS & log,  $15.00     
ultbbs.zip      7141 08-05-2024 
ultimate.zip    2636 08-05-2024          Another level for EgoKill
                                * Brought to you by The Magical Kingdom BBS *
                                *   from  Copperas Cove, Tx                 *
                                *                                           *
                                * Ultimate is another level for the Great   *
                                * Pex game EgoKill. Enjoy!!!!               *
                                *                                           *
                                *                                           *
                                *                                           *
ultrek10.zip   21757 08-05-2024 ULTIMATE "TREK TRIVIA" v1.0 in wcCODE for
                                Wildcat 5! -=- Yes, it's
                                written in 32bit wcCODE for Wildcat 5!  Try
                                your luck at the ultimate
                                in TREK Trivia Doors!  -=- You Will Be
                                Assimilated! -=-
une1.zip      176490 08-05-2024 UNE v1.0: BBS Card Game like UNO(tm).
                                Plays exactly like the original, but
                                with a 30 card limit. You play UNE
                                against a clever computer player,
                                competing with other users for the
                                monthly Hall of Fame top score. Has
                                a FREE trial registration period
                                good until 6/1/95. Requires ANSI.
                                Shareware. Registration is only $10.
unicat10.zip   16744 08-05-2024 
unimsg10.zip   65029 08-05-2024 UniMessage 1.00 -- BBS door for caller
                                creation of display files. This door will
                                give you, the SysOp, the chance to give your
                                callers a way to write messages to be seen
                                during login, logoff, from the bulletin menu,
                                or at any other time. Many BBS programs have
                                an "automessage" feature built in; UniMessage
                                is a door for those BBS's that don't offer
                                such a feature.
unobet19.zip   75023 08-05-2024 WCS Uno v.19- Similar to the card game UNO
                                But much more FUN!!!  Visually exciting
                                screens, plus watch out for
                                (or she) is a tough competitor!  Registered
                                version comes with make-up days enabled.
                                ***REQUIRES NO KEY FILE TO RUN***
                                From Rob Williams, WCS Software 01/15/95
unodr11.zip    23493 08-05-2024 
unscram.zip   126856 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>> WORD UNSCRAMBLE v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<
                                Object of the game is to unscramble the
                                letters to form the correct word.  Fully
                                functional, supports multiple BBS formats,
                                file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to
                                115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4,
                                IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
uolr115b.zip  115047 08-05-2024 
upchk_1.zip    25112 08-05-2024 
update6.zip   100520 08-05-2024 Global War InterBBS Routing - OVERVIEW
                                Global War InterBBS networks are arranged with
                                one central Hub connected
                                to any number of Nodes.
                                All games must be Fixed Turn Order games. This
                                is a new type of game in
                                Global War 3.0 where players take their turns
                                in sequence.
                                New games created on a Node are MOVED to the
                                Hub. The Hub receives the
                                new game, assigns it a game number, and adds
                                it to its games area.
                                Copies of the game are then sent to all Nodes
                                New games created on the Hub are sent to all
                                When any change occurs in a game, the Node
                                sends a copy of the game to
                                the Hub and the Hub sends copies of the game
                                to all Nodes.
                                When changes to a game on the Hub occur,
                                copies of the game are sent to
                                all Nodes.
                                Score changes on a Node are saved in a file
                                called updscore.war. When
                                any scores change, this file is moved to the
                                Hub. The Hub combines the
                                score changes in updscore.war with those in
                                the master (winners.war)
                                score file. Copies of the updated winners.war
                                file are then sent to all
                                Nodes. If the upper limit of the rankings is
                                exceeded (see war.cfg line
                                35) the Hall of Fame (HOF) utility is executed
                                 HOF resets the ranks in
                                winners.war and updates the Bulletin.Ans file.
                                Bulletin.Ans is then sent
                                to all Nodes.
                                GWIBBS InterBBS processing program
                                GWIBBS In File.ZIP  (input games to a node)
                                  Copies specified zip file into inzip
                                  Unzips inzip\zip file into infiles directory
                                  Checks for valid key (1) within the ZIP file
                                 If invalid, deletes
                                  inzip and infiles dirs and quits.
                                  If valid key (1) found, proceeds with the
                                    Deletes zip file.
                                    Examines the Stage (2) value of all
                                incoming games and compares it
                                    with the Stage (2) value of the existing
                                game (if there is one). If
                                    the Stage (2) value of the incoming game
                                is greater or equal, the
                                    incoming game is imported (3). If there is
                                no existing game the
                                    incoming game is imported (3). If the
                                Stage (2) value is less, the
                                    incoming game is not imported.
                                    If a WAR.CFG file is found, lines 3, 4, 7,
                                10-12, 15, 17-30, 33-35,
                                    39, 53-61 and 63 of the Node's WAR.CFG
                                file are updated to match
                                    those of the WAR.CFG file received from
                                the Hub.
                                    If an IBBS.CFG file is found, lines 1 and
                                4 are updated to match
                                    those of the IBBS.CFG file received from
                                the Hub.
                                    Any *.TOP, *.WAR, *.ANS or *.EXE files
                                found are moved to the door
                                    directory. They will replace any files by
                                the same name unless the
                                    file in the door directory is write
                                    All files in the infiles directory are
                                GWIBBS Out (output games from a node)
                                  Reads GWIBBS.$$$ (a log file created by
                                Global War) to get N:ew,
                                  U:pdated game numbers and S:corechange
                                    New games: moves the warxx.dat, warxx.log,
                                warxx.msg to outfiles dir
                                    where they are renamed newxx.dat, newxx
                                .log, newxx.msg
                                    Updated games: copies the warxx.dat, warxx
                                log, warxx.msg files to
                                    outfiles directory.
                                    Score Updates: moves updscore.war to
                                outfiles where it is renamed
                                    score##.war (## is a unique id from 1..255
                                incremented each time).
                                  Zips all files in outfiles dir, adds Key,
                                calls IBBSMOVE to send to
                                GWIBBS InHub File.Zip   (input games to a Hub
                                  Copies specified zip file into inzip
                                  Unzips inzip\zip file into infiles directory
                                  Checks for valid key (1) within the ZIP file
                                 If invalid, deletes
                                  inzip and infiles dirs and quits.
                                  If valid key (1) found, proceeds with the
                                    Deletes ZIP file.
                                    If any new games exist (newxx.*), copies
                                them to current dir & names
                                    them warnn.* where nn is an unused game
                                number. Moves game to
                                    outfiles dir to send to all Nodes.
                                    Examines the Stage (2) value of all
                                incoming games and compares it
                                    with the Stage (2) value of the existing
                                game (if there is one). If
                                    the Stage (2) value of the incoming game
                                is greater, the incoming
                                    game is imported (3) and copied to the
                                outfiles directory to send to
                                    all Nodes. If there is no existing game
                                the incoming game is
                                    imported (3). If the Stage (2) value is
                                less or equal, the incoming
                                    game is not imported or sent to Nodes.
                                    If score file updates (score##.war) exists
                                 they are moved to the
                                    door directory and renamed updscore.war,
                                combined with the scores in
                                    the master score file winners.war. If the
                                maximum score is exceeded
                                    then the Hall of Fame utility is run to
                                generate a Bulletin.Ans
                                    file. Winners.Top is deleted. Bulletin.Ans
                                and winners.war are
                                    copied to the outfiles dir to be sent to
                                all Nodes.
                                    For every Node listed in Route.Cfg - Zips
                                all files in outfiles dir,
                                    adds Key (1), calls IBBSMOVE send Zip file
                                to each Node.
                                GWIBBS OutHub (output games from a Hub)
                                  Reads GWIBBS.$$$ (log file created by Global
                                War) to get N:ew,
                                  U:pdated game numbers and S:corechange
                                    New and Updated games: copy the *.dat, *
                                .log, *.msg to outfiles dir
                                    Score file updates: copy winners.war to
                                outfiles directory.
                                    Deletes updscore.war, which is not used on
                                the hub.
                                    For every Node listed in Route.Cfg - Zips
                                all files in outfiles dir,
                                    adds Key (1), calls IBBSMOVE send Zip file
                                to each Node.
                                GWIBBS HubInit [NodeAddress]  (initialize a
                                node. If NodeAddress is not
                                reinitializes all nodes)
                                    Copies all games (WAR*.DAT, WAR*.LOG, WAR*
                                MSG) to outfiles dir.
                                    Copies current score file (WINNERS.WAR) to
                                outfiles dir.
                                    Copies current Hall of Fame (BULLETIN.ANS)
                                to outfiles dir.
                                    Copies WAR.CFG and IBBS.CFG to outfiles
                                    Copies WAR.EXE and GWIBBS.EXE to outfiles
                                    Zips all files in outfiles dir, adds Key
                                (1), calls IBBSMOVE to send
                                    Zip file. Zip file is sent to NodeAddress
                                if specified on command
                                    line and matches entry in ROUTE.CFG. If no
                                NodeAddress is specified
                                    (or if NodeAddress is "ALL" then Zip files
                                are created and sent to
                                    all Nodes listed in ROUTE.CFG.
                                GWIBBS HubSend [NodeAddress]  (sends all files
                                in outfiles dir to a
                                                               node. If
                                NodeAddress is not specified,
                                                               sends to all
                                    Zips all files in outfiles dir, adds Key
                                (1), calls IBBSMOVE to send
                                    Zip file. Zip file is sent to NodeAddress
                                if specified on command
                                    line and matches entry in ROUTE.CFG. If no
                                NodeAddress is specified
                                    (or if NodeAddress is "ALL" then Zip files
                                are created and sent to
                                    all Nodes listed in ROUTE.CFG.
                                (1) What is The Key file? It identifies the
                                ZIP file as a valid IBBS
                                    archive. If no key file is found in the
                                ZIP file, the ZIP file will
                                    not be accepted for processing. The Sysop
                                may have tried to process
                                    the wrong ZIP file. The Key file is also
                                for security. The key file
                                    contains the secret password for the net.
                                If the password is wrong,
                                    the ZIP file will not be accepted. This
                                prevents a hacker from
                                    sending us a bogus ZIP file. When the ZIP
                                file is created, it is
                                    encrypted using PKZIP's -S switch. If the
                                ZIP file should ever fall
                                    into the wrong hands, the encryption will
                                prevent a hacker from
                                    unzipping the file and discovering the
                                password stored in the key
                                (2) Stage value. This is a number that
                                indicates how far the game has
                                    progressed. It is used when comparing two
                                games to see which one is
                                    newer and to prevent an older game from
                                replacing a newer game.
                                    Stage=100 when a game is created. Stage is
                                incremented by 1 every
                                    time a player takes a turn, changes a vote
                                or password. Stage is
                                    incremented by 100 every time a player
                                joins or removes their name
                                    from a game. When a game starts, Stage is
                                set to 10000. The higher
                                    the stage value, the newer the game.
                                (3) Imported means the WAR*.DAT, WAR*.LOG and
                                WAR*.MSG files are
                                    accepted by the node. They are copied from
                                the infiles directory to
                                    the door directory and replace any files
                                with the same name.
updatz12.zip   31799 08-05-2024 Updatez v1.2 - FREEWARE for non-commercial
                                SysOp's to output text to the
                                com ports. Useful for updating the user on how
                                long it will take to load a
                                door. FOSSIL support - door.sys and dorinfo1
                                .def - ANSI and ASCII support -
                                New to V1.2 - Wait function & Display a text
                                file & Display to ComPort 
updbin.zip     39619 08-05-2024 
upgrador.zip   93158 08-05-2024 UPGRADOR version 4.26 for Wildcat! 4.x,3.x
                                DOOR allows callers to subscribe or add
                                credits to their subscription or netmail
                                balances using a credit card, or upgrade
                                access using a private code.
                                Balance-posting and setting of expiration
                                date are available to Wildcat! 4.x users
upgrd35l.zip  112456 08-05-2024 
uptmed1.zip    51637 08-05-2024 TinyTime - Small simple door to display
                                your system's Uptime, and current date /
                                time to your users.  Freeware for OS/2 and
                                Windows32. Version 1.0 Oct 21 1998
urd101.zip    106645 08-05-2024 (v1.01) RemoteAccess User Registration Door.
                                Full configurable NewUser Registration
                                Door. URD allows you to define your own
                                questions, in your own BBS style, in all
                                languages you want and as many questions
                                as you want. URD can update the user when
                                it has completed the questionnaire or 
                                downgrade the user (or optionally delete,
                                lockout or terminate) when it didn't want
                                to completed the questionnaire. URD is
                                also full Multi-Line and DESQview aware.
                                Supports RA 1.11 and 2.00.
urges502.zip  188301 08-05-2024 Urges 5.02 - A Mature Card Game About A VERY
                                ACTIVE Adult Sex Life! Try To Be The First
                                One To Have Sex(!) For 750 Minutes. Broken
                                Condoms, Arguments, Rug Burn & More Block
                                Your Path To... Save Game Feature Allows You
                                To Pick Later Right Where You Left Off.
                                Play Head-to-Head On Multi-Node BBSes!
                                NOT Hardcore or Trashy; Good Mature Fun!
urges504.zip  187610 08-05-2024 Urges 5.04 - A Mature Card Game About A VERY
                                ACTIVE Adult Sex Life! Try To Be The First
                                One To Have Sex(!) For 750 Minutes. Broken
                                Condoms, Arguments, Rug Burn & More Block
                                Your Path To... Save Game Feature Allows You
                                To Pick Later Right Where You Left Off.
                                Play Head-to-Head On Multi-Node BBSes!
                                NOT Hardcore or Trashy; Good Mature Fun!
usa12.zip      32961 08-05-2024 The USA DOOR v1.2 - Allow your users to 
                                read the USA TODAY electronic newspaper
                                inteligently and online. USA DOOR gives 
                                your bbs that look of sophistication. 
                                Works with all bbs types. From Computer
usador11.zip  333519 08-05-2024 -=-=-Planet Connect's USA Today Door-=-=-
                                A Free On-Line USA Today Decision Line 
                                Reader Door.  Provided by Planet Systems 
                                and James Songer.  Version 1.1
usar100.zip    78808 08-05-2024 --==  USA Today News Reader v1.00  ==--
                                Formats and displays the contents of the USA
                                Today news packets to both local and remote
                                terminals.  Supports FOSSIL drivers, direct
                                comport access, and various drop file
                                formats.  Also supports ANSI-BBS and RIP
                                terminal types for remote users.  DOS program
                                with support for DesqView, Windows, and OS/2.
                                Multi-node capable.  Great value at only $20!
                                Release date:  July 14, 1995
uscg15.zip    181820 08-05-2024 USCG Captains License Quiz v1.05 - BBS Door
                                depicting the type of questions that you
                                might see if you take the USCG Captains
                                Licensing Exams. These questions were taken
                                from various texts concerning these tests.
                                Topics include Rules of the Road, Navigation,
                                Safety, First Aid & Weather to name a few.
                                Supports MULTI-NODE, RIP and many BBS types
                                too. Registration is $12.00.
userrg02.zip  108616 08-05-2024 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                 User registries is a BBS door that
                                   will allow your users to have a
                                 personal registry for others to see.
                                  This is very configurable! SW/$10
                                   User Registries v0.2 wide beta
userups.zip    22957 08-05-2024 
uslots21.zip  170190 08-05-2024 ULTIMATE SLOTS v2.0 GRAPHIC ACTION DOOR GAME!
                                Reviewed as The "MERCEDES" of Slot DoorGames.
                                BRAND NEW RELEASE updates all older versions.
                                Fast RIP-Like Ansi Graphics & Music set this
                                one well apart from all others. 8 Machines to
                                choose from-all different. EZ-INSTALL Utility
                                and LOCAL operation make it simple. COM1-COM4
                                to 115K/DOOR.SYS/DORINFO1/Non-STD IRQs/Ports.
uspol131.zip   62772 08-05-2024 
usrbg20.zip   171439 08-05-2024 USRBIOG v2.0 - User Biographies BBS door
                                that can be used as a sysop definable
                                online database system.  Allow BBS users
                                to enter information in online database,
                                and view other entries, and perform
                                searches on database fields. Many options
                                and more coming in future versions
                                including sysop database editor.
usrchk18.zip   73496 08-05-2024 
usrdr120.zip   31752 08-05-2024 
usurp13c.zip  650831 08-05-2024 Usurper v0.13c  [1995-08-20]
                                 BBS Doorgame.  *kicking fantasy*
                                 Gangwars and partying. Sex, drugs and
                                 Fight monsters and other players in this
                                fascinating game.
                                 Be prepared for violent and bizarre nonstop
utility.zip   128591 08-05-2024 
utower11.zip  196233 08-05-2024 Tower of Shadows By: Daniel Holmes
                                Fight monsters with other online
                                users.  This is a text adventure
                                game, where it will let your
                                users write, some adventures of
                                there own. Use just there plain
                                text editor, like "EDIT.COM".
                                This is Version 0.19b Try it, I
                                think you and your Users will
                                injoy it.
utrivdem.zip  112089 08-05-2024 Ultra Trivia, one of the better trivia games.
uu204.zip     686335 08-05-2024 Ultimate Universe Version 2.04
                                Space Warfare Door Game
uu204up3.zip  115554 08-05-2024 
uuhelp.zip     66619 08-05-2024 
uuterm12.zip   93772 08-05-2024 UUTERM beta; EGA term program for playing
                                Ultimate Universe. Get more done faster and
                                wiser while on-line. 3D graphics along with
                                many important features that help you play
                                better; Planet Alert, Procurator alert,
                                Explore universe quickly and more.
uwblst1.zip   176823 08-05-2024 
vacation.zip    4533 08-05-2024  EXITILUS: The Vacation               
                                Add-On QUEST for EXITLUS 2.05              
                                Version 1.0 by Floyd & Carol Shell         
                                Difficulty: Extreme                        
                                    Length: 4 days                         
                                BBS File Site:                             
                                 TOC-BBS (816) 767-1488                    
                                Internet Site:                             
vader122.zip   88621 08-05-2024 BBS Vaders ver 1.22 - COOL ANSI ARCADE GAME!!
                                Fixes  "old"  gun characters  left on screen.
                                New bonus for unused fuel between each round.
                                Blast those darn "Vaders" before they land or
                                before they zap you with the deadly heat ray.
                                Earn guided missiles! Four Waves of aliens in
                                the registered version! Easy  setup and never
                                reset Ansi/Ascii top 10 external score files.
                                Cothran Computing. reg $10
vagabkey.zip  101397 08-05-2024 This is the VagaBond Software
                                Main Key Generator. This will
                                give you the registration codes
                                for all of the released Vagabond
                                Software Doors. Including Pageme,
                                srview and more.
                                This is a Legal file and it is being
                                released by Bryan Turner Owner of
                                Vagabond Software. No Support
                                will be given for this file
valley1.zip   113234 08-05-2024 VALLEY1.ZIP  Valley Girl Fortunes Door 1.9.0 .
                                 This DOOR program will 
                                give the user quite a bit of Astrological
valley15.zip  110975 08-05-2024 Valley Girl Fortunes Version 1.5 Online
                                Valley Girl Fortune Telling Door.  Will
                                Give Astrological Data and Allow users
                                to ask her Questions.  Registered Versions
                                will create Bulletins of User Birthdays
                                who's on the current day.
vall_100.zip   49949 08-05-2024 VIEWALL v1.0  Online file viewing front end
                                utility. View files while online your BBS
                                locally. BMP, GIF, JPG, PCX, TGA, TIF  and
                                will also play FLI files and play VOC, CMF,
                                WAV and MID files on your Sound Blaster or
                                compatable sound board. VIEWALL also shells
                                to your favorite archive file viewer.   Works
                                with any DOOR.SYS compatible BBS system.
vampfx.zip    953565 08-05-2024   >>>>Vampires FX v1.0<<<<
                                   ADD SOUND TO VAMPIRES!
                                Using the FX Sound System and
                                FXWAVES.ZIP your RIP 2.2 users
                                will hear 16\8bit Sound while
                                playing Vampires! It's Awesome!
                                Doesn't effect Ansi or RIP 1.54
                                Midnight's Realm (505)831-0797
vampv16.zip   305887 08-05-2024 Vampires:  Children of Darkness v.16
                                 Amazing new release!!!  A MUST Get!
                                 Bug Update version!
                                Supports MOST BBS formats!  All speeds!
                                Now MultiNode!
vampv20.zip   772150 08-05-2024 VAMPIRES 2!!!  The Children of Darkness
                                are back!  Amazing new door release!  
                                Works great on all BBS's.  The Most & 
                                Best Graphics.  A Major Upgrade, Loaded 
                                with new features!  Completely Multinode
                                ******** A MUST DOWNLOAD!! ************
                                Your users will love you for it!
vanad110.zip  283048 08-05-2024 The Realm of Vanadia Series 1.1 of LORD IGMs
                                by G.A.C. Computer Services. This series of 
                                Inter-IGMs promises to be the standard for 
                                professional quality IGMs.  Six IGMs will 
                                make up this series, all are MULTINODE 
                                INTERACTIVE, support all BBSs and comm
                                routines LORD supports, have original ANSI
                                art that rivals anything on the market, and
                                each IGM is humongous with hundreds of NPCs,
                                secrets, puzzles, artworks, and things to do.
vansi21.zip    99453 08-05-2024               - VertiANSI -
                                        v2.01 By Infinity Software
                                VertiANSI is a FREEWARE ANSI gallery that
                                will add some spice to your BBS! Can display
                                over 50 ANSIs, supports ALL major drop
                                files, and features fully customizable menus
                                and messages! What are you waiting for?
                                Download it 2-day! -> MAJOR BUGFIX!!!! <-
vb2000_b.zip   42121 08-05-2024  VaultBreaker 2000            
                                New TPA using CDC's door development
                                library.  This is a TPA that is patterned
                                after the classic "vault breaker" programs.
vbbd100a.zip   54153 08-05-2024 The Vampyre BBS Door - Version 1.0a - 06/24
                                ***  Another Great Vampyre Bar! Doorware  ***
                                BBS Door is a door utility for reading and 
                                outputting The Vampyre US BBS List. It will
                                also create a textfile that can be downloaded
                                by the caller. Included in this archive is
                                information on how to become listed in the
                                Vampyre US BBS Listing...         [SHAREWARE]
vbbsbj12.zip   77592 08-05-2024 Black Jack door Game for VBBS.  Allows-
                                 users to gamble their online time as
vbhang12.zip  101129 08-05-2024 VB-Hang Verison 1.2
                                Vagabond's Hangman Version 1.2
                                FREEWARE! Now you can play
                                hangman on your BBS for
                                Yet another freeware release
                                from Vagabond Software!
vbhang13.zip  102499 08-05-2024 VB-Hang Verison 1.3
                                Vagabond's Hangman Version 1.3
                                FREEWARE! Now you can play
                                hangman on your BBS for free!
                                Yet another freeware release
                                from Vagabond Software!
vbox201.zip    46210 08-05-2024 ((((((( VOTEBOX Version 2.01 )))))))
                                Can have to 10,000 topics to vote on
                                Has command line options to  display 
                                number of unanswered booths. Can set
                                security needed  to  create a booth.
                                A renumber booth command also added. 
                                Now also shows results graphically!!
                                No longer requires a fossil driver!!
                                Sets up in seconds and looks great!!
                                Registration is VERY CHEAP!! - $5.00
vb_10.zip      53897 08-05-2024 
vcheck10.zip   36961 08-05-2024 
vcl.zip      3813362 08-05-2024 VCL v1.00
                                Vietnam Casualities List.
                                For any BBS that supports
vcr202.zip     56225 08-05-2024 VCR Challenge v2.02; An Online Door Game, in
                                which players have to set a VCR up to record
                                a specific show before a timer runs out. The
                                thing is, however, that the buttons on the
                                VCR don't exactly do as they might seem to
                                do. So, not only does the player have to set
                                the VCR up in a certain amount of time, they
                                have to figure out which buttons do what.
vd02.zip       40640 08-05-2024                 
                                     Editor v0.2         
                                          '95 Neo-Gen
vd170r2.zip   157201 08-05-2024 
vdict.zip      62914 08-05-2024 
vdoor301.zip 3458897 08-05-2024 VetDoor v2.00
                                The Veterans Memorial Wall.
                                This is an on-line database
                                of the Memorial Wall in
                                Washington D.C.  For any BBS
                                that supports DORINFOx.DEF
vegas11.zip   142712 08-05-2024 
velmadrz.zip  684201 08-05-2024 Click on the doors to Velma's armoire
                                and gain a seemingly endless stream
                                of clothing choices. Select from hats,
                                shoes, skirts, blouses, and more. See
                                how Velma looks in a variety of
verify.zip      3946 08-05-2024 Verify.fak is a fake Caller ID / Line
                                verification altX.bbs screen for 
                                Wildcat 4.++ & Wildcat 3.++ systems.  Perfect
                                for those fake users.
vescv10.zip   163812 08-05-2024 V I R T U A L   E S C A P E  v1.0
                                Graphical BBS Multinode door game.
                                Escape the maze and avoid the appearing
                                robots.  Touch one and you die!  Users
                                must manouver through each maze that is
                                created on the fly, while robots appear
                                all around them.  As the EXIT is neared,
                                the maze gets tougher and tougher, filling
                                with the menacing robots.  Just great fun!
                                Includes easy configuration program, is
                                fully multinode, supports 5 major drop files,
                                fossil drivers, non standard IRQ's and bauds 
                                to 115,200.  See the included SPECIAL.TXT to  
                                find out how you can get your FREE REGISTERED
                                copy of Virtual Escape.
                                (C)Copyright 1997 Lounge Software
vestld14.zip  251199 08-05-2024 ͻ  Vestland Castle    ͻ
                                 VSTND 1.4 ͼ
                                          ver 1.4             
                                 Vestlands Enchanted Castle   
                                  Venture throughout the      
                                  Kingdom to save the king    
                                  from the grips of Azreal    
                                  the evil wizzard. Riddles   
                                  puzzles all to solve on     
                                  your Journey. Multinode     
                                  capable. Most drop files    
                                  included.Can You be the one 
                                        WARRIOR !!!           
                                     Wonderland Software      
                                ͼ  ͼ
                                 Mad Hatter BBS (919)736-7003 
                                  Join the World of Fantasy   
vfam116.zip   150242 08-05-2024 
vfx50.zip     359680 08-05-2024 A new version of VERIFIX, version 5.0, Call
                                Back Verifier is now
                                available for download.
                                New  features  include support for Wildcat! 4
                                .0, internal message 
                                writing to Wildcat database and much more!
                                Please call the Support BBS at (215) 968-4998,
                                 or Mustang's  The
                                Cat House BBS, and download the file VFX50
                                File  is also available for File Request at
                                1:273/215 up to 21.6k
                                Verifix - Often simulated, never duplicated.
vgap314.zip  1050683 08-05-2024 
vgapl22.zip   661663 08-05-2024 
vhunt95.zip   199952 08-05-2024  V  I  R  T  U  A  L   H  U  N  T v0.95
                                   ** MUD-style game for your BBS **
                                         ** NOW FREEWARE!! **
                                  Hunt out computer players and human
                                 players in a real-time environment. As
                                 many as 20 computer players do battle
                                in a virtual world with the player.  AI
                                    players "think" and act on user
                                movements!  Download today, amazing new
                                 concept!  Make your own AI players or
                                         virtual worlds easily!
vid110.zip     79542 08-05-2024 VID v1.10 - Online Virus Information Door.
                                Perform queries, lists, and view detailed
                                information on over 800 families of known
                                computer viruses. Supports most major BBS
                                types. From Cairo Research Labs - 1992
video11.zip    75570 08-05-2024 
video14.zip    85995 08-05-2024 
video25.zip   135665 08-05-2024 Video Bandit v2.5 - InterBBS Door Game.
                                A video poker style game. Pull the
                                handle to bring up your 5 cards then 
                                select the cards to Hold or Discard and
                                spin again. Payoff is based on the "Hand"
                                that comes up. VB has RIP and Fossil 
                                detection. Accepts non-standard addressing
                                Will uses environmental variables in 
                                Multi-Node operation. No expiration date 
                                or Demo Key required.
video_2dbn.zip  122968 08-05-2024 Video Bandit v1.1 - Door Game. Video Poker in
                                a Slot Machine. Pull the Handle and watch the
                                5 cards spin. Select the cards to Hold or
                                Discard and spin again. Payoff is based on
                                the "Hand" that comes up. VB has RIP and
                                Fossil detection. Works with non-standard
                                addressing. Uses environmental variables for
                                single *.cfg file in multi- node operation.
                                Internal Setup. No expiration date or Demo
                                Key required.
vietnam.zip    95169 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>>>> VIETNAM WAR v4.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<
                                Defend yourself in Vietnam.  Be careful, you
                                don't know who you can trust.  Fully
                                functional, supports multiple BBS formats,
                                file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to
                                115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4,
                                IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
view_210.zip   60265 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 BBS Utiliteez Software 
                                 VIEW.EXE v2.10 - is simply a command line 
                                 driven GIF/JPG/PCX/BMP/MIF/FLI image file 
                                 viewer. Built in support for 31 different 
                                 video resolutions from 320x200x16 all the 
                                 way up to 1280x1024x16.7-Million. This is 
                                 a basic, but ever so useful utility. Good 
                                 for people making MAX screens who want to 
                                 view MIF images outside of MAXpaint. Yes, 
                                 in the spirit of defeating otherwise over 
                                 priced software, this utility is FREEWARE 
viowed01.zip   50410 08-05-2024 |07A Butcher's Shoppe Production
                                |07Violet's Wedding Day Menu Set 
                                |15Part 1 of 2 this is like no other
                                |15folks this is a Mystery, who will
                                |15she marry? and Where is he?
viper491.zip   48116 08-05-2024 The Viper Ca$ino Challenge; Latest Update To
                                This Addictive and fun BBS DOOR. Written for
                                RBBS/PC-Board/Gap/Wildcat/WWIV SPITFIRE and
                                more! Just added a WINDOWED full-screen mode
                                and more!
virt22.zip    180024 08-05-2024 VIRTUAL ESCAPE                           v2.2
                                **** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection ****
                                Graphical BBS Multinode door game. Escape the
                                maze & avoid the appearing robots. Touch one 
                                & you die! Users must manouver through each 
                                maze that is created on the fly, while robots
                                appear all around them. As the EXIT is 
                                neared, maze gets tougher & tougher, filling 
                                with the menacing robots. Just great fun!
visreg20.zip  146013 08-05-2024 
vk23.zip      233166 08-05-2024 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Vampire Knights v.2.3 ~~~~~~~~~~~
                                Full featured on-line adventure game with
                                topographical ANSI maps of terrain and 
                                multi-level dugeons.  ANSI monsters, magic
                                items, towns, ruins, over 100 monsters, and
                                real time user to user battles.  Uses fossil,
                                or interrupt driven COM routines for best
vk29.zip      204664 08-05-2024 Vampire Knights v.2.9 - Full featured
                                on-line adventure game with topographical
                                ANSI maps of terrain and multi-level
                                dugeons.  ANSI monsters, magic tems, towns,
                                ruins, over 100 monsters, and real time user
                                to user battles.  Uses fossil, or interrupt
                                driven COM routines for best compatability. 
vltbrk33.zip   59024 08-05-2024 
vltbrk40.zip   63579 08-05-2024 * Vault Breaker Door v4.0 *
                                Version 4.0 of the original Vault Breaker
                                Door. This version has no expiration date
                                and almost free registration!
vltbrk41.zip   62816 08-05-2024 *        Vault Breaker Door v4.1        *
                                Version 4.1 of the original Vault Breaker
                                Door. This version has no expiration date
                                and almost free registration! Now supports
                                the /M version of PCBoard.
vod12.zip      72171 08-05-2024 
votprip2.zip   90431 08-05-2024  -=RIP 2.2 Graphics for VOTP IGM=-
                                 RIP 2.2 Color corrected Icons 
                                 for Village of the Phoenix IGM.
                                 (LORD IGM by Jeremy Stewart)
                                 Converted & Corrected Icons 
                                 & ENHANCED RIP with FX SOUND!
                                 courtesy of Mike Collard from
                                 Midnight's Realm...(505)831-0797
                                 Home of LORD FX & FX Sound System
votp_14.zip   299389 08-05-2024 The Village of the Phoenix - LORD In Game
                                NOW WITH RIP GRAPHICS!  Ok, I'm a little too
                                excited.  This version is 1.4 Wide Beta.
voyr293b.zip  124918 08-05-2024 Voyeur Adult Door game v2.93
                                from 'PG' Productions
                                Menu driven Adult text
                                adventure. *NEW* Multi-
                                gender game play!
                                Supports most all BBS drop
                                files. Easy to set up!
vp080395.zip  546757 08-05-2024 VGA Planets BBS DOOR Interface.  New
                                Version 1.67, now supports players   
                                controlling Dual Empires in games as 
                                well as sysop configurable file areas.
                                VGA Planets is one of the most popular 
                                games in the Online Community today.  
                                Download it and give it a try!  Your
                                users will Thank You.
                                Supports DOOR.SYS,DORINFO.DEF,
                                PCBOARD.SYS. RipGraphics/ANSI.
                                If your installing for first time on
                                your bbs, dl VP314B.zip as well.
vp0805.zip    119635 08-05-2024 
vp0910.zip    373954 08-05-2024 VGA Planets BBS DOOR Interface v1.40;
                                Supports aliases as well as computer races.
                                This is great Online Game, supports door.sys,
                                pcboard.sys, doorinfo.def plus added fossil
                                driver support.  You need VP300.ZIP (Game
                                files). This file includes the BBS DOOR
                                Interface files only as well as the new
                                upgrade HOST version and the CPLAYER
vp300.zip     833619 08-05-2024 
vp3bbs.zip    161346 08-05-2024 BBS Interface Host Program For VGA Planets
                                Online Game.  VGA Planets is a multi-player
                                space conquest game for up to 11 players.
                                The game is designed for online use!
vp3cb214.zip  202439 08-05-2024 Crystal Ball 2.14 - VGA Planets Player Utility
vpaddons.zip  925207 08-05-2024 A collection of utilities for vga planets.
vpage10.zip    16909 08-05-2024 
vpblt130.zip   37063 08-05-2024 VPlusBLT 1.30 - Bulletin Generator For Use 
                                With The Voter Plus Door Versions 1.93 And
                                LATER ONLY.  Generates PCB, ACSII, ANSI And
                                *AWESOME* RIP Style Bulletins Of The Voting
                                Results.  Just A Hint Of Things To Come From
                                The ** Original ** VOTER PLUS Voting Door...
                                ++ New Calling Syntax - See VPLUSBLT.HST ++
                                !! FREEWARE From The Author Of Voter Plus !!
vpcew200.zip  377600 08-05-2024 Campaign Editor for VGA Planets 3.x Working
                                Model v2.00: The Working Model of Campaign
                                Editor for VGA Planets 3.x is being released
                                as freeware.
vpdoor1a.zip   84884 08-05-2024 VGA Planets BBS Door Interface Program v1.00;
                                Interface program for Tim Wisseman's VGA
                                Planets. This release supports v3.00 and
                                v3.10 of VGAP.  Features include: Run up to
                                10 games at once; Support for Cplayer, the
                                new AI computer player; Aliases; Each game
                                has it's own configurable settings, such as
                                minimum players needed; The players can edit
                                their empire names and download the RACE.NM
                                file for each game
vpedt121.zip   63656 08-05-2024 VPlusEdt Ver. 1.21 - Stand-Alone Editor 
                                For .VTR and .USR Files. Compatible With 
                                Voter Plus Versions 1.93+.  FreeWare!   
vphp100.zip     9231 08-05-2024 HOSTPAT - VGA Planets host patch utility.
vpht200.zip   260878 08-05-2024 VPHOST - VGA Planets host support utility.
vpidb100.zip   61028 08-05-2024 VGA Planets Door Interface (VPID)
                                Beta 1.00 by John Kristoff
                                Rudimentary door program to transfer the
                                VGA Planets PLAYERx.* files.
                                *FREEWARE* with C source code
vpix18.zip    252733 08-05-2024 ViewPix ONLINE GIF Viewing DOOR.
                                ViewPix uses Gifdesk by Jay Wherly
                                and Showgif by Bill Parquet to make
                                this all happen.  Both programs are
                                included in this archive.
vpix19m.zip   347061 08-05-2024  Now Users Can View GIFs while online!
                                  Great Program for SYSOPS to install on
                                  their Bulletin Boards as GIF viewing
                                  Door! Easy installation, innovation
                                  and application makes this program a
                                  must on all BBS's.
vpixdemo.zip  249164 08-05-2024 
vplr250.zip   174308 08-05-2024 ¿
                                ۲ VPLRead 2.50 for VGA Planets 3.0 
                                 Great tool for VGA Planets players,
                                 includes databases for messages, planets,
                                 starbases, ships, meteors, scores and
                                 mines. Stores information from dark-sense,
                                 super-spy, mine-sweep, sensor-sweep,
                                 meteor-messages, and exploration.
                                 The contents of the databases are shown
                                 visually on a starchart. Built-in message-
                                 editor. Shell-function, all your favourite
                                 planets-tools can be integrated in the
vpm210b.zip    43874 08-05-2024 VPMovie 2.10: Compiler/Viewer for VGA Planets
                                games.  Allows host to create a "Movie" of
                                what happens during the game, for everyone to
                                see when the game is finished. A must for any
                                serious VGAP player, or anyone wanting to see
                                where they went wrong in their games... Point
                                and click interface, adjustable speed, easy
                                to use... In use in VGAP Tournament! Try it
                                out!  Sample (simple) .VPM movie included.
vpmk120.zip   173232 08-05-2024 VPMKTRN - FAST turn file compile utility.
vpun220.zip   161392 08-05-2024 VPUNPACK - FAST result file unpack utility.
vput250.zip   325023 08-05-2024 VPUTIL - VGA Planets support utility.
vqwk_210.zip  257458 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 BBS Utiliteez Software 
                                 VESA-QWK v2.10 is a SuperVGA offline mail 
                                 mail reader program like no other. Offers 
                                 you the flexibility of  QWK and QWKE mail 
                                 packet  compatibility. Directly  supports 
                                 both OLMS and MAXmail offline mail doors, 
                                 and any other QWK/QWKE compatible offline 
                                 system. Completely mouse driven interface 
                                 similar to OS/2 or Windows, supports over 
                                 65000 taglines, user customizable message 
                                 signature, and most of all, EASE OF USE!! 
                                 Only requires DOS & SVGA video capable of 
                                 640x480x256. All new GUI, faster graphics 
                                 as well as support for messages that have 
                                 imbedded MAX-GFX inline color tokens..... 
vs3_0823.zip  145993 08-05-2024 -----------Virtual Sysop ]I[-----------
                                     You think you can do better?
                                        You think this is EASY?
                                 Play Virtual Sysop ]I[ and find out!
                                    Virtual Sysop III is a game of
                                       BBS and Sysop Simulation.
                                    Work hard to build up your BBS,
                                Answer Mail, Upload Files, Buy Modems,
                                 Hire Workers, Hack into other BBSes.
                                       Can yours be the #1 BBS?
                                        Uses any dropfile type.
                                        Fully multinode aware.
                                      This is BETA version 3.00df
                                            Release 20000823
                                  Copyright 1999,2000 by Darryl Perry
vsh214.zip     68437 08-05-2024 V-Shell v1.2: VBBS specific door designed to
                                allow the system operator to perform a wide
                                variety of tasks from a remote location.
vwansi20.zip   29959 08-05-2024 
vwusa22.zip   105937 08-05-2024 v2.2 ViewUsa which makes viewing the
                                daily USAToday much easier for your
                                callers and you. Com-ports 0-15, is
                                multi/bbs/node capable of 115K baud.
                                Fossil Driver/DV aware. Just unzip
                                your usatoday file into dir and it
                                is ready to go. Fixed the NO ANSI
                                errors.. Try this one!
w10demo.zip   122239 08-05-2024 Rip 2.0 Wheather Watch....Display weather
                                realtime while online..Excellent!
w1_200.zip     59274 08-05-2024 Wise One v2.00 LORD IGM. The Wise Old Man
                                Atop a mountain. Will he help you?
w2002v1b.zip   47035 08-05-2024 WIN2002! Version 1.0 Beta.  Only the BEST,
                                and perhaps only, Trade Wars trading pair
                                seeker (only one I know of for any version
                                over 1.03).  More features to come, not a
                                dime out of pocket, it's freeware, at
                                least for now!  Don't take my word for it,
                                download this and see how much money you
                                can REALLY make at Tradewars, beginner or
                                expert alike!  Well worth checking out!
wacky23.zip   246730 08-05-2024 Wacky Words V2.3 - A Word & Puzzle Door Game.
                                Back Words - try to find all the words in a
                                puzzle, but the words are spelled backwards.
                                Word Jumble - try to unscramble a given word
                                in less then three tries.  Compatible with 
                                most BBS software.  Supports up to 115K baud
                                rate, COM 0-15, non-standard IRQ's and 
                                multi-port boards using a FOSSIL including 
                                PCBoard/M.  Desqview compatible.
                                    **** From: DEKM Software, Inc. ****
wad10.zip      58053 08-05-2024 Wand Ad Door v1.0 by Alan Davenport -
                                Supports non-std irq - fossil - to 115200 bps
wake1i.zip    149492 08-05-2024 Don't Wake The Sysop -- A FUN way to Log-Off!
                                MULTI-NODE BBS Door Log-off Game! So you 
                                want to Wake the Sysop! How daring are you?
                                Are you gonna page him, call him on the 
                                phone, knock on his door, or YELL outside
                                his window? Keeps accumulative scores and
                                high game scores. Allows automatic resets.
                                Supports nearly ALL DROPFILES and SYSTEMS.
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
wampa100.zip    3924 08-05-2024  Wampa's Cave IGM for Lord2
                                Go and kill the Evil Wampa
                                Ice-Creature from Star Wars:
                                The Empire Strikes Back!
                                The Shadow BBS (850)864-4292
wand14tw.zip   41884 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                THE WANDERERS 1.4 - for TradeWars version2
                                THE WANDERERS  is one of  several add-on's
                                for TradeWars 2002 2 from the TW-EXTENDERS
                                series  by  SimSoft PCS.  Have   WANDERING 
                                planets  roaming  the   universe,  stocked
                                with goodies to be picked up by traders or
                                claimed and relocated!  It is very easy to 
                                use  and  configure, and  is run  directly 
                                after the  TradeWars  maintenance  program 
                                EXTERN.EXE.   Registration is only $7.00!!
                                Attention SYSOP's  -   Download this file!
wantad.zip     60938 08-05-2024 
wardor21.zip   58226 08-05-2024 
warpath.zip   412183 08-05-2024 A multi-player, real-time space conquest game
                                Warpath is a game of galactic conquest and
                                development, where two philosophies vie for
                                heart of the galaxy.  This game may be played
                                solo, direct head to head, or with up to four
                                players via the Game Connection, using Line
warpbug.zip     6173 08-05-2024 
warrior.zip    44586 08-05-2024 
warshare.zip  101458 08-05-2024 
war_200a.zip  150275 08-05-2024  -/- WAR! : Battlefield America v2.00a -/-
                                Online strategy war game (Risk-clone).
                                Why conquer the same old world over and
                                over again?  WAR! features a powerful
                                scenario compiler to let users make
                                their own worlds to conquer. Comes with
                                3 scenarios : "21st Century N. America",
                                "WAR! in Vancouver" & "The Modern World".
                                From the creator of Steel & Ice Hockey.
                                (c) 1994-95 by Minds Edge Productions Inc.
war_2digs1.zip    7344 08-05-2024 The FIRST ever 3rd party IGS's for Lunatix
                                Add "Cave Adventure" and "Vampire Gone
                                to the Library in Lunatix!  NOTE: Hopefully
                                this will give some of you some ideas...
                                some IGS's!!!! COME ON!!!! LUNATIX NEEDS 'EM!
war_2dupd.zip  289414 08-05-2024 War memorials update!  Veterans Memorial
                                Wall, Vietnam Casualities List, Persian
                                Gulf War Memorial
                                New executables that support DOOR.SYS,
                                Windows Aware.Still supports
                                DORINFO1.DEF.  Usage:
                                VETDOOR.EXE c:\ns3\node-1\door.sys
                                VCL.EXE c:\ns3\node-1\door.sys
                                PGWAR.EXE c:\ns3\node-1\door.sys
                                Copy each of the above executables into
                                the appropriate directories.  Then copy
                                the included CWSDPMI.EXE by Charles
                                Sandmann into each directory of the
wasprt10.zip   23522 08-05-2024 WASPORT v. 1.0 is a LandLine BBS door
                                to allow users to track Worked All 
                                States standings in competition with
                                other users. Simple to install and
                                maintain. FreeWare from P-t-B 
                                SoftWare (W4KGU)
watrfall.zip   13530 08-05-2024 Quest of The WaterFall of Resurrection
                                An Exitilus add-on quest written by
                                StarKravenMad of The Blue Collar BBS
wa_131.zip    226203 08-05-2024 
wa_137.zip    233433 08-05-2024 
wboy048.zip    42299 08-05-2024 Weiner Boy v0.48.DOS              (97/06/25)
                                DOS clone of the popular doorgame Weiner Boy
                                for Amiga BBS's.  Now your BBS can get its
                                important intake of perversion and filth.
                                Freeware-ish, from Psych0Soft. Rating flags:
                                [AL, AS, MV, RP, SC], very sick, very funny!
wbrain.zip     96376 08-05-2024 Brainex Weather Brain; Now you can provide
                                your users with local and state weather
                                information, updated every 3 to 4 hours...
                                Weather Brain will call online weather
                                services and create ANSI and ASCII news files
                                with your local and state weather.
wc5lis12.zip   89815 08-05-2024 LOST IN SPACE    RPG (WINServer/32-Bit)  v1.2
                                **** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection ****
                                MULTINODE BBS RPG GAME! Trapped 1,000,000 
                                light years from the planet EARTH, you must 
                                make your way home with only your wits and 
                                your spaceship!  Travel through 9 different 
                                planets, engaging enemy spacecraft along the 
                                way.  Be sure to keep your eye out for other 
                                players too! With REAL-TIME MAIL.  
wcc100.zip    122792 08-05-2024 Word Criss Cross  (Door Game) ver. Beta:
                                Attempt to make 5 letter words in this 5x5
                                grid. Displays the status of the remaining
                                letters.  If you like scrabble take a look at
                                this!  User controlable colors.  Challanging.
                                Requires user to have ANSI.   Keep daily
                                winners as well as a total winner for that
                                month. Uses DOORFRAME library for
                                Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's.
wcc191.zip    162184 08-05-2024 ķ
                                 Word Criss Cross  (Door Game) ver. 1.91 
                                Attempt to make 5 letter words in this   
                                5x5 grid. Displays the status of the     
                                remaining letters.  If you like scrabble 
                                take a look at this!  User controlable   
                                colors.  Challanging.  Requires user     
                                to have ANSI.   Keep daily winners as    
                                well as a total winner for that month.   
                                Now able to be played without a BBS!     
                                Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard  
                                Comport and IRQ's.                       
                                Programmer: William Rountree             
                                Release Date  4\18\95                    
wcc221.zip    169273 08-05-2024 Word Criss Cross     (Door Game) ver. 2.21
                                Attempt to make 5 letter words in this 5x5 
                                grid. Displays the status of the remaining 
                                letters.  If you like scrabble take a look 
                                at this!  User controlable colors.  
                                Challanging. Requires ANSI. Keeps daily 
                                winners as well as a total winner for that 
                                month. Now able to be played without a BBS!   
                                Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard 
                                Comport and IRQ's. Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x 
                                & many others.  Release Date 1\3\97           
wcchn18.zip   395246 08-05-2024  CHAIN REACTION for WC5! v1.8wc Ŀ
                                         INTERBBS CAPABLE!!          
                                 Chain Reaction is a challenging new 
                                 word game by Mace Software based on 
                                 the TV game show of the same name.  
                                 Players must guess words based on   
                                 the relationship with the preceeding
                                 and following words. A fun and Edu- 
                                 cational game. This version is for  
                                 Wildcat 5! BBS software only and    
                                 takes full advantage of the 32 bit  
                                 platform. Mace Software,Inc. $15.00 
wcdoor10.zip   55056 08-05-2024 WCDOORS (V 1.00) - A program for use with
                                Wildcat! Bulletin Board Systems, which
                                will track the usage of up to 80 door
                                programs, and generate both ANSI and ASCII
                                bulletins containing the door program
                                names, and the number of times each has
                                been used.  Allows you to track all door
                                programs on your BBS or part of them. 
                                From FC Software!
wcguppy.zip    89366 08-05-2024 
wchexx10.zip  268661 08-05-2024 Ĵ HEXX WARS  v1.0wc ķ
                                   32 Bit Version for Wildcat! 5     
                                 HEXX WARS is an fun and challenging 
                                 strategic board game in which you   
                                 try to conquer the most squares by  
                                 taking them from your opponent(s).  
                                 Fully multi-node capable to provide 
                                 excellent real-time play. Includes  
                                 a VERY challenging play the computer
                                 mode.   Mace Software, Inc. $20.00  
wchk_10.zip    49460 08-05-2024 WinChecker! v1.0 - Free utility program for
                                the T&J Lotto Door program. Checks for last
                                nights winner so you can leave yourself a
                                message that somebody has won!
wcht201.zip    55406 08-05-2024 
wcht23.zip    181427 08-05-2024 WildChat Professional ver 2.3 - Best chat add
                                on for any BBS!
wcjoke.zip     26470 08-05-2024 EZ Joke Version  1.0 (c)  1996  by  John 
                                Fisher.  Written for Wildcat! 5.  EZ for
                                a sysop to setup and EZ for the user  to
                                use.  Supports long file names.  Startup
                                jokes included, sysop can add their own.
                                Users can submit jokes(when registered).
                                Requires  no  configuration file.  Auto-
                                matically  detects  the joke files.  $20
wcor1_0b.zip    9185 08-05-2024 THE MAGIC ORACLE Beta- A freeware magic
                                oracle (a la the Magic 8 Ball(tm))
                                that will help you and your users
                                solve the mysteries of the universe!
                                Will only work with Winserver software!
                                Extremely simple to set up and use.
                                Another Realms-Online production!
                                (C) 2000 Frank Rauhuff
                                (a member of Elysium Software)
wcpsdem.zip    62815 08-05-2024 
wcs3_5.zip    127708 08-05-2024      WORLD CLASS SOCCER v3.5 ۲
                                Excellent DOOR GAME of professional soccer!
                                Supports: DORINFOn.DEF, DOOR.SYS, PCB, others
                                Now includes all WC94 contestants! Low Reg!
                                Authors from London, Ontario... EASY to USE!
wcsbj14.zip    97003 08-05-2024 WCS BlackJack v1.4 - BlackJack game and
                                MORE!!  Double down, Split, but beware of
                                the pickpockets!  Of course, you just might
                                "find" some money, too!  Registered version
                                enables make-up days.  NO KEY FILE REQUIRED!!
                                Registration is $10/Single-$15/Multi node
                                From WCS Software
                                Rob Williams, WCS Software 3/30/95
wcsken12.zip   93635 08-05-2024 WCS Keno v1.2 - Fun, fast-paced keno game
                                Just like playing the lottery, only better!
                                Visually exciting screens, plus watch out for
                                those pickpockets!  Registered version comes
                                with make-up days enabled.  ***REQUIRES NO
                                KEY FILE TO RUN.
                                From Rob Williams, WCS Software 3/30/95
wcsoil10.zip  150362 08-05-2024 WCS Oil v1.0 - WCS Oil is based loosely on
                                an old board game called GUSHER!  The object
                                of the game is to get more money than the
                                computer by buying property and drilling oil
                                wells.  The more "gushers" you have, the more
                                money you make!  Fast paced exciting play
                                against a very clever computer opponent.
                                Expand your competion by using the InterBBS
                                option available!
                                Rob Williams, WCS Software   12/20/95
wcsrok11.zip  160798 08-05-2024 WCS Rook 'em v1.1 - Like the classic card
                                game ROOK (tm).  ** InterBBS capable! **
                                Features stunning ANSI graphics, intelligent
                                computer opponent, and requires no sysop
                                intervention.  InterBBS option is fully
                                automated, handling the messaging/file
                                transfers to and from the game host site.
                                Only $15/single node $20/multi node
                                WCS ROOK IBBS
                                Rob Williams, WCS Software  8/1/95
wcsuno22.zip  171515 08-05-2024 WCS Uno v2.2- Similar to the card game UNO
                                But much more FUN!!! **INTERBBS NOW!!! ***
                                Visually exciting screens, plus watch out for
                                the computer.  He (or she) is a tough
                                competitor.  Registered version comes with
                                Make up days enabled.
                                NEW, IMPROVED, INTERBBS UTILITY!!!
                                From Rob Williams, WCS Software 1/1/96
wcwarp10.zip  614849 08-05-2024 Ĵ WORD WARP  v1.0wc ķ
                                   32 Bit Version for Wildcat! 5     
                                 InterBBS Capable ĺ
                                 Word Warp is a fun, fast paced word 
                                 game in which you must create 25    
                                 words from another eight letter     
                                 word within a specified time limit. 
                                 A fun, and educational game for all 
                                 ages.  Mace Software, Inc.  $15.00  
wd201.zip      77996 08-05-2024 Wild-Door 2.1! A great way to show your door
                                menu off. Shows users how many times the door
                                has been entered,last time door entered,last
                                date door entered. Also is completly sysop
                                configurable for color output! NON-CRIPPLED
                                shareware. For latest updates call TES 
                                Software (919)895-0368. Registration Fee $10
wdial210.zip   68251 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 BBS Utiliteez Software 
                                 The War Dialer v2.10, is a simple program 
                                 that does nothing more than call each and 
                                 every phone number in a given prefix, and 
                                 sniffs out modems and fax machines. Makes 
                                 separate lists for Modem, Fax, Voice, and 
                                 Unassigned phone numbers. Not exactly the 
                                 most practical and  useful program in the 
                                 world, it was just an experiment that got 
                                 a little carried away...Totally Freeware! 
wdsrch16.zip   52982 08-05-2024 Word Search V1.6: Classic Word Search Door,
                                uses ANSI to allow your users to search for
                                5 to 30 words in 30 different categories...
                                Cheap Shareware, Easy to install & use, with
                                full on-line help... 4 different Drop files
                                supported, and top-notch Author Support!
weathr20.zip  115291 08-05-2024 The Weather Reviewer. Have you ever wondered
                                this hot day or that rainy day was as bad as
                                same time last year? Keep track of the highs
                                lows in your area. Also, include rainfall and
                                general weather conditions. Generate
wedit200.zip  166945 08-05-2024 
weebang.zip    44433 08-05-2024 
welc101.zip    38605 08-05-2024 
welim110.zip  149786 08-05-2024 ==--===-- Word Eliminate BBS Door --====--==
                                A very challenging word door.  You get 20   
                                chances to guess the computers word.  Scores
                                based upon the size and difficulty of the   
                                word chosen.  You can choose 4 or 5 letter, 
                                easy or hard words.  Extra Points and Free  
                                words awarded.  Word Editor, User Editor,   
                                and External Score Bulletin Generator that  
                                will work in the registered version.  Run   
                                the unregistered version as long as you     
                                want!  Supports many drop files with        
                                internal comm routines and fossil driver    
                                suport.  Keep monthly top ten scores, last  
                                month's high, and an all-time high score.   
                                Allows make-up days.  Very configurable to  
                                suit every SysOp. Registration ONLY:  $10.00
                                --====--====--- Version 1.10 ---====--====--
westw12b.zip  107944 08-05-2024  West Wing, Version 1.2B, The FIRST Ѹ
                                Ŵ IGM for LUNATIX.  Made for Lunatix Ŵ
                                Ŵ 2.3a and newer only.  Check it out Ŵ
                                Ŵ Should also work right with L.2.4b Ŵ
wetdoor4.zip   86205 08-05-2024 
wfb_2120.zip 1251686 08-05-2024 T&J Software's World Factbook Door v2.0:
                                Supports most BBS systems, fossil drivers,
                                and digiboard systems. Contains info. on
                                every country in the world according to
                                the 1994 World Factbook Data. Requires
                                approximately 7 megs free.
                                A FREE Door from T&J Software!
wfrt112.zip   130553 08-05-2024 WAY FREIGHT-Rail Operations Door Game
                                Vers 1.12- No time for that second
                                cup of coffee you've got a long busy
                                day ahead in this fascinating door game
                                of rail operations on the single freight
                                train level. You are chief engineer
                                and must deliver up to 20 freight cars
                                to the proper industries in the fewest
                                number of moves. Realistic rail movement
                                mechanics, 5 different rail maps and 4
                                different skill levels guarantee that
                                no two games will ever be exactly the
                                same! An enjoyable and challenging game
                                for both the strategist and puzzle lover.
                                Sure to become one of the most used door
                                games on your BBS! MULTI-NODE CAPABLE.
                                Supports most BBS Software packages,
                                including PC Board Vers 15 & Wild Cat
                                4.00. The game is RIP aware, does not
                                require a fossil, but will make use of
                                one if it is available, supports
                                interupts 0-15, selectable port
                                addresses, Com ports 1-4, and speeds up
                                to 115,200 baud. Automatic Windows,
                                WindowsNT, OS/2, DOS 5.0+ time slice
                                releasing. DESQview supported. $10.00
wg3012.zip     44190 08-05-2024 
whatday.zip    36993 08-05-2024 
wheel.zip     112929 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>> WHEEL OF FORTUNE v3.0 <<<<<<<<<<<
                                Just like the hit TV game show Wheel of
                                Fortune (sorry no Vanna).  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
wheel22.zip    67142 08-05-2024   Majic Software's Wheel Of Fortune ޳
                                BBS Door Game Version 2.2 Adaptation of the 
                                popular Game Show! Fun and very Addictive!! 
                                Supports PCBoard 12.0 -> 14.5x, DORINFOx.DEF
                                DOOR.SYS and WildCat! System files. Supports
                                non-standard port/IRQ and FOSSILS.  
whodoor1.zip   58467 08-05-2024 
whodun41.zip  127442 08-05-2024 
whodun52.zip  214820 08-05-2024 Who Dun It. Clue style online door game. 
whodun55.zip  280844 08-05-2024 Who-Dunit is a mystery door that
                                plays just like the board game clue.
                                Multinode, Real time interactive.
                                Players can send messages in real
                                time and team mates can share info
                                from their detective notebooks.
                                Easiest setup program in the world.
                                WEB http://www.bcn.net/~dwendlg
whof100a.zip   53327 08-05-2024 WHO FILE - Version 1.0a - Compiled 02/09/92
                                *** ANOTHER GREAT VAMPYRE BAR! BBS DOOR ***
                                WHO FILE generates downloadable reports for 
                                users to let them know what files have been 
                                uploaded and downloaded with their account.
                                Also lets the SysOp generate similar reports
                                on _ANY_ user, whether they are still a mem-
                                ber of the BBS or not.
whofix.zip    109524 08-05-2024 Fix for WHODUN55.ZIP - GET NUGIREG.ZIP for
whtsn332.zip   22373 08-05-2024 
wildnet.zip     8040 08-05-2024 
wildop10.zip   13103 08-05-2024 
wimb191.zip   135631 08-05-2024 ķ
                                 Wager In-Between Cards (Door Game) 1.91 
                                Card Game where 2 cards are displayed.   
                                The user then wagers that the next card  
                                be higher than the first and lower than  
                                the second.  Odds of a winning hand are  
                                contiually updated.  Users bet TIME!     
                                Very Sysop Configurable.                 
                                Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard  
                                Comport and IRQ's.                       
                                Programmer: William Rountree             
                                Release Date  4\19\95                    
wimb193.zip   139562 08-05-2024 Wager In-Between Cards     (Door Game) 1.93
                                Card Game where 2 cards are displayed. The 
                                user then wagers that the next card be 
                                higher than the first and lower than the 
                                second.  Odds of a winning hand are 
                                contiually updated.  Users bet TIME! Very 
                                Sysop Configurable. Uses DOORFRAME library 
                                for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's. Supports 
                                PCB, WC3.x/4.x & many others. 
                                Release Date 1\03\97                    
winglead.zip   24853 08-05-2024 
wink_100.zip  116915 08-05-2024 
winwrp10.zip 1684339 08-05-2024  WORD WARP for Windows v1.0 Ŀ
                                 Word Warp is a fun, fast paced word 
                                 game in which you must create 25    
                                 words from another eight letter     
                                 word within a specified time limit. 
                                 A fun, and educational game for all 
                                 ages.  $10.00  Mace Software, Inc.  
wire100b.zip   39133 08-05-2024 
                                FalcoSoft Software Development
                                WireNews 1.00()
                                BBS-NewsCompiler : creates ANS
                                & ASC files in WIRESTYLE !!!!!
                                Absolutely great, download and
                                use it...            ShareWare
witch12.zip   912578 08-05-2024 WITCH'S COOKBOOK F/X 1.2:DDO-F/X Online game.
                                This top-down dungeon adventure game allows
                                you to explore and endless number of dungeons
                                fighting monsters, finding treasures, secret
                                rooms, and avoiding traps.  Utilizing DDO-F/X
                                to create spectacular SVGA graphics and
                                sound f/x.  A must have for any BBS door
                                ========= Requires LI-TERM 1.00+ ============
wizard20.zip    4605 08-05-2024  Wizard's Tower 2.0 IGM for Lord2
                                 Add 2 more levels to the Wizard's
                                 Tower and enjoy a Disco room,
                                 A Bed, A Throne, and a Travel
                                Freeware - By James Jones
                                The Shadow BBS (850)864-4292
wizcas13.zip   13036 08-05-2024 -= The Wizard's Castle for LORD2 =-
                                A simple IGM for LORD2.  Includes
                                3 new maps and two REF files.  EASY 
                                INSTALL!  The Wizard's Castle v1.3  
                                An IGM for LORD II that allows users 
                                to sleep overnight in the unregistered 
                                portion of Lord II and even has a
                                Maze upstairs where you can search
                                for a hidden treasure.  Totally
                                FREEWARE!!!  From Bobby Queen and
                                Mamoosoft Programming.
wizdun.zip     43683 08-05-2024 Wizard's Dungeon - a little dungeon crawl for
                                This is a fun program that evolved from a game
                                the 16K Exidy Sorcerer. It's free - try it!
                                Umbramancer (405) 670-1367
wj12.zip      197404 08-05-2024 
wldwst1a.zip  180618 08-05-2024 WILDWEST version 1a. A door game like no other
                                An all ansi door game of life in the old Wild
                                The only way to get closer to the real thing
                                be with a time machine!  
                                Can you survive life in Tumbleweed?
                                From: Smugglers Cove BBS (904) 682-7516
wm3d126a.zip   72736 08-05-2024 Wizard Maze 3D v1.26: 100 levels of confusing
                                3D mazes. Your users enter as a young
                                apprentice who has mistakenly put himself on
                                trial. They must navigate the mazes using
                                spells, automap, and a compass before being
                                overcome by noxious fumes. Supports DOOR.SYS,
                                DORINFOx.DEF, WILDCAT, DigiBoard, Fossil,
                                higher IRQ settings, and RIP detection. NEW:
                                Improved auto-mapper, depth shading,
                                Multi-tasker friendly!
wm3dv100.zip   57923 08-05-2024    *** Wizard Maze 3D Door Game *** 
                                Players enter as an apprentice who has 
                                mistakenly put him/herself on trial. They 
                                must climb through 100 3D levels to reach 
                                the top. They have spells and a compass to 
                                help them, but time is against them. Who 
                                will be the next Wizard?   (SHAREWARE) 
                                Supports DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF, and 
                                WILDCAT! (all versions). From the author 
                                Matthew Hudson DATA# (703)963-3878.
wm820.zip     213937 08-05-2024 Word Mix On-Line Door Game for most BBS
                                Programs. Word Mix is a Multi-Level Scrambled
                                Word Game. There are 3 levels, 1,2 & 3. level
                                1 words are 5-7 characters long, level 2 are
                                8-11 characters and level 3 words are 12-15
                                characters. Points are 5, 10 & 15
                                respectivly. Keeps trach of al all time high
                                score as well as a monthly high score. There
                                is a complete on-line maintenance section and
                                much more.
wmail220.zip  173818 08-05-2024 
wmail453.zip  170618 08-05-2024 WWIVMail/QWK v4.53 Qwk mail door for WWIV
                                version 4.23.
wmath14.zip    56155 08-05-2024 
wmath16.zip    59592 08-05-2024 Ver 1.6 WordMath, game that lets you
                                try to change letters to numbers or
                                vice versa to solve a long division!
                                Multi/BBS/Node, bauds to 115K. Done
                                in BasCom 7.1, need brt71efr.exe for
                                this version. Improved screen writes
                                for faster play and option to see the
                                answer on local screen added!
wmgr107.zip    43483 08-05-2024  WORLDMGR 1.07      Sage World Manager
                                  Create/Edit SAGE worlds with ease!
                                 The official world manager for Sage.
                                   Includes tips and info on how to
                                      create your own Sage world!
wn22.zip      169584 08-05-2024 Word Nerd 2.2; Challenging Word Game Guess
                                the two rhyming words from the clue. Complete
                                rewrite of the older version of Word Nerd.
                                Supports All BBS's, comm ports 1-15 Fossil
                                driver Support.
wod_210a.zip   53795 08-05-2024 WIN OR DIE  - ULTIMATE BBS SURVIVAL! - v2.1a
                                *** Another Great Vampyre Bar! Door Game ***
                                Callers are given a chance to try and beat
                                the computer at a game of "chicken!" If they
                                lose, they are logged off. It they are
                                successful, then they are given a SysOp
                                defined extra minutes.
wof63.zip     178771 08-05-2024 WHEEL of FORTUNE  -  Door Game       v6.3   .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                Plays like the popular TV game show. Includes
                                puzzle database manager with automatic puzzle
                                changes via your nightly event process ! NEW
                                OPTION allows players to supply Sysop with
                                puzzles, at end of game, online.  Supports 
                                Fossil-based Multi-Port cards, including the 
                                PCBoard /M version! New Maintenance program!
wof66.zip     182088 08-05-2024 WHEEL of FORTUNE  -  Door Game       v6.6   .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                Plays like the popular TV game show. Includes
                                puzzle database manager with automatic puzzle
                                changes via your nightly event process ! NEW
                                OPTION allows players to supply Sysop with
                                puzzles, at end of game, online.  Supports 
                                Fossil-based Multi-Port cards, including the 
                                PCBoard /M version! New Maintenance program!
word10.zip     96980 08-05-2024 
word16.zip    198315 08-05-2024 Word Scramble v1.6 On-Line Door Game
                                See how fast your users can unscramble the
                                SCRAMBLE ONLINE DOOR GAME
                                Worldwide Programming (209) 325-0278
wordc12.zip    87530 08-05-2024 
wordc382.zip  204937 08-05-2024  Word_Challenge!     v3.82  
                                One of the most Intellectual Games around for
                                Bulletin Boards.  Your Callers Deserve This!
                                Also used offline  at Home or in a Classroom
                                Environment! Reads Door.Sys and Dorinfo#.Def
wordup12.zip   83230 08-05-2024 Word-Up V1.20 BBS Door Game. Try and
                                guess the hidden words by the clues.
wordwal4.zip   85868 08-05-2024 A door that allows users to veiw
                                22 one-liners and add add a one of 
                                their own. Ver 2.0. From Paragon
wordz18.zip   273205 08-05-2024 WordZee Door Game v1.8; Very Challenging word
                                game, played with word dice. Form words from
                                the dice roll and fill in the corresponding
                                categories. Play 1-3 games at once.
                                Definitely NOT a game to be playing when you
                                are tired! Makeup games missed during the
                                month. Automatic reset & Hall of Fame.
                                Supports Digiboard including PCBoard /M !
wordz22.zip   279095 08-05-2024 WORDZEE    -     Door Game         v2.2    .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                A VERY CHALLENGING word game, played with
                                word dice. Form words from the dice roll and
                                fill in the corresponding categories. Play
                                1-3 games at once. Definitely NOT a game to
                                be playing when you are tired! Makeup games
                                missed during the month. Automatic reset &
                                Hall of Fame. Supports Digiboard including
                                PCBoard /M ! ***** INTER-BBS capable *****
wordz27.zip   274890 08-05-2024 WORDZEE    -     Door Game         v2.7    .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                A VERY CHALLENGING word game, played with
                                word dice. Form words from the dice roll and
                                fill in the corresponding categories. Play
                                1-3 games at once. Definitely NOT a game to
                                be playing when you are tired! Makeup games
                                missed during the month. Automatic reset &
                                Hall of Fame. Supports Digiboard including
                                PCBoard /M ! ***** INTER-BBS capable *****
word_z10.zip  109189 08-05-2024  WORD-Z v1.0 - Multi-BBS Door Program 
                                Word-Z, a game where users select letters
                                from a random selection to create and link
                                words to make the WORD-Z. Easy to play, yet
                                challenging enough to encourage continued
                                play. Supports baud rates to 115,200 and
                                COM 0-15 as well as non-standard IRQ's and
                                fossil drivers (not required).    03/05/93
                                Author: Robert Neal -------- NOT CRIPPLED!
                                Supports USERS.SYS, CHAIN.TXT, DORINFOx.DEF,
                                SFDOORS.DAT, PCBOARD.SYS, CALLINFO.BBS,
                                DOOR.SYS, USERINFO.DAT, GTUSER.BBS and
                                TRIBBS.SYS BBS file formats.
work20b.zip   168143 08-05-2024 Worknet - Job Matching Door                   
world215.zip  246520 08-05-2024 
world220.zip  268502 08-05-2024 
worlddec.zip  407519 08-05-2024 
worldfeb.zip  529502 08-05-2024 Door World Magazine BBS online
                                Door!  We have great door game
                                hints, articles from Door game
                                authors, BBS adds and much more!
                                This is the first and best online
                                magazine. BBS FREQ 1:332/107
                                BBS # 413-684-0145 dwendlg@bcn.net
worldjan.zip  496331 08-05-2024 Door World Magazine BBS online
                                Door!  We have great door game
                                hints, articles from Door game
                                authors, BBS adds and much more!
                                This is the first and best online
                                magazine. BBS FREQ 1:332/107
                                BBS # 413-684-0145 dwendlg@bcn.net
worldoct.zip  343633 08-05-2024 
worldsep.zip  376254 08-05-2024 
wot19_2dwb.zip  319103 08-05-2024 World Of Tears 1.9beta BBS door
                                strategy game.  Conquer all 90
                                countries.  The best Special
                                Effects ever made in a door!
                                Battle Demons, cast spells on
                                players and countries, own
                                countries, townships, castles.
                                Strategy of the board game RISK,
                                with the fun of a classic RPG!
                                Every BBS game generated unique!
                                Every registration receives a
                                FREE REGISTRATION for STARDOCK
                                LOCO!  Don't pass up two of the
                                best Door Games ever created!
wotb97e.zip   567631 08-05-2024 Warlords of the Balance V.97e Fantasy Wargame
                                The Ultimate Tactical online wargame. V97e
                                supports creature advancement, overkills,    
                                and now runs smoothly in most networking/ 
                                multitasking enviroments.                
wotmap2.zip    21579 08-05-2024 WORLD OF TEARS Mapset2
                                "The WaterWorld" v1.0
                                FREEWARE works with
                                registered or unreg door.
                                Medium level add-on for
                                the popular door game.
                                Get this today to change
                                the current full world
                                ansi maps to something
                                different!  Islands,
                                special portal countries.
                                Includes zING utility for
                                creating your own country
                                links and mapsets.
wotw062b.zip  183334 08-05-2024 War Of The Wyrms 0.62!  Users become dragons
                                in a fight to gain the crown of Graherne! 
                                knights, kidnap fair maidens, hunt down prey,
                                hundreds of monsters!  Supports external files
                                with one included(THE FAERIE FOREST)!
wotw18.zip    306958 08-05-2024 WAR OF THE WORDS v1.8-Multi-BBS Door Program
                                An entertaining, yet mind stimulating word
                                game. Luck alone won't cut it in this game
                                as players are challenged to try and fill
                                their scorecard before time runs out.
                                Features option to show # possible words,
                                make up days option, huge wordlist and more.
                                Supports most BBS's, non-standard IRQ's and
wow211.zip     61395 08-05-2024 Weapons Of War v2.11 IGM for LORD 3.26+
                                Warriors can buy and rename Weapons an Armour,
                                drink until they can't
                                standup, play Russian Roulette, Adopt children
                                from other players, Use
                                players, Use the WoW Banking facility for both
                                gold and gems. For Healing
                                we have Dr Sorebutt and to help them relax, we
                                have a spa, shower and bath.
                                There are a couple of special hidden functions
                                to.   F R E E W A R E ! ! ! 
wpad101.zip    10169 08-05-2024 
wpbet11.zip   119541 08-05-2024 WPBETSY v1.1-Excellent Betsy Ross &
                                Calculation Solitairre On-line Game.  
                                Two games in one!  Uses almost any dropfile
                                A MUST SEE for any BBS/Sysop.
wpdogs17.zip  273044 08-05-2024 WPDOGS v1.7  -- Excellent On-Line Dog Racing
                                Color graphics let you watch the dogs run
                                around the track.  
                                Has all the betting options of the real dog
                                A MUST SEE for any BBS/Sysop.
wppoke27.zip  128455 08-05-2024 WPPOKER v2.7  --  Excellent Video Poker
                                Machine On-line Game.  
                                Has multiple styles of poker including
                                Straight, Double Down, 
                                Second Chance, Jokers Wild, Deuces Wild, and
                                Deuces & Jokers Wild.
                                A MUST SEE for any BBS/Sysop.
wppyr11.zip   122539 08-05-2024 WPPYRMD v1.1  --  Excellent Pyramid Solitairre
                                On-line Game.  
                                Very fun to play and uses almost any drop file
                                A MUST SEE for any BBS/Sysop.
wpsol12.zip   117112 08-05-2024 WPSOLIT v1.2  --  Excellent Klondike
                                Solitairre On-line Game.  
                                Has 3 card and 1 card draw styles.  Very fun
                                to play and uses 
                                almost any drop file.  A MUST SEE for any
wrdply16.zip   59354 08-05-2024 
wrdply17.zip   57823 08-05-2024 
wrdply23.zip  100380 08-05-2024 Ver 2.3 WordPlay, where your callers
                                will try to create small words from
                                larger ones. Multi/bbs/node & bauds
                                to 115K. Fossil Driver / DV aware.
                                Com-ports 0-15 plus much more. Get
                                utility to add many more words once
                                registered. Fast playing game. Fixed
                                the NO ANSI errors..
wrdwar15.zip  373252 08-05-2024 WORD WAR   -     Door Game         v1.5     .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                The object of Word War is to create as many 
                                words as you can from 15 randomly chosen 
                                letters. Dictionary is included! NOW WITH 
                                INTERNAL MESSAGE BASE! Makeup games missed 
                                during the month. Automatic reset & Hall of 
                                Fame. Supports Digiboard, DV, LANs, 
                                Non-Standard Com ports!......
                                *********** INTER-BBS capable *************
wrdwar23.zip  267492 08-05-2024 WORD WAR   -     Door Game         v2.3     .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                The object of Word War is to create as many 
                                words as you can from 15 randomly chosen 
                                letters. Dictionary is included! NOW WITH 
                                INTERNAL MESSAGE BASE! Makeup games missed 
                                during the month. Automatic reset & Hall of 
                                Fame. Supports Digiboard, DV, LANs, 
                                Non-Standard Com ports!......
                                *********** INTER-BBS capable *************
writtrv1.zip  116210 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>> WRITERS TRIVIA I v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of writers.  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
wrldmay6.zip  419894 08-05-2024 Door World Magazine BBS online
                                Door!  We have great door game
                                hints, articles from Door game
                                authors, BBS adds and much more!
                                This is the first and best online
                                magazine. BBS FREQ 1:332/107
                                BBS # 413-684-0145 dwendlg@bcn.net
wrmania.zip    71012 08-05-2024 Door Game Based on the ever popular
                                Game Show Wheel of Fortune, but slightly
                                Different approach to scoring. UnRegistered
                                Version Can Access 300 Different Puzzles.
                                SysOp can Create and Add to existing
                                Puzzle Files. Users are encourged to upload
                                their Puzzle files for other Sysop's to
                                DesqView aware. Non-Standard Comm.
                                ports supported.
                                Generates All Time High and Top Ten Score
                                Bulletins after each game. Easy setup via
                                LMUTIL. No Maintance is Required.
                                Supports most major BBS Drop file types,
                                including TRIBBS, PCBoard, Door.sys, Spitfire
                                and others.
                                Shareware. Uploaded by WRM Systems
wrmbj.zip      64990 08-05-2024 Vegas BLACKJACK v2.2. Another door from
                                WRM Systems. Vegas BlackJack is played
                                the same as in Las Vegas. A single deck
                                is used and shuffled every 3 hand. If you
                                are a card counter then this is the game
                                for you. Double Down on a card count of
                                10 or 11. Split any pair of cards. A
                                very entertaining game that keeps you
                                coming back for more. Generates Top Ten
                                Scorers, All Time High Bulletins after
                                each hand. No Maintance is Required.
                                Supports most major BBS Drop file types,
                                including TRIBBS, PCBoard, Door.sys, Spitfire
                                and others.
                                Shareware. Uploaded by WRM Systems
wr_31.zip      44996 08-05-2024 Wine Review Door. Supports several BBS
                                formats and baud rates up to 115,200.
ws101.zip     162680 08-05-2024 ķ
                                 Word Search          (Door) ver. 1.01    
                                Find 26 words in this computer version   
                                of this classic word game.  Over 6000    
                                words, so no game will be the same. Easy,
                                but it is quite challanging!   Keeps     
                                daily winners as well as a total winner  
                                for that month.  Uses DOORFRAME library  
                                for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's.      
                                Now able to be played without a BBS!     
                                Programmer: William Rountree             
                                Release Date: 04\18\95                   
ws113.zip     165798 08-05-2024 Word Search          (Door Game) ver. 1.13   
                                Find 26 words in this computer version of 
                                this classic word game.  Over 6000 words, 
                                so no game will be the same. Easy, but it 
                                is quite challanging!   Keeps daily winners 
                                as well as a total winner for that month.  
                                Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard 
                                Comport and IRQ's. Now able to be played 
                                without a BBS! Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x 
                                and many others.  Release Date: 01\03\97      
wsertrv4.zip  109560 08-05-2024 >>>>>>> WORLD SERIES TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of the World Series games.  Fully
                                functional, supports multiple BBS formats,
                                file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to
                                115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4,
                                IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
wshlst12.zip   28826 08-05-2024 File Wish List v1.2 by: WBS (c) 1995   
                                This version of Wish List is FREEWARE! 
                                No registration required on this version.
                                -Simple little door that let's your users
                                enter in file names/descriptions that they
                                want someone to upload to your bbs so that
                                they can download it! Includes TP 7.0 src!
                                Warrior BBS Systems  Copyright 1994-1995
wulftxt.zip    31840 08-05-2024 
ww123.zip     167584 08-05-2024 
wwarp31.zip   490636 08-05-2024 WORD WARP        -     Door Game         v3.1
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                Word Warp is a fun, fast paced word game in 
                                which you must create 25 words from another 
                                eight letter word within a specified time 
                                limit. A fun, and educational game for all 
                                ******* INTER-BBS Capable *******
wwmail1.zip    16651 08-05-2024 
wwmail44.zip  157613 08-05-2024 
wwnet32.zip   205605 08-05-2024 
wwread30.zip   51867 08-05-2024 
wxdoor.zip    117691 08-05-2024 WXDOOR version 1.01 compiled 08/05/95
                                This Wildcat! 4.x,3.x DOOR will read
                                Weather Data from a Heath Weather
                                Station, model IDA 5001, and present
                                a color display with current conditions,
                                high/low temperatures, humidities, winds,
                                rainfall, etc.  Includes WXRESET, which
                                will reset any combination of those 
                                stored values in the Weather Station.
xcal354.zip   217139 08-05-2024 
xcal354b.zip  151500 08-05-2024 
xcbv11.zip     58256 08-05-2024 
xcool10.zip    57058 08-05-2024 
xd1_2d1b.zip   47616 08-05-2024 Open ONE Door to 25 Others!
                                Use Default Menus or Create
                                Your Own! Security Validation.
                                XtraDoor v1.1 
xenon_v1.zip  137720 08-05-2024 Xenon's Town Square v1.0 - LORD IGM, was
                                written to provide  users with  a  place
                                to  store GOLD, GEMS, CHILDREN and their
                                HORSE. To those of you familiar with the
                                IGMs that  allow  players to steal  from
                                other players, this IGM can  be helpful.
                                Xenon's   Town  Square  was  written  in
                                QuickBasic 4.5 using QWKIGM  programming
                                library for IGMs, (c) Ballistic Labs.
                                Registration is only $2.00!!!
xext53.zip     80646 08-05-2024 Optional source to menu, help, language and
                                display (script) files For the Silver Xpress
                                V5.03 Mail Doors, with CAS based Fax module.
                                Required if you plan to modify menus or and
                                of the *.VCC files.
xfiles10.zip   29656 08-05-2024 THE "X-FILES" Trivia v1.0 for Wildcat 5! -=-
                                Yes, it's
                                written in 32bit wcCODE for Wildcat 5!  Dana,
                                Fox, Skinner,
                                The Lone Gunman and MUCH MUCH MORE!  reg.
                                version contain
                                more than 300 questions!  Features: Easy Setup
                                and Lot's of
                                Watch for the "ULTIMATE in TREK TRIVIA" for
                                Wildcat 5!
                                coming soon to a System near you! 
xmastrv4.zip  129912 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>> CHRISTMAS TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<
                                Trivia game with questions testing your
                                knowledge of Christmas.  Fully functional,
                                supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing
                                for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200,
                                INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15,
                                and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
xmas_11.zip   176183 08-05-2024 Christmas! Trivia v1.0 - BBS Door about
                                Christmas traditions past and present.
                                You really need to register this one and
                                get the expanded database with well over
                                300 questions. RIP Supported, many BBS
                                types too. Registration is a mere $19.00.
                                Current version can be Freq'd from 1:135/337
                                by using the MAGIC name "XMAS" and FREQ
                                "DOORS" for an up to date list of all doors
                                by db Software, Ltd.
xmas_2116.zip  191454 08-05-2024 Christmas! Trivia v1.06 - BBS Door about
                                Christmas traditions past and present. You
                                really need to register this one & get the
                                expanded database with over 300 questions.
                                Supports MULTI-NODE, RIP and many BBS types
                                too. Registration is $12.00.
xmas_2d20.zip   43108 08-05-2024 XMAS.EXE -=- Christmas Countdown A batch file
                                utility to remind you of the number of days
                                left before Christmas.  Another FREEWARE
                                utility from PAROLE Software and Dennis
xport11.zip    25579 08-05-2024 Galaxy 5 Xport Unit v1.1. For programmers who
                                write doors using the UrDoor unit from
                                Kenneth Bledsoe. This unit allows you to
                                EASILY write Xports for the door game
                                Galaxy 5. Just call one command,
                                Init_Xport; then the rest is yours! ;>
                                Automatically reads the DROPFILE.* file that
                                Galaxy 5 creates, and reads in the players
                                info. Fully supports all Galaxy 5 ~ codes!
                                * Freeware From -Noel Software- *
xq154.zip     122708 08-05-2024 
xstmk10.zip    45476 08-05-2024 
xstory10.zip   91522 08-05-2024 XXX Rated Story Door v1.0 By Arti Software
                                Allows your users to create or add to 
                                an existing Story for online viewing 
                                for Mature callers.
xwitsl.zip    252246 08-05-2024 Crosswitz for Linux version of Falken
                                BBS systems. This is a multiuser word game
                                that is similar to scrabble. Very popular
                                game on Falken BBS systems.
y2kdoor.zip    78126 08-05-2024 Y2k Countdown For BBS's
                                This is a door that will
                                show your users how long
                                thay have until the scary
                                date of 1/1/2000 comes
                                to your System.
yab_2d130.zip  157011 08-05-2024 -=> YA BBS List Door v1.30 <=- BLand Software
                                Creates and maintains a database of BBS
                                Supports ANSI and RIP!  Easy Configuration!
                                You *GOTTA* see this one to believe it!
                                Registration $25  Expires 40 Days After
yacht.zip     138513 08-05-2024 
yaht0392.zip   60973 08-05-2024 
yaht18.zip    155688 08-05-2024 Yahtzee v1.8 On-Line Yahtzee Door Game
                                A great yahtzee door game, nice ANSI graphics
                                Plays just like regular Yahtzee we all know
                                YAHTZEE DOOR GAME
                                Worldwide Programming (209) 325-0278
yahtsee.zip    40010 08-05-2024 
yank108.zip   355988 08-05-2024 -=-Yankees & Red Necks version 1.08-=-
                                More  New  options! HOT  new  action!  
                                "Bad  to  the Bone"  D&D  style  HACK  
                                & SLASH RPG.  More New features added
                                at  YOUR  request and  all known bugs
                                have  been  "squashed."  EASY  setup! 
                                Read the  docs  before  attempting to
                                install.  Sysops,  YOU NEED THIS ONE!
                                -=-=-=-=-  COMPILED 5-9-96  -=-=-=-=-
                                -=-Another L&K Software Production-=-
                                -=-=-=-= FIDO Net: 1:387/341 =-=-=-=-
                                -=-=-=-=-=-= Inter-Net =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
yank_wc.zip     2332 08-05-2024 Yankees & Red Necks BBS door game .BAT file
                                examples for WildCat! Single & Multi-Node
                                Uploaded by Author. Call The PigPen  (910
                                for  the latest up  to date version. or FREQ
                                from 1:3634/50.
yatz10a.zip    82194 08-05-2024               Yahtzee v1.0
                                        The ULTIMATE Yahtzee Door!
                                   Simply the best!  Your users will
                                         LOVE it!  Try it and see!
                                  100% Ansi Graphics!   Supports all the
                                   most popular BBS' including WildCat!,
                                  PCB, WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more!
                                   NOT CRIPPLED!!!  FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!
yell25.zip     40808 08-05-2024 
yswhat10.zip  100030 08-05-2024 YOU SAID WHAT! V1.0. We give you the 
                                QUOTE and you give us the person(s), 
                                movie, TV show or place.
                                Quote Trivia Door with over
                                500 quotes available. DEMO Version, 
                                NOT CRIPPLED. Written by.....
                                Those Two Programming Guys!
                                Brad Watts and Vince Sbordone, (C) 1994
yt36.zip      224696 08-05-2024 Yankee Trader - The original space/trading war
                                game by
                                Alan Davenport.
yvc200.zip     65330 08-05-2024 
zap_em.zip     88153 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ZAP'EM v3.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
                                Your mission is to zap the invading Horde
                                ships in your path.  Arcade style game.
                                Fully functional, supports multiple BBS
                                formats, file sharing for multiple nodes,
                                bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers,
                                COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware.
                                For this and other great door programs call
                                The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
zat1_2d02c.zip  108556 08-05-2024 Zatij Inc v1.02... CyberPunk Door
                                Where Users Like Kick Butt on Bad
                                Guys and have to save the world.. 
                                  --- TBRGames (C) 1995 ---
zchss18f.zip  323131 08-05-2024 ZCHESS V1.8F - CHESS DOOR
                                DOOR.SYS, fossils and non-standard com
                                ports supported.  ANSI, RIP and EGA
                                pieces.  Single node, multinode or telnet
                                BBSes.Mouse or cursor keys for
                                remote and local play.TOURNAMENTS
                                easy to create and maintain.  NETWORK
                                with other BBSes.  DV, OS/2, Win 3.x
                                and Win95 (DOS window) time slices.
                                Easy to SETUP.Editor for graphical
                                pieces available.  Annotations and
                                archived games.  "It's your move"
                                Notifier option.  Sysop can play user
                                in same node.  Download ZC_BW.ZIP or
                                ZC_RB.ZIP for ICONS for RIP.  Improved
                                RTS/CTS handshaking.
zdoor10.zip     9310 08-05-2024 
zodiac40.zip   37947 08-05-2024 Version 4.00 compiled 04/02/92 - 7.31p
                                using the DOORPCH38.EXE run-time module.
                                A fun door to give users a horoscope and
                                bio-rythm chart for that period. Registered
                                version will write Happy Birthday bulletin.
                                Configurable to Canadian or US date format,
                                and bulletin specified by SysOp.
zombi132.zip  142577 08-05-2024 ͵    Z O M B I E     S L O T S    ͸
                                         Version 1.3.2 Ibbs          
                                     The Ultimate Slot Machine.      
                                  Played on a 5 by 4 Grid of token   
                                  wheels, this door not only pays    
                                  out on horizontal lines but also   
                                  diagonally. Multiple lines are     
                                  also payed out.                    
                                  Daily Interest added to jackpot.   
                                  Each win adds 1 more play.         
                                  Player Makeup Days.                
                                  Resets at end of month.            
                                  InterBBS Capable                   
                                 FREE-WARE RELEASE ;
zone335.zip   102176 08-05-2024 MINE ZONE v3.35 - Attempt To Navigate Through
                                The Minezone Without Blowing Yourself Up!
                                Free Lives, Mine Maps, And *Secrets* Are
                                Hidden Along The Tretcherous Path! ANSI
                                Cursor Control Allows You To Concentrate
                                More On The Game Than The Controls.
zot131.zip     53288 08-05-2024 ZOT is a simple mind game you play against the
                                computer or the SYSOP. You and
                                your opponent start out with 2 pieces each on
                                a board with 49 spaces. You
                                take turns moving pieces from one space on the
                                board to another.
zwordz36.zip  155799 08-05-2024 Z-WORDZ v3.6 - Multi-BBS Door Program
                                A word game with an attitude! Z-Wordz is like
                                none you've played before. The challenge,
                                complete the Z-Wordz, three 3 letter words,
                                all joined together to form the "Z-Wordz"!
                                Includes a 975+ word dictionary. Support for
                                fossil based multi-port boards, baud rates
                                to 115,200, COM 0-15, non-standard IRQ's and
                                fossil drivers supported.

               Area 49 - Doorgame Converters              

260to110.zip    8151 08-05-2024 Automatically convert EXITINFO.BBS
                                from RemoteAccess v2.6x to v1.1x
                                and back again, great for those
                                doors that are no longer supported.
                                FreeWare from Dark Thunder Software. 
853tagz.zip    22634 09-07-2023 
                                     853 Taglines for IceEdit     
                                 Yes, there are exactly 853 Tag-  
                                 lines in this file and is called 
                                 TAGLINES.CFG for use with IceEdit
                                 but can easily be renamed by you 
                                 for use with any other program   
                                 that uses Taglines like BlueWave,
                                 SLMR, etc..                      
                                          By: The Wizard          
                                    * 803.552.6292 * 14.4 Bps *   
addrom.zip     18939 08-05-2024 AddRom - By Mark Williamson
                                Easily add any CD Rom to your RemoteAccess 2
                                FILES.RA.  Stop entering redundent info into
                                RACONFIG!  Use AddRom and get it done - FAST!!
                                Best of all - it's FREEWARE!  By the author
                                Labtest comes another can't-do-without-it
afugb017.zip 2420071 13-05-2023      ALLFIX Universal, 6.00 build 17
                                Gamma release version
                                ALLFIX is the most complete FileEcho and
                                EchoMail utility available. No other
                                program offers the large number of features
                                that are part of the ALLFIX package.
afu_513.zip  2844964 13-05-2023        ALLFIX Universal, 5.13
                                Evaluation release version
                                ALLFIX is the most complete FileEcho utility
                                available. No other program offers the large
                                number of features that are part of the
                                ALLFIX package.
                                Version 5.13 is an update of version 5.12.
                                This means that we have solved a large number
                                of the problems that you have reported over
                                the past few months!
afxgb017.zip  862910 03-05-2022        ALLFIX for DOS, 6.00 build 17
                                Gamma release version
                                ALLFIX is the most complete FileEcho and
                                EchoMail utility available. No other
                                program offers the large number of features
                                that are part of the ALLFIX package.
agechk11.zip   90877 08-05-2024 AgeCheck! Door v1.1: Check users age
                                before door entry. Works with DOOR.SYS
                                drop files as long as birthdate info
                                is valid. Supports various COM ports,
                                non-standard IRQ's, fossil drivers,
                                and more! A free utility program from
                                T&J Software.
am_60.zip      68811 08-02-2022 Ŀ
                                   Online Archive Master version 6.0   
                                 AM is a RemoteAccess 2.0x archive       
                                 viewer.  AM can be used as a door and   
                                 as the RA External Archive Viewer.      
                                  View the contents of archives         
                                  Read files within archives            
                                  Extract file(s) to be downloaded      
                                  Supports all major archive formats!   
                                  Supports the RA 2.0x file database    
                                  Checks all security levels and flags  
                                  ...and more!                          
                                 AM is another quality freeware product  
                                 from Dykstra Software.                  
anim300.zip   200343 08-07-2023 Ϳ
                                      THE ANiMATOR v3.00      
                                 A new animated ANSi bulletin 
                                 program for most BBSes  that 
                                 support: DOOR.SYS, CHAIN.TXT 
                                 DORINFOx.DEF,   EXITINFO.BBS 
                                 SFDOORS.DAT, and CALLINFO.   
                                 Displays any ASC / ANS / AVT 
                                 bulletin  file  followed  by 
                                 an animated ANSi prompt.     
                                 Includes 103 predefined ANSi 
                                      * Download Now!! *      
                                     The Fonty Towers BBS     
ATAG_12.ZIP    31210 16-04-2024 Ŀ
                                 Another Tag Version 1.0 Ĵ
                                 FileTagging Door For Ra 2.XX         
                                 Features :                           
                                      Taglist Editing                
                                      New Design !                   
                                      Customisable Ansi              
                                      Easy Setup                     
                                      Easy Use                       
                                      French Production !            
                                      FreeWare !!!!!                 
baduse30.zip  115545 08-05-2024 BadUser v3.0 - lock bad users from your
                                door. BadUser supports all the major BBS
                                formats, DESQview aware, and many other
                                features. Simply add the users name
                                to a data file and they'll never know
                                what is wrong. Has a STANDARD and CUSTOM
                                mode available to the SysOp. This version
                                also supports fossil drivers! T&J
                                Software Program
BBS2HTML.ZIP   46930 07-12-2023 BBS2HTML v1.0p Conversion Utility  
                                Converts FILES.BBS listings to HTML 
                                Put you file collection on the WEB! 
                                Easy, automated, UNCRIPPLED FREEWARE
                                Works with PCBoard, Wildcat, TBBS or
                                any system that supports FILES.BBS  
                                file formats. Don't get left behind!
bbsl99b7.zip  112363 09-07-2023 Ŀ
                                 BBS Lister v0.996 
                                 A BBS Lister door for any BBS which  
                                 creates DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF or    
                                 MX_USER.DAT drop files. Callers can  
                                 upload and view BBS ads. The list of 
                                 BBSes can be downloaded.             
                                 Supports ANSI and MAXgraphics and is 
                                 completely litebar driven for ANSI   
                                 callers. Best of all its FREEWARE    
                                 (c)1998 D. Heaton, VMSoft 
bmkr1g.zip     75110 08-07-2023 *** BulletinMaker v1.00; Official Release
                                BulletinMaker is the greatest news file
                                or bulletin 'maker' for RemoteAccess and
                                other systems! Full-Screen editor env.,
                                produces ANSi/ASCII screens for the user
                                and provides a great interface for the
                                sysop with lots of options! Great File!
                                You owe it to yourself and your users to
                                download this!
bounce20.zip   43995 08-05-2024 ͸
                                      = Bouncer v2.0 =       
                                 Restricts access to any door based on 
                                 user's name, age, security level, or  
                                 can require a password to enter.      
                                 Compatible with many BBS platforms,   
                                 including TriBBS.                     
                                brought to you by SaltySoft
brt71efr.zip   60888 08-05-2024 Microsoft BASIC Compiler Runtime Version 7.10
                                This file is needed by some obscure doors
brun10.zip     46116 08-05-2024 Brun 1.0 QuickBasic runtime moduale
brun20.zip     52289 08-05-2024 Brun 2.0 QuickBasic runtime moduale
brun30.zip     53064 08-05-2024 Brun 3.0 QuickBasic runtime moduale
brun40.zip     54416 08-05-2024 Brun 4.0 QuickBasic runtime moduale
brun45.zip     56220 08-05-2024 Brun 4.5 QuickBasic runtime moduale
brun60.zip       159 08-05-2024 Brun 6.0 QuickBasic runtime moduale
busy_v10.zip  110144 08-05-2024 ******Busy Door v1.0**********
                                Have you ever found a door 
                                that was *NOT* Multi-Node, and
                                you were? Well I did (BRE, 
                                FE, SRE, Exitatilus, etc...)
                                So I made this little program to 
                                send a message to The other Node
                                that the door was busy, and to try
                                back before they logged off.
                                It's not much, but it works and it's
                                FREEWARE! From Kenneth Danner, 
                                AKA Palace SoftWares
cat-fn15.zip  113564 07-07-2023                           
                                f a d i n g            
                                            v 1 . 5 o
                                [cat] fading news v1.5o
                                groovy news door which allows
                                you to fade news on and off the
                                screen using your own custom,
                                 pcb compatible colour sceme!!
                                new: option to allow your users
                                to not have to read news if its
                                already seen, faster diplays!
                                uses v1.01 of the catastrophic
                                door library. runs on any bbs!!
                                copyright (c) 1998 phiber optix
cecho11.zip    63366 08-05-2024 ////ComEcho 1.1\\\\
                                Released: 7 Aug 1995
                                Utility for multinode BBS's.
                                For Non-Multinode aware doors 
                                it locks out the other node 
                                when in use and returns the 
                                caller to the BBS with a 
                                colorful message explaining 
                                why.  FREEWARE
                                Brought to you by 
                                NNL Productions
chktime.zip    16940 08-05-2024 CheckTime v1.01 - allows a BBS sysop
                                to ensure that users must wait after
                                running a door game before entering it
                                again.  Uses DORINFO1.DEF.
convert1.zip   10599 08-05-2024 
countdor.zip   12647 08-05-2024 Countdor.exe is a program that allows sysops
                                to keep track of door usage on their
                                systems.  Quick and easy to setup, and
                                requires almost no intervention from the
                                sysop once setup.  Freeware.
crw-kw2!.zip   50375 16-02-2023                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                -[CROW Coding Division Presents]-ij
                                   KiWi Final! A onliner for DOOR.SYS   
                                   over 10 diffrent options, example:  
                                   Censoring, Comment Editor/Nuker     
                                   Customize toplist, make own header  
                                   Ban bad users from writing          |
                                   Coded by Rezaad                     
                                <>Cyber Station<>Crow WHQ<>46-226-20119<>
cs012d.zip     90412 08-05-2024     CRYSTALLINE STATS
                                Game Statistics Generator
                                      DOS/DPMI 386+
                                      Version 0.1.2
                                Creates HTML files for BBS
                                door games that show
                                player data similar to the
                                program's own daily stats.
                                This program currently
                                supports LORD, LORD 2,
                                Planets: TEOS, and
                                Avalon v0.85.
                                Released: October 11, 2000
                                Created By: Michael Dillon
cstats_2d0.1.2_2dlinux.tar.gz  183621 08-05-2024 
cstats_2d0.1.2_2dwin32.zip   98153 08-05-2024     CRYSTALLINE STATS
                                Game Statistics Generator
                                  Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000
                                      Version 0.1.2
                                Creates HTML files for BBS
                                door games that show
                                player data similar to the
                                program's own daily stats.
                                This program currently
                                supports LORD, LORD 2,
                                Planets: TEOS, and
                                Avalon v0.85.
                                Released: October 11, 2000
                                Created By: Michael Dillon
cvtdoor.zip    26602 08-05-2024 CVTDOOR: CONVERT/ALTER DOOR.SYS TO SUIT!
                                From UltraSoft! Convert DOOR.SYS any way. 
                                For DOORS that won't run, for SYSOP Name 
                                Changes for DOORS, for running Doors that 
                                just won't run anymore. Zero line 23, the 
                                long one, with extensive Conferences that 
                                lock up Doors. Multiple-Uses. A BBS MUST!
datag105.zip   98834 20-04-2023 (v1.05) dATag by TWAiN PAiN Software
                                The best RemoteAccess filetagger. Fixes:
                                Files can now have costs and daily dls
                                are checked correctly (broken in v1.04)
                                ĿĿĿ TWAiN PAiN's ͸
                                ڿ۳۳۳: ۳: ڿ۳
                                ٲ۳  ٲ۳Ŀ
                                ٰڿ  ڿٱ
                                ٳ   ٳĿ
dbill55.zip   214556 08-05-2024 DoorBill v5.5 versatile door manager.
                                Supports most BBS software without the need
                                for converters. Auto-ANSI detection, command
                                stacking, place security levels on door
                                categories as well as each door. Option to
                                lock any door based on caller's baud rate,
                                plus 2 daily time periods. Supports COM
                                1-4, 115K baud, non-stand. IRQ's, FOSSILs.
                                One of the MicroNet collection of quality
                                doorware programs by Ted Freeman.
dctbg120.zip   69419 29-11-2022 DCT Bulletin Generator v1.20 *  For RA, 
                                Concord, SuperBBS, and any other QuickBBS-
                                compatible system.  Will create aesthetically
                                pleasing NEWS.ANS/ASC screens to show to your
                                users at login.  Comes with its own built-in 
                                editor, so that you don't have to edit a text
                                file then compile it.  Very configurable, 
                                and it allows you to create your own bulletin
                                styles or use one of the supplied designs.  
                                Also allows colour changing within the 
                                bulletin itself.  Freeware by Dan Traczynski.
dcted004.zip  179908 19-10-2023 DCTEdit v0.04 Gamma; The full-screen editor 
                                from DCT Productions is here!  DCTEdit 
                                employs a pull-down menu interface -- which 
                                we are all experienced at using -- in 
                                addition to keyboard shortcuts for those who 
                                have memorised the commands.  Some other 
                                features include: spell checking, automatic 
                                tagline stealing, configurable user displays,
                                message area overrides (RA/PB/TG/EZY), text 
                                censoring, macros, message printing, multiple
                                language files, text file importing, SysOp Fn
                                hotkeys, user signatures, offline mail reader
                                support, plus more! An editor like no other! 
                                Still freeware!  [Released 5-Jan-98]
dctvd040.zip  126093 29-03-2023 DCT Voting Door v0.40 Deluxe voting door for
                                any BBS which supports the DORINFO1.DEF or
                                DOOR.SYS drop file. Features include:
                                Optional user censoring, auto-deletion of old
                                booths & inactive users, problem user lock
                                out, the lightbar selector, amazingly FAST &
                                EASY setup, bar graphs/percentages when
                                displaying results, AutoVote, language
                                support, plus much more!
ddmen303.zip  105589 08-05-2024 This program allows a door to open up to many
                                It also keeps the door usage statistics.
ddoor410.zip   34448 08-05-2024 DDOOR 4.10 * program for RemoteAccess
                                which will automatically track your
                                door usage, and *who* is using them *
                                exclude certain users * handle support *
                                * dupe detection * for RA 2.00
dinfavt5.zip   37332 08-05-2024 
dl31.zip       51740 08-05-2024 DoorLog v3.1-Keep log of door activity.
                                Give statistics on door usage.  Help find
                                door causes problems.  At a glance know which
                                doors are busy.  DL will work on any BBS
                                uses BATch files to run doors.
dlock10.zip    25905 08-05-2024 Lock single node doors from being run on
                                multi-node BBS's with this door utility.
                                Works with any BBS type that relies on
                                batch files for doors. Simple to set up
                                and maintain!
                                Almost FREE Software!
dm58.zip      103552 08-05-2024 
dmake101.zip   44204 08-05-2024 DMaker Version 1.00 for DOS
                                This is a freeware program to EDIT, and
                                view DORINFOx.DEF files.  Works great
                                if you have DOOR games to play and you
                                dont run a BBS.
                                Another Great FREEWARE program by
                                Shensey of SPeX. (Nic Boie)
dman_300.zip  422266 08-05-2024 
dmi_2d344.zip  508172 08-05-2024 DoorMan v3.44ް - Door Mgnt/Menuing System
                                The absolute *BEST* program available to
                                EVERYTHING relating to Doors on your BBS!  You
                                have to see this one to believe it! 
dmi_344.zip   508260 08-05-2024 DoorMan v3.44ް - Door Mgnt/Menuing System
                                The absolute *BEST* program available to
                                EVERYTHING relating to Doors on your BBS!  You
                                have to see this one to believe it! 
door115k.zip    3743 08-05-2024 DOOR.SYS at 115200bps!! Run "Door.sys" style
                                doors under RA 2.02 at a locked port rate of
                                115200 bps.
door2def.zip   30501 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                    DOOR2DEF v1.0 Door File converter     
                                       Compiled 25/06/92 at 12:30am.      
                                      A fast utility to convert a BBS     
                                       DOOR.SYS file to DORINFO1.DEF      
                                       Can insert BBS & SysOp's Name      
                                       ** FREEWARE **   by Jeff Smart     
door2dor.zip   14897 08-05-2024 
doorcnt.zip    16451 08-05-2024 
doorm10.zip   148926 08-05-2024 DoorMan v1.0 - Controls access to your door 
                                programs on a door by door basis. "Lockout" 
                                users who've dropped carrier in the door on 
                                a previous call or who have too little time 
                                remaining online.  Exempt users above a set 
                                security level from being locked out. COM1- 
                                COM4 (including non-standard); up to 115200 
                                baud; FOSSIL supported (but not req'd); and 
                                support for most drop files. Shareware from 
                                Alien Archives!. (02-10-94)
doormod1.zip   31637 08-05-2024 A useless util made by Roblo
                                to simply change the callers
                                baud rate in DOOR.SYS to the
                                locked baud rate. Some doors
                                have a  problem  with locked
                                Baud rates.  So  this  is  a
                                simple solution.
                                THIS PROGRAM IS NO LONGER IN
                                CONSTRUCTION. NOT SUPPORTED!
doormt10.zip   71952 08-05-2024 DOORMAT 1.0 - A *MUST* have for SysOps with 
                                doors. Doormat allows Sysops to display 
                                messages to users before entering a door, 
                                block out certain age groups, lock out or 
                                only let in certain users, set up certain 
                                times to remove a door from service (lock
                                out times), and MORE!  Simple to use, run 
                                before a door in the door batch file.
                                Works with all major BBS's.
doorplay.zip   33538 08-05-2024 { DOORPLAY 1.0 }
                                Door Play allows users to play
                                BBS door games on their own computer
                                wihtout a BBS                                
doorrip_21.zip   14638 08-05-2024 
doorst11.zip   13466 08-05-2024 DOORSTAT v1.1. Makes a great looking
                                bulletin of your BBS's DOOR usage. Colors
                                are totally configurable and you can
                                Sort the graph in Ascending, Descending
                                or no sorting order.
doorst15.zip  186410 08-05-2024 Doorstat's Version 1.5
                                A Freeware Utility that will keep
                                track of your Door Usage better
                                than ALL the rest that you have
                                seen, Lots of Cool Features! No
                                Need to revise all your door
                                batch files! With this release
                                it will compress all your log files
                                for you for easy nightly Maintance
                                Best of all it is Freeware by SMYC,
                                Written for the Users of FidoNet's
                                DoorGames Echo.
doorst16.zip  185628 08-05-2024 Doorstat's Version 1.6
                                A Freeware Utility that will keep
                                track of your Door Usage better
                                than ALL the rest that you have
                                seen, Lots of Cool Features! No
                                Need to revise all your door
                                batch files! With this release
                                it will compress all your log files
                                for you for easy nightly Maintance
                                Best of all it is Freeware by SMYC,
                                Written for the Users of FidoNet's
                                DoorGames Echo.
doorsys1.zip   37879 08-05-2024 DOORSYS will make DOOR.SYS file for you to run
                                a door game localy 
                                even when it does not have a local mode option
                                 Should work with 
                                most doors that support door.sys.
                                Version 1.1 minor update
                                From Brian's World BBS
                                (714) 821-3123
dordelay.zip   68578 08-05-2024 Door Delay; A great way to help encourage
                                users to subscribe to your BBS! Now you can
                                put in this program to delay a user on the
                                way to a popular door if they haven't
                                subscribed. Completely sysop definable!
                                Won't delay subscribing users. Easy to
                                install. Not crippled. By Todd Miller;ver 1.0
                                    A TechWare Productions Release ۲
dorfix.zip     11413 08-05-2024 
dorman15.zip   83318 08-05-2024 DoorMan: Ver 1.5
                                DM will build your Doors.bbs & Doors.Rip Menus
                                for you
                                It will update the menus each time a caller
                                uses a door
                                It Post each door, who last used the door,
                                when, and how many time
                                the door has been used.
                                You may set all color codes for up to 12 diff.
                                menus... This allows the sysop
                                to make DM's menus look like the BBS..
                                Fully functional as is.
dorman26.zip   47341 08-05-2024 -=> The Doorman Doormanager <=- Ver 2.0
                                Ultimate door management utility. Limit
                                the # of times per day a caller can access
                                any door(s), limit time entering any door,
                                sub. locked DTE rate for callers rate,
                                Deny alternate nodes from accessing doors
                                by Lock/Unlocking the door. Registration
                                provides Twit file to deny any caller from
                                any door(s), set the operating hours of
                                door(s), mark any door as DOWN, and more.
                                Users with PcBoard.sys/Door.sys can
                                convert to/from any of the listed
                                formats below.
                                Supports PcBoard.sys (14.x), Door.sys,
                                Callinfo.bbs, Dorinfo1.def, Dorinfo2.def,
                                and Chain.txt.      ShareWare:$10
dorman27.zip  163433 08-05-2024 DoorMan version 2.7 Multi BBS DoorManager.
                                Now Windows, OS/2, and DesqView AWARE!
                                Runs under most BBS software incl TriBBS.
                                Unlimited menus, doors, bulletins. Security
                                level on each door, bulletin, or menu.
                                Categorize/combine doors and display files
                                any way you wish.  'On-the-fly' RIP/ANSI/ASC
                                menu displays. Or create your own! Door
                                serialization for single node doors on multi-
                                node BBS.  Door usage tracking/reporting
                                facility. Display a file before running doors
                                Include/Exclude users on a Door by Door basis
                                Supports COM1-15, 115K baud, non-stand. IRQ's
                                and FOSSIL drivers. F R E E W A R E ! ! ! !
dormod21.zip   83637 08-05-2024 TcSoft's Door Moderator Door (control door
                                access) v2.1
                                Assign a door moderator that can either:
                                a) keep a list of users allowed access to a
                                certain door
                                b) keep a list of users not allowed access to
                                a certain door
dorpch31.zip   26575 08-05-2024 Door Patch 31 used by some PCB doors
dorpch32.zip   27450 08-05-2024 Door patch 32 Used by some PCB doors
dorpch33.zip   27475 08-05-2024 Door Patch 33 used by some PCB doors
dorpch34.zip   27587 08-05-2024 Door Patch 34 used by some PCB doors
dorpch35.zip   27554 08-05-2024 Door Patch 35 used by some PCB doors
dorpch37.zip     158 08-05-2024 Door Patch 37 used by some PCB doors
dorpch38.zip   51466 08-05-2024 Door Patch 38 used by some PCB doors
dorsped3.zip    5950 08-05-2024 Adjusts Dorinfo1.def for locked speed
dortime.zip    34620 08-05-2024 DOOR TIME; A method of controling the amount
                                of time a user can spend in a particular
                                door.  Currently, DRTIME only  works with BBS
                                software utilizing DORINFOx.DEF, but a
                                version for DOOR.SYS will be released soon.
dor_2dpcb1.zip   26278 08-05-2024 Creates PCBoard system files so that doors
                                written for PCBoard can be used on systems
                                that create a DORINFOx.DEF file.
dparm12.zip    35333 08-05-2024 
drmaster.zip  147710 08-05-2024 
drmw2g11.zip   18194 08-05-2024 WWIV2GAP v1.1 Reads WWIV and VBBS' CHAIN.TXT
                                and converts it to DOOR.SYS. Free DreamWARE
dropchop.zip    6887 08-05-2024       --===> BBS Utiliteez <===--
                                Chops 52 Line DOOR.SYS Down To 31 Lines.
                                Nothing Special About This Utility. Use
                                With DOOR.SYS Only Type Doors That Lock
                                Up When You Feed Them Too Much DOOR.SYS.
                                Extremely  Useful  For Running  Wildcat
                                Doors On Other Than A Wildcat BBS, Such
                                As  Jeff Bisson's RomDoor When Set  For
                                Generic DOOR.SYS BBS.....By Larry Athey
                                ***** Best Of All, It's FREEWARE! *****
drtime_2.zip   64170 08-05-2024 DRTIME. Includes 2 programs to help the sysop
                                control how much time a user can spend in a
                                particular door program. One for DOOR.SYS,
                                the other for DORINFOx.DEF. Freeware.
drtime_2d2.zip   64817 08-05-2024 
drwy231.zip   236738 08-05-2024 DOORWAY revision 2.31 REMOTE ACCESS PROGRAM.
                                This program allows both BBS's to add normal
                                programs to BBS's as DOORS, and provides an
                                inexpensive alternative to expensive
                                commercial programs like PCAnywhere and
                                Carbon Copy for remote accessing of a home
                                or office computer. This version contains
                                both a HOST and COM program for full
                                functionality without any 3rd party
                                software, yet is still compatible with most
                                other com programs. Has printer redirection
                                capability plus many more features including
                                a new configuration file editor and 16650
                                support.  Limited to 10 minutes until
                                registered. Windows 95 bug fix for this
                                version. Registration $30.
dr_31.zip      41080 08-05-2024 BBS Door Review door. Supports several BBS
                                formats and baud rates up to 115,200.
ds201.zip      25459 08-05-2024 **DoorStat**  Version 2.01. Create door usage
                                graph for almost any bbs.
                                ANSI/ASCII user configurable usage bulletins.
                                Graph door usage by number
                                or percentage.
dsadj20.zip    12120 08-05-2024 DSADJ v2.0 DOOR.SYS Security level
                                adjuster. Change security level in DOOR.SYS
                                just prior to running a door. Sec level is
                                changed ONLY for that one door, giving that
                                caller special access in one area of your
                                BBS. DSADJ now also returns errorlevel, so
                                that you can branch to different levels in
                                your batch files, and execute items based
                                on WHO is online. Nice for use in
                                SFLOGON.BAT files.
dsmtes.zip     82471 08-05-2024 DSM Door Screen Manager 1.1! A great door
                                menuing system for your Wildcat/PCB BBS.
                                Shows door number,description of Door,
                                Last User,times used, and last date and
                                time used! DSM is also completly sysop
                                with colors and backgrounds.Very easy to
                                install onto your BBS. 5 Second Delay
                                until registered. For latest updates
                                call TES Software (910)895-0368.
dsys2ei.zip     7268 08-05-2024 
dsysfix1.zip    6825 08-05-2024 Utility to Squish line 23 of Door.sys
ds_101a.zip    17746 08-05-2024 
dt10a.zip     133082 08-05-2024 Door Tracker v1.0 for SysOps
                                Door Tracker v1.0 is a FREEware release
                                for all SysOps to keep track of their
                                DOOR programs.  Very complete information
                                is kept on door names, authors, reg numbers,
                                BBS support names and phone numbers, etc.
                                Auto-alphabetizing and hardcopy printouts
                                are part of the package.
dt51a.zip      60521 08-05-2024 ͸
                                         DOORTRAK V5.1a         
                                 Display Door Registration      
                                 Status, And Top Doors! Also    
                                 Shows Callers The Name Of The  
                                 Person Who Registered Each Door
                                 A The Door Is Loaded For Play! 
                                 Great Way To Reward Donors!!   
                                 Promotes BBS Door Donations    
                                 Without The Embarrassing Task  
                                 Of Having To Ask!              
                                     Compiled: June 7, 1995     
                                         GENERATION I           
                                   Support BBS: 817-794-0930    
                                 Fido: 1:130/319     FREQ: TRAK 
dtl_20.zip      7101 08-05-2024 Door Time Limiter v2.0; Limit your users time
                                limit in each door based on their security
                                level. Modifies both DORINFO1.DEF and
                                DOOR.SYS (if found) making DTL compatable
                                with both RA 1.11 AND RA 2.00.
dulwc10.zip     8908 08-05-2024 Door Usage Logger v1.0 - Wildcat! 2.x & 3.x
                                Makes Log file of door usage. Inludes upto
                                name, door # entered, time/date called/door
                                connect rate, ansi/mnp enabled, databits,
                                level, minutes left, whether or not caller
                                carrier in door, com port #, dte locked rate,
                                many more! BRUN45 is required but not in
DUSER200.ZIP   27613 22-08-2023 DUSER v2.00 * ANS/ASC Userlist
                                Bulletin generator for RA v2.00.g1 *
                                Supports Handles, Exclusion of Hidden
                                Users and Specific Users.  Complete
                                Menu Configuration and Custom Colour
                                Configuration.  Freeware by James
dwiz09.zip    159806 08-05-2024 DOOR WIZARD 0.9beta! From Atlantis Software
                                Complete Door Management program for any
                                BBS system that can produce a door.sys.
                                Multiple door menus, full security features,
                                fully customizable. This beta release does
                                not yet require registration.
EB10RC1W.ZIP 1916710 04-08-2023 EleBBS v0.10.rc1 - public gamma release
                                of EleBBS. A RemoteAccess-style BBS.
                                Features lightbarred menus, built-in
                                TELNET server, newsgroups client and
                                server support. Longfilename support.
                                DOS, Win9x/NT, OS2 and Linux versions
                                ** EleBBS 0.09.G1 IS REQUIRED **
                                Windows (32-bit) version.
eb_009gw.zip 2403235 04-08-2023 EleBBS v0.09.g1 - public gamma release
                                of EleBBS. A RemoteAccess-style BBS.
                                Features lightbarred menus, built-in
                                TELNET server, newsgroups client and
                                server support. Longfilename support.
                                DOS, Win9x/NT, OS2 and Linux versions
                                Windows (Win9x/NT/2000) version.
echngr12.zip   37525 08-10-2023 +-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
                                           -== Ele-Changer ==-            |
                                               version 1.2                |
                                  Lightbar Area/Group Changer for EleBBS  |
                                    * Use Cursor Keys to navigate         |
                                    * File & Message Area/Group support   |
                                    * Combined Message area selector      |
                                    * LAWGATOR style layout               |
                                    * Supports ANSi or ASCii              |
                                    * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced       |
                                    * New: Also supports numeric keys     |
                                Beware of fake releases by Future Dream Net!
ed004dic.zip   82112 19-10-2023 English language dictionary file for use with
                                DCTEdit v0.04.
el071015.zip 2248071 02-06-2008 ELEBBSW-20071015 Win32 October 2007
                                CVS binaries
el080701.zip 2254746 04-02-2009 ELEBBS/W32-2008/07/01
                                Win32 July 2008 CVS binaries
EL120208.ZIP 2252746 08-02-2022 EleBBS/W32 - 20120208 Win32 binaries update
elebbs-20120       0 01-01-1980 
elebbs-20120208_vp_os2.zip 2042393 21-07-2023 
elebbs-20120208_vp_w32.zip 2253987 04-08-2023 
ELEBBS-20130       0 01-01-1980 
ELEBBS-20130208_W32VP.ZIP 2255172 08-02-2022 
elecht01.zip   12629 08-10-2023 Ĵ pcmicro presents Ŀ
                                            -== Ele-Chat ==-              
                                            version 0.01 beta             
                                   Split Screen Sysop/User Chat Script    
                                    * Designed exclusivly for EleBBS      
                                    * Small and fast (only 10k)           
                                    * Great looking background            
                                    * Supports ANSi/AVATAR/ASCii          
                                    * Fully configurable                  
                                    * Freeware - no nags/brags/delays     
                                    * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced       
                                www.pcmicro.com/bbs for latest version
elehdr11.zip   13088 08-10-2023 +-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
                                    -== Message Header for EleBBS ==-     |
                                               version 1.1                |
                                    * Elite Style Custom ANSI header for  |
                                      EleBBS's internal message reader.   |
                                    * Hilights to: field on messages      |
                                       to the current user.               |
                                    * Now faster then before.             |
                                    * Freeware - no ads/delays.           |
                                    * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced.      |
                                www.pcmicro.com/bbs for latest version
eleval03.zip   17843 31-12-1997 +------------------------------------------+
                                            -= Ele Validate =-            |
                                                version 0.3               |
                                   Email Validation Script for EleBBS     |
                                    Sends the user a password to their    |
                                    email address, and upgrades their     |
                                    security level once they confirm it.  |
                                    * Supports BLAT.EXE - Windows/32      |
                                    * Can be modded for WarpMail - OS/2   |
                                      or SendMail - Unix                  |
                                    * Now includes ANSI mods by Shurato   |
                                http://archives.thebbs.org for latest version
emp-ulst.zip   17241 22-08-2023 
ewhodx10.zip   16219 08-10-2023 +-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
                                        -== Whos Online Deluxe ==-        |
                                          version 1.0 for EleBBS          |
                                 Replaces the internal Whos Online & Msg  |
                                   * Supports Livesystems USERDOES.{node} |
                                   * Sends messages to other BBS nodes    |
                                   * Node messages wrapped in ANSi Box    |
                                   * Lightbarred Messages are sent        |
                                   * Instant Reply to Sender feature!     |
                                   * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced        |
                                   * Freeware - no nags or other drags    |
                                archives.thebbs.org for latest version
exitbug.zip    10925 08-05-2024 Drop file compatability for QuickBBS and some
ez_door.zip    12880 08-05-2024 EZ_DOOR v1.0 DOOR MANAGEMENT UTILITY Great
                                New door management ppe that allows you to
                                configure and run up to 999 games from a
                                single menu. Takes some setting up but once
                                you complete the initial setup maintainence
                                is simple. If the users security does not
                                match that required for the game he/she will
                                not even see the game name or be able to
                                execute it. ANOTHER GREAT NET EQUINOX
                                ASSOCIATES PPE
fdl_v501.zip  636362 07-05-2024 FDL/P  FileDoor LITE/PRO      Version  5.01
                                DISP software: FileDoor protocol driver
                                Version/Date : V 5.01   / Aug. 9th, 1995
                                This version 5.01 runs for both FDL and FDP
                                users. FDP users get extra PRO options. For
                                FDL users there are lots of fixes and small
FE146.EXE     715009 13-11-2023 
FE146X.EXE    665635 12-11-2023 
fe146x.rar    656187 29-04-2022 ------------------------------------------
                                ## --------- FastEcho 1.46pl1 --------- ##
                                Very  fast FTN mail processor for  Hudson-
                                (aka QBBS), JAM-, Squish- and  Fido/*.MSG-
                                style messagebases.    [Shareware, $15/25]
                                Includes DPMI executables  only,  requires
                                full package (FE146.RAR)  to  run !!!  Now
                                also featuring 32 bit version of FESetup.
                                Copyright (c) 1991-1997 by
                                Software Technik Burchhardt, Waltrop, FRG.
FF_200.RAR    771359 04-02-2022 FastFile 2.00. FileTagger, FileDoor and
                                FileManager for RemoteAccess 2.0x-2.50.
                                Built around a "graphic" user interface.
                                NOW SUPPORTS: CD-ROM & Internet Request,
                                LightBar, ISDN,RA2.02 Tagfile, Password,
                                CD-ROM, DAT, Color Configuration,  GIF-,
                                MOD-View, DupeCheck, Freefile, Comments-
                                in filelists, Virus scan, Long filedesc,
                                File tagging, Fast AreaChange, TextView,  
                                Locate, Archive View,  New Files Search,
                                MemorySwap functions, All FileProtocols,
                                TextView, Upload, Download,  Local mode,
                                SplitScreen Chat with macrofunctions and
                                Remote SysOps features like RA Manager!!
                                * And much more ! *
fixflag.zip     7886 08-05-2024 Q&D product...not fancy but it works....it
                                will fix it so that your ansi doors will
                                realize your users actually have ansi...it
                                fixes the dorinfo1.def file so that the ansi
                                flag is listed as 1 not 2 (2 indicates avatar
                                + ansi and confuses some doors).....just run
                                it in the directory your dorinfo file is in
                                before the game is run
fix_ds.zip     19129 08-05-2024 Fix_DS v1.0 converts the RIP in DOOR.SYS
                                to a GR for non-RIP doors. This is needed
                                because some ANSI doors (like TradeWars)
                                cannot interpret the RIP created on line
                                #20 of DOOR.SYS for RIP users. FREEWARE
flash10.zip    12417 08-05-2024 FLASHDEF is a no hastles (PCB) style DOOR.SYS
                                conversion program that switches DOOR.SYS  to
                                DORINFO?.DEF drop file format. Its lightening
                                fast for almost seemless operation. FREEWARE!
fmlw_59b.zip  399558 29-04-2022 FMail 1.59/beta, Windows 32-bit version
                                FMail is an echo mail processor for Hudson
                                and JAM message bases. Also included is a
                                message base maintenance utility with a lot
                                of special features. The Windows version can
                                handle more areas than the standard version
                                and is optimized for use with 32-bit versions
                                of MS Windows like Windows 95 and Windows NT.
fury1h.zip    176579 08-05-2024 Door Fury! -- Keep Track of BBS Door Stats.
                                3 ways to Sort: Door Name, Uses, Last User.
                                Also shows Date Last Used. Shows ALL your 
                                doors, not just top 10. Keep track of 
                                deadbeat doors to get rid of. MULTI-NODE. 
                                Easy setup and complete instructions.
                                Supports nearly ALL DROPFILES and SYSTEMS.
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
fxdsys12.zip   40882 08-05-2024 FixDoorSys v1.2 - Allow RIP callers into
                                Doors without RIP. This can be handy for BBS
gap2rbbs.zip    4396 08-05-2024 
gateway2.zip    6139 08-05-2024 
gmon_402.zip  117381 08-05-2024 
graus102.zip   56062 26-09-2023 GRAUSER v1.02 -=- GLOBALY change users
                                CREDITS, SECURITY, USERS FLAGS, within
                                seconds based on users AGE or security.
                                MAKES envelope ready user listings based
                                on your users AGE or security. Great for
                                the sysop wanting a 21+ mailing list!
                                VIEW System usage graph on any lines
                                at a key stroke. VIEW/ALTER total
                                system call counter. DUPE checker
                                locates FAKE accounts and is 2-3 times
                                faster than any other dupe checker for
                                RemoteAccess. Can be used on RA versions
                                2.xx and the new 2.50 plus other useful 
                                features you will enjoy.
holodor1.zip   37531 08-05-2024 
htdoor12.zip   68369 08-05-2024 @X0F**** Hottest Doors Trakker v1.2 ****
                                This  program will  create a bulletin or
                                Logon  Screen for  TriBBS  showing  your 
                                Hottest Doors being used. Supports up to 
                                999 times  used in the doors counter for 
                                each door.  Sysops  can track  up  to 60 
                                different doors. Makes a 1 column Screen 
                                with  alternating  colors using @X color 
                                codes. Unregistered version will default 
                                to  White  &  Red  colors.   Registered 
                                version  will  allow  you to select your 
                                own colors!  Nice 3D style Border! Shows 
                                Door Name, times used, Last Date, & Last 
                                User to enter Door.   Will  allow you to 
                                configure  when to  start showing  Doors 
                                being used.    (example: 1, 2, 3..etc). 
                                Now Accepting MasterCard & Visa!
                                Freejack's Software by Gary Price
ibbs42.zip    111265 08-05-2024 INTERBBS Module   [ 16-Bit Version ]     v4.2
                                **** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection ***
                                NEW and IMPROVED. NEW setup program! Only
                                requires ONE file regardless of the number of
                                Doors being used!
                                Participate in INTERBBS competition via FTP
                                or EMAIL file Attach!
iedit235.zip  167592 11-06-2023 IceEdit v2.35 * Fullscreen Message Editor
                                For RA 2.xx/TG 3.x/QBBS 2.8x & compatibles *
                                Tagline Management, Full color configuration,
                                Line-Centering, Textfile exporting, Message
                                Censoring, Macro Config, Configurable
                                Function Key Macros, User Signatures, User
                                Overrides, Language File, Replacement Codes,
                                Color Control Strings, efficient Spell
                                Checking Routines and MUCH more!
                                Released: 03/27/97
jp-bull2.zip   33585 29-11-2022    ________________________
                                ):::            _______/_______
                                \::      /:    /:::           /
                                /:      /:    /::  __________/
                                /       /     /:    __/_____
                                /        `    /             (
                                \____________/              /
                                #04 \_____________________/jp
                                 --------- Ŀ
                                   D   E   M   O   N   i   C  
                                 lightbar bulletin menu door! 
                                 for dorinfo.def and door.sys 
                                       by jack phlash         |
jsmdoor.zip    29685 08-05-2024 
k&kstat2.zip   68510 09-07-2023         K&K Statsz
                                Yet another version of this
                                stat screen maker. It generates
                                a ansi that tells your users
                                what they access level on the
                                board is, how many times they
                                have called it, what is their
                                time limit, stuff like that.
                                All this is for the RemoteAcces
                                BBS system 2.xx only, and this
                                version adds that awesome
                                animated prompts thingy.
                                Thanks to that guy who made that
                                animated prompts program..THANKS
                                Made by me in Canada,
                                FidoNet 1:153/609
lidoor.zip     50078 08-05-2024 L.I. DOOR MENU MAKER IS AN ENHANCED
                                MENU CREATION PROGRAM FOR YOUR DOORS.
                                IT IS COMPATIBLE WITH ANY BBS WHICH
                                CAN USE DOOR.SYS AS A DROP DOOR 
                                FORMAT.  EASY TO INSTALL AND VERY
                                CONFIGURABLE.  IT WILL CREATE AND
                                KEEP UPDATED FOR YOU HOW MANY TIMES
                                A DOOR HAS BEEN PLAYED, THE LAST
                                DATE THE DOOR WAS PLAYED, THE LAST
                                PERSON TO HAVE PLAYED THAT DOOR, AND
                                PIECE IT ALL TOGETHER FOR YOU IN A
                                NICE SELECTION OF PRE-MADE MENUS; OR
                                YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OWN.  JUST ADD THE
                                CORRECT CODES TO ANY ANSI DRAWN MENU
                                AND FOLLOW SOME SIMPLE RULES AND YOU
                                CAN CREATE YOUR OWN DOOR MENU SCREEN.
list108g.zip  189637 07-05-2024  ͸
                                 fullmultilanguage/multiline support
mafrag54.zip   61557 14-07-2021 [0;1;34mM[0;34mA[1;30mFRAG [34mv[0;34m5[1;30m
                                [34mThe Most Complete Lightbar File/Message
                                Group/Area for
                                Remote Access v2.xx around.
                                Can justify to center, left and right.
                                Can alter the text to upper, lower and fancy
                                Saves the Users favourite positions for each
                                individual group.
                                Allows the sysop to define a different setup
                                for each group.
                                Has an interactive config program so the sysop
                                can see what
                                it will look like before he sets it up on the
                                Security features include Flags, Alt. Groups,
                                Security etc.
                                Lets the sysop have multiple columns of
                                selections for the
                                user on each screen and now with automatic
                                column setup
                                which lets Mafrag figure out the best number
                                of columns at
                                Mafrag is the best looking, easiest to setup
                                and use area
                                changer around. Use it now.
                                Make sure you unzip with -d[0m
mark200g.zip  227966 07-05-2024 FileMark v1.99, FileTagger, KeyWord,
                                newfiles and expression searcher for
                                RemoteAccess 2.02. Full screen
                                configuration utility. Uses the list
                                format in RACONFIG. Supports download
                                time, and lots of more. Internal
                                archive viewer that supports all
                                popular archivers (ARJ/ZIP/RAR) and
                                many more. Keyword search : 5 keywords
                                at one run, NewFiles search: specify
                                self the date to search back.
                                General Expression search (unique).
                                Archive viewer: create own archive
                                file's. Fully supports the RA 2.x
                                Filebase, FileMark can update it,
                                and check for own filesizes. Supports
                                CD-Rom's and lots of more.
                                Check it out yourself!!
matchusr.zip   11628 08-05-2024 *************   MATCHUSR     ***************
                                Sysops can enable or disable door access    
                                with this program. It works with any 
                                DOOR.SYS Compatible BBS                    
                                Only $3.00 to Register!                     
muser17.zip    76995 08-05-2024  --==  Multiple Userality V. 1.7 ==--
                                          --== By: V-Tec ==--
                                           Shareware Version
                                Tired of users making dupe accounts on
                                your BBS just because they want to play
                                more than one player in the doors?  Well
                                this is possibly your solution.  This
                                program runs as a front end to your door
                                game(s) and is very customizable.
                                If your BBS supports any of the following
                                drop files then you have what you need to
                                make Multiple Userality work for you:
                                DOOR.SYS, DORINFO1.DEF, TRIBBS.SYS
                                Download it today and see if you like it.
                                       Registration is only $5
                                     E-Mail: vtec@darktech.ml.org
mwusrd10.zip   60650 05-09-2023     Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ
                                Userlist Door for RA 2.x Version 1.0
                                 Replaces the hard-coded RA userlist
                                 Outputs ASC/ANS/AVT [Colors eligible]
                                 Lists Name/Handle, Location [opt.],
                                LastCall, Level, U-MB, D-MB, Calls
                                 Leveloutput as number or text!
                                 MB-Correction for UL creditK' [opt.]
                                 SHAREWARE (10DM) by Stephan Binner
                                 (c) 1995 MysticWare 
MX_104.ZIP         0 01-01-1980 MX Message Extraction util for Squish bases
newnews.zip    49274 08-07-2023 NewNews v1.1 - Bulletin Door.
                                NewNews is a door for RA 2.xx that
                                show bulletins to the user that he
                                or she has NOT seen jet.
                                NewNews is Freeware.
NF126_B5.ZIP   94154 13-05-2023 NetFoss 1.26-beta5 Windows FOSSIL Driver
                                This minor beta update to NetFoss provides
                                better support for running DOOR32 (32-Bit)
                                Doors from a DOS based BBS, along with other
                                Freeware from PC Micro - https://pcmicro.com
NF126_B6.ZIP   84502 26-05-2023 NetFoss 1.26-beta6 Windows FOSSIL Driver
                                This minor beta update to NetFoss provides
                                better support for running DOOR32 (32-Bit)
                                Doors from a DOS based BBS, along with other
                                Freeware from PC Micro - https://pcmicro.com
onerun34.zip  100460 08-05-2024 OneRun v3.4 - limit door runs for doors that
                                have no runs per day limit! Supports all
                                the major BBS types, COM1-15, non-standard
                                IRQ's, DESQview aware, and speeds up to
                                115.5k! Also supports fossil drivers.
                                T&J Software Program
pn-mrc133-al       0 01-01-1980 
pn-mrc133-alpha.zip   69974 17-02-2024 
pwrgate.zip    38292 08-05-2024 PowerGate 1.00
                                PowerGate is a BBS utility for SYSOPs who
                                wish to be able to launch seperate doors,
                                determined by a command line parameter
                                or an environment variable. For instance,
                                to launch a page door if the the SYSOP is
                                available, or a message-taking door if he
                                is not.)
                                **** FREEWARE ****
qdmenu10.zip   41445 08-05-2024 
qkdoor.zip     46977 08-05-2024 
qkdoor2b.zip   38205 08-05-2024 QuickDoor v2.B  | (c) Copyright 1989,1990
                                Door Conversion | Christopher Hall
                                Utility         | PC Network (505) 821-5341
qkdoor2g.zip   52342 08-05-2024 
qnode207.zip   89981 15-04-2024 QNODE - VERSION 6 + 7 NODELIST COMPILER.
                                A full-featured nodelist compiler to be used
                                for systems required version 6 or 7
                                compliant nodelists.  Comes in three
                                types: QNODE, QNODX, or QNOS2.  All versions
                                are well optimized for 80386+ processors,
                                but will run on lesser processors.
                                QNODE is the real-mode version (any system)
                                QNODX is the DPMI version (286+ w/2Megs ram)
                                QNOS2 is the 32-bit OS/2 version. (386+)
racfgfix.zip   19684 08-07-2023 Fixes the version number in your CONFIG.RA.
                                Usefull for FastFile if it tells you that
                                you need to run RA 2.02 or later even though
                                you are.
radoc252.zip  174660 05-10-2023 RemoteAccess BBS v2.52 Documentation
                                This documentation was not included
                                in the RA_252.ZIP release archive.
radoor.zip     83271 08-05-2024 
                                           RA DOOR v. 1.0
                                   Easy door game managment door for
                                Remote Access BBS. No more editing
                                multiple textfile screens! Just
                                enter it in the SET-UP program and
                                the new door is ready for use!
                                Makes DOOR.SYS and DORINFO1.DEF drop
                                files! Supports ANSI and ASCII.
                                Not the first of it's kind, but it's
                                FREEWARE!!! Check it out!
                                (C)opyright 1995 MainStreet SoftWare
raexit05.zip   33461 08-05-2024 
rage1d.zip    164216 08-05-2024 Door Rage! - List Registered, Unregistered,
                                Xchanged, Offline doors! $ amount, customize.
                                Give credit to those who helped you register.
                                Show your users how much you've invested in
                                your BBS. List those offline doors you tried
                                that crashed, wouldn't load, or never got
                                used to remind yourself you've tried it.
                                Easy setup and complete instructions.
                                Supports nearly ALL DROPFILES and SYSTEMS.
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
rahist10.zip  138551 22-04-2023 
rams.zip      281876 20-04-2023 Ŀ
                                RemoteAccess Automated Message System v2.00
                                      CopyRight 1995-96 by INXS Software   
                                      (Eddy Matthews & Geoff Bassett)      
                                Another release of the automated message   
                                system for RemoteAccess BBS! Automated     
                                posting of all those boring messages a     
                                busy Sysop needs to send to users. It can  
                                generate dozens of Ansi and Ascii stats.   
                                      RA 2.0x AND RA 2.5 Compatable       
                                      Hudson/Jam Support                  
                                      Proccess External Programs          
                                      Generate Ansi/Ascii stats screens   
                                      Fully optimised to run TEN times    
                                      faster than previous releases       
                                    A MUST for EVERY RemoteAccess Sysop!   
ranews14.zip   36440 15-04-2024 RANEWS  VER 1.40
                                Creates bulletins easily and
                                quickly using only a config file
                                and some macros... For RA,PB,SBBS
                                Ezycom & Spitfire. Other BBS's
                                that use the same control
                                characters as the above can also
                                use it... with Background Clr
                                and more styles... Now has a
                                more Macros, adjustable screen
                                length and Intro(REG Only)...
                                Fixes a few probs...
                                Renegade Software...
ratio_12.zip   91056 08-05-2024 The Ratio Door! v1.2 by T&J Software.
                                For use as a front end to other doors,
                                only allows users to enter when they meet
                                your UL/DL ratio! Supports most BBS's, COM
                                0-15, non-standard IRQ's, multinode &
                                DESQview aware, also supports fossil
raxs101.zip    11133 08-05-2024 
read082a.zip  120677 08-10-2023 PM!
                                ۲    ߲   
                                  ۲ ۲   ߲   ۲
                                ܲ߱   ۱
                                ݱ ReadMsg vo.82  ۲  ReadMsg vo.82 
                                ݰ  Replaces the entire harcoded message    
                                ݰ  read & newmail scan part of RA 2.xx!    
                                   this is a unique door! download this!   
                                   after 3 years of developing, readmsg    
                                   is released! be aware: it is a BETA     
                                   version. so don't expect to much from   
                                            the configuration!             
                                   * REAL hudson & jam newmail scan!!      
                                   * scanning is allmost 3x as fast as RA! 
                                   * lightbar interface.                   
                                   * download msg's.                       
                                   * handy msglister.                      
                                   * build-in area/group changer.          
                                   * much much more! just download & see!  
                                         Released: 030598          
                                ߲    Coded by: Jungleboy^Dimension X    
read_450.zip  129778 15-04-2024 THE READER V4.50 - Online Mailreader/door
                                for RA (also 2.5x), PB 2.xx,  SBBS,  QBBS
                                and any other BBS creating DORINFOx.DEF.
                                Supporting HUDSON, JAM and SQUISH Msgbase
                                Style. Full Desqview, OS/2 and most other
                                multitasker aware.
                                Full  Netmail  and InterNet Gate support.
                                Features :  reading,  writing,  replying,
                                searching for Keywords,  Area-Change with
                                NewMail-Scan, Tagging messages, Language-
                                Files, Logbook,  Online - Help - Screens,
                                Full-Screen-Setup,   Offline  SysOp-Mail-
                                Reader Mode,  File attaches, Message text
                                upload, Message download and much more.
                                ******* RELEASE DATE: 21 May 1997 *******
                                ***** Now THE READER is FREEWARE !!! ****
sfpcbdr.zip    17617 08-05-2024 
sfwcdr.zip     13637 08-05-2024 
sfwwivdr.zip    7342 08-05-2024 
sh11.zip        8548 08-05-2024 
splite10.zip   79644 08-05-2024 Spot-Light Bulletin Generator v1.0
                                This door utility creates a compiled
                                winners bulletin using your door games
                                ASCII bulletin. Support for many
                                popular door games is included.
                                Additional support provided by
                                request. By Mace Software
sx!tg096.zip   43962 20-04-2022 > STYX_TAG 0.96b <ͻ
                                 Make your RA filebase look like PCB    
                                   Lightbar-driven file-base           
                                   Comfortable File-Tagging            
                                   099% Error-free file_id handling    
                                   100% Error-free ratio-handling      
                                   Extended CD-ROM Areas listing       
                                   Very fast                           
syslog12.zip   16784 08-05-2024 Sys Log! v1.2. DOOR.SYS Reader.
                                Creates ANSI & ASCII log files
                                of door usage. ** FREEWARE **
tag2m098.zip   13593 12-07-2023 TAG2RA 0.98g
                                Replaces RA 2.02 message area descriptions
                                with descriptions from backbone.na.
td4new.zip      5179 15-04-2024  4 New Fonts for TheDraw ۲
                                *.TDF Format. Just Import into
                                TheDraw using TDFONTS. Created by
                                Rod Reed - Sysop- Runamuck BBS
                                Casper, Wyoming 307-265-3022
                                A Wildcat! 4.01 BBS.
tdrawpch.zip   54935 15-04-2024 TheDraw Patcher Program & Utilities
timlk30u.zip   62120 08-05-2024 TimeLock v3.0 Update File Node-Door time 
                                access control. Allows Sysops to restrict 
                                BBS Node and Door access to designated 
                                callers during sysop defined time slots. 
                                Can be configured for caller name or 
                                password validation.  Now distributed as 
                                shareware, not crippled.  TIMLK30U.ZIP 
                                V3.0, Update files [05-01-92].
tlist10.zip    30595 05-09-2023 
                                  Userlister for RemoteAccess 2.xx   
                                  E ۰    ۰      ۰   
                                  W ۱  ۱     ۱   
                                  TList v1.0 (c) by Thunder  
                                 completely in German...... FREEWARE 
tnewz100.zip   17517 15-04-2024 The NEWZ v1.00 [FreeWare]
                                Written by: Eric Staufer
                                o Great News/Note to Next Caller Door!
                                o Beautiful ANSi Screens
                                o Customizable ANSis, if you want!
                                o Users can Select their Colors!
                                o Upto 7 Lines of News w/default ANSIs
                                o No Delays or Beeps...
                                o Looks like it's built in to RA!
                                o It's a RA Q-A File!  (No Kidding!)
                                o Dont be fooled by it's size!
                                o Check it out Today!  You'll use it!
                                o -----> ASCii is SUPPORTED! <-----
tppatch.zip    10622 08-05-2024 TPPATCH - Patch for .EXE files written in
                                Turbo Pascal 7 that crash on fast computers
                                with a "Runtime Error 200" message.
track103.zip   48032 08-05-2024 ********** Track v1.30a **********
                                This is a Hottest Doors Tracker
                                for most bbs software
                                It will make a Sysop configured
                                ansi and ascii file showing you
                                doors and there usage.
                                From Kenneth Danner, AKA Palace
                                -=-=-=Palace SoftWares=-=-=-=-
ulist25.zip    23434 21-08-2023 ͻ
                                  ڿ         ڿ    ڿ Ŀ Ŀ  
                                  ô      ô    ô ¿   ô    
                                          User Lister v2.5           
                                 User Lister is a RA 2.xx Door that  
                                 Will List All users in your BBS or  
                                 Only Specific User(s), Ulist will   
                                 Not show the Users Location in list 
                                 Ulist can also search in Handles and
                                 In location of the user             
                                        User Lister Supports         
                                 Desqview + Multiline + Ansi/Avatar  
web10_3w.zip 1249863 10-12-2023 
web10_def.zi       0 01-01-1980 
web10_def.zip  146162 10-12-2023 
webbase2.zip   40299 11-12-2023 
webbase3.zip   42666 11-12-2023 
whtih30.zip   432709 22-04-2023 WHAT HAPPENED TODAY IN HISTORY!
                                Version 3.0
                                Freeware program that shows
                                users what happened that day
                                in history.  SysOp can add
                                their own data for any day
                                of the year too!! Will work
                                on almost any BBS type.  This 
                                version supports Wildcat!
                                Talon Software '96
wi_20.zip     174316 07-05-2024 LiveSystems WhatIs 2.0,
                                The final filedescription utility.
                                Usable from dos or from within other programs
                                like RAMgr.  Can be used to create
                                4dos/files.bbs description, to extract
                                FILE_ID.DIZ, DESC.SDI, {SDA.ID} and
                                VENDINFO.DIZ from a compressed file and to
                                import it as a filedescription into f.e.  the
                                RA filebase.  Gives detailed information
                                about GIF, PCX, TIF, TGA, JPG, BMP, all IFF
                                filetypes, FLI and all other AutoDesc
                                animator formats, DBF, NG, TrueType, DeskJet,
                                Speedo Bitstream and WA0 fonts.  MID, MOD,
                                ROL, CMF, BNK, TRI, JUM, Zx infocom files,
                                PCK, EXE (and exe compressors) Windows EXE,
                                DLL,CRD, Cal, ICO, CUR, CLP, WRI, DOC and HLP
                                files.  ANSI, AVATAR, ASCII, all the
                                WordPerfect files, compressed files, SFX
                                files and more..
write22a.zip  105890 08-10-2023 PM!
                                ۲    ߲   
                                  ۲ ۲   ߲   ۲
                                ܲ߱   ۱
                                ݱWriteMsg v2.2o  ۲  WriteMsg v2.2o
                                ݰ Replaces the hardcoded Type 27 (Write a  
                                ݰ new message) of RA 2.xx. You don't have  
                                  to use ansi's in your RA language file!  
                                      ҷַ ַַ  ַҷַҷַ       
                                       Ǻ ǽ  ǽǺ          
                                       ӽ-ӽ  ӽ н  ӽ       
                                     If WriteMsg didn't work before..      
                                               He now will!                
                                           ** MAJOR CHANGES! **            
                                      Read WHATS.NEW for more info!        
                                            ** BETA VERSION **             
                                    Official release will follow soon!     
                                         Released: 17o696          
                                ߲    Coded By: Jungleboy^DiMeNSioN X    
wt061.zip     310167 20-11-2022 [0;35m      .[ [0;1;35mWarezTag! v0.61
                                [0;1;34m         - 
                                [0;1;34m      -    - 
                                [0;1;33m          The Ultimate Filelister
                                [0;1;33m     Supports Both FastBase and
                                [0;1;33m            All Lightbar driven
                                [0;1;33m   Language File and Customizable
                                [0;1;33m Internal build file Nuker/Comment
                                [0;1;33m           Fast Internal Viewer
                                [0;1;33m      Optimized Internal build Zmodem
                                [0;1;33m    Keyword/Filesearch,
                                [0;1;33m Freaking Fast Configurable Allfiles
                                [0;1;33mTo be used with Remote Access v2.xx &
                                [0;1;35m      A lot of Enhancements and Fixes
                                [0;35mNew: Move! works with Rabase, TagFile
                                [0;1;30m     Release Date:  07 - 02 - 1997   
xfl109.zip     78890 20-04-2022 [ XenoFileLister (XFL) v1.09w ]ͻ
                                     ___     ___ ________  ___          
                                     \   \ /    |        \|   |         
                                 \   /    /|   /-----|   | 
                                       \      / |   \----\|   |         
                                      /   /\   \|   /----/|   \____     
                                 /   /\    \  ||        \ 
                                   -----     \-----\-     |---------\   
                                       For RemoteAccess v.2.02          
                                   * BUGS FIXED! MANY NEW FEATURES! *   
                                   XFL replaces RemoteAccess' Default   
                                   Scrolling File Lister With an Easy   
                                 To Use, Full-Screen, Cursor Controlled 
                                    Lister.  You've GOTTA See This!     
xfl250up.zip   37529 20-04-2022 [ XenoFileLister (XFL) v.1.09w/2.50 ]
                                       UPGRADE for RA v.2.50g1        
                                   This ONLY contains the new EXE     
                                   to work with RA v.2.50g1.  It      
                                   is NOT a full program.  Download   
                                   and install !XFL109.ARJ first.     
xpose.zip      23532 08-05-2024                             
                                           X  P  O  S  E
                                     Finally! A program that can   
                                      switch a user's handle and   
                                      real name in EXITINFO.BBS,
                                      DOOR.SYS and DORINFO1.DEF!   
                                      Now supports RemoteAccess'   
                                      USERS.BBS file! Let your BBS
                                     be 100% Handles!!! Let your   
                                     users enjoy the benifits of   
                                    total anonymity, while all the 
                                    other sysops ask you for your  
                                     secret! Command line driven,
                                    FAST and easy to set up. Best  
                                        of all, 100% FreeWare by
                                      _-_-> Nick Pirocanac <-_-_   
                                   V  E  R  S  I  O  N  ONE
x_nag12.zip    48646 08-07-2023    ܲ     ܲ  ܲ  
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲   ۲ ۰ ۲ 
                                 ܱ  ۲ ܱ  ۲ ۲  ߲  
                                 ۲  ۲߰ ܲ        
                                 ܲ   ߲   ۲   
                                 ߲߲   ߲    ߲߰  
                                           Excalibur Presents           
                                        News ANSI Generator v1.2        
                                    Thiz News ANSI Generator Is Tha     
                                             Ultimate One !             
                                    It's Fully Configurable With An     
                                      Header ANSI And Line ANSIs.       
                                   Now With Autocentrating Function !   
                                 -]Coded By ThunderStrike[- 
                                -= WRL0RD'S  BTTLFiLD =-
y2kdsys.zip     5319 08-05-2024 Y2KDSYS.EXE is a simple utility that
                                will read a DOOR.SYS and change the
                                MM/DD/YY dates to MM/DD/YYYY format.
                                Read Y2KDSYS.TXT for operational usage

               Area 129 - Doorgame Dev Kits               

astructs.zip    5420 08-05-2024     -  A V A L O N  -
                                      C/C++ Structs
                                Converted from the Pascal
                                to ANSI C.  These are
                                PUBLIC DOMAIN!
                                Converted by: Mike Dillon
bbs4c10.zip    59896 08-05-2024 BBS KIT FOR C/C++ [BBS4C]
                                (BBS4C10.ZIP), May 96, Ver 1.0, .
                                MSDOS based multi threaded state driven
                                BBS program handles up to 16 callers at
                                once, without the need for a multitasker.
                                With source code. Supports Watcom C/C++,
                                Turbo C/C++, Borland C/C++, MIX Power C,
                                and Microsoft C/C++. By MarshallSoft
                                Computing, Inc. $95.
bbsckit.zip    30172 08-05-2024 The BBSC Toolkit for Building BBS's 
                                in Portable C
                                This collection of program source in 
                                C originally came from Unix Systems. 
                                It is  intended for people who wish 
                                to roll their own Version of a BBS.
bc7mdm2.zip    64059 08-05-2024 Nice Comm Library for PDS Easy to use! Free!
                                Freeware Comm library for PDS 7.x.
                                Features Extended ComPort support
                                with speeds up to 115,200 Baud!
                                Makes writing BBS Doors a Snap!
                                Sample Source code included.
                                QuickBASIC Version Also Avail.
boi200p.zip    84722 08-05-2024 BBS Onliner Interface 2.00 (Pascal)
                                Write your own online doors.  Source Code
                                included.  18 different drop files, FOSSIL
                                and internal com support.  ANSI, AVATAR/1,
                                DESQview, multinode support, too. This is
                                yet another product from the warped and
                                highly dangerous mind of Andrew J. Mead.
cdev010.zip    83918 08-05-2024  The Clans Development Kit v0.10
                                Information on making NPCs and
                                Quests for the popular door game
                                The Clans.
cdk96061.zip  230436 08-05-2024 CONCERTO 960616: A world-class door
                                development kit for Turbo Pascal 7.0.
                                Primary features include a built-in
                                script interpreter, advanced chat-
                                mode, support for every color system
                                known to mankind, text macros with
                                formatting and justification, royalty
                                free sysop documentation, extended
                                support for Windows 95 (you can even
                                change the title of the DOS window!),
                                and much, much more.  Sysops have
                                never had this kind of power: Imagine
                                being able to create your own status
                                lines, functions keys and command-
                                line parameters.  Other features
                                include slash-commands in chat-mode,
                                LORD support, EGA/VGA video effects,
                                formatting codes, and much more.
                                LIFETIME REGISTRATION ONLY $65. Do
                                not download this product unless you
                                like to be on the bleeding edge of
                                technology. Updates released on the
                                New Moon of every month. [960616]
ckit258.zip   223469 08-05-2024 CKIT2.58; Door Developer kit for Microsoft C,
                                Quick C, Turbo C and BC++. Supports PCBoard
                                12.0, 14.0 -> 14.5, WILDCAT!, DOOR.SYS,
                                DORINFOx.DEF and ANY BBS known.
cm_2dkit.zip   43928 08-05-2024 *Chaos Module Developer's Guide (rev.1)*
                                 This is the official guide to making
                                 Chaos Modules for The Land of Chaos
                                 from SD Technologies!  Sample source
                                 for the Wishing Well INCLUDED!!
comlb100.zip    7730 08-05-2024  ComLib v1.00 by Brian Zhou
                                   t/bp 7 code for modem
                                   interfacing. supports
                                   asynchronous + fossil
                                   methods.    uses oop.
                                   includes abstract obj
                                   for you to write your
                                        own methods.
commio0b.zip   85004 08-05-2024    COMMIO library v0beta   
                                DOOR programming library for TP7
                                users.  100% Free w/ source.  This
                                is a beta version, please read the
                                README. file in the archive!
conc_003.zip  288471 08-05-2024 CONCERTO BETA : A world-class door
                                development kit for Turbo Pascal 7.0.
                                This kit is aimed toward people who
                                want to create new, exciting games
                                for BBSs.  This kit is not intended
                                for people who want to deal with the
                                low-level mechanics of communications
                                programming.  Its list of features
                                will totally blow your mind away; the
                                limits of your imagination represent
                                the limits of your door.  LIFETIME
                                REGISTRATION $35 (students $20). This
                                includes 400k of source code and free
                                access to all future updates.
d32_01.zip     50488 08-05-2024 .-------------------------------------------.
                                | D32 Door Library for DOS and Door32 Doors |
                                | Release 0.1: This is the first release of |
                                | the D32 programming library.  It's free   |
                                | with source code.  Compiles DOS fossil    |
                                | doors supporing DORINFO1.DEF, DOOR.SYS,   |
                                | and CHAIN.TXT.  Compiles Windows doors    |
                                | supporting the Door32 standard.           |
                                |      http://www.mysticbbs.com/door32      |
dd3beta2.zip  141470 08-05-2024 ======================================
                                  DD/3  Turbo Pascal 7.0 Door Kit
                                Supports any drop file that is text.
                                Supports non-standard interrupts, comm
                                1-4, IRQs 0-15, and speeds up to
                                115,200 baud. Resource Files Like
                                SRGAME Doors use! Supports INI File
                                Handling. Full support of timeslicing.
                                Supports ASCII/AVT/RIP/MAX/ANSI
                                graphics. Includes FULL SOURCE CODE!
                                       Public Domain 1997
                                   BETA 2 - PLEASE REPORT BUGS!
ddd103.zip    209343 08-05-2024 
ddev_2ddox.zip  192823 08-05-2024 :. _/\__ __/\_   _/\__   _/\________ .:
                                .-_\_   |   _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______  _/_-.
                                ||:.   / \     |:.     |:.  _________||
                                ||______|      |___    |______       ||
                                |       `------'   `---'WiZARD`------'|
                                |                                     |
                                | Doorcoding dox, shows basics in     |
                                | coding doors for system/X.          |
                                | Source code and doorkit included!   |
                                |                                     |
                                  learn to write a door using Borland
                                   Turbo Pascal 7.0tm & the doorkit!
ddigm101.zip   53245 08-05-2024 DDIGM 1.01 Lord IGM door Kit - Turbo Pascal.
                                Using the same DDplus door kit Lord is
                                writtenin.  By a DDplus author, Steve Lorenz.
                                Supports extended Lord colors.
                                Lord Player.dat access routines.
                                Live ChatDoor example program.
ddo_2dfx13.zip 1614241 08-05-2024 DDO-F/X SDK - 1.30 - DDO-F/X Developers Kit.
                                The DDO-F/X SDK is a developers pack that
                                contains the full specifications to the
                                DDO-F/X scripting language that can be used
                                in any BBS system or BBS door.  This file has
                                many helpful utilities for generating a
                                DDO-F/X application, and also includes a full
                                Tutorial with example scripts and resources.
                                ========= Requires LI-TERM 1.00+ ============
ddplus71.zip  731481 08-05-2024 DDPLUS 7.1  Turbo Pascal 7.0 Door Kit
                                Supports most popular BBS Software
                                packages, including PCBoard Vers 15.XX
                                & WildCat 4.XX. With Rip detect.
                                Supports non-standard interrupts, com
                                1-4, IRQs 0-15, and speeds up to 115,
                                200 baud. Fossils to 115,200. Provides
                                automatic support for most common
                                multi-taskers. 100% Source. 100% Free.
                                Comes with complete door writing
                                tutorial, extensive documentation,
                                door configuration setup program,
                                an inter-BBS kit, RipLink for viewing
                                RIP on local screens and many other
                                features too numerous to mention!
                                Provides needed knowledge and
                                expertise to programmers who have
                                always dreamed of making their own door
                                programs, but until now didn't know
dfqbx33.zip   184853 08-05-2024 DoorFrame v3.3 Doors development library for
                                BASCOM/PDS 7.1. Has direct support for most
                                BBS software, COM 0 - 15, up to 115K Baud,
                                non-standard IRQ's, multi-nodes, music, high
                                score bulletin, box and line drawing, ANSI
                                and ASCII file send. Now supports multi-port 
                                boards using a FOSSIL including PCBoard/M.
                                Also detects and reports the presence of
                                RIPscrip on the remote. New Functions added.
dframe49.zip  189777 08-05-2024 DoorFrame v4.9 Doors development library for
                                QuickBasic 4.x. Has direct support for most
                                BBS software, COM 0 - 15, up to 115K Baud,
                                non-standard IRQ's, multi-nodes, music, high
                                score bulletin, box and line drawing, ANSI
                                and ASCII file send. Now supports multi-port 
                                boards using a FOSSIL including PCBoard/M.
                                Also detects and reports the presence of
                                RIPscrip on the remote. New Functions added.
dfvb21.zip    196883 08-05-2024 DoorFrame v2.1 Doors development library for
                                Visual Basic DOS. Has direct support for most
                                BBS software, COM 0 - 15, up to 115K Baud,
                                non-standard IRQ's, multi-nodes, music, high
                                score bulletin, box and line drawing, ANSI
                                and ASCII file send. Now supports multi-port 
                                boards using a FOSSIL including PCBoard/M.
                                Also detects and reports the presence of
                                RIPscrip on the remote. New Inkey routine.
                                New routines added on this release...
doordr50.zip  370754 08-05-2024 
doordriv.zip  310771 08-05-2024 
doorinfo.zip  104162 08-05-2024 DOORINFO - A programmers interface for
                                Falken BBS software v9.x series (Dos
                                only, look for the Linux version out
doors32a.zip  116376 08-05-2024 
doorskel.zip   88380 08-05-2024 ****************************************
                                *  DOOR SKELETON V1.0                  *
                                *  COPYRIGHT (C) 1992 BERNIE GALLAGHER *
droot111.zip  132687 08-05-2024  DoorRoot Door Library for PowerBasic Ŀ
                                 v1.11  by SaltySoft 
                                  Kit that greatly eases the writing of
                                  BBS doors compatible with virtually
                                  every modern DOS-based BBS software.
                                  It handles all technical matters such
                                  as communicating with the modem,
                                  reading BBS dropfiles, updating the
                                  sysop's statusbar, etc.
                                    Simple Installation
                                    Full ANSI Graphics Support
                                    Extremely Flexible
                                    Make ANSI Display Files *Internal*
                                    COM 1-4, IRQ 2-15
                                    Popular BBS Dropfiles Supported
                                  Libraries inside for PB 3.5 and 3.2.  
ds40bqb.zip   195406 08-05-2024 Door Source 4.0B - *** FINAL RELEASE ***
                                          QUICK BASIC 4.5 VERSION
                                Write doors quickly and easily in Quick Basic
                                4.5 with Door Source! Extremely easy to use,
                                but very flexible! Last freeware release -
                                Going commerical! 100% FREE! Beats the
                                competition into the ground! Supports RBBS/
                                DOOR.SYS/WildCat 2.0/PCBoard 12.x and 14.x!
                                Author  Version 4.0B; 05/24/92
dwdoor31.zip  221475 08-05-2024 DW:Door Lib - Version 3.1 - Official Release!
                                With this library for PowerBASIC 3.x, you can
                                write  you're own multi-line, multi-node, DV/
                                DDOS compatiable doors with  simple  commands
                                that  anyone  can  understand. Includes a new
                                program that will convert your basic programs
                                into  DW:Doors!   Includes PB Help system for
                                all commands!  Supports PCBoard, RBBS,  QBBS,
                                GAP,  Wildcat v2+3, WWIV, SPITFIRE, Ultra BBS
                                and any BBS  system  that  supports  the  new
                                STANDARD.SYS file. Also supports up to 115200
                                bd, FULL ANSI support,  child  process  error
                                levels, ANSI Windowing, full script langauge,
                                and much, much  more!  A  programmer's  dream
                                come  true!   Featured  in BASICally Speaking
easydoor.zip   33003 08-05-2024 
easydr28.zip  341775 08-05-2024 The Easy-Door Library v2.80
                                The professional doors development library
                                for QB/PDS/VBDOS. It features: ANSI/AVATAR,
                                Supports COM 1 to 8, Fossil/Built-in comm.,
                                Menu routines, Box drawing, SmartColor (tm),
                                Multitaskers aware, Chat mode, DOS Shell,
                                Function keys, Status bar, RIPscrip, etc.
                                Compatible with QBBS, RA, SBBS, RBBS, GAP
                                Telegard, Wildcat, PCBoard, Genesis, WWIV,
                                Spitfire, Osiris, Force!, etc.
                                      ** Vagabond Software **
                                         NOW POSTCARD WARE!
edoor09.zip    19879 08-05-2024 This door-making kit is designed to let
                                anyone with a basic knowlege of Turbo
                                Pascal create doors, whether it be a
                                door game, or a one liners program!  All
                                you need is Turbo Pascal 7.0 and a
                                little creativity.
edoor096.zip   24969 08-05-2024 edoor  v.96  for  tp7!!
                                create doors (onliners)
                                new  features  and  bug
                                fixes, released 5-20-97
elecom12.zip   91999 08-05-2024 Ele Communications Kit version 1.2
                                A freeware kit for BBS and Door Developers
                                with support for DOS, OS/2, and Win32.
                                The Win32 com engine includes telnet support.
                                The com engine is written in Pascal, and will
                                compile under TurboPascal, VirtualPascal,
                                Delphi 2-4, and FreePascal. Full Source code
                                is included, plus compiled .DLL.
elestrc.zip    21896 08-05-2024 EleBBS C Structures
                                Converted from their
                                pascal forms.  Also
                                includes a function
                                to change Real48
                                variables to type
                                Converted by:
                                Michael Dillon
fdfp_092.zip   12334 08-05-2024 =========================================
                                        FreeDoor v0.9 FreePascal
                                 FreeDoor is a Pascal-based door kit
                                 designed to be used in conjunction with
                                 Maarten Bekers' EleCom units.
                                 The FP release supports Win32 and
                                 OS/2 modem and socket (ie telnet)
                                 communications, as well as DOS FOSSIL
                                 communications. It also supports the
                                 new DOOR32 dropfile standard being
                                 used by Mystic, EleBBS, and Synchronet.
                                 Tested with EleBBS and Synchronet 3.0.
file120.zip    63731 08-05-2024 Ϳ
                                      File Classes v1.20      
                                 Various  C++   classes   for 
                                 binary and text  based  i/O. 
                                 Includes     classes     for 
                                 ANSi and AVATAR bulletins as 
                                 well as InterBBS files.      
                                 As used in: HiGHLANDER       
                                             THE ANiMATOR     
                                      * Download Now!! *      
                                     The Fonty Towers BBS     
fkfos102.zip  102223 08-05-2024 FKFOSSIL v1.02 - Forbidden Knights Fossil &
                                Door Driver routines for Turbo Pascal 6.0 &
                                7.0.  Complete documentation and reference
                                charts.  Highly configurable -- all commands
                                req'd to make online doors/programs, incl
                                built-in ANSI/Avatar, door dropfiles, "ANSI"
                                music and much more!  Simple and powerful!
flapi95.zip    31449 08-05-2024 DoorUtil for Falken BBS systems, Linux.
                                This package is for the programming of
                                doors for Falken BBS systems. (DOS version
                                also available.
flib120.zip    30116 08-05-2024 ------------------------------------
                                Rev 5 FOSSIL Interface Library v1.20
                                by David Nugent, 3:632/348@Fidonet
gapcdr.zip    122765 08-05-2024 GAPCDR GAP PCB DOOR.SYS DOOR KIT
                                GAPCDR is a professional library of C and
                                ASM routines designed for programmers that
                                write Door programs to interface with GAP,
                                WildCat, PCB or any BBS program that is
                                capable of writing a DOOR.SYS file. Highly
                                optimized assembler routines and a printed
                                manual make it quick and easy to use. Can
                                be used as a stand alone library if a door
                                interface is not needed.
gapqbdr.zip   128737 08-05-2024 
gkit.zip       24611 08-05-2024 Gateways v. 6/88.  DEsign games in C 
idpds10.zip   159914 08-05-2024  INSTA-DOOR V1.0 [Basic PDS Ver] Ŀ
                                ID is a DOOR development library for BASIC 
                                compilers.  Features include: Dialog Boxes, 
                                ANSI/AVATAR 0/0+, saving & restoring       
                                screens and Split Screen Chat.  Many DOOR  
                                formats are supported.                     
                                        [By: M&J Alliance Software]         
                                      [Support Board: 1-602-937-3796]      
idptk100.zip 1393141 08-05-2024 Internet Door Programmers Tool Kit -
                                Ver 1.00 - Designed to help Delphi
                                5.0 programmers with designing multi-
                                player capable client/server Win95,
                                Win98 and WinNT door games for the
                                Internet using Microsoft's DirectX
                                DirectPlay API (tm). Includes full
                                documentation, Delphi components,
                                example compiled server and client
                                and all source code.
igmdv308.zip  134116 08-05-2024 IGMDrive                  3.08
                                SHARKware presents a door driver
                                for IGM development for LORDs. This 
                                is for Turbo Pascal 7.0.  Sample
                                program included. Multi-BBS aware!
                                Seth Able's color codes.
                                Still FREEWARE!
igmkit10.zip   19006 08-05-2024 *** IGM Kit v1.0 for Hackers: the Role Playing
                                Game **
                                    This archive contains information and
                                souce for
                                    writing your own IGM (Internal Game
                                Modules) for
                                    Hackers: the Role Playing Game!  Greatest
                                of all
                                    this kit does not cost the author a THING!
                                    hard could writing an IGM be with all the
                                    givin in this archive!  Go for it. 
                                    by Talon Software, makers of Hackers: the
                                    Playing Game.  Copyright 1997 Talon
igmkit3e.zip  136215 08-05-2024 +--- IGMKIT3E: Lunatix 5.XX & T-LORD IGM KIT
                                |  NOW YOU CAN CREATE YOUR OWN LUN & LORD IGMS
                                |  Write IGM's for these popular games easily!
                                |  This kit includes an offline viewing
                                utility |
                                |  so ANYBODY can write and test a Lun/Lord
                                IGM |
                                |  without the need for Worldgroup! Write 'em 
                                |  at home! Also included is a utility to take
                                |  an ANSI picture and turn it into a Lunatix-
                                |  style color-coded file you can place into
                                an |
                                |  IGM script! Also included is documentation 
                                |  for the LunScript (Lun/Lord IGM Script)
                                file |
                                |  language which explains the command set you
                                |  use to write IGM's!  *** NEW: Fixed a COLOR
                                |  CODE problem where KIT did not match
                                Lunatix |
                                +--------- From: PROWLER PRODUCTIONS!!
igmunit.zip    21690 08-05-2024 Pascal Unit that makes writing IGMs for LORD a
                                FREEWARE!  From the author of VOTP.
jpdoor41.zip  312685 08-05-2024 JPDoor V4.1 Door Writing Toolkit for Turbo
                                Pascal 5.5/6.0/7.0 Supports RA, QBBS,
                                SuperBBS, ProBoard, and any BBS that can
                                create a dorinfo1.def or Door.Sys file.
                                Contains EVERYTHING you need to write a door,
                                from Beginner to Advanced! Source Code is
kadv600.zip   215589 08-05-2024 KDrive Kit Addition for Dog World. Allows
                                development of Dog World IGMs. Uses Dog World
                                color codes. Many features include error
                                checking of Dog World variables for IGMs.
kalv7_2d0.zip   76488 08-05-2024 KLORD
                                KDrive Kit Additions
                                KDrive Kit Addition for Lord.
                                Allows development of Lord IGMs.
                                Uses Lord color codes. Many
                                features include error checking.
                                Lord variables for IGMs.
                                Y2k compliant.
                                Pentium II/III (266+mhz)
                                Freeware by SHARKware.
kd_v7_2d0.zip  325665 08-05-2024 KDrive
                                Turbo Pascal 7.x Door Driver
                                development kit, by SHARKware.
                                Multi-BBS, multi-node, multi-
                                asker aware! Includes Uart,
                                Fossil and Digiboard support.
                                Kit Additions allow development
                                with other Door Games that
                                allow add ons, like Lord and
                                Dog World. y2k compliant.
                                Pentium II/III (266+mhz)
                                Freeware! Not Public Domain.
l2struct.zip    3999 08-05-2024    LORD II Structures
                                These are the C forms
                                of the PASCAL structures
                                for LORD II.
                                Converted By: GSValore
                                ** PUBLIC DOMAIN **
lordstrc.zip    3970 08-05-2024 Pascal source for all of LORD320.ZIP's
                                player and monster record formats.
                                This is freeware for any 3rd party
                                LORD developers, from Seth.
lsdoor09.zip  340860 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                               LsDoor SDK                
                                       For C/C++ Door Programmers        
                                For creating your own online BBS doors and
                                LORD IGMs.  Supports: Z-Modem, messages,
                                Built-in ANSI, chat, multi-node, B-Trees,
                                non-standard ports/IRQs, LTerm, DesqView,
                                Windows, and LightSpeed.  Registeration
                                is only $ 35.00.  Version 0.9 Wide Beta.
lstructc.zip    9109 08-05-2024   LORD Structures
                                Converted to C.
                                Compatible with:
                                ANSI C compliant.
                                Converted by:
mw_src.zip    124669 08-05-2024 Pascal Source Code for RemoteAccess
                                Utilitys,menus,and setup program.
                                fully functional RA utils that have been
                                previously released as freeware.
                                Included pulldown menu system with popup
                                windows for a "RA Look and Feel"
                                access most of the RA structures and
                                features including user,file and message
                                Freeware from Martin Woods
mxgui210.zip  295292 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 BBS Utiliteez Software 
                                 The MAX Graphics GUI Kit v2.10 - Allows a 
                                 person to write MAX SVGA doors  with full 
                                 local SVGA Graphics.  This kit requires a 
                                 copy of the TDK door development kit, and 
                                 the FastGraph or FastGraph/Light graphics 
                                 library.  Fully Borland/Turbo Pascal v7.0 
                                 compatible,  and 100% freeware as always. 
mydoor01.zip  102612 08-05-2024 MYDOOR -- Write BBS Door Games And Online
                                Utilities Using Microsoft Quickbasic v4.x
                                Based The Generation III Library  Used By
                                Todd  Carlton To  Write Doors Since 1995!
                                Fully-Supported, Active Library.
ny_src.zip    205507 08-05-2024 C/C++ SOURCES for NY2008
                                online bbs game
                                FREE,Public domain!!!!!!
                                get em hack em ....
odoors60.zip  657092 08-05-2024 OpenDoors 6.00 C/C++ door programming toolkit
                                OpenDoors is an advanced, easy to use library
                                for writing online software such as BBS doors
                                OpenDoors transparently interfaces with most
                                BBS systems, automatically displays output on
                                both local and remote screens, creates ANSI/
                                AVATAR/RIP control sequences, and provides a
                                sysop interface with commands for chat, time
                                adjustment, disconnecting, etc. Includes both
                                plain-DOS and native-Win32 versions of the
                                library. Supports FOSSIL & direct serial I/O.
oj12.zip      148880 08-05-2024 OJ SIMPSON door with SOURCE code. Freeware!
                                Learn how to write doors, or play the game
                                and see what really happened. Parody lets
                                you live OJ's life from his football days
                                to the verdict! Fantastic ANSI screens,
                                bulletin of Top Ten players. QuickBasic/
                                DoorFrame SOURCE code is fully commented.
                                Supports most BBS's, multi-node, COM1-15.
                                Version 1.2 from ChAoS Online 310-318-5089.
oosrckit.zip    9025 08-05-2024 Operation: Overkill Source Kit library,
                                includes data file structures to modify
                                or create the game's data.  This could
                                be useful for creating external programs
                                to run in conjunction with the door game
                                of Operation: Overkill v1.12 (OO112-#.ZIP)
pcl4c40.zip    84410 08-05-2024 NAME: Personal Communications Library for C
                                KEYS: LIBRARY C XMODEM YMODEM ASYNC SERIAL
                                      RS232 MODEM 16550 DigiBoard COMM
                                FILE: PCL4C40.ZIP    VER: 4.0    DATE: Oct 93
                                REG$: MarshallSoft Computing, Inc. --- $55.00
                                DSCR: Asynch comm.  lib supporting COM1-COM10
                                to  115200  baud,  4  ports concurrently, all
                                memory  models,  DigiBoard  PC/8,   INS16550,
                                interrupt   driven,   RTS/CTS  flow  control.
                                Supports Turbo &  Borland  C,  MIX  Power  C,
                                Microsoft  C,  &  Quick C.  Includes terminal
                                pgm with ASCII, XMODEM, YMODEM, YMODEM-G.
ppl4c10.zip    89565 08-05-2024 PERSONAL PROTOCOL LIBRARY FOR C/C++
                                (PPL4C10.ZIP), Feb 95, Ver 1.0, .
                                PPL4C is  a protocol library supporting
                                ASCII, XMODEM, XMODEM-CRC, XMODEM-1K, YMODEM,
                                YMODEM-G, and ZMODEM protocols.  Will support
                                Turbo C, Borland C, MIX Power C, Microsoft C.
                                Requires the Personal Communications Library
                                for C/C++ (PCL4C). By MarshallSoft Computing,
                                Inc. $40.
ppl4p10.zip    82930 08-05-2024 PERSONAL PROTOCOL LIBRARY FOR PASCAL
                                (PPL4P10.ZIP), March 95, Ver 1.0, .
                                PPL4P is  a protocol library supporting
                                ASCII, XMODEM, XMODEM-CRC, XMODEM-1K, YMODEM,
                                YMODEM-G, and ZMODEM protocols.  Will support
                                Turbo C, Borland C, MIX Power C, Microsoft C.
                                Requires the Personal Communications Library
                                for Pascal (PCL4P). By MarshallSoft Computing
                                , Inc. $40.
qwkigm14.zip  104921 08-05-2024 QWK-IGM programming engine for QB45
                                           !RELEASE 1.4!           
                                  !!NOW ONLY $30.00 TO REGISTER!!  
                                Now with a NEW configuration file!!
                                The premium  engine for  generating
                                working IGMs for  Legend Of the Red
                                Dragon, a popular on-line doorgame.
                                Now includes sample source code for
                                a complete stand-alone IGM from our
                                HOT NEW IGM CASTLE COLDDRAKE!!     
                                          !!GRAB IT NOW!!          
                                Quality shareware from             
                                                Ballistic Labs, Ltd
qwkins04.zip   57123 08-05-2024 QWK-INS Install program for QWK-IGM
                                !!NEW   !!EXTREMELY SIMPLE!!  NEW!!
                                           Version 0.4
                                This  package  contains  everything
                                you need to generate a professional
                                installation  routine  for  QWK-IGM
                                generated IGMs!   Its  use is  made
                                available exclusively to registered
                                users  of the  QWK-IGM  programming
                                engine produced by Ballistic Labs. 
                                Quality shareware from             
                                                Ballistic Labs, Ltd
ra250cdk.zip   11259 08-05-2024 The RemoteAccess 'C' Developers Kit v0.2
                                Currently only includes RA 2.50 gamma
                                structure in
                                'C' format along with Pascal <> C string
                                and copy macros.
                                More *FREEWARE* from Envy Technologies.
radoor30.zip  164400 08-05-2024 LiveSystems RADoor 3.0,
                                Write your own RA, QBBS or SBBS doors
                                with multinode, language and bbs support.
                                This archive contains full pascal source,
                                little docu and a number of demo's. Give
                                your doors all the features of the
                                LiveSystems doors!
radu31g1.zip  331925 08-05-2024  RADU 3.10.gamma-1 ͸
                                  RemoteAccess Door Unit for   
                                   Turbo Pascal 6.0 and 7.0     
                                  Build for RemoteAccess 2.5x  
                                  Supports ANSI/AVATAR/RIP     
                                  Lots of routines for:        
                                   Statuslines, Hotkeys, Paging,
                                   FOSSIL, UserOn, File-sharing,
                                   DESQView, keyboard, language,
                                   and much more.               
                                  For registered users only!   
rast200.zip    10097 08-05-2024 
rat001h.zip    28139 08-05-2024   ** RAT - RemoteAccess Tools From **
                                  ** Andrew Milner Him Self! A MUST **
                                ** HAVE For RemoteAccess Programmer!! **
                                     ** Source Code Included!! **
                                      ** Packed By: Jungleboy **
                                ******** PROGRAMMERS LEECH!!! **********
rdu3gma3.zip  343006 08-05-2024 RADU v3.00/gamma-3. Excellent door developers
                                Toolkit designed specificly to make your door
                                look and feel like RemoteAccess on the sysops
                                end although it now supports any BBS package.
                                Includes RA alike Status bars, Fx keys, and
                                even the same Alt-E user editor.
rmd46s.zip     15068 08-05-2024 Turbo Pascal Door Driver Unit v4.6
                                This is now a FREE Public Domain
                                release of the Source Code for RMDOOR
                                v4.6. Written in Turbo Pascal.
rmdoor20.zip   45021 08-05-2024 
sandsrc.zip    75278 08-05-2024   Full Source Code To SandBar v1.02
                                 As requested, all the SandBar files
                                 and the DDPlus files required to 
                                 make SandBar work.  Compilable from
                                 TPX/TURBO (All *.PAS and *.OBJ files 
                                 included).  From Joseph Masters
sf2v10.zip     33520 08-05-2024        Silver Flame Door Driver
                                      Mark 2 Version 1.0 Standard
                                       Written by Andrew Turner
                                A Public License (with source code)
                                door driver that supports many door
                                file formats. ANSI and Avatar support!
                                Much better then RMDoor or Door
                                Driver, with smaller output size, and
                                no registration fees!
                                Fast, OPTIMIZED ANSI, better then the
                                output of even TheDraw. Local display
                                of Avatar files, and non-text file
                                based config (fully menu driven).
                                If you've been using something else,
                                download this now and see what you've
                                been missing!
struc250.zip    9442 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 RemoteAccess 2.50 GAMMA Structures and    
                                   developer notes from Andrew Milner!     
                                   All RA Utility programmers that use     
                                    FILES.RA or MESSAGES.RA needs to       
                                    read this to learn about the new       
                                   indexed FILES.RDX and MESSAGES.RDX.     
                                 RA 2.50 GAMMA will be released very soon! 
struct25.zip    8173 08-05-2024 
structs2.zip   10174 08-05-2024 Pascal Record Structures   Revision 2
                                Contains the Pascal Record Structures
                                for the following Sage data files:
                                SWORLD.DAT, SMAP.DAT, ITEMS.DAT,
                                PLAYER.DAT, NODE.TMP, SAGE.CFG and
                                Now includes source code demonstrating
                                how to read a Sage world and display
                                the template and map screens, and how
                                to read the Player file and display
                                players' names.
tbbs_2dapi.zip  159979 08-05-2024 TriBBS 10.0 C/C++ API - This is prerelease
                                version 1 of the API. The API is intended
                                to assist programmers in developing doors
                                and utilities for TriBBS 10.x.
tdk2.zip      368875 08-05-2024 TDK is the BBS door development kit by
                                BBS Utiliteez Software that does it all
                                and then some! Saves you precious time
                                while writing doors because tons of the
                                most commonly needed routines are already
                                written in TDK! This release is by Jon
                                Parise and is a converted TDK to TDK/2
                                door kit. FREEWARE!
tdk_v210.zip  455942 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 BBS Utiliteez Software 
                                 TDK v2.10 is the BBS door development kit 
                                 that does it all and then some! Saves you 
                                 precious time while writing doors because 
                                 tons of the most commonly needed routines 
                                 are already written in TDK!  Full support 
                                 for MAX Graphics, as well as ANSI, AVATAR 
                                 TTY and RIP. Comm routines support Fossil 
                                 UART and DigiBoard. Automatic logging and 
                                 trapping of expected & unexpected errors. 
                                 Simply too many features  to list in this 
                                 in this small amount of space. All source 
                                 code is included, and best of all the kit 
                                 is 100% totally FREEWARE! The most you'll 
                                 ever spend is your time to download it!!! 
tdoor30.zip   116261 08-05-2024 TDoor 3.0 - Is a library for Borland C++,
                                Microsoft C/C++, Symantec C++, Turbo C++,
                                and Watcom C/C++ for writing doors for such
                                systems as TriBBS, PCBoard, Gap, Spitfire,
                                WildCat!, RBBS, WWIV, etc.  Now adds
                                autodection and use of a FOSSIL driver if one
                                is present. (TDoor has been renamed from
                                TriDoor due to a name conflict with a library
                                of Pascal door driver routines by another
                                shareware company.)
tdpro102.zip  123474 08-05-2024 TDoor/Pro 1.02 - This is the best C/C++ door
                                driver available.  Support a wide variety of
                                BBS door drop files and features LOCAL
                                RIPscrip graphics emulation.  Other features
                                include optional FOSSIL driver support,
                                nonstandard IRQ support, and more.  TDoor/Pro
                                is extremely easy to use and is well
                                documented.  Supports Borland C++ 3.1 and
                                4.5 and Turbo C++ 3.0.  .02 fixes a few ANSI
                                and RIPscrip emulator bugs.
tkit110.zip   134329 08-05-2024  Planets: TEOS IGM KIT V1.10 
                                Now anyone can build their own
                                TEOS IGM's with Turbo Pascal 7.0!
                                Kit created by Seth A. Robinson.
tssi_2d15.zip   24843 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                :  The SPiDER Source Issue #1.5 Fix  
                                      Low Level Fossil Procs         :
                                      BIOS Timing Procs              
                                      ANSI Emulation Procs           
                                      TP TEXT File Sharing Procs     :
                                : Useful Source Code And Examples By   
                                 SPiDER On How To Make Generic High   
                                 Level Async I/O Procs With The Above 
tstructc.zip    4807 08-05-2024 Planets: TEOS - Structures
                                These are the structures used
                                by Planets: TEOS.  They were
                                converted from their pascal forms
                                found in the structs.txt file of
                                the TEOS-Kit.  The structs were
                                converted to C.
                                Converted By: GSValore
                                ** PUBLIC DOMAIN **
wiz_2ddox1.zip  179729 08-05-2024 Doorcoding dox, shows basics in  
                                coding doors for system/X.      
                                Source code and doorkit included!
xdoor300.zip   63329 08-05-2024         __________   .________
                                  _______|:      |...\__     |..
                                ..|:     |       |_____|     | :
                                : |      |       |:    '     | .
                                . |      ' ______|     ,     |_
                                 _|_____.       |      |:     |
                                 |:      ,      |      |      |
                                 |       |      |      |      |
                                 |       |      |      '      |
                                _|       |______|       ______|
                                \_______.| %%% \_______.| %%%%%%
                                  . % xtreme doorkit v3.00 % .
                                 tp/vp pascal door kit w/source
                                 compiles native dos/win32/os2  
                                 supports the door32 standard
                                 % door32 by g00r00 / demonic %
                                ..  % by natedogg / demonic % ..
                                ] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [
xport11.zip    25446 08-05-2024 Galaxy 5 Xport Unit v1.1. For programmers who
                                write doors using the UrDoor unit from
                                Kenneth Bledsoe. This unit allows you to
                                EASILY write Xports for the door game
                                Galaxy 5. Just call one command,
                                Init_Xport; then the rest is yours! ;>
                                Automatically reads the DROPFILE.* file that
                                Galaxy 5 creates, and reads in the players
                                info. Fully supports all Galaxy 5 ~ codes!
                                * Freeware From -Noel Software- *

             Area 130 - Doorgames - LORD IGMs             

4horslrd.zip   34209 08-05-2024   -= FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCOLYPSE =-
                                             for LORD v3.53
                                  Legend of the Red Dragon enhancement        
                                program.  Brings the Legend of the
                                Four Horsemen to your LORD game!
                                Full menu support and bar text changes!
                                New monsters and much more excitement!
                                       ***PRINCE PUBLICATIONS***
aa22d.zip      69724 08-05-2024        Axehandler's Arena v2.2d - LORD IGM
                                     This LORD IGM threatens to BLOW the rest
                                    LEARNING MONSTERS!!, LOCKERS!! BET ON
                                 SEVERAL PROBLEMS FIXED!!!! USES IT'S OWN
                                        THIS VERSION IS LORD-NET APPROVED!!!
ab09c.zip      72967 08-05-2024    Axehandler's BattleGrounds v0.9c - LORD
                                    Put your users in control of their own    
                                    CASTLES!! ONLY CHANGES EXPERIENCE!!!!!
                                    FULL RIP.. ** CHECK IT OUT!!! ** 
abc.zip         8380 08-05-2024 ABC iGM FOR LORD2 V1.01a
                                  Download it try it
ac15.zip       39367 08-05-2024  ANTi-CHEAT v1.5  -  For LORD 3.50+
                                 ANTi-CHEAT will keep players from
                                 cheating exsesively in your IGM's
                                 Using numbers *YOU* set for each
                                 LORD Level.  **ULTRA CONFIGURABLE**
                                  o Configurable Message's to Players!
                                  o Configurable player limits.
                                  o Set up to 10 names who are
                                    exempt from all checking.
                                  o Will check Players Hit Points,
                                    Strength, Defense, Charm, Kids,
                                    Forrest Fights, and User Fights!
                                  o Optional Log File.
                                  o Optional and configurable
                                    LOGNOW.TXT writing!
act5.zip       55626 08-05-2024   Across The Tracks v5 
                                -=-FreeWare Lord IGM-=-=-
                                Explore the ghetto on the
                                other side of the tracks.
acth103.zip     5600 08-05-2024 Tien Lung's House v1.03
                                Lord 2 IGM for Amber Crystal
                                Author: Tien Lung
                                E-mail: tienlung@hwcn.org
                                The Self-Improving of Tien Lung
                                has now entered its second
                                incarnation adding more rooms
                                along with something special.
                                Now available for Amber Crystal.
addmun10.zip   35414 08-05-2024   -= Addams Family Meets The Munsters =-
                                          Ver 1.0 for LORD v3.55
                                The wonderful characters made famous in       
                                cartoons by Charles Addams and a television
                                series starring John Astin as Gomez, meet
                                the loveable Hermann Munster and family!!
                                All the characters are there, including
                                over a hundred new monsters!  Full menu
                                support and bar text changes! AND SPOT! :)
                                  ***A PRINCE PUBLICATION PRODUCTION***
adom09c.zip    54733 08-05-2024      Axehandler's Dominion v0.9c - LORD IGM
                                      IF YOU HAD 5 DIFFRENT AREAS, LEARNING
                                      MONSTERS, AND NON-STOP FIGHTING, WHAT 
                                      WOULD YOU HAVE? AXEHANDLER'S DOMINION!
adptmk15.zip   30041 08-05-2024      Adoption Market v1.15 LORD IGM
                                    Freeware IGM - Let's you adopt
                                   kids and put your own kids up for
                                    adoption! Very Good IGM Idea!!
                                          -=-= BUG FIX =-=-
adultmon.zip   11024 08-05-2024 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-
                                This is an Adult Lenemy.dat file for
                                Legend Of the Red Dragon. For any
                                SysOp intirested in starting an
                                Adult LORD, this will help get them
                                off to a good start.  By: Dawn Evans
advice.zip      8859 08-05-2024 =-=Lord II Advice=-=
                                Adds some advice to Lord II
                                when you start playing.
                                Comes with 5 pieces of advice.
                                Easy to edit in more.
                                Don't delay. Download it
                                Downloaded from
                                THe MaD SySTeMS
aftrmh10.zip   46051 08-05-2024 The Aftermath v1.0 LORD IGM
                                A Great New Add On For LORD.
                                The Dragon HasStruck, The World
                                Is In Ruin. Can The Survivors
                                Defeat The Dragon?
ahkcity.zip    59727 08-05-2024 |02Children of Galaexy presents
                                |14The City of The Sun GOD 1.1
                                |02IGM for L.O.R.D
                                |02Travel to an ancient Egyptian City
                                |02have fun and improve your game. 
akcity21.zip   70640 08-05-2024 The City Of The Sun God 2.1
                                   LORD IGM
                                by Children of Galaexy
al353.zip      24959 08-05-2024 Give your L.O.R.D. online game, a complete
                                new look. Features full color ANSI screens.
                                See the Bard, Violet, and all the others,
                                in full screen color.
                                A real MUST SEE! Well worth the download.
                                Freeware by:The Godfather
                                Version 1.02
                                For use with LORD version 3.53+
al40.zip       28079 08-05-2024 
alad101.zip    42962 08-05-2024 Aladdin's Bar v 1.01  -  LORD IGM
                                The first multi-node  interactive
                                IGM for LORD.  Supports up to 150
                                nodes,  and  150  users at  once.
                                Supports   actions,   LORD  color
                                codes, "Clean Mode"  bad language
                                filter  and RAM  drive for better
                                performance.   Now  supports  ALL
                                drop  file  types   supported  by
                                LORD.  Totally free!
alien.zip       6889 08-05-2024  The Visitors   L2 IGM  
                                 A spaceship has crashed west 
                                of Arrisville. What could the 
                                aliens want? What is their    
                                heinous plan?                 
                                     Author: TALAPHID@JUNO.COM
am110.zip      18669 08-05-2024 <->- ANSIMap v1.10 -<->
                                Converts LORD2 map screens into
                                normal ANSI files.  Also views
                                ANSI/LORD files.
amall103.zip    7778 08-05-2024 Arrisville Mall v1.03
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Adam Hure & GumLass
                                Earliest version of Arrisville Mall and its 
                                alright but I can make it better, but now, 
                                the features: *Armour + Weapons Store
                                *Food court :Eat the greatest Sausage in the 
                                known world. *Skill Tester(TM):Be a winner 
                                learn to cheat *Bank *Healer
anarch.zip     24461 08-05-2024   
                                       The Anarchist 1.1 Beta      
                                   First Local Made IGM For Lord.  
                                   Have an anarchist for players   
                                    to hire to wreck havoc in the
                                    game.Disfigure other players to
                                    reduce their charm,             
                                   transex them, sabotage their    
                                                           By Njo  
and100.zip     25534 08-05-2024     =-=> Andrew for LORD2 <=-=
                                    A cool IGM for Lord2 V1.01a
                                   or newer. Includes 1 replaced
                                       map, 4 new maps, 9 new
                                   .ref and 1 replaced .ref file.
                                    Look for other IGM's and other 
                                       stuff from Hell Software
                                      =-=> Hell Software <=-=  
                                     =-=> Andreas Svendsen <=-=
                                     =-=> Rolfas@online.no <=-=
anlord10.zip   25772 08-05-2024   Ancients of LORD  
                                   This is a different looking LORD for      
                                those of you who are tired of the same old   
                                look.  This is one of the only look changers 
                                that actually has an install and uinstall.   
                                If you like this file, then please support   
                                the authors by registering.  If you reg. you 
                                will revcieve the new monster pack with the  
                                new say files.                               
ansilord.zip   24647 08-05-2024 -=| AnsiLORD .01 |=-
                                A Revolutionary Addon 
                                that will blow you away!
                                100% Ansi Graphics,
                                Castles, Dragons, More!
apoth172.zip   66454 08-05-2024 The Apothecary v1.72 -- a LORD IGM.
                                Visit with potionmaster, The Apothecary.  
                                Find items along the way to his shop, buy 
                                potions, make friends.  Companion IGM to 
                                Grizelda's House (by same author).  
apv200.zip    129993 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 * * * Aladdin's Palace Version 2.00 * * * 
                                 See Aladdin and Jasmines Palace in a Lord 
                                 IGM! Changes since Version 1.30 Include : 
                                 *  All known bugs fixed - including the * 
                                 *         elusive "Rename Bug".         * 
                                 ** IMPORTANT NEW AUTHOR INFORMATION TOO * 
                                 FREQ "ALADDIN" From: 1:140/129 for latest 
                                 version of Aladdin's Palace - *Upgrade*!! 
                                 Registration Just $3.00! By Devon Brooks. 
arabld20.zip  137711 08-05-2024   -= THE ARABIAN KNIGHTS =-
                                           ver 2.0
                                  Legend of the Red Dragon
                                enhancement program. Brings the
                                realm of djinni's, wizards and
                                warriors of the Sands of the
                                mythical age of Alli Babba and
                                Alladin to your LORD game! Full
                                menu support and over a hundred
                                new monsters!
                                   ***PRINCE PUBLICATIONS***
arablrd.zip    33671 08-05-2024 THE ARABIAN KNIGHTS Lord IGM
                                . -= THE ARABIAN KNIGHTS =-
                                .  Legend of the Red Dragon
                                enhancement program. Brings the
                                realm of djinni's, wizards and
                                warriors of the Sands of the
                                mythical age of Alli Babba and
                                Alladin to your LORD game! Full
                                menu support and over a hundred
                                new monsters!
                                .  ***PRINCE PUBLICATIONS***
aragonun.zip    6985 08-05-2024 Aragon's homely home by Dwsoft (We look out
                                for you)
                                Aragon's homely home visit aragon!
arat15.zip     10983 08-05-2024 Aragon's Cave v1.5 (WcCode 5.x) IGM for
                                WT-LORD 2.0+ - Freeware from the folks
                                that brought you Food Fight II, A.I., The
                                Faire, Wild Wild West, BJ-Sysop Menu.
                                The Family Internet BBS
                                e-mail : info@vacsew.com
arena20.zip    47101 08-05-2024 The Arena Of Lords v2.0 - IGM For
                                Legend Of The Red Dragon. Fight the
                                gladiator and win TONS of gold and
                                gems *IF* you can beat him. 
                                     ** MAJOR REVISIONS **
arenav2.zip    42262 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-Haldar's Arena v2.0b-=-=-=- LORD IGM
                                Another fighting arena IGM for LORD 
                                with new features, such as sysop configuable
                                monsters.  A user pays for fights with gems
                                instead of gold in this IGM.
                                **Ok, so maybe the first one wasn't the best,*
                                **but version 2 fixes the bugs and adds some *
                                **cool features.  Check it out!              *
artime11.zip   81257 08-05-2024 
asciiset.zip    5925 08-05-2024 AsciiSet -- by Codax
                                This a small Ascii Viewer
                                program to aid in the creation
                                of Lord2 IGMs.  Though this
                                program is bug free Codax will not
                                be held responsible OR liable for
                                this software.  There are no
                                warentees so no trying to sue me!
                                Now that the legal stuff is over
                                I hope this helps all of you
                                budding Igm Makers out there.
assfa100.zip    9922 08-05-2024     =-=> Assfamily for LORD2 <=-=
                                    A cool IGM for Lord2 V1.01a
                                   or newer. Includes 5 replaced
                                    maps and 4 new .ref files.
                                    Look for other IGM's and other 
                                       stuff from Hell Software
                                      =-=> Hell Software <=-=  
                                     =-=> Andreas Svendsen <=-=
                                     =-=> Rolfas@online.no <=-=
asyvi202.zip  265227 08-05-2024             
                                                             Lord IGM        
                                                         The Arkhaim Asylum  
                                                           Version: 2.02     
                                                            Full Release     
                                                    Programed By & Story Line
                                                         Christian Danychuk  
                                                        Sysop Of: The Firm
                                             (c) Gorath   Lord V: 3.55 or
                                                              File 1 of 1
atrain11.zip   11150 08-05-2024 Arris Training Grounds v1.01: A LORD 2 IGM
                                This IGM adds a second training center on
                                the Arris continent. It also adds a new
                                arena (similar to the BownTown Arena) and
                                a healer (Expensive. The healer charges
                                $2 per HP.)
                                Players can also purchase some weapons and
                                armors from the Arena Master, and fight 6
                                new training bosses in 6 new locations!
                                Author: Jay Weber (aka Elric, Anakha, and
                                (C) 1997 ShroomTrip Software
                                E-Mail: elric@innocent.com
                                Support: kender@innocent.com
aussie11.zip    9241 08-05-2024 Aussie World's Two-Up Gambling Game - Version
                                This game is an Australian gambling game for
                                as a IGM (In-Game Module) in Lord II
                                version 1.01+)
                                It is part of a larger IGM called AUSSIE
                                which will be released soon!
                                Suggestions/Commments/Questions - mc
avaad110.zip   63033 08-05-2024 AVALIN Cuban Arms Dealer IGM for T-LORD
                                Add the Cuban Arms Dealer to your LORD
                                game for some interesting weapons! This
                                IGM is TOTALLY FREE! F-R-E-E!
                                Updated to the new T-LORD 1.26 IGM
                                standard and the MBBS 6.25 bug is fixed!
                                Doesn't work with WG 3.0...sorry.
                                AVALIN Software! Cool IGMs!
                                Telnet: lin.lcworkshop.com
                                   BBS: (717) 242-0419
avaff111.zip   72580 08-05-2024 AVALIN Fairy Fountain IGM FOR T-LORD 1.11
                                Fully Playable Unregistered Version.
                                Adds fun new options to your T-LORD.
                                Unlimited Nodes. LORD "look and feel"
                                Works with MBBS/WG version 1.0 & 2.0
                                Now updated to the new T-LORD 1.26 IGM
                                standard and the MBBS 6.25 bug is fixed!
                                Avalin Software! Cool IGMs!
                                Telnet: lin.lcworkshop.com
                                   BBS: (717) 242-0419
avagy111.zip   80646 08-05-2024 AVALIN The GrAvEyArD IGM for T-LORD v1.11
                                Put a graveyard into your MBBS/WG T-LORD
                                game with this new IGM! Players can dig
                                up and try to rob the graves of dead
                                warriors...but beware! Zombies sometimes
                                attack! Also adds a shack o' magic and
                                an old gravedigger to talk with! This is
                                version 1.10...it has been updated to
                                the new T-LORD IGM standard!
                                Sorry, doesn't work with WG 3.0.
                                AVALIN Software! Cool IGMs!
                                Telnet: lin.lcworkshop.com
                                   BBS: (717) 242-0419
avalon24.zip   22487 08-05-2024 "The Mines of Mt. Avalon" v2.4 -=- IGM for
                                WT-LORD in 32bit wcCODE! for WT-LORD v2.5
                                and Higher! Y2K Aware.Explore the Mines and
                                watch out for runaway Minetrains and Mud
                                Slides! Will you been the first to discover
                                the MOTHER LODE? Another fun *WT-LORD IGM*
                                by Joseph Watson
                                FEATURES:  SUPPORTS Multiple WT-LORD Games
                                           EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
axea21b.zip    63285 08-05-2024        Axehandler's Arena v2.1b - LORD IGM
                                     This LORD IGM threatens to BLOW the rest
                                    LEARNING MONSTERS!!, LOCKERS!! BET ON
                                     SEVERAL PROBLEMS FIXED!!!! including
                                      weapon names, and Strength problems!!
axedom.zip     52421 08-05-2024     Axehandler's Dominion v0.9beta - LORD IGM
                                      IF YOU HAD 5 DIFFRENT AREAS, LEARNING
                                      MONSTERS, AND NON-STOP FIGHTING, WHAT 
                                      WOULD YOU HAVE? AXEHANDLER'S DOMINION!
axereset.zip    7338 08-05-2024   Axehandler's LORD RESET v1.1a - LORD
                                      This LORD UTILITY will reset all the 
                                    Players in your Lord game so it seems like
                                  A new day has begun, great for NON-BBS LORDS
ba506.zip      54068 08-05-2024 BACKALLY BAR v5.06 - LORD IGM
                                BackAlley Bar v5.06 for LORD 
                                v3.55+.  Drugs, whores,player 
                                humiliation, assinations, 
                                stay the night, special 
                                drinks, even get killed!
                                The BAR To Be BAD!
bac403.zip     36789 08-05-2024 BACKALLY CHURCH v4.03 - A LORD IGM
                                For LORD v3.55.  Players can force
                                marriage, divorce, reincarnate 
                                players to kill them again,
                                burn incense, confess sins,
                                maybe even get KILLED!
backaly2.zip   60246 08-05-2024 
badcomp.zip     5857 08-05-2024  Bad Company    L2 IGM  
                                 A murder has occured on the  
                                road to Sosen Village. Can    
                                you find the murderer, before 
                                time runs out?                
                                     Author: TALAPHID@JUNO.COM
baitshop.zip    5935 08-05-2024 -= Big Bad Bait Shop v0.6b =-
                                  A Lord2 IGM by Jon Hanson
                                          AKA Phobos
                                 A quaint little bait shop
                                 with a few added quirks
                                 and secrets. More than
                                 meets the eye!!!
baldur20.zip  155209 08-05-2024 ) 
                                             BALDUR'S CAMP v2.0 LORD In Game
                                                     Black Acid Productions  
                                 Baldur's Camp gives the players a wide
                                variety of things to do 
                                 aside from the actual game. There is the Rat
                                Races, a fully    
                                 ANSI-mated race that the players can bet on
                                which Rat will win 
                                 the race and the ANSImation is fully ANSI
                                aware so if the      
                                 players do not have ANSI support it will not
                                show the race, and
                                 it is optional anyways!  Then there is the
                                Arena where the     
                                 players may go and fight other monsters and
                                win money. It will 
                                 not allow the users to fight more then their
                                Forest Fights per 
                                 day. The Sewers let the users walk around in
                                an ANSImated      
                                 dungeon and run into monsters they can fight
                                  The Bar lets    
                                 users have a drink or talk to the bartender.
                                                 $2 Shareware is WELL worth
bandit2.zip     7287 08-05-2024   -=Bandit's Hideout IGM v2.0=-
                                An IGM for LORD II v1.00 or newer.
                                Raid Hawkmoon's hideout. The rewards
                                are high but the penalties are stiff.
                                Includes 2 new maps and a .ref file.
                                Uses Seth's install program for easy
bao302.zip     34325 08-05-2024 BACKALLY ORPAHANAGE v3.02 - A LORD IGM
                                Now your players can adopt or ditch 
                                their kids.  Play tricks on them, etc. 
                                SysOp Defined Number Of Kids and Costs.
                                New Dungeon Adventure!
barak100.zip   55617 08-05-2024 -=Barak's House V1.00: LORD IGM=-
                                In Game Module for the door LORD.    
                                Your users can meet Barak and his
                                crazy mother! -=-=-  By Seth Able
barakv2.zip    70877 08-05-2024 Barak's House 2.0 - Released 10/25/97
                                The classic IGM redone for WT-LORD 2.0
                                Registration is .. FREE.
                                by IceRage Technologies
barber14.zip   26157 08-05-2024 Lord County Barber Shop v1.4 -=- IGM for
                                WT-LORD in 32bit wcCODE! for WT-LORD v2.5
                                and Higher. You are able to get the most
                                stylish hair cut in the game! Watch out
                                the barber has good and bad days! An IGM
                                by Aaron Wornom & Sweet Dreams Software!
                                FEATURES:  SUPPORTS Mutiple WT-LORD Games
                                           Random cases of haircuts
                                           Fair Cases
                                           EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
                                           Reflects the SDwarez Name Change!
barnlord.zip   24005 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BarneyLord v1.0
                                A LORDTXT.DAT replacement that changes LORD
                                Legend of the Purple Antichrist. Includes a
                                about Barney.  Something teen sysops should
                                get a 
                                kick out of.  One of those adolescent things!
barsrc.zip     88010 08-05-2024 
battle13.zip  154214 08-05-2024 The Battlefield v1.3
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Codax Dragon
                                E-Mail: codax_dragon@juno.com
                                Bodies are heaped upon each other.   How can
                                people do this to each other?  Take sides w/
                                Power the Evil Dragon, Shara, Phoenix, Codax
                                and some of your other friends from Dragon's
                                Den Utld Igms.   Add the 1 igm with the most
                                movement of any Lord II IGM (over 30min)!
bbar100.zip     8004 08-05-2024      -= Black Death's Tavern 1.00 for LORD2
                                A small IGM for LORD2 1.01+. Gives players a 
                                nice place to go, with usefull tips, a place
                                stay and not be attacked for free, and some
                                funstuff! Included Easy Batch File Install!
                                Any suggestions for improvment are welcome, 
                                Send mail to blackdth@geocities.com
                                Special thanks to Ray Smith, sysop of:
                                Gollum's Lair BBS (613) 634-6160
                                Kingston, Ontario, Canada
                                For his help in testing and reporting errors!
bblor102.zip   34551 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                   New upgrade to your LORD game.   
                                Go to all the places like Beavis &  
                                Butthead do.  Talk to Buzzcut the   
                                bartender, or go to the Highland    
                                Healers.  Created By:  Joe March    
                                Ŀ   &         
                                This is an "COM" file.Jeff Calhoun 
                                It must be executed   Ĵ
                                in your LORD directory to work.     
bbt100.zip     31258 08-05-2024 Barton's Battle Training:  A great IGM (In
                                Game Module) for LORD 3.26+.  Barton can  
                                very helpful in learning new combat skills   
                                to enable you to kill that nasty dragon!    
                                From OT-SOFT                                  
bcott103.zip    7435 08-05-2024 BeachSide Cottage version 1.03 
                                LORD 2 IGM
                                Author: Justin Chace aka Skull 
                                E-Mail: RabidWolf2@aol.com
                                A small cottage on the beach, where a
                                player can buy it and charge for the spare
                                bedrooms, also has a ferry and a private
bd100.zip      60543 08-05-2024 -------------------------------
                                | BUSINESS DEPARTMENT 1.00 |
                                | A GREAT NEW IGM FOR LORD  |
                                | DOWNLOAD IT NOW!!!!!!!!!  |
                                | LET YOUR PLAYER'S OPEN    |
                                | THEIR OWN SHOP'S!!!!!!!!  |
                                | PLEASE USE: PKUNZIP -D    |
                                |     [=] fAZE SOFT [=]     |
bdcv101.zip     8612 08-05-2024 Black Dragon Castle v1.01
                                Lord 2 IGM
                                Author: Ben Horn    
                                E-Mail: horn@iniaccess.net.au
                                Be a winner, learn to cheat
begg100v.zip    4683 08-05-2024 -=  The Begger =-
                                A small Lord 2 IGM. Adds 
                                a begger who rewards kindess
                                with Gold and Alignment.
                                Works on Lord2 1.00 but
                                shouldn't have a problem
                                with beta 7. By Craig
                                Goldsmith. :-)
bin2data.zip    7024 08-05-2024  LORD II: BINARY ANSI -> MAP  v2.0!  Converts
                                an ANSI
                                into a map readable by L2CFG.  Now will let
                                you configure
                                characters to set to "UNPASSABLE"!     
bkdoor11.zip   13685 08-05-2024 TURGON'S BACKDOOR v1.1
                                From Mamoosoft Programming.
                                This LORD2 IGM introduces users to
                                Sauraman, the dishonest record keeper
                                at the Training Center.  Perhaps he
                                can help them... for a price!
                                Registration is FREE!!
black27.zip    13840 08-05-2024 The Blacksmith's Shop! v2.7 -=- IGM for
                                WT-LORD in 32bit wcCODE for WC5!
                                "WT-LORD v2.0 READY"  Another fun *FREEWARE*
                                by Joseph Watson   Includes Y2K Date Checking
                                 Stop in and see the Blacksmith! He can
                                reForge your Weapon
                                 and Armour increasing their Strength! You can
                                also rename
                                 your Weapon and Armour if you wish!
                                 ** Requires WT-LORD v2.5 or above!
blkshp15.zip    5724 08-05-2024 "Black Sheep of the Family" (LORD2 IGM)
                                By: Adam Thompson (shadow_rider@geocities.com
                                With all the talk about goats and sheep in
                                this game (mostly in the docs,
                                and from Turgon), I decided that they should
                                play a more active role.
                                This IGM adds a Black Sheep to the "Hidden
                                Dark Forest" pasture (where
                                the shepherd and his sheep are), and 1 sheep
                                to the sheep-pen in
                                It also adds a tree where Barak likes to sit
                                and write in his Diary...
                                (which he hides in the tree)
                                Players can still find Barak's Diary in one of
                                the chests in this house,
                                but now they have an alternate method, which
                                doesn't impact or detract
                                from the game's continuity at all.  Once they
                                find the Diary in one place,
                                they won't still be able to find it in the
blkwng18.zip   65470 08-05-2024 32 bit IGM written for WTLORD and compiled
                                with WCCODE.
                                Blackwing's Cove, where you can sell your
                                horse, steal gold from
                                Blackwing, or find the lost cavern and the old
                                pirates treasure.
blord151.zip   23173 08-05-2024  Another product from the Bubbly Factory Ŀ
                                                Ver 1.51 
                                    An Add-on for LORD Version 3.20+, to   
                                  generate random events like changing of  
                                 certain attributes, and also a BANK-CRASH 
                                 option! Real kool! A must for BBSes that  
                                             runs LORD 3.20+               
                                 NEW VERSION includes Random Flirting and  
                                 Flaming of players, and other new stuffs  
                                 Added New Support for External Flame File 
                                 Added the RAMPAGING of the Bubbly Monster 
                                 1.51 includes writing mails in the INN or 
                                 the Dark Cloak Tavern. Allow use of pipe  
                                 codes and more commandlines options added 
                                             ** FREE WARE **               
bludlrd.zip    24585 08-05-2024                  
                                Eyeball, Inc. Presents:Ŵ                 
                                B L O O D  L O R D  1.0Ŵ                 
                                Lordtxt.dat ReplacementŴ                 
                                For LORD 3.26Ŵ                 
blue099.zip    20236 08-05-2024 The Blue Dragon's Challenge v0.99
                                Lord 2 IGM 
                                Author: Ben Mondoux / SlayerSoft Programming
                                E-Mail: slayer@calgary.crosswinds.net
                                An IGM where you are kidnapped by the Blue 
                                Dragon and imprisoned, solve his puzzles to 
                                get out.  Plenty of movement here.  This is
                                an unfinished version.  Some stuff will be 
                                added later.  
bobs28.zip     57802 08-05-2024 Bob's Beer! v2.8 -=- IGM for WT-LORD in 32bit
                                wcCODE for WC5! for WT-LORD v2.5 and Higher!
                                Another fun *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                Y2K Aware. Supports multiple WT-LORD Games!
                                Stop in and see Bob. Drink a few cold ones
                                but don't drink to much! :)  A fun IGM for
                                Wildcat Tournament LORD with hidden features
                                and options! Push the "J" key from main menu.
                                FEATURES:  EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
bonefort.zip    6227 08-05-2024 -= Bowntown Fortress v1.0 for LORD2 =-
                                A simple IGM for I made for LORD2.
                                Includes 3 new maps.
                                Bowntown Fortress is a fortress
                                that is found near Bowntown.
                                Bowntown Fortress includes an
                                Bank, weapon store, armour store,
                                healers, potion shop.
                                Created by Brady Wishnowsky.
bong110.zip     6576 08-05-2024 Bong Version 1.0
                                Hey people you can now
                                get high in Lord II : )
                                By Christian Ducharme
bounty2.zip    32238 08-05-2024 ThE GrEENTrEE BoUNTY OFFiCE !
                                An IGM For Lord2 v1.00 !.
                                This IGM Makes A Bounty Office
                                In Greentree And It Costs $500
                                Bucks More Than Other Bounty
                                Offices.E.g Costs $1500 To Pay
                                Off A $1000 Bounty.
                                  ** USES .REC FILES **
bradyf10.zip   10690 08-05-2024  Female Brady Bunch Adventure .REF 1.00  
                                Create havoc by running around the      
                                Brady house!  But watch out for
                                Carol!  Requires LORD2 beta 5+
                                to run. Created by Seth Able.
                                Edited by Elric
bradyref.zip   10481 08-05-2024  Brady Bunch Adventure .REF 1.00  
                                Create havoc by running around the      
                                Brady house!  But watch out for
                                Mike!  Requires LORD2 beta 5+
                                to run. Created by Seth Able.
breanna2.zip    8997 08-05-2024     -=Breanna's Cove IGM v2.0=-
                                An IGM for LORD II v1.00 or newer.  Do
                                you accept Breanna's challange? Includes
                                2 new maps and a .ref file. Uses Seth's
                                install program for easy installation.
                                Compliments of Chet Rhodes (Hawkmoon)
                                Hawkmoon's Realm BBS FIDO 1:151/131
bss23.zip      12607 08-05-2024 The Blacksmith's Shop! v2.3 -=- IGM for
                                WT-LORD in 32bit wcCODE for WC5!
                                "WT-LORD v2.0 READY"  Another fun *FREEWARE*
                                by Joseph Watson
                                 Stop in and see the Blacksmith! He can
                                reForge your Weapon
                                 and Armour increasing their Strength! You can
                                also rename
                                 your Weapon and Armour if you wish!
                                          NEW ANSI Coding for this release!
                                          Requires WT-LORD v2.5 or above!
bston10.zip    67241 08-05-2024       The Blarney Stone v1.0  
                                The Blarney Stone v1.0  is a once a
                                day, random effect oriented IGM for
                                Legend of the Red Dragon.   Players
                                can visit Castle Blarney, and climb
                                a tower to kiss the blarney  stone.
                                Effects  range from getting a horse
                                to increasing various stats.
                                FREEWARE from New Realm Interactive
bunny200.zip   25914 08-05-2024 The Bunny Cave v2.00 
                                LORD 2 IGM
                                Author: Tom Torbeck
                                E-Mail: Tom@leftside.com
                                Can you survive the Bunnies?  Probably not.  
                                This small IGM for LORD2 is designed to give 
                                a challenge to most player levels.  Mosters 
                                adjust automactically to the player they
                                face!  v2.00 contains map fix.
camel14.zip    30955 08-05-2024 -= Camelot V1.4  for Lord2 =-
                                Camelot for lord2. This city
                                sized castle is great for
                                any lord2 game. Easy setup!
                                Distribute freely.
canoe2.zip      8507 08-05-2024    The Canoe 2.0 IGM for Lord2
                                 Sail around Porttown and discover
                                 a new bar, and a new castle.
                                    By James Jones & Ben Tiefert
                                    The Shadow BBS (850)864-4292
carnal15.zip  172248 08-05-2024 Carnal Knowledge v1.5 -=- IGM for WT-LORD in
                                32bit wcCODE for WC5! Adult type IGM for
                                WT-LORD v2.5 and Above ONLY! Y2K Aware.
                                Another fun *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                Test your Knowledge of the Carnal World? It's
                                a lot more than just SEX! This IGM contains
                                ADULT CONTENT and is for ADULT'S ONLY!
                                FEATURES: EASY Setup
                                       SYSOP Configurable Access Restriction!
                                       BUILT in Maintenance
carnival.zip   49202 08-05-2024 Willy Tart's Carnival v1.0 
                                A FREEWARE IGM for LORD.
                                That's right folks! The carnival is about to
                                town and everyone's invited!
                                Test your strength with Samson the fighting
                                sharpen your skills at the Shooting Gallery,
                                maybe get a tarot card reading...
                                whatever you choose to do you're guaranteed
                                LOTS of fun!
cave10.zip     84311 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... The caverns of the
cave14a.zip    92446 08-05-2024      The L.O.R.D. Cavern v1.4a LORD IGM
                                For LORD 3.25+ - Only fixes for OS/2.  13
                                different random actions, plus the ability
                                for you to make your own, called RHPs!  This
                                is the LAST PROJECTED VERSION (Again!)! 
                                SETUP installs and uninstalls in seconds!
                                Does not need a BBS dropfile and uses non-
                                standard Com ports!  FREEWARE.
caverhp1.zip   32764 08-05-2024 LORD Skeleton v0.91 beta LORD IGM
                                ** By Donald Tidmore.  ** For DOS LORD.
                                ** January 2011 Betas.  ** Freeware.
                                ANGEL toolkit-based version of Realm of
                                Lore IGM.  Uses ROL's RLMEDIT.EXE utility,
                                and SKELEDIT/CONVSKEL IGM utilities.  **
                                See SKELETON.TXT for more info.  ** Uses
                                09/08/08 Config file structure and 10/12/08
                                Player database file structure.
caverhp2.zip   30489 08-05-2024 LORD Skeleton v0.91 beta LORD IGM
                                ** By Donald Tidmore.  ** For DOS LORD.
                                ** January 2011 Betas.  ** Freeware.
                                ANGEL toolkit-based version of Realm of
                                Lore IGM.  Uses ROL's RLMEDIT.EXE utility,
                                and SKELEDIT/CONVSKEL IGM utilities.  **
                                See SKELETON.TXT for more info.  ** Uses
                                09/08/08 Config file structure and 10/12/08
                                Player database file structure.
cc20.zip       63159 08-05-2024 Castle Coldrake(wcCODE 5) Wt-Lord 2.1+ ready
                                IGM An excellent IGM for Wildcat Tournament
                                Lord. This IGM is a more indepth view at the
                                REAL Castle Coldrake in Lord. Fight your way
                                in, then explore the castle. Visit the
                                Alchemist, Climb the tower and even talk to
                                King James. Fully interactive underground
                                secret passage! 
                                       Joe Marcelletti, James Cornman 1997
ccigm11b.zip  218394 08-05-2024  * * * CASTLE COLDDRAKE  v/1.1b * * *
                                     The ultimate IGM for LORD!
                                Ask the Alchemist  to change your gems
                                into gold!  Dice with the Bored Guard!
                                See how long you can bear the Jester's
                                dumb jokes!   Or,  beg a boon of  King
                                Morphea!  All these odd folks and more
                                await you in the Great Hall!
                                Or wander out to the Courtyard,  where
                                you can  try your  skill at archery or
                                hawking!  See if you can  best  Prince
                                Poutanwine  and  his  cronies  on  the
                                jousting  field!  Feeling  weary after
                                killing  forest monsters  all day?  Go
                                for a relaxing ride in the countryside
                                or a walk in the castle gardens!
                                And, if good Fortune smiles  upon you,
                                perhaps you'll meet a Mouse someday...
                                 * Produced  by  Digital  Software *
                                 * Original storyline by KJ Radkey *
                                 *    Registration is only $10     *
ccigm_2d01.zip   21880 08-05-2024 Castle Camelot LORD IGM Authors Newsletter
                                Volume 1, Issue 1  -- Released Sunday, 
                                Dec. 20, 1999.      donald.tidmore@usa.net
                                Note:  This newsletter started with Bryan 
                                Turner two years ago, and was discontinued 
                                after the eight issue.  The issues ran on 
                                a quarterly basis from March 01, 1997 
                                through March 06, 1998.
                                  Some of you will know me already from 
                                frequent email conversations I've had with 
                                my Lord friends over the last three years; 
                                some may know about my Castle Camelot 
                                website, which I created for private use in
                                July 1996, and went online with in April 
                                1997.  For the past year, I've been doing my 
                                best to keep Lord authors and fans notified 
                                of where to find new Lord-related web-sites 
                                and programs.  I am also the maintainer and 
                                author of the Lord Links page available on  
                                the Kiteria's Korner! site, which was run 
                                for a long time by Suzanne Franklin, with
                                Bryan's help.  
                                http://www.shelby.net/wizards/kiteria - 
                                Kiteria's Korner
                                  I decided it was time, a couple of months
                                ago, to find out if Bryan would restart the 
                                newsletter once Lord v4.05 was released by my
                                friend Michael Preslar.  Bryan told me I 
                                could take over doing the newsletter if I 
                                wanted to.  After a week or so of thought, I 
                                decided to try doing this project.  Bryan is 
                                still active in his support of Lord and 
                                BBS-ing, but wanted to spend his time on 
                                other projects.
                                  My BBS history consisted of several years 
                                of using dozens of BBS in my area, Northwest 
                                Alabama, the Quad-Cities region specifically,
                                where I was a co-sysop for a couple of years 
                                on several boards.  I have for a long time 
                                taken care of getting Lord programs that I 
                                find placed online on the major Lord file 
                                sites, such as Pacific Coast Micro and 
                                DarkTech.  People can do this if they don't 
                                have a website by sending me their Lord, 
                                Lord II, Tournament Lord, or Planets: TEOS 
                                programs via Email File Attachment to me at 
                                donald.tidmore@usa.net.  Or you can send
                                them directly to Mike Ehlert at 
                                mike@pcmicro.com or Ruth Argust at 
                                ruth@doorgames.org (authors only).  Lord II 
                                authors should send their programs to Bobby 
                                Queen at wizards@shelby.net for posting on 
                                the Official LORD II IGM Archive site.  All 
                                files sent to me will be forwarded to the 
                                appropriate people via Email.
                                http://www.pcmicro.com - Pacific Coast Micro.
ccigm_2d02.zip   13929 08-05-2024 Castle Camelot LORD IGM Authors Newsletter
                                Volume 1, Issue 2 - Released Apr. 05, 2000.
                                By Donald Tidmore -- donald.tidmore@usa.net
                                This is my second newsletter for LORD, LORD II
                                 and Tournament
                                LORD program authors and game players.  It is
                                designed to be
                                quarterly in nature, and is released via
                                Listbot to those who
                                have registered to receive it.  Issue #3 will
                                be released in
                                late June 2000.
ccigm_2d03.zip   26304 08-05-2024 Castle Camelot LORD IGM Authors Newsletter
                                Volume 1, Issue 3 - Started May 10, 2000
                                Scheduled release date - June 19, 2000
                                By Donald Tidmore -- donald.tidmore@usa.net
                                This is my third newsletter for LORD, LORD II,
                                and Tournament
                                LORD program authors and game players.  It is
                                designed to be
                                quarterly in nature, and is released via
                                Listbot to those who
                                have registered to receive it.
ccigm_2d04.zip   36198 08-05-2024 Castle Camelot LORD IGM Authors Newsletter 4
                                - Text Version
                                Volume 1, Issue 4
                                Official release, HTML web-page and Text
                                versions, made on
                                September 20, 2000.
                                By Donald Tidmore -- donald.tidmore@usa.net
                                -- LORD News, Issue #4, primary web-page
                                -- LORD News, Issue #4, Text version files:
                                This is my fourth newsletter for LORD, LORD II
                                 and Tournament
                                LORD program authors and game players.  It is
                                designed to be
                                quarterly in nature, and is released via
                                Listbot to those who
                                have registered to receive it.  Please refer
                                to the primary
                                HTML newsletter archive if you need to access
                                the gfx.ref file
                                provided by Codax Dragon.  The addresses for
                                the HTML Newsletter
                                files are provided above.
ccigm_2d05.zip   18966 08-05-2024 Castle Camelot LORD IGM Authors Newsletter 5
                                - Text Version
                                Volume 2, Issue 1, Fifth overall issue.
                                Official release, HTML web-page and Text
                                versions, made on
                                December 20, 2000.
                                By Donald Tidmore -- donald.tidmore@usa.net
                                -- LORD News, Issue #5, primary web-page
                                -- LORD News, Issue #5, Text version files:
                                This is my fifth newsletter issue for LORD,
                                LORD II, and Tournament
                                LORD program authors and game players.  Issues
                                #1 through #5 were
                                released covering three months at a time. 
                                Starting with Issue #6,
                                the newsletter will cover four months per
                                issue.  For the most recent
                                update of this and other newsletter issues,
                                you should always refer to
                                the files on my Castle Camelot website.
                                This file is designed for release on Listbot
                                via my LordNews mailing
                                list.  Please refer to the primary HTML page
                                should you need to check
                                for issue update revisions, or to look up
                                web-site addresses.  The
                                address for the HTML issue is listed above.
ccigm_2d1h.zip   20089 08-05-2024 
ccigm_2d4h.zip   32128 08-05-2024 Castle Camelot LORD IGM Authors Newsletter 4
                                Volume 1, Issue 4, HTML Version.
                                Scheduled release dates:  Official release of
                                HTML web-page
                                and Listbot Text version set for morning of
                                September 19, 2000.
                                By Donald Tidmore -- donald.tidmore@usa.net
                                This is my fourth newsletter issue for LORD,
                                LORD II, and Tournament
                                LORD program authors and game players.  It is
                                quarterly in nature.
                                Starting with this issue, they will be created
                                 updated, and distributed
                                as an HTML web-page.  For most recent update
                                of this and other
                                newsletter issues, you should always refer to
                                the files on my website.
ccigm_2d5h.zip   35889 08-05-2024 Castle Camelot LORD IGM Authors Newsletter 5
                                Volume 2, Issue 1, Fifth overall issue. 
                                Primary Web-page version.
                                Official release, HTML web-page and Text
                                versions, made on
                                December 20, 2000.
                                By Donald Tidmore -- donald.tidmore@usa.net
                                This is my fifth newsletter issue for LORD,
                                LORD II, and Tournament
                                LORD program authors and game players.  Issues
                                #1 through #5 were
                                released covering three months at a time. 
                                Starting with Issue #6,
                                the newsletter will cover four months per
                                issue.  For the most recent
                                update of this and other newsletter issues,
                                you should always refer to
                                the files on my Castle Camelot website.
ccigm_2d5p.zip   40892 08-05-2024 Castle Camelot LORD IGM Authors Newsletter 5
                                (HTML Graphics)
                                Volume 2, Issue 1, Fifth overall issue. 
                                Primary Web-page version.
                                Official release, HTML web-page and Text
                                versions, made on
                                December 20, 2000.
                                By Donald Tidmore -- donald.tidmore@usa.net
                                This is my fifth newsletter issue for LORD,
                                LORD II, and Tournament
                                LORD program authors and game players.  Issues
                                #1 through #5 were
                                released covering three months at a time. 
                                Starting with Issue #6,
                                the newsletter will cover four months per
                                issue.  For the most recent
                                update of this and other newsletter issues,
                                you should always refer to
                                the files on my Castle Camelot website.
                                This particular file, for anyone who wants it,
                                has sethback.jpg,
                                lord-bar.gif, and drag-109.jpg inside.  These
                                are the only three
                                graphics files used by the newsletter issue.
ccovrnt1.zip   81002 08-05-2024 The Overnighter version 1.0 LORD IGM
                                This is an IGM for LORD 3.55, and utilizes the
                                out.? file
                                created by lord to allow people to spend the
                                The registered version will allow player
                                fights, as well as configuring of
                                various options in the game.
cest202.zip    12701 08-05-2024 Crestwood/Dragon Lair Pack
                                Lord 2 IGM
                                Author: Stephen Walls
                                E-Mail: SaintLocke@aol.com (ArticNight IGMs)
                                Freeware.  Crestwood is in the eyes of
                                most, the best IGM/Town ever made for Lord2.
                                This town has it all! With the normal healer/
                                weapon/armour shops this comes with a free
                                teleporter. But the best part is the Training
                                Center. Even if you fail with the Training
                                Center in GreenTree you can still level up
                                here! WOW!!! Once again you can meet up with
                                SAINT: The best Lord2 player I have ever met.
                                PLUS: Fight the dragon...If you can...
chance15.zip   52554 08-05-2024      Chance's Caf  v1.5     
                                       An IGM for LORD       
                                     Visit Chance at his     
                                   other favorite hang out   
                                  and try a cup of his best  
                                   Chat with your friends,   
                                    and visit the garden!    
                                  !NOW SUPPORTS CLEAN MODE!  
                                   illusion software '96   
change_21.zip  157120 08-05-2024   VASoft's LORD Menu Changer۲  
                                VASoft's Menu Changer is a program   
                                for people that are sick of that     
                                'Green' color on L.O.R.D, now you can
                                choose from: Light Blue, Dark Blue,  
                                Purple, Yellow, Red and more... FREE!
                                From the maker of DeAtH lOrD۲
changlng.zip   43700 08-05-2024 -= The Changeling 1.0 - Lord IGM =-
                                Visit the Changeling and see if you
                                can survive to reap the rewards.
                                Multi-node aware.      <>
chat015.zip    41762 08-05-2024 LORD Chat Editor v0.15 Utility.
                                       Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ       
                                     Editor v0.15  
                                          '95 Neo-Gen
chat02.zip     43440 08-05-2024        Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ       
                                     Editor v0.2   
                                          '95 Neo-Gen
chat10a.zip   100891 08-05-2024  Chat Room & Player's Journal IGM! Ŀ
                                For Lunatix 2.3a+, Allows players on 
                                different nodes to talk to each other
                                PaTieNT'S JouRNaL portion for 1-Node.
christ23.zip   18061 08-05-2024 "Merry Christmas" v2.3 -=- IGM for WT-LORD in
                                32bit wcCODE for WC5! for WT-LORD v2.0 and
                                Higher ONLY! *FREEWARE* Another fun *WT-LORD
                                IGM* by Joseph Watson Includes Y2K aware code
                                Open your Stocking and see what Santa has
                                left for you!
                                FEATURES:  EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
                                           IT's FREEWARE!
                                           Now has a COUNT DOWN to Christmas!
christ25.zip   19005 08-05-2024 "Merry Christmas" v2.5 -=- IGM for WT-LORD in
                                32bit wcCODE for WC5!
                                "WT-LORD v2.0 READY" for WT-LORD v2.5 and
                                Higher ONLY! *FREEWARE*
                                Another fun *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson 
                                HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!
                                Open your Stocking and see what Santa has left
                                for you!
                                FEATURES:  EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
                                           IT's FREEWARE!  Remember the reason
                                for the Season! :)
church15.zip    5671 08-05-2024 STONEBROOK CHURCH v1.5  - An IGM for LORD II
                                that allows users to seek wisdom from the
                                Church Elder.  Registration is FREE!!
                                From Mamoosoft Programming.
circus10.zip   65216 08-05-2024 Circus of Freaks LORD IGM v1.0!
                                Beat up  the mimes,  stomp  the
                                midgets,   lace the   elephants
                                food with exlax! And much more!
                                Tired of the same IGMs that all
                                are   the same   bars, inns, or
                                are just  the same  big  arena?
                                This IGM is for the mischevious
                                user in Lord.
circus20.zip   65731 08-05-2024 Circus of Freaks LORD IGM v2.0!
                                Beat up  the mimes,  stomp  the
                                midgets,   lace the   elephants
                                food with exlax! And much more!
                                Tired of the same IGMs that all
                                are   the same   bars, inns, or
                                are just  the same  big  arena?
                                This IGM is for the mischevious
                                user in Lord. Lord Sysop,   you
                                owe to your users to check this
                                wicked IGM out!
clinic15.zip   51675 08-05-2024    + The Surgical Clinic +   Ŀ
                                             Version 1.5
                                           An IGM for LORD
                                  Visit the Clinic Today! Tired of 
                                  being manly? Womanly? We can fix
                                  that little problem! Want out of
                                  your miserable little existance?
                                    Come right in and sit down.
                                     illusion software     
clintn20.zip   30606 08-05-2024 Ask Clinton v2.0 for WT-LORD by Janet Terry &
                                Joseph Watson. A 32 bit IGM for WTLORD.
                                Ask the President about this SEX Scandal!
                                Hear Al Gore's new Agenda! Now includes
                                Monica and the Chinese! Just for fun.
clnmap10.zip   10665 08-05-2024 Clean Map v1.0
                                Lord II Utility
                                Author: Chris Vallinga
                                E-Mail: val@mnsi.net
                                This utility will remove
                                "dead" maps from worlds that
                                use RTREADER such as LORD II.
                                ** Includes C source **
cloak200.zip   11044 08-05-2024 Dark Cloak Ruins v2.00: A LORD 2 IGM
                                Explore the ruins of the Dark Cloak Tavern.
                                Players can talk to Tarrin and learn about
                                color codes, play a game with the Old Man,
                                change their name, and attempt to become a
                                True Warrior!
                                Author: Jay Weber (aka Elric, Anakha, and
                                (C) 1997 ShroomTrip Software
                                E-Mail: elric@innocent.com
                                Support: kender@innocent.com
clomple1.zip   29856 08-05-2024     Ŀ
                                -= Clomp's LORD Editors v1.0 =-
                                   A Radically Different Editor     
                                   for Legends of the Red Dragon.   
                                   A Monster Editor is included!    
                                    5 Minute Installation          
                                    Supports LORD colors           
                                    Free updates via web site:     
                                -= Copyright 1997 Clomp Corp. =-
cltlrd10.zip   42199 08-05-2024               
                                 Add-On for Legend Of The Red Dragon
                                 This program gives your LORD game
                                 The Celtic Feel of a good game.
                                 There is a main enemy for each level.
                                 So that there is a harder chalenge.
clu_2denem.zip   10389 08-05-2024 o0o Creating Lord Utils That Create Havok! o0o
                                o0o Introduces Dungeons & Dragons monsters o0o
                                o0o For lord version 1.o. Released 6.23.95 o0o
                                o0o This will add D&D monsters toyour Lord o0o
                                o0o game. Includes tons of new monsters an o0o
                                o0o new dragons for lord. By Nosferatu ClU o0o
cmon1.zip      11715 08-05-2024 |04                   
                                |04    Colorized Monsters Set #1 
                                |04            Thresher [TLB]    
cn20.zip      100066 08-05-2024 Cathedral of  Nalishar  is  an  IGM  for
                                Legend of the  Red  Dragon.  Because the
                                timeframe of  LORD is set in a time that
                                was  religion-oriented,  this  IGM helps
                                expound upon that.  This  IGM includes a
                                small amount of AI,  things  to  do  for
                                good players AND bad players, etc... The
                                biggest  project to  date  from  Digital
                                Cathedral of Nalishar  was   written  in
                                QuickBasic 4.5 using QWKIGM  programming
                                library for IGMs, (c) Ballistic Labs.
                                Registration is only $3.00!!!
cnw_2d1300.zip 2632121 08-05-2024 Complete New World v130.0
                                130 pre-installed IGMs for
                                L.o.R.D. 2, for your
                                pleasure! :)
                                By: Joel Gathercole
                                --BBS World Magazine--
                                read gm23.ref for details.
cnw_2d1361.zip 2171441 08-05-2024 Complete New World v136.1Ŀ
                                136 pre-installed IGMs for L.o.R.D. ][ 
                                 Has 61 NPCs, and MUCH MORE!           
                                 By: Joel Gathercole                   
                                               read cnw.txt for details 
                                DECEMBER 29th 2000
cod101.zip    106031 08-05-2024   Caves Of Despair v1.01 - A LORD IGM
                                Caves Of Despair  is an  In Game  Module
                                by  Jeff Fanjoy, for  Legend Of  the Red
                                Dragon.  Features include monsters which
                                span all  12 levels of LORD, a  complete
                                mail system so that users under a multi-
                                node environment  aren't "cut-off" while
                                using the IGM as well as many events for
                                the entertainment of the LORD enthusiast
cogview.zip    12495 08-05-2024 DOS Text file viewer, designed to
                                display text files that have
                                LORD type color codes in them.
                                Good for all game/text files by COG.
col100b.zip    12422 08-05-2024 Northlands Coliseum v1.00b: A LORD 2 IGM
                                This IGM adds a Coliseum in the
                                Northlands. You get to bet on which
                                monster will win a fight. The amount of
                                you can bet is $100 - $1,000, and you
                                are limited to 6 bets per day.
                                Author: Jay Weber (aka Elric, Anakha, and
                                (C) 1997 ShroomTrip Software
                                E-Mail: elric@innocent.com
                                Support: kender@innocent.com
col210.zip     66183 08-05-2024 CASTLE OF LORD v2.10 IGM for LORD
                                The long awaited update of the great
                                IGM! All known bugs were fixed, comm
                                drivers were updated, etc.
                                Archonware BBS : (540)341-1865
colorld.zip    25237 08-05-2024 
cordco15.zip   23277 08-05-2024   LordCops v1.5! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+          
                                  Police that patrol your Lord Game!
                                  Prostitution arrest, assault &
                                  battery, etc! By Sons of Salami!
co_2d005.zip  132975 08-05-2024 |06Caldor's Orphanage v0.05  - LORD IGM
                                |06  An orphange where players can adopt 
                                |06 children to gain extra forest fights.  
                                |06 Many hidden commands...A Lot of things 
                                |06 to do!
                                |03 A |15Crazy Boy |03Production  ($5)
crack100.zip   16988 08-05-2024 The Crack House IGM v1.00
                                A little house located inside
                                of BoneTown. Can be bought
                                and has all kinds of neat
                                Copyright 1997 TTSoft Ltd.
crazy100.zip    3250 08-05-2024  -= Crazy Man's House for LORD2 =-
                                A simple IGM for LORD2 for beta7
                                or newer.  Includes 2 new maps
                                and a .ref file.  EASY INSTALL!
crest202.zip   12467 08-05-2024 Crestwood/Dragon Lair Pack
                                Lord 2 IGM
                                Author: Stephen Walls
                                E-Mail: SaintLocke@aol.com (ArticNight IGMs)
                                Freeware.  Crestwood is in the eyes of 
                                most, the best IGM/Town ever made for Lord2. 
                                This town has it all! With the normal
                                shops this comes with a free teleporter. But
                                the best part is 
                                the Training Center. Even if you fail with the
                                Training Center 
                                in GreenTree you can still level up here! WOW!
                                Once again you can meet up with SAINT: The
                                Lord2 player I have ever met. PLUS: Fight the
                                If you can... Have fun with this one!
cyber209.zip   37436 08-05-2024 
daeigm2.zip   154555 08-05-2024 Daemonica, SaTan's Dominion 2.0
                                The (IGM) for LORD
                                Children of Galaexy
                                More options,Cooler menus,bug fixes
                                now runs from it's own directory.
                                Simply the Coolest,Check this out!
daemonic.zip   30347 08-05-2024 
                                |14 Dɻ饌C
                                |13Persue the Red Dragon in Satan's Dominion.
                                |13Another Awesome Menuset For |10L.O.R.D
                                  |13By The |09Children of Galaexy.
daemonr.zip   342083 08-05-2024 DAEMONICA  v4.02 [REGISTERED] 
                                Daemonica SaTan's Dominion 4.02 LORD IGM
                                New options, New menus, Bugfixes, still
                                the coolest. Check it out!
                                Downloaded from Children of Galaexy
daerank2.zip   12287 08-05-2024 
daeset3.zip    29576 08-05-2024 Dɻ饌C RocKS the menuset for
                                Dɻ饌C 3.01 by children of Galaexy
                                Hunt the Red Dragon in Satan's Dominion
                                Simply the Coolest Lordware.
                                Ahkenaton 1996..
dapit351.zip   35419 08-05-2024 The Pit by Codax of Dragon's Den Ultd
                                Jump down The Pit Located 1 mile south
                                of the Dark Forest Gate and find a city
                                destroyed by an earthquake and guarded
                                by a monster is different everytime you
                                find him!  And get this...they only use 
                                potions for money.  Can you find the
                                way out....Or will you be stuck
                                planting fields, getting water, and
                                fighting for the rest of your life!!!
                                (Blue Potions problem fixed) ver 2
                                (Map Problem Fixed, Added more text,
                                and a jump feature) ver 3
                                (Fixed Shara's Lake problems, farm probs,
                                and write.exe conversion error in igm) ver 3
dapondv2.zip   32229 08-05-2024 The Pond by Codax of Dragon's Den Ultd
                                This igm requires a registration code to
                                go on a quest to sober the some frogs
                                also to sell the old boot, Dragon fish, and
                                the lawyer fish....
                                In the UNREGISTERED version you can
                                fish and sell the flaming fish, angel fish, 
                                and the dog fish.
darkct13.zip   14198 08-05-2024 Dark Cloak Tavern v1.3
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Max Larive [FieldSoft]
                                BBS: (450)679-7599
                                Go to the good old Tavern in the very
                                forest many fought the Red Dragon. See
                                Grizelda, gamble with Aladdin, gossip
                                with Chance, women can flirt him.
davin091.zip  118231 08-05-2024           Dave's Inn v.0.91 LORD INN
                                   IGM using  LORD 3.5's inn  routines. 
                                   events!  Now $1.  Comport routines included
                                   Full PLAYER.DAT compatibility!
dbmv73.zip    102459 08-05-2024   -=-=Dragon's Breath Mountain v.73=-=-  
                                An IGM for LORD. Multi-BBS, Multi-Node,  
                                MultiTasking Aware and it can be in its  
                                own directory. A whole new mountain top  
                                to explore and conquer. Unlock the power 
                                and mystery that is within.              
                                **Fixes the "F1 for command" bug**       
                                **Has its own Monster Editor!**          
                                **Easy Installation and Configuration!** 
                                Written By: Ricky Friesen
dbs102.zip     56315 08-05-2024 -=Dragon's Breath Square V1.02, LORD IGM=-
                                In Game Module for the door game LORD.
                                Several shops to visit, including a clinic,
                                casino, church, a school and more, one of
                                the biggest and best IGMs yet. Only $1.00
                                to register. -=-=-  By Alan Edward Boyer.
dcl201.zip    162518 08-05-2024 |10Dragon's Claw Tavern v2.01 - LORD IGM
                                |10  Dragon's Claw Tavern, (DCLord), adds
                                |10 another Tavern to LORD, and underground
                                |10 realm, Wendy(!), new weapons and armour 
                                |10 to buy.  And a whole lot more!
                                |15  LORD 3.50+ |04REQUIRED|15 to Stay the
                                |03 A |15Crazy Boy |03Production  ($5)
ddc_2d025.zip   68205 08-05-2024 |10  Dragon's Den Casino |02v0.25 - |10LORD
                                IGM |04BETA!
                                |10  Dragon's Den Casino, (DDCasino), adds
                                |10 a Casino to the Realm of the Red Dragon.
                                |10 5 Games now... More to come!
                                |03 A |15Crazy Boy |03Production  (CallWare)
death101.zip   32906 08-05-2024 [?7h[255D[0;1m//---/[ [32mIGM For Lord 2 [37m
                                  [37mDeath's Land Of Fun [5;33mV1.01
                                [53C[0;1mThis IGM Has Not ConflictedThis Is My
                                3rd IGM So Far. This IGM Features[9CWith Other
                                IGM. No Worries
                                Lots Of New Things. Hope You Will Enjoy I
                                .[10CBut I'll Keep You Updated
                                This IGM Consists Of Items. For SysOps Who
                                Had[7COr You Can Help Me Out.
                                Edited/Created The Items Before, Pleas
                                Read[9CMail Me If You Find Bugs
                                The Doc File *VERY* *VERY* Carefull
                                .[16CConflicts Or Other Craps.
                                [0;1mFor Those SysOps Who Had Never
                                Edited/Created[8C[31m[PROJECTS WORKING ON NOW
                                [37mAny Items, Juz Unzip This IGM Over Your
                                Directory And *OVER WRITE* It. Nothing Will Go
                                Wrong Working On Final Version
                                [53CWorking On "The Battle Of
                                It Will Work Perfactly If You Have Thi
                                :[12CWit IGM"
                                [5m- [0;1mLORD 2 Final Version. (Version 1.00
                                )[15CCreating A NEWWORLD Soon.
                                [5m- [0;1mLORD 2 (Registered Version)
                                /-/[[0;36mCreator[1;37m: [32mYang Qingwei[37m
                                [37mYang's Empire BBS o65-581-1224 24hrs
                                [37mFireball BBS o65-383-3868 24hrs 33600bps
death1_2d9.zip   92273 08-05-2024     -=DeAtH lOrD=-
                                DeAtH lOrD Has New Screens
                                Monsters, Witch Make
                                It A Totally New Game With
                                Creatures Like The 'Blue
                                Dragon' And 'NiTaC'. It is
                                Almost A Story. I Think
                                Your User's Will Like It.
                                   -=\/ersion 1.9=-
death1_9.zip   94096 08-05-2024     -=DeAtH lOrD=-
                                DeAtH lOrD Has New Screens
                                Monsters, Witch Make
                                It A Totally New Game With
                                Creatures Like The 'Blue
                                Dragon' And 'NiTaC'. It is
                                Almost A Story. I Think
                                Your User's Will Like It.
                                   -=\/ersion 1.9=-
death2b3.zip  195009 08-05-2024 -=DeAtH lOrD 2 .3=-
                                  DeAtH lOrD 2 for LORD
                                Has a ANSI Menu Set, new
                                  monsters ,A new main
                                monster Ralis with ANSI
                                opening ANSIs. New death
                                 & win quotes. Loads of
                                    other changes.
                                 Version Date: 01/13/96
demon01.zip    47403 08-05-2024  |07A Butcher's Shoppe Production
                                |07The Demon Lord's Menu Set - for Lord
                                |15New Intro Ansi's, Ansi Artwork, and
                                |15this set will BLOW!! the rest AWAY!
                                |15The Most Graphical Menu set yet!
depress.zip    24167 08-05-2024  The Depression Of The Red Dragon
                                 Menu sets!! A TDT Inc. Production.
                                 Interesting back ground...
descnt15.zip   24507 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                Descent of the Dragon v1.50
                                   an IGM for LORD II
                                Fight the Blue Dragon and
                                her babies.  Soda Machine
                                Patch included.
deth2b3.zip   195009 08-05-2024 -=DeAtH lOrD 2 .3=-
                                  DeAtH lOrD 2 for LORD
                                Has a ANSI Menu Set, new
                                  monsters ,A new main
                                monster Ralis with ANSI
                                opening ANSIs. New death
                                 & win quotes. Loads of
                                    other changes.
                                 Version Date: 01/13/96
dethmenu.zip   23872 08-05-2024 A new set of menus for LORD.
dev150.zip    237108 08-05-2024                        
                                  MetaLHeaD Softwarez   Ŀ
                                    Devils Island v1.50    
                                 Nice igm, with bar, warping
                                 a quest, fishing, training   
                                 an inn with soda,ice,snack
                                 machine, also a bar with a
                                 bathroom with a condom dis
                                   pencer! check it out!
                                     By: DemoNKnighT
                                  Rel: 12-07-97 10:22am
dev666.zip    199854 08-05-2024                        
                                  MetaLHeaD Softwarez   Ŀ
                                 Devils Island v.666 Beta  
                                  Kick ASS iGM, With a Bar 
                                 Fishing, CityHall, TelePor
                                ts. Even a quest!. Kill bab
                                y Dragon. and so much more!
                                       !TrY It!            
                                UnZiP In a temp dir, not L2!
                                for use with new world only
                                Drk ds sĿ
                                2i5.487.7315 Obv
devil201.zip   22009 08-05-2024 Devil's Rage IGM v2.01
                                Everything is fixed in
                                this version.
                                *Fun little fights
                                *Neato hell landscape
dimensia.zip   24653 08-05-2024 (...Dimensia lord add-on...)
                                 __   __ __    __ ___ __   __ ____ __ ___
                                |   \|  |   \/   |   |   \|  |    |  |   |  
                                | \  |  |        |  _|       |_ |_|  |  |  
                                |  | |  |        |  _|       | |  |  | | |
                                |____|__|__|\/|__|___|__|\ __|____|__|_| |
                                Lord add-on by Belial                  |_|
disco100.zip    4336 08-05-2024 
divinec.zip     5476 08-05-2024  DIVINE COMEDY lord2igm 
                                 One a day bonus for LORD ][  
                                Players need to give Peter a  
                                Skystaff first, though. And   
                                they need to be very good/bad 
                                ...  Author: TALAPHID@JUNO.COM
diyi400.zip   155297 08-05-2024 DIYIGM (LORD IGM) v 4.00
                                DIYIGM is an IGM that allows you to
                                make your own IGM with easy, yet powerful
                                script language!
                                1. Uses LORD's file locking/file sharing
                                2. Can be use in multitasking environments
                                3. Can allow more than one user at a time
                                4. Automatic install feature allows for 5
                                   minutes installation!
                                5. No unregistration beeps!
                                6. Compeletely new idea!
                                7. Comes with it's own scripts!
                                Bugs fixed!
dklord.zip     37154 08-05-2024 
                                            Legend of Dark Knight          
                                Enter a fantasy world of comic books as you  
                                search the streets seeking supervillians,    
                                fight other superheroes, flirt with super
                                and heroines, and more!                      
                                Just copy this over your existing LORD game
                                become the hero you've always wanted to be!  
                                Made for LORD's latest version!              
dklv220b.zip   43179 08-05-2024 DK-LOTTO v2.20 BETA [LORD IGM] Loads of fun
                                and adds spice to your LORD game. EIGHT
                                possible prizes and it won't unbalance the
                                game! Now supports the LORD dropfiles and no
                                longer requires an external program for daily
dlair18.zip    60383 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=Red Dragons' Lair v1.8=-=-=-=-
                                  An IGM for Seth Robinsons' Legend
                                  of the Red Dragon, where you can
                                  Mine for Gems, Pan for Gold, fight
                                  the Green or the Purple Dragon, &
                                  Check-out Dragon Queens' Market,
                                  plus many other challenges.
                                  Written with Korombos' Pascal
                                  IGMDRV. Only $5 to register.
dle160.zip     60023 08-05-2024 LORD ADD-ON
                                Deluxe Lord Editor! V1.60 Includes:
                                  Very Nice player editor, Enemy
                                  editor, and the one, possibly the
                                  only, LORDTXT.DAT & LORDEXT.DAT
                                  menu editor, allows you to load
                                  and save menus/screens from
                                  LORDTXT.DAT & LORDEXT.DAT in both
                                  ANSI and LORD colour codes! It
                                  also has built in mouse support!
                                  Now auto-detects extended text
                                  modes. Bug release, fixes ANSI
                                  saving bug in menu editor.
                                (c) 1996 CyST Productions.
dllord.zip     50127 08-05-2024 DLLORD is a menu set and monster set. Designed
                                for Legend Of the Red Dragon  
                                RPG by Seth Able Robinson. DLLORD is FREEWARE.
                                From Dark Lair Software. 
dllord20.zip   28713 08-05-2024 DLLORD20 is a menu set and monster set.
                                Designed for Legend Of the Red Dragon  
                                V-3.55 RPG by Seth Able Robinson. DLLORD20 is
                                From Dark Lair Software.
dlrealm.zip    33375 08-05-2024   -= REALM OF THE DARK LORD =-
                                    Legend of the Red Dragon            
                                enhancement program. Bring a new
                                feel of danger to your LORD game!
                                Full menu support and 121 totally
                                new monsters!
                                   ***PRINCE PUBLICATIONS***
dm01.zip       37682 08-05-2024 DSE Lord Monster Editor .1
                                Edit Lord monsters fast and
                                easily with this program.
                                by Code Red.
dmncav.zip      7036 08-05-2024 
doc300a.zip    74425 08-05-2024 Doc Farrell v3.00a
                                LORD II IGM
                                AUTHOR: Kevin Farrell
                                EMAIL: kfarrell@kearney.net
                                Doc Farrell is a doctors office
                                about 2 miles south of the Stonepass
                                Lodge.  The Doc will heal you, give
                                you money (if you get the password),
                                and there is a hidden cave which you
                                can go to if you find it and the key!
domanu10.zip    4292 08-05-2024 ------The Realm Of Domanu------
                                A very dum IGM for Seth Able
                                Robinson's LORD ][:The New World.
                                Specially made for unregistered games.
                                Defeat the beast Domanu and
                                talk to his crazy master.
                                By Sam Wilson.
                                E-mail : avatar@clear.co.nz to comment.
domi221.zip    14578 08-05-2024 Dominus Castle v2.21
                                Lord 2 IGM
                                Author: Stephen Walls
                                E-Mail: SaintLocke@aol.com
                                This castle contains a training center 
                                in which only the people in the 
                                castle can use, an Armoury, Wizard, 
                                Generals, even a war room, it also
                                contains 6 bedrooms!  A must have!
                                NEW: Allows people to place 50,000$
                                bounties and you can sneek into other
                                castles. Now Dominus castle has a bank!
                                And, here at Dominus Castle, Bobby
                                likes to spend a weekend relaxing ;)
doomlord.zip   27135 08-05-2024                       DOOMLORD.ZIP
                                                    by Chris Calhoun
                                             Edits LORDTXT.DAT and LENEMY.DAT
                                             Features the monsters from DOOM.
dragansi.zip   12953 08-05-2024 Collection of ANSI Dragon
                                Screens.  Convenient to Use
                                As Congratulations, Tips or
                                Rules for LORD Games.
dragford.zip   24823 08-05-2024 -=*>    Dragsonsford for Lord   <*=-
                                    Kewl lordtxt replacement from
                                    the SysOp of Paradox's Den Bbs
draghunt.zip   32171 08-05-2024 
dream02.zip    33134 08-05-2024 Castle of the DreamLord .02  LORD IGM
                                Fixes the bug that was in 01    
                                So why not download it?
drgnhmv3.zip   19286 08-05-2024 Dragon's Den Housing v3.00 by Codax
                                I have decided to make this igm a 
                                freeware igm.  All I asked was a 
                                little help with getting my BBS up
                                but no one wanted to pitch in just
                                $5 dollars.  I would still like don-
                                ations.  For info on donations email
                                me at Codax_dragon@juno.com  Dragon's
                                Den Housing lets you rent out 4 hutts
                                and 2 houses and lets you own 3 castles
                                each with it's own suprise.  Stone me
                                if you dare!  Listen to Darlatia's tale
                                about the Dragon & Phoenix War.  Enjoy!
drgnhome.zip   12157 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                      Dragon's Den Housing by Codax Dragon
                                        Copyright 1997 Dragon's Den ULTD.
                                              AN IGM FOR LORD2 1.00+
dside102.zip   57995 08-05-2024 DownSide Tavern v1.02 Beta LORD IGM
                                Yet another Tavern.. with a twist
                                     - AI Chat with Tunas
                                     - Live Chat for Players
                                     - An alternative to Violet =>
                                More to come..
dsprhpv2.zip    8005 08-05-2024 The Cave of Hope & Despair
                                Enter a cave of both hope
                                and despair.  Take caution
                                as you search for the chest
                                watch out for waterholes and
                                the magic that can both hurt
                                you and heal you!  Help out
                                a lost warrior in the caves
                                once a day...but that's not
dsrtlord.zip   31647 08-05-2024 Desert LORD
                                Feel The Heat Of The
                                Scorching Sun As You
                                Trek Around The Desert
                                Of Fury, Searching For
                                Your Next Kill. Add-On
                                For LORD 3.26
dtu13.zip      49645 08-05-2024 Dragon Town University v1.3 [IGM] 
                                 Go to school! Real questions
                                 definable by sysop.  Great! 
                                 Enter only once a day.        
                                 Dekka Visions(c) 1995       
dweeb128.zip  110885 08-05-2024    Dweebo The Geek's Clubhouse version 1.28
                                LORD IGM
                                A silly little FREEWARE in-game module for
                                Legend of the Red Dragon.
easter11.zip   20870 08-05-2024 Easter Egg Hunt v1.1 -=- IGM for WT-LORD in
                                32bit wcCODE! for WT-LORD v2.5 and Higher!
                                In this IGM you are able to search for a
                                suprise easter egg and stay the night!
                                by Aaron Wornom & Sweet Dreams Software.
                                FEATURES:  SUPPORTS Mutiple WT-LORD Games
                                           Stay overnight
                                           Animation support!
                                           EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
                                           This update released 4/16/98
egyptlrd.zip   28523 08-05-2024 Jason Peterson's "Egypt Lord"
elflord.zip    25268 08-05-2024 Elves in the Land of the Red Dragon!
                                 Add-On for Legend Of The Red Dragon
                                 This program gives your LORD game
                                 the elves of Underhill. An adaptation
                                 ot the Serrated Edge Series.
                                 Free Ware!!!! Enjoy the Game!
                                 Programmed by Jonathan R Holman
eman131b.zip   44358 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                        Strong Man I's e-Man World V.1.31
                                     Freeware Lord IGM By Charles J. Feldmeier
                                         Now You Can Play Pac-Man To Win Gold.
                                     Support: The Weible Street Station (Space
                                        Internet E-mail: ccc@telerama.lm.com
                                          WWW Page: http://www.lm.com/~ccc
eros70.zip     51712 08-05-2024 
ersch23.zip    55378 08-05-2024 Erschlagenhalle, is a 32 bit IGM for WTLORD,
                                where the player can 
                                get a job, get healed, get a fairy. The user
                                can Flirt, Steal a Horse.
                                Medieval in content.
erthlord.zip   50117 08-05-2024 LORD after the EARTHQUAKE!
et100.zip      35099 08-05-2024 Elaikses Tower v1.00- A LORD IGM
                                For LORD v3.52+  Use to balance
                                game or just for fun!
et200.zip      33273 08-05-2024 Elaikses Tower v2.00- A LORD IGM
                                For LORD v3.55.  No more limiting
                                functions.  Just good clean fun!
evenlord.zip   24880 08-05-2024     Evening in The Realm of LORD
                                 Add-On for Legend Of The Red Dragon
                                 This program gives your LORD game
                                 all the trappings of falling night. 
                                 Free Ware!!!! Enjoy the Game!
                                     Programmed by Jonathan R Holman
event16.zip    31790 08-05-2024      LordEvent v1.6! For L.O.R.D. v3.25+      
                                  Create 100% configurable random daily 
                                  events.  Add anything, write anything, 
                                  powerful editor, FREEWARE!  By SOS!
ever17.zip    193050 08-05-2024 "EverGreen Cemetery" v1.7 -=- IGM for WT-LORD
                                in 32bit wcCODE! for WT-LORD v2.5 and Higher!
                                ENTER the Gates of EverGreen and you will
                                never be the same! Included Y2K Date Checking
                                Another fun *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                FEATURES:  SUPPORTS Mutiple WT-LORD Games
                                           Allows Players to SLEEP in the IGM
                                           Lots of Hidden Stuff!
                                           EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
exfun103.zip   14867 08-05-2024 Extacy's Land Of Fun
                                Lord 2 IGM PATCH Version
                                1.03 Created On 11/7/97
                                Programmer : Yang Qingwei
                                LORD2 Registered Version Needed
                                {Ansi Removed and Fileid added
                                 by LORD_FDN}
exptlord.zip   20654 08-05-2024 ¿        
                                 Another Eyeball, Inc. Production Ŵ        
                                 EXPERT LORD Ŵ        
                                 Lordtxt.dat replacement Ŵ        
                                 IMPROVED Expert Mode! Ŵ        
                                 Skip the graphx! Ŵ        
                                 Decrease time in LORD! Ŵ        
extitem3.zip   54123 08-05-2024 Externally Defined Items package v3
                                Lord 2 Utility
                                Author: Michael Hutson
                                E-Mail: MikeHutson@juno.com
                                Items are added to Lord 2 using L2CFG but 
                                this requires manual entering each item. As a
                                Lord 2 IGM writer, I was convinced there had 
                                to be a way that IGM writers could create 
                                their own custom items, and add them auto-
                                matically to Lord2. This package does that. 
extrlord.zip   28818 08-05-2024 <>
                                   ExtremeANSi MenuSet  v1.2
                                Includes 5 new ansi's which will
                                match the internal LORD ansi's,
                                only making them much better!!
                                   NO CHEEZY ANSI'S HERE!!
                                Also includes new bar texts, as
                                well as many new random sayings!
fair266a.zip  297456 08-05-2024 The Faire 2.66a - If your users love LORD..
                                .This is just as cool!
                                10 levels, wander the streets, rob the bank,
                                try to survive long enough
                                to make it to the faire, kill other users,
                                write mail to them, find hidden
                                maps, a master player level, and more. This
                                game will always be growing!
                                You can even add your own 'other areas' to the
                                game. I even provide a 
                                player datafile structure so you can write
                                your own external apps!
                                Includes versions for Wc4.01, 4.11, 4.12 !!
                                Coming soon The Faire for Wildcat 5.0!    <<-
                                Should be by 2-28-96
                                Another great WcCode app from :
                                          Carl Tice
                                       THE BAD BOY BBS!
fair407.zip   201467 08-05-2024 MOONDUST'S COUNTY FAIR - STANDALONE DOORGAME
                                Spend a Day at the Fair. Visit Balloon Pop &
                                Medicine Man. Be a Pie Eating Champ. Plant a 
                                wet one on a sweetie at the Kissing Booth. 
                                Join the Spear Toss & Javelin Throw Tourneys.
                                Haunted & Enchanted Forests. Fairy Catch. 
                                Slosh enemies in the Dunk Tank! MoonChat.
                                Guess Fairy's Weight. Optional LORD IGM.
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
faire401.zip  486994 08-05-2024 The Faire 4.00 - RPG game - can be used as an
                                IGM to WT-LORD! Has 10 levels, wander the
                                streets, rob the bank, try to survive long
                                enough to make it to The Faire, kill other
                                users, write mail to them, find hidden maps,
                                a master player level, and more. This game
                                will always be growing! You can even add your
                                own 'other areas' to the game. I even provide
                                a player datafile structure so you can write
                                your own external apps!
falltxt.zip    48169 08-05-2024            Ŀ
                                 Fall Lord            
                                  This one here changes
                                  Your text in lord to
                                  fit the weather
                                  conditions of Fall
                                  (most of the ANSIs)
                                  too... this will
                                  probably only work
                                  for v3.50 and above
farm1_0.zip    24354 08-05-2024  -=-=- Ye Olde Farm ver 1.0 for Lord2 -=-=-
                                 Visit this old farm in the forest. Solve
                                 the mystery, and you'll be able to farm
                                 for gold!
                                     Tech'N Software - Lloyd Hannesson
                                 http://www.techn.com/ --  support@techn.com
fel1_9.zip     77272 08-05-2024  -=-=- Felicity's Temple v1.9  LORD IGM -=-=-
                                   A new IGM for LORD. Explore this Ancient
                                   Temple. Meet Felicity, and her disciples
                                   Try to find the Janitor! Pray for Stats!
                                       Easy Configuration and Set-up!!
                                      Tech'N Software - Lloyd Hannesson
ff600.zip     765008 08-05-2024 Food Fight II - v6.00 (WC5 WcCode) - 32 bit
                                game for WC5. Can also 
                                now be used as an IGM for WT-LORD!
                                Check this one out!
                                The Realm of Vandora
ffearv25.zip   13423 08-05-2024 [?7h[255D[0;1;30;47m[4
                                 [47m[40m[47m[1C[40m [47m[40m
                                [47m[40m (C)
                                [47m[40m  [47m[40m[47m[1C[40m  
                                [47m[40m [47m[
                                [0;36mVisit Fortress Fear [1;30;47m[40m
                                [47m[40m [47m[40m[47m[1C[40m[47m[40m
                                [0;36mand buy your own    [1;30;47m[40m
                                [47m[40m [47m[40m[47m[1C[40m
                                [0;36mhouse! Talk to the  [1;30m  v.0.25
                                [0;36mking and his guards. Steal from them
                                and get thrown in prision!
                                    Copyright 1997 D/rK /\/iGHt
ffearv30.zip   23895 08-05-2024  ߰ ߰ ߰ ߰    (C)
                                  ܱ       ܱ ܱ
                                Visit Fortress Fear   ߰ ߰
                                and buy your own       ߱ 
                                house! Talk to the    v.0.30 
                                king and his guards. Steal from them
                                and get thrown in prision!
                                    Copyright 1997 D/rK /\/iGHt
fglad100.zip    4616 08-05-2024 The Faerie Glade IGM for LORD 2 Beta 7+
                                Visit the Faerie Glade and talk to some
                                Faeeries! Talk to the Faerie Queen, who
                                says 9 different things! "Arrange the
                                Flowers" to leave a message, like in
                                LORD 3.55!
                                Freeware from ShroomTrip Software. 
                                Written by Jay Weber
fgrave.zip      6030 08-05-2024 Father's Grave IGM for LORD 2 v1.00
                                by ASC & Resurrection
                                Find your father's grave and complete his
                                given task to lay him in peace at last!
                                Simple to install, no LORD 2 files overwritten
fg_v2_2d0.zip   72349 08-05-2024 Fun & Games
                                This IGM will allow your callers to
                                play 3 different games to gain some
                                "stuff." A numbers guessing game,
                                a fortune tellers wagon, and a word
                                scramble game! Completely SysOp
                                configurable. Comes with a simple
                                utility that allows you to add words
                                to the scrambled words game database!
                                PostCard Ware, by SHARKware
                                Copyright (c) 1995, 1999 SHARKware
fig012.zip     51308 08-05-2024 
                                       ڿ           ڿ       
                                        IGARO CASTL        
                                A LORD 2 IGM by VooDoo KnighT
                                BIGGEST, BADDEST, BEST IGM by
                                the man himself! New kick ass
                                rooms and secrets! D/load NOW
                                {Pipe Codes Removed by LORDFDN}
figar127.zip   30919 08-05-2024 
figaro12.zip   30938 08-05-2024 
fires101.zip  161937 08-05-2024 Fireside Chat 1.01 (tm) IGM by G.A.C. 
                                Computer Services.  MULTINODE REALTIME user 
                                chat by the fireside.  Allows users to chat
                                with each other EVEN IF THEY ARE IN DIFFERENT
                                LORD GAMES!  Support for all BBSs and comm 
                                routines LORD supports, original ANSI art, 
                                RIP, chat actions.  NO MODIFICATIONS, just
                                multi-lord game chat!  Players can page
                                another player in ANY lord game from the
                                fireside.  Works with Major BBS Correctly!
fish.zip        9673 08-05-2024 Go fishing catch old skipper and even get beat
                                up by barraks mom!!
fish10.zip     94645 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... Let's go fishing...
                                try your luck in the creek,
                                the river, or even the ocean.
fish10b.zip     5701 08-05-2024 -= Fishing Docks for LORD2 =-
                                A simple IGM for LORD2 V1.01a
                                or newer.  Includes 6 new maps
                                and a .ref file.  EASY INSTALL!
                                Makes several NEW fishing Docs
                                in the game for all you fish
                                lovers out there.
fitepach.zip   26977 08-05-2024 LORD ][: TQFM Fight Patch
                                This will fix the problem
                                with the game freezing up
                                and/or chrashing during a
                                fight. It will also relocate
                                a player who is on a bad
                                screen to map 155. Just
                                unzip the file into your
                                Quest For Mom dir., and
                                answer Yes to all questions.
                                Author : Jay Weber
                                (C) 1997 ShroomTrip Software
                                E-Mail: elric@innocent.com
                                Support: kender@innocent.com
fixed.zip      41567 08-05-2024 Some fixed and new LORDTXT.DAT files for LORD
                                They ROCK!! Check em out...
flea111.zip    51397 08-05-2024 The Red Dragon Flea Market v1.11 LORD IGM
                                    Freeware IGM where users can buy
                                    and sell stuff. The Red Dragon Pet
                                    Shop is in the market so when you
                                    get this file, sysops, delete
                                    PTSHP10A.ZIP from the board.
                                    Now includes United Red Dragon
                                           ****BUG FIX****
flink100.zip    4029 08-05-2024 FLiNK'S HoWSe iGM FoR LoRD2..
                                FiRST LoCaL (NeWFouNDLaND LoCaL
                                i MeaN) iGM MaDe iF You HaVe eVeR
                                SeeN CRaZY MaN'S HouSe LoRD2 iGM,
                                THiS iS SiMiLaR (ReaLLY)
                                MaDe iN 5 MiNS, So DoN'T BLaMe Me
                                FoR eRRoRS...
fmm103a.zip    97867 08-05-2024 ķ
                                 Fat Man's Misery ver 1.03a - IGM for LORD.
                                 Seth Robinson says, "Wow! I like it!!     
                                 I approve of it. It actually has some new 
                                 and interesting things! Nice new formats."
                                 The game is based on the premise that a   
                                 player who is too fat with gold and gems, 
                                 must drop some before exiting through a   
                                 small slit in the mountain.  Game editor, 
                                 Multiple heathens in a fight, ability to  
                                 use skills, hidden choices, a contest,    
                                 2 games and many more challenging choices.
                                 Written in Turbo Pascal 7.0 using DDPLUS. 
                                       (c) 1996 by John A. Tucker          
fmm104a.zip   120635 08-05-2024 ķ
                                 Fat Man's Misery! ver 1.04a - IGM for LORD
                                 Seth A. Robinson says, "Wow! I like it!!  
                                 I approve of it. It actually has some new 
                                 and interesting things! Nice new formats."
                                 The game is based on the premise that a   
                                 player who is too fat with gold and gems, 
                                 must drop some before exiting through a   
                                 small slit in the mountain.  Game editor, 
                                 Multiple heathens in a fight, ability to  
                                 use skills, hidden choices, a contest,    
                                 2 games and many more challenging choices.
                                 Written in Turbo Pascal 7.0 using DDPLUS. 
                                       (c) 1996 by John A. Tucker          
foi101.zip     54818 08-05-2024 Forest Of Intrigue - LORD IGM
                                FOI v1.00 for LORD v3.55.  
                                Explore the forest, over 30
                                separate events.  There is a
                                method for finding all events.
                                No rewards without risks!
                                Stay In The Forest or Dungeon!
                                Fight new Monsters!
forge10.zip    85260 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... The Forgery.
                                Take the 35 gold piece tour,
                                or perhaps you might prefer
                                to apply for a job.... 
freddy10.zip   15585 08-05-2024 FAST FREDDY'S GEM EMPORIUM v1.0
                                Lord 2 IGM
                                Author: Robby Dittmann
                                E-Mail: robbyd@sprynet.com
                                From Mamoosoft Programming.
                                This Lord2 IGM adds a place for
                                users to buy and sell gems.
ft1_0.zip      13909 08-05-2024  -=-=- Felicity's Temple ver 1.0 for Lord2
                                 A new IGM for Lord 2. Talk to Felicity, find
                                 the Janitor, purchase a new home! 
                                        Tech'N Software - Lloyd Hannesson
ftown066.zip  158074 08-05-2024 Fairy Town IGM Beta Test Version  0.66
                                for   LORD.    Visit  Fairy  Town  and
                                discover it's  secrets.  Exchange some
                                Gems for Potions and take  the  chance
                                of  drinking them.  Adoptions.  Games.
                                Fight the  Giants!   Find the Amamzon!
                                Try your luck at the Poker Casino too.
                                Not a general public  release.   Beta!
                                By  Mike  Zrichuk  -  The  Studio  BBS
                                Toronto, Ontario, Canada.  1:2424/1058
ftown100.zip  165066 08-05-2024 Fairy Town IGM  Version 1.00 for LORD.
                                Visit  Fairy  Town  and  discover it's
                                hidden  secrets.   Adoptions.   Games.
                                Fight the Giants!  Find the Amazon  or
                                the   Trojan   Warrior,  if  you  can!
                                Exchange your  Gems  for Potions.  Try
                                your luck at  the  Poker  Casino  too.
                                Catch  a  Fairy or set your Fairy free
                                for  very   special   rewards!   Fully
                                multinode capable. Super-easy install.
fun11.zip      60933 08-05-2024 Fun & Games v1.1. Another LORD IGM!
                                Freeware! This IGM will allow your
                                callers to play 3 different games to
                                gain some "stuff." A numbers guessing
                                game, a fortune tellers wagon, and a
                                word scramble game! Completely SysOp
                                configurable. Comes with a simple
                                utility that allows you to add words
                                to the scrambled words game database!
                                From -Noel Software-
                                Copyright (c) 1995 Thomas J. Smith
fworld54.zip  127633 08-05-2024 FREEWORLD....A FREE IGM Module for LORD DOOR
fworld57.zip  278145 08-05-2024 FREEWORLD 5.7 L.O.R.D. IGM
fxrip_b1.zip   79379 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=FX RIP v.beta 1=-=-=-=-
                                RIP Users can now have RIP & FX
                                Sound on Virtually ANY BBS & in
                                Virtually ANY ANSI\Text Door as
                                well as Interactive RIP Offline
                                Both RIP 1.54 and 2.2 formats! 
                                 Requires RIPterm 1.54 or 2.2
                                   FREEWARE by Mike Collard
                                Midnight's Realm  (505)254-9415
galaexy.zip    28865 08-05-2024 |09Galactic Warriors menu set for Lord.
                                A new story and some really cool ansi
                                screens.Done at the Children of Galaexy.
galagher.zip   31501 08-05-2024 ***NEW*** IGM for LORD!!
                                GALLAGHER'S PERFORMANCE.
                                Help Gallagher make some
                                of the most disguesting
                                pies around and then smack
                                them into the crowd for
                                various amount of rewards.
                                V1.00 Helmet Inc. Software.
galwar20.zip  199823 08-05-2024 Galactic Warriors 2.0
                                The (IGM) for LORD
                                Children of Galaexy
                                Simply the finest
                                Check This out!
garlord.zip    32440 08-05-2024 Gargoyle LORD!
                                An acsessory for LORD, 
                                all players are Gargoyles!
                                Easy Installation! No Hassle!
gate10.zip     77697 08-05-2024          The Gateway v1.0 LORD IGM
                                For LORD 3.25+ - This program allows scripts
                                called RHPs to be created and ran as if they
                                were full IGMs!  From the author of The LORD
                                Cavern, FREEWARE.
gateway.zip   151433 08-05-2024 . The Gate Way To Heaven .
                                       New IGM for lord 
                                Find the gods and get there help
                                  Buy Potion's,Catch Fairy's
                                      And Much Much More
                                                 By Arthur Lewis
gdale20.zip     9103 08-05-2024 The Lands of Glendale
                                A moderate size IGM for
                                LORD2. My Best yet
                                    BY: FLiNK
getput11.zip   27416 08-05-2024 -=GET, PUT, and WHO by Jeremy Stewart.=-
                                Makes writing LORD add-on modules 
                                easier than ever before!
                                GET 1.0 Extracts ALL the player information
                                the PLAYER.DAT for your LORD add-on modules.
                                PUT 1.1 Writes all the modified information to
                                the PLAYER.DAT file.
                                WHO 1.0 Lists the players and their BBS names
ghostlor.zip   32593 08-05-2024 @X09-=@XF1<--STARFLEET SUPPLY-->@X09=-
                                @X02 another cool menu for LORDS.......
                                @X02 this one is called Ghost Lord......
ghostlrd.zip   32777 08-05-2024 Ghostlord - Change LORD into a Ghostown!
gift100.zip     4671 08-05-2024     =-=> Giftman for LORD2 <=-=
                                    A cool IGM for Lord2 V1.01a
                                   or newer. Includes 1 replaced
                                     map and 1 new .ref file.
                                    Look for other IGM's and other 
                                       stuff from Hell Software
                                      =-=> Hell Software <=-=  
                                     =-=> Andreas Svendsen <=-=
                                     =-=> Rolfas@online.no <=-=
givers10.zip    5536 08-05-2024 Greentree Givers V1.0
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Spencer Vickers aka Mountie
                                This IGM is here for IGM`s that
                                don't give back the Smackrod or
                                Gryphon Moon. You can make it
                                so that some users still can't
                                get them back if you have takin
                                them away from the user. Enjoy!
globe112.zip  259636 08-05-2024 Global Registries v1.12 for Lord II 1.01a
                                by Mike Freeman. At last! A way to record
                                your  own  personal  customized  registry
                                entry  about   your  Lord  II  character.
                                Completely  definable,  allowing  you  to
                                give  a  touch  of  personality  to  your
                                appearance in Lord II. Requires v1.01a of
                                Lord II. Unzip GLOBE112.ZIP to  an  empty
                                directory then read the docs  on  how  to
                                install. Questions about this module  can
                                be  directed  to  me  at  the   following
                                addresses: Majornet: aussie@cfe
                                           Internet: auzzi@bigfoot.com
                                      **   RATED A 4-STAR ADD-ON  **
                                Copyright(c) 1997 - 1998 AuSSie Creations
gm100.zip       7906 08-05-2024  -=-=- Greentree Manor ver 1.0 for Lord2
                                 A small house in Greentree. Cheap, no frills
                                 With the lower levels in mind :)
                                                 CHRiS Belanger
gmtxptch.zip    8862 08-05-2024  -=  Lord II Gametxt.ref Patch  =-
                                 This bug fix for LORD II 1.01a *ONLY* 
                                 Players were not receiving credit
                                for killing other players. Players   
                                 will now be credited for killing 
                                 other players. Which is useful in 
                                 some IGM's that read the "KILL" 
                                 stat. Read enclosed text for full
                                         Brought to you by
go135.zip     238692 08-05-2024  Galactic Overlord 1.35 BBS Door Game 
                                GO is a game of galactic conquest.  Each
                                player will attempt to control a universe of
                                planets.  GO has 20+ ANSI screens/animation
                                and is Multi-node friendly!  Uses JSW
                                Resource Files that contain all of the ANSI,
                                doc, etc. files for the game.  Supports
                                std/nonstd comm ports, FOSSIL, and
                                DigiBoards. Now DV, Win, and OS/2 aware.
gorilla.zip     7502 08-05-2024  Gorilla Villa lord2igm 
                                 A whole additional town for  
                                LORD ][ with some twists. Try 
                                it. Challenge the chief for   
                                the money!! Set house prices! 
gpww1_2.zip    33695 08-05-2024 -=GET, PUT, WHO and WHO IS -=FINAL RELEASE=-
                                by Jeremy Stewart.=-
                                Makes writing LORD add-on modules easier than
                                ever before!
                                GET 1.2 Extracts ALL the player information
                                from the PLAYER.DAT.
                                PUT 1.1 Writes all the modified information to
                                the PLAYER.DAT file.
                                WHO 1.1 Lists the players and their BBS names
                                WHO 1.0 IS Lists one particular player and
                                his/her BBS name.
gra1_5.zip     65212 08-05-2024  -=- The Warrior's Graveyard v1.5 LORD IGM
                                  A new IGM for LORD. Explore this graveyard.
                                  Meet the Grave digger or the Old Hag. Try
                                  to find the Ghosts who haunt this place!
                                       Easy Configuration and Set-up!!
                                             !!! FREEWARE !!!
                                      Tech'N Software - Lloyd Hannesson
gra1_7.zip    110595 08-05-2024  -=- The Warrior's Graveyard v1.7 LORD IGM
                                  A new IGM for LORD. Explore this graveyard.
                                  Meet the Grave digger or the Old Hag. Try
                                  to find the Ghosts who haunt this place!
                                       Easy Configuration and Set-up!!
                                             !!! FREEWARE !!!
                                      Tech'N Software - Lloyd Hannesson
grave20.zip    44701 08-05-2024 The Graveyard (wcCODE 5) Wt-Lord 2.5+ IGM
                                An EXCELLENT IGM for Wildcat Tournament Lord.
                                Explore the Graveyard, fight different
                                monsters, RESURRECT People (Done SAFELY does
                                NOT ruin game, is limited), dig up graves,
                                get laid, chat on the wall, sell gems,
                                and find out the secret of the old lady. 
                                       IceRage Technologies - 01/01/98 v2.0
grave330.zip   71414 08-05-2024 The GraveYard v3.3  LORD IGM
                                 Fixed FILE LOCKING! now WORKS
                                 Multi-Node!  Multi-line systems
                                 GET THIS FILE!
                                Written By Tommy Baker, Dig up
                                graves and steal their treasures or
                                travel to a shop, collect items on
                                the way there, and trade for rewards. 
greasy10.zip   77409 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... The Greasy Spoon.
                                Are you really all that hungry?
                                Or....  did you come to woo
                                the wench?
griz10.zip     81968 08-05-2024 Grizelda's Place 1.0
                                Freeware LORD IGM by
                                Children of Galaexy
                                Check it out!
griz100.zip     6950 08-05-2024 LORD II IGM
                                GRIZELDA'S HOUSE V1.oo
                                Talk to grizelda & her sister sherie
griz172.zip    59782 08-05-2024 Grizelda's House v1.72 -- a LORD IGM.
                                Visit with LORD's backup barmaid -- 
                                Grizelda! Also appearing are her mom 
                                and(if you're female) her brother.  
                                Companion IGM to The Apothecary by Bryan 
                                Stanbridge.  *FREEWARE*
gslord.zip     23270 08-05-2024 
gstore13.zip   46982 08-05-2024 SpellBindeR's General Store 1.30
                                An "OTHER PLACES" Add-on for Seth
                                Able's Legend of the Red Dragon 3.26
gtg15.zip      11049 08-05-2024 GreenTree Grocery Store v1.5
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Max Larive [FieldSoft]
                                BBS: (450)679-7599
                                Just like a real grocery store, this
                                cuite little add for GreenTree is the
                                perfect place to buy whatever the
                                groceries you'd be looking for!
gtxtptch.zip    9214 08-05-2024 LORD2 GAMETXT.REF UPGRADE
                                This is a simple upgrade for the main
                                Lord2 game file, that lets users have
                                more options when they are dead. Like
                                being able to send messages and being
                                able to view their own stats.
                                This also includes the upgrades the
                                LORD Stuff Pack 5a put in the .ref
                                file, so there shouldn't be any
                                problems. If you don't have the 5a
                                pack, you may want to download it,
                                as I'm not sure if this upgrade will
                                mess up if you don't have the 5a pack.
                                Made By: Spencer Vickers (aka Mountie)
                                E-Mail: Mountie_Spence@hotmail.com
guild.zip      62081 08-05-2024 
gumv212.zip    28156 08-05-2024 Gumtown v2.12
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Gum-Lass
                                E-Mail: horn@iniaccess.net.au
                                A town west of Sosen villiage that spices up
                                that dull trip.  Bet on Horses, buy Gum-Lass 
                                Castle.  New, evil and scary tough enemies!! 
                                Really cool private rooms.  An absolute gold
                                mine.  Mud Wrestling!  Fight a God & enslave 
                                him.  Get mugged by the Gumtown Bandit. Then 
                                get even! Complain to the Mayor. Hitmen-hire 
                                'em, join 'em love 'em!   Help Jon Piere get
                                his Waldorf Salad!
gurub9b.zip    14372 08-05-2024 Guru Bob and The Tree Of Knowledge V0.9 BETA 
                                Lord 2 IGM                  
                                Author: Sam Wilson
                                E-Mail: avatar@clear.net.nz
                                A pretty crap IGM as IGMs go for LORD 2.
                                Visit the Oasis and be refreshed,ask a boon
                                from Guru Bob but only once a day.
                                To install type INSTALLGB.
guy.zip         3316 08-05-2024 --==Greentree's Weird guy 1.00==--
                                 Greentree, now has it's own weird
                                   guy that sells stuff to you.
                                        By:   SpENcE
gwarlrd2.zip   23495 08-05-2024  GWARLRD2.ZIP 
                                 by Chris Calhoun 
                                 Edits LORDTXT.DAT. 
                                 Has Charlie Manson 
                                 and some  GWAR 
gwhelp.zip     16801 08-05-2024 Help file for The IGM
                                Galactic Warriors by
                                Children of Galaexy
gym216.zip     86265 08-05-2024 -=Morph's Gymnasium LORD IGM 2.16=-
                                Will not delete PLAYER.DAT files!!!
                                WORKS UNDER DESQVIEW NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
                                Armwrestle,  take  drugs, and  pump 
                                iron  to earn  HP's,  Strength  and 
                                Defense.  COMPLETELY  configurable!
                                ONLY works with LORD set to Regular 
                                Fossil.  Now fixed bug where users'
                                Gym accounts get reset. I hope!  :)
gypsy.zip      20017 08-05-2024     =-:-=-:-= Gypsy Encampment=-:-=-:-=
                                            A new IGM for Lord 2
                                       Phoenix Gaming - Michael Rodda
g_l_igm.zip     7754 08-05-2024         GARGOYLE'S LANDING IGM
                                    for Legend of the Red Dragon ][
                                       Writen by NiGHT fLYER of
                                 GARGOYLE'S LANDING BBS - (918)493-4930
                                   To reach me, my E-MAIL Address is
hate.zip        1798 08-05-2024 Patch for Lord II: Quest for Mom
                                Beta 1 for a bug found in the
                                Hate Mail ref.
haunted.zip     4793 08-05-2024  Haunted House L2 igm   
                                 A haunted house outside Dark 
                                Forest... can you figure out  
                                its secret?                   
                                     Author: TALAPHID@JUNO.COM
                                    + Monty Python      
hawood.zip     20184 08-05-2024    -=The Hundred Acre Woods IGM=-
                                by Jennifer Doyle
                                This IGM uses Lord II v1.0 or newer
                                It CAN NOT be used with the 
                                unregistered version.  It is based 
                                on the character Winnie the Pooh 
                                and you can receive a wish from 
                                Eeyore everyday, buy strange 
                                potions from owl, visit Christopher 
                                Robbin or deal in illegal honey 
                                with Winnie the Pooh!!  Have fun 
                                and Enjoy!! 
healer01.zip    6800 08-05-2024 Healer v0.1
                                for: LORD2 V1.01a
                                Visit the wise healer
hellfire.zip   23605 08-05-2024 Hell's Fire LORDTXT.DAT For LORD!
                                Play Lord In The Flames Of Hell!
                                Created By : SIIS of NSiD
hgsv111.zip   138283 08-05-2024 Hell's Gate Services v1.11    
                                Lord II Utility
                                Author: Steven Millar
                                Allows you to play a lottery, teleport to 
                                other places in LORD including other users 
                                locations, buy some more exp., Evict everyone
                                from the protection of Safe places (I.E. Ma's
                                Boarding House). Hire a hitman that never 
                                fails and gives you some of the victims gold/
                                experience.  Hire a great treehouse password 
                                spy, buy extra experience potions and much, 
                                much more ! Download now !
highwa15.zip   56714 08-05-2024  Wonderland Software Ŀ
                                       HIGHWAYMAN V1.5        
                                        Ŀ  ij       
                                IGM for Legend of the Red Dragon
                                 Match wits with a notorious band
                                 of theives as you travel through
                                 the forest to kill the Red Dragon
                                 Solve riddles or fight your way
                                 out, or if they like you head to
                                 thier encampment and mingle....
                                 Its up to you warrior!!!!
                                  NEW INSTALL USES SHARKDriver
                                    BCSHARE file sharing
                                - MAD HATTER BBS (919) 736-8005 -
hilbilld.zip   51590 08-05-2024   -=Beverly Hillbilly Lord Menu=-
                                   Legend of the Red Dragon
                                enhancement program. Brings the
                                Beverly Hillbilly characters to your 
                                LORD Game. Granny, Jed, Ellie May, And  
                                Jethro...and the whole gang comes to your
                                LORD Game. All new monsters,menu support. 
                                *FREEWARE*From the Crazy Guise of...
                                   ***PRINCE PUBLICATIONS***
hippy.zip      23030 08-05-2024 ============L.O.R.D. MENU===============
                                this one is called "Hippy"...a cool
                                blast from the 1960's...................
                                ==========>STARFLEET SUPPLY<============
hiscore.zip    34470 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                         Hi Score v1.0         ۲
                                 Create a Top Ten Scoreboard   ۲
                                 for Legend of the Red Dragon. ۲
                                 Supports TEXT, ANSI, and WWIV ۲
                                 formats.  An awesome feature  ۲
                                 to add on to your LORD game!  ۲
hits100.zip    90797 08-05-2024 Hiding in the Shadows v1.0 LORD IGM
                                One of the best IGM's to date! From
                                the mind of Kenneth Padgett. Take a
                                trip to the underground lair,  meet
                                Alec McCour and LieLani,  his beau-
                                tiful sister!  Options never before
                                seen in other IGM's and THE easiest
                                IGM config program ever! GET IT NOW
                                Only $7!  No-Name BBS (703)323-6838
hmb3.zip       35286 08-05-2024   HateMail LORD IGM
                                 Third eta version
                                 minimal set-up.
                                 only needs path to
                                 lord. installs and
                                 un-installs itself
                                 reads no dropfiles
                                 (c) 1995 CyST
                                 Productions and
                                 Mike Eheler
holdho17.zip   39366 08-05-2024 Holding House  Lord IGM
                                Multi-BBS, Multi-Node, MultiTasking
                                aware. Lives in it own directory, not
                                in the Lord directory. 1 minute
                                installation progam.  Store Gold,
                                gems, Fairies, horses. If registered
                                store KIDS, get interest, breed
                                fairies & horses.
                                by Allyn Cross
hongv104.zip   68413 08-05-2024 -=Hong Kong Studio v1.04 for LORD2=-
                                A whore house in the middle of the 
                                northlands which the owner gets to 
                                make money. It also has a store, and 
                                a place to make announcments in the 
                                basement. A great IGM.
hotel1.zip      7026 08-05-2024  -=Raptor's Hotel 1.5 IGM for LORD II=-
                                An IGM for LORD II v1.00 or newer.
                                Do you want to own some thing?
                                if you do you own raptor's Hotel!
                                you can make MONEY from this!
                                this is the Greentree branch.
                                more branches are comming version!
                                Includes 3 new maps and a .ref file.
                                Uses Seth's install program for easy
hotel100.zip   60685 08-05-2024 ANASTASIA'S HONEYMOON HOTEL IGM for LORD
                                The newest IGM from Trevor Herndon, the
                                author of Violet's Cottage and many others,
                                this IGM has LOTS of new stuff! A Post
                                Office, Gift Shop, Pool, etc. Worth the
                                download to check out!
hs30.zip       25225 08-05-2024  Hidden Spring of Turgon - Lord IGM
                                 Cool New IGM For LORD, Name your 
                                 weapon, armor, YOURSELF, Find    
                                 money, get a horse. Much More.   
                                     Emperial Software -- 1996
hscity11.zip   12979 08-05-2024 HillSide City v1.1
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Max Larive
                                BBS: (450)679-7599
                                A small city withing the hill,
                                on the Arris island, where you
                                can do your usual stuff, and
                                meet someone who might just
                                teach you some secrets...
ht100.zip       6436 08-05-2024 -=< Habib's Tavern v1.00 >=-
                                A great IGM for LORD ][.  Talk 
                                to Habib, get a room and stay 
                                a while, or just look around.
                                Who knows, maybe you'll find
                                something helpful.
                                Any comments, complaints, e-mail:
huntv103.zip   23823 08-05-2024 Scavenger Hunt by Codax & Dragon's Den ULTD
                                This Lord2 (I)n (G)ame (M)odule places new 
                                items across the world and some new enemies
                                too.  Seacrch for these new items and claim
                                prizes for the different items you find.  
                                Talk to Thingy and find the Dishonest Cleric
                                Has the Dragon that you work for lost his
                                NOPE....just his stuff!             v1.03
                                Since last version- item recognition improved
                                                    small typos fixed
hutv20.zip    109281 08-05-2024   The Village Hut LORD IGM
                                -=-=-Official Release 2.0=-=-
                                  This IGM will be a great add-on
                                to any system!  Proven to be a
                                excellent LORD addition!  A lot
                                of things to find...
                                Very easy to install and setup.
                                Extensivly beta-tested to ensure
                                that it is bug-free!
                                Requires a 386+/LORD 3.26a+
idfed11.zip    13699 08-05-2024 IDFEdit v1.10 for LORD2 IGM
                                Black Dragon Software
                                bdsoft@hotmail.com -- http://bdsoft.cjb.net
igmchet8.zip   30393 08-05-2024 IGMCHET8.ZIP 9/13/96
                                This is the 8th update of the IGM CHEAT
                                FILE. There are many new CHEATS, from 
                                old and new IGM'S. New info on how to 
                                handle negative gold to get 2 billion
                                instead of $100.! Also a new feature
                                is added. RUMORS! Let's dispel them,
                                or get them verified!! 
igmcht10.zip   10410 08-05-2024 Igmcht10.zip updated 7/13/97 
                                Igm cheat file by Kiteria 
                                Versions of the IGM's have
                                been listed when possible.
igmcht5a.zip   19137 08-05-2024 
                                IGMCHT5a.ZIP 7/05/96 The 6th update for the
                                IGM's that are capable
                                     of being used for excessive stats that
                                                     off-set the game, and
                                take the fun out of it.
igmdrive.zip  136044 08-05-2024 IGMDrive
                                SHARKware presents a door driver
                                for IGM development for LORDs. This 
                                is for Turbo Pascal 7.0. Freeware.
igmdv202.zip  103670 08-05-2024 IGMDrive 2.02
                                SHARKware presents a door driver
                                for IGM development for LORDs. This 
                                is for Turbo Pascal 7.0. No more
                                error #70. Faster routines.
                                Fewer TPU's. Still FREEWARE!
                                Sample program included.
igmdv308.zip  133244 08-05-2024 IGMDrive                  3.08
                                SHARKware presents a door driver
                                for IGM development for LORDs. This 
                                is for Turbo Pascal 7.0.  Sample
                                program included. Multi-BBS aware!
                                Seth Able's color codes.
                                Still FREEWARE!
igme101.zip    48978 08-05-2024          IGM eXpander v1.01 LORD IGM/Util
                                   Run up to 81 IGMs through LORD!  Auto-maint
                                   No worries!  Set up once, then forget
                                   it!  Freeware!  A _MUST-HAVE_ LORD Util!
igmh1053.zip   53880 08-05-2024 IGMH                  1.00
                                SHARKware presents IGMH,
                                a Haunted Mansion IGM for
                                LORD. A fun IGM with lots
                                of places to explore.
                                Capture the ghost and
                                recieve a gift. Multi-user
                                aware. Multi-BBS aware!
                                Seth Able's color codes.
                                SHARKware Freeware!
igmh_1_2d7.zip   74340 08-05-2024 IGMH
                                SHARKware presents IGMH,
                                a Haunted Mansion IGM for
                                LORD. A fun IGM with lots
                                of places to explore.
                                Capture the ghost and
                                recieve a gift. Multi-user
                                aware. Multi-BBS aware!
                                Seth Able's color codes.
                                y2k compliant.
                                Pentium II/III (266+mhz)
                                SHARKware Freeware!
igmlg101.zip   18153 08-05-2024          IGM Log v1.01 - LORD IGM Utility
                                   Track Activity of your IGMs! 2 second set-
                                   up, 100% Support for IGME (81+ IGMs), 4
                                   Different Charts (inc. Bar Graph) By Sos!
igmpackc.zip   10931 08-05-2024 IGMPACK vC
                                Lord II Utility
                                Author: Bobby Queen
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
                                Packet now includes a world.dat so you can
                                see exactly what screens are used and which
                                are reserved.  Also includes 2 text files
                                with the screens used and e-mail addresses!
                                Also includes a txt file on proper way to 
                                create a file_id.diz for your Lord II IGM!
igms049b.zip   43915 08-05-2024 MORE IGMS is a program I wrote because I was
                                tired of only being able to use nine IGMS in
                                LORD, this program allows you to use 88 IGMS
                                total in LORD! - v0.49 - by: Computer Nut @
                                The Insane BBS (609)223-9104 - Public Domain
igms069_.zip   44815 08-05-2024 More IGMS is a freeware program that will
                                you to have more than 4000 IGMS in LORD. v0
                                by: Computer Nut @ The Insane BBS (609
igms12.zip     15319 08-05-2024 -=-=IGMS v1.2=-=-
                                This LORD utility will
                                randomly switch around
                                your IGMs! Configurable,
                                only $3 to register!
igmswit.zip    12731 08-05-2024 IGM Switch for LORD
                                Now you can add an interesting new
                                twist to your LORD game.  Install
                                up to 100 IGM's on your system.
                                IGM Switch will randomly choose
                                5 IGM's each day.  Your users will
                                love the new variety in your LORD
igmtips.zip    11715 08-05-2024 Lord IGM Tip Sheets, Vols 1-4. Great tips
                                on how to get the most from your Lord Games!
                                       --Tips From The Files Of--
                                       Venture BBS (603)228-4395 
                                       LordNet International Host
igmunit.zip    21682 08-05-2024 Pascal Unit that makes writing IGMs for LORD a
                                FREEWARE!  From the author of VOTP.
igmx3073.zip   45585 08-05-2024 IGMX                   3.00
                                SHARKware presents IGMX, an
                                IGM-Xtender for LORD. Allows
                                your LORD door to have up to
                                2,147,483,647 IGM's. Easy
                                install. Automatically updates
                                when you install other IGM's.
                                Multi-user aware. Multi-BBS
                                aware! Log's your IGMs. Keeps
                                a record of how many times
                                each IGM has been used. And
                                much more. Seth Able's color
                                codes.  SHARKware FREEWARE!
igmxt100.zip   77057 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                -=   =-=  -=   IGMXTEND v1.00   =-  =-=   -=
                                -= In Game Module eXTENDer for Legend of  -=
                                -=   the Red Dragon.   Will allow about   -=
                                -=  4+ billion IGM's.  Displays 10 IGM's  -=
                                -= at a time, Next/Previous through each  -=
                                -=    set of ten!  Easily Installs and    -=
                                -=Un-installs to 3rdparty.dat & Start.bat.-=
                                -=   =-=  -= Registration $2.50 =-  =-=   -=
igmxt101.zip   79159 08-05-2024 IGMXTEND v1.01 In Game Module eXTENDer for
                                Legend of the Red Dragon. Will allow about 4+
                                billion IGM's. Displays 10 IGM's at a time,
                                Next/Previous through each set of ten! Easily
                                Installs and Un-installs to 3rdparty.dat &
igmx_4_2d0.zip   67665 08-05-2024 IGMX                   3.00
                                SHARKware presents IGMX, an
                                IGM-Xtender for LORD. Allows
                                your LORD door to have up to
                                2,147,483,647 IGM's. Easy
                                install. Automatically updates
                                when you install other IGM's.
                                Multi-user aware. Multi-BBS
                                aware! Log's your IGMs. Keeps
                                a record of how many times
                                each IGM has been used. And
                                much more. Seth Able's color
                                y2k compatible.
                                Pentium II/III (266+MHz)
                                SHARKware FREEWARE!
igm_2dx202.zip   37073 08-05-2024 IGM-X                  2.02
                                SHARKware presents IGM-X, an
                                IGM-Xtender for LORD. Allows
                                your LORD door to have up to
                                2,147,483,647 IGM's. Easy
                                install. Automatically updates
                                when you install other IGM's.
                                Multi-user aware. Multi-BBS
                                aware! Log's your IGMs. Keeps
                                a record of how many times
                                each IGM has been used. And
                                much more. Seth Able's color
                                codes.  SHARKware FREEWARE!
igm_chk1.zip   18110 08-05-2024 IGM CHECK 1.0 - Fixes ALL buggy & overly
                                Legend of the Red Dragon IGMs!  IGM Check is
                                designed to keep all those nasty IGMs in check
                                Preforms the following checks EACH TIME AN IGM
                                USED:  Any Player stats exceeding
                                maximums are reset to the maximum value
                                (Each level independently configurable.)
                                Negative gold is replaced with 0 gold.  Only
                                codes are allowed in Weapon & Armor names.
                                Fully Multinode & Share aware!
igm_trk1.zip   14774 08-05-2024 IGM TRACK 1.0 is a small utility to help
                                log all Lord IGM usage.  Some IGMs can crash
                                reboot a BBS, often leaving it difficult or
                                impossible to determine the exact cause of
                                crash.  With IGM Track, all IGM traffic is
                                recorded in a log file for later inspection.
                                Easy to use and easy to install.  FREEWARE!
                                Fully Multinode & Share aware.
igm_x202.zip   36336 08-05-2024 IGM-X                  2.02
                                SHARKware presents IGM-X, an
                                IGM-Xtender for LORD. Allows
                                your LORD door to have up to
                                2,147,483,647 IGM's. Easy
                                install. Automatically updates
                                when you install other IGM's.
                                Multi-user aware. Multi-BBS
                                aware! Log's your IGMs. Keeps
                                a record of how many times
                                each IGM has been used. And
                                much more. Seth Able's color
                                codes.  SHARKware FREEWARE!
igrd100.zip    10853 08-05-2024 -*Sosen Inn Safeguard*-
                                This is a little IGM/Addon to make it so
                                people can't break into the Sosen
                                Village Inn with the Smackrod or use the flute
                                to get into it free. Thanx!
ilord150.zip  369683 08-05-2024 Inter-LORD 1.50 Inter-BBS Gaming for LORD by
                                G.A.C. Computer Services provides an easy to 
                                use Inter-BBS option for LORD.  NOW USES
                                BRE HOST style routing system using file
                                attaches.  Works with our without The Realm
                                of Vanadia Series of Inter-IGMs.  It has many
                                advanced features, many ANSI graphics, RIP, 
                                lots of user interaction, and solid game
                                play.  Major upgrade, new features, and all
                                reported bugs have been fixed.  Only $5.00!
ilord200.zip  371222 08-05-2024 Inter-LORD 2.00 Inter-BBS Gaming for LORD 
                                Provides an easy to use Inter-BBS option for
                                NOW USES BRE HOST style routing system using
                                attaches.  Works with our without The Realm
                                of Vanadia Series of Inter-IGMs.  It has many
                                advanced features, many ANSI graphics, RIP, 
                                lots of user interaction, and solid game
                                play.  Major upgrade, new features, and all
                                reported bugs have been fixed.  POSTCARDWARE
ilroute1.zip    5328 08-05-2024 Inter-Lord Packet Routing Transport
                                 Utility (ILROUTER.EXE) for ILord v1.50
                                 (Realm of Vanadia series from G.A.C.)
                                 Uses normal Fido Netmail to Route game
                                 packet updates instead of attachments.
indian12.zip   55589 08-05-2024 "Indian Joe's Horse Barn" v1.2 -=- IGM for
                                WT-LORD in 32bit wcCODE!
                                "WT-LORD v2.0 READY" for WT-LORD v2.5 and
                                Higher! Visit Indian Joe's
                                to buy or sell a horse! .... or explore...
                                uses Y2K Date Checking
                                Another fun *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                FEATURES:  SUPPORTS Mutiple WT-LORD Games
                                           EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
                                           EASY ONLINE Registration with VISA
                                and MASTERCARD!
inns100.zip    83488 08-05-2024 Description not available
inntoss.zip    15070 08-05-2024 InnToss v1.0  --  L.O.R.D. enhancement
                                to toss Players/NPCs out of the Inn.
                                Includes VBDOS source code.  386+ reqd
                                Freeware by John Rohner.      4-Jun-95
island10.zip   57157 08-05-2024 THE ISLAND OF THE HYDRA v1.0  - An IGM for
                                LORD II
                                that provides another quest for players who
                                finsihed the game.  Players must find the
                                rental pier.  Then they must sail to a
                                island where they will seek out and kill the
                                headed hydra.
                                From Mamoosoft Programming
isle45.zip     15794 08-05-2024 Isle of the Phreaks ver 4.5
                                Lord 2 IGM 
                                Author: Max (Phreak) Walton
                                E-Mail: small_dwarf@hotmail.com
                                A little island with lots of stuff to do! 
                                A mall, healer, teleporting stone, a Keep is 
                                for sale! In the keep is a weapons and armor 
                                shop, a magical sea travel service, an inn, 
                                and a bank in the inn, a table with the four 
                                skystaff parts for a charge of $400 & more! 
jadov160.zip  159575 08-05-2024 Jadov v1.60 Beta - The IGM for LORD 3.50+
                                ** Price Drop ** :)
                                Massive things Added...  Tons to do, this
                                be the most kick-ass IGM ever..  Just wait and
                                More than 30 areas to explore...  (and those
                                Main areas, which break down into over
                                hundreds of
                                things to do!)  So download me already, DamnIt
jaxlord.zip    23313 08-05-2024 Menu set for LORD
                                 - Set in Jacksonville, Florida
                                 Brought 2 ya by iCE [BiC] 
jaymons.zip    25013 08-05-2024   Shroom Trip Software LTD presents :
                                  JayMonsters  for L.O.R.D.
                                  This is very easy to use; unzip, run
                                  RUNME.BAT, & follow the instructions.
                                  Thanks for trying this.
jen02.zip      41458 08-05-2024        Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ      
                                        Jenny Garth      __
                                     Editor v0.2     
                                        '95 Neo-Gen
jester21.zip    5649 08-05-2024 Jester's Casino Update v2.1: A LORD 2 IGM
                                This IGM adds a new gambling feature to
                                Jester's Casino in Bowntown. You can now
                                play Knucklebones, 3 Shells, or
                                Knucklebones for Turns.
                                Author: Jay Weber (aka Elric, Anakha, and
                                (C) 1997 ShroomTrip Software
                                E-Mail: elric@innocent.com
                                Support: kender@innocent.com
jg100.zip       7775 08-05-2024 -------Jennie's house-------
                                A great IGM for LORD II !
                                       V 1.00 
                                -Try to find JENNIE GARTH's
                                 hidden home.
                                -Talk to her and get some
                                 experience or charm points
                                -Find other secrets
                                -It is real fun !
joane105.zip   74675 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                   Joanne's Tavern - 1.05   
                                     IGM for LORD 3.26a     
                                     Multi-Node Support     
joseph10.zip   46281 08-05-2024 Joseph's Revenge v1.0  An IGM for WT-LORD in
                                32bit wcCODE for WC5!  "WT-LORD v2.0 READY"
                                for WT-LORD v2.5 and Above ONLY!  Another fun
                                *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson.  Use Joseph's
                                Revenge to steal from other players!
                                Includes Y2K Date Checking, EASY Setup, BUILT
                                in Maintenance, EASY ONLINE Registration with
                                VISA or MASTERCARD
jrest.zip       2837 08-05-2024 JACK'S RESTAURAUNT UPGRADE!
                                Jack now has a secret room in back just like
                                Turgon's Shack does. Gee. I wonder what's in
                                the VAULT in that back room?!?!?!
                                IGM MADE BY: ASC
juancho8.zip  160230 08-05-2024 Juancho's Paradise v1.8
                                An IGM for Seth Ables L.O.R.D.
                                You can visit Juancho's Forest 
                                many other places... a must for LORD
                                NOW CONFIGURABLE!
junkyd10.zip   37402 08-05-2024        The L.O.R.D Junkyard v1 - LORD IGM
                                    A small PUBLIC DOMAIN IGM for the Legend
                                    of the Red Dragon. Easy install/uninstall
jwlr19.zip     56177 08-05-2024 The Jeweler, is a WTLORD 32 bit, where the
                                player can cash in 
                                his/her gems. The user can also have quite an
                                adventure in the game ..
                                and his/her honesty can be generously rewarded
k9igm411.zip  441067 08-05-2024 K9IGM4 Version 1.0 LORD IGM
                                Four quick and fun IGM's 
                                Do not take away or overide
                                normal game play.
k9igm413.zip  439753 08-05-2024 
kal15igm.zip  139760 08-05-2024 Kaldor's Court is an IGM  for Legend  of
                                the  Red  Dragon.  Kaldor's  features  a
                                Marketplace   to  buy   certain   things
                                (sorry, you cannot buy  hitpoints,  def.
                                points, etc.. I didn't  feel  that being
                                able to buy  those types of things added
                                to the realism of the game), a Temple to
                                pray,  and an  Inn  to  socialize,  and.
                                more!  As  the  programming on this  IGM
                                progresses, more options may be added.
                                Kaldor's Court was written in QuickBasic
                                4.5 using QWKIGM programming library for
                                IGMs, (c) Ballistic Labs.
                                Registration is only $4.00!!!
kaldor20.zip  139894 08-05-2024 Kaldor's Court is an IGM  for Legend  of
                                the  Red  Dragon.  Kaldor's  features  a
                                Marketplace   to  buy   certain   things
                                (sorry, you cannot buy  hitpoints,  def.
                                points, etc.. I didn't  feel  that being
                                able to buy  those types of things added
                                to the realism of the game), a Temple to
                                pray,  and an  Inn  to  socialize,  and.
                                more!  As  the  programming on this  IGM
                                progresses, more options may be added.
                                Kaldor's Court was written in QuickBasic
                                4.5 using QWKIGM programming library for
                                IGMs, (c) Ballistic Labs.
                                Registration is now only $2.00!!!
kalv6_1.zip    69336 08-05-2024 KLORD
                                KDrive Kit Additions
                                KDrive Kit Addition for Lord.
                                Allows development of Lord IGMs.
                                Uses Lord color codes. Many
                                features include error checking.
                                Lord variables for IGMs.
keep1301.zip   19800 08-05-2024  -= IceLord Keep (tm) v1.30 =-
                                A simple IGM for LORD2 v1.00 or 
                                newer.  Includes 10 new maps and 
                                2 .ref files.  EASY TO INSTALL!
keep149.zip    26675 08-05-2024  -= IceLord Keep (tm) v1.48 =-
                                A simple IGM for LORD2 v1.00 or 
                                newer.  Includes 13 new maps and 
                                5 .ref files.  EASY TO INSTALL!
kfs1_2d253.zip   73205 08-05-2024     DRagoN'S cAsTlE -- L.o.R.D. IgM  V 2.52
                                 ANSi INtrO,StATus lINe, GRaveYArd,TeMplE
                                 TAVErn,BAnK,ENerGy shoP,WeapONs,ArmoUr,DicE
                                 bArD,ruFfles,PrIncE[sS],KINg....bEtTer n
kicker10.zip    7876 08-05-2024   Kicker v1.0 LORD Thingamabob  
                                Keep your players from hogging
                                higher levels.  Lazyware.
                                J. Masters
kiss.zip       50321 08-05-2024 **********The Magic Kiss**********
                                An IGM for LORD from Sidewinder Software.
                                Accept a kiss from the magical fairies and
                                begin the journey of a lifetime!
                                The chance to be transported to any one of 
                                4 unique worlds. 
                                Meet the gods of Ancient Egypt, try your 
                                luck in The Gambler's Paradise, see what's 
                                cooking up at The Alchemist's Lab and even 
                                relax at The Health Farm. Wherever you end 
                                up it's sure to be great fun for all!
kitkas10.zip   19187 08-05-2024 KITERIA'S KASTLE v1.0
                                An IGM for LORD II where
                                users can meet Princess
                                Kiteria, the Guardian of
                                Fair Play.  Kiteria will
                                divulge cheat secrets for
                                LORD I IGMs and tips for
                                Registration is FREE!!
                                From Mamoosoft Programming.
kittext.zip    34968 08-05-2024 These are the articals found
                                on Kiteria's Home Page.
                                These are all L.O.R.D. Related
                                tips ect on how to play the game 
                                and how to win! 
klh111.zip    281769 08-05-2024 -=Kanen's Lotto Hut v1.11: LORD IGM=-
                                This is a Patch to Version 1.10
                                Download only if you are using Version 1.10
                                Wild!Side Software 904-347-7358
knight65.zip   58426 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                                Knight's Of The Golden Horseshoe IGM
                                     for L.O.R.D. 3.50 +
                                Version .65 (beta)...
                                A little different twist to IGM 
                                   The 1st. IGM to allow sleeping
                                   somewhere other than the Inn!!
                                   Easy to install, and configure.
                                        Registration: Only $5.00
knot250.zip     9278 08-05-2024 -= Knotwood Village v2.50 for LORD2 =-
                                A simple IGM for I made for LORD2.
                                Includes 2 new maps. Knotwood village
                                is a small village with a castle and
                                weapon/armour/item shops and a healer.
                                Also visit the castle or do some
                                traveling for a cost. Also make a wish
                                at the magic fountain. Created by
                                Sean E. Andersen, aka Sneakers.
kob001.zip    201278 08-05-2024 Kingdom of Barabadore - vers 0.01 beta
                                Lord mega IGM.  Explore the island of
                                Barabadore. Form Teams.  Hire Henchmen.
                                Use arrows and slings. Perform Quests.
                                Resurrect the dead.  Gain rank and
                                privilege.  Sysop can design their own
                                monsters and hirelings.
                                Supports most popular BBS Software
                                packages, including PCBoard Vers 15
                                & WildCat 3.9. With Rip graphics,
                                supports non-standard interrupts, com
                                1-4, IRQs 0-15, and speeds up to 115,
                                200 baud.
kob002wb.zip  217813 08-05-2024 Kingdom of Barabadore - vers 0.02WB
                                Lord mega IGM.  Explore the island of
                                Barabadore. Form Teams.  Hire Henchmen.
                                Use arrows and slings. Perform Quests.
                                Resurrect the dead.  Gain rank and
                                privilege.  Sysop can design their own
                                monsters and hirelings.
                                DDPLus/DDIGM - Wide Beta
                                Supports most popular BBS Software
                                packages, including PCBoard Vers 15
                                & WildCat 3.9. With Rip graphics,
                                supports non-standard interrupts, com
                                1-4, IRQs 0-15, and speeds up to 115,
                                200 baud.
l2101a.zip    490311 08-05-2024 -= LORD2: New World V1.01a =-
                                  ::: LORD2  : NEW WORLD ::  
                                ޲                         ۰ 
                                ޱ The sequel to LORD.  Real      
                                  time multinode interactive    
                                 ansi mud. For local/BBS use. 
l2ac203.zip   238583 08-05-2024 Amber Crystal, the world of adventure in
                                LORD2 that has a new touch to it just got
                                a little better.  Too hard to get
                                anywhere to begin with?  Find that you
                                just wish to give up unless there's help?
                                Want a pawn shop?
l2ac3b1.zip   258106 08-05-2024 Lord II: Amber Crystal v3.00 beta 1
                                Lord II New World
                                Author: Tien Lung
                                E-Mail: tienlung@hwcn.org
                                This game is an entire New World for use with
                                a registered  LORD II. The game is winnable 3
                                ways. (Good/Neutral/Evil) Hidden quests, many
                                more than the original LORD II. A Lively cast
                                of NPCs (or Computer characters). Many places
                                all over the globe to purchase. Much more... 
l2bi_b5.zip   334475 08-05-2024 -=Lord II: Beyond Imagination Beta 5=-
                                  This requires a REGISTERED copy
                                   of Lord II: New World v1.01a+
                                   ** PLEASE DO NOT DISTRIBUTE **
                                  This new world was created by
                                 Ben Tiefert & TiefTech Productions
l2bugfix.zip    9928 08-05-2024 [0;1;31mPatch for Lord II v1.01a by M.
                                Now fixes 2 bugs found in Seth Ables  stock
                                ITEMS.REF file that causes Lord II to error
                                out if a player tries  to  select  an  item
                                > `i57 or if an item is missing from  Items
                                file in the reg/unreg ver of Lord II.  Copy
                                Unzip L2BUGFIX.ZIP to  an  empty  directory
                                then read  the  docs  on  how  to  install.
                                This patch is for those who  have  upgraded
                                to Lord v1.01a from v1.00. If  you  haven't
                                upgraded yet, download the Services pack  1
                                from   the   Doors  library  on  this  bbs.
                                Questions about this patch can be  directed
                                to me at the following addresses:
                                Mjrnet: aussie@cfe   Int: aussie@dwntwn.com
l2bugfx2.zip    9947 08-05-2024 L2BugFix v2 for l2101a.zip
                                Lord II Utility
                                Author: Michael Freeman
                                E-Mail: aussie.mfreeman@worldnet.att.net
                                Adds the @#default routine missing from ITEMS
                                .REF that causes Lord II to 'error out'  if a
                                player tries to select an item >`i57 or if an
                                item is missing from Items file in the reg or
                                unreg L2101a.zip. Copy then Unzip to an empty
                                directory & read the docs on how to install. 
l2bull11.zip    9824 08-05-2024 Lord ][ Bulletin Generator - CHAOScripts
                                Generates 4 different bulletins
                                for lord ][. Free!!!!!
l2d2_2d11.zip  314736 08-05-2024 Lord 2: The deepest darkest dankest dungeon.
                                This is an unfinished world which I am
                                working on.  I'm sure newer and eventually a 
                                finished work will be made.  If you wish to 
                                comment or make suggestions send them to 
                                needs a full registered copy of lord2 to run.
l2dlv045.zip  129104 08-05-2024 %=-=-=%( lord 2 : darklord )%=-=-=%
                                lord 2 : darklord is a world add-on
                                for the game lord 2. this  requires
                                the full version of lord 2 to run.
                                 "This World ROCKS!" - Bobby Queen
                                 ( runs the OFFICIAL lord 2 page )
l2ewb7.zip    384485 08-05-2024      -= LORD2:  V1.01a =-
                                  ::: LORD2  : NEW WORLD ::  
                                ޲                         ۰ 
                                ޱ The sequel to LORD.  Real      
                                  time multinode interactive    
                                 ansi mud. For local/BBS use. 
l2fn_b3a.zip  267391 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                            Fnl Nghtmr                
                                 New World addon for the RtSoft Door Game  
                                 LORD2: New World.                         
                                 Version:  Beta 3a(v0.31)                  
                                 E-mail: tienlung@hwcn.org                 
                                 WWW: http://www.hwcn.org/~aj971/home.html 
l2help1a.zip    5488 08-05-2024 Lord II Help v.1a
                                a BASIC Beginners Guide to Lord II.
                                * Hints, Help and Tips for Lord II *
l2map10b.zip   11863 08-05-2024 LORD II:  Map Viewer v1.0b
                                Lord II Utility       
                                Author: Andrew DuBry      
                                E-Mail: dubr0825@tao.sou.edu
                                Converts any LORD II world into a 
                                .BMP file so you can view the entire 
                                game world at a glance! v1.0b
l2menu.zip      3423 08-05-2024 Lord Menu Fix
                                Adds an intro menu to Lord II!
                                Don't delay. Download it
l2mini1.zip   316773 08-05-2024 Minature Lord2!
                                Lord 2 New World
                                Author: Spencer Vickers aka Mountie
                                E-Mail: Mountie_Spence@hotmail.com
                                There's a major quest to complete if you reg.
                                it, new items, screens & best of all there're
                                only about 20 screens total! Since there're a
                                low amount of screens it makes the Lord2 more
                                Lord like as it's easier to find & kill folks
                                A very easy game! 
l2mini20.zip  319173 08-05-2024         --==Miniature Lord2 V2.00==--      
                                Update: Spelling 
                                Check MINI.DOC For More Info!
                                -=This is a whole New World for users to    
                                -=enjoy! There's a major quest to complete  
                                -=that you can, if you register.. There are 
                                -=new items, new screens.. Best of all....  
                                -=There are only about 20 screens total!!!  
                                -=Who needs 2000 screens anyway!! Since     
                                -=there is a low amount of screens, it makes
                                -=this Lord2 more Lord like, as it is easier
                                -=to find and kill people.. Very easy game..
                                -=The good Lord2 players will like it..     
                                -=As will the great Lord2 players..         
                                By   : Spencer Vickers  (aka MouNtiE)
                                Email: mountie_spence@hotmail.com
                                Net  : www.Geocities
l2nfaq11.zip   15986 08-05-2024 Legend of the Red Dragon 2: New World FAQ!
                                              Version 1.1
                                         Written by Veloran of
                                      mega BBS - (065)-466-6759
l2pond.zip     17670 08-05-2024 The Pond -- By MaNiAc
                                Little fishing pond.
l2qfm_b2.zip  366460 08-05-2024 LORD ][: The Quest for Mom vBETA 2.0
                                This is our first door game. It was
                                written with Seth Able's LORD 2 .REF
                                engine, and a registered copy of LORD 2
                                and a registered copy of this game are
                                required to access all of the screens,
                                though you can still access a limited
                                amount if your copies are unregistered.
                                If you need a copy of LORD 2, go to
                                Author : Jay Weber
                                (C) 1997 ShroomTrip Software
                                E-Mail: elric@innocent.com
                                Support: kender@innocent.com
l2rev13.zip    61505 08-05-2024 Lord II IGM Reviews v.1.3
                                (in Ascii TEXT Format)
                                Ascii Version
                                by Mike Frayer
                                Reviews & Web Page
                                 by Ben Tiefert & Bobby Queen
                                Last Updated 8/28/97
l2s500.zip     73000 08-05-2024 "Lord 2 to Sage" world converter, v5.0
                                Contains all the tools required to convert
                                entire Lord 2 worlds to Sage format.
                                Includes Map screen converter, Items
                                file converter and REF script converter.
l2sof_b1.zip  247863 08-05-2024 ======================
                                LORD II: Sword Of Fate
                                An entirely new  world
                                for LORD II.  Over 280
                                new screens,  66   new
                                items, 18 new weapons,
                                and alot more goodies.
                                Beta 1 by Andrew DuBry
l2struct.zip    3740 08-05-2024 LORD II Structures
                                These are the C forms
                                of the PASCAL structures
                                for LORD II.
                                Converted By: GSValore
                                ** PUBLIC DOMAIN **
l2stuf3.zip    24918 08-05-2024 LORD Stuff Pack 3
                                This pack will add a colorized ITEMS.DAT,
                                add Lays & Player Kills to the Stats
                                Screen, add 8 random sayings to the Daily
                                News when a character gets killed, add a
                                new random event, and allow a player to
                                keep a Skystaff Gemstone as a regular Gem.
                                FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! 
                                Author : Jay Weber
                                (c) 1997 ShroomTrip Software
l2stuf4.zip    57854 08-05-2024 LORD Stuff Pack 4
                                This pack will add a colorized ITEMS.DAT,
                                add Lays & Player Kills (bug fixed) to
                                the Stats Screen, add 8 random sayings to
                                the Daily News when a character gets
                                killed, add 3 new random events, allow a
                                player to keep a Skystaff Gemstone as a
                                regular Gem, and adds monsters to the
                                screen while in battle!
                                FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! 
                                Author : Jay Weber
                                (C) 1997 ShroomTrip Software
                                E-Mail: elric@innocent.com
l2stuf5a.zip   82405 08-05-2024 LORD Stuff Pack 5a
                                This pack will add a colorized ITEMS.DAT,
                                add Gambles Left, Quests Left, Lays &
                                Player Kills (bug fixed) to the Stats
                                Screen, add 8 random sayings to the Daily
                                News when a character gets killed, add 3
                                new random events, allow a player to keep
                                a Skystaff Gemstone as a regular Gem, adds
                                monsters to the screen while in battle,
                                add a Hate Mail option, and much MUCH MORE!
                                FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! 
                                Author : Jay Weber
                                (C) 1997 ShroomTrip Software
                                E-Mail: elric@innocent.com
l2stuff6.zip   86230 08-05-2024 LORD 2 Stuff Pack 6
                                Lord 2 Non-IGM Add-On
                                Author: Jay Weber
                                E-Mail: elric@innocent.com
                                This pack adds colorized ITEMS.DAT, Gambles 
                                Left, Quests Left, Lays & Player Kills to the
                                Stats Screen, 8 random sayings to the Daily 
                                News, 3 new random events, allow a player to 
                                keep a Skystaff Gemstone as a regular Gem, 
                                add monsters to the screen while in battle, 
                                add a Hate Mail option, 15% Bank Intrest per 
                                day, Spying on other players, and MUCH MORE!
l2tl140.zip   474533 08-05-2024 TEOS LORD, version 1.40
                                Lord 2 New World
                                Author: Michael Adams
                                E-Mail: below because it was so long... :)
                                Req. LORD2 registration!
                                Use PKUNZIP -D to unzip.
                                A Powerful LORD2 World, derived from 
                                Planets:TEOS.  Pilot ships! Explore 
                                planets!  Take sides! Have fun!
latr30b2.zip  120930 08-05-2024 -= The Latrine v3.0 WIDE BETA for LORD =-
                                It's FREE! The Latrine gets bigger
                                and better.  Added RIP! Put in a
                                hidden Inn. No more major bugs!
                                Be sure to run V26_V30.EXE if 
                                you're upgrading from v2.6!
lat_v25a.zip   86260 08-05-2024 -= The Latrine v2.5 IGM for LORD =-
                                It's FREE! The Latrine gets bigger
                                and better.  Fixed "Nothing Happens"
                                bug.  More stuff added.  Player Editor.
                                No more major bugs!  Be sure to run 
                                VXX_V25.EXE if you are upgrading!
law100.zip      6598 08-05-2024 Lawyer's World
                                Let's you start legal battles in
                                LORD2: New World.  Couldn't ask
                                for anything more!
                                By: Godlike Productions
law201.zip     14964 08-05-2024 Lawyer's World v2.01 for LORD2
                                Author: Tien Lung
                                E-mail: tienlung@hwcn.org
                                The wonderful world of Law and the
                                evil of Lawyers are loosed on LORD2.
lawac100.zip    6463 08-05-2024 Lawyer's World v1.00
                                Lord 2 IGM for Amber Crystal
                                Author: Tien Lung
                                E-Mail: tienlung@hwcn.org
                                Let's you start legal battles in
                                LORD2: Amber Crystal.  Couldn't ask
                                for anything more!
                                By: Godlike Productions
lbbt100.zip    31488 08-05-2024 Barton's Battle Training:  A great IGM (In
                                Game Module) for LORD 3.26+.  Barton can  
                                very helpful in learning new combat skills   
                                to enable you to kill that nasty dragon!    
                                From OT-SOFT                                  
lcheat06.zip   38072 08-05-2024 ========
                                 LORDCheater v0.60 by Toasty 
                                 of RDPC `95!  Finally take  
                                 care of those cheaters in   
                                 LORD v3.25+  PEACE Finally  
                                 Fixed MAJOR BUG!!!          
lclan1_0.zip  135481 08-05-2024 Clan Master's Inn v1.0 LORD IGM
                                            Clan Master's Inn            
                                   A *FAIR* L.O.R.D. IGM for team play   
                                An excellent add-on module for the Legend
                                Of the Red Dragon door game.  Lets your
                                players form and fight as teams, but
                                doesn't ruin your LORD game.  Online duels
                                with 12 people!  High Quality and bug-free.
ldchet10.zip   21577 08-05-2024       . 
                                Legend Of The Red Dragon IGM
                                Cheat Sheet v1.0  Cheat On IGMs
                                And Get Free Stuff!
                                By Logan (Len Flack) Of
                                PROJECT X SOFTWARE
ldcolors.zip   24735 08-05-2024  Red Dragon Menus Colorized!
                                 Simple little LORDTXT.DAT
                                 file which replaces the old
                                 one.  Changes the colors of
                                 the menus, and the written
                                 text displayed on each. By
                                 Devon Brooks.
ldenmy1.zip    15675 08-05-2024 LORDENMY v1.1 - LORD monster editor & viewer.
                                FREEWARE!  Improved! A new way to customize
                                your Legend of the
                                Red Dragon door!    Now you can edit the
                                LENEMY.DAT file and add
                                all-new monsters to LORD.  Also views all
                                existing monsters.
                                Easy to use, no setup required, just place in
                                LORD directory and
                                run it!  FREEWARE from Clothing Optional
ldesert.zip    33839 08-05-2024 
ldrand15.zip   25267 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  Randomizes the Enemy files for Lord  
                                    Works with ver. 3.xx, can be run   
                                 once a day, or before starting up Lord
                                   allows up to 4 enemy files to be    
                                  randomized. 25 in registered version 
                                        REGISTRATION is FREE!!!        
ldrrated.zip   34630 08-05-2024   A Dragons Mistress Production
                                       R Rated Menu Set
                                         for lord 3.26
                                     Let your users meet the
                                         Women of Lord
                                        COMES WITH NEW
lds160a.zip   135195 08-05-2024  Lord Development System v1.60a
                                     Upgrade for LORD 3.50
                                         '95 Neo-Gen
ldterror.zip   35325 08-05-2024   A Dragons Mistress Production
                                        Village of Terror
                                            Menu Set
                                       Lots of New Monsters
                                          for LORD 3.26
ldtrx115.zip   82164 08-05-2024 LORD TRX!  Version 1.15.  Socrates'
                                Shop IGM.  A SocraSoft In Game Module
                                for use with Seth Able Robinson's
                                immensely popular "Legend of the Red
                                Dragon" versions 3.25+.  New features!
                                Bug fixes!  Shareware $5.
ldwhr13.zip    84840 08-05-2024    |07A Dragons Mistress Production
                                      |11Fantasy |12Warez,|13Ink.
                                |07The Lord's Brothel - IGM for Lord
                                |15Chasity belt, Treasure chests, and
                                |15have fun with Girls/Guys
                                |15The Most Configureable IGM out there
                                |14    COMPLETE RE-WRITE (05/30/95)
ldxrated.zip   37202 08-05-2024   A Dragons Mistress Production
                                       X RATED Menu Set
                                         for LORD 3.26
                                     Let your users meet the
                                     Men & Women of Lazarus
                                    COMES WITH over a 100 New
ldxxx.zip      28627 08-05-2024    A Dragons Mistress Production
                                       XXX RATED Menu Set
                                          for LORD 3.26
                                  It was asked for now it's here
                                   YOU HAVE TO BE INSANE LIKE ME
                                            TO RUN IT.
le100a.zip     50237 08-05-2024 [*=--LoRD eXPLoReR! v1.00a: LORD IGM--=*]
                                The Ultimate Lord IGM! This IGM is a.....
                                IGM Expander (up to 90),  IGM Randomizer,
                                Horse Stables (buy, sell, or win), hidden
                                keys, and much more!!   **All for FREE!**
                                This IGM has been in development,  & beta
                                testing for over 2 months!  Bugless!  
                                From Mullins Software,  (1-918-457-3453).
led02a.zip     48432 08-05-2024 |04   Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ  Ŀ Ŀ ¿ ¿
                                |15        (C) Neo-Gen 1994
                                |15              v0.2a
ledlord.zip    48630 08-05-2024   -=Led Zeppelin Lord Menu=-
                                   Legend of the Red Dragon
                                enhancement program. Brings the
                                members of the band Led Zeppelin
                                to your LORD Game. Robert Plant,
                                Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones, John
                                Bonham, Richard Cole and the whole
                                entourage comes to your LORD Game.
                                All new monsters, menu support.
                                      This file originated at
                                      Hammer Of The Gods BBS
                                       20,000 online files
                                      107 Online Door Games
                                      Largest Colelction of
                                    Led Zeppelin related files
legend1.zip    25963 08-05-2024 _-_-_-LEGENDARY SOFTWARE_-_-_-
                                _-_-_-_-_ PRESENTS: -_-_-_-
                                Legendary L.O.R.D.!
                                This is a program that will
                                turn your LORD game into
                                A new and exiciting world!
                                It changes ALL your menu's
                                and TEXT into new, colorful,
                                mysterious, and fun settings!
                                The installation is EASY and
                                best of all it's FREE!!!!
legends.zip    34958 08-05-2024   e g e n d s ۲
                                Menus & a new story for The Legend O The Red
                                New Creatures......give a mythical output on
                                game         By:Srkr
lenny200.zip    7554 08-05-2024 Uncle Lenny ver 2.00
                                This is a small and
                                simple LORD II IGM.
                                It changes Uncle Lenny
                                so he can gamble on
                                Rock, Paper, Scissors
                                requires LORD II v1.01!
lest10.zip    153115 08-05-2024 Lester's Palace IGM for Legend of the Red
                                Dragon. New IGM Put it on all LORD's.
lfair1y.zip   126267 08-05-2024 LORD COUNTY FAIR -- An In Game Module (IGM)
                                for LORD. Spend a Day at the Fair & visit 
                                the Balloon Pop & Medicine Man. Can you be 
                                a Pie Eating Champ? Plant a wet one on your 
                                favorite sweetie at the Kissing Booth. Join 
                                the Spear Toss & Javelin Throw Tournaments. 
                                Check out the Haunted & Enchanted Forests &
                                Fairy Catch. Slosh enemies in the Dunk Tank!
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
lfair31.zip   132833 08-05-2024 LORD COUNTY FAIR -- An In Game Module (IGM).
                                **Now! Unzip in its OWN \FAIR subdirectory!*
                                Spend a Day at the Fair & visit the Balloon
                                Pop & Medicine Man. Can you be a Pie Eating 
                                Champ? Plant a wet one on your favorite 
                                sweetie at the Kissing Booth. Join the Spear 
                                Toss & Javelin Throw Tournaments. Check out 
                                the Haunted & Enchanted Forests & Fairy 
                                Catch. Slosh enemies in the Dunk Tank!
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
lgdspy.zip     49992 08-05-2024 LEGEND OF THE SUPER-SPY a Menu Super Set for
lhfun15_21.zip   27792 08-05-2024 -=Lets Have Fun! v1.5 LORD IGM=-
                                Copyright 1994-95 Chad Schwartz
                                All Rights Reserved
                                  This is a LORD IGM that I think
                                your users will LOVE!  There is a
                                few hidden things, so I hope you
                                like them!
lhfun20_21.zip   31884 08-05-2024 -=Lets Have Fun! v1.8 LORD IGM=-
                                Copyright 1994-95 Chad Schwartz
                                All Rights Reserved
                                  This is a LORD IGM that I think
                                your users will LOVE!  There is a
                                few hidden things, so I hope you
                                like them!  
lhh101.zip     30199 08-05-2024 HAUNTED HOUSE: A great IGM (In Game Module)
                                for LORD 3.5+.  Search the Haunted House,   
                                find gems, and meet ghosts.  Will you brave
                                staying at the house overnight?  Doing so   
                                just might protect you from your enemies.   
                                From OT-SOFT                                  
                                Free REGISTRATION until November 1, 1995!     
lhunt101.zip  116910 08-05-2024 |09     LORD Hunter v1.01!!!
                                |07Looking for a cool IGM for LORD?
                                |07Then look no further, you have it!
                                |09LORD Hunter |07is an IGM for LORD,
                                |07and it's FREEWARE!
lhview22.zip   38168 08-05-2024     The Hidden Door Creations Presents:
                                    The Lordhint Sheet On-Line Viewer 2.2
                                Lordhint Sheet On-line Viewer is For Wildcat!
                                4.12+ in wcCODE. It Allows you to view lord-
                                Hint with a few extra features like:
                                * Colorized
                                * Menus with use of Arrow key/Normal Keys
                                * Users can Add/View hints
                                * Lord Can be run from Within Scores can too!
                                * Highly Secure SysOp menu (Nice Features)
                                Lordhint Can be Registered at these places:
                                The Hidden Door BBS (805)836-9162 (HOME BBS)
                                The DarkRoom BBS (618)345-3663 REG/Supp/dist
                                >Description by DIZ Wiz v2.21 [UNREGISTERED]
lianl21.zip    13020 08-05-2024 Lord Igm Authors Newsletter
                                Vol 2    Issue 1
                                This is the newsletter that
                                was previously only available on
                                the Internet, Now you can download
                                it and find out what is happening
                                in the world of LORD!
                                Bryan Turner - Author
lichlord.zip   31881 08-05-2024             -= LICH LORDS =-
                                         Ver 1.0 for LORD v3.55
                                The most challenging L.O.R.D. enhance-        
                                ment program, yet! Lich Lords brings 
                                the horror of these mythical Undead
                                Creatures to life! 131 ALL NEW MONSTERS!
                                Full menu support and bar text changes!
                                Look for clues to the Lich's story!
                                ***A PRINCE PUBLICATION PRODUCTION***
life119d.zip  284946 08-05-2024              -=Lord Life V1.18 and up=-     
                                        A LORD IGM created at The Arctic Era
                                BBS at (604) 852-1447 by Trevor Kooy. NEW 
                                RELEASE FIXES some problems with file sharing
                                great new config!  Adds a whole new dimension
                                to your game.  You can chat at Trisnics 
                                tavern, joust with your horse, kill a lord 
                                enemy for good, gamble your money, more!
ligmr101.zip   12973 08-05-2024 [[ >> lord igm randomizer v1.01 by jp  // ]]
                                        ____                        ____
                                _______|    \______________________|    \_
                                \_______     _     _______     _   _     |\
                                 |     |     |     _|    |     |   |     |bL
                                 |______     |_______    |_____|___|     |_|
                                By Kevin Foster 
                                Tired of all those annoying Programs that
                                Claim to Allow the User to
                                Create News Bullitens for Seth Able's L.O.R.D.
                                and automatically put
                                them in the game, but DON'T WORK?  Easy
                                solution!  GeT L-NEWS!
                                Extremely Easy Configration-Allows you to
                                Enter up to seven random
                                bulletins that come up randomly!  Can set up
                                lots of properties.
                                Comes (ALMOST) set up!  Also Includes a few
                                special add-ons that will
                                improve your LORD even more!  A MUST for ANY
                                sysop with L.O.R.D.
                                Created by Kevin G. Foster
                                The Luxor BBS - (403) 271-5135  Update: Feb 19
lntapp.zip      9968 08-05-2024 Application for the Linear 
                                Networks Ilord League "LNT"
                                This is all you need to join, 
                                except the Game it's Self.
                                We are running LORD Version 3.55
                                and ILORD version 1.04
                                Bryan Turner 1:124/7013-121:2110/101
loki103.zip    21718 08-05-2024  -= Loki's Inn V1.03 for LORD2 =-
                                  A Great IGM for LORD2 1.01a+ 
                                       EASY INSTALL! 
                                18 private rooms for your players
                                Innkeeper does Name and sex changes
                                 Flirt with Hilda/Odin depending
                                  on player sex. Bank, Weapons,
                                    Armor and Goods dealer.
                                         A must have.
                                     Bug fix this version
                                   Another FREEWARE release
                                          by oDiN
loms.zip       22855 08-05-2024 Legend of The Magus Slug!
                                A LORDTXT.DAT replacement for LORD 3
                                Written by Michael Adams
looker11.zip   10609 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                             LOOKER VERSION 1.1           
                                 Looker is a simple program that lets you 
                                 randomize the overall look of Seth Able's
                                 Legend Of the Red Dragon.                
                                 It supports up to 30 menu files and 30   
                                 monster files giving you 60 different    
                                 Brought to you by Prosys Software        
looks01.zip    43487 08-05-2024        Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ            
                                        Looks                ߲۲
                                     Editor v0.1         
                                                '95 Neo-Gen
looney10.zip   33849 08-05-2024      Looney Lord ver. 1.0
                                These monster and menu files were
                                worked on every Satuday morning
                                before noon. Brought to you by
                                Lord Drizzt of the Darque Castle
                                BBS  (814)786-7688.
lord2b3.zip   186511 08-05-2024  LORD II: New World V0.77 Beta 3  
                                The saga of LORD continues in this      
                                multinode interactive ANSI mud door
                                created by Seth A. Robinson.  Works
                                with most DOS based BBS's.  Create
                                your own maps and stories too!
lord400a.zip  326744 08-05-2024 -= Legend Of The Red Dragon 4.00a =-
                                Marry and bury real people in the      
                                fantasy world of LORD.  Multinode 
                                interactive BBS door from RTsoft
lorda11b.zip   24455 08-05-2024   
                                       The Anarchist 1.1 Beta      
                                   First Local Made IGM For Lord.  
                                   Have an anarchist for players   
                                    to hire to wreck havoc in the
                                    game.Disfigure other players to
                                    reduce their charm,             
                                   transex them, sabotage their    
                                                           By Njo  
lordadd1.zip    8235 08-05-2024 [ LordAdd Version 1.0 ]ͻ
                                 This is a small utility to add on   
                                 to Lord color coded Log and Conver- 
                                 sation files from Dos.  FREEWARE!   
                                [ Empire Software ]ͼ
lordapp.zip    21065 08-05-2024 *****Lordnet Application*****
                                This is the application for entering
                                Linearnet Lordnet, to join the league
                                unzip this file into a directory run the
                                application and send the app, to:
                                121:2110/301, The Apollo BBS
                                Glen O'Gorman or route through
                                the Linearnet Mail machine to me.
lordbkup.zip    5765 08-05-2024 LordBackup, By Bryan Rittmeyer
                                This cool little FREEWARE util
                                backs up your PLAYER.DAT file
                                for you.
lordbu17.zip   15966 08-05-2024   LordBull v1.7! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+          
                                   Create 9 exciting new bulletins
                                   for LORD!  Includes an exclusive
                                   "Ultimate" Bull.  By SOS!
lordcarn.zip   25126 08-05-2024 LORD what Carnage, Bodies of the Realm
                                 Add-On for Legend Of The Red Dragon
                                 This program gives your LORD game
                                 The bodies that result when the 
                                 Dragon attacks each night!
                                 Free Ware!!!! Enjoy the Game!
                                 Programmed by Jonathan R Holman
lordchat.zip   42123 08-05-2024 LORDCHAT 1.0 Lord IGM Multi-node action
                                word chat.  by Steve Lorenz. Free IGM.
                                Supports extended Lord colors.
                                Using DDIGM IGM kit.
lordchng.zip   37009 08-05-2024 This  is  a  good lord addition for those
                                you  know  who  are bored of the old LORD
                                and  would  like  a  change.  It  changes
                                screens,  enemy  names,  and things which
                                people   say   after   they   die!   Very
                                colorfull!  Hope you like it! Designed by
                                the sysops of the Arctic Era BBS at (604)
                                852-1447   Shawna Fountain A.K.A Trisnic,
                                and  Craig  Obery  A.K.A  WOLF! with some
                                extra  help  by  Trevor Kooy A.K.A Al'lan
lordcng.zip   126773 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                                 LORDCNG is a utility
                                 for L.O.R.D. to randomize
                                 the menus and monsters
                                 in the game based on the
                                 time of day! Make your
                                 L.O.R.D. better than you
                                 ever thought possible!
                                 From Stone Dagger Productions
lordco15.zip   23277 08-05-2024   LordCops v1.5! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+          
                                  Police that patrol your Lord Game!
                                  Prostitution arrest, assault &
                                  battery, etc! By Sons of Salami!
lordcv11.zip    9293 08-05-2024   LordConvert v1.1! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+       
                                  Convert all of those Lord color-coded
                                  files in ANS/ASC/Any type of BBS 
                                  color code format! Freeware by SOS!
lorded10.zip   22346 08-05-2024 Monster Editor for Legend of the Red Dragon
                                A robust, flexible monster editor for
                                Legend of the Red Dragon by Seth Able.
                                Add that fresh spark to your LORD game!
                                Turbo C source code included.
                                This program is FREEWARE.
                                By Life Force.
lordedit.zip   59669 08-05-2024 LORDEDIT 1.0 GUI Allows full editing
                                of LORD characters! FREEWARE!
                                By Karim Sultan
lordf100.zip   97411 08-05-2024 LORD Fix V1.0 by G.A.C. Computer Services
                                is an IGM utility that fixes a problem with 
                                many LORD IGMs running on Major BBS Systems. 
                                LORD Fix allows most IGMs that will only work
                                locally, to work correctly remotely.  LORD 
                                Fix is placed in the LORD directory and 
                                modifies the files read by the IGMs to allow
                                them to work correctly.  LORD Fix is 
                                shareware, but it is free to anyone who 
                                registers Vanadia's Arena of Warriors.  
lordfaq.zip    32972 08-05-2024 
lordfx2a.zip   32729 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-= LORD FX: v2.0 =-=-=-
                                   -= Add SOUND to LORD! =-
                                 LORDFX2a.ZIP (aka) BBS Files
                                 Replace the LORDRIP.DAT with
                                 LORDRIP.FX and give RIP 2.2
                                callers 16-bit Stereo Sound in
                                  Legend of the Red Dragon! 
                                NOW with An ALL NEW RIP INTROS!  
                                    Doesn't effect ANSI! 
                                by Midnight's Realm (505)254-9415
lordfx2b.zip 1078272 08-05-2024 -=-=LORD FX v2.b USER Files=-=-
                                Required for RIPterm 2.2 Users
                                Includes the FXWAVES.ZIP for all
                                the FX Sound System Add-ons as
                                well as the LORDRIP2.ZIP for the
                                color corrected Icons\Bmps for
                                  Legend of the Red Dragon.
                                Encourage your favorite BBSs to
                                 add LORD FX... It's FREEWARE!
lordgc16.zip   31416 08-05-2024 Legend Of the Red Dragon Gambling Casino v1
                                Yes, now all of you LORD players can gamble
                                your Gold! (Another giant bug fix in this ver.
lordgc17.zip   52581 08-05-2024 Legend Of the Red Dragon Gambling Casino v1.7
                                Yes, now all of you LORD players can gamble
                                your Gold at BlackJack, Slots, and Roulette!
                                a LORD 3.26 I.G.M.
lordhelp.txt    3557 08-05-2024 
lordhelp.zip    3035 08-05-2024 Great tips for cheatin' and beatin'
                                Legend of Red Dragon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lordhint.zip    3883 08-05-2024 
lordhtm.zip    57057 08-05-2024 
lordicon.zip  224868 08-05-2024 Improved RIP Icons for LORD
lordmed.zip     8725 08-05-2024 LORD Monster Editor!  For Lord v3.20+
                                Allows you to edit all the monsters 
                                on a level-by-level basis in the hot
                                door game Legend of the Red Dragon.
lordmon.zip    21097 08-05-2024 LORD Monster Expansion, v1.0
                                Add custom monsters to Legend of the
                                Red Dragon, version 3.20a! This is 
                                not just another monster editor, this
                                allows you to increase the number of
                                monsters in your game. Allows you to
                                add and edit monsters. Developed by 
                                TC Software  Shareware only $3.00!
lordmorn.zip   27514 08-05-2024      Lord, What a Morning!
                                 Add-On for Legend Of The Red Dragon
                                 This program gives your LORD game
                                 A cheerful, bright, morning Feeling. 
                                 Free Ware!!!! Enjoy the Game!
                                     Programmed by Jonathan R Holman
lordnc10.zip   25532 08-05-2024 Lord No Cheat ver. 10 - Utility for 
                                LORD.  Will penalize users for staying
                                at a high level for too long.  Keep
                                them for ruining the game for everyone
                                else!  Registration is only $5.00!
                                Highly configurable & colorful!
lordop18.zip   57795 08-05-2024 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
                                $      LORDopoly v1.8         $
                                    From Wonderland Soft   $
                                    another great LORD      $
                                $     IGM. Buy Property in    $
                                $     The Realm. Find         $
                                    Bonuses. Get and pay    $
                                $   Rent for where you       $
                                $    stay. Buy that property  $
                                $     Wonderland Software       $
                                $  Legend of the Red Dragon     $
                                $ MADHATTERBBS (919)736-8005  $
lordpack.zip  191987 08-05-2024 LordPack 01-07-95!
                                All the Lord Utils by SOS as of
lordpm99.zip   31904 08-05-2024 Packmail .099-() Legend of the Red Dragon
                                Character Mail Packing Facilities.  Deletes
                                Player Mail by Age, command line option, or
                                default, keeps log, very fast. By Ron Dean
lordpup.zip    16513 08-05-2024 LordPUP         (c) Jim Davis
                                Unpacks and packs the text/rip data
                                files for Legend of the Red Dragon.
                                * * * * * F R E E W A R E * * * * *
lordrec2.zip    7611 08-05-2024       -= LordRecover =-
                                 Recover those PLAYER.DATs that Lord
                                 refuses to read!  Will attempt to
                                 recreate a PLAYER.DAT from ones that
                                 get the RUNTIME ERROR with LORDCFG!
lordrff.zip     6011 08-05-2024 Lord Forest Fight Randomizer
                                ****** by Mike Wilson ****** Run in your
                                nightly events to set a random number of
                                forest fights, you set min & max.
lordri12.zip   10554 08-05-2024        LordRid v1.2! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+      
                                  The LORD player packer with the most! Now  
                                  includes support for marriages (to Violet),
                                  a nifty status bar, whole code re-done to
                                  make sure of no crashes, PERIOD!  by SOS!
lordrip2.zip  172466 08-05-2024 -=LORD RIP 2.0 BMP REPLACEMENT=-
                                This fixes palette problems with        
                                Legend Of The Red Dragons RIP in   
                                RIPterm 2.0.  Copy into ICONS dir.
lordshad.zip   27276 08-05-2024  Shadows fall over The Realm of LORD
                                 Add-On for Legend Of The Red Dragon
                                 This program gives your LORD game
                                 all the trappings of late afternoon 
                                 Free Ware!!!! Enjoy the Game!
                                     Programmed by Jonathan R Holman
lordst16.zip   37850 08-05-2024     LordStat v1.6 LORD Bulletin Generator  
                                For LORD 3.15+ - Enhanced SETUP and ability
                                to make own bulletins!  Makes 11 different
                                bulletins of various LORD attributes, plus
                                spaces for 8 user made bulletins.  Player
                                Rankings, Romantic Warriors, Death Knight,
                                Mystical, Theiving Rankings, The Dragon
                                Slayers, Super Warriors, Money Grabbers,
                                a Marrage Listing, Where Are They, and an
                                IGM listing.  Multi-node compatible!
                                Renegade, Wildcat! and RA pause code support!
                                FREEWARE Jason Brown.
lordstr2.zip   28218 08-05-2024 Here's the New & Improved Langauge
                                of LORD Talk for WWIV.  I think all
                                the menus are there now, and I put a
                                non-ansi menu in too.
                                by The Cyber Witness
lordstrc.zip    3962 08-05-2024 Pascal source for all of LORD320.ZIP's
                                player and monster record formats.
                                This is freeware for any 3rd party
                                LORD developers, from Seth.
lordt1_0.zip    7481 08-05-2024 -=-=- LordText version 1.0 -=-=-
                                A quick and easy utility for
                                displaying sansi (Seth Ansi, or
                                ` coded files).
                                        -=[ FREEWARE ]=-
                                Tech'N Software  Lloyd Hannesson
lordtriv.zip  278924 08-05-2024 
lordtxt.zip    23082 08-05-2024 1960's lord. Made by a Sysop Utter Chaos 
                                & co-sysop Dolphin Satan of riverside's
                                Anarchy/elite board The Land of Utter Chaos
                                (909)275-9595. Call now buddy! 2 lord games
                                running.. Please call.... I'll be your best
                                friend. Come on I really will.
lordtype.zip    6482 08-05-2024   LordType v1.0! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+          
                                  Type the LORD color-coded files 
                                  from DOS.  No ANSI.SYS driver
                                  needed.  SOS software!
lordwf21.zip   84379 08-05-2024  LORD Web FAQ
                                 The ultimate HTML based FAQ for
                                 Legend Of the Red Dragon.
                                 Formerly LRDHLPxx.ZIP
                                 Now with hyper text links and
                                 web developer's kit, everything
                                 you need to put up a mirror site.
lordwin5.zip   19162 08-05-2024 
                                .oOo. Unofficial Strategy Guide for the  .oOo
                                .oOo. Legend Of the Red Dragon door game .oOo
                                      The Greatest Strategies ever for
                                      LORD! SECRETS, CHEATS, and TRICKS
                                      that no one wants you to know!
                                      The newest of the lordwin series!
                                      No new Changes to the complimentary
                                      lord chapters but updated contacting
                                      and purchasing information as well
                                      as coming attractions!
                                      Feel free to distribute Lordwin5.zip!
                                      For more info contact:
                                      Foxfire@Dracnet.com See us on the web
lordy10.zip    94778 08-05-2024 Lordy 1.0.  Lord IGM.
                                Are you really brave enough to
                                play Legend of the Red Dragon? 
lordy11.zip    94592 08-05-2024 Lordy 1.1  Lord IGM.
                                Are you really brave enough to
                                play LORD? 
lord_2dtig.zip   41040 08-05-2024 L.O.R.D.--The Interactive Guide
                                         Version 1.2
                                          Brian Hamm
                                (C)opyright 1995 by Brian Hamm
                                      All rights reserved
lord_br.zip     5246 08-05-2024 L.O.R.D. Hints 'n' Tips file - by
                                Blade Runner (8 Nov 94). Hint file
                                covers such things as Characters,
                                Gems, The BARD and Violet, Turgons
                                Warrior Training, Special Attacks,
                                Attacking with caution and
                                Slaughtering other players!
lord_fdn.zip    7491 08-05-2024 * LORD File Distribution Network - 06/01/95 *
                                -  The COMPLETE Lord File Distribution Net  -
                                -  LORD Software Developers and SysOps      -
                                -  YOU need this file!                      -
                                ------------ True LORD Support! -------------
lottery1.zip   45809 08-05-2024 
lotto102.zip    5607 08-05-2024 Greentree Lotto Hutt v1.02
                                This IGM adds a Lotto Hutt 1 screen north
                                of Uncle Edward's Cottage. It costs $10
                                to play, and the player can win good
                                prizes IF they can match at least 3
                                numbers in the order that they are drawn.
                                Players can play the Lotto as many times
                                as they want UNTIL they win. After they
                                win, they have to wait until the next day
                                to play again. If the player can get all
                                6 numbers right, he or she will win a
                                random amount of money, (up to $1,000,
                                I think), 4 Green Potions, 3 Blue Potions,
                                2 White Potions, and 4 Gems. Of course,
                                the odds are something like 1:1,000,000,000 ;
                                Author: Jay Weber (aka Elric, Anakha, and
                                (C) 1997 ShroomTrip Software
                                E-Mail: elric@innocent.com
                                Support: kender@innocent.com
lotto14.zip    47823 08-05-2024    The Mega Buck$ Lottery    
                                         Version 1.4         
                                       An IGM for LORD       
                                     Come on down to the     
                                  booth and get your ticket  
                                 to the hottest draw in town 
                                  !NOW SUPPORTS CLEAN MODE!  
                                   illusion software '96   
love110.zip    50386 08-05-2024     THE LOVE SHACK v1.10 IGM for LORD
                                This is the newest IGM in the line of
                                products from the author of Violet's
                                Cottage; worth the DL! by Trevor Herndon;
                                ArchonWare BBS : (703)341-1865
love120.zip    50565 08-05-2024 THE LOVE SHACK v1.20 IGM for LORD
                                This is the newest IGM in the line of
                                products from the author of Violet's
                                Cottage; worth the DL! by Trevor Herndon;
                                Bug fix edition;
lpak0415.zip  342130 08-05-2024 LordPack 04-15-95!
lpak0613.zip  622640 08-05-2024 LordPack 05-05-95!
lpd10.zip      11352 08-05-2024 LORD Player Deleter v1.0. Delete those
                                already "deleted players" completly
                                from your PLAYER.DAT file. This even
                                correctly renames the MAIL??.DAT files.
                                !!FREEWARE!! By Lazor Software
lpit210.zip    45043 08-05-2024 THE L.O.R.D. PIT v2.10 - IGM for LORD
                                Fight monsters in a graphical arena!
                                Comm driver updates, bug fixes, etc.
                                Archonware, just $5; call (703)341-1865
lpit250.zip    46322 08-05-2024 THE L.O.R.D. PIT v2.50 - IGM for LORD
                                Fight monsters in a graphical arena!
                                MAJOR bug fix version; Now keeps track
                                of arena fights and arrows;
                                Archonware, just $5; call (540)341-1865
lrank10.zip     9207 08-05-2024 L.O.R.D. RANK v1.0 - Ranks players in
                                multiple games making a single ranking
                                list. Brings competition between each
                                separate LORD game making it more fun!
lrd2tip.zip     5405 08-05-2024 LORD II: New World-Hints and Tips
                                to help master the continuing saga
                                of LORD composed by Cammy Cochrane     
                                of Wonderland Software
lrd352pt.zip  179300 08-05-2024 -= LORD 3.50+ TO 3.52 BETA PATCH =-
                                Upgrade your 3.50 or 3.51 to 3.52      
                                wide beta 2.  Released 9-13-95.
lrdchelp.zip    8427 08-05-2024 LORD Help for C Programmers!  Header files and
                                example source code for
                                accessing LORD's player files and monster
                                records.  Learn the intricacies
                                of locating a dropfile for your IGM.  Freeware
                                from SocraSoft!
lrdcngsi.zip  226252 08-05-2024 -=-LORDCNG SELF-INSTALL!=-=-=-
                                 LORDCNG is a utility
                                 for L.O.R.D. to randomize
                                 the menus and monsters
                                 in the game based on the
                                 time of day! Make your
                                 L.O.R.D. better than you
                                 ever thought possible!
                                 From Stone Dagger Productions
lrdenmy1.zip   15351 08-05-2024 LORDENMY v1.1 -=-FREEWARE!-=-  Improved!
                                A new way to customize your Legend of the
                                Red Dragon door!    Now you can edit the
                                LENEMY.DAT file and add all-new monsters
                                to LORD.  Also views all existing monsters.
                                Easy to use, no setup required, just place
                                in LORD directory and run it!  FREEWARE
                                from Clothing Optional Software.
lrdfaq11.zip   35939 08-05-2024 Legend Of The Red Dragon *OFFICIAL* FAQ v1.1
                                The Official Frequently Asked Questions list
                                and info file for Seth Robinson's L.O.R.D.
                                Online Door Game.
lrdfx111.zip   26958 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-= LORD FX: v.1.11 =-=-=-
                                   -= Add SOUND to LORD! =-
                                Replace the LORDRIP.DAT with
                                LORDRIP.FX and give RIP 2.2
                                callers 16-bit Stereo Sound in
                                Legend of the Red Dragon! 
                                  Doesn't effect ANSI! 
                                by Mike Collard (505)831-0797
lrdgft11.zip   39235 08-05-2024 --=== PHAZE SOFTWARE PRESENTS ===---
                                LORDGIFT v1.1 - LORD add-on utility.
                                Runs from nightly maintainence to
                                give each of your players a gift.
                                Gifts range from gold to skill points
                                to sex changes to bonus weapons/armor.
                                7.5% chance of LOSING from 10 to 50%
                                of your gold.  92.5% chance of a free
                                bonus for your charactors.
                                      Phaze Software home BBS:
                                 Chaos' Cavern  14.4  502-333-5570
lrdhint4.zip    6894 08-05-2024 THE SEMI-OFFICIAL LORDHINT FILE
                                LORDHINT.400! (LordHint ver 4.00)
                                   Written for LORD ver 3.55
lrdhlp16.zip   64396 08-05-2024       The best FAQ for Legend Of the Red
                                      Seventh edition, expanded WTLORD section
                                now in seperate file!
                                      Now includes an expanded index and
                                details on profanity checking.
                                      Hot tips and the latest info!
                                      All about Olivia, Violet and the maidens
                                in the forest.
                                      Blinking *yellow* text, screen clearing
                                and different background
                                      colors in the flowers!
                                      From the author of MYLIST
                                      John A Elson aka 3DHAM
                                      WF6I A.P.O.I.
lrdimgr1.zip   10656 08-05-2024 [ Lord Igm Manager V 1.0 ]ͻ
                                 This is a full featured manager  
                                 that will do everything you will 
                                 ever need to do with your Lord   
                                 Igms!  FreeWare with $1.00 Reg!  
                                [ Empire Software ]ͼ
lrdmon12.zip   35763 08-05-2024    LORD Monster Expansion, v1.2
                                Add custom monsters to Legend of the Red 
                                Dragon, version 3.20a! Not just another 
                                monster editor, this allows you to increase 
                                the number of monsters in your game. Add,
                                Edit,Delete,Export, and Import monsters. 
                                Newest version includes duplicate checking
                                upon importing monsters into your database!
                                Developed by TC Software  Shareware $3.00!
lrdtrv20.zip  281319 08-05-2024 Lord Trivia 2.0 an IGM for Lord !
                                A Super FUN add on for Lord.  Win
                                Gold + Experience for correct answers.
                                Includes a question editor. Now buy
                                hints and fight for correct answers.
lrdview1.zip    7650 08-05-2024 [ LrdView Version 1.0 ]ͻ
                                 This is a small utility to display  
                                 Lord Color Coded files in color.    
                                [ Empire Software ]ͼ
lrdwh20u.zip   84061 08-05-2024  LORD Web FAQ
                                 The ultimate HTML based FAQ for
                                 Legend Of the Red Dragon.
                                 Formerly LRDHLPxx.ZIP
                                 Now with hyper text links and
                                 web developer's kit, everything
                                 you need to put up a mirror site.
                                 SPECIAL EDITION FOR OFFLINE VIEWING
lsd10.zip      80963 08-05-2024 -=LORD Scenario Driver v1.0 LORD BGM]=-
                                Before Game Module for LORD 3.26a. Allows
                                Users to Select different scenarios for
                                their LORD games. A must for any LORD 
ltest10.zip    66138 08-05-2024 LordTest 1.0   Lord Sysop IGM 
                                Allows sysops to log mem use,
                                and or drop to dos.
lttry12.zip    49326 08-05-2024    The Mega Buck$ Lottery    
                                         Version 1.2         
                                       An IGM for LORD       
                                     Come on down to the     
                                  booth and get your ticket  
                                 to the hottest draw in town 
                                   illusion software '96   
ltype200.zip   13645 08-05-2024   LTYPE v2.00 for LORD!  Ŀ
                                 Now you can add to the conversations 
                                 in the Tavern and Inn?  Now you can! 
                                 LTYPE also has support for other     
                                 add-on's that use the same format    
                                 as LORD.       *!* FREEWARE *!*      
luau112.zip    39678 08-05-2024 L.O.R.D. User Access Utility v1.12 (LUAU)
                                LUAU is a utility that limits the play of
                                L.O.R.D. by non-subscribing users to the
                                BBS to the unregistered version of L.O.R.D.
                                Subcribers or donators play the registered
                                version.  Simply enter a value for the
                                security code above which can play the
                                registered version.
                                    Copyright John A. Tucker 1996
lwheel10.zip   94265 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... The Wheel.
                                How about playing the bonus round?
lwinter2.zip   36270 08-05-2024 WINTERIZED LORD for LORD 3.26 - A cold gust
                                of wind covers your realm, will your users
                                survive the winter.  Comes with over 100 new
                                monsters and 10 winter events.
maddog14.zip   31287 08-05-2024 The Mad Dog v1.4 -=- an IGM for WT-LORD in
                                32bit wcCODE for WC5! for WT-LORD v2.5 and
                                Above ONLY! A *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                BEWARE the wrath of the Mad Dog! Unleash him
                                on other players and watch as he rips them
                                limb from limb!
                                FEATURES: Includes Y2K Date Checking
                                          EASY Setup
                                          BUILT in Maintenance
                                          EASY ONLINE Registration with CC
                                          NOW, the dog is VICIOUS :)
madm23.zip     56121 08-05-2024 "The Mad Mage's Tavern" v2.3 -=- IGM for
                                WT-LORD in 32bit wcCODE for WC5!
                                "WT-LORD v2.0 READY" for WT-LORD v2.5 and
                                Higher! Includes Y2K Date checking.
                                Another fun *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                Stop by the Mage's Tavern and have a warm meal
                                 cool drink! Visit the
                                Waiter or Waitress and chat with the Mad Mage!
                                Another fun IGM for
                                Wildcat Tournament LORD!
                                FEATURES:  EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
                                           EASY ONLINE Registration with VISA
                                or MASTERCARD
mafia103.zip  283758 08-05-2024 MAFIAVILLE v1.03 - Features about 16
                                different supported castles, inns, password
                                stealing, contract stealing, etc.  Also, you
                                can become a hitman, smuggle, locate
                                players,and learn ALL about them.  This
                                archive comes with other IGMs that you will
                                need to run this IGM.  DIZ was created by a
                                member of the LORD_FDN.  Original file date
mansion.zip    24246 08-05-2024 The Great Mansion Ver1.0 For LORD II
                                Created By: ASC
                                Rent a private/password protected room with
                                private guard, bed and vault. Buy a mansion
                                staff. 2 level mansion.
mapswa11.zip    3883 08-05-2024 LORD 2 MapSwap Example .REF v1.01
                                This is a .REF than contains an example
                                of how to swap MAP.DAT & WORLD.DAT files.
                                This will let you use more than the 1600
                                map squares that LORD 2 is limited to.
                                Now works with unregistered LORD 2
                                FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE!
                                Author : Jay Weber
                                (C) 1997 ShroomTrip Software
                                E-Mail: elric@innocent.com
marilyn1.zip    6294 08-05-2024 WOW go to a Marilyn Manson concert in lord 2??
                                YOU CAN NOW!!!!
                                Install this for a world (well screen) of fun
                                : )
marty16.zip   116003 08-05-2024      Marty's Mercantile IGM 1.5
                                Shop the mercantile for goodies etc.
                                Look around to see what you might find
                                This IGM is free to all but you must call
                                the support BBS to get your reg code.
mashlord.zip   34734 08-05-2024   -=+M.A.S.H. Lord Menu+=-
                                   Legend of the Red Dragon
                                enhancement program. Brings the
                                M.A.S.H. characters to your LORD
                                Game. Colonel Potter, Hawkeye 
                                Pierce, Winchester, Radar and 
                                the whole gang comes to your
                                LORD Game. All new monsters,
                                menu support. *FREEWARE*
                                From the Crazy Guise of...
                                   ***PRINCE PUBLICATIONS***
mdrnwrld.zip   28558 08-05-2024           Modern World LORD ver.1.0
                                This will change the text in LORD 3.26 
                                or greater to a modern day life setting.
                                You go into the inn and afraid to chat
                                with Violet right away cuz your afraid 
                                of a law suit or something.  Drink a Bud
                                at Chance's Bar and Grill. Easy to install
                                and uninstall.  Enjoy!
                                Made by the SysOp of Hells Dominion BBS
medit1_4.zip  150631 08-05-2024 MEDITOR (Version 1.4) by |\/|ortal
                                World and Item editor for Lord2
                                Lord 2 is a trademark of RTSoft
megaigm.zip   100272 08-05-2024 Now give your LORD game up to 200
                                IGM's.  Supports Multiline BBS as well
                                as IGM's compiled with IGMDRIVE!
                                Registration : $10.00
megaigm4.zip   47747 08-05-2024  MEGAIGM 4.0 ۲
                                Allows an unlimited amount of IGM's to
                                be added to your LORD game! Now makes
                                a log of games played, and does the
                                task of moving the lines from the Lord's
                                3rdparty.dat file to the igm.dat file!
merdiv11.zip  119515 08-05-2024 -= Land of Merdiqua v1.1 LORD IGM =-
                                Battle aggressive monsters in the
                                Forest of Merdiqua, or go after
                                the big catches in the deep sea.
                                Break a wild horse in the corral,
                                or check out the shopping downtown.
                                And oh, the night life!  No matter
                                what your preference, you're bound
                                to meet that special someone.
                                Installation takes just seconds.
met10b.zip     26413 08-05-2024 Metropolis For Lord, A must have for all you
                                lord lovers...
                                Metropolis is a set of new menu's for
                                Lord, this is a must have for you lord
                                Lover's, And it's Free, from Red Earth
                                (503)764-2290, call today, and download
                                this file...
mimsic17.zip   56024 08-05-2024 Mimsic Isle v1.17
                                Lord 2 IGM
                                Author: Jim Wilson 
                                E-Mail: jfw@ica.net
                                Incredibly tough IGM to finish but lots of
                                tasks on the way that can be handled by
                                players able to walk to the entrance on
                                North Shore, east of Sosen.
                                A player finished 1.16! 1.17 is harder.
mine15.zip      9694 08-05-2024 DAHLONEGA DAVE'S DO-IT-YOURSELF MINING v1.5
                                An IGM for LORD II that allows users to pay
                                a fee to enter a mine and keep any gold or
                                gems that they may find.
                                Registration is FREE!!
                                From Mamoosoft Programming.
mledit10.zip   35837 08-05-2024       -= MLEdit v1.0 =-
                                   Monster Editor for Legends
                                   of the Red Dragon door
                                   game. Allow you to change
                                   the monsters anyway you
                                   want! FREEWARE! by
                                   Retro Software Designs
mmap003.zip    42029 08-05-2024 Magic Map AWGS/LORD II Map Editor             
                                AWGS/LORD II Utility
                                Author: Phillip Pearson
                                E-Mail: philnz@ibm.net 
                                The map editing program for AWGS which is
                                behind the exciting new adv game (coming
                                soon) from Alphawave Software. The basic
                                version is freeware!  It will load and save
                                AWGS (.MAP) format maps, and will import
                                LORD II maps.
mmc02.zip      50887 08-05-2024     Dragons Breath Prod.
                                 Multi-Monster Changer .02
                                 Change Sets of 131 
                                Monsters! Install program, and 
                                4 great sets already included
mmount22.zip   49590 08-05-2024   The Mystical Mountain 2.0
                                The Mystic Mountain is an IGM
                                  exclusively for WT-LORD.
                                Can you make it to the top of 
                                the mountain? Face many tasks
                                  while trying to scale the
                                mountain. Unregistered version
                                  only supports levels 1-6
                                    -|Wt-Lord 2.0 Ready|-
                                    Hybrid Software 1997
mmv250.zip     56977 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                   Maldorf's Mountain Version 2.5   
                                 A FreeWare IGM for Lord Ver 3.26a+ 
                                 The Legendary Wizard named Maldorf 
                                 who lives high atop a mountain is  
                                 here now to help Warriors of Lord  
                                 in their quest, if they are deemed 
                                 worthy.  New features include:     
                                  o As per MANY people's requests,  
                                    LEVEL-BY-LEVEL CONFIGURATION is 
                                    now in this version!            
                                  o Re-Wrote User Records.  In the  
                                    previous versions, a user could 
                                    change their name repeatedly, & 
                                    enter Maldorf's more than once  
                                    per day.  It is fixed now!      
                                 *FreeWare* Written by Devon Brooks 
mnstxt05.zip   21075 08-05-2024 -=-=- MonsText v0.5 for LORD -=-=-
                                LORD enemy file<--->text converter.
                                It takes the LENEMY.DAT from LORD &
                                changes it to a text file. You make
                                changes in ANY text editor,  & make
                                a new LORD enemy file! FREEWARE!
                                -=-= A new release from pHsoft =-=-
moi20.zip      55017 08-05-2024 Mirror of Illusion 2.0 [IGM]
                                 Enter this strange world the 
                                 mirror has created. Lots of 
                                 diffrent and unique adventu 
                                 Dekka Visions(c) 1996       
moi21.zip      57479 08-05-2024 Mirror of Illusion 2.1 [IGM]
                                 Enter this strange world the 
                                 mirror has created. Lots of 
                                 diffrent and unique adventu 
                                 res. Updates installation.  
                                 Set gold values now.          
                                 Dekka Visions(c) 1996       
mold.zip        4557 08-05-2024  -=[Moldy City lord2 IGM]=-
                                |                         |
                                |    Great Lord2 IGM      |
                                |    Features:            | 
                                |    A New City           |
                                |    a Big INN            |
                                |    weapon shop          |
                                |    armor shop           |
                                |   MUCH MUCH MORE!       |
                                |                         |
                                |     By Stealth          |
                                |     sd-871-0133         |
molun11.zip    48260 08-05-2024 32 bit IGM written for WTLORD and compiled
                                with WCCODE.
                                Molun's Tavern, is a quaint little inn in the
                                deep dense
                                forest. You are enticed to enter by the aroma
                                of fresh 
                                baked bread.
mon.zip         4889 08-05-2024  Monastry      lord2igm 
                                 A quaint little monastry just
                                outside Flagcity.             
                                     Author: TALAPHID@JUNO.COM
                                        & Monty Python  
monedit1.zip    8725 08-05-2024 LORD Monster Editor!  For Lord v3.20+
                                Allows you to edit all the monsters 
                                on a level-by-level basis in the hot
                                door game Legend of the Red Dragon.
monedit2.zip   18914 08-05-2024        MonEdit v2.0! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+      
                                  The most powerful Monster Editor available.
                                  Color done for you, Increase Dungeon
                                  Difficulty, 110% Compat with LordMon! 
monrpt_1.zip   13436 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                Monster Report for LORD.
                                ver 1.0.
monrpt_2d1.zip   13436 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                Monster Report for LORD.
                                ver 1.0.
monsted.zip    13698 08-05-2024 
                                                  LORD 3.20                
                                                Monster Editor!              
                                This lovely utility allows you to edit every 
                                aspect of every monster in Red Dragon v3.20! 
                                When I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING!  So
                                you don't like the name of a monster or what
                                says when it dies, change it.  With this file
                                you have control over all of the monsters in
                                game!  Customize your game of LORD today!    
moon100.zip   169009 08-05-2024 MOONCHAT - Standalone Door Chatterer or
                                LORD IGM. Unzip in its own UNIQUE directory.
                                This is a multi-node chatter door. Chat
                                with other users in MoonChat or in the 
                                MoonChat features of MoonDust County Fair
                                or Phantom of the Catacombs.
                                WIDE BETA RELEASE!
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
moon101.zip   170750 08-05-2024 MOONCHAT - Standalone Door Chatterer.
                                This is a multi-node chatter door. Chat
                                with other users in MoonChat or in the 
                                MoonChat features of MoonDust County Fair
                                or Phantom of the Catacombs.
                                Optional LORD IGM. Color messaging. Rewind.
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
mornlord.zip   27569 08-05-2024      Lord, What a Morning!
                                 Add-On for Legend Of The Red Dragon
                                 This program gives your LORD game
                                 A cheerful, bright, morning Feeling. 
                                 Free Ware!!!! Enjoy the Game!
                                     Programmed by Jonathan R Holman
mortal.zip      9570 08-05-2024  This IGM for Seth Able's "A New World" is the
                                 work of Rob Cummings, A.K.A. |\/|ortal. This
                                 is not to be plagiarized. A $2.00
                                Registration fee
mosh200.zip    10217 08-05-2024 BoneTown Concert Hall IGM v2.00
                                For LORD II: New World Beta 7+!
                                 Mosh pit, backstage access, a
                                   live band, drop acid, and
                                       LOTS, LOTS MORE!!
                                      by: curious yellow
                                  < csyellow@earthlink.net >
motley.zip    139239 08-05-2024 |01    RaySoft Software Proudly Announces
                                |03Motley of Screens v1.0 for LORD!  Randomly
                                |04displays up to 100 of your LORDTXT.DAT and
                                |05LENEMY.DAT files so that you can add some
                                |12spice to your LORD game!  
                                |15Share Ware -- Registration only $2.00!     
mparse.zip     81185 08-05-2024 MORTAL'S LORD II NEW LANGUAGE PARSER
                                Author: Robert Cummings
                                Lord 2 Utility
                                Yet another little tool to help in the 
                                creation of Lord II worlds.  This utility 
                                is the second part in my project to create 
                                my own world.  What you ask does it do?
                                Well as you know Seth Able (the orginal Lord
                                II world and REF engine designer made a nice
                                little engine to read REF files; however, 
                                Seth really sucked when it came to structure 
                                (sorry Seth but it's true).  So what I have 
                                done is created 2 programs to aid in the 
                                quicker and clearer design of REF files.
                                These programs are shareware and to register 
                                them both you should feel inclined to send me
                                a whole $2 bucks. If you don't then you're a 
                                cheap ass and you will never receive the 
                                version without the startup timer!  The 
                                sample IGM included with the package is 
                                entirely free. Feel free to use it however 
                                you please, but DO NOT distribute it 
                                individually.  The example MOUND.REF was 
                                entirely created using MParse.exe. To see for
                                yourself type "MParse.exe MOUND.LST MOUND.MEF
                                MOUND.REF". This will cause the parser to 
                                create MOUND.REF using the information in 
                                MOUND.LST and MOUND.MEF.
                                No elements of this package may be 
                                distributed indiviually. In otherwords 
                                MReplace.exe may not be separated from the 
                                package and distributed individually. You may
                                not attempt to reverse engineer or in anyway 
                                alter the binary code in order to alter it's 
                                This material is copyright (C) of Robert 
                                Cummings AKA |\/|ortal. To send me my $2 
                                bucks mail your cheque or money order to:
                                Robert Cummings
                                4-52 Maclaren Street
                                Ottawa, Ontario  K2P 0K4
                                I can also be reached at my e-mail address 
                                (for bugs or stuff):
                                Do not send cash... cash will be pocketted 
                                and you will not be sent the registered 
                                version. Sorry but your names will be 
                                encrypted into the registered versions and to
                                do that I need some kind of evidence of who
                                you are. Note that MParse uses a couple of 
                                the temporary player long integer variables 
                                to aid in it's math. You should not attempt 
                                to use `p29 or `p30 since using them may have
                                undesirable effects. It's a small price to 
                                pay for the power of the new language.
mpit_2d100.zip   38036 08-05-2024 ***NEW*** IGM for LORD!!
                                The MoshPit simulates all
                                the blood, sweat, and 
                                tears of a real concert!
                                Are you ready to mosh with
                                the big boys?  V1.00
                                Helmet Inc. Software.
msdrm_2d16.zip   39977 08-05-2024 |02|14Midsummer's Dream|02
                                |02 -----------------
                                |15 Version 1.6
                                |14 An IGM for Legend of the Red Dragon.
                                |14 Find the Magical Fairy gathering, and
                                |14 spend a few minutes with these fun
                                |14 little creatures. Hidden feature!
                                |14 ESS : Extremely Simple Setup !!
                                |02 Daimar Systems - David Holderness
msdrm_2d21.zip   43550 08-05-2024  Midsummer's Dream
                                 Version 2.1
                                 An IGM for Legend of the Red Dragon.
                                 Find the Magical Fairy gathering, and
                                 spend a few minutes with these fun
                                 little creatures. 
                                 Easy to Install and Setup !
                                 Daimar Systems - David Holderness
mshop10c.zip   80133 08-05-2024 The Magic Shop v1.00c LORD IGM
mshop200.zip   86531 08-05-2024 The Magic Shop LORD IGM v2.00
mshop252.zip   92444 08-05-2024 The Magic Shop v2.52 LORD IGM
                                A really cool IGM!  Ever want
                                to kill mean people in higher
                                levels?  Change your class
                                without wasting your forest
                                fights to get to DarkCloak
                                Tavern?  Protect a friend?
                                Now is your chance!
                                Req: Lord 3.50+
                                by : Steve Oberholtzer
msngr10.zip    77222 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... The Messenger.
                                Has anyone seen the messenger
                                around lately?
mspy11.zip     41230 08-05-2024 <<<   MailSpy for L.O.R.D v1.1   >>>
                                Government breathing down your back?
                                Have players with foul mouths?  This
                                may be the util for you to easily
                                keep tabs on what is going on inside
                                your games or just mess with your
                                players heads!  Enjoy!
                                -=-=-=-<< ChasWare (c)1996 >>-=-=-=-
mspy20.zip     86491 08-05-2024 MailSpy 2.0 - Now supports Lord, DogWorld,
                                GuTTeRBoWL and ROK !!!  An easy to use
                                interface for the monitoring or editing of
                                all written comunications in the games that
                                are supported!  Able to leap Lantasic net-
                                works in a single bound!  The Lord module
                                is completely functional in the unreg
                                version, the rest are read only.  Cheap!!!
                                Only $6 bucks!  ChasWare (c) 1996
mtglord.zip    34805 08-05-2024   -= MAGIC: THE GATHERING LORD LOOKS =-
                                              For LORD v3.55!
                                  Legend of the Red Dragon enhancement        
                                program.  Brings the most popular card
                                game of our times right to the LORD game!
                                Full menu support and bar text changes!
                                All new/All M:TG Monsters! The Real Feel!
                                        ***PRINCE PUBLICATIONS***
mtolymps.zip   31256 08-05-2024 Mount Olympus L.O.R.D!!!
                                All your favorite Greek
                                Gods and Goddesses show
                                up for the quest of im-
                                Lordtxt & Lenemy DATS
multlord.zip  231026 08-05-2024     Multiple Backgrounds for LORD!!!
                                 This file will fully explain how to 
                                 have an awesome custom LORD game by 
                                 allowing your users to choose what  
                                 kinda look they want to be playing  
                                 in! Check it out, it's KeWL!!!      
                                             '95 Neo-Gen
mys016.zip     84274 08-05-2024  MYSTiC TOWER 0.1.6 
                                Despair Software Productions
                                In game Inn, pull some pranks,
                                humiliate, get laid, talk with
                                people, torture slaves, and
                                 get weapons, and McDrugs
myst150.zip    16538 08-05-2024 -= Myst Ville v1.0 for LORD2 =-
                                A simple IGM for I made for LORD2.
                                Includes 4 new maps.  Myst Ville is
                                a little town that is found by
                                touching a purple tree just south of
                                Flag City.  Myst Ville includes an
                                inn, weapon store, Travel place,
                                Gamble House and a wishing house.
                                Created by Sejr Andersen aka FireHawk
mysthut1.zip   42524 08-05-2024 The Mysterious Hut Version 1.0
                                A Lord IGM From Empire Software!  
mystic35.zip   55705 08-05-2024      The Mystic Bar 3.5
                                 The Mystic Bar is an IGM made
                                 exclusively for WT-LORD. Start
                                 bar fights, get laid, gamble, 
                                       and much more! 
                                      Check it out now! 
                                      Hybrid Software 1998
                                     -|Wt-Lord 2.0 Ready|-
mystlord.zip   25193 08-05-2024   Mystical happenings in the Realm
                                 Add-On for Legend Of The Red Dragon
                                 This program gives your LORD game
                                 An eerie background, and a feeling 
                                 of other things going on around you.
                                     FREEWARE! Enjoy the Game!
                                     Programmed by Jonathan R Holman
mys_2d22.zip  117716 08-05-2024  MYSTiC TOWER 0.2.2 
                                Despair Software Productions
                                In game Inn, pull some pranks,
                                humiliate, get laid, talk with
                                people and get weapons or
mythc112.zip   11735 08-05-2024  =[ mythran's cottage : lord 2 igm ]=
                                 buy potions & various items off this
                                 old hermit, flirt with his georgeous
                                 apprentice, slaughter  the creatures
                                 in the basement and reap the rewards
                                 of his secret money making  tree  in
                                 this awesome lord 2 add-on! this igm
                                 provides non stop  entertainment for 
                                 the whole family. registered version
                                 of lord 2 is required. ( freeware! )
                                 =[ (v1.12) written by heath axton ]=
mzklrd51.zip  102198 08-05-2024 MZK LORD 5.1 - Minor Update To MZK LORD 5.0!
                                ----------MZK LORD 5.1 FREEWARE-------------
                                *The Greatest NPC Generator For LORD 3.26 Or
                                Better! Now With FULL SUPPORT For LORD 3.26+
                                Including Player Marriages , Horse And Fairy
                                Related Events, And A Great Deal Of Improve-
                                ments Over v4.1! The Greatest LORD Addon You
                                Could Ever Want! This Is A Freeware!, 80286+
                                Processor Optimized Version! Great!!!!!!!!!!
                                *In Case You're Wondering About Why This DIZ
                                Is So Plain, It's An "Environmental Friendly
                                One" ....... Better Than Getting The HiASCII
                                Stripped Out!! Anyway, Who Needs Fancy DIZs!
                                An MZK Product (C)Copyright 1995 Matt Marlor
mzklrd55.zip  166454 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                MZK LORD 5.5 - Great Addon For LORD 3.26!!!!
                                =-=-=-=-=-MZK LORD 5.5 FREEWARE-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                                An MZK Product (C)Copyright 1995 Matt Marlor
                                Add NPC's To Your LORD Game, And Much More!!
                                * Burning Town * Tax Collector * Dirty Deeds
                                * NPC's In Forest * NPC's Marry And Flirt!!!
                                * NPC's Interact And Converse With Humans!!!
                                * Humourous Sayings, Events, Names, Etc, Etc
                                * STOP PRESS! Feature -Adds More To The Game
                                * Visits From Gods  * NPC's Progress Through
                                Levels And Ultimately Slay The Dragon!!!!!!!
                                * NPC's Rob The Bank (Without Fairies :) )!!
                                * And A Whole Heap More That You're Going To
                                Have To See To Believe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
                                AND DID WE MENTION IT'S 100%, TOTALLY FREE!?
                                An MZK Product (C)Copyright 1995 Matt Marlor
natville.zip   42802 08-05-2024  Nathan Ville IGM V1.50
                                 by Nathan Scott
                                   email: nscott@voyager.co.nz
                                 {FileId Added By LORD_FDN}
nc.zip        102208 08-05-2024 
                                        The Nudist Colony
                                           RELEASE 0.7
                                Check it out!!!!
                                By J.R. Software Corp
newmon10.zip   11698 08-05-2024 -=-=New Monsters for LORD v1.0=-=-
                                All new monsters for Legend of the 
                                Red Dragon v3.26 or higher. 
                                FREEWARE by: JOFFETECH.
nightfal.zip   31367 08-05-2024  
                                         DARK  LORD           
                                        for lord 3.26         
                                 Nightfall comes quick over   
                                 your Realm, and let your    
                                 users fight in the Darkness.     
                                   COMES WITH over 100 NEW    
                                    by PIKE!                 
noad22.zip     77536 08-05-2024 NOAD Napping Ocean ADventure Lord IGM
                                Multi-BBS, Multi-Node, MultiTasking
                                aware. Lives in it own directory, not
                                in the Lord directory. 1 minute
                                installation progam. Fight and live in
                                an undersea world!  Fight new monsters
                                get XP, deal with the fish! If 
                                registered sysop can edit/add monsters
                                get more fights, Secrets are enabled!
                                Now you can get some coward out of the 
                                Inn\IGM where they are hiding from you.
                                Full online mail! by Allyn Cross
nop100l.zip    29779 08-05-2024  IGM Circ (New Other Places) v1.0 Limited. By
                                Curtis Vargo. Allows the sysop 
                                to circulate his/her IGMs for LORD. FREEWARE!!
nop101l.zip    39300 08-05-2024  IGM Circ (New Other Places) v1.0 Limited. By
                                Curtis Vargo. Allows the sysop 
                                to circulate his/her IGMs for LORD. FREEWARE!!
norcape.zip    12039 08-05-2024 NorthCape 1.0
                                Lord 2 IGM
                                Author: Stephen Walls
                                Freeware.  NorthCape has become my favorite
                                IGM! With NorthCape in ruin you venture into
                                its heart, discover a horrable secret and
                                are forced to take action? Make any sence?
                                I wrote this at 4am so just play it. Trust me
                                I am only 14.
norcape1.zip   12027 08-05-2024 NorthCape 1.0
                                Lord 2 IGM
                                Author: Stephen Walls
                                E-Mail: SaintLocke@aol.com (ArticNight IGMs)
                                Freeware.  NorthCape has become my favorite
                                Why? Because look at it! With NorthCape in
                                you venture into its heart, discover a
                                secret and are forced to take action? Make
                                sence? I wrote this at 4am so just play it!
                                Trust me!
now10.zip       5534 08-05-2024   NOW v1.0! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+               
                                  Turn on/off players' on_now stats
                                  from DOS!  By SOS software!
npclor26.zip   75184 08-05-2024 -= NPCLord v2.6! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+ =-       
                                   NPCs can now do EVERYTHING that  
                                   Humans can do!  EVERYTHING!
                                   AI Mail, up to 150 NPCs, NPCLord
                                   is 100% configurable!  By SOS!
npclor28.zip   85626 08-05-2024 -= NPCLord v2.8! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+ =-       
                                   NPCs can now do EVERYTHING that  
                                   Humans can do!  EVERYTHING!
                                   AI Mail, up to 150 NPCs, NPCLord
                                   is 100% configurable!  By SOS!
npclord.zip    52020 08-05-2024 -= NPCLord V2.0! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+ =-       
                                  Allows you to create and run NPCs   
                                  in Lord.  NPCs do everything humans 
                                  do, except write mail.  Create up  
                                  to 140 NPCs! LordWare by SOS!
npcup.zip      29285 08-05-2024 
nuktown.zip    89767 08-05-2024 Excellent NEW adventure for the Legend of The
                                Red Dragon!!
oasis_09.zip   49819 08-05-2024 |15|14The Oasis of El-Sayal|15
                                |15 ---------------------
                                |06 Version 1.09
                                |14 A new IGM for Legend of the Red Dragon.
                                |14 Trade, intrigue, and ancient mysteries.
                                |14 Explore the southern deserts and solve
                                |14 the various quests. 
                                |06   Negative bug has been fixed!!
                                |15 Daimar Systems - David Holderness
oasis_2d09.zip   49819 08-05-2024 |15|14The Oasis of El-Sayal|15
                                |15 ---------------------
                                |06 Version 1.09
                                |14 A new IGM for Legend of the Red Dragon.
                                |14 Trade, intrigue, and ancient mysteries.
                                |14 Explore the southern deserts and solve
                                |14 the various quests. 
                                |06   Negative bug has been fixed!!
                                |15 Daimar Systems - David Holderness
obo.zip        40490 08-05-2024 -= OBO'S BLACK MARKET IGM for LORD =-
                                OBO will sell you EVERYTHING!  From
                                horses and hitpoints to Charm and
                                Strength!  Also, you can even buy
                                additional visits to Seth and 
                                Violet!  AND, as an added bonus,
                                you may even buy a safe room to
                                stay, safe from ALL ATTACKS!
                                Another fine product by PCTech 1996
ocean.zip      19406 08-05-2024 Ocean Adventure v1.00 
                                Lord II IGM, 1.01 registered        
                                Author: Michael Hutson                     
                                E-Mail: MikeHutson@juno.com                   
                                In this Lord2 IGM, you get to travel    
                                at sea between the major ports, find          
                                a pirate ship, a desert island, dive  
                                to an undersea world, and fight the 
                                legendary giant squid (well, octopus)         
odink201.zip   22323 08-05-2024  -= Odin's Keep V2.00 for LORD2 =-
                                     A Fun IGM for LORD2 1.01a + 
                                  EASY INSTALL! Own the legendary
                                  Keep. Comes fully stocked with
                                  your own pet dragon, healer,
                                  Swimming Pool and much more.  
                                  New this version - Bar with
                                  male and female companions,
                                 weapons and armour dealers, etc.
                                  Redesigned Artwork + bug fix 
oldmn11b.zip   54707 08-05-2024  oDiN's The Other Old Man  : TEOS IGM  
                                Second release  Version 1.1B
                                Get Valuable info from the old man
                                Lots of fun for your players.
                                Requires TEOS V2.00 or newer.
                                New features, totally redone code 
                                Minor bug fix. *FREEWARE*
olman21.zip    33905 08-05-2024 Old   Man   IGM  2.1:  for   LORD   3.26+
                                   An    animated   test of archery,  and
                                fair  prizes,   unlike   some other  IGMs
                                Fixes   kids,  re-entry,  and  some  menu
                                Has  been  downloaded  over  1,000  times
                                off of SAR's The Darkside!
omc10.zip      83067 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 The Old Man's Cave            v1.0  
                                 An IGM for LORD, gives warriors tips
                                 secrets and all of types of stuff.  
                                 Running conversation was well.      
                                 Written at The Roman Empire BBS     
                                    by: William Turner               
oneless.zip    18969 08-05-2024 Lordtxt.dat with one less Keystroke 
                                For LORD 3.53+ This .dat file changes
                                the Weapon and Armor - Buy Menu -.
                                By removing one less keystroke
                                to buy your Armor and Weapons.
                                Your players will love this. 
                                VERSION 1.0    "BEETLEWARE"
oracle.zip      3196 08-05-2024 The Oracle of Stonebrook
                                by Methylene  Lord II IGM
                                Consult the Oracle and get your 
                                question answered. . after you 
                                answer the Oracle's question 
orc100a.zip     6249 08-05-2024 The Oracle of What's to Come
                                       Lord II IGM      
                                     By:  Tien Lung
                                   Godlike Productions
orc200.zip      7695 08-05-2024 The Oracle of What's to Come v2.00
                                Lord 2 IGM
                                Author:  Tien Lung
                                E-Mail: tienlung@hwcn.org
                                This IGM brings into being a storyline
                                and animation to an otherwise boring
orc300.zip      7811 08-05-2024 The Oracle of What's to Come
                                By:  Tien Lung(tienlung@hwcn.org)
                                This IGM brings into being a storyline
                                and animation to an otherwise boring
orphan10.zip    4633 08-05-2024 GREENTREE ORPHANAGE v1.0 - An IGM for LORD2
                                Are you willing to help the children who
                                have been orphaned by the Red Dragon?
                                Registration is FREE!!
                                From Mamoosoft Programming.
orphan11.zip    4672 08-05-2024 GREENTREE ORPHANAGE v1.1 - An IGM for LORD2
                                Are you willing to help the children who
                                have been orphaned by the Red Dragon?
                                Registration is FREE!!
                                From Mamoosoft Programming.
orphan1b.zip   25090 08-05-2024 ORPHAN BE GONE  -  v1.0
                                "Smart" program will clean up directories
                                cluttered with IGM leftovers and leave
                                only original LORD files. Will not disrupt
                                current game in any way other than in the
                                removal of IGM files and subdirectories.
                                From the family of Flying Pig products.
oslord15.zip   29108 08-05-2024     TOS LORD Patch Ver. 2.0
                                Star Trek: Original Series LORD
                                patch. LORD req. Freeware
                                      Canucksoft Corp.
otown28.zip   183932 08-05-2024 Our Town! v2.8 -=- IGM for WT-LORD in wcCODE
                                for WC5!  A *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                Stop by "Our Town" and check out the Locals!
                                Visit the Local High School, Church, Barber
                                Shop, Bar-B-Que Shack, Tattoo Parlor, Drug
                                Dealer and more!
                                FEATURES: Sysop Configurable "Town Name"
                                          Support Multiple WT-LORD Games
                                          Sysop Can Set Access based on Sec.
                                          EASY Setup BUILT in Maintenance
ouths13.zip    36578 08-05-2024     The Outhouse ver 1.30
                                     An IGM for L.O.R.D.
                                Easy to setup, has RIP support
                                     **** FREEWARE ****
                                This ver fixes the invalid config error
outs11.zip    114681 08-05-2024       The Outlands Tavern v1.1 LORD IGM
                                For LORD 3.50+ - Minor bug fix!  A nice
                                little place to visit or perhaps to stay the
                                night! Keeps users (mostly) save and warm
                                during the night, plus they can eat, drink,
                                talk, PARTY, and get drunk!  Now uses LORD
                                v3.55 BADWORDS.DAT and includes a hard to get
                                in Back Room!  FREEWARE, from the author of
                                LordStat and The L.O.R.D. Cavern.
outs13.zip     95263 08-05-2024       The Outlands Tavern v1.3 LORD IGM
                                For LORD 3.50+ - A nice little place to visit
                                or perhaps to stay the night! Keeps users
                                (mostly) save and warm during the night, plus
                                they can talk and PARTY!  Uses LORD v3.55
                                BADWORDS.DAT and includes a hard to get in
                                Back Room!  New RHP system lets you add to
                                it!  FREEWARE, from the author of LordStat
                                and The L.O.R.D. Cavern.
overlk12.zip   24321 08-05-2024 THE OVERLOOK HOTEL v1.2 - An IGM for LORD II
                                based on Stephen King's book "The Shining."
                                A "must-have" for Stephen King fans.
                                Registration is FREE!!
                                From Mamoosoft Programming.
owyn100.zip   183367 08-05-2024 OWYN'S CASTLE v1.0 - Mainly a travel center,
                                it has a grafitti wall where users can chat
                                with each other.  There are booths available
                                that players can buy, and then sell their
                                items there.  You can also change your name.
                                DIZ file added by member of LORD_FDN.
                                Registration $5. Original file date 07-29-97
p1012.zip       2517 08-05-2024 P1012.ZIP
                                Lord 2 Patch
                                Author: Scott Tolboe
                                E-Mail: pyramid_@hotmail.net
                                Patch that lets you run The Loose Screw 
                                Resort v1.03 IGM along with Isle of the 
                                Phreaks v4.0 IGM on Lord 2.  
                                Patch by Scott Tolboe.
p1036a.zip      3129 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run The Wedding
                                Chapel IGM along with Velox 
                                Teleporting Co. v2.0r IGM on Lord 2.  
                                Patch by Bobby Queen, a Lord 2 IGM 
                                Author himself and Owner of 
                                the Lord II official IGM web page 
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
p1037.zip       3325 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run Odin's Keep
                                v2.00 IGM along with Underground 
                                City v2.0 IGM on Lord 2.  
                                Patch by Bobby Queen, a Lord 2 IGM 
                                Author himself and co-author of 
                                the Lord II official IGM web page 
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
p1040.zip       2923 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run Tien Lung's
                                House v1.05 IGM along with Doc 
                                Farrell v1.01 IGM on Lord 2.  
                                Patch by Bobby Queen, a Lord 2 IGM 
                                Author himself and Owner of 
                                the Lord II official IGM web page 
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
p1040b.zip      3025 08-05-2024 P1040B.ZIP
                                Lord II Patch
                                Author: Bobby Queen
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
                                Patch that lets you run Tien Lung's House
                                v1.05 IGM along with Doc Farrell v2.50 IGM 
                                on Lord 2.  
                                Owner of the Lord II official IGM web page 
                                at: www.shelby.net/wizards/l2igm
p1040c.zip      3035 08-05-2024 P1040C.ZIP
                                Lord II Patch
                                Author: Bobby Queen
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
                                Patch that lets you run Tien Lung's House
                                v2.00 IGM along with Doc Farrell v3.00 IGM 
                                on Lord 2.  
                                Owner of the Lord II official IGM web page 
                                at: www.shelby.net/wizards/l2igm
p1040d.zip      3056 08-05-2024 P1040D.ZIP
                                Lord II Patch
                                Author: Bobby Queen
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
                                Patch that lets you run Tien Lung's House
                                v3.00 IGM along with Doc Farrell v3.00a IGM
                                on Lord 2.  
                                Owner of the Lord II official IGM web page 
                                at: www.shelby.net/wizards/lord2igm
p1092.zip       2975 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run The Loose
                                Screw IGM along with Father's Grave
                                IGM on Lord 2.  
                                Patch by Bobby Queen, a Lord 2 IGM 
                                Author himself and Owner of 
                                the Lord II official IGM web page 
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
p1188.zip       2912 08-05-2024 P1188
                                Lord II IGM Patch
                                Author: Bobby Queen
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
                                Patch that lets you run Q's Fortress v1.20
                                IGM along with The Blue Dragon's Challenge
                                v0.90b IGM on Lord 2.  Patch by Bobby Queen, 
                                a Lord 2 IGM Author himself and Owner of the
                                Lord II official IGM web page at:
p1193.zip       2794 08-05-2024 P1193.ZIP
                                Lord II Patch
                                Author: Bobby Queen
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
                                Patch that lets you run Scavenger Hunt v1.03
                                IGM along with Slayer's Domain v2.00 IGM on
                                Lord 2.  
                                Owner of the Lord II official IGM web page 
                                at: www.shelby.net/wizards/l2igm
p1194.zip       3380 08-05-2024 P1194.ZIP
                                Lord 2 Patch
                                Author: Bobby Queen
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
                                Patch that lets you run The Town of Andrew 
                                v1.00 IGM along with Pyramid's Place v1.09 
                                IGM on Lord 2.  Patch by Bobby Queen, a Lord 
                                2 IGM Author himself and Owner of the Lord 
                                II official IGM web page at:
p1276.zip       2980 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run Solace IGM
                                along with Transporter IGM on Lord 
                                2.  Patch by Bobby Queen, a Lord 2 
                                IGM Author himself and co-author 
                                of the Lord II official IGM web 
                                page at:
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
p1278.zip       3396 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run Aussie World
                                Two-Up Gambling IGM along with the
                                Seasons IGM on Lord 2.  Patch by 
                                Bobby Queen a Lord 2 IGM Author 
                                himself.  wizards@shelby.net
                                Available on the OFFICIAL LORD II
                                IGM ARCHIVE at:
p1279.zip       2995 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run Shangri
                                La IGM along with Password Man
                                IGM on Lord 2.  Patch by Bobby
                                Queen a Lord 2 IGM Author himself.
p1332a.zip      3274 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run Beachside
                                Cottage v1.02 IGM along with Velox
                                Teleporting Co. v2.0r IGM on Lord 2.  
                                Patch by Bobby Queen, a Lord 2 IGM 
                                Author himself and Owner of 
                                the Lord II official IGM web page 
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
p1357.zip       3209 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run Ye Olde Farm
                                IGM along with House of Incredible
                                Tensions IGM on Lord 2.  
                                Patch by Bobby Queen, a Lord 2 IGM 
                                Author himself and author of 
                                the Lord II IGM web page 
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
p1359.zip       3294 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run The Township
                                of New Stonebrook IGM along with 
                                Warrior's Graveyard IGM on Lord 2.  
                                Patch by Bobby Queen, a Lord 2 IGM 
                                Author himself and co-author of 
                                the Lord II official IGM web page 
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
p1436.zip       2936 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run Greentree
                                Orphange IGM along with Mythrans 
                                Cottage IGM on Lord 2.  Patch by 
                                Bobby Queen a Lord 2 IGM Author 
                                himself and co-author of the Lord
                                II official IGM web page at:
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
p1439a.zip      3071 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run Seths Crazy
                                Man's House IGM along with Velox 
                                Teleporting Co. v2.0r IGM on Lord 2.  
                                Patch by Bobby Queen, a Lord 2 IGM 
                                Author himself and Owner of 
                                the Lord II official IGM web page 
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
p1440b.zip      4025 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run Wizard's
                                Castle IGM along with Felicity's
                                Temple IGM on Lord 2.  Patch by
                                Ben Tiefert the official keeper
                                of the Lord 2 IGM Web Page
p1519.zip       2917 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run Faerie's
                                Glade IGM along with Yoda IGM on 
                                Lord 2.  Patch by Bobby Queen, a 
                                Lord 2 IGM Author himself and 
                                co-author of the Lord II official 
                                IGM web page at:
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
p67.zip         3370 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run The New Order
                                Concert Hall IGM along with Knotwood
                                IGM on Lord 2.  
                                Patch by Bobby Queen, a Lord 2 IGM 
                                Author himself and Owner of 
                                the Lord II official IGM web page 
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
p956.zip        3110 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run Fortress 
                                Fear IGM along with Jennie Garth
                                IGM on Lord 2.  
                                Patch by Bobby Queen, a Lord 2 IGM 
                                Author himself and author of 
                                the Lord II IGM web page 
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
palo.zip        8517 08-05-2024   Paladin's Oasis    Lord 2 igm 
                                 Don't you agree that Lord 2 is too   
                                good to evil? This adds a bar where   
                                good players get a better gem deal,   
                                evening out the playing field. Also,  
                                helps fill that dead space.           
                                       email: TALAPHID@JUNO.COM 
para199.zip    38157 08-05-2024 -=Pleasures Paradise 1.99=-
                                     Lotsa BUG fixes.
                                A wicked LORD IGM for LORD
                                3.26+. You can do drugs,
                                drink booze, and get laid.
                                Despair Sofware '95
para1991.zip   38157 08-05-2024 -=Pleasures Paradise 1.99=-
                                     Lotsa BUG fixes.
                                A wicked LORD IGM for LORD
                                3.26+. You can do drugs,
                                drink booze, and get laid.
                                Despair Sofware '95
passage3.zip   20455 08-05-2024 Underground Passage v3.0
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author:Max Walton
                                An Underground Passage
                                from in the middle of
                                the desert to Arrisville
                                on the way a teleporting
                                stone to Isle of the Phreaks
                                and a new city!
passmn11.zip    9482 08-05-2024 Treehouse Password Man! v1.10 - LORD II IGM
                                Simple (but useful) IGM to allow users 
                                another way to get the password for the 
                                treehouse, by either paying for it, or 
                                beating someone up for it!
                                Will work in the UNREGISTERED version 
                                of LORD II: New World!
                                BUG FIX - Will now calculate the cost to buy
                                          the password with relation to the
                                          player's level, to allow continuity
                                          of the game :)
                                  - mc.etheridge@student.qut.edu.au
pathedit.zip    7602 08-05-2024 
pawn0103.zip  110941 08-05-2024 [ THE PAWN SHOP V1.1  By Camroc
                                [ FREEWARE LORD IGM
                                - Fast and easy installation.
                                - Complements LORD, not ruins it!
                                - Interesting storyline.
                                - Buy weapons, armour, and other
                                  items and services.
                                - Talk to the employees.
pawn0119.zip  111074 08-05-2024 [ THE PAWN SHOP V1.2  By Camroc
                                [ FREEWARE LORD IGM
                                - Fast and easy installation.
                                - Complements LORD, not ruins it!
                                - Interesting storyline.
                                - Buy weapons, armour, and other
                                  items and services.
                                - Talk to the employees.
pawnigm.zip    78743 08-05-2024   *** Apu's Pawn Shop v1.0 ***
                                A cool LORD IGM by Justin Manning.
                                Allows players to buy weapons and
                                armour at discounts, sell weapons,
                                and attack Apu, among other things.
                                A great addition to any LORD game.
                                Call RED-LINE BBS at 703.404.2615
pbar_11.zip    91830 08-05-2024 -=[ Phil's Bar v1.1 - LORD IGM ]=-
                                 A really nice takeoff on the Inn Of
                                 The Red Dragon (Has a Slot Machine)
                                 and Girls :-) Registration is $5.00
                                 Author:Tom Phillips 1:2607/303 Fido
                                 t.phillips@phil.node99.com Internet
                                 -Phil's Place IV [610] 252-6223 -
pbar_2d11.zip   91830 08-05-2024 -=[ Phil's Bar v1.1 - LORD IGM ]=-
                                 A really nice takeoff on the Inn Of
                                 The Red Dragon (Has a Slot Machine)
                                 and Girls :-) Registration is $5.00
                                 Author:Tom Phillips 1:2607/303 Fido
                                 t.phillips@phil.node99.com Internet
                                 -Phil's Place IV [610] 252-6223 -
ped30.zip      56668 08-05-2024 The Fairy Peddler 3.0
                                   LORD IGM
                                by Children of Galaexy
                                Complete rewrite,better
                                than ever..check it out!
pedler23.zip   50394 08-05-2024 
penyon15.zip   17897 08-05-2024 Penyon Manor v1.5
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Max Larive
                                BBS: (450)679-7599
                                Find a new ownership and live in a
                                luxurious household where you even
                                have your personal commercial buyer
                                who gets you rid of your old stuff!
phan211.zip   207518 08-05-2024 PHANTOM OF THE CATACOMBS -- WIDE BETA
                                Make your way past the Skeletons to capture
                                the Key from the Phantom in the Cemetery.
                                Enter the Mausoleum and see if you can
                                survive the plunge through the Deep Abyss. 
                                Find the Treasure or Rescue the Victim if
                                you can survive the Creatures that await
                                you in the Catacombs. Earn Bonus Quests!
                                PLAY AS LORD IGM OR STANDALONE GAME!!!
                                Unzip in its own UNIQUE directory.
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
phan217.zip   209870 08-05-2024 PHANTOM OF THE CATACOMBS -- STANDALONE
                                Make your way past the Skeletons to capture
                                the Key from the Phantom in the Cemetery.
                                Enter the Mausoleum and see if you can
                                survive the plunge through the Deep Abyss. 
                                Find the Treasure or Rescue the Victim if
                                you can survive the Creatures that await
                                you in the Catacombs. Earn Bonus Quests!
                                OPTIONAL LORD IGM!!!
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
phaze15.zip   193357 08-05-2024 =-=-=-The Purple Haze LORD IGM v1.5 -=-=-=
                                The most complete LORD IGM out there!  
                                There is a bank, a healer, trainers, flirting
                                drinking, eating, getting information, a good
                                black jack game, a madman, a bathroom, brawls
                                money, special events that happen randomly,
                                getting a date, and much much more.  Also
                                it detects if you have LORD in clean mode and
                                it will go in clean mode and change to a more
                                a cleaner IGM.  Also is gender aware so the
                                IGM is fun for either sex.  The IGM is only
                                5 bucks for registration so its worth a look.
                                Easy to install!  Uncripled Shareware!
                                New for 1.5: New menus and a better brawl.
                                Written by Andy Phillips and Jake Heule.
photek28.zip    8672 08-05-2024  -= Photek's House v2.8 LORD2 =-
                                A simple IGM for LORD2 for beta7
                                or newer.  Includes 2 new maps
                                and a .ref file.  EASY INSTALL!
picnic10.zip   83647 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... The Picnic.
                                Has that vulture been bothering you?
pklord10.zip   19610 08-05-2024 pakLORD 1.0 - Program for Legend of the Red
                                Dragon that
                                packs the player data file for speed and size.
                                Another FREE
                                L.O.R.D. utility by Retro Software Designs.
planeref.zip   16201 08-05-2024  
                                 Nogit's Airport A small IGM
                                 for lord2. Adds a airport
                                 with many places to go.
                                 |08By Nogit of Dragons Lair BBS
                                 |08     (7o3)-94i-4490
plnetv13.zip   22478 08-05-2024 <->-  Personal LORD Net v1.30  -<->
                                Allows up to 10 people to play local
                                copies of LORD, as if it were one big
                                game!  Players transfer text datafiles
                                to each other via email, which keeps
                                stats current, sends mail, and updates
                                any other interactive LORD feature.
                                Register for just $5!
                                Reqs. Legend of the Red Dragon v3.55+
plytxt11.zip   27326 08-05-2024 PLAYTEXT v1.1 - a command line utility 
                                for LORD!  This unique utility lets 
                                you change virtually anything in LORD's 
                                PLAYER.DAT file from the command 
                                line.  Freeware from SocraSoft!
pmv12.zip      55988 08-05-2024     -=-=Player's Market v.12=-=-         
                                An IGM for LORD. Multi-BBS, Multi-Node,  
                                MultiTasking Aware and can be in its own 
                                directory. A great place to buy and sell 
                                almost any item you want, and for the    
                                price you want! If you have Dragon's     
                                Breath Mountain IGM installed, you can   
                                integrate the two!                       
                                **Easy installation and configuration!** 
                                        * * **FREEWARE!** * *            
                                Written By: Ricky Friesen
pmv13.zip      54685 08-05-2024     -=-=Player's Market v.13=-=-         
                                An IGM for LORD. Multi-BBS, Multi-Node,  
                                MultiTasking Aware and can be in its own 
                                directory. A great place to buy and sell 
                                almost any item you want, and for the    
                                price you want! If you have Dragon's     
                                Breath Mountain IGM installed, you can   
                                integrate the two!                       
                                ** NEW COMM ROUTINES **                  
                                **Easy installation and configuration!** 
                                        * * **FREEWARE!** * *            
                                Written By: Ricky Friesen
pmv14.zip      54719 08-05-2024     -=-=Player's Market v.14=-=-         
                                An IGM for LORD. Multi-BBS, Multi-Node,  
                                MultiTasking Aware and can be in its own 
                                directory. A great place to buy and sell 
                                almost any item you want, and for the    
                                price you want! If you have Dragon's     
                                Breath Mountain IGM installed, you can   
                                integrate the two!                       
                                **Fixes the "F1 for command" bug**       
                                **Easy installation and configuration!** 
                                        * * **FREEWARE!** * *            
                                Written By: Ricky Friesen
poor10.zip     77723 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... The Poor House.
                                A little help when you really need it...
potion10.zip    4296 08-05-2024 The Potion Store V1.0  
                                LORD II IGM
                                Author: Nick McKinney
                                E-mail: N.McKinney@juno.com
                                This is my second IGM.
                                This is a small IGM but I think
                                that this one is pretty good.
                                Let's see how you like it and if
                                it works good for your LORD2 game.
prisbait.zip    2403 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run 
                                Greentree Prison IGM and 
                                Big Bad Bait shop IGM on 
                                Lord 2.  Patch by Codax 
prison14.zip   80422 08-05-2024 Greentree Prison v1.4 by Codax
                                Enter Greentree prison 1 mile
                                west of Greentree.  Play 4
                                different gambling games including
                                craps, high slots, high card, and
                                coin toss (un)limited times a day!.
                                Rock crushing and pumping iron is a
                                definate must!  Tunnel out or do 
                                something really crazy like,
                                 Serve you sentence!
                                So much to see, so much to.  Looks
                                Prison my not be that bad!
prisonv2.zip   30808 08-05-2024 Greentree Prison ver 2.0 by Codax
                                Enter Greentree prison 1 mile
                                west of Greentree.  Play 4
                                different gambling games including
                                craps, high slots, high card, and
                                coin toss (un)limited times a day!.
                                Rock crushing and pumping iron is a
                                definate must!  Tunnel out or do 
                                something really crazy like,
                                 Serve you sentence!
                                So much to see, so much to.  Looks
                                Prison my not be that bad!
pshot102.zip   54553 08-05-2024 Parting Shots is a door that allows
                                users to leave a message for the next 7
                                callers.  They can leave it in color if
                                they wish using LORD style color codes.
                                Uses the same registration key as
                                Socrates' Shop.  Shareware from
psigewg.zip    89749 08-05-2024 PSI - GemShop v1.00
                                GemShop is a T-LORD IGM that allows
                                players to sell gems for gold.
                                [37mWorldgroup 1.x and 2.x version.
                                Registration: FREE
                                [35mPSI Sales  206-259-6417  Email
psilswg.zip   103063 08-05-2024 [0;1;44mPSI - Lord Shops v1.00[0m
                                [36mLord Shops is a T-LORD IGM that allows
                                players to visit a Merchants Courtyard
                                to sell gems, buy a horse, change the
                                names of their weapons and armor, adopt
                                children and visit a library.
                                [1;37mA true IGM only requiring T-Lord to run
                                [32mFull online level 3 & 4 configuration.
                                [36mWorks with WG 1.x / 2.x
                                [33mPolarShock Interactive (425) 259-6417
ptshp10a.zip   42932 08-05-2024  The Red Dragon Pet Shop v1.0a LORD IGM
                                    Freeware IGM where users can sell
                                    their weapons and buy an animal
                                    to replace them.
pvalley.zip   154394 08-05-2024 
pyram120.zip   39651 08-05-2024 Pyramid's Place v1.20 
                                Lord 2 IGM 
                                Author: Scott Tolboe
                                E-Mail: pyramid_1@geocities.com
                                Includes 11 new maps and a .ref file.  If 
                                you have any ? just e-mail me. This is my 
                                first igm so don't expect that much from it. 
                                It is like a little town located on the path 
                                to the shrine and I have added 2 new items.
pyrolord.zip   44304 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-Pyro-ized Lord-=-=-=-=-=-
                                This new Lordtxt.dat and Lenemy.dat
                                Created by me(Jeff Chamberlain)
                                Have fun and please don't 
                                change these in any way
                                -=-=-=-The Assassins Guild-=-=-=-
qfort145.zip   15341 08-05-2024 Q's Fortress v1.45
                                Lord 2 IGM
                                Author: Eric L. Bennett
                                E-mail: ebennett@entercomp.com
                                Q's fortress is an ownable castle that
                                has many features, including a bar,
                                stables, sea travel, supplies, and 
                                weapon/armor stores.
qfortres.zip   10314 08-05-2024 The Crazy Man's House by Seth A. Robinson V1
qledlite.zip   21089 08-05-2024  Que's LORD Monster Editor (SMALLER ARCHIVE)
                                 Que's LORD Monster Editoris (probably) the 
                                first such program written for MS Windows. If
                                your BBS is running under Windows, or if you 
                                maintain your system from a Windows
                                then this program will give you one less
                                to drop to DOS.
                                 This archive does NOT contain VBRUN300.DLL
                                COMMDLG.DLL which are available from most BBS
                                systems. Bitmaps and install program removed 
                                for quicker DL.
qlorded.zip   470264 08-05-2024   Que's LORD Monster Editor is (probably) the
                                first such program written for MS Windows. If
                                your BBS is running under Windows, or if you 
                                maintain your system from a Windows
                                then this program will give you one less
                                to drop to DOS.
quest201.zip   16146 08-05-2024  -= Quester V2.01 for LORD2 =-
                                  A Great IGM for LORD2 1.01a+ 
                                       EASY INSTALL! 
                                  Allows players to complete
                                 a quest per day that involves 
                                 fighting against some major 
                                 enemies ! Very configurable.
                                      New this version:
                                 Added swimming at Tiny Lake
                                   Rewrote a few routines, 
                                 2 Bug fixes + compatible with 
                                     other Lord II IGM's
                                   Another FREEWARE release
                                          by oDiN
qwkigm14.zip  105591 08-05-2024 QWK-IGM programming engine for QB45
                                           !RELEASE 1.4!           
                                  !!NOW ONLY $30.00 TO REGISTER!!  
                                Now with a NEW configuration file!!
                                The premium  engine for  generating
                                working IGMs for  Legend Of the Red
                                Dragon, a popular on-line doorgame.
                                Now includes sample source code for
                                a complete stand-alone IGM from our
                                HOT NEW IGM CASTLE COLDDRAKE!!     
                                          !!GRAB IT NOW!!          
                                Quality shareware from             
                                                Ballistic Labs, Ltd
qwkins04.zip   57367 08-05-2024 QWK-INS Install program for QWK-IGM
                                !!NEW   !!EXTREMELY SIMPLE!!  NEW!!
                                           Version 0.4
                                This  package  contains  everything
                                you need to generate a professional
                                installation  routine  for  QWK-IGM
                                generated IGMs!   Its  use is  made
                                available exclusively to registered
                                users  of the  QWK-IGM  programming
                                engine produced by Ballistic Labs. 
                                Quality shareware from             
                                                Ballistic Labs, Ltd
qwkmrt11.zip   81505 08-05-2024          *** QUIK-E-MART for LORD ***
                                                 Version 1.1
                                Another program by Chuck Charpentier.  IGM for
                                weeze the juice, steal from the clerk, eat
                                use the restroom, eat candy, make faces at the
                                and more.  Pretty nice, no registration!.
                                Call RED-LINE BBS at 703.404.2615
r3pmm9a.zip   106356 08-05-2024 R3PMM - Version .09a - LORD UTILITY
                                Allows usage of more than 9 IGMS
                                at a time in LORD.  
                                (Great GAME Seth!!)
                                Change your available IGMS on a 
                                daily basis using this program.
                                Got more than 9 IGMS.  Looking
                                for a solution for your users
                                being on for too long in the one
                                game.  This utility will allow the
                                sysop to make use of as many IGMS
                                as he likes, while limiting the
                                quantity of them daily.  Every day
                                NEW IGMS can be presented to your
                                users as they are rotated through
                                the system.    CHECK IT OUT.  
                                Written By Hansen Systems/Sven Hansen
races21.zip    86723 08-05-2024 Races 2.1   Lord IGM 
                                How about a trip to the horse races! 
races22.zip    86819 08-05-2024 Races 2.2   Lord IGM 
                                How about a trip to the horse races! 
racetrk2.zip   44339 08-05-2024 Strong Man I's Race Trek 2.00 beta
                                This IGM lets users take there horses
                                a race track to win money.  Users Also
                                can take a nap in the stable Search a 
                                grave yard, and leave messages behind 
                                for other users.  100% FREEware.
randlk10.zip   20623 08-05-2024            TGR Software Presents...
                                          Random Lord Looks v1.00!
                                   Randomly picks from 1 to 30 different
                                 LORDTXT.DAT's when your user enters LORD!
randlord.zip   60867 08-05-2024 -=-= Random Lord v1.1 =-=-
                                Chooses a random LordTXT.dat
                                and Lenemy.Dat file at Lord 
                                Statup.  Never have the same
                                Setup each time you play! use
                                up to 99 LordTXT and Lenemy
                                files each!! By: David Corona
randmenu.zip   30272 08-05-2024       *** RandomMenu v1.0 ***
                                RandomMenu is a great program that
                                will select a random LORDTXT.DAT and
                                LENEMY.DAT file each time it's run.
                                  And best of all it's *FREEWARE*
                                Written in QBasic 4.5 by Jay Moock
randmon0.zip    8400 08-05-2024 The Monster Randomizer for LORD - The Monster
                                Randomizer will allow SysOps to take the
                                standard LORD monster data file, and make
                                easy changes to these monsters, creating a
                                NEW monster data file.  Seth Able's monsters
                                will be switched, so the next time the
                                program is run the original monsters have the
                                chance to get back into the game.
raven_2d22.zip   55154 08-05-2024 |10F|02orest of the |10R|02aven|04
                                |15 Version 2.2
                                |10 An IGM for |04Legend of the Red Dragon.
                                |10 Explore the Northern Forest and try to 
                                |10 find the Castle of the Raven Queen ... 
                                |10   Anti-cheat System,
                                |10   Random Events, Magic Weapons, Riddles,
                                |10   ANSI combat sequence.
                                |10   Easy Set-up !
                                |15 Daimar Systems - David Holderness
raven_2d23.zip   55401 08-05-2024 |10F|02orest of the |10R|02aven|04
                                |15 Version 2.3
                                |10 An IGM for |04Legend of the Red Dragon.
                                |10 Explore the Northern Forest and try to 
                                |10 find the Castle of the Raven Queen ... 
                                |10   Anti-cheat System,
                                |10   Random Events, Magic Weapons, Riddles,
                                |10   ANSI combat sequence.
                                |10   Easy Set-up !
                                |15 Daimar Systems - David Holderness
rdbank16.zip   55157 08-05-2024 Red Dragon's Bank v1.6 - An IGM (In Game
                                Module) for the popular BBS door game
                                LORD v3.5x.  Red Dragon's Bank is different
                                than LORD's bank in that you don't lose your
                                gold and gems that you had deposited in it
                                once you kill The Red Dragon.
                                Added the ability to buy gems and horse.
                                Also some error checking routines.
                                SHAREWARE - $5 - NOT CRIPPLED!!
                                Seattle On-Line BBS (206) 361-6150
                                Written by Ziad K. Alhasawi
rdcas11b.zip  134711 08-05-2024 -=*> Red Dragon Casino  Lord IGM <*=-
                                Copyright (c) 1995 by William Atwell
                                RD casino is a add on module for LORD
                                3.26, Allows players to enter a casino
                                from the other places menu and gamble
                                with thier money from LORD. The casino
                                includes Black Jack and Draw Poker in
                                version 1.0 more games will come in
                                future versions. $5 registration.
                                Good game that is easy to install.
rdcas16.zip   214595 08-05-2024 -=*> Red Dragon Casino  Lord IGM <*=-
                                Copyright (c) 1995 by William Atwell
                                RD casino is a add on module for LORD
                                Updated version a few small bug fixes
                                Now has a lottery where you could win
                                millions if you pick the right numbers
                                easy to update from 1.5. 
rdcastle.zip    3868 08-05-2024 The Red Dragon's Castle 
                                LORD II IGM
                                Author: Adam Baran
                                E-Mail: baran@yesic.com
                                A 1st creation by King Lucifer (aka Bloody 
                                Knight) this does make sense if you read the 
                                Daily Happenings every day...there's always 
                                Dragon Tooth guarding a particular City/Town 
                                from attacks...and it doesn't even need an 
                                .ref file!!!!
rdcom.zip       8608 08-05-2024 Rdcom.exe - Lord2 REC decompiler program, 
                                no docs, from Eric Vinson.
rdhide12.zip    8220 08-05-2024 The Red Dragon's Hide-Out v1.2
                                Lord 2 IGM
                                Author: James Baran aka King Lucifer
                                E-Mail: bloody_knight@hotmail.com
                                This is my 2nd IGM that I have made, this is
                                also probably the biggest one I've made and 
                                it turned out just as I had imagined it 
                                would.  It took me close to 2 weeks to 
                                complete, because i accidentally deleted it.
                                ..so please enjoy this King Lucifer creation
rdsfl099.zip   36515 08-05-2024 (BGM) Random Scenarios For LORD 3.26+
                                Randomly Select Scenarios/Flavors Before
                                The Game Loads.  Quick Configuration.
                                17 Jul 1995 By Ron Dean (Freeware)
realm100.zip   60993 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                ۲Realm of ImmortalsͰ
                                ĺ      IGM v1.00      ĺĴ
                                      Realm of Immortals v1.00 for    
                                        Legend of The Red Dragon      
                                          for version 3.26+           
                                  The largest IGM to date. More to    
                                  find, more games, humour, and raw   
                                  entertainment than any other IGM!   
                                ĮMake your LORD a Party!!!
recd100s.zip   10580 08-05-2024 +---------------------------------------+
                                |                                       |
                                |RecDecom - LORD II REC Decompiler 1.0.0|
                                | - Accidentally delete your REF Source?|
                                | - An otherwise good REC bugging out?  |
                                | - Want to index a REC to speed the    |
                                |    game?                              |
                                |                                       |
                                | If any of the above are true, RecDecom|
                                | can solve the problem. Given a LORD II|
                                | REC file, RecDecom can restore the    |
                                | original REF. RecDecom is NOT intended|
                                | as a pirating tool.                   |
                                |                                       |
red10.zip      37006 08-05-2024 RedNeckin' v1.0 -=- IGM for WT-LORD in 32bit
                                wcCODE for WC5!  Funny type IGM for WT-LORD
                                v2.5 and Above ONLY! Includes Y2K date
                                checking.  Another fun *WT-LORD IGM* by
                                Joseph Watson  Hear a RedNeck joke or two.
                                It's more fun than SEX and a lot safer!
                                FEATURES: EASY Setup  SYSOP Configurable
                                Access Restriction!  BUILT in Maintenance
                                EASY ONLINE Registration with VISA or
reddt01.zip    51874 08-05-2024          -=-=RED DRAGON TOWN v1.0=-=-
                                            THIS IS A LORD 2 IGM!!
                                   Now you can visit the town from LORD 1 in
                                LORD 2! (get it!?) After the DRAGON was
                                 the town was named after the RED DRAGON...
                                 in LORD 2 you can visit this town ONCE AGAIN!
                                Created by VooDoo KnighT - KNiGHTSoFT
redwood.zip    48216 08-05-2024 -= REDWOOD RESTAURANT & TAVERN IGM V1.1=-
                                In a unique atmosphere, REDWOOD offers
                                users such options as speak to the
                                old blind barstool prophet, incite a
                                brawl, order food, and even POISON
                                other PLAYERS!  This is one IGM not
                                to be passed, grab it up while you
                                All past ERRORS FIXED!  Yes, this new
                                version is flawless, to my knowledge!
                                Another fine product by PCTech 1996
refidx02.zip   13671 08-05-2024 
registry.zip  140264 08-05-2024 Global Registries v1.09
                                Lord II Non-IGM Add-On
                                Author: Mike Freeman
                                E-Mail: aussie.mfreeman@worldnet.att.net
                                At last!   A way to record your own personal 
                                customized registry entry about your Lord II 
                                character. Completely definable allowing you 
                                to give a touch of personality to your
                                appearance in Lord II. Requires v1.01a of
                                Lord II. By (AuSSie Creations Inc.) Jan 1 98
reporter.zip    4264 08-05-2024 
reset107.zip    8964 08-05-2024 Reset ver 1.07
                                Lord 2 IGM
                                Author: Jim Wilson
                                E-Mail: jfw@ica.net
                                Freeware.  Reset ver 1.07 is an IGM that 
                                allows players who have finished either 
                                side of the game (good/evil) to reset their 
                                character to a newbie and start over.  Keeps 
                                a record of times won and helps change
                                alignment of retirees. 
reset12.zip    19755 08-05-2024 Lord 2 IGM. Freeware.  Reset ver 1.02 is an
                                IGM that allows players who have finished
                                either side of the game (good/evil) to reset
                                their character to a newbie and start over.
                                Keeps a record of times won and helps change
                                alignment of retirees.
resort20.zip    4484 08-05-2024          The Resort
                                My 3rd Lord2 IGM. Not too
                                bad too look at. So drop me
                                a note some time, my e-mail
                                address is in the SYSOP.DOC
rev100.zip     23092 08-05-2024 -= Revenge Castle v1.0 for LORD2 =-
                                A simple IGM for I made for LORD2.
                                Includes 7 new maps.  
                                Revenge Castle is located North of
                                Sosen Village.  It is a nice place to
                                visit, you can get another chance
                                on things, and travel, there is an
                                inn, and much more. 
                                ***NOTE*** I had changed GENRAN.ref
                                and added it to this IGM, if you do
                                not want a new add on to GENRAN.ref
                                then don't overwrite the file
rflct11.zip    79845 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... Reflections 
                                The battle of your lives.... 
rhpsv1.zip     68026 08-05-2024 |04.|12R|04ocky |12H|04orror |03v.1|04.
                                |07|04A IGM for LoRD v3.55+|07
                                |08Rocky Horror a great flick in movieland!
                                |08Do the Time Warp, sign a book, make a few
                                |08anouncements to all in lord, and more. You
                                |08can get gold, experiance and ????. You can
                                |08never be to sure what you will get when
                                |08play this IGM. Fun 4 all |15REGISTRATION
                                |03Support bbs Dreamland 818.991.1520
                                |03Web http://www.anacapa.net/~dore
rhpsv2.zip     81342 08-05-2024 |04.|12R|04o|08cky |12H|04o|08rror |03v
                                |07|04A IGM for LoRD v3.26+|07
                                |08Rocky Horror a great flick in movieland!
                                |08Do the Time Warp, sign a book, make a big
                                |08anouncements to all in lord, and more. You
                                |08can get gold, experience and ????. You can
                                |08never be to sure what you will get when
                                |08play this IGM. Fun 4 all |15REGISTRATION
                                |03Support bbs Dreamland 818.991.1520
                                |03Web http://www.anacapa.net/~dore
rippedfx.zip   53537 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=RIPPED FX  v.10=-=-=-=-
                                 FX Sound System RIPs for use
                                  with RIPPED! by Sharkware.
                                RIP and FX Sound for ANY DOOR!
                                Includes RIPPED!.ZIP with a
                                selected collection of FX RIPs
                                Both RIP 1.54 and 2.2 formats! 
                                   FREEWARE by Mike Collard
                                        and SHARKware
                                Midnight's Realm  (505)254-9415
rivwbv10.zip  152383 08-05-2024 
                                   ô River Styx  -  WideBeta v1.0
                                Lounge Software is back!  This brand new 
                                installment in the BBS door market will 
                                have your users coming back for RPG fun 
                                every day.  Trapped in hell by Satan, 
                                each user must travel along The River 
                                Styx, battling Demons all along the way.  
                                Find the Transfer Token and you can take 
                                the Train of Death to the next stop.  
                                Your goal is to reach stop 50 before 
                                your Soul has been stripped away.  Full 
                                multinode support, fossil drivers, non 
                                standard IRQ's and much more!  
                                (C)opyright 1997 Lounge Software
rlok110a.zip   20691 08-05-2024 -= Random Lord Looks v1.10a; LORD Add-on =-
                                Randomly picks from 1 to 100 different
                                LORDTXT.DAT and LENEMY.DAT files. Set 2 Dir.
                                name & your done! Automatically detects # of
                                LORDTXT/LENEMY files are in the directory!
                                Meaning you don't have to tell the program
                                how many LORDTXT/LENEMY.DAT's you have!!
                                This version has been totally recoded!
                                By Ed Mullins, Mullins Software. Only $3!
rm300.zip     141889 08-05-2024 RANDMON v3.00 for LORD v3.26
                                BackAlley Software presents: A utility to
                                change out your
                                LORD monsters as you wish.  Includes 600+
                                monsters and
                                MONEDITR... a monster editor for editing the
                                data files...
rnd3prty.zip   83645 08-05-2024 LORD utility to randomly select IGM's
                                This utility will randomly select IGM's and
                                rewrite the 3RDPARTY.DAT file each and every
                                time LORD is run...
rnr13.zip     114256 08-05-2024 Lord in game Module... Rest and 
                                relaxation... visit Violets 
                                house of ill repute, or Turgeons
                                pleasure palace for the ladies.
                                Shouldn't offend any users, save
                                perhaps the very youngest...
rnr20.zip     117087 08-05-2024 Lord in game Module... Rest and 
                                relaxation... visit Violets 
                                house of ill repute, or Turgeons
                                pleasure palace for the ladies.
                                Shouldn't offend any users, save
                                perhaps the very youngest...
rnrcheat.zip    1698 08-05-2024 
robin3.zip    150936 08-05-2024 Robin Hood v3.00
                                Visit Robin and His Merry Bunch. 
                                1st IGM from the Sysop Of Hellas BBS
                                718-630-5885  Fido 1:278/217
                                Only $4.00 To Register. All Future
                                Upgrades are free.  Coming Soon
                                Ye Olde Town Mall.
rol143.zip    123723 08-05-2024 *** REALM oF LORE v1.43 *** LORD IGM ***
                                One of THE BEST IGMs for LORD! Multiple
                                regions for players to conquest. Many
                                foes to battle and treasures to find. A
                                MUST PLAY for the serious LORD fan!
                                Change Class, Learn Skills, Trade
                                Weapons & Armors, Campsites & MUCH More!
rose100.zip     3192 08-05-2024              @>---,---'---
                                            Ralphie's Roses
                                This IGM adds a small hut west of Runion
                                Keep where players can buy a rose for $5
                                and send it to another player.
                                I would like to dedicate this IGM to my
                                father-in-law Fred Ledden, the real-life
                                owner of Ralphie's Roses.
                                Author : Jay Weber
                                (C) 1997 ShroomTrip Software
                                E-Mail: elric@innocent.com
rtread02.zip   83107 08-05-2024  RTREADER V0.02 WITH RTNEWS02.REF       
                                RTREADER is a powerfull script language 
                                system - Multinode BBS Support.  With
                                the RT Soft newsletter for June/July.
rtscr10.zip    36631 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                                Complete Programmer's manual
                                for RTSoft's RTSCRIPT Script
                                Language used for LORD II
                                .REF files.  Includes
                                commands not included in
rtsgem11.zip   13596 08-05-2024 -=The Gem Shop IGM V1.10 for WG/MBBS T-LORD
                                NOTE:  This IGM comes with complete source,
                                Worldgroup developers can use it as a
                                to create their own IGM's!
                                This simple but usefull IGM lets your users
                                sell off their gems for cash - small, but
                                heck, it's free!
rtview.zip     15459 08-05-2024   RTview 1.0 by Jonathan Duke                
                                Use this file to type any LORD
                                or TEOS color-coded files.  It
                                has been written to support all
                                the new codes that were added
                                to Planets: TEOS 2.0!  ANSI.SYS
                                is not required.  *FREEWARE*
rtwed14.zip    46797 08-05-2024     The RT World Editor v1.4
                                 Copyright 1998, Chris Vallinga
                                This is  an editor  for RTREADER
                                worlds.  RTREADER  is the engine
                                that  runs  LORD II:  New World.
                                Mouse support + block functions.
rue15.zip     252689 08-05-2024 "The Rue Morgue" v1.5 -=- An IGM for WT-LORD
                                in 32bit wcCODE!
                                "WT-LORD v2.0 READY" The Morgue will change
                                your life forever!
                                This IGM contains ADULT situations and is not
                                intended for
                                Minors! Another fun *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph
                                FEATURES:  EASY Setup
                                           SUPPORTS Mutiple WT-LORD Games
                                           SYSOP can restrict access by
                                security level! (keep the kids out)
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
                                           EASY ONLINE Registration with VISA
                                and MASTERCARD!
russ10.zip     13411 08-05-2024 "Russian Roulette" v1.0 -= An IGM for WT-LORD
                                in 32bit wcCODE! Try you luck at a game of
                                roulette. A fun *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph
                                FEATURES:  EASY Setup
                                           SUPPORTS Mutiple WT-LORD Games
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
sandcity.zip    6293 08-05-2024 SandCity by Kevin Brown V1.00
                                 Well, it's a starter! Add Sandcity
                                 to your desert. Sandcity has fallen
                                 into a cavern below it's origional
                                 site. Will you help them dig out?
                                 {File_Id Added By the LORDFDN}
sandsrc.zip    75271 08-05-2024   Full Source Code To SandBar v1.02
                                 As requested, all the SandBar files
                                 and the DDPlus files required to 
                                 make SandBar work.  Compilable from
                                 TPX/TURBO (All *.PAS and *.OBJ files 
                                 included).  From Joseph Masters
sansi20.zip    45717 08-05-2024 Sansi converter version 2.0
                                Converts from ANSI to Sansi and
                                vice-versa. Sansi (Seth-ANSI) is
                                Lord Color Codes.
santa10.zip    71664 08-05-2024     A Visit To Santa Claus 1.0
                                Seasons  Greetings from the  people 
                                at New Realm Interactive!   We hope
                                you all enjoy this seasonal IGM for
                                Legend of the Red Dragon.   You can
                                visit the North Pole,  sit on Santa
                                or Mrs. Claus' lap, and more!  And,
                                as always, this IGM is FREE.
                                 FREEWARE by New Realm Interactive
santa12.zip    72990 08-05-2024     A Visit To Santa Claus 1.2
                                Seasons  Greetings from the  people 
                                at New Realm Interactive!   We hope
                                you all enjoy this seasonal IGM for
                                Legend of the Red Dragon.   You can
                                visit the North Pole,  sit on Santa
                                or Mrs. Claus' lap, and more!  And,
                                as always, this IGM is FREE.
                                 FREEWARE by New Realm Interactive
save10.zip      8690 08-05-2024 SAVE v1.0 
                                Lord 2 IGM
                                Author: Talaphid 
                                E-Mail: Talaphid@Juno.Com
                                This IGM adds a religious order that will, 
                                upon the player finding them, be so nice as 
                                to bring back the player (at their choice) at
                                any of their [found] temples. This finding a 
                                temple first, prevents it from unbalancing 
                                (a level 1 character by RockHolm!?) gameplay.
sbar102.zip    76453 08-05-2024        Sandtiger's Bar v1.02 - LORD IGM
                                    The first LORD IGM returns in a virtually
                                    bugless state! :)  3 Gambling Games, new
                                    Weapons & Armor, Much More!  by SOS!
sbl104.zip      7863 08-05-2024  Stonebrook Lodge v1.4 IGM for LORD II
                                 An IGM for registered or unregistered
                                         LORD II v1.0 or newer.
                                            * Play a game *
                                          * Win money draws *
                                         * Get laid by Kayla *
                                        * Heal for less money *
                                    * Chat with other adventurers *
                                  * Place ads in The Daily Happening *
sc100.zip      32574 08-05-2024 Seth's Cottage v1.00- A LORD IGM
                                Female oriented IGM.
sc201.zip      31914 08-05-2024 Seth's Cottage v2.01- A LORD IGM
                                Female oriented IGM.
                                Faster data routines!
scarl13.zip    79995 08-05-2024 "Scarlett and the Vandoran Knights", is about
                                the female first
                                knight in a realm called "Vandora"! 32 bit IGM
                                written for 
                                WTLORD and compiled with WCCODE.
school10.zip   79670 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... ye olde schoolhouse 
                                Are you ready to be tested? 
scorp110.zip    7574 08-05-2024 LORD II IGM          
                                Scorpion's Den V1.1o 
                                Visit weapon's dealer
                                Healer other things  
scv250.zip     18226 08-05-2024 Show Conversations Version 2.5 - Lord sysop
                                Lord Utility for SysOps who try to keep track
                                of conversation areas
                                in Lord and some In Game Modules.  It offers a
                                range of features,
                                with a lot of possibilities for your game! 
                                New features in Version
                                2.5 are:
                                o Show the Conversations in Aladdin's Palace -
                                The Inn of
                                  Krondos, and The Imp Tavern! Another Quality
                                  From Blazing Fire Software!  *FreeWare*
                                Written by Devon Brooks
sdpass13.zip   20031 08-05-2024 SeaDeep Passage v1.3
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Max Larive [FieldSoft]
                                BBS: (450)679-7599
                                From the desert to Arris Island is a
                                large, humid, dark underground passage.
                                Travel under the sea in the caves, and
                                stop a mid-way to shop around at Mid Isle
                                Town, or buy you own shack!
seas2000.zip   87287 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... Tis the Season
                                Xmas 2000 LORD IGM. Will you 
                                help the little warriors
                                again this year?
seas95a.zip    77132 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... Tis the Season
                                Xmas 1995 LORD IGM, What 
                                can all the little warriors
                                expect this year ?
seas96.zip     87449 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... Tis the Season
                                Xmas 1996 LORD IGM. Will you 
                                help the little warriors
                                again this year?
seas97l2.zip   15586 08-05-2024    -= Seasons 97' For Lord 2 =-
                                This is the Christmas IGM for LORD 2.
                                Please have a Merry Christmas!
                                Brought to you by
                                Bryan Turner (SMYC)
                                Robby Dittmann
                                  (Mamoosoft Programming)
seas98.zip     87165 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... Tis the Season
                                Xmas 1998 LORD IGM. Will you 
                                help the little warriors
                                again this year?
seas99.zip     86181 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... Tis the Season
                                Xmas 1999 LORD IGM. Will you 
                                help the little warriors
                                again this year?
seed.zip        1633 08-05-2024 Seed File for the LORD 2 File Echo
                                on the LORD FDN. This file can be 
seth22.zip     11130 08-05-2024 Seth Able's Music Shop v2.2
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Max Larive [FieldSoft]
                                BBS: (450)679-7599
                                The good all Seth Able is back, and
                                any girl can go after him to flirt
                                with him, or ask him to sing which
                                inspires every warrior's day!
sfairy23.zip   53432 08-05-2024 -=-=-SunShines' Fairy Land v2.3-=-=-
                                  IGM for Seth Ables' game, Legend
                                  Of The Red Dragon "LORD".  Visit
                                  SunShines' Fairy Land and try to
                                  catch a Fairy. Checkout Sunshines'
                                  General Store or try to win one
                                  of 8 different prizes, by guessing
                                  the number SunShine is thinking of.
                                  Added commas to most amounts. Now
                                  limits fairy tries to 5, has tons
                                  of error checking to prevent any
                                  negative values, also has higher
                                  default prices in SunShines General
                                  Store, which are sysop configurable,
                                  with registration of only $5.
sfairy25.zip   55187 08-05-2024 -=-=-SunShines' Fairy Land v2.5-=-=-
                                  IGM for Seth Ables' game, Legend
                                  Of The Red Dragon "LORD".  Visit
                                  SunShines' Fairy Land and try to
                                  catch a Fairy. Checkout Sunshines'
                                  General Store or try to win one
                                  of 8 different prizes, by guessing
                                  the number SunShine is thinking of.
                                  Added commas to most amounts. Now
                                  limits fairy tries to 5, has tons
                                  of error checking to prevent any
                                  negative values, also has higher
                                  default prices in SunShines General
                                  Store, which are sysop configurable,
                                  with registration of only $5.
sfairy26.zip   55160 08-05-2024 -=-=-SunShines' Fairy Land v2.6-=-=-
                                  IGM for Seth Ables' game, Legend
                                  Of The Red Dragon "LORD".  Visit
                                  SunShines' Fairy Land and try to
                                  catch a Fairy. Checkout Sunshines'
                                  General Store or try to win one
                                  of 8 different prizes, by guessing
                                  the number SunShine is thinking of.
                                  Added commas to most amounts. Now
                                  limits fairy tries to 5, has tons
                                  of error checking to prevent any
                                  negative values, also has higher
                                  default prices in SunShines General
                                  Store, which are sysop configurable,
                                  with registration of only $5.
sfarm13.zip    14640 08-05-2024 The Smiths Farm v1.3
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Max Larive
                                BBS: (450)679-7599
                                In the BigWood Forest lays a nice and
                                warm farm, north of Sosen Village.
                                Refresh yourself with the generous
                                Farmer Smith and find the family
                                savings for your own account...
sfort21.zip    30421 08-05-2024 The Sea Fortress v2.1
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Max Larive [FieldSoft]
                                BBS: (450)679-7599
                                The Sea Fortress of Corin's father,
                                King Ptolimus. It is now a castle of
                                variety, where everything is possible,
                                shopping, eating, fishing, etc.
sh3_2d5.zip    31137 08-05-2024 SUMMER HEAT 3.5 FOR LORD 3.50. Awsome new
                                menus and monsters
                                A MUST for all LORD GAMES!
sha155.zip     35121 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                                Shauna, The Princess of Sorcery
                                IGM for L.O.R.D. version 1.55
                                Ask Shauna for her magical powers
                                and she may grant your wish!
                                          - FREEWARE - 
sha200.zip     35548 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                                Shauna, The Princess of Sorcery
                                IGM for L.O.R.D. version 2.00
                                Ask Shauna for her magical powers
                                and she may grant your wish!
                                Now supports L.O.R.D. 3.50!
                                A lot less generous to avoid
                                in imbalance in L.O.R.D.
                                          - FREEWARE - 
shang30.zip     4655 08-05-2024            Ŀ
                                       Shangri La      
                                  A LORD 2 IGM BY FLiNK
                                  My second, better IGM
                                  Nice, needs registered
                                 LORD2 to use it.      
shark100.zip    8178 08-05-2024 Sharks' Tooth Island v1.00
                                A new village for Lord 2,
                                where you can chat with 3
                                different people, buy items,
                                weapons, and armor, get
                                healed, use the bank and buy
                                travel tickets.
                                FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! 
                                Author : Jay Weber
                                (C) 1997 ShroomTrip Software
shark121.zip    7789 08-05-2024 Sharks' Tooth Island v1.21
                                A new village for Lord 2, where you can
                                chat with 3 different people, buy items,
                                weapons, and armor, get healed, use the
                                bank, buy travel tickets and maybe find
                                Thunderblade, who will teleport you to
                                2 towns, or to your mothers house.
                                FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! 
                                Author : Jay Weber
                                (C) 1997 ShroomTrip Software
sharkyv1.zip   27502 08-05-2024 Sharky's Place v1 SE (Special Edition!)
                                A wcCode IGM for WT-Lord 2.0x
                                The Castle awaits you! Come see whats
                                inside! Win Gold! Sysop Configurable!
                                By WS-Software...
shipwk10.zip    9770 08-05-2024      -=The Shipwreck IGM v1.00=-
                                  An IGM for LORD II v1.00 or newer.
                                Explore the merchant ship PRIDE OF ARRIS.
                                Trade with her captain.  Fire the cannon.
                                Meet Larkin, the worlds most powerful
                                wizard.  Includes 3 new maps and a *.ref
                                file.  Uses Seth's install program for
                                easy installation.
ship_a.zip     12998 08-05-2024 -=Sea Serpent IGM for LORD II=-
                                An IGM for LORD II v1.00 or newer.
                                Buy this fabled ship and sail the Eight 
                                Seas. Has own treasury and Ship's 
                                Includes 2 new maps and a .ref file.
                                Uses Seth's install program for easy
show19.zip     51458 08-05-2024 
showme11.zip   22720 08-05-2024 ķ
                                       LORD ShowMe v1.1       
                                     LORD ShowMe is a nice    
                                  little utility to show the  
                                   color encoded data files   
                                   that are used in LORD as   
                                  menus and mail files.  May  
                                  be useful for a person who  
                                    is designing new menus!   
                                  NOW DISPLAYS ANSI CODES!!!  
                                      By Patrick Burfield     
shrwd10.zip    74767 08-05-2024 Lord in game Module... Sherwood forest 
                                meet up with Robin Hood, Friar Tuck... 
shrwd12.zip    82193 08-05-2024 Sherwood Forest 1.2   Lord IGM 
                                Meet up with Robin Hood, Friar Tuck... 
simpsons.zip   38523 08-05-2024 Visit the Simpsons in this parody for Lord!
sinchrch.zip   42114 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-SinCity Church v1.0-=-=-=-=-=-
                                  IGM for Seth Ables' game, Legend
                                  Of The Red Dragon "LORD".  Visit
                                  SinCity Church where you can
                                  confess your sins, give to the
                                  poor, or get gold if your poor,
                                  and ask the priest to pray for
                                  you.  Plus, you can rob the poor
                                  pot!  Beware of "Goola" the two
                                  and a half headed ork!  If you
                                  kill em, you get lot's of Gold.
                                  See if you can find the secrets
                                  that await you in SinCity Church!
skc_1s.zip     79777 08-05-2024 SILVER KNIGHT'S CASTLE IGM for LORD - 
                                version 1.0 - Joust with the Knights of 
                                the castle!  Post anonymous messages in 
                                the Daily Happenings!  Visit the the 
                                Dungeon! and MUCH MORE!!!  Features
                                level-based awards, clean mode, install
                                and uninstall programs that really work, 
                                and a few secret options.  Well-tested 
                                and well-written - your LORD fanatics 
                                WILL love it!  
                                Compiled 11/95 - Shareware - Try me!!!!!
skigm10.zip    39226 08-05-2024 Ski  Resort V1.00:  for  LORD  3.50+
                                  LORD's first ski resort, featuring
                                animated skiing, fair rewards(unlike
                                some  other IGM's),  and even a  ski
skill103.zip   55868 08-05-2024 Skill Training Center v 1.03 - LORD IGM
                                An IGM that allows  users to gain extra
                                skill  points  by playing  games.  Very
                                easy   to  install,  and  the   install
                                program  actually works! Includes three
                                        * Tic Tac Toe
                                        * Target practice
                                        * The Shell Game
                                        * One use per day 
skill104.zip   55964 08-05-2024 Skill Training Center v 1.04 - LORD IGM
                                An IGM that allows  users to gain extra
                                skill    points   by  playing    games.
                                Now works with all drop file types that
                                are supported by LORD.  Includes  three
                                        * Tic Tac Toe
                                        * Target practice
                                        * The Shell Game
                                Only allows one use per day.
skull015.zip   69376 08-05-2024 Old Skull Inn 0.15 -- LORD IGM
                                IGM for LORD that allows:
                                 * players to Arm Wrestle
                                 * play 654
                                 * sneak a peak at other player stats
                                   in a form of top player lists!
                                 * Bank
                                 * Crystal Shard Lotto!
                                 * COMPLETELY configurable!
                                   You can make this IGM have
                                   big or little impack on the game!
                                 * Full multi-node support!
                                SHAREWARE -- $5.00 -- Fully
                                functionally when unregistered!
skull021.zip   84464 08-05-2024 Old Skull Inn 0.21 -- LORD IGM
                                IGM for LORD that allows:
                                 * Players to Arm Wrestle
                                 * Play 654
                                 * Sneak a peak at other player stats
                                   in a form of top player lists!
                                 * Bank
                                 * Crystal Shard Lotto!
                                 * Visit the Wine Cellar!!!
                                   Find the Wine and gain a
                                   nice reward!  But, BEWARE!
                                   You will encounter other
                                   monsters on your quest, up
                                   to FOUR at one time!
                                 * COMPLETELY configurable!
                                   You can make this IGM have
                                   big or little impack on the game!
                                 * Full multi-node support!
                                SHAREWARE -- $5.00 -- Fully
                                functionally when unregistered!
                                Register before 12/31/1995, and recieve
                                20% off the registration!  Making it
                                only $4.00!!!!
skull022.zip   85005 08-05-2024 Old Skull Inn 0.22 -- LORD IGM
                                IGM for LORD that allows:
                                 * Players to Arm Wrestle
                                 * Play 654
                                 * Sneak a peak at other player stats
                                   in a form of top player lists!
                                 * Bank
                                 * Crystal Shard Lotto!
                                 * Visit the Wine Cellar!!!
                                   Find the Wine and gain a
                                   nice reward!  But, BEWARE!
                                   You will encounter other
                                   monsters on your quest, up
                                   to FOUR at one time!
                                 * COMPLETELY configurable!
                                   You can make this IGM have
                                   big or little impack on the game!
                                 * Full multi-node support!
                                SHAREWARE -- Fully functionally
                                when unregistered!
                                Register before 12/31/1995, and recieve
                                20% off the registration!  Making it
                                only $4.00!!!!
                                Special Offers for multiple
                                registrations.  See SKULL.DOC
                                for more information!
                                FREQ SKULL for latest release
skystaff.zip    4214 08-05-2024 SKYSTAFF SHACK!
                                Now you can buy the SkyStaff parts instead of
                                wandering around for hours looking the hooded
                                IGM MADE BY: ASC
slay201.zip    37618 08-05-2024 Slayer's Domain v2.01 
                                LORD 2 IGM
                                Author: Ben Mondoux
                                E-Mail: bmondoux@geocities.com
                                Shops etc. and two quests, one with a moving 
                                sequence!  Email bug reports, comments and 
                                suggestions to me at bmondoux@geocities.com! 
                                I really apreciate feedback.
slord40.zip   117643 08-05-2024 SUNLoRD VeRSioN 4.0 
                                !NeW MoNSTeRS!
                                !NeW SCReeNS!NeW SaYiNGS!
                                !NeW WeaPoNS aND aRMouR!
                                As THe HoT SUMMeR SUN RiSeS iNTo THe
                                CLoUDLeSS SKY, YoUR LoRD GAMe BeCoMeS
                                eVeN MoRe oF A BLAST!  CAN YoU TAKe
                                THe HeAT oF THiS NeW DRAGoN?? 
slotto10.zip   87727 08-05-2024      Seth's Lotto - LORD IGM
                                 Another IGM by Joseph Masters
                                 with full source code. Minimal
                                 game impact. 2sec Install.
slugh50.zip    14032 08-05-2024      **** The Slug House ****
                                           Version 5.0
                                      For Lord 2: New World
                                        Now a normal REF!
                                Go east of PortTown, and into..
                                        THE SLUG HOUSE!!!
                                This features...
                                ANSI screens
                                A Computer, with notes and banking
                                The Strange Store, for buying stuff
                                The Teleporter, for going places
                                The Bat Inn, for safe sleeping
                                The Slug Arena, for killing stuff
                                Read the included SLUGH.DOC for
                                more info. REQUIRES REG. LORD2!
slvil17.zip    42361 08-05-2024 SandLand Village v1.7
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Max Larive
                                BBS: (450)679-7599
                                Find a new village in the desertic
                                area! People are thursty, but it's
                                THE midland shelter where quests
                                are made and water is needed...
smarts13.zip   13542 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 Smart-Smart v1.3 
                                Smart-Smart is a program which
                                if run before each time Lord
                                (Legend Of The Red Dragon)
                                is played, it will give the
                                user's bonuses.  Has config-
                                urable ammounts so you can
                                set what they get.
                                Programmed By: Digital Patd
smplord2.zip  141765 08-05-2024 ** 5 ** AWSOME IGMs FOR LORD!!! TOTALLY FREE!!
                                From the Smugglers Cove BBs (904) 682-7516
                                Second release.. fixed hanging up bbs on
sndbar20.zip   66497 08-05-2024 Sandtiger's Bar v2.0 -- LORD IGM
                                Sandtiger's Bar v2.0 from Gerald
                                Yuvallos -- NO MORE BUGS! It's FREEWARE!
sochelp.zip     3458 08-05-2024 *** Socrates Help File *** Hints for the
                                LORD Add On IGM
soda12.zip      7370 08-05-2024 SODA MACHINE v1.1 - An IGM for LORD II
                                which creates a random event in which
                                players will find a soda machine.  For
                                $2 they can get a can of soda.  Most of
                                the time, it is just a refreshing can of
                                Red Dragon Cola.  But, sometimes, they
                                will get a can filled with a potion.
                                Easy to install.  Registration is FREE!!
                                From Mamoosoft Programming.
solace1.zip    14332 08-05-2024 SOLACE v1.1
                                by Tony Burchette
                                This my first IGM.
                                It is also one of
                                the biggest I have
                                ever seen.
                                {File_Id added by the LORDFDN}
solarlrd.zip   38390 08-05-2024      S.o.L.a.R Lord۲
                                Ķ                Ŀ
                                ۺ   SoLaR Lord is a great new۳
                                 program from VASoft. SoLaR   
                                ۺLord lets you travel to dif-۳
                                ferant plants according to  
                                your level, Like 'Level 2'  
                                is 'Mars'. Very fun. SoLaR  
                                Lord has new 'Menus' and    
                                'Enemies'. A MUST!!!        
                                   S.o.L.a.R Lord is FREEWARE 
somrigm.zip    44842 08-05-2024 Sommer's Shiny Things v1.0 
                                a LORD IGM.
                                Written by: Shawn 'Tiny' Highfield
spelbind.zip   79124 08-05-2024 SPELLBINDER 1.01a ALPHA LORD IGM SpellBinder
                                freeware 10-25-95.
srdcsl20.zip   54059 08-05-2024 The Sword Castle v2.0
                                LORD 2 IGM
                                Author: Michael Naeseth aka MeRCeR
                                E-Mail: YOMERCER@AOL.COM
                                A new city with chances to get money, items, 
                                food, fish, and all kinds of stuff, comes w/
                                a tower you can buy, built in quest, caves, 
                                gambling, and much much more! Also replaces 
                                quest.ref to make deliveries available to 
                                this new city! Have fun with this one.... 
ss20.zip        3739 08-05-2024  -=Secret Stuff 2.0 IGM for LORD II=-
                                An IGM for LORD II v1.00 or newer.
                                Can you find the hidden door?
                                if you do you will like whats inside!
                                does warp say eneything to you?
                                this is the coolest igm yet. The probs
                                have been fixed in this version!
                                Includes 2 new maps and a .ref file.
                                Uses Seth's install program for easy
sswlrd12.zip   40532 08-05-2024 SUPER STAR WARS LORD v1.2
                                All new ANSI's for LORD.  Change the
                                same old Legend of the Red Dragon into
                                Super Star Wars LORD.
stable01.zip   35553 08-05-2024 Add a stable to LORD - IGM.
stable15.zip  112335 08-05-2024  LORD Stables IGM Ver 1.5 for LORD 3.53+
                                 An IGM for LORD that let's players buy 
                                 and sell horses!  Sounds kinda' dumb, 
                                 but useful for SysOps that like to keep 
                                 cheating to a minimum by running few or 
                                 no IGMs.  I think I did a good job 
                                 'cause I'm one of those SysOps!  Lot's 
                                 of bug fixes from previous releases!  
                                 Much better now!
                                 Written by: Jason Parish
star10.zip     37443 08-05-2024              StarFire LORD &  Wakko
                                StarFire LORD:  Warriors work for the galactic
                                emperor Kail, are have
                                  been ordered to destroy the Red Dragon . . .
                                Wakko Enemies (?):  Doesn't really go with the
                                LORDTXT file above, fight
                                  enemies from X-Men, Power Rangers, Star Wars
                                 and other weirdos . . .
                                (Hey, I think it's cool)
stbar201.zip   55670 08-05-2024 THE STAR TREK BAR. Version 2.01.
                                Biggest and Best IGM for LORD 2 Yet!
                                With over 115k of refs! 1/4 of total
                                Features Picard, Riker, Data, Troi,
                                Beverly, Wesley, Quark, Morn, Rom,
                                Dabo Girls, a Dabo Table, an Inn
                                and 5 holosuites, a hospital, the
                                Boss, an ATM, a Move Bank, your own
                                transporter, and a few surprises!
                                Freeware, by Justin Beck.
stoneb10.zip    3489 08-05-2024  -= Township of New Stonebrook v1.00 =-
                                   -= By Trent Renshaw of RenSoft =-
                                 This is a LORD II replacement IGM for
                                 the original 'Town of Stonebrook'.
                                 Features enhanched new buildings and
                                 landscapes with trees from the
stone_21.zip   10284 08-05-2024          Stones! v1.0 LORD 2 REF IGM
                                For LORD2 beta 7+ - Simple REF to allow 
                                people to store money under rocks: also adds 
                                a shovel item.  Thanks to Seth Able!
stores10.zip   53559 08-05-2024  LORD Stores IGM ۲ Allow users to buy
                                in you LORD game!  Prices are Sysop
                                Installs to MegaIGM or 3rdparty.dat!
                                Registration is $10.00.
stron133.zip   31554 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                        Strong Man I's Love Shack V.1.31 Beta
                                           Freeware Lord IGM By Space Dude
                                                           aka. CCC
                                          Marry your Sweetheart W/O the 100 
                                        Charm Rating and Write Romantic Mail!
strong12.zip   31237 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                        Strong Man I's Love Shack V.1.20 Beta
                                           Freeware Lord IGM By Space Dude
                                          Marry your Sweetheart W/O the 100 
                                        Charm Rating and Write Romantic Mail!
                                         Support: The Weible Street Station
strport1.zip   64916 08-05-2024 AWSOME IGM FOR LORD!!! TOTALLY FREE!!!
                                From the Smugglers Cove BBs (904) 682-7516
                                Your players will enjoy this cool parody of
                                the starwars trilogy!  STARPORT!!!
                                Dedicated to the war against cheesy IGM's
                                requiring monitary registration!
strport2.zip   66835 08-05-2024 AWSOME IGM FOR LORD!!! TOTALLY FREE!!! 
                                From the Smugglers Cove BBs (904) 682-7516
                                Your players will enjoy this cool parody of
                                the starwars trilogy!  STARPORT!!!
                                Contains last of minor bug fixes from version
stuff10.zip    41207 08-05-2024 -=Buy/Sell Stuff v1.0 LORD IGM=-
                                Copyright (C) 1995 Chad Schwartz
                                This IGM allows you to buy/sell
                                stuff just like you are in a store.
                                Hope you like it!
sub17a.zip     77328 08-05-2024 LORD Suburbia v1.7a -- a LORD IGM.
                                Buy your own cottage in the woods of
                                LORD!  Visit the back alley for to
                                steal objects stored at other people's
                                cottages.  Talk to the LawMan about
                                problems and civil unrest. Fixes all
                                known bugs! *BUG FIX*
sub200.zip     99601 08-05-2024 LORD Suburbia v2.00 -- a LORD IGM.
                                Buy your own cottage in the woods of
                                LORD!  Visit the Church, deposit
                                gold at the Bank. Talk to the Law
                                Man.  Spy on neighbors!  Major bug
                                fix/update!  9th Full Release!
swim050.zip   161892 08-05-2024 Stone Beach Pass Swimming Area V0.50
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Dark Night
                                E-mail: darkn@geocities.com
                                Visit the Stone Beach Pass Swimming
                                Area! Go swimming, get eaten by
                                sharks, tan in the sun, rent boats,
                                go scuba diving, buy an island castle
                                go explore a scarry cave and much
swlord.zip     37175 08-05-2024 
                                                       From Bobby's World
                                                         Star Wars LORD!!!!!
                                                        Written by Bob
                                                            Bobby's World
                                                            Topeka, Kansas
sword11.zip     6236 08-05-2024 The $word in the $tone v1.0 
                                Lord II IGM                                   
                                Authors: MeRcEr (Michael Naeseth), and
                                E-Mail: mercer281@aol.com             
                                Pull out the $word from the $tone, 
                                discover the lost treasure of Stone 
                                Brook.  But remember, you only get 
                                one pull per day so make it a good 
sysop_v1.zip    8304 08-05-2024  -= SYSOP'S CASTLE for LORD2 =-
                                A simple IGM for LORD2.Includes 3 
                                new maps nd a .ref file.  
                                This IGM has a castle with a jail
                                which people get tyhrown into if
                                they mess with guards. To escape
                                they must write I WILL BEHAVE
                                MYSELF 10 times or use dungeon.
                                                 by DON KINNEY
s_train1.zip    4663 08-05-2024 Stonebrook Training Grounds v1.00
                                This IGM adds a training area
                                to a unregistered game. Have fun
                                           By: Jeremy Wilson
                                                * AND *
                                               PimP TitE 
tal10.zip      43662 08-05-2024 Talent for the Skill v1.0 [IGM]
                                 A training grounds for the  
                                 3 skills of lords.           
                                 Dekka Visions(c) 1995       
tal11.zip      45322 08-05-2024 Talent for the Skill v1.1 [IGM]
                                 A training grounds for the  
                                 3 skills of lords.          
                                  Can only be entered once a 
                                 Dekka Visions(c) 1995       
talquiz.zip     7882 08-05-2024  B.G-S. Co.    lord2igm 
                                 A "filler" for LORD ][, also 
                                a little quiz game where      
                                players can win some money if 
                                they know their LORD ][.      
tavern10.zip    5114 08-05-2024 ij
                                New Lordnet Menus! Tavern1.0 
                                is just a set for menus for  
                                that awesome IGM-LORDNET!!   
                                 By: HTl  -'95 Neo Gen
tbhv101.zip    43527 08-05-2024 
tcw094.zip      9409 08-05-2024      -= The Crazy Wizard 0.94 =-
                                This is another IGM for LORD2. A simple
                                addon that will add a character called
                                The Crazy Wizard to the game. Get some
                                cash or a potion from him or just talk
                                to him for clues on how to finish the
                                doorgame. Freeware!
                                 Isengard BBS: (065)-4663540
tdragd04.zip   35254 08-05-2024 
tdragd06.zip   35527 08-05-2024 
tdt_inc.zip    23613 08-05-2024  The Legend Of The TDT Incorparated
                                 Menu sets!! A TDT Inc. Production.
                                 Interesting back ground...
tdun18.zip     57011 08-05-2024    TURGONS DUNGEON V 1.8  ͻ
                                  d of the Red Dragon add on     
                                  utility from Wonderland Software.   
                                  Help set Gwendyln free. Gamble with 
                                  the Realms guards. Find the hidden  
                                  Thieves Guild. Explore the dungeon  
                                  all while gaining experience,       
                                  gold and rewards from the fair      
                                  Gwendyln. Another great add on to   
                                  enhance your game for the users.    
                                        WONDERLAND SOFTWARE           
                                   MAD HATTER BBS (919) 736-8005      
teaml130.zip   36552 08-05-2024 
                                       In 1997       
                                    Cool TeamLord    
                                       v 1.30        
                                      an IGM to      
                                  LORD 2: New World  
telev7.zip      8463 08-05-2024  Magi   lord2igm      v7
                                 Two additional characters for
                                the Red Dragon Inn [Greetree].
                                A wizard who can sense 40!IGMs
                                and teleport players there... 
                                     Author: TALAPHID@JUNO.COM
                                 IGM AUTHORS! See incl. 
telho100.zip    5230 08-05-2024  =-=> Teleporter House for LORD2 <=-=
                                   A little IGM for Lord2 V1.00 or
                                   newer. Includes 3 replaced maps
                                       and 2 new .ref files.
                                    Look for other IGM's and other 
                                       stuff from Hell Software
                                      =-=> Hell Software <=-=  
                                     =-=> Andreas Svendsen <=-=
                                     =-=> Rolfas@online.no <=-=
temple.zip     19984 08-05-2024 /===== The Sysop's Temple 1.0 ======\
                                | A LORD2 IGM                       |
                                | Players can go confess their sins | 
                                | to (and ask for a blessing from)  |
                                | the Sysop. Self-serving, fun, and | 
                                | not too giving. Best of all, FREE |
tenchi32.zip   14885 08-05-2024 -----------Tenchi's House IGM-----------
                                SYSOP NOTE!  DO NOT UNZIP IN LORD2
                                DIRECTORY UNTIL YOU READ README.1ST!!!!!
                                An IGM for LORD II by Lord Tenchi.
                                Features all of the characters from the
                                anime series "Tenchi Muyo!", new
                                weapons, armor, and more!
tends10.zip    16064 08-05-2024 Tends Village v1.0
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Max Larive
                                BBS: (450)679-7599
                                Small village between the desert
                                and FlagCity, good for a pit stop
                                at the healer, or a shortcut with
                                a boat ride! Nice little IGM!
tense100.zip  126796 08-05-2024 
teos201b.zip  291270 08-05-2024  Planets: TEOS V2.01 - Doorgame   
                                True interactive multinode node play    
                                for any dos based BBS.  Hundreds of 
                                new features - Cartels, IGM Support,  
                                smart NPC's! 98% new/rewritten code.
terror11.zip   71097 08-05-2024 Terror Extreme LORD IGM 1.1.0
                                Gas, and  torture    innocent
                                or guilty   bystanders at the
                                Dark Cloak Tavern!  Users can
                                develop many Traps/Gasses  to
                                play with!
terror20.zip   64125 08-05-2024 Terror Extreme LORD IGM   2.0
                                Gas, and  torture    innocent
                                or guilty   bystanders at the
                                Dark Cloak Tavern!  Users can
                                develop many Traps/Gasses  to
                                play with!  This version   is
                                dated 01-07-97.
theho101.zip   25346 08-05-2024 [?7h[255D[49C[0;1;31m[CONFLICTS]
                                [37m//---/[ [32mIGM For Lord 2 [37
                                ]/--//[22CThis IGM Has Not Conflicted
                                [7CThe Hotel  [5;33mV1.01[28C[0;1mWith Other
                                IGM. No Worries
                                [51CBut I'll Keep You Updated
                                Currently, This Is My 4th IGM.[21COr You Can
                                Help Me Out.
                                This IGM Is Much Diffrent From[21CMail Me If
                                You Find Bugs
                                The Other IGM I Created. Good[22CConflicts Or
                                Other Craps.
                                For Making Money. More Infomation
                                About This IGM. Please Read[22C[31m[PROJECTS
                                WORKING ON NOW]
                                [37mHOTEL.DOC *BUGS FIXED MORE INFO IN BUGS
                                [49C[5;34m* [0;1mCreating The Hotel V1.02
                                It Will Work Perfactly If You Have This :
                                [5m- [0;1mLORD 2 Final Version. (Version 1.01
                                )[11C[5;34m* [0;1mDownloading Of My IGMS From
                                [5m- [0;1mLORD 2 (Registered Versio
                                )[22CInternet Is Now Made Possible[51CPlease
                                Read The DISTRO.DOC In/-/[[0;36mCreator[1;37m:
                                [32mYang Qingwei[37m]/-/[22CThis ZIP To Check
                                For The
                                [36m[HQ][47C[37mSite. Those Who Wants To Be
                                Yang's Empire BBS o65-581-1224 24hr
                                33600bps[6CA Distro Site Please Os
                                Fireball BBS o65-383-3868 24hrs 33600bps
                                [49C[5;34m* [0;1mA New World For Lord II Is
                                [51CGoing To Be Created.
theif310.zip   36419 08-05-2024 The Bridge of Thieves v3.10
                                (c)1997 TonyTown Software Ltd.
                                {File_Id.Diz added by LORDFDN}
thiev11.zip    13173 08-05-2024 -= The Thieves' Cave IGM ver 1.01 =-
                                Allows users to explore the cave
                                looking for a beast to slay and
                                treasure to find. Includes 2 shops,
                                many characters, and a cave to
                                fight in.
                                Send suggestions/comments/questions to
thod200.zip     6338 08-05-2024 Godlike Productions Present:
                                The House of Dreams v2.00
                                By:  Tien Lung (tienlung@hwcn.org)
                                  An IGM where your dreams effect you
                                in more ways then one.
                                *NEW* Animated and InterIGM functions.
thomas_2d1.zip   43803 08-05-2024 -=-A Day In The Life Of Thomas-=-
                                try to make it though the last
                                day of scholl as everyone's favourite
                                shit disturber....
                                Thomas Reilly
                                Made By BaRTRoN at
                                                  THe MaD SySTeMS
thor200.zip     6122 08-05-2024  -= Thor V1.00 for LORD2 =-
                                 Works with Registered or
                                Unregistered LordII Ver 101a+
                                If player's kill stat 5 or
                                above, Thor will give 1 of 4
                                blessings. "Blessings" include
                                Muscle, Dodge, Charm and
                                Hit Points. Special code
                                limits one visit per day.
                                 New this version 1 bug fix
thouse10.zip   39455 08-05-2024      Turgon's House v1.0 LORD IGM
                                    FREEWARE L.O.R.D. IGM!  Find 
                                    Armour, Weapons, Gems, Trouble,
                                    and all the other attributes in
                                    L.O.R.D.! [- SKI - Software]
                                    For L.O.R.D. 3.26a!
thouse25.zip   43550 08-05-2024 -=> Turgon's House v2.5 LORD IGM <=- FREEWARE
                                 L.O.R.D. IGM!  Find Armour, Weapons, Gems, 
                                Trouble, and all the other attributes in 
                                L.O.R.D.! [- SKI - Software] For L.O.R.D. 3.5
                                  Much better than earlier releases!  Ease of
thouse28.zip   45468 08-05-2024 -=> Turgon's House v2.8 LORD IGM <=- FREEWARE
                                 L.O.R.D. IGM!  Find Armour, Weapons, Gems, 
                                Trouble, and all the other attributes in 
                                L.O.R.D.! [- SKI - Software] For L.O.R.D. 3.53
                                  Much better than earlier releases!  Ease of
tien400.zip     8142 08-05-2024 Tien Lung's House v4.00 for LORD2
                                Author: Tien Lung
                                E-mail: tienlung@hwcn.org
                                The self-improving home now
                                has InterIGM functions!
timef_10.zip   17395 08-05-2024 TIMEFOR v1.0 Customise LORDTXT.DAT &
                                LENEMY.DAT according to the time of day and
                                the seasons.
timelord.zip   49445 08-05-2024 TimeLord v1.0b - Lord IGM 3.26+.
                                Travel into the future, visit the
                                Dragon Museum, try a Virtual Sex
                                Suite and more.
                                FREEWARE from Australia!
tisland.zip     3434 08-05-2024 Transport Island 
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Steve M. Bsharat
                                E-Mail: Molson@Sprint.ca
                                This is my 1st IGM and im very proud of it!
                                i know its been done before, but i made this 
                                IGM just to teach me the Basics of IGM making
                                once i get the hang of making IGMS you will 
                                see alot more from me! This IGM lets you 
                                Transport to a few places in the LORD2 World!
tkd11.zip      52309 08-05-2024 The King's Dilemma 1.1 [IGM] 
                                 Help the king of Serin out.   
                                 A giant has been stealing    
                                 his towns food, and he needs 
                                 your help!  Play as either   
                                 a Hunter or a Fisherman
                                 Fixes install bug and
                                 reward bugs.
                                 Multi-Node Aware               
                                 Dekka Visions(c) 1996        
tlord18.zip    71514 08-05-2024       TeamLord v1.8  LORD IGM 
                                   At last!  Runs teams through Lord!
                                   Rivalry never had it so good!  
                                   Make Lord a BloodBath like no other!
tlord19.zip    73470 08-05-2024         TeamLord v1.9  LORD IGM 
                                   At last!  Runs teams through Lord!
                                   Rivalry never had it so good!  
                                   Long Awaited Bug Fix!
                                   From the IGM Experts -- TrentSoft
tlord20.zip    42169 08-05-2024      TOS LORD Patch Ver. 2.0
                                 Star Trek: Original Series LORD
                                 patch for LORD 3.55 or better.
tls103.zip     98482 08-05-2024 The Looes Screw Resort v1.03
                                Another IGM by the infamous
                                Chris Yeates -- this one
                                with frequent allusions to
                                Star Wars. Get laid with
                                violet, find a light saber,
                                and travel to Dagobah in this
                                IGM for Lord II: New World.
                                (Freeware, of course!)
tm.zip          6571 08-05-2024 -= OLD MAN'S TIME MACHINE V1.0 =-
                                  AN IGM For LORD 2 Which allows
                                 players to experience the Wonders
                                         of Time Travel
                                 Write By: Justin Murphy
                                call Inner Realm for More Lord2 IGM's
tm114.zip       8510 08-05-2024 -= OLD MAN'S TIME MACHINE V1.14 =-
                                  AN IGM For LORD 2 Which allows
                                 players to experience the Wonders
                                         of Time Travel
                                     Writen By: Justin Murphy
                                call Inner Realm for More Lord2 IGM's
tmhsk1.zip     27088 08-05-2024  -= Frostglint Keep for LORD2 =-
                                A simple IGM for LORD2 V1.00
                                or newer.  Includes 3 new maps
                                and a .ref file.  EASY INSTALL!
tmhsk3.zip     10028 08-05-2024 Frostglint Keep for LORD2 v2.0
                                A simple IGM for LORD2 V1.00
                                or newer.  Includes 3 new maps
                                and a .ref file.  EASY INSTALL!
tnglord.zip    34254 08-05-2024       -= Star Trek =-
                                     The Next Generation
                                New  menu  sets,  text  files,
                                and  monsters  for  your  LORD
                                game.  From the maker of  Star
                                Wars LORD.
tnoch101.zip   18012 08-05-2024  -=THe NeW oRDeR CoNCeRT HaLL v1.01=-
                                     A simple IGM for LORD2 V1.00
                                    or newer.  Includes 4 new maps
                                   and 2 .ref files.  EASY INSTALL!
tnotls.zip     42397 08-05-2024     -=TNO, TLS Patch=-
                                Allows you to run The Loose
                                Screw Resort and The New
                                Order Concert Hall at the
                                same time. (Conflicting
                                items.dat and items.ref)
toby.zip       28817 08-05-2024 <<** A Brand New Lordtxt.dat and Lenemy.dat
                                file for Legend of the Red Dragon! It
                                is neat,  all you need to do is unzip in your
                                L.O.R.D dir and replace your existing files
                                <*# REMEMBER TO MAKE BACKUP COPYS #*>
todlordc.zip  194423 08-05-2024    Tod LORD - By Kevin Foster
                                Great new program for your LORD!
                                Bored of the same old boring text
                                in LORD?  Bored of the same old
                                edited text in LORD?  GET TODLORD!
                                Added to your start.BAT file,
                                TODLORD detects the time of day
                                and uses the according text for
                                the time!  Also has a random rain
                                function.  Adds variety to the
                                game of Lord and is very easy to
                                install!  A must for all BBS's
                                running LORD! -Version 1.5-
                                Created By Kevin Foster for the
                                Luxor BBS - (403) 271-5135
                                Unless I find another Bug, this
                                will be the last version...Just
                                rerun the Install program and all
                                necessary changes will take place!
tok100.zip     13147 08-05-2024 *--=* Tower of Krystal 1.00*=--*
                                    A Quest IGM for LORD ][!
                                  Meet the Lady  of the Tower,
                                    Visit the Healer or Item
                                    Store! Can you solve it?
toms15.zip      8437 08-05-2024 Crazy Tom's Hut By Canucksoft
                                An IGM for LORD 2. Players 
                                meet Crazy Tom and can get 
                                all kinds of great items.
                                Good for a starting LORD game.
                                Non-Registered LORD Friendly.
                                Ver. 1.5
topchop1.zip   20227 08-05-2024 TopChop Version 1.0 By: Simmons
                                Utility for Legend Of the Red Dragon to stop
                                users from staying at a certain level and 
                                building up strength and defense points to
                                invincible... Registration: $3.00
torin.zip       5990 08-05-2024 -= Torin Castle for Lord2 =-
                                New Castle for lord2. Written
                                by the creator of the Death
                                Knights Gang House
                                Easy to setup!
                                Distribute freely. 
torin131.zip    6043 08-05-2024 -= Torin Castle V1.3 for Lord2 =-
                                New Castle for lord2. Written
                                by the creator of the Death
                                Knights Gang House.Easy to setup!
                                Distribute freely. 
toslord.zip    19027 08-05-2024 -= Legend Of The Red Dragon-Star Trek:
                                Original Series Patch Ver. 1.3 =-
                                                A nifty little patch for LORD,
                                changes your
                                                original LORD game into Star
                                Trek: Original 
                                                Series LORD game. Comes to you
                                courtesy of
                                                Floating Point Software.
                                                WWW: http://members.tripod
                                                E-Mail: fpsoft@mailexcite.com
track21.zip    43767 08-05-2024 "Across the Tracks" is a WTLORD 2.5+ IGM. It
                                is FREEWARE!
                                This is the latest version as of 08/04/99.
                                Coded by John Winter at Night Fire Software.
                                It features
                                Ted, The Drugged Out Roadie. You can play
                                games with him,
                                offer him a job, and feed him. Tons of fun and
                                put the game out of balance! "wtlord.tzo.com"
                                Night Fire Software
train100.zip    2917 08-05-2024 Train v1.00
                                Lord 2 Utility
                                Author: Brad Ensley
                                E-Mail: arachnus@bellsouth.net
                                A replacement for Training.ref
                                that allows you to get higher
                                rewards based on the level you
                                are at in Lord 2.  The higher
                                you are the higher the rewards.
tran.zip        4692 08-05-2024 ۲       LORD ][ IGM        
                                ۲      by: Gordon Lo       
                                ۲  This is my 1st IGM for  
                                ۲ LORD2.  It is a building 
                                ۲ with transporters inside 
                                ۲ to take you to different 
                                ۲ places                   
trans11c.zip   19590 08-05-2024 =============L.O.R.D. IGM===============
                                this one is called "Pool of
                                ========STARFLEET SUPPLY================
trivia.zip     41210 08-05-2024 Lord Trivia is a program that will test
                                your users knowledge of LORD By answering
                                questions about LORD, they may win up to
                                40,000,000 gold pieces. (Registered games only
                                $5.00 Reg Fee
tst100.zip     21399 08-05-2024 Time Stands Still v1.00                  
                                LORD 2 IGM                               
                                Author: Tien Lung                        
                                E-Mail: tienlung@hwcn.org                
                                IGM (In Game Module) bringing back the   
                                LORD original town and setting for those 
                                People who missed it.                    
                                WWW: http://www.hwcn.org/~aj971/home.html
turdu13a.zip   62594 08-05-2024    TURGONS DUNGEON V 1.3A ͻ
                                  d of the Red Dragon add on     
                                  utility from Wonderland Software.   
                                  Help set Gwendyln free. Gamble with 
                                  the Realms guards. Find the hidden  
                                  Thieves Guild. Explore the dungeon  
                                  all while gaining experience,       
                                  gold and rewards from the fair      
                                  Gwendyln. Another great add on to   
                                  enhance your game for the users.    
                                        WONDERLAND SOFTWARE           
                                   MAD HATTER BBS (919) 736-8005      
turdun18.zip   57177 08-05-2024    TURGONS DUNGEON V 1.8  ͻ
                                  d of the Red Dragon add on     
                                  utility from Wonderland Software.   
                                  Help set Gwendyln free. Gamble with 
                                  the Realms guards. Find the hidden  
                                  Thieves Guild. Explore the dungeon  
                                  all while gaining experience,       
                                  gold and rewards from the fair      
                                  Gwendyln. Another great add on to   
                                  enhance your game for the users.    
                                        WONDERLAND SOFTWARE           
                                   MAD HATTER BBS (919) 736-8005      
turttb10.zip   52158 08-05-2024    TURGONS XXX BAR V 1.0  ͻ
                                  d of the Red Dragon add on     
                                  utility from Wonderland Software.   
                                  This is an ADULT XXX rated In Game  
                                  Module. Journey to the bar, take    
                                  the guys or girls home. Full support
                                  for both Men and Women in this great
                                  IGM. Graphics and jokes as you      
                                  explore the game. Not recommended   
                                  for non-adult games.  ( XXX -rated )
                                        WONDERLAND SOFTWARE           
                                   MAD HATTER BBS (919) 736-8005      
turttb12.zip   53176 08-05-2024    TURGONS XXX BAR V 1.2  ͻ
                                  d of the Red Dragon add on     
                                  utility from Wonderland Software.   
                                  This is an ADULT XXX rated In Game  
                                  Module. Journey to the bar, take    
                                  the guys or girls home. Full support
                                  for both Men and Women in this great
                                  IGM. Graphics and jokes as you      
                                  explore the game. Not recommended   
                                  for non-adult games.  ( XXX -rated )
                                        WONDERLAND SOFTWARE           
                                   MAD HATTER BBS (919) 736-8005      
tvill110.zip  117023 08-05-2024 TVILL110.ZIP   ThomasVille v1.10
                                Supports Clean Mode & BADWORDS.DAT
                                censoring when renaming weapons,
                                Banking, Play Poker, Fight in caves,
                                Lots more!  MANY sysop configurable
                                features!  ThomasVille supports
                                multi-node, non standard IRQ's, and
                                multi-generational LORD support up to
                                and including the current 3.5X series.
tvill111.zip  117564 08-05-2024 TVILL110.ZIP   ThomasVille v1.11
                                Supports Clean Mode & BADWORDS.DAT
                                censoring when renaming weapons,
                                Banking, Play Poker, Fight in caves,
                                Lots more!  MANY sysop configurable
                                features!  ThomasVille supports
                                multi-node, non standard IRQ's, and
                                multi-generational LORD support up to
                                and including the current 3.5X series.
typelord.zip   12960 08-05-2024 TYPECODE.EXE
                                Type equivalent that will interpret the
                                LORD color codes used in log files, and
                                so forth.  Will type files, or you can
                                use this for practice offline from LORD!
                                Offer included for usage of the color
                                code interpreter code in your own LORD
                                related program!  Freeware!
tzone12.zip   357802 08-05-2024 The Twilight Zone v1.2 - IGM for WT-LORD in
                                32bit wcCODE for WC5! Wild type IGM for
                                WT-LORD v2.5 and Above ONLY! Another fun
                                *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                The Wildest ride your WT-LORD players will
                                ever experience!
                                FEATURES: EASY Setup
                                          SYSOP Configurable Access
                                          BUILT in Maintenance
                                          EASY ONLINE Registration with VISA
                                or MASTERCARD
ucf15.zip      66728 08-05-2024 "Up Country Fishing" v1.5 -=- an IGM for
                                WT-LORD in wcCODE!
                                "WT-LORD v2.0 READY" for WT-LORD v2.5 and
                                Take a break from all that fighing in the
                                Forest and enjoy a
                                relaxing afternoon fishing. Sell your catch or
                                eat it, it's
                                all up to you! Another fun *WT-LORD IGM* by
                                Joseph Watson
                                FEATURES:  SUPPORTS Multiple WT-LORD Games
                                           EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
                                           EASY ONLINE Registration with VISA
                                and MASTERCARD!
                                           NOW INCLUDES Y2K Date Checking
                                           TONS more fish in the stream!
uga10.zip      36948 08-05-2024 UNIVERSITY OF GREATER ARRISVILLE v1.0
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Robby Dittmann
                                E-Mail: robbyd@sprynet.com
                                This IGM adds an institute of higher learnin
                                to the Greater Arrisville area.  Visit the 
                                Campus Chapel.  Try to find a professor in 
                                the Classroom Building.  Visit the Alchemy 
                                and Physics Departments.  But be careful in 
                                the Dorms, you never know what you'll find!
ultilord.zip   24370 08-05-2024     The ULTIMATE L.O.R.D. Hint File
                                       Version 3.50 (Minor Fixes)
                                         Current for LORD 3.55
                                       Written : January 4, 1996
                                      Written By : David Stavens
                                       Downloaded 20,000+ times
                                * Monster Lists        * The Sayings
                                * Over 1500 Lines !    * IGM Review
                                * The Red Dragon     
                                * The *LARGEST* Hint File
unch10.zip     22474 08-05-2024 UnCheat v1.0. THE utility to prevent
                                users from cheating in LORD. It
                                checks the player's hit points, kids,
                                charm, strength, and defense for an
                                "overflow" value defined by you. If
                                it is over the defined value, it will
                                be lowered to that value. Allows
                                exemption of up to 255 users.
                                !!FREEWARE!! By Lazor Software.
under200.zip   23480 08-05-2024 ==========================================
                                UnderGround 2.0 City by Thaddeus A O'Brien
                                A great city underground with lots of things
                                to do
                                Alot of Changes have been made before it was
                                even out
                                {File_id added by the LORDFDN}
underv1.zip    40927 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-The Underground v1.01b-=-=-=- LORD IGM
                                Another IGM for LORD with all new
                                features, such as a bar where players
                                can buy drinks to increase hitpoints and
                                experiance! **This Fixes DOOR.SYS file**
underv12.zip   40987 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-The Underground v1.02b-=-=-=- LORD IGM
                                Another IGM for LORD with all new
                                features, such as a bar where players
                                can buy drinks to increase hitpoints and
                                experiance! **This Fixes DOOR.SYS Read 
                                and Hitpoints bugs**
uw_lord1.zip   15433 08-05-2024 LORD Language file and menus for
                                TriBBS 5.x from UltimaTIM BBS,
                                home of UltimaWARE. After several
                                requests, here it is!  Have fun
                                and I hope you like it!
v0rea130.zip  174234 08-05-2024 Vanadia's Arena of Warriors 1.30 (tm) IGM by
                                G.A.C. Computer Services.
                                The first IGM in the Realm of Vanadia Series
                                of Inter-IGMs.  MULTINODE REALTIME user 
                                battles and chat in the Inter-IGM arena, 
                                support for all BBSs and comm routines LORD 
                                supports, original ANSI art, RIP, hundreds of
                                NPCs and chat actions.  Will launch the other
                                5 IGMs in the series and Inter-LORD if 
                                present.  Now works with Major BBS Correclty!
v0rea200.zip  178460 08-05-2024 Vanadia's Arena of Warriors 2.00 (tm) IGM 
                                The first IGM in the Realm of Vanadia Series
                                of Inter-IGMs.  MULTINODE REALTIME user 
                                battles and chat in the Inter-IGM arena, 
                                support for all BBSs and comm routines LORD 
                                supports, original ANSI art, RIP, hundreds of
                                NPCs and chat actions.  Will launch the other
                                5 IGMs in the series and Inter-LORD if 
                                present.  Now POSTCARDWARE
v1ban130.zip  224833 08-05-2024 Banda's Boardinghouse of Vanadia(tm) 1.30 IGM
                                by G.A.C. Computer Services.  Users may 
                                explore the large Boardinghouse, play some 
                                great ANSI poker, bet on the cock fights, 
                                write on the wall, explore upstairs, meet a 
                                date, dance, battle, or visit the Gypsy 
                                Trailer where they may curse other users, 
                                learn their fate, and spy.  Has RIP Support,
                                archives for the artwork, supports CLEAN mode
                                and works correctly with Major BBS!
v1ban200.zip  273669 08-05-2024 Banda's Boardinghouse of Vanadia(tm) 2.00 IGM
                                Users may explore the large Boardinghouse,
                                play some 
                                great ANSI poker, bet on the cock fights, 
                                write on the wall, explore upstairs, meet a 
                                date, dance, battle, or visit the Gypsy 
                                Trailer where they may curse other users, 
                                learn their fate, and spy.  Has RIP Support,
                                archives for the artwork, supports CLEAN mode
                                and works correctly with Major BBS!
v2gyp108.zip  275660 08-05-2024 The Gypsy Camp of Vanadia TM 1.08 Inter-IGM
                                by G.A.C. Computer Services.  Users may 
                                visit with the gypies, receive readings, 
                                explore vast caves, meet a powerful 
                                sorceress, navigate a river, try knife  
                                throwing, find the snake den, buy and sell
                                items found in the caverns, store gold and
                                gems in the caverns and MUCH MORE!  RIP
                                support and works correctly with Major BBS!
                                Part of The Realm of Vanadia Series of IGMs!
v2gyp200.zip  270191 08-05-2024 The Gypsy Camp of Vanadia TM 2.00 Inter-IGM
                                Users may visit with the gypies, receive
                                explore vast caves, meet a powerful 
                                sorceress, navigate a river, try knife  
                                throwing, find the snake den, buy and sell
                                items found in the caverns, store gold and
                                gems in the caverns and MUCH MORE!  RIP
                                support and Part of The Realm of Vanadia
                                Series of IGMs!  PostcardWare
v3for103.zip  273646 08-05-2024 The Haunted Forests of Vanadia TM 1.03 IGM
                                by G.A.C. Computer Services.  The Haunted
                                Forest is a vast maze for users to explore.
                                There are many new monsters, and they can
                                even create their own to inhabit the forest.
                                They can find fairies in a cave (if they are
                                lucky), meet the hermit, learn spells and go
                                on quests for the emchantress.  There are
                                many secrets to be discovered and lots to do.
                                ANSI & RIP support and works with Major BBS.
v3for200.zip  288590 08-05-2024 The Haunted Forests of Vanadia TM 2.00 IGM
                                The Haunted Forest is a vast maze for users to
                                There are many new monsters, and they can
                                even create their own to inhabit the forest.
                                They can find fairies in a cave (if they are
                                lucky), meet the hermit, learn spells and go
                                on quests for the emchantress.  There are
                                many secrets to be discovered and lots to do.
                                ANSI & RIP support.  PostcardWare
v4dis100.zip  207980 08-05-2024 Shepley's Distractions of Vanadia TM 1.00
                                Inter-IGM  Will run independently or with The
                                Realm of Vanadia series of Inter-IGMs.  
                                Shepley is an odd little man, but he enjoys
                                playing games.  Pay a gem and get to play
                                a few of his 15 games.  Games of all types;
                                Card Games, Number Games, Animations, and
                                Word Games.  Most of them have never been 
                                seen before!  An excellent distraction from
                                your typical LORD day! Even talk w/Shepley!
v4dis200.zip  209799 08-05-2024 Shepley's Distractions of Vanadia TM 20
                                Inter-IGM  Will run independently or with The
                                Realm of Vanadia series of Inter-IGMs.  
                                Shepley is an odd little man, but he enjoys
                                playing games.  Pay a gem and get to play
                                a few of his 15 games.  Games of all types;
                                Card Games, Number Games, Animations, and
                                Word Games.  Most of them have never been 
                                seen before!  An excellent distraction from
                                your typical LORD day! PostcardWare
v5med100.zip  189842 08-05-2024 The Medieval Tournament of Vanadia TM 1.00
                                LORD IGM by G.A.C. Computer Services.  Eight
                                unique and addictive ANSI Arcade Games
                                provide the basis for the tournament.  Become
                                the best in your realm and receive a bonus 
                                for the day!  Your users have never seen an 
                                IGM like this before!  This IGM is excellent 
                                for Inter-LORD, and has support that will 
                                allow blind callers using voice terminals to 
                                play all the games!!  Simply the best yet!
v5med200.zip  194106 08-05-2024 The Medieval Tournament of Vanadia TM 2.00
                                LORD IGM Eightunique and addictive ANSI Arcade
                                Games provide the basis for the tournament.  
                                Become the best in your realm and receive a
                                for the day!  Your users have never seen an 
                                IGM like this before!  This IGM is excellent 
                                for Inter-LORD, and has support that will 
                                allow blind callers using voice terminals to 
                                play all the games!!  PostcardWare
valev141.zip   69556 08-05-2024  The Vampire of Shadow Vale v1.401
                                     Its finally out of beta!  
                                An entirely new IGM for Seth Ables'
                                immensely popular door game, Legend
                                of the Red Dragon.  Visit a Vampire
                                lord in Shadow Vale to gain lots of
                                different things!   But be careful,
                                every time you do, you lose some of
                                your life force.
                                 FREEWARE by New Realm Interactive
valev15.zip    70746 08-05-2024   The Vampire of Shadow Vale v1.5
                                     Its finally out of beta!  
                                An entirely new IGM for Seth Ables'
                                immensely popular door game, Legend
                                of the Red Dragon.  Visit a Vampire
                                lord in Shadow Vale to gain lots of
                                different things!   But be careful,
                                every time you do, you lose some of
                                your life force.
                                FREEWARE from New Realm Interactive
vamp01.zip     33500 08-05-2024 =============L.O.R.D. MENU==============
                                this one is called "Vampire"....COOL....
                                ==========>STARFLEET SUPPLY<============
vamplord.zip   31199 08-05-2024 
vanad110.zip  282996 08-05-2024 The Realm of Vanadia Series 1.1 of LORD IGMs
                                by G.A.C. Computer Services. This series of 
                                Inter-IGMs promises to be the standard for 
                                professional quality IGMs.  Six IGMs will 
                                make up this series, all are MULTINODE 
                                INTERACTIVE, support all BBSs and comm
                                routines LORD supports, have original ANSI
                                art that rivals anything on the market, and
                                each IGM is humongous with hundreds of NPCs,
                                secrets, puzzles, artworks, and things to do.
van_ansi.zip  134343 08-05-2024 Insaine ANSi pack for
                                Vanadia's Arena of Warriors IGM
vd02.zip       41180 08-05-2024                 
                                     Editor v0.2         
                                          '95 Neo-Gen
vdhut20.zip    48717 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                                    THe VooDoo TeMPLe ۲
                                   The VooDoo Temple v2.0! IT'S HERE!!
                                   Talk to a tree, meet the Demon God:
                                 DEATHSHIFT, and much MORE NEW THINGS!!!
                                 OUR FIRST LORD 2: THE NEW WORLD I.G.M
vdtran.zip     14822 08-05-2024 The VooDoo Temple IGM
                                 The Transporter IGM
                                Written So you can run both
                                at once. Written by ^9T^1w^9i^1g^9g^1y
velox20.zip    21729 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                Velox Teleporting Co. v2.0
                                an IGM for LORD II v1.00 and above.
                                A teleporter for LORD II.  Includes
                                12 new maps, 3 new .ref files and
violet.zip      9223 08-05-2024 +-+-+-+-+-Violet By FPSoft+-+-+-+-+-+
                                | An IGM for LORD2 by FPSoft.       |
                                | Players can goto the Red Dragon   | 
                                | Inn and flirt with Violet. If     |
                                | they are a girl, the IGM has to   | 
                                | be registered to use the Seth     |
                                | Able feature.                     |
                                |http://members.tripod.com/~fpsoft/ |
violet12.zip   12462 08-05-2024 +-+-+-+-+-Flirt By Canucksoft+-+-+-+-+-+
                                | An IGM for LORD2 by FPSoft.          |
                                | Players can goto the Red Dragon      | 
                                | Inn and flirt with Violet. If        |
                                | they are a girl, the IGM has to      | 
                                | be registered to use the Seth        |
                                | Able feature. Ver. 1.2               |
                                | http://members.xoom.com/canucksoft/  |
violet15.zip   12121 08-05-2024 +-+-+-+-+-Flirt By Canucksoft+-+-+-+-+-+
                                | An IGM for LORD2 by FPSoft.          |
                                | Players can goto the Red Dragon      | 
                                | Inn and flirt with Violet. If        |
                                | they are a girl, the IGM has to      | 
                                | be registered to use the Seth        |
                                | Able feature.                        |
                                | http://members.xoom.com/canucksoft/  |
violet27.zip   20838 08-05-2024 Violet's House v2.7
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Max Larive [FieldSoft]
                                BBS: (450)679-7599
                                Find the good all Violet every one
                                always loved. Flirt with her at the
                                Inn, or marry her and live with her
                                at her house of Greentree.
violet52.zip   55390 08-05-2024 VIOLET'S COTTAGE v5.2 - LORD IGM
                                Romp through the forest with Violet's
                                family! This update contains improved
                                file i/o, updated comm drivers, and
                                color code support! Unreg bug fixed!
                                by Trevor Herndon; BBS:(703)341-1865
viowed01.zip   50261 08-05-2024 |07A Butcher's Shoppe Production
                                |07Violet's Wedding Day Menu Set 
                                |15Part 1 of 2 this is like no other
                                |15folks this is a Mystery, who will
                                |15she marry? and Where is he?
visio003.zip   24147 08-05-2024 Another new LORDTXT.DAT file to change
                                the look of your LORD game.
visn21.zip     92730 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... Visions 2.1   
                                (Visions of the Past)
                                Pre Red Dragon days. Fighting
                                to protect your livestock and
                                search for a magical item.
vlad41sw.zip   89732 08-05-2024 -= Vlad's Castle 4.1 LORD IGM =-
                                Wide-Delta Release W/ MAJOR BUG FIX
                                Remote testing appreciated. Fixed
                                major remote bug!!!
vlord15.zip    19020 08-05-2024 -+-LORD - Star Trek: Voyager Patch Ver. 1.0-+
                                A patch for LORD, changes your original LORD
                                game into Star Trek: Voyager LORD game.
                                Freeware. canucksoft@xoommail.com
volcan13.zip   19933 08-05-2024 Dragon's Volcano v1.3
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Max Larive [FieldSoft]
                                BBS: (450)679-7599
                                A mysterious Volcanic Island has
                                been discovered, where pirates are
                                now reported disappeared. Strange
                                creatures lies there, what else?
votprip2.zip   90370 08-05-2024  -=RIP 2.2 Graphics for VOTP IGM=-
                                 RIP 2.2 Color corrected Icons 
                                 for Village of the Phoenix IGM.
                                 (LORD IGM by Jeremy Stewart)
                                 Converted & Corrected Icons 
                                 & ENHANCED RIP with FX SOUND!
                                 courtesy of Mike Collard from
                                 Midnight's Realm...(505)831-0797
                                 Home of LORD FX & FX Sound System
votp_2d14.zip  299328 08-05-2024 The Village of the Phoenix - LORD In Game
                                NOW WITH RIP GRAPHICS!  Ok, I'm a little too
                                excited.  This version is 1.4 Wide Beta.
votp_2d15a.zip  320348 08-05-2024 The Village of the Phoenix 1.5a WB - LORD In
                                Game Module Sysops can now control prices.
                                RIP graphics, dozen places to go, hidden areas
voy110.zip      8583 08-05-2024         --==The Voyage 200==--
                                 Flag City has a problem.. A Cave Demon
                                    Go fight many powerful monsters.
                                     And find a way out of the maze
                                        Your Users will Enjoy
                                              Have Fun!
                                            By:   SpENcE
voylord.zip    18934 08-05-2024 -+-LORD - Star Trek: Voyager Patch Ver. 1
                                A nifty little patch for LORD, changes your
                                original LORD game into Star Trek: Voyager
                                game. Comes to you courtesy of Floating Point
                                WWW: http://members.tripod.com/~fpsoft/
                                E-Mail: fpsoft@mailexcite.com
w1_2d200.zip   59565 08-05-2024 |15  W|07ise |15O|07ne |08v|072.00 - |15LORD
                                |02  The Wise Old Man Atop a 
                                |02 mountain.  Will he help you?  
                                |03 A |15Crazy Boy |03Production
                                |07        -=(FREE)=-
wally10.zip    13903 08-05-2024 WISE WALLY'S PUBLIC LIBRARY v1.0
                                An IGM for LORD II that allows users
                                to increase certain stats by spending
                                turns reading books.
                                Registration is FREE!!
                                From Mamoosoft Programming.
wampa100.zip    3922 08-05-2024  Wampa's Cave IGM for Lord2
                                Go and kill the Evil Wampa
                                Ice-Creature from Star Wars:
                                The Empire Strikes Back!
                                The Shadow BBS (850)864-4292
war.zip        37713 08-05-2024          WarLord (0.5 BETA)
                                 Add-On for Legend Of The Red Dragon
                                  This program gives your LORD game
                                  a totally new look and feel with
                                  over 40 new monsters, new screens,
                                   and a totally new storyline too!
                                     Programmed by Wesley Reiser
war120.zip     73355 08-05-2024 Warrior's Village 1.20  LORD IGM
                                  Enter the Warrior's Village  
                                  This is simple the BEST IGM  
                                  by: Xavier (Ian Stone)       
warp11.zip      8389 08-05-2024 -= WARP ZONE V1.1=-
                                A cool IGM for RTSoft's
                                LORD2:New World. Allows
                                players to warp to other
                                places in the game. For 
                                a price, That is..
                                By GBSoft Ltd.
warper10.zip    3758 08-05-2024 Warper's Hut v1.0 
                                Lord II IGM                                   
                                Author: MeRcEr
                                E-Mail: mercer281@aol.com             
                                Nice little IGM to warp almost 
                                where ever you want for very 
                                cheap prices.  Puts a Warper's 
                                Hut in the desert south of Port 
                                Town.  Look for updated 
                                versions coming soon.....
warriors.zip   28260 08-05-2024 |06-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                |05 GALACTIC WARRIORS v1.1
                                |02Awesome new Lordtxt.dat add on for lord
                                Give your L.O.R.D game and out  of This World
                                |15Coming soon from Immortality and Children
                                Of Galaexy |13Fairyland |15the coolest IGM of
                                em  all.
wcsand16.zip  116260 08-05-2024 Sandtiger's Bar v1.6 (WcCode 5.x) IGM for
                                WT-LORD 2.0+ - A porting from the original
                                Pascal... with some modifications.
wcxf26.zip     66085 08-05-2024 The wcX-FILES! v2.6 -=- IGM for WT-LORD in
                                32bit wcCODE for WC5! for WT-LORD v2.0 and
                                ABOVE. Another *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                You're the EXPERT! Help Agents Mulder and
                                Scully solve an X-File if you dare! A fun IGM
                                for Wildcat Tournament LORD!
                                FEATURES: EASY Setup
                                     NEW: SUPPORTS Multiple WT-LORD Games
                                          Added MAX FENIG/Tempus Fugit
                                          Added Dana Scully Codes
                                          Interacts with other IGMs
wedchp10.zip   17707 08-05-2024  -=The Wedding Chapel IGM v1.00=-
                                An IGM for LORD II v1.00 or newer.
                                Want to show that special someone
                                that you really care.  Stop by The
                                Wedding Chapel and give them the
                                ultimate gift.
wedit10.zip    18481 08-05-2024 BDSoft World Editor v1.00
                                 1999 Steve Gargolinski of 
                                Black Dragon Software
                                ---------- Introduction ----------
                                I had done a really nice world editor, though
                                and it's a lot like one that would be used to
                                edit LORD2 maps.  And I started to think that
                                it'd be a shame to let it go completely to 
                                waste.  So I decided to release the editor as
                                freeware, of course, and also tell the files 
                                and such that it creates, so if you're looking
                                towards making a ANSI game, you can use this 
                                without any charge.  It'd be nice if you send
                                me a copy of what you use it to make, though!
                                  -- Steve
wetlord.zip    29352 08-05-2024          WetLord (0.5 BETA)
                                 Add-On for Legend Of The Red Dragon
                                  This program gives your LORD game
                                  a totally new look and feel with
                                  over 40 new monsters, new screens,
                                   and a totally new storyline too!
                                     Programmed by Jason Peterson
wgra1_0.zip    32817 08-05-2024  -=-=- The Warrior's Graveyard ver 1.0 for
                                Lord2 -=-=-
                                 Visit this mysterious Graveyard, and interact
                                 it's inhabitants. Find the secret ghosts, or
                                buy some
                                        Tech'N Software - Lloyd Hannesson
wguy120.zip    46241 08-05-2024 Wise Guy is a freeware IGM which allows LORD
                                players to visit the Wise Guy once a day to
                                ask for help with many areas such as gold,
                                experience, and charm. How often they receive
                                help and how much they are given is based
                                solely upon SysOp configuration, although
                                the default numbers are quite fair. v1.2 ads
                                a fairy request and a simple dart game!
                                 Adamax Creations  http://www.adamaxc.com
whore20.zip     4569 08-05-2024 *-* Greetree Whore House 2.00 *-*
                                A small IGM whore house for Lord2
                                       Adds female support!
                                Replaces an empty house and won't
                                 Throw your game out of balance
                                    Written By Jared McQuade
willowld.zip   31005 08-05-2024               -= WILLOW =-
                                             for LORD v3.55
                                ***A PRINCE PUBLICATION PRODUCTION***
                                >Legend of the Red Dragon enhancement         
                                program. WILLOW, BAVMORDA, MADMARTIGAN
                                KAEL and all the others brought out of
                                the Legend, and into the L.O.R.D. game!
                                Full menu support and bar text changes!
                                New monsters and much more excitement!
wilma100.zip    6094 08-05-2024 Aunt Wilma's Bed and
                                Breakfast, Igm for LORD2
                                An igm by Turbine and Shadcat
                                RioT Productions
witch27.zip    92946 08-05-2024 The Witch Doctor's Hut! v2.7 - IGM for
                                WT-LORD in 32bit wcCODE for WC5! for WT-LORD
                                v2.0 and Above!  Y2K Aware. Another fun
                                *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                Kamala is the MASTER of ALL! Drink a potion
                                or have him CURSE or HEX your enemies! A fun
                                IGM for Wildcat Tournament LORD with lots of
                                fun options!
                                FEATURES: EASY Setup
                                          BUILT in Maintenance
                                          Many New Options & Hidden Features
witnes10.zip   19749 08-05-2024 WITNESS PROTECTION PROGRAM v1.0  -
                                An IGM for LORD II that provides a place
                                for users to reset their characters, or
                                change their identities.  This is useful
                                for players who have completed the game
                                or those who want to avoid others.
                                Registration is FREE!
                                From Mamoosoft Programming
wizard20.zip    4544 08-05-2024  Wizard's Tower 2.0 IGM for Lord2
                                 Add 2 more levels to the Wizard's
                                 Tower and enjoy a Disco room,
                                 A Bed, A Throne, and a Travel
                                Freeware - By James Jones
                                The Shadow BBS (850)864-4292
wizcas13.zip   12975 08-05-2024 -= The Wizard's Castle for LORD2 =-
                                A simple IGM for LORD2.  Includes
                                3 new maps and two REF files.  EASY 
                                INSTALL!  The Wizard's Castle v1.3  
                                An IGM for LORD II that allows users 
                                to sleep overnight in the unregistered 
                                portion of Lord II and even has a
                                Maze upstairs where you can search
                                for a hidden treasure.  Totally
                                FREEWARE!!!  From Bobby Queen and
                                Mamoosoft Programming.
wlord1_0.zip   41372 08-05-2024            WarLord 1.0 RELEASE
                                   Add-On for Legend Of The Red Dragon
                                    This program gives your LORD game
                                    a totally new look and feel with
                                    over 40 new monsters, new screens,
                                    and a totally new storyline too!
                                       Programmed by Wesley Reiser
wl_2dv04b.zip   71384 08-05-2024 The Warlock of Shadow Vale v0.4Beta
                                The legends are true!  There WAS an
                                evil  warlock in  Shadow Vale  that 
                                destroyed Shadow Village.  But that
                                incident changed him, and now he is
                                truely good, and is  continuing his
                                experiments in an  effort to  bring
                                the  Village  back.   But he is not
                                opposed to helping some adventurers
                                in their  studies.   Just don't get 
                                him mad, or he will make you pay...
                                 FREEWARE by New Realm Interactive
wl_2dv10.zip   72933 08-05-2024   The Warlock of Shadow Vale v1.0
                                The legends are true!  There WAS an
                                evil  warlock in  Shadow Vale  that 
                                destroyed Shadow Village.  But that
                                incident changed him, and now he is
                                truely good, and is  continuing his
                                experiments in an  effort to  bring
                                the  Village  back.   But he is not
                                opposed to helping some adventurers
                                in their  studies.   Just don't get 
                                him mad, or he will make you pay...
                                 FREEWARE by New Realm Interactive
woodld1a.zip   11017 08-05-2024  - Woodland Underground v1.00a -
                                    This IGM for LORD 2 adds an
                                  underground city with a general
                                    store, museum, sheriff, and
                                          an ownable bar! 
wow22.zip      61267 08-05-2024 Weapons Of War v2.2 IGM for LORD 3.26+
                                Warriors can buy and rename Weapons an Armour,
                                drink until they can't
                                standup, play Russian Roulette, Adopt children
                                from other players, Use
                                players, Use the WoW Banking facility for both
                                gold and gems. For Healing
                                we have Dr Sorebutt and to help them relax, we
                                have a spa, shower and bath.
                                There are a couple of special hidden functions
                                to.   F R E E W A R E ! ! ! 
                                This version is released as a bug fix.  It
                                will no longer show NO CARRIER when
                                a user exits the game.
wow253b.zip    79165 08-05-2024 -= Weapons Of War v2.53b =- 
                                     IGM for LORD 3.26+
                                Warriors can buy and rename Weapons and Armour
                                 drink until they can't standup, play Russian
                                Roulette, Adopt children from other players,
                                Use the WoW Banking facility for gold, gems,
                                Forest and Player fights. For Healing 
                                we have Dr Sorebutt. To help you relax, have a
                                spa, shower or bath. Sell and buy children. Is
                                now Sysop configurable. Use MacDonalds to get
                                more forest fights (if you can find it). 
                                Local display of the cheats the player has
                                used.  Multi-line aware.
                                One of the most popular IGM's around so get it
                                A L L M O S T   F R E E W A R E ! ! ! 
wtlrd131.zip  676268 08-05-2024 -= Wildcat Tournament LORD v1.31  =- 
                                   (Release Date:      11/12/96)
                                Adventure, friendship & fantasy combine to
                                create the most powerfull version of the
                                award winning hit door, Legend Of The Red
                                Dragon.  For Wildcat Interactive Net Server.
                                Up to 200 players in one game - hotkeys -
                                globals work anywhere - chat room with
                                directional & whisper support - in game
                                sysop controls/editor - Interplayer marriage
                                and kids - unlimited nodes - unlimited trial
                                period - new text - easy to configure!
wtlrd29c.zip  696474 08-05-2024 -= Wildcat Tournament LORD v2.90c  =-
                                (Release Date: 11/28/98) $20 Registration
                                Adventure, friendship & fantasy combine to
                                create the most powerfull version of the
                                award winning hit door, Legend Of The Red
                                Dragon.  For Wildcat Interactive Net Server.
                                Up to 200 players in one game - hotkeys -
                                globals work anywhere - chat room with
                                directional & whisper support - in game
                                sysop controls/editor - Monster Editor -
                                Weapon Editor - Interplayer marriage -
                                and kids - unlimited nodes - unlimited trial
                                period - new text - easy to configure!
wtshel11.zip   25356 08-05-2024 Wt-Shell v1.1 - Shell for WT-LORD. Will allow
                                you to run event .wcx's, NPC's, etc before
                                and after running WT-LORD. Now supports up to
                                3 games.
wt_2dfd13.zip  324130 08-05-2024 WT-Food Fight II - v1.3  - IGM for WT-LORD( 2
                                The Family Internet BBS
wulftxt.zip    32218 08-05-2024 Land of the Wulves - LORD Menuset
ww101.zip      58481 08-05-2024 WEREWOLF v1.01 - A LORD IGM
                                Werewolf IGm for LORD v3.26.
                                Transform into a werewolf to
                                kill other players and
                                desecrate their dead bodies,
                                eat kids, kill horses!
ww301.zip      45734 08-05-2024 WEREWOLF v3.01 - A LORD IGM
                                Werewolf IGM for LORD v3.55.
                                Transform into a werewolf to
                                kill other players and
                                desecrate their dead bodies,
                                eat kids, kill horses!
                                More SysOp configurable!
wwell100.zip   22323 08-05-2024 )-(       Wishing Well v1.00a       )-(
                                (=) ------------------------------- (=)
                                )-(   Wishing Well is a LORD2 IGM   )-(
                                (=)  which allows  players to drop  (=)
                                )-(  their gold down a well and if  )-(
                                (=) they  are  lucky  enough, their (=)
                                )-(  wish will come true!    [MH97] )-(
wwell12.zip    23483 08-05-2024 "The Wishing Well" v1.2 -=- IGM for WT-LORD in
                                32bit wcCODE!
                                "WT-LORD v2.0 READY" for WT-LORD v2.5 & Higher
                                 Y2K Date Checking 
                                Visit the Well and make a Wish! A "VERY
                                POPULAR" IGM on my BBS!
                                Another fun *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                FEATURES:  SUPPORTS Mutiple WT-LORD Games
                                           EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
                                           EASY ONLINE Registration with VISA
                                and MASTERCARD!
ww_2dlr011.zip  112859 08-05-2024 ۲
                                        LORD's Realm v0.11 
                                Lords Realm Is An Online Utility BBS
                                Door Or Can Be Installed As An IGM For
                                The Door Game Called Legend Of The Red
                                Dragon v3.26a. Banking, Casino, Gym,
                                Store, Well And An Underground! Many
                                Options = Much Fun! Multi-Node Support.
                                Read The Whats.new File For Upgrading.
                                Supports All Of The Most Popular File
                                Formats: Spitfire, TriBBS, PCBoard,
                                GAP, RBBS, Wildcat & WWIV.
                                                   By: Wolverine Wares
ww_2dlr013.zip   95082 08-05-2024 ۲
                                        LORD's Realm v0.13 
                                Lords Realm Is An Online Utility BBS
                                Door Or Can Be Installed As An IGM For
                                The Door Game Called Legend Of The Red
                                Dragon v3.53+. Banking, Casino, Gym,
                                Store, Well And An Underground! Many
                                Options = Much Fun! Multi-Node Support.
                                Read The Whats.new File For Upgrading.
                                Supports All Of The Most Popular File
                                Formats: Spitfire, TriBBS, PCBoard,
                                GAP, RBBS, Wildcat & WWIV.
                                                   By: Wolverine Wares
w_isle19.zip   52528 08-05-2024            Lord IGM
                                RimWell Isle of Witches for the
                                DoorGame Lord.  Multi-BBS,Multi-Node,
                                MultiTasking aware. Lives in it own
                                directory, not in the Lord directory. 1
                                minute installation progam.  The Witches
                                may help or hurt you as they see fit.
                                The registered version of this IGM is
                                Winable! by Allyn Cross
w_isle21.zip   54241 08-05-2024            Lord IGM
                                RimWell Isle of Witches for the
                                DoorGame Lord.  Multi-BBS,Multi-Node,
                                MultiTasking aware. Lives in it own
                                directory, not in the Lord directory. 1
                                minute installation progam.  The Witches
                                may help or hurt you as they see fit.
                                The registered version of this IGM is
                                Winable! by Allyn Cross
xena200.zip    12623 08-05-2024 -=  Xena's House V.2.00  =-
                                Small IGM for LORD2 thats
                                adds a house in the Green-
                                tree fields which Xena
                                lives in. Interesting
                                   (Free registration)
                                (C) Quineska Software 1999
xenon20.zip   132104 08-05-2024 Xenon's Town Square v2.0 - LORD IGM, was
                                written to provide  users with  a  place
                                to  store GOLD, GEMS, CHILDREN and their
                                HORSE. To those of you familiar with the
                                IGMs that  allow  players to steal  from
                                other players, this IGM can  be helpful.
                                Xenon's   Town  Square  was  written  in
                                QuickBasic 4.5 using QWKIGM  programming
                                library for IGMs, (c) Ballistic Labs.
                                           Now FREEWARE!!!
xenon_2dv1.zip  137659 08-05-2024 Xenon's Town Square v1.0 - LORD IGM, was
                                written to provide  users with  a  place
                                to  store GOLD, GEMS, CHILDREN and their
                                HORSE. To those of you familiar with the
                                IGMs that  allow  players to steal  from
                                other players, this IGM can  be helpful.
                                Xenon's   Town  Square  was  written  in
                                QuickBasic 4.5 using QWKIGM  programming
                                library for IGMs, (c) Ballistic Labs.
                                Registration is only $2.00!!!
xlordspz.zip   25531 08-05-2024 X-Rated Lordtxt.Dat. Written By
                                SPAZZtic Software (816)792-5834
x_2dbrady.zip   12097 08-05-2024 -= X- Rated Brady Bunch =-
                                L O R D 2  . R E F   file.
                                Yes the Bradies Return, But
                                their no longer the Clean Cut
                                Beauties they once were.
                                An R or X rated Ref file
                                For the LORD2 Engine!
                                From the Phantom Coda!
ymca11.zip      8382 08-05-2024 The Y M C A v1.1
                                Lord 2 IGM
                                Author: Michael Naeseth aka MeRCeR     
                                E-Mail: yomercer@aol.com
                                Find the YMCA, there you
                                are able to, play basketball,
                                sing live, lift weights,
                                jump rope, buy items, and
yoda.zip       13031 08-05-2024 Yoda's Hut: By Lucas M. Watson V1.00
                                When you use this IGM the Force is
                                with you.
                                { File_Id Addes by Lord_FDN)
yqw104f.zip    21936 08-05-2024 Yang's Place Final Version
                                Lord 2 IGM Version 1.04 Final Created On
                                Programmer : Yang Qingwei
zts09a.zip     88077 08-05-2024 Zephyr Town Square v0.9a LORD IGM
                                v0.9a - 9/12/1996
                                A nifty combination IGM.
                                Lottsa cool stuff to do!
                                You MUST unzip this into its own
                                Req: Lord 3.50+
                                by: Steve Oberholtzer
_24word11.zip    6236 08-05-2024 The $word in the $tone v1.0 
                                Lord II IGM                                   
                                Authors: MeRcEr (Michael Naeseth), and
                                E-Mail: mercer281@aol.com             
                                Pull out the $word from the $tone, 
                                discover the lost treasure of Stone 
                                Brook.  But remember, you only get 
                                one pull per day so make it a good 

              Area 131 - Doorgames LORD Utils             

4horslrd.zip   34209 08-05-2024   -= FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCOLYPSE =-
                                             for LORD v3.53
                                  Legend of the Red Dragon enhancement        
                                program.  Brings the Legend of the
                                Four Horsemen to your LORD game!
                                Full menu support and bar text changes!
                                New monsters and much more excitement!
                                       ***PRINCE PUBLICATIONS***
aa22d.zip      69724 08-05-2024        Axehandler's Arena v2.2d - LORD IGM
                                     This LORD IGM threatens to BLOW the rest
                                    LEARNING MONSTERS!!, LOCKERS!! BET ON
                                 SEVERAL PROBLEMS FIXED!!!! USES IT'S OWN
                                        THIS VERSION IS LORD-NET APPROVED!!!
ab09c.zip      72967 08-05-2024    Axehandler's BattleGrounds v0.9c - LORD
                                    Put your users in control of their own    
                                    CASTLES!! ONLY CHANGES EXPERIENCE!!!!!
                                    FULL RIP.. ** CHECK IT OUT!!! ** 
abc.zip         8380 08-05-2024 ABC iGM FOR LORD2 V1.01a
                                  Download it try it
ac15.zip       39367 08-05-2024  ANTi-CHEAT v1.5  -  For LORD 3.50+
                                 ANTi-CHEAT will keep players from
                                 cheating exsesively in your IGM's
                                 Using numbers *YOU* set for each
                                 LORD Level.  **ULTRA CONFIGURABLE**
                                  o Configurable Message's to Players!
                                  o Configurable player limits.
                                  o Set up to 10 names who are
                                    exempt from all checking.
                                  o Will check Players Hit Points,
                                    Strength, Defense, Charm, Kids,
                                    Forrest Fights, and User Fights!
                                  o Optional Log File.
                                  o Optional and configurable
                                    LOGNOW.TXT writing!
act5.zip       55626 08-05-2024   Across The Tracks v5 
                                -=-FreeWare Lord IGM-=-=-
                                Explore the ghetto on the
                                other side of the tracks.
acth103.zip     5600 08-05-2024 Tien Lung's House v1.03
                                Lord 2 IGM for Amber Crystal
                                Author: Tien Lung
                                E-mail: tienlung@hwcn.org
                                The Self-Improving of Tien Lung
                                has now entered its second
                                incarnation adding more rooms
                                along with something special.
                                Now available for Amber Crystal.
addmun10.zip   35414 08-05-2024   -= Addams Family Meets The Munsters =-
                                          Ver 1.0 for LORD v3.55
                                The wonderful characters made famous in       
                                cartoons by Charles Addams and a television
                                series starring John Astin as Gomez, meet
                                the loveable Hermann Munster and family!!
                                All the characters are there, including
                                over a hundred new monsters!  Full menu
                                support and bar text changes! AND SPOT! :)
                                  ***A PRINCE PUBLICATION PRODUCTION***
adom09c.zip    54733 08-05-2024      Axehandler's Dominion v0.9c - LORD IGM
                                      IF YOU HAD 5 DIFFRENT AREAS, LEARNING
                                      MONSTERS, AND NON-STOP FIGHTING, WHAT 
                                      WOULD YOU HAVE? AXEHANDLER'S DOMINION!
adptmk15.zip   30041 08-05-2024      Adoption Market v1.15 LORD IGM
                                    Freeware IGM - Let's you adopt
                                   kids and put your own kids up for
                                    adoption! Very Good IGM Idea!!
                                          -=-= BUG FIX =-=-
adultmon.zip   11571 08-05-2024 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-
                                This is an Adult Lenemy.dat file for
                                Legend Of the Red Dragon. For any
                                SysOp intirested in starting an
                                Adult LORD, this will help get them
                                off to a good start.  By: Dawn Evans
advice.zip      8859 08-05-2024 =-=Lord II Advice=-=
                                Adds some advice to Lord II
                                when you start playing.
                                Comes with 5 pieces of advice.
                                Easy to edit in more.
                                Don't delay. Download it
                                Downloaded from
                                THe MaD SySTeMS
aftrmh10.zip   46051 08-05-2024 The Aftermath v1.0 LORD IGM
                                A Great New Add On For LORD.
                                The Dragon HasStruck, The World
                                Is In Ruin. Can The Survivors
                                Defeat The Dragon?
ahkcity.zip    59727 08-05-2024 |02Children of Galaexy presents
                                |14The City of The Sun GOD 1.1
                                |02IGM for L.O.R.D
                                |02Travel to an ancient Egyptian City
                                |02have fun and improve your game. 
akcity21.zip   70640 08-05-2024 The City Of The Sun God 2.1
                                   LORD IGM
                                by Children of Galaexy
al353.zip      24959 08-05-2024 Give your L.O.R.D. online game, a complete
                                new look. Features full color ANSI screens.
                                See the Bard, Violet, and all the others,
                                in full screen color.
                                A real MUST SEE! Well worth the download.
                                Freeware by:The Godfather
                                Version 1.02
                                For use with LORD version 3.53+
al40.zip       28079 08-05-2024 
alad101.zip    42962 08-05-2024 Aladdin's Bar v 1.01  -  LORD IGM
                                The first multi-node  interactive
                                IGM for LORD.  Supports up to 150
                                nodes,  and  150  users at  once.
                                Supports   actions,   LORD  color
                                codes, "Clean Mode"  bad language
                                filter  and RAM  drive for better
                                performance.   Now  supports  ALL
                                drop  file  types   supported  by
                                LORD.  Totally free!
alien.zip       6889 08-05-2024  The Visitors   L2 IGM  
                                 A spaceship has crashed west 
                                of Arrisville. What could the 
                                aliens want? What is their    
                                heinous plan?                 
                                     Author: TALAPHID@JUNO.COM
am110.zip      18669 08-05-2024 <->- ANSIMap v1.10 -<->
                                Converts LORD2 map screens into
                                normal ANSI files.  Also views
                                ANSI/LORD files.
amall103.zip    7778 08-05-2024 Arrisville Mall v1.03
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Adam Hure & GumLass
                                Earliest version of Arrisville Mall and its 
                                alright but I can make it better, but now, 
                                the features: *Armour + Weapons Store
                                *Food court :Eat the greatest Sausage in the 
                                known world. *Skill Tester(TM):Be a winner 
                                learn to cheat *Bank *Healer
anarch.zip     24461 08-05-2024   
                                       The Anarchist 1.1 Beta      
                                   First Local Made IGM For Lord.  
                                   Have an anarchist for players   
                                    to hire to wreck havoc in the
                                    game.Disfigure other players to
                                    reduce their charm,             
                                   transex them, sabotage their    
                                                           By Njo  
and100.zip     25534 08-05-2024     =-=> Andrew for LORD2 <=-=
                                    A cool IGM for Lord2 V1.01a
                                   or newer. Includes 1 replaced
                                       map, 4 new maps, 9 new
                                   .ref and 1 replaced .ref file.
                                    Look for other IGM's and other 
                                       stuff from Hell Software
                                      =-=> Hell Software <=-=  
                                     =-=> Andreas Svendsen <=-=
                                     =-=> Rolfas@online.no <=-=
anlord10.zip   26636 08-05-2024   Ancients of LORD  
                                   This is a different looking LORD for      
                                those of you who are tired of the same old   
                                look.  This is one of the only look changers 
                                that actually has an install and uinstall.   
                                If you like this file, then please support   
                                the authors by registering.  If you reg. you 
                                will revcieve the new monster pack with the  
                                new say files.                               
ansilord.zip   24647 08-05-2024 -=| AnsiLORD .01 |=-
                                A Revolutionary Addon 
                                that will blow you away!
                                100% Ansi Graphics,
                                Castles, Dragons, More!
apoth172.zip   66454 08-05-2024 The Apothecary v1.72 -- a LORD IGM.
                                Visit with potionmaster, The Apothecary.  
                                Find items along the way to his shop, buy 
                                potions, make friends.  Companion IGM to 
                                Grizelda's House (by same author).  
apv200.zip    129993 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 * * * Aladdin's Palace Version 2.00 * * * 
                                 See Aladdin and Jasmines Palace in a Lord 
                                 IGM! Changes since Version 1.30 Include : 
                                 *  All known bugs fixed - including the * 
                                 *         elusive "Rename Bug".         * 
                                 ** IMPORTANT NEW AUTHOR INFORMATION TOO * 
                                 FREQ "ALADDIN" From: 1:140/129 for latest 
                                 version of Aladdin's Palace - *Upgrade*!! 
                                 Registration Just $3.00! By Devon Brooks. 
arabld20.zip  137711 08-05-2024   -= THE ARABIAN KNIGHTS =-
                                           ver 2.0
                                  Legend of the Red Dragon
                                enhancement program. Brings the
                                realm of djinni's, wizards and
                                warriors of the Sands of the
                                mythical age of Alli Babba and
                                Alladin to your LORD game! Full
                                menu support and over a hundred
                                new monsters!
                                   ***PRINCE PUBLICATIONS***
arablrd.zip    33671 08-05-2024 THE ARABIAN KNIGHTS Lord IGM
                                . -= THE ARABIAN KNIGHTS =-
                                .  Legend of the Red Dragon
                                enhancement program. Brings the
                                realm of djinni's, wizards and
                                warriors of the Sands of the
                                mythical age of Alli Babba and
                                Alladin to your LORD game! Full
                                menu support and over a hundred
                                new monsters!
                                .  ***PRINCE PUBLICATIONS***
aragonun.zip    6985 08-05-2024 Aragon's homely home by Dwsoft (We look out
                                for you)
                                Aragon's homely home visit aragon!
arat15.zip     10983 08-05-2024 Aragon's Cave v1.5 (WcCode 5.x) IGM for
                                WT-LORD 2.0+ - Freeware from the folks
                                that brought you Food Fight II, A.I., The
                                Faire, Wild Wild West, BJ-Sysop Menu.
                                The Family Internet BBS
                                e-mail : info@vacsew.com
arena20.zip    47101 08-05-2024 The Arena Of Lords v2.0 - IGM For
                                Legend Of The Red Dragon. Fight the
                                gladiator and win TONS of gold and
                                gems *IF* you can beat him. 
                                     ** MAJOR REVISIONS **
arenav2.zip    42262 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-Haldar's Arena v2.0b-=-=-=- LORD IGM
                                Another fighting arena IGM for LORD 
                                with new features, such as sysop configuable
                                monsters.  A user pays for fights with gems
                                instead of gold in this IGM.
                                **Ok, so maybe the first one wasn't the best,*
                                **but version 2 fixes the bugs and adds some *
                                **cool features.  Check it out!              *
artime11.zip   81257 08-05-2024 
asciiset.zip    5680 08-05-2024 AsciiSet -- by Codax
                                This a small Ascii Viewer
                                program to aid in the creation
                                of Lord2 IGMs.  Though this
                                program is bug free Codax will not
                                be held responsible OR liable for
                                this software.  There are no
                                warentees so no trying to sue me!
                                Now that the legal stuff is over
                                I hope this helps all of you
                                budding Igm Makers out there.
assfa100.zip    9922 08-05-2024     =-=> Assfamily for LORD2 <=-=
                                    A cool IGM for Lord2 V1.01a
                                   or newer. Includes 5 replaced
                                    maps and 4 new .ref files.
                                    Look for other IGM's and other 
                                       stuff from Hell Software
                                      =-=> Hell Software <=-=  
                                     =-=> Andreas Svendsen <=-=
                                     =-=> Rolfas@online.no <=-=
asyvi202.zip  265227 08-05-2024             
                                                             Lord IGM        
                                                         The Arkhaim Asylum  
                                                           Version: 2.02     
                                                            Full Release     
                                                    Programed By & Story Line
                                                         Christian Danychuk  
                                                        Sysop Of: The Firm
                                             (c) Gorath   Lord V: 3.55 or
                                                              File 1 of 1
atrain11.zip   11150 08-05-2024 Arris Training Grounds v1.01: A LORD 2 IGM
                                This IGM adds a second training center on
                                the Arris continent. It also adds a new
                                arena (similar to the BownTown Arena) and
                                a healer (Expensive. The healer charges
                                $2 per HP.)
                                Players can also purchase some weapons and
                                armors from the Arena Master, and fight 6
                                new training bosses in 6 new locations!
                                Author: Jay Weber (aka Elric, Anakha, and
                                (C) 1997 ShroomTrip Software
                                E-Mail: elric@innocent.com
                                Support: kender@innocent.com
aussie11.zip    9241 08-05-2024 Aussie World's Two-Up Gambling Game - Version
                                This game is an Australian gambling game for
                                as a IGM (In-Game Module) in Lord II
                                version 1.01+)
                                It is part of a larger IGM called AUSSIE
                                which will be released soon!
                                Suggestions/Commments/Questions - mc
avaad110.zip   63033 08-05-2024 AVALIN Cuban Arms Dealer IGM for T-LORD
                                Add the Cuban Arms Dealer to your LORD
                                game for some interesting weapons! This
                                IGM is TOTALLY FREE! F-R-E-E!
                                Updated to the new T-LORD 1.26 IGM
                                standard and the MBBS 6.25 bug is fixed!
                                Doesn't work with WG 3.0...sorry.
                                AVALIN Software! Cool IGMs!
                                Telnet: lin.lcworkshop.com
                                   BBS: (717) 242-0419
avaff111.zip   72580 08-05-2024 AVALIN Fairy Fountain IGM FOR T-LORD 1.11
                                Fully Playable Unregistered Version.
                                Adds fun new options to your T-LORD.
                                Unlimited Nodes. LORD "look and feel"
                                Works with MBBS/WG version 1.0 & 2.0
                                Now updated to the new T-LORD 1.26 IGM
                                standard and the MBBS 6.25 bug is fixed!
                                Avalin Software! Cool IGMs!
                                Telnet: lin.lcworkshop.com
                                   BBS: (717) 242-0419
avagy111.zip   80646 08-05-2024 AVALIN The GrAvEyArD IGM for T-LORD v1.11
                                Put a graveyard into your MBBS/WG T-LORD
                                game with this new IGM! Players can dig
                                up and try to rob the graves of dead
                                warriors...but beware! Zombies sometimes
                                attack! Also adds a shack o' magic and
                                an old gravedigger to talk with! This is
                                version 1.10...it has been updated to
                                the new T-LORD IGM standard!
                                Sorry, doesn't work with WG 3.0.
                                AVALIN Software! Cool IGMs!
                                Telnet: lin.lcworkshop.com
                                   BBS: (717) 242-0419
avalon24.zip   22487 08-05-2024 "The Mines of Mt. Avalon" v2.4 -=- IGM for
                                WT-LORD in 32bit wcCODE! for WT-LORD v2.5
                                and Higher! Y2K Aware.Explore the Mines and
                                watch out for runaway Minetrains and Mud
                                Slides! Will you been the first to discover
                                the MOTHER LODE? Another fun *WT-LORD IGM*
                                by Joseph Watson
                                FEATURES:  SUPPORTS Multiple WT-LORD Games
                                           EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
axea21b.zip    63285 08-05-2024        Axehandler's Arena v2.1b - LORD IGM
                                     This LORD IGM threatens to BLOW the rest
                                    LEARNING MONSTERS!!, LOCKERS!! BET ON
                                     SEVERAL PROBLEMS FIXED!!!! including
                                      weapon names, and Strength problems!!
axedom.zip     52421 08-05-2024     Axehandler's Dominion v0.9beta - LORD IGM
                                      IF YOU HAD 5 DIFFRENT AREAS, LEARNING
                                      MONSTERS, AND NON-STOP FIGHTING, WHAT 
                                      WOULD YOU HAVE? AXEHANDLER'S DOMINION!
axereset.zip    7338 08-05-2024   Axehandler's LORD RESET v1.1a - LORD
                                      This LORD UTILITY will reset all the 
                                    Players in your Lord game so it seems like
                                  A new day has begun, great for NON-BBS LORDS
ba506.zip      54068 08-05-2024 BACKALLY BAR v5.06 - LORD IGM
                                BackAlley Bar v5.06 for LORD 
                                v3.55+.  Drugs, whores,player 
                                humiliation, assinations, 
                                stay the night, special 
                                drinks, even get killed!
                                The BAR To Be BAD!
bac403.zip     36789 08-05-2024 BACKALLY CHURCH v4.03 - A LORD IGM
                                For LORD v3.55.  Players can force
                                marriage, divorce, reincarnate 
                                players to kill them again,
                                burn incense, confess sins,
                                maybe even get KILLED!
backaly2.zip   60246 08-05-2024 
badcomp.zip     5857 08-05-2024  Bad Company    L2 IGM  
                                 A murder has occured on the  
                                road to Sosen Village. Can    
                                you find the murderer, before 
                                time runs out?                
                                     Author: TALAPHID@JUNO.COM
baitshop.zip    5935 08-05-2024 -= Big Bad Bait Shop v0.6b =-
                                  A Lord2 IGM by Jon Hanson
                                          AKA Phobos
                                 A quaint little bait shop
                                 with a few added quirks
                                 and secrets. More than
                                 meets the eye!!!
baldur20.zip  155209 08-05-2024 ) 
                                             BALDUR'S CAMP v2.0 LORD In Game
                                                     Black Acid Productions  
                                 Baldur's Camp gives the players a wide
                                variety of things to do 
                                 aside from the actual game. There is the Rat
                                Races, a fully    
                                 ANSI-mated race that the players can bet on
                                which Rat will win 
                                 the race and the ANSImation is fully ANSI
                                aware so if the      
                                 players do not have ANSI support it will not
                                show the race, and
                                 it is optional anyways!  Then there is the
                                Arena where the     
                                 players may go and fight other monsters and
                                win money. It will 
                                 not allow the users to fight more then their
                                Forest Fights per 
                                 day. The Sewers let the users walk around in
                                an ANSImated      
                                 dungeon and run into monsters they can fight
                                  The Bar lets    
                                 users have a drink or talk to the bartender.
                                                 $2 Shareware is WELL worth
bandit2.zip     7287 08-05-2024   -=Bandit's Hideout IGM v2.0=-
                                An IGM for LORD II v1.00 or newer.
                                Raid Hawkmoon's hideout. The rewards
                                are high but the penalties are stiff.
                                Includes 2 new maps and a .ref file.
                                Uses Seth's install program for easy
bao302.zip     34325 08-05-2024 BACKALLY ORPAHANAGE v3.02 - A LORD IGM
                                Now your players can adopt or ditch 
                                their kids.  Play tricks on them, etc. 
                                SysOp Defined Number Of Kids and Costs.
                                New Dungeon Adventure!
barak100.zip   55617 08-05-2024 -=Barak's House V1.00: LORD IGM=-
                                In Game Module for the door LORD.    
                                Your users can meet Barak and his
                                crazy mother! -=-=-  By Seth Able
barakv2.zip    70877 08-05-2024 Barak's House 2.0 - Released 10/25/97
                                The classic IGM redone for WT-LORD 2.0
                                Registration is .. FREE.
                                by IceRage Technologies
barber14.zip   26157 08-05-2024 Lord County Barber Shop v1.4 -=- IGM for
                                WT-LORD in 32bit wcCODE! for WT-LORD v2.5
                                and Higher. You are able to get the most
                                stylish hair cut in the game! Watch out
                                the barber has good and bad days! An IGM
                                by Aaron Wornom & Sweet Dreams Software!
                                FEATURES:  SUPPORTS Mutiple WT-LORD Games
                                           Random cases of haircuts
                                           Fair Cases
                                           EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
                                           Reflects the SDwarez Name Change!
barnlord.zip   24889 08-05-2024  
                                -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BarneyLord v1.0 =-=-=-=-=-=-
                                A LORDTXT.DAT replacement that changes LORD t
                                Legend of the Purple Antichrist. Includes a p
                                about Barney.  Something teen sysops should g
                                kick out of.  One of those adolescent things!
barsrc.zip     88010 08-05-2024 
battle13.zip  154214 08-05-2024 The Battlefield v1.3
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Codax Dragon
                                E-Mail: codax_dragon@juno.com
                                Bodies are heaped upon each other.   How can
                                people do this to each other?  Take sides w/
                                Power the Evil Dragon, Shara, Phoenix, Codax
                                and some of your other friends from Dragon's
                                Den Utld Igms.   Add the 1 igm with the most
                                movement of any Lord II IGM (over 30min)!
bbar100.zip     8004 08-05-2024      -= Black Death's Tavern 1.00 for LORD2
                                A small IGM for LORD2 1.01+. Gives players a 
                                nice place to go, with usefull tips, a place
                                stay and not be attacked for free, and some
                                funstuff! Included Easy Batch File Install!
                                Any suggestions for improvment are welcome, 
                                Send mail to blackdth@geocities.com
                                Special thanks to Ray Smith, sysop of:
                                Gollum's Lair BBS (613) 634-6160
                                Kingston, Ontario, Canada
                                For his help in testing and reporting errors!
bblor102.zip   34551 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                   New upgrade to your LORD game.   
                                Go to all the places like Beavis &  
                                Butthead do.  Talk to Buzzcut the   
                                bartender, or go to the Highland    
                                Healers.  Created By:  Joe March    
                                Ŀ   &         
                                This is an "COM" file.Jeff Calhoun 
                                It must be executed   Ĵ
                                in your LORD directory to work.     
bbt100.zip     31258 08-05-2024 Barton's Battle Training:  A great IGM (In
                                Game Module) for LORD 3.26+.  Barton can  
                                very helpful in learning new combat skills   
                                to enable you to kill that nasty dragon!    
                                From OT-SOFT                                  
bcott103.zip    7435 08-05-2024 BeachSide Cottage version 1.03 
                                LORD 2 IGM
                                Author: Justin Chace aka Skull 
                                E-Mail: RabidWolf2@aol.com
                                A small cottage on the beach, where a
                                player can buy it and charge for the spare
                                bedrooms, also has a ferry and a private
bd100.zip      60543 08-05-2024 -------------------------------
                                | BUSINESS DEPARTMENT 1.00 |
                                | A GREAT NEW IGM FOR LORD  |
                                | DOWNLOAD IT NOW!!!!!!!!!  |
                                | LET YOUR PLAYER'S OPEN    |
                                | THEIR OWN SHOP'S!!!!!!!!  |
                                | PLEASE USE: PKUNZIP -D    |
                                |     [=] fAZE SOFT [=]     |
bdcv101.zip     8612 08-05-2024 Black Dragon Castle v1.01
                                Lord 2 IGM
                                Author: Ben Horn    
                                E-Mail: horn@iniaccess.net.au
                                Be a winner, learn to cheat
begg100v.zip    4683 08-05-2024 -=  The Begger =-
                                A small Lord 2 IGM. Adds 
                                a begger who rewards kindess
                                with Gold and Alignment.
                                Works on Lord2 1.00 but
                                shouldn't have a problem
                                with beta 7. By Craig
                                Goldsmith. :-)
bin2data.zip    7024 08-05-2024  LORD II: BINARY ANSI -> MAP  v2.0!  Converts
                                an ANSI
                                into a map readable by L2CFG.  Now will let
                                you configure
                                characters to set to "UNPASSABLE"!     
bkdoor11.zip   13685 08-05-2024 TURGON'S BACKDOOR v1.1
                                From Mamoosoft Programming.
                                This LORD2 IGM introduces users to
                                Sauraman, the dishonest record keeper
                                at the Training Center.  Perhaps he
                                can help them... for a price!
                                Registration is FREE!!
black27.zip    13840 08-05-2024 The Blacksmith's Shop! v2.7 -=- IGM for
                                WT-LORD in 32bit wcCODE for WC5!
                                "WT-LORD v2.0 READY"  Another fun *FREEWARE*
                                by Joseph Watson   Includes Y2K Date Checking
                                 Stop in and see the Blacksmith! He can
                                reForge your Weapon
                                 and Armour increasing their Strength! You can
                                also rename
                                 your Weapon and Armour if you wish!
                                 ** Requires WT-LORD v2.5 or above!
blkshp15.zip    5724 08-05-2024 "Black Sheep of the Family" (LORD2 IGM)
                                By: Adam Thompson (shadow_rider@geocities.com
                                With all the talk about goats and sheep in
                                this game (mostly in the docs,
                                and from Turgon), I decided that they should
                                play a more active role.
                                This IGM adds a Black Sheep to the "Hidden
                                Dark Forest" pasture (where
                                the shepherd and his sheep are), and 1 sheep
                                to the sheep-pen in
                                It also adds a tree where Barak likes to sit
                                and write in his Diary...
                                (which he hides in the tree)
                                Players can still find Barak's Diary in one of
                                the chests in this house,
                                but now they have an alternate method, which
                                doesn't impact or detract
                                from the game's continuity at all.  Once they
                                find the Diary in one place,
                                they won't still be able to find it in the
blkwng18.zip   65470 08-05-2024 32 bit IGM written for WTLORD and compiled
                                with WCCODE.
                                Blackwing's Cove, where you can sell your
                                horse, steal gold from
                                Blackwing, or find the lost cavern and the old
                                pirates treasure.
blord151.zip   23173 08-05-2024  Another product from the Bubbly Factory Ŀ
                                                Ver 1.51 
                                    An Add-on for LORD Version 3.20+, to   
                                  generate random events like changing of  
                                 certain attributes, and also a BANK-CRASH 
                                 option! Real kool! A must for BBSes that  
                                             runs LORD 3.20+               
                                 NEW VERSION includes Random Flirting and  
                                 Flaming of players, and other new stuffs  
                                 Added New Support for External Flame File 
                                 Added the RAMPAGING of the Bubbly Monster 
                                 1.51 includes writing mails in the INN or 
                                 the Dark Cloak Tavern. Allow use of pipe  
                                 codes and more commandlines options added 
                                             ** FREE WARE **               
bludlrd.zip    24585 08-05-2024                  
                                Eyeball, Inc. Presents:Ŵ                 
                                B L O O D  L O R D  1.0Ŵ                 
                                Lordtxt.dat ReplacementŴ                 
                                For LORD 3.26Ŵ                 
blue099.zip    20236 08-05-2024 The Blue Dragon's Challenge v0.99
                                Lord 2 IGM 
                                Author: Ben Mondoux / SlayerSoft Programming
                                E-Mail: slayer@calgary.crosswinds.net
                                An IGM where you are kidnapped by the Blue 
                                Dragon and imprisoned, solve his puzzles to 
                                get out.  Plenty of movement here.  This is
                                an unfinished version.  Some stuff will be 
                                added later.  
bobs28.zip     57802 08-05-2024 Bob's Beer! v2.8 -=- IGM for WT-LORD in 32bit
                                wcCODE for WC5! for WT-LORD v2.5 and Higher!
                                Another fun *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                Y2K Aware. Supports multiple WT-LORD Games!
                                Stop in and see Bob. Drink a few cold ones
                                but don't drink to much! :)  A fun IGM for
                                Wildcat Tournament LORD with hidden features
                                and options! Push the "J" key from main menu.
                                FEATURES:  EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
bonefort.zip    6227 08-05-2024 -= Bowntown Fortress v1.0 for LORD2 =-
                                A simple IGM for I made for LORD2.
                                Includes 3 new maps.
                                Bowntown Fortress is a fortress
                                that is found near Bowntown.
                                Bowntown Fortress includes an
                                Bank, weapon store, armour store,
                                healers, potion shop.
                                Created by Brady Wishnowsky.
bong110.zip     6576 08-05-2024 Bong Version 1.0
                                Hey people you can now
                                get high in Lord II : )
                                By Christian Ducharme
bounty2.zip    32238 08-05-2024 ThE GrEENTrEE BoUNTY OFFiCE !
                                An IGM For Lord2 v1.00 !.
                                This IGM Makes A Bounty Office
                                In Greentree And It Costs $500
                                Bucks More Than Other Bounty
                                Offices.E.g Costs $1500 To Pay
                                Off A $1000 Bounty.
                                  ** USES .REC FILES **
bradyf10.zip   10690 08-05-2024  Female Brady Bunch Adventure .REF 1.00  
                                Create havoc by running around the      
                                Brady house!  But watch out for
                                Carol!  Requires LORD2 beta 5+
                                to run. Created by Seth Able.
                                Edited by Elric
bradyref.zip   10481 08-05-2024  Brady Bunch Adventure .REF 1.00  
                                Create havoc by running around the      
                                Brady house!  But watch out for
                                Mike!  Requires LORD2 beta 5+
                                to run. Created by Seth Able.
breanna2.zip    8997 08-05-2024     -=Breanna's Cove IGM v2.0=-
                                An IGM for LORD II v1.00 or newer.  Do
                                you accept Breanna's challange? Includes
                                2 new maps and a .ref file. Uses Seth's
                                install program for easy installation.
                                Compliments of Chet Rhodes (Hawkmoon)
                                Hawkmoon's Realm BBS FIDO 1:151/131
bss23.zip      12607 08-05-2024 The Blacksmith's Shop! v2.3 -=- IGM for
                                WT-LORD in 32bit wcCODE for WC5!
                                "WT-LORD v2.0 READY"  Another fun *FREEWARE*
                                by Joseph Watson
                                 Stop in and see the Blacksmith! He can
                                reForge your Weapon
                                 and Armour increasing their Strength! You can
                                also rename
                                 your Weapon and Armour if you wish!
                                          NEW ANSI Coding for this release!
                                          Requires WT-LORD v2.5 or above!
bston10.zip    67241 08-05-2024       The Blarney Stone v1.0  
                                The Blarney Stone v1.0  is a once a
                                day, random effect oriented IGM for
                                Legend of the Red Dragon.   Players
                                can visit Castle Blarney, and climb
                                a tower to kiss the blarney  stone.
                                Effects  range from getting a horse
                                to increasing various stats.
                                FREEWARE from New Realm Interactive
bunny200.zip   25914 08-05-2024 The Bunny Cave v2.00 
                                LORD 2 IGM
                                Author: Tom Torbeck
                                E-Mail: Tom@leftside.com
                                Can you survive the Bunnies?  Probably not.  
                                This small IGM for LORD2 is designed to give 
                                a challenge to most player levels.  Mosters 
                                adjust automactically to the player they
                                face!  v2.00 contains map fix.
camel14.zip    30955 08-05-2024 -= Camelot V1.4  for Lord2 =-
                                Camelot for lord2. This city
                                sized castle is great for
                                any lord2 game. Easy setup!
                                Distribute freely.
canoe2.zip      8507 08-05-2024    The Canoe 2.0 IGM for Lord2
                                 Sail around Porttown and discover
                                 a new bar, and a new castle.
                                    By James Jones & Ben Tiefert
                                    The Shadow BBS (850)864-4292
carnal15.zip  172248 08-05-2024 Carnal Knowledge v1.5 -=- IGM for WT-LORD in
                                32bit wcCODE for WC5! Adult type IGM for
                                WT-LORD v2.5 and Above ONLY! Y2K Aware.
                                Another fun *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                Test your Knowledge of the Carnal World? It's
                                a lot more than just SEX! This IGM contains
                                ADULT CONTENT and is for ADULT'S ONLY!
                                FEATURES: EASY Setup
                                       SYSOP Configurable Access Restriction!
                                       BUILT in Maintenance
carnival.zip   49202 08-05-2024 Willy Tart's Carnival v1.0 
                                A FREEWARE IGM for LORD.
                                That's right folks! The carnival is about to
                                town and everyone's invited!
                                Test your strength with Samson the fighting
                                sharpen your skills at the Shooting Gallery,
                                maybe get a tarot card reading...
                                whatever you choose to do you're guaranteed
                                LOTS of fun!
cave10.zip     84311 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... The caverns of the
cave14a.zip    92446 08-05-2024      The L.O.R.D. Cavern v1.4a LORD IGM
                                For LORD 3.25+ - Only fixes for OS/2.  13
                                different random actions, plus the ability
                                for you to make your own, called RHPs!  This
                                is the LAST PROJECTED VERSION (Again!)! 
                                SETUP installs and uninstalls in seconds!
                                Does not need a BBS dropfile and uses non-
                                standard Com ports!  FREEWARE.
caverhp1.zip    9988 08-05-2024         The L.O.R.D. Cavern RHP set 1
                                For The L.O.R.D. Cavern 1.3+ - 5 new RHP
                                programs!  Some may require v1.3a+ or v1.3c+.
                                From the author of The L.O.R.D. Cavern.
caverhp2.zip    8138 08-05-2024         The L.O.R.D. Cavern RHP set 2
                                For The L.O.R.D. Cavern 1.3+ - 5 new RHP
                                programs!  Some may require v1.3a+ or v1.3c+.
                                Includes program and version tags for v1.4.
                                Put together the author of The L.O.R.D.
                                Cavern, made by various users.
cc20.zip       63159 08-05-2024 Castle Coldrake(wcCODE 5) Wt-Lord 2.1+ ready
                                IGM An excellent IGM for Wildcat Tournament
                                Lord. This IGM is a more indepth view at the
                                REAL Castle Coldrake in Lord. Fight your way
                                in, then explore the castle. Visit the
                                Alchemist, Climb the tower and even talk to
                                King James. Fully interactive underground
                                secret passage! 
                                       Joe Marcelletti, James Cornman 1997
ccigm11b.zip  218394 08-05-2024  * * * CASTLE COLDDRAKE  v/1.1b * * *
                                     The ultimate IGM for LORD!
                                Ask the Alchemist  to change your gems
                                into gold!  Dice with the Bored Guard!
                                See how long you can bear the Jester's
                                dumb jokes!   Or,  beg a boon of  King
                                Morphea!  All these odd folks and more
                                await you in the Great Hall!
                                Or wander out to the Courtyard,  where
                                you can  try your  skill at archery or
                                hawking!  See if you can  best  Prince
                                Poutanwine  and  his  cronies  on  the
                                jousting  field!  Feeling  weary after
                                killing  forest monsters  all day?  Go
                                for a relaxing ride in the countryside
                                or a walk in the castle gardens!
                                And, if good Fortune smiles  upon you,
                                perhaps you'll meet a Mouse someday...
                                 * Produced  by  Digital  Software *
                                 * Original storyline by KJ Radkey *
                                 *    Registration is only $10     *
ccigm_2d01.zip   21880 08-05-2024 Castle Camelot LORD IGM Authors Newsletter
                                Volume 1, Issue 1  -- Released Sunday, 
                                Dec. 20, 1999.      donald.tidmore@usa.net
                                Note:  This newsletter started with Bryan 
                                Turner two years ago, and was discontinued 
                                after the eight issue.  The issues ran on 
                                a quarterly basis from March 01, 1997 
                                through March 06, 1998.
                                  Some of you will know me already from 
                                frequent email conversations I've had with 
                                my Lord friends over the last three years; 
                                some may know about my Castle Camelot 
                                website, which I created for private use in
                                July 1996, and went online with in April 
                                1997.  For the past year, I've been doing my 
                                best to keep Lord authors and fans notified 
                                of where to find new Lord-related web-sites 
                                and programs.  I am also the maintainer and 
                                author of the Lord Links page available on  
                                the Kiteria's Korner! site, which was run 
                                for a long time by Suzanne Franklin, with
                                Bryan's help.  
                                http://www.shelby.net/wizards/kiteria - 
                                Kiteria's Korner
                                  I decided it was time, a couple of months
                                ago, to find out if Bryan would restart the 
                                newsletter once Lord v4.05 was released by my
                                friend Michael Preslar.  Bryan told me I 
                                could take over doing the newsletter if I 
                                wanted to.  After a week or so of thought, I 
                                decided to try doing this project.  Bryan is 
                                still active in his support of Lord and 
                                BBS-ing, but wanted to spend his time on 
                                other projects.
                                  My BBS history consisted of several years 
                                of using dozens of BBS in my area, Northwest 
                                Alabama, the Quad-Cities region specifically,
                                where I was a co-sysop for a couple of years 
                                on several boards.  I have for a long time 
                                taken care of getting Lord programs that I 
                                find placed online on the major Lord file 
                                sites, such as Pacific Coast Micro and 
                                DarkTech.  People can do this if they don't 
                                have a website by sending me their Lord, 
                                Lord II, Tournament Lord, or Planets: TEOS 
                                programs via Email File Attachment to me at 
                                donald.tidmore@usa.net.  Or you can send
                                them directly to Mike Ehlert at 
                                mike@pcmicro.com or Ruth Argust at 
                                ruth@doorgames.org (authors only).  Lord II 
                                authors should send their programs to Bobby 
                                Queen at wizards@shelby.net for posting on 
                                the Official LORD II IGM Archive site.  All 
                                files sent to me will be forwarded to the 
                                appropriate people via Email.
                                http://www.pcmicro.com - Pacific Coast Micro.
ccigm_2d02.zip   13929 08-05-2024 Castle Camelot LORD IGM Authors Newsletter
                                Volume 1, Issue 2 - Released Apr. 05, 2000.
                                By Donald Tidmore -- donald.tidmore@usa.net
                                This is my second newsletter for LORD, LORD II
                                 and Tournament
                                LORD program authors and game players.  It is
                                designed to be
                                quarterly in nature, and is released via
                                Listbot to those who
                                have registered to receive it.  Issue #3 will
                                be released in
                                late June 2000.
ccigm_2d03.zip   26304 08-05-2024 Castle Camelot LORD IGM Authors Newsletter
                                Volume 1, Issue 3 - Started May 10, 2000
                                Scheduled release date - June 19, 2000
                                By Donald Tidmore -- donald.tidmore@usa.net
                                This is my third newsletter for LORD, LORD II,
                                and Tournament
                                LORD program authors and game players.  It is
                                designed to be
                                quarterly in nature, and is released via
                                Listbot to those who
                                have registered to receive it.
ccigm_2d04.zip   36198 08-05-2024 Castle Camelot LORD IGM Authors Newsletter 4
                                - Text Version
                                Volume 1, Issue 4
                                Official release, HTML web-page and Text
                                versions, made on
                                September 20, 2000.
                                By Donald Tidmore -- donald.tidmore@usa.net
                                -- LORD News, Issue #4, primary web-page
                                -- LORD News, Issue #4, Text version files:
                                This is my fourth newsletter for LORD, LORD II
                                 and Tournament
                                LORD program authors and game players.  It is
                                designed to be
                                quarterly in nature, and is released via
                                Listbot to those who
                                have registered to receive it.  Please refer
                                to the primary
                                HTML newsletter archive if you need to access
                                the gfx.ref file
                                provided by Codax Dragon.  The addresses for
                                the HTML Newsletter
                                files are provided above.
ccigm_2d05.zip   18966 08-05-2024 Castle Camelot LORD IGM Authors Newsletter 5
                                - Text Version
                                Volume 2, Issue 1, Fifth overall issue.
                                Official release, HTML web-page and Text
                                versions, made on
                                December 20, 2000.
                                By Donald Tidmore -- donald.tidmore@usa.net
                                -- LORD News, Issue #5, primary web-page
                                -- LORD News, Issue #5, Text version files:
                                This is my fifth newsletter issue for LORD,
                                LORD II, and Tournament
                                LORD program authors and game players.  Issues
                                #1 through #5 were
                                released covering three months at a time. 
                                Starting with Issue #6,
                                the newsletter will cover four months per
                                issue.  For the most recent
                                update of this and other newsletter issues,
                                you should always refer to
                                the files on my Castle Camelot website.
                                This file is designed for release on Listbot
                                via my LordNews mailing
                                list.  Please refer to the primary HTML page
                                should you need to check
                                for issue update revisions, or to look up
                                web-site addresses.  The
                                address for the HTML issue is listed above.
ccigm_2d1h.zip   20089 08-05-2024 
ccigm_2d4h.zip   32128 08-05-2024 Castle Camelot LORD IGM Authors Newsletter 4
                                Volume 1, Issue 4, HTML Version.
                                Scheduled release dates:  Official release of
                                HTML web-page
                                and Listbot Text version set for morning of
                                September 19, 2000.
                                By Donald Tidmore -- donald.tidmore@usa.net
                                This is my fourth newsletter issue for LORD,
                                LORD II, and Tournament
                                LORD program authors and game players.  It is
                                quarterly in nature.
                                Starting with this issue, they will be created
                                 updated, and distributed
                                as an HTML web-page.  For most recent update
                                of this and other
                                newsletter issues, you should always refer to
                                the files on my website.
ccigm_2d5h.zip   35889 08-05-2024 Castle Camelot LORD IGM Authors Newsletter 5
                                Volume 2, Issue 1, Fifth overall issue. 
                                Primary Web-page version.
                                Official release, HTML web-page and Text
                                versions, made on
                                December 20, 2000.
                                By Donald Tidmore -- donald.tidmore@usa.net
                                This is my fifth newsletter issue for LORD,
                                LORD II, and Tournament
                                LORD program authors and game players.  Issues
                                #1 through #5 were
                                released covering three months at a time. 
                                Starting with Issue #6,
                                the newsletter will cover four months per
                                issue.  For the most recent
                                update of this and other newsletter issues,
                                you should always refer to
                                the files on my Castle Camelot website.
ccigm_2d5p.zip   40892 08-05-2024 Castle Camelot LORD IGM Authors Newsletter 5
                                (HTML Graphics)
                                Volume 2, Issue 1, Fifth overall issue. 
                                Primary Web-page version.
                                Official release, HTML web-page and Text
                                versions, made on
                                December 20, 2000.
                                By Donald Tidmore -- donald.tidmore@usa.net
                                This is my fifth newsletter issue for LORD,
                                LORD II, and Tournament
                                LORD program authors and game players.  Issues
                                #1 through #5 were
                                released covering three months at a time. 
                                Starting with Issue #6,
                                the newsletter will cover four months per
                                issue.  For the most recent
                                update of this and other newsletter issues,
                                you should always refer to
                                the files on my Castle Camelot website.
                                This particular file, for anyone who wants it,
                                has sethback.jpg,
                                lord-bar.gif, and drag-109.jpg inside.  These
                                are the only three
                                graphics files used by the newsletter issue.
ccovrnt1.zip   81002 08-05-2024 The Overnighter version 1.0 LORD IGM
                                This is an IGM for LORD 3.55, and utilizes the
                                out.? file
                                created by lord to allow people to spend the
                                The registered version will allow player
                                fights, as well as configuring of
                                various options in the game.
cest202.zip    12701 08-05-2024 Crestwood/Dragon Lair Pack
                                Lord 2 IGM
                                Author: Stephen Walls
                                E-Mail: SaintLocke@aol.com (ArticNight IGMs)
                                Freeware.  Crestwood is in the eyes of
                                most, the best IGM/Town ever made for Lord2.
                                This town has it all! With the normal healer/
                                weapon/armour shops this comes with a free
                                teleporter. But the best part is the Training
                                Center. Even if you fail with the Training
                                Center in GreenTree you can still level up
                                here! WOW!!! Once again you can meet up with
                                SAINT: The best Lord2 player I have ever met.
                                PLUS: Fight the dragon...If you can...
chance15.zip   52554 08-05-2024      Chance's Caf  v1.5     
                                       An IGM for LORD       
                                     Visit Chance at his     
                                   other favorite hang out   
                                  and try a cup of his best  
                                   Chat with your friends,   
                                    and visit the garden!    
                                  !NOW SUPPORTS CLEAN MODE!  
                                   illusion software '96   
change_21.zip  157120 08-05-2024   VASoft's LORD Menu Changer۲  
                                VASoft's Menu Changer is a program   
                                for people that are sick of that     
                                'Green' color on L.O.R.D, now you can
                                choose from: Light Blue, Dark Blue,  
                                Purple, Yellow, Red and more... FREE!
                                From the maker of DeAtH lOrD۲
changlng.zip   43700 08-05-2024 -= The Changeling 1.0 - Lord IGM =-
                                Visit the Changeling and see if you
                                can survive to reap the rewards.
                                Multi-node aware.      <>
chat015.zip    41762 08-05-2024 LORD Chat Editor v0.15 Utility.
                                       Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ       
                                     Editor v0.15  
                                          '95 Neo-Gen
chat02.zip     43440 08-05-2024        Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ       
                                     Editor v0.2   
                                          '95 Neo-Gen
chat10a.zip   100891 08-05-2024  Chat Room & Player's Journal IGM! Ŀ
                                For Lunatix 2.3a+, Allows players on 
                                different nodes to talk to each other
                                PaTieNT'S JouRNaL portion for 1-Node.
christ23.zip   18061 08-05-2024 "Merry Christmas" v2.3 -=- IGM for WT-LORD in
                                32bit wcCODE for WC5! for WT-LORD v2.0 and
                                Higher ONLY! *FREEWARE* Another fun *WT-LORD
                                IGM* by Joseph Watson Includes Y2K aware code
                                Open your Stocking and see what Santa has
                                left for you!
                                FEATURES:  EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
                                           IT's FREEWARE!
                                           Now has a COUNT DOWN to Christmas!
christ25.zip   19005 08-05-2024 "Merry Christmas" v2.5 -=- IGM for WT-LORD in
                                32bit wcCODE for WC5!
                                "WT-LORD v2.0 READY" for WT-LORD v2.5 and
                                Higher ONLY! *FREEWARE*
                                Another fun *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson 
                                HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!
                                Open your Stocking and see what Santa has left
                                for you!
                                FEATURES:  EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
                                           IT's FREEWARE!  Remember the reason
                                for the Season! :)
church15.zip    5671 08-05-2024 STONEBROOK CHURCH v1.5  - An IGM for LORD II
                                that allows users to seek wisdom from the
                                Church Elder.  Registration is FREE!!
                                From Mamoosoft Programming.
circus10.zip   65216 08-05-2024 Circus of Freaks LORD IGM v1.0!
                                Beat up  the mimes,  stomp  the
                                midgets,   lace the   elephants
                                food with exlax! And much more!
                                Tired of the same IGMs that all
                                are   the same   bars, inns, or
                                are just  the same  big  arena?
                                This IGM is for the mischevious
                                user in Lord.
circus20.zip   65731 08-05-2024 Circus of Freaks LORD IGM v2.0!
                                Beat up  the mimes,  stomp  the
                                midgets,   lace the   elephants
                                food with exlax! And much more!
                                Tired of the same IGMs that all
                                are   the same   bars, inns, or
                                are just  the same  big  arena?
                                This IGM is for the mischevious
                                user in Lord. Lord Sysop,   you
                                owe to your users to check this
                                wicked IGM out!
clinic15.zip   51675 08-05-2024    + The Surgical Clinic +   Ŀ
                                             Version 1.5
                                           An IGM for LORD
                                  Visit the Clinic Today! Tired of 
                                  being manly? Womanly? We can fix
                                  that little problem! Want out of
                                  your miserable little existance?
                                    Come right in and sit down.
                                     illusion software     
clintn20.zip   30606 08-05-2024 Ask Clinton v2.0 for WT-LORD by Janet Terry &
                                Joseph Watson. A 32 bit IGM for WTLORD.
                                Ask the President about this SEX Scandal!
                                Hear Al Gore's new Agenda! Now includes
                                Monica and the Chinese! Just for fun.
clnmap10.zip   10665 08-05-2024 Clean Map v1.0
                                Lord II Utility
                                Author: Chris Vallinga
                                E-Mail: val@mnsi.net
                                This utility will remove
                                "dead" maps from worlds that
                                use RTREADER such as LORD II.
                                ** Includes C source **
cloak200.zip   11044 08-05-2024 Dark Cloak Ruins v2.00: A LORD 2 IGM
                                Explore the ruins of the Dark Cloak Tavern.
                                Players can talk to Tarrin and learn about
                                color codes, play a game with the Old Man,
                                change their name, and attempt to become a
                                True Warrior!
                                Author: Jay Weber (aka Elric, Anakha, and
                                (C) 1997 ShroomTrip Software
                                E-Mail: elric@innocent.com
                                Support: kender@innocent.com
clomple1.zip   29856 08-05-2024     Ŀ
                                -= Clomp's LORD Editors v1.0 =-
                                   A Radically Different Editor     
                                   for Legends of the Red Dragon.   
                                   A Monster Editor is included!    
                                    5 Minute Installation          
                                    Supports LORD colors           
                                    Free updates via web site:     
                                -= Copyright 1997 Clomp Corp. =-
cltlrd10.zip   42199 08-05-2024               
                                 Add-On for Legend Of The Red Dragon
                                 This program gives your LORD game
                                 The Celtic Feel of a good game.
                                 There is a main enemy for each level.
                                 So that there is a harder chalenge.
clu_2denem.zip   10389 08-05-2024 o0o Creating Lord Utils That Create Havok! o0o
                                o0o Introduces Dungeons & Dragons monsters o0o
                                o0o For lord version 1.o. Released 6.23.95 o0o
                                o0o This will add D&D monsters toyour Lord o0o
                                o0o game. Includes tons of new monsters an o0o
                                o0o new dragons for lord. By Nosferatu ClU o0o
cmon1.zip      11715 08-05-2024 |04                   
                                |04    Colorized Monsters Set #1 
                                |04            Thresher [TLB]    
cn20.zip      100066 08-05-2024 Cathedral of  Nalishar  is  an  IGM  for
                                Legend of the  Red  Dragon.  Because the
                                timeframe of  LORD is set in a time that
                                was  religion-oriented,  this  IGM helps
                                expound upon that.  This  IGM includes a
                                small amount of AI,  things  to  do  for
                                good players AND bad players, etc... The
                                biggest  project to  date  from  Digital
                                Cathedral of Nalishar  was   written  in
                                QuickBasic 4.5 using QWKIGM  programming
                                library for IGMs, (c) Ballistic Labs.
                                Registration is only $3.00!!!
cnw_2d1300.zip 2632121 08-05-2024 Complete New World v130.0
                                130 pre-installed IGMs for
                                L.o.R.D. 2, for your
                                pleasure! :)
                                By: Joel Gathercole
                                --BBS World Magazine--
                                read gm23.ref for details.
cnw_2d1361.zip 2171441 08-05-2024 Complete New World v136.1Ŀ
                                136 pre-installed IGMs for L.o.R.D. ][ 
                                 Has 61 NPCs, and MUCH MORE!           
                                 By: Joel Gathercole                   
                                               read cnw.txt for details 
                                DECEMBER 29th 2000
cod101.zip    106031 08-05-2024   Caves Of Despair v1.01 - A LORD IGM
                                Caves Of Despair  is an  In Game  Module
                                by  Jeff Fanjoy, for  Legend Of  the Red
                                Dragon.  Features include monsters which
                                span all  12 levels of LORD, a  complete
                                mail system so that users under a multi-
                                node environment  aren't "cut-off" while
                                using the IGM as well as many events for
                                the entertainment of the LORD enthusiast
cogview.zip    12495 08-05-2024 DOS Text file viewer, designed to
                                display text files that have
                                LORD type color codes in them.
                                Good for all game/text files by COG.
col100b.zip    12422 08-05-2024 Northlands Coliseum v1.00b: A LORD 2 IGM
                                This IGM adds a Coliseum in the
                                Northlands. You get to bet on which
                                monster will win a fight. The amount of
                                you can bet is $100 - $1,000, and you
                                are limited to 6 bets per day.
                                Author: Jay Weber (aka Elric, Anakha, and
                                (C) 1997 ShroomTrip Software
                                E-Mail: elric@innocent.com
                                Support: kender@innocent.com
col210.zip     66183 08-05-2024 CASTLE OF LORD v2.10 IGM for LORD
                                The long awaited update of the great
                                IGM! All known bugs were fixed, comm
                                drivers were updated, etc.
                                Archonware BBS : (540)341-1865
colorld.zip    25237 08-05-2024 
cordco15.zip   23277 08-05-2024   LordCops v1.5! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+          
                                  Police that patrol your Lord Game!
                                  Prostitution arrest, assault &
                                  battery, etc! By Sons of Salami!
co_2d005.zip  132975 08-05-2024 |06Caldor's Orphanage v0.05  - LORD IGM
                                |06  An orphange where players can adopt 
                                |06 children to gain extra forest fights.  
                                |06 Many hidden commands...A Lot of things 
                                |06 to do!
                                |03 A |15Crazy Boy |03Production  ($5)
crack100.zip   16988 08-05-2024 The Crack House IGM v1.00
                                A little house located inside
                                of BoneTown. Can be bought
                                and has all kinds of neat
                                Copyright 1997 TTSoft Ltd.
crazy100.zip    3250 08-05-2024  -= Crazy Man's House for LORD2 =-
                                A simple IGM for LORD2 for beta7
                                or newer.  Includes 2 new maps
                                and a .ref file.  EASY INSTALL!
crest202.zip   12467 08-05-2024 Crestwood/Dragon Lair Pack
                                Lord 2 IGM
                                Author: Stephen Walls
                                E-Mail: SaintLocke@aol.com (ArticNight IGMs)
                                Freeware.  Crestwood is in the eyes of 
                                most, the best IGM/Town ever made for Lord2. 
                                This town has it all! With the normal
                                shops this comes with a free teleporter. But
                                the best part is 
                                the Training Center. Even if you fail with the
                                Training Center 
                                in GreenTree you can still level up here! WOW!
                                Once again you can meet up with SAINT: The
                                Lord2 player I have ever met. PLUS: Fight the
                                If you can... Have fun with this one!
cyber209.zip   37436 08-05-2024 
daeigm2.zip   154555 08-05-2024 Daemonica, SaTan's Dominion 2.0
                                The (IGM) for LORD
                                Children of Galaexy
                                More options,Cooler menus,bug fixes
                                now runs from it's own directory.
                                Simply the Coolest,Check this out!
daemonic.zip   30347 08-05-2024 
                                |14 Dɻ饌C
                                |13Persue the Red Dragon in Satan's Dominion.
                                |13Another Awesome Menuset For |10L.O.R.D
                                  |13By The |09Children of Galaexy.
daemonr.zip   342083 08-05-2024 DAEMONICA  v4.02 [REGISTERED] 
                                Daemonica SaTan's Dominion 4.02 LORD IGM
                                New options, New menus, Bugfixes, still
                                the coolest. Check it out!
                                Downloaded from Children of Galaexy
daerank2.zip   12287 08-05-2024 
daeset3.zip    29576 08-05-2024 Dɻ饌C RocKS the menuset for
                                Dɻ饌C 3.01 by children of Galaexy
                                Hunt the Red Dragon in Satan's Dominion
                                Simply the Coolest Lordware.
                                Ahkenaton 1996..
dapit351.zip   35419 08-05-2024 The Pit by Codax of Dragon's Den Ultd
                                Jump down The Pit Located 1 mile south
                                of the Dark Forest Gate and find a city
                                destroyed by an earthquake and guarded
                                by a monster is different everytime you
                                find him!  And get this...they only use 
                                potions for money.  Can you find the
                                way out....Or will you be stuck
                                planting fields, getting water, and
                                fighting for the rest of your life!!!
                                (Blue Potions problem fixed) ver 2
                                (Map Problem Fixed, Added more text,
                                and a jump feature) ver 3
                                (Fixed Shara's Lake problems, farm probs,
                                and write.exe conversion error in igm) ver 3
dapondv2.zip   32229 08-05-2024 The Pond by Codax of Dragon's Den Ultd
                                This igm requires a registration code to
                                go on a quest to sober the some frogs
                                also to sell the old boot, Dragon fish, and
                                the lawyer fish....
                                In the UNREGISTERED version you can
                                fish and sell the flaming fish, angel fish, 
                                and the dog fish.
darkct13.zip   14198 08-05-2024 Dark Cloak Tavern v1.3
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Max Larive [FieldSoft]
                                BBS: (450)679-7599
                                Go to the good old Tavern in the very
                                forest many fought the Red Dragon. See
                                Grizelda, gamble with Aladdin, gossip
                                with Chance, women can flirt him.
davin091.zip  118231 08-05-2024           Dave's Inn v.0.91 LORD INN
                                   IGM using  LORD 3.5's inn  routines. 
                                   events!  Now $1.  Comport routines included
                                   Full PLAYER.DAT compatibility!
dbmv73.zip    102459 08-05-2024   -=-=Dragon's Breath Mountain v.73=-=-  
                                An IGM for LORD. Multi-BBS, Multi-Node,  
                                MultiTasking Aware and it can be in its  
                                own directory. A whole new mountain top  
                                to explore and conquer. Unlock the power 
                                and mystery that is within.              
                                **Fixes the "F1 for command" bug**       
                                **Has its own Monster Editor!**          
                                **Easy Installation and Configuration!** 
                                Written By: Ricky Friesen
dbs102.zip     56315 08-05-2024 -=Dragon's Breath Square V1.02, LORD IGM=-
                                In Game Module for the door game LORD.
                                Several shops to visit, including a clinic,
                                casino, church, a school and more, one of
                                the biggest and best IGMs yet. Only $1.00
                                to register. -=-=-  By Alan Edward Boyer.
dcl201.zip    162518 08-05-2024 |10Dragon's Claw Tavern v2.01 - LORD IGM
                                |10  Dragon's Claw Tavern, (DCLord), adds
                                |10 another Tavern to LORD, and underground
                                |10 realm, Wendy(!), new weapons and armour 
                                |10 to buy.  And a whole lot more!
                                |15  LORD 3.50+ |04REQUIRED|15 to Stay the
                                |03 A |15Crazy Boy |03Production  ($5)
ddc_2d025.zip   68205 08-05-2024 |10  Dragon's Den Casino |02v0.25 - |10LORD
                                IGM |04BETA!
                                |10  Dragon's Den Casino, (DDCasino), adds
                                |10 a Casino to the Realm of the Red Dragon.
                                |10 5 Games now... More to come!
                                |03 A |15Crazy Boy |03Production  (CallWare)
death101.zip   32906 08-05-2024 [?7h[255D[0;1m//---/[ [32mIGM For Lord 2 [37m
                                  [37mDeath's Land Of Fun [5;33mV1.01
                                [53C[0;1mThis IGM Has Not ConflictedThis Is My
                                3rd IGM So Far. This IGM Features[9CWith Other
                                IGM. No Worries
                                Lots Of New Things. Hope You Will Enjoy I
                                .[10CBut I'll Keep You Updated
                                This IGM Consists Of Items. For SysOps Who
                                Had[7COr You Can Help Me Out.
                                Edited/Created The Items Before, Pleas
                                Read[9CMail Me If You Find Bugs
                                The Doc File *VERY* *VERY* Carefull
                                .[16CConflicts Or Other Craps.
                                [0;1mFor Those SysOps Who Had Never
                                Edited/Created[8C[31m[PROJECTS WORKING ON NOW
                                [37mAny Items, Juz Unzip This IGM Over Your
                                Directory And *OVER WRITE* It. Nothing Will Go
                                Wrong Working On Final Version
                                [53CWorking On "The Battle Of
                                It Will Work Perfactly If You Have Thi
                                :[12CWit IGM"
                                [5m- [0;1mLORD 2 Final Version. (Version 1.00
                                )[15CCreating A NEWWORLD Soon.
                                [5m- [0;1mLORD 2 (Registered Version)
                                /-/[[0;36mCreator[1;37m: [32mYang Qingwei[37m
                                [37mYang's Empire BBS o65-581-1224 24hrs
                                [37mFireball BBS o65-383-3868 24hrs 33600bps
death1_2d9.zip   92273 08-05-2024     -=DeAtH lOrD=-
                                DeAtH lOrD Has New Screens
                                Monsters, Witch Make
                                It A Totally New Game With
                                Creatures Like The 'Blue
                                Dragon' And 'NiTaC'. It is
                                Almost A Story. I Think
                                Your User's Will Like It.
                                   -=\/ersion 1.9=-
death1_9.zip   94096 08-05-2024     -=DeAtH lOrD=-
                                DeAtH lOrD Has New Screens
                                Monsters, Witch Make
                                It A Totally New Game With
                                Creatures Like The 'Blue
                                Dragon' And 'NiTaC'. It is
                                Almost A Story. I Think
                                Your User's Will Like It.
                                   -=\/ersion 1.9=-
death2b3.zip  195009 08-05-2024 -=DeAtH lOrD 2 .3=-
                                  DeAtH lOrD 2 for LORD
                                Has a ANSI Menu Set, new
                                  monsters ,A new main
                                monster Ralis with ANSI
                                opening ANSIs. New death
                                 & win quotes. Loads of
                                    other changes.
                                 Version Date: 01/13/96
demon01.zip    47403 08-05-2024  |07A Butcher's Shoppe Production
                                |07The Demon Lord's Menu Set - for Lord
                                |15New Intro Ansi's, Ansi Artwork, and
                                |15this set will BLOW!! the rest AWAY!
                                |15The Most Graphical Menu set yet!
depress.zip    24167 08-05-2024  The Depression Of The Red Dragon
                                 Menu sets!! A TDT Inc. Production.
                                 Interesting back ground...
descnt15.zip   24507 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                Descent of the Dragon v1.50
                                   an IGM for LORD II
                                Fight the Blue Dragon and
                                her babies.  Soda Machine
                                Patch included.
deth2b3.zip   195009 08-05-2024 -=DeAtH lOrD 2 .3=-
                                  DeAtH lOrD 2 for LORD
                                Has a ANSI Menu Set, new
                                  monsters ,A new main
                                monster Ralis with ANSI
                                opening ANSIs. New death
                                 & win quotes. Loads of
                                    other changes.
                                 Version Date: 01/13/96
dethmenu.zip   23872 08-05-2024 A new set of menus for LORD.
dev150.zip    237108 08-05-2024                        
                                  MetaLHeaD Softwarez   Ŀ
                                    Devils Island v1.50    
                                 Nice igm, with bar, warping
                                 a quest, fishing, training   
                                 an inn with soda,ice,snack
                                 machine, also a bar with a
                                 bathroom with a condom dis
                                   pencer! check it out!
                                     By: DemoNKnighT
                                  Rel: 12-07-97 10:22am
dev666.zip    199854 08-05-2024                        
                                  MetaLHeaD Softwarez   Ŀ
                                 Devils Island v.666 Beta  
                                  Kick ASS iGM, With a Bar 
                                 Fishing, CityHall, TelePor
                                ts. Even a quest!. Kill bab
                                y Dragon. and so much more!
                                       !TrY It!            
                                UnZiP In a temp dir, not L2!
                                for use with new world only
                                Drk ds sĿ
                                2i5.487.7315 Obv
devil201.zip   22009 08-05-2024 Devil's Rage IGM v2.01
                                Everything is fixed in
                                this version.
                                *Fun little fights
                                *Neato hell landscape
dimensia.zip   24653 08-05-2024 (...Dimensia lord add-on...)
                                 __   __ __    __ ___ __   __ ____ __ ___
                                |   \|  |   \/   |   |   \|  |    |  |   |  
                                | \  |  |        |  _|       |_ |_|  |  |  
                                |  | |  |        |  _|       | |  |  | | |
                                |____|__|__|\/|__|___|__|\ __|____|__|_| |
                                Lord add-on by Belial                  |_|
disco100.zip    4336 08-05-2024 
divinec.zip     5476 08-05-2024  DIVINE COMEDY lord2igm 
                                 One a day bonus for LORD ][  
                                Players need to give Peter a  
                                Skystaff first, though. And   
                                they need to be very good/bad 
                                ...  Author: TALAPHID@JUNO.COM
diyi400.zip   155297 08-05-2024 DIYIGM (LORD IGM) v 4.00
                                DIYIGM is an IGM that allows you to
                                make your own IGM with easy, yet powerful
                                script language!
                                1. Uses LORD's file locking/file sharing
                                2. Can be use in multitasking environments
                                3. Can allow more than one user at a time
                                4. Automatic install feature allows for 5
                                   minutes installation!
                                5. No unregistration beeps!
                                6. Compeletely new idea!
                                7. Comes with it's own scripts!
                                Bugs fixed!
dklord.zip     37154 08-05-2024 
                                            Legend of Dark Knight          
                                Enter a fantasy world of comic books as you  
                                search the streets seeking supervillians,    
                                fight other superheroes, flirt with super
                                and heroines, and more!                      
                                Just copy this over your existing LORD game
                                become the hero you've always wanted to be!  
                                Made for LORD's latest version!              
dklv220b.zip   43179 08-05-2024 DK-LOTTO v2.20 BETA [LORD IGM] Loads of fun
                                and adds spice to your LORD game. EIGHT
                                possible prizes and it won't unbalance the
                                game! Now supports the LORD dropfiles and no
                                longer requires an external program for daily
dlair18.zip    60383 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=Red Dragons' Lair v1.8=-=-=-=-
                                  An IGM for Seth Robinsons' Legend
                                  of the Red Dragon, where you can
                                  Mine for Gems, Pan for Gold, fight
                                  the Green or the Purple Dragon, &
                                  Check-out Dragon Queens' Market,
                                  plus many other challenges.
                                  Written with Korombos' Pascal
                                  IGMDRV. Only $5 to register.
dle160.zip     60023 08-05-2024 LORD ADD-ON
                                Deluxe Lord Editor! V1.60 Includes:
                                  Very Nice player editor, Enemy
                                  editor, and the one, possibly the
                                  only, LORDTXT.DAT & LORDEXT.DAT
                                  menu editor, allows you to load
                                  and save menus/screens from
                                  LORDTXT.DAT & LORDEXT.DAT in both
                                  ANSI and LORD colour codes! It
                                  also has built in mouse support!
                                  Now auto-detects extended text
                                  modes. Bug release, fixes ANSI
                                  saving bug in menu editor.
                                (c) 1996 CyST Productions.
dllord.zip     50127 08-05-2024 DLLORD is a menu set and monster set. Designed
                                for Legend Of the Red Dragon  
                                RPG by Seth Able Robinson. DLLORD is FREEWARE.
                                From Dark Lair Software. 
dllord20.zip   28713 08-05-2024 DLLORD20 is a menu set and monster set.
                                Designed for Legend Of the Red Dragon  
                                V-3.55 RPG by Seth Able Robinson. DLLORD20 is
                                From Dark Lair Software.
dlrealm.zip    33375 08-05-2024   -= REALM OF THE DARK LORD =-
                                    Legend of the Red Dragon            
                                enhancement program. Bring a new
                                feel of danger to your LORD game!
                                Full menu support and 121 totally
                                new monsters!
                                   ***PRINCE PUBLICATIONS***
dm01.zip       38222 08-05-2024 DSE Lord Monster Editor .1
                                Edit Lord monsters fast and
                                easily with this program.
                                by Code Red.
dmncav.zip      7036 08-05-2024 
doc300a.zip    74425 08-05-2024 Doc Farrell v3.00a
                                LORD II IGM
                                AUTHOR: Kevin Farrell
                                EMAIL: kfarrell@kearney.net
                                Doc Farrell is a doctors office
                                about 2 miles south of the Stonepass
                                Lodge.  The Doc will heal you, give
                                you money (if you get the password),
                                and there is a hidden cave which you
                                can go to if you find it and the key!
domanu10.zip    4292 08-05-2024 ------The Realm Of Domanu------
                                A very dum IGM for Seth Able
                                Robinson's LORD ][:The New World.
                                Specially made for unregistered games.
                                Defeat the beast Domanu and
                                talk to his crazy master.
                                By Sam Wilson.
                                E-mail : avatar@clear.co.nz to comment.
domi221.zip    14578 08-05-2024 Dominus Castle v2.21
                                Lord 2 IGM
                                Author: Stephen Walls
                                E-Mail: SaintLocke@aol.com
                                This castle contains a training center 
                                in which only the people in the 
                                castle can use, an Armoury, Wizard, 
                                Generals, even a war room, it also
                                contains 6 bedrooms!  A must have!
                                NEW: Allows people to place 50,000$
                                bounties and you can sneek into other
                                castles. Now Dominus castle has a bank!
                                And, here at Dominus Castle, Bobby
                                likes to spend a weekend relaxing ;)
doomlord.zip   27135 08-05-2024                       DOOMLORD.ZIP
                                                    by Chris Calhoun
                                             Edits LORDTXT.DAT and LENEMY.DAT
                                             Features the monsters from DOOM.
dragansi.zip   12953 08-05-2024 Collection of ANSI Dragon
                                Screens.  Convenient to Use
                                As Congratulations, Tips or
                                Rules for LORD Games.
dragford.zip   24823 08-05-2024 -=*>    Dragsonsford for Lord   <*=-
                                    Kewl lordtxt replacement from
                                    the SysOp of Paradox's Den Bbs
draghunt.zip   32171 08-05-2024 
dream02.zip    33134 08-05-2024 Castle of the DreamLord .02  LORD IGM
                                Fixes the bug that was in 01    
                                So why not download it?
drgnhmv3.zip   19286 08-05-2024 Dragon's Den Housing v3.00 by Codax
                                I have decided to make this igm a 
                                freeware igm.  All I asked was a 
                                little help with getting my BBS up
                                but no one wanted to pitch in just
                                $5 dollars.  I would still like don-
                                ations.  For info on donations email
                                me at Codax_dragon@juno.com  Dragon's
                                Den Housing lets you rent out 4 hutts
                                and 2 houses and lets you own 3 castles
                                each with it's own suprise.  Stone me
                                if you dare!  Listen to Darlatia's tale
                                about the Dragon & Phoenix War.  Enjoy!
drgnhome.zip   12157 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                      Dragon's Den Housing by Codax Dragon
                                        Copyright 1997 Dragon's Den ULTD.
                                              AN IGM FOR LORD2 1.00+
dside102.zip   57995 08-05-2024 DownSide Tavern v1.02 Beta LORD IGM
                                Yet another Tavern.. with a twist
                                     - AI Chat with Tunas
                                     - Live Chat for Players
                                     - An alternative to Violet =>
                                More to come..
dsprhpv2.zip    8005 08-05-2024 The Cave of Hope & Despair
                                Enter a cave of both hope
                                and despair.  Take caution
                                as you search for the chest
                                watch out for waterholes and
                                the magic that can both hurt
                                you and heal you!  Help out
                                a lost warrior in the caves
                                once a day...but that's not
dsrtlord.zip   31647 08-05-2024 Desert LORD
                                Feel The Heat Of The
                                Scorching Sun As You
                                Trek Around The Desert
                                Of Fury, Searching For
                                Your Next Kill. Add-On
                                For LORD 3.26
dtu13.zip      49645 08-05-2024 Dragon Town University v1.3 [IGM] 
                                 Go to school! Real questions
                                 definable by sysop.  Great! 
                                 Enter only once a day.        
                                 Dekka Visions(c) 1995       
dweeb128.zip  110885 08-05-2024    Dweebo The Geek's Clubhouse version 1.28
                                LORD IGM
                                A silly little FREEWARE in-game module for
                                Legend of the Red Dragon.
easter11.zip   20870 08-05-2024 Easter Egg Hunt v1.1 -=- IGM for WT-LORD in
                                32bit wcCODE! for WT-LORD v2.5 and Higher!
                                In this IGM you are able to search for a
                                suprise easter egg and stay the night!
                                by Aaron Wornom & Sweet Dreams Software.
                                FEATURES:  SUPPORTS Mutiple WT-LORD Games
                                           Stay overnight
                                           Animation support!
                                           EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
                                           This update released 4/16/98
egyptlrd.zip   28523 08-05-2024 Jason Peterson's "Egypt Lord"
elflord.zip    25268 08-05-2024 Elves in the Land of the Red Dragon!
                                 Add-On for Legend Of The Red Dragon
                                 This program gives your LORD game
                                 the elves of Underhill. An adaptation
                                 ot the Serrated Edge Series.
                                 Free Ware!!!! Enjoy the Game!
                                 Programmed by Jonathan R Holman
eman131b.zip   44358 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                        Strong Man I's e-Man World V.1.31
                                     Freeware Lord IGM By Charles J. Feldmeier
                                         Now You Can Play Pac-Man To Win Gold.
                                     Support: The Weible Street Station (Space
                                        Internet E-mail: ccc@telerama.lm.com
                                          WWW Page: http://www.lm.com/~ccc
eros70.zip     51712 08-05-2024 
ersch23.zip    55378 08-05-2024 Erschlagenhalle, is a 32 bit IGM for WTLORD,
                                where the player can 
                                get a job, get healed, get a fairy. The user
                                can Flirt, Steal a Horse.
                                Medieval in content.
erthlord.zip   50117 08-05-2024 LORD after the EARTHQUAKE!
et100.zip      35099 08-05-2024 Elaikses Tower v1.00- A LORD IGM
                                For LORD v3.52+  Use to balance
                                game or just for fun!
et200.zip      33273 08-05-2024 Elaikses Tower v2.00- A LORD IGM
                                For LORD v3.55.  No more limiting
                                functions.  Just good clean fun!
evenlord.zip   24880 08-05-2024     Evening in The Realm of LORD
                                 Add-On for Legend Of The Red Dragon
                                 This program gives your LORD game
                                 all the trappings of falling night. 
                                 Free Ware!!!! Enjoy the Game!
                                     Programmed by Jonathan R Holman
event16.zip    31790 08-05-2024      LordEvent v1.6! For L.O.R.D. v3.25+      
                                  Create 100% configurable random daily 
                                  events.  Add anything, write anything, 
                                  powerful editor, FREEWARE!  By SOS!
ever17.zip    193050 08-05-2024 "EverGreen Cemetery" v1.7 -=- IGM for WT-LORD
                                in 32bit wcCODE! for WT-LORD v2.5 and Higher!
                                ENTER the Gates of EverGreen and you will
                                never be the same! Included Y2K Date Checking
                                Another fun *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                FEATURES:  SUPPORTS Mutiple WT-LORD Games
                                           Allows Players to SLEEP in the IGM
                                           Lots of Hidden Stuff!
                                           EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
exfun103.zip   14867 08-05-2024 Extacy's Land Of Fun
                                Lord 2 IGM PATCH Version
                                1.03 Created On 11/7/97
                                Programmer : Yang Qingwei
                                LORD2 Registered Version Needed
                                {Ansi Removed and Fileid added
                                 by LORD_FDN}
exptlord.zip   20654 08-05-2024 ¿        
                                 Another Eyeball, Inc. Production Ŵ        
                                 EXPERT LORD Ŵ        
                                 Lordtxt.dat replacement Ŵ        
                                 IMPROVED Expert Mode! Ŵ        
                                 Skip the graphx! Ŵ        
                                 Decrease time in LORD! Ŵ        
extitem3.zip   54123 08-05-2024 Externally Defined Items package v3
                                Lord 2 Utility
                                Author: Michael Hutson
                                E-Mail: MikeHutson@juno.com
                                Items are added to Lord 2 using L2CFG but 
                                this requires manual entering each item. As a
                                Lord 2 IGM writer, I was convinced there had 
                                to be a way that IGM writers could create 
                                their own custom items, and add them auto-
                                matically to Lord2. This package does that. 
extrlord.zip   28818 08-05-2024 <>
                                   ExtremeANSi MenuSet  v1.2
                                Includes 5 new ansi's which will
                                match the internal LORD ansi's,
                                only making them much better!!
                                   NO CHEEZY ANSI'S HERE!!
                                Also includes new bar texts, as
                                well as many new random sayings!
fair266a.zip  297456 08-05-2024 The Faire 2.66a - If your users love LORD..
                                .This is just as cool!
                                10 levels, wander the streets, rob the bank,
                                try to survive long enough
                                to make it to the faire, kill other users,
                                write mail to them, find hidden
                                maps, a master player level, and more. This
                                game will always be growing!
                                You can even add your own 'other areas' to the
                                game. I even provide a 
                                player datafile structure so you can write
                                your own external apps!
                                Includes versions for Wc4.01, 4.11, 4.12 !!
                                Coming soon The Faire for Wildcat 5.0!    <<-
                                Should be by 2-28-96
                                Another great WcCode app from :
                                          Carl Tice
                                       THE BAD BOY BBS!
fair407.zip   201467 08-05-2024 MOONDUST'S COUNTY FAIR - STANDALONE DOORGAME
                                Spend a Day at the Fair. Visit Balloon Pop &
                                Medicine Man. Be a Pie Eating Champ. Plant a 
                                wet one on a sweetie at the Kissing Booth. 
                                Join the Spear Toss & Javelin Throw Tourneys.
                                Haunted & Enchanted Forests. Fairy Catch. 
                                Slosh enemies in the Dunk Tank! MoonChat.
                                Guess Fairy's Weight. Optional LORD IGM.
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
faire401.zip  486994 08-05-2024 The Faire 4.00 - RPG game - can be used as an
                                IGM to WT-LORD! Has 10 levels, wander the
                                streets, rob the bank, try to survive long
                                enough to make it to The Faire, kill other
                                users, write mail to them, find hidden maps,
                                a master player level, and more. This game
                                will always be growing! You can even add your
                                own 'other areas' to the game. I even provide
                                a player datafile structure so you can write
                                your own external apps!
falltxt.zip    48169 08-05-2024            Ŀ
                                 Fall Lord            
                                  This one here changes
                                  Your text in lord to
                                  fit the weather
                                  conditions of Fall
                                  (most of the ANSIs)
                                  too... this will
                                  probably only work
                                  for v3.50 and above
farm1_0.zip    24354 08-05-2024  -=-=- Ye Olde Farm ver 1.0 for Lord2 -=-=-
                                 Visit this old farm in the forest. Solve
                                 the mystery, and you'll be able to farm
                                 for gold!
                                     Tech'N Software - Lloyd Hannesson
                                 http://www.techn.com/ --  support@techn.com
fel1_9.zip     77272 08-05-2024  -=-=- Felicity's Temple v1.9  LORD IGM -=-=-
                                   A new IGM for LORD. Explore this Ancient
                                   Temple. Meet Felicity, and her disciples
                                   Try to find the Janitor! Pray for Stats!
                                       Easy Configuration and Set-up!!
                                      Tech'N Software - Lloyd Hannesson
ff600.zip     765008 08-05-2024 Food Fight II - v6.00 (WC5 WcCode) - 32 bit
                                game for WC5. Can also 
                                now be used as an IGM for WT-LORD!
                                Check this one out!
                                The Realm of Vandora
ffearv25.zip   13423 08-05-2024 [?7h[255D[0;1;30;47m[4
                                 [47m[40m[47m[1C[40m [47m[40m
                                [47m[40m (C)
                                [47m[40m  [47m[40m[47m[1C[40m  
                                [47m[40m [47m[
                                [0;36mVisit Fortress Fear [1;30;47m[40m
                                [47m[40m [47m[40m[47m[1C[40m[47m[40m
                                [0;36mand buy your own    [1;30;47m[40m
                                [47m[40m [47m[40m[47m[1C[40m
                                [0;36mhouse! Talk to the  [1;30m  v.0.25
                                [0;36mking and his guards. Steal from them
                                and get thrown in prision!
                                    Copyright 1997 D/rK /\/iGHt
ffearv30.zip   23895 08-05-2024  ߰ ߰ ߰ ߰    (C)
                                  ܱ       ܱ ܱ
                                Visit Fortress Fear   ߰ ߰
                                and buy your own       ߱ 
                                house! Talk to the    v.0.30 
                                king and his guards. Steal from them
                                and get thrown in prision!
                                    Copyright 1997 D/rK /\/iGHt
fglad100.zip    4616 08-05-2024 The Faerie Glade IGM for LORD 2 Beta 7+
                                Visit the Faerie Glade and talk to some
                                Faeeries! Talk to the Faerie Queen, who
                                says 9 different things! "Arrange the
                                Flowers" to leave a message, like in
                                LORD 3.55!
                                Freeware from ShroomTrip Software. 
                                Written by Jay Weber
fgrave.zip      6030 08-05-2024 Father's Grave IGM for LORD 2 v1.00
                                by ASC & Resurrection
                                Find your father's grave and complete his
                                given task to lay him in peace at last!
                                Simple to install, no LORD 2 files overwritten
fg_v2_2d0.zip   72349 08-05-2024 Fun & Games
                                This IGM will allow your callers to
                                play 3 different games to gain some
                                "stuff." A numbers guessing game,
                                a fortune tellers wagon, and a word
                                scramble game! Completely SysOp
                                configurable. Comes with a simple
                                utility that allows you to add words
                                to the scrambled words game database!
                                PostCard Ware, by SHARKware
                                Copyright (c) 1995, 1999 SHARKware
fig012.zip     51308 08-05-2024 
                                       ڿ           ڿ       
                                        IGARO CASTL        
                                A LORD 2 IGM by VooDoo KnighT
                                BIGGEST, BADDEST, BEST IGM by
                                the man himself! New kick ass
                                rooms and secrets! D/load NOW
                                {Pipe Codes Removed by LORDFDN}
figar127.zip   30919 08-05-2024 
figaro12.zip   30938 08-05-2024 
fires101.zip  161937 08-05-2024 Fireside Chat 1.01 (tm) IGM by G.A.C. 
                                Computer Services.  MULTINODE REALTIME user 
                                chat by the fireside.  Allows users to chat
                                with each other EVEN IF THEY ARE IN DIFFERENT
                                LORD GAMES!  Support for all BBSs and comm 
                                routines LORD supports, original ANSI art, 
                                RIP, chat actions.  NO MODIFICATIONS, just
                                multi-lord game chat!  Players can page
                                another player in ANY lord game from the
                                fireside.  Works with Major BBS Correctly!
fish.zip        9673 08-05-2024 Go fishing catch old skipper and even get beat
                                up by barraks mom!!
fish10.zip     94645 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... Let's go fishing...
                                try your luck in the creek,
                                the river, or even the ocean.
fish10b.zip     5701 08-05-2024 -= Fishing Docks for LORD2 =-
                                A simple IGM for LORD2 V1.01a
                                or newer.  Includes 6 new maps
                                and a .ref file.  EASY INSTALL!
                                Makes several NEW fishing Docs
                                in the game for all you fish
                                lovers out there.
fitepach.zip   26977 08-05-2024 LORD ][: TQFM Fight Patch
                                This will fix the problem
                                with the game freezing up
                                and/or chrashing during a
                                fight. It will also relocate
                                a player who is on a bad
                                screen to map 155. Just
                                unzip the file into your
                                Quest For Mom dir., and
                                answer Yes to all questions.
                                Author : Jay Weber
                                (C) 1997 ShroomTrip Software
                                E-Mail: elric@innocent.com
                                Support: kender@innocent.com
fixed.zip      41567 08-05-2024 Some fixed and new LORDTXT.DAT files for LORD
                                They ROCK!! Check em out...
flea111.zip    51397 08-05-2024 The Red Dragon Flea Market v1.11 LORD IGM
                                    Freeware IGM where users can buy
                                    and sell stuff. The Red Dragon Pet
                                    Shop is in the market so when you
                                    get this file, sysops, delete
                                    PTSHP10A.ZIP from the board.
                                    Now includes United Red Dragon
                                           ****BUG FIX****
flink100.zip    4029 08-05-2024 FLiNK'S HoWSe iGM FoR LoRD2..
                                FiRST LoCaL (NeWFouNDLaND LoCaL
                                i MeaN) iGM MaDe iF You HaVe eVeR
                                SeeN CRaZY MaN'S HouSe LoRD2 iGM,
                                THiS iS SiMiLaR (ReaLLY)
                                MaDe iN 5 MiNS, So DoN'T BLaMe Me
                                FoR eRRoRS...
fmm103a.zip    97867 08-05-2024 ķ
                                 Fat Man's Misery ver 1.03a - IGM for LORD.
                                 Seth Robinson says, "Wow! I like it!!     
                                 I approve of it. It actually has some new 
                                 and interesting things! Nice new formats."
                                 The game is based on the premise that a   
                                 player who is too fat with gold and gems, 
                                 must drop some before exiting through a   
                                 small slit in the mountain.  Game editor, 
                                 Multiple heathens in a fight, ability to  
                                 use skills, hidden choices, a contest,    
                                 2 games and many more challenging choices.
                                 Written in Turbo Pascal 7.0 using DDPLUS. 
                                       (c) 1996 by John A. Tucker          
fmm104a.zip   120635 08-05-2024 ķ
                                 Fat Man's Misery! ver 1.04a - IGM for LORD
                                 Seth A. Robinson says, "Wow! I like it!!  
                                 I approve of it. It actually has some new 
                                 and interesting things! Nice new formats."
                                 The game is based on the premise that a   
                                 player who is too fat with gold and gems, 
                                 must drop some before exiting through a   
                                 small slit in the mountain.  Game editor, 
                                 Multiple heathens in a fight, ability to  
                                 use skills, hidden choices, a contest,    
                                 2 games and many more challenging choices.
                                 Written in Turbo Pascal 7.0 using DDPLUS. 
                                       (c) 1996 by John A. Tucker          
foi101.zip     54818 08-05-2024 Forest Of Intrigue - LORD IGM
                                FOI v1.00 for LORD v3.55.  
                                Explore the forest, over 30
                                separate events.  There is a
                                method for finding all events.
                                No rewards without risks!
                                Stay In The Forest or Dungeon!
                                Fight new Monsters!
forge10.zip    85260 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... The Forgery.
                                Take the 35 gold piece tour,
                                or perhaps you might prefer
                                to apply for a job.... 
freddy10.zip   15585 08-05-2024 FAST FREDDY'S GEM EMPORIUM v1.0
                                Lord 2 IGM
                                Author: Robby Dittmann
                                E-Mail: robbyd@sprynet.com
                                From Mamoosoft Programming.
                                This Lord2 IGM adds a place for
                                users to buy and sell gems.
ft1_0.zip      13909 08-05-2024  -=-=- Felicity's Temple ver 1.0 for Lord2
                                 A new IGM for Lord 2. Talk to Felicity, find
                                 the Janitor, purchase a new home! 
                                        Tech'N Software - Lloyd Hannesson
ftown066.zip  158074 08-05-2024 Fairy Town IGM Beta Test Version  0.66
                                for   LORD.    Visit  Fairy  Town  and
                                discover it's  secrets.  Exchange some
                                Gems for Potions and take  the  chance
                                of  drinking them.  Adoptions.  Games.
                                Fight the  Giants!   Find the Amamzon!
                                Try your luck at the Poker Casino too.
                                Not a general public  release.   Beta!
                                By  Mike  Zrichuk  -  The  Studio  BBS
                                Toronto, Ontario, Canada.  1:2424/1058
ftown100.zip  165066 08-05-2024 Fairy Town IGM  Version 1.00 for LORD.
                                Visit  Fairy  Town  and  discover it's
                                hidden  secrets.   Adoptions.   Games.
                                Fight the Giants!  Find the Amazon  or
                                the   Trojan   Warrior,  if  you  can!
                                Exchange your  Gems  for Potions.  Try
                                your luck at  the  Poker  Casino  too.
                                Catch  a  Fairy or set your Fairy free
                                for  very   special   rewards!   Fully
                                multinode capable. Super-easy install.
fun11.zip      60933 08-05-2024 Fun & Games v1.1. Another LORD IGM!
                                Freeware! This IGM will allow your
                                callers to play 3 different games to
                                gain some "stuff." A numbers guessing
                                game, a fortune tellers wagon, and a
                                word scramble game! Completely SysOp
                                configurable. Comes with a simple
                                utility that allows you to add words
                                to the scrambled words game database!
                                From -Noel Software-
                                Copyright (c) 1995 Thomas J. Smith
fworld54.zip  127633 08-05-2024 FREEWORLD....A FREE IGM Module for LORD DOOR
fworld57.zip  278145 08-05-2024 FREEWORLD 5.7 L.O.R.D. IGM
fxrip_b1.zip   79379 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=FX RIP v.beta 1=-=-=-=-
                                RIP Users can now have RIP & FX
                                Sound on Virtually ANY BBS & in
                                Virtually ANY ANSI\Text Door as
                                well as Interactive RIP Offline
                                Both RIP 1.54 and 2.2 formats! 
                                 Requires RIPterm 1.54 or 2.2
                                   FREEWARE by Mike Collard
                                Midnight's Realm  (505)254-9415
galaexy.zip    28865 08-05-2024 |09Galactic Warriors menu set for Lord.
                                A new story and some really cool ansi
                                screens.Done at the Children of Galaexy.
galagher.zip   31501 08-05-2024 ***NEW*** IGM for LORD!!
                                GALLAGHER'S PERFORMANCE.
                                Help Gallagher make some
                                of the most disguesting
                                pies around and then smack
                                them into the crowd for
                                various amount of rewards.
                                V1.00 Helmet Inc. Software.
galwar20.zip  199823 08-05-2024 Galactic Warriors 2.0
                                The (IGM) for LORD
                                Children of Galaexy
                                Simply the finest
                                Check This out!
garlord.zip    32440 08-05-2024 Gargoyle LORD!
                                An acsessory for LORD, 
                                all players are Gargoyles!
                                Easy Installation! No Hassle!
gate10.zip     77697 08-05-2024          The Gateway v1.0 LORD IGM
                                For LORD 3.25+ - This program allows scripts
                                called RHPs to be created and ran as if they
                                were full IGMs!  From the author of The LORD
                                Cavern, FREEWARE.
gateway.zip   151433 08-05-2024 . The Gate Way To Heaven .
                                       New IGM for lord 
                                Find the gods and get there help
                                  Buy Potion's,Catch Fairy's
                                      And Much Much More
                                                 By Arthur Lewis
gdale20.zip     9103 08-05-2024 The Lands of Glendale
                                A moderate size IGM for
                                LORD2. My Best yet
                                    BY: FLiNK
getput11.zip   27416 08-05-2024 -=GET, PUT, and WHO by Jeremy Stewart.=-
                                Makes writing LORD add-on modules 
                                easier than ever before!
                                GET 1.0 Extracts ALL the player information
                                the PLAYER.DAT for your LORD add-on modules.
                                PUT 1.1 Writes all the modified information to
                                the PLAYER.DAT file.
                                WHO 1.0 Lists the players and their BBS names
ghostlor.zip   32593 08-05-2024 @X09-=@XF1<--STARFLEET SUPPLY-->@X09=-
                                @X02 another cool menu for LORDS.......
                                @X02 this one is called Ghost Lord......
ghostlrd.zip   32777 08-05-2024 Ghostlord - Change LORD into a Ghostown!
gift100.zip     4671 08-05-2024     =-=> Giftman for LORD2 <=-=
                                    A cool IGM for Lord2 V1.01a
                                   or newer. Includes 1 replaced
                                     map and 1 new .ref file.
                                    Look for other IGM's and other 
                                       stuff from Hell Software
                                      =-=> Hell Software <=-=  
                                     =-=> Andreas Svendsen <=-=
                                     =-=> Rolfas@online.no <=-=
givers10.zip    5536 08-05-2024 Greentree Givers V1.0
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Spencer Vickers aka Mountie
                                This IGM is here for IGM`s that
                                don't give back the Smackrod or
                                Gryphon Moon. You can make it
                                so that some users still can't
                                get them back if you have takin
                                them away from the user. Enjoy!
globe112.zip  259636 08-05-2024 Global Registries v1.12 for Lord II 1.01a
                                by Mike Freeman. At last! A way to record
                                your  own  personal  customized  registry
                                entry  about   your  Lord  II  character.
                                Completely  definable,  allowing  you  to
                                give  a  touch  of  personality  to  your
                                appearance in Lord II. Requires v1.01a of
                                Lord II. Unzip GLOBE112.ZIP to  an  empty
                                directory then read the docs  on  how  to
                                install. Questions about this module  can
                                be  directed  to  me  at  the   following
                                addresses: Majornet: aussie@cfe
                                           Internet: auzzi@bigfoot.com
                                      **   RATED A 4-STAR ADD-ON  **
                                Copyright(c) 1997 - 1998 AuSSie Creations
gm100.zip       7906 08-05-2024  -=-=- Greentree Manor ver 1.0 for Lord2
                                 A small house in Greentree. Cheap, no frills
                                 With the lower levels in mind :)
                                                 CHRiS Belanger
gmtxptch.zip    8862 08-05-2024  -=  Lord II Gametxt.ref Patch  =-
                                 This bug fix for LORD II 1.01a *ONLY* 
                                 Players were not receiving credit
                                for killing other players. Players   
                                 will now be credited for killing 
                                 other players. Which is useful in 
                                 some IGM's that read the "KILL" 
                                 stat. Read enclosed text for full
                                         Brought to you by
go135.zip     238692 08-05-2024  Galactic Overlord 1.35 BBS Door Game 
                                GO is a game of galactic conquest.  Each
                                player will attempt to control a universe of
                                planets.  GO has 20+ ANSI screens/animation
                                and is Multi-node friendly!  Uses JSW
                                Resource Files that contain all of the ANSI,
                                doc, etc. files for the game.  Supports
                                std/nonstd comm ports, FOSSIL, and
                                DigiBoards. Now DV, Win, and OS/2 aware.
gorilla.zip     7502 08-05-2024  Gorilla Villa lord2igm 
                                 A whole additional town for  
                                LORD ][ with some twists. Try 
                                it. Challenge the chief for   
                                the money!! Set house prices! 
gpww1_2.zip    33695 08-05-2024 -=GET, PUT, WHO and WHO IS -=FINAL RELEASE=-
                                by Jeremy Stewart.=-
                                Makes writing LORD add-on modules easier than
                                ever before!
                                GET 1.2 Extracts ALL the player information
                                from the PLAYER.DAT.
                                PUT 1.1 Writes all the modified information to
                                the PLAYER.DAT file.
                                WHO 1.1 Lists the players and their BBS names
                                WHO 1.0 IS Lists one particular player and
                                his/her BBS name.
gra1_5.zip     65212 08-05-2024  -=- The Warrior's Graveyard v1.5 LORD IGM
                                  A new IGM for LORD. Explore this graveyard.
                                  Meet the Grave digger or the Old Hag. Try
                                  to find the Ghosts who haunt this place!
                                       Easy Configuration and Set-up!!
                                             !!! FREEWARE !!!
                                      Tech'N Software - Lloyd Hannesson
gra1_7.zip    110595 08-05-2024  -=- The Warrior's Graveyard v1.7 LORD IGM
                                  A new IGM for LORD. Explore this graveyard.
                                  Meet the Grave digger or the Old Hag. Try
                                  to find the Ghosts who haunt this place!
                                       Easy Configuration and Set-up!!
                                             !!! FREEWARE !!!
                                      Tech'N Software - Lloyd Hannesson
grave20.zip    44701 08-05-2024 The Graveyard (wcCODE 5) Wt-Lord 2.5+ IGM
                                An EXCELLENT IGM for Wildcat Tournament Lord.
                                Explore the Graveyard, fight different
                                monsters, RESURRECT People (Done SAFELY does
                                NOT ruin game, is limited), dig up graves,
                                get laid, chat on the wall, sell gems,
                                and find out the secret of the old lady. 
                                       IceRage Technologies - 01/01/98 v2.0
grave330.zip   71414 08-05-2024 The GraveYard v3.3  LORD IGM
                                 Fixed FILE LOCKING! now WORKS
                                 Multi-Node!  Multi-line systems
                                 GET THIS FILE!
                                Written By Tommy Baker, Dig up
                                graves and steal their treasures or
                                travel to a shop, collect items on
                                the way there, and trade for rewards. 
greasy10.zip   77409 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... The Greasy Spoon.
                                Are you really all that hungry?
                                Or....  did you come to woo
                                the wench?
griz10.zip     81968 08-05-2024 Grizelda's Place 1.0
                                Freeware LORD IGM by
                                Children of Galaexy
                                Check it out!
griz100.zip     6950 08-05-2024 LORD II IGM
                                GRIZELDA'S HOUSE V1.oo
                                Talk to grizelda & her sister sherie
griz172.zip    59782 08-05-2024 Grizelda's House v1.72 -- a LORD IGM.
                                Visit with LORD's backup barmaid -- 
                                Grizelda! Also appearing are her mom 
                                and(if you're female) her brother.  
                                Companion IGM to The Apothecary by Bryan 
                                Stanbridge.  *FREEWARE*
gslord.zip     23270 08-05-2024 
gstore13.zip   46982 08-05-2024 SpellBindeR's General Store 1.30
                                An "OTHER PLACES" Add-on for Seth
                                Able's Legend of the Red Dragon 3.26
gtg15.zip      11049 08-05-2024 GreenTree Grocery Store v1.5
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Max Larive [FieldSoft]
                                BBS: (450)679-7599
                                Just like a real grocery store, this
                                cuite little add for GreenTree is the
                                perfect place to buy whatever the
                                groceries you'd be looking for!
gtxtptch.zip    9214 08-05-2024 LORD2 GAMETXT.REF UPGRADE
                                This is a simple upgrade for the main
                                Lord2 game file, that lets users have
                                more options when they are dead. Like
                                being able to send messages and being
                                able to view their own stats.
                                This also includes the upgrades the
                                LORD Stuff Pack 5a put in the .ref
                                file, so there shouldn't be any
                                problems. If you don't have the 5a
                                pack, you may want to download it,
                                as I'm not sure if this upgrade will
                                mess up if you don't have the 5a pack.
                                Made By: Spencer Vickers (aka Mountie)
                                E-Mail: Mountie_Spence@hotmail.com
guild.zip      62081 08-05-2024 
gumv212.zip    28156 08-05-2024 Gumtown v2.12
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Gum-Lass
                                E-Mail: horn@iniaccess.net.au
                                A town west of Sosen villiage that spices up
                                that dull trip.  Bet on Horses, buy Gum-Lass 
                                Castle.  New, evil and scary tough enemies!! 
                                Really cool private rooms.  An absolute gold
                                mine.  Mud Wrestling!  Fight a God & enslave 
                                him.  Get mugged by the Gumtown Bandit. Then 
                                get even! Complain to the Mayor. Hitmen-hire 
                                'em, join 'em love 'em!   Help Jon Piere get
                                his Waldorf Salad!
gurub9b.zip    14372 08-05-2024 Guru Bob and The Tree Of Knowledge V0.9 BETA 
                                Lord 2 IGM                  
                                Author: Sam Wilson
                                E-Mail: avatar@clear.net.nz
                                A pretty crap IGM as IGMs go for LORD 2.
                                Visit the Oasis and be refreshed,ask a boon
                                from Guru Bob but only once a day.
                                To install type INSTALLGB.
guy.zip         3316 08-05-2024 --==Greentree's Weird guy 1.00==--
                                 Greentree, now has it's own weird
                                   guy that sells stuff to you.
                                        By:   SpENcE
gwarlrd2.zip   23495 08-05-2024  GWARLRD2.ZIP 
                                 by Chris Calhoun 
                                 Edits LORDTXT.DAT. 
                                 Has Charlie Manson 
                                 and some  GWAR 
gwhelp.zip     16801 08-05-2024 Help file for The IGM
                                Galactic Warriors by
                                Children of Galaexy
gym216.zip     86265 08-05-2024 -=Morph's Gymnasium LORD IGM 2.16=-
                                Will not delete PLAYER.DAT files!!!
                                WORKS UNDER DESQVIEW NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
                                Armwrestle,  take  drugs, and  pump 
                                iron  to earn  HP's,  Strength  and 
                                Defense.  COMPLETELY  configurable!
                                ONLY works with LORD set to Regular 
                                Fossil.  Now fixed bug where users'
                                Gym accounts get reset. I hope!  :)
gypsy.zip      20017 08-05-2024     =-:-=-:-= Gypsy Encampment=-:-=-:-=
                                            A new IGM for Lord 2
                                       Phoenix Gaming - Michael Rodda
g_l_igm.zip     7754 08-05-2024         GARGOYLE'S LANDING IGM
                                    for Legend of the Red Dragon ][
                                       Writen by NiGHT fLYER of
                                 GARGOYLE'S LANDING BBS - (918)493-4930
                                   To reach me, my E-MAIL Address is
hate.zip        1798 08-05-2024 Patch for Lord II: Quest for Mom
                                Beta 1 for a bug found in the
                                Hate Mail ref.
haunted.zip     4793 08-05-2024  Haunted House L2 igm   
                                 A haunted house outside Dark 
                                Forest... can you figure out  
                                its secret?                   
                                     Author: TALAPHID@JUNO.COM
                                    + Monty Python      
hawood.zip     20184 08-05-2024    -=The Hundred Acre Woods IGM=-
                                by Jennifer Doyle
                                This IGM uses Lord II v1.0 or newer
                                It CAN NOT be used with the 
                                unregistered version.  It is based 
                                on the character Winnie the Pooh 
                                and you can receive a wish from 
                                Eeyore everyday, buy strange 
                                potions from owl, visit Christopher 
                                Robbin or deal in illegal honey 
                                with Winnie the Pooh!!  Have fun 
                                and Enjoy!! 
healer01.zip    6800 08-05-2024 Healer v0.1
                                for: LORD2 V1.01a
                                Visit the wise healer
hellfire.zip   23605 08-05-2024 Hell's Fire LORDTXT.DAT For LORD!
                                Play Lord In The Flames Of Hell!
                                Created By : SIIS of NSiD
hgsv111.zip   138283 08-05-2024 Hell's Gate Services v1.11    
                                Lord II Utility
                                Author: Steven Millar
                                Allows you to play a lottery, teleport to 
                                other places in LORD including other users 
                                locations, buy some more exp., Evict everyone
                                from the protection of Safe places (I.E. Ma's
                                Boarding House). Hire a hitman that never 
                                fails and gives you some of the victims gold/
                                experience.  Hire a great treehouse password 
                                spy, buy extra experience potions and much, 
                                much more ! Download now !
highwa15.zip   56714 08-05-2024  Wonderland Software Ŀ
                                       HIGHWAYMAN V1.5        
                                        Ŀ  ij       
                                IGM for Legend of the Red Dragon
                                 Match wits with a notorious band
                                 of theives as you travel through
                                 the forest to kill the Red Dragon
                                 Solve riddles or fight your way
                                 out, or if they like you head to
                                 thier encampment and mingle....
                                 Its up to you warrior!!!!
                                  NEW INSTALL USES SHARKDriver
                                    BCSHARE file sharing
                                - MAD HATTER BBS (919) 736-8005 -
hilbilld.zip   51590 08-05-2024   -=Beverly Hillbilly Lord Menu=-
                                   Legend of the Red Dragon
                                enhancement program. Brings the
                                Beverly Hillbilly characters to your 
                                LORD Game. Granny, Jed, Ellie May, And  
                                Jethro...and the whole gang comes to your
                                LORD Game. All new monsters,menu support. 
                                *FREEWARE*From the Crazy Guise of...
                                   ***PRINCE PUBLICATIONS***
hippy.zip      23030 08-05-2024 ============L.O.R.D. MENU===============
                                this one is called "Hippy"...a cool
                                blast from the 1960's...................
                                ==========>STARFLEET SUPPLY<============
hiscore.zip    34470 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                         Hi Score v1.0         ۲
                                 Create a Top Ten Scoreboard   ۲
                                 for Legend of the Red Dragon. ۲
                                 Supports TEXT, ANSI, and WWIV ۲
                                 formats.  An awesome feature  ۲
                                 to add on to your LORD game!  ۲
hits100.zip    90797 08-05-2024 Hiding in the Shadows v1.0 LORD IGM
                                One of the best IGM's to date! From
                                the mind of Kenneth Padgett. Take a
                                trip to the underground lair,  meet
                                Alec McCour and LieLani,  his beau-
                                tiful sister!  Options never before
                                seen in other IGM's and THE easiest
                                IGM config program ever! GET IT NOW
                                Only $7!  No-Name BBS (703)323-6838
hmb3.zip       35286 08-05-2024   HateMail LORD IGM
                                 Third eta version
                                 minimal set-up.
                                 only needs path to
                                 lord. installs and
                                 un-installs itself
                                 reads no dropfiles
                                 (c) 1995 CyST
                                 Productions and
                                 Mike Eheler
holdho17.zip   39366 08-05-2024 Holding House  Lord IGM
                                Multi-BBS, Multi-Node, MultiTasking
                                aware. Lives in it own directory, not
                                in the Lord directory. 1 minute
                                installation progam.  Store Gold,
                                gems, Fairies, horses. If registered
                                store KIDS, get interest, breed
                                fairies & horses.
                                by Allyn Cross
hongv104.zip   68413 08-05-2024 -=Hong Kong Studio v1.04 for LORD2=-
                                A whore house in the middle of the 
                                northlands which the owner gets to 
                                make money. It also has a store, and 
                                a place to make announcments in the 
                                basement. A great IGM.
hotel1.zip      7026 08-05-2024  -=Raptor's Hotel 1.5 IGM for LORD II=-
                                An IGM for LORD II v1.00 or newer.
                                Do you want to own some thing?
                                if you do you own raptor's Hotel!
                                you can make MONEY from this!
                                this is the Greentree branch.
                                more branches are comming version!
                                Includes 3 new maps and a .ref file.
                                Uses Seth's install program for easy
hotel100.zip   60685 08-05-2024 ANASTASIA'S HONEYMOON HOTEL IGM for LORD
                                The newest IGM from Trevor Herndon, the
                                author of Violet's Cottage and many others,
                                this IGM has LOTS of new stuff! A Post
                                Office, Gift Shop, Pool, etc. Worth the
                                download to check out!
hs30.zip       25225 08-05-2024  Hidden Spring of Turgon - Lord IGM
                                 Cool New IGM For LORD, Name your 
                                 weapon, armor, YOURSELF, Find    
                                 money, get a horse. Much More.   
                                     Emperial Software -- 1996
hscity11.zip   12979 08-05-2024 HillSide City v1.1
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Max Larive
                                BBS: (450)679-7599
                                A small city withing the hill,
                                on the Arris island, where you
                                can do your usual stuff, and
                                meet someone who might just
                                teach you some secrets...
ht100.zip       6436 08-05-2024 -=< Habib's Tavern v1.00 >=-
                                A great IGM for LORD ][.  Talk 
                                to Habib, get a room and stay 
                                a while, or just look around.
                                Who knows, maybe you'll find
                                something helpful.
                                Any comments, complaints, e-mail:
huntv103.zip   23823 08-05-2024 Scavenger Hunt by Codax & Dragon's Den ULTD
                                This Lord2 (I)n (G)ame (M)odule places new 
                                items across the world and some new enemies
                                too.  Seacrch for these new items and claim
                                prizes for the different items you find.  
                                Talk to Thingy and find the Dishonest Cleric
                                Has the Dragon that you work for lost his
                                NOPE....just his stuff!             v1.03
                                Since last version- item recognition improved
                                                    small typos fixed
hutv20.zip    109281 08-05-2024   The Village Hut LORD IGM
                                -=-=-Official Release 2.0=-=-
                                  This IGM will be a great add-on
                                to any system!  Proven to be a
                                excellent LORD addition!  A lot
                                of things to find...
                                Very easy to install and setup.
                                Extensivly beta-tested to ensure
                                that it is bug-free!
                                Requires a 386+/LORD 3.26a+
idfed11.zip    13699 08-05-2024 IDFEdit v1.10 for LORD2 IGM
                                Black Dragon Software
                                bdsoft@hotmail.com -- http://bdsoft.cjb.net
igmchet8.zip   30393 08-05-2024 IGMCHET8.ZIP 9/13/96
                                This is the 8th update of the IGM CHEAT
                                FILE. There are many new CHEATS, from 
                                old and new IGM'S. New info on how to 
                                handle negative gold to get 2 billion
                                instead of $100.! Also a new feature
                                is added. RUMORS! Let's dispel them,
                                or get them verified!! 
igmcht10.zip   10410 08-05-2024 Igmcht10.zip updated 7/13/97 
                                Igm cheat file by Kiteria 
                                Versions of the IGM's have
                                been listed when possible.
igmcht5a.zip   19137 08-05-2024 
                                IGMCHT5a.ZIP 7/05/96 The 6th update for the
                                IGM's that are capable
                                     of being used for excessive stats that
                                                     off-set the game, and
                                take the fun out of it.
igmdrive.zip  136044 08-05-2024 IGMDrive
                                SHARKware presents a door driver
                                for IGM development for LORDs. This 
                                is for Turbo Pascal 7.0. Freeware.
igmdv202.zip  103670 08-05-2024 IGMDrive 2.02
                                SHARKware presents a door driver
                                for IGM development for LORDs. This 
                                is for Turbo Pascal 7.0. No more
                                error #70. Faster routines.
                                Fewer TPU's. Still FREEWARE!
                                Sample program included.
igmdv308.zip  133244 08-05-2024 IGMDrive                  3.08
                                SHARKware presents a door driver
                                for IGM development for LORDs. This 
                                is for Turbo Pascal 7.0.  Sample
                                program included. Multi-BBS aware!
                                Seth Able's color codes.
                                Still FREEWARE!
igme101.zip    48978 08-05-2024          IGM eXpander v1.01 LORD IGM/Util
                                   Run up to 81 IGMs through LORD!  Auto-maint
                                   No worries!  Set up once, then forget
                                   it!  Freeware!  A _MUST-HAVE_ LORD Util!
igmh1053.zip   53880 08-05-2024 IGMH                  1.00
                                SHARKware presents IGMH,
                                a Haunted Mansion IGM for
                                LORD. A fun IGM with lots
                                of places to explore.
                                Capture the ghost and
                                recieve a gift. Multi-user
                                aware. Multi-BBS aware!
                                Seth Able's color codes.
                                SHARKware Freeware!
igmh_1_2d7.zip   74340 08-05-2024 IGMH
                                SHARKware presents IGMH,
                                a Haunted Mansion IGM for
                                LORD. A fun IGM with lots
                                of places to explore.
                                Capture the ghost and
                                recieve a gift. Multi-user
                                aware. Multi-BBS aware!
                                Seth Able's color codes.
                                y2k compliant.
                                Pentium II/III (266+mhz)
                                SHARKware Freeware!
igmlg101.zip   18153 08-05-2024          IGM Log v1.01 - LORD IGM Utility
                                   Track Activity of your IGMs! 2 second set-
                                   up, 100% Support for IGME (81+ IGMs), 4
                                   Different Charts (inc. Bar Graph) By Sos!
igmpackc.zip   10931 08-05-2024 IGMPACK vC
                                Lord II Utility
                                Author: Bobby Queen
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
                                Packet now includes a world.dat so you can
                                see exactly what screens are used and which
                                are reserved.  Also includes 2 text files
                                with the screens used and e-mail addresses!
                                Also includes a txt file on proper way to 
                                create a file_id.diz for your Lord II IGM!
igms049b.zip   43915 08-05-2024 MORE IGMS is a program I wrote because I was
                                tired of only being able to use nine IGMS in
                                LORD, this program allows you to use 88 IGMS
                                total in LORD! - v0.49 - by: Computer Nut @
                                The Insane BBS (609)223-9104 - Public Domain
igms069_.zip   44815 08-05-2024 More IGMS is a freeware program that will
                                you to have more than 4000 IGMS in LORD. v0
                                by: Computer Nut @ The Insane BBS (609
igms12.zip     15319 08-05-2024 -=-=IGMS v1.2=-=-
                                This LORD utility will
                                randomly switch around
                                your IGMs! Configurable,
                                only $3 to register!
igmswit.zip    12731 08-05-2024 IGM Switch for LORD
                                Now you can add an interesting new
                                twist to your LORD game.  Install
                                up to 100 IGM's on your system.
                                IGM Switch will randomly choose
                                5 IGM's each day.  Your users will
                                love the new variety in your LORD
igmtips.zip    11715 08-05-2024 Lord IGM Tip Sheets, Vols 1-4. Great tips
                                on how to get the most from your Lord Games!
                                       --Tips From The Files Of--
                                       Venture BBS (603)228-4395 
                                       LordNet International Host
igmunit.zip    21682 08-05-2024 Pascal Unit that makes writing IGMs for LORD a
                                FREEWARE!  From the author of VOTP.
igmx3073.zip   45585 08-05-2024 IGMX                   3.00
                                SHARKware presents IGMX, an
                                IGM-Xtender for LORD. Allows
                                your LORD door to have up to
                                2,147,483,647 IGM's. Easy
                                install. Automatically updates
                                when you install other IGM's.
                                Multi-user aware. Multi-BBS
                                aware! Log's your IGMs. Keeps
                                a record of how many times
                                each IGM has been used. And
                                much more. Seth Able's color
                                codes.  SHARKware FREEWARE!
igmxt100.zip   77057 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                -=   =-=  -=   IGMXTEND v1.00   =-  =-=   -=
                                -= In Game Module eXTENDer for Legend of  -=
                                -=   the Red Dragon.   Will allow about   -=
                                -=  4+ billion IGM's.  Displays 10 IGM's  -=
                                -= at a time, Next/Previous through each  -=
                                -=    set of ten!  Easily Installs and    -=
                                -=Un-installs to 3rdparty.dat & Start.bat.-=
                                -=   =-=  -= Registration $2.50 =-  =-=   -=
igmxt101.zip   79159 08-05-2024 IGMXTEND v1.01 In Game Module eXTENDer for
                                Legend of the Red Dragon. Will allow about 4+
                                billion IGM's. Displays 10 IGM's at a time,
                                Next/Previous through each set of ten! Easily
                                Installs and Un-installs to 3rdparty.dat &
igmx_4_2d0.zip   67665 08-05-2024 IGMX                   3.00
                                SHARKware presents IGMX, an
                                IGM-Xtender for LORD. Allows
                                your LORD door to have up to
                                2,147,483,647 IGM's. Easy
                                install. Automatically updates
                                when you install other IGM's.
                                Multi-user aware. Multi-BBS
                                aware! Log's your IGMs. Keeps
                                a record of how many times
                                each IGM has been used. And
                                much more. Seth Able's color
                                y2k compatible.
                                Pentium II/III (266+MHz)
                                SHARKware FREEWARE!
igm_2dx202.zip   37073 08-05-2024 IGM-X                  2.02
                                SHARKware presents IGM-X, an
                                IGM-Xtender for LORD. Allows
                                your LORD door to have up to
                                2,147,483,647 IGM's. Easy
                                install. Automatically updates
                                when you install other IGM's.
                                Multi-user aware. Multi-BBS
                                aware! Log's your IGMs. Keeps
                                a record of how many times
                                each IGM has been used. And
                                much more. Seth Able's color
                                codes.  SHARKware FREEWARE!
igm_chk1.zip   18110 08-05-2024 IGM CHECK 1.0 - Fixes ALL buggy & overly
                                Legend of the Red Dragon IGMs!  IGM Check is
                                designed to keep all those nasty IGMs in check
                                Preforms the following checks EACH TIME AN IGM
                                USED:  Any Player stats exceeding
                                maximums are reset to the maximum value
                                (Each level independently configurable.)
                                Negative gold is replaced with 0 gold.  Only
                                codes are allowed in Weapon & Armor names.
                                Fully Multinode & Share aware!
igm_trk1.zip   14774 08-05-2024 IGM TRACK 1.0 is a small utility to help
                                log all Lord IGM usage.  Some IGMs can crash
                                reboot a BBS, often leaving it difficult or
                                impossible to determine the exact cause of
                                crash.  With IGM Track, all IGM traffic is
                                recorded in a log file for later inspection.
                                Easy to use and easy to install.  FREEWARE!
                                Fully Multinode & Share aware.
igm_x202.zip   36336 08-05-2024 IGM-X                  2.02
                                SHARKware presents IGM-X, an
                                IGM-Xtender for LORD. Allows
                                your LORD door to have up to
                                2,147,483,647 IGM's. Easy
                                install. Automatically updates
                                when you install other IGM's.
                                Multi-user aware. Multi-BBS
                                aware! Log's your IGMs. Keeps
                                a record of how many times
                                each IGM has been used. And
                                much more. Seth Able's color
                                codes.  SHARKware FREEWARE!
igrd100.zip    10853 08-05-2024 -*Sosen Inn Safeguard*-
                                This is a little IGM/Addon to make it so
                                people can't break into the Sosen
                                Village Inn with the Smackrod or use the flute
                                to get into it free. Thanx!
ilord150.zip  369683 08-05-2024 Inter-LORD 1.50 Inter-BBS Gaming for LORD by
                                G.A.C. Computer Services provides an easy to 
                                use Inter-BBS option for LORD.  NOW USES
                                BRE HOST style routing system using file
                                attaches.  Works with our without The Realm
                                of Vanadia Series of Inter-IGMs.  It has many
                                advanced features, many ANSI graphics, RIP, 
                                lots of user interaction, and solid game
                                play.  Major upgrade, new features, and all
                                reported bugs have been fixed.  Only $5.00!
ilord200.zip  371222 08-05-2024 Inter-LORD 2.00 Inter-BBS Gaming for LORD 
                                Provides an easy to use Inter-BBS option for
                                NOW USES BRE HOST style routing system using
                                attaches.  Works with our without The Realm
                                of Vanadia Series of Inter-IGMs.  It has many
                                advanced features, many ANSI graphics, RIP, 
                                lots of user interaction, and solid game
                                play.  Major upgrade, new features, and all
                                reported bugs have been fixed.  POSTCARDWARE
ilroute1.zip    5328 08-05-2024 Inter-Lord Packet Routing Transport
                                 Utility (ILROUTER.EXE) for ILord v1.50
                                 (Realm of Vanadia series from G.A.C.)
                                 Uses normal Fido Netmail to Route game
                                 packet updates instead of attachments.
indian12.zip   55589 08-05-2024 "Indian Joe's Horse Barn" v1.2 -=- IGM for
                                WT-LORD in 32bit wcCODE!
                                "WT-LORD v2.0 READY" for WT-LORD v2.5 and
                                Higher! Visit Indian Joe's
                                to buy or sell a horse! .... or explore...
                                uses Y2K Date Checking
                                Another fun *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                FEATURES:  SUPPORTS Mutiple WT-LORD Games
                                           EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
                                           EASY ONLINE Registration with VISA
                                and MASTERCARD!
inns100.zip    83488 08-05-2024 Description not available
inntoss.zip    15070 08-05-2024 InnToss v1.0  --  L.O.R.D. enhancement
                                to toss Players/NPCs out of the Inn.
                                Includes VBDOS source code.  386+ reqd
                                Freeware by John Rohner.      4-Jun-95
island10.zip   57157 08-05-2024 THE ISLAND OF THE HYDRA v1.0  - An IGM for
                                LORD II
                                that provides another quest for players who
                                finsihed the game.  Players must find the
                                rental pier.  Then they must sail to a
                                island where they will seek out and kill the
                                headed hydra.
                                From Mamoosoft Programming
isle45.zip     15794 08-05-2024 Isle of the Phreaks ver 4.5
                                Lord 2 IGM 
                                Author: Max (Phreak) Walton
                                E-Mail: small_dwarf@hotmail.com
                                A little island with lots of stuff to do! 
                                A mall, healer, teleporting stone, a Keep is 
                                for sale! In the keep is a weapons and armor 
                                shop, a magical sea travel service, an inn, 
                                and a bank in the inn, a table with the four 
                                skystaff parts for a charge of $400 & more! 
jadov160.zip  159575 08-05-2024 Jadov v1.60 Beta - The IGM for LORD 3.50+
                                ** Price Drop ** :)
                                Massive things Added...  Tons to do, this
                                be the most kick-ass IGM ever..  Just wait and
                                More than 30 areas to explore...  (and those
                                Main areas, which break down into over
                                hundreds of
                                things to do!)  So download me already, DamnIt
jaxlord.zip    23313 08-05-2024 Menu set for LORD
                                 - Set in Jacksonville, Florida
                                 Brought 2 ya by iCE [BiC] 
jaymons.zip    25013 08-05-2024   Shroom Trip Software LTD presents :
                                  JayMonsters  for L.O.R.D.
                                  This is very easy to use; unzip, run
                                  RUNME.BAT, & follow the instructions.
                                  Thanks for trying this.
jen02.zip      41458 08-05-2024        Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ      
                                        Jenny Garth      __
                                     Editor v0.2     
                                        '95 Neo-Gen
jester21.zip    5649 08-05-2024 Jester's Casino Update v2.1: A LORD 2 IGM
                                This IGM adds a new gambling feature to
                                Jester's Casino in Bowntown. You can now
                                play Knucklebones, 3 Shells, or
                                Knucklebones for Turns.
                                Author: Jay Weber (aka Elric, Anakha, and
                                (C) 1997 ShroomTrip Software
                                E-Mail: elric@innocent.com
                                Support: kender@innocent.com
jg100.zip       7775 08-05-2024 -------Jennie's house-------
                                A great IGM for LORD II !
                                       V 1.00 
                                -Try to find JENNIE GARTH's
                                 hidden home.
                                -Talk to her and get some
                                 experience or charm points
                                -Find other secrets
                                -It is real fun !
joane105.zip   74675 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                   Joanne's Tavern - 1.05   
                                     IGM for LORD 3.26a     
                                     Multi-Node Support     
joseph10.zip   46281 08-05-2024 Joseph's Revenge v1.0  An IGM for WT-LORD in
                                32bit wcCODE for WC5!  "WT-LORD v2.0 READY"
                                for WT-LORD v2.5 and Above ONLY!  Another fun
                                *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson.  Use Joseph's
                                Revenge to steal from other players!
                                Includes Y2K Date Checking, EASY Setup, BUILT
                                in Maintenance, EASY ONLINE Registration with
                                VISA or MASTERCARD
jrest.zip       2837 08-05-2024 JACK'S RESTAURAUNT UPGRADE!
                                Jack now has a secret room in back just like
                                Turgon's Shack does. Gee. I wonder what's in
                                the VAULT in that back room?!?!?!
                                IGM MADE BY: ASC
juancho8.zip  160230 08-05-2024 Juancho's Paradise v1.8
                                An IGM for Seth Ables L.O.R.D.
                                You can visit Juancho's Forest 
                                many other places... a must for LORD
                                NOW CONFIGURABLE!
junkyd10.zip   37402 08-05-2024        The L.O.R.D Junkyard v1 - LORD IGM
                                    A small PUBLIC DOMAIN IGM for the Legend
                                    of the Red Dragon. Easy install/uninstall
jwlr19.zip     56177 08-05-2024 The Jeweler, is a WTLORD 32 bit, where the
                                player can cash in 
                                his/her gems. The user can also have quite an
                                adventure in the game ..
                                and his/her honesty can be generously rewarded
k9igm411.zip  441067 08-05-2024 K9IGM4 Version 1.0 LORD IGM
                                Four quick and fun IGM's 
                                Do not take away or overide
                                normal game play.
k9igm413.zip  439753 08-05-2024 
kal15igm.zip  139760 08-05-2024 Kaldor's Court is an IGM  for Legend  of
                                the  Red  Dragon.  Kaldor's  features  a
                                Marketplace   to  buy   certain   things
                                (sorry, you cannot buy  hitpoints,  def.
                                points, etc.. I didn't  feel  that being
                                able to buy  those types of things added
                                to the realism of the game), a Temple to
                                pray,  and an  Inn  to  socialize,  and.
                                more!  As  the  programming on this  IGM
                                progresses, more options may be added.
                                Kaldor's Court was written in QuickBasic
                                4.5 using QWKIGM programming library for
                                IGMs, (c) Ballistic Labs.
                                Registration is only $4.00!!!
kaldor20.zip  139894 08-05-2024 Kaldor's Court is an IGM  for Legend  of
                                the  Red  Dragon.  Kaldor's  features  a
                                Marketplace   to  buy   certain   things
                                (sorry, you cannot buy  hitpoints,  def.
                                points, etc.. I didn't  feel  that being
                                able to buy  those types of things added
                                to the realism of the game), a Temple to
                                pray,  and an  Inn  to  socialize,  and.
                                more!  As  the  programming on this  IGM
                                progresses, more options may be added.
                                Kaldor's Court was written in QuickBasic
                                4.5 using QWKIGM programming library for
                                IGMs, (c) Ballistic Labs.
                                Registration is now only $2.00!!!
kalv6_1.zip    69336 08-05-2024 KLORD
                                KDrive Kit Additions
                                KDrive Kit Addition for Lord.
                                Allows development of Lord IGMs.
                                Uses Lord color codes. Many
                                features include error checking.
                                Lord variables for IGMs.
keep1301.zip   19800 08-05-2024  -= IceLord Keep (tm) v1.30 =-
                                A simple IGM for LORD2 v1.00 or 
                                newer.  Includes 10 new maps and 
                                2 .ref files.  EASY TO INSTALL!
keep149.zip    26675 08-05-2024  -= IceLord Keep (tm) v1.48 =-
                                A simple IGM for LORD2 v1.00 or 
                                newer.  Includes 13 new maps and 
                                5 .ref files.  EASY TO INSTALL!
kfs1_2d253.zip   73205 08-05-2024     DRagoN'S cAsTlE -- L.o.R.D. IgM  V 2.52
                                 ANSi INtrO,StATus lINe, GRaveYArd,TeMplE
                                 TAVErn,BAnK,ENerGy shoP,WeapONs,ArmoUr,DicE
                                 bArD,ruFfles,PrIncE[sS],KINg....bEtTer n
kicker10.zip    7876 08-05-2024   Kicker v1.0 LORD Thingamabob  
                                Keep your players from hogging
                                higher levels.  Lazyware.
                                J. Masters
kiss.zip       50321 08-05-2024 **********The Magic Kiss**********
                                An IGM for LORD from Sidewinder Software.
                                Accept a kiss from the magical fairies and
                                begin the journey of a lifetime!
                                The chance to be transported to any one of 
                                4 unique worlds. 
                                Meet the gods of Ancient Egypt, try your 
                                luck in The Gambler's Paradise, see what's 
                                cooking up at The Alchemist's Lab and even 
                                relax at The Health Farm. Wherever you end 
                                up it's sure to be great fun for all!
kitkas10.zip   19187 08-05-2024 KITERIA'S KASTLE v1.0
                                An IGM for LORD II where
                                users can meet Princess
                                Kiteria, the Guardian of
                                Fair Play.  Kiteria will
                                divulge cheat secrets for
                                LORD I IGMs and tips for
                                Registration is FREE!!
                                From Mamoosoft Programming.
kittext.zip    34968 08-05-2024 These are the articals found
                                on Kiteria's Home Page.
                                These are all L.O.R.D. Related
                                tips ect on how to play the game 
                                and how to win! 
klh111.zip    281769 08-05-2024 -=Kanen's Lotto Hut v1.11: LORD IGM=-
                                This is a Patch to Version 1.10
                                Download only if you are using Version 1.10
                                Wild!Side Software 904-347-7358
knight65.zip   58426 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                                Knight's Of The Golden Horseshoe IGM
                                     for L.O.R.D. 3.50 +
                                Version .65 (beta)...
                                A little different twist to IGM 
                                   The 1st. IGM to allow sleeping
                                   somewhere other than the Inn!!
                                   Easy to install, and configure.
                                        Registration: Only $5.00
knot250.zip     9278 08-05-2024 -= Knotwood Village v2.50 for LORD2 =-
                                A simple IGM for I made for LORD2.
                                Includes 2 new maps. Knotwood village
                                is a small village with a castle and
                                weapon/armour/item shops and a healer.
                                Also visit the castle or do some
                                traveling for a cost. Also make a wish
                                at the magic fountain. Created by
                                Sean E. Andersen, aka Sneakers.
kob001.zip    201278 08-05-2024 Kingdom of Barabadore - vers 0.01 beta
                                Lord mega IGM.  Explore the island of
                                Barabadore. Form Teams.  Hire Henchmen.
                                Use arrows and slings. Perform Quests.
                                Resurrect the dead.  Gain rank and
                                privilege.  Sysop can design their own
                                monsters and hirelings.
                                Supports most popular BBS Software
                                packages, including PCBoard Vers 15
                                & WildCat 3.9. With Rip graphics,
                                supports non-standard interrupts, com
                                1-4, IRQs 0-15, and speeds up to 115,
                                200 baud.
kob002wb.zip  217813 08-05-2024 Kingdom of Barabadore - vers 0.02WB
                                Lord mega IGM.  Explore the island of
                                Barabadore. Form Teams.  Hire Henchmen.
                                Use arrows and slings. Perform Quests.
                                Resurrect the dead.  Gain rank and
                                privilege.  Sysop can design their own
                                monsters and hirelings.
                                DDPLus/DDIGM - Wide Beta
                                Supports most popular BBS Software
                                packages, including PCBoard Vers 15
                                & WildCat 3.9. With Rip graphics,
                                supports non-standard interrupts, com
                                1-4, IRQs 0-15, and speeds up to 115,
                                200 baud.
l2101a.zip    490311 08-05-2024 -= LORD2: New World V1.01a =-
                                  ::: LORD2  : NEW WORLD ::  
                                ޲                         ۰ 
                                ޱ The sequel to LORD.  Real      
                                  time multinode interactive    
                                 ansi mud. For local/BBS use. 
l2ac203.zip   238583 08-05-2024 Amber Crystal, the world of adventure in
                                LORD2 that has a new touch to it just got
                                a little better.  Too hard to get
                                anywhere to begin with?  Find that you
                                just wish to give up unless there's help?
                                Want a pawn shop?
l2ac3b1.zip   258106 08-05-2024 Lord II: Amber Crystal v3.00 beta 1
                                Lord II New World
                                Author: Tien Lung
                                E-Mail: tienlung@hwcn.org
                                This game is an entire New World for use with
                                a registered  LORD II. The game is winnable 3
                                ways. (Good/Neutral/Evil) Hidden quests, many
                                more than the original LORD II. A Lively cast
                                of NPCs (or Computer characters). Many places
                                all over the globe to purchase. Much more... 
l2bi_b5.zip   334475 08-05-2024 -=Lord II: Beyond Imagination Beta 5=-
                                  This requires a REGISTERED copy
                                   of Lord II: New World v1.01a+
                                   ** PLEASE DO NOT DISTRIBUTE **
                                  This new world was created by
                                 Ben Tiefert & TiefTech Productions
l2bugfix.zip    9928 08-05-2024 [0;1;31mPatch for Lord II v1.01a by M.
                                Now fixes 2 bugs found in Seth Ables  stock
                                ITEMS.REF file that causes Lord II to error
                                out if a player tries  to  select  an  item
                                > `i57 or if an item is missing from  Items
                                file in the reg/unreg ver of Lord II.  Copy
                                Unzip L2BUGFIX.ZIP to  an  empty  directory
                                then read  the  docs  on  how  to  install.
                                This patch is for those who  have  upgraded
                                to Lord v1.01a from v1.00. If  you  haven't
                                upgraded yet, download the Services pack  1
                                from   the   Doors  library  on  this  bbs.
                                Questions about this patch can be  directed
                                to me at the following addresses:
                                Mjrnet: aussie@cfe   Int: aussie@dwntwn.com
l2bugfx2.zip    9947 08-05-2024 L2BugFix v2 for l2101a.zip
                                Lord II Utility
                                Author: Michael Freeman
                                E-Mail: aussie.mfreeman@worldnet.att.net
                                Adds the @#default routine missing from ITEMS
                                .REF that causes Lord II to 'error out'  if a
                                player tries to select an item >`i57 or if an
                                item is missing from Items file in the reg or
                                unreg L2101a.zip. Copy then Unzip to an empty
                                directory & read the docs on how to install. 
l2bull11.zip    9824 08-05-2024 Lord ][ Bulletin Generator - CHAOScripts
                                Generates 4 different bulletins
                                for lord ][. Free!!!!!
l2d2_2d11.zip  314736 08-05-2024 Lord 2: The deepest darkest dankest dungeon.
                                This is an unfinished world which I am
                                working on.  I'm sure newer and eventually a 
                                finished work will be made.  If you wish to 
                                comment or make suggestions send them to 
                                needs a full registered copy of lord2 to run.
l2dlv045.zip  129104 08-05-2024 %=-=-=%( lord 2 : darklord )%=-=-=%
                                lord 2 : darklord is a world add-on
                                for the game lord 2. this  requires
                                the full version of lord 2 to run.
                                 "This World ROCKS!" - Bobby Queen
                                 ( runs the OFFICIAL lord 2 page )
l2ewb7.zip    384485 08-05-2024      -= LORD2:  V1.01a =-
                                  ::: LORD2  : NEW WORLD ::  
                                ޲                         ۰ 
                                ޱ The sequel to LORD.  Real      
                                  time multinode interactive    
                                 ansi mud. For local/BBS use. 
l2fn_b3a.zip  267391 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                            Fnl Nghtmr                
                                 New World addon for the RtSoft Door Game  
                                 LORD2: New World.                         
                                 Version:  Beta 3a(v0.31)                  
                                 E-mail: tienlung@hwcn.org                 
                                 WWW: http://www.hwcn.org/~aj971/home.html 
l2help1a.zip    5488 08-05-2024 Lord II Help v.1a
                                a BASIC Beginners Guide to Lord II.
                                * Hints, Help and Tips for Lord II *
l2map10b.zip   11863 08-05-2024 LORD II:  Map Viewer v1.0b
                                Lord II Utility       
                                Author: Andrew DuBry      
                                E-Mail: dubr0825@tao.sou.edu
                                Converts any LORD II world into a 
                                .BMP file so you can view the entire 
                                game world at a glance! v1.0b
l2menu.zip      3423 08-05-2024 Lord Menu Fix
                                Adds an intro menu to Lord II!
                                Don't delay. Download it
l2mini1.zip   316773 08-05-2024 Minature Lord2!
                                Lord 2 New World
                                Author: Spencer Vickers aka Mountie
                                E-Mail: Mountie_Spence@hotmail.com
                                There's a major quest to complete if you reg.
                                it, new items, screens & best of all there're
                                only about 20 screens total! Since there're a
                                low amount of screens it makes the Lord2 more
                                Lord like as it's easier to find & kill folks
                                A very easy game! 
l2mini20.zip  319173 08-05-2024         --==Miniature Lord2 V2.00==--      
                                Update: Spelling 
                                Check MINI.DOC For More Info!
                                -=This is a whole New World for users to    
                                -=enjoy! There's a major quest to complete  
                                -=that you can, if you register.. There are 
                                -=new items, new screens.. Best of all....  
                                -=There are only about 20 screens total!!!  
                                -=Who needs 2000 screens anyway!! Since     
                                -=there is a low amount of screens, it makes
                                -=this Lord2 more Lord like, as it is easier
                                -=to find and kill people.. Very easy game..
                                -=The good Lord2 players will like it..     
                                -=As will the great Lord2 players..         
                                By   : Spencer Vickers  (aka MouNtiE)
                                Email: mountie_spence@hotmail.com
                                Net  : www.Geocities
l2nfaq11.zip   15986 08-05-2024 Legend of the Red Dragon 2: New World FAQ!
                                              Version 1.1
                                         Written by Veloran of
                                      mega BBS - (065)-466-6759
l2pond.zip     17670 08-05-2024 The Pond -- By MaNiAc
                                Little fishing pond.
l2qfm_b2.zip  366460 08-05-2024 LORD ][: The Quest for Mom vBETA 2.0
                                This is our first door game. It was
                                written with Seth Able's LORD 2 .REF
                                engine, and a registered copy of LORD 2
                                and a registered copy of this game are
                                required to access all of the screens,
                                though you can still access a limited
                                amount if your copies are unregistered.
                                If you need a copy of LORD 2, go to
                                Author : Jay Weber
                                (C) 1997 ShroomTrip Software
                                E-Mail: elric@innocent.com
                                Support: kender@innocent.com
l2rev13.zip    61505 08-05-2024 Lord II IGM Reviews v.1.3
                                (in Ascii TEXT Format)
                                Ascii Version
                                by Mike Frayer
                                Reviews & Web Page
                                 by Ben Tiefert & Bobby Queen
                                Last Updated 8/28/97
l2s500.zip     73000 08-05-2024 "Lord 2 to Sage" world converter, v5.0
                                Contains all the tools required to convert
                                entire Lord 2 worlds to Sage format.
                                Includes Map screen converter, Items
                                file converter and REF script converter.
l2sof_b1.zip  247863 08-05-2024 ======================
                                LORD II: Sword Of Fate
                                An entirely new  world
                                for LORD II.  Over 280
                                new screens,  66   new
                                items, 18 new weapons,
                                and alot more goodies.
                                Beta 1 by Andrew DuBry
l2struct.zip    3740 08-05-2024 LORD II Structures
                                These are the C forms
                                of the PASCAL structures
                                for LORD II.
                                Converted By: GSValore
                                ** PUBLIC DOMAIN **
l2stuf3.zip    24918 08-05-2024 LORD Stuff Pack 3
                                This pack will add a colorized ITEMS.DAT,
                                add Lays & Player Kills to the Stats
                                Screen, add 8 random sayings to the Daily
                                News when a character gets killed, add a
                                new random event, and allow a player to
                                keep a Skystaff Gemstone as a regular Gem.
                                FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! 
                                Author : Jay Weber
                                (c) 1997 ShroomTrip Software
l2stuf4.zip    57854 08-05-2024 LORD Stuff Pack 4
                                This pack will add a colorized ITEMS.DAT,
                                add Lays & Player Kills (bug fixed) to
                                the Stats Screen, add 8 random sayings to
                                the Daily News when a character gets
                                killed, add 3 new random events, allow a
                                player to keep a Skystaff Gemstone as a
                                regular Gem, and adds monsters to the
                                screen while in battle!
                                FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! 
                                Author : Jay Weber
                                (C) 1997 ShroomTrip Software
                                E-Mail: elric@innocent.com
l2stuf5a.zip   82405 08-05-2024 LORD Stuff Pack 5a
                                This pack will add a colorized ITEMS.DAT,
                                add Gambles Left, Quests Left, Lays &
                                Player Kills (bug fixed) to the Stats
                                Screen, add 8 random sayings to the Daily
                                News when a character gets killed, add 3
                                new random events, allow a player to keep
                                a Skystaff Gemstone as a regular Gem, adds
                                monsters to the screen while in battle,
                                add a Hate Mail option, and much MUCH MORE!
                                FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! 
                                Author : Jay Weber
                                (C) 1997 ShroomTrip Software
                                E-Mail: elric@innocent.com
l2stuff6.zip   86230 08-05-2024 LORD 2 Stuff Pack 6
                                Lord 2 Non-IGM Add-On
                                Author: Jay Weber
                                E-Mail: elric@innocent.com
                                This pack adds colorized ITEMS.DAT, Gambles 
                                Left, Quests Left, Lays & Player Kills to the
                                Stats Screen, 8 random sayings to the Daily 
                                News, 3 new random events, allow a player to 
                                keep a Skystaff Gemstone as a regular Gem, 
                                add monsters to the screen while in battle, 
                                add a Hate Mail option, 15% Bank Intrest per 
                                day, Spying on other players, and MUCH MORE!
l2tl140.zip   474533 08-05-2024 TEOS LORD, version 1.40
                                Lord 2 New World
                                Author: Michael Adams
                                E-Mail: below because it was so long... :)
                                Req. LORD2 registration!
                                Use PKUNZIP -D to unzip.
                                A Powerful LORD2 World, derived from 
                                Planets:TEOS.  Pilot ships! Explore 
                                planets!  Take sides! Have fun!
latr30b2.zip  120930 08-05-2024 -= The Latrine v3.0 WIDE BETA for LORD =-
                                It's FREE! The Latrine gets bigger
                                and better.  Added RIP! Put in a
                                hidden Inn. No more major bugs!
                                Be sure to run V26_V30.EXE if 
                                you're upgrading from v2.6!
lat_v25a.zip   86260 08-05-2024 -= The Latrine v2.5 IGM for LORD =-
                                It's FREE! The Latrine gets bigger
                                and better.  Fixed "Nothing Happens"
                                bug.  More stuff added.  Player Editor.
                                No more major bugs!  Be sure to run 
                                VXX_V25.EXE if you are upgrading!
law100.zip      6598 08-05-2024 Lawyer's World
                                Let's you start legal battles in
                                LORD2: New World.  Couldn't ask
                                for anything more!
                                By: Godlike Productions
law201.zip     14964 08-05-2024 Lawyer's World v2.01 for LORD2
                                Author: Tien Lung
                                E-mail: tienlung@hwcn.org
                                The wonderful world of Law and the
                                evil of Lawyers are loosed on LORD2.
lawac100.zip    6463 08-05-2024 Lawyer's World v1.00
                                Lord 2 IGM for Amber Crystal
                                Author: Tien Lung
                                E-Mail: tienlung@hwcn.org
                                Let's you start legal battles in
                                LORD2: Amber Crystal.  Couldn't ask
                                for anything more!
                                By: Godlike Productions
lbbt100.zip    31488 08-05-2024 Barton's Battle Training:  A great IGM (In
                                Game Module) for LORD 3.26+.  Barton can  
                                very helpful in learning new combat skills   
                                to enable you to kill that nasty dragon!    
                                From OT-SOFT                                  
lcheat06.zip   38072 08-05-2024 ========
                                 LORDCheater v0.60 by Toasty 
                                 of RDPC `95!  Finally take  
                                 care of those cheaters in   
                                 LORD v3.25+  PEACE Finally  
                                 Fixed MAJOR BUG!!!          
lclan1_0.zip  135481 08-05-2024 Clan Master's Inn v1.0 LORD IGM
                                            Clan Master's Inn            
                                   A *FAIR* L.O.R.D. IGM for team play   
                                An excellent add-on module for the Legend
                                Of the Red Dragon door game.  Lets your
                                players form and fight as teams, but
                                doesn't ruin your LORD game.  Online duels
                                with 12 people!  High Quality and bug-free.
ldchet10.zip   21577 08-05-2024       . 
                                Legend Of The Red Dragon IGM
                                Cheat Sheet v1.0  Cheat On IGMs
                                And Get Free Stuff!
                                By Logan (Len Flack) Of
                                PROJECT X SOFTWARE
ldcolors.zip   24735 08-05-2024  Red Dragon Menus Colorized!
                                 Simple little LORDTXT.DAT
                                 file which replaces the old
                                 one.  Changes the colors of
                                 the menus, and the written
                                 text displayed on each. By
                                 Devon Brooks.
ldenmy1.zip    15675 08-05-2024 LORDENMY v1.1 - LORD monster editor & viewer.
                                FREEWARE!  Improved! A new way to customize
                                your Legend of the
                                Red Dragon door!    Now you can edit the
                                LENEMY.DAT file and add
                                all-new monsters to LORD.  Also views all
                                existing monsters.
                                Easy to use, no setup required, just place in
                                LORD directory and
                                run it!  FREEWARE from Clothing Optional
ldesert.zip    33839 08-05-2024 
ldrand15.zip   25267 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  Randomizes the Enemy files for Lord  
                                    Works with ver. 3.xx, can be run   
                                 once a day, or before starting up Lord
                                   allows up to 4 enemy files to be    
                                  randomized. 25 in registered version 
                                        REGISTRATION is FREE!!!        
ldrrated.zip   34630 08-05-2024   A Dragons Mistress Production
                                       R Rated Menu Set
                                         for lord 3.26
                                     Let your users meet the
                                         Women of Lord
                                        COMES WITH NEW
lds160a.zip   135195 08-05-2024  Lord Development System v1.60a
                                     Upgrade for LORD 3.50
                                         '95 Neo-Gen
ldterror.zip   35325 08-05-2024   A Dragons Mistress Production
                                        Village of Terror
                                            Menu Set
                                       Lots of New Monsters
                                          for LORD 3.26
ldtrx115.zip   82164 08-05-2024 LORD TRX!  Version 1.15.  Socrates'
                                Shop IGM.  A SocraSoft In Game Module
                                for use with Seth Able Robinson's
                                immensely popular "Legend of the Red
                                Dragon" versions 3.25+.  New features!
                                Bug fixes!  Shareware $5.
ldwhr13.zip    84840 08-05-2024    |07A Dragons Mistress Production
                                      |11Fantasy |12Warez,|13Ink.
                                |07The Lord's Brothel - IGM for Lord
                                |15Chasity belt, Treasure chests, and
                                |15have fun with Girls/Guys
                                |15The Most Configureable IGM out there
                                |14    COMPLETE RE-WRITE (05/30/95)
ldxrated.zip   37202 08-05-2024   A Dragons Mistress Production
                                       X RATED Menu Set
                                         for LORD 3.26
                                     Let your users meet the
                                     Men & Women of Lazarus
                                    COMES WITH over a 100 New
ldxxx.zip      28627 08-05-2024    A Dragons Mistress Production
                                       XXX RATED Menu Set
                                          for LORD 3.26
                                  It was asked for now it's here
                                   YOU HAVE TO BE INSANE LIKE ME
                                            TO RUN IT.
le100a.zip     50237 08-05-2024 [*=--LoRD eXPLoReR! v1.00a: LORD IGM--=*]
                                The Ultimate Lord IGM! This IGM is a.....
                                IGM Expander (up to 90),  IGM Randomizer,
                                Horse Stables (buy, sell, or win), hidden
                                keys, and much more!!   **All for FREE!**
                                This IGM has been in development,  & beta
                                testing for over 2 months!  Bugless!  
                                From Mullins Software,  (1-918-457-3453).
led02a.zip     48432 08-05-2024 |04   Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ  Ŀ Ŀ ¿ ¿
                                |15        (C) Neo-Gen 1994
                                |15              v0.2a
ledlord.zip    48630 08-05-2024   -=Led Zeppelin Lord Menu=-
                                   Legend of the Red Dragon
                                enhancement program. Brings the
                                members of the band Led Zeppelin
                                to your LORD Game. Robert Plant,
                                Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones, John
                                Bonham, Richard Cole and the whole
                                entourage comes to your LORD Game.
                                All new monsters, menu support.
                                      This file originated at
                                      Hammer Of The Gods BBS
                                       20,000 online files
                                      107 Online Door Games
                                      Largest Colelction of
                                    Led Zeppelin related files
legend1.zip    25963 08-05-2024 _-_-_-LEGENDARY SOFTWARE_-_-_-
                                _-_-_-_-_ PRESENTS: -_-_-_-
                                Legendary L.O.R.D.!
                                This is a program that will
                                turn your LORD game into
                                A new and exiciting world!
                                It changes ALL your menu's
                                and TEXT into new, colorful,
                                mysterious, and fun settings!
                                The installation is EASY and
                                best of all it's FREE!!!!
legends.zip    34957 08-05-2024   e g e n d s ۲
                                Menus & a new story for The Legend O The Red
                                New Creatures......give a mythical output on
                                game         By:Srkr
lenny200.zip    7554 08-05-2024 Uncle Lenny ver 2.00
                                This is a small and
                                simple LORD II IGM.
                                It changes Uncle Lenny
                                so he can gamble on
                                Rock, Paper, Scissors
                                requires LORD II v1.01!
lest10.zip    153115 08-05-2024 Lester's Palace IGM for Legend of the Red
                                Dragon. New IGM Put it on all LORD's.
lfair1y.zip   126267 08-05-2024 LORD COUNTY FAIR -- An In Game Module (IGM)
                                for LORD. Spend a Day at the Fair & visit 
                                the Balloon Pop & Medicine Man. Can you be 
                                a Pie Eating Champ? Plant a wet one on your 
                                favorite sweetie at the Kissing Booth. Join 
                                the Spear Toss & Javelin Throw Tournaments. 
                                Check out the Haunted & Enchanted Forests &
                                Fairy Catch. Slosh enemies in the Dunk Tank!
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
lfair31.zip   132833 08-05-2024 LORD COUNTY FAIR -- An In Game Module (IGM).
                                **Now! Unzip in its OWN \FAIR subdirectory!*
                                Spend a Day at the Fair & visit the Balloon
                                Pop & Medicine Man. Can you be a Pie Eating 
                                Champ? Plant a wet one on your favorite 
                                sweetie at the Kissing Booth. Join the Spear 
                                Toss & Javelin Throw Tournaments. Check out 
                                the Haunted & Enchanted Forests & Fairy 
                                Catch. Slosh enemies in the Dunk Tank!
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
lgdspy.zip     49992 08-05-2024 LEGEND OF THE SUPER-SPY a Menu Super Set for
lhfun15_21.zip   27792 08-05-2024 -=Lets Have Fun! v1.5 LORD IGM=-
                                Copyright 1994-95 Chad Schwartz
                                All Rights Reserved
                                  This is a LORD IGM that I think
                                your users will LOVE!  There is a
                                few hidden things, so I hope you
                                like them!
lhfun20_21.zip   31884 08-05-2024 -=Lets Have Fun! v1.8 LORD IGM=-
                                Copyright 1994-95 Chad Schwartz
                                All Rights Reserved
                                  This is a LORD IGM that I think
                                your users will LOVE!  There is a
                                few hidden things, so I hope you
                                like them!  
lhh101.zip     30199 08-05-2024 HAUNTED HOUSE: A great IGM (In Game Module)
                                for LORD 3.5+.  Search the Haunted House,   
                                find gems, and meet ghosts.  Will you brave
                                staying at the house overnight?  Doing so   
                                just might protect you from your enemies.   
                                From OT-SOFT                                  
                                Free REGISTRATION until November 1, 1995!     
lhunt101.zip  116910 08-05-2024 |09     LORD Hunter v1.01!!!
                                |07Looking for a cool IGM for LORD?
                                |07Then look no further, you have it!
                                |09LORD Hunter |07is an IGM for LORD,
                                |07and it's FREEWARE!
lhview22.zip   38168 08-05-2024     The Hidden Door Creations Presents:
                                    The Lordhint Sheet On-Line Viewer 2.2
                                Lordhint Sheet On-line Viewer is For Wildcat!
                                4.12+ in wcCODE. It Allows you to view lord-
                                Hint with a few extra features like:
                                * Colorized
                                * Menus with use of Arrow key/Normal Keys
                                * Users can Add/View hints
                                * Lord Can be run from Within Scores can too!
                                * Highly Secure SysOp menu (Nice Features)
                                Lordhint Can be Registered at these places:
                                The Hidden Door BBS (805)836-9162 (HOME BBS)
                                The DarkRoom BBS (618)345-3663 REG/Supp/dist
                                >Description by DIZ Wiz v2.21 [UNREGISTERED]
lianl21.zip    13020 08-05-2024 Lord Igm Authors Newsletter
                                Vol 2    Issue 1
                                This is the newsletter that
                                was previously only available on
                                the Internet, Now you can download
                                it and find out what is happening
                                in the world of LORD!
                                Bryan Turner - Author
lichlord.zip   31881 08-05-2024             -= LICH LORDS =-
                                         Ver 1.0 for LORD v3.55
                                The most challenging L.O.R.D. enhance-        
                                ment program, yet! Lich Lords brings 
                                the horror of these mythical Undead
                                Creatures to life! 131 ALL NEW MONSTERS!
                                Full menu support and bar text changes!
                                Look for clues to the Lich's story!
                                ***A PRINCE PUBLICATION PRODUCTION***
life119d.zip  284946 08-05-2024              -=Lord Life V1.18 and up=-     
                                        A LORD IGM created at The Arctic Era
                                BBS at (604) 852-1447 by Trevor Kooy. NEW 
                                RELEASE FIXES some problems with file sharing
                                great new config!  Adds a whole new dimension
                                to your game.  You can chat at Trisnics 
                                tavern, joust with your horse, kill a lord 
                                enemy for good, gamble your money, more!
ligmr101.zip   12973 08-05-2024 [[ >> lord igm randomizer v1.01 by jp  // ]]
                                        ____                        ____
                                _______|    \______________________|    \_
                                \_______     _     _______     _   _     |\
                                 |     |     |     _|    |     |   |     |bL
                                 |______     |_______    |_____|___|     |_|
                                By Kevin Foster 
                                Tired of all those annoying Programs that
                                Claim to Allow the User to
                                Create News Bullitens for Seth Able's L.O.R.D.
                                and automatically put
                                them in the game, but DON'T WORK?  Easy
                                solution!  GeT L-NEWS!
                                Extremely Easy Configration-Allows you to
                                Enter up to seven random
                                bulletins that come up randomly!  Can set up
                                lots of properties.
                                Comes (ALMOST) set up!  Also Includes a few
                                special add-ons that will
                                improve your LORD even more!  A MUST for ANY
                                sysop with L.O.R.D.
                                Created by Kevin G. Foster
                                The Luxor BBS - (403) 271-5135  Update: Feb 19
lntapp.zip      9968 08-05-2024 Application for the Linear 
                                Networks Ilord League "LNT"
                                This is all you need to join, 
                                except the Game it's Self.
                                We are running LORD Version 3.55
                                and ILORD version 1.04
                                Bryan Turner 1:124/7013-121:2110/101
loki103.zip    21718 08-05-2024  -= Loki's Inn V1.03 for LORD2 =-
                                  A Great IGM for LORD2 1.01a+ 
                                       EASY INSTALL! 
                                18 private rooms for your players
                                Innkeeper does Name and sex changes
                                 Flirt with Hilda/Odin depending
                                  on player sex. Bank, Weapons,
                                    Armor and Goods dealer.
                                         A must have.
                                     Bug fix this version
                                   Another FREEWARE release
                                          by oDiN
loms.zip       22855 08-05-2024 Legend of The Magus Slug!
                                A LORDTXT.DAT replacement for LORD 3
                                Written by Michael Adams
looker11.zip   10609 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                             LOOKER VERSION 1.1           
                                 Looker is a simple program that lets you 
                                 randomize the overall look of Seth Able's
                                 Legend Of the Red Dragon.                
                                 It supports up to 30 menu files and 30   
                                 monster files giving you 60 different    
                                 Brought to you by Prosys Software        
looks01.zip    43487 08-05-2024        Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ            
                                        Looks                ߲۲
                                     Editor v0.1         
                                                '95 Neo-Gen
looney10.zip   33849 08-05-2024      Looney Lord ver. 1.0
                                These monster and menu files were
                                worked on every Satuday morning
                                before noon. Brought to you by
                                Lord Drizzt of the Darque Castle
                                BBS  (814)786-7688.
lord2b3.zip   186511 08-05-2024  LORD II: New World V0.77 Beta 3  
                                The saga of LORD continues in this      
                                multinode interactive ANSI mud door
                                created by Seth A. Robinson.  Works
                                with most DOS based BBS's.  Create
                                your own maps and stories too!
lord400a.zip  326744 08-05-2024 -= Legend Of The Red Dragon 4.00a =-
                                Marry and bury real people in the      
                                fantasy world of LORD.  Multinode 
                                interactive BBS door from RTsoft
lorda11b.zip   24455 08-05-2024   
                                       The Anarchist 1.1 Beta      
                                   First Local Made IGM For Lord.  
                                   Have an anarchist for players   
                                    to hire to wreck havoc in the
                                    game.Disfigure other players to
                                    reduce their charm,             
                                   transex them, sabotage their    
                                                           By Njo  
lordadd1.zip    8235 08-05-2024 [ LordAdd Version 1.0 ]ͻ
                                 This is a small utility to add on   
                                 to Lord color coded Log and Conver- 
                                 sation files from Dos.  FREEWARE!   
                                [ Empire Software ]ͼ
lordapp.zip    21065 08-05-2024 *****Lordnet Application*****
                                This is the application for entering
                                Linearnet Lordnet, to join the league
                                unzip this file into a directory run the
                                application and send the app, to:
                                121:2110/301, The Apollo BBS
                                Glen O'Gorman or route through
                                the Linearnet Mail machine to me.
lordbkup.zip    5765 08-05-2024 LordBackup, By Bryan Rittmeyer
                                This cool little FREEWARE util
                                backs up your PLAYER.DAT file
                                for you.
lordbu17.zip   15966 08-05-2024   LordBull v1.7! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+          
                                   Create 9 exciting new bulletins
                                   for LORD!  Includes an exclusive
                                   "Ultimate" Bull.  By SOS!
lordcarn.zip   25126 08-05-2024 LORD what Carnage, Bodies of the Realm
                                 Add-On for Legend Of The Red Dragon
                                 This program gives your LORD game
                                 The bodies that result when the 
                                 Dragon attacks each night!
                                 Free Ware!!!! Enjoy the Game!
                                 Programmed by Jonathan R Holman
lordchat.zip   42123 08-05-2024 LORDCHAT 1.0 Lord IGM Multi-node action
                                word chat.  by Steve Lorenz. Free IGM.
                                Supports extended Lord colors.
                                Using DDIGM IGM kit.
lordchng.zip   37009 08-05-2024 This  is  a  good lord addition for those
                                you  know  who  are bored of the old LORD
                                and  would  like  a  change.  It  changes
                                screens,  enemy  names,  and things which
                                people   say   after   they   die!   Very
                                colorfull!  Hope you like it! Designed by
                                the sysops of the Arctic Era BBS at (604)
                                852-1447   Shawna Fountain A.K.A Trisnic,
                                and  Craig  Obery  A.K.A  WOLF! with some
                                extra  help  by  Trevor Kooy A.K.A Al'lan
lordcng.zip   126773 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                                 LORDCNG is a utility
                                 for L.O.R.D. to randomize
                                 the menus and monsters
                                 in the game based on the
                                 time of day! Make your
                                 L.O.R.D. better than you
                                 ever thought possible!
                                 From Stone Dagger Productions
lordco15.zip   23277 08-05-2024   LordCops v1.5! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+          
                                  Police that patrol your Lord Game!
                                  Prostitution arrest, assault &
                                  battery, etc! By Sons of Salami!
lordcv11.zip    9293 08-05-2024   LordConvert v1.1! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+       
                                  Convert all of those Lord color-coded
                                  files in ANS/ASC/Any type of BBS 
                                  color code format! Freeware by SOS!
lorded10.zip   22346 08-05-2024 Monster Editor for Legend of the Red Dragon
                                A robust, flexible monster editor for
                                Legend of the Red Dragon by Seth Able.
                                Add that fresh spark to your LORD game!
                                Turbo C source code included.
                                This program is FREEWARE.
                                By Life Force.
lordedit.zip   59669 08-05-2024 LORDEDIT 1.0 GUI Allows full editing
                                of LORD characters! FREEWARE!
                                By Karim Sultan
lordf100.zip   97411 08-05-2024 LORD Fix V1.0 by G.A.C. Computer Services
                                is an IGM utility that fixes a problem with 
                                many LORD IGMs running on Major BBS Systems. 
                                LORD Fix allows most IGMs that will only work
                                locally, to work correctly remotely.  LORD 
                                Fix is placed in the LORD directory and 
                                modifies the files read by the IGMs to allow
                                them to work correctly.  LORD Fix is 
                                shareware, but it is free to anyone who 
                                registers Vanadia's Arena of Warriors.  
lordfaq.zip    32972 08-05-2024 
lordfx2a.zip   32729 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-= LORD FX: v2.0 =-=-=-
                                   -= Add SOUND to LORD! =-
                                 LORDFX2a.ZIP (aka) BBS Files
                                 Replace the LORDRIP.DAT with
                                 LORDRIP.FX and give RIP 2.2
                                callers 16-bit Stereo Sound in
                                  Legend of the Red Dragon! 
                                NOW with An ALL NEW RIP INTROS!  
                                    Doesn't effect ANSI! 
                                by Midnight's Realm (505)254-9415
lordfx2b.zip 1078211 08-05-2024 -=-=LORD FX v2.b USER Files=-=-
                                Required for RIPterm 2.2 Users
                                Includes the FXWAVES.ZIP for all
                                the FX Sound System Add-ons as
                                well as the LORDRIP2.ZIP for the
                                color corrected Icons\Bmps for
                                  Legend of the Red Dragon.
                                Encourage your favorite BBSs to
                                 add LORD FX... It's FREEWARE!
lordgc16.zip   31416 08-05-2024 Legend Of the Red Dragon Gambling Casino v1
                                Yes, now all of you LORD players can gamble
                                your Gold! (Another giant bug fix in this ver.
lordgc17.zip   52580 08-05-2024 Legend Of the Red Dragon Gambling Casino v1.7
                                Yes, now all of you LORD players can gamble
                                your Gold at BlackJack, Slots, and Roulette!
                                a LORD 3.26 I.G.M.
lordhelp.txt    3557 08-05-2024 
lordhelp.zip    3035 08-05-2024 Great tips for cheatin' and beatin'
                                Legend of Red Dragon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lordhint.zip    3883 08-05-2024 
lordhtm.zip    57057 08-05-2024 
lordicon.zip  224868 08-05-2024 Improved RIP Icons for LORD
lordmed.zip     8725 08-05-2024 LORD Monster Editor!  For Lord v3.20+
                                Allows you to edit all the monsters 
                                on a level-by-level basis in the hot
                                door game Legend of the Red Dragon.
lordmon.zip    21097 08-05-2024 LORD Monster Expansion, v1.0
                                Add custom monsters to Legend of the
                                Red Dragon, version 3.20a! This is 
                                not just another monster editor, this
                                allows you to increase the number of
                                monsters in your game. Allows you to
                                add and edit monsters. Developed by 
                                TC Software  Shareware only $3.00!
lordmorn.zip   27514 08-05-2024      Lord, What a Morning!
                                 Add-On for Legend Of The Red Dragon
                                 This program gives your LORD game
                                 A cheerful, bright, morning Feeling. 
                                 Free Ware!!!! Enjoy the Game!
                                     Programmed by Jonathan R Holman
lordnc10.zip   25532 08-05-2024 Lord No Cheat ver. 10 - Utility for 
                                LORD.  Will penalize users for staying
                                at a high level for too long.  Keep
                                them for ruining the game for everyone
                                else!  Registration is only $5.00!
                                Highly configurable & colorful!
lordop18.zip   57795 08-05-2024 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
                                $      LORDopoly v1.8         $
                                    From Wonderland Soft   $
                                    another great LORD      $
                                $     IGM. Buy Property in    $
                                $     The Realm. Find         $
                                    Bonuses. Get and pay    $
                                $   Rent for where you       $
                                $    stay. Buy that property  $
                                $     Wonderland Software       $
                                $  Legend of the Red Dragon     $
                                $ MADHATTERBBS (919)736-8005  $
lordpack.zip  191987 08-05-2024 LordPack 01-07-95!
                                All the Lord Utils by SOS as of
lordpm99.zip   31904 08-05-2024 Packmail .099-() Legend of the Red Dragon
                                Character Mail Packing Facilities.  Deletes
                                Player Mail by Age, command line option, or
                                default, keeps log, very fast. By Ron Dean
lordpup.zip    16513 08-05-2024 LordPUP         (c) Jim Davis
                                Unpacks and packs the text/rip data
                                files for Legend of the Red Dragon.
                                * * * * * F R E E W A R E * * * * *
lordrec2.zip    7611 08-05-2024       -= LordRecover =-
                                 Recover those PLAYER.DATs that Lord
                                 refuses to read!  Will attempt to
                                 recreate a PLAYER.DAT from ones that
                                 get the RUNTIME ERROR with LORDCFG!
lordrff.zip     6011 08-05-2024 Lord Forest Fight Randomizer
                                ****** by Mike Wilson ****** Run in your
                                nightly events to set a random number of
                                forest fights, you set min & max.
lordri12.zip   10554 08-05-2024        LordRid v1.2! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+      
                                  The LORD player packer with the most! Now  
                                  includes support for marriages (to Violet),
                                  a nifty status bar, whole code re-done to
                                  make sure of no crashes, PERIOD!  by SOS!
lordrip2.zip  172466 08-05-2024 -=LORD RIP 2.0 BMP REPLACEMENT=-
                                This fixes palette problems with        
                                Legend Of The Red Dragons RIP in   
                                RIPterm 2.0.  Copy into ICONS dir.
lordshad.zip   27276 08-05-2024  Shadows fall over The Realm of LORD
                                 Add-On for Legend Of The Red Dragon
                                 This program gives your LORD game
                                 all the trappings of late afternoon 
                                 Free Ware!!!! Enjoy the Game!
                                     Programmed by Jonathan R Holman
lordst16.zip   37850 08-05-2024     LordStat v1.6 LORD Bulletin Generator  
                                For LORD 3.15+ - Enhanced SETUP and ability
                                to make own bulletins!  Makes 11 different
                                bulletins of various LORD attributes, plus
                                spaces for 8 user made bulletins.  Player
                                Rankings, Romantic Warriors, Death Knight,
                                Mystical, Theiving Rankings, The Dragon
                                Slayers, Super Warriors, Money Grabbers,
                                a Marrage Listing, Where Are They, and an
                                IGM listing.  Multi-node compatible!
                                Renegade, Wildcat! and RA pause code support!
                                FREEWARE Jason Brown.
lordstr2.zip   28218 08-05-2024 Here's the New & Improved Langauge
                                of LORD Talk for WWIV.  I think all
                                the menus are there now, and I put a
                                non-ansi menu in too.
                                by The Cyber Witness
lordstrc.zip    3962 08-05-2024 Pascal source for all of LORD320.ZIP's
                                player and monster record formats.
                                This is freeware for any 3rd party
                                LORD developers, from Seth.
lordt1_0.zip    7481 08-05-2024 -=-=- LordText version 1.0 -=-=-
                                A quick and easy utility for
                                displaying sansi (Seth Ansi, or
                                ` coded files).
                                        -=[ FREEWARE ]=-
                                Tech'N Software  Lloyd Hannesson
lordtriv.zip  278924 08-05-2024 
lordtxt.zip    23082 08-05-2024 1960's lord. Made by a Sysop Utter Chaos 
                                & co-sysop Dolphin Satan of riverside's
                                Anarchy/elite board The Land of Utter Chaos
                                (909)275-9595. Call now buddy! 2 lord games
                                running.. Please call.... I'll be your best
                                friend. Come on I really will.
lordtype.zip    6482 08-05-2024   LordType v1.0! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+          
                                  Type the LORD color-coded files 
                                  from DOS.  No ANSI.SYS driver
                                  needed.  SOS software!
lordwf21.zip   84379 08-05-2024  LORD Web FAQ
                                 The ultimate HTML based FAQ for
                                 Legend Of the Red Dragon.
                                 Formerly LRDHLPxx.ZIP
                                 Now with hyper text links and
                                 web developer's kit, everything
                                 you need to put up a mirror site.
lordwin5.zip   19162 08-05-2024 
                                .oOo. Unofficial Strategy Guide for the  .oOo
                                .oOo. Legend Of the Red Dragon door game .oOo
                                      The Greatest Strategies ever for
                                      LORD! SECRETS, CHEATS, and TRICKS
                                      that no one wants you to know!
                                      The newest of the lordwin series!
                                      No new Changes to the complimentary
                                      lord chapters but updated contacting
                                      and purchasing information as well
                                      as coming attractions!
                                      Feel free to distribute Lordwin5.zip!
                                      For more info contact:
                                      Foxfire@Dracnet.com See us on the web
lordy10.zip    94778 08-05-2024 Lordy 1.0.  Lord IGM.
                                Are you really brave enough to
                                play Legend of the Red Dragon? 
lordy11.zip    94592 08-05-2024 Lordy 1.1  Lord IGM.
                                Are you really brave enough to
                                play LORD? 
lord_2dtig.zip   41040 08-05-2024 L.O.R.D.--The Interactive Guide
                                         Version 1.2
                                          Brian Hamm
                                (C)opyright 1995 by Brian Hamm
                                      All rights reserved
lord_br.zip     5246 08-05-2024 L.O.R.D. Hints 'n' Tips file - by
                                Blade Runner (8 Nov 94). Hint file
                                covers such things as Characters,
                                Gems, The BARD and Violet, Turgons
                                Warrior Training, Special Attacks,
                                Attacking with caution and
                                Slaughtering other players!
lord_fdn.zip    7491 08-05-2024 * LORD File Distribution Network - 06/01/95 *
                                -  The COMPLETE Lord File Distribution Net  -
                                -  LORD Software Developers and SysOps      -
                                -  YOU need this file!                      -
                                ------------ True LORD Support! -------------
lottery1.zip   45809 08-05-2024 
lotto102.zip    5607 08-05-2024 Greentree Lotto Hutt v1.02
                                This IGM adds a Lotto Hutt 1 screen north
                                of Uncle Edward's Cottage. It costs $10
                                to play, and the player can win good
                                prizes IF they can match at least 3
                                numbers in the order that they are drawn.
                                Players can play the Lotto as many times
                                as they want UNTIL they win. After they
                                win, they have to wait until the next day
                                to play again. If the player can get all
                                6 numbers right, he or she will win a
                                random amount of money, (up to $1,000,
                                I think), 4 Green Potions, 3 Blue Potions,
                                2 White Potions, and 4 Gems. Of course,
                                the odds are something like 1:1,000,000,000 ;
                                Author: Jay Weber (aka Elric, Anakha, and
                                (C) 1997 ShroomTrip Software
                                E-Mail: elric@innocent.com
                                Support: kender@innocent.com
lotto14.zip    47823 08-05-2024    The Mega Buck$ Lottery    
                                         Version 1.4         
                                       An IGM for LORD       
                                     Come on down to the     
                                  booth and get your ticket  
                                 to the hottest draw in town 
                                  !NOW SUPPORTS CLEAN MODE!  
                                   illusion software '96   
love110.zip    50386 08-05-2024     THE LOVE SHACK v1.10 IGM for LORD
                                This is the newest IGM in the line of
                                products from the author of Violet's
                                Cottage; worth the DL! by Trevor Herndon;
                                ArchonWare BBS : (703)341-1865
love120.zip    50565 08-05-2024 THE LOVE SHACK v1.20 IGM for LORD
                                This is the newest IGM in the line of
                                products from the author of Violet's
                                Cottage; worth the DL! by Trevor Herndon;
                                Bug fix edition;
lpak0415.zip  342130 08-05-2024 LordPack 04-15-95!
lpak0613.zip  622640 08-05-2024 LordPack 05-05-95!
lpd10.zip      11352 08-05-2024 LORD Player Deleter v1.0. Delete those
                                already "deleted players" completly
                                from your PLAYER.DAT file. This even
                                correctly renames the MAIL??.DAT files.
                                !!FREEWARE!! By Lazor Software
lpit210.zip    45043 08-05-2024 THE L.O.R.D. PIT v2.10 - IGM for LORD
                                Fight monsters in a graphical arena!
                                Comm driver updates, bug fixes, etc.
                                Archonware, just $5; call (703)341-1865
lpit250.zip    46322 08-05-2024 THE L.O.R.D. PIT v2.50 - IGM for LORD
                                Fight monsters in a graphical arena!
                                MAJOR bug fix version; Now keeps track
                                of arena fights and arrows;
                                Archonware, just $5; call (540)341-1865
lrank10.zip     9207 08-05-2024 L.O.R.D. RANK v1.0 - Ranks players in
                                multiple games making a single ranking
                                list. Brings competition between each
                                separate LORD game making it more fun!
lrd2tip.zip     5405 08-05-2024 LORD II: New World-Hints and Tips
                                to help master the continuing saga
                                of LORD composed by Cammy Cochrane     
                                of Wonderland Software
lrd352pt.zip  180164 08-05-2024 -= LORD 3.50+ TO 3.52 BETA PATCH =-
                                Upgrade your 3.50 or 3.51 to 3.52      
                                wide beta 2.  Released 9-13-95.
lrdchelp.zip    8427 08-05-2024 LORD Help for C Programmers!  Header files and
                                example source code for
                                accessing LORD's player files and monster
                                records.  Learn the intricacies
                                of locating a dropfile for your IGM.  Freeware
                                from SocraSoft!
lrdcngsi.zip  226252 08-05-2024 -=-LORDCNG SELF-INSTALL!=-=-=-
                                 LORDCNG is a utility
                                 for L.O.R.D. to randomize
                                 the menus and monsters
                                 in the game based on the
                                 time of day! Make your
                                 L.O.R.D. better than you
                                 ever thought possible!
                                 From Stone Dagger Productions
lrdenmy1.zip   15351 08-05-2024 LORDENMY v1.1 -=-FREEWARE!-=-  Improved!
                                A new way to customize your Legend of the
                                Red Dragon door!    Now you can edit the
                                LENEMY.DAT file and add all-new monsters
                                to LORD.  Also views all existing monsters.
                                Easy to use, no setup required, just place
                                in LORD directory and run it!  FREEWARE
                                from Clothing Optional Software.
lrdfaq11.zip   35939 08-05-2024 Legend Of The Red Dragon *OFFICIAL* FAQ v1.1
                                The Official Frequently Asked Questions list
                                and info file for Seth Robinson's L.O.R.D.
                                Online Door Game.
lrdfx111.zip   26958 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-= LORD FX: v.1.11 =-=-=-
                                   -= Add SOUND to LORD! =-
                                Replace the LORDRIP.DAT with
                                LORDRIP.FX and give RIP 2.2
                                callers 16-bit Stereo Sound in
                                Legend of the Red Dragon! 
                                  Doesn't effect ANSI! 
                                by Mike Collard (505)831-0797
lrdgft11.zip   39235 08-05-2024 --=== PHAZE SOFTWARE PRESENTS ===---
                                LORDGIFT v1.1 - LORD add-on utility.
                                Runs from nightly maintainence to
                                give each of your players a gift.
                                Gifts range from gold to skill points
                                to sex changes to bonus weapons/armor.
                                7.5% chance of LOSING from 10 to 50%
                                of your gold.  92.5% chance of a free
                                bonus for your charactors.
                                      Phaze Software home BBS:
                                 Chaos' Cavern  14.4  502-333-5570
lrdhint4.zip    6894 08-05-2024 THE SEMI-OFFICIAL LORDHINT FILE
                                LORDHINT.400! (LordHint ver 4.00)
                                   Written for LORD ver 3.55
lrdhlp16.zip   64396 08-05-2024       The best FAQ for Legend Of the Red
                                      Seventh edition, expanded WTLORD section
                                now in seperate file!
                                      Now includes an expanded index and
                                details on profanity checking.
                                      Hot tips and the latest info!
                                      All about Olivia, Violet and the maidens
                                in the forest.
                                      Blinking *yellow* text, screen clearing
                                and different background
                                      colors in the flowers!
                                      From the author of MYLIST
                                      John A Elson aka 3DHAM
                                      WF6I A.P.O.I.
lrdimgr1.zip   10656 08-05-2024 [ Lord Igm Manager V 1.0 ]ͻ
                                 This is a full featured manager  
                                 that will do everything you will 
                                 ever need to do with your Lord   
                                 Igms!  FreeWare with $1.00 Reg!  
                                [ Empire Software ]ͼ
lrdmon12.zip   35763 08-05-2024    LORD Monster Expansion, v1.2
                                Add custom monsters to Legend of the Red 
                                Dragon, version 3.20a! Not just another 
                                monster editor, this allows you to increase 
                                the number of monsters in your game. Add,
                                Edit,Delete,Export, and Import monsters. 
                                Newest version includes duplicate checking
                                upon importing monsters into your database!
                                Developed by TC Software  Shareware $3.00!
lrdtrv20.zip  281319 08-05-2024 Lord Trivia 2.0 an IGM for Lord !
                                A Super FUN add on for Lord.  Win
                                Gold + Experience for correct answers.
                                Includes a question editor. Now buy
                                hints and fight for correct answers.
lrdview1.zip    7650 08-05-2024 [ LrdView Version 1.0 ]ͻ
                                 This is a small utility to display  
                                 Lord Color Coded files in color.    
                                [ Empire Software ]ͼ
lrdwh20u.zip   84061 08-05-2024  LORD Web FAQ
                                 The ultimate HTML based FAQ for
                                 Legend Of the Red Dragon.
                                 Formerly LRDHLPxx.ZIP
                                 Now with hyper text links and
                                 web developer's kit, everything
                                 you need to put up a mirror site.
                                 SPECIAL EDITION FOR OFFLINE VIEWING
lsd10.zip      80963 08-05-2024 -=LORD Scenario Driver v1.0 LORD BGM]=-
                                Before Game Module for LORD 3.26a. Allows
                                Users to Select different scenarios for
                                their LORD games. A must for any LORD 
ltest10.zip    66138 08-05-2024 LordTest 1.0   Lord Sysop IGM 
                                Allows sysops to log mem use,
                                and or drop to dos.
lttry12.zip    49326 08-05-2024    The Mega Buck$ Lottery    
                                         Version 1.2         
                                       An IGM for LORD       
                                     Come on down to the     
                                  booth and get your ticket  
                                 to the hottest draw in town 
                                   illusion software '96   
ltype200.zip   13645 08-05-2024   LTYPE v2.00 for LORD!  Ŀ
                                 Now you can add to the conversations 
                                 in the Tavern and Inn?  Now you can! 
                                 LTYPE also has support for other     
                                 add-on's that use the same format    
                                 as LORD.       *!* FREEWARE *!*      
luau112.zip    39678 08-05-2024 L.O.R.D. User Access Utility v1.12 (LUAU)
                                LUAU is a utility that limits the play of
                                L.O.R.D. by non-subscribing users to the
                                BBS to the unregistered version of L.O.R.D.
                                Subcribers or donators play the registered
                                version.  Simply enter a value for the
                                security code above which can play the
                                registered version.
                                    Copyright John A. Tucker 1996
lwheel10.zip   94265 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... The Wheel.
                                How about playing the bonus round?
lwinter2.zip   36270 08-05-2024 WINTERIZED LORD for LORD 3.26 - A cold gust
                                of wind covers your realm, will your users
                                survive the winter.  Comes with over 100 new
                                monsters and 10 winter events.
maddog14.zip   31287 08-05-2024 The Mad Dog v1.4 -=- an IGM for WT-LORD in
                                32bit wcCODE for WC5! for WT-LORD v2.5 and
                                Above ONLY! A *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                BEWARE the wrath of the Mad Dog! Unleash him
                                on other players and watch as he rips them
                                limb from limb!
                                FEATURES: Includes Y2K Date Checking
                                          EASY Setup
                                          BUILT in Maintenance
                                          EASY ONLINE Registration with CC
                                          NOW, the dog is VICIOUS :)
madm23.zip     56121 08-05-2024 "The Mad Mage's Tavern" v2.3 -=- IGM for
                                WT-LORD in 32bit wcCODE for WC5!
                                "WT-LORD v2.0 READY" for WT-LORD v2.5 and
                                Higher! Includes Y2K Date checking.
                                Another fun *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                Stop by the Mage's Tavern and have a warm meal
                                 cool drink! Visit the
                                Waiter or Waitress and chat with the Mad Mage!
                                Another fun IGM for
                                Wildcat Tournament LORD!
                                FEATURES:  EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
                                           EASY ONLINE Registration with VISA
                                or MASTERCARD
mafia103.zip  283758 08-05-2024 MAFIAVILLE v1.03 - Features about 16
                                different supported castles, inns, password
                                stealing, contract stealing, etc.  Also, you
                                can become a hitman, smuggle, locate
                                players,and learn ALL about them.  This
                                archive comes with other IGMs that you will
                                need to run this IGM.  DIZ was created by a
                                member of the LORD_FDN.  Original file date
mansion.zip    24246 08-05-2024 The Great Mansion Ver1.0 For LORD II
                                Created By: ASC
                                Rent a private/password protected room with
                                private guard, bed and vault. Buy a mansion
                                staff. 2 level mansion.
mapswa11.zip    3641 08-05-2024 LORD 2 MapSwap Example .REF v1.01
                                This is a .REF than contains an example
                                of how to swap MAP.DAT & WORLD.DAT files.
                                This will let you use more than the 1600
                                map squares that LORD 2 is limited to.
                                Now works with unregistered LORD 2
                                FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE!
                                Author : Jay Weber
                                (C) 1997 ShroomTrip Software
                                E-Mail: elric@innocent.com
marilyn1.zip    6294 08-05-2024 WOW go to a Marilyn Manson concert in lord 2??
                                YOU CAN NOW!!!!
                                Install this for a world (well screen) of fun
                                : )
marty16.zip   116003 08-05-2024      Marty's Mercantile IGM 1.5
                                Shop the mercantile for goodies etc.
                                Look around to see what you might find
                                This IGM is free to all but you must call
                                the support BBS to get your reg code.
mashlord.zip   34734 08-05-2024   -=+M.A.S.H. Lord Menu+=-
                                   Legend of the Red Dragon
                                enhancement program. Brings the
                                M.A.S.H. characters to your LORD
                                Game. Colonel Potter, Hawkeye 
                                Pierce, Winchester, Radar and 
                                the whole gang comes to your
                                LORD Game. All new monsters,
                                menu support. *FREEWARE*
                                From the Crazy Guise of...
                                   ***PRINCE PUBLICATIONS***
mdrnwrld.zip   28558 08-05-2024           Modern World LORD ver.1.0
                                This will change the text in LORD 3.26 
                                or greater to a modern day life setting.
                                You go into the inn and afraid to chat
                                with Violet right away cuz your afraid 
                                of a law suit or something.  Drink a Bud
                                at Chance's Bar and Grill. Easy to install
                                and uninstall.  Enjoy!
                                Made by the SysOp of Hells Dominion BBS
medit1_4.zip  150631 08-05-2024 MEDITOR (Version 1.4) by |\/|ortal
                                World and Item editor for Lord2
                                Lord 2 is a trademark of RTSoft
megaigm.zip   100272 08-05-2024 Now give your LORD game up to 200
                                IGM's.  Supports Multiline BBS as well
                                as IGM's compiled with IGMDRIVE!
                                Registration : $10.00
megaigm4.zip   47747 08-05-2024  MEGAIGM 4.0 ۲
                                Allows an unlimited amount of IGM's to
                                be added to your LORD game! Now makes
                                a log of games played, and does the
                                task of moving the lines from the Lord's
                                3rdparty.dat file to the igm.dat file!
merdiv11.zip  119515 08-05-2024 -= Land of Merdiqua v1.1 LORD IGM =-
                                Battle aggressive monsters in the
                                Forest of Merdiqua, or go after
                                the big catches in the deep sea.
                                Break a wild horse in the corral,
                                or check out the shopping downtown.
                                And oh, the night life!  No matter
                                what your preference, you're bound
                                to meet that special someone.
                                Installation takes just seconds.
met10b.zip     26413 08-05-2024 Metropolis For Lord, A must have for all you
                                lord lovers...
                                Metropolis is a set of new menu's for
                                Lord, this is a must have for you lord
                                Lover's, And it's Free, from Red Earth
                                (503)764-2290, call today, and download
                                this file...
mimsic17.zip   56024 08-05-2024 Mimsic Isle v1.17
                                Lord 2 IGM
                                Author: Jim Wilson 
                                E-Mail: jfw@ica.net
                                Incredibly tough IGM to finish but lots of
                                tasks on the way that can be handled by
                                players able to walk to the entrance on
                                North Shore, east of Sosen.
                                A player finished 1.16! 1.17 is harder.
mine15.zip      9694 08-05-2024 DAHLONEGA DAVE'S DO-IT-YOURSELF MINING v1.5
                                An IGM for LORD II that allows users to pay
                                a fee to enter a mine and keep any gold or
                                gems that they may find.
                                Registration is FREE!!
                                From Mamoosoft Programming.
mledit10.zip   35837 08-05-2024       -= MLEdit v1.0 =-
                                   Monster Editor for Legends
                                   of the Red Dragon door
                                   game. Allow you to change
                                   the monsters anyway you
                                   want! FREEWARE! by
                                   Retro Software Designs
mmap003.zip    42029 08-05-2024 Magic Map AWGS/LORD II Map Editor             
                                AWGS/LORD II Utility
                                Author: Phillip Pearson
                                E-Mail: philnz@ibm.net 
                                The map editing program for AWGS which is
                                behind the exciting new adv game (coming
                                soon) from Alphawave Software. The basic
                                version is freeware!  It will load and save
                                AWGS (.MAP) format maps, and will import
                                LORD II maps.
mmc02.zip      50887 08-05-2024     Dragons Breath Prod.
                                 Multi-Monster Changer .02
                                 Change Sets of 131 
                                Monsters! Install program, and 
                                4 great sets already included
mmount22.zip   49590 08-05-2024   The Mystical Mountain 2.0
                                The Mystic Mountain is an IGM
                                  exclusively for WT-LORD.
                                Can you make it to the top of 
                                the mountain? Face many tasks
                                  while trying to scale the
                                mountain. Unregistered version
                                  only supports levels 1-6
                                    -|Wt-Lord 2.0 Ready|-
                                    Hybrid Software 1997
mmv250.zip     56977 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                   Maldorf's Mountain Version 2.5   
                                 A FreeWare IGM for Lord Ver 3.26a+ 
                                 The Legendary Wizard named Maldorf 
                                 who lives high atop a mountain is  
                                 here now to help Warriors of Lord  
                                 in their quest, if they are deemed 
                                 worthy.  New features include:     
                                  o As per MANY people's requests,  
                                    LEVEL-BY-LEVEL CONFIGURATION is 
                                    now in this version!            
                                  o Re-Wrote User Records.  In the  
                                    previous versions, a user could 
                                    change their name repeatedly, & 
                                    enter Maldorf's more than once  
                                    per day.  It is fixed now!      
                                 *FreeWare* Written by Devon Brooks 
mnstxt05.zip   21075 08-05-2024 -=-=- MonsText v0.5 for LORD -=-=-
                                LORD enemy file<--->text converter.
                                It takes the LENEMY.DAT from LORD &
                                changes it to a text file. You make
                                changes in ANY text editor,  & make
                                a new LORD enemy file! FREEWARE!
                                -=-= A new release from pHsoft =-=-
moi20.zip      55017 08-05-2024 Mirror of Illusion 2.0 [IGM]
                                 Enter this strange world the 
                                 mirror has created. Lots of 
                                 diffrent and unique adventu 
                                 Dekka Visions(c) 1996       
moi21.zip      57479 08-05-2024 Mirror of Illusion 2.1 [IGM]
                                 Enter this strange world the 
                                 mirror has created. Lots of 
                                 diffrent and unique adventu 
                                 res. Updates installation.  
                                 Set gold values now.          
                                 Dekka Visions(c) 1996       
mold.zip        4557 08-05-2024  -=[Moldy City lord2 IGM]=-
                                |                         |
                                |    Great Lord2 IGM      |
                                |    Features:            | 
                                |    A New City           |
                                |    a Big INN            |
                                |    weapon shop          |
                                |    armor shop           |
                                |   MUCH MUCH MORE!       |
                                |                         |
                                |     By Stealth          |
                                |     sd-871-0133         |
molun11.zip    48260 08-05-2024 32 bit IGM written for WTLORD and compiled
                                with WCCODE.
                                Molun's Tavern, is a quaint little inn in the
                                deep dense
                                forest. You are enticed to enter by the aroma
                                of fresh 
                                baked bread.
mon.zip         4889 08-05-2024  Monastry      lord2igm 
                                 A quaint little monastry just
                                outside Flagcity.             
                                     Author: TALAPHID@JUNO.COM
                                        & Monty Python  
monedit1.zip    8725 08-05-2024 LORD Monster Editor!  For Lord v3.20+
                                Allows you to edit all the monsters 
                                on a level-by-level basis in the hot
                                door game Legend of the Red Dragon.
monedit2.zip   18914 08-05-2024        MonEdit v2.0! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+      
                                  The most powerful Monster Editor available.
                                  Color done for you, Increase Dungeon
                                  Difficulty, 110% Compat with LordMon! 
monrpt_1.zip   13436 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                Monster Report for LORD.
                                ver 1.0.
monrpt_2d1.zip   13436 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                Monster Report for LORD.
                                ver 1.0.
monsted.zip    13698 08-05-2024 
                                                  LORD 3.20                
                                                Monster Editor!              
                                This lovely utility allows you to edit every 
                                aspect of every monster in Red Dragon v3.20! 
                                When I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING!  So
                                you don't like the name of a monster or what
                                says when it dies, change it.  With this file
                                you have control over all of the monsters in
                                game!  Customize your game of LORD today!    
moon100.zip   169009 08-05-2024 MOONCHAT - Standalone Door Chatterer or
                                LORD IGM. Unzip in its own UNIQUE directory.
                                This is a multi-node chatter door. Chat
                                with other users in MoonChat or in the 
                                MoonChat features of MoonDust County Fair
                                or Phantom of the Catacombs.
                                WIDE BETA RELEASE!
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
moon101.zip   170750 08-05-2024 MOONCHAT - Standalone Door Chatterer.
                                This is a multi-node chatter door. Chat
                                with other users in MoonChat or in the 
                                MoonChat features of MoonDust County Fair
                                or Phantom of the Catacombs.
                                Optional LORD IGM. Color messaging. Rewind.
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
mornlord.zip   27569 08-05-2024      Lord, What a Morning!
                                 Add-On for Legend Of The Red Dragon
                                 This program gives your LORD game
                                 A cheerful, bright, morning Feeling. 
                                 Free Ware!!!! Enjoy the Game!
                                     Programmed by Jonathan R Holman
mortal.zip      9570 08-05-2024  This IGM for Seth Able's "A New World" is the
                                 work of Rob Cummings, A.K.A. |\/|ortal. This
                                 is not to be plagiarized. A $2.00
                                Registration fee
mosh200.zip    10217 08-05-2024 BoneTown Concert Hall IGM v2.00
                                For LORD II: New World Beta 7+!
                                 Mosh pit, backstage access, a
                                   live band, drop acid, and
                                       LOTS, LOTS MORE!!
                                      by: curious yellow
                                  < csyellow@earthlink.net >
motley.zip    139239 08-05-2024 |01    RaySoft Software Proudly Announces
                                |03Motley of Screens v1.0 for LORD!  Randomly
                                |04displays up to 100 of your LORDTXT.DAT and
                                |05LENEMY.DAT files so that you can add some
                                |12spice to your LORD game!  
                                |15Share Ware -- Registration only $2.00!     
mparse.zip     81185 08-05-2024 MORTAL'S LORD II NEW LANGUAGE PARSER
                                Author: Robert Cummings
                                Lord 2 Utility
                                Yet another little tool to help in the 
                                creation of Lord II worlds.  This utility 
                                is the second part in my project to create 
                                my own world.  What you ask does it do?
                                Well as you know Seth Able (the orginal Lord
                                II world and REF engine designer made a nice
                                little engine to read REF files; however, 
                                Seth really sucked when it came to structure 
                                (sorry Seth but it's true).  So what I have 
                                done is created 2 programs to aid in the 
                                quicker and clearer design of REF files.
                                These programs are shareware and to register 
                                them both you should feel inclined to send me
                                a whole $2 bucks. If you don't then you're a 
                                cheap ass and you will never receive the 
                                version without the startup timer!  The 
                                sample IGM included with the package is 
                                entirely free. Feel free to use it however 
                                you please, but DO NOT distribute it 
                                individually.  The example MOUND.REF was 
                                entirely created using MParse.exe. To see for
                                yourself type "MParse.exe MOUND.LST MOUND.MEF
                                MOUND.REF". This will cause the parser to 
                                create MOUND.REF using the information in 
                                MOUND.LST and MOUND.MEF.
                                No elements of this package may be 
                                distributed indiviually. In otherwords 
                                MReplace.exe may not be separated from the 
                                package and distributed individually. You may
                                not attempt to reverse engineer or in anyway 
                                alter the binary code in order to alter it's 
                                This material is copyright (C) of Robert 
                                Cummings AKA |\/|ortal. To send me my $2 
                                bucks mail your cheque or money order to:
                                Robert Cummings
                                4-52 Maclaren Street
                                Ottawa, Ontario  K2P 0K4
                                I can also be reached at my e-mail address 
                                (for bugs or stuff):
                                Do not send cash... cash will be pocketted 
                                and you will not be sent the registered 
                                version. Sorry but your names will be 
                                encrypted into the registered versions and to
                                do that I need some kind of evidence of who
                                you are. Note that MParse uses a couple of 
                                the temporary player long integer variables 
                                to aid in it's math. You should not attempt 
                                to use `p29 or `p30 since using them may have
                                undesirable effects. It's a small price to 
                                pay for the power of the new language.
mpit_2d100.zip   38036 08-05-2024 ***NEW*** IGM for LORD!!
                                The MoshPit simulates all
                                the blood, sweat, and 
                                tears of a real concert!
                                Are you ready to mosh with
                                the big boys?  V1.00
                                Helmet Inc. Software.
msdrm_2d16.zip   39977 08-05-2024 |02|14Midsummer's Dream|02
                                |02 -----------------
                                |15 Version 1.6
                                |14 An IGM for Legend of the Red Dragon.
                                |14 Find the Magical Fairy gathering, and
                                |14 spend a few minutes with these fun
                                |14 little creatures. Hidden feature!
                                |14 ESS : Extremely Simple Setup !!
                                |02 Daimar Systems - David Holderness
msdrm_2d21.zip   43550 08-05-2024  Midsummer's Dream
                                 Version 2.1
                                 An IGM for Legend of the Red Dragon.
                                 Find the Magical Fairy gathering, and
                                 spend a few minutes with these fun
                                 little creatures. 
                                 Easy to Install and Setup !
                                 Daimar Systems - David Holderness
mshop10c.zip   80133 08-05-2024 The Magic Shop v1.00c LORD IGM
mshop200.zip   86531 08-05-2024 The Magic Shop LORD IGM v2.00
mshop252.zip   92444 08-05-2024 The Magic Shop v2.52 LORD IGM
                                A really cool IGM!  Ever want
                                to kill mean people in higher
                                levels?  Change your class
                                without wasting your forest
                                fights to get to DarkCloak
                                Tavern?  Protect a friend?
                                Now is your chance!
                                Req: Lord 3.50+
                                by : Steve Oberholtzer
msngr10.zip    77222 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... The Messenger.
                                Has anyone seen the messenger
                                around lately?
mspy11.zip     41230 08-05-2024 <<<   MailSpy for L.O.R.D v1.1   >>>
                                Government breathing down your back?
                                Have players with foul mouths?  This
                                may be the util for you to easily
                                keep tabs on what is going on inside
                                your games or just mess with your
                                players heads!  Enjoy!
                                -=-=-=-<< ChasWare (c)1996 >>-=-=-=-
mspy20.zip     86491 08-05-2024 MailSpy 2.0 - Now supports Lord, DogWorld,
                                GuTTeRBoWL and ROK !!!  An easy to use
                                interface for the monitoring or editing of
                                all written comunications in the games that
                                are supported!  Able to leap Lantasic net-
                                works in a single bound!  The Lord module
                                is completely functional in the unreg
                                version, the rest are read only.  Cheap!!!
                                Only $6 bucks!  ChasWare (c) 1996
mtglord.zip    34805 08-05-2024   -= MAGIC: THE GATHERING LORD LOOKS =-
                                              For LORD v3.55!
                                  Legend of the Red Dragon enhancement        
                                program.  Brings the most popular card
                                game of our times right to the LORD game!
                                Full menu support and bar text changes!
                                All new/All M:TG Monsters! The Real Feel!
                                        ***PRINCE PUBLICATIONS***
mtolymps.zip   31256 08-05-2024 Mount Olympus L.O.R.D!!!
                                All your favorite Greek
                                Gods and Goddesses show
                                up for the quest of im-
                                Lordtxt & Lenemy DATS
multlord.zip  231026 08-05-2024     Multiple Backgrounds for LORD!!!
                                 This file will fully explain how to 
                                 have an awesome custom LORD game by 
                                 allowing your users to choose what  
                                 kinda look they want to be playing  
                                 in! Check it out, it's KeWL!!!      
                                             '95 Neo-Gen
mys016.zip     84274 08-05-2024  MYSTiC TOWER 0.1.6 
                                Despair Software Productions
                                In game Inn, pull some pranks,
                                humiliate, get laid, talk with
                                people, torture slaves, and
                                 get weapons, and McDrugs
myst150.zip    16538 08-05-2024 -= Myst Ville v1.0 for LORD2 =-
                                A simple IGM for I made for LORD2.
                                Includes 4 new maps.  Myst Ville is
                                a little town that is found by
                                touching a purple tree just south of
                                Flag City.  Myst Ville includes an
                                inn, weapon store, Travel place,
                                Gamble House and a wishing house.
                                Created by Sejr Andersen aka FireHawk
mysthut1.zip   42524 08-05-2024 The Mysterious Hut Version 1.0
                                A Lord IGM From Empire Software!  
mystic35.zip   55705 08-05-2024      The Mystic Bar 3.5
                                 The Mystic Bar is an IGM made
                                 exclusively for WT-LORD. Start
                                 bar fights, get laid, gamble, 
                                       and much more! 
                                      Check it out now! 
                                      Hybrid Software 1998
                                     -|Wt-Lord 2.0 Ready|-
mystlord.zip   25193 08-05-2024   Mystical happenings in the Realm
                                 Add-On for Legend Of The Red Dragon
                                 This program gives your LORD game
                                 An eerie background, and a feeling 
                                 of other things going on around you.
                                     FREEWARE! Enjoy the Game!
                                     Programmed by Jonathan R Holman
mys_2d22.zip  117716 08-05-2024  MYSTiC TOWER 0.2.2 
                                Despair Software Productions
                                In game Inn, pull some pranks,
                                humiliate, get laid, talk with
                                people and get weapons or
mythc112.zip   11735 08-05-2024  =[ mythran's cottage : lord 2 igm ]=
                                 buy potions & various items off this
                                 old hermit, flirt with his georgeous
                                 apprentice, slaughter  the creatures
                                 in the basement and reap the rewards
                                 of his secret money making  tree  in
                                 this awesome lord 2 add-on! this igm
                                 provides non stop  entertainment for 
                                 the whole family. registered version
                                 of lord 2 is required. ( freeware! )
                                 =[ (v1.12) written by heath axton ]=
mzklrd51.zip  102198 08-05-2024 MZK LORD 5.1 - Minor Update To MZK LORD 5.0!
                                ----------MZK LORD 5.1 FREEWARE-------------
                                *The Greatest NPC Generator For LORD 3.26 Or
                                Better! Now With FULL SUPPORT For LORD 3.26+
                                Including Player Marriages , Horse And Fairy
                                Related Events, And A Great Deal Of Improve-
                                ments Over v4.1! The Greatest LORD Addon You
                                Could Ever Want! This Is A Freeware!, 80286+
                                Processor Optimized Version! Great!!!!!!!!!!
                                *In Case You're Wondering About Why This DIZ
                                Is So Plain, It's An "Environmental Friendly
                                One" ....... Better Than Getting The HiASCII
                                Stripped Out!! Anyway, Who Needs Fancy DIZs!
                                An MZK Product (C)Copyright 1995 Matt Marlor
mzklrd55.zip  166454 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                MZK LORD 5.5 - Great Addon For LORD 3.26!!!!
                                =-=-=-=-=-MZK LORD 5.5 FREEWARE-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                                An MZK Product (C)Copyright 1995 Matt Marlor
                                Add NPC's To Your LORD Game, And Much More!!
                                * Burning Town * Tax Collector * Dirty Deeds
                                * NPC's In Forest * NPC's Marry And Flirt!!!
                                * NPC's Interact And Converse With Humans!!!
                                * Humourous Sayings, Events, Names, Etc, Etc
                                * STOP PRESS! Feature -Adds More To The Game
                                * Visits From Gods  * NPC's Progress Through
                                Levels And Ultimately Slay The Dragon!!!!!!!
                                * NPC's Rob The Bank (Without Fairies :) )!!
                                * And A Whole Heap More That You're Going To
                                Have To See To Believe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
                                AND DID WE MENTION IT'S 100%, TOTALLY FREE!?
                                An MZK Product (C)Copyright 1995 Matt Marlor
natville.zip   42802 08-05-2024  Nathan Ville IGM V1.50
                                 by Nathan Scott
                                   email: nscott@voyager.co.nz
                                 {FileId Added By LORD_FDN}
nc.zip        102208 08-05-2024 
                                        The Nudist Colony
                                           RELEASE 0.7
                                Check it out!!!!
                                By J.R. Software Corp
newmon10.zip   11698 08-05-2024 -=-=New Monsters for LORD v1.0=-=-
                                All new monsters for Legend of the 
                                Red Dragon v3.26 or higher. 
                                FREEWARE by: JOFFETECH.
nightfal.zip   31367 08-05-2024  
                                         DARK  LORD           
                                        for lord 3.26         
                                 Nightfall comes quick over   
                                 your Realm, and let your    
                                 users fight in the Darkness.     
                                   COMES WITH over 100 NEW    
                                    by PIKE!                 
noad22.zip     77536 08-05-2024 NOAD Napping Ocean ADventure Lord IGM
                                Multi-BBS, Multi-Node, MultiTasking
                                aware. Lives in it own directory, not
                                in the Lord directory. 1 minute
                                installation progam. Fight and live in
                                an undersea world!  Fight new monsters
                                get XP, deal with the fish! If 
                                registered sysop can edit/add monsters
                                get more fights, Secrets are enabled!
                                Now you can get some coward out of the 
                                Inn\IGM where they are hiding from you.
                                Full online mail! by Allyn Cross
nop100l.zip    29779 08-05-2024  IGM Circ (New Other Places) v1.0 Limited. By
                                Curtis Vargo. Allows the sysop 
                                to circulate his/her IGMs for LORD. FREEWARE!!
nop101l.zip    39300 08-05-2024  IGM Circ (New Other Places) v1.0 Limited. By
                                Curtis Vargo. Allows the sysop 
                                to circulate his/her IGMs for LORD. FREEWARE!!
norcape.zip    12039 08-05-2024 NorthCape 1.0
                                Lord 2 IGM
                                Author: Stephen Walls
                                Freeware.  NorthCape has become my favorite
                                IGM! With NorthCape in ruin you venture into
                                its heart, discover a horrable secret and
                                are forced to take action? Make any sence?
                                I wrote this at 4am so just play it. Trust me
                                I am only 14.
norcape1.zip   12027 08-05-2024 NorthCape 1.0
                                Lord 2 IGM
                                Author: Stephen Walls
                                E-Mail: SaintLocke@aol.com (ArticNight IGMs)
                                Freeware.  NorthCape has become my favorite
                                Why? Because look at it! With NorthCape in
                                you venture into its heart, discover a
                                secret and are forced to take action? Make
                                sence? I wrote this at 4am so just play it!
                                Trust me!
now10.zip       5534 08-05-2024   NOW v1.0! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+               
                                  Turn on/off players' on_now stats
                                  from DOS!  By SOS software!
npclor26.zip   75184 08-05-2024 -= NPCLord v2.6! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+ =-       
                                   NPCs can now do EVERYTHING that  
                                   Humans can do!  EVERYTHING!
                                   AI Mail, up to 150 NPCs, NPCLord
                                   is 100% configurable!  By SOS!
npclor28.zip   85626 08-05-2024 -= NPCLord v2.8! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+ =-       
                                   NPCs can now do EVERYTHING that  
                                   Humans can do!  EVERYTHING!
                                   AI Mail, up to 150 NPCs, NPCLord
                                   is 100% configurable!  By SOS!
npclord.zip    52020 08-05-2024 -= NPCLord V2.0! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+ =-       
                                  Allows you to create and run NPCs   
                                  in Lord.  NPCs do everything humans 
                                  do, except write mail.  Create up  
                                  to 140 NPCs! LordWare by SOS!
npcup.zip      29285 08-05-2024 
nuktown.zip    89767 08-05-2024 Excellent NEW adventure for the Legend of The
                                Red Dragon!!
oasis_09.zip   49819 08-05-2024 |15|14The Oasis of El-Sayal|15
                                |15 ---------------------
                                |06 Version 1.09
                                |14 A new IGM for Legend of the Red Dragon.
                                |14 Trade, intrigue, and ancient mysteries.
                                |14 Explore the southern deserts and solve
                                |14 the various quests. 
                                |06   Negative bug has been fixed!!
                                |15 Daimar Systems - David Holderness
oasis_2d09.zip   49819 08-05-2024 |15|14The Oasis of El-Sayal|15
                                |15 ---------------------
                                |06 Version 1.09
                                |14 A new IGM for Legend of the Red Dragon.
                                |14 Trade, intrigue, and ancient mysteries.
                                |14 Explore the southern deserts and solve
                                |14 the various quests. 
                                |06   Negative bug has been fixed!!
                                |15 Daimar Systems - David Holderness
obo.zip        40490 08-05-2024 -= OBO'S BLACK MARKET IGM for LORD =-
                                OBO will sell you EVERYTHING!  From
                                horses and hitpoints to Charm and
                                Strength!  Also, you can even buy
                                additional visits to Seth and 
                                Violet!  AND, as an added bonus,
                                you may even buy a safe room to
                                stay, safe from ALL ATTACKS!
                                Another fine product by PCTech 1996
ocean.zip      19406 08-05-2024 Ocean Adventure v1.00 
                                Lord II IGM, 1.01 registered        
                                Author: Michael Hutson                     
                                E-Mail: MikeHutson@juno.com                   
                                In this Lord2 IGM, you get to travel    
                                at sea between the major ports, find          
                                a pirate ship, a desert island, dive  
                                to an undersea world, and fight the 
                                legendary giant squid (well, octopus)         
odink201.zip   22323 08-05-2024  -= Odin's Keep V2.00 for LORD2 =-
                                     A Fun IGM for LORD2 1.01a + 
                                  EASY INSTALL! Own the legendary
                                  Keep. Comes fully stocked with
                                  your own pet dragon, healer,
                                  Swimming Pool and much more.  
                                  New this version - Bar with
                                  male and female companions,
                                 weapons and armour dealers, etc.
                                  Redesigned Artwork + bug fix 
oldmn11b.zip   54707 08-05-2024  oDiN's The Other Old Man  : TEOS IGM  
                                Second release  Version 1.1B
                                Get Valuable info from the old man
                                Lots of fun for your players.
                                Requires TEOS V2.00 or newer.
                                New features, totally redone code 
                                Minor bug fix. *FREEWARE*
olman21.zip    33905 08-05-2024 Old   Man   IGM  2.1:  for   LORD   3.26+
                                   An    animated   test of archery,  and
                                fair  prizes,   unlike   some other  IGMs
                                Fixes   kids,  re-entry,  and  some  menu
                                Has  been  downloaded  over  1,000  times
                                off of SAR's The Darkside!
omc10.zip      83067 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 The Old Man's Cave            v1.0  
                                 An IGM for LORD, gives warriors tips
                                 secrets and all of types of stuff.  
                                 Running conversation was well.      
                                 Written at The Roman Empire BBS     
                                    by: William Turner               
oneless.zip    18969 08-05-2024 Lordtxt.dat with one less Keystroke 
                                For LORD 3.53+ This .dat file changes
                                the Weapon and Armor - Buy Menu -.
                                By removing one less keystroke
                                to buy your Armor and Weapons.
                                Your players will love this. 
                                VERSION 1.0    "BEETLEWARE"
oracle.zip      3196 08-05-2024 The Oracle of Stonebrook
                                by Methylene  Lord II IGM
                                Consult the Oracle and get your 
                                question answered. . after you 
                                answer the Oracle's question 
orc100a.zip     6249 08-05-2024 The Oracle of What's to Come
                                       Lord II IGM      
                                     By:  Tien Lung
                                   Godlike Productions
orc200.zip      7695 08-05-2024 The Oracle of What's to Come v2.00
                                Lord 2 IGM
                                Author:  Tien Lung
                                E-Mail: tienlung@hwcn.org
                                This IGM brings into being a storyline
                                and animation to an otherwise boring
orc300.zip      7811 08-05-2024 The Oracle of What's to Come
                                By:  Tien Lung(tienlung@hwcn.org)
                                This IGM brings into being a storyline
                                and animation to an otherwise boring
orphan10.zip    4633 08-05-2024 GREENTREE ORPHANAGE v1.0 - An IGM for LORD2
                                Are you willing to help the children who
                                have been orphaned by the Red Dragon?
                                Registration is FREE!!
                                From Mamoosoft Programming.
orphan11.zip    4672 08-05-2024 GREENTREE ORPHANAGE v1.1 - An IGM for LORD2
                                Are you willing to help the children who
                                have been orphaned by the Red Dragon?
                                Registration is FREE!!
                                From Mamoosoft Programming.
orphan1b.zip   25090 08-05-2024 ORPHAN BE GONE  -  v1.0
                                "Smart" program will clean up directories
                                cluttered with IGM leftovers and leave
                                only original LORD files. Will not disrupt
                                current game in any way other than in the
                                removal of IGM files and subdirectories.
                                From the family of Flying Pig products.
oslord15.zip   29108 08-05-2024     TOS LORD Patch Ver. 2.0
                                Star Trek: Original Series LORD
                                patch. LORD req. Freeware
                                      Canucksoft Corp.
otown28.zip   183932 08-05-2024 Our Town! v2.8 -=- IGM for WT-LORD in wcCODE
                                for WC5!  A *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                Stop by "Our Town" and check out the Locals!
                                Visit the Local High School, Church, Barber
                                Shop, Bar-B-Que Shack, Tattoo Parlor, Drug
                                Dealer and more!
                                FEATURES: Sysop Configurable "Town Name"
                                          Support Multiple WT-LORD Games
                                          Sysop Can Set Access based on Sec.
                                          EASY Setup BUILT in Maintenance
ouths13.zip    36578 08-05-2024     The Outhouse ver 1.30
                                     An IGM for L.O.R.D.
                                Easy to setup, has RIP support
                                     **** FREEWARE ****
                                This ver fixes the invalid config error
outs11.zip    114681 08-05-2024       The Outlands Tavern v1.1 LORD IGM
                                For LORD 3.50+ - Minor bug fix!  A nice
                                little place to visit or perhaps to stay the
                                night! Keeps users (mostly) save and warm
                                during the night, plus they can eat, drink,
                                talk, PARTY, and get drunk!  Now uses LORD
                                v3.55 BADWORDS.DAT and includes a hard to get
                                in Back Room!  FREEWARE, from the author of
                                LordStat and The L.O.R.D. Cavern.
outs13.zip     95263 08-05-2024       The Outlands Tavern v1.3 LORD IGM
                                For LORD 3.50+ - A nice little place to visit
                                or perhaps to stay the night! Keeps users
                                (mostly) save and warm during the night, plus
                                they can talk and PARTY!  Uses LORD v3.55
                                BADWORDS.DAT and includes a hard to get in
                                Back Room!  New RHP system lets you add to
                                it!  FREEWARE, from the author of LordStat
                                and The L.O.R.D. Cavern.
overlk12.zip   24321 08-05-2024 THE OVERLOOK HOTEL v1.2 - An IGM for LORD II
                                based on Stephen King's book "The Shining."
                                A "must-have" for Stephen King fans.
                                Registration is FREE!!
                                From Mamoosoft Programming.
owyn100.zip   183367 08-05-2024 OWYN'S CASTLE v1.0 - Mainly a travel center,
                                it has a grafitti wall where users can chat
                                with each other.  There are booths available
                                that players can buy, and then sell their
                                items there.  You can also change your name.
                                DIZ file added by member of LORD_FDN.
                                Registration $5. Original file date 07-29-97
p1012.zip       2517 08-05-2024 P1012.ZIP
                                Lord 2 Patch
                                Author: Scott Tolboe
                                E-Mail: pyramid_@hotmail.net
                                Patch that lets you run The Loose Screw 
                                Resort v1.03 IGM along with Isle of the 
                                Phreaks v4.0 IGM on Lord 2.  
                                Patch by Scott Tolboe.
p1036a.zip      3129 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run The Wedding
                                Chapel IGM along with Velox 
                                Teleporting Co. v2.0r IGM on Lord 2.  
                                Patch by Bobby Queen, a Lord 2 IGM 
                                Author himself and Owner of 
                                the Lord II official IGM web page 
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
p1037.zip       3325 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run Odin's Keep
                                v2.00 IGM along with Underground 
                                City v2.0 IGM on Lord 2.  
                                Patch by Bobby Queen, a Lord 2 IGM 
                                Author himself and co-author of 
                                the Lord II official IGM web page 
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
p1040.zip       2923 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run Tien Lung's
                                House v1.05 IGM along with Doc 
                                Farrell v1.01 IGM on Lord 2.  
                                Patch by Bobby Queen, a Lord 2 IGM 
                                Author himself and Owner of 
                                the Lord II official IGM web page 
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
p1040b.zip      3025 08-05-2024 P1040B.ZIP
                                Lord II Patch
                                Author: Bobby Queen
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
                                Patch that lets you run Tien Lung's House
                                v1.05 IGM along with Doc Farrell v2.50 IGM 
                                on Lord 2.  
                                Owner of the Lord II official IGM web page 
                                at: www.shelby.net/wizards/l2igm
p1040c.zip      3035 08-05-2024 P1040C.ZIP
                                Lord II Patch
                                Author: Bobby Queen
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
                                Patch that lets you run Tien Lung's House
                                v2.00 IGM along with Doc Farrell v3.00 IGM 
                                on Lord 2.  
                                Owner of the Lord II official IGM web page 
                                at: www.shelby.net/wizards/l2igm
p1040d.zip      3056 08-05-2024 P1040D.ZIP
                                Lord II Patch
                                Author: Bobby Queen
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
                                Patch that lets you run Tien Lung's House
                                v3.00 IGM along with Doc Farrell v3.00a IGM
                                on Lord 2.  
                                Owner of the Lord II official IGM web page 
                                at: www.shelby.net/wizards/lord2igm
p1092.zip       2975 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run The Loose
                                Screw IGM along with Father's Grave
                                IGM on Lord 2.  
                                Patch by Bobby Queen, a Lord 2 IGM 
                                Author himself and Owner of 
                                the Lord II official IGM web page 
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
p1188.zip       2912 08-05-2024 P1188
                                Lord II IGM Patch
                                Author: Bobby Queen
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
                                Patch that lets you run Q's Fortress v1.20
                                IGM along with The Blue Dragon's Challenge
                                v0.90b IGM on Lord 2.  Patch by Bobby Queen, 
                                a Lord 2 IGM Author himself and Owner of the
                                Lord II official IGM web page at:
p1193.zip       2794 08-05-2024 P1193.ZIP
                                Lord II Patch
                                Author: Bobby Queen
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
                                Patch that lets you run Scavenger Hunt v1.03
                                IGM along with Slayer's Domain v2.00 IGM on
                                Lord 2.  
                                Owner of the Lord II official IGM web page 
                                at: www.shelby.net/wizards/l2igm
p1194.zip       3380 08-05-2024 P1194.ZIP
                                Lord 2 Patch
                                Author: Bobby Queen
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
                                Patch that lets you run The Town of Andrew 
                                v1.00 IGM along with Pyramid's Place v1.09 
                                IGM on Lord 2.  Patch by Bobby Queen, a Lord 
                                2 IGM Author himself and Owner of the Lord 
                                II official IGM web page at:
p1276.zip       2980 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run Solace IGM
                                along with Transporter IGM on Lord 
                                2.  Patch by Bobby Queen, a Lord 2 
                                IGM Author himself and co-author 
                                of the Lord II official IGM web 
                                page at:
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
p1278.zip       3396 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run Aussie World
                                Two-Up Gambling IGM along with the
                                Seasons IGM on Lord 2.  Patch by 
                                Bobby Queen a Lord 2 IGM Author 
                                himself.  wizards@shelby.net
                                Available on the OFFICIAL LORD II
                                IGM ARCHIVE at:
p1279.zip       2995 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run Shangri
                                La IGM along with Password Man
                                IGM on Lord 2.  Patch by Bobby
                                Queen a Lord 2 IGM Author himself.
p1332a.zip      3274 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run Beachside
                                Cottage v1.02 IGM along with Velox
                                Teleporting Co. v2.0r IGM on Lord 2.  
                                Patch by Bobby Queen, a Lord 2 IGM 
                                Author himself and Owner of 
                                the Lord II official IGM web page 
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
p1357.zip       3209 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run Ye Olde Farm
                                IGM along with House of Incredible
                                Tensions IGM on Lord 2.  
                                Patch by Bobby Queen, a Lord 2 IGM 
                                Author himself and author of 
                                the Lord II IGM web page 
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
p1359.zip       3294 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run The Township
                                of New Stonebrook IGM along with 
                                Warrior's Graveyard IGM on Lord 2.  
                                Patch by Bobby Queen, a Lord 2 IGM 
                                Author himself and co-author of 
                                the Lord II official IGM web page 
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
p1436.zip       2936 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run Greentree
                                Orphange IGM along with Mythrans 
                                Cottage IGM on Lord 2.  Patch by 
                                Bobby Queen a Lord 2 IGM Author 
                                himself and co-author of the Lord
                                II official IGM web page at:
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
p1439a.zip      3071 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run Seths Crazy
                                Man's House IGM along with Velox 
                                Teleporting Co. v2.0r IGM on Lord 2.  
                                Patch by Bobby Queen, a Lord 2 IGM 
                                Author himself and Owner of 
                                the Lord II official IGM web page 
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
p1440b.zip      4025 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run Wizard's
                                Castle IGM along with Felicity's
                                Temple IGM on Lord 2.  Patch by
                                Ben Tiefert the official keeper
                                of the Lord 2 IGM Web Page
p1519.zip       2917 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run Faerie's
                                Glade IGM along with Yoda IGM on 
                                Lord 2.  Patch by Bobby Queen, a 
                                Lord 2 IGM Author himself and 
                                co-author of the Lord II official 
                                IGM web page at:
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
p67.zip         3370 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run The New Order
                                Concert Hall IGM along with Knotwood
                                IGM on Lord 2.  
                                Patch by Bobby Queen, a Lord 2 IGM 
                                Author himself and Owner of 
                                the Lord II official IGM web page 
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
p956.zip        3110 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run Fortress 
                                Fear IGM along with Jennie Garth
                                IGM on Lord 2.  
                                Patch by Bobby Queen, a Lord 2 IGM 
                                Author himself and author of 
                                the Lord II IGM web page 
                                E-Mail: wizards@shelby.net
palo.zip        8517 08-05-2024   Paladin's Oasis    Lord 2 igm 
                                 Don't you agree that Lord 2 is too   
                                good to evil? This adds a bar where   
                                good players get a better gem deal,   
                                evening out the playing field. Also,  
                                helps fill that dead space.           
                                       email: TALAPHID@JUNO.COM 
para199.zip    38157 08-05-2024 -=Pleasures Paradise 1.99=-
                                     Lotsa BUG fixes.
                                A wicked LORD IGM for LORD
                                3.26+. You can do drugs,
                                drink booze, and get laid.
                                Despair Sofware '95
para1991.zip   38157 08-05-2024 -=Pleasures Paradise 1.99=-
                                     Lotsa BUG fixes.
                                A wicked LORD IGM for LORD
                                3.26+. You can do drugs,
                                drink booze, and get laid.
                                Despair Sofware '95
passage3.zip   20455 08-05-2024 Underground Passage v3.0
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author:Max Walton
                                An Underground Passage
                                from in the middle of
                                the desert to Arrisville
                                on the way a teleporting
                                stone to Isle of the Phreaks
                                and a new city!
passmn11.zip    9482 08-05-2024 Treehouse Password Man! v1.10 - LORD II IGM
                                Simple (but useful) IGM to allow users 
                                another way to get the password for the 
                                treehouse, by either paying for it, or 
                                beating someone up for it!
                                Will work in the UNREGISTERED version 
                                of LORD II: New World!
                                BUG FIX - Will now calculate the cost to buy
                                          the password with relation to the
                                          player's level, to allow continuity
                                          of the game :)
                                  - mc.etheridge@student.qut.edu.au
pathedit.zip    7602 08-05-2024 
pawn0103.zip  110941 08-05-2024 [ THE PAWN SHOP V1.1  By Camroc
                                [ FREEWARE LORD IGM
                                - Fast and easy installation.
                                - Complements LORD, not ruins it!
                                - Interesting storyline.
                                - Buy weapons, armour, and other
                                  items and services.
                                - Talk to the employees.
pawn0119.zip  111074 08-05-2024 [ THE PAWN SHOP V1.2  By Camroc
                                [ FREEWARE LORD IGM
                                - Fast and easy installation.
                                - Complements LORD, not ruins it!
                                - Interesting storyline.
                                - Buy weapons, armour, and other
                                  items and services.
                                - Talk to the employees.
pawnigm.zip    78743 08-05-2024   *** Apu's Pawn Shop v1.0 ***
                                A cool LORD IGM by Justin Manning.
                                Allows players to buy weapons and
                                armour at discounts, sell weapons,
                                and attack Apu, among other things.
                                A great addition to any LORD game.
                                Call RED-LINE BBS at 703.404.2615
pbar_11.zip    91830 08-05-2024 -=[ Phil's Bar v1.1 - LORD IGM ]=-
                                 A really nice takeoff on the Inn Of
                                 The Red Dragon (Has a Slot Machine)
                                 and Girls :-) Registration is $5.00
                                 Author:Tom Phillips 1:2607/303 Fido
                                 t.phillips@phil.node99.com Internet
                                 -Phil's Place IV [610] 252-6223 -
pbar_2d11.zip   91830 08-05-2024 -=[ Phil's Bar v1.1 - LORD IGM ]=-
                                 A really nice takeoff on the Inn Of
                                 The Red Dragon (Has a Slot Machine)
                                 and Girls :-) Registration is $5.00
                                 Author:Tom Phillips 1:2607/303 Fido
                                 t.phillips@phil.node99.com Internet
                                 -Phil's Place IV [610] 252-6223 -
ped30.zip      56668 08-05-2024 The Fairy Peddler 3.0
                                   LORD IGM
                                by Children of Galaexy
                                Complete rewrite,better
                                than ever..check it out!
pedler23.zip   50394 08-05-2024 
penyon15.zip   17897 08-05-2024 Penyon Manor v1.5
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Max Larive
                                BBS: (450)679-7599
                                Find a new ownership and live in a
                                luxurious household where you even
                                have your personal commercial buyer
                                who gets you rid of your old stuff!
phan211.zip   207518 08-05-2024 PHANTOM OF THE CATACOMBS -- WIDE BETA
                                Make your way past the Skeletons to capture
                                the Key from the Phantom in the Cemetery.
                                Enter the Mausoleum and see if you can
                                survive the plunge through the Deep Abyss. 
                                Find the Treasure or Rescue the Victim if
                                you can survive the Creatures that await
                                you in the Catacombs. Earn Bonus Quests!
                                PLAY AS LORD IGM OR STANDALONE GAME!!!
                                Unzip in its own UNIQUE directory.
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
phan217.zip   209870 08-05-2024 PHANTOM OF THE CATACOMBS -- STANDALONE
                                Make your way past the Skeletons to capture
                                the Key from the Phantom in the Cemetery.
                                Enter the Mausoleum and see if you can
                                survive the plunge through the Deep Abyss. 
                                Find the Treasure or Rescue the Victim if
                                you can survive the Creatures that await
                                you in the Catacombs. Earn Bonus Quests!
                                OPTIONAL LORD IGM!!!
                                SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
                                ------------------= * =---------------------
phaze15.zip   193357 08-05-2024 =-=-=-The Purple Haze LORD IGM v1.5 -=-=-=
                                The most complete LORD IGM out there!  
                                There is a bank, a healer, trainers, flirting
                                drinking, eating, getting information, a good
                                black jack game, a madman, a bathroom, brawls
                                money, special events that happen randomly,
                                getting a date, and much much more.  Also
                                it detects if you have LORD in clean mode and
                                it will go in clean mode and change to a more
                                a cleaner IGM.  Also is gender aware so the
                                IGM is fun for either sex.  The IGM is only
                                5 bucks for registration so its worth a look.
                                Easy to install!  Uncripled Shareware!
                                New for 1.5: New menus and a better brawl.
                                Written by Andy Phillips and Jake Heule.
photek28.zip    8672 08-05-2024  -= Photek's House v2.8 LORD2 =-
                                A simple IGM for LORD2 for beta7
                                or newer.  Includes 2 new maps
                                and a .ref file.  EASY INSTALL!
picnic10.zip   83647 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... The Picnic.
                                Has that vulture been bothering you?
pklord10.zip   19610 08-05-2024 pakLORD 1.0 - Program for Legend of the Red
                                Dragon that
                                packs the player data file for speed and size.
                                Another FREE
                                L.O.R.D. utility by Retro Software Designs.
planeref.zip   16201 08-05-2024  
                                 Nogit's Airport A small IGM
                                 for lord2. Adds a airport
                                 with many places to go.
                                 |08By Nogit of Dragons Lair BBS
                                 |08     (7o3)-94i-4490
plnetv13.zip   22478 08-05-2024 <->-  Personal LORD Net v1.30  -<->
                                Allows up to 10 people to play local
                                copies of LORD, as if it were one big
                                game!  Players transfer text datafiles
                                to each other via email, which keeps
                                stats current, sends mail, and updates
                                any other interactive LORD feature.
                                Register for just $5!
                                Reqs. Legend of the Red Dragon v3.55+
plytxt11.zip   27326 08-05-2024 PLAYTEXT v1.1 - a command line utility 
                                for LORD!  This unique utility lets 
                                you change virtually anything in LORD's 
                                PLAYER.DAT file from the command 
                                line.  Freeware from SocraSoft!
pmv12.zip      55988 08-05-2024     -=-=Player's Market v.12=-=-         
                                An IGM for LORD. Multi-BBS, Multi-Node,  
                                MultiTasking Aware and can be in its own 
                                directory. A great place to buy and sell 
                                almost any item you want, and for the    
                                price you want! If you have Dragon's     
                                Breath Mountain IGM installed, you can   
                                integrate the two!                       
                                **Easy installation and configuration!** 
                                        * * **FREEWARE!** * *            
                                Written By: Ricky Friesen
pmv13.zip      54685 08-05-2024     -=-=Player's Market v.13=-=-         
                                An IGM for LORD. Multi-BBS, Multi-Node,  
                                MultiTasking Aware and can be in its own 
                                directory. A great place to buy and sell 
                                almost any item you want, and for the    
                                price you want! If you have Dragon's     
                                Breath Mountain IGM installed, you can   
                                integrate the two!                       
                                ** NEW COMM ROUTINES **                  
                                **Easy installation and configuration!** 
                                        * * **FREEWARE!** * *            
                                Written By: Ricky Friesen
pmv14.zip      54719 08-05-2024     -=-=Player's Market v.14=-=-         
                                An IGM for LORD. Multi-BBS, Multi-Node,  
                                MultiTasking Aware and can be in its own 
                                directory. A great place to buy and sell 
                                almost any item you want, and for the    
                                price you want! If you have Dragon's     
                                Breath Mountain IGM installed, you can   
                                integrate the two!                       
                                **Fixes the "F1 for command" bug**       
                                **Easy installation and configuration!** 
                                        * * **FREEWARE!** * *            
                                Written By: Ricky Friesen
poor10.zip     77723 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... The Poor House.
                                A little help when you really need it...
potion10.zip    4296 08-05-2024 The Potion Store V1.0  
                                LORD II IGM
                                Author: Nick McKinney
                                E-mail: N.McKinney@juno.com
                                This is my second IGM.
                                This is a small IGM but I think
                                that this one is pretty good.
                                Let's see how you like it and if
                                it works good for your LORD2 game.
prisbait.zip    2403 08-05-2024 Patch that lets you run 
                                Greentree Prison IGM and 
                                Big Bad Bait shop IGM on 
                                Lord 2.  Patch by Codax 
prison14.zip   80422 08-05-2024 Greentree Prison v1.4 by Codax
                                Enter Greentree prison 1 mile
                                west of Greentree.  Play 4
                                different gambling games including
                                craps, high slots, high card, and
                                coin toss (un)limited times a day!.
                                Rock crushing and pumping iron is a
                                definate must!  Tunnel out or do 
                                something really crazy like,
                                 Serve you sentence!
                                So much to see, so much to.  Looks
                                Prison my not be that bad!
prisonv2.zip   30808 08-05-2024 Greentree Prison ver 2.0 by Codax
                                Enter Greentree prison 1 mile
                                west of Greentree.  Play 4
                                different gambling games including
                                craps, high slots, high card, and
                                coin toss (un)limited times a day!.
                                Rock crushing and pumping iron is a
                                definate must!  Tunnel out or do 
                                something really crazy like,
                                 Serve you sentence!
                                So much to see, so much to.  Looks
                                Prison my not be that bad!
pshot102.zip   54553 08-05-2024 Parting Shots is a door that allows
                                users to leave a message for the next 7
                                callers.  They can leave it in color if
                                they wish using LORD style color codes.
                                Uses the same registration key as
                                Socrates' Shop.  Shareware from
psigewg.zip    89749 08-05-2024 PSI - GemShop v1.00
                                GemShop is a T-LORD IGM that allows
                                players to sell gems for gold.
                                [37mWorldgroup 1.x and 2.x version.
                                Registration: FREE
                                [35mPSI Sales  206-259-6417  Email
psilswg.zip   103063 08-05-2024 [0;1;44mPSI - Lord Shops v1.00[0m
                                [36mLord Shops is a T-LORD IGM that allows
                                players to visit a Merchants Courtyard
                                to sell gems, buy a horse, change the
                                names of their weapons and armor, adopt
                                children and visit a library.
                                [1;37mA true IGM only requiring T-Lord to run
                                [32mFull online level 3 & 4 configuration.
                                [36mWorks with WG 1.x / 2.x
                                [33mPolarShock Interactive (425) 259-6417
ptshp10a.zip   42932 08-05-2024  The Red Dragon Pet Shop v1.0a LORD IGM
                                    Freeware IGM where users can sell
                                    their weapons and buy an animal
                                    to replace them.
pvalley.zip   154394 08-05-2024 
pyram120.zip   39651 08-05-2024 Pyramid's Place v1.20 
                                Lord 2 IGM 
                                Author: Scott Tolboe
                                E-Mail: pyramid_1@geocities.com
                                Includes 11 new maps and a .ref file.  If 
                                you have any ? just e-mail me. This is my 
                                first igm so don't expect that much from it. 
                                It is like a little town located on the path 
                                to the shrine and I have added 2 new items.
pyrolord.zip   44304 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-Pyro-ized Lord-=-=-=-=-=-
                                This new Lordtxt.dat and Lenemy.dat
                                Created by me(Jeff Chamberlain)
                                Have fun and please don't 
                                change these in any way
                                -=-=-=-The Assassins Guild-=-=-=-
qfort145.zip   15341 08-05-2024 Q's Fortress v1.45
                                Lord 2 IGM
                                Author: Eric L. Bennett
                                E-mail: ebennett@entercomp.com
                                Q's fortress is an ownable castle that
                                has many features, including a bar,
                                stables, sea travel, supplies, and 
                                weapon/armor stores.
qfortres.zip   10314 08-05-2024 The Crazy Man's House by Seth A. Robinson V1
qledlite.zip   21089 08-05-2024  Que's LORD Monster Editor (SMALLER ARCHIVE)
                                 Que's LORD Monster Editoris (probably) the 
                                first such program written for MS Windows. If
                                your BBS is running under Windows, or if you 
                                maintain your system from a Windows
                                then this program will give you one less
                                to drop to DOS.
                                 This archive does NOT contain VBRUN300.DLL
                                COMMDLG.DLL which are available from most BBS
                                systems. Bitmaps and install program removed 
                                for quicker DL.
qlorded.zip   470264 08-05-2024   Que's LORD Monster Editor is (probably) the
                                first such program written for MS Windows. If
                                your BBS is running under Windows, or if you 
                                maintain your system from a Windows
                                then this program will give you one less
                                to drop to DOS.
quest201.zip   16146 08-05-2024  -= Quester V2.01 for LORD2 =-
                                  A Great IGM for LORD2 1.01a+ 
                                       EASY INSTALL! 
                                  Allows players to complete
                                 a quest per day that involves 
                                 fighting against some major 
                                 enemies ! Very configurable.
                                      New this version:
                                 Added swimming at Tiny Lake
                                   Rewrote a few routines, 
                                 2 Bug fixes + compatible with 
                                     other Lord II IGM's
                                   Another FREEWARE release
                                          by oDiN
qwkigm14.zip  105591 08-05-2024 QWK-IGM programming engine for QB45
                                           !RELEASE 1.4!           
                                  !!NOW ONLY $30.00 TO REGISTER!!  
                                Now with a NEW configuration file!!
                                The premium  engine for  generating
                                working IGMs for  Legend Of the Red
                                Dragon, a popular on-line doorgame.
                                Now includes sample source code for
                                a complete stand-alone IGM from our
                                HOT NEW IGM CASTLE COLDDRAKE!!     
                                          !!GRAB IT NOW!!          
                                Quality shareware from             
                                                Ballistic Labs, Ltd
qwkins04.zip   57367 08-05-2024 QWK-INS Install program for QWK-IGM
                                !!NEW   !!EXTREMELY SIMPLE!!  NEW!!
                                           Version 0.4
                                This  package  contains  everything
                                you need to generate a professional
                                installation  routine  for  QWK-IGM
                                generated IGMs!   Its  use is  made
                                available exclusively to registered
                                users  of the  QWK-IGM  programming
                                engine produced by Ballistic Labs. 
                                Quality shareware from             
                                                Ballistic Labs, Ltd
qwkmrt11.zip   81505 08-05-2024          *** QUIK-E-MART for LORD ***
                                                 Version 1.1
                                Another program by Chuck Charpentier.  IGM for
                                weeze the juice, steal from the clerk, eat
                                use the restroom, eat candy, make faces at the
                                and more.  Pretty nice, no registration!.
                                Call RED-LINE BBS at 703.404.2615
r3pmm9a.zip   106356 08-05-2024 R3PMM - Version .09a - LORD UTILITY
                                Allows usage of more than 9 IGMS
                                at a time in LORD.  
                                (Great GAME Seth!!)
                                Change your available IGMS on a 
                                daily basis using this program.
                                Got more than 9 IGMS.  Looking
                                for a solution for your users
                                being on for too long in the one
                                game.  This utility will allow the
                                sysop to make use of as many IGMS
                                as he likes, while limiting the
                                quantity of them daily.  Every day
                                NEW IGMS can be presented to your
                                users as they are rotated through
                                the system.    CHECK IT OUT.  
                                Written By Hansen Systems/Sven Hansen
races21.zip    86723 08-05-2024 Races 2.1   Lord IGM 
                                How about a trip to the horse races! 
races22.zip    86819 08-05-2024 Races 2.2   Lord IGM 
                                How about a trip to the horse races! 
racetrk2.zip   44339 08-05-2024 Strong Man I's Race Trek 2.00 beta
                                This IGM lets users take there horses
                                a race track to win money.  Users Also
                                can take a nap in the stable Search a 
                                grave yard, and leave messages behind 
                                for other users.  100% FREEware.
randlk10.zip   20623 08-05-2024            TGR Software Presents...
                                          Random Lord Looks v1.00!
                                   Randomly picks from 1 to 30 different
                                 LORDTXT.DAT's when your user enters LORD!
randlord.zip   60867 08-05-2024 -=-= Random Lord v1.1 =-=-
                                Chooses a random LordTXT.dat
                                and Lenemy.Dat file at Lord 
                                Statup.  Never have the same
                                Setup each time you play! use
                                up to 99 LordTXT and Lenemy
                                files each!! By: David Corona
randmenu.zip   30272 08-05-2024       *** RandomMenu v1.0 ***
                                RandomMenu is a great program that
                                will select a random LORDTXT.DAT and
                                LENEMY.DAT file each time it's run.
                                  And best of all it's *FREEWARE*
                                Written in QBasic 4.5 by Jay Moock
randmon0.zip    8400 08-05-2024 The Monster Randomizer for LORD - The Monster
                                Randomizer will allow SysOps to take the
                                standard LORD monster data file, and make
                                easy changes to these monsters, creating a
                                NEW monster data file.  Seth Able's monsters
                                will be switched, so the next time the
                                program is run the original monsters have the
                                chance to get back into the game.
raven_2d22.zip   55154 08-05-2024 |10F|02orest of the |10R|02aven|04
                                |15 Version 2.2
                                |10 An IGM for |04Legend of the Red Dragon.
                                |10 Explore the Northern Forest and try to 
                                |10 find the Castle of the Raven Queen ... 
                                |10   Anti-cheat System,
                                |10   Random Events, Magic Weapons, Riddles,
                                |10   ANSI combat sequence.
                                |10   Easy Set-up !
                                |15 Daimar Systems - David Holderness
raven_2d23.zip   55401 08-05-2024 |10F|02orest of the |10R|02aven|04
                                |15 Version 2.3
                                |10 An IGM for |04Legend of the Red Dragon.
                                |10 Explore the Northern Forest and try to 
                                |10 find the Castle of the Raven Queen ... 
                                |10   Anti-cheat System,
                                |10   Random Events, Magic Weapons, Riddles,
                                |10   ANSI combat sequence.
                                |10   Easy Set-up !
                                |15 Daimar Systems - David Holderness
rdbank16.zip   55157 08-05-2024 Red Dragon's Bank v1.6 - An IGM (In Game
                                Module) for the popular BBS door game
                                LORD v3.5x.  Red Dragon's Bank is different
                                than LORD's bank in that you don't lose your
                                gold and gems that you had deposited in it
                                once you kill The Red Dragon.
                                Added the ability to buy gems and horse.
                                Also some error checking routines.
                                SHAREWARE - $5 - NOT CRIPPLED!!
                                Seattle On-Line BBS (206) 361-6150
                                Written by Ziad K. Alhasawi
rdcas11b.zip  134711 08-05-2024 -=*> Red Dragon Casino  Lord IGM <*=-
                                Copyright (c) 1995 by William Atwell
                                RD casino is a add on module for LORD
                                3.26, Allows players to enter a casino
                                from the other places menu and gamble
                                with thier money from LORD. The casino
                                includes Black Jack and Draw Poker in
                                version 1.0 more games will come in
                                future versions. $5 registration.
                                Good game that is easy to install.
rdcas16.zip   214595 08-05-2024 -=*> Red Dragon Casino  Lord IGM <*=-
                                Copyright (c) 1995 by William Atwell
                                RD casino is a add on module for LORD
                                Updated version a few small bug fixes
                                Now has a lottery where you could win
                                millions if you pick the right numbers
                                easy to update from 1.5. 
rdcastle.zip    3868 08-05-2024 The Red Dragon's Castle 
                                LORD II IGM
                                Author: Adam Baran
                                E-Mail: baran@yesic.com
                                A 1st creation by King Lucifer (aka Bloody 
                                Knight) this does make sense if you read the 
                                Daily Happenings every day...there's always 
                                Dragon Tooth guarding a particular City/Town 
                                from attacks...and it doesn't even need an 
                                .ref file!!!!
rdcom.zip       8608 08-05-2024 Rdcom.exe - Lord2 REC decompiler program, 
                                no docs, from Eric Vinson.
rdhide12.zip    8220 08-05-2024 The Red Dragon's Hide-Out v1.2
                                Lord 2 IGM
                                Author: James Baran aka King Lucifer
                                E-Mail: bloody_knight@hotmail.com
                                This is my 2nd IGM that I have made, this is
                                also probably the biggest one I've made and 
                                it turned out just as I had imagined it 
                                would.  It took me close to 2 weeks to 
                                complete, because i accidentally deleted it.
                                ..so please enjoy this King Lucifer creation
rdsfl099.zip   36516 08-05-2024 (BGM) Random Scenarios For LORD 3.26+
                                Randomly Select Scenarios/Flavors Before
                                The Game Loads.  Quick Configuration.
                                17 Jul 1995 By Ron Dean (Freeware)
realm100.zip   60993 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                ۲Realm of ImmortalsͰ
                                ĺ      IGM v1.00      ĺĴ
                                      Realm of Immortals v1.00 for    
                                        Legend of The Red Dragon      
                                          for version 3.26+           
                                  The largest IGM to date. More to    
                                  find, more games, humour, and raw   
                                  entertainment than any other IGM!   
                                ĮMake your LORD a Party!!!
recd100s.zip   10580 08-05-2024 +---------------------------------------+
                                |                                       |
                                |RecDecom - LORD II REC Decompiler 1.0.0|
                                | - Accidentally delete your REF Source?|
                                | - An otherwise good REC bugging out?  |
                                | - Want to index a REC to speed the    |
                                |    game?                              |
                                |                                       |
                                | If any of the above are true, RecDecom|
                                | can solve the problem. Given a LORD II|
                                | REC file, RecDecom can restore the    |
                                | original REF. RecDecom is NOT intended|
                                | as a pirating tool.                   |
                                |                                       |
red10.zip      37006 08-05-2024 RedNeckin' v1.0 -=- IGM for WT-LORD in 32bit
                                wcCODE for WC5!  Funny type IGM for WT-LORD
                                v2.5 and Above ONLY! Includes Y2K date
                                checking.  Another fun *WT-LORD IGM* by
                                Joseph Watson  Hear a RedNeck joke or two.
                                It's more fun than SEX and a lot safer!
                                FEATURES: EASY Setup  SYSOP Configurable
                                Access Restriction!  BUILT in Maintenance
                                EASY ONLINE Registration with VISA or
reddt01.zip    51874 08-05-2024          -=-=RED DRAGON TOWN v1.0=-=-
                                            THIS IS A LORD 2 IGM!!
                                   Now you can visit the town from LORD 1 in
                                LORD 2! (get it!?) After the DRAGON was
                                 the town was named after the RED DRAGON...
                                 in LORD 2 you can visit this town ONCE AGAIN!
                                Created by VooDoo KnighT - KNiGHTSoFT
redwood.zip    48216 08-05-2024 -= REDWOOD RESTAURANT & TAVERN IGM V1.1=-
                                In a unique atmosphere, REDWOOD offers
                                users such options as speak to the
                                old blind barstool prophet, incite a
                                brawl, order food, and even POISON
                                other PLAYERS!  This is one IGM not
                                to be passed, grab it up while you
                                All past ERRORS FIXED!  Yes, this new
                                version is flawless, to my knowledge!
                                Another fine product by PCTech 1996
refidx02.zip   13671 08-05-2024 
registry.zip  140264 08-05-2024 Global Registries v1.09
                                Lord II Non-IGM Add-On
                                Author: Mike Freeman
                                E-Mail: aussie.mfreeman@worldnet.att.net
                                At last!   A way to record your own personal 
                                customized registry entry about your Lord II 
                                character. Completely definable allowing you 
                                to give a touch of personality to your
                                appearance in Lord II. Requires v1.01a of
                                Lord II. By (AuSSie Creations Inc.) Jan 1 98
reporter.zip    4264 08-05-2024 
reset107.zip    8964 08-05-2024 Reset ver 1.07
                                Lord 2 IGM
                                Author: Jim Wilson
                                E-Mail: jfw@ica.net
                                Freeware.  Reset ver 1.07 is an IGM that 
                                allows players who have finished either 
                                side of the game (good/evil) to reset their 
                                character to a newbie and start over.  Keeps 
                                a record of times won and helps change
                                alignment of retirees. 
reset12.zip    19755 08-05-2024 Lord 2 IGM. Freeware.  Reset ver 1.02 is an
                                IGM that allows players who have finished
                                either side of the game (good/evil) to reset
                                their character to a newbie and start over.
                                Keeps a record of times won and helps change
                                alignment of retirees.
resort20.zip    4484 08-05-2024          The Resort
                                My 3rd Lord2 IGM. Not too
                                bad too look at. So drop me
                                a note some time, my e-mail
                                address is in the SYSOP.DOC
rev100.zip     23092 08-05-2024 -= Revenge Castle v1.0 for LORD2 =-
                                A simple IGM for I made for LORD2.
                                Includes 7 new maps.  
                                Revenge Castle is located North of
                                Sosen Village.  It is a nice place to
                                visit, you can get another chance
                                on things, and travel, there is an
                                inn, and much more. 
                                ***NOTE*** I had changed GENRAN.ref
                                and added it to this IGM, if you do
                                not want a new add on to GENRAN.ref
                                then don't overwrite the file
rflct11.zip    79845 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... Reflections 
                                The battle of your lives.... 
rhpsv1.zip     68026 08-05-2024 |04.|12R|04ocky |12H|04orror |03v.1|04.
                                |07|04A IGM for LoRD v3.55+|07
                                |08Rocky Horror a great flick in movieland!
                                |08Do the Time Warp, sign a book, make a few
                                |08anouncements to all in lord, and more. You
                                |08can get gold, experiance and ????. You can
                                |08never be to sure what you will get when
                                |08play this IGM. Fun 4 all |15REGISTRATION
                                |03Support bbs Dreamland 818.991.1520
                                |03Web http://www.anacapa.net/~dore
rhpsv2.zip     81342 08-05-2024 |04.|12R|04o|08cky |12H|04o|08rror |03v
                                |07|04A IGM for LoRD v3.26+|07
                                |08Rocky Horror a great flick in movieland!
                                |08Do the Time Warp, sign a book, make a big
                                |08anouncements to all in lord, and more. You
                                |08can get gold, experience and ????. You can
                                |08never be to sure what you will get when
                                |08play this IGM. Fun 4 all |15REGISTRATION
                                |03Support bbs Dreamland 818.991.1520
                                |03Web http://www.anacapa.net/~dore
rippedfx.zip   53537 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=RIPPED FX  v.10=-=-=-=-
                                 FX Sound System RIPs for use
                                  with RIPPED! by Sharkware.
                                RIP and FX Sound for ANY DOOR!
                                Includes RIPPED!.ZIP with a
                                selected collection of FX RIPs
                                Both RIP 1.54 and 2.2 formats! 
                                   FREEWARE by Mike Collard
                                        and SHARKware
                                Midnight's Realm  (505)254-9415
rivwbv10.zip  152383 08-05-2024 
                                   ô River Styx  -  WideBeta v1.0
                                Lounge Software is back!  This brand new 
                                installment in the BBS door market will 
                                have your users coming back for RPG fun 
                                every day.  Trapped in hell by Satan, 
                                each user must travel along The River 
                                Styx, battling Demons all along the way.  
                                Find the Transfer Token and you can take 
                                the Train of Death to the next stop.  
                                Your goal is to reach stop 50 before 
                                your Soul has been stripped away.  Full 
                                multinode support, fossil drivers, non 
                                standard IRQ's and much more!  
                                (C)opyright 1997 Lounge Software
rlok110a.zip   20691 08-05-2024 -= Random Lord Looks v1.10a; LORD Add-on =-
                                Randomly picks from 1 to 100 different
                                LORDTXT.DAT and LENEMY.DAT files. Set 2 Dir.
                                name & your done! Automatically detects # of
                                LORDTXT/LENEMY files are in the directory!
                                Meaning you don't have to tell the program
                                how many LORDTXT/LENEMY.DAT's you have!!
                                This version has been totally recoded!
                                By Ed Mullins, Mullins Software. Only $3!
rm300.zip     141889 08-05-2024 RANDMON v3.00 for LORD v3.26
                                BackAlley Software presents: A utility to
                                change out your
                                LORD monsters as you wish.  Includes 600+
                                monsters and
                                MONEDITR... a monster editor for editing the
                                data files...
rnd3prty.zip   83645 08-05-2024 LORD utility to randomly select IGM's
                                This utility will randomly select IGM's and
                                rewrite the 3RDPARTY.DAT file each and every
                                time LORD is run...
rnr13.zip     114256 08-05-2024 Lord in game Module... Rest and 
                                relaxation... visit Violets 
                                house of ill repute, or Turgeons
                                pleasure palace for the ladies.
                                Shouldn't offend any users, save
                                perhaps the very youngest...
rnr20.zip     117087 08-05-2024 Lord in game Module... Rest and 
                                relaxation... visit Violets 
                                house of ill repute, or Turgeons
                                pleasure palace for the ladies.
                                Shouldn't offend any users, save
                                perhaps the very youngest...
rnrcheat.zip    1698 08-05-2024 
robin3.zip    150936 08-05-2024 Robin Hood v3.00
                                Visit Robin and His Merry Bunch. 
                                1st IGM from the Sysop Of Hellas BBS
                                718-630-5885  Fido 1:278/217
                                Only $4.00 To Register. All Future
                                Upgrades are free.  Coming Soon
                                Ye Olde Town Mall.
rol143.zip    123723 08-05-2024 *** REALM oF LORE v1.43 *** LORD IGM ***
                                One of THE BEST IGMs for LORD! Multiple
                                regions for players to conquest. Many
                                foes to battle and treasures to find. A
                                MUST PLAY for the serious LORD fan!
                                Change Class, Learn Skills, Trade
                                Weapons & Armors, Campsites & MUCH More!
rose100.zip     3192 08-05-2024              @>---,---'---
                                            Ralphie's Roses
                                This IGM adds a small hut west of Runion
                                Keep where players can buy a rose for $5
                                and send it to another player.
                                I would like to dedicate this IGM to my
                                father-in-law Fred Ledden, the real-life
                                owner of Ralphie's Roses.
                                Author : Jay Weber
                                (C) 1997 ShroomTrip Software
                                E-Mail: elric@innocent.com
rtread02.zip   83107 08-05-2024  RTREADER V0.02 WITH RTNEWS02.REF       
                                RTREADER is a powerfull script language 
                                system - Multinode BBS Support.  With
                                the RT Soft newsletter for June/July.
rtscr10.zip    36631 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                                Complete Programmer's manual
                                for RTSoft's RTSCRIPT Script
                                Language used for LORD II
                                .REF files.  Includes
                                commands not included in
rtsgem11.zip   13596 08-05-2024 -=The Gem Shop IGM V1.10 for WG/MBBS T-LORD
                                NOTE:  This IGM comes with complete source,
                                Worldgroup developers can use it as a
                                to create their own IGM's!
                                This simple but usefull IGM lets your users
                                sell off their gems for cash - small, but
                                heck, it's free!
rtview.zip     15459 08-05-2024   RTview 1.0 by Jonathan Duke                
                                Use this file to type any LORD
                                or TEOS color-coded files.  It
                                has been written to support all
                                the new codes that were added
                                to Planets: TEOS 2.0!  ANSI.SYS
                                is not required.  *FREEWARE*
rtwed14.zip    46553 08-05-2024     The RT World Editor v1.4
                                 Copyright 1998, Chris Vallinga
                                This is  an editor  for RTREADER
                                worlds.  RTREADER  is the engine
                                that  runs  LORD II:  New World.
                                Mouse support + block functions.
rue15.zip     252689 08-05-2024 "The Rue Morgue" v1.5 -=- An IGM for WT-LORD
                                in 32bit wcCODE!
                                "WT-LORD v2.0 READY" The Morgue will change
                                your life forever!
                                This IGM contains ADULT situations and is not
                                intended for
                                Minors! Another fun *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph
                                FEATURES:  EASY Setup
                                           SUPPORTS Mutiple WT-LORD Games
                                           SYSOP can restrict access by
                                security level! (keep the kids out)
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
                                           EASY ONLINE Registration with VISA
                                and MASTERCARD!
russ10.zip     13411 08-05-2024 "Russian Roulette" v1.0 -= An IGM for WT-LORD
                                in 32bit wcCODE! Try you luck at a game of
                                roulette. A fun *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph
                                FEATURES:  EASY Setup
                                           SUPPORTS Mutiple WT-LORD Games
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
sandcity.zip    6293 08-05-2024 SandCity by Kevin Brown V1.00
                                 Well, it's a starter! Add Sandcity
                                 to your desert. Sandcity has fallen
                                 into a cavern below it's origional
                                 site. Will you help them dig out?
                                 {File_Id Added By the LORDFDN}
sandsrc.zip    75271 08-05-2024   Full Source Code To SandBar v1.02
                                 As requested, all the SandBar files
                                 and the DDPlus files required to 
                                 make SandBar work.  Compilable from
                                 TPX/TURBO (All *.PAS and *.OBJ files 
                                 included).  From Joseph Masters
sansi20.zip    45717 08-05-2024 Sansi converter version 2.0
                                Converts from ANSI to Sansi and
                                vice-versa. Sansi (Seth-ANSI) is
                                Lord Color Codes.
santa10.zip    71664 08-05-2024     A Visit To Santa Claus 1.0
                                Seasons  Greetings from the  people 
                                at New Realm Interactive!   We hope
                                you all enjoy this seasonal IGM for
                                Legend of the Red Dragon.   You can
                                visit the North Pole,  sit on Santa
                                or Mrs. Claus' lap, and more!  And,
                                as always, this IGM is FREE.
                                 FREEWARE by New Realm Interactive
santa12.zip    72990 08-05-2024     A Visit To Santa Claus 1.2
                                Seasons  Greetings from the  people 
                                at New Realm Interactive!   We hope
                                you all enjoy this seasonal IGM for
                                Legend of the Red Dragon.   You can
                                visit the North Pole,  sit on Santa
                                or Mrs. Claus' lap, and more!  And,
                                as always, this IGM is FREE.
                                 FREEWARE by New Realm Interactive
save10.zip      8690 08-05-2024 SAVE v1.0 
                                Lord 2 IGM
                                Author: Talaphid 
                                E-Mail: Talaphid@Juno.Com
                                This IGM adds a religious order that will, 
                                upon the player finding them, be so nice as 
                                to bring back the player (at their choice) at
                                any of their [found] temples. This finding a 
                                temple first, prevents it from unbalancing 
                                (a level 1 character by RockHolm!?) gameplay.
sbar102.zip    76453 08-05-2024        Sandtiger's Bar v1.02 - LORD IGM
                                    The first LORD IGM returns in a virtually
                                    bugless state! :)  3 Gambling Games, new
                                    Weapons & Armor, Much More!  by SOS!
sbl104.zip      7863 08-05-2024  Stonebrook Lodge v1.4 IGM for LORD II
                                 An IGM for registered or unregistered
                                         LORD II v1.0 or newer.
                                            * Play a game *
                                          * Win money draws *
                                         * Get laid by Kayla *
                                        * Heal for less money *
                                    * Chat with other adventurers *
                                  * Place ads in The Daily Happening *
sc100.zip      32574 08-05-2024 Seth's Cottage v1.00- A LORD IGM
                                Female oriented IGM.
sc201.zip      31914 08-05-2024 Seth's Cottage v2.01- A LORD IGM
                                Female oriented IGM.
                                Faster data routines!
scarl13.zip    79995 08-05-2024 "Scarlett and the Vandoran Knights", is about
                                the female first
                                knight in a realm called "Vandora"! 32 bit IGM
                                written for 
                                WTLORD and compiled with WCCODE.
school10.zip   79670 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... ye olde schoolhouse 
                                Are you ready to be tested? 
scorp110.zip    7574 08-05-2024 LORD II IGM          
                                Scorpion's Den V1.1o 
                                Visit weapon's dealer
                                Healer other things  
scv250.zip     18226 08-05-2024 Show Conversations Version 2.5 - Lord sysop
                                Lord Utility for SysOps who try to keep track
                                of conversation areas
                                in Lord and some In Game Modules.  It offers a
                                range of features,
                                with a lot of possibilities for your game! 
                                New features in Version
                                2.5 are:
                                o Show the Conversations in Aladdin's Palace -
                                The Inn of
                                  Krondos, and The Imp Tavern! Another Quality
                                  From Blazing Fire Software!  *FreeWare*
                                Written by Devon Brooks
sdpass13.zip   20031 08-05-2024 SeaDeep Passage v1.3
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Max Larive [FieldSoft]
                                BBS: (450)679-7599
                                From the desert to Arris Island is a
                                large, humid, dark underground passage.
                                Travel under the sea in the caves, and
                                stop a mid-way to shop around at Mid Isle
                                Town, or buy you own shack!
seas2000.zip   87287 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... Tis the Season
                                Xmas 2000 LORD IGM. Will you 
                                help the little warriors
                                again this year?
seas95a.zip    77132 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... Tis the Season
                                Xmas 1995 LORD IGM, What 
                                can all the little warriors
                                expect this year ?
seas96.zip     87449 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... Tis the Season
                                Xmas 1996 LORD IGM. Will you 
                                help the little warriors
                                again this year?
seas97l2.zip   15586 08-05-2024    -= Seasons 97' For Lord 2 =-
                                This is the Christmas IGM for LORD 2.
                                Please have a Merry Christmas!
                                Brought to you by
                                Bryan Turner (SMYC)
                                Robby Dittmann
                                  (Mamoosoft Programming)
seas98.zip     87165 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... Tis the Season
                                Xmas 1998 LORD IGM. Will you 
                                help the little warriors
                                again this year?
seas99.zip     86181 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... Tis the Season
                                Xmas 1999 LORD IGM. Will you 
                                help the little warriors
                                again this year?
seed.zip        1633 08-05-2024 Seed File for the LORD 2 File Echo
                                on the LORD FDN. This file can be 
seth22.zip     11130 08-05-2024 Seth Able's Music Shop v2.2
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Max Larive [FieldSoft]
                                BBS: (450)679-7599
                                The good all Seth Able is back, and
                                any girl can go after him to flirt
                                with him, or ask him to sing which
                                inspires every warrior's day!
sfairy23.zip   53432 08-05-2024 -=-=-SunShines' Fairy Land v2.3-=-=-
                                  IGM for Seth Ables' game, Legend
                                  Of The Red Dragon "LORD".  Visit
                                  SunShines' Fairy Land and try to
                                  catch a Fairy. Checkout Sunshines'
                                  General Store or try to win one
                                  of 8 different prizes, by guessing
                                  the number SunShine is thinking of.
                                  Added commas to most amounts. Now
                                  limits fairy tries to 5, has tons
                                  of error checking to prevent any
                                  negative values, also has higher
                                  default prices in SunShines General
                                  Store, which are sysop configurable,
                                  with registration of only $5.
sfairy25.zip   55187 08-05-2024 -=-=-SunShines' Fairy Land v2.5-=-=-
                                  IGM for Seth Ables' game, Legend
                                  Of The Red Dragon "LORD".  Visit
                                  SunShines' Fairy Land and try to
                                  catch a Fairy. Checkout Sunshines'
                                  General Store or try to win one
                                  of 8 different prizes, by guessing
                                  the number SunShine is thinking of.
                                  Added commas to most amounts. Now
                                  limits fairy tries to 5, has tons
                                  of error checking to prevent any
                                  negative values, also has higher
                                  default prices in SunShines General
                                  Store, which are sysop configurable,
                                  with registration of only $5.
sfairy26.zip   55160 08-05-2024 -=-=-SunShines' Fairy Land v2.6-=-=-
                                  IGM for Seth Ables' game, Legend
                                  Of The Red Dragon "LORD".  Visit
                                  SunShines' Fairy Land and try to
                                  catch a Fairy. Checkout Sunshines'
                                  General Store or try to win one
                                  of 8 different prizes, by guessing
                                  the number SunShine is thinking of.
                                  Added commas to most amounts. Now
                                  limits fairy tries to 5, has tons
                                  of error checking to prevent any
                                  negative values, also has higher
                                  default prices in SunShines General
                                  Store, which are sysop configurable,
                                  with registration of only $5.
sfarm13.zip    14640 08-05-2024 The Smiths Farm v1.3
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Max Larive
                                BBS: (450)679-7599
                                In the BigWood Forest lays a nice and
                                warm farm, north of Sosen Village.
                                Refresh yourself with the generous
                                Farmer Smith and find the family
                                savings for your own account...
sfort21.zip    30421 08-05-2024 The Sea Fortress v2.1
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Max Larive [FieldSoft]
                                BBS: (450)679-7599
                                The Sea Fortress of Corin's father,
                                King Ptolimus. It is now a castle of
                                variety, where everything is possible,
                                shopping, eating, fishing, etc.
sh3_2d5.zip    31137 08-05-2024 SUMMER HEAT 3.5 FOR LORD 3.50. Awsome new
                                menus and monsters
                                A MUST for all LORD GAMES!
sha155.zip     35121 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                                Shauna, The Princess of Sorcery
                                IGM for L.O.R.D. version 1.55
                                Ask Shauna for her magical powers
                                and she may grant your wish!
                                          - FREEWARE - 
sha200.zip     35548 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                                Shauna, The Princess of Sorcery
                                IGM for L.O.R.D. version 2.00
                                Ask Shauna for her magical powers
                                and she may grant your wish!
                                Now supports L.O.R.D. 3.50!
                                A lot less generous to avoid
                                in imbalance in L.O.R.D.
                                          - FREEWARE - 
shang30.zip     4655 08-05-2024            Ŀ
                                       Shangri La      
                                  A LORD 2 IGM BY FLiNK
                                  My second, better IGM
                                  Nice, needs registered
                                 LORD2 to use it.      
shark100.zip    8178 08-05-2024 Sharks' Tooth Island v1.00
                                A new village for Lord 2,
                                where you can chat with 3
                                different people, buy items,
                                weapons, and armor, get
                                healed, use the bank and buy
                                travel tickets.
                                FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! 
                                Author : Jay Weber
                                (C) 1997 ShroomTrip Software
shark121.zip    7789 08-05-2024 Sharks' Tooth Island v1.21
                                A new village for Lord 2, where you can
                                chat with 3 different people, buy items,
                                weapons, and armor, get healed, use the
                                bank, buy travel tickets and maybe find
                                Thunderblade, who will teleport you to
                                2 towns, or to your mothers house.
                                FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! 
                                Author : Jay Weber
                                (C) 1997 ShroomTrip Software
sharkyv1.zip   27502 08-05-2024 Sharky's Place v1 SE (Special Edition!)
                                A wcCode IGM for WT-Lord 2.0x
                                The Castle awaits you! Come see whats
                                inside! Win Gold! Sysop Configurable!
                                By WS-Software...
shipwk10.zip    9770 08-05-2024      -=The Shipwreck IGM v1.00=-
                                  An IGM for LORD II v1.00 or newer.
                                Explore the merchant ship PRIDE OF ARRIS.
                                Trade with her captain.  Fire the cannon.
                                Meet Larkin, the worlds most powerful
                                wizard.  Includes 3 new maps and a *.ref
                                file.  Uses Seth's install program for
                                easy installation.
ship_a.zip     12998 08-05-2024 -=Sea Serpent IGM for LORD II=-
                                An IGM for LORD II v1.00 or newer.
                                Buy this fabled ship and sail the Eight 
                                Seas. Has own treasury and Ship's 
                                Includes 2 new maps and a .ref file.
                                Uses Seth's install program for easy
show19.zip     51458 08-05-2024 
showme11.zip   22720 08-05-2024 ķ
                                       LORD ShowMe v1.1       
                                     LORD ShowMe is a nice    
                                  little utility to show the  
                                   color encoded data files   
                                   that are used in LORD as   
                                  menus and mail files.  May  
                                  be useful for a person who  
                                    is designing new menus!   
                                  NOW DISPLAYS ANSI CODES!!!  
                                      By Patrick Burfield     
shrwd10.zip    74767 08-05-2024 Lord in game Module... Sherwood forest 
                                meet up with Robin Hood, Friar Tuck... 
shrwd12.zip    82193 08-05-2024 Sherwood Forest 1.2   Lord IGM 
                                Meet up with Robin Hood, Friar Tuck... 
simpsons.zip   38523 08-05-2024 Visit the Simpsons in this parody for Lord!
sinchrch.zip   42114 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-SinCity Church v1.0-=-=-=-=-=-
                                  IGM for Seth Ables' game, Legend
                                  Of The Red Dragon "LORD".  Visit
                                  SinCity Church where you can
                                  confess your sins, give to the
                                  poor, or get gold if your poor,
                                  and ask the priest to pray for
                                  you.  Plus, you can rob the poor
                                  pot!  Beware of "Goola" the two
                                  and a half headed ork!  If you
                                  kill em, you get lot's of Gold.
                                  See if you can find the secrets
                                  that await you in SinCity Church!
skc_1s.zip     79777 08-05-2024 SILVER KNIGHT'S CASTLE IGM for LORD - 
                                version 1.0 - Joust with the Knights of 
                                the castle!  Post anonymous messages in 
                                the Daily Happenings!  Visit the the 
                                Dungeon! and MUCH MORE!!!  Features
                                level-based awards, clean mode, install
                                and uninstall programs that really work, 
                                and a few secret options.  Well-tested 
                                and well-written - your LORD fanatics 
                                WILL love it!  
                                Compiled 11/95 - Shareware - Try me!!!!!
skigm10.zip    39226 08-05-2024 Ski  Resort V1.00:  for  LORD  3.50+
                                  LORD's first ski resort, featuring
                                animated skiing, fair rewards(unlike
                                some  other IGM's),  and even a  ski
skill103.zip   55868 08-05-2024 Skill Training Center v 1.03 - LORD IGM
                                An IGM that allows  users to gain extra
                                skill  points  by playing  games.  Very
                                easy   to  install,  and  the   install
                                program  actually works! Includes three
                                        * Tic Tac Toe
                                        * Target practice
                                        * The Shell Game
                                        * One use per day 
skill104.zip   55964 08-05-2024 Skill Training Center v 1.04 - LORD IGM
                                An IGM that allows  users to gain extra
                                skill    points   by  playing    games.
                                Now works with all drop file types that
                                are supported by LORD.  Includes  three
                                        * Tic Tac Toe
                                        * Target practice
                                        * The Shell Game
                                Only allows one use per day.
skull015.zip   69376 08-05-2024 Old Skull Inn 0.15 -- LORD IGM
                                IGM for LORD that allows:
                                 * players to Arm Wrestle
                                 * play 654
                                 * sneak a peak at other player stats
                                   in a form of top player lists!
                                 * Bank
                                 * Crystal Shard Lotto!
                                 * COMPLETELY configurable!
                                   You can make this IGM have
                                   big or little impack on the game!
                                 * Full multi-node support!
                                SHAREWARE -- $5.00 -- Fully
                                functionally when unregistered!
skull021.zip   84464 08-05-2024 Old Skull Inn 0.21 -- LORD IGM
                                IGM for LORD that allows:
                                 * Players to Arm Wrestle
                                 * Play 654
                                 * Sneak a peak at other player stats
                                   in a form of top player lists!
                                 * Bank
                                 * Crystal Shard Lotto!
                                 * Visit the Wine Cellar!!!
                                   Find the Wine and gain a
                                   nice reward!  But, BEWARE!
                                   You will encounter other
                                   monsters on your quest, up
                                   to FOUR at one time!
                                 * COMPLETELY configurable!
                                   You can make this IGM have
                                   big or little impack on the game!
                                 * Full multi-node support!
                                SHAREWARE -- $5.00 -- Fully
                                functionally when unregistered!
                                Register before 12/31/1995, and recieve
                                20% off the registration!  Making it
                                only $4.00!!!!
skull022.zip   85005 08-05-2024 Old Skull Inn 0.22 -- LORD IGM
                                IGM for LORD that allows:
                                 * Players to Arm Wrestle
                                 * Play 654
                                 * Sneak a peak at other player stats
                                   in a form of top player lists!
                                 * Bank
                                 * Crystal Shard Lotto!
                                 * Visit the Wine Cellar!!!
                                   Find the Wine and gain a
                                   nice reward!  But, BEWARE!
                                   You will encounter other
                                   monsters on your quest, up
                                   to FOUR at one time!
                                 * COMPLETELY configurable!
                                   You can make this IGM have
                                   big or little impack on the game!
                                 * Full multi-node support!
                                SHAREWARE -- Fully functionally
                                when unregistered!
                                Register before 12/31/1995, and recieve
                                20% off the registration!  Making it
                                only $4.00!!!!
                                Special Offers for multiple
                                registrations.  See SKULL.DOC
                                for more information!
                                FREQ SKULL for latest release
skystaff.zip    4214 08-05-2024 SKYSTAFF SHACK!
                                Now you can buy the SkyStaff parts instead of
                                wandering around for hours looking the hooded
                                IGM MADE BY: ASC
slay201.zip    37618 08-05-2024 Slayer's Domain v2.01 
                                LORD 2 IGM
                                Author: Ben Mondoux
                                E-Mail: bmondoux@geocities.com
                                Shops etc. and two quests, one with a moving 
                                sequence!  Email bug reports, comments and 
                                suggestions to me at bmondoux@geocities.com! 
                                I really apreciate feedback.
slord40.zip   117643 08-05-2024 SUNLoRD VeRSioN 4.0 
                                !NeW MoNSTeRS!
                                !NeW SCReeNS!NeW SaYiNGS!
                                !NeW WeaPoNS aND aRMouR!
                                As THe HoT SUMMeR SUN RiSeS iNTo THe
                                CLoUDLeSS SKY, YoUR LoRD GAMe BeCoMeS
                                eVeN MoRe oF A BLAST!  CAN YoU TAKe
                                THe HeAT oF THiS NeW DRAGoN?? 
slotto10.zip   87727 08-05-2024      Seth's Lotto - LORD IGM
                                 Another IGM by Joseph Masters
                                 with full source code. Minimal
                                 game impact. 2sec Install.
slugh50.zip    14032 08-05-2024      **** The Slug House ****
                                           Version 5.0
                                      For Lord 2: New World
                                        Now a normal REF!
                                Go east of PortTown, and into..
                                        THE SLUG HOUSE!!!
                                This features...
                                ANSI screens
                                A Computer, with notes and banking
                                The Strange Store, for buying stuff
                                The Teleporter, for going places
                                The Bat Inn, for safe sleeping
                                The Slug Arena, for killing stuff
                                Read the included SLUGH.DOC for
                                more info. REQUIRES REG. LORD2!
slvil17.zip    42361 08-05-2024 SandLand Village v1.7
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Max Larive
                                BBS: (450)679-7599
                                Find a new village in the desertic
                                area! People are thursty, but it's
                                THE midland shelter where quests
                                are made and water is needed...
smarts13.zip   13542 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 Smart-Smart v1.3 
                                Smart-Smart is a program which
                                if run before each time Lord
                                (Legend Of The Red Dragon)
                                is played, it will give the
                                user's bonuses.  Has config-
                                urable ammounts so you can
                                set what they get.
                                Programmed By: Digital Patd
smplord2.zip  141765 08-05-2024 ** 5 ** AWSOME IGMs FOR LORD!!! TOTALLY FREE!!
                                From the Smugglers Cove BBs (904) 682-7516
                                Second release.. fixed hanging up bbs on
sndbar20.zip   66497 08-05-2024 Sandtiger's Bar v2.0 -- LORD IGM
                                Sandtiger's Bar v2.0 from Gerald
                                Yuvallos -- NO MORE BUGS! It's FREEWARE!
sochelp.zip     3458 08-05-2024 *** Socrates Help File *** Hints for the
                                LORD Add On IGM
soda12.zip      7370 08-05-2024 SODA MACHINE v1.1 - An IGM for LORD II
                                which creates a random event in which
                                players will find a soda machine.  For
                                $2 they can get a can of soda.  Most of
                                the time, it is just a refreshing can of
                                Red Dragon Cola.  But, sometimes, they
                                will get a can filled with a potion.
                                Easy to install.  Registration is FREE!!
                                From Mamoosoft Programming.
solace1.zip    14332 08-05-2024 SOLACE v1.1
                                by Tony Burchette
                                This my first IGM.
                                It is also one of
                                the biggest I have
                                ever seen.
                                {File_Id added by the LORDFDN}
solarlrd.zip   38390 08-05-2024      S.o.L.a.R Lord۲
                                Ķ                Ŀ
                                ۺ   SoLaR Lord is a great new۳
                                 program from VASoft. SoLaR   
                                ۺLord lets you travel to dif-۳
                                ferant plants according to  
                                your level, Like 'Level 2'  
                                is 'Mars'. Very fun. SoLaR  
                                Lord has new 'Menus' and    
                                'Enemies'. A MUST!!!        
                                   S.o.L.a.R Lord is FREEWARE 
somrigm.zip    44842 08-05-2024 Sommer's Shiny Things v1.0 
                                a LORD IGM.
                                Written by: Shawn 'Tiny' Highfield
spelbind.zip   79124 08-05-2024 SPELLBINDER 1.01a ALPHA LORD IGM SpellBinder
                                freeware 10-25-95.
srdcsl20.zip   54059 08-05-2024 The Sword Castle v2.0
                                LORD 2 IGM
                                Author: Michael Naeseth aka MeRCeR
                                E-Mail: YOMERCER@AOL.COM
                                A new city with chances to get money, items, 
                                food, fish, and all kinds of stuff, comes w/
                                a tower you can buy, built in quest, caves, 
                                gambling, and much much more! Also replaces 
                                quest.ref to make deliveries available to 
                                this new city! Have fun with this one.... 
ss20.zip        3739 08-05-2024  -=Secret Stuff 2.0 IGM for LORD II=-
                                An IGM for LORD II v1.00 or newer.
                                Can you find the hidden door?
                                if you do you will like whats inside!
                                does warp say eneything to you?
                                this is the coolest igm yet. The probs
                                have been fixed in this version!
                                Includes 2 new maps and a .ref file.
                                Uses Seth's install program for easy
sswlrd12.zip   40532 08-05-2024 SUPER STAR WARS LORD v1.2
                                All new ANSI's for LORD.  Change the
                                same old Legend of the Red Dragon into
                                Super Star Wars LORD.
stable01.zip   35553 08-05-2024 Add a stable to LORD - IGM.
stable15.zip  112335 08-05-2024  LORD Stables IGM Ver 1.5 for LORD 3.53+
                                 An IGM for LORD that let's players buy 
                                 and sell horses!  Sounds kinda' dumb, 
                                 but useful for SysOps that like to keep 
                                 cheating to a minimum by running few or 
                                 no IGMs.  I think I did a good job 
                                 'cause I'm one of those SysOps!  Lot's 
                                 of bug fixes from previous releases!  
                                 Much better now!
                                 Written by: Jason Parish
star10.zip     37443 08-05-2024              StarFire LORD &  Wakko
                                StarFire LORD:  Warriors work for the galactic
                                emperor Kail, are have
                                  been ordered to destroy the Red Dragon . . .
                                Wakko Enemies (?):  Doesn't really go with the
                                LORDTXT file above, fight
                                  enemies from X-Men, Power Rangers, Star Wars
                                 and other weirdos . . .
                                (Hey, I think it's cool)
stbar201.zip   55670 08-05-2024 THE STAR TREK BAR. Version 2.01.
                                Biggest and Best IGM for LORD 2 Yet!
                                With over 115k of refs! 1/4 of total
                                Features Picard, Riker, Data, Troi,
                                Beverly, Wesley, Quark, Morn, Rom,
                                Dabo Girls, a Dabo Table, an Inn
                                and 5 holosuites, a hospital, the
                                Boss, an ATM, a Move Bank, your own
                                transporter, and a few surprises!
                                Freeware, by Justin Beck.
stoneb10.zip    3489 08-05-2024  -= Township of New Stonebrook v1.00 =-
                                   -= By Trent Renshaw of RenSoft =-
                                 This is a LORD II replacement IGM for
                                 the original 'Town of Stonebrook'.
                                 Features enhanched new buildings and
                                 landscapes with trees from the
stone_21.zip   10284 08-05-2024          Stones! v1.0 LORD 2 REF IGM
                                For LORD2 beta 7+ - Simple REF to allow 
                                people to store money under rocks: also adds 
                                a shovel item.  Thanks to Seth Able!
stores10.zip   53559 08-05-2024  LORD Stores IGM ۲ Allow users to buy
                                in you LORD game!  Prices are Sysop
                                Installs to MegaIGM or 3rdparty.dat!
                                Registration is $10.00.
stron133.zip   31554 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                        Strong Man I's Love Shack V.1.31 Beta
                                           Freeware Lord IGM By Space Dude
                                                           aka. CCC
                                          Marry your Sweetheart W/O the 100 
                                        Charm Rating and Write Romantic Mail!
strong12.zip   31237 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                        Strong Man I's Love Shack V.1.20 Beta
                                           Freeware Lord IGM By Space Dude
                                          Marry your Sweetheart W/O the 100 
                                        Charm Rating and Write Romantic Mail!
                                         Support: The Weible Street Station
strport1.zip   64916 08-05-2024 AWSOME IGM FOR LORD!!! TOTALLY FREE!!!
                                From the Smugglers Cove BBs (904) 682-7516
                                Your players will enjoy this cool parody of
                                the starwars trilogy!  STARPORT!!!
                                Dedicated to the war against cheesy IGM's
                                requiring monitary registration!
strport2.zip   66835 08-05-2024 AWSOME IGM FOR LORD!!! TOTALLY FREE!!! 
                                From the Smugglers Cove BBs (904) 682-7516
                                Your players will enjoy this cool parody of
                                the starwars trilogy!  STARPORT!!!
                                Contains last of minor bug fixes from version
stuff10.zip    41207 08-05-2024 -=Buy/Sell Stuff v1.0 LORD IGM=-
                                Copyright (C) 1995 Chad Schwartz
                                This IGM allows you to buy/sell
                                stuff just like you are in a store.
                                Hope you like it!
sub17a.zip     77328 08-05-2024 LORD Suburbia v1.7a -- a LORD IGM.
                                Buy your own cottage in the woods of
                                LORD!  Visit the back alley for to
                                steal objects stored at other people's
                                cottages.  Talk to the LawMan about
                                problems and civil unrest. Fixes all
                                known bugs! *BUG FIX*
sub200.zip     99601 08-05-2024 LORD Suburbia v2.00 -- a LORD IGM.
                                Buy your own cottage in the woods of
                                LORD!  Visit the Church, deposit
                                gold at the Bank. Talk to the Law
                                Man.  Spy on neighbors!  Major bug
                                fix/update!  9th Full Release!
swim050.zip   161892 08-05-2024 Stone Beach Pass Swimming Area V0.50
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Dark Night
                                E-mail: darkn@geocities.com
                                Visit the Stone Beach Pass Swimming
                                Area! Go swimming, get eaten by
                                sharks, tan in the sun, rent boats,
                                go scuba diving, buy an island castle
                                go explore a scarry cave and much
swlord.zip     37175 08-05-2024 
                                                       From Bobby's World
                                                         Star Wars LORD!!!!!
                                                        Written by Bob
                                                            Bobby's World
                                                            Topeka, Kansas
sword11.zip     6236 08-05-2024 The $word in the $tone v1.0 
                                Lord II IGM                                   
                                Authors: MeRcEr (Michael Naeseth), and
                                E-Mail: mercer281@aol.com             
                                Pull out the $word from the $tone, 
                                discover the lost treasure of Stone 
                                Brook.  But remember, you only get 
                                one pull per day so make it a good 
sysop_v1.zip    8304 08-05-2024  -= SYSOP'S CASTLE for LORD2 =-
                                A simple IGM for LORD2.Includes 3 
                                new maps nd a .ref file.  
                                This IGM has a castle with a jail
                                which people get tyhrown into if
                                they mess with guards. To escape
                                they must write I WILL BEHAVE
                                MYSELF 10 times or use dungeon.
                                                 by DON KINNEY
s_train1.zip    4663 08-05-2024 Stonebrook Training Grounds v1.00
                                This IGM adds a training area
                                to a unregistered game. Have fun
                                           By: Jeremy Wilson
                                                * AND *
                                               PimP TitE 
tal10.zip      43662 08-05-2024 Talent for the Skill v1.0 [IGM]
                                 A training grounds for the  
                                 3 skills of lords.           
                                 Dekka Visions(c) 1995       
tal11.zip      45322 08-05-2024 Talent for the Skill v1.1 [IGM]
                                 A training grounds for the  
                                 3 skills of lords.          
                                  Can only be entered once a 
                                 Dekka Visions(c) 1995       
talquiz.zip     7882 08-05-2024  B.G-S. Co.    lord2igm 
                                 A "filler" for LORD ][, also 
                                a little quiz game where      
                                players can win some money if 
                                they know their LORD ][.      
tavern10.zip    5114 08-05-2024 ij
                                New Lordnet Menus! Tavern1.0 
                                is just a set for menus for  
                                that awesome IGM-LORDNET!!   
                                 By: HTl  -'95 Neo Gen
tbhv101.zip    43527 08-05-2024 
tcw094.zip      9409 08-05-2024      -= The Crazy Wizard 0.94 =-
                                This is another IGM for LORD2. A simple
                                addon that will add a character called
                                The Crazy Wizard to the game. Get some
                                cash or a potion from him or just talk
                                to him for clues on how to finish the
                                doorgame. Freeware!
                                 Isengard BBS: (065)-4663540
tdragd04.zip   35254 08-05-2024 
tdragd06.zip   35527 08-05-2024 
tdt_inc.zip    23613 08-05-2024  The Legend Of The TDT Incorparated
                                 Menu sets!! A TDT Inc. Production.
                                 Interesting back ground...
tdun18.zip     57011 08-05-2024    TURGONS DUNGEON V 1.8  ͻ
                                  d of the Red Dragon add on     
                                  utility from Wonderland Software.   
                                  Help set Gwendyln free. Gamble with 
                                  the Realms guards. Find the hidden  
                                  Thieves Guild. Explore the dungeon  
                                  all while gaining experience,       
                                  gold and rewards from the fair      
                                  Gwendyln. Another great add on to   
                                  enhance your game for the users.    
                                        WONDERLAND SOFTWARE           
                                   MAD HATTER BBS (919) 736-8005      
teaml130.zip   36552 08-05-2024 
                                       In 1997       
                                    Cool TeamLord    
                                       v 1.30        
                                      an IGM to      
                                  LORD 2: New World  
telev7.zip      8463 08-05-2024  Magi   lord2igm      v7
                                 Two additional characters for
                                the Red Dragon Inn [Greetree].
                                A wizard who can sense 40!IGMs
                                and teleport players there... 
                                     Author: TALAPHID@JUNO.COM
                                 IGM AUTHORS! See incl. 
telho100.zip    5230 08-05-2024  =-=> Teleporter House for LORD2 <=-=
                                   A little IGM for Lord2 V1.00 or
                                   newer. Includes 3 replaced maps
                                       and 2 new .ref files.
                                    Look for other IGM's and other 
                                       stuff from Hell Software
                                      =-=> Hell Software <=-=  
                                     =-=> Andreas Svendsen <=-=
                                     =-=> Rolfas@online.no <=-=
temple.zip     19984 08-05-2024 /===== The Sysop's Temple 1.0 ======\
                                | A LORD2 IGM                       |
                                | Players can go confess their sins | 
                                | to (and ask for a blessing from)  |
                                | the Sysop. Self-serving, fun, and | 
                                | not too giving. Best of all, FREE |
tenchi32.zip   14885 08-05-2024 -----------Tenchi's House IGM-----------
                                SYSOP NOTE!  DO NOT UNZIP IN LORD2
                                DIRECTORY UNTIL YOU READ README.1ST!!!!!
                                An IGM for LORD II by Lord Tenchi.
                                Features all of the characters from the
                                anime series "Tenchi Muyo!", new
                                weapons, armor, and more!
tends10.zip    16064 08-05-2024 Tends Village v1.0
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Max Larive
                                BBS: (450)679-7599
                                Small village between the desert
                                and FlagCity, good for a pit stop
                                at the healer, or a shortcut with
                                a boat ride! Nice little IGM!
tense100.zip  126796 08-05-2024 
teos201b.zip  291270 08-05-2024  Planets: TEOS V2.01 - Doorgame   
                                True interactive multinode node play    
                                for any dos based BBS.  Hundreds of 
                                new features - Cartels, IGM Support,  
                                smart NPC's! 98% new/rewritten code.
terror11.zip   71097 08-05-2024 Terror Extreme LORD IGM 1.1.0
                                Gas, and  torture    innocent
                                or guilty   bystanders at the
                                Dark Cloak Tavern!  Users can
                                develop many Traps/Gasses  to
                                play with!
terror20.zip   64125 08-05-2024 Terror Extreme LORD IGM   2.0
                                Gas, and  torture    innocent
                                or guilty   bystanders at the
                                Dark Cloak Tavern!  Users can
                                develop many Traps/Gasses  to
                                play with!  This version   is
                                dated 01-07-97.
theho101.zip   25346 08-05-2024 [?7h[255D[49C[0;1;31m[CONFLICTS]
                                [37m//---/[ [32mIGM For Lord 2 [37
                                ]/--//[22CThis IGM Has Not Conflicted
                                [7CThe Hotel  [5;33mV1.01[28C[0;1mWith Other
                                IGM. No Worries
                                [51CBut I'll Keep You Updated
                                Currently, This Is My 4th IGM.[21COr You Can
                                Help Me Out.
                                This IGM Is Much Diffrent From[21CMail Me If
                                You Find Bugs
                                The Other IGM I Created. Good[22CConflicts Or
                                Other Craps.
                                For Making Money. More Infomation
                                About This IGM. Please Read[22C[31m[PROJECTS
                                WORKING ON NOW]
                                [37mHOTEL.DOC *BUGS FIXED MORE INFO IN BUGS
                                [49C[5;34m* [0;1mCreating The Hotel V1.02
                                It Will Work Perfactly If You Have This :
                                [5m- [0;1mLORD 2 Final Version. (Version 1.01
                                )[11C[5;34m* [0;1mDownloading Of My IGMS From
                                [5m- [0;1mLORD 2 (Registered Versio
                                )[22CInternet Is Now Made Possible[51CPlease
                                Read The DISTRO.DOC In/-/[[0;36mCreator[1;37m:
                                [32mYang Qingwei[37m]/-/[22CThis ZIP To Check
                                For The
                                [36m[HQ][47C[37mSite. Those Who Wants To Be
                                Yang's Empire BBS o65-581-1224 24hr
                                33600bps[6CA Distro Site Please Os
                                Fireball BBS o65-383-3868 24hrs 33600bps
                                [49C[5;34m* [0;1mA New World For Lord II Is
                                [51CGoing To Be Created.
theif310.zip   36419 08-05-2024 The Bridge of Thieves v3.10
                                (c)1997 TonyTown Software Ltd.
                                {File_Id.Diz added by LORDFDN}
thiev11.zip    13173 08-05-2024 -= The Thieves' Cave IGM ver 1.01 =-
                                Allows users to explore the cave
                                looking for a beast to slay and
                                treasure to find. Includes 2 shops,
                                many characters, and a cave to
                                fight in.
                                Send suggestions/comments/questions to
thod200.zip     6338 08-05-2024 Godlike Productions Present:
                                The House of Dreams v2.00
                                By:  Tien Lung (tienlung@hwcn.org)
                                  An IGM where your dreams effect you
                                in more ways then one.
                                *NEW* Animated and InterIGM functions.
thomas_2d1.zip   43803 08-05-2024 -=-A Day In The Life Of Thomas-=-
                                try to make it though the last
                                day of scholl as everyone's favourite
                                shit disturber....
                                Thomas Reilly
                                Made By BaRTRoN at
                                                  THe MaD SySTeMS
thor200.zip     6122 08-05-2024  -= Thor V1.00 for LORD2 =-
                                 Works with Registered or
                                Unregistered LordII Ver 101a+
                                If player's kill stat 5 or
                                above, Thor will give 1 of 4
                                blessings. "Blessings" include
                                Muscle, Dodge, Charm and
                                Hit Points. Special code
                                limits one visit per day.
                                 New this version 1 bug fix
thouse10.zip   39455 08-05-2024      Turgon's House v1.0 LORD IGM
                                    FREEWARE L.O.R.D. IGM!  Find 
                                    Armour, Weapons, Gems, Trouble,
                                    and all the other attributes in
                                    L.O.R.D.! [- SKI - Software]
                                    For L.O.R.D. 3.26a!
thouse25.zip   43550 08-05-2024 -=> Turgon's House v2.5 LORD IGM <=- FREEWARE
                                 L.O.R.D. IGM!  Find Armour, Weapons, Gems, 
                                Trouble, and all the other attributes in 
                                L.O.R.D.! [- SKI - Software] For L.O.R.D. 3.5
                                  Much better than earlier releases!  Ease of
thouse28.zip   45468 08-05-2024 -=> Turgon's House v2.8 LORD IGM <=- FREEWARE
                                 L.O.R.D. IGM!  Find Armour, Weapons, Gems, 
                                Trouble, and all the other attributes in 
                                L.O.R.D.! [- SKI - Software] For L.O.R.D. 3.53
                                  Much better than earlier releases!  Ease of
tien400.zip     8142 08-05-2024 Tien Lung's House v4.00 for LORD2
                                Author: Tien Lung
                                E-mail: tienlung@hwcn.org
                                The self-improving home now
                                has InterIGM functions!
timef_10.zip   17395 08-05-2024 TIMEFOR v1.0 Customise LORDTXT.DAT &
                                LENEMY.DAT according to the time of day and
                                the seasons.
timelord.zip   49445 08-05-2024 TimeLord v1.0b - Lord IGM 3.26+.
                                Travel into the future, visit the
                                Dragon Museum, try a Virtual Sex
                                Suite and more.
                                FREEWARE from Australia!
tisland.zip     3434 08-05-2024 Transport Island 
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Steve M. Bsharat
                                E-Mail: Molson@Sprint.ca
                                This is my 1st IGM and im very proud of it!
                                i know its been done before, but i made this 
                                IGM just to teach me the Basics of IGM making
                                once i get the hang of making IGMS you will 
                                see alot more from me! This IGM lets you 
                                Transport to a few places in the LORD2 World!
tkd11.zip      52309 08-05-2024 The King's Dilemma 1.1 [IGM] 
                                 Help the king of Serin out.   
                                 A giant has been stealing    
                                 his towns food, and he needs 
                                 your help!  Play as either   
                                 a Hunter or a Fisherman
                                 Fixes install bug and
                                 reward bugs.
                                 Multi-Node Aware               
                                 Dekka Visions(c) 1996        
tlord18.zip    71514 08-05-2024       TeamLord v1.8  LORD IGM 
                                   At last!  Runs teams through Lord!
                                   Rivalry never had it so good!  
                                   Make Lord a BloodBath like no other!
tlord19.zip    73470 08-05-2024         TeamLord v1.9  LORD IGM 
                                   At last!  Runs teams through Lord!
                                   Rivalry never had it so good!  
                                   Long Awaited Bug Fix!
                                   From the IGM Experts -- TrentSoft
tlord20.zip    42169 08-05-2024      TOS LORD Patch Ver. 2.0
                                 Star Trek: Original Series LORD
                                 patch for LORD 3.55 or better.
tls103.zip     98482 08-05-2024 The Looes Screw Resort v1.03
                                Another IGM by the infamous
                                Chris Yeates -- this one
                                with frequent allusions to
                                Star Wars. Get laid with
                                violet, find a light saber,
                                and travel to Dagobah in this
                                IGM for Lord II: New World.
                                (Freeware, of course!)
tm.zip          6571 08-05-2024 -= OLD MAN'S TIME MACHINE V1.0 =-
                                  AN IGM For LORD 2 Which allows
                                 players to experience the Wonders
                                         of Time Travel
                                 Write By: Justin Murphy
                                call Inner Realm for More Lord2 IGM's
tm114.zip       8510 08-05-2024 -= OLD MAN'S TIME MACHINE V1.14 =-
                                  AN IGM For LORD 2 Which allows
                                 players to experience the Wonders
                                         of Time Travel
                                     Writen By: Justin Murphy
                                call Inner Realm for More Lord2 IGM's
tmhsk1.zip     27088 08-05-2024  -= Frostglint Keep for LORD2 =-
                                A simple IGM for LORD2 V1.00
                                or newer.  Includes 3 new maps
                                and a .ref file.  EASY INSTALL!
tmhsk3.zip     10028 08-05-2024 Frostglint Keep for LORD2 v2.0
                                A simple IGM for LORD2 V1.00
                                or newer.  Includes 3 new maps
                                and a .ref file.  EASY INSTALL!
tnglord.zip    34254 08-05-2024       -= Star Trek =-
                                     The Next Generation
                                New  menu  sets,  text  files,
                                and  monsters  for  your  LORD
                                game.  From the maker of  Star
                                Wars LORD.
tnoch101.zip   18012 08-05-2024  -=THe NeW oRDeR CoNCeRT HaLL v1.01=-
                                     A simple IGM for LORD2 V1.00
                                    or newer.  Includes 4 new maps
                                   and 2 .ref files.  EASY INSTALL!
tnotls.zip     42397 08-05-2024     -=TNO, TLS Patch=-
                                Allows you to run The Loose
                                Screw Resort and The New
                                Order Concert Hall at the
                                same time. (Conflicting
                                items.dat and items.ref)
toby.zip       28817 08-05-2024 <<** A Brand New Lordtxt.dat and Lenemy.dat
                                file for Legend of the Red Dragon! It
                                is neat,  all you need to do is unzip in your
                                L.O.R.D dir and replace your existing files
                                <*# REMEMBER TO MAKE BACKUP COPYS #*>
todlordc.zip  194423 08-05-2024    Tod LORD - By Kevin Foster
                                Great new program for your LORD!
                                Bored of the same old boring text
                                in LORD?  Bored of the same old
                                edited text in LORD?  GET TODLORD!
                                Added to your start.BAT file,
                                TODLORD detects the time of day
                                and uses the according text for
                                the time!  Also has a random rain
                                function.  Adds variety to the
                                game of Lord and is very easy to
                                install!  A must for all BBS's
                                running LORD! -Version 1.5-
                                Created By Kevin Foster for the
                                Luxor BBS - (403) 271-5135
                                Unless I find another Bug, this
                                will be the last version...Just
                                rerun the Install program and all
                                necessary changes will take place!
tok100.zip     13147 08-05-2024 *--=* Tower of Krystal 1.00*=--*
                                    A Quest IGM for LORD ][!
                                  Meet the Lady  of the Tower,
                                    Visit the Healer or Item
                                    Store! Can you solve it?
toms15.zip      8437 08-05-2024 Crazy Tom's Hut By Canucksoft
                                An IGM for LORD 2. Players 
                                meet Crazy Tom and can get 
                                all kinds of great items.
                                Good for a starting LORD game.
                                Non-Registered LORD Friendly.
                                Ver. 1.5
topchop1.zip   20227 08-05-2024 TopChop Version 1.0 By: Simmons
                                Utility for Legend Of the Red Dragon to stop
                                users from staying at a certain level and 
                                building up strength and defense points to
                                invincible... Registration: $3.00
torin.zip       5990 08-05-2024 -= Torin Castle for Lord2 =-
                                New Castle for lord2. Written
                                by the creator of the Death
                                Knights Gang House
                                Easy to setup!
                                Distribute freely. 
torin131.zip    6043 08-05-2024 -= Torin Castle V1.3 for Lord2 =-
                                New Castle for lord2. Written
                                by the creator of the Death
                                Knights Gang House.Easy to setup!
                                Distribute freely. 
toslord.zip    19027 08-05-2024 -= Legend Of The Red Dragon-Star Trek:
                                Original Series Patch Ver. 1.3 =-
                                                A nifty little patch for LORD,
                                changes your
                                                original LORD game into Star
                                Trek: Original 
                                                Series LORD game. Comes to you
                                courtesy of
                                                Floating Point Software.
                                                WWW: http://members.tripod
                                                E-Mail: fpsoft@mailexcite.com
track21.zip    43767 08-05-2024 "Across the Tracks" is a WTLORD 2.5+ IGM. It
                                is FREEWARE!
                                This is the latest version as of 08/04/99.
                                Coded by John Winter at Night Fire Software.
                                It features
                                Ted, The Drugged Out Roadie. You can play
                                games with him,
                                offer him a job, and feed him. Tons of fun and
                                put the game out of balance! "wtlord.tzo.com"
                                Night Fire Software
train100.zip    2917 08-05-2024 Train v1.00
                                Lord 2 Utility
                                Author: Brad Ensley
                                E-Mail: arachnus@bellsouth.net
                                A replacement for Training.ref
                                that allows you to get higher
                                rewards based on the level you
                                are at in Lord 2.  The higher
                                you are the higher the rewards.
tran.zip        4692 08-05-2024 ۲       LORD ][ IGM        
                                ۲      by: Gordon Lo       
                                ۲  This is my 1st IGM for  
                                ۲ LORD2.  It is a building 
                                ۲ with transporters inside 
                                ۲ to take you to different 
                                ۲ places                   
trans11c.zip   19590 08-05-2024 =============L.O.R.D. IGM===============
                                this one is called "Pool of
                                ========STARFLEET SUPPLY================
trivia.zip     41210 08-05-2024 Lord Trivia is a program that will test
                                your users knowledge of LORD By answering
                                questions about LORD, they may win up to
                                40,000,000 gold pieces. (Registered games only
                                $5.00 Reg Fee
tst100.zip     21399 08-05-2024 Time Stands Still v1.00                  
                                LORD 2 IGM                               
                                Author: Tien Lung                        
                                E-Mail: tienlung@hwcn.org                
                                IGM (In Game Module) bringing back the   
                                LORD original town and setting for those 
                                People who missed it.                    
                                WWW: http://www.hwcn.org/~aj971/home.html
turdu13a.zip   62594 08-05-2024    TURGONS DUNGEON V 1.3A ͻ
                                  d of the Red Dragon add on     
                                  utility from Wonderland Software.   
                                  Help set Gwendyln free. Gamble with 
                                  the Realms guards. Find the hidden  
                                  Thieves Guild. Explore the dungeon  
                                  all while gaining experience,       
                                  gold and rewards from the fair      
                                  Gwendyln. Another great add on to   
                                  enhance your game for the users.    
                                        WONDERLAND SOFTWARE           
                                   MAD HATTER BBS (919) 736-8005      
turdun18.zip   57177 08-05-2024    TURGONS DUNGEON V 1.8  ͻ
                                  d of the Red Dragon add on     
                                  utility from Wonderland Software.   
                                  Help set Gwendyln free. Gamble with 
                                  the Realms guards. Find the hidden  
                                  Thieves Guild. Explore the dungeon  
                                  all while gaining experience,       
                                  gold and rewards from the fair      
                                  Gwendyln. Another great add on to   
                                  enhance your game for the users.    
                                        WONDERLAND SOFTWARE           
                                   MAD HATTER BBS (919) 736-8005      
turttb10.zip   52158 08-05-2024    TURGONS XXX BAR V 1.0  ͻ
                                  d of the Red Dragon add on     
                                  utility from Wonderland Software.   
                                  This is an ADULT XXX rated In Game  
                                  Module. Journey to the bar, take    
                                  the guys or girls home. Full support
                                  for both Men and Women in this great
                                  IGM. Graphics and jokes as you      
                                  explore the game. Not recommended   
                                  for non-adult games.  ( XXX -rated )
                                        WONDERLAND SOFTWARE           
                                   MAD HATTER BBS (919) 736-8005      
turttb12.zip   53176 08-05-2024    TURGONS XXX BAR V 1.2  ͻ
                                  d of the Red Dragon add on     
                                  utility from Wonderland Software.   
                                  This is an ADULT XXX rated In Game  
                                  Module. Journey to the bar, take    
                                  the guys or girls home. Full support
                                  for both Men and Women in this great
                                  IGM. Graphics and jokes as you      
                                  explore the game. Not recommended   
                                  for non-adult games.  ( XXX -rated )
                                        WONDERLAND SOFTWARE           
                                   MAD HATTER BBS (919) 736-8005      
tvill110.zip  117023 08-05-2024 TVILL110.ZIP   ThomasVille v1.10
                                Supports Clean Mode & BADWORDS.DAT
                                censoring when renaming weapons,
                                Banking, Play Poker, Fight in caves,
                                Lots more!  MANY sysop configurable
                                features!  ThomasVille supports
                                multi-node, non standard IRQ's, and
                                multi-generational LORD support up to
                                and including the current 3.5X series.
tvill111.zip  117564 08-05-2024 TVILL110.ZIP   ThomasVille v1.11
                                Supports Clean Mode & BADWORDS.DAT
                                censoring when renaming weapons,
                                Banking, Play Poker, Fight in caves,
                                Lots more!  MANY sysop configurable
                                features!  ThomasVille supports
                                multi-node, non standard IRQ's, and
                                multi-generational LORD support up to
                                and including the current 3.5X series.
typelord.zip   12960 08-05-2024 TYPECODE.EXE
                                Type equivalent that will interpret the
                                LORD color codes used in log files, and
                                so forth.  Will type files, or you can
                                use this for practice offline from LORD!
                                Offer included for usage of the color
                                code interpreter code in your own LORD
                                related program!  Freeware!
tzone12.zip   357802 08-05-2024 The Twilight Zone v1.2 - IGM for WT-LORD in
                                32bit wcCODE for WC5! Wild type IGM for
                                WT-LORD v2.5 and Above ONLY! Another fun
                                *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                The Wildest ride your WT-LORD players will
                                ever experience!
                                FEATURES: EASY Setup
                                          SYSOP Configurable Access
                                          BUILT in Maintenance
                                          EASY ONLINE Registration with VISA
                                or MASTERCARD
ucf15.zip      66728 08-05-2024 "Up Country Fishing" v1.5 -=- an IGM for
                                WT-LORD in wcCODE!
                                "WT-LORD v2.0 READY" for WT-LORD v2.5 and
                                Take a break from all that fighing in the
                                Forest and enjoy a
                                relaxing afternoon fishing. Sell your catch or
                                eat it, it's
                                all up to you! Another fun *WT-LORD IGM* by
                                Joseph Watson
                                FEATURES:  SUPPORTS Multiple WT-LORD Games
                                           EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
                                           EASY ONLINE Registration with VISA
                                and MASTERCARD!
                                           NOW INCLUDES Y2K Date Checking
                                           TONS more fish in the stream!
uga10.zip      36948 08-05-2024 UNIVERSITY OF GREATER ARRISVILLE v1.0
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Robby Dittmann
                                E-Mail: robbyd@sprynet.com
                                This IGM adds an institute of higher learnin
                                to the Greater Arrisville area.  Visit the 
                                Campus Chapel.  Try to find a professor in 
                                the Classroom Building.  Visit the Alchemy 
                                and Physics Departments.  But be careful in 
                                the Dorms, you never know what you'll find!
ultilord.zip   24370 08-05-2024     The ULTIMATE L.O.R.D. Hint File
                                       Version 3.50 (Minor Fixes)
                                         Current for LORD 3.55
                                       Written : January 4, 1996
                                      Written By : David Stavens
                                       Downloaded 20,000+ times
                                * Monster Lists        * The Sayings
                                * Over 1500 Lines !    * IGM Review
                                * The Red Dragon     
                                * The *LARGEST* Hint File
unch10.zip     22474 08-05-2024 UnCheat v1.0. THE utility to prevent
                                users from cheating in LORD. It
                                checks the player's hit points, kids,
                                charm, strength, and defense for an
                                "overflow" value defined by you. If
                                it is over the defined value, it will
                                be lowered to that value. Allows
                                exemption of up to 255 users.
                                !!FREEWARE!! By Lazor Software.
under200.zip   23480 08-05-2024 ==========================================
                                UnderGround 2.0 City by Thaddeus A O'Brien
                                A great city underground with lots of things
                                to do
                                Alot of Changes have been made before it was
                                even out
                                {File_id added by the LORDFDN}
underv1.zip    40927 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-The Underground v1.01b-=-=-=- LORD IGM
                                Another IGM for LORD with all new
                                features, such as a bar where players
                                can buy drinks to increase hitpoints and
                                experiance! **This Fixes DOOR.SYS file**
underv12.zip   40987 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-The Underground v1.02b-=-=-=- LORD IGM
                                Another IGM for LORD with all new
                                features, such as a bar where players
                                can buy drinks to increase hitpoints and
                                experiance! **This Fixes DOOR.SYS Read 
                                and Hitpoints bugs**
uw_lord1.zip   15433 08-05-2024 LORD Language file and menus for
                                TriBBS 5.x from UltimaTIM BBS,
                                home of UltimaWARE. After several
                                requests, here it is!  Have fun
                                and I hope you like it!
v0rea130.zip  174234 08-05-2024 Vanadia's Arena of Warriors 1.30 (tm) IGM by
                                G.A.C. Computer Services.
                                The first IGM in the Realm of Vanadia Series
                                of Inter-IGMs.  MULTINODE REALTIME user 
                                battles and chat in the Inter-IGM arena, 
                                support for all BBSs and comm routines LORD 
                                supports, original ANSI art, RIP, hundreds of
                                NPCs and chat actions.  Will launch the other
                                5 IGMs in the series and Inter-LORD if 
                                present.  Now works with Major BBS Correclty!
v0rea200.zip  178460 08-05-2024 Vanadia's Arena of Warriors 2.00 (tm) IGM 
                                The first IGM in the Realm of Vanadia Series
                                of Inter-IGMs.  MULTINODE REALTIME user 
                                battles and chat in the Inter-IGM arena, 
                                support for all BBSs and comm routines LORD 
                                supports, original ANSI art, RIP, hundreds of
                                NPCs and chat actions.  Will launch the other
                                5 IGMs in the series and Inter-LORD if 
                                present.  Now POSTCARDWARE
v1ban130.zip  224833 08-05-2024 Banda's Boardinghouse of Vanadia(tm) 1.30 IGM
                                by G.A.C. Computer Services.  Users may 
                                explore the large Boardinghouse, play some 
                                great ANSI poker, bet on the cock fights, 
                                write on the wall, explore upstairs, meet a 
                                date, dance, battle, or visit the Gypsy 
                                Trailer where they may curse other users, 
                                learn their fate, and spy.  Has RIP Support,
                                archives for the artwork, supports CLEAN mode
                                and works correctly with Major BBS!
v1ban200.zip  273669 08-05-2024 Banda's Boardinghouse of Vanadia(tm) 2.00 IGM
                                Users may explore the large Boardinghouse,
                                play some 
                                great ANSI poker, bet on the cock fights, 
                                write on the wall, explore upstairs, meet a 
                                date, dance, battle, or visit the Gypsy 
                                Trailer where they may curse other users, 
                                learn their fate, and spy.  Has RIP Support,
                                archives for the artwork, supports CLEAN mode
                                and works correctly with Major BBS!
v2gyp108.zip  275660 08-05-2024 The Gypsy Camp of Vanadia TM 1.08 Inter-IGM
                                by G.A.C. Computer Services.  Users may 
                                visit with the gypies, receive readings, 
                                explore vast caves, meet a powerful 
                                sorceress, navigate a river, try knife  
                                throwing, find the snake den, buy and sell
                                items found in the caverns, store gold and
                                gems in the caverns and MUCH MORE!  RIP
                                support and works correctly with Major BBS!
                                Part of The Realm of Vanadia Series of IGMs!
v2gyp200.zip  270191 08-05-2024 The Gypsy Camp of Vanadia TM 2.00 Inter-IGM
                                Users may visit with the gypies, receive
                                explore vast caves, meet a powerful 
                                sorceress, navigate a river, try knife  
                                throwing, find the snake den, buy and sell
                                items found in the caverns, store gold and
                                gems in the caverns and MUCH MORE!  RIP
                                support and Part of The Realm of Vanadia
                                Series of IGMs!  PostcardWare
v3for103.zip  273646 08-05-2024 The Haunted Forests of Vanadia TM 1.03 IGM
                                by G.A.C. Computer Services.  The Haunted
                                Forest is a vast maze for users to explore.
                                There are many new monsters, and they can
                                even create their own to inhabit the forest.
                                They can find fairies in a cave (if they are
                                lucky), meet the hermit, learn spells and go
                                on quests for the emchantress.  There are
                                many secrets to be discovered and lots to do.
                                ANSI & RIP support and works with Major BBS.
v3for200.zip  288590 08-05-2024 The Haunted Forests of Vanadia TM 2.00 IGM
                                The Haunted Forest is a vast maze for users to
                                There are many new monsters, and they can
                                even create their own to inhabit the forest.
                                They can find fairies in a cave (if they are
                                lucky), meet the hermit, learn spells and go
                                on quests for the emchantress.  There are
                                many secrets to be discovered and lots to do.
                                ANSI & RIP support.  PostcardWare
v4dis100.zip  207980 08-05-2024 Shepley's Distractions of Vanadia TM 1.00
                                Inter-IGM  Will run independently or with The
                                Realm of Vanadia series of Inter-IGMs.  
                                Shepley is an odd little man, but he enjoys
                                playing games.  Pay a gem and get to play
                                a few of his 15 games.  Games of all types;
                                Card Games, Number Games, Animations, and
                                Word Games.  Most of them have never been 
                                seen before!  An excellent distraction from
                                your typical LORD day! Even talk w/Shepley!
v4dis200.zip  209799 08-05-2024 Shepley's Distractions of Vanadia TM 20
                                Inter-IGM  Will run independently or with The
                                Realm of Vanadia series of Inter-IGMs.  
                                Shepley is an odd little man, but he enjoys
                                playing games.  Pay a gem and get to play
                                a few of his 15 games.  Games of all types;
                                Card Games, Number Games, Animations, and
                                Word Games.  Most of them have never been 
                                seen before!  An excellent distraction from
                                your typical LORD day! PostcardWare
v5med100.zip  189842 08-05-2024 The Medieval Tournament of Vanadia TM 1.00
                                LORD IGM by G.A.C. Computer Services.  Eight
                                unique and addictive ANSI Arcade Games
                                provide the basis for the tournament.  Become
                                the best in your realm and receive a bonus 
                                for the day!  Your users have never seen an 
                                IGM like this before!  This IGM is excellent 
                                for Inter-LORD, and has support that will 
                                allow blind callers using voice terminals to 
                                play all the games!!  Simply the best yet!
v5med200.zip  194106 08-05-2024 The Medieval Tournament of Vanadia TM 2.00
                                LORD IGM Eightunique and addictive ANSI Arcade
                                Games provide the basis for the tournament.  
                                Become the best in your realm and receive a
                                for the day!  Your users have never seen an 
                                IGM like this before!  This IGM is excellent 
                                for Inter-LORD, and has support that will 
                                allow blind callers using voice terminals to 
                                play all the games!!  PostcardWare
valev141.zip   69556 08-05-2024  The Vampire of Shadow Vale v1.401
                                     Its finally out of beta!  
                                An entirely new IGM for Seth Ables'
                                immensely popular door game, Legend
                                of the Red Dragon.  Visit a Vampire
                                lord in Shadow Vale to gain lots of
                                different things!   But be careful,
                                every time you do, you lose some of
                                your life force.
                                 FREEWARE by New Realm Interactive
valev15.zip    70746 08-05-2024   The Vampire of Shadow Vale v1.5
                                     Its finally out of beta!  
                                An entirely new IGM for Seth Ables'
                                immensely popular door game, Legend
                                of the Red Dragon.  Visit a Vampire
                                lord in Shadow Vale to gain lots of
                                different things!   But be careful,
                                every time you do, you lose some of
                                your life force.
                                FREEWARE from New Realm Interactive
vamp01.zip     33500 08-05-2024 =============L.O.R.D. MENU==============
                                this one is called "Vampire"....COOL....
                                ==========>STARFLEET SUPPLY<============
vamplord.zip   31199 08-05-2024 
vanad110.zip  282996 08-05-2024 The Realm of Vanadia Series 1.1 of LORD IGMs
                                by G.A.C. Computer Services. This series of 
                                Inter-IGMs promises to be the standard for 
                                professional quality IGMs.  Six IGMs will 
                                make up this series, all are MULTINODE 
                                INTERACTIVE, support all BBSs and comm
                                routines LORD supports, have original ANSI
                                art that rivals anything on the market, and
                                each IGM is humongous with hundreds of NPCs,
                                secrets, puzzles, artworks, and things to do.
van_ansi.zip  134343 08-05-2024 Insaine ANSi pack for
                                Vanadia's Arena of Warriors IGM
vd02.zip       41180 08-05-2024                 
                                     Editor v0.2         
                                          '95 Neo-Gen
vdhut20.zip    48717 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                                    THe VooDoo TeMPLe ۲
                                   The VooDoo Temple v2.0! IT'S HERE!!
                                   Talk to a tree, meet the Demon God:
                                 DEATHSHIFT, and much MORE NEW THINGS!!!
                                 OUR FIRST LORD 2: THE NEW WORLD I.G.M
vdtran.zip     14822 08-05-2024 The VooDoo Temple IGM
                                 The Transporter IGM
                                Written So you can run both
                                at once. Written by ^9T^1w^9i^1g^9g^1y
velox20.zip    21729 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                Velox Teleporting Co. v2.0
                                an IGM for LORD II v1.00 and above.
                                A teleporter for LORD II.  Includes
                                12 new maps, 3 new .ref files and
violet.zip      9223 08-05-2024 +-+-+-+-+-Violet By FPSoft+-+-+-+-+-+
                                | An IGM for LORD2 by FPSoft.       |
                                | Players can goto the Red Dragon   | 
                                | Inn and flirt with Violet. If     |
                                | they are a girl, the IGM has to   | 
                                | be registered to use the Seth     |
                                | Able feature.                     |
                                |http://members.tripod.com/~fpsoft/ |
violet12.zip   12462 08-05-2024 +-+-+-+-+-Flirt By Canucksoft+-+-+-+-+-+
                                | An IGM for LORD2 by FPSoft.          |
                                | Players can goto the Red Dragon      | 
                                | Inn and flirt with Violet. If        |
                                | they are a girl, the IGM has to      | 
                                | be registered to use the Seth        |
                                | Able feature. Ver. 1.2               |
                                | http://members.xoom.com/canucksoft/  |
violet15.zip   12121 08-05-2024 +-+-+-+-+-Flirt By Canucksoft+-+-+-+-+-+
                                | An IGM for LORD2 by FPSoft.          |
                                | Players can goto the Red Dragon      | 
                                | Inn and flirt with Violet. If        |
                                | they are a girl, the IGM has to      | 
                                | be registered to use the Seth        |
                                | Able feature.                        |
                                | http://members.xoom.com/canucksoft/  |
violet27.zip   20838 08-05-2024 Violet's House v2.7
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Max Larive [FieldSoft]
                                BBS: (450)679-7599
                                Find the good all Violet every one
                                always loved. Flirt with her at the
                                Inn, or marry her and live with her
                                at her house of Greentree.
violet52.zip   55390 08-05-2024 VIOLET'S COTTAGE v5.2 - LORD IGM
                                Romp through the forest with Violet's
                                family! This update contains improved
                                file i/o, updated comm drivers, and
                                color code support! Unreg bug fixed!
                                by Trevor Herndon; BBS:(703)341-1865
viowed01.zip   50261 08-05-2024 |07A Butcher's Shoppe Production
                                |07Violet's Wedding Day Menu Set 
                                |15Part 1 of 2 this is like no other
                                |15folks this is a Mystery, who will
                                |15she marry? and Where is he?
visio003.zip   24147 08-05-2024 Another new LORDTXT.DAT file to change
                                the look of your LORD game.
visn21.zip     92730 08-05-2024 Lord IGM... Visions 2.1   
                                (Visions of the Past)
                                Pre Red Dragon days. Fighting
                                to protect your livestock and
                                search for a magical item.
vlad41sw.zip   89732 08-05-2024 -= Vlad's Castle 4.1 LORD IGM =-
                                Wide-Delta Release W/ MAJOR BUG FIX
                                Remote testing appreciated. Fixed
                                major remote bug!!!
vlord15.zip    19020 08-05-2024 -+-LORD - Star Trek: Voyager Patch Ver. 1.0-+
                                A patch for LORD, changes your original LORD
                                game into Star Trek: Voyager LORD game.
                                Freeware. canucksoft@xoommail.com
volcan13.zip   19933 08-05-2024 Dragon's Volcano v1.3
                                Lord II IGM
                                Author: Max Larive [FieldSoft]
                                BBS: (450)679-7599
                                A mysterious Volcanic Island has
                                been discovered, where pirates are
                                now reported disappeared. Strange
                                creatures lies there, what else?
votprip2.zip   90847 08-05-2024  -=RIP 2.2 Graphics for VOTP IGM=-
                                 RIP 2.2 Color corrected Icons 
                                 for Village of the Phoenix IGM.
                                 (LORD IGM by Jeremy Stewart)
                                 Converted & Corrected Icons 
                                 & ENHANCED RIP with FX SOUND!
                                 courtesy of Mike Collard from
                                 Midnight's Realm...(505)254-9415
                                 Home of LORD FX & FX Sound System
votp_2d14.zip  299328 08-05-2024 The Village of the Phoenix - LORD In Game
                                NOW WITH RIP GRAPHICS!  Ok, I'm a little too
                                excited.  This version is 1.4 Wide Beta.
votp_2d15a.zip  320348 08-05-2024 The Village of the Phoenix 1.5a WB - LORD In
                                Game Module Sysops can now control prices.
                                RIP graphics, dozen places to go, hidden areas
voy110.zip      8583 08-05-2024         --==The Voyage 200==--
                                 Flag City has a problem.. A Cave Demon
                                    Go fight many powerful monsters.
                                     And find a way out of the maze
                                        Your Users will Enjoy
                                              Have Fun!
                                            By:   SpENcE
voylord.zip    18934 08-05-2024 -+-LORD - Star Trek: Voyager Patch Ver. 1
                                A nifty little patch for LORD, changes your
                                original LORD game into Star Trek: Voyager
                                game. Comes to you courtesy of Floating Point
                                WWW: http://members.tripod.com/~fpsoft/
                                E-Mail: fpsoft@mailexcite.com
w1_2d200.zip   59565 08-05-2024 |15  W|07ise |15O|07ne |08v|072.00 - |15LORD
                                |02  The Wise Old Man Atop a 
                                |02 mountain.  Will he help you?  
                                |03 A |15Crazy Boy |03Production
                                |07        -=(FREE)=-
wally10.zip    13903 08-05-2024 WISE WALLY'S PUBLIC LIBRARY v1.0
                                An IGM for LORD II that allows users
                                to increase certain stats by spending
                                turns reading books.
                                Registration is FREE!!
                                From Mamoosoft Programming.
wampa100.zip    3922 08-05-2024  Wampa's Cave IGM for Lord2
                                Go and kill the Evil Wampa
                                Ice-Creature from Star Wars:
                                The Empire Strikes Back!
                                The Shadow BBS (850)864-4292
war.zip        37713 08-05-2024          WarLord (0.5 BETA)
                                 Add-On for Legend Of The Red Dragon
                                  This program gives your LORD game
                                  a totally new look and feel with
                                  over 40 new monsters, new screens,
                                   and a totally new storyline too!
                                     Programmed by Wesley Reiser
war120.zip     73355 08-05-2024 Warrior's Village 1.20  LORD IGM
                                  Enter the Warrior's Village  
                                  This is simple the BEST IGM  
                                  by: Xavier (Ian Stone)       
warp11.zip      8389 08-05-2024 -= WARP ZONE V1.1=-
                                A cool IGM for RTSoft's
                                LORD2:New World. Allows
                                players to warp to other
                                places in the game. For 
                                a price, That is..
                                By GBSoft Ltd.
warper10.zip    3758 08-05-2024 Warper's Hut v1.0 
                                Lord II IGM                                   
                                Author: MeRcEr
                                E-Mail: mercer281@aol.com             
                                Nice little IGM to warp almost 
                                where ever you want for very 
                                cheap prices.  Puts a Warper's 
                                Hut in the desert south of Port 
                                Town.  Look for updated 
                                versions coming soon.....
warriors.zip   28260 08-05-2024 |06-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                |05 GALACTIC WARRIORS v1.1
                                |02Awesome new Lordtxt.dat add on for lord
                                Give your L.O.R.D game and out  of This World
                                |15Coming soon from Immortality and Children
                                Of Galaexy |13Fairyland |15the coolest IGM of
                                em  all.
wcsand16.zip  116260 08-05-2024 Sandtiger's Bar v1.6 (WcCode 5.x) IGM for
                                WT-LORD 2.0+ - A porting from the original
                                Pascal... with some modifications.
wcxf26.zip     66085 08-05-2024 The wcX-FILES! v2.6 -=- IGM for WT-LORD in
                                32bit wcCODE for WC5! for WT-LORD v2.0 and
                                ABOVE. Another *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                You're the EXPERT! Help Agents Mulder and
                                Scully solve an X-File if you dare! A fun IGM
                                for Wildcat Tournament LORD!
                                FEATURES: EASY Setup
                                     NEW: SUPPORTS Multiple WT-LORD Games
                                          Added MAX FENIG/Tempus Fugit
                                          Added Dana Scully Codes
                                          Interacts with other IGMs
wedchp10.zip   17707 08-05-2024  -=The Wedding Chapel IGM v1.00=-
                                An IGM for LORD II v1.00 or newer.
                                Want to show that special someone
                                that you really care.  Stop by The
                                Wedding Chapel and give them the
                                ultimate gift.
wedit10.zip    18481 08-05-2024 BDSoft World Editor v1.00
                                 1999 Steve Gargolinski of 
                                Black Dragon Software
                                ---------- Introduction ----------
                                I had done a really nice world editor, though
                                and it's a lot like one that would be used to
                                edit LORD2 maps.  And I started to think that
                                it'd be a shame to let it go completely to 
                                waste.  So I decided to release the editor as
                                freeware, of course, and also tell the files 
                                and such that it creates, so if you're looking
                                towards making a ANSI game, you can use this 
                                without any charge.  It'd be nice if you send
                                me a copy of what you use it to make, though!
                                  -- Steve
wetlord.zip    29352 08-05-2024          WetLord (0.5 BETA)
                                 Add-On for Legend Of The Red Dragon
                                  This program gives your LORD game
                                  a totally new look and feel with
                                  over 40 new monsters, new screens,
                                   and a totally new storyline too!
                                     Programmed by Jason Peterson
wgra1_0.zip    32817 08-05-2024  -=-=- The Warrior's Graveyard ver 1.0 for
                                Lord2 -=-=-
                                 Visit this mysterious Graveyard, and interact
                                 it's inhabitants. Find the secret ghosts, or
                                buy some
                                        Tech'N Software - Lloyd Hannesson
wguy120.zip    46241 08-05-2024 Wise Guy is a freeware IGM which allows LORD
                                players to visit the Wise Guy once a day to
                                ask for help with many areas such as gold,
                                experience, and charm. How often they receive
                                help and how much they are given is based
                                solely upon SysOp configuration, although
                                the default numbers are quite fair. v1.2 ads
                                a fairy request and a simple dart game!
                                 Adamax Creations  http://www.adamaxc.com
whore20.zip     4569 08-05-2024 *-* Greetree Whore House 2.00 *-*
                                A small IGM whore house for Lord2
                                       Adds female support!
                                Replaces an empty house and won't
                                 Throw your game out of balance
                                    Written By Jared McQuade
willowld.zip   31005 08-05-2024               -= WILLOW =-
                                             for LORD v3.55
                                ***A PRINCE PUBLICATION PRODUCTION***
                                >Legend of the Red Dragon enhancement         
                                program. WILLOW, BAVMORDA, MADMARTIGAN
                                KAEL and all the others brought out of
                                the Legend, and into the L.O.R.D. game!
                                Full menu support and bar text changes!
                                New monsters and much more excitement!
wilma100.zip    6094 08-05-2024 Aunt Wilma's Bed and
                                Breakfast, Igm for LORD2
                                An igm by Turbine and Shadcat
                                RioT Productions
witch27.zip    92946 08-05-2024 The Witch Doctor's Hut! v2.7 - IGM for
                                WT-LORD in 32bit wcCODE for WC5! for WT-LORD
                                v2.0 and Above!  Y2K Aware. Another fun
                                *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                Kamala is the MASTER of ALL! Drink a potion
                                or have him CURSE or HEX your enemies! A fun
                                IGM for Wildcat Tournament LORD with lots of
                                fun options!
                                FEATURES: EASY Setup
                                          BUILT in Maintenance
                                          Many New Options & Hidden Features
witnes10.zip   19749 08-05-2024 WITNESS PROTECTION PROGRAM v1.0  -
                                An IGM for LORD II that provides a place
                                for users to reset their characters, or
                                change their identities.  This is useful
                                for players who have completed the game
                                or those who want to avoid others.
                                Registration is FREE!
                                From Mamoosoft Programming
wizard20.zip    4544 08-05-2024  Wizard's Tower 2.0 IGM for Lord2
                                 Add 2 more levels to the Wizard's
                                 Tower and enjoy a Disco room,
                                 A Bed, A Throne, and a Travel
                                Freeware - By James Jones
                                The Shadow BBS (850)864-4292
wizcas13.zip   12975 08-05-2024 -= The Wizard's Castle for LORD2 =-
                                A simple IGM for LORD2.  Includes
                                3 new maps and two REF files.  EASY 
                                INSTALL!  The Wizard's Castle v1.3  
                                An IGM for LORD II that allows users 
                                to sleep overnight in the unregistered 
                                portion of Lord II and even has a
                                Maze upstairs where you can search
                                for a hidden treasure.  Totally
                                FREEWARE!!!  From Bobby Queen and
                                Mamoosoft Programming.
wlord1_0.zip   41372 08-05-2024            WarLord 1.0 RELEASE
                                   Add-On for Legend Of The Red Dragon
                                    This program gives your LORD game
                                    a totally new look and feel with
                                    over 40 new monsters, new screens,
                                    and a totally new storyline too!
                                       Programmed by Wesley Reiser
wl_2dv04b.zip   71384 08-05-2024 The Warlock of Shadow Vale v0.4Beta
                                The legends are true!  There WAS an
                                evil  warlock in  Shadow Vale  that 
                                destroyed Shadow Village.  But that
                                incident changed him, and now he is
                                truely good, and is  continuing his
                                experiments in an  effort to  bring
                                the  Village  back.   But he is not
                                opposed to helping some adventurers
                                in their  studies.   Just don't get 
                                him mad, or he will make you pay...
                                 FREEWARE by New Realm Interactive
wl_2dv10.zip   72933 08-05-2024   The Warlock of Shadow Vale v1.0
                                The legends are true!  There WAS an
                                evil  warlock in  Shadow Vale  that 
                                destroyed Shadow Village.  But that
                                incident changed him, and now he is
                                truely good, and is  continuing his
                                experiments in an  effort to  bring
                                the  Village  back.   But he is not
                                opposed to helping some adventurers
                                in their  studies.   Just don't get 
                                him mad, or he will make you pay...
                                 FREEWARE by New Realm Interactive
woodld1a.zip   11017 08-05-2024  - Woodland Underground v1.00a -
                                    This IGM for LORD 2 adds an
                                  underground city with a general
                                    store, museum, sheriff, and
                                          an ownable bar! 
wow22.zip      61267 08-05-2024 Weapons Of War v2.2 IGM for LORD 3.26+
                                Warriors can buy and rename Weapons an Armour,
                                drink until they can't
                                standup, play Russian Roulette, Adopt children
                                from other players, Use
                                players, Use the WoW Banking facility for both
                                gold and gems. For Healing
                                we have Dr Sorebutt and to help them relax, we
                                have a spa, shower and bath.
                                There are a couple of special hidden functions
                                to.   F R E E W A R E ! ! ! 
                                This version is released as a bug fix.  It
                                will no longer show NO CARRIER when
                                a user exits the game.
wow253b.zip    79165 08-05-2024 -= Weapons Of War v2.53b =- 
                                     IGM for LORD 3.26+
                                Warriors can buy and rename Weapons and Armour
                                 drink until they can't standup, play Russian
                                Roulette, Adopt children from other players,
                                Use the WoW Banking facility for gold, gems,
                                Forest and Player fights. For Healing 
                                we have Dr Sorebutt. To help you relax, have a
                                spa, shower or bath. Sell and buy children. Is
                                now Sysop configurable. Use MacDonalds to get
                                more forest fights (if you can find it). 
                                Local display of the cheats the player has
                                used.  Multi-line aware.
                                One of the most popular IGM's around so get it
                                A L L M O S T   F R E E W A R E ! ! ! 
wtlrd131.zip  676268 08-05-2024 -= Wildcat Tournament LORD v1.31  =- 
                                   (Release Date:      11/12/96)
                                Adventure, friendship & fantasy combine to
                                create the most powerfull version of the
                                award winning hit door, Legend Of The Red
                                Dragon.  For Wildcat Interactive Net Server.
                                Up to 200 players in one game - hotkeys -
                                globals work anywhere - chat room with
                                directional & whisper support - in game
                                sysop controls/editor - Interplayer marriage
                                and kids - unlimited nodes - unlimited trial
                                period - new text - easy to configure!
wtlrd29c.zip  696474 08-05-2024 -= Wildcat Tournament LORD v2.90c  =-
                                (Release Date: 11/28/98) $20 Registration
                                Adventure, friendship & fantasy combine to
                                create the most powerfull version of the
                                award winning hit door, Legend Of The Red
                                Dragon.  For Wildcat Interactive Net Server.
                                Up to 200 players in one game - hotkeys -
                                globals work anywhere - chat room with
                                directional & whisper support - in game
                                sysop controls/editor - Monster Editor -
                                Weapon Editor - Interplayer marriage -
                                and kids - unlimited nodes - unlimited trial
                                period - new text - easy to configure!
wtshel11.zip   25356 08-05-2024 Wt-Shell v1.1 - Shell for WT-LORD. Will allow
                                you to run event .wcx's, NPC's, etc before
                                and after running WT-LORD. Now supports up to
                                3 games.
wt_2dfd13.zip  324130 08-05-2024 WT-Food Fight II - v1.3  - IGM for WT-LORD( 2
                                The Family Internet BBS
wulftxt.zip    32218 08-05-2024 Land of the Wulves - LORD Menuset
ww101.zip      58481 08-05-2024 WEREWOLF v1.01 - A LORD IGM
                                Werewolf IGm for LORD v3.26.
                                Transform into a werewolf to
                                kill other players and
                                desecrate their dead bodies,
                                eat kids, kill horses!
ww301.zip      45734 08-05-2024 WEREWOLF v3.01 - A LORD IGM
                                Werewolf IGM for LORD v3.55.
                                Transform into a werewolf to
                                kill other players and
                                desecrate their dead bodies,
                                eat kids, kill horses!
                                More SysOp configurable!
wwell100.zip   22323 08-05-2024 )-(       Wishing Well v1.00a       )-(
                                (=) ------------------------------- (=)
                                )-(   Wishing Well is a LORD2 IGM   )-(
                                (=)  which allows  players to drop  (=)
                                )-(  their gold down a well and if  )-(
                                (=) they  are  lucky  enough, their (=)
                                )-(  wish will come true!    [MH97] )-(
wwell12.zip    23483 08-05-2024 "The Wishing Well" v1.2 -=- IGM for WT-LORD in
                                32bit wcCODE!
                                "WT-LORD v2.0 READY" for WT-LORD v2.5 & Higher
                                 Y2K Date Checking 
                                Visit the Well and make a Wish! A "VERY
                                POPULAR" IGM on my BBS!
                                Another fun *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                FEATURES:  SUPPORTS Mutiple WT-LORD Games
                                           EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
                                           EASY ONLINE Registration with VISA
                                and MASTERCARD!
ww_2dlr011.zip  112859 08-05-2024 ۲
                                        LORD's Realm v0.11 
                                Lords Realm Is An Online Utility BBS
                                Door Or Can Be Installed As An IGM For
                                The Door Game Called Legend Of The Red
                                Dragon v3.26a. Banking, Casino, Gym,
                                Store, Well And An Underground! Many
                                Options = Much Fun! Multi-Node Support.
                                Read The Whats.new File For Upgrading.
                                Supports All Of The Most Popular File
                                Formats: Spitfire, TriBBS, PCBoard,
                                GAP, RBBS, Wildcat & WWIV.
                                                   By: Wolverine Wares
ww_2dlr013.zip   95082 08-05-2024 ۲
                                        LORD's Realm v0.13 
                                Lords Realm Is An Online Utility BBS
                                Door Or Can Be Installed As An IGM For
                                The Door Game Called Legend Of The Red
                                Dragon v3.53+. Banking, Casino, Gym,
                                Store, Well And An Underground! Many
                                Options = Much Fun! Multi-Node Support.
                                Read The Whats.new File For Upgrading.
                                Supports All Of The Most Popular File
                                Formats: Spitfire, TriBBS, PCBoard,
                                GAP, RBBS, Wildcat & WWIV.
                                                   By: Wolverine Wares
w_isle19.zip   52528 08-05-2024            Lord IGM
                                RimWell Isle of Witches for the
                                DoorGame Lord.  Multi-BBS,Multi-Node,
                                MultiTasking aware. Lives in it own
                                directory, not in the Lord directory. 1
                                minute installation progam.  The Witches
                                may help or hurt you as they see fit.
                                The registered version of this IGM is
                                Winable! by Allyn Cross
w_isle21.zip   54241 08-05-2024            Lord IGM
                                RimWell Isle of Witches for the
                                DoorGame Lord.  Multi-BBS,Multi-Node,
                                MultiTasking aware. Lives in it own
                                directory, not in the Lord directory. 1
                                minute installation progam.  The Witches
                                may help or hurt you as they see fit.
                                The registered version of this IGM is
                                Winable! by Allyn Cross
xena200.zip    12623 08-05-2024 -=  Xena's House V.2.00  =-
                                Small IGM for LORD2 thats
                                adds a house in the Green-
                                tree fields which Xena
                                lives in. Interesting
                                   (Free registration)
                                (C) Quineska Software 1999
xenon20.zip   132104 08-05-2024 Xenon's Town Square v2.0 - LORD IGM, was
                                written to provide  users with  a  place
                                to  store GOLD, GEMS, CHILDREN and their
                                HORSE. To those of you familiar with the
                                IGMs that  allow  players to steal  from
                                other players, this IGM can  be helpful.
                                Xenon's   Town  Square  was  written  in
                                QuickBasic 4.5 using QWKIGM  programming
                                library for IGMs, (c) Ballistic Labs.
                                           Now FREEWARE!!!
xenon_2dv1.zip  137659 08-05-2024 Xenon's Town Square v1.0 - LORD IGM, was
                                written to provide  users with  a  place
                                to  store GOLD, GEMS, CHILDREN and their
                                HORSE. To those of you familiar with the
                                IGMs that  allow  players to steal  from
                                other players, this IGM can  be helpful.
                                Xenon's   Town  Square  was  written  in
                                QuickBasic 4.5 using QWKIGM  programming
                                library for IGMs, (c) Ballistic Labs.
                                Registration is only $2.00!!!
xlordspz.zip   25531 08-05-2024 X-Rated Lordtxt.Dat. Written By
                                SPAZZtic Software (816)792-5834
x_2dbrady.zip   12097 08-05-2024 -= X- Rated Brady Bunch =-
                                L O R D 2  . R E F   file.
                                Yes the Bradies Return, But
                                their no longer the Clean Cut
                                Beauties they once were.
                                An R or X rated Ref file
                                For the LORD2 Engine!
                                From the Phantom Coda!
ymca11.zip      8382 08-05-2024 The Y M C A v1.1
                                Lord 2 IGM
                                Author: Michael Naeseth aka MeRCeR     
                                E-Mail: yomercer@aol.com
                                Find the YMCA, there you
                                are able to, play basketball,
                                sing live, lift weights,
                                jump rope, buy items, and
yoda.zip       13031 08-05-2024 Yoda's Hut: By Lucas M. Watson V1.00
                                When you use this IGM the Force is
                                with you.
                                { File_Id Addes by Lord_FDN)
yqw104f.zip    21936 08-05-2024 Yang's Place Final Version
                                Lord 2 IGM Version 1.04 Final Created On
                                Programmer : Yang Qingwei
zts09a.zip     88077 08-05-2024 Zephyr Town Square v0.9a LORD IGM
                                v0.9a - 9/12/1996
                                A nifty combination IGM.
                                Lottsa cool stuff to do!
                                You MUST unzip this into its own
                                Req: Lord 3.50+
                                by: Steve Oberholtzer
_24word11.zip    6236 08-05-2024 The $word in the $tone v1.0 
                                Lord II IGM                                   
                                Authors: MeRcEr (Michael Naeseth), and
                                E-Mail: mercer281@aol.com             
                                Pull out the $word from the $tone, 
                                discover the lost treasure of Stone 
                                Brook.  But remember, you only get 
                                one pull per day so make it a good 

            Area 61 - EleBBS Scripts and Utils            

1liner04.zip   23262 08-05-2024 +-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
                                |                                          |
                                |       -== OneLiner for EleBBS ==-        |
                                |               version 0.04               |
                                |                                          |
                                |      * Kiwi Style Interface              |
                                |      * Animated LightBar Prompts         |
                                |      * Cursor Keys Select Colors         |
                                |      * Backscroll and Scroll Bar         |
                                |      * WhoWroteWhat Toggle               |
                                |      * Profanity Detection               |
                                |      * Multinode Aware                   |
                                |      * Full log file support             |
                                |      * Freeware - no nags/delays         |
                                |      * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced     |
                                |      NOW FASTER! Ascii and Avatar modes  |
                                   www.pcmicro.com/bbs for latest version
echngr11.zip   36405 08-05-2024 +-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
                                |                                          |
                                |           -== Ele-Changer ==-            |
                                |               version 1.1                |
                                |                                          |
                                |  Lightbar Area/Group Changer for EleBBS  |
                                |                                          |
                                |    * Use Cursor Keys to navigate         |
                                |    * File & Message Area/Group support   |
                                |    * LAWGATOR style layout               |
                                |    * Supports ANSi or ASCii              |
                                |    * Freeware - no nags or brags         |
                                |    * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced       |
                                |    * New: Combined Area Selector         |
                                |                                          |
                                Beware of fake releases by Future Dream Net!
echngr12.zip   37525 08-05-2024 +-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
                                |                                          |
                                |           -== Ele-Changer ==-            |
                                |               version 1.2                |
                                |                                          |
                                |  Lightbar Area/Group Changer for EleBBS  |
                                |                                          |
                                |    * Use Cursor Keys to navigate         |
                                |    * File & Message Area/Group support   |
                                |    * Combined Message area selector      |
                                |    * LAWGATOR style layout               |
                                |    * Supports ANSi or ASCii              |
                                |    * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced       |
                                |    * New: Also supports numeric keys     |
                                |                                          |
                                Beware of fake releases by Future Dream Net!
edsel10.zip     8898 08-05-2024 +-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
                                |                                          |
                                |       EleBBS Message Editor Selector     |
                                |                Version 1.0               |
                                |                                          |
                                | * Allows each user to choose their own   |
                                |   Message Editor to use, from a list of  |
                                |   up to 9 definable message editors.     |
                                |                                          |
                                |  Pre-Configured for IceEdit, TurboEdit,  |
                                |  DCTEdit, GEdit, QuickEd, TopEd, Tide    |
                                |  and several others.                     |
                                |  Also supports EleBBS's internal Editor. |
                                |                                          |
                                Beware of fake releases by Future Dream Net!
eldate11.zip   12329 08-05-2024 +-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
                                |                                          |
                                |             -== Ele-Date ==-             |
                                |               version 1.1                |
                                |                                          |
                                |  Enhanced date input routine for EleBBS  |
                                |                                          |
                                |   * Adds the '-' between month-day-year  |
                                |   * Users can enter dates using arrows!  |
                                |   * Also supports normal numeric entry.  |
                                |   * Small and fast (only 8k)             |
                                |   * Freeware - no nags/brags/delays      |
                                |   * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced        |
                                |   * NEW: 4-Digit year field support      |
                                |                                          |
                                   www.pcmicro.com/bbs for latest version
elecht01.zip   12629 08-05-2024 Ĵ pcmicro presents Ŀ
                                            -== Ele-Chat ==-              
                                            version 0.01 beta             
                                   Split Screen Sysop/User Chat Script    
                                    * Designed exclusivly for EleBBS      
                                    * Small and fast (only 10k)           
                                    * Great looking background            
                                    * Supports ANSi/AVATAR/ASCii          
                                    * Fully configurable                  
                                    * Freeware - no nags/brags/delays     
                                    * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced       
                                   www.pcmicro.com/bbs for latest version
elecht11.zip   19694 08-05-2024 +-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
                                |                                          |
                                |             -== Ele-Chat ==-             |
                                |                version 1.1               |
                                |                                          |
                                |   Split Screen Sysop/User Chat Script    |
                                |                                          |
                                |    * Designed exclusivly for EleBBS      |
                                |    * Includes 5 different chat modes     |
                                |    * Sysop can send files to user        |
                                |    * Sysop can type in either window     |
                                |    * Full cursor support & word-wrap     |
                                |    * Macro keyword support               |
                                |    * Small and fast (only 36k)           |
                                |    * Supports ANSi/AVATAR/ASCii          |
                                |    * Freeware - no nags/brags/delays     |
                                |    * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced       |
                                |                                          |
                                   www.pcmicro.com/bbs for latest version
elehdr11.zip   13088 08-05-2024 +-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
                                |                                          |
                                |    -== Message Header for EleBBS ==-     |
                                |               version 1.1                |
                                |                                          |
                                |    * Elite Style Custom ANSI header for  |
                                |      EleBBS's internal message reader.   |
                                |    * Hilights to: field on messages      |
                                |       to the current user.               |
                                |    * Now faster then before.             |
                                |    * Freeware - no ads/delays.           |
                                |    * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced.      |
                                |                                          |
                                   www.pcmicro.com/bbs for latest version
ele_2dlp12.zip  337210 08-05-2024 +-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
                                |                                          |
                                |         -== Lemming  Pager ==-           |
                                |               version 1.2                |
                                |                                          |
                                |  Animated Sysop Pager Script for EleBBS  |
                                |                                          |
                                |   * Lemming walks around while paging    |
                                |   * 3 random violent death scenes        |
                                |   * Supports PagingHours/Numlock state   |
                                |   * Plays WAV/MIDI or PAGE.RA sound      |
                                |   * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced        |
                                |   * Includes Led Zeppelins Blackdog      |
                                |   * Includes Mission Impossble Theme     |
                                |   * Freeware - no nags/brags/delays      |
                                |                                          |
                                   www.pcmicro.com/bbs for latest version
ele_2dpp14.zip   72831 08-05-2024 +-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
                                |                                          |
                                |        EleBBS LightBar Prompt Pak        |
                                |                Version 1.4               |
                                |                                          |
                                |            A collection of 20            |
                                |     EleBBS Lightbar Language Prompts     |
                                |         plus 45 Random Animated          |
                                |          "Press Enter" Prompts           |
                                |                                          |
                                |     Requires EleBBS 0.08.g1 or later!    |
                                |   Created using EleBBS Questionnaires.   |
                                |                                          |
                                 archives.thebbs.org for the latest version
ele_2dtb11.zip   22621 08-05-2024 +-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
                                |                                          |
                                |       -== TimeBank for EleBBS ==-        |
                                |               version 1.1                |
                                |                                          |
                                |    * Deposit/Withdraw Time (or KBytes)   |
                                |    * Animated LightBar Prompts           |
                                |    * Fast Deposit and Logoff option      |
                                |    * Sysop configurable limits           |
                                |    * Gamble time in Slot Machine         |
                                |    * Rob the Bank Feature                |
                                |    * Freeware - no nags/delays           |
                                |    * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced       |
                                |    * New: Optimized CPU Usage            |
                                |                                          |
                                 www.pcmicro.com/bbs for the latest version
ewhodx10.zip   16219 08-05-2024 +-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
                                |                                          |
                                |        -== Whos Online Deluxe ==-        |
                                |          version 1.0 for EleBBS          |
                                |                                          |
                                | Replaces the internal Whos Online & Msg  |
                                |                                          |
                                |   * Supports Livesystems USERDOES.{node} |
                                |   * Sends messages to other BBS nodes    |
                                |   * Node messages wrapped in ANSi Box    |
                                |   * Lightbarred Messages are sent        |
                                |   * Instant Reply to Sender feature!     |
                                |   * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced        |
                                |   * Freeware - no nags or other drags    |
                                |                                          |
                                   archives.thebbs.org for latest version
farfix01.zip    3017 08-05-2024 +-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
                                |                                          |
                                |             -== FAR-FIX ==-              |
                                |                                          |
                                |   Enhances the FAR Archive Viewer for    |
                                |   optimum BBS Sysop useage.              |
                                |                                          |
                                |   Shows how to install FAR as the Win32  |
                                |   archive viewer in EleBBS's EleMgr/32.  |
                                |                                          |
                                |   Makes FAR behave just like SHEZ and    |
                                |   simular local archive viewers!         |
                                |                                          |
filesrax.zip   12833 08-05-2024 FILESRAX - FILES.RA Converter   EleBBS->RA
                                This utility converts the LongPathNames in
                                an EleBBS FILES.RA (FilePath definitions)
                                to the DOS compatible shortf~1 equlivent
                                so your FileBase can be used with older
                                utilities made for RemoteAccess.
                                It's only needed if you are using LongPath
                                Names in your File Areas.
iph_2din_21.zip    6309 08-05-2024    .:  .: __________ :. _____ :.
                                :.__<\_//  /  :||__<\|:  \_/>_': :
                                :;\     |    \       |         \ ::
                                ===|   |    |    |    \   _>   :|===
                                .:\\__     /|       /       \\ :.
                                ::.  :\_/~~ ~=====----- 
                                _--__-- Fixed Major ARJ bug! --__--_  
                                External archive  viewer  for Ezycom
                                v1.10.  Allows you to view the files 
                                not only  in Archives, but view text 
                                files and archives within them! (can 
                                also display GIF file  info) It even 
                                lets  users  pick  specific files to 
                                download  from inside  of  archives!  
                                Simple multi - line setup  that will 
                                auto - detect most  necessary files!  
                                Several  Multi - tasker  timeslicing 
                                routines are built in.  Supports all 
                                8 archiver formats that can be setup 
                                in Ezycom v1.10! FAST file searching  
                                *Now only unarchives selected files* 
                                -----====ShareWare - $10.00====-----
ezbst1g1.zip  489134 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 EZYBEST v1.00 Public gamma version (g0)   
                                 EzyBest creates file area headers, file   
                                 lists, many ANS/ASC screens, has an online
                                 door database for analysing door usage,   
                                 provides cleanup, analysis and upgrading  
                                 of users. Edit file and message areas.    
                                 Analyse your message base and identify the
                                 redundant areas easily.                   
                                 Most editing, viewing and analysis options
                                 can be accessed from EzyShell, Ezybest's  
                                 menu driven easy to use control centre!   
                                   The ALL-IN-ONE Ezycom utility package!  
                                         For use with Ezycom 1.10          
                                (c) Phillip Morgan, Bermuda Triangle
                                           Registration AUS$27.00
ezcaller.zip   47520 08-05-2024 
ezcv1515.zip  104246 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                   EZCheck Version v15.15 
                                 EZCheck is a  very usefull Upload 
                                 checker for  use with EzyCom 1.20 
                                 and newer versions.  Installation 
                                 is very easy.   Supports swapping 
                                 to XMS, EMS or DISK!              
                                  DESC.SDI renames to FILE_ID.DIZ 
                                  Much better error handeling     
                                 Run  EZCONFIG.EXE  when  updating 
                                 from an older version of EZCheck! 
                                 EZCheck.   Not    just   a   tool 
                                 BUT MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE 
ezmgr111.zip   67508 08-05-2024 Nice multiline Manager for EZYCOM!
ezpro105.zip  825007 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 EZYPRO v1.05.1 Public gamma version      
                                 EZYPRO can create file area headers,     
                                 file lists, many Ans/Asc stats screens,  
                                 list undescribed files, produce 12 group 
                                 file lists, and more. All single pass    
                                 and quick. Very configurable and easy to 
                                 use. A very flexible package!            
                                 New features, some fixes and online help 
                                 added. Internet functions for websites.  
                                 Also comes with EPRODOOR for door usage  
                                 monitoring and EPROMISC for running 12   
                                 usefull functions, including a powerful  
                                 filebase cleaner, new statistics screens 
                                 & many analysis tools to help make you   
                                 get the most from your Ezycom BBS!       
                                 Also comes with EPROMENU, a shell for    
                                 EZYPRO with a file area editor and the   
                                 ability to move  file areas. Also edits  
                                 message areas, configures EZYPRO, view   
                                 the EZYPRO control files and more!       
                                 The ALL-IN-ONE Ezycom utility package!   
                                      For use with Ezycom 1.48g0+         
                                   (c) Phillip Morgan, Bermuda Triangle
                                           Registration AUS$10.00
ezyad300.zip   56804 08-05-2024 --            --Ŀ
                                  Ezy ADD 3.00    
                                |          --+--           |
                                : Adds BBS logo Before dl    :
                                   Used in Ezycom BBS       
                                |          --+--           |
                                --            --
ezybday.zip    10892 08-05-2024 |REzyBirthday V1.10
                                |Y |WPost a message to a user on
                                  |Wthere birthday.  
                                |Y |WFor use with Ezycom V1.10 
                                |Y |WDesign your own birthday 
                                  |Wmessage to import. 
                                |Y |GAuthor:
                                      |YSteven Harm
                                      |YHorizon Software
ezych123.zip   77983 08-05-2024 Ezychat v1.23 is a chat "door"
                                which replaces Ezycom's
                                internal multiline function.
                                More colour and many extended
ezyed102.zip   86063 08-05-2024 
ezygif.zip     23442 08-05-2024 
ezyhmb.zip      9429 08-05-2024 
ezyico95.zip   16398 08-05-2024     ͻ
                                        Ezycom Icons for Windows 95    
                                       Here are 9 icons for use with   
                                       Ezycom under Windows 95/98.     
ezylo155.zip   27047 08-05-2024 ._.*~^~*._.*~^~*._.
                                .  ,aS$$  ,aS$$""$$Sa,  .
                                .  $$  $$  $$  .
                                :  .;;;.  .;;;.  .;;;.  :
                                :  liiil  liiil  liiil  :
                                : LASTONES v1.55! :
                                :  The Ultimate Caller  :
                                 Door for Ezycom BBSs. 
                                : Supports alias usage, :
                                :  and has support for  :
                                :  multi-node systems.  :
                                . FREEWARE! 
ezyr100a.zip   41544 08-05-2024 
                                ޳   EzyRego version 1.00a   ޳
                                For use with EzyCom v1.10.  Sick of
                                EzyCom not always dropping a user's
                                security  when his/her  regodate is
                                expired?  EzyRego handles all rego-
                                date expirations,  writes  messages
                                to expired  users, and reports  all
                                newly expired  users to the  SysOp.
                                Turbo Pascal v7.0  source included.
                                Freeware! By Steve Blinch.   [SB95]
ezysb102.zip   27317 08-05-2024 
ezyspy14.zip   23015 08-05-2024             1.4
                                EzySpy is a freeware program that
                                takes action on carrier droppers.
                                (For EzyCom systems)
                                  - sends warning message
                                  - lowers access
                                  - generates .ans and .asc lists
                                  - multi-node support
                                  - sends the sysop a report
                                  - ignores specific users
                                  - *freeware*
                                *New in this version:
                                  - bug fixes (setup bug finally
ezytools.zip   54813 08-05-2024 
e_hdr026.zip   34918 08-05-2024 
flist100.zip   23322 08-05-2024 
fsdump.zip      7909 08-05-2024 Reads in your FILE???.BBS and creates a
                                DESCRIPT.ION (for 4DOS / 4OS2 Users)
fsln14.zip     70963 08-05-2024 
gfix102.zip    10088 08-05-2024 
gflag102.zip   11568 08-05-2024 
inter102.zip   14265 08-05-2024 
lbusy101.zip    9057 08-05-2024 
logdl100.zip   10230 08-05-2024 
lscan103.zip   29073 08-05-2024 
newmf1.zip      4962 08-05-2024 |rͷ
                                |r      |GNEW MAIL/FILE        |r 
                                |r |CA QA written to check     |r 
                                |r |Cfor new mail and then     |r 
                                |r |Cnew files for ezycom 1.20 |r 
                                |r |C                         |r  
refile1.zip     4038 08-05-2024 |rͷ
                                |r        |GFile Request    |r      
                                |r |CFile Request QA Ezycom    |r 
                                |r |Cversions 1.20 + 1.48.     |r 
                                |r |C                         |r  
trqst001.zip    5379 08-05-2024 Thy Trendy Questionnaire
                                Neat replacement for the
                                default ezycom newuser 
                                Q-A file.
                                release 3/11/95  v0.01b
tued001.zip    25813 08-05-2024 Trendy User Editor
                                Fully featured editor for the
                                Trendy Questionnaire and
                                Trendy BBS List.. Get it now!
                                release 3/11/95       v0.01b
umpu120.zip   282796 08-05-2024 UMPU 1.20  - The ultimate Multi-purpose
                                **************utility for ezycom.*******
                                *NOW FREEWARE WITH C/C++ SOUCE CODE!!!!*
                                *Unzip with -d (Source code dirs inc)  *
                                Features : Create Areas.bbs, Calculates
                                end of registration dates for users,
                                apply system colors to users, compress
                                quick mail scan index, replace text in
                                descriptions in filebase, delete file
                                xxxx in file areas specified, use echo
                                tag listing to describe auto-added
                                areas (i.e. - fidonet.na), Create file
                                area headers (customizable), Turn off/
                                on int combined for range of areas,
                                auto-import files.bbs when receiving
                                files via .tic, Log text to node x's
                                logfile (with proper file-sharing, etc),
                                Change master list setting for specified
                                areas, Send online messages, Compress
                                questionnaire response files (purging out
                                non-existant user's responses), Remove
                                newlines from file descriptions that
                                don't have hi-bit chars, Set node's info
                                in online.bbs (Make your user's see
                                'Elvis' on Node 6), Set nodeinfo/userinfo
                                for a node, list users who match a
                                thorough criteria, View a node's download
                                batch, Wait for a semaphore file (giving
                                back timeslices to your multi-tasker),
                                generate files.bbs files w/options, and
                                create an expiration profile for users.
                                Supports ranges and ezy's groups. A TRUE

                Area 63 - Falken BBS Utils                

900s1770.zip   42698 08-05-2024 900 service module V1.7 for Falken BBS 7.05
900v23.zip     17977 08-05-2024 Auto-Credits/900 Door v2.3 - This software
                                for Falken BBS allows you to give credits
                                to users when calling on a 900 or 976
                                phone line.  Also, optionally allows you to
                                give credits to everyone on their first
                                call today, or to those people who have
                                run out of credits.  The 900/976 portion does
                                not work with a service.  You must first get
                                a 976 or 900 line from the phone company.
                                From Bill Bell at 1381 Westwood Dr, N. Ton,
                                NY 14120.                     $10.00
acctinf2.zip   16358 08-05-2024 
acduc25.zip    37803 08-05-2024 Acduc v.2.5
                                Acey Duecy game Door for 
                                Falken BBS 7.0 and later.
                                Bob Wilkinson, 2010 W. 35th
                                Kennewick, WA 99337
bbs21.zip      35667 08-05-2024 BBS List v.2.1
                                BBS Listing Door for 
                                Falken BBS 7.0 and later.
                                Visiting Sysops may post
                                info about their systems.
                                Bob Wilkinson, 2010 W. 35th
                                Kennewick, WA 99337
bio15.zip      35452 08-05-2024 BioDoor version 1.5
                                Callers post responses for
                                other callers to read, based
                                on a list of questions developed
                                by the system operator.
                                Falken BBS for DOS 7.0 and later.
                                configurable setup options.
                                Bob Wilkinson, 2010 W. 35th
                                Kennewick, WA 99337
bj200.zip      72079 08-05-2024 BLACKJACK v. 2.0 - Blackjack game for Falken
                                BBS software. Classic game, get 21 but don't
                                go over. Allows sysops to bet ficticious
                                money or credits. Each player has its own
                                dealer, but CAN chat with any other player
                                in the game. Works with Falken v9.x DOS
btfalk6.zip   260295 08-05-2024 
bull23.zip     22748 08-05-2024 
cbv17c.zip     58580 08-05-2024 Callback Verifier V1.7c -
                                This door for Falken BBS V7.05+
                                calls back your new users to verify
                                them.  Their phone numbers must be
                                right in order to use this utility!
                                From William Bell at 55 Gate House Trail
                                Henrietta, NY 14467    $35.00.
cert16.zip     70988 08-05-2024 Certificates Auto-Credit V1.6 -
                                Falken 7.02. Certificates and the ability
                                to auto-credit accounts. Give out free
                                or reduced price certificates at swap
                                meets and they may upgrade themselves
                                immediately on logon.
                                From Bill Bell. $15.00.
chat201.zip    37260 08-05-2024 Falken Chat V2.01 -
                                Character by character multi-user
                                chat for Falken BBS. Each user
                                has own color and word wrapping
                                is supported.
                                From BIll Bell at
                                BBS (716) 359-4736. $15.00.
chess35a.zip  460531 08-05-2024 Chess V3.5a - RIP, ANSI, ASCII
                                multi-user and network supported
                                (Fidonet support!) Chess for Falken!
                                The other programmers are
                                scrambling to keep up with
                                this top of the line Chess!
                                From Two Minute Warning at
                                BBS (716) 359-4736. $35.00.
clsad25.zip    75154 08-05-2024 Classified Ad v.2.5
                                Classified Ad door for 
                                Falken BBS 7.0 and later.
                                System users post and read
                                classified ads.  Email
                                notification when an ad is
                                posted, and a statement is
                                Bob Wilkinson, 2010 W. 35th
                                Kennewick, WA 99337
confalk.zip   107130 08-05-2024 
cred44a.zip   420616 08-05-2024 Credit Cards V4.4a -
                                Take MasterCard/VISA (and others) on your
                                Falken BBS.  A unique CEO utility helps the
                                sysop maintain and print out activity
                                for the month, year et al! Now support
                                for other currency (ie Canadian).  Now works
                                with Dragon Business Services and Automated
                                Transaction Services, Inc!
                                Falken 6.69b and Falken 7.0 supported.
                                From Bill Bell, 55 Gate House Trail,
                                Henrietta, NY 14467.         $40.00
creds20.zip    38300 08-05-2024 
dater10.zip    30757 08-05-2024 ONLINE COMPUTER DATING SERVICES v1.0 - A
                                door that allows your users to answer
                                questions to determine their "match" on the
                                bbs. Requires Falken BBS software v9.x
                                DOS series.
doorinfo.zip  103910 08-05-2024 DOORINFO - A programmers interface for
                                Falken BBS software v9.x series (Dos
                                only, look for the Linux version out
dp200.zip      36284 08-05-2024 DRAW POKER v2.0 - A multi-player, fully
                                interactive, 5 card, nothing wild, Draw
                                poker door for Falken BBS v7.x or 9.x
                                Dos series.
ech19f.zip    296931 08-05-2024 Falken EchoReader V1.9f -
                                Echo Reader door for Falken BBS. Supports
                                ANSI, ASCII and RIPscript (built in)!
                                Door for reading *.MSG format and
                                SQUISH v1.0-1 FidoNet echos, and NETMAIL.
                                Multi-user support via share.exe.
                                Nodelist searcher, and echo renumber
                                utilities included.
                                by Bill Bell
email13.zip    34998 08-05-2024 
faldor17.zip   28848 08-05-2024 
falf40.zip    187895 08-05-2024 Falken File Utilities V4.0 -
                                SHareware for Falken BBS V7.0+. File
                                utilities including FALFILE, ACCT_DL,
                                ACCT_UL, DLIST, NEW, MAILIST, CDDEL.
                                From Two Minute Warning Software
                                at (410) 964-6400   $25
falk901.zip   757622 08-05-2024 Falken BBS Software v9.01 - A complete DOS
                                multi-user BBS package, complete with most
                                BBS functions, and contains its own FOSSIL
                                driver and multi-tasker. Eliminating the
                                need for an external multi-tasker. Can
                                support up to 64-lines on a single
                                computer. Available for Linux OS also.
fautz16.zip    38817 08-05-2024 F_AUT_Z v.1.5
                                Yahtzee Type Game Door for 
                                Falken BBS 7.0 and later.
                                Bob Wilkinson, 2010 W. 35th
                                Kennewick, WA 99337
fb25.zip       46056 08-05-2024 Feedback Select v.2.5
                                Sends user feedback to selected
                                sysop, co-sysops.
                                Falken BBS for DOS 7.0 and later.
                                configurable setup options.
                                Bob Wilkinson, 2010 W. 35th
                                Kennewick, WA 99337
fbday4.zip     22496 08-05-2024 Birthday Door V4.4 - This
                                door will keep track of user's
                                birthdays and wish them Happy
                                Birthday!  Will wish user happy
                                BBS anniversary! Also, will check
                                TMW Backgammon and Chess Games
                                From Two Minute Warning Software.
                                BBS: (716) 359-4736. $15.00
fdia30g.zip   109611 08-05-2024 DialOUT V3.00g -
                                Falken BBS V7.05 and above door.  Allows
                                users to DialOUT to other systems on
                                configurable phone lines. Can also be set
                                up to use NULL modem cable to play 3rd
                                party doors on a 2nd computer.  Now includes
                                DialHOST and DialMENU to transfer DOOR.SYS
                                and CHAIN.TXT to 2nd computer for security
                                and seamless operation (uses FOSSIL).
                                DialOUT also used for Western and regular
                                teleconference links, downloading/uploading
                                while online (sysop), and much more!
                                Bill Bell     Register for $25.00.
ffdemo.zip     25451 08-05-2024 
fg200.zip      76762 08-05-2024 FALKGUN V 2.0 - A text-style game that has
                                users shooting each other down, gamble, or
                                fight other MIGS. Taken from an old WWIV
                                game. Requires Falken BBS software to run.
fortune.zip    10267 08-05-2024 
fqwk217q.zip  177267 08-05-2024 QWK/REP Door V2.17q for Falken BBS
fscan11a.zip   10470 08-05-2024 
fswtch20.zip   17569 08-05-2024 
fwall14d.zip   41080 08-05-2024 
ig107.zip      63304 08-05-2024 INTERGAME V 1.7 - Intergame was designed so
                                that you can run NON-Falken doors with
                                Falken via a null-modem connection to
                                another computer. Will support drops of
                                door.sys, dorinfox.def, and chain.txt.
                                This one is for DOS version, Linux
                                version soon to be release.
kiosk10.zip    37787 08-05-2024 Kiosk Message Board v.1.0
                                A Chalkboard type door for
                                Falken BBS 7.0 and later.
                                System users post messages, which
                                other users may read, and respond
                                to via private email.
                                Bob Wilkinson, 2010 W. 35th
                                Kennewick, WA 99337
list_210.zip   91339 08-05-2024 
lnedit10.zip   30661 08-05-2024 Line Editor v.1.0
                                A Line Editor Door for 
                                Falken BBS 7.0 and later.
                                Edit Ascii files while
                                BBS is in operation.
                                Bob Wilkinson, 2010 W. 35th
                                Kennewick, WA 99337
lot20.zip      37545 08-05-2024 Lottery IGM v.2.0
                                Intergame Module for WAR ZONE 
                                a door game for Falken BBS 7.0 
                                and later running under DOS.
                                Bob Wilkinson, 2010 W. 35th
                                Kennewick, WA 99337
lotto2.zip     40858 08-05-2024 
mnudor22.zip   19533 08-05-2024 MENU V2.2 -
                                Unlimited Menus for Falken BBS V7.02.
                                Easily customized.
                                From Bill Bell.
msgp11.zip     59117 08-05-2024 
mydis31.zip    42017 08-05-2024 Display Door v.3.1
                                Displays informational screens
                                to system callers.
                                Falken BBS for DOS 7.0 and later.
                                configurable setup options.
                                Bob Wilkinson, 2010 W. 35th
                                Kennewick, WA 99337
news20.zip     32658 08-05-2024 NewsLetter Door v.2.0
                                for Falken BBS 7.0 and later.
                                Present Current/Updated
                                Newsletter to bbs callers.
                                Bob Wilkinson, 2010 W. 35th
                                Kennewick, WA 99337
newuser.zip    26801 08-05-2024 
phant1.zip     12485 08-05-2024 
poll20.zip     34843 08-05-2024 Polling Booth v.2.0
                                Voting Booth door for
                                Falken BBS for DOS 7.0 and later.
                                Displays in Ansi and Ascii.
                                Bob Wilkinson, 2010 W. 35th
                                Kennewick, WA 99337
quote10.zip    76493 08-05-2024 Quote Reader v.1.0
                                A logon door for
                                Falken BBS 7.0 and later.
                                Randomly selects and displays
                                quotes to callers prior to
                                reaching the Main Menu.
                                Bob Wilkinson, 2010 W. 35th
                                Kennewick, WA 99337
roll15.zip     49917 08-05-2024 Rollem Dice Game v.1.5
                                Dice Game door for 
                                Falken BBS 7.0 and later.
                                Based on the casino game
                                Bob Wilkinson, 2010 W. 35th
                                Kennewick, WA 99337
rumors10.zip   50944 08-05-2024 RUMORS v1.0 - A simple module for Falken
                                BBS systems that will spread rumors that
                                you users enter to certain areas at random.
shadow.zip    305748 08-05-2024 
slots10.zip    35495 08-05-2024 Slots Game Door v.1.0
                                Slot Machine Game door for 
                                Falken BBS 7.0 and later.
                                Can be setup to use 'Credits'
                                on systems that use credits
                                or has credit users.
                                Bob Wilkinson, 2010 W. 35th
                                Kennewick, WA 99337
snew18.zip     18172 08-05-2024 
sup25v70.zip   99072 08-05-2024 Super CD ROM Door V2.5 -
                                Easily put CD ROMs onto your Falken BBS.
                                Each cd rom is categorized into a database
                                and easily marked as online or offline.
                                If the cdrom is offline, the user can request
                                the file, the sysop then can easily email the
                                user the file.  If the cdrom is online, the
                                downloads the file using xmodem/ymodem or
                                with an option to batch download.
                                From Two Minute Warning Software at
                                55 Gate House Trail, Henrietta, NY  14467
switch.zip      9748 08-05-2024 
sys_v7.zip     11015 08-05-2024 
upgr29.zip     29651 08-05-2024 
w4l19.zip      46447 08-05-2024 
warz20.zip    188870 08-05-2024 War Zone v.2.0
                                A RPG door game for
                                Falken BBS 7.0 and later 
                                running under DOS.
                                Bob Wilkinson, 2010 W. 35th
                                Kennewick, WA 99337
west_dv6.zip   32158 08-05-2024 
wrdscrm5.zip   47474 08-05-2024 Word Scramble v.4.0
                                Scrambled Word game Door for 
                                Falken BBS 7.0 and later.
                                Now provides multiple word
                                list capability.
                                Bob Wilkinson, 2010 W. 35th
                                Kennewick, WA 99337
wst21b.zip    184116 08-05-2024 Western TLCF V2.1b -
                                Teleconference for Falken BBS.
                                Now supports Falken V7 and 6.69B.
                                Lots of configurability, easy to use,
                                and powerful teleconference. Allows
                                daisy-chaining of teleconference for
                                links to other boards, virtual channels,
                                action commands, and western add-in games V6!
                                From William Bell at 55 Gate House Trail,
                                Henrietta, NY 14467.

              Area 48 - FILES.BBS File Doors              

acf560r0.zip  415338 08-05-2024 
addc_20.zip    24336 08-05-2024 MagicList v2.00.b4 - Do NOT distribute
adit10b2.zip   49125 08-05-2024 AdoptIt for ProBoard v1.0 beta
                                Adopts files into ProBoard's
                                Companion program for DizIt.
                                 Another release from CBWare!
adopt100.zip   23230 08-05-2024 ADOPT.EXE & REMOVE.EXE V1.0 - Lets FILES.BBS
                                users painlessly "adopt orphan" files (files
                                that have no description) & remove "MISSING"
                                files (Descriptions that have no files)
alt_110.zip    62775 08-05-2024 ALLIST v1.10;  The Ultimate  files-base  tool
                                Create  ALLFILES/NEWFILES/GROUP???.LST  for a
                                FILES.BBS format  files-base.  Add headers to
                                each  FILES.BBS  using   template  variables.
                                locate orphan and  missing files.  many other
                                options to manage the filebase are available.
                                full flexibility, fast and easy.  [Shareware]
                                             *   *   *   *   *
                                Copyright(c) 1994 Spirit Software Engineering
anufi20.zip    32105 08-05-2024 ANUFI 2.0
                                A FILES.BBS File Manager for RemoteAccess
                                or ProBoard (using Simu).  Spanish Docs.
apfile1.zip    35488 08-05-2024 ---------  ByteMe! Utilities
                                AP-FILE v1b,    A  files.bbs  utility  for
                                appending  inbound  files  list to  scanned
                                area's list  and  creating  zero  byte file
                                list (files.bbs) in inbound. Can optionally
                                convert the extensions to a default extension
asort100.zip   41648 08-05-2024 AlfaSort v1.00
                                Files.BBS Sorting Utility for QuickBBS,
                                RemoteAccess, ProBoard, and SuperBBS.
bbsck101.zip   28660 08-05-2024               
                                .---------        -------------.
                                | ANOthEr          [r]EALM    |
                                | RELeaSe            [o]F       |
                                | FROm Da          [h]EAVEN   |
                                |-------------  --------  ------------|
                                |                                          |
                                | ."BBSCK101 is a Util Which Is the only   |
                                |   Thing A Sysop Wants on His board !!    |
                                |   It adds file_id.diz from zip, arj etc  |
                                |   and put them into FILES.BBS. It also   |
                                |   sorts FILES.BBS and is incredible FAST |
                                |   and whats best of all its FREEWARE !!! |
                                |   This is an update and a couple of Bugs |
                                |   Have Been Fixed.. That's all..         |
                                |                                          |
bbsfm120.zip  137900 08-05-2024 The BBS File Manager (ver 1.20) - View, move
                                and edit descriptions of all your BBS's
                                files from a single powerful screen.  Very
                                fast and easy to use with pop-up windows.
                                Works with any BBS that uses FILES.BBS fmt.
                                MANY more features!
bbssort.zip    44821 08-05-2024 Files.BBS Sort (BBS SORT)
                                Ver 2.31 Beta ShareWare. by Lev Zabudkin
                                for sorting and formatting file FILES.BBS.
                                handles to to 3300 files in each FILES.BBS
                                Old files are renamed to FILES.BAK
                                This version is only for Standard FILES.BBS
                                If you use Enhanced FILES.BBS (with date
                                and kbytes included) then use EBBSSORT.ZIP
blstbbs.zip   725822 08-05-2024 Speed BBS filelist builder (DOS.OS/2-NT)
                                DOS.DPMI.OS/2-NT version. 
                                Support OS/2 & Windows95 longnames.
                                Must work on freq only station.
                                File manager inside (remane/copy/delete).
                                Make announce new files in PKT file.
                                Support DIZ file import.
                                Support HTML out.
                                Support fullpath in files.bbs.
                                Support serach new files.
                                ClipArt areas mask (40 examples). 
                                Auto search new areas. 
                                True sort filename in files.bbs.
                                Delete not exist filenames from
                                Update text areas config for other
                                   BBS software.
                                Support Seal, RemoteAccess, Maximus,
                                   SuperBBS,T-Fix, AllFix 4.3x,
                                   AllFix for OS/2 1.0, PCBoard, NEF.
                                Inside PKT2UUE/CRK extractor.
cd2hd101.zip   30329 08-05-2024            CD2HD v1.01
                                CD2HD converts FILES.BBS in CD-format 
                                to HD-format and is intended for use 
                                with ProBoard but might work for other
                                Copyright 1995 by PokerDot Development.
                                Partial copyright by Madness BBS.
                                   -->>  +31 (0) 4929 - 63989 <<--
chekv103.zip   21989 08-05-2024 CHEKDATE PROGRAM v1.03  
                                This application is designed to 
                                assist BBS operators in the  
                                management of their "FILES.BBS"
                                file. It is currently in several 
                                stages of upgrades. 
                                Registration $10.00
chfiles8.zip   21579 08-05-2024 CheckFiles v1.0 -
                                This utility is designed to
                                help bbs sysops maintain
                                the FILES.BBS file listing.
                                Its very configurable.
                                Registration just $1.
chk4d1b7.zip   25920 08-05-2024 CHK4DES v1.007 - insures file descriptions!
                                Checks your PCBoard or other BBS file lists
                                for descriptions.  Removes all "Description
                                not found" or blank description file names
                                from file lists created by DIZ extractors.
                                Optionally executes a batch file with each
                                file name that has a description, such as
                                moving the parent file to another directory.
cntall10.zip   19519 08-05-2024 
cpyb2100.zip   39462 08-05-2024 CopyBbs 1.00 OS/2
                                To Copy/Move files with FILES.BBS
                                Uses the .LONGNAME EA to preserve long
                                names on FAT.
                                Existing files are properly overwritten
                                or skipped.
                                Useful for storing long names on
                                floppies or removable FAT disks.
cr110pda.zip  115425 08-05-2024 ͸
                                     CrazyList: v1.10    
                                       A filelist generator program.       
                                ͹ Features ͵
                                 * Support for all files.bbs systems.      
                                   Import from RA1x, PB2x, SBBS, Lora, TFA 
                                 > New: Concord gamma-1 & gamma-2          
                                 * Possibility to generate total/new list, 
                                   areas summary, FD frequest file...      
                                 * Possibility to add summary file to total
                                   list automathically.                    
                                 * Possibility to add header/footer file   
                                   to total/new list.                      
                                 * Support headers/notes area per area!    
                                 * Support for extended descriptions!      
                                 * All messages fully configurable!        
                                 * Three date formats for lists!           
                                 * Files.bbs functions!                    
                                    => Converting uppercase/lowercase      
                                    => Stripping extended description char 
                                 * Possibility to pack internally the      
                                   created lists with more parameters,     
                                   with two different packers for          
                                   total/new list. Support for             
                                   PAK, ARJ, ZIP, SQZ, LHA, UC2 & RAR.     
                                 * Low registration price!!                
                                >>Copyright by Fausto Iannuzzi 1993-95(C)<<
dir2file.zip    8259 08-05-2024 DIRECTORY TO FILE 1.00
                                By Massimo Gentilini, FidoNet 2:332/401
                                This small utility creates a file list
                                from a directory for all BBS programs
                                that uses the FILES.BBS approach. It
                                also adds the resolution of GIF files
                                to the description automaticly.
dirb2100.zip   36141 08-05-2024 DirBbs 1.00 OS/2
                                To Show directories of files with their
                                FILES.BBS description.
                                Looks for the .LONGNAME EA to report
                                long names on FAT.
                                Useful for checking long names of files
                                saved on floppies or removable FAT disks
                                (if they were copied with a program that
                                preserves long names in the .LONGNAME
                                extended attribute).
dizcript.zip   12708 08-05-2024 ͸
                                       DiZcription V0.02        
                                 DiZcription is a program made   
                                 especially for SysOps who are   
                                 using RA or SBBS. It will       
                                 Extract The FILE_ID.DIZ file    
                                 From an archive, and implement  
                                 it in the FILES.BBS file.       
                                 EXTRA FAST! INP-EXCALiBUR, 1993 
                                 Written By:Jonathan Davis, 1993 
dizimp09.zip   22793 08-05-2024 DizImp v0.9 FILE_ID.DIZ Importer
                                Dizimp imports descriptions from
                                Various Archives to FILES.BBS.
                                Dizimp is FREEWARE.
dizl160.zip   207557 08-05-2024 The DiZList v1.6 Shareware version of the
                                BEST filelist maker available.  Use for
                                ANY BBS, or none at all. Can create lists of
                                files and descriptions in 9 attractive styles
                                supports 7 archivers,unlimited configurations
                                Supports files.bbs, and runs under OS/2,
                                DOS, Windows, CD-ROMS, features you won't
                                find in any other filelister in the world.
                                Create your Freqable ALLFILES list Today.
                                Copyright 1996-98, Mind Over Byte Software
dizman12.zip   53542 08-05-2024 DizMan v1.20 - The Description Manager!
                                       ***** DizMan v1.20 *****       
                                 DizMan can import  "FILE_ID.DIZ"  to 
                                 your  board.  Working with all BBS's 
                                 with FILES.BBS!  Works with ARC/ARJ/ 
                                 DWC/EXE/HA /HAP/HPK/HYP/LZH/PAK/SQZ/ 
                                 Dizman  also  describes BMP/GIF/JPG/ 
                                 NST/S3M/SD4/STM/STS/669!!!  You  can 
                                 define additional formats & packers. 
dizzy_39.zip   55770 08-05-2024 ͸
                                    ***** DIZZY V.3.9 *****           
                                 Now you can import FILE_ID.DIZ    
                                 or OTHER DESC. to your FILES.BBS 
                                 # Support FLSEARCH.CTL / LIST.CTL
                                 # (Opt.) Only New Files          
                                 # (Opt.) Safe 1. Line of Old-Desc
                                 # (Opt.) ADD/KILL Files to Archiv
                                 # (Opt.) Scan/Repack Archives    
                                 # Infos of MOD / GIF Files etc.  
                                 # English & German DOC           
                                   (c) 1993  Christian Mueller    
dizzy_44.zip   87524 08-05-2024 ͸
                                     ***** DIZZY V.4.4 *****          
                                 Now you can import FILE_ID.DIZ    
                                 or OTHER DESC. to your FILES.BBS 
                                 # Support FLSEARCH.CTL / LIST.CTL
                                 # (Opt.) Only New Files          
                                 # (Opt.) Safe FIRST or LAST Line 
                                          of OLD-DESCRIPTION      
                                 # (Opt.) ADD/KILL Files to Archiv
                                 # (Opt.) Scan/Repack Archives    
                                 # (Opt.) Free User-Comments !    
                                 # Info about Files MOD/JPG/GIF...
                                 # AutoAdd FILE_ID.DIZ to ARCHIV  
                                 # English & German DOC           
                                   (c) 1993  Christian Mueller    
diz_2d355r.zip   16848 08-05-2024 Dizzer is a utility to help you manage
                                your FILES.BBS format file listings as
                                used with Proboad and other BBS
                                software.  This program will make a
                                FILES.BBS from scratch then add file
                                descriptions extracted from the files
                                found in the current directory to it
                                as required, it will also remove missing
                                files from FILES.BBS then sort in a user
                                definable order.  Dizzer currently
                                supports ARJ ZIP and RAR. This is version
                                3.55.R, dated 18/06/1996.
                                From Rick Wakefield 2:442/621@fidonet
dm_v104.zip    14568 08-05-2024 
dodiz101.zip   50932 08-05-2024 ۲ DODIZ v 1.01 ۲
                                 Creates File_id.diz Desc.sdi File.BBS     
                                 Will also Up-Date Archive File.           
                                 Currently Supports ARJ,ZIP,ZOO,LHA          
                                 Program is Not Crippled. Registration       
                                 is $10.                                     
dpbfm118.zip  220042 08-05-2024 Dragon ProBoard FileBase Master v 1.18 Gamma
                                by Alex Devilliers  : Febuary 27th, 1998.
                                Manages the FILES.BBS for ProBoard 2.xx
                                (tested with v2.16). Functions: Move, Erase
                                files, sort by alphabetical order, Date, or
                                size in ascending ordecending order. Editing
                                and importation of decriptions (FILE_ID.DIZ,
                                DESC.SDI, JPEG, GIF, png, PCX, BMP, TGA,
                                tiff, MOD, S3M and XM). Imports new files by
                                masks (Ex: D*.ZIP). Optionally adds headers
                                in the FILES.BBS (Name of zone, number, total
                                files and size) internal in ANSi/ASCII or
                                external (file) managment from CD-ROM. Very
                                little configuration needed.
                                * Documentation and EXEcutable in French  *
                                FREEWARE                DrAgOn SoFtWaRe '98
dsort300.zip   19959 08-05-2024 D-Sort is designed to easily and quickly sort
                                your FILES.BBS files in alphabetical order.
                                D-SoRt is design for use with RA 1.11
                                (compatibility with future versions is
                                 not gauranteed).
dupe_2dn28.zip   47725 08-05-2024 DUPE NUKEM V2.8: Having problems with dupe
                                files coming in from the File Bone? Trying
                                to find more space on your 6 4.3 Gig hard-
                                drives for more CDs worth of Shareware? Try
                                Dupe Nukem! This program will look through
                                all your FILES.BBS lists for duplicate files,
                                let you know where they are, and delete them
                                for you! A must-have program for anyone who
                                has a large number of file areas. NEW VERSION
                                Rename Dupes! Search for different version
                                numbers!  Improved Maximus support!  CD-Rom
                                Support!  Fixed Alt-CFG command!
                                The ULTIMATE Dupe Buster!
dwnsrt64.zip  249374 08-05-2024 DOWNSORT version 6.4 for OS/2 and DOS.
                                Produces many kinds of filelists for
                                BBS-es, and can maintain your FILES.BBS
                                files. Provided user-lists are:
                                ALLFILES and NEWFILES in ASCII, IPF-,
                                HTML-format and a MAXIMUS Bulletin
                                format. Furthermore: TOP-download,
                                Orphan- and DUPlicate-reports, OK-file
                                and a USER-specified line layout.
                                Lists can be customized to a very high
                                extend such as BLOCK titles, insertion
                                of texts, import of FILE_ID.DIZ, file-
                                and area- selections, sorting regimes,
                                special handling of CDROM areas, etc.,
                                An unlimited number of lists in any
                                combination can be produced in a single
                                run of Downsort, extremely fast even
                                with the largest file collections.
dzit11.zip     51917 08-05-2024    DizIt for ProBoard v1.1
                                Puts file_id.diz ProBoard's
                                filebase. Also sorts them
                                Companion program to AdoptIt.
                                 Another release from CBWare
ebbssort.zip   43587 08-05-2024 Enhanced Files.BBS Sort (EBBS SORT)
                                Ver 2.31 Beta ShareWare. by Lev Zabudkin
                                for sorting and formatting file FILES.BBS.
                                handles to to 3300 files in each FILES.BBS
                                Old files are renamed to FILES.BAK
ebs_2dfs11.zip   10682 08-05-2024         
                                      ߰ ۰ ߰
                                    El Bucanero Soft Presents    |
                                       FILES.BBS Sort v1.1       
                                |       -------       :
                                  Sorts FILES.BBS               
                                  Support 5000 Files!           
                                :  Xtreme Fast!                  
                                  Easy to Use                   |
                                |  Download it NOW!              |
elistpro.zip   67593 08-05-2024 EASTL100.ARJ   The Ultimate Allfiles maker
                                voor RA 1.10 en 1.11
                                This Allfiles maker With many options.
                                Works great with long descriptions in
                                your FILES.BBS. Used with a '+'
                                Also  makes  list(s)  in  full  ANSI..
                                A must  for every Remote Access Sysop.
ezfbbs.zip     92348 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                            EZFBBS  v2.10b             
                                 This is the fully updated version of  
                                   the popular FILES.BBS creator by    
                                   Ronald Bleckendorf. Now extracts    
                                       FILE_ID.DIZ, DESC.SDI, or       
                                 DESCRIPT.ION files from archives and  
                                 places them into FILES.BBS. Archives  
                                    are identified by extension AND    
                                  signature. Self-extracting archives  
                                 are handled as well. Handles ZIP, ARJ,
                                 LZH, RAR, SQZ, ARC, UC2, PAK, and SDN 
                                  files. Also describes GIF, PCX, JPG, 
                                   MSP, PIC, SCX, RLE, BMP, LBM, MAC,  
                                 MOD, MID, JMS, 669, STM, STS, S3M, and
                                 RLE files. These files are identified 
                                   by signature, so the extension is   
                                    irrelevant. ALLFILES.LST can be    
                                 produced if desired. Work on any drive
                                     and/or directory (not CD-ROM!)    
                                    FULLY WORKING SHAREWARE VERSION    
                                     RONSOFT, BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA      
ezrom22b.zip  247736 08-05-2024 EZ-ROM 2.20 CD-ROM Door for ANY BBS.
                                Direct support Wildcat, PCBoard, RA,
                                ProBoard, Maximus, TAG, TriBBS. UART,
                                FOSSIL, DIGIBOARD. DOOR.SYS or
                                DORINFOx.DEF. Keeps Own Database,
                                Enforces Limits, MultiDisk, MultiNode
                                File Tagging, Text Search, Offline
                                Requests, ZIP & Text Viewer, Inserts
                                BBS Ads, Supports Disk Changers,
                                Internal Protocols, Disk Detect, Auto
                                Menus, File List Maker.
fast_405.zip   17180 08-05-2024 FAST 4.01 version 1.05
                                Fast is a files.bbs statistics generator
                                compatible with either a RA 'FILES.RA'
                                or a quickbbs style 'FLSEARCH.CTL' file
                                to find the directorys containing the
                                files.bbs to examime. It creates a list
                                of the TOP 100 (or less) downloaded files
                                in ANSI/ASCII files defined by the sysop.
                                This program was remade by Bo Bendtsen 1990
fb2htm10.zip   40049 08-05-2024        FB2Htm v1.0 for ProBoard
                                Creates HTML files from FILES.BBS
                                descriptions. Optional header and
                                footer files.
                                The CBWare software page at
                                is an example of it's work :-)
                                     Another release from CBWare!
fb2m_102.zip    7212 08-05-2024 FILES.BBS to MysticBBS Converter
                                I was evaluating MysticBBS today, and
                                emailed the author asking how I could
                                convert my RA filedatabase over to
                                Mystic. I told him I had a utility
                                (elefile) which could create enhanced
                                style FILES.BBS with multiple line
                                descriptions, and I sent him an
                                example of how the ext. FILES.BBS
                                look. A couple hours later he sent
                                me this converter, which works
                                perfectly!            - pcMike
fbbss_01.zip   23544 08-05-2024 fbbss_01 This sort your files.bbs file.
                                The programm sorts only the files all
                                other information isn't sorted as long
                                as that lines start with a space.
                                The programm can also add the download
                                counters and adjust them to the right format.
fbtrim01.zip   36337 08-05-2024 FBTRIM v0.01 by Lyn Borchert
                                A nice little utility for removing
                                the date and size from incorrectly
                                formated FILES.BBS files. Very helpful
                                for the sysop putting CD-ROMs online.
fbu_100.zip    74679 08-05-2024 FBUTIL - The Files.Bbs utility
                                Version 1.00 by Bob Henderson, 1:3812/10
                                * Optional FileArea support for Superbbs,
                                  Quickbbs and RemoteAccess.
                                * Optionally produce headers and footers for
                                  the files.bbs in each file area.
                                * File areas can be sorted by Name, Date,
                                  Size, or amount of downloads.
                                * Each file area can be sorted differently.
                                * Optionally Remove missing files.
                                * Removes Duplicate file entries.
                                * Adds file counters to files that need one.
                                * Formats file counters to specified width.
                                * Can be used to change file counter type.
                                * Produce up to 20 file lists, each list can
                                  contain either all the files or all the new
                                  files in the defined areas.
fce10.zip      57558 08-05-2024 
fdiz130.zip    61528 08-05-2024                    ______.
                                __________________(____  |__
                                \______       / __-   /  :  \
                                    \   __  __\__ \__/_      \
                                   __\   /  \__  \.   /  |    \__
                                   \____/   /__\_____/___|      /
                                     /   / -%[ MLN! ]%-|_____/
                                     /___/ M 0 0 N S H i N E     
                                        -%[ Presents ]%-         
                                 Filedoor FILE_ID Grabber  v1.30 
                                    Coded by Thunderhawk/MSH     
                                   - COOL User Output            
                                   - Random Pictures Shown       
                                   - 100% Self Coded Fossil      
                                     Unit (VERY FAST!!)          
                                   - MultiNode Support           
                                   - Detects 51 Filetypes (!)    
                                   - Rips Songnames From ALL     
                                   - Processes Most Kinds Of     
                                   - Adds ZipComment To Archive  
                                   - Adds Intro To Archive       
                                   - Removes Unwanted Adds       
                                   - Adds Advertisement To DIZ   
                                   - 100% Configurable!!!        
                                   AmberDawn  010 - 216.09.45 
febb196b.zip  468180 08-05-2024 Febbs is a file area manager for your
                                FILES.BBS bulletin board system, BBS.
                                It will help you keep your file areas
                                in shape and create your daily filelists.
ffal110.zip    36619 08-05-2024 
ffg104a.zip    35126 08-05-2024 
ffgra103.zip   28404 08-05-2024 Fast File Gen (FFG)  is a simple, but quick
                                and powerful `ALL FILES' list generator for
                                RemoteAccess BBS  (v1.10 up) which uses the
                                FILES.BBS rather then a more modern filebase.
files140.zip   22240 08-05-2024 FILESBBS (v1.40)
                                This program is designed to read a file
                                area description file such as the
                                FILES.BBS file used by the Fido BBS
                                software, and re-format all file
                                identification lines.  Now with
                                Maximus v3.00 long line support.
                                Includes full 'C' source code.
flister.zip    41961 08-05-2024 
flpro441.zip   69231 08-05-2024 FileList Professional v4.41 [bugs-fixed]
                                Supports both RA 1.xx, Fido 12+ and most
                                other FILES.BBS support BBS systems.
                                Appends dir header, sorts files.bbs,
                                multi-line descriptions aware, all files
                                list, new files list, popular downloads
                                list, directories statistics bulletin,
                                update download counters, uploaders name
                                update, remove unwanted strings from
                                file descriptions, more and more.
                                (Compiled and released on 30 May 1992)
fmast210.zip  117882 08-05-2024 FileMaster v2.10               Triple-S-Ware
                                    A Simple Software Solutions Program
                                | Manage files & FILES.BBS listings for    |
                                | ProBoard v2.00+ or any BBS using the     |
                                | FILES.BBS type lists.  Imports existing  |
                                | BBS files/FILES.BBS & DIZ/SDI/TEXT files |
                                | from archives.  CD-ROM support & more!   |
frmv21.zip     11471 08-05-2024  File Remover v2.1 ͻ
                                 FileRemover is a usefull util 
                                 For RA 2.xx, It will look for 
                                 A Filemask in All areas and   
                                 For each area Only keep the   
                                 Newest file exists Both in    
                                 Dos and in FILES.BBS, FRemove 
                                 Can also Ignore Certin Areas  
                                   - Full Source Included -    
fsdump.zip      7657 08-05-2024 Reads in your FILE???.BBS and creates a
                                DESCRIPT.ION (for 4DOS / 4OS2 Users)
fsort116.zip   11791 08-05-2024  FileSort V1.16 (c) 1991 by Gerhard Lustig
                                FileSort is a small utility for sorting your
                                FILES.BBS. Lines which contain no filenames
                                are treated as comments and are limited to
                                255(!) chars in length.
ftree.zip      20013 08-05-2024 The FTree program  is a remote file
                                manager, it allows  you to view the
                                files on your  ProBoard BBS.  FTree
                                is  a PEX  program  designed to run
                                under ProBoard. FTree was developed
                                as a tool for remote Sysop activity.
fupdat11.zip    9094 08-05-2024 files.bbs Update Utility by A.Shakinovsky
                                This does two things:
                                1. Add new files to FILES.BBS listing.
                                2. Delete missing files from FILES.BBS.
gifres24.zip   32147 08-05-2024 ---------- GIFRES version 2.4 ----------
                                Now includes support for TriBBS 5.x!    
                                Puts the GIF resolution into your file  
                                listing. Still supports Spitfire.       
                                Written by Adam Zuckerman               
hlist110.zip   18301 08-05-2024 
hs_2ddiz03.zip   40925 08-05-2024 * * *  Huskie Software's DIZ, v0.3 * * *
                                 Very powerful and extremely flexible 
                                   file_id.diz -> files.bbs creator   
                                 Features: - astonishing FAST !!!     
                                           - hook for virus scanning  
                                             and/or banner adding     
                                           - delete files elder than  
                                             xx days - function       
                                           - take over old download   
                                           - take over old desc. if   
                                             no file_id.diz found     
                                           - sort files by date/name  
                                           - supports CD-ROM drives   
                                           - multidirectory operation 
                                           - expand DIZ's features    
                                             with self-programmed     
                                             external modules!!       
                                 Freeware! Release date: 06. Sep 1997 
ion2bbs.zip     7299 08-05-2024 DESCRIPT.ION to FILES.BBS converter
                                --     <>     -Ŀ
                                |    Convert .ION to .BBS format    |
                                : IL BBS :
                                     (c) 1997 romantic softman     
                                 konvertuje z .ION do FILES.BBS     
                                       pridava [00] aj do FILES.BBS
isaac11.zip    17253 08-05-2024 ISAAC 1.1 - Insanity Software's
                                Amating Allfiles Creator - Easy
                                to generate allfiles lists -
                                Fully FEBBS compatible but now
                                _WITH_ filegroups - Very easy,
                                flexibel and fast to setup -
                                RA 2.0x with FILES.BBS only
jefdos12.zip  135130 08-05-2024 ,--,-===========[ JEF 1.2 ]============-,--,
                                |  |   JMJ's Editor for FILES.BBS 1.2   |  |
                                | ProBoard-specific FILES.BBS editor with  |
                                | AllFiles, NewFiles, FREQList, Missing    |
                                | and Orphan lists, support for any viewer |
                                | or archiver, reads/writes all FILES.BBS  |
                                | types PB supports, very configurable,    |
                                | uploader rewards/punishments, ...        |
                                | NEW : HTML lists, HurlWizard, fullscreen |
                                | description editor, TempPath bugfix, ... |
                                |  |  FREEWARE by Ruben Provoost [JMJ]  |  |
lcnt150u.zip  134879 08-05-2024 
limits_2d5.zip   77159 08-05-2024 Auto Manager for LIMITS.CTL and Timelog.bbs
                                auto vary users time limits via hourly usage.
                                easy set up with NL-CFG.EXE.Optionally delete
                                timelog.bbs at period breaks, set periods
                                bi-weekly, or monthly, read hourly report via
                                type 45 cmd, saves limits.ctl in limits.old
                                uses/changes limits.ctl, uses last period as
                                Reference for altering limits.ctl this period,
                                or subtract time to users limits selected by
                                range.Auto set all your KBYTES to Max DL
                                for the time/baud set for each sec level.
listem10.zip   37095 08-05-2024 
llist104.zip  341755 08-05-2024 L-List 1.04 ; a complete file base utility:
                                Files.Bbs editor, tic processor, new file
                                announcer, file finder, file list compiler,
                                upload processor.
                                Supports LORA, MAX and many other BBS.
                                Includes both DOS and OS/2 version.
ll_21diz40.zip   40617 08-05-2024 (LL!DiZ V4.00)(FREEWARE[EXE])
                                | letzte_lunge presents: Ŀ|
                                :               ܲ    :
                                ܲ۲۲ ܲ۱  ߲۲߲۲ 
                                :    ޲ ۱ ۲     :
                                    ۲۱ ۲   
                                ߲۲        ߲߲:
                                 file_id.diz to files.bbs importer 
                                  fuer proboard v2.1x  
                                   sortieren nach datum/filenamen       
                                   ansi- und pcboard-codes koennen aus  
                                    der file_id.diz entfert werden.      
                                   uebernimmt alte beschreibungen und   
                                   es werden alle packer/tools          
                                    unterstuetzt, die per kommandline    
                                    eine file_id.diz extrahieren oder    
                                    erstellen koennen .. .               
                                   es kann ein newfiles-check           
                                    durchgefuert werden                  
                                    (newfileslist, ll!diz.bat)           
                                   unterstuezt cd-rom, read-only areas  
masher_2d1.zip   38369 08-05-2024  
                                ************** MASHER v1.00 **************** 
                                 Looks inside your Zip files for the  
                                 FILE_ID.DIZ. Extracts the info then  
                                 makes a FILES.BBS! No more entering  
                                 Descriptions by hand. Let the MASHER 
                                 take care of your files for now on.  
                                 Every Robo SysOp should have this    
                                  Knight's Chamber's  905-732-0770    
mfil127b.zip  236446 08-05-2024 MaxFile/2 v1.27b - A text based FILES.BBS 
                                manager for OS/2. Written specifically with 
                                the OS/2 sysop in mind. FILE_ID.DIZ import,
                                archiver and viewer functions, all files
                                list, nightly maintinance, and much much
mklist10.zip   15190 08-05-2024 Make List! v1.0 Searches .ZIP's
                                for FILE_ID.DIZ, or DESC.SDI,
                                and imports each .ZIP files
                                description file to a text
                                file of your choice (given on
                                the command line), listing all
                                .ZIP files in the current
                                directory, and their descriptions.
                                Good for creating a FILES.BBS of
                                all .ZIP files in a directory.
                                *** FREEWARE ***
                                Copyright (c) Thomas J. Smith
mo110.zip     158479 08-05-2024 MOVEOLD 1.10 is a new FILES.BBS based
                                file area manager for RA, SuperBbs, Maximus
                                and Proboard feat. fullscreen FILES.BBS
                                editor and powerful macros for file
                                processing. Supports RA 2.00 gamma.
mp3desc.zip    60650 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                        descriptor Grabber!        
                                > Fully FREEware <Ĵ
                                   (c) by Sovaron 7,  2:5080/152   
                                    Pls visit Sovaria System BBS   
                                 v5.1 Beta 
ofas_110.zip   34888 08-05-2024 AreaSort is a simple to use files.bbs sorter.
                                Simply put in AREASORT.CTL the full path
                                details for the files.bbs to be sorted.
                                AREASORT will loop through each file in turn
                                leaving your current files.bbs as files.bak
                                and creating a new files.bbs in sorted order.
                                Supports files.bbs containing multiple line
                                descriptions (see docs for details).
oldf16.zip     22345 08-05-2024 OLD.EXE V1.6 - Allows FILES.BBS sysops to
                                painlessly delete old files from specific
                                file areas after X days. Completely con-
                                figurable. Allows protecting files from being
                                purged. $15 cheap shareware. Now allows
                                moving to temp directory instead of killing
pbcd106.zip   208743 08-05-2024 PBCD Version 1.06.  Import FILES.BBS list
                                from CD-ROMs directly to Proboard.  This
                                version works with Proboard version 2.0x.
                                PBCD will scan ALL subdirectories on a
                                CD-ROM and setup all subdirectories that
                                have a FILES.BBS as a new area on your BBS.
                                NEW FEATURES: Will now import the multi
                                line descriptions found on the Pier and
                                Night Owl series.  Can now specify the
                                file list name to import.
                                Minor bug fix release.
                                Cardware by Jeffrey C. Paul.
pbcd_21.zip    18040 08-05-2024  EasyCD for PB 2.0x
                                    Version 1.01
                                Now it takes only 
                                a few minutes, to 
                                install a CD-ROM  
                                into Proboard 2.0x
                                Copyright 1994 by 
                                Henning Roll      
                                 *** CARDWARE *** 
pbfm107.zip   316271 08-05-2024 PBFILMAN Version 1.07.  FILES.BBS
                                manager for version 2.XX of ProBoard BBS.
                                Complete compatibility with the new
                                Proboard 2.1X releases and all older
                                versions.  Features include file tagging,
                                moving, searching, delete.  Sort areas by
                                Name, Date, or Reverse Date.  Import DIZ
                                descriptions.  Edit file descriptions.
                                Duplicate file finder.  Adopt new files.
                                Remove Off-Line files.  Create ALLFILES
                                and NEWFILES listings.  Full Cd-ROM
                                support, date "touch" on adopted files.
                                User can now run PBFILMAN from the PB
                                directory or it's own directory.
                                Shareware for only $15 registration.
pfm310g.zip   379606 08-05-2024 ProFAM - Professional File Area Manager v3.10
                                File area manager for RemoteAccess 1.11/2.0x,
                                ProBoard 1.2x/2.00, Maximus 2.0x and PCBoard
                                14/15. Description editing, File Area setup
                                sorter, Super advanced File listing generator
                                and much, much more. All in one easy-to-use
                                program. Fully configurable. Reg: $40/300SEK.
profm210.zip  309713 08-05-2024 
qrfm41.zip    256174 08-05-2024 A BBS File Manager for BBS Systems that use
                                Files.BBS to describe files. QRFM will Move
                                Files; Virus Chk.; Recompress; Edit Desc.,
                                Name, Date. Backup/Catalog files on floppy.
                                Creates file lists including AllFiles and
                                Refeference Lists.Swaps to EMS or disk when
                                shelling. CD-ROM Compatable. (SHAREWARE)
qwiklist.zip  168793 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                             Qwik-List v3.31               
                                     The Ultimate File List Processor      
                                   Will make your FILES.BBS or any other   
                                      file list FAST and EASY without      
                                        complicated configurations.        
                                Simply toggle your preferences off and on. 
                                   Extracts FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI from   
                                    compressed files and creates a list    
                                 which conforms to the FILES.BBS standard. 
                                    The lists are compatible with most     
                                     BBS's and CD-ROM database doors.      
                                    Includes Kwik-Diz - DIZ/SDI Editor     
                                            -[minor bug fix]-              
ra2fl500.zip   90716 08-05-2024 RAFILEDATABASETOFILES.BBSEXTRACTOR
                                Version 5.00 * Update Release.
                                You can tag the areas you
                                d'like to export as well as
                                the areas that must be added
                                in the 5 File Request listings.
                                Up to 10 files can be excluded.
radelete.zip    8734 08-05-2024 
radlc200.zip   16167 08-05-2024 RADLC; RemoteAccess DownLoad Counter.
                                Manages FILES.BBS download counters and more!
                                Supports RA 1.xx, ProBoard 2.xx and QuickBBS
                                versions 2.xx.
rafao106.zip   23756 08-05-2024 RAFAO v1.06 -- An A.L.M Product
                                RemoteAccess' File  Area Organizer was
                                designed to help Sysops organize thier
                                file base in a FMail alike enviroment.
                                RAFAO works  *ONLY*  with RemoteAccess
raff_110.zip  267860 08-05-2024 RAFF: Remote Access File Find v1.10
                                The combined files/newfiles/search/
                                archive lister for RemoteAccess 1.11,
                                SuperBBS, and other FILES.BBS systems.
                                Easy to install, Multinode/ Network
                                aware, EFT/CDROM-Support, full screen
                                file tagging, multi language, view
                                inside archives.
rafi30.zip     37951 08-05-2024 
rafi_240.zip   91943 08-05-2024 RA_FILES is a RemoteAccess compatible door
                                to replaces the menu type 31 (list file area)
                                in all your RA menus.  RA_FILES will enhance
                                your file-area listings. Users can view the
                                contents of each archive, tag files and start
                                filedoor with one touch of a key.
rafm130g.zip  378524 08-05-2024 RAFM version 1.30/Gamma
                                THE RemoteAccess File Manager!
                                MAJOR Update, now with Full-Screen
                                lister and area-switcher, pop-up
                                boxes and many, many more new
                                features! Full support for RA 2.0x.
                                ShareWare: $40.00
rarename.zip    8931 08-05-2024 
rf10.zip        9579 08-05-2024 RapidFind V1.0
                                (c) Copyright 1993 Mario Polycarpou
                                Updates the text file "FILES.BBS",
                                which is a list of file names and
                                their descriptions, in the current
                                directory. This is used by bulletin
                                board system operators to maintain
                                the file/description list of the
                                BBS's file areas.
rompr138.zip   52692 08-05-2024 ROMProc v1.38 - CD-ROM Download Processor
                                Perfect for any BBS system running CD-ROM
                                drives or LANs!  Performs complete download
                                process of copying files to a specified area,
                                commenting them, transferring with the
                                appropriate protocol, cleaning up and
                                returning to the BBS. Detects archive format,
                                including SFX and SDN archives.  Generates
                                online process status.  Supports drive
                                locking.  Shareware, not crippled!
s2ef10ax.zip   36823 08-05-2024  Std2Ext v1.0 - Convert standard FILES.BBS to
                                extended format (file size and date). A quick
                                and dirty utility that scans your FILES.BBS
                                and file directory and creates an extended
                                version with the file size and date added.
                                Copyright (C) 1995 by Branislav L. Slantchev
                                A product of Silicon Creations, PB-GNU Projec
tdoor19.zip   212636 08-05-2024 
tdplus19.zip  315449 08-05-2024 
t_2ddiz10.zip   30863 08-05-2024 ---===< A UTILITY FROM TERMINATE >===--
                                . TERMINATE HOSTMODE FILE_ID.DIZ tool .
                                .             * T-DIZ *               .
                                . Import all new files into FILES.BBS .
                                . extracting FILE_ID.DIZ from packed  .
                                . archives. Remove descriptions for   .
                                . missing files.                      .
                                .             * ALLDIZ *              .
                                . Unpack all FILE_ID.DIZ using wild-  .
                                . card into ALLDIZ.TXT.               .
                                . The following formats are supported .
                                . ZIP RAR ARJ DWC ZOO PAK ARJ LZH SQZ .
                                -------======< FREEWARE >======--------
t_2dhstm10.zip   43844 08-05-2024 ---===< A UTILITY FROM TERMINATE >===--
                                ........ Terminate HOST utility .......
                                Generate  FILES.BBS   from  FILE_ID.DIZ
                                which  are  included  in   most  files.
                                Generate    filelist    for    hostmode
                                -------======< FREEWARE >======--------
vfam116.zip   139427 08-05-2024 VersaFAM is a FILES.BBS File Area Manager
                                for Maximus, RemoteAccess, ProBoard and
                                and other Bulletin Board systems.
xc_bbs14.zip   93655 08-05-2024 xCommander 1.04 FILES.BBS manager
                                  - ---
                                  - ---
                                    editovanie obsahu FILES.BBS
                                  v znamom prostredi stylu NC/VC
                                     podpora NC/VC .MNU a .EXT
                                    suborov pre externe programy
                                    copy, move, erase, dir sort
                                   externa podpora BBS softwaru
                                       (c) 1997 romantic softman
                                             bbs: +421-7-393247
                                              Fidonet: 2:422/95
                                             Ultranet: 77:2/247
                                       MAGiC: XC (full version)
                                           (hladam betatesterov)
xflc_100.zip   75400 08-05-2024 XFLC - The Extended File List Creator
                                for RemoteAccess 1.11, SuperBBS, and
                                other FILES.BBS type systems.
                                Full support of EFT/CDROM area handling.
                                User definable list style, automatic
                                retrieval of filedescriptions.
x_ff50.zip    385391 08-05-2024    _______     ,$$_______    _______ _______
                                  /  ____/ $$,$$ /  ____/   /  _   //  _   /
                                 /  ___/   $$  /  /___    |___   //  _   /
                                /______/ ,$$$$ /______/   /______//______/
                                        $$    Excalibur Productions '98
                                          .  Future File v0.50  .
                                 Future File v0.50  is a neat FILES.BBS file
                                   maintenance program for use with Remote
                                 Access 2.x (RA) in combination with taggers
                                      like Easttag, Wareztag!, Etc, Etc.
                                 - Search for new files and extract DIZzes.
                                 - Stripping & adding FILE_ID.DIZ lines.
                                 - Remove & add files from / to archives.
                                 - Change archive banners (ZIP-ARJ-RAR-ACE).
                                 - View contents of archives (ZIP-ARJ only).
                                 - 50 Lines Screenmode FILE_ID.DIZ Editor.
                                 - Unpack, copy, move, delete, rename files.
                                 - Destroy directory structures in archives.
                                 - Archive converter to ZIP and ARJ.
                                 - Supports all major file types.
                                 - Supports multiple FILES.BBS types.
                                 - Now with MP3 support !
                                     !!! A LOT OF IMPROVEMENTS ADDED !!!
                                             (see: history.doc)
                                ] ThunderStrike [] 09-07-98 [

                 Area 64 - Fossil Drivers                 

adf_150.zip    28968 08-05-2024 ADF v1.50 serial port FOSSIL driver
                                ADF is a serial port FOSSIL driver for high
                                speed modem users. Supports FIFO UARTs 16550,
                                16650 and 16750, 115200 bps, any port, any
                                IRQ, any FIFO trigger level, FOSSIL rev level
                                5 and multitasking environments (such as
                                Windows 3, Windows 95 and OS/2).
bnu170.zip     72361 08-05-2024 
bnu189h.zip    63240 08-05-2024 BNU Fossil Driver, wide-beta version 1.89h.
                                This version of BNU is not supported by the
                                author, and does not include documentation.
cf2_380.zip   408019 08-05-2024 cFos/2 3.80 - COM Port Emulator for ATM &
                                                                   ISDN CAPI!
                                Serial device driver that interfaces with
                                ISDN CAPI 1.1 and 2.0 PDD. Supports 32 ports
                                simultaneously; controlled by a powerful AT
                                command set. Supports Channel Bundling, Data
                                Compression, X.75, V.110, V.120, X.31, BTX,
                                PPP conversion, analogue modem, fax command
                                set, ISDN time-synchronization, CTI support,
                                Remote Config...   Many options!
                                Fast & easy access to Internet, CompuServe,
                                Datex-J, AOL, Mailboxes, ATM...
                                  -*- New!  Basic Firewall included! -*-
                                Freely distributable Shareware - Run OS2SETUP
                                to install - Problems? Ask support@cfos.de
cfnt381.exe   602380 08-05-2024 
cfos380.zip   542527 08-05-2024 cFos/DOS 3.80 - ISDN CAPI MultiPort FOSSIL
                                ISDN CAPI FOSSIL Driver and INT 14 emulator
                                highest cps-rates. Allows applications to
                                communicate via ISDN using any CAPI. Supports
                                ports simultaneously, controlled by a powerful
                                command set. Supports CAPI 1.1 and 2.0,
                                Bundling, X.75, V.110, V.120, X.31, BTX,
                                modem, Data Compression, Logfile, Remote
                                ISDN time-synchronization...   Many options!
                                Freely distributable Shareware - Run DOSSETUP
                                to install - Problems? Ask support@cfos.de
cfw_381.exe   786010 08-05-2024 
digfos20.zip   30352 08-05-2024 
fci0106.zip    79155 08-05-2024 FCI Fossil Compatible Interface Version 1.06
                                New Fossil Driver with everything you need!
                                Support for multi serial board /w shared irq
                                Support for 80386 or higger
                                Support for polled UART
                                Support for multi tasking
                                Support for buffered UART
                                Support for off during INT 13
                                And more ...
flib120.zip    29568 08-05-2024 ------------------------------------
                                Rev 5 FOSSIL Interface Library v1.20
                                by David Nugent, 3:632/348@Fidonet
fossil.zip     13314 08-05-2024 The Official FOSSIL level 5 Specification
                                Anyone developing their own fossil driver
                                needs to make it complient with the level
                                5 specifications.
magfoss.zip    28132 08-05-2024 Magnum Fossil is a simple implementation of
                                a fossil allowing you to run Dos Doors under
                                any OS/2 BBS that uses file handles for I/O.
                                - Works under OS/2 2.0 and 2.1
                                - Supports Multi-Nodes
                                - Supports any Door that supports a Fossil
                                - Source code has been fully optimized, with
                                  OS/2 Portion written in 32-Bit C and DOS
                                  portion written in Turbo Assembler for
                                  maximum speed.
mx5_130.zip    13708 08-05-2024 MX5 Revision 5 fossil driver for BBS software
ntf100.zip     46016 08-05-2024 NTFOSS V1.0
                                NTFOSS is a virtual FOSSIL
                                driver for Windows NT.
                                NTFOSS runs with DOS-Programs
                                in a DOS-Box.
                                All baudrates which are
                                supported by your Windows NT
                                configuration and by the FOSSIL
                                specification can be configured.
                                Locked baudrates are also supported.
                                With VFOSSIL support, key system.
                                NTFOSS is dynamically configurable,
                                install/uninstallable for each
                                virtual DOS Machine.
                                Trial version for 45 days.
                                Distributed as Shareware.
                                (c) 1995-1997 by Gerhard Wiesinger
ocom_531.zip   43289 08-05-2024 OpusComm.Com - FOSSIL Level 5 driver.
                                OpusComm is a TSR Fossil Level 5 driver that
                                supports 2 serial ports. It's used by BBS
                                (Buletin Board System) Programs, such as Opus
ocom_src.zip    5808 08-05-2024 
onefos09.zip   45416 08-05-2024 ONEFOSsil, Revision 9, versatile single port
                                high speed FOSSIL 5 compatible communications
                                driver for MS-DOS based software under
                                DESQview or Windows multitasking systems.
                                Major bugs and compatibility problems fixed.
                                ONEFOSsil can support multiple ports and
                                shared IRQs. Includes support for VFOSSIL.
                                Shareware: $10.  Written by Carl Morris,
                                published by Morris Softronics.
openclos.zip    9016 08-05-2024 Usefull for opening/closing the fossil
                                before\after running a DOS door from a 32bit
                                OPENFOS  will open the fossil driver
                                CLOSEFOS will close it.
rlfossil.zip   28434 08-05-2024 RLFOSSIL is an implementation of multi-line
                                serial port driver corresponding to the
                                Fido/Opus/Seadog level 5 specification and
                                a simple HAYES-compatible modem emulator.
                                It allows applications usually worked through
                                BBS's to run on the Internet, or in IP-based
                                local net.er, and rlogin and telnet emulation
                                using IP services numbers 513 & 23.
                                RLFOSSIL allows combined work with other
                                FOSSIL drivers (X00,BNU etc.).
s2kb009.zip   211459 08-05-2024 
s2kb016a.zip  266040 08-05-2024 
sio160d.zip   212232 08-05-2024 Ray Gwinn's comm drivers for OS/2, V1.60d.
                                SIO.SYS and VSIO.SYS are replacements of the
                                OS2 communications drivers COM.SYS and
                                VCOM.SYS which come with OS/2.  VX00.SYS
                                provides FOSSIL and virtual 16550 support
                                for DOS programs SIO can be ordered to
                                supporting any number of ports.  Vmodem now
                                has both inbound and outbound Telnet.
vfd055b.zip    47552 08-05-2024 
wnfos112.zip   58641 08-05-2024 [ WinFOSSIL v1.12 ]Ŀ
                                 32-bit FOSSIL driver for Windows 95.     
                                 Dramatically improves transfer speeds    
                                 FOSSIL-aware software written running    
                                 under Windows 95.  Includes support for  
                                 FOSSIL-aware 32-bit applications such as 
                                 Binkleyterm-32! SHAREWARE                
                                 $15.00 Registration! 
wntfos10.zip   79039 08-05-2024 [ WinFOSSIL for Windows NT v1.00 BETA 3 ]Ŀ
                                 BETA version of 32-bit FOSSIL driver for  
                                 Windows NT 4.0.  Dramatically improves    
                                 transfer speeds for FOSSIL-aware          
                                 software running under Windows NT.        
                                 Now includes VMODEM support.              
                                 $25.00 Registration! 
x00153a.zip   108621 08-05-2024 

                Area 65 - Front End Mailers               

ab3207.rar    827790 08-05-2024 
ab751603.zip   12775 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 ABLOG v0.75.16031999                     
                                 Argus Binary Log Analyser and Stats      
                                 generator Reads the Argus BINARY_LOG     
                                 and generates a text file with the Stats.
                                 Now Sorted by AKA and Time from First    
                                 Now also analyses the AGENT_LOG, see     
                                 Mailers are being used to call you,      
                                 Hourly Analysis and analyses the         
                                 ACCESS_LOG and displays totals of TICS/  
                                 ARCmail/Files/PKTs/Others sent and       
                                 Received (in both Bytes and Qty)         
                                 Config File setup. And now can delete    
                                 Daily, Weekly and Monthly Reports        
                                 Can start with CONFIG file defined in    
                                 Command Line                             
                                 Postcardware (c) 1999 Sean Rima          
ab752904.zip   16035 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 ABLOG v0.75.29041999                     
                                 Argus Binary Log Analyser and Stats      
                                 generator Reads the Argus BINARY_LOG     
                                 and generates a text file with the Stats.
                                 Now Sorted by AKA and Time from First    
                                 Now also analyses the AGENT_LOG, see     
                                 Mailers are being used to call you,      
                                 Hourly Analysis and analyses the         
                                 ACCESS_LOG and displays totals of TICS/  
                                 ARCmail/Files/PKTs/Others sent and       
                                 Received (in both Bytes and Qty)         
                                 Config File setup. And now can delete    
                                 Daily, Weekly and Monthly Reports        
                                 Can start with CONFIG file defined in    
                                 Command Line                             
                                 Postcardware (c) 1999 Sean Rima          
acd_2dport.zip   34037 08-05-2024 ACiDiC Presents  ACiDiC Board Portal  [ALL]
                                 Version 1.0  A Lightbar Driven Front End 
                                    for loading multiple BBS softwares.    
                                 ---- Works with Intermail (required) ---- 
                                [ The Chosen One ]
                                   ܲ                 ܲ                
                                    ۲       ۲ ܱ  ܲ    
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                                tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ     
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                                    ۰   ߲۱   ۱
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                                     ߰  ߰     
                                  ACiDiC is a Division of ACiD Productions   
argus_2d3_2d206_2dbin.rar  827089 08-05-2024 
argus_2d3_2d206_2dsrc.rar  899944 08-05-2024 
as3207.rar    900679 08-05-2024 
atut10.zip    515695 08-05-2024 This file contains a graphical tutorial
                                discussing the setup of Argus, the Fido 
                                POTS and IP mailer...
                                or at least my attempt at it...
                                Also included:
                                General Fido/IP information
                                Sample Batch files
                                The tutorial is in MS-Word 97 format.
                                You need either MS-Word 97 or the freeware
                                Word viewer. Download address inside...
atuthlp.zip   116092 08-05-2024 This is the WinHelp version of the 
                                * Graphical Argus Setup Tutorial *
                                written by David Moufarrege
                                You also can find the download address
                                of the original
                                * Graphical Argus Setup Tutorial *
                                in MS Word 97-Format at the end of 
                                the Helpfile.
bbsfax10.zip   23995 08-05-2024      BBSFAX - VERSION 1.0             
                                  Finally, software which will
                                  allow your fax-modem to 
                                  distinguish between modem and
                                  fax calls. Program will call
                                  the appropriate fax or BBS
                                  /Host software. Requires X00 
                                  or BNU Fossil Driver. Allows
                                  local logons for BBS 
                                  operation also!
bdoc_260.zip  288699 08-05-2024 
bdos_260.zip  208319 08-05-2024 
bdos_xr6.zip  487989 08-05-2024 ** BinkleyTerm 2.60  eXtended Edition **
                                ********* SIXTH PUBLIC GAMMA ***********
                                *** DOS binary  distribution archive ***
                                This  is  mainly  a refreshed version of
                                Gamma-5  with  some  new  features and a
                                LOT of bug fixes for DOS.
                                * PUBLIC GAMMA VERSION - DO DISTRIBUTE *
bee401f.zip  1110775 08-05-2024 
bfe4001p.zip  397628 08-05-2024 ͸
                                BFE v4.00.1p - The world's premier   
                                BBS Front End system is back! Offer  
                                your users information, files, just  
                                about anything imaginable, all before
                                they log on to your BBS!             
                                Features include:                    
                                * Internal DOS->UNIX Serial Gateway  
                                * Powerful "C" like script language  
                                * FormGen - Entry Form Generator     
                                * Fossil or internal routines        
                                * Intuitive menu-driven setup        
                                * Split screen chat facility         
                                * Internal messaging facilities      
                                * Internal user subsystem (w/editor) 
                                 Beats Metrocore by a mile (or two!) 
                                 Southeastern DataLINK - 1994! 
bgfax170.zip  388978 08-05-2024 
bos2wxh6.zip  665190 08-05-2024 ** BinkleyTerm 2.60  eXtended Edition **
                                *** OS/2 binary distribution archive ***
                                This  archive contains the OS/2 binaries
                                of Beta-XH6.
bos2_xr5.zip 1032865 08-05-2024 BT 2.60XE Gamma-5 - BinkleyTerm 2.60 eXtended
                                Edition. OS/2 binary distribution archive -
                                There are LOTS of new features and bug fixes,
                                too much to put in a file description - just
                                try it and be happy! * PUBLIC GAMMA VERSION *
bsrc_250.zip  432137 08-05-2024 
bsrc_xh6.zip 1223981 08-05-2024 ** BinkleyTerm 2.60  eXtended Edition **
                                ***** SOURCE  distribution archive *****
                                This archive contains the source code of
                                BinkleyTerm 2.60XE/Beta-XH6.
bw32bxh6.zip  861915 08-05-2024 ** BinkleyTerm 2.60  eXtended Edition **
                                *** Win32 binary distribution archive **
                                This archive contains the Win32 binaries
                                of Beta-XH6.
bw32bxht.zip  845322 08-05-2024 ** BinkleyTerm 2.60  eXtended Edition **
                                *** Win32 binary distribution archive **
                                This  archive contains the Win32
                                binaries of Beta-XH5.
bw32_260.zip  235421 08-05-2024 
bw32_xr6.zip  824025 08-05-2024 ** BinkleyTerm 2.60  eXtended Edition **
                                ********* SIXTH PUBLIC GAMMA ***********
                                ** Win32 binary  distribution archive **
                                This  is  mainly  a refreshed version of
                                Gamma-5  with  some  new  features and a
                                LOT of bug fixes for Windows 95/98/NT.
                                * PUBLIC GAMMA VERSION - DO DISTRIBUTE *
callbk10.zip   46243 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                ********** Callbak for DOS v1.0 ***********
                                   (c) 1996 Mark Pyne, Overflow Software   
                                - Use a Modem for BBS Calls, FAXs, a Phone 
                                  for Voice Calls and an Answerphone to    
                                  take your messages! NO Extra Hardware is 
                                  required. THIS REALLY DOES WORK !        
                                - FULLY Configurable!                      
                                - Supports Standard + Non-Standard IRQ's   
                                  and Com Port Base Address's              
                                - Ideal for Sysops!                        
                                - User friendly and smart interface.       
                                - Frontdoor, Remote Access (RA), Excalibur,
                                  Beemail + Many Others Compatiable!       
                                - Designed for the UK and the International
                                  Market (Tested in the UK, and the USA)   
                                - UK Support: +44 (0)116 2714017           
                                - WorldWide Registration Sites!            
                                - Windows 95, MS-DOS 6 Compatiable         
callv102.zip   19652 08-05-2024               -----Caller ID V1.2-----
                                Requires Front Door, RA, Caller ID, and Caller
                                ID able modem.
                                Block Individual Phone Numbers,Lock Out Users
                                Allow only one user to call from specific 
                                phone number(s), Assign user(s) to phone
                                This will protect your BBS from snoopers.  It
                                keeps locked out users from reaching your
                                Protect your board against an uncontrollable
                                See the docs for more information.
cidnpop1.zip   28552 08-05-2024 CIDNPOP v1.0b - Caller ID in PoP!  This small
                                util will allow Portal of Power to pass the
                                CID String to your BBS via the BBSBATCH.BAT
                                file.  From DAL Software Designs.
clno_100.zip   53979 08-05-2024 +------------------------------------+
                                |          CleanOut  v. 1.0          |
                                |A free utility to keep your Binkley-|
                                |style  mailer's  outbound clean and |
                                |kill "forgotten" files.             |
                                |Replaces O/T-Track's MAINT function |
                                |in  Binkley - style  environments.  |
                                |Works  with  BinkleyTerm,  Xenia,   |
                                |McMail and probably PoP.            |
                                |           USE WITH CARE!           |
                                | BearWare (c) 1995 by Klaus Nitsche |
db170sl.zip   912892 08-05-2024 
db3000a3.zip  918826 08-05-2024 
db_2d158.zip  914754 08-05-2024 
defcon11.zip   41781 08-05-2024    ________________________
                                   ):::            _______/_______
                                   \::      /:    /:::           /
                                   /:      /:    /::  __________/
                                  /       /     /:    __/_____
                                 /        `    /             (
                                 \____________/              /
                                 --------- Ŀ
                                |  - defcon bbs loader v1.1 -  
                                       -- (aug/98) --         
                                    configurable lightbar     
                                  & conventional interface.   |
                                    a very nice front-end     
                                   for sysops with multiple   
                                       BBS/BBS setups.        
                                    by natedogg of demonic    |
epsrfdv1.zip   29529 08-05-2024 
                                Smart Ring detector for BBS's or stand alone
                                Smart Ring Front Door V1 by EaglePro.
                                   EPSRFD will work with many different types
                                of BBS's
                                or as a stand alone unit for recieving
                                FAX-DATA calls. It
                                was written for use with the Smart Ring
                                features of the phone
                                line but will work with standard rings and as
                                a ring back
                                system. For those that don't know about the
                                Smart Ring
                                it's a feature that the phone company sells so
                                that you can
                                have two phone numbers for one phone line. It
                                costs around
                                $5.00 a month and is a great way to run a
                                personal BBS
                                and-or FAX system. EPSRFD much cheeper than
                                paying 75-80
                                dollars for one of those boxes that switch
                                lines and
                                answer on the 2-3-4 ring.
fax170m.zip   297438 08-05-2024 BGFAX Beta 1.70M.
                                This package assumes you already have
                                BGFAX170.ZIP installed. New features
                                include a FAX-to-GIF conversion from
                                VIEW.EXE, custom text can be added to
                                the top of each page, and faxes can be
                                sent at specific hours with polyfax.
faxdor20.zip   89263 08-05-2024 FaxDoor v2.0 - Released Mar 93. Now
                                with two modes of faxing - Immediate or
                                DELAYED, making it available on all nodes!
                                Supporst Long Distance, FaxBack as well
                                as many other user options.  Requires the
                                use of DoorPatch 3.8 and Brun30.Exe.
                                Works with Bitfax and your fax-modem.
                                Now $20 to register. G.Freymann Doorware.
faxem17.zip    66581 08-05-2024 FAXEM V1.7 ONLINE FAX DOOR
                                Fax-Em works with door.sys, chain.txt
                                dorinfo.def, callinfo.bbs, pcboard.sys,
                                user.sys, sfdoors.dat.  Faxem will
                                send a fax while user is online.
faxnt250.zip   21818 08-05-2024 FaxNotify v2.50GA
                                Notifies the sysop when a fax has been
                                recieved by BGFAX. May post a message in
                                the netmail folder, and make entries in
                                FD's INBOUND.HIS, LASTCALL.FD and FD
                                log-file. Support for FrontDoor special
                                flags and multiline operation.
                                Free registering, just send a postcard
                                of your hometown!
fax_111.zip   117742 08-05-2024 W & W Communications FAXIT ONLINE door.
                                Fax-it will make your fax modem
                                available to your bbs users.  Your
                                users can enter Fax-it, upload faxes
                                via the door and tell Fax-it where to
                                send them.  Fax-it will generate a
                                batch file which you can run once a
                                night or everytime a user logs off your
                                system via events.  As the sysop you
                                can also set up an area of Faxes you
                                want your users to have the ability
                                to fax to themselves or others.  This
                                could be things like data sheets,
                                registration forms etc.  Fax-it also
                                has a built in personal phone
                                directory for each user which makes
                                entering and remembering those
                                frequently used numbers a breeze.
fax_2d115.zip  108186 08-05-2024 W & W Communications FAXIT ONLINE door.
                                Fax-it will make your fax modem
                                available to your bbs users.  Your
                                users can enter Fax-it, upload faxes
                                via the door and tell Fax-it where to
                                send them.  Fax-it will generate a
                                batch file which you can run once a
                                night or everytime a user logs off your
                                system via events.  As the sysop you
                                can also set up an area of Faxes you
                                want your users to have the ability
                                to fax to themselves or others.  This
                                could be things like data sheets,
                                registration forms etc.  Fax-it also
                                has a built in personal phone
                                directory for each user which makes
                                entering and remembering those
                                frequently used numbers a breeze.
fd220set.zip    4955 08-05-2024 
fd226oap.exe  119439 08-05-2024 
fd226_2dd.zip 1247865 08-05-2024 FrontDoor 2.26/Shareware release
                                archive. FidoNet compatible E-Mail
                                software. Includes Mailer, Editor,
                                Terminal, Nodelist Compiler, and
                                Full-Screen configuration utility.
                                DOS version. Shareware from
                                Definite Solutions
                                (sales@defsol.se, www.defsol.se,
                                2:201/329 and /330 @fidonet)
fd226_2do.zip 1052001 08-05-2024 FrontDoor 2.26/Shareware release
                                archive. FidoNet compatible E-Mail
                                software. Includes Mailer, Editor,
                                Terminal, Nodelist Compiler, and
                                Full-Screen configuration utility.
                                Native OS/2 version. Shareware from
                                Definite Solutions
                                (sales@defsol.se, www.defsol.se,
                                2:201/329 and /330 @fidonet)
fdesc145.zip   22874 08-05-2024  FeDesc 1.45
                                 Editor for area descriptions
                                 Makes it much easier to enter 
                                 area descriptions.
                                 Needs Fastecho 1.45
                                 <<<<  (c) 1995 by Volker Imre >>>>
                                    >> Public Domain Software <<
fdreq110.zip  459847 08-05-2024 FDREQ v110,  
                                fast and smart external requestprocessor.
                                FDREQ uses it's own index, no need for other
                                FDREQ is multiline-aware. 
                                FDREQ allows you to send FILES.BBS 
                                and/or RQ??????.TICs. 
                                FDREQ sends help to requesters, doing 
                                their first request on your system or asking 
                                for help. 
                                FDREQ shares up to ten CD-ROM-drives. 
                                FDREQ allows Offline-requests.
                                FDREQ allows netmail-requests.
                                FDREQ has advanced dupechecking. 
                                FDREQ does statistics (daily/monthly/all).
                                FDREQ supports a paysystem.
fhm099i.zip   268238 08-05-2024 Ϳ
                                  Ŀ           Ŀ   
                                 ĴĴ    Ŀ 
                                     Fhmail 0.99i(1)   
                                   BinkStyle Mailer    
                                      DOS version      
fmail90.zip   818809 08-05-2024 Foremail V.070 beta
                                A OS/2 Warp 3.0+ PM 32-bit Mailer
                                for OS/2.  Supports hundreds of
                                lines, FTSC (Fido), view users
                                online and last callers with Maximus,
                                support for thousands of aliases,
                                and FAST!  V7 node support, multiple
                                domains, and FAST. File manager and more!
fporch20.zip   57970 08-05-2024 =======================================
                                =          Front Porch 2.0            =
                                =    Allows BBS sysop to offer users  =
                                =          up to 15 systems!          =
                                =         FULLY configurable!         =
freqr100.zip  327653 08-05-2024 FREQ ROBOT v1.00 Users can file request
                                files from remote systems. Works with
                                any front end mailer and bbs software.
                                Writes message to user upon files arrival
                                in Hudson, JAM, or *.MSG format. Works
                                within any Fidonet style network. Can
                                place requests on HOLD or send CRASH.
                                11/11/94, shareware by Vince Jacobs and
                                Lone Wolf Software. $20 registration.
freqst.zip     11697 08-05-2024 freqSt - brake's file-request statistic tool
                                (c) Kirya Perevalov, 2:5010/183@FidoNet
gpm_10b5.zip  205485 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                General Purpose Mailer. FTN-compatible
                                Extended-Binkley-Style (XBSO) mailer  
                                for OS/2 Warp with multiline support  
                                and Presentation Manager GUI.         
                                Version 1.0.beta5.  26.01.1999.       
                                This version is upgrade for 1.0.beta4 
                                Author - Igor Vanin                   
                                2:5030/448@fidonet, 55:1055/1@general 
gv100.zip      27237 08-05-2024 
                                            GVoice V1.00
                                Voice/Data discriminator and digital
                                answering machine under DOS.
                                Includes GVoiceTSR which discrimina-
                                tes between Voice and Data/Fax calls
                                and handles voice calls on its own.
                                Data/Fax calls are passed back to
                                the front-end (e.g. fido mailer).
                                Requires FOSSIL driver.
                                Sucessfully tested with:
                                    - USR Sportster Vi 33600,
                                    - UMC-based Zoltrix 14400.
                                Copyright (C)1996-97 by Tamas Vincze
                                          F R E E W A R E
gv110b1.zip    33587 08-05-2024 
                                        GVoice V1.10 Beta 1
                                Voice/Data/Fax discriminator and
                                digital answering machine under DOS.
                                Includes GVoiceTSR which discrimina-
                                tes between Voice/Data/Fax calls and
                                handles voice calls on its own.
                                Data/Fax calls are passed back to
                                the front-end (e.g. fido mailer).
                                Requires FOSSIL driver and a modem
                                with voice capabilities.
                                Homepage: http://gvoice.home.ml.org
                                Copyright (C)1996-97 by Tamas Vincze
                                          F R E E W A R E
hinfo120.zip   19376 08-05-2024 -----Ŀ
                                       HistInfo v1.2        
                                  Creates reports of your   
                                  mail sessions in T-Mail.  
                                |        *----*         |
                                      F R E E W A R E       
                                    By Marius Kaizerman     
                                     Released: 12/04/1998
im250.zip    1271966 08-05-2024 InterMail 2.50/demo. Front end mailer
                                for Fidonet. Includes mailer, message
                                editor, nodelist mgr, robot message
                                creator, setup program, install program
                                and manuals. Works well with most BBS
                                programs such as Wildcat!, PCBoard,
                                Searchlight and Synchronet. Major
                                new upgrade. Will stop working after
                                60 days when installed as a demo.
                                For more info, visit our website at
ivex101.zip   251755 08-05-2024 ivExpress v1.01
                                (c) 1994-96 Intuitive Vision Software
                                ivExpress is a pre-BBS software menu system.
                                It will allow callers to view files, run
                                doors and multiple BBS programs, and
                                download files!  Very configurable, with the
                                ability to customize the look!  Great for
                                SysOps who run more than one BBS software!
max_b140.zip  360911 08-05-2024 --==> BBS Utiliteez <==--
                                ++++++++++++ Max-Menu! Beta 1.40 ++++++++++++
                                Max-Menu! is a BBS front end menu system that
                                runs between your BBS and mailer or simply in
                                front of your BBS using it's built in waiting
                                for caller unit.  With Max-Menu you can offer
                                files to callers before logon, accept uploads
                                display ANS/ASC/RIP/TXT files, provide E-Mail
                                run questionaires,  online chat,  and a whole
                                lot more! Easy to set up and operate with any
                                BBS or BBS/Mailer combo. Up to 800 menus with
                                up to 68 functions per menu,  limit functions
                                by baud rate, password, and security. Makes a
                                great multi-level door manager, and maintains
                                a complete user list as well. Give it a shot!
                                 -=> Fully Functional While Unregistered <=-
max_v170.zip  565945 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 BBS Utiliteez Software 
                                 Max-Menu v1.70  is the ultimate BBS front 
                                 end menu system  and/or  multi-level door 
                                 manager. What all does Max-Menu do? "What 
                                 doesn't it do" should be the question! If 
                                 you have tried BFE, MetroCore, BBS Switch 
                                 or any other front end  menu system which 
                                 just seems to be too complicated/limited, 
                                 then Max-Menu is for you! SysOps that run 
                                 a lot of doors prefer Max-Menu over other 
                                 door managers because of its power packed 
                                 door managing capabilities. Supports four 
                                 message base formats, online chat,  built 
                                 in protocols, grafitti wall, you name it! 
mcm120.zip    699748 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      ij      Ŀ   
                                         Version 1.20
                                 FTN-compatible Mailer for DOS 
                                     Binkleystyle Outbound     
                                    Internal Netmailrouting    
                                    HYDRA-Protocol with Chat   
                                      256 AKAs (in and out)    
                                    Flexible Costcalculation   
                                  Request-Processor Interface  
                                        Up to 99 Lines         
                                      Visual LineControl       
                                     Internal Faxreceive       
                                    Includes McMsetup v1.2     
                                   Y2K ready and much more..   
                                         Now Freeware!         
mcm121g5.zip  701841 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      ij      Ŀ   
                                         Version 1.21g5
                                 FTN-compatible Mailer for DOS 
                                     Binkleystyle Outbound     
                                    Internal Netmailrouting    
                                    HYDRA-Protocol with Chat   
                                      256 AKAs (in and out)    
                                    Flexible Costcalculation   
                                  Request-Processor Interface  
                                        Up to 99 Lines         
                                      Visual LineControl       
                                     Internal Faxreceive       
                                    Includes McMsetup v1.2     
                                   Y2K ready and much more..   
                                         Now Freeware!         
md102e.zip    463942 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 MainDoor 1.02  
                                  DOS  version  
                                Bugfix from 1.00 or 1.01
                                Complete package
                                Powerful dynamic mailer.
                                'Made in Spain'
                                 * ZChat
                                 (You can chat while getting
                                 your mail!)
                                 * AutoInstall
                                 * Multiline support
                                 * Windowed setup
                                 * Security systems
                                 * Modem manager
                                 * File Request
                                 * Inbound and outbound
                                   historic viewers
                                 * Works without fossil or nodelist.
                                 * File request processor support
                                 * Open hours nodelist flag support.
                                 * Includes a terminal emulator
mdy2kfix.zip  308065 08-05-2024     Ŀ
                                       MainDoor v1.12   
                                       Versin DOS Y2K  
                                Update previous versions MainDoor.
                                Este parche, soluciona la prdida
                                del registro que se produce llegado
                                el 31 de Diciembre de 1.999 a las
                                05:00 horas am.
                                (C) Francisco Sedano.
mpoin170.zip  102638 08-05-2024 M-POINT v170 multiline pointlistconverter
                                up to ten pointlists, 3D or 4D, smart
                                errordetection, nodelistlookup, highly
                                Creates and supports local fakelists.
netad102.zip   37670 08-05-2024 >>>>> NetAdder v1.02 <<<<<
                                NetAdder: A nice tool for Mail-Editors:
                                Create your own user-database with their
                                Internet-address, and run the program.
                                Just select the fellow you want to write
                                a message to and quit. The file
                                'NETADDER.MSG' will be created with the
                                name and Internet-address in it.
                                Very Easy and handy !!!!!
                                (C) 1995 Copyright by: A.S. Kerkmeester,
                                         Simplesoft Developments,
                                         The Netherlands
                                < C A R D W A R E >
ntmgr99p.zip   88358 08-05-2024 NetMgr/beta; Copy, move, delete, change,
                                file, bounce, etc. netmail, based on the
                                message header. JAM, Squish, Hudson and
                                *.MSG formats supported. OS/2 version.
n_area10.zip   11808 08-05-2024 NET_AREA v1.0
                                Change the Netmail area for
                                your Echo-Mail areas all in
                                one go.
                                No more need to change 500+
                                areas one by one.
                                REMOTEACCESS 2.0x SYSTEMS ONLY!
ot_262a.zip   586166 08-05-2024 +-----------------------------------+
                                |  O/T-Track v.2.62a - THE Complete |
                                |  netmailtracker  and  mailrobot.  |
                                |      (c) Peter Hampf & pbs        |
                                | --------------------------------- |
                                | Maintenance & feature update .... |
                                | --------------------------------- |
                                | Gives  you full control over your |
                                | *.MSG netmail  directory, answers |
                                | mail to you automatically........ |
                                | Region-dependent templates,  node |
                                | templates,  interzone   bouncing, |
                                | checking  encoded mail,  outbound |
                                | cleaning, outbound report ... and |
                                | really MANY MANY other features!  |
                                | *Warning*:  O/T  is a hightech -  |
                                | and very technical -  product! It |
                                | is *not* easy to set up, but once |
                                | installed you *will* like it !!!! |
                                | International support sites, cre- |
                                | dit card registration ........... |
p060doc.zip    42736 08-05-2024 
p063b907.zip  703056 08-05-2024 Portal of Power 0.63B9-GPT07 - This is a
                                public beta release of Portal of Power.
                                Portal of Power is a FidoNet compatible
                                mailer for DOS with lots of features. 
                                It is free for non commercial use.
                                This version based on the 0.63B9 source
                                with changes, fixes and enhancements
                                made by the German Portal Team.
                                  Marcus Roeckrath 2:2449/523
                                New (main) features since GPT01:
                                - Least Cost Routing
                                - Ring Analyzer
                                - 126 own Akas
                                - Self Test
                                - New parameters to solve the
                                  multitasking problems
                                - No Connect Analyzer
                                - and much more
p063s907.zip  585066 08-05-2024 Portal of Power 0.63B9-GPT07 Source Code
                                This is the source code for Portal of
                                Power 0.63B9-GPT07. It requires a Borland
                                Pascal 7 compatible Pascal compiler,
                                Object Professional and APTimer from
                                Asynch Professional both from Turbo
                                Power Software.
                                This source depends on the 0.63B9 source
                                of the Portal Team.
                                The changes, fixes and new features were
                                made by the German Portal User Team.
                                  Marcus Roeckrath 2:2449/523
po70gpt7.zip  103916 08-05-2024 Portal of Power 0.70-GPT pre 7.
                                You must have 0.63B9-GPT07 installed to
                                use this prerelease.
                                  Marcus Roeckrath 2:2449/523
putl20ng.zip   72306 08-05-2024                                   /_
                                        The Util for     
                                           Portals of Power     
                                : (C)opyright 1992-99 by G.Brockhaus :
                                : POPUTiL "next generation" is back! :
                                : Designed for the 1999 releases of  :
                                : PoP by Marcus Roeckrath.           :
                                : Exports "priority" netmails like   :
                                : ATT, REQ, CRA, HLD, IMM, DIR.      :
                                : autoadds new TIC-Areas, inc's      :
                                : Ezycom download counters, creates  :
                                : lastcaller-ANSIs/ASCIIs and more.. :
                                : V. 2.0/NG ...and still CARDWARE :) :
qfax32.zip    103196 08-05-2024 QUICKFAX v3.2 Now offer fax services to your
                                BBS users. Extracts message from message
                                base and converts them to a format for
                                faxing.  Calls fax software. Now with
                                support for INTERNATIONAL numbers.  Supports
                                Fido (*.msg), Hudson (RA/QBBS), Squish,
                                and JAM message bases.
rad4005.rar   517147 08-05-2024 Radius 4.005 [based on Argus 3.207]
                                By RElf Soft [2:5012/28.25, deniska666@mail.ru
rad4005b.rar  517638 08-05-2024 Radius 4.005b [based on Argus 3.207]
                                By RElf Soft [2:5012/28.25, deniska666@mail.ru
refax10.zip    42808 08-05-2024 
relock20.zip   45251 08-05-2024 
rp100.zip     223915 08-05-2024 The Prime External Request Processor v1.00
                                for Frontdoor 2.11.sw+ and Frontdoor
                                2.20a.ml. Offers request limits depending
                                the requesting system, time, baudrate and
                                day of the week. Request limits per session
                                and per timeslot (ie, per day). Variate the
                                list of requestable files depending the
                                requesting system, time, baudrate, day of
                                the week, secure/unsure sessions and for
                                unlisted nodes! Password protected files
                                only for specific nodes, or during certain
                                time slots. Easy "about" requesting. Attach
                                messages if people request certain files or
                                files from certain directory's.
                                Userdefinable response messages with a
                                powerful (multilanguage) template language.
                                Send file descriptions in response message.
                                Shareware software by Hans Siemons!
sgm300_2.zip  864952 08-05-2024 SGMail FTN Server v3.00 - OS/2
                                PRE-RELEASE VERSION
                                Easy to setup and use FTN style mailer. Has
                                everything you need to handle your echomail
                                transfers. Includes mailer, debug terminal,
                                windowed setup, automatic nodelist updating
                                tools and netmail editor.  Unique method of
                                spawning external tasks.   Low registration
                                of only $25 Canadian! and Free upgrades for
                                life!  60 day evaluation period allowed for
                                unregistered sysops.
                                Visit our homepage at:
                                Copyright (C) 1994,1999 GUNN Data Systems
sgm300_d.zip  650725 08-05-2024 SGMail FTN Server v3.00 - Real Mode DOS
                                PRE-RELEASE VERSION
                                Easy to setup and use FTN style mailer. Has
                                everything you need to handle your echomail
                                transfers. Includes mailer, debug terminal,
                                windowed setup, automatic nodelist updating
                                tools and netmail editor.  Unique method of
                                spawning external tasks.   Low registration
                                of only $25 Canadian! and Free upgrades for
                                life!  60 day evaluation period allowed for
                                unregistered sysops.
                                Visit our homepage at:
                                Copyright (C) 1994,1999 GUNN Data Systems
sgm_300p.zip  727209 08-05-2024 SGMail FTN Server v3.00 - i386 DOS
                                PRE-RELEASE VERSION
                                Easy to setup and use FTN style mailer. Has
                                everything you need to handle your echomail
                                transfers. Includes mailer, debug terminal,
                                windowed setup, automatic nodelist updating
                                tools and netmail editor.  Unique method of
                                spawning external tasks.   Low registration
                                of only $25 Canadian! and Free upgrades for
                                life!  60 day evaluation period allowed for
                                unregistered sysops.
                                Visit our homepage at:
                                Copyright (C) 1994,1999 GUNN Data Systems
sgm_docs.zip   30994 08-05-2024 
stobbs15.zip   24985 08-05-2024 Official Name: Shuttle to BBS, V. 1.05
                                By SideDoor Software. It is intended
                                for the SysOp who wishes to run more
                                than one Bulletin Board System on
                                ONE TELEPHONE LINE!
t2603d.zip    362574 08-05-2024 T-Mail/DOS/Noncommercial ver 2603.            
t2603o.zip    335395 08-05-2024 T-Mail/OS2/Noncommercial beta ver.2603.       
tb718a15.zip  782951 08-05-2024 The Brake(tm) Mailer 718a15 for OS/2.
tm_2dinfo1.zip   27903 08-05-2024 TM-Info. Comprehensive Log reader for T-Mail.
                                Creates a text file to be posted in stats area
                                or in netmail to sysop, listing all logged
                                in T-Mail for that day. Can also read
                                logs and include that information.
                                Freeware by Simon Avery
whofq120.zip   12489 08-05-2024 -----Ŀ
                                      Who-Freq'd v1.2       
                                  Creates reports for your  
                                  files-requests sessions   
                                  in T-Mail.                
                                |        *----*         |
                                      F R E E W A R E       
                                    By Marius Kaizerman     
                                     Released: 24/05/1999
wmail151.zip  316341 08-05-2024 WinMail - free 32 bits dynamic EMSI Fido
                                version 1.51 for Win98/NT/Win2K. May 26, 1999

                 Area 66 - FrontDoor Utils                

a2m_2d1_6.zip   20713 08-05-2024 
activ10.zip    12705 08-05-2024 
admsg120.zip   32360 08-05-2024 ADMsg v1.20, generates *.MSG, DOS+OS/2
                                Generates FidoNet netmail messages (*.MSG) in
                                many different ways, including combining
                                lists of destination addresses and list of
                                subject lines. For both DOS and OS/2. 386 or
                                newer needed.
aedit97b.zip   96547 08-05-2024                     Excellent editor for
                                Ŀ offline mail readers;
                                 AEdit v0.97beta  freeware.  Wide beta
                                 release!  Version
                                                    1.00 coming soon!
apnt_102.zip  123365 08-05-2024 
apx112fr.zip  130245 08-05-2024 French language file for FrontDoor
                                APX 1.12. 
                                Requires that FrontDoor APX 1.12 has
                                been installed first.
apx112nl.zip  130030 08-05-2024 Dutch language file for FrontDoor
                                APX 1.12. 
                                Requires that FrontDoor APX 1.12 has
                                been installed first.
ar2fd100.zip    6564 08-05-2024 
as_101.zip     95700 08-05-2024 AS - Active Sessions V 1.01
                                   line status display
                                    semaphore handling
                                   task summary display
                                   shows ProBoard-User
                                    FrontDoor mL
                                    ProBoard (optional)
                                      !! FREEWARE !!
autoim11.zip   53928 08-05-2024 AutoIM for InterMail V 1.1
                                Autoim is a Utility that will
                                look through your im.log and
                                send a Message to
                                anyone that freqed your System.
                                Great for advertizing networks
                                that are just getting started
                                new door games New Programs
                                Ect. Another SMYC Product!
                                Update 9-17-98 FREEWARE!~
bad2pkt1.zip    6486 08-05-2024 
bgfxfd10.zip   59481 08-05-2024 BGFAX2FD will read BGFAX's 
                                FAXIN.LOG and write a netmail
                                message and/or update FrontDoor's
                                Lastcall/Inbound History files.
                                Fully Muli-node aware.
cl211.zip      58845 08-05-2024  ==== Callers 2.11 ==== 
                                RemoteAccess & FrontDoor
                                caller statistics generator.
                                Reports inbound/outbound history,
                                RemoteAccess lastcaller etc...
                                A total of waiting mail packets and 
                                files for your downlinks or points.
                                Creates ASCII & ANSI screens.
                                Multiline compatible, support up
                                to 8 tasks in registered mode.
                                And much more...
                                Compatible with RA 1.x/2.x & FD 2.x
                                This is a drop in for version 2.10(a)
                                Dutch Shareware.
clpwd100.zip   18327 08-05-2024 CleanPWD v1.00. This utility helps you clean
                                up your password.fd file by reporting all
                                unlisted nodes, and giving reports sorted by
                                password and sysopname.
                                Postware from Hans Siemons.
drmaster.zip    7481 08-05-2024 
dv2win.zip      5455 08-05-2024 DV2WIN.EXE is a TSR that fools programs such
                                as FrontDoor into thinking they are running
                                under DesqView. Then it traps calls to
                                DesqView to give away time, and gives time
                                away to Windows instead.
emsg_100.zip   16025 08-05-2024 
fakefd.zip     26844 08-05-2024 
fatt121.zip   108051 08-05-2024 
faxgate.zip    65517 08-05-2024 The FaxGate Project! Software and Information
                                by John Mudge. Allows netmail to be sent from
                                any node to a central location where it will
                                be converted to a fax and sent to the phone
                                number that is placed after the word FAX on
                                the "Subject:" line of the netmail.
faxnt250.zip   22328 08-05-2024 FaxNotify v2.50GA: Notifies the sysop when a
                                fax has been recieved by BGFAX. May post a
                                message in the netmail folder, and make
                                entries in FD's INBOUND.HIS, LASTCALL.FD and
                                FD log-file. Support for FrontDoor special
                                flags and multiline operation.
faxrx100.zip   13541 08-05-2024 -->> FAXRcvd 1.00  [November 1, 1994] <<--
                                Creates a FAX cover  message for FrontDoor
                                version 2.20*  or better;  Used with BGFAX
                                version 1.30 or better.  Please distribute
                                this  Utility  FREEly  and  openly.   File
                                Request FAXRcvd  from  1:300/201  for  the
                                latest version.
fd1_log.zip    22191 08-05-2024 *Filename: FD1_LOG.ZIP
                                Backs up FRONT DOOR 
                                log files nightly via batch 
                                a SHAREWARE Utility!
                                * Another Utility        *
                                *by LD CREATIVE    *******
fd2ftp81.zip   60926 08-05-2024 FD2FTP - (FrontDoor to FTP)
                                 +Bridges the GAP between *.msg based
                                 +Mail systems and FTPMail transport
                                 +If you run FrontDoor, Intermail, or any
                                 +*.Msg (NetMail) based NetMail/EchoMail
                                 +and want to setup an  FTPMail link instead
                                 +paying MA Bell, YOU Need this program!
                                 +Now with ROUTING enabled!
                                 +This is the first ROUTING eta!
fd2gi100.zip   39667 08-05-2024 FrontDoor Nodelist To GIGO
                                1.00, Piglet Productions
                                Maps points of systems to
                                specified domains in a
                                GIGO configuration file.
fd2ra03.zip     9589 08-05-2024 
fdaka062.zip   10986 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                     FDAKA v0.611           
                                 FrontDoor supports only 
                                 10 AKAs up to v2.20 and 
                                 for most Sysops this is 
                                 not enough! If you need 
                                 more than 10 AKAs while 
                                 using FD, then DOWNLOAD 
                                 this shareware tool now 
                                 Registration fee DM10.- 
                                 written by Michael Vogt 
                                 Release-Date:  12.08.94 
fdanlz23.zip   43105 08-05-2024 
fdapx115.exe 1237562 08-05-2024 
fdapxfaq.rar   12179 08-05-2024 
fdbbs102.zip   27599 08-05-2024    FD Last BBS Call Version 1.02    ͻ
                                 FDBBS allows you alter the details       
                                 displayed on Frontdoor's main mailer     
                                 screen to include those of your last     
                                 Remote Access BBS call. These details    
                                 include the caller's name, location,     
                                 date, time, number of calls, connect     
                                 speed, node number and time on in        
                                 minutes. Also updates INBOUND.HIS and    
                                 displays Up/Download Kb. Shareware by    
                                 Donald Kerr, Sysop, Firelink BBS,        
                                 Glasgow, Scotland.                       
fdca101.zip    50203 08-05-2024 
fdca113.zip    43090 08-05-2024 FDCA113 - FrontDoor Cost Accounting
                                Version 1.13 allows sysops to quickly
                                estimate thier phone bill.  Includes
                                support for FrontDoor MultiLine and
                                Commercial versions (BugFix).  New
                                features added.
fdch_100.zip    9868 08-05-2024 
fdcost31.zip   92798 08-05-2024              *FrontDoor*               
                                         MainDoor & InterMail         
                                  Cost Calculator, version 1.200ml      
                                           F R E E W A R E             
                                        Including source code          
                                      FINAL RELEASE FROM AUTHOR        
                                 Calculating phone bill for FrontDoor  
                                 from version 2.11 to 2.20 and up.     
                                  Supports start unit cost, extra     
                                   input for negotiation time, day     
                                   and night time cost, individual cost
                                   for every node you call, phoning at 
                                   half price all day once a week.     
                                  Can be run from a very visual       
                                   interface or from command line with 
                                   no interface.                       
                                  Editor for the cost file included.  
                                  With the Analyser Tool it is        
                                   possible to ask price for individual
                                   nodes and get an overwiev of the    
                                   procentage of the hourely use and   
                                   daily use.                          
                                  Keep track of your actities for the 
                                   last 8 days.                        
                                  Get an overview of your bussy calls.
                                  Posting  reports any time in the    
                                   *.msg format  to study in your mail 
                                  CostWatch will watch your daily     
                                   expences, and post warnings if they 
                                   exceed your limit.                  
                                  Functions with multi line systems.  
                                home is http://www.image.dk/~fluke
fdc_004.zip     9060 08-05-2024 
fddev220.zip   64012 08-05-2024 
fddu110.zip    49192 08-05-2024   FrontDoor; Dumb Utility 1.10
                                    From Piglet Productions
                                 Provides a FrontDoor semaphore
                                 aware shell around .MSG utils
                                 which do not check for busy
                                 semaphores nor create them.
                                Requires FrontDoor 2.25 and above.
fdexebbs.zip    2051 08-05-2024 Front Door EXEBBS batch file to pass /ARQ or
                                /NONE to Wildcat 4
fdfaq006.zip   10056 08-05-2024 
fdfaq102.zip   15394 08-05-2024 
fdfct101.zip   87525 08-05-2024      FolderConvert 1.01
                                     Piglet Productions
                                A freeware utility to import
                                Mail Processor folders to the
                                FrontDoor mail editor (FM).
                                    Highly configurable.
fdfixos2.zip    3968 08-05-2024 
fdfixw4w.zip    4003 08-05-2024 
fdfreeze.zip    8137 08-05-2024 FDFREEZE.EXE - Smart FrontDoor node freezer.
                                FDFREEZE.task for each FDALIVE.task it finds
                                your semaphore directory.  More useful for
                                multinode FrontDoor sysop than anyone else. 8
                                Dew-ware by John Bodoni (1:284/99)
fdfrq203.zip  249901 08-05-2024 FDFREQ <2.03>
                                Programmet r en Requestprocessor.
                                Den r konstruerad att arbeta ihop  med  den
                                kommersiella  FrontDoor  v2.20a  och  senare
                                samt den registrerade shareware versionen av
                                FrontDoor v2.11 och senare.  FDFREQ  stdjer
                                bde  Remote Access 2.0x och FILES.BBS-mode.
                                Std fr request med password (!).
                                FDFREQ   har   fullt   std   fr    FDSETUP
                                Fileprotection   (Manager  ->  Requests   ->
                                Fileprotection).  Det finns ven fullt  std
                                fr funktionen UpdateRequest (ls mer om det
                                i  dokumentationen  till  FrontDoor).  Detta
                                ven   tillsammans   med   password-request.
                                Likas  kontroll  av "SecLis" och "AliasLis"
                                samt std fr max filer och maxfreq kb, samt
                                std fr att  ska  efter  filer  med  "Only
                                match  one".  Vidare  s  finns ett "Billing
                                system" inbyggt. Mjlighet fr anvndare att
                                sl av/p  TIC-funktion, FILES.BBS-funktion,
                                vlja sprk m.fl. anvndar-kommandon fr att
                                styra   sina  requests.   Utver  FrontDoors
                                filer som handhar request s har  FDFREQ  en
                                mngd  med  mjligheter att stta limits fr
                                varje grupp av noder eller  enskilda  noder.
                                Varje nod kan specialbehandlas om s nskas.
                                Detta    bestms    av    det    medfljande
                                konfigurationsprogrammet FDFRQCFG.  Vill man
                                inte  konfigurera  med  FDFRQCFG  s   lser
                                FDFREQ  av  de konfigurationsfiler som finns
                                fr FD.  Ngon  annan  konfiguration  behvs
                                inte.  Full support fr ntverk.
fdhh_11.zip    13403 08-05-2024 FDHH v1.1 * FrontDoor Historical Humans *
                                Will read in RA 2.x's LASTCALL.BBS, and add
                                the last caller's information to FD's
                                Inbound History file.  Also will optionally
                                add the information to LASTCALL.FD for
                                display on FrontDoor's waiting-for-call
                                screen.  Aliases are supported!
                                This version adds InterMail support.
                                Freebie from Psycho Hut Software.
fdhis100.zip   81679 08-05-2024 FrontDoor; History Utility 1.00
                                    From Piglet Productions
                                Interactively view FrontDoor
                                history files offline, or export
                                their information to a text file
                                in batch mode.
                                Requires FrontDoor 2.25 or above.
fdhis30.zip    42791 08-05-2024 FDHIS v3.0: With this Program you can
                                display the FrontDoor History, aswell
                                The last Inbound and Outbound Mail
                                Calls with received and sent bytes.
                                NEEDS EXITINFO.BBS!!
                                *** NOW MULTILINE SUPPORT!!! ***
fdhiso30.zip   34833 08-05-2024 FDHISO v3.0: With this Program you can
                                display the FrontDoor History, aswell
                                The last Inbound and Outbound Mail
                                Calls with sent and recieved bytes. 
                                *** NOW MULTI-LINE SUPPORT!!! ***
fdhist_211.zip   26266 08-05-2024 Frontdoor History Viewer/Cost Estimator
                                Another Fine Free Utility from behind
                                The Wall of Sleep v1.20 **FREEWARE**
fdhp100.zip    24633 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                    Ŀ Ŀ  Ŀ Ŀ  Ŀ   
                                     Ŀ     Ŀ   
                                 FrontDoor History Processor     v1.00  
                                 Generates ANS/ASC files detailing FDs   
                                 recent mail activity.  Inbound and      
                                 outbound.  Shows date, system name,  4D 
                                 address, bytes sent / received and time 
                                 online.   Fully colour configurable!    
                                 Selectable scan period, not just last   
                                 day.  100% FREEware. Yet another Boiled 
                                 Sweets Software production.   Apr 1997  
fdh_200.zip   136697 08-05-2024 FDHist v2.00 ---  FrontDoor History
                                File Analysis Door.  Allow users to
                                view recent mailer activity.
                                Supports the DORINFOx.DEF/DOOR.SYS
                                formats.  Minor bug fixes to 1.10,
                                added multitasking awareness, plus
                                more registration options and
                                discounts. InterMail support now
                                included. Supports
                                FrontDoor/InterMail MultiNode.  Now
                                supports Normal, Fossil, and
                                Digiboard comunications, and
                                comports from 1 to 36!  Great!
                                Works with FD 1.99 and higher.
                                * NOTE: Replaces all versions
                                of IMHist *
                                English and German Docs Included.
fdint105.zip  131288 08-05-2024 FrontDoor; InterNet Utils (FDInt)
                                Version 1.05, Piglet Productions
                                A set of mail utils for all 
                                FrontDoor Sysops. Features:
                                * Compatibility with InterNet 
                                  Gated mail;
                                * Fast Scanning Action;
                                * Redirect mail to points;
                                * Full multiline support;
                                * Document server;
                                * Readdressing of mail to your 
                                  local gate;
                                * Host mailing lists;
                                * Functional listserv;
                                * Connect lists to echoes;
                                * Support for FrontDoor 2.25/2.30
                                Requires FrontDoor 2.25 or above
fdio11.zip     13692 08-05-2024 FDIO v1.1
                                [Creates ANSi screens]
                                [of IN/OUTBOUND calls]
                                [of your Front  Door,]
                                [or InterMail.   Nice]
                                [screens generated!  ]
                                [Support  for all BBS]
                                [systems.   CyBiC '95]
fdla101e.zip   84337 08-05-2024 
fdlog123.zip  558251 08-05-2024  FDLog  Loganalyzer  V1.23 ͻ
                                  FDLog - The ultimate Loganalyzer 
                                  for FrontDoor, InterMail, Xenia, 
                                  McMail, Binkley, T-Mail, QFront  
                                             and FIPS.             
                                  >>  Some fixes and changes,  <<  
                                  >>    and supporting xOR!    <<  
                                  FDLog calculates costs, creates  
                                 cost, caller and FREQ statistics, 
                                 writes NetMails to Up- and Down-  
                                  links and much more. FDLog uses  
                                  special techniques to calculate  
                                 the costs more accurate. FDLog is 
                                  so flexible that it will fit on  
                                   almost every telephone system.  
                                 Shareware by L. "LiLo" Lindinger  
fdlogg11.zip    3852 08-05-2024 Fd Logger 1.1 , A quick, dirty and
                                free utility to log text on a file
                                in a  FD compliant  way.  Requires
                                4DOS, 4OS2 or 4DOS for NT.
                                Written  by Eduardo Jacob 2:344/2.
fdls100c.zip   29979 08-05-2024 FD LogScan 1.00c.
                                A Front Door log scanning utility that
                                tracks incoming calls and speeds
                                to a graphic screen.
                                Registration FEE: $5.00
fdmb10b.zip    74973 08-05-2024  =FDMB=  FrontDoor Stat generator
                                * Generates ANSI or ASCII files
                                * Posting stats in echoareas
                                * Supports JAM, HMB, *.msg & Squish
                                * Monthly and weekly reports of:
                                  - Inbound/Outbound calls
                                  - Inbound/Outbound files
                                  - Inbound/Outbound bytes
                                  - Human callers
                                  - Requests made
                                  - Good/Faild connects
                                * Last callers
                                * 60 macros to use in files
                                * Easy to use in events for auto
                                  generation and posting.
                                Release: EMBE Development 97-11-01
fdmd1b.zip     29311 08-05-2024 
fdmsg200.zip   79376 08-05-2024 FDMSG v2.00 
                                This program works with FD/IM 
                                You can send Net/Echomail from a Daily mode
                                up to and including Annually with many
                                in between times.  You may run over 1,000
                                different messages.  This goes well beyond
                                your event table.  If you send messages on >
                                a weekly basis you need FdMsg to do it
                                If you send MANY messages use it.
                                Demo Version is good for one month.
fdm_100g.zip  198262 08-05-2024 FrontDoor Manager 1.00.SW Gamma-1.
                                Maintenance utility for FrontDoor.
                                Support available for RemoteAccess
                                and Concord. Displays node status,
                                handles external/internal events..
fdnd110.zip    33681 08-05-2024 
fdnlb100.zip   66926 08-05-2024 FrontDoor; Nodelist Browser 1.00
                                      Piglet Productions
                                Standalone nodelist browser for
                                DOS, may be used as an external
                                browser by other programs.
                                Requires FrontDoor 2.25 or above.
fdpi_201.zip   18614 08-05-2024 
fdrc_100.zip   21835 08-05-2024 
fdreq118.zip  476807 08-05-2024 FDREQ v118, fast and smart ext.
                                Works with FrontDoor, InterMail, McMail and
                                any mailer, which supports SRIF
                                FDREQ uses its own index, no need for
                                      other programs. 
                                FDREQ is multiline-aware.
                                FDREQ releases time-slices under OS/2,
                                      DesqView and Windows
                                FDREQ has a FULL-SCREEN-SETUP
                                FDREQ supports AKA-matching.
                                FDREQ supports requestareas for special
                                FDREQ supports a friend- and twitbase
                                FDREQ enables you to configure limits for
                                      each line and each baudrate at any
                                      hour of the day.
                                FDREQ supports outbound-request-service
                                      (depending on the calls costs)
                                      (FD/IM only)
                                FDREQ allows you to send FILES.BBS 
                                      and/or RQ??????.TICs. 
                                FDREQ sends help to requesters, doing 
                                      their first request on your system or
                                      asking for help. 
                                FDREQ shares up to ten CD-ROM-drives. 
                                FDREQ has advanced dupechecking. 
                                FDREQ allows offline-requests.
                                FDREQ allows netmail-requests.
                                FDREQ does statistics (daily/monthly/all).
                                FDREQ supports a paysystem.
fdrn111.zip    58828 08-05-2024 FDRN-FrontDoor Read Nodelist v1.11
                                (c)  Peter Hampf & PBS,  Dec. 1994
                                Display  and verify data from your
                                FrontDoor  or Intermail  nodelist.
                                Browsing  mode for  history-files,
                                patching  history with  real node-
                                list-data... and more!
                                Great for  interactive use as well
                                as for batchfiles.
                                Offers  direct access  to the log-
                                files now!
fdrop200.zip  235258 08-05-2024 FDROPT 2.00 - FrontDoor; Route file 
                                optimizer. A program that simplifies the
                                managing of complex route files for
                                FrontDoor. Adds support for macros,
                                region and hub routing, improved
                                multiline support and optimizes the
                                route file for faster processing by
                                FrontDoor. Support for FrontDoor 2.25
                                and later, as well as earlier versions.
                                DOS, OS/2 and  Win32 version.
fdrpr130.zip   88183 08-05-2024 FDRPR 1.30 - FrontDoor Request Processor
                                for RemoteAccess. A request processor
                                for FrontDoor 2.11 and above. Fully
                                integrated with both FD and RA, easy
                                installation. Userdefinable response
                                messages, which include file
                                descriptions, reasons for failures, etc.
                                Updates download counters. CD-ROM
                                support. Limit the number of wildcards
                                that may be used in a request. And much
fdsg227.zip    79810 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                FrontDoor Statistics Generator  Ver 2.27
                                 * How many systems polled your BBS?    
                                 * How many have you polled?            
                                 * What baud rates and CPS rates?       
                                 * What type and quantity of files were 
                                   transfered and how long did it take? 
                                 * How many human callers?              
                                 * What baud? How many failed?          
                                 * How many were rejected?              
                                 * Produces a "major events" log and    
                                   statistics. You only have to look    
                                   at the important events rather than  
                                   all the other crap in your FD log.   
                                 * Output screen shows 300 - 33600 baud 
                                   connect speed and script statistics. 
                                 * Creates ANSI/ASCII/TXT BBS Screens   
                                 * Major improvements and fixes.        
                                 ALIEN BBS, +61-2-9743-5871 ͼ
fdsite.zip     19967 08-05-2024         FDSite Version 1.00         ͻ
                                 This utility will allow you to change    
                                 the name or location displayed to mail   
                                 callers to Frontdoor and can be          
                                 installed as part of your daily          
                                 maintenance routine.   Advertise an      
                                 aspect of your BBS or display a witty    
                                 comment automatically.   Shareware by    
                                 Donald Kerr, Sysop, Firelink BBS,        
                                 Glasgow, Scotland.                       
fdsmb100.zip   51930 08-05-2024 FrontDoor Shell-to-Mailer Bridge, "FDSMB", is
                                a small utility to be used as a "bridge"
                                between a BBS featuring "Shell-to-Mailer"
                                mode and the FrontDoor Mailer, "FD"
                                This program will only work with FrontDoor
                                2.30.mL, at the time of the Shareware release
                                (2.25), it will be updated to support both
fdsnd_20.zip  147897 08-05-2024 
fdst103.zip    20676 08-05-2024         FDSite Version 1.03         ͻ
                                 This utility will allow you to change    
                                 the name or location displayed to mail   
                                 callers to Frontdoor and can be run as   
                                 part of your BBS batch file or your      
                                 daily maintenance routine.   Advertise   
                                 an aspect of your BBS or display a witty 
                                 comment automatically.  Shareware by     
                                 Donald Kerr, Sysop, Firelink BBS,        
                                 Glasgow, Scotland.                       
fdsupra.zip     5112 08-05-2024 
fdt160.zip    202084 08-05-2024 FDT - The Frontdoor Tool V1.6
                                FDT is a complete Toolbox to Frontdoor
                                * No other programm offers you all
                                  this features and using of
                                  FD-internal databases.
                                  No big setup's and configuration.
                                * A full Multiline-InfoScreen, that
                                  will work as another TASK of FD, but
                                  cannot dialout.
                                * BatchInfo's write to FD-Protokol
                                * handle nodediff's
                                * writes the points.pvt from any
                                * take a look in the netmailfolder and
                                  writes semaphore to call all the MGR
                                  on your system.
                                * generate poll-mails an will also
                                  remove that. thats a great for poll
                                  a boss with more than one line.
                                * will using a directory for nodes and
                                  put the files in that as
                                  Crash/Hold/Direct-attach to the node
                                * transfers mail and attaches localy
                                  to a point. its great for
                                * sorting Multi-Line-Logfiles to a big
                                * generate a INB*.* and OUTB*.*
                                  flowchart. you can see the traffic.
                                * take a look in "Whats on Hold"
                                * is a complete FaxgateWay.
                                * and much more ....
fdtn_2d001.z05    9398 08-05-2024 
fdtn_2d003.zip   16823 08-05-2024 
fdtn_2d02.zip    6095 08-05-2024 
fdtr201.zip    47760 08-05-2024 
fdtrim10.zip   14123 08-05-2024 Front Door (tm) Log Trimmer ver 1.00
                                This utility trims back fdxx.log files down to
                                a managable size.
                                Run this in your nightly maintenance.
                                A MUST HAVE Utility for those running a Front
                                Door (tm) front end mailer.
fdtt100.zip    16852 08-05-2024 FrontDoor Tiny Terminal, "FDTT" is a very
                                small and compact TTY DOS terminal emulator.
                                it does not support any emulation protocols,
                                nor does it feature any file-xfer protocols.
                                It provides a bare-bones, yet efficient tool
                                that allows modems to be configured/verified.
                                FDTT requires a FOSSIL driver.
fdv34fax.zip    8364 08-05-2024             FDV34FAX.ZIP
                                How to configure the USRobotics V.Everything
                                modem using FrontDoor 2.20c.mL or 2.12/SW
                                and BGFax. Also includes setup info for the
                                newest flash-ROM upgrade for using CID.
fdview10.zip   19059 08-05-2024 
fdv_202.zip    58391 08-05-2024 
fdw95faq.zip   14252 08-05-2024 
fd_2dmdm.zip   13829 08-05-2024 Help with setting up Modems using Frontdoor
fd_winfx.zip    5822 08-05-2024 FrontDoor Fix utils for Windows.
female15.zip   10153 08-05-2024 
fgets121.zip   16801 08-05-2024 
fgump.zip      10691 08-05-2024 GoldEd v2.50 Template and Forrest Gump Cookie
                                Tagline File from George Vandervort
flist120.zip   20334 08-05-2024 FreqList v1.20 by Ultimate Force, great
                                Freqlist generator for RA/FD. With
                                nice configuration program, and it's
                                totally FREEWARE!
fms110.zip     40015 08-05-2024 
fokf100.zip    36289 08-05-2024 
freql14.zip    53666 08-05-2024 FREQLIST 1.4 creates a report of File Request
                                activity from FrontDoor in a 
                                message base format (.MSG, Hudson, SQUISH, JAM
                                 or Ezycom) and will update 
                                download counters for RABBS Sysops.
freqr20.zip    78063 08-05-2024 FILE REQUEST REPORTER v2.0
                                Reads log file made by FrontDoor (tm) and
                                makes a report of files sent in response to
                                filerequests. The report may also be posted
                                as a message.  NOW updates files.bbs download
frodmous.zip    8912 08-05-2024 
fs_100.zip      8514 08-05-2024 
fv7b145b.zip   63142 08-05-2024 FastV7 Beta 1.45b, Version7, Frontdoor
                                and GoldEd compiler for use in Portal
                                of Power (POP), McMail, GoldEd, FD,
                                Intermail, Opus, Binkley, TimEd etc.
f_2dfdp100.zip   10170 08-05-2024 => Filerequest Directory Processor <=
                                (v1.00) scans your FILES.RA and
                                creates an ASCII which your mailer
                                reads to find out from which
                                directory requesting is allowed.
                                VERY fast and VERY awesome.
                                Autodetect for both InterMail and
                                FrontDoor. For other mailers that
                                read ASCII files too! FREEWARE by
                                Jeroen Wollaars
f_req128.zip   55595 08-05-2024 ĿĿĿĿĿĿĿĿ
                                 F  I  L  E  _  R  E  Q 
                                           1  .  2  8 
                                            --== gamma1 ==--
                                      By (C)atbytes Software 1996
                                - Creates A Request-List For Your Mailer
                                  (Frodo, McMail...)
                                - Support for RA 2.0x, RA 2.50 and PB 2.15
                                - Set Jokers (or not)
                                - Checks Security And Areas
                                - Header/Footer-File
                                - LogFile
                                - Check Path (e.g. "Exists C:\BBS\DOOR"?)
                                - Language-Support
                                           *** FREEWARE ***
ged250.zip    345313 08-05-2024 GoldED 2.50 for DOS.
                                The GoldED Mail Editor for FidoNet is
                                Copyright (C) Odinn Sorensen, 2:236/77.
                                Shareware Evaluation Public Release.
                                Release archives:
                                * GED250.ZIP  DOS version.
                                * GEO250.ZIP  OS/2 version.
                                * GEX250.ZIP  386 prot.mode version.
                                * GEM250.ZIP  Manual and advanced cfg.
                                * GEN250.ZIP  GoldNODE compilers.
gem250.zip    277271 08-05-2024 GoldED 2.50 Manual and adv. cfg.
                                The GoldED Mail Editor for FidoNet is
                                Copyright (C) Odinn Sorensen, 2:236/77.
                                Shareware Evaluation Public Release.
                                Release archives:
                                * GED250.ZIP  DOS version.
                                * GEO250.ZIP  OS/2 version.
                                * GEX250.ZIP  386 prot.mode version.
                                * GEM250.ZIP  Manual and advanced cfg.
                                * GEN250.ZIP  GoldNODE compilers.
gen250.zip     96242 08-05-2024 GoldNODE 2.50 for GoldED.
                                The GoldED Mail Editor for FidoNet is
                                Copyright (C) Odinn Sorensen, 2:236/77.
                                Shareware Evaluation Public Release.
                                Release archives:
                                * GED250.ZIP  DOS version.
                                * GEO250.ZIP  OS/2 version.
                                * GEX250.ZIP  386 prot.mode version.
                                * GEM250.ZIP  Manual and advanced cfg.
                                * GEN250.ZIP  GoldNODE compilers.
geo250.zip    326792 08-05-2024 GoldED/2 2.50 for OS/2.
                                The GoldED Mail Editor for FidoNet is
                                Copyright (C) Odinn Sorensen, 2:236/77.
                                Shareware Evaluation Public Release.
                                Release archives:
                                * GED250.ZIP  DOS version.
                                * GEO250.ZIP  OS/2 version.
                                * GEX250.ZIP  386 prot.mode version.
                                * GEM250.ZIP  Manual and advanced cfg.
                                * GEN250.ZIP  GoldNODE compilers.
getkey.zip      4106 08-05-2024 GETKey is a simple BBS selector that can be
                                run after the Mailer to allow users to choose
                                which BBS they want to enter.
gex250.zip    418113 08-05-2024 GoldED/386 2.50 for DOS prot.mode.
                                DOS/4GW required: Get D4GW_197.ZIP.
                                The GoldED Mail Editor for FidoNet is
                                Copyright (C) Odinn Sorensen, 2:236/77.
                                Shareware Evaluation Public Release.
                                Release archives:
                                * GED250.ZIP  DOS version.
                                * GEO250.ZIP  OS/2 version.
                                * GEX250.ZIP  386 prot.mode version.
                                * GEM250.ZIP  Manual and advanced cfg.
                                * GEN250.ZIP  GoldNODE compilers.
idchk426.zip   72838 08-05-2024 * IDCHECK / Front Door 4.26 *
                                For Front Door 2.12 & up that supports 
                                caller ID; Locks out callers using Caller 
                                ID. MANY more features! 
imfix.zip       8824 08-05-2024 
imsema10.zip    7163 08-05-2024 IMSEMA version 1.0 released 04/30/96 is a
                                freeware utility from ZT Technologies.  It
                                creates semaphore (zero byte files) files
                                which InterMail uses to perform various
                                tasks.  Works great for multi-line systems.
inf100.zip     48739 08-05-2024 InfoMail 1.00: A utility which distributes
                                information on request via netmail. The
                                allows you to store an almost unlimited
                                of documents which users may request by
                                netmailing InfoMail at your address with a
                                document 'tag' on the subject line.  Netmail
                                InfoMail at 2:2502/666 with the subject line
                                InfoMail for further information.
inf120x.zip   137722 08-05-2024 InfoMail/386 1.20 -*- A document
                                server for Fidonet systems -*- Posts
                                documents via netmail in response to
                                requests from users -*- Document
                                requests, updates and (NEW!)
                                searches suppored -*- Supports
                                documents up to 64k with split
                                option -*- Customisable error and
                                response messages -*- Now with
                                multiple AKA's -*- Indexed (sorted)
                                document list -*- netmail INFOMAIL
                                at 2:2502/666 with the subject
                                INFOMAIL for more details -*- or
                                download the archive!
ishere.zip     20743 08-05-2024 
jfrq103d.zip  266288 08-05-2024 JFReq v1.03 (DOS) - External file request
                                processor for FrontDoor, MainDoor, T-Mail,
                                Intermail or SRIF compatible mailers. DOS &
                                OS/2 Native versions. Supports Remote
                                Access (2.0x and 2.50), Maximus and any
                                other BBS systems based on FILES.BBS. Five
                                types of session: Secure, Listed, Unlisted,
                                VIP systems and a Happy Hour period,
                                defining file lists and limits separately.
                                File Password, Download Counter Support and
                                Speed-up index in Remote Access, automatic
                                Download Counter support for Maximus and
                                FILES.BBS. TIC file support and Carbon Copy
                                to Sysop. On-line program execution as part
                                of the FReq process. By Jordi Sese (Fidonet
                                2:343/116). Now Freeware!     
jfrq103o.zip  344224 08-05-2024 JFReq v1.03 (OS/2) - External file request
                                processor for FrontDoor, MainDoor, T-Mail,
                                Intermail or SRIF compatible mailers. DOS &
                                OS/2 Native versions. Supports Remote
                                Access (2.0x and 2.50), Maximus and any
                                other BBS systems based on FILES.BBS. Five
                                types of session: Secure, Listed, Unlisted,
                                VIP systems and a Happy Hour period,
                                defining file lists and limits separately.
                                File Password, Download Counter Support and
                                Speed-up index in Remote Access, automatic
                                Download Counter support for Maximus and
                                FILES.BBS. TIC file support and Carbon Copy
                                to Sysop. On-line program execution as part
                                of the FReq process. By Jordi Sese (Fidonet
                                2:343/116).    Now Freeware!
jmbmsg20.zip   11097 08-05-2024 ::********************************************
                                :: jumblmsg.btm v2.0                          
                                :: Copyright 1995 by Mike Roberts - FIDO:
                                1:128/126               ::
                                :: All Rights Reserved                        
                                :: Release Date: February 26, 1995            
                                :: Purpose: Randomly reorder *.msgs in mailer
                                message directory   ::
                                ::          Performs mailer queue optimization
                                :: Syntax : JUMBLMSG ?                 ? -
                                Full screen help       ::
                                ::          JUMBLMSG                  
                                Randomly Reorder           ::
                                ::          JUMBLMSG [R] [S] [F]    R -
                                Reorder only           ::
                                ::                                     S -
                                Skip READ/SENT/LOCK    ::
                                ::                                     F -
                                FrontDoor Mode         ::
                                ::                                     L -
                                FrontDoor Logging      ::
                                :: Comments:  Now supports generic mailers and
                                adds special       ::
                                ::            support for FrontDoor v2.02 and
                                above.  Supports    ::
                                ::            multitasking operations, reads
                                FrontDoor            ::
                                ::            configuration file (SETUP.FD). 
                                Safely renumbers    ::
                                ::            messages in FrontDoor mail
                                directory through the    ::            use of
                                semaphores as outlined in FDDEV220. 
                                ::            optional switch to passover READ
                                 SENT, and LOCKED  ::
                                ::            netmail messages.               
                                :: This .BTM requires Rex Conn's 4DOS v5.5x
                                and may be modified   ::
                                :: for personal use only.  May not be sold or
                                reproduced in for   ::
                                :: profit ventures without prior written
                                consent of author.  May  ::
                                :: be freely distributed as long as the source
                                code is unmodified.::
last100.zip    22792 08-05-2024  Last v1.0 - (c)1995 Steve Miller 
                                This is a RemoteAccess / Mailer utility 
                                which will allow the sysop to write     
                                last-caller information to the mailer   
                                banner file. VERY neat! XANADU SOFTWARE 
lcra1_11.zip   12056 08-05-2024 
loge_006.zip    9459 08-05-2024 LogEntry is a simple Batch program to 
                                write entries to a log file in the
                                BinkleyTerm log file format.  All 
                                parameters and the info to be written 
                                to the log are passed to LogEntry on 
                                the command line.  The first parameter 
                                is the name of the file, the second 
                                parameter is the character that will 
                                appear in the first byte of the actual 
                                log entry.  The third parameter will 
                                appear after the date and time in the 
                                log entry. Whatever is written to the 
                                log file is also echoed to the screen.
m2d100.zip     71158 08-05-2024 
m2d110.zip    306048 08-05-2024 MAIL2DIR 1.10 - Move mail to spool
                                directory. A program that can move all
                                mail that is waiting for a specified
                                system to a spool directory. Useful to
                                retrieve mail for a point over a
                                network, to prepare mail for pickup via
                                FTP, etc. Support for FrontDoor 2.25 and
                                later, as well as earlier versions.
                                DOS, OS/2 and Win32 version.
m2q100.zip    309206 08-05-2024 MSG2QUE 1.00 - Move messages to
                                FrontDoor's static queue. A program that
                                moves messages from the netmail
                                directory to the static queue. Useful in
                                combination with software that does not
                                support the static queue, such as file
                                echo processors, echomail processors,
                                etc. Requires FrontDoor 2.25 or later.
                                DOS, OS/2 and  Win32 version. 
magics.zip     60226 08-05-2024 
mail223.zip    14588 08-05-2024 MAILRUN v2.23 - MailRun reads the FD/IM .HIS
                                files and creates .ANS/ASC/AVT bulletins to
                                display to your callers. The bulletins list
                                the information about the most recent mailer
                                call. ie: location, cost, amount transfered
                                another fine utility by :
                                 Mark Lewis, Quartz Crystal Software
mailcl15.zip    8470 08-05-2024 MailCall v1.05: FD to RemoteAcces
                                lastuser.bbs utility.
ma_104.zip     51448 08-05-2024 
mc_lc22.zip    21752 08-05-2024 LASTCALL.EXE Log FrontDoor calls to
                                RemoteAccess v2.xx Todays Callers List
                                - Also distributed as part of the
                                RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
                                by McSoft Corp. 
mergetic.zip    6988 08-05-2024 
mkfolder.zip   19697 08-05-2024 
mkr006.zip     40264 08-05-2024 
mkrd103.zip   196584 08-05-2024 MkRead v1.03 - Online (SysOp) Message Reader.
                                Added JAM support.
mkregion.zip    2686 08-05-2024 
modst100.zip   10738 08-05-2024 
mpoin170.zip  103180 08-05-2024 M-POINT v170 multiline pointlistconverter
                                up to ten pointlists, 3D or 4D, smart
                                errordetection, nodelistlookup, highly
                                Creates and supports local fakelists.
msgm09c.zip    31625 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                    MSG Maintenance  Version 0.90c    
                                       Programmed by Eran Meuhas       
                                SuperWare (c)1997, All Rights Reserved.
                                A *.MSG maintenance utility, will purge
                                missing-file-attach and/or  "Sent" net-
                                mails, will also renumber your net-mail
                                directory. Save disk space and boost-up
                                your tosser. A FREEWARE, *BETA* Version
                                   THiS iS ôiGHLY RECOMMENDED   
msgm110.zip    36498 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  MSG Maintenance  Version 1.10 BETA  
                                       Programmed by Eran Meuhas       
                                SuperWare (c)1997, All Rights Reserved.
                                A *.MSG maintenance utility, will purge
                                missing-file-attach and/or  "Sent" net-
                                mails, and among other things will also
                                renumber your net-mail directory.  Save
                                disk space  and *boost-up* your tosser.
                                reeware product.  A must for everyone!
                                [ New ]Ĵ
                                  Change message attribute, definable 
                                   THS S ôGHLY RECOMMENDED   
nanny120.zip   10275 08-05-2024 NANNY.EXE - Looks for semaphore files and runs
                                associated batch files.
                                Designed for the multinode Fido sysop running
                                mail and file tossers in a
                                background task under DESQview. Dew-ware by
                                John Bodoni (1:284/99)
newsc120.zip   29217 08-05-2024 
noflo100.zip   21854 08-05-2024 
ot_263a.zip   585878 08-05-2024 +-----------------------------------+
                                |  O/T-Track v.2.63a - THE Complete |
                                |  netmailtracker  and  mailrobot.  |
                                |      (c) Peter Hampf & pbs        |
                                | --------------------------------- |
                                | Maintenance & feature update .... |
                                | --------------------------------- |
                                | Gives  you full control over your |
                                | *.MSG netmail  directory, answers |
                                | mail to you automatically........ |
                                | Region-dependent templates,  node |
                                | templates,  interzone   bouncing, |
                                | checking  encoded mail,  outbound |
                                | cleaning, outbound report ... and |
                                | really MANY MANY other features!  |
                                | *Warning*:  O/T  is a hightech -  |
                                | and very technical -  product! It |
                                | is *not* easy to set up, but once |
                                | installed you *will* like it !!!! |
                                | International support sites, cre- |
                                | dit card registration ........... |
outb103.zip    19258 08-05-2024 OUTBOUND Version 1.03 is a FrontDoor
                                2.11+ FDC reporter which creates reports
                                of outbound mail and files in a mailer
                                system. Great for debugging FrontDoor's
                                mail flow and routing. Freeware from
                                Chief Israeli Communication Systems
                                (1993) Ltd.
pbf_101.zip   239756 08-05-2024 PBBSFreq v1.01,  This is a unique file
                                request door. It allows your users to
                                FREQ files from other systems you feel
                                are worthy. Reads InterMail and Frontdoor
                                system files for easy setup. Sends a message
                                to the user if online in RA stateing the
                                request has arrived. Supports JAM, Hudson
                                Squish and EZycom message base. Much, much
                                more to offer. Check it out today..
pbr_2d400.zip  261005 08-05-2024 * Project BookRead/Librarian Modules *
                                  Running NorthStar Technologies!
                                   Local Vieing Modules Included
                                For Project BookRead On-line books.
                                Runs on any BBS that supports
                                DORINFO1.DEF or DOOR.SYS. FREE!
pktmve10.zip   14179 08-05-2024       PktMove v0.10 
                                Moves *.PKT files destined for
                                a certain node to a specified
                                directory. Easy to use and an
                                excellent utility to have !!
                                 FREEWARE from South Africa
                                    Copyright (c) 1995
                                       FastLight Inc.
pol103b1.zip   22652 08-05-2024 Poll! 1.03.b1 - for FrontDoor / InterMail.
                                A tiny and simple to use utility that creates
                                empty poll messages if the last poll was more
                                than xxx days/hours/minutes ago. Call all 
                                lines of a multi-line system without the need
                                of a FD scriptfile. Uses AKA matching. 
                                @Response file input to poll more than one 
                                system in one run. Message attributes can be 
                                set to crash, immediate, force pickup or 
                                none. Checks inbound calls optionally. Logs to
                                FrontDoor type logfile. Multiline environment
                                support. New options: -e: erase Poll!-messages
                                -l: call last node again to finish uncomplete
                                filetransfer. -f: poll if semaphorefile exists
poll12.zip     49640 08-05-2024 POLL Version 1.2
                                A simple utility to poll
                                all the systems that you need
                                it to with out having to
                                try to figure out how to
                                do a route.fd(im)
                                -- Free Ware --
poll13.zip     52404 08-05-2024 POLL Version 1.3
                                A simple utility to poll
                                all the systems that you need
                                it to with out having to
                                try to figure out how to
                                do a route.fd(im)
                                -- Free Ware --
poll_21101.zip   19562 08-05-2024 Poll! 1.01 - for FrontDoor / InterMail.
                                Creates poll messages if the last poll was
                                more than xxx days/hours/minutes ago. Uses
                                AKA matching tables from FD / IM. @Response
                                file input to poll more than one system in
                                one run. Message attributes can be set to
                                crash, immediate, force pickup or none. 
                                Checks inbound calls optionally. Logs to 
                                FrontDoor type logfile. New: multiline 
                                environment support.
prp103.zip     58959 08-05-2024 PRP v1.03: ProBoard Request Processor
                                (for FrontDoor,MainDoor,McMail,etc.)
                                Fast! Reads ProBoard file indexes directly.
                                *** NEW: includes 32-bit OS/2 version ***
                                Now supports ^AINTL,^AFMPT and ^ATOPT.
                                Also adds copy local for cd-rom areas.
                                            --- FREEWARE! ---
pwmsg110.zip   15077 08-05-2024 
qcvt199b.zip    9064 08-05-2024 
r2fu100.zip    11612 08-05-2024        RA2FDUSR V1.00
                                RA Lastcall # of users to FD
                                lastcall human callers counter
                                updater (FREE/DONATE/CARDware)
ra2frq22.zip   19928 08-05-2024 RA2FREQ.EXE RemoteAccess v2.xx to
                                FrontDoor File Request List creator
                                - Also distributed as part of the
                                RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
                                by McSoft Corp. 
rafdlc17.zip   46367 08-05-2024      ===> Version 1.07 <===
                                RAtoFD and FDtoRA Last Caller Programs.
                                Transfers last caller info between the
                                two. Both programs included. Supports
                                Multi-Line setups for FD/RA.  Requires
                                Front Door and RemoteAccess.
                                Nows tracks # calls from systems, imports
                                Up/Dn bytes to FD's INB*.HIS
                                Freeware from Cowboy Software!!
rafd_006.zip   69519 08-05-2024 
ralog2fd.zip   14888 08-05-2024 
ra_2dfdo_2d4.zip   19965 08-05-2024 
                                       -=* RA-FDO v0.04 *=-       
                                    Imports User's Name/Handle    
                                        into your Mailer's        
                                      Inbound/Outbound Field      
                                    Now Supports Remote Access,   
                                   SuperBBS,  FD 2.02/2.11/2.20   
                                          and InterMail           
                                     Also has an Option For RA    
                                  SysOps to Perform a MailScan to 
                                   Tell you if you have new Mail  
rcvt199b.zip    8990 08-05-2024 
reqcount.zip   38230 08-05-2024 
reqst14.zip   102480 08-05-2024 File Request Processor Version 1.4
                                  Let's your users do FREQ's with
                                  out bothering you. Will write a 
                                  Netmail FREQ for you to decide
                                  if you want to let your user 
                                  retrive this file for you.
rp_2d110.zip  240270 08-05-2024 The Prime External Request Processor v1.10
                                for Frontdoor and InterMail. Variate the
                                list of requestable files and the request
                                limits depending the requesting system,
                                time, baudrate, day of the week,
                                secure/unsure sessions and for unlisted
                                nodes! Password protected files only for
                                specific nodes or during certain time slots.
                                Messages as response. Service requests.
                                Attach messages if files are requested from
                                certain directory's or special files. User
                                definable response messages with a powerful
                                (multi language) template language. Send
                                file descriptions in response messages from
                                generic Files.BBS, RA 2.0x FDB and Maximus.
                                Shareware software by Hans Siemons!
s2fd100.zip    11666 08-05-2024 
sfwd_101.zip   99872 08-05-2024 
showl10e.zip  153339 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                       * SHOW-LOG 1.0e *        
                                   --- Bug-Fix for 1.0d ---     
                                -comfortable Logfile-Viewer for 
                                 MD, FD, RA, BINK, T-MAIL,       
                                 McMAIL, INTERMAIL, PROBOARD,   
                                 MAX., CONCORD & SBBS           
                                -is aware of multiline-systems  
                                -creats reports as netmail or   
                                 text to different recipients   
                                -freely defineable subjects     
                                 and report-templates           
                                -shows both, mailer- and online-
                                 calls on one screen            
                                -by pressing a key you will see 
                                 the related logfile-extract    
                                -recognices incoming FAX-Calls  
                                -able to shorten all logfiles   
                                -freely defineable colors       
                                -releases timeslices            
                                -reads more, freely defineable- 
                                 logfiles (max. 50)             
                                -able to open logfiles even when
                                 they are in use bye the mailer 
                                -and many, many other features  
                                  ENGLISH AND GERMAN VERSION    
                                --  by M.Becker & S.Boettner  -
sinf245.zip    79772 08-05-2024 SITEINFO-multi-mailer-random-siteinfo-system
                                (c) Peter Hampf & PBS - maintenance release
                                RSI offers support for FD 2.20, IM 2.29,   |
                                POP 0.50-0.60-0.69, Binkley,  D'Bridge   |
                                and McMail. Direct access to O/T-Track's   |
                                setup.                                     |
                                Inserts randomly a new predefined siteinfo |
                                in your mailer's config. MANY features!    |
                                Just give it a try.......................  |
spamfd11.zip   52821 08-05-2024 Spam for Front Door V 1.1
                                Spam is a Utility that will
                                look through your FD.log and
                                send a File and Message to
                                anyone that freqed your System.
                                Great for advertizing networks
                                that are just getting started
                                new door games New Programs
                                Ect. Another SMYC Product!
                                9-17-98 updated to FREEWARE
spamfd12.zip   51925 08-05-2024 Spam for Front Door V 1.2
                                Spam is a Utility that will
                                look through your FD.log and
                                send a File and Message to
                                anyone that freqed your System.
                                Great for advertizing networks
                                that are just getting started
                                new door games New Programs
                                Ect. Another Vagabond Product!
spamim11.zip   53469 08-05-2024 Spam for InterMail V 1.1
                                Spam is a Utility that will
                                look through your im.log and
                                send a File and Message to
                                anyone that freqed your System.
                                Great for advertizing networks
                                that are just getting started
                                new door games New Programs
                                Ect. Another SMYC Product!
                                9-17-98 update to FREEWARE!
spamim12.zip   52647 08-05-2024 Spam for InterMail V 1.2
                                Spam is a Utility that will
                                look through your im.log and
                                send a File and Message to
                                anyone that freqed your System.
                                Great for advertizing networks
                                that are just getting started
                                new door games New Programs
                                Freeware from Vagabond Software
spoint1b.zip   56915 08-05-2024 
sup_st11.zip   83344 08-05-2024 SUPER_ST v1.01 is an util that creates
                                the statisticscreens of FD & IM & RA 2.??
                                It reads the INBOUND.HIS, OUTBOUND.HIS,
                                FILES.RA, MESSAGE.RA and the USERS.BBS
                                record and creates DAY, WEEK, MONTH,
                                list from FrontDoor and SYSTEM, AREA
                                Download, Upload and TOP-10 screens.
                                from de Remote Access data. Levels of
                                users, hidden users, filenames of the
                                screens and a lot more can all be set
                                with the SET-UP util. Viewing of the
                                screens is possible with the set-up util.
                                The programm has to be started with
                                parameters. These are needed to run
                                every option seperately so that every
                                screen is made at the time you want it.
                                * J.H.R. Software (Tm) *
synct104.zip   20362 08-05-2024 SyncTime 1.04 for FrontDoor.
                                Synchronize your systemclock with a node
                                you were connected to.
tbbsfd.zip     11144 08-05-2024 
tg2fd21.zip    31904 08-05-2024   +(tg2fd:telegard->frontdoor import util)+
                                (c)1999 cheba[lt!/think]::cheba@bytespeed.com
                                 imports your telegard last caller info into
                                 the frontdoor last  caller history, inbound
                                 history, and writes info to a specified log
                                 file. built-in setup. v2.1 [DOS/OS2 .EXE's]
                                          ** fixed os/2 .exe bug **
tim110.zip    381865 08-05-2024 TimEd 1.10; Fast msg editor supporting
                                Squish, JAM, *.MSG and Hudson bases;
                                With internal editor. DOS version.
tim110p.zip   365312 08-05-2024 TimEd 1.10; Fast msg editor supporting
                                Squish, JAM, *.MSG and Hudson bases;
                                With internal editor. OS/2 version.
tim110x.zip   388065 08-05-2024 TimEd 1.10; Fast msg editor supporting
                                Squish, JAM, *.MSG and Hudson bases;
                                With internal editor. DOS/386 version.
timc_113.zip   38052 08-05-2024 TIMCOLOR v1.13. A tiny utility to create
                                your favourite color-configuration for the
                                message-reader timEd. Actually see on screen
                                how the colors will look like when using
                                the reader/editor. Freeware!
                                Update to the color-configstatements used in
                                timEd 1.10.g1.
tms_100.zip    25496 08-05-2024 
tqbus152.rar  651643 08-05-2024 tqBusy 1.52. The powerful statistic tool
                                for Binkley, Xenia, Cantaloup, FrontDoor,
                                McMail, T-Mail, isdnpm, MxBuck, MaxFreq
                                and many others (define your own format!).
                                tqBusy evaluates the sessions/requests 
                                at your system und creates a configurable
                                lastcaller/frequest)-statistic that should
                                be posted to amaze its readers.
                                For all of you who want to know what
                                your system is doing all the day, week,
                                month and year. 104(!) different statistic
                                combinations. Included examples from my system
                                Multilangual output (english is default,
                                language file included). Through outputfiles
                                generated output can be modified (to have
                                7bit-ASCII for example, 7bit.def included).
                                English/German docu. Linkgroups, Alias, Filter
                                ... Executables for OS/2, DOS and Win32.
                                The latest release can be frequested via FTN
                                2:2432/337 (daniel hahler, Magic TQBUSY)
                                or get it from http://www.thequod.de (section
                                "Programme" -> "tqBusy"). Shareware (10EUR).
tranx05.zip    25322 08-05-2024 
trunclog.zip    8516 08-05-2024 
ts2fd100.zip   14380 08-05-2024 
ts2gmd.zip     12195 08-05-2024 
tscnv110.zip   42161 08-05-2024 
tsync220.zip  139659 08-05-2024 
twist02.zip    11772 08-05-2024 
u2i111.zip     19732 08-05-2024 
ulan_111.zip   25365 08-05-2024 
unfi120.zip    51920 08-05-2024 
uu2fd100.zip   54907 08-05-2024 UU2FD Ver 1.00 for Frontdoor,
                                Intermail, Maindoor and FX-UUCICO.
                                Updates your LASTCALL (Maindoor's
                                LASTOUT/LASTIN) the INBOUND.HIS
                                and OUTBOUND.HIS reading LOG of
                                FX-UUCICO, make reports, updates
                                Mailers LOG, detects IN/OUT
                                FX-UUCICO activity and many more.
                                     ***** CARDWARE *****
vipmail1.zip   91534 08-05-2024 
who210.zip     18571 08-05-2024 WHO 2.10 - Put BBS and FAX callers
                                into your mailer's history - Now
                                supports FrontDoor, InterMail,
                                RemoteAccess, ProBoard, SuperBBS,
                                BGFAX, ZyXEL FAX - Fully MultiLine
                                capable and self configurable -
                                Speed and bug update
who28.zip      28860 08-05-2024 WHO 2.8 - Put BBS, FAX and VMB callers
                                into your mailer's history - Supports
                                FrontDoor, InterMail, RemoteAccess,
                                ProBoard, SuperBBS, BGFAX, ZyXEL FAX -
                                Fully self configurable and multiline
win_fd3.zip    48954 08-05-2024 
xor115.zip    332092 08-05-2024   xOR v1.15 Request Processor Ŀ
                                 xOR version 1.15 is a very fast and   
                                 flexible request processor for usage  
                                 with McMail, FrontDoor and (again)    
                                 Intermail. This release contains many 
                                 Speed-Ups and Bugfixes and some new   
                                 features such as Phone Groups.        
                                 Archive contains English AND GERMAN   
                                 text files and documentation.         
                                 xOR was the very first program with   
                                 SRIF support. We currently support    
                                 SRIV v1.02.                           
                                 It is worth it - try it.              
xor115b.zip    67079 08-05-2024 xOR 1.15 Revision B Bug-Fix upgrade
xr301dos.zip   32113 08-05-2024 
xr301os2.zip   35500 08-05-2024 
xrbmenu.zip    80655 08-05-2024 
xrbt410.zip   362351 08-05-2024 XRobot 4.10 for DOS, Win32, and OS/2
                                (separate executables inside archive).
                                Powerful mail utility to automate tasks
                                such as posting of notification
                                messages, requesting and transmitting
                                files from and to remote systems.
                                Allows the use of "response files" as
                                "manifests" to define a set of files
                                to be requested and/or transmitted. Now
                                includes support for the FrontDoor
                                Static Queue (STQ) and many new
                                commands/functions such as semaphore
                                handling, spool directories, and more.
yfrz22.zip     48533 08-05-2024 Yukon Ho! YFREEZE V2.2 (FreeWare)
                                "The ultimate multi-line system tool for
                                FrontDoor Commercial and RemoteAccess"
                                Provides monitored global freezing and
                                thawing of BBS tasks. Prevents system
                                hang-ups if tasks fail to respond to
                                manual freeze and thaw semaphores.
yinf10.zip     72431 08-05-2024 Yukon Ho! YINF V1.0 (FreeWare)
                                Control and Monitor
                                FrontDoor Multi-line systems
                                Shows status of tasks 0-255
                                recognises many semaphores.
                                Control most activities.

                Area 67 - General BBS Utils               

4dos602.zip   781850 08-05-2024 4DOS 6.02B - New!  (April 1999) release of JP
                                Software's award-winning COMMAND.COM
                                replacement for MS-DOS, PC-DOS, Novell DOS /
                                OpenDOS, OS/2, and Win95, with command
                                enhancements, over 50 new commands, dozens of
                                powerful batch file features, and many other
                                unique command line tools.  Shareware, $69.95
                                full registration.  04-16-99 release B (131).
4nt301.zip    689262 08-05-2024 4NT 3.01 - New! (February 1998) release of JP
                                Software's award-winning command processor
                                for Windows NT.  Offers command enhancements,
                                over 50 new commands, dozens of powerful
                                batch file features, and many other unique
                                command line tools.  Runs on NT 3.51 and
                                above, Intel-compatible CPUs only.
                                Shareware, $69.95 full registration.
                                02-02-98 release A.
4os2301.zip   643805 08-05-2024 4OS2 3.01 - New! (February 1998) release of
                                JP Software's award-winning CMD.EXE
                                replacement for OS/2 Warp.  Offers command
                                enhancements, over 50 new commands, dozens of
                                powerful batch file features, and many other
                                unique command line tools.  Shareware, $69.95
                                full registration.  02-02-98 release A.
ab100b3.zip    57625 08-05-2024 [ AutoBiography v1.003. ]Ŀ
                                   -= THE MOST ADVANCED USER BIO DOOR =-   
                                   AutoBiography is an advanced User BIO   
                                    System for all DOOR.SYS compatible     
                                         Bulletin Board Systems.           
                                        99.9% Sysop Configurable!          
                                              THE FINAL BETA               
                                            ALL BUGS SQUASHED!             
                                [ Copyright 1994-95 by Doug Kalman. ]
abuoff10.zip   33424 08-05-2024 --
                                [==//==[UNiTD COURiRS '95]==\\==]
                                 Lord Styaric of UNiTeD COURiERs
data220a.zip  538472 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 BBS Utiliteez Software 
                                 The DataDoor v2.20a  is probably the most 
                                 advanced file download door available. It 
                                 is probably even easier for your users to 
                                 understand than your BBS's file menu. You 
                                 can provide files from Hard Disk, CD-ROM, 
                                 Data Tape, and about any other media type 
                                 imaginable.  Tosses messages to the sysop 
                                 when offline files are requested and also 
                                 to the user when  offline files are ready 
                                 for them to download.  Supports ANSI, RIP 
                                 and the all new MAX Graphics. There's too 
                                 many features to list in this small area, 
                                 download it today and judge for yourself! 
daywk102.zip    8826 08-05-2024  DAYOWEEK  "Day o' Week" :
                                Return DOS errorlevel by day of the
                                week (Sun=1..Sat=7). Handy for adding
                                control to nightly batch maintenance.
                                [Version 1.02] %FREEWARE%
dblst20.zip    42302 08-05-2024 [ Digital BBSList v2.0 : ShareWare ]
                                Digital BBSList v2.0 is a shareware 
                                |BBSList door that easily installs on|
                                :any WWIV BBS System! Uses CHAIN.TXT :
                                drop file format!  Features include:
                                 List full list or by Area Code only, 
                                 Customizable menus,Scrollbar Matrix, 
                                 Random ANSI Screens using PIPE codes 
                                 Downloadable BBSList! Shareware: $10 
                                ( A must for all WWIV BBS SysOps!! )
                                :Great Support! By Frank(1@1.DigiNet):
dbonlin2.zip  376968 08-05-2024 dB Online v2.0 - Official Release
                                Online database access language that is 100%
                                compatible with dBase III+.  Now with
                                extensions for FoxPro and dBase IV.  Accesses
                                dBase III+, dBase IV, Clipper, and Foxpro
                                Run your .PRG applications online without
                                any modification!
dc1r2.zip      49853 08-05-2024 [ DCOUNT 1.00r2, (c) double B, 1997 ]Ŀ
                                 Multi Purpose Logfile Analyser for    
                                 all ASCII-logfiles. For use with (eg) 
                                 FrontDoor, QFront, Remote Access,     
                                 ProBoard, PowerBBS, any ASCII-log!!   
                                 ------ Highly configurable!! ------   
                                      (Now includes free key!)         
dctbl010.zip  165467 08-05-2024 DCTList v0.10; A deluxe BBS listing door for 
                                any BBS which creates a DORINFOx.DEF or 
                                DOOR.SYS drop file.  Completely lightbar 
                                driven and contains all the modern features 
                                that a lister should have.  Allows the user 
                                to download the BBS list in five different 
                                formats using one of up to nine SysOp-
                                configurable external protocols.  Users may 
                                also upload & view ANSI BBS ads as well as 
                                search the list.  Includes an add-on utility 
                                to generate alternating logoff screens.  
                                ** NEW! ** Netscape Bookmark download format,
                                a powerful search mode, SysOp Fn Macros, and 
ddl100a.zip    58589 08-05-2024 Domain DataLink v1.00a - DOOM & More on your
                                Domain DataLink allows for your users
                                to play DOOM, Falcon 3, DOOM ][, and
                                many other modem games through your BBS.
                                It also allows for DIRECT user to user
                                transfers and more!
                                Works with most BBS packages supporting
                                XTRN.DAT, DOOR.SYS, PCBOARD.SYS,
                                DORINFO#.DEF, SFDOORS.DAT, and CHAIN.TXT
ddl100c.zip    66606 08-05-2024 Domain DataLink v1.00c - DOOM & More on your
                                MORE SPEED IMPROVEMENTS!  FASTER, FASTER!
                                Domain DataLink allows for your users
                                to play DOOM, Falcon 3, DOOM ][, and
                                many other modem games through your BBS.
                                It also allows for DIRECT user to user
                                transfers and more!
                                Works with most BBS packages supporting
                                XTRN.DAT, DOOR.SYS, PCBOARD.SYS,
                                DORINFO#.DEF, SFDOORS.DAT, and CHAIN.TXT
ddoor10.zip    25713 08-05-2024   d  e  m  o  n  i  c
                                     DosDoor v1.0
                                    Stoned Militia
                                 p r o d u c t i o n s
dd_beta1.zip   79748 08-05-2024        --==> BBS Utiliteez <==--
                                ++++++++ The DataDoor Beta 1.X ++++++++
                                DataDoor is a combination CD, DataTape,
                                and Hard Disk download door that sports
                                offline file requests, message tossing,
                                and up to 999 File Groups with 999 File
                                Areas per group. Beta Testers Needed!!!
devtav1.zip    55810 08-05-2024 DEVONSHIRE'S TAVERN! v1.0 Come in, have a beer
                                 chat with the locals,
                                get the latest gossip.  We've been waiting for
                                you. A Brand new BBS Door
                                For systems using DOOR.SYS.  Check it out!
dizmake.zip    16190 08-05-2024 DIZMAKE - A utility for Shotgun Pro
                                BBS sysops.  Makes filebox DIZ files
                                from remote so you can retrieve any
                                file from your hard drive from remote.
                                Freeware, of course.  (C) 2000 Sean
                                Dennis/Elysium Software.
dlist17.zip    61031 08-05-2024 DreamLIST v1.7 - an online BBSList
                                database.  Users can enter BBS
                                information, view and upload ads.
                                Downloadable list.  Supports all the
                                major BBS packages and dropfiles!
                                FREEWARE!! From Atlantis Software!!
dluc10.zip     51195 08-05-2024 Days left until Christmas 1.0 Shows different
                                Christmas screens for every day until Xmas.
                                Also counts down days left until December 25
                                Supports most BBS types. Distributed as
                                FREEWARE from TES Software (919) 895-0368
dosc11.zip    180669 08-05-2024 D.O.S.C. V1.1  
                                Disk Operating System for Commucations 
                                is finally here... This is a door that
                                recreates DOS... OVER THE MODEM! It
                                has password support, message system,
                                and it can run normal applications!
dosdrop.zip    96358 08-05-2024 Drop  2  DOS Door Ver 1.1 (C) 1994, Steve
                                Doss  - BBS Door that simulates the "drop
                                to  dos"  function  in most BBS packages.
                                This   is   NOT   a   shell. Standard DOS
                                commands  included,  as  well as PKUNZIP,
                                PKZIP,  UPLOAD  and  DOWNLOAD.  A  fossil
                                driver  is required, and ANSI. Multi-node
                                (file sharing) aware. Supports: DOOR.SYS,
                                DORINFO.DEF,     and     many     others.
                                Registration only $10 US!
drmlst16.zip   76772 08-05-2024 DreamLIST v1.6 - an online BBSList
                                database.  Users can enter BBS
                                information, view and upload ads.
                                Downloadable list.  Supports all the
                                major BBS packages including Wildcat!,
                                PCBoard, and WWIV.  MAJOR rewrite!
                                Read WHATS.NEW!  $10 Registration.
                                Not Crippled! - DreamWARE
drmrom13.zip  258629 08-05-2024 [ DreamROM  v1.3 ]Ļ
                                    The ULTIMATE CDRom Access Door!   
                                    Let your callers browse your CDs,   
                                 download from online CDs,  and request 
                                   from offline ones.  Uses it's own    
                                 databases, unlimited disks/directories 
                                    Archive commands, fast searching,   
                                 supports Pioneer changers, plays audio 
                                 CDs, and more! Supports all the most   
                                 popular BBS' including WildCat!, PCB,  
                                   WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more!    
                                  NOT CRIPPLED!!!  FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!  
                                   $25 Registration --- A Must See    
                                [ DreamWARE Communications ]ļ
drpdos22.zip  105851 08-05-2024           Drop 2 DOS Door Ver 2.2 
                                          (C) 1995 Steve Doss
                                BBS Door that simulates a dos "shell". 
                                Many standard DOS functions are supported.
                                Also included are the commands PKUNZIP,
                                PKZIP, UPLOAD, and DOWNLOAD among others.
                                Does not allow the running of other programs
                                from within this door, but does provide full
                                support for the DOS functions. Multi-node
                                ready. Supports non-standard COM ports up
                                to 115200 baud, as well as fossil drivers.
                                Supports most BBS drop files. Updated docs
                                ,ordering method, and support BBS.
                                   Still  ONLY $15 FOR REGISTRATION!!!
dstory.zip     21354 08-05-2024 The Story Book - Neverending Story
dtdbbs32.zip   86993 08-05-2024 
dthv350.zip   111522 08-05-2024 DTH - The Doctors Tagline Handler  V3.50
                                Shareware version of a great tagline
                                handler by David Rawsthorne. Supports
                                over 100 billion taglines, INS, DEL,
                                Modifying, Moving and Copying of
                                taglines, and more!
                                Only AUS $25 for the full version.
dtrkr11.zip    21380 08-05-2024 DupeTracker 1.1  Duplicate File Finder
                                Searches through multiple subdirectories for 
                                duplicate files.  Great for those inbound 
                                network file distribution systems or Planet 
                                Connect.  Save disk space by getting rid of 
                                downloads you already have!  ShareWare from
                                The Cellar Door!
dw1_2d51b.zip   44966 08-05-2024 DOSWay v1.51b Dos-emulator. Allows
                                you or Co-SysOp to access common
                                DOS commands W/out the risk of
                                Doorway(tm) Locking up! UL/DL,
                                ZIP/UNZIP COPY/MOVE DEL MORE!
                                NEW Command Line Mode!
el_20.zip      63670 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                 \/         //                
                                 unich ndep. \oftware reations 
                                       * EiSLiST VER 2.0 *        
                                 EiSLiST is  the most graphically 
                                 and  functionally  enhanced BBS- 
                                 List-Door  available!  Coded  to 
                                 run  with  ANY  common BBS type. 
                                 * SuperBBS->EISLIST converter    
                                 * German&English fully supported 
                                 * MULTiLiNE-operation supported  
                                 * FULL ANZi, quick-menu-driven   
                                 * Now up 200 BBSs supported     
                                 * ShareWare  Reg.  Key available 
                                   costless or 4 any HI%-liquor.. 
                                 ! General MultiTasking-support   
                                 ! ANSI-Keys (Cursor-Keys) supp.! 
                                 ! OS/2 Problem fixed!            
                                   (C) Daniel Roegelein / MiSC    
                                [Programers in Munich!]Ķ
                                  We need people to help coding,  
                                  with  own  ideas and concepts.  
                                  Contact 2:2480/822 or /837 :*)  
epshelv2.zip   53415 08-05-2024 EPSHELV2:
                                   A BBS SAFE shell to dos with with file
                                Zmodem send, Zmodem uploads, Edit, Whereis and
                                commands. External commands can also be added
                                Works with these BBS verions:
                                            RBBS - Rbbs-Pc version 16.1+ (uses
                                           QUICK - Quickbbs; Uses DORINFOx.DEF
                                (same as above)
                                           PCB12 - Pcboard version 12
                                            WWIV - WWIV bbs (uses chain.txt)
                                         PHOENIX - Phoenix bbs
                                         WILDCAT - Wildcat bbs
                                           PCB14 - Pcboard version 14 (not
                                fully tested)
                                         DOORSYS - The DOOR.SYS format
                                (wildcat 3.0, TAG, etc)
                                        SPITFIRE - Spitfires drop file
ereq20.zip    108866 08-05-2024 Echo Request Processor Version 2.0
                                  ----<<<< Final Release >>>>---- 
                                 Finally let your users request echos
                                 from your hub With out you haveing to
                                 do anything. Great for NEW SysOps that
                                 just have not gotten the jist of
                                 areafixes. CTL files to allow only the
                                 users that you Want to request from
                                 your Hub, Other's will write you Netmail
                                 (Like to your Hub) so you can read it and
                                 decide if you want to turn on the echo.
                                 Supports up to 10 Network NA Files, Now
                                 Supports key word searching to help 
                                 your users quickly find that echo that
                                 they are looking for.
                                 ShareWare <<$10.00>> By Bryan Turner
event1_1.zip   93713 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 **        EVENTS.EXE V1.10       ** 
                                          Utility for Sysops         
                                 Would you like to be able to run a  
                                 certain program on a certain date?  
                                 EVENTS.EXE allows you to do that    
                                 For example, post a BBS advert on   
                                 the 1st of every month, run a       
                                 program every Thursday. Plus lots   
                                 more!  Very simple to set up.       
                                            Y2K Bug Fix              
                                       Totally FREE Software         
                                    * UK BBS support available *     
                                         Author Colin Birch          
                                      Sysop  The Dog House BBS       
                                        (01443) 400327 24hrs         
                                     Latest files - 01 Jan 2000      
ezine.zip      18329 08-05-2024 THE ACME E-ZINE v1.0 The Acme Electronic
                                Magazine by K&K SoftWare. It allows the sysop
                                to configure all of the different screens and
                                header files, up to fifteen different
                                articles and up to fifteen different
                                questions for the questionaire. There are
                                slots for info screens about the magazine and
                                either the sysop or the organization for
                                which the magazine is created.
ezrom22a.zip  228291 08-05-2024 EZ-ROM 2.20 CD-ROM Door for ANY BBS.
                                Direct support Wildcat, PCBoard, RA,
                                ProBoard, Maximus, TAG, TriBBS. UART,
                                FOSSIL, DIGIBOARD. DOOR.SYS or
                                DORINFOx.DEF. Keeps Own Database,
                                Enforces Limits, MultiDisk, MultiNode
                                File Tagging, Text Search, Offline
                                Requests, ZIP & Text Viewer, Inserts
                                BBS Ads, Supports Disk Changers,
                                Internal Protocols, Disk Detect, Auto
                                Menus, File List Maker.
ezrom22b.zip  246141 08-05-2024 EZ-ROM 2.20 CD-ROM Door for ANY BBS.
                                Direct support Wildcat, PCBoard, RA,
                                ProBoard, Maximus, TAG, TriBBS. UART,
                                FOSSIL, DIGIBOARD. DOOR.SYS or
                                DORINFOx.DEF. Keeps Own Database,
                                Enforces Limits, MultiDisk, MultiNode
                                File Tagging, Text Search, Offline
                                Requests, ZIP & Text Viewer, Inserts
                                BBS Ads, Supports Disk Changers,
                                Internal Protocols, Disk Detect, Auto
                                Menus, File List Maker.
fansi21.zip   217046 08-05-2024 Fancy ANSI V2.1 - User ANSI display door.
                                Allows users to display their own ANSI's.
                                Either ANSI's the user created or ones
                                they found interesting.  Can display up 
                                to 100 ANSI screens of any size.  Compatible
                                with most BBS software.  Supports up to 115K 
                                baud rate, COM 0-15, non-standard IRQ's and 
                                multi-port boards using a FOSSIL including 
                                PCBoard/M.  Desqview compatible.
                                    **** From: DEKM Software, Inc. ****
fatal142.zip   18352 08-05-2024 
fax_2d115.zip  108973 08-05-2024 W & W Communications FAXIT ONLINE door.
                                Fax-it will make your fax modem
                                available to your bbs users.  Your
                                users can enter Fax-it, upload faxes
                                via the door and tell Fax-it where to
                                send them.  Fax-it will generate a
                                batch file which you can run once a
                                night or everytime a user logs off your
                                system via events.  As the sysop you
                                can also set up an area of Faxes you
                                want your users to have the ability
                                to fax to themselves or others.  This
                                could be things like data sheets,
                                registration forms etc.  Fax-it also
                                has a built in personal phone
                                directory for each user which makes
                                entering and remembering those
                                frequently used numbers a breeze.
fdate110.zip   51420 08-05-2024 Ϳ
                                      FDate / FTime v1.10     
                                 Two useful DOS utilities for 
                                 changing the date  and  time 
                                 stamps of files.             
                                 Now  supports  command  line 
                                 date / time input.           
                                      * Download Now!! *      
                                     The Fonty Towers BBS     
fd_10.zip      88468 08-05-2024 The Flexible File Display Door v1.0 for BBS
                                SYSOPs. Gives a simple way to Display files
                                in a Door. Text, ANSI, Music or @ PCB Coded
                                Files all work well with most popular BBSs.
                                A FREE Door from The Heart Of Tennessee BBS
                                with registration only needed to remove ad.
fedjob11.zip  435475 08-05-2024 FedJobs! Door v1.10: Your online access to
                                100's of gov't jobs nation wide. Reg.gives
                                you access to weeky updates to the job
                                database (downloadable from The T&J
                                Software BBS or FREQ as FJDATA from
                                1:268/400). Info can be searched by title,
                                keyword, etc. Info contains pay grade,
                                open/close date of job, and location.
                                Another quality door from T&J Software
fekil145.zip  163206 08-05-2024 FeKill V1.45 
                                Maintenance tool for FastEcho 1.45
                                -Deletes and unlinks "dead" echos
                                -Notifies downlinks of "dead" echos
                                -Announces new areas
                                and many more features
ffc2v100.zip  221213 08-05-2024 Fiction Factory v. 1.00 for OS/2 -- Finally,
                                professional-quality OS/2 story door! 
                                * Full-screen editor and windowed ANSI
                                * Full RIP support w/fast screen save/restore
                                * 32-bit, multithreaded native OS/2 program!
                                * Real-time multinode support
                                * Built-in multinode messaging and chat
                                * Context-sensitive, hotkeyed help
                                * Up to 255 stories of virtually unlimited
                                * "High-water marks" and other conveniences
                                * Five "pre-started" stories for a fast start
                                * DOS version available
                                * Instant on-line registration available!
fidohist.zip    8092 08-05-2024 
filewi51.zip   53112 08-05-2024 
flreqv11.zip   94014 08-05-2024 REQUEST-A-FILE v1.1  An excellent file
                                requesting utility.  NEW VERSION includes
                                small bug fix from v1.0!  Now you and your
                                users can request files for others to
                                upload and view other requests to maybe
                                upload for someone else.  Write MAIL to
                                the Requester as well!  Works with ANY
                                Door.sys BBS!
                                               (C)1995 Lounge Software
flreqv22.zip  169538 08-05-2024 REQUEST-A-FILE   v2.2
                                FINAL FREEWARE RELEASE!
                                File requesting utility BBS door that
                                allows users to request a certain file
                                they are looking for and others to
                                write mail to them, letting them know
                                that they will upload the file for
                                them.  ANSI's have been revamped in 
                                NEW VERSION.  Now automatically
                                deletes requests and user mail older
                                than the Sysop defined number of days!
                                Now supports DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF,
                                PCBOARD.SYS, SFDOORS.DAT and 
                                (C)Copyright 1996 Lounge Software
fnls112.zip    47392 08-05-2024 FNLScan v1.12 - Fidonet NodeList Scan door
                                Scans up to 15 Fidonet (and compatible)
                                nodelists for a variety of criteria defined
                                by the user, such as BBS name, sysop name,
                                city, area code and arbitrary text.  This
                                allows the user to find other Fido systems
                                quickly and easily for netmail addressing,
                                etc. Supports most BBS software, IRQs 2-15,
                                FOSSIL drivers and Digiboard multiport cards.
                                Now fully multi-language compatible and more!
foolem11.zip  176637 08-05-2024 Foolem' v1.1 (The Fake Dos Door)
                                Foolem' is a "Fake" drop to dos door
                                that will make your users think they
                                have gained access to your hard drive.
                                You can set it up as a door or as
                                a dos hook.  Catch those "Snoopy" users
                                that just can't seem to resit trying
                                to get to areas they know they don't have
                                access to.  Foolem' will create a log file
                                for the sysop to review showing EVERYTHING
                                the user did when they went into the door.
                                Foolem' recognizes ALL dos commands and has a
                                few surpirses for the user when they run
                                *.EXE's and *.BAT's.  It also has *.TXT
                                files that users can read which contain
                                "TOP SECRET INFORMATION" about your BBS,
                                USERS ACCOUNTS, and even your BANK ACCOUNT
                                (all sysop configurable of course).  Some
                                of the more popular dos commands supported
                                for those "Real Scum Users" are:  FORMAT,
                                FDISK, DEL, ERASE, COPY, XCOPY, CD, CHDIR,
                                RD, RMDIR, etc. etc.....
forum503.zip  133005 08-05-2024 FORUM503.ARJ
                                         BBS FORUM V5.03        
                                 Callers Create And Mediate     
                                 Their Own Message Bases.       
                                 "Open Access", "Password To    
                                 Join", "Password Every Entry"; 
                                 Optional Alias Support, Public 
                                 And Private Messaging Too!     
                                 Sysop Has Access To All Forums 
                                   Compiled: December 1, 1996   
                                        GENERATION III          
                                   Support BBS: 817-794-0126    
                                 Fido: 1:130/319    FREQ: FORUM 
                                 FTP: ftp.pca.net/Carlton_Doors 
ftsc2000.zip   13534 08-05-2024 
fview1_5.zip   85248 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 **        FVIEW.EXE V1.5          ** 
                                      On-Line Text file Viewer        
                                 FVIEW is an On-Line text file viewer 
                                 allowing the caller to scroll up or  
                                 down through the file and perform    
                                 text searches within the file.       
                                          *** FREEWARE ***            
                                     * UK BBS support available *     
                                          Author Colin Birch          
                                       Sysop: The Dog House BBS       
                                         (01443) 400327 24hrs         
                                   Latest files - 10 December 1998    
fwish10.zip    34591 08-05-2024 File WishList v1.0 door program        
                                Allows Sysop/Users to add their file wish
                                list so that everyone on your bbs can view
                                it and upload the files files if they have
                                them.  Supports Most BBS Software!       
                                           -=*>WBS Presents<*=-
fwish23.zip   130319 08-05-2024 File Wishing Well II v2.3  PAROLE Software A
                                BBS door program to list files that you and
                                your users are seeking.  Creates full color
                                bulletins as well as an ASCii text file.
                                Supports WC!3.x, PCBoard and ANSI/ASCii color
                                codes.  A complete rewrite of the original
                                version.  New features and a completely new
                                look.  Supports RIP graphic bulletins.
gateway2.zip    8050 08-05-2024 Gateway is a BBS utility that allows the
                                Sysop to redirect a DOS programs display
                                output to be sent to the fossil driver,
                                allowing a Drop to DOS or running most
                                DOS programs remotley.
gifsee2f.zip  100189 08-05-2024 GIFSEE 2.0f  Let your users preview GIF
                                files, in less time, by mashing a bunch
                                together and shrinking them. Your users
                                will love you forever!! Registered mode
                                allows you to put an advertising GIF in
                                the compilation.  Sorted lists, precomp
                                CDROM lists, multinode, lightbar tag...
                                Can run with or without a fossil driver
                                ************ NOW FREEWARE! ************
guest27.zip    89798 08-05-2024 GUEST REGISTRY 2.7! From Jimmy Rose!
                                World's most popular user profile door!
                                Guests can share information about themselves
                                and view other guest profiles. Information
                                can include hobbies, children, favorite books
                                and movies, dating availability, and more!
                                Includes configurable questions and Sysop
                                editor! Much improved browse and search
                                capablities. This is THE best user profile
                                door! Excellent Support, with registered
                                users on five continents! 1998 Version!
gv100.zip      27149 08-05-2024 
                                            GVoice V1.00
                                Voice/Data discriminator and digital
                                answering machine under DOS.
                                Includes GVoiceTSR which discrimina-
                                tes between Voice and Data/Fax calls
                                and handles voice calls on its own.
                                Data/Fax calls are passed back to
                                the front-end (e.g. fido mailer).
                                Requires FOSSIL driver.
                                Sucessfully tested with:
                                    - USR Sportster Vi 33600,
                                    - UMC-based Zoltrix 14400.
                                Copyright (C)1996-97 by Tamas Vincze
                                          F R E E W A R E
gvg2w101.zip   28910 08-05-2024 GSM => WAV converter V1.01 for GVoice
                                Supports only USRobotics GSM frames!
                                Public Domain by Tamas Vincze
gvw2g100.zip   30385 08-05-2024 WAV => GSM converter V1.00 for GVoice
                                Supports only USRobotics GSM frames!
                                Public Domain by Tamas Vincze
hotshv1.zip    34125 08-05-2024 
ics100.zip     71989 08-05-2024 InterConnect 1.0 - This program allows your
                                users to connect directly to one another on
                                different nodes using the IPX protocol for
                                fast reliable connections.  Your users can
                                transfer files directly between themselves
                                and play interactive modem games such as 
                                DOOM.  This door has many features, and is
                                only $25.00 to register!  MCC Software '95
infodoor.zip   50136 08-05-2024 
introv10.zip  280479 08-05-2024  Future Shock Intro Maker v.1.0Ŀ
                                  A new type of door for your BBS!  
                                 This program allows your users to  
                                 make their own customized intros!  
                                 They can customize text which      
                                 appears over a flame effect at the 
                                 bottom. Works with DORINFOx.DEF,   
                                 DOOR.SYS, PCBOARD.SYS, CALLINFO.BBS
iswht102.zip   66912 08-05-2024 ** IsWhat 1.02 ** BatchFile Util **
                                **  NEW  FEATURES - AWESOME!!    **
                                10+ Handy functions to determine the:
                                Day of Week - Day of Month - Month of Year
                                Day of Year - Match Date<>Date
                                Rename file with a DateString for name.
                                Rename file with Day Of Year Extension.
                                Calendar, set DATE/TIME environment
                                variables. Insert Date/Time to text files.
                                Freeware from "Cowboy Software!"
is_is_20.zip   76836 08-05-2024 IS.EXE version 2.0 -  Utility  to  test  the 
                                size of a file in a batch file.   Returns an
                                errorlevel  based   on  whether  the file is 
                                larger or smaller that given value. Includes
                                both DOS *and* OS/2 EXE's for testing in CMD
                                files too!! Great for QWK transfers to  stop
                                large REP's with dupes from being sent! Best
                                of all, it's FREE!!! Prgrmr: Herbert Bushong
                                Intelec Software Extras (c) 1996.
is_sd_11.zip   62530 08-05-2024 SETDATE.EXE v1.1 - Simple and fast utility
                                that generates a batch file  to  set  date
                                environmental  variables.  Includes   Full
                                Date, Day, Month, Year,  Day of Week,  Day
                                of Year, Month name, Day name, and correct
                                Fido Day of year extension  for   archived 
                                nodelists. Includes  DOS  and  OS/2 EXE's. 
                                Another great Intelec Software Extra!
katnes20.zip   68984 08-05-2024 ***************************
                                *          Kat-NES        *
                                *    Never Ending Story   *
                                *       Version 2.00     *
                                *                         *
                                *    Supports most BBS    *
                                *        Packages         *
                                *                         *
                                *   Written using DDPLUS  *
                                *                         *
                                *     By Sharon Sparks    *
                                *    Cool Dude the Kat    *
                                *     +61-07-288-7680     *
                                *     +61-07-288-7681     *
kis_v101.zip   15509 08-05-2024 
lib131.zip     96004 08-05-2024 THE LIBRARY v1.31 - The Library Online File
                                Viewer Allows Infinate Menu Levels Deep And
                                Menu Chaining In Any Order. Allows Callers
                                To View Text, ANSI, And RIPScrip Files
                                Located In Any Directory, On Any Drive. Can
                                Be Configured To Determine Which Format
                                (.TXT, .ASC, .ANS, .RIP) Will Best Match
                                Caller's Terminal! Text Search Allowed
                                Inside Files In Registeed Version.
library.zip   110533 08-05-2024 Online Library 1.6; Add a librarian to your
                                BBS!  User's can view/download and upload
                                ANSI/AVATAR and any text files you have
                                available!  Stores all files in an archive
                                file (ZIP/ARJ or whatever you define).  Files
                                are unpacked as they are needed.  100
                                categories and up to 200 files in each
                                category!  An impressive addition to any BBS
list123.zip   110173 08-05-2024 BBS LIST DATABASE 1.23 - Supports multiple
                                network addresses, cd-roms, door games,
                                300-28,800 BPS listings, and quite a few
                                other easy-to-enter data fields! BBSLIST
                                Stores BBS info in a database, plus writes
                                a text file listing for callers to view
                                online or download. Has an an option to
                                put visiting sysops directly into the "Add
                                BBS Information" mode rather than just
                                dumping them at a menu without explanation!
list16a.zip    73185 08-05-2024 DreamLIST v1.6 - an online BBSList
                                database.  Users can enter BBS
                                information, view and upload ads.
                                Downloadable list.  Supports all the
                                major BBS packages including Wildcat!,
                                PCBoard, and WWIV.  MAJOR rewrite!
                                Read WHATS.NEW!  $10 Registration.
                                Not Crippled! Atlantis Software!
listbbs.zip    69374 08-05-2024 
lmatch20.zip  152679 08-05-2024 Letter Match         -    Door Game     v2.0
                                **  Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                A unique and challenging game that tests
                                your memory and knowledge of the category
                                subject chosen by the Sysop. Automatic reset
                                of game at end of month. Make-up-games-missed
                                option and MORE! Supports Fossil-based 
                                Multi-Port cards, including PCBoard /M 
lmnu120.zip    44044 08-05-2024 ---                                ---
                                             Local Menu
                                            VERSION 1.2
                                A Menu Program Made For BBS Sysops,
                                But Can Be Used By Anyone Who Wants A
                                Simple Menu Program For Their Home,
                                Work, Or Network.
                                Latest Versions:
                                DARK KNiGHT BBS +1-612-898-5174
                                ---                                ---
                                Version 1.2
mfreq150.zip  125549 08-05-2024 MsFileRequester v1.50 For Most BBS Systems
                                -=-=-=-=-=-[ Freeware Releases ]-=-=-=-=-=-
                                This is a cool File Requester, this tool is
                                useful for some people want to request some
                                files from all users, then you just write a
                                requesting messages or informations on this
                                requester.  Easy Configuration.
                                Compatible 20+ BBS Softwares: RemoteAccess,
                                QuickBBS, ProBoard, SuperBBS, TriBBS, WWIV,
                                PCBoard, Phoenix, Spitfires, Telegard, etc.
                                -=-=-=-=-=-=-=[ What's News ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                                + Added Multi-Languages : English, Chinese,
                                  Spanish on Configration and Main Program.
                                + Added External Ansi Background Support.
                                * Speedup when checking drop files.
                                * Musical Configuration program.
                                * Fading Request Message String.
                                + Speedup when showing request messages.
                                (c) 1992-1998 Mercury Soft Technology, Inc.
mmenu10f.zip   69272 08-05-2024 MultiMenu 1.00f Menu Door for ANY BBS. UART,
                                FOSSIL, DigiBoard, or local mode. DOOR.SYS,
                                DORINFOx.DEF, SFFILES.DAT. Run up to 254
                                Doors. Access control by security, age, baud,
mnbbs232.zip   83168 08-05-2024 MiniBBS Door v2.3  05/07/95   Allows
                                users to have their own mini bbs style
                                message area. Uses aliases. Color in
                                messages & Quoting, etc. 90 lines per
                                message. Private Areas Available.
                                Includes a separate maintenance program
                                to run as an event.  Low Registration! 
                                Shareware.   MULTI-NODE!
modst120.zip   47171 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 MODEM STATS v1.20 - 08/09/97 
                                 A BBS Diagnostic tool for use
                                 with all modems. Produces a  
                                 report from the modem's "AT" 
                                 commands and shows the report
                                 online to the user. Program  
                                 tested with RemoteAccess     
monthly.zip    28763 08-05-2024 
ndoor600.zip  141334 08-05-2024 
netl101.zip   241546 08-05-2024 ͵ NETLIST  v1.0.1 ͸
                                   * InterNet Site Listing Door *    
                                  InterBBS Capable. {+}              
                                  Bad User Lockout.                  
                                  Bad URL Lockout.                   
                                  Browsing of All Records.           
                                  Keyword or Phrase Searching.       
                                  Record Tagging.                    
                                  Downloading as TXT or HTML. {+}    
                                  Local Downloads. {+}               
                                  Supports X,Y,Zmodem protocols.     
                                  Logs all door activity.            
                                  Database Maintainance Util.        
                                  Multi Node.                        
                                  Released as Postcard Ware.         
                                 DARK THUNDER SOFTWARE  (c)1997-2000 
netl121.zip   281589 08-05-2024 ͵ NETLIST  v1.2.1 ͸
                                   * InterNet Site Listing Door *    
                                  InterBBS Capable. {+}              
                                  Bad User Lockout.                  
                                  Bad URL Lockout.                   
                                  Browsing of All Records.           
                                  Keyword or Phrase Searching.       
                                  Record Tagging.                    
                                  Downloading as TXT or HTML. {+}    
                                  Local Downloads. {+}               
                                  Supports X,Y,Zmodem protocols.     
                                  Logs all door activity.            
                                  Database Maintainance Util.        
                                  Multi Node.                        
                                  Released as Postcard Ware.         
                                 DARK THUNDER SOFTWARE  (c)1997-2000 
netl130.zip   277594 08-05-2024 ͵ NETLIST  v1.3.0 ͸
                                   * InterNet Site Listing Door *    
                                  InterBBS Capable. {+}              
                                  Bad User/URL Lockout.              
                                  New Record Scanning. (NEW)         
                                  Browsing of All Records.           
                                  Keyword or Phrase Searching.       
                                  Record Tagging.                    
                                  Downloading as TXT or HTML. {+}    
                                  Local Downloads. {+}               
                                  Supports X,Y,Zmodem protocols.     
                                  Logs all door activity.            
                                  Database Maintainance Util.        
                                  Multi Node Aware.                  
                                  Released as Postcard Ware.         
                                 DARK THUNDER SOFTWARE  (c)1997-2000 
notesv10.zip  115712 08-05-2024 SYSNOTES  v1.0
                                A MUST HAVE UTILITY for the busy Sysop!
                                SysNotes is an easy to use database 
                                utility for keeping track of ALL your 
                                users information.  Keep 5 extended 
                                lines of COMMENTS about each user in 
                                the database as well as the rest of 
                                their personal information.  Great for 
                                keeping track of those locked out or 
                                bad users!
                                (C)1996 Lounge Software
nrkdos.zip      4674 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                         NRK PRESENTS:         
                                  NRK!DOS is an iNiQUiTY DoS   
                                  MATRiX, and the damned best  
                                  one there is, in my opinion  
                                  anyways.  ENJOY! ;)          
                                                -= Dribble=-   
                                    Released Jan. 25, 2000
nrv10.zip     237605 08-05-2024 NeTRUM0Rs v1.0
                                by Robert Smith
                                A really awesome door that sends
                                rumors across a network!
                                 Automatic netmail creation
                                 Full pipecode color support
                                 80-character sayings
ntswl1o3.zip   46473 08-05-2024 NTS WANTLIST v 1.o3 -*- NeoTeksoft (c) 1998
                                Looking for an Unique File WantList Door?
                                Cursor controled & warns when file uploaded
                                Works With Any ANSI-BBS: RG,TG,WC,RA,WWIV..
nuid10.zip     68031 08-05-2024 NUID - NewUser Information Door v1.0
                                    NUID will help get your new users
                                to "jump" into the BBS world a little
                                bit more easily by explaining the major
                                concepts of BBS systems.  Supports all
                                popular BBS types.
obcv11.zip    146395 08-05-2024 ONLINE BARGAIN CORNER  v1.1
                                An easy to use for sale and announcement 
                                BBS utility.  10 different categories to 
                                choose from including, Announcements, 
                                Free Items, Garage Sales, For Sale, 
                                Services Offered and Help Wanted.  
                                Allows user to post items, write mail
                                to those who have posted, as well as
                                edit and delete their own items.  Fully 
                                multinode, non standard IRQ's, fossil 
                                driver support and much more.
                                (C)opyright 1997 Lounge Software
olv100.zip    201363 08-05-2024 
online.zip     34274 08-05-2024 FREEWARE! Door for Single Line BBS.
                                Supports TriBBS, PCBoard, GAP (DOOR.SYS)
                                Spitfire,  WildCat!, and RBBS.
                                Replaces the useless command of who's
                                online! Makes people think you are 
                                running a 10 line BBS!
                                Setup is a snap!
                                By Mike Gingrich, North Shore, CA.
onlin_15.zip  116212 08-05-2024 OnLine! Door v1.5 -- View/Search TEXT files
                                online! Supports COM 1-4, multinodes and
                                DESQview aware, automatic maintenance,
                                colorful screens, and much more! Have up
                                to 15 sub-menus -- 225 articles! Now
                                Supports ZModem downloads from within the
                                T&J Software
pbl_141.zip    90766 08-05-2024 PBBSList - Online BBS listing door.
                                Mutli-nodes, desqview, and most of the major
                                BBSes supported.
perso101.zip  126924 08-05-2024 Personal Information Library (PIL) 
                                Ver. 1.0.  Allow BBS users to get to 
                                know one another.  The PIL allows users 
                                to enter biographical information about 
                                themsleves.  Other users can then look 
                                at this information. Supports Non-
                                Standard comports and IRQs.  Supports 
                                PCB, WC3.x/4.x, and many others.
pick3.zip      51083 08-05-2024 Pick Three Gamble Your Log On Time Door For
                                Spitfire BBS Systems.  Very Easy To Set Up
                                And Play.  Should Work On Almost Any Com
                                Set Up.  Share Ware But Not Crippled.  Enjoy!
                                Recompiled On 11-15-94 Fixes Small Bug.
pnote20.zip   134352 08-05-2024 <<<<<<<<<<< Post * A * Note! v2.0 >>>>>>>>>>>
                                -=-=-=-=-= By  Freejack's Software =-=-=-=-=-
                                For use with TriBBS 10.x and TriBBS PRO Only!
                                This is a Door that will allow a caller to do
                                hyper searching in either Real or  Alias name
                                mode, using  either  Full   or  Partial  Name
                                searches, and  select  up to 20 users on your
                                BBS to post up  to a 15  line note to.   Auto
                                word wrapping of text to the next line. Notes
                                are created as  a  User Specific logon Screen
                                as defined  by  your TriBBS Docs.  The screen
                                is  colorful  with a  surrounding  3-D  style
                                border. When a Sysop logs into the door, they
                                are allowed the oportunity  to send a Note to
                                ALL their users at one time.   This Door uses
                                it's own internal indexing system  which  can
                                be  built  and  maintained  by included  file
                                called Makepdx.exe  that  can be ran in  your
                                nightly event or between batch file. 
profil18.zip  157420 08-05-2024 PROFILE     -     Door           v1.8      .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                Give your users a way to answer questions 
                                about themselves which will be viewable by 
                                other callers. If your BBS software will 
                                allow, you can FORCE new callers into the 
                                Door. The Sysop designs the questions!!!
                                ATTACH PICTURES TO USER PROFILES.....!!!!...
                                As with all Sunrise Doors, supports 
                                NON-Standard IRQs, fossils, digiboards, etc.
prview2a.zip  152671 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                            PREVIEW VER 2.1a           
                                     New Improved Network Support      
                                Create one GIF from 79, include a BBS  
                                logo in the collage created, support   
                                for 7 different BBS types, COM 1 - 15, 
                                non-standard IRQ support, file         
                                downloading handled within the door    
                                including external protocol support for
                                complete custom configureation, custom 
                                menus, file search and flagging.       
psurvey2.zip   83921 08-05-2024 PowerSurvey v2.0
                                Tired of trying to setup a "simple" 
                                survey with a not so simple 'survey' 
                                program-- that takes hours to set-up? 
                                PowerSurvey is a simple, yet powerful 
                                program that will assist the sysop
                                in getting information from a user. 
                                PowerSurvey can be used as a New User 
                                Survey, as well as any other 
                                survey/questionaire that the sysop
                                may need to create. Some suggestions 
                                include the New User Survey, a File 
                                Request 'door', a personals questionaire, 
                                a "rate-my-bbs" survey....the 
                                possibilities are endless. Should run on
                                any bbs that can produce a DOOR.SYS dropfile.
                                Multi-node capable.
pwrlst20.zip  100460 08-05-2024 POWERLIST v2.00 - BEST BBSListing door!
                                * Previously called BBSList (v1.40)!
                                * User interface like no other BBS
                                  listing door!  Users can use their
                                  arrow keys to scroll through the
                                * Search, Color Configurable, Cuss
                                  Editor, Configurable Text OutPut
                                  Listing, Split Screen Chat,
                                * FULL Multi-Tasking Support!
                                * Upto 32,000 Entries Available
                                * Download Function (Several Protocols)
                                * BBS Editing Functions
                                * Remote SysOp Functions!
                                * DOOR.SYS/DORINFO1.DEF/CALLINFO.BBS
                                * *NEW* Sort/Delete Utility!
                                * *NEW* Personalized BBS Ads!
                                * Not Crippled, No Pauses!
pwrprfl1.zip   81611 08-05-2024 POWER PROFILE 1.0
                                The official release of POWER PROFILE by
                                Ace Armstrong. This simple program allows
                                your users to tell people a little about
                                themselves.  Easy to setup. This version
                                fixes a couple of minor bugs in the
                                previous beta versions, and adds afew new
                                utilities.                   **FREEWARE**
qrdb42n.zip   254499 08-05-2024 QRDB is a dBase Compatable Database BBS Door.
                                runs as a door or Stand-Alone. Display, Search
                                Browse, Build or Edit .DBF and .DBT files.
                                also display flatfiles such as the Darwin BBS
                                list. When used as a door, DorInfo1.Def or
                                Door.sys is required. Read and Write security
                                levels can be set for each database. Text
                                in menus and prompts is stored in a .DBF file
                                can be edited.
qread33.zip   147380 08-05-2024 QReader 3.3.  Powerful on-line text reader
                                for publications, tutorials, reports, etc.
                                Scroll text with PgDn, PgUp, Home and End.
                                Full featured Find & Repeat-find facility.
                                Displays entire page around the found text.
                                Scroll left & right for text over 80 chars.
                                Download capability.  Highly configurable.
                                Permits grouping of text items by subject.
                                Uses standard & non-standard COM or FOSSIL.
racnt10.zip    10593 08-05-2024 RA Count v1.0 - A RemoteAccess v2.*
                                Total Call utility.  Command line utility
                                to change the number of calls reported to
                                the bbs.  Used for corrupted or lost
                                SYSINFO.BBS. ! FREE !  By jLc Software.
racnum22.zip   19937 08-05-2024 RACNUM.EXE RemoteAccess v2.xx Caller
                                Number Editor
                                - Also distributed as part of the
                                RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
                                by McSoft Corp. 
racost31.zip  121836 08-05-2024  Timbyte Tool for RA2 Online Phone Cost
                                 RACOST  -  One of the Timbyte Tools! 
                                 An online Door to show users of the  
                                 Remote Access BBS systems the info   
                                 about their phonecost, connect time, 
                                 area info, local netnumbers, and     
                                 the amount of money spend during the 
                                 call. Needs RA version 2.00 and up!  
                                 For the latest version call:         
                                 Timbyte BBS I     +31-1720-42762     
                                 Timbyte BBS II    +31-1720-39994     
rad213.zip    157931 08-05-2024 
rad215.zip     97206 08-05-2024 RAD Plus - REMOTE ACCESS DATABASE is a
                                dBASE compatible Database Door.  Lotus
                                like online menus or a command mode
                                using basic xbase like commands. Has
                                SysOp related features like Chat, Jump
                                to DOS, Toggle User Levels, immediate
                                hangup, etc. Displays info files on
                                databases, has user passwords. Can be
                                maintained remotely. For any BBS system
                                that can create a Dorinfo1.def file.
radar.zip      81558 08-05-2024 
radcd102.zip   85093 08-05-2024 RADCD v1.02: RemoteAccess Dropped Carrier
                                Detector Reads RA.LOG and posts message to
                                users who drop caller. Supports Multi-Line
                                systems. Supports HUDSON and JAM message
                                bases. Sysop definable "User Message" Sysop
                                Report - MsgBase or Netmail Creates optional
                                ANS/ASC screens.
radoor30.zip  164245 08-05-2024 LiveSystems RADoor 3.0,
                                Write your own RA, QBBS or SBBS doors
                                with multinode, language and bbs support.
                                This archive contains full pascal source,
                                little docu and a number of demo's. Give
                                your doors all the features of the
                                LiveSystems doors!
raecc101.zip   31465 08-05-2024 
raecu100.zip   17124 08-05-2024  RAECU v1.0 - (c)1995 Steve Miller 
                                RemoteAccess  Echo Character Utility v1.0
                                This is a great little utility which will
                                allow  the  sysop  to  generate  a random
                                password   echo   character  through  the
                                command line.  I use it every time a user
                                logs off.  Also has a clean interface for
                                simply  letting  the sysop choose an echo
                                character   from  the  extended  (Hi-bit)
                                ASCII character set.  XANADU SOFTWARE    
rafilt.zip     10432 08-05-2024 
rahist10.zip  138551 08-05-2024 
ralck002.zip    3241 08-05-2024 
raldmp11.zip   10872 08-05-2024 *** RALDUMP 1.01 *** FREEWARE! ****
                                   ** Minor Bug Fix Release **
                                Dump RemoteAccess language files to a
                                formatted text file list. Prompt
                                numbers, prompt hotkeys, defined color,
                                and text are all given. Program is
                                released as a Free utility.
                                From RaLin Software!
ralog11.zip    95432 08-05-2024 
                                RALOG 1.1 (NOW SUPPORTS ARJ,PKZIP,ZOO,LHA,PAK
                                PKPAK,LHARC) This program  
                                was written by an RA SysOp who, has grown
                                tired of Log file maintence.   
                                This program, when run as a nightly event in
                                your maintenence routine,   
                                will archive your log file into a zip file,
                                with the date as the name    
                                of the file. Example: Today's date is 5/25/94
                                 you run RALOG.  Your      
                                RA.LOG fill will be put into an archive
                                called 19940525.XXX.             
                                Requires at least one of: ARJ,PKZIP,ZOO,LHA
ralp100b.zip   23655 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  RALPURGE  v1.00 (c) 1995 
                                  A RemoteAccess Log Purger.  Ever  
                                 wanted to clear down your RA log   
                                 file but keep the last x number of 
                                 days.  Now you can plus its 100%         
                                 FREEware.  Another Boiled Sweets   
                                 Music production.                  
                                  RALPURGE  v1.00 (c) 1995 
ramag20.zip   149871 08-05-2024 LiveSystems RA magazine door 2.0:
                                Read electronic magazines online.  Many
                                improvements, Read magazines online.  This
                                door can handle ReadRoom (RAH, Ruby, etc),
                                Emag/Link, flatfile (FidoNews) and it's own
                                Magazine formated magazinefiles.  It has
                                indirect support for USA-ToDay.  A freely
                                distributable reader for the magazine format
                                is included.This door is written for
                                RemoteAccess 2.0 but also has a DORINFO?.DEF
                                mode usable for other BBS programs.  Dutch
                                Quality ShareWare: Only 25 Dutch Guilers.
ramaint.zip    31420 08-05-2024 A RemoteAccess (1.1x / 2.0x) maintenance
                                scheduler takes less than 25K of disk 
                                space and allows complete configurable
                                control of all RA support programs and 
                                utilities. A must for RA SysOps with 
                                limited time and a desire to make their
                                systems look like they spend twice the
                                time maintaining them. Use this version
ramaxmnu.zip    8439 08-05-2024 
ramj10.zip     10326 08-05-2024 
ramodems.zip    7661 08-05-2024 Collection of Modem setups for RemoteAccess. 
                                Includes INIT strings and
                                NVRAM configurations.
randans2.zip   49641 08-05-2024 
random11.zip    4807 08-05-2024 
ranull15.zip   18079 08-05-2024 
rasv14.zip     18227 08-05-2024 RAS V1.4
                                If you operate a conventional BBS, you need
                                RAS!  If you have a need to remotely access
                                your PC, you can use RAS for that too. First,
                                Remote Access System provides a simple way to
                                inform your users when your BBS is
                                temporarily off line. Second, RAS provides a
                                password protected doorway to DOS so you can
                                access your operating system remotely. RAS
                                is fast and easy to set up and get going.
ratocal5.zip    9078 08-05-2024 
ratop.zip      25744 08-05-2024 
ratpak22.zip  150995 08-05-2024 RemoteAccess v2.xx Tools/Utilities Package by
                                McSoft Corp.
                                Remote Dos Chat Program,Caller Number Backup
                                Expiration Date Scanner, User Flag Finder,
                                Log FrontDoor calls to Todays Callers List,
                                Batch File Time Delay Utility,
                                Online Free Disk Space Door/DOS Utility,
                                Manipulate the USERON.BBS (List of callers
                                FrontDoor File Request List creator, Caller
                                Number Editor,
                                Find Files on your BBS,Todays Call Log Trimmer
                                View Todays Callers From DOS Prompt,
                                View Callers Currently Online From DOS Prompt
rats006c.zip   41201 08-05-2024 
rausdc.zip      9877 08-05-2024 
ravip101.zip   64354 08-05-2024 RaVip v1.01: Scans RA log, dectects VIP
                                callers via VIP.CTL, posts message to Sysop
                                that they called, also condensed activity
                                report. Sysop message to MsgBase or Netmail.
                                Supports Hudson/Jam. Can use alternate
                                control file, alone or WITH VIP.CTL! Freeware
                                from RaLin Software! "A missing part of RA"
razor_t.zip    20967 08-05-2024 
ra_conte.zip  114263 08-05-2024 RA-CONTE 2.0 Utility for all the BBS softs
                                able to generate a DOOR.SYS file. Makes your
                                BBS announce in a cloud digitised voice all
                                User Logons, User Actions on the Board etc.
                                You need a Sound Blaster.
rcmd20.zip     12261 08-05-2024 
rdrm32.zip    172824 08-05-2024 READROOM v3.2 RIPped online magazine door.
                                Support for ASCII, ANSI text, ANSIART & RIP
                                Holds 99 publications in the READROOM.TOC
                                format.  Designed for ease of updating
                                on single and multi-node systems.  Users can
                                d/l pub. using any protocol sysop allows.
                                Uses DOOR.SYS standard and supports 16550UART
                                locked and non-standard com ports. FOSSIL &
                                DigiBoards support added!
rds_v201.zip  164155 08-05-2024 RDS is a remote DOS-shell. It is not a
                                DOORWAY  alike program but a program
                                to perform various (maintenance) functions
                                with FULL security on ALL specified drives
                                directories and files. It can be setup for
                                single users, a multiple number of users
                                or EVEN ALL users. RDS gives the protection
                                YOU like while maintaining a full DOS shell
remdir55.zip   94813 08-05-2024 Remote Directory! The Remote
                                Sysops Best Friend. 
                                Remote Directory is a full featured
                                file management utility. Copy, Move,
                                Delete, Download any file on your
                                system from a remote! Many more 
                                features, a must see!
remind18.zip  123248 08-05-2024 REMIND ME !   - Reminder Door           v1.8
                                **  Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                Callers leave REMINDERS to themselves. They
                                are reminded daily/on a specific date/day of
                                week/date of the month. Reminders displayed
                                to caller when Door is opened; automatically
                                if you make it AutoLogin. SYSOP can leave
                                reminders to all/specific Security levels or
                                SPECIFIC user. Supports Fossil-based Multi-
                                Port cards, including PCBoard /M version!
reqst12.zip   100571 08-05-2024 File Request Processor Version 1.1
                                  Let's your users do FREQ's with
                                  out bothering you. Will write a 
                                  Netmail FREQ for you to decide
                                  if you want to let your user 
                                  retrive this file for you.
rfg_logf.zip    3619 08-05-2024 auTo LoGoFF v1.0 - FuLLY CoNFiGuRaBLe
rkdwi25.zip     7098 08-05-2024 RKDWI 2.1 - Doorway Interface from RKWARE
                                Had problems starting multiple programs
                                inside Doorway? Run RKDWI and it runs
                                the programs for you! This release
                                adds support of alternate data files.
rlmlst22.zip  327594 08-05-2024         Realm-List   Version 2.2          
                                       THE ULTIMATE ONLINE BBS LIST       
                                  Multi-Node capable                      
                                  Easy edit/delete menu                   
                                  Duplicate record detection              
                                  Multi topic search feature              
                                  Users can download list                 
                                  Compact/Expanded list                   
                                  Upload & View ANSI avertisements        
                                  Family/Adult only/Adult areas distinct  
                                   Works with                             
                                   Spitfire, and any system that produces 
                                   DORINFO1.DEF/DOOR.SYS drop files       
                                       Released as <<<>>>       
rmwiz210.zip   80926 08-05-2024 
roundbat.zip   68116 08-05-2024 
rp_260.zip     76408 08-05-2024 RegPRO v2.60 - The world's premier online
                                questionnaire system!  Complete with fully
                                customizeable online entry forms and field
                                definitions.  Supports most major BBS types.
                                From Cairo Research Labs - 1992
rqi20.zip      88410 08-05-2024 
rsh_104.zip    89418 08-05-2024 
rss_100.zip    52268 08-05-2024 
rumors10.zip   51196 08-05-2024 RUMORS v1.0 - A simple module for Falken
                                BBS systems that will spread rumors that
                                you users enter to certain areas at random.
sad103.zip     36030 08-05-2024 Spots Advertisements 1.03
                                Pottsware by Simeon Potts, 1997
                                A simple, sophisticated, Ansi,
                                Classified Ads door program.  
                                4 to 8 Categories, 50 ads each.
safed120.zip   81444 08-05-2024 -=  SafeDOS Shell 1.20 first release  =-
                                SafeDOS:  A safe DOS shell BBS door.  Allows
                                authorized users to access your DOS without
                                accidentally "hanging" the BBS.  Password
                                protected!  Provides a fake DOS shell/format 
                                to trap those unsuspecting hackers-to-be!  
                                Displays a list of users who tried to delete 
                                or format files.  Shareware.
samplang.zip    6867 08-05-2024 
sbase110.zip   61194 08-05-2024 
scdon110.zip   47209 08-05-2024 
                                   SQUIRE WHAT CD IS ONLINE? 1.10
                                Do you own a BBS?  Got more than 1 
                                CD that you put online to your 
                                users?  If so this program is for 
                                YOU.  It tells the users what CD 
                                your BBS currently has online.  This
                                New Version includes terrific ANSi 
                                screens and a cool gauge line for 
                                the UnRegistered Version.
                                WORKS ON MANY BBS'S..  INCLUDING RA, 
                                EZYCOM, WILDCAT, PCBOARD, TRIBBS,
                                PHOENIX, WWIV, 2AM, Plus Many More!
                                  $5 Registration Fee - By SQUIRE
scrnsave.zip    7751 08-05-2024 RIP 2.0 Online Screen Saver (fish tank)
secdos10.zip   49455 08-05-2024  SecureDOS   V. 1.00ķ
                                 SecureDOS makes your Drop To DOS command 
                                 SAFE!  SecureDOS allows you to let your  
                                 cosysops to drop to a DOS emulator and   
                                 have almost all the power of actually    
                                 being in DOS, without the danger.  You   
                                 can specify directories that are out of  
                                 reach, and individual files too.  Has    
                                 many extras too, such as an ANSI FULL    
                                 Screen File Editor, a File Finding       
                                 command & More!  Shareware!  Only $5!    
servup01.zip   91234 08-05-2024 ServeUp File Door Version 1.0 
                                Offers a file to users and lets them
                                download it.  Keeps track of users who
                                download it and does not bother them 
                                after they do. Custom screens, sysop
                                defined protocols, @VARIABLES@, and 
                                RIPscrip support. Perfect for new
                                user registration packets.
                                By Keith S. Kolbo 
setcalls.zip    9290 08-05-2024 
setel.zip        947 08-05-2024 SETEL.COM allows you to 'set' an errorlevel.
                                SYNTAX: SETEL n  will set an an errorlevel
                                of n. Any pgm that looks for an errorlevel
                                should, thereafter, return the value as n.
sfdel260.zip   33251 08-05-2024 CHECKDEL.EXE and RM.EXE will safely
                                delete files. version 2.50
sfile201.zip  107084 08-05-2024 Suggested Files v2.01
                                (c) 1994-96 Intuitive Vision Software
                                Logon utility/door that allows you to
                                present your callers with a list of files
                                that you suggest your they download. Your
                                users can download right from Suggested
                                Files!  Up to 25 configurable files with
                                descriptions!                   SHAREWARE
shellv1.zip    39542 08-05-2024 Shell v1.0 BBS drop-to-DOS
                                DOOR with selected commands
shell_23.zip   18333 08-05-2024 THE SHELL GAME - Ver 2.2, a PPE for
                                PCBoard 15.2.  A game of chance that
                                recreates the Shell Game.  Find the
                                hidden pea under one of the shells,
                                try to avoid being arrested, and try
                                not to let the ShellMaster cheat you!
                                Features a monthly and Hall of Fame
                                scoring record.  From Galahad Software.
showf21.zip    44994 08-05-2024 LiveSystems ShowFile 2.1: The final utility
                                show textfiles. Multilanguage, up/down
                                searching and online help. Freeware! For RA2
showl11b.zip  258624 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                       * SHOW-LOG 1.1b *        
                                 OS/2 and DOS version included  
                                -comfortable Logfile-Viewer for 
                                 MD, FD, RA, BINK, T-MAIL,       
                                 McMAIL, INTERMAIL, PROBOARD,   
                                 MAX., CONCORD & SBBS           
                                -comes now with a code-table to 
                                 use it with any mailer or bbs  
                                -is aware of multiline-systems  
                                -simple cost-calculating        
                                -creats reports as netmail or   
                                 text to different recipients   
                                -freely defineable subjects     
                                 and report-templates           
                                -shows both, mailer- and online-
                                 calls on one screen            
                                -by pressing a key you will see 
                                 the related logfile-extract    
                                -recognices incoming FAX-Calls  
                                -able to shorten all logfiles   
                                -freely defineable colors       
                                -releases timeslices            
                                -reads more, freely defineable- 
                                 logfiles (max. 50)             
                                -able to open logfiles even when
                                 they are in use bye the mailer 
                                -and many, many other features  
                                  ENGLISH AND GERMAN VERSION    
                                --  by M.Becker & S.Boettner  -
showl1b9.zip  103625 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                      * SHOW-LOG 1.09 *        
                                -comfortable Logfile-Viewer for 
                                 MD, FD, RA, BINK, T-MAIL,       
                                 McMAIL, INTERMAIL, PROBOARD,   
                                 MAX., CONCORD & SBBS           
                                -reads more, freely defineable- 
                                 lofgiles (max. 50)             
                                -freely defineable colors       
                                -is aware of multiline-systems  
                                -creats reports as netmail or   
                                 text to different recipients   
                                -freely defineable subjects,    
                                 header and footer of netmails  
                                -shows both, mailer- and online-
                                 calls on one screen            
                                -by pressing a key you will see 
                                 the related logfile-extract    
                                -recognices incoming FAX-Calls  
                                -able to shorten all logfiles   
                                -releases timeslices            
                                -able to open logfiles even when
                                 they are in use bye the mailer 
                                  ENGLISH AND GERMAN VERSION    
                                --  by M.Becker & S.Boettner  -
showtime.zip   13925 08-05-2024 TDBS text file display program (new v1.3)
shuffl31.zip  163079 08-05-2024 Word Shuffle  -  Door Game     v3.1        .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                Word letters are shuffled and the player must
                                unscramble them. Includes a database/event
                                manager. Supports Fossil-based Multi-Port 
                                cards, including the PCBoard /M version!
slog.zip       39750 08-05-2024 
smbbslv3.zip  201243 08-05-2024 
smdiv25.zip   125200 08-05-2024 
smm_210.zip   418360 08-05-2024 Synchronet Match Maker (BBS door) v2.10
                                supports any DOOR.SYS or Synchronet BBS.
                                Internationally networked profiles, 
                                telegrams, wall, photographs, and more! 
                                Developed by Rob Swindell, author of
                                Synchronet BBS Software. Perhaps the most 
                                comprehensive match maker available.
                                NOW FREEWARE! http://www.synchro.net
solong10.zip    3798 08-05-2024 
sports1f.zip   64435 08-05-2024 SportsDirect 1.1f  A great door to view
                                the SPORT data down from PlanetConnect!
                                SD offers a great user interface, and a
                                fast database system that decreases the
                                amount of diskspace required. Users can
                                select conferences to ignore or join as
                                well as being able to download packages
                                of new articles in selected conferences
                                Now can also keyword search articles!!!
ssbbsrip.zip    5521 08-05-2024 
stab_410.zip   88108 08-05-2024 Sync_TABS Synchronet TABS Door V4.10
                                * New Anti-ID-Hacker Support
                                * Test Drive Access Option
                                - Special Subscription Events (SSE)
                                - Monthly Profit Statistics
                                - Multiple Subscription Levels
                                - Support for $10, $25 & Alternate $
                                Synchronet TABS Door is for SysOps
                                who are clients of TABS.
                                2/Jan/1995 Shareware $15 by
                                Dean Lodzinski, Hologram Computing
                                (908) 727-1914 & (908) 727-2767
                                TABS is a service of True Media,
                                Inc. 1270 Clearmont Street, Palm Bay,
                                FL 32905 407-722-3150
stgen107.zip  108209 08-05-2024 USRSTATS GENERIC version 1.07  7/12/95 
                                This version of USRSTATS will work with 
                                almost any BBS or COMM program!  Supports 
                                FOSSIL mode, any port and IRQ, and speeds 
                                up to 115.2K.  Multi-node aware and super 
                                easy setup as a standard DOOR application 
                                or via DOS shell!  Now public domain, and
                                includes QB source code.  Now supports
                                USRSTAT2 V4.x.
stmk11.zip     42027 08-05-2024 Story Maker 1.1 Entertaining door game.  
story.zip      93837 08-05-2024 MAKE A STORY DOOR; Callers can read and add
                                to never ending multiple choice story
                                adventures. Includes a story editor.
story11.zip    47684 08-05-2024 Story Door is a DOOR Program that will run on
                                most any BBS
                                It allows the SysOp to set up a Story that
                                users can
                                Read and add to.  Run and Tested on Wildcat 4
                                Also allows Reading of a Previously Finised
                                FREEware.  Version 1.1. Added some info to the
                                DOC file.
                                By: Jim McCracken of CoCo Beach BBS (804)
storynes.zip   82555 08-05-2024 The Never Ending Story - EXCITING NEW DOOR
                                from KattleSoft.  A door where users can
                                read and enter new imaginative stories.
                                Features full color ANSI screens and 
                                multinode aware.  Sysops can have up to
                                8 stories going simultaniously as well
                                as create their own special stories.
                                Copyright 1995, Shane Guay, KattleSoft.
sunhof16.zip   89811 08-05-2024 Sunrise Doors HOF BLT Generator     v1.6    .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                SUNHOF is a utility used to create a SET of
                                HALL of FAME bulletins for selected Sunrise
                                Door Software games on the 1st of each month;
                                automatically via an EVENT. Will also clear
                                files for a new game. Can only be used with
                                Cryptograms and Word Shuffle !!
swr300b2.zip   13356 08-05-2024 
sys_mon2.zip   22926 08-05-2024 
tame334.zip   108925 08-05-2024 TAME Release 3.33
                                Speeds multitasking of DOS 
                                applications in Windows, OS/2, 
                                Windows 95, Windows NT, 
                                DESQview, Double DOS and many more.
tc32201.zip   770236 08-05-2024 Take Command/32 v2.01 - New! (February 1998)
                                release of JP Software's 32-bit GUI command
                                processor for MS Windows 95 and NT (for
                                Intel-compatible CPUs).  Command
                                enhancements, over 50 new commands, dozens of
                                powerful batch file features, many other
                                unique command line tools.  4DOS/4NT
                                compatible, dozens of new Windows-related
                                features as well.  Shareware, $69.95 full
                                registration.  02-02-98 release A.
tdk_134a.zip 1077964 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 BBS Utiliteez Software 
                                 TDK (The DoorKit) v1.34 is the first door 
                                 development kit of its kind!  This is the 
                                 original MAX Graphics compatible door kit 
                                 and is guaranteed to always be 100% up to 
                                 date with the MAX Graphics specification! 
                                 Also supports ANSI/TTY/RIP/AVATAR as well 
                                 as full local SVGA graphics viewing. This 
                                 kit is 100% FREEWARE, includes all source 
                                 code, sample programs,  and all units are 
                                 fully commented. This kit is dependent on 
                                 the UltraBGI graphics development kit and 
                                 Requires Borland Pascal 7.0 w/Objects, or 
                                 regular Turbo Pascal 7.0....CHECK IT OUT! 
tech0195.zip   13652 08-05-2024 TECH-NET: Need help with a system, program or
                                just want the latest industry scoop? If you
                                answered Yes to the above, then download this
                                Info Packet now! Tech-Net is a dedicated
                                technical QWK/REP-based E-MAIL Network. We
                                are presently expanding and looking for both
                                Hubs & Nodes to join our Net! This Info
                                Packet contains everything you need to apply
                                for Hub/Node or Moderator access!
tfmdoor.zip    23506 08-05-2024    Ŀ
                                The File Manager Door
                                Now you can manage your    
                                 Computer *SAFELY* from    
                                   Anywhere you are!       
                                  This door is a "Norton   
                                 Commander like"! you can  
                                 Rename & Run dos commands!
                                  No fear from Hackers!    
                                 You can protect this door 
                                 With a password so only   
                                 You or Anybody else you   
                                  Want could access this   
                                  Door! In this version    
                                 Added some new options &  
                                 Major bugs has been fixed!
                                   so... D/L this File     
                                 Now!.......You sure wont  
                                    Be dissapointed!       
                                [Yuval Shayevits]
thesites.zip  116917 08-05-2024 The Sites is a BBS Utility which callers can
                                use to enter their favorite WEB, FTP, and
                                TELNET sites into a database. Callers can use
                                this door to view the database and find some
                                great sites to checkout from other callers.
                                Works with many different drop file formats
                                and BBS Software. Registration is $10.00.
                                Distributed via BBS Archives.
tlog100.zip    32478 08-05-2024 /---------------------------------------\
                                |  ----==TRASH-LOG==----      v1.00     |
                                | Tired of  programs making  logs  that |
                                | contains tons of useless information? |
                                | Well, Trashlog  will  remove  all the | 
                                | lines that you don't like!            |
                                |    ***********FREEWARE***********     |
                                |      (c)1997 Maciek Bukczynski        |
tlst130a.zip  130532 08-05-2024 
                                ޳    TurboLIST Version 1.30a    ޳
                                TurboLIST is an online BBS listingdoor
                                for RemoteAccess v2.xx or anything that
                                uses DORINFOx.DEF or DOOR.SYS dropfiles
                                Some features include :
                                 Cross-index searching
                                 Downloading (txt,telemate,terminate)
                                 Nodelist importing
                                 Users can upload ANSI ads of the BBS
                                 Completely run by light-bars!
                                by: Michael Helliker of Mikerosoft Pro.
topten26.zip   67445 08-05-2024 ͸
                                ۳ The User Top Ten List v2.6 ۳
                                  [ ShehkTech Software ]  
                                 A fun interactive BBS door 
                                 just like the Top Ten List 
                                 on that nighttime tv show. 
                                  Supports ANSI internally. 
                                   Users supply Topics and  
                                  Responses.  Registration  
                                    is only $9 US.  Full    
                                 DOOR.SYS and DOORINFOx.DEF 
                                   support.  Call Virtual   
                                      Insanity World HQ     
                                    or The PhilTheist BBS   
                                   for the latest products  
                                  from SHHKTCH Software!  
toz100.zip     61711 08-05-2024 Toz 1.00 is a very safe "DOS shell" BBS door.
                                -Multi-tasker aware
                                -Multi-node capable
                                -Fossil driver not required, but is supported
                                -Sysop determins how much space users can
                                -Nice ANSi colors 
                                -DOS commands supported:
                                  cls - dir - del - ren - help
                                -Non DOS commands:
                                  sz (send zmodem) - rz (receive zmodem)
                                -Sysop can log valid commands, times, dates
                                -Users can only manipulate files within the
                                  current directory
tridls40.zip  163880 08-05-2024 |--------------------------------------|
                                |     TRIDLS Version 4.0               |
                                |TRIDLS v4.0  is a small little Door   |
                                |that is designed to allow your users  |
                                |to view the initial logon screens     |
                                |after they have logged onto your      |
                                |system.  New FEATURES in version 4.0  |
                                |include the following:                |
                                |                                      |
                                | Rip Screens NOW supported!  TriDLS   |
                                | now supports RIP SCRIPT GRAPHICS in  | 
                                | the LOCAL & REMOTE MODES...  It also |
                                | supports a MULTI-NODE BBS and FOSSIL |
                                | driver support as well.              |
                                | And BEST of all it is FREEWARE!!     |
                                | Just drop the registration form in   |
                                | in the mail or call Aviator's Heaven |
                                | (540) 254-2099 to register online!   |
turbobla.zip   10602 08-05-2024 
twitdef.zip    11493 08-05-2024 TWITDEF  is a hilarious Sysop  definition
                                of the  TWITS and LAMERS that call BBSes.
                                It provides a bit of humor for the reader
                                and makes him stop to  reflect and see if
                                he may be the one being described!  These
                                two  colorized  screens  are TriBBS-ready
                                to be used as bulletins or logon screens.
                                Simply rename the included  .ANS and .BBS
                                screens and you are ready to go.  Another
                                set of freeware screen from Stalag 13 BBS
txtidx10.zip   84830 08-05-2024 (v1.00) TextIndex, index textfiles and
                                easily search through them.
                                The TextIndex-package can create indexes
                                of textfiles, and will allow users to
                                search through these indexes very
                                quickly. They can select files, view
                                them and possibly download them.
                                For RemoteAccess 2.xx or as standalone.
                                Multi-language support. Great for large
                                collections of textfiles, like genealogy
                                files. Created by K.A. Vermeer.
txtvw101.zip   14560 08-05-2024 
t_26ara1_0.zip    9792 08-05-2024 The T&A door stands for Tips & Advice.  The
                                purpose of this door is for the
                                sysop to have a tip or advice comment to be
                                displayed to the user.  It will
                                generate a ASCII and ANSI bulletin file that
                                you the sysop defines.
ucss_v13.zip   35271 08-05-2024  UCSS * User Check Security System ް
                                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ް
                                 For use with any DORINFO1.DEF     ް
                                 compatible system!  FreeWare!     ް
                                 A nice secondary security measure ް
                                 to help keep hacking sysops or    ް
                                 users from using someone elses    ް
                                 account should they get ahold of  ް
                                 their password.  v1.13            ް
                                 FREEWARE FROM S&G SOFTWARE!       ް
                                    Deletion is Now Available!           
ul1.zip        15219 08-05-2024 Ϳ
                                         Ulogger   v1.0 ۲      
                                     (C)1994 Heavenware Software    
                                The Ultimate Logger will search your
                                bbs.log for up to 10 keywords and   
                                create a great looking ANSI &ASCII 
                                bulletin as a report. Keywords are  
                                Sysop definable. Very Fast!  $15.00 
ulti20.zip     54669 08-05-2024 * * UltiList 2.0 - The Ultimate BBS List  * *
                                Awesome graphics, many features!  Post a new
                                BBS into some message bases!  Extensive
                                searching capablities, brief and in-depth
                                lists of bulletin board systems.  Usable with
                                any BBS supporting DOOR.SYS, such as PCBoard,
                                RemoteAccess, Wildcat, TriBBS, Spitfire,
                                Renegade, Telegard, etc.  Multitasker aware.
                                Download UltiList Today!
usbbs191.zip   71539 08-05-2024 USBBS: The National BBS List for April 2000.
                                USBBS lists DIAL-UP systems, TELNET systems,
                                WEB BBS systems and combinations of these.
                                The USBBS List has been serving the on-line
                                community since 1984 with monthly updates.
                                There is no charge for a BBS to be listed.
                                There are no charges to use the USBBS List.
usbbs193.zip   70615 08-05-2024 USBBS: The National BBS List for June 2000.
                                -+-+-+-> 16th ANNIVERSARY EDITION <-+-+-+-
                                USBBS lists DIAL-UP systems, TELNET systems,
                                WEB BBS systems and combinations of these.
                                The USBBS List has been serving the on-line
                                community since 1984 with monthly updates.
                                There is no charge for a BBS to be listed.
                                There are no charges to use the USBBS List.
usbbs196.zip   70315 08-05-2024 USBBS: The National BBS List for Sept. 2000.
                                USBBS lists DIAL-UP systems, TELNET systems,
                                WEB BBS systems and combinations of these.
                                The USBBS List has been serving the on-line
                                community since 1984 with monthly updates.
                                There is no charge for a BBS to be listed.
                                There are no charges to use the USBBS List.
usbdor62.zip   86761 08-05-2024 USBBSDoor 6.2 - USBBS Listing Door (for DOS).
                                Display the National USBBS List by Area_Code,
                                State, New BBS, Web BBS and TELNET_Addresses.
                                Expands the symbols, Web BBS & Telnet info,
                                turning USBBS List's one line of data into
                                four lines of data displayed to the caller.
                                USBBS List edition #184 or later is required.
                                USBBSDoor: updated & supported for 12+ years!
usrst403.zip   65785 08-05-2024 USRSTATS Version 4.03 BETA 7/10/95
                                A unique troubleshooting and diagnostic
                                tool for use with USRobotics Courier and
                                Sportster modems.   New features include 
                                6 different video modes and a color-coded
                                analysis of the report data!
util_01.zip    17738 08-05-2024 Batch file utilities
                                to create a log file
                                and insert the time 
                                and date. And another
                                to trim the size 
                                of Loffiles Written by
                                Tom Beadle. Freeware.
vpix_32.zip   397136 08-05-2024 BBS GIF PREVIEW DOOR VIEWPIX v3.2
                                Your users can Preview GIFs online!
                                A fine addition to any BBS system.
                                ***  From No Anchovies  ***
wampansi.zip  325419 08-05-2024 
                                WAMPUM Remote 4.5 - ANSI/BBS Door Version
                                The ultimate multi-user, dBASE-compatible 
                                DOOR for virtually any BBS with DOOR spt. 
                                Now all your remote users can access any 
                                WAMPUM data base application. 360K req'd.
                                Ward Mundy, P.O. Box 1169, ATL, GA 30301.
wtchdg.zip     11203 08-05-2024 WatchDog 1.20 is a resident utility designed
                                for BBS'es and other remote operated compu-
                                ters. It monitors the Carrier on a COM port,
                                and also detects hanging programs (e.g.
                                faulty doorways). If carrier is lost or a
                                program hangs, the computer is rebooted.
                                Reboot may be delayed to allow lazy-write
                                caches flush their data to disk.
                                NEW: reboot at a specific ring count.
                                Zero-Registration Shareware        07-27-92
wz011.zip     101906 08-05-2024    ____
                                |:. \/:::/\____.:|-[wOEZINE!eMAG@ #O11]-.
                                |_ _____/  \  /_ | + sudden death,pogue,|
                                   _\  /   _____\|   ikarus,seth able __|
                                __/_______|pO(imp)   interviews.     \\_
                                |  _\  ___|____ __ + mysticbbs for linux|
                                | /________   /_ | + asciipack reviews  |
                                |_ _ __ |_______\| + being a betatester |
                                _:::::__ _ ______| + news, lookback and |
                                |__  ______\\ == |:. alot more...     .:|
                                 w e a r e b a c k, a f t e r 2 y e a r s
zbase202.zip  105348 08-05-2024 ZBase 2.02.1 Beta-RIP/Ansi BBS Lister
                                A great Door for your BBS Listings!
                                Features: Database, Display's 5 of 
                                your favorite BBS lists! Includes  
                                Ansibase a Dbase for Full screen   
                                adds for BBS's.  Users Upload adds 
                                directly into the dbase. Supports  
                                remote cursor control. Multi-Node, 
                                Non-Stand-IRQ/Addresses, to 115,200
zdansi1.zip   312021 08-05-2024 
ziptv21.zip    39596 08-05-2024 

                 Area 68 - Instinct Groups                

aht_2dstat.zip   11601 08-05-2024         ACTiVE HoUSE TRADERS 1996             
                                        Status 0.1 for iNSTiNCT
doodlers.zip   16808 08-05-2024  _____________ _ _________________          
                                 \            \          /       / [o1/o1]  
                                _:\  _  __    /    _____/  _____/_________:_
                                 | \/   _/  _/____ __) \____   \          | 
                                 |_/    \        / |   NeB /    \ REfUSED | 
                                _|\_____|\   _ _/__|____________/_________|_
                                r|        \    /                          |r
                                e|         \  /   presents                |e
                                f|          \/                            |f
                                u|         lAst-dOOdLers fOr iTC          |u
                                s|     A brAnd nEw lAst-cAlLer fOr iTC    |s
                                e| shOws thE 11 lAst cAllers in yAh lOgon |e
                                d|_    cOde: j-dOgg   AnsI: Zeus II      _|d
                                \__/                                    \__/
                                       ..: tHis pAssEd ThE phObia :..       
                                        ,,; +46-46-81518 - 18-06 ;,,        
dsa_2dwall.zip   14592 08-05-2024       tEAM dYSLEXiA pRESENTs
                                    /\______/\______  /\_____
                                   |____  \    ____/ /___,   |
                                   |   |   \____   \/    |   |
                                   |   !    \  !    \        |
                                   |________/_______/____|   |
                                   dWALL v1.1 fOR iNSTiNCT
                                   CoDED bY : ^zYCe^
dsg_2dspch.zip   15396 08-05-2024  __ _ __ _ __  _ _ ___
                                 ____________   _____)\   ________
                                 \_______    \_/  ____/__/  _____/__ dSG
                                   |    |    _\_____     \  \__     \ '95
                                 -|    |  _/     |       \   |      \--
                                   |_____  \________       \____      \_
                                <=====( DiSCHARGE PROUDLY PRESENTS )=====>
                                          SplitChat For iNSTiNCT  
                                            Code: Jools/Flexor
frl_2ddogc.zip   19606 08-05-2024 ͸
                                                DOGSON CHAT   
                                            for Instinct  
                                 Dogson Chat for Instinct! Great door.    
                                 Let your users chat with Dogson LIVE!    
                                <=[DiSK 1/1]====================[02.28.96]=>
itcfree.zip     8113 08-05-2024  T E A M - i N S T i N C T!  
                                   ܰ ۲  
                                ۲ ۲߱ ۱  
                                ۱   ۲ jNa   
                                 ۲      ް
                                ޲ ޲  ۱ 
                                ݱ۱    ܱ
                                  'quality sofware for iTC'  
                                 DeSC:[Marks all files in a]
                                      [conference as free]
                                -- ----
itctoday.zip   11813 08-05-2024  T E A M - i N S T i N C T!  
                                   ܰ ۲  
                                ۲ ۲߱ ۱  
                                ۱   ۲ jNa   
                                 ۲      ް
                                ޲ ޲  ۱ 
                                ݱ۱    ܱ
                                  'quality sofware for iTC'  
                                TiTLe:[Todays Files]
                                 DeSC:[Creates Todays-Ansi]
                                -- ----
itcue100.zip   45200 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                : iNSTiNCT USeR EDiTOR v1.00   FiRST BeTA 
                                 WeLL HeRe iT iS! THe NeW USeR EDiTOR FoR :
                                 aLL iNSTiNCT USeRS...WHiToUT FuCKeD KeYS 
                                 iMPRoVED USeR iNTeRFaCE...DRaG iT HoME.. 
                                 GRaNT CoPeRNoGE WHeRe EVeR YoU GO...     :
                                :       MaDE BY CoPeRNoGE   (C) 1995       
itcued05.zip   70865 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                     iTCUED by Caffer 95 PG         
                                 User Editor 4 iTC,. v0.1.14 Alpha  
                                  Can handle > 256 users           
itc_2ddiz3.zip   18511 08-05-2024    -   DiZ 3.0 for iNSTiNCT  -
                                    :      _____:   _ ___________
                                -  -(-----|%    |__  /_        %/'
                                    |     |     __/___|   _|___/
                                   _:     :     |     \    |   `\_
                                (--\_       ____       ___       /--)
                                .    `-----'    `--:--'   `-----'   .
                                :                                   .
                                | Utility to create file lists for  :
                                | iTC. You don't have to upload it  |
                                |        all locally                |
itc_2dhit1.zip    1365 08-05-2024 --------------------------
                                 iNSTiNCT GREATEST HITS#1
                                -------chat songs---------
                                   ALL TiME HiTS LiKE:
                                   "THiS iS THE WAY" 
                                   "THE TOPGUN THEME"
                                 LOOK FOWARD TO i.G.H #2
                                    WITH HITS LIKE:
                                 "SMOKE ON THE WATER",
                                "LEENDE GULDBRUNA OGON",
                                 AND "SATURDAY NIGHT"
                                -  PRODUCED SPRING 95 &  - 
                                -  RELEASED 95/07/12 BY  -
                                -    ChoOCoLaBaNG        -
                                = passed my brain first! =
itc_2dsngs.zip    1739 08-05-2024 Page Songs for Instinct
itc_2dtag3.zip   15029 08-05-2024        - TAG 3.0 for iNSTiNCT -
                                    :      _____:   _ ___________
                                -  -(-----|%    |__  /_        %/'
                                    |     |     __/___|   _|___/
                                   _:     :     |     \    |   `\_
                                (--\_       ____       ___       /--)
                                .    `-----'    `--:--'   `-----'   .
                                |   Utils which lets you TAG files  . 
                                |   for users online or on other    .  
                                |   nodes. Or to leech specific     |
                                :   files on command.               .
last100.zip    18905 08-05-2024  --      Last Ones   (itc 3.0+)     -
                                    :      _____:   _ ___________
                                -  -(-----|%    |__  /_        %/'
                                    |     |     __/___|   _|___/
                                   _:     :     |     \    |   `\_
                                (--\_       ____       ___       /--)
                                .    `-----'    `--:--'   `-----'   .
                                :    Last1s for Hangin' Gardens     .
                                | Featuring the new CTL file format :
                                |  Customizing ansis made easy!     |
lightbar.zip   12619 08-05-2024  __      __    _____
                                |  \    /  |  / ____|
                                |   \  /   |  \ \__ 
                                | |\ \/ /| |   \__ \
                                | | \  / | |  ____\ \
                                |_|  \/  |_| |______/
                                    LiGHTAR v1.0
                                How to make a
                                lightbar in iTCKiT
                                v1.0 including full
                                By Master Space
note1.zip      14815 08-05-2024 <-------------------------__---------------.
                                 .___.___.___  __________/_ _  u N i t E d |
                                 |   |   |__ \| _/_______/                 |
                                 |   :   |  \ \  \  /   \     pRESENTS:    |
                                 |   _.  l   \ \  \_  _  \_                |
                                .l____\  /____\    /___\  /oSN!------------'
                                |      \/    . \__/     \/             .
                                |            .                    .  . .. .
                                | nOtE fOR nEXt uSER for iTC 2,1
                                |         .  ..   .                    .
                                | coded by iNiT                         .
                                    -* rEBiRTh *-
nrv_2110ls.zip   12962 08-05-2024   another 'nerve production
                                      _.           _.
                                QQQ'   lQp.QQQ' `lQp.QQQ'  `lQQ
                                :$$l     :$$l:$$l     ,d$l:$$l     :$$l:
                                 $$$      $$$ $$$    `lQp.$$$      $$$
                                 l$$:     $$$:l$$:     `$:l$$:     l$$:
                                 :$$l     `$l:$$l      :$l:`*,. .,*' c1
                                         .,*'       .,*'
                                     coded by ozone , ansi by clavicle
                                        .,xX nerve in 97! Xx,.
nrv_21page.zip   18675 08-05-2024  the last nerve production
                                      _.           _.
                                QQQ'   lQp.QQQ' `lQp.QQQ'  `lQQ
                                :$$l     :$$l:$$l     ,d$l:$$l     :$$l:
                                 $$$      $$$ $$$    `lQp.$$$      $$$
                                 l$$:     $$$:l$$:     `$:l$$:     l$$:
                                 :$$l     `$l:$$l      :$l:`*,. .,*' c1
                                         .,*'       .,*'
                                 * pager for iNSTiNCT, passwd override *
                                          .,xX nerve in 97! Xx,.
nrv_21wall.zip   18627 08-05-2024   another 'nerve production
                                      _.           _.
                                QQQ'   lQp.QQQ' `lQp.QQQ'  `lQQ
                                :$$l     :$$l:$$l     ,d$l:$$l     :$$l:
                                 $$$      $$$ $$$    `lQp.$$$      $$$
                                 l$$:     $$$:l$$:     `$:l$$:     l$$:
                                 :$$l     `$l:$$l      :$l:`*,. .,*' c1
                                         .,*'       .,*'
                                      coded by ozone , ansi by clavicle
                                        .,xX nerve in 97! Xx,.
oct_2dpir8.zip   20487 08-05-2024         O.B.J.E.C.T.I.L.E
                                \_______   _________     ______  _  ____/
                                 _/    |    \_/    |______/       \___/
                                 \     |     \     |     \           \
                                  \_____      \_____      \_____      \_
                                             -PiR8-LiNER 1.0-
                                     'The Ultimate Wall For iNSTiNCT'
oct_2dweek.zip   15680 08-05-2024         O.B.J.E.C.T.I.L.E            
                                \_______   _________     ______  _  ____/
                                 _/    |    \_/    |______/       \___/
                                 \     |     \     |     \           \
                                  \_____      \_____      \_____      \_
                                       Weektop 1.0 for iNSTiNCT
plank240.zip   24597 08-05-2024 [T.O.Y.S.]ͻ
                                     The Klotter plank  v 2.40      
                                        by PeyloW of T.O.Y.S.        
                                 The best oneliner for the best BBS- 
                                   ware. Full setup for Sysop. And   
                                        easy to use for users.       
                                   More bugfixes and now works on    
                                         multi node systems.         
raz_2dpaus.zip    6838 08-05-2024 į FiRST RELiSE ͻ
                                :                  :
                                :                                 :
                                    20 ANiMATED PAUSE ANSi'S     
                                             FoR iTC             
                                į MADE BY: RAZEN ͼ
raz_2dprom.zip    6038 08-05-2024 į SECoND RELiSE ͻ
                                :                  :
                                :                                 :
                                         20 PRoMPT ANSi'S        
                                             FoR iTC             
                                į MADE BY: RAZEN ͼ
rbs_2dadu1.zip   14816 08-05-2024  BBS ADD UNDER TXT FiLES 1.O FOR iNSTiNCT
                                  _____________________________ __[01/01]
                                  \_ _  \_ ____/_ _  \_ ____/ |_\  ___/
                                  /    _/  ___)/    _/  ___)  | \___  \
                                 /   |  \_ |  \   |  \  |  \  :  \  :  \
                                 \___|   /___  \____  \___  \___  \___  \
                                  REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS.
rbs_2dit10.zip   20131 08-05-2024    TOP UPLOADERS 1.OO - iNSTiNCT UTiL
                                  _____________________________ __[01/01]
                                  \_ _  \_ ____/_ _  \_ ____/ |_\  ___/
                                  /    _/  ___)/    _/  ___)  | \___  \
                                 /   |  \_ |  \   |  \  |  \  :  \  :  \
                                 \___|   /___  \____  \___  \___  \___  \
                                  REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS.
rbs_2dt101.zip   18487 08-05-2024    TODAYS UPLOADS 1.O1 - iNSTiNCT UTiL
                                  _____________________________ __[01/01]
                                  \_ _  \_ ____/_ _  \_ ____/ |_\  ___/
                                  /    _/  ___)/    _/  ___)  | \___  \
                                 /   |  \_ |  \   |  \  |  \  :  \  :  \
                                 \___|   /___  \____  \___  \___  \___  \
                                  REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS.
rechat10.zip   46610 08-05-2024      
                                 -[ReChat v 1.0]-
                                 Great Chatter that works With every
                                   BBSProg that can use external prgs
                                   (RA, ITC, Wildcat and more...)
                                   Lots of features and yet simpel to
                                   use! TRYITOUT! - ReCoil '96 -
                                   - UNZIP WITH -d -
req_220.zip    23705 08-05-2024  --     REQQiE v2.2 by Hybris       -
                                    :      _____:   _ ___________
                                -  -(-----|%    |__  /_        %/'
                                    |     |     __/___|   _|___/
                                   _:     :     |     \    |   `\_
                                (--\_       ____       ___       /--)
                                .    `-----'    `--:--'   `-----'   .
                                : The best request door for iTC     .
                                | available. Coded by Hybris        :
                                | Ansi by jNa.                      |
roar_2dpbt.zip    4248 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                \                  \
                                /                              /
                                \                    \
                                /                            /
                                \                        \
                                /                                      /
                                \             <-PRESENTS->             \
                                /                                      /
                                \       10 "C00L" PR0MPT'S F0R iTC     \
                                /           Made By TEDDYBEAR          /
                                \                                      \
                                /  Quote of the day: iNSTiNCT RULEZ!!! /
sys2def3.zip   11252 08-05-2024      - SYS2DEF 3.0 for iNSTiNCT -
                                    :      _____:   _ ___________
                                -  -(-----|%    |__  /_        %/'
                                    |     |     __/___|   _|___/
                                   _:     :     |     \    |   `\_
                                (--\_       ____       ___       /--)
                                .    `-----'    `--:--'   `-----'   .
                                | Converts DOOR.SYS dropfile to     . 
                                | DORINFOx.DEF format to make more  .  
                                | doors iNSTiNCT compatible!        |
                                :                                   .
szp_2ddude.zip   10335 08-05-2024 ------- 
                                 L A S T  D U D E S  1 . 0  
                                 FoR         FoR  
                                 iTC             iTC  
tdcliner.zip   14726 08-05-2024 [TDC-WiCKeD LiNER 1.0]-
                                  ݰ       ݰ ݱݰ
                                  ߱      ݲݰ
                                  ݲݰ ݱݱ ݲ
                                  ݱݱ ݰݰ ݲݱ
                                  ݰݲ ݱݱ ݲݲ
                                    ߲    ߲    ߲
                                  WaLL FoR iTC, uSiNG
                                    ExTeRNaL ANSi'S.
                                    CoDE: XenioN
                                EXaMPLe ANSiS iNCLuDeD..
tdcnote.zip    13897 08-05-2024 [TDC-NOTE VER!1.4]
                                  ݰ       ݰ ݱݰ
                                  ߱      ݲݰ
                                  ݲݰ ݱݱ ݲ
                                  ݱݱ ݰݰ ݲݱ
                                  ݰݲ ݱݱ ݲݲ
                                    ߲    ߲    ߲
                                   NoTE To NeXT USeR   
                                    FoR iTC.  1.40       
                                  BUGFiXeD - WoRKiNG!!
                                      LeeCH NoW!    
                                     code: J-dOGG      
                                     ansi: Zeus II
ti_21anuk.zip   10339 08-05-2024 Automatic NUKER for iNSTiNCT
                                 T E A M - i N S T i N C T!
                                   ܰ ۲  
                                ۲ ۲߱ ۱  
                                ۱   ۲ jNa   
                                 ۲      ް
                                ޲ ޲  ۱ 
                                ݱ۱    ܱ
                                  'quality sofware for iTC'  
                                   Util that deletes files
                                 marked as nuked in filelists
                                     Coded by Leviathan
ti_21aspac.zip   13305 08-05-2024 Auto File Mover for iNSTiNCT
                                 T E A M - i N S T i N C T!
                                   ܰ ۲  
                                ۲ ۲߱ ۱  
                                ۱   ۲ jNa   
                                 ۲      ް
                                ޲ ޲  ۱ 
                                ݱ۱    ܱ
                                  'quality sofware for iTC'  
                                 Keeps amount of free space
                                constant by nuking old files
                                    Coded by Leviathan
ti_21dfs.zip   11053 08-05-2024      DiZ-FROM-SAUCE v1
                                   ܰ ۲ 
                                ۲ ۲߱ ۱ 
                                ۱   ۲ jNa 
                                 ۲      ް
                                ޲ ޲  ۱ 
                                ݱ۱    ܱ
                                 T E A M - i N S T i N C T!
                                 'quality software for iTC'
                                   CODE: UNiVERZ ANSi: N/A
                                -- ----
ti_21diz.zip   10221 08-05-2024 FileListCreator for iNSTiNCT
                                 T E A M - i N S T i N C T!
                                   ܰ ۲  
                                ۲ ۲߱ ۱  
                                ۱   ۲ jNa   
                                 ۲      ް
                                ޲ ޲  ۱ 
                                ݱ۱    ܱ
                                  'quality sofware for iTC'  
                                Creates .DiR files from zip's
                                    Coded by Leviathan
ti_21onlin.zip    8307 08-05-2024  Online Tester for iNSTiNCT
                                 T E A M - i N S T i N C T!
                                   ܰ ۲  
                                ۲ ۲߱ ۱  
                                ۱   ۲ jNa   
                                 ۲      ް
                                ޲ ޲  ۱ 
                                ݱ۱    ܱ
                                  'quality sofware for iTC'  
                                 Reports with errorlevel if
                                 anyone online //Leviathan
ti_2dconv.zip   33663 08-05-2024   -  Userbase Converters (c) TiTC -
                                    :      _____:   _ ___________
                                -  -(-----|%    |__  /_        %/'
                                    |     |     __/___|   _|___/
                                   _:     :     |     \    |   `\_
                                (--\_       ____       ___       /--)
                                .    `-----'    `--:--'   `-----'   .
                                : This release contains userbase    .
                                | converters for the following softs:
                                | Desire 1.4 - Illusion 2.0 and     |
                                | Iniquity 1.00 a25                 |
                                | Coded by Univerz/TiTC             |
ti_2ddffi.zip   23103 08-05-2024  - DiZ From Fileinfo 1.1 (c) TiTC -
                                    :      _____:   _ ___________
                                -  -(-----|%    |__  /_        %/'
                                    |     |     __/___|   _|___/
                                   _:     :     |     \    |   `\_
                                (--\_       ____       ___       /--)
                                .    `-----'    `--:--'   `-----'   .
                                : Extracts information from upload- .
                                | ed files and creates a diz (when  :
                                | missing). Coded by Univerz/TiTC   |
ti_2dkit21.zip   20750 08-05-2024    i T C K i T   2 . 1  
                                   ܰ ۲  
                                ۲ ۲߱ ۱  
                                ۱   ۲ jNa   
                                 ۲      ް
                                ޲ ޲  ۱ 
                                ݱ۱    ܱ
                                 T E A M - i N S T i N C T!
                                 'quality software for iTC'
                                 TPU to create DOORS to iTC!
                                Coded by Hybris and Leviathan
ti_2dkit22.zip   32975 08-05-2024    i T C K i T  v  2 . 2 
                                   ܰ ۲  
                                ۲ ۲߱ ۱  
                                ۱   ۲ jNa   
                                 ۲      ް
                                ޲ ޲  ۱ 
                                ݱ۱    ܱ
                                 T E A M - i N S T i N C T!
                                 'quality software for iTC'
                                 Pascal TPU to create doors
                                   for iNSTiNCT *SIMPLE*
ti_2dlast.zip   13051 08-05-2024  Last File XFers for iTC v1.0
                                    ܰ ۲ 
                                 ۲ ۲߱ ۱ 
                                 ۱   ۲ jNa 
                                  ۲      ް
                                 ޲ ޲  ۱ 
                                 ݱ۱    ܱ
                                  T E A M - i N S T i N C T!
                                  ,quality sofware for iTC,
                                  Code: STEROiD Ansi: UNiVERZ
ti_2dndog.zip   11874 08-05-2024  T E A M - i N S T i N C T!  
                                   ܰ ۲  
                                ۲ ۲߱ ۱  
                                ۱   ۲ jNa   
                                 ۲      ް
                                ޲ ޲  ۱ 
                                ݱ۱    ܱ
                                  'quality sofware for iTC'  
                                TiTLe:[NodeDog Ver 0.40]
                                 DeSC:[MultiNode Logon-Dog]
                                 CODe:[Rave Guru]
                                -- ----
ti_2dpcb.zip   22916 08-05-2024 PCB to iNSTiNCT user converter
                                 T E A M - i N S T i N C T!
                                   ܰ ۲  
                                ۲ ۲߱ ۱  
                                ۱   ۲ jNa   
                                 ۲      ް
                                ޲ ޲  ۱ 
                                ݱ۱    ܱ
                                  'quality sofware for iTC'  
                                 Code: Leviathan, Ansi: jNa
ti_2dpr821.zip   21870 08-05-2024  PiR8LiNER v2.1 for iNSTiNCT 
                                   ܰ ۲  
                                ۲ ۲߱ ۱  
                                ۱   ۲ jNa   
                                 ۲      ް
                                ޲ ޲  ۱ 
                                ݱ۱    ܱ
                                 T E A M - i N S T i N C T!
                                 'quality software for iTC'
                                Onliner for iNSTiNCT. UPDATE!
                                 ANSi: jNa Code: Leviathan
ti_2dreq21.zip   23624 08-05-2024 R  E  Q  Q  I  E   v  2 .  1
                                   ܰ ۲  
                                ۲ ۲߱ ۱  
                                ۱   ۲ jNa   
                                 ۲      ް
                                ޲ ޲  ۱ 
                                ݱ۱    ܱ
                                 T E A M - i N S T i N C T!
                                 'quality software for iTC'
                                 Request Door for iNSTiNCT.
                                Code: HYBRiS       Ansi: jNa
ti_2dslam2.zip   18755 08-05-2024 SLAMTAG v1.1 for iNSTiNCT 2.0+
                                   ܰ ۲  
                                ۲ ۲߱ ۱  
                                ۱   ۲ jNa   
                                 ۲      ް
                                ޲ ޲  ۱ 
                                ݱ۱    ܱ
                                 T E A M - i N S T i N C T!
                                 'quality software for iTC'
                                 Lets users design UL-tag!
                                 Ansi: SKY Code: Leviathan
ti_2dtag.zip   11421 08-05-2024  DOS TAGGER for iNSTiNCT 2.0
                                 T E A M - i N S T i N C T!
                                   ܰ ۲  
                                ۲ ۲߱ ۱  
                                ۱   ۲ jNa   
                                 ۲      ް
                                ޲ ޲  ۱ 
                                ݱ۱    ܱ
                                  'quality sofware for iTC'  
                                    Coded by Leviathan
ti_2dtgx62.zip   22938 08-05-2024  T E A M - i N S T i N C T!  
                                   ܰ ۲  
                                ۲ ۲߱ ۱  
                                ۱   ۲ jNa   
                                 ۲      ް
                                ޲ ޲  ۱ 
                                ݱ۱    ܱ
                                  'quality sofware for iTC'  
                                TiTLe:[Target Edit v0.62]
                                 DeSC:[instinct User Editor]
                                 CODe:[Rave Guru]
                                -- ----
ti_2dtops.zip   31439 08-05-2024   T O P S  4  i T C  2 . 0
                                   ܰ ۲ 
                                ۲ ۲߱ ۱ 
                                ۱   ۲ jNa   
                                 ۲      ް
                                ޲ ޲  ۱ 
                                ݱ۱    ܱ
                                 T E A M - i N S T i N C T!
                                 'quality software for iTC'
                                   -  Coded by STEROiD  -
ti_2dweek.zip   17111 08-05-2024         WEEKTOP v2.1
                                   ܰ ۲ 
                                ۲ ۲߱ ۱ 
                                ۱   ۲ jNa 
                                 ۲      ް
                                ޲ ޲  ۱ 
                                ݱ۱    ܱ
                                 T E A M - i N S T i N C T!
                                 'quality software for iTC'
                                   CODE: HYBRiS  ANSi: jNa
                                -- ----
todays.zip      9987 08-05-2024 ***** TODAYS FiLES iNSTiNCT *******
                                        Code: Leviathan
                                           Ansi: jNa
todays3.zip    15513 08-05-2024       - TODAYS 3.0 for iNSTiNCT -
                                    :      _____:   _ ___________
                                -  -(-----|%    |__  /_        %/'
                                    |     |     __/___|   _|___/
                                   _:     :     |     \    |   `\_
                                (--\_       ____       ___       /--)
                                .    `-----'    `--:--'   `-----'   .
                                | Creates a bulletin listing todays . 
                                | uploaded files. Use your own ansi!.  
                                :                                   .
toy_2dgdiz.zip    3562 08-05-2024 [T.O.Y.S.]ͻ
                                      T.O.Y.S. GETDIZ.BAT v1.0      
                                        by PeyloW of T.O.Y.S.        
                                         Get the FILE_ID.DIZ         
                                      Adds files and comments to     
                                 .ZIP .ARJ .LHA and best of all .RAR 
ul_2ddled2.zip    9694 08-05-2024 
ul_2dsys09.zip   12440 08-05-2024 
ul_2dtod23.zip   14960 08-05-2024 UL-tODAY v2.3 for .iNSTiNCT. *bugfix[o1/o1]
                                       ݰ ݰut
                                        ݰ ݰlo
                                  ݰ        ݰt
                                GENERATES "TODAY'S UPLOADS" BULLETiNS!:.
ul_2dtod26.zip   12609 08-05-2024 
ul_2dxcl12.zip   10392 08-05-2024 
ul_2dxct13.zip   11135 08-05-2024 
ul_2dxtu14.zip   11524 08-05-2024 
vote_2d10.zip   26062 08-05-2024  __      __    _____
                                |  \    /  |  / ____|
                                |   \  /   |  \ \__ 
                                | |\ \/ /| |   \__ \
                                | | \  / | |  ____\ \
                                |_|  \/  |_| |______/
                                     VOTE v1.0
                                A vote door for iTC
                                Coding: Master Space
                                Ansi: oSTEN
vvd_2dfree.zip    8376 08-05-2024           /\         /\
                                         / \\       / \\             
                                \__    /_     /  /__     / __  \
                                 _|   /_|__  /  /__|_   /|  |   \
                                 \_  /  __/ /  /  __/  / |  |   /
                                 _|     /  /|     /|  / _|  |  /
                                 \_____/__/\_____/\__/  \_____/ind. 
                                  v i v i d  i n d u s t r i e s
                                          FREECONF 1.1.
                                       FOR iNSTiNCT 1.21.
                                [---(^)   PASSED THRU CLOUD NiNE!   (^)---]
week_303.zip   24133 08-05-2024  --   WeekTop v3.02 by Hybris       -
                                    :      _____:   _ ___________
                                -  -(-----|%    |__  /_        %/'
                                    |     |     __/___|   _|___/
                                   _:     :     |     \    |   `\_
                                (--\_       ____       ___       /--)
                                .    `-----'    `--:--'   `-----'   .
                                : The classic titc weektop now      .
                                | featuring customizable ansis      :
                                | Code: Hybris Ansi: jNa & Univerz  |
xlast.zip      13194 08-05-2024  _____________ _ _________________          
                                 \            \          /       / [o1/o1]  
                                _:\  _  __    /    _____/  _____/_________:_
                                 | \/   _/  _/____ __) \____   \          | 
                                 |_/    \        / |   NeB /    \ REfUSED | 
                                _|\_____|\   _ _/__|____________/_________|_
                                r|        \    /                          |r
                                e|         \  /   presents                |e
                                f|          \/                            |f
                                u|     An X/styled lAst-cAllEr fOR iTC    |u
                                s| shOws thE 12 lAst cAllers in yAh lOgon |s
                                e|    AlsO AvAilAblE witH AnsI-dEsigN     |e
                                d|        cAllEd 'lAst-dOOdlErs'          |d
                                 |_     cOde: j-dOgg   AnsI: oSTEN       _| 
                                \__/                                    \__/
                                       ..: tHis pAssEd ThE phObia :..       
                                        ,,; +46-46-81518 - 18-06 ;,,        
xpl_2df016.zip   26806 08-05-2024   Funky User Editor v0.16 (c) HOSTILE 
                                    ܱ Ŀ
                                 ߲   ܱ ܲ         iNSTiNCT  
                                   ߰߰          DiViSiON  
                                        ܱ        ij
                                ܲ PDR   eXPLOSiON!
                                -=(^CRiMSoN cARNAGE^+46-454-1o778)=-
                                !!!![] Released on 03-29-1996!!!!
                                HC..        464ii45885
xpl_2df018.zip   23526 08-05-2024   Funky User Editor 0.18 for iTC 2.0
                                    ܱ Ŀ
                                 ߲   ܱ ܲ     EXPLOSION  
                                        ܱ        [05/29/1996] 
                                        By: HOSTiLE  
                                ܲ PDR  [o1/o1]
xpl_2dff02.zip   11615 08-05-2024   Funkiest Files 0.2 for Instinct 2.0  
                                    ܱ Ŀ
                                 ߲   ܱ ܲ     EXPLOSION  
                                        ܱ        [05/29/1996] 
                                        By: HOSTiLE  
                                ܲ PDR  [o1/o1]
xpl_2dfwal.zip   28659 08-05-2024  FUNKWALL   -   CODED BY HOSTiLE  [1/1]
                                    ܱ Ŀ
                                 ߲   ܱ ܲ     Great Wall For 
                                   ߰߰     Instinct! Very  
                                        ܱ     simular to the  
                                           popular Ami  
                                        /X walls.    
                                ܲ pdr  [10/01/95] eXPLOSiON!
xpl_2did20.zip   12573 08-05-2024  DIZ DATE 4 INSTINCT 2.00 (c) PHANDER
                                    ܱ Ŀ
                                 ߲   ܱ ܲ         iNSTiNCT  
                                   ߰߰          DiViSiON  
                                        ܱ        ij
                                ܲ PDR   eXPLOSiON!
xpl_2ditcc.zip   10912 08-05-2024   iTC 1.21 -> 2.00 USER.DAT Converter      
                                    ܱ Ŀ
                                 ߲   ܱ ܲ     EXPLOSION  
                                        ܱ        [05/29/1996] 
                                        By: HOSTiLE  
                                ܲ PDR  [o1/o1]
xpl_2dneww.zip   14773 08-05-2024  NEWWEEK 0.2 - CODED BY HOSTILE  [1/1]
                                    ܱ Ŀ
                                 ߲   ܱ ܲ    Util that runs  
                                   ߰߰     a program once  
                                        ܱ     a week! Good    
                                           for WeekTops.
                                ܲ PDR  [08/06/95] eXPLOSiON!
xpl_2dnu01.zip   12593 08-05-2024     Funky New Users 0.1 for Instinct
                                    ܱ Ŀ
                                 ߲   ܱ ܲ     EXPLOSION  
                                        ܱ        [05/29/1996] 
                                         By: HOSTiLE 
                                ܲ PDR  [o1/o1]

               Area 69 - Internet BBS Utils               

ashow11.zip    84543 08-05-2024 Address Show'r Version 1.0
                                This is a small utility that
                                will show a screen to your Users,
                                showing them their Email Address
                                on your BBS. Great to have in your
                                Email Menu. Option's to use Real
                                Name or Handle, Works with ANY 
                                DOOR.SYS compatable BBS Software
                                Best of all it is FREEWARE. SMYC
autown19.zip 1076137 08-05-2024 Automated Internet for Windows 1.9
                                Gets NEW FILES from Internet sites,
                                download them, Post Usenet messages,
                                send E-Mail, and obtain WWW pages
                                fully automated! Adds to your current
                                Internet Software, allowing you more free
                                time to do the things you really want.
                                Highly rated in Compuserve magazine,
                                Boardwatch, in several books, and
                                resides on many Internet CD-ROMs.
                                 * A must download *
b2h_20.zip     14599 08-05-2024        BBSToHTM v2.0
                                Convert FILES.BBS description
                                files to a HTML file; user defined
                                output format. (150 file areas.)
                                Freeware!   Paul Walker, 1998
b2h_20_x.zip   37742 08-05-2024        BBSToHTM v2.0
                                Convert FILES.BBS description
                                files to a HTML file; user defined
                                output format. (10,000 file areas.)
                                Freeware!   Paul Walker, 1998
bbs2h142.zip   77667 08-05-2024 BBS2HTML v1.4.2 FILES.BBS to INDEX.HTM
                                converter. DOS, Win32, OS/2, sources
                                (PASCAL). (c) mahatma
bbs2html.zip   43379 08-05-2024 BBS2HTML v1.0p - Converts FILES.BBS listings
                                to HTML. Put you file collection on the
                                WEB! Easy, automated, UNCRIPPLED FREEWARE
                                Works with PCBoard, Wildcat, TBBS or any
                                system that supports FILES.BBS file formats.
cinet119.zip  240903 08-05-2024 -//------------------------------
                                CitrusSoft BBS Internet Kit v1.19
                                32-bit OS/2 & Win32 Version FTP,
                                IRC And Telnet doors that Allow\
                                your users to access the Internet!
                                The very BEST Internet doors
                                available! Now FREEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!
cnet1630.zip 1011749 08-05-2024 CommNet-16 v3.0. Full-featured Windows 3.1
                                based data communications software package
                                which seamlessly integrates modem dial-up
                                and Internet Telnet capabilities into a
                                single, fast, full-featured, and easy-to-use
                                application. CommNet supports Zmodem file
                                transfers and TTY, VT100, and full-color PC
                                ANSI with dial-up and Telnet sessions.
cnet3210.zip  987021 08-05-2024 CommNet-32 v1.0. Full-featured Windows 95/NT
                                based data communications software package
                                which seamlessly integrates modem dial-up
                                and Internet Telnet capabilities into a
                                single, fast, full-featured, and easy-to-use
                                application. CommNet supports Zmodem file
                                transfers and TTY, VT100, and full-color PC
                                ANSI with dial-up and Telnet sessions.
comt.zip      364361 08-05-2024 
csti33.zip    102283 08-05-2024 ==========================================
                                CyberSpace Internet Transporter v3.3
                                ** YOUR USERS WANT THIS DOOR!!!! **
                                This door can make up to 255 Internet 
                                services, FTP locations, Telnet sites, etc
                                available on YOUR BBS via a cheap UNIX SHELL 
                                account with your local Internet provider.
                                You create the menu or menus on your system
                                and CSTI will dial up to use the service.
                                No expensive equipment or special phone
                                lines required! Just an extra modem, phone
                                line and an Internet provider and you can
                                have INTERNET ACCESS available on YOUR BBS!! 
                                ** TELNET-FTP-GOPHER-ARCHIE-WWW-IRC **
                                FOSSIL REQUIRED!! Multi-line BBS and DV 
                                friendly! Supports any COM port that can be 
                                mapped via a FOSSIL driver. (upto 16 ports) 
cstl24.zip     69745 08-05-2024 ==========================================
                                CyberSpace LOA Transporter v2.4
                                CyberSpace LOA Transporter will let you
                                offer Live Internet Access to your users!!
                                TELNET, FTP, World Wide Web, Internet Relay
                                Chat, WHOIS, FINGER, etc via a 2nd modem
                                and phone line to your account at Log On
                                Local access from most major cities! 
                                No expensive equipment or special phone
                                lines required! Just an extra modem, phone
                                line and you can have FULL INTERNET ACCESS 
                                available on YOUR BBS!!  
                                FOSSIL REQUIRED!!
                                Multi-line BBS and DV friendly! Supports any 
                                COM port that can me mapped via a FOSSIL 
db2ftp94.zip   48699 08-05-2024 DBQ2FTP - (D'Bridge Queue to FTP)
                                Bridges the GAP between D'Bridge outbound
                                Mail queue formats and FTSC/FTPMail formats.
                                If you run D'Bridge, and want to setup an
                                FTPMail link instead of paying MA Bell,
                                YOU Need this program!
                                Works with D'Bridge v1.58 (and numerous
                                versions below this) as well as the 2300SL
                                and 3000SL Beta versions.
                                -Now with Multiple Feeds and Priority
df2_2d465.zip  192186 08-05-2024 +------------------------------------------+
                                |  IRCD Dreamforge version 4.65 for Win32  |
                                |      updated 06/24/1998 for BBSnet       |
                                |                                          |
                                |  A freeware Internet Relay Chat server   |
                                |  for OS/2 Warp 4.                        |
                                |                                          |
                                |  Allow your BBS users to chat on the IRC |
                                |  with other BBS's using your favorate    |
                                |  IRC door or OS/2 BBS software.          |
                                |  Allow your web site users to use this   |
                                |  IRC server with any JAVA IRC client.    |
                                |                                          |
                                |     Pre compiled - easy to configure     | 
                                 Contains long file names - use PKZIP250 or
                                 later, or Winzip to extract the files.
dfw_2d469u.zip  164195 08-05-2024 +------------------------------------------+
                                | IRCD Dreamforge version 4.6.9u for Win32 |
                                |      updated 05/20/2000 for BBSnet       |
                                |                                          |
                                |  A freeware Internet Relay Chat server   |
                                |  for Windows 9x, NT4, or Windows 2000.   |
                                |                                          |
                                |  Allow your BBS users to chat on the IRC |
                                |  with other BBS's using your favorate    |
                                |  IRC door or Win32 BBS software.         |
                                |  Allow your web site users to use this   |
                                |  IRC server with any JAVA IRC client.    |
                                |                                          |
                                |     Pre compiled - easy to configure     | 
                                 Contains long file names - use PKZIP250 or
                                 later, or Winzip to extract the files.
dunce252.zip  129208 08-05-2024 Dunce v2.52 Dial-Up Networking Connection 
                                Enhancement. Adds features to your DUN 
                                connections such as bypassing Connect To, 
                                Auto Reconnect, Automated Connections, and 
                                Run Items.
dyndns.zip      5870 08-05-2024 
edns001m.zip  176385 08-05-2024    EleDynDNS - Dynamic DNS client v0.01+.
                                | A Free service for BBS sysops & siteops. |
                                | This tool automaticly updates your IP    |
                                | for your your Dynamic DomainName Service |
                                | offered at theBBS.org whenever your IP   |
                                | changes. It runs as a system tray tool.  |
                                |                                          |
                                |  Both Win32 and OS/2 versions included.  |
                                |  The full source code is provided also!  |
                                     Original Version by Maarten Bekers
                                    Sys-Tray modification by Rick Parrish
email100.zip    4578 08-05-2024 >>>>> Email! v1.00 <<<<<
                                Email!: Generate an Internet-address for
                                        your BBS-users !!!!!!!!!!
                                A little tool which read the
                                exitinfo.bbs file, get the name of the
                                user which is online, and create an
                                internet-address of it...
                                For EXITINFO.BBS systems...
                                (like RA v2.0x)
                                Output: ANSI & ASCII screen.
                                (C) 1995 Copyright by: A.S. Kerkmeester,
                                         Simplesoft Developments,
                                         The Netherlands
                                < C A R D W A R E >
eshow17.zip    86715 08-05-2024 Address Show'r Version 1.7
                                This is a small utility that
                                will show a screen to your Users,
                                showing them their Email Address
                                on your BBS. Great to have in your
                                Email Menu. Option's to use Real
                                Name or Handle, Works with ANY
                                DOOR.SYS compatable BBS Software
                                Best of all it is FREEWARE.
                                VagaBond Software
f2h100.zip     12964 08-05-2024 F2H 1.00 - FILES.BBS to HTML converter
                                This DOS utility takes a FILES.BBS or
                                DESCRIPT.ION file and converts into a
                                HTML-table for use with the world wide
                                web. PCM Approved.
f2i200.zip    332634 08-05-2024 --==< A UTILITY FROM SERWIZ COMM >==---
                                .                                     .
                                . - FIDONET 2 INTERNET MAILER  2.00 - .
                                .                                     .
                                . Redirects Fidonet  mail to internet .
                                . email  addresses  using  WINDOWS 95 .
                                . and WINSOCK.  Redirect  up  to  500 .
                                . nodes  or points  using MIME.  Also .
                                . fully  control  Windows 95  Dialup- .
                                . networking  and  can   be  executed .
                                . completely           automatically. .
                                . Supports  Binkley   style  outbound .
                                . AND  Frontdoor  /  InterMail  style .
                                . netmail     attaches     (ArcMail)! .
                                .                                     .
                                . Also download mail from POP3-server .
                                . with 100% *MULTI-THREADING* sending .
                                . (SMTP) and receiving  (POP3) at the .
                                . same time saving  your online-time  .
                                .                                     .
                                . Allows  you  to  reroute   complete .
                                . filenets to several email addresses .
                                . while only sending  the files ONCE! .
                                .                                     .
                                . It even renames  ?UT netmail to PKT .
                                . when sending the files or if  using .
                                . Frontdoor it converts MSG files  to .
                                . PKT     files    before    sending. .
                                .                                     .
                                . Now also support VFIDO mailer-style .
                                .                                     .
                                . Runs   also   under   Win/NT    and .
                                . Win   3.11    with   Win32  upgrade .
                                .                                     .
                                . Brings your system to the internet! .
                                .                                     .
                                ------======< SHAREWARE >======--------
fbbs2htm.zip   51027 08-05-2024 FILES.BBS to HTML-Convertor v1.31
                                This little program converts a FILES.BBS
                                file (contains the descriptions of the files
                                on your BBS) to HTML-Format so that you can
                                offer your files via the WWW.
                                Has many features, builds for example a
                                AREA-Index. FREEWARE
                                (c) 1998 by Florian Dittmer 
fd2ftp84.zip   50938 08-05-2024 FD2FTP v0.84 - (FrontDoor to FTP)
                                Bridges the GAP between *.msg based outbound
                                Mail systems and FTPMail transport mechanisms
                                If you run FrontDoor, Intermail, or any other
                                *.Msg (NetMail) based NetMail/EchoMail system
                                and want to setup an  FTPMail link instead of
                                paying MA Bell, YOU Need this program!
                                Should FIX Sharing Violations!
                                Should also recover from a crashed run better
                                Note: THIS IS an ALPHA! Backup your data first
fidoip13.zip 1185582 08-05-2024 Fidonet/IP Point Package for Win/32
                                This archive contains a combination of
                                three programs. Together they allow
                                the user to poll for Fidonet mail and
                                files either via traditional dial-up
                                and/or the new Internet based Fidonet
                                Contents:  F.I.P.S. v1.1c Pre 2
                                           BinkD95 & BinkD for Win/32
                                           Complete Setup Instructions
                                F.I.P.S., FA and BinkD are freeware.
                                All copyrights belong to the respective
                                Assembled by:
                                David Moufarrege, 1:2613/404
                                Rochester, New York (USA)   
                                v1.3 - updated w/ new freeware F.I.P.S.
                                release by Thomas Winter
fnos17b.zip   717119 08-05-2024     FNOS (1.7b) is a DOS based Internet TCP/IP
                                software package
                                    containing FTP, SMTP, POP3, NNTP, & TELNET
                                clients using PPP (Point
                                    to Point Protocol) with a dialup modem
                                connection to a local
                                    Internet host. It has been extensively
                                modified to allow scripted,
                                    automated FTP sessions for transfer of
                                Fidonet mail and files. The
                                    NNTP client retrieves newsgroups in BAG
                                format for use with external
                                    News utilities.
fnossamp.zip   28631 08-05-2024 Sample of how to setup FNOS
ftpsrv11.zip  201275 08-05-2024 FTP Serv-U - FTP server for MS-Windows 
                                * Multiple simultaneous users. 
                                * Full security on a file/directory 
                                * Support for user ANONYMOUS.
                                * Supports Netscape & XMosaic.
                                * Easy to setup and maintain.
fxuci1.zip     76352 08-05-2024 
gigd0121.zip  245427 08-05-2024 GIGO Documentation in PDF format. This was
                                the last version of the docs for GIGO.
gigo0109.zip  542805 08-05-2024 GIGO 01-09-97 - Fidonet<->UUCP
                                Gateway Pkg. DOS files only;
                                OS2 files are in GIGP0109.ZIP.
                                New features are listed in 
                                the NOTES file.
gigp0109.zip  444292 08-05-2024 GIGO 01-09-97 - Fidonet<->UUCP
                                Gateway Pkg. OS/2 files only;
                                DOS files are in GIGO0109.ZIP.
                                New features are listed in
                                the NOTES file.
gigsourc.zip 3399739 08-05-2024 GIGO Complete Source Code, for 01-09-1997
                                version. Released to the public on 05-09-1997
gigt0109.zip  160006 08-05-2024 GIGO OS/2 TCP/IP addons (SMTP, NNTP)
hpt_2d029w.zip  525925 08-05-2024 FidoConfig 0.29 Wide
                                a way to make your unix BBS fido-capable
                                by Matthias Tichy
ics100f.zip    59673 08-05-2024 InterConnect 1.0f  This program allows your
                                users to connect directly to one another on
                                different nodes using the IPX protocol for
                                fast reliable connections.  Your users can
                                transfer files directly between themselves
                                and play interactive modem games such as 
                                DOOM.  Now released as FREEWARE!
igate100.zip  269779 08-05-2024 ==========================================
                                InterGate v1.0 * Multiboard Communications
                                Full UUCP gateway package supporting UUCP,
                                MSG, PKT, BAG and JAM formats.   Give your
                                BBS email/newsgroups with this easy to use
                                menu-driven package. Lightning fast gating
                                and support for UUCP or Fidonet downlinks.
                                Email, news, mail lists,  auto-responders,
                                editable template messages, file attaches,
                                cc support, newsfix, listserv, statistical
                                graphing and more! We can even provide the
                                UUCP service if you are not yet connected!
                                A complete one-stop solution for your BBS.
ilistv10.zip  138651 08-05-2024 The InterNet Lister  v1.0
                                BBS Door Utility that allows you and
                                your users to keep a listing of your
                                favourite Web Sites on the Internet.
                                Keeps track of each Site Name, 
                                Address, and Extended Information for
                                each Site.  The InterNet Lister also
                                allows users to DOWNLOAD a copy of The
                                InterNet Lister Listing via ZMODEM.
                                Fully MULTINODE, supports DOOR.SYS,
                                DORINFOx.DEF, SFDOORS.DAT, PCBOARD.SYS
                                and CALLINFO.BBS.  Also has full Fossil
                                Support and non-standard IRQ's.
                                (C) Copyright 1997 Lounge Software
inet40.zip    379106 08-05-2024 The Internet Connection - Version 4.0!
                                By Mark Williamson, Omega Software. Allow
                                your users to EASILY read, write, send and
                                receive Internet email! Menu driven,
                                mousable setup program, built-in
                                message editor with quote-text window, and
                                built-in .MSG reader makes Inet a complete
                                email solution for ANY bbs!. Simply the
                                BEST!  Sysops swear by this program!
                                Shareware, $25.00 to register.
inetal11.zip   94948 08-05-2024 InetAL is an ALIAS door. That allows
                                your users to create there own Internet
                                email aliases. It has been designed for
                                use with NetXpres by Merlin Systems.
                                This is V1.1(BETA) We are currently
                                looking for some Beta testers who can
                                give us report back on the door
                                Written by : Ian Gerada
inetwin.zip   238163 08-05-2024 
ipd_v160.zip  115013 08-05-2024   IPD -Internet Post Door - Version 1.60.0
                                 IPD easily integrates Internet eMail, from
                                 a Fidonet gate, into your Bulletin Board
                                 System.  Features include: 
                                      external editor support
                                      JAM, Squish & Fido Msg support!
                                      address book feature
                                      easy integration into BBSs!
                                 (c) Copyright 1995, 1997 of Greg Contesti
ircdor15.zip   59336 08-05-2024 IRCDOOR/2 v1.50 - 32-bit IRC BBS door for
                                OS/2. Provides Internet Relay Chat access
                                from your BBS. Featuring: ANSI and multi-node
                                support, fast and small 32-bit code, flexible
                                configuration, specific commands, online
                                help, can be used as a normal IRC client in
                                "local" mode, extensive support for Maximus,
                                can be run from a DOS BBS under OS/2, more.
                                Requires IBM TCP/IP and OS/2.
irexd224.zip 1509594 08-05-2024 Internet Rex 2.24 for DOS (16-bit)
                                A program for sending your BBS mail
                                over the net.  Supports email, FTP,
                                MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO,
                                Watergate, TransX, Allfix, FrontDoor,
                                Binkley, D'Bridge and more.  Packed
                                with features.
irexe224.zip 1639761 08-05-2024 Internet Rex 2.24 for DOS (32-bit)
                                A program for sending your BBS mail
                                over the net.  Supports email, FTP,
                                MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO,
                                Watergate, TransX, Allfix, FrontDoor,
                                Binkley, D'Bridge and more.  Packed
                                with features.
irexl224.zip 1989083 08-05-2024 Internet Rex 2.24 for Linux
                                A program for sending your BBS mail
                                over the net.  Supports email, FTP,
                                MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO,
                                Watergate, TransX, Allfix, FrontDoor,
                                Binkley, D'Bridge and more.  Packed
                                with features.
irexp224.zip 1134113 08-05-2024 Internet Rex 2.24 for OS/2
                                A program for sending your BBS mail
                                over the net.  Supports email, FTP,
                                MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO,
                                Watergate, TransX, Allfix, FrontDoor,
                                Binkley, D'Bridge and more.  Packed
                                with features.
irexw224.zip 1151407 08-05-2024 Internet Rex 2.24 for Win95/98/NT/2K
                                A program for sending your BBS mail
                                over the net.  Supports email, FTP,
                                MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO,
                                Watergate, TransX, Allfix, FrontDoor,
                                Binkley, D'Bridge and more.  Packed
                                with features.
iserv300.zip  104064 08-05-2024 iServer 3.0 -=- Imports email from a fidonet 
                                netmail source directly into your BBS making
                                internet email seamless with your RA 2.x BBS
                                Powerful server engine can reply with bounce
                                messages if the user does not  exist on your
                                system. Complete info-bot request/responding
                                system.  Restrict sites, functions and flow.
                                Custom templating messages with metastrings!
                                If you are using  netmail for internet email
                                then this package will create a fully integ-
                                rated, and seamless internet email solution!
                                Many many other features ** NOW FREEWARE! **
iss1303.zip   480889 08-05-2024 InterSquish NNTP Server for Windows  1.3.3
                                NNTP-Server/gate for distribute a fidonet
                                echos from Squish or JAM bases.
                                Posting, full netmail gate support.
                                Shareware version.
                                (c) Ivan Uskov 2:5055/101.3@fidonet
iss1403.zip   497773 08-05-2024 InterSquish NNTP Server for Windows  1.4.3
                                NNTP-Server/gate for distribute a fidonet
                                echos from Squish or JAM bases.
                                Posting, full netmail gate support.
                                Shareware version.
                                (c) Ivan Uskov 2:5055/101.3@fidonet
jpost110.zip   74460 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 BBS Utiliteez Software 
                                 JPost v1.10 is a freeware utility used to 
                                 import/export listserver e-mail between a 
                                 JAM/Squish/*.MSG compatible BBS, and Juno 
                                 v1.38 (or greater) e-mail software. Super 
                                 simple setup and operation, only 10 lines 
                                 in a text file to configure and you're up 
                                 and ready to run.                         
ka9qdr20.zip   39416 08-05-2024 KA9QDOOR v2.0 - RUN KA9Q NOS AS A DOOR.
                                Offer callers direct TCP/IP access to
                                the Internet via serial SLIP/PPP link!
                                Allows them to run FTP, Telnet, Mosaic,
                                etc!  Requires KA9Q NET program and an
                                connection to the Internet. (Callers
                                need SLIP/PPP software.)  Now works
                                with any BBS that creates DOOR.SYS!
ka9qdr21.zip   37397 08-05-2024 KA9QDOOR v2.0 - RUN KA9Q NOS AS A DOOR.
                                Offer callers direct TCP/IP access to
                                the Internet via serial SLIP/PPP link!
                                Allows them to run FTP, Telnet, Mosaic,
                                etc!  Requires KA9Q NET program and an
                                connection to the Internet. (Callers
                                need SLIP/PPP software.)  Now works
                                with any BBS that creates DOOR.SYS!
kspftp30.zip  106029 08-05-2024 KSP FTP v3.0 - A BBS Door Program.
                                Lets callers download files from
                                remote ftp sites!  Internal support
                                for X/Y/Zmodem eliminates need for
                                temporary disk space on BBS; external
                                protocols may be added with limits
                                on their use of BBS disk space for
                                intermediate file storage.  BBS must
                                be connected to the Internet. Works
                                with any BBS that supports DOOR.SYS.
ksphst12.zip  123336 08-05-2024 KSP-HOST   (vers   1.2)   An  inbound  Telnet
                                server  for  MS/DOS  Bulletin  Board Systems.
                                Every  node  can answer both telnet and modem
                                calls!   Requires  a  fossil  driver  on each
                                node,  a  24  hour  TCP/IP  connection to the
                                Internet,  and  a  local  area  network  that
                                supports    NetBios   such   as   Novell   or
                                Lantastic.  Shareware.  
kspmts33.zip  312349 08-05-2024 KSP-Mail v3.3 Multi-Threaded Server for ESMTP
                                Mail and NNTP Usenet news. Replaces UUCP and
                                its monthly fees! No more unwanted
                                newsgroups! Instant mail without waiting for
                                scheduled events! Works with any BBS software
                                that presently uses UUCP. Requires a 24hr
                                TCP/IP Internet connection. REDUCED PRICING!
                                BUY ONLY WHAT YOU NEED!
kspmux14.zip   23167 08-05-2024 KSP DVMX v1.4 - A packet multiplexor
                                that allows the KSP network doors to
                                run properly under DESQview.  Provides
                                greater performance than PKTMUX/PKTDRV.
                                Designed to work with KSP products; may
                                not work as a general-purpose packet
                                multiplexer.  FREEWARE.
kspslp37.zip  145743 08-05-2024 KSP SLIP v3.7 - A BBS Door Program.
                                Offer callers direct TCP/IP access to
                                the Internet via a serial SLIP link!
                                Allows them to run FTP, Telnet, Mosaic,
                                etc! BBS must be connected to Internet;
                                Callers need SLIP software; Replaces
                                KA9QDOOR and is simpler to install.
ksptel49.zip   98388 08-05-2024 KSP Telnet v4.9 - A BBS Door Pgm.
                                Lets callers login through your
                                BBS to remote computers anywhere
                                in the world using the Internet!
                                Compatible with any BBS software
                                that can create a DOOR.SYS file.
ksptlnt.zip    79351 08-05-2024 KSP Telnet v3.0 - A BBS Door Pgm.
                                Lets callers login through your
                                BBS to remote computers anywhere
                                in the world using the Internet!
                                Compatible with any BBS software
                                that can create a DOOR.SYS file.
                                Now with RIP and ANSI menu support!
mailftp.zip    98354 08-05-2024 MailFtp v.44 - OS/2 Rexx driven scripts to
                                automate ftp mail
                                putting/getting.  This one was originally
                                designed to pull
                                fidonet mail/filebone areas through the
                                internet using ftp
                                sessions.  Please read 'ReadFtp.1st' for
                                PPPDIAL v2.7, Warp IAK, Rexx req'd ... RxFTP
                                and licensing
                                are within this archive.
mannat_7e1.zip    6943 08-05-2024 
meml150.zip   122426 08-05-2024 MsEmailAddress v1.50 For Most BBS Systems
                                -=-=-=-=-=-[ Freeware Releases ]-=-=-=-=-=-
                                This is a cool Email address shower, this
                                tools is use for some providing some Email
                                service to users, this program will convert
                                the username to the email address format
                                with domain of service. Easy Configuration.
                                Compatible 20+ BBS Softwares: RemoteAccess,
                                QuickBBS, ProBoard, SuperBBS, TriBBS, WWIV,
                                PCBoard, Phoenix, Spitfires, Telegard, etc.
                                -=-=-=-=-=-=-=[ What's News ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                                + Added Multi-Languages : English, Chinese,
                                  Spanish on Configration and Main Program.
                                + Added External Ansi Background Support.
                                * Speedup when checking drop files.
                                * Musical Configuration program.
                                (c) 1992-1998 Mercury Soft Technology, Inc.
mservb2.zip    59032 08-05-2024 multiserver v1.0 beta2
                                an e-mail server for OS/2 and Win32
                                works with most BBS softwares..
mtalpha.zip   118760 08-05-2024 
mtalpha083000.zip  120249 08-05-2024 
mtelb7.zip    117486 08-05-2024 mTelnet beta7 for OS/2 and Win32 (April 9th,
                                cool telnet client features zmodem, phonebook,
                                vt100 & color backscroll!
n109_2d386.zip  797936 08-05-2024 n109-386.zip
                                Net-Tamer is a DOS PPP dial up access program
                                which requires no TSR packet driver. Supports
                                NNTP (Usenet), FTP, POP3 & SMTP (EMAIL), HTTP
                                (WWW), TELNET, DAYTIME, QUOTE OF THE DAY,
                                FINGER, PING, TIME, and other protocols.
                                Includes offline reader for email and usenet.
                                Speech friendly for visually impaired users
                                with talking programs. Optional graphics
                                in WWW. Optional sound card support. 386 & up
n109_2dpt.zip  448373 08-05-2024 n109-PT.zip
                                Net-Tamer is a DOS PPP dial up access program
                                which requires no TSR packet driver. Supports
                                NNTP (Usenet), FTP, POP3 & SMTP (EMAIL), HTTP
                                (WWW), TELNET, DAYTIME, QUOTE OF THE DAY,
                                FINGER, PING, TIME, and other protocols.
                                Includes offline reader for email and usenet.
                                This version is for small CGA monochrome 
                                screens. In-line graphics in WWW. 
n109_2dxt.zip  472034 08-05-2024 n109-xt.zip
                                Net-Tamer is a DOS PPP dial up access program
                                which requires no TSR packet driver. Supports
                                NNTP (Usenet), FTP, POP3 & SMTP (EMAIL), HTTP
                                (WWW), TELNET, DAYTIME, QUOTE OF THE DAY,
                                FINGER, PING, TIME, and other protocols.
                                Includes offline reader for email and usenet.
                                This version is for any PC compatible (8088/
                                8086 or higher.) There are other versions for
                                386 and higher and mono-chrome CGA screens.
                                No inline graphics for WWW in this version.
net2wb21.zip   60041 08-05-2024 Net2Web Version 2.1
                                This is a Utility that will
                                take a Standard Fido Compatable
                                Nodelist and turn it into a
                                Table for online viewing. Uses
                                Standard HTML Tags and can be
                                intergrated into any type of
                                Freeware From Vagabond Software
net2wb25.zip   60915 08-05-2024 Net2Web Version 2.5
                                This is a Utility that will
                                take a Standard Fido Compatable
                                Nodelist and turn it into a
                                Table for online viewing. Uses
                                Standard HTML Tags and can be
                                intergrated into any type of
                                Freeware From Vagabond Software
net2web2.zip   64814 08-05-2024 Net2Web Version 2.0
                                This is a Utility that will
                                take a Standard Fido Compatable
                                Nodelist and turn it into a
                                Table for online viewing. Uses
                                Standard HTML Tags and can be
                                intergrated into any type of
                                Freeware From Vagabond Software
net32_b4.zip  954640 08-05-2024 ----------[ NetModem/32 v1.0b4.sL ]----------
                                 32Bit FOSSIL Telnet Server for Windows 95/98
                                 !! Multinode versions are now available !!
                                  Allows incoming Telnet connections to any
                                 BBS/Communications software that can use a
                                 FOSSIL driver. Supports baud rates of 19200,
                                   38400, 57600 and 115200. Comports 3-99.
                                Uses Windows WinSock TCP/IP. Works with Dial-
                                 up Networking, Cable modem, Ethernet, or any
                                 kind of TCP/IP connection. Emulates a modem
                                  via FOSSIL services. Dial-Out coming soon.
                                        Very fast over the Internet.
                                   Includes complete documents, Install and
                                 Uninstall programs for easy setup in Windows
                                   Released - 2/4/98 - NetModem/32 Beta 4
                                Author - Dedrick Allen / EMail: drip@cris.com
netmdb15.zip   31981 08-05-2024 ---------[ NetModem v1.0b15.sL ]---------
                                 BBS Telnet Daemon for Windows 95...         
                                 Allows incoming Telnet to any BBS that
                                 can use a FOSSIL Driver. Supports Baud
                                 Rates of 19200, 38400, and 57600. Uses
                                 Windows95 WinSock (Dial-Up Networking
                                 or other)... Emulates COM ports 3-20.
                                 Very fast over the Internet if your ISP
                                 has decent bandwidth. Better than the
                                 others..Freeware! NetModem/32 will not
                                 be Freeware! NetModem/32 (Native Win95,
                                 Multi-Threaded) coming soon. NT Version
                                 planned after Win95 final release...
                                 Author - Dedrick Allen - drip@cris.com
netm_2a2.zip 1376682 08-05-2024 NetModem/32 2.0alpha2
                                A virtual modem/fossil telnet driver
                                designed specifically for BBS use.
newsdm16.zip  154030 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  tiny news daemon, sources included  
                                 (c) sergey korowkin and mark may :-) 
                                  mailto sk@unlimited.binary.net or   
                                  2:5033/27, if any. good luck! ;-)   
ng034.zip      89829 08-05-2024 nGate allows you two-way posting between an
                                nntp news server and a Squish or *.MSG message
                                base. Freeware for OS/2.
ng10g1.zip    204792 08-05-2024 NEWSGATE 1.0g1 for Windows 95/NT.
                                Newsgate is a BBS-Internet utility that
                                will import & export usenet (newsgroups)
                                to your bbs with a standard dialup
                                connection. Works in conjunction with your
                                Fidonet compatiable mail tosser. Freeware
                                Requires Windows 95/NT  and Winsocket 2.
                                Latest versions can be downloaded at
ng10g2.zip    235909 08-05-2024 NEWSGATE 1.0g2/W95-NT
                                An utility to import newsgroups directly
                                into your FidoNet areas. It connects
                                directly  to your(s) news servers and
                                makes .PKT files. It works both for
                                incoming and outgoing news, and it's
                                completely trasparent for your users.
                                PD by Lelio della Pietra, 2:335/244
nixg100a.zip   75541 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                NIX/Gate 1.0 - BBS Door which 
                                acts as a DOS-to-UNIX gateway.
                                Provide access to Internet and
                                Usenet to your BBS callers!   
                                Shareware - $15 - Brought to  
                                you by Cairo Research Labs,   
                                the makers of BFE and VID!    
nm32ptch.zip    6089 08-05-2024 NetModem/32 Update Patch
nm32_2a3.zip 1406310 08-05-2024 
ns11.zip      433852 08-05-2024 NetXpress Server v1.1 [DEMO]
                                Internet Server for DOS, includes
                                WWW, CGI, Gopher, Finger, Telnet,
                                SMTP servers and SMTP & NNTP clients.
nt16424.zip   670330 08-05-2024 NetTerm v4.2.4 Internet Telnet OVID Zmodem
                                NetTerm is a Windows based terminal emulator
                                with fast zmodem file transfers.  It can also
                                be used as a dialer program for SLIP/PPP and
                                includes a built in scripting language.
                                For Internet hosts, the telnet protocol is
                                enabled with VT100 and full ANSI graphics.  A
                                ftp server is included.  Transparent printing
                                and local host editing is supported for UNIX.
                                nt16424.exe - 16 bit InterSoft@compuserve.com
nt32424.zip   919849 08-05-2024 NetTerm v4.2.4 Internet Telnet OVID Zmodem
                                NetTerm is a Windows based terminal emulator
                                with fast zmodem file transfers.  It can also
                                be used as a dialer program for SLIP/PPP and
                                includes a built in scripting language.
                                For Internet hosts, the telnet protocol is
                                enabled with VT100 and full ANSI graphics.  A
                                ftp server is included.  Transparent printing
                                and local host editing is supported for UNIX.
                                nt32424.exe - 32 bit InterSoft@compuserve.com
nwsg08g3.zip   83333 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                          NEWSGATE 0.83/W95-NT           
                                 An utility to import newsgroups directly 
                                 into  your  FidoNet  areas.  It connects 
                                 directly  to your(s)  news  servers  and 
                                 makes .PKT files.                        
                                 It works both for incoming and outgoing  
                                 news, and it's completely trasparent for 
                                 your users.                              
                                     By Lelio dellaPietra, 2:335/244     
nxbbs.key       1716 08-05-2024 
nxbbs208.zip  292960 08-05-2024 + NetXpress Internet Access BBS Door v1.1 +
                                Everything you need to allow your users to
                                surf the net.  Includes Web browser, IRC,
                                FTP, POP3 email, Gopher, Telnet, Rexec,
                                Ping, WhoIs, Finger and a CSLIP server door!
pbu_110.zip   110776 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 PBBSuucp Version 1.10 
                                Allows your user to enter or reply
                                to Internet E-Mails just like what
                                they does with FidoNet style Netmails
                                without have to specifically type a
                                TO: statement at the first line of
                                the message body! -= GREAT =-
pcbk_140.zip  205264 08-05-2024 [  PCBOOK v1.40   ]Ļ
                                   PcBook v1.40 Internet Address Book   
                                 A great way for your users to manage   
                                 their internet address's. PcBook will  
                                 work with most any BBS package because 
                                 of it's unique robotic message entry   
                                 control.  Remote local Cursor control, 
                                 Max SVGA graphics! Local and Remote!   
                                           \\\\ MAX SVGA ////           
                                [ FzSoft ]ļ
pppbb301.zip  311644 08-05-2024 PPPBBS Version 3.01
                                Awesome new TCP/IP-based BBS program with many
                                advanced capabilities.
                                Designed to let anyone operate as a complete,
                                small-scale Internet
                                Service Provider, with a minimum of expense.
                                PPPBBS can connect to
                                the Internet a variety of different ways: PPP
                                Dial-Up, PPP over ISDN,
                                or Ethernet. Does not require "dedicated"
                                Internet access, a static
                                IP address, or even that you "own" a range of
                                IP addresses. Can even
                                "gate" a PPP feed to your Ethernet LAN.
                                Built-in: Multiuser PPP Internet Network
                                Access Server, Web Server,
                                FTP Server, Telnet Server, Ident Server, SMTP
                                Server, POP3 Server,
                                SMTP Client, POP3 Client, DYNDNS.COM Client,
                                Multi-User BBS,
                                Mail Processor With Universal Mailbox Support,
                                and much, much more.
                                Multitasker NOT required. NOT a proxy server.
                                Extremely configurable.
                                MUST DOWNLOAD. Official Web Site: www.degraaf
                                .net  BBS: 616-399-4818
qgate092.zip   57998 08-05-2024 QWKgate 0.92 QWK-Internet Gateway. Tosses
                                mail between a LAN-based BBS and the Internet
                                Provides a gateway between QWK-formatted 
                                messages and Internet-style (SMTP) messages.
                                Requires a LAN with TCP/IP access to the 
                                Internet, Mercury (a free e-mail transport 
                                system for Novell Netware), and a BBS package
                                that can handle QWK-based networking. QWKgate
                                & Mercury available from PoV BBS (205
                                & anonymous FTP (risc.ua.edu). BETA release!
sdftp130.zip  100000 08-05-2024 SDFTP. GUI & script driven FTP application
                                version 1.3.0  16bit and 32bit versions for
shwmail1.zip   35135 08-05-2024 ShowMail Version 1.0
                                **Freeware** DOS and OS/2!
                                Door to show users their Email
                                addresses.  No need for messing 
                                with ANSI Codes.  Looks Great!
                                Written by: Shawn 'Tiny' Highfield
soupg104.zip  409436 08-05-2024 SoupGate v1.04: easily configurable yet
                                quite powerful Fidonet-Internet gateway
                                software; requires SOUP mail/news client.
                                Supports DOS, OS/2 and Windows 9X/NT.
                                Public gamma version (1999-06-28).
                                            --- FREEWARE ---
soupgatb.zip  401691 08-05-2024 SoupGate v1.04: easily configurable yet
                                quite powerful Fidonet-Internet gateway
                                software; requires SOUP mail/news client.
                                Supports DOS, OS/2 and Windows 9X/NT.
                                Restricted beta version (1999-03-20).
                                            --- FREEWARE ---
sq2ht000.zip  197763 08-05-2024 Convert Squish Message Bases to HTML.  SQ2HTM
                                Requires DANEN library and Squish Developers
                                Kit Version 2.00 (SQDEV200.ZIP) to recompile.
                                Source released into the Public Domain.
                                Copyright 1998-1999 by Gerry J. Danen; all
                                rights reserved.
                                Part of the Danen Utilities
                                FreeWare from GeCe Ventures
tbbs9901.zip  117376 08-05-2024 .----------------------------------.
                                :     tOrnak's Telnet BBS List     :
                                :       + Janruary of 1999 +       :
                                :  BBS's Are Still KICKING in '99  :
                                :       All FREE and VERIFIED      :
                                :      Telnet client included!     :
                                : http://powerrage.nws.net/bbslist :
tc95p183.zip  842945 08-05-2024 TurboCom/95 Lite 1.83 Allows Windows95/NT
                                Com ports to emulate a UART address/IRQ
                                which allows DOS applications and fossil
                                drivers to access these Windows com ports
                                such as Win-Modems and COM/IP telnet.
tchkpop1.zip   33152 08-05-2024 Tiny's CheckPOP Ver 1.0
                                **Freeware** MAR 20 1998
                                Allows BBS users to check their
                                internet email accounts for mail.
                                Requires OS/2 Warp and TCP/IP.
tdb005m.zip    77389 08-05-2024 
teldr102.zip   85708 08-05-2024 Telnet Door is a door program written to run
                                on OS/2 BBS systems.  It allows
                                the user to login to a host system on the
                                Internet (or other TCP/IP networks).
                                This can be used to provide UNIX shell access
                                via your OS/2 BBS or DOS BBS
                                package running under OS/2.  You can also run
                                SLIP or PPP over the Telnet
                                Requires OS/2 version 2.10+ with a 32bit
                                TCP/IP protocol stack.  I recommend
                                using OS/2 Warp Connect.
telfaq15.zip   20462 08-05-2024 TELFAQ15 [5-31-2000] - Step-by-step guide
                                to putting a BBS onto the internet under 
                                WIN95/98. Full instructions, troubleshooting,
                                and FAQs. Includes settings for Netmodem 1.0b4
                                Netmodem 2.0a2, Netmodem 2.0a3, and COM/IP
tftp156.zip    72176 08-05-2024        TOSS'n for FTP'n v1.56
                                 Creates *.pkt files from *.msg files
                                for Fido-style mailers who store Netmail
                                  as *.msg.  Allows transfer to a FTP
                                 host for processing.  Anyone running
                                FrontDoor or Intermail and getting echos
                                  via the Internet NEEDs this Program!
                                     Shareware by Lyn B. Borchert
tn211.zip     133341 08-05-2024 [ TransNet 2.11 ]Ŀ
                                 Multifunctional Internet/Fidonet    
                                 gateway & mailing list processor.   
                                 For Internet/Fido users: Hosts      
                                 mailing lists and has a Filebot.    
                                 For Fido only users: Links email to 
                                 Fidonet netmail and mailing lists   
                                 to echomail. Links hosted mailing   
                                 lists to echomail areas. Links      
                                 Fidonet systems through Internet.   
                                 Requires only an email account.     
                                 Independent functions. Features a   
                                 strong security system, template and
                                 alias support. Fidonet features:    
                                 Single user and BBS support.        
                                 FrontDoor and Binkley-style         
                                 compatible. Supports Fido domains.  
                                 For MS-DOS or better. Compatible    
                                 with UNIX (DOS Window mode).        
                                 (C) 1996-98 by Marc S. Ressl        
tn2mudos.zip  281977 08-05-2024 [ TransNet Mail Utilities DOS 2.0 ]Ŀ
                                 Internet SMTP/POP3 mailer package   
                                 for TransNet 2.0 [MSDOS version].   
                                 * NetMail, NetDial, DOSPPP, SLIPPER 
                                 * Instructions for setting up the   
                                   programs with TransNet.           
                                 (C) 1996-98 by Marc S. Ressl        
transx27.zip  198458 08-05-2024 ****** TransX 2.7 - Shareware Version *******
                                Use Internet email to transport your Fidonet-
                                style mail and files in  order to  avoid long
                                distance bills! Great for expanding networks.
                                Supports many mailers such as: FrontDoor,BBBS
                                PCBoard,Binkley,D'Bridge,Plantinum Xpress,PKT
                                Supports almost any type of  Internet service
                                including UUCP, SMTP, RFC822, Mercury Mailer,
                                gated netmail or even a regular POP3 mailbox.
                                See our web site at http://www.multiboard.com
txm263d.zip   105696 08-05-2024 TxMAILER/DOS v2.6.3 Client for DOS
                                This module allows you to integrate "TransX"
                                and the Internet using a regular dial-up PPP
                                account and the SMTP/POP3 protocols.  Uses a
                                regular POP mailbox.  TransX transports your
                                Fidonet packets over the  Internet  to avoid
                                long distance charges. Requires TRANSX26.ZIP
txm263w.zip   136293 08-05-2024 TxMAILER/32 v2.6.03 Client for Windows 95/NT
                                This module allows you to integrate "TransX"
                                with the Windows 95 dial-up networking using 
                                SMTP/POP3 to transfer the packets.  Uses any
                                regular POP mailbox.  TransX transports your
                                Fidonet packets over the  Internet  to avoid
                                long distance charges. Requires TRANSX26.ZIP
vcomfaq.zip     2589 08-05-2024 VCom v0.2b Frequently Asked Questions
                                VCom allows your users to Telnet into
                                your BBS under Windows95.
vcom_01b.zip  626930 08-05-2024             VCom beta
                                  VCom is high-performance 32-bit
                                Windows 95 program that emulates a
                                Hayes compatible modem with 16550
                                FIFO buffered UART over an inbound
                                or outbound telnet connection.  The
                                program allows any program that has
                                modem/serial support to take
                                advantage of the vast resources of
                                the internet.
                                  VCom includes a telnet client/server
                                that allows BBS sysops to create
                                multiple inbound telnet nodes for
                                their system and gamers to play any
                                game that supports a modem to be
                                played over the internet without the
                                aid of any other server/service.
vcom_02b.zip  626569 08-05-2024            VCom 0.2b
                                -Runs under Windows 95 (and Win 3.1 if I see
                                -Includes a telnet daemon that routes incoming
                                connections to any DOS
                                 application that supports a serial port
                                (BBS's, Games, etc)
                                -Emulates a Hayes compatible modem
                                 (e.g. ATxx, RING, CONNECT xxxxx, NO CARRIER,
                                -Speed limited only by your computer
                                -Fast full 16550 FIFO UART emulation
                                -User selectable IRQ and Base address
vcom_fd.zip     8005 08-05-2024 How to configure FrontDoor 2.20 to run under
                                Vcom 0.2b, a Windows 95 telnet driver.
vcom_ra.zip     4266 08-05-2024 VCom 0.2b Setup for RemoteAccess 2.50
                                How to setup VCom and RA, so that your
                                users can telnet into your BBS!
webbbs13.zip   88919 08-05-2024 WebBBS version 1.3 WebServer for BBS's
                                WebBBS runs on your Bulletin Board System
                                as a door program. When callers connect to
                                your BBS using combination internet browser &
                                modem terminal software such as I-comm they
                                will see HTML pages with SVGA pictures, WWW
                                internet style web pages like on internet.
                                You and your friends can create your own
                                web pages and WebBBS will display them. It's
                                like having your own web site!
wftpd202.zip  181178 08-05-2024 (v2.02) WFTPD - Winsock FTP Server.
                                Allows you to administer an FTP site from
                                your own Windows machine.  Easy to use and
                                configure, and notoriously stable.  Costs
                                only $15 to register the 16-bit version,
                                $20 for the 32-bit version ($5 extra for
                                disk shipment as opposed to ftp/email
                                Author: Alun Jones, Texas Imperial Software
ws_ftp32.zip  197478 08-05-2024 
znews97d.zip   55354 08-05-2024 ZipNews; FAST Usenet News access for PCBoard,
                                Wildcat!, Waffle, & other BBSs; v0.97d BETA.
                                Can handle news article uploads from the new
                                ZipNews Reader/Mailer (available separately).
                                Registered version of the door can handle
                                Internet E-mail downloads and uploads in
                                addition to Usenet NEWS. Like the various PCB
                                gateways, this door only needs Waffle for the
                                uucp transport & news/mail setup; its primary
                                advantage is all msgs are in Internet format.
                                Registration - $19.95, unlimited BBS nodes!

                  Area 70 - Maximus Utils                 

130tunes.zip   12460 08-05-2024 130 Page Tunes For Maximus. No Duplicates.
                                These songs were stolen from RA.
alf20wb.zip    90879 08-05-2024 ALF v2.0wb (Add Local Files to Maximus).
                                Import file(s), entire directories, disks
                                /CDs to Maximus File Areas. Process, kill
                                (has added options), Wildcard hurls, touch,
                                Hurl TWICE w/`n' days delay, backup, find
                                wayward files, SORT and FB ANY/ALL areas,
                                move file entry, File Selector, FILES.BBS
                                Editing/REMOTE editing. Complete manager
                                for Maximus v2.x. Includes INSTALL, Help.
bullmk20.zip   17166 08-05-2024 
cbv10b.zip     47621 08-05-2024 DCSCBV v1.0 (BETA) Call Back Verifier for
                                Maximus-CBCS v3.00.
cenglish.zip   96942 08-05-2024 
chin006.zip    28046 08-05-2024 
cidv122.zip    33386 08-05-2024 CIDLOG V1.22 Caller ID Loging software with
                                Support for for MAXIMUS BBS software! Adds
                                user/new user verification via Caller ID,
                                User identification prior to login, partialy
                                automated login (the SYSTEM identifies the
                                user upon dialup), time/date/phone # logging
                                to screen and file. Includes instructions for
                                modifying Caller ID boxes for use with this
                                software. V1.22 - DOS and MULTITASKER support
                                Author: Steven L. Davis
cldrp330.zip   92129 08-05-2024 
cmav_140.zip    4448 08-05-2024 
c_hlp001.zip   16337 08-05-2024 
dc_106.zip     42817 08-05-2024 
dlc_243.zip    31031 08-05-2024 
dllog_13.zip   11871 08-05-2024 
doormax2.zip   30881 08-05-2024 DOORMAX2.ZIP * Version 2.0
                                               One SysOp's approach to
                                               running DOS doors with
                                               Maximus/2. Includes
                                               sample dropfiles, batch
                                               files, and a list of doors
                                               that do work using these
dwnsrt56.zip  106192 08-05-2024 
echofix3.zip   23899 08-05-2024 Maximus Squish base date fixer, v0.3 -
                                This corrects the grunged dates in
                                messages posted by the Blue Wave door for
                                Maximus, in Squish areas only. GPL'ed,
                                with C source, DOS and OS/2 EXEs (OS/2
                                version needs EMX). By William McBrine.
filedoor.zip    8905 08-05-2024 
flist26.zip    31183 08-05-2024 
flst105p.zip   46642 08-05-2024 
fm122.zip     125255 08-05-2024 FMOVE 1.22 Filebase maintenance for Maximus
                                * FMOVE 1.22 Public release.
                                  Features include:
                                * Dos Protected mode executable.
                                * Move or Kill files based on age or size.
                                * Maximus 3.0, 3.01 support. Sorry no
                                  support for Maximus 2.x. :-(
                                * Limited support for other files.bbs based
                                  BBS packages.
                                * Exclude list to exclude your favorite
                                  files from processing.
                                * Definable mininimum number of days to keep
                                  files when oversize.
                                * Archiving of killed files descriptions.
                                * Remove descriptions of missing files from
                                * Reindex program definable, ie FB.EXE or
                                * Generates DOFB.BAT, run after fmove
                                  to keep your indexes up to date.
                                * Binkley style logging, both to screen and
                                * Adoption of orphan files before processing
fmtag10.zip    12034 08-05-2024 
ftn015b.zip   787555 08-05-2024          ---  FTNed  ---
                                GUI FTN editor for Windows 95/NT
                                     Squish and Fido(*.MSG).
                                This program began because I was sick
                                and tired of Golded, Madmed etc.
                                I dislike GoldEd because of it's mad
                                interface, but I liked some features.
graf4max.zip    3947 08-05-2024 
how_much.zip   20276 08-05-2024 
infolist.zip    7980 08-05-2024 
lastuser.zip   21743 08-05-2024 
lcall10.zip    30244 08-05-2024 
lcall12.zip    20976 08-05-2024 
lister.zip     39769 08-05-2024 
llst150s.zip  216184 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                    L-List 1.50  OS/2 Release      
                                 by Alessandro Trebbi (2:332/901)  
                                 L-List is a complete utility for  
                                  your file base: edit files.bbs,  
                                 process TIC files and much other. 
                                ۳                                   ۺ
                                ۳  Direct support for LORA and MAX  ۺ
ltc_2dcfg.zip    3210 08-05-2024 LTC Config [MECCA/MEX] - Max v3 - The
                                configuration menu used on The Life and
                                Times of Chris Gerlinsky
lu2max35.zip   12208 08-05-2024 
lu2mj317.zip    7897 08-05-2024 
lul2maxd.zip   11665 08-05-2024 
max200p1.zip  347228 08-05-2024 
max200p2.zip  164979 08-05-2024 
max200_1.zip  302552 08-05-2024 
max200_2.zip  163657 08-05-2024 
max200_3.zip  149939 08-05-2024 
max200_4.zip  310940 08-05-2024 
max201b.zip   479015 08-05-2024 
max3_sve.zip   35851 08-05-2024 
maxbank2.zip   91223 08-05-2024 
maxbm110.zip    6118 08-05-2024 
maxbnk28.zip  121809 08-05-2024 
maxfreq.zip     4892 08-05-2024 
maxid103.zip   26999 08-05-2024 
maxipc2.zip    13370 08-05-2024 
maxlg132.zip   50260 08-05-2024 
maxlog20.zip  121481 08-05-2024 
maxmen6.zip    41276 08-05-2024 
max_scpt.zip    3159 08-05-2024 Telix script file for Maximus boards. It
                                will logon and then take you into the off-
                                line reader section, Upload your .REP reply
                                file and then delete it, Download your new
                                .QWK packet file and then return Telix to
                                manual operation. Only name and .REP file
                                location/name entries for this script are
                                required. Instructions are in this file.
mbank213.zip   66888 08-05-2024 
mbank214.zip   78299 08-05-2024 
mcalls02.zip    3609 08-05-2024 MaxCalls v0.02b:  Small utility that allows
                                Maximus Sysops to perform just about any
                                kind of function or task based on a callers
                                number of calls.  This is a DOS based util.
                                Freeware - By:  Larry Cooke @ (1:300/53)
mdomore.zip     3093 08-05-2024 MailDoMore [MEX] - Max v3 - A MEX that
                                will will stop messages from scrolling
                                off the screen, and will help limit the
                                display of useless prompts
mec2ans.zip    10100 08-05-2024 
mrtg111.zip    17363 08-05-2024 
msgadd50.zip   46904 08-05-2024 +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+
                                |  Andypoo's MsgArea.Ctl  |
                                |          Editor         |
                                | For Maximus 2.xx & 3.xx |
                                |       Version 5.00      |
                                |         11/09/95        |
                                |-|This utility makes it|-|
                                |--+easier for *ANYONE*+--|
                                |--|to add msg. areas!!|--|
msgcnt20.zip   43542 08-05-2024 
msgxp200.zip   70418 08-05-2024 
msgx_200.zip   87378 08-05-2024 
msq21ap.zip   120204 08-05-2024 
mt102.zip     206894 08-05-2024 MaxTools v1.02: 16 utilities for Maximus!
                                Send canned messages to new users or 
                                access level changes such as expired 
                                accounts or, congrats on passing the
                                call back verifier!, Generate all files
                                lists, Command line hurl option, shorten
                                Max.log by # of days, Bulletin Door, Ansi
                                welcome screen displayer, rewrite files.bbs
                                with only files that exist, remove dates
                                from files.bbs, add dates to files.bbs,
                                special CD utilities and much much more!
                                (Date 1/23/93) Req: 8088 DOS 3.2
                                Shareware ($20) from Michael Jones.
mtd103.zip    379449 08-05-2024 MaxTools v1.03:(MS-DOS version)
                                17 utilities for Maximus! 
                                An actual tool-chest of utilities
                                for  SysOps running Maximus BBS!
                                Send canned messages to new users or 
                                access level changes such as expired 
                                accounts or, congrats on passing the
                                call back verifier!, Generate all files
                                lists, Command line hurl option, shorten
                                Max.log by # of days, Bulletin Door, Ansi
                                welcome screen displayer, rewrite files.bbs
                                with only files that exist, remove dates
                                from files.bbs, add dates to files.bbs,
                                CD support and much much more!
                                (Date 3/12/93) Req: 8088 or higher DOS 3.3
                                Shareware ($20) from Michael Jones.
mtd_103.zip   376594 08-05-2024 MaxTools v1.03:(MS-DOS version)
                                17 utilities for Maximus! 
                                An actual tool-chest of utilities
                                for  SysOps running Maximus BBS!
                                Send canned messages to new users or 
                                access level changes such as expired 
                                accounts or, congrats on passing the
                                call back verifier!, Generate all files
                                lists, Command line hurl option, shorten
                                Max.log by # of days, Bulletin Door, Ansi
                                welcome screen displayer, rewrite files.bbs
                                with only files that exist, remove dates
                                from files.bbs, add dates to files.bbs,
                                CD support and much much more!
                                (Date 3/12/93) Req: 8088 or higher DOS 3.3
                                Shareware ($20) from Michael Jones.
mtop130.zip    49630 08-05-2024 MAXTOP (v1.30)
                                This program is used to read the Max
                                3.00 USER.BBS file and generate a file
                                listing the top users for the BBS.  The
                                top user categories are selected from a
                                control file.  Includes full 'C' source
                                code. [DOS/OS2]
mufon2a.zip    13323 08-05-2024 
mul100.zip    115081 08-05-2024 
mxml_161.zip  107710 08-05-2024 
mxms_161.zip  141677 08-05-2024 
mxv_202.zip    57256 08-05-2024 
neatnik2.zip   42139 08-05-2024 
newprot2.zip   10009 08-05-2024 
newproto.zip    8087 08-05-2024 
nfa140.zip     34882 08-05-2024 
opus1max.zip   15145 08-05-2024 
pdl_max1.zip   15276 08-05-2024 PDL_MAX v1.01. Private Download Program
                                for Maximus. Any file on your system!!
                                You just enter USER, and FILE to send.
                                Optional message, delete-after-download.
pfix10.zip     67436 08-05-2024 
play100.zip    11940 08-05-2024 
prgu_2d090.zip   91421 08-05-2024 
protocol.zip   62864 08-05-2024 
rap4max.zip    38846 08-05-2024 
rcv2.zip       10724 08-05-2024 
rem_send.zip  376713 08-05-2024 REM_SEND.ZIP
                                REMIND is a command line utility
                                used to issue a daily, weekly,
                                monthly, or annual list of remin-
                                ders and calendar entries. This
                                list of reminders can be redirected
                                to a text file, which is then written
                                into Squish or *.MSG message bases
                                using SENDMSG. DOS and OS/2 versions
                                included in archive. C sources too.
rtunep.zip     26308 08-05-2024 
scp_v110.zip  128082 08-05-2024 
scream20.zip   29118 08-05-2024 
seal_050.zip  470334 08-05-2024 
sems101.zip    49287 08-05-2024 
sendfile.zip    2497 08-05-2024 SendFile v1.0 [MEX] - Max v3 - sends a
                                specific file to a user the first time
                                they download any file.
sets200.zip    53396 08-05-2024 
smsg_102.zip   59880 08-05-2024 Send Message v1.02 - PD Utility to send
                                messages to *.MSG or SQUISH bases. DOS
                                and OS/2 executeables w/source. Written
                                by Pete Kvitek (2:5020/6)
sq2ar101.zip   16088 08-05-2024 Creates AREAS.BBS from Squish configuration
                                file. Indicates passthru areas, can
                                optionally exclude Squish-specific flags.
                                Version 1.01 corrects handling of the Squish
                                 "-p" flag.
sqaem121.zip   83002 08-05-2024 Squish Automatic Echo Manager
                                An areafix clone that works with Squish's
                                one configuration file.
                                Features include:
                                  Security groups & levels,
                                  one-line & multi-line echo descriptions,
                                  full 4d addressing and zone-aware,
                                  rescan & area forwarding,
                                  remote node profile managing.
sqaem131.zip  109016 08-05-2024 Squish Automatic Echo Manager
                                An areafix clone that works with Squish's
                                one configuration file.
                                Features include:
                                  Security groups & levels,
                                  one-line & multi-line echo descriptions,
                                  full 4d addressing and zone-aware,
                                  rescan & area forwarding,
                                  remote node profile managing.
sqmex001.zip    9566 08-05-2024 
sqrep103.zip   41736 08-05-2024 
sqst10a.zip    64089 08-05-2024 
stdn100.zip     3877 08-05-2024 StarDown V1.00 - DL Command Replacement
                                     From StarLab Systems Software
                                DOWNLOAD_FILES command replacement for
                                MAX V3.00+ Systems. Allows Local users
                                (Sysops) to copy tagged files to a
                                desired directory using the DOWNLOAD
                                command. Allows usage of /q (quit) and
                                /e (edit tagged files) sub-commands.
strakd10.zip    8918 08-05-2024 StarTrak V1.00 Door Activity Tracker
                                   From StarLab Systems SoftWare
                                MEX program for MAX V3.00+ which
                                tracks the activity of the doors and
                                other menu options on your BBS. Easy
                                to use and SetUp. A must for the
                                statistics nut!
tag2max.zip    49758 08-05-2024 
tagfile.zip     9695 08-05-2024 TAGFILE.ZIP
                                A MEX program to permit single-key tag-
                                ging for download of files for Maximus
                                v3.0.  Includes support for download
                                counters, free time/byte files.
tags02.zip     37190 08-05-2024 
tags03.zip     36987 08-05-2024 
tcall110.zip   50087 08-05-2024 
timb6.zip      89541 08-05-2024 
tk2fb300.zip   30061 08-05-2024 
topxp111.zip   76379 08-05-2024 
topx_111.zip   90793 08-05-2024 
trimc001.zip   12620 08-05-2024 TRIMC.EXE v0.01 trims the MAXIMUS 3.00+
                                CALLERS.BBS to a specified size.
ued201pb.zip  144263 08-05-2024 
ued3012k.zip  103574 08-05-2024 
ued301sr.zip  135905 08-05-2024 
uedp201.zip    92556 08-05-2024 
ulstr700.zip   47240 08-05-2024 ULister v7.0 for Maximus CBCS. 
                                ULister lists the last caller
                                to your BBS. It directly 
                                supports Max v3.0 but is
                                also compatible with 2.0.
                                Configurable colors, can
                                be used in a multi 
                                session environment.
uploname.zip   40638 08-05-2024 
usage17.zip    19791 08-05-2024 
usage23.zip    42821 08-05-2024 
usrlist2.zip    5785 08-05-2024 
usrst20c.zip   25053 08-05-2024 
valmsg19.zip   36569 08-05-2024 
vien300.zip    34598 08-05-2024 
viewrar.zip     3814 08-05-2024 ViewRar.Mex permits Maximus 3.0
                                users to list the contents of a
                                'RAR' style archive.
virex312.zip   11016 08-05-2024 
vk_299b.zip    71340 08-05-2024 VKill v2.99a - Pre-3.0 Alpha Release of the
                                VKill Maximus Upload Integrity Tester System.
                                Much has changed with VKill since v2.0, and
                                it was definitely worth the wait!  For use
                                with Scott Dudley's Maximus CBCS v2.0x.
                                From Cairo Research Labs, 1992!
vrefhtm.zip   170678 08-05-2024 VWin documentation in HTML format suitable 
                                for Win/Win95/WinNt
vwin95pt.zip    5561 08-05-2024 This is a patch for Vwin120.zip.  If you are
                                running Win3.1, WinNT or Linux, you don't
                                need this patch.  This patch is for Windows
                                95 only.
vwininst.zip    3033 08-05-2024 Install notes for VWIN120.ZIP for Windows
                                3.1, Win95 and WinNt
want4max.zip    7220 08-05-2024 
wave202.zip   121850 08-05-2024 WAVE (OS/2). This is Alpha-1 of a
                                door for Maximus2. It is 32 bit and will
                                handle thousands of conferences. The author
                                needs feedback to improve it.
waved01.zip   186370 08-05-2024 WAVE (DMPI). This is Beta-1 of a BLUEWAVE/QWK
                                door for Maximus. It is 32 bit and will
                                handle thousands of conferences. The author
                                needs feedback to improve it.
wave_08.zip   336636 08-05-2024 
                                WAVE a Maximus 3.xx BW/QWK Maildoor.
                                Among the features either included or
                                planned is vacation mail for users and
                                the SYSOP. The door is Y2K compatible as
                                much as tghe BW and QWK formats allow
                                This archive contains both the DOS and
                                DPMI versions. An os/2 version is also
wcd217bs.zip  307982 08-05-2024 WCD 2.1. Powerful directory changer for
                                DOS(-box) and Unix. w/ C src.
                                - let the user choose in case of multiple
                                - regular expressions (wildcards *, ? and [SET
                                ) supported
                                - subdir definition possible. Eg. wcd
                                - long directory-names support in Win95
                                - alias directories
                                - ban paths
                                - add directories to database without
                                - directory stack
                                - free portable source-code (GNU copyleft)
                                - DOS 16 bit, DOS 32 bit, DOS bash
                                  Windows 3.1,95,NT dos-box
                                  Unix ksh, csh and bash

                  Area 71 - McMail Utils                  

bg2mcm10.zip    8407 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      BGF2MCM version 1.0      
                                   FAXIN.LOG to MCMAILx.INH    
                                  This program will put your   
                                  received fax with BGFAX in   
                                   the last in session from    
                                           McMail !            
                                 (c)1995 Frederic Van De Velde 
bgf2mcm.zip    36240 08-05-2024 --] Bgf2Mcm [--
                                A BGFAX to Mcmail
                                (lastuser to lastsession)
                                converter. Freeware!
                                Very easy to setup!
                                Only 35k of program!
                                No CTL or CFG!
                                Great! another BrancaProduct!
binkou43.zip   25591 08-05-2024  BinkOut - Version 4.0   
                                Program: BinkOut for Dos
                                Version: 4.0 #03
                                Release: 01.07.1995
                                 creates outboundpath-statistics
                                      of binkleystyleoutboundpaths
                                 output on screen and in 
                                  ASCII- & ANSI- Files possible
                                 works with Binkley, Bink/+,
                                    McMail, PoP, Xenia, ...
                                 describtion for every aka possible
                                 if no desc. defiened, BinkOut 
                                    can search in point-/nodelists
                                 magic "BINKOUT" at 2:2457/440
                                Archive: BINKOU43.ARJ
                                Author: Patrick Schulte
                                Registration: DM 10,-
bt2mcm.zip     36014 08-05-2024 
c2mcm102.zip  110741 08-05-2024  V1.02 ͻ
                                    Conc2McM - The one and only    
                                     versatile Concord lastcall    
                                   >>        Easy setup       <<   
                                   >>      Good features      <<   
                                   >>    Free registration    <<   
                                   >>    Nice look and feel   <<   
                                   >>  For McMail, InterMail  <<   
                                   >>     and FrontDoor       <<   
                                  Requestware by Lothar Lindinger  
cfr_2da93.zip  299278 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                          CFROUTE 0.93 alpha         
                                     Binkley-style netmail packer    
                                     for OS/2, DOS and Windows-32    
                                 - Alternate routing based upon
                                   Destination system, origin system,
                                   day of the week, file attach and
                                 - Extremely flexible parser.
                                 - Very powerful wildcard processor.
                                 - Generates type 2 and 2+ packets.
                                 - Unlimited number of AKAs, passwords,
                                   routes, etc. No hardcoded limits!
                                 - Multiple netmail directories.
                                 - Freeware.
                                 - C++ source code available.
                                 This is an alpha release. Try it at 
                                 your own risk!                      
clno_151.zip  134395 08-05-2024 ͸
                                         CleanOut  v. 1.51          
                                A utility to keep your Binkley-style
                                mailer's  outbound  clean and  kill 
                                "forgotten" files.                  
                                Can also delete old mail/files from 
                                your outbound, send netmail to lazy 
                                pollers, etc.                       
                                Replaces O/T-Track's MAINT and NUKE 
                                function in Bink-style environments.
                                Works with  BinkleyTerm, Xenia,     
                                McMail, and probably PoP.           
                                         Maintenance Release        
                                           USE WITH CARE!           
                                 BearWare (c) 1995 by Klaus Nitsche 
dmcm142.zip   270664 08-05-2024 Dark McMail v1.42 is THAT tool for McMail
                                v1.0g5 and above. Use it instead of a whole
                                battery of utilities. Dark McMail combines
                                the functions of most other tools PLUS does
                                more and a end of the functions is invisible:
                                - creates a what's on hold ANSI
                                - creates a flowdata ANSI
                                - creates a inbound history ANSI
                                - creates a outbound history ANSI
                                - creates what's on hold netmails for links
                                - creates a netmail with the flowdatas
                                - creates a inbound history netmail
                                - creates a outbound history netmail
                                - creates a bad transfer file netmail
                                - creates a cost per aka netmail
                                - changes the siteinfo of the MCMAIL.CFG
                                - changes the location of the MCMAIL.CFG
                                - changes the ticker of the MCMAIL.CFG
                                - changes the bbs banner of the MCMAIL.CFG
                                - changes the in ev. ban. of the MCMAIL.CFG
                                - deletes files in the special outbounds
                                - creates none exist special outbounds
                                - cleanup the normal outbounds
                                - corrects system time based on the TRANX
                                - shows the intertask infos on the screen
                                - packs logfiles (the own and McMail's)
                                - imports bbs caller into the MCMAIL[x].INH
                                - create and manage a poll list via mailrobot
                                - deletes sended netmails in the main folder
                                - built-in fullscreen setup
                                - and more ...
                                   If you are running McMail you owe it to
                                      yourself to evaluate Dark McMail!
eerp220a.zip  646221 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                  EasyERP Compilation Version 2.20a 
                                   Request-Prozessor & Tools fuer   
                                    Frontdoor 2.02 / 2.1x / 2.20    
                                         Intermail & McMail         
                                [ Bugfixed Version ]Ķ
                                 - Versenden von TICs, FILES.BBS    
                                   und 4DOS-Batches nach SRM/RP     
                                 - sehr schneller und kleiner Index 
                                 - Beschreibungen aus FILES.BBS,    
                                   RA-Base, EzyCom und DESCRIPT.ION 
                                 - DLC Update/Failed Request Check  
                                 - Komplexe Suchmoeglichkeiten      
                                   innerhalb von Aliasen            
                                 - Verwaltung beliebig vieler CDs   
                                   & Festplatten (Volumes)          
                                 - Intelligentes CD-ROM-Sharing     
                                 - Frei definierbare Reportmails    
                                 - Userbezogener Request-DupeCheck  
                                 - Konfiguration via SAA-Setup      
                                 - Templates, Replaces, Trashcan    
                                 - Update-Requests, Inbound-Scan,   
                                   ReqMail- & NetMail-Requests      
                                 - Statistiken & viele Utilities    
                                 - unterstuetzt SRIF, V7, u.v.a.m.  
                                 - Protected Cmd-Shell fuer FD 2.02 
ez2mcm10.zip    9072 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  Ezycom Todays Callers   
                                 McMail History Converter 
                                    MultiLine Aware !     
                                No configuration required!
                                Reads EZY, MCM & TASK env 
fdl123b1.zip  272375 08-05-2024  V1.23-1 ͻ
                                  FDLog - The ultimate Loganalyzer 
                                  for FrontDoor, InterMail, Xenia, 
                                 McMail, Binkley, T-Mail and FIPS. 
                                  >>   Minor update release    <<  
                                  >>  Some fixes and changes,  <<  
                                  >>    and supporting MCR.    <<  
                                  >>   Beta version only for   <<  
                                  >>     registered users!     <<  
                                  FDLog calculates costs, creates  
                                 cost, caller and FREQ statistics, 
                                 writes NetMails to Up- and Down-  
                                  links and much more. FDLog uses  
                                  special techniques to calculate  
                                 the costs more accurate. FDLog is 
                                  so flexible that it will fit on  
                                      every telephone system.      
                                 Shareware by L. "LiLo" Lindinger  
fscanmcm.zip   14174 08-05-2024 FScan v1.0 for McMail - Tool to scan specified
                                directories for certain file-patterns, and
                                hatch these files to downlinks, e.g. NODEDIFFs
                                 For McMail/Bink-style mailers (*.FLO). (c)
                                1995 Martin Danielsson/Regents Soft, shareware
lastmcm.zip     9486 08-05-2024 LastMCM v0.2      by T.
                                Writes last McMCallers
                                to  a  sexy  ansi-file.
                                >>>>  NETMAILWARE  <<<<
lra2lmcm.zip   10308 08-05-2024     LRA2LMCM v1.5 BY T.
                                Patches  McMail's Inbound-
                                history with Remote Access
                                last caller.
                                You get information about :
                                - users RealName
                                - users Handle
                                - users Location
                                - users Linespeed
                                - logOn Time
                                - minutes used
                                - number of calls of this
                                - kilobytes downloaded
                                ! for McMail Gamma 3 !
                                  >>>>  NETMAILWARE  <<<<
max2mcm.zip    67655 08-05-2024 --] Max2Mcm [--
                                A Maximus to Mcmail
                                (lastuser to lastsession)
                                converter. Freeware!
                                Very easy to setup!
                                Only 30k of program!
                                No CTL or CFG!
                                Great! another BrancaProduct!
                                NEW !
                                German version Max2McmD
                                by Martin Roggon works
                                very well with McM 1.0g5.
max2mcm2.zip   59150 08-05-2024 Maximus --TO--> McMail Converter ver 2.0
                                The final solution  for converting  your
                                LASTUSxx.BBS to MCMAILx.INH.  Completely
                                rewritten version  (engine 2).  DOS  and
                                OS/2 version.  Don't  need  any  config!
                                ------*]]>>>>>> FREEWARE <<<<<<[[*------
mccst51g.zip   28589 08-05-2024 McMCost v0.51 - Cost Logfile Scanner
mclogd23.zip   42155 08-05-2024 McMLogd V2.3b Statistik Tool f. McMail
                                Das Programm wertet in uebersichtlicher
                                Form die Dateien MCMAIL?.INH und .OUH
                                aus und zeigt diese auf dem Bildschirm
                                an. Speziell koennen auch nur die Daten
                                eines Tages angezeigt werden. Hier wird
                                dann noch eine In-/Outbound Statistik
                                angezeigt. Aus Frontdoor Zeiten kann
                                McMLogD auch eine Recent-Aktivit anz.
                                Ebenfalls verfgt McMLogD ber eine 
                                Alle Anzeigen werden auch in ANSI- und
                                ASCII Files fuer die Anzeige in der 
                                Mailbox exportiert. 
                                McMLogD stellt auf Wunsch alle Lines
                                einer Multiline Box auf einen Blick dar.
                                Ein Muss fuer jeden McMail-Sysop.
                                McMLogD ist ein weiteres Quick & Dirty
                                Tool von F.Albuschat 2:2444/5120@Fido
                                 Wie alle dieser Tools ist auch dieses
                                        **** FREEWARE ****
mcm10.zip     527993 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      ij      Ŀ   
                                         Version 1.0
                                 FTN-compatible Mailer for DOS 
                                     Binkleystyle Outbound     
                                    Internal Netmailrouting    
                                    HYDRA-Protocol with Chat   
                                      256 AKAs (in and out)    
                                    Flexible Costcalculation   
                                  Request-Processor Interface  
                                        Up to 99 Lines         
                                      Visual LineControl       
                                     Internal Faxreceive       
                                        and much more...       
mcm2his.zip    31691 08-05-2024 McMail History-File 2 ANS/ASC-Converter
                                        Version 1.00 [FREEWARE]
                                    (c) by (C)atbytes Software 1996
                                Now Your Downlinks Can See:
                                - The Node You Call
                                - What You Get/Send From/To Him
                                  (Never Hear "I Poll, But There Is Nothing")
                                - The Date
                                - The Price You Pay For Your Downlinks :-/
mcmcfgs.zip    20788 08-05-2024 Collection of sample configuration files
                                for McMail 1.0/SW, based on the configs
                                supplied by the authors. Structural and
                                accessible lay-out. Eliminated English
                                grammatical errors. (Updated: 22 Jan 1997)
mcmclrax.zip    7548 08-05-2024  MCMCOLRA 95 BY T.             
                                 tired of your McMail colorz? 
                                 use this! it makes random    
                                 colorz and write them to the 
                                 configfile! GREAT!!!!!!!  
                                        !McMColRa '95!        
                                     1-year-ago release!      
                                 1st version dated 30.08.1994 
                                     For McMail Gamma 4!      
mcmcol10.zip   12188 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      McMColor version 1.00      
                                 Change easily your McMail color 
                                 settings using arrow keys.      
                                 FREEWARE by :                   
                                 (c)1995 Frederic Van De Velde   
mcmcoole.zip   24198 08-05-2024 
mcmdev.zip      3521 08-05-2024 Structures for McMail
mcmfaq.zip     14965 08-05-2024 
mcmhld07.zip   22166 08-05-2024 MCMHOLD 'What's on hold' for McMail TGM-SOFT
                                        Outbound Statistic Tool for McMail,
                                        Binkley, Cantaloop, and other Mailer
                                        with Binkley-Style-Outbound concept.
                                        Can handle Zone and Domain Outbound.
                                        Creates ASC File and Netmails for all
                                        the downlinks by some limits in CFG.
                                        - BETA Version without Documentation
                                        - Sample CFG and History including
mcmincom.zip   36917 08-05-2024 ------------------------------
                                  MCMINCOM Ver0.01 beta 5/96
                                MCMINCOM prueft  das ERROR.LOG 
                                auf abbruch einer  Mailsession
                                Fuer den Uplink dessen letztes
                                Mailpaket  nicht  vollstaendig
                                uebertragen wurde, wird sofort
                                eine neue Poll-Message erzeugt
                                Unterstuetzung fuer  MultiLine
                                ist eingebaut.
                                    MCMINCON ist FREEWARE
mcmio_29.zip   13770 08-05-2024 McMail Log Sessions Analyser - v0.29
                                Helps you analyse your McMail log files,
                                produces an ANSI, ASCII and TXT file.
                                Run 'MCMINOUT ?' for details on how to
                                use this tool.
                                Please send bugreports and logfiles to
                                Erik Coolen (2:281/909@fidonet) or
mcmlog04.zip   12611 08-05-2024 MCMLOGS v0.4-LogFileShorter for McMail
mcmpint2.zip   17083 08-05-2024 ķ
                                  McMail InterTask Patcher /2 v0.01  
                                        Der McMPInt/2 fr OS/2       
                                 Endlich kann man auch aus der OS/2- 
                                  TosserTask heraus die McMail.Int   
                                       patchen. Bitte schn :-)      
                                     * * * F R E E W A R E * * *     
                                    (c) by Olav Rogall 2:240/4038    
                                ĴHatched by Ľ
mcmsetup.zip  175603 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                       MCMSETUP V1.2        
                                   Setupprogramm for McMail 1.0   
                                       !! IT'S MAILWARE !!        
mcmsit10.zip   11460 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                       McMSite version 1.00     
                                 Randomly change Site in McMail 
                                 Support %TASK?X% variable      
                                 (for McMail 1.0g5 and up)      
                                 FREEWARE by :                  
                                 (c)1996 Frederic Van De Velde  
mcmst10.zip    14031 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      McMStat version 1.0      
                                  Statistic tools for McMail   
                                 will append stats taken from  
                                  MCMAILx.FLW and put them to  
                                  the log file of your choice  
                                        work with .CFG         
                                    Try it and tell me your    
                                   opinion ! Will also store   
                                   Will also store stats for   
                                  further demand on many days  
                                 (c)1995 Frederic Van De Velde 
mcmtr101.zip   22617 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                   --     McMTranx 1.01    --    
                                  Time-Syncronisation for McMail   
                                    (c) 1995 by Andreas Otto       
mcmu10g9.zip  173854 08-05-2024 ĿĿ
                                       ij        Ŀ  ڳ    
                                      ij              Ŀ
                                           Version 1.0g9           
                                Collection of utilities for McMail+RA2 
                                 Netmail packer, ATT/REQ converter.   
                                 Cleans your outbounds.               
                                 Renumbers your netmails.             
                                 Changes siteinfo/location randomly.  
                                 Puts lastcallers to inbound history. 
                                 Creates free def. LASTCALL.ANS/ASC   
                                 Creates free definable WOH.ANS/ASC   
                                 Terminate 1.x to BBSDATA converter   
                                 Easy logfile viewing of the MCM&RA   
                                  callers in one list !                
                                  Shareware ($15/20DM) by G.Brockhaus  
                                      (c) 1994-95 SkullSoft Group      
mcm_pb10.zip   44589 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      ij      ij  
                                         Version 1.09r
                                Displays last  ProBoard-User in
                                MCMs Inbound-History, including
                                Logon-,Logoff-Time, Name, City,
                                Baudrate and Number of Yellings
                                14-10-94 by K.Kettner, FREEWARE
mcm_pb13.zip   51399 08-05-2024 Ŀ Ŀ
                                      ij       ij  
                                         Version 1.30r
                                Zeigt den letzten ProBoard-User
                                mit allen seinen Aktivitten in
                                der Mailbox im McMail-Screen an
                                und schreibt die Werte ins MCM-
                                Logfile. 11/94 K.Kettner-FREE!!
mcnice29.zip   48405 08-05-2024 
                                        McNice 0.29 for DOS         
                                 Cost.Log-Aufbereiter fuer McMail.  
                                 Wertet das Cost.Log von McMail aus 
                                 und erstellt eine uebersichtliche  
                                 Tabelle,  welche dann  gepostet    
                                 werden kann - ...                  
                                 created by M.Roggon,2:2444/1111.18 
mcq001.zip     34294 08-05-2024 MCQ scans the McMail log file, and will write
                                to a report occurances of file requests found
                                within the McMail log.
mcu10g13.zip  178679 08-05-2024 ĿĿ
                                       ij        Ŀ  ڳ    
                                      ij              Ŀ
                                          Version 1.0g13           
                                Collection of utilities for McMail+RA2 
                                 Netmail packer, ATT/REQ converter.   
                                 Cleans your outbounds.               
                                 Renumbers your netmails.             
                                 Changes siteinfo/location randomly.  
                                 Puts lastcallers to inbound history. 
                                 Moves recieved & sent netmails       
                                 NM notify for systems in nodedata    
                                 Creates LASTCALL,WOH,OUTMAIL.ANS/ASC 
                                 Creates Diskpolls.                   
                                 Put Infos to multiline window.       
                                 Mailer onlinetime to RA's BusyPerHour
                                 Terminate 1.x to BBSDATA converter   
                                 OS2 version available: MCU10o13.RAR  
                                          Shareware ($15/20DM)         
                                  (C)1994-97 G.Brockhaus, 2:2410/1005  
mcu10o12.zip  104495 08-05-2024 ĿĿ/2
                                       ij        Ŀ  ڳ    
                                      ij              Ŀ
                                      Version 1.0g12 for OS/2      
                                 This archive only holds the OS/2 EXE. 
                                 You'll need the main archive called:  
                                          Shareware ($15/20DM)         
                                  (C)1994-97 G.Brockhaus, 2:2410/1005  
mcuv005.zip    90364 08-05-2024 Ŀ Ŀ
                                       ij         ij     
                                      ij         ij      
                                            Version 0.5            
                                A better replacement for MCMVIEW with  
                                many interesting features.             
                                 Multinode viewer for MCMAIL's lines  
                                 Internal ViewRA. Online users will   
                                  be displayed immidiate, USERDOS supp.
                                 Faked RA node with the ability to    
                                  receive online messages              
                                 Write onlinemessages to online users 
                                 Start the multiline chat localy.     
                                 Outbound manager.                    
                                 Busy per hour viewers.               
                                 Enhaced logfileviewer. All connects  
                                  of MCM & RA on all lines in one list 
                                          Shareware ($15/20DM)         
                                   (C) 1997 G.Brockhaus, 2:2410/1005   
mcuv005o.zip  146387 08-05-2024 Ŀ Ŀ
                                       ij         ij     
                                      ij         ij      
                                            Version 0.5            
                                  ONLY OS/2 EXE. MCUV005.RAR needed !  
                                          Shareware ($15/20DM)         
                                   (C) 1997 G.Brockhaus, 2:2410/1005   
mcuv006.zip    93291 08-05-2024 Ŀ Ŀ
                                       ij         ij     
                                      ij         ij      
                                            Version 0.6            
                                A better replacement for MCMVIEW with  
                                many interesting features.             
                                 Multinode viewer for MCMAIL's lines  
                                 Internal ViewRA. Online users will   
                                  be displayed immidiate, USERDOS supp.
                                 Faked RA node with the ability to    
                                  receive online messages              
                                 Write onlinemessages to online users 
                                 Start the multiline chat localy.     
                                 Outbound manager.                    
                                 Busy per hour viewers.               
                                 Enhaced logfileviewer. All connects  
                                  of MCM & RA on all lines in one list 
                                          Shareware ($15/20DM)         
                                   (C) 1997 G.Brockhaus, 2:2410/1005   
mlh10g2.zip    69388 08-05-2024 McMail Log History:
                                Version 1.0g2
                                It search for McMail's Log
                                and store it in a special 
                                directory optionally
                                zipping them.
pcw09b.zip     46662 08-05-2024 PRECHEW 0.9 
                                PRECHEW is a tool to make 
                                nodelist sensitive routing
                                possible using static
                                routing facilities such as
                                McMail's or CF-Route.
                                It will circumvent the
                                installation of a netmail
                                tracker for the sole
                                purpose of doing 
                                HUB- and HOST-routing.
                                PRECHEW ist ein Tool, das
                                nodelistensensitives Routing
                                mit statischen Routern wie
                                dem von McMail oder CF-Route
                                Es erbrigt die Installation
                                eines Netmailtrackers nur
                                zum Zwecke der Durchfuehrung
                                von Hub- und Host-Routing.
                                Freeware 2000 by IUS
prp114a.zip    79379 08-05-2024 PRP v1.14a: ProBoard Request Processor (BUGFIX
                                (supports FrontDoor, MainDoor, McMail, Xenia,
                                 Binkley, Cantaloup, InterMail, T-Mail, ...)
                                Fast! Reads ProBoard file indexes directly.
                                DOS & 32-bit OS/2 version included.
                                Fixes bug in OS/2 version of PRP v1.14.
                                           --- FREEWARE! ---
ra2mc01b.zip    9694 08-05-2024 [   Ra2Mc convertor - version 0.1b   ]Ŀ
                                  Remote Access (2.0x) to McMail (1.04g)  
                                  last callers to last-inbound convertor  
                                 Adds your last caller to the lastinbound 
                                  list so you can see who's called that   
                                       Multiline aware - Freeware!        
                                [ Aaron Brailsford '95 ]
ra2mcm11.zip    8625 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 RemoteAccess Lastcallers 
                                 McMail History Converter 
                                    MultiLine Aware !     
                                No configuration required!
                                (Reads RA, MCM & TASK env)
rmc_100.zip    19273 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                        * RM_CALL v1.0 *       
                                     RM_CALL is a combined     
                                  RemoteAccess and multi-line  
                                       McMail lastcallers      
                                  Creates one lastcallers file 
                                  with the last 10 callers to  
                                  your bbs and mailer + files  
                                  with todays and yesterdays   
                                  callers! Source code incl.!  
                                  By Ron Huiskes, 2:281/506    
showl11a.zip  252680 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                       * SHOW-LOG 1.1.a *       
                                 OS/2 and DOS version included  
                                -comfortable Logfile-Viewer for 
                                 MD, FD, RA, BINK, T-MAIL,       
                                 McMAIL, INTERMAIL, PROBOARD,   
                                 MAX., CONCORD & SBBS           
                                -comes now with a code-table to 
                                 use it with any mailer or bbs  
                                -is aware of multiline-systems  
                                -simple cost-calculating        
                                -creats reports as netmail or   
                                 text to different recipients   
                                -freely defineable subjects     
                                 and report-templates           
                                -shows both, mailer- and online-
                                 calls on one screen            
                                -by pressing a key you will see 
                                 the related logfile-extract    
                                -recognices incoming FAX-Calls  
                                -able to shorten all logfiles   
                                -freely defineable colors       
                                -releases timeslices            
                                -reads more, freely defineable- 
                                 logfiles (max. 50)             
                                -able to open logfiles even when
                                 they are in use bye the mailer 
                                -and many, many other features  
                                  ENGLISH AND GERMAN VERSION    
                                --  by M.Becker & S.Boettner  -
sinf249b.zip  125981 08-05-2024 SITEINFO-multi-mailer-random-siteinfo-system
                                (c) Peter Hampf & PBS -- maintenance release
                                ========= Shareware version 2.49b ==========
                                | RSI offers support for FD 2.20, IM 2.29 +|
                                | 2.50/beta, POP 0.50-0.60-0.69, Binkley,|
                                | D'Bridge McMail, MainDoor, Xenia, T-Mail.|
                                | Offers direct access to O/T-Track's setup|
                                | Inserts randomly a predefined siteinfo   |
                                | in your mailer's config. MANY features!  |
                                | Just give it a try.......................|
spawnpb.zip     1667 08-05-2024     McMail <-> Proboard - SpawnBBS.BAT
                                Beispieldatei der SpawnBBS.BAT fr Proboard
                                v2.0x.  Proboard-Fehler mit  CONNECT 21600,
                                CONNECT 26400 wird damit bergangen...
                                       (c) 1995 by Claus Plachetka
timmi02.zip    10844 08-05-2024    TIMMI v0.2 BY T.
                                >T< .'s
                                >I< mportant
                                >M< essage 2
                                >M< cMail
                                >I< nboundhistory
                                Patches  McMail's Inbound-
                                history with Important
                                Messages from Commandline.
                                  >>>>  NETMAILWARE  <<<<
tmev1_12.zip  105898 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                         TMEVENT.EXE V1.12         
                                           T-MAIL Utility          
                                  Displays  a list  of the days    
                                  events highlighting  the next    
                                  event due. Also allows editing   
                                  of the EVENTS.CTL file           
                                           Y2K BUG FIX             
                                  FREE SOFTWARE - NO REGISTRATION! 
                                   * UK BBS support available *    
                                     * Author Colin Birch *        
                                     Sysop The Dog House BBS       
                                      (01443) 400327 24hrs         
                                    Latest files - 01 Jan  2000    
usa_2dcost.zip    5001 08-05-2024 
                                Costtable file for McMail g5 mailer.
                                For use in USA and Canada.
viewpb12.zip    9616 08-05-2024 VIEWPB - Proboard 2.01 Nodeview
                                         Ideal fuer McMail 
                                         oder auch andere Mailer
                                         mit Node Anzeige.
                                         Aufruf: VIEWPB n(node)
                                         Mit Durchblaettern in PB

                Area 72 - Mystic BBS Utils                

a2m_12.zip      7663 08-05-2024 ---------- ANS2MBBS Version 1.2 -------------
                                ANS2MBBS is a freeware program to convert
                                ANSI display files to the Mystic BBS format,
                                using Mystic BBS color codes. Highly
                                optimized routines ensure that the result is
                                the smallest, most optimized output possible.
ados.zip        5262 08-05-2024 Dos Matrix MPE v1.0b written for
                                Mystic BBs version 1.05b+. Includes
                                all your classic fake DOS options such
                                as CHKDSK, VER and DIR. MPS source
                                          Written By
                                 |::[Antonio Rico and Liquid]:::
anip1b2.zip    10934 08-05-2024 ANIPAUSE version 1.00b2 is a animated 
                                pause engine for Mystic BBs v1.04.
                                Allows up to 999 custom animated
                                ANSi/ AsCII pause prompts, which are 
                                are selected at random. Inactivity
                                checking is also performed. MPS
                                source code included.
bye1.zip        5708 08-05-2024 
                                 a#$"$#a  $$$   $$$  a#$"$#a
                                $$$$ $$$$ $$$   $$$ $$$$ $$$$
                                $$$$ $$$$  $$SsS$$  $$$$a$$$$
                                $$$$a$$$    $$$$$   $$$$ aaaa
                                $$$$ $$$$    $$$    $$$$ $$$$
                                $$$$ $$$$    $$$    $$$$ $$$$
                                $$$$ $$$$    $$$    $$$$ $$$$
                                `$$$a$$$'    $$$    `$$$a$$$'
                                Mystic BBS Modification MPL
                                ::[ Goodbye Matrix ]:::::::::
                                   Goodbye Lightbar Matrix
                                Written fully in MPL, so use
                                it now.
                                :::[ For Mystic v1.05+ ]::::
                                 A!68 By: Antonio Rico A!68
clock2r1.zip   11147 08-05-2024   AMI-X Digiclock v2.00 for Mystic 1.05  
                                Show the system time with a totally cool
                                AMI-X look!  Hours, minutes, and seconds
                                are  shown in large,  ascii-drawn digits.
                                Y2K Ready and MPS Source included!            
                                   Ported by Antonio Rico and liquid    
                                     Originally by : tIMECOP [PWA]      
dalneb6_2b.zip   22225 08-05-2024 DA-LINE v1.00b6+ is a totally customizable
                                One-liner engine for Mystic BBS v1.05+.
                                Allows Screening of the One-liners through
                                a Censor database. which can delete the 
                                cencored word or replace it with a user
                                defined character, Custom headers and footer
                                files, Complete color configuration, Custom
                                String Configuration, Support for callers,
                                Screen names can be posted as Anonymous,
                                Handle, or Initials. Allows up to 65535
                                One-liners to be stored in a Database, which
                                users can use a Light Bar interface to
                                navigate threw.  Inactivity support and MPS
                                Source Included!!
                                       Written By: Antonio Rico
go_2dfchg.zip    4713 08-05-2024 .g00r00_presents__________ _
                                   :     :: :  \    / : :::  :
                                 _ ____:_______/     / dEMONIC :
                                     :: /           / pRODUCTIONZ
                                _   :: /     /    /____________
                                    : /      /    /          /
                                     /      /    /    /      / :
                                  _ /___________/_     ______/  :
                                  :     : : :: /            / ::
                                 _  _: _ _____/____________/_   _    _ 
                                  mpe add-on for mystic bbs v1.05
                                  allows the user to select their current
                                  file base via their arrow keys, using
                                : a lightbar system.  mpe source included
go_2dmchg.zip    4886 08-05-2024 .g00r00_presents__________ _
                                   :     :: :  \    / : :::  :
                                 _ ____:_______/     / dEMONIC :
                                     :: /           / pRODUCTIONZ
                                _   :: /     /    /____________
                                    : /      /    /          /
                                     /      /    /    /      / :
                                  _ /___________/_     ______/  :
                                  :     : : :: /            / ::
                                 _  _: _ _____/____________/_   _    _ 
                                  mpe add-on for mystic bbs v1.05
                                  allows the user to select their current
                                  message base via their arrow keys, using
                                : a lightbar system.  mpe source included
go_2dmcmd2.zip    3063 08-05-2024 Ŀ---  the goo/roo presents  --Ŀ
                                   go-mcmd.mps :: menu command executor
                                   for mystic bbs version 1.05.  mimics 
                                   the old telegard and renegade //\\   
                                   command which allows any menu command
                                   to be executed from any menu prompt. 
go_2dmcmd3.zip    3297 08-05-2024 .g00r00_presents__________ _
                                   :     :: :  \    / : :::  :
                                 _ ____:_______/     / dEMONIC :
                                     :: /           / pRODUCTIONZ
                                _   :: /     /    /____________
                                    : /      /    /          /
                                     /      /    /    /      / :
                                  _ /___________/_     ______/  :
                                  :     : : :: /            / ::
                                 _  _: _ _____/____________/_   _    _ 
                                  mpe add-on for mystic bbs v1.05
                                  mimics the //\\ global sysop command
                                  used by software such as telegard and
                                : renegade.  mpe source included
go_2dmnc3.zip    3488 08-05-2024 .g00r00_presents__________ _
                                   :     :: :  \    / : :::  :
                                 _ ____:_______/     / dEMONIC :
                                     :: /           / pRODUCTIONZ
                                _   :: /     /    /____________
                                    : /      /    /          /
                                     /      /    /    /      / :
                                  _ /___________/_     ______/  :
                                  :     : : :: /            / ::
                                 _  _: _ _____/____________/_   _    _ 
                                  mpe add-on for mystic bbs v1.05
                                  allows users to leave a message to
                                : the next caller.  mpe source included
go_2dnmsg1.zip   26087 08-05-2024 .g00r00_presents__________ _
                                   :     :: :  \    / : :::  :
                                 _ ____:_______/     / dEMONIC :
                                     :: /           / pRODUCTIONZ
                                _   :: /     /    /____________
                                    : /      /    /          /
                                     /      /    /    /      / :
                                  _ /___________/_     ______/  :
                                  :     : : :: /            / ::
                                 _  _: _ _____/____________/_   _    _ 
                                  mpe add-on for mystic bbs v1.05
                                  sends an e-mail message to the sysop when
                                  a new user account is created.  also will
                                  send a "welcome" email to the new user!
                                : mps source code included!
go_2donce.zip    2909 08-05-2024 .g00r00_presents__________ _
                                   :     :: :  \    / : :::  :
                                 _ ____:_______/     / dEMONIC :
                                     :: /           / pRODUCTIONZ
                                _   :: /     /    /____________
                                    : /      /    /          /
                                     /      /    /    /      / :
                                  _ /___________/_     ______/  :
                                  :     : : :: /            / ::
                                 _  _: _ _____/____________/_   _    _ 
                                  mpe add-on for mystic bbs v1.05
                                  shows ONLYONCE.XXX to users during their
                                  login, only if it has been updated since
                                : their last call.  mpe source included
go_2dpawz4.zip    6600 08-05-2024 .g00r00_presents__________ _
                                   :     :: :  \    / : :::  :
                                 _ ____:_______/     / dEMONIC :
                                     :: /           / pRODUCTIONZ
                                _   :: /     /    /____________
                                    : /      /    /          /
                                     /      /    /    /      / :
                                  _ /___________/_     ______/  :
                                  :     : : :: /            / ::
                                 _  _: _ _____/____________/_   _    _ 
                                  mpe add-on for mystic bbs v1.05
                                  adds configurable animated pause prompts
                                  to your bbs.  randomly selected!     
                                : mpe source included
go_2dpawz5.zip    6639 08-05-2024 .g00r00_presents__________ _
                                   :     :: :  \    / : :::  :
                                 _ ____:_______/     / dEMONIC :
                                     :: /           / pRODUCTIONZ
                                _   :: /     /    /____________
                                    : /      /    /          /
                                     /      /    /    /      / :
                                  _ /___________/_     ______/  :
                                  :     : : :: /            / ::
                                 _  _: _ _____/____________/_   _    _ 
                                  mpe add-on for mystic bbs v1.05
                                  adds configurable animated pause prompts
                                  to your bbs.  randomly selected!     
                                : mpe source included
jp_2dmdnd1.zip   31705 08-05-2024 [[ ... network disclaimer for mystic  ... ]
                                ________  _____  _ ______________________
                                \ _______)>    \_//_/_____/____ ! _______\\
                                 _\  ____\    //_\_____\__     \_/   _ /_tn
                                \\_   _)_   ______/_  ___//_____|_  \\_ _\
                                  /_________\\__  _/_ |      _ //______//
                                \\__________   /_______     \\__ \_ d3m0nic
                                +--------- /________  :___________// -----%
                                    -- a demonic productionz release --
                                 simple script file that forces users who
                                 want to post into networked message bases
                                  to read the rules first. includes fully
                                    commented mps source code, docs and
                                cybercrime international default examples.
                                  for mystic bbs v1.05+ // by jack phlash
jp_2dmdql1.zip    4697 08-05-2024 [[ >> qUICK lOGON mPE fOR mYSTIC 1.04b // ]]
                                \_________    _//___ ________/_    _______/
                                __/     -/     /    -______/_  \  /-    \_
                                \______ _    //______ _    //___\/_     //mg
                                dEMONIC mODDING aND cODING pRODUCTIONZ 1999!
lq_2dmsg23.zip    4239 08-05-2024 -----------------------------
                                    lQ-Automessage v2.3 
                                 Automessage MPS for Mystic
                                v1.05+ Use it, I dare ya...
lq_2dweb1.zip    6344 08-05-2024 ----- Webpage Lister v1 -----
                                Advertise the webpages you've
                                always wanted to, and look
                                at other people's too.
                                ----- Written by liquid -----
mbbshelp.zip    5593 08-05-2024 
mdos_105.zip   27610 08-05-2024 .------------------------------------------.
                                | Mystic-DOS                  Version 1.05 |
                                | Emulates a DOS shell over a remote       |
                                | connection.  Supports many DOS commands, |
                                | as well as sending and receiving files,  |
                                | manipulating compressed archives, and    |
                                | more!  For Mystic BBS v1.05              |
mtop_105.zip   17741 08-05-2024 .-------------------------------------------.
                                | MBBSTOP                      Version 1.05 |
                                | An extemely flexible top 10 bulletin file |
                                | generator for use with Mystic BBS v1.05.  |
                                | All outputted text is 100% configurable   |
                                | via template files.  Optional support for |
                                | bar graphs, and more.       FREEWARE      |
mtype_13.zip   11334 08-05-2024 .-------------------------------------------.
                                | MTYPE                         Version 1.3 |
                                | A powerful replacement for the DOS "type" |
                                | command.  Features the ability to display |
                                | ANSI, Mystic BBS, and Renegade BBS color  |
                                | codes.  MTYPE has a build in ANSI driver, |
                                | so no need for an external ANSI.SYS to be |
                                | loaded.  Has PAUSE and DELAY options.     |
plx_21mtrx.zip   38766 08-05-2024   DaMaTRiX v1.0 (c) 1999 By Phlax!
                                | A Matrix mod to mystic BBS       |
                                | tested on mystic 1.05            |
                                | get the new mystic from          |  
                                | http://www.darktech.org/mystic   |
                                | also check out                   |
                                | http://www.darktech.org/centaury |
                                | my BBS page                      |
                                |                                  |
sl_2dmysfl.zip    2721 08-05-2024     _______________________________
                                - --\_       /\_        /\_      / -- -
                                %%%% /    /  \_/    ___/_/       \ %%%%
                                %%% /    /    \     ____\  /  /   \ %%%
                                %% /_______    \_____    \/__/_    \ %%
                                +-d3m0n-/_______\ /_______\ /_______\-+
                                 - -- --------------------------- -- -
                                    file listing matrix for mystic  
                                    made by sloop  08/19/98
                                    demonic productions 1998
sl_2dntmys.zip    2988 08-05-2024 [[ >>   mystic and netmodem/32 telnet   // ]]
                                 .       ________         ________________  .
                                 :       \___   /_________\_           __/jp:
                                 |_________/   //    ______/    , ,     \esc|
                                -\__      ,    `  _____/___    /   \     \_
                                  //     /        \       //__/-----\_______/
                                 .\___________,----------/ >>dEMONIC mODDING.
                                 |  text on how to setup mystic bbs with    |
                                 :  netmodem/32 under windows for telnet    :
                                 .  calls.  written by sloop.               .
sl_2dscanm.zip    2777 08-05-2024     _______________________________
                                - --\_       /\_        /\_      / -- -
                                %%%% /    /  \_/    ___/_/       \ %%%%
                                %%% /    /    \     ____\  /  /   \ %%%
                                %% /_______    \_____    \/__/_    \ %%
                                +-d3m0n-/_______\ /_______\ /_______\-+
                                 - -- --------------------------- -- -
                                  scan for new msgs lightbar for mystic
                                   mod by sloop.. completed 08/22/98
                                    demonic productions 1998
woebye30.zip   15887 08-05-2024 [mystic](good_bye)wOE!mODDING[O2OO]
                                  ______\      /__\   /_____\   ___/___
                                  \     /\    /__  ____   /__   \     /
                                xz/     l_____\/     l____\/     l____\
                                >> BYE v3.O LIGHTBAR MATRIX-[O2/12/OO]//
                                BBS Modification for Mystic v1.O6+. Its
                                totally configurable, which allows you
                                to control the look and feel, default
                                setup with a new kiss ass /x style look,
                                allows a message to be posted to the
                                next caller. Written in MPS v.OO4.
                                Art by pOgue and Coding by Reapern66.
                                == [ www.wasted.nu ] ===================
woedig11.zip   12801 08-05-2024 [mystic](digi_login)wOE!mODDING[O2OO]
                                  ______\      /__\   /_____\   ___/___
                                  \     /\    /__  ____   /__   \     /
                                xz/     l_____\/     l____\/     l____\
                                >> Digi-L v1.O1 -login MPE -[O2/14/OO]//
                                a ami/x styled login mpe for mystic bbs.
                                this mpe shows you how many times u have
                                called the board and other info. You can
                                also choose fast login. Very usefull mpe
                                this version works for Mystic v1.O6 now.
                                change the strings too. the Idea/Code by
                                pOgue.Compiled by Reapern66./wOE!mODDING
                                == [ www.wasted.nu ] ===================
woefscan.zip   12696 08-05-2024 [mystic](file_scan)wOE!mODDING[O2OO]
                                  ______\      /__\   /_____\   ___/___
                                  \     /\    /__  ____   /__   \     /
                                xz/     l_____\/     l____\/     l____\
                                >> FSCAN.MPE v1.O -FileScan-[O2/O9/OO]//
                                A kewl ami/x lightbar file scan MPE for
                                use with Mystic BBS Software v1.O6+.
                                Art by pOgue and coding by Reapern66.
                                == [ www.wasted.nu ] ===================
woemscan.zip   12948 08-05-2024 [mystic](msg_scan)wOE!mODDING[O2OO]
                                  ______\      /__\   /_____\   ___/___
                                  \     /\    /__  ____   /__   \     /
                                xz/     l_____\/     l____\/     l____\
                                >> MSCAN.MPE v1.O -MsgScan -[O2/16/OO]//
                                A kewl lightbar message scan MPE for use
                                with Mystic BBS Software v1.O6. Included
                                a nice ami/x style ascii. Easy to setup
                                and it also got a string configure file.
                                Art by pogue_ and coding by reapern66.
                                == [ www.wasted.nu ] ===================
woemsysm.zip   14026 08-05-2024 [mystic](menu_system)wOE!mODDING[1O99]
                                  ______\      /__\   /_____\   ___/___
                                  \     /\    /__  ____   /__   \     /
                                xz/     l_____\/     l____\/     l____\
                                >> %%% MENU SYSTEM v1.00 %% [1O/O1/99]//
                                  menu system for mystic bbs software
                                      full lightbar support
                                      random screens
                                      total configurable
                                == [ www.wasted.nu ] ===================
woewon13.zip   14242 08-05-2024 [mystic](w.oneliner)wOE!mODDING[O2OO]
                                  ______\      /__\   /_____\   ___/___
                                  \     /\    /__  ____   /__   \     /
                                xz/     l_____\/     l____\/     l____\
                                >> Mystic w.oneliner v1.O3 -[O2/1O/OO]//
                                This is a /x styled oneliner for the new
                                Mystic BBS Software v1.O6+. Some of the
                                features i've added in this version is:
                                + added a .cfg file, easy configuration
                                + added 5 color schemes.
                                + added 5 ascii oneliner logos to use.
                                Easy to configure, easy to setup. And
                                this oneliner supports 12 lines from now
                                on. All code by pOgue(wOE!mODDING 2OOO)
                                == [ www.wasted.nu ] ===================
woexpage.zip   12960 08-05-2024 [mystic](xpager_mpe)wOE!mODDING[O2OO]
                                  ______\      /__\   /_____\   ___/___
                                  \     /\    /__  ____   /__   \     /
                                xz/     l_____\/     l____\/     l____\
                                >> xPAGER v1.OO - PAGER MPE-[O2/16/OO]//
                                a very nice ami/x styled pager for the
                                mystic bbs software v1.O6+. Throw away
                                your old pager and add this one. Easy
                                to setup and use. Choose how the ometer
                                bar should look like and change stuff
                                in a easy to use .cfg file. And the best
                                thing, every "pager msg" is stored into
                                a log, so you can see who tried to page
                                you. Coded by pogue_ [wOE!mODDING 2OOO]
                                == [ www.wasted.nu ] ===================
woe_2dsrch.zip   11427 08-05-2024 [mystic](fx_search_)wOE!mODDING[O1OO]
                                  ______\      /__\   /_____\   ___/___
                                  \     /\    /__  ____   /__   \     /
                                xz/     l_____\/     l____\/     l____\
                                >> %%%% search string %%% [O1/O9/2OOO]//
                                search string replacement in Mystic BBS 
                                       with some nice effects...
                                     Source code included.    - max
                                == [ www.wasted.nu ] ===================
zmp3d017.zip   12380 08-05-2024 zMP3DIZ v0.17  -*-  MP3 -> FILE_ID.DIZ
                                Extracts the description in an MP3 and
                                writes the tag into a FILE_ID.DIZ file
                                making it capable for any BBS software
                                to import MP3 descriptions!
                                Supports Mystic, EleBBS/RA and
                                Iniquity file area importing.
zmutil_231.zip   17943 08-05-2024 Mystic Utility Pack by Brian Zhou
                                Utilities for Mystic BBS v1.05:
                                 * File base real file date changer
                                 * Mystic setup drive letter changer
                                 * Simple batch file to edit and
                                   compile language files
                                %100 *FREEWARE* - SOURCE CODE INCLUDED
zmw2h100.zip    8251 08-05-2024 zMBBSWho v1.00  -*-  DOS CGI version
                                Displays who's online a Mystic BBS as
                                a web page.  Ideal for telnettable
                                Mystic BBSes to see who's doing what.
zmwho100.zip    8100 08-05-2024 zMBBSWho v1.00  -*-  DOS version
                                Displays who's online a Mystic BBS.
                                You no longer have to load Mystic to
                                see who's online! Just run this tiny
                                program!  Multitasker aware.
zo_2dcip.zip    3427 08-05-2024 :@(com/ip setup for mystic bbs)--(zoob)@:
                                __\    ___  ______      ______/  \  ___/
                                \___     /  \__      /  \__  /    \ \m4!@
                                   /____/   _\______/   _\_____/    _\_
                                (tOw) /______\    /______\    /______\
zo_2dm1ln3.zip    3077 08-05-2024 Mystic-Mod -- Mystic BBS Modification
                                -[zOneliners v3]---------------------
                                Oneliners replacement for the default
                                for Mystic BBS v1.05+   (source incl)
                                -[By zoob]---------------------------
zo_2dm5cl2.zip    2833 08-05-2024 Mystic-Mod - Mystic BBS Modification
                                -[zTopCallers v2]-------------------
                                Top 5 Callers MPE script (src incl)
                                for Mystic BBS v1.05+
                                -[By zoob]---------------------------
zo_2dm5dl2.zip    2768 08-05-2024 Mystic-Mod - Mystic BBS Modification
                                -[zTopDownloaders v2]----------------
                                Top 5 Downloaders MPE script
                                (src incl) for Mystic BBS v1.05+
                                -[By zoob]---------------------------
zo_2dmann2.zip    2287 08-05-2024 Mystic-Mod - Mystic BBS Modification
                                -[zAnnounce v2]----------------------
                                Logon/off announcers
                                for Mystic BBS v1.05+
                                -[By zoob]---------------------------
zo_2dmato6.zip    2670 08-05-2024 Mystic-Mod - Mystic BBS Modification
                                -[zAuto Message Board 6]-------------
                                VBBS style auto message board
                                (src incl) for Mystic BBS v1.05+
                                -[By zoob]---------------------------
zo_2dmfrq8.zip    5346 08-05-2024 Mystic-Mod - Mystic BBS Modification
                                -[File Request (FRequest) v8]--------
                                File requester MPE script (src incl)
                                for Mystic BBS v1.05+
                                -[By zoob]---------------------------
zo_2dmlgm1.zip    2769 08-05-2024 Mystic-Mod -- Mystic BBS Modification
                                -[zLogoff Matrix v1]-----------------
                                Logoff matrix originally made by
                                Trippah of xPRESS mODDING.  Converted
                                to Mystic.
                                for Mystic BBS v1.05+   (source incl)
                                -[By zoob]---------------------------
zo_2dmlgo3.zip    3884 08-05-2024 Mystic-Mod -- Mystic BBS Modification
                                -[zLogoff Menu v3]-------------------
                                Logoff menu (VBBS style)
                                for Mystic BBS v1.05+   (source incl)
                                -[By zoob]---------------------------
zo_2dmmtx4.zip    2743 08-05-2024 Mystic-Mod - Mystic BBS Modification
                                -[Lightbar Logon Matrix v4]----------
                                A lightbar side scrolling matrix menu
                                for Mystic BBS v1.05+
                                -[By zoob]---------------------------
zo_2dmpz4.zip    3113 08-05-2024 Mystic-Mod - Mystic BBS Modification
                                -[Poor man's wipeout v4]-------------
                                Animated pause prompt (source incl)
                                for Mystic BBS v1.05+
                                -[By zoob]---------------------------

                 Area 73 - Nodelist Utils                 

bld103.zip    140455 08-05-2024 "BLENDER for DOS" v1.03 RELEASE
                                New Advanced Nodelist update utility.
                                Fast Nodelist update, Nodelist 
                                Subset Generator with correct Nodelist 
                                updating, Nodelist integrity checking 
                                utility, ArcMail-Attach Nodediff(s) 
                                distribution feature, MultiColor & 
                                Easy-to-use configuration utility,
                                MultiLine/MultiTask support...
                                and FINALLY: multi Nodelists/Nodediffs 
                                Support and Binkley-style outbound for
                                Nodediffs distribution.
                                File BLO103.EXE contains OS/2 version!
blo103.zip    140773 08-05-2024 "BLENDER for OS/2" v1.03 RELEASE
                                New Advanced Nodelist update utility.
                                Fast Nodelist update, Nodelist 
                                Subset Generator with correct Nodelist 
                                updating, Nodelist integrity checking 
                                utility, ArcMail-Attach Nodediff(s) 
                                distribution feature, MultiColor & 
                                Easy-to-use configuration utility,
                                MultiLine/MultiTask support...
                                and FINALLY: multi Nodelists/Nodediffs
                                Support and Binkley-style outbound for
                                Nodediffs distribution.
                                File BLD103.EXE contains DOS version!
eltl10fw.zip   25582 08-05-2024 ELTLite 1.0fw    * ELTamer Lite *
                                Allows you to browse FIDONET.NA and
                                then, if you choose, automatically bring
                                up the EList information for any echo
                                that is listed. This is a smaller,
                                stripped-down version of ELTamer.
                                Freeware from Psycho Hut Software.
fidofd10.zip    9380 08-05-2024      FIDOFIND v1.0
                                FidoFind is a nodelist search
                                utility. It takes a Fido address
                                as input, and displays the Fido
                                BBS's name, location, sysop name 
                                and BBS phone number.
                                Useful for sysops and users
flst202c.zip  171700 08-05-2024 FastLst 2.02 Docs and Configs
                                The ultimate V7+ Nodelist processor.
flst202p.zip  120763 08-05-2024 FastLst 2.02 OS/2
                                The ultimate V7+ Nodelist processor.
                                Fully automated processing and
                                maintenance, no need for clumsy batch
                                Can report to Squish or *.MSG areas,
                                multitasking friendly, many options.
flst2201.zip  272425 08-05-2024 FastLst 2.01 OS/2
                                The ultimate V7+ Nodelist processor.
                                Supports the new V7+ extensions !
                                New Support for Zone 2 IP addresses.
                                New Support for environment variables
                                in the configuration.
                                Fully automated processing and
                                maintenance, no need for clumsy batch
                                Can report to Squish or *.MSG areas,
                                multitasking friendly, many options.
flstd201.zip  466128 08-05-2024 FastLst 2.01 DOS 32 The ultimate V7+ Nodelist
                                processor. Supports the new V7+ extensions!
                                New Support for Zone 2 IP addresses. New
                                Support for environment variables in the
                                configuration. Fully automated processing and
                                maintenance, no need for clumsy batch files.
                                Can report to Squish or *.MSG areas,
                                multitasking friendly, many options.
flstw201.zip  197746 08-05-2024 FastLst 2.01 W32
                                The ultimate V7+ Nodelist processor.
                                Supports the new V7+ extensions !
                                New Support for Zone 2 IP addresses.
                                New Support for environment variables
                                in the configuration.
                                Fully automated processing and
                                maintenance, no need for clumsy batch
                                Can report to Squish or *.MSG areas,
                                multitasking friendly, many options.
fndd2.zip       8428 08-05-2024 FNDD/2 v1.11
                                Fidonet nodediff processor
fnls124.zip    67873 08-05-2024 FNLScan v1.24 - *BUG FIX* fixes invalid key
                                format bug in 1.23. Fidonet NodeList Scanner
                                Scans up to 15 Fidonet-compatible nodelists
                                for criteria defined by your users,e.g. BBS,
                                sysop, city, area code or misc text. 
                                Supports most BBS software, IRQs 2-15, 
                                FOSSIL drivers and Digiboard multiport cards.
                                Fully multi-language compatible, supports 
                                @macros and @X color codes and is  OS/2, DV 
                                and Windows aware!
fri_310.zip    79314 08-05-2024 
fv7_2d203k.zip  406357 08-05-2024 FastV7 2.03k beta, OS2 & DOS..
                                Shareware Multi Nodelist Compiler,
                                Updater, Browser & Manager.
                                -Creates Frontdoor, Intermail 2.50,
                                 Version7, McMail, Remote Access,
                                 Maindoor, Termail, OT-Track and
                                 GoldEd nodelist indexes
                                -Updating the nodelist files with the
                                 weekly distributed difference files.
                                -Manage the nodelist files on your BBS
                                 or pointsystem
                                -Updating Frontdoor/Binkley magic file.
                                -Supports 4dos descriptions, files.bbs
                                 system, RA 2.0 filebase and the Portal
                                 of Power Okfile
                                -Support for most populair compression
                                 programs, such as ARC, ARJ, PAK, LZH,
                                 RAR, ZIP, SQZ and even UC2
                                -Full German Points24 file Support
                                -Full Danish DK-Point file Support
                                -Included version7 browser source
                                -With setup program
hpt_2d095w.rar  353463 08-05-2024 
hpt_2dsr1.rar  348623 08-05-2024 
hsnode14.zip   11961 08-05-2024 HS-NODE v1.4
                                Nodelist Statistics Generator
                                 - Option to define specific Nodelist
                                 - Option to process latest Nodelist
                                 - Works with Raw Nodelist
                                 - Very fast
                                 - FreeWare.
hubmak10.zip   38792 08-05-2024 HubMake - Version 1.01
                                A simple Utility to make 
                                a text file for writing 
                                netmail to all nodes in 
                                a nodelist or hubs in a 
                                nodelist. Great for
                                small fido comp. networks.
                                ***  FREEWARE  ***
lstfmt22.zip   31843 08-05-2024 ------------  LSTFMT Version 2.20 -----------
                                A NodeList Output Formatting Utility for FTSC
                                Compliant NodeLists. Author: Steven Shapiro.
merge100.zip   16707 08-05-2024 
mknl251.zip    81468 08-05-2024 
mnf1_03.zip    57121 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                        MNLFIX  V1.03          
                                  Y2K fix for MAKENL.EXE  The  
                                  nodelist generator by Ben    
                                 * UK BBS support available *  
                                   * Author Colin Birch *      
                                   Sysop The Dog House BBS     
                                    (01443) 400327 24hrs       
                                 Latest files - 21 November 99 
mpoin169.zip  104571 08-05-2024 M-POINT v169 multiline pointlistconverter
                                up to ten pointlists, 3D or 4D, smart
                                errordetection, nodelistlookup, highly
                                Creates and supports local fakelists.
ndp_2d107c.zip   42646 08-05-2024 NDPC v1.07c Beta nodelist updater / manager
nd_2d310.zip   73929 08-05-2024 
net2wb21.zip   60290 08-05-2024 Net2Web Version 2.1
                                This is a Utility that will
                                take a Standard Fido Compatable
                                Nodelist and turn it into a
                                Table for online viewing. Uses
                                Standard HTML Tags and can be
                                intergrated into any type of
                                Freeware From Vagabond Software
nfind_29.zip   24496 08-05-2024 
nl99dos.zip   183970 08-05-2024 NLTOOLS v0.99 beta for DOS - 16-bit
                                by David Nugent
                                NLMaint is an tool designed to assist in
                                the maintenance, checking and distributed
                                processing required in the production and
                                maintenance of FidoNet format nodelists.
                                It was created as a direct and highly
                                compatible replacement of the long used
                                tool MAKENL used by FidoNet technology
                                networks for many years, but which has,
                                unfortunately, become dated by the fact
                                that it was written and published only
                                for the MSDOS operationg system, and
                                using methods and means of distribution
                                which have become, over time, more archaic
                                and obsolete. The number of platforms
                                represented in FidoNet and other networks
                                using its technology is now considerably
                                larger than it was some years ago, with
                                MSDOS itself is gradually sliding into
                                obsolescence. MAKENL also fails to check
                                many aspects of a nodelist entry which
                                have become more critical to correct
                                behaviour of FidoNet mail server software
                                since the time of its publication.
nl99dosx.zip  350218 08-05-2024 NLTOOLS v0.99 beta for DOS - 32-bit DPMI
                                version by David Nugent
                                NLMaint is an tool designed to assist in
                                the maintenance, checking and distributed
                                processing required in the production and
                                maintenance of FidoNet format nodelists.
                                It was created as a direct and highly
                                compatible replacement of the long used
                                tool MAKENL used by FidoNet technology
                                networks for many years, but which has,
                                unfortunately, become dated by the fact
                                that it was written and published only
                                for the MSDOS operationg system, and
                                using methods and means of distribution
                                which have become, over time, more archaic
                                and obsolete. The number of platforms
                                represented in FidoNet and other networks
                                using its technology is now considerably
                                larger than it was some years ago, with
                                MSDOS itself is gradually sliding into
                                obsolescence. MAKENL also fails to check
                                many aspects of a nodelist entry which
                                have become more critical to correct
                                behaviour of FidoNet mail server software
                                since the time of its publication.
nl99os2.zip   172526 08-05-2024 NLTOOLS v0.99 beta for OS/2
                                by David Nugent
                                NLMaint is an tool designed to assist in
                                the maintenance, checking and distributed
                                processing required in the production and
                                maintenance of FidoNet format nodelists.
                                It was created as a direct and highly
                                compatible replacement of the long used
                                tool MAKENL used by FidoNet technology
                                networks for many years, but which has,
                                unfortunately, become dated by the fact
                                that it was written and published only
                                for the MSDOS operationg system, and
                                using methods and means of distribution
                                which have become, over time, more archaic
                                and obsolete. The number of platforms
                                represented in FidoNet and other networks
                                using its technology is now considerably
                                larger than it was some years ago, with
                                MSDOS itself is gradually sliding into
                                obsolescence. MAKENL also fails to check
                                many aspects of a nodelist entry which
                                have become more critical to correct
                                behaviour of FidoNet mail server software
                                since the time of its publication.
nlc095_o.zip   70755 08-05-2024 NLC095_O.Zip  - A highly configurable FTN
                                                Nodelist Checker for OS/2.
                                                Version 0.95, BETA !!!
                                                Requires HPFS for some
                                                Freeware by Udo Zaydowicz Jan
nlc095_w.zip   42576 08-05-2024 NLC095_W.Zip  - A highly configurable FTN
                                                Nodelist Checker for Win32.
                                                Version 0.95, BETA !!!
                                                Freeware by Udo Zaydowicz Jan
nlcmp.zip      31506 08-05-2024 
nlcmp100.zip  115135 08-05-2024 NodeList CoMParing utility  ** freeware **
                                - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                                Compare deux nodelists et met le rsultat 
                                en un fichier texte.  Multitude d'options!
                                Aucun enregistrement requis.
                                Bilingue franais/anglais.
                                - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                                Compares two nodelists and puts the 
                                result into a text file.  Truckload of 
                                options!  No registration required.
                                Bilingual French/English
nlcrc100.zip   24676 08-05-2024 CHA0S NL-CRC - The NOTW Nodelist Util!
                                Calculates the CRC, day of year, and
                                more of a fido-style nodelist.
                                *FREEWARE* from CHAOSoft!
nlcrc2_1.zip    7477 08-05-2024 NL-CRC2 v1.0
                                Check the CRC-value
                                in N2000 format 
nlmake.zip    211064 08-05-2024 Replacement for MakeNL - Y2K compliant
                                *** Public BETA ***
nlmke110.zip  210602 08-05-2024 Y2K compliant drop-in replacement for MakeNL
nlproc.zip     10900 08-05-2024 
nlr001.zip     82732 08-05-2024 NLR (NodeList Reader) v0.01  Includes NLR.EXE
                                (stand-alone DOS/DPMI nodelist search 
                                program) and NLR.MEX (interfaces NLR.EXE with
                                Maximus 3.1+).  FREEWARE
nlt00324.zip  112288 08-05-2024 Husky Nodelist Utilities Mar 24 2000
                                Win32 binaries, Changelogs,
nltool10.zip  433411 08-05-2024 NLTOOLS 1.0 --- The Husky Nodelist Tools
                                Written 1999 by Tobias Ernst. A tool kit
                                for keeping  your  nodelists  up to date
                                (nlupdate automatically finds the latest
                                diff files  using an Y2K-safe algorithm,
                                unpacks them,  and  applies them  to the
                                nodelist),  and a FIDOUSER.LST compiler.
                                The FIDOUSER.LST  file  can be used  for
                                sysop/node  number lookup  in Msged  and
                                other mail editors.  The tools are fido-
                                config integrated,  but can also be used
                                standalone. Public Domain software  with
                                source code,  compiles on a lot of  Unix
                                systems. Binaries for  OS/2, Windows 95/
                                98/NT, DOS(DPMI) and Linux are included.
nltools_2d1.1a_2dwin.zip  188802 08-05-2024 NLTOOLS 1.1 Win32 - Husky Nodelist Tools
                                Written 2000 by Tobias Ernst. A tool kit
                                for keeping  your  nodelists  up to date
                                (nlupdate automatically finds the latest
                                diff files  using an Y2K-safe algorithm,
                                unpacks them,  and  applies them  to the
                                nodelist),  and a FIDOUSER.LST compiler.
                                The FIDOUSER.LST  file  can be used  for
                                sysop/node  number lookup  in Msged  and
                                other mail editors.  The tools are fido-
                                config integrated, but  can also be used
                                standalone.  Public Domain software with
                                source code.  This archive only contains
                                Win32 executables.
nlts_10.zip    10281 08-05-2024 NLTS v1.0 NodeList Text Searcher
                                Searches the Fido nodelist for strings from
                                the commandline.  Allows case-sensitive or
                                insensitive searches.  Redirectable.
                                "Yeah, Right"-Ware from Psycho Hut Software.
nl_2dcrcr.zip   15866 08-05-2024 NL-CRC (v1.00)
                                This program is designed to read an
                                input nodelist file and verify that the
                                CRC displayed in the first line of the
                                nodelist file is correct. Includes full
                                'C' source code.
node210.zip   198994 08-05-2024 [ NODEVIEW v2.10 Gold ]Ļ
                                   EXCELLENT Nodelist Searching Door!   
                                 New Internal Config and Setup program. 
                                Internal or External download Protocols!
                                  Use any external protocol of choice!  
                                   Support's nodelist look-up function  
                                 with numerous other search function's. 
                                     Remote and Local cursor control!   
                                  Supports Custom-Screens, Multi-Node,  
                                  Non-Stand-IRQ/Addresses, to 115,200.  
                                          FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!           
                                       NOTHING EVEN COMES CLOSE!        
                                [ FzSoft ]ļ
node301.zip    22021 08-05-2024 NodeCompiler 3.01 - FAST FidoNet Nodelist
                                This programs compiles the FidoNet nodelist
                                lightning speed!  Over 80% faster than VFIDO!
                                Also checks dialing list telephone numbers in
                                matter of seconds!  Average compile time on a
                                DX/2 66mhz system is just over 1 minute with
                                a 3 megabyte FidoNet nodelist.  Works for any
                                type-4 network.  By Intertech Software (C)
nodelist.zip    4713 08-05-2024 CMD file to move, unarc (unzip) and do a
                                forced compile of nodediff and os2lists.
nodetos1.zip   26378 08-05-2024         ( NodeToss v1.o )
                                Tosses Nodelists Found In Your Inbound.
                                   Replaces Those Damn Batch Files.
                                - Unpacks Nodelists Packed With
                                  ARJ, ZIP And RAR.
                                - Runs A Program Like FDNC Or MCMNODE
                                  Right After Tossing!
                                - Makes An FD Alike Error Log.
                                NOTE: Handy For Your Points. How Are You
                                 Going To Tell Them To Unpack Nodelists
                                   And Run An Nodelist Compiler??? ;)
                                An Uplink Manager Is Under Construction.
                                  Made By: Peter Batenburg/Jungleboy
                                [DiMeNSioN X]
                                     Released Date: 27 - 04 - 1996
nodev1_9.zip   99200 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                           NODEVIEW V1.9           
                                  On-Line nodelist viewer/browser  
                                  with ability to export BBS info  
                                  for download by callers.         
                                   * UK BBS support available *    
                                     * Author Colin Birch *        
                                     Sysop The Dog House BBS       
                                      (01443) 400327 24hrs         
                                   Latest files - 5 January 1999   
nodeview.zip   50609 08-05-2024   ===== NODEVIEW 1.0 =====   
                                Nodeview 1.0 Nodelist Searching door!
                                From the Author of Zbase BBS Lister  
                                come's Nodeview with more features!  
                                Features: Remote/Local Cursor control
                                Up to 5-Raw nodelists may be defined,
                                Supports Custom-Screens, Multi-Node, 
                                Non-Stand-IRQ/Addresses, to 115,200. 
                                NOT-CRIPPLED! Author: Brad Larned.   
nodmgr48.zip  185995 08-05-2024 Nodelists manager PRO 1.48 and maintenance
                                tools (for sysop's)
                                * Added the %CHANGE command *
                                Nodemanager is a easy way   
                                to keep your local nodelists
                                up to date by netmail.      
                                Up to 10 lists configurable.
                                Includes nodelist splice and
                                automatic hatching support. 
                                This package can run fully  
                                standalone and hatch the    
                                node and pointlists via     
                                your file processor.Could be
                                a pointmanager replacement. 
                                A la "joho" setup program.  
nodstruc.zip    3274 08-05-2024 
nu_300g2.zip  231873 08-05-2024 NU - Nodelist Updater 3.00g2
                                Updates nodelists with the weekly
                                difference files or a new nodelist.
                                NU automatically detects the
                                decompression method needed for
                                the files, can create statistics,
                                automatically compresses new files,
                                updates descriptions for FILES.BBS
                                or the RemoteAccess 2.0 filebase,
                                and much, MUCH more ....
                                >Description by Kwik-Diz v2.20 [Registered]  
nu_v220.zip   121561 08-05-2024 NU - Nodelist Updater 2.20
                                Updates nodelists with the weekly
                                difference files or a new nodelist.
                                NU automatically detects the
                                decompression method needed for
                                the files, can create statistics,
                                automatically compresses new files,
                                updates descriptions for FILES.BBS
                                or the RemoteAccess 2.0 filebase,
                                and much, MUCH more ....
nview20.zip    68159 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  -= NodeView v2.0 =-  
                                Full screen ANSI nodelist browse door
                                for RemoteAccess.  Easy-to-use button
                                interface. Now includes telephone no.
                                dial translation, improved graphics &
                                multi-node support. 10 registration!
n_door23.zip   36159 08-05-2024 
pdnu101.zip    81695 08-05-2024   PD-Nodelist Updater 1.01     
                                 for DOS & OS/2 Ŀ
                                 This is a nodelist updater from   
                                 nodediffs. PDNU can extract       
                                 regional nodelist. Support:       
                                 ARC,ZIP,LHARC,ARJ,RAR archives    
                                        F R E E W A R E            
                                 *BUGS TERMINATOR* 
                                (C) Przemyslaw Dobrowolski (2:480/88)
plst_133.zip   39289 08-05-2024   ParseLst Version 1.33
                                An OS/2 Nodelist Processing
                                Program by Bob Hartman
pnted200.zip   95311 08-05-2024 * PNTEDIT * POINTLIST EDITOR * 2.00 *
                                 This is the new generation of the 
                                 remote pointlist update program.  
                                 Lets you keep your pointlists up  
                                 to date and create automatically  
                                 netmails for the NPC's. NODEMGR,  
                                   PNTMGR & PNTUTIL compatible.    
                                  Free Registrations at 2:291/725  
                                    NEW FEATURE:                   
                                    - GLOBAL Local Pointlist       
pntmgr14.zip  371564 08-05-2024   POINTMANAGERROBOT1.40
                                * WITH NEW REQUESTED FEATURES *
                                This is the new generation   
                                of the pointlist robots.     
                                Lets you NPC's keep your     
                                pointlists up to date by     
                                netmails made by PNTEDIT     
                                or that are manually created.
                                Create automatically Boss    
                                Mode, Sint Louis and Yuck    
                                Compatible pointlists.       
                                Archives that can be hatched 
                                or Netmail attached for      
                                distribution. You can notify 
                                all the nodes with there     
                                pointlists in seconds.       
                                This is a MUST for all NPC's.
                                Automatic RPC segment import 
                                for up to 10 regions.        
qnode207.zip   90696 08-05-2024 QNODE - VERSION 6 + 7 NODELIST COMPILER.
                                A full-featured nodelist compiler to be used
                                for systems required version 6 or 7
                                compliant nodelists.  Comes in three
                                types: QNODE, QNODX, or QNOS2.  All versions
                                are well optimized for 80386+ processors,
                                but will run on lesser processors.
                                QNODE is the real-mode version (any system)
                                QNODX is the DPMI version (286+ w/2Megs ram)
                                QNOS2 is the 32-bit OS/2 version. (386+)
qnodx207.zip  190534 08-05-2024 QNODE - VERSION 6 + 7 NODELIST COMPILER.
                                A full-featured nodelist compiler to be used
                                for systems required version 6 or 7
                                compliant nodelists.  Comes in three
                                types: QNODE, QNODX, or QNOS2.  All versions
                                are well optimized for 80386+ processors,
                                but will run on lesser processors.
                                QNODE is the real-mode version (any system)
                                QNODX is the DPMI version (286+ w/2Megs ram)
                                QNOS2 is the 32-bit OS/2 version. (386+)
v7o_2d203h.zip  204695 08-05-2024 FastV7 2.03h OS/2 gamma-7, 14 Jun 1996,
                                Shareware Version7 Nodelist Compiler,
                                Updater, Browser & Manager.
                                * Creates Frontdoor, Version7, McMail,
                                  Remote Access, Maindoor, Termail and
                                  GoldEd nodelist indexes
                                * Updating the nodelist files with the
                                  weekly distributed difference files.
                                * Manage the nodelist files on your BBS
                                  or pointsystem
                                * Updating Frontdoor/Binkley magic file.
                                * Supports 4dos descriptions, files.bbs
                                  system, RA 2.0 filebase and the Portal
                                  of Power Okfile
                                * Support for most populair compression
                                  programs, such as ARC, ARJ, PAK, LZH,
                                  RAR, ZIP, SQZ and even UC2
                                * Full German Points24 file Support
                                * Full Danish DK-Point file Support
                                * Included version7 browser source
                                * With setup program
xlax256a.zip  147537 08-05-2024 
xnet100.zip    17261 08-05-2024 XNET v1.00 Copyright 1993 by John Giesbrecht
                                XNET extracts a selected net or region from a
                                raw nodelist, producing a FTS-0005-compatible
                                nodelist (including the CRC) which can be
                                processed by nodelist processors such as XLAX
zone.zip       11298 08-05-2024 Zone is a freeware util that reads a raw
                                Nodelist, and makes seperate nodelists files
                                for each Zone.
_10node.zip    48170 08-05-2024 NodeScan v1.0 - The ultimate nodelist
                                browser.  Supports up to 16 nodelists
                                and allows several different types of
                                searches.  Attractive interface, easy
                                to use, and loaded with features!!  A   
                                must-see for any Sysop who belongs to
                                one or more Fido-style mail networks.
                                Registration costs only five dollars!

                Area 74 - Oblivion 2 Groups               

3d_26fire.zip   22309 08-05-2024     CONVERTED TO OBV/2!!!
                                     Israfel [iCE/PSY]
                                Flaming Menu Set For ViSiON/2
                                  3D Metal Bar Menu Set v1.0
                                       for ViSiON/2 BBS
                                     a Doc Skull Menu Set
acd_2dab1.zip   12387 08-05-2024 Acidic Presents - AddressBook v1.00 - [OBV/2]
                                Internet Address Book for oblivion/2.Allows
                                users to add addresses+affils, and d/l list
                                   ܲ                 ܲ         
                                    ۲       ۲ ܱ  ܲ
                                    ۲   ۲۲ޱ  ۲
                                tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ    
                                   ۱۱       ܲ   ۰
                                    ۰   ߲۱   ۱
                                     ޲ݰ  ۲ ۲  ۲
                                     ߰  ߰ 
                                  ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
acd_2dab10.zip    6905 08-05-2024 Acidic Presents - AddressBook v1.00 - [OBV/2]
                                Internet Address Book for oblivion/2.Allows
                                users to add addresses+affils, and d/l list
                                   ܲ                 ܲ         
                                    ۲       ۲ ܱ  ܲ
                                    ۲   ۲۲ޱ  ۲
                                tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ    
                                   ۱۱       ܲ   ۰
                                    ۰   ߲۱   ۱
                                     ޲ݰ  ۲ ۲  ۲
                                     ߰  ߰ 
                                  ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
acd_2dag1.zip   13390 08-05-2024 Acidic Presents - AnsiGallery v1.00 - [OBV/2]
                                  Fully Functional Ansi Gallery for OBV.2  
                                  Add Descriptions/File Names/Artist Name  
                                   ܲ                 ܲ         
                                    ۲       ۲ ܱ  ܲ
                                    ۲   ۲۲ޱ  ۲
                                tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ    
                                   ۱۱       ܲ   ۰
                                    ۰   ߲۱   ۱
                                     ޲ݰ  ۲ ۲  ۲
                                     ߰  ߰ 
                                  ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
acd_2dcset.zip    7827 08-05-2024 ACiDic Presents - Quick Colorset Select [OBV]
                                ---+-- -- -- -  - -     - -  - -- -- --+---
                                 Allows your users to  toggle between pre- 
                                 defined  colorschemes on your  OBV/2 BBS. 
                                -------------[ Megga  Hertz ]--------------
                                   ܲ                 ܲ         
                                    ۲       ۲ ܱ  ܲ
                                    ۲   ۲۲ޱ  ۲
                                tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ    
                                   ۱۱       ܲ   ۰
                                    ۰   ߲۱   ۱
                                     ޲ݰ  ۲ ۲  ۲
                                     ߰  ߰ 
                                  ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
acd_2dlsm1.zip   10485 08-05-2024 ACiDic Presents -  Lightslide Matrix  - [OBV]
                                  A sliding litebar matrix for oblivion/2  
                                 A kickass variation of the classic slider 
                                [ Shadowhand ]
                                   ܲ                 ܲ         
                                    ۲       ۲ ܱ  ܲ
                                    ۲   ۲۲ޱ  ۲
                                tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ    
                                   ۱۱       ܲ   ۰
                                    ۰   ߲۱   ۱
                                     ޲ݰ  ۲ ۲  ۲
                                     ߰  ߰ 
                                  ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
acd_2dmnc1.zip    8396 08-05-2024 ACiDic Presents - MultiNode Chat Menu - [OBV]
                                 A replacement for the obv multinode menu. 
                                 Includes all multi-node and chat options  
                                    in an easy to use pulldown menu.       
                                [ Shivan Bastard ]
                                   ܲ                 ܲ         
                                    ۲       ۲ ܱ  ܲ
                                    ۲   ۲۲ޱ  ۲
                                tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ    
                                   ۱۱       ܲ   ۰
                                    ۰   ߲۱   ۱
                                     ޲ݰ  ۲ ۲  ۲
                                     ߰  ߰ 
                                  ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
acd_2dup1.zip   31103 08-05-2024 ACiDic Presents - Ultrasound Pager v1 - [OBV]
                                 A Replacement for the Internal OBV/2 Chat  
                                  Pager - For use with Gravis Ultrasounds  
                                [ by mindcrime ]
                                   ܲ                 ܲ         
                                    ۲       ۲ ܱ  ܲ
                                    ۲   ۲۲ޱ  ۲
                                tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ    
                                   ۱۱       ܲ   ۰
                                    ۰   ߲۱   ۱
                                     ޲ݰ  ۲ ۲  ۲
                                     ߰  ߰ 
                                  ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
ath_2dobv2.zip   10043 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 ATHEiST ij
                                 OBV/2   ij
                                 Menus   ij
at_2dmenu.zip   14697 08-05-2024 
be_2dobv2.zip   14179 08-05-2024   ۲  
                                ۲  ۲ ۱  ܲ
                                ۱ ۱  ۱
                                Oblivion/2 Menu Set
                                B  E  A  S  T  I  E
                                ACiD Productions 94
bi_2dobv2.zip   19121 08-05-2024 
bloodgen.zip    1539 08-05-2024 
bmrmenu.zip     6122 08-05-2024         
                                  Menu Set for OBV/2!     
                                   Already Compiled!      
boa2obv2.zip   58059 08-05-2024   oBLIViON.2 Menu Set  
                                    Union World Tour 1 9 9 5
boa_2dobv2.zip   57291 08-05-2024     OBV/2 Menu  [1o.18.94] 
bog_2dvxsc.zip    5146 08-05-2024  ..______/\ _____/\_______/\...
                                .::|        \      \      __\::.
                                ..:|    ____/   :   |    |___:::.
                                ..:|         \  :   |    | ds|::.
                                .::|    :    /      |    |   |::.
                                 .:|     ___/______/____     |:.
                                  3 Chat Screens For V-X/PCB/oBL
                                       By DiSToRTioN [1/1]
                                       ***Couried by UpF***
bo_2dobv.zip   11588 08-05-2024 ĿĿĿ
                                oOo Generic OBV2 Menuz-BoA oOo
bo_2dobv_2.zip   33138 08-05-2024               
                                    ޲߲  ܲ޲ ܲ    
                                   ߲ ߱ ܱ ߱ 
                                  Complete Menu Set & Stat    
                                  Screens... also comes w/    
                                   Infoforms(NUV) :bo_pgn     
bvn_2dlc14.zip   28925 08-05-2024 LastCall 1.40 - Oblivion/2 Utility  [1/1]
                                      _________  ____ ____ ________
                                <====|:        \|:   |:   |:       \=====>
                                 ::::|:  -|-   /|:   |:   |:   |:   |::::
                                 ::::|        \|.   |   |.   |   |::::
                                 ::::|  -|-    |   |   |   |   |$T::
                                 Some minor bugs are with multitasking is
                                 fixed in this version ...
bvn_2dlcps.zip   20170 08-05-2024 LastCall 1.4 for Obv/2 - Source     [1/1]
                                      _________  ____ ____ ________
                                <====|:        \|:   |:   |:       \=====>
                                 ::::|:  -|-   /|:   |:   |:   |:   |::::
                                 ::::|        \|.   |   |.   |   |::::
                                 ::::|  -|-    |   |   |   |   |$T::
                                 The full PASCAL source for the nice last
                                 caller util, and the configuration prg
                                 as well - Keep up the Obv/2 support guys
cd_2dspset.zip   16394 08-05-2024 Oblivion/2 Menu Set - Crash Dummy
cel_2dobv.zip   17978 08-05-2024 
cf_2dobv1.zip   14270 08-05-2024     ܲ     ܲ 
                                ۲۲   ܲ ޲۲۲
                                     ۲߲ ܱ   
                                     ܲ ߲  ޲ ۲   
                                           ܲ  ޲
                                  ޲  ޲    ݰkk޲ 
                                   tHE mOD sQUAD ߰
                                 ۰  Oblivion/2 Menu Set  
                                     by Celtic Frost    
                                  ߲ ܱ  ܲ
cf_2dobv4.zip   11568 08-05-2024     ܲ     ܲ 
                                ۲۲   ܲ ޲۲۲
                                     ۲߲ ܱ   
                                     ܲ ߲  ޲ ۲   
                                           ܲ  ޲
                                  ޲  ޲    ݰkk޲ 
                                   tHE mOD sQUAD ߰
                                 ۰   A complete modded   
                                   join transfers menu  
                                     by Celtic Frost    
                                  ߲ ܱ  ܲ
civil.zip      24288 08-05-2024 
ck_2dobvm1.zip   17031 08-05-2024  ܱܱܲܲ
                                ߲ oblivion/2 ansiset [1]
                                ߰۲ ߲ ߲
                                ۲          ۲
                                ۱  ۲۰ ۲ 
                                ۱  ۲ ܲ   ۱
                                ۰         ۰
                                ۰             ۰
                                       ۲   ۲߲ 
                                ۲ܱܲ߱۲  ܲ
cl_2dobv2.zip   18784 08-05-2024   ۲  
                                ۲  ۲ ۱  ܲ
                                ۱ ۱  ۱
                                Oblivion/2 Menu Set
                                C R I M E   L O R D
                                ACiD Productions 94
                                  diz by Beastie
convpmt.zip    13675 08-05-2024   
                                      Converted for Oblivion/2
                                    ViSiON-X Boxed Menu Prompt &
                                      Emulex Style Menu Prompt 
cre_2ddisc.zip    4136 08-05-2024                                               
                                  ________   ______ _____ ________            
                                 |\       \ |\     \      \        \          
                                 |  \ ______\  \_____\ _____\ _______\        
                                 |   |       | |      |      |        |       
                                 |   |:  \   | |:  \  |:     |:  \----       
                                 |   |:   |__/ |:   | |:  \  |:   |__\        
                                 |   |::  |__| |::  | |::  |_|::  |___|       
                                  \  |   /   \ |   /  |    | |   /___\        
                                    \|_______|\|______|___/ \|________|sh!    
                                  [Mod: Matrix Disclaimer, Yes/No Choices]    
                                  ..World Hq: Land of Canen 408%249%7032..    
cre_2dinfo.zip    5345 08-05-2024                                               
                                  ________   ______ _____ ________            
                                 |\       \ |\     \      \        \          
                                 |  \ ______\  \_____\ _____\ _______\        
                                 |   |       | |      |      |        |       
                                 |   |:  \   | |:  \  |:     |:  \----       
                                 |   |:   |__/ |:   | |:  \  |:   |__\        
                                 |   |::  |__| |::  | |::  |_|::  |___|       
                                  \  |   /   \ |   /  |    | |   /___\        
                                    \|_______|\|______|___/ \|________|sh!    
                                    [Mod: NUV Infoform, Cant say it  
                                    hasnt been done :)]                       
                                    (WHQ) Land of Canen - (408)249-7032       
cr_2dmods6.zip   10467 08-05-2024  Revolutionary, awesome SysOp Infoform
                                  and New User Voting Infoforms for
                                     Vision/2 and Oblivion/2!
                                      by Criminal - But of Course!
cutusr10.zip    5408 08-05-2024 A Utility to "Chop" Down Your User List
                                 Very Fast and Efficient way to Shorten
                                 Your User List..
c_2dsense.zip   61892 08-05-2024   "OBV/2 Common Sense for OS/2 Warp"
                                 - Several NEW OS/2 Icons for OBV/2
                                 - Batch files to run InterMail with
                                   OBV/2 with background processing
                                 - Good examples on how to use HSTART
                                    Created by:  HOOPTiE [08/05/95]
dae_2dglob.zip   20498 08-05-2024 |11 |08G|07l|15ob Edit |11 |03by DAE
                                |03For Oblivion/2 BBS Systems... Allows 
                                you to GLOBALLY edit such things as:
                                origin lines, ACS strings, and MANY 
                                more!  No more adding the same thing
                                30 times!  Just once and your set!
                                   |08- |15Coded by The Inquisitor |08-
dailyscr.zip    1472 08-05-2024 
da_2dobv2.zip   19393 08-05-2024   ________    _________ ____  _____
                                ,!       #Oo//        ~)#   |{    /(
                                :    **    |    i:.    :#   :|     |
                                |    (O    |    |      |%   ./   . |
                                |    |;    (      >____)%   !!   : |
                                (    :     |   !!_,    |! * /    |/
                                |  (*)---/-\|-------===========>/da^
                                wildcard(tm) menuset for oblivion/2
                                desalvo (dark) aka forlorn extender
                                 a large thanks to beastie 
demon.zip       6804 08-05-2024 
deth.zip        3216 08-05-2024 Generic Menu Set For Oblivion/2
                                    100% Original Art By
                                Really Crazy Artists [RC/]
                                Menu's Done by Death Knight
dk_2dobv2.zip   27396 08-05-2024     
                                      Oblivion/2 Menu Set
                                     Dragoon Kain [BROkEN]
dmn_2dmat.zip   17855 08-05-2024 ------------------
                                   Demon Matrix
dns_2dobvm.zip   38574 08-05-2024 ܱ           Ŀ
                                      Darklord's (tm)     
                                     Nifty Setup Series-    
                                ķ     Obv/2 MULTINODE!!! ķ
                                ĺ              ĺ
                                -=-=-=Updated,Revised 04/01/95!!!=-=-=-
                                =-=-=-It Doesn't get MUCH Easier!-=-=-=
                                -=EViL DOES Stand fer sumthin'... US!=-
                                     Kickin ASS All Over The US,   
                                           AND NOW THE WORLD!
dosmat.zip     26858 08-05-2024 
dp9menu.zip    15157 08-05-2024 These are the original ansis for the DP9 
                                Starhunter/Ghihi Menu Set for Obv/2. The 
                                included DP9FIX1.ZIP has a fixed Sysop Menu 
                                with the correct command descriptions.  These 
                                menus obtained by SPiCEMAN from Starhunter.
                                Menus also spread by SPiCEMAN.
dsgm_mnu.zip   15227 08-05-2024 
dt_2dkkk.zip    6824 08-05-2024 
                                     KKK MOD    
                                 :   for obv/2   :
                                  Made by Death 
dv_2dobv2m.zip   11928 08-05-2024   oblivion menuset
                                  completed 6-7-94!
                                  menuset by dive..
dy_2dobv2m.zip   32211 08-05-2024 -/- Oblivion/2 BLUEG00P! -\-
                                [a bunch of bbs screens by:]
                                    ߱  ߱   
                                    ߱  ߱   
                                  ߲     ߲ ܲ  ݲ
dz_2dobv2m.zip   45182 08-05-2024 
eg_2demail.zip    4610 08-05-2024  ______ _____ _/)_____ __ __ _/(__
                                |     _>     )  |   __>  \  |     )
                                :  e  _>  n  | i: g<_\.  m  :  a  |
                                ;_____ >__\__>__;_____>__|__;__;__:
                                in   \) cool email list for obv
                                 author: in + released : 03/11/95
eg_2dmconf.zip   26065 08-05-2024 in!
                                       ܲ  enigma modification
                                          released : o3/12/95
                                ܲ    by       : infringement
eg_2dpr0mp.zip   11107 08-05-2024 <<<<<:::::ENiGMA:::::>>>>>
                                <<<<<<::::WERK BY:::>>>>>>
                                2   2
                                222 22 22  2
                                222  22    22
                                222   2  22
                                22222-KUZT0M PR0MPTZ-22222
                                 "iT'Z TH3 DWNiN' 0F ..
                                 .....TH3 K-RDiSM 3RA!"
eg_2dv0tel.zip    6091 08-05-2024 <<<<<:::::ENiGMA:::::>>>>>
                                <<<<<<::::WERK BY:::>>>>>>
                                .......Dark Prophet.........
                                2   2
                                222 22 22  2
                                222  22    22
                                222   2  22
                                22222-VOTiN' LiGHTiEZ-2222
                                 "....L3T TH3R3 B3..
                                 ......LiGHT iN 1995!"
emailpak.zip   11026 08-05-2024 OBV/2 Email Purger for v2.25+
                                Will remove all those pesky 'OLD' messages
                                and save you some headaches        [o1.o1]
emailscr.zip    2008 08-05-2024 
enigobv.zip   310839 08-05-2024 
enterz.zip     14668 08-05-2024      a XiDE.OBV2 release - Venom
                                  : 10 Animated Enterds for OBV.2 :
                                    _______     ______     ___ ___
                                   )       )\  )  _   )\  )   )   )\
                                  /   /   /  )/    __/  )/   /   /  )
                                 /   /   /  //  _   /\ //   /   /  /
                                (_______(  /(______(  )(_______(  /
                                 \_______\(  \______\(  \_______\(
etk_2demnu.zip   15261 08-05-2024     ___________________)\___
                                    \______   |  ______  )  )
                                      )) :|__/___|::  |/  /
                                     //  __|_       ((
                                    (_______  )|___|___|  \\
                                ======lightbar 1oo% email menus==
evobvsec.zip   27849 08-05-2024            
                                 Producions Prsns: 
                                  Securing Your BBS:   
evp_2dobvw.zip   74608 08-05-2024            
                                 Producions Prsns: 
                                 Setting Up Oblivion/2 
                                    With Windows 95    
extmenu.zip     8354 08-05-2024 
fd_2dobv2m.zip   33838 08-05-2024 
                                OBV/2 Menu Set -- Final Descendant
                                Skulls         -- iCE Advertisements
fd_2dobv2s.zip    7052 08-05-2024 
                                OBV/2 Stat Set -- Final Descendant
                                Skulls         -- iCE Advertisements
feed_2dv50.zip    3675 08-05-2024 |15     _____ _____ _____ _____
                                |15xxx%)  _  )     )     )__   )%x
                                |07xx%/  ( \/  ---/  ---/  /  /%xx
                                |09x%/  __\/  ---/  ---/  /  /%xxx
                                |01%(__(  (_____(_____(_____(%xxxx
                                |08x%FeedBack OBV2 Bar Menu%xxxxx
                                |08x% Verison .50  Better Ansi %x
fixcol10.zip    7816 08-05-2024 Fixcolors! v1.0 For Obv/2 Made by T.\!
                                *YOU* choose which colors the users will
                                get! It will ask you, and you tell it. Then
                                it will go into the user file and RESET all
                                users to the colors that you told it! Works
fixdesc1.zip    8171 08-05-2024   /     FixDesc v1.0     \
                                /     More MaNiAwAre!    \
                                FixDesc will convert      
                                your obv/2 file descrpts  
                                for you. A descript of    
                                "ThiS iS a KrAd FiLE"     
                                will turn into "This is   
                                a krad file", or all upp  
                                ercase, lowercase or each 
                                 word captlzd! you choose!
fixfil12.zip    9550 08-05-2024 Fixfile v1.2! Do you not like the way
                                that obv/2 does the filepoints? Well,
                                FixFile is here to help. You decide how
                                many K per point! Totally configurable!
                                Made by The Maniac
fixfpt12.zip    9932 08-05-2024 FixFpt! v1.2. Made by "The Maniac".
                                With this, you can change your users file-
                                points by utilizing a flag in the user
                                editor! Give them 0 points or -9999 or 9999.
                                Its totally configurable, and the flag is up
                                2 u! Check 'er out and tell me whatcha think!
fk_2dobv2.zip   10799 08-05-2024 DiE Productions Present
                                  Sp00ey Menu Set #1!  
                                     by fLiCk/DiE      
                                  ***Couried by UpF***
flist10.zip    22598 08-05-2024 Flist'er v10.0 by The Maniac!
                                Yes, a NEW VERSION! This one is 10-20X
                                faster than the oldies. BRAND NEW CODE!
                                Will replace blank description fields also!
                                Will compress your filelist with ARJ or ZIP!
                                Use FLIST -D to make the document file!
flist30.zip    37191 08-05-2024   /    Flist'er v3.0   \
                                /                      \
                                 File Listing generator!
                                 Fully configurable w/  
                                 ability for colored    
                                 lists! Will even ZIP   
                                 the list for you! Will 
                                 replace those BLANK des
                                 cription fields!       
flup14b.zip    37559 08-05-2024  THCs    File List UPload Manager
                                          for Oblivion/2
                                       +:+The Hemp Crew+:+    v1.00
fl_2dblist.zip    5273 08-05-2024      
                                 .oO blacklist v1.0 by flair Oo.
                                    .oO For Obv/2 Systems Oo.
fl_2do2bye.zip    6583 08-05-2024 -  .       -Ŀ
                                ſ/\/\/---     -ų
                                |ij-     .  -/\/|
                                :ij:  Oblivion/2 -:l
                                    Goodbye Door   ij:
                                   By lair [ROC]  -
                                \/\/--  .   \/
fl_2doneln.zip    4562 08-05-2024      
                                oO RaPE Oneline v.10 by flair Oo
                                    .oO For Obv/2 Systems Oo.
fm_2dripa4.zip  374263 08-05-2024 OBV/2 2.20 RIP Add-On
                                Alpha Version 1.04
                                by farmicus.cia
fn_2do2qwk.zip    3016 08-05-2024   -  
                                :   QWK Screens for Oblivion/2
                                    v2.20 Beta 3 and beyond     
                                        by: FusioN         :
fn_2dstat1.zip    6832 08-05-2024 
freespce.zip   11760 08-05-2024 From The Desk Of Big Toe!
                                Utility For Oblivion/2, Reads 
                                Specified Drives And Creates Ansis
                                For Each, Giving the Free Space
                                Available On Each Drive, Great
                                To Display To Users Before An Upload!
fr_2dacid.zip    4970 08-05-2024 [255D[5C[0;1m   
                                Stat Screens for Obv/2[0m
fr_2dhead.zip    4107 08-05-2024 
                                 <<<<<<:::WERK BY:::>>>>>>
                                 .WiLDMAN -N- Infringement.
                                2   2
                                222 22 22  2
                                222  22    22
                                222   2  22
                                2222-HEADER LiGHTiES-22222
                                 "iT'S 2 K3WL 2 BE....
fr_2dstats.zip    5034 08-05-2024 [255D[5C[0;1m   
                                Stat Screens for Obv/2[0m
fx_2df2o14.zip   13448 08-05-2024 Ļ
                                  FILE2OBV.EXE v1.4 by Osiris  
                                    Part of the x Utilties    
                                 Import FILES.BBS Descriptions 
                                     Into Oblivion/2 v2.xx     
fx_2dobvm.zip   14797 08-05-2024          ߲
                                  ߱ݱ   ޲  
                                    ۲ ܲݲܲܲ 
                                obvlivion/2 menu sets / facsimile
fx_2dobvm2.zip    8077 08-05-2024           
                                funny.. another facsimile menu set!
fy_21_2darea.zip    5300 08-05-2024  ___             The Black
                                :   :   -------------\--------------
                                :   :sH:    :  :   :   :       :    ___:
                                :   :___:    :  :   :   :    /--:    ___:
                                :       :    '  :   '   :    :  :       :
                                      . . . p r e s e n t s . ..     
                                      lightbar / hotkey file menu    
                                    an oblivion/2 mod by  . .  Fury  
fy_21_2dbarn.zip    9405 08-05-2024  ___           The Black
                                :   :   -----------\------------
                                :   :sH:   :  :   :  :      :   ___:
                                :   :___:   :  :   :  :   /--:   ___:
                                :       :   '  :   '  :   :  :      :
                                    . . . p r e s e n t s . . .    
                                   Cosmetic Mod for DE's Barnews   
                                  an oblivion/2 mod by  . .  Fury  
fy_21_2dmat.zip    5162 08-05-2024  ____             The Black
                                :    :  
                                :    :sH:    :   :    :   :        :    ___
                                :    :___:    :   :    :   :    /---:    ___
                                :        :    '   :    '   :    :   :       
                                        . . . p r e s e n t s . . .    
                                        Eliminate OBV's Matrix Menu    
                                      an oblivion/2 mod by  . .  Fury  
f_2dup100.zip    9359 08-05-2024 ( F-Update v1.00 )Ŀ
                                 Oblivion/2 v2.30 Total Files Updater 
                                When Oblivion/2 screws up your total files
                                 count, use F-Update to correctly update  
                                   your totals.  Oblivion/2 v2.30 only!   
                                   Released under EViL Productions 1995   
                                .          coded by Paradigm         .
gd_2dobv2.zip   21453 08-05-2024       ------------------------
                                     |  MeNu CoNFiG FoR OVB/2 |
got_2dlogf.zip    8774 08-05-2024 ---gAtHERiNG oF tRiBES'72--Ŀ
                                     Oblivion/2 Section     
                                    New logoff system for   
                                 |    Done by : Rocksteady   |
                                | :                           :|
                                :                            :
gridmenu.zip   17168 08-05-2024 
hdss_2d1.zip   48070 08-05-2024                
                                      HD Storage Specifics   [1/1]   
                                Will produce an Ansi/Ascii file that 
                                shows users how much space is free on
                                the Drives.  Can be used/displayed   
                                prior to when a User U/ls       
hdstv1b1.zip   38437 08-05-2024 OBV/2 HD Space Specs v1.0 for v2.25+
                                Will  produce a screen of information
                                for  all  of  your  HD's  to the User
                                prior  to  U/ling.  Fully redone from
                                scratch and configurable!  It now has 
                                the  ability of random screen output,
                                selecting  drives  NOT  to  scan ECT!  
                                Grab this file if you want your users 
                                to  know  if there is enough space on 
                                your drive(s)  Coded: Acidic Morality
hknuvfm.zip     9540 08-05-2024 <=New User voting Infoform=>
                                <=For OBV/2, Full screen===>
hod1line.zip    2960 08-05-2024 [-] another quality obv mod [-]
                                  here is a mod to give your
                                  one-liners a more stylish
                                  a must for any quality 
                                    oblivion/2 board
hodlog.zip     29177 08-05-2024 [-] another quality obv mod [-]
                                 eliminate oblivion/2's matrix!
                                 this mod will give your board
                                 a quick, pcboard-style login.
                                 also, included with this great
                                 mod is an example and demo. of
                                 how rip works in obv.2 and how
                                 to have the bbs display them.
                                includes simple installation doc!
hodreq.zip      4627 08-05-2024  [-] another quality obv/2 mod [-]
                                  this mod will add file requests
                                  to your oblivion/2 bbs. 
                                  a professional looking data
                                  area that lets your users see
                                  and add file requests when they
                                  enter your file menu.
                                  ...installation doc included!
ho_2ddos.zip    9665 08-05-2024 
ho_2dforms.zip    9929 08-05-2024 
hslobv2.zip     2327 08-05-2024 Complete setup for running HSlink under
                                Oblivion/2 v2.10.  Batch files, odd
                                irq/comm port assignment addressed as
                                Courtesy of:  Urick - Temples of Syrinx
ht_2dblue.zip   16014 08-05-2024 BLUEBLHardTargetĴUEBLUE
                                UEB        EBL
                                EB              LU
                                BLް ް ް ް ް ްް ްUE
                                LUޱ ޱ ޱ ޱްޱ ޱޱ ޱEB
                                UE޲ ޲ ޲ ޲ޱ޲ ޲޲ ޲BL
                                EBL        LU
                                RHAPSODY IN BLUE (AND CYAN)  UpF
infoform.zip    4405 08-05-2024 
info_2dboz.zip    6239 08-05-2024 -------------
                                Collection of
                                Infoforms for
iniq2obv.zip   18980 08-05-2024 Iniquity to Oblivion/2 converter
                                 Full Source included. Coded by
                                 Shivan Bastard.        9/15/96
in_2dobvmn.zip   13313 08-05-2024     __
                                   /ͻ  / /
                                  /ɼ  Ȼ |\    |\
                                 -    | |     |
                                 | ͹ |     |
                                 |    | |/    |/
                                 |_     / \
                                      ART CREAT!ONS
                                 PRESENTS: OBV/2 Menu Set
jb_2dobv.zip    4064 08-05-2024 OBV/2 Menu Set By: Jello Biafra
                                   /--\   A     _________________
                                  | /\_|UiCiDE | 1st Pack due out|
                                  | \_   iCiD  | in Mid-May......|
                                   \_ \   Ci   | Watch for it.   |
                                   _ \ | iCiD   -----------------
                                  | \/ |UiCiDE        UpF
                                     \\Passed Through//
                                 Happy Jesus Trashcan 
jb_2dobvif.zip   17456 08-05-2024        
                                   KiCkIn AsS in 94
                                  OBV/2 Infoforms by
                                  Jello Biafra [SUi]
j_2dqwkans.zip    3721 08-05-2024   obv qwk up/down ansi's - really kool!
                                ܲ               ߲    ܲ     
                                           ܲ ߲     
                                  ߲ ۲ ߲ ߲ ݰ  ܲ ۲  
                                     ߲  ߲
                                ߲  ۲   ߲  ܲ 
                                   ߲   ߲ ߲  ߲       
                                . ܲ ߲         Ŀ
                                  there was no kool qwk ansi's out so we  
                                 released a set for you.... add it 2 batch
kalflprm.zip    1987 08-05-2024 ==> File Listing Prompt Replacement <====
                                Gives your users a better idea of OBV's
                                true power. And helps them learn how to
                                use it. Ez to install, great nfo file
                                walks you through. Try it. You'll dig it
                                =======OBV mod by KALiGULA^FS=========
                                 FreaK ScenE  9o7276ooo3  NUP:POT! 
lcall20.zip    12539 08-05-2024 LastCallers v2.0. Makes a nice
                                *totally configurable* listing of the
                                last baud rates on your system. *YOU*
                                choose the colors!!! Another fine product
                                of MaNiAwArE by the MaNiAc!
lcp150.zip     20344 08-05-2024 \. Last Caller Process v1.50 ../
                                \\... by FusioN of  ....//
                                  For your Oblivion/2 BBS ONLY!
                                Processes LASTCALL.DAT and prints
                                percentage of the baudrates. NEAT!
                                 Replaced 0's with O's and fixed
                                %'s and more! in v1.50 from v1.00
ldp150.zip     17334 08-05-2024 \.. LD/Local Processer v1.50 ../
                                /\... by FusioN of  ..../\
                                 For your Oblivion/2 BBS ONLY!  
                                 Now uses MCI codes and prints  
                                  a new file so you can have    
                                 the codes anywhere you want on 
                                          the screen.           
ld_2dfnts1.zip    6121 08-05-2024 xxxx bbs font set! xxxx
                                released: february 10th
                                   ۲ ۲ 
                                ۲  ۲ ۲   
                                ۲ܲ ߲ܲ ۲  ܲ
                                   bleach!  ld!  
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۰۲۲
                                ۲ ۲ ۲  ܰ 
                                ܲ  ۲ ۲ ۱ܲ
                                xxxxxx  xxxxxxxxx
                                set by lOrdJazz
ld_2dobvs2.zip   15548 08-05-2024  oblivion/2 - menu set [2]
                                11/23/94 - lord jazz 
                                     ܲ        ܲ  
                                   ۲    ۲  
                                    ߲ ۲  ܲ
                                     ߲       ld!
ld_2dobvs3.zip   24362 08-05-2024  
                                 obv/twoo menu set [o3] .. date: o2/o8/95
                                 ܲ ۲ ۲ ߲
                                 ۲۲ ۲۲ ۲޲
                                 ߲ ۲ ۲ ۲߰۲ ۲
                                 ܰ ܲ  ld!  ߲  ߲
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ܰ ܲ
                                 ۲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ۲۲ ۲
                                 ۲ ܲ ۲۲ ۲ ߲ ۲
                                 bleach productions! .. -lOrdJazz
ld_2dobvs4.zip   25351 08-05-2024 ( ^date^04/15/95 ) illness^1995
                                 o    ܰ       v  
                                  ۲ b    ۲۲
                                 ߲߰ ݰ߲߰
                                  ߰      ld!߲
                                   .. i  l  l  n  e  s  s ..
ld_2dobvs5.zip   15730 08-05-2024 |07
                                |07 |15obv/twoo: ld! obv menu set no. five
                                |07          ۰    
                                |07       ۲ ۲ ۲  ۰ ۲ 
                                |07    .߲߲߰  ߲߰ .  ld!
                                |07      ܲ  
                                |07        ۰    
                                |07۲ ۲   ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ 
                                |07 + |15lord jazz, bleach productions 1995
li_2dinfo1.zip    3292 08-05-2024  ______ _______     
                                ||='   ||='    |   Sphere
                                |;  ___|;     | __   Of
                                |'     |'  :   ||  |   Iusions
                                |___   |   |   ||  |
                                |      |   |   ||  |    
                                |______|_______||__|          [o1/o1]
                                DESC:[InFoFoRm SeT]
                                CREATOR:[ord of iusion]
lognote.zip     4958 08-05-2024 [...OBV/2..LOGiN..DiSCLAiMER...]
                                A simple obv mod that will show
                                an 'anti-government' disclaimer
                                with a lightbar prompt asking the
                                caller if he will comply with the
                                info in the disclaimer.  If your
                                board is in a 'grey' in terms of
                                legality, or you're just paranoid,
                                install this mod.       ;)
ls_2dobinf.zip    9715 08-05-2024 
                                 . Infoforms for Oblivion/2 .
                                        Designed by Lasher
                                  FiERCE Productions 1995 
matrix.zip      3441 08-05-2024 
ma_2dmenus.zip   14268 08-05-2024 
mcp200.zip     17488 08-05-2024 Message Conference ProcessorĿ
                                 v2.00 by: FusioN   
                                For your Oblivion/2 BBS ONLY! 
                                 Save time & configure bases  
                                 quickly over multiply confs  
                                Great util for every sysop
mc_2dobv2.zip   19823 08-05-2024   OBLiViON.2 MENUSET  
                                  MiNDCRiME [BL/DE]  
menutool.zip    5905 08-05-2024 Carriage Return Menu Editing Utility
                                 only for Oblivion/2.   Full source
                                 included.  Coded by Shivan Bastard
mg_2dobv2.zip    9413 08-05-2024 [?7h[255D[1C[0;34m     
                                  [30mOblivion/2 Small Menu Set
                                  Released by Magnus 
mk_2dobv2.zip   16237 08-05-2024  ۲ܲ
                                 ۲۲          Ŀ
                                     oblivion/2 menuset 
                                 ۲   by modeus khahn of 
                                 ۲۲   surge productions  
mpt_2dobv.zip   56107 08-05-2024 MPt (New Puma) v1.10 Protocol Driver [1/1]
                                Includes complete setup for Oblivion/2!
mp_2ddos.zip    5767 08-05-2024   __     _     ____
                                    \ /   \ /  ___|
                                  \  /\    /__
                                  /  \/  \___  \
                                           __|   |
                                 ___/ \___/ _____/
                                  Obv/2 Ansi DOSHELL
                                Matrix by MP of [MAD]
mp_2dobv2.zip   18826 08-05-2024 |:  |.   .|.  +|.     .|:|
                                |____    :|____|:   .|___|
                                [CiA95 Proudly Presents  ]
                                [Oblivion/2 menuset by MP]
                                [33rie/Lord Jazz like... ]
                                 Yet Another File From Illegal Embassy! 
mp_2dobv4.zip   14676 08-05-2024 %%%%%.,8SnOS88,.88SDb.%%%%%%%%
                                %%%.Y88`'6'`SD88Y`:SDP %%mp!%%
                                %% 8888 %%% :8888$odP'presents
                                %%`8888, %% :88886. %a%obv/2%%
                                %% 8888 %% .|88887 %%%menuset%
narc.zip       46817 08-05-2024 
nd_2dobv2.zip    2885 08-05-2024 
nhf_2dchat.zip    4518 08-05-2024 Chat Page Password Menu for OBV/2
                                 Now you no longer have to keep
                                 turning your availability on  
                                 and off, because of lamers who
                                 just like to say "whats up"   
                                 keep em' from pestering with  
                                 this Chat Password Menu.      
                                ĴBy SS
nm_2dmenus.zip   26866 08-05-2024 Oblivion/2 Menu Set - Created by Necro [iCE]
nm_2dstat1.zip    7955 08-05-2024 
nm_2dstat2.zip    7539 08-05-2024 
nt_2dobcha.zip    1864 08-05-2024   /\ /\ /\ /\
                                    \/     /\
                                  \/ \/ \/
                                  OBV/2 SPLiT CHaT BY:
                                    NiGHTRAiN [SUi]
o2f_10b1.zip    8001 08-05-2024 
                                       OBV2FD v1.0
                                      By: STN CLD
                                  OBV/2 to FD Last Caller 
ob23dbar.zip   11587 08-05-2024  ͻ
                                   3D Metal Bar Menu Set v1.1  
                                       for OBLiViON/2 BBS      
                                     a Doc Skull Menu Set      
obv2bats.zip   13452 08-05-2024 
                                |04  |15    DarK       |04
                                |04  |07         iMaGERY    |04
                                |04  |08    EnTerprise |04
                                |04   |04
                                |04      OBV/2 Batch Files    |04
                                |04 Batch Files For Use With  |04
                                |04   Intermail And Gecho     |04
obv2fd.zip     12501 08-05-2024 []      Obv2FD version 0.3      []
                                Imports Oblivion/2's lastcall.dat
                                into FrontDoors lastcall.fd
obvcl100.zip    9972 08-05-2024  ObvColors 1.00
                                  Change your users colors
                                  to the default color set
                                  in your ObvSetup.
                                  (c) 1993 The Oxygen Labs
obvcol.zip     11821 08-05-2024 Oblivion/2 Color Changer
                                 Change All Users Colors to Those Defined
                                 in the Config Menu
obvst151.zip   43941 08-05-2024      ObvStats 1.50  Oblivion/2 Utility
                                Tells the user how many posts/uls/dls daily
                                and if more uls or posts needed for the day
                                           Ĵ  Now with Configurable
obx_2d0495.zip   86332 08-05-2024                     
                                            th ܱ ߱
                                           ܱ ܲ۲
                                         ܲ ۰
                                         ߱ ܰ ܱ
                                             ߰    oBNOXIOUS      
                                         oH b33v33.tU3 m0DD3N gR00P
                                  m3NY0US/iNF0F0RMS/sTATS/y0UT1LS/aND M00R
                                      w33 g0TS y00R g1RL iN dAH sAQ pAQ
of_2dquote.zip    2887 08-05-2024     
                                ..Sphere of Illusion..
omed064.zip    49650 08-05-2024 The Oblivion/2 Menu Editor v0.64!
origc100.zip    7294 08-05-2024  OrigConf v1.00
                                  -Oblivion/2 Utility
                                  -Easy to use external utility to
                                   edit origin lines and node  #'s
                                   of message conferences.
pc_2dobv2.zip   12626 08-05-2024  Oblivion/2 Menu Set 
                                primordial chowder [Empire]
ped09b.zip     13253 08-05-2024 ĿĿĿ¿¿ ĿĿ
                                     ڿ ĴĿ
                                Full Screen Prompt Editor
                                 For Oblivion/2 Systems!
                                  Osiris/x Development
pia_2dascg.zip    8654 08-05-2024   _ _____________  ____  ________
                                _ ______        /\/___/\/       /\
                                 _ ____/   /   / /   /\/   -   / /:
                                 :  vn/   ____/ /   / /   .   / / |
                                 |   /   /\___\/   / /   /   / /  |
                                 |  /___/ /   /___/ /___/___/ /   |
                                 | pia asCii gallery - oblivion/2 |
                                 |  VERY nice looking asCii gal!  |
                                 |     modded by psychohOlic!     |
                                 | pia oblivion/2 division [OBV2] |
pl_2dobv2.zip   14612 08-05-2024 pliny of cia presents an:
                                   oblivion/2 menu set
                                 _____________ ________
                                \\_____  /\  _>\\___  /
                                 /  <__\/\|\/ | /  \/\
                                "bes' be rekognizin', ph00"
promed.zip      8318 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  OBLiViON/2 PROMPT EDITOR!! Ŀ
                                  Configure those Prompts a   
                                  lot easier.  Use PROMED!!   
                                  By : Marauding Goblin       
proted10.zip   22394 08-05-2024                  
                                     ProtEdit v1.00     
                                  Coded by WHiTE TiGER  
                                   Ext. Protocol Editor
                                    for OBV/2 v2.xx     
qs_2dobvm.zip   19394 08-05-2024 
qz_2dobv2.zip    4416 08-05-2024 
ragestat.zip   26211 08-05-2024   .        .
                                , 9 '         ` 3 ,
                                 . 3        9 .
                                   '    '
                                 Message & File Stats  
                                      Set Brought To You 
                                        By:  Marly Man   
randomzr.zip    9587 08-05-2024         The Randomizer  Ŀ
                                Will randomize your PreLogon and GoodBye 
                                Ansi's for -> OBV/2.    Now you can make
                                more customized screens for your BBS and
                                randomize them up to 255 screens.  [1/1]
                                Coded: Acidic Moralty              
rene2obv.zip   23485 08-05-2024 Renegade to Oblivion/2 converter
                                 Full Source included. Coded by
                                 Shivan Bastard.        9/15/96
rs_21obv.zip    4178 08-05-2024        
                                ܲ ݱޱ߱ޱޱ2۰
                                ް ݰްݰ 
                                         ޱܱ ߱ rs!acme
                                      OBLiViON MeNU Set By:
                                        Rusty of ACmE!
sch_2dbeep.zip    7558 08-05-2024 
                                Oblivion/2 Logon Beep
                                 Program that beeps  
                                   when a User Logs  
                                   on to the system  
                                       By: Rave      
                                  Sycho OBV/2 Mod Group
sch_2dbmat.zip    2768 08-05-2024 
                                  Oblivion/2 Matrix  
                                  Bar Matrix Using   
                                   The Hell Color    
                                       By: Rave      
                                  Sycho OBV/2 Mod Group
sch_2dcht1.zip    2292 08-05-2024 
                                  OBV/2 Chat Screen  
                                Chat Screen for your 
                                 BBs!  Finally a good
                                 one for your board! 
                                       By: Rave      
                                  Sycho OBV/2 Mod Group
sch_2ddis1.zip    2314 08-05-2024 
                                Oblivion/2 Disclaimer
                                   Demonic Colors    
                                     By: Rave        
                                   Sycho OBV/2 Mod Group
sch_2dfeed.zip    2291 08-05-2024 
                                 Oblivion/2 Feedback 
                                 Pulldown ansi that  
                                 asks you if you want
                                  to leave feedback  
                                       By: Rave      
                                  Sycho OBV/2 Mod Group
sch_2dnfo5.zip    2247 08-05-2024 
                                 Oblivion/2 InfoForm 
                                 New User Voting Form
                                   Demonic Colors    
                                      By: Rave       
                                   Sycho OBV/2 Mod Group
sch_2dpcb1.zip   12726 08-05-2024 
                                Oblivion/2 to PCboard
                                 Random Matrixes just
                                like the ones for PCB
                                    but for OBV/2    
                                       By: Rave      
                                  Sycho OBV/2 Mod Group
sch_2dsypw.zip    2037 08-05-2024 
                                 Oblivion/2 System PW
                                  ANSi that prompts  
                                 users for the system
                                    By: Rave  
                                  Sycho OBV/2 Mod Group
sc_2dobv2i.zip    7417 08-05-2024          
                                Oblivion/2  Infoforms  Satan Clas
                                         Released 06/22/94
sc_2dobv2m.zip   17130 08-05-2024          
                                 Oblivion/2 Menu Set  Satan Clas
                                         Released 06/22/94
sc_2dobvi1.zip   15551 08-05-2024   
                                      ܰ  ۲ 
                                     ...brought to you by...
                                issue#1 "It's a collector's item!"
sc_2dobvi2.zip   15648 08-05-2024             
                                        sc     ܱ߲ 
                                  ܲ   ߲ܰ ܰ   ܲ ܲ 
                                  ܲ ߰۱    
                                ް  ۲ ޱ   
                                  ߲ ܲ   ۲߰  ܲ
                                           ߰۱ ܲ   
                                         ...brought to you by...
                                    issue#2 "Still a collector's item!"
sd_2dpulse.zip   14600 08-05-2024 [PULSE MENUS]Ŀ
                                    OBLiViON/2 MENUS
                                     *.ANS & *.LiB
                                   ++2CFG SCREENS and 
                                       1 NFO FORM
                                [BY: shadow]
sf_2dmenu.zip    6601 08-05-2024        
                                 . OBV/2 Menu Set By .
                                 . Superfly   8/1/94 
si_2dinfo.zip    8532 08-05-2024                 
                                   ۰ ۰ ۰ ۰ ް ۰۰
                                 ޱޱ ޱޱ  ޱ ۱ 
                                  ޲ ޲ ޲ ޲     ޲ ޲ 
                                    Oblivion  Infoforms 
                                  Infoforms #1 and #5 for Obv2
                                  by Silence [ill].   Designed
                                  for  Art-based systems -- go
                                    Have fun with em  
                                  ۰ ۰ ۰ ۰ ް ۰۰  
                                 ޱޱ ޱޱ  ޱ ۱ 
                                  ޲ ޲ ޲ ޲     ޲ ޲ 
si_2dmnu.zip   13179 08-05-2024                 
                                 ܲ ܲ       ܲ       
                                  Oblivion/2 Menu set /w additional  
                                        menus by Silence[ill]        
si_2dobv2.zip   12063 08-05-2024 -/\/- OBV/2 COMPLETE MENU'S -/\/-
                                  -/\/- (c) SiSR 06/94 -/\/-
sk_2dobv2m.zip   21965 08-05-2024                                     
                                ۰ ۰  ۰                   
                                ۱  ۱  ۱                  
                                ۲  ۲ ۲                    
                                    shattered link                     
                                  obv/2 menu screens
smash040.zip   17966 08-05-2024 The Oblivion/2 File Smasher v0.40
smobv2s1.zip   12244 08-05-2024   sMan[haze.]     
                                  presents ->          
                                    oblivion menu set by
                                    spiderMan of haze.
                                    04/21/1995 first ever
sm_2dmnu.zip   18301 08-05-2024 oblivion menuset
                                by shattered mind
                                of gothic productions
                                (c)opywrong 1993
sn_2dobv.zip   19362 08-05-2024  ۲߲ ۲߲ ۲  ߲
                                   OBV/2 Menu Set
                                Sole Assassin [UNiON]
so_2dobv2.zip   11789 08-05-2024     Ŀ
                                  ܲ ۲         ۲
                                      ߲޲        ߲
                                ޲       ܲ     
                                 ߲ ޲  ߲  ޲  
                                      Oblivion/2 Menu Set   
                                           by Somms         
                                      ACiD Productions '94  
sp_2dblak.zip    7158 08-05-2024  
                                ۲۲   ܲ ޲۲۲
                                     ۲߲ ܱ   
                                     ܲ ߲  ޲ ۲   
                                           ܲ  ޲
                                  ޲  ޲    ݰkk޲ 
                                   tHE mOD sQUAD ߰
                                 ۰    Black Market        
                                        by Spinal       
                                  ߲ ܱ  ܲ
sp_2dbull.zip    2843 08-05-2024  
                                ۲۲   ܲ ޲۲۲
                                     ۲߲ ܱ   
                                     ܲ ߲  ޲ ۲   
                                           ܲ  ޲
                                  ޲  ޲    ݰkk޲ 
                                   tHE mOD sQUAD ߰
                                 ۰     Bulletin Lister    
                                       by Spinal        
                                  ߲ ܱ  ܲ
ssinfofm.zip    6053 08-05-2024 
sx_2dobv2.zip   13786 08-05-2024  ߲        SUSHi X's [ACiD]
                                ߱        OBV/2 Menu Set
                                             (c) 1993 ... whatever.
t2_2dmlib.zip   15939 08-05-2024 
tblgen.zip      1548 08-05-2024 
tecmenus.zip    9582 08-05-2024       
                                   ۲ T 
                                  [obv/2 menuset by]۲
                                   ۲ MAD ߲
tele2obv.zip   32285 08-05-2024 Telegard to Oblivion/2 converter
                                 Full Source included. Coded by
                                 Shivan Bastard.        9/15/96
tfstat.zip      8894 08-05-2024    Terminal Frost  
                                   OBV/2 Stat Set  
                                  by STyX [BL/DE]  
th_2dobv.zip   34982 08-05-2024 
tidforms.zip    5360 08-05-2024 
tkkmenu2.zip    4143 08-05-2024 
tm_2dmenu.zip    4997 08-05-2024        
                                 . OBV/2 Menu Set By .
                                 . Techmaster 8/1/94 
tranze_2dr.zip    4797 08-05-2024 Trance Regular - Oblivion/2 Menu Set
tsanansi.zip   10134 08-05-2024 
ulcheck1.zip    2397 08-05-2024 -= Great Upload Checker Screen By TSAN!
upfile13.zip   25452 08-05-2024         Upfiles v1.3 by The Maniac
                                     - Add files to Obv/2 from DOS -
                                   o Supports multiple configurations
                                   o Will use FILE_ID.DIZ descriptions
                                   o If no FILE_ID.DIZ, it will ask you
                                     for the description.
                                   o Allows you to upload one or many
                                     files at a time.
                                   o Supports duplicate file checking
                                   o I need a logo for this one too, just
                                     UpFiles in neat letters. Would
                                     appreciate it if anyone could make
                                     me one and post it in ImpactNet.
                                   o Upfiles -DOC for .DOC file
                                   o Fixed BIG bug from v1.0, v1.2!
upp100.zip      9969 08-05-2024 ڿ User Purge Process v1.00 ڿĿ
                                     by Fusion      
                                 For your Oblivion/2 BBS ONLY 
                                Purge users by days not called
                                 and exempt users with Ŀij
                                definable security levels.
v2menu.zip      8008 08-05-2024 
v2_2dobv.zip   16647 08-05-2024 
vc_2dobv1.zip   47342 08-05-2024 Oblivion/2 Message Set  by Vector
                                  - Excellent (I think) Animated Menu
                                  - Set for OBV/2 Systems. There is
                                  - an Alternate Menu Set inside that
                                  - Can be used on any System.
vp_2dconfs.zip    5480 08-05-2024 
vp_2dobvm.zip    6574 08-05-2024    Oblivion/2 Menu Set
                                  Drawn By Vapor Of LOGiC
vx_2dmenu.zip   11866 08-05-2024 
wp_2dobv2.zip   14081 08-05-2024    > CiA  Presents <  
                                       ____   ___    ___
                                _____ /    \ (___)  /   \ _____
                                ----/    \__)/   \/   <   \----
                                ___< +   /  \    <      # >___
                                >    wp obv/2 menu set    <-
xe_2dobvm1.zip   27371 08-05-2024 [1C[0;31m[30;41m[31;40m
                                [30;41m[1C[31;40moblivion/2 menuset [1]߱
                                ۲    [5C [30;41m[40m
                                [31m    ۱  [30;41m[40m
                                [41m [30mx e r y r u s [31;40m۲
                                [30;41mm i s t i g r i s  1 9 9 5![40m
xx_2dobv1.zip   15795 08-05-2024 |15 XanaX's |08OBV menuset1|07. |15DOPE!
                                |12/|04-|08-- |15DFT Products |08--|04-|12\
                                 |04  |08          
                                 |04  |08  ۲  |04 |08   
                                     ۲   |04  |08    
                                   ۲    ܲ
                                 |07 |08|07|08
                                     |07 |08
                                |15LEECHED from RX: 8o5.588.i739
                                 |15I make free ansi's! XanaX
xx_2dobv3.zip   35358 08-05-2024 aNOTHER obv/2 menuset by XanaX@! 6-95!
                                      ߲߲ܲܲ XX!
                                       ߲ ܲ ߱ 
                                      ۲۲߲۲ ޲ 
                                 ۲  ܲ۲۲    
                                  ܲ۲߲   ߲  ۲
                                 ۲ ܲ ۲          
                                 ܲ ۲  ۰  ۰     ߲
                                  ߲      ۱    ߲
                                 ۲   ܰ ۲۰    
                                  ۰ ۲      
                                      ߲ ܲ      
                                 ܲ  ߲    ۲
                                      ߲    ߲
                                  ܲ   ۲
                                  ߲ ߱        
                                 ߲ ۲            
                                  ۲   ߲۲               ߲
z0m_003.zip    20018 08-05-2024                                   
                                     ܲ۲  ۲ ޲ ޲ ߲ܰ    
                                    ۲۲۲   ۲߲ 
                                   ߲      ߲  
                                      ^x^ Z0MBiE ^x^      [# 003]    
                                      oblivion file requestor by chud/zom
                                      cool mod that uses obv/2's data area
                                      stuff to create a bitchin' 100% orig
                                      wantlist. completely customizable!!!
z0m_007.zip    21746 08-05-2024                                   
                                     ܲ۲  ۲ ޲ ޲ ߲ܰ    
                                    ۲۲۲   ۲߲ 
                                   ߲      ߲  
                                      ^x^ Z0MBiE ^x^      [#007]     
                                       oblvion/2 monochrome menuset by gj 
                                      hey! a menuset?! no way! yep. and it
                                      is for obv2. anyways, it looks like 
                                      a big obv/2 font, with nice mono.   
z0m_008.zip     9494 08-05-2024                                   
                                     ܲ۲  ۲ ޲ ޲ ߲ܰ    
                                    ۲۲۲   ۲߲ 
                                   ߲      ߲  
                                      ^x^ Z0MBiE ^x^      [#008]     
                                       ultratop ten listing for oblivion2 
                                      sick and tired of that nASTy default
                                      top ten listing in obv2?!  i know we
                                      were, and heres what we did about it

              Area 75 - OffLine Mail Readers              

1100tags.zip   27514 08-05-2024 1100 tags for your QWK messages.
1317tags.zip   23620 08-05-2024 
1st95pif.zip    1127 08-05-2024 
1stscan.zip    15455 08-05-2024 1stScan works with 1stReader to recreate
                                missing .NDX files, scan for messages
                                addressed to ALL (and write them to the
                                ZIPPY conference) and locate messages
                                addressed to other users and write them
                                into your PERSONAL conference.  Also lets
                                you perform a ZIPPY keyword scan as soon
                                the mail packet is unpacked.  Easy to
                                install and use!  Free for 1stReader
1stscrns.zip   13402 08-05-2024 SCREENS FOR 1STREADER OFFLINE MAIL READER
                                This archive contains many ANSI pictures that
                                can be used as backgrounds for picklists, or
                                to replace the generic calling screen for any
                                BBS.  Also includes several colored message
                                header screens.  Unzip to a temporary
                                directory and preview with the 1stReader File
                                Manager.  Updated 9/95
1stspell.zip  161718 08-05-2024 The 1stReader 1.10 spelling checker.  This
                                archive contains a spelling checker you can
                                use with 1stReader to check your own replies.
                                From Sparkware.  Registration still only $25
                                for 1stReader.  And now TOLL-FREE electronic
                                ordering from The United States and Canada!!!
1st_2d200.zip 1659783 08-05-2024 1stReader 2.00 QWK offline mail
                                reader from Sparkware.  This
                                archive contains the rest of
                                the basic 2.00 release.  It
                                includes manuals, address book,
                                RIP and database support.
1st_2d200c.zip  496709 08-05-2024 1stReader 2.00 QWK offline mail
                                reader from Sparkware.  This
                                archive contains the spelling
                                checker, 1STEDIT text editor
                                and FLI support modules.
                                (File 3 of 6 in 2.00 release)
1st_2d200d.zip  957216 08-05-2024 1stReader 2.00 QWK offline mail
                                reader from Sparkware.  This
                                archive contains the multimedia
                                sound files used by the full
                                1stReader 2.00 release.  You do
                                not need them if you do not have
                                a sound card.
                                (File 4 of 6 in 2.00 release)
1st_2d200e.zip  244626 08-05-2024 1stReader 2.00 QWK offline mail
                                reader from Sparkware.  This
                                archive contains support for
                                third party programmers who
                                are interested in writing
                                utilities for the 2.00 release.
                                Includes full documentation on
                                the 1stReader API interface.
                                (File 5 of 6 in 2.00 release)
1st_2d200f.zip  377578 08-05-2024 1stReader 2.00 QWK offline mail
                                reader from Sparkware.  This
                                archive contains the 80386 (and
                                higher) compiled version of the
                                1ST.EXE program.  Do NOT use if
                                you own a 80286 or 8088 system.
                                (File 6 of 6 in 2.00 release)
1st_2dbbs.zip  111298 08-05-2024 1stReader 2.00 sysop's kit.  This
                                archive tells you, the sysop, how
                                to setup your own .BBS file
                                so 1stReader can be "preconfigured"
                                and ready to work seamlessly with
                                your bulletin board system.
                                From Sparkware.
1st_2duue.zip   31894 08-05-2024 1ST-UUE lets 1stReader quickly and
                                easily "reconstitute" UUENCODED
                                binary files received via the
                                Internet in messages.  Free for
                                registered users of 1stReader and
                                Qmail DeLuxe.
4500tags.zip   98499 08-05-2024 
acew20.zip    804408 08-05-2024 AceComm v2.0 Win31-Win95 Communications -
                                Solid Easy to use Communications Terminal.
                                Robust Ascii/X/Y/YG/Zmodem, Uploads manager
                                Macros,key-redef,easy scripts with learn,
                                Auto port and modem detect, Modem database
                                ANSIBBS/VT100/RIPscrip, FAST terminal screen
                                On line time recorder, Call logging/summary
                                IEMSI/Auto login, Scripts/Learn, Macro Lang
                                Split screen chat w/host option, BBS mode
                                **EMSI Mailer/FReq/FAttach/QWK Mail Reader
addqwk15.zip   23503 08-05-2024 
amaile21.zip 1028452 08-05-2024 
annex10f.zip   57358 08-05-2024 
aso232.zip    175482 08-05-2024 ASO - suomenkielinen OMEN- ja QWK-lukija,
                                versio 2.32 (ent. Avis) PC:lle. SW.
atp08dos.zip  310544 08-05-2024 
atp08src.zip  264720 08-05-2024 
blueq170.zip   45053 08-05-2024 BlueQWK v1.70 - Blue Wave <=> QWK converter.
                                Enables QWK mailreaders to read and process
                                messages created by the BlueWave mail door.
                                Seamless support for 1stReader, RoboMail,
                                OLX, Deluxe, SPEED READ, and others.
                                Shareware by Geoffrey Sy.
boxit14.zip    21117 08-05-2024 
bw23_386.zip  706168 08-05-2024 Blue Wave Offline Mail Reader/386 v2.30.
                                A Blue Wave and QWK-compatible offline
                                mail reader which offers the utmost ease
                                of use and configurability.  This is a
                                32-bit DOS text mode program which works
                                on systems with an 80386 or higher
                                processor only.  Can use virtual memory
                                to read the largest of mail packets.
                                Release Date:  12 February 96
bw23_dos.zip  484522 08-05-2024 Blue Wave Offline Mail Reader/DOS v2.30.
                                A Blue Wave and QWK-compatible offline
                                mail reader which offers the utmost ease
                                of use and configurability.  This is a
                                16-bit DOS text mode program which works
                                on systems ranging from XTs to the
                                Intel Pentium and compatibles.
                                Release Date:  12 February 96
bw23_os2.zip  485692 08-05-2024 Blue Wave Offline Mail Reader/OS2 v2.30.
                                A Blue Wave and QWK-compatible offline
                                mail reader which offers the utmost ease
                                of use and configurability.  This is a
                                32-bit OS/2 text mode program for OS/2
                                2.0 or higher.
                                Release Date:  12 February 96
bwansi.zip     11510 08-05-2024 
bwdev300.zip   54813 08-05-2024 The Blue Wave Developer's Kit Version 3.
                                All the information you need to create
                                BW-compatible applications.  Includes
                                documentation and file structure header
                                files (for ANSI/ISO C and Turbo Pascal).
                                Release Date:  30 November 1995
bwrf060.zip    36301 08-05-2024 BWREPFIX, version 0.60 Beta
                                A program to repair *.MSG reply packets
                                that have been mangled by
                                BlueWave Y2K bug. 
                                Designed to run after Bluewave has
                                formed the MSG packet, before it is
                                compressed into the REP packet.
                                Can also be run on the BBS side,
                                after decompression of REP packet.
bws_13.zip     23876 08-05-2024 BWSave Version 1.3
                                Utility to merge Blue Wave mail
                                packets. Move messages from one Blue
                                Wave mail packet to another. New 
                                features, bugs fixed, faster than
                                version 1.2.
bwx10.zip    2516395 08-05-2024 BWExplorer 1.0 - Full - The first Blue Wave
                                (tm) mail reader for Windows95/NT4.
                                Version 1.0 is a very complete version: it
                                contains Full compatibility with the Blue Wave
                                standard (with File Request and Offline areas
                                configuration), Toolbar and Right Click
                                support, Tagline Editor, Signature Editor
                                which allows multiple signatures, Mes(C) 1997
                                Michele Di Maria
catala.zip     36859 08-05-2024 Catalan language files for SemPoint 2.22
                                Translation by Xavier Ramirez
catqwk21.zip   15711 08-05-2024 CatQWK 2.1 [13 Jan 92] - Program to combine
                                two or more QWK packets from the same BBS
                                into one. This allows you to follow threads
                                easily across multiple QWK downloads. Very
                                easy to set up and use; totally command line
                                driven; user changable archive programs.
clrqwk11.zip  181051 08-05-2024 *****************************
                                * ColorQWK 1.0 for Windows! *
                                *       LITE version        *
                                *   Requires VBRUN300.DLL   *
                                * QWK for Windows in COLOR! *
                                * Includes:                 *
                                * -Speech (With Monologue)  *
                                * -Twit List                *
                                * -Multiple Signatures      *
                                * -Full Color Support       *
                                * -Innovative Hit List      *
                                * -Much More!               *
                                *                           *
                                *   ---> Only $9.95! <---   *
                                * (c)1994 Derek Stutsman    *
cmp14295.zip 2337384 08-05-2024 CMPQwk 1.42 - 16-color ver. QWK reader
                                for Windows - main program and help
                                files. Optional sounds 142FMSND.ZIP 
                                (female) or 142MLSND.ZIP (male).
                                Same as 1.42 final EXCEPT install.
                                Rated A/A+ by Shareware/freeware 
                                report, "Best" by Windows Online 
                                review.  $40 shareware with a $25 
                                competitive upgrade.
cmp142_1.zip  725862 08-05-2024 CMPQwk 1.42 - File 1 of 4 - QWK reader
                                for Windows - main program and help
                                files. Optional sounds 142FMSND.ZIP 
                                (female) or 142MLSND.ZIP (male). 
                                Rated A/A+ by Shareware/freeware 
                                report, "Best" by Windows Online 
                                review.  $40 shareware with a $25 
                                competative upgrade.
cmp142_2.zip  729028 08-05-2024 CMPQwk 1.42 - File 2 of 4 - QWK reader
                                for Windows - main program and help
                                files. Optional sounds 142FMSND.ZIP
                                (female) or 142MLSND.ZIP (male). 
                                Rated A/A+ by Shareware/freeware 
                                report, "Best" by Windows Online 
                                review.  $40 shareware with a $25
                                competative upgrade.
cmp142_3.zip  728269 08-05-2024 CMPQwk 1.42 - File 3 of 4 - QWK reader
                                for Windows - main program and help
                                files. Optional sounds 142FMSND.ZIP
                                (female) or 142MLSND.ZIP (male).
                                Rated A/A+ by Shareware/freeware 
                                report, "Best" by Windows Online 
                                review.  $40 shareware with a $25
                                competative upgrade.
cmp142_4.zip  147027 08-05-2024 CMPQwk 1.42 - File 4 of 4 - QWK reader
                                for Windows - main program and help
                                files. Optional sounds 142FMSND.ZIP
                                (female) or 142MLSND.ZIP (male). Rated
                                A/A+ by Shareware/freeware report,
                                "Best" by Windows Online review.  $40
                                shareware with a $25 competative 
cntmx100.zip   69963 08-05-2024 
cp100.zip      57963 08-05-2024 Cherry Picker v1.0, new Shareware tagline
                                selector.   Cherry  Picker  supports  the
                                standard commands that most selectors do,
                                (Random choice,  edit,  add,  delete, and
                                search)  but it also supports files of up
                                to 32,000 taglines of up to 70 characters
                                each.   Cherry Picker  is a nice  tagline
                                selector  that should  work well with any
                                mail reader.  Shareware Registration: $8!
crr0150a.zip   57470 08-05-2024 
cyqwk14.zip  1128372 08-05-2024 CyberQWK Mail Packet Explorer v1.4
                                A BBS QWK Off-line Mail Reader 
                                designed for the Windows 95/NT 
                                Windows Explorer GUI  32 bit 
                                platforms. Shareware $20.00
                                Stryder Software Development.
d2125.zip     276401 08-05-2024 New release of Qmail DeLuxe 1.25 offline
                                mail reading system from Sparkware.
                                Includes everything you need to "try before
                                you buy".  You can now read up to 20 messages
                                in each conference in demo mode.
                                This file also is an update for registered
                                Qmail DeLuxe owners -  see README for how to
                                update your copy online.
d2125dx.zip   119445 08-05-2024 80386-specific release of Qmail DeLuxe. 
                                archive contains the READER program ONLY.
                                You must also download D2-125.ZIP to receive
                                the full Qmail DeLuxe system.
d2_125up.zip  170858 08-05-2024 This archive contains everything you
                                need to update your existing copy of
                                Qmail DeLuxe to release 1.25.
daveqt10.zip   63756 08-05-2024 DaveQuoter is a utility to generate "Message
                                Headers" and "Quoting Styles" when replying
                                to messages using the off-line mail readers
                                SLMR or OLX. DaveQuoter can generate 9
                                headers and 9 quote styles in any combination
                                you desire. Your favorite header and quote
                                style can also be selected automatically for
                                each reply via the configuration file.
dcqwk.zip      66172 08-05-2024 
detag123.zip   27793 08-05-2024 DETAG v1.23: Remove taglines & subject
                                prefixes from QWK archives. handles FIDO &
                                RIME tags, has read-only mode for tagline
                                stealing, does wildcards, processes .REP
                                files, can back up QWK before processing,
                                more. Shareware, $15.
dpmi110.zip    52232 08-05-2024 
dqwk111.zip   190806 08-05-2024 DMAqwk 1.11: Windows QWK Mail Reader
                                QWK Mail Reader for Windows. 
                                Fixed the bug where messages were being
                                posted to the wrong forums
                                Not crippled in any way.  No NAG screens 
                                are ever displayed.  
                                Requirements: Windows 3.1 or later
                                              PKZIP and PKUNZIP
                                Written By: Derek M. A. Lee-Wo in C++
                                Call The Brooklyn Broadcasting System
                                        (718) 743-2430 
dstrb3.zip    289088 08-05-2024 DSTReader V1.X Beta 3
                                Final Beta Release of DSTReader, a
                                Windows 3.1X QWK Packet Mail reader.
                                Features include:
                                        Offline mail storage
                                        Unlimited number of message
                                        Unlimited number of confs
                                        Ability to rename conferences
                                        Mulitiple archive type support
                                        User definable archive support
                                        and lots, lots more...
dtqwk14.zip   260248 08-05-2024 ͸
                                        DT-QWK, Version 1.4          
                                 QWK compatible offline reader for the PC. 
                                 DT-QWK features message base handling,    
                                 support of PCBoard, SLBBS and DMS color   
                                 codes, SLBBS include statements, SAA user 
                                 interface (bilingual - German / English), 
                                 message threading, message forwarding     
                                 across BBSs                               
                                 and lots more ......                      
                                          Try it. You'll like it!          
durqwk14.zip 1200216 08-05-2024 DURANGOMAIL ver1.4 Build 204 - Updated 9/9/98
                                QWKE Offline mail reader for Win 95/98/NT/2K
                                 * Multiple-Document Interface for reading
                                   several packets at once
                                 * Automatic quote highlighting
                                 * Two levels of configurable message sorting
                                 * Filing cabinet for quick storage/retrieval
                                   of messages
                                 * Fast and flexible message searching
                                 * Advanced message filtering options
                                 * Personal message alerts using a wave file
                                 * Offline-configuration for adding and
                                   dropping message areas
                                 * Area and message capacity is limited only
                                   by available system memory
                                 * Spell-checker & thesaurus
                                 * Simple setup and uninstal ...And More!
ez139.zip     189458 08-05-2024 EZ-Reader 1.39 - The Ultimate Offline Mail
                                Reader for QWK mail systems. This release
                                corrects the problem with saving replies.
                                Supports 2500 conferences and 400 messages
                                per conference.
                                ASP Member
ezquote1.zip   16406 08-05-2024 
fm105.zip     224689 08-05-2024 Folder Maintenance v1.05 for 1stReader 2.0
                                This program allows you to change folder
                                descriptions, add folders, Create New Folders
                                found in the directory. Fixes installation
                                problem for newest release of 1stReader.
                                FREEWARE by: Mike Crumby
freddie1.cpt  303616 08-05-2024 
ged0240d.zip  170621 08-05-2024 
ged0240e.zip  276225 08-05-2024 
ged0241e.zip  323478 08-05-2024 GoldED 2.41 (DOS executable+simple cfg).
                                Released Mar 07th, 1993. Copyright (C)
                                1990-1993 by Odinn Sorensen, 2:231/77.
                                GoldED is a FidoNet compatible msg
                                reader/editor. Supports Fido *.MSG,
                                Hudson (QBBS), Squish and Ezycom msgbase
                                formats. Lots of features.
getm2_1.zip    55930 08-05-2024 GETMAIL v2.1 - UPDATED! UL/DL's QMAIL,
                                MEGAMAIL, ROSEMAIL & CAMMAIL packets W/NO
                                SCRIPTS! GETMAIL IS AUTOMATIC! A *MUST* FOR
                                THE NOVICE!!! Do it nightly! NEW! D/L today!
grabnet.zip    41147 08-05-2024 GrabNet utility for 1stReader will steal
                                Internet addresses from your screen and
                                insert them into your 1stReader address
                                book *or* Netscape BOOKMARK.HTM file.
                                From Sparkware.
jabr11.zip    125449 08-05-2024 JABBER QWK Offline Mail Reader v1.1
                                Jabber is a new memory efficient, easy to
                                use QWK packet reader.  Features include
                                large packet usage (> 2megs), internal or
                                external editor, tagline management,
                                conference sorting, text searching, and
                                VERY easy installation/configuration.  Will
                                even work on a 2-floppy 8088 PC!
                                Keywords: JABBER QWK READER
                                Auths: Marcos Della/Shad Muegge v1.1 01-22-92
jh3_2d1of4.zip  174744 08-05-2024        John Hancock 3.0 (1/4)Ŀ
                                        The BEST Tagline Manager
                                       in the Known Universe! 
                                 PROGRAM & INSTALLATION FILES 
                                You can now fold, spindle, mutilate, sort,
                                  manage, and mismanage your taglines!    
                                 Supported by: DeLuxe-EZ-Reader-SLMR/OLX 
                                 Speed-MegaReader-KingQWK-Jabber-& others 
                                >>FANTASTIC BONUSES WHEN YOU REGISTER!!!<<
jh3_2d2of4.zip   93460 08-05-2024        John Hancock 3.0 [2/4]Ŀ
                                        The BEST Tagline Manager
                                       in the Known Universe! 
                                  DOCUMENTATION FILES  
                                 Printer-ready DOCs for all JH3 programs. 
                                Includes the third of the now World-Famous
                                         John Hancock README files.       
                                 DO NOT ATTEMPT TO INSTALL OR OPERATE JH3 
                                   WITHOUT GETTING THESE FILES FIRST!!!   
jh3_2d3of4.zip  173673 08-05-2024        John Hancock 3.0 [3/4]Ŀ
                                        The BEST Tagline Manager
                                       in the Known Universe! 
                                 INCREDIBLE SCREEN SHOWS!  
                                Download first!!!  Will show you how to   
                                install and operate John Hancock 3.0, the 
                                JH3 Configuration, and tagfile maintenance
                                programs.  Same system used for Qmodem and
                                  PCBoard 14.5!!! YOU GOTTA SEE THESE!!!  
jh3_2d4of4.zip   24345 08-05-2024        John Hancock 3.0 Ŀ
                                        The BEST Tagline Manager
                                       in the Known Universe! 
                                                [ File 4 of 4 ]
                                  Optional text file viewer and DOS PATH  
                                  extender programs, which may be useful  
                                   to JH3 users who do not have LIST or   
                                 whose DOS PATH is fast becoming totally  
                                 unmanageable.  These files are totally   
                                     FREE! Just for the downloading.      
jmail103.zip   84503 08-05-2024 
kqdup103.zip   42700 08-05-2024 
kqwk09.zip    165168 08-05-2024 
kwq_b5.zip     79747 08-05-2024 
lhl236fr.zip  348112 08-05-2024 LHL, un lecteur hors-ligne franais
                                100% compatible QWK (JC-QWK) et BlueWave,
                                interface agrable, installation
                                simple, documentation complte,
                                enregistrement  vie!
lhl236us.zip  269084 08-05-2024 LHL, a full color off-line reader  
                                100% compatible QWK (JC-QWK) and BlueWave,
                                multilingual, easy installation,
                                full mouse support, intuitive
                                and... Ho no! more more more!
lhlw3001.zip  489090 08-05-2024 
mailcall.zip    2866 08-05-2024 MailCall 1.0: a batch file to indicate the
                                status of
                                mail packets-- Unread .QWK's or .REP's to be
                                sent, by
                                BBS name.  Public Domain, not Shareware; no
mf200.zip      45590 08-05-2024 
mm11b1.zip    960574 08-05-2024 
mmail08.zip    85179 08-05-2024 MultiMail offline reader for Unix, v0.8 -
                                Reads Blue Wave and QWK packets. This is
                                the C++ source code. Freeware, GPL'ed.
                                Needs Unix (tested on Linux/i386,
                                Solaris/Sparc, and NetBSD/mac68k),
                                ncurses, InfoZip. Blue Wave mode needs
                                little-endian machine (e.g., x86).
                                William McBrine 
mmail_2d0.33.tar.gz  171725 08-05-2024 
mmdos037.zip  205575 08-05-2024 MultiMail offline reader for DOS, v0.37 -
                                DPMI version. Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN &
                                SOUP packets. Freeware, GPL'ed. Needs at
                                least a 386, and PKZIP or InfoZip. C++ source
                                is available in mmail037.zip (or
                                mmail037.tgz), or mmsrc037.zip. William
mmos2037.zip  147974 08-05-2024 MultiMail offline reader for OS/2, v0.37 -
                                OS/2 32-bit version. Reads Blue Wave, QWK,
                                OMEN & SOUP packets. Freeware, GPL'ed. Needs
                                at least OS/2 2.0, InfoZip, and the EMX
                                runtime library. C++ source is available in
                                mmail037.zip or mmsrc037.zip. William
mmrsx037.zip  201342 08-05-2024 MultiMail offline reader for Win32, v0.37 -
                                RSX/NT version. Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN &
                                SOUP packets. This is a Win32 console app,
                                for Windows 9x or NT. Freeware, GPL'ed. Needs
                                InfoZip or PKZIP. C++ source is available in
                                mmail037.zip or mmsrc037.zip. William
mmsrc037.zip  225592 08-05-2024 MultiMail offline reader source, v0.37 -
                                Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets.
                                This is the C++ source code. Freeware,
                                GPL'ed. Works with Unix, DOS, OS/2 or Win32,
                                curses, PKZIP or InfoZip. William McBrine
mmwin037.zip  198989 08-05-2024 MultiMail offline reader for Win32, v0.37 -
                                Borland version. Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN &
                                SOUP packets. This is a Win32 console app,
                                for Windows 9x or NT. Freeware, GPL'ed. Needs
                                InfoZip or PKZIP. C++ source is available in
                                mmail037.zip or mmsrc037.zip. William
mmxt037.zip   169718 08-05-2024 MultiMail offline reader for DOS, v0.37 -
                                16-bit version. Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN &
                                SOUP packets. Freeware, GPL'ed. Needs PKZIP
                                or InfoZip. C++ source is available in
                                mmail037.zip or mmsrc037.zip. William
mou31.zip     190575 08-05-2024 McGrath's Offline Utilities V3.1
                                February 1995 by Steve McGrath
                                Copyright 1993-1995, All Rights Reserved
                                MOU is a set of utilities that
                                will aid you in processing your
                                offline messages. With MOU, you
                                can add, convert, index and search
                                QWK mail packets. You can also
                                add you reply(REP) files.
                                REGISTRATION: $10(US)/$12(CDN)
mr9521b1.zip  743999 08-05-2024 
mread15.zip   112774 08-05-2024 Mountain Reader (1.5) - An easy to use 
                                offline message reader. Supports QWK, 
                                Bluewave and SOUP formats. Allows 
                                reloading and editing of reply packets. 
                                Has full color ANSI support, a built-in 
                                tagline manager, a powerful quote system, 
                                easy message searching, configurable user 
                                interface, and more.
mrp_099c.zip  155137 08-05-2024 
msgm301.zip   117284 08-05-2024 
msgtrm11.zip   59023 08-05-2024 Message Trim Ver 1.1 from HOTware.
                                Utility to remove unwanted Tag
                                Lines, Quotes, Reader Signitures,
                                and Bridging Tags from the text of
                                messages.  Message Trim is fully
                                configurable allowing configuration
                                of up to 100 "Search Items".
                                Optionally trims .ORIGIN lines to a
                                reasonable length, and removes
                                unwanted blank lines from messages.
                                Let's clean up our message areas to
                                make them a little more readable!
                                Ver 1.1 now can optionally keep
                                track of the "Last Processed
                                Message" for faster exectuion.
                                This version also adds over 30 new
                                items to the default search
msg_45.zip     96583 08-05-2024 
ndxpro.zip     20975 08-05-2024 
nfile13a.zip   13162 08-05-2024 Newfiles version 1.3A: For your QWK mail
                                packet. This utility checks out which files
                                are really NEW in your mail packets by
                                deleting the duplicate files that usually
                                exist that usually exists from 1 QWK packet
                                to the next. A real time saver.
nfx310.zip    180808 08-05-2024 NFX/Dos v3.1: Easy to use offline mail
                                reader for QWK & SOUP packets. Handles
                                HUGE packets, thousands of messages per
                                conf/Area nad includes FOLDERS!
nfxwin32.zip   89422 08-05-2024 NFX/Win v3.2: NFX for Windows 3.x. Easy to
                                use offline mail reader for QWK & SOUP
                                packets. Handles HUGE packets, thousands of
                                messages per conf/Area and includes FOLDERS!
offli158.zip  211845 08-05-2024 OFFLINE is a QWK compatible reader that 
                                allows you to read mail offline.  Saves 
                                long distance charges.  NETMAIL support 
                                for MAXIMUS or compatible systems.  
                                Mouse support, TAG LINES, printing, 
                                exporting, and On-Line HELP.  By the
                                author of PPoint - Harvey Parisien.
olly07.zip    141622 08-05-2024 
olx2ptch.zip   64577 08-05-2024 
olxsig.zip      2581 08-05-2024 
olx_td21.zip  221737 08-05-2024 
omkrd201.zip   64075 08-05-2024 
omx100.zip    286638 08-05-2024 Offline Mail Executive v1.00 [DOS].  Allows
                                points and mail-only nodes to use a Blue Wave
                                compatible offline mail reader to read/write
                                messages.  No more do you need both a point
                                package and an offline reader, nor do you
                                need to set up a BBS just to use your offline
                                reader as a point!  Supports the Squish, JAM,
                                and Fido message formats.  (Requires a front-
                                end mailer and an EchoMail processor for a
                                complete system setup.)
ora112.zip    434778 08-05-2024 
pb304.zip     493608 08-05-2024 ------- PacketBoy v3.04 ------- by Glen Neal
                                PacketBoy is a QWK/BlueWave OMR for Windows
                                for both packet and database reader users.
                                Four color display of ascii messages, auto
                                internal Ansi, RIP and PCBoard graphics,
                                spelling checker, paragraph word wrap, tag
                                manager (conference specific), signature
                                manager, packet manager, eleven view modes,
                                quick font toggle, slideshow, .WAV support.
                                @X0CNEW: Shareware expiration date fix.
pgpw121a.zip   69457 08-05-2024 PGPWave v1.21a Gamma by John Stephenson
                                PGPWave is an interface to PGP using
                                simple, well thought out menus. Mainly 
                                designed for use with offline readers. 
                                PGPWave is the most advanced PGP shell 
                                that is to be seen. It uses a exploding
                                windows interface similiar to BlueWave.
                                PGPWave is Freeware. It also has many
                                functions unrelated to PGP. Try it out!
pmdbm17a.zip  340832 08-05-2024 
pmdbm17b.zip  365121 08-05-2024 PMDBM Version 1.7  Jan. 17, 91.
                                PMD17A.ZIP / PMD17B.ZIP both required.
                                Requires 286 or better. PMDBM QWK mail
                                reader/messagebase manager/archiver. This
                                version eliminates the need for expanded
                                memory!! Supports creation of a database,
                                message archival by conference, built-in
                                Tagline thief, unique PCboard/Usenet Gateway
                                support, plus many additional features ...
                                This version supercedes previous versions.
pow200.zip    290462 08-05-2024 POW v2.0 Windows QWK reader  6 Jan 96   
                                Shareware.  VBRUN300 reqd.              
                                One QWK at a time OLR + Folders database
                                Replies saved in Folder automatically.  
                                View Bulletins News NewFiles etc. +ANSI.
                                Add Drop Reset maildoor confs from POW. 
                                Internet EMail & Newsgroups supported.  
                                Context sensitive on-line help.
pow_2d_289_29.zip   55701 08-05-2024 
ppwin304.zip  600059 08-05-2024 PPoint - Professional Point - Automatic
                                Setup and Maintenance. Automatically
                                accepts and sets up new areas.  Simple
                                to use. Sets up and interfaces
                                transparently with Binkley.  4d or
                                FakeNet addressing.  Efficient message
                                database system.  Optional Modules 
                                available for QWK or LAN Support. Runs
                                in DOS, Windows 3.1, or Windows 95.
                                By Harvey Parisien.
qeqtutil.zip    2381 08-05-2024 
qkbac122.zip 4968883 08-05-2024 
qprn101.zip    99190 08-05-2024 QWKPRUNE 1.01.  Removes unwanted messages
                                from QWK-format mail packets. Strips leading
                                spaces and (R), Re:, and Re : prefixes from
                                subject lines. Supports ZIP, LHA, ARJ, and
                                ZOO, as well as a user-specified archiver.
                                Supports a "global" prune file for use by all
                                QWK packets. Command line driven, very
qt1005a.zip  1284680 08-05-2024 This is a public ALPHA of a NEW
                                databasing QWK reader with TONS
                                of features.  Unlike ANY other reader
                                Supports long addresses and subjects.
quote10a.zip   15782 08-05-2024 Quote It! is a utility for SLMR or OLX.
                                When replying to messages, it allows the
                                user to put quoting boxes around the reply.
                                Choose a style at startup, or have one 
                                style selected as the default.  Still in
                                development, but I've released this
                                version because of the great demand for it.
                                Not shareware.  *** FREE ***
qwix220.zip     9385 08-05-2024 
qwkfix.zip     54716 08-05-2024 QWKFIX v1.00 - Fixes various Y2K-related
                                problems with both QWK and REP packets.
                                          **** Freeware ****
qwklay16.zip   19827 08-05-2024 QWK File Layout 1.6 [19-Dec-92] - This is one
                                of the most comprehensive file on the QWK-
                                format. It covers everything from the format
                                to implementation notes. See related file
                                QWKP*.ZIP for a list of current QWK-format
                                products & author contact info.
qwkname.zip     3912 08-05-2024 
qwkp9704.zip   72949 08-05-2024 QWKProducts listing - ASCII text info on 
                                QWK/BlueWave/SOUP offline mail products 
                                such as offline readers, utilities, and 
                                packet specs. Listings for DOS, Win, OS/2,
                                Unix and non-IBM platforms.  Includes 
                                mail FAQ and offline config data for many 
                                BBS mail doors. Updated monthly.  Free.
qwkquote.zip   42033 08-05-2024 
qwktxt.zip     17190 08-05-2024 
qwk_v38.zip    22181 08-05-2024 
rd400ww.zip   177130 08-05-2024 Silver Xpress Off-Line Reader Documentation
                                for version V4.00.  Word for Windows Format
rfdml123.zip  814504 08-05-2024 
robom12a.zip  231134 08-05-2024 RoboMail QWK Reader v1.2  [1/3]; New database
                                oriented offline mail reader from the author
                                of Robocomm.  Breaks new ground with
                                sophisticated database access to your
                                messages, internal editor, spell checker &
                                modern interface. Many new features you'll
                                wonder how you ever did without! OS/2,
                                Windows and DESQview aware.
robom12b.zip  267915 08-05-2024 RoboMail QWK Reader v1.2  [2/3]; New database
                                oriented offline mail reader from the author
                                of Robocomm.  Breaks new ground with
                                sophisticated database access to your
                                messages, internal editor, spell checker &
                                modern interface. Many new features you'll
                                wonder how you ever did without! OS/2,
                                Windows and DESQview aware.
robom12c.zip  257002 08-05-2024 RoboMail QWK Reader v1.2  [3/3]; New database
                                oriented offline mail reader from the author
                                of Robocomm.  Breaks new ground with
                                sophisticated database access to your
                                messages, internal editor, spell checker &
                                modern interface. Many new features you'll
                                wonder how you ever did without! OS/2,
                                Windows and DESQview aware.
rr170a.zip    212025 08-05-2024 
rr170b.zip    247754 08-05-2024 
rr170c.zip     42529 08-05-2024 
rr252u.zip    368145 08-05-2024 
s222d_up.zip    6893 08-05-2024 Patch to upgrade from SemPoint v2.22b
                                to SemPoint v2.22d. Requires BUPDATE.EXE
semp226.zip   736375 08-05-2024 -=> SemPoint v2.26 for Windows <=-
                                SemPoint is the 1st Offline Reader for
                                Windows useful to both BBS Users and to
                                FidoNet Points (or Sysops). It can
                                handle QWK, BlueWave, Mc-Link's X)press
                                and Usenet newsgroups mail packets, as
                                well as permanent message bases in *.MSG
                                (Fido), Hudson, Squish, JAM end EzyCom
                                formats! EASY to use, but powerful!
                                Built-in zip/unzip, UUEncode/Decode,
                                PGP shell, Rich Text display feature,
                                message sorting, TIC generator.
                                Multilingual: English, Italian, French,
                                Spanish, Catalan, Swedish, German and
                                Dutch editions available! Y2K compatible.
sig10.zip      12109 08-05-2024 
sky2_100.zip  285923 08-05-2024 SkyReader/2 v1.00 - Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN,
                                SOUP and Hippo v2 compatible offline mail
                                reader. Finnish and english language files,
                                PGP support, message text reformatting, etc.
                                nice features. This is the 32-bit OS/2 text
                                mode version.
sky3_100.zip  331828 08-05-2024 SkyReader/386 v1.00 - Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN,
                                SOUP and Hippo v2 compatible offline mail
                                reader. Finnish and english language files,
                                PGP support, message text reformatting, etc.
                                nice features. This is the 32-bit DOS text
                                mode version. Requires 386 or above.
skyw_100.zip  322741 08-05-2024 SkyReader/W32 v1.00 - Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN,
                                SOUP and Hippo v2 compatible offline mail
                                reader. Finnish and english language files,
                                PGP support, message text reformatting, etc.
                                nice features. This is the 32-bit Win32 text
                                mode version for Windows 95 and NT.
slmr21a.zip   160579 08-05-2024 
snagtag2.zip   22774 08-05-2024 SnagTag 2.0 - The tagline snagger for the
                                1st Reader offline mail program.  Snag tags
                                and add them to your collection as you read
                                messages; they'll be immediately available
                                for use in your replies.  Includes sound
                                (MME) support for Sound Blaster cards and
                                more.  Very easy to install and use - and
                                it's freeware!
snagtg40.zip   99076 08-05-2024 SnagTag 4.0 shareware version - the ultimate
                                tagline snagger and manager for 1stReader.
                                Capture any tagline from any message, edit
                                taglines, and store them in up to 250 named
                                categories.  Expands 1stReader to 250,000
                                taglines with quick access to any desired
                                tag.  Fully mouse operated with sound card
                                support and a full-featured tagline manager
                                for quick and easy tagline maintenance.
                                Requires 1stReader version 2.0 or higher.
somail12.zip  603091 08-05-2024 SOMAIL12.ZIP v1.2     SoMail(c) 1996-98
                                Offline Mail Reader for Windows NT & 95,
                                with support for QWK packets, SMTP, POP3
                                and NNTP.  Spell check, MIME support, ext.
                                editor, XX/UUencode file transfer, full
                                PGP support and much more.  With SMTP/POP3
                                server (NT single workstation) included.
                                English, French, and Portuguese.
                                Shareware US$35.00.
speed201.zip  295954 08-05-2024 SPEED READ v2.01-Y2K maintenance release/fix
                                Full featured QWK reader & message database.
                                Features: 25/28/43/50 line support, folders,
                                replaceable #variables#, user-defined menus,
                                quote from any msg, multiple sessions, mouse
                                support, BBS/area settings, scrollable ANSI,
                                cc:/forward msgs, cross-posting, macros, 64k
                                msgs, signature/headers, file attaches, bulk
                                marking, mailing lists, address book, +more!
srttag11.zip   15507 08-05-2024 SORT_TAG version 1.0
                                This is a FREEWARE package designed to sort
                                the TAGLINES.MR/TAGLINES.OLX file used by
                                SLMR/OLX and to also kill the dupes that you
                                aquire over a period of time.  Just toss it
                                your SLMR/OLX directory and run it.  It can
                                either be run from the DOS prompt or a batch
sxclr44.zip    57326 08-05-2024 A Color Customization Utility for the Silver
                                Xpress Off-line Mail Reader V4.3 or better.
                                Allows you change your colors. Add fancy
                                Chisel Look Colors, Windowing and other
                                color options. Create your own colors and
                                distribute them to other Silver Xpress
sxr45.zip     464976 08-05-2024 Silver Xpress Off-Line Mail Reader 4.5,
                                A powerful off-line mail system from
                                Santronics Software. Now in its 9th year!
                                Direct support for QWK, OPX, FidoNet,
                                Internet, Forms Processing, Speech
                                Friendly Interface, Great Mail Searching and
                                Management, elegant Look and Feel, much more!
                                Crippled $25 Registration fee required.
sxr45p.zip    563738 08-05-2024 Silver Xpress Off-Line Mail Reader 4.5 386
                                protected mode version.
                                A powerful off-line mail system from
                                Santronics Software. Now in its 9th year!
                                Direct support for QWK, OPX, FidoNet,
                                Internet, Forms Processing, Speech
                                Friendly Interface, Great Mail Searching and
                                Management, elegant Look and Feel, much more!
                                Crippled $25 Registration fee required.
tag001.zip    173560 08-05-2024 
tagd092.zip   133276 08-05-2024 
                                ** TagDude 0.92, THE Tagline Manager  **
                                TagDude allows you to import, sort, manage,
                                export, modify (sdrawkcab, etc.), and even
                                group all of your taglines.  ALL in one
                                well written, small package.  Includes a
                                new Super fast sorting routine, *fuzzy logic
                                dupe detection/deletion*, and message-content
                                based tagline suggestion.  Shareware, only $10
                                  From Sword Software and Travis Griggs!
tagmikes.zip    4052 08-05-2024 
tagneil.zip     3531 08-05-2024 
tagrb130.zip   34458 08-05-2024 TagGrab v1.3  April 1, 1993
                                Excellent utility for the avid tag-
                                line collector!  Extracts all taglines
                                from your QWK packet and saves them
                                to your mail reader's tagline file!
tagstags.zip   80081 08-05-2024 
tlx410.zip    257346 08-05-2024 TAG LINE XPRESS v4.10  Enhanced Tagline 
                                Manager for offline mail readers. Offers 
                                UNLIMITED taglines, installs automatically 
                                into several readers, has a built in quoter 
                                and signature manager, steal every tagline 
                                from QWK and Blue Wave mail packets, even 
                                suggests taglines based on the subject and 
                                message content.
toms_tag.zip    5230 08-05-2024 
uniqw44i.zip  487070 08-05-2024 UNIQW44E.ZIP v4.4      UniKEY(c) 1992,96
                                Offline Mail Reader for Windows 3.1,with
                                support for accented characters,  spell
                                check, compressed folders, OLE documents,
                                internal zip/unzip(2.0), file attachment,
                                XX/UUencode/base64 file transfer, and
                                much more.  Works under Windows 3.1, NT
                                and 95.
vbrdr141.zip   94701 08-05-2024 VBReader v 1.41. Freeware Windows qwk mail
                                reader. Requires VBRUN200.DLL.
ved35.zip     409789 08-05-2024 VISION EDIT v3.5  - A useful, fast, 
                                user-friendly, versatile text editor. Can 
                                edit as many documents as you like neatly 
                                placed in windows. Functions can be selected 
                                from pull-down menus or by pressing short-cut
                                keys. Context-sensitive help describes each 
                                feature. Contains several useful word 
                                processor facilities for E-Mail traffic. File
                                Manager, Calculator, Print Manager and more
                                with a program for only $35.00
vq400_d.zip   530399 08-05-2024 VesaQWK v4.00 - Real Mode DOS
                                Easy to use graphical offline QWK and QWKE
                                mail reader. Fully mouse driven. Requires a
                                VGA card capable of 640x480x256 resolution.
                                Low registration of only $25 Canadian, and
                                free upgrades for life!  60 day evaluation
                                period allowed for unregistered users.
                                Copyright (C) 1999 Brent Shellenberg
winq200a.zip  250535 08-05-2024 
winq20b.zip    88163 08-05-2024 
wmm131.zip    231797 08-05-2024  WINDOWS MAIL MANAGER 1.31 (shareware, $25) 
                                Windows offline (QWK) reader z bazo 
                                sporocil. Brise duplikate, sam poisce in 
                                napise fido naslove, ni problemov s sumniki, 
                                ima setup program. Lahko je v slovenscini!
                                !!! ZAHTEVA: VBRUN200.DLL !!! (ni v paketu) 
                                Deluje z Windows 3.1, for WorkGroups in 95! 
                                AVTOR: Jaka Gubensek, Made in Slovenija
wr133.zip     782663 08-05-2024 Wave Rider version 1.31, Windows based
                                QWK and BlueWave mail packet reader.
                                Now allows extracting and adding
                                attachments for Wildcat and TBBS.
                                Reduced pricing, see whatsnew.131
                                for details.
                                Support BBS: 206-271-9861
wr22.zip       70930 08-05-2024 
z_tags_1.zip   23135 08-05-2024 

                   Area 76 - Opus Utils                   

110xpl.zip     16288 08-05-2024 
179lng02.zip   71624 08-05-2024 
adump100.zip    9313 08-05-2024 
afhelp.zip     34977 08-05-2024 
alloc001.zip    1502 08-05-2024 
area.zip       25309 08-05-2024 
birthday.zip   16623 08-05-2024 
bld103.zip    140606 08-05-2024 "BLENDER for DOS" v1.03 RELEASE
                                New Advanced Nodelist update utility.
                                Fast Nodelist update, Nodelist 
                                Subset Generator with correct Nodelist 
                                updating, Nodelist integrity checking 
                                utility, ArcMail-Attach Nodediff(s) 
                                distribution feature, MultiColor & 
                                Easy-to-use configuration utility,
                                MultiLine/MultiTask support...
                                and FINALLY: multi Nodelists/Nodediffs 
                                Support and Binkley-style outbound for
                                Nodediffs distribution.
                                File BLO103.EXE contains OS/2 version!
chatasm.zip     9480 08-05-2024 
chatfoss.zip    4376 08-05-2024 
chekm11b.zip   56862 08-05-2024 
chgarea.zip     7733 08-05-2024 
chin1113.zip   40975 08-05-2024 
cld2_140.zip    7976 08-05-2024 
count.zip       8743 08-05-2024 
ctrlcode.zip   11869 08-05-2024 
drmo130f.zip   55673 08-05-2024 
drmo140.zip    58248 08-05-2024 
drmo_140.zip   58248 08-05-2024 
drmo_2d140.zip   56208 08-05-2024 
ds8k_25.zip    27615 08-05-2024 
e2a102.zip     10790 08-05-2024 
echodoc.zip     5035 08-05-2024 
emod215.zip   107040 08-05-2024 EchoMod is a convenient program for
                                echo moderators to use when sending
                                updates to ECHOLIST systems.
                                Echolist programs currently maintained
                                include the FidoNet EList (1:1/201),
                                the FamilyNet echolist (8:70/2) and the
                                a listing of echoes not on the FidoNet
                                backbone in the OTHRECHO list
                                Echomod was written by Dana Bell and
                                is (c) Copyright 1996.
flist100.zip   27227 08-05-2024 
flu165.zip     38417 08-05-2024 
fossilpc.zip    4495 08-05-2024 
fv7_2d203k.zip  405876 08-05-2024 FastV7 2.03k beta, OS2 & DOS..
                                Shareware Multi Nodelist Compiler,
                                Updater, Browser & Manager.
                                -Creates Frontdoor, Intermail 2.50,
                                 Version7, McMail, Remote Access,
                                 Maindoor, Termail, OT-Track and
                                 GoldEd nodelist indexes
                                -Updating the nodelist files with the
                                 weekly distributed difference files.
                                -Manage the nodelist files on your BBS
                                 or pointsystem
                                -Updating Frontdoor/Binkley magic file.
                                -Supports 4dos descriptions, files.bbs
                                 system, RA 2.0 filebase and the Portal
                                 of Power Okfile
                                -Support for most populair compression
                                 programs, such as ARC, ARJ, PAK, LZH,
                                 RAR, ZIP, SQZ and even UC2
                                -Full German Points24 file Support
                                -Full Danish DK-Point file Support
                                -Included version7 browser source
                                -With setup program
fview807.zip   50481 08-05-2024 
gmd_310.zip   174135 08-05-2024 
gym_25.zip     15370 08-05-2024 
km_315.zip     74558 08-05-2024 
laz.zip        11498 08-05-2024 
lgit101b.zip   49525 08-05-2024 
lndl27.zip     52321 08-05-2024 LNDL Look at NoDeList v2.7 - Fully
                                configurable 'Fidonet' type nodelist
                                tester. Checks for many types of
                                errors in the raw nodelist. Config
                                file adaptable to any 'othernet'.
mbas411a.zip   83488 08-05-2024 
memory.zip     12617 08-05-2024 
milov100.zip   80300 08-05-2024 
ml01.zip       60726 08-05-2024 
mlnk_10c.zip   15058 08-05-2024 
mnum416d.zip   17162 08-05-2024 
mobyop06.zip  194946 08-05-2024 
msg200.zip     29694 08-05-2024 
msgcopy1.lzh   28824 08-05-2024 
msgpr130.zip   54064 08-05-2024 
msgpr140.zip   51204 08-05-2024 
myparse.zip    75908 08-05-2024 
newmlupd.zip   20568 08-05-2024 
nodereq.zip    15240 08-05-2024 
ns010b.zip     57169 08-05-2024 
n_yoohoo.zip    9716 08-05-2024 
o179feat.zip    4769 08-05-2024 
oa179all.lzh  143618 08-05-2024 
oate_102.zip   13256 08-05-2024 
obank200.zip   74641 08-05-2024 
ocdfam1.zip    19802 08-05-2024 
ochat170.zip   61186 08-05-2024 
ocom_src.zip    5808 08-05-2024 
oconnect.zip   15082 08-05-2024 
odcc100.zip    15254 08-05-2024 
oevent81.zip   24918 08-05-2024 
oexe173a.zip  173656 08-05-2024 
oexe179.zip   165318 08-05-2024 
ofam099j.zip  187829 08-05-2024 
ofam099l.zip  161428 08-05-2024 
ofam_095.zip  112440 08-05-2024 
ofare19.zip    36572 08-05-2024 
ofpc102.zip    11262 08-05-2024 
ofree11.zip    13051 08-05-2024 
ofu105.zip     52345 08-05-2024 
ohslk20b.zip   13883 08-05-2024 
oindx113.zip   22197 08-05-2024 
ojmod113.zip   10784 08-05-2024 
oker_105.zip   22064 08-05-2024 
olink100.zip   62957 08-05-2024 
omail_41.zip   33672 08-05-2024 
omak173a.zip  603610 08-05-2024 
omake179.zip  323329 08-05-2024 
oman_174.zip  233185 08-05-2024 
omi177.zip     24378 08-05-2024 
ommm_170.zip   86932 08-05-2024 
opars102.zip   83847 08-05-2024 
opdsz20b.zip   19753 08-05-2024 
opfm106.zip    34380 08-05-2024 
opie_170.zip   40498 08-05-2024 
oplkit14.zip   26875 08-05-2024 
optlt_02.zip    2765 08-05-2024 
opuma110.zip   25737 08-05-2024 
opus17ge.zip   70347 08-05-2024 
opustp30.zip   24026 08-05-2024 
oren120.zip    25291 08-05-2024 
ortuu102.zip   32228 08-05-2024 
osom179.zip   132052 08-05-2024 
osom_170.zip  129204 08-05-2024 
osom_add.zip    6424 08-05-2024 
ostr179.zip    30513 08-05-2024 
otec179.zip   104316 08-05-2024 
otec_170.zip   99481 08-05-2024 

                Area 77 - PC Express Groups               

blue_21cpu.zip   40839 08-05-2024 <==[ BLUE SERiES: CPU BULLETiN ]==>
                                *  This tool is a small bulletin  *
                                *  maker which creates statistic  *
                                *  about the consoles/computer's  *
                                *  your users are using. Nice /x  *
                                *  layout. For PC-Express v1.3+!  *
                                * _______ ____  /\  /\       ____ *
                                -/:.     Y '  \/' \/. \--O--/ __ \-
                                 \_/|.|\_/./\' \. .   / /^\| |  \/
                                    | | \ .\/  /      \|:. |.|__/\
                                ---/___\-\____/\ `/\' /-\_/-\____/-
                                <=[DOC H.]======\/==\/=[05/16/96]=>
blue_21fst.zip   66507 08-05-2024 <======[ FAST!  LOGON v1.o ]======>
                                *  Let your users choose between  *
                                *  turbo or slow logon to system  *
                                *  PCE V1.2/V1.3 - BLUE /X STYLE  *
                                * _______ ____  /\  /\       ____ *
                                -/:.     Y '  \/' \/. \--O--/ __ \-
                                 \_/|.|\_/./\' \. .   / /^\| |  \/
                                    | | \ .\/  /      \|:. |.|__/\
                                ---/___\-\____/\ `/\' /-\_/-\____/-
                                <=[DOC H.]======\/==\/=[05/21/96]=>
blue_21nup.zip   39401 08-05-2024 <====[ NONE VALiDATED USERS! ]====>
                                *  BLUE SERiES: TOOL 4 PCE v1.3!  *
                                * _______ ____  /\  /\       ____ *
                                -/:.     Y '  \/' \/. \--O--/ __ \-
                                 \_/|.|\_/./\' \. .   / /^\| |  \/
                                    | | \ .\/  /      \|:. |.|__/\
                                ---/___\-\____/\ `/\' /-\_/-\____/-
                                <=[DOC H.]======\/==\/=[05/12/96]=>
blue_21stp.zip   68473 08-05-2024 <====[STATiSTiCS PRO PCE v1.3]====>
                                *  'S'-REPLACEMENT - BLUE SERiES  *
                                * _______ ____  /\  /\       ____ *
                                -/:.     Y '  \/' \/. \--O--/ __ \-
                                 \_/|.|\_/./\' \. .   / /^\| |  \/
                                    | | \ .\/  /      \|:. |.|__/\
                                ---/___\-\____/\ `/\' /-\_/-\____/-
                                <=[DOC H.]======\/==\/=[05/09/96]=>
blue_21sys.zip   66703 08-05-2024 <===[ PAGE-STATUS iNFORMATiON ]===>
                                *  This simple door shows if the  *
                                *  sysop is available for chat.   *
                                *  Place it in your logonall.bat  *
                                *  PCE V1.2/V1.3 - BLUE /X STYLE  *
                                * _______ ____  /\  /\       ____ *
                                -/:.     Y '  \/' \/. \--O--/ __ \-
                                 \_/|.|\_/./\' \. .   / /^\| |  \/
                                    | | \ .\/  /      \|:. |.|__/\
                                ---/___\-\____/\ `/\' /-\_/-\____/-
                                <=[DOC H.]======\/==\/=[05/16/96]=>
blue_21tpc.zip   45284 08-05-2024 <====[TOP 10 CALLER BULLETiN!]====>
                                *  BLUE SERIES: A PCE v1.3 TOOL!  *
                                * _______ ____  /\  /\       ____ *
                                -/:.     Y '  \/' \/. \--O--/ __ \-
                                 \_/|.|\_/./\' \. .   / /^\| |  \/
                                    | | \ .\/  /      \|:. |.|__/\
                                ---/___\-\____/\ `/\' /-\_/-\____/-
                                <=[DOC H.]======\/==\/=[05/12/96]=>
blue_21t_26d.zip   65199 08-05-2024 <==[ BLUE SERiES : TiME & DATE ]==>
                                *   'T'-REPLACEMENT - PCE v1.3+   *
                                * _______ ____  /\  /\       ____ *
                                -/:.     Y '  \/' \/. \--O--/ __ \-
                                 \_/|.|\_/./\' \. .   / /^\| |  \/
                                    | | \ .\/  /      \|:. |.|__/\
                                ---/___\-\____/\ `/\' /-\_/-\____/-
                                <=[DOC H.]======\/==\/=[05/14/96]=>
blx_2ddt21.zip   86389 08-05-2024 ------------------------------------------
                                  BLX-DETECT! 2.1 for PC-Express(c) 1.xx
                                         ---> MAJOR BUGFIX! <---
                                This  one replaces the  lame and buggy PCE
                                Ansi Detect  routine!  Features  cool ANSI
                                Screen, nice fading effects  never seen on
                                PCE before! Fore use with any PCE Version.
                                *** New: External Config and Ansi Files.
                                Coded by Black Eagle            [18/09/96]
                                           TOTALLY REWRiTTEN!
                                    VERSiON 2.1 iS 100% CONFiGURABLE!
                                   EVERYTHiNG YOU NEED iS iNCLUDED YET!
blx_2ddt22.zip   86130 08-05-2024 ------------------------------------------
                                  BLX-DETECT! 2.2 for PC-Express(c) 1.xx
                                        ---> FINAL VERSION? <---
                                This  one replaces the  lame and buggy PCE
                                Ansi Detect  routine!  Features  cool ANSI
                                Screen, nice fading effects  never seen on
                                PCE before! Fore use with any PCE Version.
                                100% Configurable, all Bugs fixed yet.  
                                Coded by Black Eagle            [08/10/96]
                                  EVERYTHiNG YOU NEED iS iNCLUDED YET!
                                 THiS DOOR RULEZ EVEN PC/X WHQ USES IT!!!
cal_2djoin.zip   60468 08-05-2024  _____ ____ __    __ _____ __ __ __   _____
                                /   __|__  \  |  |__|     |  |  |  | |___  \
                                |  |  /    |  |__|  |  |__|  |  |  |__/    |
                                |  |__| |  |  |  \  |  |  \  |  |  |  \ |  |
                                \_____|____|  ___/  |___  |_____/  ___/____|
                                           |_/   |_/    \_|     |_/
                                -=  Conference Joiner /X-like  PCE 1.3+ =-
clog.zip       71405 08-05-2024            :___ _  .----.
                                   _______            gr!     :
                                :_/ .____/_.   ___. |  _______.
                                                |   / _____/_
                                   :      .   :    |    \__    
                                __________ij--- '  ..../    .
                                :        ltd    -:ij'__________
                                     - - --------- '         
                                    cLOG! Slow/Fast Login Selector
                                    In the 'c' Series I present   |
                                    cLOG v1.0 (final). Turbo Logon
                                    alike but just a little differ
                                    ent.. Lets the user choose    
                                    with his/her cursor keys (slow
                                    or fast logon). You Can use ur
                                    own Trblogon.fst/slw.. (c) '96
                                    -- --- ---ij
                                    cLOG! Independant by SQUiZZY .
conflog1.zip   35907 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                ij   Ĵ    - SOFTWARE
                                DRV-SOFTWARE BRINGS YOU :
                                 Conference Log Keeper !
                                 Keeps a log of the confer-
                                 ences the user has joined !
                                 QUALITY TOOL FOR PCEv1.20+
                                     F R E E W A R E
conflog2.zip   39280 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 DRV-SOFT ۲        
                                  PC-EXPRESS          ޳
                                 Program                   ޳
                                  CONFLOG v2.0                
                                 An IMPROVED version of the   
                                 Conference Logfile Keeper.   
                                 It now uses the LOGx.TXT as  
                                 logfile, it uses the same    
                                 style as LOGx.TXT and it's   
                                 including the time. (date is 
                                 already in LOGx.TXT)         
cpagev10.zip   78879 08-05-2024                          _______
                                  pCE uTIL!    _______:__\___.  \_:
                                    _______ :_/   .   \_           .
                                 :_/ .____/_.    ___./   ..:......:. .
                                                 ____________ :
                                    :      ._________ ._/   ____/ :
                                 __________:_/ _____/_:   ___/___:
                                 :        ltd   \__       \      :\_
                                 . ..:........:...../    .\_________:_/
                                     :        ___________gR!       :
                                  .  .                    :          .
                                     SQUiZZY pRESENTS oN 27/o3/96   
                                  -- -  ---[cPAGe 1.o]-----  ---
                                  .Config-Pager, the BEST pager 4 PCE|
                                    Is a 1o1% Configurable pager for .
                                  . PCE 1.2+ . You can make your own
                                  : ansi,pagebar,colors,chars,screen :
                                  | design,adlib/beeper/nosound etc  |
                                   There are 3 config-sets included 
                                  (Including pot noodle-look config)
                                   Release on 27 March'96 by SQUiZZY
cr_2dbk11.zip  187262 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                   [ ByteKiller 1.1 & STRiPHEAD v.2.1 ]   
                                 CODER: MuHaDiB/CrAzY PCE CoDiNG DiViSioN 
                                  ByteKiller is a AmiEx like nuker with   
                                    many futures, works with JAM-Base     
                                       StripHead support ByteKiller       
                                      !!! PkUnZip with Option -D !!!      
                                . .  /\_ /\____ . /\_ . /\_____ /\_ /\ . .
                                . . /   \\__   \ /   \ /__    ///  /  \ . 
                                 . // |__>   |  >  :  \  / / / \__   // . 
                                . //  |   \    \ \     \/ / (____//  /. . 
                                 .\  ________|_____:________________/. . .
                                \/> CrAzY PC-EXPRESS CODiNG SECTiON <
cr_2dbytek.zip  125193 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                   [ ByteKiller 1.0 & STRiPHEAD v.2.0 ]   
                                 CODER: MuHaDiB/CrAzY PCE CoDiNG DiViSioN 
                                  ByteKiller is a AmiEx like nuker with   
                                    many futures, works with JAM-Base     
                                       StripHead support ByteKiller       
                                . .  /\_ /\____ . /\_ . /\_____ /\_ /\ . .
                                . . /   \\__   \ /   \ /__    ///  /  \ . 
                                 . // |__>   |  >  :  \  / / / \__   // . 
                                . //  |   \    \ \     \/ / (____//  /. . 
                                 .\  ________|_____:________________/. . .
                                \/> CrAzY PC-EXPRESS CODiNG SECTiON <
cr_2dcle4x.zip   20171 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                / SETaLLUSERS4"CLEARFORACCESS"\
                                /\_/\____ /\_ /\_____ /\_/\
                                /   \\__   \ /   \ /__    ///  /  \
                                // |__>   |  >  :  \  / / / \__   //
                                //  |   \    \ \     \/ / (____//  /
                                \  ________|_____:________________/
                                \/> CrAzY PC-EXPRESS CODiNG SECTiON <
cr_2ddadd2.zip   24429 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                             [ DaYAdd v.2.0 ]             
                                 CODER: MuHaDiB/CrAzY PCE CoDiNG DiViSioN 
                                        *  fOr pCeXpre$$ 1.18+  *         
                                . .  /\_ /\____ . /\_ . /\_____ /\_ /\ . .
                                . . /   \\__   \ /   \ /__    ///  /  \ . 
                                 . // |__>   |  >  :  \  / / / \__   // . 
                                . //  |   \    \ \     \/ / (____//  /. . 
                                 .\  ________|_____:________________/. . .
                                \/> CrAzY PC-EXPRESS CODiNG SECTiON <
                                    [ * White new FileSharingSystem! * ]
cr_2ddc201.zip   16574 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                          [ DiRChecK v.2.01 ]             
                                 CODER: MuHaDiB/CrAzY PCE CoDiNG DiViSioN 
                                        *  fOr pCeXpre$$ 1.18+  *         
                                . .  /\_ /\____ . /\_ . /\_____ /\_ /\ . .
                                . . /   \\__   \ /   \ /__    ///  /  \ . 
                                 . // |__>   |  >  :  \  / / / \__   // . 
                                . //  |   \    \ \     \/ / (____//  /. . 
                                 .\  ________|_____:________________/. . .
                                \/> CrAzY PC-EXPRESS CODiNG SECTiON <
cr_2ddlog1.zip    9233 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 \/\/\/\/\/\ [  DELLOG v1.0  ] /\/\/\/\/\ 
                                 CODER: MuHaDiB/CrAzY PCE CoDiNG DiViSioN 
                                            fOR PCX V0.00+  ۰          
                                . .  /\_ /\____ . /\_ . /\_____ /\_ /\ . .
                                . . /   \\__   \ /   \ /__    ///  /  \ . 
                                 . // |__>   |  >  :  \  / / / \__   // . 
                                . //  |   \    \ \     \/ / (____//  /. . 
                                 .\  ________|_____:________________/. . .
                                \/> CrAzY PC-EXPRESS CODiNG SECTiON <
cr_2dfgd1.zip   15014 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 \/\/\/\/\/\/[ FGetDir 1.00 ]/\/\/\/\/\/\ 
                                   The same as GetDir only much faster!   
                                            fOR PCX V1.3+  ۰           
                                . .  /\_ /\____ . /\_ . /\_____ /\_ /\ . .
                                . . /   \\__   \ /   \ /__    ///  /  \ . 
                                 . // |__>   |  >  :  \  / / / \__   // . 
                                . //  |   \    \ \     \/ / (____//  /. . 
                                 .\  ________|_____:________________/. . .
                                \/> CrAzY PC-EXPRESS CODiNG SECTiON <
cr_2dfn12.zip   37794 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 \/\/\/\/\/\ [ FlagNew  v1.2 ] /\/\/\/\/\ 
                                 CODER: MuHaDiB/CrAzY PCE CoDiNG DiViSioN 
                                            fOR PCX V1.18+  ۰          
                                . .  /\_ /\____ . /\_ . /\_____ /\_ /\ . .
                                . . /   \\__   \ /   \ /__    ///  /  \ . 
                                 . // |__>   |  >  :  \  / / / \__   // . 
                                . //  |   \    \ \     \/ / (____//  /. . 
                                 .\  ________|_____:________________/. . .
                                \/> CrAzY PC-EXPRESS CODiNG SECTiON <
cr_2dfn131.zip   63724 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 \/\/\/\/\/\ [ FlagNew  v1.3 ] /\/\/\/\/\ 
                                 CODER: MuHaDiB/CrAzY PCE CoDiNG DiViSioN 
                                            fOR PCX V1.18+  ۰          
                                . .  /\_ /\____ . /\_ . /\_____ /\_ /\ . .
                                . . /   \\__   \ /   \ /__    ///  /  \ . 
                                 . // |__>   |  >  :  \  / / / \__   // . 
                                . //  |   \    \ \     \/ / (____//  /. . 
                                 .\  ________|_____:________________/. . .
                                \/> CrAzY PC-EXPRESS CODiNG SECTiON <
                                <><<<<<<<<<< BugFixed Version!! >>>>>>>>>>>>
cr_2dlm1.zip   66081 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                       [ Login SysPw Matrix v1.0 ]        
                                 CODER: MuHaDiB/CrAzY PCE CoDiNG DiViSioN 
                                       Login Matrix * PcE 1.13a+ *        
                                . .  /\_ /\____ . /\_ . /\_____ /\_ /\ . .
                                . . /   \\__   \ /   \ /__    ///  /  \ . 
                                 . // |__>   |  >  :  \  / / / \__   // . 
                                . //  |   \    \ \     \/ / (____//  /. . 
                                 .\  ________|_____:________________/. . .
                                \/> CrAzY PC-EXPRESS CODiNG SECTiON <
cr_2dmc10.zip   81735 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                /     mULTiNODEcHATTER v.1.0     \
                                /\_/\____ /\_ /\_____ /\_/\
                                /   \\__   \ /   \ /__    ///  /  \
                                // |__>   |  >  :  \  / / / \__   //
                                //  |   \    \ \     \/ / (____//  /
                                \  ________|_____:________________/
                                \/> CrAzY PC-EXPRESS CODiNG SECTiON <
cr_2dmsgl.zip   94577 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                /          MsgList v.1.0         \
                                /\_/\____ /\_ /\_____ /\_/\
                                /   \\__   \ /   \ /__    ///  /  \
                                // |__>   |  >  :  \  / / / \__   //
                                //  |   \    \ \     \/ / (____//  /
                                \  ________|_____:________________/
                                \/> CrAzY PC-EXPRESS CODiNG SECTiON <
cr_2dnchk1.zip    9234 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 \/\/\/\/\ [ NodeChecker v1.0 ] \/\/\/\/\ 
                                 CODER: MuHaDiB/CrAzY PCE CoDiNG DiViSioN 
                                            fOR PCX V1.18+  ۰          
                                . .  /\_ /\____ . /\_ . /\_____ /\_ /\ . .
                                . . /   \\__   \ /   \ /__    ///  /  \ . 
                                 . // |__>   |  >  :  \  / / / \__   // . 
                                . //  |   \    \ \     \/ / (____//  /. . 
                                 .\  ________|_____:________________/. . .
                                \/> CrAzY PC-EXPRESS CODiNG SECTiON <
cr_2dnu11.zip   65379 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 \/\/\/\/\/\ [ NewUser  v1.1 ] /\/\/\/\/\ 
                                 CODER: MuHaDiB/CrAzY PCE CoDiNG DiViSioN 
                                            fOR PCX V1.30+  ۰          
                                . .  /\_ /\____ . /\_ . /\_____ /\_ /\ . .
                                . . /   \\__   \ /   \ /__    ///  /  \ . 
                                 . // |__>   |  >  :  \  / / / \__   // . 
                                . //  |   \    \ \     \/ / (____//  /. . 
                                 .\  ________|_____:________________/. . .
                                \/> CrAzY PC-EXPRESS CODiNG SECTiON <
cr_2dnus11.zip   68104 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 \/\/\/\/\/\ [ NewUser  v1.1 ] /\/\/\/\/\ 
                                 CODER: MuHaDiB/CrAzY PCE CoDiNG DiViSioN 
                                            fOR PCX V1.30+  ۰          
                                . .  /\_ /\____ . /\_ . /\_____ /\_ /\ . .
                                . . /   \\__   \ /   \ /__    ///  /  \ . 
                                 . // |__>   |  >  :  \  / / / \__   // . 
                                . //  |   \    \ \     \/ / (____//  /. . 
                                 .\  ________|_____:________________/. . .
                                \/> CrAzY PC-EXPRESS CODiNG SECTiON <
cr_2dolm14.zip   61554 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 \/\/\/\/\/\/\ [ OLM  V1.4 ] /\/\/\/\/\/\ 
                                 uSAGe : "OLM -N%1 / CODED USiNG PCE-KiT! 
                                 CODER: MuHaDiB/CrAzY PCE CoDiNG DiViSioN 
                                 -> THE FiRST ONE WHiCH WORKS WITH iSDN!  
                                   fOR PCX V1.18+ / WORKS WITH iSDN! ۰ 
                                . .  /\_ /\____ . /\_ . /\_____ /\_ /\ . .
                                . . /   \\__   \ /   \ /__    ///  /  \ . 
                                 . // |__>   |  >  :  \  / / / \__   // . 
                                . //  |   \    \ \     \/ / (____//  /. . 
                                 .\  ________|_____:________________/. . .
                                \/> CrAzY PC-EXPRESS CODiNG SECTiON <
cr_2dsh21.zip   30302 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                          [ STRiPHEAD v.2.1 ]             
                                 CODER: MuHaDiB/CrAzY PCE CoDiNG DiViSioN 
                                         STRiPHEAD  * PcE 1.18+ *         
                                       with support for ByteKiller        
                                . .  /\_ /\____ . /\_ . /\_____ /\_ /\ . .
                                . . /   \\__   \ /   \ /__    ///  /  \ . 
                                 . // |__>   |  >  :  \  / / / \__   // . 
                                . //  |   \    \ \     \/ / (____//  /. . 
                                 .\  ________|_____:________________/. . .
                                \/> CrAzY PC-EXPRESS CODiNG SECTiON <
cr_2dum104.zip   16830 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 \/\/\/\/\/\/[ UpMove V1.04 ]/\/\/\/\/\/\ 
                                 With this little tool you can direct ul  
                                 to the FileDir for fileskipping!         
                                            fOR PCX V1.3+  ۰           
                                . .  /\_ /\____ . /\_ . /\_____ /\_ /\ . .
                                . . /   \\__   \ /   \ /__    ///  /  \ . 
                                 . // |__>   |  >  :  \  / / / \__   // . 
                                . //  |   \    \ \     \/ / (____//  /. . 
                                 .\  ________|_____:________________/. . .
                                \/> CrAzY PC-EXPRESS CODiNG SECTiON <
cr_2dum105.zip   17572 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 \/\/\/\/\/\/[ UpMove V1.05 ]/\/\/\/\/\/\ 
                                 With this little tool you can direct ul  
                                 to the FileDir for fileskipping!         
                                            fOR PCX V1.3+  ۰           
                                . .  /\_ /\____ . /\_ . /\_____ /\_ /\ . .
                                . . /   \\__   \ /   \ /__    ///  /  \ . 
                                 . // |__>   |  >  :  \  / / / \__   // . 
                                . //  |   \    \ \     \/ / (____//  /. . 
                                 .\  ________|_____:________________/. . .
                                \/> CrAzY PC-EXPRESS CODiNG SECTiON <
cr_2dw95ue.zip  795893 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                /    Win95 USEREDITOR v.1.12     \
                                         unPack w/ pkUnZip -D           
                                /\_/\____ /\_ /\_____ /\_/\
                                /   \\__   \ /   \ /__    ///  /  \
                                // |__>   |  >  :  \  / / / \__   //
                                //  |   \    \ \     \/ / (____//  /
                                \  ________|_____:________________/
                                \/> CrAzY PC-EXPRESS CODiNG SECTiON <
cr_2dwho21.zip   68928 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 \/\/\/\ [ WhAT'S GOiNG uP  V2.1] /\/\/\/ 
                                  User can select the displaymodus like   
                                  Terse, Brief, Verbose, Monitor, Activ   
                                 -> THE FiRST ONE WHiCH WORKS WITH iSDN!  
                                 AND THE ONLY ONE WHiCH hANDLES dSZLOG's! 
                                   fOR PCX V1.18+ / WORKS WITH iSDN! ۰ 
                                . .  /\_ /\____ . /\_ . /\_____ /\_ /\ . .
                                . . /   \\__   \ /   \ /__    ///  /  \ . 
                                 . // |__>   |  >  :  \  / / / \__   // . 
                                . //  |   \    \ \     \/ / (____//  /. . 
                                 .\  ________|_____:________________/. . .
                                \/> CrAzY PC-EXPRESS CODiNG SECTiON <
cr_2dwk32.zip   87123 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  [ RealTime WeeK/MontH/YeaR-ToP v.3.2 ]  
                                 CODER: MuHaDiB/CrAzY PCE CoDiNG DiViSioN 
                                        *  fOr pCeXpre$$ 1.18+  *         
                                . .  /\_ /\____ . /\_ . /\_____ /\_ /\ . .
                                . . /   \\__   \ /   \ /__    ///  /  \ . 
                                 . // |__>   |  >  :  \  / / / \__   // . 
                                . //  |   \    \ \     \/ / (____//  /. . 
                                 .\  ________|_____:________________/. . .
                                \/> CrAzY PC-EXPRESS CODiNG SECTiON <
cr_2dwtool.zip  149156 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 \/\/\/\/\/\ [ WinTool  v1.0 ] /\/\/\/\/\ 
                                 CODER: MuHaDiB/CrAzY PCE CoDiNG DiViSioN 
                                            fOR PCX V1.18+  ۰          
                                   NodeWatcher, LastCaller, SystemInfo    
                                    UserEditor, Online-Message-Writer     
                                . .  /\_ /\____ . /\_ . /\_____ /\_ /\ . .
                                . . /   \\__   \ /   \ /__    ///  /  \ . 
                                 . // |__>   |  >  :  \  / / / \__   // . 
                                . //  |   \    \ \     \/ / (____//  /. . 
                                 .\  ________|_____:________________/. . .
                                \/> CrAzY PC-EXPRESS CODiNG SECTiON <
cr_2dwtop3.zip   77222 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  [ RealTime WeeK/MontH/YeaR-ToP v.3.0 ]  
                                 CODER: MuHaDiB/CrAzY PCE CoDiNG DiViSioN 
                                        *  fOr pCeXpre$$ 1.18+  *         
                                . .  /\_ /\____ . /\_ . /\_____ /\_ /\ . .
                                . . /   \\__   \ /   \ /__    ///  /  \ . 
                                 . // |__>   |  >  :  \  / / / \__   // . 
                                . //  |   \    \ \     \/ / (____//  /. . 
                                 .\  ________|_____:________________/. . .
                                \/> CrAzY PC-EXPRESS CODiNG SECTiON <
cr_2dwu11.zip  181945 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 \/\/\/\/\[ WinUserEditor  v1.1 ]/\/\/\/\ 
                                 CODER: MuHaDiB/CrAzY PCE CoDiNG DiViSioN 
                                            fOR PCX V1.18+  ۰          
                                   NodeWatcher, LastCaller, SystemInfo    
                                    UserEditor, Online-Message-Writer     
                                . .  /\_ /\____ . /\_ . /\_____ /\_ /\ . .
                                . . /   \\__   \ /   \ /__    ///  /  \ . 
                                 . // |__>   |  >  :  \  / / / \__   // . 
                                . //  |   \    \ \     \/ / (____//  /. . 
                                 .\  ________|_____:________________/. . .
                                \/> CrAzY PC-EXPRESS CODiNG SECTiON <
cr_2dwu111.zip  182073 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 \/\/\/\/\[ WinUserEditor v1.11 ]/\/\/\/\ 
                                 CODER: MuHaDiB/CrAzY PCE CoDiNG DiViSioN 
                                            fOR PCX V1.18+  ۰          
                                   NodeWatcher, LastCaller, SystemInfo    
                                    UserEditor, Online-Message-Writer     
                                . .  /\_ /\____ . /\_ . /\_____ /\_ /\ . .
                                . . /   \\__   \ /   \ /__    ///  /  \ . 
                                 . // |__>   |  >  :  \  / / / \__   // . 
                                . //  |   \    \ \     \/ / (____//  /. . 
                                 .\  ________|_____:________________/. . .
                                \/> CrAzY PC-EXPRESS CODiNG SECTiON <
cr_2dwue12.zip  202200 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                /    Windows USEREDITOR v.1.12   \
                                /\_/\____ /\_ /\_____ /\_/\
                                /   \\__   \ /   \ /__    ///  /  \
                                // |__>   |  >  :  \  / / / \__   //
                                //  |   \    \ \     \/ / (____//  /
                                \  ________|_____:________________/
                                \/> CrAzY PC-EXPRESS CODiNG SECTiON <
cr_2dzl11.zip   53795 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 \/\/\/\/\/\ [ ZiPLiST  v1.1 ] /\/\/\/\/\ 
                                 CODER: MuHaDiB/CrAzY PCE CoDiNG DiViSioN 
                                            fOR PCX V1.18+  ۰          
                                . .  /\_ /\____ . /\_ . /\_____ /\_ /\ . .
                                . . /   \\__   \ /   \ /__    ///  /  \ . 
                                 . // |__>   |  >  :  \  / / / \__   // . 
                                . //  |   \    \ \     \/ / (____//  /. . 
                                 .\  ________|_____:________________/. . .
                                \/> CrAzY PC-EXPRESS CODiNG SECTiON <
ctsx2pcx.zip   10343 08-05-2024  . _____________:_ _________: +  .    
                                  /   ___________/ \___    _|________
                                 /     | .      \    /  .   ________/.
                                /_______     +   \ //       |       \
                                 :.oOo.!__________\/_________   !    \
                                 :  .                       |______.__\
                                 : %: SysX -> PC/X dir. conv. :% :
                                 : On request: System X -> PC/X    :
                                 : DirX.txt converter.            (_)
                                 |  _ .  _                         |
                                     (_)  .
ctttpupd.zip   70041 08-05-2024  . _____________:_ _________: +  .    
                                  /   ___________/ \___    _|________
                                 /     | .      \    /  .   ________/.
                                /_______     +   \ //       |       \
                                 :.oOo.!__________\/_________   !    \
                                 :  .                       |______.__\
                                 :   %: TTPerson update :%       :
                                 : An update of TTPerson.exe, used :
                                 : with TheTag v1.05. Fixed a bug (_)
                                 : in working with the Users.tt.   :
                                 |  _ .  _                         |
                                     (_)  .
ct_2dadd12.zip   75460 08-05-2024  . _____________:_ _________: +  .    
                                  /   ___________/ \___    _|________
                                 /     | .      \    /  .   ________/.
                                /_______     +   \ //       |       \
                                 :.oOo.!__________\/_________   !    \
                                 :  .                       |______.__\
                                 : %:   -- Add2Add v1.2! --   :% :
                                 : Put more info in your adds with :
                                 : these cool util! Bugfixed and  (_)
                                 | some extra options added!       |
                                 |  _ .  _                         |
                                     (_)  .
ct_2dafc11.zip   63740 08-05-2024 imd___   ___ __    ___ ____ ___    __
                                 _/ _/__/ _// /__,_\_ \\_  |__/___/ /__,
                                |   \  |  |   -' | _/   |  |  |  /  -' |
                                |______|__|______|______|__|__| /______|
                                 ____   __    ___   __  ___   \/     ,
                                .\_  |_/ /__ _\_ \_|  \/  / Creative |
                                : |  |   -' | _/   |  \/  | Team!    |
                                )-|__|______|______|--'|__| ---------+
                                | AllFiles creator v1.10 - 100% con- |
                                ! figurable  allfiles list maker for |
                                | pc/x v1.20+. Version 1.10 fixes an |
                                | imcompatibility with TheTag v1.20  l
                                | or better.                         |
                                |  _ .  _                            |
                                    (_)  .
ct_2dast10.zip   61289 08-05-2024  . _____________:_ _________: +  .    
                                  /   ___________/ \___    _|________
                                 /     | .      \    /  .   ________/.
                                /_______     +   \ //       |       \
                                 :.oOo.!__________\/_________   !    \
                                 :  .                       |______.__\
                                 :   %: Alt. Stats v1.0 :%       :
                                 : Alternative Statistics v1.0 for :
                                 : PC/X v1.20+.                   (_)
                                 |  _ .  _                         |
                                     (_)  .
ct_2dds10.zip  140315 08-05-2024  . _____________:_ _________: +  .    
                                  /   ___________/ \___    _|________
                                 /     | .      \    /  .   ________/.
                                /_______     +   \ //       |       \
                                 :.oOo.!__________\/_________   !    \
                                 :  .                       |______.__\
                                 :   %: Download SysOp v1.0 :%   :
                                 : Replace  the internal PcExpress :
                                 : DS-command with this baby!     (_)
                                 : Select files for  download in a :
                                 : Norton Commander alike environ- :
                                 : ment(!). Comes  with  same easy :
                                 : installer that is included with : 
                                 : TheTag. Ofcourse it is coded by :
                                 : MugSHot.  This door was reques- :
                                 : ted by jOLLy. Requires PCE 1.30 :
                                 |  _ .  _                         |
                                     (_)  .
ct_2dds11.zip  143394 08-05-2024  . _____________:_ _________: +  .
                                  /   ___________/ \___    _|________
                                 /     | .      \    /  .   ________/.
                                /_______     +   \ //       |       \
                                 :.oOo.!__________\/_________   !    \
                                 :  .                       |______.__\
                                 :   %: Download SysOp v1.1 :%   :
                                 :Replace  the  internal  PcExpress:
                                 :DS-command   with   this   baby!(_)
                                 : Added change drive function.   :
                                 : Added detection of floppy/hdd/ :
                                 :  cd-rom and network drives.     :
                                 : Added error checking routines. :
                                 :Ofcourse it was coded by MugSHot.:
                                 |  _ .  _                         |
                                     (_)  .
ct_2dds111.zip  144595 08-05-2024 imd___   ___ __    ___ ____ ___    __
                                 _/ _/__/ _// /__,_\_ \\_  |__/___/ /__,
                                |   \  |  |   -' | _/   |  |  |  /  -' |
                                |______|__|______|______|__|__| /______|
                                 ____   __    ___   __  ___   \/     ,
                                .\_  |_/ /__ _\_ \_|  \/  / Creative |
                                : |  |   -' | _/   |  \/  | Team!    |
                                )-|__|______|______|--'|__| ---------+
                                | Download SysOp v1.11. Maintainance |
                                ! release which fixes a bug in the   |
                                | change drive function. Also added  |
                                | detection of substitute drives.    |
                                | Ofcourse it was coded by MugSHot.  |
                                |  _ .  _                            |
                                    (_)  .
ct_2ddt160.zip   41758 08-05-2024  . _____________:_ _________: +  .    
                                  /   ___________/ \___    _|________
                                 /     | .      \    /  .   ________/.
                                /_______     +   \ //       |       \
                                 :.oOo.!__________\/_________   !    \
                                 :  .                       |______.__\
                                 : %: DSZ LOG CONVERTER v1.60 :% :
                                 : Update for this cool converter! :
                                 : Now works *100%* with Zyrion!  (_)
                                 |  _ .  _                         |
                                     (_)  .
ct_2dfts10.zip   61629 08-05-2024  . _____________:_ _________: +  .    
                                  /   ___________/ \___    _|________
                                 /     | .      \    /  .   ________/.
                                /_______     +   \ //       |       \
                                 :.oOo.!__________\/_________   !    \
                                 :  .                       |______.__\
                                 : %: FileTransferStats v1.0 :%  :
                                 : FileTransferStatistics v1.0 for :
                                 : PC-Express(c) v1.30. Get Ami/X (_)
                                 : like info after file transfers. :
                                 : PCE v1.30 or better required.   !
                                 |  _ .  _                         |
                                     (_)  .
ct_2dhof10.zip   49455 08-05-2024  . _____________:_ _________: +  .
                                  /   ___________/ \___    _|________
                                 /     | .      \    /  .   ________/.
                                /_______     +   \ //       |       \
                                 :.oOo.!__________\/_________   !    \
                                 :  .                       |______.__\
                                 :    %: Hall Of Fame v1.0 :%    :
                                 : A  real-time  bull  door  which :
                                 : shows the top uploaders + much (_)
                                 | more info about those guys. The :
                                 ! HOF is 100%  configurable, make |
                                 l your own setup:  Ami/X etc. Re- l
                                 | quires PC/X 1.30 or better.     !
                                 |  _ .  _                         |
                                     (_)  .
ct_2dhos10.zip   56123 08-05-2024 imd___   ___ __    ___ ____ ___    __
                                 _/ _/__/ _// /__,_\_ \\_  |__/___/ /__,
                                |   \  |  |   -' | _/   |  |  |  /  -' |
                                |______|__|______|______|__|__| /______|
                                 ____   __    ___   __  ___   \/     ,
                                .\_  |_/ /__ _\_ \_|  \/  / Creative |
                                : |  |   -' | _/   |  \/  | Team!    |
                                )-|__|______|______|--'|__| ---------+
                                | Hall Of Shame v1.0 -- A  real-time |
                                ! bull  door which  shows the  worst |
                                | uploaders and much more info about l
                                ! those people. The HOS is 100% con- |
                                | figurable;  make  your own  setup: |
                                | Ami/X etc. Requires pc/x  v1.30 or l
                                | better.                            |
                                |  _ .  _                            |
                                    (_)  .
ct_2dlc24f.zip   47569 08-05-2024  . _____________:_ _________: +  .    
                                  /   ___________/ \___    _|________
                                 /     | .      \    /  .   ________/.
                                /_______     +   \ //       |       \
                                 :.oOo.!__________\/_________   !    \
                                 :  .                       |______.__\
                                 :  %: Last X callers v2.4F :%   :
                                 : The coolest lc-bull has become  :
                                 : better (again)!                (_)
                                 |  _ .  _                         |
                                     (_)  .
ct_2dli15b.zip   61744 08-05-2024  . _____________:_ _________: +  .    
                                  /   ___________/ \___    _|________
                                 /     | .      \    /  .   ________/.
                                /_______     +   \ //       |       \
                                 :.oOo.!__________\/_________   !    \
                                 :  .                       |______.__\
                                 :    %: Line Info 1.5b :%       :
                                 : New version of LINFO. This prog :
                                 : gives your users a lot of info! :
                                 : Compiled with PC/X-kit v2.66!! (_)
                                 |  _ .  _                         |
                                     (_)  .
ct_2dlv20a.zip   76116 08-05-2024   imd___   ___ __    ___ ____ ___    __
                                   _/ _/__/ _// /__,_\_ \\_  |__/___/ /__,
                                  |   \  |  |   -' | _/   |  |  |  /  -' |
                                  |______|__|______|______|__|__| /______|
                                   ____   __    ___   __  ___   \/     ,
                                  .\_  |_/ /__ _\_ \_|  \/  / Creative |
                                  : |  |   -' | _/   |  \/  | Team!    |
                                  )-|__|______|______|--'|__| ---------(
                                   __%   [ logview version 2.Oa ]    %__
                                 _)  a very fast, very easy to use log  (_
                                |viewer. users may view there own log file|
                                |while users who have the logview password|
                                |can view the whole log file or search on |
                                |a specific username, great for (co)sysops|
                                |to keep an eye on user's activities. easy|
                                |  interface is promised as is stunning   |
                                `_    design, so download this now...    _'
                                  )_%creative team tested and approved%_( 
                                  |  _ .  _                            |
                                      (_)  .
ct_2dpk266.zip  476062 08-05-2024 [PCEKiT v2.66]Ŀ
                                 SUPPORTING UART + FIFO BUFFERING,     
                                           FOSSIL + ISDN                
                                 RIPSCRIPT V1.54                       
                                 FULL MODEM CONTROL, DIAL, ANSWER,     
                                  AUTOANSWERING ETC.                    
                                 Z-MODEM ROUTINES                      
                                 LIGHTNING FAST HANDLING OF DIRX FILES 
                                 RUN-TIME ERROR TRAPPING  LA QEMM     
                                 TIMESLICING FOR OS/2 AND DESKVIEW     
                                 ANSI EMULATION                        
                                 ANSI DETECT FOR LOCAL AND REMOTE      
                                 SYSOP STATUSBARS                      
                                 PCBOARD COLOR SUPPORT, PIPE COLORS,   
                                  PC-EXPRESS MCI CODES                  
                                 DOS EXECUTING WITH 1-2 Kb MEM         
                                 PARAMETER CONTROL                     
                                 EXAMPLE SOURCES ARE INCLUDED          
                                 COMPLETE DOCUMENTATION!               
                                [A CREATiVE TEAM RELEASE]
ct_2dru122.zip   80956 08-05-2024 imd___   ___ __    ___ ____ ___    __
                                 _/ _/__/ _// /__,_\_ \\_  |__/___/ /__,
                                |   \  |  |   -' | _/   |  |  |  /  -' |
                                |______|__|______|______|__|__| /______|
                                 ____   __    ___   __  ___   \/     ,
                                .\_  |_/ /__ _\_ \_|  \/  / Creative |
                                : |  |   -' | _/   |  \/  | Team!    |
                                )-|__|______|______|--'|__| ---------+
                                | Remote User Editor (v1.22) / Func- |
                                ! tional for all nodes installed.    |
                                |  _ .  _                            |
                                    (_)  .
ct_2drue12.zip   76781 08-05-2024  . _____________:_ _________: +  .    
                                  /   ___________/ \___    _|________
                                 /     | .      \    /  .   ________/.
                                /_______     +   \ //       |       \
                                 :.oOo.!__________\/_________   !    \
                                 :  .                       |______.__\
                                 : %: remote user-editor v1.2 :% :
                                 : the remote user editor v1.2 for :
                                 : pc/x v1.30 or better.          (_)
                                 |  _ .  _                         |
                                     (_)  .
ct_2drueup.zip   88127 08-05-2024 imd___   ___ __    ___ ____ ___    __
                                 _/ _/__/ _// /__,_\_ \\_  |__/___/ /__,
                                |   \  |  |   -' | _/   |  |  |  /  -' |
                                |______|__|______|______|__|__| /______|
                                 ____   __    ___   __  ___   \/     ,
                                .\_  |_/ /__ _\_ \_|  \/  / Creative |
                                : |  |   -' | _/   |  \/  | Team!    |
                                )-|__|______|______|--'|__| ---------+
                                | Remote User Editor v1.2 - Now up-  |
                                ! dated for all computer types.      |
                                |  _ .  _                            |
                                    (_)  .
ct_2dsb10.zip   75707 08-05-2024  . _____________:_ _________: +  .    
                                  /   ___________/ \___    _|________
                                 /     | .      \    /  .   ________/.
                                /_______     +   \ //       |       \
                                 :.oOo.!__________\/_________   !    \
                                 :  .                       |______.__\
                                 : %:     SentBy v1.0F!      :%  :
                                 : A cool adjustable and randomi-  :
                                 : zing sentby-line-editor!       (_)
                                 |  _ .  _                         |
                                     (_)  .
ct_2dsnu10.zip  168408 08-05-2024 imd___   ___ __    ___ ____ ___    __
                                 _/ _/__/ _// /__,_\_ \\_  |__/___/ /__,
                                |   \  |  |   -' | _/   |  |  |  /  -' |
                                |______|__|______|______|__|__| /______|
                                 ____   __    ___   __  ___   \/     ,
                                .\_  |_/ /__ _\_ \_|  \/  / Creative |
                                : |  |   -' | _/   |  \/  | Team!    |
                                )-|__|______|______|--'|__| ---------+
                                | Show New Uploads v1.0f for pc/x    |
                                ! v1.30 or better.                   |
                                |  _ .  _                            |
                                    (_)  .
ct_2dsu10g.zip  169327 08-05-2024 imd___   ___ __    ___ ____ ___    __
                                 _/ _/__/ _// /__,_\_ \\_  |__/___/ /__,
                                |   \  |  |   -' | _/   |  |  |  /  -' |
                                |______|__|______|______|__|__| /______|
                                 ____   __    ___   __  ___   \/     ,
                                .\_  |_/ /__ _\_ \_|  \/  / Creative |
                                : |  |   -' | _/   |  \/  | Team!    |
                                )-|__|______|______|--'|__| ---------+
                                | Show New Uploads v1.0g for pc/x    |
                                ! v1.30 or better.                   |
                                |  _ .  _                            |
                                    (_)  .
ct_2dtt10d.zip  224870 08-05-2024  . _____________:_ _________: +  .    
                                  /   ___________/ \___    _|________
                                 /     | .      \    /  .   ________/.
                                /_______     +   \ //       |       \
                                 :.oOo.!__________\/_________   !    \
                                 :  .                       |______.__\
                                 :     %: TheTag v1.00 :%        :
                                 : * THETAG RELEASE / DEMO V1.00 * :
                                 : THE tool that covers half your  :
                                 : BBS! Release of the year 1996! (_)
                                 |  _ .  _                         |
                                     (_)  .
ct_2dttdy1.zip   33528 08-05-2024  . _____________:_ _________: +  .    
                                  /   ___________/ \___    _|________
                                 /     | .      \    /  .   ________/.
                                /_______     +   \ //       |       \
                                 :.oOo.!__________\/_________   !    \
                                 :  .                       |______.__\
                                 :  %: Transfers today v1.0 :%   :
                                 : /X like Up/Downloads displayer  :
                                 : (end of LogOnAll.bat) (v1.20+) (_)
                                 |  _ .  _                         |
                                     (_)  .
ct_2du2d10.zip   63804 08-05-2024  . _____________:_ _________: +  .    
                                  /   ___________/ \___    _|________
                                 /     | .      \    /  .   ________/.
                                /_______     +   \ //       |       \
                                 :.oOo.!__________\/_________   !    \
                                 :  .                       |______.__\
                                 :   %: Uploads Today v1.0 :%    :
                                 : The most flexible tool to show  :
                                 : your users the latest uploads   :
                                 : on the Ami/X method! Try it!!! (_)
                                 |  _ .  _                         |
                                     (_)  .
ct_2du2d11.zip   74633 08-05-2024  CREATIVE TEAM PRESENTS 
                                Uploads Today (v1.1). The most flexible tool
                                to show your users the latest uploads on the
                                Ami/X method. Try it!! PC/X v1.30 or better.
ct_2du2d12.zip   93357 08-05-2024 imd___   ___ __    ___ ____ ___    __
                                 _/ _/__/ _// /__,_\_ \\_  |__/___/ /__,
                                |   \  |  |   -' | _/   |  |  |  /  -' |
                                |______|__|______|______|__|__| /______|
                                 ____   __    ___   __  ___   \/     ,
                                .\_  |_/ /__ _\_ \_|  \/  / Creative |
                                : |  |   -' | _/   |  \/  | Team!    |
                                )-|__|______|______|--'|__| ---------+
                                | Uploads today! v1.2: The most fle- |
                                ! xible tool  to show your users the |
                                | latest uploads on the Ami/X method |
                                |  _ .  _                            |
                                    (_)  .
ct_2dupdts.zip  180445 08-05-2024 imd___   ___ __    ___ ____ ___    __
                                 _/ _/__/ _// /__,_\_ \\_  |__/___/ /__,
                                |   \  |  |   -' | _/   |  |  |  /  -' |
                                |______|__|______|______|__|__| /______|
                                 ____   __    ___   __  ___   \/     ,
                                .\_  |_/ /__ _\_ \_|  \/  / Creative |
                                : |  |   -' | _/   |  \/  | Team!    |
                                )-|__|______|______|--'|__| ---------+
                                | An update package that contains    |
                                | new versions of Show New Uploads   |
                                | (v1.1), Upload Today BullMaker     |
                                | (v1.2) and Upload Today (v1.3),    |
                                | because these programs reported an |
                                | error on the 1st of each month.    |
                                |  _ .  _                            |
                                    (_)  .
ct_2dwho11.zip   92404 08-05-2024 imd___   ___ __    ___ ____ ___    __
                                 _/ _/__/ _// /__,_\_ \\_  |__/___/ /__,
                                |   \  |  |   -' | _/   |  |  |  /  -' |
                                |______|__|______|______|__|__| /______|
                                 ____   __    ___   __  ___   \/     ,
                                .\_  |_/ /__ _\_ \_|  \/  / Creative |
                                : |  |   -' | _/   |  \/  | Team!    |
                                )-|__|______|______|--'|__| ---------+
                                | WHO v1.1 - The coolest and hottest |
                                ! Ami/X who-is-doing-what door for   |
                                | pc/x v1.30. Check this one out!    |
                                |  _ .  _                            |
                                    (_)  .
ct_2dxed11.zip   78325 08-05-2024  . _____________:_ _________: +  .    
                                  /   ___________/ \___    _|________
                                 /     | .      \    /  .   ________/.
                                /_______     +   \ //       |       \
                                 :.oOo.!__________\/_________   !    \
                                 :  .                       |______.__\
                                 :    %:   X-EDIT v1.1   :%      :
                                 : Great W door with an Ami/X look :
                                 : and cool options. Check this 1 (_)
                                 | out! PcExpress v1.30+ needed!   |
                                 |  _ .  _                         |
                                     (_)  .
dc_21_2dap12.zip    6584 08-05-2024     tOOLS fOR pC-eXPRESS V1.20   
                                 !                                        !
                                 :              AMI2PCE V1.2              :
                                 [01/01]    [02/12/96]
dc_21_2dca12.zip   13339 08-05-2024     tOOLS fOR pC-eXPRESS V1.20   
                                 !                                        !
                                 :             CUT-ADDS V1.2              :
                                 [01/01]    [02/03/96]
dc_21_2ddt23.zip   13103 08-05-2024     tOOLS fOR pC-eXPRESS V1.20   
                                 !                                        !
                                 :             DIZ-TOOL V2.3              :
                                 [01/01]    [02/12/96]
dc_21_2dsd13.zip   15440 08-05-2024     tOOLS fOR pC-eXPRESS V1.20   
                                 !                                        !
                                 :              SHOW-DL V1.3              :
                                 [01/01]    [02/13/96]
downc_2d02.zip   16782 08-05-2024 ĿĿ  Ŀķ ĿĿĿ Ŀ Ŀ
                                ٺ        Ŀ Ŀ
                                   +:+: Download Counter V0.2 :+:+
                                 - Small Tool That Insert After The
                                   Description Of A File The Nr Of
                                 - Creates a Bulletin with the TOP
                                   20 Leeched Files.
                                 - Now you can enter the Confs.
                                   that should not be updated
                                 - CODING BY .\\ichael
drvkit1.zip    34924 08-05-2024 .------------------------------------------.
                                |.---..---..-..---.              |  
                                ||  |\ \| |\ \\  \/  /              |
                                ||  |_| \| |/ /\  \/  /             |
                                |\_____/|_||_\ \____/             |
                                |  - S  O  F  T  W  A  R  E -              |
                                | DRVKiT V1.00 -[Release version]-         |
                                | Leeche it now ! This is our programming- |
                                | kit. Cewl functions & proc. (pascal)     |
                                |                                          |
                                `-[ DRV PCE DEVELLOPMENT 1996 ]------------'
drvslc_21.zip   68781 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                ij   Ĵ    - SOFTWARE
                                DRV-SOFTWARE BRINGS YOU :
                                 Security Level Commenter
                                 You can give the user
                                 about their userlevels...
                                     F R E E W A R E
drv_2dba1.zip   91009 08-05-2024 .-------------------------------.
                                |.---..---..-..---.   |
                                ||  |\ \| |\ \\  \/  /   |
                                ||  |_| \| |/ /\  \/  /  |
                                |\_____/|_||_\ \____/  |
                                |  - S  O  F  T  W  A  R  E -   |
                                | DOORNAME: DRV-BA1.ZIP         |
                                | Cewl !! Great door for BBS-   |
                                | advertisements. Entering adds |
                                | and viewing options.          |
                                | We've put in nice graphics.   |
                                | ANSI/ASCII Supported.         |
                                |                               |
                                `-[ DRV PCE DEVELLOPMENT 1996 ]-'
drv_2dbd11.zip   76023 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 DRV-SOFT ۲          
                                  PC-EXPRESS            ޳
                                 Program   DRV-BAUD 1.10     ޳
                                  Baud-rate door for Pc/x !     
                                 Small update. Changed the nor- 
                                 mal pRESS sPACE to resume into 
                                 an easy to ajust animation !   
                                 It really looks great. This    
                                 door still shows ansi's/ascii's
                                 of the baudrate of the user.   
                                 You can ajust EVERY ansi !!    
drv_2dbs1.zip   74493 08-05-2024 .-------------------------------.
                                |.---..---..-..---.   |
                                ||  |\ \| |\ \\  \/  /   |
                                ||  |_| \| |/ /\  \/  /  |
                                |\_____/|_||_\ \____/  |
                                |  - S  O  F  T  W  A  R  E -   |
                                | DOORNAME: DRV-BS1.EXE         |
                                | Just another bulletin-shower. |
                                | With this one you can specify |
                                | minimal sec.lvl. for each     |
                                | bulletin ! Unlimited Bulls,   |
                                | very easy configuration.      |
                                | ANSI/ASCII support.           |
                                `-[ DRV PCE DEVELLOPMENT 1996 ]-'
drv_2dbug1.zip   70782 08-05-2024 .-------------------------------.
                                |.---..---..-..---.   |
                                ||  |\ \| |\ \\  \/  /   |
                                ||  |_| \| |/ /\  \/  /  |
                                |\_____/|_||_\ \____/  |
                                |  - S  O  F  T  W  A  R  E -   |
                                | DOORNAME: DRV-BUG1.ZIP        |
                                | This was a request i read in  |
                                | PCEMAG12 ! Asked was a bug    |
                                | report door. Well, i wrote a  |
                                | bug report door. Thanx to :   |
                                | THE WEAZEL, for my new .DIZ ! |
                                |                               |
                                `-[ DRV PCE DEVELLOPMENT 1996 ]-'
drv_2dchk1.zip   25375 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 DRV-SOFT ۲          
                                  PC-EXPRESS            ޳
                                 Program   DRV-CHK1          ޳
                                  Tool for PC/x v1.00+          
                                 This is not a door but a tool. 
                                 it checks the PC/x dir for     
                                 missing files/setting errors   
                                 and shows what's wrong. Then   
                                 it gives a comment about how   
                                 serious the problem is.        
drv_2dcht1.zip  104128 08-05-2024 .------------------------------------------.
                                |.---..---..-..---.              |  
                                ||  |\ \| |\ \\  \/  /              |
                                ||  |_| \| |/ /\  \/  /             |
                                |\_____/|_||_\ \____/             |
                                |  - S  O  F  T  W  A  R  E -              |
                                | DOORNAME: DRV-CHT1  LEECHE IT NOW!     |
                                | /X-Styled Splitchatter. Fully configura- |
                                | ble,nice graphixx,Adlib/SB Paging,very   |
                                | good logfile,password option for allways |
                                | and password option for when pager is off|
                                | emergency-chat option, Hotkeys such as : |
                                | Tricks,Screencap/Print,Musicplay,Dosshell|
                                `-[ DRV PCE DEVELLOPMENT 1996 ]------------'
drv_2dcmd1.zip   64065 08-05-2024 .------------------------------------------.
                                |.---..---..-..---.              |  
                                ||  |\ \| |\ \\  \/  /              |
                                ||  |_| \| |/ /\  \/  /             |
                                |\_____/|_||_\ \____/ for PC/x    |
                                |  - S  O  F  T  W  A  R  E -  1.20/1.30(+)|
                                | DRV-CMD1 - Remote TOOL/DOOR              |
                                | This is a cOMMANDcENTRE !?               |
                                | E.g. your cO-sKiZZO can give commands    |
                                | that will be executed at DOS-PROMPT.     |
                                | Ofcourse LOGFiLE is made with executed   |
                                | commands, by who and when. Cewl Graphxx  |
                                | (internal) and control with arrow-keys.  |
                                `-[ DRV PCE DEVELLOPMENT 1996 ]------------'
drv_2dcpe.zip   81653 08-05-2024   ۲ ۲Ŀ
                                 ۲  ۲    ݰ߰
                                 ۲  ۲   ۲ݰ 
                                 ۲  ۲ ۲
                                | Cewlest Pager Ever ! V1.00 FiNAL!   |
                                | This pager has capabilities that    |
                                | no other pager has ! This pager can |
                                | ofcourse page the sysop, but it can |
                                | control 16 digital channels for     |
                                | controlling lights with the TIC     |
                                | technique! All script controlled.   |
                                | Leech and read the .DOX !!! ;))     |
                                `-[ Mad Madness ]---------------------'
drv_2ddn1.zip   90986 08-05-2024 .-------------------------------.
                                |.---..---..-..---.   |
                                ||  |\ \| |\ \\  \/  /   |
                                ||  |_| \| |/ /\  \/  /  |
                                |\_____/|_||_\ \____/  |
                                |  - S  O  F  T  W  A  R  E -   |
                                | DOORNAME: DRV-DN1             |
                                | A Donation door for users who |
                                | are desparate and want to be  |
                                | a member of your BBS. Handles |
                                | ANSI/ASCII,fully configurable |
                                | good DOCS,even adds a line to |
                                | your LOGx.TXT in same style.  |
                                `-[ DRV PCE DEVELLOPMENT 1996 ]-'
drv_2dec2.zip   99987 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 DRV-SOFT ۲          
                                  PC-EXPRESS            ޳
                                 Program   EMERCHAT 2.00     ޳
                                  Emergency Chatter for Pc/x !  
                                 Version 2.0 of the Emergency-  
                                 chatter. Improved LOGFile,     
                                 changed PC-Speaker sound, added
                                 ADLIB/SOUNDBLASTER, now fully  
                                 configurable. You can make your
                                 own ANSI's, This version is    
                                 very much improved !!!         
drv_2dgb1.zip   62520 08-05-2024 .------------------------------------------.
                                |.---..---..-..---.              |  
                                ||  |\ \| |\ \\  \/  /              |
                                ||  |_| \| |/ /\  \/  /             |
                                |\_____/|_||_\ \____/ for PC/x    |
                                |  - S  O  F  T  W  A  R  E -  1.20/1.30(+)|
                                | DOORNAME: DRV-GB1                        |
                                | GoodBye door - arrow_key controlled.     |
                                | Nice internal ansi/ascii's and external  |
                                | logoff ANSI/ASCII's. Randomized "no!, i  |
                                | don't wanna disconnect" messages.        |
                                | (11 different (internal))                |
                                | Compiled with PCEKiT and DRVKiT v1.1 !   |
                                `-[ DRV PCE DEVELLOPMENT 1996 ]------------'
drv_2dims1.zip   67024 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 DRV-SOFT ۲          
                                  PC-EXPRESS            ޳
                                 Program   DRV-IMS1          ޳
                                  Individual Message Sender     
                                 A small door for in the file   
                                 LOGONALL.BAT ! If you want to  
                                 show a message to a few per-   
                                 sons and not an EALL, you must 
                                 have this door ! You can con-  
                                 figure the persons who may see 
                                 the configured text-fire !!!   
drv_2dinfo.zip   65518 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 DRV-SOFT ۲
                                  PC-EXPRESS  ޳
                                Program  :          ޳
                                 INFODOOR V1.0        
                                 Description :        
                                 Gives the user a lot 
                                 of information about 
                                 {Multiple Pages}     
                                 PC/x v1.20 (+)       
drv_2dlc12.zip   52775 08-05-2024 .------------------------------------------.
                                |.---..---..-..---.              |  
                                ||  |\ \| |\ \\  \/  /              |
                                ||  |_| \| |/ /\  \/  /             |
                                |\_____/|_||_\ \____/ for PC/x    |
                                |  - S  O  F  T  W  A  R  E -  1.20/1.30(+)|
                                | DOORNAME: DRV-LC12  LEECHE IT NOW!     |
                                | This is the third version of our great   |
                                | Lastcallersbulletin. Extra futures such  |
                                | as more randomly picked baudrates (fixed |
                                | bug), random comments, internal ansi's/  |
                                | ascii's, and buggy-fixed.                |
                                `-[ DRV PCE DEVELLOPMENT 1996 ]------------'
drv_2dld1.zip   77503 08-05-2024 .------------------------------------------.
                                |.---..---..-..---.              |  
                                ||  |\ \| |\ \\  \/  /              |
                                ||  |_| \| |/ /\  \/  /             |
                                |\_____/|_||_\ \____/ for PC/x    |
                                |  - S  O  F  T  W  A  R  E -  1.20/1.30(+)|
                                | DOORNAME: DRV-LD1   LEECHE IT NOW!     |
                                | Cewl Legal Disclaimer for PC/x !         |
                                | Cewl ANSI/ASCII's (ajustable). Must be   |
                                | placed in LOGONALL.BAT, MULTIxx.BAT,     |
                                | TRBLOGON.FST or TRBLOGON.SLW (wow!)      |
                                | When user doesn't exept rules, he/she    |
                                | will not have access anymore to the bbs! |
                                `-[ DRV PCE DEVELLOPMENT 1996 ]------------'
drv_2dlten.zip   63758 08-05-2024 .------------------------------------------.
                                |.---..---..-..---.              |  
                                ||  |\ \| |\ \\  \/  /              |
                                ||  |_| \| |/ /\  \/  /             |
                                |\_____/|_||_\ \____/ for PC/x    |
                                |  - S  O  F  T  W  A  R  E -  1.20/1.30(+)|
                                | DOORNAME: DRV-LTEN  _/\ LUCKY 10 /\_     |
                                | Cewl GAMBLING DOORGAME (1st one of us!)  |
                                | for PC-Express v1.20/1.30(+) of the very |
                                | cewl gambling game LUCKY 10 (known with  |
                                | regular gamblers?!) User can win/lose    |
                                | time by picking 10 numbers between 1 and |
                                | 80. Computer picks 20 numbers. (See DOX) |
                                `-[ DRV PCE DEVELLOPMENT 1996 ]------------'
drv_2dltn2.zip   89554 08-05-2024 .------------------------------------------.
                                |.---..---..-..---. lEECH_iT!    |  
                                ||  |\ \| |\ \\  \/  /              |
                                ||  |_| \| |/ /\  \/  /             |
                                |\_____/|_||_\ \____/ for PC/x    |
                                |  - S  O  F  T  W  A  R  E -  1.20/1.30(+)|
                                | DOORNAME : DRV-LTN2   aDDiCTiVE !!     |
                                | This is the second version of the LUCKY  |
                                | 10 doorgame ! We have expanded the door  |
                                | so it's now EXACTLY the same as the real |
                                | lucky-10 GAMBLiNG game !! You can choose |
                                | on how many numbers you wanna bet, cewl  |
                                | winningtables for every number, and many |
                                | improvements made ! Now MORE addictive ! |
                                `-[ DRV PCE DEVELLOPMENT 1996 ]------------'
drv_2dml1.zip  100658 08-05-2024 .-------------------------------.
                                |.---..---..-..---.   |
                                ||  |\ \| |\ \\  \/  /   |
                                ||  |_| \| |/ /\  \/  /  |
                                |\_____/|_||_\ \____/  |
                                |  - S  O  F  T  W  A  R  E -   |
                                | DOORNAME: DRV-ML1.EXE         |
                                | Multi-Logon v1.00             |
                                | Create up to 10 different ways|
                                | to logon to your bbs. Also for|
                                | other purposes like doormenu, |
                                | or let the user choose between|
                                | diff.chatters when paging,etc.|
                                `-[ DRV PCE DEVELLOPMENT 1996 ]-'
drv_2dml30.zip   69004 08-05-2024 .-------------------------------.
                                |.---..---..-..---.   |
                                ||  |\ \| |\ \\  \/  /   |
                                ||  |_| \| |/ /\  \/  /  |
                                |\_____/|_||_\ \____/  |
                                |  - S  O  F  T  W  A  R  E -   |
                                | DOORNAME: MultiLogon v3.00    |
                                | 3th version of our multilogon |
                                | door. This one is with arrow  |
                                | control, nice grphx, colors.  |
                                | Give it a try.                |
                                |                               |
                                `-[ DRV PCE DEVELLOPMENT 1996 ]-'
drv_2dp2sx.zip   55073 08-05-2024 .------------------------------------------.
                                |.---..---..-..---.              |  
                                ||  |\ \| |\ \\  \/  /              |
                                ||  |_| \| |/ /\  \/  /             |
                                |\_____/|_||_\ \____/ for PC/x    |
                                |  - S  O  F  T  W  A  R  E -  1.20/1.30(+)|
                                | DOORNAME: DRV-P2SX  BETA               |
                                | Run SYSTEM/X doors under PC-Express !!   |
                                | This tool converts the PC-Express drop-  |
                                | file to the SYSTEM/X dropfile ! So get   |
                                | this one now.                            |
                                `-[ DRV PCE DEVELLOPMENT 1996 ]------------'
drv_2dpa11.zip   49188 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 DRV-SOFT ۲           
                                  PC-EXPRESS             ޳
                                 Program   DRV-PA11           ޳
                                  Pump Advisor for PC/x 1.20(+)  
                                 This door tells the user when   
                                 they have to start pumping or   
                                 if their pump state is good !   
                                 Now with configuration file,    
                                 cewl animation in prompt, and   
                                 you can make the ANSI's yourself
                                 now ! No more internal stuff.   
drv_2dpp10.zip   69099 08-05-2024 .-------------------------------.
                                |.---..---..-..---.   |
                                ||  |\ \| |\ \\  \/  /   |
                                ||  |_| \| |/ /\  \/  /  |
                                |\_____/|_||_\ \____/  |
                                |  - S  O  F  T  W  A  R  E -   |
                                | DOORNAME: PasswordProtection  |
                                | Cewl and nice way to protect  |
                                | certain doors that are not 4  |
                                | all users with a password.    |
                                | Simple installation, internal |
                                | grapx & colors, just cewl.    |
                                `-[ DRV PCE DEVELLOPMENT 1996 ]-'
drv_2drpp1.zip   63224 08-05-2024 .------------------------------------------.
                                |.---..---..-..---.              |  
                                ||  |\ \| |\ \\  \/  /              |
                                ||  |_| \| |/ /\  \/  /             |
                                |\_____/|_||_\ \____/ for PC/x    |
                                |  - S  O  F  T  W  A  R  E -  1.20/1.30(+)|
                                | DOORNAME: DRV-RPP1 -[DOOR]-              |
                                | A Random Password Picker. The user must  |
                                | enter his old password and a new unique  |
                                | password is selected for him, and if he  |
                                | doesn't like the password, it selects    |
                                | another unique password. (they are al-   |
                                | most impossible to guess !!)             |
                                `-[ DRV PCE DEVELLOPMENT 1996 ]------------'
drv_2dsj1.zip   74453 08-05-2024 .------------------------------------------.
                                |.---..---..-..---.              |  
                                ||  |\ \| |\ \\  \/  /              |
                                ||  |_| \| |/ /\  \/  /             |
                                |\_____/|_||_\ \____/ for PC/x    |
                                |  - S  O  F  T  W  A  R  E -  1.20/1.30(+)|
                                | DOORNAME : DRV-SJ1      fOR_lOGONALL !   |
                                | This is not a doorgame as doorgames are  |
                                | usual presented. It's a "game" for the   |
                                | LOGONALL.BAT but users don't play it ?!  |
                                | Every time a user logs on 1 minute time  |
                                | is reduced and added to a pot. Once in   |
                                | a while it pays out. (Depending on how   |
                                | many users logged on since last payout)  |
                                | Door also "pays out" when pot is more    |
                                | then 200 minutes (201 ?)                 |
                                `-[ DRV PCE DEVELLOPMENT 1996 ]------------'
drv_2dskm1.zip   91804 08-05-2024 .------------------------------------------.
                                |.---..---..-..---.              |  
                                ||  |\ \| |\ \\  \/  /              |
                                ||  |_| \| |/ /\  \/  /             |
                                |\_____/|_||_\ \____/ for PC/x    |
                                |  - S  O  F  T  W  A  R  E -  1.20/1.30(+)|
                                | DOORNAME: DRV-SKM1  AWESOME !!         |
                                | It's a SKiZZOMenu (for local & remote)   |
                                | You can use it for making a "secret"     |
                                | part in your bbs ;) Futures : LOGIN in   |
                                | same style as PC-Express, LOGONALL comp. |
                                | doors in the menu, MENUALL & stuff in it |
                                | too, newuser apply, systempasswrd, etc.  |
                                `-[ DRV PCE DEVELLOPMENT 1996 ]------------'
drv_2dslc2.zip   44985 08-05-2024   ۲ ۲Ŀ
                                 ۲  ۲    ݰ߰
                                 ۲  ۲   ۲ݰ 
                                 ۲  ۲ ۲
                                | SECURiTY LEVEL COMMENTER V2.00      |
                                | --> STRONGLY IMPROVED SiNCE LAST    |
                                |     VERSION !!!                     |
                                |                                     |
                                | Version 2.00 of our SecLvlCommenter.|
                                | Cewl graphx, much better with CFG   |
                                | & stuff. (LOGONALL.BAT DOOR)        |
                                |                                     |
                                `-[ Mad Madness ]---------------------'
drv_2dtrd1.zip   71290 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 DRV-SOFT ۲        
                                  PC-EXPRESS          ޳
                                 Program                   ޳
                                  TradeCentre v1.0 !!         
                                 Let the user trade with time 
                                 and bytes ! Users can sell   
                                 time in trade for upload-    
                                 bytes, and the users can     
                                 sell their upload bytes and  
                                 buy some extra time ! Real   
drv_2ducu1.zip   70529 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 DRV-SOFT ۲          
                                  PC-EXPRESS            ޳
                                 Program   DRV-UCU V1.00     ޳
                                  User Checkup Utility v1.00 !  
                                 Get rid of your fake users !   
                                 install this door. It randomly 
                                 picks a user (so not every user
                                 will be questioned !) and asks 
                                 them for the date of birth.    
                                 Well, if they do it wrong they 
                                 are thrown off the board :-)   
dr_2dfaxdo.zip   10551 08-05-2024    ____  ______________________  __
                                  / __ \/  _/ ___/  _/_  __/ _ \/ /
                                 / /_/ _/ // (__/ /  / / / _  / /__
                                /_____/___/\___/___/ /_/ /_//_/____/
                                       ___   ___ ___ ______  __
                                      / _ \ / __/  _/ ___/ |/ /
                                     / _, // _/_/ // (_/   /
                                    /_/ |_/___/___/\___/_/|_/  Kf.
                                LEECH THIS DOCUMENT HOW TO USE FAX
                                UNDER PCE WITH ROCKWELL MODEMS LIKE
                                  ALL DONE BY  KNiGHT FiGHTER
                                [CoURirS oF  DGTL RiG ]
ev_2ddoor2.zip   65668 08-05-2024  Ŀ
                                   Ĵ          Ĵ  
                                   Ĵ         Ĵ  Ĵ
                                 E  V  O  L  V  E  R  B  B  S
                                   PcEdoor 2 Doorinfo.def  
                                   PcEdoor 2 Door.sys      
hsa_21ap14.zip   64098 08-05-2024 .__/\__------------------------------.
                                |\ Oo /  hysteriapresents!        |
                                |/_@ _\                              |
                                |..\/..applier v1.o4 fixed for the !|
                                |:::::pc-express software. by mS!.ַ|
                                |::::/\___ ___/\_______/\_______/\...|
                                |:---\_   |   \_       _/       _/--:|
                                |:mS!-/       /    --\   /-\  \---:|
                                |:--_/       _/         \_      \_-:|
                                |:..\       \---       /        /.:|
hsa_21nuvf.zip   60608 08-05-2024     ___.         _________.  ___________.
                                +sD+\  l_________\___ /___|_ \   _      |
                                  _/          \     /     _/    _     __|__
                                 \\____l_______\___/______\_____//____\o. /
                                  \_     hysteriapresents!         \ /
                                   //\                                 _Y
                                  //_  nUVfORM v1.o fOR pC/x v1.2o+  +_j|
                                 /    nEW uSER vOTiNG fORM! by mS!.... _|
hsa_21on12.zip   70875 08-05-2024 .__/\__------------------------------.
                                |\ Oo /  hysteriapresents!        |
                                |/_@ _\                              |
                                |..\/..hsa oneliner v1.o2 for pc/x+!|
                                |:::::in ami/x style!.     by mS!.ַ|
                                |::::/\___ ___/\_______/\_______/\...|
                                |:---\_   |   \_       _/       _/--:|
                                |:mS!-/       /    --\   /-\  \---:|
                                |:--_/       _/         \_      \_-:|
                                |:..\       \---       /        /.:|
hsa_21pcr2.zip   23006 08-05-2024 .__/\__------------------------------.
                                |\ Oo /  hysteriapresents!        |
                                |/_@ _\                              |
                                |..\/..pce-read v2.o.Makes a userlst|
                                |:::::to pc-express v1.20+.by mS!.ַ|
                                |::::/\___ ___/\_______/\_______/\...|
                                |:---\_   |   \_       _/       _/--:|
                                |:mS!-/       /    --\   /-\  \---:|
                                |:--_/       _/         \_      \_-:|
                                |:..\       \---       /        /.:|
ifc_tl1b.zip   59024 08-05-2024                 
                                  mNt             presents
                                  THE_LIST v1.0b for PCE v1.2 and v1.3  
                                  All coding/work done by DOC HOLiDAY!  
                                                Released on 20.01.1996  
mor_2dlff.zip   21858 08-05-2024  __  __ _____ ____  ____ _____ __ __ __  __
                                |  ||  |     | .. \|    |     |__|__|  ||  |
                                |  \/  |  |  | ..  | |__|  |  |  |  |  ..  |
                                |  ||  |  |  | | \ | |  \  |  |  |  |  ||  |
                                |__||__|____/|_| |_|__  |_____/. | .|__||__|
                                 :-))) Morgoth (((-:  \_| Lord of Darkness
                                *** Presents :                           ***
                                *** Language files in French for PC-X 1.3***
                                *** Version 0.999999999999b              ***
                                ===========> Greetz fly to All  <===========
                                [======== Evil Empire BBS Belgium =========]
napschat.zip  115697 08-05-2024    _____ :_:______________________
                                  N|    \| ___\___  _____   _____/
                                  A|  \  \ | / __/   ___/   /__  \_
                                  P|   \   |/  \_     _____/  |   /
                                  S|   |\__|\__/ ___/   :  \_____/onx
                                .:NATiON OF ART PRODUCTiONS PRESENTS:.
                                  THE NAPS-CHAT v1.0 FOR PC/X v1.XX+
                                 NiCE RAD-PAGER (SOUNDCARD REQ.) WiTH
                                 iNTERNAL LiNE-CHAT! LiSTEN TO SOUNDS
                                 WHiLE CHATTiNG (SOUNDCARD REQ.) !!!!
                                 -(CODED BY LATE RiSER OF NAPS 1996)-  
                                 /\-DiGiTAL EMPiRE - NAPS WORLD HQ-/\ 
napslaop.zip   41051 08-05-2024 @X0F   @X0D_____ :_:______________________
                                @X0D  @X08N@X0D|    \| ___\___  _____   ____
                                @X0D  @X08A@X0D|  \  \ | / __/   ___/   /__  \
                                @X0D  @X08P@X0D|   \   |/  \_     _____/  |  
                                @X0D  @X08S@X0D|   |\__|\__/ ___/   :  \____
                                @X0F.:NATiON OF ART PRODUCTiONS PRESENTS:.
                                 @X03     @X0BLAST-ONE v1.1 FOR PCE V1.O+
                                 @X0B @X07SHOWS THE LAST USER WHO WAS ONLiNE
                                        VERY CEWL ANZY D-SiGN
                                           REQUiRES FOSSiL
                                @X07      CODED BY LATE RiSER OF NAPS
                                @X03 @X08PASSED NAPS WHQ - DiGiTAL EMPiRE BBS
napsstat.zip   41122 08-05-2024    _____ :_:______________________
                                  N|    \| ___\___  _____   _____/
                                  A|  \  \ | / __/   ___/   /__  \_
                                  P|   \   |/  \_     _____/  |   /
                                  S|   |\__|\__/ ___/   :  \_____/onx
                                .:NATiON OF ART PRODUCTiONS PRESENTS:.
                                     THE STATZ v1.0 for PCE v1.2+
                                          PHATT STATUZ TOOLS
                                        WiTH CEWL ANZY D-ZiGN!
                                    Coded by Late Riser of NAPS
napstops.zip  113920 08-05-2024    _____ :_:______________________
                                  N|    \| ___\___  _____   _____/
                                  A|  \  \ | / __/   ___/   /__  \_
                                  P|   \   |/  \_     _____/  |   /
                                  S|   |\__|\__/ ___/   :  \_____/onx
                                .:NATiON OF ART PRODUCTiONS PRESENTS:.
                                                NAPS TOP
                                          REALTiME TOP USERS
                                   (FiLES UP/DOWN - BYTES UP/DOWN!)
                                  (TOP CALLER - TOP MESSAGE WRiTERS)
                                     Coded by Late Riser of NAPS!
naps_2ddiz.zip   15728 08-05-2024    _____ :_:______________________
                                  N|    \| ___\___  _____   _____/
                                  A|  \  \ | / __/   ___/   /__  \_
                                  P|   \   |/  \_     _____/  |   /
                                  S|   |\__|\__/ ___/   :  \_____/onx
                                .:NATiON OF ART PRODUCTiONS PRESENTS:.
                                   File Id Time/Date Extractor v1.0
                                     Add Time/Date on File_id.Diz
                                  Without changing the Ids Time/Date
                                      Coded by Late Riser of NAPS
naps_ld_21.zip  111561 08-05-2024    _____ :_:______________________
                                  N|    \| ___\___  _____   _____/
                                  A|  \  \ | / __/   ___/   /__  \_
                                  P|   \   |/  \_     _____/  |   /
                                  S|   |\__|\__/ ___/   :  \_____/onx
                                .:NATiON OF ART PRODUCTiONS PRESENTS:.
                                       !!! BUGFiXED VERSiON !!!
                                     LAST 10 DUDES WHO WAS ONLiNE
                                      RELATiVE CEWL ANSI D-SiGN!
                                     Coded by Late Riser of NAPS!
naps_mat.zip  196521 08-05-2024    _____ :_:______________________
                                  N|    \| ___\___  _____   _____/
                                  A|  \  \ | / __/   ___/   /__  \_
                                  P|   \   |/  \_     _____/  |   /
                                  S|   |\__|\__/ ___/   :  \_____/onx
                                .:NATiON OF ART PRODUCTiONS PRESENTS:.
                                 G-MAT V2.0 A PCEXPRESS LOGOFF MATRiX
                                     THE BEST LOGOFF MATRiX EVER!
                                        WiTH CEWL ANZY D-ZiGN!
                                          100% CONFIGURABLE
                                     Coded by Late Riser of NAPS
naps_nu.zip   112825 08-05-2024    _____ :_:______________________
                                  N|    \| ___\___  _____   _____/
                                  A|  \  \ | / __/   ___/   /__  \_
                                  P|   \   |/  \_     _____/  |   /
                                  S|   |\__|\__/ ___/   :  \_____/onx
                                .:NATiON OF ART PRODUCTiONS PRESENTS:.
                                        ScriptFiles Replacement
                                          SourceCode included
                                      Coded by Late Riser of NAPS
naps_pcb.zip   82050 08-05-2024    _____ :_:______________________
                                  N|    \| ___\___  _____   _____/
                                  A|  \  \ | / __/   ___/   /__  \_
                                  P|   \   |/  \_     _____/  |   /
                                  S|   |\__|\__/ ___/   :  \_____/onx
                                .:NATiON OF ART PRODUCTiONS PRESENTS:.
                                        !!! BUGFiXED VERSiON !!!
                                      PCE2PCB LOGON SEQUENCE V2.02
                                  Imitated PcBoard Login and Paranoia
                                          Logon System v1.60
                                      Coded by Late Riser of NAPS
naps_pro.zip  126138 08-05-2024    _____ :_:______________________
                                  N|    \| ___\___  _____   _____/
                                  A|  \  \ | / __/   ___/   /__  \_
                                  P|   \   |/  \_     _____/  |   /
                                  S|   |\__|\__/ ___/   :  \_____/onx
                                .:NATiON OF ART PRODUCTiONS PRESENTS:.
                                         THE PROTECTiON! V1.0
                                         THiS TOOL OFFERS YOU
                                    3 KiNDS OF PASSWORD PROTECTiON
                                     Coded by Late Riser of NAPS!
naps_s_21_21.zip  169121 08-05-2024    _____ :_:______________________
                                  N|    \| ___\___  _____   _____/
                                  A|  \  \ | / __/   ___/   /__  \_
                                  P|   \   |/  \_     _____/  |   /
                                  S|   |\__|\__/ ___/   :  \_____/onx
                                .:NATiON OF ART PRODUCTiONS PRESENTS:.
                                       !!! BUG FiXED VERSiON !!!
                                          NAPS STATiSTiC V1.0
                                       A "S"-COMMAND REPLACEMENTS
                                    USEREDiTOR DESiGN + CRAZY D-SiGN
                                     Coded by Late Riser of NAPS!
netmail.zip    65005 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                ij   Ĵ    - SOFTWARE
                                DRV-SOFTWARE BRINGS YOU :
                                Netmailzz ! Show the user
                                some information about what
                                ever you like in a message
                                alike style (as RA202) and
                                the users cannot reply or
                                delete it ! (i hated it when
                                i wrote echomails (EALL) and
                                users deleted it (it was
                                gone) so i wrote this one.
                                     F R E E W A R E
obg10.zip      38735 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                ij   Ĵ    - SOFTWARE
                                DRV-SOFTWARE BRINGS YOU :
                                OBG v1.00 !
                                This is an online batch
                                generator for beginning
                                syzogods with PC-Express.
                                It creates a .BAT file with
                                correct switches for
                                PC-Express. You can enter
                                what you want and don't want
                                to have, and this program
                                creates the batch.
                                     F R E E W A R E
pager220.zip   81896 08-05-2024 @X0F   @X0D_____ :_:______________________
                                @X0D  @X08N@X0D|    \| ___\___  _____   ____
                                @X0D  @X08A@X0D|  \  \ | / __/   ___/   /__  \
                                @X0D  @X08P@X0D|   \   |/  \_     _____/  |  
                                @X0D  @X08S@X0D|   |\__|\__/ ___/   :  \____
                                @X0F.:NATiON OF ART PRODUCTiONS PRESENTS:.
                                @X03     @X0BNAPS-PAGER v2.0 FOR PCE V1.O+
                                @X0B @X07PHATT HSC-SOUND PAGER W. KEWL DESiGN
                                @X07    REQUiRES FOSSiL AND SOUNDCARD!
                                @X07      CODED BY LATE RiSER OF NAPS
                                @X03 @X08PASSED NAPS WHQ - DiGiTAL EMPiRE BBS
pce2door.zip   68610 08-05-2024  Ŀ
                                   Ĵ          Ĵ  
                                   Ĵ         Ĵ  Ĵ
                                 E  V  O  L  V  E  R  B  B  S
                                   PcEdoor 2 Doorinfo.def  
                                   PcEdoor 2 Door.sys      
pcemag01.zip   32199 08-05-2024    ܲ߱ The Doctor, Pygor & MugSHot
                                 ۲   ޱ ---------------------------
                                  ߲    PCE-Magazine #001; released
                                     ܲ   April 25, 1995. A monthly
                                   ܲ߰ܲ   magazine for the PCE-scene.
                                 ܲ  ޲ Unzip with the "-d" option.
                                ޲ ܲ---------------------------
                                ߲ ߱ -TReMe BBS      ( PCE DHQ )
pcemag02.zip   64432 08-05-2024    ܲ߱ PCE-Magazine  / May '95.
                                 ۲   ޱ ----------------------------
                                  ߲    A monthly zine  for the PCE-
                                     ܲ   scene. News from the author,
                                   ܲ߰ܲ   bug & tool reports,  source-
                                 ܲ  ޲ section, coded tools etc.
                                ޲ ܲ----------------------------
                                ߲ ߱ -TReMe BBS      ( PCE DHQ ).
pcemag03.zip   69633 08-05-2024    ܲ߱ PCE-Magazine  / June '95
                                 ۲   ޱ ----------------------------
                                  ߲    A monthly zine  for the PCE-
                                     ܲ   scene. News from the author,
                                   ܲ߰ܲ   bug & tool reports,  source-
                                 ܲ  ޲ section, PCE-Network(!) etc.
                                ޲ ܲ----------------------------
                                 ߲ ߱ -TReMe BBS      ( PCE DHQ ).
pcemag04.zip   80041 08-05-2024    ܲ߱ PCE-Magazine  / July '95
                                 ۲   ޱ ----------------------------
                                  ߲    A monthly zine  for the PCE-
                                     ܲ   scene. News from the author,
                                   ܲ߰ܲ   bug & tool reports,  source-
                                 ܲ  ޲ section, PCE-Network(!) etc.
                                ޲ ܲ----------------------------
                                 ߲ ߱ -TReMe BBS      ( PCE DHQ ).
pcemag05.zip  105501 08-05-2024    ܲ߱ PCE-Magazine  / Aug. '95
                                 ۲   ޱ ----------------------------
                                  ߲    A monthly zine  for the PCE-
                                     ܲ   scene. News from the author,
                                   ܲ߰ܲ   bug & tool reports,  source-
                                 ܲ  ޲ section, PCE-Network(!) etc.
                                ޲ ܲ----------------------------
                                 ߲ ߱ -TReMe BBS      ( PCE DHQ ).
pcemag06.zip   85262 08-05-2024    ܲ߱ PC/X-Magazine  / Sep.'95
                                 ۲   ޱ ----------------------------
                                  ߲    A monthly zine for the PC/X-
                                     ܲ   scene. News from the author,
                                   ܲ߰ܲ   bug & tool reports,  source-
                                 ܲ  ޲ section, PC/X-Network! etc.
                                ޲ ܲ----------------------------
                                 ߲ ߱ -TReMe BBS     ( PC/X DHQ ).
pcemag07.zip   90093 08-05-2024    ܲ߱ PC/X-Magazine  / Oct.'95
                                 ۲   ޱ ----------------------------
                                  ߲    A monthly zine for the PC/X-
                                     ܲ   scene. News from the author,
                                   ܲ߰ܲ   bug & tool reports,  source-
                                 ܲ  ޲ section, PC/X-Network! etc.
                                ޲ ܲ----------------------------
                                 ߲ ߱ -TReMe BBS     ( PC/X DHQ ).
pcemag08.zip   94606 08-05-2024    ܲ߱ PC/X-Magazine  / Nov.'95
                                 ۲   ޱ ----------------------------
                                  ߲    A monthly zine for the PC/X-
                                     ܲ   scene. News from the author,
                                   ܲ߰ܲ   bug & tool reports,  source-
                                 ܲ  ޲ section, PC/X-Network! etc.
                                ޲ ܲ----------------------------
                                 ߲ ߱ -TReMe BBS     ( PC/X DHQ ).
pcemag09.zip   75002 08-05-2024    ܲ߱ PC/X-Magazine  / Dec.'95
                                 ۲   ޱ ----------------------------
                                  ߲    A monthly zine for the PC/X-
                                     ܲ   scene. News and other infor-
                                   ܲ߰ܲ   mation, bug- & tool-reports,
                                 ܲ  ޲ sources, PC/X-net etc.
                                ޲ ܲ----------------------------
                                 ߲ ߱ -TReMe BBS       (PC/X DHQ).
pcemag10.zip   91281 08-05-2024                            .   
                                - --------------------- -./- -
                                    PC/X Magazine #010 // A monthly zine
                                 - --------------------//- - for the pc/x
                                   scene. News and other information, bug
                                   and tool reports, released utilities,
                                   sources, ASCII/ANSI, pc/x network etc.
                                   ------------------------ (PC/X DHQ) --
pcemag11.zip   95331 08-05-2024                            .   
                                - --------------------- -./- -
                                    PC/X Magazine #011 // A monthly zine
                                 - --------------------//- - for the pc/x
                                   scene. News and other information, bug
                                   and tool reports, released utilities,
                                   sources, ASCII/ANSI, pc/x network etc.
                                   ------------------------ (PC/X DHQ) --
pcemag12.zip  134416 08-05-2024                            . 
                                - --------------------- -./- -
                                    PC/X Magazine #012 // A monthly zine
                                 - --------------------//- - for the pc/x
                                   scene. News and other information, bug
                                   and tool reports, released utilities,
                                   sources, ASCII/ANSI, pc/x network etc.
                                   ---------------------- ( PC/X DHQ ) --
pcemag13.zip   70888 08-05-2024                            . 
                                - --------------------- -./- -
                                    PC/X Magazine #013 // A monthly zine
                                 - --------------------//- - for the pc/x
                                   scene. News and other information, bug
                                   and tool reports, released utilities,
                                   sources, ASCII/ANSI, pc/x network etc.
                                   ---------------------- ( PC/X DHQ ) --
pcemag14.zip   94532 08-05-2024                            .   
                                - --------------------- -./- -
                                    PC/X Magazine #014 // A monthly zine
                                 - --------------------//- - for the pc/x
                                   scene. News and other information, bug
                                   & tool reports, released tools, source
                                   files, ASCII/ANSI, the new pc/x v1.30.
                                   --------( X-TReMe BBS > PC/X DHQ )----
pcemag15.zip   83503 08-05-2024                            .  
                                - --------------------- -./- -
                                    PC/X Magazine #015 // A monthly zine
                                 - --------------------//- - for the pc/x
                                   scene. News and other information, bug
                                   & tool reports, released tools, source
                                   files, ASCII/ANSI, the new PC/X v1.40.
                                   ---------( X-TReMe BBS > PC/X DHQ )---
pcemag16.zip  101137 08-05-2024 imd___   ___ __    ___ ____ ___    __
                                 _/ _/__/ _// /__,_\_ \\_  |__/___/ /__,
                                |   \  |  |   -' | _/   |  |  |  /  -' |
                                |______|__|______|______|__|__| /______|
                                 ____   __    ___   __  ___   \/     ,
                                .\_  |_/ /__ _\_ \_|  \/  / --PC/X-- |
                                : |  |   -' | _/   |  \/  | Magazine |
                                )-|__|______|______|--'|__| ---------+
                                | A monthly zine for the pc/x scene. |
                                l News  and other information, bug & :
                                ! tool reports, released  tools, src :
                                : files, ASCII/ANSI, the new v1.40+. ;
                                |  _ .  _                            |
                                    (_)  .
pcemag17.zip   71447 08-05-2024 imd___   ___ __    ___ ____ ___    __
                                 _/ _/__/ _// /__,_\_ \\_  |__/___/ /__,
                                |   \  |  |   -' | _/   |  |  |  /  -' |
                                |______|__|______|______|__|__| /______|
                                 ____   __    ___   __  ___   \/     ,
                                .\_  |_/ /__ _\_ \_|  \/  / --PC/X-- |
                                : |  |   -' | _/   |  \/  | Magazine |
                                )-|__|______|______|--'|__| ---------+
                                | A monthly zine for the pc/x scene. |
                                l News  and other information, bug & :
                                ! tool reports, released  tools, src :
                                : files, ASCII/ANSI, the new v1.40+. ;
                                |  _ .  _                            |
                                    (_)  .
pcemag18.zip   53572 08-05-2024 imd___   ___ __    ___ ____ ___    __
                                 _/ _/__/ _// /__,_\_ \\_  |__/___/ /__,
                                |   \  |  |   -' | _/   |  |  |  /  -' |
                                |______|__|______|______|__|__| /______|
                                 ____   __    ___   __  ___   \/     ,
                                .\_  |_/ /__ _\_ \_|  \/  / --PC/X-- |
                                : |  |   -' | _/   |  \/  | Magazine |
                                )-|__|______|______|--'|__| ---------+
                                | A monthly zine for the pc/x scene. |
                                l News  and other information, bug & :
                                ! tool reports, released  tools, src :
                                : files, ASCII/ANSI, the new v1.40+. ;
                                |  _ .  _                            |
                                    (_)  .
pcemag19.zip   65367 08-05-2024 imd___   ___ __    ___ ____ ___    __
                                 _/ _/__/ _// /__,_\_ \\_  |__/___/ /__,
                                |   \  |  |   -' | _/   |  |  |  /  -' |
                                |______|__|______|______|__|__| /______|
                                 ____   __    ___   __  ___   \/     ,
                                .\_  |_/ /__ _\_ \_|  \/  / --PC/X-- |
                                : |  |   -' | _/   |  \/  | Magazine |
                                )-|__|______|______|--'|__| ---------+
                                | A monthly zine for the pc/x scene. |
                                l News  and other information, bug & :
                                ! tool reports, released  tools, src :
                                : files, ASCII/ANSI, the new v1.40+. ;
                                |  _ .  _                            |
                                    (_)  .
pcemag20.zip   59889 08-05-2024 imd___   ___ __    ___ ____ ___    __
                                 _/ _/__/ _// /__,_\_ \\_  |__/___/ /__,
                                |   \  |  |   -' | _/   |  |  |  /  -' |
                                |______|__|______|______|__|__| /______|
                                 ____   __    ___   __  ___   \/     ,
                                .\_  |_/ /__ _\_ \_|  \/  / --PC/X-- |
                                : |  |   -' | _/   |  \/  | Magazine |
                                )-|__|______|______|--'|__| ---------+
                                | A monthly zine for the pc/x scene. |
                                l News  and other information, bug & :
                                ! tool reports, released  tools, src :
                                : files, ASCII/ANSI, the new v1.40+. ;
                                |  _ .  _                            |
                                    (_)  .
pcemag21.zip   60585 08-05-2024 imd___   ___ __    ___ ____ ___    __
                                 _/ _/__/ _// /__,_\_ \\_  |__/___/ /__,
                                |   \  |  |   -' | _/   |  |  |  /  -' |
                                |______|__|______|______|__|__| /______|
                                 ____   __    ___   __  ___   \/     ,
                                .\_  |_/ /__ _\_ \_|  \/  / --PC/X-- |
                                : |  |   -' | _/   |  \/  | Magazine |
                                )-|__|______|______|--'|__| ---------+
                                | A monthly zine for the pc/x scene. |
                                l News & other information, bug/tool :
                                ! reports, releases, sources, ASCII/ :
                                : ANSI, the new v1.40+, pc/x homepa- ;
                                |  _ .  _ ges, FTP, ISDN etc.        |
                                    (_)  .
pcemag22.zip   78580 08-05-2024 imd___   ___ __    ___ ____ ___    __
                                 _/ _/__/ _// /__,_\_ \\_  |__/___/ /__,
                                |   \  |  |   -' | _/   |  |  |  /  -' |
                                |______|__|______|______|__|__| /______|
                                 ____   __    ___   __  ___   \/     ,
                                .\_  |_/ /__ _\_ \_|  \/  / --PC/X-- |
                                : |  |   -' | _/   |  \/  | Magazine |
                                )-|__|______|______|--'|__| ---------+
                                | A monthly zine for the pc/x scene. |
                                l News & other information, bug/tool :
                                ! reports, releases, sources, ASCII/ :
                                : ANSI, the new v1.40, FTP,  Usenet, ;
                                |  _ .  _  Homepages, Internet, etc. |
                                    (_)  .
pcemag23.zip   82622 08-05-2024 imd___   ___ __    ___ ____ ___    __
                                 _/ _/__/ _// /__,_\_ \\_  |__/___/ /__,
                                |   \  |  |   -' | _/   |  |  |  /  -' |
                                |______|__|______|______|__|__| /______|
                                 ____   __    ___   __  ___   \/     ,
                                .\_  |_/ /__ _\_ \_|  \/  / --PC/X-- |
                                : |  |   -' | _/   |  \/  | Magazine |
                                )-|__|______|______|--'|__| ---------+
                                | A monthly zine for the pc/x scene. |
                                l News & other information, bug/tool :
                                ! reports, releases, sources, ASCII/ :
                                : ANSI, the new v1.40, FTP,  Usenet, ;
                                |  _ .  _  Homepages, Internet, etc. |
                                    (_)  .
pcemag24.zip   66894 08-05-2024 imd___   ___ __    ___ ____ ___    __
                                 _/ _/__/ _// /__,_\_ \\_  |__/___/ /__,
                                |   \  |  |   -' | _/   |  |  |  /  -' |
                                |______|__|______|______|__|__| /______|
                                 ____   __    ___   __  ___   \/     ,
                                .\_  |_/ /__ _\_ \_|  \/  / --PC/X-- |
                                : |  |   -' | _/   |  \/  | Magazine |
                                )-|__|______|______|--'|__| ---------+
                                | A monthly zine for the pc/x scene. |
                                l News & other information, bug/tool :
                                ! reports, releases, sources, ASCII/ :
                                : ANSI, the new v1.40, FTP,  Usenet, ;
                                |  _ .  _  Homepages, Internet, etc. |
                                    (_)  .
pcesrtv2.zip   15810 08-05-2024 
ro_2dpager.zip   81132 08-05-2024 @X02   
                                @X02          @X07  rEtRo oF
                                @X02             @X07 PAC.OBT
                                @X02                  ܰ @X01
                                @X02   ۲          
                                @X02          ߱߰    
                                @X02 sM!tL             
                                @X02(c)1996  ۲     ܲ 
                                @X01:          @X02                    
                                @X01 @X07pRESENTZ @X02 @X07'SUPER PAGE PRO'
                                4 PCX @X01:
                                @X01+--   @X02@X01             
                                @X01| @X07the best pc/x pager ever! featurin
                                @X01:      @X07a totally new page idea!     
                                @X01       --+[o1/o1]
sos_conv.zip   22033 08-05-2024        _____  _____  _____
                                      /  ___\/  _  \/  ___\
                                 \___  \  <_>  \___  \ Ŀ
                                |     \_____/\_____/\_____/^hq  |
                                :                               :
                                :    fILES.BBS <-> dIRx.TXT     :
                                .    pROBOARD <-> pC-eXPRESS    .
                                .          cONVERTER            .
                                :                               :
                                :     wRITTEN bY hOULQ'96       :
                                |                               |
                                |  (c) sOS pCE cODING dIVISION  |
                                | pCE sUPPORT cENTER lUXEMBOURG |
sos_disp.zip   58319 08-05-2024           _______________  _______
                                        _/        /   _  \/       \
                                        \   /____/   /   \   /____/
                                .      _/___   \    /   /____   \    .
                                :     /    /   /  _/   /    /   /^HQ :
                                |             DSPlY v1             |
                                |                                    |
                                |     DSPLYS ANSis T THE SR!    |
                                |          FR P-EXPRSS!           |
                                |                                    |
                                |       CD BY HlQ / sS'96       |
                                |       SS PC CDG DVS      |
sos_exp.zip    75893 08-05-2024           _______________  _______
                                        _/        /   _  \/       \
                                        \   /____/   /   \   /____/
                                .      _/___   \    /   /____   \    .
                                :     /    /   /  _/   /    /   /^HQ :
                                |       XPeRT MoDe ToGGLe V1.01      |
                                |                                    |
                                |      FULL CoNFiGURaBLe aND WiTH    |
                                |        MULTiLaNGUaGe SUPPoRT       |
                                |   USe THe CURSoR KeYS To CHaNGe    |
                                |         eXPeRT SeTTiNGS            |
                                |                                    |
                                |         FoR PC-eXPReSS 1.2+        |
                                |                                    |
                                |      CoDe BY HoULQ / SoS'96        |
                                |   LUXeMBoURG PCe SUPPoRT CeNTeR    |
sos_lg.zip     68541 08-05-2024     ________         ________
                                   /        \  ____ /        \
                                   \    \___/ /     \    \___/
                                     \___   \|  /\  |\___   \
                                     /   \    \ \_/  |/   \    \
                                     \________/\_BBS/ \diViSioN/
                                    LoGoFF VRSioN 1.02 FoR PC   
                                     a 'G' cOMMANd rEPLACEMENt    
                                  cONTiNiG  rL Wl oLiR 
                                     (c) by LCK XE & hOULq     
                                    lh iT, fUk iT, sUk iT    
                                    wHtVr, loOk t iT!         
sos_req.zip    78485 08-05-2024           _______________  _______
                                        _/        /   _  \/       \
                                        \   /____/   /   \   /____/
                                .      _/___   \    /   /____   \    .
                                :     /    /   /  _/   /    /   /^HQ :
                                |        - aZCee ReQUeSTeR -         |
                                |                                    |
                                |     FULLY CoNFiGURaBLe aND WiTH    |
                                |        MULTiLaNGUaGe SUPPoRT       |
                                |          FoR PC-eXPReSS 1.2+       |
                                |                                    |
                                |       CoDe BY HoULQ / SoS'96       |
                                |   LUXeMBoURG PCe SUPPoRT CeNTeR    |
sos_user.zip   76453 08-05-2024           _______________  _______
                                        _/        /   _  \/       \
                                        \   /____/   /   \   /____/
                                .      _/___   \    /   /____   \    .
                                :     /    /   /  _/   /    /   /^HQ :
                                |   'W' CoMMaND RePLaCeMeNT V1.01    |
                                |                                    |
                                |      FULL CoNFiGURaBLe aND WiTH    |
                                |         MULTiLaNGUaGe SUPPoRT      |
                                |          FoR PC-eXPReSS 1.2+       |
                                |                                    |
                                |       CoDe BY HoULQ / SoS'96       |
                                |   LUXeMBoURG PCe SUPPoRT CeNTeR    |
td_wall3.zip   83893 08-05-2024    _______     ________
                                    \/      \     \ ĸ
                                | <_______/_/\_\__/\___\__\__> |
                                 :::::::  tiLl^dAwn  ::::::::
                                /                             \
                                    .aNothEr wAll v3.0.     
                                 gReat wAll wiTh mAny oPtiOns 
                                      (c) bY hOulq'96         
                                .::::::::: fOr pC/X :::::::::::.
txc_bm10.zip   69407 08-05-2024 <=======[BULLETiN MENU o.0]=======>
                                * WORKiNG BUT UNFiNiSHED 'b' DOOR *
                                * SOURCECODE iNCLUDED - CONTiNiUE *
                                * _______ ____  /\  /\       ____ *
                                -/:.     Y '  \/' \/. \--O--/ __ \-
                                 \_/|.|\_/./\' \. .   / /^\| |  \/
                                    | | \ .\/  /      \|:. |.|__/\
                                ---/___\-\____/\ `/\' /-\_/-\____/-
                                <=[DOC H.]======\/==\/=[03/23/96]=>
txc_dsp_21.zip   65084 08-05-2024 <===[DiSPLAY v1.0 FOR PCE v1.2]===>
                                * SHOWS UP TO 10 ANSI/ASCII FILES *
                                * _______ ____  /\  /\       ____ *
                                -/:.     Y '  \/' \/. \--O--/ __ \-
                                 \_/|.|\_/./\' \. .   / /^\| |  \/
                                    | | \ .\/  /      \|:. |.|__/\
                                ---/___\-\____/\ `/\' /-\_/-\____/-
                                <=[DOC H.]======\/==\/=[03/08/96]=>
txc_kn10.zip   79465 08-05-2024 <====[ KNOWLEDGE-CHECK  v1.0 ]====>
                                * NewUser's have to give the full *
                                * name of groups like DNS,RZR,PTG *
                                * or ACiD. Also Files & Bytes can *
                                * be added to the users' account. *
                                * A PC/X v1.3 tool released by... * 
                                * _______ ____  /\  /\       ____ *
                                -/:.     Y '  \/' \/. \--O--/ __ \-
                                 \_/|.|\_/./\' \. .   / /^\| |  \/
                                    | | \ .\/  /      \|:. |.|__/\
                                ---/___\-\____/\ `/\' /-\_/-\____/-
                                <=[DOC H.]======\/==\/=[07/21/96]=>
txc_l8c1.zip   68220 08-05-2024 <======[LAST 8 CALLERS v1.o]======>
                                * A REALTiME PC/X v1.3+ NTC-TILII *
                                * DOOR WHICH SHOWS THE LAST EIGHT *
                                * CALLERS. KEWL ANSI STYLING, SRC *
                                * IS INCLUDED. ANSI LOGO BY RAVE! *
                                * _______ ____  /\  /\       ____ *
                                -/:.     Y '  \/' \/. \--O--/ __ \-
                                 \_/|.|\_/./\' \. .   / /^\| |  \/
                                    | | \ .\/  /      \|:. |.|__/\
                                ---/___\-\____/\ `/\' /-\_/-\____/-
                                <=[DOC H.]======\/==\/=[09/19/96]=>
txc_sp10.zip   70291 08-05-2024 <====[SENTBY PROFESSIONAL 1.0]====>
                                *    A KEWL DOOR FOR PCE v1.2+    *
                                * _______ ____  /\  /\       ____ *
                                -/:.     Y '  \/' \/. \--O--/ __ \-
                                 \_/|.|\_/./\' \. .   / /^\| |  \/
                                    | | \ .\/  /      \|:. |.|__/\
                                ---/___\-\____/\ `/\' /-\_/-\____/-
                                <=[DOC H.]======\/==\/=[03/03/96]=>
winuserd.zip  229837 08-05-2024       __    ______   ______
                                     / \  /     \_/____/
                                    /.   \ \/.   \/\  \__
                                   //     \//     \/\__  \    Presents
                                  /.     .:\.    .:\.   .:\
                                 -Win PCE UserEd v1.0 Release.
                                 The first pce utils under
                                 windows (16 Bits version)
                                     Download It Now!
wuser114.zip  196500 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 \/\/\/\/\[ WinUserEditor v1.14 ]/\/\/\/\ 
                                 CODER: MuHaDiB/CrAzY PCE CoDiNG DiViSioN 
                                            fOR PCX V1.18+  ۰          
                                   NodeWatcher, LastCaller, SystemInfo    
                                    UserEditor, Online-Message-Writer     
                                . .  /\_ /\____ . /\_ . /\_____ /\_ /\ . .
                                . . /   \\__   \ /   \ /__    ///  /  \ . 
                                 . // |__>   |  >  :  \  / / / \__   // . 
                                . //  |   \    \ \     \/ / (____//  /. . 
                                 .\  ________|_____:________________/. . .
                                \/> CrAzY PC-EXPRESS CODiNG SECTiON <
xrd_2dartg.zip  118775 08-05-2024   aRt^g Ansi/Ascii Gallery For Pc/eXpress
                                 ______________  ___    __  ______  ______
                                 \  |  /\____  \/ _ \  / _\ \____ \/   __/
                                 /     \/  \/  /     \/    \/  \/  \__   \
                                /       \      \      \     \       \     \
                                \   |___/___|   \_____/__|   \______/     /
                                 \  ________|___/________|___/_________  /
                                ==\/======= PCE CODING DIVISION =======\/=
                                       Art Gallery For Pce 1.2/1.3+
                                  Let users view art online or let them
                                  download the art. Just Read the doc and
                                             try the bitch.
                                      Example ansis are included!
                                ==[ 05/20/96 ]::::::::[ SQUiZZY^xROADS ]==

                Area 78 - PCBoard PPEs A-C                

s2_2dwrep.zip   11356 08-05-2024 'W' Replacement PPE for PCB v15.2
sarea021.zip    9191 08-05-2024           ______   SickArea v0.21
                                         /      _        _______    ______
                                 _______/     __/\______/    _/____/    _/
                                ___/___  /___/\____/     /______  / ___/____
                                     _/      \__   \__  /      /           /
                                /___           /     /       /_/         /fl
                                +-/__________/______/______/ /_________/--+
                                |                                         |
                                |  SickArea - Litebar File Area Selector  |
                                |                                         |
scconf11.zip   10688 08-05-2024 Band  new  PPE  to  replace  the  J
                                command  from   the   PCBoard  main
                                menu.  Lets  you  put  all  of your
                                confrences in  groups  that  number
                                1,2,3,4  no  matter what thier real
                                numbers  are!   StarCOMM  FREEWARE!
scconf12.zip    9146 08-05-2024 Band  new  PPE  to  replace  the  J
                                command  from   the   PCBoard  main
                                menu.  Lets  you  put  all  of your
                                confrences in  groups  that  number
                                1,2,3,4  no  matter what thier real
                                numbers  are!   StarCOMM  FREEWARE!
                                From the StarLanes BBS 618-539-3751
scjoin.zip     11743 08-05-2024 
sclist13.zip   18114 08-05-2024 ** StarCOMM BBS List Utility v1.03 **
                                 Full BBS List PPE for PCBoard v15.2
                                ** FULL LIGHT BAR SUPPORT!
                                ** Three List Choices
                                        ** Full List
                                        ** By Area Code
                                        ** Quick List
                                ** Extended Information
                                        ** Name, Software, Version
                                        ** Multi-Node
                                        ** Node Number of Listing
                                        ** Extended Network Info
                                        ** Number of Files, Doors
                                           Confrences and CD-ROMs
                                        ** And MORE!
                                Modified Slow Nag, Now Much Faster!
scqwk10.zip    11051 08-05-2024 StarCOMM QWK Command Replacement v1.0
                                * Full LightBar
                                * Makes PCB QWK Quick and EASY!
                                * Select, Download, Upload
                                * Download or Upload and Logoff
scrip1_0.zip   16766 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 The PCB AUTO-Script System  version 1.0 
                                 Create Questionnaires Easily. Set Them  
                                 Up In Literally Minutes! FREEWARE!      
                                           For PCBoard v15.21+           
                                      An UltiWares(c)1995 Release        
script10.zip   13177 08-05-2024 ....______....ͻ
                                 SCRIPT.PPE v1.0  RELEASE 01/08/95 
                                 This is a  replacement  for prompt 
                                 'Questionnaire  #  to Answer' that 
                                 is  color  configurable,  language 
                                 aware, and incorprates a `HOT KEY' 
                                 interface.  This  stylish PPE is a 
                                 MUST HAVE for anyone that wants an 
                                 INCREDIBLE look to their BBS.  And 
                                 registration is only $2 US Dollars 
scrol100.zip    6300 08-05-2024 Ϳ
                                 RANDALL SCROLLING MENU PROMPT 
                                 A PcBoard  PPE  that displays 
                                 information  you  enter,  and 
                                 scrolls it across your screen 
                                 from  right to left. Supports 
                                 unlimited Lines of Info, Your 
                                 Color Codes ... Plus, it is a 
                                       FREE REGISTRATION!      
scrol102.zip    6811 08-05-2024 Ϳ
                                 RANDALL SCROLLING MENU PROMPT 
                                     *** MAJOR BUG FIX ***     
                                 A PcBoard  PPE  that displays 
                                 information  you  enter,  and 
                                 scrolls it across your screen 
                                 from  right to left. Supports 
                                 unlimited Lines of Info, Your 
                                 Color Codes ... Plus, it is a 
                                       FREE REGISTRATION!      
scumct3b.zip   10151 08-05-2024      CRiM-TOP v.3 for PCB 15.x
                                Alltime Top Uploaders/Downloaders PPE
                                  101% configurable by header files
                                   Multiple language support, quick
                                    displays,  100% backdoor free!
secconf3.zip    7265 08-05-2024 SECCURE CONFERENCE v.03 eta PPE
                                PPL v3.20 for PCBoard 15.22 & later
                                SECCURE CONFERENCE Provides Infinite
                                Security of PCB's Normal Conference
                                protection.  CAN BE USED IN ADDITION
                                TO your EXISTING Conference Enhance-
                                ment PPE.  Totally seemless, can run
                                completely unnoticed by the user.
                                   100% Configurable / Free
sec_2dpak.zip    3151 08-05-2024 ͵ BBS Security PAK ͸
                                 Announcing the Sysop's BBS Security PAK -
                                 Composed of 3 PPEs (CALLBLOC, VULGARID and
                                 CALLERID) and a USERS file Report Generator
                                 (REPORT.EXE). Combined together to offer a
                                 complete BBS Security System.  This is the
                                 info file explaining the basic system and
                                 the components and where to get them.
                                 By Al Segura   Source Available.
sec_v200.zip    3912 08-05-2024 SEC-JOIN.PPE v2.0; PCBoard 15.2 [PPE]
                                program to use when joining a conf. Chex   
                                security level and a password.100% sysop   
                                configurable. Stop users from being        
                                where they shouldn't be. Just replaces      
                                PCBoards lame excuse for conf. Security.
                                Lame little PPE's by DANTE                  
select10.zip    4738 08-05-2024 
                                 SELECT.PPE replaces PCBTEXT record 562   
                                 and improves the look of SELECT command! 
                                 Completely configurable, Includes PPS.   
                                      Support BBS:  Th N-NM S       
                                     (703)323-6838      [ANTi-X WHQ]      
                                    FREE!, The way PPE's should be!     
sendm100.zip   22915 08-05-2024 ķ
                                          SendMes v1.00 [PPE]              
                                       For use with PCBoard 15.1           
                                 Send a quote to the next caller the fancy 
                                 way!  Attractive display, binary database 
                                 of quotes, SysOp Maintaince fuctions,     
                                 return receipts, bad word checking, etc.  
setlang.zip     4832 08-05-2024 For PCBoard - 2 small PPE's that
                                work together to store and recover
                                the language that a user has set as
                                his own default. Uses a TPA location
                                for storage.With source code
                                -- FREEWARE-- from VideoWaves
sexcall.zip     3168 08-05-2024 AMi-X Pager... Costumizable 
sexchat.zip    29766 08-05-2024 The Ultimate FullScreen Chat v1.21
sexmesen.zip   15790 08-05-2024 MESSAGE ENHANCER BY CYBER DEMON '1995
sf11fds.zip     3215 08-05-2024 ---  
                                 SYSFILES.PPE v1.1  Sysfiles is a
                                 simple utility for remote sysops to
                                | upload and download files directly
                                 to the system directories by entering
                                 a path with the filenames. This       
                                  version also includes a feature for   
                                  local sysops to run and test PPE      |
                                  programs. FREEWARE Coded by Ram Drive 
                                       Fifth Dimesnion Software       
sfilem16.zip    8062 08-05-2024 @X1C
                                ======SuperFileBar Menu======
                                LightBar File area Menuing
                                System. No configuring needed
                                (C) !! Nemesis !! 2:2501/2
shaker11.zip   92944 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                   Jim Coleman's  SHAKER!!!   
                                 The  MOST  POPULAR  NASA MLP  game!! 
                                 SHAKER.PPE  (PPLC 3.0) Fun, exciting 
                                 game  of  chance  simulating  victim 
                                 rescue in an earthquake environment- 
                                 SYSOP CONFIGURABLE, much more!! V1.1 
shell_30.zip   30681 08-05-2024 THE SHELL GAME - Ver 3.00, a PPE for
                                PCBoard 15.21, from Galahad Software.
                                A game of chance that recreates the 
                                Shell Game.  Find the hidden pea under
                                one of the shells, try to avoid being
                                arrested, and try not to let the
                                ShellMaster cheat you!  Features a
                                monthly and Hall of Fame scoring
                                record!  Now features make-up plays!
                                Only $5 registers!
shkcs201.zip   10612 08-05-2024 [SHK-PPE] Conference Selector 2.01
shk_2dkp10.zip    7067 08-05-2024 [SHK-PPE] KewlPage! V1.o
shk_kp10.zip    7067 08-05-2024 [SHK-PPE] KewlPage! V1.o
sik_2dfl12.zip    5656 08-05-2024 GeNeRaTe a CooL CuSToM 
                                  FiLeS LiST FoR eaCH
                                uSeR oN THe FLY! v1.2
sik_2dpep4.zip    5581 08-05-2024 4 NeW aND KeWL eNTa
                                    PRoMPT PPe'S
sik_2dup10.zip    4817 08-05-2024 SiK auTo-uPLoaDeR v1.0
sik_pep4.zip    5581 08-05-2024 4 NeW aND KeWL eNTa
                                    PRoMPT PPe'S
sik_up10.zip    4817 08-05-2024 SiK auTo-uPLoaDeR v1.0
simdo311.zip   26485 08-05-2024 @X0E   SimDOS 3.11 Beta (Small Update)  |
                                @X0D DOS Prompt simulation PPE           |
                                @X0D Really nice!  For your Users        |
                                @X0D Not just the Sysop!!                |
                                @X0D By Mukunda Modell, The Round        |
                                @X0D Table BBS 417-683-4953.             |
sin_21cj2r.zip    7638 08-05-2024 Da KewLeST CoNFeReNCe
                                JoiNeR PPe , iNCLuDes :
                                KewL ANZi aND PiCK MeNu
                                CoDe aND uP To 8 CoNF`Z
sjoin021.zip    9583 08-05-2024           ______   SickJoin v0.21
                                         /      _        _______    ______
                                 _______/     __/\______/    _/____/    _/
                                ___/___  /___/\____/     /______  / ___/____
                                     _/      \__   \__  /      /           /
                                /___           /     /       /_/         /fl
                                +-/__________/______/______/ /_________/--+
                                |                                         |
                                | SickJoin Lightbar Conference Joiner PPE |
                                |                                         |
                                |  Replacement for "J" cmd. Configurable  |
                                | prompts + ansi screen, reads CNAMES.@@@ |
                                | file for easy installation,  Shows only |
                                | the confs which the user has access to. |
                                |                                         |
skchat13.zip   11551 08-05-2024 Sy Kopath Chat v1.3 - PCBoard PPE.
                                A fun fake chat program. Quick and easy
                                install in CMD.LST and/or DOORS.LST.
                                No configuration file, no maintenance!
                                Shareware $10. Free BBS support.
                                Updated for PCboard v15.2.
                                Compiled 11/01/94. Check it out today!
slfdstrc.zip  677258 08-05-2024 
                                                  -= Sy Kopath Chat 1.3
                                Registration Form =-
                                 Registering Sy  Kopath Chat  provides several
                                 benefits.  First,  it will not
                                 show  any  opening  or  closing  copyright 
                                info  as  opposed to UNREGISTERED
                                 VERSION.  Second, it will allow you to
                                specify the amount of time a user  can
                                 spend in chat  (the default is  5 mi
slot101.zip    21197 08-05-2024        ͸   ͸͸͸
                                 v1.01 ͸       ͸ v1.01
                                       ;;;    ;
                                         Slot Machine Game.        
                                  A PPE program for PCBoard 15.2x  
                                 Copyright(c)1995 Equinox Software 
sl_vote1.zip    7557 08-05-2024 SL-VOTE.PPE   v1.0                  10/20/93
                                This [PPE] is to be used as a Voting Booth, 
                                that can be Customized, and alter easily. 
                                It is easy to Use, and quick to set up.  Try
                                it out Today!                 Reg Fee: 10.00
                                Author: Marcus Breese
smrtconf.zip    8052 08-05-2024 New PPE Program to replace the oin command
                                of PCBoard 15.0 - Now allows your users to
                                scan the CNFN file to search for KEYWORDS &
                                those conferences that match text searches -
                                Ideal for systems with MANY conferences
                                   - BETA -
snc.zip         5039 08-05-2024 Peskey users Beware [PPE] ..
                                Compiled 07-24-93..
                                Replace PCBtext record 296 with
                                this PPE and a few changes by 
                                you and you send the users on
                                there way if they dont like
                                the message scan prompt!
snews352.zip   43414 08-05-2024           ______   SickNews v3.52
                                         /      _        _______    ______
                                 _______/     __/\______/    _/____/    _/
                                ___/___  /___/\____/     /______  / ___/____
                                     _/      \__   \__  /      /           /
                                /___           /     /       /_/         /fl
                                ,-/__________/______/______/ /_________/---.
                                |                                          |
                                | Sicknews news utility for all BBS types! |
                                | Very configurable -Australias most used. |
                                |                                          |
snip_01.zip    50824 08-05-2024 Snip v0.1 - PCBoard Caller log Chopper
                                PCBOARD SYSOPS - 'Snip' will chop your
                                CALLER LOG length to the number of
                                days you specify!  Who cares about old
                                data anyway?  GREAT for EVENT use!
                                       - Best of all it is -
                                        - F R E E W A R E -  from 
                                     -=WILDHARE=- (919) 834-1323
                                If ya run PCBoard Download this file!
snt_21logo.zip   11081 08-05-2024 ->SNT<- Login Util For PCB 15.2 * v1.1
snt_logo.zip   11081 08-05-2024 ->SNT<- Login Util For PCB 15.2 * v1.1
soi_2dent.zip    2046 08-05-2024 Automated Enter Enhancer for PCB 15.1
somany26.zip   41152 08-05-2024 [PPE] SO MANY CDs!  Version 2.6
                                More CD-ROMs than drives? Let users
                                request files from offline CD's!
                                Sysop notified at login of requests;
                                if local, sysop loads requested CD's
                                and file is posted as attachment
                                to message to user with automatic
                                pack-out after sysop-defined period.
                                CD-ROM conferences no longer need
                                to be contiguous! SHAREWARE ($19.95)
so_2dlong.zip    5336 08-05-2024 SO-LONG.ppe. Countdown to logoff. A Banana
                                Republic PPE- always free, always simple &
                                always includes source code. 
spage11b.zip   34168 08-05-2024 - X -    SLOBPAGE v.1.1    - X -
                                Paging PPE for PCBoard 15.x Supp-
                                orts multi-language operation.
                                Checks if pagebell is on/off and
                                reads PCBOARD.DAT for unallowed
                                times. Password override if pag-
                                ing not allowed. Runs other PPE
                                for leaving (C)omment to sysop if
                                wanted. Lightbar selectors. Ext-
                                remly configurable. Option for
                                sending message to sysop, and
                                logging page-reasons into log-
                                file. Files for Finnish operation
                                included. Installer included.
                                        @X8ACheck it out !
spell111.zip  754203 08-05-2024 -- PCB Spell v1.11 (A PCBoard 15.2+ PPE!) --
                                Wow! Here is the culmination of work started
                                several months ago.  This is an online Spell
                                Checker for your messages.  Easy to install
                                simple to use.  Users love it.  Supports
                                Multinodes, Multilanguages, etc.  A nominal
                                registration fee will go towards supporting
                                my education at the University of Utah.
                                Try it!  You'll never mis-spell another
                                worrd aggain. 
                                  LCHD FRoM The Wild Thing BBs  
spell201.zip  736581 08-05-2024  P C B O A R D ͻ
                                 C H E C K  v2.01 ͹
                                 Let your callers check the spelling in   
                                 there messages and correct any mistakes. 
                                 [PPE Program for PCBoard 15.2x]          
                                 Copyright (c)1995 Equinox Software       
splash.zip      5102 08-05-2024 Logon Splash screen replacement
                                with full source code
splcht10.zip    3593 08-05-2024 -[ SPLIT-CHAT PPE v1.0 ]::::::==========----
                                - Split screen chat.........................
                                - Uncrippled - FREE.........................
                                - Written by: Raymond Cava..................
                                - Author of the CREDITcard PPE..............
                                -[ SPLIT-CHAT PPE v1.0 ]::::::==========----
split11.zip     8111 08-05-2024 CHATTER.PPE, split screen chat
                                program, PCBoard 15.0 only,
                                Sysop activated (F10) or sysop
                                acknowledge (space) from user
                                NOT crippled in any way !!
                                      Version 1.10           
spotv200.zip  239676 08-05-2024 ۲        SpotChek v2.o        
                                PCB v14.5+ Upload File Processor.
                                Includes File_id,Archive Conversion,
                                Message Posting,Dupe Check,TrashCan,
                                Virus Scan,Comments,Ad Files,Strip
                                Files,CRC Check,Configurable Screens,
                                Move File offline,"TackFile" etc....
                                Too many features to mention.
                                Nifty New Config Program included.
                                   Exciting new Product by company
                                    called CompuData Systems.      
                                ۲           [ 11 ]           
sp_2done11.zip    8744 08-05-2024   
                                     SPECiALiZED  Oneliner V1.1     
                                  This one is the lastest       
                                  your going to install.        
                                        Ability to view anonymous     
                                       Oneliners with a configurable 
                                      security Level, LOOK totaly   
                                                         By Zaskar 
srch200a.zip   12809 08-05-2024  -=* S E A R C H - 2.0 *=-  
                                 [PPE] Compiled for PCBoard 15.1.
                                Use this great PPE as a shell type
                                program for your users to locate
                                that certain file of interest! Can
                                be used as an additional command as
                                on Salt Air, or used to replace the
                                L command on your BRDM screens.
sspage.zip     13340 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                 SPLIT SCREEN PAGE PPE v1.0 
                                 The Ultimate Operator Page 
                                 and split screen chat PPE  
                                 ever created. The easy to  
                                 PPE is very advanced and   
                                 extencive. It Includes     
                                 - Split Screen Chat        
                                 - Capture Chat to file     
                                 - Operator Page            
                                 - Awesome Graphics         
                                 - Paging Time Adjustible   
                                 - Easy to use configuation 
                                 - Quick and Easy Install   
                                 - Select talking colors    
                                 - And Much Much More!!!    
ssspcb15.zip   82059 08-05-2024 Shuttle Software Suite v1.5 for PCBoard.
                                Contains 5 seperate PPE applications to
                                enhance your PCBoard BBS. The programs in
                                the package are: Internet Site List v1.7,
                                Time Banker v1.4, Liners v1.4, User Alias
                                Lister v1.1, and Numbers v1.1. All of these
                                apps are fast, good looking, feature rich,
                                and fully functional!  Not Crippleware!
                                Quality Shareware from Shuttle Software.
ssspcb20.zip   69990 08-05-2024 Shuttle Software Suite v2.0 for PCBoard.
                                Contains 5 seperate PPE applications to
                                enhance your PCBoard BBS. The programs in
                                the package are: Internet Site List v2.0,
                                Time Banker v2.0, Liners v2.0, User Alias
                                Lister v1.1, and Numbers v1.1. All of these
                                apps are fast, good looking, feature rich,
                                and fully functional!  Not Crippleware!
                                *********** FREE REGISTRATION ***********
starcon1.zip    3775 08-05-2024 
                                 STARCON Version 1 PPE Compiled on       
                                 08/12/1994 By PPLC version 2 For        
                                 Pcboard 15.1+ This PPE Will Make an     
                                 Auto Conferences Menu ...... SysOp You  
                                 Don't Need any More to Draw or Redraw   
                                 Your Conference Menu When You Change    
                                 Your Conferences .... Auto Menu Color   
                                 ... FreeWare Try it and Enjoy Your Time 
                                 ..... STAR Bulletin Board System ..     
                                 Riyadh .. K.S.A BBS Number 4225067      
                                 Voice Number 4225067-23                 
stardir2.zip    3610 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 STARDIR Version 2 PPE Compiled on         
                                 08/12/1994 By PPLC version 2 For Pcboard  
                                 15.1+ This PPE Will Make an Auto DIR      
                                 Files to All Your BBS Conferences .....   
                                 SysOp You Don't Need any More to Draw or  
                                 Redraw Your DIR File When You Change Your 
                                 Directories .... FreeWare Try it and      
                                 Enjoy Your Time .............. STAR       
                                 Bulletin Board System .. Riyadh .. K.S.A  
                                 BBS Number 4225067 Voice Number           
start16.zip    17951 08-05-2024 
                                  TheĿ Y 7
                                  Ŀ ĿĿ PPE  e |
                                      div  l 3
                                       l 9
                                  ¿ĿĿڿڿ'95  o 1
                                     ų     w 2
                                  ANSI Detect PPE 1.6 H 1
                                  * with FadeString * o 0
                                        FREE        u 1
                                  * Source included * s 3
                                   e 6
statpf2a.zip   56894 08-05-2024 StatusPF:  Generate  Export,  Import,  Last
                                Import and  Monthly  Total  bulletins  with
                                CALLER logs. Supports  rollovers,  multiple
                                Fido networks. ASCII, ANSI & PCB codes  for
                                color or mono. With  Caller  log  reduction
                                utility. Uses PCBoard's internal Fido Net.!
stats10.zip    10779 08-05-2024 
                                 STATS.PPE replaces PCBoard's V command. 
                                 Has configurable  display files  and an 
                                 an to use lightbar menu! Includes       
                                 source.   Support BBS:  Th N-NM S 
                                     (703)323-6838      [ANTi-X WHQ]     
                                    FREE!, The way PPE's should be!    
                                 ]\/[vik of ANTi-X 
stats15.zip     5558 08-05-2024  Stats v1.5  10/02/1993
                                [PPE] program where it will
                                ask to show users Personal Stats
                                or their Files Stats, or now
                                with version 1.5 you can view
                                your Message Stats. Very good.
                                Good PCB Code ANSI Also (@X)
                                Made by: Ian Stern - CEB BBS
statsv1.zip     9439 08-05-2024  PCBoard STATISTICS GENERATOR v1.0 
                                This is a little ppe program that will make
                                on the fly system and caller statistics but,
                                unlike any other one out there.  I got the
                                idea from a WildCat program and thought it
                                would be nice and unique for PCBoard SysOps.
                                FREEWARE! - PCBoard 15.21 PPE program
                                Copyright (C)1995 Equinox Software
statsv2.zip    15720 08-05-2024  PCBoard STATISTICS GENERATOR v2.0 
                                This is a little ppe program that will make
                                on the fly system and caller statistics but,
                                unlike any other one out there.  I got the
                                idea from a WildCat program and thought it
                                would be nice and unique for PCBoard SysOps.
                                There are 2 versions in this release!
                                FREEWARE! - PCBoard 15.21 PPE program
                                Copyright (C)1995 Equinox Software
statx60b.zip    7753 08-05-2024 STATiSTiX v.60 - AN AMi-X STYLE
                                USER STATiSTiCS PPE FOR USE ON
                                PCBOARD v15.2+ [PPLC v3.01].
                                BUGFiX FOR VERSION .55 + MORE
                                CONFIGURABLE COLORS [01/24/95].
stck10.zip     14032 08-05-2024 STACK PPE. COMMAND PROMPT HISTORY V 1.0
                                Command prompt and ! command replacement
                                that records users' command history, 
                                allowing previous commands to be issued and
                                edited. Maintains number of command lines 
                                equal to user's screen size minus 7. All
                                prompts can be edited and are language
                                sensitive. Help included. Easy to install,
                                self-maintaining. Shareware by QIS.
store710.zip    7990 08-05-2024 STORE.PPE 7/10/95 [PPE] PCB 15.21+       
                                A PPE program to list stores.  
                                Allows list to be downloaded.
                                Highly configurable.  Source code
                                included!  Freeware.  (From John
                                Taber, SYSOP of the Checkered
                                Demon BBS - (408) 264-9018.)
story200.zip   19191 08-05-2024 The Story Book PPE, Version 2.00, for
                                PCBoard 15.22+, by Galahad Software!
                                Allows your users to participate in 
                                "neverending" stories!  Completely
                                re-written, it allows up to 999 concurrent
                                stories, and now features a profanity filter
                                and an internal T-CAN to keep out problem
stpcb303.zip   69755 08-05-2024 STPCB (USRSTATS) PPE V3.03 BETA 7/2/95
                                PCBoard/USR sysops can now allow callers
                                to view modem diagnostics while on-line!
                                Requires PCB 15.1 or later and USR
                                Courier or Sportster modem. Multi-node
                                compatible, super-easy setup.  A truly
                                unique troubleshooting tool.  Includes
                                Beta release of USRSTAT2.EXE V4.x.
stpcb305.zip   70298 08-05-2024 STPCB (USRSTATS) PPE V3.05 BETA 7/10/95
                                PCBoard/USR sysops can now allow callers
                                to view modem diagnostics while on-line!
                                Requires PCB 15.1 or later and USR
                                Courier or Sportster modem. Multi-node
                                compatible, super-easy setup.  A truly
                                unique troubleshooting tool.  Includes
                                Beta release of USRSTAT2.EXE V4.x.
stripd1.zip     7911 08-05-2024 StripDown v1.0 s.ppe for PCBoard v15.0+
                                @code stripper REMOVES COLOUR codes and 
                                CONVERTS PCBOARD MACROS to onscreen
                                equivalents, then DOWNLOADS the subject
                                displayfile.  Sysop determines whether to 
                                archive, archiver to use and whether user
                                can flag or must download immediately.
                                No nags, no advertisement, shareware.
                                Atlantis Software 706-776-9276 28.8 BBS
strip_401.zip    6697 08-05-2024 Strip@ v1.0 strip@.ppe for PCBoard v15.0+
                                @code stripper REMOVES COLOUR codes and 
                                CONVERTS PCBOARD MACROS to onscreen
                                equivalents.  Leaves no gaps in output
                                files and replaces info macros with their
                                data.  Converts display screens that use
                                PCB codes to clean textfiles for downloading.
                                No nags, no advertisement, shareware.
                                Atlantis Software 706-776-9276 28.8 BBS
st_fmenu.zip   20643 08-05-2024 ĿĿĿ ĿĿĿ
                                  ٳ     Ŀٳ  Ŀ
                                Function Key Menue PPE for PCB 15.1+
                                Launch PPEs from this user-invisible
                                menue with the touch of a key!
st_read.zip    24941 08-05-2024 ĿĿĿ ĿĿĿ
                                  ٳ     Ŀٳ  Ŀ
                                ST_READ.PPE - "Read Messages" replacement
                                for PCB15.2x! Looks GREAT and doesn't hokey
                                around with lite-bars!      Read: STUFF.NFO
st_uldl.zip    21716 08-05-2024 ĿĿĿ ĿĿĿ
                                  ٳ     Ŀٳ  Ŀ
                                One-Line UPLOAD & DOWNLOAD Prompt PCB15.1+  
                                Replacement!  Looks GREAT! 100% Robocomm
                                Friendly!     Read STUFF.NFO to Install!
suggest2.zip   21796 08-05-2024       The Suggestion Box! v2.0    
                                This isn't your run of the mill program
                                here!  Full user voting, in addition
                                users can add their own Suggestions for
                                the rest of your users to vote on.
                                Sysop maintenance is nil, and it takes
                                about 20 seconds to install.  Download
                                this today and give your users a voice
                                in your BBS!
                                         GO/4 Software        
suicide1.zip    6618 08-05-2024 Suicide v1.0 PCBoard ppe to permit user to
                                delete his own registration (user record).
                                Atlantis Software 706-776-9276 28.8 BBS
svote410.zip  106610 08-05-2024 .Super Vote v4.10 for PCBoard 15.1 and Above.
                                *         *
                                *                *
                                *                   *
                                *            *
                                *                                           *
                                * Unlimited Voting Booths. Unlimited voting *
                                *  options. Censor Trashcan File. Unvoted   *
                                *   voting booth notifier. Setup program    *
                                *  emulating PCBoard setup program. Online  *
                                *  help. Multi-Lingual Operation Support.   *
                                *  Configurable colors and text displays.   *
                                * Bulletin generating utility. Informative  *
                                *  bar graph display and percentages with   *
                                *   booth results. Longer voting options.   *
                                * Optional @X-Color code removal. Optional  *
                                * mis-used @-variable replacement. and more *
svote411.zip   43393 08-05-2024 = SUPER VOTE v4.11/PCBoard 15.22 (OS/2 FIX) =
                                Upgrade package that requires SVOTE410.ZIP.
                                "DOINTR"-less version of "SuperVote" v4.10
                                that prevents PCBoard from tripping under
                                the new OS/2 version, PCB-OS2. Be sure to
                                review the contents of the README.1ST file.
sv_100.zip      6211 08-05-2024 A PPLC v2.0 PPE -- SURVEY.PPE v1.0 This
                                PPE lets the sysop ask a couple of survey
                                questions at LOGOFF and record the users
                                answers in the NOTES PSA.  For example
                                you could aske your users "Where did hear
                                of this BBS?" and "What is your primary
                                purpose in calling?"  Putting their
                                responses in the NOTES PSA allows the
                                the sysop to review there responses when
                                they look at their user record.  Source
                                code included.
swho10.zip      4651 08-05-2024 @X0ASuperWho [PPE] - v1.0 - GO/4 Software.  A
                                fun  replacement  for  your  WHO command that
                                will show fake users on your system.  Limited
                                only by your imagination.  Free BBS and voice
                                support for registered  users!  No delays  or
                                beg screens.  Fully functional.  Released  on
                                04/18/94.  Check it out today!
swho12.zip      6564 08-05-2024 SuperWho [PPE] - v1.2 - A fun replacement for
                                your PCBoard WHO command that will show  fake
                                users on your  system.  Limited only  by your
                                imagination.  Free BBS support for registered
                                users!   No  delays  or  beg  screens.  Fully
                                functional.  Released on 10/24/94.  Check  it
                                out today! Updated for PCB 15.2.
sysalert.zip    3166 08-05-2024 SYSALERT.PPE v1.0Ŀ
                                 Beeps and let the sysop
                                 knows when someone     
                                 logon their bbs.       
                                  Software Kitchen BBS  
sysalt1a.zip    3341 08-05-2024 SYSALT1A.PPE v1.0aĿ
                                 Beeps and let the sysop knows
                                 when someone logon their bbs.
                                 PPLC 3.10     PCBoard 15.21  
                                    Software Kitchen BBS      
                                 718-281-0645  24 hours/7 days
syschat3.zip   19591 08-05-2024 @X18
                                @X1E SYSCHAT v1.0  @X1FAnother PCBMON Add-on
                                PPE  @X07
                                @X0B Sysop Chat  v1.0 is another great PCBMON
                                 add-on PPE.  The best feature is that it
                                 is ANOTHER FREE  PPE.  Can be  used with
                                 or WITHOUT PCBMON 2 replace the internal
                                 PCBoard 15.1+ sysop chat program.
                                 Check It Out - NOT CRIPPLED!!!!
                                 BUG FIXED
                                @X0A Programed By Cyberspace Entertainment at
                                    ALTERED EGO BBS (702) 888-9683
syscom.zip      4524 08-05-2024 SysCom
                                SysCom Is A PPE In Which The
                                Sysop Can Customize To Where
                                He Wants The Comments To Him
                                Go. You Can Have A Whole List
                                Of Sysops.
                                    -=KILLER=- Programming
sysnote2.zip   10729 08-05-2024 @X0A-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-
                                @X0E  SYS_NOTE v1.0 Multi-Sysop Comment PPE
                                @X0BSysop Note is a PCBoard 15.+ COMMENT To
                                The sysop replacement PPE for Those BBS's
                                that have more then 1 sysop.  If you are
                                tired of drawing ansi screens everytime
                                a file-op, message op or co-sysop leaves
                                then this program is DEFINATELY for you.
                                @X0CRegistration is ONLY $5.00. Check it out!
                                @X0BDistributed Through ALTERED EGO BBS @ :
                                (702) 888-9683
sysop.zip       8305 08-05-2024 SYSOP!! v1.0 PCBoard 15.21+ [PPE].  This is
                                a sysop utility for remote/local use.  Many
                                features.  Very simple to set up and no
                                maintenance required.  Released    on
                                09/25/95.  Shareware.  Just $1.00!!
                                Check  it out today!
syspage2.zip    9700 08-05-2024          @X0BSYSPage v2.00@X07
                                Sysop paging utility that asks for
                                a brief reason of why the user is
                                paging the Sysop.  Great for busy
                                sysops. Notifies Sysop of Pages
                                via E-Mail.  @X8EFREE@X07
                                By  : Richard P. Srery
                                From: Net Equinox Gateway
syspw100.zip    4540 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                SYSPW.PPE v1.00   10-25-93   Mike Paschen
                                System Password  PPE for  PCBoard v15.0  to
                                run  a  closed board  and disable  password
                                hacking. Configurable prompts  & input echo
                                character on caller/remote side. Optionally
                                callers may leave a feedback.              
systoll.zip     8078 08-05-2024 SYSOP MSG TOOL PPE. THIS PPE WILL GIVE'S 
                                THE SYSOP A MENU OF SCREENS TO DISPLAY ,
                                THE USER. WARNING, MAINTANCE, WHAT THE F
                                IS THAT USER DOING AND MORE. 6 IN ALL  .
                                *************** PHANTOM BBS ************
                                ************* (716)-366-3884 ***********
s_21stlog.zip    7132 08-05-2024 --
                                    SNUSK! SOFTWARE
                                    TLOG.PPE v1.0
                                   Allow your users     
                                 to logon in turbo mode |
                                Perversly  Configurable!
s_21swhob1.zip    8070 08-05-2024 --
                                    SNUSK! SOFTWARE
                                    S!SWHO.PPE beta 1
                                     Smart who PPE      
                                 Beta version 1 13/3/96 |
                                Perversly  Configurable!
s_21swhob2.zip   13241 08-05-2024 --
                                     SNUSK! SOFTWARE
                                    S!SWHO.PPE beta 2
                                     Smart who PPE       
                                 Beta version 2 19/3/96  |
                                Perversly  Configurable! 
s_2dnws411.zip  182846 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 Super News v4.11 
                                   This is the BEST news maker for:  
                                    - RemoteAccess                   
                                    - PCBoard                        
                                    - WildCat                        
                                    - And all BBS program that uses  
                                      ANS/ASC or @-Codes             
                                  Super News makes 5 news styles!    
                                    New features:                    
                                    - Comma bug fixed!               
                                    - And other bugs fixed!          
                                -=-=- Created by Daniel Lafraia -=-=-
                                 SHAREWARE! - TAKE IT RIGHT NOW! 
tab151.zip     17484 08-05-2024 TAB - The Address Book v1.51 [PPE] - Allow
                                your users the ability to store and and
                                retrieve addresses whenever entering a
                                message! Save them the time of having to
                                enter in the name repeatedly. Has ability
                                to 'Quick-Enter' a message by typing '/#'.
                                For PCB 15.1 systems - A Must have!
                                  Made by Whitewater Technologies, Inc.
                                In v1.51 you may now configure your OWN
                                extension! Very useful if you would like to
                                give your users multiple address books for
                                various conferences!
tabppe62.zip   66119 08-05-2024 TABPPE62.ZIP v6.2 PPE written to interface
                                PCBoard 15.21 BBS's with the True Media's
                                900-XXXX Subscription service. TABS-PPE
                                provides access level upgrades, supports
                                PCB's credit accounting, and provides ASCII
                                and/or DBase III+ format logging and
                                detailed information about the service.
                                Smooth seemless interface.  Adds to caller
                                notes, creates bulletins, and more. Really
                                allows this service to work for you !!
tabppe65.zip   68394 08-05-2024 TABPPE65.ZIP v6.5 PPE written to interface
                                PCBoard 15.21 BBS's with the True Media's
                                900-XXXX Subscription service. TABS-PPE
                                provides access level upgrades, supports
                                PCB's credit accounting, and provides ASCII
                                and/or DBase III+ format logging and
                                detailed information about the service.
                                Smooth seemless interface.  Adds to caller
                                notes, creates bulletins, and more. Really
                                allows this service to work for you !!
tabppe66.zip   69216 08-05-2024 TABPPE66.ZIP v6.6 PPE written to interface
                                PCBoard 15.22 BBS's with the True Media's
                                900-XXXX Subscription service. TABS-PPE
                                provides access level upgrades, supports
                                PCB's credit accounting, and provides ASCII
                                and/or DBase III+ format logging and
                                detailed information about the service.
                                Smooth seemless interface.  Adds to caller
                                notes, creates bulletins, and more. Really
                                allows this service to work for you !!
tabs100b.zip   12471 08-05-2024    TABS 1.00beta .PPE    
                                Telephone Automated Billing Service. 100%
                                automatic subscription door. Through use 
                                of a 900# Billing service, this PPE takes
                                the work and hassle out of subscriptions.
                                Users call a 900# for a code and use the 
                                PPE to get upgraded immediately. They are
                                then billed by thier Phone Company!  No  
                                Startup costs. You just can't lose! Call 
                                True Media for more info! 1(800)-755-8227
                                Signup today! The TABS BBS:(407)722-3406
tab_21pr2.zip   86049 08-05-2024 _________________________________________
                                \_______  \_______  \________ \\________ \__
                                     //     /   /     /  ____/   /    |/    \
                                     /     /   //    /____/     /_____|/    /
                                 // /_____/   /_____/ sF!/_____// \ \______//
                                |         - PPE RUNNER v2.00beta -          |
                                | - COMPiLE & RUN OF PPE`Z & PPS`Z iN ONE   |
                                | - MORE USEFUL CONFIGIN & RUNNiN           |
                                | - AND MORE USEFULL THiNZ...               |
                                `-------------------------[ MiCkY ZOMBiE ]--'
tagged10.zip   16052 08-05-2024 == TAGGED10.PPE == Version 1.0
                                Initial release of the first 
                                program that allows your users
                                to keep a database of the files
                                they want to download, ONLINE!
                                Your users will love you for
                                this new addition.
                                Uploaded by: Thom Allen
tapecm22.zip   14200 08-05-2024 @X0E - [PPE] for PCBOARD 15.0 or higher.    
                                OnLine file restoration from Colorado Memory
                                Systems(tm) Tape Drive 120 or 250. Restore  
                                from tape or select from files that exist in
                                the restore directory, per session. Add to
                                your CMD.LST. Displays tape # in the drive. 
                                @X0F    -- Fixes problem with DOS 6.2 --    
                                @X0A-------------  Version 2.2  ------------
                                @X0E------  Written by:   Harry Braun ------
                                @X0C------    HB Electronics (1993)   ------
ta_user.zip     8603 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 USER Listing by T.A. HQ V.2.00 [416] 
                                User Lister Version 2.00, This small and
                                powerfull utility gives you a very nice
                                display of your users names, location,
                                area code, security level and last date
                                they called your board.................
                                Would you like to become a member of the
                                T.A. (The Arcade) group? Call us now at:
                                416/658-8527 [144] or 416/658-3951 [288]
tbbs100.zip    14712 08-05-2024 
tbbscall.zip    6159 08-05-2024 !!!Freeware!!!
                                This is a ppe i wrote to display
                                the last 10 caller to my bbs.
                                easy and Simple.
                                Created By Tortuga Bay BBS
tcall30.zip     4616 08-05-2024 
                                  Today's Callers v3.0 [PPE]
                                Today's Callers creates bulletin
                                showing people that have called
                                today.  Shows node number, baud
                                rate, time and date of call, and
                                how many total calls the person
                                has made.  Automatically starts
                                over each day! Freeware, Requires
                                PCBoard 15.2+, Compilied in PPLC
tclg100a.zip   11977 08-05-2024 TVBCALL 1.00  - Compiled 01JUL95 [PPE]
                                TVB Caller's Log Bulletin Maker For PCB 15.21
                                Creates and  maintains a  log of  the last ##
                                callers to your BBS. Can track daily or ongo-
                                ing callers.                      [Shareware]
tcmbe100.zip   11360 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                The Cat's Meow Bulletin Executive v1.00  
                                Automatically Creates/Updates Bulletin   
                                menu each time it is run. Displays last  
                                date bulletin was changed. If you don't  
                                like drawing screens each time you change
                                a BLT, this is the program for you. User 
                                is prompted after each screen rather than
                                at the end of display.  Released 12-01-93
tcmde362.zip   95065 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                The Cat's Meow Door Executive ver. 3.62  
                                Creates *1* Menu for all your Doors & PPE
                                programs. Run PPE & Doors from 1 menu!   
                                Totally Sysop Configurable. Optionally   
                                categorizes your doors for easier access.
                                display by category or all at once!      
                                ** REMOVES SCRIPT BUFFER ERROR **        
                                   REALLY WORKS THIS TIME! :)    12-06-93
tda_2ddisc.zip    5800 08-05-2024      [DISCLAIMER PPE]
                                A DISCLAIMER WHICH ALLOWS
                                 YOU TO CHOOSE YOUR OWN
                                PSW AND DRAW YOUR OWN ANSI
tda_2dlogi.zip   12777 08-05-2024          [LOGIN PPE]
                                A FINE LOGIN PROCEDURE WITH
                                    WITH OPTIONAL NUP!!!
                                     FULLY CONFIGURABLE
tdih104.zip    21247 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                        This Day in History v1.04        
                                 Shows a comprehensive list of Births,   
                                 Deaths, Holidays and events for the day 
                                 PPE Program for PCBoard 15.2x          
                                          MAJOR UPGRADE and FIX!
tdih105.zip    20021 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                        This Day in History v1.04        
                                 Shows a comprehensive list of Births,   
                                 Deaths, Holidays and events for the day 
                                 PPE Program for PCBoard 15.2x          
                                          MAJOR UPGRADE and FIX!
tdihdino.zip    2196 08-05-2024 Instructions for using the PCBoard Program 
                                from TDIH_V13.ZIP with TriBBS. A "This Day 
                                in History" and daily Witticism generator 
                                uses @X codes in a LOGONx.BBS screen. 
tdi_ppe1.zip   12239 08-05-2024 TDi-NUP v1.o - NEW USER PASSWORD PP
                                  QUOTE v2.o - KEWL METAL QUOTER
tdlbbs01.zip   30967 08-05-2024 ۲  TDL BBS Lister V0.1 [PPE]  
                                TDL BBS Lister is a PPE which is
                                multi-functional. It allows your users
                                to view, add, edit, remove and even
                                download from your bbs list. Very user
                                and Sysop friendly! very attactive
                                appearance. A must for all PCBoard
                                System Download this TODAY!!
                                For PCBoard 15.22.
                                Compiled 07-18-94
thewho12.zip    8623 08-05-2024 THEWHO v1.02b PPE of (01/01/95)
                                Thewho v1.02b is the most configurable 'WHO'
                                replacement out, and you'll love it!
theword.zip    35361 08-05-2024  TheWord.PPE ۲
                                Displays verses to your callers from an
                                ASCII text file that can have more data
                                appended to it.       Nice color grafix
                                surround the Bible verse.
                                  FREEWARE  ۲
theword2.zip   11094 08-05-2024  TheWord2.PPE ۲
                                Displays Biblical sayings-verses from a
                                ASCII text file that can have more data
                                appended to it.       Nice color grafix
                                surround the Bible verse. Updtd:6-24-95
                                  FREEWARE  ۲
thewrd12.zip    5240 08-05-2024 ķ
                                            << THE WORD PPE >>            
                                    The Word version 1.2 is a PPE for     
                                    PCBoard 15+.  This utility creates    
                                    bulletins containing 'caller today'   
                                    logs &/or user entered quotes. Easy   
                                    to install and run.  FREEWARE!        
thidir1.zip     8688 08-05-2024  THI DIR V1.0 Ļ
                                | Auto Creates Files Menu|
                                | Allow your on ANSi File|
                                | 100% Configurable      |
                                 Text Entry for Search  
                                 Fast & Good ;-)        
thiturbl.zip    4427 08-05-2024  THI TurboLogin Ļ
                                | Allow your event file  |
                                | 100% Configurable      |
threepwd.zip    2505 08-05-2024 Very simple PPE to display a users last
                                three passwords if requested.  Source
                                Code is included, but anyone should be
                                able to get this one easily.  FREEWARE
                                from EBS MicroSystems.
tht194v1.zip    2734 08-05-2024   ͸
                                ;           THT  MSG194 PPE            ͸
                                Two PCBTEXT Prompt's [194,630] for the    
                                Private Message and Return Receipt.       
                                ͸ Another Free PPE from --->>>  <>;
tht39622.zip    9937 08-05-2024   ͸
                                ;          THT CMD396 v2.02            ͸
                                Replacement for the MAIN Command prompt   
                                for PCB 15.1+ just install this PPE in the
                                PCBTEXT Record # 396 and ad your Command  
                                Prompt to the MAINMENU.CNF file upto 4    
                                lines For a Prompt That Will Not Scroll   
                                When The Enter Key is Pressed.            
                                And now Two Line Rumour's Builtin !!!!!!  
                                ͸ Another Free PPE from         <>;
thtc25b1.zip   65760 08-05-2024   ͸
                                ;       THT-UP-CHECK PPE v2.501       ͸
                                PCB 15.1 THT-UP-CHECK v 2.50 PPE, This PPE
                                Will check all uploads scan for Virus's   
                                Do Date Checking One of Four Ways, Add    
                                file's to an archive, Remove File's from  
                                Remove's UnWanted Lines from FILE_ID.DIZ  
                                Has an Exclude List for File's that       
                                shouldn't Be Date Checked. Turns Carrier  
                                Checking  off untill all files are tested.
                                ͸                               <>;
thtdup11.zip    5814 08-05-2024   ͸
                                ;           THTDUP v1.10 PPE           ͸
                                 Daily Upload Bulletin Generator For PCB  
                                 15.1+, Creates a Display file with all   
                                 of Today's Upload's from any             
                                 And All Conference's.  <>           
                                ͸                                      ;
thtev100.zip    2117 08-05-2024   ͸
                                ;                                      ͸
                                 Two Small PPE'S for PCBTEXT 157 & 116    
                                 Event Timer and Letting the user know    
                                 How much time is left before the Event   
                                ͸                               <>;
thtjn201.zip    7284 08-05-2024   ͸
                                ;         THT-JOIN v2.01 PPE           ͸
                                THT-Join PPE Replaces the J command gives 
                                you more control over which Conference a  
                                User can See,The user will only be able to
                                see the Conference they are Registered in 
                                ͸ PCB 15.1+                     <>;
thtlc115.zip    7821 08-05-2024   ͸
                                ;     The Last Caller's v1.15 PPE      ͸
                                   THT Last Caller's AMI Style Last       
                                   Caller's Display, Many options all     
                                   Colors and the number of Last Calls    
                                   Also Security Level to be able to see  
                                ͸ The Last Caller's             <>;
thtlg211.zip    8145 08-05-2024 A Login PPE for PCB 15.0 & 15.1 replaces the
                                Prompt's that ask for the USER's Name & PW
                                FreeWare From  The Master  @ <>
                                Now Logs and sends Messages when the User
                                Forget's there PassWord's or Someone else
                                tries to hack into the System. Also can
                                Leave a Comment to the Sysop or Co-Sysop
                                on a Password Failure.
thtml100.zip    2530 08-05-2024   ͸
                                ;          THT-Mail v1.00 PPE          ͸
                                  Mail Waiting PPE, Very Configurable     
                                  All colors, Length of the Colors ect... 
                                ͸                               <>;
thtmnu12.zip    9406 08-05-2024 This PPE will create a list of all PPE's and
                                Door's you have on your System and then you
                                Will be able to run all of these from One
                                Command and Menu, I use this as the OPEN
                                Command for my System. The Master @ <>
thtmsg11.zip    8658 08-05-2024 This is the Ultimate PCB 15.1 Message Header
                                Replacement, For all of you that Don't Care
                                for the Look of the PCBoard Message Header
                                this is the PPE for you, completely config
                                with all Colors and Positions of all Prompts
                                From The Master @ <> another Great PPE
thtns202.zip   11931 08-05-2024   ͸
                                ;           THT NewScan v2.02          ͸
                                NewScan PPE for PCB 15.1+ Replace the N in
                                PCBoard with this Very Small PPE. In This 
                                Version I added Multiple config's for the 
                                other Conferences so that you can set     
                                NewScan Up to the Specific Conference that
                                it's being, Now with ONE LINE Descriptions
                                ͸                               <>;
thtoff20.zip    3469 08-05-2024   ͸
                                ;         THT Auto-Off v2.00 PPE       ͸
                                 PPE to replace PCBTEXT 493               
                                  Graphics display, Color Configurable    
                                  Amount of Time Also, PCB 15.1+          
                                ͸                               <>;
thtqt1b6.zip    7880 08-05-2024   ͸
                                ;        THTQUOTE v1.0 Beta 6          ͸
                                 Quoter for Replying to Messages For PCB  
                                 15.1+, Use's AutoSig if you have it      
                                 Installed, Completely Configurable       
                                ͸                                      ;
thtsp110.zip    3963 08-05-2024   ͸
                                ;        THT-SpeeD v1.10 PPE           ͸
                                  Displays a Bar Graph of all Connects to 
                                  Your Board, Starts at the Lowest Baud   
                                  Allowed in your PCBOARD.DAT file.       
                                ͸               FreeWare from   <>;
thtue100.zip   10972 08-05-2024   ͸
                                ;        THTUEDIT v1.00 PPE            ͸
                                 Full Screen User Editor for online use   
                                 And though EOM if you can Modify yours,  
                                 Or Use the one with the PKG. Full Conf   
                                 Support and other Fetures                
                                ͸ Based on CIAFSUE by DEFCON 4  <>;
thtup118.zip   11276 08-05-2024 Full Screen Upload PPE for PCB 15.0
                                & PCB 15.1 Many new enhancment's in this
                                version more ERROR Checking for Valid
                                FileNames, Configurable as far as Where
                                the Box will display on the Screen and
                                some Colors. Now with Random Screens.
                                Added Support For RoBoCom user's now
                                if this is found to be true the ppe exits
                                and uses the stock PCB Prompts.
                                Now Support's Local Uploads!!!
                                FREEWARE from <> 04-09-94
                                Sorry but No Source has been included
thtzp100.zip    2705 08-05-2024   ͸
                                ;          THT Zippy PPE v1.0          ͸
                                Replace the "Z" Command in PCBoard, Use   
                                In the CMD.LST file.                      
                                ͸ Another Free PPE From ---->>> <>;
thu_2dunfo.zip   49515 08-05-2024 [PPE] UserInfo v1.0 [1/1]
                                .==========.  ___    ____    ____    ____
                                |__      __| /   \___\    \ |\   \   \   \
                                  /______\  /_____\____\____\\ \ __\__\\ __\
                                  |______| |_______|  \|_____| \|__________|
                                @X06[@X0ETFS@X06] @X08H H> >G@>
                                CoC! Your #1 Source in [9o5]
                                @X04@X0FStalkers Guild@X04@X0C
                                @X04@X0FHad IT Once!  @X04
th_2dftpm1.zip   38936 08-05-2024 Tired of getting email from people who
                                see messages from your BBS on Usenet and
                                want to know if they can get files from
                                your system without calling long distance?
                                Well, now you don't have to tell them no!
                                TH-FTPM is a full-featured FTP-by-email
                                server that lets people request and receive
                                files by email, completely automatically.
                                Includes accounting so you can charge too!
                                [PPE] Shareware.
th_2dm2c.zip    9201 08-05-2024 Pre-processor that scans your incoming
                                Internet email for messages to specified
                                conferences on your BBS.  Saves you transfer
                                time because it lets you receive messages for
                                Internet mailings lists once instead once for
                                each caller.  [PPE]
th_2dm2c15.zip   10576 08-05-2024 Pre-processor that scans your incoming
                                Internet email for messages to specified
                                conferences on your BBS.  Saves you
                                transfer time because it lets you receive
                                messages for Internet mailings lists once
                                instead once for each caller.  [PPE]
                                Version 1.5 fixes a MAJOR oops and a
                                minor bug.
th_2dm2c17.zip    8665 08-05-2024 Pre-processor that scans your incoming
                                Internet email for messages to specified
                                conferences on your BBS.  Saves you
                                transfer time because it lets you receive
                                messages for Internet mailings lists once
                                instead once for each caller.  [PPE]
                                Version 1.7 fixes a rare bug that resulted
                                in all list messages being skipped as
th_2dm2c20.zip    9053 08-05-2024 Pre-processor that scans your incoming
                                Internet email for messages to specified
                                conferences on your BBS.  Saves you
                                transfer time because it lets you receive
                                messages for Internet mailings lists once
                                instead once for each caller.  [PPE]
                                Version 2.0 is a major upgrade that has
                                support for UUencoded messages, message
                                splitting, HDRKEYS.LST, and much more!
th_m2c15.zip   10575 08-05-2024 Pre-processor that scans your incoming
                                Internet email for messages to specified
                                conferences on your BBS.  Saves you
                                transfer time because it lets you receive
                                messages for Internet mailings lists once
                                instead once for each caller.  [PPE]
                                Version 1.5 fixes a MAJOR oops and a
                                minor bug.
tiab100a.zip   12056 08-05-2024 TVBAB 1.00a  - Compile 03JUL95 [PPE]
                                The  Vampyre  Bar!    Internet  Address   Kit
                                This PPE is a complete address kit for all of
                                your Internet/Usenet conferences.   This  PPE
                                can be used to:
                                 o Display a user's Internet address
                                 o Maintain an Internet address book
                                 o Replace PCBoard's (E)nter command to auto-
                                   matically place an Internet address into a
                                   message ON-THE-FLY!
tickle16.zip   65889 08-05-2024 "TICKLE FILE" Ver 1.60 - 10/4/96 - (PPL 3.1)
                                "Tickle File" is a program which maintains a
                                personal database for each user. This
                                personal database can contain up to 24
                                filenames with an optional 15 character
                                description. Users can then "Tickle" their
                                memory next time they are on the BBS so they
                                can download the file(s) they wanted when
                                they did not have enough time or bytes during
                                previous logon.  Now Supports 15.3 Index File
tieab38.zip    29965 08-05-2024 The Internet E-Mail Address Book PPE! v3.8
                                Red Dragon Software(tm) 1995.   This is a
                                must have utility for any PCBoard BBS that
                                offers private internet e-mail!  Allows users
                                to store address as well as automatic
                                of Internet E-mail!  Also shows user there
                                internet address per your system!
                                @X09Now you can alphabatize your addresses!
                                @XFFSee HISTORY.DOC for details!
                                Already REGISTERED SysOps see: READNOW!.!!!
                                SHAREWARE:  Cheap only $10.00!
time10.zip      4304 08-05-2024 TIME.PPE is a simple little command add-on
                                to let your users know the time of day
                                without having to look at the clock! Painless
                                no-config installation! Plug and play
tk_2dbl12.zip    7267 08-05-2024              _____   _____
                                    toxic    \    \__\    \___    krystal
                                   ___/\___  \    ___\   ____\_____    O
                                 o  \  oO  /  /   _/   \    \      /  _   o
                                __O /__\/__\  \________/\____\    /  (_) __
                                \/---  \/ -----  presents  -  \__/   -----\/
                                | userBLACK v1.2 - litebar user blacklistr |
                                |   this is a valuable sysop tool, used    |
                                |   for blacklisting people without the    |
                                |   need to drop to dos, great tool for    |
                                |   (co)sysops. a SOURCE CODE release!!    |
tk_2dkonf1.zip   32474 08-05-2024  __  __________     ______                   
                                |  |_\___  \_  |---/_/  __)_ - -- --- -----. 
                                |  _/_|  |  |_ _ _/  |  |  | toxic krystal | 
                                |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | ------------- | 
                                `-----^-----^--|  |--^-----' ppe division! | 
                                .--|~~~/----.--|  |---._|~~|_ .-----.--.   | 
                                | __ _/  |__|  |  |__-' |  _/_| _|  |  |__ | 
                                |  |  |  |  |___  |  |  |  |  | \_  |  |rE|| 
                                `--|__|__|   (____|_____|_____|--|__|_____|| 
                                 toxic user konfig v1.o [w] replacement   | 
                                . possibly the best user config out there  | 
                                : has full lightbar support & configurable | 
                                | comes with 3 examples to suit your bbs   |
                                `-( released o1/o5/96 )--------------------'
tk_2dkpr12.zip   12667 08-05-2024              _____   _____
                                    toxic    \    \__\    \___    krystal
                                   ___/\___  \    ___\   ____\_____    O
                                 o  \  oO  /  /   _/   \    \      /  _   o
                                __O /__\/__\  \________/\____\    /  (_) __
                                \/---  \/ -----  presents  -  \__/   -----\/
                                | krazyPROT v1.2 - litebar protocol change |
                                |   grab this if you want the finest in    |
                                |   cursor hidden litebar prot changers    |
                                |   everything you need with some great    |
                                |   artwork to boot. you NEED this ppe!    |
tk_2dnewf1.zip    6197 08-05-2024  __  __________     ______                  
                                |  |_\___  \_  |---/_/  __)_ - -- --- -----.
                                |  _/_|  |  |_ _ _/  |  |  | toxic krystal |
                                |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | ------------- |
                                `-----^-----^--|  |--^-----' ppe division! |
                                .--|~~~/----.--|  |---._|~~|_ .-----.--.   |
                                | __ _/  |__|  |  |__-' |  _/_| _|  |  |__ |
                                |  |  |  |  |___  |  |  |  |  | \_  |  |rE||
                                `--|__|__|   (____|_____|_____|--|__|_____||
                                          New File Scan V1.1              |
                                . Scan the BBS for new files 100% bug free |
                                : and configurable. Also edit the prompt   |
                                | to match you own BBS. by BLaCK aSSaSSiN  |
                                `-( released o2/o5/96 )--------------------'
tk_2dnup.zip    6290 08-05-2024  __  __________     ______                  
                                |  |_\___  \_  |---/_/  __)_ - -- --- -----.
                                |  _/_|  |  |_ _ _/  |  |  | toxic krystal |
                                |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | ------------- |
                                `-----^-----^--|  |--^-----' ppe division! |
                                .--|~~~/----.--|  |---._|~~|_ .-----.--.   |
                                | __ _/  |__|  |  |__-' |  _/_| _|  |  |__ |
                                |  |  |  |  |___  |  |  |  |  | \_  |  |rE||
                                `--|__|__|   (____|_____|_____|--|__|_____||
                                        Display New User Password         |
                                . Add security with your NUP. This ppe will|
                                : show the rules for letting on new users  |
                                | and ask the user if they agree before    |
                                | showing the NUP everyone who looks at it |
                                | gets recorded in the log file. Great if  |
                                | some lamers been spreading it everywhere.|
                                `-( released o1/o5/96 )--------------------'
tk_2drums.zip   18491 08-05-2024 Menu Rumors V1.0 This ppe adds rumors onto
                                your menus. it also comes with an editor
                                that the users can use to add their own
                                comments, or delete what they have written.
                                you can also disallow words from being used
                                like peoples names and also stop selected
                                users from adding rumors. released 22/o6/96
tk_2dscan3.zip    7490 08-05-2024 Scan Conference v3.0 This is the best zippy
                                dir scan out. Scans the current conference
                                or the whole bbs. can scan up to ten scan
                                strings at once. Now 100% configurable you
                                can edit how it looks also display and ansi
                                to the screen before scanning.
                                released o6/o6/96
tk_2dusers.zip    6018 08-05-2024  __  __________     ______                  
                                |  |_\___  \_  |---/_/  __)_ - -- --- -----.
                                |  _/_|  |  |_ _ _/  |  |  | toxic krystal |
                                |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | ------------- |
                                `-----^-----^--|  |--^-----' ppe division! |
                                .--|~~~/----.--|  |---._|~~|_ .-----.--.   |
                                | __ _/  |__|  |  |__-' |  _/_| _|  |  |__ |
                                |  |  |  |  |___  |  |  |  |  | \_  |  |rE||
                                `--|__|__|   (____|_____|_____|--|__|_____||
                                          Toxic User List V1.0            |
                                . This is one of the best looking user     |
                                : lists out. show Name, Location, leech    |
                                | upload and axs level. This is a must     |
                                | for your board By: THe BLaCK aSSaSSiN    |
                                `-( released 27/o4/96 )--------------------'
tk_2dusrnf.zip    8347 08-05-2024  __  __________     ______
                                |  |_\___  \_  |---/_/  __)_ - -- --- -----.
                                |  _/_|  |  |_ _ _/  |  |  | toxic krystal |
                                |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | ------------- |
                                `-----^-----^--|  |--^-----' ppe division! |
                                .--|~~~/----.--|  |---._|~~|_ .-----.--.   |
                                | __ _/  |__|  |  |__-' |  _/_| _|  |  |__ |
                                |  |  |  |  |___  |  |  |  |  | \_  |  |rE||
                                `--|__|__|   (____|_____|_____|--|__|_____||
                                           Write User Info                |
                                . This is a real nice looking write user   |
                                : info program. best ppe to use on the "w" |
                                | command.   Coded by: THe BLaCK aSSaSSiN  |
                                `-( released o3/o5/96 )--------------------'
tk_2dwho12.zip   36194 08-05-2024    __________________  ________ ________
                                   \____        ____/ |      __|     __/_
                                       |        |     |      \___     rE|
                                       |        |     |________|        |
                                .---------------'toxic krystal!`-----------.
                                | toxicWHO v1.2 - simple nodescan by kraze |
                                |  a nice simple nodescan ppe in classic   |
                                |  ascii style, no useless extra features  |
                                |  just the stuff you need to know about!  |
                                `-( released 16/10/97 )--------------------'
tk_dled.zip     4948 08-05-2024  __  __________     ______                  
                                |  |_\___  \_  |---/_/  __)_ - -- --- -----.
                                |  _/_|  |  |_ _ _/  |  |  | toxic krystal |
                                |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | ------------- |
                                `-----^-----^--|  |--^-----' ppe division! |
                                .--|~~~/----.--|  |---._|~~|_ .-----.--.   |
                                | __ _/  |__|  |  |__-' |  _/_| _|  |  |__ |
                                |  |  |  |  |___  |  |  |  |  | \_  |  |rE||
                                `--|__|__|   (____|_____|_____|--|__|_____||
                                          Download Editor V1.0            |
                                . This PPE is a light bar driven download  |
                                : editor. Instals in 5 seconds. Allows     |
                                : user to add remove or list the files in  |
                                | their batch.  Coded: THe BLaCK aSSaSSiN  |
                                `-( released 29/04/96 )--------------------'
tk_dos12.zip   28284 08-05-2024  .----- .------. ----------- .-------/ -\:::
                                \|     _|      |___   .------|    __/    \::
                                :\    (__      ___/---|     __     \_     \:
                                ::\     |      |      |      |______/     |\
                                :::\--- `-------------^------' ----------rE!
                                  toxic^krystal presents:toxic dos....... 
                                |toxic dos enhancement!, a brand new dos   |
                                |login ppe for pcboard 15.2x. has heaps of |
                                |groovy optionz check it out version 1.2   |
                                -( released 27/04/96 )-----------[wizard!]-'
tlock_11.zip   10938 08-05-2024 ͵ TRUELOCK [PPE] v1.1 RELEASE! ͸
                                PPE  designed to  TRULY LOCK  out  UNWANTED
                                callers.  Logs to caller's log,  a log-file
                                and/or sends a message.  Multi-node support
                                with debugging and  diagnostics  mode.  Not
                                the 1st  caller-ID  blocker  but  the  MOST
                                CONFIGURABLE and  COMPLETE.   ZyXEL, Supra,
                                PPI and non-CID modems supported.          
                                PCB v15.1 and caller-ID  service  required.
                                ͵ Fully Functional Shareware (Reg: $15) ;
tlotqp30.zip    8255 08-05-2024 TEXAS LOTTO QUIK PIK v3.0 for PCBoard v15.0
                                This is a PPE program that will allow your
                                users to generate Quik Pik numbers for play
                                in the Texas Lottery Pick 6 or in the NEW
                                PICK 3 to start Oct 25, 1993.  Shareware
                                by Chuck Hogard, Hogard Software Solutions
                                BBS at (214) 641-6292.
tntqwk10.zip    3687 08-05-2024 [     PaRaNoiD TNT-QWK V1.o PPe     ]   
                                [    THe ReALLY GReaTeST/KuuLeST    ]   
                                [   QWK CoMMaND FoR PCBoaRD 15.2+   ]   
to10.zip        9389 08-05-2024 Replacement PPL routine for prompt 199
                                (TO prompt for Enter message).  Among
                                other things, gives users the ability to
                                have personal 'black book' or 'alias'
                                files to track their internet addresses
                                more easily.  Since some things in the
                                routine are specific to the PACS IBM SIG
                                BBS, source is included.
today_27s.zip    4021 08-05-2024 Today's callers PPE for PCBoard 15.X
                                Bug Fix 02-20-95 Version 1.35
                                by Mukunda Modell
topdls1.zip    10168 08-05-2024 TOPDLS 1.0 TOPLEECH PPE FOR PCB 15.2
topones.zip     3178 08-05-2024 _____________________________ _______
                                \_ _  \_ ____/_ _  \_ ____/ |_\  ___/
                                 /    _/  ___)/    _/  ___)  | \___  \
                                /   |  \_ |  \   |  \  |  \  :  \  :  \
                                \___|   /___  \____  \___  \___  \___  \
                                         TopOnes v1,10b by STEVE
                                 One of the best Top Up/Dn's for PCB 15,1
tops_21pie.zip   38573 08-05-2024  Top Uploader/Downloader PPE
                                       for PCB 15.2X
                                A real fast and nice one !!!!
topt11.zip     14912 08-05-2024 TOPTEN UL/DL 1.1 PPE FOR PCBOARD
                                    NEW IMPROVED VERSION !!
trans100.zip    7783 08-05-2024 [05/18/96] TRANSTATS PPE v1.00     [PCBoard]
                                A simple ppe program that will create and or
                                display a bulletin of the last file transfer
                                stats on your system. You specify the number
                                of last Uploads/Downloads to show.          
                                Totally configurable. A ppe for PCBoard 15.2
                                And best of all its FREEWARE!               
                                Copyright (c)1996 Equinox Software
trial1.zip      6160 08-05-2024 ***** Trial.PPE   v1.0 *****
                                Nice expired user PPE. Gives
                                user choice of killing own 
                                account. Sysop definable 
                                menus/displays, File d/ls,
                                and PPE execution. Will also
                                TCAN user name & alias to 
                                help deter leeches. 
trouble.zip     5593 08-05-2024 TROUBLE.PPE (ver 1.0)   
                                PCBoard 15.1 PPE to replace pcbtext prompt
                                # 149 (Do you want graphics) at login.  A
                                simple PPE to display an ascii text file
                                informing the user of trouble with the BBS
                                such as line noise and allow the user to
                                "gracefully" logoff or continue, and then
                                ask if they want graphics.  Freeware.
                                Includes source code.
trtrqst3.zip   29510 08-05-2024 [25 mar 95] TRT2oo1 Request PPE v2.0
                                All possibilities from ver 1.2,PLUS:
                                UNLIMITED requests can be added,FULL
                                LIGHTBAR support,improved design and
                                major bugfixes.
tr_2dsysp2.zip    2847 08-05-2024 SYSTEMPASSWORD PPE v2.0
                                 100% easy install dox 
tr_2durepl.zip    3110 08-05-2024 Yup, another fine U replacement
                                101 % sysop configurable, up to
                                7 default description lines and
                                101 % lamer easy install dox...
tr_2dwinfo.zip    4893 08-05-2024   CHANGE USER INFO PPE v1.0
                                Another great "W" replacement
                                for your pleasure. Kewl style
                                 and 100% sysop configurable
                                 Compiled in PPLC2 runs with
                                any PCBOARD version. And with
                                 100% easy lamer install dox 
tr_sysp2.zip    2847 08-05-2024 SYSTEMPASSWORD PPE v2.0
                                 100% easy install dox 
tr_urepl.zip    3110 08-05-2024 Yup, another fine U replacement
                                101 % sysop configurable, up to
                                7 default description lines and
                                101 % lamer easy install dox...
tr_winfo.zip    4893 08-05-2024   CHANGE USER INFO PPE v1.0
                                Another great "W" replacement
                                for your pleasure. Kewl style
                                 and 100% sysop configurable
                                 Compiled in PPLC2 runs with
                                any PCBOARD version. And with
                                 100% easy lamer install dox 
tsh_2dappg.zip   16235 08-05-2024      
                                  [TSH-APPG.PPE] Application 1.o  
                                 A kewl application generator for 
                                 Trash,  meant to  use on all our 
                                 distsites/headquarters!     (tR) 
tsh_2dbl10.zip   23752 08-05-2024      
                                    [PCBOARD]  Bulletinz v1.oo    
                                  Lightbar controlled  bulletinz  
                                  lister with  some awesome GFX!  
                                  Source code enclosed!    [tM!]  
tsh_2dinfo.zip   20440 08-05-2024      
                                   tRASH boardinfoz and warnings  
                                     +   new apply forms !        
                                 (26.06.96)                (Sike) 
                                   @X03.(@X0BtH $m@X03).
tsh_2djc10.zip   24552 08-05-2024      
                                   [PCBOARD] Confz Joiner v1.oo   
                                  Lightbar controlled conference  
                                  joiner with  some neat grafix!  
                                  Source code enclosed!    [tM!]  
tsh_2djc20.zip   26829 08-05-2024      
                                   [PCBOARD] Confz Joiner v2.oo   
                                  Lightbar controlled conference  
                                  joiner loaded with features!    
                                  Source code enclosed!    [tM!]  
tsh_2dld10.zip   23528 08-05-2024      
                                  [PCBOARD] Last Dudez v1.oo      
                                  Displays the 1o last dudez who  
                                  were on yar board. Kewl GFX!    
                                  Source code enclosed!     [tM!] 
tsh_2dlgf1.zip   33133 08-05-2024      
                                  [LOGOFF.PPE] Animated logoff    
                                  ppe with comment to next caller 
                                  code : Filis / tRASH       (SK) 
                                 !"@X03.:(@X0B|>@X0FN \$|V\@X03):.@X07"!
tsh_2dll10.zip   18693 08-05-2024      
                                  [PCBOARD]  Litebar Logon v1.oo  
                                  Litebar controlled logon PPE!   
                                  This one really kickz azz!      
                                  Source code enclosed!    [tM!]  
tsh_2dmf20.zip   22535 08-05-2024      
                                  [PCBOARD] Message Footer v2.oo  
                                  Litebar controlled msg-footer.  
                                  Now its configurable!    [tM!]  
                                     .oO. Source Enclosed .Oo.    
tsh_2dpag2.zip   29043 08-05-2024 ,s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$s,
                                $$$ $$$  ,s$$$$$$ $$$  S$$$
                                $$$ $$$^$$$$ $$$    $$$^$$s, $$$
                                $$$ $$$    `$$$$s,$$$  $$$ $$$
                                $$$ $$$ $$$$    $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$
                                $$$s`$$$$$$ $$$$$$s $$$  $$$,$$$
                                $$$     tRASH pRODUCTIONZ     $$$
                                $$$         pREZENTZ          $$$
                                $$$ PPE sysop pager PCB   $$$
                                $$$ code by dARKZEID  tRASH  $$$
                                $$$                           $$$
                                $$$              [04/04/96]$$$
tsh_2dpage.zip   20150 08-05-2024      
                                  [TSH-PAGE.PPE] Kewl Pager v1.o  
                                 Operator  page  replacement  who 
                                 shows  a rotating  bar  in stead 
                                 of sum boring dots!         (tR) 
tsh_2dsysh.zip    2804 08-05-2024  [TSH-SYSH.PPE] Sysop Home? v1.oo 
                                 Shows  an ANSi depending  on the 
                                 state of Page Bell!         (tR) 
tsh_2dtop2.zip    3911 08-05-2024 [TSH-TOP2.PPE]  Kewl TOP Uppers
tsh_2dtu12.zip   39434 08-05-2024      
                                  [PCBOARD] Today's Uploads Vo.12 
                                  Displays the today's uploaded   
                                  files. No more delay! Faster    
                                  operation! With day to day               
                                  update !                [CbrMc] 
tsh_2dwkan.zip    5446 08-05-2024      
                                  [PCBOARD] .PPE daily logon ansi 
                                  randomizer Displays a different 
                                  ansi for every day of the week! 
                                  [code: FiLiS^tRASH!] (12/03/97) 
tssqf20.zip    20035 08-05-2024 CW-QF v1.0: QuickFiles PPE Ami/X Style
ttp_2dnews.zip    6316 08-05-2024 TTP-News v1.0 is a News-File Manager. It 
                                has a friendly SysOp-Interface and
                                displays the News to the User.
                                The news are for definable security
                                levels you can choose to show the news
                                to each user once only. It also has an
                                expiration engine ! 
                                Best News PPE avaiable !
tuc_2dilst.zip   10397 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                        Inet Sitez Lister PPE           
                                   ..::.     Version 1.0     ..::..     
                                ..::.. /\__KoS___ _ /\  ____/\ ..::..   
                                .::.. //      _ _\ | _\/     _\ ..::... 
                                ..::. \___  \__ // |  \\   .  \\ ..::.. 
                                  ..::.. /  _\ \/  :   \\   \__ \ ..::..
                                  ..::. /    \\<   .    /    _ \/..:::..
                                 ..::.. \___  / \  ____/\___ // ..::..  
                                          The UnderGround Cell          
tuc_2dlch.zip   18261 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                         Send a Message to All          
                                   ..::.  Leeches on yer BBS ..::..     
                                ..::.. /\________ _ /\  ____/\ ..::..   
                                .::.. //      _ _\ | _\/     _\ ..::... 
                                ..::. \___  \__ // |  \\   .  \\ ..::.. 
                                  ..::.. /  _\ \/  :   \\   \__ \ ..::..
                                  ..::. /    \\< PPE DiV/    _ \/..:::..
                                 ..::.. \___  / \  ____/\___ // MSŝ   
                                          The UnderGround Cell          
tuc_2dpgr.zip   29982 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                         Multiple Sysop Pager    2/18/95
                                   ..::.Built in Comment/Chat..::..     
                                ..::.. /\__KoS___ _ /\  ____/\ ..::..   
                                .::.. // Mysty_ _\ | _\/     _\ ..::... 
                                ..::. \___  \__ // |  \\   .  \\ ..::.. 
                                  ..::.. /  _\ \/  :   \\   \__ \ ..::..
                                  ..::. /    \\<   .    /    _ \/..:::..
                                 ..::.. \___  / \  ____/\___ // ..::..  
                                          The UnderGround Cell          
tunlge02.zip    6279 08-05-2024 TUNLogonPPE Enhancement Series Package 2
                                Use this enhancement package to replace the
                                standard prompt asking a user if he/she
                                wishes to leave a oneliner with a 100%
                                configurable lightbar driven prompt in the
                                TUNLogonPPE.                        Disk 1/1
tunlge03.zip    6272 08-05-2024 TUNLogonPPE Enhancement Series Package 3
                                Use this enhancement package to replace the
                                standard prompt asking a user if he/she
                                wishes to vote on any newusers in the NUV
                                with a 100% configurable lightbar driven
                                prompt in the TUNLogonPPE.          Disk 1/1
tunlge05.zip    6583 08-05-2024 TUNLogonPPE Enhancement Series Package 5
                                Use this enhancement package to replace the
                                standard prompt asking a user if he/she
                                wishes to TURBO LOGON with a 100% SysOp
                                configurable HOTKEYED lightbar driven prompt
                                in the TUNLogonPPE                  Disk 1/1
tunlge06.zip    6562 08-05-2024 TUNLogonPPE Enhancement Series Package 6
                                Use this enhancement package to replace the
                                standard prompt asking a user if he/she
                                wishes to leave a 1 liner with a 100% SysOp
                                configurable HOTKEYED lightbar driven prompt
                                in the TUNLogonPPE                  Disk 1/1
tunlge07.zip    6551 08-05-2024 TUNLogonPPE Enhancement Series Package 7
                                Use this enhancement package to replace the
                                standard prompt asking a user if he/she
                                wishes to vote on any New Users in the NUV
                                with a 100% configurable HOTKEYED lightbar
                                driven prompt in TUNLogonPPE        Disk 1/1
tunlgn20.zip  200464 08-05-2024 TUNLogonPPE Ver. 2.0 Release. The ForumHack
                                Logon presently used by TUN BBS and offers
                                User One Liners, The Last Callers To The BBS
                                Who's Online, SysOp and NUV Infoforms, Full
                                Multi-Node Able New User Voting Booth ( Not
                                Mandatory ),Turbo Logon, Random Welcome and
                                Stats Screens.SysOp definable 3rd party PPEs
                                may be bypassed in turbo logon. Finally A
                                logon PPE that is backdoor free!    Disk 1/1
tunm2e01.zip    6918 08-05-2024 TUNLogonPPE Module 2 Enhancement Pak 1 Beta
                                Use this enhancement package to replace the
                                default last callers using SysOp Comment 1
                                with the Users City/State if required by
                                your board setup                   Disk 1/1
tunnuk10.zip   76141 08-05-2024 TUNNukePPE Version 2.0 A Better PFEDNUKE
                                PPE. This one automates your Pfed Notices
                                giving you form letter based on the PFED
                                macros.No more sending Email that doesnt
                                get read, or Deleted.Also features a
                                Master Nuke Log giving you a detailed
                                history of PFED Notices & confirming that
                                a user recieved it. ALL screens/Prompts are
                                100% configurable & best of all,its 100%
                                BACKDOOR FREE !  Reg. is $5         Disk 1/1
turbo110.zip    7507 08-05-2024 ---------  TURBO LOGIN v1.10  --------
                                Allow your callers to login FAST!!
                                Lightbar and color configurable.
                                The source code is available (upon
                                request) to registered SysOps.
                                  Copyright (C)1995 Equinox Software   
tutor145.zip  116807 08-05-2024             PCBoard Online
                                A complete online tutorial to help your
                                callers better understand PCBoard, the
                                Internet, Usenet and much more...
                                   [PPE] program for PCBoard 15.21+
                                  Copyright (C)1995 Equinox Software
tutor151.zip  142142 08-05-2024       PCBoard Online Tutorial
                                UPDATE v1.51 UPDATE
                                A complete online tutorial to help your
                                callers better understand PCBoard, the
                                Internet, Usenet, FIDO and much more...
                                   [PPE] program for PCBoard 15.21+
                                  Copyright (C)1995 Equinox Software
tview34.zip    29195 08-05-2024 TextView PPE 3.4 by Joseph Sheppard. For
                                PCBoard BBS V15.x.  Used for displaying text
                                information to your callers in a format
                                similar to the PCBoard Bulletin section.
                                Great for Online Magazines. TextView menu
                                items can launch other Text Features or
                                PPE's!  Many improvements! This release
                                allows more configuration options, and
                                seamless operation (no program ID) for
                                registered users!
tview35.zip    33684 08-05-2024 TextView PPE 3.5 by Joseph Sheppard. For
                                PCBoard BBS V15.x.  Used for displaying text
                                information to your callers in a format
                                similar to the PCBoard Bulletin section.
                                Great for Online Magazines. TextView menu
                                items can launch other Text Features or
twc_main.zip   11369 08-05-2024     =        Main Menu ppe         =       
                                .  Totally Configurable 15 Lightbars       
                                  Internal Command Line whit sec. Prot.   
                                   This Works !!!                       |   
                                   Put a ANSI file on the background.       
                                   Handy As Never Seen Before           |   
                                 PCB 15.2 [PPE] by The Avator           |   
                                 Compiled With PPLC 3.0       [04/05/95]   
txltqp32.zip    7967 08-05-2024 TEXAS LOTTO QUIK PIK v3.2 for PCBoard v15.0
                                This is a PPE program that will allow your
                                users to generate Quik Pik numbers for play
                                in the Texas Lottery Pick 6 or in the NEW
                                PICK 3.     Shareware by Chuck Hogard!
                                The Hogard Software Solutions BBS
                                (214) 641-6292. ASP Member BBS.
txt_2d64.zip    2855 08-05-2024 A COOL TOP REPLACE THE LINE 64 IN YOUR
                                PCBTEXT... MORE FUNNY PROMPT TO JOIN
t_2drisk20.zip  152287 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                *> Time Risk V2.0 PCBoard [PPE] <*
                                 A PPE for PCBoard 15.2+ which your users 
                                 gamble away their online time by playing 
                                 one of several games. Lifetime support & 
                                 lifetime free upgrades.  Only $5.00 gets 
                                 four more games, with another four being 
                                 released in March for a total of twelve! 
                                 Hurry, registration increases to  $10.00 
                                 after March of 1995. This copy: FreeWare 
                                 Your users will think you registered it! 
t_risk20.zip  152287 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                *> Time Risk V2.0 PCBoard [PPE] <*
                                 A PPE for PCBoard 15.2+ which your users 
                                 gamble away their online time by playing 
                                 one of several games. Lifetime support & 
                                 lifetime free upgrades.  Only $5.00 gets 
                                 four more games, with another four being 
                                 released in March for a total of twelve! 
                                 Hurry, registration increases to  $10.00 
                                 after March of 1995. This copy: FreeWare 
                                 Your users will think you registered it! 
uai_34a.zip    11043 08-05-2024 UAI.PPE v3.40a - Compiled on this 11-12-1993
                                PCBoard 15.1 - [PPE] program that will check
                                the users file for Address Information (PSA)
                                If enabled, and a user has not entered their
                                appropriate information,  this [PPE] program
                                will pop a menu up so they can enter all the
                                information needed.  Work's great when added
                                in place of your PCB 15.1 logon script.  Can
                                display a (SysOp definable) file(s) for each
                                UAI command.   Read document for information
                                of program update.    (Source Code Included)
ualpcb11.zip    8556 08-05-2024 User Alias Lister 1.1 for PCBoard PPE App
                                that allows the SysOp and/or Users to list
                                the Alias Name, Calling From, and Last Call
                                Date & Time of everyone on the system. Great
                                replacement for the USER function if your
                                system uses alias names, or just add it as
                                another means of listing all your users via
                                their alias name. Very easy to install. Not
                                crippled!  Shareware  * FREE REGISTRATION *
ucmt110.zip    10977 08-05-2024 @X07Ŀ
                                @X0F   The Ultimate COMMENT PPE@X03    @X07
                                @X0E   Version 1.10 / 16-Jan-95   @X07  
                                 @X04     By Wolfgang Scott        @X07 
                                @X02 Replaces (C)omment to sysop on@X07 
                                @X02      PCBoard Version 15.2.    @X07 
                                @X02    Compiled with PPLC 3.00    @X07 
                                @X0D       Very Configurable,      @X07 
                                @X03     Security Level Aware      @X07 
                                  @X0DMultiple Sysop@X03 & Multi-Line  @X07
                                @X03     Descriptions Per Sysop    @X07 
                                 @X03 LightBar Selection Of Sysop  @X07 
                                @X03       @X0B EXCELLENT PPE!         @X07
ud_2dmp20a.zip   14003 08-05-2024 @X04UNLIMITEDDIMENSIONS
                                      @X4C @X08@X4C@X04
                                      @X4C @X48@X08@X4C @X48@X08
                                      @X04@X48 @X08@X4C @X48@X04
                                      @X4C @X08@X4C @X08
                                      @X4C @X48@X08@X4C @X48@X08
                                      @X4C @X48@X08@X4C @X48@X04
                                @X0D  Multi Prompt v2.0a
                                @X0F       95-07-12
                                @X0F A real  Multi Prompt
                                @X0F PPE  that   displays
                                @X0F many options!
uedit.zip      81863 08-05-2024 ----=== UEDIT v4.0 and v4.22 RELEASE ===----
                                   UEDIT v4.22 is a User Editor for PCBoard 
                                15.22 which allows you to edit the users 
                                file very easily. It allows many options 
                                like Mark a User for Deletion, Change User 
                                Security Level, Change User Experation Date, 
                                Change User Conference Flags in a Conference,
                                add a USER, Plus 4 hooks for other PPE 
                                installations. The 4.0 version is for PCB 
                                15.21.     --===CompuSoft Inc.===--
ulbye100.zip    4339 08-05-2024 ULBY Edit version 1.00 (11-21-93)
                                A DIZ/2-PCB third party PPE that enables
                                your users to change their 'Uploaded by:'
                                string. All this PPE does is keeps a database
                                that DIZ/2-PCB can read and use when it runs
                                after an upload.
ulpppe15.zip   13566 08-05-2024 
ulp_111.zip   257484 08-05-2024 UpLoadProcessor 1.11 for PCBoard. Detects all
                                file formats by SIGNATURE. Converts archive
                                formats. Processes uncompressed files, nested
                                archives and imbedded paths. Integrated CRC
                                dual duplication detection system, ZDCS
                                supported. Inserts FILE_ID.DIZ and adds info
                                lines. Supports non-standard ports, high IRQs
                                and FOSSIL drivers. Includes both event and
                                online programs. Fully menu-driven
                                configuration. Maintenance release...
unet200.zip    18999 08-05-2024 UNetFile.PPE    Version 2.0    May 1995
                                PCBoard UserNet.xxx File Maintenance Utility
                                Replaces the "Access Denied - USER is in use
                                on another node!" PCBText prompt.  Provides
                                the User with a Better Explanation of the
                                Problem, and optionally, they can clear their
                                Information from the problem node. The SysOp
                                can limit its use to certain security levels
                                as well as having it write a message to them.
                                A Great Tool for the Busy Multi-Node System!
                                Written with PPL V3.10 - Requires PCB 15.21
                                Written by Dr. David Patterson.  LapisWare.
unote101.zip    4595 08-05-2024 USERNOTE.PPE v1.01; Adds up to 5 more
                                questions to the new user script and stores
                                information in PSANOTES. Questions are fully
                                configurable.  Now logs answers to the
                                callers log.
upl201.zip     61526 08-05-2024   UPLoad Processor v2.01 for PCBoard 15.21
                                ޳ UPL.PPE: The fastest Upload Processor  
                                ޳ ever made, now in PPLC. Features:      
                                ޳  Automatic file type detection, Virus  
                                ޳  Scanning, CRC Check, CRC Database,    
                                ޳  Automatic file_id.diz insertion, Log, 
                                ޳  Multi_conf support, special extensions
                                ޳ MSmac Software ## 351-61-314336 [28.8] 
upl202.zip     74974 08-05-2024 UPLOAD Processor PPE v2.02 for PCBoard 15.2X
                                ޳ The only full PPE Upload Processor.     
                                ޳ Featuring:                              
                                ޳ - Automatic File_id Insertion           
                                ޳ - CRC Database                          
                                ޳ - Duplicate files control by CRC        
                                ޳ - Scans for virus                       
                                ޳ - Detects zip, arj, gif, lha, arc, pak  
                                ޳ - Files extensions you do not wish      
                                ޳   to test                               
                                ޳ - Screen on remote doesn't flic anymore 
                                ޳ - Log Session                           
                                ޳ - Multiconference                       
                                ޳ and more.....                           
                                ޳ --------------------------------------- 
                                ޳ MSmac Software ## 351-61-314336 [28.8]  
upload20.zip   11178 08-05-2024 *UPLOAD.PPE* version 2.0 - Dated: 10/24/93
                                A PPE that will allow you to have different
                                configuration files for your upload processor
                                based on what conference the user is going to
                                upload in. It also stops files with sysop 
                                definable extensions from being uploaded in
                                any conference you want. Currently limited
                                to 1000 conferences. MAJOR UPDATE! MUCH 
                                Faster, and more multinode aware.
up_date.zip     4981 08-05-2024 This PPL Code will check the Users
                                file for the callers Address Info, If
                                there is none it will display a menu
                                where they place there address Info.
urt_cfs1.zip    3051 08-05-2024 PCB15.2 CONF JOIN FILE STATS PPE V1.0
usappl1a.zip   10357 08-05-2024  Ŀ
                                  USAToday v1.0a  Compiled on 2-8-93  
                                PCBoard 15.1 [PPE]  USATODAY Decisionline
                                online viewing PPL.  A VERY  beta release
                                of a great alternative to costly USAToday
                                display programs for PCBoard. Pre-release
                                for sysops on  Planet Connect but can  be
                                used by any sysop receiving  the USATODAY
                                decisionline  service.  Watch  for future
                                updates!  Already a minor change and fix.
usav12.zip     12532 08-05-2024 USAV12.PPE --------------***>
                                PCBoard 15.2 (PPE) This is an online
                                viewing PPL for USATODAY. I wrote
                                this PPE out of frustration after
                                trying to install the USADOOR carried
                                on PLANET CONNECT. Added new news
                                areas.FREEWARE Fixed bug 1-24-95
                                Now includes source code.
                                Northern Lites BBS (218)843-3345
usav200.zip     6897 08-05-2024 USATODAY.PPE --------------***>
                                (PCBoard 15.21+ PPE) This is an online
                                viewing program for the USATODAY
                                subscription service.  Modified to
                                work with the 3/95 file structure.
                                Original by: Northern Lites BBS
                                Modified by: Eagle's Nest BBS
usav98.zip      9194 08-05-2024 USAV98.PPE 
                                PCBoard 15.2 (PPE) This is an online
                                viewing PPL for USATODAY. I wrote
                                this PPE out of frustration after
                                trying to install the USADOOR carried
                                on PLANET CONNECT. Very beta looking
                                for a few sysops to use and input
                                changes for final compile.
                                Northern Lites BBS (218)843-3345
user110.zip    11806 08-05-2024 USER.PPE, Vers. 1.10, by Galahad Software.
                                A replacement for the internal PCB USERS
                                command for PCBoard 15.21+.  Highlights 
                                search text like a (Z)ippy scan, has 
                                forward and backward searches, and the 
                                source code is included!
user2as2.zip   14397 08-05-2024 User2Asc v0.91 - Creates a Comma Delimited
                                ASCII file from USERS & USERS.INF files.
                                Includes data from Alias, Address, Verify
                                & Password PSA's if installed. Fixed length
                                lines make easy sorting using QSORT program.
                                New /R:Start,End option allows creating file
                                with desired range (or a single entry).
                                Includes QB Source. FREEWARE by Gary Meeker
userl.zip       4981 08-05-2024  USER LIST PPE v1.0                        
                                 Full ULBY support                         
                                 Kewl Design                               
                                 Code Included                             
userpro1.zip   21299 08-05-2024 @X0AUser Profile v1.1 for PCBoard v15.21    
                                @X02This PPE will allow for your Users to   
                                @X02see information about other Users that  
                                @X02are on your BBS. If you have ever used  
                                @X02CNet's Finger command then this program 
                                @X02is for you. Fully Functional. This is   
                                @X02a enhanced version of v1.0. It now      
                                @X02requires an alias!                      
                                     by @X0Foft\/\/r xcptions      
userref.zip     3619 08-05-2024 <--------User Reference v1.0-------->
                                Let you users know that a new user
                                has applied to your system.  Users
                                can vouch for the new user simply
                                by replying to the message.
                                By: Col. Kurtz
users20.zip    13920 08-05-2024 
                                 USERS.PPE version 2, replaces the       
                                 default PCBoard USERS command. Has new  
                                 configurable text, header, footer and   
                                 lightbar features! Compatable with the  
                                 ALIAS PSA! Bug fix! Includes source.    
                                      Support BBS:  Th N-NM S      
                                     (703)323-6838      [ANTi-X WHQ]     
                                    FREE!, The way PPE's should be!    
                                 ]\/[vik of ANTi-X 
userv2.zip      4736 08-05-2024 ----------[ User [PPE] V.1.1 ]-----------
                                USER [PPE] is a replacement of the 
                                users command in PCBoard.  You can
                                configure it to also display the first
                                time they logged into your system,  
                                the last time they logged into the 
                                system,  or the number of uploads
                                and downloads my the caller.  The 
                                colors are also configurable.
                                <> SMALL BUG FIX <>
                                - Kris Steinwender -
                                ****** SOURCE CODE INCLUDED ******
usnetapp.zip   20433 08-05-2024   PCBoard 15.3+ ͻ
                                 USNetMailAPP PPLC 3.4.PPE072597Ķ
                                USNetMail Participating SYSOPS App Program
                                to take node applications on line and send
                                in your next mail packet for review.      
                                2 line simple config,run from your CMD.LST
                                SIMPLIFIES THE ENTIRE PROCESS             
                                 (c)1997 KASA Entertainment=Presents      
usrcsv22.zip    5719 08-05-2024 USERCSV v2.2                           
                                Creates a comma seperated file with users   
                                info.  Ready to be imported in to a database
                                , word processers, and other applications.  
                                FREE REGISTRATION!
                                Gift_Ware by:   Jay Parekh
                                A Touch Of Class On-Line    
                                   (312) 326 - 0023    
usrnet10.zip    4341 08-05-2024 USRNET.ppe v1.00 - a little ppe designed to
                                allow the sysop to change the data in the
                                usernet file. Clear the caller info ion a
                                hung up node. Place ficticious callers in
                                the usernet.xxx file for nodes that are not
                                even online. Free PPE from DMSOFT
usrprf19.zip   69481 08-05-2024 User Profiler (the MatchMaker PPE)
                                          Ver 1.9
                                Now attach Picture files to Bio's!
                                A user Bio, MatchMaking PPE that
                                is lightining Fast, very flexible,
                                zero sysop maintenance.  Fully
                                definable sysop question set.
                                (sample question set included)
                                    NEW STUD.PPE INCLUDED!
                                FREE NEW ADULT QUESTIONS PACK
                                 New User Editing Included!
                                 New User Mail added!
                                 New Alphabitizing Database added.
                                Users love this PPE, give it a
                                try today. GO/4 Software Release.
ustats20.zip    8623 08-05-2024  User Stats v2.0 PPE [ By Kamen ]Ŀ
                                   Allows Users To View File and Main     
                                 Statistics, With Easy to Use LightBar..  
                                  Completely Configurable! Check it Out!  
                                           Written in PPL 3.10            
                                 MAJOR BugFix.. This Ver. Actually Works! 
ut_sec_1.zip    3607 08-05-2024 [PPE] SECURE.PPE  v1.1
                                This is a nice PPE to add security
                                to any of your commands
                                FREE WARE! No Registration no delays!
                                Another fine PPE by
uustat10.zip    4881 08-05-2024 UUSTATS.PPE v1.0 - released as FREEWARE
                                Show's a user the last time your system
                                transferred InterNet UseGroups or Mail.
                                By: Mike Hood  -  GFX BBS 619-483-6731
u_ins100.zip    7697 08-05-2024 [ Install-PPE v1.00 ]Ŀ
                                 ** PPE DEVELOPERS DOWNLOAD THIS NOW! **  
                                 This install utility used in all Vinyl   
                                 PPE's is now freeware for developers!    
                                 Automatically installs PPEs into PCBTEXT 
                                 or CMD.LST!  Tired of writing install-   
                                 ation procedures or batch files?? then   
                                 this is 4 you!  Your users (sysops) will 
                                 benefit too!  Extremely simple to use,   
                                 and greatly encouraged!                  
                                 Coded by Vinyl 
v3_00.zip      48148 08-05-2024 PCBSysop  v3.00 Sysop Control Panel  Now you
                                can run all  of the PCBOARD native  .EXE and
                                or  .COM  files,  like  PCBSetup,  PCBFiler,
                                MKPCBText, PCBEdit,  and more,  plus you can
                                now configure 7 additional  commands of your
                                own.  All wilth Security level control,  and
                                lite-bar technology.  A must for all PCBOARD
vault.zip       7044 08-05-2024 @X5EĿ@X07
                                @X5EVAULT.PPE FOR PCBOARD 15.1 @X07
                                @X5EA Beautifully Designed TIME@X07
                                @X5Eand BYTE Bank. Unique ANSI,@X07
                                @X5EOnline Help, Exchange and  @X07
                                @X5EGamble Options. FULL Time &@X07
                                @X5EByte Info Center For Your  @X07
                                @X5ECallers. A Sinch to Install@X07
vaultunr.zip    5143 08-05-2024 @X5EĿ@X07
                                @X5EVAULT.PPE FOR PCBOARD 15.1 @X07
                                @X5EA Beautifully Designed TIME@X07
                                @X5Eand BYTE Bank. Unique ANSI,@X07
                                @X5EOnline Help, Exchange and  @X07
                                @X5EGamble Options. FULL Time &@X07
                                @X5EByte Info Center For Your  @X07
                                @X5ECallers. A Sinch to Install@X07
vdolc03.zip    68907 08-05-2024  ܲ  ܲ ۲   
                                ۲  ۲  ߲  ܲ 
                                ۳         ߲        
                                ۳        VoODOo Presents:       
                                ۳  VoODOo Login 0.3 public-Beta 
                                ۳   120% Configutable with all  
                                ۳  U need 4 a public or private 
                                ۳ Board. Much better than Aegis 
                                ۳   Leech It now, it's a great  
                                ۳   new Tool and it's FreeWare  
vdo_2dupld.zip    7319 08-05-2024    VooDoo Upload PPE v1.o1b             
                                Nice Upload PPE !!!  Try it !!!         
ven_view.zip    2652 08-05-2024 (V) Command Replacement for PCB 15.1+
ver2_00.zip   108931 08-05-2024        PCBMON v2.00 THE PUB
                                This is the ultimate in real-time
                                user viewing tools.  Every PCB BBS
                                should have this applications on-
                                line. Over 200 already registered.
                                By  : Richard P. Srery
                                FEE : $35.00
                                From: Net Equinox Gateway
view20.zip      3447 08-05-2024  VIEW v2.0 
                                Simple little PPLs for PCBoard that will let
                                the sysop define which screens will be view-
                                ed by which user according to name of screen
                                and security level of user.  Compatible with
                                PCBoard v15.0 and up. No Source. Written by:
                                Edward E. Braiter.
vig_2dsl20.zip   42897 08-05-2024  SuperLogon & SuperLogoff v2.0 Ŀ
                                 PCBoard v15.1 PPE  that does  it all in 
                                 classic  "Forum" style.  New  features, 
                                 incredible  configurability, free  reg. 
vig_pm11.zip   36477 08-05-2024  ProMatrix v1.1 PPE for PCBoard v15.21 Ŀ
                                 The ultimate Light Bar Matrix, extremely 
                                 configurable,  reliable,  backdoor-free, 
                                 bug-free, maintenance  free, and feature 
                                 packed.  New features/enhancments/fixes. 
                                 Coded by: Vigilante of [PWA]    06/13/95 
vig_tx10.zip   43111 08-05-2024        TOPx v1.0 by Vigilante
                                PCBoard utility to create a bulletin
                                of your all time  top traders.  100%
                                configurable, can  handle very large
                                byte totals, and it's FREE.
vote400.zip    57773 08-05-2024     Voter++ v4.0 - User Voting [PPE]
                                       *Many New Options For You!*
                                 A full featured Voting door for your PCB
                                 15.1 (or better) system.  Complete sysop
                                 control on all questions and answers.
                                 Unlimited Voting Booths! Great Graphics!
                                     Two minute setup, no maintenance!
                                   View results in Chart or Text format!
                                   **GO/4 Software**  *Download today!*
vrs252.zip    234773 08-05-2024 Virtual Reality Soldiers (VRS)
                                V2.52GO/4 Software
                                Minor revisions, mostly internal debugging
                                and cosmetic display changes.  See the
                                HISTORY.VRS file for other update info.
                                A breathtaking advance in PCBoard PPE
                                programs!  You are stranded on a small
                                backward planet, trying against all hope
                                to avoid being killed by Felix, the much
                                feared mutant leader.  Great graphics,
                                Multi-player, lightning fast response.
                                Quick 1 minute setup, Auto-maintenance
                                means sysops spend time playing!
                                REQUIRES PCBOARD 15.2+
vrs252a_21.zip    8623 08-05-2024 Virtual Reality Soldiers (VRS)
                                V2.52A!GO/4 Software
                                !!!!  IMPORTANT UPDATE TO 2.52  !!!!
                                Update for v2.52 users registered users!
                                  Some copies of v2.52 got out with bad 
                                registration key checks!  This will fix that
                                problem.  Also contains an updated VERIFY
                                PPE for the new file.
vrs501.zip    259596 08-05-2024 Virtual Reality Soldiers (VRS) v5.01 [PPE]  :
                                *UNIVERSAL KEY SUPPORT!*                    :
                                Better than ever!  Find and conquer Felix,  :
                                the errant mutant leader on the lost planet :
                                of Xanadu, where even the Yeti wear fur     :
                                coats!  Requires PCBoard 15.2+              :
                                (c)1996 Practical Computer Services         :
vscho7.zip      2745 08-05-2024 VSCHO7.PPE file will add
                                a display of your choice to 
                                your (QWK) command. Easy to 
                                install. You just have to 
                                edit display file with PCBEDIT.
vsl_phun.zip    9933 08-05-2024 Very Strange Lines 1.OO [PPE]
                                A STRANGE ONELINER!
vstat10.zip     2946 08-05-2024 VSTAT10.PPE - Another 'V' replacement
                                for PCBoard 15.2+. Used for user to
                                view their personnal statistics.
                                Freeware - Off The Wall Software.
vtstatus.zip    8199 08-05-2024  NODE STATUS 1.0 by SoRaTHiS
                                This Small PPE shows what Nodes
                                are active/closed/DLing/Uping/etc,
                                the connect speed, but does NOT
                                display the Users Handles or Affils
                                GREAT for those Sysops that have
                                Mulitple Nodes and run private
                                boards. For PCB 15.2 + ONLY
                                Shows to the Users who are just
                                loggin on how active the
                                board is! Without showing its
                                users !
vwall11.zip     6936 08-05-2024 ---------------------------------------------
                                      The Wall of Graffitti v1.1
                                A oneliner PPE with a different twist, will
                                allow your callers to leave a message for all
                                to view. PCBoard SysOps you have to see this
                                PCBoard 15.21 PPE program.
                                Copyright(C) 1995 Vintage Software
vwdm100d.zip   22626 08-05-2024 ķ
                                Door/Open Menu. VWDM100d  PPEs+DOORs   
                                Shareware limited to 5 Doors if not    
                                registered. Show last date used,number 
                                of times run. Can lock out a door on   
                                specific nodes and limit access to one 
                                security level.Configurable color in   
                                display.Up to 90 Doors or PPEs.        
                                -Online registration-Multi-lang support
                                By Video-Waves                         
vwinfo1.zip    10970 08-05-2024 VWINFO ---- A PPE INFOSERVER
                                This PPE is freeware. Let users
                                request information on any subject
                                using keyword commands in the 
                                subject of a message to the 
                                Infoserver. V 1.00
                                By Jim Morrissey
vw_2ddm001.zip    7230 08-05-2024 Another Door/Open Menu.This one is a test
                                version limited to 4 doors.Will handle PPE's
                                and DOORS.Shows last date used and number
                                of times entered.Color indication if user
                                has needed sec level.Next version will
                                have config file and sysop can set colors
                                used. By Video-Waves 
v_ssc100.zip   18279 08-05-2024 [ Split-Screen Chat PPE v1.00 ]Ŀ
                                 Over 6 months in development! Emulates   
                                 *ANY* other chat program, Sysop & USER   
                                 custom colors, next generation install   
                                 (no input required!) and best of all...  
                                 Totally FREEWARE!                        
                                 o Horizontal & VERTICAL chat!            
                                 o Adjustable scroll-back buffer          
                                 o Window clearing/Chat logging           
                                 o and much more...                       
                                 Coded by Vinyl 
waitv30.zip    13258 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                   ed    ragon oftware  
                                 WAIT.PPE v3.0  - Release  01/06/95  
                                  This is the  ORIGINAL  WAIT.PPE!!  
                                  Looking  to  add  some  color and  
                                  style to your BBS?  Then you need  
                                  to download this PPE!  This seam-  
                                  less PCBoard Utility is just what  
                                  you're looking for.  Replaces the  
                                  WAIT prompt.  Super Configurable!  
                                  Now  language  aware!  Some  bugs  
                                  that  were  found  are now fixed.  
                                  And  with  the  registration only  
                                  1.00 US Dollar you can't go wrong  
wake_him.zip    7000 08-05-2024 Have you always wanted to chat with the sysop
                                about something very important (you are co-
                                sysop) but the sysop is asleep or in the
                                w.c.? This tiny PPE makes ultra loud noises
                                you can wake him up..Sysop:just install it
                                in the CMD.LST and give it a security level..
                                FREEWARE ..from FlyByNite BBS ..Peru
                                SouthAmerica ... JOse Ferro
wall10.zip     14274 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 The Wall v1.0      PCBoard PPE 
                                 The ULTIMATE Graffitti Wall!!! 
                                 A Full Screen Wall where users 
                                 can can scribble anything they 
                                 want on it - totally anonymous 
                                 FREEWARE  INCLUDES PPS SOURCE 
                                  Digital Nebula (408)4693604  
wbms_112.zip   16520 08-05-2024  -
                                 PPE     BULLETIN MENU SYSTEM    PPE
                                 Easy to install, and a dream to use 
                                 Organize your bulletins in up to 9  
                                 different categories.  Same data    
                                 and graphics included!              
                                 Version 1.12             [FREEWARE] 
wc110.zip      11211 08-05-2024 [ The Weather Center PPE - v1.10 ]
                                The  Weather  Center  PPE  allows  users  to
                                download  the  weather   maps   and   viewer
                                provided   by   Planet   Connect   Satellite
                                delivery system. It provides  a  nice  menu,
                                and  allows users to download any, or all of
                                the weather map files delivered by PC.  This
                                version is a minor bug fix, and  enhancement
                                release.                 KrystalWare Systems
wcbk_100.zip   15639 08-05-2024  -
                                 PPE      Conference Block       PPE
                                 Create UNBREAKABLE security in a    
                                 conference on your system. Rotating 
                                 passwords, and 100% sysop definable 
                                 screens.  Cannot be compromised!    
                                 Version 1.00    $5.00   [SHAREWARE] 
wcbv_130.zip   41425 08-05-2024  -
                                 PPE      CALLBACK VERIFIER      PPE
                                 Great features and Ease of Setup    
                                 makes this the Callback Verifier of 
                                 of choice.  Installs in minutes.    
                                 Version 1.30             [FREEWARE] 
wcsd_100.zip   76482 08-05-2024  -
                                 COOLSITE  - INTERNET SITE DATABASE
                                 Users can enter internet addresses  
                                 of interest, and anyone can browse  
                                 this database, or download lists    
                                 in .TXT or HTML format!             
                                 Version 1.00  $15.00 [SHAREWARE-PPE]
weath101.zip   16847 08-05-2024 [ The Weather Center PPE - v1.01a]
                                This is a  re-release of the  Weather Center
                                PPE. This PPE was stolen by Jeremy T. Slater
                                and recompiled with registration codes. This
                                archive contains a registered executable, as
                                well as the source code.
weath102.zip   21358 08-05-2024 The Weather Forecaster v1.02  [PPE]         :
                                This PPE is written exclusively for PCBoard :
                                version 15.2x. The purpose of this PPE is to:
                                allow your users to view local & regional   :
                                weather reports online. They can also D/L   :
                                WEATHER.ZIP, which can contain the satellite:
                                maps from Planet Connect or whatever you    :
                                want to put in this file. Weather reports   :
                                can be captured from the Internet or other  :
                                weather capture programs. Fully functional! :
weather.zip    11648 08-05-2024 WEATHER.PPE v1.0 - released as FREEWARE
                                Create's a weather bulletin by extracting
                                information from your local weather message
                                conference you pull in from the Internet.
                                Source and sample included. By: CorpSoft.
wh30.zip        9670 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                         WHoZ'HERE PPe v3.o          
                                  The COOLEST Pre-Logon Who you have
                                  ever seen! Lot of features...
                                   o Multi-language
                                   o Multiple headers (up to 99)
                                   o Display User Name, City, Speed
                                     and User/Node Status!
                                   o Possibility to ask user for ANSi
                                   o FASTER THAN PRECEDENT VERSIONS!
                                     Read DOX for more nfos...
                                   o Lot more!
whichlst.zip    6057 08-05-2024 Whichlst.PPE- allow a user to flag
                                one of 2 Allfile.lst's. If the user
                                doesn't have a high enough SL, they
                                can't DL one list. Made for BBSes
                                with public & private areas. Also
                                useful for offering a choice of
                                subscription plans, your BBS rules
                                etc. FREEWARE. Source included (as
                                always) for easy modification. By:
                                Francis "gorilla" Amato.
who11.zip       2757 08-05-2024 @X0B͸
                                @X0B@X0A@X8AWHO!!@X0A @X0Fv1.1 @X0CPCBoard 15
                                22+ [@X0DPPE@X0C] @X0EPut in@X0B
                                @X0B@X0Ethe welcome file and it shows who is 
                                @X0B@X0Eon each node.  Supports unlimited    
                                @X0B@X0Enumber of nodes. From NJLink Software
whoca119.zip   14905 08-05-2024     WHOCALL PPE v1.19 for PCBoard 15.2
                                ޳ WHOCALL.PPE: This program keeps track  
                                ޳ of the last callers who have connected 
                                ޳ to your bbs (up to 1000 users).        
                                ޳ You can also create a bulletin with the
                                ޳ last 5 users who connected to your BBS,
                                ޳ to insert on the NEWS. Very fast logon 
                                ޳ -------------------------------------- 
                                ޳ MSmac Software ## 351-61-314336 [28.8] 
wiep_110.zip   27083 08-05-2024  -
                                 INTERNET E-MAIL PHONEBOOK PPE  v1.1
                                 Each user on your BBS can store up  
                                 to 10 personal E-Mail Addresses,    
                                 and select from a picklist when     
                                 entering their internet e-mail!     
                                     Only $ 5.00 CDN to Register     
wild15.zip     30949 08-05-2024 WILD.PPE - By Dan Shore - WildCard Download
                                replacement PPE. Now Supports 15.3 IDX File
                                Formats. WildCard Download replacement PPE.
                                Allows the user to SELECT which files to
                                download first, instead of having ALL files
                                flagged by PCB, then editing the list before
                                downloading. Users can select files by
                                NUMBERS, or by RANGES of NUMBERS.  A
                                wonderful interface to improve Wildcard
                                Downloading on your BBS.  FREE PPE.
wizloff.zip     5051 08-05-2024 The Wizard's LOGOFF PPE. This is a simple
                                logoff prompt replacement for PCBTEXT 605
                                it gives you a neat prompt and a lightbar
                                for confirmation, it is released as 
                                considerware. If you use it, want the 
                                prompt changed or colors consider becoming 
                                a Node or Hub for PRG-NET give me a call 
                                and let me know what you want.
                                The Wizard's Den BBS 1-417-863-0526
                                Registration entitles you to all future
                                releases as well.
wkd_2dlam1.zip   23969 08-05-2024  wiCKED'S rEVELATi0N m0DDiNG diV!
                                .____.__.___.___. .___.________.
                                \\_  |  |  _/   |/   _//_____   \_
                                 _/   _     \_  _     \_   _//   /
                                 \\___| tt!  /__|_     /________//
                                |  PPE - Lammeter ver.1.1 - PCB |
                                |   Added a few little extras!   |
                                |   coded by  tco + rts [PiA]   |
                                |   Lammeter font by fs [WKD]   |
                                |   a WKD-PIA joint production   |
                                `-^mODDiNG diV!^-------07/10/95-'
                                Disembodied Voices :: 718-279-2766
wlcm_10.zip     2950 08-05-2024 WELCOME.PPE VERSION 1.0Ŀ
                                This program will allow you to configure
                                multiple WELCOME screens, and shall be  
                                shown randomly by a number configured by
                                the Sysop in the CNF file.  This file is
                                the first version.  Spice up the baord, 
                                so your users won't get bored of the    
                                same screen.  Suprise them! Use Welcome!
                                ĿMUST HAVE PCB 15.1Beta+
wlof_110.zip   10310 08-05-2024  -
                                 PPE     LOGOFF GAME HANDLER     PPE
                                 Using LOG-OFF Games on your BBS is  
                                 a breeze with this 100% configurable
                                 PPE.  Installs in minutes!          
                                 Version 1.10             [FREEWARE] 
wl_1line.zip   34057 08-05-2024 PCBFILES.LST Lite version creator.
                                This program  takes  a  standard PCboard
                                PCBFILES.LST and creates a one line  per
                                file version of the listing.  If the 1st
                                line  of  the file listing only contains
                                graphics, i/e  it  does  not contain any
                                valid  alpha  numeric  characters,  then
                                this line is  discarded,  and  the  next
                                line  of  the  description  is used.  If
                                this line contains non valid characters,
                                then  this  line   is  discarded.   This
                                continues until a valid line is found.
                                FREEWARE. No Registration Required. 
wl_v110.zip    11996 08-05-2024 WEEKLOG v1.1 - for PCBv15.x multinode Sysops.
                                Logical strategy controls and organizes your 
                                CALLER logs into weekly/monthly/node# order. 
                                Can be run in your event. Creates WKx-nnn.MON
                                files, then zips these files to an archive 
                                directory you specify. Does NOT delete files.
                                Requires 3 simple command line arguments, 
                                PKZIP in the path. Saves -LOTS- of disk 
wmel_110.zip   13491 08-05-2024  -
                                     Message Editor Command Line
                                             Version 1.10            
                                     Message Editor Command Line     
                                 Compiled 3.20            [FREEWARE] 
woedisc1.zip   12385 08-05-2024 [pCBOARD](disclaimer)wOE!mODDING[1O99]
                                  ______\      /__\   /_____\   ___/___
                                  \     /\    /__  ____   /__   \     /
                                xz/     l_____\/     l____\/     l____\
                                >> % DISCLAIMER PPE v1.00 - [1O/1O/99]//
                                a disclaimer for pcboard that remembers
                                if your user has answered yes and won't
                                bother him/her again.  -  by tribe /wOE
                                == [ www.wasted.nu ] ===================
wondir15.zip   11030 08-05-2024 What replaces all your dir files, your dirg
                                files, your dirr files, conference specific
                                dir files, does multiple page listings that
                                you can move through forward AND backward?
                                Does all this ON-THE-FLY with a single, one 
                                line dir file?  WONDIR.PPE that's what!
                                RIP listing is 100% mouseable and includes
                                replacement 'prefiler' for seamless hand-off
                                to David Terry's FLAG3x.PPE.
                                compiled w/ PPLC v2.0 - requires PCBoard 15.1
wow100.zip     97605 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                   *   WORDS-OF-WIT    Version 1.0   *   
                                       A PPE for PCBoard 15.x that       
                                  creates a random saying to display to  
                                   your users.   Graphics screen is @X   
                                 color code definable.  Reads data files 
                                   as large as 10,000 lines and more.    
                                  Includes 4,500+ database of sayings.   
                                  Registered version allows your users   
                                    to enter their own Words-Of-Wit.     
                                   *   WORDS-OF-WIT    Version 1.0   *   
wrot_100.zip   12376 08-05-2024  -
                                             PPE ROTATOR
                                 Use this PPE to randomly run up to  
                                 10 different PPE's by executing a   
                                 single command.  Great for running  
                                 multiple animated main prompts.     
                                 Version 1.00          [FREEWARE-PPE]
wuap_200.zip   29507 08-05-2024  -
                                 ULTIMATE ADDRESS PHONEBOOK PPE v2.0
                                 Each user on your BBS can store up  
                                 to 10 personal Addresses. Configure 
                                 this PPE for General, Internet or   
                                 Fidonet Message usage!  Fully       
                                 SYSOP configurable!     [SHAREWARE] 
wufo_112.zip   51713 08-05-2024  -
                                 The ULTIMATE File Area Organization
                                 PPE for PCB 15.2x.  Organize up to  
                                 676 file areas beneath 26 different 
                                 categories. Fully RIP compliant and 
                                 rigorously torture tested!          
                                       100% BUG FREE Shareware       
                                     Only $10.00 CDN to Register     
                                    Fully functional Demo version    
                                 Version 1.12         [UNREGISTERED] 
wui100.zip     36753 08-05-2024     (W)rite User Information v1.00
                                A Ppe replacement for PCBoards, [W]rite
                                User Information command. It also shows
                                your callers there current online stats
                                  Copyright (C)1995 Equinox Software
wunp_121.zip   22817 08-05-2024  -
                                        The ULTIMATE NEWS PPE
                                 Manage your NEWS in the most        
                                 professional manner!  Handles up    
                                 to 9999 news items, A snap to set   
                                 up. Fully RIP compliant!            
                                 Version 1.21         [UNREGISTERED] 
wust_120.zip    7995 08-05-2024  -
                                 PCB        USR STATS PAGE       PCB
                                 Display this screen when your users 
                                 log on to your system, and present  
                                 them with detailed statistics on    
                                 their account on your BBS!          
                                 Version 2.00             [FREEWARE] 
xd_2dfil05.zip   14605 08-05-2024 FiLE-AREA LiSTER w. LBARs v0.5
xd_2dle03.zip   21799 08-05-2024 LOGON ENHANCER v0.31
xfer12.zip     11931 08-05-2024   TRAFFIC  REPORTER 
                                 ڿ       File Transfer Utility
                                           -Version 1.2-
                                  This small PCBoard Utility will
                                  read your download log and sum the
                                  information into a handsome PCB
                                  @CODE bulletin that's useful in
                                  displaying d/l status to a user.
                                  Features :
                                   Small size.      Easy to set-up.
                                   Many Options.    Fast w/ logs!
                                   Status Display.  Multi-Node EZ.
                                   Color Config.    SETUP file!
xname110.zip    7048 08-05-2024   X-name v1.10 for PCBoard 15.1 and above  
                                 Prompt replacement for the First and Last 
                                   name prompts. Small utility that will   
                                 capitalize the first letter of each name  
                                    while it is being entered. FREEWARE    
xpage.zip       4091 08-05-2024 V1.0[ XPAGE.PPE ]XAT94
                                       .Version 1.0 RELEASE.
                                  Completely configurable Sysop Pager
                                      Blows away the competition!
                                 Even the FoRuM Hacks can't beat this!
xpcbpth2.zip    9916 08-05-2024 XPCBPATH Version 1.2 (FREEWARE)
                                Works around PCBoard's 30 character
                                limit on paths and filespecs in
                                PCBSetup.  Now you can use CD-ROM's
                                that have a very deeply nested
                                directory structure requiring long
                                path specs up to 80 characters.
xpp_2d001.zip   86944 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                 ۲ ExcellNet Ltd. Presents  
                                 <[ NFS/UFS/QDS PPEs for PCB v15.2x ]> 
                                  ExcellNet Ltd. - Israel's PCBoard Sup. 
                                  Proud to present these fine products:  
                                  UFS: Files    System - Replaces 'F' cmd 
                                  NFS: NewFiles System - Replaces 'N' cmd 
                                  QDS: Quick DL System - Replaces 'D' cmd 
                                    ! Best FileSystem PPEs Ever !    
xs_cps10.zip   17886 08-05-2024 PPE/PCB : Ami/X Top 10 CPS Rates
xs_top13.zip    3547 08-05-2024  PCB 15.2 PPE <> TOP 13 UPPERS <>
                                TOP 13 UPPERS PPE, WiTH GOOD FADiNGS,
                                EXCULDE USERS, REAL TIME PPE, TOTALLY
                                   CONFiGURABLE, ANSi BY DR. ViBE
yesno11.zip     6723 08-05-2024 YESNO.PPE ver 1.1 by Scot Thompson 05/11/95
                                This PPE will display any number of files to
                                the user, then ask a yes/no question.  You
                                can configure this PPE so that it will hangup
                                on the user if they select NO (they will get
                                a second chance).  A file can be displayed
                                after the user makes his decision.
                                FREEWARE, SOURCE INCLUDED
                                Requires PCBoard 15.21+
yomoma2.zip     4243 08-05-2024  Yo'Moma is so................Ŀ
                                 Add this PPE to any Display file  
                                 and get a smile out of your users.
                                 this version now supports RIP.    
                                 Add this one to your Script0 File 
                                 Your callers will call back to see
                                 what yo'moma is doing now. :)     
                                 A White dragon PPE PRODUCTIONS    
                                 Formerly Cyber Realms Productions 
zep_2d32.zip   12919 08-05-2024 ZephyrVersion3.2PPEĿ
                                 This program is customed made to display
                                 various client rotations, and their own 
                                 sub-rotating advertisements.  There is  
                                 no limitation on client folders or their
                                 ads.  This version fixes the program    
                                 handling for the BGN and END messages.  
                                 Version 4.0 will have the literature as 
                                 well as the beta sysops online module.  
                                 *SHAREWARE* Compiled for PCB15.1/PPLC2.0
                                 Support @ RESY (266/56) 
zlink210.zip   50747 08-05-2024 Z Word Link V2.10 by Galahad Software. PPE
                                for PCBoard 15.21+. Z Word Link is a word
                                game that involves skill, strategy, and more
                                than a little luck! You create three 4-letter
                                words in a Z chain, and the letters used
                                determine your score! Now supports makeup
zlist_20.zip   73189 08-05-2024 ZippyList v2.0 PCBoard [PPE] - Allows a Sysop
                                to provide their users with another (Z)ippy
                                Text Search Interface! Regardless of how much
                                PCBoard knowledge the user has, ZippyList is
                                perfect for them! ZippyList is *FULLY* Sysop
                                configurable and has *total* flexibility! All
                                searches may also be captured into a
                                compressed file for the user to download!
                                Full logging, multi-lingual support, and
                                more! The ORIGINAL custom file list maker.
                                THE DAVASOFT BBS (718) 967-6827 
                                 TELNET: or dava.com
                                (C) 1994-1995 Whitewater Technologies, Inc.
zod_2decom.zip    4281 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 ENTERCOMMAND- small PPE that will help 
                                 you simply to enter command in command   
                                 string - PPLC 2.0                        
zsearch1.zip    3728 08-05-2024          ZSEARCH.PPE  (Z)
                                A (Z) Zippy Text Search Replacement
                                for PCBoard Ver. 15.21 or Greater.
                                Very Professional Look and Feel.
                                Customize your Menu the Way You
                                Want it!  List of Options Help your
                                Users Search Their Little Hearts Out.
                                You Spent Time Gathering Files, Now
                                Give Them The Tool to Find Them!
                                ***FREE PPE PCB***FREE PCB PPE***
zysop1.zip     19572 08-05-2024 ZYSOP.PPE for PCB15.22+
                                Sysop menu of all Internal PCB Sysop
                                commands as well as up to 24 other
                                Sysop defined menu cmds for DOS prgs
                                or to call other PPEs.
                                Released as FREEWARE from BootSoft!
z_2dmail.zip    2643 08-05-2024 Configurable New Mail PPE
_zep_32.zip    12209 08-05-2024 ZephyrVersion3.2PPEĿ
                                 This program is customed made to display
                                 various client rotations, and their own 
                                 sub-rotating advertisements.  There is  
                                 no limitation on client folders or their
                                 ads.  This version fixes the program    
                                 handling for the BGN and END messages.  
                                 Version 4.0 will have the literature as 
                                 well as the beta sysops online module.  
                                 *SHAREWARE* Compiled for PCB15.1/PPLC2.0
                                 Support @ RESY (266/56) 

               Area 79 - PCBoard PPEs by PWA              

p.zip           7207 08-05-2024 @X09͸
                                @X01@X0B Replacement PPE for PCBoard's 
                                @X01@X0B Page Length (P) command       
                                @X01@X03 This will print out numbers   
                                @X01@X03 in descending order, what is  
                                @X01@X03 at the top is the page length,
                                @X01@X03 this ensures the user enters  
                                @X01@X03 the right page length ...     
                                @X01@X02        *** FREEWARE ***       
                                @X01@X0E   INCLUDES PPS SOURCE CODE!!  
p1_2dsub10.zip   13562 08-05-2024       ۰                  ݲ۰
                                 ۰ ۰      ۰۰ݲ۰ .
                                 ۰۰  ۰. ۰۰ްݲ۰۰
                                 ۰۰۰ް   ۰ ۰ްݲ۰۰
                                ۰ ۰۰ ۰۰.+ ۰ ۰ްݲ۰۰.
                                 ۰+۰۰۰ް  |\۰.۰ްݲ۰۰
                                .۰; ۰۰ ,۰!: ۰۰۰۰
                                .:+:.:*:> Presents: <:*:.:+:.Ŀ
                                      SUB10 Top Up/Downloaders PPE       
                                 --  -- 
                                 SUB10 Creates a graphical output of the 
                                 top ten uploaders and downloaders on a  
                                 system.  All graphs and screens are 100%
                                 configurable.  Same as the one used on  
                                 Suburbia.  Written by The Chairman.     
pageppe.zip     3961 08-05-2024 PAGE.PPE; Will scare users who page during
                                your "off" hours.
page_050.zip   48805 08-05-2024 [ SuperPage PPE v.5 by Criminal ]Ŀ
                                 The MOST  configurable  SysOp  page PPE! 
                                 Config chat hours by  pcbsetup, weekday, 
                                 security level, or individual user! Even 
                                 blacklist annoying users from paging. 12 
                                 page types  plus ability  to shell & run 
                                 a batch file controlling your soundcard. 
                                 Silence pages locally, has EmergencyPage 
                                 pw, & leave comment to sysop option upon 
                                 exit & more! Source included as always.. 
                                 For PCB 15.2+     Release Date: 06/15/95 
                                           Pirates in Legion 1995  
                                           :: Coding Division ::  
                                 ۲  ۲ 
paltqp10.zip   10937 08-05-2024 PENNSYLVANIA LOTTO QUIK PIK v1.0 for PCBoard
                                versions 15.x.  This is a PPE program that
                                will allow your users to generate Quik Pik
                                numbers for play in the Pennsylvania Lottery.
                                Includes the Pick3, Pick4, Pick5 and Pick6
                                games.  Shareware from Hogard Software
                                Solutions BBS at (214) 641-6292.
paltqp20.zip   13672 08-05-2024 PENNSYLVANIA LOTTO QUIK PIK v2.0 for PCBoard
                                versions 15.x.  This is a PPE program that
                                will allow your users to generate Quik Pik
                                numbers for play in the Pennsylvania Lottery.
                                Includes the Daily3, Big4, Cash5, WildCard6,
                                and NOW the Super 7 game.  Shareware from
                                The Hogard Software Solutions BBS at
                                (214) 641-6292.
passwo10.zip   20932 08-05-2024 *********** PASSWORD.PPE V1.0 *************
                                A simple  PPE  which replaces Prompt #7 and
                                give  a  Caller which  forgot  password the
                                option to be verified and a new password to
                                log in  again.  Based on  the  original CDC 
                                FORGETPW but this one has many improvements
                                Total multilangual aware. Free Registration
passwo13.zip   28204 08-05-2024  Password v.1.3  - This cool  and advanced
                                PCBoard 15.22  PPE will give  a Caller which
                                forgot  Password  the option  to be verified
                                and  a  new  Password  to  log-in  again, by
                                posting an  automated  message to SysOp with
                                changes requests. Totally Language aware and
                                SysOp  configurable.  Pick   on  from  where
                                FORGETPW.PPE  left!  Free   Registration. By
                                FidoNet: 2:332/611.
pauseppe.zip    4194 08-05-2024 PAUSE.PPE - v1.00 - Displays a windmill like
                                effect using '-\|/-'  while waiting for a CR
                                from the user.   Can be used during any text
                                file or attached  directly to  PCBTEXT  #418
                                entry. FREEWARE from Gary Meeker with source
pbank21b.zip   14865 08-05-2024 PCBoard Time Bank v2.1b [PPE]
                                Menu and/or command line driven
                                Bank PPE that will allow users
                                to store/Withdraw time. Logs
                                everything to the Caller Logs,
                                allows sysop to limit the
                                amount of time the user can
                                withdraw, and more.  Now can
                                use a DOS variable to set
                                limits, storage location, and
                                error logging for those who
                                have not purchased the PPL
                                compilier.  Also includes
pbank30.zip    28646 08-05-2024 PCBoard Time & Byte Bank v3.0 [PPE]
                                (Requires PCBoard 15.1)  Menu and/or command
                                line driven Bank PPE banks time and bytes.
                                Withdraw time and bytes. Logs to Caller Log,
                                allows sysop to limit the time and bytes the
                                user can withdraw, and more.  Can use a DOS
                                variable or configuration file. Event aware.
                                Code included. Compiled with PPLC 2.0
pblott01.zip    8072 08-05-2024 POWER BALL LOTTO QUICK PICK v1.0 for PCB v15
                                A PPE program to generate Quick Pick numbers
                                for play in the Power Ball Lottery. Shareware
                                by Tom Palko, American Software Development
                                Support BBS at (318) 443-0271
pbpm_30a.zip   17744 08-05-2024 PCBBLTPM v3.00a - Compiled on this 12-17-93
                                This program will create a  Multi-Page BLTx
                                MENU for any one of your conferences.  It's
                                very fast and simple to setup.  Works great
                                with bulletin board systems that have a lot
                                of bulletins available for viewing.
pcb90091.zip   25880 08-05-2024  PCB900.PPE Ĵ
                                 Accept subscriptions via an easy to call 
                                 900 number. Lower rates than some of the 
                                 other 900 services.  Charges at both $10 
                                 and a $25 level are accepted.      V.91b 
                                       Released by: The Skull BBS         
pcbaj13b.zip   36140 08-05-2024 PCBAdjust 1.3 eta of 04/09/93.  Will adjust
                                text entries in multiple PCBTEXT.xxx files,
                                making adding of "%Filespec" and "!Filespec"
                                Screens and .PPEs across  all  your  PCBTEXT
                                files easier.  Will also  reset  defaults to
                                the individual  records  across all  of your
                                PCBTEXT files.  PCBADJ.DAT  will  be updated
                                as changes are made to PCBTEXT.
pcbbe110.zip   10488 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                    The PCB Bulletin Executive v1.10     
                                Automatically Creates/Updates Bulletin   
                                menu each time it is run. Displays last  
                                date bulletin was changed. If you don't  
                                like drawing screens each time you change
                                a BLT, this is the program for you. User 
                                is prompted after each screen rather than
                                at the end of display.  Released 05-01-94
pcbbe200.zip   23366 08-05-2024 The PCB Bulletin Executive v2.00  [PPE]     :
                                *UNIVERSAL KEY SUPPORT!*                    :
                                Automatically Creates/Updates Bulletin      :
                                menu each time it is run. Displays last     :
                                date bulletin was changed. If you don't     :
                                like drawing screens each time you change   :
                                a BLT, this is the program for you. User    :
                                is prompted after each screen rather than   :
                                at the end of display.                      :
                                (c)1996 Practical Computer Services         :
pcbc060.zip    17386 08-05-2024 PCBcards is a new business card style
                                datafile manager written completely
                                in PPL. It uses DBF files for its
                                Data for easy offline maint. Version
                                0.60 has needed changes to original.
                                REGISTER THIS VERSION FOR FREE!
pcbc080.zip    25077 08-05-2024 PCBcards is a new business card style
                                datafile manager written completely
                                in PPL. It uses DBF files for its
                                Data for easy offline maint. Version
                                0.80 now has litebar menus and more!
                                Last free register version.
                                REGISTER THIS VERSION FOR FREE!
pcbcall.zip     6646 08-05-2024 This is a FREE User paging utility created
                                for use originally with PCBMON v1.13
pcbcd100.zip   40241 08-05-2024    PCBoard CD-ROM Door - PCBCD v1.00
                                 Oriental Royal Presents ͻ
                                 DOS Shell  Interface  & commands. A 
                                 neat [PPE]  for  PCB 15.21 or later 
                                 -ULTRA EASY- setup,even a *mess* CD 
                                 Perfectly works w/ PCB D/L  Limit & 
                                 security.  Wildcard  search, Multi- 
                                 Lingual, trashcan support. Detailed 
                                 Online Help. Support up to  256 CDs 
                                 High quality, non-cripple Shareware 
pcbcheer.zip   13839 08-05-2024 PCBCHEER * PCBTEXT language file for v15.3
                                using "Cheer Leader".  Rah Rah Rah!!! Let's
                                Go team PCBoard. (PCBTEXT.CHR v1.0)
pcbck310.zip  128806 08-05-2024 ========>   PCBCheck 3.10 
                                Upload processor for PCBoard - easiest to 
                                use and set up.  Fastest upload processing
                                available!  This version talks directly to
                                OS/2 comm drivers, adds RAR support, greatly
                                enhances description file processing, 
                                scanner customization abilities, smarter
                                FILE_ID.DIZ processing (removal of ANSI,
                                @-codes) and still includes convert archives,
                                add/remove files, modify comments, etc..
pcbcl100.zip   15163 08-05-2024 PCBColor v1.00 - DOS Utility: PCBoard file
                                list colorizer (sysops' tool). Copyright (c)
                                1995 [95/01/09] by DDA - Reign Ware. Pascal
                                source included.
pcbcl110.zip   15516 08-05-2024 PCBColor v1.10 - DOS util: PCBoard file list
                                colorizer (sysops' tool). Freeware (c) 1995
                                [29 Sept.] by DDA/ Reign Ware. W/ PAS source.
pcbdbc10.zip   10556 08-05-2024 PCBDBC 1.0  
                                Creates a database (DBF) and imports      
                                new users to the DataBase.  Import.ppe    
                                included to import ALL current users to   
                                the database.  Great for Mailing lists.   
                                With the right DB, there is no limit.     
                                Need a DBF compatible Database Application
                                to read & maintain.  (ie. DBase, Approach,
                                AlphaFive, Etc.)                  
pcbde401.zip   90322 08-05-2024  The PCB Door Executive ver. 4.01
                                Creates *1* Menu for all your Doors & PPE
                                programs. Run PPE & Doors from 1 menu!
                                Totally Sysop Configurable. Optionally
                                categorizes your doors for easier access.
                                display by category or all at once!
                                Quick Setup, Zero Maintenance!
                                LONG PATH NAMES NOW SUPPORTED!
                                GO/4 Software Release!
pcbde403.zip  104896 08-05-2024 The PCB Door Executive v4.03  [PPE]         :
                                *UNIVERSAL KEY SUPPORT!*                    :
                                Creates *1* Menu for all your Doors & PPE   :
                                programs. Run PPE & Doors from 1 menu!      :
                                Totally Sysop Configurable. Optionally      :
                                categorizes your doors for easier access.   :
                                Display by category or all at once!         :
                                Quick Setup, Zero Maintenance!              :
                                (c)1996 Practical Computer Services         :
pcbdesc5.zip   15650 08-05-2024 PCBDescribe Version 5.20 09/07/94 release.  A
                                utility for PCBoard systems that detects
                                description files included in uploaded files
                                and uses the contents as the upload
                                description.  Optionally appends a line
                                indicating the number of files and the dates
                                of both the oldest and the newest files in
                                the ZIP file.  Supports ZIP/ARJ/LZH/PAK/ARC.
                                Version 5.20 adds support for SDN files in
                                both PAK and ARJ formats.
pcbdir14.zip   16296 08-05-2024 ------------ PCBDir v1.4 ------------
                                This is a DOS-based utility that will
                                take all the files in a directory and
                                generate a PCBoard compatible list
                                for use on you BBS. This will extract
                                FILE_ID.DIZ files from ARJ, LZH and 
                                ZIP archives for use as a description.
                                This version allows for usage on a 
pcbdod18.zip   70941 08-05-2024 @X0A******************************************
                                @X0F     PCB Dial On Demand v1.80 For OS/2
                                @X0F  Want to offer your callers Full Internet
                                  but can't afford a leased line?
                                  PCB Dial On Demand dials your provider
                                  when needed, letting you offer your callers
                                  Internet access VERY cheaply! Avoid the
                                  cost of a 56K line, or a dedicated dialup. 
                                  Requires OS/2 & PCBoard 15.22. Now supports
                                  the Internet Collection! Both a PPE and an 
                                  EXE are included. includes Working TELDOR.
                                  DOS version coming soon!
pcbemail.zip   66182 08-05-2024    Ŀ
                                      PCBoard PostOffice Version 1.0   
                                          The ONLY FULL FEATURED       
                                         POST OFFICE FOR PCBoard!      
                                      Puts EMail At Your FingerTips!   
                                    Builds And Maintains Address Books 
                                       Supports Internet & Fidonet     
                                        Supports Local Users Too!      
                                    Read And Write Messages With Ease! 
                                      Advanced EMail Routing Feature!  
                                      Advanced Conferencing Feature!   
                                     Routes Mail to: Compuserve, Genie 
                                     America Online, Delphi, Prodigy!  
                                         MCI Mail and AT&T Mail!       
pcbgrab4.zip   47684 08-05-2024  PCBoard 15.1  Description Grabber V4 
                                 Now Is SUPER FAST!  Uses PCBoard's  .IDX 
                                 files.  Average time is less the 4 secs! 
                                 This PPE will  allow your users to down- 
                                 load the  descriptions to the files they 
                                 are downloading along  with their batch! 
                                 This way,  they  know  what files are in 
                                 their  download  directory  a week  from 
                                 now when they can know  longer remember. 
                                 Super easy to install,  and  maintenance 
                                 free!  Fully Functional!                 
pcbjc081.zip   44672 08-05-2024 Alpha v 0.81 release of PCBJC, a PCBoard
                                Join Conference PPE.  An enhancement to
                                the "J" command, it asks for a KEYWORD
                                describing the conference to JOIN.  PPE
                                searches PCBJC.@@@ (an extension of
                                CNAMES.@@@) for matching conferences and
                                displays said conferences 1/line, a page
                                at a time. Excellent for SysOps running
                                INTERNET or USENET via UUPCB, others.
                                Software is also available to build
                                PCBJC.@@@ by Network Business Services.
pcblotto.zip    3889 08-05-2024 ͸
                                PCB Lotto is a PPE written to quick pick 6 
                                or quick pick 3 random numbers for the     
                                lottery. PCB Lotto requires PCBoard v15.1, 
                                and was compiled using PPLC v2.0. PCB Lotto
                                is freeware, however I will not release the
                                souce code. The latest version can always  
                                be freq'd from 1:/398/4 or downloaded from 
                                Martin Creek BBS. The number is in the docs
pcbmnu11.zip   21978 08-05-2024   @X01-@X09=@X0B PCBMenu PPE v1.1 @X09=@X01-
                                @X03PCBMenu is going  to be one
                                @X03of the most  handy PPEs you
                                @X03will  ever  come   across!!
                                @X03 - Totally @X03configuratable 
                                @X03 - Easy Install and Setup 
                                @X03 - Consecutive Menus      
                                @X03 - Super Useful           
                                @X03Many  other features coming
                                @X03later on so don't  miss out
                                @X03on such a @X0BGREAT @X03PPE!!!
                                @X03Also, look out for more M
                                @X03SFTWR PPEs coming soon!!
                                @X0BWritten on:  @X09May 6, 1995
                                @X0BWritten By:  @X09M SFTWR
                                @X0BProgrammer:  @X09Jason Scolaro
pcbnew10.zip    9541 08-05-2024  PCBNEWS v1.0 - PCB News Editor [PPE]͸
                                   A useful Sysop's Aid to help create     
                                 news files. Seamless interface, configur- 
                                 able header AND footer files, can define  
                                   a security level needed to add a news   
                                entry, can set an indentation length, more.
                                Don't fuss with those other NEWS file PPEs!
                                    Compiler: PPLC.EXE dated 01-25-94      
                                 (c) 1994 - Whitewater Technologies, Inc.;
pcboc110.zip  290179 08-05-2024 Online Checks Direct!  For PCB (v1.10)
                                PCBOCD (as it is called) is a unique program
                                that will allow your users to purchase from
                                a product listing (via the PCBoard Sales 
                                Executive) and to pay for the products with
                                their checking or savings accounts.  Funds 
                                are sent to you via a paper draft within 
                                48 hours.  The software was written by GO/4
                                Softwarem and the service is provided by 
                                American Banking Systems.
pcbox11.zip    67547 08-05-2024 PCBOX Ver 1.1  Micro-Comp Software
                                For PCBoard 15.2 (Avail. For 15.x)
                                PCBOX.PPE will force your User's
                                Fidonet/Internet Netmail messages
                                into the correct format for export
                                to Fidonet or Internet.It will also
                                show your users their Fidonet and
                                Internet Address while using your
                                system.Easy to use and set-up.
                                Support thru House Comp BBS
                                Fido 1:363/256  E-Mail
                                >> Minor Bug Fix << /Source Code
pcbpage.zip     5553 08-05-2024 PCBPAGE.PPE v.10.  Program use to replace [O
                                ]perator page command.
                                   Control speed of bell.
                                   Amount of time page last.
                                   Log of user and reason for page.
                                Complied with PPLC 3.10.  FREEWARE from
                                Software Kitchen BBS  718-281-0645
pcbsec50.zip   17237 08-05-2024  PCBSEC v5.00 - Encrypted E-Mail For PCBoard.
                                         - Compiled with PPLC 3.01 -
                                  Freeware PPE for the use of PCBoard SysOps
                                 Major Updates To The Code Now Allow ZMODEM
                                 Uploads For Secured Transmission Of Files &
                                 Messages. Option To Allow UUEncoding Of
                                 Archives For Network Transmission.
pcbsysop.zip   16535 08-05-2024 This Sysop Control panel utility was created
                                to allow easy access to the PCBOARD internal
                                EXE's. No longer do you need to drop to DOS
                                and then change into the directory etc..,
                                now you can access it all right from here.
                                With easy to navigate lite-bar menu commands,
                                you will become a much more efficient Sysop,
                                after installing this application.
                                Registration is only $5.00 US Bucks.
pcbtel12.zip    6034 08-05-2024 PTELYMMV.ZIP is a BBS list of telnetable
                                PCBoards. To have your board added fill
                                out PCBTEL.DOC within and forward as
                                indicated. Formerly PCBTELMM.ZIP
pcbw110.zip    22765 08-05-2024 PCB-Wrestling v1.10 - Compiled 11/07/93
                                PCBoard 15.0 [PPE] program that simulates
                                wrestling and includes Tag-Team matches!
                                Easy installation. Can be used in CMD.LST or
                                DOORS.LST. The users on my board love it!
                                Give it a try! Not Crippled!
pcbwal11.zip   20211 08-05-2024     PCBoard Graffiti Wall - PCBWALL 1.1
                                 Oriental Royal Presents ͻ
                                 User select color and write anonymously 
                                 Multinode, multilingual, trashcan users 
                                 logon wall display support. Custom-able 
                                 screen, self-maintenance. Seamless work 
                                 w/ PCB. Wall in dBase3+ format.  Latest 
                                 line on top of wall. Caller log logging 
                                 A  high quality  non-cripple  shareware 
pcbwho16.zip   14177 08-05-2024  PCBWHO v1.6 - Lurking Node Display [PPE]͸
                                    Adds the ability for you to TOTALLY    
                                   configure your OWN colors in the WHO    
                                  display - *AND* the option of excluding  
                                 predefined names to appear in the display!
                                  Multi-Lingual Support is available! Now  
                                  adds a command line option for toggling  
                                  lurk mode on/off! Very useful if a Sysop 
                                 does *not* want to be paged ot let a user 
                                 know their online! Another necessity for  
                                  Sysops!  Compiled using PPLC 01-25-1994. 
                                    v1.6 - Re-optimized code - Faster!     
                                 (c) 1994 - Whitewater Technologies, Inc.;
pcbwin95.zip    3558 08-05-2024 PCBWIN95.TXT explains how to setup your
                                PCBoard to work with WIN95!
pcb_2dstgs.zip   75796 08-05-2024 The Virtual Gaming Station Ŀ
                                 Bulletin Board Server (tm)   
                                 Replace 30+ strings in your  
                                 PCBTEXT with lightbar/hot key
                                 PPE's. Great Looking and hot 
                                 key driven.                  
                                   Coded by: Luciano Fiocco   
pcb_menu.zip    8128 08-05-2024 A multi-menu system for PCBoard.  This is
                                easier for those of you who have users that
                                don't like the standard PCBoard single menu
pcb_time.zip    3530 08-05-2024 Time.ppe for PCBoard v15.x
                                Conference command prompt
                                    with source code
pcmat.zip       3576 08-05-2024 PPE - PCMAT: This PPE allow the SysOp to Know
                                which Users wants to Format his HD.. It
                                appears is Formating, but IT'S NOT! Than he
                                receives a 
pculogon.zip    2376 08-05-2024    Creators United
                                           Logon Broadcaster
                                >> LOGON.PPE for PCBoard v15.x MultiNode <<
                                - Will notify all users online when someone
                                  logs into another node.
                                - Will show Username, Node Number and Time.
                                - Simple to set up - and totally *FREEWARE*
pegand2z.zip   44510 08-05-2024  ===============-====
                                  PEGANODE v2.1a* WHO REPLACEMENT PPE 
                                 >!NOW SHOWS TIME LEFT FOR EACH NODE!<
                                   WHAT YOU HAVE ALL BEEN ASKING FOR  
                                    A WHO REPLACEMENT WITH NAMES OF   
                                    DOWNLOADS ETC...AND...GET THIS    
                                     CONTINUOUS SCREEN UPDATES!!!!    
                                    >>> NOW NETWORK FRIENDLY!!! <<<   
                                  ***FIXES INSTALLATION BUG IN 2.1*** 
peganod3.zip  103202 08-05-2024   PEGANODE v3.0 * WHO REPLACEMENT PPE
                                 >!NOW SHOWS TIME LEFT FOR EACH NODE!<
                                   WHAT YOU HAVE ALL BEEN ASKING FOR
                                    A WHO REPLACEMENT WITH NAMES OF
                                    DOWNLOADS ETC...AND...GET THIS
                                     CONTINUOUS SCREEN UPDATES!!!!
                                    >>> NOW NETWORK FRIENDLY!!! <<<
                                     VERSION 3.0 IS COMPILED WITH
                                     PPLC 3.00 FOR PCBOARD 15.2!!
phc2_2d2.zip   53333 08-05-2024 ͮ< Phantom CHAT Multinode chat 2.2  >ͻ
                                   50 SOME MISPELLINGS NOW FIXED !!!      
                                 ** Now execpts Duble - byte Charcters    
                                          for foreign systems.            
                                 This is the best PCB chat ever !!!       
                                 - Action words (sysop definable)         
                                 - Invite nodes to chat.                  
                                 - 999 channels, PUBLIC & PRIVATE.        
                                 - Private messages.                      
                                 - Whos on, Whos in chat.                 
                                 Simple to use, your users will love it!  
                                 No fuss no mess its even easy to set up! 
                                 Regional Communications.ͻ
                                 5 node chat / adult files / online reg-  
                                 istration & Phantom PPE's / Home of the  
                                   File "X" tape club & Phantom PPE's     
                                             (716) 366-3884               
phcd.zip        9506 08-05-2024 PPE THAT TELLS YOU WHAT CD ROM IS IN THE
                                DRIVE!! HANDELS UP 20 CD'S !!!!.........
                                *************** PHANTOM BBS ************
                                ************* (716)-366-3884 ***********
phchat3.zip    25358 08-05-2024 ͮ< Phantom Sysop Pager Ver 2.0.3    >ͻ
                                 This file now has the PPE files in it!   
                                  oops! I left them out on ver 2.0 sorry! 
                                  now with ANSI / RIP, and :               
                                  5 sysop defineable responding sysop     
                                  names, the responding sysop may pres    
                                  the number by his name and the chat     
                                  tells the user who the sysop is who is  
                                  responding. Includes a never page list  
                                  ,vip list, users or sysop can abort     
                                   the page and more!!!!!!                
                                          Regional Communications
                                 Phantom PPES            ͻ
                                 5 node chat / adult files / online reg-  
                                 istration & Phantom PPE's / Home of the  
                                   File "X" tape club & Phantom PPE's     
                                             (716) 366-0568               
phcht3.zip     82106 08-05-2024 ͮ< Phantom CHAT Multinode chat 3.0  >ͻ
                                 This is the best PCB chat ever !!!       
                                 New: * Bad chat handle list.             
                                 * Sysop user editor.                     
                                 * Sysop can chat in group chat and share 
                                   the same node with a user!             
                                 * user may page sysop,May use external   
                                   or internal page.                      
                                 * Sysop menu  * optioms menu * ops menu  
                                 - Action words (sysop definable)         
                                 - Invite nodes to chat.                  
                                 - 999 channels, PUBLIC & PRIVATE.        
                                 - Private messages.                      
                                 - Whos on, Whos in chat.                 
                                 Simple to use, your users will love it!  
                                 No fuss no mess its even easy to set up! 
                                 Regional Communications.ͻ
                                 5 node chat / online registration & onli-
                                 ne Phantom  PPE's / Instant phantom ppe  
                                 registrations via master, dsc, visa!!!   
                                             (716) 366-3884               
phdc2.zip      12637 08-05-2024 ͮ< Todays caller log V2.0 By Phantom>ͻ
                                 ** SMALL BUG FIX!! GRAPHIC BUG FIXED! ** 
                                 This is a cool today & yesterdays caller 
                                 caller log. Self maintaing! No fus no    
                                 mess! Runs its own maintance! Yet a      
                                 nother FREE ppe By Phantom PPEs.         
                                 Skips sysop sec. level.                  
                                 Regional Communications Internet Providers
                                 The home of Pahntom PPES.ͻ
                                 Instant on line subscription & registr-  
                                 ation of Phantome PPES! Youll get your   
                                   coded key file right then and there!   
                                  Visa, Mastercard, Discover cards !!     
                                   File "X" tape club & Phantom PPE's     
                                             (716) 366-0568               
phnote.zip      3169 08-05-2024 ͮ< NOTICE: Phantom PPES !!!!!       >ͻ
                                  You May now Register all Phantom PPES   
                                  online, and get your CODED KEY FILE     
                                  right then & there !!!!                 
                                 Regional Communications Internet Providers
                                 The home of Pahntom PPES.ͻ
                                 Instant on line subscription & registr-  
                                 ation of Phantome PPES! Youll get your   
                                   coded key file right then and there!   
                                  Visa, Mastercard, Discover cards !!     
                                   File "X" tape club & Phantom PPE's     
                                             (716) 366-0568               
phnuser2.zip   37333 08-05-2024 ͮ< Newuser V2.0 Phantom PPE         >ͻ
                                 Newuser PPE will help get a new usre     
                                 registered. explains the prosess,        
                                 displays welcome, rule, and other files. 
                                 Also give new userextra time for there   
                                 first call-sysop configerabel.           
                                 NON CRIPEL WARE !!SHARE WARE!            
                                 Regional Communications Internet Providers
                                 The home of Pahntom PPES.ͻ
                                 Instant on line subscription & registr-  
                                 ation of Phantome PPES! Youll get your   
                                   coded key file right then and there!   
                                  Visa, Mastercard, Discover cards !!     
                                   File "X" tape club & Phantom PPE's     
                                             (716) 366-0568               
phnuser3.zip   38934 08-05-2024 ͮ< Newuser V3.0 Phantom PPE         >ͻ
                                  *** MAGOR BUG FIX !! FROM VER 2.0 ***   
                                 Newuser PPE will help get a new usre     
                                 registered. explains the prosess,        
                                 displays welcome, rule, and other files. 
                                 Also give new userextra time for there   
                                 first call-sysop configerabel.           
                                 NON CRIPEL WARE !!SHARE WARE!            
                                 Regional Communications Internet Providers
                                 The home of Pahntom PPES.ͻ
                                 Instant on line subscription & registr-  
                                 ation of Phantome PPES! Youll get your   
                                   coded key file right then and there!   
                                  Visa, Mastercard, Discover cards !!     
                                   File "X" tape club & Phantom PPE's     
                                             (716) 366-0568               
phone120.zip    6845 08-05-2024 ͸
                                    * The Phone Number Utility v1.20 *     
                                 Prompt replacement utility that will keep 
                                  the correct phone format. Utility will   
                                  provide dashes (-) and parentheses (())  
                                 for the user to keep the correct format.  
                                   Checks for phone number formats. Very   
                                        configurable and FREEWARE.         
phone1_0.zip    7519 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 The PCB Phone Number Formatter PPE v1.0 
                                   Forces Phone Number Formats To Fit    
                                   The Standard (xxx)xxx-xxxx Format     
                                   * BONUS - International Support!      
                                           For PCBoard v15.21+           
                                      An UltiWares(c)1995 Release        
phone1_1.zip    7574 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 The PCB Phone Number Formatter PPE v1.1 
                                   Forces Phone Number Formats To Fit    
                                   The Standard (xxx)xxx-xxxx Format     
                                   * BONUS - International Support!      
                                           For PCBoard v15.21+           
                                      An UltiWares(c)1995 Release        
phone1_3.zip    8415 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 The PCB Phone Number Formatter PPE v1.3 
                                   Forces Phone Number Formats To Fit    
                                   The Standard (xxx)xxx-xxxx Format     
                                   * BONUS - International Support!      
                                           For PCBoard v15.21+           
                                      An UltiWares(c)1995 Release        
phuchat2.zip   48435 08-05-2024 ͮ< Phantom CHAT Multinode chat 1.2  >ͻ
                                    ******* SPELLING FIX !!!! ********    
                                   50 SOME MISPELLINGS NOW FIXED !!!      
                                 This is the best PCB chat ever !!!       
                                 - Action words (sysop definable)         
                                 - Invite nodes to chat.                  
                                 - 999 channels, PUBLIC & PRIVATE.        
                                 - Private messages.                      
                                 - Whos on, Whos in chat.                 
                                 Simple to use, your users will love it!  
                                 No fuss no mess its even easy to set up! 
                                 The North CoastChat BBS.ͻ
                                 5 node chat / adult files / online reg-  
                                 istration & Phantom PPE's / Home of the  
                                   File "X" tape club & Phantom PPE's     
                                             (716) 366-0568               
phun_2dmeb.zip    3396 08-05-2024 [PPE] LOGIN MESSAGE SCARER V.1.0 [PHUN]
                                 Broadcasts a message to all nodes : 
                                 > at the login * 90% configurable < 
                                 > + SPECIAL SETUP FOR THE SYSOP ! < 
phun_2dtc1.zip    1832 08-05-2024 [PPE] THIS-CALL-STATISTICS V.1.0 [PHUN]
                                 A cool PPe to install in the logoff 
                                 to show the user what he did during 
                                 his call (# of Pages/Chats/Errors). 
phun_meb.zip    3396 08-05-2024 [PPE] LOGIN MESSAGE SCARER V.1.0 [PHUN]
                                 Broadcasts a message to all nodes : 
                                 > at the login * 90% configurable < 
                                 > + SPECIAL SETUP FOR THE SYSOP ! < 
phun_tc1.zip    1832 08-05-2024 [PPE] THIS-CALL-STATISTICS V.1.0 [PHUN]
                                 A cool PPe to install in the logoff 
                                 to show the user what he did during 
                                 his call (# of Pages/Chats/Errors). 
picksys.zip     4571 08-05-2024 
pic_tb2.zip    10771 08-05-2024  Time Bank PPE 2.0 
                                Config by Sec Levels, and even acct.
                                Editing. Scroll Bar or Non-Scroll
pie_2dab25.zip   39331 08-05-2024                         ߲
                                ߲ܲܲܲ  ߲
                                 ܲܲ  ܲ  ܲܲ 
                                  ۲     ۲ܲ u
                                    ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲Z
                                 ۲   ۲  !
                                   ۲   ۲߲  
                                      ۲   ܲ  
                                    ܲܲ ۲۲   ۲  
                                 ߲    ߲  ߲   
                                ߲   ܱ߲   ߲ܲ
                                 release (96|O2|23) ܰ type (PPE) 
                                ADD BOARD TO LOGOFF v2.5 (15.21)ܲ
                                  PIE ARE BACK WiTH ANOTHER PPE!!!  
                                  BUG FIXES, NEW OPTIONS, AND MORE  
                                ߲߱  CODED BY: ODiN / PiE  ߲
pie_2dcfg.zip   10063 08-05-2024                         ߲
                                ߲ܲܲܲ  ߲
                                 ܲܲ  ܲ  ܲܲ 
                                  ۲     ۲ܲ u
                                    ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲Z
                                 ۲   ۲  !
                                   ۲   ۲߲  
                                      ۲   ܲ  
                                    ܲܲ ۲۲   ۲  
                                 ߲    ߲  ߲   
                                ߲   ܱ߲   ߲ܲ
                                 release (95|12|15) ܰ type (PPE) 
                                           Quick-Config 1.0
                                        FAST & EASY CONFIG PPE      
                                ߲߱   CODED BY:SPiNDOCTOR  ߲
pie_2ddis2.zip    5616 08-05-2024 [*] ܲ  ܲ [*]
                                       ߰            '95 
                                   ۲  ܲ  ۲ ۲  uZ!
                                   ۲    ۲۲  ۲ ߲
                                  ۱    ߲  ۲    
                                  ܲ     ܲ       ߲߱ܲ   
                                [*][ providence '95 ][*]
                                  Another state of the art ppe from 
                                    providence, this time a higly 
                                    configurable DiSCLAiMER whit 
                                       nice sliding lightbars
pie_2dftln.zip    9125 08-05-2024  [*] ܲ  ܲ [*]
                                        ߰            '95 
                                    ۲  ܲ  ۲ ۲  uZ!
                                    ۲    ۲۲  ۲ ߲
                                   ۱    ߲  ۲    
                                   ܲ     ܲ       ߲߱ܲ   
                                 [*][ providence '95 ][*]
                                     fast login for pcboard 15.21!
                                        99% configurable, NICE!
                                    Coded by ODiN / pROViDENCE '95
                                AntiRacistic  Couriers
pie_2djoin.zip   22225 08-05-2024                         ߲
                                ߲ܲܲܲ  ߲
                                 ܲܲ  ܲ  ܲܲ 
                                  ۲     ۲ܲ u
                                    ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲Z
                                 ۲   ۲  !
                                   ۲   ۲߲  
                                      ۲   ܲ  
                                    ܲܲ ۲۲   ۲  
                                 ߲    ߲  ߲   
                                ߲   ܱ߲   ߲ܲ
                                 release (95|12|22) ܰ type (ppe) 
                                             join v1            ܲ
                                   well this is a join conference            
                                    ppe with lightbars and 100 %    
                                     configuable as always  =)      
                                ߲߱   coder dikarpo(pie)   ߲
pie_2dli11.zip   12636 08-05-2024                         ߲
                                ߲ܲܲܲ  ߲
                                 ܲܲ  ܲ  ܲܲ 
                                  ۲     ۲ܲ u
                                    ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲Z
                                 ۲   ۲  !
                                   ۲   ۲߲  
                                      ۲   ܲ  
                                    ܲܲ ۲۲   ۲  
                                 ߲    ߲  ߲   
                                ߲   ܱ߲   ߲ܲ
                                 Release (96|03|23) ܰ type (PPE) 
                                            Oneliner 1.1                     
                                      Including original ZAP(tm)    
                                    Nice configurable ansi by MTM!  
                                ߲߱ Code:Spindoctor/Castor ߲
pie_2dlo10.zip   24205 08-05-2024                         ߲
                                ߲ܲܲܲ  ߲
                                 ܲܲ  ܲ  ܲܲ 
                                  ۲     ۲ܲ u
                                    ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲Z
                                 ۲   ۲  !
                                   ۲   ۲߲  
                                      ۲   ܲ  
                                    ܲܲ ۲۲   ۲  
                                 ߲    ߲  ߲   
                                ߲   ܱ߲   ߲ܲ
                                 release (96|O3|15) ܰ type (PPE) 
                                         LASTONES v.1.oo        ܲ
                                   90% configurable lastcaller for
                                   PcB 15.2+, with asskicking ansi. 
                                         Code: Cuminous/Pie         
                                ߲߱  Ansi: Scoundrel/Pie   ߲
pie_2dlogi.zip    8990 08-05-2024                         ߲
                                ߲ܲܲܲ  ߲
                                 ܲܲ  ܲ  ܲܲ 
                                  ۲     ۲ܲ u
                                    ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲Z
                                 ۲   ۲  !
                                   ۲   ۲߲  
                                      ۲   ܲ  
                                    ܲܲ ۲۲   ۲  
                                 ߲    ߲  ߲   
                                ߲   ܱ߲   ߲ܲ
                                 release (95|12|15) ܰ type (PPE) 
                                           Quick-Login 1.2
                                        FAST & EASY Login PPE       
                                ߲߱   CODED BY:SPiNDOCTOR  ߲
pie_2dnzl1.zip   46774 08-05-2024 [*] ܲ  ܲ [*]
                                       ߰            '95 
                                   ۲  ܲ  ۲ ۲  uZ!
                                   ۲    ۲۲  ۲ ߲
                                  ۱    ߲  ۲    
                                  ܲ     ܲ       ߲߱ܲ   
                                [*][ providence '95 ][*]
                                              ZNL v1.O           
                                   this is a package that contains
                                   a zippy, locate and a new file   
                                   scan ppe..all 100% configuable   
pie_2doro1.zip   56943 08-05-2024                  ܲ
                                       ܲ  ۲
                                   ۲ ߲   
                                    ۲ݰ  ޲۲ ۲  ۲
                                       ܲ۲۲  ۲۲
                                   ޲۲    ܲ    ߲
                                           p R O V I D E N C e
                                                  1 9 9 6
                                 TYPE:[PPE]  RELEASE DATE:[96/04/10]
                                 ULTiMATE ONELiNER FOR PCBOARD 15.2X
                                        CODED BY ORSON iN 1996 
                                           ANSi BY RENEGADE
                                   NICE ANSI, NUKABLE, NICE LAYOUT
pie_2doru1.zip   20299 08-05-2024                  ܲ
                                       ܲ  ۲
                                   ۲ ߲   
                                    ۲ݰ  ޲۲ ۲  ۲
                                       ܲ۲۲  ۲۲
                                   ޲۲    ܲ    ߲
                                           p R O V I D E N C e
                                                  1 9 9 6
                                 TYPE:[PPE]  RELEASE DATE:[96/04/10]
                                    UPLOAD PPE FOR PCBOARD 15.2X
                                   BY ORSON AND RENEGADE  iN 1996
                                  LIGHTBAR, NICE ANSIS, NICE LAYOUT
                                    DiGiTAL TRADERS 1996! 
pie_2dplen.zip    7330 08-05-2024 [*] ܲ  ܲ [*]
                                       ߰            '95 
                                   ۲  ܲ  ۲ ۲  uZ!
                                   ۲    ۲۲  ۲ ߲
                                  ۱    ߲  ۲    
                                  ܲ     ܲ       ߲߱ܲ   
                                [*][ providence '95 ][*]
                                        page length changer!     
                                   this is a great ppe where you
                                    can change your page length
                                    with lightbars and 4 sizes!      
                                        .:. pALACEoFdARKNESS .:.
pie_2dqnav.zip    9043 08-05-2024                         ߲
                                ߲ܲܲܲ  ߲
                                 ܲܲ  ܲ  ܲܲ 
                                  ۲     ۲ܲ u
                                    ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲Z
                                 ۲   ۲  !
                                   ۲   ۲߲  
                                      ۲   ܲ  
                                    ܲܲ ۲۲   ۲  
                                 ߲    ߲  ߲   
                                ߲   ܱ߲   ߲ܲ
                                 release (95|12|15) ܰ type (PPE) 
                                               QNAV 1.0
                                     FAST & EASY NODE VIEWER PPE    
                                ߲߱   CODED BY:SPiNDOCTOR  ߲
pie_2dqnm.zip    9965 08-05-2024                         ߲
                                ߲ܲܲܲ  ߲
                                 ܲܲ  ܲ  ܲܲ 
                                  ۲     ۲ܲ u
                                    ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲Z
                                 ۲   ۲  !
                                   ۲   ۲߲  
                                      ۲   ܲ  
                                    ܲܲ ۲۲   ۲  
                                 ߲    ߲  ߲   
                                ߲   ܱ߲   ߲ܲ
                                 release (95|12|15) ܰ type (PPE) 
                                        Quick-Node Message 1.0
                                     FAST & EASY Node Message PPE   
                                ߲߱   CODED BY:SPiNDOCTOR  ߲
pie_2dread.zip   21699 08-05-2024 [*] ܲ  ܲ [*]
                                       ߰            '95 
                                   ۲  ܲ  ۲ ۲  uZ!
                                   ۲    ۲۲  ۲ ߲
                                  ۱    ߲  ۲    
                                  ܲ     ܲ       ߲߱ܲ   
                                [*][ providence '95 ][*]
                                         mail reader v1.o       
                                   this is a mail reader for pcb
                                   this one is 100% configuable!   
                                   change every thing! just like    
                                        .:. pALACEoFdARKNESS .:.
pie_2dsdla.zip   22490 08-05-2024 [*] ܲ  ܲ [*]
                                       ߰            '95 
                                   ۲  ܲ  ۲ ۲  uZ!
                                   ۲    ۲۲  ۲ ߲
                                  ۱    ߲  ۲    
                                  ܲ     ܲ       ߲߱ܲ   
                                [*][ providence '95 ][*]
                                          sysop download        
                                   this is a ppe for the sysop!!
                                   enable the sysop to call the     
                                   board and download files from    
                                       his harddrive..wow!              
                                        .:. pALACEoFdARKNESS .:.
pie_2dtppe.zip   20737 08-05-2024                         ߲
                                ߲ܲܲܲ  ߲
                                 ܲܲ  ܲ  ܲܲ 
                                  ۲     ۲ܲ u
                                    ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲Z
                                 ۲   ۲  !
                                   ۲   ۲߲  
                                      ۲   ܲ  
                                    ܲܲ ۲۲   ۲  
                                 ߲    ߲  ߲   
                                ߲   ܱ߲   ߲ܲ
                                 release (95|12|22) ܰ type (ppe) 
                                           testppe v1           ܲ
                                   this ppe is made so that you 
                                   are able to test ppes online!    
                                   you may need it sometime..=)     
                                ߲߱   coder dikarpo(pie)   ߲
pie_2durss.zip   29081 08-05-2024  [*] ܲ  ܲ [*]
                                        ߰            '95 
                                    ۲  ܲ  ۲ ۲  uZ!
                                    ۲    ۲۲  ۲ ߲
                                   ۱    ߲  ۲    
                                   ܲ     ܲ       ߲߱ܲ   
                                 [*][ providence '95 ][*]
                                   user statistics for pcboard 15.21
                                       fully color configurable!
                                    Coded by ODiN / pROViDENCE '95
                                AntiRacistic  Couriers
pie_2dutop.zip   20758 08-05-2024                         ߲
                                ߲ܲܲܲ  ߲
                                 ܲܲ  ܲ  ܲܲ 
                                  ۲     ۲ܲ u
                                    ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲Z
                                 ۲   ۲  !
                                   ۲   ۲߲  
                                      ۲   ܲ  
                                    ܲܲ ۲۲   ۲  
                                 ߲    ߲  ߲   
                                ߲   ܱ߲   ߲ܲ
                                 release (96|O4|09) ܰ type (PPE) 
                                  AMi/X 15 Top Uploaders v1.OO  ܲ
                                  Very nize styled 15 to uploaders    
                                           for PcB 15.22+           
                                        Code: bLACK HoLE/Pie       
                                ߲߱  Ansi: Wedlock         ߲
pirotop.zip    10786 08-05-2024   | |   ____ ____ ______  ____  | |
                                  | .  / _  |__ _\\ /\  ||    \ . |
                                  .  /    __|_| |_|  __ \|  |\  \ .
                                   /_____|  |_____|__| \_|________\
                                [] People In Ranking Order Present []
                                 PPE DEViSIoN PRESENTS: TOP U/Ls:Leechers
                                  Released on: 08/17/94
                                  Moved By: Needle
                                 /=\= Spew'd by ARReSTEd DEVeLOPMeNT =\=/
pma_2dchat.zip   13717 08-05-2024 [[PiMA SuPeRCHaT v1.00]]
                                [ PR0GMaN ]Ŀ
                                 HERE IS THE BEST PCBOARD CHATTER YOU   
                                 WILL EVER SEE! LIQUID MOVEMENT,        
                                 AWESOME FADING! KIX ALL DA OTHERZ ASS! 
pmc_2dgrto.zip    4831 08-05-2024 GroupTop for PCBoard systems, *NEW* PPE!
pmeoff2.zip    11445 08-05-2024  Things that realy P me off...Ŀ
                                 Add this PPE to any Display file  
                                 and get a smile out of your users 
                                 Things that realy p me off......  
                                 is a very entertaining PPE.  Add  
                                 this one to your Script0 File and 
                                 Your callers will call back to see
                                 what p's you off...  Supports RIP 
                                  A White Dragon PPE Production    
                                     Version 2.0     
pmttv16.zip    33879 08-05-2024 Pepster's Movie Time Trivia 1.60
                                FREEWARE!!!! Simple, but yet powerful
                                Online Trivia Game that is 100% FREE.
                                Source Code Available upon request.
                                Written for PCBoard 15.2 using
                                PPL 3.00.  Better than some costly
                                shareware trivia games out on the
                                market.  Won't cause a hole in your
                                pocket book.
pmt_2d1.zip     2145 08-05-2024 A (Simple) colorful prompt PPE that
                                will wait until the user hits a key
                                before continuing. Generates random
                                colors to display prompts.
                                   WWT  BBS: 312-743-4912 
                                 Ŀ Source has been Included 
                                   (Even though it's easy!) 
pnablt10.zip    5580 08-05-2024      BULLETiN DiSPLAY V1.OO    |
                                |     Just A Nice Designed      
                                      Bulletin Displayer       
                                      For Your PCB 15.2+       
pnalg151.zip   25605 08-05-2024 :    .:[ LOGiN PPE V1.51 ]:.    
                                :   1OO% CONFiGURABLE          :
                                |   FiXED TWO-WORD-HANDLE BUG  
                                   SYSTEM PW / NUP            :
                                   LOCAL SYSOP WiNDOW         
                                   TURBO LOGiN FEATURE        
                                   NiCE CUSTOM QUESTiONNAiRE  
                                   KEWL GFX + MORE ...        
pnalog15.zip   28649 08-05-2024 .        
                                :                .
                                |             :
                                     Back in Full Effect     
                                |         Presenting          
                                :    .:[ LOGiN PPE V1.5O ]:.    
                                :   1OO% CONFiGURABLE          :
                                |   FiXED TWO-WORD-HANDLE BUG  
                                   SYSTEM PW / NUP            :
                                   LOCAL SYSOP WiNDOW         
                                   TURBO LOGiN FEATURE        
                                   NiCE CUSTOM QUESTiONNAiRE  
                                   KEWL GFX + MORE ...        
                                | .:[d0P StYL PPs i 1995]:. 
                                -   -- 
pnausr05.zip    5093 08-05-2024      PCB USER-LiSTER VO.5Ob    |            
                                    for PCB 15.2x                
                                :   99.9% Configurable                     
                                   Custom Descriptions                    
                                :    For Each Security Level                
pnawui10.zip    8580 08-05-2024 :   .:[ WRiTE USER iNFO ]:.    
                                :   99% CONFiGURABLE           :
                                |   NiCE DESiGN/FADiNG FX      
                                   LiTEBAR DRiVEN             :
pna_2dprot.zip    5482 08-05-2024       [ LOGiN PPE V1.5O ]
                                :   1OO% CONFiGURABLE          :
                                |   FiXED TWO-WORD-HANDLE BUG  
                                   SYSTEM PW / NUP            :
                                   LOCAL SYSOP WiNDOW         
                                   TURBO LOGiN FEATURE        
                                   NiCE CUSTOM QUESTiONNAiRE  
                                   KEWL GFX + MORE ...        
pnc_2dp10f.zip   19761 08-05-2024 [ Proto-Change [PPE] v1.0 by SouL Thief ]
                                            [FINAL]    [01/07/96]
                                   ݰ ݰݰ 
                                  ݰ ݰݰ 
                                     [ PiNNACLE ! ] 
pnews200.zip   47350 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                       PCB News Editor v2.00       ۲
                                 This program will allow a simple program  
                                 for a sysop to update news on his BBS.    
                                 simple setup.  Now allows Sysop to create 
                                 news from a input file, multiple config   
                                 files, and more!  Registration:  $5       
pob197_a.zip    4573 08-05-2024  POB197 [PPE3]  PCB/2 15.xx - 1.01 [1/1]
                                POB197.PPE is a simple End of Msg replace- 
                                ment. Install this PPE in line 197 of your 
                                pcbtext file. Full hotkey support!         
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1996       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                 +49-(0)8807/993456 (30 NODES USR & ISDN)  
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                  FIDO 2:2480/5678 PCBoard NET: PCB:POB/0  
pob396ls.zip    5639 08-05-2024  POB396LS [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 1.00R  [1/1]
                                POB396LS.PPE is a replacement for the main 
                                prompt 396. This PPE include a LINESCROLLER
                                and any other key shortcuts. [ESC] for BY, 
                                UP for upload, DOWN for download, LEFT for 
                                next conference, RIGHT for prev. conference
                                HOME & END are userdefineable. Multilingual
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1994       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
pob396_2.zip    6790 08-05-2024  POB396LS [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 - 1.01 [1/1]
                                POB396LS.PPE is a replacement for the main 
                                prompt 396. This PPE include a LINESCROLLER
                                and any other key shortcuts. [ESC] for BY, 
                                UP for upload, DOWN for download, LEFT for 
                                next conference, RIGHT for prev. conference
                                HOME & END are userdefineable. Multilingual
                                No scroller when user is in "X"pert mode.  
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
pob396_3.zip   12450 08-05-2024  POB396LS [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 - 2.00 [1/1]
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                POB396LS.PPE is a replacement for the main 
                                prompt 396. This PPE include a LINESCROLLER
                                and any other key shortcuts. [ESC] for BY, 
                                UP for upload, DOWN for download, LEFT for 
                                next conference, RIGHT for prev. conference
                                HOME, END, TAB, INS, DEL, PGUP & PGDN are  
                                free definable. Fixed some major bugs!     
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
pob605.zip      4840 08-05-2024  POB605 [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 - 1.00   [1/1]
                                POB605.PPE is a replacement for the entry  
                                605 (Proceed with logoff?) in PCBtext.     
                                Read the DOKU  for more details.        
                                This PPE is Multilingual, German is incl.  
                                A must if you have running the POB396LS.PPE
                                This PPE only take in effect when you have 
                                set the setting "Warning on logoff command"
                                to "YES"! (small, but usefull) ........... 
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
pob605_4.zip    7523 08-05-2024  POB605 [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 - 2.11   [1/1]
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                POB605.PPE is a replacement for the entry  
                                605 (Proceed with logoff?) in PCBtext.     
                                Read the DOKU  for more details.        
                                This PPE is Multilingual, German is incl.  
                                A must if you have running the POB396LS.PPE
                                This PPE only take in effect when you have 
                                set the setting "Warning on logoff command"
                                to "YES"! fixed display bug...             
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
pobarea.zip    77639 08-05-2024  POBAREA [PPE3] / PCB 15.21 - 1.0R [1/1]
                                POBAREA.PPE is a replacement for your File 
                                menu. This is a full Lightbar menu.        
                                Shows number of files and bytes for DIR and
                                conference totals. You can mark DIR's for  
                                viewing or D/L a Filelist of DIR(s).       
                                Full multilanguage support, and much more. 
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                USR  33600 08807/993456 (20 NODES RINGDOWN)
                                ISDN 64000  08807/993434 (X75/V110 CAPI)   
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                     FIDO 2:2480/5678 ISDN 2:2480/567      
pobarea2.zip   78233 08-05-2024  POBAREA [PPE3] / PCB 15.2x - 1.1  [1/1]
                                POBAREA.PPE is a replacement for your File 
                                menu. This is a full Lightbar menu.        
                                Shows number of files and bytes for DIR and
                                conference totals. You can mark DIR's for  
                                viewing or D/L a Filelist of DIR(s).       
                                Full multilanguage support, and much more. 
                                Works with PCB 15.22, fixed some bugs.     
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                USR  33600 08807/993456 (20 NODES RINGDOWN)
                                ISDN 64000  08807/993434 (X75/V110 CAPI)   
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                     FIDO 2:2480/5678 ISDN 2:2480/567      
pobarea3.zip   79244 08-05-2024  POBAREA [PPE3] / PCB 15.2x - 1.3  [1/1]
                                POBAREA.PPE is a replacement for your File 
                                menu. This is a full Lightbar menu.        
                                Shows number of files and bytes for DIR and
                                conference totals. You can mark DIR's for  
                                viewing or D/L a Filelist of DIR(s).       
                                Full multilanguage support, and much more. 
                                Works with PCB 15.22, Addet POB_D_PPE supp.
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                USR  33600 08807/993456 (20 Lines RINGDOWN)
                                ISDN 64000 08807/993434 (10 Lines ISDN X75)
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                     FIDO 2:2480/5678 ISDN 2:2480/567      
pobcoll1.zip  206581 08-05-2024  POB PPE COLLECTION  /  PCB 15.2+  [1/1]
                                This archiev contains all important PPE's  
                                you need to run a customized PCBoard BBS.  
                                Includet are e.g pobMENU, pobJOIN, pobLC,  
                                pobSPY, pobLOSPY, pobNLS and much more.... 
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                 +49-(0)8807/993456 (30 Lines USR & ISDN)  
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                        FIDO 2:2480/5678 USR & ISDN        
pobjoin2.zip   25799 08-05-2024 POBJOIN [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 V1.00
                                Conference join menu. Full lightbar support,
                                net support (FIDO, INTERNET, Usenet...), show
                                highmsg and actmsg in sel. conference, full
                                configurable with configfile, multi lang.
                                support, show conferences in dark color if
                                user is not registered in or not, and much
                                much more! Read doku for all informations!
                                fixed some minor bugs, addet TB_Q support.
pobjoin4.zip   17220 08-05-2024  POBJOIN [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 - 2.00  [1/1]
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                USR   28800  08807/91881 (7 NODES RINGDOWN)
                                ISDN  64000  08807/91806 (X75/V110 CAPI)   
                                INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@POB.CUBE.NET
                                     FIDO 2:2480/5678 ISDN 2:2480/567      
                                POBJOIN.PPE is the best conference join    
                                menu available! Full lightbar support, net 
                                support (FIDO, INTERNET, Usenet...), show  
                                highmsg and actmsg in sel. conference, full
                                configurable with configfile, multi lang.  
                                support, show conferences in dark color if 
                                user is not registered in or not, and much 
                                much more! Read doku for all informations!!
                                  NOW you can define FIDO comp. Netnames!  
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
pobjoin5.zip   17135 08-05-2024  POBJOIN [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 - 2.10  [1/1]
                                POBJOIN.PPE is the best conference join    
                                menu available! Full lightbar support, net 
                                support (FIDO, INTERNET, Usenet...), show  
                                highmsg, actmsg and last read in sel. conf.
                                Supports FIDO comp. net, multi lang. supp. 
                                shows FIDO area name if FIDO, and much more
                                     Read doku for all informations!!      
                                Fixed some bugs (sharing viol. during toss)
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
pobjoin7.zip   29774 08-05-2024  POBJOIN [PPE3] / PCB 15.21 - 2.21 [1/1]
                                POBJOIN.PPE is the best conference join    
                                menu available! Full lightbar support, net 
                                support (FIDO, INTERNET, Usenet...), show  
                                highmsg, actmsg and last read in sel. conf.
                                Supports FIDO comp. net, multi lang. supp. 
                                shows FIDO area name if FIDO, and much more
                                     Read doku for all informations!!      
                                 addet POBJOIN1.PPE for use with PCB 15.2  
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                USR   28800  08807/91881 (7 NODES RINGDOWN)
                                ISDN  64000  08807/91806 (X75/V110 CAPI)   
                                INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@POB.CUBE.NET
                                     FIDO 2:2480/5678 ISDN 2:2480/567      
pobjoin8.zip   31860 08-05-2024  POBJOIN [PPE3] / PCB 15.21 - 2.30 [1/1]
                                POBJOIN.PPE is the best conference join    
                                menu available! Full lightbar support, net 
                                support (FIDO, INTERNET, Usenet...), show  
                                highmsg, actmsg and last read in sel. conf.
                                Supports FIDO comp. net, multi lang. supp. 
                                shows FIDO area name if FIDO, and much more
                                     Read doku for all informations!!      
                                  fixed bug with private conference flag   
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                USR   28800  08807/91881 (7 NODES RINGDOWN)
                                ISDN  64000  08807/91806 (X75/V110 CAPI)   
                                INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.cube.net
                                     FIDO 2:2480/5678 ISDN 2:2480/567      
pobjoin9.zip   34125 08-05-2024  POBJOIN [PPE3] / PCB 15.21 - 2.50 [1/1]
                                POBJOIN.PPE is the best conference join    
                                menu available! Full lightbar support, net 
                                support (FIDO, INTERNET, Usenet...), show  
                                highmsg, actmsg and last read in sel. conf.
                                Supports FIDO comp. net, multi lang. supp. 
                                shows FIDO area name if FIDO, and much more
                                     Read doku for all informations!!      
                                   code rewritten for speed improovment    
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                USR   28800  08807/91881 (7 NODES RINGDOWN)
                                ISDN  64000  08807/91806 (X75/V110 CAPI)   
                                INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@POB.CUBE.NET
                                     FIDO 2:2480/5678 ISDN 2:2480/567      
pobjoina.zip   34267 08-05-2024  POBJOIN [PPE3] / PCB 15.21 - 2.51 [1/1]
                                POBJOIN.PPE is the best conference join    
                                menu available! Full lightbar support, net 
                                support (FIDO, INTERNET, Usenet...), show  
                                highmsg, actmsg and last read in sel. conf.
                                Supports FIDO comp. net, multi lang. supp. 
                                shows FIDO area name if FIDO, and much more
                                     Read doku for all informations!!      
                                   fixed a minor bug with direct join      
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                USR   28800  08807/91881 (7 NODES RINGDOWN)
                                ISDN  64000  08807/91806 (X75/V110 CAPI)   
                                INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@POB.CUBE.NET
                                     FIDO 2:2480/5678 ISDN 2:2480/567      
pobjoinb.zip  117838 08-05-2024  POBJOIN [PPE3] / PCB 15.2+ - 3.00 [1/1]
                                POBJOIN.PPE is the best conference join    
                                menu available! Full lightbar support, net 
                                support (FIDO, INTERNET, Usenet...), show  
                                highmsg, actmsg and last read in sel. conf.
                                Supports FIDO comp. net, multi lang. supp. 
                                shows FIDO area name if FIDO, and much more
                                code rewritten for multitasking (OS/2 - DV)
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                USR   28800  08807/91881 (7 NODES RINGDOWN)
                                ISDN  64000  08807/91806 (X75/V110 CAPI)   
                                INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@POB.CUBE.NET
                                     FIDO 2:2480/5678 ISDN 2:2480/567      
pobjoind.zip   22772 08-05-2024  POBJOIN [PPE3] / PCB 15.22 - 3.20 [1/1]
                                POBJOIN.PPE is the best conference join    
                                menu available! Full lightbar support, net 
                                support (FIDO, INTERNET, Usenet...), show  
                                highmsg, actmsg and last read in sel. conf.
                                Supports FIDO comp. net, multi lang. supp. 
                                shows FIDO area name if FIDO, and much more
                                 THIS VERSION IS FOR PCBOARD 15.22 ONLY!!! 
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                USR  33600 08807/993456 (20 Lines RINGDOWN)
                                ISDN 64000 08807/993434 (10 Lines ISDN X75)
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                     FIDO 2:2480/5678 ISDN 2:2480/567      
pobjoinf.zip   23086 08-05-2024  POBJOIN [PPE3] / PCB 15.22 - 4.01 [1/1]
                                POBJOIN.PPE is the best conference join    
                                menu available! Full lightbar support, net 
                                support (FIDO, INTERNET, Usenet...), show  
                                highmsg, actmsg and last read in sel. conf.
                                Supports FIDO comp. net, multi lang. supp. 
                                shows FIDO area name if FIDO, and much more
                                 THIS VERSION IS FOR PCBOARD 15.22 ONLY!!! 
                                   Fixed a minor bug with the tokkens.     
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                USR  33600 & ISDN 64000 +49-(0)8807/993456 
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                   FIDO 2:2480/5678 -  PCBNET PCB:POB/0    
pobjoing.zip   48912 08-05-2024  POBJOIN [PPE3] / PCB 15.22 - 4.02 [1/1]
                                POBJOIN.PPE is the best conference join    
                                menu available! Full lightbar support, net 
                                support (FIDO, INTERNET, Usenet...), show  
                                highmsg, actmsg and last read in sel. conf.
                                Supports FIDO comp. net, multi lang. supp. 
                                shows FIDO area name if FIDO, and much more
                                @X8F    THIS IS THE COMPLETE SOURCE CODE !!!
                                @X0B        feel free to change the code!
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                USR  33600 & ISDN 64000 +49-(0)8807/993456 
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                   FIDO 2:2480/5678 -  PCBNET PCB:POB/0    
poblc2ga.zip   54546 08-05-2024  POBLC2 [PPE3]  PCB/2 15.22 - 1.00 [1/1]
                                POBLC2.PPE is the first LASTCALLER PPE who 
                                also count all incoming and outgoing FIDO  
                                calls. It also show all high totals.       
                                NEW: in the SYSOP screen you can view the  
                                userstat, callerlog and delete a user!!!   
                                This PPE is a must for all PCB/FIDO SYSOP's
                                !!!!!!! ONLY for PCBoard for OS/2 !!!!!!!!!
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                 +49-(0)8807/993456 (30 NODES USR & ISDN)  
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                  FIDO 2:2480/5678 PCBoard NET: PCB:POB/0  
poblc2_1.zip   41850 08-05-2024  POBLC2 [PPE3] / PCB 15.2x - 0.01 [1/1]
                                POBLC2.PPE is the first LASTCALLER PPE who 
                                also count all incoming and outgoing FIDO  
                                calls. It also show all high totals.       
                                This PPE is a must for all PCB/FIDO SYSOP's
                                !!!!!!! ONLY for PCBoard for OS/2 !!!!!!!!!
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                 +49-(0)8807/993456 (30 NODES USR & ISDN)  
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                  FIDO 2:2480/5678 PCBoard NET: PCB:POB/0  
poblc2_4.zip   49055 08-05-2024  POBLC2 [PPE3] PCB/2 15.22 - 0.90 [1/1]
                                POBLC2.PPE is the first LASTCALLER PPE who 
                                also count all incoming and outgoing FIDO  
                                calls. It also show all high totals.       
                                NEW: in the SYSOP screen you can view the  
                                userstat, callerlog and delete a user!!!   
                                This PPE is a must for all PCB/FIDO SYSOP's
                                !!!!!!! ONLY for PCBoard for OS/2 !!!!!!!!!
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                 +49-(0)8807/993456 (30 NODES USR & ISDN)  
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                  FIDO 2:2480/5678 PCBoard NET: PCB:POB/0  
poblc2_5.zip   50127 08-05-2024  POBLC2 [PPE3] PCB/2 15.22 - 0.91 [1/1]
                                POBLC2.PPE is the first LASTCALLER PPE who 
                                also count all incoming and outgoing FIDO  
                                calls. It also show all high totals.       
                                NEW: in the SYSOP screen you can view the  
                                userstat, callerlog and delete a user!!!   
                                This PPE is a must for all PCB/FIDO SYSOP's
                                !!!!!!! ONLY for PCBoard for OS/2 !!!!!!!!!
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                 +49-(0)8807/993456 (30 NODES USR & ISDN)  
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                  FIDO 2:2480/5678 PCBoard NET: PCB:POB/0  
poblc2_7.zip   54256 08-05-2024  POBLC2 [PPE3] PCB/2 15.22 - 0.95 [1/1]
                                POBLC2.PPE is the first LASTCALLER PPE who 
                                also count all incoming and outgoing FIDO  
                                calls. It also show all high totals.       
                                NEW: in the SYSOP screen you can view the  
                                userstat, callerlog and delete a user!!!   
                                This PPE is a must for all PCB/FIDO SYSOP's
                                !!!!!!! ONLY for PCBoard for OS/2 !!!!!!!!!
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                 +49-(0)8807/993456 (30 NODES USR & ISDN)  
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                  FIDO 2:2480/5678 PCBoard NET: PCB:POB/0  
poblc2_a.zip   55206 08-05-2024  POBLC2 [PPE3]  PCB/2 15.22 - 1.10 [1/1]
                                POBLC2.PPE is the first LASTCALLER PPE who 
                                also count all incoming and outgoing FIDO  
                                calls. It also show all high totals.       
                                NEW: in the SYSOP screen you can view the  
                                userstat, callerlog and delete a user!!!   
                                This PPE is a must for all PCB/FIDO SYSOP's
                                !!!!!!! ONLY for PCBoard for OS/2 !!!!!!!!!
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                 +49-(0)8807/993456 (30 NODES USR & ISDN)  
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                  FIDO 2:2480/5678 PCBoard NET: PCB:POB/0  
poblc2_b.zip   56256 08-05-2024  POBLC2 [PPE3]  PCB/2 15.22 - 1.11 [1/1]
                                POBLC2.PPE is the first LASTCALLER PPE who 
                                also count all incoming and outgoing FIDO  
                                calls. It also show all high totals.       
                                NEW: in the SYSOP screen you can view the  
                                userstat, callerlog and delete a user!!!   
                                This PPE is a must for all PCB/FIDO SYSOP's
                                !!!!!!! ONLY for PCBoard for OS/2 !!!!!!!!!
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                 +49-(0)8807/993456 (30 NODES USR & ISDN)  
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                  FIDO 2:2480/5678 PCBoard NET: PCB:POB/0  
poblc2_c.zip   62567 08-05-2024  POBLC2 [PPE3]  PCB/2 15.22 - 1.20 [1/1]
                                POBLC2.PPE is the first LASTCALLER PPE who 
                                also count all incoming and outgoing FIDO  
                                calls. It also show all high totals.       
                                NEW:level related user exclusion list files
                                This PPE is a must for all PCB/FIDO SYSOP's
                                !!!!!!! ONLY for PCBoard for OS/2 !!!!!!!!!
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                 +49-(0)8807/993456 (30 NODES USR & ISDN)  
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                  FIDO 2:2480/5678 PCBoard NET: PCB:POB/0  
poblc2_d.zip   72786 08-05-2024  POBLC2 [PPE3]  PCB/2 15.22 - 1.21 [1/1]
                                POBLC2.PPE is the first LASTCALLER PPE who 
                                also count all incoming and outgoing FIDO  
                                calls. It also show all high totals.       
                                NEW:level related user exclusion list files
                                This PPE is a must for all PCB/FIDO SYSOP's
                                !!!!!!! ONLY for PCBoard for OS/2 !!!!!!!!!
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                 +49-(0)8807/993456 (30 NODES USR & ISDN)  
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                  FIDO 2:2480/5678 PCBoard NET: PCB:POB/0  
poblc2_e.zip   74631 08-05-2024  POBLC2 [PPE3]  PCB/2 15.22 - 1.30 [1/1]
                                POBLC2.PPE is the first LASTCALLER PPE who 
                                also count all incoming and outgoing FIDO  
                                calls. It also show all high totals.       
                                NEW: user exclusion list and ALIAS support 
                                This PPE is a must for all PCB/FIDO SYSOP's
                                !!!!!!! ONLY for PCBoard for OS/2 !!!!!!!!!
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                 +49-(0)8807/993456 (30 NODES USR & ISDN)  
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                  FIDO 2:2480/5678 PCBoard NET: PCB:POB/0  
poblc2_f.zip   75375 08-05-2024  POBLC2 [PPE3]  PCB/2 15.3+ - 2.00 [1/1]
                                POBLC2.PPE is the first LASTCALLER PPE who 
                                also count all incoming and outgoing FIDO  
                                calls. It also show all high totals.       
                                NEW: user exclusion list and ALIAS support 
                                This PPE is a must for all PCB/FIDO SYSOP's
                                ! ONLY for PCBoard 15.23 / 15.3+ for OS/2 !
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                 +49-(0)8807/993456 (30 NODES USR & ISDN)  
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                  FIDO 2:2480/5678 PCBoard NET: PCB:POB/0  
poblospy.zip    8834 08-05-2024  POBLOSPY [PPE3] / PCB 15.xx - 1.0 [1/1]
                                POBLOSPY.PPE is a PPE who show your caller 
                                 who else is online on your BBS when they  
                                   log into the system. Install in your    
                                   Welcome File. Source code includet!     
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                USR  33600 08807/993456 (20 NODES RINGDOWN)
                                ISDN 64000  08807/993434 (X75/V110 CAPI)   
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                     FIDO 2:2480/5678 ISDN 2:2480/567      
pobmen10.zip   35660 08-05-2024  POBMENU [PPE3] / PCB 15.2x - 2.13 [1/1]
                                POBMENU.PPE is a replacement for your main 
                                menu. This is a full Lightbar AND command- 
                                line menu. Full Multitasking aware!        
                                Features: CMD line history like Doskey,    
                                multientry field for unlimited commands,   
                                different menus for different conferences. 
                                News or Adds shown in menu and much more.  
                                addet switches for MailWait, Chat & BC disp
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1996       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                 +49-(0)8807/993456 (30 NODES USR & ISDN)  
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                  FIDO 2:2480/5678 PCBoard NET: PCB:POB/0  
pobmenu.zip    20841 08-05-2024  POBMENU [PPE3] / PCB 15.21 - 1.0 [1/1]
                                POBMENU.PPE is a replacement for your main 
                                menu. This is a full Lightbar AND command- 
                                line menu. Full Multitasking aware!        
                                Features: CMD line history like Doskey,    
                                multientry field for unlimited commands,   
                                News or Adds shown in menu and much more.  
                                First Beta, no doc includet! Test it out!! 
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                USR  33600 08807/993456 (20 NODES RINGDOWN)
                                ISDN 64000  08807/993434 (X75/V110 CAPI)   
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                     FIDO 2:2480/5678 ISDN 2:2480/567      
pobmenu1.zip   25591 08-05-2024  POBMENU [PPE3] / PCB 15.21 - 1.0R [1/1]
                                POBMENU.PPE is a replacement for your main 
                                menu. This is a full Lightbar AND command- 
                                line menu. Full Multitasking aware!        
                                Features: CMD line history like Doskey,    
                                multientry field for unlimited commands,   
                                different menus for different conferences. 
                                News or Adds shown in menu and much more.  
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                USR  33600 08807/993456 (20 NODES RINGDOWN)
                                ISDN 64000  08807/993434 (X75/V110 CAPI)   
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                     FIDO 2:2480/5678 ISDN 2:2480/567      
pobmenu2.zip   26808 08-05-2024  POBMENU [PPE3] / PCB 15.21 - 1.1  [1/1]
                                POBMENU.PPE is a replacement for your main 
                                menu. This is a full Lightbar AND command- 
                                line menu. Full Multitasking aware!        
                                Features: CMD line history like Doskey,    
                                multientry field for unlimited commands,   
                                different menus for different conferences. 
                                News or Adds shown in menu and much more.  
                                Addet Hotkey Support & new ListBox handling
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                USR  33600 08807/993456 (20 NODES RINGDOWN)
                                ISDN 64000  08807/993434 (X75/V110 CAPI)   
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                     FIDO 2:2480/5678 ISDN 2:2480/567      
pobmenu4.zip   27306 08-05-2024  POBMENU [PPE3] / PCB 15.2x - 1.3  [1/1]
                                POBMENU.PPE is a replacement for your main 
                                menu. This is a full Lightbar AND command- 
                                line menu. Full Multitasking aware!        
                                Features: CMD line history like Doskey,    
                                multientry field for unlimited commands,   
                                different menus for different conferences. 
                                News or Adds shown in menu and much more.  
                                         Addet ASCII mode support.         
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                USR  33600 08807/993456 (20 NODES RINGDOWN)
                                ISDN 64000  08807/993434 (X75/V110 CAPI)   
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                     FIDO 2:2480/5678 ISDN 2:2480/567      
pobmenu8.zip   34467 08-05-2024  POBMENU [PPE3] / PCB 15.2x - 2.10 [1/1]
                                POBMENU.PPE is a replacement for your main 
                                menu. This is a full Lightbar AND command- 
                                line menu. Full Multitasking aware!        
                                Features: CMD line history like Doskey,    
                                multientry field for unlimited commands,   
                                different menus for different conferences. 
                                News or Adds shown in menu and much more.  
                                Changed History handling.                  
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                 +49-(0)8807/993456 (30 NODES USR & ISDN)  
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                  FIDO 2:2480/5678 PCBoard NET: PCB:POB/0  
pobmenu9.zip   33397 08-05-2024  POBMENU [PPE3] / PCB 15.2x - 2.12 [1/1]
                                POBMENU.PPE is a replacement for your main 
                                menu. This is a full Lightbar AND command- 
                                line menu. Full Multitasking aware!        
                                Features: CMD line history like Doskey,    
                                multientry field for unlimited commands,   
                                different menus for different conferences. 
                                News or Adds shown in menu and much more.  
                                fixed a couple of silly bugs....           
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                 +49-(0)8807/993456 (30 NODES USR & ISDN)  
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                  FIDO 2:2480/5678 PCBoard NET: PCB:POB/0  
pobnls01.zip    6502 08-05-2024  POBNLS [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 - 0.01  [1/1]
                                POBNLS.PPE is a Nodelist browser for PCB.  
                                If you run FIDO with PCBoard 15.21 you'll  
                                need this! You can search for SYSOP name   
                                or BBS name to get info about NODENUMBER   
                                and PHONE # etc. from the PCBoard NODELIST.
                                If you want to write a NETMAIL to an other 
                                BBS and don't know his NODENUMBER search   
                                with this PPE online! A must have for 15.21
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
pobnls02.zip    7854 08-05-2024  POBNLS [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 - 0.02  [1/1]
                                POBNLS.PPE is a Nodelist browser for PCB.  
                                If you run FIDO with PCBoard 15.21 you'll  
                                need this! You can search for SYSOP name   
                                or BBS name to get info about NODENUMBER   
                                and PHONE # etc. from the PCBoard NODELIST.
                                If you want to write a NETMAIL to an other 
                                BBS and don't know his NODENUMBER search   
                                with this PPE online! A must have for 15.21
                                  addet some Features and errormessages.   
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
pobnls03.zip    7383 08-05-2024  POBNLS [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 - 0.03  [1/1]
                                POBNLS.PPE is a Nodelist browser for PCB.  
                                If you run FIDO with PCBoard 15.21 you'll  
                                need this! You can search for SYSOP name   
                                or BBS name to get info about NODENUMBER   
                                and PHONE # etc. from the PCBoard NODELIST.
                                If you want to write a NETMAIL to an other 
                                BBS and don't know his NODENUMBER search   
                                with this PPE online! A must have for 15.21
                                Fixed some bugs, added abort in 1. screen. 
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
pobread.zip     8641 08-05-2024  POBREAD [PPE3] / PCB 15.2x - 0.2 [1/1]
                                POBREAD is a lightbar menu for the read    
                                command of PCBoard. Only in German language
                                         Source code is includet.          
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                USR  33600 08807/993456 (20 NODES RINGDOWN)
                                ISDN 64000  08807/993434 (X75/V110 CAPI)   
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                     FIDO 2:2480/5678 ISDN 2:2480/567      
pobread1.zip    9150 08-05-2024  POBREAD [PPE3] / PCB 15.22 - 1.0  [1/1]
                                POBREAD is a lightbar menu for the read    
                                command of PCBoard. Only in German language
                                         Source code is includet.          
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                USR  33600 08807/993456 (20 NODES RINGDOWN)
                                ISDN 64000  08807/993434 (X75/V110 CAPI)   
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                     FIDO 2:2480/5678 ISDN 2:2480/567      
pobspy1r.zip   23399 08-05-2024  POB SPY [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 1.00R   [1/1]
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                USR   14400  08807/91881 (6 NODES RINGDOWN)
                                ZYXEL 19200  08807/93339 (V32/42bis)       
                                ISDN  64000  08807/93337 (X75/CAPI)        
                                SPY.PPE is a WHO replacement for PCBoard   
                                15.2 and above. Now supports U/L D/L File- 
                                name in SPY Display, multilanguage support.
                                Best WHO replacement ever seen.            
                                Compiled with PPLC 3.0 only for PCB 15.2+  
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1994       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
pob_sc2.zip    10541 08-05-2024  POB_SC2 [PPE3] / PCB 15.2 - 1.00  [1/1]
                                POB_SC2.PPE is a very simle PPE only for   
                                PCBoard Distributors!                      
                                This PPE make it easier to insert the code 
                                for the PCBoard Distributor DOOR.          
                                Automatical updates the user security and  
                                his expiration date. (Source code includet)
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
pog11.zip       9574 08-05-2024 .. Pot Of Gold .. v 1.1 .. PCBoard .PPE game
                                of chance. Try your luck at this fun game.
                                No maintenance required. No configuration
                                files required. Quick & easy install via
                                CMD.LST and/or DOORS.LST. Shareware $10.
                                Free BBS support. Compiled 12/16/93.
                                Note: v1.1 requires PCBoard 15.1 to run.
                                Upl/Author: Gerry Schechter. Gopher it!
pog13.zip       8842 08-05-2024 .. Pot Of Gold .. v 1.3 .. PCBoard .PPE game
                                of chance. Try your luck at this fun game.
                                No maintenance required. No configuration
                                files required. Quick & easy install via
                                CMD.LST and/or DOORS.LST. Shareware $10.
                                Free BBS support. Compiled 06/28/94.
pog14.zip      18597 08-05-2024 .. Pot Of Gold .. v 1.4 .. PCBoard .PPE game
                                of chance. Try your luck at this fun game.
                                No maintenance required. No configuration
                                files required. Quick & easy install via
                                CMD.LST and/or DOORS.LST. Shareware $10.
                                Free BBS support. Compiled 11/22/94.
popupmn2.zip    9446 08-05-2024 
postblt1.zip   11527 08-05-2024 POSTLINK Mail run report Utility! Postblt
                                will create an informative bulletin for your
                                last mail run, letting your users know how
                                many messages that were exported, and
                                imported.  Fully configurable as to color,
                                node ID and Network Name! Can configure to
                                show Monthly totals & yearly totals!
power.zip      10119 08-05-2024 POWER!! v1.0a PCBoard 15.22+ [PPE].  This is
                                a game for BBS's.  The object of the game is
                                to keep four power plants working between 90%
                                and 110% effiency.  This is an alpha release
                                and the software will expire on June 30, 1996
                                Released on 01/21/96.
powpp200.zip  223123 08-05-2024  PowerPPL v2.0 
                                PCBoard Programming Language Editor!
                                This customizable editor does
                                * colorize the PPL KeyWords 
                                * give full PPL Help (CTRL-F1) 
                                * Compile and RUN PPE inside editor
                                * Error browsing & tracking 
                                * Multi-window,  25/50  Lines  
                                * Full block edition & Clipboard 
                                * allow desktop saving & Projects
                                * is DESQview aware 
                                * Full support PPL 3.0 !
ppagemod.zip   11776 08-05-2024 PPE-PAGE.PPE v1.00b - Compiled on 05-03-93  
                                PCBoard 15.0 [PPE] program to use in place  
                                of your (O)perator Page command.  Seamless  
                                page program that can halt a user with the  
                                wrong security level, invalid time, not to  
                                mention it will prevent a specific user if  
                                his name is in the PCAN file,  from paging  
                                the SysOp.          (Source Code Included)  
                                   Modified to include:
                                  * List of Reasons that will abort page.
                                  * Control speed of bell.
                                  * Control amount of time page lasts.
                                    VIEW the WHATSNEW inside...
                                   Modified on 05-16-93 at 23:59:00
ppconf10.zip    6328 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                PP_Confs 1.0     Parekh Programming (1995)
                                PcBoard PPE to replace Pcbs J Command.    
                                Search by name. Menu hot keyed.           
                                Sysop defined colors.                     
ppelnch.zip    12693 08-05-2024 This is a FREE PPE Launching utility created
                                for use originally with PCBMON v1.17 THE PUB
ppemenu.zip     2466 08-05-2024 PPE Menu Disply!
                                Do you have alot of PPE programs
                                on your BBS and you don't have
                                room on your menu to list them
                                all, try this little PPE to show
                                your callers what's available.
ppemnu14.zip    5069 08-05-2024 PPE MENU v1.4.  PPEMNU is a PPE program to
                                allow Sysops the abiltiy to create special
                                menus for all the numerous PPE programs that
                                are being written for PCBoard v15.x.  This
                                menu is displayed just like the Bulletin
                                menu that comes with PCBoard.  Simple to
                                install.  Shareware by Chuck Hogard.
                                The Hogard Software Solutions BBS
                                (214) 641-6292.
ppepakts.zip   24959 08-05-2024 PPE games - Blackjack, Card Sharks & Slots
ppescr13.zip   20669 08-05-2024 PPE-Script v1.30 (05-24-94) - Newask/Logon/
                                Logoff/Script program. Replaces registration
                                doors and offers full registration options.
                                Script file driven .PPE allows branching to
                                Five levels of scripts and is extremely
                                versatile and configurable. Allows checking
                                answers against a list and branching depends
                                on answers given. By Gary Meeker, $5 donation
                                requested, but registration number available
                                from BBS prior to any donation being made.
ppescr19.zip   44302 08-05-2024 PPE-Script v1.90 (06-01-95) - Newask/Logon/
                                Logoff/Script program. Replaces registration
                                doors and offers full registration options.
                                Script file driven .PPE allows branching to
                                Five levels of scripts and is extremely
                                versatile and configurable. Allows checking
                                answers against a list and branching depends
                                on answers given. By Gary Meeker, $5 donation
                                requested, but registration number available
                                from BBS prior to any donation being made.
ppescr21.zip  105487 08-05-2024 PPE-Script v2.10 (12-31-95) - Newask/Logon/
                                Logoff/Script program. Replaces registration
                                doors and offers full registration options.
                                Script file driven .PPE allows branching to
                                Five levels of scripts and is extremely
                                versatile and configurable. Allows checking
                                answers against a list and branching depends
                                on answers given. By Gary Meeker, $5 donation
                                requested, but registration number available
                                from BBS prior to any donation being made.
ppe_2dmenu.zip   22057 08-05-2024 PPE-MENU.ZIP:  Generic Menus in PPE format
                                for PCBoard v15.2+. These menus have HOT-KEYS
                                or use HI-LITE BARS that move with the arrow
                                keys to activate a command. EASY to INTALL!
                                Uses generic PCB commands. 
ppe_men.zip    27255 08-05-2024 PPEMENU for PCBoard
ppe_upgr.zip    4858 08-05-2024 This is an example PPE for the Demo version
                                of PCBoard/PPL Compiler.  It gives a very
                                simple age computation, and shows how a user
                                could be automatically upgraded for adult
                                areas of a board, based on their age.  It
                                does not meet legal requirements in most
                                areas, but does show how age could be
                                calculated.  It give a complete explanation
                                of all functions used in the accompanying
                                .DOC file.
                                Copyright 1994 Clark Development Company
pphtml10.zip    6519 08-05-2024 PPHTML.PPE 1.0
                                by Jay Parekh (Parekh Programming)
                                Create a HTML (WWW) page that lists
                                your bbs members.  Upload the finished
                                page to your web server (or ISP) and
                                show the world how big your bbs and
                                member/user list is.
                                Support: Eqnioux (312) 254-3413
                                  Email: jparekh@xnet.com
                                    WWW: http://www.xnet.com/~jayster
ppuser10.zip    5265 08-05-2024 -----PP_USER  1.0-------
                                GREAT REPLACEMENT FOR THE
                                "USER" COMMAND.  LIST USERS
                                SPECIAL ACCESS. (IE. SUBSCRIBER,
                                EXPIRED, VIS_SYSOP, ETC.).
                                PAREKH PROGRAMMING (1995)
ppuser11.zip    7895 08-05-2024 -----PP_USER.PPE  1.1-------
                                GREAT REPLACEMENT FOR THE
                                "USER" COMMAND.  LIST USERS
                                SPECIAL ACCESS. (IE. SUBSCRIBER,
                                EXPIRED, VIS_SYSOP, ETC.).
                                (ADDED MORE FEATURE).  BETTER SEARCH.
                                YOU DEFINE THE COLORS, A HOT KEY
                                MENU ADDED.  **FREE**
                                PAREKH PROGRAMMING (1995)
ppuser20.zip   14873 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                PP_USER 2.00     Parekh Programming (1995)
                                PcBoard PPE to replace Pcbs USER Command. 
                                Search by name, state, zipcode.  Display  
                                out of state callers.  Menu hot keyed.    
                                Sysop defined colors.  Show different     
                                types of access levels (ie,  10 = Newuser 
                                20 = Subscriber, etc.)  **GiftWare**      
ppusr12.zip     3272 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                PP_USER 1.2      Parekh Programming (1995)
                                PcBoard PPE to replace Pcbs USER Command. 
                                Search by name, state, zipcode.  Display  
                                out of state callers.  Menu hot keyed.    
                                Sysop defined colors.  Show different     
                                types of access levels (ie,  10 = Newuser 
                                20 = Subscriber, etc.)  **GiftWare**      
ppusr121.zip   11606 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                PP_USER 1.21     Parekh Programming (1995)
                                PcBoard PPE to replace Pcbs USER Command. 
                                Search by name, state, zipcode.  Display  
                                out of state callers.  Menu hot keyed.    
                                Sysop defined colors.  Show different     
                                types of access levels (ie,  10 = Newuser 
                                20 = Subscriber, etc.)  **GiftWare**      
pq_2d11a.zip   19654 08-05-2024 PPEQUOTE.PPE v1.10a - Compiled this 11-12-93
                                PCBoard 15.1 [PPE] program,  that displays a
                                random quote of the day to the caller.  Also
                                allows a caller to add his own quotes to the
                                quote file.  (Complete Source Code Included)
pr100.zip       3882 08-05-2024 PPERUN.PPE - v1.00 - PPE Menu PPE. Checks
                                security levels before running the PPE in
                                the menu. Great for keeping those pesky
                                unregistered users out of your bank or lotto
                                PPE's! SHAREWARE by Rob Borek.
pr1297.zip     56937 08-05-2024          - 
                                ܲ ߲--
                                 ۲   |
                                     ۲ -
                                  -- ۲   #13
                                |       psychic release
                                :      december 1997 paq
                                     x-mas edition by flux
                                      last paquer in 1997
                                |  "you've used it before?!"
                                 "we're in recycling, baboo"
                                -- ---   ---- -  -  
prdtt1.zip     35093 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \
                                  /  __/ /  / psychic release
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                    Dire Todays Transfers v1.0
                                   Fast & Configurable Bulletin
                                 Maker for Pcboard - all versions
                                  *TPascal Source Code Included*
                                =[packed by flux/pr]===[o5.1o.97]=
prelog18.zip   23632 08-05-2024            PRELOG.PPE v1.80 ۲
                                Prelog v1.80 - a ppe that allows users to
                                upload a file or download from a selected
                                list without actually loging on to the bbs,
                                leave a message to the sysop download an
                                allfiles list without logging and page the
                                sysop without actually logging on to the BBS
                                By DMSOFT Registration $15.00
prfl100.zip    12758 08-05-2024 User Profile Version 1.0 for PCB15.1
                                This PPE will allow for your Users to
                                see information about other Users that
                                are on your BBS. Includes Favorite's,
                                Phone numbers etc. Fully Functional.
                                Will save up to 15 people per Index in
                                the UNREGISTERED form. Unlimted people
                                when Registered. Try it out. Will also
                                work while in chat when used with the
                                CHATMENU PPE available from TSCNet BBS.
prfl202.zip    45752 08-05-2024 User Profile Version 2.2 for PCB15.2
                                This PPE will allow for your Users to
                                see information about other Users that
                                are on your BBS. Includes Favorite's,
                                Phone numbers etc. New information
                                and faster access. Fully Functional.
                                Will display UNREGISTERED BBS until
                                Registered. Try it out. Will also
                                work while in chat when used with the
                                CHATMENU PPE included in this ZIP.
prlst50.zip   114671 08-05-2024 Power List 5.0 -  A utility  allowing a user
                                to create his own  personal files list based
                                on interest. Why download complete file list
                                Users  can also scan  for  files by  date or
                                text.  Supports non-standard  comports.  Now
                                allows adding  dirs by range.  Also includes
                                a .PPE version for seamless integration into
                                PCBoard 15.x systems.
prmptppe.zip    8855 08-05-2024 @X59@X0F  PCBoard 15.2 PPE Prompts 
                                   5 PPE Prompts for PCBoard 15.2
                                     1 = WhirlyGig     2 = Star
                                     3 = ? Mark Color  4 = blank
                                     5 = ? Mark
                                        PPLC 3.0 12/27/94
                                     Written By: Bruce Knapton
proconf.zip    16175 08-05-2024 Proconference PPE
                                This is the finest "J" replacement
                                you have ever seen, guaranteed.  If
                                you are a PCB-Sysop and are running
                                PCB-OS2 Or PCB-DOS 15.22+ of PC-Board
                                you must see this PPE.  This is an
                                OS/2 & Desqview Aware program, it
                                WILL give up time slices to the CPU.
                                This version supports QWK packets,
                                Interactive scroll bars, definable
                                areas, group headers and QWK headers
                                and footers that you define.  Your
                                users can select and deselect confer-
                                ences right from the PPE for inclusion
                                in their QWK packets and then upload
                                or download packets from the PPE.
                                Registration is only $10.00
                                THIS IS A MUST SEE PPE !!!!
proconf2.zip   15984 08-05-2024 Proconference PPE
                                This is the finest "J" replacement
                                you have ever seen, guaranteed.  If
                                you are a PCB-Sysop and are running
                                PCB-OS2 Or PCB-DOS 15.22+ of PC-Board
                                you must see this PPE.  This is an
                                OS/2 & Desqview Aware program, it
                                WILL give up time slices to the CPU.
                                This version supports QWK packets,
                                Interactive scroll bars, definable
                                areas, group headers and QWK headers
                                and footers that you define.  Your
                                users can select and deselect confer-
                                ences right from the PPE for inclusion
                                in their QWK packets and then upload
                                or download packets from the PPE.
                                Registration is only $10.00
                                THIS IS A MUST SEE PPE !!!!
program.zip     7786 08-05-2024 This is written to give your callers a place
                                to go and try the many different
                                PPE's you may have on your BBS.
prompt.zip      2236 08-05-2024 A nice animated main prompt replacement, anad
protpick.zip    6629 08-05-2024 
prpplp1.zip     7873 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \
                                  /  __/ /  / psychic release
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                   pcboard programming language
                                          protector 1.00
                                 very usefull for all ppe coders
                                     out there who hate pplx
                                =[packed by flux/pr]===[16.10.97]=
prpplp11.zip    9323 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \
                                  /  __/ /  / psychic release
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                   pcboard programming language
                                          protector 1.10
                                 very usefull for all ppe coders
                                     out there who hate pplx
                                   *bug fixed* and new features
                                =[packed by flux/pr]===[21.10.97]=
prppls1.zip    14101 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \
                                  /  __/ /  / psychic release
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                   pcboard programming language
                                           seeker 1.10
                                  seek for those lame backdoors
                                     in the lazy ppe's around
                                =[packed by flux/pr]===[03.11.97]=
prstat1.zip    21201 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \
                                  /  __/ /  / psychic release
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                      system transfers v1.00
                                    for pcboard 15+  {exe+ppe}
                                   display all system transfers
                                 at the system. *source included*
                                =[packed by flux/pr]===[29.11.97]=
pr_2dalfx.zip    9622 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \ - Psychic -
                                  /  __/ /  /   - Release -
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                    Psychic Alias Changer 1.o
                                    Change your alias online,
                                           or view it!
                                     My second fx styled ppe
                                   Psychic Release <> 1 9 9 6  
                                [] cosmic zone (+47)3215-7653 []
pr_2dcom1b.zip    8047 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \
                                  /  __/ /  / psychic release
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                       comment to sysop v1b
                                   a new and special comment to
                                      sysop ppe replacement
                                 lightbars,configurable and all..
                                =[packed by flux/pr]===[26.12.96]=
pr_2dcom1o.zip   10668 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \ - Psychic -
                                  /  __/ /  /   - Release -
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                   AMi/X Comment to SysOps 1.o
                                   Get ride of the old and ugly
                                   Comment to Sysop command...
                                    +++Source code included+++
                                   Psychic Release <> 1 9 9 6  
                                [] cosmic zone (+47)3215-7653 []
pr_2dcon10.zip   11730 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \ - Psychic -
                                  /  __/ /  /   - Release -
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                     Pr File Converter V1.0
                                    Convert files to PAS/PPS
                                    Pas -> Write(ln)('File');
                                    PPS -> Fdput(ln) "File"
                                    PPS -> Print(ln) "File"
                                    + Define your own..
                                                       [By SecT]
                                   Psychic Release <> 1 9 9 6  
                                [] cosmic zone (+47)3215-7653 []
pr_2dcrack.zip   19066 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \
                                  /  __/ /  / psychic release
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                         Cracks galore!
                                Contains cracks for some lame
                                shareware ppes. Lightbar driven
                                ppe that will calculate the reg- 
                                keys for you!
                                Get it now if you are annoyed by
                                the stupid nags and delays!
pr_2dcsc1o.zip   14691 08-05-2024 [Psychic Release ]Ŀ
                                 Configurable Search Command 
                                    Replacement for the Z    
                                 command. 100% Configurable! 
                                  PPS source code includes!  
                                      Psychic Release 
                                           PPE Crew    
pr_2ddcl10.zip   10785 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \ - Psychic -
                                  /  __/ /  /   - Release -
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                    Download.txt cleaner 1.o
                                      A very usefull program
                                   to remove useless lines from
                                      To all Pcboard sysops:
                                            LEECH NOW!
                                   Psychic Release <> 1 9 9 6  
                                [] cosmic zone (+47)3215-7653 []
pr_2ddcl20.zip   15956 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \
                                  /  __/ /  / psychic release
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                    download.txt cleaner 2.0
                                    - remove up to 20 users
                                    - remove local transfers
                                    - remove lines that file
                                      doesnt exist at hdd
                                    - remove qwk transfers
                                    - goodlooking and with nice
                                      config interface
                                  a must for all pcboard sysops!
                                =[packed by flux/pr]===[o1.o4.97]=
pr_2ddfunc.zip    3769 08-05-2024  DOSCOM  Psychic Release Presents Ŀ
                                         DOS FUNCTION REPLACEMENT        
                                            For PCBoard 15.21+           
                                                 By FluX                 
                                [DisK 1/1][PR]
pr_2deme1o.zip    9548 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \ - Psychic -
                                  /  __/ /  /   - Release -
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                  AMi/X End of Message Edit 1.o
                                    Replace the old, ugly end
                                   of message edit commands...
                                    +++Source code included+++
                                   Psychic Release <> 1 9 9 6  
                                [] cosmic zone (+47)3215-7653 []
pr_2dent10.zip   60062 08-05-2024    \_  __ \_  __ \_
                                    _/  /  /  /  /   [PPE 3.20]
                                 ___/   ___/   ___/'   [Made By SecT]
                                 \__   __  __  \ 'S96
                                :   GreAT Reaplacement For the Ugly   :
                                :    " PRESS ENTER TO CONTINIUE "     :
                                :         Prompt in pcbtext           :
                                :      11 Nice Animated prompts       :
                                :         by FluX and  SecT           :
                                :   100%Configurable If You Want      :
                                :         PPS code included           :
                                :        Check This Out NOW !!        :
                                -    Psychic Release <> 1 99 6    -
pr_2deol01.zip    9213 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \ - Psychic -
                                  /  __/ /  /   - Release -
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                     electronic oneliner 0.1
                                  nice ansi and 50% configurable
                                   Psychic Release <> 1 9 9 6  
pr_2dfast.zip    7745 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \ - Psychic -
                                  /  __/ /  /   - Release -
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                        Fast Logon (ppe)
                                   users can skip some ppe's on
                                   logon if sec is high enough
                                    - lightbar or Commandline
                                   100% config. source included
                                                       - By SecT
                                   Psychic Release <> 1 9 9 6  
                                [] cosmic zone (+47)3215-7653 []
pr_2dflg10.zip   16549 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \
                                  /  __/ /  / psychic release
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                         PcbFlag 1.00
                                Flag files from dos while a user
                                is online! Allows you to add, 
                                view and delete files from a flag
                                file in dos, and then return to
                                pcb and flag them to the user!!!
pr_2dfp20.zip   11473 08-05-2024 
pr_2dfs2o1.zip    9351 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \ - Psychic -
                                  /  __/ /  /   - Release -
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                  FXScan 2.o1  (formely C.S.C!)
                                    Some bug fixes,design and
                                   features! 150% configurable!
                                    ++Source code included+++
                                   Psychic Release <> 1 9 9 6  
                                [] cosmic zone (+47)3215-7653 []
pr_2dhlp10.zip   10452 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \ - Psychic -
                                  /  __/ /  /   - Release -
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                        Psychic Help v1.o
                                   New replacement for the 'H'
                                           in Pcb 15.x
                                    Fatures  - Scroll Up/Down
                                             - D/l help file
                                             - Quik topic
                                 A nice ppe for beginers of pcb
                                  Psychic  Release <> 1 9 9 6  
                                [] cosmic zone (+47)3215-7653 []
pr_2dlam10.zip   17877 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \
                                  /  __/ /  / psychic release
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                        lamer lister 1.o
                                lamer lister packed with features,
                                fast and with cool art. keeps log
                                on local hdd. list of people who
                                can't be added. removal request.
                                nice way to make people angry!
                                       1oo% configurable!
pr_2dlc1o.zip    8700 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \ - Psychic -
                                  /  __/ /  /   - Release -
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                     Psychic Last Callers 1.o
                                    Display the 2 last callers
                                   on the system, nice display
                                        100% configurable!
                                   Psychic Release <> 1 9 9 6  
                                [] cosmic zone (+47)3215-7653 []
pr_2dlc20.zip   12197 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \ - Psychic -
                                  /  __/ /  /   - Release -
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                     Psychic Last Callers 2.0
                                   New release, display the 10
                                   last callers to the system!
                                        Nice look`n'feel!
                                      Now 100% configurable!
                                       Coded by FluX/Pr+Dc
                                   Psychic Release <> 1 9 9 6  
pr_2dlc21.zip   13275 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \ - Psychic -
                                  /  __/ /  /   - Release -
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                       Last 10 Callers 2.1
                                   New release, display the 10
                                   last callers to the system!
                                        Nice look`n'feel!
                                      Now 100% configurable!
                                   Few bug fixes, new features!
                                       Coded by FluX/Pr+Bmb
                                   Psychic Release <> 1 9 9 6  
pr_2dlk10.zip   15762 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \
                                  /  __/ /  / psychic release
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                           Lamer-kit 1.o
                                Sysop-util PPE that you can use to
                                blacklist, throw off and set alarm
                                on lamers that call your board!
                                Also has parameter-support for fast
                                action! Totally invisible to caller.
                                LEECH NOW if you are a bit paranoid
pr_2dlk20.zip   10370 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \
                                  /  __/ /  / psychic release
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                           Lamer-kit 2.o
                                Sysop-util PPE that you can use to
                                blacklist, throw off and set alarm
                                on lamers that call your board!
                                Also has parameter-support for fast
                                action! Totally invisible to caller.
                                LEECH NOW if you are a bit paranoid
                                Small bugfix, final version...
pr_2dloc.zip    4807 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \ - Psychic -
                                  /  __/ /  /   - Release -
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                        - Locate A File -
                                   Replacement For 'L' Command In
                                   Pcb 15.x, Nice And Easy To Use
                                         [ Made By SecT ]
                                   Psychic Release <> 1 9 9 6  
pr_2dlog10.zip   19387 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \ - Psychic -
                                  /  __/ /  /   - Release -
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                        LogOff Matrix v1.o
                                   Nice Lightbar Driven Matrix
                                    With Comment To next user
                                         Comment To SysOp
                                      It check's For Flagged
                                          Easy To ConfiG
                                       D/l And Try It Today
                                         [ Made By SecT ]
                                   Psychic Release <> 1 9 9 6  
pr_2dlog20.zip   25781 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \ - Psychic -
                                  /  __/ /  /   - Release -
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                        LogOff Matrix v2.o
                                 - Lightbar Driven Matrix
                                 - Com. To next user (anonymous)
                                 - Com. To SysOp
                                 - Check's For Flagged Files
                                 - Suport for Pwa's BBS add file
                                 - Suport for PR BBS add file
                                 - display random adds/text/ansis
                                 - Quick logoff ++ more
                                   110 % config. source inc.
                                                      - [By SecT]
                                   Psychic Release <> 1 9 9 6  
                                [] cosmic zone (+47)3215-7653 []
pr_2dlt101.zip   11042 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \
                                  /  __/ /  / psychic release
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                    dire last transfers v1.01
                                          public beta 2
                                  make a last transfers bulletin
                                     for your pcboard. *fast*
                                    now with lotsa new options
                                       *more configurable*
                                             in *exe*
                                =[packed by flux/pr]===[o5.o5.97]=
pr_2dlt10b.zip   11687 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \
                                  /  __/ /  / psychic release
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                    dire last transfers v1.00
                                          public beta 1
                                 make 10 last transfers bulletin
                                     for your pcboard. *fast*
                                =[packed by flux/pr]===[o8.o4.97]=
pr_2dnfs10.zip   14788 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \ - Psychic -
                                  /  __/ /  /   - Release -
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                      * PR-New File Scan *
                                 Use This Nice PPE in Your Logon
                                  And User Will Get A Notice If
                                  There Are Any New Files Since
                                  Their Last Scan In file Dirs
                                  If There Is They Scan Trough
                                         It If Wanted...
                                   [By SecT]   /\   [PPE v3.20]
                                   Psychic Release <> 1 9 9 6  
pr_2dpp1o.zip   20730 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \ - Psychic -
                                  /  __/ /  /   - Release -
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                        Psychic Pager 1.o
                                       A new pager in ppe,
                                        100% configurable!
                                     PC/X & Evolution styled
                                        packets included!
                                   Psychic Release <> 1 9 9 6  
pr_2dpplt2.zip   67928 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \
                                  /  __/ /  / psychic release
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                        PPL Tutorial #2!
                                  Our second tutorial deals with
                                more advanced stuff than the first
                                one, this time with more examples
                                 and stuff that'll make it easier
                                for you to understand ppl.
                                Also available on the web in due
pr_2dppro2.zip    3865 08-05-2024  PPERUN  Psychic Release Presents Ŀ
                                               PPEEXEC O.1               
                                   Run ppes from the bbs with this ppe!  
                                     Made by FluX for PCBoard 15.21+     
                                               (PPLC 3.10+)              
                                [DisK 1/1][PR]
pr_2dpw10.zip   24952 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \ - Psychic -
                                  /  __/ /  /   - Release -
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                         Psychic Wall 1.o
                                       The best online wall
                                            ever made!
                                    Elite chars, color change
                                           macro use...
                                   Psychic Release <> 1 9 9 6  
pr_2dqwk11.zip   18397 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \ - Psychic -
                                  /  __/ /  /   - Release -
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                        QWK Commander 1.1
                                     New cool qwk menu, 100%
                                     configurable! 2 Menusets
                                      included! +Source code
                                     [By FluX] /\ [PPE 3.20]
                                   Psychic Release <> 1 9 9 6  
pr_2dqwkc.zip    4637 08-05-2024  QWKC  Psychic Release Presents Ŀ
                                            QWK Commander PPE            
                                                 By FluX                 
                                            For PCBoard 15.21            
                                [DisK 1/1][PR]
pr_2dsec.zip    8094 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \
                                  /  __/ /  / psychic release
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                      security changer 1.0     
                                  changes a user's security level
                                         fast and easy.           
                                       1oo% configurable
                                   nice art by rorshack/maiden
pr_2dsnt11.zip    5815 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \
                                  /  __/ /  / psychic release
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                        sentbychanger 1.1
                                   an alternative sentbychanger
                                     with some koul features
                                           get and try!
                                =[packed by flux/pr]===[3o.12.96]=
pr_2dtop10.zip   20439 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \
                                  /  __/ /  / psychic release
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                 Sordo Top Up/Down-loaders  v1.00
                                   A new, configurable and fast
                                  bulletinmaker for Pcboard 15.3
                                =[packed by flux/pr]===[15.o5.97]=
pr_2duie.zip    9774 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \ - Psychic -
                                  /  __/ /  /   - Release -
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                   Psychic User Info Editor 1.o
                                     A new (W) command is out
                                       there! With lightbar
                                       and some cool stuff!
                                            LEECH NOW!
                                   Psychic Release <> 1 9 9 6  
                                [] cosmic zone (+47)3215-7653 []
pr_2dupv10.zip    8912 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \ - Psychic -
                                  /  __/ /  /   - Release -
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                          Pr Upload v1.0
                                 Blind upload. Nice graphic, Fast
                                       & no lightbar shit..
                                     Checks for Flaged files.
                                          + some more..
                                  100 % config. Source included
                                                       -By SecT
                                   Psychic Release <> 1 9 9 6  
                                [] cosmic zone (+47)3215-7653 []
pr_2dus11.zip    4173 08-05-2024 
pr_2dusrs1.zip    6585 08-05-2024    __________
                                  |___  \ _  \
                                  /  __/ /  / psychic release
                                 /___\___\\ \_
                                     normality userlister 1.o
                                   fast and simple user lister
                                         for pcboard 15.3
                                =[packed by flux/pr]===[16.01.97]=
psnlog10.zip    4819 08-05-2024 LoGiN PPE  v1.0 - for PCB 15.2
psn_21user.zip    3732 08-05-2024 USER PPE v.1.0 FoR PCBOARD
psn_user.zip    3732 08-05-2024 USER PPE v.1.0 FoR PCBOARD
psprt.zip       8747 08-05-2024 This ppe will alow you to pasword protect any
                                door on your bbs! It will ask the user for
                                his password and if it dos not mach the one
                                in the list for his name no go. This also
                                prevents other users from giving the pasword
                                out as it only works with there own name.
psys2b.zip     57466 08-05-2024 @X0EParticle Systems v2.0               
                                Amazing Particle Generator developed
                                for the Wizard's BBS.  Superb eye
                                candy demo useful for screen saver
                                or just to watch!  Another exclusive
                                from The Wizard's BBS.  
                                Have a comment, need something custom
                                or a PPE written? Give us a call
                                at The Wizards BBS @ 508-481-4694 or via   
                                Compuserve 71331,743 or the internet at
ps_2dblt10.zip    7863 08-05-2024  BLT MENU V1.0 CODED BY DEATHMASTER Ĵ  
                                 Lightbar  Menu,  fully  configurable   
                                 Special  note  for  each  bulletin!!   
                                 Include Colors.zip with  6 different   
                                 colors configuration files!!           
ps_2dcb.zip     6329 08-05-2024  CEWL BOARDS FOR BBS LiST V1.1 [DM] Ĵ  
                                 Cewl boards  for bbs list  is  a ppe   
                                 that  reads  the  bbs.dat  and  that   
                                 display the bbs list! So you can put   
                                 this  in your  logoff screen or in a   
                                 bulletin screen!                       
ps_2dnew10.zip    7318 08-05-2024  NEW FiLE SCAN V1.0  BY DEATHMASTER Ĵ     
                                 Fully configurable, personnal light-      
                                 bars, # days ago, last call,........      
ps_2dx_26m10.zip    8269 08-05-2024  X&M COMMANDS V1.0 BY DEATHMASTER Ĵ     
                                 Fully configurable, lightbar menu,        
                                 and special no gfx menu!!                 
pull10.zip     11882 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                   Pull Down Menu PPE 1.0 - Scott Eby   
                                 Best and ONLY Pull Down Menu PPE.      
                                 Replaces Main Menu and is totally      
                                 configurable.  Light bar driven Cursor 
                                 PLUS prompt still available while using
                                 menu!  A MUST DOWNLOAD!!! Shareware    
pull11.zip     12927 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                   Pull Down Menu PPE 1.1 - Scott Eby   
                                 Best and ONLY Pull Down Menu PPE.      
                                 Replaces Main Menu and is totally      
                                 configurable.  Light bar driven Cursor 
                                 PLUS prompt still available while using
                                 menu!  A MUST DOWNLOAD!!! Shareware    
                                 -=- NEW: Fixed Expert Mode Problem -=- 
pull12.zip     14029 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                   Pull Down Menu PPE 1.2 - Scott Eby   
                                 Best and ONLY Pull Down Menu PPE.      
                                 Replaces Main Menu and is totally      
                                 configurable.  Light bar driven Cursor 
                                 PLUS prompt still available while using
                                 menu!  A MUST DOWNLOAD!!!   Shareware  
                                 -=- NEW:  !BACKGROUND SCREEN FILE! -=- 
pulld2_2.zip   46640 08-05-2024 <<>>
                                <<< VERSION 2.2 MAJOR REVISION  >>>
                                Fully configurable pull down menus
                                that supports running other ppe's
                                or regular commands without the 
                                use of an .mnu file. Run from your
                                command line or anywhere you like.
                                *Now supports secondary pull down
                                *menus comming from another.
                                I.S.O.Q. BBS PPE 718-268-5025
                                TRY NOW YOUR USERS WILL LOVE IT
pulldn1.zip    32761 08-05-2024 Pulldown.ppe v1.00 by Mukunda Modell. The
                                BEST ANSI pulldown menus available for
pulldown.zip    5996 08-05-2024 PullDown is the source code to a pulldown
                                menu system for PCBoard 15.x and higher.
                                I used procedures in the code so you will
                                to have PPLC v3.0 or higher to comile the
                                code. Instructions are sparce but there are
                                some at the beggining of the code.
pullsh.zip     24434 08-05-2024 <<>>
                                <<< VERSION 3.5 MAJOR REVISION  >>>
                                Fully configurable pull down menus
                                that supports running other ppe's
                                or regular commands without the 
                                use of an .mnu file. Run from your
                                command line or anywhere you like.
                                *Now supports secondary pull down
                                *menus comming from another.
                                I.S.O.Q. BBS PPE 718-268-5025
                                TRY NOW YOUR USERS WILL LOVE IT
                                ****SHAREWARE COPY*******
pullsh3.zip    25250 08-05-2024 <<>>
                                <<< VERSION 3.6 MAJOR REVISION  >>>
                                Fully configurable pull down menus
                                that supports running other ppe's
                                or regular commands without the 
                                use of an .mnu file. Run from your
                                command line or anywhere you like.
                                *Now supports secondary pull down
                                *menus comming from another.
                                I.S.O.Q. BBS PPE 718-268-5025
                                TRY NOW YOUR USERS WILL LOVE IT
                                ****SHAREWARE COPY*******
puncfn11.zip    7415 08-05-2024    _____________________________
                                '`,\     _ \  |   \  _   \  _   \`,'
                                '`,/     |  \ |   /  |   /  |___/',`
                                '`/   \_____/ |   \  |   \  |   \`,'
                                '/        \   |    \ |    \ |    \,'
                                :\____    /____    /_|    /__    /lu
                                %S$ fake node viewer ppe ver.1.1 $S%
                                %S$       coded by stepson       $S%
punclm10.zip    5496 08-05-2024    _____________________________
                                '`,\     _ \  |   \  _   \  _   \`,'
                                '`,/     |  \ |   /  |   /  |___/',`
                                '`/   \_____/ |   \  |   \  |   \`,'
                                '/        \   |    \ |    \ |    \,'
                                :\____    /____    /_|    /__    /lu
                                %S$|   logoff matrix v1.0 ppe   |$S%
                                %S$|      by savAGE [punc]      |$S%
puncmore.zip    3167 08-05-2024       ______                _____
                                     /     `\              |`  :|
                                     | :__: |              |  __|
                                     |   ___/__   __ _____ | |
                                     |: |    |:| |:||:    || |__
                                     |: |    | |_| ||: |  ||   :|
                                    /____\   |_____||__|__||____|
                                          P r o d u c t i o n s
                                    | A PCBoard PPE that will add|
                                    | more time to specific users|
                                    | that know that password.   |
punc_2dapp.zip   53650 08-05-2024  _________._________._________._________ 
                                (.   s   ,$.   $   ,$.   s   ,$.   s   ,)
                                $   $    $,   $    $   $    $,   $    $
                                $,   $    $   $    $,   $    $   $ssss$
                                $    $    $    $    $    $    $    $    $
                                $    $   :$    $   :$    $   :$    $    $
                                $:   ,sssS$SsssssssS$Ssss$sssS$Ssss,   :$
                                $SssS) sss    productions   osss (SssS$
                                ::punc productions application generator::
                                ::::::: by underdog [punc senior] ::::::::
punc_2dwho.zip    7094 08-05-2024  _________________________
                                |:       ||   |:   |   |:      |
                                |:   :   ||   |: . |   |:  ____|
                                |:   ____||   |: | |   |: |
                                |:  | |:  |   |: | |   |: |____ 
                                |:  | |:  .   |: | .   |:      |
                                |___| |_______|__|_____|_______|
                                 Fake Node Viewer by Stepson [PuNC] 
                                 Replacement for WHO in PCB 15.2X   
pwd12.zip      17726 08-05-2024 [PPE] PWD12.ZIP  ** v1.2 **   Date: 10-10-93
                                PCBoard PPE program  that will allow callers
                                who enter an  incorrect password to reset it
                                if they can match the  information contained
                                in the  Verification PSA.  Requires that the
                                Address and Verification PSA's be installed.
                                NEW: Added additional configuration options.
                                ----------> Source code included <----------
                                            Written by Jim Erck.
pwrball2.zip   16091 08-05-2024 POWER-BALL PICK PPE   SOMEONE'S GOT TO WIN!  
                                Powerball Pick is a PC Board PPE that will 
                                display a random selection of numbers for 
                                the Powerball Lotto drawing and the day of 
                                week and date of the next drawing.  >>>>      
                                REGISTERED Version will keep track of each 
                                callers Powerball picks and compare with 
                                actual numbers drawn, then build a display 
                                file, listing date of drawing, winning 
                                numbers, and winners names and amount won! 
pw_menu.zip    10402 08-05-2024 **[PPE]**************************************
                                This is a self-maintaining menu system.  It
                                will run PPE, EXE, COM, BAT or display files,
                                with or without Doorway.  It will build it's
                                own command line, or let you enter one of
                                your own.  It will build it's own menu, and
                                your callers can use a highlight bar to
                                select what they want to run/display.  It can
                                repalce your DOORS.LST, or your BLT.LST, or
                                it can supplement either one (or both).
                                *[From Psycho-Ware]**************************
                                *[SOURCE INCLUDED]***************************
pw_pin2.zip     9357 08-05-2024 This is revision 2 of the PIN.PPE that I
                                wrote.  It adds more security, and a couple
                                of different utilities that also increase
                                security.  The PIN information is now stored
                                in a TPA you install in your user records.
                                It keeps ANYONE (including the Sysop) from
                                knowing PIN numbers.  The Sysop can reset a
                                PIN, and the user can change a PIN, but
                                there's no way to find out what the current
                                PIN is.  [Source Included]
                                Written by: Scott Carpenter
pw_reg.zip      2082 08-05-2024 This is an example of how to generate a
                                registration number for a shareware PPE.  It
                                will check any text string (owner's name, BBS
                                name, whatever) and compare it to a set value
                                (based on the name).  By inserting the code
                                into your PPE you can see whether someone has
                                registered your application.  It's programmed
                                to just show you what the value WOULD be,
                                based on the text you enter.
                                [PPE]---[Source Included]
p_2dbank.zip    5250 08-05-2024 PCBoard Time Bank v2.0 [PPE]
                                Menu driven Bank PPE that will
                                allow users to store/Withdraw
                                time. Logs everything to the
                                Caller Logs, allows sysop to
                                limit the amount of time the
                                user can withdraw, and more.
p_2demsg.zip   82597 08-05-2024   :                            :             
                                .:. Ŀ  :.            
                                :۳ ۳ܳ            
                                ߳     :ܳ۳            
                                ܳ:  :۳            
                                :::    ۳۳            
                                ߳                  . :            
                                ݳ:.   P!EMSG V1.00r   :۳            
                                ..: ENTER MESSAGE PPE :.:            
                                 . (C)DR.BLACK/PAiN! : :             
                                 . .Ĵ:               
                                    : RELEASED 17/04/95    :             
                                     .   moz[IC]art 1995!  :                 
p_2dever1.zip   30128 08-05-2024 ) PAiN!-EVER V 1.0 (
                                    DiSPLAYS ALL USERS
                                S0RTED BY U/L , D/L , ETC.
                                USER DETAiLS + USER RANKiNG
                                  QL OUTFiT + EASY TO USE
                                    CONFiGURABLE + FAST
p_2dstrip.zip   15840 08-05-2024 STRiP/DiZ V1.0
p_casino.zip   32684 08-05-2024                  ---------
                                The game in PPE Which is for pcboard 15.2x
                                The game of spinning machine.  The new
                                release in Christmas POPIT BBS 
                                POPIT SOFTWARES     714-733-3521
p_door.zip     45011 08-05-2024 /Ŀ/Ŀ/Ŀ/Ŀ   Copyright (C) 1996 ..
                                / / / /     DOOR DISPLAYER..
                                ////    ...........[ PPE ] ..
                                         This door displayer allows you to
                                display 45 other PPEs at the same place,
                                so you don't need to worry about that there
                                is no space for you to put PPEs...  With all
                                nice drawing and informations.  @FIRST@, you
                                need to get this for your board.  U/L:
                                 POPIT SOFTWARES 714-733-3521 PCB 15.2
p_list.zip     15054 08-05-2024 ͸
                                ۲ SYSOP LISTER    [PPE] PCB V 15.x
                                This PPE will add and view the sysop, their
                                own BBS name and information.  It has lots
                                stuff you can add to.  It will ask you if
                                you want to put your BBS informations here,
                                so that users will notice it...
                                Try it and check it out.........
                                U/L:  POPIT  714-733-3521
p_msgbse.zip   15971 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>> ˿ ˿ ˿ <<<<<<<<<<
                                >>>>>>>>>    ˿   ˿ <<<<<<<<<<
                                >>>>>>>>>       <<<<<<<<<<
                                     The message util.  It will let you pick
                                a function from a light-bar supported utils.
                                This is a PPE which is for PCBOARD v. 15.2x.
                                T H E   B E S T   S O L D   O U T   U T I L.
                                Please check it out, then you will get it...
                                U^L BY:   POPIT SOFTWARES  714-733-3521
p_tool.zip     29345 08-05-2024             
                                pcboard 15.2x     (C) POPIT SOFTWARES
                                  The PPE of message, news, voter tools!
                                  Make your own message by using this, it
                                  can let you have some nice looking on
                                  message, news, voter, nice, install now..
                                  U/L: POPIT 714-733-3521
p_turbo.zip     9111 08-05-2024 (            )
                                (                                 )
                                (                        )
                                (                  )
                                 LOGIN.  Copyright 1995  POPIT SOFTWARES 
                                The Turbo Login PPE for PCBoard 15.2x to use
                                with nice light-bar support and a very easy
                                installation.  If you are a Sysop for PCB,
                                just get it...  POPIT BBS 714-733-3521
qf2pcb6.zip    48458 08-05-2024 QFront to PCBoard converter v1.05
                                This program was written to aid
                                sysop's in the conversion from
                                QFront to PCBoard's built in FIDO.
                                Requires QFRONT 1.16, 1.17, or
                                1.18 and PCBoard 15.22. Repairs a
                                bug in processing FREQPATHs.
qfmail1c.zip   11369 08-05-2024 QF-MAIL v1.0c - Compiled on 9-19-93, this  
                                PCBoard 15.0 [PPE] program to replace the   
                                (E)nter a Message command in your FidoNet   
                                netmail conference. Simplifies user input  
                                for normal FidoNet netmail and can search
                                the nodelist file if you do  not know the
                                exact FidoNet Address info. Configurable!
                                Can also be used  as a Nodelist  Browser!
                                Easy to use.  Will work ONLY with QFront.
                                Another Great John Lundell  PPL  Utility.
qfmail2d.zip   15196 08-05-2024  Ŀ
                                  QF-Mail v2.0d Compiled on 01-11-93  
                                PCBoard 15.1 [PPE] program to replace the   
                                (E)nter a Message command in your FidoNet   
                                netmail conference. Simplifies user input  
                                for normal FidoNet netmail and can search
                                the nodelist file if you do  not know the
                                exact FidoNet Address info. Configurable!
                                Can also be used  as a Nodelist  Browser!
                                Easy to use.  Will work ONLY with QFront.
                                Totally re-wrote the  message formatting!
                                No more  unregistered delay during  beta.
qotd102.zip    17349 08-05-2024 -------------------------------------------
                                      Quote Of The Day - Version 1.02      
                                  Displays a random quote for each caller. 
                                          Over 365 quotes included.         
                                             FREEWARE - FREEWARE           
                                      [PPE] program for PCBoard 15.2x      
                                          Compiled using PPLC 3.10         
                                        Written by Equinox Software        
qotd191.zip   247271 08-05-2024 --------------------------------------------
                                       Quote Of The Day - Version 1.9
                                 Over 5500 quotes, quips and giggles. Fully
                                     configureable and network friendly
                                 Included is a PCBoard 15.1 PPE for reading
                                       & displaying quotes on a BBS.
                                      Written by Midnight Programmers
qtime18.zip    11624 08-05-2024 
qts100.zip    235219 08-05-2024 PCB QUOTES - A native-PCB online stock
                                quote application.  Uses PCSTOK comma-
                                delimited Planet Connect ASCII text
                                files compiled to dBase format to
                                quickly locate a user's selected
                                stock symbols.
                                Copyright (C) 1996 Jerry Allen
quote1.zip     35021 08-05-2024       QUOTE OF THE DAY   Version 1.0
                                        A PPE FOR PCBOARD 15.x
                                 Fully Functional Uncrippled Shareware
                                   Excellent Color Graphics display!
                                 Configurable to display your BBS name
                                    Zip contains over 1000 quotes
                                      Use as is or add your own!
                                 A PEGASUS SOFTWARE & IMGAGING PRODUCT
quotes11.zip   12838 08-05-2024 QUOTES.PPE 1.1 for PCB 15.x        [1/1]
                                Use your main menu to display different
                                quotes anywhere on the screen. Contains
                                500 quotes. Use as is or add your own.
quote_me.zip   21348 08-05-2024 ۲ Quote-Me PPE v2.0, Quote of the day 
                                   This PPE program is a quote of the day  
                                 generator.  That displays a random quote  
                                 everytime a user logs on.  It also has    
                                 the ability to allow your users to add    
                                 their own quotes.  Uses a key file to     
                                 restrict access from adding a quote.      
                                 Quote-Me also displays the last caller.   
                                 * And now uses a key file for upgrades *  
                                 Programmer: Richard Stewart               
                                     (c) 1994 - The North Shore BBS      ;
qv11.zip        7695 08-05-2024 Quick  View  v1.1  +  PCBoard  PPE utility to
                                quickly pull up a user's record while reading
                                messages online.  Check it out!  Compiled  on
                                12/20/94.  FREEWARE!!
qwkblt13.zip    6586 08-05-2024 QWK-BLT.PPE 1.30  adds the ability to include
                                new main board bulletins in the internally
                                generated .QWK files.  Adds capability to
                                specify which bulletins to scan.  Fixes
                                command stacking problem with 1.20.
qwkfact.zip     6710 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                             QWK Factory (c) 1995          
                                               V 1.0  (PPE 3.10)           
                                 Replacment for PCBoard 15.21 QWK Command. 
                                 This Program will Allow your Users to     
                                 Select Their QWK Defaults, UL and DL      
                                 with options to log off or stay on. Plus  
                                 it is Nice Looking!!                      
                                  New Visions Software, Randy & Colleen    
                                          Support BBS (216)677-1040        
qwkp095.zip    15670 08-05-2024 QWK Packer 0.95 by Rob Borek
                                A complete lightbar replacement for
                                the QWK command! Users can modify
                                their personal QWK limits, get
                                personal mail only, select conferences,
                                and MORE! Users can also get QWK the
                                old-fashioned way by typing QWK U or
                                QWK D. Try it today!
                                       FREE REGISTRATION!
qwkp095a.zip   15581 08-05-2024 QWK Packer PPE 0.95a by Rob Borek
                                A complete lightbar replacement for
                                the QWK command! Users can modify
                                their personal QWK limits, get
                                personal mail only, select conferences,
                                and MORE! Users can also get QWK the
                                old-fashioned way by typing QWK U or
                                QWK D. Try it today!
                                       FREE REGISTRATION!
qwkqwk1.zip     3863 08-05-2024 QWKQWK.ppe- Ver 1- Basic QWK system. Displays
                                menu, allows user to UL/DL & stay on-line or
                                log-off, select bases. Automatically detects
                                and defaults to users transfer protocol. Easy
                                interface to other PPE's. Next release will
                                incorporate sysop-definable reward system for
                                QWKing. A Banana Republic Simple PPE. By:
                                Francis "gorilla" Amato.
qwkstat3.zip   10322 08-05-2024 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
                                 QWKSTATS v3.1 Last Caller + Stats PPE 
                                 A unique display shows your last caller 
                                 info along with the current users stats 
                                 combined - in one elegant screen! Shows 
                                 between WELCOME & NEWS. FREE, PPS incl. 
qwk_axy1.zip    4127 08-05-2024 [PPE] Qwk-Bar v1.0 Ŀ
                                 PCBoard v15.1 QWK command replacement.  
                                 * Lightbar Movement                     
                                 * Configurable Colors                   
                                 * Configurable Menu Screen              
qzc10.zip      32071 08-05-2024 PCBOARD 15.22+ SYSOPS
                                This utility is ment to rapidly add
                                or strip comments from ZIP files and
                                optionally reset the ZIP file date,
                                During downloads from your BBS.
                                Easy complete Destructions and sample
                                files provided by.
                                KASA ENTERTAINMENT-PRESENTS
                                A MUST FOR CD-ROM boards you now can
                                add your own bbs comments.
                                REQUIRES DOORWAY
q_2dnd062.zip  133432 08-05-2024  NUKEDUKE v0.62 of (11/14/94) - (Q-TIP!) 
                                   NUKEDUKE: the best nuker ever made for
                                  pcboard! multiple files nuking/awarding/
                                 commenting, description editor, dummy file
                                   creator, free dl maker, flag.ppe style
                                 space tagging, wildcard support, top nuked
                                 users highscore, turbo mode for hi-speed
                                 nuking, lots of options and much much more
                                 Leech it! A must for every pirate system!
                                 ND now requires PCB 15.2! Unzip with -d !
q_2dxjv210.zip   15772 08-05-2024     XTRA JOiN/2 v2.10 for PCBoard 15.1    
q_nd062.zip   133432 08-05-2024  NUKEDUKE v0.62 of (11/14/94) - (Q-TIP!) 
                                   NUKEDUKE: the best nuker ever made for
                                  pcboard! multiple files nuking/awarding/
                                 commenting, description editor, dummy file
                                   creator, free dl maker, flag.ppe style
                                 space tagging, wildcard support, top nuked
                                 users highscore, turbo mode for hi-speed
                                 nuking, lots of options and much much more
                                 Leech it! A must for every pirate system!
                                 ND now requires PCB 15.2! Unzip with -d !
q_who200.zip    3770 08-05-2024  QWHO v2.00 PPE of (05/24/94) - [Q-TiP!] 
                                 QWho v2.00 is the most configurable 'WHO'
                                Replacement out. Test it and you'll love it
                                 Supporting the 'TB_Q_PPE Standard', too..
                                QWho v2.00 gives You now FULL Control over
                                        EVERY Character displayed!
q_xjv210.zip   15772 08-05-2024     XTRA JOiN/2 v2.10 for PCBoard 15.1    
r2lodoup.zip    4714 08-05-2024 PCB Logon Door for v15.x
rank100.zip     9509 08-05-2024 USER RANKER v1.00 (PPE 3.10) For PCBoard By
                                Mukunda Modell
rbs_2dnup.zip    3751 08-05-2024 THE BEST NEW USER PASSWORD. PCB 15.21+ [PPE] 
rbs_2dsysd.zip    3668 08-05-2024 SYSOP DOWNLOAD 1.0 FOR PCB 15.21+ [PPE]   
rcbbsl10.zip   28527 08-05-2024 ۲     RCBBSL 1.0   [PPE]    
                                RCBBSL is an easy to use BBS List
                                PPE for PCBoard 15.2+. More info
                                than all other listers I have seen.
                                Add, View, Search ,download list 
                                and more. Information includes:
                                Name, Nodes, Phone #s, Files, Msgs,
                                Doors, InterNet Info, 3 lines for
                                your special information, and more.
                                --Another Great PPE from RCSoft--
rdswal10.zip   25227 08-05-2024 
                                        RDSWall.PPE      v1.0        
                                    This is a User 'WALL' Program    
                                 * Color Configruagle                
                                º * A VERY Graphical Interface        
                                 * Definable Input Lengths           
                                º * Optional Disclaimer Display       
                                 * Display Centering                 
                                º * Affordable SHAREWARE Registration 
                                º         Red Dragon Software         
rdswal15.zip   35000 08-05-2024 
                                        RDSWall.PPE      v1.5        
                                    This is a User 'WALL' Program    
                                 * Color Configurable Graphics       
                                º * A VERY Graphical Interface        
                                 * Definable Input Lengths           
                                º * Optional Disclaimer Display       
                                 * Display Centering                 
                                º * Added Help feature and MORE!      
                                º         Red Dragon Software         
rdswal25.zip   47972 08-05-2024 
                                        RDSWall.PPE      v2.5        
                                    This is a User 'WALL' Program    
                                 * Color Configurable Graphics       
                                º * FULL LANGUAGE AWARENESS           
                                 * Definable Input Lengths           
                                º * Optional Disclaimer Display       
                                 * Display Centering                 
                                º * Added More REGISTRATION Abilities 
                                º         Red Dragon Software         
rdswal26.zip   48345 08-05-2024 
                                        RDSWall.PPE      v2.6        
                                    This is a User 'WALL' Program    
                                 * Color Configurable Graphics       
                                º * FULL LANGUAGE AWARENESS           
                                 * Definable Input Lengths           
                                º * Optional Disclaimer Display       
                                 * Added More REGISTRATION Abilities 
                                º * Fixed bugs reported from v2.5     
                                º         Red Dragon Software         
read100.zip    27950 08-05-2024 
                                 5 PPE's to fix that ugly message base!  
                                 COMPLETE re-write of PCBoard message    
                                 reading looks! Uses existing message    
                                 base, & adds features like, COMPLETELY  
                                 configurable message header, name entry 
                                 screen, quote char, EVERYTHING. Just    
                                 cool! Requires PCBoard 15.3+            
                                 The coolest looking message base EVER!  
                                      Support BBS:  Th N-NM S      
                                     (703)323-6838      [ANTi-X WHQ]     
                                    FREE!, The way PPE's should be!    
                                 ]\/[vik of ANTi-X 
receipt2.zip    4901 08-05-2024 RECEIPT.PPE PCBoard 15.1 PPE
                                that generates a receipt for
                                your subscribers and allows
                                them to download it.
refer011.zip    3756 08-05-2024 FORTRESS REFER DOOR PPE V0.1
refer12.zip     8577 08-05-2024 REFER v1.2: User Referral System PPE
                                FREEWARE!  A very configurable referral
                                 door that allows users to refer other
                                users for system access, and the sysop
                                to validate them easily. This PPE runs
                                  in  conjucntion  with  ViGilante's
                                 PROMATRIX & PROVOTE ONLY!! It is not 
                                 usable if you are not running these.
                                   Now with external question file!
                                 Not crippled in any way!!! Enjoy!!!
reflag1.zip     6167 08-05-2024 Reflag v1.0 reflag.ppe for PCBoard v15.0+
                                Stores flagged files in a separate file for
                                each user who drops carrier or logs off with
                                incomplete downloads.  Restores only those
                                which download was incomplete.
                                Atlantis Software 706-776-9276 28.8 BBS
regreq.zip      9826 08-05-2024 *******Registration Request PPE********
                                A PPE for use in a security specific display
                                file of a demo account for closed boards to
                                allow new users to download a file containing
                                registration information before logging them
                                off. User can also leave name and address
                                to have info mailed to them.
                                Author: Herbert Bushong
                                Compiled with PPLC 3.10, requires PCB15.21+
reg_it.zip      4773 08-05-2024 Very easy and simple PPE Registration
                                Number generator.  Logs ALL Information
                                including: Sysops name, BBS, Date, Time
                                PPE neing registered and city they are
                                calling from.  Source is Included!
                                Freeware from EBS MicroSystems BBS!
reg_lech.zip    3963 08-05-2024 Anti-Leech PPE
                                Lockout users by time defined periods
reg_u2.zip     19798 08-05-2024 @X0A-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-==-
                                 @X0EREG_U v1.0 Registration/Questioneer PPE
                                @X0BAsk up to 15 generic questions and two
                                specific questions (able to upgrade user
                                security).  Very COOL program to use for
                                a new registration PPE or a member upgrade
                                questioneer.  REGISTRATION Only $5.00
                                Check it out today!!!!!
remind1b.zip    9502 08-05-2024 REMIND1B.PPE v1.0b͸
                                 This PPE will countdown the days     
                                 till the New Year, days left for     
                                 Christmas shopping and days used/pass
                                 for the year (1995).  Has all the    
                                 calender holidays and will display a 
                                 message to remind you what day the   
                                 holiday is on.  FREEWARE!            
                                 PPLC 3.10        PCBoard 15.21       
                                 Software Kitchen BBS 718-281-0645    
remind96.zip    9655 08-05-2024 remind96.ppe v2.0. This PPE will countdown the
                                till the New Year, days left for Christmas
                                and days used/pass for the year (1996).  Has
                                all the
                                calender holidays and will display a message
                                to remind
                                you what day the holiday is on.  Also display
                                a quote
                                of the day. Software Kitchen BBS 718-281-0645
req201.zip      6757 08-05-2024 
resum103.zip   31198 08-05-2024   DOWNLOAD RESUME v1.03 for PCB 15.21 
                                ޳ RESUME.PPE: Tired to see your users    
                                ޳ flag or download files, and suddenly   
                                ޳ CARRIER LOST... Ok, now you have this  
                                ޳ program. When this appends, the file   
                                ޳ names are stored, and on the next call,
                                ޳ the user can resume. They don't need to
                                ޳ flag the files again. Another program  
                                ޳ is supplied to warn the users, that    
                                ޳ they have files from the previous call,
                                ޳ and they may resume/list/delete them.  
                                ޳ Includes a event program, to delete old
                                ޳ file lists, and send messages to users.
                                ޳      *** NOW WITHOUT DELAY'S ***       
                                ޳ MSmac Software ## 351-61-314336 [28.8] 
retail.zip      9923 08-05-2024 Retail Hell v1.0 Text adventure PPE
rfg_logf.zip    2720 08-05-2024 auTo LoGoFF v1.0 - FuLLY CoNFiGuRaBLe
rfx_e.zip      50919 08-05-2024                   _____
                                         )\_____ |   |___ _/(
                                 \-_-_-_|     ||:  --| | |_-_-_-/
                                /-,-,-,-|:  `  < |   _|>     < -,-,-,-\
                                \.-.-.-.|  |   ||   |        |.-.-.-.-/
                                        | __|___||___|  ___|__ |
                                        )/     [p.REFLEX]     \(
                                             /    PPE     \
                                  -----   ---Ŀ
                                   a pPE rEPLACEMENT fOR "E" cOMMAND :
                                  .      bACKGROUND cONFiGURABLE
                                         kEWL lIGHTBAR sELECTioN      .
                                  ĴCoded by SAURoN WiZARD
                                         Release Date :o4/29/95
rgd_2dbfdl.zip    1529 08-05-2024 Stats before D/L v1.0
rgd_2dpage.zip    2952 08-05-2024 Page PPE. Quick, Simple, and Source Included
rgd_2dst2.zip    2056 08-05-2024 User Stats v2.0
rgd_2dulog.zip    4027 08-05-2024 Login PPE (Newuser, handle, pass, etc.)
rgd_2dus.zip    3535 08-05-2024 User List v1.0
rgd_bfdl.zip    2086 08-05-2024 Stats before D/L v1.0
rgd_st2.zip     2613 08-05-2024 User Stats v2.0
rgd_ulog.zip    4584 08-05-2024 Login PPE (Newuser, handle, pass, etc.)
rgd_us.zip      4092 08-05-2024 User List v1.0
rh_conf1.zip   12459 08-05-2024 The Protected Conference v1.0 [PPE]
rh_logn1.zip    7372 08-05-2024 Full Screen Login Replacement v1.0 [PPE]
rh_tops1.zip   43926 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 = ToTaL ToP CReaToR v1.0 =       
                                    Totally Configurable         
                                    All Tops Have A Differnt PPE 
                                     For Building Into Bulletins  
                                    Creating Tops Online         
ripit11.zip     3131 08-05-2024           RIPiT version 1.1           
                                 RIPiT [PPE] allows your users to easily  
                                 receive a copy of RIPTERM from your BBS! 
                                 Configurable and 100% *FREEWARE*!!       
                                 By Andrew Davis   (Used PPLC v.2.00)     
ripjacka.zip    7256 08-05-2024          RIP - Jack V1.01         
                                                 Bug Fix                
                                An excellent  new PPE game  for PCBoard!
                                Uses  RIP Script  graphics to  display a
                                graphical game to the players with mouse
                                support!  Allows users to bet their time
                                online so they can  get that  last file! 
                                Installs  easily and  will run  with  no 
                                input from the sysop!
                                This version fixes  bug with user trying 
                                to bet more money then he had.  The game 
                                would hang.
                                            Fully Functional!
ripmap10.zip  418663 08-05-2024 -|-|-|  RIPMAPS v1.0  |-|-|-    
                                View Weather Maps On-line! If you have       
                                the Planet Connect satellite system you      
                                can give your users a way to view weather    
                                on line.  All quickly and professionally     
                                with just the more widespread RIPScrip       
                                1.54 standard!  It includes a new 32 bit     
                                conversion program to convert the PCX        
                                weather map images into native Ripscrip      
                                commands.  Also included is a PCBoard        
                                15.21 PPE front end. - ODS Co.               
ripup10.zip     3872 08-05-2024 RIP Icon update utility RIPUP v1.0
                                Automatically checks remote system for
                                existance of icons used on your system and
                                tranfers only the individual icons needed.
                                Completely compatible with RIPterm, will
                                place icons in the correct directory for
                                your configuration. This version is
                                freeware. Written by Dale Richter.
rlogoff.zip    35036 08-05-2024 Random logoff ansi displayer with full source
rltim100.zip   12015 08-05-2024 RTIME.PPE is an interface for the new
                                Windows compatible communications and   
                                viewing program RealTime 2.0 from Imagen,
                                bringing a state-of-the-art graphical,  
                                "Web"-like information interface to any
                                PCBoard BBS system. Shareware.
rmail11.zip     5162 08-05-2024 RMAIL V1.1 - The PPE scans all 
                                conferences for the MAIL WAITING 
                                flag, shows which conferences contain 
                                waiting mail, and disables download 
                                functions until the mail is read. 
                                Registration is only $8.
                                Created by Lobo Consulting.
rnuke22.zip    29169 08-05-2024 RNuke version 2.2. A PPE file for PCBOARD
                                that simulates international war. Options
                                include spying, thievery, factory build
                                ups, morale of the populations, taxes,
                                missiles, anti missiles, mail.
                                Requires PCBoard BBS software to run.
                                By Ron Kimball
                                Arrowhead BBS (316) 886-9802
rombrian.zip   13327 08-05-2024 ۲
                                   RomBrian v2.0      ۲
                                 This PPE is used during Logon to 
                                 display a listing of up to 24    
                                 CD's that are online or offline. 
                                 Works only with Rombrain and     
                                 requires no maintanence. Checks  
                                 security levels and blanks out   
                                 Adult CD's for those with lower  
                                 security levels.                 
                                       < No Registration >        
                                  A PPE from New Zealand  
ror_2dmail.zip   16330 08-05-2024     New Mail Waiting PPE v1.0 By Piston
                                --       --
                                --   ۲     --
                                -- ۲   ۱    ۲  --
                                -- ۱   ۰   ۱   --
                                          ߰         ߰  
                                -    -
                                [11/21/95] RELEASE  ON  RAMPAGE  [O1/O1]
                                         [*] fATE95 COURiERiNG! [*]
ror_2dslam.zip   15252 08-05-2024        Slam Enter PPE v1.0 By Piston
                                    -[*] Highly User Configurable [*]-
                                --       --
                                --   ۲     --
                                -- ۲   ۱    ۲  --
                                -- ۱   ۰   ۱   --
                                          ߰         ߰  
                                -    -
                                [11/21/95] RELEASE  ON  RAMPAGE  [O1/O1]
                                    -/[*]\- fATE95 COURiERiNG! -/[*]\-
rotow12.zip    11587 08-05-2024 =-=-=-=-=-=- ROTOW.PPE v1.2  -=-=-=-=-=-=
                                Rotate your welcome screens!  Randomly
                                selects a screen for each caller.  Easily
                                configured and installed.  Sample screens
                                included to show how easy the setup really
                                is. Use PKUNZIP -D to unzip!!!!
                                           Miracle! Software
                                     (If it works, its a Miracle!)
                                Not Crippled!  Freeware!
                                Support BBS: Hazels Hideaway (513) 752-3139
                                      SysOp: Ralph Myers
                                2400-14400bd's V.32 V.42 etc. etc.
rreq11b.zip    12093 08-05-2024 ****Registration Request PPE 1.1b******
                                A PPE for use in a security specific
                                display file to allow new users to
                                download a list of files containing
                                registration information and optionally
                                logging them off afterward.
                                User can also leave name and address
                                to have info mailed to them.
                                Author: Herbert Bushong
                                Compiled with PPLC 3.10,reqs PCB15.21+
rtwho11.zip     4533 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                     Real Time WHO version 1.1     
                                      coded by Gandalf/Infiny      
                                   The ultimate WHO remplacement   
                                  Use your own header             
                                  fully configurable              
                                  clock display                   
                                  timeslice selectable            
                                 Coming soon version 2.0 with more!
rumor_cd.zip    6500 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                   A PPE File That Adds   
                                    Rumors To Your BBS    
                                  Better Than The Others  
                                   Rumors (No Rumor !!)   
                                      A CYBERNETiC DREAMS 
                                               RELEASE OF 
rus.zip         4711 08-05-2024 R.U.S. - The Random User Survey [PPE]
                                With this [PPE] you can get valuable
                                feedback from your users.  RUS rewards
                                your users for answering your survey.
                                RUS is completely random, you set the
                                level.  Easy to install, a Snap to get
                                running.  Find out what your users
                                think of your BBS.
                                *Freeware* by Bill Marcy
r_prompt.zip    3959 08-05-2024 A Simple little Help Screen Using PPL.
                                What is R_PROMPT.PPE for PCBoard 15.0?
                                R_PROMPT is a novice quick help screen for how
                                to read
                                messages without having to go through that
                                whole boring
                                online help file, plus the user is able to
                                enter that command 
                                at the prompt. It is intended for people who
                                don't want to 
                                know PCBoard inside and out. It could be a
                                basis for a
                                sub-menu program.  This Program will always be
                                public domain.

                Area 80 - PCBoard PPEs D-F                

jag_2dsy20.zip    9278 08-05-2024      /\_
                                    |  ;|____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ___
                                 ___|   |:'  .  |:'  .  |:'  .  |:'.    |:' . 
                                |:' |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 
                                |   |   |   |   |___,   |___,   |   ,___|   | 
                                |   |  .|      .|   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   | 
                                .cs===== j a g g e d ====== o c t o b e r '95
                                |         Sysop Pager v2.0 PPE by Plunder     
                                :                 AMI / X Styled              
jasptnt.zip     4075 08-05-2024 JASP V1.0 - Just Another Stats PPE
                                w/ animated bar and all required features
jcmdv10.zip    11665 08-05-2024 JCMDV10; Replacement For the (J) oin Command.
                                Unlike others, has the following features.
                                MASK OUT of Undersired Conf(s). Renumbers via
                                PPE the selections for user ease.
jcon111b.zip   14554 08-05-2024 @X1F
                                @X1F  JCONF-[PPE]-v1.11 Automated Conference
                                @X1F  Security Menu.  Now, SysOps can have   
                                @X1F  complete control over all conferences! 
                                @X1F  Put PPE in place of (J), (JOIN) command
                                @X1F  and configure infinate conferences with
                                @X1F  a password and security level which you
                                @X1F  choose.  Will not show users the Conf- 
                                @X1F  -erence title unless they have access! 
                                @X1F  Registration $10 & well worth it!      
jcon115.zip    20157 08-05-2024 @X4F JCONF [PPE]  Automated Conference @X0F
                                @X4F Security Menu v1.15 for PCB 15.x  @X0F
                                @X4F No need to look any further, the  @X0F
                                @X4F last conference menu you'll ever  @X0F
                                @X4F need is here!  JCONF is a high-   @X0F
                                @X4F security MATRIX conference menu   @X0F
                                @X4F that allows you to add passwords  @X0F
                                @X4F and security levels to conference @X0F
                                @X4F SHAREWARE - Registration only $10 @X0F
                                @X4F The MeltDown BBS (904)-745-1507   @X0F
jcon117a.zip   29807 08-05-2024 @X4F JCONF [PPE]  Automated Conference @X0F
                                @X4F Security Menu v1.17a for PCB 15.x @X0F
                                @X4F No need to look any further, the  @X0F
                                @X4F last conference menu you'll ever  @X0F
                                @X4F need is here!  JCONF is a high-   @X0F
                                @X4F security MATRIX conference menu   @X0F
                                @X4F that allows you to add passwords  @X0F
                                @X4F and security levels to conference @X0F
                                @X4F SHAREWARE - Registration only $10 @X0F
                                @X4F The MeltDown BBS (904)-745-1507   @X0F
jdoit110.zip    4933 08-05-2024      -->[JUST-DO-IT  v1.10]<--
                                     [PPE]  FOR PCBoard  15.1 
                                 JUST-DO-IT WILL MAKE THE UPLOADING
                                 MORE USER FRIENDLY ON YOUR SYSTEM.
                                 NO  NEED  TO  ENTER  FILENAME  AND
                                 DESCRIPTION. REPLACES THE "UB / U"
                                 COMMAND IN  YOUR CMD.LST. INCLUDED
                                 ABILITY FOR FAST PRIVATE  UPLOADS.
                                 MESSAGE  TO SYSOP IF PRIVATE  U/L.
                                 @X09- FREEWARE ! ! -@X0E EASY TO INSTALL -
jk_2dbomb.zip    4150 08-05-2024 [PCB] BOMB/X PAGER, SYSOP PAGE UTILITY
                                Now put a stop to all the loser's that page
                                the mighty sysop, highly configurable and and
                                full ami/x style. sysop page utilty, check me
                                out now, great for every sysop with attitude!
jk_2dxedit.zip    7560 08-05-2024 --[ AMI/X EDITOR, FOR PCBOARD 15.2 ]--
                                The name is AMI-EDIT it is the best AM
                                I/X message editor clone out there, ch
                                eck it out now dude's you'll love it!
                                Easy to install. WHITE SANDS, 718
jk_xedit.zip    7560 08-05-2024 --[ AMI/X EDITOR, FOR PCBOARD 15.2 ]--
                                The name is AMI-EDIT it is the best AM
                                I/X message editor clone out there, ch
                                eck it out now dude's you'll love it!
                                Easy to install. WHITE SANDS, 718
jm_0395.zip   677258 08-05-2024 JM_ Power Pack Series v1.0 -- This is the
                                complete line of PCBoard PPE's that are
                                apart of the JM_ Power Pack Series. There
                                are over 20 powerful utilities to help
                                make your online service more user/SysOp
                                friendly and all for one low price. You
                                may purchase all of them together or
                                individually. This is a complete set of
                                PPE's for your computer system. Give them
                                a try today. You won't regret it!
jm_ac_13.zip   13880 08-05-2024 Alias Changer v1.3 -- A program
                                which will allow you to get an
                                alias from a user if it doesn't
                                already exist in their record.
                                If one exists the user doesn't
                                even know it's running.
jm_ad_13.zip  113751 08-05-2024 Advertisement Command Prompt Displayer v1.3
                                This is a complete replacement for PCBTEXT
                                line number 396. Features of this program
                                include: Command Prompt 100% user definable,
                                One or Two line Command Prompts, Upto 32,767
                                Advertisements, stops run-a-way ENTER keys,
                                100% Language Definable, Not crippled in any
                                way and best of all it's Fully 100% SysOp
                                Definable.  Enjoy.
jm_al_14.zip   25839 08-05-2024 Automatic Logoff v1.4  -- This program
                                will display to the user after
                                downloading files from your system and
                                having selected to Logoff after the
                                transfer will be displayed this graphical
                                menu to show them exactly how much time
                                is left. This PCBoard PPE requires
                                PCBoard v15.21 or higher to run.  Enjoy!
jm_am_10.zip   22643 08-05-2024 Address Maker v1.0 -- A complete address
                                creator which will convert your user base
                                into labels, envelopes, comma-delimited
                                files, or whatever you decide as the
                                program is completely definable in every
jm_bl_11.zip   47601 08-05-2024 BBS Lister v1.0 -- This is a complete
                                BBS listing door which will allow you
                                to easily add, download, edit, or view
                                BBS listings. 100% configurable as with
                                the style of the JM_ series of PPE's.
                                Multilingual, easy to install and no
                                maintenance is required. Very
                                customizable to suit your needs.
jm_cm_15.zip   77331 08-05-2024 Conference Menu v1.5 -- A PCBoard PPE
                                to replace the (J)oin command. Features
                                include: 100% configurable, 100% 
                                definable, mutltilingual, @variables@,
                                ANSI/TTY/RIPscrip mode compliant, add/del
                                conferences, backward compatible with the
                                CM ConfMenu PPE, displays according to
                                users screen, online help, lightbar
                                support, and much more! Now faster and
                                more configurable than before!
jm_co_16.zip   32051 08-05-2024 System Operator Comment v1.6 -- This
                                program is a menu driven or hot-key
                                based comment to the System Operator
                                replacement. You may have upto 9 System
                                Operators in the menu, color,
                                conference to leave in, public or
                                private, multilingual and 100%
                                customizable program.
jm_ex_11.zip   17386 08-05-2024 @X07
                                @X0F           Execute PPE v1.1
                                @X07޳ Have you ever wanted to run a    
                                @X07޳ PPE without having to enter it in
                                @X07޳ your CMD.LST or other file before
                                @X07޳ determining if you even wanted   
                                @X07޳ to use it?  If so this PPE is    
                                @X07޳ just right for you.  This PPE    
                                @X07޳ allows you to try a PPE before   
                                @X07޳ commit to using it.              
jm_ex_12.zip   20693 08-05-2024 Execute PPE v1.2 -- Test PPE's both locally
                                and by remote. Allows others users beside
                                the System Operator run PPE's. User must know
                                where the PPE is and the name. Extension is
                                longer needed. Easy to use and security level
                                is determined in the CMD.LST file.
jm_ff_12.zip   28078 08-05-2024 File Flagger v1.2 -- This PCBoard PPE is
                                provided to give added functionality to the
                                PCBoard Flag command when viewing file
                                directories. With the current urge for
                                lightbar driven commands we've opted to add
                                this to our PowerPack. This program will
                                allow you to even download while viewing
                                file directories.
jm_fm_20.zip  106295 08-05-2024 File Menu v2.0 -- Major revision. This
                                is truly the most complete file display
                                available. Some of the many features
                                include: Categorized/non-categorized
                                modes, multilingual operation, displays
                                number of files, bytes. If you've tried,
                                using or looking for the most powerful
                                FileMenu look no further for this is
                                your complete solution. This PPE product
                                is for PCBoard v15.21+
jm_fn_16.zip   19695 08-05-2024 @X07
                                @X0F           Clear Frozen Node v1.6
                                @X07޳ This program allows your users to clear
                                @X07޳ a node they inadvertently locked.  This
                                @X07޳ program is an absolute must for any    
                                @X07޳ multi-line or even single line system  
                                @X07޳ which doesn't want to have a node
                                @X07޳ forever without local interaction from 
                                @X07޳ the System Operators.        (PCB 15.2+
jm_fn_19.zip   23341 08-05-2024 Clear Frozen Node v1.9 -- This PCBoard
                                PPE will allow your users to clear a
                                node which they inadvertantly logged
                                off of or log off a node which may be
                                being used by an unknown party. This
                                program will only work after they have
                                successfully logged on with there user
                                name and password.
jm_fu_17.zip   21611 08-05-2024  PCBoard Automated File Uploader v1.6
                                    This program will make uploading
                                file(s) to your system much easier for
                                your beginner, intermediate and advanced
                                users alike.  Features in this release
                                      Definable Prompts File
                                       (with language support)
                                      Ability to enter filename and
                                       description if user so desires
                                      More configurable than before
                                      Pre-upload file to be displayed
                                    This PCBoard PPE requires PCBoard
                                v15.2 or higher to run.  Enjoy
jm_fu_18.zip   25724 08-05-2024 Automated File Uploader v1.8 -- A nifty
                                little PPE to make uploading to your
                                system as easy as possible. 100%
                                multilingual, prompts definable, easy to
                                install and use.
jm_gm_16.zip   19349 08-05-2024 @X07
                                @X0F          Graphics Mode v1.6
                                @X07޳ This program allows for your     
                                @X07޳ users to more easily change their
                                @X07޳ graphics mode.  It provides them 
                                @X07޳ with their available choices and 
                                @X07޳ a description of the available   
                                @X07޳ choices.  This is simply the best
                                @X07޳ graphics mode changer for PCBoard
                                @X07޳ made.  Only the best!            
jm_gm_19.zip   22656 08-05-2024 Graphics Mode v1.9 -- To make life for your
                                users easier we re-introduce the newly
                                redesigned and much more easy to use graphics
                                mode changing program. This replaces previous
                                versions by allowing a much more easy to use
                                user-interface, 100% multilingual aware, 100%
                                SysOp definable and extremely easy to use!
jm_ic_12.zip   65762 08-05-2024 Interactive Chat v1.2 -- A complete PCBoard
                                Multiline chat PPE. This is a simple
                                multiline chat replacement for PCBoard's CHAT
                                command with many features coming. This is
                                a must see for any multiline BBS where they
                                want to get there users chatting in a good
                                clean enviroment. Very SysOp definable.
                                Extensive action commands! Only $25.00 and
                                isn't crippled except for a small 5-6
                                second delay.
jm_lb_10.zip   24623 08-05-2024 LightBar Kit v1.0 -- A complete lightbar
                                set which you may configure to any taste
                                you desire. Multilingual support built in
                                with SearchLight (tm) compatible mode
                                built in to give you a relatively close
                                clone of the SearchLight system on your
                                PCBoard system.
jm_mc_12.zip   18134 08-05-2024 Message Count v1.2 -- This program will
                                create a bulletin file, which you
                                design and show your users how many
                                messages you have total on your system.
                                There are quite a few @macros@ you may
                                use with this program. Runs in your
                                nightly event and is 100% maintenance
                                free and SysOp definable. FREEWARE
jm_mf_10.zip   13404 08-05-2024 @X0FMessage Footer v1.0
                                @X07This PCBoard PPE will change the way
                                your users sees the end of message
                                during message reads.  It provides
                                a easy to use light bar with SysOp
                                definable colors.  Completely
                                maintenance free and best of all it's
                                also FREE!  Another quality JM_ PPE
                                product for your online service.
                                  LCHD FRoM The Wild Thing BBs  
jm_mf_11.zip   12546 08-05-2024 @X0FMessage Footer v1.1
                                @X07This PCBoard PPE will change the way
                                your users sees the end of message
                                during message reads.  It provides
                                a easy to use light bar with SysOp
                                definable colors.  Completely
                                maintenance free and best of all it's
                                also FREE!  Another quality JM_ PPE
                                product for your online service.
jm_mf_12.zip   10857 08-05-2024 Message Footer v1.2 -- @X07This PCBoard
                                PPE will change the way your users
                                sees the end of message during message
                                reads.  It provides a easy to use
                                light bar with SysOp definable colors.
                                Completely maintenance free and best
                                of all it's also FREE!  Another
                                quality JM_ PPE product for your
                                online service.
jm_mm_12.zip   52253 08-05-2024 Menu Creator v1.2 -- Replacement for your
                                BRDM file. Some of the features include:
                                Multilingual operation, only shows commands
                                which are available, your design, not mine,
                                predefined variables, our own variables,
                                easy installation, no unregistered delays,
                                fast, 100% configurable, and very SysOp
                                friendly. Major improvements to a
                                remarkable PCBoard PPE!
jm_na_12.zip   15444 08-05-2024 Name Inputter v1.2 -- This program
                                will allow you to provide your users
                                with a more friendly login by making
                                thier names appear in Upper and Lower
                                case. This program is another quality
                                FREEWARE PPE from the creator of the
                                JM_ PPE PowerPack!
jm_nd_10.zip   25507 08-05-2024 National Debt Calculator v1.0 -- This
                                PCBoard PPE will calculate for you and
                                your users how much our government
                                owes, how quickly it grows and other
                                information you might not have known.
                                This is a JM_ Freeware PPE Product!
jm_ni_13.zip   16486 08-05-2024 Name Inputter v1.2 -- This program
                                will allow you to provide your users
                                with a more friendly login by making
                                thier names appear in Upper and Lower
                                case. This program is another quality
                                FREEWARE PPE from the creator of the
                                JM_ PPE PowerPack!
jm_ol_15.zip   25794 08-05-2024             OneLiners v1.5
                                     This PPE will allow your users
                                to view and add their own OneLiners
                                upon login or wherever you decide to
                                place this PPE.  Program is 100%
                                SysOp definable as all of our PPEs
                                are.  Enjoy for your users will love
                                this one! :)
jm_ol_16.zip   27037 08-05-2024 OneLiners v1.6 -- This PPE will allow
                                your users to view and add their own
                                OneLiners upon login or wherever you
                                decide to place this PPE.  Program is
                                100% SysOp definable as all of our
                                PPEs are.  Enjoy for your users will
                                love this one! :)
jm_pd_11.zip   22807 08-05-2024 PullDown Menu System v1.1 -- This is a
                                complete PullDown Menu System.  Colors,
                                prompts are all definable.  This should
                                only be used by users above 9600bps for
                                it's quite graphic intensive.  ANSI must
                                be enabled for this PPE to run.  This is
                                another quality PPE in the JM_ PPE
                                series of PPE's.  The reason for it's
                                coming was the others, which were not
                                upto MY standard and to expensive for my
jm_pd_12.zip   27373 08-05-2024 PullDown Menu System v1.2 -- This is a
                                complete PullDown Menu System.  Colors,
                                prompts are all definable.  This should
                                only be used by users above 9600bps for
                                it's quite graphic intensive.  ANSI must
                                be enabled for this PPE to run.  This is
                                another quality PPE in the JM_ PPE
                                series of PPE's.  Newly improved!  @X
                                codes for a background display, numeric
                                keypad support and minor bug fix.
jm_pi_12.zip   15512 08-05-2024 Phone Inputter v1.2 -- This handy little
                                utility will allow you to make all of your
                                input be identical to each other. The program
                                will automatically add ()'s and the - for
                                each telephone number. SysOp defined bad
                                area codes, prefixes, suffixes, and entire
                                numbers. A must have program to stop users
                                from entering false information.
jm_pl_17.zip   19268 08-05-2024 @X07
                                @X0F       Page Length Changer v1.7
                                @X07޳ This PPE will allow your users to
                                @X07޳ visually change their respective 
                                @X07޳ screen size.  It displays to them
                                @X07޳ numbers in descending order,     
                                @X07޳ once the program finishes with   
                                @X07޳ the displaying of the numbers all
                                @X07޳ the user has to do is tell it    
                                @X07޳ what the number is at the top of 
                                @X07޳ their screen and your users will 
                                @X07޳ have a 100% accurate page length 
                                @X07޳ setting for their terminal.      
                                @X07޳ Except No Imitation.  This is the
                                @X07޳ best PPE to do the job for you.  
jm_pl_18.zip   22402 08-05-2024 Page Length Changer v1.8 -- This PPE
                                guarantees that your users will set the
                                proper screen length for there system! No
                                if's, and's, or but's! We guarantee it. The
                                program will produce a countdown, ask the
                                user what the top number on there screen is
                                and if they put the right number then there
                                screen size will be 100% correct!
jm_po_11.zip   20928 08-05-2024 AutoPoster v1.1 -- Automatically will
                                post messages for you either weekly or
                                monthly as you determine. Will allow
                                posts with every feature being SysOp
                                definable. A very easy to use and
                                understand program.
jm_ps_12.zip   20500 08-05-2024       Protocol Selector v1.2
                                Allows your users to easily determine
                                which file transfer protocols are
                                available to them in an easy to view
                                menu.  100% SysOp definable colors
                                to make it look like YOUR own
                                customized system.  Works with PCBoard
                                v15.2 and beyond.
jm_ps_21.zip   23224 08-05-2024 Protocol Selector v2.1 -- This PPE
                                Allows your users to easily determine
                                which file transfer protocols are
                                available to them in an easy to view
                                menu.  100% SysOp definable colors
                                to make it look like YOUR own
                                customized system.  Works with PCBoard
                                v15.21 and beyond.
jm_qb_10.zip   37290 08-05-2024 QuickBack v1.0 -- A simple to use callback
                                verifier.  This one is mimicked after the
                                great PPE written by Chris Watkins.  You
                                should give his PPE's a try.  I have and
                                love his entire PowerPack!  This one has as
                                much, if not more functionallity as Fone-Ver
                                v1.0.  This one is 100% Free! (Of course, I
                                will accept money  for it!
jm_qc_14.zip   36666 08-05-2024 Quote of the Call v1.4 -- A complete
                                PPE with definable backgrounds,
                                quotes definable, multilingual aware,
                                security specific, RIPscrip ready,
                                100% maintenance free, completely
                                definable in every aspect, plus much
                                more! A quality JM_ PPE Product!
jm_qs_17.zip   21547 08-05-2024 @X07
                                @X0F           Quick Scan v1.7
                                @X07޳ This program allows for your     
                                @X07޳ users to have more help available
                                @X07޳ to them while reading messages.  
                                @X07޳ It is provided as a most helpful 
                                @X07޳ way to help your users better use
                                @X07޳ all of the available commands to 
                                @X07޳ them.  This is simply the best   
                                @X07޳ help you can get for the Read    
                                @X07޳ command.  Nothing compares to it!
jm_qs_18.zip   27461 08-05-2024 Quick Scan v1.8 -- A PCBoard PPE to
                                provide your users with more detailed
                                inforation than they normally would
                                have when reading messages. This is a
                                great addition for new and experienced
                                users alike.
jm_qt_10.zip   26997 08-05-2024 QWK Transfer v1.0 -- A full featured QWK Mail
                                transfer PPE for PCBoard. This program allows
                                you to have the same features in others
                                programs. Download, Upload, Select/DeSelect
                                Conferences, Configure, complete help system,
                                commandline stacking and much more.
jm_rf_14.zip   21102 08-05-2024 Resume Flaged v1.4 -- This PCBoard PPE
                                came about due to the fact of life that
                                users loose carrier. The program as all
                                of ours are 100% configurable,
                                multilingual and very easy to use. No
                                crippled delays as the others,
                                maintenance free for you and your users
                                will just love it. This has been tested
                                on our system for over a year now and
                                works perfectly! !!! Major Release !!!
jm_sc_12.zip   30879 08-05-2024 SysOp Commands v1.2 -- This PPE will
                                allow you to protect your system from
                                unauthorized users by providing a menu
                                driven password and a minimum security
                                level for each of your SysOp commands.
                                Each SysOp option may contain a
                                different password. Colors and
                                Description of each of the SysOp
                                Commands is 100% SysOp definable.
jm_sp_14.zip   22624 08-05-2024 System Operator Pager v1.4 - This PPE
                                is a complete (O)perator Page drop-in
                                replacement. The program will allow
                                multiple page times, per day, special
                                holidays with there own times, bad
                                users, priveleged users, and much
jm_sr_10.zip   15834 08-05-2024 Signature Rotator v1.0 -- A signature
                                rotator for the System Operator. Have
                                you ever wanted random signatures or
                                to add taglines to your signature
                                easily? This is the perfect solution.
                                This is a great program if your a
                                member of Team PCBoard as well and it's
                                FREE for all to use! No source since
                                this isn't a public domain program!
jm_wc_15.zip   28983 08-05-2024 WhoCall v1.5 -- This is one of the many
                                PCB PPE's produced in the JM_ series of
                                PPE's. This program will calculate whos
                                called your system today and also create
                                a bulletin of whos called your system
                                yesterday, if you desire. This program
                                is 100% SysOp definable, multilingual
                                aware and super easy installation with
                                no crippled features. 100% seamless.
jm_wo_12.zip   30662 08-05-2024 Who's Online v1.2 -- This will allow you
                                to more easily see WHO is on your system.
                                Some capabilities are that the program
                                is 100% multilingual aware, all screen
                                layouts and design are yours, with
                                built-in USERNET capability.
jm_wr_10.zip   19401 08-05-2024 Welcome Rotator v1.0 -- A complete PPE
                                easy to use random screen rotator with
                                many options for the System Operator.
                                Multilingual aware, random or
                                sequential modes of operation, and
                                much more.
jm_xm_16.zip   21737 08-05-2024 eXpert Mode Changer v1.6 -- A PCBoard
                                PPE to help your users in changing
                                their expert mode either on/off. Some
                                users accidently press x and enter and
                                don't know what they did. This will
                                assist in helping them not make this
join420.zip    10490 08-05-2024 ***  JOIN.PPE  v4.20 - For PCBoard 15.1  ***
                                Allows your  users to  choose conferences by
                                networks.  NOW  with  *ENHANCED*  Conference
                                Scanning!   GREAT for SysOps  with InterNet!
                                Allows users to scan past PCBoard's 12 char.
                                conference name limit.   Can also be used to
                                scan by conference description!   03/08/1994
                                PCBoard  15.1  [PPE],  (C)  Copyright  1994.
jsfdiz30.zip   40487 08-05-2024 JSF-DIZ v3.00 DIZ/SDI Description Import
                                Utility for PCBoard - Released 11/04/95
jts_2dbrl2.zip   25550 08-05-2024 [BOARDLiST2.0forPCB15.21+]
jts_2dexcl.zip   16023 08-05-2024 [EXCLAiMS1.0forPCB15.21+]
jts_2dlsta.zip   49209 08-05-2024 [LogonStatsPPEforPCBoard]
jts_2dmopr.zip   39989 08-05-2024 ["More"promptPPE/lightbars]
jts_2dqlin.zip    9182 08-05-2024 [QUICKLOGIN1.0forPCB15.21+]
j_confx.zip    20570 08-05-2024 Three PCBoard v15.2 replacement PPE's for
                                the JOIN command.  One builds/reads from a
                                text file (ie fast), another builds on the
                                fly based on the users access rights, and
                                the third lets the user pick which approach
                                they want to use.  Compiled with PPL v 3.0
                                (Freeware with complete source).  
kac101.zip     33062 08-05-2024 Kasa Add Comment (KAC.EXE) REL 1.01
                                04/14/97 DOS utilty for:
                                PCBOARD 15.22+ SYSOPS & anyone else
                                who want's their bbs advertized in
                                every DOWNLOAD from their system
                                This utility is ment to rapidly add
                                comments to ZIP files,
                                During downloads from your BBS.
                                Easy complete Destructions and sample
                                files provided.
                                FREEWARE from
                                KASA ENTERTAINMENT-PRESENTS
                                A MUST FOR CD-ROM boards you now can
                                add your own bbs comments.
kalbk541.zip   42651 08-05-2024         @X0BKallback.ppe @X0Fv5.41@X07
                                 Allow your BBS to call back your users   
                                 to verify their phone and then increase  
                                 their access automatically. Also includes
                                 an optional subscription mode. Built in  
                                 config file creator/editor - language    
                                 file support. First and best call back   
                                 verifier. - Variable user expiration     
                                 date               -  expires 6/15/95.   
                                        From:  DM Soft              
kasa9200.zip   20602 08-05-2024   PCBoard 15.3+ ͻ
                                 KASA92.ppe PPLC 3.3.PPE30898Ķ
                                 Take care of PASSWORD Failures with this 
                                 SUITE of ppe's,    Countdown of incorrect
                                 attempts, plus super "LEAVE COMMENT TO   
                                 SYSOP" PCBTEXT REPLACEMENTS.             
                                Very little config. SUPER EASY INSTALL    
                                FREQ 1:120/523 KASA9200.ZIP NOW! FREEWARE!
                                 (c)1998 KASA Entertainment-Presents      
kasaadrb.zip   41154 08-05-2024   PCBoard 15.3/2ͻ
                                 KASAADRB PPLC 3.3.PPE040997Ķ
                                E-MAIL Address book let's your users keep 
                                15 different E-MAIL address's with this   
                                PCBTEXT prompt 199 replacement. EASY      
                                SETUP, no config to mess with.            
                                 (c)1997 KASA Entertainment=Presents      
kasaannc.zip   12289 08-05-2024 ۲   ۲
                                KASAANNC.PPE REL 1.0 PCBoard 15.22+ PPLC 3.4 
                                08/01/97. This .PPE will prompt your USERS   
                                To READ/MAKE Special ANNOUNCEMENTS everytime 
                                they use the DOOR or OPEN command. SUPER     
                                EASY INSTALLATION. No config files. No       
                                MAINTENANCE. FREEWARE!!!                     
                                (c) 1997 Kasa Entertainment-Presents         
kasacmt2.zip   42265 08-05-2024 PCBoard 15.3/2
                                KASACMT2.PPE PPLC 3.3 12/12/97
                                Let your callers choose from a number of
                                different sysops & subjects,when leaving
                                a COMMENT to SYSOP. REPLACES PCBTEXT
                                PROMPTS 1 & 571. Easy setup, simple
                                config.COLORFUL Displays, lightbar and
                                HOT-KEY SUPPORT.Includes KASAINST.EXE
                                Quick DOS Utility to install PPE's
                                into PCBTEXT  $$$$$*FREEWARE*$$$$$
                                (c)1997 KASA Entertainment=Presents
kasacrsh.zip    5793 08-05-2024 ۲   ۲
                                KASACRSH.PPE 08/05/97 PCB 15.3+ PPLC 3.3     
                                Is a Simple method of crashing multible      
                                FIDO Sites, thru one simple to setup EVENT.  
                                NO Restrictions on number of Sites that i    
                                can think of. FREEWARE!!!!!! REL 1.0 actually
                                a BETA TEST. Tested only on PCB 15.4 BETA.   
                                Looking for results on PCB 15.3.             
                                (c) 1997 KASA ENTERTAINMENT-PRESENTS         
                                FIDO 1:120/523                               
kasafunc.zip    5002 08-05-2024 ۲   ۲
                                KASAFUNC.PPE PCB 15.22+ PPLC 3.4 07/27/97    
                                Shifted Function Key Utilty to remind you of 
                                of what your Keys are used for. Can be used  
                                while user is online without thier knowledge 
                                10 line simple config. FREEWARE!!!!!         
                                (c) 1997 KASA ENTERTAINMENT-presents         
kasahist.zip    6022 08-05-2024   PCBoard 15.3/2+ͻ
                                 KASAHIST PPLC 3.4.PPE 071497Ķ
                                DISPLAY a quick history of users logons   
                                Statistics, During logoff OR anywhere else
                                you choose to display this INFO. Requires 
                                PSA(5) Stats tobe installed. Displays 15  
                                Various USER STATS From PSA(5).           
                                freeware!! NO CONFIG                      
                                CDC may have dumped you. KASA is still    
                                SOLVENT and there when you need it        
                                 (c)1997 KASA Entertainment=Presents      
kasahour.zip    6432 08-05-2024 ۲   ۲
                                KASAHOUR 07/28/97 PCB 15.22+ PPLC 3.4        
                                PCBTEXT Prompt 259 Replacement to inform
                                callers that No-Human callers are accepted   
                                plus the start & end times, then hangs up.   
                                No more Screwing around with the "M" FIDO    
                                EVENT for mailhour. 2 Simple line Config
                                (c)1997 KASA ENTERTAINMENT-Presents          
kasamnu2.zip   33667 08-05-2024   PCBoard 15.22+ͻ
                                 KASAMENU.ppe  PPLC 3.4.PPE08/02/97Ķ
                                 Let your callers choose from a number of 
                                 different main menus, the one they prefer
                                 to use on your system. Easy SETUP, VERY  
                                 small config. includes 13 sample  MENU'S 
                                 & KASATICK.PPE Tickertape STYLE messages.
                                Why pay for a menu system when this is    
                                Or make long Distant Calls to Register    
                                   ***** Complete package.*****           
                                 (c)1997 KASA Entertainment=Presents      
kasaqwk1.zip    4144 08-05-2024 ۲   ۲
                                KASAQWK1.PPE Rel 1.0 PCB 15.3 PPLC 3.3
                                Rid yourself of the burdomsum PCB QWK PKT    
                                Command. Replace PCBTEXT prompt 678 with this
                                .PPE. DOES WHAT THE INTERNAL pcb command does
                                plus more (it works!) without any extra      
                                utilities. Simple (1) one line config.       
                                KASA Entertainment-Presents 09/06/1997       
kasaread.zip    5608 08-05-2024  KASAREAD [PPLC3.4] / PCB 15.22+         
                                KASAREAD is a lightbar menu for the read   
                                command of PCBoard. U.S.A. English rel of  
                                POBREAD. Replace PCBTEXT 425 & 584         
                                     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       
                                        German PCBoard Distributor         
                                 PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor 
                                USR  33600 08807/993456 (20 NODES RINGDOWN)
                                ISDN 64000  08807/993434 (X75/V110 CAPI)   
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                     FIDO 2:2480/5678 ISDN 2:2480/567      
kasareq.zip     9622 08-05-2024 ۲   ۲
                                KASAREQ.PPE REL 1.0 PPLC 3.4 PCB 15.22+      
                                and KASA-326.PPE PCBTEXT Prompt 326 replace-
                                to let you users make file requests after
                                screwing up a download request or use in
                                your CMD.LST freeware from:
                                KASA ENTERTAINMENT-PRESENTS                  
kasarip.zip     3723 08-05-2024 ۲   ۲
                                PCBoard Sysops that use Savewares ANSI-ART-  
                                GALLERIES 2.0+ .Prompt your users to change
                                Graphics to RIP. Before using the Door.      
                                With KASARIP.PPE PCB 15.3+ PPLC 3.3 09/14/97 
                                installes in your DOOR .BAT FILE with one    
                                simple line. no config file Editable  screen 
                                100's of possible other uses for this
                                Great utility.
                                FREEWARE KASA Entertainment-Presents         
kasasec.zip     4897 08-05-2024 ۲   ۲
                                 KASASEC.PPE REL 1.0 PCB 15.3+ PPLC 3.3      
                                09/28/97 Simple multi-use ppe to let users   
                                quickly see what conferences their security  
                                level matches by name and number. installs   
                                just about anywhere in the BBS. NO Config    
                                FREEWARE! Easy setup.                        
                                (c) 1997 KASA Entertainment-Presents         
kasatic1.zip   38943 08-05-2024 ۲   ۲  09/11/1997
                                KASATIC1.PPE Rel 1.5 PCBoard 15.3+ PPLC 3.3
                                Extemely simple .TIC & NODELIST precessor.   
                                compared to 100's of simular programs. runs  
                                in your DAILY EVENT. No need to manually     
                                process a NODELIST again or bother with .TIC 
                                files cluttering up your SYSTEM. This ppe    
                                uses the .TIC as a message to nodes/hubs     
                                in your NET. FREEWARE!!!!!!                  
                                KASA entertainment-Presents. (c) 1997        
kasawarn.zip    9443 08-05-2024 ͹
                                KASAWARN USER V1.01 PCB 15.21+ PPE        
                                PPLC 3.4 Warn your callers if they have   
                                Expert mode set and/or No Transfer        
                                Protocol. ALSO Display text to first time 
                                callers welcoming them to your BBS anywher
                                e you like simple config FREEWARE         
                                 File_Id.Diz Created using KASADIZ.EXE    
kbalarm.zip    11375 08-05-2024 KBAlarm.PPE 1.1, for PCBoard 15.2+          
                                Page/Alert Sysops when selected users        
                                logon to their BBS.! Fully Configurable     
kck1cube.zip    2774 08-05-2024  User^Kick^Ass R1  [PPE] ͻ 
                                 now you can kick out  a lame user with  
                                 line noise  or pretending  your  modem  
                                 doesn't have mnp/v42. maximum kickable  
                                 user level can be defined, so you will  
                                 not be able to kick  out a really cool  
                                    guy accidentally from your board     
                                 configurable line noise  looks real  
                                                [O5/18/95] ͼ 
keno_121.zip   53408 08-05-2024 *********************************************
                                Keno Analyzer v 1.21 - A program to let you
                                analyze the past performance of the WA State
                                Daily Keno game.  This program will help you
                                determine what numbers have a fair chance of
                                being drawn in the next game.  ALL 10 play
                                options are displayed with the daily pick.
                                Now includes KENO_PPE version for PCBoard.
                                Written by: Tim Fierro 11/10/93 @ 12:00 AM
                                Brought to you by The Racer's Edge * TRE!
kicker10.zip    7632 08-05-2024   Kicker v1.0 LORD Thingamabob  
                                Keep your players from hogging
                                higher levels.  Lazyware.
                                J. Masters
kidcrush.zip    7226 08-05-2024 The Kid Crusher Ver 1.0 By John Kleinbauer
                                Stop the Kiddies from filling up your data
                                base with their mindless dribble. Sysops
                                before you resort to Caller ID, Callback
                                Verification,or a registration door please
                                read how to set your board up to Crush KIDS
                                and other PESTS. This is a method for
                                PCBoard only which can be turned on and
                                off quickly. *** FREEWARE ***
kin_2dlsts.zip   19227 08-05-2024 -----
                                 CUSTOM UP/DOWN PROMPTS FOR PCB 15.2+
                                --  [1/1]--
                                 ܲ   ۲            |
                                   ۲   ܲ    ߲    KiNETiC
                                       ۲  ۲     - -+- -
                                   ߲       ۲   ENERGY!
                                ht      ݰ   ۲     :
                                --           . --
                                   REL-DATE: 04-02-95 
kin_2dwho.zip   16636 08-05-2024 -----
                                    LiTTLE-WHO PPE FOR PCB 15.2+
                                --  [1/1]--
                                 ܲ   ۲            |
                                   ۲   ܲ    ߲    KiNETiC
                                       ۲  ۲     - -+- -
                                   ߲       ۲   ENERGY!
                                ht      ݰ   ۲     :
                                --           . --
                                   REL-DATE: 04-02-95 
kin_2dwho4.zip   16864 08-05-2024 LiTTLE-WHO v0.4 PPE FOR PCB 15.2+    
kortreq.zip     8432 08-05-2024 Requests v1.0 PPE
kp1liner.zip    5489 08-05-2024 A KILLER 1-LINER v1.00  - This PPE allows
                                users to write oneliners. It has one step    
                                installation and is easy to use. Supports @X0
                                Color codes.                                 
                                              FREEWARE Kyle Keller AKA KILLER
kry_2dcall.zip   10525 08-05-2024            CALL v1.0             
                                   A VERY CONVENIENT PPE-SHELL   
kry_2djncf.zip    4472 08-05-2024      ~ JOIN CONFERENCE PPE ~     
                                     FAST LIGHTBAR SUPPORT     
kry_2dn.zip     6235 08-05-2024 ۳ 
                                 H  E  A  D  H  U  N  T  E  R  S ۳ 
                                  THE PERFECT! "N" REPLACEMENT    
                                    [99,9% USER CONFiGURABLE]     
                                [PPE DiViSiON][01/01]ٳ 
kry_2dpgle.zip    8998 08-05-2024    ~ CHANGE PAGE LENGHT PPE ~    
                                   WITH COOL GRAPHICAL OUTFIT    
kry_2dsd10.zip    3144 08-05-2024 SYSOP DOWNLOAD PPE FOR PCB 15.21 
                                 NOT ONLY FLAG CMDLINE. TRY iT!  
kry_2dspw3.zip    3294 08-05-2024     SYSTEM PASSWORD PPE v3.0     
                                      * SPECIAL EDITION *        
ksrch100.zip   17192 08-05-2024  KEYSearch v1.0 Online Database 
                                       For KeyBook Shopping Catalogs
                                         Fast, online DBF searches
                                          User friendly interface
                                            On-the-fly Pricing
                                            Written in PPL v.3
k_2ddup100.zip    7330 08-05-2024 Da Pumper 1.oo - Blind Ul + Ul bar-selector  
                                   for PCB 15.2+ (k) kOPYRIGHT kElthAR       
k_2dread40.zip   17771 08-05-2024  ={}=   /<-READ.PPE v.40 eta   ={}=
                                The BEST (R)ead Msgs Command replacement.
                                Easiest & most configurable lightbar
                                message reading system.  v.40 is a GROSS
                                UPDATE: lower memory requirements, smaller
                                & faster code.  K-READ.PPE is the perfect
                                compliment to RPROMPT.  Easy to install,
                                looks great and your users will LOVE it;
                                makes message reading a breeze.  Freeware.
                                2/6/96.  raw sewage (309)389-4754.
k_qwk16b.zip   11771 08-05-2024 [  /<-QWK v.16 eta  ]¿
                                The most configurable QWK command
                                replacement to date!  Fully lightbar
                                driven.  Can be used in addition to
                                 yourcurrent QWK PPE, Door, etc.
                                Goodcoding/backdoor free.Freeware!
                                Minor Cosmetic Fix.
lbcs100.zip    10456 08-05-2024 ---- Light Bar Construction Set 1.0 ----
                                LBCS allows you to create custom light
                                bar prompts that can be used stand alone
                                or to replace internal PCBoard prompts.
                                The prompt is totally configurable, with
                                no author or program name displayed.
                                Menu items may stuff commands to the
                                keyboard, display a file, accept input
                                from the user, or run another PPE.
                                FREEWARE!  Another quality PowerPPE!
lbpk10.zip     11132 08-05-2024 [PPE] Lightbar Production Kit  (__) Ŀ
                                 Create custom prompt              (oo)  
                                 replacements using a       /-------\/   
                                 simple config process     / |     ||    
                                 SOURCE included. Also    *  ||----||    
                                 More? prompt and help       ^^    ^^    
                                 screen examples included.  by Mr. Data  
lb_msg_1.zip   34771 08-05-2024 This is an excellent light-bar PPE to
                                to replace that lame prompt that comes
                                up when you press R. It is 100%
                                configurable with no registration hassle
                                and no crappy delay's.  This is the
                                best PPE of it's kind. Try it today.
                                Another fine PPE by
lb_msg_2.zip   14619 08-05-2024 [PPE] Version 1.01 of Message Read
                                PPE. It has sped up over 150%
                                This is an excellent light-bar PPE to
                                to replace that lame prompt that comes
                                up when you press R. It is 100%
                                configurable with no registration hassle
                                and no crappy delay's.  This is the
                                best PPE of it's kind. Try it today.
                                Including hot ANSI by
                                @X07Another fine PPE by
lb_msg_3.zip   13999 08-05-2024 [PPE] Version 3.01 of Message Read
                                PPE. It has sped up over 150%
                                This is an excellent light-bar PPE to
                                to replace that lame prompt that comes
                                up when you press R. It is 100%
                                configurable with no registration hassle
                                and no crappy delay's.  This is the
                                best PPE of it's kind. Try it today.
                                Including hot ANSI by
                                @X07Another fine PPE by
lb_msg_4.zip   15690 08-05-2024 [PPE] Version 4.21 of Message Read
                                @X07command. This is more than an update!
                                The PPE has been completely RECODED
                                since the earlier versions! It is
                                now REAL fast. It is a replacement
                                for your R command. A 100%
                                configurable LIGHT BAR PPE in PPL 3.0
                                FREE WARE! No Registration no delays!
                                Another fine PPE by
lc082.zip      20711 08-05-2024 LastCallers ver 0.82 BETA.
                                This is a PPE written for PcBoard 15.1+
                                to display the last x callers when 
                                a user logs on. Also generates bulletin
                                files for today's and yesterday's 
                                callers. Now supports @x color codes.
                                Now has config program.
lcd_on10.zip    5929 08-05-2024 ONEliner 1.O
                                Here's a nice oneliner, cool input functions
                                and nice layout, everything is just cool.
                                use it!.
lchat.zip       2528 08-05-2024 
lchat11.zip    16300 08-05-2024            LiQUiD CHAT v1.1
                                Nice CHATTER, with pager, features cool
                                colors and all you need to splitchat!
lchlst10.zip   14810 08-05-2024 
                                 LEECHLST.PPE is a modifcation to        
                                 DLPROMPT.PPE. LEECHLST displays the     
                                 last 10 files, rather than 5 and has a  
                                 eye pleasing backdrop as well. Includes 
                                 source.   Support BBS:  Th N-NM S 
                                     (703)323-6838      [ANTi-X WHQ]     
                                    FREE!, The way PPE's should be!    
                                 ô of ANTi-X 
lcs_2dshuf.zip    3912 08-05-2024 Shuffler V1.0 PPE for PCBoard 15.2+
                                PPE for shuffling ANSI's in PCBoard
ldude_2d15.zip    7825 08-05-2024 LastDudes 1.5 [PPE] Lastcaller for PCB
lenolm33.zip   12699 08-05-2024 OnLine Message PPE v3.33 ... Supports up to
                                200 Line Messages between Nodes! Totally 
lfaf10.zip      3135 08-05-2024 Ansi Force PPE v1.0                   
                                Allows You to Display                 
                                an ANSI File at Login                 
lfgtpwd.zip     4356 08-05-2024 
lfnf10.zip      7559 08-05-2024 New File Scan PPE v1.0                
                                Completely Lightbar Driven            
                                and 99.9 % Configurable               
                                Lots of possibilities :               
                                - Combined Conf Join                  
                                - Scan # Days Back                    
                                - Last Logon                          
lfzs10.zip      4128 08-05-2024 Zippy Scan PPE v1.0                   
                                Includes Combined                     
                                Conference Join                       
lf_on130.zip   14054 08-05-2024 OneLiners and More PPE v1.30: Stat Screens;
                                One Liners; Last Few Callers; Message From
                                Last Caller; Cosmetic Changes; New Options
lies2.zip       7658 08-05-2024  LIES,  The whole truth.......Ŀ
                                 Add this PPE to any Display file  
                                 and get a smile out of your users.
                                 this version now supports RIP.    
                                 Add this one to your Script0 File 
                                 Your callers will think before    
                                 they tell another lie.  :)        
                                 A White dragon PPE PRODUCTIONS    
                                 Formerly Cyber Realms Productions 
lightmnu.zip    4055 08-05-2024 @X0FThe Lightbar Menu v1.0@X07
                                You can use this PPE for almost anything
                                that uses a direct command from PCBoard.
                                Example > E for enter a message or R for
                                read a message. There are endless
                                posibilities. It would work great as a
                                submenu to help your new users with the
                                @X0BYou have to try this out @X0A@FIRST@@X0D
link12.zip      3348 08-05-2024 ķ
                                            << LINK STATUS >>             
                                    Version 1.2 ZyXEL modem LINK STATUS   
                                    Recorder PPE for PCBoard version 15+  
                                    Logs ZyXEL ATI2 report to disk at the 
                                    end of each users call.  Define node  
                                    monitor thru CNF file.  FREEWARE!     
listy12.zip     7130 08-05-2024 LISTY.PPE - by Dan Shore - Version 1.2
                                A "Download Flagged files (Y)" enhancement
                                PPE.  This PPE will display a list of all
                                flagged files including the file size and
                                approximate download times for every file
                                right *BEFORE*  the D/L Flagged files prompt
                                -= FREEWARE =-  The Source code is included
                                Requires PCB 15.22 
litebar.zip     4634 08-05-2024   LiteBar v1.00 by Tom Grandgent
                                   A WizWare '94 PPE Production
                                LiteBar is a general purpose menu
                                system for PCBoard w/ a lightbar
                                interface and many features, also
                                very configurable.  Run PPEs, view
                                files, or stuff the keyboard buffer
                                to do almost anything!  FREEWARE!
litepak1.zip    9492 08-05-2024 Litebar PPE PAK        fIleAxYs Software
                                 QWK - Replacement - X-Pert Mode Toggle 
                                   -  Broadcast command replacement.    
                                 All 3 PPE's written for   PCBoard 15.1 
                                  All PPE's feature Litebar Menus with  
                                   Cursor key movement.  Configurable   
                                       Display screens and color.       
                                  Enhance the look, feel,  and ease of  
                                               your BBS!!!              
                                 EASY SETUP!     Written by Robert Ball 
llotqp11.zip    5582 08-05-2024 LOUISIANA LOTTO QUIK PIK v1.1 for PCB v15.0
                                This is a PPE program that will allow your
                                users to generate Quik Pik numbers for play
                                in the Louisiana Lottery or any lottery that
                                uses six numbers from 1 to 44.
lnrpcb20.zip   13029 08-05-2024 Liners v2.0 for PCBoard PPE app that allows
                                your users to enter one line comments to
                                other callers. Your users can also select
                                the color of their "Liner" at time of entry.
                                SysOp configurable display modes of "So and
                                so said" or "Anonymous". SysOp configurable
                                profanity filter will reject Liners that
                                have bad words in them!  Easy to install!
                                ************ FREE REGISTRATION ************
lns_2dmess.zip    6834 08-05-2024 Ami-X Style Message Enhancer v0.01 BETA
lns_2dwall.zip    5299 08-05-2024 THE WALL PPE v1.0 CREATED BY BLAZING SHADOW  
                                  SELECT MULTIPLE COLORS, EASY TO USE!       
lns_mess.zip    6834 08-05-2024 Ami-X Style Message Enhancer v0.01 BETA
lnz202.zip      7602 08-05-2024 Ever wanted to use the L, N or Z to search
                                across all conferences?  Well, here's the
                                perfect PPE to do such a task.  Treat your
                                users to something special.  Download this
                                new and improved LNZ.PPE for your enjoyment.
                                There are many changes to they way it
                                operates but very little visual display
                                changes.  Fixed the problems with multinode
                                and drop carrier problems.  Requires v15.21
                                dated 01/19/95.
lo001.zip      23838 08-05-2024 'List Orphans' is a tiny util that will
                                look at all of the .tic files in a
                                given directory, and write a formatted
                                report listing file titles, fileecho,
                                and file description. DOS and OS/2
                                executables included.
                                Freebie, of course...
locked10.zip    4594 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 PPE PCBLock Version 1.00 PPE 
                                   Allow Locked-Out Users to  
                                   have Sysops call them to   
                                  discuss why they are locked 
                                 out!  FREEWARE from DynaSOFT 
login101.zip    6783 08-05-2024 NewLogin Version 1.01 [PPE]
                                For PCBoard 15.2 and Higher
                                Extended New User Login Commands!
                                You have to see this!
                                - By DynaSOFT, Free Registration -
login122.zip   10293 08-05-2024 \     \   \  \ \
                                \    \  \ \      \ \  \
                                \    \  \ \ \ \ \  \
                                \    \  \ \ \  \ \  \
                                \ \   \  \ \  \
                                 Login PPE program v1.22 
                                Customizable login program that will
                                display up to 20 different login    
                                screens with customizable prompt    
                                positions. Can also be used just as 
                                a WELCOME screen rotator.           
                                    PPE program for PCB 15.21+
                                 Copyright (C)1995 Equinox Software
logoff11.zip    5256 08-05-2024 ۲ LogOff v1.1  -  Automatic Logoff    
                                   LogOff is a PPE to help in penalizing   
                                 your users who allow a keyboard timeout.  
                                 This PPE uses a config file to get        
                                 security, and amt. of time to deduct from 
                                 the user. Will also send a message to the 
                                 user, of your choice..Or you can use the  
                                 one already supplied. Makes entry to LOG. 
                                 Programmer: Richard Stewart               
                                     (c) 1994 - The North Shore BBS      ;
logonof3.zip    6695 08-05-2024 LOGONOFF PPE V1.2 Broadcasts to all other
                                nodes that a person has logged on or off.
                                Definable options .. Show Sysop Yes or No,
                                Show Alias Yes or No Supports notification to
                                users in Hot Chat. Complete customization
                                with its own pcbtext style prompt file.
lokot.zip       6892 08-05-2024 LOCK A USER FROM A SINGEL DOOR AND OR --
                                SEVREAL DOORS! SYSOP CONFIG. PPE /PCB --
                                *************** PHANTOM BBS ************
                                ************* (716)-366-3884 ***********
lopbck28.zip   26476 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                LoopBack v2.8 - Callback Verifier [PPE]  
                                         * BETA RELEASE VERSION *         
                                Local/Long Distance callback support fully
                                defianable by the sysop.  Abiliity to use 
                                postcard verification (built in), Change  
                                default sub period. Grab this file for all
                                your verification needs!                  
                                 THIS IS A BETA VERSION READ THE HISTORY! 
lopbk500.zip  280184 08-05-2024 LoopBack v5.00 [PPE]  Call-Back verifier
                                for PCBoard v15.21.  Supports multi-lingual
                                prompts, user trashcans, number trashcans,
                                caller-ID searching, automated messages,
                                powerful ONLINE configuration, timetables,
                                file flagging, international support, call
                                back only mode, user upgrading, MUCH MORE!
                                EDSBACK & LOOPBACK ARE NOW ONE AND THE
                                SAME!  ALL LOOPBACK AND EDSBACK USERS PLEASE
                                DOWNLOAD THIS FILE!
lopbk501.zip  281830 08-05-2024 LoopBack v5.01 [PPE]  Call-Back verifier
                                for PCBoard v15.xx.  Supports multi-lingual
                                prompts, user trashcans, number trashcans,
                                caller-ID searching, automated messages,
                                powerful ONLINE configuration, timetables,
                                file flagging, international support, call
                                back only mode, user upgrading, MUCH MORE!
                                UNIVERSAL KEY ROUTINES INCLUDED!
lotto110.zip    3118 08-05-2024 LOTTO.PPE Version 1.10. Updates to the
                                original release of this program.  Its
                                no longer restricted to just the LOGON
                                screen.  Read the history for more info!
lotto_01.zip    7893 08-05-2024 * Lotto v1.0 for PCB v15.x **             *
                                * A PPE to generate Quick Pick numbers    *
                                * for play in most state's Lotto.         *
                                * (Pick 6 of xx set in cfg file.)         *
                                * American Software Development Shareware *
                                * Support BBS at (318) 443-0271           *
lqdbrth1.zip    7760 08-05-2024            BirTH  v1.0
                                 Birthday Utility, your users can
                                enter their Bdays in an DBF file and
                                     will be congratulated
lqd_uko1.zip    9240 08-05-2024         User Kickout v1.0
                                Online user kicker, get your lines
                                free right now, 5 kickways included
                                1 configurable!
lsconf10.zip   17781 08-05-2024 Update from Source files for STARCON1.PPE
                                Original source programmed by Mohammed
                                Alsbeiay of MidNight BBS - Saudi Arabia
                                This rewrite allows up to 31 character
                                description of the first 99 Conference
                                Names. No commandline arguments are needed.
                                Just plug and play.  New file included is
                                LSCONF.PPE programmed by LightSpeed Software
                                There is obviously NO registration fee.
                                FREEWARE. LightSpeed Software (817) 666-9075
                                FidoNet  1:388/16
lspderv1.zip    7901 08-05-2024   _ _________________________________________
                                    _ ___     __\__ __ __   \ _  _ __\  __ _ 
                                         \      /____     __/  ______/   ./  
                                          \          \   |_\__    \/     ___
                                     eraser\_____    /   |        /     |
                                     |LiGHTSPeeD                       [o1/o1
                                            ER-View PPE Executor v.01
                                      Passed Through Digital Delusions -[315
                                      [DtC] -[ Courier'd By Distinct ] - [DtC
lspdex1.zip    89428 08-05-2024   _ _________________________________________
                                    _ ___     __\__ __ __   \ _  _ __\  __ _ 
                                         \      /____     __/  ______/   ./  
                                          \          \   |_\__    \/     ___
                                     eraser\_____    /   |        /     |
                                     |LiGHTSPeeD                       [o1/o1
                                        Quick PPE Executor v1.0 by DigiVamp
                                             -/- High Tech Couriers -/-       
                                      Passed Through Digital Delusions -[315
lspdfcmd.zip   48084 08-05-2024   _ _________________________________________
                                    _ ___     __\__ __ __   \ _  _ __\  __ _ 
                                         \      /____     __/  ______/   ./  
                                          \          \   |_\__    \/     ___
                                     eraser\_____    /   |        /     |
                                     |LiGHTSPeeD                       [o1/o1
                                        PCBoard [F]ile List Replacement PPE
lspdol12.zip   77063 08-05-2024   _ _________________________________________
                                    _ ___     __\__ __ __   \ _  _ __\  __ _ 
                                         \      /____     __/  ______/   ./  
                                          \          \   |_\__    \/     ___
                                     eraser\_____    /   |        /     |
                                     |LiGHTSPeeD                       [o1/o1
                                          One Liners PPE v1.2 by MadMonk
                                      Passed Through Digital Delusions -[315
lspd_2deql.zip   27318 08-05-2024   _ _________________________________________
                                    _ ___     __\__ __ __   \ _  _ __\  __ _ 
                                         \      /____     __/  ______/   ./  
                                          \          \   |_\__    \/     ___
                                     eraser\_____    /   |        /     |
                                     |LiGHTSPeeD                       [o1/o1
                                     Enhanced Quick Logon PPE!      
lspd_2dnup.zip   41133 08-05-2024   _ _________________________________________
                                    _ ___     __\__ __ __   \ _  _ __\  __ _ 
                                         \      /____     __/  ______/   ./  
                                          \          \   |_\__    \/     ___
                                     eraser\_____    /   |        /     |
                                     |LiGHTSPeeD                       [o1/o1
                                          New User Password PPE by Digivamp
                                      Passed Through Digital Delusions -[315
                                      << .xXx. HiGH TeCh COURiERS '95 .xXx.
lspd_2dvfb.zip   64889 08-05-2024 _ __________________________________________
                                  _ ___     __\__ __ __   \ _  _ __\  __ _  \
                                       \      /____     __/  ______/   ./   /
                                        \          \   |_\__    \/     ____/
                                   eraser\_____    /   |        /     |
                                   |LiGHTSPeeD                       [o1/o1]|
                                           Virtual File Browser by SqZ
                                {TAB}Dstributd By UFP Curierng!{TAB}
lspd_2dvts.zip   48097 08-05-2024 _ __________________________________________
                                  _ ___     __\__ __ __   \ _  _ __\  __ _  \
                                       \      /____     __/  ______/   ./   /
                                        \          \   |_\__    \/     ____/
                                   eraser\_____    /   |        /     |
                                   |LiGHTSPeeD                       [o1/o1]|
                                           Virtual Textfile Sorting Util
                                {TAB}Dstributd By UFP Curierng!{TAB}
ls_21d_2dlco.zip    1856 08-05-2024 Replace U'r D/L prompt [PPE]
ls_21ecom.zip    4618 08-05-2024 Replace U'r Comment Prompt [PPE]
ls_d_lco.zip    2413 08-05-2024 Replace U'r D/L prompt [PPE]
ls_ecom.zip     5175 08-05-2024 Replace U'r Comment Prompt [PPE]
ltag11.zip      3555 08-05-2024 ::: Local Tagline v1.1 : PCBoard .PPE that
                                lets you use your taglines when logged on
                                locally. Fully configurable and FREE!!!!!!
                                Version 1.1 now has a scrollable pick list!
                                Another ingenious Sy Kopath production 
ltag12.zip      6068 08-05-2024 ::: Local Tagline v1.2 : PCBoard .PPE that
                                lets you use your taglines when logged on
                                locally. Fully configurable and FREE!!!!!!
                                Version 1.1 now has a scrollable pick list!
                                Another ingenious Sy Kopath production 
                                Updated for PCBoard 15.21..
lucky_2d31.zip   16144 08-05-2024 THE LUCKY USER PROFILE SURVEY.  [PPE]
                                This program, by Sysop configurations,
                                shall award extra time and extra down 
                                load bytes to the person who is lucky 
                                enough to fill out the survey.  This  
                                is compiled by the new PPLC 3.0.  This
                                program is PUBLIC DOMAIN!  Its purpose
                                is to better help the Sysop gain a    
                                private & honest understanding from   
                                the users.VERSION 3.1
lucky_30.zip   11814 08-05-2024 THE LUCKY USER PROFILE SURVEY.  [PPE]
                                This program, by Sysop configurations,
                                shall award extra time and extra down 
                                load bytes to the person who is lucky 
                                enough to fill out the survey.  This  
                                is compiled by the new PPLC 2.0.  This
                                program is PUBLIC DOMAIN!  Its purpose
                                is to better help the Sysop gain a    
                                private & honest understanding from   
                                the users.VERSION 3.0
lucky_31.zip   15540 08-05-2024 THE LUCKY USER PROFILE SURVEY V3.1 [PPE] This
                                program, by Sysop configurations, shall award
                                extra time and extra down load bytes to the
                                person who is lucky enough to fill out the
                                survey. This is compiled by the new PPLC 3.0.
                                This program is PUBLIC DOMAIN! Its purpose is
                                to better help the Sysop gain a private &
                                honest understanding from the users.
m2001pwa.zip  126395 08-05-2024 MATRIX 2000 v1.0 by CALCULUS Productions
                                PCBOARD 15.1 Matrix Login   [Bug Fixes]
madthc80.zip    8679 08-05-2024 THCDOS 8.0: PCB 15.1 PPE. DOS Login Matrix
                                Like GNSDOS, but much better and bugfixed!
madwho50.zip    3344 08-05-2024 MaD-WhO V0.50 for PCB15.1+
mafpcb10.zip   38340 08-05-2024 Logon/logoff PPE v1.0 by BlackCat
                                configurable, great lastcallers,
                                oneliners, broadcast, automessage
                                and more.
maill501.zip    4740 08-05-2024 The Mailing List Builder v5.01  [PPE]       :
                                Builds a complete comma delimited file of   :
                                all your users mailing info from your USERS :
                                file. Fast, simple and completely free!     :
                                (c)1996 Practical Computer Services         :
mailuu11.zip    4194 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  MAILUUCP                 v1.1  
                                 NEW: For PCB V15.21             
                                  Allows your users to (E)nter   
                                 a message to the INTERNET via   
                                 FIDO's UUCP Gateway with just   
                                 ONE keystroke. Easy to install, 
                                 Easy to use, Easy on the $$ :-) 
                                 FREEWARE/PPE. Even "looks" like 
                                 you wrote it yourself!          
mailuucp.zip   15781 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  MAILUUCP                 v1.0  
                                  Allows your users to (E)nter   
                                 a message to the INTERNET via   
                                 FIDO's UUCP Gateway with just   
                                 ONE keystroke. Easy to install, 
                                 Easy to use, Easy on the $$ :-) 
                                 FREEWARE/PPE. Even "looks" like 
                                 you wrote it yourself!          
makebn15.zip   39609 08-05-2024 MAKEBLTN.PPE v1.5 - PCBoard TOP Caller
                                Bulletins Generator - very Sysop configu-
                                rable to generate one or four Bulletins
                                complete with defined color codes. Top x
                                Callers, Top x Downloaders, Top x Upload-
                                ers, Top x Cities. Written in C for more
                                speed.  Now works on multinode systems
                                and upto 90K users.  Math bug fix.
makeup1.zip    15865 08-05-2024 Makeup v1.0  makeup.ppe for PCBoard v15.0+
                                Forces users to complete address info for the
                                address PSA (except line 2 of street address)
                                Also forces entry for verification psa.  User
                                must complete blanks or log off, but it tries
                                to avoid rudeness.
                                Atlantis Software 706-776-9276 28.8 BBS
makmwait.zip    3322 08-05-2024 Make-m-wait PPE version 0.1
                                Put in your event batch file
                                such that your board will be
                                tied up while it's running.
mall14.zip     17020 08-05-2024 Mall.PPE - version 1.4 - Written 
                                    using version  2.00 of the
                                    PCBOARD PPL language.  Allows
                                    up to 66 "Stores", payment
                                    C.O.D., CASH or Credit Card.
                                    Provides for On-line Help, and
                                    special instruction screens. Now 
                                    with search functions. 
malpatch.zip   21091 08-05-2024 { Patch file for PHRIKIT 2.2         )Ŀ
                                 This file will fix the bug where the     
                                 multi menu system only displays the      
                                 "PHANTOM BBS", just copy this file in to 
                                 your MULTI ppe dir and copy over the     
                                 orignal file.                            
                                PHANTOM PPE'S PHANTOM BBS (716)-366-3884  
mat65ace.zip  177144 08-05-2024 ۲۲۲ P
                                g      s
                                z        e
                                 Lightbar Matrix/NUV PPE  s
                                          v6.5       [1/1]
                                This is the Matrix of choice for the Sysop
                                running a combination Private/Public BBS!
                                -Over 25+ random Matrix & logon screens.
                                -Lightbar NUV. with color and screen config.
                                -RIP/ANSI/etc. detect routines in ANSI.PPE.
                                -Checks DOB/phone number of user on logon.    
                                -True Multinode support - Minimum Baud set.
                                -Separate infoforms for NUP & Public users.
                                -Has mandatory upload opt. for NUP users.
                                -Page/Comment/Upload-DL all from Matrix.
                                -Allow/disallow ASCii Callers.
                                -Built in disclaimer w/Address PSA support.
                                -Built in Counter for password failures.
                                -Supports ProVote & Other popular PPEs.
matrix10.zip   15754 08-05-2024 @X09Matrix.ppe by Mukunda Modell.            
                                Matrix.ppe is the BEST Logon matrix PPE      
                                for PCBoard 15.21, including features not    
                                found in ANY PPE ANYWHERE (That is known     
                                by the author).  This is a defanite must have
mavo14za.zip    7919 08-05-2024 MAVOTE Version 1.4Z - Free, Compact, Fast
                                Super Voting PPE!
                                Maximum 20 Questions - 10 Answers Each -
                                Perfect for 2-10 node BBSes
                                Contains its own MAUSER Login door for
                                notifying users to vote!
                                Ultra-fast, a complete MAJOR upgrade from
                                version 1.3
                                Converts old MAVOTE.DAT's and creates new
                                Its Freeware!  Not crippleware, and not see
                                you later shareware!
mavo15za.zip    8780 08-05-2024 MAVOTE Version 1.5Zb - Free, Compact,
                                Fast Super Voting PPE!  Maximum 20 Questions
                                10 Answers Each - Perfect for 2-10 node BBSes
                                Contains its own MAUSER Login door for
                                users to vote!  Ultra-fast, a complete MAJOR
                                upgrade from version 1.3  Converts old MAVOTE
                                and creates new MAVOTE.BIN's.  Its Freeware!
                                Not crippleware and not see you later
mavote13.zip    7229 08-05-2024 Moon Angel Voting PPE  v1.3
                                Its FreeWare, and it works!
                                Currently supports up to 20 questions.
                                Uses Caller Notes PSA.  Extremely compact.
                                Has an optional logon feature to notify
                                users about new voting questions, etc.
                                Easy to use menus and tables.
mbeep102.zip   29038 08-05-2024 MAILBEEP V1.02 By Dave Blagburn. Mailbeep
                                will give an audible alarm on incoming
                                netmail and display a new netmail message on
                                the callwaiting screen (registered version).
                                Requires PCB 15.22. Cosmetic upgrade.
mc0295.zip      7209 08-05-2024 MAIL CENTRAL PPE. MC.PPE is a menu that
                                controls most all PCBoard commands for using
                                or related to the BBS mail system
mc_at100.zip    5102 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                AllTime Top Uploaders & Downloaders v1.0b
                                Author : Mc Freddy Z  / Rel : Dec.28.1994
                                Simple & Small PPE. Easy Install. It Will
                                ALWAYS Be Up To Date.  Read Docs For Info
mdcscan3.zip    6998 08-05-2024           MDCScan v1.3  
                                 The BEST New File Scanner for PCBoard!
                                 Completely Configurable, nice ansi, easy
                                 Installtion, FREE!, a wonderful PPE!
                                 This will prompt your users during logon
                                 to look at New Files since last CALLED!
mdfile21.zip   10910 08-05-2024 Mighty Duck's FileViewer v2.1           
                                FileViewing PPE for PCBoard. Fully seemless
                                operation. No stupid pauses, no registration
                                (it's FREEWARE), and no nags.
                                Displays files in ZIP (only supports ZIP)
                                along the top of the screen. Checks file
                                integrity before tagging to download. Able to
                                retreive a file in zip for separate download.
                                Many more functions...  
mdnode11.zip    9708 08-05-2024 Mighty Duck's QNode v1.1                
                                QNode is a nodelist browser for QFront. Also
                                helps users to Enter msgs in your NetMail
                                Fully configurable. Includes source. FREEWARE
                                Version 1.2 will have REply function.
                                Mighty Duck is dedicated to giving PCBoard
                                SysOp's quality, FREE software...
mdread14.zip   20057 08-05-2024 Mighty Duck's Mail Reader v1.2         
                                Uses menus to help users to read their mail.
                                Menus, prompts and all screens are TOTALLY
                                configurable, and are Security, Graphics and
                                Language aware.
                                FREEWARE: No delays, no nags, no disabled
                                functions.               MUST USE PKUNZIP -D
                                Dedicated to giving you FREE, quality
mdro10.zip      8344 08-05-2024 The Mighty Duck Log-on Screen Randomizer
                                Allows for up to 65535 different log-on
                                Allows cursor to be anywhere, when asking
                                for name and password.
mdy_ntr1.zip    4162 08-05-2024 Enhanced ENTER Prompt for PCB 15.x
mdy_topu.zip    5781 08-05-2024 Topuploaders 1.0! [PPE]
mdy_vpb.zip     9105 08-05-2024 Prompt Selector 1.0 For PCB 15.2
menu100.zip    24790 08-05-2024   PCBoard ͻ
                                 M e n u S e l e c t  v1.00 Ķ
                                 Let your callers choose from a number of 
                                 different main menus, the one they prefer
                                 to use on your system.                   
                                 [PPE Program for PCBoard 15.2x]          
                                 Copyright (c)1996 Equinox Software       
menu110.zip    24784 08-05-2024   PCBoard ͻ
                                 M e n u S e l e c t  v1.10 Ķ
                                 Let your callers choose from a number of 
                                 different main menus, the one they prefer
                                 to use on your system.                   
                                 [PPE Program for PCBoard 15.2x]          
                                 Copyright (c)1996 Equinox Software       
menux_2d11.zip   20946 08-05-2024    MENU/X v1.1 for PCBoard v15.21+
                                MainMenu system with a Lightbar,easy
                                config, great security, ascii. Fixed
                                a few bugs, added some stuff too...
                                    Coded by: JoLLY RoGeR / COWS
men_2djn11.zip   15615 08-05-2024 Norton Commander Conference Join v1.1b
                                The Join Conference you have been
                                waiting for a long time!
                                  Divide your conf's in groups
                                  100% lightbar supported
                                  Norton Commander look
                                  Security level aware
                                  Enter long group descriptions
                                  Fast scrolling
men_jn11.zip   15615 08-05-2024 Norton Commander Conference Join v1.1b
                                The Join Conference you have been
                                waiting for a long time!
                                  Divide your conf's in groups
                                  100% lightbar supported
                                  Norton Commander look
                                  Security level aware
                                  Enter long group descriptions
                                  Fast scrolling
meryxmas.zip    2988 08-05-2024 
message.zip     5185 08-05-2024 This is a PPE designed for the Demo version.
                                It contains a very simple New User message
                                PPE, in under 10 lines of code, with a
                                complete explanation of all functions used.
                                It will give an example of some of the
                                features and functions for the PPL Compiler.
                                Copyright 1994 Clark Development Company.
mflag11.zip    15993 08-05-2024 [PPE] Major Upgrade to FLAG.PPE! Enhanced
                                status/prompt line. rewritten to control
                                NON-batch protocol users, and users that have
                                NO default protocol selected. ALL info
                                screens are EXTERNAL,SEC+GRAPH+LANG specific.
                                (Major shortcoming of original FLAG.PPE was
                                that batch mode protocol by user was
                                assummed!). If non-batch protocol in use,
                                flagged file will be offered for downloading
                                immediately or (C)ancel, (H)elp. If default
                                protocol ="N", then user is forced to select
                                a protocol by PPE before flagging is allowed
mflag201.zip   66054 08-05-2024 @X1EMultiflagsystem 2.01 for PCBoard 15.x@X0F
                                @X1ETag files by cursormovement(LIGHTBAR)@X0F
                                * Autodetection for ansi or monochrome 
                                * Support for PCBoard @X variables     
                                * External config and helpfiles        
                                * Multilingual support,Download preview
                                * Simple install with setuputility     
                                * Many many powerfull features more!   
                                * Make your live easy with MFLAGGI!    
                                Demoversion and Update for reg. Users  
mflag30.zip   116326 08-05-2024 MFLaggi v3.00 Multiflagsystem PCBoard
                                @X1F         Multilingual PPE !!!     @X08
                                @X1F1. FILETAGGING by Cursormovement  @X08
                                @X1F2. Norton Commander Style/Toggle  @X08
                                @X1F3. DIRECT download from Filelist  @X08
                                @X1F4. DESCRIPTIONGRABBER in Preview  @X08
                                @X1F5. Mark/Toggle/Erase from DL-LIST @X08
                                @X1F6. SAVE/RESUME/RESTORE Function   @X08
                                @X1F  Official PCBdistributor AUSTRIA @X08
                                @X1F  All in one for your PCB 15.2x   @X08
                                @X1F[MFLAGGI 3.00]ͼ@X08
mge_lg10.zip    5407 08-05-2024 AMi-LOGOFF v1.O! [PPE] FOR PCB 15.21
mge_st10.zip   19091 08-05-2024    mGE sTATS v1.O [PPE] FOR PCB 15.21
                                'V' REPLACEMENT WiTH LiGHTBARS [pE!^mGE]
mgppe10.zip    73521 08-05-2024 Marble Guess for Pc Board v1.0, a rendition
                                of the classic game of Master Mind. Supports
                                RipScrip 1.54 graphics and the source code
                                is included! A PPE file is also included for
                                quick installation. All RIPScrip files are
                                also included and can be changed to give
                                the program an entirely new look. And the
                                best part of all its FREEWARE!!! Developers
                                use this program as an example on how to
                                add RipScrip support to your programs.
                                Developed using JDraw and JMedia, RipScrip
                                editors from Blueview Software.
mid5ppe.zip    24976 08-05-2024         This File Contain 5 PPE Files
                                     For Pcboard 15.1+ By PPLC version 2
                                (1) a replacement to your MainMenu .
                                (2) a Replacement to your Files Directory .
                                (3) a Replacement to your (W) (V) Commands .
                                (5) a replacement to your Conferences Menu .
                                   Programmed By Mohammed Rashed Alsbeiay
                                           SysOp of MidNight BBS
                                       Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Riyadh
                                       BBS Number 966-01-4225067,,,,,23
                                          Voice Number 966-01-4225067
mind_101.zip    8724 08-05-2024 *********************************************
                                masterMIND v 1.01 PPE - The original game of
                                MIND brought to you in 'seamless' integration
                                to your PCBoard v 15.1 BBS using PPLC v 2.0.
                                8 guesses to determine the correct 4 digit
                                code with a color pattern shown so that you
                                can see how close you are. Keeps the best 15
                                entries until the high score file is reset.
                                *****  Released on 01/24/93 @ 06:00 AM  *****
                                Brought to you by The Racer's Edge * TRE!
mkalias2.zip   14597 08-05-2024 =-=-=-=-=- MKALIAS.PPE V1.1 =-=-=-=-=-=
                                Add a little glitz and ease to the
                                Alias management of PCBoard!  Add
                                graphics + security + language display
                                files to explain your own Alias rules.
                                All display screens fully customizable.
                                support for GRAPHIC+SEC+LANG formats.
                                Multi-Node compatibile. Sends MSG to
                                notify alias changes to names you list
                                in the CFG file!
                                        Miracle! Software
                                   (If it works, its a Miracle!)
                                   CALLWARE! FREEWARE! CALLWARE!
                                Support BBS: Hazels Hideaway
                                      SysOp: Ralph Myers
                                          (513) 752-3139
                                2400-14400bd's V.32 V.42 etc. etc.
mkdir.zip       6164 08-05-2024 MKDIR.PPE is a PPE designed to create
                                DIR files from the files available on
                                the hard drive. THIS WILL NOT IMPORT
                                FILE_ID.DIZ DESCRIPTIONS!  READ THE DOC
                                FILE BEFORE USING IT, AS IT WILL DELETE
                                YOUR CURRENT DIR FILES BEFORE CREATING
                                NEW ONES! It is designed for
                                corporations, or people wqho do not wish
                                file descriptions and file maintenance
                                through PCBFiler.
ml100.zip      19521 08-05-2024 [ The Mailing List PPE - v1.00 ]
                                The Mailing List PPE allows  users to create
                                and manage a set of personal  mailing lists.
                                These lists make it possible to address mail
                                messages to  multiple users without the need
                                to enter the usernames  seperately each time
                                a message is sent.
                                                         KrystalWare Systems
mltimenu.zip    5566 08-05-2024      )\____ _ ___ ___ __ __ _ _/(             
                                 .  /  ___/  |   \   \  |  \ |   \ .          
                                 |  \___._ \    /  ?  \ .  /    /  .          
                                 .  /   |  / .  \  _  /    \ .  \  |          
                                ,---\  ___/__|__/__|__\__|_/_|  /----,        
                                |   \(   [X] SKANK 1995 [X]   )/     |        
                                | Multi-Main Menu By The Gatekeeper  |        
                                  |"I WILL NOT EAT THEM WITH A FOX"|          
                                      ..MeoW mEoW KitTy MeoW..                
mlt_101.zip     6354 08-05-2024 Ϳ
                                    MASTER LAST TEN CALLERS    
                                 A PcBoard  PPE  that displays 
                                 Their Alias, City/State, Baud 
                                 rate, Time, Date,  and Either 
                                 ANS/ASC,  RIP 1.x, or RIP 2.x 
                                 depending  on  what  terminal 
                                 they are using. Plus, it is a 
                                       FREE REGISTRATION!      
mmaze10.zip    12976 08-05-2024 Multi-Maze 1.0
                                SysOp configurable mazes.
                                2 or 3 dimensional
mmenu10.zip     5279 08-05-2024  MMENU.PPE v1.0 For PCBoard 15.0 Ŀ
                                    Compiled on 05-23-93 at 17:25 Hrs     
                                 [PPE] program that you can use to create 
                                 Multi-Page  Menu  for  File ,  Bulletin, 
                                 Conference  and Door display.  A maximum 
                                 of 20 pages menu can be displayed.  This 
                                 will  let your  users enter  any command 
                                 at any of the pages.                     
mnr_news.zip   11669 08-05-2024         News PPE v1.0
                                Display 7 Standard News Forms
                                       And 1 Freeform
mode1v10.zip    3353 08-05-2024 
                                Mode1.ppe v1.0  -  PPL 2.0
                                Writen for Pcboard v15.1
                                Do you use Rip Graphics? Now
                                when users log on to your BBS
                                they can now see a display
                                telling them what color options
                                are available.  The Prompt:
                                Do you want graphics (enter)=no
                                will display the option of Rip,
                                instead of just answering YES/N0
                                Writen By: Wayne Lampiasi
moltqp10.zip    6532 08-05-2024 MISSOURI LOTTO QUIK PIK v1.0 for PCBoard
                                v15.0. This is a PPE program that will allow
                                your users to generate Quik Pik numbers for
                                play in the Missouri Lottery.  Shareware by
                                Chuck Hogard! Hogard Software Solutions BBS
                                (214) 641-6292. ASP Member BBS.
moni13.zip     26899 08-05-2024 UltraMoni - v1.3  - PCBMONI .PPE  replacement
                                for the busy  PCBoard Sysop.  User  definable
                                update and scroll interval.  View online user
                                record.  Update node info.  Full and  compact
                                display mode.   Fully functional.   Shareware
                                only $10.  Free BBS support.  NEW for v1.1  -
                                Support for  Caller Management  System (CMS).
                                New in v1.3 - Support for PCB 15.21.
                                This is a must try!!  Released 03/15/95.
moonch11.zip    4060 08-05-2024 
morerip.zip     2318 08-05-2024 More Text Display it? Hmm, I had trouble
                                with the MORE.PPE included with the RIPKIT
                                in a way that the Keyboard inactivity timer
                                would not time out and kick the user off
                                the BBS. So I made my own More prompt to fix
                                the problem and you don't need a PPE.
movie200.zip   44924 08-05-2024 Pepster's Movie Time Trivia 2.00
                                (including Time Bank 1.00)
                                The best PPE game written for 
                                PCBoard 15.2 that includes a
                                time bank.  Allows users to
                                add to questionaire, Top Ten
                                bulletin, New Question 
                                bulletin and automatic sysop 
                                message informing him/her of a
                                new question.  
moz_2danum.zip    5815 08-05-2024   
                                     Automatic New User Message PPE       
                                            Coded by VENiOR               
                                         Release date 06/06/95            
                                           [Redefining ART!]              
moz_2dem11.zip   11321 08-05-2024   
                                         Enter Message PPE v1.10          
                                   "E" replacement coded by DR.BLACK!     
                                          Release date 06/06/95           
mpgs205.zip    76151 08-05-2024 MPGS.PPE v2.05 Shareware *RELEASE* 
                                   DooM - DooM - DooM - DooM - DooM - DooM
                                For PCBOARD v15.21 Only! - NOT Crippled!
                                PCBOARD PPE INTERFACE for the APCi Multi- 
                                Player Game Server via a multinode BBS using 
                                APCi custom PassThrough cables or TRN custom 
                                'Switch Cables'. A very nice, quick, and easy
                                to set up interface. 4 Player DooM is a Blast
                                Now Supports a full 16 nodes!
                                MPGS (c) Applied Personal Computing, Inc.
                                O'Fallon, Illinois, USA
                                Coded by WizBandit, SYSOP:TRN
mpgs3084.zip   51478 08-05-2024 MPGS.PPE *DEMO* v3.08.4   Play from your BBS!
                                   DooM - DooM - DooM - DooM - DooM - DooM
                                    Heretic - Descent - Heretic - Descent
                                   ROTT - ROTT - ROTT - ROTT - ROTT - ROTT
                                For PCBOARD v15.21 Only!    BETA Tester Copy!
                                PCBOARD PPE INTERFACE for the APCi Multi- 
                                Player Game Server via a multinode BBS using 
                                APCi custom PassThrough cables or JTEC custom
                                'Switch Cables'. A very nice, quick, and easy
                                to set up interface. 4 Player DooM is a Blast
                                Now Supports a full 16 nodes!  -  SYSOPS L00K
                                * 4 Player Heretic & 8 Player Descent support
                                SOON from APCi!   #1 for Game Server software
                                MPGS (c) Applied Personal Computing, Inc.
                                O'Fallon, Illinois, USA
                                Coded by WizBandit, SYSOP:TRN
mpgssd15.zip   36551 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                             M P G S            
                                             S C H E D              
                                      Version 1.05   03/12/96       
                                  Now you can allow users to make   
                                   appointments to play on your     
                                        MPGS Game Server!           
                                  PCBOARD v. 15.22+ PPE            
                                  No more meeting messages!        
                                  Increase MPGS usage!             
                                 Reminder login PPE!           ٳ
mp_13.zip       9563 08-05-2024 @X0A۲          Msg-Pack  v1.3         
                                @X0BMsg-Pack v1.3 QWK Interface for PCBoard!
                                @X0BThis PPE allows you to give your users an
                                @X0Beasy to read, easy to understand, and
                                @X0Beasy to move around in.  Features
                                @X0BSelect/Deselect conferences, Upload a REP
                                @X0Bpacket, download a QWK packet, & change
                                @X0Blimits settings.  Future release will
                                @X0Binclude a help system as well.  Minor Bug
                                @X0Bfix release.  Requires PCBoard v15.21+.
mp_2b.zip      13915 08-05-2024 @X0A۲          Msg-Pack  v2.          
                                @X0BMsg-Pack v2. QWK Interface for PCBoard! 
                                @X0BThis PPE allows you to give your users an
                                @X0Beasy to read, easy to understand, and
                                @X0Beasy to move around in QWK interface.
                                @X0BFeatures include: Select/Deselect confs,
                                @X0BUpload a REP packet, download a QWK 
                                @X0Bpacket, & change limits settings.  Future
                                @X0Breleases will include a help system as
                                @X0Bv2. is a minor upgrade release with a few
                                @X0Bchanges.  Requires PCBoard v15.21+.
mp_2d15.zip    13413 08-05-2024 @X0A۲          Msg-Pack  v1.5          
                                @X0BMsg-Pack v1.5 QWK Interface for PCBoard! 
                                @X0BThis PPE allows you to give your users an
                                @X0Beasy to read, easy to understand, and
                                @X0Beasy to move around in QWK interface.
                                @X0BFeatures include: Select/Deselect confs,
                                @X0BUpload a REP packet, download a QWK 
                                @X0Bpacket, & change limits settings.  Future
                                @X0Breleases will include a help system as
                                @X0Bv1.5 is a minor upgrade release with a few
                                @X0Bchanges.  Requires PCBoard v15.21+.
mscan06b.zip   11298 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 ZIPPY Scan Across Multiple Conferences   
                                            Version 0.06 Beta             
                                   If You Run CDROMS You Need This PPE!   
                                            For PCBoard v15.21+           
                                       An UltiWares(c)1995 Release        
msg101.zip      9167 08-05-2024 MSG.PPE - Count & average messages.
                                Writes @X-color bulletin. Bulletin
                                colors and location of bulletin are
                                configurable. SysOp can define any 2
                                conferences (USENET Junk & Fido BAD)
                                to be excluded from totals & averages.
                                For PCBoard 15.22+ FreeWare, ver 1.01
msg2n100.zip    9366 08-05-2024 MSG2NC.PPE v1.0 -by Herbert Bushong
                                Message to Next Caller PPE - Allow your
                                callers to leave 1,2,3 whatever lines to the
                                next caller. Highly configurable, can limit
                                who can post via security and Twit list. All
                                displays, prompts, and colors are
                                configurable with SEC, GRAPH, and LANG
                                variations. Compiled with PPLC 3.1
                                Requires PCBoard 15.21+
msgmenu.zip     6098 08-05-2024 Message menu is basically the same menu
                                system we use here on Salt Air for our
                                (C)omment to Sysop command.  It will let you
                                pop up a menu for your callers with cursor
                                key control to select the topic they want to
                                leave a message about.  This one has been
                                rewritten to use an external file, for those
                                that don't have the PPL Compiler.
                                Freeware, source included.
msgmenu1.zip    9679 08-05-2024 Message menu is a modified version of the 
                                MSG.PPE provided by the folks on Salt Air.
                                is basically the same menu system used on 
                                Salt Air for their (C)omment to Sysop 
                                command.  It will let you pop up a menu 
                                for your callers with cursor key control 
                                to select the topic they want to leave a 
                                message about.  New Features: Easier to 
                                tell what name your on in non-graphics, 
                                ESC aborts process, ability to display 
                                logo file to right of name list, MSG.CFG 
                                easier to update. Freeware, source 
msgque11.zip    6345 08-05-2024 MsgQuest v1.1 A Freeware PCBoard 15.0 PPE to
                                place script questionnaire answer files into
                                your message bases & fully configurable too!
msgtag10.zip   48624 08-05-2024 Message Tagging Suite PPE's - Version 1.0
                                A suite of PPE's that allows TAGGING of
                                message numbers while using PCB's "Q"uick Msg
                                Scan function.  You can READ, KILL, or
                                RECOVER *TAGGED* messages.  Released as
                                "ContinueWare" with the hopes of other
                                SysOp's continuing development of this fine
                                suite of products. FREEWARE with source code
                                included.  By Dan Shore - 
msgtag12.zip   59280 08-05-2024 Message Tagging Suite PPE's - Version 1.02
                                ** Update from version 1.01 by Dan Shore **
                                A suite of PPE's that allows TAGGING of
                                message numbers while using PCB's "Q"uick Msg
                                Scan function.  You can READ, KILL, or
                                RECOVER *TAGGED* messages.  Released as
                                "ContinueWare" with the hopes of other
                                SysOp's continuing development of this fine
                                suite of products. FREEWARE with source code
                                included.  By Dan Shore - 
mstrlist.zip   23745 08-05-2024 MSTRLIST.PPE v1.00a - Compiled on 04-25-93
                                PCBoard 15.0 - [PPE] program that will let
                                your user create a customized allfiles.zip
                                I could use a hand with this program, I've
                                wrote all the code and the program does do
                                what it is suppose to do,  I would like to
                                optimize it a little better than it is.   
                                Complete Source Code Included.            
msw_em02.zip    9039 08-05-2024 --)\____  _____)\______________    ___/(-Ŀ
                                :  |   . \/ .   |   _______     |/\|    |  :
                                  |    \  /    |_______   |    /  \    |  
                                :  | ___|\/|______________ |_____/\____ |  :
                                : ENHANCED ENTER MESSAGE COMMAND PPE  v0.2 :
                                : Allows you to use * when entering a name :
                                 like in /X , will show you all the users 
                                 matching the pattern, and will allow you 
                                :   to select one using lightbar (beta!)   :
msw_ol03.zip   23110 08-05-2024 --)\____  _____)\______________    ___/(-Ŀ
                                :  |   . \/ .   |   _______     |/\|    |  :
                                  |    \  /    |_______   |    /  \    |  
                                :  | ___|\/|______________ |_____/\____ |  :
                                :   ENHANCED ONLINE MESSAGE SYSTEM  v0.3   :
                                :  Send messages to online users on other  :
                                 nodes, up to 10 msg lines, very configu- 
                                 rable, return receipts, excluded users.  
                                : One of the best OLMs! (beta but bugfree) :
                                -[PPE 3.01]--------[12/Aug/95]-
msw_pi02.zip    9935 08-05-2024 --)\____  _____)\______________    ___/(-Ŀ
                                :  |   . \/ .   |   _______     |/\|    |  :
                                  |    \  /    |_______   |    /  \    |  
                                :  | ___|\/|______________ |_____/\____ |  :
                                :     REAL TIME PI CALCULATOR PPE v0.2     :
                                :  Stupid PPE that will calculate the PI   :
                                 number and display it on screen with big 
                                 digits.. Worth to check out, full source 
                                :  code is included (coded by Mind Twist)  :
mthprot1.zip   10644 08-05-2024 PROTOCOL [PPE] V1.0 FOR PCB 15.1
                                      [=SOURCE INCLUDED=]        
mth_2dtop1.zip    6344 08-05-2024             
                                ۲      ۲ ۲ ۲     ۲   ۲    ۲
                                ۲        ۲ ۲ ۲     ۲   ۲۲
                                 MiRTH-TOP15 U/L D/L LISTER [PPE] V1.0.. 
                                 FOR PCB 15.1 BY EDDIE [=BROON'S BANE=]. 
                                 - Recommended 386 CPU or Higher..
                                 - Great PC-Style / PCE Look...
                                 - Configurable Header / Make your Own...
                                Greets..: Calculus Team, Midnight Slasher,
                                  Nitro, PiC... [for Great PPE's]
mtntac25.zip   96071 08-05-2024        .          .         .        .
                                   ----:      ----|-   -----:    ----|-
                                   |   |-------   -----|   :|-----   -----|
                                   /       \:         .|   .|  :         .|
                                  /         \--   -----|    |  |--   -----|
                                 //    _     \|   |%  \|        \|   |%  \|
                                :-     |     \\         \   _    |         \
                                <<<<<<<< THe aCRoNYM TRaNSLaToR v2.5 >>>>>>>
                                       Pcboard 15.2+ ppe by MTL & FMT
                                          added security checking
mtntds11.zip   35673 08-05-2024    ____--| /--|--____ ---|____|--_____
                                  -----  |/  -:  -----|  \    :  ------
                                   ._/        |    |  .  .    |    |  .
                                <<<|_____%    \___ |--|__|    \___ |--|>>>
                                    MtNT |___--  |___--  |___--  |___--
                                      Distribution Site Lister PPe v1.1
                                          use this ppe to make yar
                                        distsite conference special!!
                                  Take a look at this one, it's worth it!
mtntlc21.zip   37057 08-05-2024 .----------[ LastCallers v2.1 ]----------.
                                |  ____--| /--|--____ ---|____|--_____   |
                                | -----  |/  -:  -----|  \    :  ------  |
                                |  ._/        |    |  .  .    |    |  .  |
                                <<<|_____%    \___ |--|__|    \___ |--|>>>
                                |   MtNT |___--  |___--  |___--  |___--  |
                                `-----------------------------[disk 1/1]-'
                                    ** minor bug fix, baudrate fixed! **
                                       - AMi/X PCB 15.21+ PPE
                                       - with exclude listing
                                       - nice flag system
                                       - last time on system
                                       - bytes upped/downed
                                       - minimal configuration!!
mtntlog1.zip   44933 08-05-2024     ܲ ۲     ۲
                                 ۲          ۲      
                                 - -߲
                                |        LoGoFF eNHaNCeR V1.0       
                                         coded by SPooNMaN         :
                                |       > FLaMe NeXT CaLLeR <       
                                :       >  LiTTLe BBS LiST  <       :
                                [NoV/12/94]               SPO[MTNT]|
mtntmes2.zip   40980 08-05-2024     ܲ ۲     ۲
                                 ۲          ۲      
                                 - -߲
                                   Edit A Message Enhancer V2.0    
                                      a cewl ppe for PCB 15.2+     
                                         !! DOWNLOAD THIS!!        
                                [Sep-17-94]               SPO[MTNT]
                                ----  ----  ---
                                   Couriered by : HACKER [MTNT]    
mtntnfs1.zip   35481 08-05-2024 .--------[ New File Scan v1.o ]----------.
                                |  ____--| /--|--____ ---|____|--_____   |
                                | -----  |/  -:  -----|  \    :  ------  |
                                |  ._/        |    |  .  .    |    |  .  |
                                <<<|_____%    \___ |--|__|    \___ |--|>>>
                                |   MtNT |___--  |___--  |___--  |___--  |
                                `-----------------------------[disk 1/1]-'
                                     * AMI/X Pcb 15.22+ PPE
                                     * 'N S U' and 'N U S' still work!
                                     * check for upload since:
                                           - last call
                                           - certain date
                                           - X days
                                           - today
                                           - yesterday
                                     * easy installation!
mtntps11.zip   39727 08-05-2024    ____--| /--|--____ ---|____|--_____
                                  -----  |/  -:  -----|  \    :  ------
                                   ._/        |    |  .  .    |    |  .
                                <<<|_____%    \___ |--|__|    \___ |--|>>>
                                    MtNT |___--  |___--  |___--  |___--
                                -------------------------------[disk 1/1]--
                                           Pager/Split chat v1.1
                                               PCB 15.2+ PPE
                                       >>>>>  Major Bug fix! <<<<<<
                                       Online/Remote configuration!
                                           Ami/X-Style designed
                                  MtNT is looking for a group-demo coder!
mtntup10.zip   34415 08-05-2024 .------[ All Time Uploaderz v1.o ]-------.
                                |  ____--| /--|--____ ---|____|--_____   |
                                | -----  |/  -:  -----|  \    :  ------  |
                                |  ._/        |    |  .  .    |    |  .  |
                                <<<|_____%    \___ |--|__|    \___ |--|>>>
                                |   MtNT |___--  |___--  |___--  |___--  |
                                `-----------------------------[disk 1/1]-'
                                    * Ami/X PCB 15.22+ PPE
                                    * 100% latest upload information
                                    * no lame 'saving bulletin' at logoff
                                    * you can exclude users
                                    * number of users configurable
                                    * easy, fast installation
mtnt_ds1.zip   27396 08-05-2024     ܲ ۲     ۲
                                 ۲          ۲      
                                 - -߲
                                -  -=PRouDLY PReSeNTS=- -
                                 DoSSiM v1.0 coded by FiRST MuTANT 
                                   This matrix has nice features!
                                   You are able to simulate all
                                   text-based operating systems!
                                   like DOS, UNIX, ... or ...
                                   make your own one!!
                                 Released [June/20/1994]           
mtnt_lb1.zip   16700 08-05-2024     ܲ ۲     ۲
                                 ۲          ۲      
                                 - -߲
                                    LiGHTBaReNHaNCeR PPe v1.o    
                                      a cewl ppe for PCB 15.1+     
                                  ! Everything is configurable !   
                                         !! DOWNLOAD THIS!!        
                                [Mai-20-94]               MTL[MTNT]
                                ----  ----  ---
mtv_pl22.zip   23860 08-05-2024  PRO-LOGIN v2.2   [PPE]
                                LOGIN MATRIX WITH ANS,RIP
                                ASC DETECT. INCLUDES
                                DOOM MATRIX, /X SYSPW
                                HOMEBOOT SYSTEM
mty_2djoin.zip   29738 08-05-2024 Norton Commander Join v3.0 [PPE] by Mr. Menor
mty_2dkick.zip    8995 08-05-2024 IRC Style User Kicker [PPE] by Menor
mty_2dkon.zip   17173 08-05-2024 Animated "W" Replacement by Villain
mty_2dread.zip    7844 08-05-2024 MTY Read [PPE] v1.0 for PCB by Villian
mt_2dbbs10.zip   61856 08-05-2024 Modern Technology - BBSList (v1.0)/Std [PPE]
                                PCBoard v15.0+ PPE/Door which allows callers
                                to Create / Add / View / Sort  and search by
                                keywords any sysop definable BBS List file/s
                                Uncrippled Shareware!  >NO FEE< to Register!
mt_2dgrf11.zip    9271 08-05-2024 Modern Technology - Graf-Y and Graf-N - [PPE]
                                Replacement prompts for PCB 15.0 for the  "Do
                                you want graphics (Enter)=no?"  These prompts
                                look & act just like the originals BUT do NOT
                                allow callers to Skip the Welcome file. Handy
                                if you need to load a PPE at every login and
                                found the PCB  WELCOME screens to be the best
                                place! !! NEW !! 2 versions included now, one
                                looks just like the PCB original,  the  other
                                defaults to (Enter)=yes?.   *source included*
mushfb10.zip    4021 08-05-2024 
na_2dpmcr.zip    2100 08-05-2024 Ŀ¿Ŀ Ŀ
                                   ٳ  ALLiANCE Present You     
                                       ProMatrix 1.0 Crack   
                                 ProMatrix 1.0 PPE By ViGiLANTE Serial 
                                 Number Finder, Happy Registering!     
                                 [PPE]   Programmed By Zaskar    [PCB] 
nb100.zip       9755 08-05-2024         NOTEBOOK V1.00  GO/4 Software 
                                        PCBoard 15.2x+  . PPE program
                                        The on-line notetaker!  Just type NOTE
                                and you can enter up to ten notes to yourself
                                such as a filename, and why you wanted it.Or
                                any other item that you want to make a note of
                                - a phone number you just got from someone in
                                chat on another node, th
nbrow11.zip    20845 08-05-2024  NBROW PCBOARD 15.2 PPE NODELIST BROWSER
                                 FREEWARE  FREEWARE  FREEWARE  FREEWARE
                                 NBROW ver 1.1 BUG FIX  Nodelist Browser
                                 For PCBoard Bulletin Board Systems
                                 NEW NEW NEW By Micro-Comp Software
                                 This PPE will alow you and your users
                                 to Scan and Search A Fidonet Nodelist
                                 Searches may be done by BBS's Name or
                                 you may search By the Sysop's Name
                                 Support Thru House-Comp bbs 1:363/256
                                 Source Code Available from my bbs
ndaddr20.zip   11238 08-05-2024 NICE DAY ADDRESS UPDATE V2.00 [PPE] *FREEWARE
                                This PPE is for every sysop that wants to
                                have his users enter all the address
                                information. A cursor-driven menu will show
                                when a user logs in that has not entered
                                everything in U_ADDR(). This PPE will also
                                not accept users that just type a '-'
                                instead of their real addresses. Menu will
                                only disapear if the user has entered ALL
                                their information. (Needs PCB 15.22 or
ndcom20.zip     8096 08-05-2024 NICE DAY SYSOP COMMENT v2.00 [PPE] * FREEWARE 
                                Cursor-driven Comment-to-Sysop replacement.
                                All colors and positions can be modified.
                                Special topics causes that the comment is 
                                addressed to different sysops/cosysops. (Needs
                                PCB 15.22 or better)
ndfile30.zip   44418 08-05-2024 NICE DAY FILES V3.00 [PPE]
                                NDFiles is a cursor-driven replacement
                                for the PCB [F] command. It shows a
                                list with all available directories.
                                If you are upgrading please read
                                Fantastic features included:
                                o Displays number of files in dir
                                o Displays total kb in dir
                                o Possibility to press [D] and the
                                highlighted dir is downloaded
                                o NO maintenance if added as event
                                o All screens configurable
                                o All colors may be freely defined
                                o Professional layout
ndmoney4.zip   21533 08-05-2024 NICE DAY MONEY MANAGER [PPE] v4.00
                                This PPE accepts credit cards to upgrade user
                                levels. It is the only and original PPE that
                                uses the PCB Accounting Features of PCBoard.
                                Immediate upgrade possible. Another high-
                                quality release. All screens and colors can
                                be freely modified. Compiled with PPLC 3.10.
                                Needs PCB 15.21 to run. 0$ Shareware.
ndnuse20.zip    5020 08-05-2024 NICE DAY NEW USER FILE & MSG V2.0 * FREEWARE 
                                Send files (intros, rules) to new users
                                automatically. Gives you also the possibility
                                send them a welcome message (PCB macros
                                (Needs PCB 15.22 or better)
ndquot11.zip  244456 08-05-2024 NICE DAY QUOTE OF THE DAY V1.10 [PPE] *
                                FREEWARE * This PPE displays a Quote Of The
                                Day. It may be inserted in the WELCOME screen
                                or as a [G]ood Bye command replacement.
                                (Needs PCB 15.22 or better)
ndread40.zip    6770 08-05-2024 NICE DAY EASY READER V4.00 [PPE]
                                A must-have for every PCB sysop!      
                                This PPE is a fully cursor-driven 
                                replacement for the 'R' command.   
                                Your users will like this one!     
                                Installation in 30 seconds.
                                 Now with 100 % language support
                                 Send me your language files.
                                       Free registration
ndread62.zip   27874 08-05-2024  NICE DAY EASY READER V6.2 [PPE]
                                A must-have for every PCB sysop!      
                                This PPE is a fully cursor-driven 
                                replacement for the 'R' command.   
                                 NEW: WITH PCB-LAYOUT
                                 NEW: NO 'Reg' to:' TEXT
                                 Send me your language files.
ndread81.zip   23823 08-05-2024 NICE DAY EASY READER V8.1 [PPE] *
                                [FREEWARE] The original PPE to replace
                                PCB's 'R'ead command with a cursor-
                                driven menu. It has a professional
                                look and is fully configurable. This
                                PPE has been copied many times but the
                                original has never been reached.
                                (Needs PCB 15.22 or better)
ndtext20.zip   11638 08-05-2024 NICE DAY TEXTER V2.00 [PPE] * FREEWARE *
                                A new way to display any kind of information.
                                Use cursor keys to move up/down the text.
                                Can be used in NEWS files, bulletins and
                                even in menues. Total flexibility.
neon.zip        1863 08-05-2024 : A cool screen for the registered
                                version of NitroChat!  
net0695.zip     4526 08-05-2024    UPDATED MONTHLY 
                                JOFFETECH Presents:
                                The Net - June 1995
                                This File  Contains
                                Many, Many Internet
                                Addresses. FREEWARE
netinf11.zip   23261 08-05-2024 NetInfo v. 1.01 PPE for PCBoard 15.22
                                Stores individual lists of addresses
                                & descriptions for FTP, WWW, IRC,
                                TelNet, and E-Mail sites. Entries can
                                be added by users. List & search for sites.
                                Downloadable lists. Fully litebar/hotkey.
                                Multi-Tasker (WARP) friendly. External
                                menus & no advertisements in the code.
                                Downloading lists fixed!
netme100.zip   10944 08-05-2024 NETM-E v1.00 - Initial release, for PCBoard
                                15.21 only! works with PCBoard Fido. [PPE]
                                program to replace the (E) Message commands
                                in your FidoNet netmail conference. simplify
                                user input for both Fidonet netmail and into
                                Internet via Fidonet UUCP gateway.
                                Shareware. not crippled ** Oriental Royal **
netscape.reg     152 08-05-2024 
net_cmds.zip   20482 08-05-2024 ----------------------------------------:
                                : NET-CMDS.PPE: By Daryl Stogner        :
                                : This PPE is a menu that let's you     :
                                : select an on-screen view of the cmds  :
                                : for AREAFIX/NETMAIL Msgs/Internet     :
                                : EMAIL. And a view of the cmds to use  :
                                : for an AREAFIX/SQAEM Msg in PCBFIDO.  :
                                : Released as FREEWARE! 1-17-95         :
newac10.zip     6003 08-05-2024 
                                New Account  v1.00  :  DynaSOFT
                                This PPE enhances the (C)ontinue
                                as a new user or (R)e-enter your
                                logon name.  Beautiful!  Free
newask.zip      2806 08-05-2024 
newbie.zip      3257 08-05-2024 Newbie is a simple program for 
                                PCBoard that will send a text file
                                to anyone with a security level of 
                                10 or less. This is usually what 
                                a new user is set at.
                                Best reason to use this, it's
                                FREE!  NO Registration!!!
newcount.zip    3235 08-05-2024 Newcount PPE v1.0B From WizWare Software
                                This PPE will count the number of files
                                that are dated the current date from the
                                DIR file.  This means you can show your
                                users how many uploads for the day 
                                INCLUDING your local uploads!
                                Another 1st from The Wizard's BBS
newe.zip        3660 08-05-2024 PPE replacement for the [E] Command.
                                Displays a file to the caller and
                                allows them to abort their message
                                if they are not in the correct message
                                base area, etc.  Supports stacked names
                                in conjunction with the command.  FREE
newfiles.zip    3269 08-05-2024 NEWFILES.ZIP     2257  09-01-93  Newfiles.ppe
                                - allows users to do a new files
                                                               | scan, make a
                                list of the new files, zip them
                                                               | up and mark
                                the list for download. If the
                                                               | user wants to
                                download the files, the ppe
                                                               | will flag the
                                files for download.                           
                                                              | flag the files
                                and then can be downloaded.
newflag3.zip   20831 08-05-2024 @X00NEW FLAG2 PPE - a Modification of FLAG
                                by David Terry.  This PPE replaces FLAG.PPE
                                in your FLAG directory and keeps track of
                                files downloaded by each user, then, when
                                they display the directory listing, it prints
                                a "@X8E@@X07" (Blinking Yellow @) by the
                                files they have already downloaded..  That
                                way, they won't download a file twice that
                                they don't want to.  MAJOR BUG FIX!!!
newflg51.zip   14625 08-05-2024 NEWFLAG.PPE Version 5.1
                                Bug FIX!  Now supports 100 files rather then
                                Completely re-done, enhanced file flag PPE.
                                LIGHTBAR File Flagging system. Keeps track of
                                the last 100 downloads and shows users what
                                files they have already downloaded by
                                highlighting the file on the File listing.
news13.zip      4920 08-05-2024 NEWS.PPE, Ver. 1.3, by Galahad 
                                Software. A PCBoard 15.2+ PPE that
                                allows multiple news files to be 
                                displayed, and replaces the internal
                                NEWS command.  Now supports RIP 
newscan2.zip    3878 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                     ĿĿ  ĿĿĿĿ v2.0  
                                         Ŀ  Ĵ        
                                Will ask your callers if they would
                                like to see a list of the new files
                                added to the system since there    
                                last file scan. (If there are any) 
                                As soon as they logon.             
                                        (C)1994 Bill Masuka        
newus101.zip    2789 08-05-2024 [PPE] PCBNewUsr By DynaSOFT [PPE]Ŀ
                                 This wonderful PPE from DynaSOFT enhances 
                                 PCBoard's "(C) continue logon as new user 
                                  (R) re-enter your name" prompt.  Nicely  
                                   designed output to help users create    
                                  create their own accounts on your BBS!   
                                      Asks them a [Y] / [N] question.      
                                 Version 1.01 - FREEWARE 
ne_2dhokut.zip    5617 08-05-2024 Trainer [+6] for KA-50 HOKUM
ne_ws3.zip     23999 08-05-2024 NEWS.PPE and EDITOR.PPE
                                         NEW V x.x
                                This is a update to the NEWS.PPE &
                                EDITOR.PPE.  New updates are, Displays
                                on the fly, Date is entered on the fly,
                                Also a updated color changer. Do it
                                all while online, no more needs for
                                the old text editors.  Try it out and
                                you will never go back to your old
                                way of showing your NEWS!
nfs1cube.zip    6946 08-05-2024  New^Files^Scan R1  [PPE] ͻ  
                                 this newfilesscanppe features today   
                                 yesterday weekly date -xdays mm/dd/yy   
                                 sincecall scanning. full command line   
                                 support, cool design. max 999 randomly   
                                 selected config files fully adjustable   
                                                [O5/17/95] ͼ  
ninfo100.zip   23363 08-05-2024 NetInfo v. 1.00 PPE for PCBoard 15.22
                                Stores individual lists of addresses
                                & descriptions for FTP, WWW, IRC,
                                TelNet, and E-Mail sites. Entries can
                                be added by users. List & search for sites.
                                Downloadable lists. Fully litebar/hotkey.
                                Multi-Tasker (WARP) friendly. External
                                menus & no advertisements in the code.
                                Shareware unregistered delay.
nitro1.zip     27650 08-05-2024 NitroChat! v1.0: A cool split screen chat
                                PPE. Features word wrap-around and a VIP
                                list. Now, you may be wondering, what makes
                                NitroChat! so different? Well, if the guy
                                you're chatting with starts to get on your
                                nerves, or if you feel just a tad bit
                                mischievous, you can toss bombs on him and
                                blow up his text! Registered version lets
                                you add your own custom screens and gives
                                you five different types of explosives to
                                terrorize your friends with. It's a blast!
njltqp10.zip   10943 08-05-2024 NEW JERSEY LOTTO QUIK PIK v1.0 for PCBoard
                                versions 15.x.  This is a PPE program that
                                will allow your users to generate Quik Pik
                                numbers for play in the New Jersey Lottery.
                                Includes the Pick3, Pick4, Pick5 and Pick6
                                games.  Shareware from Hogard Software
                                Solutions BBS at (214) 641-6292.
njoin103.zip    9369 08-05-2024 NJOIN v1.03 - This ppe will allow your
                                users to select which NETWORK to view
                                and then what conference to join from
                                within that network. A MUST for PCBoards
                                that carry more than 1 network.
                                From Computer Profiles!
nkpage12.zip   16507 08-05-2024            NAPALM ULTIMATE
                                 Page PPE v1.2, BEST EVER! - By John Rambo
                                 Silent mode          Emergency Page w/pwd
                                 Allows Comment       Uses Ext. OR Int Chat
                                 Supports Fake Chats  99% Configurable!
                                 Supports 3 .ANS or .PCB screens
                                [:) Made in Portugal (:]
                                [ RKLS$ LiF BBS:P0RTGA'$ C02T! ]
nk_2drmr20.zip   20405 08-05-2024            NAPALM ULTIMATE
                                 Rumours PPE v2.0 by John Rambo
                                 New:   Write Callers Log
                                         Rumours Anonymous or not
                                         Command Line Paramenterz
                                         Optimized Code
                                         100% Configurable
                                [:) Made in Portugal (:]
                                [ RKLS$ LiF BBS:P0RTGA'$ C02T! ]
nk_rmr20.zip    9441 08-05-2024  Rumours PPE v2.0 by John Rambo
                                         Rumours Anonymous or not
                                         Command Line Paramenterz
                                         Optimized Code
                                         100% Configurable
nlstvt11.zip    3733 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                               NeW LiST V1.1               
                                 PPE for PCB written by Thomas De Quincy.  
                                 This PPE will scan your filelists and     
                                 create a ZIP-file with all the new files  
                                 from a certain date and download the file.
                                 Extremely fast and easy to setup. A must  
                                 for every PCBoard system. NOT CRIPPLED!!! 
nodesc16.zip   14925 08-05-2024 NodeScan v1.6 - PCBoard 15.2+ [PPE]
                                The most powerful WHO replacement
                                ever made for PCBoard! Now it
                                supports up to 100 nodes. It comes
                                with tons of nice features incl.:
                                Full coloursetup,Broadcast function
                                Enable/Disable Broadcast by default
                                or security,recipiant security match
                                for broadcast messages,multilanguage
                                compatible,fully configurable,Amazing
                                animated Display. This version is
                                *FREEWARE* by EuroStar BBS Kiel.
nohand11.zip    3627 08-05-2024 [PPE] No Handle v1.1 -- If you want to
                                disable the ability for your users to select
                                a handle when entering node chat, then you
                                want to install this PPE on your system.
                                Includes source code (even though there is
                                not much to it).
nokill.zip      3836 08-05-2024 NoKill [PPE] PCBoard PCBtext Replacement to
                                Warn Users that try to use other Commands
                                from the main board prompt that lack security
                                level to do so.
notice.zip      4065 08-05-2024 NOTICE.ZIP - PCB v15.21+ PPE that
                                notifies a Sysop in a COMMENT TO
                                SYSOP that a new caller has joined
                                your BBS.  Freeware! From: BSO's
                                PPE's & Programmer's BBS.
notice10.zip    7320 08-05-2024 ******NOTICE.PPE 1.0****************
                                Sends a message to a user
                                or group of users notifying
                                them when a new user has
                                logged on so they can welcome
                                Author: Herbert Bushong
                                PCBoard 15.21+
ns_2done10.zip   21184 08-05-2024          -=oNeLiNeR 1.0=-    [PPE]
                                      Da oNeLiNeR FoR PcB 15.2      
                                   CoNFiGuRaBLe CoLoRZ, MaKe LoG,   
                                 LiGHTBaR, ToP WRiTeR aND MuCH MoRe 
ns_fix.zip       960 08-05-2024 
nuflag12.zip   16582 08-05-2024 @X0E[PPE]   @X0FMajor Upgrade to FLAG.PPE!
                                @X0C(BUG fix for Xmodem/CRC & CAPSLOCK)
                                controls NON-batch protocol users, and users
                                that have NO default protocol selected.
                                (Major shortcoming of original FLAG.PPE
                                was that batch mode protocol by user was
                                assummed!). If non-batch protocol in use,
                                flagged file will be offered for downloading
                                immediately or (C)ancel, (H)elp. If default
                                protocol ="N", then user is forced to select
                                a protocol by PPE before flagging is allowed!
number11.zip    5799 08-05-2024 Numbers 1.1 for PCBoard PPE App that will
                                generate an upto date listing of both data
                                and voice phone numbers into a format that
                                is suitable for use with CallMeBk PPE Call
                                Back Verifier. This program generates a new
                                VERIFIED.DAT file that will contain each
                                users voice and data number to help thwart
                                attempts at gaining duplicate accounts on
                                your system. Complete source code included.
                                FREEWARE from Shuttle Software.
numess1.zip     5008 08-05-2024 NUMess v1.0 numess.ppe for PCBoard v15.0+
                                Posts a message to the sysop when a new user
                                has logged on (AFTER logon if correctly
                                installed) and LEAVES NO TRASHFILE.  No nags,
                                no advertisement, shareware.
                                Atlantis Software 706-776-9276 28.8 BBS
nup10.zip      10417 08-05-2024 
                                 NUP.PPE replaces PCBTEXT record 54 with  
                                 a New User Password. Protect your BBS    
                                 from worthless lamers! Completely        
                                 configurable and cool ansi's! Includes   
                                 source.  Support BBS: Th N-NM S    
                                     (703)323-6838      [ANTi-X WHQ]      
                                    FREE!, The way PPE's should be!     
nuscan5.zip     4174 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                 FREE!      NEWSCAN 5.0a     FREE! 
                                Will ask your callers if they would
                                like to see a list of the new files
                                added to the system since there    
                                last file scan. (If there are any) 
                                As soon as they logon.             
                                         NOW  -  FREEWARE!         
                                        (C)1994 Bill Masuka        
nuscan8.zip    16887 08-05-2024 ķ
                                  NuScan 8.01  
                                  [PPE program for PCBoard 15.21+]  
                                 This program will let your callers 
                                 know at login when NEW files have  
                                 been uploaded to your system & will
                                 then give them the opportunity to  
                                 view and or download them.         
                                  The one and only orginal NuScan!  
                                           Major Upgrade!           
                                 Copyright (c)1995 Equinox Software 
nusrppe.zip     7223 08-05-2024 ͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ
                                New User Welcome Message PPE.
                                From the NicksWare Collection by 
                                Nicholas Schiano. This PPE will send 
                                a message to all new users after 
                                they complete their account 
                                Shareware $5.00 to register!
nuv13.zip       3934 08-05-2024 NUV v1.3 - New User Verification PCBoard
                                .PPE. A simple but effective way to toss
                                obvious idiot new users off your system. Free
                                w/source! From The Lost Carrier BBS (914)
                                964-0419 USR V.Everything.
nu_2d601.zip    8735 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                            NUSCAN 6.01           
                                 NUSCAN  -  PCBoard PPE  -  FREEWARE!
                                 Will ask your callers if they would
                                 like to see a list of all the new
                                 files uploaded to your system since
                                 there last file scan.
                                 There are a lot of bad imitations
                                 out there but, this is the original!
                                        (C)1995 Bill Masuka
nu_2d620.zip   10717 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                             NUSCAN 6.20           
                                 NUSCAN  -  PCBoard PPE  -  FREEWARE!
                                 Will ask your callers if they would 
                                 like to see a list of all the new   
                                 files uploaded to your system since 
                                 there last file scan.               
                                 There are a lot of bad imitations   
                                 out there but, this is the original!
                                        (C)1995 Bill Masuka          
nu_2d716.zip   11005 08-05-2024 
                                   NuScan 7.16  
                                      [PPE program for PCBoard]      
                                 This program will let your callers  
                                 know at login when NEW files have   
                                 been uploaded to your system & will 
                                 then give them the opportunity to   
                                 view and or download them.          
                                 Copyright (c)1995 Equinox Software  
nu_620.zip     10717 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                             NUSCAN 6.20           
                                 NUSCAN  -  PCBoard PPE  -  FREEWARE!
                                 Will ask your callers if they would 
                                 like to see a list of all the new   
                                 files uploaded to your system since 
                                 there last file scan.               
                                 There are a lot of bad imitations   
                                 out there but, this is the original!
                                        (C)1995 Bill Masuka          
nwfile10.zip    4933 08-05-2024 Ϳ
                                    RANDALL NEW FILE PROMPT    
                                 A PcBoard  PPE  that asks the 
                                 Caller  if they would like to 
                                 view  the newest  files since 
                                 last log-on,  and what  areas 
                                 they would like to view.  The 
                                 SysOp can change the colors & 
                                 the commands... Plus, it is a 
                                       FREE REGISTRATION!      
nwread2.zip     8225 08-05-2024     The Hidden Illusion
                                       Coders Team 95
                                  NEWS READER PPE v2.095 
                                      PullDown News PPE
                                @X04 @X0FLeechedFrom:ROD BBS @X04
nwreader.zip   24555 08-05-2024 Ŀ  The Hidden Illusion                  
                                  Ĵ    Coders Team 95                     
                                  NEWS READER PPE v1.095                    
                                     PullDown News PPE                        
                                @X04 @X0FLeechedFrom:ROD BBS @X04
nwsf130.zip    18821 08-05-2024 ***********NEWSFLASH 1.3**************
                                NewsFlash is a PPE to enhance your
                                NEWS display file, letting you display
                                news entries for a specific number of
                                days. Simple to set-up and highly
                                Includes Maintenance functions,
                                file and color configurability, and
                                simple Editor PPE to add entries
                                FREE REGISTRATION
                                Author: Herbert Bushong
                                Compiled with PPLC 3.2/req. PCB 15.22+
nyltqp10.zip   11063 08-05-2024 NEW YORK LOTTO QUIK PIK v1.0 for PCBoard
                                versions 15.x.  This is a PPE program that
                                will allow your users to generate Quik Pik
                                numbers for play in the New York Lottery.
                                Includes the Pick3, Pick4, Pick5 and Pick6
                                games.  Shareware from Hogard Software
                                Solutions BBS at (214) 641-6292.
n_watch.zip     9279 08-05-2024 NodeWatch v1.01 PPE
o2_6.zip        8191 08-05-2024 This is a replacement chat PPE for pcboard
                                15.1 and above systems. It has 3 paging time
                                per day, a list of people who can always
                                page, people who can never page, asks reason
                                for page and checks against reasons not too
                                allow paging. Horizontal and Vertical split
                                modes. Registration only $15 (future
                                upgrades included free in reg.) SUpport
                                board is: I.S.O.Q. BBS (718) 268-5025
occps45.zip    21194 08-05-2024 ONLINE CREDIT CARD PROCESSING SYSTEM v4.5
                                OCCPS is a PPE program to allow online
                                registration processing via credit cards,
                                order products online, or optionally to
                                download a REGISTER.ZIP file for mail-in
                                registrations. Writes CHARGE.LOG file with
                                all the information needed to verify and
                                process credit card transactions.  Specify
                                your own security levels, term of sub-
                                scription, and which credit cards you accept.
                                Compabible with Canadian registrations.
                                ALLOWS FOR ORDERING PRODUCTS ALSO!!
                                Shareware from Hogard Software Solutions.
ofile17.zip    86791 08-05-2024              Online Filemanager
                                             PPE for PCB 15.22
                                 THIS IS THE FIRST TRUE ONLINE FILEMANAGER
                                       (c) Slob-Trot Software 1996        
                                Now you don't have to let your Cosys out  
                                to your dos anymore. All filehandling can 
                                be done on-line with this amazing PPE.    
                                - Edit file descriptions                  
                                - Move/Copy/Delete files & descriptions   
                                - Zippy Dir scan for easy location of text
                                - Logfile that displays who did what when 
                                - YOU JUST HAVE TO TRY THIS ONE OUT!      
                                 v 1.7 
ofp10.zip      89652 08-05-2024 Online Funds Processor 1.0 - PPE for PCB 15.2
                                The Online Funds Processor (OFP) is a trans-
                                action processor that is designed to be used 
                                by PCBoard 15.2 SysOps to collect transaction
                                information from users. This program was 
                                written specifically for use with the service
                                offered by Dragon Business Services, Inc. OFP
                                will handle credit card transactions as well
                                as checking and savings account transactions.
of_2dage.zip    4256 08-05-2024 
of_2dtop15.zip    2819 08-05-2024 Over Flow Top U/L D/L Version 1.5
oldb.zip       14074 08-05-2024     OLDB.PPE  - On-Line DataBase version
                                   1.0 - Written using version 2.00
                                   of  the  PCBOARD  PPL  language.
                                   Either a  single  data  base  or
                                   multiple  data bases.  Each with
                                   it's own record  headings.  Each
                                   data   base  can  have  aspecial
                                   instruction screens. 
onearm15.zip   17184 08-05-2024 * One Armed Bandit * v1.5 * PCBoard .PPE game
                                that simulates the playing of a slot machine.
                                No maintenance required. No configuration
                                files required. Quick & easy install via
                                CMD.LST and/or DOORS.LST. Shareware $10.
                                Free lifetime BBS support! Compiled 11/22/94.
oneline1.zip    3838 08-05-2024 OneLiner.PPE v 1.0 by Windmill Computer
                                Services. A PCBoard add-on to display
                                one line advertisments (or teasers). Can
                                work in conjunction with our ADBOARD.PPE
                                to present your callers a full-featured
                                advertising system ala Prodigy. Fully
                                functional, FREEWARE. Runs under PCBoard
                                v 15.1 or higher.
onelnr10.zip    8367 08-05-2024 ͵ OneLiner V1.0 -- 
                                 PCBoard 15.0 & 15.1 OneLiner PPE.
                                 This OneLiner allows you to have
                                 Oneliners like no other oneliner.
                                | Allows for the most colorfull
                                 oneliners and STILL have up to 79
                                 characters available for text.
                                  Full logging, easy to install.
                                  Freeware, not crippled.
openwid2.zip    6584 08-05-2024 @X1EĿ@X07
                                @X1EOPENWIDE.PPE 4 PCBOARD 15.1@X07
                                @X1EA beautifully designed PPE @X07
                                @X1Eto replace your OPEN cmd.  @X07
                                @X1EANSI support, cursor key,  @X07
                                @X1Eand menu bar support for up@X07
                                @X1Eto 26 doors & ppe's. Sinch @X07
                                @X1Eto install and a *MUST SEE*@X07
openwide.zip    4810 08-05-2024 @X1EĿ@X07
                                @X1EOPENWIDE.PPE 4 PCBOARD 15.1@X07
                                @X1EA beautifully designed PPE @X07
                                @X1Eto replace your OPEN cmd.  @X07
                                @X1EANSI support, cursor key,  @X07
                                @X1Eand menu bar support for up@X07
                                @X1Eto 26 doors & ppe's. Sinch @X07
                                @X1Eto install and a *MUST SEE*@X07
ordi_ppe.zip    4306 08-05-2024  C O M P U N E T   B B S ķ
                                 ORDI.PPE pour PCB 15.21 ou plus           
                                 Permet aux utilisateurs du BBS de faire   
                                 un choix simple lors de la question :     
                                 Quel ordinateur avez-vous ?               
                                 Et la rponse est un chiffre entre 1 et   
                                 12 qui est transcrite en texte dans leur  
                                 fiche utilisateur.                        
                                 Ce PPE va aussi pour les NewUsers.        
                                 Il faut simplement mettre dans PCBTEXT en 
                                 ligne 2 : !c:\pcb\ppl\ordi.ppe_           
                                          Ce PPE est FREEWARE !!!          
                                 @X0ACRC integrity archive   : @X0FPASSED@X03
                                 @X0AF-Prot 2.20 scan result : @X0FPASSED@X03
organ102.zip   42898 08-05-2024   PCBoard Organizer v1.02 for PCBoard 15.2
                                ޳ ORGANIZE.PPE: This program allow your  
                                ޳ users to browse the Calendar, or search 
                                ޳ any Date. They can place notes on the  
                                ޳ Notebook, store Address's and Birthday 
                                ޳ on the Address Book. Also have a small 
                                ޳ Calculator. The Notes and Birthday's   
                                ޳ can be seen on the NEWS, if they match 
                                ޳ the current date. Made in PPLC 3.0     
                                ޳ -------------------------------------- 
                                ޳ MSmac Software ## 351-61-314336 [28.8] 
organ103.zip   46934 08-05-2024   PCBoard Organizer v1.03 for PCBoard 15.2
                                ޳ ORGANIZE.PPE: This program allow your  
                                ޳ users to browse the Calendar, or search 
                                ޳ any Date. They can place notes on the  
                                ޳ Notebook, store Address's and Birthday 
                                ޳ on the Address Book. Also have a small 
                                ޳ Calculator. The Notes and Birthday's   
                                ޳ can be seen on the NEWS, if they match 
                                ޳ the current date. Made in PPLC 3.0     
                                ޳ -------------------------------------- 
                                ޳ MSmac Software ## 351-61-314336 [28.8] 
organ104.zip   48754 08-05-2024  PCBoard Organizer v1.04 for PCB 15.2 
                                ޳ ORGANIZE.PPE: This program allow your  
                                ޳ users to browse the Calendar, or search
                                ޳ any Date. They can place notes on the  
                                ޳ Notebook, store Address's and Birthday 
                                ޳ on the Address Book. Also have a small 
                                ޳ Calculator. The Notes and Birthday's   
                                ޳ can be seen on the NEWS, if they match 
                                ޳ the current date. Made in PPLC 3.0     
                                ޳ - 
                                ޳ MSmac Software ## 351-61-314336 [28.8] 
ovl_2dftr.zip    4671 08-05-2024 AMi/X F00TeR! v.1.0 for PCBoard 15.2+
ovl_2dlmr.zip    5117 08-05-2024 AMi/X LAMeRS! PPE for PCBoard 15.2+
                                Great PPE to show who the Lamers
                                are on the BBS.
ovl_2dmpmt.zip    7058 08-05-2024   AMi/X MeSSAGe PR0MPTS! v.1.0
                                Great prompts for PCBoard to make
                                writing a messy more like AMi/X
ovl_2dpage.zip    5515 08-05-2024 AMi/X PAGe! PPE for PCBoard 15.2+
ovl_2dpmt.zip    4236 08-05-2024 AMi/X PR0MPT! PPE for PCBoard 15.2+
ovl_2dsrch.zip    1955 08-05-2024 OverKill Ami/X Zippy Scan Completly Like
                                The Ami Express Version One (Ami/X Clr!)
ovl_ftr.zip     4671 08-05-2024 AMi/X F00TeR! v.1.0 for PCBoard 15.2+

                Area 81 - PCBoard PPEs G-I                

145menu3.zip   18133 08-05-2024 Revision 3 of the famous extended prompt and
                                text file replacements for PCBoard 14.5.
                                Customize your PCBoard prompt to help your
                                callers better understand how to use your BBS
                                Includes several prompt files both
                                (novice) and expert, along with several text
                                files that complement the prompt files.
                                Complete instructions are included to help
                                you install them in your PCBTEXT file.
                                From The Unregistered BBS! (805) 298-7022
1st_pcb.zip    38030 08-05-2024 Offline help for PCBoard and 1stReader 1.10.
                                Now you can access the complete PCBoard
                                Guide from Clark Development Company while
                                connected to a PCBoard system using 1stReader
                                Simple, easy and very complete. From Sparkware
                                Registration still only $25.00 for 1stReader.
                                And now TOLL-FREE electronic ordering from
                                The United States and Canada!!!!
286fre26.zip   74424 08-05-2024 PCBFRE v2.6 .EXEs compiled for 286+ CPUs.
2act30.zip    152671 08-05-2024 Second Account ver.3.0 - the SAFEST, fastest
                                method to allow PCB 14+ Sysops alias use,
                                second Users files, unlimited conference
                                access control of Users, invisible
                                conferences, etc! Run more than 1 BBS from a
                                single phone line as a sub-board too.
                                DV, LAN, Pro-Door, non-std IRQ supported!
                                Now, fast non-alias sub-board support
abn_2dsdlf.zip  245777 08-05-2024 US Robotics V34+ Update for *ANY* DS Model!
                                     *   A - B - A - N - D - O - N   *
acnfn28.zip    82145 08-05-2024 Automated Network/Conference Listing   v2.8.
                                **  From Sunrise Door/Utility Software   **
                                Create a conference listing automatically
                                based on the CNAMES file, by Network. Make
                                a conference change or add a whole network
                                and this utility will generate the listing.
                                Colors and verbage are configurable; 99,999
                                conferences. For PCBoard 14.5/15.x only. 
                                WILL NOW DISPLAY LONG CONFERENCE NAME!!!!!
acronym.zip     4898 08-05-2024 ACRONYMS bulletin in @X colour
                                A list of over 70 acronyms used on email/
                                echoes to the eternal confusion of many
                                newcomers   Has many you probably haven't
                                seen before like my favourite ... PLOKTA
                                Designed to be added to your bulletins.
                                Also has emoticons list :)
actp233.zip    95413 08-05-2024 
actvp233.zip   96574 08-05-2024 
addpcb20.zip   33603 08-05-2024 ADDPCB Ver. 2.0 -  For PCBoard Sysops...
                                Aids the PCBoard Sysop by importing files and
                                their descriptions to the BBS automatically.
                                Optionally test the files using your favorite
                                upload tester.  Can be used in the nightly
                                event or after a download session.  Full user
                                interface.  Many New Features:  FILE_ID.DIZ
                                support, Description Modification Options,
                                Duplicate file/desc. checking, and more!
adlg225.zip   130143 08-05-2024 AdLogo v2.25 Great for Multi-Node/CD-Changer
                                Sys! Move files from CD to HD &/or from File
                                SRV to LCL Node for faster trans & reduce
                                Network traffic Insert BBS LOGO into .ZIP,
                                .ARJ, & .GIF files (Yes we said GIF) located
                                on CDROM or Hard Drive!! Gains of 1-20megs of
                                HD space! Replace old BBS LOGOs automatically
                                Fully Comp under Networking and Multi-tasking
                                envir Full support of NS16550 Supports baud
                                rates upto 115,000 PCBoard v14.x or higher
aenuz1.zip     41003 08-05-2024 *İ Menus for PCBoard ۲*
                                20 Main Menus for PCBoard & 24 Welcome or
                                logon screens.  Take a look at these and I
                                think you will enjoy and learn for them.
                                Thanks Clark Developement for the bbs
                                software around.
aicnf111.zip   81335 08-05-2024 
apdz20.zip     58369 08-05-2024 Apply-Diz v2.0  Did you ever wish there was
                                an easy way to insert your PCBoard directory
                                descriptions into the archives as a
                                FILE_ID.DIZ description file?  Well, look no
                                further!  Apply-Diz is the utility that will
                                make your file system complete, and best of
                                all, it will enhance the service you provide
                                to subscribers who download files from your
                                BBS.  BUG FIX!  No more share violations!
                                *** SHAREWARE ***           Compiled 10/26/92
arcid100.zip   20025 08-05-2024 Archive Identifier 1.00 - A drop-in
                                replacement for PCBoard's TESTFILE.EXE,
                                capable of automatically identifying ARC ARJ
                                HYP LZH PAK ZIP ZOO GIF files by SIGNATURE,
                                not extension, including self-extracting
                                archives! Other files can be filtered based
                                on file extensions. For use in customized
                                PCBTEST.BAT and similar upload testing
arenawel.zip   84926 08-05-2024 
autodesc.zip   26251 08-05-2024 
awall20.zip   140566 08-05-2024 Alley-Wall 2.0 is a graffiti\bulletin
                                door for PCBoard 14.x and compat systems.
                                Alley-Wall features user selectable colors,
                                post name w/ bulletin, etc. Great features
                                include easy to use setup program.  ANSI\
                                ASCII bulletin support, SYSOP commands,
                                place bulletins at beginning or end of
                                Wall, & Maximum number of entries. ($13)
award105.zip   42086 08-05-2024 Award Door - 1.05                           
                                Simple little door to run as a PCB login door
                                that will display a file to every Nth caller.
                                Simple to set up and use.  FREEWARE !!
                                Increased maximum value of "Nth" entry.
badusr10.zip   26734 08-05-2024 PCBoard login door to allow a sysop to
                                display a message (file) to ANY (or all)
                                users desired when they log in to your BBS.
                                Solves the problem of users not being able
                                to read their personal mail!
                                Can also be used as a make-shift adopt a
                                door program!               FREEWARE 
bbsdb100.zip   62689 08-05-2024 
bbsext19.zip   40063 08-05-2024 V.Buerg's BBS Sysop's Utility Bbsextra V1.9.
                                Determines And Lists Missing, Extra, And
                                Duplicate Downloadable Files by Comparing
                                Dirnn Lists to The Contents of Specified
                                Download Path. 9/01/91. V1.9 is Faster And
                                Supports Listings of up to 32,000
                                Downloadable Files.
bbsfind1.zip   64871 08-05-2024 BBSFIND, The file finder PCBoard forgot to
                                include!.  Now Sysops can find duplicate
                                files with ANY extention during the file
                                upload checking routine under PCBoard.
                                Prevents same file existing under different
                                archive formats.  Returns Standardized DOS
                                errorlevel 1/0  for file found / not found.
                                Shareware files WHEREIS 4.0 and WHATEXT are
                                also included for compatibility only.
                                FREEWARE!  From Dave Wilga
blist194.zip   79617 08-05-2024 The BBSList Door V1.94 By Joseph Sheppard for
                                PCBoard 14.5a. This door allows callers to
                                create a BBSList that can be Viewed, Scanned
                                by Keyword or Downloaded.  This update is
                                compatible with systems running multiport
                                boards, FOSSIL drivers and other non-standard
                                COM ports.  Shareware $20.00.
blistr13.zip   18420 08-05-2024 Blister 1.3 -- Naichsoft 1995
                                BBS listing door for use with any BBS that
                                uses DOOR.SYS or DORINFOx.DEF drop files.
bltmnu15.zip   26325 08-05-2024 BLTMNU is a program that will create your
                                PCBoard BLT files for you by reading your 
                                BLT.LST.  It allows the inclusion of PCBoard
                                14.5 color macros as well as the @systime@
                                and @sysdate@ macros.
cal14s24.zip   65585 08-05-2024 PCB14.5a Caller Statistics Utility V1.4. Last
                                revision date in archive: 10-29-1992.
calguide.zip   50025 08-05-2024 
callerup.zip   22579 08-05-2024 
callst12.zip   55434 08-05-2024 CALLSTAT 1.2,   PCBoard/ProDoor caller log
                                analyzer.  Produces a bulletin which shows
                                the  average  hourly  usage  of  your BBS.
                                With an  option for  showing  availability
                                by node.   Has an  option for  creating  a
                                bulletin showing system usage/availability
                                and uses PCB color codes with customizable
                                colors.  $10 Shareware.
call_33.zip    50133 08-05-2024 CALLERS V3.3 Maintance Release.
                                A PCBoard Recent Callers Bulletin
                                Generator. CALLERS Uses PCBoards
                                @X0 Color Codes to Add Ansi Color
                                to the Bulletin. Logs Date, Time,
                                Callers Name, Location, Baud Rate,
                                and Node#. Read DOCs and HISTORY
                                File For Upgrade Information.
call_in.zip    35939 08-05-2024 This Device will allow you to REMOTELY 
                                turn your computer ON/OFF via a phone 
                                call !  Excellent for BBS Sysops and on
                                the road travellers.  Complete ordering
                                info, GIF Picture of unit and description
                                is in this file.  Outstanding and
                                inexpensive way to remotely reboot your
                                computer when your away from the
                                BIG RED BUTTON !                              
camsudr3.zip   36564 08-05-2024 Cams Upload/Download Ratio program. Very
                                FAST!!  If you run a contributing board and
                                want to get your users to upload more or
                                get more contributions, then this is the
                                program for you.  This version will leave
                                a message to the user.  Be sure to d/l
                                Robert Vostreys TXT2MSG.EXE program.
cams_uds.zip   28104 08-05-2024 
cam_2dm145.zip  491104 08-05-2024 Cam-Mail v1.45 Multi-Lingual, Multi-Node.
                                The best ShareWare QWK/REP Door for PCBoard
                                15.x  Supports Duplicate CRC checking,
                                File Attachments in QWK/REP packets, Echoing
                                Mail Between BBS's, Internal Protocols,
                                Updating of Mail Waiting Flags,command line
                                stacking in the Door and via PCBoard,Forcing
                                of Scanning Conferences and NetWorks Config.
                                Supports non standard comports and /M of PCB
                                (Includes FOSSIL/OS2 support).Truly the BEST
cam_u136.zip  303981 08-05-2024 Cam-Mail v1.36 for PCBoard 15.0.  This is an
                                UPDATE.  For PCBoard 15.0 Sysops ONLY who
                                are currently running PCBoard 15.0.  Adds
                                support for the new file formats.  Also,
                                fixes a SERIOUS problem with v1.35.  Remove
                                v1.35 if you're running it IMMEDIATELY!
cat2d200.zip   11956 08-05-2024 CAT2DIR v2.0 Make ASCII file of CATDISK.DTA
                                file, and optionally a 0 byte file directory.
                                Useful for PCB BBS to list off-line files
                                were never on-line so are not in any BBS file
                                directory. Can block dup uploads. Freeware
                                from Scott Johnson for the Freeware Hall of
                                Fame BBS.  CATDISK 3.6 or later format.
cbox23.zip     95775 08-05-2024 ChatBox 2.3 - SPLIT SCREEN Sysop\caller chat
                                door. Sysop may start chat - caller may page.
                                Horizontal \ vertical Split-Screen. Seamless.
                                Config page times, sounds  and screen colors.
                                DESQview, fossil, & non-standard com support.
                                NEW: PAGE with "O" command with PCBoard 15.0.
                                >>>  Sysop may initiate a ChatBox chat from
                                >>>  anywhere in PCBoard 15.0 (using a PPE).
                                ---------- A YCS PCBoard Accessory ----------
cdcheck.zip   103427 08-05-2024 CD-Checker; For bulletin board systems with a
                                CD-ROM drive, and several CD's that are
                                rotated. Lets user know what CD is in the
                                drive, and shows rotation schedule too. Also
                                can be placed in batch files to check that
                                the CD wanted is in the drive before letting
                                the user get to the door which works with
                                that CD. Not crippled. By Todd Miller;ver 1.0
                                    A TechWare Productions Release ۲
cdconvrt.zip   39051 08-05-2024 
changpcb.zip   17687 08-05-2024 CHANGE is a program, written for PCBoard,
                                that lets you globally modify any or all of
                                the following files:  PCBOARD.DAT,
                                CNAMES.@@@, CNAMES.ADD, DOORS.LST, BLT.LST,
                                SCRIPT.LST, DIR.LST and DLPATH.LST.
chatm.zip       2129 08-05-2024 A GCTOPIC menu and HLPCMENU for beta version
                                of PCBoard 15.0;  Nothing fancy, but the beta
                                version doesn't seem to come with them, so I
                                made a couple up.  From the Outlands BBS in
                                Ketchikan, Alaska.  (907)247-4733.
chng1_6.zip    41172 08-05-2024 
ckbusy14.zip   10955 08-05-2024 CKBUSY PCBoard 14.X Multinode Utility
                                CKBusy allows you to let your users     
                                know why a node is busy or down when a  
                                user types CHAT or WHO.  Can also be    
                                used in your door batch files to let    
                                users know what door is in use on other 
                                node.  v. 1.4 - Allow clearing a node,  
                                better docs, minor bug fixes. Free!     
ckevent.zip     6813 08-05-2024 
cl14s24b.zip   86644 08-05-2024 CALLS 14S24B Statistic Bulletin generator.
                                This is a modified version of Sam Smith's
                                great program. (Get CAL14S24.ZIP for Docs)
                                It fixes a few problems with features added
                                to PCBoard 14.5a, adds several new features
                                & reports. Skips CALLER files not present in
                                multinode operation & handles larger files.
                                This includes only new CALLS.EXE, CALLS.CNF
                                & CALLS.MOD & 2 more DOCS (documentation on
                                changes made by Gary Meeker)   (03/25/93).
clprnt23.zip   21758 08-05-2024 CL-Print v2.30 Send comments to CALLER.LOG
                                Small 2K program written in assembly allows
                                any text to be sent to log. Several useful
                                /Variables allow current Time & Date stamps
                                and standard PCBoard type entries. Now with
                                Substitute @Variables from PCBOARD.SYS &
                                USERS Files to log data for current user.
                                Improved Error reporting. PCBoard /D & /S
                                versions have limited use of @ variables.
                                FREEWARE from Gary Meeker. W/Assembly Source
cluk.zip       23830 08-05-2024 
cml_inst.zip    6531 08-05-2024 Cam-Mail v1.00 Installation Docs
                                Information on how to FORCE
                                Conference Scanning...
cnflst12.zip   11963 08-05-2024 
cnfusers.zip   17804 08-05-2024 
cntm103.zip   135489 08-05-2024 CountEm Version 1.03 release.  CountEm
                                generates colorized headers, bulletins, and
                                your downloadable filelist using your choice
                                of archivers. Includes easy to use menu -
                                driven configuration program with WYSIWYG
                                color selections for the headers and
                                bulletins.  v1.03 means CountEm is now 
                                **FREEWARE**.  No registration required!!
convpcb.zip    57603 08-05-2024 
cookiesb.zip   54651 08-05-2024 
coppcbck.zip   10618 08-05-2024                    
                                       [ CoDERs oN PoiNT ]
                                Patch PCBOARD and PCBOARDM From Showing 
                                The PCBoard Logon String And Lets You 
                                Patch it With Your Own String. Also 
                                Patches PCB 15.1 Ser # and PCB 15.2's Ser 
                                #.. A  MUST for PCB SySops! GeT it NoW!
                                                   By: tHe eLemEnTaL
copydsc2.zip   21396 08-05-2024 COPYDESC v1.02: copy PCBoard description
                                files, converting short lines to long lines.
                                Intended for offline processing.  Adjustable
                                positioning. Free, w/TC src, by Jim Robeson.
                                Longer descriptions allowed, & minor tweaks.
crcads8.zip     3443 08-05-2024 CRCADS8 contains a collection of BBS ads
                                that can be placed in your ZIPLAB config
                                file and used to delete unwanted BBS ads
                                from your archived files.  Feel free to
                                edit the file CRC.ADS as you see fit.
                                Updated 09/16/1992.
cscls120.zip   46894 08-05-2024 CSCALLS is a simple program that will 
                                generate a PCBoard 14.5a or greater display
                                file shoing the last group of callers to
                                your system. Many options are available to
                                configure the program to your specs.
                                Best of all it's *FREEWARE*!
                                See history file for changes/Fixes.
csdlc204.zip   69853 08-05-2024 CDSLC is a PCBoard 14.5 or greater utility
                                that will read your Download.txt file, count
                                the number of downloads a file has, and 
                                insert that count into your DIRxx file descr.
                                Allows @X## color highlighting, custom 
                                insertion of text, much more.. very fast,
                                and best of all it's *FREEWARE*.
                                See history file inside for changes or fixes.
csp118.zip     76946 08-05-2024 CSProfile is a PCBoard 14.5x utility that 
                                allows your users to get information about
                                a particular file from your download.txt
                                file, like when uploaded/by whom, when was it
                                last downloaded, and how many times. Includes
                                Zippy scan features based on security level
                                and allows gathering of personal xfer data.
                                Displays Synopsis of activity along with 
                                detailed activity. Runs as a seamless Shell.
                                Best of all it's *FREEWARE*!
                                See History file for Changes or Fixes.
csv256.zip    137523 08-05-2024 CSVerify is a Callback Verification Door
                                for PCBoard 14.5 or greater. Many SysOp
                                Options for configuration. Modifies users
                                record upon successful verification with
                                security levels you provide.
                                 Supports Fossil Drivers
                                 PCBoard 15.0 Compatible.
                                 See history file for changes/fixes.
csxtm105.zip   54617 08-05-2024 CSXTime is a small PCBoard 14.5x utility that
                                will allow a caller to determine the amount
                                of time that it would take to transfer a
                                particular file at the current connect speed.
                                The program runs as a seamless shell type
                                door, and is very fast. Best of all it's
                                See History file for changes or bug fixes.
cvtmix12.zip    8927 08-05-2024 
cyb02pdc.zip   55331 08-05-2024 CYBERPDC 2.00112 PCBoard (File) Description
                                compressor. Parses short lines, blank space
                                in directory listings into a consistent and
                                shorter format. v2.0 is a MAJOR BUG FIX.
                                Written in 2 languages: Microsoft QuickBASIC
                                4.0 and FoxPro 2.0 RDBMS. Full source code
                                for both included. Public Domain! Not share-
                                ware, not crippled. <<> westsmith 92/7/23
cybc114.zip   155366 08-05-2024 CyberCom V1.14                      
                                High Speed Communications 
                                Driver for Windows 3.1 using 
                                the 16550 serial port chip.
                                Requires Windows 3.1, 
                                Enhanced Mode, a 16550 UART
c_ss12.zip    237574 08-05-2024    -- * SUPER SPOT V1.2 31/May/1994 * --   
                                  Okay this is a new UPLOAD processor for   
                                  PCBoard!  The FASTEST never seen and it   
                                checks all ZIP, ARJ, GIF & TXT files adding 
                                  files, removing files, AUTODIZ included,
                                    Auto Archive comment, auto cutting
                                   empty lines,  autocutting DIZ trader
                                  comments and add your Own! Support Ram 
                                 drives in TXT files TOO!  Randomize Your
                                     Add.Bbs File name to pack into!
                                  Is the FASTEST on the SCENE, Try IT!
daystats.zip   43364 08-05-2024 
                                    DAYSTATS 1.0    ۲ 
                                 DayStats is a simple to use and setup   
                                 utility which will create a bulletin    
                                 with an ongoing listing of your day's   
                                 BBS usage. DayStats is unique in that   
                                 it list only your calls, msgs, upld's   
                                 and dnld's, but gives you a continuous  
                                 history of your board's activity! DAILY 
db_pcb.zip     14332 08-05-2024 Ĵ Configuring D'Bridge and PCBoard Ŀ
                                How to set-up the D'Bridge 1.31 front-end 
                                mailer with PCBoard 14.5a.  Samples of all
                                batch files have been included.  Complete 
                                set-up instructions for B'Bridge, InterPCB
                                and PCBoard.  Will get you on your way to 
                                echo conferences via FidoNet and similiar 
                                networks that use the *.msg format.       
deen095.zip    13002 08-05-2024 
didtst11.zip   28184 08-05-2024 
dircmp10.zip   49958 08-05-2024 DIRCOMP 1.0 PCB/ProDoor file list utility.
                                Compares two file lists and produces 3 new
                                lists.  Two of them contain the files unique
                                to each of the input files.  The third lists
                                the files that are common to the input files.
                                Very handy for those who do a lot of DL'ing.
                                Makes preparing Upload and Download lists a
                                real snap.  Fully functional ShareWare. $10
dircom11.zip    8566 08-05-2024 DirComment is a Fast program that reads
                                PCBoard's DIRx files and takes the
                                description from each file and actually puts
                                it as a comment for the file.
dirlwr.zip     24529 08-05-2024 
dirmgr02.zip   78272 08-05-2024 
dirsrt14.zip    3805 08-05-2024 
disp100.zip    38233 08-05-2024 DISPLAY v1.00 -- Utility you can use with
                                PCBoard to display any file (text) to the
                                caller.  Display @X, ANSI, and graphics /
                                language / security specific files.  Also
                                supports standard and FOSSIL ports.
diz2p100.zip   26250 08-05-2024 DIZ/2-PCB v1.00 of 06.15.93 - PCBoard utility
                                to extract FILE_ID.DIZ in ZIP/ARJ/LZH/PAK
                                files, adds the # of files, newest/oldest 
                                file dates and the uncompressed size. 
                                Local Uploading. Removes unwanted BBSAds,
                                archive comment generator. The fastest and
                                most powerful processor out!
                                Shareware by Shawn Reimerdes.
dizgrb11.zip   64152 08-05-2024 DIZGRAB V1.1 are 2 sysop utilities for 
                                grabbing FILE_ID.DIZ from either ZIP or ARJ 
                                files and formatting them into standard 
                                PCBoard DIR file format from the DOS command 
                                line. Requires Pkunzip or ARJ to be on the 
                                path. Save lots of time on all those 
                                programs sent in by post.  -= FREEWARE =-
dizit20.zip    58665 08-05-2024  DizIt v2.0  Major rewrite from v1.x
                                Sysops - Stop wasting time uploading files
                                into PCBoard with the local upload option.
                                Use DizIt to automate the process. DizIt aids
                                the PCBoard sysop by allowing files which
                                contain FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI files to be
                                imported into PCBoard into any directory file
                                you specify. No need to check if FILE_ID.DIZ
                                or DESC.SDI exists, DizIt will snoop it out
                                for you. Major rewrite of previous version
                                includes new option to import descriptions
                                from text files. DizIt is fast and easy!
                                -------  Great for nightly event   --------
                                Author: Robert Neal          NOT CRIPPLED!
dlfilter.zip   27468 08-05-2024 Download Filter 1.0.  Fast, Flexible
                                download log trimmer for PCBoard sysops.
                                Can filter by file existence, by date, or
                                by number of days ago.
dlock1a.zip    11841 08-05-2024 Utility for PCBoard Sysops to stop callers
                                from using certain doors depending on their
                                name.  Option to display custom message to
                                caller.  Small, Fast, Easy and Free!
dlog2lst.zip    5844 08-05-2024 This filter program scans a DSZLOG file and
                                returns selected information in the form of a
                                file list.
dltrim9b.zip   38285 08-05-2024 DLTrim version .9b   **** BETA ****
                                FINALLY! DLTrim trims the DOWNLOAD.TXT
                                file in PCBoard v14.5a! Uses the IDX
                                file to trim DOWNLOAD.TXT of files that
                                are no longer available for download.
                                Other programs that use DOWNLOAD.TXT
                                will then give a more accurate picture
                                of current UL/DLs on your BBS!
dltxtfix.zip    6917 08-05-2024 DLTXTFIX v1.0Ŀ
                                This Is DOS Utility To Fix The
                                Y2K    Bug     In    PCBoard's
                                DOWNLOAD.TXT    file.     This
                                Program      is      FREEWARE.
                                       Nexus  Software        
                                 Released:   January 31, 2000 
dmm120.zip     29820 08-05-2024 PCBoard Door Menu Maker. Makes PCBoard Door
                                menus with statistics of the number of uses,
                                who used it last and on what date. SysOps may
                                customize the menu colours.
dms35a.zip     64711 08-05-2024 WGM-DMS v.3.5a - PCBoard 14.x Utility
                                This utility does the following:
                                - Create directory headers.
                                - Create conference directory files.
                                - Create up to 99 bulletin files.
                                - Create up to 99 master file listings.
                                Written by Wayne G. Maas
                                ****** This is a bug fix release ******
dodir.zip      43375 08-05-2024 
doorhelp.zip    5019 08-05-2024 DOORHELP - A text file describing the setup
                                of standard DOS applications as doors using
                                Doorway and PCBoard.
dore0696.zip  122030 08-05-2024 mt 06/96 
                                      Dudes of  
                                      ܰ  Mods 4
                                          Iniquity ,
                                      ܰ  More too
dozip150.zip   36311 08-05-2024   .[ QZip & DoZIP! v1.50 ].   
                                 Fastest ZIP Processors around!
                                 CommandLine & Online version
                                 Quick Stripping of Unwanted Files
                                 Quick Info Adding (as FileNames!)
                                 Get FILE_ID.DIZ (ANS/PCB also!)
                                 Nice Layout for Online Processing
                                 QZip To be Used with DOS
                                 DoZIP! is for RA 2.xx & FDL v5.xx
                                 Ofcourse made by Synopsis
                                   Release Date: 03 - 02 - 1996      
                                [1;30m[0;37m[1m [0;36m
drupr102.zip   48350 08-05-2024 DirUpper v1.02  -  Utility To Map The First 
                                Letter Of Each Word In The DIRxx File To    
                                Uppercase.   May Also Be Called From        
                                PCBTEST.BAT To Process The UPDESC.x File On 
                                The Fly.  FREEWARE!                         
dstrip1.zip    33920 08-05-2024 [ PCBoard DIR File Stripper v 1 ]Ŀ
                                DIRStripper v 1.0 is a PCBoard 14.5a      
                                utility that will remove the Files:       
                                and/or Uploaded by: lines from DIR file   
                                descriptions. FREEWARE!                   
duper141.zip   28174 08-05-2024 Sybilware's Duper Utility v. 1.41           
                                Finds SOURCE of dupes packed out by PCBPack
                                and leaves one or more messages to the users
                                uploading dupes.
                                Shareware by boB Gage.  Registration $15.
dvs10b4.zip    97293 08-05-2024 Dynamic Verification System v1.04-
                                Compiled 01/12/92 - This program
                                is all you need to get your users
                                verified quick and easy.  Includes
                                callback verification, optional
                                registration 'scripts', external
                                registration doors, and more!
                                This version adds auto new user
                                scripts and more detailed modem
                                configuration.  For PCBoard 14.5+
em103.zip      35858 08-05-2024 Event Manager Version 1.03
                                SUPER FAST, SUPER EASY multiple
                                event manager.  Synchronous events!
                                Also, now handles Sliding events.
                                Run events only on certain days, 
                                and times.  Now  you can force 
                                events, change other lines in 
                                PCBOARD.DAT.  Now adds three 
                                event variables to the event 
                                files.  Day rollovers handled.
endls102.zip   43813 08-05-2024 Endless Story 1.02 - Door For PCBoard
                                And ProDoor That Allows Users To Add A
                                Line To A Story.  Maintenance Release.
                                FreeWare From Greg Parsons.
esi_2dx2wm.zip  723860 08-05-2024 Flash ROM code for
                                USRobotics Winmodem model 1125.
evd41.zip     282526 08-05-2024 EVDoor v4.1 - New User Verification System
                                The *fully functional*  NEW USER Automatic
                                CallBack  &  Verification Door for PCBoard
                                Supports FOSSIL &  non-standard comm ports
                                Multi-Node concurrent use,  Written in C++
                                NO BRUN required! Complete packaged System
                                SysOp configurable setup & display screens 
eventdrv.zip   96583 08-05-2024 
event_kb.zip    1055 08-05-2024 
evtmgr23.zip   10789 08-05-2024 Event Manager version 2.3 of 02/07/92.  This
                                program  will add event notes to your caller
                                log  file.  Now includes printer support and
                                node number as command line switches. Allows
                                you  to have a complete record of your event
                                activities  within  your callers log.  Fixes
                                Error 002 (file not found) with $END option,
                                when  using it for multiple log files at the
                                same time. Now works with Caller log viewers
                                such as ACTVIEW.      Author: Lance Williams
exteras.zip    46305 08-05-2024 
extnet10.zip   49681 08-05-2024 
ezu10.zip      32696 08-05-2024 EZU.EXE - Makes using PCBoards
                                USERNET util easier.  Letting a Sysop
                                change or update the USERNET.XXX file.
                                Author: Daryl Stogner -Rel 10-21-92
ez_diz12.zip   45423 08-05-2024 EZ-DIZ v1.2 - Process archived FILE_ID.DIZ
                                or DESC.SDI descriptions from the *COMMAND*
                                line and place them into your PCBoard 14.5+
                                directory list automatically without doing
                                "local uploads". Now with automatic support
                                for ZIP/ARC/ARJ/PAK/LZH. Complete Re-write
                                to improve speed. May be used in an event.
                                ShareWare. $10.00 registration fee.
fdc_320.zip    73661 08-05-2024 
fdh60.zip      84127 08-05-2024 FILE DIRECTORY HEADER Ver6.0 - Creates a
                                Graphic Header for your File Directories.
                                PCBoard 14.5a Only.  Display the Date, No.
                                of Files & No. of K-Bytes Contained in Each
                                Directory.  Uses PCB "@X" Codes for Color.
                                Includes Provisions to Change Five Colors
                                in Header File.  Now Handles 150 DIR Files.
                                Fixes Problem of Cut-Off Header when Using
                                PCBFILER to Make ALLFILES.LST.  Eliminates
                                the Hokie "VCR" in the Checkerboard.
fdh70.zip      83959 08-05-2024 FDH Ver7.0 (c)1993 by Vince Rifici - Create
                                A Colorful Header for your File Directories.
                                For PCBoard Ver14.5a - Uses PCB "@X" Color
                                Codes - Color Possiblities are Limitless!
                                Display the Date, No. of Files and No. of
                                K-Bytes Contained in Each Directory.  This
                                Version Corrects a Problem with the "Ones"
                                Digit being Cut-Off on Directories Over 99.
                                Increased Max. Number of Directories to 250.
fidohelp.zip   12635 08-05-2024 
fidopcb2.zip    5158 08-05-2024 Text file, explains the programs and batch
                                files needed to run PCBoard in a FidoNet -
                                Technology environment.  This version has
                                some subtle changes, including the change
                                from TosScan to Squish as the tosser/scanner.
                                Written by Michael Nelson, sysop of SeaHunt
finfo12.zip   182094 08-05-2024 FInfo v1.2 for PCBoard 14.5 or 14.5a -
                                allows users to get information on when
                                a file was uploaded, who by, when d/l'ed
                                and how many times. Big feature is that it
                                almost *instant* - no more waiting while
                                the download.txt file is scanned. Also cuts
                                down on download.txt file size drastically!
fixdlt11.zip   10052 08-05-2024 FIXDLT 1.1: Fixes Y2k date issues in
                                DOWNLOAD.TXT file. Use in event or manually.
fixstat1.zip    8716 08-05-2024 
fixuucp.zip   110784 08-05-2024 FIXUUCP v2.04 - Corrects the "broken" date
                                header that PCBoard's UUOUT creates when
                                exporting message by converting a 2-digit
                                year to a 4-digit year. Reassembles file
                                attachments that UUOUT breaks into 64k
                                pieces.  Can optionally repair the broken
                                date headers that NetXpress UUCP/SMTP
                                creates.  DOS, OS/2, and Win9x executables
                                          *** FREEWARE ***
flv125.zip    178798 08-05-2024  FLV File-List-Viewer v1.25 
                                File list viewer for CD-ROMs/BBS filelists.
                                Let your users download your filelist and
                                view it with an easy-to-understand viewer
                                w/ searching, printing, DL estimates, and
                                more! Up to 500 file areas. Includes area
                                editor and filelist compilers for PCBoard
                                and Wildcat.  Full color, attractive scr-
                                eens.  From LCL Software. By Brian W. Ward.
food_21153.zip   19021 08-05-2024                         ߲
                                     ۲ ۲     
                                       -] PATCH FOR PCBOARD v15.3 [-      
                                 patch to hide connect/version information
                                 at login. Worx, no fuckup's....          
                                             Done by Codeblaster/TBH^Food 
                                23/10/96              1/1ܲ
food_21fie.zip   17912 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                FUCK OFF OR DIE (FOOD) PRESENTS:  ߲
                                 FileId-Executor v0.1 for PCBoard.       
                                 FileId Extract and Clean util designed
                                  for Pcboard. A must for anti-Boomlab    
                                  Users! Idea/Code by cyberkid/food'96.
                                 Release: 11/o5/96           disk: [1/1]
food_21tpd.zip   27442 08-05-2024 ______________________________
                                  ______  ________  ________  \          mGz
                                 ___)  _)  \_ _  _)  \_ _ _ )  \-----------.
                                __\  _ _____///_ _____////______\ presents |
                                  TOP X DOWNLOADED FILES 4 PCBOARD X.X   ..|
                                Creates a bulletin with the top X dl'ed .::|
                                files on your system! Configurable ANSi.:::|
                                and fast!                            ..::::|
                                Coded by: Codeblaster & Tnse.     . ..:::::|
                                - -[28o696]----------------------------'
fp067.zip      40176 08-05-2024 F-Probe 0.67    FREEWARE Version 
                                Automated Upload File Testing for use with
                                PCBoard BBS's.  Automatically tests for
                                file integrity, viruses and valid file
                                dates.  Tests embedded ZIPs, displays
                                progress messages to user, low memory
                                requirements, highly configurable, and
                                more! This is a bug-fix release which now
                                allows Sysops to upload from "local".
fp12s.zip      85141 08-05-2024 FidoPCB   ** Version 1.2 **   Date: 05-27-92
                                Fido interface for PCBoard.  Allows multiple
                                Nodes, AKA's, AreaFix, Net Mail.  Can be run
                                as a Door.  Fast, easy setup. Direct tossing
                                into PCBoard message format.  FrontDoor, IM,
                                Binkley required.  NEW: MasterCard, EuroCard
                                Registration!  Shareware by Matjaz Koce.
fpr10.zip       9214 08-05-2024 
fret_100.zip   31891 08-05-2024 FERRET V1.00 s/w released 04/20/92. Utility
                                for SysOps  using PCBoard  with BinkleyTerm
                                or FrontDoor. Credit callers for their File
                                Requests! Session p/w's may be assigned and
                                removed  automatically   based  on  several
                                criteria, including security level. Control
                                F'Req privileges just  as you would control
                                downloads  on  your  BBS!  Can  be  up  and
                                running within minutes. Multi-node support.
                                A must for systems with Point setups!
fsearch.zip    18857 08-05-2024 FSEARCH 1.0 scans file lists found on
                                PCBoard BBSs. This helpful utility works
                                similarly to the (z)ippy search function on
                                PCBoard BBSs, except that it's used off-
                                line. FSEARCH was written to help BBS users
                                find files they want to download before
                                going online.
gcnf11b.zip    47420 08-05-2024 GoodConf v1.1b, 10-21-91 Release.
                                PCBoard 14 utility to show conference
                                activity.  This util is great for sysops
                                who wish to determine which conferences
                                are being used and which ones are not.
                                Fixes bug which caused error (from 1.1a).
gift4b12.zip  103147 08-05-2024 GIFtest 4.012 (01/30/92),  Command line GIF
                                util for  PCBoard 14.5a  and  ProDoor sysops
                                to test  uploaded GIF  files for  errors and
                                insert resolution into the file descriptions
                                where the  sysop desires.   Returns an error
                                level, so works with any BBS software.   Now
                                supports com ports up to 19,200 baud!
                                $15 Shareware by Dave Navarro, Jr.
glow_2dobv.zip 1051882 08-05-2024    .aS"Pg. .,    PRESENTING!!!
                                   "Sd. $$ $$           $$   .,   .,
                                   o.`$P$$ $$ .dP"""Sb. $$   $$   $$
                                   $$   $$ $$ `bo od' $$   $$   $$
                                   `bod' `bod' `bod$$bod$$bod'
                                ..We Release More Than Just Eggs!...
hlp145an.zip  132928 08-05-2024 PCBoard Helpfiles for new V14.5a
                                Englisch and German Versions.
                                You may choose between Ascii and
                                Graphics Version (PCBoard @Codes)
hlp_qwk.zip     4324 08-05-2024 An add on for PCBoard 15.0
                                An extra Help menu for the
                                QWK packets. 
hotf140a.zip   44458 08-05-2024 HOT FILES -  Version 1.4a - Compiled 102492
                                ***   Another Great Vampyre Bar Doorware  ***
                                HOT FILES  will  create  a  PCBoard macro BLT
                                containing  the  top  files downloaded from a
                                PCBoard  system! You  can included from 1  to
                                50 files in the bulletin! Now has  _TWO_  BLT
                                formats  available!  A great addition to your
                                BBS's bulletins!          [ SHAREWARE - $15 ]
hslink28.zip  121346 08-05-2024  File:HS-LINK 28.8!   RATING:[   ]
                                 S/N:.SEE SERIAL.NUM.....................
                                 DESC:.New HS-LINK Beta has dirrect sup-.
                                 port for 28.8 V34 Error correction! No..
                                 Need to reconfigure!....................
hstreset.zip   16029 08-05-2024 This is a small program that will reset your
                                HST modem.  It can be used in your BOARD.BAT
                                file to prevent PCBoard from getting into an
                                endless "modem reset error" loop when the
                                phone is ringing. It places the modem off-
                                hook and then returns to the BBS. It knows
                                about the two messages that the HST can
                                generate, and will handle them automatically.
hs_145a.zip     2995 08-05-2024 
hs_2dinst2.zip  135682 08-05-2024 HS-INST2.ZIP  Contains instructions and
                                setup files to help install the HS/Link
                                protocol in most COMM and BBS programs.
idxutil3.zip   76208 08-05-2024 IDX-Util v3.0 (12-01-92) PCB 14.5a Utilities
                                List files in .IDX File using wildcards. List
                                Duplicate files in an .IDX File. Also can
                                cross-reference two .IDX files and list Dups
                                or create a 3rd Index containing Dups or you
                                can Kill the Dups. Change Drive Letters in
                                .IDX files quickly, Edit Paths & FileNames,
                                delete files from IDX. Merge two IDX Files.
                                Detect which CD-Rom is in drive and change
                                DLPATH.LST files to appropriate .IDX files.
inter102.zip   14011 08-05-2024 
intercom.zip  327080 08-05-2024 The INTERCOM Frontend Mail and file transfer
                                program for Use with the PCBoard 14.5+ BBSs.
                                Written in Clipper 5.01 & Telepathy.  This
                                program will allow you to do all your mail
                                reading and writting offline therefore saving
                                you lots of money on long distance $$$. This
                                is a functional demo of a commercial product
                                which can only be used to call the Omicron
                                BBS. Each purchasing SYSOP will receive a
                                version customized to his/her BBS.
                                NOTE: Terminal.exe the Interactive
                                terminal program has been removed from this
                                zip file into it's own to make downloading
                                easier. TERMINAL.EXE is NOT required to run
                                the INTERCOM, it's just an add on.  Download
                                TERMINAL.ZIP if you want it too.
ip152.zip      49621 08-05-2024 InterPCB 1.52 by InterZone Software - Convert
                                fido style *.msgs <-> PCBoard message bases.
                                Allows Hi-Ascii, Netmail and more. Now adds
                                support for Pacific Rim version of PCB.
                                Uncripppled Shareware. Registration: $20.00
isnodeup.zip    8232 08-05-2024 This program is freeware.  IsNodeUp
                                tests for active/inactive PCBoard 15.0
                                nodes from a batch file.  It will return
                                with an error level equal to the first
                                active node encountered or zero if all
                                requested nodes are down.  IsNodeUp
                                should function correctly on systems
                                with up to 2,000 nodes.
isysop.zip      3490 08-05-2024 ISYSOP.COM: "Is The Current User the SysOp?"
                                A PCBoard utility for PCBTEST,PCBVIEW, etc,
                                that returns an ERRORLEVEL of 1 if the
                                current user is the SysOp; else returns 0.
                                Works with all single- and multiple-node
                                versions of PCBoard v14.5x.  Public Domain.
                                Author: Rod L Renner, The Lightning Rod BBS.
jsfdiz10.zip   41096 08-05-2024 JSF-DIZ v1.00 - FILE_ID.DIZ/DESC.SDI IMPORT
                                TOOL FOR PCBOARD BBS FILE LISTINGS. Fast &
                                Easy tool to import description files like
                                FILE_ID.DIZ, DESC.SDI into your file lists.
                                Good way to insure all files are using the
                                description files within them. **FREEWARE**
                                by J.Fowler, Alternate Reality 508-630-2913
jsfres10.zip   40778 08-05-2024 JSF-RES v1.00 - The Gif RESolution Processor
                                For PCBoard file directories. Automatically
                                updates/adds GIF file resolutions into your
                                PCBoard GIF file directory listings. Fast!
jtfox35c.zip   50013 08-05-2024 JTFox v.3.55C. Corrects one minor bug
                                which would cause JTFox to balk if it
                                encountered an empty directory, where
                                it usually found a directory with files.
                                This is a drop in replacement for 
                                JTFox v:3.5x.
kmail31j.zip  140716 08-05-2024 KMAIL v3.1j - 'QWK' Mail door for PCBoard.
                                WIDE AREA BETA VERSION *** REQUIRES PCB 15.2+
                                OS/2 and DV aware, gives up unused time. Uses
                                TPA interface, muli-node compatible with file
                                locking when necessary. Internal X/Y/Zmodem
                                support as well as external DSZ & HSLink.
                                Prescanned mail packets, File services handy
                                for network hubs. Supports both NDX & IDX
                                message index formats. Attached file support
                                =======> FOSSIL Interface now works <=======
lclup420.zip   27027 08-05-2024 LOCALUP Version 4.20
                                Localup is an easy way to perform *local*
                                (or external) uploads into a FeatherNet or
                                pcboard file base.  It includes archive and
                                text file viewing, reading text files within
                                archives and FILE_ID.DIZ support.  LOCALUP
                                is 100% FeatherNet / pcboard Compatible.
                                Shareware authored by Ron Pierce
lfc20.zip      24715 08-05-2024 LFC 2.0 - Last Few Callers bulletin maker
                                for PCBoard 14.5a - create colorful
                                bulletins on who last called your BBS,
                                includes fields for name, city/state,
                                baud, date, time AND minutes used online.
                                Sysop definable colors, options and more.
                                A *must have* bulletin maker for PCB14.5a!
lmp01a.zip    103082 08-05-2024 ListMaster Pro v0.1a - Create a Master file
                                Listing for your BBS. Easily maintained, and
                                self-executing. Ability to run as an event.
                                Support PcBoard, Spitfire, & ASCii formats.
                                Includes Archiving shell, ANSI & ASCii
                                Bulletins, plus a Configuration editor for
                                PcBoard. Completely Sysop configurable. Looks
                                nice and runs fast. Too many options to list.
                                Shareware from Gamma Software Design
                                Garrett Whitney - LMP01A - April 18, 1993
localcam.zip   18490 08-05-2024 Download/Upload your QWK/REP files from your
                                nightly event (Or from DOS).  This is part
                                of the Cam-Mail Door.  Very easy to use.  Do
                                not try to use this with another Mail Door!!
lockdoor.zip   64806 08-05-2024 
                                *LOCKDOOR reads PCBoard.dat and calculates *
                                *the time remaining until the next event.  *
                                *It returns a DOS errorlevel to be processed
                                *by your door batch file to skip the door, *
                                *reload the board and display a message to *
                                *the user why the door is locked. Use on   *
                                *those doors that DO NOT check the event   *
                                *times (ie:HUBDOOR etc). Author David Casto*
                                *  * Free For Registered PCBEvent Users *  *
locupl14.zip   77078 08-05-2024 Local Upload for PCBoard - version 1.4
                                PCBoard utility to locally upload files,
                                import their descriptions, virus scan files
                                before uploading, into any directory of any
                                conference on your system.
                                Written by James R. Davis - DavisWARE!
logger14.zip   46484 08-05-2024 Logger v1.4 last callers bulletin generator.
                                Sysop configurable.  Shows Time,Date, Name,
                                City, State, Speed, and Node. Has the option
                                to use a Super User Select where you can tag
                                users that meet certain criteria like
                                security level, uploaded files and bytes,
                                downloaded files and bytes.  You can exempt
                                users like Co-sysop(s), or testers.  See 
                                History file for latest changes and bug 
logoff7.zip     7118 08-05-2024 LOGOFF TESTING Ver 7.0 By John Kleinbauer
                                  This is a Working BOARD.BAT file that
                                gets PCBoard to test files after the caller
                                has left the BBS. STOP!!!! users from
                                being penalized by making them wait online
                                while files are being tested.
                                  These batch files used along with
                                the program AUTOSCAN make other methods of
                                testing a waste of time and money.
                                  This version fixes the problem of the
                                BBS droping to DOS if Qmail is used.
lostmu22.zip   11683 08-05-2024 LOSTMENU VERSION 2.20 By John C Kleinbauer
                                Now you can add a Menu system that will
                                allow you to call up your Sysop utilities
                                for PCBoard without dropping to DOS.This
                                is a replacement program for PCBMONI that
                                will allow you to use your favorite Menu
                                program or use the one supplied. This
                                version shows how to add more utilities
                                to the Menu System.
lstpcb16.zip  105595 08-05-2024 LSTPCB16.ZIP (BETA .16) Creates ALLFILES.LST
                                for PCBOARD 14.5x Conference's.  Seperates  
                                each directory in the list.  Easy setup, 
                                and runs from your EVENT. NOT CRIPPLED!
                                Shareware $ 10.00                    
lt040392.zip    8002 08-05-2024 
lt100392.zip   10302 08-05-2024 
macfile2.zip   54566 08-05-2024              MACFILE V2.0
                                PCBoard "Roll Your Own FileListing DOOR"
                                Users create own "ALLFILES" list based
                                on their interests. Extreamly simple
                                interface, in/out FAST!. Auto flagging
                                save on LD charges. On-Line Help, more.
                                Supports 120 file Directories. Another
                                FreeWare Package from MC's Place BBS.
macorg32.zip   74794 08-05-2024 MACORG DOOR V3.2 for PCBoard 14.x 
                                File history tracing.  A who UL/DL that
                                file Door, faster than all existing doors
                                of similar type. Now scans 1 or 2 files !
                                27% Faster than version 3.1,New presentation
                                layout, easy to install. Nothing is faster.
                                FreeWare from MC's Place BBS
macrm11.zip    23773 08-05-2024 MACRM V1.1 for PCBoard 14.x - 15.x
                                Removes files & descriptions from PCBoard
                                directory listings. Handles unlimited 
                                number of files and dirs. Runs from 
                                constructed lists of files and dir 
                                locations.  Very fast and safe. Saves tons
                                of time when processing large amount of
                                data.  FREEWARE from MC's Place
macsec11.zip   79707 08-05-2024 MAC SEC V1.1 for PCBoard 14.x is an ON-LINE
                                Security Upgrade Door for your users. Lets
                                your users upgrade themselves, without
                                waiting for an event to occur.  Protect up 
                                to 50 levels, File or Byte ratio, allow
                                50 levels to be altered.  Very fast and
                                safe.  A MAC's Place BBS release. 
                                BUG FIX, now reads correct .cfg FreeWare..
mailtime.zip   32419 08-05-2024 MailTime is a simple program to put
                                what time your last mail run was
                                into a log-on security file, to let
                                your users know when your last mail
                                run was.  For PCBoard 14.5a ONLY!
                                Best reason to use this, it's
                                FREE!  NO Registration!!!
makepk10.zip   36397 08-05-2024 MAKEPACK is for PCBoard sysops that have taken
                                Prodoor off of their
                                systems but still want to use Sam Smith's
                                PROPACK for message-base
                                packing. MAKEPACK reads the contents of a
                                PCBoard 14.5 or 14.5A CNAMES
                                file and generates a PACKALL.BAT (or
                                equivalent) file.
mansi.zip       4132 08-05-2024 
master19.zip   59617 08-05-2024 ListMaster v1.9 - Create a Master File List
                                of your Bulletin Board's File Area's. You can
                                configure any/all area's to be listed. Sysop
                                has complete control of the Master List.
                                Add a text file to the beginning or end of
                                the list. Show's your BBS name, Sysop name, &
                                Date/Time of List Creation. Also allow's a
                                line of text in output file. Now includes
                                support for Arhiving the Master List.
                                Support's Pcboard, Spitfire, & ASCii file
                                format's. Easy & Quick Automated use,
                                need's no maintenance. Gamma Software Design.
mba321.zip    104168 08-05-2024 Message Base Accountant Version 3.21
                                Freeware utility for PCBoard 14.5
                                Award file upload credits to callers
                                who perform sysop-specified activities
                                such as leave messages, read bulletins,
                                etc.  Minor bug fix from 3.20
menudoc.zip     2675 08-05-2024 Docs on how to make PCBoard 15.0 MNU files
mhclbk11.zip   82385 08-05-2024 MH CALL BACK Version 1.1 - FREEWARE Another
                                Call back door.  This Version of MH Callback
                                VER 1.1 is a fully functional Callback which
                                will store callers numbers and update users
                                records.  Supports PCBoard 14.x and 52 or 31
                                line DOOR.SYS.   ALL KNOWN BUGS FIXED
microfli.zip   85671 08-05-2024    Ŀ
                                 ** THE MICROFICHER BETA I ** 
                                THE SYSTEM TO VIEW/SEARCH SELECT
                                FROM ALLFILES LISTS IN A FAST WAY
                                - SCANS/SEARCHES 20 MB IN 40 SEC!
                                - COMPRESSES ALLFILES LISTS
                                - UNLIMITED FILE SIZE
                                - DISPLAYS PCB & ANSI COLOR CODES
                                - RECOGNIZES ANSI BOMBS
                                - MARKING VIA LIGHTBAR
                                - USES INDEX FILES
                                - SELECTION MENU
                                - SUPERB FOR TERMINAT V1.51 USERS
                                - FILE TAGGER COMPATIBLE
                                (C) 1995 BY AIRMANN PRODUCTIONS
mm20b30.zip   148924 08-05-2024 MarkMail for PCBoard  Beta ver.30  04/10/92
                                The Number One  QWK Mail Door For PCB 14.5a!
                                * Definable Net Status *, Commandline Opera-
                                tion rebuilds .MDX's.  Long/Short Caller Log
                                reporting, Now supports Aliases & MUCH more!
mm20b31.zip   151795 08-05-2024 MarkMail QWK Mail Door!  Beta v.31 11/18/92
                                Bug fixes, improved help,  new color schemes
                                and more! The fastest and most reliable mail
                                door for PCB! Non-crippled/fully functional!
monilog.zip     9331 08-05-2024 Replacement PCBMONI.EXE program to view
                                your caller log offline from the Call
                                Waiting Menu in PCBoard 14.5
moon.zip        5928 08-05-2024 Displays the number of days since man
                                last set foot upon the moon at your
                                PCBoard command prompt.  Donated into
                                the public domain.
moretim1.zip   12623 08-05-2024 
msgbase.zip    62192 08-05-2024 MSGBASE v1.00 by Galahad Software
                                Fixes corrupt message dates in the PCBoard
                                message base caused by Y2K-broken mail
                                doors, offline readers, and Fido packets.
                                          *** FREEWARE ***
msg_200.zip    27895 08-05-2024 
multprot.zip    2300 08-05-2024 
mv2call.zip    38477 08-05-2024 This little sysop **Toolkit Utility**
                                will copy a file into a CALLER file
                                and format it to PCB spec of 62 char
                                per line.  Handy for adding log info
                                at appropriate times or during an
                                event. Deletes file after copy to
                                eliminate dup info storage.
namchg16.zip  143389 08-05-2024 Sybilware's NameChange door  1.5 NON-beta!
                                Hottest Aliasing door for PCBoard 14.5a on
                                the market today! Includes multiple aliases
                                (registered) with conference masks listed by
                                individual alias giving the utmost in
                                customization.  All of the door's user output
                                is from sysop definable text files.         
                                Shareware by boB Gage.  Registration $20.
netadd20.zip   82453 08-05-2024 NetAdd Version 2.0 - Pc-Board 14.5a door
                                Allows you to display ANSI and ASCII BBS
                                Adverts to your users.
                                Fully menu driven with some samples
                                FREEWARE ! From the creators of NetGame
netgm301.zip   89296 08-05-2024 NetGame1 Version 3.01 OFFICIAL RELEASE
                                Pc-Board Time gamble door, charge the
                                users to play the game - you decide the odds
                                you decide the winnings. FREEWARE, fully
                                network aware.
                                COMPILED ON 11-FEB 93 1:39p
netstat1.zip    8593 08-05-2024 
newuser.zip     5368 08-05-2024 
newuser1.zip   41580 08-05-2024 
                                     NEWUSER 1.0    ۲ 
                                 A PCBoard automessage facility for      
                                 sending un-attended welcome messages to 
                                 new users of the BBS. Fast, Simple to   
                                 use. This program "Requires" the use of 
                                 TXT2MSG to complete its processing.     
ng_pcb.zip      6770 08-05-2024 Norton Guide for PCBoard 14.x @-codes.  Also
                                includes ASCII chart, box-character chart,
                                and a special characters chart.
                                NG NORTON GUIDE PCBOARD CODES
nn01.zip       63474 08-05-2024 Node/News v1.0  This is a fully functional
                                Nodelist/Diff & FidoNews Detection utility.
                                Use this to tell your batch files how to
                                behave when you receive a new NODELIST,
                                NODEDIFF, or FNEWSnnn.  No more outrageous
                                batch file manipulation.
                                Small program, all command line driven.
                                From the Author of Tic-2-PCB.
                                *** FREEWARE ***             Compiled 8/10/92
nodelk10.zip   14428 08-05-2024 NODELOCK v1.0:  A pair of utilities that
                                allow a PCBoard v14.5 system that is set up
                                on a network to "float" between node numbers
                                without requiring the use of the /FLOAT
                                switch.  Can be useful if the network cannot
                                guarantee an unused subdirectory for the
                                user.  Automatically resets locks on nodes
                                that are hung after a specified period of
notime10.zip    5094 08-05-2024 NOTIME v1.0:  Run in the $$LOGOFF.BAT file
                                this program will check to see if a caller
                                has a specific security level.  If so it will
                                change the minutes used in the user record to
                                zero allowing the next caller using the same
                                user-id to receive a full session's time
                                limit.  Optionally resets Last Msg Read ptrs.
                                Useful for DEMO ACCOUNTS on PCBoard version
                                14.5a systems.
nsc123f.zip    44960 08-05-2024         Node Speed Checker v1.23
                                A  PCBoard  application that  verify the
                                speed  of  the user. For  v14.5a /E3  to
                                /E250. Accept non-standard communication
                                port. Speed up to 57600 bps. Keep a user
                                from login on at  a low speed on  a high
                                speed node IF there is  one or more free
                                nodes to log on. Can also be used to let
                                pass  only  a  list  of 'special' users.
                                Fixed bugs when reading USERNET.XXX.
                                French version.
nstat060.zip   51514 08-05-2024 NodeStat Door - Version .60                  
                                Simple little door to run as a PCB login door
                                that will display a "WHO" type status display
                                to the caller when they logon.               
                                Simple to set up and use.  FREEWARE !!
nwbth100.zip   52459 08-05-2024 NewBooth 1.00 - Companion Program For
                                Use With Registered Copies Of Voter Plus.
                                Run as a Login Door, Will Notify The 
                                Caller If A New Voting Booth Has Been
                                Added Since Their Last Call. FREEWARE
nws2fido.zip   19581 08-05-2024 
nwsmkr30.zip   35575 08-05-2024 
one72b.zip     25698 08-05-2024 
outcomm2.zip   38766 08-05-2024 OutComm 2.  Tell your users why they can't
                                open a particular door.  Displays a file out
                                the comport (Supports non-standard comports)
                                Requires the USERS.SYS to be in your PCB
                                directory.  Supports about 90% of all PCB
                                macros and color codes as well.  Nice little
                                utility fr PCBoard 14.5 Sysops.  FREEWARE
p2f100.zip     19034 08-05-2024 P2F  V1.00  s/w  released  08/02/92. =FAST=
                                Utility for PCBoard  SysOps needing Fidonet
                                file   directory   compatibility.  Converts
                                PCBoard's  file   listings  into  FILES.BBS
                                format  (Opus,  RA,  QBBS,  Maximus,  etc).
                                'No-Hassle'    command    line   parameters
                                designed for daily use. Install FREQ doors,
                                Netmail  command  processors,  filelist and
                                bulletin compilers, etc.
p2fdc13.zip    45460 08-05-2024 PCB2FDC v1.3 * PCBoard 2 FrontDoor Console
                                (and InterMail) is a small utility that you
                                run in your $$LOGON and $$LOGOFF batch files
                                that will write the lastcallers info to the
                                LASTCALL.xx file within your mailer
                                directory.  It will display last caller,
                                security level, times on, elapsed time on,
                                city/state, and time logged off.  Converts
                                to Upper/Lower case too!
                                *FREEWARE*            From Dataware Software!
pcb2actb.zip   10838 08-05-2024 
pcb2ansi.zip    9934 08-05-2024 PCB2ANSI v1.0 (12/20/91)
                                Utility to convert PCBoard @X graphics
                                files back to regular ANSI files with
                                escape code sequences. Command line
                                driven, wildcards allowed, retains
                                original files.
                                Public Domain by Kendall Anderson.
pcbansi.zip     5281 08-05-2024 
pcbcan2.zip    16389 08-05-2024 Like welcome to the Canadian Language, eh,
                                for PCBOARD 15.0. Plagiarized, updated and
                                improved by Don Reid, the original version of
                                PCBTEXT.CAN file was first conceived and
                                written by Bill Cassidy and Paul Henry who
                                obviously are still trapped somewhere in
                                the Great White Northern stretches of the
                                Canadian tundra. They had fun writing the
                                original and I had a beauty time with my
                                contribution. Americans, like, think we all
                                talk this way, eh.  No way, eh!
                                The language itself was inspired by the
                                all-time classic movie "Strange Brew"
                                starring Bob and Doug McKenzie.  (No relation
                                to us though, eh?)  By Don Reid
pcbcht10.zip    9449 08-05-2024 PCBCHAT Utility Version 1.0 of 10/22/91.  
                                A utility for PCBoard 14.0+ systems that
                                will adjust your user's NODE CHAT status 
                                (either 'A'vailable or 'U'navailable).  
                                Beston PCBoard 14.5a systems, to run in 
                                your $$LOGON.BAT file to adjust when logging
                                into the system to avoid bothersome CHATS.
pcbcll11.zip   41696 08-05-2024 
pcbdbas1.zip   61480 08-05-2024 PCBoard  vrs  14.5  User DataBase program.
                                This will create a report to screen, file,
                                or printer. Select  up to 3 USER variables
                                based  on your  criteria  of  information.
                                Up to 6  User  Variables can be outputted.
                                Very  handy  for checking on user records.
                                Now  allows   Exclusion  of  any Variable.
                                Multi-Node  (share) capable.     
                                     << System Support BBS Original>>
pcbdepnl.zip    4404 08-05-2024 Dutch (no, not Double Dutch...) language &
                                menu files for PCB-Deposit v1.97, THE most
                                excellent Time/Byte Door written for
                                PCBoard 14.5a. These files are  created
                                on a sleepless night by Arthur Belder.
pcbdes3a.zip   12509 08-05-2024 PCBDescribe Version 3.01 06/18/92 release.  A
                                utility for PCBoard v14.5a systems that
                                automatically detects description files
                                included in uploaded ZIP files and uses the
                                contents as the upload description.
                                Optionally appends a line indicating the
                                number of files and the dates of both the
                                oldest and the newest files in the ZIP file.
                                V3.01 adds OS/2 (DOS Window) compatibility.
pcbdir15.zip   37741 08-05-2024 DISPLAY  PCBoard's DIRectories  Statistics
                                This will create a graph that displays the
                                total number of bytes used  and number  of
                                files used within each of your  DIR files.
                                You can use it to display the graph to your
                                screen, or  use  it  to be redirected to a
                                bulletin. Multi-Node capable (file-sharing)
                                slight fixes made.            VERSION  1.5
                                    {added PCBoard @ANSI color codes}
                                    << System Support BBS Original>>
pcbdiz12.zip   34764 08-05-2024 PCBDIZ 1.2,  PCBoard 14.5a utility to scan
                                ZIP, LZH, and ARJ files for FILE_ID.DIZ and
                                insert the description if found.  Includes
                                options for adding the number of files,
                                oldest/newest file dates, uncompressed size
                                of the archive, and AV information for ZIPs
                                to the description.  FREEWARE by Dave
                                Navarro, Jr.
pcbdod16.zip   71377 08-05-2024       Sysops: Offer Outbound Internet!
                                @X0F     PCB Dial On Demand v1.60 For OS/2
                                @X0F  Want to offer your callers Full Internet
                                  but can't afford a leased line?
                                  PCB Dial On Demand dials your provider
                                  on demand, letting you offer your callers
                                  Internet access VERY cheaply! Avoid the
                                  cost of a 56K line, or a dedicated
                                  dialup. Requires OS/2 & PCBoard 15.22.
                                  Now supports the Internet Collection!
                                  Both a PPE and an EXE are included.
                                  includes Working TELDOR.
pcbdp197.zip  111768 08-05-2024 PCB-Deposit v1.95.  An excellent Time/Byte
                                Door. Specifically written for PCBoard 14.5a
                                Very friendly and easy to use! Don't let
                                your users waste their unused time and bytes.
                                Let them save it for a rainy day!! Complete
                                Multi-Lingual Support. Supports non-standard
                                comports! Will allow users to EXCHANGE their
                                TIME for BYTES or vice versa. Register using
                                your Credit Card!  Registered Users make a
                                copy of your DEPOSIT.KEY before upgrading!
pcbdr1_3.zip   40910 08-05-2024 PCBoard Utility  to  DISPLAY DOOR Statistics
                                This will create  a graph  that displays the
                                Door usages of all  or  selected doors used.
                                You  can use it to display the graph to your
                                screen,  or  use  it  to  be redirected to a
                                bulletin. Multi-Node  capable (file-sharing)
                                {added handling over 100 nodes}    (vrs 1.3)
                                      << System Support BBS Original>>
pcbem12u.zip   54974 08-05-2024 PCBEM II Event Manager 1.12 09/27/91
                                A complete event management system that
                                offers the abilty to run multiple events,
                                schedual SysOp maintenance, have other nodes
                                wait for the event process to complete and
                                more.... This version is a minor bug fix for
                                a problem with having more than 3 nodes and
                                a screen display flicker problem when using
                                the change command switch....
pcbeve10.zip   84858 08-05-2024 
pcbevn25.zip  174594 08-05-2024 PCBEvent v2.5  (For PCB14.5x) 624-92ķ
                                 The Ultimate In PCBoard Event Managers!  
                                MANY features that the others do not have!
                                Keeps your events in sync! Run an Event on
                                any day of the week. Easy to set up. Menu 
                                driven w/MOUSE. Holds node(s) down until  
                                another reloads.  * Maintenance Release * 
                                 -> FREE KEY FOR 30 DAY TRIAL INCLUDED <- 
                                With End Of Month Event & LAN Wait Options
                                 Author David Casto Ľ
pcbform.zip    29758 08-05-2024  PCBFormFiller  v1.1 ĸ
                                Replace PCBoard scripts with  
                                on-screen forms.  Users simply     
                                fill in the blanks allowing for   
                                easy editing of errors.  Comes   
                                complete with a replacement for
                                (W)RITE USER INFO, and a          
                                subscription form.                 
                                Custom made forms avaliable on request
pcbfre25.zip   94508 08-05-2024 PCBoard 14.5x File Ratio Enforcer DOOR.
                                Provides dynamic FILES, BYTES, POST/CALL,
                                POST/DOWNLOAD ratio enforcement.  Bytes
                                reward for messages posts. Unique Time and
                                Bytes banking system. v2.5 (29-Jun-1992)
pcbfv25.zip   123432 08-05-2024 
pcbfv30.zip   131845 08-05-2024 
pcbfv33.zip   140051 08-05-2024 PCBFV 3.3: PCBoard F V Compressed File View.
                                On-line\local reading & extraction of files
                                within ZIP, ARJ, LZH, PAK, and ARC  files.
                                Displays GIF dimensions. (F)ind text while
                                (R)eading.  Seamless.  Sysop configurable.
                                DESQview, fossil & non-standard com support.
                                FVMM utility for use with PCBFiler ALT-V.
                                NEW: FULL SUPPORT FOR PKZIP & PKUNZIP 2.04e.
pcbfx11.zip    58913 08-05-2024 PCBFX provides a file transfer "PROFILE"
                                using PCBoard's DOWNLOAD.TXT  file.
                                Information such as the number of d/l, who
                                u/l, the date of the last d/L, the date of
                                the u/l, and the date at which the profile
                                scan begins can be displayed to the caller.
                                ALL of this information is displayed in a
                                text file, so that both the content and
                                appearance of what the caller sees in the
                                profile report is 100% CONFIGURABLE
pcbhlp_c.zip   36622 08-05-2024 
pcbidx11.zip   23926 08-05-2024 
pcbimp12.zip  265230 08-05-2024 PCB'MPORT v1.2 for PCBoard Sysops; Find file
                                descriptions from either FILE_ID.DIZ or
                                captured file listing(s) & (optionally) move
                                file to a different directory based on key
                                words in that description, place description
                                in the appropriate listing. With options to
                                add a "FILE_ID.DIZ" to archives that don't
                                have them, remove graphic characters, match
                                on names with different extensions, and
                                more! ** FREEWARE **
pcblang.zip    21508 08-05-2024 
pcblim20.zip   79254 08-05-2024 PCBLimit Version 2.0 **********************
                                PCBLimit is a DOOR that will allow or deny*
                                users access to your system between the ***
                                specified times.  Great for Mail Networks *
                                and those LEECH visiting SysOps that keep *
                                your nodes busy and your subscribers out **
                                in the cold during the peak times.  :-)  **
                                Easy to set up and configure. *************
                                A lot of SysOp options and uses. **********
                                Author David Casto ************************
pcblim23.zip   89484 08-05-2024 
                                PCBLimit is a DOOR that will allow or deny
                                users access to your system between the
                                specified times.  Great for Mail Networks!
                                Now uses PCBStuff or Usernet logoff. Can
                                display an explanation file before logoff.
                                Now compatable with PCB14.5 using Usernet
                                Logoff. Easy to set up and LOTS of options
                                and uses. Seamless available when Reg.
pcbll097.zip   32088 08-05-2024 PCBCALL 0.97  -  dated 08/01/92
                                Cut your CALLER log file(s) down to size.  
                                Specify how many line or how many days you 
                                want to keep in the file.  You also have the 
                                ability to remove log entries left by any 
                                user(s).  Perfect to run in your event.
                                Another    * FREEWARE *    program.
pcbmac10.zip   24827 08-05-2024 PCB Macro's Version 1.0.0  Released 05-21-92
                                PCB Macro's is a Terminate and Stay Resident
                                utility to list all available color codes and
                                @ variables available in PCBoard 14.5a and
                                above. Uses on 6k of memory and a 48k swap
                                file. Does not conflict with COM Ports during
                                file transfers....
                                From MegaSoft SoftWare(tm)
pcbmail1.zip   18731 08-05-2024 PCBMail Ver 1.01  - Creates new CONTROL.DAT
                                with all conferences the User is allowed to
                                Join and creates a DOOR.ID file.  Also will
                                scan for new  Main Board Bulletins and will
                                include WELCOME, NEWS & GOODBYE file.   ADD
                                or DROP conferences for scanning by PCBoard
                                by uploading  message addressed to  PCBMail
                                using  Mail Reader's Add  &  Drop features.
                                Added options configuration line to control
                                the files included. FREEWARE by Gary Meeker
pcbmm01.zip     7128 08-05-2024 Explanation on how to set up a Multi Menu 
                                system on your PCBoard 14.5a system. By  
                                following this method, you can have a
                                separate MAIN, FILE, MESSAGE, SPECIAL
                                and SYSOPS menu on your PCBoard System!
                                Kinda NEAT-O once it's working!
pcbmm11.zip    81409 08-05-2024 
pcbmode2.zip   18754 08-05-2024 PcbMode Version 2.0 released Nov 11th 1991.
                                SysOp utility for use with PCBoard V14.5a.
                                Used to reset a callers color mode within the
                                PCBoard.Sys and/or Door.Sys file.  Accepts
                                On, Off, or 7E1 as parameters.
pcbmove.zip    80637 08-05-2024 PCBMove - Remote PCBoard file moving utility.
                                PCBoard door to allow your users move your
                                uploads and their descriptions to the proper
                                file directories of your board. Can also be
                                used locally with an ASCII list
                                to be moved or take the move requests from a
                                message using GetMail included in the Zip.
                                A must for lazy sysops :-)
                                Authors: G.Peterson, R.Cougnec, A.Altan
pcbmsg1.zip    39861 08-05-2024 
pcbnet29.zip   24318 08-05-2024 
pcbnet54.zip   32985 08-05-2024 PCB-Net v5.4.  Support for PCBoard 15.0.
                                Very Fast.  500%-1000% times faster than the
                                previous version.  This will will update
                                your Users Mail Waiting Flags.  You need
                                this if you carry EchoMail or if you're
                                using Old Third Party Software that doesn't
                                support the new file formats!  Instead of
                                using PCBPack /UPDATE, use this to also
                                update the MailFlags as well as the .IDX.
pcbnfy10.zip   35228 08-05-2024 PCBoard Notify - NetWare Version
                                Notifies NetWare users of Pcboard mail
                                waiting for them by sending then a
                                SEND-like message accross the LAN.
                                Handles multiple servers.
pcbnntp2.zip 5233676 08-05-2024 PCBNNTP v2.1.0 For Usenet/Email/RelayNet.
                                *** New, Improved, Faster ***
                                Designed to run
                                in a Windows/95/98/NT4 environment and bring
                                Networking, Email, and Usenet functions into
                                new Millennium.
                                PCBNNTP will enable PCBoard sysops to transfer
                                NewsGroups with any News Server effortlessly.
                                PCBNNTP will enable PCBoard sysops to transfer
                                mail with any RIME News Server effortlessly.
                                PCBNNTP  will enable PCBoard sysops to
                                transfer Email
                                between PCBoard and any SMTP/POP3 mail server
                                PCBNNTP runs silently in the background,
                                transferring USENET, RIME and Email without
                                PCBNNTP is for use by PCBoard Sysops that have
                                a dedicated
                                or dial-up Internet connection.
                                PCBNNTP scans selected PCB conferences on your
                                BBS for new
                                messages, and if it finds any, it immediately
                                sends it to the RIME HUB,
                                posting it to the proper conference. It will
                                also scan the RIME HUB for
                                any new messages, download them, and
                                automatically toss it to the proper
                                PCBoard conference.
                                PCBNNTP does the same for Usenet and EMail.
                                PCBNNTP will not allow any duplicates, in
                                either importing
                                to your BBS or in sending to the Usenet, Email
                                or RIME Server.
                                PCBNNTP does complete logging, and is
                                PCBNNTP does not use any disk space for
                                message bases. Mail
                                passes through PCBNNTP transparently.
                                PCBNNTP eliminates all other tossers for RIME
                                and is Y2K
                                PCBNNTP is only $14.99 for the RIME/EMAIL
                                version, and
                                is only $29.99 for the USENET/RIME/EMAIL
                                The unregistered version of PCBNNTP is fully
                                but will only transfer RIME mail to and from
                                the rime.test conference,
                                and transfer one email message at a time.
                                Usenet operations are disabled.
                                Screen shots, and the evaluation version is
                                available at:
pcbpag31.zip   53606 08-05-2024 PCBPage Seamless Page Door for PCBoard
                                Version 3.0 of 11/28/91.  Seamless, 
                                shell-type page door for PCBoard 14.5a.
                                Allows selective hourly settings to allow
                                or reject Page Requests, updates the 
                                USERNET.DAT file to show page activity,
                                Supports multi-lingual text files, and
                                a TCAN and ALWAYS text listing of names to
                                control page access better.  Now Supports
                                '%filespec' variables in PAGETEXT.
pcbquick.zip    2503 08-05-2024 
pcbrat15.zip   15166 08-05-2024 PCBoard 14.5a File Ratio Enforcer DOOR.
                                Provides real-time/dynamic file/bytes
                                ratio enforcement.
                                A Must for all PCBoard Sysops
                                Version 1.50; 3/30/1992.
pcbre200.zip   10248 08-05-2024 PCBReset v2.00, This runs in batch to test
                                PCBOARD.SYS to see if a caller is logged in
                                before loading a front-end mailer. After a
                                power failure or crash, it can be used to
                                stop the next caller from getting in without
                                being asked a name and password.  This new
                                version can log recycle dates/times to your
                                caller log file.  Freeware.
pcbscm3.zip    25145 08-05-2024 
pcbspy10.zip   83728 08-05-2024 PCBSpy V1.0 - A new Monitor-Programm for
                                PCBoard V14.5a and V15.0, many features
                                mouse-driven GUI for VGA-Adapters, super
                                vise up to 100 Nodes, overview from 8 to
                                35 nodes in one window, display under 
                                each node a small portions of the user
                                record, display complete user record, if
                                PCBoard updates the caller log PCBSPY
                                updates its Caller Log window, Caller 
                                Log of each node, call to PCBSM,PCBSetup
                                PCBFiler, Supports Node-Inspection Tools 
                                like Lan Assist or Network-Eye etc....
pcbss20.zip    96845 08-05-2024 
pcb_2dhtm.zip   53115 08-05-2024 PCB-HTM from MoonDog Software.
                                PCB-HTM will convert your PCBoard
                                File DIrectories to HTML for use
                                on your Web Site. PCB-HTM will create
                                a master FILE DIRECTORY PAGE with
                                links to the individual FILE LISTS.
                                Every file has a link to its location
                                on your system so that it may be
                                downloaded directly from the web page
                                or from your FTP server.
                                PCB-HTM can be run in your daily event
                                to keep the web site current.
                                PCB-HTM may be purchased at
                                For DOS, WIN/95, WIN/98
                                and WIN/NT4.0. US$15.00.
pcb_2dhtmw.zip 1515394 08-05-2024 PCB-HTMW from MoonDog Software.
                                PCB-HTMW will convert your PCBoard
                                File DIrectories to HTML for use
                                on your Web Site. PCB-HTM will create
                                a master FILE DIRECTORY PAGE with
                                links to the individual FILE LISTS.
                                Every file has a link to its location
                                on your system so that it may be
                                downloaded directly from the web page
                                if you have an FTP server.
                                PCB-HTM can be run in your daily event
                                to keep the web site current.
                                For WIN/95, WIN/98 & WIN/NT. US$15.00.
pfed_104.zip  589414 08-05-2024            
                                  -:- PFED v1.04 -:-   
                                   COMPLETE BBS FILE AREA MANAGER 
                                 For: PCBoard, TriBBS, System-X, Express
                                    Coded by Gene Layton - 02/09/96
                                 Move, edit, delete, & sort files easily,
                                 full desc editing, import FILES.BBS, DOS
                                 and archive viewers, NUKE Files, SHRINK
                                 dirs, full upload processing, (BOOMLAB)
                                 DUPE checker/remover, view logs, command
                                   line MASTER LIST & DOWNLOAD COUNTER.
                                INCLUDES BOOMLAB v.71 PCB UPLOAD PROCESSOR
                                گLCHD FRoM The Wild Thing BBs
                                ĝ Th ro nncton 
pmc_2dfv40.zip  227446 08-05-2024 PCBFV v4.0 - freeware by PMC 1996
                                     ____________ __  /\___________________
                                 ____\__ __      \  \/        /       ____/
                                |         _______/           /        |____
                                |_________|_________\/       \____________/
                                           PMC -fuck the police!
pplc310.zip    54235 08-05-2024 PCBoard PPE to Source Decompiler
qfp_2d120p.zip  747714 08-05-2024 [ QFRONT 1.19b to 1.20a UPGRADE ]Ϳ
                                 Updated files for PCBoard sysops    
                                 who have trouble installing or      
                                 running QFront 1.19b on machines    
                                 with 133MHz or faster processors.   
                                 Requires registered copy of 1.19b   
                                 This upgrade released by author     
                                 See README.NFO file for info        
regtrx33.zip  101621 08-05-2024 
swop145g.zip   36828 08-05-2024 
sysis1bf.zip   35839 08-05-2024 SysOpIs Version 1.0F By Greg Parsons.
                                Utility for ProDoor to show your users
                                what you are doing or where you are.
                                Made to run in Sam Smith's PROPROGM file
                                from ProLogon 1.1+, but can also be run
                                from PCBoard 14.x
t2pcb10.zip     7423 08-05-2024 
ufo_11.zip     36580 08-05-2024  Usernet Fake Out - UFO - v1.1 
                                One-Of-A-Kind PCBoard utility to randomly
                                modify your WHO display. Can be run from any
                                .BAT file or the command line. Updated to run
                                with PCBoard 15.0 ONLY. Easy to use and FREE!
                                Author: Gerry Schechter - Sysop - The Lost
                                Carrier BBS - (914) 964-0419
uucpfix.zip  1480603 08-05-2024 UUCPFIX.ZIP
                                Version 1.0
                                Evaluation copy, fully featured.
                                UUCPFIX will repair PCBoard's
                                Y2K uncompliant date field
                                in the BAG files PCB's UUOUT
                                produces. Be prepared for
verf401a.zip  483568 08-05-2024 User  Verifier Door & Mailing  Utility, Ver.
                                4.01a(10/03/92). Complete registration, mail
                                verification,  credit card  subscription and
                                script questionnaire system for PCBoard 14.x
                                Fixed a problem with keyfile in MAILING.EXE.
                                Removed  some of the  limits on unregistered
                                versions.  The Most  Complete User  Security
                                and   Registration  Maintenance  System  for
                                PCBoard available.  (Ver. 4.01 had the wrong
                                MAILING.EXE file in it!)
viewfix.zip    16213 08-05-2024 Viewfix v1.0 - Fixes the Y2K date bug in
                                PCBoard's PCBVIEW.EXE utility.
vig_2dfd11.zip   44403 08-05-2024  PWA Presents: FixDiz v1.1 Ŀ
                                 Ever try to import  LZH or LHA diz's and 
                                 only got the first line to show up? Then 
                                 this utility is for you. Source included 
                                 *MINOR BUGFIX WHEN NO DIZ EXTSTS*        
                                 Coded by: Vigilante                      
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
                                  [41;1m[ Th Vlvt Undrgrnd ][0m
whoc71.zip    576396 08-05-2024 WhoCalled V7.1 (PCBoard) LastCall/WhoCalled
                                Bulletin Maker! A Billing Module 
                                & External DataBase! Let Your Users Use THEIR
                                OWN Callers Log! WhoUsers 
                                Included! (A Complete & External DataBase Of
                                The Users File.) PRINTs Invoices 
                                & Processes TeleFlora-PC-B Users On The Fly!
                                Track The Last XX Callers & Creates 
                                A Bulletin To Show LogOn Msgs Files (U/D) &
                                Mins. Includes Invoicing To Bill 
                                Your Users By Mins/Files/Msgs.
xstat141.zip   83893 08-05-2024 XferStats 1.41 - Complete Stats Door 
                                For PCBoard Based Systems.  Allows Callers
                                To View As Well As To D/L a List Of All
                                Files They Have Transferred.  Also Allows
                                Them To View Their Personal Statistics.  
                                SysOp Functions Allow Searching For Any User 
                                Or Filename.  "File Stats" Gives Date Uploaded
                                Times Downloaded, and Last Date Downloaded.  
                                If SysOp Sec. Then Uploader is Displayed Also.
                                May Be Run in PCBoard SHELL Mode!  Completely
                                Seamless When Registered.  Recompiled For /M
                                FOSSIL Compatibility.
znr092d.zip    88956 08-05-2024 ZipNews local/remote newsreader; PCBoard BBSs
                                and also for Waffle BBSs. BETA v0.92d, this
                                is an uncrippled fully threaded Usenet news-
                                reader and companion to the ZipNews Door. It
                                reads packets produced by that door.  You may
                                select groups, maintain pointers via packet
                                upload with door versions of 0.96e and later.
                                Registered version is a mailer for uploading
                                Internet E-mail and your own news postings to
                                the ZipNews Door.  Can be used as local readr
                                /mailer by sysops w/ZipNews door. Reg.$19.95

                Area 82 - PCBoard PPEs J-O                

0who11.zip      4750 08-05-2024 SuperWho [PPE] - v1.1 - A fun replacement for
                                your PCBoard WHO command that will show  fake
                                users on your  system.  Limited only  by your
                                imagination.  Free BBS support for registered
                                users!   No  delays  or  beg  screens.  Fully
                                functional.  Released on 06/11/94.  Check  it
                                out today!
100b_2dnlu.zip   22821 08-05-2024 >PCBoard Nodelist Lookup Utility<
                                (E)  replacement  for  Fidonet  Netmail 
                                 area. *NO* external software necessary. 
                                 User enters name and BAM!--the  correct 
                                 node number is inserted.   Aimed toward 
                                 the non-techno  geek.  Designed  to  be 
                                 easy for Sysop & users.   Automatic  in 
                                 every way.   and ! 
                                A COOL TOP TO KNOW HOW MANY BYTES AND      
                                SINCE YOU BE OPEN .....                    
                                 Coded By \>//rp / Re/l/>\               
                                       - Freak Town PPE Support -            
2ndpw10.zip     4270 08-05-2024 Second Password PPE v1.0 - A PCB v15.1 PPE
                                to use the Verification PSA's  Info as the
                                users second password.
2ndsub11.zip   25150 08-05-2024 SECOND SUBSCRIPTION for PCBoard 15.22+
                                An easier way to manage the Internet Usenet
                                Newsgroups & E-Mail. This PPE will run a   
                                "SECOND SUBSCRIPTION" It's seamless and NO 
                                "hassle" Just set callers expiration date. 
                                Writes user definable messages when sub is 
                                coming to an end, also when expired. Unflags
                                conferences, Even writes message to Sysop 
                                when they expire!  
                                Now more friendly and configurable.
2_2ddownx.zip   11233 08-05-2024  .[Download Prompts and .PPE for PCBoard ].
                                |=ܲ   =|Coded by:        |=|
                                |=ܱܱܱ=|MaLiCiOuS iNSaNiTy|=|
                                |=====Two Thousand====`------------------'=|
                                         This File Passed Thru
                                 (9o5) -= The Unknown Realm =- (9o5)
3001cm11.zip    3762 08-05-2024 [ Ultra Staff Comment v 1.1 ]
                                  The Ultimate Replacement   
                                   'C' Command For 3oo1's!   
                                     Multiple Sysop Menu     
                                   Light Bar Matrix Menu   
                                    100% Configuarable!    
                                  Contains USC v1 Update!  
3001entr.zip    5568 08-05-2024 [Zoom Light Enter Prompt v1]Ŀ            
                                 PCBz Finest Floating Light     
                                 Source Prompt... PCB 15.2!     
                                   Released By Popular               
                                  Demand... Perfection in           
                                  A PPE! OH! PCBz Finest!                 
3001lbms.zip   18194 08-05-2024 [ Light Bar Message Prompts ]
                                   3oo1's Complete Lite Bar  
                                  Driven Interface For PCBz  
                                       Message System.       
                                   100% Light Bar Driven   
                                  Replaces All Editor And  
                                  Read Prompts With Bars!  
3001mend.zip    3303 08-05-2024 [ Message End Light Bar! v1 ]
                                   Scrap The Ugly Internal   
                                    PCB "End Of Message:"    
                                  Prompt for 3oo1's matrix!  
                                   And End Comands. PCBs   
                                  Best EoM prompt!  NICE!  
3001_2dusm.zip    4201 08-05-2024 [Uploader String Modifier v1]  
                                 100% Configurable Uploader  
                                 Name Modifier For PCB 15.2!   
                                  Switch The Boaring "Up-                
                                  Loader: Name" DiZ String               
                                  To A User's Own String!                
3001_2dzsc.zip    4593 08-05-2024 [Zippy Scanner & Locater v1]Ŀ           
                                 100% Configurable Scanner   
                                 And File Searcher For PCB!     
                                  Locate All Duplicate Zip     
                                  Files and DiZs With 100%     
                                  Ease... The BEST Zippy!                 
3001_usm.zip    4201 08-05-2024 [Uploader String Modifier v1]  
                                 100% Configurable Uploader  
                                 Name Modifier For PCB 15.2!   
                                  Switch The Boaring "Up-                
                                  Loader: Name" DiZ String               
                                  To A User's Own String!                
3001_zsc.zip    4592 08-05-2024 [Zippy Scanner & Locater v1]Ŀ           
                                 100% Configurable Scanner   
                                 And File Searcher For PCB!     
                                  Locate All Duplicate Zip     
                                  Files and DiZs With 100%     
                                  Ease... The BEST Zippy!                 
300mod21.zip    8032 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 "What to do with a 300bps Modem"  
                                 Small PPE from MoonScape Software 
                                   MoonScape BBS  516-431-3271     
                                      New Customable Version       
                                  Neater Display and Centering!    
4sale11.zip    18814 08-05-2024 4SALE.PPE - For PCBoard v15.22+ Let's
                                a caller place an ad in two formats.
                                A 3 line bulletin ad and a more
                                detailed ad that is viewed within the
                                PPE. The Sysop can use the BLT AD in
                                bulletins or display files.
                                version 1.01
                                Minor upgrade for European BBS's to
                                allow other currency types, European
                                style phone numbers and dates.
                                FREEWARE from BootSoft!
649.zip        10908 08-05-2024 LOTTO 6/49 version 1.0 [PPE] for PCBoard 15+
                                Users pick six numbers and will be given a
                                prize depending on the number of matching
                                numbers.  Totaly configurable with seperate
                                config file.  Seperate startup screen, option
                                of Quick pick and help file.  [Nov 6, 1993]
                                Programed by: Greg Moore
662_ppe.zip     2512 08-05-2024 662.PPE by Alif Ambler will change the
                                default answer at the PCBoard mail
                                waiting prompt #662 (Read your personal
                                mail now) from NO to YES. For PCBOARD
                                version 15.0 and later. Source code
                                included. Freeware.
7pc_2dfas2.zip   11193 08-05-2024  FILE AREAS SEL. v.2  [ PPE ]ͻ 
                                 Now  you  can  select  your file areas  
                                 using  light  bar +  you  can lock any  
                                 area on passcode ... Fixed some bugs +  
                                 added some cool options ...             
                                            [04/23/95] =TMD= ļ 
911lv1b.zip     7465 08-05-2024 \ \ /\ \ /  /\\ \ /  /\\ \ /
                                 \   \  /     \  /     \  /
                                          /  ]      /  ]      /
                                 \   \  \     \  \     \  \
                                \ \/ \ \\  \./\ \\  \./ \ \\
                                [   PPE [911] Login Procedure v1.0B   ]
                                [Radomizes up to 4 different login proc.]
                                            @X8C HY LM! @X08
                                @X08 @X07 @X0F 
                                @X08@X0F THiS FiLE PASSD THRU (iTi[AL
                                @X08@X0F   PLADD  04.30.95 AT 23:42
                                @X08@X0F   CALL NW - (2o1)535-3902
                                @X08 @X07 @X0F 
95cropcb.zip    1695 08-05-2024 1995 Croatian Championship Playoff, from
                                Brett Jameson
a1_ppe_252.zip   35640 08-05-2024 A1_PPE'S.ZIP Is A Bundle Of The
                                Best PPE's To Hit The PCBoard
                                Scene Since FLAG.PPE! Contained
                                In This ZIP Are Six Of Robert
                                Brower's *BEST* PPE Utilities.
                                All PPE's 100% Uncrippled!!!!!
                                Menu Bar And Arrow keys User 
                                Interfaces To A Whole New Look!
                                *** YOU'LL WANT TO GET THIS ***
                                1. FILE DIRECTORY LIST MENU PPE
                                2. BULLETIN MENU PPE
                                3. DOOR AND PPE MENU PPE
                                4. VAULT TIME AND BYTE BANK PPE
                                5. RECEIPT GENERATOR PPE
                                6. WRITE USER INFO EDITOR PPE
acd1lne.zip    12871 08-05-2024  Acidic Presents - Oneliners v1.0 - [PCB] PPE
                                [Watcher - Acidic]Ŀ
                                Lightbar oneliners, v1.0, most configurable
                                    and best-looking out there so far.     
acdgms.zip      9380 08-05-2024  [ ACDGMS v1.00 - Defcon 4 ]  [PCB] Ŀ
                                 GMS is a graphical message system ppe for 
                                 PCB v15.2 that allows the sysop to add a  
                                 graphical, color message header.  Board   
                                          must NOT carry netmail.          
acdpge.zip      4495 08-05-2024  [ ACDPGE v1.00 - Defcon 4 ]  [PCB] Ŀ
                                 PGE is a graphical operator page ppe that 
                                 enhances operator paging. Inlcudes Source 
                                 [01.17.95] Ĵ
                                  acidic - a division of acid productions  
acdtrbo.zip     8400 08-05-2024 Acidic Presents - Turbo Logon v1.0 - [PCB]
                                    ܲ                 ܲ         
                                     ۲       ۲ ܱ  ܲ
                                     ۲   ۲۲ޱ  ۲
                                 tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ    
                                    ۱۱       ܲ  
                                     ۰   ߲۱  
                                      ޲ݰ  ۲ ۲ 
                                      ߰  ߰ 
                                [Watcher - Acidic
                                Turbo Logon v1.0, very handy logon
                                display files, call ppe's, very
                                   ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
acd_2dag20.zip   48897 08-05-2024 Acidic Presents -  Art Gallery v2.00 -  [PCB]
                                  Fully Functional Art Gallery for PCBoard 
                                    Upload, Download, & View ANSi Online   
                                [Dark Creation]
                                   ܲ                 ܲ         
                                    ۲       ۲ ܱ  ܲ
                                    ۲   ۲۲ޱ  ۲
                                tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ    
                                   ۱۱       ܲ   ۰
                                    ۰   ߲۱   ۱
                                     ޲ݰ  ۲ ۲  ۲
                                     ߰  ߰ 
                                  ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
                                            @X8C HY LM! @X08
                                @X08 @X07 @X0F 
                                @X08@X0F THiS FiLE PASSD THRU (iTi[AL
                                @X08@X0F   PLADD  04.30.95 AT 23:43
                                @X08@X0F   CALL NW - (2o1)535-3902
                                @X08 @X07 @X0F 
acd_2dcui1.zip    9003 08-05-2024  Acidic Presents - CUIE  v1.0 - A [PCB] PPE
                                 By Far The BEST And MOST Configurable 'W' 
                                 Command Replacement In The Scene To Date. 
                                [Physical Solution]
acd_2ddos.zip   14618 08-05-2024 ACiDic Presents - DOS Login Matrix PPE  [PCB]
                                ---+-- -- -- -  - -     - -  - -- -- --+---
                                   A fully configurable PCB login matrix   
                                 with caller id, nup, and syspass support. 
                                --------------[ Code Zero ]----------------
                                   ܲ                 ܲ         
                                    ۲       ۲ ܱ  ܲ
                                    ۲   ۲۲ޱ  ۲
                                tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ    
                                   ۱۱       ܲ   ۰
                                    ۰   ߲۱   ۱
                                     ޲ݰ  ۲ ۲  ۲
                                     ߰  ߰ 
                                  ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
acd_2dedb1.zip    4540 08-05-2024 EDITBar v1.0 Disorder [PCB]
acd_2dlog1.zip   12626 08-05-2024 ACiDic Logon v1.0  -  [PCB]
acd_2dmcs1.zip    7018 08-05-2024 Multi-Conference FileScan v1.0b PPE - [1/1]
                                            @X8C HY LM! @X08
                                @X08 @X07 @X0F 
                                @X08@X0F THiS FiLE PASSD THRU (iTi[AL
                                @X08@X0F   PLADD  04.30.95 AT 23:45
                                @X08@X0F   CALL NW - (2o1)535-3902
                                @X08 @X07 @X0F 
acd_2dnuke.zip   10421 08-05-2024  [NUKEiT v1.00 - CHRONiC FATiGUE - [PCB] Ŀ
                                 NUKEiT v1.0 is a program which allows you 
                                 to delete multiple files quickly, leaving 
                                 a 0 byte file in the directory. Great for 
                                 off-line storage, so people do not upload 
                                 files which have already been sent to you 
                                 [04.06.95] Ĵ
                                  acidic - a division of acid productions  
acd_2dpwrd.zip    5359 08-05-2024 ACiDic Presents - Password PPE  v1.00 - [PCB]
                                 PPE to Ask User for Password. Has a Popup 
                                 Windows that Toggles On/Off to Show Input 
acemat26.zip   32724 08-05-2024 Lightbar Matrix/NUV PPE v2.6
aceprmt2.zip   10575 08-05-2024 Configurable Prompts PPE v2.0
adboard1.zip    8920 08-05-2024 AdBoard.PPE v 1.0 by Windmill Computer
                                Services. Displays ads for your callers
                                and works in conjunction with
                                ONELINE.PPE to give your BBS a full
                                featured advertising system ala Prodigy.
                                Works on PCBoard v 15.1 or higher.
                                Fully functional...not crippled, no
                                beg screens or time delays.
addcnf11.zip   24484 08-05-2024 ADDCONFS 1.01 - easily add conferences for
                                PCBoard 15.2.  Written for first wide beta
                                of Aug 15, 1994.  Handles long conference
                                names.  Automatically names message base. 
                                Small changes to show progress and in naming
                                message base.  *FREE*
address.zip     5201 08-05-2024 EMAIL ADDRESSER v1.00  - This shows your 
                                users there Internet EMail address. All you  
                                to do is enter your domian into a file and   
                                your users will be able to veiw the EMAIL    
                                                          FREEWARE -=KiLLeR=-
adjtime.zip     4483 08-05-2024 TimeCheck Version .09 - January 22, 1994.
                                Do you need to allow a certain caller on
                                your BBS at a certain time?  If the answer
                                to that question is 'YES', you might want
                                to take a look at this PPE program for
                                PCBoard 15.1.  This program will adjust
                                users times, execpt for the users that is
                                exempt from the adjustment, to allow that
                                exempted user onto the system at a specific
                                CAP/ANALYSIS (708) 854-0255
adprmt15.zip    5823 08-05-2024 ADPROMPT.PPE * v1.5
                                NOW 15.1 and 15.2 COMPATIBLE
                                This PPE will allow you to show 
                                advertisments at your menu 
                                prompts. This is a PCBTEXT 
                                replacement for #396. Have fun.
                                Updated options, take a look!
                                Uploaded by: Thom Allen
adprmt16.zip    4852 08-05-2024 [PPE] ADPROMPT.PPE * v1.6
                                This PPE will allow you to show 
                                advertisments, directions or 
                                just about anything you can
                                think of at your menu 
                                prompts. This is a PCBTEXT 
                                replacement for #396. Have fun.
                                Updated options, take a look!
                                Uploaded by: Thom Allen
adrs101.zip     5763 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                       eMail Address PPE v. 1.01          
                                   Internet E-Mail Name Replacement PPE   
                                    MoonScape Software Release v. 1.01    
                                      MoonScape Software 516-431-3271     
                                 Allows you to show users their INTERNET  
                                   EMAIL address with DOTS and centers    
                                   it on a nice display.  Configurable    
adupd.zip       5844 08-05-2024 This PPL Code will check the Users
                                file for the callers Address Info, If
                                there is none it will display a menu
                                where they place there address Info.
                                You can use this in your Logon Script
                                or use the !FILESPEC command on the
                                first line of your NEWS file(s).
                                   ----Source Code Included----
aexpertb.zip    7173 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲۲
                                 ܲ ߲  ۲  
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲۲ ۲ ۲۲ ߲ 
                                 ߲߲ ߲ ۲ ۲߲   
                                  [  avg lightbar xpert mode select ]
                                  [ substitutes the "x" command with]
                                  [ an animation and kewl graphx!...]
afl_2dhack.zip    3433 08-05-2024 ANTi-HACK v0.1 PPE
afl_2djp32.zip    6899 08-05-2024  _______________________________
                                 \_          \_      ____\_     \AlpHAFlgHT
                                  /     /    //     /____~/     /_____ '93
                                 /          //     _____//     /~   _/
                                /     /    //     /     /     /    /
                                 JOiN-CONFERENCE PPE v3.2 for PC-BOARD 15.x
                                  * RANDOMLY displayed (J)oin-Menues
                                  * internal security-check for each conf.
                                  * direct-join "J x" aware
                                  * Display now *REAL* configurable
afl_2dlame.zip    4342 08-05-2024 Lamers List PPE for PCBoard 15.1+
                                   %99.9 Sysop configuratable
                                      Download and spread
afl_2dup.zip   25269 08-05-2024     /\___________________________/\
                                   /  \      /_____   \  |   \____ \
                                  / /  \    /__   /___/       \  /  \ FLIGHT
                                 /      \  /   \    \    T     \     \
                                /___/    \______\____\   |_____/_/    \
                                [==/______\      /_______|=RpD!=/______\===]
                                [===========] PROUDLY PRESENTS [===========]
                                [=]     ALPHA-UP v.0.1 fOR PCB 15.0+     [=]
                                [=]   A LiGHTBAR DRiVEN REPLACEMENT FOR  [=]
                                [=]            THE "U" COMMAND           [=]
                                [=] -//- THiS FLiGHT WiLL NEVER STOP -\\-[=]
                                [=================] 1994 [=================]
                                            @X8C HY LM! @X08
                                @X08 @X07 @X0F 
                                @X08@X0F THiS FiLE PASSD THRU (iTi[AL
                                @X08@X0F   PLADD  04.30.95 AT 23:50
                                @X08@X0F   CALL NW - (2o1)535-3902
                                @X08 @X07 @X0F 
afl_hack.zip    3433 08-05-2024 ANTi-HACK v0.1 PPE
afl_lame.zip    4342 08-05-2024 Lamers List PPE for PCBoard 15.1+
                                   %99.9 Sysop configuratable
                                      Download and spread
afl_pw2.zip     6078 08-05-2024 A Disclaimer/NUP PPE Coded by Mr.Mox
                                Can leave a messy if someone don't
                                know your NUP!.
afl_run1.zip    3992 08-05-2024 .____/\_    _.  _______/\  __ __  __/\____..
                                :\_____ \  / |  \_____   \/  |  \/  _____/::
                                :::/  |  \/  |/ \|   |   /   _   \  |  \::::
                                ::/   _   \  |   \   ___/\   |   /  _   \:::
                                :/    |    \_____/___|    \__|__/   |    \::
                                :\____|____/=[> F L i G H T <]=\____|____/::
                                :             P R E S E N T S             ::
                                          A PPE for Testing PPEs.
                                      Install this to test lotsa PPEs
                                      before you decide which to use.
                                            @X8C HY LM! @X08
                                @X08 @X07 @X0F 
                                @X08@X0F THiS FiLE PASSD THRU (iTi[AL
                                @X08@X0F   PLADD  04.30.95 AT 23:52
                                @X08@X0F   CALL NW - (2o1)535-3902
                                @X08 @X07 @X0F 
agsam10.zip    26872 08-05-2024 _________    _________________/\   __________
                                \        \  /        /       /  \_/         /
                                 \  _____ \/  \___  / ____  /____/  \____  /
                                 _\/   _/  \  _)__\/  \   \/     \______ \/
                                 \    __    \_\    \_  \_  \_     \_   /  \_
                                :          AGS ANSWeRiNG MaCHiNE           :
                                :                                          :
                                :GiVE aN aNSWeRiNG MaCHiNE To aLL uSERS oN :
                                :   YoUR BoaRD ! - WHeN SoMeONE WRiTE To   :
                                : aNoTHeR iT SHoWS THe USeR'S aNSWeR       :
                                :  MeSSaGE THeN LeT oPPoRTuNiTY To WRiTE,  :
                                :      CaNCeL oR CHooSE SuMeONE eLSE       :
                                :                                          :
                                : WoRK PeRFeCTLY iN CoNJuNCTiON WiTH aNY   :
                                :    MuLTI-SYSoP CoMMeNT oR aNY oTHeR      :
                                :            KBDSTuFFiNG PPe !             :
                                [PPE3.1]====[CoDE:LoNE RuNNeR]=========[1/1]
agsbf10.zip    40939 08-05-2024              . _ _ ________
                                 .____/\_/\______ __ ______/ /\_____.
                                  \_  _ \ ______/_______ ___/  ____/
                                  /  _/  \ __)___  ____/|   \____  \
                                 |   |    \ |    \ \__  \    \  |   \
                                 |___|    /_     /_     /    /_     /
                                 ,-----------[ C O R P ]------------.
                                 |[    HSP ]|
                                 |[  CoNVERTERS aND eXaMPLe FiLES  ]|
                                 |[   iNCLUDeD iN THE PaCKaGE...   ]|
                                 [   CoDeD BY NuMBeR SiX / AGS'94   ]
agshos10.zip   13217 08-05-2024              . _ _ ________
                                 .____/\_/\______ __ ______/ /\_____.
                                  \_  _ \ ______/_______ ___/  ____/ 
                                  /  _/  \ __)___  ____/|   \____  \
                                 |   |    \ |    \ \__  \    \  |   \
                                 |___|    /_     /_     /    /_     /
                                 ,-----------[ C O R P ]------------.
                                 |[     HaLL oF SHaMe PPE v1.o     ]|
                                 |[  DeSiGNeD FoR No-RaTio BoaRDS  ]|
                                 |[    WiLL MaKe a ToP oF BeST     ]|
                                 |[   LeeCHeRS/0 BYTeS uPLoaDeRZ   ]|
                                 |[   iNSTaLL iT NoW To MaKe YaR   ]|
                                 |[ LaMe LeeCHeRZ uPLoaDiNG a LoT! ]|
                                 [   CoDeD BY NuMBeR SiX / AGS'94   ]
agsiemsi.zip   34885 08-05-2024 _________    _________________/\   __________
                                \        \  /        /       /  \_/         /
                                 \  _____ \/  \___  / ____  /____/  \____  /
                                 _\/   _/  \  _)__\/  \   \/     \______ \/
                                 \    __    \_\    \_  \_  \_     \_   /  \_
                                [CORP!]---   ---[PRESENTS]
                                :            IEMSI INTERFACE 1.1           :
                                :          ---         :
                                :  Add IEMSI to *ANY* Logon you may use!!  :
                                :     **! FULL SOURCE CODE PROVIDED !**    :
                                :                                          :
                                :     PCB Sysops, this file is for YOU!    :
                                [PPE3.1][CoDE:Lone Runner][1/1]
agsjn10.zip     3893 08-05-2024 "J" Replacement for PCBoard
                                Provide a fullscreen conference
                                selection - totally customizable
agsjoin1.zip    4159 08-05-2024              . _ _ ________
                                 .____/\_/\______ __ ______/ /\_____.
                                  \_  _ \ ______/_______ ___/  ____/
                                  /  _/  \ __)___  ____/|   \____  \
                                 |   |    \ |    \ \__  \    \  |   \
                                 |___|    /_     /_     /    /_     /
                                 ,-----------[ C O R P ]-------PPE2-.
                                 |[  "J" RePLaCeMeNT FoR PCBoaRD   ]|
                                 |[        ---         ]|
                                 |[   PRoViDE a FuLL SCReeN CoNF   ]|
                                 |[ SeLeCTioN ToTaLLY CuSToMiZaBLE ]|
                                 [   CODE BY LoNE RuNNeR / AGS'94   ]
                                            @X8C HY LM! @X08
                                @X08 @X07 @X0F 
                                @X08@X0F THiS FiLE PASSD THRU (iTi[AL
                                @X08@X0F   PLADD  05.01.95 AT 00:00
                                @X08@X0F   CALL NW - (2o1)535-3902
                                @X08 @X07 @X0F 
agslc20.zip     5423 08-05-2024    AEGiS LaSTCaLLeRZ v2.o
                                 VeRY KeWL LaSTCaLLs FoR PCB
                                 FeaTuRiNG ToDaY STaTS, ToP
                                CaLL/uPLoaDS/DoWNLoaDS, WiLL
                                WoRK WiTH aNY LoGiN eNHaNCeR
                                 VeRY CoNFiGuRaBLE aND MoRe
agslem11.zip   51126 08-05-2024 _________    _________________/\   __________
                                \        \  /        /       /  \_/         /
                                 \  _____ \/  \___  / ____  /____/  \____  /
                                 _\/   _/  \  _)__\/  \   \/     \______ \/
                                 \    __    \_\    \_  \_  \_     \_   /  \_
                                :   aEGiS cORP Lemming Pager 1.1 *BUGFIX*  :
                                :      If you liked the Wak Pager then     :
                                :     you will LOVE the LEMMING PAGER !    :
                                :     This PPE contains high violence!     :
                                :     Not suitable for people under 12     :
                                [PPE3]=============Code by Lone Runner=[1/1]
agslog22.zip   32789 08-05-2024              . _ _ ________
                                 .____/\_/\______ __ ______/ /\_____.
                                  \_  _ \ ______/_______ ___/  ____/ 
                                  /  _/  \ __)___  ____/|   \____  \
                                 |   |    \ |    \ \__  \    \  |   \
                                 |___|    /_     /_     /    /_     /
                                 ,-----------[ C O R P ]------[PPE3].
                                 |[       AEGiS LoGiN v2.2         ]|
                                 |[ THe uLTiMaTe LoGiN RePLaCeMeNT ]|
                                 |[       FoR PCBoaRD 15.2+        ]|
                                 |[        ---          ]|
                                 |-> !iEMSi SuPPoRT iNCLuDeD! <-|
                                 |[        ---          ]|
                                 |[  ALSo FeaTuReS KeWL GRaFX aND  ]|
                                 |[  MaNY oPTioNS, LeeCH iT NoW!!  ]|
                                 |->  v2.1 LiGHTBaR BuG FiXeD   <-|
                                 |[  THiS LoGiN ReaLLY KiCK aSS!!  ]|
                                 [    CoDeD BY NB6 & LR / AGS'95    ]
agslog23.zip   22243 08-05-2024              . _ _ ________
                                 .____/\_/\______ __ ______/ /\_____.
                                  \_  _ \ ______/_______ ___/  ____/ 
                                  /  _/  \ __)___  ____/|   \____  \
                                 |   |    \ |    \ \__  \    \  |   \
                                 |___|    /_     /_     /    /_     /
                                 ,-----------[ C O R P ]------[PPE3].
                                 |[       AEGiS LoGiN v2.3o        ]|
                                 |[ THe uLTiMaTe LoGiN RePLaCeMeNT ]|
                                 |[       FoR PCBoaRD 15.2+        ]|
                                 |-> !iEMSi SuPPoRT iNCLuDeD! <-|
                                 |[        ---          ]|
                                 |[  ALSo FeaTuReS KeWL GRaFX aND  ]|
                                 |[  MaNY oPTioNS, LeeCH iT NoW!!  ]|
                                 |->   iMPRoVeD iEMSi SySTeM    <-|
                                 |-> NoW HaNDLe CRaCKeD TeRMiNaTE <-|
                                 [    CoDeD BY NB6 & LR / AGS'95    ]
                                            @X8C HY LM! @X08
                                @X08 @X07 @X0F 
                                @X08@X0F THiS FiLE PASSD THRU (iTi[AL
                                @X08@X0F   PLADD  05.01.95 AT 00:01
                                @X08@X0F   CALL NW - (2o1)535-3902
                                @X08 @X07 @X0F 
agsmc10.zip    50113 08-05-2024 _________    _________________/\   __________
                                \        \  /        /       /  \_/         /
                                 \  _____ \/  \___  / ____  /____/  \____  /
                                 _\/   _/  \  _)__\/  \   \/     \______ \/
                                 \    __    \_\    \_  \_  \_     \_   /  \_
                                :         AEGiS CoRP MultiChat 1.o         :
                                :              ---              :
                                :  Multinode fullscreen chatter PPE, up to :
                                :      10 nodes may talk at a time !       :
                                :   Incredible replacement for the PCB     :
                                :                Group chat.               :
                                :              ---              :
                                :         BY LoNE RuNNeR / AGS'95          :
agsmenu3.zip   89186 08-05-2024 _________    _________________/\   __________
                                \        \  /        /       /  \_/         /
                                 \  _____ \/  \___  / ____  /____/  \____  /
                                 _\/   _/  \  _)__\/  \   \/     \______ \/
                                 \    __    \_\    \_  \_  \_     \_   /  \_
                                [CORP!]---   ---[PRESENTS]
                                         LightBar Main Menu 2.6           
                                :          ---         :
                                :FuLL FeaTuReD LiGhTBaR *DRiVeN* MaiN MeNu :
                                :          ---         :
                                 PCBTeXT 396 LiKe PRoMPT & X-PeRT MoDe   
                                : oPTioNaL RuMouRS & oNLiNe HeLP SuPPoRT  :
                                : CoMMaND LiNe ReTRieVeR & BLaCkLiSt MoDe :
                                 FuLL SeCuRiTy & CoNFeReNCe SuPPoRt      
agsnib10.zip   36858 08-05-2024 _________    _________________/\   __________
                                \        \  /        /       /  \_/         /
                                 \  _____ \/  \___  / ____  /____/  \____  /
                                 _\/   _/  \  _)__\/  \   \/     \______ \/
                                 \    __    \_\    \_  \_  \_     \_   /  \_
                                :    ---      :
                                :         AEGiS CoRP NiBBLES 1.OO          :
                                :    ---      :
                                : The famous game entirely rewriten in PPS :
                                :  only for YOUR ENJOYMENT ! :) Users can  :
                                : play alone or AGAINST THE SYSOP! Features:
                                :   score bulletins, internal sysop pager  :
                                :   with silent periods, and LOT OF FUN!!  :
                                > DEFINITLY ONE OF THE BEST PPE GAME EVER! <
                                :         By Lone Runner / AGS'95          :
agsnmai0.zip    3702 08-05-2024 --  -[ PPE Section ]Ļ
                                 ĻĻ ĻĻĻ Ĵ
                                 ij  Ŀ   /Ŀ Ĵ
                                  ļļ  ļ   ʹ
                                --  -Ĺ
                                 [AGSNMAIL.PPE] Version 1.0 is made   
                                 to replace the "Waiting mail" prompt 
                                 with a fancy one. Install now!       
                                 For PCBoard 15.1 by Number 6 / AEGIS 
                                --  -ļ
                                            @X8C HY LM! @X08
                                @X08 @X07 @X0F 
                                @X08@X0F THiS FiLE PASSD THRU (iTi[AL
                                @X08@X0F   PLADD  05.01.95 AT 00:02
                                @X08@X0F   CALL NW - (2o1)535-3902
                                @X08 @X07 @X0F 
agsoff10.zip   11091 08-05-2024         _ __________        _ __________
                                   _____   \       /____ ______\       /
                                _ _\___ \___\_____/ ___/_\______\  ___/___
                                :.   _/  \  __/__   \    \/      \______  \
                                   __    \_     \_  \_   \_  kL  \_  \/   \_
                                __ __/     /______/________/_______/________/
                                |                                           |
                                |       AEGiS Logoph Matrixx 1.O PPE        |
                                |   Leech it. Try it. Say "Oh it's cool".   |
                                |            Code by Number Six             |
                                |                                           |
agsoff11.zip   10578 08-05-2024         _ __________        _ __________
                                   _____   \       /____ ______\       /
                                _ _\___ \___\_____/ ___/_\______\  ___/___
                                :.   _/  \  __/__   \    \/      \______  \
                                   __    \_     \_  \_   \_  kL  \_  \/   \_
                                __ __/     /______/________/_______/________/
                                |                                           |
                                |       AEGiS Logoph Matrixx 1.1 PPE        |
                                |  Leech it. Try it. Say "Oh it's cooler".  |
                                |            Code by Number Six             |
                                |                                           |
agsomuk.zip     6299 08-05-2024 _________    _________________/\   __________
                                \        \  /        /       /  \_/         /
                                 \  _____ \/  \___  / ____  /____/  \____  /
                                 _\/   _/  \  _)__\/  \   \/     \______ \/
                                 \    __    \_\    \_  \_  \_     \_   /  \_
                                :          oNE MoRE uSeR KiCKeR !          :
                                [PPE3.01]====[CoDE:LoNE RuNNeR]========[1/1]
agsone.zip     21241 08-05-2024 --  -[ PPE Section ]Ļ
                                 ĻĻ ĻĻĻ Ĵ
                                 ij  Ŀ   /Ŀ Ĵ
                                  ļļ  ļ   ʹ
                                --  -Ĺ
                                 Never  saw  an  animated  oneliner ? 
                                 Well thiz is the  best, and the only 
                                 oneliner  that  will  turn  your bbs 
                                 into a really col board !        Lr.
                                --  -ļ
                                 Barnabo BBS  +331-46486763 
agspage.zip    14839 08-05-2024 _________    _________________/\   __________
                                \        \  /        /       /  \_/         /
                                 \  _____ \/  \___  / ____  /____/  \____  /
                                 _\/   _/  \  _)__\/  \   \/     \______ \/
                                 \    __    \_\    \_  \_  \_     \_   /  \_
                                :        aEGiS^cORP^vAST-pAGER^V1.0       :
                                :              ---              :
                                :               fOR^pCB^15.21              :
                                :              ---              :
                                :            wITH^a^lOT^oF^gRFX            :
                                :             fULL^cONFIGURABLE            :
                                :              ---              :
                                :         % uu / AGS'95%          :
agspc1b2.zip  196512 08-05-2024               
                                 Lone Runner's PPL *COMPILER* 1.OO Beta 2!
                                 Makes v2.0 v3.01 v3.10 v3.20 & v3.30 PPEs
                                 Makes/Links .LIB -- Smaller & Faster code
                                 Makes .SYM debug files with a real source
                                       Autodeclare variables option. 
                                  Brackets [] direct character addressing
                                + Many FREE usefull libraries with source !
                                 + Many examples for beginners & advanced
agspgp01.zip   34965 08-05-2024 _________    _________________/\   __________
                                \        \  /        /       /  \_/         /
                                 \  _____ \/  \___  / ____  /____/  \____  /
                                 _\/   _/  \  _)__\/  \   \/     \______ \/
                                 \    __    \_\    \_  \_  \_     \_   /  \_
                                :       AEGiS CoRP PGP Server o.1         :
                                :              ---              :
                                :    Let your users upload and download    :
                                : PGP public keys to a public PUBRING.PGP  :
                                :              ---              :
                                :  Browse & tag keys for download, see new :
                                :  keys since last call, search for entry, :
                                :   nice looking, lightbar driven menus,   :
                                :    easy configurable. you NEED this!     :
                                :              ---              :
                                :         BY LoNE RuNNeR / AGS'95          :
agspp221.zip  280743 08-05-2024               
                                        Lone Runner's PowerPPL 2.21
                                  !!! FIX a NASTY bug of PowerPPL 2.2O !!!
                                      PCBoard Programming Language IDE
                                 COMPILE & RUN a PPE WITHOUT LEAVING editor,
                                 full HLP for ANY PPL3 word by CTRL-F1,color
                                  in syntax! Special Offer for PPE Groups!
agspps10.zip   19469 08-05-2024         _ __________        _ __________
                                   _____   \       /____ ______\       /
                                _ _\___ \___\_____/ ___/_\______\  ___/___
                                :.   _/  \  __/__   \    \/      \______  \
                                   __    \_     \_  \_   \_  kL  \_  \/   \_
                                __ __/     /______/________/_______/________/
                                |                                           |
                                |           AEGiS PPE Scanner 1.O           |
                                |   Scan your PPEs against backdoors and    |
                                |  others annoying things. PPLX required!!  |
                                |                                           |
agsppx17.zip   71037 08-05-2024               
                                          Lone Runner's PPLX 1.7O
                                              PPE DECOMPILER
                                            For PPE 1.O to 3.2O
                                 Captain Hooks PPE Protector now stripped
                                           + 2 small bugs fixed.
agsppx20.zip   77810 08-05-2024               
                                         Lone Runner's PPLX 2.OO !
                                              PPE DECOMPILER
                                            For PPE 1.O to 3.3O
                                Rebuilds For/Next, While/Endwhile, If/Then!
                                      This version KICKS CDC'S ASS !!
agspst10.zip   21810 08-05-2024 [CORP!]---   ---[PRESENTS]
                                          AEGIS AUTOMATIC POST            
                                :         Post in any conference:          :
                                :                 New files               :
                                :                 Any file                :
                                :           Can Strip ATX codes            :
                                             Split long files             
                                      Fully configurable by Scripts       
                                 Post daily, monthly, etc... Easy to use! 
agspst11.zip   18977 08-05-2024 _________    _________________/\   __________
                                \        \  /        /       /  \_/         /
                                 \  _____ \/  \___  / ____  /____/  \____  /
                                 _\/   _/  \  _)__\/  \   \/     \______ \/
                                 \    __    \_\    \_  \_  \_     \_   /  \_
                                [CORP!]---   ---[PRESENTS]
                                          AEGIS AUTOMATIC POST            
                                            (small bug fixed)             
                                :         Post in any conference:          :
                                :                 New files               :
                                :                 Any file                :
                                :           Can Strip ATX codes            :
                                             Split long files             
                                      Fully configurable by Scripts       
                                 Post daily, monthly, etc... Easy to use! 
agsqwk10.zip    7777 08-05-2024 --  -[ PPE Section ]Ļ
                                 ĻĻ ĻĻĻ Ĵ
                                 ij  Ŀ   /Ŀ Ĵ
                                  ļļ  ļ   ʹ
                                --  -Ĺ
                                       [AGSQWK.PPE] Version 1.0       
                                  The ULTIMATE PPE to replace the QWK 
                                    PCBoard command. LightBar Menu    
                                 Driven. Allow SELECTion and more...  
                                --  -Ĺ
                                 For PCBoard 15.1 by Number 6 / AEGiS 
                                --  -ļ
                                 Barnabo BBS  +331-46486763 
agsrd11.zip     5482 08-05-2024 --  -[ PPE Section ]Ļ
                                 ĻĻ ĻĻĻ Ĵ
                                 ij  Ŀ   /Ŀ Ĵ
                                  ļļ  ļ   ʹ
                                --  -Ĺ
                                      [AGSREAD.PPE] Version 1.1       
                                 A Great PPE to Replace the Read PCB  
                                  Command. Lightbar Menu Driven and   
                                    Much much more... Try it Now!     
                                --  -Ĺ
                                 For PCBoard 15.1 by Number 6 / AEGiS 
                                --  -ļ
agsrelog.zip    9238 08-05-2024              . _ _ ________
                                 .____/\_/\______ __ ______/ /\_____.
                                  \_  _ \ ______/_______ ___/  ____/
                                  /  _/  \ __)___  ____/|   \____  \
                                 |   |    \ |    \ \__  \    \  |   \
                                 |___|    /_     /_     /    /_     /
                                 ,-----------[ C O R P ]------------.
                                 |[                                ]|
                                 |[ THiS iS a TeXTFiLe eXPLaiNiNG  ]|
                                 |[ HoW To MaKe aN oPTioN FoR YouR ]|
                                 |[    uSeRS To Re-LoGiN WiTH a    ]|
                                 |[          NeW aCCouNT !         ]|
                                 |[                                ]|
                                 |[        FoR PCB SySoPS !        ]|
                                 |[                                ]|
                                 [   TXT BY LoNe RuNNeR / AGS'94    ]
agsrum10.zip   16482 08-05-2024              . _ _ ________
                                 .____/\_/\______ __ ______/ /\_____.
                                  \_  _ \ ______/_______ ___/  ____/
                                  /  _/  \ __)___  ____/|   \____  \
                                 |   |    \ |    \ \__  \    \  |   \
                                 |___|    /_     /_     /    /_     /
                                 ,-----------[ C O R P ]------------.
                                 |[      eaCH<- LeVeL    :
                                :              ---              :
                                :             CoDe BY CaRCaSS              :
agsue10.zip    26134 08-05-2024         _ __________        _ __________
                                   _____   \       /____ ______\       /
                                _ _\___ \___\_____/ ___/_\______\  ___/___
                                :.   _/  \  __/__   \    \/      \______  \
                                   __    \_     \_  \_   \_  kL  \_  \/   \_
                                __ __/     /______/________/_______/________/
                                |                                           |
                                |          AEGiS User Editor V1.O           |
                                |  The best user editor for PCBoard 15.21+  |
                                |            Code by Number Six             |
                                |                                           |
agsul10.zip    15659 08-05-2024              . _ _ ________
                                 .____/\_/\______ __ ______/ /\_____.
                                  \_  _ \ ______/_______ ___/  ____/ 
                                  /  _/  \ __)___  ____/|   \____  \
                                 |   |    \ |    \ \__  \    \  |   \
                                 |___|    /_     /_     /    /_     /
                                 ,-----------[ C O R P ]------[PPE3].
                                 |[     AEGiS uSeRLiSTeR 1.oo      ]|
                                 |[       VeRY CoNFiGuRaBLe        ]|
                                 |[       FoR PCBoaRD 15.2+        ]|
                                 |[        ---          ]|
                                 |[  ALSo FeaTuReS KeWL GRaFX aND  ]|
                                 |[  MaNY oPTioNS, LeeCH iT NoW!!  ]|
                                 [      CoDeD BY SNooP / AGS'95     ]
agsulmk2.zip    8397 08-05-2024 _________    _________________/\   __________
                                \        \  /        /       /  \_/         /
                                 \  _____ \/  \___  / ____  /____/  \____  /
                                 _\/   _/  \  _)__\/  \   \/     \______ \/
                                 \    __    \_\    \_  \_  \_     \_   /  \_
                                :          AGS CoRP BaTTLe FiELD           :
                                :                                          :
                                :           uSER LiST MaKeR vII            :
                                :                                          :
                                :   10 TiMES FaSTER THaN THe oLD oNE!      :
                                :    JuST RePLaCE oLD MKUSRLST.PPE !       :
                                [PPE3.1]====[CoDE:LoNE RuNNeR]=========[1/1]
agsunshr.zip   13775 08-05-2024 _________    _________________/\   __________
                                \        \  /        /       /  \_/         /
                                 \  _____ \/  \___  / ____  /____/  \____  /
                                 _\/   _/  \  _)__\/  \   \/     \______ \/
                                 \    __    \_\    \_  \_  \_     \_   /  \_
                                :          AEGiS CoRP UNSHaRE 1.o          :
                                :              ---              :
                                : Unlock files previously locked by SHARE  :
                                :              ---              :
                                :     Get rid of Sharing violations ?      :
                                : UNSHARE is THE solution ! Simply choose  :
                                :   files to unlock instead of rebooting   :
                                :              your machine !              :
                                :              ---              :
                                :           BY The doC / AGS'95            :
agsuoa20.zip   21480 08-05-2024              . _ _ ________
                                 .____/\_/\______ __ ______/ /\_____.
                                  \_  _ \ ______/_______ ___/  ____/ 
                                  /  _/  \ __)___  ____/|   \____  \
                                 |   |    \ |    \ \__  \    \  |   \
                                 |___|    /_     /_     /    /_     /
                                 ,-----------[ C O R P ]------------.
                                 |[   AEGiS uNReaL oNeLiNeR v2.o   ]|
                                 |[     ! AMi/X LooK VeRSiON !     ]|
                                 |[ THa BeST oNeLiNeR FoR PCB 15.2 ]|
                                 |[  FeaTuReS: FaDiNG LiNeS, CooL  ]|
                                 |[  iNPuT, LiGHTBaR, LoGiNG, aND  ]|
                                 |[    MuCH MoRe! LeeCH iT NoW!    ]|
                                 [   CODED BY NUMBER SIX / AGS'95   ]
agsuol20.zip   89186 08-05-2024 
                                @X07WELCOME TO AEGiS UNREAL ONELiNER 2.0 AMi/X
                                % Vincent Negrier % + 
                                   /   /     \   /_   \  c
                                  /   _____   \        \ c
                                  \__/     \__/________/ s
                                 /   CaRCaSS PReSeNTS   \
                                |                        |
                                   eXTeNDeD uSeR LiSTeR
                                | FoR uSe WiTH PCB 15.1+ |
                                |                        |
                                | NoRMaL & eXTeNDeD LiST |
                                 /   aToMiC GoDS 1995   \
                                            @X8C HY LM! @X08
                                @X08 @X07 @X0F 
                                @X08@X0F THiS FiLE PASSD THRU (iTi[AL
                                @X08@X0F   PLADD  04.30.95 AT 23:53
                                @X08@X0F   CALL NW - (2o1)535-3902
                                @X08 @X07 @X0F 
ag_2dreg1b.zip    7397 08-05-2024                  
                                  ޱ Ŀ
                                Ĵ     ޲   ۲   ۲ܲ      Ŀ
                                ޱ޲޲ްܲ IJܱ۳
                                ޱ  pRESENTs  
                                   .     -= eaSY-ReGiSTRaTioN =-    .  
                                        a PoWeRFuL FuLL SCReeN uSeR     
                                              ReGISTRaTIoN PPe 
                                   .          WRITTeN By MiG        .  
                                ޱ ޳aTOMICGODs 
                                ޲ ޳            
                                 ޳               ۳
                                ܳ ޲ޱIJĿ  ۳
                                Ĵ     ۲  ޲     
ag_2drla10.zip    2596 08-05-2024 RLA 1.0 - Random LoginAnsi PPE
ag_rla10.zip    2596 08-05-2024 RLA 1.0 - Random LoginAnsi PPE
ahostg13.zip    5795 08-05-2024 HOSTAGE.PPE v1.30 - Nice way to spread
                                a warm Conservative message on your
                                PCBoard BBS. Based on Rush Limbaugh's
                                TV and Radio show intros.. America
                                Held Hostage, Day ###. Fixed problem
                                with the graphics display and added
                                configuration file for SysOp customiz-
                                ing of colors displayed.
                                FREEWARE from Gatorbait Software.
ahostg14.zip    5844 08-05-2024 HOSTAGE.PPE v1.40 - Nice way to spread
                                a warm Conservative message on your
                                PCBoard BBS. Based on Rush Limbaugh's
                                TV and Radio show intros.. America
                                Held Hostage, Day ###. Adjusted the
                                numbers parameters and centered the
                                display boxes. --Source Included--
                                FREEWARE from Gatorbait Software.
ais_2det11.zip  146176 08-05-2024 ۲       Ending Thoughts v1.1        
                                Ending Thoughts is a logoff replacement PPE
                                that will present users with a logoff menu
                                with the options to return to the BBS,
                                leave a comment to the SysOp, or logoff
                                immediately.  Upon completion of the message,
                                or logging off, the PPE will display a quote
                                of the day and disconnect.  Registration is 
                                free, no ads or nag screens appear in program
ajoin100.zip   11929 08-05-2024 -------------- AJoin 1.00 -------------
                                AJoin is an alternative to PCBoard's
                                Join conference command.  This PPE will
                                display your conferences with a sysop
                                defined description of each conference
                                or series of conferences.  It can also
                                be used with a PCBoard menu to provide
                                menued access to different message
                                networks.  FREEWARE!  Another Quality
alfbbs3.zip     5102 08-05-2024         BBS Lister 3.o
                                  A Great BBS Lister For PCB
                                 New Version Includes Lightbar
                                Menus and An Extended BBS List
alfulby2.zip    6061 08-05-2024       ______     _________________
                                <=====\     \===/.    /|.        /===>
                                .../  /\  \ //    / ||   ____/!tJ!.
                                ...//  __   \     /__|_   __/....
                                ._/    ||    \_       /   |....
                                .\  /__||_____/______/____|....
                                <===\/===[ /NTi LAMERz 94']=========>
                                -/  -   UlBy 2.o PpE   -   \-
                                -/  Much Better Than Uname or   \-
                                -/  The Original UlBy 1.o By    \-
                                -/  Shawn Reimerdes. UlBy Has   \-
                                -/ Light Bar Support And Better \-
                                -/ Color And Ansi Then all the  \-
                                -/  The Rest.  For People That  \-
                                -/ Are Just Getting in on this  \-
                                -/ UlBy 2.0 is a DIZ/2-PCB, or \-
                                -/ ZIPZAP third party PPE that  \-
                                -/ enables your users to change \-
                                -/ their 'Uploaded by:' string. \-
                                -/ All this PPE does is keeps a \-
                                -/  database that DIZ/2-PCB or  \-
                                -/ ZIPZAP can read and use when \-
                                -/ it runs after an upload.     \-
                                -/    CoDeD By: PSH DD      \-
                                <=======================[ 1 OF 1 ]===>
                                WoRld of ChAosHome of P. Dad PPEs
alf_2dblkl.zip    4725 08-05-2024       ______     _________________
                                <=====\     \===/.    /|.        /===>
                                .../  /\  \ //    / ||   ____/!tJ!.
                                ...//  __   \     /__|_   __/....
                                ._/    ||    \_       /   |....
                                .\  /__||_____/______/____|....
                                <===\/===[ /NTi LAMERz 94']=========>
                                -/   -   BlAkLiSt PpE   -   \-
                                -/ Fully configurable Blaklist  \-
                                -/ users by name not by access  \-
                                -/the reasons why this is better\-
                                -/then access levels is explaned\-
                                -/     in the documentation     \-
                                -/     CoDeD By: Psycho Dad     \-
                                <=======================[ 1 OF 1 ]===>
alf_2ddos1.zip    8935 08-05-2024       DOSS Logon v1.0
                                    Fully configurable!
                                Allows Quick Logon Of Apps
                                The Coolest Dos Logon EVER!
alf_2dlogg.zip    1992 08-05-2024 Great User Logger Off PPE
alf_2dlogn.zip    3795 08-05-2024 NEATO LOGiN PPE v1.O - PHYSiCAL SOLUTiON   
                                  By far the nicest looking logon PPE
                                  the world has ever seen. Everything  
                                  is configurable, and there's even a  
                                  nice ansi that comes with it. Great
                                  addition to any board. - PHiZZY - 
alf_2dmail.zip    2632 08-05-2024    New Mail 1.o PPE
                                Lightbar New Mail PPE
                                Some What Configurable
alf_2dnup1.zip    4359 08-05-2024         [   NUP v1.1   ]
                                  New User Password For PCB
                                No More Matrix, No More Lamers
                                 Cleaned Up, Tighter Version
                                   Enhanced User Interface
alf_2dpht2.zip    3516 08-05-2024 Phat Logon v2.0 For PCBoard!
                                Now A PPE! Display Full ANSi 
                                 Logon Menus To Your Users!
alf_2dplen.zip    2110 08-05-2024    ALF-PLEN.PPE is an AMi-X Style PPE  
                                that replaces the (P)age Length Command.
                                 Displays a series of numbers and asks  
                                which one is on the top of their screen.
alf_2dup30.zip    3917 08-05-2024      UPLOAD SELECT v3.0 - PPE for PCB!
                                   Allow users to select batch or single     
                                   uploads through PCB. New version will
                                   allow private uploads. PPE will enter 
                                   a file name and description. Coder PS
                                   Bug fix from 2.0 -> 3.0! Added "P"...     
                                        ______     _________________
                                 <======\     \===/.    /|.        /====>
                                  .../  /\  \ //    / ||   ____/!tJ!.
                                  ...//  __   \     /__|_   __/....
                                  ._/    ||    \_       /   |....
                                  .\  /__||_____/______/____|....
                                 <====\/===[ /NTi LAMERz 94']==========>
alf_cont.zip    3855 08-05-2024 Press Enter to Continue PPE v1.0
                                 One of the most configurable
                                Press any key to continue ppes
                                    Ever Just Give it a try
                                Free Registration Just call my
                                BBS and register from da matrix
alf_nup.zip     3764 08-05-2024 NUP v1.0  New User Password For PCB
alf_rev.zip     2771 08-05-2024 REVOLVE.PPE v1.0 - PPE Rotator
alf_wom.zip     3907 08-05-2024    Wheel Of Morality PPE
                                    Fully configurable!
                                Includes Cool HangUp Option
alias1.zip     12351 08-05-2024 { ALIAS PPE, V1.0 ANSI/RIP !!!!!!!!! )Ŀ
                                 Let your users turn on or off there      
                                 alias or change it!! No fus no Mess!     
                                 FREE !! FREE !! FREE !! FREE!! FREE!!    
                                 Just Call RCOM and download the reg      
                                 zip and your good to go !!               
                                PHANTOM PPE'S RCOM    BBS (716)-366-3884  
alllist.zip     3400 08-05-2024 ALLLIST.PPE v1.0Ŀ
                                 Add Alllist.PPE to your      
                                 main menu and give your      
                                 user easy access to download 
                                 your allfiles list.          
                                 Compile PPLC 3.0   FREEWARE  
                                    Software Kitchen BBS      
allstat.zip     7643 08-05-2024 ͵ ALLSTAT  [PPE] v1.0 ͸
                                 ALL Caller Statistics Bulletin Generator  
                                 for PCBoard v15.1. Compiled in PPLC v2.0. 
                                 no registraion. FREEWARE Source available 
                                    By Al Segura    Sysop SBG Online!      
allstats.zip    4251 08-05-2024 AllStats.PPE v1.0 Not just another stat 
                                program...This one contains 99% of all stats
                                available on two screens....No hots keys or 
                                menus...Just load and view...All macros are
                                available on a display file that you may edit
                                as you wish...."Freeware" by Al Massari...
                                Galaxy BBS Software...Requested and inspired
                                by The Galaxy BBS users....
alltime_.zip    8028 08-05-2024        AMi/X ALLTiME! v.3.0
                                   Ami-Express Style AllTime PPE
                                 N0TE!! Runs only on PCBoard 15.2+
                                Compiles  in a fraction of the time
                                other PPE's take.  Nice AMi/X Look,
                                Totally  Configurable Colors, Etc..
alltime_21.zip    8028 08-05-2024        AMi/X ALLTiME! v.3.0
                                   Ami-Express Style AllTime PPE
                                 N0TE!! Runs only on PCBoard 15.2+
                                Compiles  in a fraction of the time
                                other PPE's take.  Nice AMi/X Look,
                                Totally  Configurable Colors, Etc..
amarq10e.zip   22116 08-05-2024 Aqmarqee is a Pcboard PPE that will display
                                predefined rolling text to the caller, on the
                                top line of your Menu screen. Support for a
                                different display each day, a security level
                                display, a File Import Display.  Beta Release
                                E. PCBoard 15.1 required. Authors: AQUILA BBS
amarq10h.zip   23707 08-05-2024 Aqmarqee is a Pcboard PPE that will display
                                predefined rolling text to the caller, on the
                                top line of your Menu screen. Support for a
                                different display each day, a security level
                                display, a File Import Display.  Random File
                                import display.  Now configurable for the 
                                PCBTEXT prompts so that you can use this 
                                just about anywhere on your system.  Modified
                                Screen Clearing. Beta Release H. PCBoard 15.1
                                required. Authors: AQUILA BBS 
amarq11.zip    26089 08-05-2024 Aqmarqee is a Pcboard PPE that will display
                                predefined rolling text to the caller, on the
                                top line of your Menu screen. Support for a
                                different display each day, a security level
                                display, a File Import Display, Random File
                                import display.  Now configurable for the 
                                PCBTEXT prompts so that you can use this 
                                just about anywhere on your system.  Beta
                                Release 1.1 PCBoard 15.1 or greater required.
                                New:  No longer locked to the center of 
                                screen.  Authors: AQUILA BBS 
amij070.zip    38991 08-05-2024            ____  __        __
                                 :--/\----_\   \-\ \--____-\ \-:
                                 : / /   / / /\ \/ / / / /_ \ \:
                                 :/ / __/ / /\ \/ / / / / / / /:
                                 :\ \/ / /\ \/\ \ \/ / / /_/ / :
                                 :                             :
                                 :       AMI JOiN (V o.70)     :
                                 :      PCB STYLE INCLUDED!    :
                                 :  This is a blast-away PPE!  :
                                 : It replaces the "J" Command :
                                 :      of PCBoard 15.2+ ...   :
                                 :  Fully lightbar-driven! It  :
                                 :  reads all required data by :
                                 :  itself! Only an User who   
                                   has the req. sec-level or  :
                                 ;  the "R flag" set sees the  ;
                                 :  Confenence he is allowed   :
                                 :  to enter !                 :
                                LEGENDS WiLL NEVER DiE!  :)
amiu060.zip    24631 08-05-2024            ____  __        __
                                 :--/\----_\   \-\ \--____-\ \-:
                                 : / /   / / /\ \/ / / / /_ \ \:
                                 :/ / __/ / /\ \/ / / / / / / /:
                                 :\ \/ / /\ \/\ \ \/ / / /_/ / :
                                 :PPE DiViSiON              '95:
                                 :         AMI U (V o.6o)      :
                                 :                             :
                                 :    Upload Replacement for   :
                                 :           PCB 15.2+         :
                                 :     Amiga Express Style!    :
                                 :    Handles Blind-Uploads!   :
                                 :  Deals with flagged Files!  :
                                 :-----------------------------:I WAS FIRST ON
                                LiQUiD'S WHQ, @USER@
                                WHY DON'T YA ASK FOR JAPANESE BOARDS
amiw080.zip    10238 08-05-2024          AMi - W  v0.80
                                ORiGiNAL AMi/X WRITE USER NFO
                                (W) COMMAND REPLACEMENT
                                INCLUDING CTYPE FOR LOGIN SEQUENCE
annoy.zip       7683 08-05-2024 ANNOY v1.01 First Release
                                This will annoy those callers
                                who have not registered or
                                sent in a donation to your BBS
                                yet!  The SysOp has control
                                over what security sees this
                                and which don't using CFG File.
                                Written by: John Wade
                                The BIG House BBS
anote120.zip   13318 08-05-2024 Auto-Note v1.20  -  Compiled  Nov 7/1993
                                PCBoard 15.0 [PPE] program that replaces
                                the  (G)ood-Bye command.  Allows callers
                                to  leave a  note  for the next user and
                                also  to  leave a  comment to the SysOp.
                                Text input is now faster, new commands.
ansr_2d11.zip   11890 08-05-2024 User Disclaimer or Answer PPE - version 1.1
                                Presents user with question to answer and
                                then performs upgrade or downgrade in
                                response, can even hangup on user for no
                                or negative responses.  Creates logs of all
                                events. In PPLC v1 to work with all PCBoard
                                15.x. Extremely configurable.  By Al Segura
an_2dbust.zip    8392 08-05-2024 Busted v1.0eta [PPE] by Anavrin Software
                                `Busted' is a fakie Sysop User Editor ppe
                                that will fake the user into thinking they
                                are changing their info (seucurity level,
                                time limit, etc). NOTE: THIS DOES *NOT*
                                CHANGE ANY USER INFORMATION!! When they 
                                quit it will show a `BUSTED!' screen 
                                telling them that they have been caught 
                                tampering with the BBS.  Fun joke to play
                                on users! :)
an_2dcallr.zip    2879 08-05-2024  Caller Number PPE v1.0b [BETA]
                                 (c)1995 Anavrin Software Cmpny
                                Compiled in PPL v3.1 for PCB 15.2+
                                Caller Number is a simple ppe that
                                will check the user that is logging
                                on to see if he/she is the caller 
                                number defined in the config file--
                                If so, it will show a special screen
                                to them.  Example: Set caller number
                                to 10000.  Then on the ten thousandth
                                call to the BBS, it will show some 
                                kind of celebration file to the user
                                telling them they are the 10,000th 
                                caller.  Freeware, No registration.
an_2ddays.zip    4529 08-05-2024 
                                       Days Left v1.0 [PPE]
                                This PCBoard 15.21 PPE will count
                                down to any date that you specify
                                in the config file, and can be
                                placed anywhere in a normal display
                                file using the added PCBoard @macro
                                It will show the number of days
                                remaining until that date, and then
                                on the date, it will show a special
                                ansi, designed by the sysop.  100%
                                configurable! Freeware.
                                     (c)1995 /navrin Software
an_2dnag.zip    3692 08-05-2024 Nagger PPE v1.0 [BETA RELEASE] 
                                  (c)1995 Anavrin Software
                                Nagger shows a screen to "nag"
                                callers to contribute money to the 
                                bbs.  Sysop defines delay time
                                what security levels to show it to
                                and others.  100% definable, very 
                                easy to use. Compiled in PPLC v3.10 
                                Freeware - No registration required!
an_2dpost.zip    3394 08-05-2024  PostIt v1.0 [PPE] v3.10
                                (c)1995 Anavrin Software
                                PostIt will automatically
                                post a message (100% defined
                                by the sysop), run by system
                                event.  Sysop chooses: to,
                                from, message security,
                                echo flag, etc.. Freeware-
                                -No registration required.
an_2dquote.zip   30383 08-05-2024 
                                  Quote of The Day [PPE]
                                Includes 3 sets of three-
                                hundred quotes to randomly
                                pick to show your caller.
                                Requires PCBoard 15.21+
                                Compiled in PPLC v3.10
                                Another great PPE from:
                                   /navrin Software
an_em12.zip     7091 08-05-2024   NetMail/Internet E-Mail v1.2 [PPE]
                                        From /navrin Software
                                Replace with (E)nter Command in Netmail
                                Conference.  Will prompt users for either
                                Netmail or Internet E-Mail.  If they select
                                Fido Netmail, it will give them prompt for
                                name, subject and Fido Address of board they
                                are sending to.  If they select E-Mail, it
                                will put the proper Fido Gateway to the
                                Internet in the `To:' field and then put
                                the TO and the person's address who they
                                are sending to, on the first line of
                                message text.  Easy to install and use!
                                Requires PCBoard 15.21+
apage.zip       2905 08-05-2024 This is a DIFFERENT way to
                                have your USERS page you.
                                It makes DIFFERENT sounds and
                                COLORS.  This is *FREE*.
                                ONLY FOR PCBoard by Andrew 
                                Lazarus of the INTERLINE
apost261.zip   30408 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                 AutoPost v2.61 PPE           
                                 VBBS-Style Autopost Feature! 
                                 Shows 4 AutoPosts at a time. 
                                 PPS Source Code included,    
                                     100% Freeware!!! ;-)     
arch10.zip      2548 08-05-2024 ** Automatic Read Command Help ** v 1.0 **
                                PCBoard 15.0 PPE to automatically help novice
                                users read messages. Author: Gerry Schechter
archie.zip     19026 08-05-2024 ͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ
                                ARCHE.PPE Version .20b 5/1/95.If your
                                a PCBoard Sysop and can't afford a
                                direct internet connection, then this
                                PPE is for you. All you need is an
                                Internet Email account with a UUCP
                                provider and you can provide your
                                users the ability to access the
                                ARCHIE!! Using this PPE, your
                                users just type in the SEARCH STRING
                                and an email message is prepared and 
                                sent to a ARCHEI Email Server. Within
                                2 UUCP events, your users get the
                                search results! SHAREWARE only $5.00 
                                to register! WWW & FTP ALSO AVAILABLE
areas200.zip   39209 08-05-2024 ͸
                                      AREAS v2.0 - UltiWares PPE         
                                    Automatic File Area Menu System      
                                 * Winner Of The 1995 BEST PPE Award *   
                                           For PCBoard v15.22+           
ar_2dcfg1.zip    3957 08-05-2024   LIGHTNING COFIG VER. 1.O 
                                VISION/2 STYLE USER ACCOUNT
                                EDITOR.  FULLY CONFIGURABLE
                                MADE TO REPLACE THE 'W' COM-
                                MAND.  PCBOARD 15.1 [PPE]
ar_2dll20.zip    4771 08-05-2024  LiGHTNiNG LoGoN Ver. 2.0 
                                  Fully Configurable OBV/2
                                 Style Login Procedure,with
                                User Note,Last On,and a new
                                    LockOut List Feature
                                 (c)1994 AReS PRODUCTiONS 
ar_2dlm15.zip   13878 08-05-2024  LiGHTNiNG MATRiX Ver 1.5 
                                Fully Configurable Light-Bar
                                Matrix,Customizable Screens,
                                Lotsa New Features,BugsFixed
                                 (c)1994 AReS PRODUCTiONS 
ar_cfg1.zip     4519 08-05-2024   LIGHTNING COFIG VER. 1.O 
                                VISION/2 STYLE USER ACCOUNT
                                EDITOR.  FULLY CONFIGURABLE
                                MADE TO REPLACE THE 'W' COM-
                                MAND.  PCBOARD 15.1 [PPE]
ask01_2db5.zip   12097 08-05-2024  PCBASK v0.1/B5 [PPE]͸
                                 Finally! A solution to the limited feat-  
                                 ures of PCBoard's internal Script Quest-  
                                 ionnaire formats and PCBoard's NEWASK!    
                                 PCBASK is made for TOTAL flexibility and  
                                 configurability - Not to mention ease of  
                                 use! All commands and functions are NOT   
                                 crippled in any way!                      
                                 The best questionnaire formatter around!! 
                                 (c) 1994 - Whitewater Technologies, Inc.;
atag.zip       47492 08-05-2024 A PPE that will allow you to insert
                                a tagline into any PCBoard message,
                                while still in the editor! Lets you
                                see what the tagline is before it
                                gets inserted. Random selection.
                                Very nice! By Andrew Lazarus
atm.zip        11129 08-05-2024 ATM!! v1.0 PCBoard 15.21+ [PPE].  An
                                Time Machine.  Alows users to save time in an
                                ATM machine.  Simple to install and no 
                                maintenance required. Shareware.  Just $1.00!
                                Check  it out today!  NJLink Software.
at_2doff11.zip    2785 08-05-2024 Auto-Logoff Prompt Replacement v1.1 (6.14.93)
                                Replaces the "Goodbye in 10 seconds..." with
                                a PPE that counts down from 10 to 0 and is
                                cosmetically and functionally better.
                                Bug fixed: was only accepting input from the
                                local keyboard.
                                 Source Included. By: Shawn Reimerdes
auct101.zip    17551 08-05-2024 Silent Auction v1.1
                                GO/4 SoftwarePCBoard PPE
                                Allows your users to buy and sell just
                                about anything you can imagine, set bid
                                amounts, auction time and bid increment
                                Quick 1 minute setup, Zero Maintenance!
                                Unlimited Database size!  People are
                                using this around the country to buy
                                and sell, why aren't your users?
auct104u.zip   19759 08-05-2024 Silent Auction v1.04u
                                GO/4 SoftwarePCBoard PPE
                                Allows your users to buy and sell just
                                about anything you can imagine, set bid
                                amounts, auction time and bid increment
                                Quick 1 minute setup, Zero Maintenance!
                                Unlimited Database size!  People are
                                using this around the country to buy
                                and sell, why aren't your users?
                                *UNIVERSAL KEY ROUTINES ADDED!*
ausure30.zip    8251 08-05-2024 AREUSURE Version 3.00 [PPE] - Prompts user if
                                he/she is sure that he/she wants to post the
                                message in the conference he/she is currently
                                in. Very good for boards with beginner users
                                or people who just don't pay attention. 
                                Requires PCBoard 15.21 or higher. Adds
                                support for Tokens
auto300.zip    25127 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                CaLLeRiD FOR PCB (AUTOLOG30.ZIP)
                                 THiS iS a LOGON MaTRiX  Ŀ
                                 FOR SWeDiSH CaLLeRiD HOW                  
                                 ReaDS FROM a TeXT FiLe aND                
                                 THeN OPeN THe uSeRS FiLe FOR a MaTCH.     
                                 iF MaTCH iS FOuND - THe uSeRS NaMe WiLL Be
                                 DiSLPaYeD aND THe uSeR ONLY HaS TO        
                                 eNTeR CR aND PaSSWORD                     
                                 DONWLOaD THiS FiNe PPE NOW, aND HaVe FuN!!
                                =- FOR ReG & uPDaTeS -= CaLL No Esc BBS    
autolofu.zip    2962 08-05-2024   
                                   auto-logoff commands replacement...  
                                   most efficient of all the ppe's i    
                                   have seen writtin for this purpose.  
                                   colorful and easy to install.        
autop2_0.zip   17065 08-05-2024 ---------------------------
                                AUTOPLUS 2.0 -- Automessage
                                Utility by Kyle Eli. Great
                                little util that gets quite
                                a bit of attention from the
                                users. Make new messages or
                                reply to a previous one.
                                Easy to use interface. The
                                source IS included!
autsgpwa.zip    6119 08-05-2024  AutoSig V1.1 [ By Dark Creation ]Ŀ
                                 PCBOARD 15.1 PPE That provides the users 
                                 to maintain a SIGNATURE and have it put  
                                 at end of message automatically.         
av10b.zip       8659 08-05-2024  AUTOV 1.0 PPE For PCBoard 15.21 
                                Autovalidates invited user by asking
                                a password when they register. Great
                                lightbar and fade-in interface. Allow
                                use of unlimitted access level and
                                passwords. Awesome look.
avg_2dcall.zip    3929 08-05-2024 Presents Call PPE [PPE] for pcboard 15.1+
avg_2dchec.zip    4278 08-05-2024 avengers presents: Security Checker [PPE] for
                                PCB 15.1
avg_2dentr.zip    4516 08-05-2024 Enter v1.o [PPE] for pcboard 15.1 Two 
                                different types! Fully configurable! Coded by
                                mage [ avengers [PPE] proudly presents ]
avg_2dmore.zip    4436 08-05-2024 LightBar-More v1.o [PPE] for PCB 15.1 Coded 
                                by mage / avengers [ avengers [PPE] proudly 
                                presents ]
avg_2dmtx.zip   21155 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲۲
                                 ܲ ߲  ۲  
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲۲ ۲ ۲۲ ߲ 
                                 ߲߲ ߲ ۲ ۲߲   
                                  [      avengers matrix logon      ]
                                  [ nup, board pass, chat, messy, + ]
                                  [ crazy wolverine ansi by defiant ]
avg_2dpage.zip    4867 08-05-2024 Operator Page v1.o [PPE] for pcboard 15.1+
avg_2dview.zip    4540 08-05-2024 Presents Quick File Viewer [PPE] for pcboard 
av_21msc10.zip    2546 08-05-2024 SYS-COMMENT v1.0 for PCB 15.2
av_21xcl11.zip    9162 08-05-2024 LAST 10 /X STYLE v1.1 PPE
av_msc10.zip    2546 08-05-2024 SYS-COMMENT v1.0 for PCB 15.2
av_xcl11.zip    9162 08-05-2024 LAST 10 /X STYLE v1.1 PPE
axdos10.zip    15140 08-05-2024 /--< PCBDOS.PPE version 1.00, 09/06/96 >-\
                                ` PCBDOS combines many of PCBoard's sysop 
                                : commands, like 6, 10 & 16 and adds many 
                                | more  dos/file functions!  Never has it 
                                 been so easy to do board maintence from 
                                 remote or local!  Forget about that new 
                                 16 command and get a REAL dos emulator! 
                                 Configurable text and  includes source! |
                                 Requires PCBoard 15.22+ By Mav/[ANTi-X] :
                                    FREE!, The way PPE's should be!    ,
                                \--[The No-Name BBS (703) 323-6838]----/
axform01.zip   27774 08-05-2024 
axf_2ddzsp.zip   34117 08-05-2024     _____ ____   ____ ____ _____  ____
                                 Zf/ ___ \    \_/   /____/  ___ \/    |___tpy
                                ::/ /___\ \        <     \ /___\ \    |   \::
                                _/    |    \_       \     \_ |    \_  :    \_
                                \_____|     /__/\    >_:   /_|     /__.     /
                                __ _ _ \___/_____\__/__|__/___\___/__ _\___/_
                                 _- - --\_ _  F  O  R  C  E __/- - --_
                                / aXIAl  \- ---- -- - - - -- - -- -/  fORCe \
                                |         TiTle  : Sysop Pager PPe          
                                |         ArTisT : DarkZeid                 
                                |  Sysop PageR with Emergency passcode      
                                |    and LightbaR              ___________
                                \___________________________-_-\ 07-04-96 /_/
                                -logo by telepathy '95- - - -- ---- - -- -- -
axf_2dgrup.zip   72123 08-05-2024     _____ ____   ____ ____ _____  ____
                                 Zf/ ___ \    \_/   /____/  ___ \/    |___tpy
                                ::/ /___\ \        <     \ /___\ \    |   \::
                                _/    |    \_       \     \_ |    \_  :    \_
                                \_____|     /__/\    >_:   /_|     /__.     /
                                __ _ _ \___/_____\__/__|__/___\___/__ _\___/_
                                 _- - --\_ _  F  O  R  C  E __/- - --_
                                / aXIAl  \- ---- -- - - - -- - -- -/  fORCe \
                                |         TiTle  : Upload PPe               
                                |         ArTisT : Grilo                    
                                |  UploaD Generator with Light BaR, Cool    
                                |  Ansi and a special place 2 put the       
                                |  file_id ! ...                            
                                |                              ___________
                                \___________________________-_-\ 14-04-96 /_/
                                -logo by telepathy '95- - - -- ---- - -- -- -
axf_2dgrxm.zip   24386 08-05-2024     _____ ____   ____ ____ _____  ____
                                 Zf/ ___ \    \_/   /____/  ___ \/    |___tpy
                                ::/ /___\ \        <     \ /___\ \    |   \::
                                _/    |    \_       \     \_ |    \_  :    \_
                                \_____|     /__/\    >_:   /_|     /__.     /
                                __ _ _ \___/_____\__/__|__/___\___/__ _\___/_
                                 _- - --\_ _  F  O  R  C  E __/- - --_
                                / aXIAl  \- ---- -- - - - -- - -- -/  fORCe \
                                |         TiTle  : Expert Mode PPE           
                                |         ArTisT : Grilo                     
                                |  Cool and AnimateD PPe for Substitute      
                                |    The old X CommanD For PcB 15.2x         
                                |                              ____________--
                                \___________________________-_-\ 08-04-96 /_/
                                -logo by telepathy '95- - - -- ---- - -- -- -
                                @X05(|)@X09f|_ lC|-|D B M$TCL
axf_2dgrzs.zip   67763 08-05-2024     _____ ____   ____ ____ _____  ____
                                 Zf/ ___ \    \_/   /____/  ___ \/    |___tpy
                                ::/ /___\ \        <     \ /___\ \    |   \::
                                _/    |    \_       \     \_ |    \_  :    \_
                                \_____|     /__/\    >_:   /_|     /__.     /
                                __ _ _ \___/_____\__/__|__/___\___/__ _\___/_
                                 _- - --\_ _  F  O  R  C  E __/- - --_
                                / aXIAl  \- ---- -- - - - -- - -- -/  fORCe \
                                |         TiTle  : Zippy Scan V1.2          
                                |         ArTisT : Grilo                    
                                |  Changes the olD Z command by a new one,  
                                |  lightbared ! ...                         
                                |                              ___________
                                \___________________________-_-\ 14-04-96 /_/
                                -logo by telepathy '95- - - -- ---- - -- -- -
axread12.zip   67812 08-05-2024 /---< READ.PPE version 1.20, 08/03/96 >--\
                                ` PCBoard message  base replacement!  THE 
                                : only way to configure the message base! 
                                | BLOWS away the origanal looks! Includes 
                                 address book,  FIDONET support,  MULTI- 
                                 LANG config,  external  message  editor 
                                 support and  best  of  all,  COMPLETELY 
                                 configurable  message header! Now using 
                                 PPLC 3.20  for use with  PCBoard 15.22+ |
                                 THE BEST MESSAGE PPE!,  By Mav/[ANTi-X] :
                                    FREE!, The way PPE's should be!    ,
                                \--[The No-Name BBS (703) 323-6838]----/
ax_2dmtrx1.zip   30804 08-05-2024                 
                                        unzip -d      
                                     PcBoard MATRiX
                                Coded By Digital Vampire
                                Released Under AXiS
azltqp10.zip    7088 08-05-2024 ARIZONA LOTTO QUIK PIK v1.0 for PCB v15.0
                                This is a PPE program that will allow your
                                users to generate Quik Pik numbers for play
                                in the Arizona Lottery.  Shareware by Chuck
                                Hogard, Hogard Software Solutions BBS at
                                (214) 641-6292.
a_post22.zip   25514 08-05-2024 AutoPost v2.2 PPE
                                AutoPost is a clone of VBBS's
                                autopost feature. Shows 4 AutoPosts
                                at a time. New in v2.2 is a Preview
                                Autopost feature.
                                PPS Source Code included
a_wel_11.zip   37223 08-05-2024 AUTO-WEL v1.1 - Never miss a holiday greeting
                                at the welcome screen again!  Create an ANSI,
                                ASCII,  or PCBoard @X screen and Auto Welcome
                                will display it for you  automatically on the
                                date you specify.  AUTO-WEL runs on any BBS &
                                is fully configurable by editing a single CFG
                                file.   AUTO-WEL will also run on any network
                                using valid drive specifications.   Run it in
                                your daily event BAT file.  **** NO NAGS ****
                                ***** NOT CRIPPLED *****    Shareware - $5.00
badpw.zip       2884 08-05-2024 PCBoard 15.0 PPE to notify users of easy to
                                guess passwords. Source included. FREE!
                                Author: Gerry Schechter
bank.zip        8292 08-05-2024 TIMEBANK!! v1.0 PCBoard 15.22+ [PPE].  a
                                simple way of letting your users store time.
                                Users deposit, withdraw, or gamble for time.
                                Simple to install and no maintenance required.
                                Freeware.  Check  it out today!  NJLink
bank_ppe.zip    4008 08-05-2024 A simple little [PPE] Time Bank with code.
                                Freeware - you get what you pay for.
baum_2dm.zip    3899 08-05-2024 NEW GREAT PPE CODED BY The BaumMan
                                REPLACE THE UGGLY M COMMAND BY THIS
                                COOL LIGHTBAR SUPPORT AND MORE...
bbs17c.zip     15999 08-05-2024 BBS.PPE [11/14/93] v1.7c-- PCB 15.1 [PPE]
                                Unique "Older Style" BBS Listing Program.
                                Freeware - Source Code Included.  Please do
                                not distribute after modifications have been
                                made.  Author : John Heritage.  Powerful NEW
                                BBS.CFG Configuration File Added.
bbsl56b.zip    28459 08-05-2024 ͸
                                    The Ultimate BBS Lister Available     
                                       An UltiWares(c)1995 Release        
bbslist1.zip   25984 08-05-2024 BBSList v1.0 bbslist.ppe for PCBoard v15.0+
                                Public BBS List that users: * VIEW * DOWNLOAD
                                * FLAG FOR DOWNLOAD * ADD TO * SEARCH *
                                DOWNLOAD SEARCHLIST.  Log access to callerlog
                                All downloads STRIPPED of @codes and ZIPPED!
                                Sysop configurable MENUHEADER, LISTCOLOURS.
                                EXTRA DISPLAYFILE (if wanted).  LOGFILE lists
                                real name, date & boardname entered.
                                No nags, no advertisement, shareware.
                                Atlantis Software 706-776-9276 28.8 BBS
bbstriv1.zip   57183 08-05-2024 BBSTrivia *FREE!* For PCBoard Operators. Have
                                A Different Question/Answer 
                                "Trivia" Style Bulletin Displayed To Your
                                Users For Each Day For Nearly A 
                                YEAR! (Changed During Your Event) OR *NOW*
                                Comes With An Executable PPE 
                                For Your Users To Execute "On The Fly!"
                                Included Is A Database For Nearly A 
                                YEARS Worth Of Different Q/A's. Edit/Add Your
                                Own Q/A's. From The Maker Of 
                                WhoCalled V7 (Your Safety Insurance!)
bcbk110.zip    11950 08-05-2024               
                                           FoRCe oF QuALiTiY  
                                 [FREEWARE] PCB 15.1+ TimeBank PPE v1.10
                                 Lightbar menu driven time bank, uses TPAs.
                                 Security definable maximum deposit time and
                                 maximum daily deposit/withdraw time.
                                 Now has a new look and better lightbar
bcbk120.zip    12591 08-05-2024 [FREEWARE] PCB 15.1+ TimeBank PPE v1.20
                                Lightbar menu driven time bank, uses TPAs.
                                Security definable maximum deposit time and
                                maximum daily deposit/withdraw time.
bcen21.zip     18634 08-05-2024          PCB 15.1+ Enter PPE v2.1
                                Press Enter replacement that allows YOU to
                                add your own moving Enter prompts.
                                Now has User selectable prompts, non moving
                                prompts can also be used. 19 prompts
bclc110.zip    18182 08-05-2024 PCB 15.1+ LastCallers PPE v1.10 (06/06/94)
                                Configurable, multiple color setups.
                                Added: Daily, Y'days and Top calls/upload/
                                download/pages/time registration
bcmx111.zip   106464 08-05-2024 [FREEWARE] PCB 15.1+ Matrix PPE v1.11
                                Configurable, lightbar or dos mode, full
                                logging features, external feedback/nuv/
                                infoform/page/sysop PPEs, multinode aware and
                                more. Maintainance release.
bcmx130.zip   208459 08-05-2024        PCB 15.2+ Matrix PPE v1.30
                                 Configurable, lightbar or dos mode, full
                                 logging features, external feedback/nuv/
                                 infoform/page/sysop PPEs, multinode aware
                                 and more. 
                                 This version adds application prompts.
bcnuk080.zip  156446 08-05-2024    PCB 15.2+ Nuker PPE v0.80
                                A full featured, lightbar driven
                                FAST nuker.  Allows you to Nuke/
                                Award/Comment/Free  files.  If
                                you're tired  of waiting minutes.
                                when  nuking, grab  this!  This
                                version adds Wildcard support.
bcpg10.zip      9987 08-05-2024               
                                           FoRCe oF QuALiTiY  
                                       PCB 15.1+ Page PPE v1.00
                                Nice pager with lots of options and very
                                4 odes KORT WHQ*313.699*0530
                                @X08Files: 15, Nfo: NONE, Diz: 09.17.94
                                @X08Uploaded [@X0716:22@X08] by: @X0FTosh10
bcqt03.zip      8074 08-05-2024         PCB 15.2+ Quoter PPE v0.2
                                Pcboard quoter, uses pplc 3.0 for easier
                                and seamless integration.
bctb110.zip    11095 08-05-2024 [FREEWARE] PCB 15.1+ ByteBank PPE v1.10
                                Lightbar menu driven byte bank, uses TPAs.
                                Security definable maximum deposit KB and
                                maximum daily deposit/withdraw KB.
bcwm051.zip    27405 08-05-2024         PCB 15.2+ WMTop PPE v0.51
                                Weekly and Montly top uploaders/downloaders
                                bulletin creator (bytes and files). Uses a
                                a database instead of reading logfiles or
                                adding a TPA. The bulletins are constantly
                                updated quickly at logoff!!
                                Beta testers note: I'm interested to know how
                                fast this is in processing at logoff when the
                                database grows!! So please take notice of
                                that especially!!
                                گLCHD FRoM The Wild Thing BBs
                                ĝ Th ro nncton 
bc_en10.zip     5360 08-05-2024 PCB 15.1+ Press Enter replacement 1.0b 
                                Coded by blackcat. Lets you add your   
                                own moving "Press Enter" prompts       
bday_10.zip     6336 08-05-2024 Birthday Greetings PPE - Ver. 1.0.
                                Gives your users a birthday and a 
                                belated birthday greeting.  Also 
                                gives your users extra time as a
                                "birthday present" if you desire!
                                By Galahad Software
bday_11.zip     7184 08-05-2024 Birthday Greetings PPE - Ver. 1.0.
                                Gives your users a birthday and a 
                                belated birthday greeting.  Also 
                                gives your users extra time as a
                                "birthday present" if you desire!
                                By Galahad Software
bdb100.zip    156958 08-05-2024 < Bulletin Board Database v1.00 - [PPE/EXE] >
                                    ver1.00/PCB 15.2  
                                 Enhanced bulletin board lister! Graphical 
                                 user interface with enhanced ANSI High-   
                                 Light bar, enhanced RipScrip graphics, w/ 
                                 user-friendly command system. Configure   
                                 any text display/color, multi-lingual     
                                 Support, and much more! Setup emulating   
                                 PCBoard setup Utilities. Requires 160k HD 
bestppes.zip   37097 08-05-2024 @X1EĿ@X07
                                @X1EBESTPPES.ZIP 6 OF THE BEST @X07
                                @X1EPCBOARD PPE UTILITIES YOU  @X07
                                @X1EWILL EVER SEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@X07
                                @X1EAn ANSI/arrow key/menu bar @X07
                                @X1Euser interface for your    @X07
                                @X1Efiles, bulletins, doors, & @X07
                                @X1Emuch more. A time & byte   @X07
                                @X1Ebank. All colors configured@X07
                                @X1EEZ to install! GET THESE!!!@X07
bgpcbv26.zip  137594 08-05-2024 Lazy PCBOARDS Sysops - Good News!
                                Here's version 2.6 of a BLT, DOOR
                                and DIR menu generation program!
                                Easy to use, creates single/double
                                /column or line mode menu files.
                                Free and speech friendly for blind
                                sysops. - Enjoy!!!
bilbord1.zip   10837 08-05-2024 BilBord v1.0 - PPE To Display Ads To
                                Callers.  Displays Can Be Advertiements
                                Or A Features List.  Integrated Seam-
                                Lessly Into The Main Menu.  Unobtrusive
                                Way To Generate Revenues For Your BBS
                                Rotates Ads Automatically.  Allows
                                Conference AD LOCKing
birth101.zip    9102 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 The Birth Date Utility v1.01 - PPE v2.00  
                                 Now you can prompt your users for their   
                                 birth date information with PCBoard. Use  
                                 this program as a prompt replacement,     
                                 new users program, or an executed text    
                                 command. Completely configurable color    
                                 and text. Provides a slash (/) for the    
                                 user to keep the date information in a    
                                 correct format. PCBoard 15.1 [PPE] v2.00  
birth120.zip   12105 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 The Birth Date Utility v1.20 - PPE v2.00  
                                 Now you can prompt your users for their   
                                 birth date information with PCBoard. Use  
                                 this program as a prompt replacement,     
                                 new users program, or an executed text    
                                 command. Completely configurable color    
                                 and text. Provides a slash (/) for the    
                                 user to keep the date information in a    
                                 correct format. PCBoard 15.1 [PPE] v2.00  
birth140.zip   28030 08-05-2024 The Birth Date Utility v1.40 PPE v3.00 You
                                can now prompt for your users' birthdate
                                information with PCBoard. Using this program
                                as a prompt replacement, new user program, or
                                an executed text command. Now includes
                                "Today's Birthdays" EXE bulletin generator.
                                Provides a slash (/) for the user to keep the
                                date information in a correct format. For
                                PCBoard 15.2 FREEWARE
bi_2d20.zip     7845 08-05-2024 
                                 Broadcast-It v2.0 - BR Replacement 
                                This PCBoard 15.1 PPE will give you an
                                   alternative BR command with MANY
                                 features!  Total configurability is
                                  built-in! You can choose your OWN
                                  display method of the WHO display!
                                 Better yet, it's FREE! :)  The only
                                BR PPE that allows total flexibility,
                                 internal displays, and more.  Blows
                                 away those other BR PPE's that cost
                                you $$$ to register! Call our Support
                                       system if you need help.
bi_namer.zip   29264 08-05-2024 Bi-Namer 1.0 - A PCBoard utility to
                                rename PCB's UUCP file attachments back
                                to their original file name. Process
                                .GIF, .JPG, .ZIP, .EXE, .WAV, .MID and
                                more. Shareware, $10.00.
bjppe12.zip     7797 08-05-2024 A VERY SIMPLE BLACKJACK PPE
                                WRITTEN BY THE SYSOP OF THE
                                ISOQ BBS 718-268-5025.
                                ONLY FOR PCB 15.1 PPE VER 2
                                GRAPHICS AND ALL LATEST
                                REVISION. FULL VERSION 1
                                VERY FUN.
blab_070.zip  220197 08-05-2024 BOOMLAB v0.70 COMPLETE Upload Processor for
                                PCBoard. Coded by Gene Layton (BOOMER) Age
                                test archive 6 different ways. ZAP all BBS
                                ads even random ads using filelist, CRC
                                value, or text keywords. Supports 10
                                different virus scanners. Can use 1,
                                multiple, or all scanners! 35+ macros to add
                                file stats to desc, customize ZIP comment,
                                PCBPASS, etc. Strip unwanted text from
                                FILE_ID.DIZ's Pack uncompressed, Repack
                                non-ZIP's. Automated PPE to handle failed
                                files (Can be used partially with any BBS)
blaspag.zip    73224 08-05-2024 @X0FĿ@X07
                                @X0FBlaster PAGE PPE!!! @X07
                                @X0FFOR PCBoard 15.X    @X07
                                @X0FDox,MOD,and PLAYER  @X07
                                @X0Fincluded...         @X07
                                @X0FCoded By:           @X07
                                @X0F @X08x@X07c@X0F@X07@X08R  @X0F     
bla_1lin.zip    4284 08-05-2024 Anonymous Lastcaller 1.00 PPE
bla_2d1lin.zip    4284 08-05-2024 Anonymous Lastcaller 1.00 PPE
blotesl1.zip    6632 08-05-2024 Extended Speed Limit PPE For PcB 15.0
                                Freeware PPE to stop low-baud callers &
                                  let pass a few you want to keep ..
blotup01.zip   12303 08-05-2024      BLaCK OuT Hits The World Again With
                                        Upgrade v0.1 + full source        
                                  - A PPE Recoded from the PPP
                                  - Freeware
                                  - Give certain users a higher level
                                  - Give all users a higher level
                                      after reading or viewing a textfile
                                 RELEASED AT BLoT WHQ ON 21/01/94 AT 21:10
blot_ul.zip    11419 08-05-2024 __ _________ _______   _____ __________ __
                                 _ __     \    /::_\___\          __
                                ::::/   !/   \    /::/ ~ |~  \/\   /\_/:::
                                :::/          )  /__/\   !    \/   \::'94:
                                :::\    (\   /  /~   \  :    /    \:::::
                                ::::::::::: -*- BLaCK OuT! -*- :::::::::::
                                ============== PreSenTs ==============
                                <<>> BaTCH UPLOAD PPE v1.0 [PCB]  <<>>
                                <<>> Nice & cool, easy, the best! <<>>
                                <<>>          /X Style!           <<>>
                                ==[23 Aug '94]=================[1/1]==
                                 -=[ The L.O.R.D.S. Couriering '94 ]=-
blt200.zip      7253 08-05-2024 @X09BLT.PPE@X0D Version 2.00 (BETA).
                                @X0FBLT.PPE is a SUB-BULLETIN
                                @X0Fmenu PPE.  Now with a PUBLIC
                                @X0FBulletin feature.  Check it out!
                                @X0FShareWare $10.00
blt202.zip      8719 08-05-2024 @X0CBLT.PPE Version 2.00 (BETA).
                                BLT.PPE is a SUB-BULLETIN
                                menu PPE.  Now with a PUBLIC
                                Bulletin feature.  Check it out!
                                ShareWare $5.00
blt300.zip      8938 08-05-2024 BLT.PPE Version 3.00 (BETA).           
                                BLT.PPE is a SUB-BULLETIN              
                                menu PPE.  Now with a PUBLIC           
                                Bulletin feature.  Check it out!       
                                ShareWare $10.00 Major BUG fix..       
bltend1.zip     4062 08-05-2024 BLTEND.PPE v1.0 - A new bulletin prompt
                                replacement in PCBTEXT #224 and #611.
                                Download, search, and now EDIT comfortable
                                any bulletin.
                                A FREE UTILITY FOR ALL PCBOARD SYSOPS! ENJOY.
bltinfo.zip    12209 08-05-2024 INFO.PPE
                                Special Window Bulletin Display PPE.  
                                Colorful Grafix display with internal 
                                menu for up to 11 text file displays. 
                                This is a clean looking PPE that has  
                                to be seen to appreciate it!  And ..  
                                It's Freeware from Daryl Stogner      
bltlst10.zip    9511 08-05-2024 BLTLIST v1.0 - PCBoard 15.0 [PPE]
                                Drop in replacement for the (B)ulletin
                                command. Completely multilanguage aware. Can
                                display diffrent bulletins in all your
                                conferences. Supports extended bulletin
                                descriptions. Interactive bulletin display.
                                Redisplay list. Checks for the last update of
                                every bulletin. Notifys user if bulletin is
                                currently empty. Amazing look and feel. It
                                looks great and feels like an internal
                                PCBoard command.       Jens Mueller 
blt_2dppe1.zip    4941 08-05-2024 Pcboard Nested BulletinsĿ
                                  A .PPE allowing PCboard Sysops to   
                                  use  Nested Bulletins as featured   
                                  in  other BBS packages.   Easy to   
                                  install  using existing  bulletin   
                                  numbers.    Shareware!    24 hour   
                                  support on the Global Connection.   
                                Global Software
bmail10s.zip   12291 08-05-2024 ========================================
                                BaseMail v. 1.0 - A PCBoard PPE that'll
                                make things real easy for your NETMAIL
                                users.  Allows users to send either FIDO
                                Netmail OR Internet E-Mail through a 
                                Gateway.  If you use QFRONT, your users
                                can look up a FIDO Address, or Sysop
                                name from the Nodelist, and then pick
                                one to send Netmail to.  Registration
                                is only $10 and can be done on-line.
                                All upgrades are FREE to registered
                                users!   -   From BaseLine Software
bms10ger.zip    1394 08-05-2024 <- German Language (BMSTEXT.GER) BMS v1.00 ->
                                      ver1.00/PCB 15.2 
                                 Packed in this archive is the German ver- 
                                 sion of BMSTEXT (BMSTEXT.GER) used with   
                                 the Bulletin Menu System v1.00 - One File 
                                   [Created By: Mario Mueller (Author)]    
bms120.zip    169270 08-05-2024 = BULLETIN MENU SYSTEM v1.20 / PCBoard 15.2 =
                                The professional choice! Now enhance your
                                PCBoard bulletin area with BMS! Recursive
                                bulletin categorization; Compression/archiv-
                                ing of bulletins; Bulletin/File attachments;
                                Multi-lingual abilities; Install program;
                                Quick/Easy configuration that looks and
                                feels like PCBSETUP.EXE; Enhanced ANSI
                                "lightbar"; completely configurable
                                colors/displays; and MORE! Req: 200k HD
bnclog2.zip     4109 08-05-2024               
                                    ۲  ۲  ۲      
                                   ۱۱  ۱        
                                    ۰  ۰  ۰      
                                []gENERAl fILEz dIZZErĿ 
                                NaMe: LOGON With Scroll   
                                TyPe: PPe                 
                                DaTe: 23/07/97            
                                By  : LaZZy LeGS /CoaX    
bnkfre14.zip  254407 08-05-2024 BNKFRE14 - BANK.PPE version 1.40-(PPLC 3.1)
                                Why Pay for a BANK PPE when this is FREE!!.
                                Bank Time, Bytes, Exchange, Gambling, Time
                                restrictions, All configurable. 10 Gambling
                                Games/Modules included or write your own with
                                the Generic Gambling Module. External text
                                files for language and modifications.  Utils
                                include BankEdit, BankPack, Out of Time, BBS
                                LogOff, BankEd, & BankUtl Modules. A COMPLETE
                                Bank package for your BBS.  Full Source!!
bnkpcb14.zip   20638 08-05-2024 Time Banker 1.4 for PCBoard PPE Application
                                that allows users to save some of their time
                                online for later use. Fully configurable to
                                allow the SysOp to set the Maximum Balance,
                                and enable/disable Time Gambling. Users can
                                wager some of their time saved with Gambling
                                feature! Complete seperate database stores
                                your users info, and allows for fast access.
                                Full light-bar and hot-key support included.
                                Easy to install!  Not crippled!  Shareware.
bnkpcb20.zip   18464 08-05-2024 Time Banker v2.0 for PCBoard PPE application
                                that allows users to save some of their time
                                online for later use. Fully configurable to
                                allow the SysOp to set the Maximum Balance,
                                and enable/disable Time Gambling. Users can
                                wager some of their time saved with Gambling
                                feature! Complete seperate database stores
                                your users info, and allows for fast access.
                                Full light-bar and hot-key support included.
                                ************* FREE REGISTRATION ************
boglogor.zip    7804 08-05-2024 [LoGoN RuNNeR] PPE
                                Logon runner for ppe's/ansi/pcb
                                Special features - Random Run,
                                Security Run, Query Run
boss_100.zip   21536 08-05-2024 [ Bulletin Boss PPE v1.0 by Criminal ]Ŀ
                                 The MOST configurable random menu/screen 
                                 rotater available. Display files random, 
                                 randomly by access lev., & by being in a 
                                 specific conference. A must have for any 
                                 sysop running a PD front,  or wanting to 
                                 add a little variety. Multi-lang support 
                                 For PCB 15.2+     Release Date: 05/29/95 
both_203.zip   13521 08-05-2024 All Caller Bulletin Generator [PPE] PPLCv2-
                                Generates two caller bulletins, all-calls
                                and all-stats.  Completely revised format,
                                all colors now SysOp customizable. FREEWARE
                                Source available-New Support BBS #-ver 2.03
                                adds node # display and yesterday calls
bpc_2d2p.zip    8341 08-05-2024     Second Passcode v.1.0 [ PPE ]     
                                 It locks any users/sysops account on   
                                 second  pass  for  more security ...   
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =THE ONLY & THE GREATEST ON RUSSIAN SCENE=
bpc_2daf.zip   12540 08-05-2024        ANSi Force v.2.0 [ PPE ]       
                                 Ansi  force  will  detect  User's ANSi 
                                 support, connection speed .. U can set 
                                 system  password,  low speed password, 
                                 set up an hours for logon to low speed 
                                 users & it's all - ANSI FORCE!! 
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =THE ONLY & THE GREATEST ON RUSSIAN SCENE=
bpc_2dal.zip   10494 08-05-2024  Alternative Logon system v.2.0 [ PPE ] 
                                 The best PPE loader with many features 
                                     Configurable by user! & etc ...    
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =THE ONLY & THE GREATEST ON RUSSIAN SCENE=
bpc_2dapp.zip   14884 08-05-2024     [0;1;5;35m[0m[1;5m[0;5mGhostshiP[1m
                                 USER'S APPLICATION  [ PPE ]ͻ
                                 This  is   application,  registration  
                                 form  which  can  be used in new user  
                                 logon, group  appl.  &  etc ...  Nice  
                                 interface + light bar selection mthds. 
                                               [04/13/95]    ļ
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!=
bpc_2dccs.zip   14645 08-05-2024  CRUEL CODED STUFF  [ PPE ]ͻ
                                 This pack is only for an PPE coders .. 
                                 It  includes  15  cool  procedures  of 
                                 animated displaying stings ... Instead 
                                 of coding UR's one, use this! Source & 
                                 example included ... A must for DL!    
                                      [05/11/95] =TMD=/=MHT= ļ
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B.R.U.T.A.L  PPE/PCE/PRO   C.O.D.E.R.S 
                                .. [BPC] IS WHAT YOU COULD ONLY WISH! ..
bpc_2dcmd.zip   13415 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                -[PPE]- =CMD.LST VIEWER/LOADER= -[PPE]-
                                - ----- -ij
                                 It's for sysops  who have damn memory 
                                 & always forget keys in the MAIN MENU 
                                 Now ya can view CMD.LST + using light 
                                 bar run any PPE from it!              
bpc_2dde10.zip   21270 08-05-2024  -[BPC]  Productions  1995!-    
                                  ܰ߱     ߲ܲ  
                                  ۲   ۲ WS 
                                    ޱ۲     ޱ۲   
                                 ܲݰ  ܲݰ ۲۰
                                  ۱    ۱   ۱ 
                                  ߲۰۲    ߰ ۰   
                                 ۱  ۱   ۲  ۰ 
                                ޲ݰ ܲ۲ݰ ۱ܲ۲ 
                                ߰߱߱ ߱  ߰   ߱ 
                                ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ
                                   - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders -   
                                - ----- -ij
                                -[PRO]-  =DOORS ENGINE v.1.0=   -[PRO]-
                                - ----- -ij
                                   Easy way for creating BBS doors    
                                   Supports VT100 and ANSI terminals  
                                   TP 7.0 sources included            
                                - ----- -ij
bpc_2dent3.zip   26011 08-05-2024  Random 'Press ENTER' [ PPE ]ͻ 
                                 So this's 'Press ENTER' replacement     
                                 which got 'bout 20 animated ~presses~   
                                 which will be shown randomly.           
                                               [04/13/95]    ļ 
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް 
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ    
                                            ۱  ߰       
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰              
                                          ۲   ۱߰               
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ           
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲   
                                  ߰     ߰ 
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S  
                                =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!= 
bpc_2dfas2.zip   18513 08-05-2024  FILE AREAS SEL. v.2  [ PPE ]ͻ
                                 Now  you  can  select  your file areas 
                                 using  light  bar +  you  can lock any 
                                 area on passcode ... Fixed some bugs +  
                                 added some cool options ...            
                                            [04/23/95] =TMD= ļ
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!=
bpc_2dfl.zip   21170 08-05-2024         File Lister v.1.0 [ PPE ]     
                                 The  best  &  only one replacement for 
                                 PCBOARD's standard file lister ... Now 
                                 everything is done with light bar .. U 
                                 can also  select file areas, lock them  
                                 on password & much more ...            
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =THE ONLY & THE GREATEST ON RUSSIAN SCENE=
bpc_2dfr.zip   25229 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                -[PPE]-     =FAKE REMOVER=      -[PPE]-
                                - ----- -ij
                                 This  proggie will  help user who has 
                                 accidentally uploaded  unwanted file, 
                                 to  kill it and  cut the DIZ out from 
                                 the [dir] file!                       
bpc_2dfs.zip   27310 08-05-2024  -[BPC]  Productions  1995!-    
                                  ܰ߱     ߲ܲ  
                                  ۲   ۲ WS 
                                    ޱ۲     ޱ۲   
                                 ܲݰ  ܲݰ ۲۰
                                  ۱    ۱   ۱ 
                                  ߲۰۲    ߰ ۰   
                                 ۱  ۱   ۲  ۰ 
                                ޲ݰ ܲ۲ݰ ۱ܲ۲ 
                                ߰߱߱ ߱  ߰   ߱ 
                                ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ
                                   - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders -   
                                - ----- -ij
                                -[PPE]-     =FILE SPLITTER=     -[PPE]-
                                - ----- -ij
                                 Nice tool to split big archives if ya 
                                 lack time or your axx is small. Ftrs: 
                                      Splits up to 999 volumes       
                                      Creates special merger..       
                                 & ... Needful proggie for users!      
                                - ----- -ij
bpc_2dful2.zip   13235 08-05-2024   FAST UPLOAD   [ PPE ]ͻ
                                 Khe-Khe... Just a little PPE which     
                                 skips all ficken questions while        
                                 uploading and makes it easyer for ur   
                                               [04/15/95]    ļ
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!=
bpc_2dfwho.zip   11800 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                -[PPE]-     =FAKE WHO v.1.0=    -[PPE]-
                                - ----- -ij
                                 Ehm, this  proggie will show user who 
                                 is  currently  online, but the second 
                                 node user will be fake ... It's fully 
                                 configurable. Up to 999 fake names!   
bpc_2dgo1.zip   10727 08-05-2024  ANSi Only Switcher  [ PPE ]ͻ 
                                 This PPE automatically swithes ANSI     
                                 mode for all users. Also it shows your  
                                 preferances. Fully configurable.        
                                               [04/13/95]    ļ 
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް 
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ    
                                            ۱  ߰       
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰              
                                          ۲   ۱߰               
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ           
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲   
                                  ߰     ߰ 
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S  
                                =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!= 
bpc_2dgtl2.zip   11216 08-05-2024   -[BPC]  Productions  1995!-          
                                   ܰ߱     ߲ܲ    
                                   ۲   ۲ WS   
                                     ޱ۲     ޱ۲    
                                  ܲݰ  ܲݰ ۲۰  
                                   ۱    ۱   ۱  
                                   ߲۰۲    ߰ ۰      
                                  ۱  ۱   ۲  ۰  
                                 ޲ݰ ܲ۲ݰ ۱ܲ۲  
                                 ߰߱߱ ߱  ߰   ߱  
                                 ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ 
                                    - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders -    
                                 - ----- -ij 
                                 -[PCE]- =GUEST LEFT TIME v.2.1= -[PCE]- 
                                 - ----- -ij 
                                  If ya have GUEST account on your sys,  
                                  then use this  proggie! It  will zero  
                                  that axx after a user hangups!         
                                 - ----- -ij 
bpc_2dgu_21.zip   15475 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                -[PPE]-  =GROUP UPLOAD! v.1.0=  -[PPE]-
                                - ----- -ij
                                 Awesome thing! If your board is affl. 
                                 with  some  groups,  then  all  their 
                                 releases'll be pumped  to the special 
                                 group's directory, instead  of common 
                                 UPLOAD dir!!!   -GRAB THIS STUFF NOW- 
bpc_2dkick.zip    7843 08-05-2024    User kick-ass!   [ PPE ]ͻ
                                 If  you  are sick & tired of the user, 
                                 now  you can hangup him, by pretending 
                                 that your modem  has no MNP/V4.. He'll 
                                 have  [XXXXXXX]    charecters  on  his 
                                 screen. You  can add you desired stuff 
                                 to  be  displayed!  Looks as real =)   
                                               [04/11/95]    ļ
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!=
bpc_2dlaf2.zip   23203 08-05-2024    Locate A Filename v.2.0   [ PPE ]  
                                  It will locate a file in conference   
                                     using light-bars. Very nice!       
                                    Coded by .\\ad |atter.  1995 
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =THE ONLY & THE GREATEST ON RUSSIAN SCENE=
bpc_2dlbp1.zip   20710 08-05-2024  Low Baud Password v1.0  [ PPE ]Ļ
                                  This will ask all users who has been  
                                  connected to ur board with lower baud 
                                  rate than allowed to enter system     
                                  password. It will lock out everyone   
                                  who doesn't know it...                
                                               [04/14/95]    ļ
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!=
bpc_2dlc.zip   14039 08-05-2024  Last Callers v1.0  [ PPE ]ͻ
                                 Another  fine  Last Callers  for  your 
                                 board ... It show up to 13 last system 
                                 callers. Pretty & nice ... GRAB IT!    
                                               [04/09/95]    ļ
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!=
bpc_2dlg.zip   17459 08-05-2024 ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ
                                   - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders -   
                                - ----- -ij
                                -[PPE]-  =SIMPLE  LOGIN v.1.0=  -[PPE]-
                                - ----- -ij
                                     Cool login PPE for PCB 15.2x     
                                     Ansi works by Raytrayza(XSS)     
                                - ----- -ij
bpc_2dlock.zip   13241 08-05-2024     DAMN LOCKOUT!   [ PPE ]ͻ
                                 After a user've  been locked outta the 
                                 system he  recieves  an lockout  msg & 
                                 usually  PCB  hangups  him. Now he can 
                                 enter message to  the sysop! Light bar 
                                 selection  mthds + much more! GRAB IT! 
                                               [04/14/95]    ļ
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!=
bpc_2dlot2.zip   12466 08-05-2024  On-line Time Lottery  [ PPE ]ͻ 
                                 Yah, try new _animated_ on-line time    
                                 lottery, which'll blow ur head up!      
                                               [04/13/95]    ļ 
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް 
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ    
                                            ۱  ߰       
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰              
                                          ۲   ۱߰               
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ           
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲   
                                  ߰     ߰ 
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S  
                                =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!= 
bpc_2dlss.zip   15979 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                -[PPE]-  =LOGON SCRN. SKIPPER=  -[PPE]-
                                - ----- -ij
                                 It will ask user if  he wants to skip  
                                 boring logon ANSi. Features:          
                                     Random  screens  displaying      
                                     Setting  up  waiting  pause      
                                     Simple & fully configurable      
bpc_2dlx2.zip   21904 08-05-2024  -[BPC]  Productions  1995!-    
                                  ܰ߱     ߲ܲ  
                                  ۲   ۲ WS 
                                    ޱ۲     ޱ۲   
                                 ܲݰ  ܲݰ ۲۰
                                  ۱    ۱   ۱ 
                                  ߲۰۲    ߰ ۰   
                                 ۱  ۱   ۲  ۰ 
                                ޲ݰ ܲ۲ݰ ۱ܲ۲ 
                                ߰߱߱ ߱  ߰   ߱ 
                                ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ
                                   - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders -   
                                - ----- -ij
                                [PPE]   =LAST  XFERS v.2.0=   [PPE]ij
                                - ----- -ij
                                 Smallest & fastest last transfers PPE 
                                 on the scene. Shows up to 21 last tr. 
                                 Fully configurable, fast code, random 
                                 displaying, .. - for your board!      
                                - ----- -ij
bpc_2dlxfr.zip   15890 08-05-2024     LAST X-FERZ     [ PPE ]ͻ
                                 Well,  it'll  show  yar  users last 8  
                                 file[s] transfer[s] ... Nice & pretty. 
                                            [04/23/95] =TMD= ļ
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!=
bpc_2dmenu.zip    9243 08-05-2024           Menu v.1.0 [ PPE ]          
                                 WOW! Here's a chance to replace UR old 
                                 menu with  simultaneously working with 
                                 light bar & command line menu! You can 
                                 configure it's like you want ...       
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =THE ONLY & THE GREATEST ON RUSSIAN SCENE=
bpc_2dmep.zip   16665 08-05-2024  -[BPC]  Productions  1995!-    
                                  ܰ߱     ߲ܲ  
                                  ۲   ۲ WS 
                                    ޱ۲     ޱ۲   
                                 ܲݰ  ܲݰ ۲۰
                                  ۱    ۱   ۱ 
                                  ߲۰۲    ߰ ۰   
                                 ۱  ۱   ۲  ۰ 
                                ޲ݰ ܲ۲ݰ ۱ܲ۲ 
                                ߰߱߱ ߱  ߰   ߱ 
                                ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ
                                   - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders -   
                                - ----- -ij
                                -[PPE]-  =MESSAGE EDITOR PRO=   -[PPE]-
                                - ----- -ij
                                    Fast, full screen editor!         
                                    Cool features easy to install!    
                                    Light bar supported! Animated!    
                                    Define your own input!            
                                 Can be used anywhere in PCB .. Leech! 
                                - ----- -ij
                                @X08       @X0A Paradise City@X08 
                                @X05      @X0F +7(095)112-3589@X05 
bpc_2dmv.zip    5920 08-05-2024           Move v.1.0 [ PPE ]          
                                 Now U can  replace all PCB string like 
                                 [YES/NO] [MORE/STOP/NONSTOP] ... Fully 
                                 100% configurable .. DL & njoy life =) 
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =THE ONLY & THE GREATEST ON RUSSIAN SCENE=
bpc_2dnfs2.zip    9020 08-05-2024     New Files Scan v.2.0  [ PPE ]     
                                 It will search new files in conference 
                                     using light-bars. Very nice!       
                                    Coded by .\\ad |atter.  1995 
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =THE ONLY & THE GREATEST ON RUSSIAN SCENE=
bpc_2donl.zip   15376 08-05-2024   Cruel On-liners   [ PPE ]ͻ
                                 Replace  that  old  sick  & tired your 
                                 onliners  with a new one! Easy to use, 
                                 light bar selection methods ...        
                                               [04/09/95]    ļ
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!=
bpc_2dppr.zip   11800 08-05-2024 Ŀ 
                                -[PPE]-    =PPE RANDOMIZER=     -[PPE]- 
                                - ----- -ij 
                                 Some  sysops  use more than 1 chat or  
                                 page or ... Instead  of hooking these  
                                 proggies on function keys, use PPE.R.  
                                 It supports up to 999 PPE's ...        
bpc_2dprt.zip   12018 08-05-2024 
bpc_2dprt2.zip   18236 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                -[PPE]- =PROTOCOL ALTERN. v2.0= -[PPE]-
                                - ----- -ij
                                 Nice replacement for T command. Ftrs: 
                                  Light-bar selection methods.        
                                  Supports hot-keys ...               
                                  Also runs from command line.        
                                  Cool interface & no configs!        
bpc_2dqb.zip   26443 08-05-2024  -[BPC]  Productions  1995!-    
                                  ܰ߱     ߲ܲ  
                                  ۲   ۲ WS 
                                    ޱ۲     ޱ۲   
                                  ۱    ۱   ۱ 
                                  ߲۰۲    ߰ ۰   
                                 ۱  ۱   ۲  ۰ 
                                ߰߱߱ ߱  ߰   ߱ 
                                ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ
                                - ----- -ij
                                -[PRO]-    =QUICK BOOT v.2.0=   -[PRO]-
                                - ----- -ij
                                 This proggie will reboot yar computer 
                                 twice  faster ... w/o  memory check & 
                                 other damn stuff!                     
                                - ----- -ij
bpc_2dqcht.zip   17852 08-05-2024   QUICK CHAT v1.0   [ PPE ]ͻ
                                 Awesome small chatter. Nice interface, 
                                 fully  configurable.  Featuring  slide 
                                 showing  display/effects/color/redraw/ 
                                 sysop's name alter./greeting msg/..... 
                                            [04/22/95] =TMD= ļ
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!=
bpc_2dreg3.zip   16282 08-05-2024        
                                 Thiz one is especially for sysops, who 
                                 wants to know everything about theirs  
                                 users. U can increase axx after        
                                 registration and ask ur own questions. 
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
bpc_2dri1.zip   17014 08-05-2024   Request It !   [ PPE ]ͻ 
                                  Yep... This PPE helps ur user in       
                                  finding soft/games/etc. Try it! As     
                                  usual it'll blow ur head up! =)        
                                               [04/13/95]    ļ 
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް 
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ    
                                            ۱  ߰       
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰              
                                          ۲   ۱߰               
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ           
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲   
                                  ߰     ߰ 
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S  
                                =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!= 
bpc_2drule.zip    9397 08-05-2024   Rules-disclaimer  [ PPE ]ͻ
                                 This  proggie  gives  you  a chance to 
                                 piss off  user  who aren't agreed with 
                                 you board rules. Feautures randomizing 
                                 showing procedure, light bar selection 
                                 methods ...                            
                                               [04/11/95]    ļ
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!=
bpc_2dsd.zip   31256 08-05-2024      SYSOP DOWNLOAD v.2.0 [ PPE ]     
                                 Now  you  can scan ur  HDD with the NC 
                                 style  interface  PPE  &  flag file[s] 
                                 for  download. Also possible to set up 
                                 an  passcode before running this prog. 
                                     [Sys.Req: PCBOARD +15.2 / +386]    
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =THE ONLY & THE GREATEST ON RUSSIAN SCENE=
bpc_2dset.zip    9061 08-05-2024       SET-SECURITY v.1.0 [ PPE ]      
                                 Well, it's for your lovely cosysop ... 
                                 Now he/she can set any security level! 
                                 & then return it back w/o any problems 
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =THE ONLY & THE GREATEST ON RUSSIAN SCENE=
bpc_2dshgf.zip   10891 08-05-2024    SHOWGFX  v.1.1   [ DOS ]ͻ
                                 It's an PCBOARD graphical files viewer 
                                 Ya can either load it as an TSR module 
                                 or view files from command line. Fully 
                                 compatible with ANSI.SYS. -1KB!        
                                             [04/24/95] =SD= ļ
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B.R.U.T.A.L  PPE/PCE/PRO   C.O.D.E.R.S 
                                .. [BPC] IS WHAT YOU COULD ONLY WISH! ..
bpc_2dslow.zip   11029 08-05-2024     Slow Display    [ PPE ]ͻ
                                 With  this  proggie  you  can  replace  
                                 any  PCB string with a  desired  slide 
                                 showing  one!  Fully  configurable ... 
                                 Small, but nicely coded ...            
                                            [04/22/95] =TMD= ļ
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!=
bpc_2duah.zip   15355 08-05-2024  USER'S ANTI-HACK   [ PPE ]ͻ 
                                 Well,  now  ya  can protect yar system  
                                 from axx  hacks ... Some  assholes use  
                                 backdoors ... This  proggie  will find  
                                 such dudes, lockout &  notify ya about  
                                 it! Small but awesome!                  
                                  50 Years since the day of the GREAT    
                                  Victory!! [NO DAMN HITLER!] We won!    
                                          Greets to all of ya!           
                                             [05/07/95] =SD= ļ 
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް 
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ    
                                            ۱  ߰       
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰              
                                          ۲   ۱߰               
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ           
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲   
                                  ߰     ߰ 
                                 B.R.U.T.A.L  PPE/PCE/PRO   C.O.D.E.R.S  
                                .. [BPC] IS WHAT YOU COULD ONLY WISH! .. 
bpc_2dub10.zip   22386 08-05-2024  brutal.ppe/pro.coders.1996.products
                                     ۲  ۲ ۲      
                                   ۲        if!
                                     ۲ ۲ ܲ  
                                  ۲  ۲޲۲   ܲ
                                 ۲   ߲߰  ۲
                                       [PPE]İ  ߲ 
                                  ~18/03/96~   ~Ugha-Ugha Bulletins~
                                  Lightbar-driven with great layout
                                  Full source included, no need 4 pplc
                                  Run ppes, ansis or whatever you like
bpc_2dui2.zip   16615 08-05-2024  USER iNFORMATiON   [ PPE ]ͻ   
                                 So, guys, this PPE will show user's       
                                 information. it's nicely light-bared,     
                                 so try it.                                
                                               [04/15/95]    ļ   
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް   
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ      
                                            ۱  ߰         
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰                
                                          ۲   ۱߰                 
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ             
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲     
                                  ߰     ߰   
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S    
                                =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!=   
bpc_2duj11.zip   28903 08-05-2024  brutal.ppe/pro.coders.1996.products
                                     ۲  ۲ ۲      
                                   ۲        if!
                                     ۲ ۲ ܲ  
                                  ۲  ۲޲۲   ܲ
                                 ۲   ߲߰  ۲
                                       [PPE]İ  ߲ 
                                  ~26/03/96~   ~Ugha-Ugha Conf-Join~
                                  Lightbar-driven with great layout
                                  Full source included, no need 4 pplc
                                  Version 1.10 - Some Bug-fixes ...
                                     - [RTS] REQUEST TO SEND [RTS] -
bpc_2dus15.zip   10434 08-05-2024  -[BPC]  Productions  1995!-    
                                  ܰ߱     ߲ܲ  
                                  ۲   ۲ WS 
                                    ޱ۲     ޱ۲   
                                 ܲݰ  ܲݰ ۲۰
                                  ۱    ۱   ۱ 
                                  ߲۰۲    ߰ ۰   
                                 ۱  ۱   ۲  ۰ 
                                ޲ݰ ܲ۲ݰ ۱ܲ۲ 
                                ߰߱߱ ߱  ߰   ߱ 
                                ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ
                                   - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders -   
                                - ----- -ij
                                   =ULTIMATE BBS AD STRIPPER v.1.05=   
                                - ----- -ij
                                 It removes the annoying .ZIP comments 
                                 & BBS ads from  archive  files. Fully 
                                 compatibale  with any type of a board 
                                 system.                  [By Jay Dee] 
                                - ----- -ij
bpc_2dusm2.zip   19875 08-05-2024 Ŀ    
                                -[PPE]- =UPLOAD S.S MODIFIER 2= -[PPE]-    
                                - ----- -ij    
                                 it works w/o any ZIPZAP/BOOMLAB etc!!     
                                 Changes  the user's UL  handle & also     
                                 the main ULBY string!                     
bpc_2dww.zip   32291 08-05-2024 )*( Weird Warez Hot! 09/18 )*(
                                 -[BPC]  Productions  1995!-    
                                  ܰ߱     ߲ܲ  
                                  ۲   ۲ WS 
                                    ޱ۲     ޱ۲   
                                 ܲݰ  ܲݰ ۲۰
                                  ۱    ۱   ۱ 
                                  ߲۰۲    ߰ ۰   
                                 ۱  ۱   ۲  ۰ 
                                ޲ݰ ܲ۲ݰ ۱ܲ۲ 
                                ߰߱߱ ߱  ߰   ߱ 
                                ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-
                                 [BPC] presents WEiRD  WAREZ application
                                 generator, specially coded for WW guys.
                                 Feautures nice effects, animation, fast
                                 code & a chance to hook up  with one of
                                 the best courriering group in Russia ..
                                ı-IJ- -İ-İı[09/18/95] -
bpc_2dzp4.zip   27225 08-05-2024     
                                 Now you can unpack ZIP archives in yar 
                                 programs  into  memory  and ...  Ftrs: 
                                    Unpacking to  any  of TV  stream   
                                    Virtual  methods  to  store data   
                                    Linking  ZIP  archives into EXEs   
                                    Supports non-standard signatures   
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B.R.U.T.A.L  PPE/PCE/PRO   C.O.D.E.R.S 
bpc_2dzts2.zip    8279 08-05-2024     Zippy Text Scan v.2.0  [ PPE ]    
                                 This is another "Z" command replacement
                                     using light-bars. Very nice!       
                                    Coded by .\\ad |atter.  1995 
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =THE ONLY & THE GREATEST ON RUSSIAN SCENE=
bpc_af.zip     12540 08-05-2024        ANSi Force v.2.0 [ PPE ]       
                                 Ansi  force  will  detect  User's ANSi 
                                 support, connection speed .. U can set 
                                 system  password,  low speed password, 
                                 set up an hours for logon to low speed 
                                 users & it's all - ANSI FORCE!! 
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =THE ONLY & THE GREATEST ON RUSSIAN SCENE=
bpc_al.zip     12213 08-05-2024  Alternative Logon system v.2.0 [ PPE ] 
                                 The best PPE loader with many features 
                                     Configurable by user! & etc ...    
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =THE ONLY & THE GREATEST ON RUSSIAN SCENE=
bpc_ccs.zip    14645 08-05-2024  CRUEL CODED STUFF  [ PPE ]ͻ
                                 This pack is only for an PPE coders .. 
                                 It  includes  15  cool  procedures  of 
                                 animated displaying stings ... Instead 
                                 of coding UR's one, use this! Source & 
                                 example included ... A must for DL!    
                                      [05/11/95] =TMD=/=MHT= ļ
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B.R.U.T.A.L  PPE/PCE/PRO   C.O.D.E.R.S 
                                .. [BPC] IS WHAT YOU COULD ONLY WISH! ..
bpc_cmd.zip    14063 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                -[PPE]- =CMD.LST VIEWER/LOADER= -[PPE]-
                                - ----- -ij
                                 It's for sysops  who have damn memory 
                                 & always forget keys in the MAIN MENU 
                                 Now ya can view CMD.LST + using light 
                                 bar run any PPE from it!              
bpc_de10.zip   23268 08-05-2024  -[BPC]  Productions  1995!-    
                                  ܰ߱     ߲ܲ  
                                  ۲   ۲ WS 
                                    ޱ۲     ޱ۲   
                                 ܲݰ  ܲݰ ۲۰
                                  ۱    ۱   ۱ 
                                  ߲۰۲    ߰ ۰   
                                 ۱  ۱   ۲  ۰ 
                                ޲ݰ ܲ۲ݰ ۱ܲ۲ 
                                ߰߱߱ ߱  ߰   ߱ 
                                ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ
                                   - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders -   
                                - ----- -ij
                                -[PRO]-  =DOORS ENGINE v.1.0=   -[PRO]-
                                - ----- -ij
                                   Easy way for creating BBS doors    
                                   Supports VT100 and ANSI terminals  
                                   TP 7.0 sources included            
                                - ----- -ij
bpc_fl.zip     21170 08-05-2024         File Lister v.1.0 [ PPE ]     
                                 The  best  &  only one replacement for 
                                 PCBOARD's standard file lister ... Now 
                                 everything is done with light bar .. U 
                                 can also  select file areas, lock them  
                                 on password & much more ...            
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =THE ONLY & THE GREATEST ON RUSSIAN SCENE=
bpc_fr.zip     25229 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                -[PPE]-     =FAKE REMOVER=      -[PPE]-
                                - ----- -ij
                                 This  proggie will  help user who has 
                                 accidentally uploaded  unwanted file, 
                                 to  kill it and  cut the DIZ out from 
                                 the [dir] file!                       
bpc_fwho.zip   11800 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                -[PPE]-     =FAKE WHO v.1.0=    -[PPE]-
                                - ----- -ij
                                 Ehm, this  proggie will show user who 
                                 is  currently  online, but the second 
                                 node user will be fake ... It's fully 
                                 configurable. Up to 999 fake names!   
bpc_go1.zip    10727 08-05-2024  ANSi Only Switcher  [ PPE ]ͻ 
                                 This PPE automatically swithes ANSI     
                                 mode for all users. Also it shows your  
                                 preferances. Fully configurable.        
                                               [04/13/95]    ļ 
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް 
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ    
                                            ۱  ߰       
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰              
                                          ۲   ۱߰               
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ           
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲   
                                  ߰     ߰ 
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S  
                                =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!= 
bpc_gtl2.zip   11216 08-05-2024   -[BPC]  Productions  1995!-          
                                   ܰ߱     ߲ܲ    
                                   ۲   ۲ WS   
                                     ޱ۲     ޱ۲    
                                  ܲݰ  ܲݰ ۲۰  
                                   ۱    ۱   ۱  
                                   ߲۰۲    ߰ ۰      
                                  ۱  ۱   ۲  ۰  
                                 ޲ݰ ܲ۲ݰ ۱ܲ۲  
                                 ߰߱߱ ߱  ߰   ߱  
                                 ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ 
                                    - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders -    
                                 - ----- -ij 
                                 -[PCE]- =GUEST LEFT TIME v.2.1= -[PCE]- 
                                 - ----- -ij 
                                  If ya have GUEST account on your sys,  
                                  then use this  proggie! It  will zero  
                                  that axx after a user hangups!         
                                 - ----- -ij 
bpc_gu_.zip    15475 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                -[PPE]-  =GROUP UPLOAD! v.1.0=  -[PPE]-
                                - ----- -ij
                                 Awesome thing! If your board is affl. 
                                 with  some  groups,  then  all  their 
                                 releases'll be pumped  to the special 
                                 group's directory, instead  of common 
                                 UPLOAD dir!!!   -GRAB THIS STUFF NOW- 
bpc_kick.zip    9562 08-05-2024    User kick-ass!   [ PPE ]ͻ
                                 If  you  are sick & tired of the user, 
                                 now  you can hangup him, by pretending 
                                 that your modem  has no MNP/V4.. He'll 
                                 have  [XXXXXXX]    charecters  on  his 
                                 screen. You  can add you desired stuff 
                                 to  be  displayed!  Looks as real =)   
                                               [04/11/95]    ļ
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!=
bpc_laf2.zip   23203 08-05-2024    Locate A Filename v.2.0   [ PPE ]  
                                  It will locate a file in conference   
                                     using light-bars. Very nice!       
                                    Coded by .\\ad |atter.  1995 
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =THE ONLY & THE GREATEST ON RUSSIAN SCENE=
bpc_lbp1.zip   20710 08-05-2024  Low Baud Password v1.0  [ PPE ]Ļ
                                  This will ask all users who has been  
                                  connected to ur board with lower baud 
                                  rate than allowed to enter system     
                                  password. It will lock out everyone   
                                  who doesn't know it...                
                                               [04/14/95]    ļ
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!=
bpc_lss.zip    15979 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                -[PPE]-  =LOGON SCRN. SKIPPER=  -[PPE]-
                                - ----- -ij
                                 It will ask user if  he wants to skip  
                                 boring logon ANSi. Features:          
                                     Random  screens  displaying      
                                     Setting  up  waiting  pause      
                                     Simple & fully configurable      
bpc_lx2.zip    23902 08-05-2024  -[BPC]  Productions  1995!-    
                                  ܰ߱     ߲ܲ  
                                  ۲   ۲ WS 
                                    ޱ۲     ޱ۲   
                                 ܲݰ  ܲݰ ۲۰
                                  ۱    ۱   ۱ 
                                  ߲۰۲    ߰ ۰   
                                 ۱  ۱   ۲  ۰ 
                                ޲ݰ ܲ۲ݰ ۱ܲ۲ 
                                ߰߱߱ ߱  ߰   ߱ 
                                ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ
                                   - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders -   
                                - ----- -ij
                                [PPE]   =LAST  XFERS v.2.0=   [PPE]ij
                                - ----- -ij
                                 Smallest & fastest last transfers PPE 
                                 on the scene. Shows up to 21 last tr. 
                                 Fully configurable, fast code, random 
                                 displaying, .. - for your board!      
                                - ----- -ij
bpc_mep.zip    20886 08-05-2024  -[BPC]  Productions  1995!-    
                                  ܰ߱     ߲ܲ  
                                  ۲   ۲ WS 
                                    ޱ۲     ޱ۲   
                                 ܲݰ  ܲݰ ۲۰
                                  ۱    ۱   ۱ 
                                  ߲۰۲    ߰ ۰   
                                 ۱  ۱   ۲  ۰ 
                                ޲ݰ ܲ۲ݰ ۱ܲ۲ 
                                ߰߱߱ ߱  ߰   ߱ 
                                ı-IJ-- -İ-İı- WS-Ŀ
                                   - Brutal PPE/PCE/PRO Coders -   
                                - ----- -ij
                                -[PPE]-  =MESSAGE EDITOR PRO=   -[PPE]-
                                - ----- -ij
                                    Fast, full screen editor!         
                                    Cool features easy to install!    
                                    Light bar supported! Animated!    
                                    Define your own input!            
                                 Can be used anywhere in PCB .. Leech! 
                                - ----- -ij
bpc_nfs2.zip   24145 08-05-2024     New Files Scan v.2.0  [ PPE ]     
                                 It will search new files in conference 
                                     using light-bars. Very nice!       
                                    Coded by .\\ad |atter.  1995 
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =THE ONLY & THE GREATEST ON RUSSIAN SCENE=
bpc_onl.zip    17095 08-05-2024   Cruel On-liners   [ PPE ]ͻ
                                 Replace  that  old  sick  & tired your 
                                 onliners  with a new one! Easy to use, 
                                 light bar selection methods ...        
                                               [04/09/95]    ļ
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!=
bpc_ppr.zip    12438 08-05-2024 Ŀ 
                                -[PPE]-    =PPE RANDOMIZER=     -[PPE]- 
                                - ----- -ij 
                                 Some  sysops  use more than 1 chat or  
                                 page or ... Instead  of hooking these  
                                 proggies on function keys, use PPE.R.  
                                 It supports up to 999 PPE's ...        
bpc_prt2.zip   18236 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                -[PPE]- =PROTOCOL ALTERN. v2.0= -[PPE]-
                                - ----- -ij
                                 Nice replacement for T command. Ftrs: 
                                  Light-bar selection methods.        
                                  Supports hot-keys ...               
                                  Also runs from command line.        
                                  Cool interface & no configs!        
bpc_slow.zip   11029 08-05-2024     Slow Display    [ PPE ]ͻ
                                 With  this  proggie  you  can  replace  
                                 any  PCB string with a  desired  slide 
                                 showing  one!  Fully  configurable ... 
                                 Small, but nicely coded ...            
                                            [04/22/95] =TMD= ļ
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ
                                            ۱  ߰
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰
                                          ۲   ۱߰          
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ       
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲
                                  ߰     ߰
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S 
                                =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!=
bpc_uah.zip    15355 08-05-2024  USER'S ANTI-HACK   [ PPE ]ͻ 
                                 Well,  now  ya  can protect yar system  
                                 from axx  hacks ... Some  assholes use  
                                 backdoors ... This  proggie  will find  
                                 such dudes, lockout &  notify ya about  
                                 it! Small but awesome!                  
                                  50 Years since the day of the GREAT    
                                  Victory!! [NO DAMN HITLER!] We won!    
                                          Greets to all of ya!           
                                             [05/07/95] =SD= ļ 
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް 
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ    
                                            ۱  ߰       
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰              
                                          ۲   ۱߰               
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ           
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲   
                                  ߰     ߰ 
                                 B.R.U.T.A.L  PPE/PCE/PRO   C.O.D.E.R.S  
                                .. [BPC] IS WHAT YOU COULD ONLY WISH! .. 
bpc_ui2.zip    16615 08-05-2024  USER iNFORMATiON   [ PPE ]ͻ   
                                 So, guys, this PPE will show user's       
                                 information. it's nicely light-bared,     
                                 so try it.                                
                                               [04/15/95]    ļ   
                                   ܰ      ܰ ۲ ް   
                                     ߲  ۲   ޱ      
                                            ۱  ߰         
                                   ܲ  ۲  ߰                
                                          ۲   ۱߰                 
                                         ۱  ް    ޱ             
                                  ߰ Mz      ܲ ߲     
                                  ߰     ߰   
                                 B R U T A L    P P E       C O D E R S    
                                =WHEN U THINK ABOUT PPE - THINK ABOUT US!=   
bpc_usm2.zip   19875 08-05-2024 Ŀ    
                                -[PPE]- =UPLOAD S.S MODIFIER 2= -[PPE]-    
                                - ----- -ij    
                                 it works w/o any ZIPZAP/BOOMLAB etc!!     
                                 Changes  the user's UL  handle & also     
                                 the main ULBY string!                     
bpi_2dulby.zip    7020 08-05-2024 ThE BeST ULBY REPLACeMENT
bpi_2dupld.zip    5431 08-05-2024 CoMPLeTE 'U' REPLACeMENT
bpi_upld.zip    5431 08-05-2024 CoMPLeTE 'U' REPLACeMENT
br30u.zip       5296 08-05-2024 BR [PPE] v.3Ŀ
                                BR [PPE] is a BR command replacement ment
                                for use by users to send messages to one 
                                another.  It logs all messages to the    
                                callers log.                             
bradnup1.zip    5130 08-05-2024 Brad Carlton's New User Password PPE Ver. 1
                                For PCBoard 15.0 with PPS source code
brg_2dcht1.zip    4030 08-05-2024    CooL oNeLiNeR
                                BeST oNeLiNeR aRouND!
                                MaKeS LoG, CoLoRS,
                                MaCRoS aND MoRE...
brg_2duldr.zip    2436 08-05-2024    BoRG uPLoaDeR
                                FuLL SCReeN u/L WiTH
                                CoNFiGuRaBLe aNSi'S
                                PoST iF PRiVaTe, aND
brg_cht1.zip    4030 08-05-2024    CooL oNeLiNeR
                                BeST oNeLiNeR aRouND!
                                MaKeS LoG, CoLoRS,
                                MaCRoS aND MoRE...
brg_uldr.zip    2436 08-05-2024    BoRG uPLoaDeR
                                FuLL SCReeN u/L WiTH
                                CoNFiGuRaBLe aNSi'S
                                PoST iF PRiVaTe, aND
brlgnu.zip      3827 08-05-2024 ---------{ BRLOGON/OFF [PPE] V. 1}---------
                                Used in the Logon / Logoff Script 
                                Questionnaire.  Sends a message to all 
                                nodes that user John Doe either logged on 
                                or off.  
brlog201.zip    5491 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                       FREEWARE LOGON NOTICE PPE         
                                 MoonScape Software Release Version 2.01 
                                     MoonScape Software 516-431-3271     
                                  BRLOG201.PPE Broadcasts to other nodes 
                                When another user logs onto another node 
                                        Configurable Version!!           
bso_2ddisp.zip   12340 08-05-2024 BSO-DISP.ZIP - Freeware PPE and
                                source.  Simple display file with
                                motion prompts.  Source and PCB
                                coded ANSI screens included for
                                you to edit and use.
bso_disp.zip   12340 08-05-2024 BSO-DISP.ZIP - Freeware PPE and
                                source.  Simple display file with
                                motion prompts.  Source and PCB
                                coded ANSI screens included for
                                you to edit and use.
bulchk21.zip   11814 08-05-2024 Bulletin Read Counter/Monitor.  Utility
                                (PPE) for PCBoard 15.2 to keep track of
                                the desired bulletins read by the user so
                                as to perform an automatic upgrade of the
                                newuser once he/she has read the desired
                                bulletins.  SysOp configurable. ver. 2.1
                                FREEWARE By Al Segura  source available
bullunr.zip     4479 08-05-2024 @X1EĿ@X07
                                @X1EBULLETIN.PPE 4 PCBOARD 15.1@X07
                                @X1EA beautifully designed PPE @X07
                                @X1Eto replace your B command. @X07
                                @X1EANSI support, cursor key,  @X07
                                @X1Eand menu bar support for up@X07
                                @X1Eto 12 bulletins. A sinch   @X07
                                @X1Eto install and a *MUST SEE*@X07
bullwide.zip    7120 08-05-2024 @X1EĿ@X07
                                @X1EBULLWIDE.PPE 4 PCBOARD 15.1@X07
                                @X1EAn ANSI/arrow key/menu bar @X07
                                @X1Euser interface to your BULL@X07
                                @X1EETINS. Many features and   @X07
                                @X1Every configurable. Sysop   @X07
                                @X1Econfigurable colors! Easy  @X07
                                @X1Eto install and a *MUST SEE*@X07
bullwunr.zip    7074 08-05-2024 @X1EĿ@X07
                                @X1EBULLWIDE.PPE 4 PCBOARD 15.1@X07
                                @X1EAn ANSI/arrow key/menu bar @X07
                                @X1Euser interface to your BULL@X07
                                @X1EETINS. Many features and   @X07
                                @X1Every configurable. Sysop   @X07
                                @X1Econfigurable colors! Easy  @X07
                                @X1Eto install and a *MUST SEE*@X07
bull_10.zip    11710 08-05-2024 @X0DUSER BULLETIN MAKER - Ver. 1.00
                                @X03From Galahad Software.  This
                                PCBoard 15.2+ PPE allows your
                                users to enter their own bulletins for
                                event notices, parties, birthdays, or
                                anything they'd like!  Users can 
                                configure the text color, and SysOps can
                                configure the maximum amount of bulletins
                                they allow their users!  Only @X0A$5 
bull_110.zip   13475 08-05-2024 USER BULLETIN MAKER - Ver. 1.10
                                From Galahad Software.  This
                                PCBoard 15.21 PPE allows your
                                users to enter their own bulletins for
                                event notices, parties, birthdays, or
                                anything they'd like!  Users can 
                                configure the text color, and SysOps can
                                configure the maximum amount of bulletins
                                they allow their users!  Only $5 registers!  
bull_120.zip   14295 08-05-2024 USER BULLETIN MAKER - Ver. 1.20
                                From Galahad Software.  This
                                PCBoard 15.21 PPE allows your
                                users to enter their own bulletins for
                                event notices, parties, birthdays, or
                                anything they'd like!  Users can 
                                configure the text color, and SysOps can
                                configure the maximum amount of bulletins
                                they allow their users!  Only $5 registers!  
bwloc10.zip     2331 08-05-2024 BWLOC.PPE v1.0; Bad Weather Log Off Command.
                                Displays a message to user with your BBS name
                                and then logs them off the bbs normally.
byebye17.zip    6034 08-05-2024 ۲  ByeBye PPE v1.7 - Automatic Logoff 
                                   BYEBYE is an automatic logoff prompt    
                                 replacment PPE, for PCBoards db command.  
                                 This PPE will enhance PCB's "Goodbye in   
                                 10 seconds..." prompt.  In addition to    
                                 the count down there is a graphical time  
                                 bar, which operates in one second         
                                 intervals.  Removed EXPIRATION!!          
                                 And now uses a key file for upgrades.     
                                 Programmer: Richard Stewart               
                                     (c) 1994 - The North Shore BBS      ;
bypass.zip      1562 08-05-2024 BYPASS.PPE PPE TO BYPASS LAST NAME PROMPT
                                Sysops with alias support have requested this
                                from tech support to avoid the LAST NAME
                                One-word Alias names will not have to press
                                or become confused at this prompt.  Change
                                NAME to FULL NAME.
callbk34.zip    5388 08-05-2024 @X0A۲   CallMeBk  3.4   [PPS]  
                                @X0BCallmebk Is A Very Simple Callback
                                @X0BVerification PPE For PCBoard 15.2.
                                @X0BNow Supports Local Only Or Local
                                @X0BAnd Long Distance Call Backs Modes.
                                @X0BSource Code Only All Rights Waived.
                                @X0BPublic Domain---Written---01-19-95
callb_26.zip   16199 08-05-2024 Unwanted Caller Blocker - Uses Caller-ID
                                info to Lock-Out abusive users. In PPLC v1
                                to work with all PCBoard 15.x.  The FIRST,
                                many Sysop defined options. Now supports
                                CID Name. Works with any CallerID capable
                                modem that supports PCBoard 15.  IMPROVE
                                Your BBS SECURITY! Supported by VULGARID.
                                By Al Segura  FREEWARE  Source Available.
                                CALLBLOC [PPE] v2.6 - p/o BBS SecurityPak
callb_2d25.zip   16076 08-05-2024 CALLBLOC [PPE] v2.5 - p/o BBS SecurityPak
                                Unwanted Caller Blocker - Uses Caller-ID
                                info to Lock-Out abusive users. In PPLC v1
                                to work with all PCBoard 15.x.  THE FIRST,
                                the BEST, the MOST CONFIGURABLE, OPTIONS
                                galore.  Works with any CallerID capable
                                modem that supports PCBoard 15.  IMPROVE
                                Your BBS SECURITY! Supported by VULGARID.
                                By Al Segura  FREEWARE  Source Available.
caller11.zip   20049 08-05-2024 CALLER.PPE - By Dan Shore - Version 1.1
                                SysOp function #13 enhancement/replacement
                                PPE.  Allows the sysop to *SEARCH* for a
                                string within the callers files and will
                                highlight the string just like other PCB
                                searches do.  It will also allow *SCROLLING*
                                forwards or backwards within the callers
                                files.  FREEWARE  -  Source Code included
callid1.zip     6086 08-05-2024 CallerID.PPE 1.0 - Creates CALLERID file
                                containing AAA-EEE-NNNN format from CID
                                info PCBoard gets from modem. Useful for
                                PCBVerify to speed up verification process.
                                Also displays optional files to User if
                                Caller ID is blocked, Out of Area or does
                                not match either User Record Entry. Direct
                                support for format returned by Supra Modems.
callid22.zip   17619 08-05-2024 CALLERID [PPE] v2.2 - p/o BBS SecurityPAK
                                Caller-ID utility PPE - for PCBoard 15.x
                                Performs user Verification/monitoring on
                                every call. SysOp configurable for display
                                files, record logging, and much more. Must
                                have callerid capable modem such as Supra,
                                PPI, or ZyXEL.  Checks user record phone
                                #s against CallerID info.  Now supports
                                Deluxe CID Name logging.   By Al Segura
                                FREEWARE  Source Available.
callme11.zip    9435 08-05-2024        CallMe  The Callback [PPE]
                                Sysops now you can have an easy & cheap
                                way to call back your users (this is
                                not a callback verifier), this allows
                                you to callback your users and let them
                                get on-line, with your call.  Many uses
                                2 minute setup!  High Security!
                                From FileLink Software
callsec.zip     5865 08-05-2024 A .PPE that allows you to set
                                up specific times that users
                                with specific security levels
                                are allowed on your BBS system.
call_2did.zip    6624 08-05-2024 CALLERID utility PPE for PCBoard 15. Must
                                have modem capable of providing callerid
                                info such as Supra or Xyzel.  Sysop config-
                                urable for display files, record logging,
                                and storing data in user record. Verifies
                                callerid number against user record phone
                                # entries.  By Al Segura
caltqp10.zip    6024 08-05-2024 CALIFORNIA LOTTO QUIK PIK v1.0 for PCB v15.0
                                This is a PPE program that will allow your
                                users to generate Quik Pik numbers for play
                                in the California Lottery.
carp10.zip      9437 08-05-2024 CONFERENCE ACTIVITY REPORT PPE (CARP) v1.0
                                Scans a range of conferences and reports
                                the number of users who are actively using
                                the conference. Great for finding
                                conferneces that are dead or not being
                                used - trim the dead weight from your
                                board. PPE w/source, released as FREEWARE.
                                Requires PCBoard 15.2x or greater.
caz_2dentr.zip   18156 08-05-2024   ......[LSD PRODUCTIONS].......
                                 _:______ ____________    _____:__
                                 \_    _(_____  _____/_ __\__   //
                                _/     \_    /_____    \_ __/   (_
                                \______     /_ ___ | ___/  |   __/
                                  :  /________| /_____\_________\
                                  :                            :
                                  :  Press Da Enter v1.o - s7f :
                                  :   Coded By Spitfire, Very  :
                                  :        Configurable !      :
                                  :   [o7/o9/97]     [o1/o1]   :
                                @X07@X0F          @X09.
                                @X0F          $ fiLe PassEd THru $
                                          $ eYEs^crE@m [LSD] $
                                          $   972-6-6725664  $
caz_2dentz.zip   13439 08-05-2024   ......[LSD PRODUCTIONS].......
                                 _:______ ____________    _____:__
                                 \_    _(_____  _____/_ __\__   //
                                _/     \_    /_____    \_ __/   (_
                                \______     /_ ___ | ___/  |   __/
                                  :  /________| /_____\_________\
                                  :                            :
                                  :  pRESS ENTER * LAMER ALT+H :
                                  :  a gr8 MOviNg PPe - wHIch  :
                                  :wILL kIck OFF thE lamE usERs:
                                  :   [o7/o9/97]     [o1/o1]   :
                                @X07@X0F          @X09.
                                @X0F          $ fiLe PassEd THru $
                                          $ eYEs^crE@m [LSD] $
                                          $   972-6-6725664  $
caz_2dgte.zip   23274 08-05-2024   ......[LSD PRODUCTIONS].......
                                 _:______ ____________    _____:__
                                 \_    _(_____  _____/_ __\__   //
                                _/     \_    /_____    \_ __/   (_
                                \______     /_ ___ | ___/  |   __/
                                  :  /________| /_____\_________\
                                  :                            :
                                  :  gATE-LOGIn v1.o bY baSel  :
                                  :  a login ppe and a secrty  :
                                  :  checker at once, supreme! :
                                  :   [o1/1o/97]     [o1/o1]   :
                                @X07@X0F          @X09.
                                @X0F          $ fiLe PassEd THru $
                                          $ eYEs^crE@m [LSD] $
                                          $   972-6-6725664  $
caz_2dszd.zip   16432 08-05-2024      [ LSD pROUDLY pRESSENT ]
                                  ________ __________ __________
                                  \..    /____  .. __\__  ___ ..\
                                ::;)    /     \ __      |_   /   \;:;
                                  /____________\ ________/_______/
                                ..   Sub ZeRO's ANsi DeTeCtOR V1.o  ..
                                .. DeTeCtZ : spEeD, anSI, anD numBA ..
                                .    Of total CallZ To dA sysTeM    ..
                                ..      rELEAZED aT : Xx/Xx/Xx      ..
                                @X07@X0F          @X09.
                                @X0F          $ fiLe PassEd THru $
                                          $ eYEs^crE@m [LSD] $
                                          $   972-6-6725664  $
cbfree11.zip   86733 08-05-2024 CBFREE11.ZIP - Callback Verifier PPE - FREE!
                                Over 45 features packed into this FREE
                                Callback Verifier PPE.  Caller ID support,
                                International Callbacks, bad number and name
                                blocking, automatic local or long distance
                                detection, trashcan, local/ld callback times
                                username/password verification, message and
                                Comment/Notes posting, and MUCH MUCH MORE!
                                --=  Complete Source code is included  =--
                                Written by Dan Shore, SysOp The Shoreline BBS
cbfree15.zip  180429 08-05-2024 CBFREE15.ZIP-Callback Verifier-FREE-PPLC 3.1
                                Over 50 features packed into this FREE
                                Callback Verifier PPE.  Caller ID support,
                                International Callbacks, bad number and name
                                blocking, automatic local or long distance
                                detection, trashcan, local/ld callback times
                                username/password verification, message and
                                Comment/Notes posting, and MUCH MUCH MORE!
                                --== Complete Source code is included ==--
                                Written by Dan Shore, SysOp The Shoreline BBS
cbv193.zip     28876 08-05-2024 CBV.PPE 1.93 4/16/95 - A PCBoard PPE that
                                allows you to callback verify your new
                                users.  Installation is simple and painless.
                                Get rid of all those users that like to
                                create duplicate accounts on your system!
                                $10.00 registration fee.  Trial version is
                                fully functional; but is limited to 24
                                sucessfull callback validations.  Has many
                                customizable features and allows you to use
                                PCBedit to customize the way it looks! Pesky
                                modem fix and new support e-mail address.
cbxtopv1.zip    5749 08-05-2024      CBXTOP V1.0 PCBoard V15+ PPE
                                PPE That Shows The Top10 Up-/DownLoaders
cbx_2dfn10.zip   14208 08-05-2024 QUiCK-FLAGNEW1.0 FiNAL 
cb_tbb1.zip    10511 08-05-2024 CALLBACK v1.00, a callback utility for
                                PCBoard 15.22.  Gives pre-authorized
                                users fast, simple callback capability,
                                without all those lengthy instruction
                                screens.  Free registration via a one
                                minute online phone call.
                                By TBB Utilities.
ccc_2dans.zip    2188 08-05-2024   ANSI-ON.PPE v1.0 & MODE-ANS.PPE v1.0 
                                PCBoard 15.1+ PPEs to make every user see
                                those cool ANSiS of yours. Default to gfx
                                at login and allow only ANSi mode!!...
                                (Very usefull if you're using matrix PPE)
ccid132.zip    12387 08-05-2024 Courier Caller ID PPE V1.32 for
                                PCBoard/CID/USR Courier V.Everything.
                                Bug fix update - 8/1/96
ccml_100.zip   27275 08-05-2024 [MS]CCML v1.00:Custom Conference Menu Lister
                                ޳ [CCML.PPE]: Interactive CNFN Menu List 
                                ޳ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs 
                                ޳ -------------------------------------- 
                                ޳ A .PPE to replace the Conference Menu. 
                                ޳ Dynamically create & allow interactive 
                                ޳ conference scrolling.  CONF *grouping* 
                                ޳ SELecting, remove MWFs and MORE!  [MS] 
cda_11.zip     25158 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                   ***** CDACCESS PPE V1.1 *****    
                                 Allows access to CDs from the main 
                                 board prompt without requiring any 
                                 conferences be set up for the CDs! 
                                 Generates DIR (Menus) "on the fly" 
                                 Sysop configurable. Makes available
                                 all of PCB's file view, flag, file 
                                 transfer, and search ("Z","L", etc)
                                 functions. No "compiled" databases 
                                 and no maintance to mess with.     
                                     A MUST !!! > FREEWARE !      
cdisplay.zip    9450 08-05-2024 This PPE is used at Login to display
                                a listing of up to 24 CD's that are
                                online or offline. Works only with 
                                Rombrain and requires no maintenance.
                                ###### OFF THE BOARDS BBS###########
cdlist10.zip    4218 08-05-2024 CD Lister v1.0 - Useful PPE for sysops w/
                                Lists which CD's are on-line and off-line
                                **Freeware** .PPS source included
cdromv1b.zip    9748 08-05-2024 Compact Disc Display for Rombrain
                                This PPE is used at Login to display
                                a listing of up to 24 CD's that are
                                online or offline. Works only with 
                                Rombrain and requires no maintenance.
                                  28/05/95      Version 02
                                ###### OFF THE BOARDS BBS###########
cdsel_60.zip   34018 08-05-2024    CdSelect v6.0  PPE for PCboard V15.2
                                *    Access and Search up 999 Cdroms      *
                                *  Security Specific Conference searches. *
                                *   D/L On and Off-line Cdrom File List   *
                                *        Hard coded Help screens          *
                                *   Search File Names or Text Strings     *
                                *  Language, Security, Graphic specific.  * 
                                *       Includes New Z & L PPe's          * 
                                *       The BEST just got BETTER....      *
                                *   Galaxy BBS Software by: Al Massari    *
centppe.zip     8824 08-05-2024 PCBoard [PPE]; This program for PCBoard 15.0
                                Sysops: ONLY, shall create applications for
                                Centipede & take care of any questions Users
                                may ask about Centipede.  Also good for
                                Sysops who want to see more about this
                                Network, and understand what we're about:
ceom_301.zip   17301 08-05-2024 [MS] CEOM v3.01: A Custom End Of Message PPE
                                ޳ [CEOM.PPE] : Custom End Of Message PPE 
                                ޳ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs 
                                ޳ -------------------------------------- 
                                ޳ Color and Display  Configurable end of 
                                ޳ message prompt replacement. An easy to 
                                ޳ use prompt which adds a scroll bar and 
                                ޳ hotkeys, but honors PCB Commands! [MS] 
cfdl_110.zip   27922 08-05-2024 [MS] CFDL v1.10:Custom File Directory Lister
                                ޳ [CFDL.PPE]: Interactive Directory List 
                                ޳ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs 
                                ޳ -------------------------------------- 
                                ޳ A PPE to replace the "F" command. Will 
                                ޳ dynamically create & allow interactive 
                                ޳ scrolling of the file directories. Can 
                                ޳ group directories quickly & MORE! [MS] 
cfds_201.zip   38959 08-05-2024 [MS] CFDS v2.01: Custom F_Directory Scanners
                                ޳ [CFDS-?.PPE]:File Directory Scanner(s) 
                                ޳ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.21+ BBS 
                                ޳ -------------------------------------- 
                                ޳ Color/Display Configurable  N and/or L 
                                ޳ and/or Z command replacements.  Multi- 
                                ޳ Conference scanning,User Save options, 
                                ޳ # of Days Back Scans & MUCH MORE! [MS] 
cflist20.zip  251923 08-05-2024 Custom File List Builder PPE v2.0 (CL) for
                                PCBoard v15.1 is an add on command to allow
                                your callers to construct custom Allfiles
                                listings and download them. Options include:
                                   - Selected file directories
                                   - New files (since last scan date)
                                   - Keyword search (like Zippy scan)
                                   - Cross conference scanning
                                   - Any combination of these
                                This is a MAJOR upgrade release.
cf_2d100.zip    7258 08-05-2024 A PCBoard v2.0 PPE -- @X07CALLFAKE.PPE
                                This PPE will let you set up fake nodes
                                on your BBS with fake callers. Make your
                                BBS look very active and alive. Source
                                code included and hopefully readable.
                                CALLFAKE is *almost* as cool as
                                FAKECHAT which is coming soon! 
chatcap.zip     3665 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 This reads PCBoard's Chat Group Capture   
                                 file, and outputs a more readable version 
                                 of that capture file.                     
                                 Very handy for multinode systems          
                                 * PPS Source Code only *                  
chatpage.zip    3706 08-05-2024 CHATPAGE.PPE - Best looking/sounding Chat
                                Page PPE you can GET! Put it in as the "O"
                                command and enjoy!
chatques.zip    3298 08-05-2024 PPE that you asks a user if they wish to 
                                join a group chat when they are "called".
                                This PPE will work only on the PCB /2 
                                version, but will be updated to handle 
                                more nodes soon.
chkpkg10.zip    9777 08-05-2024 The Checker Package v1.0 - [PPE] The best
                                Registration Utility available.  This 
                                package of .PPE files will allow you to
                                create, check, and give options according 
                                to the registration status.  These .PPEs
                                are the best supported out there.  
                                From FiRe Productions Ltd.
chktm94.zip     8592 08-05-2024 TimeCheck Version .94 - November 24, 1994.
                                Do you need to allow a certain caller on
                                your BBS at a certain time?  If the answer
                                to that question is 'YES', you might want
                                to take a look at this PPE program for
                                PCBoard 15.1.  This program will adjust
                                users times, execpt for the users that is
                                exempt from the adjustment, to allow that
                                exempted user onto the system at a specific
                                time.  If you need further assistance you can
                                contact me on our Support BBS at
                                (708) 854-0255.
chmenus.zip    13867 08-05-2024 CHAOSE MENU SYSTEM. Full replacement for the
                                PCBoard user Interface. Fully configurable,
                                easy to use and FREE! Source included
chngit10.zip    5478 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                           ChangeIt.PPE 1.0            
                                Changes users states from one text to
                                another. If you're users are entering
                                their whole state name (CALIFORNIA) and
                                you want to change it to it's abbr. (CA).
                                or vice versa. This is the program for
                                you.-------------For SYSOPS PURPOSE ONLY
                                Parekh Programming (1995)   312/326-0023
ciacht58.zip   13110 08-05-2024  CiA Split Screen Chat v0.58
                                 AMAZING Configurable Split
                                Screen Chat PPE with Word Wrap
                                    and other cool stuff!
ciacjn07.zip    8107 08-05-2024   CiA Conference Join v0.7
                                Very Configurable Conference
                                 Join PPE, supporting up to
                                 100 Networks, and LIGHTBARS!
ciacmt06.zip    4362 08-05-2024 CiA Comment v0.6 -Dark Jester
                                LightBar Comment command with
                                support for up to 15 sysops!
                                Configurable, and works great
                                with CiA Message Enhancer(1.0)
ciaeom06.zip    5109 08-05-2024      CiA-EOM v0.6
                                A great End of Message
                                LightBar for PCB 15.2
ciafsue3.zip    7709 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 FSUE is a full   
                                 screen user edit-
                                 or that allows   
                                 sysops to main-  
                                 tain the user    
                                 list online. v2.0
                                 has user listing 
                                 procedures. Free 
cialog04.zip    4063 08-05-2024  CiA Logon Enhancer v0.4
                                Configurable Logon Screen
cialst13.zip    4967 08-05-2024 CiA Last Callers v1.3 [PPE]
                                  Major Changes.. Totally
                                  Configurable, with ANSi
cidppe15.zip   12134 08-05-2024 CID.PPE 1.50 - Creates CALLERID file with
                                the phone number in format AAA-EEE-NNNN from
                                CID info PCBoard gets from modem. Useful for
                                PCBVerify to speed up verification process.
                                Displays optional files to User ifCaller ID
                                is blocked, Out of Area or doesnot match
                                either User Record Entry. Support for format
                                returned by Supra & ZyXEL modems.  Support
                                added for Hex Format used in Canada.
                                FREEWARE w/source by Gary Meeker
cimrg100.zip   39068 08-05-2024 CIMERGE v1.00 -- PCBoard utility to merge a
                                list of alias names for selected conference
                                numbers, allowing a single conference to be
                                known by multiple names. Copyright (C) 1994
                                Clark Development Company, Inc.
cis_2dfl10.zip   13621 08-05-2024 [CREATORS OF INSANE SHIT]
                                [PROUDLY  PRESENTS]
                                           File Dir Select v1           
                                 a Lightbar file directory selector for  
                                 PCB, of course..  for PCB 15.2+ Easy to 
                                 set-up,  supports up to 1000 conf....   
                                           Coded by:  DarkNight          
cis_2dhm10.zip   18708 08-05-2024            Hot Key Menu PPE v1.0         
                                 Hot key menu ppe! Replaces your current 
                                 menu, and adds hot keys. Along with a   
                                 few kick ass menus, Configurable menus  
                                 and menu prompts! Check this shit out!  
                                 01/26/95          Coded by:  Seleriquis 
cis_2dsas1.zip   19483 08-05-2024 [CREATORS OF INSANE SHIT]
                                [PROUDLY  PRESENTS]
                                           SysOp Available v1.           
                                 Tells a user if the sysop is in, or out 
                                 Much like the Forum hacks...  Easy to   
                                 install,  Free Registration. Only for   
                                 PCB 15.2       Coded by:  DarkNight     
cis_2dusm1.zip   11818 08-05-2024 [CREATORS OF INSANE SHIT]
                                [PROUDLY  PRESENTS]
                                          User Selectable Menus          
                                 This PPE lets the USERS select a Menu!  
                                 Can Be Modded by the SySGoD,  Just Like 
                                 The Forum Hacks! This is a must! For    
                                 Your PCB BBS!!!   Coded By:  Stryfe     
cis_hm10.zip   18707 08-05-2024            Hot Key Menu PPE v1.0         
                                 Hot key menu ppe! Replaces your current 
                                 menu, and adds hot keys. Along with a   
                                 few kick ass menus, Configurable menus  
                                 and menu prompts! Check this shit out!  
                                 01/26/95          Coded by:  Seleriquis 
cjoin10.zip     8007 08-05-2024 CJoin v1.0 A Freeware PCBoard 15.0 PPE Util!
                                Enhance the PCBoard "J" command by making it
                                more organized by conference type or network
clast13.zip     3938 08-05-2024 LAST CALLERS v1.3
                                Multi Node Fix
clcb_151.zip   25266 08-05-2024 [MS] CLCB v1.51: Custom Last Caller Bulletin
                                ޳ [CLCB.PPE] Custom Last Caller Bulletin 
                                ޳ Generator PPE for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs! 
                                ޳ -------------------------------------- 
                                ޳ Colour and *DISPLAY* configurable last 
                                ޳ caller bulletin .PPE (Uses replacement 
                                ޳ codes).  Supports configurable running 
                                ޳ totals of board activity & MORE!  [MS] 
clcb_160.zip   27187 08-05-2024 [MS] CLCB v1.60: Custom Last Caller Bulletin
                                ޳ [CLCB.PPE] Custom Last Caller Bulletin 
                                ޳ Generator PPE for PCBoard v15.21 BBSs! 
                                ޳ -------------------------------------- 
                                ޳ Colour and *DISPLAY* configurable last 
                                ޳ caller bulletin .PPE (Uses replacement 
                                ޳ codes).  Supports configurable running 
                                ޳ totals of board activity & MORE!  [MS] 
clmebk10.zip    8246 08-05-2024 ۲   CALLMEBK  1.0  [PPE]  
                                Callmebk is a very simple callback
                                verification PPE for PCboard 15.2.
                                Local mode execution so you can get
                                a feel for the way it works and looks.
                                Will add verified #'s to a trash can
                                file & check for already verified #'s.
                                Source Code available on request.
                                FreeWare Compilied 01-04-95
clmebk21.zip   13479 08-05-2024 ۲   CallMeBk  2.1   [PPE]  
                                Callmebk is a very simple callback
                                verification PPE for PCboard 15.2.
                                Now Supports Local Only or Local
                                and Long Distance Call Backs.
                                Source Code available on request.
                                Minor Revision Release
                                FreeWare Compilied 01-09-95
clmebk35.zip   21366 08-05-2024 @X0A۲   CallMeBk  3.5   [PPE]  
                                @X0BCallmebk Is A Very Simple Callback
                                @X0BVerification PPE For PCBoard 15.2.
                                @X0BNow Supports Local Only Or Local
                                @X0BAnd Long Distance Call Backs Modes.
                                @X0BSource Code Available On Request.
clmebk40.zip   23512 08-05-2024 @X0A۲   CallMeBk  4.0   [PPE]  
                                @X0BCallmebk Is A Very Simple Callback
                                @X0BVerification PPE For PCBoard 15.2.
                                @X0BNow Supports Local Only Or Local
                                @X0BAnd Long Distance Call Backs Modes.
                                @X0BAll    New    Look    and    Feel.
clnp_110.zip   18211 08-05-2024 [MS] CLNP v1.10: A Custom Login Note Pad PPE
                                ޳ [CLNP.PPE]: A User-To-User NotePad PPE 
                                ޳ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs 
                                ޳ -------------------------------------- 
                                ޳ Color/Display Configurable. Lets users 
                                ޳ write a  private  two line login note, 
                                ޳ displayed *only* to the recipient when 
                                ޳ they next login. Receipts & MORE! [MS] 
cl_21plen.zip    3278 08-05-2024 Page Length replacement for PCB 15.21  
                                  Version 1.00 / Coded by Lightning    
cl_21sbank.zip    3172 08-05-2024 The Simple Time Bank By Mc Freddy Z    
                                      Source Code Included!          
cl_plen.zip     3278 08-05-2024 Page Length replacement for PCB 15.21  
                                  Version 1.00 / Coded by Lightning    
cl_sbank.zip    3172 08-05-2024 The Simple Time Bank By Mc Freddy Z    
                                      Source Code Included!          
cmfl_200.zip   23829 08-05-2024 [MS] CMFL v2.00: Custom Master File List PPE
                                ޳ [CMFL.PPE]: A Master File List Creator 
                                ޳ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs 
                                ޳ -------------------------------------- 
                                ޳ An advanced program that will create & 
                                ޳ archive an  *up-to-the-minute*  master 
                                ޳ file list on  demand.  Select and Save 
                                ޳ DIRs, conf configs and MORE! ---- [MS] 
cms100.zip    114845 08-05-2024 = CONFERENCE MENU SYSTEM v1.00/PCBoard 15.2 =
                                The professional choice! Now enhance your
                                PCBoard conference area with CMS! Conference
                                categorization; Sort conferences with a
                                "flick!" of a switch; Multi-lingual abili-
                                ties; Sysop-Defined conference names Install
                                program; Quick/Easy configuration that looks
                                and feels like PCBSETUP.EXE; Enhanced ANSI
                                with "lightbar"; completely configurable
                                colors/displays; and MORE! Req: 150k HD
cms107.zip     37276 08-05-2024        Custom Message System v1.07        
                                  Replacement for the Read Mail Command   
                                 and Enter a Message Command in PCBoard.  
                                      PPE Program for PCBoard 15.2x       
                                      Now with Configurable Headers
                                    Copyright (C)1995 Equinox Software    
cms110.zip    131415 08-05-2024 = CONFERENCE MENU SYSTEM v1.10/PCBoard 15.2 =
                                The professional choice! Now enhance your
                                PCBoard conference area with CMS! Conference
                                categorization; Sort conferences with a
                                "flick!" of a switch; Multi-lingual abili-
                                ties; Sysop-Defined conference names; Install
                                program; Quick/Easy configuration that looks
                                and feels like PCBSETUP.EXE; Enhanced ANSI
                                with "lightbar"; completely configurable
                                colors/displays; and MORE! Req: 150k HD
cmsch105.zip   16383 08-05-2024 CMSearch 1.05 For use with ConfMenu PPE 5.3+
                                Now updated with commandline option for sort
                                by conference name!! Now the best conference
                                menu program just got better!! ConfMenu v5.3
                                distributed as CW_CM_53.ZIP. CMSearch is in-
                                cluded with all future releases of ConfMenu!
cmt_12a.zip     4598 08-05-2024 COMMENT.PPE v1.20a - Compiled on 11-12-1993 
                                PCBoard 15.1 [PPE] program, to replace your 
                                (C)omment to SysOp main menu command.  This 
                                can be used on bulletin board systems, that 
                                have multiple SysOp's.  Let the user choose 
                                the SysOp he would like to leave a comment  
                                to.     (* Complete Source Code Included *) 
cnav_406.zip   54619 08-05-2024 [MS] CNAV v4.06: Custom Node Activity Viewer
                                ޳ [CNAV.PPE]: A Node Activity Viewer PPE 
                                ޳ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs 
                                ޳ -------------------------------------- 
                                ޳ Color/Option Configurable WHO  command 
                                ޳ replacement. Terse, Brief, Verbose and 
                                ޳ Interactive RealTime Modes! Supporting 
                                ޳ XFerring Files, User Stats & MORE [MS] 
cnc_2dbr22.zip   13053 08-05-2024            BRICKS v2.2          
                                 The Damn Best OneLiner PPe ... includes  
                                 scrolling & author view & highlightbars  
                                 PCB, PPLC 3.0, source included -- by cL! 
cnc_2dchat.zip   13774 08-05-2024   TYGER's CNC-CHAT! V1.0b        
                                  JUST A NiCE REPLACEMENT F0R Y0UR         
                                  WiTH 9 DiFFERENT BACKGR0UND-ANSiS        
cnc_2dprot.zip    6261 08-05-2024       PROTCOL SWITCHER v1.0     
                                    a configurable highlight-bar driven   
                                           T command replacement.         
                                 PCB, PPLC 3.0, source included -- by cL! 
cnfn.zip        7191 08-05-2024 CNFN.PPE - this is basically the same 
                                PPE that we use on Salt Air for our 
                                conference join menu.  It will only 
                                display the conferences the caller is 
                                able to join.  Freeware/Public Domain 
                                Source included.
cnfnnew.zip    10191 08-05-2024 *********NEW UPDATE*******************
                                CNFN.PPE - this is basically the same 
                                PPE that is used on Salt Air for their 
                                conference join menu.  It will only 
                                display the conferences the caller is 
                                able to join.  
                                Updated by Herbert Bushong to allow
                                for conference subsets to be chosen
                                and displayed by the caller.
                                Freeware/Public Domain Source included.
cnfnr.zip       8366 08-05-2024 CNFNR.PPE SAME AS CNFN.PPE. Source file
                                included. Edited slightly (CNFN.PPE) to
                                get the original to work properly with
                                RipGraphics. Graphic changes only! 
                                Actual PPE process NOT TOUCHED!
cnfpcb20.zip   11946 08-05-2024  CONFPCB v2.00 
                                Small utility  to test  where the  file file
                                uploaded  came from.  For ALL  PCBoard vers-
                                ions.  Written by: Edward E. BRaiter.
cnfqwk11.zip   19128 08-05-2024                 CONFQWK v1.1
                                Accept Conference Configuration messages
                                just like those read by mail doors.
                                Make your PCBoard QWK act just like the
                                big boys!
                                Let your callers SELECT and DROP conferences
                                using offline controls from their mail
                                A fully Configurable PCBoard v15.21 PPE.
cnfrq211.zip    4837 08-05-2024   CONFREQST v2.11b PPE  ۲
                                Fast and small PPE to steer your
                                users in the right direction if
                                 they try to join a conference
                                  they are not registered in.
                                    NOT A SECURITY MONITOR
                                  Written By: Bruce Knapton
                                   PPLC 3.0  PCBoard 15.1+
cnfs_110.zip    7861 08-05-2024 [MS] CNFS v1.10: Custom New File Scanner PPE
                                ޳ [CNFS.PPE]: --- A New File Scanner PPE 
                                ޳ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.1+ BBSs 
                                ޳ FREEWARE!  Color & Option Configurable 
                                ޳ 'N'ew Scan replacement.   Allows input 
                                ޳ of a # of days to scan, flag files, or 
                                ޳ screen capturing scans and MORE!  [MS] 
cobs_110.zip   33189 08-05-2024 [MS] COBS v1.10:Custom Online Banking System
                                ޳ [COBS.PPE]:  A Time and/or K-Byte Bank 
                                ޳ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs 
                                ޳ -------------------------------------- 
                                ޳ A powerful & easy to use Time and / or 
                                ޳ KByte bank.  VERY *configurable* setup 
                                ޳ & display interface. Deposit, Withdraw 
                                ޳ and Gamble options & MUCH MORE! - [MS] 
code10.zip      4749 08-05-2024 --------------------------
                                ------The CODE PPE--------
                                ---  Wiz-Ware Software ---
                                ---(c) 1994, Brett Lucey--
                                   This PPE lets users 
                                gamble time, based on a 
                                generated code.  Users 
                                enter their guess on a
                                security "panel".
cod_2dlc21.zip  103678 08-05-2024 --[PSYCH0 LastCallers v2.1]--[COD96]--
                                Simply  the  best  lastcallers around.
                                You choose which options, the ppe does
                                the  rest.   Easy  install,  Nice GFX,
                                Fast,  Very configurable,  13 options.
                                What more do you want? Coded by PSYCH0
                                --[the triloxy  coding sub-division]--
                                ---------------------  -  ----------
                                            ۲   ܱܲ
                                      cd!߲ ۲ ߲  ߲
                                -------  --   -- ---  -------
                                -------- --۲ -- --------
                                        ߲ ۲߲
                                           ۲   ߲  
                                --------- Coders  On  Dope! ----------
coltqp10.zip    6615 08-05-2024 COLORADO LOTTO QUIK PIK v1.0 for PCB v15.0
                                This is a PPE program that will allow your
                                users to generate Quik Pik numbers for play
                                in the Colorado Lottery. Shareware by Chuck
                                Hogard, Hogard Software Solutions BBS at
                                (214) 641-6292.
com_2de.zip     5492 08-05-2024 A NEW GREAT PPE CODED BY \>//RP      
                                A COOL MAILER EDITOR.                 
                                THE BEST NEVER MADE FOR PCBOARD.      
                                TAST IT DON'T MISS YOUR CHANCE.       
com_2dn.zip    18402 08-05-2024 
                                ۱ ۱ ۱        ۱
                                    A NEW GREAt PPE COdEd bY \>//RP 
                                   A COOOl PPE tO REPlACE tHE UGGlY N
                                    tHE bEsT NEVER MADE fOR PCbOARd    
                                         - Freak Town PPE Support -
com_2do.zip    13983 08-05-2024 
                                -=/\//\         /\\/\=-
                                -=\/\\/     \//\/=-
                                   A NEW GREAT PPE CODED BY \>//RP   
                                  A COOOL PPE TO REPLACE THE UGGLY O  
                                (VERSiON 2.00)                        
                                     CODED BY \>//rp / RE/l/>\      
                                        - Freak Town PPE Support -
com_2dq.zip     5410 08-05-2024 A COOOl PPE tO REPlACE tHE UGGlY Q COMMANd
com_2dqwk.zip   16875 08-05-2024 
                                ۱ ۱ ۱        ۱
                                    A NEW GREAt PPE COdEd bY \>//RP 
                                  A COOOl PPE tO REPlACE tHE UGGlY QWK
                                    tHE bEsT NEVER MADE fOR PCbOARd    
                                         - Freak Town PPE Support -
com_2dr.zip    14685 08-05-2024 
                                A NEW GREAT PPE CODED BY \>//RP      
                                REPLACE THE UGGLY R COMMANDE BY THIS. 
                                COOL LIGHTBAR SUPPORT AND MORE...     
                                TAST IT DON'T MISS YOUR CHANCE.       
                                 Coded By \>//rp / Re/l/>\          
                                        - Freak Town PPE Support -
com_2duser.zip   20671 08-05-2024 
                                A NEW GREAT PPE CODED BY \>//RP      
                                REPLACE THE LAME COMMAND [USER]!      
                                FEATURING: LIST OF USERS,SCAN &NUMBERS
                                TAST IT!!!! DON'T MISS YOUR CHANCE    
                                        - Freak Town PPE Support -
com_2dw.zip    11292 08-05-2024    A NEW GREAT PPE CODED BY \>//RP   
                                  A COOOL PPE TO REPLACE THE UGGLY W  
                                 FEATURING USERS DATA LISTER (W-VIEW) 
com_2dx.zip     3154 08-05-2024 A NEW GREAT PPE CODED BY \>//RP      
                                REPLACE THE UGGLY X COMMANDE BY THIS. 
                                COOL LIGHTBAR SUPPOT AND MOORE...     
                                TAST IT DON'T MISS YOUR CHANCE.       
com_e.zip       5492 08-05-2024 A NEW GREAT PPE CODED BY \>//RP      
                                A COOL MAILER EDITOR.                 
                                THE BEST NEVER MADE FOR PCBOARD.      
                                TAST IT DON'T MISS YOUR CHANCE.       
com_q.zip       5410 08-05-2024 A COOOl PPE tO REPlACE tHE UGGlY Q COMMANd
com_x.zip       3154 08-05-2024 A NEW GREAT PPE CODED BY \>//RP      
                                REPLACE THE UGGLY X COMMANDE BY THIS. 
                                COOL LIGHTBAR SUPPOT AND MOORE...     
                                TAST IT DON'T MISS YOUR CHANCE.       
cookppe.zip    18506 08-05-2024 [PPE] Cookies is a seemless PCBoard
                                Language Program. It displays a random quote 
                                to the caller. Requires PCBoard version 15.0
                                or higher. *FREEWARE* .PPS Source code
coolqwk.zip     7943 08-05-2024 [    CoOL QWK .PPE by TiTANiK / [n]     ] 
                                [   a PPE remplacement 4 da QWK command   ]
corb10b1.zip   12488 08-05-2024 CORKBOARD v1.0 - An Online Advertisement PPE
                                utility for PCBoard v15.1 or later.  Easy to
                                install and use!  CorkBoard displays as many
                                or as few files specified by the SysOp, with
                                an expiration date for each after which they
                                are skipped.  Ideal for those SysOps looking
                                for a unique way to bring in extra money for
                                their systems, Charity drives and lots more!
                                | WIDE AREA BETA v1.0.1 COMPILED 08/05/94 |
                                 ---[ Shareware by George Silberstern ]---  
cor_2djcnf.zip   10088 08-05-2024 Jconf,PCB Ver of the Famous AMi/X jConf Util
cor_jcnf.zip   10088 08-05-2024 Jconf,PCB Ver of the Famous AMi/X jConf Util
count11.zip     5503 08-05-2024 COUNT.PPE - By Dan Shore - Version 1.1
                                A replacement PPE for the 10 second
                                auto-logoff sequence.  Displays a numerical
                                countdown, informing the user of the progress
                                of the auto-logoff countdown.  It allows the
                                user to stay on-line or hangup. FREEWARE
                                Source code included. 
cowsbull.zip    7166 08-05-2024 BULLETIN/X v1.o for PCBoard v15.21+
                                Bulletin viewer using a Lightbar..
                                Pretty good config, almost anything
                                can be declared, easy installation..
                                    Coded by: JoLLY RoGeR / COWS
cppe9310.zip   12460 08-05-2024 
cpprt.zip       8866 08-05-2024 The CPRT.PPE picks up where PCB left off when
                                it comes to conference protection. . Forces
                                user to enter a password and checks to see if
                                their name is on the list each time he/she/it
                                joins the conference!
craps110.zip   19554 08-05-2024 @X0FCrap Shoot! Ver 1.10 - @X07by
                                Galahad Software. A PCBoard 15.2+
                                PPE that recreates the classic game
                                of craps, with a twist.  Features
                                Monthly and All-Time High Score
                                records, daily maintenance, and
                                more.  As always, only @X0A$5
craps121.zip   20708 08-05-2024 Crap Shoot! Ver 1.21 - by
                                Galahad Software. A PCBoard 15.2+
                                PPE that recreates the classic game
                                of craps, with a twist.  Features
                                Monthly and All-Time High Score
                                records, daily maintenance, and
                                more.  As always, only $5 registers!
craps200.zip   30542 08-05-2024 Crap Shoot!  Ver 2.00 - by
                                Galahad Software. A PCBoard 15.21+
                                PPE that recreates the classic game
                                of craps, with a twist.  Features
                                Monthly and All-Time High Score
                                records, daily maintenance, and
                                more.  Now also features make up
                                days to play the days you missed!
                                As always, only $5 registers!
craps211.zip   33774 08-05-2024 Crap Shoot! V2.11 by Galahad Software.
                                PCBoard 15.21+ PPE that recreates the classic
                                game of craps, with a twist. Features Monthly
                                and All-Time High Score records, daily
                                maintenance, and more. Now also features make
                                up days to play the days you missed and PCB
                                Accounting features!
creatr10.zip   10789 08-05-2024  PCBNewsCreator By DynaSOFT Ŀ
                                  PCBNewsCreator is a very flexible PPE  
                                   allowing sysops to write news without 
                                    having the work of editing the NEWS  
                                     file, making a header, etc.  Total  
                                 Version 1.00 
crewrd10.zip   20969 08-05-2024 ͸
                                   WEEKLY REWARD   
                                   VRSiON 1.0   
                                 Weekly top uploader 
                                 will receive 10%    
                                 of HiS pumped bytes 
crs_1lnr.zip    7851 08-05-2024     [PPE]  c00L oNELiNERS mADE bY      
                                     gooN/CRS + sOURCE iNCLUDEED!       
crs_2d1lnr.zip    7851 08-05-2024     [PPE]  c00L oNELiNERS mADE bY      
                                     gooN/CRS + sOURCE iNCLUDEED!       
crs_2dcr1.zip    2301 08-05-2024 Carriage Return PPE v1.0 by Chineze Eyez
crs_2dentr.zip    4089 08-05-2024   [PPE]  tHiS iS oNE oF tHE c00LEST    
                                  aND eASiEST tO cONFiGURE pPE wHiCH    
                                     rEPLACES yOUR 'pRESS eNTER tO      
                                  cONTiNUE' sTRiNG. sOURCE iNCLUDEED!   
crs_2dlogn.zip   11568 08-05-2024   [PPE]  tHiS iS oNE oF tHE c00LEST    
                                     lOGON pPEs yOU'LL eVER sEE!        
                                 iT wAS mADE bY gooN/CRS fOR oUR whq!   
                                  sOURCE cODE, oFCOZ, iNCLUDED, tOO!    
                                           lEECH tHiS nOW!              
crs_2drum1.zip    7071 08-05-2024 forum.hack.rumors.ppe
                                for pcb 15.2o and above v1.00
                                written by shot glass [cirrus]
crs_cr1.zip     2301 08-05-2024 Carriage Return PPE v1.0 by Chineze Eyez
crs_entr.zip    4089 08-05-2024   [PPE]  tHiS iS oNE oF tHE c00LEST    
                                  aND eASiEST tO cONFiGURE pPE wHiCH    
                                     rEPLACES yOUR 'pRESS eNTER tO      
                                  cONTiNUE' sTRiNG. sOURCE iNCLUDEED!   
crs_rum1.zip    7071 08-05-2024 forum.hack.rumors.ppe
                                for pcb 15.2o and above v1.00
                                written by shot glass [cirrus]
cruzinur.zip    7552 08-05-2024  NEW USER REGISTRATION v1.0           
                                =     A PPE for PCBoard 15.21      =          
                                = A customizable User Registration =          
                                PPE brings you more Security!!!            
                                 If a new User have your NUP,               
                                 they can registaer himself how             
                                 many times he want with all names          
                                Now you give your new user a               
                                 one Time New user Number!!                 
                                 They can use it only one Time!             
                                ۲ PPE programmed by ۳          
cryptmel.zip    7369 08-05-2024    
                                               CrYpT E-Mail PPE
                                        The Best Replacement for that Stock   
                                     Enter Comment. Features Private, Comment
                                     All. KiCk Ass GraPhiCs!.
                                      You`ll Never Use another PPE after you 
                                     use this one!. Your Callers will Luv it!
                                     Compiled with PPLC 3.20 for PCB 15.22
                                              ComPiLed 11/19/95
                                        nohR Gr  From "H Cy"
                                            Bringing you the Best!   
                                      Brought to U by PlAyBoY (PRIMUS HQ) !   
crz_2dftp.zip    4340 08-05-2024 CRaZy World - FTP List PPE
                                Nice little PPE to maintain an FTP List
crz_ftp.zip     4340 08-05-2024 CRaZy World - FTP List PPE
                                Nice little PPE to maintain an FTP List
crz_lam.zip     3691 08-05-2024             CRaZY WoRLD '95
                                LAME LIST PPE. Let users view a lame 
                                list, and add names and comments to it
                                100% configurable. 
cr_2ddisc.zip   23359 08-05-2024         .,aaa,.    .,a$$$$a,        
                                      i$$$$$$$$Sa,a,$$$$$;$$i  ,ai`;
                                      ;$$"````"$$$$$`$i$$$ ;    ,
                                ,.,,ai $$$:` $`i$$$``i;$$   ,a$ss,a$$a,
                                :$$$$`  i$$   $;$$$    :$`$,a$$$ia$$$$$$$
                                i$$$i   :$$ "$,$$$`..,aS$a,         `i$$$
                                :$$$$;   $$   $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Quality! ;$$$
                                 `$$$$Sa,.$   ,.,a"`   `$$  ..  ,$$$`
                                 ``i$SS$$SS$"``"       ;$$ '     ,$``
                                ;     "$$$i`         .sS`:      ,i
                                ,                         ;$:    $`
                                :  AUTOMATIC DISCONNECT  ,$$i    $
                                .    C00L REPLACEMENT    $$$$a;  `i
                                   ANOTHER QUALITY PPE!  i$$$    ;
                                :                               ,`  
                                 ; .:;. :. CR CSVerify v0.61 <===========
                                CSVerify is a PCBoard PPE that verifies
                                your users without CALLING THEM BACK.
                                Features include: Choice of Normal -or-
                                Caller I.D. Mode, and a Good InterFace.
                                * Added Log File in 0.5 Version
                                * Added NEW Ascii Mode to this version
                                Created By: CompuSoft Technologies
ctltqp10.zip   10944 08-05-2024 CONNECTICUT LOTTO QUIK PIK v1.0 for PCBoard
                                versions 15.x.  This is a PPE program that
                                will allow your users to generate Quik Pik
                                numbers for play in the Connecticut Lottery.
                                Includes the Pick3, Pick4, Pick5 and Pick6
                                games.  Shareware from Hogard Software
                                Solutions BBS at (214) 641-6292.
ctub_150.zip   22272 08-05-2024 [MS] CTUB v1.50 : Custom Top Users Bulletin!
                                ޳ [CTUB.PPE]: A Top Users BLTN Generator 
                                ޳ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs 
                                ޳ -------------------------------------- 
                                ޳ A Top [1-25] Users Bulletin Generator. 
                                ޳ Top Callers, ULers  (KB and/or Files), 
                                ޳ and DLers (KB and/or Files). Up to *9* 
                                ޳ *Display Configurable* Bulletins! [MS] 
cufe_211.zip   52955 08-05-2024 [MS] CUFE v2.11: Custom User File Editor PPE
                                ޳ [CUFE.PPE]:  A Full Screen User Editor 
                                ޳ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs 
                                ޳ -------------------------------------- 
                                ޳ Color configurable  Full Screen Online 
                                ޳ User Editor.Normal & SysOp Only modes. 
                                ޳ Full PSA Support.  Conf Flag Updating. 
                                ޳ *Powerful*, versatile and MORE! - [MS] 
cu_31.zip      42108 08-05-2024 ۲           CallUp  v3.1           
                                Callback Verification PPE For PCBoard 
                                15.2x. Supports Local Only Or Local And 
                                Long Distance Call Back, Updates User 
                                Record Comment Field 2, Utilizes SysOp 
                                Configurable Prompts/Screens, Sets 
                                Expiry Date, Tracks Verified Numbers, 
                                Allows Number Lockout, Configurable 
                                Screens, Supports RIP, Logging, And
                                Time Determined Verification.  v3.1
                                represents a minor update.
cws_2dprt1.zip   24885 08-05-2024 [ OBSESSIVE PROTOCOL v1.oo ]
                                   Nice Default Protocol Selector   
                                    100% Configurable Ansi's! Show    
                                    Description For Each Protocol!    
                                       For PcBoard 15.22+ Only!       
                                 Coded By: Virago / COWS PCBoard Div. 
                                   ۲ ܲ        ۲ 
                                  ۲ ݳ
                                ݰ ݲ    
                                   ݲ ޲ ݳ
                                 ۲      ۲ 
                                < Wednesday, 3rd Of April 1996 >
                                         !COWS IS BACK IN 1996!
cws_2durlt.zip   47808 08-05-2024     .:  :. : :.  : :.   :.  :  :  :. :
                                   .:___/\ .: ___/\   :_._._ .: /\.__ .:
                                  .:/ /  \  / :  \:./: : \  /    \_ :.
                                .: /   :   \/      \/  | |  \/  |___/  :
                                /    \_  /   |    \  |.|   \___.   \
                                 /     | \/\  |    \ |    \        \
                                \          /  |     /  |     /\       /
                                :\    :    /       /   |   /  \     /:
                                ::\  /_\__/\  _:___/\  _:___/\  /____/::
                                ||                                      ||
                                ||      Extended Userlister v1F:C8      ||
                                ||   Let's Your User's Select A User    ||
                                :|          To View Info On.            |:
                                :|  Uses LightBars, 100% Configurable   |:
                                :|        For PcBoard 15.21/2+          |:
                                :|           By Virago^COWS             |:
cws_2dwal1.zip   29807 08-05-2024 [ COWS-WALL v1.o For PcB 15.22++ ]
                                        Nice MULTILINER Wall        
                                 Nice Wall, 100% Configurable Ansi's! 
                                Change Colors With Arrows While Writin
                                 Coded By: Virago / COWS PCBoard Div. 
                                   ۲ ܲ        ۲ 
                                  ۲ ݳ
                                ݰ ݲ    
                                   ݲ ޲ ݳ
                                 ۲      ۲ 
                                 Comes from COWS PCBoard Division '96 
                                < Sunday, 17th Of March 1996 >
                                        !COWS IS BACK IN 1996!
cwtu_100.zip   29621 08-05-2024 [MS] CWTU v1.00: Custom Weekly Top Users PPE
                                ޳ [CWTU.PPE]: Weekly Top Users BLT Maker 
                                ޳ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs 
                                ޳ -------------------------------------- 
                                ޳ Color Configurable Top 1-25 Users BLTN 
                                ޳ Generator. Weekly Top Uploaders and/or 
                                ޳ Downloaders(calculated in bytes).Fast, 
                                ޳ running totals, Day7 Post & MORE! [MS] 
cw_ap_42.zip   13464 08-05-2024 AutoPost v4.2 PCB v15.21 PPE to send BBS Ads
                                ForSale Ads etc. weekly or monthly and on an
                                automated basis! A unique dating feature can
                                prevent your ads from being killed as dupes!
                                Now with "daily configuration", as well as a
                                multi-location posting feature!! Another top
                                "PPE" from the author of SubscriP, Pro-Vote,
                                ConfMenu, RemindMe and MANY others! Visa and
                                MasterCard accepted for instant registration
cw_bd_17.zip   21209 08-05-2024 Birthday v1.7 Ask users for their D.O.B. and
                                when the user(s) log-on on their (or shortly
                                thereafter) birthday, it displays a birthday
                                greeting! Adds even more personality to your
                                system! PCBoard 15.21 Shareware PPE, easy to
                                install, and fully functional, NOT-crippled!
                                Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
                                Now supports international dates (dd-mm-yy)!
                                Support is available on the Intelec Network!
cw_bl_39.zip   29817 08-05-2024 BBSListr v3.9 The *ultimate* BBS Listing PPE
                                for PCBoard 15.21! Adds new modems, improved
                                speed. Users can add entry or delete, modify
                                entries. See why it's the best of it's kind!
                                Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
cw_cm_60.zip   59303 08-05-2024 ConfMenu v6.0 The best J Cmd Replacement PPE
                                for PCB v15.21 Automatic! Never draw another
                                CNFN again!! Supports long conference names!
                                And no longer needs conference name prefix!!
                                And you can configure your own custom colors
                                as well! Now supports conference name sorts!
                                Includes new PPE utility to make registering
                                or unregistering user in conferences a snap!
                                Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
                                Bugs fixed and smaller/tighter/faster code!!
cw_dm_20.zip   18268 08-05-2024 DoorMenu 2.0 PCB v15.2 PPE (v3.0) to replace
                                the DOOR command menu. Add PPEs "seamlessly"
                                to your door menu! Now with *instant* Online
                                Credit Card Registrations!!
cw_fm_11.zip    9879 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                FileMenu v1.1! The best F Cmd Replacement
                                PPE for PCB v15.1! Automatic!! Never draw
                                another file menu again! Also, lets users
                                search file directory "descriptions"! For
                                those with multiple CD-Roms this lets you
                                have "sub-menu" for each CD or file group
                                & Free to all registered ConfJoin SysOps!
cw_fm_20.zip   15042 08-05-2024 FileMenu v2.0 The best F Cmd Replacement PPE
                                for PCB v15.21 Automatic! Never draw another
                                file menu again! Also lets users search file
                                directory descriptions! For those with mult-
                                iple CD-Rom's this lets you have "sub-menus"
                                for each CD or file group!! Now with instant
                                Online "credit card" registrations!
cw_fv_17.zip   43373 08-05-2024 Fone-Ver v1.7! Callback Verification for PCB
                                v15.21! Fully configurable and feature rich!
                                Fully functional!! Not crippled!! Allows you
                                to let users reverse their calls (definable)
                                for better connections! And much, much more!
                                Now has FVCONFIG.PPE for much easier config!
                                Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
cw_hh_32.zip    8262 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                HowHeard v3.2! New Caller Upgrade PPE for
                                PCBoard 15.1! Upgrade sec levels and con-
                                ference reg's based on caller's response!
cw_hh_39.zip   16116 08-05-2024 HowHeard v3.9 New Caller Upgrade PPE for PCB
                                15.21! Upgrade sec levels and conference reg
                                based on caller's response! Writes to User's
                                notes PSA.  Now with OTHER option for a more
                                specific response. Small, fast, convenient!!
                                Now doubled user "choices" from five to ten!
                                *Instant* Online Registration Codes via CC!!
cw_in_49.zip   53732 08-05-2024 IntelApp! v4.9 Intelec Network "Database and
                                Application" PPE! FREEWARE! For use with our
                                IN_yymm.ZIP & INB_yymm.ZIP information file!
                                And now with a new "Lite-Bar" mnu interface!
                                Contains both the Application/Database PPEs!
                                Can also be used to display Intelec INBasket
                                network newsletter files! Intelec is a FREE,
                                ACTIVE, Highest-Quality Network!! If you are
                                not an Intelec BBS, then you're missing out!
cw_mm_33.zip   13413 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                MainMenu v3.3 Great replacement for PCB's
                                BRDM menus. Shows available commands, un-
                                available as well "all on the fly", never
                                draw another BRDM again! Nice little PPE!
                                Free to all registered ConfJoin SysOps!!!
cw_mm_42.zip   26541 08-05-2024 MainMenu v4.2 A PCBoard 15.21 PPE v3.1 Great
                                PPE replacement for PCBoard BRDM main menus.
                                Now supporting multi-lingual "prompt" files!
                                Shows available/unavailable commands as well
                                as "all on the fly", never draw another BRDM
                                again!! Nice little PPE! Visa/MC for instant
                                registrations!! Support is available via the
                                Intelec Network in PPL or CW_Support forums!
cw_mq_38.zip   12682 08-05-2024 MsgQuest v3.8 PCB 15.21 Shareware PPE Script
                                to Message Base utility, send questionnaires
                                to the SysOp via msgs. A much easier install
                                and *unlimited* questionnaires! Instant reg-
                                istration numbers online via Visa/Mastercard
cw_pm_12.zip   17850 08-05-2024 Page-Me! v1.2 PCB Numeric Pager PPE Utility!
                                Allow users to contact you at your pager and
                                you never have to reveal what that number is
                                and each user can choose their own "codes"!!
                                It is a new release & more features to come!
                                Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
cw_ppp30.zip   79299 08-05-2024 The PCBoard PPE PowerPack! v3.0 **15** Great
                                PCB 15.1 Shareware & Freeware PPE utilities!
                                BF-Ratio SubscriP Force-It Intelec! Time-Adj
                                ConfJoin HowHeard MsgQuest Pro-Vote SpeedLim
                                WelcoMat TimeZone BBSListr UserNews PPE-Menu
                                PPE's now distributed in 1 complete package!
cw_pv_36.zip   20339 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                Pro-Vote v3.6  The best PCB Vote Utility!
                                Now supporting up to 999 different polls,
                                results blt, a SysOps maintenance module,
                                login feature to show available polls and
                                which ones the users did not answer, also
                                shows pct, bar graph stats, let users add
                                their own polls, and more! NON-Crippled!!
cw_pv_43.zip   41540 08-05-2024 Pro-Vote v4.3! The best PCBoard Vote Utility
                                now supports As Many As 999 Different Polls!
                                A results bulletin, a new maintenance module
                                w/ Login Poll Availability, Displays Percent
                                of votes as BarGraph. Let's users Add Polls,
                                and much More!! NON-Crippled Shareware! C.C.
                                orders for instant online registration codes
cw_rm_19.zip   25806 08-05-2024 RemindMe 1.9 PCB 15.21 Users enter their own
                                personal reminders! RemindMe can notify them
                                at logon or via a message & logon! Users set
                                days in advance to remind, if a reminder's a
                                permanent or temporary one. RemindMe! purges
                                past due temp reminders! Simple to install!!
                                Auto-maint, Non-crippled, Fully functioning!
                                Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
cw_sl_32.zip    7144 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                SpeedLim v3.2! Limit callers access based
                                on his/her connection speed! Just add the
                                names to list, and regardless of security
                                level the user can access at speeds lower
                                than others of same sec level. Convenient
cw_sl_39.zip   14318 08-05-2024 SpeedLim v3.9! Limit callers access based on
                                connection speed! Block total access or just
                                access to specific command!! Exclude by time
                                or by an exclusion usernames list! An option
                                to send a message to user about when command
                                is available or at what speed and now caller
                                log support! Another great CW PowerPack PPE!
cw_sp_48.zip   77566 08-05-2024 SubscriP 4.8 Complete Online Shopping Center
                                supporting credit cards, checks, COD & more!
                                Offer "instant subscriber upgrade" via check
                                and/or credit card! Also sell merchandise! A
                                full featured sales PPE!! Supports shipping,
                                tax, unlimited categories & items, and more!
                                And keeps track of who paid and who did not!
                                Upgrades & downgrades automatically, a users
                                TCAN file, and up to *255* different levels!
cw_tz_38.zip   15789 08-05-2024 TimeZone! v3.8! "Time slot" assignments PPE!
                                Recompiled with PPLC v3.1 for PCBoard v15.21
                                Limits when user(s) or "groups of users" can
                                access your system!! Now you can adjust time
                                based on when in the slot the user calls! CC
                                order available for instant online reg codes
cw_un_38.zip   15464 08-05-2024 UserNews v3.8 Let users enter their own news
                                items! Shareware PPE for PCBoard v15.21 It's
                                a breeze to install, and needs little, or no
                                maintenance!! Visa/MC accepted for *instant*
                                online registration codes! Support available
                                on the Intelec Network PPL/CW_Support forums
cw_wm_32.zip    7663 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                WelcoMat v3.2 If you know who is going to
                                call your board, you can have PCB upgrade
                                them when they do! Small/fast/convenient!
cw_wm_38.zip   11852 08-05-2024 WelcoMat v3.8! For PCBoard v15.21, PPLC v3.1
                                WM is for those who know who will be calling
                                their BBS and WelcoMat can upgrade them when
                                they do! Small, fast and convenient! Upgrade
                                different users to different security levels
                                and register in many different conferences!!
                                CC accepted for instant online registrations
czippy10.zip    3841 08-05-2024 ZiPPY SCAN UTiL V1.0
                                This PPE will show
                                a lightbar to the
                                user, informing him
                                it's better to join
                                the comb.conf. when
                                he wants to perform
                                a ZiPPY SCAN
c_detect.zip    2257 08-05-2024     -- * DETECT [PPE] 07/Jun/1994 * --   
                                And Now An Intelligent Auto Ansi Detecter!
                                 You Have To Replace This On Your PCBoard
                                  Ansi Question And  It'll Automatically 
                                  Answer Yes If Ansi  Is Detected And If
                                  Connection In 9600 Baud Or Greater! If
                                 Not It'll Ask Normally The PCB Question!
c_wall20.zip    4092 08-05-2024 Wallez V2.0 PPE - The BEST wall for PCBoard

                Area 83 - PCBoard PPEs P-R                

art1bpwa.zip   10634 08-05-2024  Pirate's With Attitude Present Ŀ
                                 ART GALLERY 1.0 [CALCULUS/Dark Creation] 
                                 PCBOARD PPE ANSi Art viewer              
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
                                Leeched from White Sands
                                One of the Fastest on the East Coast!
ar_2dpwaua.zip   10000 08-05-2024  PWA User Access 1.0 By AReS [PWA] ] Ŀ
                                 Security protect anything you want with  
                                 this simple PPE. No more hassling with   
                                 password protecting, this PPE allows you 
                                 to add certain users to a list and allow 
                                 them to access things without a password 
                                 Great for nukers, Voting booths & News   
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
ar_2dpwayn.zip    6799 08-05-2024  Yes/No Bar Kit v1.0 By AReS [PWA] Ŀ
                                   Configure all the yes/no questions on  
                                   your  board  and make them Lightbars!  
                                   Small,  Simple  and easy to  install.  
                                   Hotkey support & configurable colors!  
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
                                If you gonna do it...do it with an ATTITUDE!
cb129pwa.zip   13889 08-05-2024  Pirate's With Attitude Present Ŀ
                                 CHAT BOX 1.29  [by Calculus Productions] 
                                 PCBOARD 15.1 - Sysop Chat Enhancement    
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
ciafonlr.zip   61015 08-05-2024  Fucking OneLiners! V1.0 [By Buran - CiAP]
                                 PCBOARD 15.1 PPE Consisting of Oneliners 
                                 Random Stat Screens, Display Last Caller 
                                 And alot more!                           
                                 Courtesy of PIRATES WITH ATTITUDE - PWA  
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                    <]]  SPZM COURiERS  [[>
ciafsu4b.zip    6868 08-05-2024  CiAFSUE 4.0b   [by DEFCON 4, CiA PPLE]Ŀ
                                 PCBOARD 15.1 PPE that provides a full    
                                 screen user editor with easy light bar   
                                 and user listing procedures.             
ciafsue4.zip   11923 08-05-2024  CiAFSUE 4.0    [by DEFCON 4, CiA PPLE] Ŀ
                                 PCBOARD 15.1 PPE that provides a full    
                                 screen user editor with easy light bar   
                                 and user listing procedures.             
                                 Courtesy of PIRATES WITH ATTITUDE - PWA  
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
epe10pwa.zip    8755 08-05-2024  Pirate's With Attitude Present Ŀ
                                 ENTER.PPE 1.0  [by Calculus Productions] 
                                 PCBOARD 15.1 ENTER Prompt Enhancer       
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
epe1pwa.zip    13427 08-05-2024  Pirate's With Attitude Present Ŀ
                                 ENTER.PPE 1.10      [CALCULUS/Candy Man] 
                                 PCBOARD 15.1 ENTER Prompt Enhancer       
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
fdc99pwa.zip   16203 08-05-2024  Pirate's With Attitude Present Ŀ
                                 DATECHEK 0.99  [The Calculus Group/'94]  
                                 EXE that scans a ZIP file and returns a  
                                 special errorlevel if the file contains  
                                 FUTURE dated files (for Upload testing)  
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
fig_2dwp10.zip    7943 08-05-2024  Wacko Prompt v1.0 for PCBoard v15.1 Ŀ
                                 Finally, the  much-requested  SLAM ENTER 
                                 prompt seen on my BBS.  This is the most 
                                 unique animated pause prompt to date.    
                                 Coded by: Vigilante for PWA              
                                ߱                   PPE 
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                 ViG    ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
fsul20.zip      3773 08-05-2024    Pirates With Attitude Present
                                        A Group
                                         That Gives
                                         Less Than
                                              A Fuck.
                                FSUL v2.0 of 09.22.93 by SkaTeMasTer.  
                                PCBoard Full Screen Upload Description
                                is a PPE that is ran in place of your
                                "Enter a filename to upload" prompt.
gfxrdpwa.zip   68092 08-05-2024  Pirate's With Attitude Present Ŀ
                                        GRAFIX RANDOMIZER V1.00 PPE       
                                Written by MAGiC DESiGN & GR00VE MERCENARY
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
infopwa.zip     9273 08-05-2024  Pirate's With Attitude Present Ŀ
                                 Informer v0.1           DRITTZ /PWA '94  
                                   PCBOARD PPE COMPLETE STATUS VIEWER     
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
                                -* SCIMITAR * -- Spreader *-
joinpwa.zip    33165 08-05-2024 
                                Pirates With Attitude Presents:
                                JOIN v1.0 - Written in PPL for PCBoard 
                                By Teddy - SysOp of the  Digital Underground
joinupwa.zip    6759 08-05-2024 JOIN v1.0 - Written in PPL for PCBoard 
                                Presented by 
                                JOIN v1.0 - Written in PPL for PCBoard 
                                By Teddy - SysOp of the  Digital Underground
lbv12pwa.zip   14211 08-05-2024  Pirate's With Attitude Present Ŀ
                                 LiGHTBAR KiT v1.2 by CALCULUS Productions
                                       PCBOARD 15.1 Lightbar PPE          
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
lf_2dmat30.zip   21100 08-05-2024 -  Liquid Flesh and PWA Present  -
                                - [ LightBar/DOS Matrix & NUV PPE]
                                        A Group
                                         That Gives
                                         Less Than
                                              A Fuck.
litebr09.zip   13806 08-05-2024  Pirate's With Attitude Present Ŀ
                                 LiGHTBAR KiT .09 [Nemesis/Calculus'94]  
                                 PCBOARD 15.1 LiGHTBAR Prompt Creator     
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
logwhof.zip     1996 08-05-2024 LOGONWHO [PPE] * FIXED VERSION *
                                LogonWho like on AmiExpress!
lur98pwa.zip   10306 08-05-2024  Pirate's With Attitude Present Ŀ
                                 L.U.R. .98    [CALCULUS/Cloudsend] '94  
                                 PCBOARD PPE Local User Lockout           
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
                                Leeched from White Sands
                                One of the Fastest on the East Coast!
                                      [ BLooD PooL  187 ]
m2011pwa.zip  114122 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 MATRIX 2000 v1.1 by CALCULUS Productions 
                                 PCBOARD 15.1 Matrix Login   [Bug Fixes]  
mat30pwa.zip   20996 08-05-2024    PCBoard v15.0 Matrix - Liquid Flesh
                                  _: ____ .  __ _:_ __  __ _:_
                                __/:i  . `\`i  I\:/I  i(  `\: Ven!`\__
                                __/^|  |>  )|  | Y |  |.`\  `\'(c)`\__
                                __/^|  '  /^|  l/^\l  |.--.\  `\^\`\__
                                __/^|   /'/^|  `   '  |l  l/`\  `\`\__
                                __/^  | |/^   /^\     ` /.`\  `\ _
                                -oO Pirates With Attitudes Present Oo-
mat35pwa.zip   22331 08-05-2024 -  Liquid Flesh and PWA Present  -
                                - [    LightBar/DOS Matrix 3.5   ]
                                        A Group
                                         That Gives
                                         Less Than
                                              A Fuck.
mat36pwa.zip    9416 08-05-2024  Pirate's With Attitude Present Ŀ
                                 LightBar/DOS Matrix v3.6  -PCB 15.1 PPE- 
                                 Presented By:   Liquid Flesh & PWA       
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
nscanpwa.zip    4641 08-05-2024  Pirate's With Attitude Present Ŀ
                                 NEWSCAN.PPE               WRITTEN BY KNOX
                                 NEW FILE SCAN ENHANCER                   
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
p2pcbpwa.zip   18012 08-05-2024  Pirate's With Attitude Present Ŀ
                                 PIPECONV 1.0b  [by Calculus Productions] 
                                 Converts PIPE codes to PCB odes      
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
                                            @X8C HY LM! @X08
                                @X08 @X07 @X0F 
                                @X08@X0F THiS FiLE PASSD THRU (iTi[AL
                                @X08@X0F   PLADD  05.01.95 AT 11:47
                                @X08@X0F   CALL NW - (2o1)535-3902
                                @X08 @X07 @X0F 
picksys2.zip    4107 08-05-2024    Pirates With Attitude Present
                                        A Group
                                         That Gives
                                         Less Than
                                              A Fuck.
                                PickSys v2.0 of 08.06.93 by SkaTeMasTer.  
                                A PCBoard v15.0 PPE that will let your
                                users choose from a list of SysOps to
                                leave a "comment to sysop" to.
                                Source Included. Bug Fix release.
prmtupwa.zip   14252 08-05-2024  Prompts V1.1 [ By CorruptioN ]Ŀ
                                 PCBOARD 15.1 PPE That provides the users 
                                 to choose from a menu of prompts or make 
                                 new ones. Unlimited with Lightbar menu.  
                                       PIRATES WITH ATTITUDE - PWA        
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwaa1l20.zip    6250 08-05-2024 [ AMI-X ONELINERS v2.00 by Timecop ]Ŀ
                                 A great looking, AMI-X styled One-liners 
                                 PPE.   Features a filter to remove those 
                                 trouble causing PCB @-macros, as well as 
                                 on-the-fly @-color  code interpretation. 
                                 Minor bug fix version.                   
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwaac125.zip    6775 08-05-2024  AMI-X Digiclock v1.25 by Timecop Ŀ
                                 Show the system time with a totally cool 
                                 AMI-X look!  Hours, minutes, and seconds 
                                 are  shown in large,  ascii-drawn digits 
                                 which gets updated every second.         
pwaac200.zip   13080 08-05-2024  AMI-X Digiclock v2.00 by Timecop [PWA] Ŀ
                                 Show the system time with a totally cool 
                                 AMI-X look!  Hours, minutes, and seconds 
                                 are  shown in large,  ascii-drawn digits 
                                 which gets updated every second.   V2.00 
                                 includes source!                         
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwaach30.zip    7981 08-05-2024  AMI-X Chat PPE v3.00 by Timecop /\ PWA Ŀ
                                 A  small, quick, and simple AMI/X styled 
                                 SysOp Chat replacement PPE.   Very clean 
                                 with  no nonsense.   Updated version now 
                                 includes source code! :)                 
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwaada10.zip    6908 08-05-2024 [ AMI-X Download Activities v1.0 ]Ŀ
                                 A nice, small & simple PPE that displays 
                                 downloading  information  from your node 
                                 activity.  Written by Timecop.   Another 
                                 awesome PWA release!  Source included.   
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwaafsue.zip    4308 08-05-2024  AMI-X Full Screen User Editor PPE Ŀ
                                 This is a great looking AMI-X styled PPE 
                                 to install in your CMD.LST.              
pwaalc20.zip   12675 08-05-2024  AMI-X Last Callers v2.00 by Timecop /PWA 
                                 Last callers bulletin generator  PPE for 
                                 PCBoard 15.1+.    Very configurable, and 
                                 with a nice AMI-X look.  New version has 
                                 even more options and configurability.   
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwaale10.zip    8317 08-05-2024 [ AMI-X Leech v1.00 by Timecop / PWA ]Ŀ
                                 Allows your privledged users to download 
                                 any file located on your system.  Simple 
                                 and effective.  Source is included.  PPE 
                                 for use with PCBoard 15.2+ only.         
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwaalt10.zip    3607 08-05-2024  AMI-X Last Transfers v1.00 by Timecop Ŀ
                                 Another PCBoard PPE with an AMI-X style, 
                                 this one creates  a bulletin  displaying 
                                 the  last X number of files uploaded and 
                                 downloaded by your users.                
pwaam11r.zip    4926 08-05-2024  PWA AutoMessage v1.1 By AReS [PWA] Ŀ
                                 The best AutoMessage PPE around. Highly  
                                 configurable. Clone of AutoMessage+ for  
                                 Renegade.  Shows 3 AutoMessages at one   
                                 time. No Reg, No Bugs, NEW Features      
pwaamxch.zip    3883 08-05-2024  AMI-X Chat PPE by Timecop Ŀ
                                 A  small, quick, and simple AMI/X styled 
                                 SysOp Chat replacement PPE.   Very clean 
                                 with no nonsense.                        
pwaap10.zip     5330 08-05-2024  Any-Password v1.0 by Drew [PWA]  Ŀ
                                 Use this for your new user password, a   
                                 system password, or just about any where 
                                 you use a password!  Source included.    
pwaaram.zip     6796 08-05-2024  PWA AutoMessage v1.0  [by AReS] Ŀ
                                 The best AutoMessage PPE around. Highly  
                                 configurable. Clone of AutoMessage+ for  
                                 Renegade.  Shows 3 AutoMessages at one   
                                    time.  No Registration Required!      
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwaatb30.zip   23586 08-05-2024  AMI-X Alltime Top DL/UL v3.00 by Timecop 
                                 [AMI-UPLD.PPE & AMI-DNLD.PPE] : Generate 
                                 bulletins with a great AMI-X look of top 
                                 uploaders and downloaders by bytes.  New 
                                 version  is totally rewritten in PPL 3.0 
                                 and works around the 2gb byte limit.     
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwaaw135.zip    8332 08-05-2024  AMI-X Weektop v1.35 by Timecop Ŀ
                                 Generates a bulletin featuring  all your 
                                 top  uploaders during a week (x out of 7 
                                 days) in an AMI-X style.   Features user 
                                 exclusions and top uploader awarding.  A 
                                 PCBoard 15.1+ PPE.                       
pwaawt15.zip   10840 08-05-2024 * AMI-X Weektop v1.50 by Timecop [PWA] *Ŀ
                                 Create a weekly top uploader bulletin in 
                                 an AMI-X fashion  with this PCBoard PPE! 
                                 Features user  exclusions,  top uploader 
                                 awarding, and more.  Courtesy of PWA.    
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwaaxchf.zip    5838 08-05-2024  AMI-X Chat PPE bugfix version by Timecop 
                                 A  small, quick, and simple AMI/X styled 
                                 SysOp Chat replacement PPE.   Very clean 
                                 with no nonsense.  Minor bugfix version. 
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwaaxchw.zip    4004 08-05-2024  AMI-X Chat PPE bugfix ver. 2  by Timecop 
                                 A  small, quick, and simple AMI/X styled 
                                 SysOp Chat replacement PPE.   Very clean 
                                 with no nonsense.  Minor bugfix version. 
                                 Wordwrap added in this version.          
pwaaxuvu.zip    2340 08-05-2024  AMI-X User Verification Utility Ŀ
                                 A small and quick PPE that allows you to 
                                 view  information about any other  user, 
                                 all done in an AMI-X style.              
pwabal16.zip   65662 08-05-2024 [ File Area Lister v1.6 by BlackCat -PWA-]
                                 A Lightbar driven File area lister  that 
                                 supports  multiple pages,  lightbar area 
                                 selection,  area groups and much more... 
                                 This is a bug fix version.  PWA 10-22-95 
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwabfv20.zip  109880 08-05-2024 [ FileView PPE v2.0 ]Ŀ
                                 This is a fantastic file viewer PPE that 
                                 totally eclipses all other file viewers! 
                                 Extremely fast, highly configurable, and 
                                 has complete lightbar and hotkey support.
pwabfv22.zip  132942 08-05-2024  FileView PPE v2.2 by BlackCat /\ PWA Ŀ
                                 This is a fantastic file viewer PPE that 
                                 totally eclipses all other file viewers! 
                                 Extremely fast, highly configurable, and 
                                 lightbar & hotkey support.   New version 
                                 includes RAR support, IDX usage, & more! 
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwabl10.zip    27389 08-05-2024 [ Board List v1.0 PPE by Drake -PWA- ]Ŀ
                                 A super BBS Lister PPE that uses DBase3+ 
                                 routines to store/modify info for better 
                                 and faster searching.  Includes numerous 
                                 configuration options.  Check it out!    
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwabqt10.zip    8774 08-05-2024 [ Quoter PPE v1.0 by BlackCat /\ PWA ]Ŀ
                                 PCBoard  message quoter which uses  pplc 
                                 3.0 for easier and seamless integration. 
                                 A nice addition for sysops using Nets to 
                                 brighten up your quotes.                 
pwabsc10.zip   40276 08-05-2024  YASSC PPE v1.0 by BlackCat [PWA] Ŀ
                                 Yet  another (Sysop/User)  split  screen 
                                 chatter.   Definable  chat areas of  any 
                                 shape  (not boxes only) & screen/colors, 
                                 word wrap, user & sysop macros, logging, 
                                 viewier,  quiet mode,  fast execution, 3 
                                 different setups  included,  and more... 
                                 For PCBoard 15.2+ only.                  
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwabwm10.zip   27262 08-05-2024 [ WMTop PPE v1.00 by BlackCat /\ PWA ]Ŀ
                                 A PCB 15.2+ PPE : Weekly and Monthly top 
                                 uploaders/downloaders  bulletin  creator 
                                 (bytes & files). Uses a database instead 
                                 of reading logfiles or adding a TPA. The 
                                 bulletins are constantly updated quickly 
                                 at logoff!!                              
pwabxl10.zip   21780 08-05-2024 [ Extended DIR Lister PPE v1.0 - PWA ]Ŀ
                                 Lightbar driven  DIR file lister.  Lists 
                                 DIR  files forwards & backwards, retains 
                                 all normal PCB file directory functions, 
                                 multi-file tagging, variable description 
                                 lengths, fast and much more!!  Seeing is 
                                 believing!  PPE coded by: BlackCat       
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwacj12.zip     9658 08-05-2024  Conference Join v1.2 by Drew [PWA] Ŀ
                                 A conference join PPE that shows only the
                                 conferences a  user has access  to while 
                                 ignoring "blank" conferences as well  as 
                                 unaccessible ones.  Major speed improve- 
                                 ment since v1.1!  Source is included for 
                                 100% configurability.                    
pwacs11.zip    19518 08-05-2024  DEF Comment to Sysop v1.1 by Drew [PWA] 
                                 Replace your "C" command with the best   
                                 looking and easiest to install Sysop     
                                 Comment ppe ever.  Fully lightbar and    
                                 and hot-key driven.  Also includes an    
                                 easy to use config program!              
pwacscan.zip    8134 08-05-2024  PWA CatScan v1.0  [ By Catasaan ]Ŀ
                                  This is a replacement the normal dull   
                                 scanning message prompt with a graphical 
                                     colored box.  Simple and Useful      
                                       PIRATES WITH ATTITUDE - PWA        
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
                                 If you gonna do it, do it with an ATTiTUDE
pwadtc01.zip   22563 08-05-2024 [ Download.TXT Cleaner v0.1b by Drew ]Ŀ
                                 PCBoard 15.x utility (.exe) that cleans, 
                                 shrinks, and keeps that download.txt bad 
                                 boy under control.  Configurable options 
                                 include removing entries of non-existent 
                                 files, .QWK xfers, message captures, and 
                                 also entries by specific users.          
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwadtc10.zip   38751 08-05-2024 [ Download.TXT Cleaner v1.0 - Drew / PWA ]
                                 PCBoard 15.x utility (.EXE) that cleans, 
                                 shrinks, and keeps that download.txt bad 
                                 boy under control!  Remove those useless 
                                 entries for QWK xfers, message captures, 
                                 non-existent files,  and by any specific 
                                 user.  First non-beta release.           
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwae1l10.zip   26682 08-05-2024 [ Enhanced One-Liners v1.0 by Drew ]Ŀ
                                 Terrific one-liners PPE to let users add 
                                 a  one-line blurb to a "wall" for every- 
                                 one to read.   Made for PCB v15.2 and up 
                                 only.  100% Source code included!  -PWA- 
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwaebl11.zip   17264 08-05-2024 [ Enhanced Bltn Lister v1.1 by Drew .PWA.]
                                 Replace your "B" command with this seam- 
                                 less add-on to your existing  bulletins. 
                                 A lightbar and  hotkey PCBoard 15.2+ PPE 
                                 from the best ... PWA!  Source included. 
                                 Minor bugfix/updated version.            
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwaebs10.zip   19125 08-05-2024 [ Enhanced Batch Save v1.0 by Drew -PWA- ]
                                 Allows user's  who drop/lose carrier  to 
                                 automatically reflag  their  batch list! 
                                 No silly nag screens and also let's them 
                                 list the batch before restoring/deleting.
                                 A PCBoard 15.2+ PPE.                     
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwaecd11.zip   41469 08-05-2024 [ Enhanced CleanDIZ v1.1 by Drew -PWA- ]Ŀ
                                 Clean all your diz files of those silly, 
                                 annoying and excessive tag lines!  Keeps 
                                 original time stamp, strips blank lines, 
                                 color codes, and more!   This is a minor 
                                 update with new features.                
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwaecj16.zip   17988 08-05-2024 Enh. Conf Join v1.6 - Drew/Nemesis [PWA]Ŀ
                                 A conference join PPE that shows only the
                                 conferences a  user has access  to while 
                                 ignoring "blank" conferences as well  as 
                                 unaccessible ones.   Now with *LIGHTBAR* 
                                 support.  Source is still included.  For 
                                 PCB 15.2+ only.  Minor bugfix version.   
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwaecs10.zip   28164 08-05-2024 [ Enh. Caller Log Shrinker v1.0  -PWA- ]Ŀ
                                 A speedy util to keep those CALLERx logs 
                                 trimmed down to size!   Runs much faster 
                                 than  LogTame or any other similar util. 
                                 Written by Timecop.                      
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwaecs20.zip   17149 08-05-2024 Enhanced Cmt to Sysop v2.0 by Drew [PWA]Ŀ
                                 A hotkey and lightbar  driven PPE  which 
                                 replaces your "C" command & allows users 
                                 to  leave  feedback to a list of sysops. 
                                 Rewritten in PPL 3.0  for PCBoard 15.2+. 
                                 Source included.                         
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwaedc10.zip   13958 08-05-2024 [ Enhanced Doorway Chatter v1.0 -PWA- ]Ŀ
                                 Shell out to this EXE program for an all 
                                 purpose chat!  Written by Timecop [PWA]. 
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwaeem12.zip   13816 08-05-2024  Enhanced End of Message v1.2 by Drew Ŀ
                                 Replace your End of Message prompt  with 
                                 this clean looking, highly configurable, 
                                 hotkey & lightbar driven PPE replacement.
                                 Written in PPL 3.0 for PCBoard 15.2 only.
                                 This is a minor maintenance release.     
pwaeem13.zip   24457 08-05-2024 [ Enhanced End of Mesg v1.3 by Drew [PWA]
                                 Replace your End of Message prompt  with 
                                 this clean looking, highly configurable, 
                                 hotkey & lightbar driven PPE replacement.
                                 Written in PPL 3.0 for PCBoard 15.2 only.
                                 New version has more robust text output! 
                                 pwa    PIRATES  WITH  ATTITUDES    pwa 
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwaeen10.zip   18424 08-05-2024 [ Enhanced Enter Msg v1.0 by Drake [PWA]Ŀ
                                 A PCBoard 15.22+ PPE replacement for the 
                                 "E" command.  Also includes a handydandy 
                                 address book, great for systems with in- 
                                 ternet email! Pirates With Attitudes '96 
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwaef221.zip   36346 08-05-2024 [ Enhanced Flag v2.21 by Drew /\ PWA ]Ŀ
                                 Get  rid of that ancient FLAG.PPE!   Use 
                                 those up and  down  arrows to flag  your 
                                 files -- OBV/2 and V/2 style.  EFLAG.PPE 
                                 is  totally lightbar and hotkey  driven. 
                                 New version!  New features!  Bug fix! :) 
                                 Compiled with PPLC 3.10 for PCB 15.21+.  
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwaemc13.zip   14149 08-05-2024  Enhanced Mesg Edit Cmds v1.3 by Drew Ŀ
                                 A crisp & clean looking  PPE replacement 
                                 for  your (S) (A) (D) etc. message  edit 
                                 prompt.   Hotkey and lightbar driven for 
                                 an easy interface.   Written in  PPL 3.0 
                                 for PCBoard 15.2+ only.  This version is 
                                 a minor maintenance/bugfix release.      
pwaequ11.zip   20308 08-05-2024  Enhanced Quick Uploader v1.1 by Drew Ŀ
                                 Do your  blind uploads  the CORRECT way: 
                                 no more choking if you already have files
                                 flagged for download. Features lightbars,
                                 private message to the sysop, and source 
                                 code.  Minor update since v1.0.  Written 
                                 in PPL 3.0 for PCBoard 15.2+ only.       
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwaetb12.zip   32352 08-05-2024 [ Enhanced Timebank v1.2 by Timecop -PWA-]
                                 Timebank PPE for PCBoard 15.2 which lets 
                                 your users save online minutes to use on 
                                 anoter day.  Totally packed full of good 
                                 features, and even comes w/ source. More 
                                 bugs fixed in this update!               
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwaeus20.zip   24068 08-05-2024 [ Enhanced User Lister v2.0 by Drew -PWA-]
                                 Liven up your bbs user listing with this 
                                 great PPE  replacement for  your default 
                                 USERS command.  Completely configurable. 
                                 Give it a Forum, Ami/X, or a custom look.
                                 Totally rewritten in PPL 3.0 for PCBoard 
                                 15.2+ only.                              
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwaew100.zip   49198 08-05-2024 [ Enhanced WHO v1.00 by Drew * PWA ]Ŀ
                                 A Node  Activity Viewer PPE  replacement 
                                 for your WHO command.  Features lightbar 
                                 node  selection, realtime node updating, 
                                 external PPE spawning, user & file  xfer 
                                 stats, and much more!   A must try & see 
                                 to believe.  Courtesy of PWA 1996!       
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwafdc11.zip   50213 08-05-2024  EFDC v1.1 by Timecop [PWA] Ŀ
                                 Enh. File Directories Chopper.  Use this 
                                 utility to  shrink and cut down the size 
                                 of your directory listings.  Packed full 
                                 of good features to produce the tightest 
                                 possible file listing.  New update!      
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwafds10.zip   18449 08-05-2024 [ PCB File DIR Shrinker v1.0 - Timecop ]Ŀ
                                 Trim your file DIR listings down to size 
                                 with this useful utility.  Blow away all 
                                 those multi-file descriptions by keeping 
                                 only the first line. Executes incredibly 
                                 fast and automatically sorts the listing 
                                 alphabetically.   Brought to you by PWA! 
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwafm94c.zip   69946 08-05-2024  PWA PCBFourm v.94c [ By Straight Jacket ]
                                 Forum menu interface with true forum     
                                 style message base.  Compilation of the  
                                 most popular forum program's commands    
                                 and features.  A must for all FORUM      
                                 addicts who want the PCB Configurablity! 
                                       PIRATES WITH ATTITUDE - PWA        
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
                                 If you gonna do it, do it with an ATTiTUDE
pwafse15.zip    7378 08-05-2024  PWA Editor v1.5  [ By Nemesis ]Ŀ
                                   PCBOARD 15.2 PPE - Allows Sysops To    
                                 Change the Nasty Cyan/Yellow Full Screen 
                                  Message Header - !New Version/Bug Fix!  
                                       PIRATES WITH ATTITUDE - PWA        
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwafsm11.zip   10983 08-05-2024  EDITOR.PPE v1.1 [ By Nemesis ]Ŀ
                                 PCBOARD 15.1 PPE - Allows Sysops To      
                                 Change the Nastry Cyan/Yellow Full Scrn  
                                 Message Header - New Version/Bug Fix     
                                       PIRATES WITH ATTITUDE - PWA        
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwafv10r.zip   28806 08-05-2024  P W A F V . P P E  v1.0 [ By Defcon 4 ]Ŀ
                                 Zip File Viewer that improves the good   
                                 old PCBFV with unheard of configurabilty,
                                 easy to use light bar support, full ansi 
                                 viewing, and individual flagging of files
                                      All this while still oneline!       
                                       PIRATES WITH ATTITUDE - PWA        
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
                                 If you gonna do it, do it with an ATTiTUDE
pwafv25r.zip   33280 08-05-2024  PWA File Viewer v2.5  [ By Defcon 4 ]Ŀ
                                  Zip File Viewer that improves the good  
                                 old PCBFV with unheard of configurabilty.
                                  Many Changes and fixes from 2.2.  Also  
                                  supports Viglante's new flag PPE. Read  
                                 history file for complete list of changes
pwah2h10.zip  104686 08-05-2024 [ HSC2C v1.0 by Timecop -PWA-]Ŀ
                                 Converts  HSC music files into C code to 
                                 include with other code.  Lots of sample 
                                 HSC files and player included.  PWA '95! 
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwahdp10.zip   26199 08-05-2024  HEXDUMP v1.0 by Timecop  [PWA] Ŀ
                                 Dumps the contents of any file into Hex! 
                                 An extremely useful DOS utility.         
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwaiml10.zip   13948 08-05-2024 [ Lastcall.IM Modifier v1.0 by Nemesis ]Ŀ
                                 A simple but very handy  PPE that prints 
                                 the  last caller in the bottom window of 
                                 Intermail.  Source included.  PWA in 95! 
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwajit10.zip    5362 08-05-2024 JOIN-IT V1.00 PPE
pwalc20r.zip    3594 08-05-2024 [Lightning Config 2.0][By AReS/PWA]Ŀ
                                  [PPE] Replacement for the "W" command   
                                  Gives a full screen V/2 style account   
                                  configuration menu.  Updated Version,   
                                  Full Configurability, No Bugs, No Reg   
pwalog02.zip   29213 08-05-2024  LogView PPE v0.2 by BlackCat [PWA] Ŀ
                                 PCBoard  extensive  callers log  viewer. 
                                 Greatly simplifies the sysop task of re- 
                                 viewing the daily activity on the board. 
                                 Also  shows fido and unknown log entries 
                                 so you won't miss a thing.   For PCBoard 
                                 15.2+ only.  Another from the best, PWA! 
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwamr10s.zip   11317 08-05-2024  PWA Menu Rotator v1.0 [ By Drew ]Ŀ
                                  Rotate any number of menus randomly and 
                                 according to user security levels! Highly
                                     configurable and not crippled!       
pwancm10.zip   30199 08-05-2024 [ PWA Norton Commander Matrix v1.0 ]Ŀ
                                 Matrix PPE with a Norton Commander feel  
                                 combining a dos-shell with a light-bar   
                                 making this the most original looking    
                                 matrix for PCBoard 15.2: STRAIGHT JACKET 
                                       PIRATES WITH ATTITUDE - PWA        
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
                                 If you gonna do it, do it with an ATTiTUDE
pwanfs10.zip   23521 08-05-2024  PWA DEF New File Scan v1.0 by Drew  Ŀ
                                 Finally, a user configurable new file    
                                 scanner!  Users are able to select       
                                 which file areas they want to scan       
                                 and keep the configuration!  All         
                                 regular PCBoard commands are still       
                                 preserved.  Awesome lightbar driven      
                                 file area config, Multi-conference       
                                 aware, hot-keys, and totally easy to use 
                                 config program.                          
pwank082.zip  179425 08-05-2024  Nuker PPE v0.82 by BlackCat /\ PWA Ŀ
                                 A full featured, lightbar driven, *FAST* 
                                 file nuker for PCB 15.2+.  Allows you to 
                                 Nuke/Award/Comment/Free files. If you're 
                                 tired  of waiting  minutes when  nuking, 
                                 grab this!  Refer to PWA.NFO and UPGRADE 
                                 for important upgrading information.     
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwanws1r.zip    5073 08-05-2024  PWA News v1.0  [ By Defcon 4] Ŀ
                                 PWA News is a graphical replacement for  
                                 the news file.  It has sysop maintance   
                                   and and a graphical message header.    
pwaocc36.zip   30771 08-05-2024  OCCPS 3.5 Worthlessly "Cracked" Ŀ
                                 Online Credit Card Processing System 3.5 
                                 Register useless shareware for $25 ? ! ? 
                                 No way!  This is just a worthless "crack"
                                 to an otherwise worthless PPE courtesy of
                                 the wonderful decompiler. :)             
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwaon140.zip   16244 08-05-2024 - Pirates With Attitude Present -
                                - [ Oneliners and More v1.40 PPE  ]
                                        A Group
                                         That Gives
                                         Less Than
                                              A Fuck.
                                - [              By: Liquid Flesh ]
pwapcen1.zip   11923 08-05-2024  PCBEnhance v.1.0 [PPE] [ By Mad Wizard ]Ŀ
                                 PCBOARD 15.1+ PPE  That increases the    
                                 speed that PCBoard runs with. It loads   
                                 up the PCBoard configuration file in a   
                                 more organized matter and frees up more  
                                 expanded and conventional memory.        
                                       PIRATES WITH ATTITUDE - PWA        
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwapcp01.zip  538369 08-05-2024 [ PCBoard Cracked PPE's Volume 1 ]Ŀ
                                 Volume #1 of a huge package of  nag-ware 
                                 PPE's with their registration/protection 
                                 removed! :)  Includes an awesome generic 
                                 registration number generator for all of 
                                 those IS_??_?? PPE's.                    
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwapcp02.zip  260398 08-05-2024 [ PCBoard Cracked PPE's Volume 2 ]Ŀ
                                 Volume #2 of a huge package of  nag-ware 
                                 PPE's with their registration/protection 
                                 gone!   Shareware turned to freeware. :) 
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwapcp03.zip  919936 08-05-2024 [ PCBoard Cracked PPE's Volume 3 ]Ŀ
                                 Here we are yet again, with Volume #3 of 
                                 cracked PCBoard PPE's.  Teach those rip- 
                                 off shareware/pd authors a good lesson & 
                                 spread this everywhere! :)               
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwapcp04.zip 1595044 08-05-2024 [ PCBoard Cracked PPE's Volume 4 ]Ŀ
                                 This is Vol. #4 of PCBoard Cracked PPEs. 
                                 Exclusively contains PPE's from Equinox  
                                 Software and Wild PPE Productions.       
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwapg21.zip    42532 08-05-2024  Prompts Galore! v2.1 by Drew [PWA] Ŀ
                                 Replace  44(!) of those  boring  PCBoard 
                                 text  prompts  with these  slick looking 
                                 lightbar prompts!  This is a  must  have 
                                 for the  complete lightbar maniac.  V2.0 
                                 has been completely rewritten in PPL 3.0 
                                 for PCBoard 15.2.   Minor update to 2.0. 
pwapmt13.zip   10443 08-05-2024  Prompts V1.3 [ By CorruptioN ]Ŀ
                                 PCBOARD 15.1 PPE That provides the users 
                                 to choose from a menu of prompts or make 
                                 new ones.  Unlimited with Lightbar menu. 
                                 Now included with 2 source codes for the 
                                 ulimate in configurability.              
pwaquv10.zip   11698 08-05-2024 [ Quick User View v1.0 by Drew * PWA ]Ŀ
                                 A PCBoard 15.x PPE that allows the sysop 
                                 to view an author's stats while  reading 
                                 messages.  Source is included.           
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwares10.zip   13838 08-05-2024  SRESERVE v1.0 by MAGiC DESiGN [PWA] Ŀ
                                   System reserver for PCBoard 15.1/15.2  
                                        Read PWA.NFO for more infos.      
                                          Sources are included.           
                                       PIRATES WITH ATTITUDES - PWA       
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwascp10.zip   13906 08-05-2024 [ SELECT CHAT PPE v1.0 by Drew [ PWA ]Ŀ
                                 Simple little PPE which allows the sysop 
                                 to pick from a list of chat ppe's to use 
                                 when entering chat w/ a user.  Source is 
                                 included.  Pirates with Attitudes -1996- 
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwasel11.zip   37327 08-05-2024  SELect Conf. PPE v1.1 by Timecop [PWA] Ŀ
                                 A totally awesome lightbar/hotkey PPE to 
                                 replace the ugly default SELECT command! 
                                 Makes selecting  conferences a whole lot 
                                 easier.  Source is included.   v1.1 is a 
                                 bug fix version + code optimizations.    
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwasig11.zip    6764 08-05-2024 AutoSig V1.1 PPE for PCBoard 15.1
                                That provides the users to maintain a
                                SIGNATURE and have it put at end of
                                message automatically.
pwass02.zip    16806 08-05-2024  DEF System Statistics v0.2 by Drew [PWA] 
                                 A beta version of a very useful PCBoard  
                                 utility.  This will scan your CALLERx    
                                 logs, accumulate many statistics,  and   
                                 create a report.  In need of beta test   
                                 sites for this util!                     
pwateat.zip     8999 08-05-2024  PWA T.E.A.T. v1.2  [ By Candy Man ] Ŀ
                                    TEAT is a PPE which keeps a running   
                                 database of the current Ellite acronyms. 
                                  User can find/add/change existing ones  
                                   online to keep the database accurate.  
pwatl20.zip    12860 08-05-2024  Turbo Logon v2.0 by Drew [PWA] Ŀ
                                 A  completely  flexible Turbo Logon PPE. 
                                 Specify anything you want to skip in the 
                                 logon  sequence.  Very easy to use, even 
                                 easier  to  configure.  Source included. 
                                 Rewritten in PPL 3.0 for PCBoard 15.2+.  
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwatp20.zip    23896 08-05-2024  Transfer Protocol v2.0 by Drew [PWA] Ŀ
                                 Replace your boring T command  with this 
                                 great looking  PPE!   Full  lightbar and 
                                 hotkey support.  Non-braindead and reads 
                                 your  PCBPROT.DAT  automatically.   Also 
                                 has  an  easy-to-use   config   program. 
                                 V2.0 is rewritten in PPL 3.0 for PCBoard 
                                 15.2.  Source included.                  
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwatx10.zip     4003 08-05-2024  PWA Top/X v1.0 [ By Mad Wizard ]Ŀ
                                 Finally a quick and easy top 10 upload - 
                                  download bulletin generator.  List 10   
                                  users and classifies them as leech or   
                                  favorite.  All this in a classic AMI/X  
pwaul10r.zip    4321 08-05-2024  PWA UserList v1.0 By AReS [PWA] ] Ŀ
                                Color Configurable,  OBV/2 Style Userlist 
                                 Incredibly fast display with User Search 
                                      Configurable Header and More        
pwaus10s.zip    7526 08-05-2024  PWA User Lister v1.0 [ By Drew ]Ŀ
                                 Get rid of that boring user listing! This
                                  is the most configurable user listers   
                                   available.  List almost any popular    
                                 statistics about a user, any color,format
                                         and order that you want!         
                                       PIRATES WITH ATTITUDE - PWA        
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
                                 If you gonna do it, do it with an ATTiTUDE
pwaus11.zip    16282 08-05-2024  PWA User Lister v1.1 [ By Drew ]Ŀ
                                 Get rid of that boring user listing! This
                                  is the most configurable user listers   
                                   available.  List almost any popular    
                                 statistics about a user, any color,format
                                and order that you want! New features and 
                                   a major speed improvement over v1.0!   
                                       PIRATES WITH ATTITUDE - PWA        
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
                                 If you gonna do it, do it with an ATTiTUDE
pwaus12.zip    26764 08-05-2024   DEF User Lister 1.2 by Drew [PWA]  Ŀ
                                 Get rid of that boring user listing! This
                                 is the most configurable user listers    
                                 available.  List almost any popular      
                                 statistics about a user, any color,      
                                 and order that you want!                 
                                 Now includes an awesome config program!  
pwausref.zip    7949 08-05-2024  User Refer PPE by Cyber Demon Ŀ
                                 Use this to let your validated users ref-
                                 er other potential new users.  Uses some 
                                 great looking ansi-animation effects!    
pwave100.zip  343941 08-05-2024 PCBWAVE v1.00 - BLUE WAVE and QWK compatible
                                offline mail door for PCBoard 15.2+. Features
                                include: FULL support for the Blue Wave mail
                                system, keywords, filters, bundling macros,
                                file requests, server/robot feature, offline
                                config, multiple languages, pre-scan feature,
                                powerful dynamic, on-the-fly bundling command
                                system, file attaches. Full PCBoard netmail &
                                Internet/Usenet support, seamless Fido<->UUCP
                                e-mail gateway integration.  Support for Blue
                                Wave v2.12 and v2.20.  Sysop-configurable
                                menus screens, help files, language strings
                                and template files.  The world's finest and
                                most configurable Blue Wave/QWK compatible
                                offline mail door!  Shareware, only $25 US!
pwavgcrk.zip    5682 08-05-2024 [ VIGCRACK.PPE by Timecop ** PWA ]Ŀ
                                 Generates registration numbers for a few 
                                 of Vigilante's PPE's.  This PPE provides 
                                 valid numbers for slogon, schat, provote 
                                 and promatrix.  PPE source is included.  
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwavr10.zip     9562 08-05-2024  VROTATE v1.0 by Drew [PWA] Ŀ
                                 For users of PROMPTS by  Vigilante, this 
                                 allows you to have random logon screens. 
                                 Eight  sample  logon  screens as well as 
                                 source code is included.                 
pwawho10.zip    7883 08-05-2024  PWAWho1.0 By AReS [PWA] Ŀ
                                Fast new WHO PPE, that constantly updates 
                                every x seconds. Includes message sending 
                                and configurable ansi/prompts/status msgs 
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwayat11.zip   38755 08-05-2024 [ YAAT 1.1 by Drew -PWA- ]Ŀ
                                 YAAT - Yet Another AllTop v1.1.  Yup, it 
                                 creates bulletins of top ul'ers, dl'ers, 
                                 by bytes and files, top callers, and top 
                                 message posters.  Oh hold on!  Source is 
                                 included! :)  Written in PPL 3.0 for PCB 
                                 v15.2+.  This is a small update version. 
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwa_2daa1.zip    6305 08-05-2024                                     
                                        A Group            
                                         That Gives          
                                         Less Than          
                                              A Fuck.          
                                smashes again with ...
                                -[ ASKALL PPE V0.1 by DRIZZT/PWA ]-
                                -[ FIND OUT WHAT UR USERS THINK! ]-
                                -[       FIX & SPEEDUP !!!       ]-
                                -* SCIMITAR * -- Spreader *-
pwa_2dcmr1.zip    8420 08-05-2024  PWA Custom Read Mail PPE v1.0 Ŀ
                                 Replacement for the Read Mail Command in 
                                  PCBoard. Features Lightbars, Hotkeys    
                                 and Configurable Ansi. Source Included!  
                                  ... another PPE by Mass Murderer [PWA]  
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwa_2dfins.zip    2165 08-05-2024  PWA PCBForum v.94c [ By Straight Jacket ]
                                 Correct INSTALL.DOC enclosed, needed to   
                                 actually install PCBForum.               
                                       PIRATES WITH ATTITUDE - PWA        
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
                                 If you gonna do it, do it with an ATTiTUDE
pwa_2dfr10.zip   49092 08-05-2024 PWA-FR Files-Reverse v1.0 by Mass Murderer
                                   View the Newest Files Uploaded First!  
                                 Features : Multiple Conferences, Hotkeys 
                                   File Numbering, Seperators, and more!  
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwa_2dlog1.zip    5067 08-05-2024                                     
                                        A Group            
                                         That Gives          
                                         Less Than          
                                              A Fuck.          
                                smashes again with ...
                                -[ LOGON PPE V0.1 by DRIZZT/PWA ]-
                                -[SEND MSG TO ALL USERS AT LOGIN]-
                                -[    FIX & MORE OPTIONS !!!    ]-
                                -* SCIMITAR * -- Spreader *-
pwa_2dnsp1.zip    5042 08-05-2024  PWA New-Scan Pro-PC v1.0 Ŀ
                                 Ami/X styled new  file scan PPE for PCB! 
                                 Scan options features todays, yesterday, 
                                 weekly, and even user adjustable in real 
                                 time.  Source code included!             
pwa_2dnsp2.zip   23725 08-05-2024 PWA New-Scan Pro-PC v2.0 by Mass Murderer!
                                 Ami/X styled new  file scan PPE for PCB! 
                                 Major Improvement over v1.0! New options 
                                 include user  color configurations which 
                                 are saved, and 23 line FILE_ID.DIZ lists 
                                 which  get chopped, exactly  like Ami/X! 
                                 As always  the source code  is included! 
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwa_2dpw10.zip   11408 08-05-2024  Password Snooper v1.0 [ by Copyright ]Ŀ
                                  View what the user is typing for their  
                                   otherwise dot-echoed password.  100%   
                                   configurable from colors to strings.   
                                 pwa    PIRATES  WITH  ATTITUDES    pwa 
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwa_2dr1b3.zip   13309 08-05-2024  PWA Rumors v1.b3 by Soul Rebel [PWA] Ŀ
                                 Yet another  PCBoard PPE for  those ever 
                                 popular rumors/oneliners.   This one has 
                                 on  the fly PCBoard color code interpre- 
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwa_2dul21.zip    8491 08-05-2024       Full Screen Upload PPE v2.1
                                  _: ____ .  __ _:_ __  __ _:_       
                                __/:i  . `\`i  I\:/I  i(  `\: Ven!`\__
                                __/^|  |>  )|  | Y |  |.`\  `\'(c)`\__
                                __/^|  '  /^|  l/^\l  |.--.\  `\^\`\__
                                __/^|   /'/^|  `   '  |l  l/`\  `\`\__
                                __/^  | |/^   /^\     ` /.`\  `\ _
                                -oO Pirates With Attitudes Present Oo-
                                              By: Liquid Flesh         
pwa_aa1.zip     6305 08-05-2024                                     
                                        A Group            
                                         That Gives          
                                         Less Than          
                                              A Fuck.          
                                smashes again with ...
                                -[ ASKALL PPE V0.1 by DRIZZT/PWA ]-
                                -[ FIND OUT WHAT UR USERS THINK! ]-
                                -[       FIX & SPEEDUP !!!       ]-
                                -* SCIMITAR * -- Spreader *-
pwa_cmr1.zip    8420 08-05-2024  PWA Custom Read Mail PPE v1.0 Ŀ
                                 Replacement for the Read Mail Command in 
                                  PCBoard. Features Lightbars, Hotkeys    
                                 and Configurable Ansi. Source Included!  
                                  ... another PPE by Mass Murderer [PWA]  
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwa_fr10.zip   49092 08-05-2024 PWA-FR Files-Reverse v1.0 by Mass Murderer
                                   View the Newest Files Uploaded First!  
                                 Features : Multiple Conferences, Hotkeys 
                                   File Numbering, Seperators, and more!  
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwa_log1.zip    5067 08-05-2024                                     
                                        A Group            
                                         That Gives          
                                         Less Than          
                                              A Fuck.          
                                smashes again with ...
                                -[ LOGON PPE V0.1 by DRIZZT/PWA ]-
                                -[SEND MSG TO ALL USERS AT LOGIN]-
                                -[    FIX & MORE OPTIONS !!!    ]-
                                -* SCIMITAR * -- Spreader *-
pwa_nsp1.zip    5042 08-05-2024  PWA New-Scan Pro-PC v1.0 Ŀ
                                 Ami/X styled new  file scan PPE for PCB! 
                                 Scan options features todays, yesterday, 
                                 weekly, and even user adjustable in real 
                                 time.  Source code included!             
pwa_nsp2.zip   23725 08-05-2024 PWA New-Scan Pro-PC v2.0 by Mass Murderer!
                                 Ami/X styled new  file scan PPE for PCB! 
                                 Major Improvement over v1.0! New options 
                                 include user  color configurations which 
                                 are saved, and 23 line FILE_ID.DIZ lists 
                                 which  get chopped, exactly  like Ami/X! 
                                 As always  the source code  is included! 
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwa_pw10.zip   11408 08-05-2024  Password Snooper v1.0 [ by Copyright ]Ŀ
                                  View what the user is typing for their  
                                   otherwise dot-echoed password.  100%   
                                   configurable from colors to strings.   
                                 pwa    PIRATES  WITH  ATTITUDES    pwa 
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwa_r1b3.zip   13309 08-05-2024  PWA Rumors v1.b3 by Soul Rebel [PWA] Ŀ
                                 Yet another  PCBoard PPE for  those ever 
                                 popular rumors/oneliners.   This one has 
                                 on  the fly PCBoard color code interpre- 
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
pwa_ul21.zip    8491 08-05-2024       Full Screen Upload PPE v2.1
                                  _: ____ .  __ _:_ __  __ _:_       
                                __/:i  . `\`i  I\:/I  i(  `\: Ven!`\__
                                __/^|  |>  )|  | Y |  |.`\  `\'(c)`\__
                                __/^|  '  /^|  l/^\l  |.--.\  `\^\`\__
                                __/^|   /'/^|  `   '  |l  l/`\  `\`\__
                                __/^  | |/^   /^\     ` /.`\  `\ _
                                -oO Pirates With Attitudes Present Oo-
                                              By: Liquid Flesh         
readydl.zip     9494 08-05-2024  ReadyD/L v1.0 [  By: Vsonary  ]Ŀ
                                 PPE With Lightbars for downloading files 
                                 after you have flagged them!  An original
                                 and great looking PPE which saves times  
                                 and automatic installation!  FREEWARE!   
                                       PIRATES WITH ATTITUDE - PWA        
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
testpwa.zip     1752 08-05-2024  Pirate's With Attitude Present Ŀ
                                 TESTPPE.PPE               WRITTEN BY KNOX
                                 TEST PPE'S IN YOUR PPE-PATH              
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
vig_2dac10.zip    6577 08-05-2024  Application Center v1.0 for PCBoard Ŀ
                                 Have  people fill  out applications  for 
                                 thing else  you can think  of using this 
                                 100% configurable Light-Bar PPE.         
vig_2dlt10.zip   48682 08-05-2024   LogTame v1.0 for PCBoard 15.x  Ŀ
                                 Utility to keep the size of your CALLERx 
                                 logs under  control!  Slap this  into an 
                                 event and specify how many days worth of 
                                 logging you want to keep.                
                                 Coded by Vigilante for PWA               
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
vig_2dpc10.zip   60949 08-05-2024  ProVote Colors - InfoForms for ProVote Ŀ
                                 Here  are  the stock  ProVote  InfoForms 
                                 done up  in 7  different  color schemes. 
                                 Use the one that matches your BBS!       
vig_2dpm11.zip   42146 08-05-2024  ProMatrix v1.1 PPE for PCBoard v15.21 Ŀ
                                 The ultimate Light Bar Matrix, extremely 
                                 configurable,  reliable,  backdoor-free, 
                                 bug-free, maintenance  free, and feature 
                                 packed.  New features/enhancments/fixes. 
                                 Coded by: Vigilante of [PWA]    06/13/95 
                                    ߱  ߲   
                                      ߱   ܱ 
                                        ߱   ܱ߱޲ ߱ܲ 
                                 ߱  ߲߱  ߱ 
vig_2dpv12.zip  111683 08-05-2024  ProVote v1.2 PPE for PCBoard v15.1 Ŀ
                                 NEW UPDATE to the most popular New User  
                                 Voting PPE!  A few bugs quellished, and  
                                 a few features added.         Free Reg!  
vig_2dwp10.zip    4407 08-05-2024  Wacko Prompt v1.0 for PCBoard v15.1 Ŀ
                                 Finally, the  much-requested  SLAM ENTER 
                                 prompt seen on my BBS.  This is the most 
                                 unique animated pause prompt to date.    
vscandir.zip    2749 08-05-2024 [ ScanDirectories  By: Vsonary ]Ŀ
                                 PCBOARD 15.1 PPE That improves majorly   
                                 the searching of the different file dirs.
                                 Fast & Looks GREAT!  Check it out now!!! 

                Area 84 - PCBoard PPEs S-Z                

d2a100.zip     39022 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      Dir.Lst  Ascii v1.00      ۲
                                 This program will allow a sysop to take a 
                                 DIR.LST and convert it to straight Ascii. 
                                 The program will then convert it back to  
                                 the DIR.LST format.   Freeware            
d2a130.zip     40184 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      Dir.Lst  Ascii v1.30      ۲
                                 This program will allow a sysop to take a 
                                 DIR.LST and convert it to straight Ascii. 
                                 The program will then convert it back to  
                                 the DIR.LST format.   Freeware!           
dailyfls.zip    7373 08-05-2024 PPL source and executable to set 
                                up downloads of files that are added
                                daily with the date as part of the
                                file name.  Freeware.
databox.zip   131467 08-05-2024 =========== DATAOX v2.00 ===========
                                A complete PPE file system that allows
                                you to send files to the users on your
                                BBS while your online or offline.
                                Send to an individual user, a certain
                                security level or all your users.
                                          COMPLETE RE_WRITE!          
                                          PCBoard 15.2x PPE
                                      (C)1995 Equinox Software
da_21stats.zip    8581 08-05-2024 CoMMaND RePLaCe WiTh a LiGHTBaR
da_stats.zip    9143 08-05-2024 CoMMaND RePLaCe WiTh a LiGHTBaR
dbm18.zip      25315 08-05-2024 Deluxe Bulletin Menu v1.8.  The next
                                add on to 4D's Conference menu!  This
                                is what most people have been asking
                                me for, so here it is!  The best
                                bulletin menu PPE available for
                                PCBoard users.  Multi-Lang, Color
                                configurable, easy to setup and
dcall24.zip    26978 08-05-2024 DELUXE CALLERS v2.4; The Best 'last callers'
                                Utility. For PCBOARD 15.0! A simple .PPE to
                                use. Installs in just a few minutes. SysOps,
                                surprise your users with a last callers list
                                that has an *amazing* look!. Can be used at
                                logon and/or in blt.
dclaim10.zip    4410 08-05-2024    DCLAIM v1.00: DISCLAIMER Display PPE
                                 compiled with PPLC 2.0 for PCBoard v15.1+
                                  FREEWARE!  An expansion on other PPE's
                                  that will display a disclaimer to a user.
                                  DCLAIM will also adjust user security to
                                  a definable level if answer is NO. Prompt
                                  is configurable and will also allow you
                                  to display a definable file to users who
                                  answer NO. Allows you to weed out the 
                                  losers. Will also log the response typed,
                                  maybe helping with that entrapment law-
                                  suit. ENJOY!!!!!!!!!  
dcm35.zip      38347 08-05-2024 Deluxe Conference Menu v3.5.  Now
                                supporting the new 60 character long
                                conference names in PCBoard 15.2+!
                                This PPE has been clearely rated as
                                the best for handling your conference
                                needs!  Supports UNLIMITED numbers
                                of conferences and SORTS!  Security
                                specific nets, FAST! setup. Requires
                                PCBoard 15.2+ and EMS memory.
dd149.zip       6236 08-05-2024 '149'pcb Prompt replacement
ddcmd.zip       7946 08-05-2024 CMD.LST VIEWER PPE
ddescr10.zip    3475 08-05-2024 *** DoorDescribe! PPE v1.0***
                                Not enough room on your door menu screen to
                                display descriptions? This will take care of
                                that for you. Descriptions up to 255
                                characters. Registration $10.00.
ddftp.zip       6653 08-05-2024 'FTP'Site LIster PPE
ddm12.zip      26408 08-05-2024 Deluxe Door Menu v1.2.  The next add
                                on to 4D's Conference and Bulletin
                                menus!  This is what most people
                                have been asking me for, so here it
                                is!  The best door menu PPE available
                                for PCBoard users.  Multi-Lang, Color
                                configurable, easy to setup and
                                maintain.  PCBoard 15.2+
ddnlogf.zip     7777 08-05-2024   <>   DARK NIGHT LOGOFF PPE   <>
                                THIS PPE GIVES YOUR USERS A POWERFUL
                                 WAY TO LEAVE YOUR BOARD. LETS THEM
                                 LEAVE A MESSAGE ON THE WALL FOR ALL
                                TO SEE. ANIMATED PPE WITH GREAT GFX!
ddoor22.zip    25711 08-05-2024 DDoor 2.2 PPE by Joseph Sheppard for
                                PCBoard 15.1. Allows callers to open another
                                door rather than returning Main Board Command
                                Prompt. Registration allows callers to stack
                                several door commands. Faster and Easier to
                                install than before because it's completely
                                rewritten with the PCBoard Programing
                                Language!  This Release runs from the Display
                                Command file PREOPEN rather than replacing
                                the OPEN and DOOR command for easier
                                installation and more reliability.
ddread.zip     10624 08-05-2024 'R'ead Mail Menu replacement
ddscan.zip      6876 08-05-2024 'S'can for Mail Prompt replacement
ddsysop.zip    10712 08-05-2024 'SYSOP'pcb Prompts replacement
dds_2dpage.zip    5979 08-05-2024 Sysop Pager which
                                has the possibility to
                                send a short line to
                                the user to state why
                                you don't want to chat.
                                For use with PCB15.1+.
                                SOURCE included.
dds_2dpssf.zip    6933 08-05-2024             PSSF.PPE v1.05
                                PPE to make it easier to send files to
                                your users. Files can either be flagged
                                or send immediatly using Zmodem.
dds_page.zip    5979 08-05-2024 Sysop Pager which
                                has the possibility to
                                send a short line to
                                the user to state why
                                you don't want to chat.
                                For use with PCB15.1+.
                                SOURCE included.
defs.zip       11960 08-05-2024 @X04Ŀ@X07                 
                                @X04@X07 @X04 @X0F @X04  @X0FDEFS V1.0@X07   
                                @X04@X07 @X0F       @X08bY :@X0F      @X07
                                @X04@X07 @X0F @X07 @X0FThe Gatekeeper@X07    
                                @X04|@X07                   @X04@X07         
                                 @X08 Definitions Lister@X07                  
                                @X04@X08 for PCBoard 15.22 @X07              
                                @X08   @X07                 @X04|@X07         
                                @X04@X07 @X08 101% SKANK PPEZ@X07            
delay10.zip     3662 08-05-2024 ķ
                                          << DISPLAY DELAY v1.0 >>        
                                    Display Delay is a PCBoard 15.1 PPE   
                                    that can be used to delay displays.   
                                    This is done with a Timer Bar.  All   
                                   delays and colors are definable. This  
                                     is a SOLITUDE BBS FREEWARE file.     
delay30a.zip  251923 08-05-2024 = CONFERENCE MENU SYSTEM v1.10/PCBoard 15.2 =
                                The professional choice! Now enhance your
                                PCBoard conference area with CMS! Conference
                                categorization; Sort conferences with a
                                "flick!" of a switch; Multi-lingual abili-
                                ties; Sysop-Defined conference names; Install
                                program; Quick/Easy configuration that looks
                                and feels like PCBSETUP.EXE; Enhanced ANSI
                                with "li
delstcal.zip    9206 08-05-2024 ͸ 
                                 Devastation Enterprises Software  
                                This .PPE will display a list of the last  
                                five callers to your board. Includes alias 
                                support and lets you define security to be 
                                left out of display. The easiest .PPE you  
                                will ever setup. Creates all files on the  
                                fly no need to go to DOS and edit files.   
dent10_2d1.zip   12593 08-05-2024            MSi & NME Merge to form
                                               *** DENEREX ***
                                          A Division of  Dead NeXuS
                                Releasing the WaReZ that make yer head tingle
                                                 - PRESENT -
                                 SUB10 Top 10 Uploaders/Downloader PPE *FIX*
                                  This will correct the Top 10 Downloaders
                                    portion of this great graphical PPE
                                   that all the spiff boards are runnin'
                                            Fix by : Bob Newhart
                                      Decompiled Source for SUB10.PPE
                                    And Original Source for MYTOP10.PPE
                                                are included.
                                The prior release of DENTOP10.ZIP would only
                                  run on boards with plenty of memory free.
                                This version will run on any board that SUB10
                                 normally ran on.  That enough in the DIZ?
depo10.zip      8687 08-05-2024 The Depository [PPE] - Version 1.0
                                A great Time Bank application for
                                your PCBoard 15.0 System. Easy to
                                install. Highly configurable. Sysop
                                may view/modify accounts. Full Multi-
                                Language. Uses the PPLC 2.0 TPA-routines
                                to save its data. A MUST have for each
                                PCBoard Sysop.
depo10b.zip     9183 08-05-2024 The Time Bank [PPE] - Version 1.0b
                                A great Time Bank application for
                                your PCBoard 15.0 System. Easy to
                                install. Highly configurable. Sysop
                                may view/modify accounts. Full Multi-
                                Language. Uses the PPLC 2.0 TPA-routines
                                to save its data. A MUST have for each
                                PCBoard Sysop.
                                ** FIXED a bug with TPA handling ***
depos102.zip   69302 08-05-2024 The Depository Bank v1.02 [PPE]             :
                                This PPE is written exclusively for PCBoard :
                                version 15.x. The purpose of this PPE is to :
                                allow your users to bank TIME or BYTES and  :
                                to recover them when needed. It will also   :
                                allow the user to exchange the saved time   :
                                for bytes or bytes for time. No maintenance :
                                is required by the Sysop once the PPE is    :
                                installed.        Registration: $15.00      :
depos111.zip   79955 08-05-2024 The Depository Bank v1.11 [PPE]             :
                                Winner of the 1995 PCBoard Favorite Add-On  :
                                Contest as Best Shareware PPE!              :
                                This PPE is written exclusively for PCBoard :
                                version 15.2x. The purpose of this PPE is to:
                                allow your users to bank TIME or BYTES and  :
                                to recover them when needed. It will also   :
                                allow the user to exchange the saved time   :
                                for bytes or bytes for time. No maintenance :
                                is required by the Sysop once installed.    :
detect13.zip    5263 08-05-2024 @X0FAnsi Detect PPE v1.3
                                Coded By Marcus Holmes
                                @X07A MPP Production 1996
                                @X08@X07This PPE will automatically
                                Answer the graphics question
                                when someone logs on. Totally
                                recoded for PCBoard v15.3 but will
                                work with all 15.x versions!
dfart01.zip   342349 08-05-2024     ./\______  ________  ______/\.
                                   ./   __   \/   _____\/   __   \.
                                  ./     /_  /\___    \/     /_  /.
                                :[Dark Society of Destruction]:
                                 - --- -------  ---- -- --- -- ---
                                : [VGA]                     [VGA] :
                                .         DSD-ARTPACK01           :
                                :     Nice little SVGA PACK       .
                                       4 pictures incl.          :
                                :      REZ: up to 800x600         ;
                                :         By DonFun             
                                 - ---- --- -- ----- --- ------- -
                                  Release Date [04/09/97] 
                                 - ------ ------ -- ---- - --- ---
dfrp10.zip      5464 08-05-2024  Ŀ
                                ۺDWF Productions Ltd. presents:            
                                ۺ  DF-RUNPPE v1.0 - A must have utility    
                                ۺ    for SysOps and PPE developers alike.  
                                ۺ    This intuitive PPE remembers which    
                                ۺ    programs you have had it run before   
                                ۺ    and automatically provides those as   
                                ۺ    choices on the main menu.  Very       
                                ۺ    clean and requires almost no setup.   
                                ۺ    can be used to provide users access   
                                ۺ    to PPEs which have not been added to  
                                ۺ    menus or CMD.LST files.               
df_21kick.zip    2201 08-05-2024 DF!-KiCK v1.0 [PPE]
                                KCK D U$R UT TRSH-GRTR
df_21nfsv1.zip   11839 08-05-2024 NFSCAN V1.0 - COOL NEWFILESCAN PPE
df_21oms10.zip    6902 08-05-2024 DF!-OMS v1.0 [PPE] for PCBoard 15.2x
df_21smv1.zip   15184 08-05-2024      SYSOPMENU V1.0
                                COOL SYSOPMENU 
df_21wri10.zip    5717 08-05-2024 DF!WRITE v1.0b [PPE] for PCBoard 15.2x
df_kick.zip     2763 08-05-2024 DF!-KiCK v1.0 [PPE]
                                KCK D U$R UT TRSH-GRTR
df_oms10.zip    7464 08-05-2024 DF!-OMS v1.0 [PPE] for PCBoard 15.2x
df_wri10.zip    6279 08-05-2024 DF!WRITE v1.0b [PPE] for PCBoard 15.2x
dg_2dansvp.zip    2287 08-05-2024 ANSI-VIEW PPE FOR PCB SYSTEMS
dg_ansvp.zip    2849 08-05-2024 ANSI-VIEW PPE FOR PCB SYSTEMS
dhimc102.zip   22211 08-05-2024 IMC v1.02  - Internet Message Center    
                                From ~Dragonhead Software~: A PCBoard PPE    
                                that allows user to post a properly formatted
                                internet e-mail message and send it through  
                                your local UUCP gateway. Also has automated  
                                net-mail functions for sysops who are tired  
                                of typing in modifers. Comes with address    
                                book and can start a message automatically   
                                This PPE is one of a kind.. Check it out!!
                                Shareware by Ray Khechen
dhlotto.zip     5259 08-05-2024 --------------------------------
                                DHLOTTO.PPE: Lottery Quick Pick
                                Based on the California Lottery
                                Includes Quick Picks For Super
                                Lotto, Fantasy Five, and The
                                Hot Spot. Check it Out! 
                                Another PPE For PCBoard 15.x by;
                                Dragonhead Software. Freeware by
                                Ray Khechen
didzip1.zip     5756 08-05-2024 DIDZIP1.ppe. A modification of VOC's
                                Zippy Reminder 2. Reminds a user to
                                do a ZIPPY Scan BEFORE ULing. A Banana
                                Republic PPE. Source included (as always).
                                By: Francis "gorilla" Amato. 1:2619/222.
                                516-242-4412. FREEWARE!
dirlist.zip     7450 08-05-2024 @X1EĿ@X07
                                @X1EDIRLIST.PPE 4 PCBOARD 15.1 @X07
                                @X1EAn ANSI/arrow key/menu bar @X07
                                @X1Euser interface to your DIR @X07
                                @X1Efiles. Many features and   @X07
                                @X1Every configurable. Supports@X07
                                @X1Eup to 512 directories. Easy@X07
                                @X1Eto install and a *MUST SEE*@X07
dirlist2.zip    7450 08-05-2024 @X1EĿ@X07
                                @X1EDIRLIST.PPE 4 PCBOARD 15.1 @X07
                                @X1EAn ANSI/arrow key/menu bar @X07
                                @X1Euser interface to your DIR @X07
                                @X1Efiles. Many features and   @X07
                                @X1Every configurable. Supports@X07
                                @X1Eup to 512 directories. Easy@X07
                                @X1Eto install and a *MUST SEE*@X07
dirmkr20.zip   19882 08-05-2024  DIRMaker v2.0 
                                Written by  Edward E. Braiter,  this program
                                will generate DIR type file for PCBoard 14.x
                                & 15.x from a directory  that contains arch-
                                ives.  Now has two modes  and numerous minor
                                enhancements.  Released on November 1, 1993.
dir_2dl.zip     4243 08-05-2024 DIR-L -=[PPE]=- Simple PPE that will replace
                                PCBTEXT Record #326 ("(@optext@) not found on
                                disk!") and will allow the user to search
                                through your file areas for the specified
                                filename. From Whitewater Technologies, Inc.
                                         - Source Code Included -
dispwh11.zip    3639 08-05-2024 Gary Meaker's Original Dispwhen.PPE modified
                                to select what baud rates you want to show
                                the 'file' to as well as the other original
                                settings. Thanks Gary for the original 'free
                                source code.'.
dispwhen.zip    3886 08-05-2024 DispWhen.PPE 1.0 - Display any text file
                                based on Callers Security Level, Time of
                                Day or Day of Week. Use in PCBText entries
                                or any text file displayed to User. With
                                Source file.
djblt110.zip    3974 08-05-2024           -=[ DJBLT 1.10 ]=-
                                Tired of making bulletin menus everytime
                                you want to add a new bulletin? Then
                                this utility is for you! Makes a sharp
                                looking bulletin menu on the fly! And
                                it's fast! Not crippled in any way!
                                -> Now supports up to 999 bulletins! <-
                                PCBoard 15.1+ PPE.
                                Written by: David Muench and Jim Erck.
dlbgin_4.zip   10155 08-05-2024 @X09          C    R  A  N  G  E  R
                                @X0FThis ZIP includes:
                                @X0DDLBGIN_R.PPE, ULBGIN_R.PPE and BATCH_R
                                @X0CTHIS IS AN UPDATE TO DLBGIN_R.ZIP
                                @X0FTHese PPE's replace boring prompts in
                                PCBTEXT #550 #474 #551 which you see right
                                before U/L or D/L.  Check em OUT!!!!!
dlinfo11.zip    5690 08-05-2024 DLINFO.PPE v1.01; PCBoard v15.0  [PPE]
                                program to replace your prompts  159, 669,
                                670, 674, 675  to enhance user information
                                when they don't have enough download bytes
                                remaining or would exceed limits/ratios.
dlogon30.zip    7174 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 DLogon.PPE by Mauricio Pineda v3.0 
                                 Allow your users to download files
                                 before fully loggin onto your board.
                                 Great PPE for software creators
                                 that allow testdrive versions to be
                                 downloaded as FREE files.
                                 Now allows users to leave a message
                                 with built in full screen editor.
                                  ***External Protocol Required***
dlpcb201.zip   32469 08-05-2024  DlastPCB  is a  last-caller  program
                                written  specifically  for  PCBoard, and
                                provides  a  real-time update of callers
                                via an  autologin door. Logs Name, City,
                                Node#,  Baud, Time, Security level,  and
                                total  Calls  to  system.  Uses @X color
                                codes.  Quick and  Simple  installation.
                                SysOp-configurable  colors, configurable
                                message `Banner' in header. Ver 2.01 
dlprm101.zip   12752 08-05-2024 [PPE] DLPROMPT v1.01 -- Replacement for
                                the "Filename to download (Enter)=None?"
                                prompt.  Replaces single line prompt with
                                full-screen display showing last five
                                files in batch.
dlsec.zip       7486 08-05-2024  DLSEC.PPE v1.0 ͸
                                 DLSEC.PPE will display a       
                                 message to your user before    
                                 a download session starts.  It 
                                 can display a different message
                                 for different security levels. 
                                      Software Kitchen BBS      
dlst10.zip     13247 08-05-2024 THE FILE DIRECTORY LIST PPE VERSION 1.0
                                DIRLST.PPE creates DIR menus file on-the-fly
                                with minimal fuss. Eliminates the need for
                                making and updating DIR menu files. Allows
                                users to selectively download file listings.
                                Works hand-in-hand with PCBoard seamlessly.
                                Language sensitive. Menus and prompts can be
                                edited. Shareware by QIS.
dltim1.zip      4276 08-05-2024      DOWNLOAD.PPE   Version 1.0
                                Download will enable you to restrict 
                                users  from  downloading files for a
                                definable  amount  of time dependent 
                                on their security  level.   Good for 
                                getting those  freeby  users  who do 
                                nothing  more  than  log on and grab 
                                whatever they can. 
                                   BY EUS SOFTWARE (416) 770-7339
dma_2dwall.zip   13802 08-05-2024                                   )\
                                 ___________  /\_________________( /______
                                _\__  \ ___/\/  \  ___/___  _/  ________  |
                                |  /   _/\ \/   \ _/\     /   \  | /    l
                                l_____\____\||_______\__\ /\___l__|  l__|
                                %      Small Wall v1.O for pcboard        %
                                %  (same as seen on amiga/daydream bbs's) %
                                %     source code included, as always     %
                                %                                         %
                                %           [ Vladimir / DMA ]            %
                                 (---- went trough holland's bbs no.one ----)
dmn_wb10.zip    6747 08-05-2024 WHO'S BEST 1.0 PPE
dmsppe1.zip    21046 08-05-2024 Collection  of custom prompts for PCBoard
                                v.15.1 & 15.2. Features include lite-bar
                                prompts, online and context-sensitive help,
                                and support for GRAPH, ANSI, and CTTY modes.
                                This set contains:
                                   - End of Message command
                                   - More prompt
                                   - Scan mail prompt
                                   - New mail prompt
                                   - replacement command line prompt
                                   - replacement menu line prompt
                                Prompts are clean, free of copyright and
                                author displays. Developed by Data Management
                                Systems and tested with The File Bank BBS in
                                Fallbrook, CA. PPS source available.
dmsppe1a.zip   25196 08-05-2024 DMSPPE1A - update to DMSPPE1.
                                Collection #1 of custom prompts for PCBoard
                                v.15.1 & 15.2. Features include lite-bar
                                prompts, online and context-sensitive help,
                                and support for GRAPH, ANSI, and CTTY modes.
                                This set contains:
                                - End of Message command w/flag of
                                of attached files
                                - More prompt
                                - Scan mail prompt
                                - New mail prompt
                                - replacement command line prompt
                                - replacement menu line prompt
                                - forced Expert on / menus off
                                Prompts are clean, free of copyright and
                                author displays. Developed by Data Management
                                Systems and tested with The File Bank BBS in
                                Fallbrook, CA. PPS source available.
dmsppe1b.zip   29232 08-05-2024 DMSPPE1B - v.1.0b update to DMSPPE1.
                                Collection #1 of custom prompts for PCBoard
                                v.15.1 & 15.2. Features include lite-bar
                                prompts, online and context-sensitive help,
                                and support for GRAPH, ANSI, and CTTY modes.
                                This set contains:
                                - Multi-menu, scrolling End of Message
                                - More prompt
                                - Scan mail prompt
                                - New mail prompt
                                - replacement command line prompt
                                - replacement menu line prompt
                                - forced Expert on / menus off
                                Prompts are clean, free of copyright and
                                author displays. Developed by Data Management
                                Systems and tested with The File Bank BBS in
                                Fallbrook, CA. PPS source available.
dmsppe1c.zip   28452 08-05-2024 DMSPPE1C - v.1.0c update to DMSPPE1B.
                                Collection #1 of custom prompts for PCBoard
                                v.15.1 & 15.2x. Features include lite-bar
                                prompts, online and context-sensitive help,
                                and support for GRAPH, ANSI, and CTTY modes.
                                This set contains:
                                - Multi-menu, scrolling End of Message
                                - More prompt
                                - Scan mail prompt
                                - New mail prompt
                                - replacement command line prompt
                                - replacement menu line prompt
                                - forced Expert on / menus off
                                Prompts are clean, free of copyright and
                                author displays. Developed by Data Management
                                Systems and tested with The File Bank BBS in
                                Fallbrook, CA. PPS source available.
dmsup101.zip    5938 08-05-2024 DMSUPMSG v1.01 - A PPE utility that allows
                                PCBoard 15.x SysOps to display a message
                                to users before they are allowed to
                                upload a file.  Ideal for explaining
                                policies and rules for the uploading of
                                files to your BBS.  By James M. Laszko.
                                First in a series of new releases from
                                Data Management Systems.
dmsup10u.zip    5938 08-05-2024 DMSUPMSG v1.01 - A PPE utility that allows
                                PCBoard 15.x SysOps to display a message
                                to users before they are allowed to
                                upload a file.  Ideal for explaining
                                policies and rules for the uploading of
                                files to your BBS.  By James M. Laszko.
                                First in a series of new releases from
                                Data Management Systems.
dn_email.zip    2782 08-05-2024 This Is  Graphic Message & EMail PPE
                                This PPE Makes Entering Public &
                                Private Messages VERY Simple, With
                                Kick Ass Grafix.  EMail Menu Can Be
                                Changed To Suit Your Needs.
doa_21entr.zip    2111 08-05-2024 [PRESS ENTER PROMPT]
doa_21upt.zip   20619 08-05-2024 UPLOAD PROCESSOR PPE 1.0
                                LIKE TERMINATE's ZMODEM!
doa_uinf.zip   18808 08-05-2024 @X0F  _/\____    __/\_  _/\___/\_
                                  \___.  \sM/  _  \ \_  ____/
                                  /   |   \/   |   \/   _   \
                                 /    :    \   :    \   |    \
                                 \_____    /____    /___|    /
                                      \___/    \___/    \___/
                                (------> DEAD OR ALiVE <------)
                                      CHANGE-USER-INFO PPE
                                     THE BEST C-U-I PPE!!!!
                                -------- iRO PLNET -------Ŀ
                                 9  7  2  3  5  3  3  6  7  0  4 
doa_ulst.zip    6153 08-05-2024   _/\____    __/\_  _/\___/\_
                                  \___.  \sM/  _  \ \_  ____/
                                  /   |   \/   |   \/   _   \
                                 /    :    \   :    \   |    \
                                 \_____    /____    /___|    /
                                      \___/    \___/    \___/
                                (------> DEAD OR ALiVE <------)
                                        USER LISTER PPE
                                -------- iRO PLNET -------Ŀ
                                 9  7  2  3  5  3  3  6  7  0  4 
doddv20.zip    44977 08-05-2024 DODViEW v2.0 [PPE] - LARSULRICH
dodmmp32.zip   95760 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 MEGAMATRiXPROv3.2 - New improved version
                                 of the powerfullest matrix in the world! 
                                 Added pcbprot.bat analize routine, impro-
                                 ved upload processor, etc!  - LU
dodmmp50.zip  137393 08-05-2024 MEGAMATRIX PRO 5.0 -PPE-
dodnew11.zip   24878 08-05-2024 [DOD] Amiga Express Style New User PPE [DOD]
                                Features Acronym Checking (VERY EFFECTIVE!)
                                totally configurable.. exact copy of the 
                                Amiga Origonal, leaves message to sysop so
                                you dont have to del all those crappy acct's
                                This one is worth checking out! -Viper Krynn
                                 _______________ ____________ ____________
                                 \_    ___      \_  ___      \   ___      \_
                                _/      l/       /  l/       /    l/       /
                                \______ /       /   /       /____ /       /|
                                (*) Dr i n k   O r   D i e  [ 9 5 ] (*)
                                 Brought to you by RTS Couriers 
dod_2d8prt.zip    2895 08-05-2024 EIGHT ANIMATED PROMTS
                                FOR "HIT ENTER.." PPE
dod_2dao10.zip    4115 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 iMPERiALANSiONLY v1.o: Ami/X and PC/X  
                                 stylish Ansi only mode..If you like them 
                                 you need to setup this one to your PCB!  
dod_2dbigd.zip   10198 08-05-2024 BIGDOS (tm) v1.0 -[PPE]-
dod_2ddl10.zip   14373 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 DEADLOGiNv1.o - Very nice pack which   
                                 contains a LOGIN, ONELINERand LASTCAL- 
                                 LERSppe. Simple installation and pretty 
                                 gfx interface make this pack awesome! -DR
dod_2ddl1c.zip   16037 08-05-2024                           
                                     ܲ               ܲ     
                                 ܱ  ߲۲ܱ Ŀ
                                pdx .  ߲۲ܰ ܱ  ۲ܰ .:
                                  ۰  ۲    ߲ް  ۲ 
                                   ۱   ݰ  ۲ޱ    Ŀ
                                : ߲ ۲   ޲۲ ۲   ޲ .:
                                   ۲۲ ܲ    ۲۲ ܲ 
                                 ۲۲  ܲ       ߰۲۲   Ŀ
                                :        ۱߰   DoD         ۲߰    :
                                :.            PPEDivision            .:
                                 DEADLOGiNv1.o - Very nice pack which   
                                 contains a LOGIN, ONELINERand LASTCAL- 
                                 LERSppe. Simple installation and pretty 
                                 gfx interface make this pack awesome! -DR
                                 Brought to you by RTS Couriers 
                                [[[[[[[[[ CRACKED BY -=LiMPY=- ]]]]]]]]]]]]]
dod_2decom.zip    4281 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 ENTERCOMMAND- small PPE that will help 
                                 you simply to enter command in command   
                                 string - PPLC 2.0                        
dod_2dlt10.zip    5658 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 LASTTRANSFERSv1.o: Nice Ul/Dl list of  
                                 few last callers. For PCBoard 15.2+...   
dod_2dmm31.zip   49152 08-05-2024 
dod_2dmr10.zip    3079 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 MAILREADER v1.0 - Simple mail reader w/ 
                                 nice ansi support..Much better than a    
                                 original PCBoard one.  -DR 
dod_2dnup.zip    6318 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 NUP v1.o: This is very cool NUPPPE...   
                                 It will give various security levels to  
                                 callers depending on password they've    
                                 entered and many many more stuff...  -LU 
dod_2dpg10.zip   43186 08-05-2024 PAGE/CHAT v1.0 [PPE]
dod_2drand.zip    2909 08-05-2024 15 PPERandomizer - Useful ppe. The best one
                                among the other randomizers
dod_2dscrm.zip   11173 08-05-2024 Screamer (SYSOP PAGE) PPE 1.0
dod_2dslan.zip    6614 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 STATLAND v1.o - Configurable statistics  
                                 door with a nice File/Messages/Personal  
                                 information. Very easy to install into a 
                                 PCBoard and PC/x.  -DR 
dod_2dtl10.zip    5948 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 TURBOLOGONv1.o - Forum stylish new ver 
                                 of a TurboLogon. Simple to install and   
                                 fully coded on PPLC 3.o1 with all it's   
dod_2due12.zip    9829 08-05-2024                           
                                     ܲ               ܲ     
                                 ܱ  ߲۲ܱ Ŀ
                                pdx .  ߲۲ܰ ܱ  ۲ܰ .:
                                  ۰  ۲    ߲ް  ۲ 
                                   ۱   ݰ  ۲ޱ    Ŀ
                                : ߲ ۲   ޲۲ ۲   ޲ .:
                                   ۲۲ ܲ    ۲۲ ܲ 
                                 ۲۲  ܲ       ߰۲۲   Ŀ
                                :        ۱߰   DoD         ۲߰    :
                                :.            PPEDivision            .:
                                 USEREDiT 1.2g - will replace W command & 
                                 contains a Menu driven interface and all 
                                 options that user can edit. Hide passwrd 
                                 field and now with a conf selection - CT 
                                         -/PASSED THRU AMBIENTHAUZE\-      
dod_2dup32.zip   25176 08-05-2024                           
                                     ܲ               ܲ     
                                 ܱ  ߲۲ܱ Ŀ
                                pdx .  ߲۲ܰ ܱ  ۲ܰ .:
                                  ۰  ۲    ߲ް  ۲ 
                                   ۱   ݰ  ۲ޱ    Ŀ
                                : ߲ ۲   ޲۲ ۲   ޲ .:
                                   ۲۲ ܲ    ۲۲ ܲ 
                                 ۲۲  ܲ       ߰۲۲   Ŀ
                                :        ۱߰   DoD         ۲߰    :
                                :.            PPEDivision            .:
                                 LARSUPLOADPROCESSORv3.2 - New and im- 
                                 proved version of a powerfullest upload  
                                 processor for PCB. Now on PPLC 3.o1 with 
                                 a new LOGfile writing routine.  -LU 
                                 RiSC COURiERiNG '94!  
dod_2dus10.zip    4377 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 UPLOADSYSTEMv1.0 - Very nice 100% con- 
                                 figurable PPE to replace old and shitty  
                                 [U] function in PCBprompt. Many useful  
                                 options included..PPLC3.01.. - LU 
dod_2dusrs.zip   11042 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 USRSTAT v1.o - This utility will detect 
                                 the disconnect reason of users and write 
                                 it to log. Works fine with USRobotix and 
                                 compatible modems.                       
dod_2dwcom.zip    4278 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 WRONGCOMMAND - simple program that will 
                                 help you to edit users time coz of the   
                                 wrong command typing.                    
dod_dl10.zip   14930 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 DEADLOGiNv1.o - Very nice pack which   
                                 contains a LOGIN, ONELINERand LASTCAL- 
                                 LERSppe. Simple installation and pretty 
                                 gfx interface make this pack awesome! -DR
dod_lt10.zip    6215 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 LASTTRANSFERSv1.o: Nice Ul/Dl list of  
                                 few last callers. For PCBoard 15.2+...   
dod_mr10.zip    3636 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 MAILREADER v1.0 - Simple mail reader w/ 
                                 nice ansi support..Much better than a    
                                 original PCBoard one.  -DR 
dod_ns11.zip    6248 08-05-2024 NEW FILES SCAN 1.1 [PPE]
                                 SCAN ALL CONFERENCES!
dod_nup.zip     6875 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 NUP v1.o: This is very cool NUPPPE...   
                                 It will give various security levels to  
                                 callers depending on password they've    
                                 entered and many many more stuff...  -LU 
dod_pl10.zip    3916 08-05-2024 PPE LOADER v1.0. Best one ever for PCB!
dod_rand.zip    2967 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 15 PPERandomizer - Useful ppe. The best 
                                 one among the other randomizers. Now su- 
                                 pports up to 15 ppes... - DR 
dod_slan.zip    7171 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 STATLAND v1.o - Configurable statistics  
                                 door with a nice File/Messages/Personal  
                                 information. Very easy to install into a 
                                 PCBoard and PC/x.  -DR 
dod_sysg.zip    3281 08-05-2024 SYSGODS.PPE FOR MULTI-SYSOP COMMENT
dod_us10.zip    4377 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 UPLOADSYSTEMv1.0 - Very nice 100% con- 
                                 figurable PPE to replace old and shitty  
                                 [U] function in PCBprompt. Many useful  
                                 options included..PPLC3.01.. - LU 
donatb3a.zip    7127 08-05-2024 ============ DONATION ENCOURAGER ============
                                A freeware release of a product designed to
                                nag a caller to a free BBS to support the
                                BBS's day-to-day operation with a donation.
                                Requires: PCB 15.21+               [FREEWARE]
                                (c) 1995 OTSC, Inc.        Author: Mike Jones
                                ============== Version Beta-3 ===============
donate10.zip    8346 08-05-2024 ============ DONATION ENCOURAGER ============
                                A freeware release of a product designed to
                                nag a caller to a free BBS to support the
                                BBS's day-to-day operation with a donation.
                                Requires: PCB 15.21+               [FREEWARE]
                                (c) 1995 OTSC, Inc.        Author: Mike Jones
                                ================ Version 1.0 ================
doorgrp.zip     6473 08-05-2024 ͸ 
                                 Devastation Enterprises Software  
                                This .PPE replaces the OPEN  command. It   
                                lets you separate your Doors Menu into     
                                groups so that your users can quickly and  
                                easily locate a Door to run. No more       
                                looking through page after page of doors   
                                trying to locate to one you want to run.   
                                Great for boards with lots of doors.       
doorntro.zip   14436 08-05-2024  ͻ
                                 PCB15.3  ĴĿĴ 
                                 SMALL .PPE TO INTRO-  
                                 DUCE YOUR DOORS AREA  
                                 MAIN MENU . EASY SET- 
                                 UP NO CONFIGURATION   
                                 BEST OF ALL IT'S      
                                 FREEWARE W/GREAT      
                                 ANIMATION FROM KASA-  
doorone.zip    16874 08-05-2024 @X09
                                This is a replacement for your op,
                                & do commands. Allows for 30 doors
                                multible color menus, And online
                                editor. Try it out.
                                      TELECRAZY  SOFTWARE
doorunr.zip     4885 08-05-2024 @X4EĿ@X07
                                @X4EOPENDOOR.PPE 4 PCBOARD 15.1@X07
                                @X4EA beautifully designed PPE @X07
                                @X4Eto replace your DOOR menu. @X07
                                @X4EANSI support, cursor key,  @X07
                                @X4Eand menu bar support for up@X07
                                @X4Eto 78 doors or PPE's. Easy @X07
                                @X4Eto install and a *MUST SEE*@X07
dosjoke.zip     2778 08-05-2024 
downppe.zip     2303 08-05-2024 Download Stats - PCBoard 15.0 PPE
                                File to show the user their
                                upload/download stats before
                                beginning a download.
downstat.zip    3832 08-05-2024 @X09@X1F DownLoad Stats PPE
                                  @X07v1.00 Of This Really Nice Download
                                   Stats PPE. Will Show The Caller
                                  How Many Files They Have Uploaded
                                  And Downloaded, and The KBytes Of
                                  Each. Its FREEWARE, and SUPPORTED
                                        So Give It A Shot!
                                @X09@X1FFlorida Info
dpa_di11.zip    5379 08-05-2024  DiOXiNE iNFO V 1.10 PPE Ŀ
                                   - (W) COMMAND REPLACEMENT   
                                   - 100% CONFiGURABLE         
                                   - UNCRiPPLED FREEWARE       
dp_2dnws14.zip   29604 08-05-2024 [PPE] DeltaProductions NewsViewer  v.1.4
                                This is the  best News  file  viewer for
                                PCBoard 15.2+.  Fully  lightbar  driven,
                                very easy-to-use user interface with ma-
                                ny special features including adding and
                                deleting  news  bulletins.  Configurable
                                screens and security levels. Version 1.4
                                contains full screen editor, plug-in PPE
                                support and other cool features. [DP'97]
                                *** FULL PACKET WITH FILEFLAG PLUGIN ***
dsdal10.zip    11584 08-05-2024 $$$"~""$$$$"~"$$"~~"$$$$$
                                $$ $$$$$#g, ' ,g#"#g,  $$$$$#g, #$$
                                $$ $$$$ $$$l ;$$$  '$l $$$$ $$$l $$
                                $$ $$$$ $$$$  '$$##c.  $$$$ $$$$ $$
                                $$ $$$$ $$$$ cc,   yyy $$$$ $$$$ $$
                                $$ $$$$,$$$l $$$$,$$$$ $$$$,$$$l $$
                                $$ P"`"'' , "CcC"  P"`"'' ,$$
                                >-[ Dark Society of Destruction ]-<
                                :         aNTi lAMER v1.0         
                                `        '
                                  lAMER liSTER tO hELP yOU aND   
                                :  yOUR uZERS tO hOLD tRACK oFF   .
                                .  aLL lAMERZ oUT tHERE! uSE iT.  :
                                :  iT gOT a niCE aSCii aND sOME   .
                                .  cOOL eFFECTS.                  :
                                .      .
                                    [PPE] Coded By Devils Eye    
                                ` [Date  04-11-97] '
dsdalc10.zip    7177 08-05-2024 $$$"~""$$$$"~"$$"~~"$$$$$
                                $$ $$$$$#g, ' ,g#"#g,  $$$$$#g, #$$
                                $$ $$$$ $$$l ;$$$  '$l $$$$ $$$l $$
                                $$ $$$$ $$$$  '$$##c.  $$$$ $$$$ $$
                                $$ $$$$ $$$$ cc,   yyy $$$$ $$$$ $$
                                $$ $$$$,$$$l $$$$,$$$$ $$$$,$$$l $$
                                $$ P"`"'' , "CcC"  P"`"'' ,$$
                                >-[ Dark Society of Destruction ]-<
                                :      aNTi^lASTCALLEr^v1.0       
                                `        '
                                 yET aNOTHER PPE fROM Devils Eye 
                                :   aRTiST aND cODER fOR .:[dSD]:..
                                .  tHiS iS A lASTCALLEr wHiT sOME :
                                : cOOL aNSiz aND sOMe cOOL eFFEKTz:
                                . eNJOY tHiS aND lOOK oUT fOR mORE:
                                : cODiNg fROm tHe .:[dSD]:. gROUp .
                                .      .
                                    [PPE] Coded By Devils Eye    
                                ` [Date  15-11-97] '
dsdali11.zip   17006 08-05-2024 $$$"~""$$$$"~"$$"~~"$$$$$
                                $$ $$$$$#g, ' ,g#"#g,  $$$$$#g, #$$
                                $$ $$$$ $$$l ;$$$  '$l $$$$ $$$l $$
                                $$ $$$$ $$$$  '$$##c.  $$$$ $$$$ $$
                                $$ $$$$ $$$$ cc,   yyy $$$$ $$$$ $$
                                $$ $$$$,$$$l $$$$,$$$$ $$$$,$$$l $$
                                $$ P"`"'' , "CcC"  P"`"'' ,$$
                                >-[ Dark Society of Destruction ]-<
                                :         aNTi^liNER v1.1         
                                `        '
                                 yET aNOTHER PPE fROM Devils Eye 
                                :   aRTiST aND cODER fOR [DSD]    .
                                .  tHiS iS A oNELiNER wHiT sOME   :
                                : cOOL aNSi aND sOMe cOOL eFFEKTS.:
                                . eNJOY tHiS aND lOOK oUT fOR mORE:
                                .      .
                                    [PPE] Coded By Devils Eye    
                                ` [Date  15-11-97] '
dsdd2d10.zip    6498 08-05-2024     ./\______  ________  ______/\.
                                   ./   __   \/   _____\/   __   \.
                                  ./     /_  /\___    \/     /_  /.
                                :[Dark Society of Destruction]:
                                 - --- -------  ---- -- --- -- ---
                                : [PPE]                     [PPE] :
                                .          Drop2Dos v1.0          :
                                 this is a drop 2 dos ppe to put :
                                : as a "9" command in the cmd.lst ;
                                : with cool ansi and cool effects :
                                :        100% configurable        .
                                :        Coded By Zytron        
                                 - ---- --- -- ----- --- ------- -
                                  Release Date [03/07/97] 
                                 - ------ ------ -- ---- - --- ---
dsddup10.zip    6792 08-05-2024     ./\______  ________  ______/\.
                                   ./   __   \/   _____\/   __   \.
                                  ./     /_  /\___    \/     /_  /.
                                :[Dark Society of Destruction]:
                                 - --- -------  ---- -- --- -- ---
                                : [PPE]                     [PPE] :
                                .         DarkUpload v1.0         :
                                  Cool upload ppe with nice ansi :
                                :        Coded By Zytron        
                                 - ---- --- -- ----- --- ------- -
                                  Release Date [02/07/97] 
                                 - ------ ------ -- ---- - --- ---
dsdfoffm.zip   11466 08-05-2024     ./\______  ________  ______/\.
                                   ./   __   \/   _____\/   __   \.
                                  ./     /_  /\___    \/     /_  /.
                                :[Dark Society of Destruction]:
                                 - --- -------  ---- -- --- -- ---
                                : [PPE]                     [PPE] :
                                .         Fuck Off Matrix         :
                                  This is a cool logoff matrix   :
                                : with nice ansi & cool effects!  ;
                                :        Coded By Zoltar        
                                 - ---- --- -- ----- --- ------- -
                                  Release Date [02/07/97] 
                                 - ------ ------ -- ---- - --- ---
dsd_2ddapg.zip    7462 08-05-2024 $$$"~""$$$$"~"$$"~~"$$$$$
                                $$ $$$$$#g, ' ,g#"#g,  $$$$$#g, #$$
                                $$ $$$$ $$$l ;$$$  '$l $$$$ $$$l $$
                                $$ $$$$ $$$$  '$$##c.  $$$$ $$$$ $$
                                $$ $$$$ $$$$ cc,   yyy $$$$ $$$$ $$
                                $$ $$$$,$$$l $$$$,$$$$ $$$$,$$$l $$
                                $$ P"`"'' , "CcC"  P"`"'' ,$$
                                >-[ Dark Society of Destruction ]-<
                                :           DA PAGER v1.0         
                                `        '
                                 GREAt PAGER FOR PCBOARd         :
                                . USES iNTERNAL PAGEiNG HOURS.    .
                                : iNCL. EXtRA ASCii LAYOUt.       :
                                :  wHiT FADE EFFECTS! MUST HAVE!  .
                                .                                 :
                                .      .
                                    [PPE] Coded by SORDiD        
                                ` [Date  29-10-97] '
dsd_2ddj10.zip    6584 08-05-2024     ./\______  ________  ______/\.
                                   ./   __   \/   _____\/   __   \.
                                  ./     /_  /\___    \/     /_  /.
                                :[Dark Society of Destruction]:
                                 - --- -------  ---- -- --- -- ---
                                : [PPE]                     [PPE] :
                                .          DarkJoin v1.0          :
                                  This is a join conference ppe  :
                                : cool ansi & cool fading effects!;
                                :        Coded By Zytron        
                                 - ---- --- -- ----- --- ------- -
                                  Release Date [02/07/97] 
                                 - ------ ------ -- ---- - --- ---
dsd_2ddp10.zip   12203 08-05-2024     ./\______  ________  ______/\.
                                   ./   __   \/   _____\/   __   \.
                                  ./     /_  /\___    \/     /_  /.
                                :[Dark Society of Destruction]:
                                 - --- -------  ---- -- --- -- ---
                                : [PPE]                     [PPE] :
                                .         DarkPrompt v1.0         :
                                :                                 .
                                  This is a nice ppe to replace  :
                                :   your prompt with cool rumors  ;
                                :     fading over your screen!    .
                                :        Coded By Zytron        
                                 - ---- --- -- ----- --- ------- -
                                  Release Date [02/07/97] 
                                 - ------ ------ -- ---- - --- ---
dsd_2ddp11.zip   15853 08-05-2024     ./\______  ________  ______/\.
                                   ./   __   \/   _____\/   __   \.
                                  ./     /_  /\___    \/     /_  /.
                                :[Dark Society of Destruction]:
                                 - --- -------  ---- -- --- -- ---
                                : [PPE]                     [PPE] :
                                .         DarkPrompt v1.1         :
                                :                                 .
                                  This is a nice ppe to replace  :
                                :   your prompt with cool rumors  ;
                                :     fading over your screen!    .
                                :        Fixed small bug          :
                                .    now included : rumor adder   
                                :        Coded By Zytron        :
                                 - ---- --- -- ----- --- ------- -
                                  Release Date [14/08/97] 
                                 - ------ ------ -- ---- - --- ---
dsd_2demsg.zip   10281 08-05-2024 $$$"~""$$$$"~"$$"~~"$$$$$
                                $$ $$$$$#g, ' ,g#"#g,  $$$$$#g, #$$
                                $$ $$$$ $$$l ;$$$  '$l $$$$ $$$l $$
                                $$ $$$$ $$$$  '$$##c.  $$$$ $$$$ $$
                                $$ $$$$ $$$$ cc,   yyy $$$$ $$$$ $$
                                $$ $$$$,$$$l $$$$,$$$$ $$$$,$$$l $$
                                $$ P"`"'' , "CcC"  P"`"'' ,$$
                                >-[ Dark Society of Destruction ]-<
                                :       ENTER MESSAGE v1.0        
                                `        '
                                 tHiS eNTER mESSAGE PPE iS A mUST:
                                .  fOR aLL sYSOP'z rUNNiNG PCB!   .
                                :   iT's A liGHTBAR dRIVEN PPE    :
                                :  wHiT cOOL eFFECTS aND A VERY!  .
                                .  nICE ANSI.                     :
                                .      .
                                    [PPE] Coded by Devils Eye    
                                ` [Date  28-10-97] '
dsd_2dgfx.zip    6358 08-05-2024     ./\______  ________  ______/\.
                                   ./   __   \/   _____\/   __   \.
                                  ./     /_  /\___    \/     /_  /.
                                :[Dark Society of Destruction]:
                                 - --- -------  ---- -- --- -- ---
                                : [PPE]                     [PPE] :
                                .       DSD GFX Forcer v1.0       :
                                :                                 .
                                    Cool gfx forcer with nice    :
                                .   ansi. It Will display Some    !
                                :  system info and a sysop note.  ;
                                :        Coded By Zoltar        
                                 - ---- --- -- ----- --- ------- -
                                  Release Date [10/08/97] 
                                 - ------ ------ -- ---- - --- ---
dsd_2dline.zip   12563 08-05-2024 $$$"~""$$$$"~"$$"~~"$$$$$
                                $$ $$$$$#g, ' ,g#"#g,  $$$$$#g, #$$
                                $$ $$$$ $$$l ;$$$  '$l $$$$ $$$l $$
                                $$ $$$$ $$$$  '$$##c.  $$$$ $$$$ $$
                                $$ $$$$ $$$$ cc,   yyy $$$$ $$$$ $$
                                $$ $$$$,$$$l $$$$,$$$$ $$$$,$$$l $$
                                $$ P"`"'' , "CcC"  P"`"'' ,$$
                                >-[ Dark Society of Destruction ]-<
                                :          DSD 1-Liner            
                                `        '
                                .       Kewl Oneliner With        :
                                :  Who Wrote And Kewl Lightbars   .
                                :    Nearly 100% Konfigurabel     !
                                ;                                 .
                                .      .
                                      [PPE] Coded By Zoltar      
                                ` [Date  14-10-97] '
dsd_gfx.zip     6358 08-05-2024     ./\______  ________  ______/\.
                                   ./   __   \/   _____\/   __   \.
                                  ./     /_  /\___    \/     /_  /.
                                :[Dark Society of Destruction]:
                                 - --- -------  ---- -- --- -- ---
                                : [PPE]                     [PPE] :
                                .       DSD GFX Forcer v1.0       :
                                :                                 .
                                    Cool gfx forcer with nice    :
                                .   ansi. It Will display Some    !
                                :  system info and a sysop note.  ;
                                :        Coded By Zoltar        
                                 - ---- --- -- ----- --- ------- -
                                  Release Date [10/08/97] 
                                 - ------ ------ -- ---- - --- ---
dslot100.zip   22016 08-05-2024 @X0ADOLLAR SLOTS! Ver. 1.00  
                                @X02A PPE for PCBoard 15.2+.  Dollar
                                Slots Features a Progressive Jackpot, 
                                Multiple Paylines, Monthly & All-Time
                                High Score Records, and more! 
                                Completely uncrippled, but registration
                                (only @X0A$5!@X02) allows configurability!
                                From @X0DGalahad Software.@X07
dslot110.zip   22909 08-05-2024 @X0ADOLLAR SLOTS! Ver. 1.10,
                                From @X0DGalahad Software.
                                @X02A PPE for PCBoard 15.2+.  Dollar
                                Slots Features a Progressive Jackpot, 
                                Multiple Paylines, Monthly & All-Time
                                High Score Records, and more! 
                                Completely uncrippled, but registration
                                (only @X0A$5!@X02) allows configurability!
dslot121.zip   23287 08-05-2024 DOLLAR SLOTS! Ver. 1.21 From Galahad
                                Software. A PPE for PCBoard 15.2+.
                                Dollar Slots Features a Progressive
                                Jackpot, Multiple Paylines, Monthly
                                & All-Time High Score Records, and more! 
                                As usual, only $5 to register!
dslot200.zip   33104 08-05-2024 DOLLAR SLOTS! Ver. 2.00 From Galahad
                                Software. A PPE for PCBoard 15.21+.
                                Dollar Slots Features a Progressive
                                Jackpot, Multiple Paylines, Monthly
                                & All-Time High Score Records, and more! 
                                Now features the ability to make up days
                                that were missed!  Only $5 to register!
dsplt101.zip   81956 08-05-2024                 DSplit 1.01
                                DSplit is a unique PCBoard utility which
                                allows users to split and download files.
                                Users with limited access time or download
                                bytes may have troubles downloading the
                                newest games and large programs.  DSplit
                                allows users to split ANY file and download
                                parts at their leisure.  Uses EXEs for
                                maximum efficiency, with a PPE interface
dsplt122.zip  140119 08-05-2024                 DSplit 1.22
                                DSplit is a unique PCBoard utility which
                                allows users to split and download files.
                                Users with limited access time or download
                                bytes may have troubles downloading the
                                newest games and large programs.  DSplit
                                allows users to split ANY file and download
                                parts at their leisure.  Now includes DOS
                                and OS/2 (for PCBoard/2) executables!
dsplt124.zip  141528 08-05-2024                 DSplit 1.24
                                DSplit is a unique PCBoard utility which
                                allows users to split and download files.
                                Users with limited access time or download
                                bytes may have troubles downloading the
                                newest games and large programs.  DSplit
                                allows users to split ANY file and download
                                parts at their leisure.  Now includes DOS
                                and OS/2 (for PCBoard/2) executables!
dspwhn11.zip    4047 08-05-2024 DispWhen.PPE - v1.10 - Display any text file
                                based on Callers Security Level, Time of Day
                                or Day of Week.    Use in PCBText entries or
                                any text file displayed to User. Version 1.1
                                Removed code which  was no longer needed due
                                to changes in PPL and compiled  with /nouvar
                                for smaller PPE.  FREEWARE From Gary Meeker,
                                includes Source code.
dt_scn20.zip   18915 08-05-2024 SCAN 2.00 PPE FOR PCB 15.0+ - SEARCHS FOR NEW
                                 UPLOADS FROM CHOSEN CONFS - DONE BY BlUE M 
                                 TOTALLY NEW REWRITTEN ! FLAG/VIEW ENABLED !
dt_syc11.zip   29139 08-05-2024 <> SYSOP COMMANDS REPLACEMENT 1.1 WiTH
                                    PWRD CHECK - PPE FOR PCB 15.0+
                                <> SOURCE CODE iNCLUDED FOR 99 PER CENT
                                    SECURiTY AGAiNST HACKiNG YOUR BOARD !
dup_2dbloc.zip   12775 08-05-2024 DUPBLOC [PPE] v1.0 - p/o BBS SecurityPak
                                Duplicate Caller Blocker - Uses Caller-ID
                                info to LockOut duplicate users. In PPLC v1
                                to work with all PCBoard 15.x.  Extremely
                                configurable, options galore.  Works with
                                any CallerID capable modem that supports
                                PCBoard 15.  By Al Segura  FREEWARE
dwdcn201.zip    8140 08-05-2024 DEADWOOD CONFERENCE LOCATOR 2.01 (First
                                public release).  Examines a specified 
                                range of conferences and reports number of
                                users registered, high message number, and
                                average LMR.  Helps you locate the dead
                                message areas.  PPE w/source, released to
                                public domain.  Requires PCBoard 15.1 or
dwnld303.zip   29497 08-05-2024   DWNLD.PPE   Version   3.03    
                                  A PPE for PCB 15.2 that give PCB a FULL  
                                  SCREEN download counter. Update allows   
                                  sysop to FULLY use multilingual options  
                                  and adds ability to View & Remove files, 
                                  and Change Protocols. MANY fixes and     
dwt101.zip    126200 08-05-2024 DW_Tic v1.01 - A PCBoard FIDO .TIC processor
                                No more clumsy or hard to understand config
                                files.  No more giving your services away
                                free!  Includes accounting & billing
                                services.  Updates your transfer log, calls
                                an optional batch file to process the file
                                in the same manner as a new upload,
                                FILE_ID.DIZ checking, and CRC-32 comparison.
                                SHAREWARE                  Compiled 02/01/95
dwt102.zip    126281 08-05-2024 DW_Tic v1.02 - A PCBoard FIDO .TIC processor
                                A complete PCBoard .TIC file processor.  No
                                more clumsy config files, or weird batch
                                files.  See the documentation under
                                "Features" for a more detailed description.
                                Fixed two bugs and added three new items.
                                SHAREWARE                  Compiled 02/18/95
dwt_201.zip   570272 08-05-2024 DW_TIC 2.01-PCBoard 15.x TIC file processor
                                File  tossing,   Hatching,      Accounting, 
                                Passthrus, request forwarding;  includes  a
                                System Manager complete  with  on-line help
                                to  make  setup  and management easy!  Also
                                includes both DOS and OS/2 EXE's which  can
                                be  used  interchangeably!  From  the  same 
                                people who bring you UploadProcessor (ULP).
                                This is a minor bugfix for non-posting   of
                                Herbert Bushong - ZT Technologies 
d_2dtext.zip    3490 08-05-2024 [PPE] Enables you to display a text file
                                before a user begins a download. Useful 
                                to inform users about their ratio and
                                available bytes (etc).
ecnfn11.zip    12234 08-05-2024 *****Enhanced Conf Join 1.1*************
                                CNFN.PPE - this is a modified version of the
                                PPE  that  is  used  on  Salt  Air  for  their
                                conference join menu.     It will only display
                                the conferences the caller is able to join.  
                                Updated by Herbert Bushong to allow for 
                                conference subsets to be chosen and 
                                displayed by the caller. Bug fix for security
                                problem introduced by change in file formats.
                                Freeware/Public Domain Source included.
ecnfn12.zip    18487 08-05-2024 *****Enhanced Conf Join 1.2*************
                                CNFN.PPE - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE
                                On-the-fly conference join menu display
                                which will only display conferences the
                                the caller is able to join. Allows for
                                conference subsets to be chosen and
                                displayed by the caller. Can also lock
                                out the display of blocks by security.
                                Display bug finally found and squashed.
                                HIGHLY CUSTOMIZABLE...
                                Author: Herbert Bushong
                                Freeware/Public Domain Source included.
ecnfn13.zip    20718 08-05-2024 *****Enhanced Conf Join 1.3*************
                                CNFN.PPE - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE
                                On-the-fly conference join menu display
                                which will only display conferences the
                                the caller is able to join. Allows for
                                conference subsets to be chosen and
                                displayed by the caller. Can also lock
                                out the display of blocks by security.
                                2 or 3 columns. Text searching.
                                Author: Herbert Bushong
                                Freeware/Public Domain
ecnfn16.zip    19170 08-05-2024 *****Enhanced Conf Join 1.6*************
                                CNFN.PPE - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE
                                On-the-fly conference join menu display
                                which will only display conferences the
                                the caller is able to join. Allows for
                                conference subsets to be chosen and
                                displayed by the caller. Can also lock
                                out the display of blocks by security.
                                1-9 columns. Text searching. Bug Fix.
                                Author: Herbert Bushong
edsdrp11.zip   14112 08-05-2024 
                                 EDSDrop v1.1 [PPE]  Carrier Drop Facility 
                                 for PCBoard v15.1.  Monitors your users   
                                 that drop carrier and will create a nice  
                                 looking bulletin of the last ten users to 
                                 drop carrier.  Will also write the user   
                                 that dropped carrier a message.  (If so   
                                 configured) (MINOR BUG FIX)               
edsln200.zip   40169 08-05-2024 
                                 EDSLiner/AddLiner v2.0 [PPE]              
                                 For use with PCBoard v15.1.  EDSLiner will
                                 display a "OneLiner" to your users when   
                                 they logon.  Very powerful AddLiner PPE   
                                 included.  Binary databases, great looking
                                 displays, sysop utilities, trash can      
                                 checking, bad word checking, etc.         
edsqt101.zip   25200 08-05-2024 
                                 [PPE] EDSQuote & AddQuote v1.0. EDSQuote  
                                 will display an attractive "Quote of the  
                                 Day" to your users and AddQuote will      
                                 allow them to add quotes. Written in      
                                 PCBoard Programming Language by Eric      
                                 Scales on 5/6/1993 at 10:38pm             
egraf10.zip    12257 08-05-2024 
elock1.zip     49592 08-05-2024    PCB Lockout PPE v1.00
                                Lockout a user and give him
                                a chance to redeem himself!
                                   Source Code included!
eltdr181.zip   18887 08-05-2024 [ DIRDISP 1.81 for PCB 15.21+ ]Ŀ
                                 A intelligent and cool F replacement
                                 EASY to install and works just fine 
                                 Supports up to 14 dirs.             
                                 Bugfix!                      by RiOT
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \        
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \19/10/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dapsr.zip   13438 08-05-2024 [ELEMENTS APPLICATIONS SCRIPTS]Ŀ
                                 Application scripts.   For use with 
                                 Riot's Scripter 1.0                  
                                  Coder              Ansi Artist   
                                  Cracker            Ascii Artist  
                                  Distro Site        VGA artist    
                                  Courier                       RIOT
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \        
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \01/11/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dbu10.zip    8142 08-05-2024 [ BULLETIN 1.0 for PCB 15.21+ ]Ϳ
                                 A "B" replacement. Easy to install  
                                  with a slick and fast lightbar.     
                                 VERY configurable.          by RiOT 
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \        
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \19/09/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dcs10.zip   12959 08-05-2024 [ CPS STATS 1.0  PPE ]Ŀ
                                    Displays CPS rate info after     
                                       download and upload.          
                                  PCB and AMi/X config included     
                                 For PCB 15.22+           by MR.JETS 
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \       
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \96/11/01.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dct11.zip   14725 08-05-2024 [ LOST CARRIER 1.1 for PCB 15.21+ ]Ϳ
                                  Creates a LOST CARRIER toplist in  
                                  PCB format. Quick, good looking and
                                  easy to install.           by RiOT 
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \        
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \19/09/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dcybp.zip   10923 08-05-2024 [ CYBER PAGE PPE by MR.JETS ]Ŀ
                                  Pager with Dayly Paging Scheme,    
                                  Emergency Password, nice effects   
                                  and many configuration options.    
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \ v1.0   
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \22/12/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2ddr10.zip   14338 08-05-2024 [ DISCLAIMER 1.0 for PCB 15.21+ ]Ŀ
                                 My disclaimer ppe.                  
                                  Total configurability             
                                  Choose what to do                 
                                     NUKE , SEC , MEZZ , HANGUP        
                                  Multiple disclaimers              
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \   RIOT 
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \20/11/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dex11.zip   15130 08-05-2024 [ EXCLAiMS 1.1 for PCB 15.21+ ]Ŀ
                                 A "rumour" util, with nice interface
                                and smoothly moving, faded lightbars! 
                                       Bugfixed and MUCH faster!     
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \        
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \08/28/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dfd11.zip   16058 08-05-2024 [ FILELIST DOWNLOADER 1.1 PPE ]Ŀ
                                 Downloads the filelist in current   
                                  Supports up to 9 different packers
                                  Fully configurable with both      
                                   PCB and AMi/X style               
                                 For PCB 15.22+           by SCoRPiO  
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \        
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \96/07/09.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dhp10.zip    7084 08-05-2024 [ HELP DISPLAY 1.0 for PCB 15.21+ ]Ϳ
                                 A "HELP" command replacement.       
                                  Scroll up and down help files      
                                  Coolness configurability          
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \   RIOT 
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \03/11/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2djo10.zip    9342 08-05-2024 [ RiOT JOIN 1.0 for PCB 15.21+ ]Ϳ
                                 Replaces the J command with a better
                                 looking, 100% configurable lightbar  
                                system. Also has security based confs
                                Easy and fast!               by RiOT 
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \        
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \19/09/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2djo20.zip   15737 08-05-2024 [ JOIN 2.0 for PCB 15.21+ ]Ŀ
                                 This version of join includes 8     
                                 graphics and does not need to be    
                                   *This is an alternative join*     
                                 For 100% configurability, use v1.0  
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                PPE  \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \   RIOT 
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \11/01/96.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dliwa.zip   34260 08-05-2024 [ LINER WALL 1.0 for PCB 15.22+ ]Ŀ
                                  The ultimate OneLiner for PCBoard! 
                                 Top Lists with best Readers/Writers
                                 Log File ability                   
                                 Censure Option                     
                                 Multiple Configurations with high  
                                 PCB and /X style                    
                                                          by MR.JETS  
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \        
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \96/05/05.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dloca.zip   31408 08-05-2024 [ LOCATE 1.0 PPE BY MR.JETS ]Ϳ
                                  Fully lightbared L replacement.    
                                  Ability to scan ALL confeneces or  
                                  just a single directory.           
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \        
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \31/12/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dlr10.zip   14129 08-05-2024 [ LAST CALLERS  1.0 ]Ŀ
                                 A nice last callers door.           
                                  Unlimited last callers            
                                  Random display screens            
                                  Only 1 PPE                        
                                  Highly configurable               
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                PPE  \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \   RIOT 
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \07/12/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dlt12.zip   19275 08-05-2024 [ LAST TRANSFERS 1.2  PPE ]Ŀ
                                 Displays last transfers on the board
                                 Supports displaying up to 100 last   
                                 transfers.   FAST and Nice!          
                                 New in v1.2: Very configurable       
                                              Multiple configurations 
                                              New graphics            
                                              Both PCB & AMI/X style  
                                              Bugfixed =)             
                                 For PCB 15.22+           by MR.JETS  
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \        
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \96/03/24.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                PLUS COMMENTS ON LAME FAKED ELT RELEASES!
elt_2dmjap.zip   43605 08-05-2024 [ MR.JETS' ANSI PACK 1995 ]Ϳ
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \        
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \31/12/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dmp10.zip   61966 08-05-2024 [ MEGAPAGE 1.0 PPE ]Ŀ
                                   The coolest sysop-pager around!   
                                  Built-In PPE-Chooser              
                                  Multiple paging periods           
                                  100% configurable with both       
                                   PCB and *PURE* AMi/X style        
                                  + Much more...  Read the .NFO     
                                 For PCB 15.22+           by Scorpio 
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \       
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \96/11/01.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dmrd1.zip   18386 08-05-2024 [ MEZZ READ 1.0 for PCB 15.21+ ]Ŀ
                                 A "R" replacement. Lightbar control!
                                6 lightbar animations to choose from! 
                                Easy to install! A must!      by RiOT 
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \        
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \10/03/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dnfse.zip   23666 08-05-2024 [ NEW FILES SCAN 1.0 PPE ]Ŀ
                                    The ultimate N replacement!      
                                  Ability to scan all conferences   
                                  Works with both PCB and /X syntax 
                                  PCB and AMi/X config included     
                                 For PCB 15.22+           by MR.JETS 
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \       
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \96/07/09.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dnk10.zip   38079 08-05-2024 [ NUKER 1.0  for PCB 15.21+ ]Ŀ
                                  This easy to use nuker requires    
                                  files! v2.0 or later.              
                                  Easy to install / use             
                                  Multiple configs: Instinct,Pfed...
                                  VERY configurable                 
                                  Lots of options! (inc mezz)       
                                PPE  \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \   RIOT 
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \31/12/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dnu10.zip    5379 08-05-2024 [ NEWUSER PROMPT REPLACEMENT 1.0 PPE  ]
                                      ________ ____ __________  [o1/o1] 
                                      \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \        
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \08/28/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2don11.zip    8140 08-05-2024 [ ONELINER 1.1 for PCB 15.21+ ]Ŀ
                                   Another Oneliner. This one is     
                                  completely lightbar controlled!     
                                                     Written by RiOT 
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \        
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \19/09/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dopen.zip    7465 08-05-2024 [ RiOT OPEN replacement PPE ]Ŀ
                                 A better looking, easier to use and 
                                easier to setup OPEN command replace- 
                                ment for PCB 15.2+  by RiOT          
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \        
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \95/09/03.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dopn2.zip    8374 08-05-2024 [ OPEN DOOR 2.0 for PCB 15.21+ ]Ŀ
                                   A security based OPEN command     
                                 replacement. 100% configurable, with 
                                 lightbars.                  by RiOT 
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \        
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \08/10/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dpe11.zip   14353 08-05-2024 [PRESS ENTER 1.1 for PCB 15.21+]Ŀ
                                 Another PRESS ENTER. Difference is  
                                 here that this one is completely     
                                 configurable and it's made for      
                                 REAL configurability.       by RiOT 
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \        
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \23/09/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dpgln.zip    8090 08-05-2024 [ PAGELENGTH CHANGER 1.0  PPE ]Ŀ
                                     The kewlest P replacement?!     
                                 Change the pagelength using the     
                                 arrow keys and/or the numeric keys. 
                                 PCB and /X configured!              
                                 For PCB 15.22+           by Scorpio 
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \       
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \96/07/24.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dpl10.zip    8804 08-05-2024 [ PROTOCOL 1.0 for PCB 15.21+ ]Ŀ
                                 Replaces the "T" command with a     
                                 better lightbar protocol selector.   
                                  HIGHLY configurable               
                                  Easy to install!                  
                                  Better and faster than the rest!  
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \   RIOT 
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \02/11/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dpnup.zip   13217 08-05-2024 [ PRO NUP 1.0  BY MR.JETS ]Ŀ
                                 Unlimited number of standard nups.  
                                 PERSONAL NUP ability for high sec    
                                 systems. The most advanced Nup PPE  
                                 so far! Nice and very configurable. 
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \        
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \03/11/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dppc1.zip   24032 08-05-2024 [ PPE PACK   BY MR.JETS ]Ϳ
                                 QWK replacent/"Mail waiting" PPE    
                                 User disconnector/ "Uploadthnxer"    
                                 All with nice graphics and effects. 
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \        
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \29/09/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dqu12.zip    7506 08-05-2024 [    NEWUSER QUESTIONAIRE 1.2 PPE     ]
                                      ________ ____ __________  [o1/o1] 
                                      \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \        
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \07/18/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2drq11.zip   15204 08-05-2024 [ REQUEST WALL 1.1 for PCB 15.21+ ]Ϳ
                                  Interface: Hotkeys                 
                                   Un/Limited requests              
                                   Quite configurable               
                                   Old request nuker                
                                   Easy to use and install     :RIOT
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \        
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \27/10/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2drwho.zip   27257 08-05-2024 [ REALTIME WHO 1.0 by Mike Mc ]Ŀ
                                 Nice Who replacement which displays 
                                 in realtime what the users on the   
                                 nodes do. Nice GFX and configuarble.
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \ PPE    
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \31/12/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dsd10.zip    4648 08-05-2024 [   SECURITY FILE DISPLAYER 1.0 PPE   ]
                                      ________ ____ __________  [o1/o1] 
                                      \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \        
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \08/28/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dsl10.zip   31641 08-05-2024 [ SPEED LOGIN 1.0  by MR.JETS ]Ŀ
                                  Nice login util for PCBoard 15.21+ 
                                 Supports unlimted number of display 
                                 files and now supplied with batch.  
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \ PPE    
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \31/12/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dsmai.zip    8882 08-05-2024 [ SYSOP MAIL 1.0  /PCB 15.21+ ]Ŀ
                                 A "comment" replacement, with nice  
                                  interface, lightbar and room for    
                                  a bit more information about the   
                                  sysops than most other "C" PPEs.   
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \        
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \08/30/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dsr10.zip   28773 08-05-2024 [ SCRIPTER 1.0 FOR PCB 15.21+ ]Ŀ
                                 A complete "S" replacement.Features 
                                  Users can answer different scripts
                                  Built in script viewer            
                                  Very cool, and yet so easy to use 
                                  Lots of features                  
                                  Complete configurability          
                                  BBS list, Hate list, bug report,  
                                   newuser questions + custom program
                                   scripts included                  
                                  Make your own scripts + distribute
                                  A must for every PCB         RIOT
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \        
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \01/11/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dss10.zip   10347 08-05-2024 [ STATS 1.0  PPE BY MR.JETS ]Ŀ
                                 Standard "V" replacement, with faded
                                 lightbars and nice interface.       
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \        
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \07/10/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dst10.zip   17853 08-05-2024 [ SENT 1.0 PPE BY MR.JETS/ELT ]Ŀ
                                 Upload string modifier for PCB15.21+
                                 Works "stand-alone" or with ZIPZAP   
                                 or BOOMLAB. Real time macro decoding
                                 faded lightbars and nice interface. 
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \        
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \05/10/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dt111.zip   28892 08-05-2024 [ TURBO UPLOADER 1.11 PPE ]Ŀ
                                 Nice "U" replacement with faded     
                                 lightbars. Now with sepparate rule   
                                 displays for each conference!       
                                     ________ ____ __________ MR.JETS
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \        
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \31/12/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dtrfb.zip   14742 08-05-2024 [ TRANSFER FINDER 1.0b PPE ]Ŀ
                                 Useful PPE that displays uploader/  
                                 downloaders/date/time/cps rate on a  
                                 certain file.                        
                                 Exe-driven for faster performace.    
                                     ________ ____ __________ MR.JETS
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \        
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \18/12/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dts11.zip   11022 08-05-2024 [ TODAY'S UPLOADS  by MR.JETS ]Ŀ
                                  Nice and Exe-driven PPE that       
                                  displays the dayly uploads.         
                                  v1.1: Bugfixed and added info.      
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \  v1.1  
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \18/12/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2duc13.zip   68431 08-05-2024 [ ULTRACHAT by [mike mc] ]Ŀ
                                 Probably the best PPEchatter around 
                                            NEW IN 1.3:              
                                 Buggfixed =)     MAJOR SPEEDUP!!!   
                                 More-prompts     /EFFECTS (user 2)  
                                 /PART            /CASESENSETIVE (m) 
                                 Skip welcome     Added colorschemes 
                                 Rotate schemes   Multiple sysops!   
                                 New RUMORSYSTEM  AND MUCH MORE!!!!! 
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \  v1.3 
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \09/07/96.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dview.zip   22086 08-05-2024 [ VIEW 1.0b PPE  by MR.JETS ]Ŀ
                                  The ultimate VIEWER for PCBoard!   
                                 .ZIP/.ARJ/.LZH/.LHA/.TXT viewer!   
                                 Read/Download files inside archive.
                                 Works Stand-Alone or with EFLAG    
                                  compatibles and FILES! 2.0         
                                 Very configurable                  
                                 PCB and /X style         PCB 15.22+ 
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \        
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \96/05/16.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dwo10.zip   14315 08-05-2024 [ WRITE YOUR INFO 1.0 ]Ŀ
                                 A very cool "W" replacement.        
                                  100% configurable                  
                                  Lightbar orientated               
                                  Edit more than any other "W"      
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \   RIOT 
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \14/11/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
elt_2dzy11.zip   31818 08-05-2024 [ ZIPPY SEARCH 1.1 PPE BY MR.JETS ]Ϳ
                                  Fully lightbared Z replacement.    
                                  Ability to scan ALL confeneces or  
                                  just a single directory.           
                                 v1.1:Bugs and file skipping removed.
                                     ________ ____ __________        
                                     \_  ____\\_  \\____  _  \        
                                [======/  _/_____\  \____\ \__/=======]
                                .:::::/   \/    //  /   //  \:::::::::.
                                .:::::\       _//  /   //    \31/12/95.
                                .::::::\  ___/::\  ___/:\  __/::::::::.
                                .   .E. .L. .E. .M. .E. .N. .T. .S.   .
email_10.zip    2922 08-05-2024 EMAIL - This ppe will allow you to show
                                your users thier EMAIL address if you are
                                using INTERNET mail. It replaces the name
                                spaces with dots and centers it on a nice
                                looking display. You can add to the display
                                file or add to another optional help file.
                                Source included. (PPCL required)
                                By Gary R Smith, Computer Profiles
ename100.zip    6909 08-05-2024 eName v1.00 is a PCBoard PPE (includes the
                                PPS source) which converts a user's name to
                                a legitimate email address.  Great for
                                welcoming a user to an Internet email
                                conference. Conforms to RFC1137 spec for
                                converting names into email names. ENAME.INI
                                allows for customizing colors, domain, and
                                more! FREEWARE, by Duke Engineering.  Call
                                Online Resource 619.793.8360 for latest.
ename101.zip    6399 08-05-2024 eName v1.01 is a PCBoard PPE (includes the
                                PPS source) which converts a user's name to
                                a legitimate email address.  Great for
                                welcoming a user to an Internet email
                                conference. Conforms to RFC1137 spec for
                                converting names into email names. ENAME.INI
                                allows for customizing colors, domain, and
                                more! FREEWARE, by Duke Engineering.  Call
                                Online Resource 619.793.8360 for latest.
enforcer.zip  165651 08-05-2024 "The Enforcer", by CompuData Systems
                                is a full password enforcing shell
                                for PCB 14.5+. Bulletins, 3 levels
                                of passwording, up to 10 "Special"
                                passwords for extra time or extra
                                security, selectable co sysops for
                                message posting to sysop, exclude
                                users, lock out users etc. Quite
                                powerful for first release. Easy
                                to install and very small and fast.
                                Another Fine Product by
                                        CompuData Systems
                                        Oshawa Ontario.
entcom.zip     10729 08-05-2024 ENTCOM.PPE v1
                                 Replace the [C]omment to SysOp(s) command.
                                 It's perfect for BBS with more than one   
                                 sysop.  FREEWARE.  PPLC v3.0              
                                   Software Kitchen BBS 718-281-0645       
entcom1a.zip   11142 08-05-2024 ENTCOM1A.PPE v1.a͸
                                 Replace the [C]omment to SysOp(s)  
                                 command. It's perfect for BBS with 
                                 more than one sysop.  FREEWARE.    
                                 PPLC 3.10          PCBoard 15.21   
                                        Software Kitchen BBS        
                                 718-281-0645      24 hours/7 days  
entermsg.zip    3621 08-05-2024 GES Enter Message - A Freeware Enter
                                Message Prompt Replacement Which Will
                                Display to Your Users the Conference They
                                Are In, When Entering a Message Online.
                                Will Allow them to Use Real Name or Alias
                                (When Permitted).
eph_210.zip    29940 08-05-2024 ---- Enter PROMPT Enhancer v2.10 -----
                                Fantastic animated prompts for PCBoards
                                Press ENTER to Continue prompt. Totally
                                configurable with up to nine  different
                                styles and colors. PCBoard PPE for 15.2
                                  Copyright (C)1995 Equinox Software   
eph_2d210.zip   29940 08-05-2024 ---- Enter PROMPT Enhancer v2.10 -----
                                Fantastic animated prompts for PCBoards
                                Press ENTER to Continue prompt. Totally
                                configurable with up to nine  different
                                styles and colors. PCBoard PPE for 15.2
                                  Copyright (C)1995 Equinox Software   
eppe10.zip      2750 08-05-2024 E.PPE - Replacement for PCBoard prompt 9
                                Displays a generic text filebefore the enter
                                message prompt, or a conference specific text
                                file.  Includes source.  Freeware.
eq_eph.zip     21042 08-05-2024 ---- Enter PROMPT Enhancer v3.20 -----
                                Fantastic animated prompts for PCBoards
                                Press ENTER to Continue prompt. Totally
                                configurable with up to nine  different
                                styles and colors.   PCB PPE for 15.21+
                                  Copyright (C)1995 Equinox Software
eq_login.zip   16798 08-05-2024 \     \   \  \ \
                                \    \  \ \      \ \  \
                                \    \  \ \ \ \ \  \
                                \    \  \ \ \  \ \  \
                                \ \   \  \ \  \
                                 Login PPE program v1.24 
                                Customizable login program that will
                                display up to 20 different login    
                                screens with customizable prompt    
                                positions. Can also be used just as 
                                a WELCOME screen rotator.           
                                    PPE program for PCB 15.21+
                                 Copyright (C)1995 Equinox Software
eq_menu.zip    25415 08-05-2024   PCBoard ͻ
                                 M e n u S e l e c t  v1.10 Ķ
                                 Let your callers choose from a number of 
                                 different main menus, the one they prefer
                                 to use on your system.                   
                                 [PPE Program for PCBoard 15.2x]          
                                 Copyright (c)1996 Equinox Software       
eq_p102.zip    42765 08-05-2024 
                                  The Ultimate Page/Chat 1.02 
                                A complete Paging and Chat Ppe system
                                           for PCBoard 15.2x
                                 Copyright (c)1995  Equinox Software
eq_page.zip    42869 08-05-2024 
                                  The Ultimate Page/Chat 1.02  
                                A complete paging and chat system for 
                                          PCBoard 15.2x [Ppe]         
                                 Copyright (c)1995  Equinox Software  
erus_2dfav.zip    3086 08-05-2024 Favorite Game PPE for PcBoard 15.2
esc_2dhgup.zip    5245 08-05-2024 ESCAPE-HANGUP FOR PCB 15.2X
                                RePlACEmeNT FoR da "HaNGUp AFTeR
                                TraNsfER" MsG 100% ConFiGABlE+ GraFX
eunion20.zip    7918 08-05-2024 ---====Eastern Union Time Transfer====---
                                Designed to allow your users to transfer
                                time from their own account to another
                                user's!!  This is the FIRST and ONLY time
                                transferring system ever available for
                                Shareware Version is limited to transfers
                                of a maxumum of 10 minutes.  
                                Another premier release from WizWare!        
eunion51.zip   33622 08-05-2024 E A S T E R N U N I O N VERSION 5.1 
                                WizWare's latest release of Eastern Union, a 
                                program that allows users to transfer time, 
                                and now supports byte transfers and banking 
                                of both time and bytes.  Now includes a SysOp
                                editor too! Check this _FREEWARE_ program out
                                today!  The first and only PPE of its kind!  
                                Installs in seconds - Users LOVE this PPE
                                The Wizard's BBS!! 508-481-4693
                                @X0EAnother file from The Wizard's BBS!@X0B
excel1.zip      8541 08-05-2024 [PPE] EXCEL.PPE
                                Sysops!!! Earn money with
                                your BBS, while you sleep.
                                No maintenance, no fuss
                                nothing to learn. Just
                                install this PPE and
                                it will do the rest!
expmsg10.zip    2917 08-05-2024 Expire Message 1.0 - PPE w/Source that
                                will write a message to the sysop x days
                                before a user expires (set on command
                                line).  Requires PCBoard 15.1 minimum.
                                PD/Freeware.  Under PCBoard 15.2, 
                                could be run from DOS command line
                                in an event.
ez5_01.zip      7779 08-05-2024 EZ5 LOTTO QUICK PICK v1.0 for PCB v15.x
                                A PPE program to generate Quick Pick numbers
                                for play in the Louisiana EZ 5 Lotto.
                                (1-26, pick 5)
                                Shareware by Tom Palko, 
                                American Software Development
                                Support BBS at (318) 443-0271
eznup01.zip     5998 08-05-2024 NUP [PPL]  PCBoard 15.o PPL  Version o.o1
ezsc100.zip    23843 08-05-2024 EZSC v1.00  [J&J WaReZ]         Sep  95
                                EZ Select Conference PPE for  PcB 15.2x
                                This PPE Replaces PcBoard's Select cmd.
                                * Full Lightbar Support * Stacked Cmds
                                * Full Configurability  * On  the  fly
                                * Long Conference Names   Updates
                                * PageUp and PageDown   * Non-Crippled
                                  for Multiple Screens  
ezsc109b.zip   18586 08-05-2024 EZSC v1.09  [J&J XXXXX]         Oct  95
                                EZ Select Conference PPE for  PcB 15.2x
                                This PPE Replaces PcBoard's Select cmd.
                                * Full Lightbar Support * Stacked Cmds
                                * Full Configurability  * On  the  fly
                                * Long Conference Names   Updates
                                * PageUp and PageDown   * Non-Crippled
                                  for Multiple Screens  
                                Rewritten in PPLC 3.20!
ezsc252.zip    31343 08-05-2024 EZSC v2.52    [J&J WHeReZ]       May 96
                                EZ Select Conference PPE for  PcB 15.22
                                This PPE Replaces PcBoard's Select cmd.
                                * Full Lightbar Support * Stacked Cmds
                                * Full Configurability  * No external
                                * Long Conference Names  Data Files
                                * PageUp and PageDown    other than
                                  for Multiple Screens   cfg & display
                                * On the fly Updates    * Text Search!
ez_user.zip     3218 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      Simple Version of PP_User      
                                Those who asked for a simple version
                                of PP_USER, HERE IT IS. This replaces
                                the PcBoard's USERS command.
                                No registration fee and no LD calling
                                for Registration Number. It's FREE....
                                Parekh Programming (1995) (312/326-0023)
e_2dblt.zip     6857 08-05-2024 @X0A
                                @X0F         E-BLT.PPE Ver 1.0
                                @X0FE-BLT.PPE Will Show your users their
                                FidoNet "NetMail" Address in 2 forms
                                1. Their Fido Node Address
                                2. Their Internet Address Thru Fido
                                Shows a Bulletin with their address
                                and a few examples on how to use it
                                Compiled PPLC ver 1.0 For Use on PCB
                                15.xx and newer.Source Code Included
                                1-22-94  @X0BMicro-Comp Software
                                             @X0C FREEWARE
e_blt.zip       6857 08-05-2024 @X0A
                                @X0F         E-BLT.PPE Ver 1.0
                                @X0FE-BLT.PPE Will Show your users their
                                FidoNet "NetMail" Address in 2 forms
                                1. Their Fido Node Address
                                2. Their Internet Address Thru Fido
                                Shows a Bulletin with their address
                                and a few examples on how to use it
                                Compiled PPLC ver 1.0 For Use on PCB
                                15.xx and newer.Source Code Included
                                1-22-94  @X0BMicro-Comp Software
                                             @X0C FREEWARE
failc1.zip      4292 08-05-2024 FailCommand v1.0 failc.ppe for PCBoard v15.0+
                                A command that displays to the user the
                                of failed password attempts to login to his
                                account.  TO POST AN AUTOMATIC DISPLAY IN A
                                DISPLAYFILE, USE OUR OTHER PRODUCT,
                                No nags, no advertisement, shareware.
                                Atlantis Software 706-776-9276 28.8 BBS
faild1.zip      4010 08-05-2024 FailDisplay v1.0 faild.ppe for PCBoard v15.0+
                                Automatically displays to the user the number
                                of failed password attempts to login to his
                                account.  TO USE A COMMAND TO DISPLAY THE
                                INFORMATION, USE OUR OTHER PRODUCT,
                                No nags, no advertisement, shareware.
                                Atlantis Software 706-776-9276 28.8 BBS
fakewho3.zip    1894 08-05-2024 AMi-X Fake WHO command  3 Nodes 
fbbspcb.zip    14676 08-05-2024 FILES.BBS to PCBoard DIR v1.0
                                Converts CD-ROM files.bbs to a text file that
                                can be read by PCBoard 14.x/15.x.
fck_2dlast.zip    9867 08-05-2024 Laste Callers PPE by F.U.C.K PPEs [Virtual
fgroup.zip      7540 08-05-2024 ͸ 
                                 Devastation Enterprises Software  
                                This .PPE replaces the F command. It lets  
                                you separate your file directory menu into 
                                groups so that your users can quickly and  
                                easily locate a file directory. No more    
                                looking through page after page of file    
                                directories trying to locate to one you    
                                want. Great for boards with lots of file   
fidofd10.zip    7911 08-05-2024      FIDOFIND v1.0
                                FidoFind is a nodelist search
                                utility. It takes a Fido address
                                as input, and displays the Fido
                                BBS's name, location, sysop name 
                                and BBS phone number.
                                Useful for sysops and users
fidolist.zip  118976 08-05-2024 FIDOLIST v1.0 -- This is a small free
                                utility that allows a quick search of
                                the FIDO nodelist created by PCBoard
                                15.21+.  It lists boards by area code.
                                Can be run as a door or stand alone for
                                the SysOp only.  ** FREE ** NO
                                REGISTRATION FEE!
fidomov1.zip    8439 08-05-2024 ۲ FIDOMOV. 1.0 ۲
                                PCBoard 15.3+ PPLC 3.3 06/03/98 Simple .PPE  
                                to Clear the FIDOQUE and move all packets    
                                to another location. Simple setup, two (02)  
                                line config. Includes KIL.COM a DOS utility  
                                to delete all files in a directory without   
                                that annoying nag FROM dos. Runs during your
                                nightly/daily EVENT. FREEWARE!!!
                                from KASA ENTERTAINMENT-PRESENTS             
                                FREQ FIDOMOV1.ZIP 1:320/237                  
file.zip        2214 08-05-2024 ISOQ CREATED PPE replacement
                                for the F command. Usefull
                                when you have more then one 
                                cd rom and keep them in separate
                                ISOQ BBS 718-268-5025
filelist.zip    3640 08-05-2024 FILELIST.PPE v1.0Ŀ
                                 Add FILELIST.PPE to your     
                                 main menu and give your      
                                 user easy access to download 
                                 your allfiles list.          
                                 PPLC 3.1        PCBoard 15.21
                                    Software Kitchen BBS      
                                 718-281-0645  24 hours/7 days
filemenu.zip   12722 08-05-2024 Update/code change to the FLYDIR.PPE - it
                                still creates the DIR files on the fly, but
                                the presentation is different then FLYDIR. A
                                little more "polished" in my opinion. This
                                one makes use of the Left/Right cursor
                                control keys, and draws multiple columns for
                                the files. Useful for up to 100 files per
filesy01.zip    9884 08-05-2024 BOOMLAB FILE SYSOP PPE v.01 BETA
                                Fully automate the handling of files
                                failing BOOMLAB v.43+.  It can E-Mail
                                the Sysop so now you'll know there's
                                files to look at, E-Mail user, Delete
                                file, and NUKE file!  All can be used
                                in combination and set for each type
                                of failed test. (CRC/AGE/VIRUS) 
findfido.zip   37960 08-05-2024 
fi_mat10.zip   34715 08-05-2024 ۰ ۰ ۰ ۰ ۰ ۰ ۰  ۰
                                ۱  ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱  ۱ ۱  ۱
                                ۲  ۲۲ ۲ ߲޲۲  ۲
                                I   N   D  U  S  T  R  I   E   S
                                        Fi-Matrix v1.0 
                                Lightbar Matrix for PCBoard 15.x
                                 Highly Configurable Interface
                                 Easy Installation
                                 Definable Matrix Selections
                                 Supports Multiple Matrix and
                                  Welcome Screens
                                 Position Prompts ANYWHERE!
                                 New User Password Support
                                 Matrix Feedback to any Conference
                                 No Unsightly Keyboard stuffz!
                                 Add on Modules Available SOON.
                                 100% User Support
                                 Backdoor free
                                 Source available on FI WHQ
                                 a MUST HAVE for Serious sysops
fi_zam99.zip    9136 08-05-2024  FURTiVE iNDUSTRiES PRESENTS:ͻ
                                 ZiP ADD MAXiMiZER O.99 by: SkYblAZER 
                                 This PPE is the next step above those 
                                 randomized bbs adds like: DKJFWTU.IHD 
                                 This PPE  will  scramble  a  filename 
                                 differently every time!  Makes boring 
                                 adds like CALLME.NOW to M.W or 
                                 M.W <-- different EVERY TIME!! 
                                Leech this NOW!!  (RELEASED 11/13/94)ͼ
flag30.zip     22822 08-05-2024 FLAG.PPE, v3.0, a replacement for PCBoard's
                                internal "more?" prompt, gives PCBoard v15.1
                                the easiest-to-use system for flagging and
                                viewing files of any BBS around.  It gives
                                callers the ability to point and shoot when
                                flagging or viewing files.  Includes source
                                code and may be customized to suit your BBS's
                                needs.  Version 3.0 adds RIPscrip support and
                                changes flagging to go from top to bottom.
fle.zip         3256 08-05-2024 
flotqp22.zip    6989 08-05-2024 FLORIDA LOTTO QUIK PIK v2.2 for PCB v15.0
                                This is a PPE program that will allow your
                                users to generate Quik Pik numbers for play
                                in the Florida Lottery.  Now supports both
                                PICK5 and PICK6.
flx_2deblt.zip  101604 08-05-2024     ___________________ ______ _______
                                ====\_____ _____/__/__ | \_ _ |_ ____/====
                                ::::::/  _____/  /_/_  .  .\ ._/  //::::::
                                (--- /   :| //  _:   \_:   \\ .   _\_ ---)
                                     Enchanced Bulletins Version 1.0
                                -[315]- Passed Thru Digital Delusions -[315]-
flydir.zip      6912 08-05-2024 This is a PPE designed for creating DIR files
                                on the fly. It will not use FILE_ID.DIZ
                                descriptions, and will not use any part of
                                your existing descriptions
fl_2dcruel.zip   83790 08-05-2024    CRUELCHATTER!  ͻ
                                  The long awaited CRUEL CHATTER ppe 
                                          by BrainBreaker          
                                   Multiple (definable) Chatscreens 
                                     Jump from one screen to another 
                                   Chatscreen with auto BBS-name    
                                     Your bbs-name in a special font 
                                   In-chat file-viewing of text,    
                                     ansi and pcb files in ANY dir.  
                                   In-chat user editor              
                                   Definable macro's, in-chat adding
                                     of macro's, turn macro's ON/OFF 
                                   Capture option: user can downl.  
                                     capture file after the chat     
fl_ppp.zip      8160 08-05-2024 
                                    PPP for PCBOARD-OS/2 !!!   
                                  A FLATLINE / NOSA release !! 
                                 FIRST PPE to allow caller to  
                                 enter PPP mode on your system 
                                 allows to USE TCPIP aware     
                                 software on your BBS LINES !  
                                 think of a QUAKE server, an   
                                 FTP site !                    
                                 USES PPP.EXE for OS/2 !!!!    
                                @X05@X0E   @X05@X0909.29
fmore16.zip     8659 08-05-2024 [ *Flaring Enter* ]Ļ
                                  The Ultimate Pcboard PPE.   V1.6    
                                   100% Sysop Configurable. Over 20     
                                   Awesome Enter Prompts, Including     
                                   Allows You To Add Your Own. Very High
                                   Detailed Graphics. Rated #1 Best PPE 
                                   Of The Year. Bug-Free. (The Best)    
                                   Programmed By Mark Harmon.           
                                  $2 Registration --- A Must See      
                                [****Harmony Software******]ļ
fmore18.zip    20485 08-05-2024 [ *Flaring Enter* ]Ļ
                                  The Ultimate Pcboard PPE.   V1.8    
                                   100% Sysop Configurable. Over 20     
                                   Awesome Enter Prompts, Including     
                                   Allows You To Add Your Own. Very High
                                   Detailed Graphics. Rated #1 Best PPE 
                                   Of The Year. Bug-Free. (The Best)    
                                   Programmed By Mark Harmon.           
                                  $2 Registration --- A Must See      
                                [****Harmony Software******]ļ
fmtmny.zip      1421 08-05-2024 Format Money 1.0 PCBoard PPE. This
                                little Function will let you format
                                money with commas in the thousands and
                                millions columns. Also uses push and pop.
                                No Docs, No Support. Free Source Code.
                                Coded by Alif Ambler.
fn110.zip       5385 08-05-2024 FLAGNEW.PPE v1.10; PCBoard v15.0  [PPE]
                                program that  flags all new files in
                                specified directories for later download.
                                Additionally a capture  file with all
                                descriptions will  be zipped and flagged for
fnod1000.zip    9799 08-05-2024 FINDNODE 1.00  - Compile 22JUN95 [PPE
                                PCBoard Nodelist Search Utility for PCB 15.2x
                                This  PPE will search through PCBoard's Node-
                                list  and find the node(s) you're looking for
                                using either the BBS's name, location or the
                                SysOp's name for indexes.         [Shareware]
fnod101b.zip   11585 08-05-2024 FINDNODE 1.01b - Compile 25JUN95 [PPE]
                                PCBoard Nodelist Search Utility for PCB 15.2x
                                [Maintenance Fix /  Additional Feature Added]
                                This  PPE will search through PCBoard's Node-
                                list  and find the node(s) you're looking for
                                using either the BBS's name, location or the
                                SysOp's name for indexes. It can also be used
                                as a replacement for the (E)nter command, and
                                will allow the user to lookup  node addresses
                                in the nodelist.                  [Shareware]
fof_21tlog.zip    3181 08-05-2024 SCaRFaCE Turbo Login PPE
fof_tlog.zip    3181 08-05-2024 SCaRFaCE Turbo Login PPE
foodapl.zip    56323 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                 AnyPPE Launcher by Master of Magic
                                  Allows you, or your staff members to    
                                  run *any* ppefile found on the drive    
                                    (c) - 1996, Master of Magic / FOOD
fooddaf.zip    58474 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                 DownloadAnyFile PPE by Master Of Magic.
                                  Allows you, or your staff members to    
                                  download *any* files found on the drive 
                                    (c) - 1996, Master of Magic / FOOD
foodulst.zip   18685 08-05-2024  : ________________________               :
                                -:-    ___/  \     \DT! \-- - - - - ---:-
                                 : |   ___/    \     \  \ \    FOOD     :
                                 : |    \   |   /  |   /  |  \ pRESENTS:  :
                                -:-____/______/______/______/-- - - - ---:-
                                 : /X-uSER-lISTER v1.0 -by cyberkid
                                 : Userlister PPE for your Pcboard/X
                                 : setup.
                                 : [releasedate: 18.03.96]
                                -:- - -- -   - --  -   --
foodusre.zip   22553 08-05-2024  : ________________________               :
                                -:-    ___/  \     \DT! \-- - - - - ---:-
                                 : |   ___/    \     \  \ \    FOOD     :
                                 : |    \   |   /  |   /  |  \ pRESENTS:  :
                                -:-____/______/______/______/-- - - - ---:-
                                 : /X-uSER-eDITOR v1.0 -by cyberkid
                                 : UserEditor PPE for your Pcboard/X
                                 : Totally Backdoor free ofcause!
                                 : [releasedate: 18.03.96]
                                -:- - -- -   - --  -   --
food_21bkd.zip   51486 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                    -*- PPE BACKDOOR CHECKER v1.0b -*-   
                                 This is a *GREAT* utility for PCBOARD   
                                 sysops! It can be set to check all PPE's
                                  that are uploaded for backdoors! Can be 
                                  used with BOOMLAB/PCBTEST etc. DL NOW!!
                                  [Codeblaster/Food - 05/27/96, 11:00 AM]
food_21bll.zip   30923 08-05-2024   _____                    ___
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                |   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1997 |
                                |---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                |    Bulletins PPE for Pcboard 15.3       |
                                | Nice Ami/x styled bulls ppe, can easily |
                                | be configured, supports upto 999 bulls, |
                                | etc. Part of the ami/x series...        |
                                   [fATE97] COURiERED BY fATE [fATE97]
food_21bul.zip   16244 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                       BULLS.PPE for PCBOARD v15.22      
                                  Simple bulletin ppe that lets you add  
                                  up to 4 bulls -> Top leechers, uppers
                                   mailers, and posters. Nice layout and  
                                   lightbars.     Codeblaster [05/27/96]
food_21lgn.zip   25737 08-05-2024   _________ _____ _______ ________
                                 _\_    __/_     \       \______  \
                                  \    ____/ |    \_ |    \_   /   \_
                                   \_____\ ________/_______/________/
                                  AMi/X Style LOGiN for Pcboard 15.x
                                  Very configurable, includes newuser
                                  password, sysop paging, etc. Source
                                  code included (messy!;)
                                              Coded by Codeblaster/Food
food_21noc.zip   29033 08-05-2024                          ߲
                                     ۲ ۲     
                                   ANTI-CAPTURE CHAT for PCBOARD 15.22+   
                                 User can't take capture while you chat.  
                                 No more "Look how lame sysop at XXX BBS  
                                 is.." releases.. :)                      
                                06/10/96              1/1ܲ
food_21pon.zip   26613 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                     Nice Oneliner for Pcboard 15.3
                                   Features: SoftScroll & who wrote what  
                                          Check it out! -Tnse [O4/12/96]
food_21ul.zip   23153 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                  Just another 'MAKE YOUR USERS UPLOAD'
                                   PPE, that comes in handy if you have   
                                   too many lame leechers on your board.
                                   100% Configurable!
                                   Coded by Codeblaster [06/10/96] [1/1]
food_21up_25.zip   19355 08-05-2024   _____                    ___
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                |   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1996 |
                                |---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                |  AMi/X FazzztUpload for PCboard 15.3    |
                                | Better 'U' command for pcb in that nice |
                                | ascii-stylee that we all love...        |
                                |              - done by Codeblaster/Food |
food_21v.zip   29393 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                   'V' Replacement for PCBOARD 15.22+
                                    This is simply the BEST Stats ppe     
                                    ever with lotsa TOTAL stats, like
                                    TOTAL bytes ul, dl etc.. Download
                                    this PPE now! Source included....
                                    Codeblaster [06/10/96]       [1/1]
food_21wl2.zip   25187 08-05-2024  : ________________________               :
                                -:-    ___/  \     \DT! \-- - - - - ---:-
                                 : |   ___/    \     \  \ \    FOOD     :
                                 : |    \   |   /  |   /  |  \ pRESENTS:  :
                                -:-____/______/______/______/-- - - - ---:-
                                 : Free-Ascii-Wall for PCBoard 15.2+ [PPE]
                                 : K-rad ascii wall for your pcb/x-setup.
                                 : Code/Idea/Art by Cyberkid/Food'96
                                 : Release: [26.04.96]        Disk: [1/1]
                                -:- - -- -   - --  -   --
food_2dcns.zip   16248 08-05-2024 ______________________________
                                  ______  ________  ________  \          mGz
                                 ___)  _)  \_ _  _)  \_ _ _ )  \-----------.
                                __\  _ _____///_ _____////______\ presents |
                                Cursor hidden Ami/x Nodescan ppe v1.0    .:|
                                for PCBoard v15.+ Coded by: Kraze/Food  .::|
                                - -[14o697]----------------------------'
food_2dfc1.zip   15181 08-05-2024   __ ______   _______   _______    ______ __
                                ((__(_  __/___\  _   \__\  _   \___\__  /__//
                                     /  ____/    )    /    )    /    (  \
                                 _ _/    \_ l__  ____/l__  ____/l___     \_ _
                                _) \______/    )/        )/    hP!/______/ (
                                |    Fully Configurable Lightbar or Manual  
                                |    Comment To Sysop PPE for Pcboard 15.2+ 
                                |__  A must for boards w/ MultiSysops!     _
                                  /__  ________________________________  __\
                                     \(                                )/
food_2dnew.zip   25851 08-05-2024   _____                    ___
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                |   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1997 |
                                |---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                | New File Scan v1.1 PPE for Pcboard 15.x+|
                                |Fast ami/x styled program with alot of   |
                                |handy features ...                       |
                                |Easy installation, configuration and use!|
food_2dnua.zip   12979 08-05-2024   __ ______   _______   _______    ______ __
                                ((__(_  __/___\  _   \__\  _   \___\__  /__//
                                     /  ____/    )    /    )    /    (  \
                                 _ _/    \_ l__  ____/l__  ____/l___     \_ _
                                _) \______/    )/        )/    hP!/______/ (
                                |  Nice little ami/x styled New User Apply  
                                |  PPE for Pcboard 15.3. Very Configurable, 
                                |__ edit upto 99 questions! - Cb/Food'97!  _
                                  /__  ________________________________  __\
                                     \(                                )/
food_2dunx.zip   39063 08-05-2024                                       __ _
                                 - -- --- ---------------------------=\_\\\\
                                .___ __  __ ____
                                |-- (__)(__)|__/ You judge it by it's taste!
                                  _ __
                                ////_/=--------------------------- --- -- - 
                                       Unix/Telnet Login For PCBoard 15.3+
food_2dwt1.zip   19575 08-05-2024          ______  _____   _____    ______
                                    _____):  //__): _/___): _/____):  _/
                                   _):  _____/:  _  .\:  _  .\_______ .\
                                .--\_  ____/     |   \\_ |   \\_   //  \\--.
                                .   /____\   _ ________/_______/________/  |
                                :                                          |
                                |   FOOD! wASTEDTOP v1.0 PPE by 2 STONED   :
                                |                                          .
forcemsg.zip    2836 08-05-2024 GES Force Message - A Freeware PPE That
                                Will Force Specified Users to Read Personal
                                Messages When Logging In.
free.zip       17183 08-05-2024 -======================================-
                                -= Free.EXE by Mukunda Modell         =-
                                -= Displays Free disk space in        =-
                                -= Megabytes.  Much better then the   =-
                                -= DIR command to find out how much   =-
                                -= space is free!                     =-
                                -= UTILITIESBBSPCBPPECMDCOLORARCHIVE  =-
freefl10.zip   24627 08-05-2024 FreeFile v1.00 PPE - Gorgon Enterprises, Inc.
                                Are there certain files that you want to make
                                freely  available to unregistered callers? Do
                                they have trouble finding your free files? If
                                so, FreeFile is for you! FreeFile installs as
                                a Logon Script and runs immediately after the
                                caller enters their  password.  FreeFile also
                                install  in the  CMD.LST  as a command.  This
                                program is ShareWare - not  CrippleWare, Beg-
                                Ware or PauseWare!  $10.00US - and  worth it!
freefl12.zip   30469 08-05-2024 FreeFile v1.20   -   Gorgon Enterprises, Inc.
                                Are there certain files that you want to make
                                freely  available to unregistered callers? Do
                                they have trouble finding your free files? If
                                so, FreeFile is for you! FreeFile installs as
                                a  Security  Specific  Command and runs right
                                after a caller puts in the password. FreeFile
                                also installs  in the  CMD.LST  as a command.
                                This PPE is ShareWare - not CrippleWare, Beg-
                                Ware or PauseWare!  $10.00US - and  worth it!
frusgump.zip    6712 08-05-2024 Forrest Gump PPE
fsearch1.zip    3664 08-05-2024             FSEARCH.PPE  (L)
                                A (L) File Search Replacement for PCBoard 
                                Ver. 15.21 or Greater.  Very Professional 
                                Look and Feel. Customize your Menu the Way 
                                You Want it!  List of Options Help your
                                Users Search Their Little Hearts Out. You 
                                Spent Time Gathering Files, Now Give Them 
                                The Tool to Find Them!
                                ***FREE PPE PCB***FREE PCB PPE***
fsjoin10.zip   14895 08-05-2024 The BEST Full-Screen Conference Join System
                                Easy to Configure, Totally Color Configurable
                                Extended Conference Descriptions
                                Forum-hack look and feel
fsn_2dmnu.zip    8990 08-05-2024        ___      ___      ___
                                 .----/   |----/   |----/ mS|
                                 |    ____| \______|    _   |
                                 |/.  ___||/\_____ |/. |   .|
                                 /    \\  /       ./   |   :|
                                |    menu selector ppe.     |
                                | horrid nature  [12/16/95] |
fsn_2dnuu.zip    8969 08-05-2024    ___ ___ _ _   _        _  _   ___ ___
                                 _| . | ____| \ __ ___ __ ___ __  _ | . |_
                                | |___||   _|  |  |   |  |   |  \| ||___| |
                                |___|  |   _|  |  | --|  | : |   ' |  |___|
                                |  _|_ |  | |  :  |-- |  | : |  .  | _|_  |
                                |_| . ||  | |_____|___|  |___|__|\_|| . |_|
                                | |___|_\_|_ o6/24/95 |_/ _  [PM] __|___| |
                                |___|                                 |___|
                                |  _|_    New User Upload PPE v1.0   _|_  |
                                |_| . | For Use With PCBoard 15.21+ | . |_|
                                | |___|       Coded by Drake        |___| |
                                |___| ___  _    _         _    _  ___ |___|
                                    @X01:|@X08Nuclear Insemination@X01|:
                                .:. Scortched from the RTS/WHQ .:.
fsr.zip        29041 08-05-2024 FSR.PPE IS A LOGON SCREEN ROTATOR, THAT
                                WILL DISPLAY A RIP OR ANSI SCREEN. DEPE-
                                NDING ON WICH RIP/ANSI GRAPHIC MODE IS .
                                ON ! NON CRIPELED !! SHARE WARE !!!!!!!!
                                *************** PHANTOM BBS ************
                                ************* (716)-366-3884 ***********
fsw_2dag.zip  136694 08-05-2024 _______________________ __ __ __
                                \__   _______/ _______//  |  |  \_
                                ::|  _____)_____  \::_/   |  |   /:
                                ::|    \__/eR! |   \_\_____     /::
                                |  ALiENViEW v1.0 By Code Zero    |
                                |  The Best Ansi/TXT/ASC/PCB..etc.|
                                |  Viewer PCBoard Has Ever seen!  |
                                |  Upload/Download/View/MultiConf |
                                |  Supports Up to 9990 Files !!!  |
                                |  And 999 Conferences w/ 10 Files|
                                |  Per Conference! This is Cool!  |
fsw_2damsg.zip   10589 08-05-2024 _______________________ __ __ __
                                \__   _______/ _______//  |  |  \_
                                ::|  _____)_____  \::_/   |  |   /:
                                ::|    \__/eR! |   \_\_____     /::
                                | AutoMessage 1.0 By NabiKi tEND0 |
                                | Nice AutoMessage With Lightbars |
                                | Definable Ansi, And You Can Cu- |
                                |   stomize The Hell Out Of It!   |
fsw_2dchat.zip   20837 08-05-2024 _______________________ __ __ __
                                \__   _______/ _______//  |  |  \_
                                ::|  _____)_____  \::_/   |  |   /:
                                ::|    \__/eR! |   \_\_____     /::
                                | Fast Chatter by Scorpian&Subzero|
                                | A nice clean fast PCBoard chat  |
                                | replacement. Has options for    |
                                | changing font and more! Enjoy!  |
fsw_2dcmb.zip   16809 08-05-2024 _______________________ __ __ __
                                \__   _______/ _______//  |  |  \_
                                ::|  _____)_____  \::_/   |  |   /:
                                ::|    \__/eR! |   \_\_____     /::
                                |  Sys Combo 1.0 by NabiKi tEND0  |
                                | This is a Combination Lock for  |
                                | PCB, keep users out of places   |
                                | that they don't belong! Enjoy!  |
fsw_2dcmb2.zip   18283 08-05-2024 _______________________ __ __ __
                                \__   _______/ _______//  |  |  \_
                                ::|  _____)_____  \::_/   |  |   /:
                                ::|    \__/eR! |   \_\_____     /::
                                |  Sys Combo 2.0 by NabiKi tEND0  |
                                | This is a Combination Lock for  |
                                | PCB, keep users out of places   |
                                | that they don't belong! Enjoy!  |
                                | New: Hotkeys                    |
                                |      Shows Current Combo        |
fsw_2ddflc.zip   58139 08-05-2024 LastCaller's '96 v1.11 by darkfire    [01/01]
                                .._________________________. .______,_______.
                                :\\_   _ _____/__   ____ _ |_|:   ./funky...:
                                |df/   ____|_   :|   .|:   / \   //:software|
                                |_//_   _|::|:   |   :||    :    /::writers.|
                                - Shows actions : DL/UL, paged, hungup,    
                                  entered message, and group chatted.      
                                - Highly configurable bulletin output.     
                                - Daily, Weekly and Alltime record created.
                                - Displays users online as well as their   
                                - INCLUDES PCB HELP FILES COLOUR CHANGER.  
                                 - changes those pcb's default colours fast
                                - SOURCE INCLUDED!                         
fsw_2demsg.zip    8439 08-05-2024 _______________________ __ __ __
                                \__   _______/ _______//  |  |  \_
                                ::|  _____)_____  \::_/   |  |   /:
                                ::|    \__/eR! |   \_\_____     /::
                                |  Enter Message By NabiKi tEND0  |
                                |      Simple "e" Replacement     |
                                |    Lightbars - Cool Ascii By    |
                                |             Luptin              |
fsw_2dentr.zip   17306 08-05-2024 _______________________ __ __ __
                                \__   _______/ _______//  |  |  \_
                                ::|  _____)_____  \::_/   |  |   /:
                                ::|    \__/eR! |   \_\_____     /::
                                |        Fusion Enter v1          |
                                |   (c) Nuclear Postman [fSW]     |
                                | Customizable enter prompt.      |
                                | Select from all color schemes   |
                                | possible and select which prompt|
                                | to use.  Easy setup, requires   |
                                | you to just change the 1st two  |
                                | lines of the configuration file |
fsw_2dfal.zip    9285 08-05-2024 _______________________ __ __ __
                                \__   _______/ _______//  |  |  \_
                                ::|  _____)_____  \::_/   |  |   /:
                                ::|    \__/eR! |   \_\_____     /::
                                |     FAL 1.0 by NabiKi tEND0     |
                                |  A great File Area Lister for   |
                                |  PCBoard has lightbar with rad  |
                                |  art work.  Enjoy!              |
fsw_2dlast.zip    7169 08-05-2024 _______________________ __ __ __
                                \__   _______/ _______//  |  |  \_
                                ::|  _____)_____  \::_/   |  |   /:
                                ::|    \__/eR! |   \_\_____     /::
                                |  Inq Stile LC (c) NabiKi tEND0  |
                                |  Iniquity style Last Callers for|
                                |  pcboard.  Come on we know you  |
                                |  all secretly love Iniquity!    |
fsw_2dlg.zip   10605 08-05-2024 _______________________ __ __ __
                                \__   _______/ _______//  |  |  \_
                                ::|  _____)_____  \::_/   |  |   /:
                                ::|    \__/eR! |   \_\_____     /::
                                | Animated Logoff By Shadowblade  |
                                | Nice Logoff PPE With Animated   |
                                | Logoff Statistics, Very Cool,   |
                                | Get it Now!                     |
fsw_2dlg2.zip    8213 08-05-2024 _______________________ __ __ __
                                \__   _______/ _______//  |  |  \_
                                ::|  _____)_____  \::_/   |  |   /:
                                ::|    \__/eR! |   \_\_____     /::
                                | Animated Logoff By Shadowblade  |
                                | Nice Logoff PPE With Animated   |
                                | Logoff Statistics, Very Cool,   |
                                | Get it Now!                     |
                                - [ NRX ] N I G H T R A I D  X [ NRX ] -
fsw_2dnup.zip    8377 08-05-2024     New User Password for PCB15.22
                                   .        .
                                  ޲       ۲޲۱
                                   ۲     ۲
                                  ۲޲   ޲ ۲ 
                                  ۲޲޲        ۲ ݲ
                                   ߲ ۲    
                                  ܲ     ۲޲ܱ
                                  ۲      ۲
                                      by Nuclear Postman [fSW]     
                                           & Code Zero             
                                    Set NUP, New User Access, NUP  
                                    Prompt, and NUP Ask times and  
                                    all you have to do is change   
                                      four lines and your done     
                                (spreading) aneurysm (the) 519 (warez)
fsw_2done.zip   10729 08-05-2024     trippy oneliners by: lil elvis
                                   .        .
                                  ޲       ۲޲۱
                                   ۲     ۲
                                  ۲޲   ޲ ۲ 
                                  ۲޲޲        ۲ ݲ
                                   ߲ ۲    
                                  ܲ     ۲޲ܱ
                                  ۲      ۲
                                   neeto oneliners with litebars and
                                    fading text with wicked ansee's
fsw_2dpdo.zip    9485 08-05-2024 _______________________ __ __ __
                                \__   _______/ _______//  |  |  \_
                                ::|  _____)_____  \::_/   |  |   /:
                                ::|    \__/eR! |   \_\_____     /::
                                |  Page da op 1.0 by AiDaTa       |
                                |  Nice clean fast PCB sysop page |
                                |  100% percentile configurable!  |
fsw_2dpdo2.zip   15634 08-05-2024             Page Da Op 2.0
                                   .        .
                                  ޲       ۲޲۱
                                   ۲     ۲
                                  ۲޲   ޲ ۲ 
                                  ۲޲޲        ۲ ݲ
                                   ߲ ۲    
                                  ܲ     ۲޲ܱ
                                  ۲      ۲
                                   User Blacklist, Vip List, Mute  
                                   Page, Abort, Lightbar prompting 
                                   Tons of features BEST Pager you 
                                   can get, for PCBoard Systems.   
fsw_2dstat.zip    7901 08-05-2024 _______________________ __ __ __
                                \__   _______/ _______//  |  |  \_
                                ::|  _____)_____  \::_/   |  |   /:
                                ::|    \__/eR! |   \_\_____     /::
                                |    User Stats by ShadowBlade    |
                                |  Clean, fast and lightbar user  |
                                |    stats for PCBoard 15.22+     |
fsw_2dtslw.zip    8112 08-05-2024 _______________________ __ __ __
                                \__   _______/ _______//  |  |  \_
                                ::|  _____)_____  \::_/   |  |   /:
                                ::|    \__/eR! |   \_\_____     /::
                                |     Too Slow 1.0 by AiDaTa      |
                                | With Slow Speed Password and a  |
                                | speed status bar for PCB.       |
fsw_2due10.zip   11505 08-05-2024 _______________________ __ __ __
                                \__   _______/ _______//  |  |  \_
                                ::|  _____)_____  \::_/   |  |   /:
                                ::|    \__/eR! |   \_\_____     /::
                                |  Fast-o-Editor 1.0 by Prototype |
                                |  Wicked user editor with hacker |
                                |       protection features.      |
fsw_2dusts.zip   10244 08-05-2024           User Stats 1.0 -AiD
                                   .        .
                                  ޲       ۲޲۱
                                   ۲     ۲
                                  ۲޲   ޲ ۲ 
                                  ۲޲޲        ۲ ݲ
                                   ߲ ۲    
                                  ܲ     ۲޲ܱ
                                  ۲      ۲
                                   Nice clean fast user stats fer PCB
ftatul16.zip   25721 08-05-2024 1995͸
                                     Top Uploaders PPe v1.6    
                                |       Coded By: Villian       |
                                | \--------\\----------//--\    |
                                :  \   _____\\___  ___//    \   :
                                   /   ---\    /  \  /   |  \  
                                :  /    \---\  /    \/        \ :
                                |  \_____\     \____/\___/\___/ |
                                      -\/-Fuck Them All-\/-
                                    HiGH TeCH CouRieRS 
fta_stat.zip   11451 08-05-2024 1995͸
                                 YouR STaTs PPe....
                                | \--------\\----------//--\    |
                                :  \   _____\\___  ___//    \   :
                                   /   ---\    /  \  /   |  \  
                                :  /    \---\  /    \/        \ :
                                |  \_____\     \____/\___/\___/ | 
                                 -\/-Fuck Them All-\/-
ftp.zip        18962 08-05-2024 ͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ
                                WWW.PPE Version .20b 5/10/95. If your
                                a PCBoard Sysop and can't afford a
                                direct internet connection, then this
                                PPE is for you. All you need is an
                                Internet Email account with a UUCP
                                provider and you can provide your
                                users the ability to access the
                                WORLD WIDE WEB!! Using this PPE, your
                                users just type in the URL and an
                                email message is prepared and sent
                                to the WWW Email Server. Within
                                2 UUCP events, your users get the
                                Web Page of their choice! SHAREWARE
                                only $5.00 to register!
ftpcb110.zip   69608 08-05-2024  File Transfer Test PPE V1.10 BETA 7/2/95
                                FTT is a PCBoard PPE program designed to 
                                perform file transfer testing in a 
                                controlled, repeatable manner, and provide 
                                complete statistic reporting in a uniform 
                                format.  Works with any modem, with or 
                                without USRSTATS. Multi-node aware, requires 
ftpcb112.zip   69759 08-05-2024 File Transfer Test PPE V1.12 BETA 7/10/95
                                FTT is a PCBoard PPE program designed to
                                perform file transfer testing in a
                                controlled, repeatable manner, and provide
                                complete statistic reporting in a uniform
                                format.  Works with any modem, with or
                                without USRSTATS. Multi-node aware, requires
ftpmail1.zip   30614 08-05-2024 FTPMAIL PPE v1.0: FTPMAIL for PCBoard 15.21
                                ޳ [FTPMAIL.PPE]: This program open the   
                                ޳ oportunity to ALL PCBoard user's make  
                                ޳ FTP to Internet File Server's.         
                                ޳ -------------------------------------- 
                                ޳ Design for work to PCBoard 15.2x, and  
                                ޳ any BBS who work with email Server's   
                                ޳ UUENCODE & UUDECODE. ## MSmac Software 
ftr_2dstat.zip    6408 08-05-2024 Fortress Users Stats PPE
ftr_stat.zip    6408 08-05-2024 Fortress Users Stats PPE
ftt108b.zip    62601 08-05-2024 [File Transfer Test V1.08 BETA 10/30/94]
                                FTT is a PCBoard PPE program designed
                                to perform file transfer testing in a
                                controlled, repeatable manner, and
                                provide complete statistic reporting
                                in a uniform format.  Works with any
                                modem, with or without USRSTATS.
                                Multi-node aware, requires DSZ.COM.
ft_2drentr.zip    8686 08-05-2024 [PWA RANDoMiZER]  PPe  v2.0  +  BuGFiX
                                randomized   press   enter  for  PWA's
                                Enter  prompt  enhancer . GreaT RaNDoM
                                Press Enter . For  PCB  15.X+   ONLY!!
fulogn13.zip    7760 08-05-2024 LOGON.PPE V1.3 PPE for PCB 15.1 that give PCB
                                a FULL SCREEN logon procedure. The sysop can
                                display a file and then ask for the users
                                name and password anywhere on the screen.
                                This version fixes the document bugs that
                                were in version 1.2 (left a setup procedure
fwpobmnu.zip    6240 08-05-2024 > POBMenu - Replacement Menus <Ŀ
                                This is a set of replacement menus for the 
                                POB menu set.  It includes MENU1 and MENU2 
                                as well as the needed .CFG files.  These   
                                menus are an excellent addition to THE     
                                BEST menu PPL available for PCBoard!       
                                 The FreeWorld Exchange - +49-(0)9626/832  
                                    InterNet EMail:root@tfw.franken.de     
                                Get The Latest Version of POB Utilities at:
                                 +49-(0)8807/993456 (30 NODES USR & ISDN)  
                                  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   
                                  FIDO 2:2480/5678 PCBoard NET: PCB:POB/0  
fxflag10.zip   24890 08-05-2024 FXFLAG 1.0 -- Adds PCBFX (I)nfo to FLAG.PPE.
                                This mod. to CDC's FLAG.PPE adds the ability
                                to obtain extra (I)nfo about a file while at
                                the file directory listing prompt. Select a
                                file with SPACE BAR then press "I" for Info.
                                REQUIRES PCBFX from Yandell Custom Software.
                                PCBFX Info shows # downloads, who uploaded,
                                last date, charge status (free etc.), number
                                of files in ZIP, oldest/newest dates & MORE!
                                ---------- A YCS PCBoard Accessory ----------
f_rules0.zip    3103 08-05-2024 Fido Rules Poster v.99 -  This is a PPE
                                to post rules in Echo Conferences during
                                weekly maintenance.  Sysops,  If your
                                the moderator for a conference this is a
                                must for you!
f_rules1.zip    3420 08-05-2024 Fido Rules Poster v1.0 -  This is a PPE
                                to post rules in Echo Conferences during
                                weekly maintenance.  Sysops,  If you are
                                the moderator for a conference this is a
                                must for you!

                  Area 85 - PCBoard Utils                 

gamble.zip      6124 08-05-2024          Gamble PPE v1.00
                                Gamble PPE is a PPE which allows the user
                                to pick a number from 1-a number you
                                specify. It will then give them time,
                                or take time away! Very nice!
gamble11.zip   13440 08-05-2024 ==============================
                                  Ultimate Time Gambler v1.1
                                A PPE for PCBoard 15.1+ which
                                will allow your users to gamble
                                time by playing one of the
                                following games:
                                1) Dumb Luck
                                2) Blackjack (21)
                                3) Safe Cracker
                                4) more to come
gamble20.zip   26299 08-05-2024 ================================
                                   Ultimate Time Gambler v2.0
                                A PPE for PCBoard 15.2+ which
                                will allow your users to gamble
                                time by playing one of the
                                following games:
                                1) Dumb Luck (10 Different Odds)
                                2) Guess-the-Number
                                3) Blackjack (21)
                                4) Safe Cracker
                                5) more to come
                                      by Brian Sweeney,
                                The Laser BBS (914-734-7045)
gamble30.zip   35739 08-05-2024 ================================
                                   Ultimate Time Gambler v3.0
                                A PPE for PCBoard 15.21+ which
                                will allow your users to gamble
                                time by playing one of the
                                following games:
                                1) Dumb Luck (10 Different Odds)
                                2) Guess-the-Number
                                3) Blackjack (21)
                                4) Safe Cracker
                                5) Craps (Casino Style)
                                      by Brian Sweeney,
                                The Laser BBS (914-734-7045)
gamble31.zip   35813 08-05-2024 ================================
                                   Ultimate Time Gambler v3.1
                                A PPE for PCBoard 15.2+ which
                                will allow your users to gamble
                                on-line time by playing one of
                                the following 5 games:
                                1) Blackjack (21)
                                2) Craps (Casino Style)
                                3) Safe Cracker
                                4) Guess-the-Number
                                5) Dumb Luck (10 Different Odds)
                                      by Brian Sweeney,
                                The Laser BBS (914-734-7045)
gambler1.zip   10153 08-05-2024 Gambler v1.0 numess.ppe for PCBoard v15.0+
                                Lets users gamble online time.  Loser's bet
                                gets banked and winner gets all in the bank.
                                Totally rewritable headerfile and closing
                                screens.  Computes correctly and looks neat.
                                No nags, no advertisement, shareware.
                                Atlantis Software 706-776-9276 28.8 BBS
gan_2dar05.zip   19555 08-05-2024 -------- AREA.PPE ---------                  
                                      VeRSioN 0.5 By                         
                                     RaLF KeFFeRPueTZ                        
                                    FoR PCBoaRD 15.2x.                       
                                   GReaT FiLe-aRea PPe.                      
                                 "F" CoMMaND RePLaCeMeNT.                    
                                   SCRoLLiNG LiGHTBaRS.                      
                                      MuLTiPLe PaGeS.                        
                                  DoWNLoaD CoNTeNT LiSTiNG                   
                                         oF aRea.                            
                                 oPTioNaL PaSSWoRD SeCuRE.                   
                                   MuLTiLaNGuaGE SuPPoRT                     
                                        PPLC 3.10                            
                                    FuLLY CoNFiGuRaBLe                       
gan_2dms02.zip   16083 08-05-2024 --GaNDaLF GRouP PReSeNTs---                  
                                ------- MESSAGE.PPE -------                  
                                    VeRSioN 0.2 BeTa By                      
                                     RaLF KeFFeRPueTZ                        
                                    FoR PCBoaRD 15.2x.                       
                                 GReaT eNTeR MeSSaGE PPe.                    
                                    FuLLSCReeN eDiToR.                       
                                  USeRNaMe PoPuP WiNDoW.                     
                                  MuLTiLaNGuaGE SuPPoRT                      
                                        PPLC 3.10                            
                                    FuLLY CoNFiGuRaBLe                       
gan_2dms03.zip   21161 08-05-2024 ***************************
                                --GaNDaLF GRouP PReSeNTs---
                                ------- MESSAGE.PPE -------
                                    VeRSioN 0.3 BeTa By
                                     RaLF KeFFeRPueTZ
                                    FoR PCBoaRD 15.2x.
                                 GReaT eNTeR MeSSaGE PPe.
                                    FuLLSCReeN eDiToR.
                                  USeRNaMe PoPuP WiNDoW.
                                  MuLTiLaNGuaGE SuPPoRT
                                        PPLC 3.10
                                    FuLLY CoNFiGuRaBLe
gbyeppe.zip     2014 08-05-2024 CPCB Text replacement for . Small PPE to
                                verify user request Log Off
gbye_v2.zip     3653 08-05-2024 ----------{ Goodbye [PPE] v. 1 }------------
                                GoodBye [PPE] is a replacement for your
                                (G)oodbye command in PCBoard.  Functions 
                                included a logoff comment to the SysOp.
                                Rewrote and recompiled for PcBoard 15.3
                                /* Release Date 10/07/96 /*
ges_2dcbv1.zip   24840 08-05-2024 GES Call Back Verify Version 1.0 - A Fast 
                                and Simple Verify PPE, Local and Long 
                                Distance Call Back, Not Crippled, Checks for 
                                Already Verified Number. Comes with a BRDM 
                                Replacement Shell, Which Gives the User the 
                                Choice of Verifying or Being Deleted if they 
                                if They Refuse to Verify. Can run From Shell 
                                or Stand Alone.
ges_2dmsg1.zip   17135 08-05-2024 GES Message Counter Version 1.0 -
                                PPE that will count the messages on
                                your system, and will generate a
                                bulletin with message numbers by
                                conference and also totals for
                                networks. Runs in event.
getit02b.zip    5862 08-05-2024 GetIt.PPE  v.2.1  PCBoard 15.0  PPE  program
                                that  will check the users  file for Address
                                Information (PSA)if enabled, and a user has
                                not entered  their appropriate information,
                                as  well  as  Notes (PSA)  if enabled, and a
                                user has not entered any personal info notes
                                andfinally for Verify (PSA) if enabled, and
                                a user has not yet entered their  birthdate.
                                Now includes word wrap and better interface.
                                Fixes  Minor Bug With  Missing Address  Info
                                *Modified by  John Lundell - City Lites BBS*
getit03.zip     5626 08-05-2024 GetIt.PPE  v.3.0  PCBoard 15.0  PPE  program
                                that  will check the users  file for Address
                                Information (PSA)if enabled, and a user has
                                not entered  their appropriate information,
                                as  well  as  Notes (PSA)  if enabled, and a
                                user has not entered any personal info notes
                                andfinally for Verify (PSA) if enabled, and
                                a user has not yet entered their  birthdate.
                                Included a few more goodies - this one  will
                                do   it   all  for  you  as a login  script!
                                *Modified by  John Lundell - City Lites BBS*
getspeed.zip    8318 08-05-2024 ۲   ۲
                                Getspeed.ppe Rel 1.0 08/08/97 PCB 15.3+ PPLC 
                                3.3,Tiny Utility to run as a DAILY EVENT that
                                reads your USERS FILE and generates a History
                                Bulletin of Logon Speeds.  Requires PSA(5)
                                Statistics BE Installed. FREEWARE!!!         
                                Easy Setup, no config.                       
                                (c) 1997 KASA ENTERTAINMENT-PRESENTS         
                                Bulletin is generated in PCB COLOR CODES.    
ggamb100.zip   70931 08-05-2024 @X0FĿ
                                @X0D        G A L A C T I C@X0F         
                                @X0D        G A M B L I N G@X0F         
                                @X03    Version 1.00   03/27/95@X0F     
                                        @X12By Wayne Kremer@X0F         
                                @X0A The best online time gambling @X0F 
                                @X0A PPE available!  Play @X0Cover 12@X0F  
                                @X0A unique types of games that are@X0F 
                                @X0A   very configurable and can@X0F    
                                @X0A   played for time @X0FOR @X0Apoints@X0F.
                                  @X03@X0EMax. User Time Enforcement   @X0F
                                  @X03@X09Sysop (House) percent take@X0F   
                                  @X03@X0DPoints Bulletin Generated@X0F    
                                  @X03@X0BMany other features!@X0F         
                                         EXCELLENT PPE @X0F         
                                @X0F      FOR PCBOARD V. 15.2+      
ggamb101.zip   71708 08-05-2024 @X0FĿ
                                @X0F@X0D      G A L A C T I C@X0F        
                                @X0F@X0D      G A M B L I N G@X0F        
                                @X0F@X03  Version 1.01   03/30/95@X0F    
                                @X0F@X0A   The BEST online gambling@X0F  
                                @X0F@X0A PCBOARD 15.2+ PPE available!@X0F
                                @X0F @X0COver 12 games!             @X0F
                                @X0F @X06Setup for time or points!@X0F  
                                @X0F @X0EMax. User Time Enforcement@X0F 
                                @X0F @X09Sysop (House) percent take@X0F 
                                @X0F @X0DPoints Bulletin Generated@X0F  
                                @X0F @X0BMany other features!@X0F       
ggamb102.zip   71885 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      G A L A C T I C        
                                      G A M B L I N G        
                                  Version 1.02   04/14/95    
                                   The BEST online gambling  
                                 PCBOARD 15.2+ PPE available!
                                 Over 12 games!             
                                 Setup for time or points!  
                                 Max. User Time Enforcement 
                                 Sysop (House) percent take 
                                 Points Bulletin Generated  
                                 Many other features!       
gifcol30.zip  120308 08-05-2024 GIF Collage builder PPE v3.0 for PCB v15.1.
                                This PCBoard v15.1 PPE command allows your
                                callers to dynamically build single GIF
                                images that each contain up to 9 pictures
                                extracted from GIF files posted on your BBS.
                                This gives them the opportunity to preview
                                the larger GIF files before downloading
                                them.  Interactive and quick, your callers
                                will love this one!  This is a fully
                                functional Shareware release.
givetime.zip    3719 08-05-2024 - The Give Time PPE- === TechnoDork Software
                                === - Copyright (C) 1994- This program will
                                give a user a specified time added to theirs.
                                This is so that users who need 2 or 3 more
                                minutes to download something or need time to
                                get time out of the timebank can do so. I
                                reccoment making the password at least four
                                alpha-numeric characters long. This program
                                is very simple to use. First you need to
                                create a configuration file, name
glm_2drmr1.zip   28339 08-05-2024                  
                                ܲ߰ ۲[Gleam Presents]
                                        Rollin' Rumours v1.oo
                                   A Nice Rumour Door For PcB 15.22+
                                     Random Rumours Scrolling From
                                   Right To Left, 100% Configurable!
                                             Done By Virago
                                      -[> +31-77-3872836 <]-
glotqp11.zip    5576 08-05-2024 GEORGIA LOTTO QUIK PIK v1.1 for PCB v15.0
                                This is a PPE program that will allow your
                                users to generate Quik Pik numbers for play
                                in the Georgia Lottery or any lottery that
                                uses six numbers from 1 to 46.
gl_2dsysop.zip    2148 08-05-2024 Illusion PPE Version 1.1 -> TeMpMaN!
                                Page Sysop PPE Best One Ever Made! 
gl_gbmat.zip    2900 08-05-2024 LOGOFF MATRiX PROMPT! REALLY USEFULL
gndapp10.zip   12245 08-05-2024  :::( Grand-Application v1.oo ):::
                                Cool New User PPE for PCBoard v15.2+
                                Comes with Built-In NUP! 100% Fully
                                Customizable! Ami/x AND Ansi version
gns_2dlogn.zip    9976 08-05-2024 GENESiS Logon v1.1
                                  Configurable YES/no litebar
                                  Turbo Logon Option  Nice Oneliners
                                  Last X Callers      AutoMessage
                                  100% Configurable - All features
                                   can be disabled, big STRINGS.CNF
                                  Support for other Logon products,
                                   can be skipped with Turbo Logon
gns_eom.zip     4227 08-05-2024 [ GENESiS End Of MSG Litebar PPE ]Ŀ
                                   100% Configurable Strings/Colors/Loc 
                                   Supports up to three lines           
                                   No annoying hardcoded Author name    
gns_logf.zip    8632 08-05-2024 [ GENESiS Logoff Matrix ]Ŀ
                                   100% Configurable Prompts/Colors/ANSi 
                                   Supports Hot Keys!                    
                                   Light Bar Driven! or Menu!.Whichever! 
                                   Best Ever Made!.. Get It NOW!!!       
gns_prot.zip    4053 08-05-2024 GENESiS Protocol Selector PPE v1.o
                                This PPE allows you to have a better
                                looking Transfer Protocol selector.
                                Fully configurable and easy to setup
                                using lightbars!
gnxzmrf1.zip   20584 08-05-2024 .------[ Ami-X User Refer v1.0 [PPE] ]------.
                                |   An ass-kicking Ami-X User Refer PPE.    |
                                | 101% configurable and ya have a choice of |
                                |  hearing a sound after the user finishes  |
                                |            using this kewl ppe.           |
                                |  ._____.______ .__.     /\.__   -Zima Man |
                                |-/ ___/  ___/ \|  | ___/ |  \------------|
                                |/ /_.\  ._>_   \  |/__/\_ | _/GENERATiON-X|
                                |\   |  \ |  \ \   |    /  _ \    1995    |
                                |-\___  /___  /_|\__|----\__|  /------------|
                                <<--------[metro couriers 95]
gnx_2da2e2.zip   10589 08-05-2024 .------[ APPLE ][e LOGON [PPE] v2.0 ]-------.
                                | Apple ][e Logon, looks and runs like the  |
                                | actual Apple ][e! WOW! This updated 2.0   |
                                | version runs smoother and there are more  |
                                | features added which makes it ALOT better |
                                |  ._____.______ .__.     /\.__  - LiMPY    |
                                |-/ ___/  ___/ \|  | ___/ |  \------------|
                                |/ /_.\  ._>_   \  |/__/\_ | _/GENERATiON-X|
                                |\   |  \ |  \ \   |    /  _ \    1995    |
                                |-\___  /___  /_|\__|----\__|  /------------|
gnx_2ded10.zip    9638 08-05-2024 --[Tempest End Of Download .PPE v1.0]--
                                Here Is A Really Phat ppe Just like the
                                    End of download on temptest that
                                   displays Your old dl stats and the
                                  transfer stats 99% Free of bugs! 99%
                                   configurable Hopefully its 100% :)
gnx_2dll27.zip    6276 08-05-2024 Lightning Logon! v2.7 By AReS & Strider
gnx_2dme11.zip   10031 08-05-2024 [GnX-PPE Mail Read Enhancer v1.10 - EO]
                                 R command replacement that makes mail
                                scans simple for novice users -Seemless
                                 for your expert users -Totally colour
                                configurable!  [PPE] for PCBoard v15.2+
gnx_2dni15.zip   15368 08-05-2024 --[Infoform v1.5 Coded By Crimson Tide]--
                                Update To v1.0 Of Infoform,  New Features 
                                 Added And Bugs Fixed. For PCBoard 15.2+  
gnx_2dns10.zip   11517 08-05-2024 .--------[ NEET STATS v1.0 [PPE] ]----------.
                                | A nice looking User Stats PPE, complete   |
                                | with well done color ascii, nicely setup, |
                                | AND uses its own unique animated Press    |
                                | Enter to Continue prompt.                 |
                                |  ._____.______ .__.     /\.__  - LiMPY    |
                                |-/ ___/  ___/ \|  | ___/ |  \------------|
                                |/ /_.\  ._>_   \  |/__/\_ | _/GENERATiON-X|
                                |\   |  \ |  \ \   |    /  _ \    1995    |
                                |-\___  /___  /_|\__|----\__|  /------------|
gnx_2dnu10.zip   24467 08-05-2024 AMi/X NeW! v.1.0 By BitStream/CK
gnx_2dpame.zip   11788 08-05-2024 .----[ PAGE ME v1.o PPE by LiMPY [GNX] ]----.
                                |  A Page Sysop PPE. This one looks clean   |
                                |and proffesional. Loud Page Bell. Includes |
                                | all the features a good pager should have |
                                |               plus more.                  |
                                |  ._____.______ .__.     /\.__  - LiMPY    |
                                |-/ ___/  ___/ \|  | ___/ |  \------------|
                                |/ /_.\  ._>_   \  |/__/\_ | _/GENERATiON-X|
                                |\   |  \ |  \ \   |    /  _ \    1995    |
                                |-\___  /___  /_|\__|----\__|  /------------|
gnx_2dqul3.zip    6815 08-05-2024 Quick Uploader v3.0
gnx_2dqwkl.zip   11464 08-05-2024 .-[ QWK Command Lightbar Replacement PPE ]--.
                                |  A Replacement for the QWK command. Neeto |
                                | extra features. Lightbars and MORE!!!!!!  |
                                |  ._____.______ .__.     /\.__  - LiMPY    |
                                |-/ ___/  ___/ \|  | ___/ |  \------------|
                                |/ /_.\  ._>_   \  |/__/\_ | _/GENERATiON-X|
                                |\   |  \ |  \ \   |    /  _ \    1995    |
                                |-\___  /___  /_|\__|----\__|  /------------|
gnx_2dreit.zip   10393 08-05-2024 .----[REQUEST IT v1.oo [PPE] PCB 15.1+]-----.
                                |  Allows users to request files by adding  |
                                | file info to a list. Great ansi's. Nice   |
                                | looking added features. A must for every1 |
                                |          ______.____  ____.______         |
                                |  __________\________\/________/__________ |
                                | / __)  _)    ) _) _  )    )   _)_)  \    )|
                                |( (_ _) _) | (  _)   (  ^ ( | | | | | )| ( |
                                | \___)___)_|__)__)_|__)_|__)|_| |_|\_/_|__)|
                                |          __/___.____/\____.___\__         |
                                `-[Rel:Limpy]----|[o6.o2.95]|--[Disk o1/o1]-'
gnx_2drm10.zip    7670 08-05-2024 --[Read Message v1.0 For PCB 15.2+]--
                                Lightbar Read Message PPE for PCBoard
                                15.2x. Definable Commands and Prompts
                                     Make This 100% Configurable!
gnx_2dsp20.zip    9815 08-05-2024 .-----[ SysPager v2.o - FINAL - [PPE] ]-----.
                                |  FINAL! - NEW ADDED FEATURES FROM v.1.1o  |
                                |   ENHANCED LOOK - "O" command sysop page  |
                                |       replacement. PPE 4 PCB 15.1+        |
                                |  ._____.______ .__.     /\.__   - LiMPY   |
                                |-/ ___/  ___/ \|  | ___/ |  \------------|
                                |/ /_.\  ._>_   \  |/__/\_ | _/GENERATiON-X|
                                |\   |  \ |  \ \   |    /  _ \    1995    |
                                |-\___  /___  /_|\__|----\__|  /------------|
gnx_2dstz1.zip    6912 08-05-2024 ---[ STATZ v1.oo [PPE] by LiMPY ]----
                                Stats PPE that includes many options.
                                Cool ANSis. Easy to run. PCB 15.1+
gnx_2dsup.zip    4870 08-05-2024 SuperView(c) Grabba!
gnx_2dtg10.zip    3162 08-05-2024 --[The Grille Terbo Login v1.0a]--
                                 PCBoard PPE w/broadcast Coded In
                                Coded In PPLc v3.10 For PCB 15.21+
gnx_2dtime.zip    4111 08-05-2024 ---[AmiExpress / Tempest Time PPE]---
                                Ami-Express / Tempest Styled Time PPE
                                       for PCBoard 15.2+ ONLY!
gnx_2dto10.zip   21541 08-05-2024  AMi/X 0ff! v.1.0 Coded by BiT/Dr Dre
                                 This Is A Tempest Copy Of Their Logoff
                                Options... Last Message, Sysops Comments
                                  And Totally Configurable! Check It!
gnx_2dup10.zip    5592 08-05-2024 --[ Ami/X Upload PPE v1.0 - By Ticker]---
                                The best upload PPE ever written in Ami/X
                                style! This PPE is completely unique and
                                clones the upload as much like Ami/X
                                      as possible with PCBoard!
gnx_2dvl10.zip    7125 08-05-2024 ---[The VIP List v1.0 For PCB 15.21]---
                                Not Just Another VIP PPE! This Includes
                                 A Lightbar List Editor With Definable
                                   Sec Levels And Configurable ANSi!
gnx_2dwbbs.zip    5652 08-05-2024 -[The World BBS List By Dr Dre/Strider!]-
                                 This PPE Is A Must For All Boards With
                                  Lots Of LD Callers Like Mine :) Hehe
                                Anyway What This Does Is Have A Separate
                                BBS List For Each Country.  Just Like On
                                     Masturbation Station! Bug Free
                                           100% Configurable!
gnx_2dyiis.zip    9210 08-05-2024 .-[ INFORMATION SAVED v1.oo [PPE]ment PPE ]-.
                                | Replaces the boring "Your information is  |
                                | saved" text in record #123. An original   |
                                | PPE...looks great too....                 |
                                |  ._____.______ .__.     /\.__  - LiMPY    |
                                |-/ ___/  ___/ \|  | ___/ |  \------------|
                                |/ /_.\  ._>_   \  |/__/\_ | _/GENERATiON-X|
                                |\   |  \ |  \ \   |    /  _ \    1995    |
                                |-\___  /___  /_|\__|----\__|  /------------|
gnx_2dza17.zip    7300 08-05-2024 ZipAdd v1.7
gnx_ll27.zip    6276 08-05-2024 Lightning Logon! v2.7 By AReS & Strider
gnx_ni15.zip   15368 08-05-2024 --[Infoform v1.5 Coded By Crimson Tide]--
                                Update To v1.0 Of Infoform,  New Features 
                                 Added And Bugs Fixed. For PCBoard 15.2+  
gnx_nu10.zip   24467 08-05-2024 AMi/X NeW! v.1.0 By BitStream/CK
gnx_qul3.zip    7372 08-05-2024 Quick Uploader v3.0
gnx_sup.zip     5427 08-05-2024 SuperView(c) Grabba!
gnx_tg10.zip    3162 08-05-2024 --[The Grille Terbo Login v1.0a]--
                                 PCBoard PPE w/broadcast Coded In
                                Coded In PPLc v3.10 For PCB 15.21+
gnx_time.zip    4111 08-05-2024 ---[AmiExpress / Tempest Time PPE]---
                                Ami-Express / Tempest Styled Time PPE
                                       for PCBoard 15.2+ ONLY!
gnx_to10.zip   21541 08-05-2024  AMi/X 0ff! v.1.0 Coded by BiT/Dr Dre
                                 This Is A Tempest Copy Of Their Logoff
                                Options... Last Message, Sysops Comments
                                  And Totally Configurable! Check It!
gnx_za17.zip    7857 08-05-2024 ZipAdd v1.7
go4news2.zip    7746 08-05-2024 GO/4 Software News Creator! V1.1
                                A simple to install, and snap
                                to use NEW file creator.
                                Creates a stunning news file
                                with a computer printout look.
                                Completely free for you.
                                *Bug Fix Release*
god_2dtum.zip   20196 08-05-2024 The ULTiMaTE MaTRiX 1.5
god_tum.zip    20196 08-05-2024 The ULTiMaTE MaTRiX 1.5
gossip01.zip    8859 08-05-2024 gossip01.ppe v1.0. List 15 one-liner gossips.
                                Allow sysop to remove any line while viewing
                                or lookup the author of the one-line gossip.
                                PPE from Software Kitchen BBS 718-281-0645.
gp_2dllo06.zip    8894 08-05-2024       -  LITE LOGON 0.6 -
                                A TOTALLY KEWL LOGON FOR PCB 15.2
                                HAS NUP,COMMENTS,COOL LOOK,OPTION
                                TO MAKE THE SYSTEM TOTAL PRIVATE!
                                DL NOW AND EXPERIENCE A NEW PPE STYLE!
gp_llo06.zip    9451 08-05-2024       -  LITE LOGON 0.6 -
                                A TOTALLY KEWL LOGON FOR PCB 15.2
                                HAS NUP,COMMENTS,COOL LOOK,OPTION
                                TO MAKE THE SYSTEM TOTAL PRIVATE!
                                DL NOW AND EXPERIENCE A NEW PPE STYLE!
grafd211.zip   10106 08-05-2024 [PPE]  GRAF-D v2.11 -- You can use this PPE
                                to auto-detect ANSI and RIP support of the
                                caller and then default the "Do you want
                                graphics" prompt to default to the best
                                selection avaialble.
grafd231.zip   10746 08-05-2024 [PPE]  GRAF-D v2.31 -- You can use this PPE
                                to auto-detect ANSI and RIP support of the
                                caller and then default the "Do you want
                                graphics" prompt to default to the best
                                selection avaialble.  Requires PCBoard
                                v15.2 or later.
graf_de.zip     8339 08-05-2024 GRAF-DE.PPE  An enhancement of Steve
                                Catmull's GRAF-D.PPE, which allows you
                                to use Automatic Graphics Detection, and
                                still allow Users to chose manual Graphics
                                Selection if they want. 
graph10.zip     2058 08-05-2024  PCBGraphics by DynaSOFT Ŀ
                                 PCBGraphics helps 'new users' that wonder 
                                 around PCBoard to try to understand some  
                                  of the commands.  This will verify when  
                                 they pick 'M' to toggle graphics if they  
                                 are sure they want to toggle it.  Easy to 
                                       install and a great program!        
                                 Version 1.00 FREEWARE 
graphc12.zip    3938 08-05-2024   Graphics Prompt Replacement  Ŀ
                                 PPE replacement for the PCBtext   
                                   files Prompt #149 for use by    
                                  sysops using the Planet Connect  
                                   Satellite Downlink service...   
                                   Auto Rip/Ansi/Nonansi Detect    
                                  Contains Version 1.1 also...     
                                 Version 1.2  03-27-1994 
gsc101.zip     31903 08-05-2024 GSC : Version v1.01 : Let your users see
                                who was on your system last.   This util
                                allows you to set how many nodes are
                                shown, which color and more! Neat 
                                Graphic windows to display. FREEWARE
                                from COMPUTER PROFILES! (Makers of 
                                TeleShoppe, AutoScribe and more!)
guess10.zip     5323 08-05-2024 ͸
                                GUESS.PPE 1.0 by Tom Grandgent
                                         WizWare '94          
                                This PPE lets users gamble for
                                time by guessing a number from
                                0-9999 with hints.  Fun! Great
                                interface and many options are
                                configurable.  FREEWARE!  All 
                                we ask is that you call The   
                                Wizard's BBS (508)481-4693 and
                                run the WIZREG PPE to register
                                it (free registration!) Enjoy!
gw_2dolm11.zip    5884 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  GW-OLM 1.1 [PPE]  H DP '94  
                                  On-Line Message PPE for PCB 15.2
                                  that will send a one line message
                                  to another node similar to the
                                  Ami/X OLM feature.
gw_olm11.zip    6441 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  GW-OLM 1.1 [PPE]  H DP '94  
                                  On-Line Message PPE for PCB 15.2
                                  that will send a one line message
                                  to another node similar to the
                                  Ami/X OLM feature.
hamppe10.zip   10850 08-05-2024 *** HAMCALL PPE CDROM DOOR v1.0 ***
                                Buckmaster Ham Call CDROM req.
                                Looks up amateur data from call sign.
                                Compiled w/PPLC 3.0 for PCBoard 15.2+
happpage.zip    2835 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                Small PPe pager  
                                $5 To register.. 
                                  Happy Pager    
                                TO register call!
                                    Cool !       
haz_2dst10.zip    3391 08-05-2024 MaTRiX STaTS PPe SHoW
                                RePLaCeS THe "V" CMD
haz_st10.zip    3391 08-05-2024 MaTRiX STaTS PPe SHoW
                                RePLaCeS THe "V" CMD
hb_all10.zip  144411 08-05-2024 *******HLB Programming PPE Pak**************
                                This Archive contains all current PPE's
                                written by Herbert Bushong. This great
                                collection includes major upgrades to ECNFN
                                (Enhanced Conference Join) and the popular
                                NewsFlash (NEWS file generator). Download and
                                try them out today. Most are Freeware.
hb_all12.zip  239980 08-05-2024 *****HLB Programming - PPE Pak 1.2**********
                                This Archive contains all current PPE's
                                written by Herbert Bushong. This great
                                collection includes the popular ECNFN
                                (Enhanced Conference Join) and NewsFlash 
                                (NEWS file generator). Download and
                                try them out today. Most are Freeware.
hb_ca11.zip    38907 08-05-2024 CLEANATX.EXE v1.1 Takes a text file with
                                @X color colors and creates another file
                                with the codes stripped out. Freeware
                                Author: Herbert bushong
hb_nc10.zip    11858 08-05-2024 NLCHECK.PPE ver 1.0 - Herbert Bushong
                                Creates a BAT/CMD file which, when
                                run, will copy various nodediff's to
                                your nodelist directory, extract
                                them if necessary, apply the nodediffs
                                with PCBNLC and the compile the new
                                nodelists. Great for event processing.
hb_nf20.zip    23036 08-05-2024 **NEWSFLASH 2.0** Herbert Bushong
                                NewsFlash is a PPE to enhance your NEWS
                                display file, letting you display news
                                entries for a specific number of days.
                                Simple to set-up and highly configurable.
                                Includes Maintenance functions, file and
                                color configurability, and Editor PPE to
                                add entries. *MAJOR UPDATE*
                                FREE REGISTRATION
                                Compiled with PPLC 3.2/req. PCB 15.22+
hb_nl11.zip     7955 08-05-2024 NEWLOCK.PPE - Version 1.1, Herbert Bushong
                                Run this PPE from a LOGON screen to
                                automatically lock a new user out of
                                a list of conferences. Ensures your
                                Private conferences, such as admin confs
                                are truly private.  FREEWARE
                                PPLC 3.20, Requires PCBoard 15.22+
hb_rc11.zip    12319 08-05-2024 RECORD CHECK PPE ver 1.1
                                PPE to check Alias, Verification,
                                and Address PSA information, if PSA is
                                installed, for blank entries and
                                prompts user to fill in the information,
                                can optionally force them to fill
                                in the information.
                                Author: Herbert Bushong
                                Compiled with PPLC 3.2 Req. PCBoard 15.22+
hb_rr11.zip    14713 08-05-2024 ****Registration Request PPE 1.1******
                                A PPE for use in a security specific
                                display file to allow new users to
                                download a list of files containing
                                registration information and optionally
                                logging them off afterward.
                                User can also leave name and address
                                to have info mailed to them.
                                FREE - Source included
                                Author: Herbert Bushong
                                Compiled with PPLC 3.20,reqs PCB15.22+
helldl11.zip   14989 08-05-2024   $   P   R      A   D        B   Y
                                /ͻ  ͻ Ϳ Ϳ Ϳ ͻ --ͻ -\
                                \|   :     |  |  | ---/
                                /: ÿ  : : : : : :   : Ŀ --\
                                \ |  :  | |    | . - --/
                                /| |     |  |  |  : : | ----\
                                \  -ͼ -ͼ   ͼ --ͼ--/
                                \|  HELLDL PPE 1.1 - Allows DL of  |-/
                                /|  ANY file on your HD to users!   |-\
                                <[NAPALM ULTiMATE KiLLING EXPERiENCE]>
heynew13.zip    5989 08-05-2024 ķ
                                         << HEY NEWUSER! v1.3 >>          
                                    HEY NEWUSER is a PCBoard 15+ PPE      
                                    that will automatically send a pre-   
                                    written message to a new user.  New   
                                    auto upgrade feature added to PPE.    
                                    Welcomes new users. Added Reminder.   
hideuser.zip    4109 08-05-2024 HIDEUSER.ppe- Ver 1- Simple way to change
                                Alias name. I use it for my FLAMING base so
                                users can't tell who posted what. Cuts down
                                on friction between members and reduces the
                                change of ill-will affecting the rest of the
                                BBS. Complete Source included. FREEWARE. A
                                Banana Republic Sysop & user-friendly PPE.
                                By: Francis "gorilla" Amato.
hilo102.zip    22064 08-05-2024 HILO v1.02 Game based on the popular card
                                game Card Sharks. PPE program for PCBoard
hmail10.zip     5522 08-05-2024 ***HMAIL NetMail & InterNet PPE**
                                Eases entry of Fido Netmail and
                                InterNet Mail.  Sysop configurable
                                settings for Crash, Direct flags, 
                                InterNet Gateway address and 
                                Crash Flag.  Supports two
                                Different addressing methods
                                for InterNet gated mail.
                                A Begware PPE from Harvest!
hndchg1.zip    13095 08-05-2024 HANDLE CHANGE PPE v1.0: This simple PPE lets
                                your users choose a HANDLE iN PCB with KewL
                                Ansi! Also features LIGHTBAR!
hngg_101.zip    8273 08-05-2024 *********************************************
                                Holly's Number Guess Game v 1.01 PPE - Guess
                                the computer's number within 8 guesses.  My
                                daughter wanted to write it, so we sat down
                                and named a game after her.   Another 
                                'seamless' game to add into PCBoard v 15.1
                                BBS using PPLC v 2.0.   This game also keeps
                                the best 15 entries until the high score file
                                is reset.  A very simple and addictive game.
                                *****  Released on 01/24/94 @ 06:00 AM  *****
                                Brought to you by The Racer's Edge * TRE!
hoho203.zip    91274 08-05-2024  Ho' House (HoHo) 
                                 V2.03GO/4 Software 
                                 GO/4's First *ADULT* Door Game 
                                REQUIRES PCBOARD 15.2+..................
                                The bank is fixed!  You can now use it!
                                As manager of your own cathouse, you
                                compete with other BBS members for the
                                rating of "Top Pimp" by carefully
                                selecting whores, keeping them clean,
                                and, when all else fails, by sabotaging
                                the other players.It's an intense
                                game that will bring out the worst side
                                of competitiveness in anyone!
                                 $20 Registration 
home11dm.zip   43792 08-05-2024 @X0B=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                                @X0A           HOMEWORK V1.1 @X0FDEMO
                                @X0EIf you are a student, teacher, or
                                someone envolved in the school system,
                                then this is a file you will want to
                                take a look at. Provide your school with
                                the technology for your students to get
                                their homework right over their modem
                                from their home computer. This is a
                                PCBoard Programming Executable file
                                [PPE]. There are some .bmp pictures of
                                what the program looks like, but you
                                cannot use the program unless you have
                                the PCBoard software v15.22 or higher.
                                Visit our Web sight at:
                                @X0Eor BBS at:  @X09(609)875-0968
                                @X02NJLink Software           Copyright 1995
home20dm.zip   60840 08-05-2024 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                                           HOMEWORK V2.0 DEMO
                                Provide your school with the technology
                                for your students to get their homework
                                right over their modem from their own 
                                home computer.  Highly configurable and 
                                very easy to set up and use. 
                                NJLink Software        Copyright 1995-96
hoppy16g.zip    6098 08-05-2024 <==[NightFall! Software Presents]==>
                                 +      Conference Hopper v1.6g   +
                                 + Select conferences via search  +
                                 + strings.  Command line driven. +
                                 + 0.00$ registration.  Fully     +
                                 + security aware. No maintenance +
                                 + no extra config files.         +
                                ----------- NightFall! 1995 --------
horse100.zip   29456 08-05-2024 HORSE RACE V1.00 by Galahad Software. PPE for
                                PCBoard 15.21+ that mixes gambling, racing,
                                and cards in an exciting new game! Features
                                Monthly and All-Time High Score maintenance,
                                make up plays, and the ability to use PCBoard
                                Accounting credits!
horses01.zip   10170 08-05-2024 HORSES!!  1.0                  [PPE]
                                A day at the races for your callers.
                                Full horse racing PPE, quick and
                                simple setup, no sysop maintenance.
                                Colorful, Great animation, heart
                                pounding thrills!
                                A GO/4 Software release
horses11.zip    9296 08-05-2024 HORSES!! v1.1 PCBoard 15.1 [PPE] A day at the
                                races for  your callers.   Full horse  racing
                                PPE,  quick  and   simple  setup,  no   sysop
                                maintenance.    Colorful,   great  animation,
                                heart   pounding   thrills!    Released    on
                                06/15/94.  Check it out today!
horses12.zip   19762 08-05-2024 HORSES!! v1.2 PCBoard 15.21+ [PPE].  A day at
                                the  races  for  your  callers.   Full  horse
                                racing PPE. Quick and simple setup, no  sysop
                                maintenance.    Colorful,   great  animation,
                                heart   pounding   thrills!    Released    on
                                02/23/95.  Updated for  PCB 15.21.  Check  it
                                out today!
hotcht30.zip   18798 08-05-2024 [ HOTCHAT PPE V3.0  ]
                                Multi line chat PPE replacement for PCBoard. 
                                Supports multiple chat area's and     
                                sysop defineable action commands, sysop 
                                defineable private actions, public messages, 
                                private messages, user definable Hot Tub 
                                topics, user paging inside PCBoard, complete 
                                customization with its own PCBtext style 
                                prompt file, and action command file.         
                                full multi-language support for PCBoard.  
                                Joe's BBS (317) 849-0561                  
                                Requires PSA - Alias - $40.00
hp_ns100.zip    5802 08-05-2024 New Files Scan v1.0 for PCB 15.1
                                This programm is very easy in installation
                                and very convinient in scanning new files
                                in all conferences.
htc_2dpage.zip    5763 08-05-2024 Pager v1.x - Chat Pager for PCB
htc_page.zip    5763 08-05-2024 Pager v1.x - Chat Pager for PCB
hyp_flag.zip    4024 08-05-2024 FRESUME v1.0 The FRESUME PPE set is to add
                                all flagged files a user had in his batch d/l
                                queue before losing carrier to his flagged
                                files queue when he logs on again.  So if a
                                user loses carrier they don't have to type in
                                all the filenames of the files they had
                                flagged. They can simply answer YES to the
                                question at login.
iamhere1.zip   13787 08-05-2024 IAMHERE1.ppe- A COMPLETE New User Register
                                replacement. Asks questions, gets answers,
                                checks birthdate, sends message to sysop &
                                user, "forces" users to take a file, "forces"
                                user to send a NEW USER VALIDATION upload &
                                more! Works with a matrix. Simple to install.
                                A Banana Repubilc SIMPLE but USEFUL PPE.
                                Source code included (as always). Coded by
                                Francis "gorilla" Amato. Freeware!
icons10.zip     9403 08-05-2024 ICONS.PPE - ver 1.0 by Scot Thompson 05/11/95
                                This PPE will check to see if a RIP caller
                                has all of the icons required for your menus.
                                If not, then the user is presented with the
                                option of downloading them before continuing.
                                This PPE makes it extremely easy for your
                                callers to use your RIP interface.  If you
                                have icons in your menus, you need this PPE!
                                Requires PCB 15.21+
                                FREEWARE, SOURCE INCLUDED
icons11.zip     9783 08-05-2024 ICONS.PPE - ver 1.1 by Scot Thompson 05/13/95
                                This PPE will check to see if a RIP caller
                                has all of the icons required for your menus.
                                If not, then the user is presented with the
                                option of downloading them before continuing.
                                This PPE makes it extremely easy for your
                                callers to use your RIP interface.  If you
                                have icons in your menus, you need this PPE!
                                Requires PCB 15.21+
                                FREEWARE, SOURCE INCLUDED
idfile11.zip   48165 08-05-2024   *****************************
                                /  THe SoRCeReRS WHQ PReSeNTS  \
                                / IDFile 1.1 for PCBoard 15.xx \
                                - Makes fast and easy your DIR -
                                \ files. Just try this one !!! /
                                \    SHAREWARE VERSION 1.1     /
ids_2dprmt.zip   13875 08-05-2024   iNFIDELS 97 ܰ  
                                    i      d ߲     s ߲
                                         infidels pcb prompt 1.05       
                                   replaces the command prompt in pcb   
                                      with nice fading letters!        
                                         coded by reversed^ids          
                                97-08-15PPE SECTiON
                                    PAZZED FORTRESS [46-8-7227881] 
iemsi120.zip   36391 08-05-2024 PPE: IEMSI Auto-Logon v1.20 by Paul Miller
                                Allows callers to auto logon via the IEMSI
                                protocol. Transparent to all other callers,
                                not even a detection delay! >>>FREEWARE<<<
img_entr.zip    3297 08-05-2024  Press Any Key To Continue PPE Ŀ
                                 This PPE is 100 % Color Configurable 
                                 The Press Any Key To Continue PPE is 
                                 Made To Replace That Disgusting More 
imn_2daloh.zip   23759 08-05-2024   .......
                                  :.....:              _________________
                                  _______      ________\__   ____      /
                                 /    ___\___ |  __      /    /       /
                                `-----\     _\| /       /\___/       /
                                       \     \_/       / sF!/_______/
                                iMMUNE! \     |       /
                                         \____|      /
                                |                                    |
                                | Ami/x like logonheader for PCBoard |
                                |         Coded by lENO!zEV          |
                                |                                    |
                                `- - -- - -------------[18/01/1996]--'
                                   (---/\//[ iMMUNE!  tRADERS ]\\/\---)
                                [= NP =]   -= NEXUS PROJECT BBS =-   [= NP =]
imn_2dbdkk.zip   24576 08-05-2024   .......
                                  :.....:              _________________
                                  _______      ________\__   ____      /
                                 /    ___\___ |  __      /    /       /
                                `-----\     _\| /       /\___/       /
                                       \     \_/       / sF!/_______/
                                iMMUNE! \     |       /
                                         \____|      /
                                |                                    |
                                | Kick off newusers with a baudrate  |
                                |  lower than... For PCBoard 15.22   |
                                |                                    |
                                |         Coded by lENO!zEV          |
                                `--- -- - -------------[04/02/1996]--'
                                   (---/\//[ iMMUNE!  tRADERS ]\\/\---)
                                [= NP =]   -= NEXUS PROJECT BBS =-   [= NP =]
imn_2ddisc.zip   24235 08-05-2024   .......                
                                  :.....:              _________________
                                  _______      ________\__   ____      /
                                 /    ___\___ |  __      /    /       /
                                `-----\     _\| /       /\___/       / 
                                       \     \_/       / sF!/_______/    
                                iMMUNE! \     |       /                
                                         \____|      /                 
                                |                                    |
                                |   Logon DISCLAIMER with password   |
                                |                                    |
                                | (PCB)   Coded by lENO!zEV    (PCB) |
                                `--- -- - -------------[04/02/1996]--'
                                   (---/\//[ iMMUNE!  tRADERS ]\\/\---)
                                [= NP =]   -= NEXUS PROJECT BBS =-   [= NP =]
indi_2dbf.zip    9417 08-05-2024  INDIVIDUAL LOGON v1.5 ͸ 
                                 THIS IS A PCB PPE THAT ENABLES EVERY    
                                 USER TO CHOOSE WHAT HE WANTS TO SEE     
                                 WHEN HE IS LOGGING ON! TRY THIS! by cL! 
                                         THIS ONE IS BUGFIXED!!          
inet21b.zip    37749 08-05-2024 INTERNET SERVICES BY EMAIL COLLECTION
                                PPEs for World Wide Web by Email, 
                                FTP By Email and ARCHIE by Email. 
                                Version 21b, 5/18/95. If you
                                are a PCBoard Sysop and can't afford 
                                a direct internet connection, then 
                                these PPE's are for you! SHAREWARE 
                                $5.00 per PPE or $10.00 for all 3!
                                LATEST FILE: 5/19/95 
inetppe.zip    37170 08-05-2024 ͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ
                                INTERNET SERVICES BY EMAIL COLLECTION
                                This is the whole collection of 
                                internet by email PPE's from Nicholas
                                Schiano. Included are the SHAREWARE
                                PPE versions of World Wide Web by
                                Email, FTP By Email and ARCHIE by
                                Email. Version 20b, 5/15/95. If you
                                are a PCBoard Sysop and can't afford 
                                a direct internet connection, then 
                                these PPE's are for you! All you need 
                                is an Internet Email account with a 
                                UUCP provider and you can provide your
                                users the ability to access internet
                                services by email! SHAREWARE only $
                                5.00 per PPE or $10.00 for all 3!
info1_1.zip    11061 08-05-2024 
infoserv.zip    5059 08-05-2024 INFOserver v 1.1 Copyrighted 1995 by
                                LoboSoft Software, all rights reserved.
                                INFOserver will automatically generate
                                an e-mail or NETMAIL response in answer
                                to a request for information.
                                PPE for PCB 15.2 or higher.
infov210.zip    5735 08-05-2024 UPDATE  -  UPDATE  -  UPDATE  -  UPDATE
                                         INFO version 2.10         
                                  A Small PPE that will display the  
                                  callers statistics.   90% of them  
                                  on just one screen.                
                                  Plus Some Added utilities in it!   
                                   (C)1994 Bill Masuka ۲  
info_12.zip     5160 08-05-2024 INFOserver v 1.1 Copyrighted 1995 by
                                LoboSoft Software, all rights reserved.
                                INFOserver will automatically generate
                                an e-mail or NETMAIL response in answer
                                to a request for information.
                                PPE for PCB 15.2 or higher.
inj_21game.zip   10961 08-05-2024 ..... ,sdSb%s,. .............
                                ,sts, SMMMSSMMSbs. .  .... :
                                SMMMS lSMMS`*tSMSb. bs,.  :
                                `*' :SMMS: .. lSMMS SMSS: :
                                $bsdl  SMMSl :. :SMMS SMMSl :
                                lSMMS  lSMMS  :  $$$$ lSMMS .
                                :SMMS: :SMMS: :. t' :SMMS:
                                 SMMSl  :SMSl  .,sd : SMMSl
                                 lSMMS :.`t :SS' . : lSMMS
                                 :SMMS: ..... SMS, :.: :SMMS:
                                : :SMSl :   : `tSMbs,.,SMMMSl
                                : .`t :   : :.`tSMMSSMMSS
                                :.......:   :.Cl!.. `*tt*'
                                : >>  Injection Present  << :
                                :                           :
                                :  Game selector PPE, v1.0  :
                                :   By Froggy and Cleaner   :
inj_21pgr.zip   41886 08-05-2024 ..... ,sdSb*s,. .............
                                ,sts, SMMMSSMMSSbs. .  .... :
                                SMMMS lSMMS`*tSMSb. bs,.  :
                                `t' :SMMS: .. lSMMS SMSS: :
                                $bsdl  SMMSl :. :SMMS SMMSl :
                                lSMMS  lSMMS  :  $$$$ lSMMS .
                                :SMMS: :SMMS: :. t' :SMMS:
                                 SMMSl  :SMSl  .,sd : SMMSl
                                 lSMMS :.`t :SS' . : lSMMS
                                 :SMMS: ..... SMS, :.: :SMMS:
                                : :SMSl :   : `tSMbs,.,SMMMSl
                                : .`t :   : :.`tSSMMSSMMSS
                                :.......:   :.Cl!.. ~*tt*'
                                : >>  Da MaRio'S PaGeR   << :
                                : This is Tha new Reference :
                                :       in PAGING PPEs      :
                                :    Forget about others!   :
                                :Code: YoGiN  Art: Alex Kidd:
                                :.....iNJeCTioN 1996/98.....:
inj_21tet2.zip   96218 08-05-2024  ,sd$$$bs,sd$$$bs,sd$$$bs,sd$$$bs,
                                l:    :$$'        `$Cl!$$$$t*~`$l
                                $$s,,s$$:   ,ss,   :$$$$~       $$
                                $$t*'$$    $$$$    $$$$_.,s    $$
                                $$    $$    $$$$    $$$$$$$$$    $$
                                $$    $$    $$$$    $$$$$$$$$    $$
                                $$    $$    $$$$    $$~~~$$$$    $$
                                $$    $$.   $$$$.   $$.  `*'   :$$
                                $$   .$$$b,.$$$$$b,.$$$.       ,$$$
                                $$'  The Only Tetris !!! V 2.0  `$$
                                $l By  Froggy/AlexKidd/Cleaner   l$
                                $l            For                l$
                                $l         Injection             l$
                                l$,         01/17/99            ,$l
inj_21ups.zip   14201 08-05-2024 ..... ,sdSb*s,. .............
                                ,sts, SMMMSSMMSSbs. .  .... :
                                SMMMS lSMMS`*tSMSb. bs,.  :
                                `t' :SMMS: .. lSMMS SMSS: :
                                $bsdl  SMMSl :. :SMMS SMMSl :
                                lSMMS  lSMMS  :  $$$$ lSMMS .
                                :SMMS: :SMMS: :. t' :SMMS:
                                 SMMSl  :SMSl  .,sd : SMMSl
                                 lSMMS :.`t :SS' . : lSMMS
                                 :SMMS: ..... SMS, :.: :SMMS:
                                : :SMSl :   : `tSMbs,.,SMMMSl
                                : .`t :   : :.`tSSMMSSMMSS
                                :.......:   :.Cl!.. ~*tt*'
                                 iNJeCTioN'S 6GD MeNu v1.0 :
                                 SeLeCT uP 2 18 PPes FRoM a :
                                 uSeR iNViSiBLe MeNu! GReat :
                                 4 DiSCoNNeCTiNG a uNWaNTeD :
                                 uSeR;)     CoDeD BY: YoGiN :
                                .                           :
                                :.....iNJeCTioN 1996/98.....:
inj_21wall.zip   16915 08-05-2024  ,sd$$$bs,sd$$$bs,sd$$$bs,sd$$$bs,
                                l:    :$$'        `$Cl!$$$$t*~`$l
                                $$s,,s$$:   ,ss,   :$$$$~       $$
                                $$t*'$$    $$$$    $$$$_.,s    $$
                                $$    $$    $$$$    $$$$$$$$$    $$
                                $$    $$    $$$$    $$$$$$$$$    $$
                                $$    $$    $$$$    $$~~~$$$$    $$
                                $$    $$.   $$$$.   $$.  `*'   :$$
                                $$   .$$$b,.$$$$$b,.$$$.       ,$$$
                                $$'  THE BeSt WaLL oF dA yEaR   `$$
                                $l           coded by            l$
                                $l                               l$
                                $l     FroGgY foR InjEctIoN      l$
                                l$,        (28/05/98)           ,$l
inltqp20.zip    8546 08-05-2024 INDIANA LOTTO QUIK PIK v2.0 for PCBoard v15.x
                                This is a PPE program that will allow your
                                users to generate Quik Pik numbers for play
                                in the Indiana Lottery. NOW include the Pick5
                                game also.  Shareware from Hogard Software
                                Solutions BBS at (214) 641-6292.
insidevf.zip   26982 08-05-2024  iNSIDE Voting PPE ĻC
                                * Allow direct vote      a
                                * Support up to 99 issuesc
                                |* Fully Configurable PPE |t
                                |* PPE 3.0 = Compatibility|
                                |* PROCESS parameter send |T
                                  all votes to iNSiDE!   H
                                * Use Color mode to see  I
inter.zip       6234 08-05-2024 INTERNODE CHAT PPE 
                                BY: Steven R. Bunin
                                ISOQ PPE PRODUCTIONS
                                Let your users chat
                                internode in a confortable
                                split screen user/user
                                environment like your 
                                sysop/user split screen 
intro1.zip      3619 08-05-2024 INTRO1.ZIP v1.0
                                Intro1 is a .PPE that allows you to have up
                                to 5 intro screens on your PCBoard BBS.
                                Easy to set up and runs transparent to the
                                Brought to you by P.C.P Software!!!
intrpt.zip      2197 08-05-2024 INTRPT.PPE - Will send a message 
                                to a user "Sorry! We must interrupt 
                                your Session! Please call back!"
                                Then, after short pause, will 
                                automatically issue the BYE command 
                                to log user off.
int_21lom.zip    7238 08-05-2024 PPE=>LoG oFF Matrix 0.2
int_21onlr.zip    5255 08-05-2024 PPE => One-Liners 0.1 By P.K.
int_lom.zip     7238 08-05-2024 PPE=>LoG oFF Matrix 0.2
int_onlr.zip    5255 08-05-2024 PPE => One-Liners 0.1 By P.K.
ipc_2dlc10.zip   13032 08-05-2024 [IPC LastCallers PPE 1.00b]Ŀ
                                [ Features : ]ij
                                  Displays last X callers       
                                  Optional field shading with   
                                   4 different color schemes     
                                  Adjustable Name/Alias & Loca- 
                                   tion field length so you can  
                                   get more info on one line     
                                  100 % configurable            
                                  NO registration               
                                  Field options : KBUP,KBDOWN,  
                                   FILESUP,FILESDOWN,FLAGS and   
                                   many many more                
                                [ ViPER ]
ipnet111.zip   12670 08-05-2024 IPNET.PPE v1.11 - PPL program for PCBoard.
                                Makes it easy and quick for callers to enter
                                netmail messages when using InterEcho and
                                InterPCB. Allows for an Internet gateway to
                                be designated and eliminates the need of
                                long explanations to callers on how to
                                enter netmail. Compiled with PPLC v3.0.
                                See IPNET.HIS for changes/additions.
islpcb13.zip   24688 08-05-2024 Internet Site List 1.3 for PCBoard PPE App
                                that stores seperate lists of FTP, WWW, IRC,
                                TelNet, UseNet and E-Mail sites. Your users
                                can add new sites online, list the available
                                sites, search for a site, or download the
                                site lists for later use. Great way to add
                                additional Internet features to your board.
                                Easy to install! Not Crippled! Shareware.
islpcb15.zip   26606 08-05-2024 Internet Site List 1.5 for PCBoard PPE App
                                that stores seperate lists of FTP, WWW, IRC,
                                TelNet, UseNet and E-Mail sites. Your users
                                can add new sites online, list the available
                                sites, search for a site, or download the
                                site lists for later use. Great way to add
                                additional Internet features to your board.
                                Easy to install!  Not Crippled!  Shareware.
islpcb17.zip   31889 08-05-2024 Internet Site List 1.7 for PCBoard PPE App
                                that stores seperate lists of FTP, WWW, IRC,
                                TelNet, UseNet and E-Mail sites. Your users
                                can add new sites online, list the available
                                sites, search for a site, or download the
                                site lists for later use. Great way to add
                                additional Internet features to your board.
                                Full light-bar and hot-key support included.
                                Easy to install!  Not Crippled!  Shareware.
islpcb20.zip   29727 08-05-2024 Internet Site List v2.0 for PCBoard PPE app
                                that stores seperate lists of FTP, WWW, IRC,
                                TelNet, UseNet and E-Mail sites. Your users
                                can add new sites online, list the available
                                sites, search for a site, or download the
                                site lists for later use. Great way to add
                                additional Internet features to your board.
                                Full light-bar and hot-key support included.
                                ************* FREE REGISTRATION ************
is_allis.zip  776168 08-05-2024 Intelec Software PowerPak! Contains all  the
                                current PPEs/EXEs that make up the shareware
                                collection of PCBoard Addons!!  Packed  full
                                of shareware,  see for yourself  why Intelec 
                                Software is the best!!    Includes SubscriP,
                                ConfMenu, MainMenu, DoorMenu, FileMenu,  and
                                many MANY more! Over 25 great products!! Try
                                them Today! Also get  IS_ALLIE.ZIP  for  the
                                collection of freeware products!
                                PCBoard 15.22+,  Programmer: Herbert Bushong
                                Intelec Software (c) 1997.
is_ap_47.zip   18541 08-05-2024 AutoPost v4.7 PCB 15.22+ PPE to send BBS Ads
                                ForSale Ads etc... Daily, Weekly, Monthly or
                                Custom intervals on an  automated  basis!  A 
                                unique dating feature can prevent  your  ads 
                                from being killed as  dupes!  You  can  also 
                                post  to  multiple  conferences at one shot!
                                Another top PPE from the author of SubscriP, 
                                Pro-Vote, ConfMenu,  RemindMe,NewsFlash  and 
                                MANY others! INTELEC SOFTWARE - (C) 1997
is_aq_10.zip   60013 08-05-2024 ADDQUE.EXE 1.0 - Utility  to  add  files to 
                                PCBoard's FIDOQUE.DAT file. Supports Crash, 
                                Hold filesend and killsent flags,  as  well 
                                as wildcards. Great  for  re-adding packets  
                                to the queue whose entries have disappeared
                                Includes both *DOS* and *OS/2* executables!
                                Intelec Software Extras - Herbert Bushong
is_bd_18.zip   31498 08-05-2024 Birthday v1.8 Ask users for their D.O.B. and
                                when the user(s) log-on on their (or shortly
                                thereafter) birthday, it displays a birthday
                                greeting! Adds even more personality to your
                                system! PCBoard 15.21 Shareware PPE, easy to
                                install, and fully functional, NOT-crippled!
                                Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
                                Now supports international dates (dd-mm-yy)!
                                Support is available on the Intelec Network!
is_bl_40.zip   34285 08-05-2024 BBSListr v4.0 The *ultimate* BBS Listing PPE
                                for PCBoard 15.21! Adds new modems, improved
                                speed. Users can add entry or delete, modify
                                entries. See why it's the best of it's kind!
                                Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
is_bm_11.zip   22338 08-05-2024 BLT-Menu 1.1! B Command replacement adds new
                                style, functions, & security to the Bulletin
                                function of PCBoard. This PPE is for PCBoard
                                v15.21, and it's another useful utility from
                                Intelec Software! Support on the Intelec Net
                                and Visa/MC accepted for instant reg codes!!
is_cf_12.zip   56347 08-05-2024 CLRFIDO.EXE - Utility to reset  the  Failed 
                                Connects in PCBoard's FIDOQUE.DAT file that
                                build up. Also changes HOLD status on those
                                entries back to NORMAL.  No  more  problems
                                with unsent packets and polls! FREEWARE!!!!
                                Includes both *DOS* and *OS/2* executables!
                                Intelec Software Extras - Herbert Bushong
is_cm_61.zip   64173 08-05-2024 ConfMenu v6.1 The best J Cmd Replacement PPE
                                for PCB v15.21 Automatic! Never draw another
                                CNFN again!! Supports long conference names!
                                And no longer needs conference name prefix!!
                                And you can configure your own custom colors
                                as well! Now supports conference name sorts!
                                Includes new PPE utility to make registering
                                or unregistering user in conferences a snap!
                                Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
                                Bugs fixed and smaller/tighter/faster code!!
is_dm_22.zip   21505 08-05-2024 DoorMenu 2.2 PCB v15.21+ "PPE" that replaces
                                the DOOR command menu. Add PPEs "seamlessly"
                                to your door menu!! Now supports sub-groups,
                                so you can classify doors as Games, Products
                                or whatever categories you want to use!! You
                                can register via CC and get reg # instantly!
                                >>>>>>>>>>>>> BUG FIX RELEASE! <<<<<<<<<<<<<
is_dt_11.zip   17315 08-05-2024 DTSearch v1.1 Uniquely different way to scan
                                your DOWNLOAD.TXT. Customize your own colors
                                and greatly improve the way you view or scan
                                your DOWNLOAD.TXT file!! DTSearch is a FULLY
                                functional, *NON-crippled* shareware PPE and
                                Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
                                Part of the Intelec Software PPE Collection!
is_fm_21.zip   19522 08-05-2024 FileMenu v2.1 The best F Cmd Replacement PPE
                                for PCB v15.21 Automatic! Never draw another
                                file menu again! Also lets users search file
                                directory descriptions! For those with mult-
                                iple CD-Rom's this lets you have "sub-menus"
                                for each CD or file group!! Now with instant
                                Online "credit card" registrations!
is_fv_18.zip   51626 08-05-2024 Fone-Ver v1.8! Callback Verification for PCB
                                v15.21! Fully configurable and feature rich!
                                Fully functional!! Not crippled!! Allows you
                                to let users reverse their calls (definable)
                                for better connections! And much, much more!
                                Now has FVCONFIG.PPE for much easier config!
                                Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
is_hh_40.zip   21054 08-05-2024 HowHeard v4.0 New Caller Upgrade PPE for PCB
                                15.21! Upgrade sec levels and conference reg
                                based on caller's response! Writes to User's
                                notes PSA.  Now with OTHER option for a more
                                specific response. Small, fast, convenient!!
                                Now doubled user "choices" from five to ten!
                                *Instant* Online Registration Codes via CC!!
is_ia_13.zip   51168 08-05-2024 INTELEC/INBASKET/INTELAPP.PPE   Version 1.3
                                Intelec Database and Application  Generator
                                For use with our IN_yymm.ZIP & INB_yymm.ZIP
                                information  files.  Contains  Application,
                                Inbasket, and Database PPE.  PCBoard 15.21+
                                Intelec Software PPEs
is_in_51.zip   62085 08-05-2024 IntelApp! v5.1 Intelec Network "Database and
                                Application" PPE! FREEWARE! For use with our
                                IN_yymm.ZIP & INB_yymm.ZIP information file!
                                And now with a new "Lite-Bar" mnu interface!
                                Contains both the Application/Database PPEs!
                                Can also be used to display Intelec INBasket
                                network newsletter files!! Intelec is a very
                                ACTIVE, High-Quality Network! If you are not
                                an Intelec SysOp, then you are missing out!!
is_it_12.zip   18226 08-05-2024 IN_TCAN.PPE v1.2 for PCBoard 15.22+ Intelec
                                TCAN PPE  for  insuring TCANned  users that
                                call your BBS  are  locked  out  of Intelec
                                conferences before they can post.  Runs  at 
                                Logon  and  can process  your  current USER
                                file.  Totally transparent to users. Source
                                included! This version can be compiled  for
                                PCBoard 15.21 by commenting out 1 line. Can
                                be used multiple times for multiple nets!!!
                                An Intelec Software Extra! 
is_ki_12.zip   83290 08-05-2024 KOTPYRM! v1.2! King  of  the  Pyramid  PPE!!
                                A simple yet addictive game that  will  have
                                your users calling every day, trying to  win
                                top  honors  and  be  King  of  the Pyramid!
                                Includes configuration PPE and    tournament
                                mode! Also grab the  IS_KI_QA.ZIP  file  for
                                the ready-made question database!
                                Intelec Software
is_mb_15.zip   14885 08-05-2024 MultiBRDM PPE v1.5  for PCBoard 15.22+  Not
                                enough Screen room to display the multitude
                                of PCBoard commands in your BRDM file?  Now 
                                you can create multiple display files  that 
                                the  user  can  "flip"  through while still 
                                remaining at the main prompt!  Also handles 
                                the BRDS (sysop display) as well,  allowing 
                                multiple pages. FREEWARE by Herbert Bushong 
                                An Intelec Software Extra!
is_mm_43.zip   31141 08-05-2024 MainMenu v4.3 A PCBoard 15.21 PPE v3.1 Great
                                PPE replacement for PCBoard BRDM main menus.
                                Now supporting multi-lingual "prompt" files!
                                Shows available/unavailable commands as well
                                as "all on the fly", never draw another BRDM
                                again!! Nice little PPE! Visa/MC for instant
                                registrations!! Support is available via the
                                Intelec Network in PPL or IS_Support forums!
is_mn_14.zip   20842 08-05-2024 Message to Next Caller PPE v1.4 for PCBoard
                                15.22+. Allow your callers to leave 1, 2, 3 
                                whatever lines to the next caller!!  Highly 
                                configurable, sysop can  limit who can post 
                                via security level and Twit list.  Optional
                                blocking of entries for specific bad words. 
                                All  displays,  prompts,  and  colors   are 
                                configurable  with  SEC,  GRAPH,  and  LANG 
                                variations!! Very popular with Users!!   An
                                Intelec Software PPE!
is_mq_39.zip   16970 08-05-2024 MsgQuest v3.9 PCB 15.21 Shareware PPE Script
                                to Message Base utility, send questionnaires
                                to the SysOp via msgs. A much easier install
                                and *unlimited* questionnaires! Instant reg-
                                istration numbers online via Visa/Mastercard
is_pm_13.zip   22869 08-05-2024 Page-Me! v1.3 PCB Numeric Pager PPE Utility!
                                Allow users to contact you at your pager and
                                you never have to reveal what that number is
                                and each user can choose their own "codes"!!
                                It is a new release & more features to come!
                                Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
is_pv_44.zip   46278 08-05-2024 Pro-Vote v4.4! The best PCBoard Vote Utility
                                now supports As Many As 999 Different Polls!
                                A results bulletin, a new maintenance module
                                w/ Login Poll Availability, Displays Percent
                                of votes as BarGraph. Let's users Add Polls,
                                and much More!! NON-Crippled Shareware! C.C.
                                orders for instant online registration codes
is_rm_20.zip   29942 08-05-2024 RemindMe 2.0 PCB 15.21 Users enter their own
                                personal reminders! RemindMe can notify them
                                at logon or via a message & logon! Users set
                                days in advance to remind, if a reminder's a
                                permanent or temporary one. RemindMe! purges
                                past due temp reminders! Simple to install!!
                                Auto-maint, Non-crippled, Fully functioning!
                                Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
is_rm_25.zip   27274 08-05-2024 RemindMe 2.5 PCB 15.22 Users enter their own
                                personal reminders! RemindMe can notify them
                                at logon or via a message & logon! Users set
                                days in advance to remind, if a reminder's a
                                permanent or temporary one. RemindMe! purges
                                past due temp reminders! Simple to install!!
                                Auto-maint, Non-crippled, Fully  functioning
                                Shareware! An Intelec Software PPE!
is_sd_11.zip   61617 08-05-2024 SETDATE.EXE v1.1 - Simple and fast utility
                                that generates a batch file  to  set  date
                                environmental  variables.  Includes   Full
                                Date, Day, Month, Year,  Day of Week,  Day
                                of Year, Month name, Day name, and correct
                                Fido Day of year extension  for   archived 
                                nodelists. Includes  DOS  and  OS/2 EXE's. 
                                Another great Intelec Software Extra!
is_sl_40.zip   18197 08-05-2024 SpeedLim v4.0! Limit callers access based on
                                connection speed! Block total access or just
                                access to specific command!! Exclude by time
                                or by an exclusion usernames list! An option
                                to send a message to user about when command
                                is available or at what speed and now caller
                                log support! Another Intelec Software PPE!!!
is_sp_49.zip   81685 08-05-2024 SubscriP 4.9 Complete Online Shopping Center
                                supporting credit cards, checks, COD & more!
                                Offer "instant subscriber upgrade" via check
                                and/or credit card! Also sell merchandise! A
                                full featured sales PPE!! Supports shipping,
                                tax, unlimited categories & items, and more!
                                And keeps track of who paid and who did not!
                                Upgrades & downgrades automatically, a users
                                TCAN file, and up to *255* different levels!
is_tb_15.zip   29200 08-05-2024 Simple Time Bank PPE 1.5 for PCBoard 15.22+
                                This  is  a  no-frills  time bank  to allow 
                                users to  save  and  withdraw time / bytes.
                                Sysop-configurable,  all  prompts  can have
                                LANG  variants  and displays can have lang,
                                sec,  and  graphics  variants.  Freeware by 
                                Herbert Bushong, An Intelec Software Extra!
is_tm_13.zip   86807 08-05-2024 TXTMSG.EXE 1.30 -A Free PCB 15.x utility to
                                post a text file as a message. Allows From:
                                To:, Subj:, Echo, Private, and packout days 
                                to be set.Does NOT support internet-netmail 
                                routing Kludges. Will update  MW Flags  and
                                wrap long text lines. Also splits long msgs
                                and adds extended headers if needed.
                                Includes both DOS and OS/2 executables.
                                An Intelec Software Extra
is_tz_39.zip   20610 08-05-2024 TimeZone! v3.9! "Time slot" assignments PPE!
                                Recompiled with PPLC v3.1 for PCBoard v15.21
                                Limits when user(s) or "groups of users" can
                                access your system!! Now you can adjust time
                                based on when in the slot the user calls! CC
                                order available for instant online reg codes
is_un_39.zip   19878 08-05-2024 UserNews v3.9 Let users enter their own news
                                items! Shareware PPE for PCBoard v15.21 It's
                                a breeze to install, and needs little, or no
                                maintenance!! Visa/MC accepted for *instant*
                                online registration codes! Support available
                                on the Intelec Network PPL/IS_Support forums
is_wh_11.zip   17410 08-05-2024 WhosHere v1.1 PCBoard WHO Cmd Replacement PPE
                                Initial release, simple, fast & configurable!
                                It is a much sharper look to the standard way
                                "PCBoard" shows who is online. The colors are
                                configurable & it installs easy! Check it out
                                today, Visa/MC is accepted for instant online
                                registrations! Part of Intelec Software PPEs!
is_wm_39.zip   16385 08-05-2024 WelcoMat v3.9! For PCBoard v15.21, PPLC v3.1
                                WM is for those who know who will be calling
                                their BBS and WelcoMat can upgrade them when
                                they do! Small, fast and convenient! Upgrade
                                different users to different security levels
                                and register in many different conferences!!
                                CC accepted for instant online registrations
iz_fl_15.zip   14324 08-05-2024 FList v1.50:           Allfiles List Creator
                                FList will create  an allfiles list based on
                                a set number of days.  FList is ran via your
                                your PCBoard 15.22+ EVENTS!   Base each list
                                on ANY number of days, 1 or all file areas &
                                from ANY Conference.   Excellent for created
                                catagorized file lists.  Download!  (PPE) #1
                                * *            Free Registration         * *
                                 From the Infinite Zone Software Collection
iz_fs_24.zip   31397 08-05-2024  FScan v2.40:  User Log-on New File Scanner!
                                FScan will allow your users to View or Down-
                                load a List of New Files  as they log in  to
                                your PCBoard v15.21+ BBS.  Includes  a Files
                                List/Support Files download option.  Totally
                                SysOp configurable.  Multi-Language capable.
                                Professional and seamless Look.   (PPE)   #1
                                        * *  Free Registration * *
                                 From The Infinite Zone Software Collection
iz_qs_12.zip   47096 08-05-2024 QWKScan v1.20:     Complete QWK Mail System!
                                QWKScan is a *complete* QWK Mail System that
                                compiles .QWK Packets that include New Files
                                Listings, New/Updated Bulletins, New/Updated
                                BBS News Files, and  Welcome/Logoff Screens!
                                Totally SysOp and User configurable!  A must
                                have for every PCBoard v15.21+ BBS. (PPE) #1
                                        * *  Free Registration * *
                                 From The Infinite Zone Software Collection
i_2dnet101.zip    6262 08-05-2024 Easily send Internet mail using
                                your standard PCB Netmail conference.
                                To be used with PCBoard 15.21 and higher.
                                I-Net100 is a PCBoard PPE that can 
                                be installed as a replacement for
                                entering a message in your netmail 
                                conference. It will propmt the user
                                for the type of mail (Internet or
                                netmail) and format the required
                                To: fields accordingly.
                                ** SHAREWARE $5.00 Registration **
i_net101.zip    6262 08-05-2024 Easily send Internet mail using
                                your standard PCB Netmail conference.
                                To be used with PCBoard 15.21 and higher.
                                I-Net100 is a PCBoard PPE that can 
                                be installed as a replacement for
                                entering a message in your netmail 
                                conference. It will propmt the user
                                for the type of mail (Internet or
                                netmail) and format the required
                                To: fields accordingly.
                                ** SHAREWARE $5.00 Registration **

                 Area 86 - PowerBBS Utils                 

betaarch.zip   71629 08-05-2024 DPARCHIE 1.5 for PowerBBS, the
                                perfect companion to DPFTP.
                                Retrieving files via FTP requires
                                you to first find the files on the
                                internet. That's what DPARCHIE does.
                                Search for files by exact name,
                                substrings (case sensitive or not),
                                or regular expressions. Restrict
                                searches by domain or path. Easy to
                                handle menu driven ANSI version plus
                                point 'n click PA GUI version.
betaftp.zip    84825 08-05-2024 DPFTP 1.5 for PowerBBS offers quick
                                and easy access to anonymous FTP.
                                DPFTP makes retrieving files from
                                the Internet easy. It is designed
                                with what most of your callers want
                                in mind: Browsing directories of FTP
                                servers and downloading files. Easy
                                to handle menu driven ANSI version
                                plus point 'n click PA GUI version.
betateln.zip  121723 08-05-2024 DPTELNET offers remote login to
                                computers all over the world. Call
                                hundreds of BBS systems that are
                                connected to the Internet. Play
                                games in MUDs (multi user dungeons)
                                and MUSHs (multi user shared
                                hallucinations). Access databases
                                covering a vast area of interests.
                                Menu or POW script driven ANSI DLL
                                plus point 'n click PA GUI version.
                                Now also comes with a standalone
                                EXE version!
calllist.zip   10526 08-05-2024 
cmpal10.zip    20202 08-05-2024 CMPAL is a small 32bit Windows
                                utility to automatically locate
                                and launch PowerAccess from
                                whatever drive the user decided
                                to install it to.
                                Freeware. C source code included.
dparch14.zip   68634 08-05-2024 DPARCHIE 1.4 for PowerBBS, the
                                perfect companion to DPFTP.
                                Retrieving files via FTP requires
                                you to first find the files on the
                                internet. That's what DPARCHIE does.
                                Search for files by exact name,
                                substrings (case sensitive or not),
                                or regular expressions. Restrict
                                searches by domain or path. Easy to
                                handle menu driven ANSI version plus
                                point 'n click PA GUI version.
dpflt10.zip    39421 08-05-2024 DPFLOAT 1.0, Freeware, 16 and 32bit.
                                DLLs to help developers of PowerBBS
                                add-ons to work with the floating
                                point values in PowerBBS data files.
                                Examples and header files for the
                                USERS structure in C and VB
                                included. Extract with directories!
dpftp14.zip    68698 08-05-2024 DPFTP 1.4 for PowerBBS offers quick
                                and easy access to anonymous FTP.
                                DPFTP makes retrieving files from
                                the Internet a no-brainer. Menu
                                driven ANSI DLL and PA GUI client.
                                16 and 32 bit version included.
dpgate10.zip   50108 08-05-2024 DPGATE 1.0 - The PowerAccess
                                Internet Gateway. Let your callers
                                browse the Web, access EMail, News,
                                IRC and Telnet while connected to
                                your PBBS with PA! You need only
                                one IP address, even a dynamic one
                                on a dial-up account will do the
                                job. Access to a Proxy server
                                required, PBBS 5.50 and PA 2.50
dpinfo14.zip   28071 08-05-2024 DPINFO is a small utility for DPPP
                                callers, that displays online time,
                                credits and expiration date.
                                Reserves addresses for caller's Web
                                and FTP servers with the click of a
                                button. If enabled, it also offers a
                                point 'n click interface to deposit
                                or withdraw minutes in Timebank.
dpirc17.zip   138502 08-05-2024 DPIRC 1.7 for PowerBBS lets your
                                users take part in the global online
                                chat network called IRC. ANSI DLL
                                with commands just like those in the
                                local chat rooms. Plus a point'n
                                click PA GUI DLL to satisfy all your
dplink17.zip  112033 08-05-2024 DPLINK 1.7 makes the IRC chat
                                network part of your PowerBBS! Open
                                your chat rooms to the world, busy
                                all around the clock! Connect your
                                chat rooms to those on other
                                PowerBBS's on the Global PowrCHAT
                                Network! Seamless integration of up
                                to 10 IRC channels with your local
                                chat rooms. DPLINK can handle
                                multiple concurrent connections to
                                different IRC servers and also act
                                as an automatic DCC file receiver,
                                so other IRC users can upload files
                                to your BBS.
dpnode15.zip   92826 08-05-2024 DPNODE 1.5 for PowerBBS. Sends a
                                message to all chat rooms whenever
                                someone new logs in. Acoustic logon
                                and logoff notification to PA
                                callers. Live node status display
                                for the sysop and for PA callers.
                                Immediate notification when someone
                                on your Friends List logs in. Invite
                                other callers to group or private
                                chat by just clicking your mouse.
dppp12.zip    427398 08-05-2024 DPPP 1.2 - the addon that connects
                                your BBS callers to the internet!
                                It talks PPP/SLIP, so your users
                                can call in using their own TCP/IP
                                stack (Trumpet, DUN, RAS, MacTCP
                                etc.) and software (WWW browsers,
                                FTP, IRC clients), over your BBS
                                modem lines. You need only one IP
                                number, even a dynamic one on a
                                dial-up account will do the job.
dppp14b3.zip  257999 08-05-2024 
dpreg.zip       8286 08-05-2024 DPREG, registration number generator 
                                for DP Software for PowerBBS, namely 
                                DPARCHIE, DPFTP, DPGATE, DPIRC, 
                                DPLINK, DPNODE, DPPP, DPTELNET
dptel12.zip    38823 08-05-2024 DPTELNET 1.2 for PowerBBS offers
                                remote login to computers all over
                                the world to your callers. Call
                                hundreds of other BBS's that are
                                connected to the Internet, connect
                                to Compuserve via the Internet,
                                play games in MUD's and MUSH's,
                                offer access to databases covering
                                a vast area of interests.
                                Menu driven ANSI DLL. Menu texts,
                                hotkeys and online help are
                                completely customizable.
                                16 bit and 32 bit version included.
dummyftp.zip   25971 08-05-2024 Small 32bit Windows Console 
                                Application that listens on a 
                                configurable port and sends a 
                                configurable FTP "Service not
                                available" message to incoming
                                connections before closing them.
                                In case you have to take your FTP 
                                server down :-)
                                Type "DummyFTP" for usage info.
                                Freeware. C source code included.
ontop.zip       4512 08-05-2024 
sleep.zip      11851 08-05-2024 

                  Area 87 - ProBoard PEXs                 

1jack130.zip   21729 08-05-2024 -------------------------
                                -Ŀ--------     --
                                -    Ŀ --
                                --           ------
                                -    Ŀ ------
                                ------ ---------
                                -  DUTCH QUALITY PEXES  -
                                ONE ARMED JACK      V1.30
                                A Jackpot for ProBoard.
                                Now Supports the GOLDKEY.
                                Now has the highest score
                                of the day & from the log
                                Changes: Y2K Date fixes.
                                Written by Eddie van Loon
1node105.zip   14649 08-05-2024 ----------------------
                                .           ....
                                    Ŀ ....
                                ..... .......
                                DUTCH QUALITY PEX'ES
                                1NODE Version 1.05
                                makes it impossible to
                                logon on more then one
                                node simultaneously
                                FREEWARE by E. v. Loon
7tools.zip    267785 08-05-2024 Pack of 7 tools created by Florian Dittmer
                                I found them in my programming directory
                                and saw that i haven't released them yet.
                                So if anybody needs one of this tools, have
                                fun: LMP-PLAYER, ADD CHAR, CURSORY SCROLL,
                                THS-2-ASCII, FILES.BBS "SEARCH" TOOL VERSION
                                0 AND 1, TECHNO BBS ADVERTISING
acl30bsx.zip   50855 08-05-2024 ACL v3.0b - The ACL Maintenance Program
                                This utility is used to manage your new
                                ACL datasets (for programs like Enginez
                                and similar).  This updated version can
                                convert the old-style KAF animations to
                                the new format so you don't lose them!!
                                Programmers can also release the binary
                                with their software  which uses the ACL
                                datasets for free, read the GNU license
                                Full C++ sources, PB-Lib v2.15 required
                                      Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 by    
                                        Branislav L. Slantchev       
                                  Product of Silicon Creations, Inc. 
add123_1.zip    5517 08-05-2024 P A C I F I C (Pex)
                                ADD123 checks the users address 
                                feild 1,2,3 and if any details
                                are missing it will ask then to
                                fill in the these data areas.
                                Any chars (*&^%$") like this
                                are also picked up on,so if
                                they skip filling in there details
                                the next call will ask again :)
                                ** FREEWARE **
aedit10.zip    12392 08-05-2024 AEdit 1.0 - PEX for ProBoard 2.0x
                                AEdit is a fullscreen ANSI/AVATAR remote
                                user editor.  Designed for use by
                                Co-SysOps, Sub-Ops, etc.  The SysOp has
                                full control over what the remote user
                                may see and edit.  Adds delete user and
                                the ability to edit the user's
                                expiration date.  Another QUALITY
                                PowerPEX.  *FREEWARE*
afind10.zip    12830 08-05-2024 AFinder 1.0 - PEX for ProBoard 2.0x.  This is
                                a replacement for ProBoard's built in user
                                log search.  Users can search by name, city,
                                alias and access level.  All functions except
                                name and city can be disabled by the SysOp.
                                In addition, the user can send E-Mail to a
                                user he finds without having to enter the
                                name.  SysOp functions include Gender, Age,
                                and phone number search, and the ability
                                automatically edit a user found with AFinder.
                                Another quality PowerPEX.  *FREEWARE*
afrmnu.zip     42257 08-05-2024 Afrikaans  menu   files  and  ANSI/ASCII
                                screens for Proboard.
ageup.zip       4516 08-05-2024 AGECHECK.PEX will check a users age  and
                                give the user a different security level
                                if they are  older  than  that  age.  It
                                might be handy for access to adult areas
                                of your BBS.
akwfast.zip     7688 08-05-2024 FastLoginPex for ProBoard 2.16
                                Asks the user whether he wants
                                a Fast Login. Very usefull, in
                                order to to skip the usual
                                stertup pex.
akwinfo.zip     8715 08-05-2024 UserinfoPEX for ProBoard 2.16:
                                   PEX only for a new user.
                                   Asks additional questions:
                                   -Are they a sysop?
                                   -where they got the number.
                                   -which boards they call.
                                   -whatever else.
                                   -ENGLISH AND GERMAN
alist21.zip    10575 08-05-2024 AList 2.1 - PEX for ProBoard 2.10
                                AList is an alternate file AND message
                                area selector for ProBoard.  Each file
                                or message area is given a full line, so
                                long area names are not cut off. AList
                                may also be configured to skip the
                                prompt asking the user to select an
                                area.  This means that the user is
                                instantly taken to the first
                                file/message area screen.  In addition
                                AList shows the status of the file and
                                message areas, supports file and message
                                groups and MUCH more!  This is a
                                must-have for all ProBoard SysOps.
                                Another QUALITY PEX!  *FREEWARE*
alog101.zip    14292 08-05-2024 -------------------------
                                -Ŀ--------     --
                                -    Ŀ --
                                --           ------
                                -    Ŀ ------
                                ------ ---------
                                -  DUTCH QUALITY PEXES  -
                                ALOG  V1.01
                                This pex creates a list 
                                with information on all 
                                specified file area's.
                                Now it also can create a 
                                FLSEARCH.CTL for you.
                                Written by Eddie van Loon
ampul120.zip   30646 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 Automated Message Post UtiL  V1.20  
                                 AMPUL is a fast & easy way to post  
                                 a msg to selected users on your BBS.
                                 Those users can be grouped by level 
                                 flag, Times Called, and username.   
                                 Messages are posted single/Globally 
                                 Also Sets/Clears Flag when posting. 
                                 Now option to write the msg online. 
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:       
                                 EDDIE VAN LOON                      
am_21cls21.zip   10656 08-05-2024 (am!cls_2.1.freeware[pex])Ŀ
                                ޲ ۱  
                                 ۲۱    ݳ
                                mike      ۳
am_21ent21.zip    9915 08-05-2024 (am!enter_2.1_freeware[PEX])Ŀ
                                ޲ ۱  
                                 ۲۱    ݳ
                                mike      ۳
                                      proboard_2.1x animated      
                                    enterprompt with tvflash!    
                                        .%( press.enter )%.       
                                  l_enter.pex ->    languagefile  
                                  m_enter.pex -> menu/function60  
am_21go31.zip    5945 08-05-2024 (am!goto_v3.1_freeware[pex])Ŀ
                                ޲ ۱  
                                 ۲۱    ݳ
                                mike      ۳
animc31s.zip  112451 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                 programs & source division (pex)
                                ACL v3.0b  The Animation Compiler
                                This utility is used to manage the
                                new ACL datasets for programs like
                                Enginez and similar). This updated
                                version can convert your old style
                                KAFka animations to the new format
                                Programmers can freely release the
                                binaries with their software which
                                uses the ACL format (see License!)
                                Full C++ source (req. PB-Lib v3.0)
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
animc31x.zip  137417 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                 programs & source division (pex)
                                ACL v3.0b  The Animation Compiler
                                This utility is used to manage the
                                new ACL datasets for programs like
                                Enginez and similar). This updated
                                version can convert your old style
                                KAFka animations to the new format
                                Programmers can freely release the
                                binaries with their software which
                                uses the ACL format (see License!)
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
ansig121.zip   41388 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  ANSI-GALERIE  V1.21  
                                 Ein Programm zum      
                                 betrachten von Ansis  
                                 in einer Mailbox.     
                                 -Leichte Installation 
                                 -Fr jedes BBS-System 
                                 -Oberflche editierbar
                                 -iLLUMiNATi0N FREEWARE
ansion.zip      4027 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                   AnsiOn  Version 1.0    
                                Dieses PEX dient dazu, ProBoard  
                                gleich beim Start auf ANSI-Grafi-
                                ken zu setzen, bevor ein User    
                                berhaupt einloggt.Auch wenn Pro-
                                board ASCII erkennt, werden ANSI-
                                Grafiken angezeigt!              
                                  ---> fr Proboard 2.15 <---    
                                  -= Loser's FREEWARE  =-   
ap10mask.zip   21135 08-05-2024 MASKEN - A ProBoard OnLine-Game   (v1.0)
                                 The game 'Masken' is a simple but  
                                  highly addictive arcade game for  
                                      ProBoard 2.1x BBS system        
                                made by: Richard Lithvall            O
                                < MAILWARE >Ĵ
                                < (C) 1996 ABSOLUT PEX >
applypex.zip   30196 08-05-2024                   
                                  NeW uSeR aPPLiCaTioN /  
                                  CoNFiGuRaTioN eDiToR    
                                  FuLL-SCReeN FREEWARE  
                                  PeX FoR PRoBoaRD 2.12   
                                 (C)'96 LP SoFT 
appl_120.zip    8594 08-05-2024 DqP_NET online Application Form Generator PEX
aqt_2ds10b.zip   13143 08-05-2024 [PROBOARD_PEX_1997]        (ARGENTINE)
                                 ______  ____________________/\______
                                 \  _  \/ _   |  \ \  _  \   __/ ___/
                                 /     / /_  /   / /     /  / / \__
                                /__/__/\___  \____/__/__/__/_/____/'97
                                 . .   . ( CODiNG DiViSHiON ) .   . .
                                 - AQUATiC SECURiTY CHECKER v1.obeta -
                                   SONiC RA SECURiTY CHECKER *CLONE*
                                   =Now, you have the best checker=
                                       =Full LightBar Enhanced=
                                   =Free Registration via FidoMail=
                                (c)1997 LORD CiRiUS of iCE SYSTEMS/AQT
                                =Please don't distribute this version=
                                          BETA TESTERS ONLY!
areachg.zip     4395 08-05-2024 /--------------------------------------\
                                |   AreaChange 1.0                     |
                                |                                      |
                                |  AreaChg 1 (Goto Next File Area)     |
                                |  AreaChg 2 (Goto Previous File Area) |
                                |  AreaChg 3 (Goto Next Mail Area)     |
                                |  AreaChg 4 (Goto Previous Mail Area) |
                                |                                      |
                                |                                      |
                                |                                      |
                                | (C)1995 Arthur Stark                 |
areagrps.zip   11560 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 AREA-GROUPS 0.99       BETA RELEASE 
                                 A Nice and easy way to create file  
                                 groups in ProBoard 2.x. Just like   
                                 FileGroups, but as I couldn't find  
                                 a recent release I wrote this ...   
                                  Fully compatible with FileGroups, 
                                   You only have to rename this PEX  
                                   and copy the INI to another dir.  
                                  Designable ANSi header-logo for   
                                   your own BBS style.               
                                  Option to show a ratio ANSi with  
                                   ProBoard control codes after      
                                   selecting an area.                
                                  Option to call an external area   
                                   changing / listing pex, like      
                                   CHANGE v0.56.                     
                                  Non-Existing Groups not shown nor 
                                   selectable (bug with FileGroups). 
                                 ANOTHER DUTCH QUALITY PEX           
                                 FROM EXCESSIVE FORCE PRODUCTIONS    
asone01.zip    10872 08-05-2024 ASOne v0.1, One-Liners for ProBoard v2.01!
                                An awesome add-on for your
                                ProBoard BBS, this will let
                                your users add "one-liners"
                                in 16 blazing colors!!!
as_101.zip     95286 08-05-2024 AS - Active Sessions V 1.01
                                   line status display
                                    semaphore handling
                                   task summary display
                                   shows ProBoard-User
                                    FrontDoor mL
                                    ProBoard (optional)
                                      !! FREEWARE !!
atran10.zip     9250 08-05-2024 ATran 1.0 - PEX for ProBoard 2.0x ATran 
                                allows ProBoard users to set and use a 
                                default file transfer protocol. The user may 
                                also choose to select a protocol before each 
                                transfer. ATran also allows the sysop to show
                                the user a short description of each 
                                protocol. Another QUALITY PowerPEX! 
auq161a.zip    89080 08-05-2024 AUQUEST v1.61a
                                AUQUEST is a Automatic User Questionair
                                for ProBoard.
                                It will ask all the necessary quest-
                                ions to the NewUser as a NewUser-
                                door. Or checks for missing info in
                                the logon procedure. Lots of
                                * Sending a message to the sysop with
                                  all the information of the new user.
                                * Duplicate-phone# check.
                                * Day of Birth check after
                                  X number of calls.
                                * Possibility of creating a txt-file of
                                  the answers of the new-users.
                                * Password check.
                                * Multiple Dateformats
                                * Info. door within ProBoard.
                                * Can change ASCII to ANSI for ASCII
                                  users...and back.
                                * Questions you can define yourself.
                                * More...!!
auqst158.zip   16327 08-05-2024 AUQUEST v1.58 
                                NOW you can define almost everything
                                in your OWN LANGUAGE!!!
                                AUQUEST is a Automatic User Questionair
                                for ProBoard.
                                It will ask all the necessary quest-
                                ions to the NewUser as a NewUser-
                                door. Or checks for missing info in
                                the logon procedure. Lots of
                                * Sending a message to the sysop with
                                  all the information of the new user.
                                * Phone# check. 
                                * Day of Birth check after
                                  X calls.
                                * Possibility of creating a txt-file of
                                  the answers of the new-users.
                                * Password check.
                                * Multiple Dateformats
                                * Info. door within ProBoard.
                                * Can change ASCII to ANSI for ASCII
                                  users...and back.
                                * Questions you can define yourself.
                                * More...!!
autopb20.zip   92962 08-05-2024         
                                             . .  
                                   . .ݺ
                                                 ۲ FUN HOUSE - Risiko
                                             Der ultimative Spielautomat fuer
                                die Mailbox!      
                                            DAS Spiel um ONLINE-ZEIT mit
                                                Version 2.0 lauffhig NUR
                                unter PROBOARD        
                                                           MULTILINE -
                                                 ۲ -==-   in Deutsch   
autopost.zip    5610 08-05-2024 AUTOPOST.PEX  -  Proboard V2.01 PEX to
                                                 Post a Sysop Defined  
                                                 Message to a New User
                                                 before they reach the
                                                 New Mail Scan.
                                         (C)1995 Sarah Pearson
                                              Version 1.01
                                         ----> FREEWARE <----
av100.zip      24560 08-05-2024 AutoVal v1.00: Automatic user validator
                                This PB utility will apply validate
                                templates automatically, so the users'
                                levels can rise in steps without SysOp
                                intervention! A very handy util by the
                                Amateur Programmers Association (APA);
baco105.zip    15860 08-05-2024 ----------------------
                                .           ....
                                    Ŀ ....
                                ..... .......
                                DUTCH QUALITY PEX'ES
                                BACO  Version 1.05 
                                BAudrate COmpensator
                                upgrades a caller's
                                level accordingly 
                                to his Login-Speed.
                                FREEWARE by E. v. Loon
bbs10pb.zip    23360 08-05-2024 BBSSORT 1.0 - Proboard-Version
                                Filelister speziell fuer Proboard, erzeugt Inh
                                -Verz. uvm.
                                liest direkt aus
bbsl101.zip    13957 08-05-2024 BBs List Compiler v1.01: creates a bbs
                                list automatically based on a nodelist
                                Includes system name, location,
                                phone# and speed.
                                Another great program by the Amateur
                                Programmers Association (APA); free!
bbslist.zip     5366 08-05-2024 ProBoard BBS Listings Let your users add 
                                their BBS to your BBS listings. PEX for 
                                ProBoard. Too good to be true! FREEWARE 
bbslst23.zip    7374 08-05-2024 ProBoard BBS Listings
                                Let your users add their BBS   
                                to your BBS listings.  PEX for  
                                ProBoard.  Too good to be true! 
bbsm102.zip    12825 08-05-2024 
                                 BBSMAINT v1.01 
                                   This is a    
                                 maintenance util 
                                for your FILES.BBS
                                    It will..     
                                replace PCBoard  
                                stops ProBoard   
                                 formating Descs. 
                                creates TopFile- 
                                 list with full   
                                ProBoard only.   
bbswt10.zip    21698 08-05-2024  BBSWATCH v1.0 
                                BBSWATCH is a program for
                                Sysops that run their BBS
                                under  Windows  '95.     
                                It helps prevent crashes 
                                by constantly monitering 
                                the window in which your 
                                BBS runs in, and opening 
                                a fresh one if the your  
                                existing one is closed.  
                                * * * *  FREEWARE  * * * 
bbs_ad.zip     12063 08-05-2024 BBS AD 1.0, ProBoard 2.1x PEX
                                Picks a BBS AD at random and show it to user.
                                Freeware. Released under the terms of the GNU
                                General Public License Version 2. Part of the
                                PB-GNU Project. 20 Oct 1996
                                Copyright (C) 1996 by Arthur Stark TopperWare
bcck12.zip      8938 08-05-2024  BCCK v1.2    TwinSoft 
                                Birthday Checker Construction Kit
                                Vllig    frei   konfigurierbarer
                                Birthday-Checker    mit    vielen
                                Funktionen fr maximalen Komfort! 
                                Deutschsprachig, F R E E W A R E.
bcus10.zip     10038 08-05-2024 Ŀ  BCCoRP  Ŀ
                                ij       ijĴ
                                  :       uSeR SeTuP         :  
                                  aRe You SiCK aND TiReD oF     
                                  THe STaNDaRD PRoBoaRD uSeR    
                                  SeTuP SCReeN ??               
                                  THeN uSe THiS oNe FoR a       
                                  DeSCeNT LooK oF YouR BoaRD'S  
                                  uSeR SeTuP.                   
                                  :                          :  
                                ijĿ   uSeR SeTuP v1.0    ijĴ
bday110.zip    15043 08-05-2024 -------------------------
                                .Ŀ........     ..
                                .    Ŀ ..
                                ..           ......
                                .    Ŀ ......
                                ...... .........
                                ..DUTCH QUALITY PEX'ES...
                                BIRTHDAY v1.10
                                With this pex you've got
                                the option to give a user
                                a birthday present if he
                                logs in on his birthday.
                                Choose between,time,kbs
                                higher level etc etc.
                                SUPPORTS THE GOLD-KEY.
                                Written by :  E. van Loon
bday_src.zip    1683 08-05-2024 Sourcecode of a little birthday-pex -
                                Sourcecode fuer ein kleines Geburtstags-PEX
bdchk105.zip   18991 08-05-2024 ----------------------
                                ..Ŀ.......    .
                                ..   Ŀ .
                                ...         ....
                                ..   Ŀ ....
                                ...... .......
                                ............      .
                                .DUTCH QUALITY PEX'ES.
                                BDchecker will make it 
                                possible to check a 
                                caller's birthdate. 
                                If they fail, the se-
                                curity will be set to 
                                0 and the sysop will
                                receive a message.
                                Now detects hang-ups!!
                                Now also (OPTIONAL) if
                                user is under 18 Years
                                FREEWARE by E. v. Loon
bdgen101.zip   15486 08-05-2024 -------------------------
                                -Ŀ--------     --
                                -    Ŀ --
                                --           ------
                                -    Ŀ ------
                                ------ ---------
                                -  DUTCH QUALITY PEXES  -
                                BIRTHGEN V1.01 RELEASE
                                This pex creates a nice 
                                ansi screen wit the users
                                that are born on that day
                                It will generate a screen
                                each 1ST call on the new 
                                day, and afterwards it'll
                                only display the screen.
                                Written by Eddie van Loon
begr0101.zip    7053 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                    A Pex by Michael Geiss     
                                     Wellcomes a User with     
                                   an acidental from a file      
                                       choosen whisdom         
                                   Colors are confiarable      
                                       Version : 1.01          
bfix101x.zip   36395 08-05-2024 BinFix v1.01 - ProBoard BINLOG.PB File Fixer.
                                This little utility will remove all entries
                                from the BINLOG file that are for users no
                                longer present in the userbase. Very fast and
                                reliable. Compiled with PB-Lib v0.02b1.
                                Copyright (C) 1995 by Branislav L. Slantchev
                                This file is part of the PB-GNU Project
birth104.zip   13002 08-05-2024 Force a User to enter their
                                Date of Birth every x no. of
                                calls or % of calls.
                                Now with definable Security
                                level for failed attempts.
                                     *DOING compatible*
                                 (C)1996 Fe-line Software
                                  Version 1.04, FreeWare
bnote101.zip   18198 08-05-2024 
                                 BossNote 1.01 Ŀ
                                News generator for Proboard 2.1x     
                                Custom configurable ANSI layouts for 
                                messages. Comes as both a PEX and an 
                                EXE file so it can be used offline as
                                with most normal news generators or  
                                online for leaving remote messages.  
                                Written by VCEK, vchua@bigfoot.com   
                                 Ϳ Ϳ Ϳ Ϳ Ϳ Ϳ Ϳ Ϳ Ϳ 
bnt20pb.zip    99082 08-05-2024 ķ
                                BNET - BBS Single/Network Users Management
                                     System for ProBoard 2.16 - 2.0       
                                The program manages users of BBS network. 
                                features include: different passwords     
                                calculating for each site, ready to handle
                                dates beyound year 2000, easy and friendly
                                interface, full control of every user.    
                                DOS Version                               
                                Shareware version                         
bounc110.zip   22852 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 BOUNCE V1.10     Release version 
                                 With this pex you can allow your 
                                 users to pick a level the want.  
                                 the only thing they have to do   
                                 is uploading until the reach a   
                                 certian file-ratio.              
                                 You can reward the users that do 
                                 upload sometimes by giving him a 
                                 higher level (until he downloads 
                                 to much, then he will be downgra 
                                 ded again instantly by BOUNCE.   
                                 The better his ratio, the higher 
                                 his userlevel .(and vice versa)  
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:    
                                 EDDIE VAN LOON                   
bpfeds10.zip    7338 08-05-2024 BulletProof FullScreen  Editor  Selector
                                Version  1.00. By  BulletProof  Software
                                BPFeds is a  PEX  file for ProBoard 2.01
                                that will allow the user to select which
                                full  screen  editor  he  or  she  uses.
                                Includes  a built-in sysop configuration
bpmsg11.zip     7090 08-05-2024 BulletProof Messenger 1.10
                                By BulletProof Software
                                BP Messenger is a PEX file for
                                ProBoard 2.01 that allows users 
                                to send messages to other nodes.
bpnews13.zip   11231 08-05-2024 BulletProof News Generator 1.30
                                By BulletProof Software
                                BP News is a PEX file for
                                ProBoard 2.01 that will display a
                                news file only if the user has not
                                read it yet.  It also has powerful
                                built in editing controls for
                                sysops.  Includes color support.
bpuset10.zip   22104 08-05-2024 BulletProof User Setup
                                Version 1.00
                                By BulletProof Software
                                BP User Setup is a PEX file for
                                ProBoard 2.01 that will allow the
                                user to configure his or her
                                user information.  Includes a 
                                full built-in sysop configuration,
                                and many extended features.  Also
                                has an old password checker.
br_21qav09.zip   21894 08-05-2024 *BUSTRĿ C
                                *Ĵ A +
                                *  PRSTS  L 4
                                F            L 9
                                R             . 
                                E  ToTLLY   B 5 
                                E BRiLSS  R 8 
                                W            A 1
                                A QUSTioS  I .
                                R    D     N 5
                                E  SWRS   L 4
                                *            E 1
                                *    PEX     S 5
                                *v0.09 S
                                + Visiting Sysop Question
                                + 12 Standart Questions
                                + Freely Configurable
                                + LightBar Yes/No Questions
                                + Freely Definable Ansis
                                + Freely Definable Ansi Names
                                + Now BugFixed the SysopQuest.
                                + Cewler than all I saw!
                                + Reset of NewUserFlag!
br_2ddabig.zip    5322 08-05-2024 Ϳ
                                     /\.oo BUSTR oo./\      
                                :         )DABIGONE(        :
                                       ANOTHER ENTERPMT      
                                :         FOR PROBOARD        :
                                : BRiLSS +49-581-5415 Ŀ:
bul116as.zip   35257 08-05-2024 Bulletin Manager v1.16, ProBoard 2.0x PEX
                                C/C++ source code and makefile package.
                                Part of the PB-GNU Project. June 30, 1995
                                Copyright (C) 1995 by Branislav L. Slantchev
bul116ax.zip   32015 08-05-2024 Bulletin Manager v1.16, ProBoard 2.0x PEX
                                Supports: autoread and menu modes, user-
                                defined menu screen, customizable prompts,
                                new bulletins list, redisplay, download
                                of bulletins, show list of updates.
                                Now allows for bulletins in subdrectories.
                                Part of the PB-GNU Project. June 30, 1995
                                Copyright (C) 1995 by Branislav L. Slantchev
bust.zip       12490 08-05-2024 BUST.ZIP V2.0  This small but handy pex
                                file will scan your ProBoard.log and send a
                                message of your choice to all users that have
                                dropped carrier on your bbs. This thing is
                                fully automated.. Set it up and never have
                                to mess with it again!
b_21anspmt.zip    5921 08-05-2024 17.o9ܲ BܲL  O O  D' 95 ߲ܲ
                                PEX SECTiON
                                ProBoard ANSPMT [SHOWANSi clone]
b_21chang1.zip    7222 08-05-2024 o3.o9ܲ BܲL  O O  D' 95 ߲ܲ
                                  ߲    ۲۰ܰ۲ ܲ
                                ݲ  ۲ ܲ۱۲۲۲ ۲
                                ݰ  ۲޲   ۲  tRc ۲
                                 ۲        BM  ۲
                                     ۲۲ ۲
                                  ۲ ۲
                                ۲ܲ  ۲ 
                                ۲ ۲   ޲
                                 ۲ ۲
                                ۲ ܱܰ      
                                ۲ ߲ ߲߱
                                ۲۲۲  )PEX SECTION(  ۲߱۲
                                   ۲ [BLOOD] [CHANGER] ߱۲ ۲
                                ߱۲    V0.02 [PB2.10]      ۲
                                   ۲ ߲ ߲߱۲ 
b_21change.zip   25432 08-05-2024 ۲ܲ BܲL  O O  D' 95 ߲ܲ
                                  ߲    ۲۰ܰ۲ ܲ
                                ݲ  ۲ ܲ۱۲۲۲ ۲
                                ݰ  ۲޲   ۲  tRc ۲
                                 ۲        BM  ۲
                                     ۲۲ ۲
                                  ۲ ۲
                                ۲ܲ  ۲ 
                                ۲ ۲   ޲
                                 ۲ ۲
                                ۲ ܱܰ      
                                ۲ ߲ ߲߱
                                ۲۲۲  )PEX SECTION(  ۲߱۲
                                   ۲ [BLOOD] [CHANGER] ߱۲ ۲
                                ߱۲    KB&FILES/AREA       ۲
                                   ۲ ߲ ߲߱۲ 
b_21cpatch.zip   23191 08-05-2024 .--------------------------------------.
                                | PATcHeR FoR "B!cHANGe.PeX By BLooD"! |
                                | makes your changer looking more cewl |
                                |    also included: modified ansis     |
b_21last.zip    5212 08-05-2024 o3.o9ܲ BܲL  O O  D' 95 ߲ܲ
                                ۲۲۲   )PEX SECTION(  ۲߱
                                   ۲   [B!LASTCALLER]  ߱۲ ۲
                                ߱۲    V0.01 [PB2.10]      ۲
                                   ۲ ߲ ߲߱۲ 
b_21liner.zip    9686 08-05-2024 22.o9ܲ BܲL  O O  D' 95 ߲ܲ
                                ۲۲      )PEX SECTION(     ߱
                                      [B!LiNER][ONELiNER]   ۲ ۲
                                   ۲ ߲ ߲߱۲ 
b_21more.zip   18506 08-05-2024 o2.o9ܲ BܲL  O O  D' 95 ߲ܲ
                                  ߲    ۲۰ܰ۲ ܲ
                                ݲ  ۲ ܲ۱۲۲۲ ۲
                                ݰ  ۲޲   ۲  tRc ۲
                                 ۲        BM  ۲
                                     ۲۲ ۲
                                  ۲ ۲
                                ۲ܲ  ۲ 
                                 ۲ ۲   ޲
                                 ۲ ۲
                                ۲ ܱܰ      
                                ۲ ߲ ߲߱
                                ۲                            ߱ ۲
                                ޲     PEX SECTiON [PB2.1o]     
                                    B!MORE START RELEAZE.EXE    
                                ۲        FOR COPYRiGHT!      ߱ ۲
                                ۲                              ۲
                                ۲ ߲ ߲߱
b_21tagger.zip    8853 08-05-2024 ۲  ܲ ߲ ߲  ܲ
                                   ۲ ۲  ۲   ۲   
                                 ۲   ۲ ۲ ۲    
                                      ۲  ۲      
                                      coded by buster^blood       
                                    for his own board only...     
                                    ...and now also for yours     
                                  (packaged by gunman and trate)  
b_21topten.zip    6087 08-05-2024 12.11ܲ BܲL  O O  D' 95 ߲ܲ
                                  ߲    ۲۰ܰ۲ ܲ
                                ݲ  ۲ ܲ۱۲۲۲ ۲
                                ݰ  ۲޲   ۲  tRc ۲
                                 ۲        BM  ۲
                                     ۲۲ ۲
                                  ۲ ۲
                                ۲ܲ  ۲ 
                                ۲ ۲   ޲
                                 ۲ ۲
                                ۲ ܱܰ      
                                ۲ ߲ ߲߱
                                ۲۲   [PEX] U/D TOPTEN GEN.  ߱
b_2dday100.zip    6286 08-05-2024 ͸
                                      **** Birthday.pex****          
                                   Allows SysOp to give their users  
                                   a gift on their BirthDay of extra 
                                   Time and D/L Kbytes.Now SysOp     
                                                   BY: Jeff Parr     
b_day02.zip     6293 08-05-2024 
                                **** Birthday.pex****          
                                Give your users an extra 30 Min    
                                On-Line ON their Birthday.you can  
                                even customize it with your own    
                                ansi screen.                       
                                BY: Jeff Parr     
carr11.zip     13683 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 FreeWare  CarrierMonitor 1.1  FreeWare 
                                 ProBoard 2.15 PEX that monitors the      
                                 user if he does logoff through the       
                                 regular way. If not, it writes a sysop   
                                 defined message to the user.             
                                 Bugfix: User's level is now correct!     
                                 NEW: Definable option whether you want   
                                 to send a warning message if the sysop   
                                 presses [ALT][H], ...                    
                                 Requirements: ProBoard 2.15 or later.    
                                [Virtual Soft Productions]
cas_2dpex.zip   11380 08-05-2024 
                                   Cas-Mail.PEX and Cas-File.PEX   
                                 Cas-Mail and Cas-File are 2 Pex's 
                                 for ProBoard 2.1x to check for    
                                 new mail and files.               
                                  Use your own ANSI screen        
                                  Fully DOING Compatilble         
                                  Completly Free!                 
                                  FULL source code (C++) included 
                                     Written by Alan Wagstaff      
                                   -=+=- Cascades Software -=+=-   
cb_pex16.zip  203804 08-05-2024 ,=============[ ComBadge 1.6 ]=============,
                                | ProBoard 2.15 yell PEX designed to work  |
                                | with the TheMin 2.0 chat PEX.            |
                                | It can play MUS, HSC, MOD, Audio CD, and |
                                | any file Windows 95's media player can.  |
                                | All ANSIs are configurable, lots of      |
                                | options, now supports PB's paging hours  |
                                |     FREEWARE by Ruben Provoost [JMJ]     |
ccard103.zip   40162 08-05-2024 Credit Card  1.03 - Freeware Credit Card
                                Processing  Center.  This  very   simple
                                credit card processor is written  in the
                                format  for  Proboard questionnaires. It
                                will upgrade the caller's security level
                                if  card  information is  processed, but
                                will  exit  gracefully   if  the  caller
                                changes his  or her mind  at  any  time,
                                while filling out the form.
cd2hd101.zip   29937 08-05-2024            CD2HD v1.01
                                CD2HD converts FILES.BBS in CD-format 
                                to HD-format and is intended for use 
                                with ProBoard but might work for other
                                Copyright 1995 by PokerDot Development.
                                Partial copyright by Madness BBS.
                                   -->>  +31 (0) 4929 - 63989 <<--
cddump.zip     76830 08-05-2024  Beta Duck-Production Ŀ
                                      Proboard CD-Dumper        
                                        versie  1.03           
                                 PB-CD Dumper is een programma  
                                 waarmee je zeer snel en simpel 
                                 en BBS CD online kunt leggen.  
                                 Deze versie beschikt ook over  
                                  database waar alle cd's in    
                                 onthouden worden en dat kan    
                                  een hoop typewerk besparen    
                                 (c) 1996-1997 Duck-Productions 
                                    Written by Dave van Roy     
                                 [ ] DOOR               BBS [X] 
                                 [ ] PEX              SOUND [ ] 
                                 [X] UTIL             CHEAT [ ] 
cdo10b2.zip    74120 08-05-2024 CDOnline for ProBoard v1.0beta
                                This program detects the CD in
                                the drive and changes the file
                                group description to suit, and
                                creates an ANSI file with the
                                name of the CD.
                                  First release from CBWare!
cdrpex.zip      6411 08-05-2024 -=<[[ CDROM for ProBoard ]]>=-
                                An cdrom-pex which can be used
                                to show the users which of 
                                your CD-ROMs are available at
                                this moment. Also sets flags
                                so no unnecessary tagging and
                                (c) MavEtJu software
cen100.zip     67356 08-05-2024 Census 1.0. Provides detailed statistics
                                on your FIDO, Squish  or  Hudson message
cenglish.zip    7396 08-05-2024 Canadian Style English Language (PBL) file
                                for ProBoard 2.oh!
                                This DIZ was inserted by SkullCheck :)
cexyz100.zip   58637 08-05-2024 A FreeWare X, Y, and Zmodem protocol driver 
                                from the author of The Blue Wave Offline Mail
                                System. Protocols include Zmodem, 8K Zmodem 
                                (ZedZap), Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Ymodem-1K, Xmodem
                                CRC and Xmodem-Checksum. Includes sample 
                                files for installation into Maximus BBS's. 
                                Can be installed into ANY BBS that is able to
                                utilize external protocols, including Blue 
                                Wave Mail Doors. FOSSIL communications mode, 
                                or direct mode! Fully windowed/graphical 
cexyz_2dpb.zip    3400 08-05-2024 CEXYZ config for ProBoard
ce_prot.zip     2359 08-05-2024 Protocol configuration file for CE-XYZ and 
cfgpro10.zip   25181 08-05-2024 CFGPRO   Version 1.00
                                By BulletProof Software
                                CFGPRO is a PEX version of ProCfg.
                                Version 1.00 currently has a full
                                featured user editor.  Has three
                                pages of information per user.
                                Includes full-powered global functions
                                like none seen before.
change61.zip   18500 08-05-2024 CHANGER   PEX     for   ProBoard   2.02.
                                Group/Area  CHANGER  v0.61 Beta Release.
                                Now a  user can  change from one file or
                                message  area/group to another by  using
                                the cursor keys or just typing  the area
                                number.  Backscrolling areas or  groups.
                                Mouse support  for the sysop. New: added
                                support  for message area, added support
                                for message groups.
chatusr4.zip   15468 08-05-2024  ChatUser 1.0 
                                 makes Chat-Manager Proboard aware:
                                 "View Users online" , "Ask user to
                                 join" and "Send mail to user" are
                                 now working from within the Chat-
                                 <<<<  (c) 1995 by Volker Imre >>>>
                                          >> Beerware <<
chatusr5.zip   27083 08-05-2024 ChatUser 5.0
                                -makes Chat-Manager Proboard aware
                                -includes a "xy logged on to 
                                 line z" pex
                                -includes a "send mail to line z" 
                                -includes the description of the
                                 new proposal for a standard 
                                 interline mail exchange
                                <<<<  (c) 1995 by Volker Imre >>>>
                                         >> Beerware <<
chelp.zip       5501 08-05-2024  CHELP.PEX
                                by Thomas Malkus
                                CHELP.PEX will show your users
                                helpfiles for every menue with
                                the same hotkey. You must only
                                install it in a global menue.
                                With Multi-language helpfiles.
chgmail.zip     3751 08-05-2024 change MSG Areas w/o selecting a choice
chkit120.zip   29410 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                    Check It! v1.20    
                                 Automatically creates 
                                 file directories that 
                                 do not exist.  Great  
                                 to run after changes  
                                 to your FILECFG.PRO.  
                                 New version fixes bug 
                                 with blank areas. Now 
                                 skips areas left blank
                                 in ProCFG.            
                                 GWARE - ProBoard 2.xx 
chkml01.zip     6260 08-05-2024 CHECKMAIL (v01)
                                CHECKMAIL; Proboard PEX to check  
                                individual message areas for new  
                                personal mail.                    
                                Marks these messages and offers   
                                the user the option to read these 
                                CHECKMAIL is a freeware and part  
                                of the Dutch Quality Pex selection
                                C-Source code included!           
chknew.zip      3382 08-05-2024 ------------------
                                   ChkNew - PEX
                                  Thiz PEX will
                                 prompt your User
                                 if they want to
                                scan for New Files
                                 illUMiNAtEd -PEX
chkp104s.zip   40369 08-05-2024 ChkPRO v1.0r4 - Checks ProBoard v2.02+
                                configuration records. It fixes entries
                                in the BINLOG file, detects errors in
                                the file and message area configurations
                                and can optionally repair some of those.
                                Now, it can also pack your file and
                                message areas by removing all the empty
                                entries. It can also check if any of the
                                groups are not used by an area and can
                                log messages to file. C Source Code.
                                Another fine addition to PB-GNU! Free.
                                Copyright 1995 Branislav L. Slantchev
                                A Product of Silicon Creations, Inc.
chkp104x.zip   50794 08-05-2024 ChkPRO v1.0r4 - Checks ProBoard v2.02+
                                configuration records. It fixes entries
                                in the BINLOG file, detects errors in
                                the file and message area configurations
                                and can optionally repair some of those.
                                Now, it can also pack your file and
                                message areas by removing all the empty
                                entries. It can also check if any of the
                                groups are not used by an area and can
                                log messages to file. Binaries/manual.
                                Another fine addition to PB-GNU! Free.
                                Copyright 1995 Branislav L. Slantchev
                                A Product of Silicon Creations, Inc.
chntxpex.zip    5190 08-05-2024  CHAINTXT.PEX v1.0  creates a Chain.Txt
                                 drop-file for ProBoard. (Version 2.0 or
                                 better). The path for creating the drop-file
                                 can be specified.
chompit.zip    18886 08-05-2024 Convert  PCBoard DIR?? files to Proboard
cleartag.zip    3616 08-05-2024 CLEARTAG.PEX - Very Simple little pex.
                                It clears all the files the caller
                                currently has tagged.  Great to add
                                to logoff routines/menus. Arcvhive
                                contains source code.  **FREEWARE**
clock.zip       3794 08-05-2024 
club020.zip     7284 08-05-2024 Simply a PEX program that allows you to GROUP
                                users together
                                in a "Club" display configured by security
cm_2dlc101.zip   72410 08-05-2024 CM-LCALL v1.01
                                N: 1632/9446P1Ŀ
                                LASTCALLERS  FULL PROBOARD & RA AWARE ! 
                                  LASTCALLERS screen with BAD-USER     
                                  list ,definable ansi ,baud field ,   
                                  time and date field ,location field, 
                                  minimum security auto-add config.    
                                  NOT CRIPPLED  FOR PROBOARD & RA !!  
                                CM-lCALL  CopyRight 1993,94 Gunther Voet
cnpex_2d11.zip   22083 08-05-2024      
                                  ߰   ߰      
                                  ܰ   ܰ      
                                 CalllerNR 1.1 , FREEW. PEX 
                                 by DJ SiGNAL [DiMENSiON X] 
                                 It's a "Your are CALLER NR"
                                 displayer, NOT in TXT but  
                                 in BIG ANZI!  REQ.PB 2.15+ 
cocpr10.zip     6019 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 CoC - PRoMPT v1.0  .oO-PEX-Oo. 
                                 THE ULTiMATE PRESS-ENTER-PRoMPT 
                                 FoR PRoBoARD! No HARDCoDED      
                                 PRoMPTS, JUST iNCLUDE YoUR oWN! 
                                 SUPPoRTS ALL ANSi PRoMPTS       
                                 AVAiLABLE FoR SHoWANSi/RAT!     
                                 SUPPoRT FoR RANDoM PRoMPTS!     
                                ..A CoNSUMERS oF CAFFEiNE RELEASE..!
coc_2dsa10.zip   15609 08-05-2024  PEX 
                                         C0C PRESENTS:         
                                    S E T A L I A S [v1.0]     
                                       CoDED BY MaH/C0C        
                                 This PEX for ProBoard checks  
                                 whether the user has entered  
                                 an alias. If he/she hasn't,   
                                 the alias is set to the       
                                 user's real name and a text-  
                                 file of your choice is        
                                 displayed to the user, and/or 
                                 another PEX is run (eg an     
                                 enter prompt like COC-PROMPT) 
                                  FRoM CoNSUMERS oF CAFFEiNE!  
coded3.zip     13552 08-05-2024        
                                  ROT14 Code Routine   
                                Mit dieser Routine kann
                                man seine Texte im Pex 
                                verschlsselt ausgeben 
                                so das Hacker keine    
                                Chance habe den Text   
                                mittels Hex- oder      
                                anderen Editoren       
confpx24.zip   12831 08-05-2024   ConfPEX  for ProBOARD    Add the PCB
                                style conferencing  to ProBOARD!  up  to
                                10000  conferences! Group  file areas to
                                a   msg    base    easily!   plus   MANY
                                MORE!!!  SwellSoft Productions.  Written
                                in  South  Africa  by   Richard Parsons.
cook10ax.zip  279224 08-05-2024 Fortune Cookie  v1.0 for  ProBoard 2.0x.
                                Displays a fortune from a large database
                                (included  - BSD format). Can optionally
                                log  off  user after  fortune. Great for
                                your  global  Logoff  command.  C source
                                code included  (kinda messy, though) GNU
                                General Public License Version 2 Part of
                                the  PB-GNU   Project.  April  20,  1995
                                Copyright  (C)  1995  by  Branislav   L.
                                Slantchev Copyright (C) 1995  by Silicon
                                Creations Inc.
couch110.zip   21861 08-05-2024 ͸
                                  THE-COUCH V1.10                    
                                 This is a timebank that fully       
                                 supports the use of ascii & ansi.   
                                 Now with the ability to let users   
                                 gamble with their time with an opt- 
                                 ional gamble.pex                    
                                 deposit/withdraw maximum kb's/time. 
                                 Now also converting Time <> Kb's.   
                                 And now it fully logs all timebank  
                                 actions that have taken place.      
                                 Improved USERDOES functionality.    
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:       
                                 EDDIE VAN LOON                      
crssel17.zip   34752 08-05-2024  ** Cursor Select v1.6 ** 
                                 ProBoard PEX  TwinSoft  Freeware 
                                Auswhlen von File/Message-Area/Gruppe
                                mit Hilfe der Cursortasten.  Fr PB ab
                                Version 2.12!  ANSI + AVATAR  Support,
                                native  Multitaskersupport,  direkte
                                Eingabe   der   Areanummern   mglich,
                                bequeme   Bedienung,   sprachlich  und
                                farblich 100% definierbar, Autopilot
                                Gruppenvorgabe bei  Areawahl  mglich.
                                "Alle Gruppen" mglich.     DesqView -
                                Support luft jetzt, Support fr Boxen
                                mit nur einer Message / File - Gruppe.
cs340a_2dd.rar  373873 08-05-2024 CURSORY PEX Version 3.40a  (DOS / DEUTSCH)
                                *********** ڿ    Ŀ    Ŀ *************
                                *****************  *********  **********
                                     Universelle, sehr LEISTUNGSSTARKE
                                    Cursorsteuerung inklusive Echtzeit-
                                    Animationen fuer ProBoard 2.1x DOS
                                              Sysop's Choice
                                "THE ARMY KNIFE FOR PROBOARD BBS SOFTWARE"
                                ----------- INKLUSIVE CSI-EDITOR! ----------
                                + Ermoeglicht die komfortable Steuerung der
                                 Mailboxmenues ueber die Cursortasten
                                + "Fenster-Mailboxen", _PULLDOWN-MENUES_
                                + Vollstaendig _KONFIGURIERBAR_, MEHRFARBIGE
                                 und MEHRZEILIGE Menuepunkte, Farbmacros,
                                + Optionale _ONLINEHILFEN_ / _HOTKEYS_
                                + Frei definierbare _ECHTZEIT-ANIMATIONEN_
                                 (systemunabhaengig), simultan zur
                                + "Prompts" in Sprachdateien koennen durch
                                 Cursorsteuerung, optional mit Animation,
                                 ersetzt werden (z. B. _ProBoard-LOGIN_)
                                + "Stand-alone-Animationen" (WERBESEITEN,
                                + Testen der erstellten Menues OHNE ProBoard
                                 ("Standalone" CURSORY-Emulator enthalten)
                                + Multitaskbetrieb unter OS/2, Windows,
                                 DesqView, TopView
                                + Zeitgesteuertes Ausfuehren bestimmter
                                 Aktionen, z. B. Aufruf eines PEX, Ausgabe
                                 von Dateien, Ausloggen des Users
                                + Alternative RIP-/ ASCII-Menues
                                + Unterstuetzt "USERDOES"
                                + AUSFUEHRLICHE, _DEUTSCHE_ DOKUMENTATION
                                + "MINDWARE", Registrierbetrag frei waehl-
                                 bar - Kreditkartenregistrierung moeglich
                                ------- THE CURSORY INTERNET HOMEPAGE ------
cs340a_2de.rar  368987 08-05-2024 CURSORY PEX version 3.40a  (DOS / ENGLISH)
                                *********** ڿ    Ŀ    Ŀ *************
                                *****************  *********  **********
                                Universal, very POWERFUL "lightbar" cursor
                                   key control + cartoon-like realtime
                                     animations for ProBoard 2.1x DOS
                                              Sysop's Choice
                                "THE ARMY KNIFE FOR PROBOARD BBS SOFTWARE"
                                ----------- INCLUDING CSI-EDITOR! ----------
                                + Allows fully cursor key control of all
                                + "Windowed BBS'es", _PULLDOWN-MENUS_
                                + Fully _CONFIGURABLE_, MULTI-COLORED and
                                 SPLITTED menu options, color macros,
                                 text macros
                                + Optional _ONLINE-HELP_ / _HOTKEYS_
                                + Freely definable _REALTIME-ANIMATIONS_
                                 (independent from the system used),
                                 simultaneous to cursor key control
                                + "Prompts" in language-files may be
                                 replaced by cursor key control,
                                 optionally including animations (e. g.
                                + "Stand-alone-animations" (ADVERTISING
                                 PAGES, _Enter-Prompts_)
                                + Test your menus WITHOUT ProBoard
                                 (standalone CURSORY emulator included)
                                + Multitasking under OS/2, Windows,
                                 DesqView, TopView
                                + Time controlled execution of certain
                                 actions, e. g. calling a PEX, displaying
                                 files, logging off the user
                                + Alternatively RIP-/ ASCII-menus
                                + Supports "USERDOES"
                                + DETAILED _ENGLISH_ DOCUMENTATION
                                + "MINDWARE", choose yourself what it's
                                 worth - Credit Card registration possible
                                ------- THE CURSORY INTERNET HOMEPAGE ------
csi_2dpack.zip    4291 08-05-2024 Several CSI examples for Cursory including:
                                DOOF FADE MAIL MAIN MORE-2 RETURN
csi_ed14.zip   37852 08-05-2024 į CSI-EDDY V1.4 Ŀ
                                  EDiTOR FUER CURSORY  
                                mit diesem editor ist es 
                                jetzt leicht und schnell 
                                mglich CSI-Dateien fr  
                                Cursory zu erstellen.    
cs_2dprm01.zip    9776 08-05-2024 --- Compilation of 20 CSI's ---
                                    ڿ    Ŀ    Ŀ
                                 C U R S O R Y  for ProBoard 
                                 The ENTERPROMPT Package #01 
                                        PUBLIC DOMAIN        
curlogin.zip    4316 08-05-2024     ڿ    Ŀ    Ŀ
                                    ٳٳij [CSI]
                                  -- -  --- 
                                  JUST ANOTHER SAMPLE OF CSI- 
                                       FILES FOR CURSORY      
                                  COMPLETE LOGIN MATRIX WITH  
                                      NICE ANIMATION FROM     
                                         GENESIS 'BBS         
                                  LOGIN Matrix with CURSORY   
                                - - -- -  - ---
                                     Requires CURSORY 2.x     
                                - -
curspull.zip   12359 08-05-2024          CURSORY PULLDOWN PACKAGE
                                  -- ڿ-Ŀ Ŀ  -- 
                                  --  - --  -- 
                                      - PULLDOWN-MENUS FOR PROBOARD -
                                            CURSORY CSI FILES
                                           REQUIRES CURSORY 2.x
curs_2dkey.zip   12841 08-05-2024      - THE ORIGINAL CURSORY KEYMAKER -
                                *********** ڿ    Ŀ    Ŀ *************
                                *****************  *********  **********
                                           CURSORY is FREEWARE!
                                 Feel free to create your own personal key
                                    for ProBoard's most famous add-on
                                 Thanks to about 350 registered CURSORY
                                             users world-wide
                                 THIS KEYMAKER WILL CREATE VALID KEYS FOR
                                    ALL CURSORY VERSIONS EVER RELEASED
                                J. Rathmann, Author of Cursory, October '97
                                ------- THE CURSORY INTERNET HOMEPAGE ------
cutil.zip      29150 08-05-2024                                   
                                       C  U  T  I  L 
                                    UTILITIE fuer Cursory
                                      Mit super einfacher
                                      beschreibung fuer Cursory !!!
cy_csi.zip     10604 08-05-2024     ڿ    Ŀ    Ŀ
                                  -- -  --- 
                                  DEMO-CSI (INI) DATEIEN DER  
                                         DEViL iNSiDE         
                                .         FUER CURSoRY         .
                                - - -- -  - ---
dausup11.zip   18877 08-05-2024 [ DAU-Support PEX ][V1.1]Ŀ
                                      .      .     
                                    .            +  
                                [R. Glaeser][W. Hommel]Ĵ
                                 Wer kennt sie nicht, die Tips 
                                 von Windows 95?  Diese  nette 
                                 Spielerei gibt es  jetzt auch 
                                 fuer ProBoard 2.1x ...        
                                 Dem User werden  kleine Tips, 
                                 ala " Wusstest Du schon... ", 
                                 angezeigt;  er kann dann aus- 
                                 waehlen,  ob er den naechsten 
                                 Tip sehen will, die Tips beim 
                                 naechsten  Login  nicht  mehr 
                                 sehen oder  das PEX verlassen 
                                 NEU in dieser Version ist die 
                                 Moeglichkeit in den Tips auch 
                                 PB-Macros (74) zu verwenden ! 
                                 Das PEX ist 95% konfigurierbar
                                  Beispiel ANSi und Tips inkl. 
                                EiN MUSS FUER JEDEN PB-SYSOP!
dblkw100.zip    9675 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 DOUBLE KEYWORD SEARCH 1.00      
                                 Same as the originally keyword  
                                 search as in the PB 2.01 pack.  
                                 Except for the option to search 
                                 on 2 keywords at the same time. 
                                 ALSO SUPPORTS USERDOES !!       
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:   
                                 EDDIE VAN LOON                  
ddice090.zip   16979 08-05-2024 -------------------
                                DUTCH QUALITY PEXES
                                DqP's Drunken Dices
                                now with the option
                                to view the logfile
                                of previous plays..
                                Ŀ Ŀ
                                 O   O   O     
                                   O       O   
                                 O   O       O 
                                Written  E. v. Loon
ddown100.zip    7992 08-05-2024 
                                        DDOWN.PEX Version 1.00            
                                   Description Download for ProBoard      
                                  -   Creates & Download a file with a    
                                      description of the downloaded files 
                                  -   simple installation                 
                                  -   support for other download pexes    
                                              FREEWARE PEX                
                                               by ARGO                    
dd_1lib1.zip    7399 08-05-2024 ( DD_1LINE v1.0 -- OneLiner PEX )
                                 BETA - BETA - BETA - BETA - BETA 
                                 A ProBoard PEX that let's the    
                                 users enter messages anonymously 
                                 on a board. With highscorelist.  
                                 (C)1996 Digital Domination Crew! 
dd_21block.zip    7695 08-05-2024 
                                    ! DooMSDaY PReSeNTS !    
                                  aN aNiMaTeD eNTeRPRoMPT PeX  
                                        { FoR PRoBoaRD }       
dd_21elast.zip   24919 08-05-2024 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
                                ><    $ DooMSDaY PReSeNTS $   ><
                                ><  THe uLTiMaTe eNTeRPRoMPT  ><
                                <>          PaCK #1           <>
                                <>      [] eLaSTiC []       <>
                                <>     5 eNTeRPRoMPT PeXs     <>
                                ><      ~ FoR PRoBoaRD ~      ><
dd_21rulez.zip   24465 08-05-2024 oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo
                                Oo -= DooMSDaY - PReSeNTS =- oO
                                Oo  THe uLTiMaTe eNTeRPRoMPT   oO
                                oO          PaCK #2          Oo
                                Oo   o00o eNTeR RuLeZ o00o   oO
                                Oo     7 eNTeRPRoMPT PeXs      oO
                                oO      < FoR PRoBoaRD >       Oo
dd_21soft.zip    5655 08-05-2024 
                                    DooMSDaY PReSeNTS    
                                         -> SoFT_oNe <-        
                                  aN aNiMaTeD eNTeRPRoMPT PeX  
                                        ! FoR PRoBoaRD        
dd_21squez.zip    5841 08-05-2024 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
                                ><   % DooMSDaY PReSeNTS %   <>
                                ><   -=[SQueeZeR]=-    <>
                                ><   a NeW eNTeRPRoMPT PeX   <>
                                <>       FoR PRoBoaRD      ><
dd_21stars.zip    6788 08-05-2024 
                                   <-> DooMSDaY PReSeNTS <->   
                                          Star_nta !          
                                  aN aNiMaTeD eNTeRPRoMPT PeX  
                                        * FoR PRoBoaRD *       
dd_21thiz.zip    8629 08-05-2024 
                                      <- DooMSDaY PReSeNTS ->     
                                     aN aNiMaTeD eNTeR PRoMPT     
                                          CaLLeD THiZ_iS          
                                 LeeCH iT aND See WHy iT'S CaLLeD 
                                        a PeX FoR PRoBoaRD        
dd_city2.zip    4116 08-05-2024 ( DD_CITY v0.02  - Change City PEX )
                                 A ProBoard PEX that replaces the 
                                 internal Change City command!    
                                 The only difference between this 
                                 and the internal command is that 
                                 it removes BBS-ADDS!!!           
                                 (C)1995 Digital Domination Crew! 
dd_news2.zip    4677 08-05-2024 ( DD_NEWS v0.02 -Show new .A?? PEX )
                                 A ProBoard PEX that shows an     
                                 .A?? file to the user!           
                                 It checks the filedate on the    
                                 .A?? and only shows it if the    
                                 filedate is NEWER then when the  
                                 user last called the BBS!        
                                 This is useful if you want to    
                                 show a newsbulletin when it is   
                                 (C)1995 Digital Domination Crew! 
dd_top12.zip    6912 08-05-2024 (   DD_TOP v1.2 -- TopLister PEX   )
                                 A Replacement For The Internal   
                                 MenuCommand 48: SHOW HITPARADE   
                                 Fast! Nicer Looking! etc. etc.   
                                 - Best Message-writers           
                                 - Best downloaders (Kb)          
                                 - Best downloaders (# downloads) 
                                 - Best uploaders (Kb)            
                                 - Best uploaders (# downloads)   
                                 - Best callers                   
                                 - Best Total Time Online         
                                 (C)1996 Digital Domination Crew! 
dela200.zip    55179 08-05-2024 Dela v2.00: ProBoard file area manager
                                99% configurable; define the look of the
                                list by yourself; add logos to ALL
                                archive types; rewrite FILES.BBS and add
                                missing data; ...
                                The very best of the Amateur Programmers
                                Association (APA); free!
dialback.zip   22095 08-05-2024 PROBOARD DiAL BACK 
doing113.zip  106719 08-05-2024 +------------------------------+
                                | See  what  other  Users  are |
                                | really  DOING  on your  BBS. |
                                | Fully configurable with your |
                                | own ANSI/ASCII screens.      |
                                | NEW : Show Users Baud Rate   |
                                | Includes : Windows 3.1x/'95  |
                                | Online Viewer & DOS utility. |
                                |   (C)1996 Fe-line Software   |
                                |    Version 1.13, FreeWare    |
                                +----[PEX & EXE - 10/10/06]----+
doingsdk.zip    7665 08-05-2024 SDK to allow you to make your
                                  own PEXs DOING Compatible.
                                *NOW Works with PEXs and EXEs*
                                  (C)1996 Fe-line Software
                                    Version 1.10, FreeWare
                                       (AV Protected)
dqp_2dinfo.zip   12067 08-05-2024 The official information package
                                for DQP-net. Includes the latest
                                nodelist as well.
dqp_pswd.zip   11911 08-05-2024 -------------------------
                                -Ŀ--------     --
                                -    Ŀ --
                                --           ------
                                -    Ŀ ------
                                ------ ---------
                                -  DUTCH QUALITY PEXES  -
                                PASSWORD CHANGER   V0.00
                                Allow passwd change only
                                when the old password has 
                                been entered properly.
                                Freeware - Userdoes supp.
                                Written by Eddie van Loon
dqp_wel2.zip    2518 08-05-2024 DQP_WEL2.ZIP 
dupc12b6.zip   40477 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 DUPCHECK   UPLOAD PROCESSOR V1.20B6   
                                 Searches if file is on the bbs or if a
                                 newer version exists. If it does, the 
                                 user isn't allowed to upload it. If it
                                 doesn't exists the file will be       
                                 scanned for a virus (THD-PROscan) and 
                                 the FILE_ID.DIZ will be extracted if  
                                 exists else it asks for a description 
                                 and then it'll be added to the file-  
                                 base after a good upload,Sends a msg  
                                 to uploader, Multitasker aware !!.    
                                   Another Dutch Quality Pex by:       
                                 EDDIE VAN LOON && WILLEM WEGHORST     
dupch100.zip  216155 08-05-2024 
                                DUPCHECK   FULL UPLOAD PROCESSOR V1.00
                                Searches if file is on the bbs or if a
                                newer version exists. If it does, the
                                user isn't allowed to upload it. If it
                                doesn't exists the file will be
                                scanned for a virus (THD-PROscan) and
                                the FILE_ID.DIZ will be extracted if
                                exists else it asks for a description
                                and then it'll be added to the file-
                                base after a good upload.
                                Comes with THD PROscan V9.1 included.
                                (With written permission of author).
                                Another Dutch Quality Pex by:
                                EDDIE VAN LOON && WILLEM WEGHORST
dupsrc1.zip    12820 08-05-2024  DupSearch 1.01
                                 ProBoard duplicate searcher for      
                                 files on HD which are also on online 
                                 CD-ROM. Needs FILESIDX.PB            
                                 Another Utility by:                  
                                 Skylight Software Schermerhorn       
ebbb11a.zip    13138 08-05-2024                      
                                    EMPiRE    Pex-Team  
                                U V1.1A               
                                U       PEX
echat10b.zip   31145 08-05-2024 ECHAT 1.0b BETA Version...
                                THE BEST ELIZA CHATTER
                                This is the latest and
                                complete version of ECHAT,
                                an Eliza program making it
                                possible to chat with the
                                computer as if it was a real
                                This beta version has a Dutch
                                and English library but is
                                still far from complete.
                                Echat is FREEWARE and for
                                those who want to experiment
                                in making their own language
                                libraries, this is your
                                Release Date: 1 March 1995
                                 Coming from USS Aurora at Warp 9.8 
ee_21lcman.zip   15052 08-05-2024               
                                  ۲     96' 
                                    ۲  ۲ ۱sha 
                                   ۲  ۲  ۱ ۲   
                                  ۱  ۱  ۲ ۲  
                                  ۲  ۲     
                                      ۲ ۲ 
                                    e   m   p   i   r   e  
                                    manure   v.988!   
                                  a proboard lastcallerpex 
                                   with special features   
                                  coded by demolux  
efc_2d1lnr.zip   27014 08-05-2024 İ߲ ߲ ߲Ŀ
                                |   +            .     + |
                                : .        . +         :
                                EXCESSiVE FORCE CREW
                                | XLoGoN oNeLiNeR     PRoBoaRD oNeLiNeR |
                                | CooL oNeLiNeR WiTH CuRSoR DRiVeN      |
                                : LiGHTBaR MaTRiX, CuSToM aNSi, RoLLiNG :
                                : PRoMPT, MaCRoS (NaMe, HaNDLe, CiTy)   :
                                | aND uSe oF aLL 16 aNSi CoLoRS.        |
efc_2d2diz.zip   31309 08-05-2024 
                                |   +            .     + |
                                : .        . +         :
                                EXCESSiVE FORCE CREW
                                | 2DiZ v1.0    FLSEARCH.CTL -> LIST.CTL |
                                | THiZ LiTTLe uTiL CoNVeRTZ eaSTTaGS.   |
                                : GeNeRaTeD: FLSEARCH.CTL To LIST.CTL   :
                                 WHiCH DiZZy LiKeZ To uSe. So iF you   
                                : HaVe eaSTTaG & DiZZy... LeeCH THiZ..  :
                                | 100% FReeWaRe By X-S! oF EFC.         |
efc_2dappl.zip   44490 08-05-2024  
                                |   +            .     + |
                                : .        . +         :
                                EXCESSiVE FORCE CREW
                                | APPLY v1.0        PROBOARD APPLY DOOR |
                                | CooL QueSTioNNaiRe DooR FoR PRoBoaRD. |
                                : uP To 100 QueSTioNS WiTH CuSToM       :
                                 X/y/LeNGTH aND ReMeMBeRS LaST aNSWeRS 
                                : WHeN NoT eVeRyTHiNG CoRReCT ...       :
                                | 100% FReeWaRe By DEADLiNE^EFC.        |
efc_2dchat.zip   44665 08-05-2024 İ߲ ߲ ߲Ŀ
                                |   +            .     + |
                                : .        . +         :
                                EXCESSiVE FORCE CREW
                                | BLaCHaT v1.0         SPLiTSCReeN CHaT |
                                | Da KeWLeST SPLiTSCReeN CHaTTeR aRouND |
                                : FoR PRoBoaRD. FaSTeR THaN .eXe DooRZ  :
                                : aND WiTH LoTSa KeWL FuNCTioNS. aND Da :
                                | BeST THiNG : iT'S FReeWaRe !          |
                                |  5 CooL FoNTS WiTH eiTHeR FaDiNG oR  |
                                :   CoNFiGuRaBLe CoLoRZ (LoCaL/ReMoTe)  :
                                  FiLe DoWNLoaDiNG & TeXTFiLe VieWiNG 
                                  uSeR BuGGeR - TyPe iN uSeR'S WiNDoW 
                                  WoRDWRaPPiNG, SCRoLLiNG, aNyTHiNG   
                                  BuiLT iN PaGeR, WiTH MSGWRiTiNG     
                                :  GueST SKiZZo aWaRe - CHaNGe HaNDLe  :
                                |  BuiLT iN SCReeN DuMPiNG FuNCTioN    |
efc_2ddisc.zip   34246 08-05-2024 
                                |   +            .     + |
                                : .        . +         :
                                EXCESSiVE FORCE CREW
                                |       DiSCLaiMeR FoR PRoBoaRD       |
                                | JuST a DiSCLaiMeR SCReeN WiTH MeNuBaR |
                                | CoNTRoL ... ReaLLy KeWL aND FReeWare  |
efc_2ddox.zip   21297 08-05-2024 
                                |   +            .     + |
                                : .        . +         :
                                EXCESSiVE FORCE CREW
                                | DoX V1.1  TZe oFFiCiaL eFC DoX ReaDeR |
                                | Da KeWLeST DoXReaDeR aRouND WHiCH DoeS|
                                : NoT oNLy SuPPoRT eMBeDDeD TXT FiLeS.  :
                                : iT oFCouRSe LooKS VeRy NiCe. aND TZe  :
                                | BeST THiNG : iT'S FRee!               |
efc_2dente.zip   26671 08-05-2024 İ߲ ߲ ߲Ŀ
                                |   +            .     + |
                                : .        . +         :
                                EXCESSiVE FORCE CREW
                                | eNTeRPRoMPT    PRoBoaRD RoLLiNG eNTeR |
                                | PeX FoR DiSPLayiNG a aNSi FiLe, BuT   |
                                : WiTH a CooL RaNDoM RoLLiNG eNTeR      :
                                | PRoMPT BeLoW iT. iNCLuDeS 10 PRoMPTS. |
efc_2dflnr.zip   33791 08-05-2024  
                                |   +            .     + |
                                : .        . +         :
                                EXCESSiVE FORCE CREW
                                | FiLe-LiNeR        PRoBoaRD FiLe-LiNeR |
                                | aN oNeLiNeR WiTH a DiFFeReNCe !       |
                                : NoW uSeRS CaN aDD a FiLe To a 15-FiLe :
                                 LiST, aLLoWiNG THeM To aDVeRTiSe FoR
                                : THeiR FiLe, aND THe SySoP iS aLSo     :
                                | HaPPy CoZ PeoPLe aGaiN uPLoaD FiLeS.  |
efc_2dfnln.zip   34048 08-05-2024 İ߲ ߲ ߲Ŀ
                                |   +            .     + |
                                : .        . +         :
                                EXCESSiVE FORCE CREW
                                | FiLe-LiNeR        PRoBoaRD FiLe-LiNeR |
                                | aN oNeLiNeR WiTH a DiFFeReNCe !       |
                                : NoW uSeRS CaN aDD a FiLe To a 15-FiLe :
                                 LiST, aLLoWiNG THeM To aDVeRTiSe FoR  
                                : THeiR FiLe, aND THe SySoP iS aLSo     :
                                | HaPPy CoZ PeoPLe aGaiN uPLoaD FiLeS.  |
efc_2dgome.zip    3779 08-05-2024 İ߲ ߲ ߲Ŀ
                                |   +            .     + |
                                : .        . +         :
                                EXCESSiVE FORCE CREW
                                 TiTLe    GoMenu v0.991              
                                | TyPe     ProBoard Menu-Test PEX      |
                                : MaDe By  !DEADLiNE!                  :
                                | DaTe     18-1o-1995                  |
                                | [ ] CGA     [ ] SPEAKER  [ ] MOUSE    |
                                : [ ] EGA     [ ] ADLiB    [ ] JOY      :
                                | [ ] VGA     [ ] SB       [x] KEYBOARD |
                                 [ ] SVGA    [ ] GUS      [x] MODEM    
efc_2dlame.zip    7016 08-05-2024 İ߲ ߲ ߲Ŀ
                                |   +            .     + |
                                : .        . +         :
                                EXCESSiVE FORCE CREW
                                | LaMeR THRoWouT     GRaB iT iT'S FREE! |
                                | WeLL SoMe Way To KiCK LaMeRZ oFF YouR |
                                : BoaRD BuT CooLeR THaN TRaSHCaN.CTL oR :
                                 LoCKiNG ouT. uNFoRTuNaTeLy SouRCe WaS 
                                : LoST So THiS iS THe LaST (eTa) THeRe :
                                | WiLL Be ... LoSiNG SouRCeS SuCKS!!!!! |
efc_2dm2cr.zip   38209 08-05-2024 İ߲ ߲ ߲Ŀ
                                |   +            .     + |
                                : .        . +         :
                                EXCESSiVE FORCE CREW
                                | MSG2CReW                     FREEWARE |
                                | PeX FoR WRiTiNG a MeSSaGe To oNe oF   |
                                : uP To FiVe SySoPS / CReW MeMBeRS.     :
                                | CuRSoRKeY CoNTRoLLeD & RoLLiNG eNTa.  |
efc_2dmbar.zip   35539 08-05-2024 İ߲ ߲ ߲Ŀ
                                |   +            .     + |
                                : .        . +         :
                                EXCESSiVE FORCE CREW
                                | MeNuBaRS FoR PRoBoaRD        FReeWaRe |
                                | aDD CuRSoR-CoNTRoLLeD BaRS To youR    |
                                : PRoBoaRD MeNuS - ReaL eaSy. uP To 9   :
                                 MeNuS (iN oNe ReaL MeNu) WiTH eaCH uP 
                                 To 23 iTeMS. HoTKeyS STiLL WoRK Too!  
                                : you CaN STiLL uSe youR PBM FiLeS CoZ  :
                                | iT aLL WoRKS WiTH KeyBoaRD STuFFiNG!  |
efc_2dprot.zip   33836 08-05-2024 İ߲ ߲ ߲Ŀ
                                |   +            .     + |
                                : .        . +         :
                                EXCESSiVE FORCE CREW
                                | auToMaTiC PRoToCoL SeLeCToR FoR PB2.X |
                                | Do you NeVeR GRoW TiReD oF HaViNG To  |
                                : SeLeCT youR PRoToCoLS? WeLL, THeN We  :
                                 HaVe THe SoLuTioN FoR you. RePLaCeS   
                                 THe PRoBoaRD uP aND DoWNLoaD FuNCTioN 
                                 aND HaS a DeFauLT PRoToCoL SeLeCTioN. 
                                 So a uSeR CaN CHaNGe THe PRoToCoL iF  
                                : He WaNTS BuT DoeSN'T HaVe To TyPe iT  :
                                | WiTH eVeRy uP/DoWNLoaD. FReeWaRe.     |
efc_2drati.zip    8870 08-05-2024 İ߲ ߲ ߲
                                |   +            .     +
                                : .        . +       
                                EXCESSiVE FORCE CREW
                                (PEX) Excessive Force - Ratio Checker 1.0
efc_2dtxtv.zip   27732 08-05-2024 İ߲ ߲ ߲Ŀ
                                |   +            .     + |
                                : .        . +         :
                                EXCESSiVE FORCE CREW
                                | TXTVieW 1.00      PRoBoaRD TXT VieWeR |
                                | CooL TeXTFiLe VieWeR FoR RePLaCiNG Da |
                                : BuiLT iN MeNuFuNCTioN FoR VieWiNG a   :
                                 TeXT FiLe. WiTH CoNFiGuRaBLe CoLoRS,  
                                : a RaNDoM RoLLiNG PReSS eNTeR PRoMPT   :
                                | aND a RoLLiNG MoRe PRoMPT.            |
efc_2dupg1.zip   33985 08-05-2024 
                                |   +            .     + |
                                : .        . +         :
                                EXCESSiVE FORCE CREW
                                |  XLoGoN auToMaTiC uSeR uPGRaDeR v1.1  |
                                | NoW NeW uSeRS CaN LoG iN DiReCTLy     |
                                : aFTeR FiLLiNG ouT THe aPPLy. FoR uSe  :
                                : WiTH XLoGoN 1.01 aND 1.20. FREEWARE.  :
                                | NoW WiTH SouRCe aND BuGFiX.           |
efc_2dwhot.zip   34750 08-05-2024 
                                |   +            .     + |
                                : .        . +         :
                                EXCESSiVE FORCE CREW
                                | WHaZH0T aND WHaZ N0T     PRoBoaRD 2.x |
                                | NoW uSeRS CaN Say WHaT'S HoT aND WHaZ |
                                : NoT. GR8 aNZi aND CuRSoR SuPPoRT.     :
                                | 100% FReeWaRe By !DEADLiNE!^EFC       |
efc_2dwhq.zip   28612 08-05-2024 İ߲ ߲ ߲Ŀ
                                |   +            .     + |
                                : .        . +         :
                                EXCESSiVE FORCE CREW
                                | EXCESSiVE FORCE WHq BoaRD iNTRo       |
                                | NeW aT Da SCeNe RuNNiN' PRoBoaRD 2.01 |
                                : EXCESSiVE FORCE WHq - WHeRe aLL THe   :
                                 EFC ReLeaSeS CoMe FRoM. KeWL DooRZ    
                                 aND a CHaTTaBLe SKiZZo : !DEADLiNE!   
                                 LeeCH THiZ aND CaLL [+31]4975-72146,  
                                 oPeN FRoM 22:00 TiLL 07:00 (WHeN Da   
                                : KiDDieS aRe aSLeeP)... MayB 24H SooN. :
                                | NeWuSeRS aRe WeLCoMe! Cya aT EFC-WHq! |
efc_2dwhtu.zip   22400 08-05-2024 İ߲ ߲ ߲Ŀ
                                |   +            .     + |
                                : .        . +         :
                                EXCESSiVE FORCE CREW
                                | WHaZH0T aND WHaZ N0T       CURSOR FiX |
                                | Fixes cursor keys with buggy modems.  |
efc_2dxl12.zip   46981 08-05-2024 İ߲ ߲ ߲Ŀ
                                |   +            .     + |
                                : .        . +         :
                                EXCESSiVE FORCE CREW
                                | XLOGON v1.20       FOR PROBOARD v2.10 |
                                | A Cursor driven matrix menu at logon  |
                                : with the possibility to make your own :
                                 menus and submenus before the user    
                                 actually logs on to the bbs. Cool     
                                : look, rolling enter prompt, and some  :
                                | extended menu functions.              |
                                |   Oneliner with colors and macros.   |
                                :   Today's last 10 callers display.   :
                                   Password Change Forcer.            
                                   Mail Checker with progress bar.    
                                   Textfile viewer with rolling       
                                    more and enter prompts.            
                                   ANSI view with rolling enter.      
                                   Newuser Questionnaire / Apply.     
                                :   Access Checker (Led-style).        :
                                |   Cursor Driven Freefile menu.       |
efc_ag31.zip   13713 08-05-2024 ߲߱߱ ߲ ߱
                                     ߲  ۲   ߲     
                                 .:: ::::efc'96. 
                                :             lives! :
                                [:.::..::. .:..::::::.:]
                                EXCESSIVE FORCE
                                         AreaGroups 3.1        
                                   pb file area/group changer  
                                 lightbar controlled filegroup 
                                   and area changer, now with  
                                   page numbers, configurable  
                                  pagelengths and xy positions 
efc_bbsl.zip   17204 08-05-2024 İ߲ ߲ ߲Ŀ
                                |   +            .     + |
                                : .        . +         :
                                EXCESSiVE FORCE CREW
                                | BoaRDLiZTeR v1.o         PRoBoaRD PeX |
                                |  Coolest PEX Board-Lister ever seen  |
                                :  Add and Delete your BBS             :
                                  View extended info about board      
                                  Kewl FX (fading, neat screenclear)  
                                  Nice (editable) anzi                
                                :  Fully Cursor Controlled             :
                                |  Up to 1oo BBS'es are allowed        |
efc_bbsu.zip   27591 08-05-2024 İ߲ ߲ ߲Ŀ
                                |   +            .     + |
                                : .        . +         :
                                EXCESSiVE FORCE CREW
                                | BoaRDLiZTeR v1.o           CURSOR FiX |
                                | Fixes cursor bug with buggy modems.   |
efc_bl11.zip   32811 08-05-2024 İ߲ ߲ ߲Ŀ
                                |   +            .     + |
                                : .        . +         :
                                EXCESSiVE FORCE CREW
                                | BoaRDLiZTeR v1.1         PRoBoaRD PeX |
                                |  Coolest PEX Board-Lister ever seen  |
                                :  Add and Delete your BBS             :
                                  View extended info about board      
                                  Kewl FX (fading, neat screenclear)  
                                  Nice (editable) anzi                
                                  Fully Cursor Controlled             
                                  Up to 1oo BBS'es are allowed        
                                :  Bugs Fixed from 1.1                 :
                                |  LEVEL REQUiRED FOR DELETiNG BOARDS  |
efc_blst.zip   43478 08-05-2024 Excessive Force Pexs - BBS Lister 1.00
efc_boar.zip   32878 08-05-2024                 
                                     ޲  ޲   ޲ 
                                     ޲߰  ޲   ޲  
                                      ۲   ۲kg!     ۲ 
                                     ܲ۲      ܲ۲
                                    e   f      c  
                                           efc!boar.PEX v1.0          
                                   Board-lister supporting ansi upload   
                                   cursor controlled,simple to install   
                                            IDEA by EXECUTOR             
                                            CODE/GFX by KAGE             
                                [1;30m.: [0;35mO 4 9 7 5 7 2 1 4 6[37m [1;30m:
efc_call.zip    6925 08-05-2024 İ߲ ߲ ߲Ŀ
                                |   +            .     + |
                                : .        . +         :
                                EXCESSiVE FORCE CREW
                                 TiTLe    EXCESSCALLERZ               
                                | TyPe     ProBoard LastCaller Screen  |
                                : MaDe By  !DEADLiNE!                  :
                                | DaTe     1o-12-1995                  |
                                | [ ] CGA     [ ] SPEAKER  [ ] MOUSE    |
                                : [ ] EGA     [ ] ADLiB    [ ] JOY      :
                                | [ ] VGA     [ ] SB       [x] KEYBOARD |
                                 [ ] SVGA    [ ] GUS      [x] MODEM    
efc_cl11.zip    8989 08-05-2024                
                                 1996       !D!
                                EXCESSIVE FORCE
                                    % PB 2.1x LASTCALLERZ %    
                                 % KEWL LASTCALLER WiTH FADE % 
efc_cnfs.zip    9980 08-05-2024 ߲߱߱ ߲ ߱
                                     ߲  ۲   ߲     
                                 .:: ::::efc'96. 
                                :             lives! :
                                [:.::..::. .:..::::::.:]
                                EXCESSIVE FORCE
                                       % CONFSTATS v1.1 %      
                                 % CONFSTAT GENERATOR FOR PB % 
                                  Just some simple util to     
                                  generate an ansi file with   
                                  areas/files/kbyte stats for  
                                  every filegroup you have...  
efc_diz.zip    16105 08-05-2024 ߲߱߱ ߲ ߱
                                     ߲  ۲   ߲     
                                 .:: ::::::::::. 
                                :                    :
                                [:.::..::. .:..::::::.:]
                                excessive force
                                      diz grabber utility      
                                  this util extracts file_id's 
                                    and creates a files.bbs.   
efc_dupe.zip   30072 08-05-2024 ߲߱߱ ߲ ߱
                                     ߲  ۲   ߲     
                                 .:: ::::::::::. 
                                :                    :
                                [:.::..::. .:..::::::.:]
                                excessive force
                                     nukefile - dupe nuker     
                                  nukefile is a nice utility   
                                  that searches the current    
                                  directory for dupes on your  
                                  bbs and deletes them.        
efc_ehrm.zip   24489 08-05-2024 +--------------------------+
                                | PCB-Alike lastcaller pex |
                                |    for proboard 2.10+    |
                                |   code by deadline^efc   |
efc_ent3.zip   62601 08-05-2024 ߲߱߱ ߲ ߱
                                     ߲  ۲   ߲     
                                 .:: ::::efc'96. 
                                :             lives! :
                                [:.::..::. .:..::::::.:]
                                EXCESSIVE FORCE
                                         KickEnter 3.0         
                                   ra/pb rolling enter prompt  
                                 enter prompt with moreprompt, 
                                     pcb codes decoder and     
                                        random prompting       
efc_enta.zip   27234 08-05-2024                 
                                 1996       !D!
                                EXCESSIVE FORCE
                                 % EXCESSENTA % ENTER PROMPT % 
                                     % PROBOARD 2.1x PEX %     
                                    % 15 PROMPTS INCLUDED %    
                                  % USER DEFiNABLE PROMPTS! %  
efc_home.zip  469166 08-05-2024 . .sS$$Ss. .sS$$Ss. .sS$$Ss.       .
                                  $$$$  $$$$ $$$$  $$$$ $$$$  $$$$
                                ::$$$$ss$$$$:$$$$ss:::::$$$$::ssss ::  :
                                |=`S$sasss==$$$$=======`S$ss$S'== =  =
                                |             h o m e p a g e            .
                                |- --- ---------------------------- --- -:
                                | hypertext based home page engine for   |
                                | ra/pb/pcb. full ansi oriented. with    |
                                | scrolling, frames, download and page   |
                                | processing. create your own page with  |
                                | extreme ease! the 100% original home   |
                                | page door! neat group pages included!  |
efc_kgl2.zip   30135 08-05-2024            ,s".  ,""s.   ,
                                     $$$$ $$$$d$$$ $$$$d$$$ $$$$
                                     $$$$ $$$b$$$$ $$$b$$$$ $$$$
                                     SSSSs$$'SSSS $$'SSSS  ,sskg!
                                  ,sd?$$$ ,SSS?$$$ss,"?$$$ ,SS?bs.
                                ,S$$        "`,'"       `."'    $$S.
                                $$         kg!liner.PEX        $$
                                SssS'" oneliner with topwriters "`ssS
                                $SS$   autocensoring, censoring  $SS$
                                `S$$        and colors...        $$$'
                                 `$$,                           ,$$'
                                  `sb     code by KAGE/EFC      ds'
                                    "s. .  .   .   .   .  . ,s"
                                [5mbel nu! we zitten voor u klaar![0m
efc_kgln.zip   44506 08-05-2024                kg!liner.PEX             
                                  new oneliner with autcensoring, pcb- 
                                   colors and top10 writers.            
                                  made by kage in dutch.              
                                         EXCESSIVE FORCE CREW         
efc_kit.zip    30775 08-05-2024           
                                        . presents .        
                                   .constructionkit 1.0.   
                                 a pex that allows the user 
                                 to construct his own login 
                                         CODE: KAGE         
efc_kit2.zip   21680 08-05-2024   ,s$""$Ss.  ,sS$$Ss. ,sS$""$Ss.
                                :$$$$      l$$$$:$$$   l$$$$s$$$$      l$$$$:
                                $$$$lsss$S"' $$$$ss     $$$$$       
                                $$$$            $$$$ -EFC- :$$$$$      $$$$$
                                 """""" """  "" `"S$ss$S"'
                                $$   efc presents                         $$
                                $$                                        $$
                                $$       EFC  CONSTRUCTION KIT v2.0       $$
                                $$                                        $$
                                $$     this is th bugfixed edition of     $$
                                $$              version 1.0              $$
                                $$                                        $$
                                $$    (EFC!KIT.PEX) code / gfx by kage    $$
                                $$                                        $$
efc_lc.zip     48705 08-05-2024 ߲߱߱ ߲ ߱
                                     ߲  ۲   ߲     
                                 .:: ::::EFC'96. 
                                :             LIVES! :
                                [:.::..::. .:..::::::.:]
                                EXCESSIVE FORCE
                                 [%] EXCESSiVE LASTCALLERZ [%] 
                                 THE ULTiMATE LASTCALLER EVER! 
                                 FEATURiNG FADiNG CALLER iNFO! 
                                 FULLY (FADE) COLOR DEFiNABLE! 
                                [%FOR RA 2.02 AND COMPATiBLEZ%]
                                   [%] BY SONiCWAVE^EFC! [%]   
efc_lc60.zip   54044 08-05-2024 ߲߱߱ ߲ ߱
                                     ߲  ۲   ߲     
                                 .:: ::::efc'96. 
                                :             lives! :
                                [:.::..::. .:..::::::.:]
                                EXCESSIVE FORCE
                                         Lastcalls v6.0        
                                  pb lastcallers with comment  
                                 function oriented lastcallers 
                                       like in pcboard         
                                 alias and prompt configurable 
efc_lcal.zip   18560 08-05-2024            ,s".  ,""s.   ,
                                     $$$$ $$$$d$$$ $$$$d$$$ $$$$
                                     $$$$ $$$b$$$$ $$$b$$$$ $$$$
                                     SSSSs$$'SSSS $$'SSSS  ,sskg!
                                  ,sd?$$$ ,SSS?$$$ss,"?$$$ ,SS?bs.
                                ,S$$        "`,'"       `."'    $$S.
                                $$         efc!lcal.PEX        $$
                                SssS'"the bug fixed lastcallers "`ssS
                                $SS$       with FUNCTIONS.       $SS$
                                `S$$       freeware again!       $$$'
                                 `$$,     code by KAGE/EFC      ,$$'
                                  `sb  gfx by MASTERBEAT/PHAT   ds'
                                    "s. .  .   .   .   .  . ,s"
efc_line.zip   21949 08-05-2024 İ߲ ߲ ߲Ŀ
                                |   +            .     + |
                                : .        . +         :
                                EXCESSiVE FORCE CREW
                                | EXCESSLiNERZ                   PB 2.X |
                                | ANOTHER MEGA KEWL ONELiNER PEX !      |
                                :  CURSOR CONTROLLED MATRIX            :
                                  EVERYTHiNG CONFiGURABLE             
                                :  HAS THE KEWL EFC-LOOK WiTH FADE     :
                                |  AND OFCOURSE AS FREEWARE AS EVER!   |
efc_mba2.zip   22444 08-05-2024 İ߲ ߲ ߲Ŀ
                                |   +            .     + |
                                : .        . +         :
                                EXCESSiVE FORCE CREW
                                | MENUB(R ][ - THE REVENGE      PB 2.X |
                                | NEW iMPROVED CURSORMENUS FOR PROBOARD |
                                :  NORMAL, NUMPAD, DEADMODEM SUPPORT   :
                                  REAL MOVEMENT, HOTKEYS AVAiLABLE    
                                  FiLTERS DEFiNED KEYS                
                                :  REDRAW SCREEN, KEWL COLORZ CONFiG   :
                                |  AND OFCOURSE AS FREEWARE AS EVER!   |
efc_msg1.zip   52843 08-05-2024 ߲߱߱ ߲ ߱
                                     ߲  ۲   ߲     
                                 .:: ::::efc'96. 
                                :             lives! :
                                EXCESSIVE FORCE
                                     % EXCESSMESS v1.00 %     
                                  % THE PB v2.1x MAiLREADER %  
                                  Lightbar driven mailreader,  
                                   with mailscan, area/group   
                                     changer, write, reply,    
                                   and tagger. If ya run pb,   
                                  then this is what you need!  
efc_news.zip   10035 08-05-2024 ߲߱߱ ߲ ߱
                                     ߲  ۲   ߲     
                                 .:: ::::efc'96. 
                                :             lives! :
                                [:.::..::. .:..::::::.:]
                                EXCESSIVE FORCE
                                      % NewsReader 1.0 %      
                                  % News reader for PB 2.1x %  
                                  Lightbar controlled news     
                                  reader, fully configurable,  
                                  and ofcoz 100% crewl...      
efc_pcb.zip    51728 08-05-2024           
                                        . presents .        
                                   .pcb lastcallers 1.01.   
                                 just a new lastcallers for 
                                 proboard.with kewl fadings 
                                      like in pcboard.      
                                         CODE: KAGE         
efc_prsr.zip    9791 08-05-2024 ߲߱߱ ߲ ߱
                                     ߲  ۲   ߲     
                                 .:: ::::efc'96. 
                                :             lives! :
                                [:.::..::. .:..::::::.:]
                                EXCESSIVE FORCE
                                     commandline parser 1.0    
                                 pcb alike parser for proboard 
                                    this is a pcboard alike    
                                    commandline parser that    
                                  enables multi-char commands    
efc_rlin.zip   36512 08-05-2024 
                                   ݲ     ۲ 
                                 ۲    ݲ    ݲ۲    ۲۲ 
                                 ݲ۲ݲ   ۲۲ 
                                ܲ ۲۲۱
                                      xcessve forzepresnts:     
                                          :: radical-lnerz ::         
                                  the cewlest liner ever created!     
                                  featuring : - scrollback buffer!    
                                              - color select          
                                              - msg to next user!     
                                              - relaxed lightbar!     
                                              - cewl ansi..:)         
                                              - 100% configurable     
                                         -- leech and use!! --        
                                 coded for remote-xs compatible board 
                                coded by kicksystem & sonicwave 
efc_rmr.zip    68803 08-05-2024 ߲߱߱ ߲ ߱
                                     ߲  ۲   ߲     
                                 .:: ::::efc'96. 
                                :             lives! :
                                [:.::..::. .:..::::::.:]
                                EXCESSIVE FORCE
                                           rumour door         
                                 rumourdoor for remote access  
                                    2.50 and proboard 2.10+    
                                     ( multi node aware )      
efc_rmrz.zip   42752 08-05-2024                
                                 1996       dL!
                                EXCESSIVE FORCE
                                  % rUMOURDOOR fOR pB v2.1x %  
                                  % mENUBARZ 2.0 cOMPATiBLE %  
efc_spy.zip    45559 08-05-2024 ߲߱߱ ߲ ߱
                                     ߲  ۲   ߲     
                                 .:: :::::\/. .. 
                                :                 `  :
                                [:.::..::. .:..::::::.:]
                                excessive force
                                    excessive force spy v1.0   
                                 this is just a util that your 
                                  user can use to spy on each     
                                        others settings.       
                                 great fun and easy to install 
                                  ofcourse made by sonicwave.  
                                  for use with remote-xs 2.50  
                                572146[1;37m [0m
efc_tag.zip    29289 08-05-2024     ܲ ܲ ܲ
                                   --  - -     -- ޲-
                                   |    ޲                 |
                                             -- -
                                    ۲  -۲   ۲          ۲  -۲ |
                                 -۲         ۲ 
                                 .          ܲ ۲
                                 - --޲ -- - ޲ - ۲ --۲ - ݰ -
                                  --  --޲-- - --- --ݰ
                                    ۲  ۲    
                                     kg!   tagger v1.o    
                                   EFC-TAGGER  v1.0  - A  fully  cursor  
                                   controlled   filetagger  ,  including  
                                   pcboard  -    color   codes   support  
                                   JUST A   REAL  BETA  -  VERSION, FULL  
                                   VERSION      IS          IN      WORK  
                                     for more, http://kage.home.ml.org    
efc_tchg.zip   24077 08-05-2024 ߲߱߱ ߲ ߱
                                     ߲  ۲   ߲     
                                 .:: ::::efc'96. 
                                :             lives! :
                                [:.::..::. .:..::::::.:]
                                EXCESSIVE FORCE
                                         % TheChange! %        
                                % pb 2.10+ user setup changer %
                                    this one kicks as ever!    
efc_ul11.zip    9779 08-05-2024 İ߲ ߲ ߲Ŀ
                                |   +            .     + |
                                : .        . +         :
                                EXCESSiVE FORCE CREW
                                 TiTLe    USERLiSTER v1.1             
                                | TyPe     PROBOARD PEX                |
                                : MaDe By  !DEADLiNE!                  :
                                | DaTe     20-01-1996                  |
                                | [x] CGA     [ ] SPEAKER  [ ] MOUSE    |
                                : [x] EGA     [ ] ADLiB    [ ] JOY      :
                                | [x] VGA     [ ] SB       [x] KEYBOARD |
                                 [x] SVGA    [ ] GUS      [x] MODEM    
efc_ulb2.zip   30950 08-05-2024 ---        ---Ŀ
                                |  +          |
                                | eXCeSSiVeFoRCe     CReW    |
                                | NaMe: eXCeSSuLBy |
                                : TyPe: uLBy-NaMe-CHaNGeR :
                                 auTHoR: ZeNTRoNiX 
                                 ReL. DaTe: 24.12.95               
                                -   aRT   -
                                : [] XM  [] MoD [] MTM  [] DooR :
                                | [] S3M [] DMF [x] PeX  [] DeMo |
                                |       iF YaR WoRST NiGHTMaRe      |
                                :       CaN'T SCaRe Ya,We WiLL      :
efc_ulb3.zip   30336 08-05-2024                                      
                                  p            p   
                                  r     r   
                                  e  ޲  ޲   ޲  e   
                                  s          s   
                                  e  ޲߰  ޲   ޲     e   
                                  n   ۲   ۲kg!     ۲  n   
                                  t  ܲ۲      ܲ۲t   
                                  s e   f      c  s   
                                        ulby-name-changer v3.o         
                                    here is the long awaited ulbyname    
                                    -changer v3.o. With show - option    
                                    colors everywhere, own   upload -    
                                    scanner and a lot more features .    
                                     g f x  by  m a s t e r b e a t      
                                        c o d e  b y  k a g e          
efc_ulby.zip   44398 08-05-2024 ---        ---Ŀ
                                |  +          |
                                | eXCeSSiVeFoRCe     CReW    |
                                | NaMe: eXCeSSuLBy |
                                : TyPe: uLBy-NaMe-CHaNGeR :
                                 auTHoR: ZeNTRoNiX 
                                 ReL. DaTe: 24.12.95               
                                -   aRT   -
                                : [] XM  [] MoD [] MTM  [] DooR :
                                | [] S3M [] DMF [x] PeX  [] DeMo |
                                |       iF YaR WoRST NiGHTMaRe      |
                                :       CaN'T SCaRe Ya,We WiLL      :
efc_upgr.zip    6568 08-05-2024 İ߲ ߲ ߲Ŀ
                                |   +            .     + |
                                : .        . +         :
                                EXCESSiVE FORCE CREW
                                |  XLoGoN auToMaTiC uSeR uPGRaDeR v1.0  |
                                | NoW NeW uSeRS CaN LoG iN DiReCTLy     |
                                : aFTeR FiLLiNG ouT THe aPPLy. FoR uSe  :
                                | WiTH XLoGoN 1.01 aND 1.20. FREEWARE.  |
efc_uset.zip    8773 08-05-2024 İ߲ ߲ ߲Ŀ
                                |   +            .     + |
                                : .        . +         :
                                EXCESSiVE FORCE CREW
                                 TiTLe    USETUP v1.0                 
                                | TyPe     USER SETTiNG CHANGER   |
                                : MaDe By  !DEADLiNE!                  :
                                | DaTe     01-01-1996                  |
                                | [ ] CGA     [ ] SPEAKER  [ ] MOUSE    |
                                : [ ] EGA     [ ] ADLiB    [ ] JOY      :
                                | [ ] VGA     [ ] SB       [x] KEYBOARD |
                                 [ ] SVGA    [ ] GUS      [x] MODEM    
                                [HAPPY NEWYEAR!]
efc_usrn.zip   18092 08-05-2024 ߲߱߱ ߲ ߱
                                     ߲  ۲   ߲     
                                 .:: ::::efc'96. 
                                :             lives! :
                                [:.::..::. .:..::::::.:]
                                EXCESSIVE FORCE
                                           USERON! 1.0         
                                  who's online/nodemsg for pb  
                                  who's-online and multinode   
                                 msg system for proboard with  
                                       userdoes support.         
efc_xl21.zip   72624 08-05-2024 ߲߱߱ ߲ ߱
                                     ߲  ۲   ߲     
                                 .:: ::::efc'96. 
                                :             lives! :
                                [:.::..::. .:..::::::.:]
                                EXCESSIVE FORCE
                                           X!LOGON 2.1         
                                   the ultimate logon matrix   
                                   logon matrix with newuser   
                                 apply, up/download, submenus, 
                                 nup, syspwd, passwordchecker, 
                                 kewl entaprompts, random main 
                                 screens, iemsi and much more. 
efl_160.zip    70439 08-05-2024 EFL (Enhanced File List) is a PEX-utility
                                that provides ProBoard users an easy way
                                to list and tag files for download.
efl_162.zip    21665 08-05-2024 EFL 1.60 to 1.62 Update for ProBoard 2.xx.
egolevdm.zip    4363 08-05-2024 Collection of 6 EgoKill levels made by
ek_pex10.zip   37137 08-05-2024 ,============[  EgoKill 1.0  ]=============,
                                |        ProBoard 2.15 3D game PEX         |
                                | A Wolfenstein-type 3D game with 4 types  |
                                | of walls, locked doors, mapping, gold,   |
                                | medikits, the terrible EgoMavts, ...     |
                                | Easy level editor included : make your   |
                                | own maps and distribute them freely      |
                                |     FREEWARE by Ruben Provoost [JMJ]     |
eml10b3.zip     5708 08-05-2024       EMail PEX for ProBoard
                                Displays the users e-mail address,
                                consisting of the alias (or real
                                name) with the spaces padded with
                                full stops, an @ sign, then a
                                configurable domain name.
                                  Another PEX release from CBWare
emsicht.zip     6275 08-05-2024     EMSIChat PEX for ProBoard
                                If the user is logged in with an
                                client capable of IEMSI chat, this
                                PEX will automatically initiate it
                                when you want to talk to the user.
                                 Another PEX release from CBWare!
emu1.zip        5345 08-05-2024 *                 Emu-PEX                 *
                                *                  Updat                  *
                                *                                         *
                                         Terminal-Emulation aendern
                                      Mit An u.Abschalten der gewaehlten
                                (C)opyright '96 Michael Schaefersbirken  
engin31s.zip  110843 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                 programs & source division (pex)
                                 Enginez v3.1 - Enuff iz Enuff! 
                                The Ultimate Animated Prompt Setup
                                your ProBoard BBS.  Comes with two
                                programs - Enterz  (for the 'Press
                                Enter' prompts), over 400 included
                                and Morez (for the 'More' prompts,
                                over 20 included). Both pexes plug
                                into your language files for total
                                and seamless usage.  Also included
                                is the ACL compiler which is  used
                                to maintain the prompt data files.
                                This replaces the KAF format file!
                                Full C++ source (req. PB-Lib v3.0)
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
engin31x.zip  161269 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                 programs & source division (pex)
                                 Enginez v3.1 - Enuff iz Enuff! 
                                The Ultimate Animated Prompt Setup
                                your ProBoard BBS.  Comes with two
                                programs - Enterz  (for the 'Press
                                Enter' prompts), over 400 included
                                and Morez (for the 'More' prompts,
                                over 20 included). Both pexes plug
                                into your language files for total
                                and seamless usage.  Also included
                                is the ACL compiler which is  used
                                to maintain the prompt data files.
                                This replaces the KAF format file!
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
enter11b.zip    4756 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  WiCKD CRTiONS PRSNTS  
                                 TH VRY FiRST PROBORD v2.10
                                  "Press [Enter] to Continue"
                                   LNGUG RPLCMNT PX!
                                       -NTR v1.1-
                                  FDiNG "Press Enter" PROMPT!
enter2.zip      4523 08-05-2024      
                                  ߰   ߰      
                                  ܰ   ܰ      
                                 Enter Prompt 2 FreeWare PEX 
                                 by SiDEWiNDER [DiMENSiON X] 
                                 Animated Enter Prompt PEX 2 
                                 Requires: ProBoard 2.15 +   
enter4.zip      5487 08-05-2024      
                                  ߰   ߰      
                                  ܰ   ܰ      
                                 Enter Prompt 4 FreeWare PEX 
                                 by SiDEWiNDER [DiMENSiON X] 
                                 Animated Enter Prompt PEX 4 
                                 Requires: ProBoard 2.15 +   
entr215x.zip   64039 08-05-2024 Enterz v2.15: 95 Animated Enter Prompts
                                The best 'Press Enter' prompt generator
                                which features 95+ ready-to-go prompts,
                                the ability to add custom animations to
                                the data files with a separate program,
                                the ability to center prompts, and much
                                more. Get it now and make your ProBoard
                                setup look like never before!  Plugs in
                                the language file's prompt 7 as well as
                                a host of pexen which support  external
                                prompts (like TheMin). Free (as usual)!
                                Released on June 20, 1996. (PB-GNU Prj)
                                       Copyright (c) 1995, 1996      
                                        Branislav L. Slantchev       
                                 A Product of Silicon Creations, Inc 
ezwelc.zip     15719 08-05-2024      
                                  ߰   ߰      
                                  ܰ   ܰ      
                                 EasyWelcome1.0 FreeWare PEX 
                                 by SiDEWiNDER [DiMENSiON X] 
                                 Organize your WELCOMEx.PEX  
                                 files! You can specify up 2 
                                 20 PEXes 2 run @ login, w/o 
                                 renaming them 2 WELCOMEx !! 
                                 Requires: ProBoard 2.15 +   
faq100a.zip    43133 08-05-2024 ProBoard Frequently Asked
                                Questions. 31st July 1996
                                HTML  version of  the FAQ
                                along with all the .GIFs.
                                (C)1996 Fe-line Software
                                      Version 1.00a
farlog30.zip   55260 08-05-2024 - FarLogon 0.30 - Farenheid Software
                                No  other login  PEX  offers  such a
                                number of features: IEMSI logins,new
                                users   supported,  WildCat!   style
                                shortcuts , posts  messages  to  new
                                users and SysOp, dupe phone checker,
                                reversed  name search,info screen at
                                startup, DOB checker, multiple login
                                checker, UNIQUE new users validation
                                system,can bypass password checking,
                                menu  driven configuration  program.
                                A MUST have for every ProBoard SysOp
                                MAJOR UPDATE - FREEWARE
fastdlcu.zip   12771 08-05-2024 FAST DOWNLOAD COUNTERS UPDATER for PROBOARD 
                                2.00 (c) 1994 Luca De Gregorio * BETARELEASE 
                                * Ver. 0.1 2nd April 1994 
fastin.zip      6079 08-05-2024 -----------------
                                | Radio preSeNtZ:           |
                                |Ŀ  ڿ  Ŀ ¿ ¿ ڿ   |
                                |  ڴÿ Ŀ          |
                                |              |
                                |Fastin is a Fastlogin Pex  |
                                for proboard....           
                                   Cursor Menu driven     
                                   Faded Lightbars        
                                   simply to install      
                                 choose this cewl !        
                                 >>another fine pex by<<   
                                |bY        |
                                |                |
                                |             |
                                |              |
fbased1.zip    10132 08-05-2024 Ethereal File Directory Configuration
                                For ProBoard 2.01 - Version 1.0
                                FreeWare! Another Ethereal PEX!
                                Advanced editing of your Proboard
                                2.01 file directories. Special features
                                include the ability to clone existing
                                file directories (with the configuartion
                                intact), jump to any directory by
                                number, and edit the directory config
                                Cloning allows you to duplicate
                                complicated setups easily!
                                   Includes FULL C SOURCE CODE
fbkpenis.zip    8059 08-05-2024 
                                  ۲   ۲  ۲    ۲
                                  ߲     ߲
                                  ۰ ۰ ۲۰ ۲  
                                ۰ ۲۲۰ ۰ ۰ 
                                ۰ ۰ ۰ ۰ ޲
                                ۰ ۰ ۲۰ ۲۰ 
                                  ۰۲   ۲
                                ۲ ߲ܲ ۲ ۲߲
                                ---fbk bbs modding subdivision---------
                                     penis gallery v1.00      
                                  let your users view their penata!  
                                  1oo% configurable//coded by trate  
fc02.zip       24955 08-05-2024 Fast Cookie v.0.2 Copyright 1995 Tiago
                                An Aphorism/Cookie quoter for Proboard 2.10
                                Works great in the global menu, to show your
                                users a cookie/aphorism everytime they change
                                A little Bug has Fixed
                                Copyright 1995 Tiago Pascoal
fcfg401o.zip  127887 08-05-2024 The overlaid version 'FileCFGx.Exe'
                                You also need the regular version,
                                because all the docs and help files
                                are there. Archive: 'FCFG401X.ZIP'.
fcfg401s.zip  116688 08-05-2024 Silicon Creations, Inc. Presents
                                FileCFG v4.0r1/Pro - SourCe Code
fcfg401x.zip  190441 08-05-2024 Silicon Creations, Inc. Presents
                                FileCFG v4.0r1/Pro - The One And
                                Only File/Message Area and Group
                                Management Utility for ProBoard.
                                State-of-the-art interface with:
                                - rearrange, insert, sort, move,
                                  delete, pack areas and groups;
                                - global changes on tagged range
                                  of records (all fields);
                                - individual area/group editing;
                                - user-definable menu hooks for
                                  external programs and control
                                  files for batch processing;
                                - auto-update for FA_n.CTL files
                                - auto-update for reply-to areas
                                - auto-update for group numbers!
                                - context-sensitive online help!
                                FREE with the GNU Public License
                                   Copyright (C) 1995-1996 by
                                     Branislav L. Slantchev
                                   Of Silicon Creations, Inc.
fcfgw40s.rar  169982 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                 programs & source division (exe)
                                FileCFG/95 - The File Area Manager
                                FileCFG/95 is a native 32bit Win95
                                ProBoard file area manager.  It is
                                inteded to supercede ProCFG in its
                                configuration and editing options.
                                The application has these features
                                 supports all 10,000 file areas 
                                 multiple area select criteria! 
                                 full text search in area names 
                                 global edit on selected areas! 
                                 moving & sorting of file areas 
                                 full file indexing capability! 
                                 swapping, cloning and clearing 
                                 other options too long to list 
                                 Visual C++ 4.0/MFC source code 
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
fcfgw40x.rar  482078 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                 programs & source division (exe)
                                FileCFG/95 - The File Area Manager
                                FileCFG/95 is a native 32bit Win95
                                ProBoard file area manager.  It is
                                inteded to supercede ProCFG in its
                                configuration and editing options.
                                The application has these features
                                 supports all 10,000 file areas 
                                 multiple area select criteria! 
                                 full text search in area names 
                                 global edit on selected areas! 
                                 moving & sorting of file areas 
                                 full file indexing capability! 
                                 swapping, cloning and clearing 
                                 other options too long to list 
                                   Contains the binaries only   
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
fc_2drated.rar   38672 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                  support and datafiles division
                                Fortune Cookie v3.00.R1 Data Files
                                This datafile includes 390+ quotes
                                which are either rated R (even X),
                                exhibit bad taste, or happen to be
                                tactlessly offensive. Ready binary
                                index is also provided. Caution is
                                necessary when using these cookies
                                (not for the faint of heart). They
                                were extracted from the Linux data
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
fc_2dstrek.rar   15856 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                  support and datafiles division
                                Fortune Cookie v3.00.R1 Data Files
                                This datafile includes 200+ quotes
                                from Star Trek. Ready binary index
                                is also provided. The cookies have
                                been extracted from the Linux data
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
fc_2dzippy.rar   26246 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                  support and datafiles division
                                Fortune Cookie v3.00.R1 Data Files
                                This datafile includes 540+ quotes
                                from Zippy. With some ridiculous &
                                some quite funny cookies included,
                                this dataset is a nice addition to
                                your Fortune Cookie texts. Read to
                                go binary index provided too.  The
                                text was extracted from Linux data
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
fdlpb.zip       4737 08-05-2024 FDLPB 1.0    (c) Peter Bos
                                This little  PEX will give
                                SysOps using FileDoor 
                                as DL/UL door,  the oppor-
                                tunity to use the language
                                related  part of FileDoor,
                                which  is  currently   not 
                                supported by ProBoard.
                                ***      FREEWARE      *** 
fe2pb28.zip    47500 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 FE2PB        Version 2.8  
                                Copyright (c)1995-96 by Robin Heilos
                                - The ultimate tool for FastEcho  
                                  1.45 and ProBoard 2.1x users    
                                - Exports all FastEcho message-   
                                  area entries of FASTECHO.CFG    
                                  to ProBoards MSGAREAS.PB        
                                - Existing ProBoard entries with- 
                                  out FastEcho equivalent will    
                                  be kept                         
                                - FastEcho message-area groups    
                                  can be converted to ProBoard    
                                - FastEcho sorting order will be  
                                  transferred exactly to ProBoard 
                                  (Hudson, Squish and JAM)        
                                - Supports Hudson, Squish and JAM 
                                - CFG-File for default definition 
                                  Shareware registration DM 10,00 
felinekg.zip   18655 08-05-2024 +------------------------------+
                                |    Fe-line Key Generator     |
                                | This allows you to generate  |
                                |legal keys for all Fe-line    |
                                |shareware PEX for ProBoard BBS|
                                |Registers:                    |
                                |       FastLog  3.17          |
                                |       Hilite   1.01          |
                                |       FileTag  1.0b6         |
                                |       MsgView  1.0b8         |
                                | Note:  All other Fe-Line PEX |
                                | were already freeware. Now   |
                                | the above are free as well!  |
                                |(C)1996-1998 Fe-Line Software |
                                |                              |
                                +-[EXE]----[13th February '98]-+
feset102.zip   47427 08-05-2024 +------------------------------+
                                |Setup program for all  Fe-line|
                                |Software  ProBoard 16Bit PEXs.|
                                |FeSetup is required to be able|
                                |to install/upgrade all Fe-line|
                                |Software PEXs dated after 30th|
                                |May 1996.                     |
                                |         Version 1.02         |
                                |   (C)1996 Fe-line Software   |
                                +-[EXE]----[18th November '96]-+
ff6.zip        10671 08-05-2024 FILEFIND for ProBoard - MavEtJu software
                                An allfix-pex which can be used as
                                interface between the beauty of a bbs and
                                the cruelty of the todays echomail ;-)
ffak21b1.zip   21258 08-05-2024 PEX: ProBoard Fake-User-Hunter
fgchange.zip   10492 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                   ProBoard FileGroup Changer  
                                 -    Deutsche Beschreibung    
                                 -         FREEWARE            
                                     another fine PEX by       
                                         Coda & HagY           
fgroup30.zip   21205 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 FILEGROUPS V3.00                     
                                 Change Filegroups In a Different way
                                 then proboard does.Allows also scan 
                                 for Newfiles, Filename & Keyword in 
                                 the selected filegroup only.        
                                 Now you can have each area in up to 
                                 26 Different File Groups.           
                                 This version offers support for :   
                                 GOLDKEY, USERDOES, MORE AREA's and  
                                 ALSO NOW SUPPORTS TAGGER !!         
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:       
                                 EDDIE VAN LOON                      
fido10as.rar   18683 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                    source code division (src)
                                The fido_address class is an easy
                                way to deal with FidoNet(tm)-style
                                network addresses. It is compliant
                                with the FTSC-001 standard.  Zones
                                and points (4D) addressing is also
                                supported, as well as the newer 5D
                                (domain) inclusions. The class has
                                several intelligent parser methods
                                which can handle any valid address
                                represented as text string as well
                                as routines to create such strings
                                Full C++ source code and examples!
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
filechk.zip     4732 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  WiCKD CRTiONS PRSNTS  
                                      FOR PROBORD v2.10                 
                                     -FiL SC v1.1-
                                    CHCK FOR W FiLz PX                 
filerem.zip    11611 08-05-2024  File Reminder v1.0  TwinSoft! 
                                Erinnert einen   User beim Logoff,
                                wenn dieser noch   Files markiert,
                                aber  nicht  downgeloaded hat.  ->
                                Downloaden / Liste lschen / Liste
                                bis zum  nchsten Login  behalten.
                                Mit Cursorsteuerung,  Multitasker-
                                support etc., frei definierbar b.
                                ANSI- und INI- Files...  [Deutsch]
                                F R E E W A R E !    Oktober 1995
filler31.zip   49941 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 Adress filler V3.10 RELEASE VER.  
                                 Now with new-user validate option.
                                 Also external languagefiles now ! 
                                 Possibility to change your answers
                                 afterwards, sysop attention music,
                                 display of ansi screen, help line 
                                 on the lower part of the screen,  
                                 posts multi-color msg's, all data  
                                 internal,Log userrecords to ASCII.
                                 And 4 extra questions with flags. 
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:     
                                 EDDIE VAN LOON                    
filtag10.zip   21461 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                   FILTAG10 6 - ProBoard 2.1x PEX    
                                 A drop-in replacement for the        
                                 internal ProBoard List Files Menu    
                                 Function 31.                         
                                  Includes :-                         
                                       Download File(s)              
                                       Backscroll Buffer             
                                       Goto Other File Area          
                                       View a File                   
                                       Edit Tagged Files List        
                                       Cursor Key File Tag/View      
                                              --> AND <--             
                                        Standard ProBoard Tagging     
                                   Displays :-                        
                                       Total Files Tagged            
                                       Total KiloByte Tagged         
                                       Total approx. Download Time   
                                        using Protocol Efficiency and 
                                   Uses :-                            
                                      ProCfg/Options/File List Format 
                                        NOW MULTITASKER AWARE         
                                   (C)1995 Faye Pearson: G-Net BBS    
                                          Version 1.00 eta 6         
                                 ----> SHAREWARE - NOT CRIPPLED <---- 
finalpmt.zip    4941 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                | ¿ ڿ ڿ¿¿¿¿  |
                                : ſ   ٳ ٳſ :
                                   ڿ¿       ڿ   
                                | .oO TH FiL TRPMT FoR Oo. |
                                :  .oOo.  PRo-BoRD 2.01  .oOo.  :
                                : PUT iT o YoUR oW XY PoSiTio :
                                |  D LET YOUR OWN TEXT SCROLL  |
                                :                                :
                                .    d PCBoRD SUKS Gi     .
                                ͼRLS DT 2o.o2.95
fl100.zip       4874 08-05-2024           Fast Logon 1.00
                                Another Proboard Pex that allows  
                                users to perform a Fast Logon,    
                                bypassing most of the boards logon
                                info and screens!                 
                                      FREEWARE By: SaberWare      
flcl101.zip    12720 08-05-2024 Local FTP PEX for ProBoard 2.1x
                                Upload and Download locally.
                                     * DOING Compatible *
                                   (C)1996 Fe-line Software
                                    Version 1.01, FreeWare
fledt071.zip   74343 08-05-2024 (v071) FULLEDIT
                                Full screen editor  with full   
                                functional use of the cursor keys,   
                                insertmode and help page.            
                                Optional abbreviations to change     
                                words user types.                    
                                FullEdit displays quoted lines in    
                                another color.                       
                                Full color control using an INI file 
                                FullEdit comes with it's source code 
                                and thus is free software and can be 
                                redistributed and/or modified under  
                                the terms of the GNU General Public  
                                It's source makes use of an EDIT     
                                Development Kit, which can take input
                                from keyboard, PEX users and/or file.
                                FullEdit is another fine DQP product!
flist20s.rar   22754 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                 programs & source division (exe)
                                FLS/Fast! v2.00.R1  List Generator
                                 for ProBoard v2.10 - v2.163 
                                The file list generator can create
                                allfiles and newfiles, with header
                                footer combinations (global, area)
                                and simple macro support. The main
                                claim of this program is speed and
                                ease of use.  Most options default
                                to meaningful values. This program
                                has been revised from the 1995 ver
                                C++ source code, req. PB-Lib v3.0+
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
flist20x.rar   45777 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                 programs & source division (exe)
                                FLS/Fast! v2.00.R1  List Generator
                                 for ProBoard v2.10 - v2.163 
                                The file list generator can create
                                allfiles and newfiles, with header
                                footer combinations (global, area)
                                and simple macro support. The main
                                claim of this program is speed and
                                ease of use.  Most options default
                                to meaningful values. This program
                                has been revised from the 1995 ver
                                <    Binaries and User Manual    >
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
flist29.zip    43439 08-05-2024  Flists 2.9
                                 Filelist-creator for ProBoard 2.10
                                 -wrapping of long 1-line-descriptions
                                 -allows listings of single areas
                                 -sophisticated parsing of FILES.BBS
                                 -can exclude areas by flags
                                 -level-dependent listings
                                 -filearea overview
                                 -summary for each area
                                 -can create a request-list for FD/IM
                                 -recognizes CD-Rom FILES.BBS
                                 -File-Size is shown as in PB 
                                  (byte, KB, MB)
                                 -very fast!
                                  >>> (c) 1994/95 by Volker Imre <<<
                                     << Public Domain Software >>
flog30b1.zip   54297 08-05-2024 -------- FarLogon 0.30 beta1 --------
                                This is a BETA version of FarLogon,
                                the complete login PEX for ProBoard.
                                This new version includes a menu-
                                driven configuration program.
                                Farenheid Software - FREEWARE beta
flog317.zip    65059 08-05-2024 +-------------------------------+
                                |  The Original  FastLog/IEMSI  |
                                |Add  IEMSI  capability to  your|
                                |ProBoard BBS.  IEMSI New  User,|
                                |Duplicate   Password, DOB,  and|
                                |Telephone    number   checking,|
                                |IEMSI  News,  Mail, File,  Hush|
                                |support,   Fast  Logins   using|
                                |prefix  character to  Username,|
                                |CRC password checking  and Save|
                                |Password, scrolling text on the|
                                |login ANSI screens & MUCH more!|
                                |   * Requires FESET102.RAR *   |
                                |   Only runs on PB 2.15/2.16   |
                                |     * DOING Compatible *      |
                                |    ShareWare *Uncrippled*     |
                                |         Version  3.17         |
                                |   (C)1996 Fe-line Software    |
                                +-[PEX]--------[18 November '96-+
flreq101.zip   16942 08-05-2024 ProBoard File Requester version 1.01
fls101ax.zip   81866 08-05-2024 fls Version 1.0.1, File List Generator
                                Generates file listings from your ProBoard
                                file database. Samples included. Fast and
                                nicely configurable via command-line options.
                                Freeware. Released under the terms of the
                                GNU General Public License Version 2.
                                C source code included with makefile.
                                Part of the PB-GNU Project. May 19, 1995
                                Copyright (C) 1995 by Branislav L. Slantchev
                                Copyright (C) 1995 by Silicon Creations Inc.
flupp2.zip      4788 08-05-2024      F L U P P  v 2.0     
                                [F][L]ash [U][P]load [P]rocessor
                                Send any file  accessible by DOS
                                to the user via hotkey! Great to
                                send files not downloadable from
                                the BBS. Uses the installed pro-
                                tocols. 100 %  F R E E W A R E !
fluxer.zip     39977 08-05-2024 PBFLUX Shell 0.3 (beta)
                                Interactive shell for PBFLux:
                                - very configurable
                                - very easy to do filelists
                                - requires PBNFLUX
                                (c) 1997 romantic softman
fname.zip       5736 08-05-2024 |===========FNAME.PEX============|
                                | Makes new users put in their   |
                                | first name twice. Small, easy, |
                                |   and includes source code.    |
                                |==========For ProBoard==========|
fnv200as.zip  111205 08-05-2024 FileNav 2.00 - ProBoard 2.0x PEX
                                File Library Navigator (groups and areas).
                                Source code with makefiles, PBLib source.
                                Copyright (C) 1995 by Branislav L. Slantchev
fnv200ax.zip   32051 08-05-2024  FileNav 2.00 - ProBoard 2.0x PEX
                                File Library Navigator (groups and areas).
                                Known as FM-Nav, now totally rewritten
                                from scratch for speed and better interface.
                                Supports cursor keys-scrolling, access
                                restrictions, area tagging, text searching,
                                file area listing, uploading/downloading,
                                online help, full screen color display,
                                keyword, filename searches in area, group,
                                tagged areas. Hooks for external programs
                                to do this. GNU License. June 30, 1995
                                Copyright (C) 1995 by Branislav L. Slantchev
                                Another fine product of Silicon Creations.
fortu31s.rar   25989 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                 programs & source division (src)
                                Fortune Cookie  v3.00.R1 (pexexe)
                                Display a brief and hopefull funny
                                text quote. All colors and actions
                                are user-controllable. All prompts
                                read from the language file - full
                                integration with your BBS setup!!!
                                Datafile with 4300+ quotations and
                                a quick indexing program provided!
                                 new.feature: introduction.text 
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
fortu31x.rar  345987 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                 programs & source division (pex)
                                Fortune Cookie  v3.01.R1 (pexexe)
                                Display a brief and hopefull funny
                                text quote. All colors and actions
                                are user-controllable. All prompts
                                read from the language file - full
                                integration with your BBS setup!!!
                                Datafile with 4300+ quotations and
                                a quick indexing program provided!
                                 new.feature: introduction.text 
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
fortune1.zip  162494 08-05-2024 Fortune Cookie PEX
fortune2.zip    5025 08-05-2024 Fortune Cookie Update
frequest.zip    6548 08-05-2024 Ŀ   RQUST   
                                   THIS IS  LITTL UTILITY WHIH    
                                  LLOWS YOUR USRS TO RQUST ILS 
                                  I PROBORD. TH USR JUST HS TO  
                                 UPLOD  SII-IL WHR LL ILS 
                                  H WTS TO HV R LISTD I D 
                                  TH H WILL GT THS ILS WITH- 
                                  OUT TH D O TGGIG THM LL.  
                                   TO VOID PROBLMS I MULTILI-   
                                  SYSTM, TH SII-IL HS TO B   
                                 MD S TH IRST IGHT LTTRS O  
                                         TH LIS H USS.          
                                  HIGHLDR BBS +49-5874-1656 V.34  
ftreev11.zip   14535 08-05-2024 FTree Remote File Manager
                                FTree allows you to view the files on your
                                ProBoard BBS.  FTree is a ProBoard PEX tool
                                for remote Sysop activity.
funlin10.zip    4956 08-05-2024  FUNLiNERS 1.0 ͸
                                 The best ever OneLiners PEX for Pro- 
                                 Board 2.0!                           
                                 Easy to install, looks cool and is a 
                                 lot  of  fun for both the sysop  and 
                                 his users.            * FREEWARE *   
gbyevpro.zip   10181 08-05-2024 Good Bye Vote Pro 2.01
                                Your  users can choose
                                1 of 8 opinions  about
                                the  current   session
                                before   they  logoff.
                                Lots of  colors, users
                                love it!  Now  in  the 
                                PRO  Version  You  can 
                                freely define all  the
                                choices  and  prompts.
                                PEX -- 100% FREEWARE !
ge2pb4.zip     18671 08-05-2024 
                                GE2PB VERSION 4 -- MavEtJu software.
                                Convert your GEcho 1.10 configuration to
                                ProBoard BBS 2.01 configuration.
genani.zip     10379 08-05-2024 ۲ܲܲ۲ܰ
                                  GENETiCS PEX ANIMATIONS VERSiON 1.O  
                                 TWO LITTLE ANSI-OUTFADING-ANIMATIONS 
                                         FULL SPEED CONTROL           
                                  EXAMPLE: USE FOR GOODBYE ANIMATIONS 
                                  EASY TO iNSTALL ALSO FOR BEGiNNERS  
                                    FULL ENGLiSH&GERMAN DOCUMENTS     
                                   DOWNLOAD iT NOW ! iT'S FREEWARE    
genansi1.zip   10301 08-05-2024 
                                    GENETiCS THEMIN EXTRA ANSi PACK
                                      THiS PACK CONTAiNS FiVE
                                   EXTRA ANSi SCREENS FOR PROBOARD's
                                      THEMIN CHATTER ! USE iT NOW !
                                    COMES WiTH CONFiGURATIONS FOR
                                    THE ANSi's [COMiC STYLE ANSiS]
genew2.zip     17009 08-05-2024 ۲۲۲۲
                                ߰  ߲    ۲
                                 ܰ     ܰ   
                                ܰ۲۰     ܰ 
                                     GENETiCS PEX NEWS-GENERATOR 2.O   
                                     iNCLUDE YOUR OWN ANSi FiLES      
                                  SUPER SMOOTH ANSi SCROLLiNG EFFECTS 
                                     iNCLUDiNG USER DATE CHECK        
                                   FULL CONTROLLED OVER AN iNi FiLE   
                                      COMES WiTH 3 NiCE ANSiS         
                                   DOWNLOAD iT NOW ! iT'S FREEWARE     
                                  THiS PACKAGE CONTAiNS ALL FiLES!!!! 
                                   OUTLAND BBS [49]-40-5596014  (WHQ)
genews2.zip    14674 08-05-2024 ۲۲۲۲
                                ߰  ߲    ۲
                                 ܰ     ܰ   
                                ܰ۲۰     ܰ 
                                     GENETiCS PEX NEWS-GENERATOR 2.O   
                                     iNCLUDE YOUR OWN ANSi FiLES      
                                  SUPER SMOOTH ANSi SCROLLiNG EFFECTS 
                                     iNCLUDiNG USER DATE CHECK        
                                   FULL CONTROLLED OVER AN iNi FiLE   
                                      COMES WiTH 3 NiCE ANSiS         
                                   DOWNLOAD iT NOW ! iT'S FREEWARE    
                                   OUTLAND BBS [49]-40-5596014  (WHQ)
genline1.zip   12535 08-05-2024 ۲۲۲۲
                                ߰  ߲    ۲
                                 ܰ     ܰ   
                                ܰ۲۰     ܰ 
                                   GENETiCS PEX ONELiNER VERSiON 1.1   
                                 ONELiNER WiTH VARiABLES [NAME,PW,..] 
                                  FULL ANSi SUPPORT AND NiCE EFFECTS  
                                   iNCLUDiNG A SUPER iNPUT ROUTiNE    
                                  EASY TO iNSTALL ALSO FOR BEGiNNERS  
                                    FULL ENGLiSH&GERMAN DOCUMENTS     
                                   DOWNLOAD iT NOW ! iT'S FREEWARE    
                                   OUTLAND BBS [49]-40-5596013  (WHQ)
gentop.zip      7591 08-05-2024 ۲۲۲۲
                                ߰  ߲    ۲
                                 ܰ     ܰ   
                                ܰ۲۰     ܰ 
                                 GENETiCS PEX TOP-10-LISTER VERSiON 1.O
                                  THE FASTEST TOP-LISTER FOR PROBOARD 
                                  TOP-10-LISTER FOR USE WITH PB 2.12  
                                     YOU CAN CHANGE THE ANSi-STYLE    
                                  EASY TO iNSTALL ALSO FOR BEGiNNERS  
                                    FULL ENGLiSH&GERMAN DOCUMENTS     
                                   DOWNLOAD iT NOW ! iT'S FREEWARE    
                                   OUTLAND BBS [49]-40-5596014  (WHQ)
genuser1.zip    8753 08-05-2024 ۲۲۲۲
                                ߰  ߲    ۲
                                 ܰ     ܰ   
                                ܰ۲۰     ܰ 
                                  GENETiCS PEX USERLiSTER VERSiON 1.O  
                                  SUPER KEWL USERLiSTER FOR PROBOARD  
                                   USERFLAG HiDDEN CHECK AND MORE     
                                  EASY TO iNSTALL ALSO FOR BEGiNNERS  
                                    FULL ENGLiSH&GERMAN DOCUMENTS     
                                   DOWNLOAD iT NOW ! iT'S FREEWARE    
                                   OUTLAND BBS [49]-40-5596013  (WHQ)
genuser2.zip    7575 08-05-2024 ۲ܲܲ۲ܰ
                                  GENETiCS PEX USERLiSTER VERSiON 2.O  
                                  SUPER KEWL USERLiSTER FOR PROBOARD  
                                   USERFLAG HiDDEN CHECK AND MORE     
                                  EASY TO iNSTALL ALSO FOR BEGiNNERS  
                                    FULL ENGLiSH&GERMAN DOCUMENTS     
                                   DOWNLOAD iT NOW ! iT'S FREEWARE    
getpbico.zip    5703 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 3 Internet Icons (GIFs, 
                                   NS- and MSIE-look)    
                                 to put on your homepage 
                                  so visitors can D/L a  
                                      version of PB.     
                                   Included Icons are:   
                                   "GET ProBoard 2.15"   
                                   "GET ProBoard 2.16"   
                                   "GET ProBoard v3.0"   
                                 Made by Johan Vranckx   
gnfc10.zip      5979 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                         GNFC v1.00         
                                     New File Check Pex     
                                   Asks The User If They    
                                Would Like to List New Files
                                FREEWARE   (PEX)   (c) GWARE
gnms10.zip      5969 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                         GNMC v1.00         
                                     New Mail Check Pex     
                                   Asks The User If They    
                                Would Like to Check for Mail
                                FREEWARE   (PEX)   (c) GWARE
gofile01.zip    9837 08-05-2024 Go File Area 0.1 Copyright 1996 Tiago
                                EXE Jumps directly to a given File Area
                                directory. Proboard 2.xx
gosm0050.zip    7841 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                    A PEX by Michael Geiss     
                                  Substituts Menufunction 2    
                                  This PEX will generate a       
                                  logentry in an optionally    
                                  free choosen logfile, when   
                                   a User enters the menu      
                                        Version 0.50           
gpb_2dinfo.zip   14315 08-05-2024 The Global ProBoard Network Information
                                Pack.  Version v1.04,  November 27th,  1997
                                The  information  package,  application
                                form  and  miscellaneous  documentation
                                for TGPBN.
gpsn_2dpex.zip   19581 08-05-2024   
                                         Ŀ  Ŀ Ŀ         
                                    PX-SUPPORT-T (PS)   
                                 - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 
                                 DS TZ RUD UM PROBORD PX 
                                         UD UTiLiTiS !        
                                   SUPPORT VO PROGRMMiRR   
                                   DiVRS iL- UD MSSG-   
                                    RS RUD UM PROBORD      
                                 - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 
                                   DiS PX GiBT UR    
                                   USR OLi-iOS BR DS  
                                   PS-T. OLi-TRG-i-   
                                   KLUSiV !              0.11 
graf11as.zip   14580 08-05-2024 Physical Graffiti v1.01, SourCe Code.
                                another Silicon Creations release.
graf11ax.zip   68870 08-05-2024 Physical Graffiti v1.01, ProBoard 2.0x PEX
                                A multi-color one-liner. Userdoes-compatible.
                                Color definitions can be edited with the
                                included utility to allow full customization.
                                Keeps up to 9 lines in correct order. Data
                                files are internally maintained. Zero-hassle
                                installation process. Looks good as usual.
                                Freeware. Released under the terms of the
                                GNU General Public License Version 2.
                                C source code included with makefile.
                                Part of the PB-GNU Project. May 09, 1995
                                Copyright (C) 1995 by Branislav L. Slantchev
                                Copyright (C) 1995 by Silicon Creations Inc.
gsb2pb30.zip   97171 08-05-2024 ---(now.we.gonna.rule?)----- - -- -  --
                                |                             (c) 1996  |
                                | wolfie^techno^wprd bring's ya:        |
                                |                                       |
                                | GsSHiT --> PRoLLoBoARD [CoNVeRT] v3.0 |
                                |                                       |
                                | Deutscher Text + Tools; wie mache ich |
                                | aus meiner schei GSBOX ein PROBOARD? |
                                | MoRe BuGX FiXeD!                      |
                                | INCLUDES FILES.BBS & AREA CONVERT!!!  |
                                -- -- -------(rel:1o/96)-- --------- --
gwaresrc.zip    3333 08-05-2024 * The Final GWARE Release *
                                Full QB 4.5 Source Codes For
                                CheckIt! and PB-Export.  Two
                                fine utilities from GWARE for
                                ProBoard 2.1x.
gwpex107.zip    7742 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                 G-Wall, The ULTIMATE Graffiti Wall!! 
                                 A KiloBit PEX for ProBoard 2.x       
                                 Choose the color for your messages!! 
                                 G-Wall ver 1.07   Released 10/25/94  
had.zip        13922 08-05-2024 HaNGuP  aFTeR  DoWNLoaD  PeX FiLe!
                                a CooL RePLaCeMeNT FoR THiS PRoMPT
                                = a FReeWaRe PeX  By eRiC DeLaeT =
hang100.zip    21628 08-05-2024 HANGUP v1.00 - a usefull ProBoard 
                                to log users out simply by creating a
                                semaphore file. In addition you can use
                                it to display fast notes to the user!
                                   HANGUP is written and (c) in 1994
                                         by Peter Hampf & PBS
                                            ** FREEWARE **
hangup.zip      5117 08-05-2024 Hangup by TDB Productions '96
                                Intercepts ALT-H and ALT-L keys and
                                presents a Yes or No prompt locally.
                                Source included.  Freeware.
happen10.zip   14702 08-05-2024 Ĺ   What Happens 1.oo  Ŀ
                                  What Happens on your System  
                                Show the User what other       
                                         Users do in your BBS  
                                Show what your Mailer/System do
                                Show if a User Read-Mails,     
                                DownLoad or do anything else...
                                Self defineable Ansi and Texts 
                                         Up to 99 Lines        
                                  to Scroll with Cursor-Keys   
hdeusr12.zip   17753 08-05-2024  HIDE USER * v1.2 * TwinSoft, PB 2.12 
                                *** HIDEUSER 1.0 Bug gefixed ***
                                * Beispiel ANSI Files jetzt im Archiv! *
                                Ermglicht neuen Usern oder auch bereits
                                eingetragenen,  auswhlen zu knnen,  ob
                                sie in  Statistiken  wie der   Userliste
                                oder den Top-10 Downloadern gefhrt wer-
                                den wollen.  Setzt/Lscht  die Attribute
                                HIDDEN / INTOPS sowie je nachdem  2 frei
                                definierbare Flags.  Legt 2 Logfiles an:
                                eine Liste mit allen  Hidden Users (z.B.
                                fr STAT4U)  sowie  ein genaues Logfile.
                                ENTSPRICHT DEN ANFORDERUNGEN DES _IDK_ !
                                Freeware!      (C) 1995 Wolfgang Hommel
hdu_2dansi.zip    6968 08-05-2024 Beispiel ANSI Bilder zu HIDEUSER
hermes10.rar   29908 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                 programs & source division (pex)
                                Hermes v1.00.R1 - The Node Monitor
                                This node monitor program designed
                                for multinode bulletin boards will
                                make any online messaging door for
                                RemoteAccess  compatible with your
                                ProBoard setup.  Hermes recognizes
                                and works with standard NODE.RA
                                files used by these programs. This
                                software is fully configurable via
                                the normal ProBoard language files
                                for total integration. Freeware!!!
                                Binaries and Full C++ Source Code!
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
hgtbbs.zip     67423 08-05-2024 HGTBBS 1.06  fuer Proboard ab V2.00
                                Versendet Filebeschreibungen beim 
                                Userdownload. - Sharewareversion-
hgtfile.zip   100434 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 HGTFile 1.07 -Freeware-          
                                 - Files.bbs - Manager             
                                 - Alpha-Sort der File und MSGBase 
                                 - Tagesauslastung                 
                                   fuer Proboard 2.0x              
                                   (C) Dieter Schauf               
hgtkey.zip     28105 08-05-2024 HGTKEY.ZIP   
hidusr_b.zip    5823 08-05-2024 Asks a user, if he wanted to be listed in
                                any statistik like userlist, top down-
high_2dcsi.zip    7042 08-05-2024     ڿ    Ŀ    Ŀ
                                    ٳٳij [CSI]
                                  -- -  --- 
                                  JUST ANOTHER SAMPLE OF CSI- 
                                       FILES FOR CURSORY      
                                 SEVERAL PROMPT-REPLACEMENTS  
                                    (GERMAN-LANGUAGE) FROM    
                                        BBS HIGHLANDER        
                                - - -- -  - ---
high_2dexa.zip    4242 08-05-2024     ڿ    Ŀ    Ŀ
                                    ٳٳij [CSI]
                                  -- -  --- 
                                  JUST ANOTHER SAMPLE OF CSI- 
                                       FILES FOR CURSORY      
                                  ANOTHER MENUE-EXAMPLE WITH  
                                      NICE ANIMATION FROM     
                                        BBS HIGHLANDER        
                                - - -- -  - ---
hilte101.zip   20254 08-05-2024 Add Cursor Key Control to your
                                Menus almost effortlessly.
                                You have to try this PEX to
                                believe it!
                                No .INI files, use your existing
                                .A?? or ProBoard generated Menus
                                       * DOING Compatible *
                                    (C)1996 Fe-line Software 
                                          Version 1.01
                                     ShareWare *Uncrippled*
hitakey.zip     4988 08-05-2024 Ŀ ENTER-PROMPT-SOURCE-CODE 
                                  This is another ENTER-PROMPT for   
                                 ProBoard 2.0x. It demands the user  
                                 to hit any key. You can choose the  
                                  color you prefer for the text...   
                                    It's very simple and easy to     
                                              install.         V1.01 
hitakey1.zip    5598 08-05-2024 Ŀ ENTER PROMPT 
                                  This is another ENTER-PROMPT for   
                                 ProBoard 2.0x. It demands the user  
                                 to hit any key. You can choose the  
                                  color you prefer for the text...   
                                    It's very simple and easy to     
                                              install.         V1.01 
hkeys10x.zip   28054 08-05-2024 hKeys v1.00 - special hotkeys for menus
                                hKeys lets you add special items to any
                                ProBoard menu which will respond to the
                                Return and Escape hotkeys. Not a PEX or
                                TSR.  Simply appends records to current
                                menu files. Easy to use, full C source.
                                        Copyright (c) 1996 by        
                                  Branislav L. Slantchev  /gargoyle  
                                  Silicon Creations, Inc. (PB-GNU!)  
hm100.zip      40955 08-05-2024 |-------------------------------|
                                | Hangup Manager for Proboard 2 |
                                | Hangup Manager send note to   |
                                | users that quit your BBS by   |
                                | pressing Alt-H                |
                                | Note is automatically shown   |
                                | at the next user's login      |
                                | A new Freeware from Furtif'BBS|
                                | (33-1)            |
horse11.zip    16498 08-05-2024 ,-------------------------------------------,
                                | HorseRace 1.1 PEX                FreeWare |
                                  ProBoard 2.15 PEX game. It is an entire
                                  simulation of the Horse races in the real
                                  world. The user can play for more Kb, so
                                  he/she can download more! You actually
                                  see the horses race over your screen...
                                  Bugfix! If the users Kb's left are equal
                                  to or less than zero, then the program
                                  Requirements: ProBoard 2.15 or later,     
                                  ANSi terminal emulation.         
                                 --[ Virtual Soft Productions - 17.09.96 ]--
hps_2d0001.zip    7660 08-05-2024 Homepager SYSOP-TOOL  "Kickname"
hpu_2d0001.zip   12754 08-05-2024 Homepager dt. - Update 1 " OM "
                                Update fr zwei  Online-Module,
                                behebt  Probleme  bei   einigen
                                Nur  fr die  deutsche Version!
                                Installation:  einfach die zwei
                                EXE Files  ber  die  alten  im
                                HP-Verzeichnis (d:\hp\) drber-
                                kopieren!            04.09.1996
hpu_2d0003.zip    5994 08-05-2024 Homepager - Update  - "RF"
hpu_2d3int.zip    5776 08-05-2024 Homepager Update 3 - "RF" international
hp_2dme10e.zip  107636 08-05-2024 * Menu editor for TS Homepager/PB 1.0 *
                                Let's your users  easily  create  menus
                                for their homepages.  Intuitive  editor
                                with   integrated   information   about
                                all  available  commands in  homepager-
                                menus.                         Freeware
hp_2dme10g.zip  107701 08-05-2024 Meneditor fr TS - Homepager / PB 1.0
                                * ---------------------------------- *
                                * Ermglicht den Usern den einfachen *
                                * Aufbau von  Mens  fr ihre  Home- *
                                * pages.   Einfach  zu   bedienender *
                                * Editor  mit  integrierter  Anzeige *
                                * aller verfgbaren Befehle.         *
                                * ------------------------- Freeware *
hp_2dmr10i.zip    6770 08-05-2024 Menu re-Format Tool f. TS Homepager 1.0
                                Fuer alle  User: bringt  BBS  Homepage-
                                Menues ( *.txt ) ins  richtige  Format!
                                Ermoeglicht  mehr  Freiheiten  bei  der
                                Gestaltung  der  Menues,  da  man  sich
                                nicht mehr an das  steife Format halten
                                For all users: puts your BBS homepage's
                                menus (*.txt) into correct file format.
                                Enjoy more  freedom  in  designing your
                                menus by not having to  keep your  eyes
                                on the fixed unflexible file format!
hp_2dse10e.zip  107601 08-05-2024 User's script editor for Twinsoft
                                Homepager 1.0/PB. Allows users to
                                easily create script files for
                                their BBS homepages.
hp_2dse10g.zip  108085 08-05-2024 Scriptfile-Editor 1.0 f. Homepager/PB
                                Einfacher ASCII Editor fr alle User,
                                die ihre  Homepage  mit  Scripts auf-
                                bereiten  wollen.    Erleichtert  den
                                Umgang mit Scripts  dadurch, da alle
                                verfgbaren    Kommandos    angezeigt
                                werden,  whrend  das  Script  selbst
                                nebenbei editiert werden kann.    :-)
hp_2dsr10i.zip    6351 08-05-2024 User's Script re-Format Utility 1.0
                                * ------------------------------- *
                                Siehe  Programm   "Menu re-Format",
                                diesmal aber fr die Scriptfiles :)
                                * ------------------------------- *
                                Same as  "Menu re-Format",  but for
                                script files (*.scr) !
hslink.pbp       489 08-05-2024 
hydra.pbp        536 08-05-2024 
hyper012.zip   64981 08-05-2024 Hyper Text Pex 0.12 Beta   for ProBoard
                                 HYPER text                Beta V0.12 
                                 Hyper is a HyperText base pex, with  
                                 links to other text pages, but also  
                                 to ProBoard function, other pexes    
                                 and doors.                           
                                 Hyper can be used as an advanged     
                                 help/info system, but also as an     
                                 replacement for your menu's.         
                                 - Cursorkey control                  
                                 - Mouse support (sysop only)         
                                 - multi language support             
                                 - colors are fully configurable      
                                 - Support userdoes dropfile          
                                 - time-slice support for: DesqView,  
                                   OS/2 (Warp), Windows (95), ...     
                                 - a dos version                      
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:        
                                 WILLEM WEGHORST                      
iemsi7b.zip    23970 08-05-2024 EMSI for ProBoard 2.10  --  MavEtJu software
                                Version 1.7b
if_2dbj011.zip   35341 08-05-2024  - iNViSiBLE FORCE - BLOOD SUCKS - 
                                 .  __       .   __ . |__  |    __   
                                . l (  ) (__) l __)  l l__) l__ (_/_  .
                                ,  __     __      __     __      __   ,
                                ; l-     (__)    l      (__     (_/_  ;
                                ._                                 _.
                                (o.-( ROCKiNG DA SCENE iN 1996! )-.o)
                                | -%-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-%- |
                                |                                     |
                                | =  CRACKED PEX: LiGHTNiNG JOiNER  = |
                                |  =  V0.1 BY BLOOD! WE REMOVED:  =  |
                                |                                     |
                                |   A *BACKDOOR* WHiCH iS ABLE TO    |
                                |    DOWNLOAD YOUR WHOLE USERBASE     |
                                |                                     |
                                |   THE FUNCTiON THAT KiCKS FBK-     |
                                |    MEMBERS OUT BY CARRiER-DROPPiNG  |
                                |                                     |
                                | -%-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-%- |
                                (o.                                 .o)
igmxt101.zip   78955 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                -=   =-=  -=   IGMXTEND v1.01   =-  =-=   -=
                                -= In Game Module eXTENDer for Legend of  -=
                                -=   the Red Dragon.   Will allow about   -=
                                -=  4+ billion IGM's.  Displays 10 IGM's  -=
                                -= at a time, Next/Previous through each  -=
                                -=    set of ten!  Easily Installs and    -=
                                -=Un-installs to 3rdparty.dat & Start.bat.-=
                                -=   =-=  -= Registration $2.50 =-  =-=   -=
ils110.zip     29964 08-05-2024 InfoList 1.10: A bug-fix utility
                                for InfoMail 1.10, of interest
                                to those running large numbers
                                of documents.  Allows you to
                                define more documents than the
                                screen can show without the
                                annoying display glitch found in
                                InfoMail 1.10.
inbtw_20.zip   10231 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      -= InBetween 2.0 =-       
                                        (PEX for PB 2.12)         
                                  Displays a slogan when a user   
                                  changes menus.                  
                                  New features:                   
                                  -definable duration             
                                  -slogan centration              
                                         FREEWARE of course       
inetaddr.zip    6268 08-05-2024 InetAddress PEX creates the current users
                                internet address such as:
inetax12.zip    8220 08-05-2024 InterNet Access f. ProBoard, v1.2
                                 FIXED NETMAIL POSTING BUG 
                                    TwinSoft   FREEWARE  
                                Ermglicht jeder  BBS mit eigener
                                Fido-Adresse ( Point oder Node ),
                                direkt  aus  der  Box  Mails  ins 
                                InterNet zu schreiben.  Die ganze
                                Gating-Arbeit  wird   automatisch
                                erledigt!  Frei  konfigurierbar !
inps15as.zip   30813 08-05-2024 TEditLine PB-Lib v2.0r1 Add-On
                                Five advanced C++ classes that
                                handle input.  Feature cursor-
                                key support, custom colors and
                                backgrounds, extended selects,
                                native and alternate modes for
                                the keyboard maps,  horizontal
                                scrolling, insert and overtype
                                modes, and many more. The base
                                class is a generic line, the 4
                                others handle filenames, dates
                                and numbers and combo box with
                                the list of predefined strings
                                Class for password input, with
                                support for ProBoard's pwdchar
                                various bugfixes, enhancements
                                Free source req. PB-Lib v2.0r1
                                Included is an update utility.
                                      Copyright (c) 1996
                                    Branislav L. Slantchev
intdr01.zip    84547 08-05-2024 (v01) INTRUDER
                                Intruder for Proboard                
                                Ever wanted to say something to a    
                                user, but don't want to break in for 
                                a long chat... This is your UTIL!    
                                Write a message offline or online    
                                and display this message for reading 
                                to the user. Works with a semaphore  
                                file, so you can copy information    
                                to the user too!. Text files to 64Kb 
                                Intruder comes with it's source code 
                                and thus is free software and can be 
                                redistributed and/or modified under  
                                the terms of the GNU General Public  
                                It's source makes use of an EDIT     
                                Development Kit, which can take input
                                from keyboard, PEX users and/or file.
                                Intruder is another fine DQP product!
isp_21log4.zip   52274 08-05-2024 
                                ۳   iSP! L0G0N  v1.04g1    ۳
                                ۳  F0R PR0B0ARD 2.12     ۳
                                ۳ iSP! L0G0N iS A REPLACEMENT ۳
                                ۳ F0R DA LAMiNG PB-STANDART   ۳
                                ۳ L0G0N-SEQUENZE - FEATURES:  ۳
                                ۳  FULLY CONFIGURABLE        ۳
                                ۳  100% PB-COMPATIBLE        ۳
                                ۳  REPLACING DA PB-STANDART  ۳
                                ۳   NEW-USERLOGON WITH A      ۳
                                ۳   KEWL, DEFINABLE ONE!      ۳
                                ۳   +CHECKiN FOR DUPE HANDLES ۳
                                ۳  OWN LANGUAGE FILE (OUTPUT)۳
                                ۳  FAST USER SEARCH WITHOUT  ۳
                                ۳   SUCKING INDEX-FILEZ :)    ۳
                                ۳  TRASHCAN.CTL SUPPORTED    ۳
                                ۳  OWN, KEWL MESSAGE ROUTINE ۳
                                ۳   WITH DEFINABLE ANSI       ۳
                                ۳  RUN UP TO 10 PEXES BEFORE ۳
                                ۳   LOGON                     ۳
                                ۳  USERDOES SUPPORT          ۳
                                ۳  OPTiONAL SYSTEM PWD       ۳
                                ۳  KICKOUT-FUNCTION INCLUDED ۳
                                ۳  POSTiNG MESSAGES TO SYSOP ۳
                                ۳   AND NEW USER (DEFINABLE)  ۳
                                ۳  CHECKiN CORRECT LENGTH OF ۳
                                ۳   ANSWERS (SYSOP-DEFINABLE) ۳
                                ۳  70% FASTER LOGON -        ۳
                                ۳   SYSOP DEFINABLE QUESTION  ۳
                                ۳   ANSWERS (SCREENLENGTH ETC)۳
                                ۳  FREEWARE BY iCEMAN^ISP'96  ۳
isp_2dlc11.zip    8587 08-05-2024 [ iSP iS BaCK WiTH ]
                                ۳  LaSTCaLL 1.1        
                                ۳  LaSTCaLLeR FoR PB 2.1x   
                                ۳  FuLLY CoNFiGuRaBLe !     
                                ۳  DeFiNaBLe NuMba of       
                                ۳  lastcallers (uP tO 2oo)  
                                ۳  HiDDeN & LoCaL USeR      
                                ۳  SuPPoRT !                
                                ۳  WiTH aNiMaTeD LiSTS..    
                                ۳  USe WheTHeR YaR OwN      
                                ۳  EnTeR-PeX Or A DeFiNaBLe 
                                ۳  AniMaTeD TeXt !          
                                ۳  CoDeD bY iCEMaN^iSP!     
                                ۳     !FREEWARE!      
i_21reqpex.zip   20264 08-05-2024 <====[-]   /----/---\   /-----\ /-\=====>
                                     ____  |  __|  _|   |   | | | |
                                     |  |---\|__| >_/---\   |/---\|
                                     |  | | | __|   |  _/ |  | | ||___
                                    /----\|_|_| \___|_| |_|__|_|_|____|
                                <============[pEX SE(ti0N]==============>
                                <=> REQuESt Util f0R YA PR0b0ARd! CooL<=>
                                <=> d-SiGN ANd fUll liGhtbAR dRiVEN...<=>
                                @X04[dA lilA lAUNE bR iS AlkOhOliKR!]
jamit100.zip   10421 08-05-2024 Creates an ECHOMAIL.JAM file,
                                complete with message id's,
                                   (C)1996 Fe-line Software
                                         Version 1.00
jl_pex21.zip   25555 08-05-2024 ,============[  JMJLine 2.1  ]=============,
                                |      Oneliner PEX for ProBoard 2.15      |
                                | Features configurable ANSI, variable     |
                                | oneliner window dimensions, configurable |
                                | cursor driven menu bars, FreeColor or    |
                                | automatic Fade mode, text macros, real   |
                                | name / alias / anonymous, censoring,     |
                                | Xtra menu for deleting or replacing      |
                                | lines, statistics screen, SFX, ...       |
                                |     FREEWARE by Ruben Provoost [JMJ]     |
jl_pex22.zip   35246 08-05-2024 ,============[  JMJLine 2.2  ]=============,
                                | Oneliner PEX for ProBoard 2.16           |
                                | Features configurable ANSIs for oneliner |
                                | and statistics screen, FreeColor or Fade |
                                | mode, special effects, censoring, text   |
                                | macros, Xtra menu for sysop maintenance, |
                                | real name / alias / anonymous, entirely  |
                                | cursor key driven, LOTS of options, ...  |
                                |     FREEWARE by Ruben Provoost [JMJ]     |
join210.zip    31718 08-05-2024 -------------------------
                                .Ŀ........     ..
                                .    Ŀ ..
                                ..           ......
                                .    Ŀ ......
                                ...... .........
                                ..DUTCH QUALITY PEX'ES...
                                WHO'S JOINING       v2.10
                                This pex notify's the ot-
                                her nodes when somebody 
                                logs on to your bbs.
                                Also warns when a user
                                logs of from the bbs, and
                                now also has an option to
                                send internode MSG's.
                                Written by :   E. v. Loon
joind210.zip   31718 08-05-2024 -------------------------
                                .Ŀ........     ..
                                .    Ŀ ..
                                ..           ......
                                .    Ŀ ......
                                ...... .........
                                ..DUTCH QUALITY PEX'ES...
                                WHO'S JOINING       v2.10
                                This pex notify's the ot-
                                her nodes when somebody 
                                logs on to your bbs.
                                Also warns when a user
                                logs of from the bbs, and
                                now also has an option to
                                send internode MSG's.
                                Written by :   E. v. Loon
joinusr1.zip   12067 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                   ProBoard JoinUser  1.00    
                                   User Login Notification     
                                 Dieses Pex informiert andere  
                                 User in einer Multiline-Umge- 
                                    bung, wenn sich jemand     
                                 -    Deutsche Beschreibung    
                                 -         FREEWARE            
                                     another fine PEX by       
                                         Coda & HagY           
joke10.zip      7286 08-05-2024 Ŀ JOK10 
                                   LITTL PX THT LTS YOUR USR    
                                 THIK, THT H HS TRD YOUR DOS.
                                 IT LOGS HIM ITO YOUR 'TWORK' S  
                                  SYSOP D SHOWS  DIRTORY. TH  
                                  ORMTS TH TWORK-DRIV K:. IT   
                                 LBLS THT DRIV WITH TH M O  
                                          TH URRT USR !         
                                     OTHR 'JUST OR U' PX !    
                                 WHT LS OULD IT B S RWR ! 
kaf30r4s.zip   74217 08-05-2024 KaFKa v3.0r4 - KaF Maintenance Utility
                                Create/modify/maintain KaF data files
                                that are used by programs such as own
                                NTRZ and CLRiTY for animated ANSi
                                prompts and sequences. State-of-the-art
                                interface, this utility is a must for
                                every Sysop that wants to customize the
                                look and feel of their ProBoard with
                                the KaF Family of Utilities. This is
                                the offline utility. C++ Source Code.
                                Another fine addition to PB-GNU! Free.
                                Copyright 1995 Branislav L. Slantchev
                                A Product of Silicon Creations, Inc.
kaf30r4x.zip  129652 08-05-2024 KaFKa v3.0r4 - KaF Maintenance Utility
                                Create/modify/maintain KaF data files
                                that are used by programs such as own
                                NTRZ and CLRiTY for animated ANSi
                                prompts and sequences. State-of-the-art
                                interface, this utility is a must for
                                every Sysop that wants to customize the
                                look and feel of their ProBoard with
                                the KaF Family of Utilities. This is
                                the offline utility. Binaries + manual
                                Another fine addition to PB-GNU! Free.
                                Copyright 1995 Branislav L. Slantchev
                                A Product of Silicon Creations, Inc.
keyn20as.zip   19868 08-05-2024 PB-GNU KeyNav v2.00 for ProBoard 2.10
                                C source code package with makefile.
                                Part of the PB-GNU Project. July 30, 1995
                                Copyright (C) 1995 by Branislav L. Slantchev
keyn215x.zip   29381 08-05-2024 KeyNav v2.15: Hidden Area/Group Changer
                                Invisible file & message area and group
                                changer. Go to next/previous area (with
                                or without regard to groups). Change to
                                next/previous group setting the current
                                area number to the first area in group.
                                With wrap-around. Supports access flags
                                (including flags non-grata) and levels.
                                No copyright notices! Rel. June 11 1996
                                       Copyright (c) 1995, 1996      
                                        Branislav L. Slantchev       
                                 A Product of Silicon Creations, Inc 
khick.zip       7978 08-05-2024 
                                        Kuntry Hick        
                                   This Here Is A Kuntry   
                                  Hick Language File For   
kickuser.zip   12405 08-05-2024  KiCKUSER 1.0  PEX Ŀ
                                 Der Sysop kann auf Knopfdruck den   
                                 User aus der Box rauswerfen und ihm 
                                 vorher noch ein ANSI/AVT/ASCII-File 
                                 anzeigen. Sozusagen als fieser und  
                                 sadistischer Ersatz fuer Alt-H und  
                                 Alt-L. ;->                
                                 (C) Hendrik Mans                    
                                 Humuhumunukunukuapua'a Productions  
klond1b3.zip   18101 08-05-2024 +----------------------------+
                                | Klondike   Solitaire   PEX |
                                | Different game variations. |
                                |    * DOING Compatible *    |
                                |  (C)1996 Fe-line Software  |
                                |    Version 1.00 Beta 3     |
                                |          FreeWare          |
                                +------[PEX - 10/10/96]------+
konto110.zip   10972 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 Zeitbank fuer Proboard 2.01 
                                 verwaltet  im Gegensatz  zu 
                                 anderen aehnlichen Program- 
                                 men nur die Online-Zeit des 
                                 Geschrieben   als  Proboard 
                                 Extension (PEX), SourceCode 
                                 im Archiv enthalten.        
                                 > Neu in Version 1.10:    < 
                                 ASCII-Support, per INI-File 
                                 komplett konfigurierbar     
lame_2dckb.zip    7178 08-05-2024 OOoo
                                RELEASED .-. 09.26.1995 | 00:35 
                                    LAMMiNGZ PRODUCTiONS 1995     
                                |      ARE PROUD TO PRESENTZ       |
                                :           :
                                 BUGFiXED  BUGFiXED  BUGFiXED 
                                  USER CHECKER v0.1 FOR PB 2.XX!  
                                  DiZ iS THE BUGFiXED VERSiON!!!  
                                  iNCLUDED KEWL ANZiS AND SHiT!  
                                    FREEWARE OF CAUZ!  [o1/o1]           
                                :            :
                                |CALL DiZ FOR PHUN +49-40-528-93-09|
                                  ...LAMMiNGZ PRODUCTiONS WHQ...  
                                DiZ VERSiON iS BUGFiXED ...
                                ThE NORThRN TRRiTORY [UDRGROUD TiO]
lbonus.zip      7394 08-05-2024 Level Bonus 1.00
                                   Incentive your users to call
                                the BBS on expensive phone times
                                by upgrading their level.
lbonus10.zip    7377 08-05-2024 Level Bonus 1.00
                                   Incentive your users to call
                                the BBS on expensive phone times
                                by upgrading their level.
lc201.zip      13445 08-05-2024 .        ڿڿ¿ ڿڿ  ڿĿڿ v2.01 .
                                .     ij       Ŀ      .
                                .                        .
                                .       ô    ô          .
                                .              Ŀ   .
                                .      ٳ   ٳٳ        .
                                .           Duck-Productions           .
                                 SHOWLC v2.01 LastCallers for ProBoard 
                                 Can use your own ANSI file. Simple in- 
                                 stall. FREE software!                  
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex file by DUCK 
                                 For more Duck Productions call one of  
                                 the following BBSes.                   
                                     Now also for multinode systems     
                                   Enter TechnoBBS   (+31) 40-2047578   
                                   FunBoard BBS      (+31) 40-2041162   
                                   Illusion System 6 (+31) 30-2513257   
                                   [ Created by Rob van den Eijnden ]   
level.zip       5262 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 Ein Pex fuer Proboard  
                                 zeigt alle Level einer 
                                   Box an, mit allen    
                                 Limits. Der Level des  
                                 des Online Users wird  
                                 farblich hervorgehoben 
                                    F R E E W A R E     
lfile113.zip   20357 08-05-2024 
                                Layla File 1.13 - An Allfiles/Newfiles
                                generator for ProBoard 1.3x/2.0. Small
                                and fast.
lineb10.zip    10249 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 FreeWare      LineBug 1.0     FreeWare 
                                 ProBoard 2.12 PEX to fix the serious bug 
                                 in ProBoard! If the Screenlength is set  
                                 to 0 (zero), ProBoard will crash when    
                                 a PEX calls a LineCounter Instruction or 
                                 requests a file-list. Now, this can be   
                                 fixed with this PEX.                     
                                 Requirements: ProBoard 2.12 or later,    
                                 ANSi or ASCii terminal emulation.        
                                [Virtual Soft Productions]
lisa02ba.zip   66717 08-05-2024    * * Lisa 0.2 - Beta * * 
                                Maximum Allfilelist Generator for 
                                Proboard, RA 1.1, Maximus and FLSEARCH
                                Supports Proboard - Style "Files.BBS"
                                and also EFT - Style "Files.BBS"
                                *** (c) 1993-94 Bernd Rothbrust ***
lista10.zip    16986 08-05-2024     F R E E W A R E   
                                   dIb Prodictions   
                                    presents to YOU   ް
                                    [LISTA v1.00]    
                                     the BBSLISTER YOU   
                                   have been searching   
                                      for. Including: 
                                    * Kewl FX, 6 screen- 
                                   * Unlimited entries   
                                   * cursor-controlled   
                                  * Totaly configurable 
                                  * config. access-     
                                     * plus MORE!    
                                 by               jago
listit01.zip   29074 08-05-2024 Allfiles generator for ProBoard 2.xx
listm11g.zip   23466 08-05-2024 List Master 1.1  for ProBoard 2.01
                                - The List Master Group is a collection
                                - of four PEX's to handle changing File
                                - and Message Areas and Groups with
                                - Full RIP Support, and support for
                                - both Access Levels and Flags
                                - Fully respects Group Designations
                                **Bonus** Special Bonus included
                                ** A pair of PEX's to change to the
                                ** Next/Previous area within the 
                                ** current group
                                - From Nytech Software Design NSD
listz20s.zip   86666 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                 programs & source division (pex)
                                Listerz v2.00  The Visual Edition
                                Callers can create file area lists
                                online, compress them and download
                                them immediately. Advanced cursor-
                                key interface, support for several
                                archivers, multinode-compatible, &
                                100% configurable with a  separate
                                setup utility. Sample ANSi screens
                                screens included. Animations, etc.
                                Full C++ source (req. PB-Lib v3.0)
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
listz20x.zip  150603 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                 programs & source division (pex)
                                Listerz v2.00  The Visual Edition
                                Callers can create file area lists
                                online, compress them and download
                                them immediately. Advanced cursor-
                                key interface, support for several
                                archivers, multinode-compatible, &
                                100% configurable with a  separate
                                setup utility. Sample ANSi screens
                                screens included. Animations, etc.
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
ll_21diz40.zip   41017 08-05-2024 (LL!DiZ V4.00)(FREEWARE[EXE])
                                | letzte_lunge presents: Ŀ|
                                :               ܲ    :
                                ܲ۲۲ ܲ۱  ߲۲߲۲ 
                                :    ޲ ۱ ۲     :
                                    ۲۱ ۲   
                                ߲۲        ߲߲:
                                 file_id.diz to files.bbs importer 
                                  fuer proboard v2.1x  
                                   sortieren nach datum/filenamen       
                                   ansi- und pcboard-codes koennen aus  
                                    der file_id.diz entfert werden.      
                                   uebernimmt alte beschreibungen und   
                                   es werden alle packer/tools          
                                    unterstuetzt, die per kommandline    
                                    eine file_id.diz extrahieren oder    
                                    erstellen koennen .. .               
                                   es kann ein newfiles-check           
                                    durchgefuert werden                  
                                    (newfileslist, ll!diz.bat)           
                                   unterstuezt cd-rom, read-only areas  
ll_21l_100.zip   85228 08-05-2024 (LL!LOGiN v1.00)(FREEWARE[PEX])
                                 letzte lunge presents ³
                                ޲ ۱   
                                acid      ݳ
                                       -- LL!LOGiN V1.00 --      
                                    designed for proboard 2.1x     
                                        LOGiN-SEQUENCE incl.       
                                    NEWUSERLOGiN und LOGON-MENU    
                                 -> 99% configurable               
                                 -> optionales systempasswort      
                                 -> fantastic MULTiLOGiN           
                                    (DOORS, PEXE, ANSiS, MENUS...) 
                                 -> LAMER-check (trashcan.ctl)     
                                    incl. LAMER-KiCK-PEX           
                                 -> USERDOES and DOiNG support     
                                 -> MULTiTASKER-support            
                                    (WiNDOWS, OS/2, DESQViEW)      
                                 -> supports LANGUAGE-file         
                                 -> the sequence of newuser        
                                    login's is definable           
                                 -> HiDDEN und NOTOPS support      
                                 -> newuser/sysop-(WELCOME)MESSAGE 
ll_21pa10.zip    4791 08-05-2024  [] LL!PAVAiL V1.0 [] 
                                      ProBoard 2.1x - PEX [FREEWARE]      
                                the status for the Sysop call, it  shows
                                is checked whether at this time it can be
                                gepaget whether the user already too often
                                called after the Sysop and whether
                                 [scroll LOCK ] in/out is.. 100%
                                 (c)1997 by acid_mike 
ll_21prpt2.zip   11066 08-05-2024 (LL!PRMPT_2.0_FREEWARE[PEX])Ŀ
                                ޲ ۱  
                                 ۲۱    ݳ
                                mike      ۳
                                 timeslices for WIN95, OS/2 & DV. 
ll_21qlgn.zip    9003 08-05-2024 (LL!QuickLogin V1.00)(FREEWARE[PEX])
                                | letzte_lunge presents: Ŀ|
                                :               ܲ    :
                                ܲ۲۲ ܲ۱  ߲۲߲۲ 
                                :    ޲ ۱ ۲     :
                                    ۲۱ ۲   
                                ߲۲        ߲߲:
                                | LL!QuickLogin V1.00 ist ein PSEUDO-     |
                                 LoginPEX fuer ProBoard 2.1x             
                                 wenn ein user die box callt, wird er    
                                 automatisch eingeloggt, ohne etwas      
                                 eingeben zu muessen.                    
                                 eignet sich somit fuer solche mailboxen 
                                 wo nur files angeboten werden und der   
                                 sysop an irgendwelchen userdaten NiCHT  
                                 interessiert ist und den usern einen    
                                 unkomplizierten zugang zu seiner box    
                                | geben will...                           |
ll_dropk.zip   13375 08-05-2024 (LL_DropKick V1.0  FREEWARE[PEX])
                                ޲ ۱  
                                 ۲۱    ݳ
                                mike      ۳
                                 Ein kleines Tool, um Carrier-    
                                 Dropper, also User, die in der   
                                 Box einfach ALT-H druecken, auf  
                                 ihr Verhalten aufmerksam zu      
                                 machen. Es wird ein ANSI Bild    
                                 angezeigt, und eine Pause von X  
                                 Sekunden (frei einstellbar) ein- 
                                 gelegt. Es koennen auch User     
                                 bestimmt werden, bei denen das   
                                 Tool nicht zuschlagen soll...    
lo100.zip       9524 08-05-2024   
                                    [N0$] Productions    
                                     proudly presents...     
                                --- - -       - - --
                                         LastOn v1.0         
                                --- - -       - - --
                                 Put your last bbscaller in  
                                   your mailers lastcaller   
                                --- - -       - - --
                                     Supported mailers:      
                                --- - -       - - --
                                   FreeWare by Filip Duyck   
                                   For ProBoard 2.15 +   
load_p.zip     11618 08-05-2024 /-----------------------------\
                                |                             |
                                |        -=Loading=-          |
                                |      By Arthur Stark        |
                                |          FIDONet            |
                                |         1:395/670           |
                                |                             |
                                |                             |
                                | Replacement for ProBoard's  |
                                | internal "Please Wait,      |
                                | Loading..." in the language |
                                | file.                       |
                                |                             |
local008.zip   26341 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 LOCAL v0.08                  ShareWare 
                                 Local up/dowload protocol for ProBoard 
                                 - default up/download path can be set  
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:          
                                 WILLEM WEGHORST                        
local06.zip    25630 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 DQPLOCAL v0.006           Beta Release 
                                 Local up/dowload protocol for ProBoard 
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:          
                                 WILLEM WEGHORST                        
locl10b2.zip   44918 08-05-2024 Ŀ LOL-UPLOD 1.02 
                                     THIS IS VRSIO 1.02 O TH    
                                   LOL-DOW-/UPLOD-PROTOOL OR   
                                 PROBORD 2.0X. IT WORKS OR XMPL 
                                  WITH PBS WITHOUT PROBLMS. SO   
                                   PUT THS TWO PROGS TOGTHER   
                                 D WO'T HV TO DO Y OTHR WORK 
                                  TH UPLODIG YOUR ILS TO YOUR  
                                 BBS. IL_ID.DIZ WILL B XTRTED  
                                    D B PUT I YOUR ILS.BBS     
                                   O PBUTIL -I OR SOMTHIG LIK   
                                     THT. TST IT OW ! BUGIXD    
                                    VRSIO. OW WORKS OMPLTLY !   
logger10.zip    6302 08-05-2024  Ŀ
                                 Finally, LOGGER ...
                                This very little baby 
                                simply Logs it all !!!
                                LOGGER    Version 1.00
                                 THE solution for ALL 
                                 the other PEXES, or  
                                 Proboard  functions  
                                 who do not write the 
                                 'oh so much desired' 
                                 information in your  
                                 Proboard Logfile !!  
                                 F-R-E-E-W-A-R-E (cHb)
                                PROBOARD 2.1x PEX FILE
login.zip       2531 08-05-2024 Login C Source Code
loging2.zip    11658 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                  ProBoard Login Matrix 1.01  
                                   Fuer ProBoard 2.10 & 2.0x   
                                 -    Deutsche Beschreibung    
                                 -         FREEWARE            
lognu.zip       3756 08-05-2024 Another SaberWare PEX!!!
                                Do you use DqP's NUTLOG
                                and  AMU?  Well this is
                                for you. It updates the
                                ProBoard logfile so the
                                NewUser message posting
                                function works  in AMU.
                                Since  NUTLOG   doesn't
                                write to the PB logfile
                                SaberWare Software 1996
logof002.zip    5085 08-05-2024 Logoff 0.02
                                This PEX allows, replaces menu
                                type number 9. It logoffs a user
                                and if he still has tagged files,
                                it asks if she/he really wants to
                                Optionally it can allways get
                                confirmation from the user for
                                logging off.
                                Copyright 1995 Tiago Pascoal
logoffg1.zip   10860 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                  ProBoard Logoff Matrix 1.00 
                                 -    Deutsche Beschreibung    
                                 -         FREEWARE            
logonma4.zip   17377 08-05-2024  MATRiX L0G0N 1.40Ŀ
                                THe FIRST Matrix Logon
                                  F0R PROBOARD (2.1o) 
                                      iNCLUDiNG a     
                                   RE-LOG0N OPTi0N !  
                                   MADE BY DAGOBERT
logoutp.rar    45279 08-05-2024  Beta Duck-Production Ŀ
                                LOGOUTP.PEX version 1.0 by Duck
                                 This PEX can log a user out or 
                                 let him send a message to you  
                                    or get back to the BBS.     
                                 It has a cursor-key controlled 
                                   Meanwhile it simply shows    
                                 a few BBS "addy's" to the user 
                                  or some advertisements which  
                                   can be filled in by you !    
                                 (c) 1996-1997 Duck-Productions 
                                    Written by Rob vd Eijnden   
                                 [ ] DOOR               BBS [X] 
                                 [X] PEX              SOUND [ ] 
                                 [ ] UTIL             CHEAT [ ] 
lotto.zip       7284 08-05-2024 This zip Contains two PEX files
                                1: lotto1.pex generates lotto numbers
                                   from 1 - 25 
                                2: lottopb.pex generates PowerBall numbers
                                From TBH software.... our first PEX's
lotto4.zip     17714 08-05-2024 Lotto PEX (c) MavEtJu Software
                                Give your users a chance to spoil their whole
                                daily time and download limit by themself!
lout120.zip    12333 08-05-2024 < [N0$] Productions >
                                        LameOut v1.2         
                                  This PEX will check your   
                                 user's level and will look  
                                   for his name/alias in a   
                                  lamerlist and if he is a   
                                   lamer, carrier will be    
                                         dropped ;))         
                                  Now supports the use of a  
                                  'quiet' mode with kickout  
                                      For ProBoard 2.15      
                                   FreeWare by Filip Duyck   
                                < 13 dec 1996 >
lrdsys10.zip   34092 08-05-2024       LordSys for ProBoard
                                Sends a message from the sysop to 
                                every player in a LORD game.
                                   Another release from CBWare
lstmst11.zip   17987 08-05-2024 List Master 1.1  for ProBoard 2.01
                                - The List Master Group is a collection
                                - of four PEX's to handle changing File
                                - and Message Areas and Groups with
                                - Full RIP Support, and support for
                                - both Access Levels and Flags
                                ***NEW*** Now Fully respects Group
                                ********* Designations
                                - From Nytech Software Design NSD
ltpb201.zip   221465 08-05-2024 Labtest 3.2 for Proboard 2.01.
                                This file contains LABTEST.EXE and LTSETUP
                                which have been compiled using the Proboard 2
                                file structures.  The release archive,
                                LABTST32.* contains the .EXE's which were
                                compiled using Proboard 2.02 Beta 8
                                structures.  You will also need to download
                                LABTST32.* in order to use Labtest with
lucky_p.zip    11886 08-05-2024 /-----------------------------\
                                |                             |
                                |       -=Lucky Day=-         |
                                |      By Arthur Stark        |
                                |          FIDONet            |
                                |         1:395/670           |
                                |                             |
                                |                             |
                                | A lotto type pex that       |
                                | chooses a random user       |
                                | record number and checks to |
                                | see if the current user is  |
                                | the one picked, if thus is  |
                                | true the users gains an     |
                                | extra 25 minutes!           |
                                |                             |
lx_pex10.zip    8799 08-05-2024 --------------  LastXen  1.0  --------------
                                ProBoard 2.12 PEX to put ProBoard's last
                                caller on Xenia's Waiting for caller screen
                                             FREEWARE by [JMJ]
m21to201.zip    5687 08-05-2024 
magic.zip       2816 08-05-2024          Another level for EgoKill
                                + Brought to you by The Magical Kingdom BBS +
                                +                                           +
                                + Another level for the pex game EgoKill    +
                                + Hope you enjoy!!                          +
                                +                                           +
                                +                                           +
mailscan.zip    4348 08-05-2024 Global Login Mail Scan Toggle 
                                A little PEX to allow users to turn
                                on/off all Message areas scanned at 
                                From Nytech Software Design NSD
mailx30s.zip   30151 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                 programs & source division (pex)
                                mail-x v3.0 Full Screen Selections
                                mail-x replaces the combined-board
                                select function with a full-screen
                                ansi multi-color, cursorkey-driven
                                program which can also be used for
                                the mail-check area selection. Can
                                run transparently or interactively
                                and can be used to force areas for
                                inclusion. 100% configurable, with
                                custom background: ANSi/PCB/WC/AVT
                                Full C++ source (req. PB-Lib v3.0)
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
mailx30x.zip   40374 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                 programs & source division (pex)
                                mail-x v3.0 Full Screen Selections
                                mail-x replaces the combined-board
                                select function with a full-screen
                                ansi multi-color, cursorkey-driven
                                program which can also be used for
                                the mail-check area selection. Can
                                run transparently or interactively
                                and can be used to force areas for
                                inclusion. 100% configurable, with
                                custom background: ANSi/PCB/WC/AVT
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
mail_p.zip     11201 08-05-2024 /-----------------------------\
                                |                             |
                                |         -=Mail=-            |
                                |      By Arthur Stark        |
                                |          FIDONet            |
                                |         1:395/670           |
                                |                             |
                                |                             |
                                | Replacement for ProBoard's  |
                                | internal "Searching for     |
                                | new messages..." in the     |
                                | language file.              |
                                |                             |
main.zip        2487 08-05-2024     ڿ    Ŀ    Ŀ
                                    ٳٳij [CSI]
                                  -- -  --- 
                                  JUST ANOTHER SAMPLE OF CSI- 
                                       FILES FOR CURSORY      
                                     EXAMPLE FOR MAIN-MENU    
                                - - -- -  - ---
manus15.zip    48859 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 MANUS version 1.5          
                                [Added Many FUNCTIONS!]Ĵ
                                 Futures: (PEX for proboard)
                                 * Sent Messages to Users   
                                   who called for the       
                                   10, 25, 50, 100, 500 and 
                                   1000 times. (Numbers are 
                                   set by the sysop!)       
                                 * Ask if users like to see 
                                   a specified Area (like   
                                 * Ask only once if the     
                                   Users wish to do a       
                                   mail check at every      
                                 * Ask if the user wish to  
                                   check for newfiles       
                                   every login              
                                 * Shows a statistic sreen  
                                 * Multi Language           
                                 * Full Configurable        
                                (c)SUNPEX - Arie Mol        
max2pb.zip     54189 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                MAX2PB 1.0                           
                                Convert Maximus 2.01 to Proboard 2.01 
                                (C)1994 Enigma Soft.    FREEWARE!     
                                   CALL ENIGMA BBS ++54-1-632-8805    
mbwerb12.zip   12755 08-05-2024  Mailbox-Werbung  
                                 Release 1.2 - Bugfixed 
                                -->Features & Funktionen:
                                 Detailierte Mailboxliste
                                 Kurze bersichtsliste
                                 Mailboxliste downloadbar
                                -->konfiguriert sich 100% selbst
                                -->    F R E E W A R E    <--
                                IMPORTANT: CALL DFUE# 49 (0)6181 976488 - NOW
mbwup1.zip      5340 08-05-2024 Update 1 fr MB-Werb v1.2  
                                IMPORTANT: CALL DFUE# 49 (0)6181 976488 - NOW
mb_2dchk32.zip   15500 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                         MegaByte PexWare        
                                         "Checker v3.2"         
                                 This PEX will look for Personal 
                                 Files, NewMail and checks the   
                                 filebase BY GROUP!              
                                 The user can now simply select  
                                 in which filegroup he wants to  
                                 look for new files!!            
                                 You can use your own ANSI-files 
                                 also for the main check screen! 
                                 Multilingual setup possible :-) 
                                  DOING and USERDOES compatible! 
                                      FREEWARE by Wim Jans       
                                       BBS: +32-13-674345        
mb_2ddate.zip    5032 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                         MegaByte PexWare        
                                   "Global DateFormat Changer"   
                                 Change the dateformat globally  
                                 from one format to an other one.
                                      FREEWARE by Wim Jans       
                                       BBS: +32-13-674345        
mb_2ddrp11.zip   20696 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                      MegaByte PexWare      
                                  "Carrier Dropper v1.1"   
                                 This program will write a  
                                 language dependant message 
                                 to these users who dropped 
                                 carrier without logging of 
                                   FREEWARE by Wim Jans     
                                    BBS: +32-13-674345      
mb_2dfst1.zip   12227 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                         MegaByte PexWare        
                                      "Fast Login Pex v1.0"      
                                 This PEX jumps to a specified   
                                 menu if the user has already    
                                 called today.                   
                                 - DOING and USERDOES Compatible 
                                 - Multilingual aware            
                                      FREEWARE by Wim Jans       
                                       BBS: +32-13-674345        
mb_2dhap30.zip   11838 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                           MegaByte PexWare          
                                           "Happy Hour 3.0"          
                                 Increase the Daily TimeLimit and/or 
                                 the Daily Download Limit for your   
                                 users during a certain period.      
                                 The Happy Hour period and the extra 
                                 time and kilobytes can be simply    
                                 specified in ProCfg.                
                                   DOING and USERDOES compatible!    
                                        FREEWARE by Wim Jans         
                                         BBS: +32-13-674345          
mb_2dhld12.zip   14723 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                         MegaByte PexWare        
                                      "What's On Hold v1.2"      
                                 This PEX scans your netmail-    
                                 directory to see what's on hold 
                                 for your up- & downlinks.       
                                 - Every char is free definable  
                                   in color and position,        
                                 - Free configurable,            
                                 - Different display options,    
                                 - DOING and USERDOES Compatible.
                                 - Busy Waiting Message          
                                      FREEWARE by Wim Jans       
                                       BBS: +32-13-674345        
mb_2dlogin.zip    7814 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                         MegaByte PexWare       
                                        "Login Notify PEX"      
                                 With this PEX you can notify   
                                 the other users who has just   
                                 logged in on another node.     
                                      FREEWARE by Wim Jans      
                                       BBS: +32-13-674345       
mb_2dpage.zip    8625 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                         MegaByte PexWare       
                                       "PagingHours v1.0"       
                                 This little PEX displays only  
                                 the PagingHours to your users. 
                                 DOING and USERDOES compatible! 
                                     FREEWARE by Wim Jans       
                                      BBS: +32-13-674345        
mb_2duser.zip    5160 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                           MegaByte PexWare          
                                          "Language Updater"         
                                 With this little PEX you can simply 
                                 change all the same user-languages  
                                 to a new one (if the new language   
                                 exist of course).                   
                                        FREEWARE by Wim Jans         
                                         BBS: +32-13-674345          
mcvt100.zip    26613 08-05-2024 Conver Proboard msg areas to ascii files.
menusel8.zip   62540 08-05-2024 [ProBoard PEX]Ŀ
                                DqP / Duck-Productions  Menu Selector v4.08
                                Choose any menu you want with this program.
                                             Like a fast logon.            
                                   SCROLLING BBS NAME FROM CONFIG.PRO!   
                                 CURSOR-SUPPORT, special thanx to Eddie :) 
                                           USERDOES COMPATIBLE!            
                                           Duck-Net 101:2200/0             
                                           DqP-Net  173:100/218            
                                   Coder of MENUSEL: Rob van den Eijnden   
                                [Released 27/07/97]
men_flag.zip   12189 08-05-2024 Reset all FLAGS on the
                                mensage database.
                                Full source code included.
                                FreeWare of Julio Garcia.
                                PB Development SP
messag13.zip   17986 08-05-2024 ,-------------------------------------------,
                                | Messager 1.3 PEX                 FreeWare |
                                  ProBoard 2.15 PEX to display little notes
                                  to the user between the menus. It has a   
                                  random engine and there's a user defined  
                                  chance that a user will see the PEX in    
                                  action. Also user definable delay, up to  
                                  10 different notes! Support for separate  
                                  note files for each menu! That's Unique!  
                                  NEW! More Styles (9) for displaying the
                                  notes, Highly Optimized and can read
                                  Text-Macros, which makes this PEX unique! 
                                  Requirements: ProBoard 2.15 or later,     
                                  ANSi or ASCii terminal emulation.         
                                 --[ Virtual Soft Productions - 21.09.96 ]--
mf2.zip         4264 08-05-2024 P A C I F I C (Pex)
                                MF2 is another NewMail/NewFiles
                                Pex that uses Proboards internal
                                Functions in one program.There's
                                no call to IEMSI or External Utils.
                                ** FREEWARE **
mg_2dndh.zip   30489 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  MG-NEWS v:1.05  und   
                                     MG-NDH v:1.03      
                                  Turbo schneller News- 
                                 Generator fr Proboard 
                                   und ein PEX das die  
                                 News nur anzeigt wenn  
                                 sie wirklich neu fr   
                                    den User sind       
                                 Registrierung DM 10,-- 
mg_2dnews.zip   26702 08-05-2024 MG-NEWS Vers. 1.00 - Shareware
                                Der superschnelle News-Generator
                                fr Proboard 2.xx. Erstellt aus
                                NEWS.TXT je ein NEWS.ANS und ein
                                Konvertiert 20 KB in 3 Sekunden!!
                                In der registrierten Version farb-
                                lich weitgehend konfigurierbar.
                                Registrierung fr nur DM 10,00 :-)
ml16fsed.zip    6737 08-05-2024  Twinsoft MList 1.6 - Update 1 
                                Update for FSED.PEX used by  MailList
                                Version 1.6: "___ Twinsoft MList 1.6"
                                will _not_ be appended  to mails  any
                                longer.    Official Twinsoft Release!
mlch105b.zip   64694 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                   MLChat Version 1.05     
                                    ProBoard Multiline Chatter   
                                 -   German and english          
                                 -   Simple installation         
                                 -   10 nodes version            
                                 -   Runs better under OS/2      
                                 -   'Kewl' chattext             
                                 -   Custom colors               
                                 -   Rainbow and faded colors    
                                 -   Macros                      
                                 -   Userdoes support            
                                 -   Hidden user support         
                                 -   ENGLISH AND GERMAN version  
                                     in one PEX                  
                                [16 Mar. 96]ͼ
mlist16.zip    62548 08-05-2024  M A I L  -  L I S T  v1.6  
                                 The FINAL Release 
                                Der ULTIMATIVE Message-Reader
                                Cursorgesteuerter Fullscreen-Message-
                                 Reader fr ProBoard ab Version 2.12 
                                Einige Features:                     
                                   Auswhlen und Lesen der Messages 
                                    mit  zuverlssiger  und   extrem 
                                    schneller Cursorsteuerung.       
                                   Steuerung ber NumPad alternativ 
                                   Upload von Messages mglich      
                                   Suchfunktionen - entweder nur im 
                                    Header  oder in  Header und Text 
                                   Markieren von Messages mglich:  
                                    Kollektives Lesen,   Downloaden  
                                    oder Ausdrucken (nur local)      
                                   Message - Templates:   Quote-    
                                    Schablonen wie z.B. in GoldED    
                                    beim  Beantworten  von  Mails    
                                   Forwarden von Mails, MovedReply, 
                                    Comment-Reply etc. mglich!      
                                   Wechseln von  Gruppe und Area    
                                    aus dem Reader heraus mglich    
                                   Direktes Lesen der nchsten/     
                                    vorherigen Message im Reader     
                                   Lschen von Messages und Ein-    
                                    fgen neuer Mails mglich        
                                   Vllig frei konfigurierbar ber  
                                    6 ANSI-Bilder  und  14 einfache  
                                    INI-Files (trotzdem einfach :))  
                                   Realnamen- und Alias-Support     
                                   MultiLine und USERDOES Support   
                                   Zuverlssiger Multitaskersupport 
                                    [ OS/2, Win 3.1, DesqView (luft 
                                      jetzt), Windows 95 ]          
                                   Automatische Erkennung und opti- 
                                    male Anpassung an ANSI und AVATAR
                                   FREEWARE - TwinSoft Release      
                                 MList v1.6  (C) 1995 Wolfgang Hommel
mlist203.zip    8780 08-05-2024 ͸
                                MList 2.03  PEX for ProBoard 2.0x. 
                                Dieses PEX ist ein Ersatz fuer das 
                                eingebaute Select Message Area von 
                                Es zeigt die Message Areas und die 
                                dazugehoerigen Gruppen an.         
                                Durch Parameter Eingabe ist es sehr
                                einfach zu konfigurieren.          
                                 Deutsch und Englisch konfigurier- 
                                   bar durch Parameter Uebergabe   
                                 Die neuen Token fuer die Message- 
                                 gruppen von PB v2.01 werden eben- 
                                        falls unterstuetzt.        
                                     Autor: Ruediger Schuette      
                                          ** FREEWARE **           
mlstfsed.zip    3259 08-05-2024 
                                 BBSMAINT v1.01 
                                   This is a    
                                 maintenance util 
                                for your FILES.BBS
                                    It will..     
                                replace PCBoard  
                                stops ProBoard   
                                 formating Descs. 
                                creates TopFile- 
                                 list with full   
                                ProBoard only.   
mltkwd11.zip   10795 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 MULTI KEYWORD SEARCH 1.10       
                                 Same as the originally keyword  
                                 search as in the PB 2.01 pack.  
                                 Except for the search on multi- 
                                 ple keywords at the same time.  
                                 ALSO SUPPORTS USERDOES !!       
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:   
                                 Willem Weghorst  Eddie van Loon 
more.zip        7412 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                   ProBoard MorePrompt 1.00   
                                  Ermoeglicht es ANSI / ASCII  
                                 Files anzuzeigen UND zurueck- 
                                 -    Deutsche Beschreibung    
                                 -         FREEWARE            
                                     another fine PEX by       
                                         Coda & HagY           
more_2d2.zip    1925 08-05-2024     ڿ    Ŀ    Ŀ
                                    ٳٳij [CSI]
                                  -- -  --- 
                                  JUST ANOTHER SAMPLE OF CSI- 
                                       FILES FOR CURSORY      
                                         ORIGINAL BY          
                                     EXCESSIVE FORCE CREW     
                                - - -- -  - ---
more_2dent.zip    5597 08-05-2024 Ŀ MORE - ENTER 
                                 And one more ENTER-PROMPT from UNO  
                                   for ProBoard 2.0x. Nice little    
                                  effect to demand the user to hit   
                                 the enter key. You can choose the   
                                 color you prefer for the text, the  
                                 line to display it...As simple to   
                                 install as all enter-prompts from   
                                 UNO.                          V1.0  
msgq14.zip    122043 08-05-2024 ,-------------------------------------------,
                                | MsgQuoter 1.4 PEX                FreeWare |
                                  ProBoard 2.16 PEX that let's the user
                                  choose a cookie to add to the message
                                  they've written. It uses a special
                                  technique, so it doesn't require special
                                  indexed files. It works with regular text
                                  files. Supports both PEX and EXE Full
                                  Screen editors.
                                  NEW! Editing of the signatures is now
                                  done by a Cursor Keys capable Input Field
                                  routine. If the the user doesn't insert
                                  a signature, the program will never bother
                                  him again!
                                  Requirements: ProBoard 2.16 or later,
                                  ANSi terminal emulation, FS Editor.
                                 --[ Virtual Soft Productions - 22.07.97 ]--
msgq_dat.zip  143479 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 FreeWare    MsgQuoter Data    FreeWare 
                                 More than 7500 quotes for MsgQuoter 1.0  
                                 or later. This file can also be used     
                                 for other Cookie Generators. This is a   
                                 separate archive, it does not contain    
                                 any program to select Cookies.           
                                 Requirements: MsgQuoter 1.0 or later.    
                                [Virtual Soft Productions]
msgutil1.zip   15484 08-05-2024 Utility to add and remove lines from the file
                                and message config files. 
msg_sys.zip     6341 08-05-2024 Messaging System PEX
                                Since I am converting over from SuperBBS I
                                needed a way for the users to send messages
                                online. This PEX does just that.
msp120.zip     29407 08-05-2024 MoreSpace v1.20: frees up precious HD space
                                by compressing programs which are rarely
                                used. Uses ARJ compression for maximal
                                Another fine utility by the Amateur
                                Programmers Association (APA); free!
mypbsr.zip     22492 08-05-2024 MYPROCFG v1.0 FOR PROBOARD v2.01
                                COPYRIGHT BY ROBIN HEILOS (C)1994.
                                This fine utility sorts Proboard
                                message and file areas alphabeti-
                                cally. Automatically deletes empty
                                areas. Capable of sorting up to
                                10.000 areas!
                                A must for all Proboard SysOps
                                whose message and file areas
                                change frequently.
mypro21.zip    22835 08-05-2024 MYPROCFG V2.1 FUER PROBOARD V2.01
                                COPYRIGHT BY ROBIN HEILOS (C)1994.
                                Dieses Util sortiert die Message-
                                und File-Areas nach Alphabet. Es
                                entfernt automatisch leere Area
                                Eintraege und sorgt fuer die
                                Uebersichtlichkeit in dem Message-
                                und File-Bereich. Dieses Util ist
                                in der Lage, die moeglichen 10.000
                                (oder mehr) Area-Eintraege zu
                                Ein wirklich hilfreiches Util fuer
                                diejenigen, deren Message- und File-
                                Bereiche sich oeffters aendern.
m_26fchk_p.zip   11761 08-05-2024 
                                |                                     |
                                |   -=Newmail & Newfiles Check=-      |
                                |         By Arthur Stark             |
                                |             FIDONet                 |
                                |            1:395/670                |
                                |                                     |
                                | M&FCHK is a pex that combines three |
                                | ProBoard internal function into one |
                                |  1. Combined Boards Select For      |
                                |      Mail Check Areas.              |
                                |  2. The Newmail check.              |
                                |  3. The Newfiles check.             |
                                |     Userdoes Supported.             |
                                |                                     |
                                |  (C)1995 Arthur Stark 1:395/670     |
                                |      TopperWare Productions         |
m_26fchk_s.zip   10489 08-05-2024 /***************************************/
                                /*                                     */
                                /*   -=Newmail & Newfiles Check=-      */
                                /*          (Source Code)              */
                                /*         By Arthur Stark             */
                                /*             FIDONet                 */
                                /*            1:395/670                */
                                /*                                     */
                                /* M&FCHK is a pex that combines three */
                                /* ProBoard internal function into one */
                                /*  1. Combined Boards Select          */
                                /*  2. The Newmail check.              */
                                /*  3. The Newfiles check.             */
                                /*     Userdoes Supported.             */
                                /*                                     */
                                /*  (C)1995 Arthur Stark 1:395/670     */
                                /*      TopperWare Productions         */
m_2dent101.zip    7184 08-05-2024 Ŀ MOR-TR101
                                  THIS IS  W BUGIXD VRSIO OF  
                                  TH MOR-TR PROMPT WITH LITTL  
                                   LIT-OT ! TRY D JOY IT !   
                                  S SIMPL D SY TO ISTLL S   
                                    LL TR-PROMPTS ROM UO !     
                                 TO RGISTR YOU OLY HAV TO SD  
                                       TMIL TO TH UTHOR !       
                                           +49-5874-1656      V1.01  
m_2dent102.zip    5670 08-05-2024 Ŀ M-ENT102 
                                  Another enter prompt from UNO for  
                                  ProBoard 2.1x and/or for U!LOGIN ! 
                                   This prompt may also be used as   
                                    a replacement for the Proboard   
                                             Prompt #7 !             
                                           !! FREEWARE !!            
n2pb10.zip     28325 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                =-< NEF2PB 1.0 >-=
                                NEF2PB converts your 
                                NEF Areafile to Pro- 
                                     board 2.12.     
                                 EASY INSTALLATION! 
                                  by Michael Roeder, 
namck100.zip    6789 08-05-2024 NAMCHK v1.00 - a usefull ProBoard 
                                that checks the  users name against the
                                contents of  TRASHCAN.CTL and hangs up,
                                sets the  level to  0  and deletes  the
                                user, if a  _partial_  match was found!
                                   NAMCHK is written and (c) in 1995
                                         by Peter Hampf & PBS
                                            ** FREEWARE **
nap_2dcon2.zip    8824 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                   .Ŀ.         ڿ.Ŀ 
                                 \  \ٳ        ô 
                                         \          \ 
                                 Change Config v2.00 --- !NAP! 
                                 A Great PEX that Permits your 
                                 users to change their config  
                                 online with a nice ANSi 100%  
                                 configurable and an ini file  
                                 for changing the X,Y coordin. 
                                 but this time, it's with the  
                                 great Cursor keys... YeaH !!! 
                                 It's Made By NiTRiC aCiD PRoD 
                                 NAP-CON2.ZIP  100% FREEWARE 
nap_2ddis2.zip    7753 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                   .Ŀ.         ڿ.Ŀ 
                                 \  \ٳ        ô 
                                         \          \ 
                                 It's a Simple DISCLAIMER for  
                                 informing your users of your  
                                 Conditions!  If they agree,   
                                 they can continue... If they  
                                 don't... NO CARRIER ! ;)))))  
                                 Now, you can use Cursor keys  
                                 and entries in your log fiLe! 
                                 It's made By NiTRiC aCiD PRoD 
                                 NAP-DIS2.ZIP  100% FREEWARE 
nap_2dfa30.zip    8116 08-05-2024 
                                   ..         .
                                 \  \
                                         \          \
                                    \   \
                                       \  \
                                 LoGoN PRoCeDuRe v3.0 Beta
                                 a PeX THaT You CaN PeRMiT
                                 YouR uSeR To PaSS THRouGH THe
                                 ToP MeNu WiTH a FaST LoGoN !!
                                 iT'S MaDe By NiTRiC aCiD PRoD
                                 NAP-FA30.ZIP  100% FREEWARE
nap_2dfcha.zip    8158 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                   .Ŀ.         ڿ.Ŀ 
                                 \  \ٳ        ô 
                                         \          \ 
                                   a little PEX For Laughing   
                                  with your user when you are  
                                 not home and they call you    
                                 for a chat!                   
                                 It's made By NiTRiC aCiD PRoD 
                                 NAP-FCHA.ZIP  100% FREEWARE 
nap_2dflsh.zip    4516 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                   .Ŀ.         ڿ.Ŀ 
                                 \  \ٳ        ô 
                                         \          \ 
                                 Another Flash Screen for your 
                                 BBS ! Very Simple, it has     
                                 only oNe Flash !              
                                 NAP-FLSH.ZIP  100% FREEWARE 
nap_2dloff.zip    7708 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                   .Ŀ.         ڿ.Ŀ 
                                 \  \ٳ        ô 
                                         \          \ 
                                 Menu Logoff V1.0 ! a Simple   
                                 PEX that asks your users if   
                                 they want to Leave a Comment, 
                                 Page the Sysop,  go back to   
                                 the last menu, and Logoff.    
                                 It'S made By NiTRiC aCiD PRoD 
                                 NAP-LOFF.ZIP  100% FREEWARE 
nap_2dlogi.zip    7337 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                   .Ŀ.         ڿ.Ŀ 
                                 \  \ٳ        ô 
                                         \          \ 
                                 LoGoN iNFoRMaTioN 1.0 - !NaP! 
                                 A Great PEX for displaying    
                                 Data at the login of the BBS  
                                 It's Made By NiTRiC aCiD PRoD 
                                 NAP-LOGI.ZIP  100% FREEWARE 
nap_2dnm32.zip   19605 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                   .Ŀ.       ڿ.Ŀ 
                                 \  \ٳ      ô 
                                         \        \ 
                                   ٳ\ٳٳ   ٳ\   
                                      \  \           
                                  YeaHHH... FiNaLLy aNoTHeR  
                                  ReLeaSe FRoM NaP WiTH THe  
                                 CHeCK MaiL v3.2 WiTH CuRSoR 
                                  KeYS aND 99% CoNFiGuRaBLe  
                                    NeXT WiLL Be 100% ;-)    
                                 MaDe By : NiTRiC aCiD PRoD. 
                                 NAP-NM32.ZIP  100% FREEWARE 
nap_2dutag.zip    6244 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                   .Ŀ.         ڿ.Ŀ 
                                 \  \ٳ        ô 
                                         \          \ 
                                 ProBoard files untagger .PEX  
                                 Can only untag ALL the files  
                                 The Future Versions wiLL be   
                                 Better ! Another production   
                                 of the NiTriC ACiD PRoDuCTioN 
                                 NAP-UTAG.ZIP  100% FREEWARE 
nc_21_2dchec.zip   14143 08-05-2024                         
                                 o -    - ߲ o-
                                          ۲  ߲    
                                        ۲          ۲       
                                    ޱ    ޱ  ۱   
                                         ޲        ۲
                                o - ۲ -      oC!  
                                       check.it.out vI.Ob    
                                  - fULL fEATUREd MAiLChECK fOR pb  
                                  - dAMN GOOd dESIGN                
                                  - iF YOU RUN pb, YOU NEED THIS!   
                                  - PhREEWARE OfCAUSE!              
                                         (COdE bY oR)             
                                   (dOS.PEX)         (NO COMMENT)
nc_21_2dovue.zip    8720 08-05-2024                                     
                                   ۲     ۲      
                                 ۲           ۲   
                                               OVERViEW          vO.Ib 
                                   NOW iT'S PUbLiC! lEECH OR GET lOST!  
                                    k-RAd CONNECTiON STATiSTiCS fOR Pb!   
                                   NEARLY EVERYThING iS dEFiNABLE ANd   
                                     CAN bE CUSTOMiZEd BY ThE USER!        
                                   - NO dAMN UNREGiSTEREd dELAYS          
                                  MAKES YER bAWRd lOOK MORE 3l33T!   
                                ߲ ߲ 
                                oC!                       (dOS.PEX)
newfile1.zip   10454 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                 ProBoard NewFile Matrix 1.00 
                                    New File Check Lightbar    
                                 -    Deutsche Beschreibung    
                                 -         FREEWARE            
newfpex.zip     4217 08-05-2024  Check for new files at login
newmail1.zip   10458 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                 ProBoard NewMail Matrix 1.00 
                                    New Mail Check Lightbar    
                                 -    Deutsche Beschreibung    
                                 -          FREEWARE           
news.zip        8006 08-05-2024  NEWS.PEX
                                by Thomas Malkus
                                NEWS.PEX will show your users messages
                                only once at login. You can create a
                                header, footer to display and create
                                some messages in a textfile. NEWS.PEX
                                will check for date,time of the last
                                call and the level of the user and
                                if one message is newer than the last
                                login it will display the message.
newspex1.zip    8688 08-05-2024 Ŀ   WSPX1   
                                 YOU WOULD LIK TO DISPLY  MSSG 
                                 SR TO YOUR USRS D DO'T LIK 
                                 TO LWYS PIT W SI SR ?   
                                   GT THIS PX. YOU OLY HV TO    
                                  HG TH WS-TXT TH WY YOU   
                                 LIK. IT IS RLY OIGURBL.    
                                 US TH OLORS YOU WT. OR VRY  
                                  SR SIZ. THIS IS PROGRM HS   
                                       IT'S OW TR-PROMPT.        
                                  BUGIXD VRSIO WITH LITTL LIT  
                                  HIGHLDR BBS +49-5874-1656 V.34  
newspex2.zip   55462 08-05-2024 [Beta Duck-Productions][0.2]
                                 NEWS-GENERATOR and SHOWER in 1 package 
                                 NOW !!! BUGFIXED & BETTER CONFIGURABLE 
                                       ProBoard PEX file (v2.16)        
                                          NEWS-PEX v0.2 1997           
                                      Made by Rob van den Eijnden       
                                       (c) Duck-Productions '97         
                                         101:2200/0 (Duck-Net)          
                                         173:100/218 (DqP-Net)          
                                         2:284/418.5 (Fido-Net)         
                                [X] PEX   [X] BBS   [X] UTIL   [ ] SOUND
news_2dpex.zip    6786 08-05-2024 Ŀ NEWS    PEX  
                                 You would like to display a message 
                                 screen to your users and don't like 
                                 to always paint new ansi screen ?   
                                   Get this pex. You only have to    
                                  change the news-text the way you   
                                 like. It is freely configurable.    
                                 Use the colors you want. For every  
                                  screen size. This is Program has   
                                       it's own enter-prompt.        
                                  To register it you only have to     
                                   send a netmail to the author.     
new_2duser.zip   24552 08-05-2024 +------------------------------+
                                | Gast-Zugang  u. User-Eintrag |
                                |  v2.00d f. Proboard 2.x |
                                | Gastzugang:                  |
                                | * auch fuer andsere User-    |
                                |   namen moeglich!            |
                                | * Abfrage der Sprache        |
                                | * Abfrage der Emulation      |
                                | * Ruecksetzen des Download-  |
                                |   zaehlers                   |
                                |          u.v.m.              |
                                | User-Eintrag:                |
                                | * komfortabel                |
                                | * mit Abfrage falscher       |
                                |   Zeichen u. TRASHCAN.CTL!   |
                                |          u.v.m.              |
                                (c) 1994        by Thomas Malkus
nextmsg.zip     6907 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 MESSAGE TO NEXT USER 1.0 - FREEWARE 
                                 This ProBoard PEX will let your     
                                 users write a message to the next   
                                 guy that logs in at your BBS.       
                                 ANOTHER DUTCH QUALITY PEX           
                                 FROM EXCESSIVE FORCE PRODUCTIONS    
nf101.zip       8470 08-05-2024        New Files Check 1.01
                                Another Proboard Pex that asks the
                                users to Check For New Files!!!   
                                Use at login and on your Files    
                                      FREEWARE By: SaberWare      
nfchk11r.zip    5862 08-05-2024 NFCHK 1.1 New Files Check  for ProBoard 
                                2.01 with RIP! from NSD 
ng_pb210.zip   57982 08-05-2024 +----------------------------------+
                                | A Norton Guide for ProBoard 2.10 |
                                | Created by Peter Hampf & pbs '95 |
                                | A useful replacement for the mis-|
                                | sing online help in ProCFG.      |
                                | To use this guide you either must|
                                | have the original *NG*  (payware)|
                                | or NG_CLONE (shareware).         |
                                | NG_CLONE.ARJ can be requested at |
                                | my system (fidonet: 2:241/1090,  |
                                | PB-net: 246:6101/1090)           |
nivch18.zip     7988 08-05-2024 NIVELCH 1.8 Pex para ProBoard 2.x
                                You will change ONLINE, with HotKeys
                                the level and FLAGS (on/off) of the
                                user, in transparent mode.
                                FREEWARE of Julio Garcia
                                PB-PEX Development SPAIN
nmc100.zip      6775 08-05-2024           Mail Check 1.00
                                Another Proboard Pex that asks the
                                users to Check For New Mail!!!    
                                Use at login and on your Message  
                                      FREEWARE By: SaberWare      
noasci11.zip    6920 08-05-2024             NO Ascii 1.01
                                A Proboard Pex that allows you to 
                                lockout users who have choosen to 
                                use ASCII as their terminal type. 
                                Checks for ANSI, AVATAR, AVAtAR+, 
                                and RIP.                          
                                      FREEWARE By: SaberWare      
nsdedit2.zip   71344 08-05-2024 NsdEdit 2.2 Full Screen ANSI Editor 
                                 for ProBoard 2.01 
                                - Full 20 lines of viewable text
                                - Local Import of Messages with Append
                                - Online Help for Commands
                                - Clears Screen When done
                                - Edit Source By P.M.Bloemendaal (c) 1994
                                - with revisions by P.Ward
                                from Nytech Software Design NSD
nsd_2dcrsr.zip   17044 08-05-2024 PEX developers- This is the code used in
                                TheEdit, TheChat and TheUser to handle
                                cursor keys.
numsg.zip       7377 08-05-2024 Prompt your new users to enter a message
                                to the sysop on their first call.
                                Another quality *FREE* HomeGrown PEX.
                                (C)1994 G.Smith
nutlg101.zip   79887 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 NEW USER TURBO-LOGIN  V1.01 Release 
                                 This is a pex which allows you to   
                                 fill out all newuser questions like 
                                 you prefer them, FULL IEMSI SUPPORT.
                                 Now also with a definable number of 
                                 days before a level expires.Sysop   
                                 defin. new files/mail scan settings.
                                 Has also a dupe phone-number check  
                                 Posts messages to the new users.    
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:       
                                 EDDIE VAN LOON                      
odol100.zip    24562 08-05-2024 -------------------------
                                .Ŀ........     ..
                                .    Ŀ ..
                                ..           ......
                                .    Ŀ ......
                                ...... .........
                                ..DUTCH QUALITY PEX'ES...
                                ODOL v1.00   Off. Release
                                This One-Liner pex adds a
                                nice and easy way to let
                                your users exchange opi-
                                nions and ideas with each
                                WITH CURSOR KEY SUPPORT &
                                POWERFUL USER-MACROS.
                                Written by Eddie van Loon
ol111.zip      75581 08-05-2024 One-Line 1.11/GAMMA  Shareware 
                                ProBoard's Premier ONE-LINER wall.
                                Complete with 1.11 GUI'd Setup software.
                                Offers many features. And 100% configurability
                                Easy To setup. Powerfull. Make your Board look
                                (C) Adam Frankowski 1994,95. /ltSoft
oline200.zip   41937 08-05-2024 Freeware ProBoard pex to show all user info 
                                about the user online. 
olist11.zip    10427 08-05-2024 OLIST V1.1 a FileAreaSelect utility
                                for ProBoard 2.0x
                                This PEX allowes the user to change
                                the current filearea with the cursor
                                keys. Freeware ...
olnews11.zip   22861 08-05-2024 ͸
                                -= OLNEWS 1.1 =- (c) Piotr Mamak
                                OLNEWS is a little PEX that allows
                                you to create and display news to 
                                the users, but it is different    
                                than other NEWS generators.       
                                        IT WORKS ON-LINE!         
                                You can create headers and footers
                                for every news, define left and   
                                right side of your news. You can  
                                also define security and language 
                                for each news.                    
                                There are examples how to use     
                                         DOWNLOAD IT NOW!         
                                    Registration: only 5USD!      
onli0922.zip   74572 08-05-2024 
                                [1;37;40m Leeched from Synopsis Beta Site
                                [1;34;40m http://www.dsv.nl/~eoh/beta.htm
opini202.zip   18192 08-05-2024 OPINION PEX - ProBoard Opinion writer version
ovotng21.zip   15823 08-05-2024 ¿
                                 ķ         Version   
                                 Ľ nline             
                                 V o t i n g  PEX  2.1X 
                                ASK YOUR  USERS FOR THEIR
                                    O  P  I  N  I  O  N    
                                 Important update:         
                                        much, MUCH faster  
                                 Users can vote for their  
                                 favorite item on a subject
                                 Add an item to the list   
                                 or change an existing item
                                 - Now fully configurable. 
                                 - Use YOUR OWN logo on the
                                   voting screen           
                                 - define the colors as    
                                   you wish                
                                 ->>>Little ScreenFix<<<<- 
                                      for Ovoting 200      
                                -----F R E E W A R E ----
p2i240ax.zip   18825 08-05-2024  PB2INET 2.40, ProBoard 2.10 PEX ProBoard 
                                to Internet Message Handler Eliminates 
                                the hassles of writing Internet E-Mail 
                                with ProBoard. Freeware. Released under 
                                the terms of the GNU General Public 
                                License Version 2. Part of the PB-GNU 
                                Project. 31 August 95 Copyright (C) 1994 
                                by John Maddox 
p2ic121s.zip   40467 08-05-2024 P2iLC v1.2r1 - PB-IM Last Caller Update
                                Update your InterMail waiting screen
                                with the last ProBoard caller info. The
                                included fields are name, city and log
                                out time and date which will appear on
                                the InterMail screen, in the 'From:'
                                field. Updates inbound history. C Src.
                                Another fine addition to PB-GNU! Free.
                                Copyright 1995 Branislav L. Slantchev
                                A Product of Silicon Creations, Inc.
p2ic121x.zip   50472 08-05-2024 P2iLC v1.2r1 - PB-IM Last Caller Update
                                Update your InterMail waiting screen
                                with the last ProBoard caller info. The
                                included fields are name, city and log
                                out time and date which will appear on
                                the InterMail screen, in the 'From:'
                                field. Updates inbound history. Bin/doc
                                Another fine addition to PB-GNU! Free.
                                Copyright 1995 Branislav L. Slantchev
                                A Product of Silicon Creations, Inc.
p2ilc20x.zip   57714 08-05-2024 P2iLC v2.0 - ProBoard To InterMail/FrontDoor
                                Import your last ProBoard BBS caller info in
                                InterMail or FrontDoor WFC (Wait for Caller)
                                and Inbound History screens. Switch the site
                                information on random basis.  Fully supports
                                multiple server configurations for multinode
                                systems.  PB-GNU Freeware. Full C++ sources!
                                .       Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 by        .
                                .         Branislav L. Slantchev           .
                                .   A Product of Silicon Creations, Inc.   .
p2ilc30s.zip   33641 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                 programs & source division (exe)
                                P2iLC 3.0  ProBoard's Last Caller
                                Import the last ProBoard caller to
                                your InterMail/FrontDoor History &
                                WFC screens.  Also can switch site
                                information for IM systems.  Fully
                                supports multiple server setups as
                                per IM/FD specifications. Extracts
                                tons of info. C++ source available
                                C++ source code (req. PB-Lib 3.0+)
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
p2ilc30x.zip   50126 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                 programs & source division (exe)
                                P2iLC 3.0  ProBoard's Last Caller
                                Import the last ProBoard caller to
                                your InterMail/FrontDoor History &
                                WFC screens.  Also can switch site
                                information for IM systems.  Fully
                                supports multiple server setups as
                                per IM/FD specifications. Extracts
                                tons of info. C++ source available
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
pageh102.zip    8213 08-05-2024             ProBoard PEX
                                Displays Page hours to user
                                Comes with a FREE Sample PBM :-)
                                Version 1.02
                                * NOW DOING COMPATABLE! *
                                a StarFox pex
pagehour.zip    4570 08-05-2024  Shows paging hours to the user
                                (graphically, as in ProCFG)
pager.zip       5759 08-05-2024 * * * * * * * * Pager * * * * * * * *
                                FREEWARE PEX from Farenheid Software
                                which allows you ProBoard SysOp to
                                assign a "Do not disturb function" to
                                your Scroll Lock key when you don't
                                want to be paged.
                                For PB 2.10 and up.
                                * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
pain_2dp03.zip   19982 08-05-2024         
                                       TYGR / Pi      
                                |     ܳ   PBFiX           |
                                :        ߳    V0.3      .   :
                                |          ------          |
                                -=[] eCSTaTiC STaTe oF MiND []=-
                                -=[] eXTRaSeNSoRY PeRCePTioN []=-
                                | a NiCe LiTTLe TooL FoR eVeRYBoDY  |
                                :   WHo WaNTS To Be eLiTe-SYSoP,    :
                                |       BuT uSeS PRoBoaRD ;-)       |
                                |    - PCB-CoLoRCoDe-CoNVeRT -      |
                                :     - NiCe LiNeSePeRaToR -        :
                                        - MoRe FeaTuReS -          
                                :    * NoW FuLLY CoNFiGuRaBLe *     :
                                |        <#> BuGFiXeD! <#>          |
                                 Coming from USS Aurora at Warp 9.8 
pass10as.zip    7341 08-05-2024  Silicon Creations, Inc. Presents
                                 mail-x v1.0r2 SourCe Code.
pass10ax.zip   25272 08-05-2024 PASSWD 1.0: ProBoard 2.0x PEX
                                Forces users to change passwords each xxx
                                days and replaces PB's internal Change
                                Password function. Expiration warnings,
                                super user level and flags. Customize warning
                                and display background. Specify minimum
                                number of alphanumeric chars, symbols, diffs
                                and dupes. C source code included.
                                GNU General Public License Version 2
                                Part of the PB-GNU Project. April 20, 1995
                                Copyright (C) 1995 by Branislav L. Slantchev
                                Copyright (C) 1995 by Silicon Creations Inc.
passwd0a.zip   20186 08-05-2024 -------------------------
                                -Ŀ--------     --
                                -    Ŀ --
                                --           ------
                                -    Ŀ ------
                                ------ ---------
                                -  DUTCH QUALITY PEXES  -
                                PASSWORD CHANGER   V0.0a
                                Allow passwd change only
                                when the old password has 
                                been entered properly.
                                Freeware - Userdoes supp.
                                Written by Eddie van Loon
patch05.zip     8391 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 PATCH for ProBoard's binlog            
                                 Fixes KBdownload, KBupload and user    
                                 security level in the binlog.          
                                 Saves and restors users fileGroup      
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:          
                                 WILLEM WEGHORST                        
pb2a3e.zip      3969 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 ProBoard 2.10 CFG  for A3E 
                                 Use   this  nice  CFG file 
                                 with  your favorite  "A3E" 
                                 Ansi  Editor,  when you're 
                                 running ProBoard 2.10      
                                 Just hit  ALT-S in editing 
                                 mode und you'll be presen- 
                                 ted all  available control 
                                 codes used by PB.          
                                 By : Felix Mueller  (1995) 
pb2fls.zip      8375 08-05-2024 PB2FLS 1.00 - Release 29.06.1996
                                 Converts FILECFG.PRO by       
                                 ProBoard 2.xx to Control-     
                                 datedi FLSEARCH.CTL and back  
                                 (c) by Sascha Lammers - FREE! 
pb2fr_12.zip   28880 08-05-2024 ProBoard To FileRequest Procesor.
                                This program create files
                                to Request Procesor, on base
                                of File Database of ProBoard 2.x
                                FREEWARE of Julio Garcia.
pbafix.zip     18635 08-05-2024 PBAFIX v2.0 
                                Allfix to Proboard import utility. This util
                                will take your file areas in Allfix and
                                them into your FILECFG.PRO file in Proboard.
                                Will also inform you how many new areas were
                                added.  A FREEWARE util by James Padgett.
pbafl14.zip    32534 08-05-2024 PBAFL 1.4 and PBSFL 1.1 Files List 
                                Generators for ProBoard 2.01
                                - PBAFL an AllFiles List Generator
                                - PBSFL an AllFiles Specific Area 
                                - List Generator
                                - PBAFL works based on the security 
                                - level of the Area
                                - creates an Overview.ANS/ASC for 
                                - the areas Listed in the Allfiles List
                                - Indent is now dynamic
                                - From Nytech Software Design NSD
pballf09.zip   68545 08-05-2024 PB-Allf v0.9 - The new-generation
                                All/Newfiles creator for ProBoard v2.x! Also
                                features ANSI-statistics and a FrontDoor
                                Freqlist. Lots of other options. Full-screen
                                setup included!
pbarshow.zip    8271 08-05-2024 ͸
                                Two pex files to display     
                                the ansi/asc file of your    
                                choice to a user when he/she 
                                changes to a specific file   
                                or message area. PBFASHOW    
                                is for file areas and        
                                PBMASHOW is for message      
                                Another fine HomeGrown Pex   
                                Copyright (C)1994, G. Smith  
pbb200.zip     11075 08-05-2024 *-*-*-ProBoard Backup-*-*-*
                                | Backs up your ProBoard  |
                                *   directories and one   *
                                | misc dir. FAST & WORKS! | 
                                *-*-*-ProBoard Backup-*-*-*
pbbaud10.zip   23223 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                   Baudstatistic Graphgenerator  
                                       for ProBoard V.2.0x       
                                           Vers. 1.00            
pbcaller.zip   16444 08-05-2024 PBCALLER 1.1 - FREEWARE program that displays
                                a "Who Called Today" type screen for use with
                                Proboard 2.01 The sysop has the choice of box
                                styles and color for the ansi screen. Callers
                                can be  displayed by  one of 4 options: - Who
                                called  today - Who called on MM-DD-YY date -
                                Last  "X"  number of  callers or All callers.
                                Sysop  may also define  names that  should be
                                ingorned  when printing  the Who Called Today
                                screens.  Names displayed can be either ALIAS
                                names or REAL names. BRUN45.EXE needed to run
                                this progbram.  A fine Saskatchewan Product !
pbcd.zip       13652 08-05-2024 ProBoard Change Directory
                                This util changes the paths in your ProBoard
                                FILECFG.PRO to the desired new paths.
                                For example, change all c:\BBS to D:\PBBBS
                                (c) 1997 romantic softman
pbcd106.zip   208354 08-05-2024 PBCD Version 1.06.  Import FILES.BBS list
                                from CD-ROMs directly to Proboard.  This
                                version works with Proboard version 2.0x.
                                PBCD will scan ALL subdirectories on a
                                CD-ROM and setup all subdirectories that
                                have a FILES.BBS as a new area on your BBS.
                                NEW FEATURES: Will now import the multi
                                line descriptions found on the Pier and
                                Night Owl series.  Can now specify the
                                file list name to import.
                                Minor bug fix release.
                                Cardware by Jeffrey C. Paul.
pbchk210.zip   69004 08-05-2024 ķ
                                       PBC v2.10   RELEASE       
                                     ProBoard Upload Checker     
                                    German & English  Version    
                                    - Archive conversion         
                                    - Age Check                  
                                    - upload in any PB area      
                                    - Dupe check before upload   
                                    - exclude specific extensions
                                      from testing               
                                    - FILE_ID.DIZ support        
                                    - multiline aware            
                                    - virus scan (2x)            
                                    - deletes unwanted BBS adds  
                                    - for Proboard v2.0x         
                                    - enter description before   
                                      upload (reg. version)      
                                    - automatic logoff after     
                                      upload check possible      
                                    - fast fileindex update      
                                      after upload reg. vers.    
                                    - PEX for ProBoard           
                                      no other tools needed!     
                                     registration  DM 20.--      
                                    Author Ruediger Schuette     
pbclean.zip     9866 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  ProBoard Messagebase Cleanup  
                                 Import area descriptions and   
                                 QWK area names from a standard 
                                 fidonet.na file.               
pbc_101.zip    11794 08-05-2024 PB/Credit v1.01 - This ProBoard PEX 
                                willcredit a user when a file he uploaded 
                                isdownloaded by another user. Another 
                                qualityPowerPEX! *FREEWARE* 
pbdb100.zip    21888 08-05-2024 ProBoard DialBack user verification utility
pbdosmx.zip    18215 08-05-2024 
                                 ProBoard DoS-MaTRiX 1.00
                                  A _LOGIN.PEX matrix for 
                                  ProBoard 2.10! Emulates 
                                  DOS prompt, allows nup, 
                                  system passwords, full  
pbdsk22.zip    64408 08-05-2024 PBDESK.EXE v2.2 Proboard Desktop - Full
                                files and Message area manager. Move, Move
                                with sort,Insert,del,Pack Areas !!!
                                Support for global Change msg and file areas.
                                Support for Proboard 2.X and above.
pbe100.zip     29825 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                    PB-Export v1.00    
                                 Automatically creates 
                                 a straight text file  
                                 containing all the    
                                 information for each  
                                 of your file areas.   
                                 Completely readable!  
                                 GWARE - ProBoard 2.xx 
pbeasycd.zip   18841 08-05-2024 EasyCD for PB 2.0x Version 1.00Now it takes 
                                only a few minutes, to install a CD-ROM into 
                                Proboard 2.0xCopyright 1994 by Henning Roll 
                                *** CARDWARE *** 
pbelven1.zip   11578 08-05-2024 MavEtJu's cardgame PEX: Elven version 1
pbfaq101.zip   21722 08-05-2024 ProBoard FAQ V1.01.12
pbfax100.zip   13277 08-05-2024  ProBoard Fax Message Handler
                                Will allow a user to send a fax from his
                                favorite BBS to anyone in the USA.  This is
                                fully configurable from the sysops point of
                                view.  The user can not do anything the sysop
                                sysop does not want him to do. Will accept
                                faxes for the USA only for now.
                                Requires ProBoard 2.01
                                ************ Shareware $15.00 ***************
pbfbe_2.zip    76296 08-05-2024 ProBoard Files.Bbs Editor Version 2
                                By Edwin Groothuis, MavEtJu Software.
pbfil101.zip   28077 08-05-2024 Export ProBoard file areas to a text file and
                                back for easy editing. 
pbflu142.zip   11012 08-05-2024 PBFLUX  update from 1.41 to 1.42
                                  NeW  fixed kb counter
pbflux14.zip   48585 08-05-2024 . ProBoard FileList Maker LuX  1.41 .
                                           խZ   M        
                                          (c) 1996,97 romantic softman
                                           non-cripple filelist maker
                                               available with sources
                                 definable header and included level's
                                     definable list of excluded areas
                                       area summary and total summary
                                         exclude defined area numbers
                                 check for existiing of files in area
                                  support and development in Slovakia
                                   command-line definable parameters
                                       - text string filter for files!
                                                        ! bug in 1.4 !
pbfm107.zip   315886 08-05-2024 PBFILMAN Version 1.07.  FILES.BBS
                                manager for version 2.XX of ProBoard BBS.
                                Complete compatibility with the new
                                Proboard 2.1X releases and all older
                                versions.  Features include file tagging,
                                moving, searching, delete.  Sort areas by
                                Name, Date, or Reverse Date.  Import DIZ
                                descriptions.  Edit file descriptions.
                                Duplicate file finder.  Adopt new files.
                                Remove Off-Line files.  Create ALLFILES
                                and NEWFILES listings.  Full Cd-ROM
                                support, date "touch" on adopted files.
                                User can now run PBFILMAN from the PB
                                directory or it's own directory.
                                Shareware for only $15 registration.
pbfrench.zip    9499 08-05-2024 French Language file for ProBoard 2.00
pbfut101.zip    9460 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 PBFUtil v1.01 - fuegt in die Area-Config 
                                 von ProBoard  (FILECFG.PRO)  Areas  ein. 
                                 [ Freeware,  10 Aug 94,  by -LachSack- ] 
pbgnufdn.zip   33292 08-05-2024 Sample files, templates and documentation
                                to distribute with all PBGNU packages. Very
                                useful and cuts down the release time. A
                                consistent packaging is one of the ways to
                                make your users aware of the programs, they
                                know what to expect. Released July 22, 1995
                                Copyright (C) 1995 by Branislav L. Slantchev
pbhelp10.zip    9098 08-05-2024 PB/Help 1.0 - PEX for ProBoard 2.0x.  PB/Help
                                is a menu sensitive help system for ProBoard.
                                You add PBHELP.PEX to your global menu and
                                create a .HLP file with the same name as the
                                ProBoard menu.  When PB/Help is run, the user
                                will see a help file for the currently loaded
                                menu.  Another quality PowerPEX.
pbiemsi6.zip   20047 08-05-2024 IEMSI FOR PROBOARD version 6 -- MavEtJu
                                software. This program let your users
                                login with the IEMSI protocol instead of
                                difficult login-procedures.
pbindex.zip    13836 08-05-2024 PBINDEX.
                                > The final indexer FILES for ProBoard
                                > Freeware
                                > For Julio Garcia
pbir103.zip    71554 08-05-2024 PBIRTH 1.03  -  ONLINE  birthday and eternal
                                calendar-tool for ProBoard 2.0x and RA 2.0x!
                                Including "red-letter-days". Easy to set up,|
                                easy to use! Now supports excluding of users|
                                with NOTOPS-flag or listed in a plain-ascii-|
                                file.       ........   (c) Peter Hampf & pbs|
pbirclog.zip   51092 08-05-2024 +==========================================+
                                |                                          |
                                |    The ProBoard IRC Discussion Logs      |
                                |    --------------------------------      |
                                | An IRC chat with the former developer of |
                                | ProBoard BBS, Philippe Leybaert regarding| 
                                | the possible future of ProBoard.         |
                                |                                          |
                                |            August 7th, 1998              |
                                |                                          |
                                | Philippe is looking for someone to take  | 
                                | over the ProBoard project. See what was  |
                                | said by him and others.                  |
                                |                                          |
                                |   Also includes some suggestion messages |
pbjam2.zip     29706 08-05-2024 -> PBJAM v2.0 <-
                                For Proboard 2.1x
                                Utility to convert
                                echotoss.log to
                                echomail.JAM for
                                faster mail scanning.
pbl2fd10.zip   14083 08-05-2024 -------------------------
                                -Ŀ--------     --
                                -    Ŀ --
                                --           ------
                                -    Ŀ ------
                                ------ ---------
                                -  DUTCH QUALITY PEXES  -
                                PBL2FDIM 0.010 is a quick
                                and  dirty  version  of a 
                                proboard  lastcallers  to 
                                frontdoor  /  Intermail 
                                activity screen.
                                It's Still under develop-
                                ment as you can see :-)..
                                Another  DqP  Product By:
                                Eddie van Loon  2:284/407
pbl30dev.rar  225385 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                 programs & source division (src)
                                PB-Lib 3.0 C++ Programming Library
                                Comprehensive library with special
                                features for seamless ProBoard SDK
                                compatibility. You can compile PEX
                                and EXE files from the same source
                                code. All SDK global variables are
                                automatically available for normal
                                executables. Advanced classes with
                                * terminal emulator A??/WC/PCB   *
                                * cursorkey keyboard support     *
                                * ProBoard language interface    *
                                * data structures (lists, trees) *
                                * complete listbox solution      *
                                * file access and manipulation   *
                                * feature-extendable line editor *
                                * FILES.BBS processing & parsing *
                                * Doing and UserDoes dropfiles   *
                                * Grep pattern matching routines *
                                * ProBoard macro parsing support *
                                Many other classes which work with
                                both the EXE and PEX modes of this
                                library.  Get this superb product!
                                : includes headers and libraries :
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
pbl30doc.rar  128621 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                 programs & source division (src)
                                PB-Lib 3.0 C++ Programming Library
                                Comprehensive library with special
                                features for seamless ProBoard SDK
                                compatibility. You can compile PEX
                                and EXE files from the same source
                                code. All SDK global variables are
                                automatically available for normal
                                executables. Advanced classes with
                                * terminal emulator A??/WC/PCB   *
                                * cursorkey keyboard support     *
                                * ProBoard language interface    *
                                * data structures (lists, trees) *
                                * complete listbox solution      *
                                * file access and manipulation   *
                                * feature-extendable line editor *
                                * FILES.BBS processing & parsing *
                                * Doing and UserDoes dropfiles   *
                                * Grep pattern matching routines *
                                * ProBoard macro parsing support *
                                Many other classes which work with
                                both the EXE and PEX modes of this
                                library.  Get this superb product!
                                : includes the user manuals only :
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
pbl30etc.rar  123062 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                 programs & source division (src)
                                PB-Lib 3.0 C++ Programming Library
                                Comprehensive library with special
                                features for seamless ProBoard SDK
                                compatibility. You can compile PEX
                                and EXE files from the same source
                                code. All SDK global variables are
                                automatically available for normal
                                executables. Advanced classes with
                                * terminal emulator A??/WC/PCB   *
                                * cursorkey keyboard support     *
                                * ProBoard language interface    *
                                * data structures (lists, trees) *
                                * complete listbox solution      *
                                * file access and manipulation   *
                                * feature-extendable line editor *
                                * FILES.BBS processing & parsing *
                                * Doing and UserDoes dropfiles   *
                                * Grep pattern matching routines *
                                * ProBoard macro parsing support *
                                Many other classes which work with
                                both the EXE and PEX modes of this
                                library.  Get this superb product!
                                :  includes supporting binaries  :
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
pbl30sam.rar   59633 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                 programs & source division (src)
                                PB-Lib 3.0 C++ Programming Library
                                Comprehensive library with special
                                features for seamless ProBoard SDK
                                compatibility. You can compile PEX
                                and EXE files from the same source
                                code. All SDK global variables are
                                automatically available for normal
                                executables. Advanced classes with
                                * terminal emulator A??/WC/PCB   *
                                * cursorkey keyboard support     *
                                * ProBoard language interface    *
                                * data structures (lists, trees) *
                                * complete listbox solution      *
                                * file access and manipulation   *
                                * feature-extendable line editor *
                                * FILES.BBS processing & parsing *
                                * Doing and UserDoes dropfiles   *
                                * Grep pattern matching routines *
                                * ProBoard macro parsing support *
                                Many other classes which work with
                                both the EXE and PEX modes of this
                                library.  Get this superb product!
                                : includes the sample files only :
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
pbl30src.rar  175201 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                 programs & source division (src)
                                PB-Lib 3.0 C++ Programming Library
                                Comprehensive library with special
                                features for seamless ProBoard SDK
                                compatibility. You can compile PEX
                                and EXE files from the same source
                                code. All SDK global variables are
                                automatically available for normal
                                executables. Advanced classes with
                                * terminal emulator A??/WC/PCB   *
                                * cursorkey keyboard support     *
                                * ProBoard language interface    *
                                * data structures (lists, trees) *
                                * complete listbox solution      *
                                * file access and manipulation   *
                                * feature-extendable line editor *
                                * FILES.BBS processing & parsing *
                                * Doing and UserDoes dropfiles   *
                                * Grep pattern matching routines *
                                * ProBoard macro parsing support *
                                Many other classes which work with
                                both the EXE and PEX modes of this
                                library.  Get this superb product!
                                : includes the source files only :
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
pblaby1.zip    28806 08-05-2024 And now: ProBoard is DOOMED.., with Labyrinth
                                Welcome to the first release of Labyrinth, a
                                3D Virtual Reality game written for ProBoard.
                                It's not a VR game like Doom but a VR game
                                like the Eye of the Beholder. You can't turn
                                each of the 360 degrees, only in steps of 90
                                degrees. By MavEtJu Software.
pblaby1a.zip   18857 08-05-2024 And now: ProBoard is DOOMED.., with Labyrinth
                                This bug-fix updated .PEX only replaces the
                                .PEX found in version 1.0
pblang.zip     10235 08-05-2024 
pblc2fd2.zip    9975 08-05-2024  ProBoard LastCaller 2 FrontDoor II 
                                Zeigt  Informationen  ber den letzten
                                ProBoard-Anrufer  in   FrontDoor   an:
                                Name,  Stadt,  Telefonnummer,  Datum &
                                Uhrzeit  des Logoffs,  KB  downloaded,
                                Onlinezeit,      wievielter     Anruf,
                                Nummer   des  Users  in  USERS.BBS ...
                                *** NEU in dieser Version:  Onlinezeit
                                des Users wird richtig angezeigt,  und
                                vor allem:   der  User  mu sich nicht
                                richtig ausloggen,  CARRIER DROP  wird
                                ERKANNT etc.
                                TwinSoft '95    100%  F R E E W A R E
pblc2fd3.zip   15823 08-05-2024  ProBoard LastCaller 2 FrontDoor, v3.0 
                                Updates FrontDoors (2.02 - 2.30) inbound
                                history  and  lastcall  data  files  with
                                information about your last  ProBoard BBS
                                caller e.g. name,  city,  minutes online,
                                level, KBs downloaded ...  and MUCH more!
                                Built-in  multi- and single line support,
                                recognizes carrier drops,lots of features
                                (C) 1995 Wolfgang Hommel        Freeware
pblg_ld.zip     5616 08-05-2024 [00] Last Day Callers (to ASCII file)
                                --     <>     -Ŀ
                                |   Last Day Callers for ProBoard   |
                                : BBS :
                                     (c) 1997 romantic softman     
pblist28.zip   31105 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  P B L I S T   V2.8  
                                       COPYRIGHT (c)1995 BY       
                                           ROBIN HEILOS           
                                - Is a Util for Proboard V2.01.   
                                - Make for you ASCII-control files
                                  (*.CTL) from the message- and   
                                  fileareas and allow you to work 
                                  with it in an ASCII-compatible  
                                - After you have edit the ASCII-  
                                  control files (*.CTL), PBLIST   
                                  read your new control-files and 
                                  make new Proboard V2.01 compa-  
                                  tible message- and filearea-    
                                - Sort the message- and fileareas.
                                - Sort the message- and filegroups 
                                - Consider the HUDSON-Base type.   
                                - Delete empty message- and file- 
                                     SHAREWARE REG : 10.- DEM     
pbl_200.zip   350712 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 PBBSList Version 2.00 
                                  Multi-Database   Multi-Line Aware
                                  Lnaguage File    NetMail Requests
                                  Auto Verifier    FS Editor/Reader
                                  List Download    Screen Upload
                                  Sysop Config.    ALL BBS supported
                                     ...... MUCH MUCH MORE
                                  DOWNLOAD/FREQ today to try it out
                                    (C) 1993 - 1995 by Bing Wu
pbm101.zip     93895 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                       PB-Maint Version 1.01      
                                         und ultimativer          
                                       Statistik Generator        
                                          fuer PB V2.xx           
                                 - automatische Begruessung von   
                                   Neu-Usern per Mail             
                                 - gleichzeitige Info an den      
                                   Sysop mit den wichtigsten      
                                 - automatischer Levelupgrade     
                                   bei bestimmter Anzahl an       
                                   geschriebenen Nachrichten      
                                 - automatischer Levelupgrade bei 
                                   bestimmter Anzahl von Uploads  
                                 - beglueckwuenscht User die      
pbmatrix.zip    9829 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                     BUSTER PRESENTS     
                                        AN LOGON         
                                    FOR PROBOARD 2.01    
                                .oO and PcBoard sucks Oo.
                                   ANOTHER FINE PEX BY   
                                :  RELEASE DATE 11.03.95  :
pbmba101.zip   32193 08-05-2024  ͵ Menu-Bar-PEX  
                                      Add very easy a       
                                     CURSOR-KEY CONTROL     
                                    2 your PB(2.01) Menus   
                                 Ideal for Pull-Down-Menus! 
                                    Very easy to install    
                                 because this PEX comes with
                                :  an own SETUP Programm!!!  :
                                .  JUST DL THIS USEFULL PEX  .
                                 1st public PEX by DaGoBeRT 
pbmbar.zip     36902 08-05-2024  ͵ Menu-Bar-PEX  
                                      Add very easy a       
                                     CURSOR-KEY CONTROL     
                                    2 your PB(2.01) Menus   
                                 Ideal for Pull-Down-Menus! 
                                    Very easy to install    
                                 because this PEX comes with
                                :  an own SETUP Programm!!!  :
                                .  JUST DL THIS USEFULL PEX  .
                                 1st public PEX by DaGoBeRT 
pbmbh01b.zip  164351 08-05-2024 (v0.1) MBH PEX development kit (Proboard)
                                This development kit is a direct derivative
                                of the original SDK kit from Philippe. This
                                kit offers: C++ global initializers using PB
                                vars; pure virtual functions; atexit(); etc.
                                Complete documentation and SOURCECODE!
                                Distributed under GNU General Public License
                                v2; read COPYING file in distribution!
                                (Proboard) (SDK) (MBH) (ASM) (C) (C++)
                                Author: MBH: -[TJS]- & Insh_Allah
pbmine.zip     10305 08-05-2024 MineSweeper for ProBoard
pbmove16.zip   90969 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 PBMOVE       Version 1.6  
                                Copyright (c)1995-96 by Robin Heilos
                                 The ultimate tool for ProBoard  
                                  2.10 and above users (not 2.01) 
                                 Direct moving of Message- and   
                                  File-Areas with cursor keys     
                                 Inserting of areas              
                                 Global deleting of all areas    
                                 Global deleting of marked areas 
                                 Global moving of marked areas   
                                 Global deleting of single groups
                                 Copying areas                   
                                 Sorting areas by name, group,   
                                  levels and Hudson Base number   
                                 Clearing of areas without       
                                  deleting area number            
                                 PROCFG-compatible area editor   
                                 Global editing of all areas     
                                 Global editing of marked areas  
                                 Global editing of single groups 
                                 Global editing of marked groups 
                                 First-Letter AutoSearch function
                                 Fulltext string search of area  
                                 Editing of Hudson Board Numbers 
                                 Area listing into ASCII file    
                                 Automatic backup every startup  
pbmsg102.zip   27630 08-05-2024 ޱ   ޱ     ޱ  ޱ
                                 ޱ ޱ  ޱ     ޱޱ                 
                                 ޱ ޱ  ޱ     ޱ  ޱ   ޱޱ
                                 ޱ   ޱ  ޱޱޱ ޱ     ޱ ޱ 
                                 ޱ      ޱ ޱ ޱ  ޱ  ޱ  ޱ ޱ 
                                 ޱ      ޱ ޱ ޱ  ޱ     ޱ  ޱ 
                                ޱ     ޱޱ  ޱ  ޱ  ޱ      ޱ
                                              version 1.01
                                PbMsgIO is a usefull utility for those
                                sysop's with a lot of message area's. They
                                can use this program to import/export the
                                ProBoard message area configuration to an
                                ASCII file.
pbmuc02.zip    10318 08-05-2024  Twinsoft Mini Upload Checker v0.2 
                                Nifty upload virus checker  for PB 2.12
                                     Very fast (no unneeded features) 
                                     Very easy to install - uses      
                                      PBs built-in up-checker hook    
                                     use any virus scanner you want   
pbnews20.zip   27044 08-05-2024      PBNEWS Version 2.0
                                 : - FAST !               
                                  - Great Look !         ::
                                   - Include your own     :
                                 :   ANSI Screens !       
                                  - Filters the ANSI     
                                     for the ASCII file ! ::
                                 : - Can skip the ANSI    
                                    for the ASCII file ! :: 
                                   - No Size Limit !      :
                                 (c) 1994 by Steven Debruyn
                                    Magic Software Ltd.
pbnew_2da.zip    6491 08-05-2024 PB/New - PEX for ProBoard 2.0x PB/New, a 
                                simple little PEX that will ask a user if he 
                                would like to search for new files at logon. 
                                If so, it will search for new files, and if 
                                not it will do nothing. It accepts the same 
                                search commands as ProBoard's internal new 
                                file search. This version will not crash if 
                                too many paramters are entered on the command
                                line. Another quality PowerPEX? *FREEWARE* 
pbnew_a.zip     5954 08-05-2024 PB/New - PEX for ProBoard 2.0x
                                PB/New is a simple little PEX that will ask a
                                user if he would like to search for new
                                files at logon.  If so, it will search for
                                new files, and if not it will do nothing.
                                It accepts the same search commands as
                                ProBoard's internal new file search.
                                This version will not crash if too many
                                paramters are entered on the command
                                line.  Another quality PowerPEX?
pbn_2d0995.zip    5680 08-05-2024 *) THE PROBOARD NEWSLETTER (*
                                  Issue #1 - September 1995
pbn_2d1095.zip   17794 08-05-2024  The Official ProBoard Newsletter
                                  Issue #2 - October 1995 - Text
                                       The Final Text Issue
                                     12 Full Length Articles
pbn_2d1195.zip    5924 08-05-2024  The Official ProBoard Newsletter
                                  Issue #3 - November 1995 - Text
                                  PB on the WEB, PBTape and More!
pbn_2d1295.zip    4639 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                The Official ProBoard Newsletter
                                Issue #04 - December 1995 - Text
                                 Very short issue, only four    
                                 articles.  Our biggest issue   
                                 is coming next month!          
pbn_2defl.zip    7495 08-05-2024 PB/New: EFL Edition. PEX for ProBoard 2.0x. 
                                This version of PB/New will execute an EFL 
                                new file search during your logon sequence. 
                                It is meant to be added to your logon menu, 
                                or it can one of your WELCOME PEXes. It 
                                simply asks the user if he would like to 
                                search for new files, if so, it executes an 
                                EFL date search. Another QUALITY PowerPEX. 
pbn_efl.zip     5693 08-05-2024 PB/New: EFL Edition.  PEX for ProBoard
                                2.0x.  This version of PB/New will execute an
                                EFL new file search during your logon
                                sequence.  It is meant to be added to your
                                logon menu, or it can one of your WELCOME
                                PEXes.  It simply asks the user if he would
                                like to search for new files, if so, it
                                executes an EFL date search.  Another QUALITY
                                PowerPEX.  *FREEWARE*
pbpt1296.zip   24756 08-05-2024 ProBoard Programming Tools- PBPT1296
                                 (c) 1996 by ProBoard Innovations 
                                part of PB Tools of the Trade series
                                Welcome to the PB  world of program-
                                ming! So you want to be a programmer
                                or you are  one and  you are curious
                                to see  what is here  or isn't here!
                                PB  Programming  Tools  consist  of:
                                   File ID.DIZ
                                   File Structures
                                   3rd Party Programming Support
                                Internet email to:  frobbins@dzn.com
pbqwkfix.zip    8215 08-05-2024 ----------------------------------
                                ProBoard QWK field fix Version 1.0
                                Ever got tired of filling in all
                                those QWKTAG felds? Here is a util
                                for you! It takes the first 12
                                characters of the AREATAG field and
                                puts it into the QWKTAG field for
                                every area. For PB 2.16
                                Released 97-06-29        *FREEWARE*
pbrd014.zip    10147 08-05-2024 (v0.14) PB_READ PB Door to browse ASCII files
                                the sysop has put aside. With PB_READ the 
                                user can read previous pages. PB_READ also 
                                offers a find option! PB_READ is written as a
                                PEX file, offering you all functionality off 
                                Proboard. PB_READ is Proboard 2.0 compatible 
                                Another Dutch Quality PEX 
pbread10.zip   35166 08-05-2024 Ĵ PB-READ v1.o ͻ
                                >>> Full LightBar Driven <<<
                                >      PB-Mail Reader      <
                                >>>  Full ConfigureAble  <<<
                                + > Full LightBar Driven < +
                                File&Mail-Group/Area Changer
pbrepfix.zip    7630 08-05-2024 ------------------------------
                                ProBoard Reply area util V.1.0
                                 This little util changes all
                                  your "reply areas" to '0'
                                     For Proboard 2.16
                                Released 97-06-29   *FREEWARE*
pbrl10.zip      8655 08-05-2024 -------------------------------
                                ProBoard REQ List Maker Ver 1.0
                                 Makes a list over all your PB
                                 file directorys wich can be
                                 used as FREQ list for FD or
                                 any other mailer using a plain
                                 ascii file.
                                Released 97-07-03    *FREEWARE*
pbs215bp.zip    6116 08-05-2024 ProBoard v2.15 Structures converted
                                for Borland Pascal v7.01
pbsave13.zip   25003 08-05-2024 PBSave - Ver 1.00.3
                                PBSave is a ProBoard 2.1x
                                Critical file saver. It will
                                save all those critical files
                                you would need should you
                                ever experience a crash, or
                                just want to play around
                                with your BBS and be able to
                                go back to how it was.
                                A GREAT nightly maintenance
                                Now with RAR support...
                                Renegade Software
pbscan11.zip   33899 08-05-2024 PB/Scan 1.1 - PEX for ProBoard 2.0x PB/Scan 
                                is a full featured upload processor for 
                                ProBoard. It will check uploaded files for 
                                archive integrity and viruses, export 
                                FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI to FILES.BBS, and 
                                credit the user additional time for 
                                uploading. Version 1.1 fixes several bugs and
                                adds archive conversion, event sensitivity, 
                                improved multi-node support and the ability 
                                to turn off upload crediting for bad users. 
                                REQUIRES THD ProScan 9.1 or higher. Another 
                                QUALITY PowerPEX! *FREEWARE* 
pbsnd105.zip   77915 08-05-2024 PBSENDIT  Ver 1.05.2
                                FIXED: SETS A FLAG WHEN SEND SETUP AND
                                RESETS FLAG WHEN FILE SEND DONE...
                                A quick use file tagger and download
                                door for sending those special files
                                to a single user or a group of users.
                                Now Allows sysop to define protocols,
                                allows for a quick logon, check for
                                files and then logoff or proceed to
                                the BBS.  Ideal for use in your
                                TOP.MNU. Comes with the door program
                                and the config/file tagger program.
                                Directly reads the PB filebase.
                                Now sends a message to the sysop of
                                a successful file send.
                                Path to Door.Sys is on command line.
                                Renegade Software
pbstg101.zip    8233 08-05-2024 +---------------------------------------+
                                |           PBS_TAG v1.01          |
                                |       (c) Peter Hampf & pbs '95       |
                                | This is an interface PEX that allows  |
                                | you to use any DISP compatible file-  |
                                | door together with the ProBoard 2.10  |
                                | internal filetagger or any DISP com-  |
                                | patible filetagger together with the  |
                                | ProBoard internal download function!  |
                                | Registration is just a postcard *or*  |
                                | a netmail!                        $P  |
pbsts12g.zip   28253 08-05-2024 PBStats 1.2  User Stats  for ProBoard 2
                                .01 from NSD
pbsts40.zip    15636 08-05-2024 PBStats 4.0 User Stats  for ProBoard 2.01
                                with Full RIP Support 
                                **NEW** PBStats now has five
                                possible screens displays
                                Magenta(purple, or Pink)[Default],
                                Blue, White, Fadeout, and LiT
                                The archive includes a sample of each
                                from Nytech Software Design NSD
pbt250g1.zip  316839 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 ۲    PB-Tool V2.50    ۲ 
                                      >>>> PUBLIC  GAMMA 1 <<<<      
                                    ProBoard Maintenance Utility     
                                 Das derzeit wohl umfangreicheste    
                                 Statistik und Sysop Maintenance     
                                 Utility fuer ProBoard !!            
                                 Erstellt bis zu 30(!) verschiedene  
                                 Statistiken. Multifunktionelle      
                                 Logfile Auswertung !                
                                 Kann komplette Administrative       
                                 Aufgaben des Sysop's uebernehmen.   
                                 Komfortables SAA Setup mit deutscher
                                      UND VIELES MEHR ..... !!       
                                 Unterstuetzt direkt die wichtigsten 
                                 Messagebase Formate (Hudson, Jam,   
                                 Squish, Fido/Msg etc) kein externes 
                                 Utility mehr noetig !               
                                 MINDWARE  (c) 1996 by Genesis 'Soft 
pbta02.zip      6298 08-05-2024 --* Twinsoft TIMEANSI v0.2 *--
                                 Display up to 24 different 
                                 Ansi/Ascii/Avatar pictures 
                                 depending on  the time the 
                                 user logs in.     FREEWARE 
pbtg101b.zip   27150 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                      PBTag Version 1.01        
                                    ProBoard TAGGER mit Group    
                                    und Area Changer LIGHTBAR    
                                 -   Deutsche Beschreibung       
                                 -   Einfache Installation       
                                 -   Userdoes Unterstuetzung     
                                 -   Archivlister                
                                 -   Komplett deutsch            
                                 -   Backscroll immer moeglich   
                                 -        Wide-BETA              
                                 another fine PEX by Coda & HagY 
                                          Support BBS            
                                      The Game Palace Hagen      
                                [7 Juli 95]ͼ
pbtools1.zip    7585 08-05-2024 PRoboard Programmimg Tools
                                by Edwin Groothuis
pbtv10.zip      9296 08-05-2024  ProBoard Text-Viewer v1.0 
                                 Simple, but nifty online .TXT 
                                 viewer for ProBoard   < PEX > 
                                  Fully cursor - driven menus 
                                  Backscroll      Fullscreen 
                                  Unlimited file size (2 GB!) 
                                  Download option  Very fast 
                                  Colors freely definable     
                                  Multiline   &   Multitasker 
                                   aware (OS/2, DV, Win [95] ) 
                                Freeware  (C) 1995 Twinsoft Dev.
pbt_100.zip    13046 08-05-2024 
pbt_2d200.zip  189653 08-05-2024 ķ
                                    Ŀ Ŀ      Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ        
                                        ProBoard Maintenace Utility       
                                  PB-Tool is the worlds most complete     
                                  Statistics and Information program for  
                                  ProBoard 2.1x !                         
                                 - Automatic Begruessung von New Users    
                                   per Mail                               
                                 - gleichzeitige Info an den Sysop mit    
                                   den wichtigsten Userdaten (wahlweise   
                                   als NET- oder Echomail)                
                                 - automatischer Levelupgrade bei be-     
                                   stimmter Anzahl von Anrufen, Uploads   
                                   Nachrichten etc.                       
                                 - Carrier Dropper koennen jetzt erkannt  
                                   und abgemahnt werden                   
                                 - bedankt sich bei Usern fuer evtuelle   
                                 - erstellt 25 verschiedene Top10 Screens 
                                   Screens mit selbst definierbaren ANSI/ 
                                   ASCII Templates !!                     
                                 - und vieles mehr. Fixed PKT BUG         
                                 - wertet automatisch vergebliche         
                                   Chat Versuche aus und informiert       
                                   den Sysop                              
                                        und ... und ... und               
                                     MINDWARE (C) 1996 by Guido Mattar    
pbuc2.zip      14758 08-05-2024 Proboard User Corrector
pbul100.zip    19708 08-05-2024  Ŀ
                                   ProBoard  Userlist ۲ 
                                              Version  1.0             
                                   Very fast userlist processor - 50  
                                    users in 2.5 sec. (cached), in 10  
                                    sec. without cache.                
                                   Great looking output data files    
                                   Presents all information a sysop   
                                    needs about the users              
                                   New-user mode, short and long list 
                                   Alphabetic and Top-Down sorting    
                                   Very easy to install and use       
                                   CALLWARE - no registration fee !!! 
pbusers.zip    15145 08-05-2024 PBUsers is a simple utility to browse
                                through and *print* from your Proboard
                                2.12+ userbase.  It has options to print
                                the current record, marked records or
                                all of them!  This is version 1.1, dated
                                From Rick Wakefield 2:442/621@fidonet
pbu_113.zip    87275 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 PBBSuucp Version 1.13 
                                Allows your user to enter or reply
                                to Internet E-Mails just like what
                                they does with FidoNet style Netmails
                                without have to specifically type a
                                TO: statement at the first line of
                                the message body! -= GREAT =-
pbvote14.zip    7109 08-05-2024 
pbwoh3.zip     10843 08-05-2024 -=<[[ WHAT'S ON HOLD for ProBoard ]]>=-
                                This pex shows you the number of message
                                still to be transmitted cq picked up
                                from your site. Also messages with
                                fileattaches are displayed. MavEtJu 
                                software 1995
pbyn_pmt.zip   16766 08-05-2024  YES/NO LightBar Prompt ͵
                                  <- The First LightBar Y/N ->  
                                   -> Prompt for PB v2.1o+ <-   
                                  <-> Full Source included <->  
pb_2ddau10.zip   37012 08-05-2024 [ DAU-Support PEX ][V1.0]Ŀ
                                      .      .     
                                    .            +  
                                [W. Hommel][R. Glaeser]Ĵ
                                 Wer kennt sie nicht, die Tips 
                                 von Windows 95?  Diese  nette 
                                 Spielerei gibt es  jetzt auch 
                                 fuer ProBoard 2.1x ...        
                                 Dem User werden  kleine Tips, 
                                 ala " Wusstest Du schon... ", 
                                 angezeigt;  er kann dann aus- 
                                 waehlen,  ob er den naechsten 
                                 Tip sehen will, die Tips beim 
                                 naechsten  Login  nicht  mehr 
                                 sehen oder  das PEX verlassen 
                                 Das PEX ist 95% konfigurierbar
                                  Beispiel ANSI und Tips inkl. 
                                EIN MUSS FUER JEDEN PB-SYSOP!
pb_2ddau11.zip   18877 08-05-2024 [ DAU-Support PEX ][V1.1]Ŀ
                                      .      .     
                                    .            +  
                                [R. Glaeser][W. Hommel]Ĵ
                                 Wer kennt sie nicht, die Tips 
                                 von Windows 95?  Diese  nette 
                                 Spielerei gibt es  jetzt auch 
                                 fuer ProBoard 2.1x ...        
                                 Dem User werden  kleine Tips, 
                                 ala " Wusstest Du schon... ", 
                                 angezeigt;  er kann dann aus- 
                                 waehlen,  ob er den naechsten 
                                 Tip sehen will, die Tips beim 
                                 naechsten  Login  nicht  mehr 
                                 sehen oder  das PEX verlassen 
                                 NEU in dieser Version ist die 
                                 Moeglichkeit in den Tips auch 
                                 PB-Macros (74) zu verwenden ! 
                                 Das PEX ist 95% konfigurierbar
                                  Beispiel ANSi und Tips inkl. 
                                EiN MUSS FUER JEDEN PB-SYSOP!
pb_2ddbv.zip   18248 08-05-2024 PB-DBV v1.0  * PROBOARD PEX *
                                (c) 1996 Peter van der Linde
                                - A dBase3/4 compatible *.DBF
                                Viewer/Editor for ProBoard 2.1x
                                that will allow remote users to
                                Search, Browse and optionally, 
                                Add, Edit or Delete records 
                                from a *.dbf file. [SHAREWARE]
pb_2dlogo.gif   12931 08-05-2024 
pb_2dnet_2de.zip   59696 08-05-2024 The official english information package
                                for ProBoard net. Includes the latest
                                nodelist as well.
pb_2dpdzm.zip    1708 08-05-2024 PDZmodem Protocol Setup for ProBoard
                                Instructions for installing PDZmodem
                                v1.26 protocol into your protocol.pro
                                configuration file for your ProBoard
                                BBS provided by Mike Ehlert at PC
                                Micro and included into the
                                PB-PDZM.ZIP by Frank Robbins at
                                ProBoard Innovations.
pb_2dprotd.zip    1910 08-05-2024 Default Protocol Setup for ProBoard.
                                Original Protocol.pro configuration
                                file which is first used when
                                installing ProBoard before you
                                modify it. Have you ever needed the
                                original protocol setup? This file
                                is from the ProBoard v2.16 package.
pb_2dsetb.zip   14312 08-05-2024 PB-SETBOARD 1.0 - (c) Peter Hampf & pbs
                                Small utility for ProBoard 2.0x to qualify
                                a specific board for ALL users for newmail-
                                check at login!
                                <... and you'll get rid of those grumblers
                                telling you that they  *never* receive new
                                private mail at your system ... :-) >
pb_3lang.zip   21814 08-05-2024 3 more language files for ProBoard. - Dutch 
                                (1.4 final release) - Middle Earth (lord of 
                                the ring) - Elite For ProBoard V2.0 only! 
pb_aktie.zip    6900 08-05-2024 --------------------
                                | Radio preSeNtZ:           |
                                |   ڿ     ¿ ¿ Ŀ ڿ|
                                |  ڴÿ          |
                                |             |
                                | a fiNe PeX ThAt YouR uSerS|
                                 the DAX, DOW JONES, DOLLAR
                                 and so on show.       ;)  
                                 VeRy ConFiGUrLie !!!      
                                 >>another fine pex by<<   
                                |bY        |
                                |                |
                                |             |
                                |              |
pb_bbs.zip     13036 08-05-2024   Global ProBoard BBS Listing
                                          Release 2
                                  Includes Pex & Ascii versions
                                     Please send comments to:
                                           Arthur Stark
pb_esp.zip      9055 08-05-2024 Spanish language file for ProBoard 2.0.
pb_exit.zip     9854 08-05-2024  Ŀ
                                + PEX ProBoard Exit System 
                                + PB- Exit ist ein kleines   
                                + sehr ntzliches Door fr   
                                + alle SysOp's.              
                                + Mit PB- Exit kann man dem  
                                + User die Nachricht: 'DAS   
                                + SYSTEM WIRD Z.Z FR ANDERE 
                                + DINGE GEBRAUCHT' und wirft 
                                + den User anschlieend raus 
                                +  (c)1995 by Klaus Lotze    
                                + ProBoard 2.10 PEX File   
pb_rip.zip     25491 08-05-2024 ProBoard RIP-library
                                for Programmers
                                version 1.0 (c) Edwin Groothuis
pb_setb.zip    12822 08-05-2024 PB-SETBOARD 1.0 - (c) Peter Hampf & pbs
                                Small utility for ProBoard 2.0x to qualify
                                a specific board for ALL users for newmail-
                                check at login!
                                <... and you'll get rid of those grumblers
                                telling you that they  *never* receive new
                                private mail at your system ... :-) >
pb_stat.zip    11595 08-05-2024  Ŀ
                                + PEX PB- USER STATISTIKEN 
                                + PB- Stat ist ein kleines   
                                + SDK File das Informationen 
                                + ber den Online User zeigt 
                                + Mit eingebauten internen   
                                + Befehlen wie: SYSOP RUFEN, 
                                + USERLISTE, LOGOFF. Das PEX 
                                + konfiguriert sich 100%     
                                + selbst.                    
                                +  (c)1995 by Klaus Lotze    
                                + ProBoard 2.10 PEX File   
pcs102.zip      6990 08-05-2024   PCS v1.02 - Proboard Chat Select
                                A Proboard Pex that allows you to 
                                give the user the option to select
                                between 8 different Split screen  
                                chat programs.                    
                                           By:  SMPex             
pcs200.zip      6855 08-05-2024 PCS v2.00 - Proboard Chat Select
                                A Proboard Pex that allows you to 
                                give the user the option to select
                                between 8 different Split screen  
                                chat programs.                    
                                            By:  SMPex            
                                      *****   BUG FIX   *****     
pebbs2_3.zip  138727 08-05-2024 
peds400.zip     8712 08-05-2024         
                                ޲޲޲ ޲
                                ޲޲޲   ޲   ޲
                                ޲޲   ޲
                                ޲ ޲        ۲
                                ޲      ޲޲ ޲
                                            Version 4.00
                                A Proboard Pex that allows you to 
                                give the user the option to select
                                between 8 different fullscreen    
                                editors.  Now with the option to  
                                upload ascii messages.  Also      
                                Cursor Keys and Hot Keys now      
                                            By:  SMPex            
                                    *****  NEW VERSION  *****     
pexgen.zip     53947 08-05-2024 .-----------------------------------.
                                | PeXGeNeRAToR v1.0                 |
                                | GeNERieRT eiNEN ScRoLL-BALKeN FR |
                                | z.B. STATS eTC. eASY 2 uSE. iNcL. |
                                | BSP. PeXeS FoR SPAceMAN^SkYDiVe.  |
                                | --------------------------------- |
                                | [freeware] [by wolfie] [26/o8/96] |
pexpk009.zip   70039 08-05-2024 
pexprobs.zip    4648 08-05-2024 This is a list of PEX problems and documen- 
                                tation misprints for the ProBoard 2.00 SDK. 
                                Highly reccomended for new PEX programmers. 
pexwe.zip      10382 08-05-2024 --------------------
                                | Radio preSeNtZ:           |
                                |  Ŀ Ŀ        Ŀ   |
                                |            |
                                |              |
                                | a pEx thaT cH00sEs peXeS, |
                                 you give to it between 2  
                                 and 10 PeXes AnD it RuNs  
                                 one of tHeM bY RanDoM !   
                                 >>another fine pex by<<   
                                |bY        |
                                |                |
                                |             |
                                |              |
phone.zip       1795 08-05-2024 PHONE - Micro Enterprises
                                This Music file is writen
                                for TheChat and Proboard
                                It will make your computer
                                sound like a real Phone
                                and will ring for 1 min.
                                (702) 423-1487
                                Proboard 2.01 
                                3.7gb of DLoad Files
                                One Node...
phone100.zip    8870 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                     PHONE.PEX Version 1.00      
                                       ProBoard PhoneCost        
                                 -   easy use                    
                                 -   simple installation         
                                 -   only for belgium            
                                          FREEWARE PEX           
                                             by ARGO             
pimport.zip    11393 08-05-2024 PIMPORT v2.0 
                                Areas.bbs or Squish.cfg to Proboard import
                                utility. This util will take your message
                                areas in an Areas.bbs or Squish.cfg file
                                and import them into your MSGAREA.PB or
                                MESSAGES.PB file in Proboard.
                                A FREEWARE util by James Padgett.
pinwall1.zip   78630 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                      Funny Online PinBoard     
                                    for ProBoard V.2.0x only    
                                          Vers. 1.00            
pita200.zip    53132 08-05-2024 For ProBoard v2.00 beta testers, these are
                                updated PITA PEX files that you will need in
                                order to continue to run them with 2.00
                                This DIZ was inserted by SkullCheck :)
pit_curs.zip    7349 08-05-2024 *****PiTSTOP Menues*****
                                Bsp.-Menues fuer CURSORY
                                  by Keke PiTSTOP-BBS
pjoe111d.zip   20814 08-05-2024 POKER JOE!     VERSION 1.11        (PEX)
                                 -DAS- POKERSPIEL FUER PROBOARD 2.1x
                                          DEUTSCHE VERSION
                                + Cursorsteuerung, Laufzeitanimationen
                                + Echt mit 32 Karten :-)
                                Autor: rathmannj@aol.com      *FREEWARE*
pjoe111e.zip   20429 08-05-2024 POKER JOE!     VERSION 1.11        (PEX)
                                  -THE- POKER GAME FOR PROBOARD 2.1x
                                           ENGLISH VERSION
                                + Cursor key control, runtime animations
                                + Contains 32 cards :-)
                                Author: rathmannj@aol.com     *FREEWARE*
pknfs100.zip   10030 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 PKNFSEARCH V1.00                     
                                 Makes the life of a sysop a little  
                                 bit easier.Now there's only one key 
                                 needed for the search for Keyword,  
                                 File-name, Newfiles and Personal    
                                 files the rest is available in the  
                                 pex itself.                         
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:       
                                 EDDIE VAN LOON                      
pmm_100.zip    83368 08-05-2024 Master Mind v1.00 - great door, directly
                                supports ProBoard.
pnode110.zip   15384 08-05-2024   ProNode 1.10
                                 NodelistBrowser. For searching    
                                 nodes by name, BBSname, phone,    
                                 speed, etc...                     
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:     
                                 Johan Roselaar                    
poker11.zip    22466 08-05-2024 ,-------------------------------------------,
                                | Poker 1.1 PEX                    FreeWare |
                                  ProBoard 2.15 PEX game, like the real
                                  Poker cardgame. You can win maximum 8
                                  times the amount of Kb's or Min's you
                                  bet. Uses ultra fast algoritm, picks
                                  cards from one deck.
                                  New Feature : Multitasking OSes Aware !
                                  Requirements: ProBoard 2.15 or later,
                                  ANSi terminal emulation.
                                 --[ Virtual Soft Productions - 30.03.97 ]--
ppexsrce.zip   41212 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  PowerPEX C Source Code  
                                 This archive contains the C source   
                                 code to eight of the most popular    
                                 PEXes ever released for ProBoard:    
                                 AEdit, AFinder, AList, ATran,        
                                 PB/Credit, PB/Scan, ProTag, and      
                                 PB/Help.  All ready to compile!      
ppsu101.zip     7155 08-05-2024 ProPEX User Setup V1.01:
                                A `PEX' file for Proboard BBS systems.
                                Allows users to change their online
                                settings in a full screen environment.
pptb101.zip    23275 08-05-2024 ProPEX Time Bank V1.01:
                                A `PEX' file for Proboard BBS systems.
                                Truly advanced Time Bank with RIP.
                                Supports ASC/ANS/AVT/RIP, hot-keyed
                                user tagging, sysop editor, loads
                                of features.
ppuq101.zip    15469 08-05-2024 ProPEX User Questionnaire V1.01:
                                A `PEX' file for Proboard BBS systems.
                                Advanced login procedure with level
                                and flag upgrading according to age.
                                Visiting Sysop level, auto-message 
                                to sysop, 20 configurable questions,
                                details stored in an optional ASCII 
                                file. More.
pp_2dkey.zip    4884 08-05-2024 PowerPEX Key Generator for ProBoard.
                                This PEX will generate the necessary
                                registration key to remove the
                                "unregistered" displays in the now
                                discontinued PowerPEXes. Includes README
                                file with instructions for installation,
                                and full source code. The LAST quality
pquest22.zip   23270 08-05-2024   ProQuest 2.21
                                 Questiondoor with sysop-definable    
                                 questions. Posts a mail to the       
                                 SysOp with the User's info and a     
                                 full configurable message to the     
                                 new user.                            
                                 Automatic updating of the userbase   
                                 with levels, exp.levels and date     
                                 Also gives the user the possibility  
                                 to download Info/rules-file(s).      
                                 Userdoes and ProBBS/ProCC-compatible.
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:        
                                 Johan Roselaar                       
prflg01a.zip   14797 08-05-2024 TPPX's Pro Flag 0.1 
                                For proboard 2.01
                                Runs a program, and updates
                                the user level and flags
                                depending on the returned
                                errorlevel. Fully Configurable
                                Can display .RIP or A?? file
                                after changing user stats.
proaphor.zip    6711 08-05-2024 PROAPOR V 1.03!
                                An Aphorism/Cookie quoter for Proboard 2.x
                                written by Kaba in sheer need for a
                                of the SBBS-functionality.
                                Now you can add your menues with Quotings or
                                Cookies, they change with every new display
                                of the menue!
                                Including source-file. Documentation can be
                                found in the header of the source file.
probbs11.zip   12827 08-05-2024   ProBBS 1.0
                                 BBS-Lister for promoting other BBS- 
                                 sysops. Fully configurable by using 
                                 accesslevels for adding/deleting    
                                 entry's in the list.                
                                 Possiblity to download total list.  
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:       
                                 Johan Roselaar                      
procc.zip      17678 08-05-2024   ProBoard CarrierControl 1.10
                                 Controls the Carrier. If user hangs 
                                 up a full configurable message will 
                                 be posted.                          
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:       
                                 Johan Roselaar                      
procc2b1.zip   16371 08-05-2024   ProBoard CarrierControl 1.201
                                 Controls the Carrier. If user hangs 
                                 up a full configurable message will 
                                 be posted.                          
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:       
                                 Johan Roselaar                      
prof110.zip    14144 08-05-2024  ProFix 1.10
                                 Write's an FileFix message    
                                 to search for files on        
                                 other BBS'en. Usable for      
                                 AllFix, Filefix, James_mgr    
                                 etc... UserDoes compatible.   
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by: 
                                 Skylight Software             
profix11.zip   14381 08-05-2024  ProFix 1.153
                                 Write's an FileFix message    
                                 to search for files on        
                                 other BBS'en. Usable for      
                                 AllFix, Filefix, James_mgr    
                                 etc... UserDoes compatible.   
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by: 
                                 Skylight Software             
prolnr11.zip   10394 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 PROLINER 1.11       ONELINER  
                                 Yep, another oneliner from         
                                 EXCESSIVE FORCE, but now with the  
                                 possibility to paint your own      
                                 background ANSi-screen to make it  
                                 completely in your BBS-style.      
                                 Positions & lengths of the lines   
                                 are completely configurable.       
                                 Example ANSi & INI files included. 
                                 SeZWHo-like but BETTER !           
                                 ANOTHER DUTCH QUALITY PEX          
                                 FROM EXCESSIVE FORCE PRODUCTIONS   
prolog.zip     17926 08-05-2024 Prolog is a utility to set the size of the
                                Proboard.log file. Prolog will also archive
                                the old file with a date stamp using Pkzip.
prom212.zip    88836 08-05-2024 ProMail v2.12 - QWK Manager by Zyllex
                                           the depths
                                                  of QWK...
                                Features :
                                - Full configurable - Advanced Menu
                                - Language editor !
                                - Netmail Support !
                                - Request function !!
                                - ProBoard v2.12 compile
                                - ...
pronews1.zip    9793 08-05-2024 ProBoard News V1.0. Turns a txt file into a 
                                niews bulletin. 
pronode1.zip   11177 08-05-2024   ProNode 1.0
                                 NodelistBrowser. For searching    
                                 nodes by name, BBSname, phone,    
                                 speed, etc...                     
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:     
                                 Johan Roselaar                    
proq211.zip     9318 08-05-2024   ProQuest 2.11
                                 BUGFIX... Needs PROQ210.ARJ         
                                 Questiondoor with sysop-definable   
                                 questions. Posts a mail to the      
                                 SysOp with the User's info and a    
                                 full configurable message to the    
                                 new user.                           
                                 Automatic updating of the userbase  
                                 with levels, exp.levels and date    
                                 Also gives the user the possibility 
                                 to download Info/rules-file(s).     
                                 Userdoes compatible. MultiLanguage- 
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:       
                                 Johan Roselaar                      
prosplit.zip   44921 08-05-2024  Split Screen Chat PEX for ProBoard 
protagii.zip   52499 08-05-2024 ProTag II 1.0 - PEX for ProBoard 2.0x
                                This PEX will allow users to enter
                                taglines at the end of messaged entered
                                with the fullscreen editor.  Unlike
                                similar programs, this program's
                                tagline database is a textfile that is
                                easily edited by the SysOp.  Its also as
                                fast as any quoter available!
                                NEW!! NEW!! NEW!! NEW!! NEW!! NEW!!
                                 Now suports PEX files, as full screen
                                Another quality PowerPEX!  *FREEWARE*
prouser1.zip   11291 08-05-2024   ProUser 1.0
                                 Uswerlister. For searching users    
                                 by city or name.                    
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:       
                                 Johan Roselaar                      
prowoh22.zip    6630 08-05-2024   Pro_WOH 2.2
                                 See what's on Hold for nodes        
                                 and points. Scans NETMAIL-dir for   
                                 attaches, requests and other        
                                 netmail. Also displays filesizes.   
                                 Update also supports pointnumbers.  
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:       
                                 Johan Roselaar                      
pro_area.zip   10564 08-05-2024   Pro_Area 1.0
                                 File- and MessageArea select.       
                                 Options to force Groupselect or     
                                 select area or group.               
pro_cd20.zip   26115 08-05-2024  DUTCH QUALITY PEX'ES
                                ProBoard CD-door 2.0
pro_woh.zip     9300 08-05-2024   Pro_WOH 1.0
                                 See what's on Hold for nodes        
                                 and points. Scans NETMAIL-dir for   
                                 attaches, requests and other        
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:       
                                 Johan Roselaar                      
prp116.zip    149878 08-05-2024 PRP v1.16: ProBoard Request Processor
                                (supports Front/MainDoor,InterMail,McMail,
                                Fast! Reads ProBoard file indexes directly.
                                DOS, OS/2 & Windows 95/NT versions included.
                                New! HTML documentation + new features.
                                           --- FREEWARE! ---
psn_2deng.zip    3879 08-05-2024 Information on joining PSN
                                (PEX Support Network) in the
                                United States.
                                * Contains New Info      *
                                * For Faster Application *
                                * Processing             *
psn_2dint.zip   21938 08-05-2024 
                                   (International Infopacket)
                                  A NET FOR PROBOARD PEXes AND
                                            UTILITIES !
                                    SEVERAL FILE- AND MESSAGE-
                                    AREA ALL AROUND PROBOARD !
                                     INFOFILE & APPLICATION 
psplt100.zip    9106 08-05-2024 PVTSPLIT allows you to send a
                                message eg. comment to sysop
                                and put it in different areas
                                if public or private if you
                                have points and a tosser which
                                doesn't support Private echomail
                                   (C)1996 Fe-line Software
                                         Version 1.00
pstat251.zip   23032 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 Prostat v2.51 The ultimate stat-
                                 istics program for Proboard.    
                                 Now with External Languagefiles.
                                 shows 41 different stats to the 
                                 online user.                    
                                 NOW SUPPORTS THE NEW GOLD KEY.  
                                    ***** Y2K compliant *****    
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:   
                                 EDDIE VAN LOON                  
pstpb210.zip   12788 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 Prostat v2.10      
                                 The ultimate stat- 
                                 istics program for 
                                 Proboard.So No more
                                 struggling with all
                                 those screen codes.
                                 shows 41 different 
                                 stats to the user  
                                 that is online.    
psurf10.zip   133030 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ 
                                 Ŀ      Ĵ  Ŀ            
                                ij PACKET - SURFER  v1.0 Ĵ
                                 Mit diesem DOOR ermglichen Sie Ihren   
                                 Points, online den Up- und Download von 
                                 Fido Paketen.                           
                                  Komplette Cursor Steuerung            
                                  Netmails werden beim Download in PKT  
                                  Echos online Bestellen/Abbestellen    
                                  Online *.MSG Reader                   
                                  Lschen von Netmails und Paketen      
                                  Areafix Funktionen online abschicken  
                                  Multiline fhig, jede Line EXTRA .CFG 
                                  Fr folgende BBS-SYSTEME tauglich:    
                                   DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF, DORINFO1.DEF  
                                   SFDOORS.DAT, TRIBBS.SYS, CHAIN.TXT,   
                                   JUMPER.DAT, PCB 12-15, Phoenix BBS    
puser1_a.zip   23777 08-05-2024 PBuser v1.00, public ALPHA release. A highly
                                unique userfile maintainance utility for 
                                SysOps who like to keep a clean userbase. 
                                PBuser will perform functions such as special
                                formatting of the users name, handle, 
                                location, and address. In addition, it 
                                removes any high ASCII characters from the 
                                above strings. Fully configurable with the 
                                included setup program. FREEWARE written by 
                                Chris Ament 
pwcheck1.zip    5271 08-05-2024 >>  PWCHECK  <<
                                    >> PASSWORD CHECKER <<
                                A password checker PEX for Proboard 2.0x
                                Checks for length and name/alias duplication
                                   in passwords.
                                 >>   A   <<
                                 >> FISHY <<
                                 >>  PEX  <<   
pwrcid10.zip   16601 08-05-2024 PowerCID v1.00 by Phillip Powers
                                CallerID Utility which imports the name
                                and the number from  your  FrontDoor or
                                InterMail Log file and  places it right
                                into  your specified  RemoteAccess LOG.
                                No more CID  Boxes  to  worry  about or
                                double checking  your FD  log with  the
                                RemoteAccess log file.  Just check one!
                                Reformats the  CID  Number with dashes.
                                Best of all ..... PowerCID is FREEWARE!
px_2d1.zip     80934 08-05-2024            
                                 Proboard/X PowerPack #1 
                                 A series of Pex's for   
                                 Customization freaks!   
                                 Check it out FREEWARE   
                                 (c) Adam Frankowski 1995
                                 *** BETA TESTERS ONLY **
                                  Ver.Beta-1[i]  ;
p_21cps10.zip   11896 08-05-2024 peX: get/show CPS after FT!
                                  PaReNTLeSS PaRaDiSe PaRK  
                                PRiMaRY PeX PRoGRaMMeR SeCTioN
                                  (a SuBDiViSioN oF !PPPS)  
                                +49-221-2406344 20:00 - 12:00h
                                        P!CPS  1.0R         
                                       peX 4 PB 2.1x        
                                shows the avg. CPS after FiLE-
p_21faxit.zip   15178 08-05-2024        
                                  PaReNTLeSS PaRaDiSe PaRK 
                                PRiMaRY PeX PRoGRaMMeR SeCTioN
                                  (a SuBDiViSioN oF !PPPS) 
                                +49-221-2406344 20:00 - 12:00h
                                       P!FAXiT  1.0R       
                                       peX 4 PB 2.1x       
                                edit online a message and send
                                  it as a phax after logoff!
                                (uses BGFAX or ZYXELFAX etc.!)
p_21msg10.zip   12305 08-05-2024        
                                  PaReNTLeSS PaRaDiSe PaRK 
                                PRiMaRY PeX PRoGRaMMeR SeCTioN
                                  (a SuBDiViSioN oF !PPPS) 
                                +49-221-2406344 20:00 - 12:00h
                                       peX 4 PB 2.1x       
                                Can be used in every Prompt or
                                        in any Menu!
                                        ! FReeWaRE !       
p_21prch10.zip   20075 08-05-2024 peX: select default-protocol
                                      a pppppps production      F
                                     hq: +49-(O)221-24O6344     R
                                          P!PROTCH 1.0          E
                                       peX for PB > 2.1x        W
                                 crsr-controlled lightbar, ini- E
                                 configurable, multitask aware! 
                                 cursor-steuerung, ber .ini zu 
                                 konfigurieren, timeslices uvm! 
                                >email: mash@paranoia.sunshine.de<
p_21setf10.zip   16269 08-05-2024        
                                  PaReNTLeSS PaRaDiSe PaRK 
                                PRiMaRY PeX PRoGRaMMeR SeCTioN
                                  (a SuBDiViSioN oF !PPPS) 
                                +49-221-2406344 20:00 - 12:00h
                                    ReLeaSe VeRSioN 1.0   
                                       peX 4 PB 2.1x       
                                 LeT YouR uSeRs cHaNGe a FLaG
                                        bY THeMSeLVeS!
                                        ! FReeWaRE !       
p_21tagf10.zip   21762 08-05-2024        
                                  PaReNTLeSS PaRaDiSe PaRK 
                                PRiMaRY PeX PRoGRaMMeR SeCTioN
                                  (a SuBDiViSioN oF !PPPS) 
                                +49-221-2406344 20:00 - 12:00h
                                       peX 4 PB 2.1x       
                                FeaTuRes:      FuLL PaGe-WRaP/
                                uNMaRK aLL/uNMaRK SiNGLe/DoWN-
                                LoaD/CaN CHeCK  4 TaGGeD FiLeS
                                aT LoGiN/LoGoFF (ReMiND) & ...
                                        ! FReeWaRE !       
p_2dteko03.zip   20018 08-05-2024     
                                  > PEXTEKO '96 0.3 <Ŀ 
                                  PEX- Telefonkostenberechnung 
                                - Berechnet die angefallenen  
                                  Telefonkosten fuer BBS-User 
                                 - frei definierbare Ansis     .
                                 - rechnet nach den neuen
                                   Tarifen (96)
p_bbs20b.zip   18703 08-05-2024   ProBBS 2.019
                                 BBS-Lister for promoting other BBS- 
                                 sysops. Fully configurable by using 
                                 accesslevels for adding/deleting    
                                 entry's in the list.                
                                 Possiblity to download total list.  
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:       
                                 Johan Roselaar                      
qa_v009.zip    13658 08-05-2024 *BUSTRĿ C
                                *Ĵ A
                                *  PRSTS  L
                                F            L
                                E  ToTLLY   B
                                E BRiLSS  R
                                W            A
                                A QUSTioS  I
                                R    D     N
                                E  SWRS   L
                                *            E
                                *    PEX     S
                                *v0.09 S
                                + Visiting Sysop Question
                                + 12 Standart Questions
                                + Freely Configurable
                                + LightBar Yes/No Questions
                                + Freely Definable Ansis
                                + Freely Definable Ansi Names
                                + Now BugFixed the SysopQuest.
                                + Cewler than all I saw!
                                + Reset of NewUserFlag!
qfilr102.zip    8359 08-05-2024 QFiler v1.01 - A ProBoard PEX
                                          by Raphael Koch
                                Ĵ FEATURES Ŀ
                                - Complete filebase-manager 
                                  (Tagger, Filetransfer...) 
                                - FileGroup, FileArea,      
                                  MessageGroup, MessageArea 
                                - Cursor/Lightbar controled 
                                - User-friendly designed    
                                - Free configurable colors  
                                - Upload manager for SysOp  
                                - Multilingual              
qlogin06.zip   12194 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 QLOGIN - THE FAST LOGIN PEX 
                                QLOGIN v0.60 is a very configurable 
                                fast login utility for Proboard v2.x.
                                Define your own menu options and menu
                                screen. Set min. security levels for 
                                all menu options and login actions.  
                                Define a separate 'Sysop only' QLOGIN
                                Another quality HomeGrown PEX.       
                                (C)1994 G.Smith                      
qmsg110.zip     8165 08-05-2024  Ŀ 
                                     [N0$]  Productions     
                                    QuickMESSAGE v1.10    
                                     Displays a short     
                                   message between your   
                                      menu changing.      
                                   Supporting:  Fading,   
                                    Message centering,    
                                   Up to 999 sentences,   
                                     Random  sentence     
qquest15.zip   17620 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                    Quality  ķ
                                              Questionnaire 1.50   
                                 PROBOARD  2.1x                PEX 
                                 Greatlooking Menu-Driven new-user 
                                 questionnaire. Answers can easely 
                                 be stored in 2 different ways.    
                                 Complete new interface.           
                                 This new version adds some new     
                                 interesting features to Qquest.   
                                 You can now change the users level
                                 and flags automatically after the 
                                 user filled out the form properly 
                                 (cHb)               +32 11 523558 
                                      ---- F R E E W A R E ----    
                                  +32 11 523558               (cHb)
qrm.zip         3641 08-05-2024 QRM - The other static generator
qst850g1.zip  300635 08-05-2024 ͸
                                QUEST 8.50,NewUser Registration door
                                for RemoteAccess/ProBoard BBS-Systems
                                characters, layout of messages are   
                                self definable. With powerfull macros
                                you can create all the messages! Full
                                multiline and multi-language aware.  
                                With handy read program for data, and
                                fullscreen (RemoteAccess) alike setup
                                program. Send welcome messages to the
                                user, comment from user to SysOp,    
                                QUEST can use previously entered data
                                and change that. Multiple configs per
                                language, update userbase, etc.      
                                   And Much more! Just check it out! 
                                    FIXED "WRONG RA-REVISION" BUG    
                                PB v2.10/2.12 + RA 2.50 Support Added
                                   -=> The Elevator Productions <=-  
qtime20.zip    10656 08-05-2024 ProBoard TimeBank System V2.0  01/07/93
                                A PEX for ProBoard V1.30 and up.
                                Uses internal settings of ProBoard
                                Stores the userdeposits & withdraws
                                in the userrecords.
                                Now with added features:
                                Purchase Time/Kbytes
                                Complete Online SysopSetup/Maintenance
                                No additional programs needed.
quoter40.zip   69447 08-05-2024 Zyllex pex Quoter. Puts a quote on the screen
                                at logon or logoff. For PB V2.0. 
ra2pb_v5.zip   12954 08-05-2024 
randomiz.zip    5935 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 RaNDoMiZeR                 FREEWARE 
                                 The RANDOMIZER is a ProBoard PEX to 
                                 randomize anything you want, like   
                                 random-ansi to show to your users   
                                 or a random chatter maybe ...       
                                 Up to 127 choices to let the pc     
                                 pick from and also a ANSI-ONLY      
                                 option and displaying a .ASC file   
                                 to users who haven't got ansi (if   
                                 requires for that item).            
                                 ANOTHER DUTCH QUALiTY PEX           
                                 FROM EXCESSiVE FORCE PRODUCTiONS    
rask130.zip     8039 08-05-2024 
                                    [N0$] Productions    
                                         RegAsk v1.3         
                                    Every x calls, it ask    
                                 nonregistered users if they 
                                  don't think  it's time to  
                                  register.A 5-line reason  
                                  is asked and  posted as a  
                                    message to the sysop.    
                                    Now with improved and    
                                   faster code.  Also with   
                                  check so user cannot just  
                                  press enter when asked to  
                                       enter a reason.       
                                   FreeWare by Filip Duyck   
                                     ProBoard 2.15 +     
rask130g.zip    9504 08-05-2024 [?7h[40m[2J[0;1m
                                    [N0$] Productions    
                                    RegAsk v1.3 - German!    
                                    Every x calls, it ask    
                                 nonregistered users if they 
                                  don't think  it's time to  
                                  register. A 5-line reason  
                                  is asked and  posted as a  
                                    message to the sysop.    
                                    Now with improved and    
                                   faster code.  Also with   
                                  check so user cannot just  
                                  press enter when asked to  
                                [7Center a reason.[7C
                                THIS IS A GERMAN ONLY RELEASE
                                  REQUESTED BY: ANDY GLASER  
                                   FreeWare by Filip Duyck   
                                [5CProBoard 2.15 +[5C
ratio4.zip      5942 08-05-2024 -=<[[ RATIO for ProBoard ]]>=-
                                An ratio-pex which can be used
                                to show the users the amount
                                of download/upload and how
                                much still can be downloaded
                                cq. must be uploaded.
                                (c) MavEtJu software
ratst215.zip   21899 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 RATSTAT  V2.15                 
                                 Never again keep an eye on those  
                                 users that do not upload.         
                                 If a user exceeds his up/download 
                                 Ratio ,he will be automatically de
                                 graded.(and upgraded again after a
                                 upload.Now there is also a Message
                                 sent to a up/degraded user.        
                                 THIS PEX IS VALID TILL 1/MARCH/95 
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:     
                                 EDDIE VAN LOON                    
ratstat2.zip   15385 08-05-2024  Ratiochecker for ProBoard which is
                                 capable of up and down setting a user and
rddet100.zip   13317 08-05-2024 ReadDetect v1.00. This utility shows the
                                areas that are not being read by you or your
                                users by checking the physical last read
                                pointers. Great for disconnecting areas that
                                are not read by your users anyway! Reads
                                either FastEcho.CFG or Areas.BBS to get area
                                information. Supports JAM and Hudson
                                messagebase styles.
                                Freeware software by Hans Siemons!
rd_2dpmt1.zip    8386 08-05-2024 --------------------
                                | Radio preSeNtZ:           |
                                |Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ ¿ Ŀ ¿  |
                                |    ٳ    1 |
                                |                 |
                                | my fiRst EnTerProT Pex F0r|
                                 thEsE grEat PB !          
                                   and Suxx uP PCBOARD !   
                                GrEEtZ: BustErWsaKraut...
                                 >>another fine pex by<<   
rd_2dpmt2.zip    4274 08-05-2024 --------------------
                                | Radio preSeNtZ:           |
                                |Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ ¿ Ŀ ¿  |
                                |    ٳ    2 |
                                |                 |
                                 my second enterprompt     
                                   and Suxx uP PCBOARD !   
                                GrEEtZ: BustErWsaKraut...
                                 >>another fine pex by<<   
rec20.zip       5720 08-05-2024        Record Changer 2.00
                                A Proboard Pex that changes the   
                                users City, State, and Country    
                                to First letter uppercase. Makes  
                                for a tidy users record!! Now        
                                uses an INI file!!                
                                      FREEWARE By: SaberWare      
regd_300.zip   15981 08-05-2024 The  Proboard Registration  Door 3.0.  A
                                Proboard  PEX  file  that can ask  users
                                questions,  and  increase  their  levels
                                based on the answers.
regist10.zip    7602 08-05-2024  Give your users  days of
                                donating access to check out your BBS.
regpbusa.zip    3298 08-05-2024 Latest information about how to register
                                the ProBoard BBS program in the USA.
                                Registration is possible via check,
                                money order, Visa/MasterCard - as well as
                                ONLINE check & credit card acceptance.
remin104.zip    9108 08-05-2024 Remind your users at logoff if
                                they have any Files still
                                tagged for Download.
                                NOW Displays the tagged files
                                at logoff.  Clears GUEST User
                                Tagged files automatically.
                                     * DOING Compatible *
                                  (C)1996 Fe-line Software
                                   Version 1.04, FreeWare
rm_210.zip     11218 08-05-2024 Das Readme File zu PB 2.10.
                                Direkt aus der Box von Philippe
                                Leybaert. Enthaelt alle 
                                Beschreibungen zu Aenderungen,
                                neuen Features und Bugfixes.
rstat3b1.zip   28781 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 RATSTAT V3.00 BETA 1               
                                 Never again keep an eye on those  
                                 users that do not upload.         
                                 If a user exceeds his up/download 
                                 Ratio ,he will be automatically de
                                 graded.(and upgraded again after a
                                 upload.Now there is also a Message
                                 sent to a up/degraded user.        
                                 SUPPORTS FILERATIO'S AND GOLDKEY. 
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:     
                                 EDDIE VAN LOON                    
rstbyday.zip    4975 08-05-2024 RSTBYDAY.PEX  -  Proboard V2.01 PEX to 
                                                 Reset Message Pointers 
                                                 by DATE.
                                        (C)1995 Faye Pearson
                                            Version 1.00
                                        ----> FREEWARE <----
runbat_p.zip   11129 08-05-2024 /-------------------------------------\
                                |                                     |
                                |           -=Runbat=-                |
                                |         By Arthur Stark             |
                                |             FIDONet                 |
                                |            1:395/670                |
                                |                                     |
                                | RUNBAT is a pex that allows your to |
                                | run a batch file from a pex         |
                                |                                     |
                                |  (C)1995 Arthur Stark 1:395/670     |
                                |      TopperWare Productions         |
runbat_s.zip   10099 08-05-2024 /-------------------------------------\
                                |                                     |
                                |           -=Runbat=-                |
                                |         By Arthur Stark             |
                                |             FIDONet                 |
                                |            1:395/670                |
                                |                                     |
                                |          (SOURCE CODE)              |
                                |                                     |
                                | RUNBAT is a pex that allows your to |
                                | run a batch file from a pex         |
                                |                                     |
                                |  (C)1995 Arthur Stark 1:395/670     |
                                |      TopperWare Productions         |
runpex10.zip    4004 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 RUNPEX 1.0                 FREEWARE 
                                 Ever felt the need of a sysop-key   
                                 to run a pex ? I always log in and  
                                 find out then I didn't place the    
                                 PEX I wanted to test in the menu.   
                                 So here's RUNPEX to run a pex with  
                                 parameters you can type from within 
                                 ProBoard itself. No menu-editing    
                                 needed to test a pex ...            
                                 ANOTHER DUTCH QUALITY PEX FROM      
                                 EXCESSIVE FORCE PRODUCTIONS         
ruser002.zip   25367 08-05-2024 ------------------------
                                -Ŀ--------     -
                                -    Ŀ -
                                --           -----
                                -    Ŀ -----
                                ------ --------
                                - A DUTCH QUALITY PEX -- 
                                ROTUSER Remote user Edit
                                This is a first release 
                                of the DqP remote user
                                editor, with allmost eve
                                ry function you need.
                                Written:  Eddie van Loon
sab016b.zip    25148 08-05-2024 
sabber21.zip   23532 08-05-2024 SaberChat  MultilineChatter for PB
                                Version 0.21
sakt102b.zip   26281 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                    SysAkt Version 1.02    
                                 Dieses Pex informiert User ber 
                                 das aktuelle Geschehen in der   
                                 Angezeigt werden Aktivitten    
                                 -  Des Mailers (Poll, Req, usw) 
                                 -  Des Geschehens im DOS        
                                 -  ALLES was in der BBS so      
                                 -   Welche User Online sind,    
                                 -  *UND* was sie gerade tun.    
                                 -  Userdoes wird ausgelesen     
                                 -  Es wurde auch an OS/2        
                                 another fine PEX by Coda & HagY 
                                          Support BBS            
                                      The Game Palace Hagen      
                                [03 Sept 95]ͼ
scan1.zip       5079 08-05-2024 *           NewFiles/Scan -PEX            *
                                *                                         *
                                *                                         *
                                     Dieses Pex Sucht nach Neuen Files
                                                No Shareware 
                                (C)opyright '96 Michael Schaefersbirken  
scan2.zip       4802 08-05-2024 P A C I F I C (Pex)
                                SCAN is a Graphic Display For Searching the
                                database in the form of a Bar Graph.
                                This pex will run in both Ansi and Ascii mode
                                will detect if the users has either switched
                                ** FREEWARE **
scfg100.zip     5104 08-05-2024           Saber Config 1.00
                                A Proboard Pex that lets the user 
                                change their current configuration
                                on your BBS.                      
                                      FREEWARE By: SaberWare      
schatv10.zip   17123 08-05-2024 . SMURf CHaT v1.0 [PeX] .
                                $ --= For ProBoard 2.1x =-- $
                                I  Final Release! [SOMbRE] I
                                :  Fade/plain/config modes :
                                I  Quick refresh/writes -- I
                                $  ANSi Configurable! ---- $
                                :  New Internal Pager! --- :
                                I  Macros - CONFIGURABLE - I
                                 .. ...  .GD.  ...  .. 
                                  V     V     11     000000
                                  V     V    1 1     0   00
                                  V     V      1     0  0 0
                                   V   V       1     0 0  0
                                    V V        1     00   0
                                     V       11111 o 000000
                                    NON-CRIPPLED VERSION 
                                    NO UNREGISTERED CRAP 
                                      [13/03/97]  -- Wanque
schwbret.zip   11530 08-05-2024 TWIN-NOTE - Das schwarze Brett
                                In das Schwarze Brett knnen User eine bis
                                zu  5 Zeilen  lange  Nachricht  schreiben,
                                wobei smtliche Farben (+ Blinken +Invers)
                                zur Verfgung stehen.
sciproto.zip    3963 08-05-2024 Protocol Setup Examples for ProBoard
                                PROTOCOL.PRO and a batch file that
                                shows how to setup file transfer
                                protocols in ProBoard. Included are
                                examples for Zmodem, variations of
                                Xmodem and Ymodem, ZedZap, HSLink
                                and HydraCom. Part of PB-GNU. Free.
                                Copyright 1995 Branislav L. Slantchev
                                A Product of Silicon Creations, Inc.
scmk001x.zip  158006 08-05-2024 SCMK v0.01 - Silicon Creations Make Utilities
                                This archive contains all utilities that are
                                required by all Silicon Creations software
                                distributions. Utilities such as 'rm', 'cp',
                                'mv', 'dmake' come in executable form and
                                manuals. Some utilities come with source code
                                Copyright (C) 1995 by Branislav L. Slantchev
                                This file is part of the PB-GNU Project
scout.zip       9658 08-05-2024 
scrl99b6.zip   66187 08-05-2024  /      ***PB/SCROLLZ v.99 6***
                                [ ====================================
                                [ PB/Scrollz will allow ProBoard
                                [ sysops to create something that
                                [ until recently was only readily
                                [ available to PCBored sysops....
                                [ scrolling text within your menus! 
                                [ This ProBoard PEX can be used to 
                                [ display short announcements or 
                                [ messages to your callers, and now
                                [ includes the Scrollz Communications
                                [ Manager to intercept some DqP 
                                [ internode message files as well as
                                [ a semaphore to kick users out.
                                [ ====================================
                                [       Created by Jason Verhagen
scrol105.zip   11601 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 Add continuous scrolling text  
                                 to any  ANSI screen  or  Menu. 
                                 Use standard colours, ProBoard 
                                 @<...>@  macros and text-files 
                                 for scrolling text.            
                                   * Requires  FESET101.RAR *   
                                   (C)1996 Fe-line  Software    
                                    FreeWare,  Version 1.05     
scs_200b.zip   29751 08-05-2024 Simple Comment Space 2.00b
                                Grafitti wall PEX for PB 2.01
                                By J-P Losier
                                Allows multimple line comments. 
                                Displays in chronological order.
                                Custom COLOR Signatures.
                                Custom backgrounds & color schemes.
                                Custom access levels & flags.
scut215x.zip   98657 08-05-2024 SCiUTIL v2.15 (exe for ProBord 2.1x)
                                The Mother of All ProBoard Utilities
                                This Swiss Army Knife Util Features:
                                 - PBUTIL command line interface
                                 - full Fido *.MSG area maintenance
                                 - FILES.BBS conversion and fixing
                                 - export userbase with templates
                                 - export/import file/message areas
                                 - fix the binary log file (fast)
                                 - pack file and message areas
                                 - music file player with a twist
                                 - offline paging status modify
                                 - semaphore file support (any file)
                                 - extensive configuration check
                                 - create certain RemoteAccess files
                                 - modify Doing and UserDoes status
                                 - index the language files
                                 - create the TopTagz index file
                                    Copyright (c) 1995, 1996      
                                     Branislav L. Slantchev       
                                 Coded for Silicon Creations, Inc 
sc_pex12.zip   36117 08-05-2024 ,=======[ Stellar Cartography  1.2 ]=======,
                                |    ProBoard 2.15 BBS and URL list PEX    |
                                | Completely cursor controlled, editing or |
                                | deleting of own entries, info screen for |
                                | each entry, all ANSIs are configurable,  |
                                | announcing in message area, download     |
                                | ASCII BBS list or HTML URL list, ...     |
                                |     FREEWARE by Ruben Provoost [JMJ]     |
sdk215.zip     14062 08-05-2024 Ŀ PB_SDK.H for PB 2.15 
                                 This is a corrected version of the  
                                 file PB_SDK.H coming with ProBoard  
                                 V2.15. One bug that has been fixed  
                                 is the incorrect CONFIG-structure ! 
seescore.zip    3926 08-05-2024 See Score v0.00.001 :-)
                                makes it possible to let
                                your users view who has
                                played 1 Armed Jack on 
                                your bbs and invites them
                                to join the competition.
see_n13.zip    12151 08-05-2024   
                                  [N0$] Productions  
                                      DID IT AGAIN:      
                                       See And N v1.3        
                                 The revolutionair NewsFlash 
                                  PEX! Let your users chose  
                                 which bulletins to view and 
                                    which not! Completely    
                                      lightbar-driven !      
                                 ! Crash-Bug totally fixed ! 
                                        New options:         
                                    - Configurable ANSI      
                                    - Configurable colors    
                                 Freeware by Filip Duyck 
                                 For  ProBoard 2.15+ 
selpex11.zip   38560 08-05-2024 ,-==============[ Sela 1.1 ]==============-,
                                | Four ProBoard 2.15 PEXes to change file  |
                                | and message areas/groups.                |
                                | Fully cursor controlled, configurable    |
                                | appearance, no copyright messages, ...   |
                                | Last area bug fixed, better multitasking |
                                |     FREEWARE by Ruben Provoost [JMJ]     |
sendm100.zip   27382 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                 ˿ end˿              
                                        essage V1.00 
                                   ProBoard Executable      
                                 The Ultimate Online  for   
                                 sending messages from either    
                                 the sysop or from Line to Line! 
                                 -  Editor with lots of Features 
                                 -  Sysop free definable screens 
                                 -  Free definable _Macros_      
                                 -  Kick and annoying User       
                                 -  User Level restrictions      
                                 -  _PopUp Windows_, Lightbars   
                                 -  and much more ...            
                                  ۲    MINDWARE   ۲  
                                    (C) 1996 by Guido Mattar     
setall.zip      4517 08-05-2024 SetAll   for ProBoard 2.01 allows you to
                                define the default Message & File, Areas &
                                for your Users at Login from NSD
setar102.zip   17862 08-05-2024 Set Mail Areas. Fe-line Software PEX
                                Allows a User or Sysop to select the
                                Mail and QWK message boards quickly.
                                Includes PEX to autoadd non-selected
                                Mail Areas.
                                Fixes ProBoard problem of initially
                                scanning all Mail Areas for New Mail 
                                        * DOING Compatible *
                                      (C)1996 Fe-line Software
                                       Version 1.02, FreeWare
                                           (AV Protected)
setb100.zip     8054 08-05-2024 SETBOARD v1.00 -a usefull ProBoard 
                                that forces definable  messageareas for
                                ProBoard's new mail check function !!!!
                                German and international version. FREE!
                                  SetBoard is written and (c) in 1995
                                         by Peter Hampf & PBS
                                            ** FREEWARE **
setgroup.zip    4349 08-05-2024 Set Group  for ProBoard 2.01 allows you
                                define the default Message & File Groups from
setit100.zip    5320 08-05-2024   This file was checked 
                                  S E T I T,    v1.0               
                                 Kleines   Tool,  setzt              
                                 eine   Message / File-              
                                 Area/Gruppe fest,  gut              
                                 in   Kombination   mit              
                                 CRSSEL, TWINTAG, MLIST              
                                 und anderen PEXen.                  
                                 TwinSoft '95. FREEWARE              
                                  by SKLLCHCK lp 
                                Eingefuegt in der BE_HAPPY BBS ;-) - CHEESE
setty100.zip    4330 08-05-2024  SETTY fr ProBoard 2.10 
                                Legt beim  Login eines Users
                                eine  File/Message - Gruppe/
                                Area fest.  Verhindert Probs
                                mit einigen PEXes,  die beim
                                ersten Aufruf  bereits  eine
                                vorhandene Area brauchen, da
                                PB  beim  Login  automatisch
                                den Wert 0 fr Areas/Gruppen
                                annimmt.   F R E E W A R E !
setup_iz.zip    7821 08-05-2024 How to use ICEZmodem in ProBoard
sezwho.zip      6863 08-05-2024  -                          - Ŀ
                                         EXCESSIVE FORCE CREW         
                                 SEZWHO 1.0                                
                                 SeZwHo is a ProBoard PEX that allows      
                                 users to add a line to what previous      
                                 users wrote on it (a so called liner)     
                                 Something like 'THEWALL' but fancier.     
                                 ANOTHER DUTCH QUALITY PEX WRITTEN BY      
                                        -= EXCESSIVE FORCE =-              
                                 -                          -      
sf2pb.zip      22280 08-05-2024 
show100.zip    10306 08-05-2024         Show ANS/ASC 1.00                   
                                A Proboard Pex that allows you to 
                                show an ANS/ASC file befor a user 
                                goes to the Main, File, Door or   
                                Message Menu.                     
                                      FREEWARE By: SaberWare      
showhan1.zip    4391 08-05-2024 ShowHandle lists your users by their handles
                                instead of by their names
showpmt1.zip   20013 08-05-2024  ShowPrompt V1.oo 
                                 You know PCBored ?? 
                                : You know RAccess ?? :
                                | You know ShowAnsi ? |
                                With this PEX  you can
                                 play ShowAnsi-Styled 
                                   Enter-Prompts !!  
                                |Or how about make your|
                                :  own Enter-Prompts ? :
                                    It's so easy...   
                                -= FREEWARE =-
shows110.zip   11365 08-05-2024 Ϳ
                                 ¿ howStat  V1.10 
                                 Little Online        
                                 Statistic Tool. Give 
                                 your User many Infos 
                                 about her Status in  
                                 your BBS.            
                                 -= FREEWARE PEX =- 
                                   (c) 1995-'96  by   
                                    GENESIS  'SOFT    
slog15ga.zip   38639 08-05-2024     
                                   SPEED LOGIN V1.5   
                                        Gamma A       
                                 Recently it has  now 
                                 been   released. Now 
                                 even  more Powerfull 
                                 and     with    more 
                                 astonishing options. 
                                 Try  the best  LOGIN 
                                 for   ProBoard   out 
                                 now.    For Pb V2.1x 
sma.zip         4296 08-05-2024 P A C I F I C (Pex)
                                SMA is a Sysop Util for shelling to DOS
                                and loading the Message areas from Procfg
                                while in local mode on the BBS.It started
                                out as an AKA changer but commands allow
                                only as far as the Areas.This does save
                                you a few key presses.
                                ** FREEWARE **
smpex135.zip    9930 08-05-2024 SmashPex v1.35 - Freeware!Run every pex file 
                                in yourPEX path through this and,if you want,
                                delete themtoo! Very safe, veryeffective. 
                                Deletes onlyon prompt. 
smsg.zip        3816 08-05-2024 Short-MSG PEX fr ProBoard SysOp's
smsg2b2.zip     4793 08-05-2024 Short-Message v2.0   -   prima Tool um
                                Usern eine kurze Mitteilung zu senden,
                                ohne gleich den ganzen Chatter starten
                                zu muessen ...
sneuv10.zip     6317 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                     SuchNeu Version 1.0       
                                  (ein NewFileCheck )       
                                Fragt den User, ob er nach neuen 
                                Dateien suchen mchte. Das PEX   
                                benutzt die internen JA/NEIN     
                                Prompts der Sprachdateien von    
                                ProBoard, was den Vorteil bringt,
                                das man Cursorgesteuerte JA/NEIN 
                                Prompts wie z.B. von TWINSOFT    
                                gleichzeitig eingebunden hat! ;-)
                                     Enthlt 2 Versionen:        
                                SNEU_1.PEX --> mit ClearScreen   
                                SNEU_2.PEX --> ohne ClearScreen  
                                  ---> fr Proboard 2.15 <---    
                                  -= Loser's FREEWARE  =-   
snf.zip         7834 08-05-2024 SNF - PEX fr ProBoard
                                Simples PEX, das die Suche nach neuen
                                Files erlaubt.
spanish.zip     7900 08-05-2024 
spcb10.zip     10141 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 FreeWare      ShowPCB 1.0     FreeWare 
                                 ProBoard 2.12 PEX to display special     
                                 PCBoard (TM) files, which contain @X??   
                                 color codes. Supports the @CLS@ Clear    
                                 Screen code. Use Thedraw or Aciddraw to  
                                 create the .PCB Files. Includes Sample   
                                 .PCB file!                               
                                 Requirements: ProBoard 2.12 or later,    
                                 ANSi or ASCii terminal emulation.        
                                [Virtual Soft Productions]
spdlog1b.zip   41178 08-05-2024     
                                   SPEED LOGIN V11   
                                 Maybe the best LOGIN 
                                 PEX ever written for 
                                 ProBoard. Now with   
                                 automatic AddUser    
                                 Function and much    
                                 more features. Try   
                                 this out.            
split202.zip   53776 08-05-2024 PEX File:
                                  Ŀķ         ķ 
                                  ķĽ          Ķ Ķ  
                                 -= SplitChat and SplitCfg v2.02 =-
                                By Dirk Van Caneghem (Fido: 2:291/1907)
                                Chatting in a splitted screen never felt
                                so good. Containing many options.
                                To set up SplitChat, use Splitcfg.pex,
                                also included in this archive.
splitdoc.zip    8104 08-05-2024 
splite10.zip   79920 08-05-2024 Spot-Light Bulletin Generator v1.0
                                This door utility creates a compiled
                                winners bulletin using your door games
                                ASCII bulletin. Support for many
                                popular door games is included.
                                Additional support provided by
                                request. By Mace Software
squadra2.zip   63295 08-05-2024 ******** Squadra Version 2.00 *********
                                Squadra is an advanced utility for the
                                manipulation of comments in FILES.BBS 
                                files. Squadra will work with ProBoard,
                                Remote Access 1.xx and 2.00. Major NEW
                                Release. Automaticly import comments,
                                copy and move files between areas, hook
                                up external programs, search for files,
                                create superb looking file listings and
                                a lot more. ShareWare $25,1000Bfr,50HFL
                                ******* CHECK IT OUT NOW !!! **********
ssmcuv23.zip   16865 08-05-2024 +           
                                +  V2.30        
                                +              lpha
                                + TCHAT/X - Support Site
                                + --Ŀ
                                +  +32 016 583416  
                                + --
sstat102.zip    5370 08-05-2024           Saber Stats 1.02
                                A Proboard Pex that shows user    
                                statistics , eg.., Name, Alias,   
                                # files D/l'd, etc...             
                                      FREEWARE By: SaberWare      
stargate.zip    3149 08-05-2024 
startim2.zip   28112 08-05-2024 STARTIM2.BAT - INTERMAIL/PROBOARD BATCH
                                These Batch Files are for the set-up of
                                Intermail with Proboard and Imail. This
                                set is for single or Multi-Node. This
                                file should replace STARTIM.ZIP!
                                Bug Fixes, Plus great Multi-Node set-up.
                                *****From The Peek Hole BBS!*****
stat4u11.zip   97043 08-05-2024 STAT4U  The ProBoard - Stats Door
                                ۲            STAT4U           ۺ
                                 Die ultimative Statistik Door fuer  
                                        ProBoard  Version 1.10       
                                -==- in Deutsch oder Englisch -==- 
status.zip     18828 08-05-2024 Displays Status of nodes
                                   using Userdoes.x files.
                                Works with ProBoard 2.15+.
                                Runs in a DOS windows.
                                Native DV,Win,DOS,& OS/2
                                   Time Slicing.
stitle11.zip    7095 08-05-2024      SetTitle PEX for ProBoard
                                For Win95 and OS/2 SysOps, this PEX
                                changes the window title to show
                                what the user is doing.
                                  Another PEX release from CBWare
superpex.zip    3884 08-05-2024 
                                   SUPERSCROLLER for ProBoard    
                                          [PEX] [PEX] [PEX]          
                                 THE MOST EXCiTiNG ANiMATION EVER SEEN
                                Warning! this is a known Trojan!
sxpex20.zip     5178 08-05-2024 A Proboard PEX program for the Silver Xpress
                                Mail System. This PEX program will allow you
                                to set up an "Auto-Door" feature for Silver
                                Xpress:  When users login into Proboard, this
                                PEX program will determine if the user wants
                                to go directly to the Silver Xpress Mail
sysin11.zip     5321 08-05-2024       SysIn PEX for ProBoard
                                Displays defineable "out" message
                                if Scroll Lock is on, and definable
                                "in" message if not. Specify the
                                co-ordinates and colour. Simple.
                                Also has an option to toggle Scroll
                                Lock status.
                                  First PEX release from CBWare!
s_26n110.zip   11368 08-05-2024   
                                  [N0$] Productions  
                                      DID IT AGAIN:      
                                       See And N v1.1        
                                 The revolutionair NewsFlash 
                                  PEX! Let your users chose  
                                 which bulletins to view and 
                                    which not! Completely    
                                  Numeric Cursor bug fixed!  
                                 Freeware by Filip Duyck 
                                 For  ProBoard 2.15+ 
s_extra1.zip    6380 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  SuchNeu EXTRA Version 1.1    
                                 ( fr TwinTag's NewFileCheck )  
                                Fragt den User, ob er nach neuen 
                                Dateien suchen mchte, und ruft  
                                den TWINTAG NewFileChecker auf.  
                                Wenn man die Cursorgesteurten    
                                JA/NEIN Prompts von TWINSOFT     
                                verwendet, werden diese automa-  
                                tisch beim Abfragen verwendet    
                                     Enthlt 2 Versionen:        
                                SNEU_3.PEX --> mit ClearScreen   
                                SNEU_4.PEX --> ohne ClearScreen  
                                  ---> fr Proboard 2.15 <---    
                                  -= Loser's FREEWARE  =-   
tabs4bbs.zip   45739 08-05-2024  sends you message of users who register
                                on your BBS using the TABS 900 service.
taf014.zip     12928 08-05-2024 (v0.14) The Archive Fixer
                                Let users seach for arhived files, 
                                show the contents and read files   
                                inside these archived files. Also  
                                make it possible to tag some files 
                                from the archive and repack them   
                                for downloading.                   
                                Supports several (up to 10)        
                                archivers, installable with an     
                                .INI file.                         
                                TAF is shareware                   
                                    Another Dutch Quality PEX      
tag101g2.zip   81489 08-05-2024 TAGGER v1.012 pex for ProBoard 2.12
                                 TAGGER  File lister/tagger   V1.012 
                                 - Newfile, Keyword, Filename search  
                                 - Download file description          
                                 - Cursorkey control                  
                                 - Backscroll                         
                                 - Request offline files              
                                 - List files and no download         
                                 - Highlite keywords                  
                                 - added a pex "request.pex" for put- 
                                   ting offline files online          
                                 - support max kb, max file per area  
                                 - Sysop defineble ansi/ascii files   
                                 - filename search is a lot faster    
                                 - multiple filename search           
                                 - multiple keyword search            
                                 - much faster downloading            
                                 - some minor things                  
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:        
                                 WILLEM WEGHORST                      
taglines.zip  218051 08-05-2024 This is a database of over 10,000 taglines 
                                for use with ProTag, or any other tagline. 
tbm20.zip       8923 08-05-2024 TBM 2.0 The Bulletin Manager  
                                for ProBoard 2.01 allows you to display
                                up to 99 Bulletins from a single menu. 
                                ***NEW*** Now has FULL RIP Support
                                Another fine PEX from NSD
tbnk20ga.zip   74390 08-05-2024 The Bank ProBoard Advanced Time Bank V2.00.
tbnk210.zip    88519 08-05-2024 
tchat211.zip   57649 08-05-2024 The Chat PEX version 2.11
tcphn101.zip   13989 08-05-2024                           ______          
                                 \ TC /Ŀ 
                                Ĵ Triangular  Creations   \/ FREEWARE Ŀ
                                             PhoneyBill V1.01             
                                 A  PEX that calculates  the cost  of the 
                                 user's current call (to your BBS that is)
                                 Calculates  length  of  call,   distance 
                                 between user's area and BBS's area,  the 
                                 tariff  for  the call and  shows a cost- 
                                 report. Easy to use and looks nice.      
                                 This version  will  calculate  the  cost 
                                 using  6.05BEF/unit   instead   of   the 
                                 6BEF/unit as in V1.00                    
                                Ŀ  [Kris Gijbels]    [Date: 97.02.03]  
tdm41.zip      21332 08-05-2024 TDM 4.1 The Door Manager  
                                for ProBoard 2.x 
                                - Supports up to 210 Doors
                                - Supports up to 7 Groups 
                                - allows for restricting Access 
                                - via a flag in both the Group
                                - and Doors Menus
                                - Full RIP Support
                                - Sysop Generated Screens
                                - Multi-Node Capable from a single
                                - set of Batch Files
                                - Archive includes Sample Screens & Bats
                                **NEW** Displays of Time remaining
                                - From Nytech Software Design NSD
tedit211.zip   40542 08-05-2024 TheEdit ANSI Full Screen Message Editor v2.10
tempo1.zip     13436 08-05-2024 
tetpex10.zip   26749 08-05-2024 ,============[  Tetris  1.0  ]=============,
                                | Tetris game PEX for ProBoard 2.16        |
                                | Online version of the well known game    |
                                | that's fully cursor controlled, ANSIs    |
                                | and colors are configurable, different   |
                                | scoring options (bonuses), ...           |
                                |     FREEWARE by Ruben Provoost [JMJ]     |
tf_file.zip     4000 08-05-2024     ______    ________
                                   /      \   \   ___/
                                   \_    _/   /  (___
                                     /  \    /   ___/
                                    /    \  /    \
                                    \____/  \____/  V1.0
                                  0 0( Ŀ
                                   -=] pReSeNtS! [=-   
                                |    A NeWfIlEsCaN      |
                                   PeX FoR PrObOaRd    :
                                 ReLeAsEd On: 11.12.95 
                                Ŀ bY Mysty^TF 
tf_mail.zip     4002 08-05-2024     ______    ________
                                   /      \   \   ___/
                                   \_    _/   /  (___
                                     /  \    /   ___/
                                    /    \  /    \
                                    \____/  \____/  V1.0
                                  0 0( Ŀ
                                   -=] pReSeNtS! [=-   
                                |    A NeWmAiLsCaN      |
                                   PeX FoR PrObOaRd    :
                                 ReLeAsEd On: 11.12.95 
                                Ŀ bY Mysty^TF 
tgflg201.zip   10346 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 TOGGLEFLAG v2.01                
                                 is the ultimate tool for sysops 
                                 who wants to let a user decide  
                                 to do, or don't do certain      
                                 things (like showing txtfiles). 
                                 Just allow a user to toggle a   
                                 flag so no need for 2 keys !    
                                 just one to toggle.             
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:   
                                 EDDIE VAN LOON                  
tglf100.zip     5617 08-05-2024 TGLFLAG v1.00 - a usefull ProBoard 
                                to TOGGLE one or more userflags.
                                 ToggleFlag is written and (c) in 1995
                                         by Peter Hampf & PBS
                                            ** FREEWARE **
thequest.zip    8770 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 THeQueSTioN 2.0          FREEWARE 
                                 TheQuestion is an extended PEX    
                                 questionnaire for ProBoard. Paint 
                                 your own ANSI for it and make it  
                                 completely your style. With       
                                 with description bar below and    
                                 changeable colors & positions.    
                                 Up to 20 extra questions. Stores  
                                 some original data PLUS the       
                                 extended data to an answer file.  
                                 AUTODETECTS LAMERS!               
                                 ANOTHER DUTCH QUALITY PEX         
                                 FROM EXCESSiVE FORCE PRODUCTiONS  
thnws200.zip   75952 08-05-2024                          
                                 TheNews 2.0 FINAL                    
                                 This is your ULTIMATE news manager   
                                 for ProBoard. Featuring :            
                                  Configurable TXT colors            
                                  Configurable Enter prompt          
                                  Displaying TXT or ANSI files       
                                  Newsitems displayed ONCE or ALWAYS 
                                  Date-specified news for things     
                                   like Christmas or Newyear          
                                  Level-needed news, news only       
                                   displayed to users with the level  
                                   required for that item             
                                  Ansi-Compression, MUCH faster than 
                                   TheNews 1.10, a little faster than 
                                   TheNews 1.20                       
                                  Long ansi-files (>24 lines) also   
                                   supported with the MORE prompt     
                                  Great configuration utility        
                                 ANOTHER DUTCH QUALITY PEX            
                                 FROM EXCESSIVE FORCE PRODUCTIONS     
thnws201.zip   67452 08-05-2024                          
                                 TheNews 2.01 BUGFIX RELEASE          
                                 This is your ULTIMATE news manager   
                                 for ProBoard. Featuring :            
                                  Configurable TXT colors            
                                  Configurable Enter prompt          
                                  Displaying TXT or ANSI files       
                                  Newsitems displayed ONCE or ALWAYS 
                                  Date-specified news for things     
                                   like Christmas or Newyear          
                                  Level-needed news, news only       
                                   displayed to users with the level  
                                   required for that item             
                                  Ansi-Compression, MUCH faster than 
                                   TheNews 1.10, a little faster than 
                                   TheNews 1.20                       
                                  Long ansi-files (>24 lines) also   
                                   supported with the MORE prompt     
                                  Great configuration utility        
                                 Bugs Fixed :                         
                                  Docs now also work on slow PCs     
                                  NEWSLOGO.EXE doesn't crash anymore 
                                  Removed all compiler warnings      
                                 ANOTHER DUTCH QUALITY PEX            
                                 FROM EXCESSIVE FORCE PRODUCTIONS     
thqstn10.zip    5476 08-05-2024  -                          - Ŀ
                                         EXCESSIVE FORCE CREW         
                                 TheQuestion 1.0 Is A ProBoard PEX.        
                                 It will let your new users fill in        
                                 an extended questionnaire and stores      
                                 the answers to the ProBoard log file.     
                                 SOURCE INCLUDED so you can modify it.     
                                 ANOTHER DUTCH QUALITY PEX BY              
                                          EXCESSIVE FORCE PRODUCTIONS      
                                 -                          -      
timchk12.zip    7211 08-05-2024 Ethereal Time Checker For ProBoard 2.0x
                                Gives users a chance to withdraw time
                                from the timebank at logon if they are
                                almost or even completely out of time.
                                   Includes FULL C SOURCE CODE
                                Version 1.0 Standard Release
tlc301.zip     28676 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 TODAYS LAST CALLERS v3.01      
                                 Show your users who called to  
                                 the BBS today or 1,2 or 3 days 
                                 ago. The display is possible   
                                 for each single or for all the     
                                 nodes together.                    
                                 Complete NEW version, now has  
                                 the ability to show up & down  
                                 loaded Kb's for each user.         
                                 EDDIE VAN LOON                 
tlc_exe.zip    30147 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 TODAYS LAST CALLERS EXE-Version
                                 Show your users who called to  
                                 the BBS today or 1,2 or 3 days 
                                 ago. The display is possible   
                                 for each single or for all the     
                                 nodes together.                    
                                 Complete NEW version, now has  
                                 the ability to show up & down  
                                 loaded Kb's for each user.         
                                 EDDIE VAN LOON                 
tlprofi.zip     6875 08-05-2024 Twinliner OneLiner
tm_pex21.zip   95873 08-05-2024 ,-=============[ TheMin 2.1 ]=============-,
                                | ProBoard 2.15 split-screen chat PEX.     |
                                | Use up to 99 chatter ANSIs with fully    |
                                | configurable windows, colors, clock and  |
                                | names. Abbreviations, Eliza mode, Xtra   |
                                | menu, 4 different color modes, ...       |
                                | Much faster than previous versions.      |
                                |     FREEWARE by Ruben Provoost [JMJ]     |
toped104.zip   37055 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                       op  Ŀ                       
                                              dit   V1.04  (DOS)    
                                      Proboard EXecutable         
                                  FULL SCREEN MESSAGE EDITOR designed  
                                  just for use with ProBoard!          
                                   Complets Rewrite of V1.0*          
                                   Cursor_AND_HotKey support          
                                   Direct Msgtext Import option       
                                   FileAttach can be configured for   
                                    each Msg area.                     
                                   ONLINE HELP, INFOPAGE ...          
                                     ... and much more!                
                                  >>>>>>>  _WITH KEYFIL!_ <<<<<<<      
                                    (C) 1996-1997 by Genesis 'Soft     
topst100.zip   21973 08-05-2024 ----------------------
                                .           ....
                                    Ŀ ....
                                ..... .......
                                DUTCH QUALITY PEX'ES
                                TOP-STAT         V1.00 
                                Displays info on the 
                                current caller in com-
                                parison with the top 
                                caller of your bbs.
                                FREEWARE by E. v. Loon
totalfil.zip    4012 08-05-2024 Permite visualizar la cantidad
                                de ficheros que tiene ProBoard
                                en sus base de datos.
                                FreeWare de Julio Garcia
tparty10.zip   91004 08-05-2024 TParty - Task Party, Version 1.0 - Twinsoft
                                Switch   automatically   between   selected
                                tasks!  Grip up to 150 tasks (=windows) and
                                specify a time interval (0.5 - 30 sec.) and
                                the  TaskParty  will  automatically  switch
                                between all those tasks.  Great for network
                                administrators and BBS  Sysops  who want to
                                monitor  a  multiline  system!    Freeware!
tqdata_2d1.zip  126998 08-05-2024 
tquot210.zip   64419 08-05-2024 ProBoard Message Quoter version 2.10
                                TheQuote is a free message quoter.  As all
                                message quoters, it
                                will only work with a full screen message
                                editor (like GEdit, TopEd,
                                TheQuote has 1.000 one-line quotes.  A user
                                can easily select one of
                                them to add at the end of their message.
tr100.zip       9099 08-05-2024     
                                   TheRequester v1.0      
                                  ---- -  
                                   Let  the user generate   
                                   filerequests that will   
                                  be placed in an ALLFIX  
                                   area,   like  ALLFIX.B   
                                     For ProBoard 2.15+     
                                  - ---  
                                   (c) [N0$] Productions  
trc_2djok1.zip   43590 08-05-2024  
                                   ߲ ߲ ߲ ߲    
                                    JoKe LiSteR V1.0   
                                  No FuN iN yOur BoX ??    
                                  TaKe ThiZ PeX aNd The    
                                  UsEr sEe rAnDomIzeD      
                                  JoKeS .                  
                                  AdD yOur OwN JokEs aNd   
                                  eDit tHe TeXt FiLe       
                                  ReLeAsEd at 07/02/96     
trialsu2.zip   23834 08-05-2024  Trial Subscription PEX for
trojka3.zip    11324 08-05-2024 Trojka PEX. A game of skill.
                                ProBoard version implemented by Edwin
tsbcck20.zip   33894 08-05-2024 * BCCK v2.0    Twinsoft Development *
                                Birthday Checker Construction Kit,  Ver. 2.0
                                Funktionsstark & vllig frei konfigurierbar!
                                DER  Birthday Checker fr  Power-Sysops  mit
                                jeder  Menge  Features:  frei  einstellbares
                                Abfrageintervall, Schreiben von Mails an den
                                Sysop,  keine Abfrage  bei  bestimmtem  Flag
                                oder  nach  einer   bestimmten  Anzahl   von
                                Anrufen mehr, automatisches Ausschlieen aus
                                der Box, automatisches Hangup,  Verarbeitung
                                von bis zu  3 Logfiles/Fake-User Listen, nur
                                fr den  Sysop  sichtbare Informationen  wie
                                richtiges  Geburtsdatum  etc.,   komfortable
                                Eingabe des  Datums mit  verstecktem  Cursor
                                und automatischem  Setzen des  Trennpunktes,
                                einstellbare Anzahl an Versuchen UND UND UND
                                * 100% deutschsprachiges PEX!  Shareware! *
tsenter.zip     4363 08-05-2024  Der ultimative ENTER-Prompt 
                                 Wartet, bis der User ENTER  
                                 drckt und zeigt in der       
                                 Zwischenzeit eine Animation 
                                 [ 1 Textscroller, 2 Crash   
                                       Test Dummies ]        
                                     F R E E W A R E     
tsfaq496.zip    7145 08-05-2024 TwinSoft FAQ vom 13. April 1996 (dt.)
                                Neu in dieser Ausgabe: heisse Tips zu
                                ****    Script-to-PEX S2P 1.0    ****
                                sowie eine grosse Anzahl von Fragen &
                                Antworten zu diversen Twinsoft-Tools!
tsos2_1.zip    32578 08-05-2024  TwinSoft - OS/2 pack Vol. 1 
                                TwinSoft PEXe mit Cursorsteuerung
                                fhrten  bisher  zu  einer  hohen
                                Systemauslastung    unter   OS/2.
                                In   diesem   Archiv  finden sich
                                folgende   Programme,  die  Time-
                                slices an OS/2 abgeben:
                                CRSSEL  (Cursor Select, Msg/File-
                                Area/Gruppen Auswahl)
                                MLIST   (Fullscreen Messagelister
                                und Reader)
                                SMSG2    (Mini-Chat, TSR, Cursor)
                                TWINTAG  (Fullscreen  File-Tagger
                                mit Cursorsupport)
                                Dok's  sind den  Originalarchiven
                                zu entnehmen.       TwinSoft '95.
tsr_flag.zip    5493 08-05-2024 ProBoard TSR Flag Set v1.0  
                                 Pressing  ALT-F  after  having 
                                 installed this TSR-PEX  allows 
                                 you to  toggle  one or more of 
                                 current  online users  access 
                                 flags ( A-Z,1-6 ). Advantages: 
                                 you  dont  have to  load  the 
                                 user editor (ALT-E) & the user 
                                 wont see anything: neither he 
                                 will be notified of what youre
                                 doing nor he can see the sysop 
                                 only comfortable  flag prompt! 
                                 FREEWARE!    (C) 1995 TwinSoft 
ts_2ddiz02.zip   21414 08-05-2024     Twinsoft DIZ, Version 0.2    
                                Programmable    file_id.diz  ->  files.bbs
                                converter for ProBoard. Astonishing FAST !
                                   Overtake old Download-Counters      
                                   Insert old description if no        
                                    file_id.diz was found               
                                   Sort by name or by date             
                                   multiple-directory option           
                                   Support for RAR, ARJ, ZIP and       
                                    mails extraced using GoldED!        
                                   Write your own modules for any kind 
                                    of files                            
ts_2ddkick.zip    4827 08-05-2024 Dropkick fr Twinsoft Droppie :-)
                                * ----------------------------- *
                                Entfernt spezifizierbare User aus
                                der Droppie - Liste,  soda diese
                                beim nchsten Login nicht das ANS
                                angezeigt bekommen. Sinnvoll bei:
                                Gast-Accounts,  VIPs,  Usern  mit
                                Modemproblemen.          FREEWARE
ts_2ddl11a.zip   78398 08-05-2024 * Twinsoft DOWNLOADER v1.1 + Bonus-Pack *
                                Ersatz  fr  die  Download - Menfunktion
                                von   ProBoard  mit ntzlichen  Features:
                                MAGICs, Default Protocol,  PASSWORTschutz
                                fr Dateien,  "Sysop->User"-Files, Turbo-
                                Download, Bannerfiles uvm.    Farben und
                                Texte  frei  gestaltbar.    Optisch sehr
                                ansprechend!  Mit vielen  neuen Features!
                                *  Shareware DM 10,-    (C) W. Hommel  *
ts_2ddl11i.zip   62666 08-05-2024 * Twinsoft DOWNLOADER v 1.1 / internat. *
                                Replacement for ProBoards menufunction 32
                                "download files" with tons of features...
                                MAGICs, DefaultProtocol, PASSWORDprotect-
                                ion for files, Sysop-User - files, Turbo-
                                download, bannerfiles a.m.m   colors and
                                texts freely definable...    interesting
                                graphical FX, many many great features...
                                *  Shareware  $ 10,-    (C) W. Hommel  *
ts_2ddrp11.zip   15158 08-05-2024 * Twinsoft Probbie - DROPPIE v1.1 *
                                *      Release: Februar 1997      *
                                Ein  kleines  Tool,   um   Carrier-
                                Droppern,  also Leuten,  die in der
                                Box  einfach mit  ALT-H  aussteigen
                                statt das  Logoff-Men zu benutzen,
                                die Suppe zu versalzen.  Ihnen wird
                                ein ANSI Bild angezeigt, in dem sie
                                auf ihr  Verhalten  aufmerksam  ge-
                                macht werden  und eine  Pause von X
                                Sekunden  ( frei einstellbar )  ge-
                                gnnt,  in  der  sie ber ihr Leben
                                nachdenken knnen. Das wirkt! ;-)))
                                (C) 1997 Wolfgang Hommel. Freeware!
ts_2dgbv40.zip    6626 08-05-2024 * Twinsoft GOOD-BYE-VOTE v4.0  *
                                Deine  User  knnen   am  Ende  jeder
                                Session   kundtun,   wie   es   ihnen
                                gefallen hat.  Dazu knnen sie sich 1
                                von  8  frei definierbaren  Wertungen
                                aussuchen und  sehen  auch,  wie sich
                                ihre Vorgnger entschieden haben. :-)
                                [(C)opyright 1994-96 Wolfgang Hommel]
ts_2dhp10e.zip  144655 08-05-2024 Twinsoft HOMEPAGER v1.0 / PB ^ english
                                 Now your  users can build up their 
                                 own homepage  (known from the WWW) 
                                 and put it into your BBS !         
                                 Great  atmosphere  for  your  BBS! 
                                 There  are  guest  books,  visitor 
                                 counters, links, user's own files, 
                                 and much much  more for  unlimited 
                                 fun!  Everything  can be  built up 
                                 freely with some  phantasy  and an 
                                 easy - to - learn script language. 
                                 There can be real  menu structures 
                                 for creating little  BBSs-in-your- 
                                 BBS.  They are  unlimited in size, 
                                 but the  sysop can set a limit for 
                                 the size of the  user's own files. 
                                 An introduction and  reference for 
                                 the  user  comes  along  with this 
                                 Lot's  of  toys for the  sysop:  a 
                                 homepage - filelist-creator, tools 
                                 to get rid of unwanted user files, 
                                 and  powerful  utilities to  share 
                                 homepages  with  other sysops  via 
                                 file-networks!! Easy installation! 
                                 This is the BEST your BBS can get! 
                                        Unique & innovative!        
                                  !! A MUST FOR PROBOARD SYSOPS !!  
                                      (C) 1996 Wolfgang Hommel      
ts_2dhp10g.zip  184185 08-05-2024 _Twinsoft HOMEPAGER v1.0 fr ProBoard_
                                 Ab sofort knnen Deine  User echte 
                                 Homepages  ( bekannt aus dem WWW ) 
                                 in Deiner Box einrichten!          
                                 Grandiose Atmosphre durch  Guest- 
                                 books,  Visitor - Counter,  Links, 
                                 eigene  Dateien  und vieles vieles 
                                 mehr bei  absoluter  Freiheit  fr 
                                 den User:  mit Hilfe einer einfach 
                                 zu  erlernenden   Script - Sprache 
                                 lassen  sich  richtige  Menstruk- 
                                 turen  aufbauen,   soda   putzige 
                                 kleine Mailboxen- in- der- Mailbox 
                                 entstehen knnen.   Der Umfang der 
                                 Homepages ist  von den  Mens  her 
                                 unbegrenzt, nur fr die  Gre der 
                                 eigenen Dateien kann der Sysop ein 
                                 Limit vorgeben.  Eine ausfhrliche 
                                 und  mit   Beispielen  geschmckte 
                                 Einfhrung  und  Referenz  fr den 
                                 User ist gleich mit dabei.         
                                 Fr den  Sysop  gibt es jede Menge 
                                 Spielzeug:  einen  Homepage- File- 
                                 listengenerator,  Tools  um  uner- 
                                 wnschte  Files  aus den Homepages 
                                 fernzuhalten  und  mchtige Utili- 
                                 ties,  um  Homepages  mit  anderen 
                                 Sysops  ber   ein   Filenetz   zu 
                                 tauschen!   Einfache Installation! 
                                 Der  HIT  fr Deine Mailbox!  Noch 
                                 nie dagewesen & absolut einmalig!! 
                                 !! EIN MUSS FR PROBOARD SYSOPS !! 
                                      (C) 1996 Wolfgang Hommel      
ts_2dkeys.zip   16614 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 ********** TWINSOFT KEYMAKER ********** 
                                     FUER FOLGENDE PROGRAMME     
                                  Twinsoft BCCK v2.0                
                                  Twinsoft DOWNLOADER v1.1 + Bonus-Pack  
                                  Twinsoft ExtraChat - XChat 2000        
                                  Twinsoft ExtraEdit (XEdit) 2.0         
                                  Twinsoft HOMEPAGER v1.0 fr ProBoard   
                                  Twinsoft S2P 1.0  { Script-2-PEX }    
                                  Twinsoft XML 1.0 Multiline-Chat        
                                      Diese Programme sind ab jetzt      
                                             !! FREEWARE !!              
ts_2dmuc02.zip   10299 08-05-2024  Twinsoft Mini Upload Checker v0.2 
                                Nifty upload virus checker  for PB 2.12
                                     Very fast (no unneeded features) 
                                     Very easy to install - uses      
                                      PBs built-in up-checker hook    
                                     use any virus scanner you want   
ts_2dpblc3.zip   15821 08-05-2024  ProBoard LastCaller 2 FrontDoor, v3.0 
                                Updates FrontDoors (2.02 - 2.30) inbound
                                history  and  lastcall  data  files  with
                                information about your last  ProBoard BBS
                                caller e.g. name,  city,  minutes online,
                                level, KBs downloaded ...  and MUCH more!
                                Built-in  multi- and single line support,
                                recognizes carrier drops,lots of features
                                (C) 1995 Wolfgang Hommel        Freeware
ts_2dpbpt3.zip    9944 08-05-2024 Twinsoft Probbie - PROMPTIE Version 3
                                 Deutschsprachige Ja / Nein Prompts 
                                 mit Cursor- und Numpad-  Steuerung 
                                 als  Ersatz  fr   die   Texte  im 
                                 Languagefile.       [ animierbar ] 
                                 ** neu **  Prompts ber ANSI-Datei 
                                 ** # 1 **  frei konfigurierbar! :) 
ts_2dprots.zip    7365 08-05-2024 >> Protokoll-Sortierer fr ProBoard <<
                                Ergnzt  ProBoards   Setup - Programm
                                ProCfg   um   die   Mglichkeit,   die
                                installierten File-Transfer Protokolle
                                manuell zu sortieren.        Freeware!
                                TSD Germany - a Horst Lech production!
ts_2drega6.zip   28018 08-05-2024 Twinsoft Registrierungsformulare 10/96
                                WICHTIG!!! Da Peter Koerner nicht mehr
                                Reg-Site ist,  mssen  ab sofort  alle
                                Twinsoft - Programme direkt beim Autor
                                Wolfgang  Hommel  registriert  werden!
                                *****  In  diesem  Archiv  finden sich
                                aktualisierte Registrierungs-Formulare
                                fr alle Proboard - spezifischen Twin-
                                soft-Sharewareprogramme!        *****
ts_2ds2p10.zip   57216 08-05-2024 * Twinsoft S2P 1.0  { Script - 2 - PEX } *
                                *Verwandelt ProBoard Script Files ( .Q-A )*
                                *   in selbstaendig ausfuehrbare PEXe !   *
                                Du hast Dich schon immer darueber geaergert
                                dass ein Grossteil der Tools fuer  ProBoard
                                Schrott ist und Du selbst  kein C++ kannst,
                                um eigene PEXe zu schreiben?  S2P ist genau
                                das  richtige  fuer Dich!  Mit Hilfe dieses
                                Tools  und  der   ProBoard-Script   Sprache
                                koennen  funktionsstarke PEXe   geschrieben
                                werden,vom einfachen EnterPrompt ueber auf-
                                wendige  Menueprogramme bis hin zum Online-
                                Spiel der Extraklasse. Auch fuer Einsteiger
                                (C)opyright '96 Wolfgang Hommel  Shareware
ts_2dtlc11.zip    5845 08-05-2024 * Twinsoft TAG-LIST-CHECK TLC v1.1a *
                                - < 2.15 > ---------------- < PEX > -
                                Ueberprueft die Tag-File-Liste von PB
                                und streicht falsche Eintraege,  z.B.
                                wenn   markierte  Dateien  inzwischen
                                geloescht worden sind.      (deutsch)
                                _AddOn fr Twinsoft Downloader v1.1a_
ts_2dtt16a.zip   29101 08-05-2024 Twinsoft Tagger (TWINTAG) Upd. 1.6a
                                Update von Twintag  1.6  auf 1.6a -
                                Twintag 1.6 mu bereits installiert
                                sein. NEU: schnellere Cursorstrng.,
                                verbesserte Suchfunktionen mit  Ab-
                                bruchmglichkeit  und  Anzeige  be-
                                reits gefundener  Dateien,  mehrere
                                Bugfixes,   auto-scroll-down   beim
                                Taggen von Files.  [ Oktober 1996 ]
ts_2dxc20d.zip   54941 08-05-2024 Twinsoft ExtraChat - XChat 2000 
                                [ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ]
                                Sysop <-> User Chat ab Proboard 2.10!
                                Feat.:  Cursorsteuerung,  Backscroll-
                                Puffer,   100%   anpassbar,   mehrere
                                Oberflaechen-Schablonen auch waehrend
                                des Chats wechselbar, Sysop-Menue mit
                                Cockpit  (Umgehung  von Upload-Ratio,
                                Erhoehung  des  Download-Limits,  der
                                Onlinezeit   oder   des  Userlevels),
                                globalem Download, Logfile, DAU Mode,
                                Ausfuehren   von   PEXen   und    DOS
                                Befehlen,   Import  und  Anzeige  von
                                Dateien, Anzeige der Uhrzeit etc.
                                [ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ]
                                Der  Proboard-Splitscreen   Chat  fuer
                                Sysops,  die  totale  Kontrolle  ueber
                                ihre User  haben  wollen! :-)  Endlich
                                macht Chatten wieder richtig Spass! :)
ts_2dxed20.zip   55779 08-05-2024 Twinsoft ExtraEdit (XEdit) 2.0 
                                [-------------- PB-Net Version ----]
                                Multitasker-freundlicher Fullscreen-
                                Editor fr Proboard ab Ver. 2.10 :-)
                                Zuverlssig und stabil, das optische
                                Erscheinungsformat kann  durch ANSI-
                                Bilder  und eine  umfangreiche  (gut
                                dokumentierte) INI Datei vollstndig
                                an   eigene   Bedrfnisse  angepasst
                                werden. Unkomplizierte Installation!
                                Features: Message - Upload / Import,
                                qualitativ    hochwertige    Cursor-
                                steuerung,     Abbreviation    Mode,
                                einsatzfhig  vorkonfiguriert. XEdit
                                ist der Traumeditor jedes Sysops und
                                Users ;-)  (C) 1996 Wolfgang Hommel
ts_2dxml10.zip   55814 08-05-2024 Twinsoft XML 1.0 Multiline-Chat 
                                DER Multiline-Chatter fr Proboard...
                                Features:  ALLE  Lines knnen gleich-
                                zeitig  chatten  (!!!),   ffentliche
                                Messages an alle Lines + private Msgs
                                an  nur  eine Line ( Flster-Mail! ),
                                multitaskerfreundlich, stabil,  farb-
                                lich gestaltbar durch  ANSIs und INI.
                                Zum-Chat-einladen Funktion  mit  "La
                                mich in Ruhe" - Flag und vieles mehr.
                                Nicht ganz einfach  zu  installieren,
                                aber es lohnt sich fr alle Multiline
                                Systeme! Fr Proboard ab Version 2.10
ts_2dxupd1.zip   13627 08-05-2024 Update fr Twinsoft XEdit 2.0 
                                NEU: - Upload/Import von Files bzw.
                                !!!    vorgefertigten Messagetexten
                                !!!  - Schnellere Cursorsteuerung !
                                Hinweis:  dies ist nur ein  Update!
                                Die   Dateien   aus    dem   Archiv
                                TS-XED20.RAR    werden    UNBEDINGT
                                bentigt!  Siehe  Datei  xedit.txt!
ttag201.zip    78858 08-05-2024 (TwinTag v2.01)(MAiLWARE[PEX])
                                | letzte_lunge presents: Ŀ|
                                :               ܲ    :
                                ܲ۲۲ ܲ۱  ߲۲߲۲ 
                                :    ޲ ۱ ۲     :
                                    ۲۱ ۲   
                                ߲۲        ߲߲:
                                |               TwinTag 2.01              |
                                       lauffaehig ab proboard 2.1x       
                                 * (de)markieren mit backscroll          
                                 * new-file-, filename- & stichwortsuche 
                                   wahlweise in allen oder der akt. area 
                                 * groupen/areawechsel und download      
                                   direkt aus dem tagger heraus          
                                 * anzeige markierter files, kilobytes   
                                   und prozent der liste...              
                                 * inkl. filereminder                    
                                 * userdoes und doing - support          
                                | * timeslice fuer win, os/2 und desqview |
ttagz10s.zip   25284 08-05-2024 Silicon Creations, Inc. Presents
                                TopTagz v1.0r1: SourCe Code
ttagz10x.zip  104183 08-05-2024 Silicon Creations, Inc. Presents
                                TopTagz v1.0r1: The PB Top-Files
                                Download Lister. A handy utility
                                to let users download any of the
                                files from the TOPFILES.ASC list
                                generated by PBUTIL. Full-screen
                                ANSi interface with cursor-keys,
                                configurable colors and totally
                                customziable status line. Free!
                                GNU License, Copyright (c) 1996
                                    Branislav L. Slantchev
ttastic_21.zip    4036 08-05-2024                    
                                   TAGtastiC++   SCREENSHOTS
                                   PREMiUM FiLEDOOR & FiLE -
                                   MANAGER fOR PROBoard 2.xx
                                 - -- -  - --
                                  + Build around "graphic"
                                    user interface
                                  + FASTAreaChange, Tagging,
                                    Locate, Up-/Download
                                  + Multilingual
                                  + Configurable colors
                                  + Very fast ProBoard PEX...
                                  + ...much more!  SHAREWARE
                                 --- -   -  --
tuerkce.zip     8015 08-05-2024 Trkisch language (PBL) file /half
tuser110.zip   75817 08-05-2024 (PEX) TheUser R110 : ProBoard Remote User
                                Editor (last update!)
tvgpp20s.rar   43441 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                   source & libraries division
                                TurboVision Gadgets++ v2.0 Sources
                                Add-on class library developed for
                                TurboVision v1.01, recently placed
                                in the public domain by Borland Co
                                These specialized classes include:
                                 ProCFG workalike ColorSelector 
                                 TimeFrame manipulation dialog! 
                                 ProBoard flag selector classes 
                                 ListBox class, tagging support 
                                 A title class for text display 
                                 Edit line, full picture masks! 
                                All code has been extensively used
                                in production software development
                                Full C++ source code and examples!
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
twinbord.zip   12498 08-05-2024  T W I N  -  B O A R D
                                 The craziest bulletin
                                board you've ever seen !
                                - full cursor support
                                - great statusbar
                                - crazy colors
                                - security features
                                - f r e e w a r e
twinline.zip    4737 08-05-2024 WINLINERS - The REAL Oneliner-Board for
twnbnk12.zip   20811 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                   TWIN - BANK v1.2  ۲ 
                                     Die DEUTSCHE Zeitbank       
                                    Einzahlen und Abheben von        
                                     Minuten und Kilobytes            
                                    Kredit aufnehmen oder Umtausch   
                                     von Min. in KB und umgekehrt     
                                    Alle Limits (Konto-Obergrenze,   
                                     max. Auszahlung pro Tag etc.)    
                                     frei definierbar ber INI-File.  
                                    Eingebautes Turbo-Logoff System  
                                    Kredit - Checker (abschaltbar)   
                                    Automatische Einzahlung beim     
                                    Einfach zu installieren          
twntag16.zip   75166 08-05-2024 TwinTag,Version1.6forPB2.12
txtsr004.zip   16397 08-05-2024 TEXTSEARCH for ProBoard 2.01 and 2.02
                                 TEXTSEARCH                     V0.04 
                                 This pex is a replacement for the    
                                 TextSearch pex that comes with       
                                 ProBoard 2.01 and 2.02               
                                 - Seaching for text using Logic      
                                   operators like AND, OR and NOT     
                                 - Support userdoes dropfile          
                                 - This program only works if you are 
                                   registerd gold-key member          
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:        
                                 WILLEM WEGHORST                      
txtvw3.zip      7072 08-05-2024 TextView  MavEtJu Software
                                This little pex can display textfiles, but
                                also scroll up, down, goto end and goto begin
uaps10.zip     11623 08-05-2024 ,========[ USS Aurora Page songs ]=========,
                                | Collection of 10 page songs (MUS format) |
                                | Star Trek : The Motion Picture, The Next |
                                | Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager,    |
                                | seaQuest DSV, The X-Files, Wings, Murder |
                                | One, "Lalala" (De Vliegende Doos) and    |
                                | the VTM theme                            |
                                |     FREEWARE by Ruben Provoost [JMJ]     |
ued101_2de.zip   26183 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                                  dit V1.01  
                                    Proboard EXecutable     
                                    ADVANCED REMOTE USERSETUP    
                                   Full featured Cursor AND     
                                    animation kernel included    
                                   100% Cursor controlled       
                                   easy to use (OnlineHelp)     
                                   Gives Timeslices under       
                                     Multitask Enviroments       
                                   Userdoes support             
                                   very simple to install       
                                  and many more ... TRY IT NOW ! 
                                 (C) 1996-'97 by Genesis 'Soft 
ued101_2dg.zip   28937 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                                  dit V1.01  
                                    Proboard EXecutable     
                                    ADVANCED REMOTE USERSETUP    
                                   Erweiterte Cursor &          
                                    Animations Routinen enth.    
                                   100% Cursor gesteuert        
                                   Einfach in der benutzung     
                                   Eingebaute Onlinehilfe       
                                   Gibt TimeSlices unter den    
                                    verschiedensten M.-taskern   
                                   Userdoes Unterstuetzung      
                                   Einfache Installation        
                                  und vieles mehr ! TRY IT NOW ! 
                                 (C) 1996-'97 by Genesis 'Soft 
uedit3s.zip    34961 08-05-2024 Ethereal User Editor For ProBoard 2.12
                                    Version 3.0 Standard Release
                                An Advanced FREEWARE User Editor
                                   * Edit All Fields
                                   * Clone Users
                                   * Append Users
                                   * Blank Records
                                   * Search User Records
                                   * Post Message to Current User
                                   * Subscription Features
                                   * MUCH, MUCH MORE
                                   * Contains toggles for all User Flags
                                     and toggles, even some not in PROCFG.
                                   Countless *NEW* features since 2.0!
                                   Includes FULL C SOURCE CODE
                                    Why put up with an editor that
                                     doesn't have it ALL?
ufind10.zip    20431 08-05-2024       UFind PEX for ProBoard
                                List & search the userlist using
                                a nice light-bar driven interface.
                                 Another PEX release from CBWare!
ulc_100.zip    32251 08-05-2024 (ULC_V1.00-FREEWARE)Ŀ
                                    User's Last Call v1.00    
                                         FREEWARE [PEX]         
                                  (c) 1997 by acid_mike & w0lf  
                                  ULC simple is a proboard-pex  
                                 which can let your  users look 
                                  when any of your users  were  
                                 online. it shows him the time, 
                                  date, baud, how long  he was  
                                  online, his level, his name,  
                                handle and his location or group
                                      !100% configurable!       
ulist12.zip     7601 08-05-2024 Zyllex pex enhanced userlist pex for ProBoard
ulog220.zip   137862 08-05-2024 Ŀ U!LOGIN V2.20 
                                  U!LOGIN IS A REPLACEMENT FOR THE   
                                      PROBOARD-STANDARD-LOGIN !      
                                 BUGFIX ! FIXES THE BUG THAT U!LOGIN 
                                   REPORTS A CORRUPTED CONFIG-FILE   
                                          SINCE 01.01.1997 !         
                                 NEW FEATURES:                       
                                  DEFINABLE NEWMAIL-CHECK-AREAS     
ulstv103.zip   24062 08-05-2024 
                                 Komfortabler Ersatz fr die ProBoard-   
                                 Menfunktion 13 (Show Userlist):        
                                  bersichtliches Auflisten der User    
                                   in frei gestaltbarer Bildschirmmaske. 
                                  Wahlweise Ausgabe der Real- oder der  
                                   Aliasnamen in der Userliste.          
                                  Festlegen ob Userlevel oder User-ID   
                                   in der Liste angezeigt werden.        
                                  Wahlweise Unterdrckung der Ausgabe   
                                   von Usern deren NOTOPS-Flag gesetzt   
                                   ist (z. B. fr den User "Gast").      
                                  Alle Texte, Farben und Funktionen     
                                   knnen selbst definiert werden.       
                                  Eingebaute Logging-Funktion, mit-     
                                   protokollieren aller Useraktivi-      
                                   tten in PROBOARD.LOG (abschaltbar).  
                                  Userdoes-Funktion (abschaltbar) mit   
                                   frei festlegbarem Userdoes-Text.      
                                 -= FREEWARE PEX fr ProBoard v2.12 =- 
ultimate.zip    2874 08-05-2024          Another level for EgoKill
                                * Brought to you by The Magical Kingdom BBS *
                                *   from  Copperas Cove, Tx                 *
                                *                                           *
                                * Ultimate is another level for the Great   *
                                * Pex game EgoKill. Enjoy!!!!               *
                                *                                           *
                                *                                           *
                                *                                           *
uniexec2.zip    9523 08-05-2024  UniExec executes a dos-program and
                                 supports redirection of the output.
                                 "program.exe param1 param2 > outputfile".
                                And then it displays the results.
unostats.zip   10212 08-05-2024 Ŀ UOSTTS 0.02
                                      PROBORD-USR STTiSTi        
                                  GiVS YOUR USRS  ViW OVR LOTS  
                                        O THiR STTiSTiS.         
                                    RLY OiGURBL OLORS !     
                                 O LOG STUP. OLY OPY iLS D  
                                     DD  MU-UTiO 60 !        
                                 TO RGiSTR YOU OLY HV TO SD  
                                       TMiL TO TH UTHOR !       
                                         BUGiXD VRSiO !!!        
                                           +49-5874-1656      V0.02  
update.zip     10613 08-05-2024 UPDATE.EXE This is a tool for use with Tagger
                                - This one works with OS/2 thanks to Wilco
                                Ettema and Johan Roselaar
update40.zip   37415 08-05-2024     Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ
                                          Version 4.0
                                - Move your uploads to the correct
                                - Move description
                                - Extract FILE_ID.DIZ
                                - Scan Archive
                                - View file
                                The ultimate ProBoard Utility
                                Written by Steven Debruyn
uplevel.zip     6429 08-05-2024 [Duck-Productions]Ŀ
                                  UPLEVEL is another GREAT PEX   
                                   to upgrade your users level   
                                  after calling 'X' times from   
                                   a certain level to another    
                                    This is all configurable     
                                  101:2200/0 by Rob vd Eijnden   
                                    DqP / Duck-Production '97    
                                  Duck-Productions support site  
                                  [X] BBS   [X] PEX   [ ] UTILS  
uplmsg10.zip    9493 08-05-2024 UPLMSG.PEX v1.0
                                 "Upload a message" option add-on for
uplmsgb3.zip   13658 08-05-2024  UplMSG
                                 Allows users to upload a prepaired  
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:       
                                 Johan Roselaar                      
userb14.zip    14859 08-05-2024 ,-------------------------------------------,
                                | UserBar 1.4 PEX                  FreeWare |
                                  ProBoard 2.15 PEX to display the Time/Kb
                                  that are left. It's shown in a complete
                                  user definable graphical bar. You can
                                  define everything, such as all the colors
                                  on the screen, the characters used, and
                                  many more...
                                  Bugfix! When Time/Kb is equal to or less
                                  than zero, the bar is displayed empty.
                                  Requirements: ProBoard 2.15 or later,
                                  ANSi terminal emulation.
                                 --[ Virtual Soft Productions - 17.09.96 ]--
userd211.zip   26451 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 USERDOES V2.11  OFFICIAL Release 
                                 With this Pex you can show what  
                                 other nodes are (really) doing.  
                                 Multitasker Aware up to 75% gain 
                                 Now also support for sysodoes, so
                                 You can let your users know what 
                                 you are doing in the Background. 
                                 Now Also : some language support 
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:    
                                 EDDIE VAN LOON & WILLEM WEGHORST 
uset007.zip    13585 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 USERSET V0.07           Beta Release 
                                 Now it is posible to let user decide 
                                 if they want new filesearch, new mail
                                 watever at login.                    
                                 User can set it to Yes, No, Yes/no   
                                 and yes/No.                          
                                 Another Dutch Quality Pex by:        
                                 WILLEM WEGHORST                      
usethis1.zip    7397 08-05-2024 Ŀ   USTHIS2   
                                  THIS IS  W BUGIXD VRSIO OF  
                                    TH USTHIS TR-PROMPT WITH    
                                  LITTL LIT-OT ! TRY D JOY  
                                 IT ! S SIMPL D SY TO ISTLL  
                                   S LL TR-PROMPTS ROM UO !   
                                 TO RGISTR YOU OLY HAV TO SD  
                                       TMIL TO TH UTHOR !       
                                           +49-5874-1656      V1.01  
use_2dthis.zip    5048 08-05-2024  USE-THIS-ENTER-PROMPT-SOURCE-CODE 
                                  This is another ENTER-PROMPT for   
                                 ProBoard 2.0x from UNO. It demands  
                                 the user to hit ENTER (or another   
                                 key. You can choose the color you   
                                 for the text, the line to display   
                                 it... It's very simple and easy to  
                                              install.         V1.00 
usort011.zip   25212 08-05-2024 
usrcfg3r.zip   11667 08-05-2024 UserCfg 3.0  User Configuration  for
                                ProBoard 2.01 
                                Now with RIP!!!  from NSD
utilz20x.rar   76920 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                 programs & source division (exe)
                                < The Utiliteez Package v1.00.R1 >
                                This package contains several tiny
                                but very useful programs developed
                                for internal, non-distribution use
                                at the SCI BBS.  It seems now that
                                the utilities can enjoy popularity
                                if released, so here they are. The
                                package includes the following exe
                                 torque - random file switching 
                                 godir  - chdir w/ aliased name 
                                 hkeys  - Esc/Enter in PB menus 
                                 mkdist - archiver swapper, duh 
                                 crctab - generate CRC32 lookup 
                                 runexe - run EXE in PB prompts 
                                 std2ex - FILES.BBS to extended 
                                < Binaries & C++ Source Included >
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
utool100.zip   25246 08-05-2024 UserTool! ProBoard Global Userbase tools
u_21delay.zip    4597 08-05-2024 Ŀ    U!DELAY   
                                 Simple little PEX for Proboard 2.1x 
                                   This PEX just makes a delay you   
                                    want. Simple and easy to use,    
                                 especially with U!LOGIN between two 
                                  ANSIS called from language file.   
u_21exeup2.zip   45149 08-05-2024 Ŀ U!LOGIN V1.00g1 EXE-FILES 
                                  THIS IS AN UPDATE OF THE EXE-FILES 
                                (SETUP.EXE 1.0g5 & CONVERT.EXE 1.0g3)
                                         FOR U!LOGIN 1.00g1 !        
                                              BUGFIX !               
u_21l100g1.zip  104727 08-05-2024 Ŀ U!LOGIN V1.00g1 RELEASE 
                                  U!LOGIN IS A REPLACEMENT FOR THE   
                                      PROBOARD-STANDARD-LOGIN !      
                                  FREE CONFIGURABLE                 
                                  EVERY CHAR OF A PROMPT IS FREE    
                                   DEFINABLE IN COLOR AND POSITION   
                                  QUESTIONS MAY BE PASSED BY DE-    
                                   FAULT-ANSWERS OF THE SYSOP        
                                  100%-COMPATIBLE TO YOUR PROBOARD- 
                                  FAST CRC-SEARCHING IN USERBASE    
                                  and much more.                    
                                             MINDWARE !              
                                 BUGFIXED VERSION WITH NEW FEATURES  
u_21levels.zip    9542 08-05-2024 Ŀ U!LEVELS 0.01
                                  GIVES YOUR USERS A SUMMARY OF ALL  
                                  SECURITY-LEVELS AVAILABLE AT YOUR  
                                  BBS ! WITH EVERY INFORMATION LIKE  
                                  TIME PER DAY, DOWNLOAD DELAY, UP-  
                                           LOAD NEEDED...            
                                        SIMPLY TO INSTALL !          
                                  YOU JUST HAVE TO COPY TWO FILE AND 
                                      TO ADD  MU-UTiO 60 !    
                                 TO RGiSTR YOU OLY HV TO SD  
                                       TMiL TO TH UTHOR !       
                                 FOR SUPPORT TRY PSN-NET OR CALL BBS 
                                   HIGHLANDER AT +49-5874-1656 V.34  
                                  CODED BY UNO              V0.01  
u_21log220.zip  138644 08-05-2024 Ŀ U!LOGIN V2.20 
                                  U!LOGIN IS A REPLACEMENT FOR THE   
                                      PROBOARD-STANDARD-LOGIN !      
                                 BUGFIX ! FIXES THE BUG THAT U!LOGIN 
                                   REPORTS A CORRUPTED CONFIG-FILE   
                                          SINCE 01.01.1997 !         
                                 NEW FEATURES:                       
                                  DEFINABLE NEWMAIL-CHECK-AREAS     
u_21pp_231.zip   28523 08-05-2024 Ŀ PROMPT-PACKAGE  
                                 This is the first language prompt   
                                 package from UNO for ProBoard 2.15. 
                                   Optional usage of 'elite-font'.   
                                 This package contains cursor-driven 
                                     prompt replacements for the     
                                     following language prompts:     
                                     #4  JaNeinCont - Deutsch        
                                     #4  YesNoCont  - English        
                                     #11 JaNein     - Deutsch        
                                     #11 YesNo      - English        
                                     #12 NeinJa     - Deutsch        
                                     #12 NoYes      - English        
                                      Enjoy it and have fun !        
u_21pp_2dno2.zip   60949 08-05-2024 Ŀ PROMPT-PACKAGE  
                                 This is the second language prompt  
                                 package from UNO for ProBoard 2.15. 
                                   Optional usage of 'elite-font'.   
                                 This package contains cursor-driven 
                                 prompt replacements for eight of    
                                 the most common language prompts    
                                      Enjoy it and have fun !        
u_21rlogin.zip    9427 08-05-2024 Ŀ U!RLOGIN 0.01
                                 THIS SIMPLE LITTLE PEX ALLOWS YOUR  
                                   USERS TO RE-LOGIN AT YOUR BBS !   
                                        SIMPLY TO INSTALL !          
                                 YOU JUST HAVE TO COPY TWO FILES AND 
                                      TO ADD  MU-UTiO 60 !    
                                 TO RGiSTR YOU OLY HV TO SD  
                                       TMiL TO TH UTHOR !       
                                 FOR SUPPORT TRY PSN-NET OR CALL BBS 
                                   HIGHLANDER AT +49-5874-1656 V.34  
                                  CODED BY UNO              V0.01  
u_21stat10.zip   14158 08-05-2024 Ŀ UOSTTS 0.10
                                      PROBORD-USR STTiSTi        
                                  GiVS YOUR USRS  ViW OVR LOTS  
                                        O THiR STTiSTiS.         
                                    RLY OiGURBL OLORS !     
                                 O LOG STUP. OLY OPY iLS D  
                                     DD  MU-UTiO 60 !        
                                 TO RGiSTR YOU OLY HV TO SD  
                                       TMiL TO TH UTHOR !       
                                   W VRSiO ! YOU MY OW CHOOS  
                                   OR VRY STT ViLBL i THiS  
                                   PX WTHR iT SHOULD B SHOW OR  
                                  OT, D i, HOOS OLOR OR iT,  
                                  POSiTiO D STUP OPTiONLLY iV 
                                   DiRT Si SRS THT R   
                                           HOOS SUL !          
                                           +49-5874-1656      V0.10  
u_21upload.zip   31195 08-05-2024 Ŀ U!UPLOAD V1.0
                                   U!UPLOAD IS A PROBOARD UPLOAD-    
                                 INTERFACE TO MAKE PROBOARD WORK     
                                  WITH THDPRO/SKULLCHECK. INCLUDING  
                                 FOUR KINDS OF ARCHIV-CONVERSATIONS: 
                                        TO RAR/ZIP/LZH/ARJ.          
                                    IF THERE IS A FILE_ID.DIZ OR     
                                   DESC.SDI EXISTING IN THE ARCHIVE  
                                 USER WILL NOT BE ASKED FOR A DESC.  
                                 POSSIBILITY TO GIVE YOUR USERS EXTRA
                                  TIME, BADNAMES.PBS-OPTION (USERS   
                                  WHO SHOULDN'T GET EXTRA-TIME) AND  
                                 MORE. MINDWARE ! THIS VERSION WILL  
                                       WORK UNTIL 01.01.1996 !       
verin19.zip    17463 08-05-2024 VerIn+OUT 1.9 for ProBoard 2.xx & DOS
                                PEX for visualize Incoming and Outgoing
                                calls of mailer on the BBS.
                                Valid for MainDoor, FrontDoor, and
                                any mailer with support Inbound &
                                Outbound.his files
                                FreeWare of Julio Garcia.
                                PB Development SP
vfmpex12.zip   29099 08-05-2024 ,===========[ Vote for me 1.2 ]============,
                                | ProBoard 2.16 voting PEX : poll your     |
                                | users on any questions you want.         |
                                | New : complete color configurability,    |
                                | editing of questions/answers, better     |
                                | multitasking, winner is highlighted, ... |
                                |     FREEWARE by Ruben Provoost [JMJ]     |
vgatx10s.rar   41089 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                 sources and development division
                                VgaText v1.00 VGA TextMode Effects
                                zVgaText is a C++ library for text
                                mode palette and attribute effects
                                that works on VGA cards. Features:
                                 automatic compatibility checks 
                                 light-color background support 
                                 textmode screen fade in or out 
                                 software simulated soft blinks 
                                 color pulsing, gradation, etc. 
                                Full C++ source code and examples!
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
vip2.zip        4861 08-05-2024 P A C I F I C (Pex)
                                VIP2 is a VIP/SUBSCRIBER Pex that lets
                                you give a faster login to your users
                                who subscribe to your system.Shows your
                                bbs name as registerd at the top and 
                                ** FREEWARE **
vizpk10s.zip   55487 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                 programs & source division (pex)
                                VizPak 1.0 - Visual Effect Package
                                Finally, the hugely popular VizPak
                                is available to the general public
                                after numerous requests.  The Pack
                                offers Marquee, Strobe, Glisten, &
                                Bounce effects that you can run in
                                your menus while waiting for a key
                                to be pressed. Palettes & location
                                are completely confgurable,  other
                                options controllable.  Text can be
                                selected at random from high-speed
                                indexed files. A mean and fast PEX
                                Full C++ source (req. PB-Lib v3.0)
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
vizpk10x.zip   58188 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                 programs & source division (pex)
                                VizPak 1.0 - Visual Effect Package
                                Finally, the hugely popular VizPak
                                is available to the general public
                                after numerous requests.  The Pack
                                offers Marquee, Strobe, Glisten, &
                                Bounce effects that you can run in
                                your menus while waiting for a key
                                to be pressed. Palettes & location
                                are completely confgurable,  other
                                options controllable.  Text can be
                                selected at random from high-speed
                                indexed files. A mean and fast PEX
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
vo_pex31.zip   28537 08-05-2024 ------------=(  Voodoo 3.1  )=--------------
                                Put pins in the voodoo dolls of users you
                                don't like, and take away their time and KB
                                Configurable curse cost/damage, AliasMode,
                                3 types of statistics, ... ProBoard 2.12 PEX
                                BUGFIX : Anonymous bug, flashing beta 
                                .            FREEWARE by [JMJ]             .
vp12.zip       11258 08-05-2024 dIbProductionspresents
                                      |    VIEWPOINT    |      ߲
                                           version 1.2           
                                   THE goodbye-voter you need!   
vppex06a.zip   19942 08-05-2024 VGA Planets hosting system for Proboard.
                                Includes a PEX door and a EXE to run
                                the daily TURN.
                                *** BEERWARE ***
vtn_ek.zip      8809 08-05-2024 --------------------------------------
                                      Virtual Soft Productions
                                      "Voyage to Nowhere!" (TM)
                                  A Level for EgoKill 1.0, a fine 3D
                                  game PEX by Ruben Provoost [JMJ] !
waite.zip       6080 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                  ProBoard 2.1X ENTER PROMPT   
                                  replacement Languagefile #7  
                                     another fine PEX by       
                                         Coda & HagY           
wall.zip        5283 08-05-2024 The Wall v1.00        - (PEX)
                                Allow Users to post a 75
                                character note onto a wall.
                                Will show last 14 notes.
wctoday2.zip    7136 08-05-2024 WCToday - A Who's Called Today PEX for 
                                ProBoard v2.00 Author: Eddie Watson 
welcome1.zip    7317 08-05-2024 WELCOME1.PEX v1.0
                                Proboard v2.00 compatible
                                on-line auto-upgrader
                                Copyright (C) 1994
                                David L. Nugent
whcd102.zip    14852 08-05-2024   
                                   Which - CD 1.01  
                                Thiz tool allows you
                                to install up to 20 
                                 CD's in PB, using  
                                 one CD-ROM only !  
                                 autodetect CD's   
                                + in 2 d. ways now  
                                 shows different   
                                  ANSI for each CD  
                                 sets group level  
                                 100% user         
                                 any number of     
                                  CD-ROM drives     
                                 illUMiNAti0N - PD 
who123as.zip   62816 08-05-2024 Who Called v1.23, SourCe Code.
                                another Silicon Creations release.
who123ax.zip  109971 08-05-2024 Who Called v1.23, ProBoard 2.0x PEX/EXE
                                A last callers utility. Very configurable.
                                Sort the list, 1, 2 or 3 lines of stats.
                                Save the screen to ANSI file, proper page
                                breaks, EXE runs offline with same options.
                                Freeware. Released under the terms of the
                                GNU General Public License Version 2.
                                C source code included with makefile.
                                Part of the PB-GNU Project. June 11, 1995
                                Copyright (C) 1995 by Branislav L. Slantchev
                                Copyright (C) 1995 by Silicon Creations Inc.
whoc300.zip    19918 08-05-2024 Ϳ
                                       hocalls V3.00    
                                  -  -       - 
                                  LASTCALLER for Proboard V2.x  
                                  -  -       - 
                                        100% definable !!       
                                  -  -       - 
                                 100% BUG Free ! New Features   
                                  Shows upto 1000 Lastcaller !! 
                                   Hidden User Support. etc !!  
                                        Give Timeslices         
                                 FIXED EnterPrompt Function ! 
                                  -  -       - 
                                   (C) 1996 by Genesis 'Soft    
                                  -  -       - 
woess10.zip     9839 08-05-2024    WoeSSee v1.0 
                                   DIB Productions  
                                   This PEX lists last  
                                    or today's mailer   
                                    and/or BBS calls    
                                  by Hannes Van de Vel  
                                   [] PEX   [ ] MUSIC  
                                   [ ] EXE   [ ]  DEMO  
                                   [ ] ANSI  [ ]   TXT  
wwgltx10.zip    5731 08-05-2024 WWGLTEXT V1.0 Global Textsearch PEX Drop-in 
                                replacement for TXTSRCH.PEX Independant 
                                textsearch in actual message area or group or
                                global With multi-language-support WormWare 
                                PEX by Ralf Friedrichs 
wwll090.zip     5409 08-05-2024   WWLL  V0.90 ͸
                                 ..Lunar Lander.. 
                                 Simple game,     
                                 users may gain   
                                 or lose online   
                                 WormWare PEX by  
                                 Thomas Holzwarth 
wwmail10.zip    3609 08-05-2024  New-Mail-Check for command
                                line specified areas, saves and restores
                                users original board selection
wwpwch10.zip    4124 08-05-2024 WWPWCHEC V1.0 Password Changer Asks User to 
                                change his password every X calls... WormWare
                                PEX by Ralf Friedrichs 
wwqa105.zip     8794 08-05-2024 WWQA V1.05 Questionaire Interpreter Replaces
                                Q-A interpreter of PB. Supports GOTO Label
                                statements for RA Q-A compatibility, plus
                                many new commands added as well!
                                WormWare PEX by Ralf Friedrichs
xchng10s.rar   29690 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                 programs & source division (src)
                                x-changer v1.00.R1 Changer Package
                                A set of four PEX (ProBoard execs)
                                that replace the internal selector
                                functions for file & message areas
                                and groups. Features include these
                                 advanced full-screen listings! 
                                 cursor-key & numpadkey support 
                                 all colors externally defined! 
                                 compatible commandline options 
                                 3 fancy display clear effects! 
                                 synchronize current selections 
                                 display files: ANS/AVT/PCB/WC! 
                                 can run nongraphics ASCii mode 
                                Source code requires PB-Lib v3.00+
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
xchng10x.rar   43749 08-05-2024  _     *                  *     _
                                ( `._( `._ reeware _.' )_.' )
                                 programs & source division (pex)
                                x-changer v1.00.R1 Changer Package
                                A set of four PEX (ProBoard execs)
                                that replace the internal selector
                                functions for file & message areas
                                and groups. Features include these
                                 advanced full-screen listings! 
                                 cursor-key & numpadkey support 
                                 all colors externally defined! 
                                 compatible commandline options 
                                 3 fancy display clear effects! 
                                 synchronize current selections 
                                 display files: ANS/AVT/PCB/WC! 
                                 can run nongraphics ASCii mode 
                                 (c) 1997 Silicon Creations, inc.
                                 Coded by: Branislav L. Slantchev
                                 `.powers to be reckoned with.'
xct20upd.zip   13771 08-05-2024 Update fr  Twinsoft  XChat  2000
                                Behebt den Bug,  da auf  manchen
                                Systemen User nach dem Chat wegen
                                berschreitung des  Inaktivitts-
                                limits    rausgeworfen    werden.
                                Die  Dateien   aus   dem   Archiv
                                TS-XC20D.RAR   werden   unbedingt
xed20doc.zip    6676 08-05-2024 english documentation for XEdit 2.0
xml10int.zip   37251 08-05-2024 Twinsoft XML 1.0 Multiline-Chat 
                                [- English / international version -]
                                Great multiline chatter for proboard.
                                ALL (!) nodes can chat simultaneously
                                Supp.'s nicknames, public and private
                                messages (whispering).   Multitasker-
                                aware, configurable via ANSIs and INI
                                Functions  to  invite other nodes  to
                                chat & a lot of other unique features
xtc20int.zip   37128 08-05-2024 Twinsoft ExtraChat - XChat 2000 
                                [ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ]
                                Finest qualtiy  sysop<->user chat for
                                Proboard 2.10 or higher.    Features:
                                cursor controlled, backscroll puffer,
                                100% definable,   unlimited number of
                                chat surface templates,  unique sysop
                                menu  including   Cockpit (eg)   with
                                upload faker, download limit extender,
                                time and security leveller, global DL,
                                logfiles, innovative  TWIT-MODE,  run
                                PEXes and DOS commands, import(!) and
                                display text files,      show current
                                time. Gives    TOTAL CONTROL   to the
                                sysop!      Chat    as    chat   can!
                                [ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ]
xtc_2d2lnr.zip   18058 08-05-2024       oNeLiNeR 2.0
                                  CuRSoR DRiVeN oNeLiNeR 
                                  WiTH RuLiNG aNSi, aNSi 
                                  FoRCiNG, FaSTeR THaN   
                                   V1.0, LaMeR DeTeCTioN 
                                  aND iT CoMeS To you aS 
                                 > 100% FReeWaRe <   
                                  WRiTTeN By T2d^eXTaCy  
xtc_2delit.zip   15592 08-05-2024       eLiTe V1.00
                                    eLiTe iS SPeCiaLLy
                                   WRiTTeN To KeeP youR  
                                  BoaRD CLeaN FoRM SLoW  
                                   CaLLeRS ... So oNLy   
                                    eLiTe CaLLeRS aRe    
                                  WRiTTeN By T2d^eXTaCy  
xtc_2drnit.zip    3275 08-05-2024  Another XTC PEX for ProBoard
xuser.zip      10350 08-05-2024            Ŀ
                                |           -D-E-V-A-S-T-O-R-           |
                                |               presents:               |
                                |                 XUSeR                 |
                                |                                       |
                                |   - fast userlister for proboard      |
                                |   - featuring user detail             |
                                |   - cool ansi included                |
xvpb300.zip    57747 08-05-2024 ProBoard X-View Runner            v3.00
                                Author:       Alex Devilliers (ZeOsDrg)
                                Edition:             BUG FIX COMPLETE!!
                                Allows using 'External Viewer' X-View
                                (Cross-View by TwAiN PaiN Software)
                                with ProBoard. Proboard normally wants
                                the user to type in the entire name of
                                the file that they want to visualize.
                                !!! This version  goes from now on !!!
                                DrAgOn SoFtWaRe * Freeware * 27-11-1997
x_parser.zip   29754 08-05-2024           
                                        . presents .        
                                     . X!PARSER v 1.0 .     
                                 a pcboard- system for your 
                                 proboard.With log-file and 
                                 own written input-routine. 
                                         CODE: KAGE         
z1_down.zip     3587 08-05-2024 .,:( Kick User v1.0 ):,.
                                |         zone1          |
                                |                        :
                                A simple program that will
                                let you kick users off a :
                                node, remotely!          :
                                |                        |
                                `: madhatta.
zobday1.zip     6499 08-05-2024 . .______ ._______  .______  ._______ .
                                 \____  |: .___  \ :      \ : .____/ 
                                : /  ____|| :   |  ||       || : _/\  
                                 \      ||     :  ||   |   ||   /  \ :
                                :  \__:__| \_.____/ |___|___||_.:___/ 
                                 ._______  .______  ._______  . . .  
                                 : .___  \ :      \ : .____/ m a d e 
                                 | :   |  ||       || : _/\  b y s h 
                                 |     :  ||   |   ||   /  \ a d o w :
                                .  \_.____/ |___|___||_.:___/ 1 9 9 8 
                                 Zone One Birthday Pex v1.o   s z  + 
                                 This is a Pex that shows a   h o 46 
                                 Birthday Ansi screen for a   a n 54 :
                                 user on his/her birthday..   d e 56 
                                : And gives him/her 30 min..   o : 80 :
                                 extra time for this call..   w : 07 
                                 .   ( source   code  included )
                                     don't let the bed bugs bite ...
zodisc11.zip    7602 08-05-2024 . .______ ._______  .______  ._______ .
                                 \____  |: .___  \ :      \ : .____/ 
                                : /  ____|| :   |  ||       || : _/\  
                                 \      ||     :  ||   |   ||   /  \ :
                                :  \__:__| \_.____/ |___|___||_.:___/ 
                                 ._______  .______  ._______  . . .  
                                 : .___  \ :      \ : .____/ m a d e 
                                 | :   |  ||       || : _/\  b y s h 
                                 |     :  ||   |   ||   /  \ a d o w :
                                .  \_.____/ |___|___||_.:___/ 1 9 9 8 
                                 ZoNe oNe DiScLaiMer v.1.1    s z  + 
                                 This is a Pex that shows a   h o 46 
                                 Disclaimer screen, and asks  a n 54 :
                                 the user if he agrees with   d e 56 
                                : the terms in it.. The user   o : 80 :
                                 has to write YES to agree..  w : 07 
                                 .   ( source   code  included )
                                     don't let the bed bugs bite ...
zofed102.zip    2539 08-05-2024 .=[  Made by Shadow  ]=.
                                  FAKE EMUL DETECToR 1.0  
                                 This is a animated intro 
                                 for Proboard 2.1x....... 
                                 That makes your intro on 
                                 the board look just like 
                                 the PCB Detect Emulation 
                                 Made by Shadow  97-09-01 
                                 PCB Style EMUL DETECTOR! 
                                 Support & ANSi Help Call 
zofscn10.zip    3459 08-05-2024 .=[  Made by Shadow  ]=.
                                 ZoNE oNE FiLESCANNER 1.0 
                                 This is an animation for 
                                 Proboard 2.1x Filescan.. 
                                 Made by Shadow  97-09-01 
                                 An ELiTE Style Filescan! 
                                 Support & ANSi Help Call 
zoload1.zip    12103 08-05-2024 . .______ ._______  .______  ._______ .
                                 \____  |: .___  \ :      \ : .____/ 
                                : /  ____|| :   |  ||       || : _/\  
                                 \      ||     :  ||   |   ||   /  \ :
                                :  \__:__| \_.____/ |___|___||_.:___/ 
                                 ._______  .______  ._______  . . .  
                                 : .___  \ :      \ : .____/ m a d e 
                                 | :   |  ||       || : _/\  b y s h 
                                 |     :  ||   |   ||   /  \ a d o w :
                                .  \_.____/ |___|___||_.:___/ 1 9 9 8 
                                 Door Loader Animation Pex..  s z  + 
                                 Version 1.o ...............  h o 46 
                                 This Pex is executed every-  a n 54 :
                                 time an exe door loads ....  d e 56 
                                : It shows a bar & a %counter  o : 80 :
                                 with nice ansi ............  w : 07 
                                 .   ( source   code  included )
                                     don't let the bed bugs bite ...
zomscn10.zip    3164 08-05-2024 .=[  Made by Shadow  ]=.
                                 ZoNE oNE MAiLSCANNER 1.0 
                                 This is an animation for 
                                 Proboard 2.1x Mailscan.. 
                                 Made by Shadow  97-09-01 
                                 An ELiTE Style Mailscan! 
                                 Support & ANSi Help Call 
zopause.zip     5602 08-05-2024 . .______ ._______  .______  ._______ .
                                 \____  |: .___  \ :      \ : .____/ 
                                : /  ____|| :   |  ||       || : _/\  
                                 \      ||     :  ||   |   ||   /  \ :
                                :  \__:__| \_.____/ |___|___||_.:___/ 
                                 ._______  .______  ._______  . . .  
                                 : .___  \ :      \ : .____/ m a d e 
                                 | :   |  ||       || : _/\  b y s h 
                                 |     :  ||   |   ||   /  \ a d o w :
                                .  \_.____/ |___|___||_.:___/ 1 9 9 8 
                                 ZoNe oNe Pause Prompt v1.o   s z  + 
                                 This is a Pex that shows a   h o 46 
                                 Animated Pause Prompt when   a n 54 :
                                 it's time to press enter..   d e 56 
                                : The Pex is runned from the   o : 80 :
                                 language file : @pZOPAUSE@   w : 07 
                                 .   ( source   code  included )
                                     don't let the bed bugs bite ...
zopblm11.zip   12850 08-05-2024 . .______ ._______  .______  ._______ .
                                 \____  |: .___  \ :      \ : .____/ 
                                : /  ____|| :   |  ||       || : _/\  
                                 \      ||     :  ||   |   ||   /  \ :
                                :  \__:__| \_.____/ |___|___||_.:___/ 
                                 ._______  .______  ._______  . . .  
                                 : .___  \ :      \ : .____/ m a d e 
                                 | :   |  ||       || : _/\  b y s h 
                                 |     :  ||   |   ||   /  \ a d o w :
                                .  \_.____/ |___|___||_.:___/ 1 9 9 8 
                                 Logon Matrix v.1.1 for PB..  s z  + 
                                 This is a Update for v.1.00  h o 46 
                                 It also includes a pex that  a n 54 :
                                 initiate "ANSi" Terminal ON  d e 56 
                                : before the user is asked to  o : 80 :
                                 enter his/her name.........  w : 07 
                                 .   ( source   code  included )
                                     don't let the bed bugs bite ...
zoswepbl.zip    8391 08-05-2024 .------[SWEDiSH.PBL]------.
                                This is a SWEDISH language file
                                for ProBoard 2.15 & 2.16.......
                                Made by SHADoW!ZoNEoNE -- 1997
zpex_pb2.zip   80803 08-05-2024 Zyllex PEXes for ProBoard 2.00
zt180.zip      13298 08-05-2024  
                                   [N0$] Productions   
                                      ZizziTil v1.8      
                                  The   Ultimate  Sysop  
                                  Utilities, featuring:  
                                   - A TSR Pex           
                                   - Directory Showing   
                                   - No Limit Download   
                                   - Lightbar Driven     
                                   - Internal DOSShell   
                                   - Can be ran          
                                   - Now BUG-FIXED!      
                                 FreeWare By Filip Duyck 
                                   For ProBoard 2.15   
z_21byelnr.zip    9426 08-05-2024 
                                 Z!BYELNR v1.2 
                                let your users write a line before
                                they logoff. fully cursor-driven!

                    Area 88 - Protocols                   

121b7sc.zip   339453 08-05-2024 HS/Link External Protocol 1.21B7 FULL SOURCE
                                My offices were burglarized and my main
                                software development system stolen, complete
                                with latest backup tapes. I am posting what
                                source code I could dig up, in the hopes that
                                others may eventually benefit from my past
                                work, and to keep the protocol alive, at
                                least in some changed form.
                                Samuel H. Smith shsmith@primenet.com
adz_b16.zip    29541 08-05-2024 
bimod125.zip  175527 08-05-2024 BiModem 1.25
                                The Last Official Release of BiModem
                                by Erik Labs. Bugfix: BiModem now works
                                on 486's with com ports other than COM1
bimpro40.zip  229790 08-05-2024 
                                 BImodem PRO (PAMPA) v4.0: A new full 
                                 BImodem.com-compatible protocol.     
                                 Supports 4DOS comments. Add files to 
                                 send/receive queue while in-session. 
                                 Capture chat to file.                
                                 Remote's chat window scrollback.     
                                 Nice  screen  design.                
                                 XferProgress bar. A lot of new       
                                 functions.  Try  this  new           
                                 BImodem PRO (PAMPA) developed in     
                                 Repblica Argentina, South Amrica.  
bone_2426.zi       0 01-01-1980 Bear Bone$ - IND$FILE Compatible File
                                BEAR BONE$ is an IND$FILE external protocol
                                designed to work with most any PC-based
                                asynchronous communications package. It
                                the user to transfer text and binary files to
                                and from IBM hosts that support IND$FILE.
                                You will need an asynchronous communications
                                package such as RCOM-2/PC, PROCOMM Plus,
                                PROCOMM for Windows, DYNACOMM, Q-MODEM,
                                HYPERACCESS/5, etc.. It must support the use
                                of external protocols OR have the ability to
                                shell-out to DOS while on-line.
                                It must also emulate one of the following
                                VT100, ANSI, 3101, FTTERM, HYDRA/PCCR,
                                TV950 (Procomm 3270/950)
bone_2426.zip  120377 08-05-2024 Bear Bone$ - IND$FILE Compatible File
                                BEAR BONE$ is an IND$FILE external protocol
                                designed to work with most any PC-based
                                asynchronous communications package. It
                                the user to transfer text and binary files to
                                and from IBM hosts that support IND$FILE.
                                You will need an asynchronous communications
                                package such as RCOM-2/PC, PROCOMM Plus,
                                PROCOMM for Windows, DYNACOMM, Q-MODEM,
                                HYPERACCESS/5, etc.. It must support the use
                                of external protocols OR have the ability to
                                shell-out to DOS while on-line.
                                It must also emulate one of the following
                                VT100, ANSI, 3101, FTTERM, HYDRA/PCCR,
                                TV950 (Procomm 3270/950)
cexyz100.zip   59052 08-05-2024 FreeWare X, Y, and Zmodem protocol driver
                                from the author of The Blue Wave Offline Mail
                                System.  Protocols include Zmodem, 8K Zmodem
                                (ZedZap), Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Ymodem-1K, Xmodem
                                CRC and Xmodem-Checksum. Fully windowed
                                graphical interface.
cexyz101.zip   54395 08-05-2024 A FreeWare X, Y, and Zmodem protocol
                                driver from the author of The Blue Wave
                                Offline Mail System.  CEXYZ/2 is a 32
                                bit OS/2 text mode application.
                                Protocols include Zmodem, 8K Zmodem
                                (ZedZap), Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Ymodem-1K,
                                Xmodem CRC and Xmodem-Checksum. Includes
                                sample files for installation into
                                Maximus BBS's. Can be installed into ANY
                                BBS or terminal program that is able to
                                utilize external protocols.  Fully
                                windowed/graphical interface.
clink140.zip   80455 08-05-2024 
cmp141.zip     25235 08-05-2024 CMP (ChatManager Protocol) allows you to
                                download while chatting with other users
                                at the same time! Part of the ChatManager
                                door for RemoteAccess/ProBoard.
cxmodem.zip    26055 08-05-2024 
darc210.zip    62190 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 Download ARchive Converter        2.10 
                                 Front end for download protocols to be 
                                 used on BBS's. Allows users to convert 
                                 archive  files  from   one  format  to 
                                 another.  Can  be  configured  convert 
                                 .ZIP to .ARJ,  .JPG  to .GIF,  .ARC to 
                                 selfextracting archives, etc.   May be 
                                 configured to run with any commandline 
                                 driven external  protocol suze as DSZ, 
                                 GSZ, HSLINK, CEXYZ, etc. Totally sysop 
                                 configurable.  Supports custom  ASCII, 
                                 ANSI, and RIP menus with built in auto-
                                 detect  for both.  Runs great under DV 
                                 and DOS window  in OS/2 or Windows.  A 
                                 must for  any BBS.  Requires  a FOSSIL 
dsz0597.zip    94156 08-05-2024 DSZ Zmodem protocol. Graphic version of the
                                famous DSZ by Omen. 05/19/1997
dsz0597x.zip   40495 08-05-2024 DSZ Zmodem protocol. Fast X/Y/Zmodem protocol
                                for DOS by Omen. Enhanced .EXE file only.
                                You should also get DSZ0597.ZIP for docs.
dszbg.zip      41415 08-05-2024 Background information on DSZ Zmodem protocol
ezpv11.zip     51048 08-05-2024 EZ protocol engine, X, X1k, YB, YG, S, Z sub
                                for DSZ.COM
fdsz0597.zip   36949 08-05-2024 
fwzmodem.zip   29621 08-05-2024 Flackware Zmodem v1.0; Windowed Zmodem driver
gflnk112.zip  253063 08-05-2024 GIFLink v1.12 - View transmitting GIF images
                                in stunning SuperVGA graphics! Support
                                X/Y/Zmodem/CIS QuickB through direct modem,
                                FOSSIL or INT 14H. Can skip receiving images.
                                Support 13 SuperVGA and VESA adapters up to
                                1024x768 256 colors. Easy to install. A
                                MUST if you download GIF.
                                By the author of Telemate and GIFLITE
gsz0597.zip   115417 08-05-2024 Omen Technology's DSZ.COM rel. (5-19-97)
                                Omen Technology's DSZ.COM   DSZ X/Y (-g)
                                Zmodem Driver. This is for FAST Computers.
hc2_109b.zip  156575 08-05-2024 HydraCom for OS/2 * BETA VERSION 1.09b
                                It's not really secret stuff, but if people
                                have trouble with this version but are not
                                aware that it's only a beta.....
                                The b in 1.09b stands for second beta
                                edition of the upcoming 1.09 release
hcom_108.zip  129030 08-05-2024 HYDRA Bi-Directional File Transfer Protocol
                                HydraCom is a stand-alone driver which
                                implements the Hydra bidirectional file
                                transfer protocol developed by Arjen Lentz
                                and Joaquim Homrighausen. HydraCom provides
                                a service for communications programs which
                                do not (yet) have with Hydra support
                                internally. HydraCom can be installed as
                                an external transfer protocol driver like
                                other external drivers. HydraCom also
                                provides a simple terminal function. Because
                                HydraCom's sources are available, they can
                                also serve as a sample implementation of
                                the Hydra protocol for other developers to
                                take a look at.
hdkinfo.zip    28563 08-05-2024 HS/Link Developers Kit
hs121.zip     140799 08-05-2024 HS/Link External Protocol RELEASE v1.21
                                As of 4:07 pm, Thursday, May 6, 1993 
                                HS/Link is a new high speed, single and bi-
                                directional file transfer protocol with many
                                advanced features.  It is EASY to set up and
                                runs very fast with all kinds of modems.
                                Now includes ONLINE CHAT mode.
                                FHSLINK.EXE now supports FOSSIL drivers.
                                See HS-INST##.ZIP for install instructions.
hs121c5.zip   137889 08-05-2024 HS/Link External Protocol BETA TEST
                                As of March 24, 1995.
                                HS/Link is a high speed, single and bi-
                                directional file transfer protocol with many
                                advanced features.  It is EASY to set up and
                                runs very fast with all kinds of modems.
                                Now includes ONLINE CHAT mode.
                                FHSLINK.EXE now supports FOSSIL drivers.
                                See HS-INST3.ZIP for install instructions.
                                NEW! LOWER REGISTRATION FEE $15.00
hsd115b2.zip   62834 08-05-2024 Windows DLP HS/Link Protocol BETA 1.15B2
                                As of March 10, 1995
                                This is a special version of HS/Link designed
                                for use with ProComm Plus 2.0 for Windows in
                                the Windows environment.
                                Now includes integrated advanced setup screen
                                New lower registration fee $15.00.
hsl1215.zip   119936 08-05-2024          HIGH SPEED LINK 1.21Ca5
                                  THIS NEW VERSION IS FOR YOU GUYS WITH
                                 VERY HIGH SPEED MODEMS LIKE 33k6 & 28k8
hslt110.zip    77406 08-05-2024 HSLTAG v1.10 : The HSLINK tagging and batch
                                upload manager for use as a shell from your
                                communications program.Manages your BBS bi-
                                directional transfers with  HS/Link  (C) by
                                Samual P. Smith.  Internal editing features
                                place description files in compressed files
                                tagged for uploading.  Compatible with most
                                compression formats.  Tested in DOS, DV and
                                Windows  environments.   Execute  transfers
                                with click of mouse or single keystroke!
hsl_2d288b.z       0 01-01-1980  HS-LINK 28.8!                         
                                New HS-LINK Beta has dirrect support  
                                port for 28.8 V34 Error correction!   
                                No need to reconfigure!               
hsl_2d288b.zip  119945 08-05-2024  HS-LINK 28.8!                         
                                 New HS-LINK Beta has dirrect support  
                                 port for 28.8 V34 Error correction!   
                                 No need to reconfigure!               
hsrc_100.zip   78721 08-05-2024 
hydrakit.zip  229111 08-05-2024 
hydraos2.zip   71557 08-05-2024 HydraCom Protocol for OS/2
hyperpro.zip   49561 08-05-2024 HyperProtocol is the fastest file transfer
                                protocol available. Simular to Zmodem with
                                several improvments, and its freeware. V1.2
izm110.zip    136940 08-05-2024 IceZmodem (IZM) v1.1 Protocol -- Chat,
                                DOS, Editor, MORE! IceSoft Software
                                presents IceZmodem, an amazing new
                                Zmodem file transfer protocol with
                                100% standard Zmodem compatibility and
                                many enhancements. While transferring
                                files you can chat with the remote
                                user, shell to DOS, edit a text file,
                                play Digital MOD file Music, or play
                                games. You can even get 2 pages of
                                system information about the remote
                                computer. Sysops can view the
                                dropfile to find out who is using the
                                BBS. It has one of the best status
                                displays ever and includes a Screen
                                Saver. TurboTrans, a Zmodem speed
                                booster, has helped to get 99%
                                efficiency on some file transfers.
                                This amazing protocol simply has to be
                                seen to be believed! Supports Sound
                                Blaster or DACs for music.
janus.zip      31821 08-05-2024 JANUS protocol source code.
                                Janus is an full-duplex bi-directional file
                                transfer protocol designed for BBS use.
                                A fossil driver is required.
jmod121.zip    64880 08-05-2024 JModem 1.21 Protocol including ASM Source!
jmod310.zip    89184 08-05-2024 JModem v3.10 Transfer Protocol w/ Microsoft C
kerm313.zip   394142 08-05-2024 
kmw080a.zip   104723 08-05-2024 
lynx302.zip    31774 08-05-2024 Lynx 3.02
                                A windowed batch data transmission protocol
lzmdm101.zip  173708 08-05-2024   LIGHTNING Z-MODEM 1.01
                                A new type of transfer protocol
                                using special compression!  As
                                much as 4-10 times faster than
                                Z-MODEM!  Works with regular
                                14.4K, save $100's!
m2z215.zip    110299 08-05-2024 
maspro11.zip   66529 08-05-2024 Master Bats are two batch files which
                                allow you to use an unlimited number
                                of external comm protocols in your
                                communication program.  No more 
                                limits of 8 or 10 choices!  These
                                bats run:
                                Bimodem, Cexyz (9 flavors), CMP, CSME,
                                DSZ (8 flavors) EZP (5 flavors), FlackZ,
                                Giflink (5 flavors), GSZ (8 flavors),
                                HS-Link, Hydracom, Hyper, Imodem, IceZmod,
                                (5 flavors), Kermit, Lynx, Megalink,
                                MPT, Nmodem, Punter, Rcmodem, Smodem, 
                                Sealink, Streamline Design (11 flavors),
                                Super Zmodem, SuperK (15 flavors)
                                Tasy, Texas Zmodem, Tmodem, Vfast, Vxy,
                                Visual Zmodem (7 flavors), Wxfer,
                                Wxmodem, Ymodem (2 flavors), Zmax,
                                Zyrion, and ZSX (6 flavors). 
                                By: Jim C. Smith. The Window Pane
                                BBS 1:130/508 817-478-4132.
mlink16.zip    28609 08-05-2024 
mpmod160.zip  127789 08-05-2024           MPModem v1.60
                                Implements Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem,
                                and Zmodem-8k 'ZedZap' all in one
                                package. Desqview and other multi-
                                tasker aware, and BBS friendly.
                                Optimized for maximum throughput,
                                yet requires less then 100k of RAM
                                to run. COM1-COM8 & 16550 support.
                                RemoteAccess BBS support removed. 
                                Freeware! sourCe code included.
mpt110.zip     65190 08-05-2024 
nmodm231.zip   48128 08-05-2024 
noleech.zip    12012 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 PresentS ͵
                                 Stop the lamers who 
                                leech off your system
                                with this xlent util!
oker_105.zip   23165 08-05-2024 Opus Kermit (PC-Kermit hacked to use fossil
                                and opus interface)
p205.zip      132437 08-05-2024 P is a freeware 32-bit file transfer
                                protocol package providing fast and
                                multitasking friendly Zmodem, Ymodem-g,
                                Ymodem and Xmodem for Asynchronous, Named
                                pipe and TCP/IP stream socket (telnet)
                                connections. Contains a DLL that can be
                                used with your own applications!
pb_2dprots.z       0 01-01-1980 ͻ
                                  The ProBoard for Dummies Series   
                                        PROTOCOLS FOR DUMMIES         
                                 This text file tells you how to      
                                 incorporate some of the more popular 
                                 protocols into your ProBoard BBS.    
                                 Some of the protocols included are:  
                                 CE-XYZ Protocols, DSZ/GSZ Protocols, 
                                 Super ZModem, HS-Link, BiModem, Ice  
                                 ZModem, and a few others.            
                                 If you have a protocol installed on  
                                 your ProBoard BBS that is not        
                                 included in this text, please send   
                                 your PROTOCOL.PRO to: 1:3672/10 -    
                                 The Circuit Board                    
                                ͵ Written By: Brandon Whitten ͼ
pb_2dprots.zip    5598 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                  The ProBoard for Dummies Series   
                                        PROTOCOLS FOR DUMMIES         
                                 This text file tells you how to      
                                 incorporate some of the more popular 
                                 protocols into your ProBoard BBS.    
                                 Some of the protocols included are:  
                                 CE-XYZ Protocols, DSZ/GSZ Protocols, 
                                 Super ZModem, HS-Link, BiModem, Ice  
                                 ZModem, and a few others.            
                                 If you have a protocol installed on  
                                 your ProBoard BBS that is not        
                                 included in this text, please send   
                                 your PROTOCOL.PRO to: 1:3672/10 -    
                                 The Circuit Board                    
                                ͵ Written By: Brandon Whitten ͼ
pckerm21.zip   27298 08-05-2024 
pcz406.zip     64890 08-05-2024 
pdrv_210.zip  119020 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 BBS Utiliteez Software 
                                PDrive v2.10, is a freeware protocol driver
                                that is multi-tasker friendly. Ever noticed
                                how DSZ/GSZ almost brings  your other nodes
                                to a complete stand still? Not with PDrive!
                                PDrive is freeware and can be included with
                                any program you write if you don't have the
                                tools or experience to write protocols into
                                programs.  Fully command line driven, needs
                                no configuration.  Zmodem, Ymodem/Ymodem-G,
                                Xmodem/Xmodem1K, MaxModem. UART, Fossil and
                                DigiBoard IO plus non-standard IRQ settings
                                as well.  Returns error levels depending on
                                how the program exits...And it's 100% Free!
pdzm126.zip    91206 08-05-2024 Public Domain Zmodem protocol; English and
                                German user interface and documentation
ppl4c10.zip    89958 08-05-2024 PERSONAL PROTOCOL LIBRARY FOR C/C++
                                (PPL4C10.ZIP), Feb 95, Ver 1.0, .
                                PPL4C is  a protocol library supporting
                                ASCII, XMODEM, XMODEM-CRC, XMODEM-1K, YMODEM,
                                YMODEM-G, and ZMODEM protocols.  Will support
                                Turbo C, Borland C, MIX Power C, Microsoft C.
                                Requires the Personal Communications Library
                                for C/C++ (PCL4C). By MarshallSoft Computing,
                                Inc. $40.
ppl4p10.zip    83323 08-05-2024 PERSONAL PROTOCOL LIBRARY FOR PASCAL
                                (PPL4P10.ZIP), March 95, Ver 1.0, .
                                PPL4P is  a protocol library supporting
                                ASCII, XMODEM, XMODEM-CRC, XMODEM-1K, YMODEM,
                                YMODEM-G, and ZMODEM protocols.  Will support
                                Turbo C, Borland C, MIX Power C, Microsoft C.
                                Requires the Personal Communications Library
                                for Pascal (PCL4P). By MarshallSoft Computing
                                , Inc. $40.
prot018s.arj  168295 08-05-2024 
prot018s.zip  169277 08-05-2024 The Protocol Engine for Turbo Pascal. 
                                The EASY way to get your Turbo Pascal
                                programs to transfer files!
prot100.zip    38762 08-05-2024 Modem Protocol Source Codes (Pascal).
prote100.zip   45877 08-05-2024 Protocol Enhancer v1.0; Don't put up with the
                                hassle of installing external protocols
                                anymore, just follow the simple instructions
                                and let this program do it all for you!
protocol.zip   77710 08-05-2024 Documentation for Xmodem, Ymodem, and Zmodem
pr_ra111.zip   17453 08-05-2024 
puma110.zip    62416 08-05-2024 
punter.zip     21172 08-05-2024 
rabi_132.zip   63054 08-05-2024 
rafz042_21.z       0 01-01-1980  sSb              .sSP"
                                $$$g%%g,  _Kn!$$$g%%g,SP"
                                S$$       l$g%%g$$b,_ _,d$``^T$S
                                `T$b,_ _,d$P^``T$$`^"""^` Sb,_ _,d$P
                                :.. `^"^"^`Tb,_ _,d$P  ...... `^"""^`  .
                                :           `^"""^`         :.RaForce!.:
                                :                                      :
                                .- ( RAF-ZAP v0.42 beta release )- :
                                :                                      .
                                    bidirectional protocol engine     :
                                .  100% throughput even in background  
                                       multiline/board chatter        .
                                :         longfilename support         .
                                . build in fileselector (8000+ files)  .
                                          100% fossil driven          .
                                :           userdoes support           .
                                :                                      :
                                :                fixed!                .
                                :  Crashes on start/stop bug and more  :
                                .      read UPDATE.TXT for more!       .
                                :.. .. ..  ....  . . .  ..(.24-1-98.)..:
rafz042_21.zip   63825 08-05-2024  sSb              .sSP"
                                 $$$g%%g,  _Kn!$$$g%%g,SP"
                                 S$$       l$g%%g$$b,_ _,d$``^T$S
                                 `T$b,_ _,d$P^``T$$`^"""^` Sb,_ _,d$P
                                :.. `^"^"^`Tb,_ _,d$P  ...... `^"""^`  .
                                :           `^"""^`         :.RaForce!.:
                                :                                      :
                                .- ( RAF-ZAP v0.42 beta release )- :
                                :                                      .
                                    bidirectional protocol engine     :
                                .  100% throughput even in background  
                                       multiline/board chatter        .
                                :         longfilename support         .
                                . build in fileselector (8000+ files)  .
                                          100% fossil driven          .
                                :           userdoes support           .
                                :                                      :
                                :                fixed!                .
                                :  Crashes on start/stop bug and more  :
                                .      read UPDATE.TXT for more!       .
                                :.. .. ..  ....  . . .  ..(.24-1-98.)..:
rafz043.zip    40966 08-05-2024  sSb              .sSP"
                                 $$$g%%g,  _Kn!$$$g%%g,SP"
                                 S$$       l$g%%g$$b,_ _,d$``^T$S
                                 `T$b,_ _,d$P^``T$$`^"""^` Sb,_ _,d$P
                                :.. `^"^"^`Tb,_ _,d$P  ...... `^"""^`  .
                                :           `^"""^`         :.RaForce!.:
                                :                                      :
                                .- ( RAF-ZAP v0.43 beta release )- :
                                :                                      .
                                :       ! MINOR BUGFIX RELEASE !       .
                                :                                      :
                                .       +Fixed bidirectional bug       .
                                :.. .. ..  ....  . . .  ..(.26-1-98.)..:
rmd46s.zip     15616 08-05-2024 Turbo Pascal Door Driver Unit v4.6
                                This is now a FREE Public Domain
                                release of the Source Code for RMDOOR
                                v4.6. Written in Turbo Pascal.
rzsz.zip       62634 08-05-2024 ZMODEM protocol Source Code. 05-09-88
                                Chuck Forsberg Omen Technology Inc
rzsztp00.zip   26795 08-05-2024 Zmodem Source - (Pascal)
                                Fossil Mode
sdp101g.zip   124343 08-05-2024 Streamline Design Protocol Module Ver 1.01g
                                Miscellaneous Clean Up and Command line
                                switch to turn off DSZ Log.
                                This protocol module offers both graphical
                                ASCII status screens, ASCII, XModem,
                                XModem Relaxed, XModem/CRC, XModem/CRC
                                XModem-1k, XModem-1k, Relaxed, XModem-1kG,
                                XModem-1kG Relaxed, Ymodem, YModem Relaxed,
                                YModemG, YModemG Relaxed, YModem-128,
                                YModem-128 Relaxed, ZModem, ZModem-8k, and
                                It also has many options for managing files
                                and various port options.
sdpdl11d.zip   63833 08-05-2024 Streamline Design (Lite) Digi Protocol Module
                                v1.01d; Offers ASCII status screens, XModem,
                                XModem Relaxed, XModem/CRC, XModem/CRC
                                Relaxed, XModem-1k, XModem-1k, Relaxed,
                                XModem-1kG, XModem-1kG Relaxed, Ymodem,
                                YModem Relaxed, YModemG, YModemG Relaxed,
                                YModem-128, YModem-128 Relaxed, ZModem,
                                ZModem-8k. It also has many options for
                                managing files and various port options.
sdpfl11g.zip   58353 08-05-2024 Streamline Design (Lite) Fossil Protocol
                                Version 1.01g
                                Miscellaneous Clean Up and added command line
                                to switch off the DSZ Log
                                This protocol module offers ASCII status
                                screens, XModem, XModem Relaxed,
                                XModem/CRC, XModem/CRC Relaxed, XModem-1k,
                                XModem-1k, Relaxed, XModem-1kG,
                                XModem-1kG Relaxed, Ymodem, YModem Relaxed,
                                YModemG, YModemG Relaxed, YModem-128,
                                YModem-128 Relaxed, ZModem, ZModem-8k.
                                It also has many options for managing files
                                and various port options.
shgif55f.zip  158336 08-05-2024 ShowGIF 5.5f.  Allows you to view GIF for-
                                mat files as you download AND upload them.
                                Also includes an incredibly fast interact-
                                ive viewer with move/erase/copy/slideshow
                                capabilities + password protection to keep
                                out prying eyes. Forced hardware handshak-
                                ing for reliable DSZ/GSZ Transfers & more.
skhst110.zip  120477 08-05-2024 
smodem10.zip   67489 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                 * Smodem/DOS v1.0 *  Bi-directional file 
                                 transfer protocol with full screen chat. 
                                 Supports: Windows, DESQview, Special com 
                                 ports. Works with 7-bit Telnet & Screen. 
                                 >>>>>>>  Performance rate 99.5%  <<<<<<< 
                                 >>>>>>>  No registration needed  <<<<<<< 
synzm10.zip    55431 08-05-2024 [0;35m       .[ [0;1;35mSynZM v1.0
                                [0;1;34m         - 
                                [0;1;34m      -    - 
                                [0;1;33m         High Performance ZModem
                                [0;1;33m            Nice Screen layout
                                [0;1;33m            A lot of Counters
                                [0;1;33m           User info on screen
                                [0;1;33m       Realtime UserDoes.X Updating!
                                [0;1;33m            8K Blocks (ZedZap)
                                [0;1;33m           Timeslice releasing
                                [0;1;33m       Remote Access 2.xx Supported
                                [0;1;33m       Fast Fossil and UART Support
                                [0;1;33m         Ofcourse made by Synopsis
                                [0;1;30m      Release Date: 01 - 01 - 1996   
szmod200.zip  159845 08-05-2024 SuperZmodem 2.0 By Scott Baker.
                                This Zmodem protocol Has chat, games and a
                                mini-DOS that can be used during file xfers.
szsup200.zip   32389 08-05-2024 
tmodem9.zip    54117 08-05-2024 
tphyd100.zip   31958 08-05-2024 
tpslink.zip     6261 08-05-2024 Pascal source for the SEALink file transfer
tpzmodem.zip   51335 08-05-2024 Zmodem Source - (Pascal)
                                Uart Mode
tpznewg.zip    34569 08-05-2024 German language TP source for Zmodem protocol
tpzsfz.zip     22623 08-05-2024 
trnsl180.zip   14362 08-05-2024 
txzm241.zip    44379 08-05-2024 TXZM ZMODEM PROTOCOL DRIVER - Fast zmodem
                                driver with full screen status display.
                                Supports up to 115,200 baud, 16550 FIFO mode,
                                and can be used with any com port--including
                                those that use non-standard IRQs.  Can send
                                and receive complete directory structures.
                                Operates in terminal mode as a stand alone
                                program, or, from the command line as a
                                protocol driver for other programs.  Non-
                                commercial users are not required to register
tzmod20.zip    93471 08-05-2024 TASHCOMS 8K Zmodem protocol driver
vfast13.zip   172931 08-05-2024 vFAST v1.3 - Very FAST protocol
                                vFAST  was designed specifically for 
                                v32, v32bis,  and  vFAST modems. 
                                vFAST needs ONE of the following:
                                16550 Uart.
                                Intelligent Digiboard.
                                Intelligent Stargate.
                                Intelligent Arnet.
vfc2key.zip     2367 08-05-2024 ******* vFAST v2.0 Free Key **********
                                (c) International TeleCommunications
                                VFAST 2.0 key file allows you evaluate
                                our amazing protocol without any of
                                those annoying delays we put in it.
                                We have desided to remove most of the
                                delays in future versions of vFAST.
vfc4_0.zip     65759 08-05-2024 *********** vFAST v4.00 *************
                                (c) International TeleCommunications
                                vFAST is just what the name implies,
                                a vERY FAST protocol, it'll run circles
                                around Zmodem.  vFAST  uses  DUAL 16
                                bit CRC's to protect data, has RESTART
                                recovery for aborted transfers as well
                                as SKIP for files you ALREADY have.
                                vFAST  was designed specifically for
                                v32, v32bis, and v34 modems.
                                Will not run with 2400 baud modems.
vzmod12b.zip   69793 08-05-2024 ---------- Visual Zmodem --------------
                                High-Quality External Protocol Driver
                                Copyright (C) 1992, by Jon R. Rickher
                                Visual Zmodem is compatible with DSZ
                                by Omen, yet offers several enhancments.
zest20.zip     57411 08-05-2024 ZeST 2.0, FASTEST Z-Modem
                                From KAIST, South Korea !
zmax320.zip    35629 08-05-2024 
zmod1310.zip   43774 08-05-2024 Zmodem protocol version 13.10 developed by
                                International TeleCommunications Inc.
zr480f.zip    106667 08-05-2024 ========== ZyRion Version 4.80fa ===========
                                    <= ZyRion Version 4.80fa Protocol =>
                                         official compilation date:
                                     '< 3:26 pm  Tue Dec 05, 1995 >'
                                 ZyRion is the new era in File Transfer
                                 Protocols: Fast/Reliable/BSR, 2 and 4 KB
                                 Transfers, No control file needed anymore.
                                 Key Generator included. For DOS and OS/2.
                                 Wide Beta Version rewritten By Cathy Mai
                                 Warner,  Async by Omega Sector Software.
                                 DynaComm Systems TXC Encode matrix table.
                                 Use this version, its not compatible with
                                 earlier versions. Freeware.
zr_2db451f.z       0 01-01-1980 ========== ZyRion Version 4.51F ===========
                                <= ZyRion Version 4.51 Beta-2 Free =>
                                Its FAST and RELIABLE, protected by a Data
                                BSR  guard to  ensure  _error_ free  batch
                                transfers. A key generator has been included
                                in this FREE package. The special Version
                                has Real Voice Chat HEAR TO BELIEVE.
                                Try the BEST shareware FTP ever created! $0
zr_2db451f.zip  148809 08-05-2024 ========== ZyRion Version 4.51F ===========
                                   <= ZyRion Version 4.51 Beta-2 Free =>
                                Its FAST and RELIABLE, protected by a Data
                                BSR  guard to  ensure  _error_ free  batch
                                transfers. A key generator has been included
                                in this FREE package. The special Version
                                has Real Voice Chat HEAR TO BELIEVE.
                                Try the BEST shareware FTP ever created! $0
zsx2dsz.zip    94569 08-05-2024  V1.03 ͻ
                                  ZSX2DSZ - A utility, that makes  
                                  it possible to use Jan R. Terp-  
                                  stra's external protocol driver  
                                  ZSX with BBS programs that re-   
                                  quite a 100% DSZ compatible log- 
                                  file to work, especially the new 
                                   swinging BBS software Concord   
                                  from Pasi Talliniemi. This new   
                                 version of ZSX2DSZ features some  
                                  improvements as well as one bug- 
                                   Freeware by Lothar Lindinger    
zsx2_2d310.z       0 01-01-1980 ZSX v3.10 protocol driver for OS/2
                                Supports X/Y/Zmodem, SEALink; DOS versions
                                also available
zsx2_2d310.zip   39902 08-05-2024 ZSX v3.10 protocol driver for OS/2
                                Supports X/Y/Zmodem, SEALink; DOS versions
                                also available
zsxd_2d310.z       0 01-01-1980 ZSX v3.10 protocol driver for DOS!
                                Supports X/Y/Zmodem and SEALink.
                                OS/2 version also available.
zsxd_2d310.zip   71522 08-05-2024 ZSX v3.10 protocol driver for DOS!
                                Supports X/Y/Zmodem and SEALink.
                                OS/2 version also available.
zsxlog.zip      4563 08-05-2024 ZSXLOG converts to ZSX protocols log file to
                                be compatible with the standard DSZ log file.
zsx_310.zip    37222 08-05-2024 ZSX v3.10 protocol driver for OS/2
                                Supports X/Y/Zmodem, SEALink; DOS versions
                                also available
z_21b.zip      46124 08-05-2024 Z - ZModem Protocol Driver for Win32 and DOS!
                                For use with Inverse BBS!

                 Area 89 - QuickBBS Utils                 

batsqb.zip    205373 08-05-2024 BATSQB - QuickBBS Activity Tracking
                                system!  This is an awesome package
                                that tracks all of your BBS activity
                                via the system logs and allows you to
                                view by means of a pull down menu
                                system.  Highly recommended for the
                                serious sysop!
beavis81.zip   12001 08-05-2024 QuickBBS 2.81-GA Public Release Language
                                File "BEAVIS & BUTTHEAD"
bw311qb.zip   321066 08-05-2024 The Blue Wave Offline Mail Door/QuickBBS
                                Version 3.11 of the world's most popular and
                                easy to use offline mail door!  Features
                                include internal protocols, flexible message
                                packing options, SysOp-controlled limits and
                                restrictions, NEWFILES list generator, Fido
                                to Internet E-mail gateway capabilities, full
                                integration with BBS security features, more.
                                Installs easily in minutes!  (QuickBBS v2.80
                                or later required.)
danlist2.zip   31180 08-05-2024 
doital11.zip   29573 08-05-2024   DOITALL 
                                ALL-IN-ONE utility for QuickBBS
                                sysops! Creates best user and
                                birthday bulletins, prunes long
                                log files. Creates allfiles lists
                                and fully maintains and sorts all
                                your file listings. Requires NO 
                                CONFIG FILES; uses QuickBBS's 
                                instead. Supports GoldBase and
                                CD-ROMs. FREEWARE 
dsqvqbbs.zip    5861 08-05-2024 
dutch281.zip   13949 08-05-2024 QuickBBS 2.81-GA Public Release Language
                                File "DUTCH"
englis81.zip   11661 08-05-2024 QuickBBS 2.81-GA Public Release Language
                                File "ENGLISH"
fmlxg142.zip  390119 08-05-2024 FMail 1.42, DOS-DPMI 16 bit version
                                NEW QUICKBBS GOLDBASE VERSION!
                                FMail is an echo mail processor for
                                QuickBBS Goldbase and JAM message bases.
                                Also included is a message base maintenance
                                utility with a lot of special features. The
                                DPMI versions of FMail support much more
                                echo mail areas than the standard version.
french81.zip   12229 08-05-2024 QuickBBS 2.81-GA Public Release Language
                                File "FRENCH"
german81.zip   13777 08-05-2024 QuickBBS 2.81-GA Public Release Language
                                File "GERMAN"
ggen210.zip    59458 08-05-2024 
hbilly81.zip   12731 08-05-2024 QuickBBS 2.81-GA Public Release Language
                                File "HILL-BILLY"
hollywod.zip    9873 08-05-2024 
jive281.zip    13143 08-05-2024 QuickBBS 2.81-GA Public Release Language
                                File "AFRO-AMERICAN JIVE"
jqwk28ba.zip  142474 08-05-2024 
malte281.zip    7091 08-05-2024 QuickBBS 2.81-GA Public Release Language
                                File "MALTESE"
mcfgedv2.zip   25010 08-05-2024 
mstat111.zip   20897 08-05-2024 MSGSTATS v1.11 Lists Hudson message area info
                                QuickBBS, RA, and SuperBBS. Number of
                                messages, space occupied, etc. Finds areas
                                where tossers have created "garbage"
                                messages so you can clean them out. Also
                                shows how many users are reading the areas,
                                so you can tell which are popular.
                                Now supports Goldbase!!
nodefile.zip   47306 08-05-2024 Use customized text files of any origin to
                                send to nodes while they are online. Easy 3
                                line configuration program, clean interface,
                                for any QBBS version.  Fast, and reliable.
                                Written by James Goldbloom, 1:109/611.
qflash1b.zip   19215 08-05-2024 
qqw24.zip      62898 08-05-2024 QuickBBS Questionairre Writer
qsetv2.zip     34784 08-05-2024 
qstat030.zip   31445 08-05-2024 
quiktp31.zip   23457 08-05-2024 
sopmsg2.zip    23248 08-05-2024 
texmex81.zip   12957 08-05-2024 QuickBBS 2.81-GA Public Release Language
                                File "Texas Border SPANISH"
trek281.zip    12706 08-05-2024 QuickBBS 2.81-GA Public Release Language
                                File "STARTREK"
undscvrd.zip   12116 08-05-2024 
vally281.zip   12477 08-05-2024 QuickBBS 2.81-GA Public Release Language
                                File "VALLEY-GIRL"

                   Area 90 - RA Archives                  

ra260_g2.zip  673822 08-05-2024 RemoteAccess Version 2.60 gamma 2
                                This is the long awaited y2k upgrade to
                                RemoteAccess Shareware.  In addition to 
                                the Year 2000 fix (which uses the full 
                                four digit year) there are some 
                                additional features.  Be sure to read 
                                the WHATSNEW.TXT file.
                                Please report any and all bugs or 
                                strange happenings to me through any of 
                                the following means:
                                RA_SUPPORT echo on fidonet
                                Netmail to me at 1:324/122@fidonet
                                E-Mail mailto:bugreports@rapro.com
                                Bruce Morse
                                RemoteAccess Central
radoc252.zip  174660 08-05-2024 RemoteAccess BBS v2.52 Documentation
                                This documentation was not included
                                in the RA_252.ZIP release archive.
ra_001.zip    306962 08-05-2024 
ra_002.zip    335293 08-05-2024 
ra_003.zip    394795 08-05-2024 
ra_004a.zip   411281 08-05-2024 
ra_100.zip    506795 08-05-2024 
ra_101.zip    515808 08-05-2024 
ra_110.arj    508401 08-05-2024 
ra_111.arj    507123 08-05-2024 
ra_200.arj    843584 08-05-2024 
ra_201.arj    840090 08-05-2024 
ra_202.arj    826730 08-05-2024 
ra_250.arj    872410 08-05-2024 
ra_252.zip    605062 08-05-2024 RemoteAccess BBS v2.52
                                This version of RA is identical to RA 2.50
                                with revised the copyright information based
                                on the sale of RemoteAccess by Andrew Milner
                                to Bruce F. Morse of Haverhill, MA USA.
ra_260sw.zip  655973 08-05-2024 RemoteAccess Version 2.60 
                                This is the long awaited y2k upgrade to
                                RemoteAccess Shareware.  In addition to 
                                the Year 2000 fix (which uses the full 
                                four digit year) there are some 
                                additional features.  Be sure to read 
                                the WHATSNEW.TXT file.
                                Please report any and all bugs or 
                                strange happenings to me through any of 
                                the following means:
                                 RA_SUPPORT echo on fidonet
                                 Netmail to me at 1:324/122@fidonet
                                 E-Mail mailto:bugreports@rapro.com
                                Bruce Morse
                                RemoteAccess Central
ra_261sw.zip  847114 08-05-2024 RemoteAccess Version 2.60 
                                This is the long awaited y2k upgrade to
                                RemoteAccess Shareware.  In addition to 
                                the Year 2000 fix (which uses the full 
                                four digit year) there are some 
                                additional features.  Be sure to read 
                                the WHATSNEW.TXT file.
                                Please report any and all bugs or 
                                strange happenings to me through any of 
                                the following means:
                                 RA_SUPPORT echo on fidonet
                                 Netmail to me at 1:324/122@fidonet
                                 E-Mail mailto:bugreports@rapro.com
                                Bruce Morse
                                RemoteAccess Central
ra_262sw.zip  849012 08-05-2024 RemoteAccess Version 2.62.1
                                This is the long awaited y2k upgrade to
                                RemoteAccess Shareware.  In addition to 
                                finalizing Year 2000 compliance (which 
                                uses the full four digit year) there are 
                                some additional features.  Be sure to 
                                read the WHATSNEW.TXT file.
                                Please report any and all bugs or 
                                strange happenings to me through any of 
                                the following means:
                                 RA_SUPPORT echo on fidonet
                                 Netmail to me at 1:324/122@fidonet
                                 E-Mail mailto:bugreports@rapro.com
                                Bruce Morse
                                RemoteAccess Central
ra_2dy2k_2d2       0 01-01-1980 +------------------------------------------+
                                         RemoteAccess 2.60 GAMMA          |
                                             Developers Notes             |
                                       and Turbo Pascal Structures        |
                                              Second Version              |
                                            November 16, 1999             |
                                If you develop RA compatible software, you
                                should review the structural changes to RA
                                that may affect your software.
                                This update adds changes to EXITINFO.BBS
ra_2dy2k_2d2.zip   11738 08-05-2024 +------------------------------------------+
                                |                                          |
                                |         RemoteAccess 2.60 GAMMA          |
                                |             Developers Notes             |
                                |       and Turbo Pascal Structures        |
                                |              Second Version              |
                                |            November 16, 1999             |
                                |                                          |
                                 If you develop RA compatible software, you
                                 should review the structural changes to RA
                                 that may affect your software.
                                 This update adds changes to EXITINFO.BBS
struc250.arj    7759 08-05-2024 

             Area 91 - RA Call Back Verifiers             

acidd100.zip  104521 08-05-2024              ACID v1.00 For DOS
                                  The Adaptable Caller Identification Door
                                  The definitive Caller ID door.  Provides
                                you with everything you could ever want in
                                a Caller ID verifier, including:
                                 * Full scale verification for RA & QBBS.
                                 * "Sentry" mode - works with any BBS type!
                                 * COMPLETELY customizeable!
                                 * TONS of features & possible uses!
                                 * Comprehensive documentation & examples.
acido100.zip  192919 08-05-2024             ACID v1.00 For OS/2
                                  The Adaptable Caller Identification Door
                                  The definitive Caller ID door.  Provides
                                you with everything you could ever want in
                                a Caller ID verifier, including:
                                 * Full scale verification for RA & QBBS.
                                 * "Sentry" mode - works with any BBS type!
                                 * COMPLETELY customizeable!
                                 * TONS of features & possible uses!
                                 * Comprehensive documentation & examples.
                                 * 32-bit, multithreaded, OS/2 native!
cb065sf.zip    56907 08-05-2024 CB, a callback door/verifier for ANY BBS r.65
cbvv14.zip    242453 08-05-2024 John Dailey's Call Back Verification v1.4
                                Tiny, powerful CBV for ANY BBS software! Dupe
                                and bad  phone num check,  allow/disallow  LD
                                calls,  allow users to  enter number to call,
                                log file, dialing methods definable, multiple
                                area codes, multi-security level settings and
                                MORE! All displays are external for easy mod-
                                ification.  More features than ever before!
                                Registration - $10.00
cid210g1.zip   91187 08-05-2024 CIDPHONE V2.10.g1
                                for RemoteAccess 2.x.
                                To check the authenticity of the
                                user's phone numbers with the one
                                provided by the phone company.
                                More Options NOW!!
                                By DiaLaval, Eric Carriere
cidchk10.zip   96445 08-05-2024 CIDCHECK - Caller ID Validation    v1.0    .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                Utilize Caller-ID (CID) to validate BBS    
                                callers.  Requires Caller ID service from
                                the phone company. Ability to validate long
                                distance as well as local callers. Should
                                work with any BBS that can produce a drop
                                file as well as validate with a bat file.
                                      Tested with Searchlight
cidel101.zip   26274 08-05-2024 ͵  CID4ELE    Ver 1.0.1 ͸
                                      Caller ID door for ELEbbs      
                                 Detect Duplicate Users {REGISTERED} 
                                 Validates New Users {REGISTERED}    
                                 Lockout Bad Phone Numbers           
                                 Lockout Bad User Names              
                                 Drops Carrier on Bad Users          
                                 VIP User Access                     
                                 User can Update Phone Number        
                                 User Account Stats Screen           
                                 Configurable Area/STD Codes         
                                 Configurable Phone Number Format    
                                 Logs Activity, Dupes and Caller ID  
                                 Requires FrontDoor Ver 2.20         
                                 POSTCARDWARE RELEASE ;
cidnpop3.zip   28569 08-05-2024 CIDNPOP v3.0b - Caller ID in PoP!  This small
                                util will allow Portal of Power to pass the
                                CID String to your BBS via the BBSBATCH.BAT
cidra116.zip   26258 08-05-2024 ͵  CID4RA     Ver 1.1.6 ͸
                                   Caller ID door for RemoteAccess   
                                 Detect Duplicate Users {REGISTERED} 
                                 Validates New Users {REGISTERED}    
                                 Lockout Bad Phone Numbers           
                                 Lockout Bad User Names              
                                 Drops Carrier on Bad Users          
                                 VIP User Access                     
                                 User can Update Phone Number        
                                 User Account Stats Screen           
                                 Configurable Area/STD Codes         
                                 Configurable Phone Number Format    
                                 Logs Activity, Dupes and Caller ID  
                                 Requires FrontDoor Ver 2.20         
                                 POSTCARDWARE RELEASE ;
clbkv372.zip  117482 08-05-2024 MY CallBack verifier by SteveSoft.
                                SUPPORTS RBBS, and ANY bbs that will read
                                a DOOR.SYS after returning from a door!
                                WildCat! 3.0 support.  DV friendly.  DIALBACK
                                feature!  Will NOT dial 911,555,976, or 900
                                numbers.  Trashcan file.  SysOp definable
                                for verification.  Separate security for
                                and long distance callers.  FOSSIL support.
                                SysOp definable Failures and pass codes!
cvs13f.zip     97645 08-05-2024 Caller Validation System 1.3 - NOW FREEWARE
                                Deluxe CBV for RA 2.x  * Checks duplicates,
                                bad numbers,  post messages customized msgs
                                to the sysop/user. Call collision detection
                                and much much more!
ecb116.zip     47872 08-05-2024 EasyCallBack 1.6. A Call Back Verifier that
                                is RA 2.xx compatible.
ecd20.zip      49808 08-05-2024 
evs101.zip    111425 08-05-2024  EVS v1.01 - Enhanced Verification System 
                                version 1.01. EVS is the latest in 
                                callback verification technology. By 
                                combining speed, reliability, ease of 
                                use, and affordability EVS has become 
                                the ultimate in callback verification. 
                                EVS includes a menu driven configuration 
                                program as well as a maintainance 
                                utility. Full support for DOS, OS/2, 
                                Windows, and Network/LAN envirnoments 
                                has been completely integrated. 
                                Officially released on August 24, 1995. 
icbv100.zip   123344 08-05-2024 IceCBV v1.00 * Fully functional callback
                                verifier for RA v2.xx, PB v2.xx & compat. *
                                Some features include: Full colour
                                configuration, Internal local call manager
                                database, fully configurable LD callback
                                hours,local prefix import from textfile,
                                HMB and JAMBase support for welcome message
                                posting, definable screens, password logging
                                SysOp warning messages, action toggles
                                and MUCH MORE! Released: 01/01/97
jbcb11a.zip    34122 08-05-2024 JBCBV, v.6.02a - Callback Verifier for BBSs
                                which use DOOR.SYS, SFDOORS.DAT, or
                                CALLINFO.BBS dropfile.  May also be used
                                with *any* BBSware that has external utils
                                for upgrading caller's SL's.  Tested on
                                TriBBS & Spitfire BBSs.  This is a {COMMO}
                                compiled macro, requires a *registered* vers
                                of {COMMO} 6.02A, or later. Supports local,
                                "metro", and long distance (optional) calls.
                                No FOSSIL reqd, internal logging function,
                                maintains database of validated names &
                                numbers separate from BBS. Shareware. $10
mcall11.zip   125481 08-05-2024 Multi-CALL 1.10 Callback Verify Door
                                for ANY BBS. UART, FOSSIL, DIGIBOARD.
                                DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF, SFDOORS.DAT.
                                Can upgrade caller security level in
                                Wildcat, PCBoard, Spitfire, Maximus,
                                ProBoard, RA, and TAG. Any language
                                or phone number style. Limit access
                                by long distance, phone number, calls
                                per day, time of day, security level.
mc_cbv30.zip  214236 08-05-2024 MotorCity Callback Verifier, now with
                                CALLER*ID & JAM support
pcbv420.zip   124184 08-05-2024 
pwrcid10.zip   16479 08-05-2024 PowerCID v1.00 by Phillip Powers
                                CallerID Utility which imports the name
                                and the number from  your  FrontDoor or
                                InterMail Log file and  places it right
                                into  your specified  RemoteAccess LOG.
                                No more CID  Boxes  to  worry  about or
                                double checking  your FD  log with  the
                                RemoteAccess log file.  Just check one!
                                Reformats the  CID  Number with dashes.
                                Best of all ..... PowerCID is FREEWARE!
qcbv100.zip   214024 08-05-2024 
                                ޳    QuikCBV Version 1.00     ޳
                                 Matrix Technologies  Fully functional
                                 callback verifier for QuickBBS v2.8x,
                                 RemoteAccess v2.xx,  ProBoard v2.xx &
                                 other compatibles.  QuikCBV includes:
                                 Full  color  configuration,  Internal
                                 local call  manager  database,  fully
                                 configurable LD callback hours, local
                                 prefix import from textfile,  HMB and
                                 JAMBase  support for  welcome message
                                 posting, definable screens,  password
                                 logging SysOp warning messages,action
                                 toggles and MORE!   Released 10/01/97
racbv203.zip   20694 08-05-2024 RACBV203, Call back verifier!!!!
                                Works with ANY bbs that can read
                                back a DOOR.SYS or EXITINFO.BBS, 
                                (Type2 RA 2.00+) drop file. FREE
                                Fixed! a terrible bug that would
                                cause the  program to not update
                                the user in certain conditions.
radd_20.zip   457332 08-05-2024 
rbbsta98.zip  116522 08-05-2024 
rcbvrg15.zip   63789 08-05-2024 
                                        - RazCbv v1.5 -         ۰
                                     Call Back Verifier for     ۰
                                           Renegade             ۰
                                   Auto creates inf file       ۰
                                   Universal CBV menu included ۰
                                   Multitasker Support         ۰
                                   Duplicate & Bad # Detection ۰
                                   10 Configurable area codes  ۰
                                   US Phone format version     ۰
                                   Incoming call detection     ۰
                                   Configurable Modem Setup    ۰
                                   Network Friendly            ۰
                                   Fossil Required             ۰
                                    - Created By Razathorn -    ۰
rcbvtg15.zip   62850 08-05-2024 
                                        - RazCbv v1.5 -         ۰
                                     Call Back Verifier for     ۰
                                          Telegard 3.x          ۰
                                   Auto creates SCR file       ۰
                                   Universal CBV menu included ۰
                                   Multitasker Support         ۰
                                   Duplicate & Bad # Detection ۰
                                   10 Configurable area codes  ۰
                                   US Phone format version     ۰
                                   Incoming call detection     ۰
                                   Configurable Modem Setup    ۰
                                   Network Friendly            ۰
                                   Fossil Required             ۰
                                    - Created By Razathorn -    ۰
sfcb12.zip    212070 08-05-2024 
tccb109.zip    72179 08-05-2024 
tchk215a.zip   73370 08-05-2024 
                                ޳  TurboCHEK Version 2.15a  ޳
                                TurboCHEK is a  callback  verifica-
                                tion  system for  RA,  Concord, and
                                SuperBBS, allowing SysOps to verify
                                that  their  users are  using real,
                                correct phone numbers.  Support for
                                logging, flag & security  modifica-
                                tions, bad phone  number  lockouts,
                                and  saving  RA  passwords  to  the
                                comment field are just a few of the
                                included options!            [SB96]
tcr_200.zip    66837 08-05-2024 TCR v2.00 * The Call Return Door * 12/20/96
                                Setup as (1) callback verifier, (2) one-way
                                LD return dialer or (3) loop dialer/call
                                security. # parsing, dial security, optional
                                LD, configurable languages & text and more!
                                Requires: DOOR.SYS & BBS interface solutions.
ucvs130.zip    84313 08-05-2024 
vcbv176.zip   201845 08-05-2024 Vanadium Call Back Verifier v1.76
                                Supports TriBBS 4.0x-5.x,
                                Maximus 2.0x, Remote Access 2.x, PCBoard
                                15.x, ProBoard 2.0x and GrapeVine. Locked
                                BPS rates upto 57600 uses FOSSIL. Multi-
                                Language support, ANSI/AVATAR 0/ASCII,
                                Online User Editor, Instant Verify users,
                                Lock Out, Mark for Delete, Built in Chat,
                                @Variables, Easy to Install, can call
                                Local, Metro, and Long Distance phone
                                Reg. $17.50
                                Shareware by David Strickland
vd170r2.zip   150912 08-05-2024 
vfy_2139.zip  266256 08-05-2024 VERIFY!.EXE v3.9 - BBS online call back   
                                verification door program.  Call back     
                                numbers are under the full control of the 
                                sysop.  ERRORLEVELs returned to calling   
                                batch file for your online security level 
                                adjustment program. Operates with 16 BBSs!
                                Direct Support files for LoraBBS, TRIBBS, 
                                WILDCAT and SPITFIRE included, others by  
                                request. Use of this program makes the    
                                BBS callers accountable, and they know it!
                                Sagerquist Micro Engineering              
                                Support BBS (805) 723-6908  zs@qnet.com   

             Area 92 - RA Example BAT and help            

dbramail.zip    2946 08-05-2024 
docuproc.zip   30833 08-05-2024 Simple, free utility to let you print
                                a text file on both sides of the page
                                in book format.  Perfect for the docs
                                that come with Remote Access.
doorbat.zip     2338 08-05-2024 A .BAT file for running several doors from RA
                                using only one .BAT file
dor_2dhlp.zi       0 01-01-1980 ͸
                                  Help file for running door programs  
                                  with RemoteAccess using one (1)      
                                  DOOR.BAT file.                       
                                  InfoWare: by Ted Fox, SysOp of       
                                            The Night Hawk BBS         
dor_2dhlp.zip    3248 08-05-2024 ͸
                                  Help file for running door programs  
                                  with RemoteAccess using one (1)      
                                  DOOR.BAT file.                       
                                  InfoWare: by Ted Fox, SysOp of       
                                            The Night Hawk BBS         
dvra_2dusa.z       0 01-01-1980 
dvra_2dusa.zip    4686 08-05-2024 
fdw95faq.zip   14227 08-05-2024 
flags.zip       4430 08-05-2024 
holecfg.zip    25511 08-05-2024 
mult200.zip    32982 08-05-2024 
noblnk10.zip    7924 08-05-2024 
qa4ra100.zip   34147 08-05-2024 Ĵ Q&A for RA Shell 1.00 Ŀ
                                   A -=> Freeware <=- Program    
                                    that will add an easy to     
                                     use interface to those      
                                        Q&A for RA files.        
                                    [Created By: Jon Abbott]     
                                   Note: Made for Rev. 9 only    
                                   of Q&A4RA. Great Program!!    
                                    Creation Date:  10/16/94     
qav101.zip    114562 08-05-2024 QAView 1.01 - For Q&A4RA Help Files
                                Menu driven interface to Read, Print, and
                                Edit the files found in the Help File package
                                from Eric Staufer. NO External programs
                                required.  Initial Release. Future
                                versions will be included in the Q&A4RA
                                package.  This program is FREE!
                                Fresh out of the chute at Cowboy Software!!
q_26a4ra11.z       0 01-01-1980 Q&A4RA11.ZIP - Questions & Answers for RA!
                                -------------[Revision #11]---------------
                                How to setup programs such as:  FrontDoor,
                                FastEcho, xMail, AllFix, IceEdit, IceChat,
                                GEdit, FRAME, Online Archive Master, RAUA,
                                THDPro, JC-QWK, OLMS, BlueWave, INSTAbank,
                                CYBSTAT, FileStat, FDRPR, FMail,  IceBank,
                                IceUser, RATS, IceCBV, RATick, and more..!
                                Tips and Overview of RemoteAccess 2.50.g1!
                                Setups for Protocols, Doors, OS2, DV, etc.
                                Included now is QAV102.ZIP, Q&A4RA Viewer!
                                Written by: Eric Staufer (1:374/6568)
                                o Files: 21,  Lines: 10408,  Size: 459k  o
q_26a4ra11.zip  237176 08-05-2024 Q&A4RA11.ZIP - Questions & Answers for RA!
                                -------------[Revision #11]---------------
                                How to setup programs such as:  FrontDoor,
                                FastEcho, xMail, AllFix, IceEdit, IceChat,
                                GEdit, FRAME, Online Archive Master, RAUA,
                                THDPro, JC-QWK, OLMS, BlueWave, INSTAbank,
                                CYBSTAT, FileStat, FDRPR, FMail,  IceBank,
                                IceUser, RATS, IceCBV, RATick, and more..!
                                Tips and Overview of RemoteAccess 2.50.g1!
                                Setups for Protocols, Doors, OS2, DV, etc.
                                Included now is QAV102.ZIP, Q&A4RA Viewer!
                                  Written by: Eric Staufer (1:374/6568)
                                o Files: 21,  Lines: 10408,  Size: 459k  o
ra2cds11.zip   46274 08-05-2024 How to Setup TWO CDs
                                that rotate during the week
                                using: RemoteAccess 2.xx
                                explained by a 14 year old
                                RA sysop!
ra32_2dfaq.z       0 01-01-1980 The Official RA-32 FAQ
                                0.01   (December 20, 1995)
ra32_2dfaq.zip    3657 08-05-2024 The Official RA-32 FAQ
                                0.01   (December 20, 1995)
rabats.zip      5858 08-05-2024 Sample batch files to run RemoteAccess &
radist.zip     17088 08-05-2024 RemoteAccess File Distribution Network
                                (RADIST)  Information/Application/Map
                                July 1997
ratoolz.zip     7682 08-05-2024 Ĵ
                                ޳       Useful RA-.BAT's and Utils:      
                                ޳ ADDFILE, START, TERMINAL and much more.
                                ޳      ADDFILE - File-Adder (EXEc)       
                                ޳ START - Starting-Batch with Menu       
                                ޳ TERMINAL - Batch to start Terminal     
rausw4wg.zip   13442 08-05-2024 
rauswn95.zip   13532 08-05-2024 
rawin95.zip     7757 08-05-2024 Running RA with Win95? Well get this help
                                file. Tells you all you need to know about
                                running RA 2.02/FD 2.02 with Win95. Included
                                are the following files.
                                BBS.BAT |for command lines etc
                                .PIF's  |for running FD, RA, Local Logon,
                                        |FD's FM.EXE, Maintenance in seperate
                                This file was created so all of you can enjoy
                                the PURE POWER of running Windows '95!!
                                Mike Benoit,  Fido> 1:353/203
                                Email: Ebenoit@awinc.com
ra_2dfaq01.z       0 01-01-1980 The Unofficial RemoteAccess FAQ
                                0.01   (December 26, 1995)
ra_2dfaq01.zip    6907 08-05-2024 The Unofficial RemoteAccess FAQ
                                0.01   (December 26, 1995)
ra_faq.zip     37307 08-05-2024 Frequently Asked Questions 
                                (  p)  Remote Access
                                                : 06/07/96              
                                ᫥ 䨪 : 27/07/96              
                                ⠢              :  襢
ra_helps.zip   27914 08-05-2024 
ra_info.zip     1842 08-05-2024 Info on the status of RemoteAccess BBS
                                and RemoteAccess/Professional BBS Software.
                                Andrew Milner has officially sold it!
                                This information comes straight from the
                                new owner, Bruce Morse.
since250.zip    5375 08-05-2024 
winra.zip       4955 08-05-2024 
win_2dfd3.zi       0 01-01-1980 
win_2dfd3.zip   55542 08-05-2024 

               Area 93 - RA File Base Utils               

addrom.zip     18939 08-05-2024 AddRom - By Mark Williamson
                                Easily add any CD Rom to your RemoteAccess 2
                                FILES.RA.  Stop entering redundent info into
                                RACONFIG!  Use AddRom and get it done - FAST!!
                                Best of all - it's FREEWARE!  By the author
                                Labtest comes another can't-do-without-it
add_upld.zip    8737 08-05-2024 A quick File Upload changer for RA 2.00.
                                Will match and change uploaders names
                                in the file database.
                                Renegade Software   version 1.00
adiz103.zip    52547 08-05-2024 AddDiz v1.03 - Imports DIZ descriptions to
                                FDB/FILES.BBS (Freeware)
alist100.zip   23973 08-05-2024 AList/RA version 1.00. The best file
                                and message areas list program for
                                RA 2.0x. Allows you to create your
                                very own custom screens to give your
                                BBS that "professional" look. A must
                                for all RA Sysops. Low registration
aml101.zip     65551 08-05-2024 AMList 1.01 - The Ultimate All/NewFile
                                generator for RemoteAccess 1.1x/2.xx,
                                ProBoard 1.3x/2.xx, QuickBBS 2.76/2.8x,
                                SuperBBS 1.xx, Maximus 2.0x and others.
                                Supports FILES.BBS's, the Ra-FileBase
                                (2.0x) and Indexed FILES.BBS's.
                                optional killing missing file(s).
                                Nearly any long-description supported!.
                                Choose your own filedate layout.
                                The possibility to have a DIFFERENT
                                header AND/OR tail for EVERY filearea!!
                                Announcing new-files via *.PKT!
                                It's now also possible to generate
                                the FILESIDX.PB file of ProBoard.
aml200b8.zip  120692 08-05-2024 AMList 2.00b8 - The Ultimate Allfile/
                                newfile generator for RemoteAccess 1.1x/
                                2.xx, ProBoard 1.3x/2.xx, QuickBBS 2.76/
                                2.8x, SuperBBS 1.xx, Maximus 2.0x/3.00
                                and FLSearch.Ctl alike-BBS are supported!
                                Supports FILES.BBS's, the Ra-FileBase
                                (2.0x) and Indexed FILES.BBS's.
                                Optional killing the messagetext, and
                                also optional killing missing file(s).
                                (almost) any longdescription is
                                supported!. Also optional reporting
                                missing files to a Text-file.
                                Choosing your own filedate layout.
                                Packing the All/NewFiles with the
                                must common Archivers (to .EXE is also
                                possible!) and add extra files to
                                the archivers.
                                The possibility to have a DIFFERENT
                                header AND/OR tail for EVERY filearea!!
                                Announcing new-files via *.PKT!
                                Generating the File-Request file for
                                FrontDoor,Intermail etc
                                Its also possible to generate
                                the FILESIDX.PB file of ProBoard.
                                AMList can now create a self-viewing
                                Allfile and/or newfile listing!
                                AMList now support Maximus 3.00 !!
amlo20b8.zip  129343 08-05-2024 AMList 2.00b8 OS/2 The Ultimate Allfile/
                                newfile generator for RemoteAccess 1.1x/
                                2.xx, ProBoard 1.3x/2.xx, QuickBBS 2.76/
                                2.8x, SuperBBS 1.xx, Maximus 2.0x/3.00
                                and FLSearch.Ctl alike-BBS are supported!
                                Supports FILES.BBS's, the Ra-FileBase
                                (2.0x) and Indexed FILES.BBS's.
                                Optional killing the messagetext, and
                                also optional killing missing file(s).
                                (almost) any longdescription is
                                supported!. Also optional reporting
                                missing files to a Text-file.
                                Choosing your own filedate layout.
                                Packing the All/NewFiles with the
                                must common Archivers (to .EXE is also
                                possible!) and add extra files to
                                the archivers.
                                The possibility to have a DIFFERENT
                                header AND/OR tail for EVERY filearea!!
                                Announcing new-files via *.PKT!
                                Generating the File-Request file for
                                FrontDoor,Intermail etc
                                Its also possible to generate
                                the FILESIDX.PB file of ProBoard.
                                AMList can now create a self-viewing
                                Allfile and/or newfile listing!
                                AMList now support Maximus 3.00 !!
amlp20b8.zip  208073 08-05-2024 AMList 2.00b8 386 The Ultimate Allfile/
                                newfile generator for RemoteAccess 1.1x/
                                2.xx, ProBoard 1.3x/2.xx, QuickBBS 2.76/
                                2.8x, SuperBBS 1.xx, Maximus 2.0x/3.00
                                and FLSearch.Ctl alike-BBS are supported!
                                Supports FILES.BBS's, the Ra-FileBase
                                (2.0x) and Indexed FILES.BBS's.
                                Optional killing the messagetext, and
                                also optional killing missing file(s).
                                (almost) any longdescription is
                                supported!. Also optional reporting
                                missing files to a Text-file.
                                Choosing your own filedate layout.
                                Packing the All/NewFiles with the
                                must common Archivers (to .EXE is also
                                possible!) and add extra files to
                                the archivers.
                                The possibility to have a DIFFERENT
                                header AND/OR tail for EVERY filearea!!
                                Announcing new-files via *.PKT!
                                Generating the File-Request file for
                                FrontDoor,Intermail etc
                                Its also possible to generate
                                the FILESIDX.PB file of ProBoard.
                                AMList can now create a self-viewing
                                Allfile and/or newfile listing!
                                AMList now support Maximus 3.00 !!
am_60.zip      68811 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                   Online Archive Master version 6.0   
                                 AM is a RemoteAccess 2.0x archive       
                                 viewer.  AM can be used as a door and   
                                 as the RA External Archive Viewer.      
                                  View the contents of archives         
                                  Read files within archives            
                                  Extract file(s) to be downloaded      
                                  Supports all major archive formats!   
                                  Supports the RA 2.0x file database    
                                  Checks all security levels and flags  
                                  ...and more!                          
                                 AM is another quality freeware product  
                                 from Dykstra Software.                  
arcon2_m.zip   65472 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 **        ARCON.EXE V2.M          ** 
                                 ARCON.EXE is an  automatic  archive  
                                 format converter with the ability to 
                                 add or remove files, virus scan,     
                                 auto delete text from FILE_ID.DIZ    
                                 and add a banner to the converted    
                                 archive. Useful for Sysops who want  
                                 all the files on the BBS in the same 
                                 format and want to add BBS adverts   
                                 to each archive.                     
                                 Can also be used from RemoteAccess   
                                 RAMGR.EXE or RAFT.EXE file manager   
                                           ** FREEWARE **             
                                     * UK BBS support available *     
                                          Author Colin Birch          
                                       Sysop  The Dog House BBS       
                                         (01443) 400327 24hrs         
                                   Latest files - 28 December 1999    
areajoin.zip   42922 08-05-2024 [?7h[255D[0;1;30m[47m[40m[47m[40m
                                 [0maRNoW LiNeRs v2.0 - By L0U$
                                   Include new features
                                   Now you can select your
                                    own ANSi file.
                                   Now, new text STyLe,Ha-
                                    CKeR STyLe.
areamgr5.zip   39665 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                   AreaMGR v5.0   
                                 AreaMGR is a RemoteAccess 2.0x message 
                                 and file area manager.  AreaMGR allows 
                                 you to make global changes to your     
                                 message and file areas.  Change flags, 
                                 security levels, EVERYTHING!  Designed 
                                 with the look and feel of RACONFIG.    
                                 Freeware from Dykstra Software.        
                                 NEW in v5.0:  Internet & Newsgroup     
                                 area types are now supported.          
arn_area.zip   95131 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                           RemoteAccess Tool             
                                ݺ                 1.0  
                                ݺ Wechseln der Fileareas mit den Cursor 
                                ޺ tasten per Lichtbalken !              
                                ޺ - eigene Ansis verwendbar             
                                ݺ - Farben und Textpoistion einstellbar 
                                ޺ - erneuert die Variable               
                                ޺   S H A R E W A R E   DM 10.- reg.    
                                   .written by Roady of Stereo8.   
arom225.zip    99288 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                  v2.25  ó     v2.25 
                                      CDROM Changer Door for     
                                      RemoteAccess 2.02/2.50     
                                  Allow BBSs to use more CDROMs 
                                   than they have CDROM drives!  
                                  Automatic detection of CDROMs 
                                   and updating of RA's filebase 
                                  Can import CDROMs which have  
                                   FILES.BBS listings            
                                  Automatic installation and    
                                   friendly menu based setup     
                                  Can display a custom ANSI     
                                   logo when a CDROM is detected 
                                  Full RemoteAccess 2.50 support
                                Ĵ(c) Spaced OUT Softwareͼ
atag_12.zip    32055 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 Another Tag Version 1.0 Ĵ
                                 FileTagging Door For Ra 2.XX         
                                 Features :                           
                                      Taglist Editing                
                                      New Design !                   
                                      Customisable Ansi              
                                      Easy Setup                     
                                      Easy Use                       
                                      French Production !            
                                      FreeWare !!!!!                 
aview65b.zip   73643 08-05-2024 AViewCom allows BBSers to view archive
                                contents while online, read ASCII files, and
                                download files from within archives.  The
                                download feature is useful if a caller
                                wishes to read a document file prior to
                                downloading the entire archive, or to
                                retrieve one file that may have been
                                corrupted during a previous transfer.
                                Supports arj, arc, pak, zip, zoo, lzh, lha,
                                as well as some exe and com archives.
avtdh2_6.zip  112963 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                           AVTDH  V2.6             
                                  On-Line archive viewer for most  
                                  BBS types. Allow your users to   
                                  look inside archives while on    
                                  line.  RemoteAccess users can    
                                  even allow files to be extracted 
                                  and downloaded                   
                                   * UK BBS support available *    
                                    * Author: Colin Birch *        
                                    Sysop: The Dog House BBS       
                                    +44 (0)1443 400327 24hrs       
                                    Latest files - 28 Dec 1999     
badfl11.zip    25129 08-05-2024                                    Ŀ
                                       Automatically add unde-    Ŀ 
                                       sired files into RA 2.xx    
                                       BADFILES.CTL stright from  Ĵ :
                                       RAMGR, WITHOUT EXITING!        
                                       Save HOURS of SysOping!!!   .  
                                   .   New "*" options NOW, WOW!   :  :
                                 Ŀ   BADFILE v1.1   Ŀ
                                   CyBiC PRODCUTiONS   
bats100.zip    15796 08-05-2024 BAT Shell is exactly that. It is a shell for 
                                .BAT files that are 
                                used to run certain things on a BBS.  I wanted
                                to know WHO was 
                                transfering files with the DSZ protocol on my
                                BAT Shell is a Sysop utility and probably
                                won't find much use in a 
                                users environment. Remote Access BBS software
                                allows you to define 
                                external file transfer protocols. When they
                                run, though, you cannot 
                                see who the user is unless the protocol
                                displays this information 
                                for you. What BAT Shell does is very simple.
                                In the above case, I 
                                installed BAT Shell as the external protocol
                                and it calls the .BAT 
                                file that runs the real external protocol. BAT
                                Shell swaps out of 
                                memory leaving only 5k of itself behind. BAT
                                Shell simulates a DOOR 
                                environment in that it creates a status line
                                with the users name, 
                                com port, baud rate, and the BBS node number
                                on it.
bbsrp141.zip  107322 08-05-2024 BBS Reporter Log file processor that reads
                                your RA 2.xx log files and produces
                                informative tables and graphs showing many
                                important aspects of your system.  Reports
                                phone-line utilization (each node and whole
                                system), callers per day (each node and whole
                                system), usage of your door games, and
                                download statistics.
bcopy050.zip   23674 08-05-2024 BBSCopy v0.50; RemoteAccess 2.0 Sysop utility
                                that allows copying of files from RA FileBase
                                without the need to remember where they are
                                or to look for them.
bestl105.zip   30637 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>> BESTLIST version 1.05. <<<<<<<<
                                A RemoteAccess 2.00  FileBase utility to
                                create detailed list of  most downloaded
                                files from the system.       Fully sysop
                                configurable via command line parameters
                                and external text files. Various sorting
                                and security limits,    up to 2000 files
                                per list, Full multinode aware and more.
                                From  Chief Israeli Communication System
                                Ltd.    Shareware, $20 Registration fee.
bone110b.zip  119913 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 B.O.N.E. v1.10             Fuer RA2.0x 
                                 -===    Bunch Of Numerous Extras   ===- 
                                 * Zu Dateien aus der FDB, die keine Be- 
                                   schreibung besitzen, diese  aus frem- 
                                   den/alten Dateilisten direkt  in  die 
                                   FDB  importieren.  Auch  mehrzeilig ! 
                                 * DLcounter von Dateien  aus  der  FDB, 
                                   die requestet / versendet wurden, er- 
                                   hoehen. (PoP-, FD- & komp.  Logfiles) 
                                 * Logfiles auf letzte x Tage verkuerzen 
                                 * Ermoeglicht Relogin  waehrend  beste- 
                                   hender  Verbindung, incl.  DOBBS.BAT- 
                                   Support fuer Shell-To-Mailer Systeme. 
                                 * Passend zum Paging-Status definiertes 
                                   Programm starten (zB. Chat/Psy-Split) 
                                 * Zufaellig gewaehlte Datei  auf  neuen 
                                   Dateinamen  kopieren (z.B. wechselnde 
                                 * Neue/n User ermitteln und anschreiben 
                                   - auch vor dem ersten Mailbox-Check ! 
                                 * Userbase-Backup/Restore/Check  System 
                                 * Umfangreich  konfigurierbarer  Datei- 
                                   listengenerator (Makros, Gruppen/Area 
                                   -header/footer, Archivierung, u.v.m.) 
                                 ----- Weitere Optionen in Kuerze! ----- 
                                -= Funktionsuneingeschraenkte  Shareware =-
bpr_2dtag.zi       0 01-01-1980                 
                                   TAG CHECKER V1.02   
                                    FOR REMOTEACCESS     
                                  CHECKS IF DA USER HAS  
                                     TAGGED FILES      
                                       AT DA LOGOFF        
bpr_2dtag.zip   73805 08-05-2024                 
                                    TAG CHECKER V1.02   
                                    FOR REMOTEACCESS     
                                  CHECKS IF DA USER HAS  
                                      TAGGED FILES      
                                       AT DA LOGOFF        
btag2317.zip  159090 08-05-2024 
                                #                            #
                                # EASTTAG 2.31/Beta-7 Update #    
                                #                            # 
cd2ra.zip     153429 08-05-2024 (v1.1) CD2RA allows you to add
                                CD-ROM  areas  directly   into
                                RemoteAccess FILES.RA.
                                You can define flags,security,
                                password, groups ,age and  all
                                the rest of definible settings
                                you find in RACONFIG.
                                [BugFix of v1.0]
cdch09g.zip   183649 08-05-2024 * CDROM CHANGE v0.9/Gamma *
                                The Ultimate CDROM DOOR for RA 2.xx
cdchng16.zip   51917 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 **      CD-Rom Changer V1.6a      ** 
                                 Does your BBS have more CD-ROMs than 
                                 CD-Rom Drives?  This prog will auto- 
                                 matically detect which CD-ROM is in  
                                 the drive and update the paths and   
                                 filebase accordingly.                
                                 New FAST option added - MUCH faster  
                                 than previous version!               
                                 Now creates .ANS and .ASC files      
                                 showing which CD(s) are in the       
                                   For RemoteAccess V2.xx BBS ONLY!   
cdol_v20.zip   22779 08-05-2024 
                                     CD On-Line Version 2.0   
                                     CD On-Line detection utility 
                                  for Remote Access BBS v2.X. New 
                                  features include: Multi-Drive   
                                  support, Auto-on, Auto-off, and 
                                  a much more compact and faster  
                                  file structure! The best ever!! 
                                  (C)opyright 1994 Main Street    
cdrom04.zip    13735 08-05-2024 CDROM Update v0.4beta - Mounts and
                                dismounts CDs from the RemoteAccess
                                v2.x filebase. Automatically detects
                                which CDs are in which CDROM drives,
                                and updates the filebase, area paths
                                and menus accordingly. A must for
                                sysops with more CDROMs than CDROM
                                drives! Shareware R20 ($6).
changer1.zip   49736 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 į CHaNGeR for RA2.x   
                                  Go with lightbars     
                                   through ya fileareas  
                                  Change to a new area  
                                   with a fingertip      
                                  Make your own back-   
                                   ground ANSI           
                                  Free Netmailware      
                                Imported by ThrasherPCM 
chngeadd.zip   14165 08-05-2024 Ŀ Ŀ
                                 Ŀ  Ŀ  Ŀ   
                                     Ŀ  Ŀ ڳ Ŀ 
                                         T O O L S         
                                     ChangeADD  V1.02b     
                                  Change Banners and BBS-  
                                  Adds fast and easy. For  
                                  RA2.0X. Some/All Areas.  
                                  Remove old Banners and   
                                   Adds. Ligtbar-driven.   
                                   Absolutely No Need of   
                                     *** FREEWARE ***      
                                       Coding: DARK        
cncav11.zip    14661 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 CRTE NEW CD-AREAS v1.1             
                                 Einool fr REMOTE ACCESS   ab     
                                 rsion 2.50.                       
                                   NEUFEATURES INKLUSIVE          
                                 Dnt dazu, CD's in RA              
                                 ezubinden                - NE     
                                 MENUFHRUNG           - Sht jetzt 
                                 automatisch      d FLSEARCH.CTL   
                                   - Etellt automatisch           
                                    d neuen Areas            -    
                                 Gbale-Einstellungen      - Efach  
                                 zu bedienen            (c) RASOFT 
                                  Reqst jetzt in der              
                                 STAINE-BOX, Maintal               
                                   MAG: CNCAV10                   
                                 -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-       
condr15b.zip  172216 08-05-2024 CONNDOOR v1.5 BETA - File transfer door for 
                                SBBS/QBBS/RA style BBSs and BBSs using 
                                EXITINFO.BBS or DORINFO1.DEF files and 
                                FILES.BBS text files.  Supports TAPE DRIVE 
                                and CDROM access, and full duplex protocols 
                                such as HSLINK and BIMODEM.  Up to 16 sysop 
                                definable protocols.  Fully configurable, 
                                MANY features!!! 
confjoin.zip   41799 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                           RemoteAccess Tool             
                                ݺ                1.0 
                                ݺWechseln der Filegruppen mit den Cursor
                                ޺tasten per Lichtbalken !               
                                ޺ - eigene Ansis verwendbar             
                                ݺ - Farben und Textposition einstellbar 
                                ݺ   S H A R E W A R E   DM 10.- reg.    
                                   .written by Roady of Stereo8.   
cv_flsra.zip   10249 08-05-2024 
cyoaf131.zip   61186 08-05-2024 
                                 CYOAF v1.31(R) Release :             
                                             The Best                 
                                 On-Line Allfiles Creator. Create     
                                 Your Own All Files. A must for the   
                                 user download a few filearea lists   
                                 in case of the BIG allfiles list of  
                                 your BBS. This program support's the 
                                 RemoteAccess 2.0x FileDataBase.      
                                 Wood-Soft Productions / Holland      
data211a.zip  425436 08-05-2024 --==> BBS Utiliteez <==--
                                +++++++++ The DataDoor Version 2.11 +++++++++
                                Possibly the most advanced and easiest to use
                                of all file download doors available. Support
                                for all Optical/Magnetic Disks and DataTapes,
                                plus support for  Wildcat, Hudson, Squish and
                                JAM message bases. Also supports numerous BBS
                                user bases directly to prevent download abuse
                                by your users. Offers other features that you
                                won't find in other doors such as: ability to
                                view/download any file  from within archives,
                                update/add FILE_ID.DIZ before download, posts
                                messages to the sysop and user whenever files
                                are requested and prepared for download, page
                                the sysop from the door,  full online help in
                                the door, ability to convert archives to full
                                self extractors before download, and MORE!!!!
                                -==> Fully Functional While Unregistered <==-
datag105.zip   98834 08-05-2024 (v1.05) dATag by TWAiN PAiN Software
                                The best RemoteAccess filetagger. Fixes:
                                Files can now have costs and daily dls
                                are checked correctly (broken in v1.04)
                                    ĿĿĿ TWAiN PAiN's ͸
                                ڿ۳۳۳: ۳: ڿ۳
                                ٲ۳  ٲ۳Ŀ
                                ٰڿ  ڿٱ
                                ٳ   ٳĿ
dcd15mf.zip    18805 08-05-2024 -::- RADCD Missing Files -::-
                                Contains the missing CHANGES.105
                                and RADCD.DOC from the distribution
                                archive  RADCD105.ZIP - Sorry...
dctlf100.zip   17686 08-05-2024 DCT ListFormat/RA v1.00; A user-friendly way
                                to customise RA's file list format.  Provides
                                an easy and intuitive method of designing
                                your own file list format without having to
                                memorise any codes or run RA locally to see
                                the what the list format will look like.
                                Freeware.  [Released 14-Jan-98]
deltav16.zip  114589 08-05-2024 DELTATAG V1.6         (C) 1994/95 Delta
                                Systeme Wst
                                * Filetagger, Filelisten-Ersteller und
                                Statistik-  *
                                * Ersteller in einem. Luft mit allen FLSEARCH
                                CTL *
                                * DORINFOx.DEF, EXITINFO.BBS und BBSTAGFL.x   
                                * Mailbox-Systemen, untersttzt in der
                                Vollversion *
                                * v.a. CONCORD O.O1, zahlreiche Bugfixes und  
                                * Geschwindigkeitsverbesserungen gegenueber V1
                                0   *
                                * Kann jetzt auch die Filebeschreibungen mit
                                d/l   *
                                * lassen, erzeugt bei Fehler eine Log-Datei
                                und    *
                                * beherrscht Globale Areamarkierungen und hat
                                * auch noch einen 'TURBO-SCHALTER'            
                                *             SHAREWARE - Registriergebuehr 25
                                -DM *
dfs_10g1.zip   86201 08-05-2024 Ŀ Ŀ  Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ
                                       Ŀ     Ĵ   
                                   THE FILEBASE SCANNER! 
                                 FOR RA 2.0X       v1.0.g1 
                                  Keyword Search          
                                  Wildcard Match          
                                  Hide unwanted files     
                                  Hacklist Support        
                                  Warn Uploaders by MSG   
                                  LogLevel 1 - 7          
                                  Post Log in any HUDSON &
                                   JAM Area (!)            
                                  Monthly Index Updates   
                                  Exclude Usernames       
                                  Up to 32 Include-Files  
                                  Great German Dox. ;-)   
                                  SHARWARE NORMAL 20.- DM  
                                TILL 14.11.96 ONLY 10 DM!
dieter31.zip   59308 08-05-2024                 T U F
                                    /  / /// // /
                                   -_//_/  ///   _ /
                                        __/    __/   /
                                    / /۳       _/
                                   /__/ /__//___/ // /___/ // //
                                              Version 3.1
                                 Der ultimaitve Filelister fr RA 2.00-2.5.
                                   Vllig berarbeitet.
                                   Mit integriertem Software-Cache
                                   Total konfigurierbar
                                   verarbeitet long descriptions richtig
                                   100% fast
                                   100% nice Filelists
                                   einfach kewl
                                                           :/ by CliMaX \:
dizimp12.zip   16933 08-05-2024 
                                  FiLE_ID.DIZ Importer  
                                    For RA 2.00 FDB     
                                  Handles .ZIP and .ARJ 
                                  (BBBWare by Tymusz!)  
dizzy10.zip    18127 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                   \--\ \-/ /-/ /-/ \  / 
                                   |  |  |   /   /   \/  
                                   /--/ /-\ /-/ /-/  /   
                                         DIZZY v1.0        
                                   The Remote Access 2.xx  
                                    FILE_ID.DIZ Importer   
                                   Runable in RAMGR & DOS  
                                       By Dimension X      
dizzy201.zip   62934 08-05-2024 > DIZZY 2.01(bugfixed)< A File_id.diz
                                description manager, gets diz in files,
                                files.bbs, RemoteAccess FileDataBase,
                                or in the Dizzy data base. It creates
                                Files.BBS files, enters long descriptions
                                into the RA file database, and can add
                                File_id.diz into compressed files. Can
                                protect the descriptions in data base
                                files - The files are not processed
                                several times - thereby very fast. File
                                call functions can be configured in a
                                ASCII configuration file. Now in both
                                real + Protected versions! It was tested
                                under DOS, WIN (DOS) and OS/2 WARP(DOS).
                                -- Shareware -- Only German docs.
dlmod10.zip    33508 08-05-2024 Download Date Modifier 1.0
                                For RemoteAccess 2.xx
                                Globally change the download date
                                for ALL files in the RA/FDB.
                                FreeWare from RaLin Software.
dlrmnd05.zip   62820 08-05-2024  /(______________/\_____________)\
                                .\_____  \____  _/\____    ____   \_
                                |   _:/  _/ ___   \_ |/      |/    /
                                |    |    \_ |/    / |    /  |    /:
                                ==========( R A D D )======[JIG]
                                   REMOTE ACCESS DOOR DEVELOPMENT
                                     'DOWNLOAD REMiNDER VO.O5'
                                 THiS TiNY LiTTLE DOOR REMiNDS YOUR
                                USERS TO DOWNLOAD THEIR TAGGED FiLES
                                X,Y COORDINATES & COLORS DEFINEABLE!
                                WRITE TO THE RA LOGFILE (SELECTABLE)
                                   MANY OTHER UPDATES SINCE VO.3
                                 1OO% RA 2.02 READY DOOR CODED WiTH
                                      THE MDU & DLT DOORUNiTS!
                                        FREEWARE AS EVER BY:
                                         IV TRACKS^ArT^RaDD
                                HOMEPAGE AT: WWW.SNAFU.DE/~IV.TRACKS
dlrmnd51.zip   41783 08-05-2024  /(______________/\_____________)\
                                .\_____  \____  _/\____    ____   \_
                                |   _:/  _/ ___   \_ |/      |/    /
                                |    |    \_ |/    / |    /  |    /:
                                ==========( R A D D )======[JIG]
                                   REMOTE ACCESS DOOR DEVELOPMENT
                                     'DOWNLOAD REMiNDER VO.51'
                                 JUST A SMALL EXE UPDATE THAT FIXES
                                   THE UNWANTED CHANGES TO THE RA
                                          STATUS LINE(S)!
                                 THIS PACKAGE CONTAINS ONLY THE EXE
                                        FREEWARE AS EVER BY:
                                        iV TRacKS^RaDD^DLT!
                                HOMEPAGE AT: WWW.SNAFU.DE/~IV.TRACKS
dl_l_ch.zip    16745 08-05-2024 With this little program you are able to
                                easily change the download level in your
                                FILES.RA file. (RA 2.x compatible)
                                Usefull for ra_2_tag.
                                (c) J.H.R. Software (Tm)
dtaggab.zip    28446 08-05-2024 ........
                                ..   ߲         ۲߱   ..
                                ..:      ߲...۲      :..
                                ..:        ߲  ۲߱        :..
                                ..:         ܱ۲      VL :..
                                ...:   ޱ      ߲ܲ         :...
                                ...:    ߲ܲܲ     ۲ܲ    :...
                                ...:.   Dtagga-Beta-Release 1.o   .:...
dzfdb103.zip   12246 08-05-2024 DIZtoFDB version 1.03 - (28 April 1996)
                                A program to update the RemoteAccess
                                2.02 File Database. Can be used with
                                RAMGR as one of the ALT-function.
d_u_r_02.zip   76989 08-05-2024 D_U_R is a Download/Upload Ratio
                                System like RUR by Ron Huiskes
                                Intersoft. D_U_R doesn't work with
                                messages from the messagebase but 
                                with AVT/ANS or ASC screens. D_U_R
                                has the possibility to set the ratio
                                and free download for each level
                                D_U_R is multi-language. D_U_R uses
                                a lot less diskspace than RUR.
eft201.zip    815211 08-05-2024 ķ
                                     Enhanced File Transfer V 2.00       
                                 This is the EFT/2 Door for RA, SBBS and 
                                 MAXIMUS systems. Lots of features,      
                                 build-in Zmodem protocol, anti-duper,   
                                 multiline, multilanguage, full-screen   
                                 file tagger and browser, split screen   
                                 chat, CD-ROM manager, full-windowed     
                                 SETUP with helpsystem for easy install. 
                                 >>>INCLUDES 2 ADDITIONAL BBS UTILS:<<<  
                                 RAFF - a superfast newfiles lister with 
                                 little tagger for RA and SBBS! PLUS     
                                 XFLC - a superb ALLFILES creator for    
                                 RA and SBBS with supports EFT CD-ROMs!  
                                 Comes with full DOCs >200k!             
                                 $40 Shareware by Michael H. Raus        
eft209m.zip   392706 08-05-2024 EFT Beta 2.09M update. This update from 2.01
                                is compatible with RA 2.0x, but it still does
                                not support the FDB yet. Key required.
eftcool.zip    12451 08-05-2024 Cool Language file for EFT!
                                Has colorized prompts, and
                                better command keys. This
                                will work with EFT 2.09.
erfa_210.zip   44266 08-05-2024 
etag_230.zip  198922 08-05-2024 (v2.30) EASTtag. Externe filelister.
                                 For RA 1.1x/2.00 and also Proboard 1.3x 
                                 Area  Viewer and also keyword, filename 
                                 and newfile  tagger. EASTtag can create 
                                 D.I.S.P.  Tagfiles.   And  also creates 
                                 fileattach  files witch you can request 
                                 with any normal mailer.                 
                                 Multi  Language and Multi Line  support 
                                 EASTtag  works   with  long-desciptions 
                                 FILES.BBS.   EASTsoft  The Netherlands. 
eud11.zip      66872 08-05-2024        Ŀ
                                      Enhanced Upload Door 1.1 
                                       Replaces  RA's  hardcoded 
                                       menu  33  (upload  file). 
                                       Copletely lightbar driven.
                                       Won't ask for description 
                                       on ARC's with FILE_ID.DIZ.
                                    If SKC or a compatible up-
                                 check is used, the  upcheck will be 
                                 called only once on all uploads. No 
                                 setup needed !  Of course with area 
                                 security  checking,  parameter  for 
                                 defining upload area and more.      
                                 Released: 22. Aug. 1998 
                                 Freeware, if you want! 
                                 (C)opyright 1997-98 by G.Brockhaus 
exp2fl09.zip   26971 08-05-2024 {FREE-KEY} (0.9) Export_to_files r 0.9.
                                To produce a structured FILES.BBS,
                                ALLFILES or NEWFILES in the directories
                                of RA2. Added options in this release:
                                ALLFILES, NEWFILES, LOWER, UPPER, and
                                some macros. EXP2FILE has to be
                                registreded for running in batch-mode.
                                Registrating via key-file-system without
                                any extra charges, but your phone-bill.
fakecnt.zip     8698 08-05-2024 FAKECNT.ZIP v1.00  - You've seen utils  
                                for RemoteAccess that alter the total SYSTEM 
                                calls! Now, a program is here to alter your  
                                File DOWNLOAD counters with RANDOM counts!
                                This program is 100% compatable with RA 
                                2.00, 2.01, 2.02 and 2.50 and will quickly 
                                alter the filebase download counters giving 
                                the impression your files are popular!!       
fam10.zip      12409 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  FAM - File Area Mover - Version 1.0  
                                 FAM is a RemoteAccess 2.0x utility for  
                                 moving file areas.                      
                                 Freeware from Dykstra Software.         
fam4ra10.zip   89016 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 FileAreaManager for Remote Access 
                                           Version 1.0.            
                                   (c) 1994-1996 by D. Leibing     
                                 FAM4RA can insert,delete,cut and  
                                 paste fileareas and filegroups    
                                 in the Remote Access 2.0x file-   
                                 base. All flags, attributes,      
                                 groups and securityvalues can be  
                                 changed global.                   
                                 Importing of File_id.diz,         
                                 MOD-Description and GIF-Resolution
                                 You can adopt and delete, copy    
                                 and move files in your RA 2.0x    
                                 database and much more.           
fasrt_15.zip   17069 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                Interactive FileAreaSort v1.5
                                     for RA 2.5 Filebase     
fbm05.zip      33020 08-05-2024  Ŀ
                                    (C) 1996 by SteinerSoft      
                                    Filebase Administration      
                                          fr RA 2.xx            
                                   Suche nach Files und Desc in  
                                   der RA-Filebase via Netmail   
                                   Ausgabe der Suchergebnisse    
                                   als Netmail an SysOp oder     
                                   andere Person                 
                                   Einfuegen fehlender Filedesc  
                                   via Netmail in das vorhandene 
                                        =  Shareware =           
fboxra10.zip   64144 08-05-2024   -[ File Box For Remote Access v2.x]-
                                Fast full featured private file system!
                                   DESQView, Windows and OS/2 Aware!
fc_05.zip      12381 08-05-2024 FileCost v0.5  FileCost will update your
                                files database with credits as you define.
                                FC can update ALL files or just those
                                that have no credits applied yet.
                                FileCost can optionally give users 
                                credits for the files they have uploaded.
                                FREEWARE from LlanoWare!
                                For RemoteAccess 2.xx.
fd2radlc.zip   12058 08-05-2024 
fdb2txt.zip     8681 08-05-2024  
                                      FDB to DBase for RA2       
                                  Creates a DBase readable comma   
                                  file from the RA2 filebase       
                                  No configuration, just start it  
                                  FreeWare by Grischa Brockhaus  
fdio11.zip     13700 08-05-2024 FDIO v1.1
                                [Creates ANSi screens]
                                [of IN/OUTBOUND calls]
                                [of your Front  Door,]
                                [or InterMail.   Nice]
                                [screens generated!  ]
                                [Support  for all BBS]
                                [systems.   CyBiC '95]
fdl_l501.zip  162021 08-05-2024 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
                                DISP software: FileDoor-LIT protocol driver
                                Version/Date : V 4.03 / February 12th, 1994
                                This file contains various language files
                                for FileDoor 3.10, 3.20 and/or 4.01/3. The
                                Dutch, English, German, Spanish, Italian,
                                Chinese, French and Russian versions are
fdl_v501.zip  636362 08-05-2024 FDL/P  FileDoor LITE/PRO      Version  5.01
                                DISP software: FileDoor protocol driver
                                Version/Date : V 5.01   / Aug. 9th, 1995
                                This version 5.01 runs for both FDL and FDP
                                users. FDP users get extra PRO options. For
                                FDL users there are lots of fixes and small
fdsg162.zip    64988 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                FrontDoor Statistics Generator  Ver 1.62
                                 * How many systems polled your BBS?    
                                 * How many have you polled?            
                                 * What baud rates and CPS rates?       
                                 * What type and quantity of files were 
                                   transfered and how long did it take? 
                                 * How many human callers?              
                                 * What baud? How many failed?          
                                 * How many were rejected?              
                                 * Produces a "major events" log and    
                                   statistics. You only have to look    
                                   at the important events rather than  
                                   all the other crap in your FD log.   
                                 * Output screen shows 2400 - 28800     
                                   baud connect speed statistics.       
                                 * Minor bugs fixed.                    
                                 UFOs?  A.L.I.E.N BBS, +61-2-743-5871 ͼ
fdupe25d.zip  123588 08-05-2024     
                                 FastDupe, Dupes-Searcher for RA20/25 
                                 Version 2.5/DOS   (Pentium II bug fixed) 
                                 FastDupe is the fastest dupe-processor   
                                 available for RemoteAccess 2.+           
                                 It will search your filebase for normal  
                                 and version-dupes *very* quickly & hiting
                                 It is easy to install (no installation   
                                 necessary) and has a fully mouse-driven  
                                 menu interface for processing dupes      
                                 including deletion, renaming or viewing. 
                                 Full blown online help :)                
                                 Documentation / help files included.     
                                 ShareWare $15 / 20DM      by G.Brockhaus 
                                   SkullSoft Group Berlin Germany   
fed0210r.zip  109051 08-05-2024 Files-Ed v2.10,  A  highly configurable
                                FILES.RA editor for Remote Access V2.0x
                                sysops. Supports most desired features,
                                including  file   hurling,  description
                                files,   adopt,   delete,  edit,   add,
                                importing  SDN,  DIZ  file  from within
                                archive,   MOVING  file  areas   whilst
                                mantaining correct pointer files and
                                much more. Registration $15.
                                A WaveWare Product Released  (07/07/94)
ff_200.zip    822230 08-05-2024 FastFile 2.00. FileTagger, FileDoor and
                                FileManager for RemoteAccess 2.0x-2.50.
                                Built around a "graphic" user interface.
                                NOW SUPPORTS: CD-ROM & Internet Request,
                                LightBar, ISDN,RA2.02 Tagfile, Password,
                                CD-ROM, DAT, Color Configuration,  GIF-,
                                MOD-View, DupeCheck, Freefile, Comments-
                                in filelists, Virus scan, Long filedesc,
                                File tagging, Fast AreaChange, TextView,  
                                Locate, Archive View,  New Files Search,
                                MemorySwap functions, All FileProtocols,
                                TextView, Upload, Download,  Local mode,
                                SplitScreen Chat with macrofunctions and
                                Remote SysOps features like RA Manager!!
                                        * And much more ! *
ff_210b3.zip  297786 08-05-2024 FastFile 2.10beta3 for Registered Users Only!
                                Now includes full 16 color configurability,
                                faster ANSi, lightbar protocol selector, and
                                more. This beta upgrade requires FF_200.ZIP
                                archive as well, and can only be run locally
                                if not registered.
fgen100.zip    42121 08-05-2024 (v1.00) FileGen An All-/new-/groupfiles
                                generator for Remote Access 2.0x. This
                                program is free. Many features like
                                creating an allfiles and newfiles in one
                                run. Multiple configuration files. Use your
                                own language etc.
                                NetmailWare by Pascal van Rossum
fhe210_2d1.z       0 01-01-1980 +-----------------------------------------+
                                 ***   The FileHerald  v2.10 Rev 1   *** +
                                Very powerful file list creator, new file
                                announcer and file base maintenance utility.
                                Supports SBBS, RA1/2, ProBoard, WME, Quick-
                                BBS, RoboBBS, Wildcat! and any BBS software
                                that uses FILES.BBS style area listings.
                                4DOS, DesqView and OS/2 aware. Announces
                                directly into Squish, Hudson or Fidostyle
                                message bases. Repacks new files, adds
                                comments from FILE_ID.DIZ or to GIF, PCX,
                                GIF, PCX, MOD, S3M, STM, 669, SNG and WOW
                                files. Uses XMS/EMS for largest file bases.
                                >>>  MANY OTHER FEATURES! <<<
                                [  Shareware with 30 days trial period.  ]
fhe210_2d1.zip  467033 08-05-2024 +-----------------------------------------+
                                + ***   The FileHerald  v2.10 Rev 1   *** +
                                Very powerful file list creator, new file
                                announcer and file base maintenance utility.
                                Supports SBBS, RA1/2, ProBoard, WME, Quick-
                                BBS, RoboBBS, Wildcat! and any BBS software
                                that uses FILES.BBS style area listings.
                                4DOS, DesqView and OS/2 aware. Announces
                                directly into Squish, Hudson or Fidostyle
                                message bases. Repacks new files, adds
                                comments from FILE_ID.DIZ or to GIF, PCX,
                                GIF, PCX, MOD, S3M, STM, 669, SNG and WOW
                                files. Uses XMS/EMS for largest file bases.
                                     >>>  MANY OTHER FEATURES! <<<
                                [  Shareware with 30 days trial period.  ]
fi116.zip     275285 08-05-2024 ͸
                                         FILELIST V1.16          
                                   Creates allfiles & newfiles   
                                   & brandnewfiles filelists!    
                                   - good outfit                 
                                   - ASCII or ANSI               
                                   - .EXE-File-Creation          
                                   - List-Names free choosable   
                                   - FILE_ID.DIZ-Import          
                                   - Packing after creation      
                                   - Mail-Request-Option         
                                   - Differenz-Datei-Creation    
                                 program in GERMAN *AND* ENGLISH 
                                   you only need to specify the  
                                        option in FISETUP!       
                                  (c) 1994-'95 by Marc Bachmann  
                                 RA 1.11 & RA 2.0x & Ezycom 1.02 
                                 & SBBS 1.17-3 & Proboard 2.0x   
                                      & Proboard 2.10            
filebusy.zip    9284 08-05-2024 This mini utility will check whether 
                                a file is available for exclusive
                                access or not. It is primarily 
                                intended for use in multitasking 
                                environments such as Desqview.
filemv13.zip  187575 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                 FILEMAN         Version  1.3 
                                 The ingenious Tool for RA2.x 
                                 Creates an .EXE Filelist     
                                 with all functions one needs 
                                 Tagging, Export, Seaches     
                                 Printing, Newfiles, Areas    
                                 Groups, Age, Out, Arc....    
                                 Great user interface!        
                                 A packed filelist is usuallu 
                                 einer Filebase von 2GB       
                                 smaller then a packed ASCII  
                                 Written by  A.Grigat         
filesra3.zip   17155 08-05-2024  >>>>> FilesRA version 3.00 <<<<<
                                  Some New features.  Reorganize
                                         FILES.ra file. 
                                  ***For  RemoteAccess 2.0x***
                                    RA 2.5x code coming soon
                                      Registration $15.00
filest03.zip   46227 08-05-2024 Users can see more info about a file.
                                Number of down-loads, uploader-name,
                                File_id.diz, Description etc. Free 
                                from parameters or configurationfiles.
                                Searches FASTER than RA in the area's.
                                The FILEBASE from RA 2.00/2.01 is used.
                                Compleetly Multi-Line and Multi-Language
                                This programm may be used freely and wil
                                be automaticly registered at your own 
                                sysop and BBS name.
filetag.zip    73244 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                           FILETAG V0.9 beta          
                                     Online-Filetagger fuer RA 2.*    
                                 - Online komfortabel Gruppen und     
                                   Areas wechseln                     
                                 - Auswahllisten mit Rollbalken-      
                                 - suchen nach Files mit bestimmten   
                                 - Menues & Hotkeys selbst definieren 
                                 - viele interessante Features        
                                 - einfache Installation              
                                 - 45-Tage-Testkey requestbar         
filetagr.zip   52355 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 FILETAGGER V 1.0
                                RA - Filetagger   
                                * Cursorsteuerung 
                                + Gruppen, Area-  
                                * einfach mal     
                                  saugen (nur 50k)
filetex3.zip    8139 08-05-2024 (v0.3) FILETEXT
                                    VaBa!Soft Utils for RA 2.0x    
                                 FILETEXT creates a BIMODEM.REJ,   
                                 REQUEST.LST or AREAS.LST of your  
                                 FILES.RA. This will save you a lot
                                 of work, you don't have to change 
                                 these files manually everytime you
                                 add or delete an area.            
fixfil10.zip   13624 08-05-2024 FIXFILE Version 1.0 for RemoteAccess 2.5x
                                rearranges the filebase (FILES.RA) so that
                                utilities for RA 2.0x can still be used.
                                Public Domain program includes C source code.
fix_fbnr.zip   13552 08-05-2024 This program will fix the filebase
                                numbers in the "files.ra" file for
                                ra_2_tag v1.04. If ra_2_Tag give's a
                                error kike : "CAN NOT OPEN FILEBASE"
                                or "CAN NOT READ FILEBASE" use this
                                program, if will fix your file.ra file
                                so ra_2_tag will run 100%.
                                (c) J.H.R. Software (tm)
flag15.zip     86484 08-05-2024     
                                      FileGate  v1.5       
                                   Files Listing          
                                    (keyword,filename etc) 
                                   Downloading Uploading  
                                   Up to 10 protocols!    
                                   CDROM support          
                                   Auto-import of ID.DIZ  
                                   Auto-add of infofile   
                                   File/Mail Group/Area   
                                    lightbar selection!    
                                   And more..             
flc17.zip      18817 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 FILELIST CREATOR v1.7                
                                 ALLFILES list generator t.b.v.       
                                 Remote Access 2.xx systemen.         
                                 Naam van het te genereren bestand    
                                 kan als parameter opgegeven worden.  
                                 Even als het maximum security level  
                                 en het aantal dagen dat teruggekeken 
                                 moet worden.                         
                                 Koptekst en voet tekst kunnen zelf   
                                 worden gemaakt.                      
                                 Areanr's kunnen via een file opge-   
                                 geven worden.                        
                                 Areaheader kan zelf bepaald worden.  
                                 (c)1994 O.Visser/OJV-Software        
flg164.zip     87632 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 FileGate v1.64 bug-fix release 
                                    ۲   ۲
                                       ۲    ۲
                                       ۲    ۲
                                       ۲    ۲
                                     ۲    ۲
                                  BBS-Util for remote access   
                                   and compatible systems       
                                  Using FILES.BBS              
                                  Auto-updating d/l-counters   
                                  Multiple protocols           
                                  Upload scanning              
                                  and many more features!      
                                 FileGate v1.64    coded by Tdd 
flg20p.zip     63532 08-05-2024   FileGate 2.00 added protocols!
                                This is the CEXYZ protocol along with
                                the needed batch files to allow FileGate
                                to transfer files.
flg2g1.zip     97201 08-05-2024                                   )\
                                 ___________  /\_________________( /______
                                _\__  \ ___/\/  \  ___/___  _/  ________  |
                                |  /   _/\ \/   \ _/\     /   \  | /    l
                                l_____\____\||_______\__\ /\___l__|  l__|
                                %    FileGate 2.001 by Tdd of Dementia   %
                                %     For RemoteAccess 2.50 and higher    %
                                %   FilesLister/FileTagger/FileDoor      %
                                %   Internal RA FileBase or FILES.BBS    %
                                %   Arc-Fileviewing  (internal/external) %
                                %   Upload Processor (internal/external) %
                                %   Fully customizable ansi and colors   %
                                %   Lightbars                            %
                                %   Private uploads                      %
                                %   BiDirectional transfers              %
                                %   Comfortable use at 9600bps or higher %
                                % > First Official Public Gamma Release < %
                                % > Full Documentation And Protocol Cfg < %
flg_100t.zip   16254 08-05-2024 
                                 FileListGenerator for RA2.X 
                                 FLG generates a formated filelist
                                 from the RA  filebase.  Does  NOT
                                 clip-off  long  descriptions  (!)
                                 Compresses Filelist and  moves to
                                 desired  directory.  Support  for 
                                 many  compressors.   Test   Drive 
                                 version     runs     10    times. 
                                 >>>>>>>>>> TEST DRIVE <<<<<<<<<<< 
flistdh3.zip   54301 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                         FLISTTDH.EXE  V1.2           
                                 ALLFILES and NEWFILES list creator   
                                 for RemoteAccess BBS's. Fully user   
                                 configurable. Will automatically     
                                 archive the files in format of your  
                                 choice and copy them to definable    
                                   For RemoteAccess V2.xx BBS ONLY!   
flm213s.zip   264339 08-05-2024 
flr121p.zip    33294 08-05-2024 +----- FLM_RA v1.21/Pro ---+
                                | FLM_RA is filelist maker |
                                |  for RemoteAccess 2.5x   |
                                |     Fixes HTML bugs      |
fmrac262.zip   20122 08-05-2024 FM_DL_C.EXE is an util to change the
                                uploadersname in the filebase of RA or
                                to set the downloadcounters at 0 in the
                                filebase of RA. This util can be used
                                with FileMgr v0.50 (06-24-94) or higher
                                and Remote Access 2.00 or higher.
                                It is FREE to use. CopyRight J.H.R.
                                Software (Tm) / All Rights reserved.
fra001.zip      6120 08-05-2024 
frl100.zip      7770 08-05-2024 
fsplt102.zip   26797 08-05-2024 ͵  F-SPLIT   Ver 1.0.2  ͸
                                 File Splitter for RA2.0x/2.5x/ELEbbs 
                                  Password Protect Split Files        
                                  Honors File Area Security Levels    
                                  Honors File Area Flag Settings      
                                  Honors Individual File Passwords    
                                  Puts Users Name in File Description 
                                  Up to 9 Duplicate File Names        
                                  Configurable Archiver               
                                  Monitors File Download Progress     
                                  Max Number of Splits per Session    
                                  Logs All User Activity              
                                  Multi Node                          
                                  Plus Much More......                
                                ͵  SHAREWARE  RELEASE  ;
f_2dfdp1_1.z       0 01-01-1980 => Filerequest Directory Processor <=
                                (v1.00) scans your FILES.RA and
                                creates an ASCII which your mailer
                                reads to find out from which
                                directory requesting is allowed.
                                VERY fast and VERY awesome.
                                Autodetect for both InterMail and
                                FrontDoor. For other mailers that
                                read ASCII files too! FREEWARE by
                                Jeroen Wollaars
f_2dfdp1_1.zip   16191 08-05-2024 => Filerequest Directory Processor <=
                                (v1.00) scans your FILES.RA and
                                creates an ASCII which your mailer
                                reads to find out from which
                                directory requesting is allowed.
                                VERY fast and VERY awesome.
                                Autodetect for both InterMail and
                                FrontDoor. For other mailers that
                                read ASCII files too! FREEWARE by
                                Jeroen Wollaars
f_a_sort.zip   16764 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                Interactive FileAreaSort
                                for RA 2.x type Filebase
gator201.zip  103733 08-05-2024 ........
                                ..   ߲         ۲߱   ..
                                ..:      ߲DMa۲      :..
                                ..:        ߲  ۲߱        :..
                                ..:         ܱ۲      VL :..
                                ...:   ޱ      ߲ܲ         :...
                                ...:    ߲ܲܲ     ۲ܲ    :...
                                ...:         LAWGATOR v2.1         :...
                                ...:                               :...
                                ...: This is a maintenance release :...
                                ...:  of GATOR since I'm too busy  :...
                                ...:   coding a totally new one.   :...
                                ...:                               :...
                                ...: Some added features and a new :...
                                ...:        config program.        :...
                                ...:                               :...
                                ...:.       Code: Archangel       .:...
getdiz13.zip    9213 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 GET-DIZ v1.3 is an add-on for the RA 2.xx 
                                 File Manager, which allows you to quickly 
                                 add FILE_ID.DIZ and DESC.SDI Descriptions 
                                 to your RemoteAccess 2.xx File Data Base. 
                                 Now smaller, faster, and better. Beerware 
glob_2d100.z       0 01-01-1980 Global is a utility to change RA 2.00 File
                                Area Configurations
glob_2d100.zip   16767 08-05-2024 Global is a utility to change RA 2.00 File
                                Area Configurations Globally
hslist14.zip   18662 08-05-2024 ͸
                                ######### HSList V1.04 ###########    
                                    Highspeed Filelistgenerator   
                                       for Remote Access 2.0       
                                      - easy to configure         
                                      - fast and short               
                                      - handle FILE_ID.DIZ        
                                      - create FilesTop20         
                                      - create FILES.BBS          
                                      - FreeWare                  
                                ########## GET IT NOW ############
idimp012.zip   14581 08-05-2024 IDIMP v0.12- imports FILE_ID.DIZ
                                into RA-FileBase (c) NilySoft '95
                                -  continuous file processing   -
                                -      some new switches        -
                                -  !!! BETAtesters wanted !!!   -
                                --------  It's FreeWare ---------
idiz531.zip    92193 08-05-2024              IDiz 5.31    [22-06-96]
                                Importiert FILE_ID.DIZ und DESC.SDI 
                                in die RemoteAccess 2.x Filebase.   
                                * Integrierter Logfilekuerzer       
                                * 4DOS/NDOS Unterstuetzung          
                                * Erkennung von Grafikformaten      
                                * Markiert unerwuenschte Files in   
                                  der Filebase als unlisted         
                                * Beliebiges Textfile kann als      
                                  Beschreibung importiert werden.   
                                * Fehlermeldungen als Mail an SysOp 
                                * Erzeugt FILE_ID.DIZ aus der       
                                * Fuer RA 2.0x und RA 2.5x          
                                  ShareWare by AKI Software DM 20,- 
imp_046.zip    14640 08-05-2024 IMP is a RAMGR add-on to import FILE_ID.DIZ
                                descriptions to RA 2.XX  v0.46 Now supports
                                DESCRIPT.ION & *.UPL. By C.Andreasson.
inquis21.zip   43786 08-05-2024 The Inquisitor! v2.10: New and greatly
                                improved!   In addition to retrieving file
                                descriptions from all common sources, The
                                Inquisitor will now display graphics or play
                                VOC or WAV files using your favorite
                                software.   Plus, it now includes a solution
                                for the dreaded RA description formatting!
                                Support a total of 21 file extensions.  And
                                much, much more!
isaac13.zip    19030 08-05-2024 ISAAC 1.3 - Insanity Software's
                                Amazing Allfiles Creator - Easy
                                to generate all and newfiles
                                lists - Fully FEBBS compatible
                                but now _WITH_ filegroups - Now
                                even easier to setup - RA 2.0x
                                with FILES.BBS only
list108g.zip  189637 08-05-2024  ͸
                                 fullmultilanguage/multiline support
lm130c.zip     36224 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 List Maker 1.30C ۲Ŀ
                                        [ By Amir Mirenberg ]       
                                - FilesList maker for RemoteAccess  
                                  Exteremely FAST                  
                                  Design the Statistical Report    
                                   and each area's title.           
                                  up to *10* Lists at one time     
                                  RA 1.xx & 2.xx Support.          
                                  Complete Log and FileBase Report 
                                   (Incl Orphan&Missing - (In Log)) 
                                  Much More Flexible               
lq_chng2.zip   55265 08-05-2024    
                                      ] CHaNGeR for RA2.x  [Ľ       
                                              Version 0.2                
                                  + go with lightbars through fileareas.
                                  + change to a new area with a fingertip.
                                  + reads up to 2000 Areas/Groups.
                                  + get an infotext, number of files and
                                    kByte for each area.
                                  + make your own background ansi.
                                 + engl. docs included!                  
                                   >>>>>  No Money! Freeware!  <<<<<   
lstrec12.zip   63497 08-05-2024 
lwdupe10.zip   11573 08-05-2024 LWDUPE v1.0  ** LlanoWare **
                                LWDupe is a FREE utility that will help you
                                locate duplicate files in your RA2.0x file
                                database.  It will search up to 1000 file 
                                areas comparing up to 65000 files per 
                                area with all other areas,including CD'S!   
                                **** For RemoteAccess 2.0x ONLY! ****
mafrag54.zip   63808 08-05-2024 [0;1;34mM[0;34mA[1;30mFRAG [34mv[0;34m5[1;30m
                                [34mThe Most Complete Lightbar File/Message
                                Group/Area for
                                Remote Access v2.xx around.
                                Can justify to center, left and right.
                                Can alter the text to upper, lower and fancy
                                Saves the Users favourite positions for each
                                individual group.
                                Allows the sysop to define a different setup
                                for each group.
                                Has an interactive config program so the sysop
                                can see what
                                it will look like before he sets it up on the
                                Security features include Flags, Alt. Groups,
                                Security etc.
                                Lets the sysop have multiple columns of
                                selections for the
                                user on each screen and now with automatic
                                column setup
                                which lets Mafrag figure out the best number
                                of columns at
                                Mafrag is the best looking, easiest to setup
                                and use area
                                changer around. Use it now.
                                Make sure you unzip with -d[0m
mailaddr.zip   28496 08-05-2024 MAILADDR: Allows users to confirm/edit their
                                addresses and optionally join a mailing list
                                For RA 2.x : FREEWARE : Pete Rocca, MCC 1995
mark200g.zip  227966 08-05-2024 FileMark v1.99, FileTagger, KeyWord,
                                newfiles and expression searcher for
                                RemoteAccess 2.02. Full screen
                                configuration utility. Uses the list
                                format in RACONFIG. Supports download
                                time, and lots of more. Internal
                                archive viewer that supports all
                                popular archivers (ARJ/ZIP/RAR) and
                                many more. Keyword search : 5 keywords
                                at one run, NewFiles search: specify
                                self the date to search back.
                                General Expression search (unique).
                                Archive viewer: create own archive
                                file's. Fully supports the RA 2.x
                                Filebase, FileMark can update it,
                                and check for own filesizes. Supports
                                CD-Rom's and lots of more.
                                Check it out yourself!!
mcra2fu1.zip   56792 08-05-2024 File Area Utilities for RemoteAccess V2.00
                                               by Motor City:
                                MCRAFAM- RemoteAccess File Area Manipulator
                                        Use this to re-organise file areas.
                                        This allows you to cut and paste and
                                        insert, delete areas.
                                RAGFAC- RemoteAccess Global File Area Config.
                                        Globally change ANY field in FILES.RA
                                        You tag the areas you wish to change,
                                        and then select the global changer.
                                FMOVER- RemoteAccess File Mover. A File Area
                                        Processor for moving files around on
mc_dc111.zip   60087 08-05-2024                 
                                 ۲ M  y  Z  T  i  C         
                                         dAChANGE v1.11                
                                   A MAiL/fiLE GRoUP/AREA ChANGER          
                                   foR REMotE ACCESS 2.50 ANd 2.0X           
                                    LiGhtbAR dRiVEN ANd fULLY CoN-           
                                   fiGURAbLE. WiLL ALSo ChECk foR          
                                  NEW MESSAGES. REAd WhAtSNEW.111!         
                                       CodE bY hARdAttACk              
                                 ۲ C  o  d  i  N  G  
mlist80b.zip   60105 08-05-2024 MLIST - Ever wanted to have a full list of
                                all your files from the RA 2.0x FDB and sort
                                it by various items? This little goodie will
                                do that, and can be imported to databases.
                                Wide Beta release for RA sysops.  
ml_200.zip    198432 08-05-2024 ͸
                                       MagicList v2.00         
                                 The Ultimate FileArea Manager 
                                   For RemoteAccess v2.xx    
                                  Use your own designed areaheaders 
                                  Put areaheaders in the FDB        
                                  Create all filelists in one run   
                                  Create an 2 different reports in  
                                   Ascii, Ansi and Avatar            
                                  Create an textfile with the       
                                   directories that you allow        
                                   filerequests from                 
                                  Use multiple cfg files for        
                                   different filelists               
                                  Maintain your fileareas           
                                  Randomly tag files                
                                  Import File_Id.Diz/Desc.Sdi       
                                  Import Gif/Jpg-information        
                                  And much much more!               
                                        By LoMa Productions        
mount102.zip   42051 08-05-2024 The Mountie v01.02, allows you to
                                logically mount/dismount CD-ROMs,
                                network drives, local hard drives
                                or removable disks online/offline
                                within RemoteAccess v2.x.
                                File Areas associated with a physical
                                disk are grouped together using RA's
                                File Groups and RACONFIG.EXE.  You
                                then select which of your File Groups
                                are disks in The Mountie!  Each disk
                                definition contains Online & Offline
                                Security Codes & Flags.
msq10g2.zip   119498 08-05-2024 MOSQUITO v1.01 File Echo Processor
                                Gamma release of a file tosser that directly
                                support RemoteAccess and FILES.BBS systems.
                                File announcements and wildcards are
                                supported and Mosquito will also import
                                FILE_ID.DIZ descriptions.  Warning: No
                                hubbing or hatch support!  This is a test
                                release only.  Semi-freeware from Psycho Hut
mts_v801.zip  162322 08-05-2024 MTS  Make them (your)Self      Version 8.01
                                DISP software: MTS archive viewer/extract
                                Version/Date : V 8.01 / Aug. 7th, 1995
                                Final version of MTS (except any bug-fixes)
                                before integration into FileDoor-PRO. This
                                version adds RAR and UC2 support.
mwjoin20.rar   66430 08-05-2024  Ŀ  Ŀ                  
                                Conference Selector for EleBBS/RA          
                                 ANS/AVT, Files/Mails, Areas/Groups        
                                 One or two columns; All-Areas Mode        
                                 AreaSort; Area-Summary; Index-Mode        
                                 Lightbar driven; Shows PageCounter        
                                 Search new files/mails, empty area        
                                 New: AreaANSI, LocalMode, SortOpts        
                                 ANSIs, colors, positions definable        
                                 MAILWARE written by Stephan Binner        
                                 (c) 2000 MysticWare        
mwmind10.zip   11445 08-05-2024  MakeIndex 1.0 for RemoteAccess 2.0x ͸
                                 Creates RA 2.5 index; Includes Source 
                                 FreeWare by Stephan Binner/MysticWare 
ncav48bd.zip  298700 08-05-2024 AVIEW V4.8 Beta-D, 18-Jun-95,
                                The Norton Commander Archive Viewer.
                                A small utility to manipulate ARC,
                                ARJ, HYP, LZH, PAK, RAR, SQZ, UC2,
                                ZIP and ZOO files, lots of options,
                                can be fully mouse-operated, very
                                easy to use, can also be used as
                                stand-alone utility.
                                RemoteAccess FileMgr Compatible!
                                Runs much faster under Win95 then
                                Shez does, and it's *FREEWARE*
newga100.zip   74915 08-05-2024 NEW_G_A Is a UTIL/DOOR to let the users
                                choose a new FILE-GROUP and/or FILE-AREA.
                                They don't just see the names, but also
                                info about the number of Area's, File's,
                                Kbytes and if you implement this the
                                number of downloads in an area.
                                For RA 2.02 and 2.50 ! Easy to install.
                                * (c) 1996 J.H.R. Software (Tm) *
newga10c.zip  105724 08-05-2024 NEW_G_A V1.00c
                                Is a UTIL/DOOR to let the users choose 
                                a new FILE-GROUP and/or FILE-AREA.
                                They don't just see the names, but also
                                info about the number of Area's, File's,
                                Kbytes and if you implement this the
                                number of downloads in an area.
                                For RA 2.02 and 2.50 ! Easy to install.
                                (c)1998 ENKHUIZEN-BBS / SOFTWARE (Tm)
nsg_pro.zip    78204 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                       Door Division       
                                       proudly presents    
                                     CHANGER  Pro 1.1 (R2)     
                                 + go with lightbars through ya file 
                                   and messageareas of RA2.x         
                                 + read 4000 areas                   
                                 + change to a new area with a       
                                 + get a infotext, nr. of files and  
                                   kByte for each area               
                                 + background 100% configurable      
                                 + coloreditor for ya own style      
                                 + easy installation with setuptool  
                                  Shareware (10 DM)                 
                                    * NewSystemGeneration  1995 *    
ns_21_2df055       0 01-01-1980        .sS$$Ss.   .sS$Ss.     s$.
                                .$$$$$$$$s s$$$$$$$$s .$$$$
                                $$$$s$$$s$$$'  `$$ $$$$$
                                $$$ s$$$$ $$$$s      $$$$$
                                `$' $$$$  $$$$$$s   $$$$
                                 s$.$$$s `$$`$$$s `$$'Ϳ
                                 .$$$ $$$s .ss.  s$$$        
                                  $$$$  $$$$ $$$$.s$$$$ .s$$.  
                                 $$$  $$$ `$$$$$$$' s$$$$  
                                ۲۲                             ۲
                                   >       FLAG 0.552       <   
                                          *** FREEWARE! ***          
                                ޲  [NS!] [PRG] [#o62] [28-05-96]  
ns_21_2df055.zip   80252 08-05-2024        .sS$$Ss.   .sS$Ss.     s$.
                                      .$$$$$$$$s s$$$$$$$$s .$$$$
                                      $$$$s$$$s$$$'  `$$ $$$$$
                                      $$$ s$$$$ $$$$s      $$$$$
                                      `$' $$$$  $$$$$$s   $$$$
                                 s$.$$$s `$$`$$$s `$$'Ϳ
                                 .$$$ $$$s .ss.  s$$$        
                                  $$$$  $$$$ $$$$.s$$$$ .s$$.  
                                 $$$  $$$ `$$$$$$$' s$$$$  
                                ۲۲                             ۲
                                   >       FLAG 0.552       <   
                                          *** FREEWARE! ***          
                                ޲  [NS!] [PRG] [#o62] [28-05-96]  
ns_21_2dg085       0 01-01-1980        .sS$$Ss.   .sS$Ss.     s$.
                                .$$$$$$$$s s$$$$$$$$s .$$$$
                                $$$$s$$$s$$$'  `$$ $$$$$
                                $$$ s$$$$ $$$$s      $$$$$
                                `$' $$$$  $$$$$$s   $$$$
                                 s$.$$$s `$$`$$$s `$$'Ϳ
                                 .$$$ $$$s .ss.  s$$$        
                                  $$$$  $$$$ $$$$.s$$$$ .s$$.  
                                 $$$  $$$ `$$$$$$$' s$$$$  
                                ۲۲                             ۲
                                   >       RETAG v0.85      <   
                                          *** FREEWARE! ***          
                                ޲  [NS!] [PRG] [#o74] [21-09-96]  
ns_21_2dg085.zip   57320 08-05-2024        .sS$$Ss.   .sS$Ss.     s$.
                                      .$$$$$$$$s s$$$$$$$$s .$$$$
                                      $$$$s$$$s$$$'  `$$ $$$$$
                                      $$$ s$$$$ $$$$s      $$$$$
                                      `$' $$$$  $$$$$$s   $$$$
                                 s$.$$$s `$$`$$$s `$$'Ϳ
                                 .$$$ $$$s .ss.  s$$$        
                                  $$$$  $$$$ $$$$.s$$$$ .s$$.  
                                 $$$  $$$ `$$$$$$$' s$$$$  
                                ۲۲                             ۲
                                   >       RETAG v0.85      <   
                                          *** FREEWARE! ***          
                                ޲  [NS!] [PRG] [#o74] [21-09-96]  
padi0992.zip   22056 08-05-2024       PADi v0.99.2 (06/28/96) -
                                Easily import new area desciptions from any
                                BACKBONE.NA-style file to your NX v0.99.d08,
                                RA 2.0x / 2.50, PB 2.11, RG 10-05/04-11,
                                SBBS 1.17, T.A.G. 2.7 or TG 3.00 BBS message
                                base as descriptions.  Freeware.
pci_2da173.z       0 01-01-1980              ܱ۲              
                                    ۲   ۱         ޱ
                                ޲  ܰ۰  ۲ rssl   
                                ۱ ۰۱ ܲ  ۱  ۱
                                  ۲ ۲             ޲
                                ۲         ۱۲         
                                ߲        ++ pRESETNTs ++
                                        AinView 1.731 Cardware          |
                                           Archive file viewer           
                                  Support 28+ archives (AIN,ZIP,ARJ,RAR) 
                                 Fix: AIN read                           
                                [dist via pcmicro]-[97.o2.o5]
pci_2da173.zip   60177 08-05-2024              ܱ۲              
                                     ۲   ۱         ޱ
                                 ޲  ܰ۰  ۲ rssl   
                                 ۱ ۰۱ ܲ  ۱  ۱
                                   ۲ ۲             ޲
                                ۲         ۱۲         
                                 ߲        ++ pRESETNTs ++
                                |        AinView 1.731 Cardware          |
                                           Archive file viewer           
                                  Support 28+ archives (AIN,ZIP,ARJ,RAR) 
                                 Fix: AIN read                           
                                [dist via pcmicro]-[97.o2.o5]
peek_221.zip   89907 08-05-2024 Peeker is a utility that will look inside
                                archives (ZIP, ARJ ZOO, etc), read FILES.BBS
                                listings, and optionally create extract files
                                from archives, all online.  It can be setup
                                as the external archive viewer in RA 2.xx.
pfm310g.zip   378685 08-05-2024 ProFAM - Professional File Area Manager v3.10
                                File area manager for RemoteAccess 1.11/2.0x,
                                ProBoard 1.2x/2.00, Maximus 2.0x and PCBoard
                                14/15. Description editing, File Area setup
                                sorter, Super advanced File listing generator
                                and much, much more. All in one easy-to-use
                                program. Fully configurable. Reg: $40/300SEK.
pr_ra201.zip   25347 08-05-2024 More protocols for RA. (protocol.111)
psysld10.zip   26446 08-05-2024 Psychotic Productions' Presentsĸ
                                         Slide v.1.00W              
                                 Slide basically moves on file area  
                                 to another and visa versa.  Best of 
                                 all it's FREEWARE and easy to use!  
                                 Also as a bonus included is a util. 
                                 to strip unreg nags from Allfix logs
putdiz01.zip   14614 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 PUT-DIZ v0.1 is an add-on for the RA 2.xx 
                                 File Manager, which allows you to quickly 
                                 create FILE_ID.DIZ files in your archives 
                                 by copying descriptions from the RA FDB.  
                                 Just the opposite of GET-DIZ! Freeware.   
qf12f.zip      44738 08-05-2024 **** QuikFiler 1.2f for RA 2.x FREEWARE ****
                                Sick of having to manually figure out where
                                all those uploads go?  Sick of inserting the
                                descriptions and high-ascii characters? This
                                intelligent software 'reads' the files desc,
                                and suggests what areas to move them to, you
                                can insert the FILE_ID.DIZ with a single key
                                stroke, options to clean or edit the desc.
                                Change any of the file flags, hide/del/etc.
                                Get info about the uploader and +/- credits
                                for a file.  Has interactive and automodes.
qv_10.zip      65546 08-05-2024 LiveSystems QuickView 1.0,
                                QuickView give you the ability to quickly
                                view files using an file extension<>program
                                match. Viewers for ANS/AVT/ASC/ANS-music,
                                Compressed files and DBF files are included
                                and many of the fine shareware viewers are
                                easy to install to. QuickView is also very
                                useful from within other program like
ra200fdb.txt   27147 08-05-2024 
ra2cds11.zip   46069 08-05-2024 
ra2fdl10.zip   10279 08-05-2024 RA2FDL v1.0
                                RA2FDL will convert your TAGLIST.RA
                                to a DISP/FileDoor/EFT compatible
                                tagfile. FREEWARE!!!
ra2t200c.zip  256843 08-05-2024 "RA_2_TAG v2.00c" for RA 2.50/2.02/2.00.
                                A File Tagging Door with excellent
                                CD-ROM support even if a CD is not
                                online! RA_2_TAG can be used to list,
                                search and request files. This utillity
                                uses the RA filebase ans is fully multi-
                                language and multiline aware. It also
                                supports al LIMITS. After requests are
                                made this utility updates your filebase
                                AND your download-counters. With this
                                program it is possible to have all your
                                CD's 'online' with only one CD-ROM drive
                                When a caller requested a file and
                                returns to the BBS after 24 hours the
                                files are ready to download! 100%
                                compatible with TAG_DOWN and ON_OFF_A.
                                NOW ALSO READY FOOR THE YEAR 2000 !!!
                                (c)1998 ENKHUIZEN-BBS / SOFTWARE (TM)
ra2t_200.zip  236589 08-05-2024 "RA_2_TAG v2.00" for RA 2.50/2.02/2.00.
                                A File Tagging Door with excellent
                                CD-ROM support even if a CD is not
                                online! RA_2_TAG can be used to list,
                                search and request files. This utillity
                                uses the RA filebase ans is fully multi-
                                language and multiline aware. It also
                                supports al LIMITS. After requests are
                                made this utility updates your filebase
                                AND your download-counters. With this
                                program it is possible to have all your
                                CD's 'online' with only one CD-ROM drive
                                When a caller requested a file and
                                returns to the BBS after 24 hours the
                                files are ready to download! 100%
                                compatible with TAG_DOWN and ON_OFF_A.
raacd200.zip   79489 08-05-2024 -=[RemoteAccess Ultra-AutoCD]=- v2.00
                                By RemoteAccess Ultra-Software.
                                Do you have many CD's but only one CD-ROM
                                drive?  Do you keep switching the CD's and
                                your users don't know which CD is in?  Have
                                you not yet found a convenient way to tell
                                your users which CD is in your CD-ROM drive
                                so that they know which is available to them?
                                This program will detect, at run-time, which
                                CD is in your CD-ROM drive and show the user
                                with an ANSI screen that you design.
raadi070.zip   17323 08-05-2024         -=RAADi v0.70=-
                                Easily import new area desciptions from
                                any FIDONET.NA-style file to RA 2.0x.
                                Psychosis 719.532.0053/Fido 1:128/234
raal110.zip    37747 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  Ŀ  Ŀ  Ŀ  Ŀ      
                                  Ŀ  Ŀ  Ŀ        
                                  Ŀ  Ŀ  Ŀ        
                                 RemoteAccess Area Lister        v1.10  
                                 Bored with the sad default RA message / 
                                 file areas / groups listings?  Yes?     
                                 Then have great looking lists by using  
                                 RAAL!  Easy to install (reads RA config 
                                 file).  Easy to uninstall.  No nasty    
                                 adverts in output.  Fully configurable! 
                                 Compatible with RA 2.xx (including 2.5) 
                                 100% FREEware.  Yet another cool Boiled 
                                 Sweets Software production.    Aug 1997 
rab252.zip     36344 08-05-2024 RAB V2.52 - RemoteAccess 2.xx filedatabase
                                updater from FILES.BBS. Usefull for all
                                old-fashion sysops who still use files.bbs
                                instead of the RAMGR. Never use GENFBASE
                                and RAFILE again!
rac100.zip    271481 08-05-2024   
                                       RemoteAccess Commander       
                                            Version 1.00            
                                 A Filemanager for BBS's using a RA 
                                 compatible filedatebase.  Cursor   
                                 controled interface with incredible
                                 options. It extends and completly  
                                 replaces RAMGR.EXE. There are too  
                                 many options to fit here. Read the 
                                 Features.doc or just run it. You   
                                 will not regret it! :-)            
rac100dp.zip  239366 08-05-2024   
                                       RemoteAccess Commander       
                                         Version  1.00.DPMI         
                                  The RAC/DOS Archive is required!  
                                 This is the DPMI Version of RAC.   
                                 This one supports "very Large"     
racd_30.zip    74157 08-05-2024 RACD is a tool that helps you 
                                integrating  CD-ROMs into the 
                                RA 2.00 file database.
racfgfix.zip   19684 08-05-2024 Fixes the version number in your CONFIG.RA.
                                Usefull for FastFile if it tells you that
                                you need to run RA 2.02 or later even though
                                you are.
radel130.zip   10286 08-05-2024 RADelete  Ver 1.30
                                A quick little utils that scans
                                the paths defined in your
                                Files.RA and deletes the file
                                that you specify on the command
                                line. Fast and easy.
                                Renegade Software
radiz10.zip    67427 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                          RADIZ 1.0           
                                 The fastest RemoteAccess 2.x 
                                  FILE_ID.DIZ/DESC.SDI file   
                                     description import.      
                                 Supports ARJ/LHA/RAR/UC2/ZIP 
                                 With many options and a very 
                                    easy-to-use interface     
                                 A MUST for all RA SysOps !!! 
                                -=[ShareWare Made In Brazil]=-
radizg1.zip     7132 08-05-2024 RADIZ Pro+ 1.0 Gamma 
raensur2.zip   10094 08-05-2024 ********* RAENSURE 2.0 (bugfix) *********
                                Ensures that your RemoteAccess 2.5 file & 
                                message configurations don't include zero 
                                based or duplicate area numbers. FREEWARE 
rafacb02.zip   22879 08-05-2024 RAFACE 0.5.2 wide beta release
                                Update File area configs for all
                                areas, a range of areas or just
                                a single area
                                RA 2.xx Only! 
rafam1_1.zip   54750 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 **        RAFAM.EXE V1.1        ** 
                                 Would you like to be able to move  
                                 the areas in your RA filebase, to  
                                 swap areas, copy areas, edit areas 
                                 and more? Well now you can using   
                                  RemoteAccess File Area Manager    
                                  For RemoteAccess V2.0x BBS ONLY!  
                                    * UK BBS support available *    
                                        Author Colin Birch          
                                     Sysop  The Dog House BBS       
                                       (01443) 400327 24hrs         
                                    Latest files - 27 June 1995     
rafc_100.zip   32468 08-05-2024 RAFC - RemoteAccess File Database 
                                Filename Case Convertor. V1.00.
                                This will correct a minor anomaly
                                within the File DataBase when used
                                with external protocols.
                                FREEWARE from PPSoft.
rafdb100.zip   11196 08-05-2024 RAFDB Field Editor - Edits on a MASS LEVEL the
                                data in the perticular fields in
                                the Remote Access File Data Base (RA 2.0x). 
                                You can, for instance, change the
                                uploader name for areas 10 - 15 to Joe Shmoe,
                                and other fields too. (Programed
                                by a Sysop.  BBS Number's inside).
rafdlc17.zip   46375 08-05-2024      ===> Version 1.07 <===
                                RAtoFD and FDtoRA Last Caller Programs.
                                Transfers last caller info between the
                                two. Both programs included. Supports
                                Multi-Line setups for FD/RA.  Requires
                                Front Door and RemoteAccess.
                                Nows tracks # calls from systems, imports
                                Up/Dn bytes to FD's INB*.HIS
                                Freeware from Cowboy Software!!
rafdupe2.zip   27563 08-05-2024 RaFDupe V2.0 - McSoft Corp.
                                Scans your RemoteAccess 2.xx File
                                Database and Reports any Duplicate Files.
                                Supports checking with and without extentions
                                Generates text file report of duplicate files
rafhead.zip    28600 08-05-2024 RAFHEAD ver 1.04 - Adds Uploader Names
                                into RemoteAccess ver 2.00 FileBase
                                Header Files! - Great for those program
                                that don't add uploader names!
                                Written by Simon Gronow.
rafind22.zip   21184 08-05-2024 RAFIND.EXE Find Files on your BBS
                                for RemoteAccess v2.xx
                                - Also distributed as part of the
                                RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
                                by McSoft Corp. 
rafitofd.zip    8400 08-05-2024  ڿڿڿڿĿ
                                 ¿ ĴĿ
                                 ó ôôڴ
                                 [TP PRODUCTION]Ŀ
                                  Convert FILES.RA to dirlist 
                                  and use it under FrontDoor. 
                                  :                         : 
                                 :Ŀ       RAFITOFD      ijĴ
                                 -R I X W A R E-
rafi_130.zip   45315 08-05-2024 
rafm004g.zip  194662 08-05-2024 RAFILEMAN v0.04 Gamma is a graphical file
                                manager for your RemoteAccess BBS Systems
                                running under Windows 95/NT. It has a
                                very friendly user interface similar to that
                                of the Windows Explorer.
                                Released on 20th Jan 1997
rafrpt21.zip   15701 08-05-2024 RemoteAccess File Area Report v2.1
                                Generates a report of all file areas
                                with flag settings, security levels,
                                groups, path, etc. RA 2.X only.
rafrq221.zip   18427 08-05-2024 
raft30.zip    248239 08-05-2024 The Remote Access Filearea Tools, V3.0, LOTS
                                OF NEW FEATURES!, this utility is
                                to use with Remote Access V2.xx, it replaces
                                RAMGR and the file-area bit of
                                RACONFIG totally, it features an area-editor,
                                add, delete, move, change your
                                file-areas, edit all parameters from FILES.RA,
                                manage all your files in your
                                file-areas, adopt, delete, edit, add, import,
                                export, move or copy files,
                                imports DIZ-files from WITHIN archives, view
                                archives, you can do multi-line
                                selection instead of block selection, block
                                sorting, all parameters of a file
                                can be edited, block-functions, backup-area
                                and lots and lots more options, it
                                is FREEWARE! (C) 1993 Chris Buijs.
raft40bd.zip  119049 08-05-2024 RAFT V4.0 Beta-D, 01-Oct-1995,
                                This a public beta release of
                                RAFT V4.0, some functions are
                                not ready yet, (the area-editor
                                is finished and fully
                                operational!), this version is
                                fully usable, and even in this
                                state it's better then the other
                                file-area managers, this is a total
                                rewrite of V3.0, speed-increase
                                of 500% (or more)!
                                *FREEWARE* (C) 1995 Chris Buijs
ralim110.zip   47875 08-05-2024 (v1.10) RA_Limit by TWAiN PAiN Software
                                 Version 1.10 - FREEWARE!   (RA 2.xx) 
                                 A handy Ratio-Door for when you dont 
                                 use FileDoor  or any  other  program 
                                 that checks ratios. VERY EASY to USE 
                                  Dutch/English, limits from RA 2.XX  
                                  *** TOTALLY RA 2.50 COMPATIBLE ***  
raman211.zip  140357 08-05-2024 
rame105.zip   264515 08-05-2024  RAME - REMOTEACCESS MENU EDITOR! 1.05
                                RAME  allows  you to  view your RIP, ANSI,
                                ASCII  and  AVATAR  screens.  You can also   
                                COPY,  RENAME,  DELETE,  EDIT  and  CREATE   
                                new  menus.  Has  built in Online Help for   
                                your  menu  action  selections.  Has built 
                                in  graphics  like  THEDRAW.  It has every 
                                thing that RemoteAccess left out of theirs.
                                RAME  was   written   by   Randall  Baker.  
                                for Softnet, Copyright (C) 1996.
ramgre02.zip   12041 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      RAMGR Extender .02        
                                 Extend the number of programs  
                                 you can run from Function Keys 
                                 within RAMGR. Easily adapted   
                                 Batchfile operation!           
raren130.zip   10267 08-05-2024 RARENAME  Ver 1.30
                                A quick little utils that scans
                                the paths defined in your
                                Files.RA and renames (copies)the
                                file that you specify on the command
                                line to the new name you specify
                                on the command line, thus making
                                a backup of the file.
                                Fast and easy. FREEWARE...
                                Renegade Software
rarn200.zip    28951 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  Ŀ  Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ  Ŀ  
                                  Ŀ  Ŀ Ŀ    
                                  Ŀ  Ŀ Ŀ   
                                 RemoteAccess(2.5) Re-Numberer   v2.00  
                                 Run RA 2.5?  File / Group area numbers  
                                 all jumbled?  Then renumber them with   
                                 RARN.  RARN will renumber your file and 
                                 groups areas so that the file/group area 
                                 number is the same as the file/group     
                                 area position.  Neat huh?  100% FREEware  
                                 Yet another cool Boiled Sweets Software 
                                 production.                    Apr 1998 
rasnd104.zip   82821 08-05-2024 RASENDIT  Ver 1.04
                                NEW: SETS A FLAG WHEN SEND SETUP AND
                                RESETS FLAG WHEN FILE SEND DONE...
                                A quick use file tagger and download
                                door for sending those special files
                                to a single user or a group of users.
                                Now Allows sysop to define protocols,
                                allows for a quick logon, check for
                                files and then logoff or proceed to
                                the BBS.  Ideal for use in your
                                TOP.MNU. Comes with the door program
                                and the config/file tagger program.
                                Directly reads the RA filebase.
                                Now sends a message to the sysop of
                                a successful file send.
                                Path to Door.Sys or Dorinfo1.Def is
                                now on command line.
                                Renegade Software
rasnd107.zip   84623 08-05-2024 RASENDIT  Ver 1.07
                                NOW FOR RA 2.50/2.0X...
                                FIXES LOG LOCATION BUG
                                A quick use file tagger and download
                                door for sending those special files
                                to a single user or a group of users.
                                Now Allows sysop to define protocols,
                                allows for a quick logon, check for
                                files and then logoff or proceed to
                                the BBS.  Ideal for use in your
                                TOP.MNU. Comes with the door program
                                and the config/file tagger program.
                                Directly reads the RA filebase.
                                Now sends a message to the sysop of
                                a successful file send.
                                Path to Door.Sys or Dorinfo1.Def is
                                on command line.
                                Renegade Software
ratom310.zip  100324 08-05-2024       
                                    RATOMiC, Version 3.1    
                                  CoSys FileTool for RA20/25  
                                Files may be moved to other   
                                areas, viewed with ext.viewer,
                                deleted or password changed,  
                                file-descriptions edited.     
                                Unwanted uploads can be nuked 
                                or extra credits may be given 
                                for good uploads. The user-/  
                                filebase will be updated, msgs
                                will be written to Hudson/JAM.
                                Easy cursor-online-interface! 
                                Still the only know RA-nuker! 
                                 (C) 1993-98  by G. Brockhaus 
                                   ShareWare:  DM20 / $15   
rautil_2da.z       0 01-01-1980 RAutil is a small utility that will 
                                sort or move message or file areas 
                                for Remote Access 2.x. RAutil will 
                                also create a text file containing a 
                                list of either message or file areas. 
rautil_2da.zip   16972 08-05-2024 RAutil is a small utility that will 
                                sort or move message or file areas 
                                for Remote Access 2.x. RAutil will 
                                also create a text file containing a 
                                list of either message or file areas. 
rav251.zip    110456 08-05-2024   
                                ۰۰۰۰۰ ۰
                                ۱ ۱۱ ۱۱۱
                                ۲ ۲۲ ۲۲
                                  Remote Archive Viewer 2.51 
                                  for RemoteAccess 2.0/2.5   
                                  Online Archive Viewer for  
                                  SKY, HYP, ZOO,ARC,PAK,ESP  
                                  ACE. Detects arc by arcid. 
                                  Viewing SFX archives.      
                                  Viewing imbedded archives. 
                                  Handles even pwd archives. 
                                  Extracting files for dl.   
                                  Internal textviewer/search 
                                  Exeinfo with packinfo.     
                                  Full language support.     
                                  Lightbar driven.           
                                  Usuable for RAMGR, too.    
                                  ShareWare  by G.Brockhaus  
                                      Prize $15/20,-DM       
ravlang.zip    13793 08-05-2024 
rav_100_.zip   43382 08-05-2024 RA_VIEW 1.00 is a handy door for
                                RA 2.02/2.50 to view a textfile by
                                users with a backscroll option and
                                search option. It is also multitasking
                                by the most knowing multitaskers. It
                                is very simple to instal. RA_VIEW is
                                postware. * (c) R.B. Software (Tm) *
ra_area.zip     8564 08-05-2024 RA_AreaList is a small utility for creating
                                a text file of you RemoteAccess v2.00 File
                                ie:- FLSEARCH.CTL for use with FLM and other
ra_drive.zip   18763 08-05-2024 RA_DRIVE lets you change your drive letters
                                in your filebase paths in FILES.RA
request2.zip  100424 08-05-2024 
rfa100.zip     27737 08-05-2024 Reorganize RemoteAccess v2 File Areas
                                and FDBs version 1.0 with C source
rfw_v159.zip  176166 08-05-2024 RFW  Remote FileList (Windowed)      V 1.59
                                DISP software: Remote Filelist Window(ed)
                                Version/Date : V 1.59 / August 8th, 1995
                                RFW is a program to view the file-listings
                                on a BBS and a direct replacement for the
                                internal file-list viewers. Tagging in the
                                DISP/FileDoor compatible format is present
                                as well as a direct interface to DISP MTS
                                archive-view program. Special support for
                                CD-ROM. Can do file-list, newfile-list,
                                file-search and keyword-search, the latter
                                also INSIDE non-archive files.
                                Version 1.59 fixes a small number of bugs
                                and implements DISP-compatible tag-files
                                which are compatible with FileDoor V 5.01
rom2ra.zip     14795 08-05-2024 ROM2RA can be used to quickly install
                                any Cd-ROM into your RemoteAccess 2.xx
                                File DataBase. This program will make
                                the installing of a CD-ROM file areas
                                or disk drive areas pretty simple.
                                ROM2RA will adopt files files. ROM2RA will
                                also import descriptions from a FILES.BBS
                                if one is located in the added directory.
                                SHAREWARE $3.00.
rutil100.zip   65787 08-05-2024 R_Utils v1.00 >>---> Sysop Utilities for
                                RemoteAccess 2.0x and other BBS's. Utils
                                include  a free disk space util,  a flag
                                setting util,  File/Message - Group/Area
                                setting util, Total Call Count Util, Log
                                Generator, an RA  System.BBS viewer, and a RA
                                Events Lister. Shareware.
sdi_2dcps.zi       0 01-01-1980 Ŀ
                                     ڿ Ŀ  Remote    
                                     ̿Ĺ  Access    
                                    NO:0005   05-24-95   
sdi_2dcps.zip   12748 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                     ڿ Ŀ  Remote    
                                     ̿Ĺ  Access    
                                    NO:0005   05-24-95   
softd210.zip   64889 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                         _          ߳
                                      Super Offline Files Tagger      
                                     THE DOOR PROGRAM FOR RA!     
                                  Version 2.10, SuperWare (c)1996-97  
                                      Programmed By Eran Meuhas       
                                This door allows a user to d/l packets
                                containing list of ALLFILES / NEWFILES
                                so he can browse *OFFLINE* between the
                                areas/files and even tag files he want
                                to d/l later!  A great door for users!
                                [ New ]Ĵ
                                  Internal RA tagfile support (FDB). 
                                  Internal security and flags check. 
                                 AMAZING - ôiGHLY RECOMMENDED! 
softr210.zip   59230 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                          _       ۳
                                    Super Offline Files Tagger     
                                           Version 2.10            
                                      THE OFFLINE READER       
                                 Programmed By Eran Meuhas (c)1997 
                                This Program allows you to read the
                                packets you download from SOT-Door
                                so you can  browse the BBS's areas,
                                search the files, the descriptions,
                                and  even tag files you would  like
                                to download, ALL of that - OFFLINE
                                 AMAZING, ôiGHLY RECOMMENDED! 
sq_2dv300.zi       0 01-01-1980  Squadra Version 3.00. 
                                Squadra is superb way to manage your
                                BBS. Edit/Copy/Move/Delete comments
                                of your files with great ease. Hook up
                                external programs, search for files,
                                define your own file listings, and
                                a lot more ! Fully compatible with
                                RA 1.xx, RA 2.xx, PB 1.3x, PB 2.xx !
                                and other BBS packages !
sq_2dv300.zip  178249 08-05-2024  Squadra Version 3.00. 
                                Squadra is superb way to manage your
                                BBS. Edit/Copy/Move/Delete comments
                                of your files with great ease. Hook up
                                external programs, search for files,
                                define your own file listings, and
                                a lot more ! Fully compatible with
                                RA 1.xx, RA 2.xx, PB 1.3x, PB 2.xx !
                                and other BBS packages !
st253b2.zip   201679 08-05-2024 ķ
                                  StFebbs v2.53 beta E  
                                 File area manager, filelist  
                                    generator for RA 2.xx     
                                  (c) 1997 Martin Straka  
stf252e.zip   261333 08-05-2024 ķ
                                  StFebbs v2.52  
                                  english documentation  
                                 File area manager & filelist 
                                    generator for RA 2.xx     
                                     user editor, upload      
                                   'suggest' mode, new EXE    
                                 filelist viewer, strip ANSI  
                                  in filelists, command line  
                                    parameter /g:<>, copy     
                                  description to all tagged   
                                       files. Try it !        
                                 Released  25-Sep-1996 Ķ
                                  SHAREWARE $20  
                                  (c) 1996 Martin Straka  
supcd13.zip    80306 08-05-2024 
sx_21tg096.z       0 01-01-1980 > STYX_TAG 0.96b <ͻ
                                 Make your RA filebase look like PCB    
                                   Lightbar-driven file-base           
                                   Comfortable File-Tagging            
                                   099% Error-free file_id handling    
                                   100% Error-free ratio-handling      
                                   Extended CD-ROM Areas listing       
                                   Very fast                           
sx_21tg096.zip   43962 08-05-2024 > STYX_TAG 0.96b <ͻ
                                 Make your RA filebase look like PCB    
                                   Lightbar-driven file-base           
                                   Comfortable File-Tagging            
                                   099% Error-free file_id handling    
                                   100% Error-free ratio-handling      
                                   Extended CD-ROM Areas listing       
                                   Very fast                           
sysopup.zip    11421 08-05-2024 SysopUp  replaces empty  "Uploaded By:"
                                fields in the RA Filebase with the sys-
                                op's name  (taken from  RA 2.00's  con-
                                figuration). And best of all, this pro-
                                gram is FREEWARE!   Copyright (c) 1993,
                                Jason Duke and Genesis Software.
tag1_0i.zip    98194 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                           TAGFILE V1.0i           
                                  RemoteAccess utility which will  
                                  allow your callers to save a     
                                  tagged filelist until their next 
                                  call.  Automatically saves tag   
                                  list if a caller drops carrier   
                                     Program now FREEWARE!!!       
                                   * UK BBS support available *    
                                      * Author Colin Birch *       
                                     Sysop - The Dog House BBS     
                                       (01443) 400327 24hrs        
                                   Latest files - 16 December 98   
tagchk11.zip   39094 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 *********  TagCheck v1.10  *********** 
                                 TagCheck is an add-on for RemoteAccess 
                                 v2.02. TagCheck is run before a user   
                                 logs off and reminds the user of any   
                                 tagged files which have not been       
                                 If no files are tagged, TagCheck will  
                                 not display anything, making it almost 
                                 seamless for the user.                 
                                 Now with colour and optional pause.    
                                      An Arkham Freeware Product!       
tagd200c.zip  124766 08-05-2024 TAG_DOWN v2.00c for RA 2.50/2.02/2.00.
                                A MINI download-door 100% compatible
                                with RA_2_TAG & ON_OFF_A. It gives an
                                user more DETAILED information than
                                the internal downloadoption from RA
                                like: DL-TIME, special files-status
                                information like FREE, FREE-TIME, COST,
                                PASSWORD and if a file is being copied
                                from CD-rom. Easy to install. Uses DSZ
                                as downloadprotocol. Other protocols
                                are optional. Global download can be
                                disabled. * SHAREWARE VERSION *
                                (c) 1998 ENKHUIZEN-BBS / SOFTWARE (TM)
tagem101.zip  170640 08-05-2024  TagEm! Version 1.01 (RemoteAccess 2.02!)
                                   Automatic File Tagging Door! Fast!
                                         NEW FEATURES ABOUND!
                                TagEm! lets your callers upload an ascii
                                "request list" of files to download. TagEm!
                                will process the list, honoring Security
                                requirements, and TAG the files. When the
                                caller returns to the BBS, the files are
                                ready to download! Fast and Easy!
                                ** From RaLin Enterprises Software **
tag_d_20.zip  105743 08-05-2024 TAG_DOWN v2.00 for RA 2.50/2.02/2.00.
                                A MINI download-door 100% compatible
                                with RA_2_TAG & ON_OFF_A. It gives an
                                user more DETAILED information than
                                the internal downloadoption from RA
                                like: DL-TIME, special files-status
                                information like FREE, FREE-TIME, COST,
                                PASSWORD and if a file is being copied
                                from CD-rom. Easy to install. Uses DSZ
                                as downloadprotocol. Other protocols
                                are optional. Global download can be
                                disabled. * SHAREWARE VERSION *
tcfe15.zip   2347900 08-05-2024 [1/1]Ŀ
                                TotalControl FE for Windows95/NT
                                    full version 1.5 32-bit     
                                 is a fully graphical RA 2.5x.  
                                 util to maintain RA's Filebase.
                                 Do things like:                
                                 - Add/Move/Delete files.       
                                 - Automatic FILE_ID.DIZ import.
                                 - Explorer look and feel.      
                                 - VERY fast filesearches.      
                                 - Export FILES.BBS.            
                                 - Sort files by everything.    
                                 - Fully native 32-bit Win95/NT 
                                       COMPLETE PACKAGE         
tcfeto15.zip  732383 08-05-2024 [1/1]Ŀ
                                TotalControl FE for Windows95/NT
                                       version 1.5 32-bit       
                                         UPGRADE VERSION        
tcn_2dch13.z       0 01-01-1980         .   .         .    :
                                _______:___+   ______:   /|___
                                \._/ /  |\__| /  |\__|  /'  .  \
                                /`   |   /`   |____/'    :   '\
                                /'     | /'     |   `\.    |     `\
                                `\      |`\      '    | \___|     /'
                                / \.___| _ \._______/| ___ |___/c\
                                .       +             |     +    o :
                                :       . TUSCON '96! :     .      :
                                  [] Changer Light/Pro 1.3 []   
                                 + go with lightbars through ya   
                                   file and messageareas          
                                 + change to a new area with a    
                                 + get a infotext, nr. of files   
                                   and kByte for each area/group  
                                 + show an ansilogo for each area 
                                 + background 100% configurable   
                                 + coloreditor for ya own style   
                                 + easy installation (setuptool!) 
                                 + english & german docs          
                                :   :                          :   :
tcn_2dch13.zip   66236 08-05-2024         .   .         .    :
                                 _______:___+   ______:   /|___
                                \._/ /  |\__| /  |\__|  /'  .  \
                                   /`   |   /`   |____/'    :   '\
                                 /'     | /'     |   `\.    |     `\
                                `\      |`\      '    | \___|     /'
                                 / \.___| _ \._______/| ___ |___/c\
                                .       +             |     +    o :
                                :       . TUSCON '96! :     .      :
                                  [] Changer Light/Pro 1.3 []   
                                 + go with lightbars through ya   
                                   file and messageareas          
                                 + change to a new area with a    
                                 + get a infotext, nr. of files   
                                   and kByte for each area/group  
                                 + show an ansilogo for each area 
                                 + background 100% configurable   
                                 + coloreditor for ya own style   
                                 + easy installation (setuptool!) 
                                 + english & german docs          
                                :   :                          :   :
tcr2h999.zip  468614 08-05-2024 [1/1]Ŀ
                                   tcRA2HTML for Windows95/NT   
                                      version 0.999 32-bit      
                                 is a the one and only RA2.xx   
                                 to HTML filebase converter for.
                                 Windows95 and WindowsNT        
                                 - Create nice frames pages.    
                                 - 8 to 7-bit char replacement. 
                                 - Create your own templates.   
                                 - or use an expamle.           
                                 - Create newfiles lists.       
                                 - Use in batchfiles.           
                                 - Fully native 32-bit Win95/NT 
                                       COMPLETE PACKAGE         
                                    REQUIRES INSTALLATION OF    
                                  TOTALCONTROL FILEEDITOR 1.X!  
tk300.zip      66110 08-05-2024 =Tag Keeper Version 3.00=Ŀ
                                  Released: 17-03-1997       
                                  Tag Keeper will allow your 
                                  users to tag files and     
                                  download them another day  
                                  or call. Your users will   
                                  love this new feature.     
                                  -=FREEWARE=- Thanx To      
                                  RobSoft BBS Software!      
                                      Created By: Roblo      
topdl05b.zip  105856 08-05-2024  /(______________/\_____________)\
                                .\_____  \____  _/\____    ____   \_
                                |   _:/  _/ ___   \_ |/      |/    /
                                |    |    \_ |/    / |    /  |    /:
                                ==========( R A D D )======[JIG]
                                   REMOTE ACCESS DOOR DEVELOPMENT
                                         'TOP 10 DL VO.O5'
                                 SHOWS THE 1O MOST DOWNLOADED FILES
                                 DISPLAYS SOME EXTRA FILEBASE INFOS
                                     NEW FILE SORTING PROCEDURE
                                    MANY FIXES AND IMPROVEMENTS!
                                 1OO% RA 2.O2 READY DOOR CODED WiTH
                                      THE MDU & DLT DOORUNiTS!
                                        FREEWARE AS EVER BY:
                                         IV TRACKS^ArT^RaDD
                                 VISIT RaDD WWW.SNAFU.DE/~IV.TRACKS
tufm523b.zip  404919 08-05-2024 TUFM: The Ultimate File Manager for RA.
                                A filedoor that allows lightbar file tagging,
                                searchs, uploading, downloading and more.
tv_01.zip      21642 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                 \/         //                
                                 unich ndep. \oftware reations 
                                   *=-=*  TEXTVIEW V0.1  *=-=*    
                                  (C) '95 by Daniel Roegelein     
                                  Superb Text-Viewer for Remote-  
                                  Access compatible systems.      
                                  Can display one specific file,  
                                  or let the user choose from de- 
                                  finable lists (security-level-  
                                  sensitive). Up to 65000 lines   
                                  supported. Get this freeware!   
txtidx10.zip   84890 08-05-2024 (v1.00) TextIndex, index textfiles and
                                easily search through them.
                                The TextIndex-package can create indexes
                                of textfiles, and will allow users to
                                search through these indexes very
                                quickly. They can select files, view
                                them and possibly download them.
                                For RemoteAccess 2.xx or as standalone.
                                Multi-language support. Great for large
                                collections of textfiles, like genealogy
                                files. Created by K.A. Vermeer.
ublst102.zip   70125 08-05-2024              Ubuz Lister v1.02
                                This file-listing tool provides a better way
                                for showing files stored in RA internal file
                                base. Ubuz Lister features full FDB support,
                                a very attractive user interface,  scroll up
                                and down, search files by name or by keyword
                                in one area/group or all file areas. Support
                                for multi-node BBS and RA external programs.
                                Non-crippled, no-nagging shareware, $20.
uboflm01.zip   21879 08-05-2024 
ulby_095.zip   25838 08-05-2024 
ulmod10.zip    33762 08-05-2024 Upload Date Modifier 1.0
                                For RemoteAccess 2.xx
                                Globally change the upload date for ALL
                                files in the RA/FDB. MAke all your files
                                appear as NEW again.....
                                FreeWare from RaLin Software.
upldr102.zip  101085 08-05-2024 
upload20.zip   96502 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                   The Upload Partner Version 2.0    
                                 Stop frustrating  your callers!!!!  
                                 Let them  enter those  pesky  file  
                                 descriptions  BEFORE they upload a  
                                 bunch  of files.  Better  yet, ASK  
                                 them  if the file contains a .DIZ!  
                                 Your callers will love you for it!  
                                 Another fine CHEAP Shareware program
                                 $5.00, Written by Mark Williamson   
                                 (Free to registered Labtest Users!) 
up_area1.zip    8722 08-05-2024 (v0.1) UP_AREA
                                    VaBa!Soft Utils for RA 2.0x    
                                 Change all alternative upload-    
                                 areas in your FILES.RA quickly    
                                 into one defined area. Handy and  
                                 mandatory for most bi-directional 
                                 protocols (BiModem/HSLink)        
vc_2dtag.zip   13788 08-05-2024  _______________ __  ______________  ______
                                 \_      _/ _ _/|  \/  \_      _|  |/   __/
                                 9 \/  \//    \ /      \ \/  \/ /  \   __/9
                                 5 (____)__/|__)________)(____)(____)___/ 5
                                    -=  =-  of ViCi0US CiRCLe  -=  =-    
                                        Brings 2 You        
                                                VC-TAG V1.0                
                                   VC-TAG ist ein Tool fr Remote Access,  
                                    um getagte Files zum nchsten Login    
view18.zip    110440 08-05-2024 +----------------------------------+
                                #    VIEW 1.8   (C) by FlashSoft   #
                                #  Smart online text file reader   #
                                |  for RA2.x and DORINFO?.DEF'BBSs |
                                #  * View Ascii&non-animated ANSI  #
                                |  * View Electronic Mag's         |
                                #    such as ReadRoom.TOC & MAG    #
                                |  * View compressed files         |
                                #  * NEW: CoLoR CoNtRoL CoMmAnDs   #
                                |    within text files!            |
                                #  * Search/Search Again Option    #
                                |  * Download of single files      |
                                #    and/or E'Mags (configurable)  #
                                |  * CTL files offering nice       |
                                #    bulletin access to files      #
                                |    These CTLs may be nested!     |
                                #  * multi-lingual / multi-node    #
                                |  * uses smart ANSI/Avatar Seq.   |
                                #    for optimal navigation&speed  #
                                |  * Configuration program         |
wizard14.zip  479078 08-05-2024  File Wizard V1.4 FULL RELEASE
                                --= Areamanager for BBS-SysOp's =--
                                 * Supports SuperBBS, QuickBBS,  
                                 RA 1.11, RA 2.0x, LoraBBS, WME, 
                                 ProBoard, Maximus, FLSEARCH.CTL 
                                 Concord FILES.BBS and FileBase  
                                   * Lot's of functions, like    
                                areaSort, filelists, announcings,
                                common editor to edit fileareas, 
                                moving, copying, supports multi- 
                                  line descriptions, subareas,   
                                    16 groups for fileareas,     
                                     and many many more !!!      
                                Shareware with free upgrades
wi_19.zip     169197 08-05-2024 LiveSystems WhatIs 1.9.
                                The file ultimate description utility. Usable
                                from DOS or RAMGR! Creates FDB/4dos/files.bbs
                                description, extracts FILE_ID.DIZ, DESC.SDI,
                                {SDA.ID} and VENDINFO.DIZ from a compressed
                                file and optionally adds it to the filebase.
                                Gives detailed information about GIF, PCX,
                                TIF, TGA, JPG, BMP, all IFF filetypes, FLI,
                                DBF, NG, TrueType, DeskJet, Bitstream fonts,
                                MID, MOD, ROL, CMF, BNK, TRI, JUM, PCK, EXE
                                (and exe compressors), Windows EXE, DLL,CRD,
                                CAL, ICO, CUR, CLP, WRI, DOC and HLP files,
                                ANSI, AVATAR, ASCII, all WordPerfect files,
                                SFX files, compressed files, and more..
wi_20.zip     174316 08-05-2024 LiveSystems WhatIs 2.0,
                                The final filedescription utility.
                                Usable from dos or from within other programs
                                like RAMgr.  Can be used to create
                                4dos/files.bbs description, to extract
                                FILE_ID.DIZ, DESC.SDI, {SDA.ID} and
                                VENDINFO.DIZ from a compressed file and to
                                import it as a filedescription into f.e.  the
                                RA filebase.  Gives detailed information
                                about GIF, PCX, TIF, TGA, JPG, BMP, all IFF
                                filetypes, FLI and all other AutoDesc
                                animator formats, DBF, NG, TrueType, DeskJet,
                                Speedo Bitstream and WA0 fonts.  MID, MOD,
                                ROL, CMF, BNK, TRI, JUM, Zx infocom files,
                                PCK, EXE (and exe compressors) Windows EXE,
                                DLL,CRD, Cal, ICO, CUR, CLP, WRI, DOC and HLP
                                files.  ANSI, AVATAR, ASCII, all the
                                WordPerfect files, compressed files, SFX
                                files and more..
wobbs130.zip  190976 08-05-2024 ͸
                                    W O B B S    V 1.30   ۲
                                  A files list maker for RA 2.0   
                                 - Completly configurable         
                                 - Logs missing files or files    
                                   without descriptions           
                                 - Handle overlength FILE_ID.DIZ  
                                 - Statistics free configurable   
                                 - Creates file with requestdirs  
                                 - Include/Exclude any areas or   
                                   file groups!                   
                                 - Char translation, can remove   
                                   graphic chars and dupe chars   
                                 - REAL FAST!                     
                                 - Tested with Desqview, Windows, 
                                 - Novell Netware, Lantastic      
                                 Shareware registration 10 $ only 
wt_21061.zip  310167 08-05-2024 [0;35m      .[ [0;1;35mWarezTag! v0.6
                                [0;1;34m         - 
                                [0;1;34m      -    - 
                                [0;1;33m          The Ultimate Filelister
                                [0;1;33m     Supports Both FastBase and
                                [0;1;33m            All Lightbar driven
                                [0;1;33m   Language File and Customizable
                                [0;1;33m Internal build file Nuker/Comment
                                [0;1;33m           Fast Internal Viewer
                                [0;1;33m      Optimized Internal build Zmodem
                                [0;1;33m    Keyword/Filesearch,
                                [0;1;33m Freaking Fast Configurable Allfiles
                                [0;1;33mTo be used with Remote Access v2.xx &
                                [0;1;35m      A lot of Enhancements and Fixes
                                [0;35mNew: Move! works with Rabase, TagFile
                                [0;1;30m     Release Date:  07 - 02 - 1997   
xfl109.zip     78890 08-05-2024 [ XenoFileLister (XFL) v1.09w ]ͻ
                                     ___     ___ ________  ___          
                                     \   \ /    |        \|   |         
                                 \   /    /|   /-----|   | 
                                       \      / |   \----\|   |         
                                      /   /\   \|   /----/|   \____     
                                 /   /\    \  ||        \ 
                                   -----     \-----\-     |---------\   
                                       For RemoteAccess v.2.02          
                                   * BUGS FIXED! MANY NEW FEATURES! *   
                                   XFL replaces RemoteAccess' Default   
                                   Scrolling File Lister With an Easy   
                                 To Use, Full-Screen, Cursor Controlled 
                                    Lister.  You've GOTTA See This!     
xfl250up.zip   37529 08-05-2024 [ XenoFileLister (XFL) v.1.09w/2.50 ]
                                       UPGRADE for RA v.2.50g1        
                                   This ONLY contains the new EXE     
                                   to work with RA v.2.50g1.  It      
                                   is NOT a full program.  Download   
                                   and install !XFL109.ARJ first.     
xlist103.zip   45337 08-05-2024 (v1.03) XList by TWAiN PAiN Software
                                 -- NU MET PRACHTIG WINDOW-SYSTEEM -- 
                                 Version 1.03NL - De snelste en meest 
                                 betrouwbare filelist  generator voor 
                                 RemoteAccess  2.x.  Ondersteunt  FDB 
                                 en FileGroups.   SHAREWARE FL 25,-   
                                   Custom Areaheaders + Voorbeelden   
                                 Nederlandse versie: Docs en Exefile  
                                      4 KEER SNELLER DAN RAFILE     
xps_2ddls6.z       0 01-01-1980                    
                                    ۲  ߲
                                  ۲۲߲ ۲ܲ
                                 XPRESS MOddiNG PRESENtS fOR YOU... ޲
                                       DOWNLOAD DOOR 0.996       
                                  the taglist-editor for your ra  
                                             bY POTi              
xps_2ddls6.zip   44424 08-05-2024                    
                                    ۲  ߲
                                  ۲۲߲ ۲ܲ
                                 XPRESS MOddiNG PRESENtS fOR YOU... ޲
                                       DOWNLOAD DOOR 0.996       
                                  the taglist-editor for your ra  
                                             bY POTi              
xtag105.zip    66556 08-05-2024 (v1.05) CrossTag by TWAiN PAiN Software
                                 BUGFIX: REALLY USES YOUR COMPORT :) 
                                 Filetagger for RemoteAccess. Uses   
                                 FDB for fast access. Tags from more 
                                 areas/groups in one run. Operates   
                                 in Native, DISP or TAGLIST.RA mode. 
                                 Easy to setup. *Shareware FL 24,95* 
xtra_111.zip   33435 08-05-2024         
                                 ..          ..
                                 :   `Version  1.11`   :
                                 : AreaChanger for RA 2.02 :
                                 : + Fully lightbar driven :
                                 : + FOSSiL and ANSi       :
                                 :   required              :
                                 : + Via index file able   :
                                 :   to show infos for     :
                                 :   area                  :
                                 : + Should be able to be  :
                                 :   run multiline         :
                                 : + Will certainly not    :
                                 :   work with ISDN        :
                                 : + Shareware (10DM/$10)  :
xview191.zip  140142 08-05-2024 (v1.91) X-View by TWAiN PAiN Software
                                Version 1.91 -  Absolutely  the  BEST
                                online file & archive viewer!  Shows:
                                LHA/PAT/MDZ/MOD/ PCX/PIF/RAR/S3M/TGA/
                                CD-ROM,ViewerSec,online GIF/JPG view,
                                RA 1.1x & RA 2.xx,  ARJ/RAR/ZIP pswds
                                Proboard DORINFOx.DEF, Lightbar, ANSI
                                >> FIXED RAR VIEWER << FREE SHAREWARE
xviewreg.zip    9180 08-05-2024 Cross-View Key Generator
                                 by TWAiN PAiN Software
yaag_202.zip  144811 08-05-2024 YAAG v2.02 evaluation version.
                                Yet Another Allfiles Generator for
                                RemoteAccess 2.0x and ProBoard 2.x!
                                Very enhanced allfiles-generator.
                                YAAG is able to create all/newfiles-listings
                                in EXE-format, so your users can view your
                                listings without an external viewer/lister!
                                The lister has an area-overview-option so
                                they can easily select an area to view.
                                New: freqqing and tagging files from within
                                     an EXE-allfileslisting! For Binkley-
                                     and FrontDoor-style mailers! Tagging
                                     for use with communicationsprograms.
zen201.zip     85553 08-05-2024 << ZenList 2.01 >> The File List Processor
                                for RemoteAccess 2.x.  Featuring ALL/NEW
                                files list generation, configurable list
                                header/footer and area header/footer, file
                                list format templating, sorting, adds
                                headers to your file database and more!
                                *bug fix release*
zipvw10.zip    20063 08-05-2024 ZipView V1.0 Online BBS internal archive
                                viewer. Allow users of your BBS to view any
                                file from within a ZIP while online!
zl_2dclr10.z       0 01-01-1980 The ZenList Colorizer v1.00 - BLand
                                Inserts ANSI color codes into filelists
                                by ZenList.  Configurable colors and header.
                                !!! FREE !!!
zl_2dclr10.zip   36370 08-05-2024 The ZenList Colorizer v1.00 - BLand
                                Inserts ANSI color codes into filelists
                                by ZenList.  Configurable colors and header.
                                                !!! FREE !!!
zmp3d017.zip   12380 08-05-2024 zMP3DIZ v0.17  -*-  MP3 -> FILE_ID.DIZ
                                Extracts the description in an MP3 and
                                writes the tag into a FILE_ID.DIZ file
                                making it capable for any BBS software
                                to import MP3 descriptions!
                                Supports Mystic, EleBBS/RA and
                                Iniquity file area importing.

                Area 94 - RA Language Files               

abus_ral.zip    9075 08-05-2024 Abusive Language file for RA 2.0x
bh_2dlpack.z       0 01-01-1980 
                                0TH FI
                                ܲ ۲  
                                       ۲ ۲
                                RLSD BY        
                                   oO_ HCKR _IDOo
                                 THiZ iS D ULTiMTiV
                                 BLUHLL LGUG PCK  
                                 9 UKY R LGUGZ 4  
                                 KWL ZYZGoDz WHo LiK
                                 bLUhLL sTu MuCH     
                                TooK bOuT 2 dY wOrK   
                                  DISKS = o1/o1 <-place  
bh_2dlpack.zip   99170 08-05-2024 
                                        0TH FI
                                  ܲ ۲  
                                         ۲ ۲
                                         RLSD BY        
                                    oO_ HCKR _IDOo
                                   THiZ iS D ULTiMTiV
                                  BLUHLL LGUG PCK  
                                   9 UKY R LGUGZ 4  
                                   KWL ZYZGoDz WHo LiK
                                  bLUhLL sTu MuCH     
                                    TooK bOuT 2 dY wOrK   
                                    DISKS = o1/o1 <-place  
bronx.zip      10198 08-05-2024 Bronx Language file for RemoteAccess 2.0x
bulg_ral.zip    9095 08-05-2024 Bulgarian Language File for RA 1.11
chin_ral.zip    9481 08-05-2024 Chinese Language File for RA 2.0x
cowp_ral.zip    9703 08-05-2024 Cow Poke Language for RA 2.0x
cs_elite.zip    9540 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                    h mp  gg    
                                          ) h           
                                        -= ô=-        
                                       -= d=-       
cs_ral.zip     26581 08-05-2024 
dain_ral.zip   10567 08-05-2024 Danish  Language file for RA 2.5x
dutc_ral.zip   10806 08-05-2024 Dutch   Language file for RA 2.5x
fren_ral.zip   10999 08-05-2024 French language file for RemoteAccess2.50
                                Langage  FRANCAIS  pour RemoteAccess 2.50
                                 Written by: Eric Vaneberck (2:293/2009)
germ_ice.zip   12131 08-05-2024       
                                    COLD RAL     
                                  German Language
                                   file for Ra2.0X.
                                  In ELiTe sTyLe   
germ_ral.zip   10765 08-05-2024 German  Language file for RA 2.5x
gree_ral.zip   11047 08-05-2024 Greek Language File for RA 1.11, includes
                                greek fonts!
hill_ral.zip    8709 08-05-2024 Hill Billy Language file for RemoteAccess 2
icel_ral.zip    9991 08-05-2024 IceLand Language file for RA 2.5x
ital_ral.zip   10454 08-05-2024 Italian language file for RA 2.xx
japanese.zip   16293 08-05-2024 JAPANESE Language file for RA 1.11
jive_2dral.z       0 01-01-1980 Jive Language file for RemoteAccess v2.0x
jive_2dral.zip    9602 08-05-2024 Jive Language file for RemoteAccess v2.0x
jive_ral.zip    8636 08-05-2024 Jive talk Language file for RemoteAccess 2.0x
ma_2dicel.zi       0 01-01-1980   ܱ ߱     
                                ڱ  ıܱıııĿ
                                 Ice Language Ĵ
                                 Directly from da North    
                                 Pole into ya kewl BBS ... 
                                 The most Icy Language     
                                 file for Ra 2.0x you've   
                                 ever seen.                
                                    RELEASED 21/o2/1996    
                                        by Fireball        
ma_2dicel.zip     400 08-05-2024   ܱ ߱     
                                ڱ  ıܱıııĿ
                                 Ice Language Ĵ
                                 Directly from da North    
                                 Pole into ya kewl BBS ... 
                                 The most Icy Language     
                                 file for Ra 2.0x you've   
                                 ever seen.                
                                    RELEASED 21/o2/1996    
                                        by Fireball        
moe_ral.zip     8421 08-05-2024 Three Stooges Language for for RA 2.0x
new_2deng.zi       0 01-01-1980 New England Language file for RA 2.xx
new_2deng.zip     159 08-05-2024 New England Language file for RA 2.xx
poli_ral.zip    9132 08-05-2024 Polish  Language file for RA 2.0x
port_ral.zip    9946 08-05-2024 Portugise Language file for RA 2.0x
raldmp11.zip     343 08-05-2024 *** RALDUMP 1.01 *** FREEWARE! ****
                                   ** Minor Bug Fix Release **
                                Dump RemoteAccess language files to a
                                formatted text file list. Prompt
                                numbers, prompt hotkeys, defined color,
                                and text are all given. Program is
                                released as a Free utility.
ralpro10.zip   22464 08-05-2024 RAL_PROC v.1.0 creates from an existing
                                RemoteAccess language data file an human
                                readable and editable data-file. And it
                                can create from the previously created
                                data file a new RAL file, with all your
                                own adjustments. DonationWare by GoSoft;
                                Gert de Vente, RC of RANet
southral.zip     158 08-05-2024 Southern Language File for RA 2.0x
sout_ral.zip   11200 08-05-2024 Southern Language file for RA 2.0x
span_ral.zip   10904 08-05-2024 Spanish Language File for RA 2.5x
                                (This is the complete version from Mexico)
spud_ral.zip     171 08-05-2024 Spudsian RAL language file for RemoteAccess 2
strt_ral.zip     169 08-05-2024 Street Talk Language file for RemoteAccess 2
str_2dtalk.z       0 01-01-1980 Street Talk Language File for RA 2.0x
str_2dtalk.zip    3710 08-05-2024 Street Talk Language File for RA 2.0x
suom_ral.zip   10377 08-05-2024 Finnish Language File for RA 2.5x
su_labf.zip    11947 08-05-2024 ͸
                                      KWL L6U6ğiL 0R    
                                         [X] R                  
                                         [X] KWL B0RDZ         
swed_ral.zip   10518 08-05-2024 Swedish Language File for RA 2.5x
werd_ral.zip   10077 08-05-2024 Weird Language file for RemoteAccess 2.0x

        Area 95 - RA Menu and Questionaire Related        

a2mnu020.zip   18978 08-05-2024 MNU2ANSI v0.2 & ANSI2MNU v0.2: Decompile
                                & Compile RemoteAcces 2.0x menus into
                                and out of ANSI-screen and an extra
                                command-file. Freeware by GoSoft.
                                Member of VNSP
aa_buzz.zip    39584 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      ayya       ayya     
                                     a$  $a     a$  $a    
                                    a$    $a   a$    $a   
                                   aA$SssS$$a aA$SssS$$a  
                                  aA   *    $aA   *    $a 
                                 AA-DooRS' First Release! 
                                'BuZZ' - a rumour door for
                                 RA2.xx and RAF-Menu 1.6x 
                                Coded in turbo Pascal v7.0
                                   Source code included   
autoragb.zip   11249 08-05-2024  MINIDOU BBS Presents
                                    << AUTORA >>
                                 FREEWARE !! FREWARE !!
                                A LastCaller Menu Creator
                                No parametering.  All you
                                need  is to run  it after
                                each User.
axe_2dm002.zip   42608 08-05-2024     Ŀ                        Ŀ
                                Ŀ ____KHL'97/\___   __/\__Ŀ Ŀ
                                  |0 |  /  ' o|  |-  ||  
                                       || |  /   |  ;|  |    ;|    
                                       |: |/ \\_/|  .|__|     |    
                                       |     ___|   ____     |    
                                       |.    :|  |   |  |    :|    
                                       |   |\ |  |   |  |    |    
                                       |.  | \|  |___/   \_   |    
                                        \_/   |  \______   \_/     
                                         0     \_______/    0      
                                         !                  !      
                                         :  AxeMenu V0.02  :      
                                   |                              |
                                   :       MenuDoor for RA        :
                                          with Scrollies n'        
                                        Lightbars! V2.0X&2.5X      
                                    28 April 1997  
bar360.zip    130009 08-05-2024     Ŀ
                                      Barmenu  FULL VERSION  
                                ijij    Version 3.60    ijijĿ
                                  :                        :  
                                  This door was designed to   
                                  replace the regular RA      
                                  menus in something much     
                                  better, letting users use   
                                  the arrows while choosing   
                                  options and watching        
                                  animation scripts.          
                                   Supports RA'S options.    
                                   Enables the users to      
                                    jump to a menu according  
                                    to their security.        
                                   ESC key for users.        
                                   A very easy setup file.   
                                   Pop Quiz, message to next 
                                    line, music playing       
                                    and more special things   
                                    were added                
                                   HUGE animation support.   
                                    Ansi animation script     
                                    support as well as        
                                    lightning, and fade       
                                    animation bars.           
                                  .     by Sagi Zvi        .  
                                  :                        :  
                                ijij----  FREEWARE  ----ijij
bbsmenu1.zip   62296 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                       BBSMENU V1.00           
                                  (c) 1996 by  P.Kappetein     
                                 Online Infodoor voor Ra 2.xx  
                                 Allerlei info over het hele   
                                   Dit programma = FREEWARE    
                                   Try,and SEE for yourself    
bullmenu.zip    3355 08-05-2024   Better Bulletin Menu  ۲
                                 for RemoteAccess 2.0x  ۲
                                Example questionnaire script for R.A.
                                that lets you make a bulletin menu with
                                34 bulletins on it, numbered from 1 to
                                34, like the bulletin format on Wildcat!
bye_v102.zip   22236 08-05-2024 
                                |           BYEBYE v1.02          |
                                |      ByeBye to Your Callers      |
                                .         <>         .
                                | A simple, generic utility made   |
                                | originally for my own BBS' use   |
                                . but caught on a little, so here  .
                                . is an official release for the   .
                                | public.  A silly little logoff   |
                                . procedure for the users and more .
                                . practice for me.. :)             .
                                | This version now searches for a  |
                                | file called BYEMENU.ANS and will |
                                . now allow you to customize your  .
                                . own look and style with BYEBYE!
                                |    Written by Steve Lanning      |
                                |         at 1:372/6577            |
coz_2dnuqs.zip    9342 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                  COZ-NUQUST V1.0  
                                   Released by  CRAZY OZ   
                                  New User Questionaire fr RA 2.02+ 
                                   Animierte New-User-Questionaire   
                                 Crazy Oz          Datum: 11.11.1995 
                                  Komplett in Deutsch  
dd_21_2ddnuq.zip   14047 08-05-2024 ---                    --Ŀ
                                ---- dIGITAL NUQ ----
                                       A NEWUSER Q-A FiLE       
                                          FoR RA 2.0X           
                                      3 diffrent examples      
                                      PCB Look!                
                                      Almost free to modify!   
                                      Simple to setup!         
                                - dIGITAL dONUTS  1995 --
                                ---- (c) PoPEYE  ----
                                ---                    --
dmenu23.zip    14850 08-05-2024 ........
                                ..   ߲         ۲߱   ..
                                ..:      ߲DMa۲      :..
                                ..:        ߲  ۲߱        :..
                                ..:         ܱ۲      VL :..
                                ...:   ޱ      ߲ܲ         :...
                                ...:    ߲ܲܲ     ۲ܲ    :...
                                ...:. DMENU23 : Code By Valocity  .:...
dosmnu25.zip   14250 08-05-2024 [  DOS MENU 2.5 ]
                                by: Mark Tassin
                                Allows the sysop
                                to have a dos
                                clone type of menu
                                for RA 2.5x/2.5x+
dp_21_2dmain.zip    7428 08-05-2024     
                                  |         |
                                  |      |
                                  |       |
                                  |---[pRSNTS yA]---|
                                  :   5 (fIVE) kEWL   :
                                  :  aNSI-mAIN-mENUS  :
                                  :  yOU cAN uSE fOR  :
                                  |    yOUR bOARD.    |
                                  | rLASD OCT 95!  |
fmenu103.zip   55338 08-05-2024 
                                       FastMenu v.103       
                                 Create you own MenuCursor  
                                 Menu's under RemoteAccess  
free_2dmen.zip    4463 08-05-2024    ߲ ߲ ߲ ߲
                                    ۲   ۲   ۲   ۲ 
                                    ۲    ۲   ۲    ۲
                                    ۲    ۲   ۲    ۲
                                  ܱ   ܱ   ܱ  ܱ  
                                      'Zi PCKG               
                                 1 Mi'M'U                       
                                    1 FiLM'U                    
                                       1 MSSGM'U              
                                                BY PROFFESOR      
hotkeys.zip     3343 08-05-2024 How to make multipe hot-key menus with Ra
imailv10.zip    4620 08-05-2024 * IceMail v1.0 * Deluxe animated
                                mail-scanner for RemoteAccess 2.02
                                & 2.50 * A new kind of scanner in
                                classic Ice Technologies style. Easy 
                                installation and usage. Freeware.
listv10.zip    12202 08-05-2024 RA-Lister v1.0 - BBS list program for
                                RemoteAccess v2.0x and v2.5x.           
                                Online BBS list database with many 
                                features such as:
                                 - Allows users to add their own entries
                                 - Easy to edit listing
                                 - Creates a very nice, professional 
                                   looking listing
                                 - Full logging of all activity to a    
                                   separate log (RA v2.5x only)
                                 - Extremely fast loading - It's an RA
                                   questionnaire (Q-A)!
                                 ..And much more!        
                                 * Another fine RA Q-A program *
lwmenu12.zip   65060 08-05-2024 LWMENU v1.2 - Remote SysOp Menu Editor.
                                LLanoWare. RAv2.xx ONLY.
lxpack.zip     33892 08-05-2024 
mcheck11.zip   36343 08-05-2024 MNUCHECK is a freeware utility for Remote
                                Access SysOps.
                                It tells you which of your .MNU files are
                                never used.
menq10.zip     36757 08-05-2024 LiveSystems Mini-Enq 1.0:
                                A one question at the time voting door
                                for asking those burning questions to
                                your users. For in the login sequence.
                                Freeware, enjoy!
mh_ans2.zip     3688 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 - FILES.ANS (Filemenu)      - 
                                 - MESSAGE.ANS (Messagemenu) - 
                                 - MAINMENU.ANS (Mainmenu)   - 
                                Murphy Hogan proudly presents: 
                                Menuexample for RemoteAccess   
                                ZIP contains: Only ANSI files  
                                  No animation, made in TD  .. 
mm_300w.zip   163194 08-05-2024 The Ultimate Menu Editor. Can use with both
                                RA1.xx and RA2.xx.
mnucheck.zip   35791 08-05-2024 MNUCHECK is a freeware utility for Remote
                                Access SysOps.
                                It tells you which of your .MNU files are
                                never used.
mnustat1.zip   11366 08-05-2024 MenuStat v1.0 ** LlanoWare **
                                Checks your RA 2.0x menus for unused
                                and missing menus.  Creates a report
                                both to your screen and to the menu
                                directory.  Shows which menus call   
                                the missing menus.  
                                FreeWare from LlanoWare!
mwiz3g2.zip   111934 08-05-2024 (v3.00G2) This public Gamma is a complete
                                rewrite of MenuWiz - the Best menu editor
                                for RemoteAccess 2.XX. This will make the
                                sysop's life much easier while designing
                                and modifying menus.
newform.zip    11793 08-05-2024 NEW USER FORM (c) 1995 ke Wallebom         
                                I MADE THIS NEW USER FORM AFTER             
                                SEEING PCBs NICE LOOKING NEW USER           
                                FORMS. THE FORM IS A MODIFIED               
                                ENGLISH.RAL FILE WHICH MAKES                
                                THE INTERNAL RA QUESTIONS (ANSI,            
                                SCREEN LENGTH, ETC.) LOOK MUCH LIKE         
                                PCBs NEW USER FORMS.                        
                                READ THE NEWUSER.DOC FOR                    
                                MORE INFORMATION                            
                                ------ METALLiX 08-54069953 -------         
newmenu.zip     7956 08-05-2024 
pac_2dm26b.zip  260460 08-05-2024 ________________ _________________________
                                \_______  ____  )______    (_______      /
                                  / pa /_______/ cm /_/     / an! (______)_
                                 (________\__________/     /_______________)
                                :                                          :
                                :   PAC!MENU PRO V2.60 FINAL BETA!   :
                                :                                          :
                                : HERE IT IS! The almost finished not much :
                                : more to do of the greatest menu system e :
                                : ver created for Remote Access! Forget al :
                                : l other menu programs as PacMenu takes y :
                                : ou in a new direction into another dimen :
                                : sion! Now, Run HOTKEYS , LIGHTBARS, PCB  :
                                : STYLE MULTIPLE CHARACTER INPUTS , or/and :
                                : PULL DOWN MENUS!  This has to be seen to :
                                : be believed!                             :
                                :                                          :
                                `-----------------------------(DISK 01/01)-'
pdra200.zip     9957 08-05-2024 PDRA200.ZIP
                                RemoteAccess Pull-Down Menus.  Everything you
                                need to add Pull-down menus to RA 2.0.
                                Software is free.
phil_2drip.zip   11955 08-05-2024 
prompt.zip      8264 08-05-2024      -= AniMatEd ProMpTz =-     
                                  FoR UsE WitH Raf-MeNu...
                                  DisPlaYz YaR BoaRdNaMe WHen BounCinG
                                  FrOm The LeFt To ThE RigHt...
                                  NeeDz No EditinG
                                           FoR Ra 2.xx 
qst850g1.zip  307085 08-05-2024 ͸
                                QUEST 8.50,NewUser Registration door
                                for RemoteAccess/ProBoard BBS-Systems
                                characters, layout of messages are   
                                self definable. With powerfull macros
                                you can create all the messages! Full
                                multiline and multi-language aware.  
                                With handy read program for data, and
                                fullscreen (RemoteAccess) alike setup
                                program. Send welcome messages to the
                                user, comment from user to SysOp,    
                                QUEST can use previously entered data
                                and change that. Multiple configs per
                                language, update userbase, etc.      
                                   And Much more! Just check it out! 
                                    FIXED "WRONG RA-REVISION" BUG    
                                PB v2.10/2.12 + RA 2.50 Support Added
                                   -=> The Elevator Productions <=-  
qst855g.zip   315213 08-05-2024 ͸
                                QUEST 8.55g,NewUser Registration door
                                for RemoteAccess/ProBoard BBS-Systems
                                characters, layout of messages are   
                                self definable. With powerfull macros
                                you can create all the messages! Full
                                multiline and multi-language aware.  
                                With handy read program for data, and
                                fullscreen (RemoteAccess) alike setup
                                program. Send welcome messages to the
                                user, comment from user to SysOp,    
                                QUEST can use previously entered data
                                and change that. Multiple configs per
                                language, update userbase, etc. Easy 
                                install, send files to user, etc.    
                                   And Much more! Just check it out! 
                                 Support RA 2.50 and PB 2.12 and up! 
                                   -=> The Elevator Productions <=-  
quest102.zip   54375 08-05-2024 +------ CB+ PRESENTS --------
                                +        QUEST102.ARJ         
                                +  1 Bug Removed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                + The best QUESTION door ever   
                                + made! Has following options  
                                +   Full configurable         
                                +   Rotating prompt           
                                +   Make your own ansi        
                                +   FULL color configurability
                                +   Write InFo 2 RA UserBase  
                                +  100% FREEWARE! FOR RA v2.xx 
quest103.zip   90570 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 QUEST 1.03 Official Release, Many  
                                 Feauters like :                    
                                - Totally cursor controlled setup   
                                - SysOp definable question's        
                                - SysOp definable example's         
                                - SysOp definable ansi.             
                                - User can totally user controlled  
                                  walk over the field, but *MUST*   
                                  enter all the questions!          
                                - User can change his OLD answers   
                                  without fill in the whole         
                                - QUEST will send automatic a       
                                  message to the new-user,          
                                  the text you can define in a      
                                  simple text-file.                 
                                - User can leave a note/message to  
                                  YOU (the SysOp) about your BBS    
                                - A Quick read program for SysOps.  
                                 And it only costs F15,-- for       
ques_221.zip  125839 08-05-2024 
q_2dmaker.zip   40657 08-05-2024 
ra4steps.zip   14220 08-05-2024 This is a RA specific Q-A driven version of
                                4STEPS SALVATION DOOR.
                                Works with any RA version with Q-A
                                capabilities ... Freeware!
ralm02a.zip    51700 08-05-2024 LIGHTBAR MENUS v0.2A - For RA 2.5 only.
                                Featuring security & flag checks, show ANSIs,
                                door executer, item info definable, and
                                RALanguage support. Configurable and
                                completely RA-alike. Freeware.
ramail10.zip    3508 08-05-2024 RAMail 1.0 Freeware - Animated
                                mail-scanner for RemoteAccess
                                2.50 which replaces the string
                                "Checking your mail-box..."
                                with ANSI-screens. 970228
ramaxmnu.zip    8426 08-05-2024 
rame105.zip   264491 08-05-2024  RAME - REMOTEACCESS MENU EDITOR! 1.05
                                RAME  allows  you to  view your RIP, ANSI,
                                ASCII  and  AVATAR  screens.  You can also   
                                COPY,  RENAME,  DELETE,  EDIT  and  CREATE   
                                new  menus.  Has  built in Online Help for   
                                your  menu  action  selections.  Has built 
                                in  graphics  like  THEDRAW.  It has every 
                                thing that RemoteAccess left out of theirs.
                                RAME  was   written   by   Randall  Baker.  
                                for Softnet, Copyright (C) 1996.
ramenu1.zip     8657 08-05-2024 
ramm201.exe   121263 08-05-2024 
ramnu203.zip   75159 08-05-2024 Util to easily edit yar
                                Remote Acces .MNU's
ramnurpt.zip   13177 08-05-2024 RemoteAccess 2.01 Menu Report Utility.
                                Generates a report of
                                all Menu lines with FLAG settings, security,
                                hot keys, action,
                                prompts and optional data.
raqa200.zip    11316 08-05-2024  RAQA  "RA Questionnaire Amputator" :
                                Small utility to erase responses in your
                                .ASW files for users who are
                                not in the USERS.BBS file. [Version 2.00]
raqp10.zip     11502 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                    Removes deleted users    
                                 answers from Remote Access  
                                 questionnaire answer files  
                                  (C)Brian Andrus, Mar 1994  
raq_2da1.zip   19959 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                     RemoteAccess Questionairs      
                                    A compiled list of Q-A's taken  
                                    from support echoes and other   
                                    sysops..  Designed to aid and   
                                    educate in script language.     
rascrl12.zip   48662 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 A MUST FOR ALL RA SYSOPS!! 
                                  No more envy for PCBoard- 
                                 Use this package to include
                                 scrolling messages in your 
                                     NOW VERSION 1.2 -      
                                 MAJOR BUGS FIXED AND EVEN  
                                 MORE OPTIONS AVAILABLE!!!  
ra_2decu20.zip   13418 08-05-2024 
ra_helps.zip   27901 08-05-2024 
ra_wwiv.zip    12235 08-05-2024 
relog10.zip    19253 08-05-2024 ReLogOn v1.0  ** LlanoWare **
                                Now there is finally a way for your
                                users to log off, then relogon to 
                                your RemoteAccess BBS without hanging
                                up the modem!  Setup is not for the  
                                faint of heart.  :{)  ReLogOn is for
                                RemoteAccess v2.0x ONLY!
selec.zip       4711 08-05-2024 
                                      Quick Select   
                                  Use the cursor keys to select   
                                 menu options!!! A *must* get for 
                                 RA2.xx Sysops. Sample Files are  
                                 included.        TFD Productions 
                                 *FREEware*                    $5 
shuttle.zip    10521 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 Shuttle Menu v1.5 (c) 1995 
                                  A RemoteAccess Shuttle Type Menu  
                                 system. Installs in minutes but is 
                                 very Sysop friendly.  No more need 
                                 for a CBV.  It's 100% FREEware.... 
                                 Shuttle Menu v1.5 (c) 1995 
tmenus.zip     42756 08-05-2024 
ulted120.zip   77625 08-05-2024 
usrq_b12.zip  250818 08-05-2024 UserQuest v2.00 - Beta 12
                                The ultimate Questionnaire Door for RA 2.00.
                                Includes sysop-tool that almost replaces
                                RAMGR. Very userfriendly and flexible!
                                See exaclty what information your users have
                                entered or changed. Also includes Who's
                                and BBS setup utility's. Shareware Dfl. 35,-
varipmt1.zip   37245 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 **        VARIPMT.EXE V1.00       ** 
                                 Would you like to be able to vary    
                                 the prompt shown to users when they  
                                 enter their password ?               
                                 Well now you can. VARIPMT.EXE will   
                                 pick the prompt to be displayed from 
                                 a Sysop definable list.              
                                     For Sysops who like to vary      
                                   For RemoteAccess V2.xx BBS ONLY!   
                                     * UK BBS support available *     
                                          Author Colin Birch          
                                       Sysop  The Dog House BBS       
                                         (01443) 400327 24hrs         
                                      Latest files - 21 Aug 1995      
xm_2df_nu1.zip   15450 08-05-2024 ķ
                                   NW USR QuSTR     
                                     ۰   R-T00L   
                                      ۰      M-k   
                                   THS S TH FiRST    
                                       RA-T00L oF       
xw_2df_nu1.zip   20380 08-05-2024 ķ
                                   NW USR QuSTR     
                                     ۰   R-T00L   
                                      ۰      M-k   
                                   THS S TH FiRST    
                                       RA-T00L oF       
                                    NW CLL TH WHQ    
                                     TH FLSH S      
_21newuser.zip    3845 08-05-2024 [?7h[255D[0;1;30m[0m[1m
                                [0m  [31m                
                                  [5C              [37m
                                  [31m       [6C     
                                [5C          [37m
                                  [[1monly for Remote Access 
                                .0x[0m]  [31m
                                [9C[1;32mfULL ANiMAtED QUEStiONAiRE fOR YOUR
                                NEW-USER QUEStiONS[12C[0m
                                [17C[1;32mDiRECtLEY SCREEN WRitiNG WitH
                                [29C[1;32mfULL CONfiGURABEL[29C[0m
                                [32C[1;32mLEECH it NOW[31C[0m
                                [1;30m[9C[33mEMail me under:  [36mTravelling

               Area 96 - RA Message Editors               

853tagz.zip    22634 08-05-2024 
                                     853 Taglines for IceEdit     
                                 Yes, there are exactly 853 Tag-  
                                 lines in this file and is called 
                                 TAGLINES.CFG for use with IceEdit
                                 but can easily be renamed by you 
                                 for use with any other program   
                                 that uses Taglines like BlueWave,
                                 SLMR, etc..                      
                                          By: The Wizard          
                                    * 803.552.6292 * 14.4 Bps *   
atag103.zip    33242 08-05-2024 (v1.03) AddTag, Add a tagline to your GoldEd
                                TimEd, FrontDoor or Termail message. Tag them
                                just like with BlueWave. Also with random
                                mode, new is also a capture method. Now uses
                                a smart indexing method when adding or
                                deleting taglines. Multiple tagline files,
                                colour configuration, add manual typed tags
                                and a lot more!!
                                CardWare by Pascal van Rossum
baked02.zip    24820 08-05-2024 
cybtag10.zip   51236 08-05-2024   CyBTaG v1.0 
                                Adds taglines to msgs
                                written online.   For
                                RA 2.xx.  FREEWARE by
                                CyBiC PRODUCTiONS '94
dcted004.zip  179908 08-05-2024 DCTEdit v0.04 Gamma; The full-screen editor 
                                from DCT Productions is here!  DCTEdit 
                                employs a pull-down menu interface -- which 
                                we are all experienced at using -- in 
                                addition to keyboard shortcuts for those who 
                                have memorised the commands.  Some other 
                                features include: spell checking, automatic 
                                tagline stealing, configurable user displays,
                                message area overrides (RA/PB/TG/EZY), text 
                                censoring, macros, message printing, multiple
                                language files, text file importing, SysOp Fn
                                hotkeys, user signatures, offline mail reader
                                support, plus more! An editor like no other! 
                                Still freeware!  [Released 5-Jan-98]
dctta005.zip  118202 08-05-2024 DCTTag v0.05 * This program will add a
                                random tagline to the end of each message
                                posted online on your BBS.  It displays ten
                                taglines to the user, and prompts him to
                                select one, or he may enter his own.  Nice
                                user interface, and extremely easy to set
                                up.  Works with any BBS that uses the MSGTMP
                                file for message entry (RA, SuperBBS, etc). 
                                FreeWare by Dan Traczynski.  Source code
dthv344.zip    90638 08-05-2024 DTH - The Doctors Tagline Handler  V3.44
                                Limited Shareware version of a great 
                                tagline handler by David Rawsthorne, now
                                with MOUSE support and support for over
                                100 billion taglines. Registration also
                                gives B1FF, Backwards, Hi-ascii, Upper and
                                Lowercase, Find specific word and HEAPS
                                more. Only AUS $25 for the full version.
ed004dic.zip   82112 08-05-2024 English language dictionary file for use with
                                DCTEdit v0.04.
ezyed102.zip   78214 08-05-2024 
fsedv13.zip    31420 08-05-2024 full-screen editor  V1.13
                                A freeware message editor designed for WWIV
                                BBS, but will work with any BBS software by
                                including the proper command line. A fossil
                                driver is not supported, but it will talk
                                directly to a COM port.
ge10006g.zip   54432 08-05-2024 
gedit210.zip  406090 08-05-2024 
gedithlp.zip    2672 08-05-2024 
gtag110.zip   102835 08-05-2024 GTAG 1.10 is a tagline appending utility that
                                allows the user to add taglines
                                to the end of their messages.  GTag randomly
                                pick 9 taglines from any tagline
                                (You can use the 3500+ taglines included in
                                the file or own) file and the user
                                has to option to pick one or not append one at
                                all.  (Sysop Configurable)
                                User definable Taglines now available!
                                Must be running RA/QBBS/SBBS with an external
                                fullscreen editor.  Full FOSSIL
                                support - runs under OS/2, Desqview and even
                                DOS!  Full multinode support!
                                ** FIXES THE ILLEGAL @PID in echomail messages
idictvxx.zip  281848 08-05-2024  IceEdit vx.xx  Deluxe Fullscreen Message
                                Editor  For RA 2.0x  This file contains
                                only the dictionary and word index files
                                for IceEdit v0.70 and higher. They MUST
                                be present in order to activate the
                                IceEdit built in spell checking routines.
                                This file should be accompanied by
                                IEDITVxx.RAR (Main program).
iedit235.zip  167592 08-05-2024 IceEdit v2.35 * Fullscreen Message Editor
                                For RA 2.xx/TG 3.x/QBBS 2.8x & compatibles *
                                Tagline Management, Full color configuration,
                                Line-Centering, Textfile exporting, Message
                                Censoring, Macro Config, Configurable
                                Function Key Macros, User Signatures, User
                                Overrides, Language File, Replacement Codes,
                                Color Control Strings, efficient Spell
                                Checking Routines and MUCH more!
                                Released: 03/27/97
ktag101.zip   111264 08-05-2024 Kaleidoscope Tag 1.01
                                Allows online users to add TagLines
                                to their messages when using the full
                                screen editor of many bulletin board
                                software.  Write your own taglines,
                                filtering and searching.  EASY to
                                setup!  SaturnSoft Software   $8.00
om026.zip     801131 08-05-2024 OM V0.26/Rev.36 for RealMode, Public-
                                Beta-Release. FullScreen Message Editor
                                for local and remote usage! Fido+Hudson+
                                JAM, all necessary editor functions,
                                can read configuration files from your
                                BBS (RA) and tosser program (Areas.BBS,
                                FastEcho, FMail, XMail), configurations
                                of colors, keys, texts, areas, users
                                and many other things, integrierted
                                texteditor, file requests-/attaches,
                                addressbook, text-highlighting, screen
                                saver, multi-language, can use EMS, XMS
                                and file memory, setup-programm.
                                Documentation is currently available
                                only in German language
                                (english version being prepared).
omlt026.zip   304794 08-05-2024 OMLite V0.26/Rev.36, Public- Beta-Release.
                                FullScreen Message Editor for local and
                                remote usage! Fido+Hudson+JAM, all
                                necessary editor functions, can read
                                configuration files from your BBS (RA) and
                                tosser program (Areas.BBS, FastEcho, FMail,
                                XMail). !!!Can be used for FREE!!!
                                Documentation is currently available
                                only in German language
                                (english version being prepared).
ompm026.zip   879051 08-05-2024 OM V0.26/Rev.36 for ProtectMode, Public-
                                Beta-Release. FullScreen- Message editor
                                for local and remote usage! Fido+Hudson+
                                JAM, all necessary editor functions, can
                                read configuration files from your BBS (RA)
                                and tosser program (Areas.BBS, FastEcho,
                                FMail, XMail), configurations of colors,
                                keys, texts, areas, users and many other
                                things, integrierted texteditor, file
                                requests-/attaches, addressbook, text-
                                highlighting, screen saver, multi-language,
                                setup-program. Documentation is currently
                                available only in German language
                                (english version being prepared).
pedit2_7.zip  180604 08-05-2024 PEDIT.EXE v2.7 - Full screen ansi editor for
                                RA,QBBS,Proboard. Has random quote and color
                                control. Freeware!!!!
ptag048.zip    37948 08-05-2024  Psych0Tag v0.48 -  tagline program
                                Includes DOS and OS/2 executables.
                                Slaps a tagline onto a text file. Will
                                work with BBSs, offline mail readers,
                                Psych0Liner, and more.  freeware
qed120.zip     71072 08-05-2024 QuickEd Full-Screen message editor for
qkde_105.zip  279395 08-05-2024 (QuikEdit) English v1.05 Dictionary
                                & Spell Checker Files. Includes over
                                59,000 common english words.
                                Official Archive Release Date: 08-26-97
qkdt_100.zip  842907 08-05-2024 QuikEdit v2.40 * Fullscreen Message Editor
                                Dictionary files.  Includes dictionary
                                files for English (1360+ words), and
                                Spanish (4400+ words).
                                * Official Archive Release Date:07-27-97 *
qked241.zip   227836 08-05-2024 QuikEdit v2.41 * Fullscreen Message Editor
                                For QuickBBS v2.7x / v2.8x, Concord v0.01,
                                RemoteAccess v2.xx, Telegard v3.0x, TriBBS
                                ProBoard v2.xx, Synchronet v2.xx, Maximus,
                                AdeptXBBS v2.xx Watcom and v1.xx VAC,  and
                                Compatibles. *  QuikEdit Features: Message 
                                Censoring, Full Line-Centering,  Full 
                                color configuration, Tagline Management, 
                                Configurable Function Key Macros, User 
                                Signatures, Macro Config, User Overrides, 
                                Textfile exporting, Color Control Strings,
                                Efficient Spell Checking Routines, 
                                Language File, Replacement Codes and more!
                                * Official Archive Release Date:08-27-97 *
se172a.zip    291746 08-05-2024 
                                ޳    SabreEDIT Version 1.72a    ޳
                                SabreTech Software's  full  screen  on-
                                line message editor, offering taglines,
                                 censoring,  spellchecker, custom colors
                                 & screens, user setups & sigs, quoting,
                                 bad user handling,color setup, import,
                                 export, OLMR support,language support,
                                 quote fix, phrase expand, text filters,
                                 & more!  Runs FAST! under OS/2 & Win95.
                                Works w/anyMSGTMP typeBBS, with extra
                                 features available for Concord, EzyCom,
                                 QuickBBS, RA, and RA v2.50.      [DH97]
sedic103.zip  214943 08-05-2024 
                                ޳  SabreEDIT Dictionary v1.03a  ޳
                                SabreEDIT's 50,000+ word  spellchecker
                                dictionary file, for use with SabreEDIT
                                versions 1.72a  and up.  Also  includes
                                dictionary editor and sort util. [DH97]
seted11.zip   117793 08-05-2024      *** SETEDIT v1.01 ***
                                - For Remote Access 1.11 and 2.xx   -
                                SETEDIT allows your users to select from up
                                to six (6) defined External Editors for
                                message writting, while ONLINE!
                                Optionaly updates 1 or 2 BBS screens.
                                Optionaly write entries to dedicated log file
                                RA.LOG or none at all. Full screen Edit mode.
                                Call from RA with Type 15 menu, fast!
                                   *** From RaLin Software! ***
shedit.zip     19946 08-05-2024 SHEDIT is a full screen message editor
                                designed to work with QuickBBS versions 2.00
                                and above, and other compatible BBS's such
                                as RemoteAccess 0.01.
sorterd.zip     7621 08-05-2024 SORTER (DOS) - a freeware program that will
                                let you sort large text lists (like a tagline
                                file). TP7 source code included.
sorterw.zip    10301 08-05-2024 SORTER (WIN) - a freeware program that will
                                let you sort large text lists (like a tagline
                                file). TP7 source code included.
stagv11.zip    46165 08-05-2024     SuperTag v1.1 is a FREEWARE easy to
                                use, quick, and flexible program that will
                                add random taglines to messages entered on
                                your bbs with ANY full-screen editor that
                                uses a MSGTMP file. Works with any BBS
                                program that GEdit, TopEd, or IceEdit
                                will work with.
                                    Version 1.1 is FREE, and has improved
                                code to speed up operation over 800%.
swe_20.zip     21200 08-05-2024 
swr300b2.zip   13299 08-05-2024 
syedt305.zip  124948 08-05-2024 SyncEdit v3.05 - Fully functional demo of
                                SyncEdit, the full-screen message editor.
                                SyncEdit works with Synchronet BBS, TAG,
                                Renegade, RemoteAccess, ProBoard, TriBBS,
                                and many other BBS software packages.
                                Includes spell check, search/replace, user
                                selectable taglines, message quoting, ASCII
                                or ANSI uploads, and much more! Aug-06-96.
tagman1.zip    56577 08-05-2024     TagMan is an easy to use, quick, and
                                flexible program that will add taglines to
                                messages entered on your bbs with ANY
                                full-screen editor.
                                    TagMan will work with any BBS program
                                that uses a MSGTMP file for it's external
                                editors.  Known to work with Remote Access,
                                ProBoard, and QBBS.  Should work with an
                                BBS program that GEdit, TopEd, or IceEdit
                                will work with.
tagthief.zip   15010 08-05-2024                      
                                   This brandnew utility is
                                   able to steal origin- or
                                    taglines with only one
                                     hotkey in GoldEd. It
                                  also works with most other
                                    editors, like timEd!   
                                   Very easy to configure  
                                    FREEWARE BY ELBORN   
                                ߲   t  h  i  e  f   ߲
                                -= WRL0RD'S  BTTLFiLD =-
te135a.zip    160569 08-05-2024 TurboEDIT V1.35a Mikerosoft Productions' full
                                screen online message editor, offering
                                quoting, censoring, standard editing keys,
                                taglines, spellchecker, bad-user handling,
                                user setups, color setup, user sigs,
                                "chainsaw effect" fix, custom screens, phrase
                                expansions, mail reader support, import,
                                export, INSTANT tagline finder, & more! Works
                                w/any MSGTMP typeBBS, has extra features for
                                RA. Now supports RA 2.50.
te170a.zip    244560 08-05-2024 
                                ޳    TurboEDIT Version 1.70a    ޳
                                Mikerosoft Productions' full screen on-
                                line message editor, offering taglines,
                                 censoring,  spellchecker, custom colors
                                 & screens, user setups & sigs, quoting,
                                 bad user handling,color setup, import,
                                 export, OLMR support,language support,
                                 quote fix, phrase expand, text filters,
                                 & more!  Runs FAST! under OS/2 & Win95.
                                Works w/anyMSGTMP typeBBS, with extra
                                 features available for Concord, EzyCom,
                                 QuickBBS, RA, and RA v2.50.      [SB97]
tedic102.zip  208246 08-05-2024 
                                ޳  TurboEDIT Dictionary v1.02a  ޳
                                TurboEDIT's 50,000+  word  spellchecker
                                dictionary file, for use with TurboEDIT
                                versions 1.20a  and up.  Also  includes
                                dictionary editor and sort util. [MS96]
tfact15.zip   156023 08-05-2024 TagFactory for Windows v1.5
                                Tagline manipulation tool for
                                Windows95/NT, written by Jon Hunt
                                 - Searches
                                 - Sorts
                                 - Fuzzy De-Dupes
                                 - Exports
                                 - Splits
                                 - Merges Tagline Files
                                 - Easy Installation
                                 - Easy To Use
                                New in v1.5, configuration
                                routine, and the ability to run
                                with command line switches
                                   [ ...FREEWARE!... ]
tfact30.zip   201401 08-05-2024 TagFactory for Windows v3.0
                                Tagline manipulation tool for
                                Windows95/98/NT, written by
                                Jon Hunt
                                 - Search
                                 - Sort
                                 - Fuzzy De-Dupe
                                 - Export
                                 - Split
                                 - Merge Tagline Files
                                 - Search & Replace
                                 - Remove Long Tags
                                 - Easy Installation
                                 - Easy To Use
                                v3.0 includes source code as
                                this is the final release.
                                Please see LICENCE.TXT for
                                [ .......FREEWARE!....... ]
tide110.zip   315443 08-05-2024 TIDE 1.10 Ezycom/RA/QBBS Full Screen Editor
                                Features fast & efficient ANSI/AVATAR0+
                                screen updates, full local sysop functions,
                                timeslicing, multi-line support, powerful
                                paragraph reformat routine, user can change
                                message subject & privacy flag, taglines,
                                sysop macros. Now with fast Spellchecker!
toped100.zip   74692 08-05-2024 
ts_2drawt.zi       0 01-01-1980  ..oO0 TRiNiTY 0Oo.. ͻ
                                    RaWTaG! SHoWS CoMMiCaL     
                                  TaGLiNeS To THe USeR oNLiNe  
                                  HaS oWN TaGLiNe FiLe oR CaN  
                                  HaNDLe DRoP iN TaGLiNeS HaS  
                                 aBouT 13,000 TaGLiNeS "PooH", 
                                 "WiNDoWS", "ReDNeCK" aND MaNY 
                                        oTHeR TaGLiNeS.        
                                 ..oo0 FReeWaRe 0oo.. ͼ
ts_2drawt.zip  264297 08-05-2024  ..oO0 TRiNiTY 0Oo.. ͻ
                                    RaWTaG! SHoWS CoMMiCaL     
                                  TaGLiNeS To THe USeR oNLiNe  
                                  HaS oWN TaGLiNe FiLe oR CaN  
                                  HaNDLe DRoP iN TaGLiNeS HaS  
                                 aBouT 13,000 TaGLiNeS "PooH", 
                                 "WiNDoWS", "ReDNeCK" aND MaNY 
                                        oTHeR TaGLiNeS.        
                                 ..oo0 FReeWaRe 0oo.. ͼ
xedit101.zip   36646 08-05-2024  ExtraEdit, v1.0, wide public beta 1 
                                Deutschsprachiger Fullscreen-Editor fr
                                ProBoard / Remote Access / Concord BBS.
                                Vereinigt  alle  Features  aus  anderen 
                                Editoren  in  einem, z.B.  Ansi/Avatar-
                                Support,  Advanced  Cursor - Handling &
                                Scrolling,  Indent - ( Absatz- ) Modus,
                                Word/Line-Wrap, Screenlenght-Adjusting,
                                Multinode- und Multitaskerfhig.
                                F R E E W A R E, TwinSoft - Release '95
yedit10.zip    75988 08-05-2024 YEDIT 1.0 Yet Another Editor for RA messages.
                                An excellent freeware on-line message editor
                                that matches the look of the RA full-screen
                                reader and is loaded with features.

             Area 97 - RA Message Base Related            

42b2_2db3.zi       0 01-01-1980 Msged 4.20 beta 3 source code patches -
                                to the public domain on January 14, 1998 by
                                Andrew Clarke , FidoNet
                                3:635/728.4.  Msged is a FidoNet Sysop
                                Reader/Editor for *.MSG (FTS-1), QuickBBS
                                (Hudson) and Squish message bases.
42b2_2db3.zip   59307 08-05-2024 Msged 4.20 beta 3 source code patches -
                                to the public domain on January 14, 1998 by
                                Andrew Clarke , FidoNet
                                3:635/728.4.  Msged is a FidoNet Sysop
                                Reader/Editor for *.MSG (FTS-1), QuickBBS
                                (Hudson) and Squish message bases.
adn_100.zip    60988 08-05-2024 ADN v1.00 FidoNet NetMail Manager DOS+OS/2
                                ADN is a FidoNet NetMail router, packer, 
                                bouncer and manager. It was initially written
                                to be used with Binkley and Squish running on
                                OS/2, but should work well for other mailers 
                                and scan/toss programs on OS/2 or DOS.
altr_2d121.z       0 01-01-1980 ALTAIR v1.21 - The FIRST 32-bit FidoNet
                                compatable mail tosser for WinNT/Win95
                                Tosses from *.PKT to *.MSG, Squish, JAM,
                                PCB 14.5, PowerBBS 4.5 and 5.x, Spitfire
                                3.51, and now Searchlight 4.x and 5.0.
                                Works with Binkley and FrontDoor
                                style mailers.  AreaMgr, Dupes, & more!
                                FREQ ALTAIR from 1:115/859     
altr_2d121.zip  649361 08-05-2024 ALTAIR v1.21 - The FIRST 32-bit FidoNet
                                compatable mail tosser for WinNT/Win95
                                Tosses from *.PKT to *.MSG, Squish, JAM,
                                PCB 14.5, PowerBBS 4.5 and 5.x, Spitfire
                                3.51, and now Searchlight 4.x and 5.0.
                                Works with Binkley and FrontDoor
                                style mailers.  AreaMgr, Dupes, & more!
                                      FREQ ALTAIR from 1:115/859     
amc111.zip     77757 08-05-2024 AMC v1.10 - Automatic Message Creator
                                   >>>  AUTOMATIC  MESSAGE  CREATOR  <<<   
                                 post messages automatically to Squish,    
                                 *.msg, Hudson and JAM message bases.      
                                 Includes an electronic birthday calendar, 
                                 to send your best wishes automatically    
                                               (c) J.D.H. Beekhuizen  1993 
amp100g1.zip  371027 08-05-2024 Automatic Maintenance Pro 1.00
                                Writes messages to new users, upgrades
                                good uploaders, checks ratio, delete
                                users who don't call back, check subdate
                                and/or send warning message/downgrade,
                                upgrade good callers and good message-
                                writers, Checks Netmail credits,
                                support File-Points and much much more!
                                Down/Upgrading can be done with levels
                                and/or flags!
                                AMP can also generate Multilanguage
                                Statistics (up to 400! Languages)
                                Top downloads, uploads, downloadskb,
                                uploadskb, messagewriters, callers,
                                lastcallers (also ISDN!), system
                                info, file info, mailer inbound/
                                outbound and much more!
                                There can be 70! macros inserted in the
                                message(s), so it's possible to
                                put very much info in the message(s)!
                                Also a Door version is included so
                                users can be upgraded online or/and
                                shown their Ratio. The possibility
                                to post/execute files on certain times
                                Supports Proboard 1.3x/2.xx / SBBS 1.xx
                                RemoteAccess 1.1x/2.xx / QuickBBS 2.7x/
                                2.8x / Maximus 2.0x / EzyCom 1.0x/1.1x
                                and in the future many more!
                                MessageBases Supported : Hudson, JAM,
                                Squish, .MSG, GoldBase, *.PKT
                                Registering by Credit-Card is also
                                possible! (See GERMAN.REG!)
amu320d.zip   570428 08-05-2024 Automated Maintenance Utility (AMU) for DOS
                                Final Version, now Freeware!
                                AMU can perform a wide range of tasks
                                related to maintaining the file listings,
                                creating bulletins, ratio enforcement, and
                                posting automatic messages to users.  AMU
                                works for RemoteAccess, EleBBS, QuickBBS,
                                ProBoard, SuperBBS, Lora, Maximus, and
                                Concord. Available in DOS, Win32, and OS/2
amu320p.zip   283443 08-05-2024 Automated Maintenance Utility (AMU) for OS/2
                                V3.20 Final Version, now Freeware!
                                AMU can perform a wide range of tasks
                                related to maintaining the file listings,
                                creating bulletins, ratio enforcement, and
                                posting automatic messages to users.  AMU
                                works for RemoteAccess, EleBBS, QuickBBS,
                                ProBoard, SuperBBS, Lora, Maximus, and
                                Concord. Available in DOS, Win32, and OS/2
amu320w.zip   264622 08-05-2024 Automated Maintenance Utility (AMU) for Win32
                                v3.20 Final Version, now Freeware!
                                AMU can perform a wide range of tasks
                                related to maintaining the file listings,
                                creating bulletins, ratio enforcement, and
                                posting automatic messages to users.  AMU
                                works for RemoteAccess, EleBBS, QuickBBS,
                                ProBoard, SuperBBS, Lora, Maximus, and
                                Concord. Available in DOS, Win32, and OS/2
amusrc.zip    374906 08-05-2024 Automated Maintenance Utility (AMU) 3.20
                                Code! Inlcudes DOS, OS/2 and Win32 versions.
artfix09.zip  100982 08-05-2024 Artware Year 2000 Survival Kit Rev. 0009.
                                Unzip with the "-d" option!  This archive
                                contains bug fixes for the Year 2000
                                problems of TimEd 1.10 and NetMgr 1.00.
                                New: *Important* fix for Netmgr/DOS.
autopost.zip   29000 08-05-2024 
be_2d102.zip   35233 08-05-2024 (v1.02) GEcho's  Bad  message  path 
                                tracker, for the Sysop that wants a 
                                quick solution of bad echos. Writes 
                                Netmail notification  to sysops who 
                                sends duplicate messages; Disconnects 
                                unknown message areas,  check hudson 
                                message base and much more.
                                (Shareware $10)
bg329801.zip  361167 08-05-2024 Scan: Netmails / Binkley Outbound queue for
                                waiting mails (Emails/Netmails/Xmails)
                                addressed to one of your Listgates or to an
                                internet address. . Can start your favorite
                                scanner before :) . F/A in Netmail are
                                encoded in Base64 and includes in a
                                multi-part mail. . Email / Netmail can be
                                Quoted-Printed. . Xmail can be Base64
                                encoded (for F2I) or UUEncode (for Drone/The
                                Tunnel/TransX) or in text only like Emails
                                (for other Listgates). - Send: Every mail
                                scanned via your SMTP server (using your
                                WinSock). - Recv: Every mail address to you,
                                your users or by the gates defines in it's
                                config (with/without password check). .
                                Filters can be add to decide wich mail you
                                want to retreive, ignore or delete. - Toss:
                                Decode incomming messages in your inbound
                                directory - a filter function can skip somes
                                lines, part or mail. . Can start your
                                favorite tosser after :) - You and your
                                users can send and receive Emails with
                                Base64 encoded F/A. - Check one or more
                                Mailbox and start your favorite browser if
                                you ask for and it found some ungated
                                waiting mail.
bgate32.zip   195831 08-05-2024 Required update for BG329801.RAR
botr03.zip    108907 08-05-2024 binkley outbound tracker
                                by sergey korowkin & nick markewitch, 1999.
cfr_2da95b.z       0 01-01-1980 Ŀ
                                          CFROUTE 0.95 alpha          
                                     Binkley-style netmail packer     
                                 Binaries for OS/2, DOS, Linux, Win32 
                                - Alternate routing based upon
                                Destination system, origin system,
                                day of the week, file attach and
                                - Extremely flexible parser.
                                - Very powerful wildcard processor.
                                - Generates type 2 and 2+ packets.
                                - Unlimited number of AKAs, passwords,
                                routes, etc. No hardcoded limits!
                                - Multiple netmail directories.
                                - May import FastEcho's configuration.
                                - Freeware.
                                - C++ source code available.
                                - Year 2000 ready. Users of older
                                CFRoute versions, please do upgrade!
                                 This is an alpha release. Try it at  
                                 your own risk!                       
cfr_2da95b.zip  343980 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                          CFROUTE 0.95 alpha          
                                     Binkley-style netmail packer     
                                 Binaries for OS/2, DOS, Linux, Win32 
                                 - Alternate routing based upon
                                   Destination system, origin system,
                                   day of the week, file attach and
                                 - Extremely flexible parser.
                                 - Very powerful wildcard processor.
                                 - Generates type 2 and 2+ packets.
                                 - Unlimited number of AKAs, passwords,
                                   routes, etc. No hardcoded limits!
                                 - Multiple netmail directories.
                                 - May import FastEcho's configuration.
                                 - Freeware.
                                 - C++ source code available.
                                 - Year 2000 ready. Users of older
                                   CFRoute versions, please do upgrade!
                                 This is an alpha release. Try it at  
                                 your own risk!                       
cfr_2da95s.z       0 01-01-1980 Ŀ
                                          CFROUTE 0.95 alpha          
                                     Binkley-style netmail packer     
                                       Source code distribution       
cfr_2da95s.zip   97327 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                          CFROUTE 0.95 alpha          
                                     Binkley-style netmail packer     
                                       Source code distribution       
chpst101.zip   76758 08-05-2024 ChargePost 1.01 - Charge Message Poster
                                (c) 1996 Intuitive Vision Software
                                UPDATE - Fixes private message problem.
                                ChargePost is a utility for use with
                                H. Allen Cravener's WC-Charge Credit Card
                                Door that will post the receipts/charge
                                info in a *.MSG/JAM/Squish message base.
                                NON-BBS specific!  Allows you to keep track
                                of when charges are made!         SHAREWARE
crash_2115.z       0 01-01-1980 ***CRASHIT.COM  File Attach Crasher***
                                Used to switch fileattach message bits
                                to CRASH from the command line, when a
                                file gets to a CRASHable size. No More
                                wasted time HUBbing 1-2 msg bundles!!!
                                Another Fine Free Utility  from behind
                                The Wall of Sleep  v1.54  **FREEWARE**
crash_2115.zip   17537 08-05-2024 ***CRASHIT.COM  File Attach Crasher***
                                Used to switch fileattach message bits
                                to CRASH from the command line, when a
                                file gets to a CRASHable size. No More
                                wasted time HUBbing 1-2 msg bundles!!!
                                Another Fine Free Utility  from behind
                                The Wall of Sleep  v1.54  **FREEWARE**
cvtmsg10.zip   59479 08-05-2024 
cv_msgra.zip   10314 08-05-2024 
desks100.zip   94252 08-05-2024 DESK 1.00 is a echomail statistics
                                tool for GEcho 1.02 and higher. It
                                has eight report types, a nice full
                                screen setup utility, a scheduler
                                for scheduling reports (a command
                                can be run on a report) on a daily,
                                weekly, monthly or yearly basis.
                                The registered version has a bonus
                                feature that reports empty echomail
                                areas. Shareware: $9.50.
dgug100.zip    19996 08-05-2024          DgUg Version 1.00          ͻ
                                 DgUg contains two utilities which        
                                 downgrade and upgrade your RemoteAccess  
                                 message base files between Versions 2.50 
                                 and 2.02  These utilities are required   
                                 for users of RemoteAccess Versions below 
                                 2.50 when they use the area transfer     
                                 utility FExRA Version 1.00  Freeware by  
                                 Donald Kerr, Sysop, Firelink BBS,        
                                 Glasgow, Scotland. +44-1698-854685       
dkhd_200.zip   15530 08-05-2024 
dlp100.zip     56933 08-05-2024 Dinky Little Programs to list File
                                and Message Groups and Areas and
                                Missing Files.  C source included.
                                Format: [program] > [filename][lpt1]
                                FA.*        File Area List
                                FG.*        File Group List
                                FGFA.*      File Area Within Group
                                FILE_ID.DIZ Description In Zip
                                MA.*        Message Area List
                                MF.*        Missing Files List 
                                MG.*        Message Group List
                                MGMA.*      Mssg Area Within Group
                                RA.H        C Include 
ebs_2dpe20.z       0 01-01-1980     
                                    El Bucanero Soft Presents    
                                          PubliEd v2.0           
                                  Add any TXT to the Hudson Base
                                  Support 100 lines!            
                                  Wait n Days beetween posts!   
                                  Easy to use!                  
                                  FREEWARE! Download it NOW!    
ebs_2dpe20.zip   25768 08-05-2024     
                                    El Bucanero Soft Presents    
                                          PubliEd v2.0           
                                  Add any TXT to the Hudson Base
                                  Support 100 lines!            
                                  Wait n Days beetween posts!   
                                  Easy to use!                  
                                  FREEWARE! Download it NOW!    
ebs_2dts20.z       0 01-01-1980       _____/(     ____       ______)\
                                /     __/___|    |____ /    ___/
                                \    _/     |    _    \___    \
                                \_____     |_________/___     |
                                ---- \__  | --- \__  | --Ŀ
                                :      TAGLINE \( SEARCH V2.0     )/      |
                                 Unlimited TagLines!                     :
                                : Support Hudson/JAM/Squish Message Base  
                                 Full Dupe Checking!                     |
                                : Easy to use!                            
                                 DOWNLOAD iT NOW!                        |
                                 EBSEBSEBSEBSEBSEBSEBSEBSEBSEBS :
ebs_2dts20.zip   32482 08-05-2024       _____/(     ____       ______)\
                                     /     __/___|    |____ /    ___/
                                     \    _/     |    _    \___    \
                                      \_____     |_________/___     |
                                ---- \__  | --- \__  | --Ŀ
                                :      TAGLINE \( SEARCH V2.0     )/      |
                                 Unlimited TagLines!                     :
                                : Support Hudson/JAM/Squish Message Base  
                                 Full Dupe Checking!                     |
                                : Easy to use!                            
                                | DOWNLOAD iT NOW!                        |
                                | EBSEBSEBSEBSEBSEBSEBSEBSEBSEBS :
elb110.zip     73413 08-05-2024 ELB V1.1: Echo List Browser Door; This door
                                allows you to let your users browse the Echo
                                List and recommend Echos for you to connect
                                to your BBS...   Simple to use, simple to
                                install, you can search the list for keywords
                                or just browse the entire list... New version
                                can filter echos by presence in BACKBONE.NA!
                                "Almost" Freeware, all I want is to hear that
                                you use it and like it...  And will try my
                                other doors and utilities at vvv.com/~weirdal
email100.zip    5222 08-05-2024 >>>>> Email! v1.00 <<<<<
                                Email!: Generate an Internet-address for
                                        your BBS-users !!!!!!!!!!
                                A little tool which read the
                                exitinfo.bbs file, get the name of the
                                user which is online, and create an
                                internet-address of it...
                                For EXITINFO.BBS systems...
                                (like RA v2.0x)
                                Output: ANSI & ASCII screen.
                                (C) 1995 Copyright by: A.S. Kerkmeester,
                                         Simplesoft Developments,
                                         The Netherlands
                                < C A R D W A R E >
emw15.zip      90144 08-05-2024       1.5Ŀ
                                        Enhanced Message Writer
                                         Replaces the hardcoded 
                                         Type 27 menu  (write a 
                                         new mail) of  RA 2.xx. 
                                         No setup needed ! Your 
                                         external protocols are 
                                      available  now in your 
                                 message section ! Complete groupmail 
                                 support; forwardto; areasettings are 
                                 checked;  lightbar driven;  replaces 
                                 "SYSOP";  parameters to fill the To: 
                                 and Subj input; Multinode and multi- 
                                 tasker aware,  and  *much*  more. No 
                                 doubt: Still the best of it's kind ! 
                                 (C)opyright 1996-97  G.Brockhaus Ĵ
                                   This is freeware if you want. :-)  
emw15p2.zip    83772 08-05-2024       1.5P2Ŀ
                                        Enhanced Message Writer
                                         Replaces the hardcoded 
                                         Type 27 menu  (write a 
                                         new mail) of  RA 2.xx. 
                                         No setup needed ! Your 
                                         external protocols are 
                                      available  now in your 
                                 message section ! Complete groupmail 
                                 support; forwardto; areasettings are 
                                 checked;  lightbar driven;  replaces 
                                 "SYSOP";  parameters to fill the To: 
                                 and Subj input; Multinode and multi- 
                                 tasker aware,  and  *much*  more. No 
                                 doubt: Still the best of it's kind ! 
                                 (C)opyright 1996-98  G.Brockhaus Ĵ
                                   This is freeware if you want. :-)  
ereq300.zip   125293 08-05-2024 Echo Request Processor Version 3.0
                                 Finally let your users request echos
                                 from your hub With out you haveing to
                                 do anything. Great for NEW SysOps that
                                 just have not gotten the jist of
                                 areafixes. CTL files to allow only the
                                 users that you Want to request from
                                 your Hub, Other's will write you Netmail
                                 (Like to your Hub) so you can read it and
                                 decide if you want to turn on the echo.
                                 Supports up to 10 Network NA Files, Now
                                 Supports key word searching to help
                                 your users quickly find that echo that
                                 they are looking for. 
                                 ShareWare <<$10.00>> By VagaBond Software
ereq301.zip   131737 08-05-2024 Echo Request Processor Version 3.01
                                 Finally let your users request echos
                                 from your hub With out you haveing to
                                 do anything. Great for NEW SysOps that
                                 just have not gotten the jist of
                                 areafixes. CTL files to allow only the
                                 users that you Want to request from
                                 your Hub, Other's will write you Netmail
                                 (Like to your Hub) so you can read it and
                                 decide if you want to turn on the echo.
                                 Supports up to 10 Network NA Files, Now
                                 Supports key word searching to help
                                 your users quickly find that echo that
                                 they are looking for. 
                                 ShareWare <<$10.00>> By VagaBond Software
ereq302.zip   122763 08-05-2024 Echo Request Processor Version 3.02
                                 Finally let your users request echos
                                 from your hub With out you haveing to
                                 do anything. Great for NEW SysOps that
                                 just have not gotten the jist of
                                 areafixes. CTL files to allow only the
                                 users that you Want to request from
                                 your Hub, Other's will write you Netmail
                                 (Like to your Hub) so you can read it and
                                 decide if you want to turn on the echo.
                                 Supports up to 10 Network NA Files, Now
                                 Supports key word searching to help
                                 your users quickly find that echo that
                                 they are looking for. 
                                 FREEWARE! By VagaBond Software
expfix.zip     20821 08-05-2024 
f2squish.zip   20680 08-05-2024 F2SQUISH - FastEcho config to SQUISH.CFG
                                converter.  v1.0  (c) hugo landsman, St. Anna
                                Includes both FASTECHO.CFG revision 4 and
                                FASTECHO.CFG revision 5 converters.
fawk140.zip   221606 08-05-2024 Fidonet Awk Utility (Msg,Pkt,Squ,JAM)
                                Does for Fidonet message areas what
                                Unix awk does for text files.
                                Supports RFC822/MIME messages, 
                                POP3/SMTP and RFC/FTN gating.
                                Win32 only.
fdesc145.zip   22874 08-05-2024  FeDesc 1.45
                                 Editor for area descriptions
                                 Makes it much easier to enter 
                                 area descriptions.
                                 Needs Fastecho 1.45
                                 <<<<  (c) 1995 by Volker Imre >>>>
                                    >> Public Domain Software <<
fe146.rar     686263 08-05-2024 ------------------------------------------
                                ## ---------- FastEcho v1.46 ---------- ##
                                ## ------ Bugfixed Easter Update ------ ##
                                Very  fast FTN mail processor for  Hudson-
                                (aka QBBS), JAM-, Squish- and  Fido/*.MSG-
                                style messagebases. Internal AreaFix, dupe
                                checking,  full security, NetMail routing,
                                full screen setup, area grouping, network-
                                and  multitasking-support,  auto  area add
                                function supporting all major BBS systems,
                                great msgbase tool included,  carbon-copy-
                                function. Archive contains DOS executables
                                plus all files needed for other platforms.
                                          --- NEW FEATURES IN v1.46: --- |
                                Native OS/2 setup program,  more groups, |
                                more areas,  enhanced AreaFix functions  |
                                and much more!       [Shareware, $15/25] |
                                        Copyright (c) 1991-1997 by
                                Software Technik Burchhardt, Waltrop, FRG.
fe146pl1.rar   53077 08-05-2024 ------------------------------------------
                                ## --------- FastEcho 1.46pl1 --------- ##
                                This is a patch from the original FastEcho
                                1.46 release to patch level 1.  Fixes PACK
                                -P ignoring NetMail messages with  several
                                ^aFLAGS set (Binkley-style outbound only!)
                                Needs BUpdate (BUPD124A.RAR) to apply .BDF
                                        Copyright (c) 1991-1997 by
                                Software Technik Burchhardt, Waltrop, FRG.
fe146x.rar    656187 08-05-2024 ------------------------------------------
                                ## --------- FastEcho 1.46pl1 --------- ##
                                Very  fast FTN mail processor for  Hudson-
                                (aka QBBS), JAM-, Squish- and  Fido/*.MSG-
                                style messagebases.    [Shareware, $15/25]
                                Includes DPMI executables  only,  requires
                                full package (FE146.RAR)  to  run !!!  Now
                                also featuring 32 bit version of FESetup.
                                        Copyright (c) 1991-1997 by
                                Software Technik Burchhardt, Waltrop, FRG.
fe2pb22.zip    42624 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 FE2PB        Version 2.2  
                                 Copyright (c) 1995 by Robin Heilos 
                                - The ultimate tool for FastEcho  
                                  1.41 and ProBoard 2.01 users    
                                - Exports all FastEcho message-   
                                  area entries of FASTECHO.CFG    
                                  to ProBoards MSGAREAS.PB        
                                - Existing ProBoard entries with- 
                                  out FastEcho equivalent will    
                                  be kept                         
                                - FastEcho message-area groups    
                                  can be converted to ProBoard    
                                - FastEcho sorting order will be  
                                  transferred exactly to ProBoard 
                                  (Squish and JAM only)           
                                - Supports Hudson, Squish and JAM 
                                - CFG-File for default definition 
                                - VGA graphics reqired            
                                  Shareware registration DM 10,00 
fe2ra102.zip   20742 08-05-2024 Fe2Ra v1.02. Converts the FastEcho 1.41
                                (support for earlier versions is dropped)
                                area configuration to Remote Access 2.0x
                                format. A *very* quick and dirty utility,
                                without a single configuration file. Updates
                                your existing area configuration instead of
                                recreating a new one every time. Also
                                includes full source code which shows how to
                                read FastEcho.CFG in Turbo Pascal. (needs
                                version TP 7.0 to compile) and contains
                                pascal structures of the FastEcho
                                configuration file.
                                Freeware software from Hans Siemons.
fecfg145.zip   13098 08-05-2024 
fecv154.zip   263208 08-05-2024 FeConv 1.54 
                                -converts your fastecho-setup (1.45a)
                                 to RA/IM/FD/PB/SBBS/Maximus 
                                -creates almost freely definable
                                 text-files with information from
                                -writes several reports:
                                 passive areas, passive nodes,
                                 errors reported by fastecho,
                                 areas with one/two links,
                                 areas w/o description, etc...
                                >>>> Volker Imre @ 2:246/2001 <<<<
fed_2d001c.z       0 01-01-1980 Converts a FastEcho Revision6 (1.45+)
                                configuration file to a RemoteAccess 2.5x
                                Configurable, fast, automated, free.
                                By Simon Avery - 2:255/90
fed_2d001c.zip   21305 08-05-2024 Converts a FastEcho Revision6 (1.45+)
                                configuration file to a RemoteAccess 2.5x
                                Configurable, fast, automated, free.
                                By Simon Avery - 2:255/90
fek155e.zip   130763 08-05-2024 FeKill V1.55 with English docfile
                                             os/2 & dos version
                                Maintenance tool for FastEcho 1.46
                                -Deletes and unlinks "dead" echos
                                -Notifies downlinks of "dead" echos
                                -Announces new areas
                                and many more features, see
                                WHATSNEW for changes since 1.48
fekil155.zip  131627 08-05-2024 FeKill V1.55 with German docfile
                                             os/2 & dos version
                                Maintenance tool for FastEcho 1.46
                                -Deletes and unlinks "dead" echos
                                -Notifies downlinks of "dead" echos
                                -Announces new areas
                                and many more features, see
                                WHATSNEW for changes since 1.48
fepth145.zip   12233 08-05-2024 
fet145.zip    104932 08-05-2024 
fetora02.zip   41073 08-05-2024 FE to RA v0.2: converts your FastEcho Rev 5
                                config into your RemoteAccess 2.x config.
                                Full access to all FastEcho and RemoteAccess
                                options simply by a text-based config file.
fetr100.zip    18565 08-05-2024         FETear Version 1.00         ͻ
                                 This utility will allow you to           
                                 automatically change the tearline        
                                 appended to messages by Fastecho and can 
                                 be run as part of your BBS batch file or 
                                 your daily maintenance routine.          
                                 Advertise an aspect of your BBS or       
                                 display a witty comment automatically.   
                                 Shareware by Donald Kerr, Sysop,         
                                 Firelink BBS, Glasgow, Scotland.         
feunl145.zip   18485 08-05-2024  Feunlink 1.45
                                -little tool to unlink and delete
                                 echoares by command-line
                                -writes mails to "areafix" of all
                                -the file "feunlink.anc" is ready 
                                 to get posted via FEUTIL POST
                                -need Fastecho 1.45
fexra102.zip   36288 08-05-2024          FExRA Version 1.02         ͻ
                                 FExRA creates your RemoteAccess message  
                                 base files using your Fastecho config    
                                 file. Areas are transferred by Fastecho  
                                 Group in the order in which you specify. 
                                 FExRA also allows you to insert and      
                                 delete areas from your RemoteAccess      
                                 message base; a handy utility in itself! 
                                 Works with JAM areas. Compatible with FE 
                                 1.45 and RA 2.02 to 2.50. Shareware by   
                                 Donald Kerr, Sysop, Firelink BBS,        
                                 Glasgow, Scotland. +44-1698-854685       
fgem102.zip    23519 08-05-2024 FGEM - Fastecho Group Echolog Maker v1.02 -
                                Simple little program to output the echotags
                                of certain groups, and/or types of areas.
                                Requires FASTECHO.CFG revision 6 to run
                                (Fastecho v1.45 or better). OS/2 version.
fmacopy.zip    64354 08-05-2024 Utility to copy messages in 
                                *.msg, Squish, JAM and Pkt 
                                message bases. Win32 only.
fmail48b.zip  497408 08-05-2024 FMail 1.48b, Standard version
                                FMail is an echo mail processor for Hudson
                                and JAM message bases. Also included is a
                                message base maintenance utility with a lot
                                of special features.
fmail59b.zip  507482 08-05-2024 FMail 1.59/beta, Standard version
                                FMail is an echo mail processor for Hudson
                                and JAM message bases. Also included is a
                                message base maintenance utility with a lot
                                of special features.
fmess203.zip   25291 08-05-2024 FIX_MESS.EXE v2.03: Global Message Area
                                for RA 2.0X: Change parameters - Group, Age,
                                Security Levels, Flag Settings, Number of
                                Messages per area, and most other settings in
                                each message area. Dispenses with need for
                                RACONFIG.EXE for changing RANGES of message
                                areas..(Area 1 to 200).
                                NEW! Now you can LIMIT the Changes to
                                specific GROUPS within the RANGE, Alter
                                Status (PUB,PVT,etc) and modify RealNames,
                                Pick an alias! by Fozzy INC!
fml2_48b.zip  393403 08-05-2024 FMail 1.48b, OS/2 32-bit version
                                FMail is an echo mail processor for Hudson
                                and JAM message bases. Also included is a
                                message base maintenance utility with a lot
                                of special features. The OS/2 version can
                                handle more areas than the standard version
                                and is optimized for use on OS/2 systems.
fml2_59b.zip  395463 08-05-2024 FMail 1.59/beta, OS/2 32-bit version
                                FMail is an echo mail processor for Hudson
                                and JAM message bases. Also included is a
                                message base maintenance utility with a lot
                                of special features. The OS/2 version can
                                handle more areas than the standard version
                                and is optimized for use on OS/2 systems.
fmlwg48b.zip  378935 08-05-2024 FMail 1.48b, Windows 32-bit version
                                QUICKBBS GOLDBASE VERSION
                                FMail is an echo mail processor for QuickBBS
                                GoldBase and JAM message bases. Also included
                                is a message base maintenance utility with a
                                lot of special features. The Windows version
                                can handle more areas than the standard
                                version and is optimized for use with 32-bit
                                versions of MS Windows like Windows 95 and
                                Windows NT.
fmlwg59b.zip  382420 08-05-2024 FMail 1.59/beta, Windows 32-bit version
                                QUICKBBS GOLDBASE VERSION
                                FMail is an echo mail processor for QuickBBS
                                GoldBase and JAM message bases. Also included
                                is a message base maintenance utility with a
                                lot of special features. The Windows version
                                can handle more areas than the standard
                                version and is optimized for use with 32-bit
                                versions of MS Windows like Windows 95 and
                                Windows NT.
fmlw_48b.zip  395746 08-05-2024 FMail 1.48b, Windows 32-bit version
                                FMail is an echo mail processor for Hudson
                                and JAM message bases. Also included is a
                                message base maintenance utility with a lot
                                of special features. The Windows version can
                                handle more areas than the standard version
                                and is optimized for use with 32-bit versions
                                of MS Windows like Windows 95 and Windows NT.
fmlw_59b.zip  399558 08-05-2024 FMail 1.59/beta, Windows 32-bit version
                                FMail is an echo mail processor for Hudson
                                and JAM message bases. Also included is a
                                message base maintenance utility with a lot
                                of special features. The Windows version can
                                handle more areas than the standard version
                                and is optimized for use with 32-bit versions
                                of MS Windows like Windows 95 and Windows NT.
fmlxg48b.zip  416664 08-05-2024 FMail 1.48b, DOS-DPMI 16 bit version
                                QUICKBBS GOLDBASE VERSION
                                FMail is an echo mail processor for
                                QuickBBS Goldbase and JAM message bases.
                                Also included is a message base maintenance
                                utility with a lot of special features. The
                                DPMI versions of FMail support much more
                                echo mail areas than the standard version.
fmlxg59b.zip  422823 08-05-2024 FMail 1.59/beta, DOS-DPMI 16 bit version
                                QUICKBBS GOLDBASE VERSION
                                FMail is an echo mail processor for
                                QuickBBS Goldbase and JAM message bases.
                                Also included is a message base maintenance
                                utility with a lot of special features. The
                                DPMI versions of FMail support much more
                                echo mail areas than the standard version.
fmlx_48b.zip  678204 08-05-2024 FMail 1.48b, DOS-DPMI 16/32 bit versions
                                FMail is an echo mail processor for Hudson
                                and JAM message bases. Also included is a
                                message base maintenance utility with a lot
                                of special features. The DPMI versions of
                                FMail support much more echo mail areas than
                                the standard version.
fmlx_59b.zip  685952 08-05-2024 FMail 1.59/beta, DOS-DPMI 16/32 bit versions
                                FMail is an echo mail processor for Hudson
                                and JAM message bases. Also included is a
                                message base maintenance utility with a lot
                                of special features. The DPMI versions of
                                FMail support much more echo mail areas than
                                the standard version.
fmsort10.zip   14011 08-05-2024 FM_SORT.EXE; The FMAIL v. 0.98a Message Area
                                Sorting Utility. This program
                                will SORT your Message Areas based on Group (A
                                .Z) and ALPHABETICALLY within
                                each group. This program will also update your
                                HUDSON MESSAGE BASE files
                                to reflect the new message area order. Great
                                when adding new Message Areas!
                                by Fozzy INC!
fsit33.zip     97299 08-05-2024 FSIT v3.3 Mail Conference Request Door
                                Your users can use this door to search
                                your echolists for keywords or phrases
                                and request that echomail areas be
                                added to your bbs.  Control access to 
                                echolists by security level.  Supports 
                                15 mail networks at the same time.
                                Echotag typing not required -- select
                                by number.  This door WILL NOT modify 
                                your AREAS.xxx file or post a netmail 
                                message.  It will post the request to 
                                an ASCII text file.  Shareware -- Not 
                                Crippled In Any Way.
fstat145.zip   26426 08-05-2024 
fsx122a.zip    99570 08-05-2024 FSetupX 1.22a Update
                                Fixes a problem with editing the board
                                number of netmail boards in FSetupX 1.22.
fs_122a.zip    91859 08-05-2024 FSetup 1.22a Update
                                Fixes a problem with editing the board
                                number of netmail boards in FSetup 1.22.
ftn018b.zip   796065 08-05-2024 FTNed - GUI Fido style message editor
                                        for Windows95/98/NT (C) IDM
                                Here are its features:
                                 - Multiusing
                                 - Multiwindow editing
                                 - Easy turning
                                 - Creating one's templates (Not for everybody
                                 - Supporting squish(tm) base and FIDO-msg.
                                 - Treeview areas
                                 - Address book
                                 - UUENCODER, UUDENCODER
                                 - Powerfull editor with column and line
                                 - and many more.
ftnm0a42.zip   68212 08-05-2024 FTNManager vv0.4.2a ALPHA [980203]
                                By Perry Lorier
                                ** This software is probably   **
                                ** buggy use at your own risk! **
ftnm0a43.zip   69009 08-05-2024 FTNManager vv0.43 ALPHA [980206]
                                By Perry Lorier
                                ** This software is probably   **
                                ** buggy use at your own risk! **
ftr202b5.zip  206679 08-05-2024 Netmail tracker for WinNT/95/OS2. 2.02.b5
gdj301_2d3.z       0 01-01-1980 GoldED 3.0.1 Post-3
                                Requires an existing setup.
                                DOS 32-bit version.
gdj301_2d3.zip  415087 08-05-2024 GoldED 3.0.1 Post-3
                                Requires an existing setup.
                                DOS 32-bit version.
ge2jam.zip     22377 08-05-2024 
ge2ra.zip      21874 08-05-2024 
gebad110.zip   31035 08-05-2024 Automatically creates new JAM areas when
                                they arrive from your uplink.
                                No configuration needed; Requires
                                GEcho v1.1x
                                Completely free for use in non-
                                commercial environments.
                                      --( Pythagoras Software )--
ged2_gp.zip   365927 08-05-2024 GoldED OS/2 3.0.1 gpp by Igor Vanin
ged301.zip    420947 08-05-2024 GoldED 3.0.1 Official Release
                                By Odinn Sorensen, FidoNet 2:236/77.
                                Homepage: http://www.goldware.dk.
                                Requires an existing setup.
                                DOS 16-bit version.
gel301.zip    433042 08-05-2024 GoldED 3.0.1 Official Release
                                By Odinn Sorensen, FidoNet 2:236/77.
                                Homepage: http://www.goldware.dk.
                                Requires an existing setup.
                                Linux version.
gelg104e.zip   41477 08-05-2024 GELog v1.04E, Makes A Bulletin About
                                Last Transfers Received, Needs GEcho.
                                Supports Up To 15 Nets And ALL BBS
                                Softwares !! A MUST FOR ALL SYSOPS !
gem301.zip    308881 08-05-2024 GoldED 3.0.1 Official Release
                                By Odinn Sorensen, FidoNet 2:236/77.
                                Homepage: http://www.goldware.dk.
                                Requires an existing setup.
                                Manuals and example cfgs.
geo301.zip    454401 08-05-2024 GoldED 3.0.1 Official Release
                                By Odinn Sorensen, FidoNet 2:236/77.
                                Homepage: http://www.goldware.dk.
                                Requires an existing setup.
                                OS/2 version.
gew1asa8.zip  356180 08-05-2024   GoldED/w32-3.0.1-asa8
                                    Comtek Edition ;)
                                by Alexander S. Aganichev
gew301.zip    449898 08-05-2024 GoldED 3.0.1 Official Release
                                By Odinn Sorensen, FidoNet 2:236/77.
                                Homepage: http://www.goldware.dk.
                                Requires an existing setup.
                                Win32 version.
gex1asa8.zip  438146 08-05-2024   GoldED/386-3.0.1-asa8
                                    Comtek Edition ;)
                                by Alexander S. Aganichev
gex301.zip    494697 08-05-2024 GoldED 3.0.1 Official Release
                                By Odinn Sorensen, FidoNet 2:236/77.
                                Homepage: http://www.goldware.dk.
                                Requires an existing setup.
                                DOS 32-bit version.
ge_100.zip    186808 08-05-2024 
gmac105a.zip   50831 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                 ˿ ˿ ˿ ˿ 
                                   ˿    δ       
                                     V 1.04 vom 09.05.1996      
                                     Das erste Tool das die      
                                    Messages Areas in RA 2.0x    
                                ͻ                      ͼ
                                         Areas taggen    
                                        Gruppen taggen   
                                         Areas lschen   
                                       MESSAGES.RA Ende  
                                        selber bestimmen   
                                       Areas Sortierung  
                                   ͼ                      ͻ
                                     Support von 64000 Areas  
                                   ͻ                     ͼ
                                 ͼ                     ͻ
                                      (c) D.Zimmer Software     
golded_7e3.g       0 01-01-1980 
golded_7e3.gz 1836654 08-05-2024 
gpm100.zip    375454 08-05-2024       *  GoldED+ 1.0.0  *
                                Released by Alex. S. Aganichev
gpo114_2d4.z       0 01-01-1980 GoldED+    [os/2 exe]
                                GoldED+ is a successor of the
                                wellknown GoldED mail editor.
                                URL: http://asa.i-connect.com
gpo114_2d4.zip  911567 08-05-2024 GoldED+    [os/2 exe]
                                GoldED+ is a successor of the
                                wellknown GoldED mail editor.
                                URL: http://asa.i-connect.com
gps114_2d4.t       0 01-01-1980 
gps114_2d4.tar.bz2 1185250 08-05-2024 
gpw114_2d4.z       0 01-01-1980 GoldED+   [win32 exe]
                                GoldED+ is a successor of the
                                wellknown GoldED mail editor.
                                URL: http://asa.i-connect.com
gpw114_2d4.zip  706991 08-05-2024 GoldED+   [win32 exe]
                                GoldED+ is a successor of the
                                wellknown GoldED mail editor.
                                URL: http://asa.i-connect.com
gpx114_2d4.z       0 01-01-1980 GoldED+  [dpmi32 exe]
                                GoldED+ is a successor of the
                                wellknown GoldED mail editor.
                                URL: http://asa.i-connect.com
gpx114_2d4.zip  922470 08-05-2024 GoldED+  [dpmi32 exe]
                                GoldED+ is a successor of the
                                wellknown GoldED mail editor.
                                URL: http://asa.i-connect.com
hec10b.zip    104341 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 Hector/DOS   1.0beta  is  a    
                                 FTN-compatible mail editor:    
                                - JAM, Squish, Hudson, *.msg    
                                  msgbase formats support       
                                - Nodelist support (without any 
                                  index files!)                 
                                - Text config files             
                                - Useful message template       
                                - Accepts of fastecho.cfg,      
                                  squish.cfg and areas.bbs      
                                - Non-monstroidal size          
                                (c) Konstantin Klyagin 2:461/22 
                                    1998, Kharkov, Ukraine.     
hec10bp.zip   103038 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 Hector/2     1.0beta  is  a    
                                 FTN-compatible mail editor:    
                                - JAM, Squish, Hudson, *.msg    
                                  msgbase formats support       
                                - Nodelist support (without any 
                                  index files!)                 
                                - Text config files             
                                - Useful message template       
                                - Accepts of fastecho.cfg,      
                                  squish.cfg and areas.bbs      
                                - Non-monstroidal size          
                                (c) Konstantin Klyagin 2:461/22 
                                    1998, Kharkov, Ukraine.     
hpt_2d0.9.7c       0 01-01-1980 Husky Project HPT 0.9.7c-stable
                                This archive contains the HPT FTN tosser
                                software compiled for Win32.
hpt_2d0.9.7c_2dwin.zip  477305 08-05-2024 Husky Project HPT 0.9.7c-stable
                                This archive contains the HPT FTN tosser
                                software compiled for Win32.
hpt_2d030w.r       0 01-01-1980 
hpt_2d030w.rar  288903 08-05-2024 
hspost33.zip   42974 08-05-2024 HS-POST v3.3
                                With this program you can post a
                                file as a message to users with a
                                particular security level or group-
                                number in the HMB messagebase.
                                POST will use the users real name
                                or handle to write the message to.
                                Also a internal editor can be used
                                to create a message.
                                FOR RemoteAccess 2.0x and 2.5x ONLY!!
im185g1.zip   687565 08-05-2024 IMAIL-386 1.85 G 1
                                Released January 1997
                                Copyright (C) 1992-1997 by Andreas Klein
                                PUBLIC GAMMA VERSION - USE ON YOUR OWN RISK!
                                IMAIL is a full-featured echo mail
                                processor which offers lots of features
                                to its users. This includes one of the
                                most powerful area-managements currently
                                available and support for four wide-
                                spreaded message base types (QBBS,
                                Squish, JAM and *.MSG).
im2fd01.zip    14431 08-05-2024 Im2FD 0.1
                                IMAIL 1.70 to FrontDoor
                                Released July 1995
                                Copyright (c) 1995 by Gordian Schuermann
                                Im2FD converts the IMAIL area
                                configuration to FrontDoors folder.FD
im2ra04.zip    16781 08-05-2024 IM2RA 0.4
                                IMAIL 1.70 to Remote Access 1.xx/2.xx
                                Released July 1995
                                Copyright (c) 1995 by Gordian Schuermann
                                IM2RA converts the IMAIL area/group
                                configuration to the Remote Access
inf121d.zip    97967 08-05-2024 InfoMail/86 1.21 -*- A document
                                server for Fidonet systems -*- Posts
                                documents via netmail in response to
                                requests from users -*- Document
                                requests, updates and searches
                                suppored -*- Supports documents up
                                to 64k with split option -*-
                                Customisable error and response
                                messages -*- Now with multiple AKA's
                                -*- Indexed (sorted) document list
ipost100.zip   88521 08-05-2024 IPOST is an Internet mail posting door for use
                                with most BBS systems.  It
                                will automatically handle the special "To:"
                                lines which need to be present
                                for gating UUCP mail to and from Fidonet and
                                the Internet. It's features
                                include: Multinode Compatibility!, Supports
                                de-facto *.MSG netmail style
                                message areas. Internal line editor, as well
                                as support for full-screen
                                external editors (TOPEDIT, GEDIT, etc), RA 2
                                .xx Exitinfo.
ishow3g.zip    17807 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                     InterShow 0.3g     ۲ 
                                     Show to your users they Internet    
                                   Address. It runs under RemoteAccess,  
                                 WildCat, RBBS or any other DorInfo1.Def 
                                             compatible BBS.             
                                   You can put a ANS/ASC screen before   
                                 the user address. Totally configurable! 
                                         Suggestions are welcome:        
                                          fidonet.org  4:801/70          
                                          syncnet.org 30:1000/1          
                                   by Matheus Paula for OS3M of BraZil   
itr20o0.zip   333601 08-05-2024 
jamapi.zip    135860 08-05-2024 
jaminfo.zip    21218 08-05-2024 
jmbmsg20.zip    9971 08-05-2024 *******************************************::
                                :: jumblmsg.btm v2.0                       ::
                                :: by Mike Roberts -                       ::
                                :: Purpose: Randomly reorder *.msgs in     ::
                                :: mailer message directory. Also Performs ::
                                :: mailer queue optimization.              ::
jpost110.zip   80729 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 BBS Utiliteez Software 
                                 JPost v1.10 is a freeware utility used to 
                                 import/export listserver e-mail between a 
                                 JAM/Squish/*.MSG compatible BBS, and Juno 
                                 v1.38 (or greater) e-mail software. Super 
                                 simple setup and operation, only 10 lines 
                                 in a text file to configure and you're up 
                                 and ready to run.                         
js006b.zip     10931 08-05-2024 ķ
                                        -- JAMStat v0.06 beta --        
                                 a quick JAM Base statistics generator. 
                                  Requires RA v2.xx MESSAGES.RA config  
                                          file for area names.          
                                   * Switch to alternate lowercase *    
kpost110.zip   54176 08-05-2024 KAMPost is a textfile Posting
                                Program for JAM, Hudson, Ezycom,
                                Squish, Packet, and Fido type 
                                message bases.  KAMPost features 
                                full message base locking
                                support and MORE!!
lstrip71.zip   24070 08-05-2024       LeStrip v0.71 
                                A *.PKT message stripper  to
                                remove  Hi-Ascii  characters
                                that would  otherwise  enter
                                an echo where  they are  not
                                allowed - full configuration
                                and up  to 20 nodes  can  be
                                defined, character remapping
                                facility.  Now  includes log
                                   Excellent for HUBS etc.
                                 FREEWARE from South Africa
                                 Copyright (C) 1994,1995
                                       FastLight Inc.
ma10.zip       14735 08-05-2024 
mam100.zip     22630 08-05-2024 MAMOVE v1.00 by John Kristoff
                                Easily, quickly and safely change
                                the order of your message area listing.
                                For RemoteAccess v2.0x.  *FREEWARE*
                                with C source code.
mbra105.zip    75125 08-05-2024 MailBox v1.05: For RemoteAccess 2.xx Versions
                                Only MailBox will search HUDSON and JAM
                                message areas for mail addressed to Sysop,
                                Sysop Name and Handle. Creates a report, and
                                optionaly a netmail message. Scans defined
                                areas only, areas can be excluded. Now
                                supports ranges eg: 100-150 + more!
mbrpt200.zip    8510 08-05-2024  MessageBase Reporter v2.00 
                                        ** MAJOR UPDATE! **
                                Now written in Pascal, instead of
                                QuickBasic.  It's _much_ smaller,
                                and the archive is tiny! MessageBase
                                Reporter sends a list of all active
                                message base names to the printer on
                                LPT1, along with Hudson indication
                                or JAM path/name information and
                                message area type (Local, Echo,
                                Netmail, Internet or Newsgroup).
                                Free - no nag screens, no
mcmcfgs.zip    21705 08-05-2024 Collection of sample configuration files
                                for McMail 1.0/SW, based on the configs
                                supplied by the authors. Structural and
                                accessible lay-out. Eliminated English
                                grammatical errors. (Updated: 22 Jan 1997)
mcmsetup.zip  175329 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                       MCMSETUP V1.1e       
                                   Setupprogramm for McMail 1.0   
                                      !! IT'S NETMAILWARE !!      
mcm_pb13.zip   51880 08-05-2024 Ŀ Ŀ
                                      ij       ij  
                                         Version 1.30r
                                Zeigt den letzten ProBoard-User
                                mit allen seinen Aktivitten in
                                der Mailbox im McMail-Screen an
                                und schreibt die Werte ins MCM-
                                Logfile. 11/94 K.Kettner-FREE!!
mcu10g13.zip  179592 08-05-2024 ĿĿ
                                       ij        Ŀ  ڳ    
                                      ij              Ŀ
                                          Version 1.0g13           
                                Collection of utilities for McMail+RA2 
                                 Netmail packer, ATT/REQ converter.   
                                 Cleans your outbounds.               
                                 Renumbers your netmails.             
                                 Changes siteinfo/location randomly.  
                                 Puts lastcallers to inbound history. 
                                 Moves recieved & sent netmails       
                                 NM notify for systems in nodedata    
                                 Creates LASTCALL,WOH,OUTMAIL.ANS/ASC 
                                 Creates Diskpolls.                   
                                 Put Infos to multiline window.       
                                 Mailer onlinetime to RA's BusyPerHour
                                 Terminate 1.x to BBSDATA converter   
                                 OS2 version available: MCU10o13.RAR  
                                          Shareware ($15/20DM)         
                                  (C)1994-97 G.Brockhaus, 2:2410/1005  
mcuv006.zip    94204 08-05-2024 Ŀ Ŀ
                                       ij         ij     
                                      ij         ij      
                                            Version 0.6            
                                A better replacement for MCMVIEW with  
                                many interesting features.             
                                 Multinode viewer for MCMAIL's lines  
                                 Internal ViewRA. Online users will   
                                  be displayed immidiate, USERDOS supp.
                                 Faked RA node with the ability to    
                                  receive online messages              
                                 Write onlinemessages to online users 
                                 Start the multiline chat localy.     
                                 Outbound manager.                    
                                 Busy per hour viewers.               
                                 Enhaced logfileviewer. All connects  
                                  of MCM & RA on all lines in one list 
                                          Shareware ($15/20DM)         
                                   (C) 1997 G.Brockhaus, 2:2410/1005   
medw.zip      603228 08-05-2024 
medx.zip      611948 08-05-2024 
med_.zip      593969 08-05-2024 
messscan.zip   15235 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                           RemoteAccess Tool             
                                ޺           F R E E W A R E             
                                ݺ   Scanning for new Messages to you    
                                ޺   Ŀ    
                                   .written by Roady of Stereo8.   
mg024.zip     867540 08-05-2024 
                                          MailGate 0.24               
                                     The great Gateway program!              
                                 UUCP<->UUCP, Internet provider to as many   
                                 as 255 News downlinks, unlimited subdomains,
                                 Fidonet<->Fidonet gateway of net and echo,  
                                 Internet<->Fidonet, Fidonet net/echo->Fax,  
                                 Internet->Fax, *complete* TIC server and
                                 Local Listserver, ftpmail, fileserver, Lists
                                 Fidonet ARCHIE, newsgroups, Fax mailing list
                                 Entire nodelist with access to the Internet,
                                 Use Fido to transport pure UUCP mail, use
                                 to transport pure Fido mail  *automatically*
                                 netmail and echomail servers, message base, 
                                 encrypted mail, *not* crippleware and much, 
                                 much more! (15K very summarized FEATURES.DOC
                                 Cheapest registration for all it does: US39$
mged430d.zip  159649 08-05-2024 ========================================
                                               Msged 4.30
                                released to Public Domain on 06 may 1998
                                This archive contain:
                                The 16-bit DOS version and
                                sampel cfg-files.
                                Msged is a FidoNet Sysop Message
                                Reader/Editor for *.MSG (FTS-1),
                                QuickBBS (Hudson) and Squish message
                                At time of release, being maintained by
                                Msged-team 2:236/203.26@fidonet
                                or by Email: msged@usa.net
mged430s.zip  239677 08-05-2024 ========================================
                                               Msged 4.30
                                released to Public Domain on 06 may 1998
                                This archive contain:
                                The source code.
                                Msged is a FidoNet Sysop Message
                                Reader/Editor for *.MSG (FTS-1),
                                QuickBBS (Hudson) and Squish message
                                At time of release, being maintained by
                                Msged-team 2:236/203.26@fidonet
                                or by Email: msged@usa.net
mged430x.zip  367514 08-05-2024 ========================================
                                               Msged 4.30
                                released to Public Domain on 06 may 1998
                                This archive contain:
                                The 32-bit DOS version and
                                sampel cfg-files.
                                Msged is a FidoNet Sysop Message
                                Reader/Editor for *.MSG (FTS-1),
                                QuickBBS (Hudson) and Squish message
                                At time of release, being maintained by
                                Msged-team 2:236/203.26@fidonet
                                or by Email: msged@usa.net
mkmu103.zip   128771 08-05-2024 MK Message Utilities v1.03 - Mark May's
                                utilities to import, export, and convert
                                messages for Squish, Jam, Hudson, Ezycom,
                                and *.Msg message bases. (FW)
mkrd104.zip   199859 08-05-2024 MKRead v1.04 by Mark May - Online (Sysop)
                                message reader for RA2.x, RA1.x, QuickBbs,
                                SuperBbs, MK, and Ezycom. Makes reading easy
                                with support for taglines, ansi msg viewing,
                                message sorting, etc. (FW)
mksm106.zip   218080 08-05-2024 MK Source for Msg Access v1.06 - Mark May's
                                Pascal OOP source code to access Squish,
                                Jam, Hudson, *.Msg, and Ezycom message
                                bases. Great for developing BBS utilities.
mlchk104.zip   21344 08-05-2024 -   MailCheck 1.04 (DOS)   -
                                This utility will check your
                                incoming  mail  packets  for
                                mail bombs, before  they are
                                actually  uncompressed,  and
                                will      check     incoming
                                uncompressed    PKT   files.
                                Highly configurable,
                                internal   archive   viewing
                                routine, very fast, can post
                                a message to  the SysOp when
                                a  possible  mail  bomb  has
                                been detected.
                                Shareware from
                                - Farenheid Software -
mlmsgv28.zip   51585 08-05-2024  New version of MultiMsg - DownLoad Now 
                                     Ŀ ڿ   ڿ    Ŀ ڿ          
                                     ô   ô   ô      ô   ô          
                                              New Version                
                                  With MultiMessage You can send Personal  
                                  Messages to users that have something    
                                  in Common (Sec,Group,Flag,Age) , you can 
                                  easily send a message to all the users in
                                  Your system , To RA 2.0X only .          
                                    Some New Features of MultiMsg 2.8:     
                                        MultiMessages Remover             
                                        Send Colorful Messages            
                                        Send Message from TextFile        
mmra10.zip     61375 08-05-2024        *** MyMail 1.0 ***
                                For RemoteAccess 2.xx Versions Only
                                MyMail will search HUDSON and JAM message
                                areas for mail addressed to Sysop, Sysop
                                Name and Handle. Creates a report, and
                                optionaly a netmail message. Scans defined
                                areas only, areas can be excluded.
                                ************* FREEWARE! ******************
                                From RaLin Software - "But of course...."
moron200.zip   11716 08-05-2024 "MoRoN CoNVeRTiNG" is a program for people
                                who write alot of fidonet mail. It will
                                enhance your popularity with moderators,
                                and change the FONT of your messages to what 
                                you want.
                                Quality software from Act Of Impulse.
mpost121.zip  215252 08-05-2024 MPOST (MsgPost) 1.21 TE - Year 2000 Update
                                MPOST 1.20 was not Y2K safe!! 1.21 now is.
                                MPost is a utility  for posting text files
                                as fido  messages  into  Squish  or  *.MSG
                                netmail or echomail message areas from the
                                command  line.   This  version of MPost is
                                the only  currently  available  version fo
                                MPost that  is  fully  Y2K  ready.   As  a
                                goodie,  in  addition to the OS/2 version,
                                ports   have   been   added   for  Windows
                                (95/NT/NTaxp), DOS  (DPMI)  and  Linux  as
                                well  as  the  full source code.  Freeware
                                based upon MPost  1.10,  which is (C) 1996
                                by Codeland, Australia.
mpost20a.zip  251519 08-05-2024 MPOST (MsgPost) 2.0a-stable
                                MPost is a utility  for posting text files
                                as fido messages into Squish, JAM or *.MSG
                                netmail or echomail message areas from the
                                command line.  In  addition  to  the  OS/2
                                version, ports have been added for Windows
                                (95/NT/2000), DOS (DPMI) and Linux as well
                                as  the  full source code.  Freeware based
                                upon MPost  1.10,  which  is  (C)  1992 by
                                Codeland, Australia.
msged41d.zip  108939 08-05-2024 Msged for 16-bit DOS 4.10 - released to the
                                public domain on February 2, 1997.  Msged is
                                FidoNet Sysop Message Reader/Editor for *.MSG
                                (FTS-1), QuickBBS (Hudson) and Squish message
msged41m.zip   44388 08-05-2024 Msged 4.10 documentation and sample
                                files - released to the public domain on
                                2, 1997.  Msged is a FidoNet Sysop Message
                                Reader/Editor for *.MSG (FTS-1), QuickBBS
                                and Squish message bases.
msged41o.zip  112104 08-05-2024 Msged for 32-bit OS/2 4.10 - released to the
                                public domain on February 2, 1997.  Msged is
                                FidoNet Sysop Message Reader/Editor for *.MSG
                                (FTS-1), QuickBBS (Hudson) and Squish message
msged41s.zip  206347 08-05-2024 Msged 4.10 source code - released to the
                                domain on February 2, 1997.  Msged is a
                                Sysop Message Reader/Editor for *.MSG (FTS-1)
                                QuickBBS (Hudson) and Squish message bases.
msged41w.zip  154221 08-05-2024 Msged for Windows NT 4.10 - released to the
                                public domain on February 2, 1997.  Msged is
                                FidoNet Sysop Message Reader/Editor for *.MSG
                                (FTS-1), QuickBBS (Hudson) and Squish message
msged41x.zip  310794 08-05-2024 Msged for 32-bit DOS 4.10 - released to the
                                public domain on February 2, 1997.  Msged is
                                FidoNet Sysop Message Reader/Editor for *.MSG
                                (FTS-1), QuickBBS (Hudson) and Squish message
msgnum13.zip   11095 08-05-2024 MsgNum v1.3 - Hudson Message Base
                                utility to help determine necessity
                                of linking incoming mail.  Why link
                                a whole message base when only two
                                messages came in?!  MsgNum will save
                                your hard drive from unneccesary
                                reading and writing. ! FREEWARE !
                                By jLc Software.
msgr200.zip   131968 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                             MSGREAD 2.0              
                                     Online-Mailreader fuer RA 2.*    
                                 - Online komfortabel lesen/schreiben 
                                   in Hudson- und JAMBase-Brettern    
                                 - Vorwrts und rckwrts scrollen    
                                   durch lange Mails                  
                                 - SAA-hnliche Oberflche mit        
                                   Auswahllisten und Pulldown-Menues  
                                 - Menues & Hotkeys selbst definieren 
                                 - viele interessante Features        
                                 - einfache Installation              
msgr220.zip   175424 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                            MSGREAD 2.20              
                                     Online-Mailreader fuer RA 2.*    
                                 - Online komfortabel lesen/schreiben 
                                   in Hudson- und JAMBase-Brettern    
                                 - Vorwrts und rckwrts scrollen    
                                   durch lange Mails                  
                                 - Mails nach beliebigen Begriffen    
                                 - SAA-hnliche Oberflche mit        
                                   Auswahllisten und Pulldown-Menues  
                                 - Menues & Hotkeys selbst definieren 
                                 - viele interessante Features        
                                 - einfache Installation              
msgra3.zip     16697 08-05-2024 Msgra version 3.00
                                Some New features.  Reorganize
                                messages.ra file.  Works with
                                JAM/Hudson as well as JAM only
                                ****For RemoteAccess 2.0x****
                                    Registration $15.00    
msgra31.zip    19000 08-05-2024   >>>>> Msgra version 3.10 <<<<<
                                  Some New features.  Reorganize
                                  messages.ra file.  Works with
                                  JAM/Hudson as well as JAM only
                                  // Bug Fix.  Minor Update \\
                                  ***For  RemoteAccess 2.0x***
                                    RA 2.5x code coming soon
                                      Registration $15.00
msgrerdx.zip    6985 08-05-2024 MSGRERDX - Version 1.0 macht aus einer RA
                                2.02 MESSAGES.RA eine RA 2.50 MESSAGES.RA
                                und erstellt eine MESSAGES.RDX.
mstat111.zip   20568 08-05-2024 MSGSTATS v1.11 Lists Hudson message area info
                                QuickBBS, RA, and SuperBBS. Number of
                                messages, space occupied, etc. Finds areas
                                where tossers have created "garbage"
                                messages so you can clean them out. Also
                                shows how many users are reading the areas,
                                so you can tell which are popular.
                                Now supports Goldbase!!
net100.zip    185329 08-05-2024 NetMgr 1.00; Copy, move, delete,
                                change, file, bounce, etc. netmail,
                                based on the message header/body.
                                JAM, Squish, Hudson and *.MSG formats
                                supported. DOS version.
net100p.zip   160617 08-05-2024 NetMgr 1.00; Copy, move, delete,
                                change, file, bounce, etc. netmail,
                                based on the message header/body.
                                JAM, Squish, Hudson and *.MSG formats
                                supported. OS/2 version.
netg3p.zip    163454 08-05-2024 NetMgr 1.00.g3; Copy, move, delete,
                                change, file, bounce, etc. netmail,
                                based on the message header/body.
                                JAM, Squish, Hudson and *.MSG formats
                                supported. OS/2 version.
netmail1.zip   22434 08-05-2024 How to Do NetMail & InterNet on an RA board.
                                How to Do NetMail and InterNet for your Users
                                on a Remote Access 2.xx board.  This document
                                is free and includes sample menus, ANSI, RIP
                                AVATAR & ASCII files and a complete how-to
                                document written by Ryan Brown.  This file is
                                requestable in ZIP format by mail from
                                dl900@cleveland.freenet.edu on InterNet and
                                is FREQable from 1:206/2711@FidoNet and
                                11:1004/1@TechNet.  Enjoy!
nsg_trp.zip    12432 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 į TheReader-Patch    
                                      for  Ra 2.x        
                                 Patch solves Message-   
                                 area name problem when  
                                 TheReader changes areas 
                                 and returns to RA.      
                                 Fixes problem with RA   
                                 displaying a false Area 
                                 Name afterwards.        
                                    *  NSG Freeware  *   
ntimp100.zip   58175 08-05-2024 
ntmgr95.zip    43683 08-05-2024 
ntmgr95p.zip   42488 08-05-2024 
n_area10.zip   11808 08-05-2024 NET_AREA v1.0
                                Change the Netmail area for
                                your Echo-Mail areas all in
                                one go.
                                No more need to change 500+
                                areas one by one.
                                REMOTEACCESS 2.0x SYSTEMS ONLY!
om026.zip     795483 08-05-2024 OM V0.26/Rev.36 fr RealMode, Public-
                                Beta-Release. Maileditor fr lokalen
                                und Remote-Betrieb! Fido+Hudson+JAM,
                                alle wichtigen Editierfunktionen,
                                Einlesen von BBS- und Tosser-
                                Konfigurationen mglich, weitesgehend
                                konfigurierbar (Farben, Tasten, Texte,
                                Areas, User u.a.), integrierter Editor,
                                FileRequests-/Attaches, Adressbuch,
                                Text-Highlighting, Bildschirmschoner,
                                mehrere Sprachen mglich, nutzt
                                EMS/XMS/Datei-Speicher, Setup-Programm.
omlt026.zip   306421 08-05-2024 OMLite V0.26/Rev.36, Public- Beta-Release.
                                FullScreen Message Editor for local and
                                remote usage! Fido+Hudson+JAM, all
                                necessary editor functions, can read
                                configuration files from your BBS (RA) and
                                tosser program (Areas.BBS, FastEcho, FMail,
                                XMail). !!!Can be used for FREE!!!
                                Documentation is currently available
                                only in German language
                                (english version being prepared).
ompm026.zip   872917 08-05-2024 OM V0.26/Rev.36 fr ProtectMode, Public-
                                Beta-Release. Maileditor fr lokalen und
                                Remote-Betrieb! Fido+Hudson+JAM, alle
                                wichtigen Editierfunktionen, Einlesen
                                von BBS- und Tosser- Konfigurationen
                                mglich, weitesgehend konfigurierbar
                                (Farben, Tasten, Texte, Areas, User
                                u.a.), integrierter Editor,
                                FileRequests-/Attaches, Adressbuch,
                                Text-Highlighting, Bildschirmschoner,
                                mehrere Sprachen mglich, Setup-
padi100.zip    58803 08-05-2024 Psych0's AreafixDescriptionImporter v1.0
                                Easily import new area desciptions from
                                any BACKBONE.NA-style file to your NX
                                v0.99.d08, RA 2.0x/2.50, PB 2.15, RG
                                10-05/04-11(05-11), SBBS 1.17, T.A.G.
                                2.7 or TG 3.00 BBS message base as area
                                descriptions.  Now public domain with
                                full Pascal source included.  (98/02)
pbu_113.zip    86263 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 PBBSuucp Version 1.13 
                                Allows your user to enter or reply
                                to Internet E-Mails just like what
                                they does with FidoNet style Netmails
                                without have to specifically type a
                                TO: statement at the first line of
                                the message body! -= GREAT =-
pi_200p.zip    84891 08-05-2024 PostIt v2.00PR - PostIt takes text files
                                and posts them to your BBS Message Base.
                                supports *.MSG, Hudson, JAM, Squish, and
                                EZYCom message base formats. Now uses MSGID
                                routines capable of up to 8000 messages per
                                task per day. Now allows FREQs and File
                                another fine utility by :
                                 Mark Lewis, Quartz Crystal Software
pktmve10.zip   14179 08-05-2024       PktMove v0.10 
                                Moves *.PKT files destined for
                                a certain node to a specified
                                directory. Easy to use and an
                                excellent utility to have !!
                                 FREEWARE from South Africa
                                    Copyright (c) 1995
                                       FastLight Inc.
post30.zip     40712 08-05-2024 POST v3.0:
                                With this program you can post a 
                                file as a message to users with a
                                particular security level or group-
                                number in the HMB messagebase.
                                Also a internal editor can be used
                                to create a message.
                                FOR RemoteAccess 2.0x ONLY!!
posttxt.zip    34287 08-05-2024 
psypack1.zip   42414 08-05-2024 Psych0 Utils Pack 
                                 for RemoteAccess 2.0x
                                 Message Slide v0.50
                                 Messsage Crunch v0.50
                                 Psych0Tag v0.215
                                FREEWARE! Made at
                                Psychosis 214.530.2782
                                Fido@1:124/4025 by
                                Andrew Ziem
pt10528a.zip  397340 08-05-2024 Parma Tosser 1.05.28 alpha for DOS, OS/2, W32
pt10529a.zip  397948 08-05-2024 Parma Tosser 1.05.29 alpha for DOS, OS/2, W32
qratio21.zip   63232 08-05-2024 
ra2g099.zip    45263 08-05-2024  ____    ___   ____    ____  ___   ____   ___
                                |  _ \  / _ \ |___ \  / ___||_ _| / ___| / _
                                | |_) || |_| |  __) || |  _  | | | |  _ | | |
                                |  _ < |  _  | / __/ | |_| | | | | |_| || |_|
                                |_| \_\|_| |_||_____| \____||___| \____| \__
                                        RemoteAccess 2 GIGO v0.99.Gamma
                                  Generate a users file for GIGO from your RA
                                  userbase.  Include users  by security level
                                  and/or flag  settings.  Output to a file of
                                  your choosing. 100% Freeware.     July 1996
                                  (c)1996 D Heaton, Virtual Maddness Software
ra2gcmsg.zip   12355 08-05-2024 GLOBALM, Make global changes to
                                your Remote Access version 2
                                message bases.  Lots of options.
                                Can make changes to whole base
                                or selected ranges.  FreeWare!
ra2gigo2.zip   11917 08-05-2024 RA2GIGO  FREE RA utility from LlanoWare
                                Quite simply, RA2GIGO will read your
                                RemoteAccess v2.x user list, and create
                                a users .cfg file for GIGO.   This
                                allows automatic bouncing of any
                                incoming Internet email, that was
                                improperly addressed, or to a user that
                                does not exist on your BBS.  No need
                                to manually bounce all the unknown
                                messages, or to manually update your
                                users .cfg file!   This program can run
                                in your midnight events, or after each
                                new user logs off of the system.
ra2mcm11.zip    9544 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 RemoteAccess Lastcallers 
                                 McMail History Converter 
                                    MultiLine Aware !     
                                No configuration required!
                                (Reads RA, MCM & TASK env)
raadi090.zip   20992 08-05-2024           -=RAADi v0.90=-  
                                Easily import new area desciptions from
                                any FIDONET.NA-style file to RA 2.0x.
                                Now MUCH-MUCH faster and share supported!
                                Psychosis 719.532.0053, Fido 1:128/234
radcd105.zip  111134 08-05-2024 -::- RADCD Ver 1.05 - UPDATE -::-
                                RemoteAccess Dropped Carrier Detector
                                Reads RA.LOG and posts message to users
                                who drop caller. Can modify Sec for
                                excessive drops, user file maint included.
                                Supports Multi-Line systems.
                                Supports HUDSON and JAM message bases.
                                Multi-Language Support for messages.
                                Sysop Notification Reports
                                Creates optional ANS/ASC screens.
rafe100.zip    49442 08-05-2024 ĴR A F E v1.00Ŀ
                                   RemoteAccess from Fastecho    
                                 The utility RemoteAccess sysops 
                                     have been waiting for!      
                                 Convert your FastEcho areas to  
                                  RemoteAccess without changing  
                                   the area numbers or putting   
                                      gaps in the numbering      
                                   Your Bluewave/OLR users will  
                                        love you forever!        
                                    Requires FE 1.45 (rev 6)     
                                     (c) Gareth Watts 1995       
ramflg20.zip   12753 08-05-2024 RA Message Flags Report v2.0 - Generates a
                                report of all message boards with their flag
                                settings. RA 2.0 only.
ramrc001.zip   10055 08-05-2024 
ramsgrp1.zip   14076 08-05-2024 RA Message Area / Group Report v1.0
                                Creates a report of all message areas with
                                Groups, Alt. Groups, Security, etc. Also
                                generates a summary of Group Flag settings.
ramsv200.zip  232042 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                RemoteAccess Automated Message System v2.00
                                      CopyRight 1995-96 by INXS Software   
                                      (Eddy Matthews & Geoff Bassett)      
                                Another release of the automated message   
                                system for RemoteAccess BBS! Automated     
                                posting of all those boring messages a     
                                busy Sysop needs to send to users. It can  
                                generate dozens of Ansi and Ascii stats.   
                                      RA 2.0x AND RA 2.5 Compatable       
                                      Hudson/Jam Support                  
                                      Proccess External Programs          
                                      Generate Ansi/Ascii stats screens   
                                      Fully optimised to run TEN times    
                                      faster than previous releases       
                                    A MUST for EVERY RemoteAccess Sysop!   
ramud1_0.zip   36684 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 **          RAMUD.EXE V1.1        ** 
                                 Ever accidently deleted any of your  
                                 BBS messages ?  Well now  you  can   
                                 quickly undelete them  again using   
                                 RemoteAccess Message UnDelete        
                                 FREE SOFTWARE - NO REGISTRATION REQD 
                                   For RemoteAccess V2.xx BBS ONLY!   
                                     * UK BBS support available *     
                                          Author Colin Birch          
                                       Sysop  The Dog House BBS       
                                         (01443) 400327 24hrs         
                                      Latest files - 27 May 1995      
raorg100.zip   18343 08-05-2024         RAORIG Version 1.00         ͻ
                                 This utility rotates the origin line     
                                 appended to all messages originating     
                                 from your Remote Access BBS and can be   
                                 run as part of your BBS batch file or    
                                 your 'after call' maintenance routine.   
                                 Advertise an aspect of your BBS or       
                                 display a witty comment automatically.   
                                 Shareware by Donald Kerr, Sysop,         
                                 Firelink BBS, Glasgow, Scotland.         
rapurge.zip   122894 08-05-2024 RAPURGE - Y2K Compliant drop-in replacement
                                for RA 2.50's RAMSG -Purge option.  To tide
                                some of us over until RA 2.60.
ravip102.zip   71438 08-05-2024 RaVip V1.02 Scans RA log, detects VIP callers
                                via VIP.CTL, posts message to Sysop that they
                                called, also condensed activity report. Sysop
                                message to MsgBase or Netmail. Supports
                                Hudson/Jam/MSG. Can use alternate control
                                file, alone or "with" VIP.CTL! NOW SUPPORTS
                                ECHOMAIL/INTER-ZONE NETMAIL
rddet100.zip   13681 08-05-2024 ReadDetect v1.00. This utility shows the
                                areas that are not being read by you or your
                                users by checking the physical last read
                                pointers. Great for disconnecting areas that
                                are not read by your users anyway! Reads
                                either FastEcho.CFG or Areas.BBS to get area
                                information. Supports JAM and Hudson
                                messagebase styles.
                                Freeware software by Hans Siemons!
read082a.zip  120677 08-05-2024 PM!
                                 ۲    ߲   
                                  ۲ ۲   ߲   ۲
                                ܲ߱   ۱
                                ݱ ReadMsg vo.82  ۲  ReadMsg vo.82 
                                ݰ  Replaces the entire harcoded message    
                                ݰ  read & newmail scan part of RA 2.xx!    
                                   this is a unique door! download this!   
                                   after 3 years of developing, readmsg    
                                   is released! be aware: it is a BETA     
                                   version. so don't expect to much from   
                                            the configuration!             
                                   * REAL hudson & jam newmail scan!!      
                                   * scanning is allmost 3x as fast as RA! 
                                   * lightbar interface.                   
                                   * download msg's.                       
                                   * handy msglister.                      
                                   * build-in area/group changer.          
                                   * much much more! just download & see!  
                                         Released: 030598          
                                ߲    Coded by: Jungleboy^Dimension X    
read_435.zip  134033 08-05-2024 THE READER V4.35 - Online Mailreader/door
                                for RA (also 2.5x), PB 2.xx,  SBBS,  QBBS
                                and any other BBS creating DORINFOx.DEF.
                                Supporting HUDSON, JAM and SQUISH Msgbase
                                Style. Full Desqview, OS/2 and most other
                                multitasker aware.
                                Full  Netmail  and InterNet Gate support.
                                Features :  reading,  writing,  replying,
                                searching for Keywords,  Area-Change with
                                NewMail-Scan, Tagging messages, Language-
                                Files, Logbook,  Online - Help - Screens,
                                Full-Screen-Setup,   Offline  SysOp-Mail-
                                Reader Mode,  File attaches, Message text
                                upload, Message download and much more.
                                ****** RELEASE DATE: 04. Aug 1996 *******
read_450.zip  129778 08-05-2024 THE READER V4.50 - Online Mailreader/door
                                for RA (also 2.5x), PB 2.xx,  SBBS,  QBBS
                                and any other BBS creating DORINFOx.DEF.
                                Supporting HUDSON, JAM and SQUISH Msgbase
                                Style. Full Desqview, OS/2 and most other
                                multitasker aware.
                                Full  Netmail  and InterNet Gate support.
                                Features :  reading,  writing,  replying,
                                searching for Keywords,  Area-Change with
                                NewMail-Scan, Tagging messages, Language-
                                Files, Logbook,  Online - Help - Screens,
                                Full-Screen-Setup,   Offline  SysOp-Mail-
                                Reader Mode,  File attaches, Message text
                                upload, Message download and much more.
                                ******* RELEASE DATE: 21 May 1997 *******
                                ***** Now THE READER is FREEWARE !!! ****
rg05b081.rar  372347 08-05-2024 Regina-Tosser/2 v0.05 build 0081
rg361cfg.rar   42803 08-05-2024 
rgstat14.rar   23642 08-05-2024 RgStat ver.1.4 regina-tosser/2 statistic tool
                                (c) Kirya Perevalov, 2:5010/183
route131.zip  183219 08-05-2024 Hubroute generator (safrouter) v.1.31
rpost01.zip    34629 08-05-2024 Simple util that finds occurances of
                                message postings in the RemoteAccess
                                logfile and writes it to a seperate
                                log. [FW]
snooze15.zip   53361 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                   SNOOZE                    v0.15b   
                                   Background Mail Detection System   
                                  Find and process incoming and       
                                  outgoing mail without interrupting  
                                  your BBS.                           
                                  SNOOZE runs in the background under 
                                  Desqview, Windows or OS/2 and finds 
                                  incoming mail bundles, TICs, and    
                                  outbound echomail and netmail.      
                                  Autodetects, Desqview, Windows,     
                                  OS/2 and gives up unused time       
sqaf99a8.zip  571472 08-05-2024 Squish Area Fix (DOS,DPMI,Win32,OS/2)
                                Supports std AreaFix features and some 
                                advanced stuff like request forwarding, 
                                idle passthru management and more.
sqdev200.zip  714964 08-05-2024 
sqed115.zip  1188965 08-05-2024       Sqed/32  v1.15 15/12/99
                                Sqed/32 is a Y2K ready FidoNet compatible
                                reader/editor for OS/2 3.x/4.x PM.
                                Supports Fido *.MSG and Squish formats,
                                User configurable toolbar, Drag&Drop,
                                quote highlighting, external message
                                tools (like spellcheckers, PGP, etc.),
                                external file area tools, CHRS kludge
                                Version7 nodelist, pipe control,
                                REXX support, Reminder and many more.
                                Onlinehelp (german only) included
                                WARP 4 users: type: view sqed.hlp
                                all other: sqed -> F1 -> Optionen -> Inhalt
                                Fixlist: names in echotoss where NOT
                                         very big area hangs the system or
                                         Y2K Ready
sqpack_2d1.1       0 01-01-1980 Husky Project Sqpack 1.1.0b-stable
                                This archive contains Win32 executables of
                                Sqpack.  Sqpack packs and purges (not only
                                Squish style) message areas according to
                                the maximum message number or maximum
                                message age settings from Fidoconfig.
sqpack_2d1.1.0b_2dwin.zip   88215 08-05-2024 Husky Project Sqpack 1.1.0b-stable
                                This archive contains Win32 executables of
                                Sqpack.  Sqpack packs and purges (not only
                                Squish style) message areas according to
                                the maximum message number or maximum
                                message age settings from Fidoconfig.
sqshp111.zip  448510 08-05-2024 Squish 1.11 - OS/2 version.
                                Flexible EchoMail processor for
                                FidoNet systems.  Includes
                                16-bit and 32-bit executables.
                                Supports Squish and *.MSG
sqsh_111.zip  667627 08-05-2024 Squish 1.11 - DOS version.
                                Flexible EchoMail processor for
                                FidoNet systems.  Includes
                                16-bit and 32-bit executables.
                                Supports Squish and *.MSG
strct145.zip    7477 08-05-2024 
suarm21.zip   125647 08-05-2024 SHUT UP AND RUN THE MAIL, Ver. 2.1
                                Version 2.1 of the popular QWK
                                network tosser for RA 2.0 and
                                other Hudson/.MSG/Squish/JAM
                                This version adds support for
                                RA 2.50.
                                Shareware by Pab Sungenis
tag2m098.zip   13593 08-05-2024 TAG2RA 0.98g
                                 Replaces RA 2.02 message area descriptions
                                with descriptions from backbone.na.
toecho22.zip   13612 08-05-2024 TO_ECHO version 2.2. TO_ECHO will change
                                the LOCAL-flag into a ECHOMAIL-flag of a
                                specified number of HUDSON areas. (using
                                RemoteAccess' MESSAGES.RA) (or back to
                                LOCAL) This has the effect that RA does
                                name-checking in echomail areas. Added
                                options to stream data more personal.
                                A FreeWare product of Gert de Vente.
traf110.zip   152629 08-05-2024 
ucpck104.zip   16598 08-05-2024 UUCPCHK.EXE  Version 1.04 -  Checks  Netmail
                                (.MSG)  messages addressed  to UUCP  against
                                a BAD address  file, and FLAGS  the messages
                                as either HOLD  or SENT, for Sysop  checking
                                by hand or bouncing the messages back  using
                                an automatic utility like NETMGR.  Many  new
                                features added.   Formerly   distributed  as
ultimfaq.zip  153851 08-05-2024 UltimateFAQ v2.52 -=> FAQ-robot for FTN-like
                                nets <=-
usa_2dcost.z       0 01-01-1980 
                                Costtable file for McMail g5 mailer.
                                For use in USA and Canada.
usa_2dcost.zip    6081 08-05-2024 
                                Costtable file for McMail g5 mailer.
                                For use in USA and Canada.
uucp_2dra.zi       0 01-01-1980 
uucp_2dra.zip   45143 08-05-2024 
vb_rat12.zip   87409 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                   VaBa!Soft Utils for RA 2.0x   
                                 VB_RATIO is the Complete Remote 
                                 Access Ratio Checking System:   
                                  File ratio checking           
                                  Kilobyte ratio checking       
                                  Free download files/kilobytes 
                                  Group checking                
                                  Up and downgrading of levels  
                                  Messages when up/downgrading  
                                  Internal configuration editor 
                                  Complete logfile              
                                  Online ratio door             
                                  Multi language support (door) 
                                  User exclusion list           
                                  RUR compatible control codes  
                                  Cheap to register !           
viewpb12.zip   10533 08-05-2024 VIEWPB - Proboard 2.01 Nodeview
                                         Ideal fuer McMail 
                                         oder auch andere Mailer
                                         mit Node Anzeige.
                                         Aufruf: VIEWPB n(node)
                                         Mit Durchblaettern in PB
vpjam110.zip   73896 08-05-2024 JAMAPI/2 1.1, a library for Virtual Pascal/2
                                1.10  (C) 1997 Dusk To Dawn Computing, Inc.
                                JAMAPI/2 provides a complete API to JAM
                                formatted FTN Message Bases, including file
                                attaches, sub-fields, virtually unlimited
                                text size, the works! JAMAPI is a completely
                                object-oriented message base implementation
                                for Virtual Pascal/2 1.10. Shareware $25.
wg093.zip    1663463 08-05-2024 WaterGate 0.93 beta. (6 July 1997)
                                Integrated Fidonet tosser and gateway
                                towards Internet. Shareware ~30$US.
                                DOS, Overlay, DPMI and OS/2 versions!
                                Tosses for FidoNet, UUCP, SMTP, BAG and
                                POP3 formats. Distributes for FidoNet
                                and UUCP downlinks. Integrated gateway,
                                areafix, newsfix, sendfile robot,
                                multi-language support, multi-character
                                set support, MIME support, mailing list
                                server, automatic file encoding and
                                decoding (UU/XX/Base64), MailTunnel
                                (archives via e-mail) and a lot more!
                                The best, complete and most user
                                friendly package to connect your
                                FidoNet system to Internet e-mail and
                                Usenet news.
                                Supports the most widely used message
                                bases (JAM, Squish, *.MSG and WildCat)
                                and mailers.
                                Detailed manual in ASCII and HTML and
                                context sensitive on-line help.
                                Easy to set up and excellent support!!
                                No time locks, No bombs, Not crippled.
wg093p8.zip   251794 08-05-2024 
woh_120a.zip   29939 08-05-2024 
write22a.zip  105890 08-05-2024 PM!
                                 ۲    ߲   
                                  ۲ ۲   ߲   ۲
                                ܲ߱   ۱
                                ݱWriteMsg v2.2o  ۲  WriteMsg v2.2o
                                ݰ Replaces the hardcoded Type 27 (Write a  
                                ݰ new message) of RA 2.xx. You don't have  
                                  to use ansi's in your RA language file!  
                                      ҷַ ַַ  ַҷַҷַ       
                                       Ǻ ǽ  ǽǺ          
                                       ӽ-ӽ  ӽ н  ӽ       
                                     If WriteMsg didn't work before..      
                                               He now will!                
                                           ** MAJOR CHANGES! **            
                                      Read WHATS.NEW for more info!        
                                            ** BETA VERSION **             
                                    Official release will follow soon!     
                                         Released: 17o696          
                                ߲    Coded By: Jungleboy^DiMeNSioN X    
writejam.zip   48809 08-05-2024 The write-to-jam C function, Dec 1993
                                An example of a function to write to the
                                JAM(mbp) (the message base format by Joaquim
                                Homrighausen, Andrew Milner, Mats Birch, and
                                Mats Wallin).  This message base is in use
                                with many BBS's and this sample code is meant
                                primarily for door authors needing a hand in
                                writing JAM messages. Includes JAM library
                                for MSC & Borland C compilers. By Michael
                                Lecuyer Fidonet 1:2600/140, Internet
xm100.zip     349724 08-05-2024 xMail 1.00 Shareware Release
                                - The most powerful Mailprocessor,
                                incl. Hudson, Squish, JAM and
                                *.MSG. Multi-line support and
                                lots lots more features.
xsh_0_6.zip    93829 08-05-2024 XSH 0.6 Beta: Scanner/Tosser for
                                XBBS/Squish/Hudson/GoldBase/TG 2.7/
                                *.MSG/JAM/RG/PCB v15.x/Ezycom.
                                Imports/Exports in FTN *.PKT/*.3KT
                                and imports *.BAG(RFC-822 internet
                                newsgroups) and MESSAGES.DAT(QWK).
                                Plain english config. Shareware: $20
                                40 day eval.
y2kd_01.zip    14988 08-05-2024 
y2ktool6.zip  420314 08-05-2024 Fido Year 2000 Tools Rel. 6 by Tobias Ernst
                                PKTDATE  1.5  is a program that can analyse
                                PKT files for structural errors that result
                                from year 2000 related bugs in the creating
                                software and automatically  fix such broken
                                PKT files.  It is intended for use  at  hub
                                level in the Fidonet distribution structure
                                in  order  to  alleviate the effects of the
                                year 2000 problem  on  the smooth operation
                                of Fidonet.  Also included  are  a  general
                                information  text  on the year 2000 problem
                                in Fidonet,  and  tools  for analysing MSG,
                                JAM  and   Squish   message   base   files.
                                Includes  OS/2, Win32, DOS, Linux and Amiga
                                binaries and source.  Unzip with -d option!

                     Area 98 - RA Misc                    

abndr311.zip   59708 08-05-2024  *** ABNDoor v3.11 *** ͸
                                De ABNDoor is een RA 2.xx            
                                compatible DOOR om de ABN lijst      
                                te kunnen tonen aan de gebruikers.   
                                De ABN lijst bevat meer dan          
                                1000 aktive BBSen binnen Nederland.  
                                Ook geschikt voor systemen die       
                                de DORINFO?.DEF file ondersteunen.   
abuoff10.zip   28408 08-05-2024 --
                                      >> FREEWARE <<<    
                                  Try, and SEE for yourself     
lamer110.zip   21547 08-05-2024 ͵ L A M E R  S C A N N E R v1.1.0 ͸
                                 Detect those users who continually  
                                 abuse the bbs and let them know     
                                 that they have been denied access.  
                                    ******  NEW in 1.1.0  ******     
                                  Bad Phone Number Detection         
                                  Carrier Drop Warning RA/ELEbbs     
                                          Easy to install.           
                                FREE WARE RELEASE;
lcdty200.zip   35383 08-05-2024 
logger20.zip   44235 08-05-2024 
login11.zip    15646 08-05-2024 
lstat087.zip   29566 08-05-2024 LogStat RemoteAccess Log Analyzer! This RA
                                Utility scans your compact or expanded log
                                file and tallies up occurrences of differ-
                                ent entries! Excellent configuration makes
                                this program easy to set up and run.  It's
                                Shareware, only $3 to register.  Not crip-
                                pled in any way, shape, or form.
next250.zip    12526 08-05-2024 NEXT 2.50 * NeXt is a utility for RA
                                which allows you to toggle the status
                                of the "sysop next" flag even though
                                the user is 'outside' of the BBS *
                                For RA 2.00
onebbsam.gif  104531 08-05-2024 
packlog2.zip   26543 08-05-2024 
phrse201.zip   39101 08-05-2024 
pom005b.zip    20852 08-05-2024 POM005B.ZIP - Peace Of Mind ver. 0.05b
                                Saves RemoteAccess and FrontDoor config
                                files. Also stores RA and FD Log Files
                                Restores Config Files and Log files. 
                                Creates Backup Data Files. Fully configurable
                                From Zortz Software. Bold Truth BBS.
protocol.zip    5872 08-05-2024 PROTOCOL - Allows you to set
                                the default protocol for new
                                users from within RemoteAccess.
                                Runs as a door under RA 2.0x.
raal101g.zip   34831 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  Ŀ  Ŀ  Ŀ  Ŀ      
                                  Ŀ  Ŀ  Ŀ        
                                  Ŀ  Ŀ  Ŀ        
                                 RemoteAccess Area Lister        v1.01 
                                 Bored with the sad default RA message / 
                                 file areas / groups listings?  Yes?     
                                 Then have great looking lists by using  
                                 RAAL!  Easy to install (reads RA config 
                                 file).  Easy to uninstall.  No nasty    
                                 adverts in output.  Fully configurable! 
                                 Compatible with RA 2.xx (including 2.5) 
                                 100% FREEware.  Yet another cool Boiled 
                                 Sweets Software production.  Mar 1996.  
                                 (c) Boiled Sweets Software   2:254/269 
radist.arj     14757 08-05-2024 
rala002b.zip   32072 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  Ŀ  Ŀ  Ŀ      Ŀ  
                                  Ŀ  Ŀ        Ŀ  
                                  Ŀ  Ŀ        Ŀ  
                                 RemoteAccess Log Analyser       v0.02 
                                 RALA will read thru your RA log files   
                                 over the last x number of days and      
                                 produce the following output...         
                                 DU - No. & size of downloads / uploads  
                                 NC - No. & connection speeds of calls   
                                 (if you want some analysis done of the  
                                 RA log files drop me a line and I'll    
                                 add it.  Fully colour configurable!     
                                 100% FREEware.  Yet another cool Boiled 
                                 Sweets Software production.  Oct 1996.  
                                 (c) Boiled Sweets Software   2:254/269 
rana100.zip    24645 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  Ŀ  Ŀ Ŀ  Ŀ Ŀ  
                                  Ŀ  Ŀ   Ŀ  
                                  Ŀ  Ŀ  Ŀ  
                                 RemoteAccess Net Address        v1.00  
                                 RANA will read the USERSON.BBS file and 
                                 generate an ANSI file showing the users 
                                 internet address.  Generates handles &  
                                 names.  Fully colour configurable!      
                                 Compatible with RA 2.xx (including 2.5) 
                                 100% FREEware.  Yet another cool Boiled 
                                 Sweets Software production.    Apr 1997 
rascroll.zip   48665 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      *** FINALLY ***       
                                 A MUST FOR ALL RA SYSOPS!! 
                                  No more envy for PCBoard- 
                                 Use this package to include
                                 scrolling messages in your 
ra_2drelog.zip   11552 08-05-2024  RA-RELOGiN Vo.1 
                                 DAS ERSTE OFiZiELLE DiGTiTAL PROJECTS 
                                     TOOL FR REMOTE ACCESS V2.xx      
                                 ERMGLiCHT ES, UNTER RA EiNEN RELOGiN 
ra_dos.zip     40708 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                        RA-DOS 1.0 BETA        
                                 COMMAND.COM Emulator fuer RA  
                                   written by Oliver Jonas     
                                 Fido-Netz: 2:2450/740 ANALOG  
                                 Fido-Netz: 2:2450/741 ISDN    
                                RA-DOS emuliert die DOSEBENE. 
                                Mit RA-DOS ist es mglich dem 
                                User Infos ber das System zu 
                                geben auf die er normal keinen
                                Zugriff hat.       
                                Da alles nur emuliert wird    
                                besteht absolut keine Gefahr  
                                fr das System.        
                                  Required : - RA 2.xx         
                                             - DOS oder        
                                             - OS/2 oder       
                                             - WIN95           
ra_graph.zip   18188 08-05-2024 
ra_sw15.zip    33958 08-05-2024 (v1.5) RA_S&W
                                    VaBa!Soft Utils for RA 2.0x    
                                 The first Sratch and Win lottery  
                                 doorgame for RA 2.0x.  A freeware 
                                 gift to all USA VaBa!Soft users ! 
reg200v1.zip   80715 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                    The X-Files BBS presents    
                                       Dorreg 2000 V1.00        
                                  (C) 1998  by Perry Kappetein  
                                 Registratie door met vele      
                                 Alleen voor RA 2.5x            
                                 YES!!! I'M BACK WITH FREEWARE!!
                                And this whole programm = FREE  
                                  Yes, it's >>> FREEWARE <<<    
                                  Try, and SEE for yourself     
rvf500.zip     89074 08-05-2024   Rad Van Fortuin V5.00             
                                 Rad Van Fortuin V5.00             
                                 voor RA 2.xx                      
                                 Het bekende spel van TV           
                                 nu ook als DOORGAME               
                                 NIEUW -- Wel/Geen Letterbord + TYD
                                 NIEUW -- De Superronde en de      
                                 2000 - 4000 gld. opties           
                                 verdien tijd als je in de TOP 10  
                                 terecht komt.                     
                                 Nu met nieuw prijzen en SUPERRONDE
                                 (c) 1995 by Perry Kappetein       
                                       ---- FREE WARE ----         
                                 Verspreid door het Digital-Net
                                    op: 11-09-95 om 11:03am
set_2d2v1.zip   73440 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                    The X-Files BBS presents    
                                       Userset 2000 V1.00       
                                  (C) 1998  by Perry Kappetein  
                                 Online door voor de user om    
                                 zijn instellingen te wijzigen  
                                 Alleen voor RA 2.5x            
                                 YES!!! I'M BACK WITH FREEWARE!!
                                And this whole programm = FREE  
                                  Yes, it's >>> FREEWARE <<<    
                                  Try, and SEE for yourself     
showf20.zip    44328 08-05-2024 LiveSystems ShowFile 2.0: The final utility
                                show textfiles. Multilanguage, up/down
                                searching and online help. Freeware! For RA2
splitl21.zip   23800 08-05-2024 
sprtyp10.zip   48681 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                    The X-Files BBS presents    
                                      SuperTyp 2000  V1.00      
                                  (C) 1998  by Perry Kappetein  
                                 Test je Typkennis met deze     
                                 leuke doorgame...              
                                 Geschikt voor RA 2.xx          
                                 X-Files bbs is weer OFF-LINE!!!
                                 Niet meer bellen dus naar Perry
stup027.zip    71391 08-05-2024 @CLS@@X0F-----
                                @X0F@X3F @X30MD STUPID           @X3FMailer
                                @X0F- --    --  -  
                                @X0F Version Number @X05- @X071.27 Beta 
                                @X0F Program Type   @X05- @X07Door      
                                @X0F| Release Date   @X05- @X0703-01-1997
                                @X0F| Coded For      @X05- @X07as
                                @X0F Short Description           |
                                @X0F @X07Display some info about     @X0F|
                                @X0F @X07the connected speed and if  @X0F
                                @X0F @X07you are away/asleep.        @X0F
                                @X0F Changes @X05+ @X07Install Program  
                                @X0F         @X05+ @X07General Update   
                                @X0F Coders @X05- @X07Texico and Runtime
                                @X0F   - --      - -Ĵ
                                @X0F @X3F @X30Home of MD: Boomerang BBS 
                                @X0F @X3F     @X300703621033   
                                @X0F       -----@X07
tltik.zip      51982 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                    Telefoon tikker V4.00   
                                       voor RA 2.xx         
                                 (c)1996 by Perry Kappetein 
                                  ONLINE kostenteller voor  
                                    de nieuwe netnummers    
                                 een must voor iedere SysOp 
                                 incl. de nieuwe tariefen   
                                 ** FREEWARE ** FREEWARE ** 
totcal03.zip    7965 08-05-2024 
trimlog.zip     9307 08-05-2024 
tuhm103.zip    96848 08-05-2024 Bring Hypertext to your BBS.
                                Only requires DOOR.SYS for Reg'd version
                                (unreg'd version doesn't require any files)
                                Define links between documents or start
                                other doors from within documents.
tvdoor.zip     16463 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                    __   ____                            
                                      \ /                                
                                  Ŀ  ANSI-Door fr RA   
                                  .Ŀ.  (Fossil ntig)     
                                  .            .                     
                                  .   TVDoor   .  Fr TV - Das       
                                  .            .  wundertolle        
                                  ..  Fernsehprogramm    
                                                    (C) 1995 by        
                                      Mark Eggenstein    
usback31.zip  113290 08-05-2024 User Backup System v3.1,The Most Friendly
                                Backup,System for RemoteAccess 
                                +Rename Systemlog, Backup msgbase,backup
                                **Now added an option to compres the renamed
vaba_21sof.zip   82732 08-05-2024 
varipmt1.zip   42583 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 **        VARIPMT.EXE V1.00       ** 
                                 Would you like to be able to vary    
                                 the prompt shown to users when they  
                                 enter their password ?               
                                 Well now you can. VARIPMT.EXE will   
                                 pick the prompt to be displayed from 
                                 a Sysop definable list.              
                                     For Sysops who like to vary      
                                   For RemoteAccess V2.xx BBS ONLY!   
vip200.zip     10236 08-05-2024 
winuweer.zip   11359 08-05-2024 
                                    WIE BELT ER NU WEER.......?!      
                                 Geinige WELCOME.ANS voor RA          
                                 door: Aiko Timmer                    
                                 Deze ansi zal de gebruiker op een    
                                 leuke (?) manier welkom heten op     
                                 (Menu Type 5) te gebruiken           
                                 onlinetijden:          22.00-07.00   
yahtzv1.zip    52536 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                          YAHTZEE V1.00         
                                    (c) 1996 by  P.Kappetein    
                                 Perry is back met weer een     
                                 nieuwe FREEWARE doorgame       
                                 voor RA 2.xx                   
                                 Het bekende dobbelspel nu als  
                                 And this whole programm = FREE 
                                   Yes, it's >>> FREEWARE <<<   
                                   Try, and SEE for yourself    

               Area 99 - RA Multi-Node Utils              

autom131.zip   51605 08-05-2024 ͸
                                ڿ         AUTO-MATE! V1.31          ڿ
                                   Now SysOp's or anyone who needs a 
                                 method to  automate  their favorite 
                                 software  via  a simple batch  file 
                                 that creates a Semaphore now has it 
                                   Auto-Mate! will sit idle on  your 
                                 OS/2 desktop using little or no CPU 
                                 time and wait until a  semaphore is 
                                 detected  which  in  turn  executes 
                                 your program.                       
                                    It just keeps getting better!    
                                   Auto-Mate! The Name says it all!  
                                ͸  Shareware by Darrell Harder   ٳ
                                  G͸  (c) 1997 Game Quest Software  
bcaster2.zip   13811 08-05-2024 BCAST-2 will send online messages 
                                to other nodes of a Remote Access 
                                bulletin board. Great for showing
                                users who is logging on & off the 
                                system. Respects the 'No Disturb'
                                flag.  Now supports the semaphore 
                                drives and HANDLES!  !!FREEWARE!!
cecho11.zip    64029 08-05-2024 ////ComEcho 1.1\\\\ Released: 7 Aug 1995
                                Utility for multinode BBS's.
                                For Non-Multinode aware doors it locks out
                                the other node when in use and returns the
                                caller to the BBS with a colorful message
                                explaining why.  FREEWARE Brought to you
                                by NNL Productions
ewait100.zip    9107 08-05-2024 
fakeuser.zip    9470 08-05-2024 <> for RemoteAccess 2.x BBS
                                Updates your USERSON.BBS file to show 
                                events running on your systems  other
                                nodes/lines.  FREEWARE by Multiboard!
filesnd2.zip    4011 08-05-2024 SENDFILE.BTM v1.2 - a RA 2.+ / DSZ / 4DOS 5.
                                5+ batch routine to send one or more files
                                to online callers: across a LAN, from
                                another window or shelled, from the DOS
                                prompt. The displayed file attach mimicks
                                RA's message format, adopting the current
                                caller's ASC/ANS screen handling and
                                transfer protocol preference. Freeware by
                                Bill Whitehouse.
handy12.zip    58154 08-05-2024 
ics100f.zip    60334 08-05-2024 InterConnect 1.0f  This program allows your
                                users to connect directly to one another on
                                different nodes using the IPX protocol for
                                fast reliable connections.  Your users can
                                transfer files directly between themselves
                                and play interactive modem games such as 
                                DOOM.  Now released as FREEWARE!
im100.zip      62041 08-05-2024 ImHere 1.00 multi-line user announce utility.
                                Major BUG fix since last version and 
                                many more features. Lets users know who logs
                                and out of the system and more.
kk111.zip      30916 08-05-2024 KNoCk KNoCk v1.11 [kReWL t00Ls]
                                !!!BUGFIX: FIXES THE QEMM ERRORS!!!!!!!
                                Displays What Users  Are Doing For Upto
                                6 Nodes! Names  or Handles,  WiseWords,
                                Messages, Leave Out NodeS, Live update,
                                MultiTasker Friendly, Easy Customizable
                                uSeRDoeS.#  aND  SYSDoeS.# Compatible!! 
                                Supports *U Aliassing And SemaPhores...
                                FrontDoor & McMail Comp., Multilanguage
                                <<< CHEAP SHAREWARE >>> <<< FL 10,- >>>
lolo112.zip    15482 08-05-2024  LogOn/LogOff  v1.12 Ŀ
                                 A Multi - Line User Annoucement Utility 
                                 v1.12 adds support for RA's hidden flag 
                                 Ouput routines optimized once again for 
                                 maximum possible speed when executing.  
                                 For RemoteAccess 2.00, 2.01 & 2.02      
                                 FAST & SEEMLESS!       Shareware.....$8 
lwinu_11.zip   33656 08-05-2024 InUse v1.1 FREEWARE from LlanoWare.
                                InUse allows you to only allow one node
                                at a time into those doors that do not
                                support multi-node usage.  There are NO
                                "flag" files or data files to keep track
                                of nor any maint. to do.  InUse uses RA's
                                own files to keep track of who is using
                                what door on what node.
                                InUse will work on any version of RA from
                                v2.00 to v2.5x, but you MUST have RA
                                registered for InUse to work.
mcwait22.zip   19939 08-05-2024 MC_WAIT.EXE Batch File Time Delay Utility
                                - Also distributed as part of the
                                RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
                                by McSoft Corp. 
monra180.zip  405283 08-05-2024 Monitor/RA v1.80 - *THE* monitoring tool
                                for RemoteAccess 2.x or EleBBS on Windows
                                95 & NT. View detailed information, see
                                who called, new users, view logs, log off
                                users, send notes, see time statistics!
mttt10a.zip    12416 08-05-2024 MTTT V1.0a - Multi-tasker Tuneup Tool for
                                use in tuning the DesqView operation on
                                multi-line BBS systems and such. Allows
                                you to see the impact of running various
                                programs, watch results as you make
                                different adjustments use programs like
                                TAME to improve the speed overall of your
                                system. A FREEWARE tool/util by 
                                J.Mike Nichols -Registration $0
nm20ra.zip    191778 08-05-2024 NodeManager 2.0 - This program allows you to
                                control  your complete multi-line BBS from a
                                single machine. In addition, if you have the
                                IPX network protocol installed, you can view
                                and control any remote workstation as if you
                                were sitting infront of it.  Other functions
                                of NodeManager include node and system usage
                                reports and graphs,  sending users messages,
                                kicking users off,  running  events based on
                                time, semaphores and remote spooling.  Shows
                                when a mailer is using a node, you can setup
                                semaphores  to display  active  information.
                                Can now determine  if a remote node is hung,
                                and will  notify you.   A definite must  for 
                                any multi-line RemoteAccess sysop.
nmgr_100.zip   68958 08-05-2024 
nobyte01.zip   24178 08-05-2024 NoByte v.0.1 creates Zero Byte Files!
                                Perfect for making Semafores, flags,
                                you name it!  BBS Mailers and Tosser/
                                Scanner programs love to make Zero
                                Byte files that tell them what is
                                going on, and now you can make them
                                from the comfort of your living room!
                                NoByte is *FreeWare*!  Support BBSes!
nodea120.zip  116757 08-05-2024 =Node  Alert  Version 1.20=Ŀ
                                  Node Alert Is For Sysop's  
                                  Running Multi-Line         
                                  RemoteAccess Based BBS's.  
                                  This program simply tells  
                                  other users on the bbs if  
                                  somone just logged on or   
                                  off. Written By: Roblo!    
nodetrak.zip    9576 08-05-2024          NODETRAK 0.01 
                                Node Tracker for RA will allow the sysop     
                                a report of all node activity at a quick     
                                glance.Can be run from the Dos Prompt,       
                                shelled from RA,run in a Desqview window     
                                OS/2 box,or Windows.
                                Freeware from Martin Woods                   
nodmsg11.zip   56715 08-05-2024 NodeMsg 1.01 (RemoteAccess)
                                ****** MAJOR UPDATE ********
                                View Users Online, Send Online Message
                                to Nodes, from DOS or Multi-Task program.
                                Supports WIN-DV-OS/2 TimeSlicing.
                                Import and send pre-written messages, or
                                manualy enter. Many enhancements to this
                                version, with more adding daily!!
                                Command Line Send Message and more.
                                --== Cowboy Software ==--
nodtrk20.zip   19497 08-05-2024 ======== NODETRACKER 2.0 ============== 
                                NodeTracker for RA will allow the sysop     
                                a report of all node activity at a quick     
                                glance and Allow Sending a Messsage to
                                individual Nodes c/w RA Color Codes.
                                Can be run from the Dos Prompt,
                                shelled from RA,run in a Desqview window     
                                OS/2 box,or Windows.
                                Another Quality Freeware
                                from Martin Woods!
notif10.zip     7517 08-05-2024 Notifier V1. Create @X BBS files telling your
                                users if you are available for a chat or not.
                                Run it as a LOGONx.BBS or a bulletin! You
                                can choose your own display files!
notify11.zip   29887 08-05-2024 RA Notify v1.1 - A RemoteAccess v2.xx
                                Multi-Node utility. NOW WITH HANDLE
                                SUPPORT. Command line utility to notify
                                each node of a logon or logoff on
                                another node. Uses only one executable
                                with parameters. Will not try to notify
                                those nodes that are currently without
                                callers. Excellent way to promote
                                teleconferencing on a multi-line
                                system.  *Bug Fix Release Also*
                                *For Both Shareware And Pro Versions*
online10.zip   35605 08-05-2024 [0;35m     .[ [1;35mOnline! v1.00 [0;35m
                                [1;33m    OnlineMessages with Reply Option
                                [1;33m OnlineMessage Editor with WordWrapping
                                [1;33m       Up to Six Nodes on Screen
                                [1;33m The Same Who's Online as in PhotoChat
                                [1;33m       Very Fast Fossil Routines
                                [1;33m   To be used with RA 2.0x or RA 2.5x
                                [1;33m       Ofcourse made by Synopsis
                                [1;35m     The First OnlineMessage System
                                [1;35m           with Reply Option
                                [1;30m   Release Date:  04 - 21 - 1996     
online22.zip   21229 08-05-2024 ONLINE.EXE Manipulate the USERON.BBS
                                (List of callers Online) for RemoteAccess v2
                                - Also distributed as part of the
                                RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
                                by McSoft Corp. 
pp029b.zip     65560 08-05-2024 Psych0Phore v0.29 (06/24/96) - 
                                Runs maintenance type tasks such as
                                tossing InterBBS packets, echomail,
                                .TIC files and so on as well as
                                reacting to ANY type of semaphores
                                so your BBS can run interupted and
                                be free to callers.  freeware
radwn1b.zip    36358 08-05-2024 RADOWN -- Version 1b -- 02/22/95
                                 This is a handy utility for all
                                 BBS software that requires that
                                 all nodes be offline for some events
                                 such as message base packing.  RADOWN
                                 will let you pull each individual node
                                 down into supension for the sysop 
                                 configured amount of time.  The system
                                 will then be returned to normal.  Run
                                 in your maintanence batch file. 
                                   Another Great BBS Utility From:
                                     Single-Touch Software(c)
ramon120.zip  139513 08-05-2024 RemoteAccess BBS Monitor v1.20. 
                                Full text-windowing RemoteAccess monitor &
                                Send notes, show status, node information, log
                                off nodes.
                                * 1.20 - New RASTATUS tool, UK/US date formats
                                + fixes.
                                More excellent *FREEWARE* from Envy
raon30.zip     32412 08-05-2024 RAON v3.0 (Major Update)
                                Send a message to the user online.
                                 - Shows the users currently online
                                   with their baudrate and what he
                                   is doing.
                                 - Up to 255 nodes are supported.
                                 - Message will be written to the
                                   Semaphore Directory specified
                                   in RACONFIG.
                                 - Low registration fee.
                                ONLY FOR REMOTEACCESS 2.0x SYSTEMS!!
rasend20.zip   14809 08-05-2024 
raua300.zip    15774 08-05-2024  RAUA  "RA User Announcer" :
                                Announce to all nodes when a user logs on/off
                                your RA 2.0x system! Optionally respects
                                flag. Macros include name, handle, birthdate,
                                subdate, user comment, location, sex and more
                                [Version 3.00] %FREEWARE%
rawho100.zip  145541 08-05-2024 -=[RemoteAccess Ultra-Who's Online Listing
                                ]=- v1.00
                                By RemoteAccess Ultra-Software.
                                This program lists who is currently online
                                is very similiar to RA's Type 52 "'Who's
                                list" and Type 54 "Send a message to a user
                                another line", and is great for a multi-node
                                system.  Almost all colors, and the header,
                                SysOp definable.  If you are currently using
                                LiveSystems' "UserOn", then it is very easy
                                convert because this program also uses their
                                USERDOES.n, plus more!
ra_inc.zip      2369 08-05-2024 
semaf003.zip   15331 08-05-2024 SEMAFORE, Revision 3 - Handy
                                utility for handling semaphore
                                files in your batchfiles. Can
                                create, delete and touch
                                semaphore files. In addition
                                it can wait (optional maximum
                                time) until a semaphore exists
                                or is removed. It can also
                                check for semaphore files and
                                return an errorlevel if the
                                semaphore exists. Supports
                                various multitaskers. Now Has
                                build in support for FDOPT
                                for optimum compatiblity with
                                FrontDoor. Freeware by
                                Marco Miltenburg, 2:512/64.
semwatch.zip    6123 08-05-2024 SemWatch is a simple semaphore file monitor
                                tool that will update a semaphore file when
                                the date/time of another changes. Perfect
                                for mailers and other software that isn't
                                supported by your tosser.
showme10.zip    7929 08-05-2024 SHOWME V1.0 - command line fileview tool 
                                for use w/multi-line BBS systems or ?? 
                                Displays an ascii or ansi file 20 lines
                                at a time with a delay for you to read
                                it then exits.  Use as a menu item on
                                your DESQVIEW menu to read a todays
                                callers textfile, upload reports or
                                whatever - UNDER 3k in size - and DV
                                aware. Another FREEWARE tool/util by 
                                J.Mike Nichols - Registration $0
sys_mon2.zip   23768 08-05-2024 
timer12.zip    10541 08-05-2024 TIMER is a small program that will pause for a
                                given number of seconds.
                                Many many uses, great for multinode systems.
topd2g1.zip   279175 08-05-2024 *** The Online Pub for DOS v2.00g1 ***
                                The most configurable teleconferencing
                                program available!  Supports multiple
                                channels, actions, private chats,
                                moderators, and lots more.  Every
                                character of text, colour, and command
                                is configurable!  Complete online help
                                system for users.  Direct interfacing
                                with RA, Maximus, and SuperBBS.  Also
                                works with almost any other BBS program.
                                Installs in minutes!
topo2g1.zip   383130 08-05-2024 *** The Online Pub for OS/2 v2.00g1 ***
                                The most configurable teleconferencing
                                program available!  Supports multiple
                                channels, actions, private chats,
                                moderators, and lots more.  Every
                                character of text, colour, and command
                                is configurable!  Complete online help
                                system for users.  Direct interfacing
                                with RA, Maximus, and SuperBBS.  Also
                                works with almost any other BBS program,
                                including DOS-based BBSs running under
                                OS/2!  32-bit multithreaded
                                communications and video routines.
                                Installs in minutes!
uop10g.zip    107299 08-05-2024 LiveSystems UserOn/Pro 1.0Gamma:
                                If UserOn is to limited for you try thisone.
                                UserOn/Pro can handle up to 255 nodes, has a
                                much improved "Eat at Joes" line featuring
                                all kinds of effects, Menus, remote sysop
                                tools etc. etc.
                                Best of all: it's freeware again!
uora53.zip     87097 08-05-2024 LiveSystems UserOn 5.3: The ORIGINAL Who's
                                Online replacement which introduced the much
                                copied USERDOES.x system for showing info
                                about the other lines.  Also feature semafore
                                support, "Eat at Joe's" commercials, SYSDOES
                                system information, real-time screen updates
                                & multilanguage support! Supports randomized
                                *U information and RA 2.50 Ignore the fakes,
                                go for the real thing!  FREEWARE!
uo_2don_2d10       0 01-01-1980     _    _         _____    _    _           
                                / \__/ \  /\   / ___ \  / \__/ \          
                                /        \/  \ /  \_/  \/        \         
                                /   /  \   \   \   ___   \  /  \   \        
                                \  /\  /\  /   /  /   \  / /\  /\  /        
                                \/  \/  \/\__/ \/     \/\/  \/  \/         
                                 >> UK0W  0RiGi <<                
                                      Presents This Little:                
                                Wicked WHO's ON-LINE for RA              
                                  Works: Most BBS software, reg'd.         
                                 (o1737) 37o872  &  217934             
                                 TS BBS                    
uo_2don_2d10.zip    4936 08-05-2024     _    _         _____    _    _           
                                   / \__/ \  /\   / ___ \  / \__/ \          
                                  /        \/  \ /  \_/  \/        \         
                                 /   /  \   \   \   ___   \  /  \   \        
                                 \  /\  /\  /   /  /   \  / /\  /\  /        
                                  \/  \/  \/\__/ \/     \/\/  \/  \/         
                                      >> UK0W  0RiGi <<                
                                      Presents This Little:                
                                    Wicked WHO's ON-LINE for RA              
                                  Works: Most BBS software, reg'd.         
                                     (o1737) 37o872  &  217934             
                                            TS BBS                    
useron11.zip   25866 08-05-2024 So called "UserOn/RA" 1.10. *NOTE* this is
                                not to be confused with LiveSystems UserOn,
                                as this is not anything like it. It's just
                                a small simple util simular to Pete Rocca's
                                FAKEUSER that allows you to put fake users
                                on the "who's online" list in RemoteAccess.
                                Obviously Grant Bettie is a real idiot!
waitm110.zip   65653 08-05-2024 
                                ޳       Wait-Mate! v1.10a       ޳
                                Multitasker aware batch file utility that
                                will  wait until a file is either created
                                or deleted.  Will also wait for specified
                                time in Minutes, Hours, Time  and Days of
                                the  Week to allow for events  and  more.
                                Sets  the  environment  with  Days of the
                                Week and Day of  the Year.  Execute other
                                programs that do  not have error checking
                                to allow  greater control  over  your BBS
                                events using error levels in batch files.
                                http://www.sabretech.com           [DH98]
wcall22.zip    21236 08-05-2024 WHOCALLD.EXE View Todays Callers From
                                DOS Prompt for RemoteAccess v2.xx
                                - Also distributed as part of the
                                RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
                                by McSoft Corp. 
wct101g.zip    58053 08-05-2024  Ŀ
                                       Ŀ Ŀ                
                                                    ķ    Ŀ ķ   
                                  WCT: Who Called Today! Finally a full  
                                  RA Support program, that shows all     
                                  The activities of your BBS! Support    
                                  for up to 8 RA lines! + FrontDoor, up  
                                  to 3 FD lines. Great ANSI statistics,  
                                  Show Who is online now, and what he is 
                                  doing according to USERDOES.???!       
                                  Many more options! Send onlie msgs!    
                                  Shareware/ Only 15$ Registeration/     
                                  Written by Eyal Zach, Midnight Software
whatol23.zip   46804 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                         Ŀ Ŀ     Ŀ   
                                      Ĵ Ĵ            Ŀ   
                                     Ŀ Ŀ      Ŀ Ŀ     
                                         What is Online v2.30         
                                 WhatIsOnline is a RA 2.xx door that  
                                 Will list All Users online to System 
                                 WOL Special features:                
                                  - You can relist users online       
                                  - User Logon/Logoff Announcer       
                                  - Online messages support           
                                  - Userdoes.Xxx Support              
whoon139.zip   83964 08-05-2024 Who is Online v1.39 for Remote Access v2.0x
                                replaces the RA built in menu-types 52 and
                                54. Users can see who is curently online
                                and send/receive online-messages. Nice and
                                very fast windowed display. Users can fill
                                out ID-cards and view other users IDs. Runs
                                under networks and multi-taskers. Even
                                displays mailer-connects!
whoson22.zip   40483 08-05-2024 WHOSON.EXE View Callers Currently Online
                                From DOS Prompt for RA v1.xx/2.xx QBBS 2.76/2
                                - Also distributed as part of the
                                RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
                                by McSoft Corp. 
winflags.zip    9851 08-05-2024 
wio106.zip    103189 08-05-2024 Who Is Online Door for RemoteAccess 2.00.
                                Version 1.06 allow users to see who is on
                                the other lines of the BBS and to send
                                and recieve online messages.
                                It's screen update feature allow the user
                                to see changes in other users status as
                                they occure. Added handles support.
wison120.zip   15332 08-05-2024 
wi_21uo101.z       0 01-01-1980  [WIZARD] 
                                ۲    ۲
                                [Wizard presents]Ŀ
                                ij     USERON V1.01     
                                     THIS IS A CEWL     
                                  USERONLINE DOOR FOR   
                                        RA 2.0x         
                                  WITH CEWL BLACK-ANSI  
                                      DESIGN ! !        
                                ij Codes by Alex Bruch  ڳĿ
                                    & Daniel Diehl   ڳ 
wi_21uo101.zip   38221 08-05-2024  [WIZARD] 
                                ۲    ۲
                                 [Wizard presents]Ŀ
                                ij     USERON V1.01     
                                       THIS IS A CEWL     
                                    USERONLINE DOOR FOR   
                                          RA 2.0x         
                                    WITH CEWL BLACK-ANSI  
                                        DESIGN ! !        
                                ij Codes by Alex Bruch  ڳĿ
                                    & Daniel Diehl   ڳ 
yfrz22.zip     47991 08-05-2024 Yukon Ho! YFREEZE V2.2 (FreeWare)
                                "The ultimate multi-line system tool for
                                FrontDoor Commercial and RemoteAccess"
                                Provides monitored global freezing and
                                thawing of BBS tasks. Prevents system
                                hang-ups if tasks fail to respond to
                                manual freeze and thaw semaphores.

           Area 100 - RA Offline Mail Door Utils          

bw305pro.zip  306732 08-05-2024 The Blue Wave Offline Mail Door/ProBoard
                                v3.05.  This version of the mail door is
                                compatible with ProBoard v2.01 only.  The
                                best offline mail door in the world is now
                                available for ProBoard.  Features include
                                internal protocols, new msg packing options,
                                more limits and controls for the sysop, and
                                an internal NEWFILE list generator.
                                Supports all four of ProBoard's message base
                                types (Squish, Fido *.MSG, JAM, and Hudson).
                                Installs easily in minutes!
bw305tag.zip  297759 08-05-2024 The Blue Wave Offline Mail Door/T.A.G.
                                v3.05.  This version of the mail door is
                                compatible with T.A.G. v2.7 only.  The
                                best offline mail door in the world is now
                                available for T.A.G.!  Features include
                                internal protocols, new msg packing options,
                                more limits and controls for the sysop, and
                                an internal NEWFILE list generator.
                                Supports all three of T.A.G.'s message base
                                types (Fido *.MSG, JAM, and Hudson).
                                Installs easily in minutes!
bw311pro.zip  350166 08-05-2024 The Blue Wave Offline Mail Door/ProBoard
                                Version 3.11 of the world's most popular and
                                easy to use offline mail door!  Features
                                include internal protocols, flexible message
                                packing options, SysOp-controlled limits and
                                restrictions, NEWFILES list generator, Fido
                                to Internet E-mail gateway capabilities, full
                                integration with BBS security features, more.
                                Installs easily in minutes!  (ProBoard v2.10
                                or later required.)
bw320ra.zip   332282 08-05-2024 The Blue Wave Offline Mail Door/RemoteAccess
                                Version 3.20 of the world's most popular and
                                easy to use offline mail door!  Features
                                include internal protocols, flexible message
                                packing options, SysOp-controlled limits and
                                restrictions, NEWFILES list generator, Fido
                                to Internet E-mail gateway capabilities, full
                                integration with BBS security features, more.
                                Installs easily in minutes!  (RemoteAccess
                                v2.00-2.50 required.)
fidoq105.zip   75102 08-05-2024 
fidoq125.zip  288800 08-05-2024 
jc250_g1.zip  181821 08-05-2024 JC-QWK 2.50gamma update-only from 2.02A
                                This updates JC-QWK to work with RA 2.50
                                using cross-indexed MESSAGES.RDX.
                                You also need the complete JCQ-202A.ZIP.
jcqwk251.zip  263930 08-05-2024 JCQWK version 2.51 Freeware
                                QWK Mail Door for RemoteAccess, EleBBS,
                                and ProBoard. Supports JAM and Hudson
                                message formats, RIP Graphics, Internet
                                gateways, short area names, dupe checking,
                                tearline checking, file requests. Has
                                Multiple languages, hotkeys, and all RA
                                alike Alt-functions work, even the Alt-E
                                user editor! Now Freeware.
jcq_2d202a.z       0 01-01-1980 JCQWK version 2.02a QWK Mail Door for
                                RemoteAccess 2.02. Supports JAM and
                                Hudson message formats, RIP Graphics,
                                Internet gateways, short area names,
                                dupe checking, tearline checking, file
                                requests. Multiple languages, hotkeys,
                                and all RA alike Alt-functions work,
                                even the Alt-E user editor! Very easy
                                to install and configure, real stable.
                                ----->   EXCELLENT SUPPORT!!   <------
                                Now Much Faster, user freindly, and
                                More RIP Graphics! Shareware from the
                                Netherlands. $20
jcq_2d202a.zip  276866 08-05-2024 JCQWK version 2.02a QWK Mail Door for
                                RemoteAccess 2.02. Supports JAM and
                                Hudson message formats, RIP Graphics,
                                Internet gateways, short area names,
                                dupe checking, tearline checking, file
                                requests. Multiple languages, hotkeys,
                                and all RA alike Alt-functions work,
                                even the Alt-E user editor! Very easy
                                to install and configure, real stable.
                                ----->   EXCELLENT SUPPORT!!   <------
                                Now Much Faster, user freindly, and
                                More RIP Graphics! Shareware from the
                                Netherlands. $20
lclqwk30.zip   42250 08-05-2024 
lhlblu25.zip  192975 08-05-2024 LHLBlue, a full Bluewave offline mail door and
                                monitor for Searchlight, multilingual, easy
                                intuitive, supports NONE, ANSI and RIP modes,
                                file attach,
                                offline configuration, file requests, and more
mknet115.zip  235814 08-05-2024 MKNet v1.15 QWK network tosser for MK, RA,
                                Quick, Super, and other systems using
                                Hudson, Jam, Squish, Ezy, or *.Msg Message
                                bases. Fast and easy to setup. Now with
                                alternate taglines. (FW)
mou31.zip     191182 08-05-2024 McGrath's Offline Utilities V3.1
                                February 1995 by Steve McGrath
                                Copyright 1993-1995, All Rights Reserved
                                MOU is a set of utilities that
                                will aid you in processing your
                                offline messages. With MOU, you
                                can add, convert, index and search
                                QWK mail packets. You can also
                                add you reply(REP) files.
                                REGISTRATION: $10(US)/$12(CDN)
msged400.zip  797246 08-05-2024 MSGED v4.0 Public Domain Message Reader.
                                Supports .MSG, HUDSON, QBBS and Squish.
                                Works with DOS, Win/WIN95, OS/2, Amiga and
olf_2ddutc.z       0 01-01-1980 "DUTCH.OLF" Language file, ansi/ascii screens
                                help files, etc. - fully OLMS 2.5x compatible
                                Written by: Paul Voogd, 2:280/913
olf_2ddutc.zip   33608 08-05-2024 "DUTCH.OLF" Language file, ansi/ascii screens
                                help files, etc. - fully OLMS 2.5x compatible
                                Written by: Paul Voogd, 2:280/913
olf_2dfran.z       0 01-01-1980 "FRANCAIS.OLF" A language file for OLMS 2.x
                                Written by: Jean-Luc Pedneault, 1:2404/103
olf_2dfran.zip    3668 08-05-2024 "FRANCAIS.OLF" A language file for OLMS 2.x
                                Written by: Jean-Luc Pedneault, 1:2404/103
olf_2dned.zi       0 01-01-1980 
olf_2dned.zip   21264 08-05-2024 "FRANCAIS.OLF" A language file for OLMS 2.x
                                Written by: Jean-Luc Pedneault, 1:2404/103
olf_2dspan.z       0 01-01-1980 "SPANISH.OLF" A language file for OLMS 2.x
                                Written by: Abelardo Garces, 1:167/136 
olf_2dspan.zip    3608 08-05-2024 "SPANISH.OLF" A language file for OLMS 2.x
                                Written by: Abelardo Garces, 1:167/136 
olinf100.zip   32176 08-05-2024   **** OLINFO ver 1.00 ****
                                That program allows your BBS to
                                insert personal information as
                                name, expiration, etc in the
                                off-line packet as a NEWS file.
                                 = Only for RemoteAccess BBS =
                                 = or compatables (Ele/tcRA) =
                                *** Very easy installation ***
                                       <<< FREEWARE >>>
olms2000.zip  300155 08-05-2024 ķ
                                        Offline Mail System 
                                              Version 2000     
                                 An amazing QWK/QWKE/BlueWave mail door 
                                 for RemoteAccess 2.x  Includes keyword 
                                 and filtering scans. Supports QWK nets 
                                 BW 2.2x reader setup,  duplicate check 
                                 taglines, sysop forced/blocked, retear 
                                 file requesting,  selective bulletins, 
                                 Automated mail runs. RIP. Configurable 
                                 screens and multilanguage support! Has 
                                 everything needed for high-end  BBS's. 
                                 Now "Year 2000 compliant" and combines 
                                 the professional/shareware versions.   
olms253.zip   265058 08-05-2024 ķ
                                        Offline Mail System 
                                              Version 2.53     
                                 An amazing QWK/QWKE/BlueWave mail door 
                                 for RemoteAccess 2.x  Includes keyword 
                                 and filtering scans. Supports QWK nets 
                                 BW 2.2x reader setup,  duplicate check 
                                 taglines, sysop forced/blocked, retear 
                                 file requesting,  selective bulletins, 
                                 Automated mail runs. RIP. Configurable 
                                 screens and multilanguage support! Has 
                                 everything needed for high-end  BBS's. 
                                 This program installs in just minutes! 
olms253p.zip  311646 08-05-2024 ķ
                                        Offline Mail System 
                                            Version 2.53/Pro   
                                 An amazing QWK/QWKE/BlueWave mail door 
                                 for RemoteAccess 2.x  Includes keyword 
                                 and filtering scans. Supports QWK nets 
                                 BW 2.2x reader setup,  duplicate check 
                                 taglines, sysop forced/blocked, retear 
                                 file requesting,  selective bulletins, 
                                 Automated mail runs. RIP. Configurable 
                                 screens and multilanguage support! Has 
                                 everything needed for high-end  BBS's. 
                                 The professional evaluation version is 
                                 one step-up from the Shareware version 
olms25st.zip    3664 08-05-2024 ķ
                                        Offline Mail System 
                                              Version 2.5x     
                                  3rd party USERS.DAT file structures.  
olmsam25.zip   54293 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  Answering  Machine  
                                 V e r s i o n   2.50 
                                Have OLMS make Vacation Mail
                                for your users and yourself!
                                Version for OLMS 2.5 Sharware
olmscmov.zip    6283 08-05-2024 OLMS CONFERENCE MOVER: Moves the user
                                flags for conferences in OLMS, allowing
                                you to quickly update your users'
                                configurations when you switch confs
                                around on your BBS.  By Pab Sungenis
pcb_2dplay.z       0 01-01-1980 Here it is PCBoard SYSOPS! The
                                1stReader 2.00 multimedia language
                                for PCBoard.  Gives your users an
                                "audio interface" when they call
                                your system using 1stReader 2.00.
                                Other BBS software sysops can find
                                out how they too can create an
                                audio interface.  It's EASY!
                                From Sparkware.
pcb_2dplay.zip   20813 08-05-2024 Here it is PCBoard SYSOPS! The
                                1stReader 2.00 multimedia language
                                for PCBoard.  Gives your users an
                                "audio interface" when they call
                                your system using 1stReader 2.00.
                                Other BBS software sysops can find
                                out how they too can create an
                                audio interface.  It's EASY!
                                From Sparkware.
qwkespec.zip    6266 08-05-2024 <<< Extended QWK (QWKE) Specifications >>>
                                Royalty-free!!!   See how two simple files 
                                can make "QWK" a format to last the times.  
                                Fully backward compatible with _all_ "QWK"
                                mail doors/readers.   Support for netmail,
                                file   attaches,   file requests,   remote 
                                maintenance,  area information and more!!!
                                **** AUTHORS - IT'S EASY TO IMPLEMENT ****
                                Add it in now,  and make your product last
                                in the rapidly changing times of Email.
qwkspc12.zip    9533 08-05-2024 
ra2sx07.zip   126338 08-05-2024 *****RA2SX VER 0.07*****
                                Alters the security level of the
                                users base for Silver Xpress Ver5
                                to that of RA 2.**. That is will
                                make the users security level in Silver
                                Xpress the same as in RA. Also alters
                                flags in RA depending on AUTO START
                                and VACATION SAVER settings in SX.
                                All settings are configurable. Cardware.
                                Plus more.......
ram315.zip    299407 08-05-2024 RAmail 3.15 QWK Mail Door for RA 1.11.
                                Can be used with RA 2.0x (Hudson mode
                                only, not JAM) by using an exitinfo.bbs
                                converter util.
sx54h1.zip    625945 08-05-2024 Silver Xpress QWK and OPX Mail Door V5.4
                                from Santronics Software for RemoteAccess,
                                RoboFX, Proboard, Tag, Qbbs and SuperBBS.
                                The most powerful off-line mail door in the
                                market.  RIP Support, Internet and Fido
                                Support, Smart Keyword Searching, Flexible
                                Mail Packing Options, File Requesting, Fax
                                Services, Forms Services, Much More.  Sysops
                                registering Door, get the powerful Silver
                                Xpress Reader for $3.00.
tnet21.zip     92231 08-05-2024 
userconf.zip   13064 08-05-2024 USERCONF 1.0 - Addon utility for OLMS 2.5x
                                that will allow you to create a report of
                                what message conferences your users have
                                selected in the maildoor.  FREEWARE'96
valen170.zip  150198 08-05-2024 Valence 1.7 - Offline Mail System for SL:
                                A QWK mail door and network utility that
                                offers much more than Searchlight's internal
                                QWK. New in this version: More QWKE support;
                                more conferences; miscellaneous bug fixes.
                                For all versions of Searchlight BBS from
                                2.15C on. Freeware by William McBrine.
xapi54.zip     42659 08-05-2024 XAPI54.ZIP is the Silver Xpress Mail Door
                                File Structures.  Useful for developing
                                3rd party applications for Silver Xpress.
xfrench.zip    87193 08-05-2024 French Language Files for the Silver Xpress
                                Off-line Mail Door V5.03 only.
xrdor211.zip  250940 08-05-2024 XRSDoor (for "eXpress Response System") 2.11
                                Online 'mailbagger' for users of HudsonStyle
                                (QuickBBS, RemoteAccess, etc) message areas.
                                Now includes support for advanced RA systems
                                and fixes for "LockOut" and "Force" areas,
                                and SysOp-selectable tag lines per area, as
                                well as an "AutoBagger" to pack mail during
                                the quiet period for your best users daily!
xuc43.zip      57367 08-05-2024 

            Area 101 - RA Todays Callers/Stats            

abuse26.zip    30670 08-05-2024 ij Abuser List Version 2.6  -  Oct 1995 
                                  THE Ultimate Lastcaller List Generator 
                                  Todays And Yesterdays Ansis Created!    
                                  ASCii Also generated in this release!   
                                      Great Looking Ansis Generated      
                                            Fully Configurable           
                                   Now supports ASCii and MORE config!   
                                  The output has to be SEEN to Believe!  
                                    VERY Fast, VERY Good, and COOL!!!    
                                Ĵ Another nasty DIZ fixed by Thrasher 
abuse2b.zip    26435 08-05-2024 Ĵ Abuser List Version 2.00 - May 1995
                                      Great Looking Ansis Generated      
                                            Fully Configurable           
                                      Freeware from Matthew Hatton!      
                                  The output has to be SEEN to Believe!  
                                       VERY Fast And VERY Good :-)       
                                Ĵ The Worcester Sauce BBS - 01204-696108
ages300.zip    16569 08-05-2024 
                                AgeGraph Version 3.00 is a ShareWare program
                                that makes statistics about the ages of the 
                                users in the bbs.                           
                                Supports ONLY RemoteAccess 2.00g.           
autoragb.zip   10890 08-05-2024  MINIDOU BBS Presents 
                                    << AUTORA >>
                                 FREEWARE !! FREWARE !!
                                A LastCaller Menu Creator
                                No parametering.  All you
                                need  is to run  it after
                                each User.
                                Please    Call   2:321/11
                                (+33) 47679189 & 47679966
                                    BBS & Fax Line
                                For a  LOCAL CALL  Filter 
                                run    AUTORAGB.EXE  /L
                                French Version  Available
                                RA & POP Last Mailers also
                                available. Please CAll !!!
                                FiGHT THe $HaReWaRe UTiLS!
bbsrp141.zip  107372 08-05-2024 BBS Reporter is a log file processor that
                                reads your RA 2.xx log files and produces
                                informative tables and graphs showing many
                                important aspects of your system.  Reports
                                phone-line utilization (each node and whole
                                system), callers per day (each node and
                                whole system), usage of your door games,
                                and download statistics.
                                A useful utility for ANY RA SysOp, but a
                                MUST-HAVE for multi-line systems!
bday_403.zip   10842 08-05-2024 Birthday-RA is a monthly or weekly user
                                birthday list
                                generator that  is configurable by the sysop. 
                                You pick
                                the colors and whether or  not to use Handles
                                or to add
                                the year of birth to the listings.
bdrag10.zip    52338 08-05-2024 BERNICE THE DRAGON is cross-eyed and has a
                                bad habit of sticking her tongue out at
                                people - but she'll certainly add a unique
                                touch to your RemoteAccess BBS. This program
                                displays the last remote caller to your
                                system. It operates fully as a door and
                                features a chat-mode, support for every
                                mainstream color-code system, a script
                                system, and much more. Source code included
                                for use with the Concerto door development
bd_ra201.zip   30704 08-05-2024 BIRTH_RA.EXE Version 2.01: Birthday List
                                Generator for RemoteAccess ver 2.0X
                                 * Creates a Monthly, Daily, and Complete
                                   Birthday Listings in ANSI/ASCII formats!
                                   - Monthly Listing in CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER.
                                   - Daily and Complete Listings ALPHABETICAL
                                 * Listings can be based on RA User Group!
                                 * Sysop Defined Colors in the ANSI Birthday
                                 * List Users by their REAL NAMES or HANDLES!
                                 NEW!! * Posts Happy Birthday Message to
                                 Users on their Birthday! (Hudson Only)
                                   * The Birthday Message is SYSOP DEFINED!!
                                   * Fixed BirthDate Format Bug. by FOZZY INC
best21or.zip   85427 08-05-2024 ͵ Pallas Soft Ŀ
                                   Statistics generator for RA 2.0+   
                                 Coming from The Ultimate Fantasy BBS 
                                48  ANSI/ASCII   stats  including   best
                                files, favourite  areas, user  stats and
                                time usage  stats with  T-Mail, D'Bridge
                                and  custom  log  style  support.   User
                                titles  assigned  according  to security
                                level.   Configurable  exclude  of   any
                                user/file   or   file-area/group    from
                                stats,  configurable  colors  and header
                                layout.        Added     ANSI      color
                                optimalization.     Fixed   bugs    from
                                previous version.
bestcall.zip    9897 08-05-2024 BestCall.Exe.  Simple, inelegent best caller,
                                writer, uploader,
                                downloader .ANS/.ASC file created for RA 2.0
                                and greater only.
                                FREE. From Squid's Software Development.
birth103.zip   14343 08-05-2024 
bm212.zip      41900 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      Birthday Maker v2.12      
                                 Birthday Maker is RA 2.xx Util 
                                 That will create a screen with 
                                 Today + X Days birthdays,      
                                 Birthday Maker can send a msg  
                                 To each user having birthday   
                                 in the date of running         
                                        New major release       
                                        - YairSoftwares -       
bya_2dc200.z       0 01-01-1980 ---------------------------
                                ---͸ ] bOSCo pRESENTs [---͸
                                ][      ---  --      ][
                                ][     LST CLLRS V2.oo!     ][
                                  :     * SMALL BUGS FIXED =) *     :  
                                Ը   .nice effects/alternate text.    վ
                                Ծ :     .style & great artwork.     : Ծ
                                ո =for RA 2.5x. .free as always!= ո
                                Գ  -=(o2/15/98 by bOSCo / yCe)=-  Գ
                                Ծ----] BYA98 [---;Ծ
bya_2dc200.zip   40062 08-05-2024 ---------------------------
                                ---͸ ] bOSCo pRESENTs [---͸
                                ][      ---  --      ][
                                ][     LST CLLRS V2.oo!     ][
                                  :     * SMALL BUGS FIXED =) *     :  
                                Ը   .nice effects/alternate text.    վ
                                Ծ :     .style & great artwork.     : Ծ
                                ո =for RA 2.5x. .free as always!= ո
                                Գ  -=(o2/15/98 by bOSCo / yCe)=-  Գ
                                Ծ----] BYA98 [---;Ծ
clvw003b.zip   12697 08-05-2024  CALL VIEW 0.03 ۲ A great SYSOP
                                UTILITY for RemoteAccess v2.xx.  It lists the
                                users who have called your RemoteAccess Board
                                along with the node #, location, time of the
                                logon/logoff, baud rate, and the times they
                                have called. FREEWARE by Michael Burke with
                                help from Mike Nichols.  New Color Scheme!
                                Pauses the screen after every x callers.
cotlast.zip    23630 08-05-2024         ߲
                                     ۲    ۲  
                                .--- ܲ ۲ ۲ ---.
                                |                             |
                                | NME....: COT LSTCLLERS.. |
                                : CRET0R.: DELT RY........ |
                                | TYPE....: RA DOOR.......... |
                                | DTE....: 07-01-1996        :
                                |                             :
cstat22.zip   104036 08-05-2024 CallStat v2.2 LastCaller Statistics.
                                Creates 6 different statistic screens
                                about LastCallers, Waiting Mailpackets,
                                Mailer History & Stats, Waiting Netmail.
                                For RemoteAccess v1.1x/v2.xx, FrontDoor
                                and InterMail mailers. Multinode support
cvw012.zip     50728 08-05-2024 CALL VIEW v0.12 (RA2.xx) - A Caller Lister 
                                for RemoteAccess 2.xx. Supports up to 256 
                                nodes. Lists node, user, location, baud, time
                                of logon/logoff, total number of calls. No 
                                command line parameters! Comes with FD View 
                                for FrontDoor calls also! Supports 
                                RemoteAccess 2.50. Released on 07/25/1996. 
                                From J. Michael Burke of JB Computer 
                                Technologies. Registration for FD View AND 
                                Call View is $2.00!!
cybcal10.zip   40304 08-05-2024 CYBCALL: The best TODAY CALLER door ever!
                                Has following options: Local baud rate
                                masking; Sysop in/out of listing; Use
                                handles; FULL color configurability. 100%
                                FREEWARE!  FOR RA v2.xx
cybst10.zip    27039 08-05-2024 ܰ߰߰߰ܰ
                                ܲ ޲  ޲   ޲޲ ܲ
                                     [CyBiC PRODUCTiONS]
                                   Top 10 User Statistics
                                    For REMOTE ACCESS 2.xx.
                                    Generates   best looking
                                   screens  ever for  TOP-10
                                  Statistics program........
dab_2dlc10.z       0 01-01-1980 DaB RA-Last Caller v1.0                 . 
                                       DaB RA-Last Caller v1.0       
                                      (For Remote Access v2.XX)           
                                   - Displays Handles or Real Names       
                                   - Masks Local Logons as 14400          
                                   - Honors RA Hidden Users feature       
                                   - Supports ANSI & ASCII Graphics       
                                   - Easy to install!                     
dab_2dlc10.zip   32439 08-05-2024 DaB RA-Last Caller v1.0                 . 
                                       DaB RA-Last Caller v1.0       
                                      (For Remote Access v2.XX)           
                                   - Displays Handles or Real Names       
                                   - Masks Local Logons as 14400          
                                   - Honors RA Hidden Users feature       
                                   - Supports ANSI & ASCII Graphics       
                                   - Easy to install!                     
daystat1.zip   61217 08-05-2024 ĴDayStat v1.0Ŀ
                                   Small multipurpose utility:      
                                 Creates Calls/Msgs-Per-Day Graphs  
                                 Exports Last Caller info to Frodo  
                                 (Inbound His, Log File, Status Box)
                                 Makes Today/Yesterday Callers Lists
                                  ...And a bit more.   (For Ra 2.0x)
                                      XX FreeWare XX              
dc1_3.zip      57611 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 **           DC.EXE V1.3          ** 
                                 Would you like to be able to create  
                                 ANS/ASC screens showing who has      
                                 DROPPED CARRIER on your BBS? Would   
                                 you like to be able to automatically 
                                 drop their SEC level if they keep    
                                 dropping carrier? Would you like to  
                                 ba able to set user flags when a user
                                 drops carrier. Well now you can do   
                                 this and more.                       
                                 DC.EXE -  THE BEST DROPPED CARRIER   
                                           SCREEN CREATOR AVAILABLE!  
                                   For RemoteAccess V2.xx BBS ONLY!   
                                     * UK BBS support available *     
                                    Latest files - 5 December 1995    
dcall410.zip   24358 08-05-2024 DCALL 4.10 * DOOR replacement for
                                RA's "Today's Callers" function * For
                                Ra 2.00 * Looks better * masks local
                                logons * shows 1st time callers as
                                'new user' * exclude certain users
                                from list * DV aware * supports RA's
                                hidden attribute * fossil driven *
                                Optionally show 'last xx callers'
dctcl005.zip   66683 08-05-2024 DCT Caller Listing v0.05 * For RA 2.0x and
                                2.5x.  Displays a colourful listing of the
                                previous callers before the user, and can be
                                configured to look any way you wish.  Full
                                ANSI & ASCII support, multi-node capable. 
                                Also contains a utility that allows you to
                                modify your LASTCALL.BBS file.  FreeWare by
                                Dan Traczynski.
dlast100.zip   45126 08-05-2024 -=- DLM Computer Technology -=-
                                       --- DLM Last ---
                                 RemoteAccess Compatible Last
                                        Callers Lister
                                Compatible with RemoteAccess
                                and any RA Clone:  EleBBS, tcRA
                                -=- Registration:  FREEWARE -=-
dn30ra20.zip  170494 08-05-2024 DoorNews 3.0 is an online door program
                                written specifically for  RemoteAccess
                                BBS software  version  2.0x.  Include:
                                Display  quote's  of  moment,  Display
                                birthday's of day/month/year,  Display
                                a special screen for birthdays of  day
                                users and add a extra time, Display  a
                                news  in  full  page.   Include   too:
                                Utility to generate  news  text  files
                                (INFO.A??),   Utility   to    generate
                                yesterday    callers   (YESTERDA.A??),
                                Update INBOUND.HIS file of  FrontDoor,
                                Post  message  for  birthdays  of  day
                                users, etc.  Shareware Made in Brazil!
ds1g1_20.zip   17794 08-05-2024   ߰   ߰ ߰ ߰ ۰
                                ~~~  ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~    ~~
                                     DarkStat v1.0g1 for RA v2.0x
                                DarkStat reads the RA.LOG and generates
                                 CPS-Stats for up.- and downloads and
                                 write this to an Ansi.- and ASCFile.
                                Other implementations of stats coming
                                               very soon! :)
                                   DarkStat v1.0g1 is FREEWARE ! :-)
                                    ! Packed with RAR v2.00 beta !
dsdsta10.zip   40866 08-05-2024 
dstat520.zip   32241 08-05-2024 DSTAT 5.20 * Top User stats for RA *
                                handle support * exclude certain users
                                * InfoBar provides system totals and
                                averages * For RA 2.00
duser200.zip   27613 08-05-2024 DUSER v2.00 * ANS/ASC Userlist
                                Bulletin generator for RA v2.00.g1 *
                                Supports Handles, Exclusion of Hidden
                                Users and Specific Users.  Complete
                                Menu Configuration and Custom Colour
                                Configuration.  Freeware by James
ebs_2dtt30.z       0 01-01-1980       _____/(     ____       ______)\
                                /     __/___|    |____ /    ___/
                                \    _/     |    _    \___    \
                                \_____     |_________/___     |
                                ---- \__  | --- \__  | --Ŀ
                                :              \(  THE TOPS V3.0  )/      |
                                 Door for Remote Access 2.02/2.50        :
                                : This Door Makes The List of the Top...  
                                  Downloaders [Files & Kb]               |
                                :  Uploaders [Files & Kb]                 
                                  and the Most Downloaded Files!         :
                                 Fully LightBar Driven!                  |
                                 You can Change all the ANSi's!          :
                                : DOWNLOAD iT NOW!                        |
                                 EBSEBSEBSEBSEBSEBSEBSEBSEBSEBS :
ebs_2dtt30.zip   40531 08-05-2024       _____/(     ____       ______)\
                                     /     __/___|    |____ /    ___/
                                     \    _/     |    _    \___    \
                                      \_____     |_________/___     |
                                ---- \__  | --- \__  | --Ŀ
                                :              \(  THE TOPS V3.0  )/      |
                                | Door for Remote Access 2.02/2.50        :
                                : This Door Makes The List of the Top...  
                                  Downloaders [Files & Kb]               |
                                :  Uploaders [Files & Kb]                 
                                  and the Most Downloaded Files!         :
                                 Fully LightBar Driven!                  |
                                | You can Change all the ANSi's!          :
                                : DOWNLOAD iT NOW!                        |
                                | EBSEBSEBSEBSEBSEBSEBSEBSEBSEBS :
ecall110.zip   33395 08-05-2024 * EDGECall V1.10 * Today's Callers 
                                Listing for RemoteAccess 2.xx. 
                                Many Great Features Included!
                                Now supports Multi-Node boards!
                                **  FREEWARE  **
                                Release Date : October 19, 1996.
fmlc402.zip    25282 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                       FMLC 4.02         
                                 LASTCALLER FOR RA 2.XX  
                                 LASTCALLER SUPPORTING:  
                                   MULTI GFX-MAPFILES    
                                   RANDOM SELECTED       
frame250.zip   77818 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 FRAME v2.50 for RemoteAccess  
                                 Generate top user bulletins,  
                                 top file bulletins, and file  
                                 header for BBS systems. All   
                                 outputs are customizable with 
                                 your favourite ANSI, ASCII or 
                                 RIP editor. For RemoteAccess  
                                 2.0x and 2.5x.                
                                 New features in v2.50!        
fs10.zip       25906 08-05-2024 
fssg155g.zip  133088 08-05-2024 (v1.55) The Fantasy Software Statistics     
                                Generator Door for Remote Access 2.0x.       
                                Supports also InterMail, D'Bridge, FrontDoor 
                                and Portal Of Power. This program has many   
                                statistics that other statistics generators  
                                do not have! You will like it! This version  
                                adds 28800 bps support. !! MAJOR BUG FIX !!  
                                Shareware by Pascal van Rossum               
fssg156g.zip  133973 08-05-2024 (v1.56) The Fantasy Software Statistics     
                                Generator Door for Remote Access 2.0x.       
                                Supports also InterMail, D'Bridge, FrontDoor 
                                and Portal Of Power. This program has many   
                                statistics that other statistics generators  
                                do not have! You will like it! This version  
                                adds 28800 bps support. !! MAJOR BUG FIX !!  
                                !-! Bug fix for v1.55 !-! Fixed registered  
                                & unregistered bugs                          
                                Shareware by Pascal van Rossum               
fstat22.zip    21468 08-05-2024 ͹ FileStat Version 02.20 ͸
                                   Remote Access File & User   
                                 Statistics Generator. Creates 
                                ANS/ASC Reports of Most Popular
                                Files, Num of Files & Bytes Per
                                     Area, Top User Stats.     
                                  Completly Sysop Configurable 
                                      Registration $6.00       
gracount.zip    6484 08-05-2024 GRACOUNT v1.00. Alters your total call count
                                for your RemoteAccess BBS. Mainly used by
                                sysops such as my self who experienced a
                                major system malfunction and wish to set
                                the total caller counter back to the 
                                original number. Well, as close as you 
                                can estimate. Command line driven for 
                                RA 2.xx and for the NEW  RA 250X 
                                release!!! FREEWARE Enjoy!
hslc10.zip     29028 08-05-2024 HS-LC v1.0
                                LastCaller Generator
                                 - Colors are SysOp Configurable.
                                 - Creates ANSI and ASCII screen.
                                 - Fast.
                                 - Multi-Line Support.
                                 - Low registration fee.
                                ONLY FOR REMOTEACCESS 2.0x SYSTEMS!!
hsstat27.zip   24690 08-05-2024 HS-STAT v2.7
                                HS-STAT creates Statistics from your
                                HMB Message-Base. Such as BEST-
                                MESSAGE-WRITERS. BEST-MESSAGE-
                                RECEIVERS and BEST-SUBJECTS.
                                And post the statistics in the
                                ShareWare, only F25,-!!
idswc220.zip   53706 08-05-2024   ss ss~s.   s~$~$$Hb. 
                                  $   $ $   $   $ . $ .:$   :::$$
                                  $   $ $   $   $  $ $.:i$    :.:$
                                  $   $ $   $   $  $ $iii$      ~
                                  $  .$ $  .$   $ .$ S$$$s.sS~s
                                  $ .:$ $ .:$   $.:$         $   $
                                  $.:i$ $.:i$   $:i$ ss   $  .$
                                  $iii$ $iii$   $i$$ $ .:$   $ .:$
                                  $$$$$ $$$$$   $$$$ $.:i$   $.:i$
                                  $$$ $$$$s.s$$$$ $iii$   $iii$
                                    iNFiDELS  ~S$ $$$$$   $$$$$
                                  PROUDLY PRESENT `$ SWW$s.s$$$S
                                ~$Sssss..sss.s . . s.sss..sssssS$~
                                  $  iDS WORM CALLERS V2.2o  $
                                   $ A LastCallers for RA/Ele!  $
                                   $  Very Cool Effects, Calls  $
                                   $ Statistics,Hides Sysop and $
                                   $ Local Calls,It's Not Fully $
                                   $ Configurable but it r0Cks! $
                                   $   =) All ArtWork by yCe.   $
                                  d$b      Coded by bOSCo.      d$b
                                .sSP'' ~o9/o4~ $IDS'99$Ss.
ids_2ddud1.z       0 01-01-1980   ss ss~s.   s~$~$$Hb.
                                $   $ $   $   $ . $ .:$   :::$$
                                $   $ $   $   $  $ $.:i$    :.:$
                                $   $ $   $   $  $ $iii$      ~
                                $  .$ $  .$   $ .$ S$$$s.sS~s
                                $ .:$ $ .:$   $.:$         $   $
                                $.:i$ $.:i$   $:i$ ss   $  .$
                                $iii$ $iii$   $i$$ $ .:$   $ .:$
                                $$$$$ $$$$$   $$$$ $.:i$   $.:i$
                                $$$ $$$$s.s$$$$ $iii$   $iii$
                                iNFiDELS  ~S$ $$$$$   $$$$$
                                PROUDLY PRESENT `$ SWW$s.s$$$S
                                ~$Sssss..sss.s . . s.sss..sssssS$~
                                $    iDS LAST DUDES v1.o   $
                                $ this  is  a  really   nice $
                                $ "last  caller"  door  for  $
                                $ ra 2.5 with nice features! $
                                $ fading text and mutch more $
                                $ Damn good looking ansi and $
                                $ almost 1oo% configurable!  $
                                d$b      coded by rancor     d$b
                                .sSP'' ~     ~ $IDS'97$Ss.
ids_2ddud1.zip   45176 08-05-2024   ss ss~s.   s~$~$$Hb.
                                  $   $ $   $   $ . $ .:$   :::$$
                                  $   $ $   $   $  $ $.:i$    :.:$
                                  $   $ $   $   $  $ $iii$      ~
                                  $  .$ $  .$   $ .$ S$$$s.sS~s
                                  $ .:$ $ .:$   $.:$         $   $
                                  $.:i$ $.:i$   $:i$ ss   $  .$
                                  $iii$ $iii$   $i$$ $ .:$   $ .:$
                                  $$$$$ $$$$$   $$$$ $.:i$   $.:i$
                                  $$$ $$$$s.s$$$$ $iii$   $iii$
                                    iNFiDELS  ~S$ $$$$$   $$$$$
                                  PROUDLY PRESENT `$ SWW$s.s$$$S
                                ~$Sssss..sss.s . . s.sss..sssssS$~
                                  $    iDS LAST DUDES v1.o   $
                                   $ this  is  a  really   nice $
                                   $ "last  caller"  door  for  $
                                   $ ra 2.5 with nice features! $
                                   $ fading text and mutch more $
                                   $ Damn good looking ansi and $
                                   $ almost 1oo% configurable!  $
                                  d$b      coded by rancor     d$b
                                .sSP'' ~     ~ $IDS'97$Ss.
imgr100.zip    91514 08-05-2024 IceMGR v1.00 * Complete message system
                                which will: Generate today's and tomorrow's
                                birthdays list,Top 10 Carrier Offender List,
                                Pwd failure messages, welcome messages,
                                Happy birthday messages, Carrier messages,
                                today's callers/inbound mail; as well as
                                upgrade users security limits after so many
                                messages written or kbytes and more! For
                                RemoteAccess v2.xx! Hudson & JAMbase
                                support! Easy installation and execution!
jpst100.zip   219919 08-05-2024 ..--=[ JPMdLSTat ]==--..
                                | 1.00 - A PUBLIC VER. | 
                                ! Top User Stats
                                ! Today's callers
                                ! Top Files Bulletins
                                ! Allfiles listing 
                                ! Freq->Downloadcounter
                                ! Personal Mail Collector
                                ! FAST Mail Toss/Scanner
                                !              AND MORE!!
                                =  RemoteAccess And 
                                =  FrontDoor !!!
                                --=[ CoDeD bY JPMdL ]==-
k_kstats.zip    3922 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                  K&K Stats version 1.001+
                                Stats.Ans screen for Remote
                                Access 2.xx systems. It tells
                                your users the stats that they
                                wanna know like:
                                 How many times he has called
                                 What his Security level is
                                 What his time limit is
                                 How much he downloaded
                                 How much he uploaded
                                Even stuff that help then 
                                compare their BBSes to others, 
                                 How many calls has his board
                                 Who was the last caller
                                Download this file today, only
                                a $5.00 registration.
                                Made by:Kim Kha, Rough Guy BBS
                                (604)792-9239 Canada BC
last101.zip    43942 08-05-2024 
                                  Last 10 Callers v.101 
                                  With no RESET and with  
                                 more info about the user 
                                     in a Cursor Menu     
last210.zip    60859 08-05-2024 
lastcal2.zip   12295 08-05-2024 
lastcall.zip   10880 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                            LASTCALL V 1.0             
                                 Import FrontDoor inbound information    
                                 into your RemoteAccess "Today's Callers"
                                 Freeware (and pretty cheezy!)           
lasto111.zip   19456 08-05-2024 lAStOn v1.11 [kReWL t00Ls] 
                                sh0Ws lAStCalleRz wiTh uP & dOwnK!
                                uNlIKE aNy oTHeR lAmE lAsTCaLLeR dOOR!
                                rEaD "gET-fReE.KeY" tO rEgIsTeR!
lastt200.zip   11771 08-05-2024 LAST TEN CALLERS v2.00 - creates ANS/ASC
                                screens showing the last ten callers to the
                                bbs. Displays name, line, location, baud,
                                logon/logoff times, date of call and times
                                the user has called. Omits SysOp and hidden
                                callers. Handle option. For RA 2.00g ONLY.
                                Some mo' funky freeware from SafeHex!!
lastx.zip      40405 08-05-2024                             
                                        ۲   ޲
                                    ۰       ۰߱
                                       ۲  ۰      
                                 ߲۰    Yb 
                                     ۲         ߲      
                                             OneLiNe XCeSS
                                  A uCKinG LaZTcaLLeHr Gen U HaV
                                  ZeeN. Niz BaRf GRfX And STupH
                                  WoRKzSiMpLe aNd BeZT Oph All
                                  ItZ uCkN FREEWaRe.
                                  RMoTaHAcZ v2.x stuph
lcal20v1.zip  107510 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                    The X-Files BBS presents    
                                     Lastcaller 2000 V1.00      
                                  (C) 1998  by Perry Kappetein  
                                 Handig Offline VGA overzicht   
                                 van de bellers van vandaag.    
                                 Alleen voor RA 2.5x            
                                 YES!!! I'M BACK WITH FREEWARE!!
                                And this whole programm = FREE  
                                  Yes, it's >>> FREEWARE <<<    
                                  Try, and SEE for yourself     
lcall131.zip   71173 08-05-2024 MH-LastCaller v1.31 by Michael Haase.
                                Todays callers on a BBS  and in a mailer and
                                optionally also the outgoing mailer-calls are
                                collected in an Ascii/Ansi file. Works with
                                RemoteAccess V2.xx, Maximus, Binkley,
                                CantaLoup, FrontDoor, McMail, InterMail and
                                Xenia. Multiline- and network-support.
lcallv16.zip   33690 08-05-2024 
                                     ELiTE LASTCALLERLiSTE     
                                          VERSioN 1.6          
                                   EiN ERSATZ FR DiE EiNFALLSLoSE   
                                 LASTCALLERLiSTE DES RA 2.XX PAKETES 
                                  ANSi & RiP (!!!) SUPPoRT          
                                  EiTHER REALNAMES oR HANDLES       
                                  iNDiViDUAL SPEED FoR LoCAL USER   
lcalv100.zip   36606 08-05-2024 
lc_100.zip     14806 08-05-2024 * LastCall 1.00 * A new door for use
                                with RemoteAccess 2.50 which displays
                                your last callers (1-20) in a very
                                nice screen. Can be used both in
                                english and swedish. Has many unique
                                features. No need for any configuration
                                at all, just a few parameters to choose
                                between. Very easy to use. Freeware!
lc_220.zip     48555 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                 \/         //                
                                 unich ndep. \oftware reations 
                                      Today's Callers V 2.20      
                                 Lists todays callers of your BBS 
                                 with LogOn, LogOff, Baud, Node#, 
                                 Calls, total system calls, loca- 
                                 tion and activity. With AnZi and 
                                 SVGA Version. For SBBS and RA.   
                                   Now with DESQVIEW Support !!   
                                (C) '94,95 by Michael Markstaller 
list.zip        8690 08-05-2024 
listc200.zip   43948 08-05-2024                     Ŀ
                                     > LIST-CALL v2.00 <      
                                . The ULTIMATE "Who called today"  
                                  bulletin generator for Sysops   
                                 running REMOTEACCESS with either 
                                     FRONTDOOR or INTERMAIL       
                                   Logs ALL inbound mail calls    
                                 along with regular BBS callers!  
                                 * Bulletins for Todays, Last 25  .
                                   and yesterdays callers!        .
                                 * FULLY definable colours!       .
                                 * Automatic ANSI optimization!   
lst15v30.zip   42255 08-05-2024 
lstcl501.zip   41937 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 >>   Laatste BBS Bellers  << 
                                          versie 5.01p        
                                 Dit programma maakt een ansi 
                                   en asc. schermen aan met   
                                      daarin de laatste       
                                      bellers van uw bbs      
                                 zeer gemakkelijk te wijzigen 
                                  naar uw eigen smaak/wensen  
                                   Proboard en Remote Access  
                                  Gratis persoonlijke Reg-Key 
                                   (c) 1997 Digital-Network.  
ltc07.zip       2627 08-05-2024 
maf_2dmc12.z       0 01-01-1980 ͻ
                                        ۲   ߲  ۲ 
                                       MEGACALLER v1.2!       
                                 Erstellt ein LastCaller-Ansi 
                                 im ICE-Design fuer alle      
                                 RA 2.0x Systeme. Jetzt auch  
                                 mit Statistiken und besserer 
                                 Kennzeichnung von Neu Usern! 
                                 Natuerlich auch Bugfixes und 
                                 andere Kleinigkeiten wurden  
                                 eingebaut. Komplett deutsch! 
                                  ShareWare (c) by MaF / FRK  
maf_2dmc12.zip   34437 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                        ۲   ߲  ۲ 
                                       MEGACALLER v1.2!       
                                 Erstellt ein LastCaller-Ansi 
                                 im ICE-Design fuer alle      
                                 RA 2.0x Systeme. Jetzt auch  
                                 mit Statistiken und besserer 
                                 Kennzeichnung von Neu Usern! 
                                 Natuerlich auch Bugfixes und 
                                 andere Kleinigkeiten wurden  
                                 eingebaut. Komplett deutsch! 
                                  ShareWare (c) by MaF / FRK  
mavlc110.zip   14099 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                 Maverick's Last Callers v 1.10 
                                  Last 1..50 Callers Generator  
                                  for RemoteAccess BBS.         
mb_2dlc061.z       0 01-01-1980      ͸
                                **** MB-LastCaller Version 0.61 ****
                                 Ein LastCaller fr RemoteAccess 2.xx 
                                 bzw. ELEBBS, sowie fr die folgenden 
                                 Mailer (andere Versionen ungetestet):
                                          MainDoor  1.10             
                                          FrontDoor 2.11/2.12        
                                    viele Optionen (siehe DOK/CFG)   
                                    DOS und OS/2 Version             
                                *** MB-LastCaller ist  NETMAILWARE ***
mb_2dlc061.zip   52759 08-05-2024      ͸
                                 **** MB-LastCaller Version 0.61 ****
                                 Ein LastCaller fr RemoteAccess 2.xx 
                                 bzw. ELEBBS, sowie fr die folgenden 
                                 Mailer (andere Versionen ungetestet):
                                          MainDoor  1.10             
                                          FrontDoor 2.11/2.12        
                                    viele Optionen (siehe DOK/CFG)   
                                    DOS und OS/2 Version             
                                *** MB-LastCaller ist  NETMAILWARE ***
mcall251.zip   15998 08-05-2024 
                                  Presentz an Lastuser Utility  
                                 For Use With RemoteAccess 2.0x 
                                  Mdl-Call is an Nice Lastuser  
                                  utility.Much more nicer than  
                                  RA's own Lastcaller.Use This  
                                      Instad of RA's Own!       
                                        Second Bugg Fix         
                                           v 2.51               
                                    mdll Softwarez -95     
mon_p103.zip  121386 08-05-2024 Create FIERCE Monthly Message posting
                                on your Remote Access 2.x, 1.xx or any
                                Bulletin Board with a USERS.BBS that is
                                Compatible with Remote Access 2.x
                                USERS.BBS format. NO User Max!!
ms_201.zip     61125 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                      Maverick Stats v2.01        
                                 User Stats Generator for RA 2.0x 
                                  Complete Rewrite               
                                  Generates ASC, ANS and AVT     
                                  Dedication Line                
                                  NEW : Top x Leechers           
                                  NEW : Exclusion List           
                                  NEW : Leech ratio with message 
                                         posted adjustment.       
                                         IT'S FREEWARE!           
mtc030.zip     57983 08-05-2024 
                                  MTC - Version 0.30
                                  Show your user's who
                                  have called today.
                                  Nice and better that
                                  that one that's in ra!
                                  o For RemoteAccess 2.02>
                                  o With FrontDoor 2.12>
                                  o or MaidDoor 1.00.
                                  + Ability to do your own
                                    ans/avt/asc screen's
mycall12.zip   15694 08-05-2024 MYCALLS - Todays callers with a plus - V1.2
                                todays callers, & also allows you to specify
                                rates for each node's zero baud (local) logins
                                seperately - NOW creates both ASC & ANS file
                                view within the BBS & also shows on screen
                                its run - could be used as Fkey util for
                                - Reg only $1  
mycalls.zip    11380 08-05-2024 MyCalls - A simple command line program
                                that makes a listing of todays callers
                                like other utils but this one allows you
                                to specify the BAUD rates for each node's
                                zero baud (local) logins seperately. It
                                creates a txtfile for view within the
                                BBS and shows on screen local when its
                                run also - so it could double as an Fkey
                                util for sysops - wide beta - Reg $1
mylced10.zip   29661 08-05-2024 MYLCEDIT - An editor for the RA 2.0x lastcall
                                Great for testing/developing Todays calls
                                Another 'MY' series shareware program by Mike
                                Registration $10
new2u16a.zip   46139 08-05-2024 New2You v1.6a Newuser bulletin generator
                                for RA 2.0x systems.  Generates a file
                                displaying the last XX number of new
                                callers to your BBS.  _MASSIVE_ number
                                of changes/fixes since last RADIST release!
new2you.zip    39782 08-05-2024 New2You v1.0 Newuser bulletin generator
                                for RA 2.0x systems.  Generates a file
                                displaying the last XX number of new
                                callers to your BBS.  <>.FREEWARE.<>
ng_2d034g.zi       0 01-01-1980 -------------------------------
                                Newsgrps: a free bonus tool from
                                SysOp Statistics, the fine
                                toolbox for RemoteAccess BBS.
                                www.sys-stat.com/Fido 2:285/268
ng_2d034g.zip   34767 08-05-2024 -------------------------------
                                Newsgrps: a free bonus tool from
                                SysOp Statistics, the fine
                                toolbox for RemoteAccess BBS.
                                www.sys-stat.com/Fido 2:285/268
nsg_las2.zip   31495 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                       Door Division       
                                       proudly presents    
                                      [] LastCaller 1.2 []         
                                 + powerfull LastCaller with         
                                   funky flash-effects               
                                 + animated prompts                  
                                 + background 1oo% configurable      
                                 + textpositions 1oo% configurable   
                                 + colors 1oo% configurable          
                                 + shows handles or realnames        
                                 + no "coded by"-lines for user      
                                   with fucking delays               
                                 + easy to install                   
                                 + Freeware                          
                                    * NewSystemGeneration  1995 *    
ontoday2.zip    9411 08-05-2024 OnToday, today's callers list for RA Sysop
                                to use locally.    Type ONTODAY.EXE -? for
                                directions.  AND IT'S FREEWARE!  Copyright
                                (c) 1993, Jason Duke and Genesis Software.
panic_21lc.z       0 01-01-1980 Ŀ
                                   -=> PANiC!LC V1.1 <=-       
                                 AN0THER CEWL (0R EVEN THE CEWLEST?) 
                                 LASTCALL F0R RA 2.XX THIS T00L IS   
                                 FULLY CONFIGURABLE AND YOU CAN ALS0 
                                 CALL IT A LASTCALL-MAKER! S0ME      
                                 FEATURES +                          
                                 .............. +                    
                                 EED.DEFINABLE) +                    
                                 LE!).......... +                    
                                 RS)........... +                    
                                 .............. +                    
                                 .............. +                    
                                 ,NAME.SWITCHES +                    
                                 0F.BPS-STRING. +                    
                                 .............. +                    
                                 .............. +                    
                                 .............. -= WRL0RD'S        
                                 BTTLFiLD =-                     
panic_21lc.zip   52832 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                   -=> PANiC!LC V1.1 <=-       
                                 AN0THER CEWL (0R EVEN THE CEWLEST?) 
                                 LASTCALL F0R RA 2.XX THIS T00L IS   
                                 FULLY CONFIGURABLE AND YOU CAN ALS0 
                                 CALL IT A LASTCALL-MAKER! S0ME      
                                 FEATURES +                          
                                 .............. +                    
                                 EED.DEFINABLE) +                    
                                 LE!).......... +                    
                                 RS)........... +                    
                                 .............. +                    
                                 .............. +                    
                                 ,NAME.SWITCHES +                    
                                 0F.BPS-STRING. +                    
                                 .............. +                    
                                 .............. +                    
                                 .............. -= WRL0RD'S        
                                 BTTLFiLD =-                     
pastel04.zip   49766 08-05-2024 An overkilled WHO'S CALLED door
                                for RemoteAccess 2.0x. Listings 
                                include Aurora, Swamp, 3D ANSI, 
                                Northern Lights and more. Fully 
                                configurable using a variety of 
                                formatting codes and macros. No
                                delays or beeps: It's Freeware!
pbir103.zip    71860 08-05-2024 PBIRTH 1.03  -  ONLINE  birthday and eternal
                                calendar-tool for ProBoard 2.0x and RA 2.0x!
                                Including "red-letter-days". Easy to set up,|
                                easy to use! Now supports excluding of users|
                                with NOTOPS-flag or listed in a plain-ascii-|
                                file.       ........   (c) Peter Hampf & pbs|
pnkstat1.zip    9621 08-05-2024 
                                 PUNK STATS 1.0 
                                  Let your users
                                  watch some info
                                  about your them
                                  and your board.
                                  Everything a
                                  user needs to
                                  know about the
                                  BBS and himself.
                                  Choose between
                                  seven different
                                  .ANS. SHAREWARE.
                                  Registration is
                                  only 20skr.
pow_ca13.zip   26501 08-05-2024    Ŀ              
                                  Ŀ   ڿ  
                                    PoW-Callerz V1.3    
                                |        for RA2.0x       |
                                 Ein Lastcaller *DOOR* ! 
                                 + letzten 15 Lastcaller 
                                 + gesammte Userliste    
                                 + Lightbar gesteuert    
                                 + 15 Top-Caller         
                                   (schneller als vorher)
                                 + Realname/Handle       
                                 + Hidden User werden    
                                   nicht angezeigt       
                                 + der Key ist *gratis*  
                                ---                   --
qcall111.zip   26298 08-05-2024 
                                              Version 1.11               
                                 The Ultimate Todays Callers Generator   
                                 for RemoteAccess 2.xx. Fully SysOp      
                                 configurable, using templates and       
                                 control codes for maximum display       
qc_200b.zip    27520 08-05-2024 QuickCall 2.00 public beta
                                release. The ultimate Today's
                                Callers generator for RA, EzyCom
                                and ProBoard. Report all bugs to
                                Grant Beattie at 3:637/106 (Fidonet).
rabdl100.zip   76218 08-05-2024 
rabir210.zip   43697 08-05-2024 
rablang.zip     4701 08-05-2024 
raca700.zip    15273 08-05-2024  ڿڿڿڿĿ
                                 ¿ ĴĿ
                                 ó ôôڴ
                                 [TP PRODUCTION]Ŀ
                                  LastCaller to RemoteAccess  
                                  :         RACA700         : 
                                 :Ŀ                     ijĴ
                                 -R I X W A R E-
racal010.zip   24096 08-05-2024 RACaller (v0.10), 
                                English + Dutch version.
                                Generates a lastcallers bulletin.
                                Easy to install, nice stuff.
racal101.zip  110653 08-05-2024 -=[RemoteAccess Ultra-Callers Listing]=- v1
                                By RemoteAccess Ultra-Software.
                                Creates a listing of today's and yesterday's
                                callers to list on your BBS.  The header,
                                and all colors are SysOps configurable.
                                The user's names are listed in order and the
                                color of the name depends on their security
                                level which the SysOp also sets.  Very sharp!
rag_2dst11.z       0 01-01-1980 Ŀ
                                           Rag-Stat 1.10           
                                 RemoteAccess 2.xx Statistics Util 
                                    o Top Callers                  
                                    o Top Uploaders                
                                    o Top Message Posters          
                                    o Top Downloaded Files         
                                    o Age Statistics               
                                    o Upcoming Birthdays           
                                    o Mail Overview                
                                 Configurable and Easy to Use!! $5 
rag_2dst11.zip   25258 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                           Rag-Stat 1.10           
                                 RemoteAccess 2.xx Statistics Util 
                                    o Top Callers                  
                                    o Top Uploaders                
                                    o Top Message Posters          
                                    o Top Downloaded Files         
                                    o Age Statistics               
                                    o Upcoming Birthdays           
                                    o Mail Overview                
                                 Configurable and Easy to Use!! $5 
rai119g.zip   139220 08-05-2024 
ralced12.zip   56995 08-05-2024 RALCED 1.02 RemoteAccess LASTCALL.BBS Editor
                                Easily REMOVE, EDIT and ADD entries in your
                                LASTCALL.BBS file using a point and shoot
                                interface. FREEWARE!
                                From Cowboy Software....  YAHOO!!!
                                <<< File Sharing Update!! >>>
rasie100.zip    9319 08-05-2024 
rasort30.zip   18837 08-05-2024 
rastat17.zip   43702 08-05-2024             RA_STATS v1.07
                                ޱExcellent Stats Generator!      
                                ޱFor RemoteAccess 2.0x!          
                                ޱo Multi-Node Support!           
                                ޱ  From 1-250 Nodes!             
                                ޱo Total ALL Nodes in '1'        
                                ޱ  Screen of Information!        
                                ޱo Now creates "Last 10 Callers" 
                                ޱ  Bulletins! Use Real Names or  
                                ޱ  Alias Names!  Exclude the     
                                ޱ  SysOp from the list if you    
                                ޱ  wish!                         
                                ޱo And much much more!           
                                ޱ By Steve Lanning               
                                      -=> From S&G Sotware <=-
rastat23.zip   70573 08-05-2024 
ratug250.zip   22095 08-05-2024 RATUG - Remote Access Top User Generator
                                Generates 6 ANS/ASC textfiles showing:
                                Top Ten Callers, Top Ten Posters,
                                Top Ten Downloaders, Top Ten Uploaders,
                                Top Ten Files Downloaded, Last Ten Callers
                                Most options are configurable, including
                                colors, aliases, hidden users, etc.
                                For Remote Access 2.00 gamma only!
                                Freeware by Bill Meck
ra_lc101.zip   46177 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 RemoteAccess LastCallers Version 1.001 
                                 LastCallers is an online LastCallers to 
                                 your system viewer, shows also newusers 
                                 and totalcallers information!           
                                 This package is a free-ware concept and 
                                 may therefore be freely used in pay and 
                                 non-pay systems!                        
                                 (C) Copyright '95 EriSoft International 
ra_st160.zip  111117 08-05-2024 ķ
                                     --- RA_STAT V1.60g ---     
                                 Ra_Stat ist das zur Zeit wohl  
                                 komplexeste Statistik- und     
                                 Infoprogramm fuer RA2.xx       
                                 Es erstellt jede gewuenschte   
                                 Statistik, schreibt Msgs an    
                                 User, ist frei konfigurierbar, 
                                 erlaubt Multilineauswertungen  
                                 und hat auch sonst jede Menge  
                                 zu bieten.                     
                                 Komplett in deutsch, Shareware 
ra_st170.zip  113543 08-05-2024 ķ
                                     --- RA_STAT V1.70g ---     
                                      * nur fuer RA V2.5x *     
                                 Ra_Stat ist das zur Zeit wohl  
                                 komplexeste Statistik- und     
                                 Infoprogramm fuer RA2.xx       
                                 Es erstellt jede gewuenschte   
                                 Statistik, schreibt Msgs an    
                                 User, ist frei konfigurierbar, 
                                 erlaubt Multilineauswertungen  
                                 und hat auch sonst jede Menge  
                                 zu bieten.                     
                                 Komplett in deutsch, Shareware 
rlog_29d.zip   91078 08-05-2024 
rsg_200.zip   132457 08-05-2024 RSG v2.00 - RoyalSoft's Statics Generator.   
                                Very Advanced Statistics Generator for       
                                RAccess, SuperBBS, FrontDoor, InterMail and  
                                D'Bridge. It creates BBS system statistics   
                                and lastcaller statistics. Many features,    
                                like various config files, color define,     
                                random reports, HMB and JAM, up to 100       
                                languages, cheap to register and MUCH more!  
rstat100.zip   80957 08-05-2024 
                                       ASa   Version 1.00        
                                  The chart-topping statistics prog!  
                                 RAStat  is NOT  'just another'  user 
                                 statistics program for RemoteAccess. 
                                 RAStat  features fully  configurable 
                                 ANSI/ASCII statistics screens,  FAST 
                                 operation, and even a chart position 
                                 feature, showing users' movements in 
                                 the charts!!  Very easy to use,  and 
                                 with  a  menu-based  setup  program, 
                                 RAStat  is   installed  in  seconds! 
                                 Download  this  and you  will  never 
                                 need   another  statistics  program! 
scall133.zip   21963 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 SystemCallers v1.33 ۲
                                 View Todays Callers to the BBS and  
                                 what calls that has been made with  
                                 the  mailer.  Works with Ra v2.xx,  
                                 FrontDoor v2.xx or InterMail v2.xx  
                                 * Now with full multiline support * 
                                 *          Now CardWare!          * 
sdi_2dsta1.z       0 01-01-1980 SDI        
                                  RemoteAccess Filez  
                                         USER STATs 1.10          
                                          (sTATUS DOOr)           
                                      nOW 190% CONFIGURABLe       
                                      aND ANSI-GRAFIX-STATs       
sdi_2dsta1.zip   38323 08-05-2024 SDI        
                                  RemoteAccess Filez  
                                         USER STATs 1.10          
                                          (sTATUS DOOr)           
                                      nOW 190% CONFIGURABLe       
                                      aND ANSI-GRAFIX-STATs       
sgn200g1.zip   47293 08-05-2024 
snp_5011.zip  156915 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 SNP&ACT V.5.011 for RA 2.50 
                                Statistics and virus test routine
                                for RemoteAccess V2.5x. - Lots of
                                statistics e.g.: Baud rate/user/
                                file/Msg/Up & Downloader/Caller/
                                number of calls/Area/etc....
                                - import/export of descriptions,
                                - each file AREA has a separate
                                - several banners & advertising
                                - virus test of new files,
                                - handling of incorrect ones &
                                  virus-stricken files,
                                - repacking files,
                                - flag handling,
                                - ON-LINE & OFF-LINE virus test,
                                - Supported:
                                  PCX, BMP, GIF, JPG,
                                  ARJ, LHArc, PKZip, PKPAK,
                                  ZOO, HPACK, RAR, UC2
                                - German documentation
ss_2d112.zip  297090 08-05-2024      SysOp statistics v1.12      
                                    Fast! RA statistics program    
                                For use with RemoteAccess 2.0x/2.5x
                                Sys-Stat features: -high quality-  
                                * The famous Node/Weekly - Report! 
                                * Filelist generator, SYSUTIL,     
                                * User upgrade system, JAM/Hudson, 
                                * News generator, Most Wanted!     
                                * Today callers list, with flags!  
                                * Top 10 Callers Downloaders,      
                                  Downloaders(kb), Uploaders,    * 
                                  Uploaders(kb), Message writers F 
                                * FrontDoor/InterMail history!,  I 
                                * File + Message area list!,     N 
                                * Message areas list, Security-  A 
                                * levels, Age graph & statistics L 
                                * Flag report of all users,      L 
                                * User-list view, Char change,   Y 
                                * Optimization of user-file,     * 
                                * Colour configurable screens      
                                * AVATAR/ANSI/ASCII support!       
                                 ...and many other features......  
stat_200.zip   24790 08-05-2024 
stuser11.zip   11600 08-05-2024 Scott's Top 15 Generator V1.1 - Create
                                ANS/ASC Top 15 lists of your users.  Callers,
                                Message Posters, Downloaders and Uploaders
                                (Kilobyte and Count).
                                For Remote Access 2.x  -  $15
superu20.zip   15022 08-05-2024  Super Users 2.0 
                                Current version makes top callers,
                                posters, uploaders, K uploaders, 
                                downloaders, K downloaders, and 
                                Super Users lists.
                                  Ansi/Ascii output for Remote
                                         Access 2.?
sx_l10c.zip    61613 08-05-2024       ij
                                   LaST 10 CaLLeRS FoR RA!             
                                   SuPPoRTS MuLTiLiNe SySTeMS!         
                                   LookS ReaLLy GreaT!                 
                                   FRee ReLeaSe!                       
s_2dlcalls.z       0 01-01-1980   _____  _____            _  _____
                                 /___)(_   _)     ___  | |(_   _)
                                 |___   | | ___  / _ \ | |  | | _BBS_
                                \___ |  | ||.__)| |_| || |  | || |_| |
                                ___/ |__| ||:_) |  _  || |_ | ||  _  |
                                (__________||___)|_| |_||___)|_||_| | |
                                ___________________________________| |
                                /                                     |
                                  STEALTH LAST CALLERS versin 1.0    |
                                   Door para Remote Access 2.x que    |
                                 muestra los ltimos llamados al BBS  |
                                 Exelente! con pantalla ANSI incluida |
s_2dlcalls.zip   42608 08-05-2024   _____  _____            _  _____
                                 | /___)(_   _)     ___  | |(_   _)
                                 | |___   | | ___  / _ \ | |  | | _BBS_
                                  \___ |  | ||.__)| |_| || |  | || |_| |
                                  ___/ |__| ||:_) |  _  || |_ | ||  _  |
                                 (__________||___)|_| |_||___)|_||_| | |
                                  ___________________________________| |
                                 /                                     |
                                |  STEALTH LAST CALLERS versin 1.0    |
                                |                                      |
                                |   Door para Remote Access 2.x que    |
                                | muestra los ltimos llamados al BBS  |
                                | Exelente! con pantalla ANSI incluida |
tcall15.zip   112673 08-05-2024 *** Today's Caller 1.5 ***
                                A replacement for the Who's called list for
                                Remote Access 2.02 or newer.
                                FEATURES:  Allows users to list callers for
                                the current day, the previous
                                day, on a specified day, or on the current
                                caller's last birthday.  Display
                                colors are fully configurable!  Will use the
                                hidden attribute for each user
                                if set (sysop configurable).  Displays either
                                real names or handles.  This
                                program works ONLY with Remote Access 2.02 or
                                Lightning Software, 1996.  $7.00 Registration
tcall205.zip   27780 08-05-2024 
tcall25.zip    26547 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 Ŀ     Ŀ Ŀ ڿ    ڿ    
                                   ô    ô    Ĵ ô    ô    
                                         Today Callers 2.5          
                                 Today Callers is a RemoteAccess    
                                 2.xx door the will show real good  
                                 Today Callers List, Very usefull,  
                                 Today Callers can also list last x 
                                       Today Callers Supports       
                                 Desqview + Multiline + Ansi/Avatar 
tcall_2d10.z       0 01-01-1980   -   --  ---ĸ 1997 --- -
                                Top Callers v1.00
                                ---- --   -
                                for use with Remote Access v2.50
                                (older versions might work)
                                Simple offline door that creates a
                                colorful text file showing the Top
                                15 callers present in your userfile
                                using RA color control codes.
                                -Jens Turning Bramstedt--- -
tcall_2d10.zip    8291 08-05-2024   -   --  ---ĸ 1997 --- -
                                     Top Callers v1.00
                                  ---- --   -
                                       for use with Remote Access v2.50
                                            (older versions might work)
                                Simple offline door that creates a
                                colorful text file showing the Top
                                15 callers present in your userfile
                                using RA color control codes.
                                    -Jens Turning Bramstedt--- -
tclist20.zip   16224 08-05-2024 
tclt22.zip     19838 08-05-2024 TCLT.EXE Todays Call Log Trimmer for
                                RemoteAccess v2.xx
                                - Also distributed as part of the
                                RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
                                by McSoft Corp. 
tcn_2dl22.zi       0 01-01-1980  _______:___+   ______:   /|___
                                \._/ /  |\__| /  |\__|  /'  .  \
                                /`   |   /`   |____/'    :   '\
                                /'     | /'     |   `\.    |     `\
                                `\      |`\      '    | \___|     /'
                                / \.___| _ \._______/| ___ |___/c\
                                .       +             |     +    o :
                                :       . TUSCON '96! :     .      :
                                      [] LastCaller 2.2 []      
                                 + powerfull LastCaller with      
                                   funky flash-effects            
                                 + ShowAction => Shows the actions
                                   off ya lastcallers in ya bbs!  
                                 + animated prompts               
                                 + background 1oo% configurable   
                                 + textpositions 1oo% configurable
                                 + colors 1oo% configurable       
                                 + shows handles or realnames     
                                 + no "coded by"-lines for user   
                                   with fucking delays            
                                 + easy to install                
                                 + works with multinodessystems   
                                 + Freeware (I know you like this)
                                :   :                          :   :
tcn_2dl22.zip   44608 08-05-2024  _______:___+   ______:   /|___
                                \._/ /  |\__| /  |\__|  /'  .  \
                                   /`   |   /`   |____/'    :   '\
                                 /'     | /'     |   `\.    |     `\
                                `\      |`\      '    | \___|     /'
                                 / \.___| _ \._______/| ___ |___/c\
                                .       +             |     +    o :
                                :       . TUSCON '96! :     .      :
                                      [] LastCaller 2.2 []      
                                 + powerfull LastCaller with      
                                   funky flash-effects            
                                 + ShowAction => Shows the actions
                                   off ya lastcallers in ya bbs!  
                                 + animated prompts               
                                 + background 1oo% configurable   
                                 + textpositions 1oo% configurable
                                 + colors 1oo% configurable       
                                 + shows handles or realnames     
                                 + no "coded by"-lines for user   
                                   with fucking delays            
                                 + easy to install                
                                 + works with multinodessystems   
                                 + Freeware (I know you like this)
                                :   :                          :   :
tc_2dn091.zi       0 01-01-1980   -   --  ---ĸ 1997 --- -
                                Todays Callers - News v0.91
                                ---- --   -
                                for use with Remote Access v2.50
                                (older versions might work)
                                Simple offline door that creates a
                                colorful text file showing Todays
                                Callers using RA color control codes.
                                -Jens Turning Bramstedt--- -
tc_2dn091.zip   10294 08-05-2024   -   --  ---ĸ 1997 --- -
                                Todays Callers - News v0.91
                                  ---- --   -
                                       for use with Remote Access v2.50
                                            (older versions might work)
                                Simple offline door that creates a
                                colorful text file showing Todays
                                Callers using RA color control codes.
                                    -Jens Turning Bramstedt--- -
tdcaller.zip    9720 08-05-2024 
tfile080.zip   61611 08-05-2024 
                                           TOPFILE v0.80           
                                 A Freeware 'Top Downloaded Files' 
                                         Bulletin Generator        
                                 * Can exclude specific files or   
                                   file areas                      
                                 * Can restrict search by security 
                                 * Quick & Easy to Setup           
                                 * Fully Configurable              
                                 * ASCII/ANSi/AVATAR output        
                                  For Remote Access v2.0x, v2.50   
thdid93.zip    20528 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 TheyDid O.93 Ĵ
                                Great lastcaller list generator. Shows 
                                Logon, logoff, totaltime online and    
                                what the user was doing, with letters  
                                Just like the ones for EzyCom..........
tlc300.zip     21268 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 TODAYS LAST CALLERS v3.00      
                                 Show your users who called to  
                                 the BBS today or 1,2 or 3 days 
                                 ago. The display is possible   
                                 for each single or for all the     
                                 nodes together.                    
                                 Complete NEW version, now has  
                                 the ability to show up & down  
                                 loaded Kb's for each user.         
                                 EDDIE VAN LOON                 
today029.zip   75633 08-05-2024 
                                           ONTODAY v0.29           
                                 A Freeware 'Todays Callers to ..' 
                                        Bulletin Generator         
                                 * Displays Todays BBS Callers     
                                 * Can Display Todays In/Outbound  
                                   Mail Calls                      
                                 * Can Import Last BBS Caller Into 
                                   Mailer History Files            
                                 * Can Import FAX Call Information 
                                   Into Mailer History             
                                 * Quick & Easy to Setup           
                                 * Fully Configurable              
                                 * Multi-Line aware                
                                 * ASCII/ANSi/AVATAR output        
                                 * Supports                        
                                   - RemoteAccess 2.0x, 2.50       
                                   - FrontDoor 2.02/2.1x/2.20ml    
                                   - InterMail 2.29x               
                                   - BGFAX v1.4x, v1.5x            
today100.zip   11386 08-05-2024 WHO CALLED TODAY -- Version 1.00
                                For RemoteAccess 2.00
todays10.zip   23075 08-05-2024 Best Little Today's Caller Door for RA 2.xx.
                                FreeWare from Charleston, S.C.
top10dl1.zip   42738 08-05-2024  /(______________/\_____________)\
                                .\_____  \____  _/\____    ____   \_
                                |   _:/  _/ ___   \_ |/      |/    /
                                |    |    \_ |/    / |    /  |    /:
                                ==========( R A D D )======[JIG]
                                   REMOTE ACCESS DOOR DEVELOPMENT
                                         'TOP 10 DL VO.O1'
                                 SHOWS THE MOST 10 DOWNLOADED FILES
                                          OUT OF ALL AREAS
                                 DISPLAYS SOME EXTRA FILEBASE INFOS
                                 1OO% RA 2.02 READY DOOR CODED WiTH
                                      THE MDU & DLT DOORUNiTS!
                                        FREEWARE AS EVER BY:
                                         IV TRACKS^ArT^RaDD
                                 VISIT RaDD WWW.SNAFU.DE/~IV.TRACKS
topdown.zip     9863 08-05-2024 ******************
                                Top Downloads V1.0
                                This file works with RA
                                2.00 or higher and will
                                create 2 bulletins in
                                your textfile directory
                                based on the number of
                                top downloads you would
                                like to see.  .ANS and
                                .ASC files are created.
                                The Software Guild.
tops3.zip      37325 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                          Top`s v3.00           
                                 Top`s is TOP users list maker  
                                 For RA 2.xx, Top`s will create 
                                  - Top Downloaders             
                                  - Top Kb's Downloaders        
                                  - Top Uploaders               
                                  - Top Kb's Uploaders          
                                  - Top Messages Posters        
                                  - Top Callers                 
                                  - Best Users                  
                                  - General Satistics           
                                 NEW: Definable Colors,Smaller, 
                                      Faster,New Interface      
                                       - Yair Softwares -       
traf110.zip   152642 08-05-2024 
tstat046.zip   76436 08-05-2024 
                                           TOPSTAT v0.46           
                                   A Freeware BBS Stats program    
                                  Generates 15 Bulletins:          
                                   * Top Callers                   
                                   * Top Downloaders (Files & KB)  
                                   * Top Uploaders (Files & KB)    
                                   * Top Message Writers           
                                   * Times Called                  
                                   * User Age Statistics           
                                   * How long ago (did they call)  
                                   * Security Levels               
                                   * Male / Female Stats           
                                   * User Settings Report          
                                   * Upcoming birthday's           
                                   * Most Active Message Areas     
                                   * File Ratio Report             
                                 * Supports ASCII, ANSi and AVATAR 
                                 * Fully Configurable              
                                 * Exclude specific users from the 
                                  For Remote Access v2.0x, v2.50   
ugg_21v11.ex       0 01-01-1980 
ugg_21v11.exe   19494 08-05-2024 
ul1.zip        14691 08-05-2024 Ϳ
                                         Ulogger   v1.0 ۲      
                                     (C)1994 Heavenware Software    
                                The Ultimate Logger will search your
                                bbs.log for up to 10 keywords and   
                                create a great looking ANSI &ASCII 
                                bulletin as a report. Keywords are  
                                Sysop definable. Very Fast!  $15.00 
ult_call.zip   38013 08-05-2024 
                                               ް  ް      
                                       ޲  ޲                  
                                   Ultradoors Freeware Productions   
                                    Callers a last 12 callers door   
                                        for RemoteAccess 2.xx        
                                    Another release from Ultradoors. 
                                   BY: The Driller   DaTe: 18/01/98  
ul_102.zip     35581 08-05-2024 UserList 1.02. Produces screens that
                                show your users who called your BBS
                                from RA 1.1x's LASTCALL.BBS file.
                                Features: 1. statistics about the
                                used bps rates and the total time
                                the BBS was in use, 2. reads env.
                                var. and CONFIG.RA, no configuration
                                required. C-source included.
                                By: Donald Heering
ustat300.zip   18814 08-05-2024 USTAT - User Statistics Ver 3.00 for
vccs100.zip   111180 08-05-2024          ͸
                                          VCCS 1.00 
                                  (c) 1995 by Marc Bachmann  
                                      & Jens Dinsthler      
                                     today callers          
                                     who is online          
                                     callers since last     
                                     new callers since      
                                      last logon             
                                     callers since special  
                                    Included demokey till    
                                      Only 15 DM / 15 $      
vdoinf10.zip   40977 08-05-2024 
                                ɱ ı   ı   ۿ
                                 VD NC 
                                U$r $TaT$tc DR 4 RA
                                RPlAc$ tH dfAuLt RA
                                    u$R $tAt$TC$    
                                [ PRAY-WARE 8-) ]
vdolst15.zip   13956 08-05-2024        
                                  LaSTcLLeR DelUxe V1.11
                                       for RA 2.xx      
                                         by MCL         
                                   ExCLuSIv FoR VoODOo  
                                        iTs MaGiC       
vsl_010.zip    42569 08-05-2024 ķ
                                      VSLAST v0.10       
                                     LastCallers Door    
                                 VSLAST is one of the    
                                 best LastCaller doors   
                                 for Remote Access 2.xx !
                                 You can configure the   
                                 colours, define up to   
                                 20 USERID's. It will    
                                 hide hidden users and   
                                 the Sysop. Change 0 baud
                                 logins into 2400. Stats 
                                 menu, flip through the  
                                 pages. Hotkeys, NO MORE 
                                 ANSI Screens !          
                                 Just check it out, it's 
                                 only a download away !! 
                                    F R E E W A R E      
                                 A Velvet Software Prod. 
vsl_010b.zip   42749 08-05-2024 ķ
                                      VSLAST v0.10B      
                                     LastCallers Door    
                                 VSLAST is one of the    
                                 best LastCaller doors   
                                 for Remote Access 2.xx !
                                 You can configure the   
                                 colours, define up to   
                                 20 USERID's. It will    
                                 hide hidden users and   
                                 the Sysop. Change 0 baud
                                 logins into 2400. Stats 
                                 menu, flip through the  
                                 pages. Hotkeys, NO MORE 
                                 ANSI Screens !          
                                 Just check it out, it's 
                                 only a download away !! 
                                    Bugfixed version     
                                    F R E E W A R E      
                                 A Velvet Software Prod. 
wcall22.zip    21236 08-05-2024 WHOCALLD.EXE View Todays Callers From
                                DOS Prompt for RemoteAccess v2.xx
                                - Also distributed as part of the
                                RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
                                by McSoft Corp. 
wiztop19.zip   46027 08-05-2024 -= WizTop 1.9 =-Ŀ
                                 RemoteAccess 2.xx Statistics generator 
                                 Create *RIP*/Ansi/Ascii Screens.       
                                   o Top Callers                        
                                   o Top Downloaders                    
                                   o Top Uploaders                      
                                   o Top Message Writers                
                                   o Top Downloaded files               
                                   o General Statistics                 
                                   o Last Callers                       
                                   o Upcoming Birthdays                 
                                   o Last new users                     
                                   o Top credits                        
                                 Easy to Use, no setup needed.          
wi_21lc101.z       0 01-01-1980  [WIZARD] 
                                ۲    ۲
                                [Wizard presents]Ŀ
                                ij  LASTCALLER  V1.01   
                                   A LASTCALLER WITH    
                                   CEWL ANSI DESIGN &   
                                    DEFINE YOUR OWN     
                                      ANSI LAYOUT       
                                ij Codes by Alex Bruch  ڳĿ
                                    & Daniel Diehl   ڳ 
wi_21lc101.zip   40126 08-05-2024  [WIZARD] 
                                ۲    ۲
                                 [Wizard presents]Ŀ
                                ij  LASTCALLER  V1.01   
                                     A LASTCALLER WITH    
                                     CEWL ANSI DESIGN &   
                                      DEFINE YOUR OWN     
                                        ANSI LAYOUT       
                                ij Codes by Alex Bruch  ڳĿ
                                    & Daniel Diehl   ڳ 
xtcl1_0.zip    86923 08-05-2024                      
                                  ް  ް  ް  ް  ް ް
                                 ޱ  ޱ     
                                 ޲޲ ܲ    
                                  ޲  ޲            ޲ ޲
                                      eXTReMe TeRRoR CoRPS
                                         Coding Devision
                                Program :       XTC Last 1.0
                                CReaToR:          Serialkiller
                                Environment:           Ra 2.XX
                                KiND oF:            lastcaller
                                 A Great lastcaller for ra,   
                                 definable colors, baudstats, 
                                 local logons on/off,         
                                 difinable ansi-prompt, etc   
                                          LEECH NOW !         
yc204.zip      26011 08-05-2024 YESTCALL.EXE : Yesterday/Last 24 Hours Caller
                                List Generator v 2.04: Creates ANSI/ASCII
                                Caller Lists
                                for the PREVIOUS DAY or the LAST 24 HOURS!
                                ANSI/ASCII files display name or handle, node
                                logon, logoff, times called, and Location..
                                like the internal Today's Callers List!
                                ** NOW COLOR CONFIGURABLE, EXCLUDES USERS
                                HIDDEN FLAG IS ACTIVATED, AND "CALLER TOTALS"
                                TO THE LISTINGS! ** by Fozzy INC.
ycall11b.zip   26531 08-05-2024 
                                  Generates .ANS/ASC/AVT    
                                  screen with  YESTERDAY    
                                  callers.   Works great    
                                  with nice ANSi screens!   
                                  FREEWARE!  Grab it now    
                                  \\=-  For RA 2.xx -=//    
                                     Raposa Productions     
yestcall.zip   14088 08-05-2024 YESTCALL; Yesterday/Last 24 Hours Caller List
                                Generator: Creates ANSI/ASCII Caller Lists
                                for the PREVIOUS DAY or the LAST 24 HOURS!
                                The ANSI/ASCII files display name or handle,
                                node number, logon, logoff, times called, and
                                Location.. just like the internal Today's
                                Callers List!
_21toaol06.z       0 01-01-1980 ͻ
                                         Version 1.06        
                                --         -͹
                                 Toaol is a lastcaller program 
                                 for RA 2.xx wich creates ANSi 
                                 and ASCii screens of the last 
                                 callers to  your board today. 
                                 It also displays mailer calls 
                                 if  you are  using FD 2.02 or 
                                 later.  And you can  use your 
                                 own  ANSI/ASCII  drawings  as 
                                 headers  in  this magnificent 
                                 program! Made in the  '95  by 
                                 FrEeJaCk   of  CyBer  CiRcuS! 
_21toaol06.zip   37669 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                         Version 1.06        
                                --         -͹
                                 Toaol is a lastcaller program 
                                 for RA 2.xx wich creates ANSi 
                                 and ASCii screens of the last 
                                 callers to  your board today. 
                                 It also displays mailer calls 
                                 if  you are  using FD 2.02 or 
                                 later.  And you can  use your 
                                 own  ANSI/ASCII  drawings  as 
                                 headers  in  this magnificent 
                                 program! Made in the  '95  by 
                                 FrEeJaCk   of  CyBer  CiRcuS! 

               Area 102 - RA User Base Utils              

abed100.zip    34383 08-05-2024 TERMKEY.ZIP  
abusers.zip    25565 08-05-2024 
activ100.zip   17623 08-05-2024 
addval.zip     48007 08-05-2024           ADDRESS VALIDATOR v1.00.g1
                                  A door written to deal with the fact that
                                 RA will accept blank records in it's address
                                   fields (Sad) This program will display no
                                  copyright information to the remote so it
                                 appears as part of the board. Designed to be
                                  at home on professional styled systems, if
                                   you want "TeXt LiKE ThIS In 90 DiFFerEnt
                                           CoLOrs" keep on looking.
                                        FREEWARE from T.C.W. Software.
alog110.zip    42724 08-05-2024 --=Auto Login Ver 1.10=--Ŀ
                                  **Second Release**         
                                  Released: 29-01-1997       
                                  Allows RemoteAccess Sysops 
                                  To login to their BBS with 
                                  out using a name or pwd!   
amp100g4.zip  399896 08-05-2024 Automatic Maintenance Pro 1.00
                                Writes messages to new users, upgrades
                                good uploaders, checks ratio, delete
                                users who don't call back, check subdate
                                and/or send warning message/downgrade,
                                upgrade good callers and good message-
                                writers, Checks Netmail credits,
                                support File-Points and much much more!
                                Down/Upgrading can be done with levels
                                and/or flags! (up to 999 per Setup file)
                                AMP can also generate Multilanguage
                                Statistics (up to 400! Languages)
                                Top downloads, uploads, downloadskb,
                                uploadskb, messagewriters, callers,
                                lastcallers (also ISDN!), system
                                info, file info, mailer inbound/
                                outbound and much more! AMP can create
                                Ansi/Avatar/Ascii/RIP files.
                                There can be 70! macros inserted in the
                                message(s), so it's possible to
                                put very much info in the message(s)!
                                Also a Door version is included so
                                users can be upgraded online or/and
                                shown their Ratio. The possibility
                                to post/execute files on certain times
                                Supports Proboard 1.3x/2.xx / SBBS 1.xx
                                RemoteAccess 1.1x/2.xx / QuickBBS 2.7x/
                                2.8x / Maximus 2.0x / EzyCom 1.0x/1.1x /
                                WildCat! 4.xx / PCBoard 15.xx
                                MessageBases Supported : Hudson, JAM,
                                Squish, .MSG, GoldBase, *.PKT, WildCat!
                                and PCBoard
                                Registering by Credit-Card is also
antiter.zip    38812 08-05-2024 
aoi10.zip      48042 08-05-2024 (v1.00) Act Of Impulse User Registration door
                                for Remote Access 2.0x. Export filled in data
                                to file, netmail & usersbase. Freeware
auser210.zip   50887 08-05-2024 AutoUser is a powerful program that will
                                automatically update
                                your QBBS/RA compatible USERS.BBS files,
                                according to various
                                criteria.  You  can have it automatically
                                change the flags or
                                security levels  of  all  users  according  to
                                 their  flags,
                                security  levels,  or upload:download and/or
                                msg:call ratios.
auu110.zip     47918 08-05-2024 AUU 1.10 - Auto User Upgrader for
                                RemoteAccess 2.00. Now includes JAM
au_sub20.zip   71831 08-05-2024  
                                  SUBBER 2.0 
                                 o For RemoteAccess 2.X
                                 o Controls your paying users
                                 o Very configurable and fast
                                 o Multi language compatible
                                 o An internal usereditor for your
                                   subscribed users with print and
                                   export option etc
                                 o Up-/downgrades, sends messages
                                   automatically, creates logfiles
                                   and resets configurable usersettings
                                   after expired period for example!
                                 o ...and much more!
                                 o "A must for sysops with
                                   subscribed users!"
                                  ARDENT UTILS 
a_urd100.zip   48570 08-05-2024 (v1.00) Act Of Impulse User Registration
                                door for Remote Access 2.0x. Export filled
                                in data to file, netmail & usersbase.
                                Freeware by Pascal van Rossum
bbs900ra.zip  145088 08-05-2024 BBS900RA v1.0  For RemoteAccess SysOps
                                running either a "Pay Board" or if
                                you just want to accept contributions
                                from your callers.  This utility will
                                validate the Code numbers and update
                                the Callers Sec. Level, Exp. Date, Flags,
                                Group, and Credits.  This is an easy
                                way for your callers to make either
                                $10 or $25 contributions to your BBS.
bnt20ra.zip    98345 08-05-2024 ķ
                                BNET - BBS Single/Network Users Management
                                   System for RemoteAccess 2.x - 2.0      
                                The program manages users of BBS network. 
                                features include: different passwords     
                                calculating for each site, ready to handle
                                dates beyound year 2000, easy and friendly
                                interface, full control of every user.    
                                DOS Version                               
                                Shareware version                         
byetg100.zip   30504 08-05-2024 BYE-BYE Telgard v1.00 by John Kristoff
                                Telegard 2.7 USER.LST to RemoteAccess 2.0x
                                USERS.BBS conversion utility
                                *FREEWARE* with C source code
cidph200.zip  103359 08-05-2024 CIDPHONE v2.00: for RemoteAccess 2.0x. To
                                check the authenticity of the user's phone
                                numbers with the one provided by the phone
                                company. More Options NOW!
cmemsi31.zip   39555 08-05-2024 CMEMSI v3.01; DOOR to let the users know what
                                flags ,... they use ,and what screen
                                protocols, with information as: EMSI for new
                                users ,EMSI ONLY,YES/NO ,quick screen writes
                                ,ANS/AVT,registering costs: 150BFR USE THE
                                '/NOLOCAL' option to disable the LOCAL emsi
                                detection , and go stright to the following
cmsra200.zip  101606 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 Credit Maintenance System v2.0.0 for    
                                 RemoteAccess v2.0x and v2.50            
                                 CMS  allow you to upgrade any user that 
                                 reach the amount of credit which is set 
                                 in CMSCFG.  It  also have an ability to 
                                 generate  * four *  different  types of 
                                 transaction report.                     
                                 Moreover  CMS  can  post  a tailor-made 
                                 email to an upgraded user.              
                                 Author     :  Eric Tam                  
credit02.zip   13716 08-05-2024 [0;1;32m         
                                [0;1;31mCredit ver0.2 [0;1;33m
credsys2.zip    7707 08-05-2024 CreditSystem's TimeKill v2.0a1 for RA 2.xx
                                      by: Dedrick Allen - Death-Row BBS
                                CreditSystem's is a utility for RemoteAccess
                                2.xx SysOps who run subscrition BBS systems,
                                and would like to use a Netmail Credit based
                                system. This file Includes TimeKill, which
                                will set a users Time Limit to the number
                                of Credits he/she has left. Fixed bug where
                                time was not always updated. Also updated
                                using the RA 2.50 structs for full 2.50
                                compatibility. XtraTime not included in this
                                version. Look in the doc to read why.
credt301.zip   16188 08-05-2024 Remote Access CreditUp v3.1.  Encourage users
                                to upload files and build up
                                credits by offering free security upgrades. 
                                Extend subscription expiry
                                dates by a month, a year or what ever.  Run as
                                part of daily maintenance.  
                                Set it and forget it software. Registration
                                only $15.00 (AUS).
credtr01.zip    9122 08-05-2024 Crediter v.0.1 Adds Any Number of Credits
                                to a User's account in RA 2.xx.
                                RA has lots of options for taking away
                                Credits, but if you want to be able to
                                add them, there was no easy way to do it.
                                Now you can incorporate this program into
                                your Questionnaires & Batch Files to
                                immediately update users' credits!
cybmkb11.zip   64741 08-05-2024  ܿ
                                    CyBMSG-KB RaTiO   
                                  No  messages?  Force 
                                  users to  write msgs 
                                  or  else   no  files 
                                  access. KBYTE -> MSG 
                                  ratio    controller. 
                                  For RA 2.xx  ONLY !! 
                                  V1.1!  Bugs Fixed!!! 
dbank102.zip   60581 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 DLM Bank Version 1.02 
                                *** BUG FIX RELEASE ***
                                This is a must have for any
                                sysop that is currently using a
                                previous version of DLMBank
                                DLM Bank is a timebank system
                                compatible with any RemoteAccess
                                Compatible BBS
                                Lightbar Support now included!
                                Newly Updated Setup and maintaince
                                features included.  Also a bankbook
                                database is also included!
                                 Registration Status:  FREEWARE 
dc1_5.zip      67432 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 **           DC.EXE V1.5          ** 
                                 Would you like to be able to create  
                                 ANS/ASC screens showing who has      
                                 DROPPED CARRIER on your BBS? Would   
                                 you like to be able to automatically 
                                 drop their SEC level if they keep    
                                 dropping carrier? Would you like to  
                                 ba able to set user flags when a user
                                 drops carrier. Well now you can do   
                                 this and more.                       
                                 DC.EXE -  THE BEST DROPPED CARRIER   
                                           SCREEN CREATOR AVAILABLE!  
                                   For RemoteAccess V2.xx BBS ONLY!   
                                     * UK BBS support available *     
                                          Author Colin Birch          
                                       Sysop  The Dog House BBS       
                                         (01443) 400327 24hrs         
                                     Latest files - 10 July 1996      
dctac100.zip   23162 08-05-2024 DCT AutoCity/RA v1.00; Checks the telephone
                                exchange of the user's phone number and sets
                                his or her location accordingly.  This
                                ensures that each user's location field
                                actually contains the user's city, and not
                                some useless string or advertisement.
                                Another original idea from DCT Productions!
                                [Released 19-Sep-1998]  [www.sfu.ca/~dant]
deadh005.zip    2015 08-05-2024 
dep_53e.zip   111973 08-05-2024 INSTAbank 5.3e - RA2.00x time and byte bank.
dfix_10.zip     8921 08-05-2024 DateFix v1.0 - Repairs "-" and ":" fields
                                in date and time data stored in USERS.BBS
                                For RA 2.00g1 only.   LlanoWare
dorregfl.zip  139516 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                     Dorreg The Final Version     
                                     (c) 1996 by  P.Kappetein     
                                 Great Door for RA 2.xx           
                                 A complete online registration   
                                 door and Userdatebase.           
                                 You can configure the WHOLE DOOR 
                                 Make your Question's / Ansi's    
                                 Pasword check / History Check    
                                 And many many many more.         
                                 And this whole programm = FREE   
                                   Yes, it's >>> FREEWARE <<<     
                                   Try, and SEE for yourself      
dorrg203.zip   45055 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                REGDOR V2.03  Registration door for   
                                RA 2.xx and RA 1.xx                    
                                Choise for 2 different languages       
                                selected SECURITY LEVELS ,make your    
                                own Question's and Ask for Password    
                                everything will be automatic upgraded  
                                including FLAG's                       
                                Register NOW!!!!!!                     
                                Registration is totally  FREE  Fl 0.00
                                 (c) 1994 by Perry Kappetein          
ds22.zip       99479 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  DoorStop version 2.2  
                                 DoorStop is a program that allows you  
                                 to limit access to your doors, based   
                                 on user's security levels and/or names.
                                 You can set global limits and limits   
                                 for individual doors and specific      
                                 users.  Very configurable!  Freeware.  
dupechek.zip    8165 08-05-2024 
duser110.zip   47551 08-05-2024    Ŀ
                                    DLM User Version 1.10 
                                DLM Computer Technology Utilites
                                This Online User Editor
                                is great for sysop's to edit users
                                accounts online.
                                Editing User Flags have now never
                                been any eaiser :-)
                                Online Help is given by pressing '?'
                                 Registration Status:  FREEWARE 
d_u_r_02.zip   70577 08-05-2024 D_U_R is a Download/Upload Ratio
                                System like RUR by Ron Huiskes
                                Intersoft. D_U_R doesn't work with
                                messages from the messagebase but 
                                with AVT/ANS or ASC screens. D_U_R
                                has the possibility to set the ratio
                                and free download for each level
                                D_U_R is multi-language. D_U_R uses
                                a lot less diskspace than RUR.
epcr080.zip    18659 08-05-2024 * EDGEPCR V0.80 * Post to Call 
                                Ratio for RemoteAccess 2.xx. 
                                Many Great Features Included!
                                More Feature to Come!
                                Multiple Ratios based on
                                security levels.
                                Now with Multi-Node Support.
                                **  FREEWARE  **
                                Release Date : November 5, 1996.
extpw104.zip   49902 08-05-2024 Extended Check and Change Password for RA 2.0
fcnf15.zip     55650 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                  FATAL!CONFIG FOR REMOTEACCESS   
                                  CODER: ELECTRON                 
                                 -FINALLY IT'S HERE! THE LONG     
                                  AWAITED LIGHTBAR USER-CONFIG    
                                  PROGRAM THAT MAKES YOUR BBS     
                                  LOOK PROFESSIONAL               
                                 -Very easy to install :)         
                                 -Where else can you get ALL THIS 
                                  for only 10.- ??        v1.5    
fflag22.zip    21264 08-05-2024 FINDFLAG.EXE RemoteAccess v2.xx User
                                Flag Finder
                                - Also distributed as part of the
                                RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
                                by McSoft Corp. 
findnum.zip     9707 08-05-2024 
hrat302.zip    53879 08-05-2024 HANDYRATIO v3.02 - THE RA2 RATIO REPORTER!
                                A full door for RA 2.xx, enabling users to
                                create a report on their ratio statistics.
                                No more questions like "Why can't I download
                                anything??". Features: 19 keywords, multinode
                                support, integrated setup, split-screen
                                chatter, multilanguage support, fossil
                                support, DV aware, etcetera. Easy to setup!
                                *          NOW RA 2.02 COMPATIBLE!         *
                                        Released on June 27th, 1994.
                                *    SHAREWARE, written by I. Dielemans    *
hsuser12.zip   47367 08-05-2024 HS-USER v1.2
                                Change Sec. Level and
                                Flags in USERS.BBS
                                according to Sec. Level and
                                Option to write netmail to
                                SysOp and/or create a logfile.
                                Multi-Language Support.
                                Now supports RA 2.50.
                                RemoteAccess Systems only!
hsuserb1.zip   47660 08-05-2024 HS-USER v1.31
                                Change Sec. Level and
                                Flags in USERS.BBS
                                according to Sec. Level and
                                Option to write netmail to
                                SysOp and/or create a logfile.
                                Supports macro's.
                                Multi-Language Support.
                                Now supports RA 2.50.
                                RemoteAccess Systems only!
hsuserbd.zip   44415 08-05-2024 HS-USER v1.0d
                                (recompiliation of v1.0c)
                                Change Sec. Level and
                                Flags in USERS.BBS
                                according to Sec. Level and
                                Option to write netmail to
                                SysOp and/or create a logfile.
                                RemoteAccess 2.0x only!
                                *FREE KEYWARE*
ibank105.zip  136499 08-05-2024 IceBank v1.05 * Deluxe Time/Kbyte Bank
                                System For RA 2.xx/PB 2.xx/QBBS 2.8x *
                                Some Features: Bank Robbing,Bank Transfers,
                                Time/Kbyte Buying, Full Colour
                                Configuration, Daily Time/Kbyte Interest
                                Rates, Full Account Management, Multiple
                                User Setting Configuration, InterBBS
                                Transaction support and more! Official
                                archive release date: 03/04/97
igame10.zip    29226 08-05-2024 IGAME10.ZIP
                                INSTAgames v1.0 - Lotto Games for INSTAbank
                                This is a set of lottery games to work with
                                Online INSTAbank Time & Byte bank
                                for RemoteAccess.
                                INSTAgames will work with INSTAbank v4.8, v5
                                .3d, and v5.3e.
                                FileRequest "IGAME" from 1:250/932 for the
                                latest version.
                                By Bill Dykstra
in_2ddup.zip   95327 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                     In-Dupe UserBase Dupe Checker      ÿ
                                ͻ        1.01a2        ͹
                                         Searches your userbase for     ؼ
                                          accounts using duplicate     
                                     names, phone numbers, addresses  ؼ
                                           and even passwords.      
                                Ŀ  Supports RA, PB, Ele, tcRA32  ü
                                       Simple to configure and use,
                                       but the docs are in russian!
itp300.zip     63672 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 I.T.P. Integrated Tools Program Ĵ
                                 ITP does it all for Sysops. It will 
                                 edit EXITINFO.BBS, force two word   
                                 handles, daynumbers, update up- and 
                                 downloaders and much more. Now also 
                                 including Grafitty wall.  Supports  
                                 RA1.1+, 2.x Low butget registration 
iuserv05.zip   81336 08-05-2024  IceUser v0.50  Online User Editor For
                                RemoteAccess v2.0x  Over-the-modem user
                                editor with validate & blacklist keys,
                                VIP user locking protection, security
                                level classifications (SysOp, CoSysop,
                                User), program access password, &
                                full colour configuration. More to come
                                in the next version.
killus16.zip   14429 08-05-2024 KillUser v1.6 (released 22 feb 1996)
                                This utility will set the DELETED-flag
                                in the RemoteAccess 2.x userbase. Users
                                can be marked for deletion based on
                                Days, Minimum-level, Maximum-level,
                                Times-called or on a flag-setting. This
                                is a must for every sysop with over 200
                                users? NEW ADDED: Binary export of
                                deleted user and verbose output to
                                screen. BUGFIXED: A calculation error
                                corected. It is at least MAILWARE, made
                                by GoSoft; Gert de Vente, RC of RANet.
ksnoop10.zip   50985 08-05-2024 KAMSnoop is a password snooper
                                for RA 2.xx.  It will ask the 
                                user for their password, and 
                                then compare the CRC value of 
                                the password the user typed to 
                                the one in the EXITINFO.BBS file.  
                                If they match, then KAMSnoop 
                                will save the password in either 
                                the Organization or Comment fields, 
                                and optionally log it to a logfile.
lamer110.zip   21397 08-05-2024 LAMER SCANNER v1.1.0 Detect those users who
                                continually abuse the bbs and let them know
                                that they have been denied access. NEW in 1.1
                                .0 - Bad Phone Number Detection, Carrier Drop
                                Warning. RA/ELEbbs Easy to install.
                                FREEWARE RELEASE
lev20001.zip   70600 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                    The X-Files BBS presents    
                                    Level Updater 2000 V1.00    
                                  (C) 1998  by Perry Kappetein  
                                 Hiermee kunnen de users hun    
                                 level verhogen na upload....   
                                 Alleen voor RA 2.5x            
                                 YES!!! I'M BACK WITH FREEWARE!!
                                And this whole programm = FREE  
                                  Yes, it's >>> FREEWARE <<<    
                                  Try, and SEE for yourself     
levup4.zip     96714 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                  LEVUP V4.00 for RA 2.xx ONLY. 
                                  for RA 2.xx                   
                                 -- FREEWARE --  -- FREEWARE -- 
                                  Level Up after xx Kb Upload.  
                                  Added More Levels...          
                                  Easy to install.              
                                 ** FREE ** ** FREE ** ** FREE *
                                  (c) 1995 by Perry Kappetein   
lwcost05.zip    8457 08-05-2024 LWCOST v0.5  ** LlanoWare **
                                User Credit allowance utility.
                                LWCOST will give ALL users credits
                                that you define.  To be run during
                                your maint. cycle.  
                                **** For RemoteAccess 2.00 ONLY! ****
lwuser12.zip   61469 08-05-2024 LWUSER v1.2 - Remote User Editor. LLanoWare.
                                RA 2.xx ONLY.
lw_mgr12.zip  349293 08-05-2024 LW_MGR from LlanoWare!  v1.2
                                Complete RemoteAccess Editor. Including
                                User, Menu, File, Language, Text, 
                                RaConfig, and many DOS services.  
                                LW_MGR is for RemoteAccess 2.00g to 2.02
                                only! This archive also includes Bill 
                                Dykstra's AM_60 Archive Master.  Please
                                run LWSETUP to correctly install and 
                                configure both these programs FIRST!!!
                                **** READ THE LWSETUP.DOC FILE!!! ****
mailaddr.zip   28488 08-05-2024 MAILADDR: Allows users to confirm/edit their
                                addresses and optionally join a mailing list
                                For RA 2.x : FREEWARE : Pete Rocca, MCC 1995
mcbest10.zip   50821 08-05-2024 McBest v1.0: Statistics Bulletin Generator
                                for RemoteAccess 2.xx You configure the
                                number of elements to show in the bulletins
                                from 1 to the Top 100 of each catagory.
mc_exp22.zip   34111 08-05-2024 EXPIRE.EXE RemoteAccess v2.xx User
                                Expiration Date Scanner
                                - Also distributed as part of the
                                RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
                                by McSoft Corp. 
mlist300.zip   14332 08-05-2024 
                                Presentz a Underful User List   
                                 For Use With RemoteAccess 2.0x 
                                  Mdl-List is an Realy Nice     
                                 UserList Generator for Ra 2.0x 
                                  Use This Instad of RA's Own!  
                                        XXX Bugg Fix            
                                           v 3.0                
                                    mdll Softwarez -95     
msgratio.zip   24822 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  RemoteAccess Message-to-Call Ratio  
                                 This program allows you to set up a    
                                 message-to-call ratio on your RA 2.0x  
                                 system.  You can require your users to 
                                 enter a certain number of messages for 
                                 every 10 calls, for example.           
                                 Freeware from Dykstra Software.        
mubc060a.zip   13713 08-05-2024  Metal User Base Convertor 0.60
                                 MUBC - Metal User Base Convertor     
                                 version 0.60. First Public Release. 
                                 UserBase Convert support 3 format,   
                                           RA20 -> RA11               
                                           RA20 -> SBBS               
                                           RA11 -> RA20               
                                           RA11 -> SBBS               
                                           SBBS -> RA11               
                                           SBBS -> RA20               
                                 Support RA2 password storage in the  
                                 comment field.                       
mwpwdc10.zip   20837 08-05-2024 Ŀ    Ŀ Ŀ    Ŀ Ŀ  
                                 Passwordcheck for RA 2.x Version 1.0
                                   Lists Name, Handle, CRC, Fitness
                                   Reports exact reason for unfitness
                                   Checks Name/First Name/Surname/Handle
                                     Location and Boxname/Location/Sysop
                                   Comes with 1028 Password-Database
                                   Uses PWDTRASH.CTL (detects no parts!)
                                   Individual Scan/Errorlevels/Redirect.
                                        MAILWARE by Stephan Binner
                                 (c) 1995 MysticWare 
mwuser12.zip   35040 08-05-2024     Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ       Ŀ Ŀ
                                    Ŀ             Ŀ   
                                 Userlist Tool for RA 2.x Version 1.2
                                  Outputs ASC/ANS [Colors eligible]
                                  Lists Name/Handle, Location [opt.],
                                    LastCall, Level, U-MB, D-MB, Calls
                                  Leveloutput as number or text!
                                  MB-Correction for UL creditK [opt.]
                                  SHAREWARE (10DM) by Stephan Binner
                                 (c) 1995 MysticWare 
mwusrd10.zip   60650 08-05-2024     Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ
                                 Userlist Door for RA 2.x Version 1.0
                                  Replaces the hard-coded RA userlist
                                  Outputs ASC/ANS/AVT [Colors eligible]
                                  Lists Name/Handle, Location [opt.],
                                    LastCall, Level, U-MB, D-MB, Calls
                                  Leveloutput as number or text!
                                  MB-Correction for UL creditK' [opt.]
                                  SHAREWARE (10DM) by Stephan Binner
                                 (c) 1995 MysticWare 
mycred10.zip   54724 08-05-2024 MYCREDIT V1.0 - Tool for the RemoteAccess 
                                sysop to do mass changes on users credits 
                                on RA 2.02, RA 2.50g1 BBS. Allows you to
                                clear zero or negative credit amounts, to
                                add or subtract an amount from all users,
                                and to reduce any user with credits over
                                a chosen amount.  A shareware BBS util
                                by J.Mike Nichols - Registration $5
myuser10.zip   53004 08-05-2024 MYUSER V1.0 - Lists RA users to Screen,
                                Printer, or dBase III (TM) compatible
                                file - all users or just those with a 
                                non-blank address. Shareware BBS util
                                by J.Mike Nichols for RemoteAccess 2.xx
                                Registration $5
namefix.zip    25855 08-05-2024 NAMEFIX.ZIP
                                Temporary fix to allow INSTAbank 5.3e
                                to work with user's Handles, rather
                                than only real names.
ndn_2drtio.z       0 01-01-1980      
                                   -->> raTio CHeCK V1.0 <<--  
                                OnlY 4 ra 2o2
                                MakE YouR OwN AnzI!
                                NoT 4 LameR
                                Ndn_rtio.doK ->> GermaN
ndn_2drtio.zip   33564 08-05-2024      
                                   -->> raTio CHeCK V1.0 <<--  
                                           OnlY 4 ra 2o2
                                        MakE YouR OwN AnzI!
                                            NoT 4 LameR
                                      Ndn_rtio.doK ->> GermaN
ndn_rtio.zip   34337 08-05-2024 [22][10][95]-DSK[01/01]
                                raTio CHeCK V1.0 
                                OnlY 4 ra 2o2
                                MakE YouR OwN AnzI!
                                NoT 4 LameRs
post_u30.zip   66069 08-05-2024 The util that say thanks to your users.
                                If a user "uploads", "posts a message",
                                "uses all the on-line time" or "lost the
                                carrier" this util will give a thanks
                                or a warning to the user. It can also
                                give extra time or less time to
                                the user. This util NEEDS "splitlog".
                                splitlog splits the logfile from ra
                                for the data that post-user needs.
powman10.zip   66919 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                       POWER MANAGER V1.00       
                                 An External Util for RA 2.xx      
                                 The completed utils for all       
                                 things inside RA.                 
                                 Global Flags / Dupe Checking      
                                 Check Userbase and a lot more...  
                                 Try this version and see for      
                                 (c) 1995 by  Perry Kappetein      
                                      ***** FREEWARE *****         
                                  YES!!!!!  REGISTER == FREE !!    
ppwb10.zip    219707 08-05-2024   The Pachyderm Password Bank 1.0      
                                 * For RemoteAccess 2.xx Versions Only * 
                                 Users store access PsWd for retrival    
                                 by the Sysop. Easy, Fast, Powerful!     
                                 BBS Door Program, and Sysop's Database  
                                 Data Files in secure Encrypted Format   
                                 Passworded Access to Sysop's Database   
                                 Database uses dBase III+ format files   
                                 The "ULTIMATE" user password Storage    
                                 and Retrival System!! - RaLin Software. 
ppwb101.zip   224205 08-05-2024  - The Pachyderm Password Bank 1.01 -    
                                 * For RemoteAccess 2.xx Versions Only * 
                                 Users store access PsWd for retrival    
                                 by the Sysop. Easy, Fast, Powerful!     
                                 BBS Door Program, and Sysop's Database  
                                 Data Files in secure Encrypted Format   
                                 Passworded Access to Sysop's Database   
                                 Database uses dBase III+ format files   
                                 The "ULTIMATE" user password Storage    
                                 and Retrival System!! - RaLin Software. 
preg120.zip    47741 08-05-2024 
protocol.zip    5872 08-05-2024 PROTOCOL - Allows you to set
                                the default protocol for new
                                users from within RemoteAccess.
                                Runs as a door under RA 2.0x.
qbnk100.zip   234695 08-05-2024 
                                ޳    QuikBank Version 1.00    ޳
                                 Matrix Technologies Deluxe Time/Kbyte
                                 Bank  System  For   QuickBBS   v2.8x,
                                 RemoteAccess v2.xx,  & ProBoard v2.xx
                                 *****  Replaces: IceBank v1.05  *****
                                 QuikBank includes: Bank Robbing, Bank
                                 Transfers,  Time/Kbyte  Buying,  Full
                                 Color Configuration, Daily Time/Kbyte
                                 Interest Rates,  Full Account Manage-
                                 ment, Multiple User Setting Configura
                                 tion,  InterBBS Transaction support &
                                 more!  Official archive release date:
qdbtora.zip    12352 08-05-2024 
quest101.zip   43122 08-05-2024 QUEST101.ARJ The best QUESTION door ever
                                made! Has following options Full
                                configurable, Rotating prompt, Make your own
                                ansi, FULL color configurability, Write InFo
                                2 RA UserBase. 100% FREEWARE! FOR RA v2.xx
quest200.zip   30634 08-05-2024 (v2.00) QUEST by TWAiN PAiN Software
                                Version 2.00  - A  fine 1996 release
                                of  QUEST:  THE   online  user  flag
                                editor  for  RemoteAccess v2.x. With
                                built  in  WYSIWYG  menu  editor for
                                easy configurating. FREEWARE!
rabday12.zip   14571 08-05-2024 RABDAY12.ZIP
                                RemoteAccess 2.0x "Today's Birthdays"
                                bulletin generator.  Creates ANSI and
                                ASCII bulletins showing today's, and
                                optionally tomorrow's birthdays on your
                                BBS.  Colours are configurable.  *NEW*
                                for version 1.2 - Use handles or real
                                names!  *Freeware* from Dykstra Software.
raca10.zip      8329 08-05-2024 RemoteAccess Credit Auditor v1.0;
                                This program goes through all the
                                users and takes the pending field 
                                amount, and deducts this from the 
                                credit field. With an average size 
                                userlist, it takes about 2-3
                                seconds. It is ideal for nightly 
                                maintenence, or in the batch file 
                                after a user logs off.
raccd11.zip   141944 08-05-2024     -=|=- RA-CCD v1.10 -=|=-
                                RA-CCD; The  ultimate credit  card
                                subscription door for RemoteAccess
                                Features include: automatic credit
                                card number validation, selling of
                                credits, bad credit  card  numbers
                                detection, security level and flag
                                upgrading,   subscription   expiry
                                date automatic  upgrading, message
                                template  support, internal paging
                                and message posting(query message)
                                routines, and MUCH MUCH more!!!
race100.zip   927450 08-05-2024 RACE- RemoteAccess Callers Editor for RA
                                and compatible BBS's.
                                RACE is back, now with an easy to use
                                Graphical Interface Win95/NT platforms
                                Single executable approx 700K uses
                                existing RA compatible userbase.
                                Enhanced search abilities
                                   -Flexibility to search on most fields
                                   -Fast searches of entire Userbase
                                Full editing of User Records
                                   - Security Flags
                                   - Attributes
                                   - Password
                                Configurable notes for Security Flags
                                Help notes displayed in status bar
                                Shareware -Registration is only $20
race203.zip   217088 08-05-2024 
race3b10.zip  239866 08-05-2024 
racity10.zip   10623 08-05-2024 RA City v1.0 - A RemoteAccess v2.*
                                Location utility.  Command line utility
                                to replace those "non-standard"
                                locations users input such as "city" or
                                "home". Searches for partial strings in
                                the user location field.  Very FAST and
                                Very FREE! By jLc Software.
racredit.zip   33020 08-05-2024                 RA-CREDIT v1.00
                                  The **BEST** Remote access 2.0x file cost
                                  Extremely Sysop configurable, Optional
                                  How much 1 credit is (Ie 100bytes, 1000bytes
                                  whether or not to grant the uploader
                                  for it, the uploader can receive 2x, 3x,..
                                  credit for the file! Or you can just update
                                  cost of files!
radcd104.zip  114656 08-05-2024 RADCD Ver 1.04 - MAJOR UPDATE
                                RemoteAccess Dropped Carrier Detector
                                Reads RA.LOG and posts message to users
                                who drop caller. Can modify Sec for
                                excessive drops, user file maint included.
                                Supports Multi-Line systems.
                                Supports HUDSON and JAM message bases.
                                Multi-Language Support for messages.
                                Creates optional ANS/ASC screens.
radcd141.zip   98073 08-05-2024 RADCD Ver 1.04.1 - MAINTAINENCE!
                                RemoteAccess Dropped Carrier Detector
                                Reads RA.LOG and posts message to users
                                who drop caller. Can modify Sec for
                                excessive drops, user file maint included.
                                THIS IS A FIX FOR FINDING USERS.BBS IF NOT
                                IN THE DEFINED USERMSGBASE PATH.
                                No Doc's, just the EXE and sample config.
                                FULL package is RADCD104.ZIP
raddress.zip    8116 08-05-2024 RAddress 1.00 beta - FREEWARE!! for RA2.0g
                                This is a simple utility to export users   
                                address to a simple format compatable with
                                most Word Processors and Data Bases. Comes
                                with ability to narrow your search to a 
                                specific USER FLAG!!  Small and Simple!
                                Call our host Board at  (512) 346-8075 to 
                                obtain the latest version.Fidonet 1:382/66
radio01.zip    17101 08-05-2024 RemoteAccess Data Input/Output (RADIO) v0.10
                                (C) 1994,1995 Brian Spencer. Freeware RA 2.xx
                                utility for the exporting and reporting of
                                USERS.BBS. The exported data can be read and
                                arranged by many database systems
rah_2db5.zip   94674 08-05-2024 ڴ  ___________________________________   ÿ
                                   \__   __    __ _________________  /    
                                     /    /    \/   ____/  /         \    
                                   /_____________\____\  /______|______\  
                                  RemoteAccess UserList Password Hacker   
                                       Release ][ - Beta 5 (Wide)         
                                This  program  will  hack any RA userlist,
                                lot's  of  different  options  and  attack
                                methods  to  play  with.  A nice intuitive
                                GUI will help  you in your hacking career.
                                      ** SOURCE INCLUDED (BP/TP7) **      
ralcc10.zip    46834 08-05-2024 RALCC 1.0 
                                RemoteAccess Lost Carrier Check version 1.0  
                                will analize the RA.LOG to find out who is   
                                Losing Carrier and then send them a message  
                                supports: Hudson,JAM,Netmail and Squish       
                                Message is completely configurable.          
                                Another Quality FREEWARE from Martin Woods   
ralim110.zip   47844 08-05-2024 (v1.10) RA_Limit by TWAiN PAiN Software
                                 Version 1.10 - FREEWARE!   (RA 2.xx) 
                                 A handy Ratio-Door for when you dont 
                                 use FileDoor  or any  other  program 
                                 that checks ratios. VERY EASY to USE 
                                  Dutch/English, limits from RA 2.XX  
                                  *** TOTALLY RA 2.50 COMPATIBLE ***  
ralp10.zip     10777 08-05-2024   RemoteAccess Label Printer  - A utility
                                that prints out address labels
                                from you userlist using a security level
                                search criteria.
rame105.zip   265026 08-05-2024  RAME - REMOTEACCESS MENU EDITOR! 1.05
                                RAME  allows  you to  view your RIP, ANSI,
                                ASCII  and  AVATAR  screens.  You can also   
                                COPY,  RENAME,  DELETE,  EDIT  and  CREATE   
                                new  menus.  Has  built in Online Help for   
                                your  menu  action  selections.  Has built 
                                in  graphics  like  THEDRAW.  It has every 
                                thing that RemoteAccess left out of theirs.
                                RAME  was   written   by   Randall  Baker.  
                                for Softnet, Copyright (C) 1996.
rapc21.zip     43773 08-05-2024 
rapcr100.zip   17783 08-05-2024 RAPCR v1.00 -
                                Post:Call ratio program for RemoteAccess
                                version 2.00.g1+.
                                RAPCR is written by Nathan Locklin, and
                                is freeware, with no registration required.
                                C. 1993 Revolutionary Software
raph101.zip    16707 08-05-2024      RA phONE day Version 1.01      ͻ
                                 RAPHONE is a small utility that searches 
                                 your Remote Access user base and         
                                 replaces all old style telephone numbers 
                                 with the new format implemented on 16th  
                                 April 1995 by British Telecom. Includes  
                                 the new codes assigned to Leeds,         
                                 Sheffield, Nottingham, Leicester and     
                                 Bristol.   Run this program once and     
                                 throw away.  FREEWARE! by Donald Kerr,   
                                 Sysop, Firelink BBS, Glasgow, Scotland.  
rapu100.zip    17025 08-05-2024  RAPU v1.0 - (c)1995 Steve Miller 
                                    RemoteAccess Phone Utility v1.0     
                                This utility will format the voice phone
                                and  data  phone  entries  in  the  each
                                record  in  the  users file to look like
                                xxx-xxx-xxxx.  Very handy for making the
                                user file look a little nicer.  As usual
                                very easy to use.  The setup requires no
                                special configuration.  XANADU SOFTWARE 
raqa102b.zip   10780 08-05-2024  RAQA  "RA Questionnaire Amputator" :
                                Small utility to erase responses in your
                                .ASW files for users who are
                                not in the USERS.BBS file. [Version 1.02]
raqp10.zip     11001 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                    Removes deleted users    
                                 answers from Remote Access  
                                 questionnaire answer files  
                                  (C)Brian Andrus, Mar 1994  
rasearch.zip   11008 08-05-2024 
rasis201.zip  517473 08-05-2024   RASIS 2.01 IJ
                                           ** NEW ADDITIONS! **
                                  RemoteAccess Sysop's Information Service
                                  Multi-Task Aware, supports Multi-Node
                                  systems. Post messages to HMB/JAM. Multiple
                                  System reports, User mailing labels,reports
                                  Change some system settings. Lots more!
                                  * No RA Sysop should be without it *
                                  From RaLin Software IJ
rasis202.zip  714788 08-05-2024 RemoteAccess Sysops Information Service 2.02
                                The definitive BBS System Reporter, covers
                                all phases of your RA system, reports to
                                File,Screen,Printer. Print User Labels,
                                Index Cards, Write Letters, Call Users via
                                voice phone, View Q-A files & Ansi Screens,
                                user reports can be filtered, File Manager,
                                also a companion program with a bunch of
                                unbelivable sysop utilities. Lots more!
                                Another "Cowboy Software" product....
rasup.zip      45496 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                RA SUBSCRIPTION ENFORCER 
                                This program allows you  
                                to search the user data- 
                                base, and if the expiry  
                                date is the same as the  
                                system date, then RA-    
                                SUB will reset the user  
                                record to a pre-defined  
                                record. IE Reset UL/DL   
                                Record, Credits, Expiry, 
                                Security. And a lot more 
                                Download your Copy today 
ratb_100.zip  160264 08-05-2024 Remote Access Time Bank  -  v1.00
                                Copyright (c) 1991-93 by Ivan F. Martinez
ratot100.zip   22219 08-05-2024 
                                   This little  program     
                                   allows you to change     
                                   the total number  of     
                                   calls on your board.     
                                   Simple and Freeware.     
                                  \\=-  For RA 2.xx -=//    
                                     Raposa Productions     
ratpk_1.zip   172385 08-05-2024 New RAT_PAK by SoftNet - formery Motor City.
                                Just because we ripped off the public is no
                                reason not to give us a second chance now we
                                have a new name to uphold.
rats220.zip   298449 08-05-2024 RATS v2.20 TimeBank System for
                                RA/QBBS/SuperBBS/ProBoard supports
                                storing Time and KBytes for use
                                another day. Also supports Borrowing
                                Time and KByes, and Daily and Monthly
                                Lotteries. This is the most
                                comprehensive Time Bank on the market
                                today, and is a proven winner
                                over the past 5 years!
rats30.zip    366318 08-05-2024            RATS 3.00   ۲
                                    The RemoteAccess TimeBank System
                                 (henceforth known as RATS) is a user
                                 time-banking system for RemoteAccess.
                                 It has many features for the user and
                                 Sysop alike and allows users to bank
                                 online time and download kilobytes for
                                 use at a later date.
raue_101.zip   33080 08-05-2024 Raue v1.01 RemoteAccess 2.0x/2.50 UserEditor
                                Raue is a brand new editor for your
                                RemoteAccess userbase. Just some very
                                nice features to edit your userbase.
raul09b.zip    40436 08-05-2024 **Remote Access User Labels**
                                Beta Version .09 - Release 1
                                Print mailing labels for users in the
                                Remote Access USERS.BBS.
                                This is a Pre-Release Evaluation.
                                Version 1.0 Final, due out soon.
rauser2.zip    10858 08-05-2024 
rausr220.zip  318612 08-05-2024 RAUSERS v 2.20 ( The Other RA-Editor )
                                RemoteAccess 2.50 /2.0x complete Users
                                Editor. Create bulletins, Query Users,
                                Search for Data, Globally change items,
                                ADD Users, Change Passwords, Create
                                Reports, GoTo & Locate users by
                                name, Pack/Purge, Fast Index create, and
                                more. Bulletins are command line or menu
                                driven. DupeCheck... Checks users base
                                for dupes by 6 methods... CheckBase will
                                scan the users base and check field
                                lengths & unauthorized chars, Also will
                                upgrade users based on paramters via
                                Uploads, Downloads & Calls. Write
                                message in JAM or HMB ... Edit
                                Limits,Lastcalls, Protocols etc...
                                LastCall Bulletin totally configurable.
                                Use MACROS in the text files used for
                                messages. DBase & ASCII export,
                                Msg to Sysop of New Users, Sorting and
                                Post msg to user from EDIT SCREEN !!!
                                Validation system templates & a NewUsers
                                defaults editor built in.
                                ALL This & More for $20.00
                                Renegade Software * Accuracy thru Automation
rausrprt.zip   12166 08-05-2024 RAUSRPRT.EXE : Remote Access User Account
                                Printer Utility v1.0: Searches your Remote
                                Access 2.0x
                                user files for any users whose names/handles
                                criteria specified from the command line.
                                Great to print
                                out some important info like user name, handle
                                flag settings, account toggles, and more to
                                printer or
                                screen. Small, quick, useful! *FREEWARE!* by
                                Fozzy INC.
ravip103.zip   80943 08-05-2024 ****** RaVip Version 1.03 *******
                                  --= Multi Language Support =--
                                Scans RA log, dectects VIP callers via
                                VIP.CTL, posts message to Sysop that they
                                called, also condensed activity report.
                                Sysop message to MsgBase or Netmail.
                                Supports Hudson/Jam/MSG. Can use alternate
                                control file, alone or "with" VIP.CTL!
                                NOW SUPPORTS ECHOMAIL/INTER-ZONE NETMAIL
                                - Freeware -   "A missing part of RA"
ra_stflg.zip   11992 08-05-2024 
ra_uedit.zip   59413 08-05-2024 ͸
                                       RA_Uedit v 1.0         
                                 Ist ein 2 in 1 Doorprogramm  
                                 welches anhand von Parameter 
                                 ein USERSETUP oder ein       
                                 Online USEREDITOR ausfhrt.  
                                 Vorteil: Es ist Preiswerter  
                                 als 2 Door's. Registrierung  
                                           30,- DM.           
                                 Lauffaehig unter RA 2.0x     
                                    by MS-SOFT 2:2410/214     
                                   and HEZ-SOFT 2:241/1028    
reg110g1.zip  296602 08-05-2024     RegView/Door 1.10g1
                                The Ultimate UserEditor for
                                 Remote Access 2.0x / 2.50
                                This is a gamma version of RegView.
                                Added RA 2.50 support to this version !
                                Not only for registered users but
                                for everybody !!!
                                This is a gamma release of the best
                                usereditor available for RA 2.xx
                                This program is a must for 
                                a sysop who uses Remote Access
                                Lots of options has been added.
                                   !! 100% configurable !!
                                Total rewritten setup program.
                                  Check it out yourself !!
                                    (c)'96 BundySoft
regu201c.zip  136550 08-05-2024 REG_USER v2.01c for RA v2.00/2.02/2.50
                                With this programm you'll get a fine 
                                data-base of all extra user-data you 
                                want to know and save. You can create 
                                your own questions and screen layout. 
                                Several user-data can be copied from 
                                the userbase of Remote Access. The 
                                userlevel and the userflags can be set 
                                freely. Even on an Y/N question the 
                                sysop-level and flags can be set. So 
                                this is an user registration door that 
                                can be setup as you need it. This 
                                program is multi-line & multi-language.
                                (C) 1998 ENKHUIZEN-BBS / SOFTWARE (TM)
regvw107.zip  206720 08-05-2024 REGVIEW/DOOR 1.07 Complete users registration
                                util for Remote Access 2.0x. Very friendly to
                                users, easy to work with for sysops. RegView
                                is a complete usereditor RegView can write
                                msg's to users, automatically downgrade and
                                warn members of your BBS by notifying them
                                with a warning message a definable days
                                before there membership ends, etc, etc.
regvw109.zip  294818 08-05-2024     RegView/Door 1.09
                                The Ultimate UserEditor for
                                    Remote Access 2.0x
                                This is a new release of the best
                                usereditor available for RA 2.0x
                                This program is a must for 
                                a sysop who uses Remote Access
                                Lots of options has been added.
                                   !! 100% configurable !!
                                Total rewritten setup program.
                                  Check it out yourself !!
                                    (c)'95 BundySoft
reg_u201.zip  115097 08-05-2024 With this programm you'll get a fine 
                                data-base of all extra user-data you 
                                want to know and save. You can create 
                                your own questions and screen layout. 
                                Several user-data can be copied from 
                                the userbase of Remote Access. The 
                                userlevel and the userflags can be set 
                                freely. Even on an Y/N question the 
                                sysop-level and flags can be set. So 
                                this is an user registration door that 
                                can be setup as you need it. This 
                                program is multi-line & multi-language.
reuser.zip     87880 08-05-2024         
                                  By InFront Productions
                                       RE-User Version 1.0        
                                The Greatest User editor around   
                                allows sysops/CoSysops to edit    
                                users remotely. It has quick      
                                searches for all Un-Validated     
                                Users. Allows your co-sysops to   
                                carry out the boring work of      
                                validating users or updating      
                                passwords. Just to mention a few  
                                uses!!! Has 3 built in access     
                                levels as to allow the sysop      
                                quick access to changes and a     
                                more secure option for co-sysops  
                                with less experience..            
                                  And its Free....                
                                 Dist via PCM 
rhchange.zip   33043 08-05-2024 .--------------------------------------.
                                |  NoW *aLL* doors have Alias support  |
                                |            wiTh hElP oF              |
                                |                                      |
                                |   REALNAME - ALiAS - CHANGER v0.2    |
                                |   Switches real names with handles   |
                                |   in your RA USERS.BBS userbase      |
                                |  (c) wolfie        release 28/o4/96  |
rtool116.zip  142593 08-05-2024  Rudy's Place Tools. Release 1.16 
                                A collection of RA 2.xx Sysop tools that
                                are used on  Rudy's  Place BBS.  Include
                                Users IDX file rebuilder,  USERSXI  file
                                rebuilder FILE_ID.DIZ   handler,    File
                                Truncator, Global USERS.BBS set utility,
                                Users duplicate  finder,  USERON  wiper,
                                Zip version  identifier,   Alias  fixer,
                                command line  Nodelist   entry  locator,
                                users files   checkup   utility,    file
                                renumbering  utility,   RA  Orphan  Text
                                files, menus  and   questionnaire  files
                                locator, RA  File   and  Messages  areas
                                reporter,  MESSGAES.RA Global editor,  A
                                NetMail cleaning utility and a FrontDoor
                                session password sync utility.    Public
                                Domain  from the  Sysop of  Rudy's Place
                                BBS.                        ** A MUST **
rufc100.zip    10246 08-05-2024 
rur_300.zip    62130 08-05-2024 
rus_100.zip    10849 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                         RA USER SWAP - v1.00         
                                 swaps the names and handles of the   
                                 callers in your RA Userbase. also    
                                 includes a utility to swap them in   
                                 the DOOR.SYS drop file. these are    
                                 needed by systems that are switching 
                                 from using handles in the real name  
                                 field in the userbase.               
                                 another fine utility by :            
                                  Mark Lewis, Quartz Crystal Software 
rutil100.zip   66494 08-05-2024 R_Utils v1.00 >>---> Sysop Utilities for
                                RemoteAccess 2.0x and other BBS's. Utils
                                include  a free disk space util,  a flag
                                setting util,  File/Message - Group/Area
                                setting util, Total Call Count Util, Log
                                Generator, an RA  System.BBS viewer, and
                                a RA Events Lister. Shareware.
sbank.zip     183029 08-05-2024 S-Bank 2.00 - RA/SBBS/Ezycom banking
                                S-Bank is a very advanced multi-     
                                language time and kilobyte bank for  
                                for SuperBBS, RemoteAccess (both 1.11
                                and 2.00) and Ezycom.                
                                With a very flexible configuration,  
                                powerful menu system, user editor,   
                                advanced banking options, great      
                                full screen chat (even better than   
                                most specialized chat programs!), and
                                much, much more!                     
                                Don't wait, get your copy right now! 
                                ----> Shareware, very low price <----
sdr_1.zip      12797 08-05-2024 SDReminder v1.0  A utility to 
                                show users ansi and ascii text files
                                based on thier subscription date and
                                security level.  Will only be shown
                                to them once per day.
                                Versions included for both RA1.11 and
sdset_30.zip   12144 08-05-2024 SubDate 3.0 will add days to users
                                subscription expiration date, either
                                to a single user online or to a group
                                of users from the dos prompt.
sec272.zip    289721 08-05-2024 =Security Ver 2.70=Ŀ
                                  Released: 17-03-1997       
                                  Security will detect and   
                                  hang up any users on your  
                                  BBS that decide to use     
                                  duplicate accounts or make 
                                  accounts with bogus info   
                                  about themselves.          
                                  Now with a NEW LOOK all    
                                  together. Looks  alot      
                                  better than all previous   
                                  NEW FEATURE: TOO MANY NEW  
                                  FEATURES TO LIST HERE!     
                                  Now Internationally Compat 
                                      Created By: Roblo      
sec273b8.zip  184899 08-05-2024 =Security Ver 2.73=Ŀ
                                  Released: 20-11-1997       
                                  Security will detect and   
                                  hang up any users on your  
                                  BBS that decide to use     
                                  duplicate accounts or make 
                                  accounts with bogus info   
                                  about themselves.          
                                  Now with a NEW LOOK all    
                                  together. Looks  alot      
                                  better than all previous   
                                  This is Sec V2.73 BETA 7!  
                                  Fixed Colours Resetting!   
                                  Now Internationally Compat 
                                      Created By: Roblo      
set_time.zip    6082 08-05-2024 SET_TIME v0.01 Time Limit Utility for RA
                                BBSs.  For BBS's running Remote Access 2.XX
                                on the credit system.  Sets time limit to
                                the number of credits caller has, if number
                                of credits is smaller than the time limit.
                                Stops problem where caller can have five
                                credits left and start a 10-hour download,
                                ending up with a huge negative credit
                                balance.  Quick, dirty, and free.  By John
                                Schofield of the Sprawl at (818) 342-5127.
sf2pb.zip      23809 08-05-2024 Reads Spitfire 3.x BBS user file and creates
                                ProBoard 2.x BBS and RemoteAccess 2.x BBS
                                user files.
showdupe.zip   11763 08-05-2024 
sos_2duser.z       0 01-01-1980   
                                StxX/SocietyOfSnow Presents
                                   USERANS A CEWL UTiL   
                                   FoR RemoteAccess 2.o2   
                                    iT CREATES A ANSi      
                                      oF ALL USERS...      
                                    Use YOUR own ANSi's!  
                                    Very easy to setup..  
                                Files: 7  
                                NFO: MISSING  
                                DIZ: 96.07.17
                                OLD: 95.08.17  
                                NEW: 96.07.17
                                -=( ansi diz stripped )=-
sos_2duser.zip   11551 08-05-2024   
                                StxX/SocietyOfSnow Presents
                                   USERANS A CEWL UTiL   
                                   FoR RemoteAccess 2.o2   
                                    iT CREATES A ANSi      
                                      oF ALL USERS...      
                                    Use YOUR own ANSi's!  
                                    Very easy to setup..  
                                Files: 7  
                                  NFO: MISSING  
                                  DIZ: 96.07.17
                                  OLD: 95.08.17  
                                  NEW: 96.07.17
                                  -=( ansi diz stripped )=-
style_12.zip   37654 08-05-2024  STyLe CHaNGeR FoR Ra 2.XX, VeR 1.20
                                WIth thIS prOGrAM YOU'rE AblE tO      
                                CHaNGe THe STyLe FoR aLL youR uSeRS   
                                In YOUr UsErs.bbs                     
                                very easy to use when your bbs is     
                                ALSO IN THIS KIND OFF STYLE!          
                                You're Able To Choose From:           
                                fUnY StYlE- eLiTe STyLe- ElItE 2 stYlE
                                UPPER CASE - lower case - Name Case   
                                       CReaTeD By JauR FRoM JD'S      
su12.zip       14619 08-05-2024 
sunreg10.zip  179295 08-05-2024 SUNREG Versie 10
                                  Online User Controle programma.            
                                  - Controleert on-line of adres gegevens    
                                    kloppen. En past on-line level aan!      
                                  - Bij acceptatie automatisch aanpassen
                                  - Plaatst commentaar naar wens in de
                                    veld Comment.                            
                                  - Hoogt level op naar door sysop gewenste  
                                  - Komplete database met ALLE Nederlandse   
                                    plaatsen, netnummers en postcodes        
                                  - Werkt met 'nieuwe' en oude
                                  - Overzichtelijke Log en Errorfile         
                                  - Met Uw eigen intro scherm                
                                  - Voor Proboard 2.x                        
                                  - En RA 2.x                                
                                  - GRATIS REGISTRATIE OP NAAM!              
                                    Aangeboden door Sunshine BBS             
s_2duserlt.z       0 01-01-1980  _____  _____            _  _____
                                 /___)(_   _)     ___  | |(_   _)
                                 |___   | | ___  / _ \ | |  | | _BBS_
                                \___ |  | ||.__)| |_| || |  | || |_| |
                                ___/ |__| ||:_) |  _  || |_ | ||  _  |
                                (__________||___)|_| |_||___)|_||_| |_|
                                Ĵ presenta Ŀ
                                  S T E A L T H   U S E R   L I S T  
                                        // Versin 1.0 \\        
                                   Door para Remote Access 2.x que   
                                   reemplaza  el viejo  y aburrido   
                                   User List que viene con el  RA.   
                                   Con Exelentes Pantallas  Ansis!   
s_2duserlt.zip   45499 08-05-2024  _____  _____            _  _____
                                | /___)(_   _)     ___  | |(_   _)
                                | |___   | | ___  / _ \ | |  | | _BBS_
                                 \___ |  | ||.__)| |_| || |  | || |_| |
                                 ___/ |__| ||:_) |  _  || |_ | ||  _  |
                                (__________||___)|_| |_||___)|_||_| |_|
                                Ĵ presenta Ŀ
                                  S T E A L T H   U S E R   L I S T  
                                        // Versin 1.0 \\        
                                   Door para Remote Access 2.x que   
                                   reemplaza  el viejo  y aburrido   
                                   User List que viene con el  RA.   
                                   Con Exelentes Pantallas  Ansis!   
tag2ra_2du.z       0 01-01-1980 TAG to RemoteAccess user base converter v1.02
tag2ra_2du.zip    9711 08-05-2024 TAG to RemoteAccess user base converter v1.02
tb200a.zip    140229 08-05-2024 
                                ޳  TurboBANK Version 2.00a  ޳
                                 Mikerosoft Productions' online time
                                 banking  system  featuring  credit,
                                 chequeing, theft, investments, time
                                 & KB converting, new casino games &
                                 much, much  more!  Fully compatible
                                 with  multinode  systems  and  runs
                                 smoothly under DV, OS/2, & Windows.
                                 Supports RA v2.xx, Concord vO.O1-G,
                                 and SuperBBS v1.17-x!        [SB95]
tbank200.zip   68205 08-05-2024 
tc3212a.zip  1030296 08-05-2024 [1/2]Ŀ
                                 TotalControl32 for Windows95/NT
                                         version 1.2            
                                 is a fully graphical RA 2.0x.  
                                 utility to maintain your users.
                                 Do things like:                
                                 - Global changes.              
                                 - Conditional level upgrades.  
                                 - Access more information.     
                                 - Search userbase for keyword. 
                                 - TC StatusMonitor supplied.   
                                 - Add users.                   
                                 Part A (of 2) contains .EXE    
                                 .HLP .DOC and SETUP.EXE.       
tc3212b.zip   943734 08-05-2024 [2/2]Ŀ
                                 TotalControl32 for Windows95/NT
                                         version 1.2            
                                 is a fully graphical RA 2.0x.  
                                 utility to maintain your users.
                                 Do things like:                
                                 - Global changes.              
                                 - Conditional level upgrades.  
                                 - Access more information.     
                                 - Search userbase for keyword. 
                                 - TC StatusMonitor supplied.   
                                 - Add users.                   
                                 Part B (of 2) contains various 
                                   general runtime libraries.   
tc3212l.zip   159272 08-05-2024 [1/1]Ŀ
                                TotalControl UE for Windows95/NT
                                      version 1.2 32-bit        
                                 is a fully graphical RA 2.0x.  
                                 utility to maintain your users.
                                 Do things like:                
                                 - Global changes.              
                                 - Conditional level upgrades.  
                                 - Access more information.     
                                 - Search userbase for keyword. 
                                 - TC StatusMonitor supplied.   
                                 - Add users.                   
                                        UPDATE PACKAGE          
tfc200.zip     10344 08-05-2024 
timeman.zip    41107 08-05-2024 TIME MAN V1.00
                                This program allows a sysop
                                to let his users add and/or
                                subtract time from thier
                                account. For RA2.0x Only
                                Dean Sheppard
                                Spyrus Software
tlist10.zip    30595 08-05-2024 
                                  Userlister for RemoteAccess 2.xx   
                                  E ۰    ۰      ۰   
                                  W ۱  ۱     ۱   
                                  TList v1.0 (c) by Thunder  
                                 completely in German...... FREEWARE 
t_bnk_40.zip   60594 08-05-2024 Tijdbank voor Remote Access 2.00. Voor het
                                storten van Kbytes en Tijd.
                                Deze door is te blokkeren op 1 keer per inlog
                                te gebruiken.
                                Met een sysop-util is het wijizgen/deleten van
                                user gegevens in de tijdbank
                                een leuke mogelijkheid.
u2txt11.zip    15303 08-05-2024 
u3250.zip      51544 08-05-2024 USER UPDATER - UNIVERSAL 2.5 is a user
                                database utility for RemoteAccess 2.xx.
                                It can modify user records, print
                                records, run external programs such as
                                robot mailers, tally information, and
                                more based on database fields using
                                your own criteria of any complexity.
                                Can also examine/modify EXITINFO.BBS.
                                So flexible it must be seen to be
                                believed! Shareware by Tom Almy
ucon10.zip     77197 08-05-2024   ߰   ߰ ߰ ߰ ۰
                                ~~~  ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~    ~~
                                        the first release of the
                                  Userconfiguration v1.0 for RA v2.0x
                                      (eine RA v2.5 Version folgt)
                                  UConf ist voll cursorgesteuert mit
                                 Lightbar und Zugriffsmglichkeit auf
                                            das RA-Logbuch ...
                                Der User kann *19* nderungen an seiner
                                Einstellung vornehmen. SysOp's knnen
                                per CTL jede Option freigeben oder auch
                                sperren. Die Grafik kann natrlich auch
                                bei diesem Tool selbst erstellt werden.
                                              GET ME NOW !
                                       NEU in dieser Version:
                                - Konfigur. der Farben ist nun mglich
                                - StartUpScreen nur in der unreg. Ver.!
                                - EndScreen ist entfernt wurden !
                                      ! Achiviert mit RAR v2.0 !
ulist25.zip    23434 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                  ڿ         ڿ    ڿ Ŀ Ŀ  
                                  ô      ô    ô ¿   ô    
                                          User Lister v2.5           
                                 User Lister is a RA 2.xx Door that  
                                 Will List All users in your BBS or  
                                 Only Specific User(s), Ulist will   
                                 Not show the Users Location in list 
                                 Ulist can also search in Handles and
                                 In location of the user             
                                        User Lister Supports         
                                 Desqview + Multiline + Ansi/Avatar  
ulst_2d100.z       0 01-01-1980   -   --  ---ĸ 1997 --- -
                                UserList v1.00
                                ---- --   -
                                for use with Remote Access v2.50
                                (older versions might work)
                                Simple offline door that creates a
                                colorful text file showing the users in
                                your BBS's UserList using RA color
                                control codes.
                                -Jens Turning Bramstedt--- -
ulst_2d100.zip    7811 08-05-2024   -   --  ---ĸ 1997 --- -
                                      UserList v1.00
                                  ---- --   -
                                       for use with Remote Access v2.50
                                            (older versions might work)
                                Simple offline door that creates a
                                colorful text file showing the users in
                                your BBS's UserList using RA color
                                control codes.
                                    -Jens Turning Bramstedt--- -
ulted120.zip   77819 08-05-2024 Ultimate User, Menu and System Info Editor
                                For RemoteAccess 2.XX  Version 1.20
um100.zip     170734 08-05-2024  USERMAN 1.00 
                                 Professional Usermanagement for the  
                                 experienced RemoteAccess 2.xx Sysop  
                                 * Multilingual                       
                                 * Multitasker aware                  
                                 * Checks 13 users.bbs fields         
                                 * Informs Users and Sysop of changes 
                                 * More then 40 metastrings           
                                 * Uses country dependent format for  
                                   date and time.                     
                                 * Can welcome users, kill users, up- 
                                   grade and downgrade users. Check   
                                   subscriptions, birthday, first     
                                   call, last call, credit, ratio etc 
                                 * Context sensitive helpsystem       
                                 * Very smart and userfriendly!       
                                 * NOT crippled in any way.           
                                 KISS Software 
umgr115.zip    62647 08-05-2024 (v1.15) UserManager for Remote Access 2.0x. 
                                - Send hello messages to new users
                                - Send happy birthday messages 
                                - Upgrade after xxx Kb Upload
                                - Upgrade after xxx msgs written 
                                - Upgrade after xxx calls made 
                                - Downgrade after sub. date expiry
                                - Backup your usersbase with Pkzip/Arj 
                                - Send netmail with data of new users
                                - Delete users with deleted flag on 
                                - Kill users that have not called for X days 
                                - Kill users that have a certain level
                                - And a LOT more stuff
                                Read all about UserMgr Pro!
                                Shareware by Pascal van Rossum
upgrv1.zip     60605 08-05-2024 ͸
                                    ProWare Presents    
                                 UpGrader v1.00 Release 
                                 Allow your users to be 
                                 online based on Calls, 
                                   Uploads & Messages.  
                                 If you wish, different 
                                  demands depending on  
                                  the users baud-rate.  
                                  Also shows what they  
                                  have to do to reach   
                                   the next sec-level.  
                                  Downgrade users with  
                                  an expired Sub-Date.  
                                 In the greatest Ansi,  
                                   Ascii and Avatar.    
                                (c)1994-95 Peter Larsson
upgrv100.zip   54732 08-05-2024 ͸
                                    ProWare Presents    
                                 UpGrader v1.00 Release 
                                 Allow your users to be 
                                 online based on Calls, 
                                   Uploads & Messages.  
                                 If you wish, different 
                                  demands depending on  
                                  the users baud-rate.  
                                  Also shows what they  
                                  have to do to reach   
                                   the next sec-level.  
                                  Downgrade users with  
                                  an expired Sub-Date.  
                                 In the greatest Ansi,  
                                   Ascii and Avatar.    
                                (c)1994-95 Peter Larsson
urd102b.zip    74227 08-05-2024 (v1.02b) URD - RemoteAccess User
                                Registration Door. Bug-fix release
                                of URD 1.02. Fixes bugs in the
                                RA v1.10/v1.11 compatibility.
                                URD is a full configurable NewUser
                                Registration Door. It will allow
                                you to define your own questions,
                                in your own BBS style, in all
                                languages you want and as many
                                questions as you want. URD can
                                update the user when it has
                                completed the questionnaire or
                                downgrade the user (or optionally
                                delete, lockout or terminate) when
                                it didn't want to completed the
                                questionnaire. URD is also full
                                Multi-Line and DESQview aware.
                                Supports RA 1.10/1.11 and 2.00.g1.
ureg_117.zip  224364 08-05-2024      UserRegistration-Door v1.17
                                      UserRegistration-Door v.1.17       
                                Es knnen alle Versionen Upgedatet werden
                                UserReg ist eine der einfachsten Lsungen
                                neue User im System einzutragen zu lassen
                                mit Eingebauten BBS-Lister                
                                Lauffaehig auf Remote Access , Proboard ,
                                Superbbs , Ezycom , Quickbbs andere      
                                Mailboxsysteme in vorbereitung.          
                                Echo- u. NetMail support                 
                                jetzt auch lauffaehig auf Proboard 2.12  
                                   (c) Volker Gehrt Fido: 2:2452/112
us2db_2d10.z       0 01-01-1980 Ŀ
                                Users.BBS -> Users.DBF
                                Converts the user list
                                from RA 2.x to DBASE
                                Stealth BBS Software
                                Ariel Grasso
us2db_2d10.zip   12970 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  Users.BBS -> Users.DBF
                                   Converts the user list
                                    from RA 2.x to DBASE
                                   Stealth BBS Software
                                       Ariel Grasso
userset9.zip  156011 08-05-2024 USERSET V9.00 for RA 2.xx Only.
                                 ----- FREEWARE !!! -----
                                (c)1995 P.Kappetein                   
                                now in DUTCH and ENGLISH
                                Now..the sysop can make the question's
                                Let's make users change the
                                settings..... Name,Adress,PASSWORD,
                                Password logfile
                                Voice/Data number ect ect ect
usertext.zip    7914 08-05-2024 =User To Text 1.00=Ŀ
                                  Released: 25-03-1997       
                                  User To Text Is A Simple   
                                  Utility Written In Turbo   
                                  Pascal That Will Convert   
                                  RemoteAccess's USERS.BBS   
                                  File Into A Text File,     
                                  With Information About The 
                                  Users You Have. This       
                                  Includes Name, Handle,     
                                  Phone Number(s), Address,  
                                  Password, Total Ul/Dl's,   
                                  Plus More!                 
                                      Created By: Roblo      
user_e2r.zip   18365 08-05-2024 Ezycom 1.02/1.10 > RA2 Userconverter
                                FreeWare, use at your own risk...
uview.zip      99556 08-05-2024 
u_set114.zip   81160 08-05-2024 USERSET Door for RemoteAccess 2.00.
                                Version 1.14 allow users to view and
                                change their BBS setup in a full
                                screen door will all options built-in.
                                An option to disable options is now
                                available. Added full language support.
varipmt1.zip   36638 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 **        VARIPMT.EXE V1.00       ** 
                                 Would you like to be able to vary    
                                 the prompt shown to users when they  
                                 enter their password ?               
                                 Well now you can. VARIPMT.EXE will   
                                 pick the prompt to be displayed from 
                                 a Sysop definable list.              
                                     For Sysops who like to vary      
                                   For RemoteAccess V2.xx BBS ONLY!   
vbmchk10.zip   32395 08-05-2024 VB_MCHK v1.0 - VaBa!Soft Utils for RA 2.0x
                                VB_MCHK is a complete program to check the
                                expiring dates of your paying members. This
                                program can send warning messages, downgrade
                                users, turn flags on/off and more ! Full
                                language support in messages. This program
                                takes a lot of work out of your hands for a
                                very low registration price.
vip203.zip     20003 08-05-2024 VIP 2.03 -- [Release ].
                                Generates VIP.CTL According To
                                Security Level.  For Use With
                                RemoteAccess 2.0x BBS Systems.
                                !! Major Bug Release !!
vnpbank.zip    86807 08-05-2024 VNP Software Presentsķ
                                VnpBank v3.0 is a RemoteAccess v2.0xĺ
                                Time and  Kilobyte  Bank  with  advanced
                                features like a dual chat screen. IJ
                                It supports multiple  security  level
                                configuration,  THEBANK.EXT   supporting
                                doors and includes an Account Editor.   
                                You can also use  your  old  accounts
                                from IceBank v0.50.İ 
                                VnpBank is the only ShareWare Bank of
                                its kind. It has  no  registration  code
                                and it is full featured.IJ
wdg_125d.zip   60833 08-05-2024 Ϳ
                                        RAWatchDog! 1.25d        
                                   Deluxe Maintenance Utility    
                                           for RA 2.0x           
                                 Sucht nach doppelten Telefon-   
                                 nummern, frei whlbar, Daten-   
                                 und/oder Voice, schreibt User   
                                 die einen zu niedrigen User-    
                                 level haben in die TRASHCAN.CTL 
                                 bercksichtigt dabei schon vor- 
                                 hadene Eintrge, protokolliert  
                                 alle Vorgnge in frei whlba-   
                                 rer LOG-Datei. Bearbeitet an-   
                                 schlieend die User-Base mit    
                                 RAUSER (auf Wunsch) dabei kn-  
                                 beb die Parameter in der CFG-   
                                 Datei definiert werden. Swappt  
                                 sich beim Ausfhren ins EMS /   
                                 XMS oder DISK. Eingebauter      
                                 Errorhandler verhindert kryp-   
                                 tische Abstrze, uvm.           
xpose.zip      23532 08-05-2024                             
                                           X  P  O  S  E
                                     Finally! A program that can   
                                      switch a user's handle and   
                                      real name in EXITINFO.BBS,
                                      DOOR.SYS and DORINFO1.DEF!   
                                      Now supports RemoteAccess'   
                                      USERS.BBS file! Let your BBS
                                     be 100% Handles!!! Let your   
                                     users enjoy the benifits of   
                                    total anonymity, while all the 
                                    other sysops ask you for your  
                                     secret! Command line driven,
                                    FAST and easy to set up. Best  
                                        of all, 100% FreeWare by
                                      _-_-> Nick Pirocanac <-_-_   
                                   V  E  R  S  I  O  N  ONE
xtdep53e.zip   71526 08-05-2024 
xue02.zip      60211 08-05-2024 XUE 0.2: An excellent user editor
                                for sysops running RA 2.0x.  XUE
                                operates fully as a door.  A few
                                of its features include a classic
                                menu stack, descriptive macros,
                                online help, and much more.  No
                                beeps or delays.  Shareware [$15]
                                by David Pinch.
zr101.zip      26001 08-05-2024 ߲
                                        ZroRgo version 0.101      
                                 RemoteAccess Registration program  
                                   Feature include Automatic user   
                                upgrade, easy to install, makes text
                                  file of new user info, for later  
                                   editting! ANSI/AVATAR support!!  

          Area 103 - Random Screen / Quote Makers         

auto_2dwel.z       0 01-01-1980 AUTO-WEL v1.0 - Auto Welcome allows you to
                                never have to worry about your BBS welcome
                                screens again.  Run it in your daily event
                                batch file and it will copy  your pre-made
                                welcome screens automatically. AUTO-WEL is
                                fully configurable. Edit one configuration
                                file and you're ready to go. ** NO NAGS **
                                *** NOT CRIPPLED ***   Nick Garcia - $5.00
auto_2dwel.zip   32617 08-05-2024 AUTO-WEL v1.0 - Auto Welcome allows you to
                                never have to worry about your BBS welcome
                                screens again.  Run it in your daily event
                                batch file and it will copy  your pre-made
                                welcome screens automatically. AUTO-WEL is
                                fully configurable. Edit one configuration
                                file and you're ready to go. ** NO NAGS **
                                *** NOT CRIPPLED ***   Nick Garcia - $5.00
bbspr10.zip    31868 08-05-2024 BBS Page Rotater                 Version 1.00
                                Rotate up to 999 different page songs on your
                                Remote Access BBS.  Completely Command-Line
                                Driven and very efficient. Does include page
                                songs for use with this program.
                                Latest Release 01/93
bbsquo10.zip   37533 08-05-2024 Multiline quote generator. Works with any
                                BBS! Visually separates author from quote.
                                Can be run as in your BETWEEN.BAT
                                event. Fully configurable!
calcat56.zip  100337 08-05-2024 
                                  JUST IN TIME FOR THE HOLIDAYS!!!!!!
                                  CalCat! v5.5 the ULTIMATE HOLIDAY Screen
                                  This highly rated utility will help reduce
                                  stress and workload during the holiday
                                  CalCat! knows 242+ holidays and does other
                                  configurable swaps.
                                  RIP Support.
                                  Designed around Wildcat! but supports other
                                  software as well.
                                  This utility requires the HOLISCRN.ZIP file
                                  operate.  This file contains all of the
                                  coded holiday screens or download HOLIDAYS
                                  to get the @@coded and RIP screens!
calcat59.zip  100386 08-05-2024 CalCat! v5.90 ultimate full featured holiday
                                screen swapper!  Excellent
                                JUST IN TIME FOR THE HOLIDAYS!!!!!!
                                CalCat! v5.90 the ULTIMATE HOLIDAY Screen
                                Swapper.  This highly rated 
                                utility will help reduce your stress and
                                workload all year round.
                                CalCat! knows 242+ holidays and does other
                                user configurable swaps.
                                RIP Support.  Supports any BBS software
                                This utility requires the HOLISCRN.ZIP file to
                                operate.  This file 
                                contains all of the @@color coded holiday
cybqzar.zip    33405 08-05-2024 CyBiC ----
                                ۲   ܲ ۲ ۱
                                ۱   ۱ ۱  ۰ 
                                Generates random QUOTE
                                OF THE DAY, but of the
                                worse things  that can
                                happen to you!  Really
                                Funny,  all users will
                                love it.  -[FREEWARE]-
day910_2d1.z       0 01-01-1980 This Date in History   version 9.10
                                Data for use with TODAYBBS/TODAYDOR.
                                1 of 6 - January and February
                                A comprehensive list of Births, Deaths,
                                Holidays & Events for any day.
                                Revised May 1, 1996 by Bruce T. Goldman
day910_2d1.zip  595512 08-05-2024 This Date in History   version 9.10
                                Data for use with TODAYBBS/TODAYDOR.
                                1 of 6 - January and February
                                A comprehensive list of Births, Deaths,
                                Holidays & Events for any day.
                                Revised May 1, 1996 by Bruce T. Goldman
day910_2d3.z       0 01-01-1980 This Date in History   version 9.10
                                Data for use with TODAYBBS/TODAYDOR.
                                3 of 6 - May and June
                                A comprehensive list of Births, Deaths,
                                Holidays & Events for any day.
                                Revised May 1, 1996 by Bruce T. Goldman
day910_2d3.zip  535578 08-05-2024 This Date in History   version 9.10
                                Data for use with TODAYBBS/TODAYDOR.
                                3 of 6 - May and June
                                A comprehensive list of Births, Deaths,
                                Holidays & Events for any day.
                                Revised May 1, 1996 by Bruce T. Goldman
dctcp001.zip   11027 08-05-2024 DCTCopy v0.01 * A simple program that will 
                                allow the SysOp to use alternating ANSIs for 
                                his menus or random ones each time the next 
                                user logs in.  Public domain source code 
dctrnd01.zip   11070 08-05-2024 DCTCopy v0.01 * A simple program that will 
                                allow the SysOp to use alternating ANSIs for 
                                his menus or random ones each time the next 
                                user logs in.  Public domain source code 
diduknow.zip   29012 08-05-2024 (v1.0) DIDUKNOW (Engels)
                                    VaBa!Soft Utils for RA 2.0x    
                                 Did You Know is a door that gives 
                                 some interesting facts about the  
                                 BBS to the user.      FREEWARE  
drmran10.zip   11122 08-05-2024 DreamRandomv1.0Ŀ
                                    WELCOME.ANS, LOGON.ANS, and     
                                    LOGOFF.ANS randomizer for WWIV    
                                 Systems.   Allows you to have up to  
                                      99,999,999 randoms screens.     
                                  NOT CRIPPLED!!      FREEWARE!!    
dr_2ddc100.z       0 01-01-1980            .     
                                  .   . 
                                  .     .
                                .!G!.   UR$
                                Date Copy 1.00       
                                tHIZ iS a BBS uTIL  wHICH cOPIES a  fOR a dAY
                                sPECIFIC ANSI fILE tO a gENERAL ANSI fILE, sO
                                yAR BBS hAS eVERY dAY aNOTHER ANSI fILE.rEALY
                                gREAT  i F yA  wANT yAR uSERS  tO sEE aNOTHER
                                ANSI eVERY dAY. uSEFULL fOR sENDING cHRISTMAS
                                gREETS tO  yAR uSERS oR  wISHING tHEM a hAPPY
                                nEW yEAR.  oR lETTING  yAR uSERS kNOW  yOU'RE
                                eXACTLY oNE yEAR oN-lINE. aLL sUCH tHINGS aRE
                                nOW dONE wITHOUT  hAVING  tO  cHANGE  yAR BBS
                                eVERYDAY.   aND aS uSUAL : tHIS iS *FREEWARE*
dr_2ddc100.zip   35538 08-05-2024            .     
                                             .   . 
                                          .     .
                                          .!G!.   UR$
                                              Date Copy 1.00       
                                tHIZ iS a BBS uTIL  wHICH cOPIES a  fOR a dAY
                                sPECIFIC ANSI fILE tO a gENERAL ANSI fILE, sO
                                yAR BBS hAS eVERY dAY aNOTHER ANSI fILE.rEALY
                                gREAT  i F yA  wANT yAR uSERS  tO sEE aNOTHER
                                ANSI eVERY dAY. uSEFULL fOR sENDING cHRISTMAS
                                gREETS tO  yAR uSERS oR  wISHING tHEM a hAPPY
                                nEW yEAR.  oR lETTING  yAR uSERS kNOW  yOU'RE
                                eXACTLY oNE yEAR oN-lINE. aLL sUCH tHINGS aRE
                                nOW dONE wITHOUT  hAVING  tO  cHANGE  yAR BBS
                                eVERYDAY.   aND aS uSUAL : tHIS iS *FREEWARE*
el60.zip       13254 08-05-2024 The EL60 screen switching utility can allow
                                up to twenty five different Text/(Ansi Text)
                                screens to be displayed. EL60 changes display
                                screens to alternate after each caller to add
                                variety to your BBS.
eqt20.zip      51413 08-05-2024 Environmental Quick Tips v2.0 - A BBS
                                screen making program that will rotate
                                the tips either after ever call or once
                                per day. Currently generates 12 different
                                screens -- more will be available in the
                                next version.
                                T&J Software Program
fducchan.zip   43509 08-05-2024 This proggi copy randomselected
                                file to another file ...       
                                FOR BBS/Mailer change your     
                                welcomeansi or another what    
                                ever you will...               
                                a little config-file...        
                                STUPID STUFF for SYSOPS :-)    
                                Mit diesem tool kannst Du      
                                Deine Hintergrundbilder in     
                                windows ndern oder in Deiner  
                                BBS verschiedene Ansis anzeigen
                                jo...(FiNAL RELEASE)           
                                FREEWARE by MAYDAY F.D.U.C.    
                                POINT DER SOLO-BBS             
flpcat30.zip  228702 08-05-2024   FLIPCAT v3.0  
                                FLIPCAT! 3.0 - The Multi-Line BBS
                                Screen Rotation Software - by Triad
                                Solutions, Inc. The most complete and
                                definable screen rotation software
                                ever.  Rotate by Date, Time, Day of
                                Week, & Priority. Fast! Multiple
                                passes on Locked/Open screens. Up to
                                1000 sets each with up to 100
                                screens!  All data in Easy to use and
                                maintain database!
hs_2drss30.z       0 01-01-1980 HS-RSS v3.0: With this program you
                                can copy one out of a whole lot
                                of screens to ANY ANSI screen.
hs_2drss30.zip   55909 08-05-2024 HS-RSS v3.0: With this program you
                                can copy one out of a whole lot
                                of screens to ANY ANSI screen.
jokemstr.zip   29017 08-05-2024 Joke/Oneliner Screen creator for BBS's or
                                Local use. ANSI/ASCII/RIP. Freeware
msransi.zip    33016 08-05-2024 MSRAnSi (tm) - Random Ansi Generator
                                Version 1 (FREEWARE) 22nd February 1998
                                This is a Random Ansis Generator tools,
                                which can help sysop to random the ansi
                                files called xxxx.1, xxxx.2, etc.... to
                                xxxx.ANS, and it can edit a config file
                                to control this program which file want
                                to random the Ansi(s).  This program is
                                helpful for every BBS Sysops very much.
                                (c)1993-98 Mercury Soft Technology Inc.
otd_2d18.zip  128730 08-05-2024 On This Day                 Version 1.8 
                                A program and collection of databases to
                                answer the question "What Happened On This
                                Day In History?"  Dates in 4 different
                                calendars, "day of the week" calculations,
                                Phases of the moon, solstices, and equinoxes
                                are supported.  Among other benefits,
                                registered users are provided with a HUGE
                                collection of data.
pikv2_1.zip    42776 08-05-2024 Pick-One v2.01
                                Random screen selection utility. Simple,
                                easy to install and run. Great for
                                selecting different logo or bulletin
                                screens. Now automatically supports ASC
                                and AVT. Maintenance release bug fix.
                                FREEWARE by: JL Enterprizing Software
q001a.zip      64305 08-05-2024 ͸ Quote! Version 0.01Alpha
                                ͸ By Michael Smeby
                                ѵ 08-15-1996
                                Quote! is a door for any DORINFO1.DEF
                                BBS that displays random quotes to   
                                users and allows them to add their   
                                own. Just a nifty little door. :-)   
qofday3.zip    37348 08-05-2024 
qofdv605.zip  154173 08-05-2024 Quote O' The Day v6.05- For almost any BBS
                                Display random quotes to users online. Has
                                door so users can add quotes of their own.
                                Sysop can add, edit delete quotes, and 
                                screen added quotes before they are used.
                                Uncle Productions
qotd192.zip   345672 08-05-2024 --------------------------------------------
                                       Quote Of The Day - Version 1.9.2
                                 Over 5500 quotes, quips and giggles. Fully
                                     configureable and network friendly
                                 Included is a MSDOS standalone executable  
                                   as well as PCBoard 15.1 PPE and a BBS
                                  DOOR style EXE for reading & displaying 
                                              quotes on a BBS.
                                      Written by Midnight Programmers
qrand.zip      11723 08-05-2024 
quote103.zip   55055 08-05-2024 RANDOM QUOTE DOOR v1.03 it's FREEWARE! by
                                Scott Phillips & 'PG' Productions
                                The Random Quote Door may be used on your BBS
                                to display a randomly 
                                selected quote to your users each time they
                                return from any external program 
                                or you may set it up to run at log on.
quotes11.zip   48719 08-05-2024 
quotes27.zip  150517 08-05-2024 Quotes & Quips! Trivia v2.7 A BBS door
                                program pertaining to famous sayings and
                                quotes over the years.
                                Registration will allow you to add
                                questions to the database.  Another
                                PAROLE Software program by Dennis Maidon.
                                Now creates RIP graphic bulletins as well as
                                supports a RIPSCRIP interface.  Supports all
                                the major BBS drop files. WC!/PCB/SF/GAP,
quslap12.zip   37902 08-05-2024 ͸
                                   = Quote Slapper v1.2 =   
                                   for TriBBS and other BBS types   
                                   FREEWARE! Generates an @x-code   
                                   logon screen showing a random    
                                    quote for the day from its      
                                       editable quote file.         
                                brought to you by SaltySoft
rahist10.zip  138037 08-05-2024 
randans2.zip   49127 08-05-2024 
randansi.zip   21356 08-05-2024 Funky Random Ansi
                                Randomly Picks a ANSI
                                screen and shows it..
                                up to 20 ansi
                                download it now
                                freeware from
randm1_0.zip   13186 08-05-2024 Screen Randomizer 1.0
                                This is the ultimate program for 
                                SySops who are tired of the same
                                screens over and over.  It will
                                rotate any menu, logon or off
                                screen, or any ans you wish.  Easy
                                to use and to install.
                                CyberWare Exclusive!!
ranews14.zip   36440 08-05-2024 RANEWS  VER 1.40
                                Creates bulletins easily and
                                quickly using only a config file
                                and some macros... For RA,PB,SBBS
                                Ezycom & Spitfire. Other BBS's
                                that use the same control
                                characters as the above can also
                                use it... with Background Clr
                                and more styles... Now has a
                                more Macros, adjustable screen
                                length and Intro(REG Only)...
                                Fixes a few probs...
                                Renegade Software...
raqtd100.zip  136974 08-05-2024 -=[RemoteAccess Ultra-Quote Of The Day]=- v1
                                By RemoteAccess Ultra-Software.
                                This program picks a quote from a file of
                                quotes that is completely editable by the
                                SysOp, then creates an ANSI screen that can
                                be displayed to the user, which is also
                                almost completely customizable by the SysOp.
                                It's a good idea to run this program each
                                time a user logs off, that way it will create
                                a new screen each time.  It takes about 2
rara100.zip    24895 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  Ŀ  Ŀ Ŀ  Ŀ  
                                  Ŀ  Ŀ Ŀ  Ŀ  
                                  Ŀ  Ŀ Ŀ  Ŀ  
                                 RA Random A(nsi, vatar, scii)   v1.00  
                                 Randomly selects from a 'pool' of ANSI  
                                 AVATAR and ASCII files and updates the   
                                 RA directory so that each new caller    
                                 gets a randomly selected screen.        
                                 Supports as many RA files as you have   
                                 and up to 100 different ANSI/AVATAR/    
                                 ASCII files for each of those!   100%   
                                 FREEware.  Yet another cool Boiled      
                                 Sweets Software production.    Apr 1997 
rfu100.zip     14053 08-05-2024  RFU v1.0 - (c)1995 Steve Miller 
                                        Random File Utility v1.0       
                                This  is  a command-line driven utility
                                which  will  randomly  choose  one of a
                                list  of specified files and copy it to
                                a certain filename.  Great for offering
                                random ANSI screens!  XANADU SOFTWARE  
rndscr11.zip   54271 08-05-2024 RandScr 1.1 is a BBS Screen randomizer. 
                                RandScr chooses at random a file from
                                an archive and copies it to the designated
                                file and directory. Great for
                                rotating Welcome, logoff or any other screens
                                for any bbs. 
rndwel10.zip    5921 08-05-2024 Select random welcome screens
                                for PCBoard and most other BBS programs.
robquo.zip      7382 08-05-2024 
rotat100.zip  110517 08-05-2024 ROTATE v1.00 - Selects Random Screens To
                                Display To Callers. Create Multiple Sets
                                For Different Groups Of Announcements!
                                Completely Transparent To The Caller.
                                Make Your BBS Look Great!
rscrn20.zip    44601 08-05-2024 
rt_2d101.zip   36125 08-05-2024 RT-101.ZIP - A BBS Utility for SysOps     
                                Randtag Version 1.01 is a program that    
                                will create a logoff screen with random   
                                generated quotes to be displayed to your  
                                users when they logoff.  Works with       
                                almost any software.  Read RANDTAG.DOC    
                                for more information. ** SHAREWARE **     
                                OVER 600 TAGLINE DATABASE INCLUDED!       
                                (c) 1995 MediaSoft - All Rights Reserved   
sira_v20.zip   56412 08-05-2024 SIRA
                                Single Image Random ANSI Generator 
                                creates 3D ANSIs much like the
                                Stereogram posters seen in malls
                                all across the U.S..
                                Great for Unique BBS Logon screens.
                                Includes several good examples.
                                FREEware from SHARKware.
spinit26.zip   34763 08-05-2024 ͸
                                   = SPiN-iT v2.6 =   
                                 for TriBBS and other BBS types 
                                 This program rotates or        
                                 randomly shuffles a set of BBS 
                                 ANSI screens around so that a  
                                 user sees a different ANSI     
                                 each time they log on. Ideal   
                                 for when you have too many     
                                 logon screens. Now FREEWARE!   
                                brought to you by SaltySoft
spnit300.zip   37667 08-05-2024 /[ Spin-It v3.00 ]\
                                  Oftentimes you have a set of logon
                                  screens you want to show to your users,
                                  but don't want to show every one each
                                  time. Spin-It provides a way to show a
                                  different one each time a user logs on.
                                  Compatible with virtually all DOS-based
                                  BBS software. FREEWARE!!
                                       (c) 1996-1998 by SaltySoft        
srbear21.zip   45803 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 SRBEAR v2.1  From BEARWARE 
                                 This cardware screen Randomizer  
                                 can be used for welcome, logoff  
                                 or ANY screens. Easy to use!     
                                 To Register all you have to send 
                                 is a postcard!                   
                                      ***  MAJOR UPDATE ***       
swank72.zip    81043 08-05-2024           Dr. Swank Sez v1.72! 
                                    / Quite possibly the best quote door of
                                 /  all time! If you like quote doors like
                                /  \ "Deep Thoughts", this is for you! Have
                                     it run when your users logoff, or on!
                                Features colorful ANSI graphics, Lotsa'
                                secrets (including 5 secret characters),
                                DOOR.SYS & DORINFOx.DEF support and a lot
                                more! You've never seen a quote door like
                                this before! ***MAJOR FIXES!!!!***
swap40.zip    235463 08-05-2024 SWAP v4.0: Jun 95. Versatile screen swapper.
                                --for any BBS needing different display
                                screens for every day. Designed for Wildcat!
                                SWAP is highly configurable. It runs from 
                                a default CFG filename or you may specify
                                your own on a command line. SWAP creates a
                                batch file which actually does the rotation
                                of screens. This allows running the program
                                many times for CFG debugging. Probably the
                                only screen swapper you'll ever need. Swaps
                                ASCII, ANSI, .MUSic, RIP.      You name it.
swaper15.zip   85726 08-05-2024 
switch_2dl.z       0 01-01-1980 SwitcheRoo v2.0; Effective in giving your BBS
                                a "new" look. What Switcheroo! does is after
                                each and every call, switches your menu and
                                display screens so that your next caller is
                                met with all new displays.
switch_2dl.zip   31290 08-05-2024 SwitcheRoo v2.0; Effective in giving your BBS
                                a "new" look. What Switcheroo! does is after
                                each and every call, switches your menu and
                                display screens so that your next caller is
                                met with all new displays.
swnk223a.zip   84780 08-05-2024         Dr. Swank Sez v2.23a! 
                                     * The Revenge of PROFESSOR SHWAG *
                                   -[ THE DIRECTOR'S CUT - UNCENSORED! ]-
                                   / Quite possibly the best quote door of
                                 /  all time! If you like quote doors like
                                /  \ "Deep Thoughts", this is for you! Have
                                     it run when your users logoff, or on!
                                   Features colorful ANSI graphics, Lotsa'
                                  secrets (including 5 secret characters),
                                  DOOR.SYS & DORINFOx.DEF support and a lot
                                  more! You've never seen a quote door like
                                        this before! HUUUUGE FIXES!!
swscrn31.zip   28712 08-05-2024 ------- SwitchScreen Version 3.1 -------
                                This will rotate your display screens on
                                a regular basis.  Use this to change ALL
                                of your custom screens daily, between   
                                callers, or as an extended menu command 
                                for on-line screen rotation.  Small,    
                                fast, and VERY simple to use.
t4uv130.zip    81515 08-05-2024        Thought4U! - v1.3
                                by Sean Dennis of Elysium Software
                                         and CheepWare
                                A freeware 'thought of the day'
                                door for your BBS or it can be
                                used as a stand-alone program.
                                It will work with 95% of the BBS
                                packages available today.  Very
                                simple to use and easy to
                                customize!  Download it today!
thoughts.zip   16004 08-05-2024 Thought of the day
                                Freeware, of course!
                                (C) 1998 Sean Dennis
today107.zip  118022 08-05-2024 
today305.zip  130922 08-05-2024 Version 3.05 compiled 02-12-1992 @ 6.46a
                                Utility that writes daily trivia to the news
                                file or SysOp defined file and also a log-off
                                message if so desired with a special log-off
                                message for Christmas & New Year. SysOp has
                                control of how log-off written i.e. with or
                                without the (;) and also defined colors for
                                text. Also appends a news text file to the
                                Trivia if needed.
todaydor.zip   56416 08-05-2024 TODAYDOR, version 4.02 for Wildcat!
                                DOOR program lets users search through
                                any date for "Today in History" info.
                                For versions 4.x and 3.x of Wildcat!
tqotd465.zip  203637 08-05-2024 
varians7.zip   43222 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 **        VARIANS.EXE V1.7        ** 
                                 Would you like to be able to vary    
                                 your WELCOME.A??/GOODBYE.A?? or ANY  
                                 .ANS/ASC files on your BBS each time 
                                 a user calls?  Well now you can.     
                                 VARIANS.EXE will pick the screen to  
                                 be displayed from Sysop defined list 
                                 *** Now with MULTI-NODE support ***  
                                   For RemoteAccess V2.xx BBS ONLY!   
                                     * UK BBS support available *     
                                          Author Colin Birch          
                                       Sysop  The Dog House BBS       
                                         (01443) 400327 24hrs         
                                     Latest files - 22 Aug  1995      
variqot1.zip   52873 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 **       VARIQOT.EXE V1.1      ** 
                                 One/Two line quote screen creator 
                                 Would you like to be able to vary 
                                 a quote screen EVERY time a user  
                                 logs on ?  VARIQOT.EXE will pick  
                                 a quote from a SYSOP defined list 
                                 each time a user logs on.         
                                 Hundreds of one-liners included   
                                 or just add your own!             
                                  For RemoteAccess V2.xx BBS ONLY! 
                                   * UK BBS support available *    
                                        Author Colin Birch         
                                     Sysop  The Dog House BBS      
                                       (01443) 400327 24hrs        
                                    Latest files - 29 June 1995    
whtih30.zip   432709 08-05-2024 WHAT HAPPENED TODAY IN HISTORY!
                                         Version 3.0
                                  Freeware program that shows
                                  users what happened that day
                                  in history.  SysOp can add
                                  their own data for any day
                                  of the year too!! Will work
                                  on almost any BBS type.  This 
                                  version supports Wildcat!
                                      Talon Software '96
yorans10.zip   21668 08-05-2024 ۱
                                 YOransi v1.00 - YO!Net Random BBS ANSI ۱
                                 Selector.  Help the SysOp to provide   ۱
                                 a fancy and ever-changing BBS environ- ۱
                                 ment for his users.  Some fancy and    ۱
                                 originally designed ANSI pictures are  ۱
                                 included. Full Freeware!! Try it! :)   ۱
                                  -=< CRC32 YORANSI.EXE : 263DB0EF >=-  ۱

                 Area 104 - Renegade Utils                

10rdjoke.zip   14533 08-05-2024 Joke of the Day for Renegade BBS
                                Very configurable! The Jokes and the
                                Output screens can be edited to suit
                                your own taste.
1lnr1pph.zip    7667 08-05-2024   Oneliners for RENEGADE [1/1]
                                Renegade Utility by Waverunner          
a2a_2d15.zip    7119 08-05-2024 ANS-2-ASC v1.5  Converts ANSi files to .ASC
                                | iles by translating ANSi codes to
                                Renegade's  .
                                : pipe color system (|xx). Saves disk space by
                                . eliminating the need of .ANS & .AVT!
                                [3-03-94] |
                                ---- ---  --
a2a_2drg10.z       0 01-01-1980  ANS-2-ASC vRG-1.0 , Converts ANSI  
                                files to Renegade's .ASC format by
                                translating ANSI codes to Renegade's
                                piped color codes (|xx). Easy to use. 
                                Saves disk space!  08-02-93
a2a_2drg10.zip    8064 08-05-2024  ANS-2-ASC vRG-1.0 , Converts ANSI  
                                files to Renegade's .ASC format by
                                translating ANSI codes to Renegade's
                                piped color codes (|xx). Easy to use. 
                                Saves disk space!  08-02-93
aadd121b.zip   74654 08-05-2024 AUTOADD V1.21B  Automatically updates your
                                BBS with file areas auto-added by Allfix. No
                                more editing your file database for new file
                                areas or running FCOMP and FIXUTIL after a
                                new file area comes in. It's all done for
                                you! Supports PCboard, Renegade, Maximus,
                                Telegard, T.A.G, LoraBBS, Spitfire, ProBoard,
                                and RemoteAccess.  Random lockups fixed.
                                Requires Allfix (registered) 4.32 or Allfix/2
                                1.xx (or later).  ShareWare.
aaddkey.zip    11511 08-05-2024 Keyfile for AutoAdd - Freeware by Author of
acd_2dap10.z       0 01-01-1980   Acidic Presents - ASWPacker v1.07 - [REN]
                                 Remove all non-existant and deleted user  
                                 entries in your .ASW files.  By: Mercury  
acd_2dap10.zip   23397 08-05-2024   Acidic Presents - ASWPacker v1.07 - [REN]
                                 Remove all non-existant and deleted user  
                                 entries in your .ASW files.  By: Mercury  
acd_2dlb10.z       0 01-01-1980 Acidic Presents - LastBase v1.0 - [REN] - [1/1
                                 Upload file base handler - Return to your 
                                    previous file base after uploading     
                                ܲ                 ܲ         
                                ۲       ۲ ܱ  ܲ
                                ۲   ۲۲ޱ  ۲
                                tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ    
                                 ۱۱       ܲ   ۰
                                   ۰   ߲۱   ۱
                                     ޲ݰ  ۲ ۲  ۲
                                   ߰  ߰ 
                                ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
acd_2dlb10.zip    9678 08-05-2024 Acidic Presents - LastBase v1.0 - [REN] - [1/1
                                  Upload file base handler - Return to your
                                     previous file base after uploading    
                                   ܲ                 ܲ         
                                    ۲       ۲ ܱ  ܲ
                                    ۲   ۲۲ޱ  ۲
                                tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ    
                                   ۱۱       ܲ   ۰
                                    ۰   ߲۱   ۱
                                     ޲ݰ  ۲ ۲  ۲
                                     ߰  ߰ 
                                  ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
acd_2dsm10.z       0 01-01-1980    Acidic Presents - Stat Master v1.00 - [REN
                                 Generates 'on the fly' ansi statistic
                                       No more cheezy ansimation for MCIs    
                                ܲ                 ܲ         
                                ۲       ۲ ܱ  ܲ
                                ۲   ۲۲ޱ  ۲
                                tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ    
                                 ۱۱       ܲ   ۰
                                   ۰   ߲۱   ۱
                                     ޲ݰ  ۲ ۲  ۲
                                   ߰  ߰ 
                                ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
acd_2dsm10.zip   13165 08-05-2024    Acidic Presents - Stat Master v1.00 - [REN
                                 Generates 'on the fly' ansi statistic
                                       No more cheezy ansimation for MCIs    
                                     ܲ                 ܲ         
                                      ۲       ۲ ܱ  ܲ
                                      ۲   ۲۲ޱ  ۲
                                  tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ   
                                     ۱۱       ܲ  
                                      ۰   ߲۱  
                                       ޲ݰ  ۲ ۲ 
                                       ߰  ߰ 
                                    ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
actday15.zip   11997 08-05-2024 ^0ACTIVITY PER DAY! Graph  Version 1.5
                                  ANSi Graph of the activity percentages for
                                  the last 15 days on RENEGADE
actions.zip     6089 08-05-2024 
actionz.zip    17428 08-05-2024 
activ100.zip   46887 08-05-2024 ACTIVITY v1.00  -  BullsEye Software
                                For the Renegade BBS System
                                Creates a graph displaying the BBS
                                usage from the past 14 days.
                                v1.00 + First Public Version
afile11.zip    14385 08-05-2024 --------------------------------------------  
                                       [-=All Files Lister v1.1=-]
                                *FREEWARE* Allfiles listing generator for 
                                Renegade v1-02 Exp. By DigitalWare.
agesv10.zip    36447 08-05-2024              **  Ages v1.0  **
                                  The Newest (and only) renegade utility
                                   from Loki and The Universe Next Door
                                     Creates ANSI graph of # of users
                                        on bbs for each age group
ahh4ren.zip    32478 08-05-2024 AMERICA HELD HOSTAGE FOR RENEGADE
                                The welcome screen generator for Rush
                                fans running RENEGADE BBS - Ver. 1.00
                                Same ANSI as AHH for ANSI - Ver. 3.50
al2rg120.zip   27342 08-05-2024 ALIMPORT - Allfix į Renegade Importer v1.1
                                This program will take the setup in allfix and
                                it to Renegade. If you set up the file areas
                                in allfix 
                                then run this and it will update Renegade
                                For use with Allfix 432 and Up and Renegade
                                04/05 and up..
                                By: Randy Henderson & Scott Bentley
                                Updated: 06/12/96
amp_2drg15.z       0 01-01-1980 AutoMSG+ vRG-1.5|10, External Auto-Message
                                For Renegade BBS, Allows up to 3
                                to be displayed simultaneously, Easy to setup
                                and configure. Multi-tasker aware.
amp_2drg15.zip   19590 08-05-2024 AutoMSG+ vRG-1.5|10, External Auto-Message
                                For Renegade BBS, Allows up to 3
                                to be displayed simultaneously, Easy to setup
                                and configure. Multi-tasker aware.
ans2asc1.zip   21826 08-05-2024 --== ANS2ASC ==-- by Nor'Easter Software.
                                Converts ANSI graphic files into Renegade 
                                format.                 Version 1.0
aprompt.zip    16339 08-05-2024 |15---|07/|08 Acid Prompt v1.oo|07 \|15---
                                |08Make scrolling |15ENTER PROMPTS |08for
                                |08Just like PCBoard's enter prompts. The
                                |08and Coolest Renegade Util. (C) Copyright
                                |08Cott Lang - Renegade 10-05 - Acid Prompt
at_2dmenu.zi       0 01-01-1980 
at_2dmenu.zip   14353 08-05-2024 
aufile10.zip   21681 08-05-2024 AutoFile v1.0 - A Renegade filebase fixer
                                will fix offline flag, credit value, and file
                                sizes.  Will additionally change all FREE
                                files to a specified value.  Completely
                                configurable of which bases to scan.
                                With AutoPlus v1.0.
                                *By Joel Robinson of GizSoft*
                                Yes I do realize these last four lines
                                will not be seen by Renegade...  
auto11.zip     24659 08-05-2024 *** AutoMessenger 1.1 by Infus Prod. ***
                                This automessage door for Renegade BBS's 
                                has many features and total configurability. 
                                Holds up to three automessages in ANSI and 
                                ASCII. Supports 38400 and color changing!
autofp.zip      8988 08-05-2024 
autologn.zip    3456 08-05-2024 Give your users an AutoLogon for RG 10-05+
autopost.zip   20056 08-05-2024 
autosg15.zip   45764 08-05-2024 |15Ŀ  ĿĿĿ Ŀ
                                |07_Ĵ_    _  _  Ŀ _  _ Ŀ|15  
                                |08       |07v
                                |11Renegade AutoSig Generator for 04-05
                                |03Autosigs to Renegade's Messages!
                                |07 |03255 sigs per user.
                                |07 |03Set, random, or sequential modes.
                                |07 |03Chicks will think you're cool.
avcr121.zip    45798 08-05-2024 City Records Version 1.21
                                Creates ANSI/ASCII Bulletins for Renegade 6-25
                                and up of the different cities on your BBS, as
                                ranked by combined PCR and Upload KB/Download
                                KB ratio!  Created by Tech Master, AV-WARE
avguser.zip     9823 08-05-2024  -=-=-=-=-=-=AvgUser v1.0=-=-=-=-=-=- 
                                Another Fine Renegade Utility by 
                                Joseph Masters! Analyzes the Average 
                                BBS Stats for any Renegade BBS. Skips 
                                deleted users & SysOp.
bbsin180.zip   24747 08-05-2024 BBSINFO v1.80 (04-05-96). Makes A Great
                                Looking Bulletin Of Your BBS Stats. Including
                                Callers Baud Rates, # Of Callers, Minutes,
                                File Stats, And All Message Stats.
                                Colors. NOTE: This Is For Renegade v04-05-96
                                And Higher Only!
bbsinf16.zip   15425 08-05-2024 BBSINFO v1.6. Makes a great
                                looking bulletin of your BBS stats. Including
                                callers baud rates, # of callers, minutes,
                                file stats, and all message stats.
                                colors. Written by OILER.
bbssort.zip     8237 08-05-2024   Renegade BBS List Sorter  
                                  Version 2.00 for Renegade 1.00
bday20.zip     15513 08-05-2024 Bday v2.0 (12-29-93). Makes a bulletin of the
                                users on your bbs who have a birthday today.
                                Configurable colors. Now an option to raise
                                users sl & dsl levels for their birthday, and
                                other new options now as well.
birth101.zip   10831 08-05-2024 BirthDay v1.01 - The Best Birthday Generator
                                For Renegade BBSs. Command Line Motivated,
                                Run In Your Events, Easy To Install, The Info
                                Is Shown In A Very Attracting Way, Will Make
                                Users Call Your BBS, Bug Fixed  By Ofer Wald
ca_2drgm5.zi       0 01-01-1980         ۲ ۲<@T  ۲ 
                                ۲       ܲ
                                ߲ P R o D u C T i o N S 
                                    BBS Modding Department     
                                  Fixed FILEP and READP Menuz  
                                        by Catastrophe         
                                   (c)FLiP PRoDuCTioNS 1996  
ca_2drgm5.zip   10918 08-05-2024         ۲ ۲<@T  ۲ 
                                  ۲       ܲ
                                ߲ P R o D u C T i o N S 
                                    BBS Modding Department     
                                  Fixed FILEP and READP Menuz  
                                        by Catastrophe         
                                     (c)FLiP PRoDuCTioNS 1996  
cblock10.zip   19376 08-05-2024 (. C-Block v1.0
                                (:       Renegade/GTE Call Block Utility!     
                                (:  Visual Display Of Calls That Are Blocked
                                (: Adds message on the users SysOp note, if
                                the :)
                                (:         user has been Call-Blocked.        
cbvr097u.zip   75724 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                CBV - CALL-BACK VERIFICATION FOR RG  
                                Non-Crippled.  Can modify a users SL,
                                DSL, AR Flags, User Flags, & FilePts.
                                Supports many long-distance options. 
                                 Ver .97 (for Renegade BBS Software) 
                                 Works for single/multi line setups! 
                                >Registration only $20.00 (disk only)
cd2rg11.zip    22140 08-05-2024 
cdban12.zip    51227 08-05-2024 CD-ROM Banner v1.2 - For SysOps who rotate
                                CD-ROMs daily.  AUTOMATICALLY creates 
                                attractive ANSI/ASCII screens advertising 
                                which CD-ROM(s) are currently online!  New
                                updated version with more options!
cdupld13.zip   13169 08-05-2024 CDUPLOAD v1.3. Tired of having to manually
                                your CD's files or of "other" CD
                                utilities not working correctly? Then this is
                                you. It will read your CD's files.bbs (or
                                and upload the "complete" description to a 
censor.zip     15106 08-05-2024 
cg9308.zip    167855 08-05-2024  CALLGRAF 93.08 
                                                Processes  comprehensive
                                           call/time usage stats in
                                      ܳ an ANSI/ASCII bar graph.
                                 Powerful & configurable.
                                Written for all types of  BBS  software.
chat0103.zip   36997 08-05-2024 EvilChat 2.0b for Renegade 12-25 Only
                                RG Multinode / Desqview Chat System
                                Many features: Realtime, Split Screen
                                1 to 4 Nodes and SysOp Window too.
                                still *FREEWARE* Enjoy!
choosmnu.zip   62388 08-05-2024 Stalker Choose Menu v1.0 for Renegade
                                Allows The User to Choose Which Menus
                                He or She Wants to Use on Your BBS
                                Comes With 8 Sets of Ansi Screens.
                                Call The Mosh Pit BBS 908-269-8652 
chptlk10.zip   44654 08-05-2024 |12*** CheapTalk 1.0r from KaplanSoft ***
                                |14One-liners  like  you  never imagined!
                                |10Assign messages to anyone, a password,
                                |11specific users or security level! Many
                                |13features! Many possibilities!   SW: $5
cid10bta.zip   19737 08-05-2024 CallID! 1.0 BETA
                                A -TRUE- Caller ID door for Renegade.
                                Takes modem to command state and gets
                                info directly, Front Door mailer NOT
classadd.zip  134423 08-05-2024 Classified Ads v1.1 Enhancement Release!
                                A BBS door program that accepts Ads from
                                your users.  SysOps may specify 10
                                different categories.  ClassAd will
                                output a full color bulletin as well as
                                an ASCii text file.  Wildcat! SysOps
                                also have the option of having
                                Classified Ads writing bulletins to a
                                specified conference path.  Another BBs
                                door product from PAROLE Software and
                                Dennis Maidon.
clog106.zip    38183 08-05-2024 |05---------------|13CLOG |04V1
                                |15         By: Benjamin J. Ciaccio
                                |14The best darn last callers utility
                                today. Uses templates for displaying data. 
                                Includes a special "stealth mode" feature!
clrfix.zip     10786 08-05-2024 
cmt61094.zip   66600 08-05-2024  Ĵ Comment Stamper . 3 eta Ŀ
                                        Stamps archives with       ³
                                    % TI/DA/UN codes & can add   
                                     the file_id.diz file too    
                                   Ĵ    By: Night Hawk      
colorcod.zip    2486 08-05-2024 
cps21.zip      13957 08-05-2024 CPS Stats ansi/ascii of the average transfers
                                on your system.  + files and megs transfered.
                                No other program needed to use. Just needs to
                                read the DSZ log created by your protocol(s).
cpslog14.zip   15542 08-05-2024 CPSLOG v1.4. Makes a bulletin of your BBS's
                                transfer stats, including # ul/dl, megs of
                                CPS rates, for ul/dl. Configurable colors!
                                MUST use DLOG to work correctly!!
creatags.zip   67283 08-05-2024 |13Creative Taglines v1.0
                                |09Configurable tagline generator
                                |09for you RG system.  Will create
                                |09ASCII file with random taglines
                                |09for your callers.
crfix30.zip    14320 08-05-2024 ͵CREDIT FIX v3.0 for RG v4-05+ (06/10/96
                                 Credit Fix is the answer to your user credit
                                 and debit woes.  It's an accountant for your
                                 USERS.DAT file.  It goes through the records
                                 and fixes all credit and debit values.  This
                                 updates the accounts with the right balances
                                 and also fixes any problems if there are any
                                 negative accounts.  This eliminates problems
                                 that may prevent users from logging on.     
cutusr10.zip   12609 08-05-2024 CutUser v1.0 - For Renegade BBS.
                                Remove any exteraneous user 
                                accounts to speed up BBS operation.
                                TP SOURCE INCLUDED!  P/S Programming
cvote201.zip   47784 08-05-2024 Cyber Vote Version 2.01
                                For use with Renegade 3-05
                                Cyber Sys Devlopment
c_rglast.zip   29366 08-05-2024 Last Callers for Renegade w/ *COMMENTED* C
                                Great example for the hobbyist RG sysop who
                                like to learn how to program their own custom
                                utilities. Two examples included: Commandline
                                w/Help, and one that uses a config file.
c_str405.zip   13574 08-05-2024 Renegade 04-05 data structures in C form.
                                Not guaranteed.  Use these at your own risk!
danews14.zip   57947 08-05-2024 [-/- Da News 1.4
                                [ News maker for Renegade!! Many new features
                                [ have been added! Including QWK Referencing!
                                [          .- Color Configurable -.        
                                [   .- Detects OS/2, Windows, DESQview -.  
days.zip        6832 08-05-2024 Renegade 04-16, change your number of days
                                 Written by Pendragon
delu13.zip     12160 08-05-2024  User Deleter v1.3 ۲  by Digital
                                This handy little Renegade 7-17 utility will
                                all your users who haven't called within the
                                of days specified, and/or pack your user data
                                (eliminating deleted accounts).  Fully
dizem11b.zip   17670 08-05-2024 Diz'em v1.1b  Simple Program to Create An
                                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~  External File Listing for RG
                                Witch uses FILE_ID.DIZ [10 lines max]. Now
                                Color Configurable, External Header!
                                by The Night Prowler -> This is the Update!
dizzy160.zip   22506 08-05-2024 |12DiZzy 1.6 |09Description Extender for RG
                                |03Allows for unlimited file descriptions in
                                |03Renegade without |11multiple file entries
                                |03at loss of the ability to |11tag files|03!
                                |03Freeware |11- |03[c] 1994-95 |11David
diz_up22.zip   27742 08-05-2024 Diz'Up! v2.2 - Great Renegade Util
                                to implement FILE_ID.DIZ aware
                                external file listings with unlimited
                                lines - Fully customizable, external
                                header, lots of options! BUG FIXED!
                                Now even more configurable! TRY IT!
                                (C) 1994 WaRRioR - SW $20
dlbfs1_0.zip    6247 08-05-2024  |11  |03Demon LightBar File Scanner|11
                                |02Adds a Light Bar Sellector When Scanning
                                  |02For New Files. Supports ASCII / ANSi
                                  |02For Renegade 12-25 and Up / FREEWARE
                                HEY COTT!!! ADD MORE LINES TO THE FILE_ID.DIZ
dlog12.zip      7941 08-05-2024 DLOG v1.2. This is a companion for my utility
                                CPSLOG. DLOG MUST BE USED FOR CPSLOG TO WORK!
                                DLOG will read your temporary log file and
                                a log file for CPSLOG to use. The log created
                                about 1/10 the size of the original log file!
dlswp10.zip     6250 08-05-2024 
dmsgsv3.zip    11162 08-05-2024 
dm_2dactns.z       0 01-01-1980 |03(|11Renegade Advanced Actions|03) v.1
                                Play Online Games in chat, show your info
                                and much more. Actions for Sysops as well.
                                Download this now and injoy. Fun for the
                                whole BBS to use. Make your bbs have the
                                best actions on your town.
                                15Made by Dream Master!DoRE
dm_2dactns.zip    8015 08-05-2024 |03(|11Renegade Advanced Actions|03) v.1
                                Play Online Games in chat, show your info
                                and much more. Actions for Sysops as well.
                                Download this now and injoy. Fun for the
                                whole BBS to use. Make your bbs have the
                                best actions on your town.
                                |15Made by Dream Master!DoRE
dm_2dmtrx.zi       0 01-01-1980   
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ 
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ 
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ 
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲
                                Matrix Logon for Renegade from DoRE
dm_2dmtrx.zip    5958 08-05-2024   
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ 
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ 
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ 
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲
                                Matrix Logon for Renegade from DoRE
dm_2drgcst.z       0 01-01-1980 RGCAST v1.3  Renegade BBS 
                                Renegade global broadcast util in wich your
                                users can broadcast a message to all active
                                nodes on your bbs. Another first from Dream
                                Master of DoRE. Dos & os/2 included. Support
                                BBS Dreamland 818.991.1520. Internet web
                                page support http://www.three-d.net/dore
                                telnet : dorehq.dyn.ml.org
                                For Multi-node BBS's
dm_2drgcst.zip   10934 08-05-2024 RGCAST v1.3  Renegade BBS 
                                Renegade global broadcast util in wich your
                                users can broadcast a message to all active
                                nodes on your bbs. Another first from Dream
                                Master of DoRE. Dos & os/2 included. Support
                                BBS Dreamland 818.991.1520. Internet web
                                page support http://www.three-d.net/dore
                                telnet : dorehq.dyn.ml.org
                                For Multi-node BBS's
dm_2drgtc.zi       0 01-01-1980 TOPCALL v1.  Renegade BBS 4-05 Exp+
                                Renegade topcaller / poster util bulleting
                                creator. Will produce a rad screen to the
                                users. Shows top 5 callers and the top 5 
                                posters. Crated by Dream Master!DoRE
                                Support BBS Dreamland 818.991.1520.
                                Internet http://www.three-d.net/dore
dm_2drgtc.zip   11440 08-05-2024 TOPCALL v1.  Renegade BBS 4-05 Exp+
                                Renegade topcaller / poster util bulleting
                                creator. Will produce a rad screen to the
                                users. Shows top 5 callers and the top 5 
                                posters. Crated by Dream Master!DoRE
                                Support BBS Dreamland 818.991.1520.
                                Internet http://www.three-d.net/dore
dm_2dtop10.z       0 01-01-1980 RGTOP v.1 TopTen for Renegade
                                This util will create 4 top ten lists
                                in the form of top callers, top posters,
                                top uploaders and top downloaders. Run it
                                as a nightly event. Fun for all.
                                Support BBS Dreamland 818.991.1520
                                WWW http://www.three-d.net/dore
                                telnet dorehq.dyn.ml.org
dm_2dtop10.zip   20515 08-05-2024 RGTOP v.1 TopTen for Renegade
                                This util will create 4 top ten lists
                                in the form of top callers, top posters,
                                top uploaders and top downloaders. Run it
                                as a nightly event. Fun for all.
                                Support BBS Dreamland 818.991.1520
                                WWW http://www.three-d.net/dore
                                telnet dorehq.dyn.ml.org
dn_2drgp10.z       0 01-01-1980 |08G|07e|15X |09Presents:
                                03Renegade Prompts
                                09Released Dec. 12, 1994
dn_2drgp10.zip    6203 08-05-2024 |08G|07e|15X |09Presents:
                                |03Renegade Prompts
                                |09Released Dec. 12, 1994
dt30.zip       30710 08-05-2024 DEEP THOUGHTS v3.0 [FREEWARE]
                                Generates a 'Deep Thought' by Jack Handey.
                                Now color configurable with Wildcat, Renegade
                                and PCBoard codes. Optional pause string.
                                From: PERSoftWare International.
dupechk1.zip    9119 08-05-2024 Duplicate File Finder for Renegade v1-2 Exp
                                Finds Duplicate files based on filenames
                                and logs them to a file.
dwlist12.zip   15550 08-05-2024 DrevneyaWare User Lister and Top User
                                maker. Lists users AND gets the Top
                                Poster, Top Uploader, Top Downloader
                                and Top Caller. Configurable and easy!
                                (C) 1993 DrevneyaWare, D'mitri D'milo
                                 Mkig ali ۲
dzview10.zip   34373 08-05-2024 DizView v1.0 - BBS util that displays
                                the COMPLETE file_id.diz or desc.sdi 
                                of a specified file(RG only shows the 
                                first 5 lines).
edhist11.zip   11538 08-05-2024 
f2rg30.zip     13075 08-05-2024 
f2rg80b.zip    10740 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  Files -> Renegade v.80 Beta  
                                 Auto Upload FILES.BBS To Renegade. UW(c) 
f3_ren12.zip   45153 08-05-2024   F3 User Information System v1.2 
                                Let your users get more out of your BBS by
                                them in touch with other users.   F3 is the
                                version of 'Finger' and is faster,  more
                                and packed with features. For Renegade
fbases10.zip   15796 08-05-2024 )<. FBases  1.0 
                                )< Makes a COLOR configurable list of all
                                )< your File Areas! This is an incredible
                                )< utility that tallys up your # of files
                                )< for each base, credits & total Kbytes!
fc4msg03.zip   13279 08-05-2024 
fd52dos.zip   145474 08-05-2024 FILEDUDE 5.2 (DOS) - Great RG file manager!
                                Imports all CD-ROM formats, DIZ, and SDI.
                                Makes filelists, converts archives, virus
                                scans.  Pulldown menu system, and very easy
                                to install.  Professional.  Shareware $10.
fd52os2.zip   166285 08-05-2024 FILEDUDE 5.2 (OS/2) - Great RG file manager!
                                Imports all CD-ROM formats, DIZ, and SDI.
                                Makes filelists, converts archives, virus
                                scans.  Pulldown menu system, and very easy
                                to install.  Professional.  Shareware $10.
fdc_150.zip    24263 08-05-2024 FDCaller v1.50 - New version for Renegade
                                  and newer ONLY. Download v1.33 for RG 3-05
                                  older. Imports information from Renegade
                                  FrontDoor's Logfiles! Like TGFDLOG. 
                                  by Hellhound/Mike Glaske. [Final Release]
fdhelp5.zip    49158 08-05-2024 FDHELP revision .
                                This text file explains in detail how to
                                setup FrontDoor & GEcho with the Renegade BBS
                                system. Nov '93 Ed. Corrected for FD v2.11.
fdude50.zip   158632 08-05-2024 FILEDUDE v5.0 - The ultimate RG file manager!
                                Imports all CD-ROM formats and FILE_ID.DIZ.
                                Fixes dups, credits, and other problems.
                                Converts archives and packs EXTENDED.DAT.
                                Scans for viruses, finds old versions of
                                programs, and makes filelists based on
                                templates.  FileDude has a user-friendly
                                pulldown menu system, and it's easy to
fflist.zip     20993 08-05-2024 Final File List v01.00
                                Renegade file list generater with many
                                options, including: Include/exclude file
                                bases, header files, uploader/# of dl's
                                support, verbose toggle, and many more.
                                Supports multiple output formats in the
                                registered version.
fileed16.zip   73581 08-05-2024 FILEEDIT v1.6 (12-29-93) The ULTIMATE File
                                Manager. Allows you to Edit ALL file
                                repair descriptions, add colors to
                                import & export FILE_ID.DIZ's, auto-validate
                                sort file areas and MUCH more. A MUST HAVE
filefx15.zip   16739 08-05-2024 
filein56.zip   57881 08-05-2024 |12F|04ileIN|15! |115.6
                                Best FILES.BBS importer EVER for Renegade Now
                                supports DIZ and DESC.SDI extraction, Virus 
                                scanning, archive commenting/archive convert,
                                message posting, and lots more. 04-05 release
filelist.zip   48525 08-05-2024 
filelog1.zip   17606 08-05-2024 SECURITY ROBOT(TM): FILE LOG v1.00 [FREEWARE]
                                Creates a log of all the files uploaded by a
                                specific user. Totals bytes and number.
                                Second program in SR(tm) series.
                                From: PERSoftWare International.
finger10.zip   14608 08-05-2024 Finger 1.0 -- Naichsoft 1995.
                                A finger program for Renegade BBSs ONLY.
                                Lets users find out details about others -
                                When they first and last logged on and if
                                they have any mail waiting.
fixfile3.zip   16485 08-05-2024 File Manager 3.0
                                Manage And Manipulate File Bases Easily.
fixfile5.zip   16680 08-05-2024 
fixlogs.zip     5711 08-05-2024 
fjchat20.zip   40772 08-05-2024 
flmake45.zip   36840 08-05-2024 FLMAKE v4.5 (05-30-94). The ultimate online
                                filelist maker utility. Verifies the user has
                                access to each area then archives the
                                then sends it to the user. Totally
                                and now also a sysop commandline mode too!
fman12.zip     10680 08-05-2024  File Manager v1.2 ۲  by Digital
                                This useful Renegade 7-17 utility will scan
                                file bases and fix all of the incorrect
                                including whether a file exists, its size,
                                the number of file points required. Fast &
frfix23.zip    11799 08-05-2024 į FreeFix!  v2.3 Ŀ
                                 Everything You need for a complete 
                                 manteinance of Your filebases! It  
                                 does all You need: fixes OnLine &  
                                 OffLine entries, Size and Credits  
                                 of files, Adds GIFSpecs and MUCH   
                                 MORE!   (C) 1994 WaRRioR - SW $15! 
frfix25.zip    12238 08-05-2024 į FreeFix!  v2.5 Ŀ
                                 Everything You need for a complete 
                                 manteinance of Your filebases! It  
                                 does all You need: fixes OnLine &  
                                 OffLine entries, Size and Credits  
                                 of files, Adds GIFSpecs & MODSpecs 
                                 and MUCH MORE!!  (C) 1994 WaRRioR  
fshelp.zip      2066 08-05-2024 FSHELP.ASC to replace FSHELP.ANS
                                This FSHELP.ASC includes coloring help
                                all in an .ASC file.  Remember to delete
                                your FSHELP.ANS file!
fsumv100.zip   13331 08-05-2024 İ File Summary v1.0 ۲
                                Creates a graphical summary of your
                                file bases.  Easy to setup and use.
                                For Renegade 7-17+ only.  T.F.F Utils
ftop5v1.zip     6296 08-05-2024 |03|11LiQUiD Present|03Ŀ
                                |03 |07TOP-5 Best Transfers Users V1.0 |03
                                |03     |07For RENEGADE |1512/25 |07Exp     
                                |03   |07FREEWARE! By Mustang/LiQUiD   |03
fvote10.zip     6793 08-05-2024  -/\-      /-\ Fix Vote v1.0 /-\       -/\-
                                 Deletes your voting data faster than     
                                 Renegade's internal voting editor! Fixes 
                                 problem if you've deleted VOTING.DAT     
                                 Get this SysOps, it's a must have for RG 
gcup2_0a.zip   88327 08-05-2024 
getln14.zip    13850 08-05-2024 == Getline v1.4 == 
                                Program to display random fortunes from a 
                                flat file. Has MCI code support, 
                                and pause option. 
                                For Renegade 12-25 and higher.
gspec155.zip   19187 08-05-2024 GIFSpec v1.55 - The Premier CD-ROM file adder
                                for BBSes.  Will add a CD-ROM file list to
                                TAG, RENEGADE (in a .DIR type file) and also
                                create a new file list for other BBSes.  Adds
                                the GIF spec (i.e. ???x???x???) for all BBSes
                                and various options for TAG and RENEGADE (i.e
                                File Points, Uploader, etc.).
guserv10.zip   22762 08-05-2024     User Editor for Renegade 7-17
                                Allows you to GLOBALY change users AC, AR
                                SL, DSL, +/- File points, and MORE!!
                                This is the BEST user editor todate!!
                                ^0Written by Sneeker of Destorted Software
hang40.zip     37620 08-05-2024 -  - 
                                 Drop Carrier v4.0
                                 [AKA HANGERS
                                   Hangers is a prog for
                                   Renegade [ALL VERSIONS]
                                   that create a bulletin or
                                   logon screen displaying
                                   the people who have hung
                                   up on this date.  Easily
                                -  - 
hangup2.zip    54533 08-05-2024 BBS HANGUP UTILITY v2.00 PRO/STD [FREEWARE]
                                Allows hangup after upload similar to PCBoard
                                This version will work with RG, Spitfire,
                                TriBBS and others. Errorlevel support added.
                                From: PERSoftWare International.
help_rg.zip    16154 08-05-2024 RGhelp v1.30 - Renegade interactive
                                user help file system. Plug and play
                                eliminates the need for most sysop 
                                chats and requests for help. Full
                                RIP/ANSI support! Must get!!
hiscor10.zip   17511 08-05-2024 --------------[ HiScore 1.0 ]---------------
                                 Multiple Topusers Bulletin Generator for
                                 Renegade BBS Systems. Very Versatile.
                                 Configurable headers, header text, users
                                 per bulletin, colors, etc.
                                 Makes Top Uploaders, downloaders, posters,
                                 callers & Post/Call Ratio Bulletins
hisgr104.zip   12074 08-05-2024 Hisgraph v1.04 - The Best History Graph Maker
                                For Renegade BBSs. Command Line Motivated,
                                Run In Your Events, Easy To Install, The Info
                                Is Shown In A Very Attracting Way, Will Make
                                Users Call Your BBS, Bug Fixed  By Ofer Wald
hist115.zip     8790 08-05-2024 
huntrip.zip     3238 08-05-2024 RIP interface for Scavanger Hunt 1.0c
                                For Renegade BBS.  Give your ANSI
                                Scavanger Hunt game a Rip interface.
infofm21.zip  133448 08-05-2024   Renegade NewUser Infoform v2.1
                                   Creating Better Doors/Utilies
                                 Tristo WHQ - Power Of Suggestion
infoform.zip    9226 08-05-2024 Learn to make your own Infoform using
                                The Draw's Animator, with ACTUAL Footage!
infomake.zip   24507 08-05-2024 Simplify Making Info-Forms! It does it for
                                you, just have the ANSi!
                                The Infinity UFTECRUnionVFAST
junk110.zip    22936 08-05-2024 
kc02.zip        5576 08-05-2024 
klt_2dspn4.z       0 01-01-1980 |07S|08iphon |07V.1.0.|153|07.|15E. |07-
                                07The |04BEST |07One Liners |14DOOR |07EVER!
                                07Fully supports |14RENEGADE|07, has
                                07cross shading ansi effects!
                                07Now has up to |048 |10COM PORTS|07 support!
                                07Most kickass 1-liner door ever!
                                07Now comes with an |14E|07-|14Z |14INSTALL|07
                                14 And BEST of ALL it's |04FREE|14!
klt_2dspn4.zip   56054 08-05-2024 |07S|08iphon |07V.1.0.|153|07.|15E. |07-
                                |07The |04BEST |07One Liners |14DOOR |07EVER!
                                |07Fully supports |14RENEGADE|07, has
                                |07cross shading ansi effects!
                                |07Now has up to |048 |10COM PORTS|07 support
                                |07Most kickass 1-liner door ever!
                                |07Now comes with an |14E|07-|14Z
                                |14INSTALL|07 program!
                                |14 And BEST of ALL it's |04FREE|14!
lastc51.zip    14523 08-05-2024 |07LastCall |065.1|09-For Renegade and FroDo
                                |092.xx Places User name, number, call 
                                |09number,phone number, logon time,bytes 
                                |09transfered, baud rate and time online in 
                                |09FroDo's WFC + Mail Log. Supports FD 2.20
lastcal2.zip   12645 08-05-2024 
lastcall.zip    9282 08-05-2024 
laston20.zip   10466 08-05-2024 LASTON STD v2.00
                                Creates a bulletin of last callers to
                                Renegade BBS. Released by popular demand!
                                For RG v7-17 EXP and above.
laston31.zip   18091 08-05-2024 RENEGADE LASTON v3.10 STD [FREEWARE]
                                Creates a bulletin of last 10 callers to BBS.
                                Configurable colors. Supports .ASC and .RIP!
                                Allows an external header, multi-node aware.
                                From: PERSoftWare International.
lcall13.zip    26321 08-05-2024 [ Last Callers 1.3
                                [ New feature! Today's statistics on one line!
                                [ Creates Ansi, Avatar & Ascii of last callers
                                [ Also, displays Front Door 2.02 last callers.
                                [ Display 1 - 19 last system callers and more!
lcall21.zip    15498 08-05-2024 |09
                                |17|15      DoRE LastCaller v2.1      
                                     |13Renegade Final Version
                                |11By Dream Master|09!|11DoRE 
                                |08Makes a screen of the person on before you
                                |08and show some statistics of that person.
lcpro21a.zip   30097 08-05-2024  Last Caller Pro 2.1a ۲ by Digital
                                This GREAT Renegade utility makes a
                                ANSI/ASCII bulletin with information about
                                last caller. DR's RankMaster Supported Fully!
                                %100 Easier Setup.. New Docs! Minor Upgrade  
lcpv110.zip     9948 08-05-2024 [0;1mLast Caller Plus v1.1 by T.F.F Utilities
                                A nice utility that tells you about who
                                called before you. This and the ANSi
                                make it a greatpart of your BBS.
                                For Renegade 7-17+.۲
lgstrp1.zip    54123 08-05-2024 Strips Colors So RGBUSY Will Work Properly.
lightbar.zip   12581 08-05-2024 =Matrix= Lightbar Shuttle Logon for
                                | Complete Shuttle Menu with a lightbar
                                selector .
                                : and numeric `hotkeys'. Easy to setup &
                                modify. :
                                . Includes .MNU, .ANS & .RIP iles.   
                                [3-03-94] |
                                ---- ---  --
logfix.zip     34369 08-05-2024 ^3LogFix v1.01 ^0- Removes 'saving user'
                                ^0message from logs and fixes bleeding
                                ^0colors.  ^5From Spiffy!^1
lstusr11.zip   10711 08-05-2024  
                                    Last User v1.1 -- Dr. Love        
                                :       Creates ASC piped bulletin     :
                                .        of the last user that called. 
luser30a.zip   19089 08-05-2024 LUSER (v3.0).  Last Callers ANSI Generator.  
                                For Renegade 6-25+.  Up To 12 Configurable 
                                Colors!  Lists Up To 10 Last Callers.  
                                FREEWARE by Sneeker At DiStOrtEd DiMenSiOns!
m2r_2d100.zi       0 01-01-1980  MNU-2-RIP v1.00 by: Tom Klepl Ŀ
                                 Renegade utility - Reads your menu files, 
                                 and creates customizable RIP menu screens 
m2r_2d100.zip   94704 08-05-2024  MNU-2-RIP v1.00 by: Tom Klepl Ŀ
                                 Renegade utility - Reads your menu files, 
                                 and creates customizable RIP menu screens 
mailscan.zip    8486 08-05-2024 MAILSCAN - For Renegade 05-09+ Scans for
                                unsent echomail/netmail.  Exits with
                                errorlevel 2 if found, 255 if none found.
                                Now you can Press Q from WFC again!
mcifix2.zip    11196 08-05-2024 MCIFix v2.0 - Upgrade utility for RG 12-25
                                Use this utility to convert from the older AT
                                (@) MCI codes in 7-17 Beta to the newer
                                (%) MCI codes in 12-25 Exp and 01-02 Exp.
                                Now processes your *.MNU files automatically!
mcihelp.zip     3980 08-05-2024 MCIHelp v1.0                                 
                                A Text File With Helpful Hints/Examples      
                                Of The MCI Commands for Renegade 12-25.      
                                A *MUST* File for SysOp's who don't know     
                                a lot about MCI codes. By Lion Heart         
mcmd1225.zip    5952 08-05-2024 |08|15|17 Updated MENUCMD.ASC For RG 12-25
                                |08|15|17 Fixes Allignment Probs, Updated
                                |08|15|17 Unlisted Command Keys And Removal
                                |08|15|17 Extinct Command Keys.  By Bryan
mcrg111.zip    17304 08-05-2024        MailCall v1.11 for Renegade
                                MailCall will import the last incoming call
                                from a mailer into Renegade as part of the
                                Last Callers display. Freeware! [DOS] 
                                Supports InterMail and FrontDoor.
                                                (C) Blood Enterprises, 1998
md_2drgdos.z       0 01-01-1980 |09R|01eneg|08ade |15DOS |01emulation
                                01Menu sets for Renegade that emulate DOS
                                01Easy to setup...easy to use...
                                01 by    -|09M|01orb|08id
                                And if you can see this line, you probably
                                aren't running Renegade....good for you.
md_2drgdos.zip   11521 08-05-2024 |09R|01eneg|08ade |15DOS |01emulation
                                |01Menu sets for Renegade that emulate DOS
                                |01Easy to setup...easy to use...
                                |01 by    -|09M|01orb|08id
                                And if you can see this line, you probably
                                aren't running Renegade....good for you.
menus.zip       4494 08-05-2024 
menuz03.zip    35159 08-05-2024 |09  |15MENUZ! V0.1 |09
                                        Multiple Menus For Renegade
                                  Remembers Users Setup From Call To Call
                                 Totally Configurable Using Your Menu Sets
                                |09  |08C|07od|15ed By JiMMY
menuz300.zip   55755 08-05-2024  |15MENUZ!|11 V3.0 |09|11 Coded By Jimmy
                                Multiple Menus/Prompts and Stats For Renegade
                                    Remembers Users Setup From Call To Call
                                   NO MORE NAG LINE  New MultiNode Support
                                         Easy To Set UP  Easy To Use
                                Totally Configurable With Any Menu/Prompt Sets
                                 Includes Menu/Prompt/Stat sets from Celerity
                                   OBV, set up for Renegade ready for use!!
mev110.zip     16373 08-05-2024 
mflcz10b.zip   16158 08-05-2024 |12|04|15MFLASTCALLERZ|04ô|15v1
                                |04|08-      -|04|12
                                |12  |08T|07h|15e BEST Last Calle|07r|08s |12
                                |04 |08L|07i|15ster For Renegade 1|07-|082|04
mflcz12b.zip   11144 08-05-2024 |04ڸ |12M|04F|08LASTCALLZ v1|08.|072|15
                                |08:|12|04--|08   --|07|08:
                                |07 |08The |12ULTiMATE |08Renegade |04
                                |15|07 |08Last Callers Lister |04|12
mkglo10.zip     9265 08-05-2024 |08[ |15Globat Maker |08] 
                                |08 |09Makes GLOBAT?.BAT files
                                |08| |09Use for chat doors that
                                |08 |09need passed command lines
                                |08 |07All RG ver's |15White Zombie
mnuwrite.zip   27697 08-05-2024 
mp_2d101.zip   47023 08-05-2024 [MP v1.1]Ŀ
                                 Finally! Configurables and multiples    
                                 menu prompts / ansi's!  Easy to install 
                                 and to use! Like Oblivion/2!            
mscan11.zip    14024 08-05-2024  MBase Scanner v1.1 ۲  by Digital
                                Scans all your echomail message bases, and
                                add/remove "sent", add/remove "MCI Allowed",
                                the QWK numbering, and add/update FTLnet
                                bases.  For Renegade 7-17 or later.
msgchk20.zip   14614 08-05-2024 Msgcheck v1.3 (12-29-93). utility to check
                                message bases for users that you specify and
                                delete messages to/from them. Can also check
                                for words that you specify (such as profanity
                                and delete those messages as well.
msrg10.zip     36481 08-05-2024 MOD Spec v1.0 for Renegade.  This utility
                                scan a file directory data file and check for
                                MOD files; when found, MOD Spec will process
                                the descriptions to include the
                                for the MOD.  Similar to GIF specs.
mtx_2d10.zip   10586 08-05-2024 =Matrix= Lightbar Shuttle Logon for
                                | Complete Shuttle Menu with a lightbar
                                selector .
                                : and numeric `hotkeys'. Easy to setup &
                                modify. :
                                . Includes .MNU, .ANS & .RIP iles.   
                                [3-03-94] |
                                ---- ---  --
mtype.zip      10718 08-05-2024 MTYPE will display any ANSI or Renegade
                                screen from DOS. It expands Renegades
                                MCI codes, so you see your screens as
                                they will appear to users.
mutl100.zip    56354 08-05-2024 Message Utility v1.00 By Jeff Fanjoy.
                                Global Message Area Editing, Auto-Posting,
                                Message Area Listing, Message Deletion by
                                XX Days --  Both Email/Netmail and reg.
                                mail.                        MatrixSoft(tm).
mutl200.zip    80529 08-05-2024 Message Utility v2.00 By Jeff Fanjoy.
                                Global Message Area Editing, Auto-Posting,
                                Message Area Listing, Message Deletion by
                                XX Days --  Both Email/Netmail and reg.
                                mail.                        MatrixSoft(tm).
naplps_.zip   514295 08-05-2024 Add NAPLPS graphics support to RENEGADE BBS's
                                This kit contains sample menus, utilities,
                                extensive how-to-do-it info, and the engine
                                required to set your BBS up with 256-color
                                VGA graphics!  From The Mind's Eye BBS.
newmsg.zip      3165 08-05-2024   o  o  o        UNLIMITED MONARCHY SOFTWARE
                                 / \/ \/ \  
                                           This menu combines the Message,
                                           E-Mail, and AutoMessage menus in
                                  Renegade into one great easy menu
nlog11.zip      8420 08-05-2024  Logon Message v1.1 ۲  by DRS -
                                This simple Renegade 7-17 and later utility
                                broadcast to all nodes that a user is logging
                                when it is run.  Now without those annoying
nocode10.zip   11681 08-05-2024 NOCODE 1.0 for Renegade BBS Sysops!
                                Removes carat color codes, pipe color
                                codes, and/or MCI codes from any file!
                                FREEWARE - Written by: Spencer Lu
ns0421.zip     26067 08-05-2024 
nukem10.zip    14456 08-05-2024 
nukem15.zip    16404 08-05-2024 NUKEM 1.5 for Renegade BBS 7-17-93
                                  Deletes inactive users automatically, has
                                  many options.  Also nukes E-mail to and
                                  from deleted users.  Freeware by Doug Good
nuvote15.zip   14752 08-05-2024 
nuvote31.zip   89440 08-05-2024 |15       |07Version
                                |15           |15  3.1
                                |15           |07  By:
                                |15         |07Killean
offln101.zip    8912 08-05-2024 
ol.zip         84013 08-05-2024 Object Liners v 1.0 for dos
                                Finally a good message of the day
                                program. can be used for jokes,
                                quotes, anything! Comes with 1550
                                jokes. Supports Renegade and more!
oldml11.zip    31344 08-05-2024 OLDMAIL v1.1 - Delete Renegade Email that is
                                older than the sysop definable age. For use
                                with Renegade v 3-5 BBS software. Fixes
                                small bug in the bulletin output routine.
onelin40.zip   27914 08-05-2024 Oneliner version 4.0 Written Odie..  
                                Uses Door.sys, run it when someone logs on 
                                to your BBS.  New and improved.
opcmds.zip      4161 08-05-2024 |10Small Text File Explaining The Different 
                                |10Uses of the OP command in the Command Field
                                |10Renegade BBS's.  Very Usefull Reference
                                |10Creating Personal Data Menus for Letting
                                |10Change Their Account Info. Online.
packasw0.zip   14375 08-05-2024 PACKASW v0.01 eta [FREEWARE]
                                Renegade *.ASW sorter and packer. Removes
                                answers from deleted users and sorts answers
                                in user number order.
                                From: PERSoftWare International.
pcrcheck.zip    3091 08-05-2024 Written By Deahknigh
                                PCR Checker for Renegade.
pcrset11.zip   15154 08-05-2024 
pdoor11.zip    15100 08-05-2024 == POPDOOR v1.1 == 
                                Program to display, and keep track of how
                                many times your Doors get executed. Can 
                                customize Pipe Colors and Pause.
                                For Renegade 12-25 and higher.
persoft2.zip   67597 08-05-2024 PERSOFT STRINGS AND MENUS v2.0
                                Now with the new MCI codes included. This
                                archive contains the current strings and
                                menus used on PSHQ BBS [3/19/94].
phoon.zip      85241 08-05-2024 
pic.zip         1898 08-05-2024 
pick4_40.zip   53360 08-05-2024 RENEGADE PICK4 LOTTO v0.40 eta. [Shareware]
                                Awards user credits/time if guess on computer
                                picked number is correct. Toggable Security
                                Robot(tm): DOOR MANAGER. Auto maintainence.
                                From: PERSoftWare International.
pin0419.zip    19704 08-05-2024 
pin0828.zip    31073 08-05-2024 KludgeWare! PIN Automatic Message Poster
                                Automatically post a message in a Renegade
                                message base.  Uses YOUR Origin line when
                                in network areas.  Great program.
pmtrx11.zip    57094 08-05-2024   .    MiNiSTRY presents    .
                                   PRo-MaTRiX 1.1 for Renegade 12-25+
                                           by SeNSoRY OVeRLoAD  
                                The BEST lightbar login matrix available
                                for Renegade!  Download and check it out!
                                      New features in 1.1 include:
                                          - Speed increases
                                          - DOS matrix
                                          - and a lot more!
                                    ______ ____  ____ ______  _______
                                    `\    `\   `\`\__|      `)      )
                                      )         ) __ -.__/ ,-\_/
                                      |   \    |/  \ __   `\  | So
                                      |   |  |  .|  , )  `\.  ) `\
                                   Dedicated to bringing you the best!
pm_2dbbsl.zi       0 01-01-1980           (DoRE)
                                Modd : BBSList Lightbar Menu
                                Created by : Precious Metal
pm_2dbbsl.zip    3110 08-05-2024           (DoRE)
                                      Modd : BBSList Lightbar Menu
                                Created by : Precious Metal
pm_2demail.z       0 01-01-1980           (DoRE)
                                Modd : Email Lightbar Menu
                                Created by : Precious Metal
pm_2demail.zip    2561 08-05-2024           (DoRE)
                                      Modd : Email Lightbar Menu
                                Created by : Precious Metal
pm_2diqtb.zi       0 01-01-1980           (DoRE)
                                Modd : Timebank Lightbar Menu
                                Created by : Precious Metal
pm_2diqtb.zip    4684 08-05-2024           (DoRE)
                                      Modd : Timebank Lightbar Menu
                                Created by : Precious Metal
pm_2dmsg.zip    3206 08-05-2024           (DoRE)
                                      Modd : Message Lightbar Menu
                                Created by : Precious Metal
popdoor.zip    14534 08-05-2024 == POPDOOR v1.0 == 
                                Program to display, and keep track of how
                                many times your Doors get executed.
                                For Renegade 12-25 and higher.
                                - By R.Zino
pownuv2.zip    43688 08-05-2024   _  ___    ___    ___      
                                 ( \/'_ \  (   )  (   ) New User Voting
                                  |  (_) )__| |    | |   for Renegade
                                  |  ___/'  \ `\/\/' |     v 2.00
                                | ||  /\  |       |           
                                Ap| | |  \/  |       |  Programmers
                                 (___) \____/__/^\__/'    ofWar
                                ++  by RadiX, PoW Programmer ++
                                 - Ansis courtesy of NATiON
                                 - Easy to Install & BUG-FREE!
                                 - Features the competition doesn't have
powrenu1.zip  102609 08-05-2024 /\/\/\/\/\/\/=- PoW -=/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
                                |  enius' SUPER Renegade UtilPack |
                                |   Includes :  - Top ULers/DLers  |
                                |               - Top Posters      |
                                |               - BBS List Maker   |
                                |     Volume #1  [ Feb. 1994 ]     |
powrginf.zip   31301 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                  PoW Presents.. 
                                 Renegade Hack Informer v1.00  
                                       by Tic Tac, 7/94        
                                    __________   ___    ___    
                                   /          \ /   \/\/   \   
                                   \-------   )\_        _/   
                                 /---/     ___/ \-|      |---\ 
                                 \---|    |(    )|  /\  |---/ 
                                  -Ap|____| \___/ \_/  \_/     
powrgtop.zip   65115 08-05-2024  MANY Top User Listers for RG 
                                   /(_____  /(_      _)\  by nder      
                                +--\    _ \-\  \----/  /-------------+
                                    |  |_) )_|  |/\|  | Programmers
                                 -Ap|  ___/'_`\       |   oFWar
                                +---|  |-( (_) ) /\   |-----[PoW]----+
                                   /____\ \___/_/  \_/
powrgusr.zip   15790 08-05-2024         
                                 PoW  Renegade User List
                                 PoW  Generator by NiTRO
progeny3.zip   53318 08-05-2024  Progeny  - Previously RGAC 
                                 The World's Foremost Authority
                                 on the Advanced Customization
                                 of Renegade.  Featuring a new
                                 magazine format.  DOWNLOAD IT!
progeny4.zip   89582 08-05-2024   PROGENY ISSUE  - RELEASED 6/23/94
                                _________________ _________________ ____
                                \____   /__  /   |     / ______  | |   /
                                 |__/  /__/ /___ | ___/| _|_  |  | |  /
                                 |\___/\___/ \_/ | \_  |    | |  |__ /\
                                 |   |     \     |     |    | |  |     \
                                 |___|___|  \____|_____|____|_|__|_____/
                                      tz!|___/ issue #4
                                Progeny is an electronic magazine
                                dedicated to the advanced customization
                                of Renegade systems.  This issue
                                features articles on multiple infoforms,
                                security tips, multiple menu prompts,
                                menu selectors, blind uploading,
                                JiffyMenus, AR flag lightbars,
                                conference system tips, a menu
                                prompt collection, plus more!  Also
                                features highlights from previous
qclean13.zip   29240 08-05-2024 Ĵ Quality File Description Cleaner  v1.3
                                 Tired of messy file descriptions? This
                                 will make all your file descriptions uniform
                                 and "pretty". Several different styles for
                                 SysOp to choose from! Written in C &
qcvrt13.zip    31435 08-05-2024 Ĵ Quality Dir Converter v1.3
                                   Renegade utility to convert your CD-ROM
                                files to Renegade format dir files. Does
                                date, file size, file points (selectable),   
                                uploader name, and even extended descriptions
qfile12.zip    54990 08-05-2024 Ĵ Quality File v1.2
                                One of the original and still the most
                                full featured, and easiest to use Renegade
                                lister. Too many features to list.  You name
                                Qfile will do it!  Written in C & Assembly!  
qline112.zip   30445 08-05-2024 Ķ    QuickLiners v1.12    ĸ
                                  Awesome oneliners door, DOOR.SYS, with
                                  FULL RIP/Ansi support, auto-delete,
                                  color codes, MCI codes, logfile, Renegade
                                  compatible, full screen cursor control
                                  key selection, and more!Only $3.00 to
                                  (C)1994, 1995 by Stephen Lau / LPSW 1995
                                  Released: 01/16/95, 11:40am
                                Ķ LightProbe Software 1995 ľ
quote100.zip   27983 08-05-2024 | -=[ Quotes v1.00 - StormyWare 1993 ]=- |
                                |   Configurable ANSI Quote-Of-The-Day   |
                                |  Generation System For SysOps. Run As  |
                                |       a Nightly Event. FreeWare!!      |
qwkie20.zip    21340 08-05-2024 Is your QWk index screwed up?
                                This little :) program will fix you up
                                by re-indexing the qwk number and correct
                                it by placing them in the order they are in
r2f_3_2d20.z       0 01-01-1980 |09Ŀ
                                09|10Ren2Fbbs by UnderWare, Ltd. 3-20 |09
                                09|11  RG .DIR -> .BBS (text)         |09
                                09|13  Converts to several formats.   |09
r2f_3_2d20.zip   10933 08-05-2024 |09Ŀ
                                |09|10Ren2Fbbs by UnderWare, Ltd. 3-20 |09
                                |09|11  RG .DIR -> .BBS (text)         |09
                                |09|13  Converts to several formats.   |09
rafl10b.zip    24648 08-05-2024  Renegade AllFiles Lister v1.0 ۲  by
                                The ultimate file lister for Renegade 7-17! 
                                handy program will fix your file bases
                                files, incorrect sizes, etc.), generate a
                                of those files, and create a unique summary.
ranks25.zip    78821 08-05-2024  Rank Master v2.5 ۲ - For Renegade
                                The ultimate Renegade Utility! Rank Master Is
                                 fully-featured RG rank/reward system.
                                 users for contributing to your BBS by
                                 access levels and ranking them.
                                    and more! Up to 10 Ranks in Unregistered
                                        version, up to 100 in registered.
rave_2d12.zi       0 01-01-1980 Renegade BBS System Averages v1.2
                                Will now work with Renegade r4-01-93
                                No more CFG file, command line paramaters
rave_2d12.zip    9453 08-05-2024 Renegade BBS System Averages v1.2
                                Will now work with Renegade r4-01-93
                                No more CFG file, command line paramaters
rawmenu1.zip   26473 08-05-2024 |02[|10Raw Menus for Renegade! Allows users|02
                                |04[|12to choose what menu system they want|04
                                |05[|13to use.   |05]
                                |01[|09CiRCUS of PAiN BBS - [208] 667-9209 |01
rd0421.zip     13169 08-05-2024 
renbak31.zip   18166 08-05-2024 RENBAK31 - Renegade Backup Program
                                Dark Ages Software! - Freeware!
                                Simple to use backup program!
                                Can be used in a Nightly Maintenance.
                                Updated 05/31/1996
                                By: Randy Henderson & Scott Bentley
rendata.zip     9886 08-05-2024 RENDATA - Sysop information screen
                                for Renegade BBS.  Displays BBS
rene1211.zip  369081 08-05-2024 
renegade.zip  364763 08-05-2024 
renelist.zip   52902 08-05-2024 RENELIST! Awesome BBS lister door for
                                Renegade. Writes verbose and short bulls.
                                Asks everything a user wnats to know about
                                a BBS!
renemail.zip   17441 08-05-2024 
reng16.zip     10958 08-05-2024 |02[ |15ReneGuest v1.6 |02
                                |02 |07This thing reads your USERS.DAT file
                                |02 |07& sets a specified user's time/creds
                                |02 |07to a specified level. Multiconfigs!!
                                |02[ |15by David Zearing |02
renm0511.zip   18028 08-05-2024 Renegade BBS Fido Net/Echo/Group mail
                                Version 05-11
renrvt21.zip   49443 08-05-2024 Renegade Event Version 2.10
                                Ten times better then the older versions.
                                You can add, delete, edit, print, and view
                                all your events into one file. All BBS and
                                mailer managing programs can use this.
rentips.zip     6479 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 -= RENEGADE TIPS =- 
                                 Tips for Renegade Bbs 
                                 By The Ocean\Side Bbs
rentips2.zip   76362 08-05-2024 |12Here at LAST!|11-= RenTips 2.0 =-
                                |14Many NEW tips!|10 Welcome Letter, Want
                                |10Quotes, More About PCR, MUCH MORE!
                                |13Written by:|15[ Ron Staples ]
rg.zip        331110 08-05-2024 
rg12last.zip   32056 08-05-2024 RG12LAST The FINAL Lastcaller Program For RG!
                                Very, Very Configurable! Colors And Number of
                                callers. 7 Different Headers!
                                Upgrade 8/14/95  By: Randy Henderson 
rg2bbs10.zip    7468 08-05-2024 RG2BBS v1.0 - RG *.DIR to *.BBS Utility
                                Creates *.BBS files from your Renegade
                                *.DIR files.
rg2fd100.zip    9600 08-05-2024 RG2FD - Last Caller utility
                                for Renegade and Front Door.
                                Puts last caller in FD.
rg2fd_v2.zip   18793 08-05-2024 |08 |14RG2FD
                                |08۲      |07Renegade To Front Door     
                                |08   |07Imports Usefull Information   
                                |08  |07From Renegades Data Files Into 
                                |08    |07Front Door For Sysop Viewing   
                                |08     |07For Renegade v04-05-96      
                                |08                                  |08
                                |08۲ |15Mike Carpenter/Power Programming
rg4dos10.zip   10158 08-05-2024 RG4DOS v1.0 - Convert Renegade v7-09 file
                                descriptions to 4DOS v4.0 'descript.ion'
                                format.  Quick!
                                                     - Don Fischer 1:272/54
rg531usr.zip    2655 08-05-2024 Doc file to setup Renegade 5-31 with
                                a USR Sportster 14.4 modem.
rgac_2.zip     34948 08-05-2024 "Advanced Customization of Renegade"
                                [Issue #2] Implement full screen
                                logons, arrow key menus, use a number
                                based conference system, delete the @
                                conference, fix for Renemail, and more!
                                Written by Sexual Chocolate [ENTiTY]
rgac_232.zip   43245 08-05-2024 "Advanced Customization of Renegade"
                                [Issue #2] Implement full screen
                                logons, arrow key menus, use a number
                                based conference system, delete the @
                                conference, fix for Renemail, and more!
                                Written by Sexual Chocolate [ENTiTY]
rgal100.zip    17879 08-05-2024 RGALIST v1.00 - Renegade Actions Lister 1.00
                                Produces a ACTIONS.ASC from your ACTIONS.LST
                                and a specified template file.  3 common
                                templates included.  RGALIST should be able
                                to implement any list style.  By Carl Morris.
rgale101.zip   57737 08-05-2024 RGALE V1.01 Exp. Renegade Actions List
                                Editor.  Allows an RG SysOp to EDIT his
                                ACTIONS.LST, for both 7-17 and 12-25 vers.
                                Now shows colors on the action lines.
                                       Shareware by Carl Morris.
rgannoun.zip    4407 08-05-2024 |04 |10BiL|02'|10s Add|02-|10Ons|04۲
                                |01FOR: |14Renegade BBS
                                |15RGANNOUNCER|09 - Renegade User Announcer
                                |09Announces to ALL Nodes What a user
                                |09is doing : Files, Msg's, Ect..
rgapi102.zip   11997 08-05-2024 RGAPI v1.02 By Jeff Fanjoy
                                Renegade Programmers API.  Includes
                                FUNCTIONS and PROCEDURES commonly used
                                in programming Renegade utils.  Useful
                                tool for programmers.    MatrixSoft(tm)
rgartgal.zip   92858 08-05-2024 |15گ     ni rT GLLR     
                                |07 Internal2RG  ZM 
                                |08Easy to set up and use!
rgatm20.zip    77049 08-05-2024 RG ATM DOOR v2.00 STD [TEST DRIVE]
                                Automatic Teller Machine for Renegade BBS.
                                Store Time, Credits, Bytes and earn interest!
                                Transfer funds to other accounts. Take
                                out loans. View, update & remove accounts.
                                Released by PSI on August 22nd 1994.
rgavuser.zip   61215 08-05-2024 - RGAVUSER - v1.00 By Dennis Joslin
                                Make a cool ANSI and ASCII bulletin
                                describing what the "average" user
                                is on your BBS! Configurable colors,
                                Easy to use!
rgback_2.zip   26363 08-05-2024   -/- Renegade Backup v2.0 -/-
                                The Ultimate Renegade Backup v2.0
                                This is an excelent backup program
                                for renegade. Many Options!
                                Author: Cam Macpherson
rgbc101.zip    97841 08-05-2024     Renegade Banking Casino v1.01     
                                Featuring a full featured Time/Credits/Kbyte
                                banking system.  A full  blown Casino!  With 
                                Black Jack, Video Poker,  Progressive Slots, 
                                Crack  the Vault,  and  Super PICK-4 Lotto!  
rgbest10.zip   21554 08-05-2024 |02|10|02[|15RgBest 1.0|02]|10Ŀ
                                |02|02[|11DSGP|02]|08|02[|15Crazy Lion|02
                                 |07B|15est|08-|07U|15sers |07B|15ulletin
                                  |07G|15enerator |07F|15or |07RG
rgbibl11.zip   47657 08-05-2024 RGBIBLE v1.1 (Daily Bible Proverb) By John
                                "Daily Bible Proverb" .ASC/.ANS screen
                                Will create,insert,append a daily proverb from
                                bible to new or existing .ANS/.ASC files. Nice
rgbk3_01.zip   19604 08-05-2024 RGBACK V3.01 - Renegade Backup system
                                Full screen setup/Config Full Screen
                                Status and Display. Brought to you by:
                                Snuffwarez Utilz. With use of RAR
                                Compatable with RG 04-05 & 05-11.
rgbkup40.zip   62987 08-05-2024   (TM) 
                                PRESENTS - RGBACKUP 4.0a
                                MAKES BACKING UP YOU RENEGADE BBS
                                A BREEZE..WITH ZIP/ARJ/TAPEBACKUP OPTIONS
rgbl.zip       11770 08-05-2024 *******--********
                                *          By: Anthony J. Farmer           *
                                *  Keeps track of system reboots in your   *
                                *  daily sysop log and and a reboot log.   *
rgbulls.zip    35104 08-05-2024 
rgbusy12.zip   13335 08-05-2024 
rgcall10.zip   23968 08-05-2024 RG-Caller 1.0͸
                                Caller-ID Door for Renegade
                                 and FrontDoor 2.12 & 2.20 
                                For Modems that Support it.
                                Robbin Ambrose;
rgcast16.zip   22055 08-05-2024 (Renegade)  (RGCAST v1.6)  Dos version
                                Renegade global broadcast util so your
                                users can broadcast a message to all
                                active nodes on your bbs.  Another first
                                from Dream Master of DoRE.  Easy Instll
                                in this version.  Support BBS Dreamland
                                1.818.991.1520.  Internet web page support
                                telnet : dorehq.nws.net.  For Multi-node
                                BBS's ONLY.
rgcbv50c.zip   86144 08-05-2024 Renegade Callback Verifier v5.00c - FREEWARE  
                                 Area codes setup / Multinode / Fossil &
                                 Definable strings / User importer included
                                 Security improved / High Ascii password bug
                                 Author: Dark Ninja - Released on Dec. 20,
rgcbv623.zip   36031 08-05-2024 
rgcc101.zip    76514 08-05-2024 RG Credit Card Subscription Door v1.01
                                Auto  detects  Visa,  Master Card, and Amex!
                                Allows  26  subscription  levels  and raises
                                users access instantly!  Many more features!
                                O D Y S S E Y  L I N E  S O F T W A R E (c)
rgchar15.zip  103655 08-05-2024 RG-CHARGE v1.15  { Renegade BBS's  Only! }
                                This Door used in conjunction with
                                Dragon Business Services, Inc. Will Allow
                                You to take Master Card, Visa, American 
                                Exp., ELECTRONIC CHECKING ACCOUNT
                                WITHDRAWS, orders on your BBS! If you want
                                to make money on your bbs, check this out!
                                Very Powerful, Friendly Program.  
                                Written by: Scott Mckay
                                ----    FULL VOICE SUPPORT     -----
rgconv11.zip   12677 08-05-2024 RENEGADE CONVERSATIONS v1.1 - FREEWARE with
                                This 04-05 Renegade mod makes an "overheard
                                conversations" logon screen like you see in
                                TW2002 & other doors. I didn't like any of
                                available "ONELINER" programs so I wrote this
rgcs1004.zip   12628 08-05-2024 RG Structs 10-04 Exp. --
                                These are the C/C++ structures for
                                renegade 10-04+ Exp. They have been 
                                converted from the pascal records.
                                Released By Cott Lang.
rgcs21.zip     17036 08-05-2024 RGCS v2.1 - Renegade City Stats Bulletin
                                Create a top XX bulletin of citys that have
                                the most users calling your BBS.  Includes
                                city, # of users, # of calls, # of minutes.
                                Uses new 12-25 Beta MCI codes (%XX).
rgcstfix.zip   10990 08-05-2024 RGCSTFIX - RG City/State Field Fixer
                                   by  Mike Reeves  @  UnderWare, Ltd.
                                Make your city/state fields in RG's USERS.DAT
                                uniform.  Mass correct typo's, abbreviations,
rgctv13.zip    59453 08-05-2024 RG-CTV v1.3 (c)1993 DDS
                                Crack The Vault, this door is for
                                Renegade and awards time and filepoints
                                to the users! It's a great thing for the
                                SysOp to have.  Configurable For You!
rgctv17.zip    56321 08-05-2024 [....... -*- Crack The Vault  1.7 -*- ......
                                [ For RG v7.17, sort 4 vault #'s in order to
                                [ win time & file pts.  SysOp configs how   
                                [ much there is to win and may add a penalty
                                [ to users whom lose.  THE UTILMATE VERSION!
rgcv1_0.zip    55797 08-05-2024  Renegade Calls v1.0 Ŀ
                                Renegade Calls is a little util which will
                                 create an ANSI like text file of todays  
                                 callers for your Renegade board FREEWARE 
rgc_155.zip    41186 08-05-2024 RGCaller v1.55 - New version for Renegade
                                 and newer ONLY. Download v1.33 for RG 3-05
                                 older. Imports information from Renegade
                                 FrontDoor's or INTERMAIL Logfiles! Like 
                                 TGFDLOG.  Written by Hellhound/Mike Glaske. 
rgd05_2d09.z       0 01-01-1980 Official Renegade Documentation for version
                                From the GS Connection BBS - 207/799-9080.  
                                Renegade Support Board.
rgd05_2d09.zip   74042 08-05-2024 Official Renegade Documentation for version
                                From the GS Connection BBS - 207/799-9080.  
                                Renegade Support Board.
rgdesc25.zip   35471 08-05-2024 RENEGADE DESCRIPTOR v2.50 Std. [Freeware]
                                For RG version 10-31-94 Exp+. Supports the
                                new 10 line extended structure. Imports
                                FILES.BBS, ALLFILES.TXT or sysop comment for
                                blank descr. Adds DATE U/L and # of D/Ls.
                                Now cleans up file descriptions! Quality Pgm
                                from PERSoftWare Interntional.
rgdf015b.zip   20549 08-05-2024 
rgdlmenu.zip    3464 08-05-2024 Spruce up your plain old Download
                                option.  This file gives you one
rgdst10.zip    39338 08-05-2024 RGDSTATS v1.0. Makes bulletin of all
                                door activity and what door program
                                is most popular and what times doors
                                are executed the most.  Configurable
                                colors, easy to setup, use!
rgd_1005.zip  114464 08-05-2024 Official Renegade Documentation for version
                                From the GS Connection BBS - 207/799-9080.  
                                With Additions from Alpha Quadrant -
                                Renegade Support Boards.
rgep261.zip   203845 08-05-2024 KludgeWare! Renegade Editor - Utility Package
                                Easily edit much of your Renegade
                                Also includes PIN Message poster and the
                                Files.bbs importer!
                                              *** ShareWare ***
rgexp10.zip    17104 08-05-2024 Renegade File Exporter v1.0
                                 Converts RG File directories to 
                                 FILES.BBS. Supports SF,TICK,PCBoard,
                                -- DellerWare Release (c) 1994
rgfc0320.zip  380158 08-05-2024 Renegade File Commander - Easy to use filebase
                                for Renegade release 03/05/93. 
                                files, descriptions, and bases.  Scrollable,
                                panable browse.  Very powerful!
rgff3_2d14.z       0 01-01-1980 |09Ŀ
                                09|10RGFFList by UnderWare, Ltd. 3-14 |09
                                09|11  Freeware filelist compiler     |09
                                09|13  Many features and it's free!   |09
rgff3_2d14.zip   21597 08-05-2024 |09Ŀ
                                |09|10RGFFList by UnderWare, Ltd. 3-14 |09
                                |09|11  Freeware filelist compiler     |09
                                |09|13  Many features and it's free!   |09
rgff70.zip     28738 08-05-2024 RGFF 7.0 -/- Renegade Freeware Filelist
                                  by Mike Reeves @ UnderWare, Ltd.  [FREEWARE
                                One of the most configurable filelist makers
                                available for RG.  Allows: Multiple configs,
                                marking new files, listing only new files,
                                definable headers/subheaders/footers, lists
                                uploader, credits, and # of d/ls, picklist
                                selection, and much more!
                                Supports both 5 & 10 line descriptions!
rgfix11e.zip   77910 08-05-2024       
                                File Searching System for Renegade 07-17
rgfl0504.zip    6072 08-05-2024 Renegade File Lister 05-04-96 - Freeware
                                by Sam Carey; for Renegade version 04-05-96
                                Creates an "allfiles" listing.
rgfl21.zip     22373 08-05-2024 RGFL v2.1 - Renegade 7-17 Beta File Lister
                                Creates a list of available files with
                                extended descriptions, points/size, status,
                                # of times downloaded, name of uploader, etc.
                                Now create list of new files over past XX days
rgfl65.zip     14517 08-05-2024 Renegade File List Generator v6.5
                                area / kbytes / credits / total k
                                  area configurable file list
                                    compatable w/ dizzy v1.7
                                     uses extended listing
                                    Strips MCI color codes
                                Just don't use it... Abuse IT!
rgflco30.zip   44835 08-05-2024 RG FILE LIST COMPILER v3.00 PVT [FREEWARE]
                                Creates selective list of all your files.
                                Auto-compress, adds file_id.diz, nice format.
                                Updates date/size. Supports UC2/ARJ/ZIP.
                                More bug fixes. Public domain release.
                                From: PERSoftWare International.
rgfpu10.zip    15991 08-05-2024 
rgfrc13.zip    11596 08-05-2024 ReneGade Fix Replies Chains v1.30 - For
                                BBSes involved in large amounts of echo mail
                                keep a somewhat accurate reply linkage. Very
                                at linking 1000s of messages.  1.30 is now
                                reliable at getting the correct messages
                                using the subject linking method and is much
                                faster at finding the bases that need the
                                updating.  Helps SysOps and users read
                                For Renegade 12/25/93+ and 80286+ only!
rggc1_3.zip    65749 08-05-2024 
rggst101.zip   36913 08-05-2024 - RGGUEST - v1.10 By Dennis Joslin
                                If you have a 'guest' account on your
                                Renegade BBS, you NEED this!  Resets
                                all kinds of stuff for the guest user
                                to keep things correct, a must have.
rghak100.zip  119143 08-05-2024 RGHAK - Renegade Fake Hacker Door!
                                The realistic Renegade Hacker Program
                                Try it, I busted so many users it isn't
                                even funny!
                                By: Randy Henderson
rghelp13.zip   16154 08-05-2024 RGhelp v1.30 - Renegade interactive
                                user help file system. Plug and play
                                eliminates the need for most sysop 
                                chats and requests for help. Full
                                RIP/ANSI support! Must get!!
rghist11.zip   45603 08-05-2024 RGHIST v1.1 (Today In History) By John m.
                                Very flexible program for generation a nice
                                "Today In History" .ASC/.ANS screens. Will
                                insert/append output to new or existing .ANS/
                                files. FAST! And works with ANY BBS software.
rghist15.zip   10538 08-05-2024 RGHIST15 - Renegade BBS History utility that
                                   creates both an ANSI and ASCII
                                file that displays all of the information
                                about your BBS, number of callers, active
                                percent, average number of callers, and a
                                few more.  This program is FREEWARE, there
                                are NO registration fees required.
rgjad20.zip    12086 08-05-2024 Joke-A-Day v2.0 from Vomitone Consulting
                                For Renegade v12-25 and higher.
rglabels.zip   33154 08-05-2024 - RGLABELS - v1.00 By Dennis Joslin
                                A utility that reads your USERS.DAT
                                and makes a text file of their names
                                and addresses formatted for labels!
                                Zip Code +4 is optional!
rglast14.zip   17427 08-05-2024 Last Caller Utility v1.4 
                                (c)1993 Digital Dimension Software
                                For Renegade v1-03, makes a file that   
                                records the last callers records for
                                the next caller to view.
rglast17.zip   20792 08-05-2024 [    [-/- Last Caller Utility 1.7 -/-]   
                                [         Use with Renegade 12-25        
                                [   Creates a file with records for the  
                                [   next caller to view.  Pipe Colors!!  
                                [     Color and display Configurable!    
rglastx.zip    33061 08-05-2024 [-]             RG LaST X CaLLeRS            
                                [Last X Callers Creator For Renegade v12-25
                                [Sysop Configurable # Of Last Callers To
                                [Replacment For RG's Own Last Few Callers
rglc129a.zip   16627 08-05-2024 ͹  RGLC v01-29-95 Alpha  ͻ
                                 Altered Dimension, Ltd.'s   
                                 util displays last caller's 
                                 info as bulletin or logon!  
rglfc.zip      83818 08-05-2024 -=> RGLFC <=> ReneGade  Last  Few Callers <=-
                                ReneGade  Last  Few  Callers is  a  last-few-
                                callers  program  which  I  made.  It   comes
                                with  detailed  instructions, and  a  compli-
                                cated INSTALL batch file. Download me SysOps!
rglist11.zip   27375 08-05-2024 |02|10|02[|15RgList 1.1|02]|10Ŀ
                                |02[|11DSGP|02]|08|02[|15Crazy Lion|02]
                                |07R|15enegade  |07F|15ile  |07L|15ister
                                 |07W|15ith |07B|15uilt|08-|07I|15n
                                  |10>- |07I|15t|08'|15s |07F|15ast |10>-
rglocv5.zip    22336 08-05-2024 (Renegade) (RGLocal v.5) Dos version
                                The first ever TRUE Renegade local logon
                                creator for Renegade. This will display the
                                local logon in the LASTON.DAT for the
                                bbs callers to see. Registered it will then
                                remove the version# and place the sysops info
                                in location. http://www.three-d.net/dore
                                Support BBS Dreamland 818-991-1520
rglog20.zip   193648 08-05-2024 |02|10|02[|15RgLogon 2.0|02]|10
                                |10|02[|11DSGP|02]|08|02[|15Crazy Lion|02
                                |07RG L|15ogon |07S|15creens |07M|15aker
                                |07L|15ast|0710 |08, |07S|15tat|08,
                                |08& |07B|15irthdays |07T|15his |07M|15onth
rgloto12.zip   38618 08-05-2024 RGLOTTO v1.2 (Pick 6, 4 & 3   ) By John M.
                                Very flexible program for generating pick 6, 4
                                3 .ANS/.ASC "Today's Lucky Lotto" screens.
                                insert/append output to new or existing .ANS/
                                files. Works with any bbs software. FAST!  J.W
rgls2.zip      10115 08-05-2024 RENEGADE LOG STRIPPER v2.0 [Freeware]
                                Strips sysop logs of redundant REFUSED:
                                messages. Conserve disk space.
rglst101.zip   91856 08-05-2024  RGLister v1.01 by Justin Day Ŀ
                                  A Renegade files system replacement 
                                      21-line file descriptions      
                                      Lightbar Menu/Flag/Info        
                                 And lots more!   Not a hack, get it! 
                                 Other features include:              
                                      Never edits RG files           
                                      Perfectly pauses (no cut desc) 
                                      Pipe/Carrot Code Support       
                                      Wildcat/PCB Color Codes too!   
                                      Limited ACS support            
                                  featuring the dancin' ASCII man!    
                                 "look ma!  Huge FILE_IDs!" 
rglu120.zip    39759 08-05-2024 - RGLSTUSR - v1.20 By Dennis Joslin
                                Makes a ASCII, ANSI, and RIP bulletin with
                                information about the last caller to your BBS
                                Easy configurability, Makes a pretty screen!!
                                Finally fixes that run-time error bug......
rgm.zip        54988 08-05-2024 
rgm0524.zip    25589 08-05-2024 ^0   Renegade Maintenance Utility by Cott
                                 Packs  users, purges users, packs msgs,
                                 files, sorts  files, fixes  data files,
                                 short msgs, fixes file sizes and status.
                                 logs off users for the maintenance event!
rgmalc11.zip   11845 08-05-2024 ReneGade MAiL Checker 1.01 - Checks for
                                unsent mail to have Renemail run, can be used
                                to help ERROR LEVEL 255 and the RENEMAIL -A
                                syndromes.  Runs fast and is compact.
                                Freeware from Carl Morris!  286+ required!
rgmbp12.zip    13242 08-05-2024 ReneGade Message Base Packer v1.20 - Probably
                                fastest, safest Renegade Message Base Packer
                                here!  Now packs local bases and can remove
                                corruption.  In addition it doesn't loose the
                                reply links bases.  Packs using no additional
                                drive space!  Much less disk intensive than
                                message packers, and some times much faster.
                                well with RGFRC 1.30+! For Renegade 12/25/93+
                                80286+ only!
rgmd5_2d11.z       0 01-01-1980 RGMD 5-11 -/- Most Downloaded Files
                                by UnderWare, Ltd.
                                Allows: Multiple configs, extended
                                desc., date uploaded, headers/footers,
                                and more.   *Freeware*
rgmd5_2d11.zip   14979 08-05-2024 RGMD 5-11 -/- Most Downloaded Files
                                           by UnderWare, Ltd.
                                Allows: Multiple configs, extended
                                desc., date uploaded, headers/footers,
                                and more.   *Freeware*
rgmen_2d1.zi       0 01-01-1980 |02[|10ANSi Menus for Renegade SysOps.|02]
                                04[|12CiRCUS of PAiN BBS - [208] 667-9209|04]
rgmen_2d1.zip   11886 08-05-2024 |02[|10ANSi Menus for Renegade SysOps.|02]
                                |04[|12CiRCUS of PAiN BBS - [208] 667-9209|04
rgmini.zip     24783 08-05-2024 [-]               RG MiNi_STaTS!             
                                [ Daily Stat File Creator For Renegade
                                12-25Exp ]
                                [ Create Bulletin For Users To View Inc.
                                Daily: ]
                                [ Callers-Posts-Up/Downloads- # Days Online
rgmon20.zip    12871 08-05-2024   [--=The Renegade Node Monitor v2.0=--]  
                                Check up on your nodes to see who's on-line, 
                                what they are doing, and if they are available
                                for chat.  Updated for Renegade v12-25Exp.
rgmpt10d.zip   22016 08-05-2024 
rgms20.zip     28558 08-05-2024 
                                1  to  16  Line  Node  Monitoring Software!
                                Now Supports Msgs to Nodes! DESQview Aware!
                                Requires Renegade 12/25+,286+ & 150k Memory
                                O D Y S S E Y  L I N E  S O F T W A R E (c)  
rgmsgrnk.zip   11058 08-05-2024 [RgMsgRnk (v1.0)] -- Allows The SysOp To
                                Rank His/Her Users By Amount Of Posted Msgs.
                                Written by Rick Anthony for DSGP SoftWare, Inc
rgmult15.zip    6988 08-05-2024 |04ķ
                                |04 |03 Renegade Multi Off v1.5 by HAL 1994
                                |04  |02The Ultimate Logoff for Renegade!   
                                |04  ^0Freeware|02, From the Discovery BBS! 
                                |04  |02      Many, Many features!          
rgnc40.zip     36301 08-05-2024 RG NO CARRIER v4.00 STD [TEST DRIVE]
                                Creates bulletin of users that drop carrier
                                excessively. Sends TRUE private email, drops
                                SL and sends SYSOP reports. Compatible with
                                HANGPRO and HANGSTD programs.
                                From: PERSoftWare International.
rgnodev4.zip   18611 08-05-2024 RENEGADE NODE VIEWER v.4  [dos version]
                                Renegade external node viewer.  Supports
                                up to 4 nodes. No need to load Renegade to
                                view what is going on.  Give time slices
                                for os/2, DV and Windows.  Does not use
                                much resources.  Look great too. This is
                                for versions 10-05 and up.
                                Support BBS Dreamland 818.991.1520
                                Web http://www.three-d.net/dore
                                Telnet dreamland.nws.net
rgnpop11.zip    9596 08-05-2024 RENEGADE CALLERS IN PORTAL OF POWER v1.10
                                Imports last 5 callers from Renegade BBS
                                into Portal of Power .60+.  Easiest and best
                                solution for Renegade/PoP sysops!  New
                                has MACRO template and TODAY ONLY toggle.
rgns100.zip    12284 08-05-2024 RGNSHOW v 1.00 - Allows SysOps to show
                                on another node what is happening in
                                the background (mail tossing, nightly
                                maintenance, etc.).  01/01/95
rgnsc13.zip    12927 08-05-2024 Renegade Node Status Checker 1.30 - Stops
                                multi-node doors that are already running and
                                notifies the user on why.  Now has options to
                                free you from remembering the activity string
                                and to send a message to any or all nodes.
                                286+, DOS 3.0+ required.  From Carl Morris.
rgnuv10.zip    92550 08-05-2024 SECURITY ROBOT(TM): NUV v1.00 [TEST DRIVE]
                                Door that validates users to 3 different
                                security levels if account info is valid.
                                Lots of NEW features!!
                                From: PERSoftWare International.
rgnws301.zip  109062 08-05-2024 RGNEWS v3.01 - Renegade 07-17 News Manager.
                                Display news to users once/always, toggle
                                abortable, auto-deletion, file attaches,
                                reading pause & questions, FSE support,
                                library mode and much more!  A must have!
rgotd100.zip   13192 08-05-2024  Renegade '?' of the Day! v1.00 ۲
                                Displays A "? OF THE DAY" To Users. The '?'
                                Can Be A 'Joke', 'Tip', 'Fortune' Etc.  
                                Comes With A 'Joke' Module.  Extra '?' 
                                Modules Are FREEWARE Or Are Easily Created
rgotdm01.zip    2495 08-05-2024 Renegade '?' Of The Day!
                                "Renegade Tip Of The Day" Module
                                Use with RGOTD*.ZIP
                                Call The Main Hangar for More!
rgotdm02.zip    4540 08-05-2024 Renegade '?' Of The Day!
                                "DOS Oneliner Of The Day" Module
                                Use with RGOTD*.ZIP
                                Call The Main Hangar for More!
rgotdm03.zip    3308 08-05-2024 Renegade '?' Of The Day!
                                "Windows Oneliner Of The Day" Module
                                Use with RGOTD*.ZIP
                                Call The Main Hangar for More!
rgotdm04.zip    2305 08-05-2024 Renegade '?' Of The Day!
                                "Trekkie Oneliner Of The Day" Module
                                Use with RGOTD*.ZIP
                                Call The Main Hangar for More!
rgotdm06.zip  153499 08-05-2024 Renegade '?' Of The Day!                     
                                "Renegade Quote of the Day" Module           
                                Use with RGOTD*.ZIP                          
                                Call The Main Hangar for More!               
rgp1225.zip    31289 08-05-2024 
                                |15 |14RGP |15۲ |14Renegade
                                |10pause utility for Renegade v12-25 Exp
                                |12and later by Eric Lowe.  Inserts a
                                |11pause MCI code after every 23 lines
                                |09in an ANSI or ASCII file.  |13FREE!
rgpaus22.zip   13613 08-05-2024 RENEGADE PAUSE UTILITY v2.20. [FreeWare]
                                Inserts pause and no-abort code into any text
                                file. For RG v1-02 EXP+. Supports line limits
                                and clear screen codes.
                                From: PERSoftWare International.
rgpause2.zip   11295 08-05-2024 Renegade Pause Utility v2.00. Inserts
                                the Renegade PAUSE & No ABORT command into
                                any text file. For RG v7-17 EXP and above.
                                Uses NEW MCI codes!
rgpf20.zip     17978 08-05-2024 RGPF v2.0 - Renegade Popular Files Lister
                                Create a list of the most popular files that
                                have been downloaded from your BBS.  You can
                                included as many files in the list as you like
                                Uses 12-25 Beta MCI codes (%XX)
rgprint.zip     7090 08-05-2024 
rgq11.zip     161011 08-05-2024 "Renegade Quoter" v1.1; Reads from a huge
                                file of quotes, picks one, then either writes
                                the quote to the screen or to a file
rgqr717.zip     7307 08-05-2024 -=>  Renegade Quick Reference 7-17-93   <=-
                                A must for all Renegade Sysops.Ŀ
                                 Contains MCI codes, Pipe Bar Color Codes, 
                                    SysOp Commands While In Renegade,      
                                     ACS Flags, and File Extentions.       
                                From: The Ice Castle BBS (509)736-0976
rgquik11.zip   19083 08-05-2024 
rgranks.zip    67157 08-05-2024 
rgranks3.zip   41277 08-05-2024 |12RG Ranks |15v3.0 for RG 01-02 Exp
                                |15Create a ranking system on your BBS
                                |07based on the amount of posts your 
                                |08users make. Encourages Posting.
                                |08Enigma Productions / 206-526-7961
rgrcrd11.zip   15290 08-05-2024  Renegade Records   v1.1 by Carl Johnson
                                Creates bulletin with all-time records
                                of categories in HISTORY.DAT.  v1.1 now
                                features longer files, with top 3 records 
                                per category.  Freeware.
rgregfix.zip   21400 08-05-2024 Alphabetizes your user registry (REGISTRY.ASW)
                                and cleans up any extra entries; only the
                                recent answers are kept.  Can be used as
                                or linked with menu commands.
rgrumors.zip   67620 08-05-2024 |14RGRUMORS v4.0 |15- Rumors Program For
                                |11Best rumors program you've ever seen. Pick
                                |11different rumor styles. Design your own
                                |11styles. Configurable strings. MCI Codes
                                |11can be toggled off or on. |12DOWNLOAD THIS!
rgsapp.zip     54815 08-05-2024 * Renegade Support Network Package 10-01-94 *
                                -  A fast growing, SysOp-minded RG support  -
                                -  network for ANYONE interested in *TRUE*  -
                                ------------ Renegade support! --------------
rgse20.zip     19792 08-05-2024     ReneGade String Editor    Ŀ
                                RGSE v2.0: A powerful scrollbar driven    
                                 string editor for RG. New features and bug
                                fixes from version 1.0.             6-7-94
                                      Lamers in Desguise      
                                Capable of inserting ESCape codes into the
                                STRING.DAT file for prompt placement and  
                                reads in the SCHEME.DAT file with a color 
                                reference popup bar at the bottom of the  
                                      Lamers in Desguise      
rgse_2d1a.zi       0 01-01-1980 LiD:::RG String Editor 1.0:::LiDķ
                                 ReneGade String Editor complete  
                                 with scrollbars, a full string   
                                 editing function, and many more  
                                 detailed features!      05-05-94 
                                         (C) 1994 by LiD          
                                LiD:::RG String Editor 1.0:::LiDĽ
rgse_2d1a.zip   22949 08-05-2024 LiD:::RG String Editor 1.0:::LiDķ
                                 ReneGade String Editor complete  
                                 with scrollbars, a full string   
                                 editing function, and many more  
                                 detailed features!      05-05-94 
                                         (C) 1994 by LiD          
                                LiD:::RG String Editor 1.0:::LiDĽ
rgsmp110.zip    8861 08-05-2024 RGSMP v1.10 - ReneGade ShortMsg Packer 1.10
                                Packs the SHORTMSG.DAT file which RGMaint
                                seems to forget.  Packs it quick and without
                                consuming more disk space!  Take a look at
                                your SHORTMSG.DAT file today, it might be a
                                good idea to use this!  80286+ required.
rgsn0895.zip  107369 08-05-2024 * Renegade Support Network Package 08-01-95 *
                                -  A fast growing, SysOp-minded RG support  -
                                -  network for ANYONE interested in *TRUE*  -
                                ------------ Renegade support! --------------
rgsq240.zip    40592 08-05-2024 RGSQ/Seal -> Renegade MBASEͻ
                                Utility to Create Echoes automatically
                                for RG01-02+. Now Handles USENET!     
                                By Rodney Dunn                        
rgstat14.zip   10456 08-05-2024 
rgstates.zip   14013 08-05-2024 RGSTATE  V1.00    (RENEGADE BBS ONLY)         
                                This utility will Create Ascii & Ansi
                                screen showing the Number of callers
                                calling your bbs from each state!
                                FREEWARE!! BY SCOTT MCKAY
rgstatsc.zip    5487 08-05-2024 |02|16Some Stat Screens For Renegade BBS|07   
                                |05From ZETA HYADES BBS (Calgary,AB)|07       
                                |14(403) 640-1191   600+ Megs ONLINE|07       
                                |04Lots Of Renegade Utilities!!!!!!!|07       
rgstats_.zip    9289 08-05-2024 |14RGStats! ver 2.1 
                                |14by Ron Staples
                                |10A 2 page bulletin creater.
                                |10Year to date, Today so far, Laston
                                |12FREEWARE! FREEWARE!
rgstfix.zip    12014 08-05-2024 RG STATE FIXER v0.10 [FREEWARE]
                                Fixes appearance of States in RG v5-09.
                                Converts to uppercase, adds commas and
                                removes redundant periods.
                                From: PERSoftWare International.
rgstruct.zip   12298 08-05-2024 
rgtabs12.zip   29394 08-05-2024 RGTABS v1.2 - A freeware door for the
                                Bulletin Board System v1-02 Exp to interface
                                with the TABS 900 Subscription System. Let's
                                users subscrible to your BBS via a 1-900
                                number! Includes sign up form and information
rgtlb18.zip   304403 08-05-2024 LastCall/RGtlbox (v1.8)Creates Unique
                                Bulletins For Your Renegade Bbs System,
                                Including, Birthday, System Stats, Quotes,
                                and Much More. DsGp SoftWare, Inc.
                                !! NOTE OLD REGKEYS WILL NOT WORK !!
rgtop10.zip    18628 08-05-2024 Renegade Top 10 Bulletin Generator
                                Totally Configurable Top 10 User
                                Lister for Renegade 8-27 Beta.
                                Uses script files to define output.
                                Unlike any other Top 10 Bulletin
                                Generator written for Renegade!
rgtop100.zip   23165 08-05-2024 RGTOP v1.00 -- Renegade Top Users Statistics.
                                Compiles statistics on  top  users in 9 diff-
                                erent categories and outputs it to a bulletin
                                file.  Output  is  fully  sysop  configurable
                                using  template  files and special MCI codes.
                                All you'll ever need in a top x user bulletin
rgtopusr.zip   16534 08-05-2024 RGTOPUSR - RG Top User Lister.
                                Creates a bulletin of the top
                                10 users on your RG BBS.
rgtoss.zip      8257 08-05-2024 
rgtriv15.zip   43856 08-05-2024  TODAY'S TRIVIA v1.5 for Renegade 01-02 ͻ
                                Ȼ Generates ANSI/ASCII trivia questions  ɼ
                                ɼ   for use as logon/welcome screens!    Ȼ
                                Ȼ   Attractive output, easy to install,  ɼ
                                  NEW:  Displays day of week & date! ͼ
rgtype11.zip   14896 08-05-2024 == RGTYPE v1.1 == 
                                Program to display any Renegade ANSI file.
                                Has MCI code support. Can also customize
                                colors to match your own BBS. Handles
                                "|nn" format also. For v12-25 and higher.
rgu300.zip     43942 08-05-2024 RGUtil v3.0 - A Multi-Purpose Utility
                                for Renegade.  Generates Many Bulletins,
                                makes ALLFILE's, Updates FD, CD Support,
                                File Listings, RIP Bulletins!
rgue20.zip     22326 08-05-2024 
rgul20.zip     11648 08-05-2024 
rgulc10.zip     6937 08-05-2024 RG-ULChanger v1.0 (c)1993 D.D.S.
                                Changes EVERY FILE that was u/l
                                by the user that you specify
                                to another name that you want.
                                Nice Renegade utility!
rgulomen.zip   12774 08-05-2024 |08Ŀ
                                |07   |04The Absolute |12Best     |07
                                |07  |04ReneGade User Lister   |07
                                |07 |04=|08OmeN|04= |08Programming |04'|0894 
rgumv101.zip   36567 08-05-2024  RG User Maintenance v1.01 by Lars Hellsten
                                USERMAINT - The BEST user nuker out!  Nukes 
                                users based on a specific ACS, one-time call-
                                ers, it packs the userlist, yet fixes Email, 
                                file point crediting, and much more!
rgundoc6.zip   74460 08-05-2024 RENEGADE UNDOC v6.0 for new RG SysOps!
                                Provides a brief list of undocumented cmds
                                in Renegade as well as helpful hints.
                                Nov '93 Edition. Multinode help added!!
rgutil10.zip   20383 08-05-2024 
rgutil_2d3.z       0 01-01-1980 
rgutil_2d3.zip 1458311 08-05-2024 
rgv100.zip     44350 08-05-2024 
rgvw151.zip    35345 08-05-2024  Renegade Log Viewer v1.51
                                 View your .LOG files and
                                any other color coded file
                                  in DOS, in FULL COLOR!
                                Can Scroll up/down the log!
rgweeder.zip   18529 08-05-2024 
rgwindow.zip    2471 08-05-2024 
rgwow13.zip    16383 08-05-2024 |02|10|02[|15RgWow 1.3|02]|10Ŀ
                                |02[|11DSGP|02]|08|02[|15Crazy Lion|02]
                                |07W|15all |07O|15f |07W|15isdom |07F|15or
                                  G|15reat |07O|15ne|08-|07L|15iner|07!
                                   |08( |07ANS|15i |07ONLY |08)
rg_2dclg10.z       0 01-01-1980 |11Renegade Caller Log v.10 |09- |03Freeware
                                03Utility to make a configurable ANSI
                                03of your log of callers.
                                03                     --Dr. Love[ems]
rg_2dclg10.zip   10907 08-05-2024 |11Renegade Caller Log v.10 |09- |03Freeware
                                |03Utility to make a configurable ANSI
                                |03of your log of callers.
                                |03                     --Dr. Love[ems]
rg_2ddos.zip    6215 08-05-2024 DOS simulator for Renegade with ansi/text
                                and the menu itself          -=Stin
rg_2donl30.z       0 01-01-1980   RENEGADE ONELINERS! v3.0 (12-30-93) 
                                Emulates Forum-hack style one-liners for
                                Renegade BBSs.  Achieves  Ultimate speed
                                and   configurability  through  internal
                                Renegade commands.
rg_2donl30.zip   14205 08-05-2024   RENEGADE ONELINERS! v3.0 (12-30-93) 
                                Emulates Forum-hack style one-liners for
                                Renegade BBSs.  Achieves  Ultimate speed
                                and   configurability  through  internal
                                Renegade commands.
rg_2dprot.zi       0 01-01-1980 PROTOCOL.DAT for Renegade v4.01. Has HSLink
                                HYDRA Support.
rg_2dprot.zip    1748 08-05-2024 PROTOCOL.DAT for Renegade v4.01. Has HSLink
                                HYDRA Support.
rg_2dspace.z       0 01-01-1980 |08 |13Renegade Space Menus
                                08 |05 |09ANSI Menus For Renegade
                                08 |05 |095 Different Color Schemes
                                08 |05 |09New! From the Warp Nine S
                                08 |13By Dr. Jack |08
rg_2dspace.zip   35401 08-05-2024 |08 |13Renegade Space Menus
                                |08 |05 |09ANSI Menus For Renegade
                                |08 |05 |095 Different Color Schemes
                                |08 |05 |09New! From the Warp Nine S
                                |08 |13By Dr. Jack |08
rg_2dun16.zi       0 01-01-1980    
                                  Renegade User Notes  
                                     Version 1.6         
rg_2dun16.zip   21382 08-05-2024    
                                     Renegade User Notes  
                                        Version 1.6         
rg_qref.zip     7207 08-05-2024 RG_QREF - complete listing of Renegade's
                                commands.  No Renegade SysOp should be 
                                without this quick reference quide.  No
                                need to search through the manual again
                                as it's all in here.
rg_rip.zip      4561 08-05-2024 Sample RIP main menu for Renegade systems.
                                Remote Imaging Protocol is fast, very small
                                and extremely hi-resolution.  Includes some
                                basic instructions for modifying the file
                                to suit your system.
rg_u0416.zip  336526 08-05-2024 
rha_2d11.zip   11571 08-05-2024  RENEGADE HELP v1.1  by Aarkon        
                                Better                 ^8FREE!!
                                Ansi and                
                                More Help         
rnmon20.zip    12673 08-05-2024   [--=The Renegade Node Monitor v2.0=--]  
                                Check up on your nodes to see who's on-line, 
                                what they are doing, and if they are available
                                for chat.  Updated for Renegade v12-25Exp.
rnws121b.zip   96263 08-05-2024 >RENENEWS (v1.21) SYSTEM NEWS DOOR<
                                 A very configurable and powerful news
                                 manager for the Renegade BBS.  Renenews
                                 comes loaded with many useful features
                                 including file attaches, text imports
                                 and exports, full-screen editor support,
                                 reading pauses, automatic item deletion,
                                 posting from DOS, offline mail support,
                                 and much more.
                                -  Maintenance Release of (v1.20)      -
rqlist13.zip  100769 08-05-2024    A Better Request List v1.3
                                 Creating Better Doors/Utilies
                                Tristo WHQ - Power Of Suggestion
rstat_2d33.z       0 01-01-1980  Stats for Renegade v3.3 
                                Online Statistics Door for Renegade r4-16
                                or later.  Many new features and improvments
                                over previous version.  A nifty utility for
                                and BBS to have.  Over 18 catagories!!
rstat_2d33.zip   35563 08-05-2024  Stats for Renegade v3.3 
                                Online Statistics Door for Renegade r4-16
                                or later.  Many new features and improvments
                                over previous version.  A nifty utility for
                                and BBS to have.  Over 18 catagories!!
rtop_2d13.zi       0 01-01-1980  Renegade BBS System Records v1.3 
                                Creates a bulletin of your BBS Records such
                                day with the most messages posted or highest
                                activity.  Includes new MCI codes for
                                12-25 Exp and higher. 
rtop_2d13.zip    9559 08-05-2024  Renegade BBS System Records v1.3 
                                Creates a bulletin of your BBS Records such
                                day with the most messages posted or highest
                                activity.  Includes new MCI codes for
                                12-25 Exp and higher. 
rum28b.zip     41593 08-05-2024 --==Rumor Door v2.8 Beta==--
                                Add rumors to Renegade 5-21exp
                                Now with real-time pipe code color changes.
rumr1099.zip   45035 08-05-2024 *THE* Rumor Door v1-0.99 Wide eta
                                The best Renegade rumor door out there!  
                                sysop/user definable & block fades,  CTRL+P
                                "|" support, and ACS settings.  It even
                                 RENEGADE.DAT for strings and MORE!  GET IT!
rw100wb1.zip  199363 08-05-2024 RENEWAVE v1.00.wb1 -- WIDE BETA 1 OF THE LONG
                                awaited BLUE WAVE comatible offline mail door
                                for RENEGADE from Lars Hellsten & MatrixSoft.
                                Supports both Blue Wave and QWK mail formats.
                                Features incl easy menu-driven setup program,
                                keywords, filters, offline config, user FREQs
                                and more!  A must-have for any Renegade sysop
                                with active message areas.  Do away with RG's
                                sloppy QWK system, ride the fast and powerful
                                Blue Wave!  Another great MatrixSoft product!
scheme_.zip     6223 08-05-2024 Scheme! - An Renegade color scheme importer &
                                  exporter.  Very quick & dirty. Includes 2
                                  premade color schemes..
scimatrx.zip    9945 08-05-2024 SiC Matrix Dos Emulator v.6.69
                                For Renegade 1-02 & Up!
                                Awesome Dos Matrix Emulator!
                                Grab This Today!!
                                >< Traded By: The Dark Knight  ><
sdn2rg.zip     29322 08-05-2024 
seerg01.zip    11673 08-05-2024 SEERG v0.01 [FREEWARE]
                                View Renegade Pipe colored files from the DOS
                                prompt. Compatible with RG 1-02 EXP+ and the
                                new MCI codes.
                                From: PERSoftWare International.
setmass.zip     7156 08-05-2024 
setuprg.zip    42570 08-05-2024 From CiRCUS of PAiN -- [208] 667-9209
                                Takes you through installation of
                                Renegade BBS Software step by step.
                                Great for people who want to start
                                a BBS but don't really know how to.
short100.zip    9207 08-05-2024 
shorty10.zip   31945 08-05-2024 [Shorty's]Ŀ
                                 Nice and easy to use Oneliners door!    
                                 With configurable headers (up to 10)    
                                 Freeware! - Uses Renegade color system. 
shuttle.zip     2697 08-05-2024 ViSiON/2(X) styled DOS Emulator Shuttle Logon
                                Includes: SHUTTLE.MNU, SHUTTLE.ANS, SHUTTLE
                                --By: Sno0p 
sl11_2ddsw.z       0 01-01-1980 Superliners 1.1 for Renegade
                                o For Renegade and Telegard
                                o Pipe/Random Colors
                                o Configurable Headers
                                o Easy Configuration
sl11_2ddsw.zip   28979 08-05-2024 Superliners 1.1 for Renegade
                                o For Renegade and Telegard
                                o Pipe/Random Colors
                                o Configurable Headers
                                o Easy Configuration
slockf.zip      1933 08-05-2024 slockf.com, a fix for renegade/share/desqview
                                lockups.  may fix other things, requires
                                bytes of ram. 
smartl11.zip   25335 08-05-2024  Smartliners V. 1.1 for Renegade
                                Simply the BEST oneliner utility
                                available for Renegade!  Strip MCI
                                codes, pipe codes, carrot codes,
                                ignore duplicate oneliners, ignore
                                empty oneliners, and more!  Highly
                                configurable and very fast.  Also
                                includes arrow-key .MNU interface.
                                Written by Sexual Chocolate / iCE
                                      - RELEASED 7/20/94 -
                                 Xx.  \    _______  __/      .xX
                                 Xx.   \_  __  \|:   | __    .xX
                                 Xx.   / \_/|  \\    \/  \   .xX
                                 Xx.  //        \\       \\  .xX
                                 Xx.  \__________/________/  .xX
                                 Xx.   SmartLiners v. 1.1    .xX
smlast10.zip   10157 08-05-2024 SMLAST10 V1.00    (RENEGADE BBS ONLY)         
                                This utility will Create Ascii & Ansi
                                screen showing the last 10 callers of
                                your RENEGADE BBS.  
                                FREEWARE!! BY SCOTT MCKAY
smprot41.zip  128542 08-05-2024 |09Need some |15Protocols |09Installed in
                                |09Renegade BBS?  If so, then use SmartProt v4
                                |09For |15Renegade v10-05 |09and Above!
                                |09Has Non-Standard Comport Support!
                                |09Includes support for Multi-Node BBSs!
                                |09This version has a small bug fix for the
                                |09Default Z-Modem in the 4.0 version.
                                |09By |03Jack Dobiash|09 and |03Terry Collier 
                                |09<|07C|09> |151996 |07Reference Point
sortbbs.zip     4953 08-05-2024 
so_2dlcall.z       0 01-01-1980  Custom Last Caller RME For Renegade
                                Coded By Sherlock Ohms [wDc/aSh/rPm/UC]
                                08$$$$$$$$"|15 ,ggggs. $$S"` ,P|08 $$
                                08$$$SSS$|15 g$j"   ~Q " , `$$'|08.$$
                                08$$$S""" |15""Sg,   `.,sl  $$ |08$$$
                                08$$`|15,gd$$$$x,"$$$$,`$P  $$ |08$$$
                                08$$|15 P"   `$$l !$$$$ $$,s$$ |08$$$
                                08$$|15 ,d$$"``$$ d$$$$ $P' $$ |08$$$
                                08$'|15.K$$  s $$ $$$$",$$  $$ |08$$$
                                08$|15 l$$$  ` $$ """  $$$  $$ |08$$$
                                08$|15 "$$$x,.q$b,.  .d$$$ ,$$b|08,`$
                                08$===================== |15"$'|08==$
                                08$ .    a      s      h    . $
so_2dlcall.zip   54805 08-05-2024  Custom Last Caller RME For Renegade
                                Coded By Sherlock Ohms [wDc/aSh/rPm/UC]
                                |08$$$$$$$$"|15 ,ggggs. $$S"` ,P|08 $$
                                |08$$$SSS$|15 g$j"   ~Q " , `$$'|08.$$
                                |08$$$S""" |15""Sg,   `.,sl  $$ |08$$$
                                |08$$`|15,gd$$$$x,"$$$$,`$P  $$ |08$$$
                                |08$$|15 P"   `$$l !$$$$ $$,s$$ |08$$$
                                |08$$|15 ,d$$"``$$ d$$$$ $P' $$ |08$$$
                                |08$'|15.K$$  s $$ $$$$",$$  $$ |08$$$
                                |08$|15 l$$$  ` $$ """  $$$  $$ |08$$$
                                |08$|15 "$$$x,.q$b,.  .d$$$ ,$$b|08,`$
                                |08$===================== |15"$'|08==$
                                |08$ .    a      s      h    . $
sr231.zip     136230 08-05-2024 SECURITY ROBOT(TM) v2.31 STD [TEST DRIVE]
                                Add extra security to your Renegade BBS.
                                Screen out unwanted users. Validator with
                                built-in callback verifier. Loaded with tons
                                of features. Maintainence release with
                                CALLER ID support from PERSoftWare Intl.
stat10.zip     17494 08-05-2024 
structs.zip    12324 08-05-2024 Renegade BBS pascal structures.
subdir.zip      9870 08-05-2024 SUBDIR - Goes through all subdirectories
                                the command of your choice.  Freeware.
suprtape.zip   41823 08-05-2024 ۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰
                                SuperTape for Renegade by: Mr.Clean
                                Allows your Tape Drive to be online
                                storage on your Renegade BBS.      
sus_12.zip     89265 08-05-2024 |15 Ŀ          Ŀ          
                                |07 ĿUPER_  USERĿHOWCASE   Ŀ
                                |08                 v
                                |13Renegade Top Ten Bulletin Generator
                                |05Completely Configurable Easy to Use
sysfix.zip     37180 08-05-2024 
tbg100.zip     37884 08-05-2024 Top Bulletin Generator 1.00 - 11/25/93
                                TBG 1.00 is a versatile bulletin creator
                                for Renegade 7-17 BBS systems.  TBG
                                offers a wealth of great looking
                                bulletins and many features.  Try it!
telehelp.zip   54293 08-05-2024  
                                 New Renegade Teleconference Help Files
                                 Place The Telehelp file's in your misc dir
                                 also included is the app packet for RTSNET
tg2rg103.zip   20029 08-05-2024 
tg2rg11.zip    19022 08-05-2024 
thd10bet.zip  120823 08-05-2024 THD ProScan Version 10m BETA
                                Includes THDPRO.EXE / THDINSTL.EXE
                                and THDTERM.EXE betas.
                                A functional preview of things to come.
                                Fixes some problems with 9.1 as well as
                                including a few features of the upcoming
                                version 10.0. Very limited documentation.
                                See THD10BET.TXT for details.
                                Feedback is encouraged, but not required.
thdpro10.zip  232781 08-05-2024        THD ProScan Version 10.0         
                                     File/Upload Tester/Convertor.      
                                Virus  Scan using  any  combination  of 
                                TBScan, Scan and  F-Prot. Simple to use 
                                installation for the first  time  user. 
                                Test and  convert all  of the supported 
                                archive types, incl. imbedded archives. 
                                Generic upload tester with  support for 
                                FILES.BBS, RG, TG and RA 2.xx  formats.
thdscan.zip    62531 08-05-2024 
                                        THDLOCAL SCAN UTILITY
                                   Quickly And Easily Use THDProScan
                                   To Process An Entire Directory Of
                                   Compressed Files.
                                         (c)1994 TRiST SOFTWARE GROUP 
topal191.zip   20432 08-05-2024 TOPALL v1.91 (05-29-94). Makes Bulletins For
                                Top Callers, Uploaders, Downloaders & Posters
                                Uploaders And Downloaders Bulletins Can Be
                                By Number Or K-Byte. Configurable Colors.
                                Ignores Deleted Users.
topdl_12.zip   16709 08-05-2024 RG TOP DOWNLOADS v1.20 [Freeware]
                                Creates a nice list of Top Downloads on
                                your BBS. Will process file base according
                                to specified ACS. Bug Fix version.
                                From: PERSoftWare International.
topfil11.zip   18102 08-05-2024 TOPFILES v1.1 (12-29-93). Makes A Bulletin Of
                                Your BBS's Top Downloaded Files. Bulletin Can
                                Be Configured To Show Top Files Descriptions
                                File Area Where Top Files Are Located. Colors
                                Are Totally Configurable.
topguy22.zip   52277 08-05-2024 TOPGUY 2.2 User Ranking Utility for RG
                                Lets you rank your users by xfers,
                                calls, posts,etc. Sets flags and access
                                levels.  Even More configurable and
                                powerful than before.
topit10.zip    18148 08-05-2024 Its another top caller,poster,uploader,
                                downloader, but with a LOT better
                                ansi utility.
                                  ^0Written but Sneeker of
                                  ^0Distorted Software Inc.
toppost.zip     8037 08-05-2024 
topuse13.zip   14988 08-05-2024 TOPUSERS v1.3. Makes great looking bulletins
                                the Top CALLERS/POSTERS/UPLOADERS/DOWNLOADERS
                                in 1 bulletin, or just the Top CALLERS/POSTERS
                                1 bulletin, or just the Top
                                in 1 bulletin. CONFIGURABLE!! Written by OILER
tpost50.zip    11552 08-05-2024 T-Post V5.0 Top Poster utility for Renegade 
                                BBS. Includes the options of including top 
                                callers/posters/PCR/chose number on lists,
                                chose to include sysop in lists, etc.
                                Much improved over other versions. 
tr23.zip       13767 08-05-2024 - Turbo Run v2.3 eta. Great SysOp utility! -
                                Runs a program once daily/weekly or monthly
                                on bootup or when executed. Excellent for
                                Virus scanning, optimizing disk drives,
                                performing monthly backups, checking for
                                lost chains or bad sectors and other general
                                maintainence. Supports a vast array of
                                programs. FREEWARE from PERSAD Software, Inc.
trek0496.zip   22297 08-05-2024 |08|04,sS$ |01ThE ReNeGaDe ExPaNsiOn KrEw|04 
                                |08|04,$$$$ggggg .sS$"$Ss. .sS$"$Ss. .sS$ $Ss
                                |08|04`$Gk$""""' $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$
                                |08|04$$$$ sSSs $$$$ `""' $$$$""""" $$$$ $Ss
                                |08||04`&$a$&' `&$      `&$$$&' `&$
                                |08Trek Pack #1  April `96                
ts10.zip       12143 08-05-2024 |10T|02oday's |10S|02tatistics |10V|02er
                                |01 |11F|03or |11R|03enegade |110|037-17    
                                |01 |11W|03ritten |11b|03y |11C|03ommander  
typerg10.zip    8405 08-05-2024 |10T|02ype |10R|02enegade |10C|02olors |101|02
                                |01 |11F|03or |11R|03enegade |110|037-17    
                                |01 |11W|03ritten |11b|03y |11C|03ommander  
uchat110.zip   27917 08-05-2024 - The Ultimate Chat - v1.10
                                 Split or Full Screen Mode (Choice Given)
                                 Built-In WatchDog & Authenticity Check
                                 Acid & Multi-Color Typing Effects
                                 New Pager Sound.....
                                01/08/94 - Please Distribute!!
ufbf.zip       13252 08-05-2024 UFBF  Version 1.0 - Ultra Fast Bul-
                                letin Fix will let you remove and add 
                                BBS variables or text to  ascii and 
                                ansi bulletin files. For BBS sysops 
                                this simplifies adding and deleting text
                                during door usage and events. Very,
                                very handy utility. WORKS WITH ALL BBS,
                                DOOR AND UTILITY generated bulletins.  
ufchg10.zip    27378 08-05-2024 UFCHANGE v1.0 - Allows the global changing of
                                AR security flags for Renegade sysops. Can be
                                used as a nightly event. For use with
                                Renegade 03-05.
ulist07.zip    12279 08-05-2024 [0;1;32mĿ
                                [10C[34mU[0;34mList [1;35m0.7 Beta[11C[32m
                                [36mBest Renegade User Lister there is![32m
                                [31mAwesome Format, Color Configuratn! [32m
ulist10.zip    12894 08-05-2024 RG-UList v1.0 (c)1993 D.D.S.
                                Makes a COLOR configurable list
                                of all your users! Same format
                                of Renegade's user listing but
                                it faster displaying!
ulst12.zip     17718 08-05-2024  Ultimate Lister v1.2 ۲  by Digital
                                A RENEGADE Ultimate Listing Program which
                                makes a
                                list of user stats, easy to keep track of who
                                on your BBS!  DRS's RankMaster Supported.
ultra15.zip    32809 08-05-2024 |08Ŀ
                                |08|09   Ultratop version 1.5 by Killean  
                                |08|09Easily the BEST Top ALL Utility for RG
                                |08|09Top Files / Last Callers /
ultra16.zip    36578 08-05-2024 |08Ŀ
                                |08|09   Ultratop version 1.6 by Killean  
                                |08|09Easily the BEST Top ALL Utility for RG
                                |08|09Top Files / Last Callers /
ultra17.zip    36924 08-05-2024 |15      by |09Killean
                                |15      |07Ultra Top version
                                |15             1.7
                                |15    |07The ULTIMATE Stat
                                |15     |07generator for RG!
uodrg10.zip    13014 08-05-2024 User of the Day vRG-1.0 - Randomly selects a 
                                user and awards him/her a sysop definable 
                                ammount of xtra time & file points. Easy to
                                configure, creates logon or bulletin file 
uod_2drg21.z       0 01-01-1980 User of the Day vRG-2.1 Randomly  Selects a
                                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and awards  him/her
                                a configurable ammount of FilePoints and/or
                                time on-line!  Very configurable/easy  to
                                Runs as a nightly event.  Now with  RIP
uod_2drg21.zip   18886 08-05-2024 User of the Day vRG-2.1 Randomly  Selects a
                                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and awards  him/her
                                a configurable ammount of FilePoints and/or
                                time on-line!  Very configurable/easy  to
                                Runs as a nightly event.  Now with  RIP
upmsg01.zip    21461 08-05-2024 RG UPLOAD MESSENGER v0.01 eta [FREEWARE]
                                Send users mail thanking them for their
                                uploads. It encourages uploading! Bug fixes.
                                Compatible with RG 6-14 EXP+.
                                From: PERSoftWare International.
usagev10.zip   17956 08-05-2024 Its another usage ansi creator, which shows
                                last 10 days activity and todays current
                                stats. configure 5 colors.
                                ^0Written by Sneeker of Distorted Software Inc
ustat11.zip    12615 08-05-2024 USTAT Version 1.1 User Statistics Bulletin
                                For Renegade.  Provides info on average user
                                posting, transfers, etc., as well as a
                                breakdown of
                                the userbase by gender.
                                Written by Kissin Kitty of Kick'n the Ass
ustglist.zip   24382 08-05-2024 
viewer.zip     20557 08-05-2024     --ProLog Viewer 1.0--
                                At LAST, a scrolling, full color log 
                                viewer for Renegade. Mouse supported. 
                                Copyright 1994 by Matt Frazier of 
                                >-SuperScrewed Software-<
vmsg101.zip    20785 08-05-2024 KludgeWare! vMsg
                                Search for unvalidated messages in your
                                bases, and have the option to view, validate
                                delete them.  File sharing supported.
                                |15-> |04ShareWare |15<-
vpage_b2.zip   43048 08-05-2024 --==VocPage Beta  Release==--
                                Play any kind of sound file to
                                be paged on your BBS.  Highly 
                                configurable, and should work with 
                                any soundcard and BBS Software.
vt_2drgmnu.z       0 01-01-1980   ص Gothic Presents 
                                A Veritech [Gothic Trial/PSY] Production
                                A Complete Renegade Menuset with ASCII &
                                ANSI Menus, compliments of Veritech.
vt_2drgmnu.zip   42658 08-05-2024   ص Gothic Presents 
                                A Veritech [Gothic Trial/PSY] Production
                                A Complete Renegade Menuset with ASCII &
                                ANSI Menus, compliments of Veritech.
whatdone.zip   34402 08-05-2024 
woosrg11.zip   36352 08-05-2024 Who's Out of State v1.1 for Renegade -
                                ANSI, AVATAR, or ASCII text file listings of
                                your out-of-state callers.  MECHTECH Software
xcbv321.zip   196719 08-05-2024 Call-Back Verifier for Renegade 05-11+
                                Many features, flexible. Quick import
                                from user file; duplicate-checking;
                                RIP support and more.
                                XCBV -- The Renegade Security Solution.
xchgrg12.zip   51845 08-05-2024 The Exchange 1.2 - Renegade Version
                                Allows users to exchange online time for
                                Credits and vice versa.  Also, allows
                                users to transfer time or Credits to
                                other users!  Release 01-21-94.
yell.zip        4040 08-05-2024 This is a Sysop menu command to work with
                                Telegard and renegade bbs's. It playes a neat
                                tune and pages the Sysop. 03/24/92.
yestat30.zip   40720 08-05-2024 Yesterday's Statistics 3.0 for Renegade
                                The original RG yesterday's statistics
                                now even better. Makes ASCII, ANSI and
                                AVATAR bulletins of a variety of things 
                                that happened the previous day.
yobustrg.zip    5513 08-05-2024 "Yo Busted!" for Renegade v7-17 Exp
                                or above, replaces the popular door
                                "Busted!".  Catches untrustworthy
                                users and scares em sh*tless!
                                (C) Copyright 1994 Sean Dunbar
ystats11.zip   13848 08-05-2024 (-)............... Y-Stats  1.1 ..............
                                (-) Yesterday statistics generator!  Creates a
                                (-)  Ascii, Ansi Animation & Avatar Animation 
                                (-) screen!  If your bbs is shooting for great
                                (-) graphics, then this is the utility for u!!
_21kbrg003.z       0 01-01-1980 |08|07|08[|15Node Announcer|08]|07
                                15T|07e|08lls Other Nod|07e|15s
                                15A|07 U|08ser Is Logging |07O|15n
                                15S|07u|08pports _4_ Nod|07e|15s
_21kbrg003.zip    2193 08-05-2024 |08|07|08[|15Node Announcer|08]|07
                                   |15T|07e|08lls Other Nod|07e|15s
                                  |15A|07 U|08ser Is Logging |07O|15n
                                   |15S|07u|08pports _4_ Nod|07e|15s
_21mfix10.zi       0 01-01-1980 MFix v1.0 - Fixes your bulletins so
                                they have the NEW Renegade MCIs in
                                them!  Now you can keep all your
                                OLD bulletin makers!  By WiggySoft.
                                12Misty Mountain BBS |14203-248-7133
_21mfix10.zip    6268 08-05-2024 MFix v1.0 - Fixes your bulletins so
                                they have the NEW Renegade MCIs in
                                them!  Now you can keep all your
                                OLD bulletin makers!  By WiggySoft.
                                |12Misty Mountain BBS |14203-248-7133
_21rgabc14.z       0 01-01-1980 RG Activity Bar Chart v1.4 by Scott Wiggin
                                Makes NICE double bar chart of the
                                activity % and calls for the last
                                month.  Very nice looking, easy to set
                                up.  New: MCI code fix, faster ANSI.
_21rgabc14.zip   10782 08-05-2024 RG Activity Bar Chart v1.4 by Scott Wiggin
                                Makes NICE double bar chart of the
                                activity % and calls for the last
                                month.  Very nice looking, easy to set
                                up.  New: MCI code fix, faster ANSI.
_21rgul22.zi       0 01-01-1980 Renegade User Lister v2.2 - Makes
                                better user list than the standard RG
                                one. Creates cool stats at the end!
                                Fixes MCI code pause for RG versions
                                12-25 and later.  By WiggySoft.
_21rgul22.zip   19712 08-05-2024 Renegade User Lister v2.2 - Makes
                                better user list than the standard RG
                                one. Creates cool stats at the end!
                                Fixes MCI code pause for RG versions
                                12-25 and later.  By WiggySoft.
_231donate.z       0 01-01-1980 Donation! Automated donation grabber
                                for Renegade. Writes reminder messages
                                to users who promise to donate!
_231donate.zip   12748 08-05-2024 Donation! Automated donation grabber
                                for Renegade. Writes reminder messages
                                to users who promise to donate!
_bbsin13.zip   14572 08-05-2024 
_cpslg10.zip   14337 08-05-2024 
_mfix10.zip     6268 08-05-2024 MFix v1.0 - Fixes your bulletins so
                                they have the NEW Renegade MCIs in
                                them!  Now you can keep all your
                                OLD bulletin makers!  By WiggySoft.
                                |12Misty Mountain BBS |14203-248-7133
_rgabc14.zip   10782 08-05-2024 RG Activity Bar Chart v1.4 by Scott Wiggin
                                Makes NICE double bar chart of the
                                activity % and calls for the last
                                month.  Very nice looking, easy to set
                                up.  New: MCI code fix, faster ANSI.
_rgq11.zip    160799 08-05-2024 
_rgrid11.zip   10225 08-05-2024 RG User Ridder v1.1 - Deletes users after
                                a specified amount of months of inactivity
                                but does NOT write them back out! Saves HD
                                space and cleans up user file - No more
                                blank records! Great util for RG sysops!!
_rgtau10.zip   17671 08-05-2024 RG Top All-Around Users v1.0 by Scott Wiggin
                                This is the BEST bulletin maker you will
                                EVER see!  It combines the Top Uploaders,
                                Top Callers, and Top Posters, and calculates
                                the Top All-Around Users!  Who are yours?!
_rgul22.zip    19712 08-05-2024 Renegade User Lister v2.2 - Makes
                                better user list than the standard RG
                                one. Creates cool stats at the end!
                                Fixes MCI code pause for RG versions
                                12-25 and later.  By WiggySoft.
_upfil12.zip    7844 08-05-2024 

                    Area 105 - Rip Art                    

adicons1.zip   40246 08-05-2024 Various original .ICN for use with RIP.
ad_2dgraph.z       0 01-01-1980 Adult Menu's in Rip from Graphics Unlimited
ad_2dgraph.zip   75166 08-05-2024 Adult Menu's in Rip from Graphics Unlimited
airrip.zip      4223 08-05-2024 Good Collection of Icon-less RIP Graphic
                                screens for SpitFire BBS, 2 Welcome Screens
                                and one Door Screen.
animrip.zip     7926 08-05-2024 Three Animal RIPscript Screens, Good!
asp1.zip        2754 08-05-2024 Free ASP Approved Member RIP screen for BBS,
                                customize to use.
b4yhead.zip     3786 08-05-2024 Cartoon Rip Of CBS Morning Show-re Dan Rather
bang_rip.zip   55915 08-05-2024 Currect RIPscript screens. If you like them
                                call my board and see them in action. I like
                                RIPscripts and would like your opinions on
                                mine, even hints at improving them.
base36.zip     13006 08-05-2024 Base36 v1.2 TSR Convert decimal <> meganums
battlrip.zip   11651 08-05-2024 Sample RIP screens for Wildcat BBS use'm if
                                ya can.
battrip.zip    11634 08-05-2024 Some Sample RIP Screens for WC BBS.
bboyicn.zip    25282 08-05-2024 RIP ICONS for Rip capable BBS systems
bear.zip        3613 08-05-2024 A Computing Bear in RIPscript
bill.zip        5469 08-05-2024 RIP Screen of what Clinton has in store?
bsricons.zip   24424 08-05-2024 Bunch of RIP Graphics Icons
cadicons.zip   40787 08-05-2024 RIP Icons from the CADalog BBS, AWESOME RIP!
ccat4rip.zip   18606 08-05-2024 Humorous RIP Scene from CCAT BBS, Could this
                                happen to you?
charlie.zip    10615 08-05-2024 Charlie announces WinRIP! - WinRIP rip
                                graphic ad'
cheshr01.zip   23592 08-05-2024         -=< The Cheshire Cat BBS >=-
                                RIPscrip icons - join the GUI BBS revolution!
                                These icons are needed to fully assess the
                                RIP (Remote Interface Protocol) capabilities
                                of TCC BBS.  You'll also need the latest
                                version of RIPterm (RIPTM153.ZIP as of now).
                                Other comm programs are being updated to
                                support the RIP format but from my experience
                                they haven't FULLY implemented RIP yet.
                                RIPterm is nice - and it's FREE!
chrip1.zip    129591 08-05-2024 RIP Menu Screens From Carole Hanig. A must
                                see for Sysops.
colrip.zip     32501 08-05-2024 RIP graphic screens from Columbia BBS
cpu1.zip        2513 08-05-2024 Twin towers CPU's with modems, no icons
                                RIPscript. Freeware
csv_2drip.zi       0 01-01-1980 Menu screens made with Tombstone Artist .101
csv_2drip.zip    4082 08-05-2024 Menu screens made with Tombstone Artist .101
datarip1.zip    7361 08-05-2024 First in a long line of RIP screens from
                                DataTek BBS, these are complete for
                                TriBBS. (DONE IN RIP PAINT)
datarip2.zip    3978 08-05-2024 More Custom Screens by DataTek BBS MAIN,
                                FILE, MESSALL and POSTRIP.RIP done in Rip
                                Paint for TriBBS just put them in the display
datarip3.zip    7682 08-05-2024 Number 3 of the famous RIP screens from
                                DataTek BBS POSTRIP included along with a
                                pretty neat Mafia guy .ICN converted from a
                                .BMP using WinRIP.
datarip4.zip    4809 08-05-2024 Number 4 of the famous DataTek RIP
                                screens made for TriBBS systems.
                                MAINALL, FILEALL, MESSALL and POSTRIP.
                                DatatEK BBS 810-541-2775
drag_rip.zip    8491 08-05-2024 3 RIPscript Graphic Screens of Dragons
dscards.zip    35476 08-05-2024 RIP Icons Needed To Play Double Solitaire
duckicn.zip    59327 08-05-2024 All of the RIP Icons needed to use with The
                                Flying Duck BBS. One of the best RIP
                                Graphics BBS's seen.
dwm_rip1.zip  191169 08-05-2024 DWM RIP Art Collection  - Artist for Hire.
                                Seven examples of the most intense RIP
                                artwork you've ever seen, to demonstrate the
                                abilities and style of this artist for hire.
                                View with RIPaint, RIPdraw, ShowRip, RIPterm
                                or similar RIPscrip compatible program.
                                All art Copyright 1994 David W. McNeall,
                                Riverside, CA. Phone: 909-784-6853
                                BBS: Woden at 714-529-9525
                                FidoNet: Woden@1:103/705
fneticn.zip    21529 08-05-2024 Feathernet RIP icons.
fwmnu10.zip     6123 08-05-2024    The Free World's RIP Menu for PCBoard
                                 A single RIP menu containing all of the 
                                 PCBoard commands.  Each area (File, Msg,
                                 General) is  broken down  into  obvious 
                                 sections  to  aid the user  in locating
garf_rip.zip    9301 08-05-2024 RIP graphics of GARFIELD
gd_dec.zip     94306 08-05-2024 RIP graphic menus/icons from Grafix Design
gd_nov.zip    121319 08-05-2024 Thanksgiving Rip Menus from Grafix Design
gf_rip.zip     12601 08-05-2024 Garfield RIPscript Graphics Screens
gicons_2d1.z       0 01-01-1980 Mics. ICONs Like Pinochio, Spidey, Airplane,
                                Samurai, boat, 486 PC... for RIP
gicons_2d1.zip   84082 08-05-2024 Mics. ICONs Like Pinochio, Spidey, Airplane,
                                Samurai, boat, 486 PC... for RIP
gicons_2d2.z       0 01-01-1980 More Cars of ICONs Colletcion for RIP
gicons_2d2.zip   10225 08-05-2024 More Cars of ICONs Colletcion for RIP
gicons_2d3.z       0 01-01-1980 Ghostbuster ICONs for RIP
gicons_2d3.zip    9358 08-05-2024 Ghostbuster ICONs for RIP
gicons_2d4.z       0 01-01-1980 More ICONs Like Madonna, Mulata Girl and
                                Don't Panic Logo.
gicons_2d4.zip   17843 08-05-2024 More ICONs Like Madonna, Mulata Girl and
                                Don't Panic Logo.
gicons_2d5.z       0 01-01-1980 Collection of New ICONs for RIP
gicons_2d5.zip   93102 08-05-2024 Collection of New ICONs for RIP
gicons_2d6.z       0 01-01-1980 Collection of New ICONs for RIP
gicons_2d6.zip  117190 08-05-2024 Collection of New ICONs for RIP
gicons_2d7.z       0 01-01-1980 Collection of New ICONs for RIP
gicons_2d7.zip  117085 08-05-2024 Collection of New ICONs for RIP
gicons_2d8.z       0 01-01-1980 Collection of New ICONs for RIP
gicons_2d8.zip  116077 08-05-2024 Collection of New ICONs for RIP
gicons_2d9.z       0 01-01-1980 Collection of New ICONs for RIP
gicons_2d9.zip   28973 08-05-2024 Collection of New ICONs for RIP
goodrips.zip    4916 08-05-2024 These are functional rip screens that look
                                great and work great. Included is a text file
                                for those who would like me to make Rip
                                screens to fit their board.
grnew.zip     434490 08-05-2024 Icons for Glory Road BBS, Great D&D BBS.
                                Tons of the buggers!
grrips_1.zip   20243 08-05-2024 RIP graphics from miscellaneous sources
gturip01.zip   56638 08-05-2024 GTURIP01.ZIP is a collection of graphical rip
                                backgrounds which can be customized to your
                                own personal needs.Provided By Good Times
                                Unlimited BBs.
gturip02.zip   47887 08-05-2024 GTURIP02.ZIP is a collection of graphical
                                rip backgrounds which can be customized to
                                your own personal needs.Provided By Good
                                Times Unlimited BBs.
gturip03.zip   52775 08-05-2024 GTURIP03.ZIP is a collection of graphical
                                rip backgrounds which can be customized to
                                your own personal needs.Provided By Good
                                Times Unlimited BBs.
gturip26.zip  243243 08-05-2024 GTURIP26.ZIP is a collection of rip screens
                                which can be customized for your own use.
                                Compliments of Good Times Unlimited BBS.
hallorip.zip   78530 08-05-2024 Halloween RIP Menus and Icons
hal_2drip.zi       0 01-01-1980 
hal_2drip.zip    8200 08-05-2024 
hamrip1.zip     8623 08-05-2024 HAM RIP Screens from DataTek BBS with
                                language file. Text search DATATEK for
                                more great screens. 810-541-2775 #638.
harveys.zip    68617 08-05-2024 Rip Menus From Harvey's in Arab.Al. I used 
                                Flatline v103 to create these menus. Included
                                the viewer but if you have or can get a copy 
                                of the Flatline, it is better to load these 
                                menus to see the correct Fonts I used. Enjoy 
                                them and use them if you like.No ICONS Needed
iconsbbs.zip   10152 08-05-2024 Collection of RIPscript Icons for BBS's
idsicons.zip   17218 08-05-2024 IDS RipScript Icons 
kiwirip.zip   151350 08-05-2024 RIP Graphics w/Icons from New Zealand BBS
kp_base.zip     3340 08-05-2024 Set of base rip menus, background and title
                                you add rest
liabicon.zip   91804 08-05-2024 Icons needed for Lightning in a Bottle BBS
litemenu.zip    4883 08-05-2024 Some decent sample RIP menus!
lotsrips.zip   70615 08-05-2024 RIP graphics from miscellaneous sources
lprips_1.zip   13605 08-05-2024 RIP Graphics from misc sources
lthouse.zip     3822 08-05-2024 RIP screen of a lighthouse
lvpg_all.zip  155260 08-05-2024 Collection of rip graphics Icons
mainmnu2.zip    2198 08-05-2024 Main Menu in RIP w/Wildcat defaults and
                                @-Codes built in.
menu1.zip       2597 08-05-2024 Main Menu RIPscript for WC3.xx. Active Mouse
menu3.zip       2243 08-05-2024 Wildcat Main Menu, Mouse regions, no icons.
menubutt.zip    5307 08-05-2024 Set of RIP Menus (ready to run) From Grafix
merip.zip      18325 08-05-2024 [ Midnight Escape BBS ]ķ
                                  These are a few of the RIP Menu        
                                  Screens used on Midnight Escape BBS.   
                                  Running SPITFIRE BBS Software 3.4.     
mikesrip.zip  124241 08-05-2024 A collection of RIP screens you may or may
                                not have seen.RIP viewer included.FREE!
miscrip.zip    10839 08-05-2024 Set of 7 Excellent! RIP Graphics Screens
mp_2drip.zip    2315 08-05-2024 2 RIP screens actually made with DeadPaint!
msi_icon.zip    8485 08-05-2024 WildCat! Icons for Windows, WCPro, WCDraw,
                                WCFile, MakeWild - -  61 icons created with
                                NORTONS ICON Editor
msi_rip.zip    11233 08-05-2024 WildCat RIP graphics Screens
myrips.zip      7927 08-05-2024 16 RIP Screens, Good Collection!
neatness.zip    7626 08-05-2024 RIP Graphic Screen Examples, Use or Edit
newdoor.zip    20545 08-05-2024 Icons for Door Menu on Glory Road BBS
out_2drip.zi       0 01-01-1980 OutWorld Arts RIPS -- Everything from
                                Landscapes to Comicbook Characters;
                                including holiday RIPs. 
                                /^\__-__ |--| Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
                                -|  _ _||[]| Artpack released monthly
                                [| | |-|| -| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                _|_|_|_||__| graphics@outworldarts.com
out_2drip.zip  461720 08-05-2024 OutWorld Arts RIPS -- Everything from
                                Landscapes to Comicbook Characters;
                                including holiday RIPs. 
                                /^\__-__ |--| Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
                                |-|  _ _||[]| Artpack released monthly
                                |[| | |-|| -| http://www.outworldarts.com/
                                |_|_|_|_||__| graphics@outworldarts.com
pramid1.zip     3061 08-05-2024 RIPscript of 3D pyramid on sand, no icons
redrag.zip     23686 08-05-2024 RIP screen made from ICONS from
                                Legend of the Red Dragon v3.15
                                for TriBBS.
                                My compliments to the person that
                                made these ICONS.
                                DataTek BBS 810-541-2325
redwave.zip     6583 08-05-2024 Menu and graphic concept Rip images for
                                HELL, Optima BBS, Moth World & Stallion
                                (C)1995-2000 REDWAVE.RIP
ripart.zip     11417 08-05-2024 4 RIP Screens-Stealth Fighter, F15, Liberty
                                Bell & POW!
ripbbs.zip     17846 08-05-2024 RIP screens for BBS.
ripfx.zip       8827 08-05-2024 RIPFX: RIP Screens with FX Sound
                                RIP Screens for Usurper,BRE,FE
                                to be used with RIPPED! that add
                                RIP and the FX Sound System to
                                ANSI Games! from Midnight's Realm
                                FX Sound System (505)831-0797
ripgal21.zip   94669 08-05-2024 
                                RIP Gallery 2.1 RIP File Display Door, 9 drop
                                files supported! BeakWare
ripicons.zip   10124 08-05-2024 Icons for Ripterm.
ripjean1.zip  112803 08-05-2024 RIP Screens by Jean Ludwig. Viewer Included.
ripkt110.zip  154763 08-05-2024 RIPKit v1.10 -- A RIPScrip starter kit for
                                experienced PCBoard SysOps who want to
                                maintain a RIPScrip front-end for their
                                callers.  *** Requires v15.2+ ***
ripmaina.zip    2805 08-05-2024 Here is a ripscript main board menu used at
                                Abject Poverty BBS. Easy to change to your
                                board name.
ripmecca.zip   46850 08-05-2024 RIP Graphics Mecca Menus For Maximus BBS
ripmenu1.zip   10662 08-05-2024 The set of default RIP menus for Renegade BBS
ripmnu01.zip   17860 08-05-2024 Sample Rip Menus for PCBoard 15.0.
ripnansi.zip   12227 08-05-2024 RIPnANSI - High Tech Menus (BBS/SCR/RIP) From
                                the home of "COASTNET!"...... Southern
                                California's Laser~Coast~Line BBS.
rippers.zip   100796 08-05-2024 RIPscrip graphics screens for TriBBS
                                5.0.Includes Main,Message,File,and Sysop
                                menus. Just copy to your \DISPLAY directory.
ripple.zip      5469 08-05-2024 Rip files from "The Far Side BBS" in
                                Whitehall Michigan.
ripsam.zip      4989 08-05-2024 Collection Of Rip Menus & Etc. Written By The
                                Uploader! Download If Interested In A Rip
                                Artist's Group, Also!
ripsaml.zip    27823 08-05-2024 SAMPLE OF RIP SCREENS - Trans
                                Continental and MONeyLINe EXPress BBS's
                                have gotten together with their Rip
                                Graphic's ability and have put together
                                several Rip Screen Logon's and Menu's.
                                They will make Rip Screens for any BBS.
                                Take the Zip file and take a look at
                                just some of the screens they have
ripscrns.zip  240285 08-05-2024 Rip Screens of The Shining Light BBS.. 
                                TriBBS v5.1 sytem.... PH# 314-756-0930
                                Check these out and see what Rip has 
                                to offer SysOps: Includes "FREEWARE" 
                                rip viewer just  Type (RIP *.RIP)
                                These screens offer Mouse Support
ripsrns.zip     4261 08-05-2024 Set of 5 Excellent RIP Scenes
ripup100.zip   31392 08-05-2024 RIPIT-UP v.1.00
                                RIPit-UP door will auto download new RIP
                                protocol .ICN and .RIP files to the users
                                hard drive to allow quicker display of
                                files.RIPit-UP will direct the files to the
                                correct directory. Supports up to 65,000
                                users and unlimited files. Mouse support.
                                Allows ANSI users to download RIPTerm.
                                Shareware from LAIRWare.
rip_2d001.zi       0 01-01-1980 RIP-001 - Collection of RIP Screens.
                                These screens are for DEMO and 
                                examples of RIP Graphics.  
rip_2d001.zip  111085 08-05-2024 RIP-001 - Collection of RIP Screens.
                                These screens are for DEMO and 
                                examples of RIP Graphics.  
rip_2d002.zi       0 01-01-1980 RIP-002 - Collection of RIP Screens.
                                These screens are for DEMO and 
                                examples of RIP Graphics.  
rip_2d002.zip  140599 08-05-2024 RIP-002 - Collection of RIP Screens.
                                These screens are for DEMO and 
                                examples of RIP Graphics.  
rip_2d003.zi       0 01-01-1980 RIP-003 - Collection of RIP Screens.
                                These screens are for DEMO and 
                                examples of RIP Graphics.  
rip_2d003.zip  147154 08-05-2024 RIP-003 - Collection of RIP Screens.
                                These screens are for DEMO and 
                                examples of RIP Graphics.  
rip_2d004.zi       0 01-01-1980 RIP-004 - Collection of RIP Screens.
                                These screens are for DEMO and 
                                examples of RIP Graphics.  
rip_2d004.zip  177133 08-05-2024 RIP-004 - Collection of RIP Screens.
                                These screens are for DEMO and 
                                examples of RIP Graphics.  
rip_2d005.zi       0 01-01-1980 RIP-005 - Collection of RIP Screens.
                                These screens are for DEMO and 
                                examples of RIP Graphics.  
rip_2d005.zip  218768 08-05-2024 RIP-005 - Collection of RIP Screens.
                                These screens are for DEMO and 
                                examples of RIP Graphics.  
rip_2d006.zi       0 01-01-1980 Collection of RIP Screens.
                                These screens are for DEMO and 
                                examples of RIP Graphics.  
rip_2d006.zip  303593 08-05-2024 Collection of RIP Screens.
                                These screens are for DEMO and 
                                examples of RIP Graphics.  
rip_2d007.zi       0 01-01-1980 Collection of RIP Screens.
                                These screens are for DEMO and 
                                examples of RIP Graphics.  
rip_2d007.zip  210330 08-05-2024 Collection of RIP Screens.
                                These screens are for DEMO and 
                                examples of RIP Graphics.  
rip_2d008.zi       0 01-01-1980 Collection of RIP Screens.
                                These screens are for DEMO and 
                                examples of RIP Graphics.  
rip_2d008.zip  208761 08-05-2024 Collection of RIP Screens.
                                These screens are for DEMO and 
                                examples of RIP Graphics.  
rip_2d009.zi       0 01-01-1980 Collection of RIP Screens.
                                These screens are for DEMO and 
                                examples of RIP Graphics.  
rip_2d009.zip  224750 08-05-2024 Collection of RIP Screens.
                                These screens are for DEMO and 
                                examples of RIP Graphics.  
rip_2d010.zi       0 01-01-1980 Collection of RIP Screens.
                                These screens are for DEMO and 
                                examples of RIP Graphics.  
rip_2d010.zip  187094 08-05-2024 Collection of RIP Screens.
                                These screens are for DEMO and 
                                examples of RIP Graphics.  
rip_2d011.zi       0 01-01-1980 More in the collection of RIP 
                                Screens.  These screens are 
                                for DEMO and examples of RIP
rip_2d011.zip  219450 08-05-2024 More in the collection of RIP 
                                Screens.  These screens are 
                                for DEMO and examples of RIP
rip_2d012.zi       0 01-01-1980 More in the collection of RIP 
                                Screens.  These screens are 
                                for DEMO and examples of RIP
rip_2d012.zip  162070 08-05-2024 More in the collection of RIP 
                                Screens.  These screens are 
                                for DEMO and examples of RIP
rip_2d013.zi       0 01-01-1980 More in the collection of RIP 
                                Screens.  These screens are 
                                for DEMO and examples of RIP
rip_2d013.zip  181325 08-05-2024 More in the collection of RIP 
                                Screens.  These screens are 
                                for DEMO and examples of RIP
rip_2d014.zi       0 01-01-1980 More in the collection of RIP 
                                Screens.  These screens are 
                                for DEMO and examples of RIP
rip_2d014.zip  155967 08-05-2024 More in the collection of RIP 
                                Screens.  These screens are 
                                for DEMO and examples of RIP
rip_2d015.zi       0 01-01-1980 More in the collection of RIP 
                                Screens.  These screens are 
                                for DEMO and examples of RIP
rip_2d015.zip  167708 08-05-2024 More in the collection of RIP 
                                Screens.  These screens are 
                                for DEMO and examples of RIP
rip_2d016.zi       0 01-01-1980 More in the collection of RIP 
                                Screens.  These screens are 
                                for DEMO and examples of RIP
rip_2d016.zip  206356 08-05-2024 More in the collection of RIP 
                                Screens.  These screens are 
                                for DEMO and examples of RIP
rip_2d017.zi       0 01-01-1980 More in the collection of RIP 
                                Screens.  These screens are 
                                for DEMO and examples of RIP
rip_2d017.zip  183725 08-05-2024 More in the collection of RIP 
                                Screens.  These screens are 
                                for DEMO and examples of RIP
rip_2d018.zi       0 01-01-1980 More in the collection of RIP 
                                Screens.  These screens are 
                                for DEMO and examples of RIP
rip_2d018.zip  150515 08-05-2024 More in the collection of RIP 
                                Screens.  These screens are 
                                for DEMO and examples of RIP
rivicons.zip   93222 08-05-2024 All Icons for the Rivendell BBS-BEST RIP
                                GRAPHICS IN KANSAS!
robo2rip.zip   34684 08-05-2024 Use these RIP Icons to make your BBS look
                                like a ROBO BBS
samctrl.zip     4122 08-05-2024 3 RIP Graphic Screen Examples
samplang.zip    6353 08-05-2024 
satur1.zip      4663 08-05-2024 RIPscript of Saturn like planet, with moons.
                                No icons
scrnsave.zip    7245 08-05-2024 RIP 2.0 Online Screen Saver (fish tank)
sfctrl.zip      4822 08-05-2024 3 Excellent RIP Graphic Screen Examples
sfplane.zip     4299 08-05-2024 RIP screen made using Tombstone Artist. It
                                is based on the picture on the cover of the
                                3.4 supplement document!
somerips.zip  145259 08-05-2024 A collection of Ripscreens, Good
spit_rip.zip    3130 08-05-2024 RIP screen of a Spitfire WWII Airplane
                                Great for SpitFire BBS's
ssbbsrip.zip    5007 08-05-2024 
starwars.zip   77192 08-05-2024 
starwarz.zip    2797 08-05-2024 RIP, Super StarDestroyer and the DeathStar
swan_am.zip     4164 08-05-2024 Good RIP Graphic File by Annie
tcll.zip      152555 08-05-2024 RIP Advertisement Screen from The Cuban
                                Lizards Lounge BBS
tcll_ad.zip    43007 08-05-2024 RIP Advertisement Screen from The Cuban
                                Lizards Lounge BBS
tcll_adv.zip   76494 08-05-2024 RIP Advertisement Screen from The Cuban
                                Lizards Lounge BBS
techqust.zip   15525 08-05-2024 RIP Screen from TechQuest On-Line BBS
thebook.zip     3448 08-05-2024 RIP Screen...Looks Like the Wildcat 3.60
tombdoor.zip    3192 08-05-2024 RIP Door Menu - Made With Tombart Paint
totem.zip       4562 08-05-2024 RIP Title Screen from Totem Pole BBS
tricon01.zip    3968 08-05-2024 RIP Screens For TriBBS 5.0. Drawn With
                                RIPaint And Includes ICONS! Main, File &
tsc_scrn.zip   22803 08-05-2024 Menu Screen from Software Connection BBS
ttsrip.zip     15924 08-05-2024 This is a collection of RIP MENUS for use
                                with WILDCAT 3.90 BBSes. Also included are
                                ANSI screens along the same lines, for the
                                ANSI part of the board!
txt2ppr1.zip   37714 08-05-2024 Txt2Papr : Creates ANS/ASC screens from a
                                file. Screens simulate continuous formfeed
                                computer paper. *FREEWARE*
txt2rip.zip     6768 08-05-2024 Convert any size text file into RIP formatted
unreg.zip     132901 08-05-2024 Weather v2.11 RIP Bulletin maker with icons.
walls.zip       2188 08-05-2024 RIPscript , Two files, Walls of 3D bricks
walls1.zip      2281 08-05-2024 RIPscript of 3D wall. No icons.
wcicons.zip     3371 08-05-2024 ICONS for using RIPTERM on MSI's HQ BBS with
                                RIP Graphics!
whatrip.zip     2620 08-05-2024 Goofy RIP Graphic To Show Color Palette
wmerip.zip      2841 08-05-2024 WORLD MESSAGE EXCHANGE... RIP Logon Screen.
                                Tells Callers Your Board Carries WME. Drawn
                                With Tombstone RIP painting Program. Use &
                                Modify As You Like.
wowrips.zip    13839 08-05-2024 RIP Graphics Screens and prompts
                                used on the Window on Windows BBS.
                                  Screens and prompts created using
                                Tombstone Art RIP Graphics Program.
zen_2dego.zi       0 01-01-1980 RIP screen that will show that the Zen Den
                                sysop has an ego!
zen_2dego.zip    3430 08-05-2024 RIP screen that will show that the Zen Den
                                sysop has an ego!

                   Area 106 - Rip Utils                   

a2r103.zip     18337 08-05-2024 A2R v1.00 - Ansi to Rip conversion
                                utility.  Converts ANSI screens to
                                RIP format for use with new RIP
                                standard terminals.  Fully functional
                                user supported software.  $20.00 (US)
air202.zip    130179 08-05-2024 --==AIR 2.02 - Ansi-In-Rip==--
                                Wrap your BBS system messages in great
                                looking RIP window frames. Two command
                                line modes, and an interactive mode.
                                Configurable Sysop message in frame, 10
                                pre-drawn frames available.
calendar.zip    9138 08-05-2024 This program creates a RIP calendar for each
                                month. Freeware
cnfnrip2.zip   64248 08-05-2024 CNFNRIP Creates ripscripts for CNFNR from the
                                CNAMES file. A screen or multi screens are
                                created WITHOUT the need for RIPAINT. With
                                Ripaint the same screens took several hours
                                to do what, this does it in Minutes. My users
                                think it's the greatest! Buttons instead of
                                entering conference numbers. Now unlimited
conv_2dpcx.z       0 01-01-1980 A Batch file that converts PCX files to RIP
conv_2dpcx.zip    5419 08-05-2024 A Batch file that converts PCX files to RIP
crd12.zip       3879 08-05-2024 CRD v1.12: Will poll your users for Rip and
                                if it is detected will set a Flag, this will
                                allow you to implement Rip on your system
                                without having to resort to painful things
                                such as language files etc!
cskpaint.zip  114715 08-05-2024 Cheap Rip Paint program with save and editing
daysleft.zip   16591 08-05-2024 RIP graphic display file of days Left till
ddmc100.zip    11025 08-05-2024 Doug Deep's MegaNum Converter. RIPscrip
                                designers will find this handy when trying to
                                deal with the base-36 numbers ("MegaNums")
                                that the RIPscrip format uses. Especially
                                useful when dealing with the 4-digit base-36
                                bitmapped flag value in the Button Style
                                command. Converts from/to base 2, 10, 16, 36.
                                Version 1.00  Free software.
ddo_2dfx13.z       0 01-01-1980 DDO-F/X SDK - 1.30 - DDO-F/X Developers Kit.
                                The DDO-F/X SDK is a developers pack that
                                contains the full specifications to the
                                DDO-F/X scripting language that can be used
                                in any BBS system or BBS door.  This file has
                                many helpful utilities for generating a
                                DDO-F/X application, and also includes a full
                                Tutorial with example scripts and resources.
                                ========= Requires LI-TERM 1.00+ ============
ddo_2dfx13.zip 1614294 08-05-2024 DDO-F/X SDK - 1.30 - DDO-F/X Developers Kit.
                                The DDO-F/X SDK is a developers pack that
                                contains the full specifications to the
                                DDO-F/X scripting language that can be used
                                in any BBS system or BBS door.  This file has
                                many helpful utilities for generating a
                                DDO-F/X application, and also includes a full
                                Tutorial with example scripts and resources.
                                ========= Requires LI-TERM 1.00+ ============
ddpain30.zip  279304 08-05-2024 =) Dead Paint Ver. 3.0 shareware (=
                                The easy to use and easy to own RIP
                                paint program is back UNCRIPPLED,
                                and it's packed with features!
                                 Objects Copy/Paste/Delete/Move
                                 All draw tools    Button/Icon
                                 Full buttons styles support
                                 Text import       PCX import
                                 Windows .ICO and more!
                                 NOW WITH SAVE/LOAD ENABLED
                                nagware...but only $25 reg. fee
                                includes freeware DeadView 3.1
dec2mega.zip   15098 08-05-2024 DEC2MEGA v1.0 by Szechuan Software
                                Converts decimal integers to Hexa-Tri-Decimal
                                Meganumbers used by RIPSCRIP (Remote Imaging
                                Protocol Scripts).
                                This utility is freeware but the source code
                                is $5.00 if you would like to use it for
                                your own RIPSCRIP application.
dlrip12.zip    89547 08-05-2024 DLRIP v1.2 - Allow Users to DL Rip Icons
                                and/or FORCED file.
dpain40.zip   495096 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                         Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ         
                                    ><  ô      Ĵ ô    ><    
                                Ŀ Ŀ ڿ Ŀ  Ŀ  ڿ      
                                 Ĵ ô ô     ô        
                                   Version 4.0  Ĵ
                                  =) Dead Paint version 4.0 shareware (= 
                                  The easy to use and easy to own RIP    
                                  paint program is back uncrippled,      
                                  and it's packed with features!         
                                 Save/Load, Objects Copy/Paste/Delete/   
                                 Move, All draw tools, Button/Icon,Full  
                                 buttons styles support, Text import,    
                                 PCX import, Windows .ICO, and more!     
dview30.zip    96942 08-05-2024 Dead View 3.0 - RIP Graphics Screen Viewer.
fltln103.zip  277587 08-05-2024 FlatLine v1.03 - Powerful RIP editor/painter
freevi12.zip  131205 08-05-2024 Freeview 1.2, An awsome command line *.RIP 
                                file Viewer!  **FREEWARE**  Supports & 
                                displays every RIP command.  Great for 
                                viewing RIPs in messages with an offline mail
                                reader.  It has a trace mode for finding 
                                problems with RIPs.  Requires EGA or better
                                graphics and 300Kb free memory.  Supports VGA
                                and Adlib sound.
fxrip_b1.zip   79686 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=FX RIP v.beta 1=-=-=-=-
                                RIP Users can now have RIP & FX
                                Sound on Virtually ANY BBS & in
                                Virtually ANY ANSI\Text Door as
                                well as Interactive RIP Offline
                                Both RIP 1.54 and 2.2 formats! 
                                 Requires RIPterm 1.54 or 2.2
                                   FREEWARE by Mike Collard
                                Midnight's Realm  (505)831-0797
fxwaves.zip   766279 08-05-2024 >> Waves for FX Sound System <<
                                All the Waves for RIP Games &
                                 BBSs that use the FX System!  
                                RIPterm 2.2 users can now RIP
                                Games and Graphics with Sound!
                                Experience LORD Vampires and 
                                more with 16\8 bit Sound!  
                                Unzip into your main Icons dir
                                >>FX Sound System by Midnight<<
hb.zip          6775 08-05-2024 Heartbeat is a free program that displays
                                what looks like a heart/life monitor.  Its
                                animated graphics give a stunning yet
                                functional display of yours TBBS Systems
                                performance meters.  Heartbeat requires two
                                things!  First, its a RIP Only application
                                and second, it requires ASR's Monitor TSR
                                version 1.x or higher.
hellorip.zip   34721 08-05-2024 Write a companion .RIP file to any .BBS or
                                .SCR file which is constantly changing due to
                                some programs making a HELLOxx.BBS (SCR) or
                                BULLxx.BBS (SCR) after they are run.
iconm102.zip   52015 08-05-2024 
icupd266.zip  569177 08-05-2024  IconUpDater v 2.66 w/RIP 
                                Force callers to use RIPgraphics!!!!!
                                Supports ANSI & RIP custom screens @-codes.
                                This is the ULTIMATE Icon UpDater Door! This
                                thing is so packed with options you wouldn't
                                believe it.  Added new Space Saver feature
                                for you callers.  Menu driven config and
                                Manual programs making setting up this 
                                highly configurable Door easy! Has a time 
                                function, so user time does't get wasted! 
                                Support for DOS 6.2. Add 2 files of you own
                                to the main menu to offer your callers, for
                                offering RIPterm or your Member DOCs.
                                Forced fill features. No Sysop Maintenance.
                                over 5 support program include. Great
                                Icon Maintenacne!  MUST use DSZ or GSZ
                                transfer protocols.  Also supports the ANSI
                                caller, so we can get them switched to RIP!
                                Call DUOnline for a DEMO Key. 513-860-1191.
icupd323.zip  488184 08-05-2024  IconUpDater v 3.23 w/RIP 
                                This is the ULTIMATE Icon UpDater Door! 
                                This Door is so packed with options you
                                believe it. This program seems to have
                                Worth every second of download time!!!!
                                Now CUSTOMIZE IconUpDater to your BBS look by
                                creating your own .RIP and .BBS screens.
                                IconUpDater support @-codes.
                                Supports Wildcat 4.0 & 3.x, DOOR.SYS, 
                                PCBOARD.SYS, CHAIN, DORINFO, etc.
                                Main Module re-write!  Great online
                                help for those user who are new to BBSing!!
                                Add 3 files of you own to the main menu to 
                                offer your callers; like offering RIPterm 
                                or your Member DOCs. Forced file features. 
                                No Sysop Maintenance. Over 5 support program 
                                include. Great Icon Maintenance!  
                                MUST use DSZ or GSZ transfer protocols.  
                                Also supports the ANSI and ASCII caller, 
                                so we can get them switched to RIP! 
                                Call DUOnline for a DEMO Key. 513-860-1191.
jd42.zip      237142 08-05-2024 JDRAW 4.2 is a RIP based draw program that
                                be used for creating RIP graphics very easily
                                and quickly.
                                JDRAW features a "Windows" like interface not
                                commonly found in DOS programs.  Most of its
                                features are just a mouse click away.
                                JDRAW even contains powerful features such as
                                zoom and wizards. These are often missing
                                even the more expensive RIP draw programs.
jdl21.zip     180506 08-05-2024 JDraw Lite v2.1: A RipScrip compatible
                                editor. Can be used freely for non-profit
                                use. Contains additional information for
                                obtaining the professional version of JDRAW.
                                BONUS: Every registration of JDRAW also
                                includes a registered copy of JMedia, our RIP
                                menu maker. Now you can order by credit card,
                                see ORDER.TXT for details.
jmedia11.zip  397581 08-05-2024 JMedia v1.1: The ultimate graphics program
                                for creating presentations, demos, magazines,
                                tutorials, and RIP BBS menu screens. JMedia
                                is a complete authoring system. It comes
                                complete with an Integrated Development
                                Environment (IDE) allowing you to edit,test,
                                and debug your applications. Now you can
                                order by credid card, see ORDER.TXT. Full
                                shareware version, not crippled in any way.
jscrn10.zip   164334 08-05-2024 JScreen v1.0: The easiest program to create
                                RIPScrip menus. Requires EGA/VGA and Mouse.
jview52.zip   231379 08-05-2024 JView v5.2: A RIP Scrip viewer. Fast and
                                reliable. View files with the file selector
                                or by command line. Also views Windows 3 ICO
                                files. Now even faster and more compatible!!!
                                Also includes file tagging/viewing and slide
                                show mode. The best RIP viewer available!!!
                                Text Window, Ansi Graphics and music! Every
                                registration of JView includes _REGISTERED_
                                versions of JMEDIA, JDRAW, MAGNIPAINT,
                                MEGACLIP, AND PCX2ICN. << BLUEVIEW SOFTWARE
licn0100.zip   33465 08-05-2024 LOGINICN v01.00; Download RIP icons at Login
                                Let your users download your RIP icons at
                                login, without having to search file areas or
                                bulletins to find the icon file name. Now
                                works for any BBS system that uses a DOOR.SYS
                                .ANS/.ASC/.RIP external display file support.
                                Auto-RIP mode detect. Non-Standard Com Ports.
litemenu.zip    5268 08-05-2024 
makicn11.zip   41277 08-05-2024 MakeIcn v1.10: RIP Icon Editor
maxed110.zip   59772 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 BBS Utiliteez Software 
                                 MAX'ed v1.10 works with any ANSI BBS door 
                                 and lets it run in a window in MAXterm as 
                                 if the door already has MAX capabilities. 
                                 Allows you to specify a custom MAX screen 
                                 file on the command line, or you may also 
                                 use the internally generated screen file. 
                                 No configuration files needed at all, the 
                                 program is fully command line driven, and 
                                 has built in support for UART, DigiBoard, 
                                 & Fossil communications, non standard IRQ 
                                 & port addresses supported as well. FREE! 
mclip22.zip    49910 08-05-2024 MegaClip v2.2: Screen Clipping Utility.
                                Supports standard EGA/VGA and SVGA modes.
                                Open/Save PCX, BMP, and RIP icon files.
                                Archive also contains a catalog of the latest
                                shareware titles from Blueview Software.
                                Requires EGA/VGA/SVGA and Mouse. From the
                                makers of NFX and Raster Master
mirip103.zip  201345 08-05-2024 ۲ MI-RIP Graphics Script Editor 1.03 
                                Edit the RIP scripts being used on several
                                Bulletin Board Systems now.  Allows you to
                                load, edit, and save your script files.  The
                                program is WildCat! smart for some of their
                                screen @@ variables such as @BBS@ and colors
                                to better get an idea of what the script will
                                look like to the users.  From John Haro, the
                                creater of MI-Programs.
mirip105.zip  178267 08-05-2024 ۲ MI-RIP Graphics Script Editor 1.05 
                                Edit the RIP scripts being used on several
                                Bulletin Board Systems now.  Allows you to
                                load, edit, and save your script files.  The
                                program is WildCat! smart for some of their
                                screen @@ variables such as @BBS@ and colors
                                to better get an idea of what the script will
                                look like to the users.  From John Haro, the
                                creater of MI-Programs.
mksfmenu.zip   19944 08-05-2024 MKSFMENU v1.5; Create Display File Menus For
                                SpitFire BBS!  Supports ASCII, ANSI and RIP
mpaint38.zip   74005 08-05-2024 MagniPaint V3.8: Commercial   quality  editor
                                for  creating and  manipulating small graphic
                                images.  Read/Write PCX, Windows BMP/ICO  and
                                RIP icons. Features a paint program look with
                                a  number of  drawing tools.  Features 16 and
                                256  color  support.  BONUS PROGRAMS WHEN YOU
                                REGISTER!!! Requires VGA/SVGA and Mouse. From
                                the  makers  of  NFX, Nicon, MegaClip, Raster
                                Master,  Marble Guess,  and  Young Picasso!!!
                                << BLUEVIEW SOFTWARE >>
mpaint40.zip  108029 08-05-2024 MagniPaint v4.0:Commercial   quality  editor
                                for  creating and  manipulating small graphic
                                images.  Read/Write PCX, Windows BMP/ICO  and
                                RIP icons. Features a paint program look with
                                a  number of  drawing tools.  Features 16 and
                                256  color  support. Order  By  Credit  Card
                                with PsL. From the  makers of NFX and JView.
                                Fixes video problems encountered with earlier
                                verions! Registered users also receive a RIP
                                draw program!!!   << BLUEVIEW SOFTWARE >>
mxgui203.zip  327579 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 BBS Utiliteez Software 
                                 The MAX Graphics GUI Kit v2.03 - Allows a 
                                 person to write MAX SVGA doors  with full 
                                 local SVGA Graphics.  This kit requires a 
                                 copy of the TDK door development kit, and 
                                 the FastGraph or FastGraph/Light graphics 
                                 library.  Fully Borland/Turbo Pascal v7.0 
                                 compatible,  and 100% freeware as always. 
mxp_v210.zip  555285 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 BBS Utiliteez Software 
                                 MAXpaint v2.10 is "The" MAX screen, icon, 
                                 image, and mouse cursor designer program. 
                                 So many functions that it's impossible to 
                                 list them all in this limited space. Main 
                                 features include "Full" mouse navigation, 
                                 256 color mouse cursor designer, graphics 
                                 image slicer, MIF (MAX Image File) saver, 
                                 MAX icon editor,  and a  high quality MAX 
                                 screen editor with intelligent MAX syntax 
                                 checking. Now even faster than before, NO 
                                 MORE BGI GRAPHICS CODE! Now operates more 
                                 like MS Windows or IBM OS/2 complete with 
                                 a drag and drop graphical user interface. 
                                 Just an all around better paint program!! 
mxt211s.zip   239890 08-05-2024 MAXterm v2.11 source code, written using BP7,
                                FastGraph v5.01 and Async Professional v2.03.
                                Copyright 1995-1999 * Larry L Athey (LA-Soft)
                                All rights reserved, not "Public Domainware"!
mxt_b205.zip  413255 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 BBS Utiliteez Software 
                                 MAXterm 2.05 - The way to give any BBS a 
                                 640x480x256 SVGA graphical user interface 
                                 complete with full digital sound. No need 
                                 to switch to a new BBS package to keep up 
                                 with the times! MAX Graphics is a drop in 
                                 addition to any BBS that gives your users 
                                 capabilities and features IMPOSSIBLE with 
                                 other graphical terminal emulations! Best 
                                 of all, the MAXscript language is humanly 
                                 readable unlike RIPscrip!  MAXterm is now 
                                 even faster than before, more compact and 
                                 uses less memory than ANY other graphical 
                                 terminal program! Best of all MAXterm can 
                                 be used as an external protocol as well!! 
mxt_p205.zip  268091 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 BBS Utiliteez Software 
                                 MAXterm Plug-Ins 2.05 is an archive that 
                                 contains plug in modules for use with the 
                                 MAXterm SVGA terminal program.  Contained 
                                 in this archive is a MAX screen viewer, a 
                                 MAX icon editor, a MAX v1.XX to MAX v2.XX 
                                 screen file convertor, and a complete MAX 
                                 tutorial/reference file.  Installation is 
                                 easy,  just copy all of the files in this 
                                 archive to the MAXterm program directory. 
mxt_p210.zip  272156 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 BBS Utiliteez Software 
                                 MAXterm Plug-Ins v2.10 is an archive that 
                                 contains plug in modules for use with the 
                                 MAXterm SVGA terminal program.  Contained 
                                 in this archive is a MAX screen viewer, a 
                                 MAX icon editor, a MAX v1.XX to MAX v2.XX 
                                 screen file convertor, and a complete MAX 
                                 tutorial/reference file.  Installation is 
                                 easy,  just copy all of the files in this 
                                 archive to the MAXterm program directory. 
mxu_v203.zip  314919 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 BBS Utiliteez Software 
                                 MAXupdate v2.03 - is a FREEWARE door that 
                                 automatically updates  a caller's MAXterm 
                                 terminal program, and graphics resources. 
                                 This program eliminates  the need for you 
                                 to notify users to  download new versions 
                                 of the terminal program, or to download a 
                                 new graphics resource .PKG file when ever 
                                 you change your screens or add a new door 
                                 to the system. MAX-Update can be run as a 
                                 regular door,  or can be run in Front End 
                                 Mode between your BBS and Mailer. Program 
                                 now verifies resource CRC32 values before 
                                 updating and TDK source code is included, 
                                 as well as a BBS waiting for caller unit. 
pcxrip11.zip   32246 08-05-2024 Pcx2Rip v1.1: A true pcx to rip converter.
                                This is NOT a pcx/bmp to rip icon converter.
                                It converts PCX files to actual rip codes.
                                You must see it to believe it!!!
pcxrip20.zip   67437 08-05-2024 Pcx2Rip v2.0: A true PCX/BMP to RipScrip
                                converter. This is NOT a PCX/BMP to RipScrip
                                icon converter. It converts PCX/BMP files to
                                actual rip codes.NEW! scan types and palette
                                Also contains info on JDraw v4 (aka Ripaint
                                killer), an object oriented RipScrip editor.
pgallery.zip  468053 08-05-2024 
phrk2_2.zip   148888 08-05-2024 Phripk2-2 ZIP Error fixed !
                                { Phantom rip kit V 2.0 )Ŀ
                                 Finally a simple way to set up instant   
                                 RIP MENUS & rip screens for your BBS.    
                                 This is a Complete screen system for your
                                bbs. NO rip editing! just edit .CNF files!
                                *Multi menu, Multi paged, Multi conf's    
                                 all in an easy to use format! No mess No 
                                 fuss! SHARE WARE $20 NON CRIPPLED!!!!!!! 
phrk2_2d2.zi       0 01-01-1980 Phripk2-2 ZIP Error fixed !
                                { Phantom rip kit V 2.0 )Ŀ
                                 Finally a simple way to set up instant   
                                 RIP MENUS & rip screens for your BBS.    
                                 This is a Complete screen system for your
                                bbs. NO rip editing! just edit .CNF files!
                                *Multi menu, Multi paged, Multi conf's    
                                 all in an easy to use format! No mess No 
                                 fuss! SHARE WARE $20 NON CRIPPLED!!!!!!! 
phrk2_2d2.zip  149394 08-05-2024 Phripk2-2 ZIP Error fixed !
                                { Phantom rip kit V 2.0 )Ŀ
                                 Finally a simple way to set up instant   
                                 RIP MENUS & rip screens for your BBS.    
                                 This is a Complete screen system for your
                                bbs. NO rip editing! just edit .CNF files!
                                *Multi menu, Multi paged, Multi conf's    
                                 all in an easy to use format! No mess No 
                                 fuss! SHARE WARE $20 NON CRIPPLED!!!!!!! 
picn11.zip     16799 08-05-2024 Pcx2Icn v1.1: Converts PCX files to RIP Icon
                                format. BONUS PROGRAMS FOR REGISTERED USERS.
                                See BONUS.TXT. Archive also contains a
                                catalog of the latest shareware titles from
                                Blueview Software. See CATALOG.TXT. From
                                the makers of NFX and Raster Master!
                                << BLUEVIEW SOFTWARE >>
planrip.zip     4189 08-05-2024 RIP interface for Planets TEOS
                                Give Planets a Rip screen for
                                your RIP users!
qripit10.zip  111512 08-05-2024 Quik-RIPIT v1.0! The Hottest RIP
                                screen generator EVER for a BBS!  It's
                                quick, easy, and makes awesome screens
                                for you, either manually or on auto-
                                pilot!  Best of all, it's CHEAP at
                                only $10.00!  Download it and check
                                it out! Works on almost EVERY BBS!
quickrip.zip   29380 08-05-2024 Create RIP bordered version of your .BBS and
                                .SCR's! This takes a lot of the work of
                                making RIP screens away from you.  The
                                screens it makes will show your Board's name
                                on top Nicely Centered! Keep those Ansi's or
                                BBS screens you worked so hard to make and
                                stop the problem of having your screens
                                scroll 2 lines at a time in the text window
                                Does not affect or change the original file
                                in any way!
rapoprip.zip    7112 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                   RIP screens for RemoteAccess 2.0      
                                 Created using the registered shareware  
                                 editor FLATVIEW. Feel free to use these 
                                 anyway you wish.      D Daniel 1:19/166 
rgallery.zip   75872 08-05-2024 an "UN-REGISTERED" version of Rip Art Gallery
                                and your users can only view 3 lousy pictures
                                before the the game will return them to the
                                doors menu.
ripc101.zip    24531 08-05-2024 RIPC v1.01; Ansi to RIP screen converter
ripcamo1.zip   37387 08-05-2024 RIP CAMOUFLAGE v 1.1: Designed to correct
                                problems that certain ANSI Doors have when
                                RIP graphics are enabled.
ripcbdmo.zip  354576 08-05-2024 RipPCB Demo allows you to see many of the
                                features of RipPCB v1.0;
ripconv.zip     4210 08-05-2024 .BBS to .RIP conversion
ripconv1.zip    4840 08-05-2024 RIP screen Converter. Reads your ANS screens
                                and adds a RIP header, and saves them all as
                                .RIP screens all using a simple batch file!
ripe154.zip   242764 08-05-2024 RIPe v1.54   -   SHAREWARE EVALUATION VERSION 
                                -   February 19, 1994
                                The newest addition to the RIP graphics
                                editing scene.  This program 
                                will do everything that you want and then some
                                  Includes all of the 
                                popular features of most RIP painting programs
                                and adds a few of 
                                it's own including automatic generation of
                                three dimensional 
                                spheres and polygons, advanced icon editor,
                                the ability to capture 
                                icons from PCX images and much more. 
                                THIS IS AN EVALUATION VERSION ONLY.  ALL SAVE
                                FUNCTIONS HAVE BEEN 
                                COPYRIGHT 1994 BY SPEWsoft                    
ripez15.zip    15286 08-05-2024 Convert your ansi files to Rip graphics.
ripfast.zip    62172 08-05-2024  RipFast - Ansi To Rip Screen Converter
                                Version 1.3
                                 RipFast Is an Easy Way To Make Them Ansi
                                Files Look A Bit Better!
                                 This Will Alow Up To 235 Lines Of Ansi And
                                Even Let You Select
                                 A 5 Border Colors (Purple , Green, Button
                                Type 1, Blue, Button Type 2) 
                                 NOW WORKS ON ANY BBS THAT SUPPORTS RIP.....
                                 RIPFAST IS FREE No Registration Cost Or Any
                                 UnRegistered Things On Your Screens!
                                 Program By : Steve Watkins , DarkSide
                                 Please Call DarkSide BBS And Let Me Know How
                                You Like It.
                                 (913) 238-3563 14.4 - 2400 24hr.
ripfx.zip       8215 08-05-2024 RIPFX: RIP Screens with FX Sound
                                RIP Screens for Usurper,BRE,FE
                                to be used with RIPPED! that add
                                RIP and the FX Sound System to
                                ANSI Games! from Midnight's Realm
                                FX Sound System (505)831-0797
ripit20.zip   147010 08-05-2024 RIPIT v2.0! The Hottest RIP screen
                                generator EVER for a BBS!  It's quick,
                                easy, and makes awesome screens for you,
                                either manually or on auto-pilot!  Best
                                of all, it's CHEAP at only $10.00!
                                Download it and check it out!  Works
                                with almost ANY BBS!
ripiv200.zip  224366 08-05-2024 Ŀ   Ŀ  Ŀ
                                 Ŀ  Ŀ    Ŀ
                                     ڿ Ŀڿ ڿ
                                Ŀ      ¿
                                Ĵ  Ŀ
                                          RIP I.V. The RIP Icon Verifyer 1
ripky302.zip  161352 08-05-2024 RipKey 3.02
                                          RIP KEY v3.02         
                                 Provide A RIPScrip On-Screen   
                                 Keyboard In Any Non-RIP Online 
                                 Game! Only Displays To RIP     
                                 Callers; Others Don't Even     
                                 Know It's There! Finally, RIP  
                                 Calles No Longer Have To Be    
                                 Penilized By Non-Rip DoorGames 
                                  Compiled: December 3, 1996    
                                        GENERATION III          
                                   Support BBS: 817-794-0126    
                                 Fido: 1:130/319   FREQ: RIPKEY 
                                 FTP: ftp.pca.net/Carlton_Doors 
riplist.zip    50285 08-05-2024 
riplist1.zip   50035 08-05-2024 RIPList version 1.0 - RIPList is a utility to
                                help debug RIP script file.  It simply
                                outputs a file that contains the extented
                                text description of the commands in each line
                                and lists there parameters or arguments.
ripnra2.zip    11113 08-05-2024 RIP'n'RA II [17-05-94]
                                ==> REMOTEACCESS SYSOPS <==
                                  ==> THIS IS A MUST <==
                                Want RIP in RemoteAccess?       
                                Then Download this.
                                Step by step detail.     
                                Download it today.
ripnws11.zip   52728 08-05-2024 RIP-News 1.1, Your NEWS files in 
                                RIP/ANSI/ASCII. RIP-News will create
                                Multiple page news files with buttons
                                and smooth RIP. Remote Access 2.01 and 
                                Wildcat ready. Can be configured for  
                                other BBS's software also. A product
                                from RIP-Soft Europe.
rippedfx.zip   53292 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=RIPPED FX  v.10=-=-=-=-
                                 FX Sound System RIPs for use
                                  with RIPPED! by Sharkware.
                                RIP and FX Sound for ANY DOOR!
                                Includes RIPPED!.ZIP with a
                                selected collection of FX RIPs
                                Both RIP 1.54 and 2.2 formats! 
                                   FREEWARE by Mike Collard
                                        and SHARKware
                                Midnight's Realm  (505)254-9415
ripped_21.zi       0 01-01-1980 RIPPED!
                                SHARKware presents a simple
                                add on program to make ANY
                                and ALL BBS Doors RIPable.
                                Just add it to your BAT file
                                that calls your door, and it
                                will display the RIP file you
                                set on the command line.
                                SHARKware FREEWARE!
                                RIP screen by Fire!
ripped_21.zip   37321 08-05-2024 RIPPED!
                                SHARKware presents a simple
                                add on program to make ANY
                                and ALL BBS Doors RIPable.
                                Just add it to your BAT file
                                that calls your door, and it
                                will display the RIP file you
                                set on the command line.
                                SHARKware FREEWARE!
                                RIP screen by Fire!
ripper10.zip   13465 08-05-2024 RIPPER! v1.0  - Utility that reads
                                DOOR.SYS checks Rip Caller.
ripscr10.zip   13780 08-05-2024 Converts Most Any screen (*.ans, *.bbs, etc.)
                                to Rip graphics format
ripscrip.zip   44028 08-05-2024 RIPscrip Graphics Protocol Specification
                                "Remote Imaging Protocol"
ripsk110.zip  158141 08-05-2024 RIP Sketch v1.10 - Easy to use RIPscrip
                                editor for creating online RIP graphics.  Now
                                with buttons and zoom mode. Requires EGA or
                                better and a mouse.  Supports Adlib sound.
ripspecs.zip   43538 08-05-2024 RIPscrip Graphics Protocol Specification RIP
                                stands for "Remote Imaging Protocol" This
                                graphical standard is the answer to the
                                graphics needs of the BBS community.
ripss100.zip  153759 08-05-2024 -= RIP Slide Show v1.0 =-
                                The Ultimate RIP Door for viewing Multiple 
                                RIPscreens. Offers a 40 RIP file database. 
                                Includes a menu driven, easy setup program. 
                                Easily import Pre-Config'd RIP databases,
                                with an easy and time saving setup program.
                                Works with just about any BBS package
                                that can create the 52 line DOOR.SYS file 
                                that WildCat creates, supports Multi-line, 
                                non standard IRQs. Great RIPgraphics. 
                                You can set viewing security levels on 
                                individual RIP screeens. A DUOnline 
                                Production. (513)-324-8606. 
                                Demo KEY included.
riptools.zip   37185 08-05-2024 RipTools Beta Version 1.0a. If you have
                                been looking for a way to include Rip  
                                commands into your Turbo Pascal program
                                then RipTools is for you. RipTools has 
                                been compiled using Turbo Pascal 6.0 & 
                                7.0. If you are currently using RMDOOR 
                                Version 4.2 or higher I recommend you  
                                that you give this WELL Documented TPU 
                                a try. Now you can have the POWER of   
                                RipScrip Commands in your programs. You
                                can even manuplate Buttons, Regions for
                                Mouse only resonces, ALL the Drawing   
                                functions and More. All Commands are   
                                easy to use, and to include into your  
                                programs. A MUST HAVE FOR THAT UTILITY 
                                PROGRAMMER WHO WANTS TO INCLUDE RIP    
                                COMMANDS INTO HIS/HERS PROGRAMS!!!! 8) 
ripup001.zip  214173 08-05-2024 RIP2 FILE UPDATER A complete RIP 2 file
                                transfer door for all your callers. The
                                program keeps all your RIP 2.0 terminal
                                callers up to date with all your latest
                                RIP 2.0 files, BMP,BMH,BMM,WAV,JPG and
                                RIP are handled by the door. The door
                                also prompts your RIP 1.5x and ANSI
                                callers to update to a rip termnial
                                test drive. Shareware by Vince Jacobs.
ripv10.zip    177246 08-05-2024  RIPVIEW v1.0 
                                An Art Gallery of online RIP Mastery !!!!  
                                RipView The Door, users can view, download 
                                and upload .Rip files. Supports PCBoard,   
                                VBBS, RBBS, QBBS, SF, WC, UBBS, TG, TriBBS,
                                RA and any other DOOR.SYS BBS. Com1-15,non 
                                standard IRQs, and FOSSIL drivers supported
                                Detects Rip terminals for operation. Plus  
                                much more. Great for artists!              
                                Another Fine Util From MacInnes Industries.
ripvew20.zip  297335 08-05-2024 OzarkSoft RIPView door is a door program
                                for viewing RIP graphic screens. RIPView
                                allows the SysOp to see the graphic screens
                                at the same time the remote user is viewing
                                them. You do not have to have a RIP aware
                                BBS to run this door. The only requirement
                                is that you must have an EGA or better
                                monitor attached to your BBS computer. This
                                door will run on most BBS types. Try it you
                                and your users will both like it. By
                                OzarkSoft and Chuck Poynter.
rlnk120.zip   369359 08-05-2024 RIPlink v1.20 - This is a RIP toolkit for
                                Turbo Pascal programmers.  It allows doors to
                                add full support for the RIPscrip graphics
                                protocol.  This includes both sending
                                RIPscrip codes to the user AND creating the
                                graphics on the sysop's screen.  Support
                                includes local Mouse, TextWindow, and more!
                                RIPlink is a MUST GET for ALL door
                                programmers who use TP.  Released 07-07-94 
                                An InterProgramming Product - 1:301/3
rpntr102.zip   49666 08-05-2024 
rripit13.zip   26635 08-05-2024 RBBS RIP Text Window Formatter v1.3; This
                                little gem takes any text file and imports it
                                into a RIPScript display complete with
                                configurable icons, mouse field commands,
                                colors, fonts, text, and more. Great for
                                creating RIP versions of your BBS Bulletins
rspy_102.zip  119989 08-05-2024 RIPspy 1.01:  probably the most comprehensive
                                RIPscrip file viewer around!  Has support for
                                many RIP commands that other viewers don't.
                                Latest update adds support for WWIV codes and
                                corrects a few minor bugs.
rtime100.zip   12273 08-05-2024 RIPTIME v1.00 - Create (.BBS/.RIP) when any
                                function occured *FREEWARE*
rtom_203.zip  149666 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 BBS Utiliteez Software 
                                 RIPtoMAX v2.03 is designed to convert RIP 
                                 screen files to editable MAXscript format 
                                 screen files. Keep in mind that there are 
                                 vast differences between RIP and MAX so a 
                                 converted screen file will require a fair 
                                 amount of editing before use. New utility 
                                 included to convert RIP icons to a PCX or 
                                 MAXGFX MIF image file. Processes one file 
                                 at a time, or will process an entire file 
                                 path...And as always, it's 100% FREEWARE! 
rv111.zip     100578 08-05-2024 RIPView v1.11 - RIPView is a door that will
                                automatically detect RIPScrip Graphics and
                                will show the user up to 1000 screens.
                                RIPView will display ASCII, ANSI and
                                RIPScrip screens.  RIPView supports
                                languages, the following drop files: TriBBS,
                                PCBoard, DOOR.SYS (GAP), SpitFire, WildCat!,
                                RBBS (DORINFOx.DEF), and WWIV, locked serial
                                ports, 16550 FIFO buffering, you don't need
                                ANSI.SYS loaded, aware of DesqView, Windows,
                                and OS/2, and more!  Major bug fix from
                                Version 1.10.  Shareware by Eric Theriault.
rvb_10.zip    187927 08-05-2024 RIP Voting Booth Door! v1.0 -- Users vote
                                for their favorite RIP graphic screens!
                                Supports COM0-15, DESQview and Network
                                ready, fossil drivers, easy setup and
                                configuration via the RIPUTIL program!
                                Will run on ANY BBS that supports Doors!
                                End users must use a RIP compatible com
                                program. From T&J Software!
shwcon12.zip   25584 08-05-2024 Display RIP icons files without using a paint
shwrip30.zip   99993 08-05-2024 ShowRip v3.0; Use to view RIP files. Options
                                allow you to: Step thru file; Shows the RIP
                                command at bottom of screen; Delay for xxx
                                milliseconds between commands.
tcrip.zip       6328 08-05-2024 Define/use mouse buttons in Tomcat and text
                                based bulletins
tomb_2d200.z       0 01-01-1980 Tombstone Artist v 2.0 - RIP Draw/Paint.
                                Tombstone Artist(TA) is a powerful RIPscrip
                                paint program, fully featured for creating &
                                editing RIP graphics.  New in this version,
                                of TA is command line file loading, pie
                                slices, and a snap-to grid.  With TA, a sysop
                                can easily design high-quality graphics for
                                their BBS, incl. buttons and mouse regions.
                                Uncrippled Shareware.  Registration: $30
tomb_2d200.zip  177980 08-05-2024 Tombstone Artist v 2.0 - RIP Draw/Paint.
                                Tombstone Artist(TA) is a powerful RIPscrip
                                paint program, fully featured for creating &
                                editing RIP graphics.  New in this version,
                                of TA is command line file loading, pie
                                slices, and a snap-to grid.  With TA, a sysop
                                can easily design high-quality graphics for
                                their BBS, incl. buttons and mouse regions.
                                Uncrippled Shareware.  Registration: $30
unrip20.zip    45409 08-05-2024 UNRIP v2.0: Allows the option of changing RIP
                                to GRAPHICS, for doors that do not support
                                the RIP graphics. UNRIP also allows use of
                                the users' ALIAS rather than their real name.
vicon214.zip    6964 08-05-2024  VICON v2.14 RIP Icon Updater Vscript By
                                MIDIMan :.: 
                                VSCRIPT - RIP Icon Updater
                                This Script will Check Icons and
                                Local RIPs on users terminal and
                                Install missing files in correct
                                directories on users HD. Requires
                                DSZ/GSZ or Modification of Batch
                                Files to RUN VXY for VBBS-OS/2
                                * First Public Release*
                                *Written Entirely in Vscript*
                                by Franco 'MIDIMan:.:' Nogarin
                                The MIDI Machine BBS 1403500
                                The Dene Information Systems 1403502
w10demo.zip   122632 08-05-2024 Rip 2.0 Wheather Watch....Display weather
                                realtime while online..Excellent!
wmfrip3.zip    13725 08-05-2024 .WMF to .RIP conversion utility.
                                This handy utility converts Windows Meta File
                                images to RIP standard files. Developed for
                                in-house use by South African BBS development
                                company to convert Coreldraw drawings into
                                files. Extremely useful if you don't feel
                                shelling out big bucks for RIPaint.
wripdm13.zip  355406 08-05-2024 WinRIP Lite V1.00 Demonstration Package

               Area 107 - Searchlight Utils               

afreq31b.zip  129441 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-==AutoFREQ 3.1b=-=-=-=-=-=-
                                AutoFREQ is a door which allows
                                users to request files from other
                                BBSes using Fidonet-type FREQs.
                                Completely sysop configurable.
                                Supports DORINFOx.DEF, as well
                                as passing of information on
                                the command line.  Requires
                                communication support from either
                                BBS software or Doorway-type program
alibaba2.zip   41446 08-05-2024 Fortune Teller door for Searchlight
                                * Edit ansi and text screens to match your bbs
                                * Edit answers and slam files...
                                * Edit search for match file...
                                Simple to setup, uses Searchlight comm
                                FREE - from Eagles Eye BBS (207)-724-2016
                                Other files to look for are: SLADVERT, SLBIO
                                STATGRAF, SLLISTER, TOP10, LASTCALL 
                                ++++ zippy with 2016 to find most of them
almgr10a.zip   32876 08-05-2024 ALMGR v1.00a DEMO - SL Alias Mgr Util.
                                 The Searchlight Alias Manager Utility was
                                created  to  simplify  the  ALIAS  managing
                                process on  their Searchlight  BBS  System.
                                ALMGR  performs  various  tasks  like: Add,
                                Change, Delete, List, Search & X-Ref using
                                SL-like menus. Once  you  test  it, you'll
                                replace your AUTIL with this baby.
                                Copyright (c) 1994, Dennis Ayala
autoad13.zip   51606 08-05-2024 AutoAdd v1.3 - SL Autocreation utility.
                                Simple utility that auto-creates new
                                subboards and file directories for
                                Searchlight BBS. It is most useful when
                                used in conjunction FilePro.
blist1.zip     29618 08-05-2024 BBS LISTER v1.0 - BBS list door program.
                                This  is a SLBBS 4.0 door that lists and
                                records BBS information  for  all  users
                                who  run  the program to get information
                                of  other  BBS  services.   Search   for
                                records   by   State,  City,  Baudrange,
                                Hours, AreaCode,  Software,  Nodes,  and
                                much  more!  Contains an off-line editor
                                for SysOp's  to  use  for  deleting  and
                                editing  any entry! Registration is only
                                $5!!! Released: 09/01/94
callin30.zip   35104 08-05-2024 RIP, Ansi Last 10 Callers Info Door
                                ۺ  -= CALLNFO II ver. 3.0
                                =  ۺ
                                   Last 10 callers information door.  For
                                Searchlight BBS's only.     
                                   New features - Somewhere option,
                                Multinode fix, RIP II compliant.   
                                   List names by Alias, Login, or Real name.
                                 Also tracks the total   
                                   number of callers by display type. 
                                Supportware, just $10 dollars.   
                                   NO BBS Ads, Begs, or Delays!  Global-Tech
                                Aug 95'                  
                                ĺĮ From the creators of the RIP IT Up
                                -Load Processor ĺ
cm041b.zip    289344 08-05-2024 
colorsl.zip    71478 08-05-2024 ColorSL - Customize User Colors (1.5)
                                Door/utilities allow the user to set
                                colors that are active only for them.
                                Fairly easy to setup, not crippled,
                                but shareware.                Cheap!
credit30.zip  100890 08-05-2024 The CREDITOR Credit Card Validator 3.08 for
                                Searchlight, Fast, Secure
                                & Very Flexible. Easy installation, No third
                                party utils reqd. Immediate
                                card verify and validation against bank
                                algorithms. Uses up to five SL Def
                                Access Levels. Full 'look & feel' of SLBBS.
                                Highly customizable (built-in
                                optional modules), Full RIP Support, 10
                                worldwide cards +1 sysop definable
                                card accepted, drops carrier on hackers,
                                maintains full logs and revenue
                                totals, creates membership reports,
                                transparent non-door look, full use of
                                color and graphics modes, handles special opt
                                donation accounts, definable
                                immediate or deferred validation and mail
                                processes, multitasking aware.
d2l100.zip     68086 08-05-2024 DBF2LOG 1.0- Syslog.dbf Utility
                                **Multi-Format Text file output,
                                Archiving/Appending of Syslog.dbf
                                files, a Userlog, and Summary of
                                System Use features. Purges old
                                log files. Adustable timeslicing
                                too! Supports up to 99 nodes, and
                                999 runs/day. Desqview, OS/2, and
                                WIN95 tested. For Searchlight BBS
                                ver 4.5 and up. Shareware by John
delus121.zip   26041 08-05-2024 [---------------------------------------------
                                 DelUser, Version 1.21! An AUSTRALIAN
                                 BBS Auto-User Deletion Utility! By Darren
                                 This  program  currently flags users  who 
                                 called for some time and sends mail to the
                                 notifying  them   that  these  users  have 
                                 inactive for some time. The program will
                                 to  delete these  users. A piece of mail will
                                 sent to  the sysop telling them of the users
                                 if  they  were  actually  deleted! Users
                                above a 
                                 certain  access level  will not be deleted,
                                 level is  defined  by  the  sysop! This 
                                 should only be used with Searchlight BBS 3.5
                                 A log  of users deleted  is also  kept  for
                                 reference  if you need  to  contact them  in
                                 future! VERY easy to use! A must for all
                                 FREE! For Australian Searchlight BBS Sysops!
                                       (c) Copyright 1994, Darren Crick. 
                                   Portions are Copyright Searchlight Software
demo450.zip  1043884 08-05-2024 Searchlight BBS 4.5 Demo Version
                                Working Demo of Searchlight 4.5, the BBS 
                                software with Integrated RIP Graphics and 
                                local RIP support. Includes built-in RIP 
                                features like dialog boxes, menus and scroll 
                                bars. Full featured BBS software includes 
                                DigiBoard and CD-ROM support, unlimited 
                                message & file areas, and much more. Full 
                                documentation provided. New version 4.5 
                                supports RIPterm 2.0 with JPEG & WAV files!
docs450.zip   238512 08-05-2024 Searchlight BBS 4.5 Documentation
                                Complete user manual for Searchlight BBS
                                version 4.5, the BBS software with built
                                in RIP Graphics Support. Includes browser
                                program. For use with file DEMO450.ZIP.
dotm12.zip     19262 08-05-2024 Door of the Month Version 1.2
                                This program allows you to select a door
                                or doors that will not subtract the user's
                                time while they are using the door.  Your
                                users are sure to love this one!  Freeware!
event101.zip    7465 08-05-2024 [---------------------------------------------
                                 Events, Version  1.01 Beta! Events  is a
                                 Event program, are  you sick of being limited
                                 Weekly or Daily Events? Then this is your
                                 The idea of this program is pretty simple, so
                                 the programming, almost anyone can do it.
                                 of course  you cannot  program, so  I decided
                                 release  it for those  people. It  allows you
                                 have an Event  for each day  of the month...
                                 example  DAY2.BAT might  run a Conference 
                                 export and DAY22.BAT  might output some 
                                 statistics.  Instead of  doing  this once a
                                 you can now do it once a month! Events takes
                                 batch  file  name  from the  day of  the 
                                   EVENTS is FREEWARE for ALL Australian
                                       (c) Copyright 1994, Darren Crick. 
expirem1.zip    6858 08-05-2024 
ezv1beta.zip  112743 08-05-2024 ----------------------------------------------
                                |       EZVerify 1.0 Beta callback verifier   
                                   SPECIFICALLY for SEARCHLIGHT(tm) BBS
                                 100% SL compatible, works on any COM port
                                including DigiBoard.  Seamlessly integrates
                                with SL 
                                 unlike any other CBV.  Database maintenance
                                provided, import other CBV data files.  Wide
                                  of features.  GREAT price with free upgrades
                                    From Bayridge Software/Thomas F. Abraham
ezver200.zip  151891 08-05-2024 ----------------------------------------------
                                EZVerify for Searchlight 2.0 callback
                                SPECIFICALLY for SEARCHLIGHT(tm) BBS systems!
                                100% SL compatible, works on any COM port
                                including DigiBoard.  Seamlessly integrates
                                with SL
                                unlike any other CBV.  Database maintenance
                                provided, import other CBV data files.  Wide
                                of features.  GREAT price with free upgrades!
                                From Bayridge Software/Thomas F. Abraham
fast386.zip    45265 08-05-2024 Fast Index 386 for Searchlight v3.0a -
                                A fast, accurate replacement for the SL
                                nodelist index builder (INDEX.EXE). Works
                                with all versions of SL. This archive has
                                a 32-bit MSDOS version. (Note: Does not
                                replace fastix30.zip!) Freeware by
                                William McBrine and Martin Coyne.
fastix30.zip   26259 08-05-2024 Fast Index for Searchlight v3.0 -
                                A fast, accurate replacement for the SL
                                nodelist index builder (INDEX.EXE).  Works
                                with all versions of SL.  Now even faster
                                than 2.4!  For DOS and 32-bit OS/2.  Freeware
                                by William McBrine and Martin Coyne.
fastw32.zip    31755 08-05-2024 Fast Index Win32 for Searchlight v3.0a -
                                A fast, accurate replacement for the SL
                                nodelist index builder (INDEX.EXE). Works
                                with all versions of SL. This archive has
                                a Windows 9x and NT console version. (Note:
                                Does not replace fastix30.zip!) Freeware
                                by William McBrine and Martin Coyne.
fdnan103.zip   26497 08-05-2024 
filepr30.zip  123252 08-05-2024 FilePro ver 3.0 - FDN utility for SLBBS
                                Imports files received through file
                                distribution networks into Searchlight
                                BBS file areas, extracting long
                                descriptions from inside the archive.
flist121.zip   22226 08-05-2024 [---------------------------------------------
                                 FList, Version 1.21! An AUSTRALIAN
                                 BBS Files Listing Utility! By Darren Crick!
                                 The output of this utility is unique, and it
                                 intended that  way... It lists  all files
                                 which your want listed, the files, the
                                 extended description, the date uploaded and 
                                 number of  times that  file has been
                                 After  each  area  there  is  a  short  group
                                 statistics for  that  area,  then another at
                                 very  end  of  the  files  list. There  is 
                                 provision  for  header  files!  Best  of  all
                                 is     Australian    designed    and   
                                 Distributed    in   Australia   by  
                                 ONLY to be used  for Searchlight v3.5 or
                                   FREE! For Australian Searchlight BBS Sysops
                                      (c) Copyright 1994, Darren Crick. 
                                   Portions are Copyright Searchlight Software
force10.zip    31872 08-05-2024 Force is a program to allow mail 
                                addressed to your users with a netmail 
                                address to be sent as netmail whether 
                                originally written as netmail or local 
                                mail.  You can select which users mail 
                                will be changed to netmail.
gmail100.zip   18083 08-05-2024 
hilite3.zip    27310 08-05-2024 
lhl232us.zip  266922 08-05-2024 LHL, a full color off-line reader  
                                100% compatible QWK (JC-QWK) and BlueWave,
                                multilingual, easy installation,
                                full mouse support, intuitive
                                and... Ho no! more more more!
memst106.zip   19915 08-05-2024 [---------------------------------------------
                                 MemStat, v1.06!  An  AUSTRALIAN  Searchlight
                                 Sub-Board  Membership listing and Stats
                                 This  program List  all your message  area's
                                 those who are  members of that area. Members
                                 those who use this area. You are then shown
                                 these  members first accessed this message
                                 when they  last  used it  and the  current 
                                 message  pointer  set  for  that  user 
                                 It  will also  delete  any  users  name  from
                                 memberfile  who  hasnt  read  mail  for a
                                   FREE! For Australian Searchlight BBS Sysops
                                        (c) Copyright 1994, Darren Crick. 
                                   Portions are Copyright Searchlight Software
menubar.zip    14111 08-05-2024 MenuBar             (c) Jim Davis  ---
                                Make menu-bars like Searchlight's from
                                DOS!  Handy for batch files, doors,
                                et cetera.  Very flexible.
                                   * * * * * FREEWARE * * * * *
msgsp100.zip   23084 08-05-2024 
oldel15.zip    28415 08-05-2024 OLDEL 1.5 - SLBBS Offline File Delete
                                New this version: Stack Error Fix.  This
                                program was written to clean up 
                                those nasty files that you have deleted over
                                the years. These files also 
                                appear when you do an import/upgrade on a
                                directory off CD-ROM (Mother of 
                                Invention).  These files will be marked with a
                                "*" and show up EVERYWHERE 
                                in you files listings after an UPDATE is run
                                either through DIRMAINT.EXE 
                                or your internal UPDATE in your Sysop Files
                                section.  Global-Tech 95'                     
onestop3.zip   44943 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>> OneStop v1.3 <<<<<<<<<<<
                                OneStop is a management utility for
                                use with the UTSMail system. It will
                                elliminate the need for you to edit
                                multiple text files every time you 
                                make changes to your echomail areas.
                                It will build your CHK4MSG.SL2, 
                                SLMB1.SL2, and *.SUB files from data
                                maintained in a small database.
                                For first time setup of UTSMail it   
                                will build your IMPORT and EXPORT
                                batch files.        by Wayne Robinson
                                $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ F R E E $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
ozwho110.zip   14009 08-05-2024 [---------------------------------------------
                                 OZWHO, Version 1.10! An AUSTRALIAN
                                 BBS WHO Command replacment! By Darren Crick!
                                 Shows how many nodes are available, who's
                                 and some basic  information on  each of them,
                                 also shows  some basic  information  on the
                                 who  is using the utility. Its Desqview aware
                                 that while waiting  to be returned to the BBS
                                 will give  up its clocks  ticks for  other
                                 helping  to speed  up other operations going
                                   FREE! For Australian Searchlight BBS Sysops
                                        (c) Copyright 1994, Darren Crick. 
                                   Portions are Copyright Searchlight Software
pdjump21.zip   24188 08-05-2024 PDJump replaces the Searchlight internal JUMP
                                command.  It displays the
                                subboard name, description, number of messages
                                 membership status, number
                                of new messages, and personal message status. 
                                The user selects a subboard 
                                to jump to with the arrow keys.  The user can
                                also JOIN and UNJOIN subboards
                                as well as CATCHUP or mark all messages as
                                read.  PDJump uses Searchlight's
                                internal communications support.  PDJump is
                                shareware and costs as little
                                as $20.
pdmail17.zip   22306 08-05-2024 PDMail v1.7 is used with SLBBS v4.0 and above.
                                 It exports mail messages 
                                addressed to an internet user and forwards
                                them to a UUCP gateway.  It is
                                extremely easy to use and is freeware.
pdrch17.zip    22004 08-05-2024 PDRoach imports the short and 
                                extended description of files 
                                received by Tick.  This version
                                uses one config file to operate
                                on all areas.  PDRoach also
                                posts an announcement in a
                                specified subboard. Now includes
                                a /nodelete option.
pdstat10.zip   19195 08-05-2024      PDStat is a handy utility to display the
                                information stored in the
                                SLBBS statistics log file, as well as the
                                caller log file, and the node
                                status file.  It has three display screens,
                                one associated with each file.
                                     The Main Screen displays six statistics
                                (Total Calls, New Messages
                                Posted, New Mail for Sysop, New Users, Files
                                Uploaded, and Files Downloaded)
                                in each of four categories (Activity since
                                midnight, Activity since Sysop's
                                last session, Activity since last global reset
                                 and Activity since
                                SLBBS v4.0 installation).  The global reset
                                section can be reset with the F5
                                     The Call Log Screen displays the last
                                nineteen callers (by the name
                                used to login with, alias or real), the date
                                of login, the time of login,
                                and the location of the caller.
                                     The Node Status Screen displays the first
                                nineteen nodes.  If a user is
                                logged in, PDStat displays the user's name and
                                their status (Entering
                                Messages, Downloading a File, Uploading a File
                                 etc.).  If there is no user
                                logged in, PDStat displays a waiting message.
prefer11.zip   14981 08-05-2024 Prefer 1.1      (c) Jim Davis
                                Searchlight command-line utility to
                                set user preferences like `pause
                                between msgs? (y/n/p)' and so forth.
                                Set language, internal protocols,
                                RIP font size, and preference
pullname.zip    7824 08-05-2024 PullName v1.4 - Pulls internet email
                                addresses from ascii text files. Great for
                                building mailing lists
                                from messages and email box files (MBX). Use
                                the mailing lists
                                yourself or sell them. CSWare 2/96.
qc22.zip      379498 08-05-2024 Quotes & Comments v2.2
                                Randomly displays 1 of over
                                8300 quotes or comments.
                                Requires DOS 3.3+ and Searchlight
                                3.5+. Shareware.
quotep10.zip   13139 08-05-2024 Quote Patrol v1.0
                                Quote Patrol will toggle the ability
                                to leave quotes based on a sysop
                                defined list of users!
qwkrk60.zip    49289 08-05-2024 
qwksl45.zip   166514 08-05-2024 QWK Mail Module for Searchlight BBS 4.5
                                New QWK mail door for Searchlight. Features
                                local/remote RIP
                                interface, full screen conference selection
                                and more. This
                                program is produced and supported by
                                Searchlight Software and
                                is free to current Searchlight customers.
                                Requires Searchlight
                                version 4.5 or later.
rampk21b.zip   55175 08-05-2024 RAMPACK v2.0 - Conference Optimizer.
                                -=RyanWare=- The ultimate subboard
                                optimization utility for Searchlight
                                BBS v2.15 and greater.
                                 Processes on RAM drive - increase speed 3x!
                                 Fully multi-tasking compliant.
                                 Multiple virtual windows for easy
                                  progresss monitoring.
                                 User interruptable w/menu.
                                 Detailed log with summary.
                                 Released to the public
random17.zip   14514 08-05-2024 RANDOMIZE - LOGIN, LOGOFF, OPENING, ETC.
                                RANDOM - 1.7 - Added 30 more menus able to be
                                cycled.  Tired of the same 
                                login, logoff, screens, menus and RIP
                                backgrounds?  Cycling them with a 
                                batch file?  This program will fix you right
                                up.  This will also deal with 
                                all the RIP "WALL's" that Searchlight 4.0
                                added so now the user does not 
                                have to see the same old CHATWALL or READWALL
                                every time they log in!  
                                Does so little so fast we made it FREE!  Enjoy
                                  Global-Tech Aug 95'
riu250.zip     93811 08-05-2024 RIP IT UP!-Load File Processor Ver 2.5 
                                Yes, a RIP based upload file processor for
                                Searchlight BBS's Only!  Use 
                                any archive format you wish, program your own
                                settings.  Auto detects YOUR 
                                BBS Name, User, Access Level, etc.  Plus, a
                                FILE_ID.DIZ REFORMATTER to 
                                fill the screen with the file description, RIP
                                II compliant, Upload Alarms,
                                Mails Users, Checks for both GIF and Archive
                                integrity.  Converts between 
                                formats, date testing, access level bypass,
                                and more.  Multi-Node capable, 
                                ANSI and MONO support too.  It does it ALL! 
                                Global-Tech Software Aug 95' 
sentry20.zip   25529 08-05-2024 Sentry Version 2.0
                                Eliminate problems with Profane Quotes and
                                users who continually leave them!  Provides
                                user with one warning - any repeated offenses
                                by that user result in their access being
                                lowered to your predefined access level
skyquest.zip   23110 08-05-2024 Collection of alternative question
                                files for Sky Mountain v. 1.10.
                                Provided free of charge by various
                                sysops and users.
sl4ato45.zip  672509 08-05-2024 Searchlight 4.0A to 4.5 Upgrade (Patch)
                                Patch file to upgrade your Searchlight BBS
                                system from version
                                4.0a to 4.5. Includes new RIPterm 2.0
                                Multimedia support, auto
                                RIP icon/object downloading, Fossil emulation,
                                expanded Activity
                                Logging, & more. This is a free upgrade!
sla121.zip    103181 08-05-2024 Searchlight Log Analyzer, 1.2
                                Reads the new SYSLOG.DBF Searchlight log file
                                and displays it in a form 
                                that is easy to follow.  Will even convert the
                                log file into the original
                                text log files used in versions 4.0 and below.
                                 Easy-to-use interface 
                                makes this program a dream to use for those
                                who wish to see specific 
                                information.  User-selected days to view, 9
                                primary display options, 5 
                                secondary (selected user) display options,
                                command-line options for creating 
                                original text file logs, and selected
                                individual node option.  
                                Requires Searchlight 4.5 or above.
slam18.zip     30684 08-05-2024 
slc110.zip     31533 08-05-2024 
slc260.zip     24911 08-05-2024 
slcall09.zip  101584 08-05-2024 
slexp100.zip   52082 08-05-2024    --    SLExpire version 1.00   --
                                The user expiration utility for SLBBS
                                This freeware program is designed to manage
                                your expiring user accounts in Searchlight
                                BBS quickly and efficiently.  You can
                                specify specific, separate actions for users
                                on different access levels.  It will allow
                                you to return people to any access level
                                when an account expires, delete the account,
                                or make no change whatsoever.  It has the
                                option to send notification messages based
                                upon several criteria.  SLExpire will
                                maintain a log file for easy review or bug
                                checks.  It will also optionally make a
                                report to any subboard and user.
                                  by Chris Ruvolo -- 1:2604/208
slgif201.zip   33704 08-05-2024 
slimp153.zip   59652 08-05-2024 Slim*Port (SL Import) v1.5.3 - RyanWare
                                 Upgrades file areas to SLBBS v3.5+
                                 ARC ARJ LZH PAK SDN SQZ ZIP & ZOO
                                 Uses DESC.SDI for short descriptions
                                 Uses FILE_DIZ for long descriptions
                                 Adds file transfer estimates
                                 Adds .GIF specifications
                                 Supports FILES.BBS imports
                                 Released to the public
sllogin.zip     9978 08-05-2024 
slmb1a.zip      6512 08-05-2024 
slmisc10.zip   71415 08-05-2024 SL miscellaneous utilites (package v1.0) -
                                Member List and Purge, Mail List and Purge,
                                and ALIAS.SL2 builder. Replaces MEMBUT21.ZIP,
                                ALIASBLD.ZIP, and MAILUTIL.ZIP. Member List
                                has been updated for Y2K. Freeware by William
slmon20.zip    18279 08-05-2024 SL node MONitor for Searchlight BBS
                                The latest version of SLMON, a 
                                Searchlight Node Monitor.  Runs under 
                                DESQview and monitors all active
                                nodes in a nice window using your
                                BBS defined colors.  New status  
                                screen and compiled with latest 
                                TPU's.  This program is free, 
                                contribution requested.
                                07-09-94     TJS      Version 2.00
slnote.zip     13301 08-05-2024 
slp104.zip     34403 08-05-2024 -----<< SL Post Office 1.04 >>-----
                                Now you can send mail to  any users
                                simply by access levels/attributes.
                                This makes it easy to send a single  
                                letter to all or  just some of your   
                                users.   This   version    includes 
                                support  for   more/less  than  400 
                                lines.   Also  reformats text  now.
                                Very useful utility.        SL 4.5+
                                Written by Aaron Erlandson
slpack45.zip   33299 08-05-2024 
slqd220.zip    45629 08-05-2024 
slqwk102.zip  140997 08-05-2024 
slsecure.zip   17289 08-05-2024 SLSecure v1.0 - Extra Security for SL!
                                SLSecure will install as a login autodoor to
                                your BBS and give you and your users an extra
                                level of security beyond their password! 
                                an excellent solution to any of your security
slstat_p.zip   15242 08-05-2024 
slusers.zip    24593 08-05-2024 SLUsers/SLUShow       (c) Jim Davis
                                Searchlight command-line utility to
                                extract user lists and format them
                                to text output.
                                                 * F R E E W A R E *
slv1zak.zip    28774 08-05-2024 
slview.zip     19483 08-05-2024 
sm_2dv110.zi       0 01-01-1980 A Searchlight specific door.  Based on a
                                king of the mountain concept.  Version 1.10
                                has many new features, including: Alias
                                support, split screen display, new spells,
                                new initiations, more commands, a new end
                                to the game, a game editor etc.  As well as
                                dozens of other suggestions from both
                                players and sysops.  Sky Mountain will run
                                anywhere that SL will, Digiboard, Equinox,
                                fossil, non-standard IRQ etc.  Very simple
                                to setup and run.  SM is DESQview, OS/2 and
                                Windows aware.
                                20$ Shareware registration.  Written by
                                Chris Ross 250:1000/1352 or 1:167/565
sm_2dv110.zip  170051 08-05-2024 A Searchlight specific door.  Based on a
                                king of the mountain concept.  Version 1.10
                                has many new features, including: Alias
                                support, split screen display, new spells,
                                new initiations, more commands, a new end
                                to the game, a game editor etc.  As well as
                                dozens of other suggestions from both
                                players and sysops.  Sky Mountain will run
                                anywhere that SL will, Digiboard, Equinox,
                                fossil, non-standard IRQ etc.  Very simple
                                to setup and run.  SM is DESQview, OS/2 and
                                Windows aware.
                                20$ Shareware registration.  Written by
                                Chris Ross 250:1000/1352 or 1:167/565
sm_v103.zip   180366 08-05-2024 Sky Mountain v1.03; Searchlight specific
                                Trivia door Game
statz410.zip   74160 08-05-2024 
syslog.zip    266614 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>> SYSLOG v1.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<
                                Viewer / Editor for Searchlight
                                BBS's new SYSLOG.DBF file. This will
                                let the sysop view the database in a
                                scrolling list box and edit any line
                                with a pop-up editor. Enjoy! 
                                                    by Wayne Robinson
                                $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ F R E E $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
tenbst11.zip   41903 08-05-2024 Online Door to display:
                                        TEN BEST DOWNLOADERS
                                        TEN BEST UPLOADERS
                                        TEN BEST CALLERS
                                        TEN BEST LEECHES
                                TEN BEST also displays the 
                                current user's information
                                for comparison.
                                Written Exclusively for
                                Searchlight BBS v3.x + and
                                will run on some earlier
tic2sl.zip      8806 08-05-2024 
timetr69.zip   36940 08-05-2024 Time Treasure vo.69 eta w/ RIP!
                                Now with RIP Graphics!  This great door
                                requires Searchlight 2.15 or
                                higher.  Users open treasure boxes and win or
                                lose time.  Sysop 
                                                       Another Production
                                                  NyteFyre Software
tv400.zip      37775 08-05-2024 Time Vault v4.0 For Searchlight BBS
                                Door program for Searchlight BBS
                                systems. Easy to install.. Has SL
                                "look and feel"! Withdraw & Deposit
                                functions completely configurable.
                                Optional transfer feature can be enabled.
                                Withdraws will not interfer with BBS
                                events. Colors come right from you BBS
                                color settings!  Multi-node compat.
ulist110.zip   16285 08-05-2024 [---------------------------------------------
                                 UserList, Version 1.10! An AUSTRALIAN
                                 BBS Text User Listing Utility! By Darren
                                 This  Utility  for the  Searchlight BBS 
                                 makes a  Text listing of  all your  system
                                 which  you or your  assistant  sysop may view
                                 you please!  FREE for Australian Searchlight
                                 Operators... for Searchlight v4.0 ONLY!
                                      (c) Copyright 1994, Darren Crick. 
                                 Portions are Copyright Searchlight Software
ulman210.zip  122088 08-05-2024 ----------------------------------------------
                                |       Upload Manager 2.1 upload processor   
                                   SPECIFICALLY for SEARCHLIGHT(tm) BBS
                                   Tests ZIP,ZOO,PAK,ARC,ARJ,LZH,GIF,SQZ,SDN's
                                 Integ testing, virus scanning, ZIP/ARJ
                                 archive conversion, multinode aware, imports
                                  descriptions, MORE!!!  Lots new in version 2
                                    VERY reasonable price with free upgrades!
                                    From Bayridge Software/Thomas F. Abraham
ustat100.zip   12493 08-05-2024 
utsmail2.zip   22641 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>> UTSMail v1.2 <<<<<<<<<<<<
                                Echomail optimization for Searchlight
                                BBS system.  Makes use of the error-
                                level drops from SLMail via a custom
                                "created on the fly" batch file. This
                                system insures that SLMail will only 
                                do work on a message area that has
                                work for it to do.  by Wayne Robinson
                                $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ F R E E $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
uum110.zip    139696 08-05-2024 Uumail Update to version 1.10
                                This is a minor update for Uumail that allows
                                you to use the
                                new conference and message size limits in
                                Searchlight 4.5. You
                                must be running Uumail version 1.04 and
                                Searchlight 4.5 to use
                                this patch.
valen170.zip  150198 08-05-2024 Valence 1.7 - Offline Mail System for SL:
                                A QWK mail door and network utility that
                                offers much more than Searchlight's internal
                                QWK. New in this version: More QWKE support;
                                more conferences; miscellaneous bug fixes.
                                For all versions of Searchlight BBS from
                                2.15C on. Freeware by William McBrine.
voted127.zip   35603 08-05-2024 Vote, Dangit! (1.27)   (c) Jim Davis
                                Yet another voting door. Supports
                                Searchlight color codes, command-line
                                driven, `add other' choice option.
                                `New-scan' switch for use as an auto-
                                door, customizable prompt, etc.  Now
                                much friendlier to DesqView and Irish!
warp2sl.zip   205473 08-05-2024 **** Warp2SL by Chris Herold ****
                                Instruction text for setting up 
                                Searchlight BBS under OS/2 Warp.  
                                This is an excellent walk through 
                                which contains, not only detailed 
                                instructions, but switch settings, 
                                a 16 bit Icon for Searchlight and a 
                                copy of Ray Gwynn's fossil driver 
                                for OS/2. This is invaluable for
                                any sysop running OS/2 warp.
warp9v20.zip   10628 08-05-2024 WARP 9 - The Premier Batch File Creator
                                This program is a must have for SL
                                Sysops who are tired of creating
                                import/export batch files for their
                                echos.  Cuts a half hour job down to
                                about five minutes.  FREE!

          Area 108 - Shopping and ordering Doors          

2tshop16.zip   52550 08-05-2024 2TSHOP v1.6 - a conversion program written 
                                specifically for the TeleShoppe(tm) online 
                                shopping door. 2TSHOP will convert your 
                                INGRAM MICRO, MERISEL or MICROBIZ database 
                                over to the TeleShoppe 2.13 format and allow
                                you to put literally thousands of items 
                                online instantly!. NOW COMBINE all your
                                databases into one with 2tshop!
as26.zip      169272 08-05-2024 AutoScribe 2.6 - Automated (Credit Card)
                                Subscription Door. Features configurable 
                                Credit Card selections, Accepts Visa/Master
                                Card/More. Auto Identifies type Instantly.
                                upgrades users security and expire date. 
                                User defined Invoices!. Supports up to 50 
                                different subscription levels. Support for
                                fossil and digiboards.
bbs900ra.zip  144582 08-05-2024 BBS900RA v1.0  For RemoteAccess SysOps
                                running either a "Pay Board" or if
                                you just want to accept contributions
                                from your callers.  This utility will
                                validate the Code numbers and update
                                the Callers Sec. Level, Exp. Date, Flags,
                                Group, and Credits.  This is an easy
                                way for your callers to make either
                                $10 or $25 contributions to your BBS.
bbsdd102.zip  224532 08-05-2024 BBS Dollars Direct 1.02, Door Takes/Processes
                                Checks Online!
                                Door for WildCat!, PC-Board, Remote Access,
                                PowerBBS, or any DOOR.SYS BBS.  Allows callers
                                electronically transfer funds from a checking
                                or savings
                                account online as payment for merchandise,
                                subscriptions, etc.  Fully automated.  Full
                                text logging
                                of all transactions.  Multi-node and DigiBoard
                                Transaction data can be sent automatically via
                                modem in an
                                event using a built in comm program.  All
                                processed by American Banking Systems
ccscrn.zip    140483 08-05-2024 
dccdv206.zip  245311 08-05-2024  Deluxe Credit Card Door V2.06 
                                Credit Card Processing as simple as
                                can be! Support for VISA, MC, AMEX,
                                DISCOVER, JCB, CARTE BLANCHE, &
                                DINERS CLUB; nonstandard com ports,
                                database interface, multi-language
                                prompts & files, and much more!
                                From: Jeff Jones / 4D Software
dccd_2dv3i.z       0 01-01-1980 Deluxe Credit Card Door 3.00i (BETA).
                                The best credit card processing door
                                ever available to PCBoard sysops!
                                Subscriptions, Products, Inventory,
                                Donations, and MORE!  Taxable
                                subscriptions finally added.
dccd_2dv3i.zip  467604 08-05-2024 Deluxe Credit Card Door 3.00i (BETA).
                                The best credit card processing door
                                ever available to PCBoard sysops!
                                Subscriptions, Products, Inventory,
                                Donations, and MORE!  Taxable
                                subscriptions finally added.
dd221.zip     174977 08-05-2024 ķ
                                 Dragon Door (Credit Card Door) Ver.2.21 
                                A Credit card door. Uses Dragon Business 
                                format.  Many changes and upgrades:      
                                Now has the ability to process electronic
                                transfers from Checking Accounts.        
                                Automaticaly verifies valid credit card #
                                was issued.                              
                                Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard  
                                Comport and IRQ's.                       
                                Programmer: William Rountree             
                                Release Date  04\18\95                   
dd330.zip     174772 08-05-2024 Dragon Door     (Credit Card Door) Ver.3.30
                                A Credit card door. Uses Dragon Business
                                format.  Many changes and upgrades: Accepts 
                                Discover, Updates users automatically,
                                Process Electronic Checks, Extended 
                                Descriptions, Automatic Print out of 
                                transactions ,configurable by days and
                                much much more!  Automaticaly verifies 
                                valid credit card # was issued. Uses 
                                DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard Comport 
                                and IRQ's. Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x and many 
                                others.  Release Date  06\15\95               
drmord18.zip  133849 08-05-2024 DreamORDERv1.8Ļ
                                  The ULTIMATE Online Catalog/Order   
                                 Let your users order your merchandise  
                                 online!  6 definable shipping methods, 
                                 takes creditcard numbers (definable),  
                                 calculates order totals, VERY flexable 
                                  setup!  Allows downloading of total   
                                   catalog.  Multi-Node compatable!     
                                   NOT CRIPPLED!!!  $10 Registration.   
                                    A MUST SEE !!   Read WHATS.NEW    
instd100.zip   90090 08-05-2024 *** INSTANT ACCESS 1.00 for DOS ***
                                This is a door to allow users to instantly
                                register on your bbs. The user calls a 900
                                number, recieves a code for $10 or $25 from
                                Audiotext Services, then calls back to your
                                bbs and enters code online in this door.
                                Bingo, he is registered and up-graded
                                automatically for that call even. No sysop
                                intervention is ever needed. EXCEPT to read
                                the instant.log file once in a while to
                                count up the money you've made. NO DEPOSITS,
                                NO CREDIT CHECKS on you. Just a check every
                                month to you for the # of users that
                                registered online with 1-900 INSTANT door.
ktshp231.zip  540939 08-05-2024 
mo_mallb.zip  144515 08-05-2024 Mail Order Mall V.1.0B - FREEWARE Another 
                                Mall door but built for the average
                                sysop/businessman in mind.  Uses mail in 
                                form rather then Credit Cards.  Has Seperate
                                Store editor for easy editing/sorting/
                                deleting.  Can add up Tax, Shipping and 
                                products ordered on a nice, easy to read 
                                form.  Supports PCBoard, WC!, RBBS and 
                                31-line Door.sys.  Fixes problem in 
                                calculating Tax, and other minor changes.
occps41.zip    20623 08-05-2024 ONLINE CREDIT CARD PROCESSING SYSTEM v4.1
                                OCCPS is a PPE program to allow online
                                registration processing via credit cards,
                                order products online, or optionally to
                                download a REGISTER.ZIP file for mail-in
                                registrations. Writes CHARGE.LOG file with
                                all the information needed to verify and
                                process credit card transactions.  Specify
                                your own security levels, term of sub-
                                scription, and which credit cards you accept.
                                Now compabible with Canadian registrations.
                                NOW ALLOWS FOR ORDERING PRODUCTS ALSO!!
                                Shareware from Hogard Software Solutions.
ocd101x.zip   115811 08-05-2024 On-line Checks Direct Door for RemoteAccess
                                ,ProBoard, GAP or any other DOOR.SYS BBS.
                                Accepts information from users that enables
                                sysop to process billing information with
                                American Banking Systems Corp.
                                Supports ASCII, ANSI and RIP graphics.
                                Fully interrupt driven, supports Fossils
                                DigiBoard and non-standard comports as
                                well as normal com ports up to 115,200!
                                Another fine CalypsoWare product.
oeb121.zip    255826 08-05-2024 OEB v1.21, Sales Door w/electronic checks!
                                Users can use their bank accounts to make
                                online purchases.  Door for any DOOR.SYS
                                BBS, allows callers to make purchases from
                                an online catalog and pay electronically
                                with their checking account and credit
                                cards.  Unlimited catalog size with
                                downloadable photographs and information.
                                Fully automated, full text logging,
                                multi-node aware, DigiBoard, FOSSIL, and
                                non-standard com support.  Automated
                                communications program to transfer
                                transaction data to processing center 
                                via modem.
                                Shareware: $20 by tim.rider@ibsabbs.com
olcat.zip     254336 08-05-2024 
onlinv13.zip  169303 08-05-2024  The Online Order System   v1.3
                                Now FULLY MULTINODE!  Online Credit Card 
                                Door for use with Online Financial 
                                Services in Deluth, GA.  Configure up 
                                to 9 different categories with unlimited 
                                items in each category.  Accepts and 
                                validates VISA, MASTERCARD & AMERICAN 
                                EXPRESS.  Automatically creates OFS.CHG 
                                file for OFS.  Allows user to DOWNLOAD 
                                their receipt while online via ZMODEM.  
                                Also, creates an ANSI display bulletin 
                                to notify Sysop that an order has been
                                made.  Supports DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF,
                                SFDOORS.DAT, PCBOARD.SYS & CALLINFO.BBS.
                                Bauds to 115,200 and Fossil Driver
                                support as well. 
                                (C)1996, 1997 Lounge Software
order18a.zip  111712 08-05-2024 DreamORDER v1.8 * Atlantis Software
                                The ULTIMATE Online Catalog/Order Door!
                                Let your users order your merchandise
                                online!  6 definable shipping methods,
                                takes creditcard numbers (definable),
                                calculates order totals, VERY flexable
                                setup!  Allows downloading of total
                                catalog.  Multi-Node compatable!
                                NOT CRIPPLED!!!  $10 Registration.
orderdor.zip  145260 08-05-2024 
osd23.zip      36331 08-05-2024 The Online Shopping Door v2.3
osmv1_2.zip    95723 08-05-2024 ONLINE SWAP MEET - BBS "For Sale" Door! V1.2
                                An AWESOME DOOR For "Any" BBS system...
                                There Are 16 very well known categories!!!
                                Users can LIST, ADD, UPDATE, SEARCH, DELETE,
                                and EDIT their entries! Awesome ANSI graphics
                                and Unique Item listings, and it is NOT
                                in any way.  There are NO KEYS or expirations
                                of any kind! OSM is compatible with the most
                                popular door data file formats: GAP, WWIV, 
                                WILDCAT, TRIBBS, RBBS, SPITFIRE, and PCBOARD!
                                Your users will love it - Mine do!!!
                                AUTHOR: Tracy McClarnon
                                CASTLE KEEP (SUPPORT) BBS: 402-292-0789
pbt_100.zip   107037 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 PBBSTABS Version 1.00 
                                 Best TABS registration handling
                                 door around. Most BBS systems aware.
                                 Allows 10 different access level
                                 upgrades, support both $10 and $25
                                 options offered by TABS.
                                    Released on Jan 26, 1995
qt221.zip      50607 08-05-2024 
sad104a.zip    36613 08-05-2024 Spots Advertisements 1.04a
                                Pottsware by Simeon Potts, 1997
                                A simple, sophisticated, Ansi,
                                Classified Ads door program.  
                                4 to 8 Categories, 50 ads each.
                                With configurable days to keep ads.
sbrain.zip    182025 08-05-2024 SHOP MASTER CREDIT CARD ORDER DOOR; Let your
                                callers order products or obtain BBS
                                subscriptions online by credit card.
                                Instantly changes level and expiration date
                                to sysop determined levels for GAP and
                                PCBoard. Stores ordering information in sysop
                                defined file. Can process orders online with
                                TelePC. Very configurable.
sellem12.zip   73935 08-05-2024 
sellit95.zip  371753 08-05-2024 Sellit On-Line WB.95
                                  Wide Beta .95
                                Sellit On-Line is an InterBBS
                                Advertizing door that alows your
                                users to read and post Ads on
                                other BBS's and your own!
                                Great LC Features make it Run
                                With out intervention.
                                Shareware from VagaBond Software
sfonp10.zip   132959 08-05-2024 -= SF ON-LINE PURCHASE Version 1.00.3 =-
                                Sister door of ON-LINE PURCHASE especially
                                made for the SPITFIRE BBS.
                                A purchase door for use with Dragon Business 
                                Systems, Inc.  It will allow the use of
                                checking and credit cards. Very configurable
                                and will allow for a number of options such 
                                as: On-line receipt, shelling to external 
                                programs and more.  Author will also create 
                                a custom version just for you if desired.  
                                Try this out! A MORONIHAH BBS product.
shop135b.zip  804612 08-05-2024 - Extremely Sysop and user friendly.
                                - Separate vendors and/or 'stores' supported
                                with one install
                                - Online electronic banking, including
                                checking, Visa, MasterCard with
                                  sysop-configurable callouts for automatic
                                - All electronic transactions handled via one
                                online transaction service.
                                - Send email that includes invoice to Sysop
                                and purchaser upon purchase
                                  or other third party upon purchase.
                                - Adjust exemption, restriction, flags,
                                security level and user expiration.
shop220c.zip  110375 08-05-2024 Domain Shopper v2.20c (UNREGISTERED)
                                An online catalog ordering system for
                                Synchronet BBS systems.  Users can order
                                products ONLINE using their major credit
                                cards.  Up to 99 catalogs of up to
                                10,000 products each.
shop400.zip   656927 08-05-2024 SHOPDOOR v4.00
                                The Ultimate TeleShopping-Door for Firms,
                                Sponsors, Sysops and Registration-Sites!
                                * Multi-BBS system Compatible Door
                                  All versions of: RemoteAccess, WILDCAT,
                                  PROBOARD, SBBS, ROBO, EZYCOM, TRIBBS,
                                  MAXIMUS, PCBOARD, CONCORD and LORA.
                                * Multi-Messagebase Compatible Door
                                * Multi-language: Dutch,English,German,
                                  Chinese and Polish.
                                * ANSI & RIP Support !!!
                                * DBASE-III/IV-compatible Database inside
                                * User Statistics, User Database
                                * Database Pricelist-Generator
                                * Database Picklist-Order system
                                * Database Picture-files download option
                                * Authorize CreditCard & FAX Support
                                * Network, Echomail & Netmail Support
shopper.zip    96907 08-05-2024 Online Shopper DEMO.  External Shopping &
                                Ordering Door
                                Easy for users to use. You can set up your own
                                payment methods and
                                shipping methods for your users to select from
                                  Users can browse
                                your products and order.  Once registered will
                                create an invoice
                                for each order placed.  Extremely User
                                Friendly.  Your users will
                                have no problem figuring out this one...
shpdor20.zip  119716 08-05-2024 
shpdr10.zip    48455 08-05-2024 
smart011.zip   15189 08-05-2024 SmegMart v1.1 The BEST Online Buy & Sell
                                Program Available
                                - Easy Installation                           
                                - 100% Baja & Synchronet Specific
                                - Up To 99 Areas For Total Buying And Selling
                                - Automagic Custom Menus
                                - Configurable Ad Deletion By Age
                                - Warns Users Of Impending Ad Deletion
                                - Posts New Ads To A Message Area To Share Ad
                                - Case Insensitive Text Searches
                                - New Scan Of Current Area Or All Areas
spcad100.zip  144224 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                       ڿڿڿڿڿڿ ڿڿڿ       
                                 V 1.0 ô   ô V 1.0 
                                       Classified Ads Door       
                                  Unique adverts area feature   
                                   first for a classified ads    
                                   door !                        
                                  Full screen ansi display      
                                  VERY easy to setup and        
                                  Totally User Friendly         
                                  Expire/Modify/Delete + more ! 
                                Ĵ(c) Spaced OUT Softwareͼ
splus21.zip   240096 08-05-2024 SHOPKEEPER+ v2.1 5/93- Sell services/products
                                on your BBS: PATRON MEMBERSHIPS, CD's, gifts.
                                Credit card verification (if accepted), mail
                                in orders, automatic invoice generation.
                                Comes with merchandise in standard DBF format
                                ready to sell- no inventory, no investment!
                                PCB,RBBS,WILDCAT,DOOR.SYS Comp. SHAREWARE.
ssd30.zip      40324 08-05-2024 
storex47.zip  117846 08-05-2024 V4.7 of LiveStore allows you
                                to turn shipping prompts on/off
                                credit card on/off. Supports all
                                Fossil Drivers. Utility to create
                                TXT files for ordering ease. It
                                is multi/node/bbs, handles com-
                                ports (0-15). BPS to 115K. Great
                                Online Product Sales door NO ANSI
                                error corrected.
storex50.zip  152874 08-05-2024 LiveStore v5.0 allows you to turn
                                shipping prompts on/off, credit 
                                card on/off. Supports all Fossil
                                Drivers. Utility to create TXT
                                files for ordering ease. It is
                                multi/node/bbs, handles com-ports
                                (0-15). BPS to 115K. Great Online
                                Product Sales door. One of the
                                Livewire Collection of doors.
swap30.zip     85046 08-05-2024 
synoeb12.zip  392859 08-05-2024 SynOEB 1.2c - Take Checks online for
                                merchandise/services(C)1995 21st Century
                                Automatically Processes and uploads
                                transactions to the processing center VIA
                                QWK Network Callout Event.Forwards
                                receipt to the user and SYSOP.Archives
                                transactions and creates a FULL Log of
                                all activity.Can be used with BAJA(TM)
                                Checks are processed within 24-48hrs!
                                UPDATED with the NEW SDK! NEW FEATURES!!!
                                BUNDLED WITH SUBCHEK!!! Includes version
                                for Canadian Sysops.
syseob10.zip    2116 08-05-2024 
tabsra21.zip  108262 08-05-2024 TabsRA v2.01  For RemoteAccess SysOps
                                running either a "Pay Board" or if
                                you just want to accept contributions
                                from your callers.  This utility will
                                validate the Tabs SID and update the
                                Callers Sec. Level, Exp. Date, Flags,
                                Group, and Credits.  This is an easy
                                way for your callers to make either
                                $10 or $25 contributions to your BBS.
                                Over 125 copies sold to RA SysOps who
                                are enjoying the extra income provided
                                by TABS contributions.  This release
                                is a MAJOR revision to TabsRA.
thuds21.zip    78637 08-05-2024 Ĵ The Ultimate Donation System v2.1 Ŀ
                                 BBS Door for accepting on-line donations 
                                 to become a contributing member of YOUR  
                                 BBS! Accepts Major Credit Cards! Highly  
                                 Configurable!   Supports PCBoard 12.0 -  
                                 14.5, Wildcat!, DOOR.SYS & DORINFOx.DEF  
                                 System Files. By: SDP SoftWare Systems   
tol20a.zip     60980 08-05-2024 TABS Online 2.0a - Let users
                                subscribe to your BBS using the
                                TABS 900 Service by True Media!
                                Features include $10 and $25 
                                support, subscription expiration
                                date support, hacker detection
                                and lockout, private file & msg
                                area support, and more!  This is
                                the BEST TRIBBS-BASED 900 DOOR
                                you will find!  Req. TriBBS 5.x.
tshop213.zip  368150 08-05-2024 ͻ             THE BEST ONLINE   .
                                Ŀ               STORE EVER!     .
                                Ŀ  ٰ                               .
                                   eleshoppe!                    .
                                ٰ   v2.13                       .
                                ͼ                               .
                                The most complete on-line store available
                                for all BBS types. Sell your items online
                                without effort. TeleShoppe features an
                                excellent dbase manager, Configurable
                                screens, Extended descriptions, Shipping, 
                                Break Pts, Search and more! TSHOP uses a 
                                TRUE database and not text files! From 
                                Compu-Doc Consulting! Simply the BEST!
vcc115.zip    102641 08-05-2024 ****************************************
                                * VIP*Charge Card Door for BBS * v1.15 * 
                                --Make money $$$ Accept MasterCard/Visa
                                --BBS SysOps receive monthly $$checks$$ 
                                --Quick EZ setup for automated operation
                                --Fully configurable screens and menus
                                --Supports extended product descriptions
                                --New User Trial Subscription Utility
                                --DOOR.SYS and PCBOARD.SYS compatible
                                Professional BBS SysOp service uses the 
                                VIP*Computer Services merchant account..
                                ** Charge card transactions processed **
                                **  by a Certified Public Accountant  **
                                Revised: 01-15-95  Original VIP*Software
vma106.zip     94370 08-05-2024 ****************************************
                                * VIP*Merchant Charge Card Door  v1.06 *
                                --Charge Card Door for SysOps with their
                                  own MasterCard/Visa Merchant Account
                                --Now configs to accept Amex & Discover
                                --Quick EZ setup for automated operation
                                --Fully configurable screens and menus
                                  for up to 120 products and services
                                --Supports extended product descriptions
                                --New User Trial Subscription Utility
                                --DOOR.SYS and PCBOARD.SYS compatible
                                Revised: 02-03-95  Original VIP*Software

                 Area 109 - Spitfire Utils                

achat100.zip   28662 08-05-2024 ANSI Chatroom For SpitFire BBS's
alfv10.zip     31006 08-05-2024 Make Headers For Your SFFILES.BBS
alma1.zip      73671 08-05-2024          -=-= ALMA 1.0 =-=-     
                                ALMA (ALL LMR MESSAGE ANALYZER) is a 
                                SFMSG[x].LMR Analyzer. It will read 
                                each SFMSG[x].LMR and determine how 
                                many messages have been read by the users 
                                of your BBS.  This information could be 
                                very useful to the Sysop in many ways.  By 
                                using ALMA regularly you'll always know 
                                which conferences your users are reading 
                                and those they are not.  You'll also know 
                                WHO is reading messages and how many.  
                                Unwanted or Unnecessary conferences could 
                                be a thing of the past...and could leave
                                more money in your pocket for you!
                                A product of The MORONIHAH BBS The most 
                                current copy of ALMA is FREQ'able under 
                                the name ALMA from FIDO 1:3657/5 (The
                                MORONIHAH BBS) or by calling: 
                                (205) 238-1246.  SHAREWARE and only 
                                $5.00 to REGISTER!
atmsg221.zip   54054 08-05-2024 Auto Message For Spitfire BBS!  by David Ray
automsg.zip    57206 08-05-2024 Leave A Message For The Next Caller In SF
bat4sffd.zip   50764 08-05-2024  BAT4SFFD.ZIP ͻ
                                 Complete .BAT files for setting   
                                 up Spitfire to run with Frontdoor.
                                 Included - RUNFD.BAT,EXEBBS.BAT,  
                                 FDNODE.CTL for FD, XLATLIST for   
                                 merging Nodediffs, AMAIL.CFG and  
                                 AREAS.BBS samples for AlexiMail,  
                                  a .DVP file for DESQView and a   
                                 complete down-to-earth HELP FILE  
                                    FOR running FDSETUP.EXE.       
                                     ALL files are used on         
                                       ~In The Wind~ BBS           
                                     Fidonet  -  1:2604/404        
                                      SFNet   -   A0201000         
bbseom11.zip   39984 08-05-2024 ***** BBSEOM.EXE v1.1 ******
                                End Of The Month Utility for
                                Spitfire BBS.  Efficient and
                                highly configurable!   FREE!
bcsuti14.zip   40884 08-05-2024 [ BCSUTI v1.4 ]͸
                                 Universal Text Interface for SPITFIRE 
                                [ Buffalo Creek Software ];
bdgift25.zip   37619 08-05-2024 ) Birthday Gift 2.5 For Spitfire (͸
                                Give Your Users The Gift Of Extra Time
                                On Their Birthday!  Many Features!    
bfnews24.zip   25846 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                -= BLUE FORCE NEWSLETTER MAKER - V2.4 =- 
                                 All NEW CODE!  This is the BEST EVER... 
                                 newsletter maker for SPITFIRE to date!! 
                                 Supports 14 lines of text and features: 
                                 Overwrite, Append, View, Edit, and WORD 
                                 WRAPPING!  Sysop Configurable Colors if 
                                 registered!  This is so easy to use you 
                                 just won't beleive it!  No need for the 
                                 external editor, it's built in! Creates 
                                 the ANSI & ASCII Newsletters or make it 
                                 a bulletin, welcome screen or whatever! 
                                 12-95                       *SHAREWARE* 
bfsi2.zip      16577 08-05-2024 [ Bear Facts System Information v2.0 ]
                                  Very Informative System Information 
                                  display file generator for Spitfire 
                                  BBS's.  Makes ALL.BBS and ALL.CLR   
                                  with your BBS's system information. 
                                  Has chat availability, total calls, 
                                  last caller, current baud rate and  
                                  much, much more!  ** FREEWARE!! **  
                                [ From J.A.M. Entertainment SoftWare ]
bfstat27.zip   40399 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  BFSTAT - v2.7     For Spitfire v3.51  
                                 UPDATED CODE!  Supports unlimited CD-Rom 
                                 drives, 8 nodes and 10 baud rates! Makes 
                                 1 to 4 bulletins of your choice!  Simple 
                                 to use!  Sysop configurable colors when  
                                 registered! Runs as an event! Super FAST 
                                 pascal code!   A "MUST" for the SPITFIRE 
                                 Sysop!   Registration is QUICK and EASY! 
                                 Direct from the Blue Force BBS!          
                                 02-96 (MAJOR UPDATE)       * SHAREWARE * 
binkspit.zip   22644 08-05-2024 How to run Binky with Spitfire
                                includes sample .cfg & BAT files
callstat.zip   10515 08-05-2024 SF Util: Displays The Last Callers
calpro3r.zip   89617 08-05-2024 
cchead.zip     23941 08-05-2024 CCHEAD is written in Turbo Pascal,(C)
                                Borland International Inc, version
                                6.0. by Darrell Carson. It was written 
                                as a File Helper for myself to create a 
                                simple "Header" for the File Areas on 
                                my Spitfire BBS.
cdromcfg.zip  216363 08-05-2024 EZ-ROM & SF-ROM CD-ROM Door Config Files
                                for 104 different CD-ROM disks. Menus too.
                                Night Owl, Pier, So Much Shareware, others.
                                Compiled and edited by Mike Robinson.
change10.zip   71062 08-05-2024  TIME TO CHANGE V1.0  SF 3.x Ŀ
                                   fast and eazy way to rotate your  
                                WELCOME1/GOODBYE screens  *JTsoft*   
chkbat30.zip    7825 08-05-2024 Help with SpitFire's SFCHKUP Utility.
                                This is a group of tested .bat files
                                that you can tailor to your BBS.
chkup95.zip     2411 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                 If You Got A Problem Running Sfchkup     
                                 In Windows 95 Download This Text File    
                                 XMS Memory Info..                        
                                 And Some Other Fixes I ran across        
                                 Uploaded By: Jeff Moore  (Remote Sysop)  
                                 TeleTech BBS                             
                                              Detroit Mi                  
chkupbat.zip    3109 08-05-2024 ***** ATTENTION Spitfire Sysops *****
                                If you aren't using SFCHKUP to scan your
                                uploads, (and you TRIED) it is most
                                likely because you couldn't get the
                                CHKUP.BAT file configured properly.
                                Here is your answer! THIS ONE WORKS!!!
                                I've been using it for over two years,
                                and it has been the solution for many
                                other SF sysops. It uses four different
                                anti-virus utilities (not included) that
                                can be found on most local BBS's, to keep
                                your board safe from virus destruction!
                                SFCHKUP is the BEST upload scanner for
                                Spitfire. Don't let a batch file stand
                                in the way of using this great utility!
                                GET THIS FILE NOW!
                                FREEWARE from John Partipilo
                                The LYONS Den (708) 442-8117
ck4pst11.zip  110922 08-05-2024 A Spitfire utility designed to screen callers
                                who call, repeatedly and succesively.  This
                                program scans the current caller's data,
                                compares it to the previous caller, analyzes
                                and if the caller meets the .CFG criteria,
                                dumps him/her.  Spitfire Utility Arrowhead
                                Analysis - CK4PEST V1.1 (non-beta)
crsh_1.zip      3544 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                SPITFIRE Crash Recovery
                                   Version 1.0         
                                Is A Utility That Will 
                                Help Prevent The Board 
                                Being "Hung".          
                                Flipside\Ambrosia BBs  
cwsfmod.zip    74152 08-05-2024 Cornerware Spitfire Modules v1.0
                                A collection of 12 executables (Modules)
                                which can govern the behavior of your
                                Spitfire BBS.  *FREEWARE*
cwstat28.zip   32987 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  CWSTAT - v2.8     For Spitfire v3.51  
                                 *NEW AUTHOR*  Formerly Known As BFSTAT!  
                                 UPDATED CODE!  Supports unlimited CD-Rom 
                                 drives, 8 nodes and 10 baud rates! Makes 
                                 1 to 4 bulletins of your choice!  Simple 
                                 to use!  Sysop configurable colors when  
                                 registered! Runs as an event! Super FAST 
                                 pascal code!   A "MUST" for the SPITFIRE 
                                 Sysop!                     * SHAREWARE * 
dcbchkup.zip    8611 08-05-2024 Sample CHKUP.BAT File For Use With
                                SFCHKUP! From The Dark Corner BBS.
                                Converts Uploads To ZIPS, Converts
                                Old Zips To New Version. Scans!
delxcept.zip    3719 08-05-2024 DELXCEPT
                                Version 1.0
                                Copyright (C) by Mike Woltz, 1991
                                Buffalo Creek Software
                                DELXCEPT is a utility written by 
                                Mike Woltz, author of SPITFIRE
                                Bulletin Board System.  DELXCEPT 
                                is a utility that will provides
                                a unique option for deleting files.  
                                DELXCEPT will delete all
                                files except those specified on the 
                                command line parameter.
dir2sf10.zip   15891 08-05-2024 DIR2SF Version 1.0. Utility designed to
                                convert PCBoard/FILES.BBS listings to
                                Spitfire one-line format. Works great
                                for converting CD-ROM listings! FREE!!
dirfiles.zip  104788 08-05-2024 DIRFILES v1.3 - Create an ASCII file
                                listing in any directory!  Great for
                                Fido Freqs! FREEWARE for SPITFIRE!
                                By: Excalibar Software (c) 1995
disclscr.zip    3828 08-05-2024 DISCLAIMER SCREENS v1.0 Some screens from the
                                Wall Public BBS.  These are general purpose
                                disclaimer screens for uploads, log-on, and
dogf207b.zip  103364 08-05-2024 DOGFIGHT was written to enable Spitfire
                                sysops to import/export FIDO
                                messages to and from the Spitfire message 
doork10.zip    46914 08-05-2024 Door/Menu Extension Program For BBS's
doorman.zip    31456 08-05-2024 Door Man for Spitfire a door menu extension
                                program for Spitfire
drmnu10.zip    14907 08-05-2024 DoorMenuMaker v1.00 - A freeware utility for 
                                Spitfire BBS's that automatically makes 
                                SFDRXXX.BBS/CLR menus based on data in the 
                                DAILYLMT.DAT and SFDOOR.MNU files. Easy to 
                                install with configuration file of only 
                                three lines. Documentation and sample .CLR 
                                and .BBS screens included.
dstats20.zip   23616 08-05-2024  Deluxe Statistics v2.00 
                                Will easily create eight (yes, 8!) colorful
                                statistical screens for SpitFire BBS v3.3!!
                                Statistics, Usage grahps, Top 15 Users etc.
dtrak16.zip    14148 08-05-2024 Program Description:
                                This program will generate a 
                                bulletin for you letting you and 
                                your callers know how many times 
                                your doors are played.
ecns13.zip     23838 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                SF v3.51    -= ECNS - v1.3 =-   SF v3.51
                                   ERROR CORRECTION NOTIFICATION SYSTEM   
                                 This utility will let a caller know that 
                                 Error Correction was not detected during 
                                 logon to your BBS. Some users just don't 
                                 realize the importance of this feature & 
                                 that it should always be enabled for BBS 
                                 use.  Designed for SPITFIRE v3.51!  This 
                                 will NOT work on other BBS software!  It 
                                 is designed for Spitfire ONLY!   Another 
                                 find utility from Brian Leiter!  This is 
                                 released as FREEWARE so enjoy it!        
                                 01-96                         *FREEWARE  
esko_bbs.zip   62086 08-05-2024 ESKO_BBS.ZIP - 106 high quality ANSI display 
                                screens from the premier SPITFIRE board in 
                                Northern Minnesota: The Esko Bulletin Board, 
                                218-879-9466, 14.400 bps, Esko, MN, Paul 
                                Thvedt, Sysop. Netmail: SFNET Node_ID 
                                A0715002. Internet: eskobbs@aol.com.
falldel.zip    51920 08-05-2024  *************FALLDEL*****************
                                 *  This will delete what you do     * * * * 
                                 * not need in the c:\sf (dir).      *   *   
                                 * this not delete the important     * J * 2 
                                 * stuff.I know what`s important     * A * 2 
                                 * and what is not.this will (del)   * N * , 
                                 * all (doc,zip,txt,bbs,rip,clr)this * U * 1 
                                 * will only delete the stuff in the * A * 9 
                                 * c:\sf this will not do in any of  * R * 9 
                                 * the (dir) in your c:\sf.this will * R * 6 
                                 * not mess up anything.             * Y *   
                                 *************************************   *   
                                       *  Made By Falling star software  *   
                                             *   Created By Scott Defibaugh  
fnpack.zip     27631 08-05-2024 
fs_20.zip      20017 08-05-2024 FILESTAT v2.0  SFFILES.BBS Utility for
                                SF 3.5+. Appends File Descriptions With
                                Number of Files Inside Each ZIP/ARJ File,
                                Oldest & Newest File Dates Based On Date
                                Of Actual Files Inside the Archive. Does
                                NOT Use the Archive Date Itself!
jethints.zip    2947 08-05-2024 Hints on installing JetMail, the QWK Mail 
                                door for Spitfire
last10id.zip   11045 08-05-2024 PURPOSE To display the last ten callers
                                and thier phone numbers for verification
                                with caller ID. Silly how these callers
                                think they are hidding behind thier
                                computers when they lie about thier
                                phone numbers isn't it. Some callers
                                although do have a separate line for
                                their computer than their voice line so
                                some will vary - but there are some
                                idiots out there! Even if you don't have
                                call ID this program can be used to just
                                display the last ten callers on screen
                                after log-offs. This program was wrote
                                for Spitfire BBS software but you may be
                                able to configure it for others.
last1210.zip   11335 08-05-2024 
loclstat.zip    8109 08-05-2024 LOCLSTAT
                                This program was written by Bill 
                                Arlofski of Reverse Polarity BBS
                                because when I first installed 
                                FrontDoor I found that I could no
                                longer use the F5 key of SpitFire 
                                to see the stats. LOCLSTAT is for 
                                use for those of you who are using 
                                FrontDoor and miss SpitFires F5 
                                (stat key).
mksffbbs.zip   17506 08-05-2024 SpitFire Utility To Generate File Listings
mqm.zip        35442 08-05-2024 
msffiles.zip   30396 08-05-2024 ************** MSFFILES V3.10 *************
                                   Create or append to sffiles.bbs.  Add   
                                   files found in the download directory   
                                 but not in the sffiles.bbs!  Will extract 
                                  the FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI from ARJ or  
                                    ZIP and will put the GIF resolution    
                                   in the first line of the description!   
                                   ****** $2.00 ****** from T&T Software   
                                *************** NOT CRIPPLED **************
mybats.zip     18337 08-05-2024 
                                I hope this file will be of some help for 
                                those of you running a
                                SPITFIRE BBS! You will notice a command that 
                                might be alien to you
                                in some of these batch files. It's the CDD. 
                                Or Change Drive and Directory.
                                I use 4DOS instead of COMMAND.COM and this is
                                a command that is useful
                                only to 4DOS. Use your standard change drive 
                                in place of this one. In other 
                                words, state the drive letter on one line then
                                change to it on the next.
nwsmkr10.zip   11350 08-05-2024 NewsMaker v1.0 - A Freeware newsletter 
                                creator for the Spitfire Bulletin Board 
                                system. Creates both .CLR and .BBS files 
                                using ordinary ASCII text file as input. 
                                Makes colorful "computer print-out" style of 
                                newsletter with BBS name and sysop name 
                                included. Easy to install. Comes with full 
pbsflst1.zip   64695 08-05-2024 PBSFLST1.ZIP = SFBBSLST.EXE This Is The
                                Spitfire Registerd Public Bulletin Boards
                                List From BCS. File Date 03-19-96. It
                                Is Our Hope That You Will Find This 
                                File Usefull Locating The Other 
                                Registerd SpitFire BBS's. Print, Find
                                Go To Line #, BookMark, Virus Self Chk.
rbbs_sf.zip    12655 08-05-2024 (v1.4) Converts RBBS v16.0 - v17.4 Users
                                File To SPITFIRE v3.? SFUSERS.DAT
register.txt    2132 08-05-2024 
scmenu.zip     54200 08-05-2024 --==<>==--
                                These are the Menu, Welcome,
                                Goodbye, and misc, display
                                screens off of Shadow City 
                                BBS.  For use with Spitfire
                                or any other BBS system.
                                --==<< 616-695-0758 >>==-- 
sf10c1_1.zip   21426 08-05-2024 ɵSF10Calls v1.1x --  SF Last 10 Callsƻ
                                 This program will display your  last 
                                 10 Spitfire  calls!   It  also  will 
                                 rename your CALLERS.LOG and  SFNEWU. 
                                 REP files each month!  Great  ASCII/ 
                                 ANSI/RIP screen graphics.            
                                 *FREE PROGRAM*         FOR SPITFIRE! 
                                ͵Copr. 1995 by SHARE-IT Software!ͼ
sf2html.zip     8720 08-05-2024 SFFILES.BBS to HTML conversion HELP TEXT
                                Text file explaing how to use BBS2HTML.ZIP
                                to convert sffiles into the HTML format.
                                Includes sample files, and the WRAPPER
                                utility needed to make it all work.
                                PUT YOUR SF FILES UP ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB
sf93news.zip   56876 08-05-2024 SPITFIRE Monthly Support Newsletters
                                  for registered SPITFIRE Sysops!
                                       01-1993 through 05-1993
                                Compliments of BUFFALO CREEK SOFTWARE
sfadsum1.zip   48806 08-05-2024 
sfallfix.zip   14311 08-05-2024 *********** Sfallfix Version 1.10 **********
                                 Allfix FILES.BBS to SFFILES.BBS Converter!
                                 Takes the SFFILES like FILES.BBS that
                                    Allfix Creates and Converts it to a 
                                   Spitfire SFFILES.BBS, Then Removes the
                                  ***** Freeware - from T&T Software *****  
sfame150.zip  249910 08-05-2024 ======== SFAME v1.5 =========
                                SF Full Screen Message Editor
                                Supports 30000+ conferences,
                                Aliases, QWK Packets, Doors,
                                File Attaches, Logon Scan,
                                Spell Checker, Address Books,
                                SF @ Macros, SFCALLER support.
sfanyday.zip   15202 08-05-2024 ************** SFANYDAY V1.00 **************
                                Will Copy Screens For a Certain Date Over to
                                Screens That You Specify On That Date!  Will
                                Support Upto Three Files (ANSI/ASCII/RIP)!  
sfatm210.zip   60133 08-05-2024 Spitfire ATM 2.10/RIP, The best Time Bank for
                                SPITFIRE keeps on improving!  Fully SF3.4 RIP
                                supported, Basic Time & Byte Bank.  Amazingly
                                low $8 registration gives you Investments,
                                Group Accounts, Full Lotto Access, Complete
                                Usage Logging, ATMEDIT 2.0, and NOW a full
                                SLOT MACHINE!  Easy to set up!  Give your
                                users the BEST, give them SFATM.
sfbatch.zip    11930 08-05-2024 ************* SFBATCH V1.00 ****************
                                Will read Sffiles.dat and create a batch 
                                file to delete sffiles.bak files or rename
                                them to sffiles.bbs in every file area!
sfbimode.zip    2121 08-05-2024 
sfbul410.zip  102438 08-05-2024 *************** SFBULLS V4.10 **************
                                 Spitfire Bulletin Creator, Reads from logs 
                                 and Data Files to make any of 7 bulletins: 
                                 New Users, Uploads, CircuitNet Statistics, 
                                 Users Birthdays, Last 10 Users, Downloads, 
                                 & Statistics.  Totally User Configurable!  
                                 Only $1.00 to Register! From T&T Software! 
                                *************** NOT CRIPPLED ***************
sfcat20.zip    39061 08-05-2024 
                                 CATCHEM 2.0   (c) 1992 Mike Robinson
                                catch them sneaky users."        (___) 
                                                                    U  ACK! 
                                Catchem 2.0 is a Spitfire 3.1 (and 3.0) 
                                utility to display sorted user list files. 
                                The idea is to display this information so 
                                that you can easily observe patterns and 
                                weed out duplicate or bogus users. Even 
                                though a birth date, phone number or 
                                password may not be exactly the same for 2 
                                users, they may be close enough to arouse 
sfchkup.zip    18145 08-05-2024 [ SFCHKUP v3.2 ]͸
                                  * SPITFIRE BBS Utility From BCS * 
                                  Use To Test Integrity Of Uploads  
                                    For Use With SPITFIRE v3.51     
                                [ Buffalo Creek Software ];
sfckmg13.zip   12315 08-05-2024 SFCHKMSG v1.3 (Formerly SFMSGCHK)
                                Small but fast utility which will allow
                                the Spitfire SysOp to run their FIDO
                                mail tosser, to scan for new outbound
                                messages after every call. But only have
                                the scan occur after those calls which
                                the caller entered in messages! A idea
                                whose time has come after a long time
                                of wishing..                 FREEWARE
sfcomma.zip    13911 08-05-2024 ************* SFCOMMA V1.00 *************
                                 Put commas in the file size within the   
                                 sffiles.bbs...Regular and Cdrom Areas!   
                                 WORKS WITH SPITFIRE 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5!   
                                **************** FREEWARE ***************
sfct1.zip       6814 08-05-2024 [ SFCT Version 1.0 ]ͻ
                                 SFCT is designed to fix Callers.Tmp  
                                 after a lock up.  It places the last 
                                 caller and the current time into the 
                                 file and optionally appends it to    
                                 CALLERS.LOG.  FreeWare!              
                                [ Empire Software ]ͼ
sfctrl10.zip   28987 08-05-2024 Lets you edit certain things of Spitfire
sfday20.zip    18237 08-05-2024 *************** SFDAY V2.00 ****************
                                Spitfire Bulletin Creator, BBS Usage By Day!
                                      Includes ALL Nodes on one Screen!
                                      (Reads From the Callers.log File)
                                ************** $1.00 or FREE ***************
sfdisp.zip     20849 08-05-2024 *************** SFDISP V2.00 ****************
                                Add/Remove any of FIVE Codes to your Spitfire
                                Display Files!   (^B, ^C, ^E, ^L, or ^P).    
                                ***************** FREEWARE ******************
sfdonate.zip   16892 08-05-2024 ************ SFDONATE V1.50 **************
                                Create A Colorful Bulletin Of Users That
                                Have Donated To Your BBS. (Reads From the
                                Sfusers.dat File).  * $1.00 or FREE *
sfdown15.zip   14797 08-05-2024 SF Down version 1.5
                                (c)1992 by Alexander Ern
                                SF Down is a utility to create a ALLFILES.TXT
                                file from the download you've got on your 
                                harddisk. I understand that you're now
                                But there are more utilities like that'.
                                right, but SF Down also creates a CD_FILES.TXT
                                file from the download that you've got on your
                                CD-ROM. SF Down also creates the possibility 
                                to make a ZIP file and a ARJ file from the 
                                created ALLFILES.TXT and CD_FILES.TXT file.
sfdp_25a.zip   41033 08-05-2024 * SFDP v2.5a * SpitFire Download Processor;
                                SFDP is a companion utility for a SPITFIRE
                                Bulletin Board System. SFDP will update your
                                SFFILES.BBS files when a caller downloads
                                files with the number of total downloads of
                                this particular file.
sfdrbul.zip    33620 08-05-2024 ************** SFDRBUL V4.01 ***************
                                    Spitfire Bulletin Creator! Reads from   
                                   Callers.log to make a bulletin of Doors  
                                      Entered Statistics for Spitfire,      
                                      Wildfire, SFextend, or MultiMenu.     
                                       From T&T Software  Waldorf, Md.      
sfdsplay.zip    7976 08-05-2024 SFDSPLAY v1.0 Compiled 04/12/93
                                This utility makes it easy to edit menus
                                for Spitfire BBS by allowing you to edit
                                ONE menu and SFDSPLAY creates the remaining
                                menus desired.  SFDSPLAY supports MAIN,
                                FILE, MSG and SFDR menus and up to 20
                                security levels.
sfem30.zip    105878 08-05-2024 [ SFE-mail v3.0 ]ͻ
                                  Complete InterNet E-mail solution  
                                   for Spitfire 3.x                   
                                  No UUCP account needed!            
                                  International faxing via the 'net  
                                  Fully supports point addresses     
                                  Powerful bulletin generator        
                                  Seamless integration with SF       
                                  VERY EASY to set up and run        
                                  Download today, E-mail tonight!    
                                  24 hour support BBS (1:108/265)    
                                  Upgrades always FREE!              
sfembull.zip   48617 08-05-2024 [ SFEMBULL ]ͻ
                                  Bulletin Generator For SFE-mail    
                                  24 hour support BBS (1:108/265)    
                                  Upgrades always FREE!              
sffam218.zip   95050 08-05-2024  SF-FAM 2.18 ͻ
                                   Spitfire 3.5 File Area Manager     
                                          FREE VERSION!!!             
                                Includes complete SFFAREA.DAT editor. 
                                Support for multi-node,CDROM,offline  
                                Can run as an event, and utilize the  
                                FILE_ID.DIZ and DESC.SDI files. All   
                                this and much,much MORE!              
sffileid.zip   26030 08-05-2024 ************** SFFILEID V1.02 **************
                                      Replace the descriptions in your     
                                    SFFILES.BBS with the FILE_ID.DIZ or    
                                    DESCI.DSC!  Supports .ARJ and .ZIP!    
                                   Will leave the "Uploaded by:" and the   
                                   times downloaded from SFDP and TIMES!   
                                   **** FREEWARE ****  from T&T Software   
sfhed310.zip   58902 08-05-2024 İ SFHEAD v3.10 ۲Ŀ
                                 The ultimate HEADER/    
                                 FILST generator. Cheap  
                                 Fast, and VERY colorful 
                                 *** BUG FIX RELEASE *** 
sfhello3.zip   14509 08-05-2024 SFHELLO.EXE v0.03
                                Copyright(c) 1990, C.S.Tyson, All 
                                Rights Reserved.
                                SFHELLO is an auto-message sender for 
                                busy sysops. It will scan your user base 
                                for the previous days new users, and if it 
                                finds any, will send them a message (usually 
                                welcoming them to the BB), which you create.
                                SFHELLO should be ran as a daily event. 
sfjmodem.zip    2970 08-05-2024 A tremendous number of SPITFIRE Sysops have 
                                asked me for copies of the batch files that 
                                I use for the JModem file transfer driver.  
                                Therefore, it seems easiest to me just to 
                                make a permanent downloadable file which
                                sample batch files to be used with SPITFIRE to
                                make the JModem file transfer protocol
                                to SPITFIRE users.
sflasten.zip    5967 08-05-2024 
sflgst35.zip   38224 08-05-2024  SFLGST VERSION 3.50  [Hidden Software]
                                  A Spitfire Logon Statistic's Display  
                                 Maker For Today And Yesterday's Stats. 
                                 Makes BBS/CLR/RIP Display's. Configable
                                 Keeps History.  Has F5 Feature Like SF 
                                 For Sysops Using Frontend Mailer. Also 
                                 SFLGST Can Display If The Sysop Is In  
                                 Or Out For Chat.  Spit 3.51, Reg  $2   
                                [BBS (916)927-2888]
sflst101.zip  110764 08-05-2024 
sflst121.zip   70955 08-05-2024 *************** SFLIST V1.21 ***************
                                  Spitfire Door that will create a list of  
                                   files available for download from your   
                                  BBS!  Security level aware and will work  
                                  for either Spitfire Versions 3.4 or 3.5!  
                                     Not crippled or nagged in any way!     
                                *********** $5.00 Registration! ************
sfmailbu.zip   16557 08-05-2024 ************* SFMAILBU V1.10 *************
                                Spitfire Bulletin Creator! Reads from
                                SF-Mail Log to make a bulletin of
                                Statistics for Sysops who use SF-Mail!
                                **************** FREEWARE ****************
sfmenu.zip     36602 08-05-2024 *************** SFMENU V1.25 ***************
                                *        Spitfire BBS Menu Creator.        *
                                *   Create Ansi/Ascii/Rip Screens Of Any   *
                                *  Menu Type:  Main, Message, File, Door,  *
                                *  Questionnaire, Wildfire, or Extensions. *
                                ******** T&T Software **** FREEWARE ********
sfmgr12.zip   197028 08-05-2024 
sfmgr13.zip   200670 08-05-2024 
sfmkmg10.zip   11306 08-05-2024 [ SFMKMSG v1.0  Official Release ]Ŀ
                                 Automatically Add A Message Into A SF 
                                  Conference As An Event! Useful For   
                                  Placing BBS Ads Automatically Into   
                                  Mail Network. Written By John Kaye   
                                [ SFMKMSG v1.0  Released 01/21/95 ]
sfmlk100.zip   24716 08-05-2024 *********** Sfmsglok Version 1.00 **********
                                  Spitfire Message Conference User Lockout  
                                  Will Lock Certain Users out of Selected   
                                  Conferences!  ** $2.50 T&T Shareware **   
                                   ****** NOT CRIPPLED IN ANY WAY! ******
sfmnuext.zip   32965 08-05-2024 [ SPITFIRE Menu Extension - v1.5a ]ͻ
                                  Use to increase SPITFIRE's door     
                                  capabilities and menu options to    
                                  unlimited amounts!  Supports RIP!   
sfmsgque.zip   30348 08-05-2024 *********** Sfmsgque Version 1.52 **********
                                 Spitfire Message Conference Queue Analyzer 
                                    and Message Conference Queue Editor!    
                                  ***** Freeware - from T&T Software *****  
sfm_2d354.zi       0 01-01-1980      
                                   SF-MASTER Version 3.54   ͻ
                                 AccuTech Software Is Proud To Announce 
                                 The Release Of SF-MASTER Version 3.54! 
                                  Full File Manager, Dupe Catcher, Log 
                                 Viewers, Bulletin Generators, And All  
                                 SF Database Editors!  Only $20.00 US!! 
                                   Released October 6, 1995   ͼ
sfm_2d354.zip  332535 08-05-2024      
                                    SF-MASTER Version 3.54   ͻ
                                  AccuTech Software Is Proud To Announce 
                                  The Release Of SF-MASTER Version 3.54! 
                                   Full File Manager, Dupe Catcher, Log 
                                  Viewers, Bulletin Generators, And All  
                                  SF Database Editors!  Only $20.00 US!! 
                                    Released October 6, 1995   ͼ
sfnet.zip      86120 08-05-2024 SFNET
                                SPITFIRE MAIL NETWORK
                                WHAT IS SFNET?
                                SFNET is a mail network that was 
                                formulated to meet a growing
                                demand for an exclusive SPITFIRE 
                                Sysop mail system.
sfnetbul.zip   20839 08-05-2024  SFNETBUL V1.11 Ŀ
                                SFNET Net-Mail Statistics Bulletin Creator
                                 Creates Ansi, Ascii, & Rip Bulletins of  
                                 Messages Imported and Exported by Shiloh 
sfnode.zip     26725 08-05-2024 **** SFNODE v1.3 **** From BCS
                                Create And Maintain SFNODE.DAT
                                For SPITFIRE v3.3 - Use As Event!
sfofp33.zip    28479 08-05-2024 SFOFP v3.3 Spitfire OLD FILE PURGE.
                                Looks at ZIP/ARJ files, and either moves
                                or deletes them based on their internal
                                file dates. Does NOT use ZIP/ARJ Date!!!
                                Automatically updates your SFFILES.BBS
                                Listings also. This version is capable
                                of being run in batch mode, for use as
                                as system event. Multiple directory
                                processing, configurable 'MOVE TO', etc.
sfonbbs2.zip   49085 08-05-2024 SFONBBS version 1.2. SFONBBS is for
                                Spitfire BBS systems. Its function is
                                to create display files to show callers
                                who is logged onto the BBS, and what
                                they are doing, as they log on. Updated
                                for Spitfire 3.51.
                                Written By: Jay Jackson
sfpckmsg.zip    8696 08-05-2024 Stand-Alone SF Message Base Pack Utility
                                Can Be Used As An Event - Fast - v1.3
sfpckusr.zip    7550 08-05-2024 Stand-Alone SF Caller Base Pack Utility
                                Use As An Event - Extremely Fast - V1.4
                                From Buffalo Creek Software
sfpfu18.zip    14854 08-05-2024 SFPFU18
                                SPITFIRE PRIVATE FILES UTILITY
                                Version 1.8 by Mark A. Majczyk, 1993
                                 The Great Abyss (TAG) Software
                                SFPFU18 was written after I labored over 
                                many hours trying to find a program that 
                                would help me deliver a set of files to a 
                                single person, without the worry of having 
                                another person take them.  Also, I needed
                                a program that was compatible with MY 
                                download protocols, not just Y-Modem 
                                or Z-Modem.  SFPFU18 was the result.
sfprlg10.zip   10282 08-05-2024 SFPRELOG v1.0
                                Small and fast utility that will
                                create a SFPRELOG.BBS file for your
                                SPITFIRE BBS showing the name of
                                the last caller as well as time and
                                date.                *FREEWARE*
                                Yet Another From...................
                                CORNERWARE UTILITIES 1996
sfqpu10.zip    14919 08-05-2024 *************** SFQPU V1.00 ****************
                                Purge Old Users From You Sforder.rep
                                Files.  Reads From Sfpurged.usr! $1.00 to 
                                Register! From T&T Software!  Great Support!
sfriprmt.zip   13850 08-05-2024 ************** SFRIPRMT V1.00 **************
                                   Spitfire Rip Prompt Adder For Bulletins 
                                   Appends A Nice Rip Prompt To Bulletins! 
                                ***************** FreeWare *****************
sfrom22b.zip  235547 08-05-2024 SF-ROM 2.20 - The Spitfire CD-ROM Door.
                                UART, FOSSIL, DIGIBOARD. Now supports
                                Spitfire 3.51. Keeps Own Database,
                                Enforces Limits, MultiDisk, MultiNode
                                File Tagging, Text Search, Offline
                                Requests, ZIP & Text Viewer, Inserts
                                BBS Ads, Supports Pioneer Disk Changer,
                                Internal Protocols, Disk Detect,
                                Auto Menus, Auto File List Maker.
sfrombul.zip   54787 08-05-2024 ************** SFROMBUL V4.12 **************
                                Spitfire Bulletin Creator! Reads from the
                                Callers.log to make a bulletin of CD-ROM
                                Statistics for Sysops who use SF-ROM!
                                Supports upto 24 Cd-Roms! Downloads and
                                Requests Supported! Full Color
                                configuration. $1.00 To Register!
                                ************** NOT CRIPPLED ****************
sfsecchk.zip    9732 08-05-2024 ************** SFSECCHK V1.00 **************
                                    Reads either SFDOORS.DAT, SFFILE.DAT,    
                                  SFMAIN.DAT, or SFMESS.DAT and Returns the  
                                    User's Security Level as a ERRORLEVEL.   
                                ***************** FreeWare *****************
sfsorter.zip   15233 08-05-2024 ************* SFSORTER V2.00 ***************
                                  Sort all or Choose Upto 5 File Areas For  
                                Spitfire 3.3 and Up! *** $1 Registration Fee
                                ************** Not Crippled ****************
sfsystem.zip   24813 08-05-2024 **** SFSYSTEM v1.3 **** From BCS
                                Create And Maintain SFSYSTEM.DAT
                                For SPITFIRE v3.3 - Use As Event!
sftime20.zip   20007 08-05-2024 ************** SFTIME V2.00 ****************
                                Spitfire Bulletin Creator, BBS Usage By Hour
                                   Makes A Nice Bar Chart for ALL Nodes!!
                                     (Reads From the Callers.log File). 
                                *************** $1.00 or FREE **************
sftlgbul.zip   15474 08-05-2024 ************** SFTLGBUL V1.60 **************
                                 SfToss Statistics Bulletin Creator!  This  
                                   Utility Reads the Sftoss Log to Make an  
                                  Ansi/Ascii/RIP Screen of Sftoss's Stats!  
                                ***************** FreeWare *****************
sftopten.zip    7222 08-05-2024 [ SFTOPTEN - Version 1.41 ]͸
                                  Create Top 10 Caller Display File 
                                   Creates BBS, CLR & RIP Files!    
                                [ Buffalo Creek Software ];
sftos100.zip   17069 08-05-2024 
sfupdatr.zip   14658 08-05-2024 ************* SFUPDATR V2.00 ***************
                                 Update the File Size and File Date in the  
                                sffiles.bbs for Spitfire.  Do All File Areas
                                   or 1-5 different file areas at a time!   
                                     T&T Software * $1 Registration Fee.    
                                ************ Not Crippled ******************
sfupdhdr.zip   44960 08-05-2024 ************* SFUPDHDR V2.50 ***************
                                Create a Header for Your sffiles.bbs and/or 
                                sffiles. for Spitfire.  Choose from 9     
                                different headers!!    * $1 Registration *
sfusers.zip    47728 08-05-2024 [ SFUSERS Version 1.5c ]͸
                                 Fully Maintain SF's Caller Database    
                                 Find Dup Phone #, Birthdate & Password 
                                 Caller Subscription Support & More     
                                [ From Buffalo Creek Software ];
sfwin_2d95.z       0 01-01-1980 Detailed instructions on how to
                                setup SpitFire in Windows 95.
                                These instructions are easy to
                                follow and within 10 minutes you
                                will have Your SpitFire BBS running
sfwin_2d95.zip    4795 08-05-2024 Detailed instructions on how to
                                setup SpitFire in Windows 95.
                                These instructions are easy to
                                follow and within 10 minutes you
                                will have Your SpitFire BBS running
sf_2damail.z       0 01-01-1980 ************** SF-AMAIL V1.60 **************
                                Alexi/Mail Statistics Bulletin Creator! This
                                Utility Reads the Alexi/Mail Log To Make  
                                Ansi/Ascii/RIP Screen(s) of Statistics!   
                                With Colors Completely Configurable!    
                                ***************** GiveWare *****************
sf_2damail.zip   19436 08-05-2024 ************** SF-AMAIL V1.60 **************
                                Alexi/Mail Statistics Bulletin Creator! This
                                  Utility Reads the Alexi/Mail Log To Make  
                                  Ansi/Ascii/RIP Screen(s) of Statistics!   
                                    With Colors Completely Configurable!    
                                ***************** GiveWare *****************
sf_2ddaily.z       0 01-01-1980 ************ SF-DAILY V2.00 ****************
                                Spitfire Daily Statistics Bulletin Creator.
                                Creates Nice Ansi, Ascii, and Rip Screens 
                                With Two Days Worth Of Statistics!    
                                **************** FreeWare ******************
sf_2ddaily.zip   19067 08-05-2024 ************ SF-DAILY V2.00 ****************
                                 Spitfire Daily Statistics Bulletin Creator.
                                  Creates Nice Ansi, Ascii, and Rip Screens 
                                      With Two Days Worth Of Statistics!    
                                **************** FreeWare ******************
sf_2dmsg.zip   19913 08-05-2024 ************* SF-MSG V1.50 ****************
                                Reads From Callers.log and Creates Ansi,
                                Ascii, and Rip Bulletins Of Top Ten Message
                                Posters of Public, Private, & Net-Mail!
                                *************** FreeWare ******************
sf_fdhlp.zip   15642 08-05-2024 This archive contains help for the Spitfire 
                                sysop who wants to install FrontDoor on 
                                his/her system. Inculdes sample bat files 
                                and complete instructions. From Mike Jones 
                                without whos hard work some of use would 
                                still be scratching our heads.
spitst26.zip   24480 08-05-2024 SPITSTAT v2.6 Statistical Bulletin Generator
                                for SF 3.5, Now Supports up to 28.8
                                Connects, and extended connects by USR
                                v.34's ***No longer dependant on Spitfire to
                                write the first line in the Callers.Log,
                                allowing SPITSTAT to be more compatible with
                                frontend mailers, or other situations where
                                the date line is not written by SF as the
                                first line in the Callers.Log.
sptgrh25.zip   55496 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                      >>>>> SpitGraph Ver.2.5 <<<<<       
                                Caller bar graph display generator that    
                                reads your SF CALLERS.LOG & builds display
                                files from calls received by Number per   
                                hour, Number per baud, Number at peak     
                                times. It will read all nodes & compile   
                                this graph on a total of your BBS systems 
                                activity, Now Adding Days. SpitGraph will 
                                build ANSI & ASCII display files by name  
                                of your choice. This version allows Sysop 
                                Configuration of BAUD Rates & FULL COLOR  
                                Options CFG file! Version also allows all 
                                BAUD RATES to be configured to system.     
                                NOW WITH "MAX CALLS SHOWN BY DAYS OF WEEK" 
tel_sf.zip     10033 08-05-2024 
tencall2.zip   48458 08-05-2024     TENCALL2: BY GALAXY CLASS BBS  Ŀ
                                 CREATES LAST TEN CALLERS LIST WITH MANY
                                 CHOICES AND NOW WITH RIP. SPITFIRE BBS 
                                  INCLUDES HOLIDAY SCREENS  
timestmp.zip   10315 08-05-2024 * * * TimeStamp * * *
                                  By:Ian Richardson
                                Description: TimeStamp allows you to place 
                                a comment into your CALLERS.TMP that includes
                                the time that the comment was placed into the
                                log file.
top4026.zip    13923 08-05-2024 
toptens.zip    20111 08-05-2024 *************** TOPTENS V3.10 **************
                                 Spitfire Top Ten Callers, Message Posters,  
                                     Uploaders, and Downloaders Bulletin     
                                   Creator.  Creates Ansi, Ascii, and Rip!   
                                    **** FreeWare **** From T&T Software!    
upchk23f.zip   31767 08-05-2024 Online/offline file integrity/virus scanner
                                and archive conv
wfire35m.zip  339947 08-05-2024 
xtnd_188.zip  168991 08-05-2024       =-=  SFExtend Version 1.88  =-=
                                   SpitFire Menu Extension & Door Monitor
                                       Internal/External BBS/CLR/RIP
                                       SF-Identical Chat
                                       SF Control Codes & Sysop Keys
                                       Extended Comment-To-Sysop
                                       Optional 30 Bulletin Menu
                                       Unlimited # Of Items
                                       Time/Node/Baud Door Locking
                                       Creates SF*.DAT, DOOR.SYS,
                                         DORINFO.DEF, TRIVIA.LMT,
                                         USERINFO.DAT, CALLINFO.DAT.
                                       Locking/Unlocking Of DTE Rate
                                   CyberTech Software (408)267-0631/0326
zf10_03.zip    50205 08-05-2024 
zip_17g_.zip   15272 08-05-2024 

              Area 110 - Synchronet BBS Utils             

02deadln.zip   11102 08-05-2024 DEADLiNERS v.02 Forum Hack Oneliners For
                                Synchronet v2.10! GET IT!
                                This is a nifty forum hack
                                style login oneliners util
                                for Synchronet 2.10. Totally 
                                CFG'able, and looks damn 
                                good stock. CHECK IT OUT!
10bst201.zip   70334 08-05-2024 TENBEST.ZIP - Ten Best User Bulletin Generator
                                Version 2.00
                                The Just about Anything, Synchronet Best Of
                                List GeneratorThis Command line
                                utility will generate 6 different Logon
                                Bulletins according to the command line
                                switch passed to the programTop Ten PostersTop
                                Ten UploadersTop Ten
                                DownloadersTop Ten CallersTop Ten Users By
                                Minutes OnlineTop Ten Users
                                by Credit AmountRandom GenerationSequential
                                GenerationFull multinode aware.
                                Minor Maintenance Release from 2.00 SEE DOCS
                                for Important Information
ace_mtrx.zip   12770 08-05-2024 Matrix Login v1.0 - The Best Matrix
                                System for Synchronet BBS Software v2.2+
                                -Random Selection of 5 LightBar Matrixs!
                                -Fast display at any Modem Speed!
                                -Automatically Detect ANSI and call the
                                 Classic Sync LOGIN if not detected!
                                -Optionally call my DOSMTRX from within!
                                -Optionally call my NUV_CHK to check NUV
                                 status from Matrix!
                                -Allows any User (In Database or not) to
                                 send Feedback to SysOp from Matrix!
                                -Page SysOp from Matrix!
ach_142a.zip    4508 08-05-2024 rh   Alias/Chat Handle Changer v1.42a
                                khGive your users  the option to change 
                                their  Alias or Chat  Handle  without 
                                hassling  you (the sysop). Logs  that
                                that  the user  entered, searches all
                                users to make sure the Alias  choosen
                                isn't  being used. Verifies the users
                                information  upon  exit. Several bugs
                                fixed and things changed.
acidasc.zip     5146 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                   ACiD SCRENS   
                                Synchronet BBS Ĵ
                                by:  Magic ManĴ
adremov2.zip   29697 08-05-2024 BBS AD Remover, Updated
                                Now removes 209 commonly found BBS ads
                                from any uploaded zip file to your BBS.
                                SAVEs Tons of HD space. 
                                ALSO how to add your OWN zip comment to
                                uploaded files.
afile105.zip   33129 08-05-2024 ** Allfiles File Database Shell **
                                   ** for Synchronet BBS v2.0 **
                                        ** version 1.05 **
                                Allfiles File Database Shell works
                                directly with the Synchronet Addfiles
                                program.  It reads the Synchronet
                                FILE.CNF configuration file and
                                searches for a FILES.BBS in each
                                directory, except for the ones marked
                                as CD-Rom directories.  If one is
                                found, it passes control directly to
                                Addfiles for file processing.  Helps
                                to eliminate cumbersome batch files
                                for multiple file directories in
                                File Distribution Networks (FDNs).
                                Version 1.05 contains major bug
                                (c)1994 CryptSoft Software
                                Compiled: 09-04-94
ahh2sy20.zip   29113 08-05-2024 Name of Executable:  AHH2SBBS.EXE  2.0 
                                Last version:  1.1 (3-12-1994)
                                Description: America Held Hostage to
                                A Synchronet(R) bbs screen generator for Rush
                                Limbaugh fans.  Now in Red, White and Blue.
                                Version: 2.0, the second major version
                                Programmer:  Kenneth A. Otto (Cocoa, Florida)
allu_100.zip   29527 08-05-2024 
alternfo.zip    2730 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 Change the "SYSOP IS:" information    
                                 sent to the user during initial logon,
                                 every hour by use of a simple script. 
                                 Edit the script to suit your tastes,  
                                 compile and enjoy!  Brought to you by 
                                 The Chuckle Box BBS  (334) 653-1776   
altrsy13.zip   14545 08-05-2024 AlterSys 1.3 Alters the Sysop Is line
                                  for Synchronet BBS v2.00
                                This version will alter the Sysop is
                                line to read ANYthing YOU want !!
                                From Universal Joint Utilities
                                 BBS (612) 240-9076 14.4bps
am11.zip       69853 08-05-2024        Access Master - Version 1.1 
                                  ** Major BUG Fixes **
                                 - Baja Programming Language Enhancement -
                                With this program you can modify any aspect
                                of a users security settings via Baja
                                Scripts! What you couldn't do in the past
                                with Baja can now be done! Includes complete 
                                menu-driven configuration program. Welcome
                                to the next generation of Baja programming!
                                Registration is $10 and covers all future
                                and past versions.
amtrx_12.zip   25417 08-05-2024 Matrix Login v1.2 - The Best Matrix
                                System for Synchronet BBS Software v2.2+
                                -SysOp Configurable Random Selection of
                                 up to 15 different LightBar Matrixes!
                                -Fully configurable Display positioning
                                 let's you create your own Matrixes!
                                -Optional SysOp Configurable System PW!
                                -Allows User to Feedback from Matrix!
                                -Page SysOp from Matrix!
                                -Automatically Detects ANSI!
                                -Optionally call External Check Module!
                                -Optionally call External Page Module!
                                -Displays Welcome file before Matrix!
                                -Written 100% in BAJA!
anim2ans.zip   13352 08-05-2024 Converts ANSIs with codes not supported
                                by Synchronet's Ctrl-A format to ANSIs
                                with no movement codes that the Sync
                                ANS2MSG utility can convert properly.
anipmt11.zip    8719 08-05-2024 Animated pause prompts v1.1 for SBBS v2.20+
                                Fixes extended delays some 2400bps users
                                and includes new enhanced prompt viewer.
                                Written and compiled with BAJA v2.04 and
                                includes an example source file for help
                                in making your own customized prompts.
announce.zip    4718 08-05-2024 =[ Chuckle Box ANNOUCEMENTS v1.0 ]=Ŀ
                                 Display important NEWS to your Users 
                                 but only make them read it one time. 
                                         Baja SOURCE included!        
                                        For SynchronetBBS 2.20        
                                =[ The Chuckle Box BBS ]=
anuv_11.zip    12868 08-05-2024 New User Voting v1.0 - The Best NUV
                                System for Synchronet BBS Software v2.2+
                                 **Updated FREEWARE version May 2000**
                                -Written entirely in BAJA(tm)!
                                -SysOp Configurable # Yes/No Votes Req!
                                -Optional Welcome and Completion Screen!
                                -Tracks Users who have Voted(Vote Once)!
                                -EMail to SysOp when User is Voted In/Out
                                -MSG to SysOp when User is Voted In/Out
                                -SysOp can Review Application before
                                 makeing the final decision!
                                -Tracks and Displays Comments by Voters!
                                -Voters can Review Application anytime!
                                -SysOp can view how users vote/comment!
                                -Users Pending Can Check NUV Status from
                                 anywhere SysOp desires.
ap_pause.zip    2370 08-05-2024 Random [PAUSE] string replacement script by
                                Amish Pimp
armr_10.zip    10257 08-05-2024 Rumors Module v1.0 - The Best Rumors
                                System for Synchronet BBS Software v2.2+
                                -SysOp Configurable Maximum # of Rumors!
                                -SysOp Configurable SL to Enter Rumors!
                                -SysOp Configurable SL to See Rumors!
                                -Configurable SL to Delete/Edit Rumors!
                                -SysOp can Delete any Rumor and Replace
                                 it with any text he desires.
                                -SysOp can Edit any Rumor or UserName!
                                -Tracks & Displays Users who add Rumors!
                                -CTRL-A Color Codes Supported!
                                -Configurable ANSI Matrix Menu System
                                -for Total SysOp Customization!
                                -100% in BAJA!
asknew.zip      2116 08-05-2024 
ask_qwk.zip     3668 08-05-2024 ASK-QWK Module For Synchronet 2.+
                                + Allow Systems to configure QWK NODE
                                + Accounts Automatically when used as
                                + a Newuser Event. By Robert Kluver of
                                + Maryland Online Network (410)282-3555
                                + Copyright 1996 [Shareware] Expires 1-97
                                + Support Available from Maryland Online
                                + BBS: (410)282-3555/(410)285-7267
                                + Fidonet: 1:261/1559
                                + Or Contact DIOS Software (410)203-1850
autopost.zip   25020 08-05-2024 User AutoPost Enhancer  Version 2.0
                                (SDK ver. 2.23) Joe Kenney/The Trader
axmat1b.zip     5334 08-05-2024 AXE-MATRIX v1b Matrix Logon Module More speed!
                                Rewritten to max out the speed of the
                                Has support for non-ansi users, and is
                                to blend with the original Synchronet default
                                command shell. Custom Matrix Modules available
bajaami.zip    26393 08-05-2024 Baja1.02 Operation Manual AmiPro Format
                                with page numbers "Baja1I.Sam". The Index
                                the page numbers for each BAJA command.
                                it easier to locate which page each command is
                                Includes Table of Contents "Baja1T.Sam"
                                -Req. AmiPro 3.x
bang100b.zip    5150 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                                BANG! is the Russian-Roulette
                                of Lottery door games.  It
                                runs ONLY on Synchronet and
                                is FREEWARE!  By Charles
                                McColm. BUG BBS (705)725-0183
bang21.zip     12009 08-05-2024 [ BANG! v2.1 Russian Roulette ]Ŀ
                                      New:  Log Generator/Viewer      
                                        Gambling and High Risks       
                                         Baja SOURCE included!        
                                       For SynchronetBBS 2.20 +       
                                =[ The Chuckle Box BBS ]=
bbslistr.zip    9733 08-05-2024 =[ Chuckle Box BBS LISTER  v1.0 ]=Ŀ
                                        LOCAL BBS LISTER Script       
                                   Includes Edit and Sort Options,    
                                   plus a dupe phone number check.    
                                         Baja SOURCE included!        
                                        For SynchronetBBS 2.20 B      
                                =[ The Chuckle Box BBS ]=
bbslst.zip     47625 08-05-2024 BBS Lister door by enigma (v2.0)
                                Lots of features, freeware!
                                Files: 5  Dizdate: 05/16/97
                                Newest: 05/16/97  Oldest: 05/16/97
bbslst12.zip   21189 08-05-2024 - BBSList - Version 1.2
                                BBSList is a database program for Sync
                                designed to provide an easy to use but
                                powerful tool for keeping track of BBS
bbstown.zip    13491 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                A command shell to      
                                convert your BBS to a   
                                town look. With built   
                                in help files that all  
                                users beginners and     
                                advanced can understand 
                                Done by Night Falcon    
                                of Night Falcon's Plains
bdos_100.zip    6008 08-05-2024 SDOS v1.00 - Fake DOS Command Shell for 
                                Synchronet BBS version 2.
bdos_v1.zip     9447 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                Command Shell
                                Psuedo-Command Line
                                Interface for
                                Synchronet v2.0x
bigbro19.zip   39712 08-05-2024 =======BigBro v1.9Shareware=======
                                 Synchronet Node Monitor for OS/2
                                The start of a PM WFC screen with
                                local logons, spawn SCFG, and stats
                                all form the OS/2 Desktop.
bio202.zip     39406 08-05-2024 User BIO  v2.00
blackj20.zip   11788 08-05-2024 =[ Chuckle Box Blackjack  v2.0 ]=Ŀ
                                      New:  Log Generator/Viewer      
                                       Low Risk Credit Gambling       
                                     Notated Baja SOURCE included!    
                                       For SynchronetBBS 2.20 +       
                                =[ The Chuckle Box BBS ]=
blklst15.zip    5596 08-05-2024         SynchroNet 2.20+
                                     User Blacklister v1.5
                                        Easy To Install
                                       Easy To UnderStand
blksnd11.zip   14681 08-05-2024 BulkSend v1.1a Utility to send all users on
                                system user to user uploads.
bl_gns.zip      3750 08-05-2024 hk   nwhnwhk
                                hk      Animated Gnwlobahl Nnwew Shkcan Prompt
                                hk         Asks ifnw theh usnwer whkants to
                                hk         Performnw a ghlobnwal nhkew scan.
                                hk         Arrow-Knwey, hkeynwpad,hk and Y/N
                                hk         Supportnw! Inhclunwdes hkdocs and
                                hk        source fnwile.h Venwry nhkice looks
                                hk        Knowledgnwe inh banwja shkuggested,
                                hk         but notnw nechessnwarilhky needed
                                hk          Downlonwad nhow!nw Youhkr users
                                hk                nwwillh lonwve ihkt!
                                hk             Codnwed bhy nwKhk
                                hk   nwhnwhk
bnix1a.zip     24806 08-05-2024              BNiX 1.O                         
                                      BBS-UNiX Command Shell                  
                                XENiX 32BiT Style Online Operations 
                                       For Synchronet 2.OX           
bull__.zip    275194 08-05-2024 BULL!! Get Released
                                Bull!! is a bulletin program for Sync.
                                It shows a list of 20 bulletins
                                that the user can choose from.
byebye.zip      3338 08-05-2024   BYE BYE LOGOFF?  Ŀ
                                 An alternative logoff 
                                 menu for Synchronet   
                                 sysops.  Let your     
                                 users leave feedback  
                                 or write an AUTO-MSG  
                                 before logging off.   
                                 Includes a cool logoff
cafemtrx.zip    3937 08-05-2024 
callid.zip     18991 08-05-2024         **Caller ID Utility**
                                      for Synchronet BBS v2.0
                                            version 1.00
                                This Utility will when run check the
                                User file for Caller ID Notes, match
                                them, and produce a list of matches.
                                It will also produce a list of
                                people Out of Area, Private Numbers,
                                and ERROR messages.
                                (c)1995 Wolves Den
                                Compiled: 01-31-95
chals_13.zip   16901 08-05-2024 Change Alias Module for Synchronet.  Ver 1.3
                                Works with the Synchronet v2.2 and later.
                                This module allows users to change their
                                or handle.
                                *  Checks for duplicate Alias/handles
                                *  Sends Telegram to sysop when used.
                                *  Supports Share! Safe on Multinode
                                   BBSs.  (For Telegrams)
                                *  Two external files to allow 
                                   customization by sysop.
chat1.zip       2721 08-05-2024 Costumized CHAT/BAJA menu, Looks
                                just like the default only Better!
chat211.zip    11431 08-05-2024 Chatter v2.11 for SBBS asks user reason for
                                sysop chat
                                * For SynchroNet v2.x
                                * Gives back timeslices to
                                  DesqView, OS/2, and Windows
                                * Creates log file of chat attempts
                                * Identifies Node Number with different tones
                                * Optionally Uses SynchroNet's Tone Generator
check300.zip   40995 08-05-2024 The Creepy Checker v3.00 
                                Is a BAJA module for Synchronet BBS's.
                                This module makes it were your users can
                                check thier messages without completely
                                logging on, after they read'em it hangs
                                them up. They may Read, Send, Bulk, 
                                and Feedback. Has many other features.
                                Now, offers: 
                                ** Combination (Lightbar & Key Press) Menus!
                                ** Lots more 
                                ** and even more to come!
                                Made by The Caretaker 
                                 The Haunted Mansion
chg_menu.zip    2521 08-05-2024 CHG-MENU.SRC and CHG-MENU.ASC
                                are hereby entered into public
                                domain. CHG-MENU.SRC is really
                                a "command shell" thats asks
                                users to choose a command shell.
cht_100b.zip   11317 08-05-2024 Chatter V1.0 for SynchroNet BBS.  Adds
                                logging of caller pages with a reason.
                                This util displays to caller a sysop
                                configurable message, asks the reason
                                for the page and logs this reason. If
                                the caller does not enter a reason, it
                                will abort the page.  Supports VPLAY
                                (Sound Blaster as well as the TONE 
                                program by Digital Dynamics.)
civwar11.zip    5379 08-05-2024 Civil War Menus Version 1.1
                                For Syncronet Version 2.0x
                                Created by L. Alexander Tamasi
                                a.k.a. Confederate Gentleman
client12.zip    4581 08-05-2024 Client orientated command shell v1.0.2.
                                For sysops with clients who aren't quite
                                sure what a BBS is, let alone what all
                                those commands are on about, but
                                occasionally need to download or upload
                                Minor changes from v1.0.1 including mail
                                bug fix, support for multiple clients,
                                and better documentation.
                                       *** FREE REGISTRATION ***
complain.zip   83801 08-05-2024 COMPLAINT DEPARTMENT DOOR
                                VERSION 1.0
                                Now you can have someplace your users
                                can go to complain and leave you alone.
                                Sysop configurable, you can add your 
                                own questions and answers.  Easy set up.
                                Adds some spice to your BBS.
coolsbbs.zip   22164 08-05-2024 Newuser SIF files.
corin104.zip   14013 08-05-2024 User Insulter v1.04 Public Release
                                      Presented by CoRPSE
                                 Coded by Nighthawk [ViA/CoRPSE]
                                R:[08.06.94] CoRPSE Productions '94
cpwfc.zip       1448 08-05-2024 Another WFC screen.
ctb.zip        39992 08-05-2024 Credit Transfer Bank V1.21 for Synchronet
                                CTB will allow your users to transfer credits
                                amongst themselves.  Users enter CTB and can
                                either D)eposit or W)ithdraw money.
                                Features of CTB
                                * Recompiled with XSDK 2.33
                                - Can be set-up as a logon event to
                                  automatically withdraw credits for the user
                                - Users can transfer credits to another user
                                  by entering the recipient's handle or user
                                - Users are notified when they have credits
                                  waiting to be withdrawn.
                                And more.  Shareware only $5.00.  Not crippled
                                Dean Lodzinski, Hologram Computing
                                908/727-1914 & 908/727-2767 28.8K V.34 modems
                                FREQ: CTB from 1:107/633 for latest version.
cybqzar.zip    33025 08-05-2024 CyBiC ----
                                ۲   ܲ ۲ ۱
                                ۱   ۱ ۱  ۰ 
                                Generates random QUOTE
                                OF THE DAY, but of the
                                worse things  that can
                                happen to you!  Really
                                Funny,  all users will
                                love it.  -[FREEWARE]-
cyneon2.zip    40077 08-05-2024 CYNEON is a Synchronet BBS specific
                                utility that creates a usage graph
                                in ten minute intervals based on 
                                the previous day's system usage.
                                CYNEON is designed for one node
                                CYNEON is easy to configure and 
                                allows the Sysop to define the
                                colors to be used in graph.
                                This version of CYNEON is FREEWARE.
dbul122.zip    28997 08-05-2024 Domain Bulletins v1.22
                                Logon bulletins for Synchronet BBS
                                systems.  Supports up to 99 bulletins
                                in .RIP, .ASC and .ANS format.
                                Fully functional, $10 Shareware.
desert.zip      5735 08-05-2024 
                                  A GAMELIKE INTERFACE MENU 
                                  SYSTEM! THIS WAS CREATED  
                                  BY ო THE SYSOP 
                                  OF SIX SHOOTER BBS!       
dfax103.zip   320064 08-05-2024 Domain FAX v1.03 (UNREGISTERED)
                                A multi-user capable FAX on demand
                                for Synchronet BBS systems.
                                Also allows users to upload files
                                to be sent out as FAXes.
dice153.zip    92414 08-05-2024 Domain DiceWar v1.53 (UNREGISTERED)
                                A multi-player, interactive dice game
                                written for Synchronet BBS systems.
                                Supports up to 250 players.
dizcln11.zip    9734 08-05-2024 DizClean FILE_ID.DIZ add cleaner! Version 1.1
                                 Cleans add files from a configurable data
                                 Automatically determines archive type!
                                 From Integrity Systems
dlevent.zip     8339 08-05-2024 DLEvent v1.0 for SBBS v2.0x Download event
                                will comment, add bbs adds, and delete bbs
                                adds from archive
                                files.  DLEvent will automatically determine
                                if an archive
                                is a ZIP, ARJ, LHA, or UC2 file and process it
door.zip        6533 08-05-2024 Synchronet Lightbar Doors v1.0
                                by Apocalypse. Lightbar Door
                                for Synchronet v2.20b+
dos_mtrx.zip    5803 08-05-2024 DOS Matrix Login v1.0 - DOS Matrix for
                                use with Synchronet BBS Software v2.2+
dozermnu.zip   33508 08-05-2024 Command Shell Module for Synchronet created by
                                of The Mostly Harmless BBS.  Includes Rumors,
                                and on-line help.  Ok, so maybe I am flogging
                                a dead horse,
                                but hell, I paid damn good money for
                                Synchronet and I'm
                                in denial!
                                Of course..it's freeware...except for the
                                files included
                                from other developers who want your cash. :) 
                                send me a damn cent, k?
dpok143.zip   111917 08-05-2024 Domain Poker v1.43 (UNREGISTERED)
                                A 5 card draw, multi-player, interactive
                                poker game for Synchronet BBS systems.
                                Supports multiple tables/limits and an
                                intelligent computer opponent.
dq_110.zip     33674 08-05-2024 DreamPark's DreamQuest Questionnaire
                                System for Synchronet - Ver 1.10
                                Copyright 1993 - DreamPark Development
dsi144df.zip    1293 08-05-2024 A .mdm file for Sync.
ds_guru1.zip   10598 08-05-2024 Finally, a guru with intelligents. For
                                Synchronet BBS's
                                 The smart Guru!  Go ahead, ask    
                                 this Guru a computer related      
                                 question.  Version 1.0   06/29/95 
                                  Or: Paul Steltenpohl@VERT        
dupu08.zip     16479 08-05-2024 Synchronet Duplicate User Finder  
                                          Version 0.8
                                       By : Lee Matherne
dut210.zip     84684 08-05-2024 Domain Upload Tester v2.10 (UNREGISTERED)
                                A file upload tester and virus scanner
                                written especially for Synchronet BBS
                                systems.  Supports several virus
                                scanners and compression types, as well
                                as GIF testing and multi-level archive
                                testing.  Built in com routines, and
                                ASCII/ANSI/RIP screens for users.
dwm_rip1.zip  190776 08-05-2024 DWM RIP Art Collection  - Artist for Hire.
                                Seven examples of the most intense RIP
                                artwork you've ever seen, to demonstrate the
                                abilities and style of this artist for hire.
                                View with RIPaint, RIPdraw, ShowRip, RIPterm
                                or similar RIPscrip compatible program.
                                All art Copyright 1994 David W. McNeall,
                                Riverside, CA. Phone: 909-784-6853
                                BBS: Woden at 714-529-9525
                                FidoNet: Woden@1:103/705
easyadd2.zip   60708 08-05-2024 EASY ADDRESS V2.0b - An internet and fidonet 
                                address book for Synchronet BBS's.  Allows 
                                users to keep a list of addresses on the 
                                BBS and assign a note to each address if 
                                desired.  Users may choose the number of the
                                address and their message is automatically 
                                addressed. Supports Fidonet, GUUCP gates, 
                                NetXpress and file attaches.  Simply, a 
                                must for every BBS running Internet, QWK or 
                                fidonet NetMail!  Registration only $20.00 US
elite2.zip     27357 08-05-2024 ELiTE 2 Command Shell FINAL!
                                  -Synchronet BBS v2.10a
emenu11.zip    19621 08-05-2024 Easy-Menu v1.1
                                A user friendly, easy to use command shell for
                                Synchronet v2.xx
endchat.zip     2617 08-05-2024 Synchronet 2.2 and up EndChat 
                                Randomizer! Changes the boring
                                "End of chat." to a random saying
                                each time a user calls 11-22-96 
endlog.zip      3371 08-05-2024 This program is a small utility
                                that enables it user to compile
                                the .LOG and .LOL files into
                                a single file.  It is freeware
                                to ALL Synchronet Sysops and
                                was coded specifically for use
                                on Synchronet.  See the Enclosed
                                Documentation for a complete usage
eshell.zip     33482 08-05-2024 ELiTE Command Shell BETA!!! for Synchronet BBS
expnot10.zip   33485 08-05-2024 Auto E-Mail User About To Expire for
                                   ** Viscom Expire User Notifier **
                                     ** for Synchronet BBS v2.x **
                                          ** version 1.00 **
                                Automatically send E-Mail to your 
                                users that are about to expire.
                                Send information on how to renew
                                their membership etc. Completely
                                Sysop user configurable.
                                Also sends Sysop or a user that
                                the Sysop designates a list of
                                users that have been sent E-Mail.
ezadr223.zip  113757 08-05-2024 EASY ADDRESS TM V2.23 - An internet and fido-
                                net address book for Synchronet BBS's. Allows
                                users to keep a list of addresses on the 
                                BBS and assign a note to each address if 
                                desired.  Users may choose the number of the
                                address and their message is automatically 
                                addressed. Supports Fidonet, GUUCP gates, 
                                InterNet E-mail via NetXpress and file 
                                attaches.  This new version is MUCH easier 
                                to setup and has all new documentation. $10
ezinf100.zip   37620 08-05-2024 EZReqInf V1.00 for Synchronet V1 & V2
                                This program is for use with EZ-ROM
                                CD-ROM door by Mike Robinson Software
                                and Synchronet.  EZReqInf will check
                                for any EZ-ROM requests that are
                                outstanding and notify the SysOp of
                                them so they can be filled.  If you
                                use EZ-ROM with requests and Synchronet
                                you can use this program.  FREEWARE
                                Dean Lodzinski, Hologram Computing
                                908-727-1914 & 908-727-2767
                                Fidonet 1:107/633
ezlog10.zip    10930 08-05-2024 hcEZLOGON vw1.0 nc- for Synchronet BBS v2.3+
                                hwLogon Module Replacement for the SBBS
                                default logon.  Includes cSystem Newsw,
                                cRandom Logon Screensw, cOneLiner Wallw,
                                cMsg/File Scanw, cQuickLogonw, and cBulletinsw
                                wBULLETIN and WALL modes may be ran
                                as seperate Doors also! 
                                Fully Sysop Configurable
                                Enable / Disable any of the EZLOGON Modes!
                                Option to Force a New Msg Scan on any area
                                (c)2000 All Rights Reserved.
fadvsr15.zip  135558 08-05-2024 The Online Financial Analizer v1.5
                                Packed with the following options
                                Tracking of where funds are spent
                                Tracking income sources
                                Keeping up with Savings Account
                                Allowing for multi saving goals
                                Tracking of Bills.
                                This version fixes the problem
                                with the saved records being deleted
                                after saved.
fblt12.zip     18198 08-05-2024 Free Bullet v1.1a, Complete Bulletin Program
                                Using Light Bar
                                *Light Bar Technology
                                *Up to 8 Bulletins
                                *Downloading of All Bulletins
                                *Complete Systems Stats
                                *Written In BAJA
                                *Complete Source Files Included
                                *Includes Free Wall
feedback.zip    4084 08-05-2024 Synchronet Multiple Lightbar
                                Feedback v1.0 by .Apocalypse.
                                for Synchronet BBS v2.20b+
fgwl2_0a.zip   57912 08-05-2024 FIGWALL v2.0a  New, Inovative and fully
                                configurable for Synchronet!
                                Check it out today!
                                (C)1995 Eddie Snyder
                                Distributed by:
                                   TALON BBS
                                (502) 957-1855
filecan.zip    33925 08-05-2024 
filefix.zip     9086 08-05-2024 FileFix 3.01 will convert file descriptions
                                look more uniform.  For use with Synchronet
                                BBS software v2.0x.  FileFix gives you the
                                option of having all uppercase descriptions,
                                all lower or a combination of both.  Version
                                3.01 also gives back time slices to Windows,
                                OS/2, and DesqView!
fireqmt.zip     2557 08-05-2024 File Request Matrix
                                by Ez-Rider
forsale1.zip    8266 08-05-2024 =[ Chuckle Box FORSALE Script v1.0 ]=Ŀ
                                 Here is a FREE script which you can  
                                   run as a FORSALE door.  It comes   
                                 with automatic maintenance. Rewards  
                                   for posting ads, notification to   
                                  SysOp of new posts, and has other   
                                    features like eMail replying.     
                                =[ The Chuckle Box BBS ]=
ftn_dove.zip   12120 08-05-2024 ATTENTION Syncronet Sysops who Use FD/Imail
                                Have You has been wanting to join Dove-Net,
                                but just didn't know how? Did you just not
                                want the Hassle? Well Who Does! I have
                                recently obtained permission to gate Dove-Net
                                out in a Fido Style Format. No more QWK
                                Read the INFO Packet, and send it off!
                                To: Paul Aljets at Fidonet: (1:283/164)
fwall10.zip     4692 08-05-2024 Free Wall v1.0, Complete BBS Wall Program
                                Written in BAJA
                                *Easy to install
                                *BAJA source code included
                                *SysOp Edit Feature
                                *It's Free
fwish10.zip     4747 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                     File Wish List v1.0     
                                   Baja Script with Source   
                                         * FREEWARE *        
                                      By Robert Nykvist      
                                     The Chuckle Box BBS     
                                        (334) 653-1776       
                                         19 Oct 1995         
fwklz202.zip   11088 08-05-2024 FWKLZ202.ZIP remote lookup_zipfile kit for
                                use with FWKCS(TM) Contents_Signature System,
                                Ver. 2.02, 1995 Mar 31. This helps you save
                                time and money: Use it to find zipfiles on
                                giant BBS's running FWKCS(TM) Version 2.00 or
                                later - by matching 1 file, even if misnamed.
                                Avoid uploading files they already have.
                                Typical pairwise statistical error rate less
                                than one part in ten trillion.
                                FWKLZ(TM) registration not required.
gedit210.zip  406877 08-05-2024 Full-Screen Message Editor For
                                Ra/QBbs/sbbs/ezy/pb, W/spell Checker. 
german_1.zip   32250 08-05-2024 German Command Shell for SBBS 2.2x
giv1pt0.zip    45282 08-05-2024 View Synchronet logs in FULL color. Read on ..
                                Tell at a glance how your board is
                                running. Customize your own color
                                code for each specifier. Replaces
                                log viewer from the Waiting For 
                                Call Screen. 
                                     * Text search
                                     * Quick Statistics 
                                     * View Hang up log
                                     * User Watch utility
                                     * Custom colors
                                     * Read logs up to TEN
                                        days back.
                                     * No shareware delays
                                Not recommended for Large boards (Yet)
                                Not for use with Mono color monitors.
                                    Graphic Illuminations, 1994.
giv1pt2f.zip   65850 08-05-2024 GiView 1.2 - View SBBS logs in FULL color. NOW
                                Graphic Illuminations has released GiView 1.2
                                New Shareware approach:
                                Priced to sell. FREE!
                                New Line limit:
                                - The 800 line limit has also been overcome.
                                The new limit is
                                  10,000 lines or available memory, which ever
                                comes first.
                                Whats New to 1.2:
                                - Support for 10,000 lines.
                                - Support for viewing SBBS error.log's. GiView
                                will also display the
                                  DOS error codes at the 'dosserr:' line.
                                - Supports GURU.LOG's
                                - Jump to Line Number in log.
                                - Supports Logon list.
                                - Supports QWK hub newfiles list
                                - Supports QWK hello file.
                                - Removed need to press ALT for most commands
                                - Displays current user being viewed at top of
                                - Displays free memory at run time and current
                                - Builds 'Waiting For Call Screens'. Run as a
                                log off event GiView
                                  will build a WFC screen that look a lot like
                                the QwikStats screen.
                                Of note:
                                - This is a major rewrite of GiView. There are
                                some new options but the
                                  thrust of the coding was aimed at making
                                GiView up to par for use on 
                                  larger BBS's.
                                Thank you for your support.
goodbye.zip     5268 08-05-2024  Goodbye Baja Menu Ŀ
                                 Give your users one last chance 
                                 to send yourself or one of your 
                                 Sysops email.  You even give    
                                 your user a chance to change    
                                 their mind and go back to the   
                                 BBS without forcing them to log 
                                 off and back on.                
                                 And find out about the one call
                                 network where you can get many
                                 networks.  You can even get your
                                 network into this net with ease.
gsz0607.zip   112543 08-05-2024 Omen Tech's 06-07-95 version of graphic
guess20.zip     9986 08-05-2024 =[ Chuckle Box GUESS Lotto v2.0 ]=Ŀ
                                      New:  Log Generator/Viewer      
                                     5 Tries to Find Random Number    
                                   between 1-100  (Rewards Credits!)  
                                         Baja SOURCE included!        
                                       For SynchronetBBS 2.20 +       
                                =[ The Chuckle Box BBS ]=
guest200.zip    3725 08-05-2024 Guest Account Command Module For
                                Synchronet BBS.
                                Written In Baja 2.10 For
                                Complete Compatibility And
                                Limits Your Guest Account's
                                Access To A Very Few Functions.
                                Freeware From Idell Software
guru.zip        8135 08-05-2024  A SMARTER GURU 
                                Replace your Guru.dat file in the CRTL
                                Dir with this edited one. Will make your
                                Guru seem alot smarter. N.P.
hallween.zip    8552 08-05-2024  HALLOWEEN COMMAND SHELL FOR SYNCHRONET v2.0
harmatrx.zip    5492 08-05-2024 Harmless Software Logon Matrix for Synchronet
                                   Mostly Harmless BBS (813)880-9063  
                                     Features of Harmless Matrix      
                                       -Fast for any BAUD rate.       
                                       -No external ANSI or ASCII     
                                        screens. all screens inside   
                                        BAJA Module                   
                                       -Easy to set up.               
                                       -YES NO BAR code included      
harmbull.zip    5360 08-05-2024 Harmless Bulletins is a BAJA Module for
                                Synchronet BBS. I wrote it using
                                Synchronet Version 2.20b so I cannot guarantee
                                it will work on earlier 
                                versions. It is very simple to use, so have a
                                blast with it. You can do
                                your own menus, so personalize it all you want
harmbye.zip     4243 08-05-2024 Harmless Software Logoff Module for Synchronet
                                   Mostly Harmless BBS (813)880-9063  
                                     Features From LOGOFF:            
                                       -Send Feedback to SYSOP        
                                       -Send E-Mail                   
                                       -Write AutoMessage             
                                       -Logoff and Fast Logoff        
                                       -Return To BBS                 
harmtag.zip     5001 08-05-2024 Harmless Software Tagline Generator for
                                Synchronet BBS
                                   Mostly Harmless BBS (813)880-9063  
                                     Features of HarmTag:             
                                       -Capable of supporting ASCII,  
                                        ANSI, AND RIP (UNTESTED).     
                                       -No dropfiles.                 
                                       -Easy to set up.               
                                       -YES NO BAR code included      
help.zip        3817 08-05-2024 'online-help' guru, and ways you might
                                improve on it. Echo
help100.zip     8532 08-05-2024 Helpter v1.00
                                Is a BAJA module for Synchronet BBS's.
                                This module makes it were your users can
                                receive help on download, posting, and
                                other things, with out having to wait for
                                a GURU to answer. The info was retrieved
                                from HELP.DAT (Help Guru) off of Vert.
                                Many other items are to become available
                                Now has Normal and Highlighter Menus!
                                Made by The Caretaker 
                                 The Haunted Mansion
ilv_plmu.zip    2396 08-05-2024 ...........................
                                ......iLLuSiVe mOdDinG.....
                                ......SynChRonET v2.2o.....
                                ......PosT LogiN maTrIx....
                                ......by Ez-Rider..........
ilv_ptlm.zip    2395 08-05-2024 ...........................
                                ......iLLuSiVe mOdDinG.....
                                ......SynChRonET v2.2o.....
                                ......PosT LogiN maTrIx....
                                ......by Ez-Rider..........
inst222.zip    83939 08-05-2024 Domain InstaTeller v2.22 (UNREGISTERED)
                                Instant account upgrades for Synchronet!
                                Allows users to purchase account upgrades
                                using a credit card.
                                ** NOW SUPPORTS ADDRESS VERIFICATION **
                                **  on automated callouts when used  **
                                **     with Domain Point of Sale     **
jckpt100.zip   53369 08-05-2024 JACKPOT v1.0 - The complete Lotto
                                program for Synchronet BBS. A must
                                have for every SBBS SysOp. To re-
                                gister you only need to e-mail the
                                author!! Features:
                                 Two kinds of lottery:
                                  o JackPot 4/19.
                                  o Instant draw.
                                 Full SysOp configurable:
                                  o JackPot Draw.
                                  o Amont for each winners.
                                  o % of JackPot for winners. 
                                  o Tickets cost for each lottery.
                                  o And much more!
                                 Automaticly update user database.
                                 Automaticly notify user.
                                 Automaticly notify everyone if
                                  the JackPot has been won.
                                 Full inter-node support.
                                 Full network/share operation.
                                 MultiTasker aware.
                                 Check for time left, DCD high, Etc..
                                 And Much More!!!
                                (C)Copyright 1994 Michel Pelletier
                                Compiled: 04-08-94
jivepost.zip   85426 08-05-2024 =[ Chuckle Box JIVE POSTER v1.0 ]=Ŀ
                                  User message input is converted to  
                                  JIVE, VALLEYSPEAK, or MIX of Both.  
                                    Converted text input into SMB.    
                                   When reading JIVE Posts, normal    
                                   message header info is altered.    
                                 JIVE smb invisible unless in script. 
                                =[ The Chuckle Box BBS ]=
juice4.zip     62056 08-05-2024 Cool Juice Cart ...Synchronet specific onliner
                                Knockoff of the classic onliner, Lemonade,
                                added events.  Release date: 02/02/96
k12_sync.zip   33308 08-05-2024 K12.SRC  Script for Baja commands
                                in Synchronet to emulate K12Net
                                Style Commands also encludes added
                                Menu screens..Written and editied
                                by David Neal 1:2613/604
l8r200.zip     25085 08-05-2024 Pre-Alpha-Beta-Gamma version of
                                TeleLink Network BBS's
                                L8r Logger v2.00
                                Setup Instructions included
                                $10.00 Registration fee
lglot143.zip   44331 08-05-2024 Logoff Lottery V1.43 for Synchronet V1&2
                                Allow :
                                  * Compiled using XSDK 2.33
                                  - Now configurable as Logon or Logoff
                                  - Fixed problem where Logon didn't
                                      work unless last option given
                                  - Jackpot/Last winner shown before
                                      user says YES to play
                                  - Multiple plays per user per day
                                  - SysOp configurable playing cost,
                                      starting jackpot, range of
                                      numbers, and help system
                                Logoff Lottery is Shareware.  The
                                Unregistered version is NOT crippled
                                in any way.
                                  Dean Lodzinski, Hologram Computing
                                  908-727-1914 & 908-727-2767
                                  Fidonet 1:107/633
line100.zip     5210 08-05-2024 Lucifer Liner 0.02
                                Is a BAJA module for Synchronet BBS's.
                                This module makes it were your users can
                                leave ones liners about things, this version
                                _SHOULD_ have NPCs in it. I need to really
                                debug it. You won't run into any BUGS that
                                I know of!
                                Made by The Caretaker 
                                 The Haunted Mansion
linerz15.zip    8315 08-05-2024    [0;34mSP[1mi[0;34mFF L[1mi[0;34mNERZZ! v1.5
                                [1;36mA[0;36mll [1mN[0;36
                                [1mO[0;36mne-[1mL[0;36miner [1mP[0;36mrogram
                                [1mF[0;36mor [1mS[0;36mynchronet [1mB[0;36mBS
                                     100% [1mF[0;36mREE!
                                [1mC[0;36mustomizable, [1mS[0;36mmall..etc..
logger15.zip   35178 08-05-2024 ķ
                                LOGGER 1.5
                                Event logging utility for Synchronet BBS
                                Systems.  Features:                     
                                   Improved LOG format.            
                                   Configurable LOG size.              
                                   Specify Name of LOG and PATH.       
loglist1.zip    5487 08-05-2024 [ Yesterday's Logon List Generator ]Ŀ
                                     Some people like to see the      
                                     list of yesterday's callers.     
                                     Run this utility just before     
                                    midnight to create that list.     
                                =[ The Chuckle Box BBS ]=
logoff3.zip     2386 08-05-2024 Synchronet Logoff Matrix
                                Idell software 1996
logoff4.zip     2658 08-05-2024 Synchronet Logoff Lightbar v1.1
                                by .Apocalypse. For use with
                                Synchronet BBS v2.20b+
logonsts.zip    1764 08-05-2024 This logon screen will provide your users
                                with their own statistics and some system
                                statistics. Navy  Navsat II BBS
loinfo.zip      1745 08-05-2024 Hi, included here is a nifty little
                                logon screen for Synchronet BBS
                                which tells the caller some cool
                                info about himself.
lotto155.zip   68560 08-05-2024     ** Lottery Door **
                                 ** for Synchronet BBS **
                                    ** version 1.55 **
                                Synchronet Lotto is a door
                                game where users can buy 
                                tickets to potentially win 
                                credits, just like a regular
                                lottery.  Users can buy either
                                blocks of tickets or one at a
                                time instantly.  They can also 
                                buy tickets for the lottery 
                                that is drawn after a SysOp
                                configurable amount of days.
                                Also includes optional SysOp 
                                created LOTTO.MSG to display 
                                lottery winning info.  It can 
                                be used as a regular external 
                                program or also as a LOGOFF 
                                Version 1.55 contains many new
                                features and some bug fixes.
                                (c)1994 CryptSoft Software
                                Compiled: 11-06-94
lucky.zip       5071 08-05-2024 Lucky Pick! Ver 1.0 Beta
                                (C)opyright 1996 John Pepp
                                Baja Game for Synchronet Users
                                Users try to match computer's
                                number.  Can win higher Security
                                Level or Additional Time.
                                FREEWARE - Source Code Included.
lwv10.zip      32254 08-05-2024 LASTWORD v1.0 is a "Tag Line" Program
                                for CTRL-A Color BBSes
magic1_g.zip   31528 08-05-2024 hrMAGICnm-hrMatrix1g nm-> hbRotation Matrix
                                > Sysop initiated chat works when you hit
                                > Feedback option even by users not in
                                > Rotation option allows you to pick which
                                matrix to use and how many
                                > Can run Matrix modules written by other and
                                include them in the rotation.
                                > Awesome Guest Registry in Full ANSI for
                                guest users
                                > Defaults to stock Synchronet Module(s) if no
                                > 8 modules included 
                                hiy*  nhmA MUST SEE  hiy*
magic_11.zip  101293 08-05-2024 MAGIC is a great card game by Wizards
                                of the Coast, Inc. The first set of
                                cards released was called "MAGIC: The
                                Gathering" (TM).
match.zip       4265 08-05-2024 Very easy to use shell, based on the
                                "matchmaker" UNIX board based in my
                                city, Tampa.
matrix3b.zip    6158 08-05-2024 MATRIX3B.. More SPEED!! A Logon Matrix that 
                                is Faster than before. 2400 baud callers are  
                                the target for this one. Smooth for all baud
                                rates. ANSI/ASCII are both supported. Also, 
                                the FeedBack option has been added.
mbpro18e.zip 1284722 08-05-2024 ModemBase Pro On-Line DataBase
                                Management System (MBPRO DBMS)
                                Release 1.82 - All NEW easy-to-use
                                design & setup!  SYSOPS MUST HAVE!
                                dBase III+ DBF & xBase compatible!
                                Works with MOST Online Systems,
                                BBS's, or host programs as a DOOR!
                                Complete communications built-in
                                with multi-user access & security!
menus.zip      16231 08-05-2024 What looks to be a complete
                                set of Ansi menus for Sync
menus2.zip      9832 08-05-2024 I am not sure what all this is. A bunch
                                of asc menus, with some German .msg
                                files add in.
mimed.zip      24404 08-05-2024 Mimed World BBS Command Shell for SynchroNet
                                BY: The UnderDark AIS
                                wrote by: BlackNet Runner
mimelist.zip    8721 08-05-2024 nMhinMhe's nFhile nLhisting nMhod for SBBS 2
                                ncThis mod adds a light bar to your File
                                ncListing function in Synchronet as well
                                ncas a few new functions (such as toggle
                                ncextended descriptions).
                                ncIt might even work in SBBS 2.20x, too.
                                nYhes, it's nFhreeware; nIh hate nWhhoreware.
mime_rmr.zip   14076 08-05-2024 nh    MiMeWoRKS: Baja Rumors version 1.0
                                n Rumors mod written completely in the BAJA
                                   scripting language.   Script included.
                                Handles up to 1,000 randomly chosen rumors.
                                n*NOT* WhoreWare (ie, it don't cost nuffin')
                                nhCreated by MiMe of MiMeWoRLD (334
mlabels2.zip   34089 08-05-2024 MLABELS v2.00 - Generate Mailing Labels
                                from Synchronet user database. Specify
                                users to print labels by security level
                                range, flags, exemptions, and/or
                                restrictions. New version also adds ability
                                to include "ATTN: " at end
                                of label. Supports single and double column
                                labels. Another free Synchronet utility
                                from Digital Dynamics with complete C
                                source code!
moduser.zip    15462 08-05-2024 Converts line 30 of door.sys
                                to Moduser.dat file to be read
                                in by SynchroNet. Specifically
                                designed to be used on the
                                Awesome CD-ROM door ROMBRAIN.
                                from the creative minds at
                                The Edge of the World BBS
                                115,000 / Hayes V.FC
                                6 CD-ROMS ONLINE / 40,000 files
mold0995.zip   84402 08-05-2024 Da PreMMeR PaK!    $       $$ 
                                        $         $$      $$ $
                                  $    $$        $$$     $$  $
                                 $$$  $$$        $$$     $$  $
                                $$$$$$$$$        $$$     $$   
                                $$$ $ $$$  $$$$  $$$  $$$$$   
                                $$$ $ $$$ $$  $$ $$$ $$  $$   
                                $$    $$  $$  $$ $$  $$  $$$  
                                $     $    $$$$  $    $$$$ $$ 
                                      SyNCR0%ANSi%ET AL       
mopar.zip      11384 08-05-2024 Mopar Command Shell
msg2txt.zip    10206 08-05-2024 MSG2TXT v1.0 - For Synchronet BBS.
                                Convert file with Ctrl-A color codes
                                into plain ascii text file. Support
                                DOS wildcards.
msgr001.zip    37329 08-05-2024 Messenger v0.01 for Syncronet BBS
                                 Sends Comments to other user's
                                 logon messages. For SysOps ONLY
msg_main.zip    5400 08-05-2024 Fully Seporate Message Menu
                                    SRC for SBBS 2.00+
                                    With Sample Menu
                                    And Install Docs
                                        Version 2
                                   Update In Docs!!!!!
nb_30.zip       4410 08-05-2024 Newuser Bulletins 1.22
                                For Synchronet BBS.
netserf.zip   140468 08-05-2024 NETSERF v1.0: Extensive BAJA mod for your
                                NetXpress UUCP
                                connection! Attract and train users in
                                Internet use.
                                GOPHER, ARCHIE, Net News Filter, FTP, Weather
                                Reports and
                                much more. Extensive Help Files! Must try!
                                Shareware.      (c)1995 by Tom Hill. All
                                rights reserved.
new12.zip       8206 08-05-2024 New User Baja Module v1.2
                                v1.2 of the new user module
                                used at the REALITY LTD BBS
                                    SRC file included
new200.zip      3568 08-05-2024 Newuser Command Module For
                                Synchronet BBS.
                                Written In Baja 2.10 For
                                Complete Compatibility And
                                Limits Newusers To A Very
                                Few Functions.
                                Freeware From Idell Software
newf_10a.zip    6240 08-05-2024 Newfie -- A NEWFILES.DAT posting
                                adjunct for Synchronet. Newfie is
                                a rather simple program. It performs
                                a simple task: posting a summary of
                                NEWFILES.DAT contents to a subgroup
                                of your choice.
newguru.zip    18957 08-05-2024   GURU.DAT ۲
                                 The Witch's Brew
                                 919 . 942 . 3170
                                 Over 1000 Lines!
                                - Beavis & Butthead
                                - Cussing Users :)
                                - Online Help
                                - Tips on Editing
newmenu.zip     3223 08-05-2024  ͻ                          ͻ
                                     SYNCHRONET BAJA MODULE  
                                     DISPLAYS LIMITED ACCESS 
                                     MENU TO NEW USERS AND   
                                     FORCES THE USE OF A     
                                     CALL BACK VALIDATOR     
                                 ͼ                          ͼ
newmsg.zip      1785 08-05-2024 Simple BAJA Script designed to send New
                                Users a Text File via Email with SMBUTIL.
newpwrd.zip     2660 08-05-2024 rhNEWUSER.SRC n- New User Shell 
                                Limits the new user to a few commands and
                                allows the user to automaticly upgrade his
                                access via a password,  Configurable by the 
                                sysop. -- Synchronet v2.10+
newscan.zip     2514 08-05-2024 rhNEWSCAN.SRC n- FORCE USERS TO USE FILE_ID
                                Also Disables the question "bhSearch For New
                                Messagesn" Loadable Module Synchronet v2.10+
newscan2.zip    3083 08-05-2024 
newscrpt.zip    4714 08-05-2024 These are logon scripts that check
                                to see if a user is a new-user, 
                                then prompts him/her accordingly
                                to do a visiting sysop validation
                                and run the call back verifyer.
                                Totally transparent to verifyed
                                users.  Written By: Mike Nestrud
newuser.zip     8193 08-05-2024 NEW USER BAJA MODULE
                                "Forcefully" advises
                                the use of the Call
                                Back Verifier, Checks
                                if new user is a 
                                SysOp, and give new
                                user the opportunity
                                to download Adult
                                Registration Form.
newuser2.zip    8252 08-05-2024 NEW USER BAJA MODULE
                                "Forcefully" advises
                                the use of the Call
                                Back Verifier, Checks
                                if new user is a 
                                SysOp, and give new
                                user the opportunity
                                to download Adult
                                Registration Form.
newusif.zip     2560 08-05-2024 
new_prob.zip    8811 08-05-2024 New User and Problem User Screens for
                                Synchronet BBS.  Both are run from
                                the Logon BIN so new users and users
                                you want to restrict because of some
                                problem cannot get on the BBS.
new_user.zip    3235 08-05-2024 New user command shell Allows L/D callers a
                                Password, local users the CallBack 
                                BlackNet Runner
notfy15e.zip   46284 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                Synchronet Notifier 1.5e. Scrabble Turn 
                                notification program. Synchronet 2.x +  
                                   Self Maintaining LOGs.          
                                   Game numbers shown. *NEW        
                                   Duplicate checking.             
                                   MultiNode aware.                    
                                   Real time notification.             
novice.zip     14819 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                    NOVICE USER
                                   COMMAND SHELL
                                  Online Help Text
                                   for new users
nsanewal.zip   63137 08-05-2024     > Wall o Insanity <
                                  > by ShhkTch Software <
                                 Guaranteed to be one of the 
                                 best walls programmed. Fully 
                                 sysop configurable, 21 random
                                 screens, color input prompts,
                                 anonymous options, replace,
                                 delete, insert commands with 
                                 external tagline help.
                                 Unregistered Version is very 
nuru1.zip      14691 08-05-2024 Kind of a fun, but useless little program.
                                Run it and see for yourself. I did, got a
                                grin. Now back to typeing these file_id.diz.
nuv10b.zip     13630 08-05-2024 New User Voting v1.0 - The Best NUV
                                System for Synchronet BBS Software v2.2+
                                -Written entirely in BAJA(tm)!
                                -SysOp Configurable Yes/No Votes Req!
                                -Optional Welcome and Completion Screen!
                                -Tracks Users who have Voted(Vote Once)!
                                -Sends E-Mail to SysOp when User is
                                 Voted in or Out!
                                -SysOp can Review Application before he
                                 makes the final decision!
                                -Tracks and Displays Comments by Voters!
                                -Voters can Review Application anytime!
nu_sync.zip     9904 08-05-2024 SYNCHRONET BBS MODS
                                by neurobound
                                Sorce code for Baja
nw_mod01.zip    1253 08-05-2024 
nx_sync.zip  1087027 08-05-2024 NetXpress Internet/Usenet Gateway
                                for Syncronet v1.53.   Supports UUCP, SMTP
                                and NNTP.  Handles email, news, mailing
                                lists, FTPMAIL, and lots more. [DEMO]
offline.zip     7933 08-05-2024 OFFLINE v1.0 for sbbs will log offline file
                                requests from users.
oline2v1.zip   20581 08-05-2024 -----------------------------
                                Freeware OS/2 Native Oneliner
                                it's  Oneliner/2!  by: Fusion
oneline1.zip    7475 08-05-2024 =[ Chuckle Box ONE-LINERS  v1.0 ]=Ŀ
                                     Nice little One-Liner Script.    
                                     Random Colors, Credit Awards.    
                                   SysOp sees who wrote One-Liners.   
                                         Baja SOURCE included!        
                                        For SynchronetBBS 2.20        
                                =[ The Chuckle Box BBS ]=
ovb2shel.zip   14724 08-05-2024 Synchronet Oblivion/2 Clone Command Shell
                                If you like Oblivion/2 2.55, and you are
                                running Synchronet v2.00x you will love
                                this additional command shell for your
                                board. Many Thanks to The DoJo BBS for
                                this one.
                                Xsword, NEOCOM CBB&FL, 703-666-9533
                                BeaVis edited this to work on sync. V2.20x
ovb_2shl.zip   13933 08-05-2024 Synchronet Oblivion/2 Clone Command Shell
                                If you like Oblivion/2 2.55, and you are
                                running Synchronet v2.00x you will love
                                this additional command shell for your
                                board. Many Thanks to The DoJo BBS for
                                this one.
                                Xsword, NEOCOM CBB&FL, 703-666-9533
parseit.zip    11286 08-05-2024 I've created another utility. This one
                                will parse the .CFG files and create
                                ASCII file listing of the result.
pauxip.zip      5862 08-05-2024 PAUZ 2.0 Specifiable wait function
                                for batch files by Bob Eyer Mar 27
pipshell.zip  116834 08-05-2024 PiPELiNE SHELL  - For Synchronet v2.0
                                PiPELiNE SHELL is for sysops wanting a
                                totaly awesome shell for Synchronet 
                                BBS. HAS NUV,BBSLIST,RUMORS AND MORE!
pmaze110.zip   63057 08-05-2024 P h r _ z e   M _ z e ! Synchronet BBS Door
                                        Phrase Maze, version 1.10
                                Maddeningly addictive BBS door game first 
                                wide area beta release.  Deceptively simple 
                                and highly competitive. 
                                Developed specifically for Synchronet BBS's
                                Supports internode messaging.  Great fun, 
                                easy to install!
                                Written by the Poughkeepsie Strangler.
postit10.zip   10413 08-05-2024 [AT2k] - Post-It! v1.0 for Synchronet BBS
                                This is an autopost module for SBBS that is
                                nearly identical to the one used on the VBBS
                                and VADV BBS systems.
                                Aspect Technologies 2k
postmat.zip     3394 08-05-2024 chPost Logon Matrix
                                nbhA simple utility BAJA module
                                nbhthat will allow your users
                                nbhto either skip the normal
                                nbhlogon procedure and/or jump
                                nbhto different sections of your
                                nbhboard like external programs,
                                nbhQWK mail, their mail, or chat.
                                nbh(c) 1995 Dustin D. Brand
                                nbh1:301/14 505-828-2647
prshl11a.zip   14705 08-05-2024 ProShell v1.1 - Command Shell for Synchronet
                                v2.x [1 of 2]
                                This Command Shell allows you to have 
                                seperate areas on your BBS.
                                A Main Menu, Message Menu, Transfer Menu, 
                                and a Features Menu.
                                Download PRSHL11B.ZIP, It contains the
                                External programs required.
psar21.zip     42118 08-05-2024             PSAR Version 2.1
                                        ** Manintenance Release **
                                 -      Profanity Seek and Replace      - 
                                Are you tired of immature users posting
                                profanity all over your subs? Do you want
                                to scan outbound FidoNet mail before it 
                                leaves your system? Do your want to allow
                                your newusers to post? PSAR if for you!
                                PSAR seeks and replaces profanity from a
                                list of replacements you configure. Runs
                                as frequently as every logoff, or as
                                a nightly event. Automatic setup!
                                Registration $20 : Demonstration Version
pwscfg.zip     86714 08-05-2024 PWSCFG - Password Protect your 'C' WFC Key
                                This archive contains information on
                                password protecting your Synchronet
                                'SCFG' whether you enter 'C' from the WFC
                                or the DOS prompt.
                                Brought to you by the 21st Century BBS
qbullbar.zip    7720 08-05-2024 nhbQUICK Bulletins; rThe Light Bar Version
                                nhbLogon Bulletins for Synchronet v2.* 
                                nhk- nhcLight Bar Controls all commands
                                nhk- nhcLightbar selection of downloads and 
                                nhk  nhcprotocols.
                                nhk- nhcDownloading of ncALL BULLETINS
                                nhk- nhcVery nciEASY nchto SETUP
                                nhk- nciNOT nchCrippled!!! DOWNLOAD IT!
                                nhk- ncAnsi/Ascii/Rip Only
                                n(c)1995 Dustin D. Brand A.M.O.
                                (505)828-2647   FIDO 1:301/14n
qbullet.zip    16469 08-05-2024 nhbQUICK Bulletins nihrv1.15a iNEW!!
                                nhbLogon Bulletins for Synchronet v2.1* 
                                nhk- nhcSupports ncHUNDREDS hof Bulletins
                                nhk- nhcEnhanced ncRIP hEnabled
                                nhk- nhcDownloading of ncALL BULLETINS
                                nhk- nhcVery nciEASY nchto SETUP
                                nhk- ncTONS hof ncNEW hFeatures
                                nhk- nciNOT nchCrippled!!! DOWNLOAD IT!
                                nhk- nciNEW handnci COMPLETELY REVAMPED
                                nhk- nhcONLY gi$5.00 to REGISTER
                                n(c)1995 Dustin D. Brand A.M.O.
                                (505)828-2647   FIDO 1:301/14n
quick.zip       3839 08-05-2024 Synchronet Quick Login v1.0 by
                                Apocalypse. For use with
                                Synchronet BBS v2.20b+
qwkbull.zip    16258 08-05-2024 
qwkfiles.zip    2731 08-05-2024 The little batch file included here will
                                extract files from a QWK packet that a
                                user has FREQed.
r2s.zip        10356 08-05-2024 Renegade BBS To Synchronet BBS User Convertor
                                This program will convert you're Renegade BBS
                                User file to Synchronet Style.
                                Freeware by Tom Fotherby
redmenu.zip     7517 08-05-2024 rhRED MENUS for Synchronet's DEFAULT SHELL
                                nSYSOPS!, Break free from those bBlue nand
                                gGreen nmenus forever! (TELIX LOOKING)
regsslot.zip    3366 08-05-2024 BAJA GAME! - Sync Slots  v1b
                                A One Armed Bandet That Gives
                                Credit Prizes. This Slot is
                                Alot Better than Alot Of the 
                                Baja Games We Made in the Past.
                                This Game Is FREE! No Registrations!
                                FROM ACESOFT!
regsstb.zip     3558 08-05-2024 SBBS Shoot The Bottle Full Version!!!!
                                Yes Challenge Your SysOp at a Shooting
                                Contest And Win Credit! But Be Carfull
                                You can Miss!!! This is the Full Version
                                We Think This will be alot Better For The
                                SysOps Who Need it!    FROM ACESOFT!
rip4sync.zip   30924 08-05-2024 
                                    Advanced RIP Support   
                                       Synchronet 2.x      
                                     Updated on 10/5/94    
                                  This 'patch' modifies the
                                  Default Command  Shell to
                                  add advanced  RIP support
                                  to Synchronet 2.x
ripit101.zip   38049 08-05-2024 RIP It! TM 1.01 - Create RIP & ASC Optional
                                Menus for your Synchronet BBS Automatically!!
                                RIP It! will create all of the following
                                GRPS.RIP, SUBSx.RIP, LIBS.RIP, DIRSx.RIP, 
                                XTRN_SEC.RIP, XTRNx.RIP, TEXT_SEC.RIP, 
                                TEXTx.RIP and all of the related ASCs.
                                SysOps may configure colors, use optional 
                                custom RIP backgrounds and ASC header files.
                                RIP It! will save you hundreds of hours of
                                work and the registration is only $10.00 US.
rmrs_22.zip    49947 08-05-2024 RUMORS v2.2 - The Best Rumors System for
                                use with Synchronet BBS Software v2.0+.
                                -BAJA(tm) integrated for maximum speed!
                                -Synchronet CTRL-A Color Codes Supported!
                                -SysOp defineable display screen!
                                -Tracks and Displays Rumor Writers!
                                -SysOp can Delete Rumors and optionally
                                 send a message to user!
                                -SysOp Definable up to 100 Rumors!
                                -SysOp can set Minimum ARS needed to
                                 Display Rumor.
                                -BAJA Module Source Code Included!
                                -SysOp can Edit any Rumor or UserName!
rmvf12b.zip    41627 08-05-2024 Remove File v1.2 for Synchronet BBS.
                                Allows Sysop's to select a reason for
                                removing a users Uploaded file(s), and
                                send him a MSG on his next logon.  Nice
                                small (FREEWARE) utility to help enforce
                                your Upload Policy.  New Door Mode.
                                Allows up to 5 SysOp Configurable Reasons!
                                Now Automatically determines FileNames!
                                Create Personalized Reasons on the fly!
rndstat.zip     8533 08-05-2024 [MW] Random User Stats on Login by Modern Bob
roommakr.zip   17574 08-05-2024 Room Maker 1.0 - The Best and Easiest way to 
                                do Rooms! Change user information from within
                                a BAJA module.  Use Command line parameters 
                                to alter information and only have ONE 
                                external program to keep track of.  A rather 
                                elegant solution to a nagging problem.  
                                NO nags, delays, or crippled effects, but a 
                                $10.00 registration is requested.  Includes 
                                an article on Rooms that explains what this 
                                program is good for. By: Gregory Campbell.
rotov510.zip   12145 08-05-2024 ͵ Roto-Screens v5.10 ͸
                                  This powerful, fast and memory-saving    
                                  program randomly rotates your log-on     
                                  and log-off ANSI and ASCII files         
                                  for ***SYNCRONET*** Bulletin Board       
                                  Systems.  When inserted as a logoff      
                                  event, it will give your users a little  
                                  variety on each log-on with some added   
                                  color and fun for your BBS!              
rscan16a.zip   46351 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                \\\///*** RSCAN 1.6a ***\\\///
                                  Searches your RIME message  
                                base for incomming or outgoing
                                messages and create a BarGraph
                                 Synchronet Bulletin Software 
                                   D.C. Software - FREEWARE!  
rumor1.zip      8838 08-05-2024       [0;1mSP[36mi[37mFFWARE [31mRumors [34m1
                                  [35mRumors is a NEW and KICK ASS
                                [35mRumor program for Synchronet BBS!
                                 [35mOBV/2 Style Rumor program will
                                   [35mmake your bbs look great![0m
rumors12.zip   11347 08-05-2024 Rumors v1.02 adds forum hack rumors to
                                SynchroNet v2.0x
                                * Supports Pipe colors 1 - 15 for forum hack
                                look and feel
                                * Allows for 250 rumors
                                * Sysop functions for deleting and viewing
                                existing rumors
                                * Release date 7/24/94 * Unregistered Copy *
s2fdclr1.zip   37365 08-05-2024 S2FDCLR will put the Last Callers 
                                Name\Time and Date from your BBS
                                into FrontDoors' or InterMails'
s2pop100.zip   24737 08-05-2024 Simple but worthy last
                                caller utility that appends
                                Synchronet's last user into
                                PoP's Wait-For Call screen.
s2x10a.zip     12865 08-05-2024 SYN2XEN - SBBS to XeniaMailer Last Caller
                                Importer for DOS and OS/2
                                by Troy Engel
s4sync01.zip   33643 08-05-2024 Republican Success For Synchronet BBS, Ver 1
                                A post November 8, 1994 Election replacement 
                                for the _America_Held_Hostage_For_Synchronet_
                                program.  Kenneth Otto Software, Cocoa, FL.
sb10wb.zip      9854 08-05-2024 SPORT!ware BAJA Bulletin module for Synchronet
                                A snap to setup and maintain with all sysop
                                functions done right in the module!  FREEWARE
sbbs0906.zip   30620 08-05-2024 Well here are all the menu files
                                that I made for our sync bbs,
                                I hope you like them.
sbbsclsc.zip   10028 08-05-2024  Synchronet Classic Menu Screens NEW  
                                These are direct replacement menu screens
                                for the Synchronet Classic Command Shell.
                                Only minor adjustments are necessary for
                                customization for any Sync BBS.
                                These are in a folder type format.
                                Download and take a look, you may like 'em.
                                MDEX Midwest Data Exchange (605)226-2428
sbbsrip1.zip   18944 08-05-2024 
sbbsrip2.zip   24910 08-05-2024 
sbbsrip3.zip    2928 08-05-2024 
sbbstat1.zip   18633 08-05-2024 SBBSTATS v1.1 - For Synchronet BBS
                                Make statistics files from your user
                                database. Output files are ready to
                                display to your caller. A must have
                                for every SBBS SysOp. Features:
                                 Eight output files
                                  o Topten users by uploaded bytes.
                                  o Topten users by uploaded files.
                                  o Topten users by downloaded bytes.
                                  o Topten users by downloaded files.
                                  o Topten users by messages posted.
                                  o Topten users by emails sended.
                                  o Topten users by logons.
                                  o Topten users by minutes online.
                                 Full network/share operation.
                                 Synchronet Ctrl-A color code.
                                 And Much More!!!
sbbs_fv.zip     4540 08-05-2024 Synchronet Sysops - Run PCBFV with SBBS!!
                                Save time by allowing users to view, read
                                files within, and extract individual files
                                from archive all from the filelist prompt.
                                This text file will walk you through the
                                setup. Download me now!
sc.zip         69674 08-05-2024 
sc27.zip      257107 08-05-2024 SyncChat v2.7 - April '97 Release
                                The ULTIMATE Teleconferencing Program!!
                                Works for ALL DOOR.SYS compatible BBSes!
                                 EASY Installation!  EASY Upgrading!
                                 Advanced Actions System!
                                 Every String Can Be Edited!
                                 Games Can Be Played While Chatting!
                                 You Can "Direct" Messages To Users
                                 Support For A RAM Drive For Speed
                                 "WG chat for people without a billion $$$!"
                                 Bug fixes.
schath10.zip    2555 08-05-2024  _____ __ __ ____ ____ _____
                                |  ,__|  |  |  __|    \    _|
                                |___  |  |  |_ __|  |  |  |
                                |_____|__|____|__|__|  |__|
                                     _____ __ ____ _|__;.
                                    |     |  |   _|  |  |
                                    |  |--|  |  | |  |  |
                                    |_____|__|__|  \_   |
                                Silent City Change Chat Handle
                                module v1.0 for Synchronet v2.1+
scityv15.zip    7874 08-05-2024  _____ __ __ ____ ____ _____
                                |  ,__|  |  |  __|    \    _|
                                |___  |  |  |_ __|  |  |  |
                                |_____|__|____|__|__|  |__|
                                     _____ __ ____ _|__;.
                                    |     |  |   _|  |  |
                                    |  |--|  |  | |  |  |
                                    |_____|__|__|  \_   |
                                Silent City Command Shell v1.5
                                   for Synchronet BBS v2.0+
scp23.zip      26921 08-05-2024 Supernet Centepede is a FREE add-on centepede
                                game. This program works with Synchronet BBS,
                                was written especially with kids in mind.
                                Written by Paul Brandt at 1:228/95 Fido-Net,
                                (616) 895-9677 - The Suite 16 BBS.
scsp_v01.zip   34303 08-05-2024 Synchronet Command Shell Previewer
                                Allows new users to preview the
                                command shells available on your
                                (c) 1995 Zen Systems
sdfi100a.zip   41305 08-05-2024 ** SDFImporter v1.0a - For Synchronet BBS. **
                                Sysops - Stop spending time uploading files
                                into SBBS with the local upload option, do
                                it via batch processing and/or daily event!
                                SDFI automate the process. It will import
                                files which contain FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI
                                into any directory you specify. No need to 
                                check if FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI exists, SDFI
                                will snoop it out for you. Support for ZIP,
                                ARJ and GIF files.
                                Compile on june 19th 1994, (C)Michel
sdos_100.zip    6532 08-05-2024 SDOS v1.00 - Fake DOS Command Shell for 
                                Synchronet BBS version 2.
sdub1.zip      53289 08-05-2024 SynchroNet Door Usage Graph/Bulletin Maker
                                Version 1.0
                                Up to 200 doors graphed, Gives Door Name,
                                accessed and graph.  Creates both ansi and
sdupe125.zip   26920 08-05-2024   ** Dupe User Finder **
                                 ** for Synchronet BBS **
                                    ** version 1.25 **
                                Dupe User Finder reads the
                                Synchronet USER.DAT file and
                                checks the rest of users for
                                duplicate information.  Checks
                                real name, address, password,
                                phone number, and birthday.
                                Writes to text file for
                                duplicates found.  Great to 
                                check for duplicate accounts.
                                Version 1.25 contains many new
                                features and some bug fixes.
                                (c)1994 CryptSoft Software
                                Compiled: 09-21-94
sf2web.zip     19433 08-05-2024 sf2web v1.0 - put your synchronet BBS
                                filebase on the web!  easy to set up,
                                easy to use.  generates  .htm / .html
                                files for each directory + an index.
                                Files: 5  Dizdate: 07/30/97
                                Newest: 07/30/97  Oldest: 07/30/97
sfreq105.zip   31159 08-05-2024 ** FREQ List/File Directory Generator **
                                     ** for Synchronet BBS v2.0 **
                                           ** version 1.05 **
                                FREQ List/File Directory Generator
                                reads the Synchronet FILE.CNF
                                configuration file and generates
                                a text file list of FREQable files
                                in the file directories.  Will
                                also sort the directories for
                                ease in viewing.  Works with any
                                frontend mailer like FrontDoor,
                                InterMail, BinkleyTerm, D'Bridge,
                                or Portal of Power.
                                Version 1.05 contains major bug
                                (c)1994 CryptSoft Software
                                Compiled: 09-04-94
shang130.zip   21251 08-05-2024    ** HangUp Alerter **
                                 ** for Synchronet BBS **
                                    ** version 1.30 **
                                HangUp Alerter notifies the
                                users and sysop who hung up
                                incorrectly the previous day.
                                Creates output files that
                                directly support Synchronet 
                                color codes.  Great to use
                                for logon screens or bulletins.
                                Version 1.30 contains many new
                                features and some bug fixes.
                                (c)1993-1994 CryptSoft Software
                                Compiled: 01-30-94
shc_121a.zip    9038 08-05-2024 rh     Synchronet High Cards Version 1.21a
                                rhiU N R E G I S T E R E D   E V A L U A T I O
                                nwhWbritten entirely in wBAJA(tm)b and
                                designed for
                                speed; wSbynchronet wHbigh wCbards was written
                                your wSbynchronet wMbultinode wBbullet
                                wSbystem. wTbhis version instroduces the long
                                awaited betting.n
shop135b.zip  803583 08-05-2024 - Extremely Sysop and user friendly.
                                - Separate vendors and/or 'stores' supported
                                with one install
                                - Online electronic banking, including
                                checking, Visa, MasterCard with
                                  sysop-configurable callouts for automatic
                                - All electronic transactions handled via one
                                online transaction service.
                                - Send email that includes invoice to Sysop
                                and purchaser upon purchase
                                  or other third party upon purchase.
                                - Adjust exemption, restriction, flags,
                                security level and user expiration.
sline12.zip    14085 08-05-2024 *********     Super Liners V 1.2    *********
                                + Best Oneliner program available !!!!
                                + Supports Door.sys drop files!
                                + includes sysop commands and security
                                + Shareware!!!!! Download this!!!!!
slog115.zip    30656 08-05-2024      ** Log Killer **
                                 ** for Synchronet BBS **
                                    ** version 1.15 **
                                Log Killer deletes .LOG log
                                files that are past x number 
                                of days old.  Can also delete
                                .LOL logon list files and log
                                all activity to an output 
                                file.  Optional switch to zip
                                logs based on month.  Great 
                                for saving much needed disk 
                                Version 1.15 contains many new
                                features and some bug fixes.
                                (c)1994 CryptSoft Software
                                Compiled: 07-08-94
smac41.zip     53512 08-05-2024 Synchronet Specific onliner.  Simple race
                                track type game, fun to play.
smail111.zip   48152 08-05-2024       ** Mail Poster **
                                ** for Synchronet BBS v2.x **
                                     ** version 1.11 **
                                Mail Poster works directly with
                                the Synchronet Message Base (SMB)
                                Specification.  It reads the
                                Synchronet MAIL.SHD Email header
                                file and posts a message to a
                                certain user.  Will accept any
                                length message, with any subject
                                desired.  Can also specify other
                                user names, such as 'SysOp'.
                                User's mail will also default to
                                delete when read to prevent excess
                                messages.  Great for sending
                                welcome messages to new users.
                                (c)1994 CryptSoft Software
                                Compiled: 04-17-95
smbunix.zip     2065 08-05-2024 Duplicate BC functions for SMB which
                                aren't part of UNiX C - Public Domain
                                Full type casts are included, so even
                                a strict C++ compiler won't complain
smi1.zip        2176 08-05-2024 |10Synchronet |02BMOD (BAJA MOD) |15-
                                |02Implements a
                                |02Telegard-like BBS list! |07Prophet '95
smi2.zip        1850 08-05-2024 Synchronet BMOD (BAJA MOD) - Seemlessly
                                integrate Internet
                                Email into your BBS if you have a FIDOnet node
                                  A must
                                for any SysOp who uses FIDOnet's UUCP gateway
                                to send
                                Internet Email!  By Prophet '95 [SMI] 
smi3.zip        3584 08-05-2024 Synchronet BMOD (BAJA MOD) - The absolute BEST
                                Logon!!  Written fully in BAJA, FAST, takes
                                seconds to
                                install!  By Prophet [SMI] '95
smi4.zip        1943 08-05-2024 Synchronet BMOD (BAJA MOD) - Auto-Offline File
                                Make it easy for users to request offline
                                By Prophet [SMI] '95
smmbull1.zip    8180 08-05-2024 [ Match Maker Bulletin Colorizer 1.0 ]
                                       It takes the rather bland      
                                      SMMSTATS.TXT file generated     
                                        by SMMUTIL and makes it       
                                      more appealing to the sight     
                                    by reformating, and colorizing.   
                                =[ The Chuckle Box BBS ]=
smm_210.zip   418112 08-05-2024 Synchronet Match Maker (BBS door) v2.10
                                supports any DOOR.SYS or Synchronet BBS.
                                Internationally networked profiles, 
                                telegrams, wall, photographs, and more! 
                                Developed by Rob Swindell, author of
                                Synchronet BBS Software. Perhaps the most 
                                comprehensive match maker available.
                                NOW FREEWARE! http://www.synchro.net
smod20.zip     12758 08-05-2024 Synchronet Mod Development System v2.00
                                Modules And Shell To Totally Change Your
                                Synchronet BBS System ver 2.2+
                                Comes With :
                                             Logoff Matrix
                                             Newuser Menu
                                             Guest Menu
                                             Command Shell
                                             Newuser Bulletins
                                             And More!
smod40.zip     13680 08-05-2024 Synchronet Development System
                                Version 4.0
                                Comes Complete With
                                          ----> Command Shell
                                          ----> Guest Menu
                                          ----> Newuser Menu
                                          ----> Logoff Matrix
                                 Check It Out Today!
snbguru2.zip   11965 08-05-2024  |The Smarter GURU|
                                 Smooth Noodle Boot
                                - Online Help
                                - Friendly Chatting
                                - Generic Answers
                                  For easy import
                                - aRf
sndtl_12.zip    7549 08-05-2024 Sendtele was written to allow
                                sending of telegrams with BAJA,
                                Escape to Other Worlds
                                Brett Frymire
snotice1.zip    1977 08-05-2024 Sysop Notices 1.10
                                Synchronet Logon Sysop News
                                Bulletin Program.
                                version 1.10
                                Registration Is Just $1
snuv03.zip     49388 08-05-2024 Synchronet New User Voting v0.3
                                ANSi only, includes comments.
                                Author : Irnwlf
spost100.zip    3809 08-05-2024           SyncPost v1.00
                                Autopost program for synchronet
                                bbs systems.
                                written in baja 2.10 for speed
                                and reliability.
                                registration just $1
                                Idell Software Inc.
                                Files: 7  Dizdate: 05/16/96
                                Newest: 05/16/96  Oldest: 05/07/96
sr10.zip       34271 08-05-2024 SyncRegistry 1.0 by Prophet - FREEWARE
                                 A great little user registry for
                                 Seemless integration with SyncChat 1.9
                                  or above!  Users can enter SyncRegistry
                                  from SyncChat!
                                 Complete "C" SOURCE CODE INCLUDED!!
                                  (For use with XSDK)
                                 It's TOTALLY FREE!!
srchlght.zip   32261 08-05-2024 
                                  Searchlight Comand Shell  
                                   / \         for          
                                       Synchronet 2.x    
                                  /   \                     
                                  ޳ Updated on 9/17/94  
ssslot15.zip  102821 08-05-2024 Super Slots v1.50a for Synchronet BBS
                                v2.1xx. Drop in upgrade, all versions.
                                Game of chance for your users to win
                                credits by playin' the slots! Dirt
                                cheap to register, easy to setup.
                                Now with the PDF File System. Try it
                                out, now know exactly what your door
                                is doing, and how well it's doing it.
                                Multi-node, COM1-8, 300-115.2K, if
                                you use credits, you need this door!
                                 Designed for SBBS v2.10a/2.11a.
                                    From Savage SoftWare Co.
                                      (604)495-2690 14.4K
                                      (604)495-2694 28.8K
sssv2.zip      22846 08-05-2024 Supernet Security System is written
                                as an add-on to Synchronet BBS. It
                                will help detect callers who give
                                false log-on information, and lower
                                their access level automatically.
                                It is FREEWARE from Suite 16 BBS.
                                (616) 895-9677 or FidoNet 1:228/95
                                     - This is Version 2.0 -
ss_samp.zip   544505 08-05-2024 acid view 2.2, a RIP viewer
                                and a bunch of Rip screens
st100.zip      44079 08-05-2024 Sex Trivia  v1.00
stab411b.exe  115151 08-05-2024 
stab_410.zip   86559 08-05-2024 Sync_TABS Synchronet TABS Door V4.10
                                * New Anti-ID-Hacker Support
                                * Test Drive Access Option
                                - Special Subscription Events (SSE)
                                - Monthly Profit Statistics
                                - Multiple Subscription Levels
                                - Support for $10, $25 & Alternate $
                                Synchronet TABS Door is for SysOps
                                who are clients of TABS.
                                2/Jan/1995 Shareware $15 by
                                Dean Lodzinski, Hologram Computing
                                (908) 727-1914 & (908) 727-2767
                                TABS is a service of True Media,
                                Inc. 1270 Clearmont Street, Palm Bay,
                                FL 32905 407-722-3150
stag1b.zip      3584 08-05-2024 *Synchronet Tagline Module*
                                Users can create their own taglines
                                to be displayed during User Lists.
                                A great way for users to customize 
                                their accounts. Fun and creative!
                                Best of all, it's FREE!
                                By: Nemesis Software, (c) 1995
stats200.zip  226040 08-05-2024 SBBStats v2.0 - For Synchronet BBS
                                Make TopTen Bulletins from your log
                                files! Send notify message to your
                                top users! Output files are ready to
                                display to your caller. A must have
                                for every SBBS SysOp. Full SysOp
                                configurable. Features:
                                 Up to 50 differents TopTen outputs!
                                 Up to 50 differents Notify messages!
                                 Full CRC-32 Dup checking.
                                 Full network/share operation.
                                 Synchronet Ctrl-A color code.
                                 And Much More!!!
                                Compile on April 30th 1994
                                (C) 1994 Michel PelletierFiles: 16  Dizdate:
                                Newest: 04/30/94  Oldest: 04/30/94
statsv1.zip    10749 08-05-2024 STATS (C) Jean Gaudreau 1994
                                STATS is a small program to make
                                statistics of your top ten doors!
stfmv1.zip     16511 08-05-2024 Synchronet Text File Manager v1.0 (Freeware!)
                                Sysop online text file customization manager
                                for Synchronet systems! Easily access, update
                                or change any SBBS text display. Quick & easy
                                to install and use. Provides reminders to
                                many often overlooked customization features!
                                      Requires SBBS v2.3 beta (06/08/96)
                                  by Tom Hill (DOVE-Net: Symbolist@COMMNET)
subchk1c.zip   98069 08-05-2024 SUBCHK10.ZIP - A FREE ADD ON MODULE to the
                                SynOEB Online Check Program
                                Sell Credits, Minutes and/or Subscription
                                levels to you users by dropping this
                                file in the SynOEB Directory and following the
                                README.1ST file.  Easy to setup
                                and Very Configurable.  Allows up to 10 levels
                                to be set up.  Sell your users
                                CREDITS/MINUTES and recieve payment in 24-48
                                hours.  Can be configured to ADD
                                and REMOVE simultaneously all 4 FLAG sets and
                                EVERYTHING that can be adjusted using MODUSER
                                .DAT can be accomplished with this
                                program, including expiration date.
suprslot.zip   74051 08-05-2024 Savage Super Slots for Synchronet BBS
                                v2.10a. Game of chance for your users
                                to win credits by playin' the slots!
                                Dirt-Cheap to register, very easy to
                                setup. Designed especially for SBBS
                                v2.10a. From Savage SoftWare Co.
                                604-495-2694 28.8K 
sus1.zip       59286 08-05-2024 SynchroNet User Statistics v1.0 User & System
                                Bulletin Generator.  Makes ELEVEN Bulletins.
                                Modem Graphs, Gender Graphs, Birthday
                                Top 10 User Stats and more!  Which Bulletins
                                make and not make is up to the SysOp.  This
                                has it all!
sutil.zip      86540 08-05-2024  SUTIL.ZIP   Command Line Utilities
                                for SBBS
                                Contains 3 very useful files.
                                STYPE  - DOS TYPE replacement
                                SPAUSE - DOS PAUSE replacement
                                SVIEW  - File archive viewer supports embedded
                                archives and allows display
                                         of text files from within the archive
                                  LIKE ZIPTV but for
                                From the Programming Staff at 21st Century
                                SEE SUPPORT.DOC for more info.
svqq100.zip    49561 08-05-2024 SVQQ version 1.00 By: Jim Knight / 21st
                                Century Communications
                                Synchronet Verbose Quick Questionairre is a
                                questionaire door designed
                                to be used as a regular Questioniarre door or
                                a Quick User Poll door.
                                Automatically Forwards answers to E-mail or a
                                SMB Message base.  Easy to
                                set up and Completly Configurable.
swall100.zip    3147 08-05-2024           SyncWall v1.00
                                One Liner program for synchronet
                                bbs systems.
                                written in baja 2.10 for speed
                                and reliability.
                                registration just $1
                                Idell Software Inc.
swfc100.zip    11829 08-05-2024      ͻ
                                      SBBSWFC  Version 1.00 
                                 This is a program for all SBBS  
                                 SysOps that are running FD or   
                                 Intermail and can no longer see 
                                 the information that was shown  
                                 at the SBBS Wait For Caller     
                                 screen. This program will show  
                                 the same information and can be 
                                 set up as a user key. Easily    
                                 configurable and can be set up  
                                 in a matter of minutes.         
syedt305.zip  130567 08-05-2024 SyncEdit v3.05 - Fully functional demo of
                                SyncEdit, the full-screen message editor.
                                SyncEdit works with Synchronet BBS, TAG,
                                Renegade, RemoteAccess, ProBoard, TriBBS,
                                and many other BBS software packages.
                                Includes spell check, search/replace, user
                                selectable taglines, message quoting, ASCII
                                or ANSI uploads, and much more! Aug-06-96.
syedtdic.zip  255598 08-05-2024 This archive contains the dictionary for
                                SyncEdit, the Synchronet full screen 
                                ANSI text editor.  SyncEdit will only use the
                                dictionary if a SYNCEDIT.KEY is
                                present, which means this dictionary is of of
                                value only to registered users.
                                This archive also contains IMPLIST, a utility
                                that allows one to import words
                                into the dictionary.
synccall.zip   25924 08-05-2024 nkh-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-
                                nchSncykhnchrow-cCncakhllers  v1.0
                                yhSynchronet 2.1+ Program that lets
                                you pick how many previouse callers
                                you wish to display k(yas of now r1b-r20k)
                                gWith Built-In cBAJA Module Creator!
                                Written by   Dan Buckler
syncdrp1.zip   70721 08-05-2024 Synchronet Carrier Dropper Bulletin 
                                Maker version 1.0 . Includes versions 
                                for both PAUSE and NO PAUSE at end of 
                                bulletin. Creates ANSI and ASCII to 
                                embarrass Carrier Droppers .  
syncfv10.zip   11061 08-05-2024 Fileview v1.0 - Archive Interface for
                                Synchronet BBS Software v2.2+.
                                -Written entirely in BAJA(tm)!
                                -Supports ZIP/ARJ/LZH/SQZ/UC2 Formats
                                -Allows Users to View/Read/Download/Test
                                 Archive files in Synchronet File Areas!
                                -Allows SysOp to Delete files within
                                 Archives and Comment Archive Files
                                -Great Looking ANSi Lightbar Interface!
                                -Users can Read TXT Files from Within
                                 compressed files.
                                -Users can Test a Compressed Files
                                 Integrity before Downloading.
                                -Users can Extract Files from Compressed
                                 Files to Download individually.
                                -Very Nice!
syncl15a.zip   13210 08-05-2024 SynchroLiner incorporates the
                                following features...
                                * Supports Pipe "|" Colors 1-15
                                  for forum hack look and feel!
                                * Will automaticly detect ANSI
                                  and Non-ANSI callers!
                                * Supports liners as long but
                                  not longer than 75 chars!
                                * Gives back OS/2, Windows, and
                                  DesqView timeslices!
                                * SysOp configurable colors and
                                * Logs user who leaves Liner!
                                * Multiuser compatiable!
                                * It's FREE!!!
synclogo.zip  296341 08-05-2024 A bunch of gif, ansi, etc
                                Sync logos.
syncmus2.zip  129525 08-05-2024 Name That SynchroTune! Version 2.0 is
                                a SynchroNet Specific Online Music Door.
                                Users are able to wager credits on 
                                getting a 'tune' correct; and their
                                credits are modified on the BBS. Plays
                                AnsiMusic over terminal, in local
                                mode plays music over PC Speaker. Version
                                2.0 fixes Credits in bug.
syncnet.zip     2330 08-05-2024 SYNCNET Network Database
                                Complete and return to
                                include your Synchronet
                                Network in an upcoming
                                issue of SYCHRONETICS
syncscan.zip  172491 08-05-2024    
                                 SyncScan v1.22 October '95 Release
                                 The BulletProof(tm) Advantage
                                  True Offline File Processing
                                  File Conversion  Age Testing
                                  Supports RAR-ZIP-ARJ-LHA-ZOO-SQZ
                                  VX (Virus eXchange) Mode
                                  GIF/JPG Processing/Conversion
                                  Supports DISK/XMS swapping
                                  Uncrippled Evaluation Copy
                                  New Features!!!
synctdy1.zip   42314 08-05-2024 SynchroNet Today! v1.0 is a Callers Per Day
                                Graphical Bulletin Maker for SynchroNet 2.xx.
                                Keeps tracks of calls per day of the week and
                                makes an ascii and ansi file with scalable 
syncview.zip   57181 08-05-2024   ===== SYNCVIEW 1.0 =====   
                                 Syncview 1.0 Archive & File Viewer  
                                Allows Synchronet BBS to view Archive
                                formats: Zip, Arc, Lzh, Pak, Arj and 
                                full screen Ansi pictures or files!  
                                View any file that can be viewed with
                                security features. Will automatically
                                display an internal Dorinfo.def in a 
                                nice window. Syncview will also view 
                                nested archives within archives, read
                                Doc files within, or show Ansi files.
                                Supports, Multi-Node, Non-Stand-IRQ/ 
                                Addresses, and baud rates to 115,200 
                                NOT-CRIPPLED! Author: Brad Larned.   
sync_fmt.zip    4077 08-05-2024 A Joke Hard Disk Formatting Utility
                                exclusive to Synchronet BBS v2.X
                                Trick your users into thinking their
                                doing something they shouldn't be!
                                FORMAT.BIN file complete with Baja
                                script language for your personal
                                FREE, Courtesy of RiVeTeR from 
                                The Game ExChange BBS, Ont. Canada.
sync_k12.zip   25175 08-05-2024 K12.SRC  Script for Baja commands
                                in Synchronet to emulate K12Net
                                Style Commands also encludes added
                                Menu screens..Written and editied
                                by David Neal 1:2613/604
sync_v2.zip    83230 08-05-2024    
                                 SyncScan v2.0 Evaluation Copy
                                 The BulletProof(tm) Advantage
                                  True Offline File Processing
                                  File Conversion  Age Testing
                                  VX (Virus eXchange) Mode
                                  GIF/JPG Processing/Conversion
                                  Supports DISK/XMS swapping
                                  Remote ANSI/ASCII Support
                                  New Features!!!
synmenu.zip    15381 08-05-2024 [0;1mWell WEll Well...
                                Another Great Set Of Ansi Main
                                Menus Modified For Synchronet.
synoeb12.zip  391952 08-05-2024 SynOEB 1.2c - Take Checks online for
                                merchandise/services(C)1995 21st Century
                                Automatically Processes and uploads
                                transactions to the processing center VIA
                                QWK Network Callout Event.Forwards
                                receipt to the user and SYSOP.Archives
                                transactions and creates a FULL Log of
                                all activity.Can be used with BAJA(TM)
                                Checks are processed within 24-48hrs!
                                UPDATED with the NEW SDK! NEW FEATURES!!!
                                BUNDLED WITH SUBCHEK!!! Includes version
                                for Canadian Sysops.
synoeb1d.zip  316349 08-05-2024 SynOEB 1.00c - Take Checks online for
                                merchandise/services(C)1995 21st Century
                                Automatically Processes and uploads
                                transactions to the processing center VIA
                                QWK Network Callout Event.Forwards receipt to
                                the user and SYSOP.Archives
                                transactions and creates a FULL Log of all
                                activity.Can be used with BAJA(TM)
                                comes with 2 .SRCs for Donations and
                                Subscriptions.Checks are processed within
                                24-48hrs! UPDATED with the NEW SDK! NEW
                                FEATURES!!! BUNDLED WITH SUBCHEK!!!
synoebup.zip   85213 08-05-2024 SynOEB Upgrade Only.  Adds direct callout
                                support (no longer requires TELIX)
                                Drop in replacement for SynOEB previously
                                installed versions only!!!!
                                Read UPGRADE.TXT for Instructions.
synscwp.zip    14132 08-05-2024 A Collection of User Statistics Screens
                                for Synchronet BBS Software.  Use as
                                Logon Screens to display to your users
                                their file, mail, call, statistics,
                                etc.  By Jim C. Smith  - The Window Pane.
syn_ansi.zip   76916 08-05-2024 A bunch of nice looking ansi
                                files for Synchronet.
syn_stat.zip    1844 08-05-2024 User stats ansi screen depicting
                                a woman on half the screen.
sys11.zip      18524 08-05-2024 SusUse 1.1 - Counts number of calls
                                to a system every hour and creates a 
                                color-coded graph of the results.
                                Output files support ANSI, Synchronet,
                                and PCBoard color formats, as well as
                                plain text. Usable with most systems!
                                Now includes a comparative analysis
                                utility available with registration.
                                Excellent to put in a BBS logon screen!
sysmsg.zip      2540 08-05-2024 Great System Message For Synchronet
                                This System message is designed to
                                show everything in detail about the
                                user and the BBS.  It is designed
                                especialy for Synchronet BBS's, and
                                takes full use of @X02C@X01O@X03L@X04O@X05R.
sysop121.zip   16058 08-05-2024    SYSOPIS v1.21
                                Change the Sysop is:
                                message after each
                                caller.  Updated to
                                work with Synchronet
                                v2.11a.  FREEWARE
sysop130.zip   14098 08-05-2024 SYSOPIS v1.30 (Baja version)
                                Copyright 1995, Jeremy Bellwood
                                AKA The Witch Docter
sysopis.zip    16823 08-05-2024 SYSOPIS v1.20
                                Copyright 1993, Jeremy Bellwood
                                AKA The Witch Docter
                                SysOp of The Witch's Coven
sysop_is.zip    2165 08-05-2024 Alter you "Sysop is:" line in text.dat with
                                this Baja module. *.src included. Good for
                                20 choices.. Edit to increase/decrease amoumt
                                of choices. Compiled with Baja v2.01. 
systa1_2.zip   79194 08-05-2024 SyNcHrOnEt BuLLeTinS/StaTs V1.2
                                ...this is a very very very basic
                                little logon stat/bulletin displayer
tabs_23.zip    53296 08-05-2024 SBBSTABS v2.3 - By : Lee Matherne
                                Made for SBBS for sysops that use
                                True Media's  1-900 TABs service.
                                Fully  configurable and can offer
                                users many options  upon entering
                                a TABs code. NOT CRIPPLED AT ALL!
tag.zip        26505 08-05-2024 Short did-ie to look at the gender
                                and expand it and plug it into the
                                sysop notes. Then
tagsh_11.zip    7352 08-05-2024 ۲ T.A.G. BBS COMMAND SHELL v1.1 ۲
                                Command shell for Synchronet v2.00x. T.A.G.
                                Created by Chris Bourne, Excalibur BBS 
tawall.zip      6314 08-05-2024 TA WALL Ver 1.5 By Subzero
                                A completely free wall written 
                                in BAJA.
                                Features include:
                                 Sysop Editing
                                 Wall Post Packing
                                 Anonymous Posting
                                 User Download Of Post
                                 Definable Menus
tbqm11.zip    377460 08-05-2024 The BBS QWK Manager! Version 1.1   Made for
                                Synchronet w/use for
                                The BBS QWK Manager is a program that will
                                allow users to upload their
                                personally made signature to the BBS.. then
                                The BBS QWK Manager will use
                                that file to be put at the bottom of their
                                messages! Low
                                registration cost! Easy Synchronet setup! FAST
                                Registration replies!
                                Great support! Get this program today! New
                                Features in this version!
tdysync2.zip   41728 08-05-2024 Today SynchroNet version 2.0 is
                                a Graphical BBS Usage Bulletin
                                Generator for SynchroNet 2.x.
                                2.0 Corrects a minor cosmetic
                                Bug in version 1.0.0. From
tee_001.zip     3323 08-05-2024 Evil Editor 0.01
                                Is a BAJA module for Synchronet BBS's.
                                This module makes it were your users can
                                edit there accounts. Such as changing their
                                Alias, Telephone #, Address, and etc.
                                Real Name and Birthday have *NOT* been
                                put in this version for obvious reasons.
                                Made by The Caretaker 
                                 The Haunted Mansion
telval15.zip   12336 08-05-2024 nhTelnet Verifier vc1.5 wfor gSynchronet wgv3
                                ncSmall utility to verify a Users Email
                                Address and upgrade their access
                                instantly online. Designed to replace
                                the Call-Back Verification from the
                                Dial-Up Days. Sends a unique code for
                                every user to an email address and
                                allows users to upgrade their account
                                by entering the validation code.
                                h    Now supports MODUSER.DAT!
                                  w*cNew Address Filtering Supportw*
                                w      http://wasteland-bbs.comn
text211a.zip   16613 08-05-2024 TEXT.DAT & ATTR.CFG FOR SYNCHRONET v2.11a
textnum.dat    33221 08-05-2024 
textread.zip   67951 08-05-2024 SYNCHRONET's TEXT FILE READ'r
                                Version 2.20 - for those SBBS
                                SysOps who want to test their
                                .MSG/.ASC files first.
the_warp.zip    3067 08-05-2024 The Warp: Loadable Logon
                                Module for Synchronet
                                v2.0 . Allows quick access
                                to Doors/Chat Area/Files 
                                check it out!
tkr_1a.zip      4915 08-05-2024 yh*ngSynchronet Ticker Moduleyh*n
                                cHave a personal message scroll acrossn
                                cthe screen to the user, just like then
                                cESPN Sports Ticker or the Stock Exchangen
                                cTicker. Neat little gadget.n
                                cBest of all, it's hiFREE!n
                                rhBy: bNnbemesis hSnboftware, g(yhcng) h1996
tkr_1b.zip      2339 08-05-2024 yh*ngSynchronet Ticker Moduleyh*n
                                cThis is a bug fix ONLY. This version slows
                                cthe scroll across the screen. You must have
                                ca previous version of Synch Ticker to work.
                                yhThis is the registered version. This is not
                                yhcrippled in any way. This is the
                                yhfor TKR_1.ZIP & TKR_1R.ZIP
                                rhBy: bNnbemesis hSnboftware, g(yhcng) h1996
tkr_1r.zip      4470 08-05-2024 yh*ngSynchronet Ticker Moduleyh*n
                                cHave a personal message scroll acrossn
                                cthe screen to the user, just like then
                                cESPN Sports Ticker or the Stock Exchangen
                                cTicker. Neat little gadget.n
                                cBest of all, it's hiFREE!n
                                yhThis is the registered version. This is not
                                yhcrippled in any way. This is the
                                yhfor TKR_1.ZIP
                                rhBy: bNnbemesis hSnboftware, g(yhcng) h1996
tm4qnet.zip     3414 08-05-2024 Telemate Script file to do QWK network call-
                                outs to a Synchronet v1c or v2.0. BBS. This
                                script will logon to Synchronet upload your
                                QWK replies if found and downloand your QWK
                                mail packet. You must edit the script file 
                                to your profile. Editing is explained in the 
                                script file.
tmqn105d.zip   10012 08-05-2024 Telemate script for QWK Networking
                                calls to a Synchronet BBS hub.
                                Automatic, unattended, well-commented,
                                and keeps detailed log of each call.
                                TotallyFree, TotallyHere, TotallyNow.
                                Version 1.05d 08-05-1995, AV encoded.
                                Could be modified to automate user QWK
                                exchanges, so ANYONE who uses Telemate
                                ought to take a look at this!
                                Courtesy Minority BBS 508-791-3303
tonmstr1.zip   34023 08-05-2024 ToneMaster v1.00 BAJA SysOp Pager 
                                 -Provides Variety for SysOp
                                 -Allow Users to select .TON file!
                                 -Easy Installation!
                                 -Logs Chat Attempts w/ Reason!
                                 -Not Crippled!
                                Written by Mike Nestrud
topper12.zip   40163 08-05-2024   ** TOPPER version 1.2 **
                                     (c)1993 by Ted Loh
                                TOPPER, TOPs Prompt Editor and
                                Rotator for Synchronet BBS
                                Software.  Gives SBBS Sysops
                                the power to rotate various
                                prompts in SBBS for variety.
                                Liven up your prompts with
                                Version 1.2 released 12/08/1993
topten20.zip   35168 08-05-2024     > User Top Ten List <
                                  > by ShhkTch Software <
                                 User Interactive Door as seen 
                                 on David Letterman.  User can 
                                 input  his/her own topics and 
                                 responses. While  it is still 
                                 UnRegistered,  it is  not  as 
                                 limited as "other" door games.
                                 This great door  was built to 
                                 increase   user   interaction.
treasure.zip    8499 08-05-2024 Treasure Bay Command Shell v1.0
ts_001.zip      3670 08-05-2024 The Sentencer 0.01
                                Is a BAJA module for Synchronet BBS's.
                                This module makes it were your users can
                                pass a sentence around the BBS to see how 
                                much people have screwed it up afterwards!
                                Made by The Caretaker 
                                 The Haunted Mansion
tucmfull.zip  346095 08-05-2024 nhIntroducing...bTUCM iyv2.60
                                nbhThe Ultimate Command Modules includes
                                nbhthe wFIRST EVER BAJA bConfiguration
                                nbhmodule, a logon/graphical logon matrix,
                                nbha User Participation Checker, a Security
                                nbhSystem, a Post Logon Matrix, 2 Bulletins
                                nbhDisplayers, a File Requestor, Graffiti
                                nbhWall, a Command Shell, TOO MUCH TO LIST!
                                nCopyright 1997 AMO http://amo.net
                                n1:301/14 (505)828-2647 BBSn
                                Files: 54  Dizdate: 06/13/97
                                Newest: 08/29/97  Oldest: 10/07/95
tucmv200.zip   50741 08-05-2024 nhkhg  hyTUCM nhcvnic2.00 nh- 
                                nhThe hrUltimate nhcommand modules 
                                nhyo hrEASY CFG FILE nhbConfiguration
                                nhyo hbLogon and Post Logon Matrix
                                nhyo hbTUCM Security System
                                nhyo hbUser Participation Checker
                                nhyo hrSYSOPIS nhbline randomizer
                                nhyo hrCUSTOM nhyTUCM.DAT nhbfile
                                nhyo hbOptimized Command Shell
                                nhyo hrMUCH hyMUCH hrMORE hbDownload NOW!
                                nCopyright 1995 Dustin D. Brand
                                n1:301/14 (505)828-2647 BBSn
tucmv210.zip   51459 08-05-2024 nhkhg hyThe Ultimate Command Modules 
                                ncvh2.10 nh- wIncludes:
                                nhyo hbInstallation Module
                                nhyo hwNew mGwraphic mLwogon mMwatrix!
                                nhyo hbLogon and Post Logon Matrix
                                nhyo hwTUCM Security System
                                nhyo hbUser Participation Checker
                                nhyo hwSYSOPIS line randomizer
                                nhyo hbFile Requestor, Graffiti Wall
                                nhyo hwOptimized Command Shell; MORE!
                                nCopyright 1996 Dustin D. Brand; ION
                                n1:301/14 (505)828-2647 BBSn
tucmv255.zip  100024 08-05-2024 nhIntroducing...bTUCM iyv2.55 nh- Bug Fixes
                                nbhThe Ultimate Command Modules includes
                                nbhthe wFIRST EVER BAJA bConfiguration
                                nbhmodule, a logon/graphical logon matrix,
                                nbha User Participation Checker, a Security
                                nbhSystem, a Post Logon Matrix, 2 Bulletins
                                nbhDisplayers, a File Requestor, Graffiti
                                nbhWall, a Command Shell, TOO MUCH TO LIST!
                                nCopyright 1996 Dustin D. Brand
                                n1:301/14 (505)828-2647 BBSn
uexport.zip     9806 08-05-2024 
ultmods.zip    13875 08-05-2024 nc-h=nc-h=bThe rUltimate bCommand Modules igv1
                                nc- bhNew Version fixes hangup bug
                                ng*UNREGISTERED EVALUATION COPY
                                nc- gh3 Modules that will really make your
                                ngh  Synchronet v2.20 BBS MOVE!
                                nc- ghIncludes Logon Matrix, Post Logon 
                                ngh  Matrix, Bulletins Displayer, and
                                ngh  an updated SYNCHRONET v2.2+
                                ngh  COMMAND SHELL!
                                nc- hriA MUST SEE!!!  Powerful/FAST!!!
                                nCopyright 1995 Dustin D. Brand
                                nFIDO 1:301/14 BBS (505)828-2647
ultshell.zip    8676 08-05-2024 nhbThe rULTIMATE bCommand Shell iv2.0 NEW!
                                nhbAddon Command Shell for Synchronet v2.1* 
                                nhk - ngHas ncBuilt in SCREENS 
                                nhk   ngCan ncALSO guse External Screens!
                                nhk - ngScreen cRE-DRAW gis nghEXTREMELY 
                                nhk   ngFAST at any speed from ngh2400-28800
                                nhk - ncNEW gOnline Help Screens
                                nhk - nciSUPPORT FOR hgADDON nicCOMMANDS!!
                                nhk - nghFREE!!! nc(as of 7/28/95)
                                n(c)1995 Dustin D. Brand A.M.O.
                                (505)828-2647   FIDO 1:301/14n
usaread.zip    33942 08-05-2024 USAREAD (C) Copyright 1994 Tele-Star
                                This product provides for the
                                integration of USA Today news files
                                into SBBS for easy online viewing by
                                BBS users.
usaread1.zip   34587 08-05-2024 USAReader v1.0.5, a complete Synchronet
                                specific USA Today news reader.  Fully
                                functional demo with a 30 day time 
                                This is a maintenance release to correct
                                an unfortunate bug which allowed the 
                                reader to "hang" on certain systems 
                                during reader startup up.  You need this 
                                release *only* if you've had problems
                                getting the previous version to run!
                                There are no new features in this 
user.zip       32102 08-05-2024    Userchec v1.7.1 Beta
                                    Userchec is an add on to
                                Synchronet Multinode BBS Software
                                    Designed with SDK v2.21
                                Some users have a tendancy to
                                provide sysops with false info
                                in their user account.  This
                                addon was designed to catch
                                those users by randomly asking
                                them 3 different questions:
                                Last 4 digits of their phone #
                                There address, and there birthday.
                                Completely configurable to
                                allow sysops to remove any of
                                their 4 flag sets, add restrictions
                                and remove exemptions. PLUS MORE!!!
                                Now ALLOWS the QUESTIONS to BE TOGGLED
                                on or off.  Colors are now Configurable.
                                REPLACES uchk171.zip
userinfo.zip    3992 08-05-2024 USER INFORMATION EDITOR
                                Baja v1.10 Module
                                For Synchronet BBS v2.x
userstat.zip    1111 08-05-2024 
usrchc21.zip   67046 08-05-2024 USERCHEC.EXE V2.01-Userchec is an add on to
                                Synchronet Multinode BBS Software
                                Some users have a tendancy to provide sysops
                                with false info in their user
                                account-This addon was designed to catch those
                                users by randomly asking them
                                3 different questions: Last 4 digits of their
                                phone #,There address, and there
                                birthday-Completely configurable to allow
                                sysops to remove any of their 4 flag
                                sets, add restrictions and remove exemptions.
                                PLUS MORE!!! Now allows
                                simultaneous addition/removal of all
                                flags/restrictions/exemptions for support
                                of SBBS v2.0 new MODUSER.DAT!!! Allows the
                                SYSOP to distinguish WHICH Questions
                                are asked, and now allows the the
                                configuration of 'Sorry Wrong Answer' &
                                'Your Access will be Lowered' Questions to be
                                changed-Second chance feature was
                                added for typos-Now INCLUDES an easy to use
                                INSTALL PROGRAM to guide you through
                                writing the USERCHEC.CFG File.
uucp.zip        3793 08-05-2024 A baja script to aid your users in the fine
                                art of using your Fidonet
                                UUCP Gateway. Help on using the gateway while
                                they are doing it. 
                                Written by Blade, sysop of On The Fly BBS (714
valhalla.src   15327 08-05-2024 
vb121.zip      45905 08-05-2024 Voting Booth v1.21
                                Specifically made for Synchronet
                                with the help of Synchronet
                                Development Kit V2.23, which makes
                                this software Network and DesqView safe.
vbbshell.zip    4983 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                       VBBS Command Shell       
viewasc.zip    11811 08-05-2024 VIEWASC v1.0 - For Synchronet BBS.
                                Display text file using Synchronet
                                Ctrl-A color code to screen in full
                                colors. Support all Ctrl-A codes!
                                DOS wildcards are supported. Pause
                                and Escape prompt after each file.
viewtest.zip   13046 08-05-2024 ViewTest 2.0B Allows users to view and test
                                archives under SynchroNet bbs software. 
                                the place of the View command in SynchroNet.
                                Also allows the user to view internal text
                                files without extracting them!
vision2.zip    11806 08-05-2024       
                                     ViSiON/2 Command Shell   
                                       Synchronet v2.00x      
                                    Updated Version includes 
                                  ۲  minor updates/add-ons 
                                  ۲          ۲       ۲
                                  ۲  ۲    ۱
                                   ۱  ۲  ۲    
                                      ۲  ߲     ۲ 
                                      ۱   ۱      ۲    
vismm101.zip  821447 08-05-2024 Take checks On-Line with Viscom's Mini-Mall
                                Ver 1.01
                                for Synchronet 2.x Viscom Mini-Mall is 
                                a complete online shopping system for 
                                Synchronet BBS's. Viscom Mini-Mall 
                                supports sales of products, services, 
                                downloadable software and text files, 
                                BBS subscriptions, and software reg-
                                isteration keys. ABS's Online Checks 
                                Direct(tm) is included with Viscom 
                                Mini-Mall. With ABS's Online Checks 
                                Direct(tm) service, you can offer your 
                                callers the convenience of subscribing 
                                or making a purchase by filling out a 
                                check on-line! You can have your 
                                checks within 24 to 48 hours, 
                                hassle-free, no wait!
                                Key Features:
                                  * Automated online sales
                                  * You can run multiple copies to 
                                    allow an unlimited number of
                                    malls, stores, departments and 
                                  * Multiple copies can be integrated 
                                    through the use of BAJA bin
                                    files and custom menus.
                                  * Sell downloadable software products
                                  * Create and sell software 
                                    registration keys
                                  * Sell multiple BBS subscription 
                                    plans with automatic updating
                                    of the users levels and flags 
                                    via a MODUSER.DAT file.
                                  * Tax rate and State to be taxed
                                  * E-Mail's receipts to users
                                  * E-Mail's purchase orders and 
                                    activity reports to the sysop or
                                    any user you designate.  This is 
                                    done by individual product so
                                    you can have different users 
                                    responsible for different products
                                    or stores.  Multi-Merchant capability.
                                  * E-Mail purchased documents to users.
                                  * Allow access to different malls and/or 
                                    stores from different
                                    locations within your BBS!
                                  * Automatic city and state lookups for 
                                    zip codes
                                  * 99% Sysop configurable for look and 
                                    No two systems will look alike!
                                  * And More.......
vnetstr.zip   115714 08-05-2024 VNET Starter/Update Packet v3.25
                                VNET a great QWK network for
                                All Synchronet Systems
votesbbs.zip   49316 08-05-2024 NetWorx Ballot Box
                                (c) 1993 NetWorx Software
wall001.zip   100058 08-05-2024 Checker v1.0 
                                Is a BAJA module for Synchronet BBS's.
                                This module makes it were your users can
                                check thier messages without completely
                                logging on, after they read'em it hangs
                                them up. They may Read, Send, Bulk, 
                                and Feedback. Has many other features.
                                Now, offers: 
                                ** User Tester
                                ** CheckMan (The Guru)
                                ** Lots more 
                                Made by The Caretaker 
                                 The Haunted Mansion
wc4_v1.zip     10832 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                WILDCAT! v4Ĵ
                                COMMAND SHELLĴ
                                With SynchronetĴ
                                Can Have It AllĴ
                                version 1.0Ĵ
wcatupd1.zip    4443 08-05-2024 WILDClone - WILDCAT! Command Shell update for
wcat_upd.zip  116930 08-05-2024 WILDClone - WILDCAT! Command Shell update
wfc.zip         2670 08-05-2024 A couple of WFC ansi screens.
wfcphnx.zip     1760 08-05-2024 The WFC screen used at 
                                the PhoeNix BBS.  It's 
whatnum4.zip   45056 08-05-2024 Simple but fun door/event for Synchronet. ver1
                                Now configurable.
                                Beta ver....Freeware from Fingerware!
who_10g.zip    77401 08-05-2024 WhiteHouseOpposer - Help fight the recently
                                passed Communications Decency Act by sending
                                E-mail to the White House.  This provision of
                                the Telecommunications Reform Act of 1996 is
                                a threat to all Sysops everywhere.  This will
                                allow you to express your concern over this
                                bill to the President and Vice-President. For
                                Synchronet BBS systems only.  Also requires
                                SMBUTIL v2.00 beta and an Internet gateway.
wizrlm.zip      6836 08-05-2024 Wizards Realm Command Shell   v1.0
                                for Synchronet Multi-Node BBS v2.0
wwedsbbs.zip    5973 08-05-2024 Documentation for configuration
                                WWIVEdit v2.5 for Synchronet v1b
                                rev 4+
wwivedit.zip  343134 08-05-2024 WWIVEdit v2.5 for Synchronet v1b rev 4+
wwivqwk.zip     4570 08-05-2024 Text and Scripts allowing SyncroNet QWK
                                Networks to interface with WWIV!
                                This  file contains the
                                required  scripts and a
                                text   file  explaining
                                how to add WWIV to your
                                QWK NetWorks.
wwivsrc.zip     6279 08-05-2024 These files will allow you to
                                add WWIV to your command shells.
xgif100a.zip   30752 08-05-2024 XGIF v1.0a - For Synchronet BBS
                                The GIF's Description Extractor!   
                                Automaticly extract resolution from
                                GIF files and add it to the extended
                                description. Work online with every
                                uploads commands like any others file
                                that contain a FILE_ID.DIZ.
                                Gif Image [Width x Heigth - Colors]
                                Compile on June 16th 1994
                                (C) 1994 Michel Pelletier
xmashell.zip   14154 08-05-2024 Christmas command shell for Synchronet
xsdk_301.zip   49694 08-05-2024 Synchronet External Progarm Software
                                Development Kit (XSDK) v3.01 for C/C++
                                programmers interested in writing
                                external progarms (doors) for Synchronet
                                BBS Software with the highest level of
                                user interaction with the least amount
                                of effort. Includes example source
                                code for Synchronet BBS List v3.0. Now
                                supports 32-bit Microsoft and Borland
                                compilers for writing 32-bit telnet doors 
                                for Synchronet v3.0! 16-bit compilers
                                are still fully supported. "pkunzip -d"
                                into your XTRN directory. www.synchro.net
xtrnmenu.zip    2209 08-05-2024 
yak2.zip        5989 08-05-2024 Yak Shack Version 2.0 is a BAJA written
                                bulletins program w/Download
                                capabilites for your documents and bulletins
                                frequently requested by
                                your users.  Yak Shack is only $2.00 and will
                                accomidate your
                                every need for bulletins and available
                                documents for reading online and
                                to download to your users.  Yak Shack (c) 1995
                                Copyright by Tom Sumner
                                of Talon BBS (502) 957-1720 (502) 957-1855
                                Send Check or Money Order to:
                                Talon BBS
                                P.O. Box 29739
                                Louisville, Ky 40259
yday10.zip     18480 08-05-2024 Yesterday for SBBS  FREEWARE  Stats for
                                y'day's activity
                                Creates a bulletin showing time usage graph,
                                number of
                                calls, number and size of uploads/downloads,
                                etc in a
                                beautiful single screen SBBS colour file. 
                                Single and multi-
                                node support.  Usage graph shows users where
                                "rush hours" are
                                and when is the best time to find a free node
                                No set up, fast, easy to use!  A definite must
                                have for
                                Synchronet Sysops!
yesnobar.zip   12999 08-05-2024 Yes/No Light-Bar for Synchronet v2.20b
                                Replaces all yes/no and no/yes questions
                                with a light-bar (ASCII compatible).
ynbar11.zip     2657 08-05-2024 No/Yes Light Bar mod - Eliminates cursor!
                                Requires SBBS 2.20B and the original
                                package YESNOBAR.ZIP by Digital Man
zchatmod.zip    2855 08-05-2024 Module For Sync Sysops Using ZChat
                                Uses Stock Menu
zipdate1.zip    9220 08-05-2024 ZipDate is designed for SynchroNet bbs
                                software only!  It will check the
                                internal dates of a zipfile and based on the
                                average of those files will
                                pass or fail the file if it is older than the
                                date the sysop specifies.
                                Also ZipDate will notify a specified user that
                                a file has failed, save the
                                failed file to a directory and make a log file
                                of the file, user who
                                uploaded it, and date of failed files.
zreg143.zip    17604 08-05-2024 Zephyr User Registry v1.43
                                Baja mod for Synchronet
                                Allows users to get to know
                                eachother, easy to setup,
                                allow color changes in the
                                default chat, individually
                                loading modules for 
                                flexability, staff/sysop
                                editing feature.

                Area 111 - System X Groups                

foodcall.zip   43040 08-05-2024  : ________________________               :
                                -:-    ___/  \     \DT! \-- - - - - ---:-
                                 : |   ___/    \     \  \ \    FOOD     :
                                 : |    \   |   /  |   /  |  \ pRESENTS:  :
                                -:-____/______/______/______/-- - - - ---:-
                                 : /X look alike lastcaller for System/X 1.5
                                 : gives you the 10'th last callers on
                                 : the system. Coded by DARKTROOPER/FoOD!
                                 : Release: o4/o3/96         disk: [1/1]
                                -:- - -- -   - --  -   --
foodcds1.zip   55253 08-05-2024                         ߲
                                     ۲ ۲     
                                 CD-Serv v1.0 for System/X. A MUST for    
                                 sysops having cd-roms online! code by ck 
                                07/14/96              1/1ܲ
foodcds2.zip   53379 08-05-2024 Cd-Serv v1.1 - BUGFIXED. code: Cyberkid/FOOD
                                       ޲    ޲ ݰck!  
foodcfv1.zip  120496 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                    CyberSuperFileViewer v1.0 for S/X    
                                      K-Rad fileviewer for System/X.     
                                   6-28-96, 10:14 PM.   code by cyberkid
foodchat.zip   39413 08-05-2024          s$$                          $$s
                                    s$$s$$$$                          $$$$
                                   $$$$ $$$$  s$$$$s   s$$$$s    s$$$$$
                                .--$$$$-$$$-$$$$-$$$$-$$$$ $$$$-$$$-$$$$$---
                                |s$$$$$$s     $$ $$$$ $$$$ $$  $$$ $$$   
                                |   $$$$        $$$$$ $$$$$    $$$$      
                                |       - fuck off or die presents -        
                                | Happy New Year!.                          
                                |  Random Chat Choser, another usefull util 
                                |  for those who have more than one sysop   
                                |  comeing online logo.  - Darktrooper/Food 
foodckf1.zip  433364 08-05-2024   _____                    ___  
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                |   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1996 |
                                |---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                |         cYBER's Fossil-Pack #1          |
foodclst.zip   52423 08-05-2024  _______________________________________
                                 \ _      __/  _    /   _   \ _  _     /
                                 _/\/     _/    /  _/    /  _/\/  /   rX!
                                 .                                      |
                                 | Cursor Lastcaller for desire v1.1+   |
                                 | This Lastcaller has Cursor support   |
                                 | you will love it. it has the best    |
                                 | design posible - Vengeance [02/03/97]|
foodcp10.zip   78603 08-05-2024   _____                    ___
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                |   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1996 |
                                |---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                |  CyberPager v1.0 for system/x & desire  |
foodde12.zip   52889 08-05-2024 ______________________________
                                  ______  ________  ________  \          mGz
                                 ___)  _)  \_ _  _)  \_ _ _ )  \-----------.
                                __\  _ _____///_ _____////______\ presents |
                                   DumbEnd v1.2a - 3in1 frontend for S/X  .|
                                - -[o7o796]--------------------[1/1]---'
fooddisc.zip   57463 08-05-2024   _____                    ___
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                |   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1996 |
                                |---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                |  disclamer for your private pcb system  |
                                |       coded by : master of magic        |
fooddm10.zip   24543 08-05-2024   _______________________________________
                                  \ _      __/  _    /   _   \ _  _     /
                                 _/\/     _/    /  _/    /  _/\/  /   rX!
                                 . dir_maintenance v1.0 (c) cyberkid'97.|
                                 |   util to maintain your dir-lists.   |
fooddm11.zip   28613 08-05-2024  _______________________________________
                                 \ _      __/  _    /   _   \ _  _     /
                                _/\/     _/    /  _/    /  _/\/  /   rX!
                                .  d i r m a i n t a i n e r v 1 . 1   |
                                  [fATE97] COURiERED BY fATE [fATE97]
fooddown.zip   34501 08-05-2024   _____                    ___
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                |   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1996 |
                                |---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                |  do you hate those lame yellow and red  |
                                |   pcb colors when a user downloads ??   |
                                |        here is your rescue then..       |
                                |   changes the colors into dark colors!  |
                                |       coded by : master of magic        |
foodfd10.zip  110736 08-05-2024   _____                    ___
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                |   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1996 |
                                |---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                |   Muggi Filelist Downloader v1.0 beta   |
                                |    Filelist downloader for system/x.    |
foodff10.zip   41489 08-05-2024   _____                    ___
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                |   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1996 |
                                |---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                | FileFlags v1.0 for system/x by cyberkid |
foodfid1.zip   68232 08-05-2024 ._____               _____      _/\_
                                |   _/_____,______.--|  _/------\__/-------.
                                |   |  __  |  __  |__|  |  File_ID Pack 1  |
                                |   |_ \   |  \   | __  |  for system/x    |
                                |   _/-----'------|  |  | By cyberkid/food |
                                |---'  fOOd 1996  `-----'------------------|
                                `-----------------(FILE_ID.DIZ ADDS SUXX!)-'
foodfil3.zip   37728 08-05-2024                         ߲
                                     ۲ ۲     
                                   fILOMIZE v0.3 by Mutant Leader[MtL]   
                                this util creates random numeric filenames
                                      it's very fast and easy to use      
                                01/18/97              1/1ܲ
                                   [fATE97] COURiERED BY fATE [fATE97]
foodfil4.zip   23918 08-05-2024  _______________________________________
                                 \ _      __/  _    /   _   \ _  _     /
                                 _/\/     _/    /  _/    /  _/\/  /   rX!
                                 .                                      |
                                 | fILOMIZE v0.4 by Mutant Leader[MtL] |
foodft10.zip   34009 08-05-2024  _______________________________________
                                 \ _      __/  _    /   _   \ _  _     /
                                 _/\/     _/    /  _/    /  _/\/  /   rX!
                                 .                                      |
                                 | FinalTop v1.0 For S/X -Cyberkid/Food |
foodinst.zip   63884 08-05-2024                         ߲
                                     ۲ ۲     
                                         FOOD UNIVERSAL INSTALLER         
                                 The *ultimate* installation program for  
                                 NEW releases or cd-roms - EASY to use!   
                                         Handles all archivers!           
                                05/01/97              1/1ܲ
foodlcc1.zip   24506 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                   [  Lastcaller.Dat cleaner v1.0  ]   
                                  Small requested utility to clean out
                                    your evil-growing Lastcall.Dat file.  
                                  6-22-96, 11:16 PM. code by cyberkid!
                                -[AOD]- Angels of Death Couriers '96 -[AOD]-
foodlst2.zip   46732 08-05-2024 ______________________________
                                  ______  ________  ________  \          mGz
                                 ___)  _)  \_ _  _)  \_ _ _ )  \-----------.
                                __\  _ _____///_ _____////______\ presents |
                                     aMFETAMiNLAST v1.06  (BugFixed)     ..|
                                   Realtime /X look alike last 10  for . .:|
                                System/X. Shows baud, node, name, locaion,:|
                                time, action, bytes and files. One of ..:::|
                                the fastest and niceest lastcallers  ..::::|
                                ever made!. Some important bugs fixed.:::::|
                                Coded by: DARKTROOPER/FOOD! .     . .::::::|
                                - -[o7o796]----------------------------'
foodmao1.zip   50764 08-05-2024                         ߲
                                     ۲ ۲     
                                 MuggiAsciiOrder v1.0. Fully configurable 
                                 ascii-order door for System/X, with alot 
                                 of nice features. code by cyberkid/food. 
                                07/15/96              1/1ܲ
foodmdl1.zip   45495 08-05-2024  _______________________________________
                                 \ _      __/  _    /   _   \ _  _     /
                                _/\/     _/    /  _/    /  _/\/  /   rX!
                                .                                      |
                                |     -*- MuggiDoorLister v1.6 -*-     |
                                |                                      |
                                |  Fastest and bestlooking Doorlister  |
                                | for System Express. Code Darktrooper |
foodmfr2.zip   49216 08-05-2024 MuggiFileReverser v1.2 - code: Cyberkid/FOOD
                                       ޲    ޲ ݰck!  
                                  Fastest and bestlooking Filereverser for
                                     System/X. Remember, we love you :)
foodml10.zip   49667 08-05-2024                         ߲
                                     ۲ ۲     
                                 MuggiLogin v1.0 for System/X. Ami/X      
                                 styled 'turbo-login' thing. code by ck!  
                                07/12/96              1/1ܲ
foodml11.zip   44903 08-05-2024                         ߲
                                     ۲ ۲     
                                 MuggiLogin v1.1 for System/X. Bugfixed!  
                                07/15/96              1/1ܲ
foodmlst.zip   44762 08-05-2024                         ߲
                                     ۲ ۲     
                                    MuggiUserLister v1.0 for System/X.    
                                07/15/96              1/1ܲ
foodmw10.zip   25994 08-05-2024                         ߲
                                     ۲ ۲     
                                             FOOD MOST WANTED             
                                  Top 20 Most Downloaded Files on your    
                                   System. for System Express & Desire    
                                         Coded by cyberkid/food           
                                01/05/97              1/1ܲ
foodmw12.zip   51216 08-05-2024     _            _
                                .- _\__ _   _  __\ ---------[06-10-96,1/1]-.
                                |  \   (//)(//)\__)      Food Presents:    |
                                | Muggiwho v1.2 for system/x. Minor Update.|
foodmw1f.zip   23547 08-05-2024   _______________________________________
                                  \ _      __/  _    /   _   \ _  _     /
                                 _/\/     _/    /  _/    /  _/\/  /   rX!
                                 . Mostwanted v1.0 *FINAL* /des and s/x |
                                 |  code by me, myself and noone else.  |
foodocw1.zip   50101 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                  [ oNLINE cONFERENCE wEEKTOP UL/DL ]  
                                 this time your favorite s/X group bring
                                  you a ami/x-styled realtime weektop!    
                                  6-22-96, 4:07 PM. code by cyberkid/food
                                -[AOD]- Angels of Death Couriers '96 -[AOD]-
foodocw2.zip   47835 08-05-2024 ______________________________
                                  ______  ________  ________  \          mGz
                                 ___)  _)  \_ _  _)  \_ _ _ )  \-----------.
                                __\  _ _____///_ _____////______\ presents |
                                   minor bugfix for the online-conftop.   .|
                                 fixes a bug in the bytes, and adds user-..|
                                   configurable colors. sorry dewds :) . .:|
                                - -[o7o696]----------------------------'
foodopen.zip   42874 08-05-2024  : ________________________               :
                                -:-    ___/  \     \DT! \-- - - - - ---:-
                                 : |   ___/    \     \  \ \    FOOD     :
                                 : |    \   |   /  |   /  |  \ pRESENTS:  :
                                -:-____/______/______/______/-- - - - ---:-
                                 : OPEN Command replacement for System/X
                                 : Displays the Batch-files in the current
                                 : directory, displays SECLVL and if you
                                 : dont want a door to be shown, add it to
                                 : the dontshow file...
                                 : Coded by Mortimer/FoOD!
                                 : Release: 29/o2/96         disk: [1/1]
                                -:- - -- -   - --  -   --
foodpall.zip   16225 08-05-2024          s$$                          $$s
                                    s$$s$$$$                          $$$$
                                   $$$$ $$$$  s$$$$s   s$$$$s    s$$$$$
                                .--$$$$-$$$-$$$$-$$$$-$$$$ $$$$-$$$-$$$$$---
                                |s$$$$$$s     $$ $$$$ $$$$ $$  $$$ $$$   
                                |   $$$$        $$$$$ $$$$$    $$$$      
                                |       - fuck off or die presents -        
                                | alltime upload processor for pcboard 15.x 
                                | macaw macaw macaw macaw macaw macaw macaw 
foodpcbb.zip   38684 08-05-2024                         ߲
                                     ۲ ۲     
                                   PCBTest Upload Processor for PCBoard.  
                                    Neat, fast, "no" bugs, easy to use!   
                                   This ETA version only handels ZIP's.  
                                09/01/97              1/1ܲ
                                    [fATE97] COURiERED BY fATE [fATE97]
foodpcw.zip    11593 08-05-2024          s$$                          $$s
                                    s$$s$$$$                          $$$$
                                   $$$$ $$$$  s$$$$s   s$$$$s    s$$$$$
                                .--$$$$-$$$-$$$$-$$$$-$$$$ $$$$-$$$-$$$$$---
                                |s$$$$$$s     $$ $$$$ $$$$ $$  $$$ $$$   
                                |   $$$$        $$$$$ $$$$$    $$$$      
                                |       - fuck off or die presents -        
                                | Cool "WHO" displayer for your pcb 15.3xx! 
                                | Easy to .. Understand, Install, etc, etc. 
                                | Fully TESTED and CONFIGURABLE, uptil 255+ 
                                | nodes in a 100% multitasking environment! 
                                | pk : ascii                   code : macaw 
foodss10.zip   49298 08-05-2024                         ߲
                                     ۲ ۲     
                                 sCRIPT^sPOOFER v1.0. Script Executor for 
                                 system/x by cyberkid/food'96.  [rat:75%] 
                                07/11/96              1/1ܲ
foodsw15.zip   45539 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                    -*- SAD WALL 1.5 FOR SYSTEM/X! -*-   
                                 Nice looking oneliner for System/X 1.2. 
                                 A PC Clone of Sad Wall 1.5 for AMI/X!   
                                  [aPhAZEl/fOOD - 12/09/96, 20:30 AM]     
foodth10.zip   25732 08-05-2024                         ߲
                                     ۲ ۲     
                                 Top Hours v1.0 for System/X. TopHours    
                                 bulletin-creator with nice features.     
                                07/12/96              1/1ܲ
foodtim1.zip   33644 08-05-2024   _______________________________________
                                  \ _      __/  _    /   _   \ _  _     /
                                 _/\/     _/    /  _/    /  _/\/  /   rX!
                                 .  tOptimers v1.0 for desire and s/x.  |
                                 |  code by me, myself and noone else.  |
foodtpt1.zip   22451 08-05-2024 ______________________________
                                  ______  ________  ________  \   [1/1]  mGz
                                 ___)  _)  \_ _  _)  \_ _ _ )  \-----------.
                                __\  _ _____///_ _____////______\ presents |
                                     TopTimers v1.0 for System/X v1.2+    .|
                                 Creates bulletin with people being online.|
                                 the longest time. another cyberkid prod :)|
                                - -[070596]----------------------------'
fooduddc.zip   45558 08-05-2024  .____________________________________  _.
                                 |        _________. _________. ________\|
                                 ._______/___ _    |/    _    |_\   _    |
                                 | _________/ /    |     /    |     /ck! |
                                 | _____/ ________/|_________/|__________|
                                _|/   Upload/Download.Dat Clean v1.0     |
                                \/   another system/x util by ck^food.   |
                                 `-[9-11-96, 3:33 PM]--------------[1/1]-'
foodupld.zip   36736 08-05-2024   _____                    ___
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |------------.
                                |   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  |  fOOd 1996 |
                                |---'dNo------'------`--------'  pRESENTs  |
                                |  automated blind upload for any pcb sys  |
                                |       coded by : master of magic         |
foodwall.zip   45732 08-05-2024  : ________________________               :
                                -:-    ___/  \     \DT! \-- - - - - ---:-
                                 : |   ___/    \     \  \ \    FOOD     :
                                 : |    \   |   /  |   /  |  \ pRESENTS:  :
                                -:-____/______/______/______/-- - - - ---:-
                                 : Oneliners for System /X  v1.x
                                 : Nice looking, ami/pc look available
                                 : Mci activ.
                                 : Coded by: DARKTROOPER        [21.04.96]
                                -:- - -- -   - --  -   --
foodwld1.zip   47602 08-05-2024 ______________________________
                                  ______  ________  ________  \          mGz
                                 ___)  _)  \_ _  _)  \_ _ _ )  \-----------.
                                __\  _ _____///_ _____////______\ presents |
                                      WiLDLAST v1.1b  (BugFixed)         ..|
                                Realtime /X look alike lastcaller for  . .:|
                                System/X. Shows baud, node, name, locaion,:|
                                time, action, bytes and files. One of ..:::|
                                the fastest and niceest lastcallers  ..::::|
                                ever made!. Some important bugs fixed.:::::|
                                Coded by: DARKTROOPER/FOOD! .     . .::::::|
                                - -[o4o796]----------------------------'
foodwt10.zip   35915 08-05-2024   _____                    ___  
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                |   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1996 |
                                |---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                |    WastedTop v1.0 including source!     |
                                |    topuploaders/downloaders for s/x.    |
food_21adv.z       0 01-01-1980  : ________________________               :
                                -:-    ___/  \     \DT! \-- - - - - ---:-
                                : |   ___/    \     \  \ \    FOOD     :
                                : |    \   |   /  |   /  |  \ pRESENTS:  :
                                -:-____/______/______/______/-- - - - ---:-
                                :  BBS Advert Door for System/X 1.5
                                :  Allows users to make a bbs-list with
                                :  number, sysop-name, boardname etc..
                                :  Can also make a logoff boardscreen!
                                :  Coded BY DARKTROOPER/fOOD!
                                :  Release: [31.03.96]        Disk: [1/1] 
                                -:- - -- -   - --  -   --
food_21adv.zip   44992 08-05-2024  : ________________________               :
                                -:-    ___/  \     \DT! \-- - - - - ---:-
                                 : |   ___/    \     \  \ \    FOOD     :
                                 : |    \   |   /  |   /  |  \ pRESENTS:  :
                                -:-____/______/______/______/-- - - - ---:-
                                 :  BBS Advert Door for System/X 1.5
                                 :  Allows users to make a bbs-list with
                                 :  number, sysop-name, boardname etc..
                                 :  Can also make a logoff boardscreen!
                                 :  Coded BY DARKTROOPER/fOOD!
                                 :  Release: [31.03.96]        Disk: [1/1] 
                                -:- - -- -   - --  -   --
food_21axx.z       0 01-01-1980                                         _.
                                _________. _________. ________\|
                                ._______/___ _    |/    _    |_\   _    |
                                 _________/ /    |     /    |     /ck! |
                                 _____/ ________/|_________/|__________|
                                _|/                       _ /            |
                                \/                        \/             |
                                 Bulletin Conference Access Door For   |
                                 System Express v1.2+. This neat little|
                                 door makes a pcb file with lists of   |
                                 users that have access to a particular|
                                 conference, shows handle,location, mon|
                                 th's files,month's upk and posted msgs|
                                 Coded by Vengeance/Food               |
food_21axx.zip   21077 08-05-2024                                         _.
                                          _________. _________. ________\|
                                 ._______/___ _    |/    _    |_\   _    |
                                 | _________/ /    |     /    |     /ck! |
                                 | _____/ ________/|_________/|__________|
                                _|/                       _ /            |
                                \/                        \/             |
                                 | Bulletin Conference Access Door For   |
                                 | System Express v1.2+. This neat little|
                                 | door makes a pcb file with lists of   |
                                 | users that have access to a particular|
                                 | conference, shows handle,location, mon|
                                 | th's files,month's upk and posted msgs|
                                 | Coded by Vengeance/Food               |
food_21bf2.z       0 01-01-1980   _____                    ___  
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1996 |
                                ---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                  Lastcaller Baudfixer v1.50 for Desire  |
                                  More speed/reliability than last ver.  |
                                `--| iNM 96-12-07 |-----------------[1/1]-'
food_21bf2.zip   20414 08-05-2024   _____                    ___  
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                |   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1996 |
                                |---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                |  Lastcaller Baudfixer v1.50 for Desire  |
                                |  More speed/reliability than last ver.  |
                                `--| iNM 96-12-07 |-----------------[1/1]-'
food_21bfx.z       0 01-01-1980   _____                    ___  
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1996 |
                                ---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                    Lastcaller Baudfixer for dESiRE!     |
                                 You will love this! No more lastcallers |
                                    filled with '57k6' or '115k2'!       |
                                 Returns CORRECT Baud to the LastCaller! |
                                `--| iNM^FOOD 96-12-04 |------------[1/1]-'
food_21bfx.zip   27238 08-05-2024   _____                    ___  
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                |   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1996 |
                                |---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                |    Lastcaller Baudfixer for dESiRE!     |
                                | You will love this! No more lastcallers |
                                |    filled with '57k6' or '115k2'!       |
                                | Returns CORRECT Baud to the LastCaller! |
                                `--| iNM^FOOD 96-12-04 |------------[1/1]-'
food_21bp3.z       0 01-01-1980  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                   ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                    ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                  Bulletin Pack #3 - AlltimeBaudrates &  
                                    AlltimeActions. For System/X 1.2+ 
                                Release: 6-1-96, 10:16 AM, disk: [1/1] 
food_21bp3.zip   27550 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                  Bulletin Pack #3 - AlltimeBaudrates &  
                                    AlltimeActions. For System/X 1.2+ 
                                   Release: 6-1-96, 10:16 AM, disk: [1/1] 
food_21btd.z       0 01-01-1980  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                   ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                    ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                  Bulletin Top Downloaders for System/X  
                                   This little thingy is quic and nice
                                looking...makes a pcboard file        
                                Coded by DARKTROOPER/FOOD!
                                   Release: 16/O5/96       disk: [1/1]
food_21btd.zip   28697 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                  Bulletin Top Downloaders for System/X  
                                   This little thingy is quic and nice
                                    looking...makes a pcboard file        
                                    Coded by DARKTROOPER/FOOD!
                                   Release: 16/O5/96       disk: [1/1]
food_21btu.z       0 01-01-1980  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                   ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                    ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                FUCK OFF OR DIE (FOOD) PRESENTS:  
                                   Bulletin Top Uploaders For System/X   
                                   This little thingy is quic and nice    
                                looking...makes a pcboard file        
                                Coded by DARKTROOPER/FOOD!
                                 Release: 12/o5/96       disk: [1/1]
food_21btu.zip   28723 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                FUCK OFF OR DIE (FOOD) PRESENTS:  
                                   Bulletin Top Uploaders For System/X   
                                   This little thingy is quic and nice    
                                    looking...makes a pcboard file        
                                    Coded by DARKTROOPER/FOOD!
                                   Release: 12/o5/96       disk: [1/1]
food_21crt.z       0 01-01-1980  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                   ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                    ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                      (*) FOODCRYPT V0.000001 (*)
                                extremely powerfull file encryption    
                                utility for DOS. Will encrypt all
                                files (TEXT, JPEGS, EXES, ZIPS, ETC)
                                100% reliable - No uncryption w/o pwd!
                                -Codeblaster [O7/12/96]
food_21crt.zip   25984 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                      (*) FOODCRYPT V0.000001 (*)
                                   extremely powerfull file encryption    
                                   utility for DOS. Will encrypt all
                                   files (TEXT, JPEGS, EXES, ZIPS, ETC)
                                   100% reliable - No uncryption w/o pwd!
                                                  -Codeblaster [O7/12/96]
food_21cz1.z       0 01-01-1980  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                   ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                    ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                  CyberZoom v1.0beta. ZOOM-Mail package  
                                  for System/X v1.2+. Code by Cyberkid.
                                Release: 6-2-96, 10:10 AM, disk: [1/1] 
food_21cz1.zip   46479 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                  CyberZoom v1.0beta. ZOOM-Mail package  
                                  for System/X v1.2+. Code by Cyberkid.
                                   Release: 6-2-96, 10:10 AM, disk: [1/1] 
food_21dl1.z       0 01-01-1980  _______ .________________________________
                                .)   __/_|                                |
                                    ____|  sYSOp-sECURiTy-dOWNLOAD v1.0B |
                                ---'----|                                |
                                  ___,  |  The Sysop DL door u all been  |
                                --------|  w8ing 4.. This is buggfree &  |
                                  ___,  |  100% working!                 |
                                --------|                                |
                                )-----   |   Coded by diNO/fOOd/IA!/AG!   |
                                `--------'---[(C) FOOD PRODUCTIONS ^96]---'
food_21dl1.zip   42002 08-05-2024  _______ .________________________________
                                .)   __/_|                                |
                                |    ____|  sYSOp-sECURiTy-dOWNLOAD v1.0B |
                                |---'----|                                |
                                |  ___,  |  The Sysop DL door u all been  |
                                |--------|  w8ing 4.. This is buggfree &  |
                                |  ___,  |  100% working!                 |
                                |--------|                                |
                                )-----   |   Coded by diNO/fOOd/IA!/AG!   |
                                `--------'---[(C) FOOD PRODUCTIONS ^96]---'
food_21dl2.z       0 01-01-1980  _______ .________________________________
                                .)   __/_|                                |
                                    ____|  sYSOp-sECURiTy-dOWNLOAD v2.0  |
                                ---'----|  system/x v1.2+ or desire 0.9+ |
                                  ___,  |                                |
                                --------|  The sysop security door all   |
                                  ___,  |  sysops loves, and all hackers |
                                --------|  hates :)                      |
                                )-----   |             by diNO/fOOd/jA!   |
                                `--------'---[(C) FOOD PRODUCTIONS ^96]---'
food_21dl2.zip   43252 08-05-2024  _______ .________________________________
                                .)   __/_|                                |
                                |    ____|  sYSOp-sECURiTy-dOWNLOAD v2.0  |
                                |---'----|  system/x v1.2+ or desire 0.9+ |
                                |  ___,  |                                |
                                |--------|  The sysop security door all   |
                                |  ___,  |  sysops loves, and all hackers |
                                |--------|  hates :)                      |
                                )-----   |             by diNO/fOOd/jA!   |
                                `--------'---[(C) FOOD PRODUCTIONS ^96]---'
food_21dwt.z       0 01-01-1980   _____                    ___  
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1996 |
                                ---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                        MultiMenuSet WeekTop v1.0        |
                                  Creates two Ansi's so you can choose.  |
                                  For Desire, System /X       -iNM/FOOD  |
food_21dwt.zip   29704 08-05-2024   _____                    ___  
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                |   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1996 |
                                |---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                |        MultiMenuSet WeekTop v1.0        |
                                |                                         |
                                |  Creates two Ansi's so you can choose.  |
                                |  For Desire, System /X       -iNM/FOOD  |
food_21f10.z       0 01-01-1980 ______________________________
                                ______  ________  ________  \          mGz
                                ___)  _)  \_ _  _)  \_ _ _ )  \-----------.
                                __\  _ _____///_ _____////______\ presents |
                                FILE-TRACKER v1.0               ..|
                                Anti-trojan software, cracking prog,  . .:|
                                has many uses.Traces all file activity. .::|
                                on your HD! Great for checking if a  ..:::|
                                prog is a trojan or not.Can also be  .::::|
                                used for cracking etc. Has many uses!.:::::|
                                Coded by: TNSe              .     . .::::::|
                                - -[28o696]----------------------------'
food_21f10.zip   17674 08-05-2024 ______________________________
                                  ______  ________  ________  \          mGz
                                 ___)  _)  \_ _  _)  \_ _ _ )  \-----------.
                                __\  _ _____///_ _____////______\ presents |
                                         FILE-TRACKER v1.0               ..|
                                 Anti-trojan software, cracking prog,  . .:|
                                has many uses.Traces all file activity. .::|
                                 on your HD! Great for checking if a  ..:::|
                                 prog is a trojan or not.Can also be  .::::|
                                used for cracking etc. Has many uses!.:::::|
                                Coded by: TNSe              .     . .::::::|
                                - -[28o696]----------------------------'
food_21ll1.z       0 01-01-1980  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                   ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                    ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                  LastLoosers v1.0beta by cyberkid/food  
                                    LastCaller Util for System/X 1.2+ 
                                Release: 5-27-96, 6:42 PM  disk: [1/1] 
food_21ll1.zip   23026 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                  LastLoosers v1.0beta by cyberkid/food  
                                    LastCaller Util for System/X 1.2+ 
                                   Release: 5-27-96, 6:42 PM  disk: [1/1] 
food_21ls1.z       0 01-01-1980  : ________________________               :
                                -:-    ___/  \     \DT! \-- - - - - ---:-
                                : |   ___/    \     \  \ \    FOOD     :
                                : |    \   |   /  |   /  |  \ pRESENTS:  :
                                -:-____/______/______/______/-- - - - ---:-
                                : [ Bug fixed version of the foodcall! ]
                                : /X Look alike lastcaller For System/X
                                :  This is one of the best lastcallers
                                :  ever made for S/X! unlimited number
                                : of callers..supports all connects etc.
                                : Coded BY DARKTROOPER/fOOD!
                                : Release: [20.04.96]        Disk: [1/1]
                                -:- - -- -   - --  -   --
food_21ls1.zip   44772 08-05-2024  : ________________________               :
                                -:-    ___/  \     \DT! \-- - - - - ---:-
                                 : |   ___/    \     \  \ \    FOOD     :
                                 : |    \   |   /  |   /  |  \ pRESENTS:  :
                                -:-____/______/______/______/-- - - - ---:-
                                 : [ Bug fixed version of the foodcall! ]
                                 : /X Look alike lastcaller For System/X
                                 :  This is one of the best lastcallers
                                 :  ever made for S/X! unlimited number
                                 : of callers..supports all connects etc.
                                 : Coded BY DARKTROOPER/fOOD!
                                 : Release: [20.04.96]        Disk: [1/1]
                                -:- - -- -   - --  -   --
food_21lst.z       0 01-01-1980  : ________________________               :
                                -:-    ___/  \     \DT! \-- - - - - ---:-
                                : |   ___/    \     \  \ \    FOOD     :
                                : |    \   |   /  |   /  |  \ pRESENTS:  :
                                -:-____/______/______/______/-- - - - ---:-
                                : /X Look alike lastcaller For System/X
                                :  This is one of the best lastcallers
                                :  ever made for S/X! unlimited number
                                : of callers..supports all connects etc.
                                : Coded BY DARKTROOPER/fOOD!
                                : Release: [31.03.96]        Disk: [1/1]
                                -:- - -- -   - --  -   --
food_21lst.zip   75201 08-05-2024  : ________________________               :
                                -:-    ___/  \     \DT! \-- - - - - ---:-
                                 : |   ___/    \     \  \ \    FOOD     :
                                 : |    \   |   /  |   /  |  \ pRESENTS:  :
                                -:-____/______/______/______/-- - - - ---:-
                                 : /X Look alike lastcaller For System/X
                                 :  This is one of the best lastcallers
                                 :  ever made for S/X! unlimited number
                                 : of callers..supports all connects etc.
                                 : Coded BY DARKTROOPER/fOOD!
                                 : Release: [31.03.96]        Disk: [1/1]
                                -:- - -- -   - --  -   --
food_21mat.z       0 01-01-1980   _____                    ___  
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1996 |
                                ---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                      MultiTopAccount Uploaders          |
                                    Running under desire and system/x    |
food_21mat.zip   32198 08-05-2024   _____                    ___  
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                |   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1996 |
                                |---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                |      MultiTopAccount Uploaders          |
                                |    Running under desire and system/x    |
food_21mt1.z       0 01-01-1980  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                   ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                    ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                 MultiTop Part 1 v1.0b by cyberkid/food  
                                 Part 1 in a new serie of Ami/X-Tops for
                                the System/X Enviroment. /X-Freaks DL!  
                                Release: 5-16-96, 10:00 AM  disk: [1/1]
food_21mt1.zip   31431 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                 MultiTop Part 1 v1.0b by cyberkid/food  
                                 Part 1 in a new serie of Ami/X-Tops for
                                  the System/X Enviroment. /X-Freaks DL!  
                                  Release: 5-16-96, 10:00 AM  disk: [1/1]
food_21mt2.z       0 01-01-1980  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                   ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                    ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                 MultiTop Part 2 v1.0b by cyberkid/food  
                                 Part 2 in a new serie of Ami/X-Tops for
                                the System/X Enviroment. /X-Freaks DL!  
                                Release: 5-19-96, 10:12 AM  disk: [1/1]
food_21mt2.zip   21223 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                 MultiTop Part 2 v1.0b by cyberkid/food  
                                 Part 2 in a new serie of Ami/X-Tops for
                                  the System/X Enviroment. /X-Freaks DL!  
                                  Release: 5-19-96, 10:12 AM  disk: [1/1]
food_21mw1.z       0 01-01-1980 ______________________________
                                ______  ________  ________  \   [1/1]  mGz
                                ___)  _)  \_ _  _)  \_ _ _ )  \-----------.
                                __\  _ _____///_ _____////______\ presents |
                                 MuggiWho v1.0              .|
                                Active-Configurable-Who-Door for System/X.|
                                Code by cyberkid. Design by Crew^One . .:|
                                - -[070596]----------------------------'
food_21mw1.zip   46265 08-05-2024 ______________________________
                                  ______  ________  ________  \   [1/1]  mGz
                                 ___)  _)  \_ _  _)  \_ _ _ )  \-----------.
                                __\  _ _____///_ _____////______\ presents |
                                             MuggiWho v1.0              .|
                                 Active-Configurable-Who-Door for System/X.|
                                  Code by cyberkid. Design by Crew^One . .:|
                                - -[070596]----------------------------'
food_21nsc.z       0 01-01-1980   _____                    ___  
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1996 |
                                ---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                       Nodestatuschanger v1.0            |
                                 Runs under System/X and DESIRE as usual |
food_21nsc.zip   14552 08-05-2024   _____                    ___  
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                |   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1996 |
                                |---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                |       Nodestatuschanger v1.0            |
                                |                                         |
                                | Runs under System/X and DESIRE as usual |
food_21one.z       0 01-01-1980  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                   ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                    ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                    Oneliner for System Express v1.2+    
                                  Super Nice looking! Peecee look wall!.
                                Mci Codes activ,Coolest pc look ever!  
                                ever made!. eNHANCEMENTS & BuG FiXES!
                                Coded by DARKTROOPER/FOOD!
                                Release: [09.06.96]       Disk: [1/1]
food_21one.zip   44126 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                    Oneliner for System Express v1.2+    
                                  Super Nice looking! Peecee look wall!.
                                   Mci Codes activ,Coolest pc look ever!  
                                   ever made!. eNHANCEMENTS & BuG FiXES!
                                   Coded by DARKTROOPER/FOOD!
                                   Release: [09.06.96]       Disk: [1/1]
food_21opn.z       0 01-01-1980  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                   ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                    ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                FUCK OFF OR DIE (FOOD) PRESENTS:  ߲
                                 [   B U G  F i X E D  V E R S I O N   ] 
                                 OPEN Command replacement for System/X
                                Displays the Batch-files in the current 
                                directory, displays SECLVL.
                                Best doorslister ever made!!fastest to!
                                Coded by DARKTROOPER/FOOD!
                                 Release: 1o/o5/96           disk: [1/1]
food_21opn.zip   43009 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                FUCK OFF OR DIE (FOOD) PRESENTS:  ߲
                                 [   B U G  F i X E D  V E R S I O N   ] 
                                 OPEN Command replacement for System/X
                                  Displays the Batch-files in the current 
                                  directory, displays SECLVL.
                                  Best doorslister ever made!!fastest to!
                                  Coded by DARKTROOPER/FOOD!
                                 Release: 1o/o5/96           disk: [1/1]
food_21ord.z       0 01-01-1980  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                   ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                    ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                   [ B U G F I X E D  V E R S I O N ]    
                                   New ASCII Order for System/X v1.2+
                                Makes the users choose whom to make the 
                                ASCII and writes a messy to the ASCII
                                artist with the order. This is the
                                ultimate door to use for ASCII Arts,
                                Coded by: Mortimer & Darktrooper.
                                Release: [23.06.96]      Disk: [1/1]
food_21ord.zip   47209 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                   [ B U G F I X E D  V E R S I O N ]    
                                   New ASCII Order for System/X v1.2+
                                  Makes the users choose whom to make the 
                                   ASCII and writes a messy to the ASCII
                                    artist with the order. This is the
                                   ultimate door to use for ASCII Arts,
                                    Coded by: Mortimer & Darktrooper.
                                   Release: [23.06.96]      Disk: [1/1]
food_21pag.z       0 01-01-1980  : ________________________              :
                                -:-    ___/  \     \DT! \-- - - - ----:-
                                : |   ___/    \     \  \ \    FOOD    :
                                : |    \   |   /  |   /  |  \ pRESENTS: :
                                -:-____/______/______/______/-- - - - --:-
                                : /X look alike pager for systemx v1.X
                                : Design based from Ami/X! Pot-Noodle!
                                : No Bugs,No Changes just the real thing
                                : Coded BY DARKTROOPER/fOOD!
                                : Release: [01.04.96]       Disk: [1/1]
                                -:- - -- -   - --  -   --
food_21pag.zip   43684 08-05-2024  : ________________________              :
                                -:-    ___/  \     \DT! \-- - - - ----:-
                                 : |   ___/    \     \  \ \    FOOD    :
                                 : |    \   |   /  |   /  |  \ pRESENTS: :
                                -:-____/______/______/______/-- - - - --:-
                                 : /X look alike pager for systemx v1.X
                                 : Design based from Ami/X! Pot-Noodle!
                                 : No Bugs,No Changes just the real thing
                                 : Coded BY DARKTROOPER/fOOD!
                                 : Release: [01.04.96]       Disk: [1/1]
                                -:- - -- -   - --  -   --
food_21pcu.z       0 01-01-1980   _____                    ___  
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1996 |
                                ---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                         PC-Styled Multitop v1.0         |
                                  Multititop for your multiple menusets  |
                                  This one is for your needs -^iNM/fOOd  |
food_21pcu.zip   31491 08-05-2024   _____                    ___  
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                |   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1996 |
                                |---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                |         PC-Styled Multitop v1.0         |
                                |                                         |
                                |  Multititop for your multiple menusets  |
                                |  This one is for your needs -^iNM/fOOd  |
food_21pfr.z       0 01-01-1980  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                   ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                    ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                FUCK OFF OR DIE (FOOD) PRESENTS:  ߲
                                     PunkReverser for System/X 1.2+      
                                 One of the FASTEST file-reversers around
                                in our /X look! Code by cyberkid/food96 
                                 Release: 11/o5/96           disk: [1/1]
food_21pfr.zip   44595 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                FUCK OFF OR DIE (FOOD) PRESENTS:  ߲
                                     PunkReverser for System/X 1.2+      
                                 One of the FASTEST file-reversers around
                                  in our /X look! Code by cyberkid/food96 
                                 Release: 11/o5/96           disk: [1/1]
food_21pg1.z       0 01-01-1980  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                   ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                    ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                   [ B U G F I X E D  V E R S I O N ]    
                                  /X look alike pager for systemx v1.2+
                                Design based from Ami/X! Pot-Noodle!   
                                No Bugs,No Changes,just the real thing
                                Coded BY DARKTROOPER/fOOD!
                                Release: [03.06.96]       Disk: [1/1]
food_21pg1.zip   43653 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                   [ B U G F I X E D  V E R S I O N ]    
                                  /X look alike pager for systemx v1.2+
                                   Design based from Ami/X! Pot-Noodle!   
                                   No Bugs,No Changes,just the real thing
                                   Coded BY DARKTROOPER/fOOD!
                                   Release: [03.06.96]       Disk: [1/1]
food_21pg3.z       0 01-01-1980          ______  _____   _____    ______
                                _____):  //__): _/___): _/____):  _/
                                _):  _____/:  _  .\:  _  .\_______ .\
                                .--\_  ____/     |   \\_ |   \\_   //  \\--.
                                .   /____\   _ ________/_______/________/  |
                                :                                          |
                                 *  Pot-Noodle Pager for S/X v1.3 final * :
                                    Coded by: Darktrooper/Food  12/O7/96  .
food_21pg3.zip   71857 08-05-2024          ______  _____   _____    ______
                                    _____):  //__): _/___): _/____):  _/
                                   _):  _____/:  _  .\:  _  .\_______ .\
                                .--\_  ____/     |   \\_ |   \\_   //  \\--.
                                .   /____\   _ ________/_______/________/  |
                                :                                          |
                                | *  Pot-Noodle Pager for S/X v1.3 final * :
                                |    Coded by: Darktrooper/Food  12/O7/96  .
food_21ql1.z       0 01-01-1980          s$$                          $$s
                                s$$s$$$$                          $$$$
                                $$$$ $$$$  s$$$$s   s$$$$s    s$$$$$
                                .--$$$$-$$$-$$$$-$$$$-$$$$ $$$$-$$$-$$$$$---
                                s$$$$$$s     $$ $$$$ $$$$ $$  $$$ $$$    |
                                   $$$$        $$$$$ $$$$$    $$$$       |
                                       - fuck off or die presents -         |
                                 best quick logon v1.0 (c) diNO/food 1996   |
                                 another quality door for system/x & desire |
food_21ql1.zip   83459 08-05-2024          s$$                          $$s
                                    s$$s$$$$                          $$$$
                                   $$$$ $$$$  s$$$$s   s$$$$s    s$$$$$
                                .--$$$$-$$$-$$$$-$$$$-$$$$ $$$$-$$$-$$$$$---
                                |s$$$$$$s     $$ $$$$ $$$$ $$  $$$ $$$   
                                |   $$$$        $$$$$ $$$$$    $$$$      
                                |       - fuck off or die presents -        
                                | best quick logon v1.0 (c) diNO/food 1996  
                                | another quality door for system/x & desire
food_21ran.z       0 01-01-1980  _______________________________________
                                \ _      __/   _    /   _   \ _  _     /
                                _/\/     _/    /  _/    /  _/\/  /   rX!
                                .                                      |
                                 Random v1.0 For SystemX and Desire   |
                                 Random Welcome/Login/Logoff Choser   |
                                -[12.28.96]------------[Coded by VGA]-
food_21ran.zip  100557 08-05-2024  _______________________________________
                                 \ _      __/   _    /   _   \ _  _     /
                                 _/\/     _/    /  _/    /  _/\/  /   rX!
                                 .                                      |
                                 | Random v1.0 For SystemX and Desire   |
                                 | Random Welcome/Login/Logoff Choser   |
                                 |                                      |
                                 -[12.28.96]------------[Coded by VGA]-
food_21rnd.z       0 01-01-1980  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                   ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                    ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                    [ RANDOM BOARD ADVERTISER V101 ]    
                                 takes a plain ascii file, and scrambles
                                the filename.                           
                                untraceable - fast - nice = F O O D !
                                Release: [20.09.96]       Disk: [1/1]
food_21rnd.zip   62120 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                    [ RANDOM BOARD ADVERTISER V101 ]    
                                 takes a plain ascii file, and scrambles
                                  the filename.                           
                                  untraceable - fast - nice = F O O D !
                                  Release: [20.09.96]       Disk: [1/1]
food_21rum.z       0 01-01-1980  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                   ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                    ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                FUCK OFF OR DIE (FOOD) PRESENTS:  ߲
                                 [   B U G  F i X E D  V E R S I O N   ] 
                                        Rumors for System/X 1.5
                                Lets you add a rumor to a wall,with the 
                                parameter 'g' a random rumor will be
                                displayed... add it in the mainmenu!
                                Coded by DARKTROOPER/FOOD!
                                Release: 1o/o5/96           disk: [1/1]
food_21rum.zip   44276 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                FUCK OFF OR DIE (FOOD) PRESENTS:  ߲
                                 [   B U G  F i X E D  V E R S I O N   ] 
                                        Rumors for System/X 1.5
                                  Lets you add a rumor to a wall,with the 
                                  parameter 'g' a random rumor will be
                                  displayed... add it in the mainmenu!
                                  Coded by DARKTROOPER/FOOD!
                                  Release: 1o/o5/96           disk: [1/1]
food_21sad.z       0 01-01-1980  _______________________________________
                                \ _      __/   _    /   _   \ _  _     /
                                _/\/     _/    /  _/    /  _/\/  /   rX!
                                .                                      |
                                 Sadwall v1.6 For System/X and Desire |
                                -[12.28.96]------------[Coded by Aph]-
food_21sad.zip   38284 08-05-2024  _______________________________________
                                 \ _      __/   _    /   _   \ _  _     /
                                 _/\/     _/    /  _/    /  _/\/  /   rX!
                                 .                                      |
                                 | Sadwall v1.6 For System/X and Desire |
                                 |                                      |
                                 -[12.28.96]------------[Coded by Aph]-
food_21sbl.z       0 01-01-1980   _____                    ___  
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1996 |
                                ---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                     Best SentBy Changer for dESiRE      |
                                        90% Configurable colors!         |
                                `--| iNM^FOOD 96-11-30 |------------[1/1]-'
food_21sbl.zip   49061 08-05-2024   _____                    ___  
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                |   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1996 |
                                |---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                |     Best SentBy Changer for dESiRE      |
                                |        90% Configurable colors!         |
                                `--| iNM^FOOD 96-11-30 |------------[1/1]-'
food_21sd1.z       0 01-01-1980  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                   ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                    ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                  [ sUPERdUPER_cHECKER_v1.0 for s/x ]  
                                 this time your favorite s/X group bring
                                you a ami/x-styled dupechecker!         
                                6-20-96, 1:37 PM EST. code by cyberkid!
                                -[AOD]- Angels of Death Couriers '96 -[AOD]-
food_21sd1.zip   47095 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                  [ sUPERdUPER_cHECKER_v1.0 for s/x ]  
                                 this time your favorite s/X group bring
                                  you a ami/x-styled dupechecker!         
                                  6-20-96, 1:37 PM EST. code by cyberkid!
                                -[AOD]- Angels of Death Couriers '96 -[AOD]-
food_21shr.z       0 01-01-1980  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                   ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                    ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                FUCK OFF OR DIE (FOOD) PRESENTS:  ߲
                                     Dir-Shrinker v0.1 for System/X      
                                 This util. Shrinks your filedirs, so
                                you won't have to look at 100+ pages    
                                of nasty file_ids. Code: cyberkid/food96
                                 Release: 11/o5/96           disk: [1/1]
food_21shr.zip   21953 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                FUCK OFF OR DIE (FOOD) PRESENTS:  ߲
                                     Dir-Shrinker v0.1 for System/X      
                                 This util. Shrinks your filedirs, so
                                  you won't have to look at 100+ pages    
                                  of nasty file_ids. Code: cyberkid/food96
                                 Release: 11/o5/96           disk: [1/1]
food_21tbf.z       0 01-01-1980 ______________________________
                                ______  ________  ________  \          mGz
                                ___)  _)  \_ _  _)  \_ _ _ )  \-----------.
                                __\  _ _____///_ _____////______\ presents |
                                TBFIX for THUNDERBYTE x.x           ..|
                                This little utility is great for cleaning::|
                                files with TBCLEAN. The original TBCLEAN:::|
                                sucks and you have to specify *EACH* file::|
                                but with this you can choose CLEAN ALL.::::|
                                Coded by: TNSe              .     . .::::::|
                                - -[28o696]----------------------------'
food_21tbf.zip   32274 08-05-2024 ______________________________
                                  ______  ________  ________  \          mGz
                                 ___)  _)  \_ _  _)  \_ _ _ )  \-----------.
                                __\  _ _____///_ _____////______\ presents |
                                     TBFIX for THUNDERBYTE x.x           ..|
                                This little utility is great for cleaning::|
                                files with TBCLEAN. The original TBCLEAN:::|
                                sucks and you have to specify *EACH* file::|
                                but with this you can choose CLEAN ALL.::::|
                                Coded by: TNSe              .     . .::::::|
                                - -[28o696]----------------------------'
food_21tdf.z       0 01-01-1980   _____                    ___  
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1996 |
                                ---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                    Todays Files Up In Conference #XX    |
                                     Works for System/X and Desire!      |
                                 Configurable, 'don't show if no upload' |
                                 And more! Check this out! Ami/X Style!  |
                                `---| iNM/96-12-07 |----------------[1/1]-'
food_21tdf.zip   47000 08-05-2024   _____                    ___  
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                |   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1996 |
                                |---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                |    Todays Files Up In Conference #XX    |
                                |     Works for System/X and Desire!      |
                                | Configurable, 'don't show if no upload' |
                                | And more! Check this out! Ami/X Style!  |
                                `---| iNM/96-12-07 |----------------[1/1]-'
food_21tf1.z       0 01-01-1980  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                   ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                    ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                 [ Todays Files v1.0 by cyberkid/food. ] 
                                   Bulletin-creator for files uploaded
                                to your system today. Ami/X-styled..   
                                Released: 6-22-96, 2:35 PM      [1/1]
                                -[AOD]- Angels of Death Couriers '96 -[AOD]-
food_21tf1.zip   32062 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                 [ Todays Files v1.0 by cyberkid/food. ] 
                                   Bulletin-creator for files uploaded
                                   to your system today. Ami/X-styled..   
                                   Released: 6-22-96, 2:35 PM      [1/1]
                                -[AOD]- Angels of Death Couriers '96 -[AOD]-
food_21upw.z       0 01-01-1980   _____                    ___  
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1996 |
                                ---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                 UNIX Pswchecker for System/X and Desire |
                                 Two different versions, one for s/x and |
                                 one for desire! Totally cool utillity!  |
food_21upw.zip   78911 08-05-2024   _____                    ___  
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                |   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1996 |
                                |---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                | UNIX Pswchecker for System/X and Desire |
                                |                                         |
                                | Two different versions, one for s/x and |
                                | one for desire! Totally cool utillity!  |
food_21wal.z       0 01-01-1980  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                   ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                    ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                   [ B U G F I X E D  V E R S I O N ]    
                                  Ami Look Oneliner For System Express
                                v1.2+, Mci Codes Working, Verry Nice   
                                Looking, Design & Coding By Darktrooper
                                Release: [23.06.96]      Disk: [1/1]
food_21wal.zip   43976 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                   [ B U G F I X E D  V E R S I O N ]    
                                  Ami Look Oneliner For System Express
                                   v1.2+, Mci Codes Working, Verry Nice   
                                  Looking, Design & Coding By Darktrooper
                                   Release: [23.06.96]      Disk: [1/1]
food_21wcf.z       0 01-01-1980   _____                    ___  
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |----------.
                                   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd '96 |
                                ---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs |
                                   Wich conference v1.00, batch file    |
                                   Utillity for System /X and DESIRE    |
food_21wcf.zip   13198 08-05-2024   _____                    ___  
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |----------.
                                |   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd '96 |
                                |---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs |
                                |   Wich conference v1.00, batch file    |
                                |   Utillity for System /X and DESIRE    |
food_21wel.z       0 01-01-1980  : ________________________               :
                                -:-    ___/  \     \DT! \-- - - - - ---:-
                                : |   ___/    \     \  \ \    FOOD     :
                                : |    \   |   /  |   /  |  \ pRESENTS:  :
                                -:-____/______/______/______/-- - - - ---:-
                                : Realtime Welcomer door for systemx.
                                : Nice looking,shows some statistics,
                                : Calls today,thisweek,thismonth,node
                                : Coded by: DARKTROOPER        [21.04.96] 
                                -:- - -- -   - --  -   --
food_21wel.zip   43558 08-05-2024  : ________________________               :
                                -:-    ___/  \     \DT! \-- - - - - ---:-
                                 : |   ___/    \     \  \ \    FOOD     :
                                 : |    \   |   /  |   /  |  \ pRESENTS:  :
                                -:-____/______/______/______/-- - - - ---:-
                                 : Realtime Welcomer door for systemx.
                                 : Nice looking,shows some statistics,
                                 : Calls today,thisweek,thismonth,node
                                 : Coded by: DARKTROOPER        [21.04.96] 
                                -:- - -- -   - --  -   --
food_21wld.z       0 01-01-1980  : ________________________               :
                                -:-    ___/  \     \DT! \-- - - - - ---:-
                                : |   ___/    \     \  \ \    FOOD     :
                                : |    \   |   /  |   /  |  \ pRESENTS:  :
                                -:-____/______/______/______/-- - - - ---:-
                                : Realtime /X look alike lastcallerdoor
                                : for system/X, unlimited number of
                                : callers, best lastcaller door ever made.
                                : Coded BY DARKTROOPER/fOOD!
                                : Release: [14.04.96]        Disk: [1/1]
                                -:- - -- -   - --  -   --
food_21wld.zip   45667 08-05-2024  : ________________________               :
                                -:-    ___/  \     \DT! \-- - - - - ---:-
                                 : |   ___/    \     \  \ \    FOOD     :
                                 : |    \   |   /  |   /  |  \ pRESENTS:  :
                                -:-____/______/______/______/-- - - - ---:-
                                 : Realtime /X look alike lastcallerdoor
                                 : for system/X, unlimited number of
                                 : callers, best lastcaller door ever made.
                                 : Coded BY DARKTROOPER/fOOD!
                                 : Release: [14.04.96]        Disk: [1/1]
                                -:- - -- -   - --  -   --
food_21wpa.z       0 01-01-1980 ._____               _____      _/\_
                                   _/_____,______.--|  _/------\__/-------.
                                   |  __  |  __  |__|  | Wallpaper v1 S/x |
                                   |_ \   |  \   | __  |  Code n' Design  |
                                   _/-----'------|  |  | By diNO/fOOd/jA! |
                                ---'  fOOd 1996  `-----'------------------|
                                `-----------------(FILE_ID.DIZ ADDS SUXX!)-'
                                @X01   _()_ THIS FILE PASSED SECTOR 7 _()_ 
                                @X01  _X_ THIS FILE PASSED SchizoFrenia _X_  
                                @X01  _X_    +46-36-340947 NUP: USR     _X_  
food_21wpa.zip   64665 08-05-2024 ._____               _____      _/\_
                                |   _/_____,______.--|  _/------\__/-------.
                                |   |  __  |  __  |__|  | Wallpaper v1 S/x |
                                |   |_ \   |  \   | __  |  Code n' Design  |
                                |   _/-----'------|  |  | By diNO/fOOd/jA! |
                                |---'  fOOd 1996  `-----'------------------|
                                `-----------------(FILE_ID.DIZ ADDS SUXX!)-'
                                @X01   _()_ THIS FILE PASSED SECTOR 7 _()_ 
                                @X01  _X_ THIS FILE PASSED SchizoFrenia _X_  
                                @X01  _X_    +46-36-340947 NUP: USR     _X_  
food_21xan.z       0 01-01-1980   _____                    ___  
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1996 |
                                ---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                 X-MAS Login/Logoff Announcer with dupe  |
                                 user check on the other nodes.          |
                                 Runs with DESIRE and SYSTEM/X.          |
                                                          - Merry X-MAS! | 
food_21xan.zip   18572 08-05-2024   _____                    ___  
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                |   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1996 |
                                |---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                | X-MAS Login/Logoff Announcer with dupe  |
                                | user check on the other nodes.          |
                                | Runs with DESIRE and SYSTEM/X.          |
                                |                          - Merry X-MAS! | 
food_21zc0.z       0 01-01-1980  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                   ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                    ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                   Zipchecker for System/X for use in    
                                       external file_id processing.
                                Release: 6-1-96, 10:26 AM, disk: [1/1] 
food_21zc0.zip   44248 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                   Zipchecker for System/X for use in    
                                       external file_id processing.
                                   Release: 6-1-96, 10:26 AM, disk: [1/1] 
food_2d111.z       0 01-01-1980                                       __ _
                                - -- --- ---------------------------=\_\\\\
                                .___ __  __ ____
                                -- (__)(__)|__/  Registered PFED 1.11
                                _ __
                                ////_/=--------------------------- --- -- -
                                  -:- PFED v1.11 -:-   
                                 COMPLETE BBS FILE AREA MANAGER 
                                For: PCBoard, ProBoard, and TriBBS
                                Coded by Gene Layton - 06/14/97
                                Move, edit, delete, & sort files easily,
                                full desc editing, import FILES.BBS, DIZ
                                Maker, DOS & archive viewers, NUKE Files,
                                SHRINK dirs, full upload processing,
                                DUPE checker/remover, view logs, command
                                line MASTER LIST & DOWNLOAD COUNTER.
                                INCLUDES BOOMLAB v.80 PCB UPLOAD PROCESSOR
food_2d111.zip  598244 08-05-2024                                       __ _
                                 - -- --- ---------------------------=\_\\\\
                                .___ __  __ ____
                                |-- (__)(__)|__/  Registered PFED 1.11
                                  _ __
                                ////_/=--------------------------- --- -- -
                                  -:- PFED v1.11 -:-   
                                   COMPLETE BBS FILE AREA MANAGER 
                                   For: PCBoard, ProBoard, and TriBBS
                                    Coded by Gene Layton - 06/14/97
                                 Move, edit, delete, & sort files easily,
                                 full desc editing, import FILES.BBS, DIZ
                                 Maker, DOS & archive viewers, NUKE Files,
                                   SHRINK dirs, full upload processing,
                                 DUPE checker/remover, view logs, command
                                   line MASTER LIST & DOWNLOAD COUNTER.
                                INCLUDES BOOMLAB v.80 PCB UPLOAD PROCESSOR
food_2d112.z       0 01-01-1980          ______  _____   _____    ______
                                _____):  //__): _/___): _/____):  _/
                                _):  _____/:  _  .\:  _  .\_______ .\
                                .--\_  ____/     |   \\_ |   \\_   //  \\--.
                                .   /____\   _ ________/_______/________/  |
                                :                                          |
                                  Crack for PFED 1.12! Will remove that   :
                                  irritating delay ...                    |
                                                  - Codeblaster 21/06/97  .
food_2d112.zip   14035 08-05-2024          ______  _____   _____    ______
                                    _____):  //__): _/___): _/____):  _/
                                   _):  _____/:  _  .\:  _  .\_______ .\
                                .--\_  ____/     |   \\_ |   \\_   //  \\--.
                                .   /____\   _ ________/_______/________/  |
                                :                                          |
                                |  Crack for PFED 1.12! Will remove that   :
                                |  irritating delay ...                    |
                                |                  - Codeblaster 21/06/97  .
food_2d154.z       0 01-01-1980          ______  _____   _____    ______
                                _____):  //__): _/___): _/____):  _/
                                _):  _____/:  _  .\:  _  .\_______ .\
                                .--\_  ____/     |   \\_ |   \\_   //  \\--.
                                .   /____\   _ ________/_______/________/  |
                                :                                          |
                                 Patch for PCBOARD v15.4b to remove all   :
                                 login information! Pirates leech it now! |
                                                     - Codeblaster/Food97 .
food_2d154.zip   14932 08-05-2024          ______  _____   _____    ______
                                    _____):  //__): _/___): _/____):  _/
                                   _):  _____/:  _  .\:  _  .\_______ .\
                                .--\_  ____/     |   \\_ |   \\_   //  \\--.
                                .   /____\   _ ________/_______/________/  |
                                :                                          |
                                | Patch for PCBOARD v15.4b to remove all   :
                                | login information! Pirates leech it now! |
                                |                     - Codeblaster/Food97 .
food_2daus.z       0 01-01-1980   _____                    ___
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1997 |
                                ---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                  ami/x styled userlister for pcb 15.3   |
                                 nice ascii, very configurable, perfect  |
                                 for any ami/x styled pcboard.           |
                                                     - Codeblaster/Food  |
food_2daus.zip   29616 08-05-2024   _____                    ___
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                |   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1997 |
                                |---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                |  ami/x styled userlister for pcb 15.3   |
                                | nice ascii, very configurable, perfect  |
                                | for any ami/x styled pcboard.           |
                                |                     - Codeblaster/Food  |
food_2ddiz.z       0 01-01-1980   __ ______   _______   _______    ______ __
                                ((__(_  __/___\  _   \__\  _   \___\__  /__//
                                /  ____/    )    /    )    /    (  \
                                _ _/    \_ l__  ____/l__  ____/l___     \_ _
                                _) \______/    )/        )/    hP!/______/ (
                                 GETDiZ v1.4a - Bugfixed/Updated version    |
                                 Utility to extract FILE_ID.DIZ's from      |
                                 text files, made for PCBOARD but works     |
                                __  for other systems too! - Codeblaster  __|
                                /__  ________________________________  __\
                                \(                                )/
food_2ddiz.zip   19241 08-05-2024   __ ______   _______   _______    ______ __
                                ((__(_  __/___\  _   \__\  _   \___\__  /__//
                                     /  ____/    )    /    )    /    (  \
                                 _ _/    \_ l__  ____/l__  ____/l___     \_ _
                                _) \______/    )/        )/    hP!/______/ (
                                | GETDiZ v1.4a - Bugfixed/Updated version   
                                | Utility to extract FILE_ID.DIZ's from     
                                | text files, made for PCBOARD but works    
                                |__  for other systems too! - Codeblaster  _
                                  /__  ________________________________  __\
                                     \(                                )/
food_2dfag.z       0 01-01-1980                                     ______
                                ____________________________________)_ __/
                                \__  ________ ___  ____ ____ ____ ___/  \
                                _/     ___|/   |    \/   |    \/   |     \_
                                \_____    \_____    ______    ______    __/
                                F  u  c  k     O  f  f     O  r     D  i  e
                                Food Ascii Gallery for PCBoard v15.23+
food_2dfag.zip   21905 08-05-2024                                     ______
                                ____________________________________)_ __/
                                \__  ________ ___  ____ ____ ____ ___/  \
                                _/     ___|/   |    \/   |    \/   |     \_
                                \_____    \_____    ______    ______    __/
                                F  u  c  k     O  f  f     O  r     D  i  e
                                  Food Ascii Gallery for PCBoard v15.23+
food_2dfc0.z       0 01-01-1980   _____                    ___  
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1997 |
                                ---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                      The FileChecker 0.6b by inm!       |
                                 Upload Scanner for desire, maybe sys/x? |
                                 I think you better get this cos' it rox |
                                 (this's just a beta, but's good anyway) |
                                `----[inm/15-02-97 |----------------[1/1]-'
food_2dfc0.zip   63878 08-05-2024   _____                    ___  
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                |   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1997 |
                                |---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                |      The FileChecker 0.6b by inm!       |
                                | Upload Scanner for desire, maybe sys/x? |
                                | I think you better get this cos' it rox |
                                | (this's just a beta, but's good anyway) |
                                `----[inm/15-02-97 |----------------[1/1]-'
food_2dfd9.z       0 01-01-1980          ______  _____   _____    ______
                                _____):  //__): _/___): _/____):  _/
                                _):  _____/:  _  .\:  _  .\_______ .\
                                .--\_  ____/     |   \\_ |   \\_   //  \\--.
                                .   /____\   _ ________/_______/________/  |
                                :                                          |
                                       Delay Crack For PFED 1.09          :
food_2dfd9.zip   24405 08-05-2024          ______  _____   _____    ______
                                    _____):  //__): _/___): _/____):  _/
                                   _):  _____/:  _  .\:  _  .\_______ .\
                                .--\_  ____/     |   \\_ |   \\_   //  \\--.
                                .   /____\   _ ________/_______/________/  |
                                :                                          |
                                |       Delay Crack For PFED 1.09          :
                                |                                          .
food_2dgtz.z       0 01-01-1980 anoth3r release frOm the ut1lity mast3rs!
                                   ܲ۲ ߰ fOOD!߲  
                                    ܲ ۲ 
                                ۰  ۲  ۲ ۱    ۰   
                                ۱  ۲       ۲ ۱  ߰ 
                                ۲  ۰    ܲ   ۲   
                                    ޲     ޲ 
                                ۲  ߲۲ ۱ 
                                ߲ܲ       ܲܲ
                                kickin ass '97!       (fuck off or die)
                                GETDiZ v1.2       for PCB/BOOMLAB
                                A small utility for the PCBTEST.BAT file
                                that will search uploaded txt/doc's for
                                a FILE_ID.DIZ and implent it directly
                                into the DIR file.. Easy install etc.
                                15/02/97           1/1ܲ
food_2dgtz.zip   29303 08-05-2024 anoth3r release frOm the ut1lity mast3rs!
                                   ܲ۲ ߰ fOOD!߲  
                                    ܲ ۲ 
                                ۰  ۲  ۲ ۱    ۰   
                                ۱  ۲       ۲ ۱  ߰ 
                                ۲  ۰    ܲ   ۲   
                                    ޲     ޲ 
                                ۲  ߲۲ ۱ 
                                ߲ܲ       ܲܲ
                                kickin ass '97!       (fuck off or die)
                                  GETDiZ v1.2       for PCB/BOOMLAB
                                A small utility for the PCBTEST.BAT file
                                 that will search uploaded txt/doc's for
                                 a FILE_ID.DIZ and implent it directly
                                 into the DIR file.. Easy install etc.
                                15/02/97           1/1ܲ
food_2dl24.z       0 01-01-1980   _____                    ___  
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1997 |
                                ---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                  Last 24hrs Uploads In Conference #XXX  |
                                     Works for System/X and Desire!      |
                                 Exactly as the old 'tdfiles', but this  |
                                   shows all files for the last 24hrz    |
                                `----[inm/15-02-97 |----------------[1/1]-'
food_2dl24.zip   48497 08-05-2024   _____                    ___  
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                |   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1997 |
                                |---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                |  Last 24hrs Uploads In Conference #XXX  |
                                |     Works for System/X and Desire!      |
                                | Exactly as the old 'tdfiles', but this  |
                                |   shows all files for the last 24hrz    |
                                `----[inm/15-02-97 |----------------[1/1]-'
food_2dlo2.z       0 01-01-1980          ______  _____   _____    ______
                                _____):  //__): _/___): _/____):  _/
                                _):  _____/:  _  .\:  _  .\_______ .\
                                .--\_  ____/     |   \\_ |   \\_   //  \\--.
                                .   /____\   _ ________/_______/________/  |
                                :                                          |
                                  FOOD! Last Ones v2.00 for PCBoard 15.3  |
                                    Coded by 2 Stoned/FOOD! (06-13-97)    :
food_2dlo2.zip   36707 08-05-2024          ______  _____   _____    ______
                                    _____):  //__): _/___): _/____):  _/
                                   _):  _____/:  _  .\:  _  .\_______ .\
                                .--\_  ____/     |   \\_ |   \\_   //  \\--.
                                .   /____\   _ ________/_______/________/  |
                                :                                          |
                                |  FOOD! Last Ones v2.00 for PCBoard 15.3  |
                                |                                          |
                                |    Coded by 2 Stoned/FOOD! (06-13-97)    :
                                |                                          .
food_2dpbl.z       0 01-01-1980   ________ _______ _ _______ __ ______ _____
                                __\  ______\  _  /_._\  _  /_.__\___ /_. __//
                                \_   ____)    |    |    |    |     |   |
                                     |_     |    |    |   _|     |   | hP!
                                !______/__________!________\__________! __.
                                .                                         |
                                  [  f u c k   o f f   o r   d i e  ]  |
                                    BBS Lister v1.0 for Pcboard v15.x    |
                                  With a awesome design, ascii by hiro   |
                                       Source Included...                |
                                 Coded by Public   _        Enemy/Food97 |
                                __[27/o4/97]_______)\  _________[o1/o1]__|
                                _ ___________ \/ _______ _
food_2dpbl.zip   21393 08-05-2024   ________ _______ _ _______ __ ______ _____
                                __\  ______\  _  /_._\  _  /_.__\___ /_. __//
                                \_   ____)    |    |    |    |     |   |
                                 |     |_     |    |    |   _|     |   | hP!
                                 !______/__________!________\__________! __.
                                 .                                         |
                                 |  [  f u c k   o f f   o r   d i e  ]  |
                                 |                                         |
                                 |    BBS Lister v1.0 for Pcboard v15.x    |
                                 |  With a awesome design, ascii by hiro   |
                                 |       Source Included...                |
                                 |                                         |
                                 | Coded by Public   _        Enemy/Food97 |
                                 |__[27/o4/97]_______)\  _________[o1/o1]__|
                                         _ ___________ \/ _______ _
food_2dpfd.z       0 01-01-1980   _____                    ___
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1997 |
                                ---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                 Little patch to remove that nasty lamah |
                                 delay on PFED 1.07 - until you lamahs   |
                                 get tha regged version ;)               |
                                                           - Codeblaster |
food_2dpfd.zip   31496 08-05-2024   _____                    ___
                                .( ___/_______ ______ ____|_  |-----------.
                                |   ___/ _,   | _,   |  ___/  | fOOd 1997 |
                                |---'dNo------'------`--------' pRESENTs  |
                                | Little patch to remove that nasty lamah |
                                | delay on PFED 1.07 - until you lamahs   |
                                | get tha regged version ;)               |
                                |                           - Codeblaster |
food_2dpv1.z       0 01-01-1980   ________ _______ _ _______ __ ______ _____
                                __\  ______\  _  /_._\  _  /_.__\___ /_. __//
                                \_   ____)    |    |    |    |     |   |
                                     |_     |    |    |   _|     |   | hP!
                                !______/__________!________\__________! __.
                                .                                         |
                                       [  Phlegme Reader v1.0 ]        |
                                 Awesome smoothscrollin' reader that     |
                                 supports Pcb (@-Codes), Ansi and Ascii. |
                                 Also supports VGA/SVGA Mode! Leech Now! |
                                __[29/o6/97]_______)\  _________[o1/o1]__|
                                _ ___________ \/ _______ _
food_2dpv1.zip   47063 08-05-2024   ________ _______ _ _______ __ ______ _____
                                __\  ______\  _  /_._\  _  /_.__\___ /_. __//
                                \_   ____)    |    |    |    |     |   |
                                 |     |_     |    |    |   _|     |   | hP!
                                 !______/__________!________\__________! __.
                                 .                                         |
                                 |       [  Phlegme Reader v1.0 ]        |
                                 | Awesome smoothscrollin' reader that     |
                                 | supports Pcb (@-Codes), Ansi and Ascii. |
                                 | Also supports VGA/SVGA Mode! Leech Now! |
                                 |__[29/o6/97]_______)\  _________[o1/o1]__|
                                         _ ___________ \/ _______ _
food_2dreq.z       0 01-01-1980  : ________________________               :
                                -:-    ___/  \     \DT! \-- - - - - ---:-
                                : |   ___/    \     \  \ \    FOOD     :
                                : |    \   |   /  |   /  |  \ pRESENTS:  :
                                -:-____/______/______/______/-- - - - ---:-
                                : /X look alike Request door for S/X 1.5
                                :  This is one of the best request doors
                                : ever made for S/X!. Writes a EALL messy
                                : for all users, and with the '!' you can
                                : display the Request list.
                                : Coded by Mortimer/FoOD!
                                : Release: 18.o3.96         disk: [1/1]
                                -:- - -- -   - --  -   --
food_2dreq.zip   45138 08-05-2024  : ________________________               :
                                -:-    ___/  \     \DT! \-- - - - - ---:-
                                 : |   ___/    \     \  \ \    FOOD     :
                                 : |    \   |   /  |   /  |  \ pRESENTS:  :
                                -:-____/______/______/______/-- - - - ---:-
                                 : /X look alike Request door for S/X 1.5
                                 :  This is one of the best request doors
                                 : ever made for S/X!. Writes a EALL messy
                                 : for all users, and with the '!' you can
                                 : display the Request list.
                                 : Coded by Mortimer/FoOD!
                                 : Release: 18.o3.96         disk: [1/1]
                                -:- - -- -   - --  -   --
food_2drum.z       0 01-01-1980  : ________________________               :
                                -:-    ___/  \     \DT! \-- - - - - ---:-
                                : |   ___/    \     \  \ \    FOOD     :
                                : |    \   |   /  |   /  |  \ pRESENTS:  :
                                -:-____/______/______/______/-- - - - ---:-
                                :        Rumors for System/X 1.5
                                : Lets you add a rumor to a wall, with the
                                : parameter '!' a random rumor will be
                                : displayed... add it in the mainmenu!
                                : Coded by Mortimer/FoOD!
                                : Release: 29/o2/96         disk: [1/1]
                                -:- - -- -   - --  -   --
food_2drum.zip   43928 08-05-2024  : ________________________               :
                                -:-    ___/  \     \DT! \-- - - - - ---:-
                                 : |   ___/    \     \  \ \    FOOD     :
                                 : |    \   |   /  |   /  |  \ pRESENTS:  :
                                -:-____/______/______/______/-- - - - ---:-
                                 :        Rumors for System/X 1.5
                                 : Lets you add a rumor to a wall, with the
                                 : parameter '!' a random rumor will be
                                 : displayed... add it in the mainmenu!
                                 : Coded by Mortimer/FoOD!
                                 : Release: 29/o2/96         disk: [1/1]
                                -:- - -- -   - --  -   --
food_2dsec.z       0 01-01-1980          ______  _____   _____    ______
                                _____):  //__): _/___): _/____):  _/
                                _):  _____/:  _  .\:  _  .\_______ .\
                                .--\_  ____/     |   \\_ |   \\_   //  \\--.
                                .   /____\   _ ________/_______/________/  |
                                :                                          |
                                  FOOD! Security Bugfix for PCBoard 15.3  |
                                    Coded by 2 Stoned/FOOD! (12-11-97)    :
food_2dsec.zip   11376 08-05-2024          ______  _____   _____    ______
                                    _____):  //__): _/___): _/____):  _/
                                   _):  _____/:  _  .\:  _  .\_______ .\
                                .--\_  ____/     |   \\_ |   \\_   //  \\--.
                                .   /____\   _ ________/_______/________/  |
                                :                                          |
                                |  FOOD! Security Bugfix for PCBoard 15.3  |
                                |                                          |
                                |    Coded by 2 Stoned/FOOD! (12-11-97)    :
                                |                                          .
food_2dul1.z       0 01-01-1980  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                   ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                    ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                     fOOd Ami/X styled Userlister.       
                                For Pcboard 15.22+ Code & Design: Survey
food_2dul1.zip    8938 08-05-2024  ߲   ߲  ߲     ܲ 
                                ߲ܲ  ߲      
                                ۲   ߲۲   ߲   ۲
                                    ۲   ۲ ߲  ߲
                                     ۲    ۲     
                                ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ  ۲ 
                                ܲ  ܲ  ܲ ߲߲ܲ  
                                     fOOd Ami/X styled Userlister.       
                                For Pcboard 15.22+ Code & Design: Survey
food_2dunx.z       0 01-01-1980                                       __ _
                                - -- --- ---------------------------=\_\\\\
                                .___ __  __ ____
                                -- (__)(__)|__/ You judge it by it's taste!
                                _ __
                                ////_/=--------------------------- --- -- - 
                                Unix/Telnet Login For PCBoard 15.3+
food_2dunx.zip   39063 08-05-2024                                       __ _
                                 - -- --- ---------------------------=\_\\\\
                                .___ __  __ ____
                                |-- (__)(__)|__/ You judge it by it's taste!
                                  _ __
                                ////_/=--------------------------- --- -- - 
                                       Unix/Telnet Login For PCBoard 15.3+
food_2dwll.z       0 01-01-1980 
                                ......:...  ....: ..:......
                                ..: _:___:____:__ ...:  :..._________
                                _________\_      ____/__:_:____:_\__     /
                                \    _______  ---\          __     /    /
                                _\  ______/\     _\_  ---   /\  __/\   /
                                ______\mso!\______________/ .\_______/
                                ....:.. ....:..:..... :.:..:  :...:
                                :   .:  :..     ...:... :......:  :
                                :                                 .
                                . /x styled wall for Pcboard 15.3 .
                                .   configurable etc. source inc. .
                                .        done by codeblaster/food .
                                ....    ....  ..            ..  ...
                                : :... ....:.. :.... .:.....:...:.:
food_2dwll.zip   34779 08-05-2024 
                                      ......:...  ....: ..:......
                                     ..: _:___:____:__ ...:  :..._________
                                _________\_      ____/__:_:____:_\__     /
                                \    _______  ---\          __     /    /
                                _\  ______/\     _\_  ---   /\  __/\   /
                                 ______\mso!\______________/ .\_______/
                                  ....:.. ....:..:..... :.:..:  :...:
                                  :   .:  :..     ...:... :......:  :
                                  :                                 .
                                  . /x styled wall for Pcboard 15.3 .
                                  .   configurable etc. source inc. .
                                  .        done by codeblaster/food .
                                  ....    ....  ..            ..  ...
                                  : :... ....:.. :.... .:.....:...:.:
food_2dxj1.z       0 01-01-1980          ______  _____   _____    ______
                                _____):  //__): _/___): _/____):  _/
                                _):  _____/:  _  .\:  _  .\_______ .\
                                .--\_  ____/     |   \\_ |   \\_   //  \\--.
                                .   /____\   _ ________/_______/________/  |
                                :                                          |
                                 FOOD /X JOINER for PCB v0.99 by 2 Stoned :
                                @X30 -( Passed PUBLiC^HANGiNG +31-holland )-
food_2dxj1.zip   22932 08-05-2024          ______  _____   _____    ______
                                    _____):  //__): _/___): _/____):  _/
                                   _):  _____/:  _  .\:  _  .\_______ .\
                                .--\_  ____/     |   \\_ |   \\_   //  \\--.
                                .   /____\   _ ________/_______/________/  |
                                :                                          |
                                | FOOD /X JOINER for PCB v0.99 by 2 Stoned :
                                |                                          .
                                @X30 -( Passed PUBLiC^HANGiNG +31-holland )-
f_2dascii.zi       0 01-01-1980  : ________________________               :
                                -:-    ___/  \     \DT! \-- - - - - ---:-
                                : |   ___/    \     \  \ \    FOOD     :
                                : |    \   |   /  |   /  |  \ pRESENTS:  :
                                -:-____/______/______/______/-- - - - ---:-
                                : New ASCII Order for System/X 1.5
                                : Makes the user choose whom to make the
                                : ASCII and writes a messy to the ASCII
                                : artist with the order.
                                : The ultimate door to use for ASCII Arts.
                                : Release: o4/o3/96         disk: [1/1]
                                -:- - -- -   - --  -   --
f_2dascii.zip   46957 08-05-2024  : ________________________               :
                                -:-    ___/  \     \DT! \-- - - - - ---:-
                                 : |   ___/    \     \  \ \    FOOD     :
                                 : |    \   |   /  |   /  |  \ pRESENTS:  :
                                -:-____/______/______/______/-- - - - ---:-
                                 : New ASCII Order for System/X 1.5
                                 : Makes the user choose whom to make the
                                 : ASCII and writes a messy to the ASCII
                                 : artist with the order.
                                 : The ultimate door to use for ASCII Arts.
                                 : Release: o4/o3/96         disk: [1/1]
                                -:- - -- -   - --  -   --
stf_2dadd1.z       0 01-01-1980  _  ____________ _       _    _________ _
                                _ _\    ________\__._______. _|      __/  _
                                \\____________     \       |__|       _//_
                                 sTF 97! /________\_     __/l_______| ɷ
                                -------------------|_______\\ ----------+
                                Addbbstologoff v1.0 by SiMS for dESiRE 1.x!
                                Fastest and finest 'addbbstologoff' ever
                                released for dESiRE boardsystem. Makes the
                                same output as the one seen on /x boards!!
                                100% color configurable design. Just LEECH!
stf_2dadd1.zip   40700 08-05-2024  _  ____________ _       _    _________ _
                                _ _\    ________\__._______. _|      __/  _
                                \\____________     \       |__|       _//_
                                 sTF 97! /________\_     __/l_______| ɷ
                                -------------------|_______\\ ----------+
                                Addbbstologoff v1.0 by SiMS for dESiRE 1.x!
                                Fastest and finest 'addbbstologoff' ever
                                released for dESiRE boardsystem. Makes the
                                same output as the one seen on /x boards!!
                                100% color configurable design. Just LEECH!
stf_2dbrd1.z       0 01-01-1980          _______ _________ _______
                                   .   |  .   .  |   .   |
                                   |   |  |   |  |   |   |
                                   `---;._|   |_.|   :___;
                                :---.   |  |   |  |   ._;
                                :    |  .|  .|  |  .|  |  .|      .'
                                . :  | .:| .::  | .:|  | .:|   :  '
                                . .: .. |.::...:| ':.::| .|.::: . .: :.
                                .Board Add v1.0             dESiRE door:|
                                `--.:. ..                      . ..:.:::-:
                                :.An awesome Layout makes This the best .|
                                 'Addbbstologoff' util ever Released!!  .
                                ::..             .                   .. :|
                                '  .:              :   :   ':          :
stf_2dbrd1.zip   37737 08-05-2024          _______ _________ _______
                                        |   .   |  .   .  |   .   |
                                        |   |   |  |   |  |   |   |
                                        |   `---;._|   |_.|   :___;
                                        :---.   |  |   |  |   ._;
                                   :    |  .|  .|  |  .|  |  .|      .'
                                   . :  | .:| .::  | .:|  | .:|   :  '
                                . .: .. |.::...:| ':.::| .|.::: . .: :.
                                |.Board Add v1.0             dESiRE door:|
                                `--.:. ..                      . ..:.:::-:
                                :.An awesome Layout makes This the best .|
                                | 'Addbbstologoff' util ever Released!!  .
                                ::..             .                   .. :|
                                 '  .:              :   :   ':          :
stf_2dcht1.z       0 01-01-1980          _______ _________ _______
                                   .   |  .   .  |   .   |
                                   |   |  |   |  |   |   |
                                   `---;._|   |_.|   :___;
                                :---.   |  |   |  |   ._;
                                :    |  .|  .|  |  .|  |  .|      .'
                                . :  | .:| .::  | .:|  | .:|   :  '
                                . .: .. |.::...:| ':.::| .|.::: . .: :.
                                .dESiRE Split Chat          dESiRE door:|
                                `--.:. ..                      . ..:.:::-:
                                :.   Fully configurable                .|
                                    Split screen chat                 ..
                                ::..             .                   .. :|
                                '  .:              :   :   ':          :
stf_2dcht1.zip   45073 08-05-2024          _______ _________ _______
                                        |   .   |  .   .  |   .   |
                                        |   |   |  |   |  |   |   |
                                        |   `---;._|   |_.|   :___;
                                        :---.   |  |   |  |   ._;
                                   :    |  .|  .|  |  .|  |  .|      .'
                                   . :  | .:| .::  | .:|  | .:|   :  '
                                . .: .. |.::...:| ':.::| .|.::: . .: :.
                                |.dESiRE Split Chat          dESiRE door:|
                                `--.:. ..                      . ..:.:::-:
                                :.   Fully configurable                .|
                                |    Split screen chat                 ..
                                ::..             .                   .. :|
                                 '  .:              :   :   ':          :
stf_2dcom1.z       0 01-01-1980  _  ____________ _       _    _________ _
                                _ _\    ________\__._______. _|      __/  _
                                \\____________     \       |__|       _//_
                                 sTF 97! /________\_     __/l_______| ɷ
                                -------------------|_______\\ ----------+
                                SiL-COMMENT v1.00 for dESiRE 1.3x !
                                Nice adaption of the great comment door
                                by The Silencer, used on some /X boards  
                                9 sysops available. ONLY Desire 1.3+.
stf_2dcom1.zip   40203 08-05-2024  _  ____________ _       _    _________ _
                                _ _\    ________\__._______. _|      __/  _
                                \\____________     \       |__|       _//_
                                 sTF 97! /________\_     __/l_______| ɷ
                                -------------------|_______\\ ----------+
                                    SiL-COMMENT v1.00 for dESiRE 1.3x !
                                 Nice adaption of the great comment door
                                 by The Silencer, used on some /X boards  
                                 9 sysops available. ONLY Desire 1.3+.
stf_2ddebo.z       0 01-01-1980  ______________  __  _.  _____  __________
                                / _____  ____  \/. \/ |\/ ___/_/ _______  \
                                \__  \/  | _/ _/ |  \ | \ \__ \ __/ | _/ _/
                                /  \  \  | \  \  _  /_   \ |  / |  \| \  \
                                \  ___/\ |__\  \_| /__\__/___/\____ \__\  \_
                                \/-----\|---\__/|/-[Than Fiction]-\/---\__/+
                                     BOOMLAB SETTINGS FOR dESiRE 1.x !     |
                                   This is the 100% working settings for   |
                                     boomlab with desire BBS Software!     |
                                            Requires BooMLAB!!             |
stf_2ddebo.zip   10248 08-05-2024  ______________  __  _.  _____  __________
                                / _____  ____  \/. \/ |\/ ___/_/ _______  \
                                \__  \/  | _/ _/ |  \ | \ \__ \ __/ | _/ _/
                                /  \  \  | \  \  _  /_   \ |  / |  \| \  \
                                \  ___/\ |__\  \_| /__\__/___/\____ \__\  \_
                                +\/-----\|---\__/|/-[Than Fiction]-\/---\__/+
                                |     BOOMLAB SETTINGS FOR dESiRE 1.x !     |
                                |   This is the 100% working settings for   |
                                |     boomlab with desire BBS Software!     |
                                |            Requires BooMLAB!!             |
stf_2dfrn2.z       0 01-01-1980   Ŀ
                                 STF-FRONT 2.0           SYSTEM/X DOOR 
                                 CODER: GaNNoN           REL: 15/07/96 
                                 * RELEASE 2 OF THE STF-FRONT DOOR         
                                 * THiS ONE FiXES THE TiNY COLOR BUG!      
                                 * OTHERWiSE iT iS PRETTY MUCH THE SAME    
stf_2dfrn2.zip   33659 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                   STF-FRONT 2.0           SYSTEM/X DOOR 
                                   CODER: GaNNoN           REL: 15/07/96 
                                 * RELEASE 2 OF THE STF-FRONT DOOR         
                                 * THiS ONE FiXES THE TiNY COLOR BUG!      
                                 * OTHERWiSE iT iS PRETTY MUCH THE SAME    
stf_2dfrnt.z       0 01-01-1980   Ŀ
                                 STF-FRONT 1.0           SYSTEM/X DOOR 
                                 CODER: GaNNoN           REL: 29/06/96 
                                 * XTREMELY GOOD LOOKiNG DOOR              
                                      * FULLY COLOR CONFIGURABLE           
                                           * DiSPLAYS NODE & HANDLE        
                                                * DiSPLAYS 32 ACTiONS      
                                                     * REAL TiME DiSPLAY   
stf_2dfrnt.zip   33206 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                   STF-FRONT 1.0           SYSTEM/X DOOR 
                                   CODER: GaNNoN           REL: 29/06/96 
                                 * XTREMELY GOOD LOOKiNG DOOR              
                                      * FULLY COLOR CONFIGURABLE           
                                           * DiSPLAYS NODE & HANDLE        
                                                * DiSPLAYS 32 ACTiONS      
                                                     * REAL TiME DiSPLAY   
stf_2dja11.z       0 01-01-1980   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                 Jabba-the-Nuker v1.1 by GaNNoN & SaDiSt  :
                                    for dESiRE V1.x & System/X V1.2+      |
                                : Nuker/Awarder/Deleter! Now 100% bugfree! |
stf_2dja11.zip  101849 08-05-2024   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                |c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                | Jabba-the-Nuker v1.1 by GaNNoN & SaDiSt  :
                                |    for dESiRE V1.x & System/X V1.2+      |
                                : Nuker/Awarder/Deleter! Now 100% bugfree! |
stf_2djab1.z       0 01-01-1980   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                 Jabba-the-Nuker v1.o by GaNNoN & SaDiSt  :
                                    for dESiRE V1.x & System/X V1.2+      |
                                : The nuker you all have been waiting for! |
stf_2djab1.zip  102794 08-05-2024   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                |c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                | Jabba-the-Nuker v1.o by GaNNoN & SaDiSt  :
                                |    for dESiRE V1.x & System/X V1.2+      |
                                : The nuker you all have been waiting for! |
stf_2djl01.z       0 01-01-1980     _ ____.______ _____
                                _ _)____/_\___/_)___//_
                                --\___\\ (___| |___'_-- STF 1997!---.
                                   Jedi Lastcaller v1.0 for dESiRE!   |
                                 Handsome tempest hack For all of You |
                                 Fanatic desire owners :). Use This!! |
stf_2djl01.zip   38162 08-05-2024     _ ____.______ _____
                                  _ _)____/_\___/_)___//_
                                +--\___\\ (___| |___'_-- STF 1997!---.
                                |   Jedi Lastcaller v1.0 for dESiRE!   |
                                | Handsome tempest hack For all of You |
                                | Fanatic desire owners :). Use This!! |
stf_2dlas2.z       0 01-01-1980   Ŀ
                                 STF-LASTCALLERS 2.0     SYSTEM/X DOOR 
                                 CODER: GaNNoN           REL: 15/07/96 
                                 * RELEASE 2 OF THE STF-LASTCALLERS DOOR   
                                 * THiS ONE FiXES THE TiNY COLOR BUG!      
                                 * OTHERWiSE iT iS PRETTY MUCH THE SAME    
stf_2dlas2.zip   34512 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                   STF-LASTCALLERS 2.0     SYSTEM/X DOOR 
                                   CODER: GaNNoN           REL: 15/07/96 
                                 * RELEASE 2 OF THE STF-LASTCALLERS DOOR   
                                 * THiS ONE FiXES THE TiNY COLOR BUG!      
                                 * OTHERWiSE iT iS PRETTY MUCH THE SAME    
stf_2dlast.z       0 01-01-1980   Ŀ
                                 STF-LASTCALLERS 1.0     SYSTEM/X DOOR 
                                 CODER: GaNNoN           REL: 29/06/96 
                                 * DiSPLAYS LAST TEN CALLERS               
                                      * FULLY COLOR CONFiGURABLE           
                                           * SHOW/HiDE HiDDEN USERS        
                                                * REAL TiME DiSPLAY        
                                                     * STRiPS LOCAL CALLS   
stf_2dlast.zip   35123 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                   STF-LASTCALLERS 1.0     SYSTEM/X DOOR 
                                   CODER: GaNNoN           REL: 29/06/96 
                                 * DiSPLAYS LAST TEN CALLERS               
                                      * FULLY COLOR CONFiGURABLE           
                                           * SHOW/HiDE HiDDEN USERS        
                                                * REAL TiME DiSPLAY        
                                                     * STRiPS LOCAL CALLS   
stf_2dlst1.z       0 01-01-1980   Ŀ
                                 LASTCALLERS 1.0           dESiRE DOOR 
                                 CODER: GaNNoN           REL: 21/O9/96 
                                 FiRST dESiRE DOOR RELEASED BY STF!        
                                 -NEW SUPER-COOL STYLE                     
                                 -COLOR CONFiGURABLE                       
                                 -SCREENLENGTH SENSiTiVE                   
                                 MORE dESiRE DOORS ARE COMiNG UP SOON.     
stf_2dlst1.zip   45142 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                   LASTCALLERS 1.0           dESiRE DOOR 
                                   CODER: GaNNoN           REL: 21/O9/96 
                                 FiRST dESiRE DOOR RELEASED BY STF!        
                                 -NEW SUPER-COOL STYLE                     
                                 -COLOR CONFiGURABLE                       
                                 -SCREENLENGTH SENSiTiVE                   
                                 MORE dESiRE DOORS ARE COMiNG UP SOON.     
stf_2dlwl_21       0 01-01-1980   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                     Looney WALL! v1.0 for dESiRE 1.x     :
                                : Color configurable Design. Choose alias  |
                                 or just Handle. User definable colors!   |
stf_2dlwl_21.zip   39055 08-05-2024   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                |c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                |     Looney WALL! v1.0 for dESiRE 1.x     :
                                : Color configurable Design. Choose alias  |
                                | or just Handle. User definable colors!   |
stf_2dmnt1.z       0 01-01-1980  _  ____________ _       _    _________ _
                                _ _\    ________\__._______. _|      __/  _
                                \\____________     \       |__|       _//_
                                 sTF 97! /________\_     __/l_______| ɷ
                                -------------------|_______\\ ----------+
                                MonthTop door v1.o by GaNNoN/STF
                                for System/X 1.2+ and dESiRE 1.x!!
                                Nice design on this one. Configurable.
stf_2dmnt1.zip   76805 08-05-2024  _  ____________ _       _    _________ _
                                _ _\    ________\__._______. _|      __/  _
                                \\____________     \       |__|       _//_
                                 sTF 97! /________\_     __/l_______| ɷ
                                -------------------|_______\\ ----------+
                                     MonthTop door v1.o by GaNNoN/STF
                                    for System/X 1.2+ and dESiRE 1.x!!
                                  Nice design on this one. Configurable.
stf_2dmtop.z       0 01-01-1980  _  ____________ _       _    _________ _
                                _ _\    ________\__._______. _|      __/  _
                                \\____________     \       |__|       _//_
                                 sTF 97! /________\_     __/l_______| ɷ
                                -------------------|_______\\ ----------+
                                Top Message Writers v1.o by GaNNoN
                                for System/X 1.2+ and dESiRE 1.x!!
                                Plain /x design. Fully configurable.
stf_2dmtop.zip   76355 08-05-2024  _  ____________ _       _    _________ _
                                _ _\    ________\__._______. _|      __/  _
                                \\____________     \       |__|       _//_
                                 sTF 97! /________\_     __/l_______| ɷ
                                -------------------|_______\\ ----------+
                                    Top Message Writers v1.o by GaNNoN
                                    for System/X 1.2+ and dESiRE 1.x!!
                                   Plain /x design. Fully configurable.
stf_2dmul1.z       0 01-01-1980   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                 . ...:MultiTop v1.0 by GaNNoN/STF!:. ..  :
                                     for dESiRE V1.x & System/X V1.2+     |
                                : Another /x hack by your favourite group! |
stf_2dmul1.zip   76519 08-05-2024   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                |c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                | . ...:MultiTop v1.0 by GaNNoN/STF!:. ..  :
                                |     for dESiRE V1.x & System/X V1.2+     |
                                : Another /x hack by your favourite group! |
stf_2dmult.z       0 01-01-1980  _  ____________ _       _    _________ _
                                _ _\    ________\__._______. _|      __/  _
                                \\____________     \       |__|       _//_
                                 sTF 97! /________\_     __/l_______| ɷ
                                -------------------|_______\\ ----------+
                                MultiTop v1.00 by SiMS for dESiRE 1.xx!
                                Another nice AmiExpress hack by us. Creates
                                a nice bulletin with your top uploaders...
stf_2dmult.zip   20830 08-05-2024  _  ____________ _       _    _________ _
                                _ _\    ________\__._______. _|      __/  _
                                \\____________     \       |__|       _//_
                                 sTF 97! /________\_     __/l_______| ɷ
                                -------------------|_______\\ ----------+
                                  MultiTop v1.00 by SiMS for dESiRE 1.xx!
                                Another nice AmiExpress hack by us. Creates
                                a nice bulletin with your top uploaders...
stf_2dnsq1.z       0 01-01-1980   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                     Ami/x Fastlogin v1.0 for dESiRE!     :
                                : Simple 'normal,shortened or quick' logon |
                                 Colors 100% configurable.                |
stf_2dnsq1.zip   37477 08-05-2024   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                |c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                |     Ami/x Fastlogin v1.0 for dESiRE!     :
                                : Simple 'normal,shortened or quick' logon |
                                | Colors 100% configurable.                |
stf_2dnsq2.z       0 01-01-1980  _  ____________ _       _    _________ _
                                _ _\    ________\__._______. _|      __/  _
                                \\____________     \       |__|       _//_
                                 sTF 97! /________\_     __/l_______| ɷ
                                -------------------|_______\\ ----------+
                                Ami/x 'aquaquick' login v1.1 by cASE
                                For System/x 1.2+ and dESiRE 1.x!!
                                Create your own designs! DL Dumbfuck!! :)
stf_2dnsq2.zip   61064 08-05-2024  _  ____________ _       _    _________ _
                                _ _\    ________\__._______. _|      __/  _
                                \\____________     \       |__|       _//_
                                 sTF 97! /________\_     __/l_______| ɷ
                                -------------------|_______\\ ----------+
                                   Ami/x 'aquaquick' login v1.1 by cASE
                                    For System/x 1.2+ and dESiRE 1.x!!
                                 Create your own designs! DL Dumbfuck!! :)
stf_2dnv10.z       0 01-01-1980   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                 NewuserValidator v1.0 - dESiRE v1.x door :
stf_2dnv10.zip   43363 08-05-2024   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                |c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                | NewuserValidator v1.0 - dESiRE v1.x door :
stf_2dopen.z       0 01-01-1980   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                   OPEN Replacement Version 1.1 Final     :
                                 for both dESiRE V1.x and System/X V1.2+  |
                                : Fastest and finest doorlister released!  |
stf_2dopen.zip   76679 08-05-2024   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                |c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                |   OPEN Replacement Version 1.1 Final     :
                                | for both dESiRE V1.x and System/X V1.2+  |
                                : Fastest and finest doorlister released!  |
stf_2dpwf1.z       0 01-01-1980     _ ____.______ _____
                                _ _)____/_\___/_)___//_
                                --\___\\ (___| |___'_-- STF 1997!---.
                                    Stf-Pwfail v1.0 for dESiRE 1.x    |
                                 Sends a Warning Msg To the rightful  |
                                 Owner of the account When someone is |
                                 Trying to hack it!                   |
stf_2dpwf1.zip   37795 08-05-2024     _ ____.______ _____
                                  _ _)____/_\___/_)___//_
                                +--\___\\ (___| |___'_-- STF 1997!---.
                                |    Stf-Pwfail v1.0 for dESiRE 1.x    |
                                | Sends a Warning Msg To the rightful  |
                                | Owner of the account When someone is |
                                | Trying to hack it!                   |
stf_2dpwsx.z       0 01-01-1980   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                       Stf PWFAIL S/x edition v1.0        :
                                : Notifies the righful owner of an account |
                                 when someone tries to get hold of the pw |
stf_2dpwsx.zip   27673 08-05-2024   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                |c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                |       Stf PWFAIL S/x edition v1.0        :
                                : Notifies the righful owner of an account |
                                | when someone tries to get hold of the pw |
stf_2dreq1.z       0 01-01-1980   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                  Imperial Requester v1.0 by GaNNoN/STF   :
                                    for dESiRE V1.x & System/X V1.2+      |
                                : The one & only request door for dESiRE!  |
stf_2dreq1.zip   84580 08-05-2024   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                |c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                |  Imperial Requester v1.0 by GaNNoN/STF   :
                                |    for dESiRE V1.x & System/X V1.2+      |
                                : The one & only request door for dESiRE!  |
stf_2drq11.z       0 01-01-1980   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                  Imperial Requester v1.1 by GaNNoN/STF   :
                                    for dESiRE V1.x & System/X V1.2+      |
                                : This one fixes all of the bugs in v1.0!  |
stf_2drq11.zip   84881 08-05-2024   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                |c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                |  Imperial Requester v1.1 by GaNNoN/STF   :
                                |    for dESiRE V1.x & System/X V1.2+      |
                                : This one fixes all of the bugs in v1.0!  |
stf_2drs10.z       0 01-01-1980  _  ____________ _       _    _________ _
                                _ _\    ________\__._______. _|      __/  _
                                \\____________     \       |__|       _//_
                                 sTF 97! /________\_     __/l_______| ɷ
                                -------------------|_______\\ ----------+
                                Rebell Stats v1.00 by SiMS for dESiRE 1.xx!
                                80% copy of the 'WiLD STATS' seen on those
                                asskicking AmiExpress boards. Configurable!
stf_2drs10.zip   39143 08-05-2024  _  ____________ _       _    _________ _
                                _ _\    ________\__._______. _|      __/  _
                                \\____________     \       |__|       _//_
                                 sTF 97! /________\_     __/l_______| ɷ
                                -------------------|_______\\ ----------+
                                Rebell Stats v1.00 by SiMS for dESiRE 1.xx!
                                80% copy of the 'WiLD STATS' seen on those
                                asskicking AmiExpress boards. Configurable!
stf_2drw10.z       0 01-01-1980   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                     Rebell Wall! v1.0 for dESiRE 1.x     :
                                : Fast and clean looking wall for your /X  |
                                 setup. Also displays total lines written.|
                                 This wall has user definable colors and  | 
                                 color configurable design. Just leech!   |
stf_2drw10.zip   39225 08-05-2024   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                |c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                |     Rebell Wall! v1.0 for dESiRE 1.x     :
                                : Fast and clean looking wall for your /X  |
                                | setup. Also displays total lines written.|
                                | This wall has user definable colors and  | 
                                | color configurable design. Just leech!   |
stf_2dspd1.z       0 01-01-1980  _  ____________ _       _    _________ _
                                _ _\    ________\__._______. _|      __/  _
                                \\____________     \       |__|       _//_
                                 sTF 97! /________\_     __/l_______| ɷ
                                -------------------|_______\\ ----------+
                                sPEED-cHECK v1.00 by cASE           
                                A baudrate checker which'll disconnect
                                the user if the baudrate is below i.e 9600
                                Animation sequences and stunning fast!
stf_2dspd1.zip   39158 08-05-2024  _  ____________ _       _    _________ _
                                _ _\    ________\__._______. _|      __/  _
                                \\____________     \       |__|       _//_
                                 sTF 97! /________\_     __/l_______| ɷ
                                -------------------|_______\\ ----------+
                                        sPEED-cHECK v1.00 by cASE           
                                  A baudrate checker which'll disconnect
                                the user if the baudrate is below i.e 9600
                                  Animation sequences and stunning fast!
stf_2dsta1.z       0 01-01-1980   Ŀ
                                 STATiSTiCS 1.0            dESiRE DOOR 
                                 CODER: GaNNoN           REL: 21/O9/96 
                                 NiCE LiTTLE STATUS DOOR                   
                                 -COLOR CONFiGURABLE                       
                                 -DiSPLAYS ALL U EVER NEED TO NOW          
                                 MORE dESiRE DOORS ARE COMiNG UP SOON.     
stf_2dsta1.zip   44827 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                   STATiSTiCS 1.0            dESiRE DOOR 
                                   CODER: GaNNoN           REL: 21/O9/96 
                                 NiCE LiTTLE STATUS DOOR                   
                                 -COLOR CONFiGURABLE                       
                                 -DiSPLAYS ALL U EVER NEED TO NOW          
                                 MORE dESiRE DOORS ARE COMiNG UP SOON.     
stf_2dstat.z       0 01-01-1980   Ŀ
                                 STF-STATUS-DOOR 1.0     SYSTEM/X DOOR 
                                 CODER: GaNNoN           REL: 15/07/96 
                                      DAMN GOOD LOOKiNG STATUS DOOR        
                                  SPECiAL STAR WARS EDiTiON WiTH QUOTES!   
                                 VERY CONFiGURABLE (ACP, COLOR & COMMENTS) 
stf_2dstat.zip   35929 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                   STF-STATUS-DOOR 1.0     SYSTEM/X DOOR 
                                   CODER: GaNNoN           REL: 15/07/96 
                                      DAMN GOOD LOOKiNG STATUS DOOR        
                                  SPECiAL STAR WARS EDiTiON WiTH QUOTES!   
                                 VERY CONFiGURABLE (ACP, COLOR & COMMENTS) 
stf_2dstmt.z       0 01-01-1980          _______ _________ _______
                                   .   |  .   .  |   .   |
                                   |   |  |   |  |   |   |
                                   `---;._|   |_.|   :___;
                                :---.   |  |   |  |   ._;
                                :    |  .|  .|  |  .|  |  .|      .'
                                . :  | .:| .::  | .:|  | .:|   :  '
                                . .: .. |.::...:| ':.::| .|.::: . .: :.
                                .Stoned Multitop v1.0       dESiRE door:|
                                `--.:. ..                      . ..:.:::-:
                                :. Creates A Nice Bulletin Showing the ..|
                                  24 Best Uppers To Yer System!        ..
                                ::..             .                   .. :|
                                '  .:              :   :   ':          :
stf_2dstmt.zip   19808 08-05-2024          _______ _________ _______
                                        |   .   |  .   .  |   .   |
                                        |   |   |  |   |  |   |   |
                                        |   `---;._|   |_.|   :___;
                                        :---.   |  |   |  |   ._;
                                   :    |  .|  .|  |  .|  |  .|      .'
                                   . :  | .:| .::  | .:|  | .:|   :  '
                                . .: .. |.::...:| ':.::| .|.::: . .: :.
                                |.Stoned Multitop v1.0       dESiRE door:|
                                `--.:. ..                      . ..:.:::-:
                                :. Creates A Nice Bulletin Showing the ..|
                                |  24 Best Uppers To Yer System!        ..
                                ::..             .                   .. :|
                                 '  .:              :   :   ':          :
stf_2dsup1.z       0 01-01-1980                    __
                                __________/  |___________________
                                /  ________   ________   _________\
                                __\_____  \/    |    \/     ____;
                                /           \    ;    \\       \
                                .--/            \\ _________\      \\----.
                                 /_______________\gn!  /____________\   |
                                :--------[Super-dESiRE/Log v1.0]---------:
                                 Copies the best lastcaller door ever.  |
                                 Definable colors and realtime display. |
                                 Leech it now, you want be sorry!       |
                                `-[By GaNNoN/STF]-------------[26/11/96]-'
stf_2dsup1.zip   44962 08-05-2024                    __
                                        __________/  |___________________
                                       /  ________   ________   _________\
                                     __\_____  \/    |    \/     ____;
                                    /           \    ;    \\       \
                                .--/            \\ _________\      \\----.
                                | /_______________\gn!  /____________\   |
                                |                                        |
                                :--------[Super-dESiRE/Log v1.0]---------:
                                |                                        |
                                | Copies the best lastcaller door ever.  |
                                | Definable colors and realtime display. |
                                | Leech it now, you want be sorry!       |
                                |                                        |
                                `-[By GaNNoN/STF]-------------[26/11/96]-'
stf_2dtcht.z       0 01-01-1980          _______ _________ _______
                                   .   |  .   .  |   .   |
                                   |   |  |   |  |   |   |
                                   `---;._|   |_.|   :___;
                                :---.   |  |   |  |   ._;
                                :    |  .|  .|  |  .|  |  .|      .'
                                . :  | .:| .::  | .:|  | .:|   :  '
                                . .: .. |.::...:| ':.::| .|.::: . .: :.
                                .dESiRE tOPCHAT 1.0        dESiRE door:|
                                `--.:. ..                      . ..:.:::-:
                                :. Displays toprecord, toptotal & alltop.|
                                  fully colour configurable!           ..
                                ::..             .                   .. :|
                                '  .:              :   :   ':          :
stf_2dtcht.zip   44146 08-05-2024          _______ _________ _______
                                        |   .   |  .   .  |   .   |
                                        |   |   |  |   |  |   |   |
                                        |   `---;._|   |_.|   :___;
                                        :---.   |  |   |  |   ._;
                                   :    |  .|  .|  |  .|  |  .|      .'
                                   . :  | .:| .::  | .:|  | .:|   :  '
                                . .: .. |.::...:| ':.::| .|.::: . .: :.
                                |.dESiRE tOPCHAT 1.0        dESiRE door:|
                                `--.:. ..                      . ..:.:::-:
                                :. Displays toprecord, toptotal & alltop.|
                                |  fully colour configurable!           ..
                                ::..             .                   .. :|
                                 '  .:              :   :   ':          :
stf_2dtops.z       0 01-01-1980          _______ _________ _______
                                   .   |  .   .  |   .   |
                                   |   |  |   |  |   |   |
                                   `---;._|   |_.|   :___;
                                :---.   |  |   |  |   ._;
                                :    |  .|  .|  |  .|  |  .|      .'
                                . :  | .:| .::  | .:|  | .:|   :  '
                                . .: .. |.::...:| ':.::| .|.::: . .: :.
                                .TopSupporters v1.0         dESiRE door:|
                                `--.:. ..                      . ..:.:::-:
                                :.Ami/X-style alltime topsupporters.   ..|
                                : Displays upload, download and calls.   .
                                 Colors are configurable as always.    .:
                                ::..             .                   .. :|
                                '  .:              :   :   ':          :
stf_2dtops.zip   43795 08-05-2024          _______ _________ _______
                                        |   .   |  .   .  |   .   |
                                        |   |   |  |   |  |   |   |
                                        |   `---;._|   |_.|   :___;
                                        :---.   |  |   |  |   ._;
                                   :    |  .|  .|  |  .|  |  .|      .'
                                   . :  | .:| .::  | .:|  | .:|   :  '
                                . .: .. |.::...:| ':.::| .|.::: . .: :.
                                |.TopSupporters v1.0         dESiRE door:|
                                `--.:. ..                      . ..:.:::-:
                                :.Ami/X-style alltime topsupporters.   ..|
                                : Displays upload, download and calls.   .
                                | Colors are configurable as always.    .:
                                ::..             .                   .. :|
                                 '  .:              :   :   ':          :
stf_2dtran.z       0 01-01-1980   Ŀ
                                 TransferLog 1.0           dESiRE door 
                                 Coder: GaNNoN           Rel: 14/10/96 
                                 Handy tool for tracking filetransfer.     
                                 Colors are configurable as always.        
stf_2dtran.zip   44069 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                   TransferLog 1.0           dESiRE door 
                                   Coder: GaNNoN           Rel: 14/10/96 
                                 Handy tool for tracking filetransfer.     
                                 Colors are configurable as always.        
stf_2dul10.z       0 01-01-1980   Ŀ
                                 USERLISTER 1.0            dESiRE DOOR 
                                 CODER: GaNNoN           REL: 28/O9/96 
                                      BEST USERLISTER EVER RELEASED!       
                                      -BUiLT iN USERFiNGER                 
                                      -COLOR CONFiGURABLE                  
                                      -SHOW/HiDE HiDDEN USERS              
                                      -SCREENLENGTH SENSiTiVE              
stf_2dul10.zip   46405 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                   USERLISTER 1.0            dESiRE DOOR 
                                   CODER: GaNNoN           REL: 28/O9/96 
                                      BEST USERLISTER EVER RELEASED!       
                                      -BUiLT iN USERFiNGER                 
                                      -COLOR CONFiGURABLE                  
                                      -SHOW/HiDE HiDDEN USERS              
                                      -SCREENLENGTH SENSiTiVE              
stf_2dutop.z       0 01-01-1980   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                 UltraTop v1.0 - desire v1.x door by sims :
                                 Simple door that shows the 30 best ulers |
stf_2dutop.zip   41992 08-05-2024   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                |c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                | UltraTop v1.0 - desire v1.x door by sims :
                                | Simple door that shows the 30 best ulers |
stf_2dver1.z       0 01-01-1980  ______________  __  _.  _____  __________
                                / _____  ____  \/. \/ |\/ ___/_/ _______  \
                                \__  \/  | _/ _/ |  \ | \ \__ \ __/ | _/ _/
                                /  \  \  | \  \  _  /_   \ |  / |  \| \  \
                                \  ___/\ |__\  \_| /__\__/___/\____ \__\  \_
                                \/-----\|---\__/|/-[Than Fiction]-\/---\__/+
                                       Verify v1.0 for dESiRE 1.x !!       |
                                 Ami Hack showing New/Unvalidated users at |
                                 your Board. The other users might nofity  |
                                 Sysop if they Know them! DL now /x Dewds! |
stf_2dver1.zip   19982 08-05-2024  ______________  __  _.  _____  __________
                                / _____  ____  \/. \/ |\/ ___/_/ _______  \
                                \__  \/  | _/ _/ |  \ | \ \__ \ __/ | _/ _/
                                /  \  \  | \  \  _  /_   \ |  / |  \| \  \
                                \  ___/\ |__\  \_| /__\__/___/\____ \__\  \_
                                +\/-----\|---\__/|/-[Than Fiction]-\/---\__/+
                                |       Verify v1.0 for dESiRE 1.x !!       |
                                | Ami Hack showing New/Unvalidated users at |
                                | your Board. The other users might nofity  |
                                | Sysop if they Know them! DL now /x Dewds! |
stf_2dvst2.z       0 01-01-1980   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                      Top Visitors v1.1 - dESiRE 1.x      :
                                :  Buggfixed and Some minor updates since  |
                                  Last version of this Top Callers Bull.  |
stf_2dvst2.zip   18951 08-05-2024   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                |c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                |      Top Visitors v1.1 - dESiRE 1.x      :
                                :  Buggfixed and Some minor updates since  |
                                |  Last version of this Top Callers Bull.  |
stf_2dvstr.z       0 01-01-1980   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                     Top Visitors v1.0 for dESiRE 1.x     :
                                  15 Top Callers converted straight over  |
                                  from a /X bulletin. Grab This Suckers!  |
stf_2dvstr.zip   20664 08-05-2024   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                |c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                |     Top Visitors v1.0 for dESiRE 1.x     :
                                |  15 Top Callers converted straight over  |
                                |  from a /X bulletin. Grab This Suckers!  |
stf_2dwal2.z       0 01-01-1980  ______________  __  _.  _____  __________
                                / _____  ____  \/. \/ |\/ ___/_/ _______  \
                                \__  \/  | _/ _/ |  \ | \ \__ \ __/ | _/ _/
                                /  \  \  | \  \  _  /_   \ |  / |  \| \  \
                                \  ___/\ |__\  \_| /__\__/___/\____ \__\  \_
                                \/-----\|---\__/|/-[Than Fiction]-\/---\__/+
                                               STF-WALL 2.0!               |
                                 * Automatically removes most board adds   |
                                 * Sysop is able to blacklist users        |
                                 * New stunning layout                     |
stf_2dwal2.zip   50289 08-05-2024  ______________  __  _.  _____  __________
                                / _____  ____  \/. \/ |\/ ___/_/ _______  \
                                \__  \/  | _/ _/ |  \ | \ \__ \ __/ | _/ _/
                                /  \  \  | \  \  _  /_   \ |  / |  \| \  \
                                \  ___/\ |__\  \_| /__\__/___/\____ \__\  \_
                                +\/-----\|---\__/|/-[Than Fiction]-\/---\__/+
                                |               STF-WALL 2.0!               |
                                | * Automatically removes most board adds   |
                                | * Sysop is able to blacklist users        |
                                | * New stunning layout                     |
stf_2dwall.z       0 01-01-1980   Ŀ
                                 STF-WALL 1.0            SYSTEM/X DOOR 
                                 CODER: SaDiSt           REL: 05/08/96 
                                 MOST COMPLETE WALL EVER RELEASED!         
                                 -COLOR CONFiGURABLE                       
                                 -SUPPORTS RANDOM COLORS                   
                                 -STORES ANONYMOUS' HANDLE                 
                                 SaDiSt'S FiRST RELEASE FOR STF!           
stf_2dwall.zip   38064 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                   STF-WALL 1.0            SYSTEM/X DOOR 
                                   CODER: SaDiSt           REL: 05/08/96 
                                 MOST COMPLETE WALL EVER RELEASED!         
                                 -COLOR CONFiGURABLE                       
                                 -SUPPORTS RANDOM COLORS                   
                                 -STORES ANONYMOUS' HANDLE                 
                                 SaDiSt'S FiRST RELEASE FOR STF!           
stf_2dwhsx.z       0 01-01-1980   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                   WALLHALL v1.o for System/X by GaNNoN   :
                                  A 100 percent copy of the /X original!  |
                                : Cool Wall/Logoff door, now for System/X! |
stf_2dwhsx.zip   47257 08-05-2024   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                |c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                |   WALLHALL v1.o for System/X by GaNNoN   :
                                |  A 100 percent copy of the /X original!  |
                                : Cool Wall/Logoff door, now for System/X! |
stf_2dwkct.z       0 01-01-1980   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                      Weekchart! v1.0 for dESiRE 1.x      :
                                : Configurable colors and a Nice bulletin  |
                                 Output makes this the best Weektop ever! |
stf_2dwkct.zip   21783 08-05-2024   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                |c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                |      Weekchart! v1.0 for dESiRE 1.x      :
                                : Configurable colors and a Nice bulletin  |
                                | Output makes this the best Weektop ever! |
stf_2dwlc1.z       0 01-01-1980          _______ _________ _______
                                   .   |  .   .  |   .   |
                                   |   |  |   |  |   |   |
                                   `---;._|   |_.|   :___;
                                :---.   |  |   |  |   ._;
                                :    |  .|  .|  |  .|  |  .|      .'
                                . :  | .:| .::  | .:|  | .:|   :  '
                                . .: .. |.::...:| ':.::| .|.::: . .: :.
                                .dESiRE wELCOMER 1.0       dESiRE door:|
                                `--.:. ..                      . ..:.:::-:
                                :. Displays Today/Yday Calls & also    ..|
                                  Sysop IN/OUT. 64.3 % configurable =) ..
                                ::..             .                   .. :|
                                '  .:              :   :   ':          :
stf_2dwlc1.zip   35937 08-05-2024          _______ _________ _______
                                        |   .   |  .   .  |   .   |
                                        |   |   |  |   |  |   |   |
                                        |   `---;._|   |_.|   :___;
                                        :---.   |  |   |  |   ._;
                                   :    |  .|  .|  |  .|  |  .|      .'
                                   . :  | .:| .::  | .:|  | .:|   :  '
                                . .: .. |.::...:| ':.::| .|.::: . .: :.
                                |.dESiRE wELCOMER 1.0       dESiRE door:|
                                `--.:. ..                      . ..:.:::-:
                                :. Displays Today/Yday Calls & also    ..|
                                |  Sysop IN/OUT. 64.3 % configurable =) ..
                                ::..             .                   .. :|
                                 '  .:              :   :   ':          :
stf_2dwlhl.z       0 01-01-1980   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                    WALLHALL v1.o for dESiRE by GaNNoN    :
                                  A 100 percent copy of the /X original!  |
                                : The ultimate Wall/Logoff door for dESiRE |
stf_2dwlhl.zip   57348 08-05-2024   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                |c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                |    WALLHALL v1.o for dESiRE by GaNNoN    :
                                |  A 100 percent copy of the /X original!  |
                                : The ultimate Wall/Logoff door for dESiRE |
stf_2dwms1.z       0 01-01-1980  _  ____________ _       _    _________ _
                                _ _\    ________\__._______. _|      __/  _
                                \\____________     \       |__|       _//_
                                 sTF 97! /________\_     __/l_______| ɷ
                                -------------------|_______\\ ----------+
                                Weird Message v1.0 for dESiRE 1.x!
                                The Very Best 'Msg to Next Caller' util
                                there is 'til date!. Definable headerfile,
                                Lineeditor, Total Msgs Counting etc etc...
stf_2dwms1.zip   38629 08-05-2024  _  ____________ _       _    _________ _
                                _ _\    ________\__._______. _|      __/  _
                                \\____________     \       |__|       _//_
                                 sTF 97! /________\_     __/l_______| ɷ
                                -------------------|_______\\ ----------+
                                    Weird Message v1.0 for dESiRE 1.x!
                                 The Very Best 'Msg to Next Caller' util
                                 there is 'til date!. Definable headerfile,
                                 Lineeditor, Total Msgs Counting etc etc...
stf_2dxf11.z       0 01-01-1980   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                 TransferLog v1.1 for regged dESiRE 1.x   :
                                : A very handy and great-looking tool...   |
stf_2dxf11.zip   46014 08-05-2024   _ __ ___._ _____._______ _
                                .-//   __/______ /  _____//----------------.
                                |c!\______  \_  \__ ---'   sTRANGER tHAN   |
                                :  /  ______/____|____|    fiCTiON 1997!   :
                                | TransferLog v1.1 for regged dESiRE 1.x   :
                                : A very handy and great-looking tool...   |
wizzesta.zip   45514 08-05-2024 :. _/\__ __/\_   _/\__   _/\________ .:
                                .-_\_   |   _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______  _/_-.
                                ||:.   / \     |:.     |:.  _________||
                                ||______|      |___    |______       ||
                                |       `------'   `---'WiZARD`------'|
                                |                                     |
                                | Zester present a Zesstats door,     |
                                | for System/x and DESiRE!            |
                                | version 1.0b. More new styles is    |
                                : on the fucking way !!! just w8 4 iT |      
                                |                                     |
wiz_2daxga.z       0 01-01-1980 :. _/\__ __/\_   _/\__   _/\________ .:
                                .-_\_   |   _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______  _/_-.
                                |:.   / \     |:.     |:.  _________||
                                |______|      |___    |______       ||
                                       `------'   `---'WiZARD`------'|
                                 aLEx first release for wizard       |
                                 gambler for system express          |
                                 Really nice ansi just download and  |
                                 play with your creds! =/            |
                                `-[ aLEx ]-------------------[97O521]-'
                                .:: cAME fROM sCHIZOfRENIa ::. 
                                .:::     +46-36-340947      :::.
wiz_2daxga.zip   72854 08-05-2024 :. _/\__ __/\_   _/\__   _/\________ .:
                                .-_\_   |   _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______  _/_-.
                                ||:.   / \     |:.     |:.  _________||
                                ||______|      |___    |______       ||
                                |       `------'   `---'WiZARD`------'|
                                |                                     |
                                | aLEx first release for wizard       |
                                | gambler for system express          |
                                | Really nice ansi just download and  |
                                | play with your creds! =/            |
                                |                                     |
                                `-[ aLEx ]-------------------[97O521]-'
                                 .:: cAME fROM sCHIZOfRENIa ::. 
                                .:::     +46-36-340947      :::.
wiz_2dbl10.z       0 01-01-1980 :. _/\__ __/\_   _/\__   _/\________ .:
                                .-_\_   |   _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______  _/_-.
                                |:.   / \     |:.     |:.  _________||
                                |______|      |___    |______       ||
                                       `------'   `---'WiZARD`------'|
                                 LamerBlackLister 1.0b for S/X!!     |
                                 Totally c00l Lamer lister! Lets you |
                                 add your favorite lamer to the list.| 
wiz_2dbl10.zip   46737 08-05-2024 :. _/\__ __/\_   _/\__   _/\________ .:
                                .-_\_   |   _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______  _/_-.
                                ||:.   / \     |:.     |:.  _________||
                                ||______|      |___    |______       ||
                                |       `------'   `---'WiZARD`------'|
                                |                                     |
                                | LamerBlackLister 1.0b for S/X!!     |
                                | Totally c00l Lamer lister! Lets you |
                                | add your favorite lamer to the list.| 
                                |                                     |
wiz_2dc010.z       0 01-01-1980      _/\_ _____/\_____/\_____
                                :.\__ | __/\__ __/\___  _/
                                _/  l  \__/   \__/ __/\_
                                .-=--\  / \  /\     /\  \   /----=--=-.
                                     \__l  /  \_  /  \__  /.:        :
                                :         \/     \/      \/           |
                                 Fake Web Counter 1.0b For System/X! l
                                ) A board counter wich displays total |
                                 visitors since a serten date!       |
                                .:: cAME fROM sCHIZOfRENIa ::. 
                                .:::     +46-36-340947      :::.
wiz_2dc010.zip   44989 08-05-2024      _/\_ _____/\_____/\_____
                                   :.\__ | __/\__ __/\___  _/
                                     _/  l  \__/   \__/ __/\_
                                .-=--\  / \  /\     /\  \   /----=--=-.
                                |     \__l  /  \_  /  \__  /.:        :
                                :         \/     \/      \/           |
                                | Fake Web Counter 1.0b For System/X! l
                                ) A board counter wich displays total |
                                | visitors since a serten date!       |
                                 .:: cAME fROM sCHIZOfRENIa ::. 
                                .:::     +46-36-340947      :::.
wiz_2dcb08.z       0 01-01-1980 @X0FCursBack 0.89                   [1/1]
                                @X0DGives U the Cursor Back After 
                                @X0DQuitting SYSTEM/X!
                                @X0B[ BALLiSTA ]
                                @X0F ___ ___ __________ _______________
                                @X0F|   |   |   |---__|  _  |  __ \   \ 
                                @X0F|   `  |   ||  |  |  '  |   ' / '  |
                                @X0B C00LEST, STRANGEST, BEST PC-WAREZ 
wiz_2dcb08.zip   16473 08-05-2024 @X0FCursBack 0.89                   [1/1]
                                @X0DGives U the Cursor Back After 
                                @X0DQuitting SYSTEM/X!
                                @X0B[ BALLiSTA ]
                                @X0F ___ ___ __________ _______________
                                @X0F|   |   |   |---__|  _  |  __ \   \ 
                                @X0F|   `  |   ||  |  |  '  |   ' / '  |
                                @X0B C00LEST, STRANGEST, BEST PC-WAREZ 
wiz_2dch10.z       0 01-01-1980 :. _/\__ __/\_   _/\__   _/\________ .:
                                .-_\_   |   _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______  _/_-.
                                |:.   / \     |:.     |:.  _________||
                                |______|      |___    |______       ||
                                       `------'   `---'WiZARD`------'|
                                 CHATTER 1.0b For S/X & DESIRE!      |
                                 Chatstar.pcb ascii replacement!     |
                                 Shows some stats & a c00l Vs.       |
                                 part wich lets u chose any name on  |
                                 the local chatter! 78.3% /X style.  |
wiz_2dch10.zip   31326 08-05-2024 :. _/\__ __/\_   _/\__   _/\________ .:
                                .-_\_   |   _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______  _/_-.
                                ||:.   / \     |:.     |:.  _________||
                                ||______|      |___    |______       ||
                                |       `------'   `---'WiZARD`------'|
                                |                                     |
                                | CHATTER 1.0b For S/X & DESIRE!      |
                                | Chatstar.pcb ascii replacement!     |
                                | Shows some stats & a c00l Vs.       |
                                | part wich lets u chose any name on  |
                                | the local chatter! 78.3% /X style.  |
                                |                                     |
wiz_2ddox1.z       0 01-01-1980 :. _/\__ __/\_   _/\__   _/\________ .:
                                .-_\_   |   _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______  _/_-.
                                |:.   / \     |:.     |:.  _________||
                                |______|      |___    |______       ||
                                       `------'   `---'WiZARD`------'|
                                 Doorcoding dox, shows basics in     |
                                 coding doors for system/X.          |
                                 Source code and doorkit included!   |
wiz_2ddox1.zip  192775 08-05-2024 :. _/\__ __/\_   _/\__   _/\________ .:
                                .-_\_   |   _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______  _/_-.
                                ||:.   / \     |:.     |:.  _________||
                                ||______|      |___    |______       ||
                                |       `------'   `---'WiZARD`------'|
                                |                                     |
                                | Doorcoding dox, shows basics in     |
                                | coding doors for system/X.          |
                                | Source code and doorkit included!   |
                                |                                     |
wiz_2ddp10.z       0 01-01-1980 :. _/\__ __/\_   _/\__   _/\________ .:
                                .-_\_   |   _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______  _/_-.
                                |:.   / \     |:.     |:.  _________||
                                |______|      |___    |______       ||
                                       `------'   `---'WiZARD`------'|
                                 DigiPager 1.0b for System/X!!       |
                                 Adlib Pager, prompts for psw if     |
                                 the chatter is turned off!!.        |
                                 Lets U config page time, song to    |
                                 play & password!! Nearly /X style.  |
                                @X07..::@X08SchizoFreniA +46-36-340947@X07::..
wiz_2ddp10.zip   96058 08-05-2024 :. _/\__ __/\_   _/\__   _/\________ .:
                                .-_\_   |   _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______  _/_-.
                                ||:.   / \     |:.     |:.  _________||
                                ||______|      |___    |______       ||
                                |       `------'   `---'WiZARD`------'|
                                |                                     |
                                | DigiPager 1.0b for System/X!!       |
                                | Adlib Pager, prompts for psw if     |
                                | the chatter is turned off!!.        |
                                | Lets U config page time, song to    |
                                | play & password!! Nearly /X style.  |
                                |                                     |
                                @X07..::@X08SchizoFreniA +46-36-340947@X07::.
wiz_2ddp20.z       0 01-01-1980 :. _/\__ __/\_   _/\__   _/\________ .:
                                .-_\_   |   _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______  _/_-.
                                |:.   / \     |:.     |:.  _________||
                                |______|      |___    |______       ||
                                       `------'   `---'WiZARD`------'|
                                 Digipager 2.0b for System/X!!       |
                                 Wizard strikes back at you with a   |
                                 full featured multiop pager with    | 
                                 adlib sound, 3 styles, psw if chat  |       
                                 is turned off, each sysop has his   |
                                 own favorite song & more... just    |
                                 leech it!!!                         |
wiz_2ddp20.zip  121462 08-05-2024 :. _/\__ __/\_   _/\__   _/\________ .:
                                .-_\_   |   _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______  _/_-.
                                ||:.   / \     |:.     |:.  _________||
                                ||______|      |___    |______       ||
                                |       `------'   `---'WiZARD`------'|
                                |                                     |
                                | Digipager 2.0b for System/X!!       |
                                | Wizard strikes back at you with a   |
                                | full featured multiop pager with    | 
                                | adlib sound, 3 styles, psw if chat  |      
                                | is turned off, each sysop has his   |
                                | own favorite song & more... just    |
                                | leech it!!!                         |
                                |                                     |
wiz_2dec10.z       0 01-01-1980 :. _/\__ __/\_   _/\__   _/\________ .:
                                .-_\_   |   _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______  _/_-.
                                |:.   / \     |:.     |:.  _________||
                                |______|      |___    |______       ||
                                       `------'   `---'WiZARD`------'|
                                 EasyCredz 1.0b for System/X!!       |
                                 Logon util Lets the user ern some   |
                                 easy credz! Generates 2x25 numbers  |
                                 if numbers match the user wins 1000k|       
                                 Multiple styles!!                   |
wiz_2dec10.zip   45796 08-05-2024 :. _/\__ __/\_   _/\__   _/\________ .:
                                .-_\_   |   _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______  _/_-.
                                ||:.   / \     |:.     |:.  _________||
                                ||______|      |___    |______       ||
                                |       `------'   `---'WiZARD`------'|
                                |                                     |
                                | EasyCredz 1.0b for System/X!!       |
                                | Logon util Lets the user ern some   |
                                | easy credz! Generates 2x25 numbers  |
                                | if numbers match the user wins 1000k|      
                                | Multiple styles!!                   |
                                |                                     |
wiz_2dem10.z       0 01-01-1980      _/\_ _____/\_____/\_____
                                :.\__ | __/\__ __/\___  _/
                                _/  l  \__/   \__/ __/\_
                                .-=--\  / \  /\     /\  \   /----=--=-.
                                     \__l  /  \_  /  \__  /.:        :
                                :         \/     \/      \/           |
                                 Enched menu 1.0b for System/X!      l
                                ) Menuall.pcb repacement, shows some  |
                                 stats and adds a comment about Ul/Dl|
                                .:: cAME fROM sCHIZOfRENIa ::. 
                                .:::     +46-36-340947      :::.
wiz_2dem10.zip   45137 08-05-2024      _/\_ _____/\_____/\_____
                                   :.\__ | __/\__ __/\___  _/
                                     _/  l  \__/   \__/ __/\_
                                .-=--\  / \  /\     /\  \   /----=--=-.
                                |     \__l  /  \_  /  \__  /.:        :
                                :         \/     \/      \/           |
                                | Enched menu 1.0b for System/X!      l
                                ) Menuall.pcb repacement, shows some  |
                                | stats and adds a comment about Ul/Dl|
                                 .:: cAME fROM sCHIZOfRENIa ::. 
                                .:::     +46-36-340947      :::.
wiz_2dfc10.z       0 01-01-1980 :. _/\__ __/\_   _/\__   _/\________ .:
                                .-_\_   |   _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______  _/_-.
                                |:.   / \     |:.     |:.  _________||
                                |______|      |___    |______       ||
                                       `------'   `---'WiZARD`------'|
                                 ForcePager 1.0b for SYSTEM/X!!      |
                                 Inverted pager, prompts for psw if  |
                                 the usual pager is turned off!      |
                                 HYPER good locking. /X!             |
                                @X07..::@X08SchizoFreniA +46-36-340947@X07::..
wiz_2dfc10.zip   65627 08-05-2024 :. _/\__ __/\_   _/\__   _/\________ .:
                                .-_\_   |   _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______  _/_-.
                                ||:.   / \     |:.     |:.  _________||
                                ||______|      |___    |______       ||
                                |       `------'   `---'WiZARD`------'|
                                |                                     |
                                | ForcePager 1.0b for SYSTEM/X!!      |
                                | Inverted pager, prompts for psw if  |
                                | the usual pager is turned off!      |
                                | HYPER good locking. /X!             |
                                |                                     |
                                @X07..::@X08SchizoFreniA +46-36-340947@X07::.
wiz_2dhb10.z       0 01-01-1980      _/\_ _____/\_____/\_____
                                :.\__ | __/\__ __/\___  _/
                                _/  l  \__/   \__/ __/\_
                                .-=--\  / \  /\     /\  \   /----=--=-.
                                     \__l  /  \_  /  \__  /.:        :
                                :         \/     \/      \/           |
                                 Happy Birthday 1.0 For System/X!    l
                                ) Gives the user free leech on his    |
                                 birthday!! design: SkyWalker        |
                                .:: cAME fROM sCHIZOfRENIa ::. 
                                .:::     +46-36-340947      :::.
wiz_2dhb10.zip   44796 08-05-2024      _/\_ _____/\_____/\_____
                                   :.\__ | __/\__ __/\___  _/
                                     _/  l  \__/   \__/ __/\_
                                .-=--\  / \  /\     /\  \   /----=--=-.
                                |     \__l  /  \_  /  \__  /.:        :
                                :         \/     \/      \/           |
                                | Happy Birthday 1.0 For System/X!    l
                                ) Gives the user free leech on his    |
                                | birthday!! design: SkyWalker        |
                                 .:: cAME fROM sCHIZOfRENIa ::. 
                                .:::     +46-36-340947      :::.
wiz_2dom10.z       0 01-01-1980 :. _/\__ __/\_   _/\__   _/\________ .:
                                .-_\_   |   _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______  _/_-.
                                |:.   / \     |:.     |:.  _________||
                                |______|      |___    |______       ||
                                       `------'   `---'WiZARD`------'|
                                 Offmessy 1.0b for system/X!!        |
                                 Kicking logoff messy door, five     |
                                 different styes to make sure U all  |
                                 finds your favorite!!               |       
wiz_2dom10.zip   47314 08-05-2024 :. _/\__ __/\_   _/\__   _/\________ .:
                                .-_\_   |   _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______  _/_-.
                                ||:.   / \     |:.     |:.  _________||
                                ||______|      |___    |______       ||
                                |       `------'   `---'WiZARD`------'|
                                |                                     |
                                | Offmessy 1.0b for system/X!!        |
                                | Kicking logoff messy door, five     |
                                | different styes to make sure U all  |
                                | finds your favorite!!               |      
                                |                                     |
wiz_2dov10.z       0 01-01-1980      _/\_ _____/\_____/\_____
                                :.\__ | __/\__ __/\___  _/
                                _/  l  \__/   \__/ __/\_
                                .-=--\  / \  /\     /\  \   /----=--=-.
                                     \__l  /  \_  /  \__  /.:        :
                                :         \/     \/      \/           |
                                 OffView 1.0b For System/X!!         l
                                ) OffMessy addon displays last written|
                                 line. Multiple sytles!!             |
                                @X01@X02 cAME fROM sCHIZOfRENIA @X01@X0
wiz_2dov10.zip   45516 08-05-2024      _/\_ _____/\_____/\_____
                                   :.\__ | __/\__ __/\___  _/
                                     _/  l  \__/   \__/ __/\_
                                .-=--\  / \  /\     /\  \   /----=--=-.
                                |     \__l  /  \_  /  \__  /.:        :
                                :         \/     \/      \/           |
                                | OffView 1.0b For System/X!!         l
                                ) OffMessy addon displays last written|
                                | line. Multiple sytles!!             |
                                @X01@X02 cAME fROM sCHIZOfRENIA @X01@X0
wiz_2dsg10.z       0 01-01-1980 :. _/\__ __/\_   _/\__   _/\________ .:
                                .-_\_   |   _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______  _/_-.
                                |:.   / \     |:.     |:.  _________||
                                |______|      |___    |______       ||
                                       `------'   `---'WiZARD`------'|
                                 Gamble 1.0b for System/X!!          |
                                 Online game, works like a lottery!  |
                                 Nice layout, /X styled & it costs   |
                                 the user 100k to play!!             |       
wiz_2dsg10.zip   45792 08-05-2024 :. _/\__ __/\_   _/\__   _/\________ .:
                                .-_\_   |   _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______  _/_-.
                                ||:.   / \     |:.     |:.  _________||
                                ||______|      |___    |______       ||
                                |       `------'   `---'WiZARD`------'|
                                |                                     |
                                | Gamble 1.0b for System/X!!          |
                                | Online game, works like a lottery!  |
                                | Nice layout, /X styled & it costs   |
                                | the user 100k to play!!             |      
                                |                                     |
wiz_2dsl10.z       0 01-01-1980      _/\_ _____/\_____/\_____
                                :.\__ | __/\__ __/\___  _/
                                _/  l  \__/   \__/ __/\_
                                .-=--\  / \  /\     /\  \   /----=--=-.
                                     \__l  /  \_  /  \__  /.:        :
                                :         \/     \/      \/           |
                                 Loginner 1.0b For System/X!         l
                                ) Login util for system express.      |
                                 Edit menuset and proto at login.    |
                                .:: cAME fROM sCHIZOfRENIa ::. 
                                .:::     +46-36-340947      :::.
wiz_2dsl10.zip   73677 08-05-2024      _/\_ _____/\_____/\_____
                                   :.\__ | __/\__ __/\___  _/
                                     _/  l  \__/   \__/ __/\_
                                .-=--\  / \  /\     /\  \   /----=--=-.
                                |     \__l  /  \_  /  \__  /.:        :
                                :         \/     \/      \/           |
                                | Loginner 1.0b For System/X!         l
                                ) Login util for system express.      |
                                | Edit menuset and proto at login.    |
                                 .:: cAME fROM sCHIZOfRENIa ::. 
                                .:::     +46-36-340947      :::.
wiz_2dtp10.z       0 01-01-1980 :. _/\__ __/\_   _/\__   _/\________ .:
                                .-_\_   |   _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______  _/_-.
                                |:.   / \     |:.     |:.  _________||
                                |______|      |___    |______       ||
                                       `------'   `---'WiZARD`------'|
                                 TinyPager 1.0b for System/X!        |
                                 Small pager! /X styled!             |
                                 Just test it!!! Join #WiZARD (irc)  |
                                @X07..::@X08SchizoFreniA +46-36-340947@X07::..
wiz_2dtp10.zip   65189 08-05-2024 :. _/\__ __/\_   _/\__   _/\________ .:
                                .-_\_   |   _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______  _/_-.
                                ||:.   / \     |:.     |:.  _________||
                                ||______|      |___    |______       ||
                                |       `------'   `---'WiZARD`------'|
                                |                                     |
                                | TinyPager 1.0b for System/X!        |
                                | Small pager! /X styled!             |
                                | Just test it!!! Join #WiZARD (irc)  |
                                |                                     |
                                @X07..::@X08SchizoFreniA +46-36-340947@X07::.
wiz_2dtw10.z       0 01-01-1980      _/\_ _____/\_____/\_____
                                :.\__ | __/\__ __/\___  _/
                                _/  l  \__/   \__/ __/\_
                                .-=--\  / \  /\     /\  \   /----=--=-.
                                     \__l  /  \_  /  \__  /.:        :
                                :         \/     \/      \/           |
                                 Totem wall 1.0b for System/X!       l
                                ) Just a usual wall with a asskicking |
                                 ascii design!                       |
                                .:: cAME fROM sCHIZOfRENIa ::. 
                                .:::     +46-36-340947      :::.
wiz_2dtw10.zip   45310 08-05-2024      _/\_ _____/\_____/\_____
                                   :.\__ | __/\__ __/\___  _/
                                     _/  l  \__/   \__/ __/\_
                                .-=--\  / \  /\     /\  \   /----=--=-.
                                |     \__l  /  \_  /  \__  /.:        :
                                :         \/     \/      \/           |
                                | Totem wall 1.0b for System/X!       l
                                ) Just a usual wall with a asskicking |
                                | ascii design!                       |
                                 .:: cAME fROM sCHIZOfRENIa ::. 
                                .:::     +46-36-340947      :::.
wiz_2dus10.z       0 01-01-1980 :. _/\__ __/\_   _/\__   _/\________ .:
                                .-_\_   |   _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______  _/_-.
                                |:.   / \     |:.     |:.  _________||
                                |______|      |___    |______       ||
                                       `------'   `---'WiZARD`------'|
                                 UserStats 1.0b For S/X & DESIRE!    |
                                 Overall userstatusdoor! Displays    |
                                 all imporatnt info about the user.  |
                                 /X Styled Ofcourse!                 |
wiz_2dus10.zip   65324 08-05-2024 :. _/\__ __/\_   _/\__   _/\________ .:
                                .-_\_   |   _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______  _/_-.
                                ||:.   / \     |:.     |:.  _________||
                                ||______|      |___    |______       ||
                                |       `------'   `---'WiZARD`------'|
                                |                                     |
                                | UserStats 1.0b For S/X & DESIRE!    |
                                | Overall userstatusdoor! Displays    |
                                | all imporatnt info about the user.  |
                                | /X Styled Ofcourse!                 |
                                |                                     |
wiz_2dwc10.z       0 01-01-1980 :. _/\__ __/\_   _/\__   _/\________ .:
                                .-_\_   |   _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______  _/_-.
                                |:.   / \     |:.     |:.  _________||
                                |______|      |___    |______       ||
                                       `------'   `---'WiZARD`------'|
                                 Welcome 1.0b for System/X!          |
                                 Displays some node dependent stuff  |
                                 like calls & if sysop is around.    |
wiz_2dwc10.zip   45716 08-05-2024 :. _/\__ __/\_   _/\__   _/\________ .:
                                .-_\_   |   _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______  _/_-.
                                ||:.   / \     |:.     |:.  _________||
                                ||______|      |___    |______       ||
                                |       `------'   `---'WiZARD`------'|
                                |                                     |
                                | Welcome 1.0b for System/X!          |
                                | Displays some node dependent stuff  |
                                | like calls & if sysop is around.    |
                                |                                     |
wiz_2dws10.z       0 01-01-1980      _/\_ _____/\_____/\_____
                                :.\__ | __/\__ __/\___  _/
                                _/  l  \__/   \__/ __/\_
                                .-=--\  / \  /\     /\  \   /----=--=-.
                                     \__l  /  \_  /  \__  /.:        :
                                :         \/     \/      \/           |
                                 Wizard Stats 1.0b For System/X!     l
                                ) Probarbly the c00lest stat door U   |
                                 Have ever seen! Nice design and     |
                                 some nice animated stuff!!          l
                                .:: cAME fROM sCHIZOfRENIa ::. 
                                .:::     +46-36-340947      :::.
wiz_2dws10.zip   45987 08-05-2024      _/\_ _____/\_____/\_____
                                   :.\__ | __/\__ __/\___  _/
                                     _/  l  \__/   \__/ __/\_
                                .-=--\  / \  /\     /\  \   /----=--=-.
                                |     \__l  /  \_  /  \__  /.:        :
                                :         \/     \/      \/           |
                                | Wizard Stats 1.0b For System/X!     l
                                ) Probarbly the c00lest stat door U   |
                                | Have ever seen! Nice design and     |
                                | some nice animated stuff!!          l
                                 .:: cAME fROM sCHIZOfRENIa ::. 
                                .:::     +46-36-340947      :::.
wiz_2dxw10.z       0 01-01-1980 :. _/\__ __/\_   _/\__   _/\________ .:
                                .-_\_   |   _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______  _/_-.
                                |:.   / \     |:.     |:.  _________||
                                |______|      |___    |______       ||
                                       `------'   `---'WiZARD`------'|
                                 Xwall 1.0b for System/X!!           |
                                 X/ styled wall whit c00l comments & |
                                 nice layout. Best locking wall for  |
                                 S/X this far....                    |       
wiz_2dxw10.zip   46651 08-05-2024 :. _/\__ __/\_   _/\__   _/\________ .:
                                .-_\_   |   _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______  _/_-.
                                ||:.   / \     |:.     |:.  _________||
                                ||______|      |___    |______       ||
                                |       `------'   `---'WiZARD`------'|
                                |                                     |
                                | Xwall 1.0b for System/X!!           |
                                | X/ styled wall whit c00l comments & |
                                | nice layout. Best locking wall for  |
                                | S/X this far....                    |      
                                |                                     |
xrd_2damil.z       0 01-01-1980                               
                                  ۲--------[xROADs dESiRE door!]--
                                ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                 /X style Lastcallers for dESiRE 1.x | 
                                     Fully configurable colors!      |
                                         By RaPiDo/xROADs            |
xrd_2damil.zip   47292 08-05-2024                               
                                   ۲--------[xROADs dESiRE door!]--
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                  ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                  | /X style Lastcallers for dESiRE 1.x | 
                                  |     Fully configurable colors!      |
                                  |         By RaPiDo/xROADs            |
xrd_2damit.z       0 01-01-1980                               
                                  ۲--------[xROADs dESiRE door!]--
                                ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                 /X style Top up/down for dESiRE 1.x | 
                                     Fully configurable colors!      |
                                         By RaPiDo/xROADs            |
xrd_2damit.zip   88355 08-05-2024                               
                                   ۲--------[xROADs dESiRE door!]--
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                  ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                  | /X style Top up/down for dESiRE 1.x | 
                                  |     Fully configurable colors!      |
                                  |         By RaPiDo/xROADs            |
xrd_2dcf10.z       0 01-01-1980                               
                                  ۲--------[xROADs dESiRE util!]--
                                ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                     cONFERENCE usereditor v1.0      | 
                                  Easy to use                       |
                                  Lotsa handy functions to search   |
                                  Relaxed edit                      |
                                          By aLiBABBA/xROADs         |
xrd_2dcf10.zip   23168 08-05-2024                               
                                   ۲--------[xROADs dESiRE util!]--
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                  ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                  |     cONFERENCE usereditor v1.0      | 
                                  |  Easy to use                       |
                                  |  Lotsa handy functions to search   |
                                  |  Relaxed edit                      |
                                  |                                     |
                                  |          By aLiBABBA/xROADs         |
xrd_2ddev1.z       0 01-01-1980                               
                                  ۲--------[xROADs dESiRE util!]--
                                ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                     Desire Development Pack #1      | 
                                  Including The Desire Doorkit 1.2!  |
                                          By RaPiDo/xROADs           |
                                `--[March 29th 1997]------------------'
xrd_2ddev1.zip  167778 08-05-2024                               
                                   ۲--------[xROADs dESiRE util!]--
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                  ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                  |     Desire Development Pack #1      | 
                                  |  Including The Desire Doorkit 1.2!  |
                                  |          By RaPiDo/xROADs           |
                                  `--[March 29th 1997]------------------'
xrd_2ddwho.z       0 01-01-1980                               
                                  ۲--[xROADs dESiRE door by RaPiDo]--
                                ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                 dESiRE own-style WHO for dESiRE 1.x | 
                                  Uses your own standard STRSx.x WHO |
                                   Add your phonenumber(s) & info!   |
xrd_2ddwho.zip   44172 08-05-2024                               
                                   ۲--[xROADs dESiRE door by RaPiDo]--
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                  ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                  | dESiRE own-style WHO for dESiRE 1.x | 
                                  |  Uses your own standard STRSx.x WHO |
                                  |   Add your phonenumber(s) & info!   |
xrd_2dedi2.z       0 01-01-1980                               
                                  ۲--------[xROADs dESiRE DOOR!]--
                                ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                .--[April 29th 1997]------------------.sQZ
                                    Fullscreen Message Editor  1.2   | 
                                      for dESiRE 1.2 Registered      |
                                          By RaPiDo/xROADs           |
xrd_2dedi2.zip   45108 08-05-2024                               
                                   ۲--------[xROADs dESiRE DOOR!]--
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                  ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                 .--[April 29th 1997]------------------.sQZ
                                  |    Fullscreen Message Editor  1.2   | 
                                  |      for dESiRE 1.2 Registered      |
                                  |          By RaPiDo/xROADs           |
xrd_2dezfk.z       0 01-01-1980                               
                                  ۲--[xROADs dESiRE door by RaPiDo]--
                                ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                   EZFake Version 1.0 for dESiRE 1.x  | 
                                           by Rapido/xROADs           |
                                      Handy Filelisting Commenter.    |
                                `-[Jan 1st 1997]-----------------------'
xrd_2dezfk.zip   53262 08-05-2024                               
                                   ۲--[xROADs dESiRE door by RaPiDo]--
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                  ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                 |   EZFake Version 1.0 for dESiRE 1.x  | 
                                 |           by Rapido/xROADs           |
                                 |      Handy Filelisting Commenter.    |
                                 `-[Jan 1st 1997]-----------------------'
xrd_2dfl.zip   46866 08-05-2024                               
                                   ۲--[xROADs dESiRE door by RaPiDo]--
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                  ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                 |     Flag File Listing Version 1.0    | 
                                 |   for dESiRE v1.x by Rapido/xROADs   |
                                 |  Download the filelistings ITSELF!   |
                                 |  From ANY conference from ANY date!  |
                                 `-[23 Dec 1996]------------------------'
xrd_2dfr38.z       0 01-01-1980                               
                                  ۲--------[xROADs dESiRE door!]--
                                ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                 New FASTFR 3.8 for DESIRE AND S/X!! | 
                                Fast configurable reverse filelister!|
                                          By RaPiDo/xROADs           |
                                `-[Jan 1st 1997]----------------------'
xrd_2dfr38.zip   96669 08-05-2024                               
                                   ۲--------[xROADs dESiRE door!]--
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                  ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                  | New FASTFR 3.8 for DESIRE AND S/X!! | 
                                  |Fast configurable reverse filelister!|
                                  |          By RaPiDo/xROADs           |
                                  `-[Jan 1st 1997]----------------------'
xrd_2dfree.z       0 01-01-1980                               
                                  ۲--------[xROADs dESiRE door!]--
                                ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                  Set FREELEECH Door for dESiRE 1.x  | 
                                  Shows/Changes free download files  |
                                          By RaPiDo/xROADs           |
xrd_2dfree.zip   45680 08-05-2024                               
                                   ۲--------[xROADs dESiRE door!]--
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                  ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                  |  Set FREELEECH Door for dESiRE 1.x  | 
                                  |  Shows/Changes free download files  |
                                  |          By RaPiDo/xROADs           |
xrd_2dlg2.zi       0 01-01-1980                               
                                  ۲--------[xROADs dESiRE util!]--
                                ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                     rEVERSe logfile viewer v2.0     | 
                                         Fully configurable         |
                                           Extremely fast           |
                                          By aLiBABBA/xROADs         |
xrd_2dlg2.zip   44391 08-05-2024                               
                                   ۲--------[xROADs dESiRE util!]--
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                  ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                  |     rEVERSe logfile viewer v2.0     | 
                                  |                                     |
                                  |         Fully configurable         |
                                  |           Extremely fast           |
                                  |                                     |
                                  |          By aLiBABBA/xROADs         |
xrd_2dmop.zi       0 01-01-1980                               
                                  ۲--[xROADs dESiRE door by iNM!]--
                                ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                 /X & PC Styled Pager for dESiRE 1.0+ | 
                                 Supports Multiple Sysop Paging with  |
                                 Different Sounds For Each SysOp!     |
xrd_2dmop.zip   45205 08-05-2024                               
                                   ۲--[xROADs dESiRE door by iNM!]--
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                  ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                 | /X & PC Styled Pager for dESiRE 1.0+ | 
                                 | Supports Multiple Sysop Paging with  |
                                 | Different Sounds For Each SysOp!     |
xrd_2dnav1.z       0 01-01-1980                               
                                  ۲--[xROADs dESiRE door by RaPiDo]--
                                ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                   Newuser Application Viewer V1.1    | 
                                  for dESiRE V1.x AND System/X V1.x!  |
                                       Fully Configurable Design.     |
                                `-[23 Dec 1996]------------------------'
xrd_2dnav1.zip   76735 08-05-2024                               
                                   ۲--[xROADs dESiRE door by RaPiDo]--
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                  ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                 |   Newuser Application Viewer V1.1    | 
                                 |  for dESiRE V1.x AND System/X V1.x!  |
                                 |       Fully Configurable Design.     |
                                 `-[23 Dec 1996]------------------------'
xrd_2dolaw.z       0 01-01-1980                               
                                  ۲--[xROADs dESiRE door by RaPiDo]--
                                ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                  oLA WeekChart 1.0 for dESiRE 1.x   | 
                                Shows the 10 best uploaders this week|
                                   Colors are Configurable ofcoz..   |
xrd_2dolaw.zip   45007 08-05-2024                               
                                   ۲--[xROADs dESiRE door by RaPiDo]--
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                  ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                  |  oLA WeekChart 1.0 for dESiRE 1.x   | 
                                  |Shows the 10 best uploaders this week|
                                  |   Colors are Configurable ofcoz..   |
xrd_2dolm.zi       0 01-01-1980                               
                                  ۲--------[xROADs dESiRE door!]--
                                ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                  DESIRE OLM Version 1.0 for dESiRE! | 
                                   Fully PCB configurable OLM door!  |
                                          By RaPiDo/xROADs           |
xrd_2dolm.zip   46804 08-05-2024                               
                                   ۲--------[xROADs dESiRE door!]--
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                  ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                  |  DESIRE OLM Version 1.0 for dESiRE! | 
                                  |   Fully PCB configurable OLM door!  |
                                  |          By RaPiDo/xROADs           |
xrd_2dopen.z       0 01-01-1980                               
                                  ۲--[xROADs dESiRE door by GaNNoN]--
                                ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                    Open Replacement Version V1.1b    | 
                                  for dESiRE V1.x AND System/X V1.2+  |
                                    Best doorlister ever released.    |
xrd_2dopen.zip   77539 08-05-2024                               
                                   ۲--[xROADs dESiRE door by GaNNoN]--
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                  ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                 |    Open Replacement Version V1.1b    | 
                                 |  for dESiRE V1.x AND System/X V1.2+  |
                                 |    Best doorlister ever released.    |
xrd_2dpcb1.z       0 01-01-1980                               
                                  ۲--------[xROADs dESiRE util!]--
                                ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                            pCB to dESiRE!           | 
                                       userbase converter v1.0!      |
                                         Fully configurable         |
                                     Now also converts UpK&DownK    |
                                          By aLiBABBA/xROADs         |
xrd_2dpcb1.zip   26724 08-05-2024                               
                                   ۲--------[xROADs dESiRE util!]--
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                  ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                  |            pCB to dESiRE!           | 
                                  |       userbase converter v1.0!      |
                                  |         Fully configurable         |
                                  |     Now also converts UpK&DownK    |
                                  |                                     |
                                  |          By aLiBABBA/xROADs         |
xrd_2dpcec.z       0 01-01-1980                               
                                  ۲--------[xROADs dESiRE util!]--
                                ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                   PCExpress(tm) to dESiRE userbase  | 
                                               converter             |
                                          By aLiBABBA/xROADs         |
xrd_2dpcec.zip   19969 08-05-2024                               
                                   ۲--------[xROADs dESiRE util!]--
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                  ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                  |   PCExpress(tm) to dESiRE userbase  | 
                                  |               converter             |
                                  |          By aLiBABBA/xROADs         |
xrd_2dpk10.z       0 01-01-1980                               
                                  ۲--------[xROADs dESiRE util!]--
                                ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                     dESiRE! uSERBASE PACKER v1.0    | 
                                          By aLiBABBA/xROADs         |
xrd_2dpk10.zip   13624 08-05-2024                               
                                   ۲--------[xROADs dESiRE util!]--
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                  ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                  |     dESiRE! uSERBASE PACKER v1.0    | 
                                  |                                     |
                                  |          By aLiBABBA/xROADs         |
xrd_2dsent.z       0 01-01-1980                               
                                  ۲--[xROADs dESiRE door by GaNNoN]--
                                ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                  Color configurable SentBy editor   | 
                                 Automaticly cuts of to long strings |
xrd_2dsent.zip   44363 08-05-2024                               
                                   ۲--[xROADs dESiRE door by GaNNoN]--
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                  ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                  |  Color configurable SentBy editor   | 
                                  | Automaticly cuts of to long strings |
xrd_2dwtim.z       0 01-01-1980                               
                                  ۲--------[xROADs dESiRE door!]--
                                ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                         World Time Zones 1.0        | 
                                           By RaPiDo/xROADs          |
xrd_2dwtim.zip   44222 08-05-2024                               
                                   ۲--------[xROADs dESiRE door!]--
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                  ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                  |         World Time Zones 1.0        | 
                                  |           By RaPiDo/xROADs          |
xrd_2dz21b.z       0 01-01-1980                               
                                  ۲--------[xROADs dESiRE door!]--
                                ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                  New DESIRE zmodem v2.1b            | 
                                  Bugs FIXED!!                       |
                                          By STAR/xROADs             |
                                `-[APRIL 22th 1997]-------------------'
xrd_2dz21b.zip   38951 08-05-2024                               
                                   ۲--------[xROADs dESiRE door!]--
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲  ۲ ۲߰
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲  ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲
                                  ߰ ߰߰ ߰߱ 
                                  |  New DESIRE zmodem v2.1b            | 
                                  |  Bugs FIXED!!                       |
                                  |                                     |
                                  |          By STAR/xROADs             |
                                  `-[APRIL 22th 1997]-------------------'

                 Area 112 - Tag BBS Utils                 

10tag2fd.zip   12913 08-05-2024 
alter1.zip     10036 08-05-2024 
beta83.zip     45302 08-05-2024 
ccaller.zip     5981 08-05-2024 
cdromdir.zip   10149 08-05-2024 
cd_add1.zip     8085 08-05-2024 
cklogon1.zip   32929 08-05-2024 
clog30.zip      7906 08-05-2024 
dcqwk13.zip   119561 08-05-2024 
dcqwk15b.zip  138747 08-05-2024 
dirtotxt.zip   17206 08-05-2024 
disp16.zip     19609 08-05-2024 
drag_31c.zip  461925 08-05-2024 Dragon Software TAG BBS File Update Suite
                                Version 31  Add file tagging to your TAG
                                BBS! Looks just like the TAG Alpha test
                                file area.  Freeware by Lee Palmer.
dvtag.zip      27009 08-05-2024 
file102.zip    11111 08-05-2024 
fix26nur.zip    7133 08-05-2024 
fixfile1.zip   10268 08-05-2024 
fochng20.zip   16588 08-05-2024 
fpoints3.zip   73042 08-05-2024 
hallfame.zip   12463 08-05-2024 
hat14.zip      12484 08-05-2024 
introdoc.zip    3987 08-05-2024 
match14.zip    13441 08-05-2024 
mbreward.zip   12134 08-05-2024 
mc11a.zip       7034 08-05-2024 
msgfd21b.zip   76777 08-05-2024 
n120120.zip    24951 08-05-2024 
namefix2.zip    8414 08-05-2024 
namesfix.zip    8114 08-05-2024 
newmsgc.zip    45823 08-05-2024 
nlistx26.zip   15529 08-05-2024 
nlog26.zip     37043 08-05-2024 
nlog27.zip     47172 08-05-2024 
pt11.zip       15472 08-05-2024 
pyhsl10.zip    39416 08-05-2024 
qwack096.zip   39499 08-05-2024 
ra2tagu.zip    25610 08-05-2024 
recount3.zip   13770 08-05-2024 
rom2tag2.zip   16309 08-05-2024 
stats.zip      12450 08-05-2024 
sysusg13.zip   34394 08-05-2024 
t2t20a.zip     18410 08-05-2024 
tag201.zip     91907 08-05-2024 Tagfile v2.01  Full Release / no delays.
                                The Ultimate in file  tagging  and batch
                                upload utilities.   Handles SDI, DIZ and
                                DOZ description file formats. Compatible
                                with most file  compression  formats for
                                adding description files  to  compressed
                                files.   Uses the multiple file transfer
                                protocol  options of  DSZ,  BiModem  and
tag26hnt.zip    3416 08-05-2024 
tag2bw2b.zip  123191 08-05-2024 
tag2bw41.zip  134445 08-05-2024 
tagan251.zip   17203 08-05-2024 
tagc26b.zip    62533 08-05-2024 
tagc26d.zip    10757 08-05-2024 
tagd26d.zip   134520 08-05-2024 
tagdir2.zip    10649 08-05-2024 
tagdup11.zip   12783 08-05-2024 
tagfam01.zip   83840 08-05-2024 
taghelp.zip    10318 08-05-2024 
tagl0193.zip   71581 08-05-2024 
tagl0593.zip   78326 08-05-2024 
tagl0992.zip   62214 08-05-2024 
taglist3.zip   16685 08-05-2024 
taglst17.zip   14696 08-05-2024 
tagm26c.zip   356080 08-05-2024 
tagm26d.zip   371381 08-05-2024 
tagm26e.zip   328276 08-05-2024 
tagn26.zip     39661 08-05-2024 
tagn26d.zip    26797 08-05-2024 
tagp26c.zip    19255 08-05-2024 
tagr26b.zip    14118 08-05-2024 
tagr26d.zip    30920 08-05-2024 
tagr26e.zip    30870 08-05-2024 
tags26c.zip    84436 08-05-2024 
tags26d.zip    65965 08-05-2024 
tagtool2.zip   59226 08-05-2024 
tagu26.zip     29564 08-05-2024 
tagu26b.zip     8493 08-05-2024 
tagw26.zip    565692 08-05-2024 
tag_arj1.zip   24391 08-05-2024 
tag_sh32.zip   72136 08-05-2024 
tag_sh41.zip   98221 08-05-2024 
tback543.zip   25948 08-05-2024 
tcfg100.zip    20084 08-05-2024 
tfm122.zip     50343 08-05-2024 
tgce10.zip     47691 08-05-2024 
tgedt191.zip   35488 08-05-2024 
tn31b.zip      45279 08-05-2024 
tnite31.zip    41731 08-05-2024 
top150.zip     10207 08-05-2024 
top15100.zip   30048 08-05-2024 
toppst11.zip   49929 08-05-2024 
topusers.zip   16141 08-05-2024 
tram101s.zip   82964 08-05-2024 
tscan695.zip   92154 08-05-2024 
tsort212.zip   18317 08-05-2024 
tstat31.zip    49243 08-05-2024 
tv.zip         12517 08-05-2024 
upcase30.zip   15977 08-05-2024 
vote27.zip     26457 08-05-2024 
whatbaud.zip   11330 08-05-2024 
why11.zip      10451 08-05-2024 

                 Area 113 - Telegard Utils                

11line.zip      3194 08-05-2024 1Line v1.1
                                The *BEST* oneliners wall script for
                                Telegard BBS v3.02 just got better!
                                New look! Ugly output bug fixed!
14nlinez.zip   25751 08-05-2024   -  -\/\-[ NiTe LiNeRz v1.4 ]-/\/-  - 
                                  THe BeSt OnE-LiNeRs DooR FoR TeleGard  
                                   Or Any (DOOR.SYS) Compatible System.  
                                 Features Light-Bars, 7 SysOp Selectable 
                                   or Random Color Schemes, and More!    
                                 Req: Fossil Driver, Door.Sys Compatible 
                                    [FreeWare From NiTe ProDucTionS]     
                                              [By: WoLFy]                
                                  -  -/\/-[ ReLeAsE InFo ]-\/\-   -  
                                     Totaly Re-Designed, NeW Look!       
                                        16 Lines, 7 Color Schemes        
                                           (Even Brown! Yuk!)            
                                       ...And Much More! Enjoy!          
                                  -  -\/\-[ NiTe LiNeRz v1.4 ]-/\/-  - 
ab_2ddrreq.z       0 01-01-1980 ------------------------------------------
                                DoorRequest v1.0 - Telegard v3.02 Script
                                Users can View and Add to a Door Request
                                List. The Display and Input are Sysop
                                configurable. (c) Blood Enterprises, 1998
ab_2ddrreq.zip    4854 08-05-2024 ------------------------------------------
                                DoorRequest v1.0 - Telegard v3.02 Script
                                Users can View and Add to a Door Request
                                List. The Display and Input are Sysop
                                configurable. (c) Blood Enterprises, 1998
ab_2dovrrd.z       0 01-01-1980 -------------------------------------
                                Blood Enterprises Presents:
                                Chat Override v1.0
                                Telegard Script
                                by Adrian Blood
ab_2dovrrd.zip    5232 08-05-2024 -------------------------------------
                                     Blood Enterprises Presents:
                                         Chat Override v1.0
                                          Telegard Script
                                          by Adrian Blood
acd_2dinv2.z       0 01-01-1980 ACiDic Presents - Invisible Logon 2.00 - [TG]
                                ---+-- -- -- -  - -     - -  - -- -- --+---
                                   Allows you to logon invisibly to your   
                                      telegard bulletin board system.      
                                ------------- [ Lord Thomas ] -------------
                                ܲ                 ܲ         
                                ۲       ۲ ܱ  ܲ
                                ۲   ۲۲ޱ  ۲
                                tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ    
                                 ۱۱       ܲ   ۰
                                   ۰   ߲۱   ۱
                                     ޲ݰ  ۲ ۲  ۲
                                   ߰  ߰ 
                                ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
acd_2dinv2.zip   15364 08-05-2024 ACiDic Presents - Invisible Logon 2.00 - [TG]
                                ---+-- -- -- -  - -     - -  - -- -- --+---
                                   Allows you to logon invisibly to your   
                                      telegard bulletin board system.      
                                ------------- [ Lord Thomas ] -------------
                                   ܲ                 ܲ         
                                    ۲       ۲ ܱ  ܲ
                                    ۲   ۲۲ޱ  ۲
                                tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ    
                                   ۱۱       ܲ   ۰
                                    ۰   ߲۱   ۱
                                     ޲ݰ  ۲ ۲  ۲
                                     ߰  ߰ 
                                  ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
acd_2dtgch.z       0 01-01-1980 ACiDic Presents - ChatCall v0.04 - [TELEGARD]
                                ---+-- -- -- -  - -     - -  - -- -- --+---
                                    A basic multi-node chat script that    
                                 utilizes new commands for Telegard v3.02. 
                                ------------- [ Lord Thomas ] -------------
                                ܲ                 ܲ         
                                ۲       ۲ ܱ  ܲ
                                ۲   ۲۲ޱ  ۲
                                tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ    
                                 ۱۱       ܲ   ۰
                                   ۰   ߲۱   ۱
                                     ޲ݰ  ۲ ۲  ۲
                                   ߰  ߰ 
                                ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
acd_2dtgch.zip    7203 08-05-2024 ACiDic Presents - ChatCall v0.04 - [TELEGARD]
                                ---+-- -- -- -  - -     - -  - -- -- --+---
                                    A basic multi-node chat script that    
                                 utilizes new commands for Telegard v3.02. 
                                ------------- [ Lord Thomas ] -------------
                                   ܲ                 ܲ         
                                    ۲       ۲ ܱ  ܲ
                                    ۲   ۲۲ޱ  ۲
                                tM ۱ ۲۲ ܲ    
                                   ۱۱       ܲ   ۰
                                    ۰   ߲۱   ۱
                                     ޲ݰ  ۲ ۲  ۲
                                     ߰  ߰ 
                                  ACiDic is a Division of ACiD Productions
age27.zip       8792 08-05-2024 
bbs100.zip      2774 08-05-2024 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                                           --  BBS LIST V1.00  --
                                This program will replace the BBS List that
                                comes with TELEGARD.
                                Tested with TELEGARD 3.02 
                                FREEWARE | Written by Acezsoft (1998)
bbsdel10.zip    7818 08-05-2024 BBSLIST entry deletion utility for TG30.
                                Written by Thomas Moore at Time Passages
                                1:3814/8.  This is FREEWARE of course!
                                Tell Tim Strike thanks for his work :)
bbsedit2.zip  104298 08-05-2024      BBSEdit v1.1 for Teleard 3.0     
                                BBS list editor with a friendly user
                                interface, ability to edit multiple BBS
                                lists, cut-and-paste editing and a context-
                                sensitive on-line help system.  BBSEdit can
                                delete entries.  With BBSEdit you can sort
                                your BBS lists either from the command line
                                or from inside the program.
bbsedith.zip   16496 08-05-2024 
bdays200.zip   16000 08-05-2024 BDAYSTAT v2.00 - Telegard Birthday Statistics
                                Compiles and outputs user birthday statistics
                                using customizable template files w/MCI codes
                                for total control (day, week or month) 
bw311tg.zip   335190 08-05-2024 The Blue Wave Offline Mail Door/Telegard
                                Version 3.11 of the world's most popular and
                                easy to use offline mail door!  Features
                                include internal protocols, flexible message
                                packing options, SysOp-controlled limits and
                                restrictions, NEWFILES list generator, Fido
                                to Internet E-mail gateway capabilities, full
                                integration with BBS security features, more.
                                Installs easily in minutes!  (Telegard v3.0
                                or later required.)
callgraf.zip   53996 08-05-2024 
cb_2dtgm05.z       0 01-01-1980 .x(telegard monitor v0.5 by cheba[think!])x.
                                this is a telegard node monitor that has
                                the capabilites of messaging a node with
                                a specified message. runs fast, you  can
                                set the delay between node  refreshs, or
                                simply  press  enter to refresh, and you
                                can  pause the  refreshing at any  time.
                                .x(think productions::cheba@bytespeed.com)x.
cb_2dtgm05.zip   29823 08-05-2024 .x(telegard monitor v0.5 by cheba[think!])x.
                                  this is a telegard node monitor that has
                                  the capabilites of messaging a node with
                                  a specified message. runs fast, you  can
                                  set the delay between node  refreshs, or
                                  simply  press  enter to refresh, and you
                                  can  pause the  refreshing at any  time.
                                .x(think productions::cheba@bytespeed.com)x.
cd2tg.zip      67488 08-05-2024 CD2TG for Telegard 3.09+ - Version 1.00
                                A CD importer for the Telegard BBS system
                                versions 3.09 and above. Saves hours of
                                time by automatically creating fileareas
                                and importing files and their
                                descriptions directly into Telegard's
                                file bases.   Can also be configured to
                                automatically run INDEX.EXE when finished
                                importing CDs.  Another fine product from
                                InnerSpace Software.
chtca003.zip    4388 08-05-2024 CHATCALL v0.03 a Multi-node TG chat script
                                gives the ability to chat from one node to
                                another in Telegard 3.0  Requires that you
                                have at LEAST Telegard 2.99 gamma3.
                                ** Fixed for changes in gamma4 **
cidtbx21.zip  214120 08-05-2024   CID ToolBox 2.1 - CallDisplay Enhancer
                                A complete  suite containing  a CallDisplay
                                utility,and callDisplay programs to be used
                                with your Telegard 3.0x System. A great and
                                safe  replacement  for CBV.  Get the safety
                                and  security  of CallDisplay for  your BBS
                                today! and much, much more!  (July 2, 1996)
                                CIDToolBox - FREEWARE!   CallCHK - 20$ REG.
colcu101.zip    9437 08-05-2024 
custom.zip     52641 08-05-2024 Custom Language file for
                                Telegard 3.09G2
                                from Louie's Place BBS
                                Send comments to:
                                     - or -
dach0996.zip   82505 08-05-2024 
                                 a t r o c i t y  n u m b e r  5 
                                 Free Prize Inside!: Customized  
                                 Red Dawn Telegard 3.02 LANG.TGL 
dbug12.zip     31706 08-05-2024 DBUG v1.2 - This is a small and FAST little
                                utility that will remove the `Debug:' and the
                                `Script "LOG' lines from your Telegard v3.02
                                sysop logs. FREEWARE, by Bob Lotspeich.
delol100.zip   12932 08-05-2024 DELOLD v1.00 - Delete "old" files
dk_2dnodes.z       0 01-01-1980         Node Monitor
                                A tiny program which will allow
                                you to monitor what each node 
                                (up to 25) is doing without having
                                to load up the BBS itself.
                                Pointbreak : 613-569-0151
dk_2dnodes.zip   10713 08-05-2024         Node Monitor
                                A tiny program which will allow
                                you to monitor what each node 
                                (up to 25) is doing without having
                                to load up the BBS itself.
                                  Pointbreak : 613-569-0151
dk_2dtgscr.z       0 01-01-1980     Darkness' Script Pack
                                A set of scripts for Telegard 2.99
                                gamma-4 and above which implement a
                                chat override password and several
                                animated prompts.  Enjoy!
dk_2dtgscr.zip    6982 08-05-2024     Darkness' Script Pack
                                A set of scripts for Telegard 2.99
                                gamma-4 and above which implement a
                                chat override password and several
                                animated prompts.  Enjoy!
em101.zip      21331 08-05-2024 -------- EViLMSG 1.01 --------
                                Finally,  a  good  replacement
                                auto  message for  BBSes  that
                                use pipe  codes,  mainly  with
                                Telegard  in    mind.    Fully
                                configurable   template  file.
                                This  is  freeware,  no  cost!
                                Now  strips  IQ,  TG,  and  RG
                                color   codes.     The   BEST!
                                -------- EViLWAREZ '97 -------
emrgchat.zip   26594 08-05-2024 
ew100g.zip     10311 08-05-2024 _-__-__EViLWHO 1.00__-__-_
                                a devilishly simple utility
                                designed   to  alter   your
                                Telegard NODES.DAT  file to
                                show  what a given  node is
                                currently doing.  use  this
                                little   freeware   util to
                                show  your  users you   are
                                tossing mail, etc.
                                _-__-__EViLWAREZ '96__-__-_
ew102g.zip     46864 08-05-2024 _-__-__EViLWHO 1.02G__-__-_
                                a devilishly simple utility
                                designed   to  alter   your
                                Telegard NODES.DAT  file to
                                show  what a given  node is
                                currently doing.  use  this
                                little   freeware   util to
                                show  your  users you   are
                                tossing mail, etc.  32 bit!
                                _-__-__EViLWAREZ '98__-__-_
fdl.zip        55349 08-05-2024 rontDoor Loader
                                `03By Rob Ferguson Software Designs
                                This handy/awesome SysOp utility will
                                replace your command to run RUNFD.BAT
                                in you AUTOEXEC.BAT file and it'll
                                give you two options: Exit to DOS, or
                                Load FrontDoor FE Mailer via the
                                RUNFD.BAT file that you probably are
                                using.  The main advantage is that you
                                this program (although it takes almost
                                NO memory, will remain resident and
                                you can easily setup a command in your
                                nightly event to quit FrontDoor, and
                                then FDL will kick in, re-running the
                                countdown from 10-0.  When it hits 0,
                                unless you interupt, it'll go right
                                back into FD.  You will find MANY
                                advantages to this.  Document is
                                included to use on Telegard BBS's that
                                are not running FrontDoor.
fdtg_310.zip   15040 08-05-2024 FDTGFILE v3.10 - FD->Telegard Download Count
                                Searches FrontDoor logs for transferred files
                                (FREQ/attach) and updates matching download
                                counters/download date in Telegard 3.1x 
fe2tg102.zip   62172 08-05-2024       FastEcho to Telegard v1.02
                                Imports a message area configuration
                                from FastEcho into Telegard. Freeware!
                                For Telegard v3.09g1 and above only!
                                (C) iCode Software, 1999    [DOS/OS2]
fflst121.zip   23697 08-05-2024 FFLIST v1.21 - File List Generator
                                Supports include/exclude files/directories,
                                header files, footer files, new file lists,
                                and can create a Most Popular Files report.
flags100.zip   11164 08-05-2024 FLAGS v1.00 - Changes user flags/restrictions
                                Can add/remove/toggle any/all flags or
                                restrictions for one or all users.
flm135p.zip    34030 08-05-2024 +--- FLMaker v1.35.1/Pro ---+
                                | FLMaker is filelist maker |
                                | for Telegard 3.09 & later |
                                | Features:                 |
                                |->Config file support      |
                                |  (or command-line)        |
                                |->Include / Exclude areas  |
                                |  list file support        |
                                |->Standard Telegard MCI    |
                                |  support in cfg files     |
                                |->Long filename support    |
                                |  if needed & possible     |
                                |->HTML output support      |
                                |  (each area in separated  |
                                |  file or all areas in one |
                                |  big file                 |
                                |      RUN'S VERY FAST      |
ftg110.zip     44435 08-05-2024 FILES2TG.EXE v1.10  *new*  (07/96)  for use
                                with Telegard 3.0 BBS Software.  
                                NEW VERSION. Totally rewritten from scratch
                                FILES2TG will read the textual files.bbs or
                                files.bb1 to files.bb9  file from file area
                                download directory and convert  entries  in
                                the files.bb? to entries in the appropriate
                                .FB/.FBE  files.   This  handy  utility  is
                                useful  for  people using file distribution
                                systems.  Many  bug  fixes,  new additions,
                                better cd-rom handling and more!
grphic32.zip   68380 08-05-2024  _______/-=<[GRAPHIC.TGLv3.2]>=-\_______
                                |/ // Acolorfullanguagefilefor\ \ \|
                                |/ /  Telegardv3.02.LotsofASCII  \ \|
                                :/   graphics,Youruserswillloveit!   \:
                                .     ---( By ericmjones@juno.com )---     .
hangup.zip      2434 08-05-2024 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                                --  USER INFO LOG V1.00  --
                                This script will create a log file with
                                telegard color codes telling you all the
                                information on all the users that logoff.
                                Tested with TELEGARD 3.02
                                FREEWARE | Written by Acezsoft (1998)
hangup35.zip   21659 08-05-2024 
hist100.zip     9328 08-05-2024 HISTORY v1.00 - Creates an activity graph.
                                The graph contains the current, highest,
                                and total number of calls, public posts,
                                downloads, and uploads.
hsltg25q.zip   68679 08-05-2024 
hstat200.zip   14580 08-05-2024 HISTSTAT v2.00 - Telegard History Statistics 
                                Compiles and outputs HISTORY.DAT statistics 
                                using customizable template files w/120+ MCI 
                                codes for complete and total control 
hstmgr1.zip    12514 08-05-2024  -  -\/\-[ HisToRy MaNaGeR v1.0 ]-/\/-  -
                                   The Elite TeleGard 3.x History Data
                                   File Manager.  View, Delete records
                                   from your HISTORY.DAT file and more
                                   all in one cool looking environment 
                                         [FreeWare From NiTe ProD]
                                               [By: WoLFy] 
                                 -  -\/\-[ HisToRy MaNaGeR v1.0 ]-/\/-  -
iabook20.zip    4611 08-05-2024  - - Internet Address Book v2.0      -
                                 -   Allow your callers to add and   -
                                 -   edit private and public         -
                                 -   internet addresses on your BBS  -
                                 -   Works with TG3.09g2+            -
                                 -                                   -
                                 -A Gryphon's Eyrie Production [9/98]-
imaid16.zip     3835 08-05-2024 Internet Mail Assistant Version 1.6
                                Scripted by John Rumery, 15 September 1997
                                A must for Telegard 3.02 sysops that
                                send their internet mail to other systems
                                for processing.  This script takes the
                                addressing guesswork out of posting
                                internet mail for your users.  Easy to
                                install, simple to use.  
                                Netmail credit bugs fixed in this release!
                                FREEWARE from Beer Barrel Software!
import21.zip   29326 08-05-2024 
jivelang.zip   28491 08-05-2024 A Telegard 3.0 English file converted into
                                JIVE.. this took HOURS  to create. There's still a
                                couple of things that need to be worked
                                out of it, but you'll get the general idea
                                once you check it out. You can edit it to
                                your liking.. You'll understand which words
                                mean what as you edit it.
kom-lc.zip    9633 08-05-2024 LastCallers (Rel) for TeleGard v3.00
                                ___  ________  __  __________ __________
                                \  |/  /  _  |-\ \/  |  _   /-\_   / _  \rX
                                |  /  /.  /  |  \ /  |  / _/.  /  /  /   \.
                                . LastCallers (Rel#1) for TeleGard v3.00
                                . AmiExpress colored bulletin creator by
                                  Ranx/Komeda & JediArts! Rel: 31-Jan-96
                                  A Komeda Production
kom_2dlc_231       0 01-01-1980 LastCallers (Rel) for TeleGard v3.00
                                ___  ________  __  __________ __________
                                \  |/  /  _  |-\ \/  |  _   /-\_   / _  \rX
                                  /  /.  /  |  \ /  |  / _/.  /  /  /   \.
                                . LastCallers (Rel#1) for TeleGard v3.00
                                . AmiExpress colored bulletin creator by
                                Ranx/Komeda & JediArts! Rel: 31-Jan-96
                                A Komeda Production
kom_2dlc_231.zip    9633 08-05-2024 LastCallers (Rel) for TeleGard v3.00
                                ___  ________  __  __________ __________
                                \  |/  /  _  |-\ \/  |  _   /-\_   / _  \rX
                                |  /  /.  /  |  \ /  |  / _/.  /  /  /   \.
                                . LastCallers (Rel#1) for TeleGard v3.00
                                . AmiExpress colored bulletin creator by
                                  Ranx/Komeda & JediArts! Rel: 31-Jan-96
                                  A Komeda Production
lastf101.zip   12264 08-05-2024 LASTFD v1.01 - Last User -> Front Door
                                Places the information from the last user
                                into the Front Door last call, history, and
                                log files.
lasti100.zip   12008 08-05-2024 LASTIM v1.00 - Last User -> InterMail
                                Places the information from the last user
                                into the InterMail last call, history, and
                                log files.
ldirs100.zip   11676 08-05-2024 LISTDIRS v1.00 - Makes list of all file paths
                                Generates a list of all file paths setup in
                                Telegard, the list can then be used as a
                                FREQ'able directory list for FrontDoor, etc.
ledit.zip      50966 08-05-2024      -= LangEDIT Pro for Telegard =-
                                Do you find language file editing in Telegard
                                very tedious.  This prog makes it much easier
                                                  (c)1996 iNT - SiMPLY soft
                                                          FREEWARE DIST ONLY
ledit_30.zip   98323 08-05-2024           -- LangEdit 3.0 --
                                The BEST Telegard Language Editor ever.
                                This program is powerful and easy to use.
                                This program is freeware.
                                Requires:  286+, VGA
logit30b.zip   75808 08-05-2024              ** LOGIT 3.0b **
                                Got a drive that you want to automatically
                                upload into your Telegard Filebases?  This
                                is the program for you.  Just tell it what
                                drive, all the default settings you want,
                                and LOGIT will search the entire drive and
                                create a filebase for every directory that
                                contains files.  Automatically handles CD-
                                ROM Drives!  CD changers with individual
                                drive letters and those using a single drive
                                letter are both supported.  Now has a
                                (Yes/No/All/Stop) prompt while importing each
                                directory.  CLEAR_CD.EXE is included.  This
                                utility will clear ALL volume labels in your
logpurg1.zip  854489 08-05-2024  LogPurge v1.0 
                                  For Telegard 3.x!
                                ---. .--
                                Sick of all those log
                                   reports of your
                                  animated prompts?
                                This Windows '95 util
                                will purge those and
                                -By: Devon O'Connor
lstcll.zip     32717 08-05-2024 Customize Last Callers Screen.
                                This contains a example script and
                                support files for displaying a
                                Customize Last Caller Screen.
                                Written and put together by
                                Bruce Beck (1:2630/139)
                                (one of the support files is a
                                DOS version _ONLY_)
maatg100.zip   56767 08-05-2024 Message Area Auto-Adder/TG  v1.00
                                Want  to  add  about  2000 message
                                areas in less than 30 seconds?  If
                                so, this is the way to do it!  MAA
                                will take a "standard" BACKBONE.NA
                                style echolist and create  all  of  
                                your Telegard message areas! [DOS] 
                                Copyright (c) 1996 by Jeff Irvine
massm100.zip   17906 08-05-2024 MassMail v1.00 - Sends mass mail to users
                                Supports JAM/Squish bases, MCI codes, and
                                file attaches.
mcall111.zip   35783 08-05-2024               MailCall v1.11
                                MailCall will import the last incoming call
                                from a mailer into Telegard as part of the
                                Last Callers display. Freeware!  [DOS/OS2]
                                Now supports InterMail 2.29+ and FrontDoor!
                                              (C) Blood Enterprises, 1998
mfile300.zip   26759 08-05-2024 
mgsud150.zip   33749 08-05-2024 
mh_2delstq.z       0 01-01-1980 +-[TRiC]  elastiQ!  Queue Extender  [TRiC]-+
                                ! elastiQ emulates a queue extender,       !
                                ! allowing the user to virtually store up  !
                                ! to *210* files in his/her queue before   !
                                ! having to download and up to *680* files !
                                ! upon release of TG 3.1!             - mh !
                                ! visit TRiC online at http://www.tric.org !
                                ! Brad's TG Support Site @ www.tric.org/mh !
                                ^                                          ^
mh_2delstq.zip   19375 08-05-2024 +-[TRiC]  elastiQ!  Queue Extender  [TRiC]-+
                                ! elastiQ emulates a queue extender,       !
                                ! allowing the user to virtually store up  !
                                ! to *210* files in his/her queue before   !
                                ! having to download and up to *680* files !
                                ! upon release of TG 3.1!             - mh !
                                ! visit TRiC online at http://www.tric.org !
                                ! Brad's TG Support Site @ www.tric.org/mh !
                                ^                                          ^
mm_2dscrip.z       0 01-01-1980 [ Mass Mail 
                                `03 Send a mass mailing to all of your
                                `03 users! With this simple script you
                                `03 can have a message sent to all users
                                `03 without filling your E-Mail area and
                                `03 wasting alot of space! This file
                                `03 contains two methods of completing
                                `03 this task!`09
                                ---------[ `0BBy: Jim Howarth `09]--------
mm_2dscrip.zip    4834 08-05-2024 [ Mass Mail 
                                `03 Send a mass mailing to all of your
                                `03 users! With this simple script you
                                `03 can have a message sent to all users
                                `03 without filling your E-Mail area and
                                `03 wasting alot of space! This file
                                `03 contains two methods of completing
                                `03 this task!`09
                                ---------[ `0BBy: Jim Howarth `09]--------
mnchat10.zip    7876 08-05-2024    __________________________________
                                 /                                    \
                                |     MULTINODE CHAT SCRIPT v1.0       |
                                |         FOR TELEGARD 3.02            |
                                | ------------------------------------ |
                                |  Powerful new multinode chat script  |
                                |  your  users!  That allows  up to 4  |
                                |  users to chat at one time! So many  |
                                |  features that  there are too  many  |
                                |  to list!                            |
                                | ------------------------------------ |
                                |               Email-Ware             |
                                 \ __________________________________ /
mpack102.zip   13400 08-05-2024 MSGPACK v1.02 - Message Base Packer
msltg100.zip   27356 08-05-2024 MSLIST/TG v1.00 - Telegard File List Compiler
                                A simple but powerful file list generator for
                                Telegard v3.0+.  Nice looking output, quick
                                setup (just edit the sample batch files), new
                                files only feature. MSLIST's powerful include
                                and include listing features let you include
                                or exclude areas, and even individul files,
                                with support for *,? wildcards. [MatrixSoft]
nlinez13.zip   21901 08-05-2024  -   -\/\-[ NiTe LiNeRz v1.3 ]-/\/-   -
                                  THe BeSt OnE-LiNeRs DooR FoR TeleGard
                                  And Any (DOOR.SYS) Compatible System.
                                 Features Light-Bars, 5 User Selectable  
                                   or Random Color Schemes, and More!
                                 Req: Fossil Driver, Door.Sys Compatible
                                    [FreeWare From NiTe ProDucTionS]
                                              [By: WoLFy] 
                                  -   -/\/-[ ReLeAsE InFo ]-\/\-    -
                                    Support For TeleGard 3.02 Style
                                             Color Codes!
                                      Room For 1 More NiTe LiNeR
                                 -   -\/\-[ NiTe LiNeRz v1.3 ]-/\/-   -
nodes100.zip   11836 08-05-2024      Node Monitor v1.00 final
                                This tiny utility for Telegard sysops
                                will return a continuous status report
                                of what each node is doing.  Useful for
                                multi-node sysops who don't want to 
                                boot into TG every time they wish to
                                check on the actions of each node.
                                        Multitasker aware.
                                     Supports up to 25 nodes.
                                      Plateau - 613-569-0151
nultr.zip       3375 08-05-2024 *=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-
                                        New User Letter
                                 Now the TG Sysop can use the
                                 Full Screen Editor for New User
                                 Letter. This Zip contains the
                                 Script and Batch to do it with.
                                 Bruce Beck (06/29/1996)
                                 (1:2630/139) NULTR.ZIP
numsg100.zip    6388 08-05-2024 Telegard 3.0 "New User Message Sent" utility.
                                This utility is a free util that just sets
                                the flag to indicate to Telegard 3.0 that
                                your current users have sent a new user msg.
                                Sets this flag for all users who have at
                                least an SL of the level that you specify.
os2tg_10.zip  444668 08-05-2024     Os/2 setup for Telegard  
                                 This is a complete how to setup
                                for Telegard v3.0 under Os/2 Warp.
                                Included are programs to get you up
                                and running fast. Also documents to
                                get Telegard and your doors setup
                                multi node. Weird things from kaOs..
p4tg101.zip    99422 08-05-2024        ShadowCraft Productions  
                                            P for Telegard/2
                                     Everything that is needed to
                                     get the popular P protocol
                                     running seamlessly under
                                     Telegard for OS/2.
                                      P 2.05 included in package
padi0992.zip   20832 08-05-2024       PADi v0.99.2 (06/28/96) -
                                Easily import new area desciptions from any
                                BACKBONE.NA-style file to your NX v0.99.d08,
                                RA 2.0x / 2.50, PB 2.11, RG 10-05/04-11,
                                SBBS 1.17, T.A.G. 2.7 or TG 3.00 BBS message
                                base as descriptions.  Freeware.
padi100.zip    58657 08-05-2024 Psych0's AreafixDescriptionImporter v1.0
                                Easily import new area desciptions from
                                any BACKBONE.NA-style file to your NX
                                v0.99.d08, RA 2.0x/2.50, PB 2.15, RG
                                10-05/04-11(05-11), SBBS 1.17, T.A.G.
                                2.7 or TG 3.00 BBS message base as area
                                descriptions.  Now public domain with
                                full Pascal source included.  (98/02)
pbflst41.zip   55187 08-05-2024 
pmm051.zip     19089 08-05-2024 Psych0MultinodeMessager/TG v0.51 (97/05/29)
                                See who's online and message online users
                                from the command-line or interactively.  A
                                real public domain program from Psych0Soft;
                                includes Pascal source.  For Telegard v3.02.
pofd090.zip    10922 08-05-2024 Psych0OfflineFileDeleter v0.90 (6/4/96)
                                Deletes offline files in your filebases
                                freeing up space and making browsing
                                more pleasant.
post103.zip     4650 08-05-2024 ---------------------------------
                                PoSTiT 1.03        September 1999
                                  **** EVEN MORE  FEATURES ****
                                Now includes the ability to add a
                                BBS Advertisement or a News Item.
                                  Easy to install, easy to use.
                                   Because its written in TG's
                                scripting language it will accept
                                  all TG's MCI codes and colour
                                         codes as well!
prompt10.zip    8600 08-05-2024  _______/-=<[PROMPTs.SCRv1.0]>=-\_______
                                |/ / /  A TGv3.02 script that allows  \ \ \|
                                |/ /    each user to select his own     \ \|
                                :/   menu prompt. Remembers who picked    \:
                                :  wich prompt. Selectable time display.   :
                                .     ---( By ericmjones@juno.com )---     .
pstat057.zip   42697 08-05-2024 Psych0Stat v0.57 for Renegade/Telegard.
                                Creates sixteen bulletins including top
                                users, history totals, file and message
                                base overviews and more.  Configurable,
                                freeware and small.   Released 6/11/96.
                                Renegade 04-05(05-11) and  Telegard v3.
ptype101.zip    8303 08-05-2024 -       PipeType v1.01        -
                                -                             -
                                - Utility to display both `xx -
                                - and |xx style color codes   -
                                - from a dos prompt.          -
                                -                             -
                                -      DOS / FreeWare         -
                                -                             -
                                -  Dark Zone Software 1998    -
q_why.zip      19437 08-05-2024 
rcbv13.zip     62683 08-05-2024 
                                        - RazCbv v1.3 -         ۰
                                     Call Back Verifier for     ۰
                                          Telegard 3.x          ۰
                                   Auto creates SCR file       ۰
                                   Universal CBV menu included ۰
                                   Multitasker Support         ۰
                                   Duplicate & Bad # Detection ۰
                                   10 Configurable area codes  ۰
                                   US Phone format version     ۰
                                   Incoming call detection     ۰
                                   Configurable Modem Setup    ۰
                                   Network Friendly            ۰
                                   Fossil Required             ۰
                                    - Created By Razathorn -    ۰
register.zip    9307 08-05-2024 REGIETER V1.00 Is a User Registery Script
                                For Telegard BBS Users. It Posts E-Mail To
                                The Sysop To Let Them Know That a User Has 
                                Filled It Out. Seporate Output Files For
                                Male and Female Users. AR Flags Are Used To
                                Restrict Viewing Until The User Fills One Out
                                It Also Sends a Thank You Note To The User.
                                Another Plug It In And It Works Script.
                                From The Makers of DawgWare! If It's
                                DawgWare, It Has To Be Great Stuff!!
remof101.zip    7372 08-05-2024 REMOFF v1.01 - Remove all "offline" files.
reqlst1.zip     3497 08-05-2024    ==  [   File Requester   ]  ==
                                This script and menu allow your users 
                                to request files with the greatest of 
                                ease.  Made via TG's scripting language 
                                and menu system by Brad Koski 
                                (The Sandman).  Check it out!!!!
rg2tg100.zip   41779 08-05-2024 RG2TG v1.00 - Renegade 10-05 -> Telegard v3.0
                                conversion utility. Full conversion program,
                                to convert your Renegade BBS to Telegard v3.0
                                or later. Converts most critical data, incl-
                                uding: basic system configuration, user list,
                                file areas, message areas, system history and
                                statistics, menus, text files, MCI codes, and
                                color codes. Preserves your original Renegade
                                setup.  Works with the Renegade v10-31 alpha
                                as well. sReq'd: Telegard v3.0 or compatible.
rg4tgv20.zip   16557 08-05-2024 |~[ Renegade Emulation for Telegard v2.0 ]~|
                                | Converting from RG to TG? Or just tired  |
                                | of users who like RG better? This is for |
                                : you! These menus will help you and your  :
                                :  users adjust. Each individual user can  :
                                :   select RG or TG menus to suit their    :
                                .  preferences. Major changes from v1.0,   .
                                .  should be ready to go right out of the  .
                                .   box for most systems! Give it a try!   .
                                .     ---( By ericmjones@juno.com )---     .
rumors_21.zi       0 01-01-1980  - - - Rumors! for Telegard 3.02 - - -
                                -  A fully configurable script that -
                                -  Allows the Sysop and/or Callers  -
                                -  to have the ability to spread    -
                                -  randomized rumors.               -
                                -  Also a usefull tool to advertise -
                                -  some little known features of    -
                                -  your BBS.                        -
                                -                                   -
                                -A Gryphon's Eyire Production [9/97]-
rumors_21.zip    4013 08-05-2024  - - - Rumors! for Telegard 3.02 - - -
                                 -  A fully configurable script that -
                                 -  Allows the Sysop and/or Callers  -
                                 -  to have the ability to spread    -
                                 -  randomized rumors.               -
                                 -  Also a usefull tool to advertise -
                                 -  some little known features of    -
                                 -  your BBS.                        -
                                 -                                   -
                                 -A Gryphon's Eyire Production [9/97]-
scrpk_2dmb.z       0 01-01-1980 TG CuSToMiZiNG TeaM - *.MSG Screen Pack
                                __    __|__    __|----------  
                                ---|  |   __|  |---TeLeGaRD--
                                ---|  |  |__|  |--CuSToMiZiNG
                                *.MSG Screen Pack -By Kewlman 
                                Xtreme! (TCT HQ) 914.838.3325
scrpk_2dmb.zip   10339 08-05-2024 TG CuSToMiZiNG TeaM - *.MSG Screen Pack
                                |__    __|__    __|----------  
                                ---|  |   __|  |---TeLeGaRD--
                                ---|  |  |__|  |--CuSToMiZiNG
                                *.MSG Screen Pack -By Kewlman 
                                Xtreme! (TCT HQ) 914.838.3325
spack100.zip    8559 08-05-2024 SPACK v1.00 - Packs your SHORTMSG.DAT file
stats37.zip    29827 08-05-2024 
t2f100_g.zip   12542 08-05-2024 TG2FILES v1.00 Gamma for Telegard v3.0 Gamma
                                Converts Telegard's *.FB? to FILES.BBS.
tblc110.zip    44222 08-05-2024 -        TBLC v1.10.CW         -
                                - Telegard Bbs List Converter  -
                                - Used to convert file formats -
                                - between .BBS <-> .TXT.  The  -
                                - thing to have if you want to -
                                - do major editing of your bbs -
                                - list or wish to convert a    -
                                - local bbs list into a format -
                                - that Telegard can use!       -
                                -                              -
                                -   Dark Zone Software 1996    -
tble_100.zip   93871 08-05-2024 -    TG BBS List Editor for Windows    -
                                -                                      -
                                - Allows you to Edit/Create Telegard   -
                                - .BBS files in Windows 3.x and above. -
                                - Very easy to use interface with lots -
                                - of powerful features!                -
                                -                                      -
                                - TG (3.00 to 3.10) / Win (3.x and up) -
                                -                                      -
                                -      Dark Zone Software 1998         -
tbm200_g.zip   36084 08-05-2024 TBM v2.00 Gamma for Telegard v3.0 Gamma
                                Top Bulletin Maker - Creates all different
                                type of bulletins.  Fully configurable down
                                to the border text and colour.
tbn_0197.zip   10735 08-05-2024 -   Telegard BBS News Letter Issue 2   -
                                - TG BBS News is a monthly news letter -
                                - designed to help both new and old    -
                                - sysops running Telegard and people   -
                                - that are considering running TG.     -
                                -                                      -
                                -      Sunday January 5, 1997          -
tbn_0198.zip   36230 08-05-2024 -   Telegard BBS News Letter Issue 5   -
                                - TG BBS News is a monthly news letter -
                                - designed to help both new and old    -
                                - sysops running Telegard and people   -
                                - that are considering running TG.     -
                                -                                      -
                                -      Thursday January 1, 1998        -
tbn_0199.zip   35357 08-05-2024 -   Telegard BBS News Letter Issue 9   -
                                - TG BBS News is a monthly news letter -
                                - designed to help both new and old    -
                                - sysops running Telegard and people   -
                                - that are considering running TG.     -
                                -                                      -
                                -       Friday January 1, 1999         -
tbn_0298.zip  114205 08-05-2024 -   Telegard BBS News Letter Issue 6   -
                                - TG BBS News is a monthly news letter -
                                - designed to help both new and old    -
                                - sysops running Telegard and people   -
                                - that are considering running TG.     -
                                -                                      -
                                -       Sunday Febuary 1, 1998         -
tbn_0398.zip   97546 08-05-2024 -   Telegard BBS News Letter Issue 7   -
                                - TG BBS News is a monthly news letter -
                                - designed to help both new and old    -
                                - sysops running Telegard and people   -
                                - that are considering running TG.     -
                                -                                      -
                                -        Sunday March 1, 1998          -
tbn_0499.zip   49270 08-05-2024 -   Telegard BBS News Letter Issue 10  -
                                - TG BBS News is a monthly news letter -
                                - designed to help both new and old    -
                                - sysops running Telegard and people   -
                                - that are considering running TG.     -
                                -                                      -
                                -       Thursday April 1, 1999         -
tbn_1098.zip   27724 08-05-2024 -   Telegard BBS News Letter Issue 8   -
                                - TG BBS News is a monthly news letter -
                                - designed to help both new and old    -
                                - sysops running Telegard and people   -
                                - that are considering running TG.     -
                                -                                      -
                                -      Thursday October 1, 1998        -
tbn_1196.zip   13413 08-05-2024 -   Telegard BBS News Letter Issue 1   -
                                - TG BBS News is a monthly news letter -
                                - designed to help both new and old    -
                                - sysops running Telegard and people   -
                                - that are considering running TG.     -
tbn_1197.zip   17535 08-05-2024 -   Telegard BBS News Letter Issue 3   -
                                - TG BBS News is a monthly news letter -
                                - designed to help both new and old    -
                                - sysops running Telegard and people   -
                                - that are considering running TG.     -
                                -                                      -
                                -     Saturday November 1, 1997        -
tbn_1297.zip   18767 08-05-2024 -   Telegard BBS News Letter Issue 4   -
                                - TG BBS News is a monthly news letter -
                                - designed to help both new and old    -
                                - sysops running Telegard and people   -
                                - that are considering running TG.     -
                                -                                      -
                                -       Monday December 1, 1997        -
tbwn_100.zip   15849 08-05-2024 -       BWNames v1.00         -
                                - Create a list of user names -
                                - that can be used by the     -
                                - BlueWave OLR v2.30 out of   -
                                - your Telegard users list.   -
                                -                             -
                                -    DOS / TG (3.02/3.10)     -
                                -                             -
                                -   Dark Zone Software 1998   -
tcall142.zip   36732 08-05-2024 
tc_2dol_2d01       0 01-01-1980  Ŀ    One Liners  
                                       For Telegard 2.99 +
                                     w/LOGON/Menu Scripts
                                Simple One-Liners Script that
                                is small, fast, configurable.
tc_2dol_2d01.zip    8192 08-05-2024  Ŀ    One Liners  
                                        For Telegard 2.99 +
                                      w/LOGON/Menu Scripts
                                Simple One-Liners Script that
                                is small, fast, configurable.
tc_2dshut1.z       0 01-01-1980  Ŀ
                                     Shuttle Logon #1
                                   For Telegard 2.99 +
                                w/Script/Language Modding
tc_2dshut1.zip   15841 08-05-2024  Ŀ
                                      Shuttle Logon #1
                                    For Telegard 2.99 +
                                w/Script/Language Modding
tec_110.zip     9140 08-05-2024 -         EditCalls v1.10         -
                                - Allows you to change the number -
                                - of total system callers in      -
                                - Telegard v3.10(3.09g?).         -
                                -                                 -
                                -     (c) David Stumpf 1998       -
tele_top.zip   21081 08-05-2024 
telpak_6.zip   70747 08-05-2024 
tfiles02.zip   25368 08-05-2024 TFILES.SCR version 0.02 is a script to allow
                                Telegard 3.0 to have a TFILES section
                                simular to that in Telegard 2.7.
                                This is free of course!  Thank Tim Strike
                                for writing the program, and send me netmail
                                if you need help with a Telegard script.
                                              * * *
                                Original written by Thomas Moore 1:3814/8
                                              * * *
                                Error correction by Bruce Beck 1:2630/139
tfp_100.zip    10107 08-05-2024 -    Telegard FREQ List Pro v1.00       -
                                -  Create a FREQ list from Telagard's   -
                                -  file bases which is compatible with  -
                                -  FrontDoor, Binkley and InterMail.    -
                                -                                       -
                                -       DOS / Telegard / Utility        -
                                -                                       -
                                -       Dark Zone Software 1998         -
tg200.zip       7604 08-05-2024 TG200.MDF: 200+ Modem defintions for TG 3.0
                                This archive contains a .MDF text file full
                                of 200+ modem  initialization  strings  and
                                settings for over 200 of the  more  popular
                                modems.  *FREEWARE*  Modify and  re-release
                                as needed.  Please read TG200.MDF  for more
                                information on setup, modification  and re-
                                releasing.  Originally   drafted   by  Dave
                                Turner & THN Programming, September, 1995.
tg2309g2.zip  688128 08-05-2024    Telegard/2 BBS Version 3.09.g2 for OS2
                                (*------ Release date: July 5, 1998 ------*)
                                Full featured bulletin board system software
                                for beginners and experts!  Features full 
                                message section with JAM and Squish formats,
                                a full file section w/file tagging & CDROM 
                                support, multinode, multilingual, powerful 
                                menus, scripting language, and door support!
tg27.zip      428202 08-05-2024 
tg2fd10.zip    10921 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  Telegard2Frontdoor v1.0 by LoRd NiKoN  
                                 Imports your Telegard last caller  info 
                                 into  the  Frontdoor last  caller info, 
                                 the inbound  history,  and writes  info 
                                 to a specified log file. Built-in setup 
                                            LogikTECH Software           
tg2p100.zip     9089 08-05-2024 tele2pop 1.00 - puts the last five
                                callers from telegard 3.01+ into
                                Portal of Power .61+.  should work
                                with the new .63 betas just fine,
                                along with the .62 gammas of pop.
                                by Doug Reynolds, another niffty
                                little EViLWAREZ util.
tg309sp3.zip  283058 08-05-2024   Telegard BBS Version 3.09 Service Pack 3
                                Service pack 3 is only intended for use with
                                a Telegard 3.09.g2 installation, fixing most
                                of the known bugs and problems with the 
                                3.09.g2 release.  Both DOS & OS/2 patches 
                                are included.  Release date: 23 Aug 1998
tg3typ11.zip   18639 08-05-2024 [TG3TYPE 1.1] Displays Telegard 3.0 Color
                                Codes from the DOS command line. A must
                                have for any TG 3.0 SysOp!    [11-16-95]
tgafl260.zip   45358 08-05-2024 Telegard 3.00 All Files List 2.60. Update
                                Massive  Cosmetic Changes.  An  All  files
                                lister  with  many  options.   Skip bases,
                                list  title,  optional  header and footer.
                                An   AFL  worth    downloading.   Freeware
                                By Ron Dean
tgal101.zip     7658 08-05-2024 
                                                 TGAL v1.01                
                                  Telegard v3.0 Area List Generator v1.01  
                                  TGAL will Create A List of All The File  
                                  Areas, total Number of Files and Total   
                                  Bytes of all your Telegard File Areas.   
                                  Supports Color Codes in Area Names       
                                  Emperial Software - 1996                 
tgans100.zip    7243 08-05-2024 
tgarts.zip    354806 08-05-2024 Telegard Support Articles.  These
                                are a set of ascii/text files that
                                were meant to be articles for the
                                TG newsletter.  They include            
                                articles for:
                                 1) All about ACS system
                                 2) New User Setup/Hints
                                 3) File Point/Ratio System
                                 4) The Script language - old and new 
                                 5) Common Problems
                                 6) New bbs checklist
                                 7) Must have utilities/files for TG
                                 8) A programmers's help guide for TG
                                 9) TG and Desqview
                                10) Customization Techniques and hints
                                Also include support files like sample
                                customized files and such.
                                Articles by Scott Adams TG Beta Site
                                contact: longshot@darktech.org or
tgas100.zip     4425 08-05-2024  [ A   S   E   R   V   I   C   E ] 
                                     - Telegard 3.0 & above ONLY -
                                ASERVICE is an answering service for TG
                                SysOps that aren't around too much.
                                Displays 5 random strings telling the user
                                that the SysOp isn't around, and cannot /
                                willnot chat with them.  Ready to fly right
                                out of the archive.
                                - Emergency Password
                                - Message to SysOp.
                                - Great Colors (in my opinion)
                                - Easy installation!
                                Matt Hanson - Dead Midnite - 970.532.4043
tgaup200.zip   35586 08-05-2024    Telegard Average User Profiler v2.00
                                Generates a bulletin of the average user
                                statistics on your system! Three seperate
                                categories: Average Male User Stats, Female
                                User Stats, and Overall Averages. Freeware!
                                New in v2.00: User-definable templates.
                                (C) Blood Enterprises, 1998  [DOS/OS2]
tgbackup.zip   31560 08-05-2024         Telegard Backup vFinal
                                TGBackup is a complete, automated backup
                                   utility for use with Telegard 3.0+
                                    - Includes full Pascal source -
                                 Freeware from North Star Technologies.
tgbar110.zip    7904 08-05-2024 ---------------------------------
                                LIGHT BARS FOR TELEGARD 2.99/3.00
                                These text files and examples
                                will show you how to create great
                                looking, arrow key controlled,
                                light bar menus for your Telegard
                                BBS!       [Updated June 8, 1996]
                                Written by Jeff Irvine/Tony Sergi
tgbbsed1.zip    9300 08-05-2024 Telegard 3.0 BBS List editor
tgc110.zip     30515 08-05-2024 TG Calls version 1.10           July 4, 1996
                                With this  utility  program  you can  change
                                the  total  number of calls  users have made
                                to your Telegard BBS.     * Requires TG 3.01
tgcal11.zip    12159 08-05-2024 TG Callers v1.1
                                 Last callers for Telegard 3.0 
                                 Configurable header file and 
                                 colors.  Uses TG color codes.
                                 Fixes minor display bugs.    
                                 Dekka Visions(c) 1996        
tgcap100.zip   31451 08-05-2024 TG Caps version 1.00           July 18, 1996
                                This   Telegard   utility  will  attempt  to
                                correct  all the  capitalization  errors  in
                                your  user  records  for the  "street"   and
                                "location."               * Requires TG 3.0x
tgcheck.zip     6316 08-05-2024 TGkĿ
                                `02`0FThe Telegard Random Info`02
                                `0A`0FChecker!! Randomly Asks `0A
                                `02`0FVoice/Data Phone And Zip`02
                                `0A`0FCode!!! TELEGARD v3.00+ `0A
tgchek20.zip    7366 08-05-2024 TGCheck 2.00b
                                          NOW *FREEWARE*!!!!!!!!
                                 Randomly Checks users voice phone #,
                                 zip code, and b-day to make sure they
                                 have enterd true information.  Catches
                                 fake and duplicate users!  Tons and
                                 Tons of features!
                                        TELEGARD v3.00 - v3.09g1
tgcolor1.zip    5257 08-05-2024 __--== TGCOLOR TP UNIT v1.0 ==--__
                                - turbo pascal  unit  source  to -
                                - implement tg pipe  codes and ` -
                                - & ` codes. freeware,  includes -
                                - a .TPU compiled for TP7.       -
                                ----===== EViLWAREZ  '97 =====----
tgcoolb1.zip   37889 08-05-2024 Telegard Cool Utility V1.0 Beta 1
                                Programmed by Slayer & Bacon in 1995.
                                String editing utility for use with the
                                Telegard 3.0 BBS Package.  It's sooo packed
                                with features that it's falling apart!
                                (B)aconWare, PsyCode Programming 1995
tgcr10.zip     15421 08-05-2024 
tgcutlog.zip    4766 08-05-2024 TGCUTLOG v1.0 - Log File Cutter
                                Just a small utiliy to get rid
                                of those (unfortunally) added
                                debug lines and the also docu-
                                mented script calls.
                                 Programmed by Wolfgang Hommel
                                     2:2487/3724 * Germany
tgcwv102.zip   19786 08-05-2024               TGCWait v1.02
                                Here it is, my first of hopefully many more 
                                utilities for the new Telegard v3.0. TGCWait 
                                was designed for those who use Teleagrd and 
                                Intermail under a multi-tasker such as 
                                Windows or OS/2.  TGCWait shows all of Todays
                                stats for Telegard and Yesterday's and Todays
                                Status for Intermail along with who the last 
                                inbound and outbound mail calls that was made
                                through Intermail. It also show's the last 
                                caller on node's 1-5 for those that run more 
                                  This is another product by TGC Software
                                              TGCWait v1.02
tgd101.zip     62284 08-05-2024 TgDoors 1.01 Telegard 3.00+ Doors
                                Statistics   Bulletin  Generator.
                                Nice  output,  self  maintaining,
                                Can be run once  before  midnight
                                or as many  times  a day  as  you
                                like. Smart,  only  updates  it's
                                index once a day. Easy to install
                                automatically  accounts  for  new
                                and deleted entries in your doors
                                listing file. Comes with  utility
                                to  scan your existing menu files
                                and create your doors list on the
                                fly    the      first        run.
                                Freeware by Ron Dean
tgd315b.zip    37505 08-05-2024 TGDOORS 3.15-(eta) Telegard 2.7 Door
                                Analysis Program.  Generate Current Weekly
                                And A Running Historical Ascii/Text Chart
                                of Your Door Activities And Best "Rankings".
                                By Ron Dean 
tgdev309.zip   75835 08-05-2024 Telegard BBS v3.10 Development Kit (Rev 3.09)
                                [*----------- November 06, 1997 -----------*]
                                Development kit includes data structures for 
                                Pascal and C, a comprehensive design document
                                which explains all of the BBS data files and 
                                other important details of the data formats. 
                                Documentation also includes other information
                                related to creating and distributing third 
                                party utilities for Telegard.
tgfam10.zip    30153 08-05-2024 TGFAM v1.0 - Telegard File Area Manager
                                This is  a  "TG File Area Manager"  with  the
                                following features:  Light bar operated,  tag
                                support for mass operations, copy/move/delete
                                operations  supported with taged areas,  full
                                support for TG color codes,  advanced editing
                                system, etc!            *** FINAL RELEASE ***
                                 MicroEuropa Software Development Department
tgfaq_a2.zip   62614 08-05-2024 Telegard FAQ set.  This is a frequently
                                updated set of informational files about
                                how to setup and operate Telegard systems.
                                It is not intended to replace any existing
                                documentation, but to suppliment them with
                                Telegard specific information.
                                This release is for TG 3.09G2.
                                Please replace TGFAQ_A1.ZIP with this file.
                                From:  Carol Shenkenberger 1:275/100,
                                           TG beta, Norfolk
tgfbc9b.zip    33533 08-05-2024 * Fixed * Telegard 3.00 Filebase Description
                                Clean 0.9-()eta
                                Uppercase First Letter In Filebase
                                Including Extended Descriptions.  By Ron Dean
tgfigv40.zip   95580 08-05-2024 TG*  FidoNET/InterNET Gateway Help v.40  *TG
                                This file will help you set up your TG v3.0x
                                BBs to handle InterNET EMail through a local
                                FidoNET Gateway. It contains specific help   
                                for Front Door, NetMgr, and Telegard setups.  
                                      A MUST HAVE FOR EVERY TG SYSOP!
                                A Rebel Alliance Production - [916] 684-6897
tgfing10.zip   18677 08-05-2024           Telegard Finger v1.0
                                TGFinger is an online 'finger' utility
                                which allows users to view some simple
                                  information on their fellow users.
                                Freeware from North Star Technologies.
tgflg9b.zip    35807 08-05-2024 * Fixed * Telegard 3.00 Freqlist Generator 0
                                Creates A Complete Freqlist (Binkley or
                                Frontdoor Styles)
                                Of All Files In The File databases.  Optional
                                Generate Magicnames And Summary File That Is 
                                Good For All Files List Headers.  Ron Dean
tgfl_150.zip   43353 08-05-2024 -     Telegard File Lister Pro v1.50        -
                                - File List Creator for use with Telegard   -
                                - v3.10 (3.09g?).  TGFL is a very powerful  -
                                - and fast file lister with many great      -
                                - options, such as the ability to create    -
                                - files.bbs, 00index.txt and even index.htm -
                                - files in each file directory.  Also       -
                                - includes new MCI codes!                   -
                                -                                           -
                                -         DOS / Telegard / Utility          -
                                -                                           -
                                -           iCode Software 1998             -
tgfm100.zip    29426 08-05-2024 TGFM v1.00 - Telegard v3.0+ File Maintenance 
                                utility. TGFM will check and fix: file dates,
                                sizes, file points and offline status.  Also
                                sorts files, packs your *.FBE files, cleans
                                descriptions, reimports FILE_ID.DIZ/DESC.SDI
                                files, imports FILES.BBS files with optional
                                checking for FILE_ID.DIZ/DESC.SDI, and more!
                                Ideal for daily maintenance, or importing 
                                files from CD-ROM or SDS networks.  Free!
tgfp4msg.zip   16075 08-05-2024 
tgfpu301.zip   42300 08-05-2024 [ Telegard File Point Updater v3.01 ]͸
                                    For the Telegard v3.0 BBS System.    
                                 This utility program will QUICKLY set   
                                 ALL files in a specified File Base (.FB)
                                 to a specified number of points. This   
                                 is useful to set points for files that  
                                 are brought in via FILES2TG, or when you
                                 need to reset file points in a particu- 
                                 lar file base. Blazingly FAST! Includes 
                                 handy utility TGFAL (Telegard File Area 
                                 Lister) to create .BATch files.         
                                   Updated for Telegard version 3.01+    
                                 Mt. Glacier Software.   July 12, 1996.  
tgfreql.zip    16845 08-05-2024 TG Freq List Generator v1.0 for TG 3.0+
                                This utility will generate a Alias file
                                for Frontdoor to use as a Freg list.
                                It covers all files in your TG data
                                files.  There are ways to add a magic
                                master list and exclude complete 
                                directories if needed as well.
tghe2.zip       8152 08-05-2024 --------------------------
                                TGHE : v2.0 By Phil Clarke
                                For use with Telegard 3.0+
                                Edit your history.dat file.
                                Smooth interface. 96/07/01  
tghed.zip      28012 08-05-2024 [ *** Telegard HISTORY.DAT EDITOR 1.0 *** ]
                                [ ***** Released : 14 December 1997 ***** ]
                                [ --------------------------------------- ]
                                [ A great utility for Telegard 3.x!  With ]
                                [ this  editor, you have  the possibility ]
                                [ to EDIT, DELETE & INSERT  entry in your ]
                                [ history logs.   Try it now!    FREEWARE ]
                                [     *OS/2* and DOS version included     ]
                                [  (c) 1996-97, Francis Julien 1:242/510  ]
                                [ --------------------------------------- ]
tgidx_2d10.z       0 01-01-1980 ** iServer/Telegard conversion tool v1.0 **
                                This program will scan a Telegard user file
                                and create a RA compatible one that iServer
                                can use.  This allows Telegard sysops to be
                                able to use iServer  to import/export gated
                                *.MSG files as transparent email with a JAM
                                base on the BBS. MCC freeware tool, (c)1996
tgidx_2d10.zip   10347 08-05-2024 ** iServer/Telegard conversion tool v1.0 **
                                This program will scan a Telegard user file
                                and create a RA compatible one that iServer
                                can use.  This allows Telegard sysops to be
                                able to use iServer  to import/export gated
                                *.MSG files as transparent email with a JAM
                                base on the BBS. MCC freeware tool, (c)1996
tgim100.zip     7365 08-05-2024 +------------- [ TGIM v1.00 ] -------------+
                                |       Telegard Instant Message v1.00     |
                                :                                          :
                                . TGIM will display  users online, and let .
                                 you  send  them  a  message.   Freeware! 
tgivic17.zip   40930 08-05-2024 oOo[Innocent Victim v0.17]oOo
                                     For Telegard 3.0!     
                                 Users get to take a free  
                                 shot at an innocent victim.
                                   Plus they get to gamble
                                   Time, File Points, or   
                                   Public Post Credits!    
                                Oo[By: Hotrod - Dec. 14/95]oO
                                Newest Versions Available at:
                                    Don't Call This BBS!
                                (519)457-6806 24/96/144/288oo
                                    Running Telegard 3.0
tglame1.zip    33557 08-05-2024      Tglamers v1.00
                                   For Telegard 3.00+
                                 Generates a list of your
                                lame users by total system
                                calls, uploads, and public
                                messages posted.  Supports
                                 Header and Footer files
                                  Freeware by Ron Dean
tglegal_21.z       0 01-01-1980 TGLEGAL! V1.01 Is a Legal Notice For
                                Telegard Sysops. It Posts A Legle Notice
                                To All Users Each Time They Call. If They
                                Answer "NO" To The Condidions Outlined
                                They Will Be Promptly Logged Off With A
                                File displayed Will also update the Sysop
                                Logs and post E-Mail to the Sysop. Another
                                Plug It In And It Works Script. From The
                                Makers of DawgWare! If It's DawgWare, It
                                Has To Be Great Stuff!!
tglegal_21.zip    7206 08-05-2024 TGLEGAL! V1.01 Is a Legal Notice For
                                Telegard Sysops. It Posts A Legle Notice
                                To All Users Each Time They Call. If They
                                Answer "NO" To The Condidions Outlined
                                They Will Be Promptly Logged Off With A
                                File displayed Will also update the Sysop
                                Logs and post E-Mail to the Sysop. Another
                                Plug It In And It Works Script. From The
                                Makers of DawgWare! If It's DawgWare, It
                                Has To Be Great Stuff!!
tglgen20.zip   44976 08-05-2024 TELEGARD CALLER LOG GENERATOR v2.00
                                By Rob Ferguson Software Designs
                                Rob has come out with another clever
                                program to help SysOps.  TG's log files
                                are so long, and descriptive... all you
                                want is a list... so and so called on
                                such a date, and so on.  Nothing huge,
                                just the basic information.  Well...
                                just add this file to your path, and
                                add the following line to your LOGON.SCR:
                                TGLGEN.EXE (user handle)  <-- That's it...
                                the perfect caller log with TG colors!
                                Add your own ANSI/TXT header to the log
                                file!!!  This new version has all the
                                known bugs fixed.  The main addition to
                                this version is the fact that it is
                                almost totally automated, and there's no
                                maintanence that is needed!  YOU NEED
                                Released to the public August 15, 1996
tglmu12.zip    24322 08-05-2024 <>
                                Telegard Language Modification Utility v1.1
                                 TGLMU v1.2 -Language String Editor For TG 
                                 v3.xx. Now Search, Edit, and View you TG  
                                 Lang. File Easy and Fast. Color and MCI   
                                 Translation as well as Online Reference   
                                 Emperial Software 1996! Freeware.         
tglog30_.zip   10946 08-05-2024 TGLOG v3.00 Gamma for Telegard v3.0 Gamma
                                Combines Telegard's SYSOPx.LOG files.
tglp_2d1.zip    5553 08-05-2024 Telegard Light Bar Pack 1
                                 3 Different Light Bar Replacements for
                                 Telegard 3.0x. Light Bar BBS List, Light Bar
                                 Time Bank, and a Light Bar New files Scan
                                 Prompt. No more multiple menus. Just 1
                                 and 1 ansi. Released to public domain.
                                 Emperial Software - Emperial Productions
                                Telegard Light Bar Pack 1
tglv101.zip    46886 08-05-2024 -   Telegard Log Viewer v1.01     -
                                -                                 -
                                - Allows you to view your TG log  -
                                - files full scroll and searching -
                                - along with support for TG's     -
                                - color codes.  Bug fix over 1.00 -
                                -                                 -
                                -          DOS / FreeWare         -
                                -                                 -
                                -   Dark Zone Software (c) 1997   -
tgmh110.zip    22336 08-05-2024 TGMH v1.10:  FrontDoor  2.11+  history
                                bulletin generator  for  Telegard 3.0.
                                Formally TGMAIL.EXE, this  new version
                                will read from any  of  your FrontDoor
                                history (.HIS) files and output a  TG3
                                readable bulletin file. Output is user
                                customizable by way of template files.
                                Simple command line, header files, and
                                more.  $0 SHAREWARE.
                                [THN] (07/96)
tgmpf101.zip   43390 08-05-2024     Telegard Most Popular Files v1.00
                                Generates a bulletin of the ten most
                                popular files based on # of downloads.
                                FreeWare! For TG v3.09g1 and above only! 
                                (C) Blood Enterprises, 1998  [DOS/OS2]
tgmrp111.zip   16702 08-05-2024 * MenuReplace version 1.11, by Mike Pontillo
                                This handy program will automatically modify
                                your Telegard 3.0 menus.  It will search and
                                replace two separate characters -- very
                                useful when you want to modify a Telegard
                                menu, and all you really want to change are
                                the brackets around the menu command.  Can
                                save hours of editing in the Telegard editor.
tgmu300.zip    30923 08-05-2024    Message Utility v3.00 For Telegard v3.0
                                Allows Editing  For Both One Message  Area As
                                Well As Tagging Multiple Areas To Make Global
                                Changes.  Another Great MatrixSoft Production
tgmw10.zip     14221 08-05-2024 TGMW v1.0<---------------------------------->
                                <         Telegard Most Wanted v1.0         >
                                <  TGMW is a Telegard 3.0x utility that     >
                                < creates a top downloads bulletin.  Very   >
                                < configurable. Very useful. FREEWARE!      >
                                < Emperial Software - Emperial Productions  >
                                <                  1996                     >
                                <---------------------------------->TGMW v1.0
tgnat100.zip   30876 08-05-2024 -       TGNAT v1.00.FW       -
                                - Telegard BBS Node Activity -
                                - Toggle is used to toggle a -
                                - node Active or InActive    -
                                - from a dOS prompt.         -
                                -                            -
                                -  Dark Zone Software 1996   -
tgnat110.zip   31730 08-05-2024 -         TGNAT v1.10        -
                                - Telegard BBS Node Activity -
                                - Toggle is used to toggle a -
                                - node Active or InActive    -
                                - from a dOS prompt.  Bug    -
                                - fix over 1.00              -
                                -                            -
                                -       FreeWare / DOS       -
                                -                            -
                                -  Dark Zone Software 1997   -
tgnet101.zip    7608 08-05-2024 -NetApp 1.01---------------
                                Network  Application Script
                                For  Telegard. If you run a
                                BBS  Echomail  network  and
                                Telegard   this  script  is
                                perfect  for  you.  It will
                                take the user's application
                                online  and then save it to
                                a   readable   file   in  a
                                directory  of  your  choice
tgnews20.zip   44788 08-05-2024 
tgnm100.zip    41456 08-05-2024   Tgnm 1.00 Telegard Mail Statistics
                                    Full Tg 3.00 Coloration Codes
                                         Supports JAM/Sqiush 
                                       Support for Automsg.Dat
                                     Exclusion of Message Bases
                                Gives Information on each message base
                                 Fast, self-installing, self updating
                                   requires no  maintenance  to run. 
                                       By Ron Dean   29 Aug 1996
tgnu11.zip     11301 08-05-2024 Telegard NODES.DAT Updater 1.1!  Now you 
                                can change your Who's Online Listing when 
                                TG 3.0+ is offline.  Perfect for the sysop 
                                that use a mailer. *OS/2* and DOS version
                                (c) 1996, Francis Julien 1:242/510
tgnu12a.zip    26591 08-05-2024 [ *** Telegard NODES.DAT Updater 1.2a *** ]
                                [ ***** Released : 23 November 1997 ***** ]
                                [ --------------------------------------- ]
                                [ A great utility for Telegard 3.x!  Will ]
                                [ Update your "Who's online" listing with ]
                                [ valuable informations when doing events ]
                                [ like mail event, satellite download,etc ]
                                [     *OS/2* and DOS version included     ]
                                [  (c) 1996-97, Francis Julien 1:242/510  ]
                                [ --------------------------------------- ]
tgnum100.zip    3310 08-05-2024 |        Newuser Announcer 1.0         |
                                |          For Telegard 3.xx           |
                                | ------------------------------------ |
                                | Sick and tired of all of the newuser |
                                | logon messages?  Don't want to read  |
                                | them but want to know when a newuser |
                                | logs on?  Try this!                  |
                                | ------------------------------------ |
                                | By: Jim Howarth (1:2401/300)         |
tgnws310.zip   86989 08-05-2024 TGNEWS v3.10 - Telegard v3.00 News Manager 
                                ------- ** PUBLIC GAMMA RELEASE ** ------- 
                                Display news to users once/always, toggle 
                                abortable, auto-deletion, file attaches, 
                                reading pause & questions, FSE support, 
                                library mode and much more!         
tgn_1.zip      17327 08-05-2024 TGNode 1.0
                                TeleGard Node Status Monitor
                                DOS & OS/2 versions included.
                                (c) 1994-1998, Arthur Stark, TopperWare,
                                All rights reserved
tgn_2dnfo.zi       0 01-01-1980 The Telegard Information Network Infopack 001
                                An information  network  for telegard sysops
                                dedicated  to helping  you build your BBS to
                                its full  potential. We have echos dedicated
                                to DOS,OS/2 and UNIX - Scripting - 3rd Party
                                Applications - Running Doors - EchoMail Help
                                Last Updated on: 13 February 1999.
tgn_2dnfo.zip   11007 08-05-2024 The Telegard Information Network Infopack 001
                                An information  network  for telegard sysops
                                dedicated  to helping  you build your BBS to
                                its full  potential. We have echos dedicated
                                to DOS,OS/2 and UNIX - Scripting - 3rd Party
                                Applications - Running Doors - EchoMail Help
                                      Last Updated on: 13 February 1999.
tgn_2dscr.zi       0 01-01-1980 TG-News Script v1.0 by FRISCO Batch Dev.
                                This is a simple script file, which will
                                give you the possibilty to show up to 5
                                news messages to your users. Just take
                                a look at the sample and enjoy!
                                Felix Mueller                 2:2480/903
tgn_2dscr.zip    4168 08-05-2024 TG-News Script v1.0 by FRISCO Batch Dev.
                                This is a simple script file, which will
                                give you the possibilty to show up to 5
                                news messages to your users. Just take
                                a look at the sample and enjoy!
                                Felix Mueller                 2:2480/903
tgofr100.zip   28954 08-05-2024  Telegard Offline File Remover v1.00
                                Searches Telegard's file base records
                                and removes any entries marked as
                                Offline. For Telegard v3.09.g1+ Only!
                                (C) Blood Enterprises, 1998  [DOS/OS2]
tgolgb10.zip   11697 08-05-2024   =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                     Telegard Offline File Remover v1.0
                                     Utility designed to remove offline
                                   file listings from the *.FB and *.FBE
                                  This utility also verifies the existing
                                   file sizes, and will remove any files
                                   which have become offline, but are not
                                             flagged that way.
                                   More quality freeware from Steve Adams
                                             FidoNet 1:244/110
tgpc100.zip    35471 08-05-2024 - Telegard Pipecode Converter v1.00 -
                                - TGPC Converts the |xx style color -
                                - codes into Telegard 3.xx style    -
                                - `xx color codes.  This utility    -
                                - is designed to work with both     -
                                - normal screens and language       -
                                - files.                            -
                                -                                   -
                                -     Dark Zone Software 1996       -
tgport12.zip   21188 08-05-2024 Telegard Callers in Portal of Power v1.2
                                 TelePort imports the last five callers
                                 from Telegard's Laston.Dat into Portal
                                 of Power's Last Callers status display
                                  - Tested with Portal of Power 0.62 -
                                   (Includes full Pascal source code)
                                    [Includes Dos and OS/2 versions]
                                 Freeware from North Star Technologies.
tgpost02.zip    4906 08-05-2024 ---------------------------------
                                PoSTiT 1.02             July 1998
                                  **** EVEN MORE  FEATURES ****
                                Now includes the ability to add a
                                BBS Advertisement or a News Item
                                A nice looking, not over-powering
                                    powering replacement for
                                Telegard's default Automessages.
                                  Easy to install, easy to use.
                                   Because its written in TG's
                                scripting language it will accept
                                  all TG's MCI codes and colour
                                         codes as well!
tgprot11.zip    5432 08-05-2024      The Telegard Protocol Pack
                                    Release 1.1 - April 13, 1997
                                  Contains a compilation of .PDF's
                                for various file transfer protocols.
                                [CE-XYZ, PDZmodem, HydraCom, Smodem]
                                    [HS/Link, IceZmodem, Vmodem]
                                     - Compiled by Jon Parise -
tgquot56.zip  322569 08-05-2024 TGQuote v5.6 - The most advanced quote file
                                generator available!  Makes a bulletin in
                                ANSI or ASCII.  Has internal layouts/styles,
                                or create a custom layout, or import a
                                background picture or layout.  Easy to
                                install, setup, and operate.  User can edit,
                                print, add quotes, and much more!  SysOp can
                                use in BBS so users can send a quote to the
                                next user.  $10/one-time registration.
tgs11.zip      55942 08-05-2024 TGStudio v1.1 - Telegard 3.0+ *.MSG Editor
                                Powerfull tool  to  edit and modify TG format
                                text files.   LOAD  and  SAVE TG 3.0 (*.MSG),
                                ANSI,  ASCII  and  BINARY files.  25/50 lines
                                text mode, up to 100 lines in 2 pages, TG MCI
                                codes & text files reference charts built in,
                                block  operations like fill,  erase,  delete,
                                copy/move (between pages), menu driven system
                                advanced palette system and lots more.
                                         A MUST TO EVERY TG SYSOP!           
                                 MicroEuropa Software Development Department
tgso100.zip    10441 08-05-2024 --------------------------------------------
                                -.-              TGSO v1.00              -.-
                                 Enables Telegard SysOps to have a Telegard
                                  Support area on their Telegard v3.02 BBS
                                 Fully lightbarred -- Matt Hanson 1:104/152
tgstat15.zip   40468 08-05-2024 TGStat v1.5 - All Status Bulletin Generator
                                TGStat  is a statistical  bulletin  generator
                                for Telegard 3.0+. Some of  it's features are
                                fast buffered users list  read and sort, more
                                than  490 MCI  codes  supported,  Sorts users
                                list  for  22 different categories, unlimited
                                number of  bulletins  in  ONE PASS!, supports
                                Left, Right and Center  justify  TG MCI codes
                                and date expand (to string)  MCI codes, allow
                                to visualize  on screen the created bulletin,
                                test mode features (visualize with no writing
                                on disk),  allow to run templates  on command
                                line or  in  a config  file  and  much  more.
                                24 default TEMPLATES INCLUDED!  Another  good
                                release from MicroEuropa.
                                 MicroEuropa Software Development Department
tgstrp10.zip   12451 08-05-2024           TeleStrip v1.0
                                Strips a plain ASCII text file of
                                all Telegard and Pipe Color Codes. 
                                (C) Blood Enterprises, 1998 [DOS]
tgsv10.zip     11947 08-05-2024       Telegard Sysop Validator 1.0
                                  Searches your Version 7 nodelist for
                                 a new user's name to determine if they
                                are a listed Sysop.  If a match is made,
                                 a semaphore file is created for you to
                                 test for in a script.  Also optionally
                                 generates a report notice which can be
                                   mailed to any user on your system.
                                   - For the new user logon process -
                                 Freeware from North Star Technologies.
tgsysop2.zip    7781 08-05-2024 TGSYSOP2 V 1.02 Is A Visiting Sysop And
                                Automatic BBS List Script For Telegard 
                                TGSYSOP2  Will Auto Posts E-Mail To The
                                Sysop As Well Post In The Message Echo's
                                Of Your Choice. Added Support for Telenet
                                addresses and Hours Automaticly Creates
                                A BBS List. Makes A Downloadable BBS List.
                                From The Makers of DawgWare! If It's
                                DawgWare, It Has To Be Great Stuff!!
tgtag100.zip   33808 08-05-2024 |11TGTag v1.00 |09- The First File Tagger
                                |08  |09 For Telegard v3.00
                                |12TGTag |09now makes file-tagging in new
                                |01Telegard |09as easy and as fun as you
                                |09ever wanted it to be! Among its
                                |09features are:
                                |14 * |09File list status line.
                                |14 * |09Easy tagging using arrow keys.
                                |14 * |09Fast file list browse forward
                                |14   |09and backwards using arrow keys.
                                |14 * |09Unlimited files in download queue!
                                |13  |12TG SYSOP :  TRY THIS NOW |13
tgtop100.zip   18503 08-05-2024 
tgts300.zip    27607 08-05-2024 Telegard Top Stats v3.00 - 01/03/1997͸
                                A FREEWARE top bulletin generator for the  
                                Telegard BBS software v3.00+.  Creates     
                                bulletins of the top user, and top day in  
                                history for almost any category.  This is  
                                for people who want the TOP statistic, not 
                                the top "x" number.  Very nice output.     
                                 Bulletins created by use of templates and
                                  MCI codes.                               
                                 Unlimited number of bulletins created in 
                                  one pass by use of a list file.          
                                 MCI code left justification.             
                                 Line centering.                          
                                 High and low security-to-ignore limits.  
                                 Earliest date-to-include limit.          
                                 Fully multinode compatible.              
                                 Fully multilingual compatible.           
                                Gordon A. Kocian <> Death Row Software Inc.
tgtu104.zip    27265 08-05-2024 --- TGTOPUSR 1.04 ------------------------
                                --- by Steve Eastland --------------------
                                Now you can have top user bulletins for
                                your Telegard 3.0 BBS! TGTOPUSR creates 8
                                different bulletins of file, message, and
                                time stats. Completely color configurable,
                                an option to avoid the SysOp account, and
                                you can even specify the number of users
                                to include for each bulletin!  Get it!
                                --- released 08/14/96 --------------------
tgul110.zip    10761 08-05-2024 -=-----------------------------------=-
                                        .:[ TGUSRLST v1.10 ]:.
                                Telegard  User  Lister  [tgusrlst] is a
                                program to  create  a text file of your
                                USERS.DAT. Lists: Name, Handle, Address
                                Phone #'s, SL Level, First/Last On Date
                                Plus   much,  much   more.    Bugfixes!
                                UNZip,  and  run.   It's  that  simple.
                                        F  R  E  E  W  A  R  E
tgum100.zip    27796 08-05-2024 TGUM v1.00 - Telegard v3.0+ User Maintenance
                                utility.  TGUM will nuke inactive users based
                                on the # days of inactivity, and a specified
                                ACS.  You can define as many days/ACS combi-
                                nations as needed. TGUM will properly adjust:
                                voting results, short messages, e-mail (both
                                JAM & Squish formats supported), *.MSI files,
                                user macros, and lastread pointers.  Confirm
                                feature allows the sysop to to confirm any
                                deletions.  Freeware!
tgu_140.zip    95209 08-05-2024 
tgvs101.zip     5262 08-05-2024 -      TG Visiting Sysop v1.01        -
                                - TGVS is a basic inform to allow     -
                                - you to check for visiting sysops    -
                                - logging in to your system.  TGVS    -
                                - gathers information about the other -
                                - sysops system and then send you     -
                                - mail telling you they have logged   -
                                - in.  Minor bux fix over v1.00       -
                                -                                     -
                                -       Dark Zone Software 1996       -
tgw5_10.zip    16626 08-05-2024 
                                |    TGW5 Version 1.0 - NODES.DAT Editor
                                 Like many other programs, TGW5 gives you
                                  control over Telegard's NODES.DAT file.
                                  But unlike those other programs, TGW5
                                  gives you almost TOTAL control! Edit the
                                  status, location, handle, baud rate,
                                  etc. for just one node or for ALL nodes
                                  at once right from the command line!
                                  Even adjust the nodes' availability!      
                                  The first release from PHOENIX BBS Mods.  |
tgwav112.zip  300077 08-05-2024 TGWAVE v1.12 - Blue Wave and QWK compatible
                                offline mail door for Telegard v3.0. Features
                                include: full support for the Blue Wave mail
                                system, keywords and filters, bundling comm-
                                ands and macros, user file requests, offline
                                configuration, server/robot feature, multiple
                                language support, vacation mail, full support
                                of Blue Wave v2.20's new features, seamless
                                Fido<->UUCP Internet e-mail gateway support.
                                Menus, text screens, and ALL language strings
                                are fully sysop configurable, and much more!
tgwfc140.zip   20801 08-05-2024 -      WFC Color Select v1.40      -
                                - Allows you to change the default -
                                - WFC colors with a simple to use  -
                                - menu of choices.  Added, Edit,   -
                                - Delete and Install differant     -
                                - color configs into TG on the     -
                                - fly!  Multi-Tasker Aware!        -
                                -                                  -
                                -           DOS / FreeWare         -
                                -                                  -
                                -     Dark Zone Software 1997      -
tgwho100.zip   15894 08-05-2024 -- TG Alterwho v1.0 --
                                Designed to modify TG
                                v3.01+ NODES.DAT to a
                                sysop definable notice.
                                 *   Freeware    *
                                 Author : Steve Adams
tgwsl100.zip    5028 08-05-2024  Telegard Web Site Lister v1.00
                                 Allows users to view/add to a
                                 list of good World Wide Web
                                                   Katt / GiN
tgxmas1.zip    10295 08-05-2024 - Telegard Christmas Screens v1.00 -
                                - A collection of christmas ANSI's -
                                - and a LOGON.SCR mod to display   -
                                - them in random order to every    -
                                - caller.                          -
                                -                                  -
                                -     Dark Zone Software 1996      -
tgy2k100.zip   27815 08-05-2024       Countdown to Year 2000 v1.00
                                Generates a bulletin displaying the
                                years, days, hours, minutes, and seconds
                                until January 1st, 2000. Freeware!
                                (C) Blood Enterprises, 1998  [DOS/OS2]
tg_21pcr.zip    5475 08-05-2024 How to setup a Post Call Ratio in Telegard
                                very detailed document great for beginners
                                includes ansi/ascii examples as well which
                                canbe used on your bulletin board service.
                                FILENAME: TGPCR.DOC LAST REVISION 03/21/96  
tg_2damp11.z       0 01-01-1980 - AutoMessage Plus v1.10.FW -
                                - MOD to allow use of F/S   -
                                - editor on Auto Messages   -
                                - in Telegard bbs v3.01     -
                                - and 3.02.                 -
                                -                           -
                                -  Dark Zone Software 1996  -
tg_2damp11.zip    5865 08-05-2024 - AutoMessage Plus v1.10.FW -
                                - MOD to allow use of F/S   -
                                - editor on Auto Messages   -
                                - in Telegard bbs v3.01     -
                                - and 3.02.                 -
                                -                           -
                                -  Dark Zone Software 1996  -
tg_2dfhead.z       0 01-01-1980 "File Base Headers For Telegard v3.02/3.09
                                Giver your Telegard BBS a New Look!!
                                Seven Colours To Pick From!
                                A Plug In and it Works File. From
                                The Makers of DawgWare! If It's
                                DawgWare It Has To Be Great Stuff!! 
tg_2dfhead.zip    5691 08-05-2024 "File Base Headers For Telegard v3.02/3.09
                                Giver your Telegard BBS a New Look!!
                                Seven Colours To Pick From!
                                A Plug In and it Works File. From
                                The Makers of DawgWare! If It's
                                DawgWare It Has To Be Great Stuff!! 
tg_2dfl102.z       0 01-01-1980 --- TG-FLIST 1.02 ------------------------
                                --- by Steve Eastland --------------------
                                TG-FLIST is an all files list creator for
                                your Telegard 3.0 BBS.  Many options, such
                                as avoid areas, using header/footer files,
                                only new files, a top downloaded files
                                list, and more!  A must for any SysOp that
                                uses Telegard 3.0! Try it, you'll like it!
                                --- released 01/09/97 --------------------
tg_2dfl102.zip   16481 08-05-2024 --- TG-FLIST 1.02 ------------------------
                                --- by Steve Eastland --------------------
                                TG-FLIST is an all files list creator for
                                your Telegard 3.0 BBS.  Many options, such
                                as avoid areas, using header/footer files,
                                only new files, a top downloaded files
                                list, and more!  A must for any SysOp that
                                uses Telegard 3.0! Try it, you'll like it!
                                --- released 01/09/97 --------------------
tg_2dhs100.z       0 01-01-1980 --- TG-HSTAT 1.00 ------------------------
                                --- by Steve Eastland --------------------
                                A very handy utility for your Telegard
                                3.0 BBS.  TG-HSTAT creates a file showing
                                total statistics such as calls, posts,
                                uploads, etc, as well as today's stats,
                                plus a list of the ten most downloaded
                                files, and a chart of bps rates of callers
                                for the day.  Like CoolStat for Telegard
                                2.7, but much better!  Grab it now!
                                --- released 07/14/96 --------------------
tg_2dhs100.zip   22845 08-05-2024 --- TG-HSTAT 1.00 ------------------------
                                --- by Steve Eastland --------------------
                                A very handy utility for your Telegard
                                3.0 BBS.  TG-HSTAT creates a file showing
                                total statistics such as calls, posts,
                                uploads, etc, as well as today's stats,
                                plus a list of the ten most downloaded
                                files, and a chart of bps rates of callers
                                for the day.  Like CoolStat for Telegard
                                2.7, but much better!  Grab it now!
                                --- released 07/14/96 --------------------
tg_2dls11p.z       0 01-01-1980 -    Login Setup v1.10.FW+    -
                                - User preference utility for -
                                - use with Telegard v3.02.    -
                                - ANSI only version.          -
                                -                             -
                                -     Acidic / Katt 1996      -
tg_2dls11p.zip    8293 08-05-2024 -    Login Setup v1.10.FW+    -
                                - User preference utility for -
                                - use with Telegard v3.02.    -
                                - ANSI only version.          -
                                -                             -
                                -     Acidic / Katt 1996      -
tg_2dmenu1.z       0 01-01-1980 -    TG Ansi Menus v1.0   -
                                -  Ansi by: David Stumpf  -
                                - Dark Zone Software 1996 -
tg_2dmenu1.zip    7694 08-05-2024 -    TG Ansi Menus v1.0   -
                                -  Ansi by: David Stumpf  -
                                - Dark Zone Software 1996 -
tg_2dmhead.z       0 01-01-1980 "Message Base Headers For Telegard v3.09
                                Giver your Telegard BBS a New Look!!
                                Five Colours To Pick From!
                                A Plug In and it Works File. From
                                The Makers of DawgWare! If It's
                                DawgWare It Has To Be Great Stuff!!! 
tg_2dmhead.zip    5109 08-05-2024 "Message Base Headers For Telegard v3.09
                                Giver your Telegard BBS a New Look!!
                                Five Colours To Pick From!
                                A Plug In and it Works File. From
                                The Makers of DawgWare! If It's
                                DawgWare It Has To Be Great Stuff!!! 
tg_2dmns.zip   46018 08-05-2024         TeleGard MultiNode Scripts 
                                 This has to be one of the best things     
                                 to happen to TG since its new release!    
                                 With nothing but scripts, you are allowed 
                                 to send longer internode messages at the  
                                 speed of lightning, ignore other nodes    
                                 for privacy, make other nodes run any     
                                 script, and MUCH more!  Check it out!     
tg_2dreg01.z       0 01-01-1980 TG-REG01 V1.01 Is a User Registery Script
                                For Telegard BBS Users. It Posts E-Mail To
                                The Sysop To Let Them Know That a User Has 
                                Filled It Out. Seporate Output Files For
                                Male and Female Users. AR Flags Are Used To
                                Restrict Viewing Until The User Fills One Out
                                It Also Sends a Thank You Note To The User.
                                Another Plug It In And It Works Script.
                                From The Makers of DawgWare! If It's
                                DawgWare, It Has To Be Great Stuff!!
tg_2dreg01.zip    9995 08-05-2024 TG-REG01 V1.01 Is a User Registery Script
                                For Telegard BBS Users. It Posts E-Mail To
                                The Sysop To Let Them Know That a User Has 
                                Filled It Out. Seporate Output Files For
                                Male and Female Users. AR Flags Are Used To
                                Restrict Viewing Until The User Fills One Out
                                It Also Sends a Thank You Note To The User.
                                Another Plug It In And It Works Script.
                                From The Makers of DawgWare! If It's
                                DawgWare, It Has To Be Great Stuff!!
tg_2dreg02.z       0 01-01-1980 TG-REG02 V1.02 Is a User Registery Script
                                For Telegard BBS Users. It Posts E-Mail To
                                The Sysop To Let Them Know That a User Has 
                                Filled It Out. Seporate Output Files For
                                Male and Female Users. AR Flags Are Used To
                                Restrict Viewing Until The User Fills One Out
                                It Also Sends a Thank You Note To The User.
                                Another Plug It In And It Works Script.
                                From The Makers of DawgWare! If It's
                                DawgWare, It Has To Be Great Stuff!!
tg_2dreg02.zip    9992 08-05-2024 TG-REG02 V1.02 Is a User Registery Script
                                For Telegard BBS Users. It Posts E-Mail To
                                The Sysop To Let Them Know That a User Has 
                                Filled It Out. Seporate Output Files For
                                Male and Female Users. AR Flags Are Used To
                                Restrict Viewing Until The User Fills One Out
                                It Also Sends a Thank You Note To The User.
                                Another Plug It In And It Works Script.
                                From The Makers of DawgWare! If It's
                                DawgWare, It Has To Be Great Stuff!!
tg_2dul102.z       0 01-01-1980 --- TG-ULIST 1.02 ------------------------
                                --- by Steve Eastland --------------------
                                TG-ULIST creates a user listing showing
                                user name, gender, and last call date.
                                Completely color configurable, plus the
                                ability to strip all colors for a plain
                                text file!  New easy-to-use config program
                                included with this release!  Get it today!
                                --- released 08/02/96 --------------------
tg_2dul102.zip   18458 08-05-2024 --- TG-ULIST 1.02 ------------------------
                                --- by Steve Eastland --------------------
                                TG-ULIST creates a user listing showing
                                user name, gender, and last call date.
                                Completely color configurable, plus the
                                ability to strip all colors for a plain
                                text file!  New easy-to-use config program
                                included with this release!  Get it today!
                                --- released 08/02/96 --------------------
tg_2dwfc10.z       0 01-01-1980 -  WFC Color Select v1.00  -
                                - Allows you to change the -
                                - default WFC colors with  -
                                - a simple to use menu of  -
                                - choices.                 -
                                -                          -
                                - Dark Zone Software 1996  -
tg_2dwfc10.zip   41959 08-05-2024 -  WFC Color Select v1.00  -
                                - Allows you to change the -
                                - default WFC colors with  -
                                - a simple to use menu of  -
                                - choices.                 -
                                -                          -
                                - Dark Zone Software 1996  -
tg_2dxs106.z       0 01-01-1980 --- TG-XSTAT 1.06 -----------------------
                                --- by Steve Eastland -------------------
                                A very handy utility for your Telegard
                                3.0x BBS, TG-XSTAT displays the stats for
                                the day on the screen without having to
                                load up Telegard itself!  Self-updating,
                                detects the presence of SHARE, completely
                                color configurable, and more!  Grab it
                                now!  NEW: Node monitor, bug fixes, more!
                                --- released 01/09/97 -------------------
tg_2dxs106.zip   28356 08-05-2024 --- TG-XSTAT 1.06 -----------------------
                                --- by Steve Eastland -------------------
                                A very handy utility for your Telegard
                                3.0x BBS, TG-XSTAT displays the stats for
                                the day on the screen without having to
                                load up Telegard itself!  Self-updating,
                                detects the presence of SHARE, completely
                                color configurable, and more!  Grab it
                                now!  NEW: Node monitor, bug fixes, more!
                                --- released 01/09/97 -------------------
tg_302.zip    568829 08-05-2024    Telegard BBS Software Version 3.02/DOS
                                (*-------- Released: JULY 14, 1996 --------*)
                                Full featured BBS software for beginners to
                                experts alike!  JAM and Squish format message
                                bases, powerful file section w/file tagging,
                                mulitnode support, full multilingual support,
                                languages with text and key configs (>length,
                                255 colours, 100+ MCI codes), RIP support,
                                powerful menus, scripts, doors and more!
tg_309g2.zip  656685 08-05-2024     Telegard BBS Version 3.09.g2 for DOS
                                (*------ Release date: July 5, 1998 ------*)
                                Full featured bulletin board system software
                                for beginners and experts!  Features full 
                                message section with JAM and Squish formats,
                                a full file section w/file tagging & CDROM 
                                support, multinode, multilingual, powerful 
                                menus, scripting language, and door support!
tg_don8.zip     6249 08-05-2024 TG*   Donation Application Script v1.0   *TG
                                This is a fully customizable donation script
                                for Telegard. This script will let the sysop
                                know that a user has filled out the app. and 
                                will send them a message thanking them for    
                                their donation.                              
                                      A MUST HAVE FOR EVERY TG SYSOP!
                                A Rebel Alliance Production - [916] 684-6897
tg_head.zip     2431 08-05-2024 A collection of File Headers
                                For Telegard. Five different
                                Color Schemes.
                                From Warrior's Elite BBs
tg_head1.zip    3301 08-05-2024 =[The Rebel Alliance]=Ŀ
                                 ۲ jM     ۲  
                                     ....& sCi fi bBs.....     
                                    New Headers for TGv3.02    
                                     File, Message, & Menu     
tg_nmsgs.zip    5200 08-05-2024 =[The Rebel Alliance]=Ŀ
                                 ۲ jM     ۲  
                                     ....& sCi fi bBs.....     
                                     New Message LightBar!     
                                      Script for TG v3.02      
tg_os2.zip     94816 08-05-2024 How to set up 2 Nodes of Telegard under OS/2
tg_upg32.zip   22024 08-05-2024 UPGRADE v1.02 - Upgrades Telegard 2.7 -> 3.0
tlog100.zip    31538 08-05-2024 /---------------------------------------\
                                |  ----==TRASH-LOG==----      v1.00     |
                                | Tired of  programs making  logs  that |
                                | contains tons of useless information? |
                                | Well, Trashlog  will  remove  all the | 
                                | lines that you don't like!            |
                                |    ***********FREEWARE***********     |
                                |      (c)1997 Maciek Bukczynski        |
tmail150.zip   67078 08-05-2024 
tnsm101.zip    82407 08-05-2024 - TG Node Status Monitor v1.01  -
                                -  Allows the sysop to monitor  -
                                -  the status of up to 10 nodes -
                                -  under windows 3.x, 95 & NT.  -
                                -                               -
                                -  Released on 10/17/97         -
                                -  as FreeWare                  -
                                -                               -
                                - (c) Dark Zone Software 1997   -
top1210.zip    10866 08-05-2024 Top 12 TG v1.0 
                                 Top 12 posters for Telegard   
                                 3.0.  Configurable header and
                                 colors.  Uses TG color codes. 
                                 Dekka Visions(c) 1996        
topuser1.zip   52510 08-05-2024 
trumor23.zip   67914 08-05-2024 
tsc_100.zip    10109 08-05-2024 - Telegard Signature Censor v1.00 -
                                -                                 -
                                -  Filters unwanted words out of  -
                                -  user signatures saved in TG.   -
                                -                                 -
                                -         DOS / TG (3.10)         -
                                -                                 -
                                -     Dark Zone Software 1998     -
tsetup10.zip  131806 08-05-2024      T-Mail for Os/2 quick setup  
                                This archive contains all the configuration
                                and cmd files to get T-Mail for Os/2 and a
                                Telegard BBS up and running in then one
                                hour or less. Also needed the lastest
                                Os/2 beta of T-Mail and hstart05.zip
                                Weird things from kaOs BBs
                                1:121/76 FidoNet
ttop2b.zip     14470 08-05-2024 
tug012.zip     20677 08-05-2024 TUG v0.12 - Top Users Generator for TG v3
                                TUG generates 8 bulletins for Telegard
                                including top 10 posters, callers, post/call
                                ratio, download k, upload k, download ratio
                                and upload ratio.  Completely configurable.
                                Completely free.  Beta version.
t_2ddos120.z       0 01-01-1980    T-DOS v1.2Beta for Telegard 3.0   
                                If you miss Telegard 2.7's Mini-DOS, this
                                program is for you.  T-DOS gives you access
                                to many DOS functions remotely, while
                                integrating Telegard's archive and protocol
                                definitions to allow easy archive management
                                and file downloads right from the T-DOS
t_2ddos120.zip   41155 08-05-2024    T-DOS v1.2Beta for Telegard 3.0   
                                If you miss Telegard 2.7's Mini-DOS, this
                                program is for you.  T-DOS gives you access
                                to many DOS functions remotely, while
                                integrating Telegard's archive and protocol
                                definitions to allow easy archive management
                                and file downloads right from the T-DOS
urwrd11.zip    13980 08-05-2024 
usegrf10.zip   13391 08-05-2024 
user27.zip      9460 08-05-2024 
usercomp.zip    5389 08-05-2024 
votef150.zip   10312 08-05-2024 VOTEFIX v1.50 - Repair Telegard 3.0x Voting
                                Records.  Recounts total votes or rebuilds
                                vote records from user records. 
vsysv1_0.zip    6121 08-05-2024 *TG  Telegard Visiting SysOp Script  TG*
                                |                                      |
                                | This Visiting SysOp script allows a  |
                                | user to enter information about his  |
                                | bbs to be diplayed by your BBs.  It  |
                                | is color and will send a message to  |
                                | the user thanking them.        v1.0  |
                                |                                      |
                                |____ A Warriors Elite Production! ____|
wdb121.zip      9513 08-05-2024 -==-==-==- Who Dropped By/TG -==-==-==-
                                 WDB v1.21/Telegard - Unique last caller    
                                 list bulletin generator of Telegard v3.0x 
                                    INCOMPATABLE WITH GAMMA VERSIONS       
                                 List Callers name, City, Time in, Time    
                                 Out, Baud, # Uls, # Dls, total Calls      
                                 Today, and KB Transfered.  100% Color     
                                 Configurable. Freeware! WORKS NOW!!!!     
                                 Emperial Productions - Emperial Software  
                                -==-==-==- Who Dropped By/TG -==-==-==-
wd_2dblst1.z       0 01-01-1980  BBS List LightBar Mod  o,.
                                ,      ,  eta 1   
                                .  .     .      ,
                                ,o  o,  o,.,o  
                                .  .  '
                                '      `
                                `    '    For TG 3.0+
wd_2dblst1.zip    6484 08-05-2024  BBS List LightBar Mod  o,.
                                     ,      ,  eta 1   
                                   .  .     .      ,
                                 ,o  o,  o,.,o  
                                 .  .  '
                                  '      `
                                     `    '    For TG 3.0+
woetgftl.zip    9378 08-05-2024 [telegard]:{file.tag.lightbar} (c) wOe [i2/96
                                |/    |    \/     _   \/      ___>|
                                |/    / \    \/     /     \/       _||
                                |/            /     /_     /        \__|
                                |\      |_____\____________\_____      \|
                                |\_____| wOe modifications! \_____/mS|
                                |  plug'n'play lightbar to replace tg's   |
                                | lovely default file tagging prompt. -mh |
yourinfo.zip   14598 08-05-2024 

              Area 114 - TIC File Processors              

aadd121b.zip   65743 08-05-2024 AUTOADD V1.21B  Automatically updates your
                                BBS with file areas auto-added by Allfix. No
                                more editing your file database for new file
                                areas or running FCOMP and FIXUTIL after a
                                new file area comes in. It's all done for
                                you! Supports PCboard, Renegade, Maximus,
                                Telegard, T.A.G, LoraBBS, Spitfire, ProBoard,
                                and RemoteAccess.  Random lockups fixed.
                                Requires Allfix (registered) 4.32 or Allfix/2
                                1.xx (or later).  ShareWare.
af2gb017.zip  850093 08-05-2024       ALLFIX/2 for OS/2, 6.00 build 17
                                          Gamma release version
                                ALLFIX is the most complete FileEcho and
                                EchoMail utility available. No other
                                program offers the large number of features
                                that are part of the ALLFIX package.
af2ra.zip       6600 08-05-2024 Allfix> RemoteAccess conversion utility.
                                Converts Allfix Fareas.fix to a Files.ra 2.xx
                                compatible datafile. By Joe Jared.
af2rau11.zip   10011 08-05-2024 AF_RAupd -=- Update RA2.0x with Allfix 4.31
                                ------------[ Version 1.10 ]---------------
                                This program allows you to update Remote-
                                Access's file areas with auto-added areas
                                from ALLFIX version 4.31.  Will not import
                                Passthru areas.  Uses directory information
                                to prevent duplicate entries.  Now, updates
                                your FREQ list for your frontend mailer.
af2_513.zip   884321 08-05-2024         ALLFIX for OS/2, 5.13
                                     Evaluation release version
                                ALLFIX is the most complete FileEcho utility
                                available. No other program offers the large
                                number of features that are part of the
                                ALLFIX package.
                                Version 5.13 is an update of version 5.12.
                                This means that we have solved a large number
                                of the problems that you have reported over
                                the past few months!
afdev513.zip   16195 08-05-2024 Developers kit for ALLFIX version 5.13
afixset.zip   331656 08-05-2024 Easy visual step by step setup for Allfix
                                This is an illustrated setup here for Allfix
                                with Wildcat! v4.x BBS and other various BBS
                                Allfix is one of the best Filetosser available
                                Written by Mufutau Towobola of Systematic BBS
                                FidoNet 1:278/111 BBS# --> (718) 716-6198
afu_513.zip  2844964 08-05-2024        ALLFIX Universal, 5.13
                                     Evaluation release version
                                ALLFIX is the most complete FileEcho utility
                                available. No other program offers the large
                                number of features that are part of the
                                ALLFIX package.
                                Version 5.13 is an update of version 5.12.
                                This means that we have solved a large number
                                of the problems that you have reported over
                                the past few months!
afxgb017.zip  862910 08-05-2024        ALLFIX for DOS, 6.00 build 17
                                          Gamma release version
                                ALLFIX is the most complete FileEcho and
                                EchoMail utility available. No other
                                program offers the large number of features
                                that are part of the ALLFIX package.
afx_513.zip   937588 08-05-2024         ALLFIX for DOS, 5.13
                                     Evaluation release version
                                ALLFIX is the most complete FileEcho utility
                                available. No other program offers the large
                                number of features that are part of the
                                ALLFIX package.
                                Version 5.13 is an update of version 5.12.
                                This means that we have solved a large number
                                of the problems that you have reported over
                                the past few months!
af_21gb017.z       0 01-01-1980      ALLFIX! for WildCat, 6.00 build 17
                                Gamma release version
                                ALLFIX is the most complete FileEcho and
                                EchoMail utility available. No other
                                program offers the large number of features
                                that are part of the ALLFIX package.
af_21gb017.zip  828214 08-05-2024      ALLFIX! for WildCat, 6.00 build 17
                                          Gamma release version
                                ALLFIX is the most complete FileEcho and
                                EchoMail utility available. No other
                                program offers the large number of features
                                that are part of the ALLFIX package.
af_21_513.zi       0 01-01-1980      ALLFIX! for WildCat!, 5.13
                                Evaluation release version
                                ALLFIX is the most complete FileEcho utility
                                available. No other program offers the large
                                number of features that are part of the
                                ALLFIX package.
                                Version 5.13 is an update of version 5.12.
                                This means that we have solved a large number
                                of the problems that you have reported over
                                the past few months!
af_21_513.zip  910482 08-05-2024      ALLFIX! for WildCat!, 5.13
                                     Evaluation release version
                                ALLFIX is the most complete FileEcho utility
                                available. No other program offers the large
                                number of features that are part of the
                                ALLFIX package.
                                Version 5.13 is an update of version 5.12.
                                This means that we have solved a large number
                                of the problems that you have reported over
                                the past few months!
af_raupd.zip    9292 08-05-2024 Allfix 4.31 to RemoteAccess 2.0x Update your
                                RemoteAccess Files.ra using information in
                                Allfix. Sets up auto-added areas using paths
                                to prevent duplicate installations. Doesn't
                                install passthru areas.
alltics.zip    52737 08-05-2024 ALLTICS v1.2 Utility to copy ALLTICS.0xx 
                                file for present day and unzip it in the 
                                toss directory. It will read the date from 
                                your system clock to figure out what file to 
                                copy and check for the existance of the file 
                                to prevent coping it again and unzipping it  
                                the second time.  Unzip this utility in your 
                                directory that the files will be processed   
                                from and use a batch file to run it.  Works 
                                like a charm. 
brv1b6.zip    831993 08-05-2024   Base Runner v1.o  
                                Complete TIC/Files & Request system for
                                PCBoard & Files.BBS systems. Unlimited
                                databases, file requesting, hatching,
                                auto unlink,auto uplink,adoptions,
                                deletions,areamgr,2 way file ids,
                                automated file movement,virus scan,
                                crc,2 level duplicate checking, full
                                traffic control and stat. reports etc.
                                This is a WIDE BETA.50 akas,256 groups,
                                50 origins,unlimited downlinking,
                                unlimited echos,file areas,nodes etc.
                                Processes User Uploads. Allows users
                                to download requested files from
                                other systems(If part of req. system)
                                Full node accounting with adjustable
                                limits,credits etc. Exciting new VGA
                                look and feel. Convert from Allfix
                                in seconds! (BETA 6)
                                 CompuData Systems. 
chaosfix.zip   97063 08-05-2024 ChaosFix v 1.11 - fileecho processor
                                (c)1997 xChaos software
                                T-Mail PASSWORD.LST 100% compatible!
                                T-Mail/FrontDoor DIR.FRQ compatible!
                                ProBoard style FILES.BBS compatible!
                                GoldEd 100% identical Fido netmails!
                                FILE_ID.DIZ import/export as 'LDesc'
                                auto add areas (read or read/write!)
                                optionaly anounces files by netmail
                                uses 'Areadesc' to create new area.
                                fuzzy logic 'Replace' analysis. . ..
                                hatching files, transit areas... .
                                notifying sysop via netmail.. . .
                                optionaly updates DIR.FRQ ... .
                                source code inluded !!!
                                GNU freeware.
ct_098g.zip   189063 08-05-2024 CrazyTick            Version 0.98g
                                      [OS/2 32 bit version]
                                      [ NT  32 bit version]
                                FileEchoProcessor for OS/2, Win32.  
                                Used EA on HPFS. Longnames support.
                                    3D-5D addressing support
                                LongOutbound (a-la Brake!) support
                                Long- and TMail- fileboxes support.
                                     Passthru areas support.
                                   Areafix and echoanswer a-la 
                                ALLFIX on RU.ALLFIX.MAIL support.
                                    FTN MsgID Server support
                                      Text config.
                                   (C) 1994-1999 by K.Lebedev
                                   Tushino,   Moscow,  Russia
                                   InterNet:   kirill@rptb.ru
                                   This is ShareWare...If you
                                   use it more 30 day,send me
                                   5-15$.Thanx for using... :-)
fan_120.zip   116305 08-05-2024 
ffx09910.zip  390139 08-05-2024  SHAREWARE ͸
                                    FastFIX v.0.99 alpha 10 build 14      
                                     The fastest fileecho processor       
                                 SHAREWARE BETA Ĵ
                                 The fastest fileecho processor          
                                 (50% of the full transfer your hard disk)
                                 More support mailer mode:               
                                   Arcmail-Attach Style                  
                                   Bink Style                            
                                   Portal of Power Style                 
                                   FileBoxes by T-Mail 25xx              
                                 Text (Squish type) config!              
                                 RemoteAccess BBS v2.xx support!         
                                 All text-mailers support                
                                   (T-mail, Fhmail, Bink and etc.)        
                                 AutoDetect all archivers ( and SFX)     
                                 Full supported AreaLink Manager         
                                 Support passtrough fechos.              
                                 Support all type of message-base        
                                 MAGIC technology file support           
                                 NeXT(tm) technology support!            
                                 Full Auto hatching!                     
                                 Sorting,Cleaner lost tics and more stuff
                                 International version!                  
                                 Copyright (c)1997-98 by Michail A.Baikov 
                                      Spirit Reality Group Relized      
fgate090.zip   19780 08-05-2024           FileGate v0.90
                                 Tired of  typing  in lots of  areas
                                 in  Allfix 4.31 File Echo Manager ?
                                 FileGate  will  import  a  standard
                                 text  file  and  create  the  areas
                                 using specified groups. Save hours!
                                    FreeWare from South Africa.
                                        ** Beta Version **
fm5d_110.zip   27376 08-05-2024 FM-5D v1.10 - Convert FileMgr style
                                outbound to BinkleyTerm 5D-Style
                                outbound. This is VERY handy if your
                                echomail tosser is really 5D like
                                Now also a OS/2 version included!
ftoss102.zip   32983 08-05-2024 FILETOSS v1.02 - Simple TIC processor for
                                points.  Now outputs to a standard FILES.BBS
                                and text list for virus scanner/rearchiver.
                                Lawrence Gordon, Author
hpt00508.rar  330280 08-05-2024 hpt,htick etc. May 08 2000
                                Win32 binaries, Changelogs,
                                fidoconfig doc
htick_2d0.9a       0 01-01-1980 Husky Project Htick 0.9a-stable
                                This archive contains the Htick
                                file ticker compiled for Win32.
htick_2d0.9a_2dwin.zip  125509 08-05-2024 Husky Project Htick 0.9a-stable
                                This archive contains the Htick
                                file ticker compiled for Win32.
lyme110.zip    58820 08-05-2024 LYME v. 1.1 -- Full featured TIC
                                  tosser for RemoteAccess 2.50
                                Offers easy set-up and use, full
                                integration with RA, support for
                                 FILE_ID.DIZ, LDesc fields, RAR
                                 compression, ALLTICS.* files,
                                  selective killing of areas,
                                built-in 'Ticket' function, and
                                 By Pab Sungenis -- Shareware,
                                         not crippled.
lyme20.zip    139698 08-05-2024 LYME v. 2.0 -- Full featured TIC
                                  tosser for RemoteAccess 2.50
msq10g2.zip    66962 08-05-2024 MOSQUITO v1.01 File Echo Processor
                                Gamma release of a file tosser that directly
                                support RemoteAccess and FILES.BBS systems.
                                File announcements and wildcards are
                                supported and Mosquito will also import
                                FILE_ID.DIZ descriptions.  Warning: No
                                hubbing or hatch support!  This is a test
                                release only.  Semi-freeware from Psycho Hut
mtic160d.zip  761995 08-05-2024 
                                       ۰   ۰     DPMI    
                                       ۱   ۱           
                                 MegaTIC  -  DER  MAXIMALE TICPROZESSOR 
                                 Version 1.60.00   DPMI [fr]   27/05/97 
                                 NEU: TIC Datei Editor                  
                                      SHOTGUN 1.38 Filebase Support     
                                      Req: Requestusereditor            
                                      Req: Zeige ungesendete Dateien    
                                      Diverse Bugfixes                  
                                  MegaTIC ist DER TICfileprozessor fuer 
                                  RA, PBoard, EzyCom, Maximus, Shotgun, 
                                  Concord und alle FILES.BBS Systeme    
                                * BRAUCHT KEINE UMWANDLUNGSPROGRAMME !  
                                * bis 16000 AKAs, Areas und Gruppen     
                                * SAA-Setup, Dupe-Checker, Newfilehatch 
                                * Arc-Konvert/V-Scan/Unwant-Check/ACUs  
                                * Announcements, Forward & Remindsystem 
                                + Filebase Pflege, Maintenance          
                                + Sehr schneller File-Requestprozessor  
                                  fuer McMail, CL, FD, IM, Binkley      
                                + Flexibler Filelisten Generator        
                                + Schneller Filefinder lokal & per Mail 
                                + Setup, Doku & Onlinehilfe in Deutsch  
                                 und noch viel viel mehr... GET IT !   
                                 echomail: MEGATIC.GER, BBS.MEGATIC     
                                 internet: http://home.pages.de/~dimes  
                                 FReq "MTIC" for DOS, "MTIC2" for OS/2 
                                  2:2449/528  2400-28800  V34,VFC       
                                  2:2449/529  64000       ISDN          
                                 Copyright (c) 1995-97 by DiMeS ͼ
mtic160o.zip  820158 08-05-2024 
                                      32  BIT  
                                       ۰   ۰    F O R    
                                       ۱   ۱  OS2 WARP 
                                 MegaTIC  -  DER  MAXIMALE TICPROZESSOR 
                                 Version 1.60.00   OS/2 [fr]   27/05/97 
                                 NEU: TIC Datei Editor                  
                                      SHOTGUN 1.38 Filebase Support     
                                      Req: Requestusereditor            
                                      Req: Zeige ungesendete Dateien    
                                      Diverse Bugfixes                  
                                  MegaTIC ist DER TICfileprozessor fuer 
                                  RA, PBoard, EzyCom, Maximus, Shotgun, 
                                  Concord und alle FILES.BBS Systeme    
                                * BRAUCHT KEINE UMWANDLUNGSPROGRAMME !  
                                * bis 16000 AKAs, Areas und Gruppen     
                                * SAA-Setup, Dupe-Checker, Newfilehatch 
                                * Arc-Konvert/V-Scan/Unwant-Check/ACUs  
                                * Announcements, Forward & Remindsystem 
                                + Filebase Pflege, Maintenance          
                                + Schneller File-Requestprozessor       
                                  fuer McMail, CL, FD, IM, Binkley      
                                + Flexibler Filelisten Generator        
                                + Schneller Filefinder lokal & per Mail 
                                + Setup, Doku & Onlinehilfe in Deutsch  
                                 und noch viel viel mehr... GET IT !   
                                 echomail: MEGATIC.GER, BBS.MEGATIC     
                                 internet: http://home.pages.de/~dimes  
                                 FReq "MTIC" for DOS, "MTIC2" for OS/2 
                                  2:2449/528  2400-28800  V34,VFC       
                                  2:2449/529  64000       ISDN          
                                 Copyright (c) 1995-97 by DiMeS ͼ
nefp244c.zip  157578 08-05-2024 NEF/pk 2.44 Docs and Configs
                                Tic File Processor for
                                BinkleyTerm-Style systems.
nefp244d.zip  337204 08-05-2024 NEF/pk 2.44 DOS/32 Executables
                                Tic File Processor for
                                BinkleyTerm-Style systems.
                                Supports Squish and *.MSG message
                                base formats via the Squish MSGAPI.
                                - Support for advanced TIC features.
                                - Integrated FileFix.
                                - Support for command line
                                  FileFix operations.
                                - Support for FileBone.Na files.
                                - Forwards requests for missing
                                  areas to the FileBone uplink.
                                - Announcement of tossed and
                                  hatched files.
                                - Full multitasking provisions,
                                  via BSY support, file sharing
                                  and delayed file-attaches for
                                  busy systems.
                                - Flexible MultiAka support.
                                - Outbound analysis and report.
                                - Timed PassThru areas.
                                - Area split/merge.
                                - Single node hatch.
                                - Fast Squish Netmail Scan.
                                - Optional support for Squish.Cfg.
                                - Optional support for Max 3.xx
                                  filebase update and new-area
nefp244n.zip  197577 08-05-2024 NEF/pk 2.44 NT Executables
                                Tic File Processor for
                                BinkleyTerm-Style systems.
                                Supports Squish and *.MSG message
                                base formats via the Squish MSGAPI.
                                - Support for advanced TIC features.
                                - Integrated FileFix.
                                - Support for command line
                                  FileFix operations.
                                - Support for FileBone.Na files.
                                - Forwards requests for missing
                                  areas to the FileBone uplink.
                                - Announcement of tossed and
                                  hatched files.
                                - Full multitasking provisions,
                                  via BSY support, file sharing
                                  and delayed file-attaches for
                                  busy systems.
                                - Flexible MultiAka support.
                                - Outbound analysis and report.
                                - Timed PassThru areas.
                                - Area split/merge.
                                - Single node hatch.
                                - Fast Squish Netmail Scan.
                                - Optional support for Squish.Cfg.
                                - Optional support for Max 3.xx
                                  filebase update and new-area
                                - Feature DLL support.
nefp244p.zip  221843 08-05-2024 NEF/pk 2.44 OS/2 Executables
                                Tic File Processor for
                                BinkleyTerm-Style systems.
                                Supports Squish and *.MSG message
                                base formats via the Squish MSGAPI.
                                - Support for advanced TIC features.
                                - Integrated FileFix.
                                - Support for command line
                                  FileFix operations.
                                - Support for FileBone.Na files.
                                - Forwards requests for missing
                                  areas to the FileBone uplink.
                                - Announcement of tossed and
                                  hatched files.
                                - Full multitasking provisions,
                                  via BSY support, file sharing
                                  and delayed file-attaches for
                                  busy systems.
                                - Flexible MultiAka support.
                                - Outbound analysis and report.
                                - Timed PassThru areas.
                                - Area split/merge.
                                - Single node hatch.
                                - Fast Squish Netmail Scan.
                                - Optional support for Squish.Cfg.
                                - Optional support for Max 3.xx
                                  filebase update and new-area
                                - User Friendly PM Hatch.
                                - Feature DLL support.
ptfl100.zip    31982 08-05-2024 PalmTick FeatherLight v1.00 - TickFile
                                pre-processor for PalmScan
                                Now you can use PalmScan - The       
                                Ultimate Archive Conversion Utility -
                                to process all incoming tickfiles !  
                                With PalmTick FeatherLight and       
                                PalmScan a whole lot of features will
                                be added to your file processing, and
                                it will be done very fast !          
ratic22a.zip   22865 08-05-2024 RATick version 2.2 is a TIC file 
                                processor especially designed for use 
                                with RemoteAccess BBS s/w. RaTick 
                                reads the TIC file, moves the files 
                                to designated directory, then calls 
                                RAFILE to import the descriptions from 
                                the TIC file into Rafile database. 
                                This version updates documentation and
                                registration procedures only. 
                                Registered users do not need this file.
rtic_1.zip     50560 08-05-2024 READTIC v1.0  Utility to read TIC files and
                                create a FILES.BBS from the descriotions
                                contained in the TIC file.  It will also
                                delete any TIC files associated with .ADS ot
                                .LHA named files.   Another FREE utility from
                                PAROLE Software.
sfile03.zip     4817 08-05-2024 SFILE is a small utility that will
                                separate files in a 'search' directory
                                and 'toss' them to 'target' directories
                                using alphabetic criteria
                                Useful for bbs's that may have several
                                file directories for one topic. (A thru
                                N, N thru Z, etc.)
                                version .03
sqflo130.zip   93443 08-05-2024 SqFilter 1.30. SqFilter is a multi-purpose
                                utility for FidoNet node and point systems.
                                - message filter,
                                - new files announcer,
                                - all files listing generator,
                                - Allfix filefind requests processor,
                                - statistics gatherer.
                                Works with JAM, Squish, *.MSG and Hudson
                                message bases. File-related features
                                require FILES.BBS compatible files lists.
                                Maximus and Lora-friendly. OS/2 version.
t2bbs510.zip   33732 08-05-2024 
t2tv210.zip    14840 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  Tic2Txt v2.10 by Robert Wagner   
                                     Tic2Txt makes a file list     
                                    from Tic files. Freeware!!!    
                                 Features: - FILES.BBS creation    
                                           - filelist creation     
                                           - Headers and Footers   
                                             freely configurable   
                                           - Echomail creation     
                                           - easy to configure     
tfa130pa.zip  184858 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      TFA: The File Announcer v1.30        
                                 * Capability of announce new files.       
                                 * Reply to files research in Allfix style 
                                   New: with extended descriptions!        
                                 * Support for all files.bbs style BBS     
                                   programs. Import from RA/SBBS/LORA/PB.  
                                 > New: Import from Concord gamma1-2       
                                 * Support for *.MSG/Hudson/Squish/JAM in  
                                   reading/writing messages.               
                                 > New: Support for MultiHudson.           
                                 * Full template system with quotes.       
                                 * Full languages support: Italian/English 
                                 * New: Italian/English documentation.     
                                 * Low registration price!!                
                                >>Copyright by Fausto Iannuzzi 1994-95(C)<<
tic2ra15.zip   79368 08-05-2024 Tic-To-Ra v1.50 -\ The Ultimate .TIC file
                                processor for the RemoteAccess BBS /-
                                Features include: you dictate what level
                                the log is written at, a copy or delete
                                mode, optional virus scanning, user-
                                specified Uploaded by for each area,
                                support to decompress the weekly FidoNet
                                NodeDiff, optionally import File_Id.Diz's
                                as file descriptions, uses RA's RAFILE.EXE
                                to import new files into and optionally
                                discard old files from the RA file
                                database, and much, much more.  ShareWare.
tick210.zip    95197 08-05-2024 ~~~~~~~~~~~~  Tick 2.10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                                Tick does for files what echomail does for
                                messages.  Using any ASCII editor, you set
                                up a configuration file to tell TICK about
                                your system and to set up file echo areas.
                                TICK looks in your inbound area for TIC
                                attaches, tosses them to the echo-area dir
                                you specify, and appends to that FILES.BBS.
tictoss.rar   126354 08-05-2024 
tictoss.zip    70922 08-05-2024     T I C  t o s s
                                        ver 3.0
                                     for WinNT & 9x
                                Copyright by Shurick 1997-99
tinytic_2d0.       0 01-01-1980 
tinytic_2d0.0.5_2dbeta_2dlinux.zip  173897 08-05-2024      ==== TinyTic v0.0.5b ====
                                           Win32 Compile
                                Written by Mike Dillon and Sean Dennis
                                A very simple, yet effective TIC
                                processor, written for the Synchronet
                                BBS sysop in mind, but can be modified
                                to work with other BBS systems.
                                (C) 2000 Mike Dillon and Sean Dennis.
tinytic_2d0.0.5_2dbeta_2dos2.zip   76912 08-05-2024      ==== TinyTic v0.0.5b ====
                                           OS/2 Compile
                                    REQUIRES EMX 0.9D OR HIGHER
                                Written by Mike Dillon and Sean Dennis
                                A very simple, yet effective TIC
                                processor, written for the Synchronet
                                BBS sysop in mind, but can be modified
                                to work with other BBS systems.
                                (C) 2000 Mike Dillon and Sean Dennis.
tinytic_2d0.0.5_2dbeta_2dwin32.zip   99403 08-05-2024      ==== TinyTic v0.0.5b ====
                                           Win32 Compile
                                Written by Mike Dillon and Sean Dennis
                                A very simple, yet effective TIC
                                processor, written for the Synchronet
                                BBS sysop in mind, but can be modified
                                to work with other BBS systems.
                                (C) 2000 Mike Dillon and Sean Dennis.
tkprc25.zip    48524 08-05-2024 Tick Processor v2.5
                                by Phil Miller 1:2201/8
                                P.O. Box 3281  Kalamazoo, Mich  49003
                                If you receive a large amount of files with
                                ticks, then TickProc is perfect for you.
                                TickProc allows you to MANUALLY manage ticks
                                and their associated files quick and easily.
tm21450.zip   431293 08-05-2024        ͻ
                                         ҷ  ҷ               Ŀ
                                 Fileechoprocessor TicManager v2.14.50 Ŀ
                                        DOS and OS/2 versions           
                                       Copyright (c) 1995-1999          
                                        Alexander S. Tokareff,          
                                 2:5077/27@fidonet,  dwalin@tyumen.ru   
tt0051d.zip   118010 08-05-2024    ==== TinyTic v0.0.5.1b ====
                                Written by Mike Dillon and Sean Dennis
                                A very simple, yet effective freeware
                                TIC processor, written for the
                                Synchronet BBS sysop in mind, but using
                                a third party utility such as MPost,
                                can be used with other BBS systems.
                                (C) 2000 Mike Dillon and Sean Dennis.
tt0051l.tgz   214787 08-05-2024 
tt0051w.zip   108340 08-05-2024    ==== TinyTic v0.0.5.1b ====
                                      Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000
                                Written by Mike Dillon and Sean Dennis
                                A very simple, yet effective freeware
                                TIC processor, written for the
                                Synchronet BBS sysop in mind, but using
                                a third party utility such as MPost,
                                can be used with other BBS systems.
                                (C) 2000 Mike Dillon and Sean Dennis.
yat110.zip    152678 08-05-2024 
zcview16.zip   50193 08-05-2024 ZCVIEW 1.6
                                Tic file viewer which
                                allows you to view
                                all your tic files
                                in a single run.
                                If you get alot
                                of tic files then
                                use ZCVIEW.
                                A ZC_PRODUCTION?(c)1995

                  Area 115 - TriBBS Utils                 

10a_lg.zip     74507 08-05-2024        @X08 @X0ETeaM SeX/aKa @X08
                                @X0F"@X0DThe banner you know means CooL!@X0F"
                                         @X0FLaSTGuY @X08v@X0F1o.oa
                                @X03LaSTGuY is a little "Who called
                                @X03last" program. Sysop can set up
                                @X03the colors in the bbs intro &
                                @X03name, caller name and location.
                                @X03PLUS - new feature includes the
                                @X03use of 'funny oneliners' talking
                                @X03about what the caller did while
                                         @X0FFINAL VERSION
10_cid.zip     72114 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-   C.i.D  1o.o    -=-=-=-=-=-
                                This simple little program allows you to
                                simulate the effect of having Caller ID.
                                For all you sysops that want or wish you
                                had it,  now you can fake it! Compatible
                                with  TRiBBS 1o.o  (or any BBS that uses
                                DOOR.SYS, and many, many more).
                                @X0EThis program is brought to you by
10_nfo.zip     78092 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-  NFo-FoRM 1o.o  -=-=-=-=-=-=
                                TriBBS 1o.o ->
                                Vision X & Obv/2 Style NFo-FoRMS! Let
                                New Users & Visiting Sysops fill this
                                out. Registration removes all delays.
                                Sysop definable screens .. ONLY $5.00,
                                why pay more for something that is far
                                less quality! Features my ansi from
                                1MATRIX and 2MATRIX, as seen in lesser
10_pig.zip     71217 08-05-2024        @X08 @X0ETeaM SeX/aKa @X08
                                @X0F"@X0DThe banner you know means CooL!@X0F"
                                         @X0FTHePiG  @X08v@X0F1o.o
                                @X0FK@X0Bee@X03p track of those "LOCKED OUT"
                                @X0FC@X0Bal@X03lers. Put the name on a list
                                @X0Fa@X0Bnd @X03let THePiG do the rest!
                                          @X0FCHeCK iT ouT
10_usu.zip      1007 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-  uPGRaDe 1o.o    -=-=-=-=-=-
                                This little User Self Upgrade is set in
                                a NUP &  NUA enviroment.  You can set it
                                up using the full thing, just the NUP or
                                just the NUA. For use with TRiBBS 1o.o .
10_wall.zip    74392 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-   THeWaLL 1o.o   -=-=-=-=-=-
                                ****************[ Beta ]****************
                                Just get it. You won't be sorry. .... ..
                                and if you are, well .... um.
10_wantd.zip   77748 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-   WaNTeD  1o.o   -=-=-=-=-=-
                                ****************[ Beta ]****************
                                File Request Door ... Will keep track of
                                up to 25 requests  (as not to burden any
                                callers =) with name, date and two lines
                                of request field ... Looks (and runs, so
                                far =) GREAT!
11_dmtrx.zip   80294 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=- DooR MaTRiX 1o.o -=-=-=-=-=-
                                !!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOKS GREAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                This  program  allows you to set up your
                                DOOR MENU using  LIGHT BARS.  COMPLETELY
                                SYSOP CONFIGURABLE.  A MUST have prog!!!
                                Compatible with TRiBBS 1o.o  (or any BBS
                                using DOOR.SYS, and many, many more).
                                FEATURES INCLUDE: Create Ansi, place the
                                doors where you want to using  XPOS/YPOS
                                in the config file,  stack  doors within
                                groups, & that isn't all.
                                If  you  are  dead  tired  of  butt ugly 
                                software, CHECK THIS OUT! This  will add
                                years of COOL looking LIFE to your board!
11_note.zip    75602 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-  THeNoTe 1o.1    -=-=-=-=-=-
                                This little Logon Note creates random
                                "intros" after a caller inputs a note.
                                Set in a nice little screen, it also has
                                the ability to use "at" codes.
                                For use with TRiBBS 1o.o .
11_usu.zip     81912 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-  uPGRaDe 1o.1    -=-=-=-=-=-
                                This little User Self Upgrade is set in
                                a NUP &  NUA enviroment.  You can set it
                                up using the full thing, just the NUP or
                                just the NUA. For use with TRiBBS 1o.o .
12_cid.zip     74783 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-   C.i.D  1o.2    -=-=-=-=-=-
                                This simple little program allows you to
                                simulate the effect of having Caller ID.
                                For all you sysops that want or wish you
                                had it,  now you can fake it! Compatible
                                with  TRiBBS 1o.o  (or any BBS that uses
                                DOOR.SYS, and many, many more).
13_dmtrx.zip   81266 08-05-2024 =-=-=-=- DooR MaTRiX 1o.3 UPDATE-=-=-=-=
                                !!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOKS GREAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                This  program  allows you to set up your
                                DOOR MENU using  LIGHT BARS.  COMPLETELY
                                SYSOP CONFIGURABLE.  A MUST have prog!!!
                                Compatible with TRiBBS 1o.o  (or any BBS
                                using DOOR.SYS, and many, many more).
                                FEATURES INCLUDE: Create Ansi, place the
                                doors where you want to using  XPOS/YPOS
                                in the config file,  stack  doors within
                                groups,& that isn't all. Update includes
                                method of setting up a multi layer door
                                setup & ability to define seperate color
                                for EACH highlight bar ...
1bnk102a.zip   90284 08-05-2024 1STBANK A TriBBS 10.x specific time bank.
                                Configurable for maximum amount of time that
                                can be stored, and max amount of time that
                                that can be deposited or withdrawn in any 1 
                                day.  Also has definable limits by security 
                                levels, reports to callers log unless 
                                disabled, Multi-node aware, easily 
                                configurable. Withdrawals not allowed when 
                                events are pending. Includes sysop editor to 
                                edit accounts when necessary. (minor update)
1mm0801.zip    52999 08-05-2024 ===========================================
                                       MultiMail Version .801 Alpha!!!
                                MultiMail! The first QWK/QWKE/BlueWave
                                Door for TriBBS! Features: On the Fly
                                Menu Creations, Editable Menus, PKZIP,
                                LHA, ARJ compression, Fixes USER.SPM
                                Files from Corruption. And Much More!
                                Test Drive version, fully functional.
                                Note: This version is for testing purposes
                                before going online.  SYSOPS: Please download
                                and report bugs ASAP! This version doesn't
                                support remote transfers YET!
1mmail08.zip   52057 08-05-2024 MultiMail Version .800 Alpha! MultiMail! The
                                first QWK/QWKE/BlueWave Door for TriBBS!
                                Features: On the Fly Menu Creations, Editable
                                Menus, PKZIP, LHA, ARJ compression, Fixes
                                USER.SPM Files from Corruption. And Much
                                More! Test Drive version, fully functional.
                                Note: This version is for testing purposes
                                before going online. SYSOPS: Please download
                                and report bugs ASAP! This version doesn't
                                support remote transfers YET!
2matrix.zip    11514 08-05-2024 LoGoN MaTRiX SiMuLaToR
                                ......[For TriBBS 10.0]........
                                Add a level of coolness to your
                                otherwise plain board ...... =)
                                ......[For TriBBS 10.0]........
                                Share The Knowledge
2xquote.zip    36623 08-05-2024 2X-Quote v10.0 For TriBBS Quote Of The Day
aegis.zip       6644 08-05-2024  Aegis Language ķ
                                 This is the default language I modified 
                                 for use on my board - Aegis BBS, #1802. 
                                 This version has been adapted for use on
                                 Tribbs version 10. Give it a try!       
afbttl20.zip   13003 08-05-2024 ABFBTOTL 2.0 - Another FILES.BBS to TriBBS
                                file list converter.  This converter will
                                convert FILES.BBS file listings that don't
                                have any file sizes or dates into TriBBS
                                file listings.  It will put in a dummy size
                                (0) and date (00/00/00).  My FLENGTH utility
                                can be used to correct both of these values.
                                This version provides compatibility with
                                TriBBS 5.01+ binary file lists.
allstat2.zip    2205 08-05-2024 Allstats2 - Tribbs 10 (Pro) bulletin or logon
                                screen that displays various @-variables to
                                display your Board, Today's and Users stats.
                                With more colors. ansi animated. Just rename
                                to a bullet##.ans or logon##.ans and put in
                                display directory. Feb 10, 1996
                                By: Bennie Prnka, By Appointment Only
alltrib.zip    11270 08-05-2024 How to use ALLFIX with TriBBS version 1.0,
                                written by Paul Lopez.
annce210.zip   20423 08-05-2024 ANNOUNCE v2.10.  by Robert Meier.
                                A TriBBS utility that publicly announces
                                new and uploaded files in any mail
                                conference of your choice.  Now with
                                added support to post messages to the
                                TriBBS message base, and this version
                                adds support for multiple message areas.
                                Similar to the file announcement of
                                by Robert Meier : robert@fc.co.za
ansistat.zip    2176 08-05-2024 -==] A More Colorful Stats Screen [==-
                                A colorful allstats logon-Bulletin stat
                                screen for TriBBS. I used a faster ansi
                                animation routine in this screen, to
                                speed-up 2400 bps re-draws. Free to all
                                TriBBS sysops.....enjoy!  Compliments
                                of James Mullen of Brazen's HELL! #745
ap140.zip      29721 08-05-2024 AutoPost v1.4 - The Ultimate AutoPost
                                Program!  Your callers can leave messages
                                for the next few callers.  Up to 4
                                messages at a time, each consisting of 3
                                lines.  Easy to use, and a popular feature
                                on BBS's!  Alias support (configurable)
                                and support for the TriBBS and PCB @X
                                color codes!  Plus, there is a full
                                word-wrap for entering messages.  You may
                                also lock out an unlimited number of users
                                by name or by alias, in addition to locking
                                users out by security levels.  This version
                                fixes some word wraping bugs in 1.3, and
                                adds more! The best AutoPost program 
                                Written by: Josh Perfetto
api10v01.zip  159173 08-05-2024 TriBBS 10.0 C/C++ API - This is prerelease
                                version 1 of the API. The API is intended
                                to assist programmers in developing doors
                                and utilities for TriBBS 10.x.
appy100.zip     9642 08-05-2024 APPALACHIAN ENGLISH language file for
                                TriBBS 5.x.  It's a bit English, a bit
                                Hillbilly and a little bit Southern.
bblock40.zip   19526 08-05-2024 BaudBlock 4.0 filters out new callers 
                                with slow modems.  Sysop configurable
                                minimum and maximum baud rates.
bbox10.zip     12589 08-05-2024 BBOX 1.0 - This program will convert the
                                file listings on a Black Box CD-ROM to the
                                TriBBS file listing format.
bbsnew25.zip  304589 08-05-2024  BBSNews Generator v2.5! 
                                BBSNews Generator is a simple utility for the
                                 TriBBS bulletin board system. It quickly and
                                  easily generates the BBSNEWS.BBS/RIP file
                                 using definable @X color codes for each news
                                  entry. You can use the default or your own
                                 custom BBS/RIP headers for your newsletter.
                                 BBSNews Generator keeps a running log of all
                                   news entries and writes all or a defined
                                number of entries to the BBSNEWS.BBS/RIP file
                                  with the latest news on top. MANY options!
                                 Generate your own custom looking newsletter!
                                   NOT CRIPPLED! Only has ONE shareware nag!
                                Many changes in this new version,Much faster!
                                       Written by Bill Genzer from the 
                                          Fathead BBS (409)657-3547
                                Download me NOW @FIRST@!!
bbsnews.zip     6519 08-05-2024        TRIBBSNEWS v1.0 
                                TRIBBSNEWS is a TRIBBS SPECIFIC program
                                that creates a BBSNEWS.BBS file
                                containing @x colour codes.  You as the
                                sysop simply input  (on the command
                                line) the date in which you want to
                                appear at the top of the news file.
                                And of coarse you also input the
                                desired info. for the news file. You
                                would sware it was done in ansi!
bbt111.zip     62903 08-05-2024 Big BBS Tic for TriBBS v1.11.  BBTic is
                                one of the _best_ TIC tossers written for
                                TriBBS! Includes support for downlinks,
                                wildcard area tags, orphan TIC files,
                                automatic extraction of FILE_ID.DIZ and
                                DESC.SDI files, file hatching,
                                replacement, detailed logging features,
                                excellent documentation and much much
                                more!!  Grab this TIC tosser today! NEW
                                since v1.10: Minor bug fixes and support
                                to OVERWRITE existing files!
bday10.zip      9754 08-05-2024 BIRTHDAY 1.0 is a logon program that creates a
                                @code birthday greeting screen for the current
                                caller.  Freeware
                                by Bob Dunnell, Fidonet 1:100/340.
bdays10.zip    31069 08-05-2024 Birthday 10.0 for TriBBS 10.0
                                Birthday will generate a screen containing
                                a list of all users with a birthday in the
                                current month.  Sysop configures whether
                                real names or alias names are used.
                                Freeware from Cyber Soft.
bdc10a.zip     51870 08-05-2024 @X0F
                                @X0F @X0DTriBDC 10.00A  TriBBS/TriBBS @X0F
                                @X0F @X0DPro  BirthDay Card Generator @X0F
                                @X0F @X05Ever  wanted  to  send  your @X0F
                                @X0F @X05users a happy birthday card? @X0F
                                @X0F @X05Well... This program sends a @X0F
                                @X0F @X05customizable  @-coded  B-Day @X0F
                                @X0F @X05screen to them through their @X0F
                                @X0F @X05n.BBS user specific  display @X0F
                                @X0F @X05screen.  A DIRT CHEAP $5 fee @X0F
                                @X0F @X05entitles you to a registered @X0F
                                @X0F @X05copy of this, and all future @X0F
                                @X0F @X05versions  of TriBDC. Another @X0F
                                @X0F @X0DQuality   MatrixWare  TriBBS @X0F
                                @X0F @X0DAddon By Bubbajoe & Calatius @X0F
                                @X0F @X0DDated 1/3/96  Replaces 10.00 @X0F
bkbank37.zip  174753 08-05-2024 ķ
                                          B&K TimeBank v3.70          
                                 B&K TimeBank is for TriBBS 10.0/Pro  
                                 Only!! This is an awesome TimeBank   
                                 door with a TWIST!. User's can elect 
                                 to have Rob Attempt on their first   
                                 visit in the bank. Totally Sysop     
                                 configurable!! You have the cotnrol! 
                                 User Account Editor, Nice Interface! 
                                 This new version adds more control   
                                 for the sysop!, added a few nice     
                                 screens for the new additions.       
                                          BugFix Release!!            
                                    Brought to you by B&K Soft        
bkuser11.zip   40631 08-05-2024 B&KUser Finder v1.1 - A TriBBS v10.0
                                Utility to allow your users on your
                                BBS to look up other users by inputting
                                a partial string to match against.
                                Extremely FAST and FREE to ALL Registered
                                TriBBS Sysops! This update version now
                                pauses every 22 lines and waits for the
                                user to hit a key.
                                By B&K Soft
bkwho11.zip    21291 08-05-2024 BKWhoson v1.1 - This TriBBS 10.0/Pro
                                utility is designed to be ran from
                                your logon.bat file. This will create
                                a logon screen showing your callers
                                who is currently online. Has a bit
                                of LORD's look. By B&K Soft
                                This update changes line spacing
                                to 1 line instead of 2.
bliz30.zip     25807 08-05-2024     --=*> WBS Presents <*=--             
                                BLiZZaRD Language v3.0  for TriBBS!      
                                The Best Full Color ANSi Language file
                                available for TriBBS systems.  PCBoard
                                has Violator, TriBBS has BLiZZaRD!!!!
                                This version includes 3 Cool Menu Sets,
                                ANSi Stats Screens, and Logon screens.
                                You've never seen a language like this!
bmenu2sw.zip   23906 08-05-2024 BM-MENU 2.0 NEW RELEASE!!!!
                                Shareware release of BM-Menu
                                menu generator for TriBBS systems.
                                Only $20 to register. This program
                                is NOT CRIPPLED in any way.
bnkman13.zip   93765 08-05-2024 BankMan 1.3 - TriBBS 10.x TimeBank -
                                Desqview, Windows, and OS/2 AWARE!!!
                                Balance-Deposit-Withdrawal. Customize
                                MaxWithdrawal/day,MaxWager 3 time gambling
bounce20.zip   43461 08-05-2024 ͸
                                      = Bouncer v2.0 =       
                                 Restricts access to any door based on 
                                 user's name, age, security level, or  
                                 can require a password to enter.      
                                 Compatible with many BBS platforms,   
                                 including TriBBS.                     
                                brought to you by SaltySoft
bstats21.zip   81312 08-05-2024 @X0F*** BBS Statistics Trakker v2.1 ****
                                State  of  the  Art  BBS STATISTICAL    
                                program  for  TriBBS.  Uses  @- variable
                                color Codes. Creates Multi-Page  Screens
                                showing  info  from  your  Callers  log.
                                Great  looking Graphical Screens and Bar
                                Charts  of  your  A.M.  &  P.M.  calls.
                                Creates a  Data base so Sysops  can Trim
                                or Delete that lengthy callers.log  file
                                at will, allowing  your between.bat file
                                programs  run faster. Auto  detects  all
                                your nodes up to 8. It is  faster than
                                most other programs like  this, and more
                                accurate  up  to  99%. If  you  want  to
                                improve  the looks of your TriBBS Board,
                                and be able to speed up your between.bat
                                file,  then  you will want this program!
                                Download  it  today  and  give it a Try!
                                Now Accepting MasterCard & Visa!
                                @X0DFreejack's Software by Gary Price   
callno10.zip   19564 08-05-2024 Caller number display screen.
                                Creates a @X code compatible
                                Screen file for use with TriBBS
                                Use this only with TriBBS 10.0
                                or TriBBS/Pro as it reads info
                                out of the SYSDAT1.DAT file and
                                older versions of this file 
                                are not compatible.
                                Written by Onno Vrijburg.
calnum11.zip   11363 08-05-2024 CallNum 1.1: Adds a colorful logon screen to
                                greet your users with the number of total
                                system calls (i.e. "You are caller number
                                34314"), but the actual caller number is in
                                BIG ANSI characters!  Give it a try today!!!
                                I fixed a small bug that could happen if
                                there were leading or trailing spaces in the
                                configuration file.
calrt11.zip    30766 08-05-2024 CALRT11.ZIP v1.1 - run this in logon.bat and
                                fastlog.bat to alert you when specified
                                callers logon. Totally transparent to the
                                caller and takes less than a second to
                                compare over 400 names. Fixes the funky sound
                                at the end of the alarm. FREEWARE!
                                By Kerry Vinson, 1:100/591
caperlan.zip    6823 08-05-2024 The Cape Bretonese Language file for 
                                TriBBS 5.x.  Uses the humourous dilect 
                                from Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia.     
                                Grendel's Lair BBS, Sydney, NS
                                902-564-4752 14.4k 
chat10.zip     20453 08-05-2024 This is a full screen chat mode for Tribbs
                                it will let you set your paging hours and
                                more. If you want a full screen chat check
                                this one out.
cheeze15.zip   73940 08-05-2024   -@X07=@X0F[@X0CCheezeWare@X0F]@X07=@X08-
                                @X0D   @X08[@X0AcHeeZeWaLL@X08]   @X05
                                    @X08   v@X0F1.5     
                                @X0CTired of lame walls?
                                @X04Get this one!! This
                                @X0Ckicks all the other
                                @X04wall's butt! | TriBBS 5.0x
                                TAG 2.6f -> TriBBS 5.0x
                                RG 12-25Exp -> TriBBS 5.0x
                                RA 2.00 -> TriBBS 5.0x
                                Converts the User Bases over to
                                the TriBBS style, note: Not all fields
                                are converted due to incompatibilities.
cstat101.zip   41282 08-05-2024 -------------------------------------------
                                           Caller Statistics
                                      User definable screen output.
                                Use this only with TriBBS 10.0 or 
                                TriBBS/Pro as it reads info out of the 
                                USERS.DAT file and older versions of this 
                                file are not compatible.
                                If you thought LFC was good, give this 
                                utility a try.  
                                        Written by Onno Vrijburg.
cyber.zip      19478 08-05-2024 This is the Newest Version of Cyber 
                                Realms Default English languge file
                                for TRIBBS.  You have to see it to 
                                believe it!  Comes complete with
                                Ansi menus and sample questionaires.  
                                Hope you enjoy it.  Freeware for all
                                TRIBBS Sysops from Todd gleed and
                                John Daugherty SYSOP - CO_SYSOP 
                                   Cyber Realms BBS #1136
cyber10.zip    23281 08-05-2024 This is the colorized language
                                file we use on Cyber Realms BBS.
                                Includes Menus (Tri-Mail also), 
                                and questionaires that are also
                                colorized.  If you haven't looked
                                at the Cyber language, take a look
                                today. Updated for TriBBS 10.0
datarip4.zip    4416 08-05-2024 Number 4 of the famous DataTek RIP
                                screens made for TriBBS systems.
                                MAINALL, FILEALL, MESSALL and POSTRIP.
                                DatatEK BBS 810-541-2775
daycal12.zip   27755 08-05-2024 --- DAY-CALC for TriBBS, Version 1.2 --- 
                                This is a utility that extracts the 
                                caller's birthdate from the TRIBBS.SYS 
                                dropfile, then calculates the callers age
                                in days. A unique addition to you board!
                                To register, just send a postcard!
dbhelp3.zip    10249 08-05-2024 Another help file for D'Bridge. This contains
                                the RUNDB.BAT & EXEBBS.BAT that I used here
                                to setup D'Bridge 158. This is the Setup for
                                TriBBS.It worked well here, This is last one 
                                unless a new D'Bridge has alot of changes...
                                Added the LOCAL.BAT; WELCOME,INEVENT.BBS and
                                TOOSLOW.TXT and used screen captures to make
                                it easier to see what the screens look like
                                should be alot easier to use this time.
                                The Forgotten Realms BBS (312)579-0814 can
                                be FREQ'ed with the MAGIC name of DBHELP at
dc10_02.zip    45795 08-05-2024 Dropped Carrier for TriBBS 10
                                DC is a dropped carrier utility that
                                will monitor dropped carriers and send
                                the user who dropped a message in the
                                message base, after they have dc'd a 
                                specified number of times.  DC will 
                                also lock the user out for a specified
                                number of days after they have reached
                                the specified max dc's.  The lock out
                                feature can be disabled, if you wish.
                                DC was created at the request of Howard
                                Pockett.  Freeware to all registered
                                TriBBS sysops.  Cyber Soft
                                (2 new features added)
dchum20.zip    34421 08-05-2024 ͸
                                  = D/C Humiliator v2.0 =  
                                 >>> for all versions of TriBBS <<<
                                    Generates an @x-code bulletin  
                                 displaying the last 10 people to  
                                 drop carrier, humiliating them    
                                 and informing others of who may   
                                 have crashed the BBS! Displays    
                                 Name/Alias, where the caller is   
                                 from, time of carrier drop, and   
                                brought to you by SaltySoft
dc_del10.zip   32942 08-05-2024 @X0C[ CoNCePT DeLeTe v1.01 ]
                                @X0E For the TriBBS 10.0 Bulletin Boards      
                                @X08Brought to you by:
                                @X0C[ DREAM CONCEPTS ]  
                                @X09This program will allow you to define
                                @X09up to 3 different security levels that    
                                @X09you would like to have Marked For     
                                @X09Deletion.  Run as an event and have those 
                                @X09users at a specifuic level marked to have 
                                @X09their account deleted.  Not based on a 
                                @X09time period or other factors.  A log is   
                                @X09created to let you know who has been    
                                @X09Which means that it is:                 
dc_lck22.zip   65748 08-05-2024 CoNCePT LoCK v2.2 -  A File Menu Time Control
                                Lock for TriBBS 10.0 Bulletin Boards. This is
                                the perfect alternative to File\Byte ratios
                                and encourage participation in other areas of
                                your BBS!! You put a sysop defined amount of
                                time before a user can enter the File Menu.
                                ConCePT LoCK can be based on a user
                                percentage system, where the user controls if
                                their affected by the Time Lock, plus
                                included is a User Exclusion list, to exclude
                                anyone from the lock you wish. Minor Bug Fix.
                                Totally sysop configurable!!
dc_lev10.zip   32306 08-05-2024 CoNCePT LeVeL v1.01 - For the TriBBS 10.0
                                Bulletin Boards. This program will allow you
                                to define a security level that you would
                                like to globally change into another security
                                level, so all users at one security level
                                will be at the new one you defiened. A log is
                                created to let you know who has been changed.
ddf10.zip      31023 08-05-2024 -=- Don's Dupe Finder v10.0 By Don Sausa -=-  
                                For TriBBS 10.x systems; DDF is a program
                                that searches duplicate phone numbers.  It
                                can search a 2,000 user database in less
                                than 5 minutes, and it compares the original
                                USERS.DAT from a temporary copied one for a
                                complete dupe check.  This is a freeware
                                program brought to you by CyberWare! Sofware.
dellist.zip    28105 08-05-2024 DELLIST.EXE 1.0 by C-Cubed Software
                                TrIBBS 10+ utility that goes through
                                the FILES.LST (or whatever you named
                                the listing) for a specified file
                                area and deletes the file from the
                                listing if its date in the listing
                                is equal to or more than the
                                specified number of days old. It also
                                deletes the file(s) itself. You can
                                specify the "age" of the files'
                                listings to be from 1 to 366 days
                                old. This is handy for automatic
                                purging of the default upload
                                directory for offline CD-ROM's,
                                which is where the files from such
                                go when REQUEST.EXE is run.
                                Freeware. :)
delsys21.zip  115733 08-05-2024 DELSYS.EXE v.2.1 by C-Cubed Software
                                Major bugfix to DELSYS.EXE v.2.0A.
                                Utility that allows TriBBS 10.0+
                                SysOps to not have selected callers'
                                calls logged to the BBS. Deletes their
                                calls from Total Number Of Calls and
                                Calls For Today. Can also optionally
                                delete their calls from their records
                                in the User Database. Has utility to
                                delete temporary callers.log's for the
                                selected callers. Also has utility
                                to manually set Total Calls and
                                Today's Calls for the BBS, individual
                                users, or all users.
                                Freeware. :)
dfiles10.zip   14941 08-05-2024 DELFILES 10.0 - A handy utility for deleting
                                files from either a TriBBS file list or
                                file area directory. Pretty much the reverse
                                function of FILESLST.
dirlst54.zip   56224 08-05-2024 -=-=-=- Dirlist Screen Generator v5.4 -=-=-=-
                                ********** By Freejack's Software ***********
                                This is a  Custom File Area  Screen Generator
                                for TriBBS 10.x & TriBBS PRO.  Nice  easy  to
                                use  program  with  a  Professional  look and
                                feel.  Will  create   screens   for  TriBBS's
                                "Change File Area Screens."  Features are: 15
                                different  color   selections  using  @X-Var.
                                color  codes  for  your  File  Area  Numbers,
                                Descriptions, and Header. Choice of 1, 2  & 3
                                columns per  Sreen Page,  Selectable security
                                levels, Multiple or Single screen pages, each
                                page  can  have  it's  own  Header Name. Will
                                allow  you  to  Show Private & View Only File
                                Areas and mark them  as such.  Nice 3D border
                                on the  1 & 2  column screens. 3 column has a
                                Header border only. Easy  one  page operation
                                will  allow you to  quickly  and easily setup
                                all Security Level screens in  only  minutes.
dl4b11.zip    131859 08-05-2024 DownList.Exe v4.0 is another COOL addition
                                to your TriBBS board! When run from your
                                "File menu", users can download a copy of
                                the file list from their current area,
                                download "Queued Lists", download a list
                                "New files" or download an "on-the-fly"
                                Master File List. Beta-11
                                Released: 03-29-1998
dlb_2dmtx1.z       0 01-01-1980 TriBBS MATRIX LOGON - This A Logon Matrix I
                                Made To Add A Level Of AWSOMENESS to To
                                TriBBS Bulletin Boards. This Is My First
                                Pack. I Will Be Putting Out A Pack Each Month
                                That Will Have A New Matrix in it.
dlb_2dmtx1.zip   12016 08-05-2024 TriBBS MATRIX LOGON - This A Logon Matrix I
                                Made To Add A Level Of AWSOMENESS to To
                                TriBBS Bulletin Boards. This Is My First
                                Pack. I Will Be Putting Out A Pack Each Month
                                That Will Have A New Matrix in it.
dlimit.zip     76940 08-05-2024 D LIMIT is a TriBBS v10.0 utility that reads
                                in your DLIMITS.DAT file in the MWORK
                                sub-directory of your main node. After
                                analyzing the data found, D LIMIT outputs a
                                @x colour screen that looks alot like the
                                Daily Limits menu found in TriMAN. D LIMI
                                includes automatic "Effective as of:"
                                information added to your output display.
                                Included in this package is a handy setup
                                utility for quick and easy configuration.
dnews11.zip     9417 08-05-2024 ------======DragoonNews v1.1======------
                                Dragoon News is an all new file from the
                                guy at Dragoon Soft! This release offers
                                a little program that will make a TriBBS
                                Newsletter that looks just like a TriBBS
                                message! It's done with @X-Codes so only
                                one newsletter file is needed! Freeware!
                                Now optionally appends new newsletter!!!
                                Dragoon News v1.1      1996 Dragoon Soft
doorp10.zip    71517 08-05-2024 DoorPrize 10.0 for TriBBS 10.x
                                by Marc Brooks. This is a online
                                BBS door sweepstakes program
                                for TriBBS 10.x ONLY. Source
                                available for $5.00. FREEWARE.
dorman27.zip  156540 08-05-2024 DoorMan v2.7 TriBBS 10.x/11.x DoorManager.
                                OS/2, Windows, and DesqView AWARE!
                                Also runs under previous Tribbs releases,
                                as well as most BBS software.
                                Unlimited menus, doors, bulletins. Security
                                level on each door, bulletin, or menu.
                                Categorize/combine doors and display files
                                any way you wish.  'On-the-fly' RIP/ANSI/ASC
                                menu displays. Or create your own! Door
                                serialization for single node doors on multi-
                                node BBS.  Door usage tracking/reporting
                                facility. Display a file before running doors
                                Include/Exclude users on a Door by Door basis
                                Supports COM1-15, 115K baud, non-stand. IRQ's
                                and FOSSIL drivers. F R E E W A R E ! ! ! !
dos_cdr2.zip   84685 08-05-2024 ****** dos_cdr V1.2 ********************
                                * converter files.bbs -> files.lst     *
                                * (TriBBS V10.x/11.x) for CD-ROMs and  *
                                * other                                *
                                * FREEWARE from Dietmar Olaf Schneider *
                                * Cottbus/Germany                      *
downlist.zip   95241 08-05-2024 DOWNLIST.EXE - Add a unique feature
                                to your TriBBS 10.0 board. When run
                                from your ile Menu, allows users
                                to download the list of the current
                                file area or download an "on-the-fly"
                                current master file list. Supports
                                most archivers. * Fossil optional.
dquote22.zip   63215 08-05-2024 Dragoon Quote v2.2 - It's a new Quote of the
                                Day generator! Looks pretty spiffy! It
                                supports 4 line Quotes, which can be edited
                                by the SysOp or can be added by users with
                                the Add-A-Quote door! New in v2.2: Optionally
                                places quotes in TriBBS CALLERS.LOG! ANSI and
                                ASCII support.
dquote40.zip   60955 08-05-2024 -----======Dragoon Quote v4.0======-----
                                Dragoon Quote  is  a  brand  new release 
                                from Dragoon Soft!   It's a new Quote of 
                                the Day generator!  Looks pretty spiffy!
                                It supports 4 line Quotes,  which can be
                                edited by the  SysOp  or can be added by
                                users   with   the   Add-A-Quote   door! 
                                Add-A-Quote  now   notifies   the  sysop
                                when a user enters a Quote! TriBBS Only!
                                Users can also enter more than one quote
                                per time in the door! ------------------
                                Now features a "Contributed by: "  line.
                                Compiled using RMDoor v4.5a ------------
                                                      Dragoon Quote v4.0 
                                             Copyright 1998 Dragoon Soft
dsdu12.zip     52713 08-05-2024 DSDELUSR 1.2 for TriBBS 10! D'Agger Shock's
                                Delete User utility! Will flag a user's 
                                account for deletion if they have not called
                                in a Sysop definable number of days. Will 
                                *NOT* delete users with a valid subscription 
                                date! Crates a colorful @x display screen so
                                that you can see who was flagged.Optional 
                                list only feature will only LIST who will be 
                                flagged for deletion. $FREE$
dsjm10.zip     26959 08-05-2024 JUMPMENU Version 1.0 - Jump from menu
                                to menu without having to go through
                                the Main Menu! Give TriBBS 4.x a Quick
                                Logon just like 5.0! Multi-Node ready!
                                From D'Agger Shock for TriBBS Bulletin
                                Board Systems. 4.0 and up only!
dsj_26q10.zi       0 01-01-1980 DSJ&Q Version 1.0 - The ultimate Joke
                                and Quote Generator! Your choice of
                                words! Your choice of Colors! Blinking
                                or not Blinking! Centered or not
                                Centered! You decide! Multi-Node ready!
                                Unlimited Joke or Quote capacity! NEW!
                                From D'Agger Shock for TriBBS 5.x
                                Bulletin Board Systems.
dsj_26q10.zip   52582 08-05-2024 DSJ&Q Version 1.0 - The ultimate Joke
                                and Quote Generator! Your choice of
                                words! Your choice of Colors! Blinking
                                or not Blinking! Centered or not
                                Centered! You decide! Multi-Node ready!
                                Unlimited Joke or Quote capacity! NEW!
                                From D'Agger Shock for TriBBS 5.x
                                Bulletin Board Systems.
dsldb01.zip    20520 08-05-2024 LangDoor Beta 1 by D'Agger Shock. For
                                Use with TriBBS 5.0 and up. Give your
                                language files security from from
                                young users!
dsldb05.zip    22260 08-05-2024 LangDoor 1.05 by D'Agger Shock. For use with
                                TriBBS 10.0 and up. Supports up to 99 
                                languages and you can add security level 
                                access to each one! No more worrying about 
                                under age callers!
dsmm20.zip     51457 08-05-2024 MSTRMAKR 2.0 for TriBBS 10! D'Agger Shock's
                                Master File List Maker! Makes a Master File 
                                Listing of your File Areas for all to 
                                download! Configurable to specific file 
                                areas and will automaticaly archive the 
                                list with the compression utility of your 
                                choice! Now easier to configure! $FREE$
dspage20.zip   36686 08-05-2024 DSPAGE Version 2.0 - A Sysop Page Bell
                                Changer. Now has the option of sending
                                the caller a screen stating if the Sysop
                                is available for chat, or not. From
                                D'Agger Shock for TriBBS Bulletin Board
dsquot20.zip   51609 08-05-2024 DSQUOTE Version 2.0 - The ultimate Quote
                                of the Day generator! Very configurable!
                                Make it say what you want it to say!
                                Color it the way you want it colored!
                                Now Multi-Node ready! From D'Agger Shock
                                for TriBBS Bulletin Board Systems.
dsss12.zip     46477 08-05-2024 SUBSET 1.2 for TriBBS 10! D'Agger Shock's
                                New user subscription setter. Automatically
                                set a new user's subscription expiration
                                date date to any number of days from their
                                first logon! $FREE$
dstu10.zip     40509 08-05-2024 DSTOPUSR 1.0 for TriBBS 10! D'Agger Shock's
                                Top 15 User bulletin creator! Totally color
                                configurable. Lists top 15 callers for # of
                                Calls, # of messages posted, # of uploads, # 
                                of Downloads, # of megs uploaded, and # of 
                                megs downloaded. $FREE$
dsys20a.zip    88337 08-05-2024 DELSYS.EXE 2.0A by C-Cubed Software
                                Now runs in the node's BEWTWEEN.BAT, so
                                it can also deduct from the caller's
                                number of calls for the day and the
                                callers total calls. It is configurable
                                whether the sysop wants this to occur.
                                Includes utility (DEL-LOG.EXE) that
                                runs in GOODBYE.BAT that deletes the
                                temporary CALLERS.LOG found in the
                                node's \NWORK directory. Includes
                                utility (SETCALLS.EXE) that sets the
                                total and today's number of calls for
                                BBS/specified user/all users.
                                TriBBS 10.0+ utility that subtracts
                                callers calls from BBS calls/callers
                                record. Bug fix.
                                Freeware. :)
dt10.zip        9967 08-05-2024 DateTime v1.0 is a utility that 
                                shows your system's Date and Time
                                settings in a colorful display.
duser1.zip     31753 08-05-2024 DELUSER will scan your TriBBS user
                                base and mark all users that have
                                not logged on for a specified 
                                number of days for deletion and
                                print a report to disk containing
                                the user number, name, days since
                                last log on, and delete flag status.
                                The sysop can also configure the
                                delete flag status to No so that
                                the same report can be printed, but
                                none of the users will be marked 
                                for deletion.
                                DELUSER is leap year aware and the
                                calculations will be accurate even
                                in a leap year. +=Cyber Soft=+
duser10.zip    30643 08-05-2024 Version 10.0 for TriBBS v. 10.0
                                DELUSER will scan your TriBBS user base
                                and mark all users that have not logged
                                on for a specified number of days, number
                                of calls, and security level, for
                                deletion and print a report to disk
                                containing the user number, name, days
                                since last log on, number of calls,
                                security level, and delete flag status.
                                The sysop can also configure the delete
                                flag status to No so that the same report
                                can be printed, but none of the users
                                will be marked fordeletion.  You can now
                                specify users that you do not want
                                checked. DELUSER is leap year aware and
                                the calculations will be accurate even
                                in a leap year.
dutch971.zip   13672 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 This is the new Dutch languagefile for  
                                 TriBBS 11.0                             
                                 This archive includes also the into     
                                 Dutch translated FILES.MNU,             
                                 MAIN.MNU, MESSAGE.MNU, QUESTION.MNU     
                                 SYSOP.MNU, QUEST1.QUE, SEARCH.BBS,      
                                 FSCREEN.BBS and TCHAT.BBS .             
                                 Translated by Ed Vissers                
                                 Zoetermeer - The Netherlands            
                                 Updated: 11-03-1997                     
dutrilv3.zip   80353 08-05-2024 Dutriltc version 3.00 - The
                                April 1994 release of this
                                great utility which will Do
                                1) Last Ten Callers Screens 
                                2) Drop Carrier Notifications
                                3) New user Welcome Screen Maker
                                   and NEW Notication Sytem to the Sysop
                                4) Reg Feature Last Ten New User Screen Maker
                                Not log dependent. Has option for excluding
                                people . Colorized "Y"
                                in LTC screen for ansi. Now can display
                                aliases instead of realname in LTC screens as
                                Supports Ansi Ascii Rip 
                                Reg:$5 By Josh Temkin D.U. Software Co.
dutrinv1.zip   39621 08-05-2024 Dutrinod version 1.00 - The
                                June 1994 release of this
                                great utility which will 
                                change your node's security
                                level from the command line.
                                Run it during an event to change
                                your node's sec level any time 
                                or any day.
                                By Josh Temkin D.U. Software Co.
dutripa2.zip   41773 08-05-2024 Dutripag version 2.00 - The
                                July 1994 release of this
                                great utility which will 
                                toggle your page bell one of
                                two ways and new to this version
                                or BOTH. It will turn your
                                bell on or off based on who is
                                logging on or by using an event.
                                Now you can control who you want
                                paging and setup paging hours.
                                By request I have added a feature
                                to use both features instead of either
                                By Josh Temkin D.U. Software Co.
dvote10a.zip   42677 08-05-2024 ͸
                                      = DoorVote v1.0a =      
                                 Run right after a door in a door's     
                                 batch file to allow users to vote on   
                                 whether to keep the door online. Great 
                                 way to determine if users like a       
                                 particular door! Compatible with many  
                                 BBS platforms, including TriBBS.       
                                brought to you by SaltySoft
dv_26trib4.z       0 01-01-1980 Setup TriBBS in a DESQview enviroment.
                                Includes Doors, multi-node, setup
                                screens, Hispeed info, batch files,
                                more.  Changes: Memory Management,
                                DSZ-LOG.DEF, and my phone ###!
                                Conform to TriBBS vers 2 thru 5.1b
                                NEW: KEYBOARD Timeouts, Cross
                                com porting and more! July/94
                                *******A TopFun File**********
dv_26trib4.zip   12587 08-05-2024 Setup TriBBS in a DESQview enviroment.
                                Includes Doors, multi-node, setup
                                screens, Hispeed info, batch files,
                                more.  Changes: Memory Management,
                                DSZ-LOG.DEF, and my phone ###!
                                Conform to TriBBS vers 2 thru 5.1b
                                NEW: KEYBOARD Timeouts, Cross
                                com porting and more! July/94
                                *******A TopFun File**********
dwansi10.zip   30165 08-05-2024 DW-ANSi 1.0 - The DJ SNooP & \/\/or/\/\
                                ANSi menu maker for TriBBS 5.x. DW-ANSi
                                is a Freeware program that will create
                                a Main Menu, Message Menu, and File Menu
                                ANSi screen by reading your .MNU files.
                                You can choose from 3 types of menu 
                                styles. All of them are very nice, and
                                are not the usual screens you see 
                                everywhere. Even if you think you have
                                some nice ANSi's on your board, check
                                out this little program...
                                Coded by DJ SNooP / ANSi by \/\/or/\/\.
dwnld1.zip      8669 08-05-2024 DownLoad is a bulletin generator written
                                exclusively for
                                TriBBS sysops..DownLoad features include:
                                User Definable number of lines.
                                Uses TriBBS color codes..
                                User selects Bulletin Title..
                                A maximum of three colors are supported..
                                The title, and filename are color independent
                                and user selected..
d_26dlang.zi       0 01-01-1980 Three excellent languages for TriBBS 5.X
                                Has a RUDE language. Not dirty, but just
                                abrasive! Kinda like rude DOS! Good stuff!
                                Also has a MYSTIC language. Very good
                                for the D&D or Medievil style users!! 
                                Included is an ADULT language for private
                                boards. What a waker upper it is!! From
                                the Sysop of the < SHOK*WAVE > BBS. And they
                                are FREE!! Call 803-824-9874 and check 'em
                                out!! More to come!!!
d_26dlang.zip    6069 08-05-2024 Three excellent languages for TriBBS 5.X
                                Has a RUDE language. Not dirty, but just
                                abrasive! Kinda like rude DOS! Good stuff!
                                 Also has a MYSTIC language. Very good
                                for the D&D or Medievil style users!! 
                                 Included is an ADULT language for private
                                boards. What a waker upper it is!! From
                                the Sysop of the < SHOK*WAVE > BBS. And they
                                are FREE!! Call 803-824-9874 and check 'em
                                out!! More to come!!!
emslang.zip     5423 08-05-2024 EMS Language file for TRIBBS
                                language file based on EMS.
                                from Code Three! BBS...enjoy!
eventman.zip    7674 08-05-2024 Event Manager v1.0 - This program
                                will ensure that you don't have a
                                user on your BBS while your nightly
                                event is running, as sometimes this
                                can lead to lots of corrupted data
                                files, and a big headache :)  All
                                multi-node BBS sysops should check
                                this out.  $5.00 Shareware by Josh
ezlog11.zip    26673 08-05-2024 EzLOG - a EZrom to TriBBS log updater.
                                Freeware... works with version 11 of
                                TriBBS.  A dropin replacement for the
                                util for version 5 of the same name.
fbull20.zip    51963 08-05-2024 ͸
                                    = Fake Bulletin v2.0 =    
                                 Door program that simply displays an   
                                 ANSI/ASCII file to the user, just like 
                                 they were at the bulletin menu! Useful 
                                 as a Help option at BBS menus, or run  
                                 before a door in a door's batch file   
                                 as a notice for users before they      
                                 enter the door. Compatible with many   
                                 BBS platforms, including TriBBS.       
                                brought to you by SaltySoft
fchat13.zip    35464 08-05-2024 FireChat v1.03 by Mark Rosen.  Allows user
                                to page SysOp.  Chats have 15 colors, 4
                                different text styles available.  Designed
                                originally for TriBBS, now supports PCBoard,
                                GAP, Spitfire, WildCat, and RBBS doors.  The
                                world's best has come out, and the world's
                                cheapest too!  Better than any other chat
                                programs, only $5 bucks to register!  Under
                                CyberWare! Distributing.  A few bug switches!
                                Support BBS: (813) 939-1760, TriBBS #1659
fd10_1_0.zip    9372 08-05-2024 
                                          FILEDATE 10 v1.0            
                                  This little utility will allow      
                                  SysOps to change the file dates in  
                                  TriBBS 10.0's FILES.LST to either   
                                  the current or specified date.      
                                           DonationWare !!!           
                                 Stormfront Software 
fdcid13.zip    25821 08-05-2024 FDCID version 1.3 is a utility to convert 
                                your DOBBS.BAT file to a format compatible 
                                with TriBBS v10.1a+/Pro  It's FREEWARE.....
                                This version works with FD2.12SW and
fdhelpme.zip   38539 08-05-2024 How to setup Front Door with TriBBS
                                or any BBS system. This Zip includes
                                Sample batch files to help get you
                                up and running in no time. Also
                                included a Nodediff Incorperating
                                program, written for FD users.
fdsetup3.zip    4257 08-05-2024 This is the batch files that are used to run
                                FrontDoor on node 2 of The Lobster Buoy.
                                I've provided commented explainations for
                                the batch files in a README file.  This is
                                not intended to take the place of reading the
                                appropriate software manuals.
fdtri211.zip   12809 08-05-2024 FD ==>> TriBBS log converter (2.11)
                                FD2TRI is a simple FD TriBBS utility
                                that puts FD mail caller log file
                                entries into your TriBBS callers log
                                file.  This version works for Front
                                Door version 2.02/NC and 2.12/SW.
                                by Robert Meier : robert@friendly.alt.za
fesystem.zip   14676 08-05-2024 A collection of the .PIF, .BAT and
                                other files for setting up a TriBBS 5.x
                                system under Windows 3.1.  Commented
                                in the .BAT files.  Includes a
                                suggested layout for a multinode 
                                system that allows all batch files for
                                doors and external commands to be the
                                same node-to-node.
                                from Fire Escape's BBS Directory HQ
                                By: Marc C. Brooks, Phydeaux Software
fileschk.zip   19327 08-05-2024 FileCheck simply checks all of your
                                FILES.LST in all file directories to see
                                if the files listed actually exist
                                AND if all the files present in the
                                directory are listed. Free to users
                                of THDUTL.
fixusr10.zip   34734 08-05-2024 Fix User v1.0 by Freejack's Software
                                This program will clear the hidden
                                "Garbage" from the User Data record
                                file called "Users.dat" If you suspect
                                Hidden Garbage in your Users.dat file
                                data fields, then get this program.
                                Fix User will backup your orginal,
                                Users.dat to Users.bak, rewrite your
                                Users.dat file, and create a report
                                called "Users.Rec". Users.dat data
                                fields that will be affected is:
                                * UserName          * Alias
                                * Password          * Street Address 1
                                * Street Address 2  * City
                                * State             * Country
                                * Zip Code          * Phone Number
                                * Birth Date
                                Freebie Ware!
fld10c.zip     81436 08-05-2024 FLD.EXE 1.0C by C-Cubed Software
                                FilesListingsDownloader door for
                                TrIBBS 10.0+. Allows users to download
                                a master list, qeued file areas list,
                                current file area list, hard drive
                                file areas list, online CD-ROM file
                                areas list, offline CD-ROM file areas
                                by Offline CD number. Supports up to
                                8 comports, with the port addresses and
                                IRQ's configurable. Menu's can be
                                custom made, except for the hotkeys for
                                the menu's.
                                Bugfix to correct support for baud
                                rates up to 115200 and the use of
                                FOSSIL drivers.
                                Freeware. :)
flst10.zip     21017 08-05-2024 FILESLST 10.0 - This handy utility is used to
                                append new files onto a TriBBS file list.
fnddob36.zip   24137 08-05-2024 FINDDOB 3.6 for TriBBS 5.11 and TriBBS 10.0
                                creates an @code bulletin showing user
                                birthdays for
                                the current date as well as a list of
                                birthdays for
                                the current month.  Freeware by Bob Dunnell,
                                1:100/340, jonas@partyline.net.
freejack.zip    3574 08-05-2024 =-=-= Freejack's Software Newsletter =-=-=-=
                                This is a Text File from Gary Price, author
                                of Freejack's Software. This text is just a
                                report on Freejack's Software for the New 
                                TriBBS 10.x  &  TriBBS PRO to be released 
                                soon. It covers what works, what doesn't 
                                work, and future plans on programs for the
                                new TriBBS... If you are a user of any of 
                                my programs, or interested in wanting to 
                                use them but not sure about if they are
                                capatible or not.. then get this file!
french.zip      6678 08-05-2024 
freqst12.zip  103243 08-05-2024 @X0F     ATTENTION----> @X0C @FIRST@ 
                                @X0ETri-Sysop File Request Program! 1.2 @X0C
                                Tri-Sysop File Request Program is a
                                little utility that was written for the
                                purpose of detecting when a user has
                                requested an @X0A OFFLINE @X0B file!
                                This is desinged to run from your
                                GOODBYE.BAT file.  It will send you
                                @X0C@FIRST@ @X0B the sysop a message in the
                                TriBBS message base letting you know that
                                there has beed an @X0F OFFLINE @X0Bfile
                                request. This is @X0E FREEWARE @X0Bproduct
                                from @X8FFLIGHTWARE@X0B  provided that the
                                TriBBS SUBSCRIPTION FEATURE is turned OFF!
                                If not then registration is only $3.00!
                                It is very simple to set up and run.  Try it
                                This version is a MINOR bug fix.
gnalrt11.zip    8680 08-05-2024 GENALERT 1.1 sounds an audio alarm when a
                                caller logs on successfully.
                                Freeware by Bob Dunnell, Fidonet 1:100/340.
grdlng11.zip    7116 08-05-2024 Gridirons Colorcrome Language Ver 1.1
                                A COLORFUL Language that is sports related 
                                to use on YOUR TriBBS!  I use it as my main 
                                and only language.  If you have alot of 
                                languages and want more, or run a sports 
                                related system and want a good language,
                                grab this! 
                                From the Gridiron BBS (609)898-1195
grunt.zip       6287 08-05-2024 
hal9000.zip     9275 08-05-2024 HAL-9000 Language file for TRIBBS
                                language file based on 2001.
                                Includes ansi screens and Lang.
                                from ENTROPY II BBS...enjoy!
harb102.zip    18127 08-05-2024 
hchngs10.zip   29540 08-05-2024 HCHNGSEC v1.0 by Steve Harmon  Change the
                                security level of any specific node from
                                the command line. This is useful when you
                                must restrict access to your system to
                                QWK nodes pulling mail from you, or for
                                high-access users.  TriBBS v10.x ONLY.
hdafm01b.zip   80662 08-05-2024 HD's  Auto  File  Manager  Release V1.0b-
                                Automate  moving  of  files  from your up
                                load  directory  to  the  various topical
                                directories.  Reformat  the  descriptions
                                and   rewrite   the   FILE_ID.DIZ  to the
                                original archive. Finally a simple way to
                                move  your  uploads  to their file areas,
                                without a lot of manual work. Interactive
                                and  batch modes supported. From HD's BBS
                                Upgraded to support 200 destination areas
hddir01a.zip   37954 08-05-2024 HD'S   DIR   utility.   Builds   a set of
                                DIRS#.BBS,    MSG#.BBS    and  DOORS#.BBS
                                listings  for  your  TriBBS V5.02 system.
                                Allows  you  to  show  off your BBS while
                                maintaining  your  access  security.  New
                                users   are   tantalized   with   what is
                                available,  AFTER  they  upgrade.  Sorted
                                listings  of  conferences  and file areas
                                supported also. Net sorting soon. Free to
                                registered  HDUTL (THDUTL) users, nominal
                                to     others.     From     HD's     BBS.
hddlt51.zip    36143 08-05-2024 HD's-Download  Tracker  V5.1  for  TriBBS
                                V5.xx.  If  all  you  need  is a Download
                                Tracker,  this  is  it. The DLT functions
                                extracted  from  HDUTL.  Updated 17 July,
                                1995, By HD
hdflm02c.zip   49023 08-05-2024 HD's File List Manager Utility 2.0
                                Reformats your FILES.LST descriptions
                                using right justification and removing
                                high ASCII & special characters used 
                                to frame/accent text. Rewrites the new
                                description back to the archives as a new
                                FILE_ID.DIZ. Sorts FILES.LST as you want
                                it, checks for missing files & for missing
                                descriptions. Allows local SySop uploads
                                to be added to the BBS in a simple & easy
                                fashion. Replacemennt for FILESLST, 
                                ASCTOBIN and MAKEIDX.
hdfu01b.zip    39218 08-05-2024 Try  HD's-FU  No!  It's Find User, but it
                                shows  you  are  thinking.  Uses SOUNDEX,
                                RATCLIFF  and INSTR routines to find most
                                likely matches to user input. It does NOT
                                allow  the  user  to  browse  your user's
                                files.  Displays  the matching User name,
                                Alias, City state last time logged on and
                                security  level. FREE TO registered users
                                of  HDUTL.  Requires  a  valid T/HDUTL or
                                HDFU key file. Multinode! V1.0b w/bug fix
                                in    the    carrier    watch   function.
hdmod02.zip    30920 08-05-2024 HD's   File  Modification  routine  V1.0
                                A *FreeWare* offering from  HD's BBS for
                                modifying  various  files  listings from
                                CD's  or  other  BBS's to usable  TriBBS
                                listings.  Very  versitile with adaquate
                                documentation  to make it work  for you.
hdussd02.zip   28302 08-05-2024 HD's   User   Specific   Screen   Display
                                routine.  Restores the ability to display
                                USS's   for   Fast-Logons.   A   seamless
                                FASTLOG.BAT  routine.  Priced  for  quick
                                sale,  FREE  to  users  of  HD's utility.
                                Version  2,  this  one  supports .RIP and
                                .ANS  files (although HDUTL doesn't build
hdutl52d.zip   91236 08-05-2024 HD's Utility 5.02D: Upgrades/bug fixes   
                                through UPGRD15. Significant upgrades.       
                                Multipurpose utility program for TriBBS 
                                5.1x. Upload/Download tracking, BBS
                                stats, callers, tally screens. Upload  
                                processing. Supports popular archive
                                routines including the new UC2.
                                Subscription support, dropped carrier
                                notifications & auto update of the .IDX
                                files, to mention a few. 
hdview01.zip   24503 08-05-2024 VIEWX  V1.0. A quick and dirty program to
                                view      @X-color      code    displays.
hick.zip        5510 08-05-2024 This is a language file for Tribbs
                                ver 5.1+ called HICK. This is how us 
                                southernors talk. Try it out.
                                FREEWARE. Provided by 
                                Jacob's House BBS 512-664-7570
hick2.zip       6002 08-05-2024 Hick.zip....The famous Hick language
                                for Tribbs ver 10.0+. Some new things
                                and some old. FREEWARE.
                                Jacob's House BBS - 4 nodes
                                (512) 664-7570
hitclang.zip    6662 08-05-2024 TB: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
                                TriBBS 5.0 Language
hlfm21a.zip    27623 08-05-2024 HALLFAME 2.1 creates a "top 15" users display
                                for your TriBBS 5.11 or 10.0 system.  Freeware
                                from Bob Dunnell, Fidonet 1:100/340.  This
                                archive contains both 5.11 and 10.0
hmstrl11.zip   41190 08-05-2024 HMSTRLST v1.1  by Steve Harmon  Creates
                                Master File Lists of the file areas you
                                specify. Can optionally create an archive
                                and include a FILE_ID.DIZ. For TriBBS 10.x
                                ONLY. Shareware only $5.
holitbbs.zip   38741 08-05-2024 Holiday Countdown for TriBBS is a very useful
                                little utility that counts
                                down the number of days remaining until the
                                next major holiday.  It creates
                                a display file for use as a bulletin, log-on
                                screen, log-off screen, or
                                anywhere else the sysop wants to post it.  The
                                output display also includes
                                the day, date, and days remaining in the year
hpageb10.zip   20172 08-05-2024 HPAGEBEL v1.0 by Steve Harmon  Change the
                                state of the page bell from the command
                                line.  Force the page bell either on or
                                off, or toggle it.  TriBBS v10.x ONLY.
htdoor13.zip   70063 08-05-2024 -=-=-=- Hottest Doors Trakker v1.3 =-=-=-=-=
                                ********* By Freejack's Software ***********
                                Capatible with TriBBS 5.11 and TriBBS  10.0!
                                This program will create a bulletin or Logon
                                Screen for TriBBS showing your Hottest Doors
                                being used. Supports up to 999 times used in
                                the doors counter for each door.  Sysops can
                                track  up  to 60 different doors.  Makes a 1
                                column Screen with alternating  colors using
                                @X-Varible color codes. Unregistered version
                                will  default  to   White   &   Red  colors.
                                Registered version will allow  you to select
                                your own colors! Nice 3D style Border! Shows 
                                Door Name,  times used,  Last Date,  &  Last 
                                User  to enter  Door.   Will  allow  you  to
                                configure when to start showing  Doors being
                                used.    (example: 1, 2, 3..etc).
htfile31.zip   91276 08-05-2024 -=-= Hottest Download Files Trakker v3.1 =-=-
                                ********** By Freejack's Software ***********
                                Capatible with TriBBS  v5.11  & TriBBS v10.x!
                                NEW! - Now will allow you to  Exclude Private
                                Files from  being  inserted  in  your Screen.
                                This  program  will   create  a  bulletin  or
                                Logon Screen for  TriBBS showing your Hottest 
                                Downloads.  Supports up to 999 files  in  the 
                                files counter for each file. Makes a 2 column 
                                Bulletin  with  alternating  colors  using @X
                                color  codes.   Unregistered   version   will
                                default to  White  &  Red colors.  Registered
                                version  will  allow  you   to   select  your 
                                own colors  &  Use the Not show Private Files
                                Option!  Nice  3D  style  Border!  Will allow
                                you to configure when to  start showing files
                                downloaded (example: 1, 2, 3.. times)
hubnote.zip    18844 08-05-2024 HUBNOTE  Reformats  the  TriNet insertion
                                message  using  @X-color  codes, and puts
                                the  display in columar format. FREE from
                                HD's    Support    BBS    (404)  941-1308
icebats3.zip    2043 08-05-2024 The .BAT files I use at The Dynasty BBS
                                to use IceChat/IcePage/QuikEdit with 
                                TriBBS 11.0. -Updated to reflect the
                                changes from IceEdit to QuikEdit.
ice_2dbats.z       0 01-01-1980 The .BAT files I use at The Dynasty BBS
                                to use IceChat/IcePage/IceEdit with 
                                TriBBS 10.0.
ice_2dbats.zip    1785 08-05-2024 The .BAT files I use at The Dynasty BBS
                                to use IceChat/IcePage/IceEdit with 
                                TriBBS 10.0.
idget.zip       6029 08-05-2024 Idget makes your board talk like an idget.
                                misspelled words, out of place words, and
                                much much more. For Tribbs ver 10.0+.
ifp10b1.zip    71470 08-05-2024 *******************************************
                                        Insanity File-Packer v1.0 b1
                                              for TriBBS 10.x
                                The newest release from Insanity Software!
                                Use the setup utility to configure the
                                actions for each file area, either DELETE,
                                MOVE, or IGNORE. Then run packit from an
                                event.  This is a must for any TriBBS SysOp,
                                especially those that have limited room on 
                                their HD.  Like me! Program written by
                                Kevin Brandenburg using Mark Goodwin's
                                TriBBS 10.x API.
igatehlp.zip    4845 08-05-2024 Help file for Setting up
                                Igate V1.0 With Tribbs to
                                Bring in E-mail and Usenet
imastr10.zip   42908 08-05-2024 INFO MASTER v.1.0 (By UltimaWARE)
                                A great little utility to request more
                                information from a user on a TriBBS
                                system.  Not crippled!  No pauses or
                                ads at all to have the integrated look!
                                Registered version supports 50 questions.
                                Only $5 CDN to register!
inet_26ice.z       0 01-01-1980 Configuration and batch files will make your
                                setup of INET and ICE Edit much smoother.
                                These setups are for using FrontDoor and
                                TriBBS/Pro 10.0.  This configuration is
                                presently being used on Fire Of Hope BBS
                                and is working just great.  The Sysop
                                does not have to do anything with an
                                incoming internet message. It is formatted
                                and sent out with your intervention.  Also
                                the user does not have to be concerned
                                about formatting the internet message.
                                Call Fire Of Hope to see for yourself.
                                TriBBS Key door available.
                                >>>>>> (512) 448-4365 <<<<<
inet_26ice.zip    9354 08-05-2024 Configuration and batch files will make your
                                setup of INET and ICE Edit much smoother.
                                These setups are for using FrontDoor and
                                TriBBS/Pro 10.0.  This configuration is
                                presently being used on Fire Of Hope BBS
                                and is working just great.  The Sysop
                                does not have to do anything with an
                                incoming internet message. It is formatted
                                and sent out with your intervention.  Also
                                the user does not have to be concerned
                                about formatting the internet message.
                                Call Fire Of Hope to see for yourself.
                                TriBBS Key door available.
                                 >>>>>> (512) 448-4365 <<<<<
j2m10.zip      31941 08-05-2024 Jump2Mnu Release 1.0 from JayWare.  
                                With this TriBBS 5.0 utility, your 
                                users can jump from menu to menu 
                                without having to go through the 
                                Main Menu every time.  
jump10.zip     27428 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=- Menu Jumper v1.0 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                                ********** By Freejack's Software ***********
                                Another one of those Menu Jumper programs :) 
                                This program will allow you to setup and jump
                                from any menu in TriBBS 10.x & TriBBS PRO.   
                                This program was written & compiled in       
                                PowerBasic v3.2 with free source code        
                                included... Also, I put copies of my batch   
                                file showing how to use and setup hotkey     
                                batch files to run off your Menus.           
                                Requires 386 machines or Better to run!      
                                *************** Freebie Ware ****************
keepfile.zip    1867 08-05-2024 Every TriBBS SysOp needs this file.
                                Never lose your uploaded files due to a
                                hang up, loss of carrier, no description
                                entered, etc.
klpak13.zip   288515 08-05-2024 *********************************************
                                *         KLPAK 1.3 for TriBBS 10.0         *
                                * This package includes 10 very nice utils  *
                                * for TriBBS 10.0.  Some of the utils in    *
                                * this package include:                     * 
                                *                                           *
                                * ANS2MSG - Posts questionaire answers to a *
                                *           message conference.             *
                                * SYSCHAT - Replacement pager/chat          *
                                *           EXTREMELY configurable!!!.      *
                                * SC      - Logon security checker.         *
                                * TTM     - Send a text file as a message   *
                                *           to a user, also can post a msg  *
                                *           to a new user when they first   *
                                *           log on.                         *
                                *       Registration is ONLY $12.00         *
ksmnews.zip    57531 08-05-2024 KSMNews Generator Version 1.0 Beta 1
                                For Use with TriBBS BBS Software. 
                                Creats a nice looking bbsnews.bbs
                                file. Easy Install! Registration
                                is only $5. Not crippled in any
                                way. KSM Software 1997
kvcmb.zip      19467 08-05-2024 kvChangeMinimumBaud - for TriBBS! Command
                                line utility to set a node's minimum baud
                                as an event.
                                Freeware by Kerry Vinson, 1:100/591.
kvcnsl.zip     29512 08-05-2024 kvChangeNodeSecLev - changes the security
                                level of a TriBBS node as an event. Good
                                for ensuring that only certain callers
                                get on during mailrun hours, or for
                                limiting access to "donating members
                                only" during prime-time. Your call!     
                                Freeware by Kerry Vinson
kvfils11.zip   42492 08-05-2024 kvFiles! v1.1 -The _final_ master files list
                                maker for TriBBS! Setup in less than 30 secs,
                                long file descriptions now optional, keeps
                                total count of files/areas, excludes private
                                areas by default, and more! _FAST _ACTION!
                                From kv_Soft, Kerry Vinson 1:100/591
kvpage.zip     19747 08-05-2024 kvPage - to toggle your TriBBS page bell
                                A freeware utility by Kerry Vinson.
kvtic10.zip    38423 08-05-2024 kvTic! v1.0 - a TIC processor for         
                                TriBBS! FREEWARE! by Kerry Vinson and
                                kv_Soft, 1:100/591.
kvupld11.zip   35993 08-05-2024 kvUpldTracker! v1.1-creates bulletin of last
                                dozen uploads. Freeware for TriBBS!
langch10.zip   20089 08-05-2024 TriBBS Language Changer is a door program
                                that will allow your users to change their
                                language file while on line. It also takes
                                care of postrip if the users is using a RIP
                                aware terminal. No registration required.
                                Another OzarkSoft BBS door. for use on
                                TriBBS v5.x.
langtutr.zip  142808 08-05-2024 Fire Escape's TriBBS Language Tutorial.
                                This archive contains all the necessary
                                files, screens and menus for setting
                                up your TriBBS system with alternative
                                languages. Includes all 16 languages
                                used by Fire Escape's BBS directory HQ.
                                Read the .DOC file in each ZIP carefully
                                before extracting to TriBBS directories.
lang_sve.zip    6538 08-05-2024 Swedish Languagefile inkluding Main,Files
                                and Message .mnu files for TRIBBS 5.x.
                                From The Swedish "ALVSJOE SCOUT BBS"
                                phone + 46 8 863000.
last1540.zip   13397 08-05-2024 Last15 4.0 - Last 15 callers bulletin
                                generator for TriBBS.  This version features
                                buffered reads of the callers log to greatly
                                speed up operation, especially acrossed LANs.
lastcl12.zip   51915 08-05-2024 LastCallers v1.2 - A TriBBS bulletin
                                generator to show most recent callers.
                                Shows user name, from city, date called,
                                time on/off, baud rate, dropped carrier,
                                call number, and node number.  Shows
                                latest caller first.  Configurable to
                                any number of callers on the bulletin.
lastups1.zip   20039 08-05-2024 LASTUPS v1.0, released May of 1995
                                The ultimate last 15 uploads @X 
                                bulletin generator for TriBBS.
                                No configuration required, looks
                                great. Tiny, fast EXE does the
                                trick! Get me for your TriBBS
                                bulletin board NOW!
lc10_01.zip    32252 08-05-2024 Last Caller for TriBBS 10.0
                                Makes an @color coded .BBS screen containing
                                the BBS Name, Name of the Last Caller, and
                                City the Last caller called from.  Program,
                                screen design, and colors made according
                                to the suggestions of Bruce Emmott #1802.
                                Freeware from Cyber Soft
lcall101.zip   31530 08-05-2024 LASTCALL - Last Callers Display Screen for 
                                TriBBS v10.x systems.  Shows the name, 
                                City/State, Baud, and Connect Time for up to 
                                40 previous callers.  Output can be sent to 
                                any filename, list can be sorted in forward 
                                or reverse order. Allows for customizing the 
                                opening and closing @codes as well as all 
                                screen colors. Runs in logon batch file.
                                Fixes display bug in LASTCALL v10B when
                                listing more than 15 callers & provides
                                better error checking.
                                Freeware by: Peter Hanmore
lcall17.zip    41914 08-05-2024 ---------- LastCall version 1.7 ----------
                                Creates ANSI and ASCII last 15 callers    
                                bulletin.  Displays other useful info     
                                (like the number of uploads and downloads,
                                number of messages read or entered, and   
                                callback verification).  Bug fix.         
lcvt101.zip    63196 08-05-2024 ListCvt 10.1 - This is a copy of ListCvt that
                                will recognize the TriBBS/Pro 10.1
                                registration codes.
lcvt11.zip     66163 08-05-2024 ListCvt v11.0 - This is a copy of ListCvt
                                will recognize the TriBBS/Pro 10.1 and TriBBS
                                v11.0 registration codes.
leach10.zip    65480 08-05-2024    -@X07=@X0F[@X0CCheezeWare@X0F]@X07=@X08-
                                 @X0A   @X08[@X0DLeAcH aLeRt@X08]  @X02
                                     @X08   v@X0F1.o     
                                @X0CThis program forces all    
                                @X04your UNREGISTERED users  
                                @X0Cto wait 10 seconds each 
                                @X04time they logon with a 
                                @X0Cmessage telling them to 
                                @X04register and donate to 
                                @X0Cyer BBS! Annoy the Hell 
                                @X04outa all your LeAcHerZ!
                                @X0CVery Configurable. Earn
                                @X04lots of money! A TriBBS
                                @X0C10.o and 5.x program! 
lfc10_05.zip   70924 08-05-2024 Last 15 Callers for TriBBS 10.0
                                LFC reads your callers log and generates a
                                Last 15 callers screen, Top 15 downloader/
                                uploader/downloads screen, Last 15 new users
                                screen, Top 15 doors screen, and an hourly
                                usage graph. You have the option to include
                                or exclude local logon's and exclude up to
                                20 users by name.  Also send user specific
                                log on screen to users who drop carrier if
                                you wish. (Alias configuration options 
lgoff251.zip   39160 08-05-2024 LoGoFF 2.51 LoGoFF is a TriBBS Specific 
                                LoGoFF MaTRiX.  It allows users to do 
                                the following:Logoff, Return to BBS,
                                Page SysOp, and Comment to SysOp.
                                Sorry, But Comment to SysOp is a 
                                Registered only feature. Registration
                                is only $12 US. Registration removes
                                all delays, and adds other optins.
                                LiGHTNiNGWaRe  7i5.258.6942
logman10.zip   61739 08-05-2024 LogMan v1.0 TriBBS 10.x LOGFILE Manager!
                                So far, this package performs 2 functions:
                                1. Create a reverse callers log from the last
                                xxx records of the callers.log. You select
                                xxx. 2. Create a 'Last xxx Users On' display
                                 file, where you select xxx. Needs the
                                reverse callers.log from 1 above. 3. More to
logonx.zip      3394 08-05-2024 @X0FTriBBS ANSI screen can be used as
                                @X0Fa logon or bulletin or both. This   
                                @X0Fcolorful screen displays caller 
                                @X0Faccount information using the
                                @X0F@-variables used in TriBBS. It may   
                                @X0Feven be compatable with other BBS  
                                @X0Fprograms that have similar systems   
                                @X0FCan be edited by sysop easily to 
                                @X0Fchange data displayed. @X8FFREEWARE! 
                                @X0FCreated by Keith Heitmann, Sysop,  
                                @X0AThe Stalag 13 BBS, 219-763-0826.  
lst12_2d10.z       0 01-01-1980 kvLastDozen v1.0 - creates bulletin of last
                                callers to your TriBBS system! Freeware!
lst12_2d10.zip   36005 08-05-2024 kvLastDozen v1.0 - creates bulletin of last
                                callers to your TriBBS system! Freeware!
ltest101.zip   67868 08-05-2024        -- LogOn Tester v10.1 --
                                Logon   tester door  gives each of your
                                BBS's  guests  a  little  test  before
                                allowing them onto your board. It asks
                                for either there phone number or there
                                date of birth. If they answer wrong they
                                are logged off and a message is sent to
                                them asking why. For TriBBS v.10 only.
                                From S&M Shareware.
l_2djivtec.z       0 01-01-1980 Humourous language files for TriBBS 5.0:
                                Jive and Techie!  By Stanton "Mechanism"
                                McCandlish, NitV-DataCenter TriBBS
                                Support Board
l_2djivtec.zip   11215 08-05-2024 Humourous language files for TriBBS 5.0:
                                Jive and Techie!  By Stanton "Mechanism"
                                McCandlish, NitV-DataCenter TriBBS
                                Support Board
maflang.zip     6171 08-05-2024 MAFIA LANGUAGE FILE - This is a TriBBS 5.0
                                language file in mafia lingo. Another crazy
                                addition to ever growing list of language
                                files for TriBBS. Check it out! It's an
                                offer ya can't refuse... :-)
                                From The NightShift BBS!
mailer13.zip   37170 08-05-2024 * * * * * * Mailer Ver1.3 * * * * * * *
                                by BroWare copyright (c) 1996: Save your
                                users the hassle of going through all
                                your menu screens to get to Trimail.
                                Gives you direct access to your QWK
                                messages at logon. Now you can display
                                the screens that YOU create as the menu
                                screens and it's even security level
                                aware and YOU decide the security level.
                                Completely compatable with TriBBS v10
                                * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
mailroom.zip   39309 08-05-2024 MAILROOM version 1.2. For use With
                                Trimail without going through the bbs
                                logon menus. Similar to the post office
                                except it runs alot faster and you
                                don't have to make a special mailbox
                                file for each user.Multi node support.
                                can use a FOSSIL dirver,DIGIBOARD or
                                Standard com ports.Has been tested
                                with OS/2 and Desqview enviroments.
                                MAILROOM has built in on-line help
                                And Full sysop tools such as Chat,
                                drop to dos and a NUKE button.
                                Give it a try..
makelst.zip    97997 08-05-2024 MAKELST.EXE by C-Cubed Software
                                This program resolves a problem caused
                                by a bug in Ronald Shlegel's program
                                "DOWNLIST.EXE", version 4 BETA 11. The
                                problem is, when you use his program
                                to try download a files list(s)
                                archive, and the file areas involved
                                don't contain a files.lst, his program
                                aborts. This program fixes that by
                                going through the whole TrIBBS 10+
                                file database and finds the file
                                areas whose files.lst directories
                                don't contain a files.lst, and it
                                creates a dummy files.lst with a
                                size of zero bytes. I tested
                                DOWNLIST.EXE after running
                                MAKELST.EXE, and it then worked.
makenews.zip   23789 08-05-2024 ͻ  
                                  MakeNews V.1.0. for TriBBS        
                                   If you need to write News for      
                                   your TriBBS, you will love this    
                                   tool. It works verry fast and it   
                                   is easy to use. You can create     
                                   now a BBSNEWS.BBS File in just     
                                   a moment from every *.TXT File.    
                                   Don't wait ... Make a download!    
malrn40a.zip   37828 08-05-2024 MAILRN, v.4.0a - {COMMO} 5.4+ script for
                                automating mailruns with TriBBS systems.
                                Supports multiple protocols, including
                                multiple versions of ZModem. Stand-alone
                                install routine, advanced log features,
                                critical error handling.  Now supports
                                {COMMO}'s internal ZModem and will use
                                TriHub's "Successful Transfer" message,
                                if received, as trigger to del the .REP.
                                Minor maint rel, corrects a continuous
                                loop error in MINSTALL when selecting
                                "Direct to Trihub/Trimail".
matrix_f.zip  169803 08-05-2024 * All MatrixWare  TriBBS Utilities *
                                *        are now Freeware          *
                                In   this   archive   are   Freeware
                                versions of  all  formerly shareware
                                MatrixWare   programs  for  TriBBS.
                                This  file contains  the  EXE  files
                                only!  To use  them,  you must first
                                download  and  install the shareware
                                versions of  whichever programs  you
                                wish  to use.  To begin  using  the
                                freeware  versions you then  need to
                                overwrite each of your old shareware
                                EXE's with  the new  EXE's  in  this
                                archive.  If you  need  to  get  the
                                shareware  versions   they   can  be
                                obtained  on   the  internet   from:
mbtb10.zip    494343 08-05-2024 Collection of Marc Brook's TriBBS
                                Utilities UPDATED for TriBBS 10.x!
                                Includes: DoorPrize, ShowFile,
                                TBAnnounce, TBCanPage, TBDelUsr,
                                TBMsgCal, TBSecure, TBSentry,
                                TBZChatDoorWay, UserScan, TBDupPhone
                                and more. Includes complete docs
                                and sample config/batch files.
                                ONLY FOR TRIBBS 10.x. The 5.x 
                                versions are available upon request.
                                Source Code is available for ALL
                                of these for a mere $5.00 each.
                                All these utils are used on here.
mc10_02.zip    95432 08-05-2024 Multi Comment A TriBBS 10.0 Utility
                                Replace the TriBBS Comment To Sysop with
                                Multi-Comment and allow your users to
                                choose which sysop to leave a message
                                too.  Up to 5 sysops with optional
                                descriptions supported.  Custom screen
                                can be created in place of the default.
                                Allows users to enter a message, upload a 
                                message or attach a file. Attached files 
                                will be scanned if specified.  Supports 
                                ZIP, SDN ARC, PAK, ARJ, LZH, and RAR. 
                                Virus scan with McAffees Scan, Thunder 
                                Byte, or F-Prot. -* Cyber Soft *-
mdowns15.zip   80879 08-05-2024 Mystic Downloader for TriBBS version 1.5.
                                This Software is not crippled in any way.
                                This program will allow you to provide
                                certain files for immediate download at
                                logon. This is especially useful to
                                programmers who wish to use their BBS to
                                promote their software. This version removes
                                the Door Frame delay.
mdupe11.zip    36825 08-05-2024 MDUPE.ZIP VERSION 1.1 For TriBBS5.1 and up.
                                If you've ever wanted a utility search
                                through your hard drive for duplicate files,
                                this is it. This program will search from
                                the directory it is in, through every
                                subdirectory looking for duplicates. When it
                                finds them, it will put the info in a
                                separate file. This is distributed under
                                the shareware concept. It is uncrippled
                                except for a very annoying reminder.
menus4.zip     10271 08-05-2024 Collection of 16 really nice ansi displays.
                                Created for use with Tribbs10. Includes
                                TOOMANY.ANS, FSCREEN.ANS; GOODBYE; LOCKOUT;
                                DELETE.ANS; NUKE.ANS; SORRY.ANS;
                                NOTTHERE.ANS; NONEW.ANS; PENDING.ANS;
                                FRONDEND.ANS; LOWER.ANS; TOOLOW.ANS;
                                DONTWANT.ANS; NODOWN.ANS; EXPIRED.ANS.
messconf.zip   22542 08-05-2024 kvMessConf v1.0-prints conf list to file and
                                optionally to a printer. Handy utility to
                                have around for those once in a blue moon
                                tasks of adding/deleting several conferences!
                                Freeware by Kerry Vinson, 1:100/591
mm100.zip      24955 08-05-2024 MailMan for TriBBS v1.00!
                                This is a automated message generator for
                                TriBBS BBS systems version 5.01 and later.
                                MailMan will automagically post a pre-writen
                                message file to a new caller after they
                                logoff using the TriBBS between.bat file.
                                It will also send you (SysOp) a small
                                message letting you know a new caller has
                                been on and the greeting was sent to them.
                                MailMan was writen using The TriBBS API
                                5.01 and Turbo C++. Writen by Brian Russo
                                - SysOp of The Abingdon Info Exchange
                                410-569-8336  FidoNet (1:261/1366).
mmailb1.zip   127866 08-05-2024 MultiMail Version 1.00 Beta 1 - MultiMail!
                                The first QWK/QWKE/BlueWave Door for TriBBS!
                                Features: On the Fly Menu Creations, Editable
                                Menus, PKZIP, LHA, ARJ compression, Fixes
                                USER.SPM Files from Corruption. And Much
mmastr10.zip   51488 08-05-2024 MENU MASTER v.1.0 (TriBBS Version)
                                The greatest Menu Generator for TriBBS!
                                Not crippled!  Creates sharp looking
                                display screens!  Once configured,
                                you will never have to adjust the Menu
                                Master files again.  It searches through
                                your *.MNU files for the change and updates
                                your display files!  Security specific
                                screens are automatically produced!
                                Only $6 to register!  Personal copies can
                                be made to match your existing BBS menus
                                so that you will never have to create
                                another menu again!
                                Another UltimaWARE utility by Tim Kirkup
msgfix10.zip   37273 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 = Message Pointer Fixer-Upper v1.0 = 
                                    for TriBBS 10.x, 11.x, and above      
                                 After adding/deleting message            
                                 conferences, do some users log on and    
                                 TriBBS says they have messages waiting   
                                 but then shows no messages when they     
                                 push ? This is a very common      
                                 problem and you're likely to encounter   
                                 it many times in your life as a sysop.   
                                 This program fixes that right up.        
                                brought to you by SaltySoft
msglst20.zip   69058 08-05-2024 CUSTOM MESSAGE AREA SCREEN GENERATOR v2.0 
                                NEW LOOK! Nice easy to use Program with 
                                a Professional look! This program is a 
                                Message Screen maker of your Message 
                                Directories for TriBBS's "Change 
                                Conference Area Screens." Features are: 
                                15 different color selections using @X 
                                color codes for your Message Area Numbers, 
                                Descriptions, and Header Box. Choice of 
                                1, 2 & 3 columns per Sreen Page, Selectable 
                                security levels, Multiple or Single screen 
                                pages, each page can have it's own Header 
                                Name inside a full color border box. Now 
                                will allow you to select if you want 
                                Private Message Areas to be shown or Not.
                                Freejack's Software by Gary Price.
msglst33.zip   53703 08-05-2024 -=-=-=- Msglist Screen Generator v3.3 -=-=-=-
                                ********** By Freejack's Software ***********
                                This is a  Custom  Message  Conference Screen
                                Generator for TriBBS 10.x & TriBBS PRO.  Nice
                                easy to use  program with a Professional look
                                and feel. Will  create  screens  for TriBBS's
                                "Change  Conference  Area Screens."  Features
                                are: 15  different   color   selections using
                                @X-Var. color   codes  for  your  Conf.  Area
                                Numbers,  Descriptions,   and  Header. Choice
                                of  1,  2  &  3   columns   per  Sreen  Page,
                                Selectable   security  levels,   Multiple  or
                                Single screen pages, each page can  have it's
                                own  Header Name.  Will  allow  you  to  Show
                                Private & Read Only Conf. Areas and mark them
                                as such.    Nice 3D border!.  Easy  one  page
                                operation will  allow  you  to quickly  setup
                                all Security Level screens in  only  minutes.
mtabs43.zip    90737 08-05-2024 @X09Mystic TABS v4.3 for TriBBS 10.x.
                                @X0BThis program will use your
                                existing sids and screens.
                                Follow the instruction in the
                                MTABS.DOC for setup. (I think I've
                                got it right this time.)
                                MTABS provides the following:
                                Upgrade a user's @X0ATime on-line.
                                @X0BUpgrade a user's @X0Asecurity level. 
                                @X0BProduce a n.BBS sysop notification
                                screen when someone subscribes.
                                In the @X0Aregistered version,
                                @X0Bprogrammers can allow user's
                                to @X0Aregister software online.
                                @X0BThis Software written at
                                @X09Mystic Tome BBS. 
mtabs45.zip    89913 08-05-2024 Mystic TABS v4.5 for TriBBS 10.x. ***NO MORE
                                DFRAME DELAY!!!*** This program will use your
                                existing sids and screens. Follow the
                                instruction in the MTABS.DOC for setup. MTABS
                                provides the following: Upgrade a user's Time
                                on-line. Now puts the entered code in the log
                                file. Upgrade a user's security level.
                                Produce a n.BBS sysop notification screen
                                when someone subscribes. In the registered
                                version, programmers can allow user's to
                                register software online.
mtime25.zip    90893 08-05-2024 Mystic Time Bank v2.5. For TriBBS 10.x and
                                above. ***NO MORE DOORFRAME PROMPT***
                                This software also provides a gambling casino
                                when registered. Your users can deposit and
                                withdraw as much time as they want. After you
                                register this software, they will be able to
                                gamble for time, and have a chance at a
                                security upgrade.(configurable by SysOp).
                                This version allows sysops to disable the
                                subscription option.
muser10.zip    11847 08-05-2024 MarkUsers 1.0 - MarkUsers is a TriBBS
                                utility that lets you mark users for
                                deletion by a specified number of days.
                                One of the nice things about this user
                                marker is that it lets you unmark all
                                users as well, so if you goof you can
                                go back in time. - By PowerSoft
mwind15.zip    82836 08-05-2024 MWIND.ZIP v1.5 This is a Small utility
                                designed to allow you to limit users access
                                to certain doors. I use it to provide Adult
                                access to Doors without the need to create
                                and control a separate security area. This
                                version removes the Door Frame delay.
mystkeys.zip    1440 08-05-2024 These keys are to unlock
                                features in the following 
                                mystic files:
                                  They are all legit. I 
                                lost the source code during 
                                a hard drive crash, and, 
                                I must have overwrote the
                                Anyway, I was in the process
                                of making them all freeware,
                                which is explained in the enclosed
navmnu10.zip    6884 08-05-2024 Menu Navigator v1.0 -- This is a small
                                program that allows you to go from one
                                TriBBS menu to another without going
                                via the Main Menu.  Executable is only
                                2k!!!  FreeWare for Registered TriBBS
                                sysops from Studio, Eh? Productions.
ndsec10.zip    18848 08-05-2024 NDSEC is a small program that will
                                enable you to change any node's sec
                                level via command line or batch file.
                                Set your node's security level to
                                your mail account's level and no
                                one with less than that security
                                level will be able to log on and
                                interrupt your mail run accounts.
                                Compatible with TriBBS 10.0 only!
netutils.zip  312856 08-05-2024 Collection of Programs needed for Joining
                                TriStLouisNet. This includes
                                COMMO 5.52, TriNet 7.1, MailRun 4.0A and a
                                collection of sample Batch
                                files and config files from a netted TriBBS.
                                Read the included README.DOC
                                for specific information on joining
newbie12.zip   19701 08-05-2024 
newlog.zip     29837 08-05-2024 NEWLOG.EXE v1.0 - TriBBS specific.
                                Will create a ZIPped archive of your
                                CALLERS.LOG using the current date as
                                both the file name & the archive name.
                                When run as a regular event (Daily,
                                weekly, etc.) it will prove to be
                                very handy for helping your BETWEEN.BAT
                                to run lightning fast!!! Donate-ware.
newstat1.zip    1931 08-05-2024 Really neat TriBBS 5.x stat screen. This
                                fixes the problem with the variables
                                from CoolStat.
newu121.zip    15293 08-05-2024 NEWUSERS 1.21 for TriBBS 5.x/10.x creates an
                                bulletin showing the last specified number of
                                users.  Freeware by Bob Dunnell, Fidonet
                                1:100/340, jonas@partyline.net.
nodesec.zip     7414 08-05-2024 NODESEC changes the minimum security level of
                                TriBBS node based on a given command line
                                Freeware from Bob Dunnell, 1:100/340
norq10.zip     39608 08-05-2024 TriNoRequest v1.0. Use with TriBBS
                                10.x and higher. This FREEWARE utility
                                will remove a users offline file
                                request queue. Useful for filtering
                                out users who like to make multiple
                                requests & never download their files.
                                Released - 01/20/98.
                                Crazy Nights Software.
notify32.zip   77132 08-05-2024 NOTIFY v3.2 - Notify is a small Quick Basic
                                program written for TriBBS that is meant to
                                be run in the LOGON.BAT file to notify the
                                sysop that of 3 VIP users has logged on.
                                Notify reads the TRIBBS.SYS drop file and
                                compares the name in it to that found in
                                VIP.LST. If a match is found NOTIFY rings the
                                VIP bell. v3.2 UPDATE: IMPROVED ERROR LOG OUT
                                PUT TO INCLUDE THE DATE & TIME OF ERROR.
not_21mnu3.z       0 01-01-1980 NOT!MENU 1.3 for TriBBS. This is 
                                an auto ansi menu maker for Tribbs. 
                                You can define your own styles for 
                                "on the fly" menus. Or chose to use 
                                1 of the 8 styles included. Can make 
                                random style menus in you between.bat 
                                file. Reads DLIMITS.DAT to get your 
                                security levels and makes a menu for each. 
                                1.3 makes DOORn.BBS files, multiple
                                style files. Read the new .doc file!
                                Compiled: July 2, 1994.
                                From North Of Toronto BBS!.
not_21mnu3.zip   21025 08-05-2024 NOT!MENU 1.3 for TriBBS. This is 
                                an auto ansi menu maker for Tribbs. 
                                You can define your own styles for 
                                "on the fly" menus. Or chose to use 
                                1 of the 8 styles included. Can make 
                                random style menus in you between.bat 
                                file. Reads DLIMITS.DAT to get your 
                                security levels and makes a menu for each. 
                                1.3 makes DOORn.BBS files, multiple
                                style files. Read the new .doc file!
                                Compiled: July 2, 1994.
                                From North Of Toronto BBS!.
nover103.zip   39644 08-05-2024 NOVERIFY v1.03 by Patrick Palczewski
                                Don't you just hate it when a user doesn't
                                perform the callback verification? This
                                program automatically notifies the sysop
                                of a unvalidated user and also generates
                                a user specific BBS screen letting the
                                user know he/she will be deleted if they
                                are not validated in a certain time frame.
                                Simply runs in your GOODBYE.BAT file. 
                                Compatible with TriBBS 5.11 and 10.0!
                                COMPLETELY FREEWARE! Read the doc file
                                for exciting info! 
                                - Minor update. Error messages are easier
                                to understand. :)
nsm.zip         5718 08-05-2024 This is a little program for Tribbs that
                                sends messages entirely from the command
                                line. It also has the ability to insert a
                                callers name (from a door.sys file) into the
                                message, making it particularly useful for
                                automatic notifications.
nullnode.zip    2494 08-05-2024 
nuw10a.zip     50559 08-05-2024 @X0F
                                @X0F @X0ATriNUWW 10.0A  TriBBS/TriBBS @X0F
                                @X0F @X0APro  New  User Welcome Wagon @X0F
                                @X0F @X02Ever wanted to send your new @X0F
                                @X0F @X02users  a  special  welcome ? @X0F
                                @X0F @X02Well... This program sends a @X0F
                                @X0F @X02customizable @-coded welcome @X0F
                                @X0F @X02screen to them through their @X0F
                                @X0F @X02n.BBS user specific  display @X0F
                                @X0F @X02screen.  A DIRT CHEAP $5 fee @X0F
                                @X0F @X02entitles you to a registered @X0F
                                @X0F @X02copy of this, and all future @X0F
                                @X0F @X02versions of TriNUWW. Another @X0F
                                @X0F @X0AQuality   MatrixWare  TriBBS @X0F
                                @X0F @X0AAddon By Bubbajoe & Calatius @X0F
                                @X0F @X0ADated 1/3/96  Replaces 10.00 @X0F
nv113.zip      11973 08-05-2024 *> New View 1.13 <*
                                Bug Fix Version.
                                New View is a TriBBS Callers
                                Log Viewer with a twist!  New View
                                views the CALLERS.LOG backwords!  
                                Now you can see the most recent
                                callers first instead of wading
                                through the whole day's log.  You
                                can also search the callers.log 
                                3 different ways: By Name, By Date, 
                                and By Node Number!  Check it out
                                today and save yourself the time
                                of wading through a whole days log
                                just to see who called last.  By
                                Dave Draeger for OmniSoft.
online.zip    274385 08-05-2024 @X08=-=-=-=-=-=[OnLine-Net]-=-=-=-=-=-
                                @X08||Join the Newest TriBBS based  ||
                                @X01||Network, Online-Net.  Starting||
                                @X01||with over 30 conferences, with||
                                @X09||more to come.  It's FREE, and ||
                                @X01||ever thing needed to set it up|| 
                                @X01||is included in this file!     ||
                                @X08||  4th Dimension 703-803-2819  ||
page10.zip     18464 08-05-2024 PAGE is a small program that will
                                turn a node's page bell status on
                                or of via command line or batch file.
                                Compatible with TriBBS 10.0 only!
pagetggl.zip   57549 08-05-2024 TriChangePage 2.0
                                Copyright (c) 1996 JG_SOFT
                                A small utility written in C++ that
                                will toggle the TriBBS 10.0 page bell
                                on or off according to the program run.
                                And something else- It's FREEWARE!
pagscrn.zip    12058 08-05-2024 Page Bell Screen -- From LOGON.BAT checks the
                                users name against a list.  Then it turns on
                                or off the page bell access.  Good for 
                                allowing only special callers to page, or
                                just screening out abusers.  You choose!
                                TriBBS only.
pbf10.zip       6706 08-05-2024 PageBellFLASHtoggler - Version 1.0. This
                                program allows you to toggle whether the
                                paged sysop star will flash or not. Easy to
                                use and fast! TriBBS 5.0+ ONLY! Written by
                                Paul Hirsch (TriBBS #305) on 5 March 1994,
                                1332. FREEWARE!
phdupe10.zip   32033 08-05-2024 Don's Phone Finder v10.0 By Don Sausa - For
                                TriBBS 10.x systems; program that shows
                                statistics for your USERS.DAT, including #'s
                                of users and size. Also searches for user
                                names, phone numbers, and aliases through the
                                command prompt. A vital utility for spotting
                                phone dupes.
phreq13b.zip   59825 08-05-2024 =========== PHreq! v1.3 ============
                                A TriBBS anonymous file transfer door.
                                Great for sysops who want to have files
                                available for instant download by the
                                general public (e.g. master file lists,
                                compression utilities, programs you 
                                have written, etc.) using a SECxxxx.BAT 
                                file. Callers can choose from up to 26 
                                files (sysop can set the # of files) for 
                                automatic download. Internal support for
                                DSZ, GSZ, HS/Link and TriBBS internal
                                protocols plus extprot.mnu. Features
                                sysop message, opt. intro screen, file 
                                descriptions, writes a call summary to 
                                the CALLERS.LOG file, hangs up the modem 
                                and resets TriBBS. Can also be set up as 
                                a door from within a BBS to provide file 
                                d/l's from any menu on your board.  
                                Written by Peter Hanmore.
pirate.zip      7310 08-05-2024 Here is a language file for TriBBS with a few
                                Pirate phrases added to it,and
                                some color changes to enhance some of the
                                "default" color settings
                                to make your TriBBS board a little more
                                colorful. Included is a batch 
                                file you can put in your Tribbs directory to
                                quickly make your personal
                                security level Ansi and ASCII screens for Main
                                meu,File menu,
                                Message menu,and door menu. Also a txt file to
                                show you how to use it.
pisec10.zip    29839 08-05-2024 PiSec 10.0 by David de Young -- Utility to
                                upgrade a user's security level by updating
                                the DOOR.SYS file.  This utility will enable
                                you to make the Verify! callback verifyer
                                compatible with TriBBS 10.0. Take advantage
                                of TriBBS's ability to read back DOOR.SYS and
                                make changes accordingly. ** Freeware
                                from PiSoft **
piwjl13.zip    34637 08-05-2024 Pi's Who Just Left? for TriBBS is a
                                multi-node compatible Last Caller
                                generator which produces a colorful
                                screen telling a caller who the last
                                caller was in a playful way.  When I
                                added this feature to my system, I got
                                rave reviews from users!  Includes the
                                ability to exclude local, sysop logins,
                                and up to three additional callers of
                                your choice.  Optional end-pause on
                                created bulletins for easier LOGONx.BBS
                                use.  CheapWare from PiSoft:  A Division
                                of TNSLB SoftCo.
pltotl20.zip   12875 08-05-2024 PLTOTL 2.0 - PCBoard to TriBBS (R) file list
                                converter.  This version supports the TriBBS
                                5.01+ binary file lists.
pnote20.zip   134020 08-05-2024 <<<<<<<<<<< Post * A * Note! v2.0 >>>>>>>>>>>
                                -=-=-=-=-= By  Freejack's Software =-=-=-=-=-
                                For use with TriBBS 10.x and TriBBS PRO Only!
                                This is a Door that will allow a caller to do
                                hyper searching in either Real or  Alias name
                                mode, using  either  Full   or  Partial  Name
                                searches, and  select  up to 20 users on your
                                BBS to post up  to a 15  line note to.   Auto
                                word wrapping of text to the next line. Notes
                                are created as  a  User Specific logon Screen
                                as defined  by  your TriBBS Docs.  The screen
                                is  colorful  with a  surrounding  3-D  style
                                border. When a Sysop logs into the door, they
                                are allowed the oportunity  to send a Note to
                                ALL their users at one time.   This Door uses
                                it's own internal indexing system  which  can
                                be  built  and  maintained  by included  file
                                called Makepdx.exe  that  can be ran in  your
                                nightly event or between batch file. 
poffice2.zip   26843 08-05-2024 
                                 TriBBS(tm) Post Office, Another    
                                 fine Utility for use with Tribbs,  
                                 from: The Computer Doctor, Inc.    
                                 This little utility will let you   
                                 create a list of users and other   
                                 BBSes that enter your Board for    
                                 TriMail purposes only. The Post    
                                 Office will check this list every  
                                 time these users login to the      
                                 system. Then will prompt them      
                                 if they want to enter the TriMail  
                                 Message Host, or if they want to   
                                 enter the Bulletin Board System    
                                 instead. This will help your users 
                                 who do not want to continually go  
                                 through each of the menus and logon
                                 screens in order to download and   
                                 upload there messages. A MUST HAVE 
prip2.zip       2737 08-05-2024 A great POSTRIP.RIP that I created
                                it allows for use of the mouse to
                                flag files, change file areas, and
                                change message conference. This 
                                version fixes the problems cause by
                                the hot keys. There are no longer hot
                                keys you must press the buttons.
putof10a.zip   32720 08-05-2024 PUTOFF.EXE 1.0a by C-Cubed Software TriBBS 10+
                                utility that lets you set a currently online
                                CD to be an offline CD with the offline CD
                                number specified on the command line.
                                Maintenance release! See FILE_ID.DIZ!
puton10.zip    28418 08-05-2024 PUTON.EXE 1.0 by C-Cubed Software
                                TriBBS 10.0+ utility that sets all the
                                file areas for a given Offline CD to
                                being online. Before it does so, it
                                parses the FAREA.DAT to see of there is
                                already an Online CD; if there is, it
                                asks the user if he wants to continue.
                                It then checks to see if the Offline CD
                                number exists in the FAREA.DAT; if it
                                doesn't, it aborts. Backs up the
                                FAREA.DAT before making the actual
                                changes. Command line driven.
                                Freeware. :)
qsrch101.zip   59474 08-05-2024 QSEARCH - Quick File Search for TriBBS 
                                ** For use with TriBBS v10.x and up **
                                Qsearch will very quickly search the 
                                file lists for any file/description
                                which includes the regular expression
                                entered by the user.  It will list by
                                file area, the name and size of the
                                file plus the one line from the file
                                description that includes the search
                                expression. When registered it also
                                allows file flagging for download. A 
                                great time saver when searching through 
                                otherwise lengthy file descriptions
                                Minor update to provide better error
                                checking.  Written by: Peter Hanmore
quest1.zip      5372 08-05-2024 
quote10.zip    28756 08-05-2024 TRIQUOTE v1.00 - Quote-of-the-day bulletin
                                or logon screen generator for TriBBS. Uses
                                @-codes for output display. Includes sample
                                quotes file to get you started.
quslap12.zip   37075 08-05-2024 ͸
                                   = Quote Slapper v1.1 =   
                                 >>> For TriBBS or any BBS type <<< 
                                 >>>   that supports @x-codes   <<< 
                                    FREEWARE! Generates an @x-code  
                                 logon screen showing a random      
                                 quote for the day from its         
                                 editable quote file.               
                                brought to you by SaltySoft
qwkticb8.zip   26341 08-05-2024 QwkTic Beta .08 A TriBBS specific QWK
                                utility that allows the SysOp to attach
                                files they receive via a frontend 
                                mailer to message on a TriBBS system. 
                                This allows the files to be distubuted 
                                via QWK Style packets.  Great for BBS's 
                                that are Fido->Qwk Hubs.  QwkTic also
                                enters the .tic file as the message on
                                your board.  Total automatation at it's
                                best... :)
rdrbj10.zip    48393 08-05-2024 RDR Black Jack Door game for
                                use with RDR Time Bank.
                                Allow your users to gamble
                                with their saved time in the
                                TIME BANK. Version 1.0.
rdrlot10.zip   64484 08-05-2024 RDRLotto v 1.0: The Time Bank lottery door
                                designed for use with the RDR Time Bank
                                door.  PBLotto allows users to gamble with
                                their saved time in the BBS's TIME BANK. 
                                * Shareware *
recent15.zip   24460 08-05-2024 RECENT CONNECTIONS v.1.5 (TriBBS Version)
                                A neat little program that generates
                                a 'last caller' type screen.  You 
                                would swear it was done in ANSI.  Very
                                high quality output that uses @ codes
                                so it will work for both ANSI and non-
                                ANSI terminals.  Not crippled!  You can
                                even enter names to exclude from output 
                                screen.  Very configurable for colors 
                                and beginning and ending @ codes.  
                                Multinode!  Alias support.  Only $6 CDN
                                to register!  NEW FEATURES!
                                Another UltimaWARE utility by Tim Kirkup
reglst10.zip   35939 08-05-2024 Converts TBBBSES.TXT to @coded bulletin
relscr.zip     15937 08-05-2024 Religious ANSI and ASCI (.ANS/.ASC) screens
                                fo use with CHANGE24.ZIP.  You'll need the
                                screen change program to make use of these
                                screens.  There are six screens that deal
                                with religion, one is repeated, both Sunday
                                and Fridays screens are the same except for
                                a change in color.  These screens were made
                                with THE DRAW 4.51 and were created 01/01/93
                                by Clay Fugitte.   Use these screens as you
                                see fit.  They are set up for GOODBYE screens
requst12.zip  103065 08-05-2024 Tri-Sysop File Request Program 1.2 is a
                                little utility that was written for the
                                purpose of detecting when a user has
                                requested an OFFLINE  file! This is designed
                                to run from your GOODBYE.BAT file. It will
                                send the sysop a message in the TriBBS
                                message base letting you know that there has
                                been an OFFLINE file request.
rnrfl125.zip  112868 08-05-2024 > RnRFL v 10.25 <ͻ
                                 A all in one software for TRIBBS 10  
                                  Master Files List Maker            
                                   (will also archive it)             
                                   Creation of Ascii and HTML list    
                                   Can be exported to a web server    
                                   or just be localy browsed by a web 
                                   browser such as Netscape, MSIE etc.
                                  Uploaded Files list Maker          
                                  Enhanced Directory Lister          
                                  Check, update, sort your FILES.LST 
                                   (size,date,new files, etc..)       
                                  Exec a specified command for each  
                                   files found in the area path       
                                     all of the above at one time     
                                    Very easy to use and configure    
                                 !! Not crippled Fully Fonctionnal !! 
                                > RnRFL v 10.xx <ͻ
                                         Shareware $15 only           
rnrms104.zip   41097 08-05-2024 RnRMS v 10.04 - An all in one software for
                                TRIBBS Conference List Maker (Bulletin sorted
                                by name, net, #msg)  Enhanced Conferences
                                List Maker (MSG*.BBS, NET*.BBS & NETWORK.BBS)
                                (Logon mode or in a nightly event)
                                Conferences Traffic Report all of the above
                                at one time Very easy to use and configure!
rnrms105.zip   42865 08-05-2024 > RnRMS v 10.05 <ͻ
                                 A all in one software for TRIBBS 10  
                                  Conference List Maker              
                                   (Bulletin sorted by name,net,#msg) 
                                  Enhanced Conferences List Maker    
                                   (MSG*.BBS, NET*.BBS & NETWORK.BBS) 
                                   (Logon mode or in a nightly event) 
                                  Conferences Traffic Report         
                                     all of the above at one time     
                                    Very easy to use and configure    
                                 !! Not crippled Fully Fonctionnal !! 
                                > RnRMS v 10.xx <ͻ
                                         Shareware $15 only           
rnrus105.zip   46372 08-05-2024 > RnRUS v 10.05 <ͻ
                                 A all in one software for TRIBBS 10  
                                  New  User Bulletin Maker           
                                  Last User Bulletin Maker           
                                  Make Your Users Compete by giving  
                                   them points (Msg,Upl,Dnl,Call..)   
                                  Send Note to User Who Drops Carrier
                                  Bulletin Maker Caller/Age,/call/sec
                                  Del or report users who dont log on
                                   for a specified number of days     
                                     all of the above at one time     
                                    Very easy to use and configure    
                                 !! Not crippled Fully Fonctionnal !! 
                                > RnRFL v 10.xx <ͻ
                                         Shareware $15 only           
rom12.zip      41360 08-05-2024 ROM.EXE v.1.2. Toggle an entire CD Online
                                or "" with just a single, simple
                                command line. TriBBS specific! Written
                                using TriBBS 11, but will work with 10.x
                                also. Creates a log file & now a screen
                                (logon, bulletin, etc). Crazy nights
romlst10.zip   29450 08-05-2024 ROMLIST.EXE by C-Cubed Software
                                This program will create the CD????.LST
                                files needed by ROM.EXE, which is a
                                program that automates making a CD-ROM
                                disc online or offline in the TriBBS 10
                                and up file area database. ROM.EXE is
                                copyrighted by Ronald Schlegel and is
                                shareware. ROMLIST.EXE, this program,
                                is freeware from C-Cubed Software.
romlt10b.zip   29840 08-05-2024 ROMLISTB.EXE by C-Cubed Software
                                ROMLISTB.EXE does the same thing as
                                ROMLIST.EXE, except that it deletes
                                the CD????.LST files in ROM.EXE's
                                directory and then makes the new ones
                                there. It is not an upgrade.
rqst100a.zip   33206 08-05-2024 Request 10.0a - Beta 1 - This is a new
                                version of REQUEST.EXE that will hopefully
                                eliminate the operator experienced with the
                                10.0 version. This version will work with
                                either 10.0 Pro or 10.1 Pro.
rqsted20.zip   13367 08-05-2024 Requested v2.0 - For Tribbs 10/Pro - Displays
                                all the Offline requested files to the Sysop
                                at logon and will run TriBBS Request.exe
                                (upon request) during that logon. Nice
                                interface too.
rudm_26win.z       0 01-01-1980 Info on setting up TriBBS under Windows. I use
                                these myself and
                                swear by
                                them. I rarely have any Windows-related
                                problems running TriBBS. By
                                Vinson, R.U.D.M. 314-230-6727
rudm_26win.zip    4762 08-05-2024 Info on setting up TriBBS under Windows. I use
                                these myself and swear by
                                them. I rarely have any Windows-related
                                problems running TriBBS. By Kerry
                                Vinson, R.U.D.M. 314-230-6727
runbd11.zip    20927 08-05-2024 RUNBOARD.EXE 1.1 by C-Cubed Software
                                Windows program that will run
                                all the nodes at one time in a multi-
                                node BBS setup. Works with TriBBS -
                                I don't know what the setup for other
                                brands of BBS software are, so, I don't
                                know if it will work on anything other
                                than TriBBS. Accepts multiple
                                configuration files, so you can setup
                                the program for as many different Node
                                setup's as you please. Each config file
                                can have up to 255 programs (PIF's,
                                usually) to be run. That is the upper
                                limit of the number of Nodes for a
                                TriBBS setup. Contains executables for
                                both 16-bit and 32-bit Windows.
                                Freeware. :)
russian.zip    20890 08-05-2024 Russian  language files, menus,  
                                screens and other files for TriBBS 5.1
                                Probably one and the best language 
                                files in Russian, ANSI/ASCII graphics.  
                                Was created by Anton Manuilov, 
                                Sysop of @X8CInfinity BBS (508)433-9023!
rwlist20.zip   30253 08-05-2024 ******** RWLIST Ver 2.0 **************
                                RooKWare Master File List Maker for 
                                Tribbs 5.xx.  Create a master file 
                                list for your BBS, allows multiple 
                                configs files for different list.  
                                Number of Files and Bytes is now 
                                located at the top of each file area.
                                This version now archives the list 
                                within the util.. 
                                ********* Still FreeWare *************  
rwql15.zip     17097 08-05-2024 RWQL 1.5 - RKWare Queue Lister
                                Down and dirtly little sysop lister
                                of each TriBBS conference and how many
                                users have that conference queued.
                                *This update, is much much much faster*
                                =- Free to a good or even a bad home -=
savfm10.zip   143200 08-05-2024 SAVFM.EXE 1.0/SETFM.EXE 1.0
                                by C-Cubed Software
                                TriBBS 10.0+ door. Allows user to
                                save his current message conference/
                                curretn file area (SAVFM.EXE, the door
                                part), and they will automatically be
                                restored the next time the user logs
                                on. SETFM.EXE is run in any of the
                                logon batch files and does the
                                restoring of the saved areas. The
                                sysop can exclude up to 10 security
                                levels and 20 users from ebing able
                                to use the door/having their saved
                                settings restored.
                                Freeware. :)
scbbsln3.zip  120496 08-05-2024 South Carolina BBS Languages ]I[
                                For TriBBS 5.1 BBSs 
                                Contains 14 Ultra-Twisted and hilarious
                                languages for TriBBS. Has Beavis & Butt-
                                Head, Wayne's World, Subliminal Daze,  
                                Mystic, Rude & Crude, New Users, The    
                                Mystery Science Theatre 3000, Merlin's  
                                Castle, Cyber Punk Hackers, Tradewars,   
                                Ultimate English, and NEW Jurassic Park,
                                and hilarious Clinton-ese. Most w/ ANSI
                                and all have MNU files too. ***NOW!!***
secck21.zip   106931 08-05-2024 Security Check! v2.1 - This Door will run a
                                Random Security Check on callers calling into
                                your BBS. Will ask them their DOB & Phone #
                                and if they fail, log them off and if the
                                sysop chooses, creates a log and screen
                                reports. Screen Reports are in @X color
                                codes. Allows callers Failing logon Attempts
                                to leave a Message to the Sysop! Support Com
                                Ports 1 to 8, and Supports Non Standard IRQ's
                                1 to 15. Fast, Clean & Seamless Operation.
                                For Registered Sysops, Security Check! will
                                write All activity to the TriBBS's Callers
                                log plus many other features. Give your BBS
                                that added level of Security. Door data files
                                supported are TriBBS.sys and Door.sys. Now
                                Supports NON-USA Phone Numbers.
secure10.zip   23518 08-05-2024 DAMAGE, INC PRESENTS!
                                Security System......
                                Security System is a
                                program that will enable
                                TriBBS 5.0+ to have a
                                system password. (Also
                                can be used as a NewUser
                                password program, sorta).
                                From: Chromatic Deth
                                (719) 486-2353 at 14.4!
serv21.zip    108091 08-05-2024 ServeUp File Door Version 2.1 
                                Offers a file to users and lets them
                                download it.  Keeps track of users who
                                download it and does not bother them 
                                after they do. Custom screens, sysop
                                defined protocols, @VARIABLES@, 
                                RIPscrip support, and max / min
                                security levels. Perfect for new
                                user registration packets.
                                v2.1 adds the ability to specify the
                                file to download by the caller's name.
                                By Keith S. Kolbo 
setmst10.zip   31195 08-05-2024 SETMAST.EXE 1.0 by C-Cubed Software This
                                programs sets the Master Index flag for a
                                given range of file areas to either Yes or No.
                                Freeware TriBBS 10.0+ utility from C-Cubed
sf3tb510.zip   27234 08-05-2024 SF3XTB5X 1.0 - Spitfire 3.x to TriBBS 5.x
                                user file converter.
sftotb10.zip   25036 08-05-2024 SFTOTB 1.0 - A Spitfire to TriBBS file list
showf10.zip    52229 08-05-2024 ShowFile 10.0 for TriBBS 10.x
                                by Marc Brooks. This is a DOOR
                                In USE Utility that lets users
                                know when someone else is in
                                a single node game. This is
                                for TriBBS 10.x ONLY. Source
                                available for $5.00. FREEWARE.
simtb101.zip   73285 08-05-2024 SimpleTABS v10.1 By Don Sausa - A simple yet
                                effective utility for TriBBS sysops! Now
                                supports TABS service $10, and $25. Also
                                supports variables, @X-codes, extra menus,
                                extra newsletters, dupe ID-code checker, etc.
                                This utility is ABSOLUTELY FREE. Compatible
                                with all TriBBS versions! This utility can
                                even be used by programmers who wants to sell
                                their software through TABS! Check this one
                                out now!
smess102.zip   37791 08-05-2024 SMESS Version 10.2 - This is a helpful
                                application for TriBBS Sysops. It takes the
                                text message created by The Scrabble Door
                                or SD Maintenance and imports it into the
                                TriBBS Message base. Now upgraded for TriBBS
smpl100.zip    32608 08-05-2024 SSBG v10.0  Simple bulletin generator with
                                @X color codes  Compatible with TriBBS 5.x
                                and TriBBS 10.0  Distributed under by
                                CyberWare!  FREEWARE 
spforma2.zip   17930 08-05-2024 Espaol The most up to Date (5.1 Beta 23)
                                spanish language file available.  Corrected
                                punctuation marks it also includes some of
                                the screens I use in my BBS.  Need any help
                                your screens you can leave me a message in
                                the Lobster Bouy BBS or call me at 
                                @X0C THE GLASS BBS 809-832-4984.
spinit26.zip   33662 08-05-2024 ͸
                                   = SPiN-iT v2.6 =   
                                 for TriBBS and other BBS types 
                                 This program rotates or        
                                 randomly shuffles a set of BBS 
                                 ANSI screens around so that a  
                                 user sees a different ANSI     
                                 each time they log on. Ideal   
                                 for when you have too many     
                                 logon screens. Now FREEWARE!   
                                brought to you by SaltySoft
ssend21.zip    76186 08-05-2024 SCREEN SENDER v2.1  - a small door for
                                sending "extra" display screens and/or
                                files on TriBBS 5.xx BBS's.  Version
                                2.1 now supports the @x color codes and
                                has several minor bug fixes. Free to
                                registered TriBBS sysops from Studio,
                                Eh? Productions.
ssnun11.zip    35560 08-05-2024 
                                ShadowSoft's New User
                                Notifier Version 1.1!
                                Will send a logon message
                                to the sysop notifying him
                                or her that a new user has
                                signed up and is awaiting
                                a security upgrade!!
                                A must for any sysop
                                who can't find time to
                                check his or her
                                userfiles for new users!
                                By Craig Matthews
statscrn.zip    3052 08-05-2024 This file contains two set of new Welcome and
                                Stat screens to use on your TriBBS Board. One
                                set has a welcome header, and the other set
                                has the stats header. I have updated and use
                                most of TriBBS @-variables. One side shows
                                users Info, and the other side shows system
                                Info. From Freejack's Place! Hope you like 
stblst43.zip   58230 08-05-2024 Stat Blaster is a callers log
                                analyizer, for TriBBS(c) version
                                4.x to 5.1.  It will read your 
                                callers log and compile statistics 
                                into easy to read and understand 
                                graphs and charts.  Now you can 
                                tell, at a glance what is going on 
                                on your bbs.  It also can output 
                                a Last XX Callers bulletin. 
                                It uses @X variables.
                                Ver 4.3 Rel 14 Dec 94
subboard.zip   27483 08-05-2024 SUB BOARD is a nifty little utility to make
                                it extremely easy to run a second copy of  
                                TRIBBS 5.* as a DOOR! Handles passing all  
                                of the time data from one copy to another  
                                and back again. Freeware.                  
subord41.zip   26228 08-05-2024 
subrem30.zip   35946 08-05-2024 -= SUBSCRIPTTION EXPIRATION REMINDER  v3.0 =-
                                ********* By Freejack's  Software ***********
                                For use with  TriBBS 10.x &  TriBBS PRO Only!
                                This is a TriBBS  utility  that  runs in  the
                                nightly event  batch file to  send a friendly
                                reminder to the  user that  their subsription
                                is about to expire. Can be configure to start
                                at any two  digit day,  (exam. 30 or 15) days
                                prior to their expiration date. Will send the
                                user a note each day with a countdown of days
                                left, and their actual expiration date.  This
                                version supports the @X color codes.  You can
                                define the colors via the config file for the
                                User Name,  Border,  and Text Message that is
                                being sent to the User.    **** FREEWARE ****
subs10.zip     37530 08-05-2024 ****** Trial Subsription Updater v1.0 *******
                                -=-=-=-=-= By Freejack's  Software =-=-=-=-=-
                                **** For TriBBS 10.x &  TriBBS PRO Only! ****
                                This is  a program that  a Sysop  can run  in
                                their  NEWUSER.BAT  file  which will update a
                                caller's record for a Free Trial Subscription
                                Trial Subscription Updater v1.0 Features:
                                 * Update the callers Security Level
                                 * Update the callers Online Time
                                 * Sysop definable amount of days for Free
                                   Trial Subscription
                                 * Sends a Caller a User Specific Screen
                                   Message to notify him/her of being given
                                   a Free Trail Subscription.
                                 * It's FREE!
sup0203.zip     2133 08-05-2024 List of TriBBS Support Boards as of 
                                February 3, 1997. To add or update your 
                                entry, send your BBS NAME, TriBBS 
                                REGISTRATION NUMBER, CITY, STATE, 
                                COUNTRY (If outside the U.S.), AREA CODE 
                                & PHONE NUMBER of BBS, HIGHEST SUPPORTED 
                                BAUD RATE, and HOURS OF OPERATION (If 
                                your BBS is NOT a 24-Hour operation) to 
                                Linda Moore at either of the following: 
                                1:116/119 or lmoore@midtn.campus.mci.net
swap10a.zip    53729 08-05-2024 @X0F
                                @X0F @X09TriSwap 10.0A Random display @X0F
                                @X0F @X09screen rotater for TriBBS 10 @X0F
                                @X0F @X01TriSwap   has  the simplest, @X0F
                                @X0F @X01quickest setup of any TriBBS @X0F
                                @X0F @X01screen rotation utility With @X0F
                                @X0F @X01TriSwap you  can rotate  any @X0F
                                @X0F @X01number  of  TriBBS  screens, @X0F
                                @X0F @X01unlike other cheep knockoffs @X0F
                                @X0F @X01that  only  let  you  rotate @X0F
                                @X0F @X01GOODBYE.*  DIRT CHEAP $5 fee @X0F
                                @X0F @X01entitles you to a registered @X0F
                                @X0F @X01copy of this, and all future @X0F
                                @X0F @X01versions of TriSwap. Another @X0F
                                @X0F @X09Quality  MatrixWare  program @X0F
                                @X0F @X09By Bubbajoe.    Dated 1/3/96 @X0F
                                @X0F @X09This replaces version  10.00 @X0F
                                @X0F @X09The 5.11 compatable  version @X0F
                                @X0F @X09is available as TRISWP11.ZIP @X0F
swap10b.zip    53669 08-05-2024 TriSwap 10.0b - Random display screen rotator
                                for TriBBS 10 TriSwap has the simplest,
                                quickest setup of any TriBBS screen rotation
                                utility With TriSwap you can rotate any
                                number of TriBBS screens, unlike other cheep
                                knockoffs that only let you rotate GOODBYE.*
swe_lang.zip   10266 08-05-2024 Swedish language files for TriBBS 11.x. Added
                                is Main, Message, File, Sysop .M03 files. 
                                Translation made by the Sysop of DewPoint BBS
                                in Finland.
t2r_1010.zip  101125 08-05-2024 --------- TIME  TO  RENEW v10.0.1.0 ---------
                                An automated subscription management tool for
                                TriBBS v10.0+.  Main function:  notifies your
                                callers when their  subscription is  about to
                                expire.  Generates detailed  and  categorized
                                log of transactions as well as date/security-
                                level error reporting.  Supports multilingual
                                sysop configurable ANSI/ASCII/@-CODE/RIP user
                                -specific logon bulletins,direct message-base
                                posting with file attachments,@-macros,single
                                or group security levels, multiple .INI files
                                (ie. for security-level based template  sets,
                                etc). An excellent tool that no subscription-
                                based sysop should be without.  Try it today!
                                ---------- Simple Minded Software -----------
t2r_1012.zip  104825 08-05-2024 --------- TIME  TO  RENEW v10.0.1.2 ---------
                                An automated subscription management tool for
                                TriBBS v10.0+.  Main function:  notifies your
                                callers when their  subscription is  about to
                                expire.  Generates detailed  and  categorized
                                log of transactions as well as date/security-
                                level error reporting.  Supports multilingual
                                sysop configurable ANSI/ASCII/@-CODE/RIP user
                                -specific logon bulletins,direct message-base
                                posting with file attachments,@-macros,single
                                or group security levels, multiple .INI files
                                (ie. for security-level based template  sets,
                                etc). An excellent tool that no subscription-
                                based sysop should be without.  Try it today!
                                ---------- Simple Minded Software -----------
tage10.zip     16761 08-05-2024 TriAge v1.0 is a bulletin maker for 
                                TriBBS 5.x systems.  TriAge shows the 
                                ages of your callers in a bulletin.  
                                FAST!  Easily runs in your
                                BETWEEN.BAT file or as a daily 
                                maintenance event.
tapst13.zip    69641 08-05-2024 TriAutoPost 1.3 - TriAutoPost is a door 
                                for TriBBS 5.x boards that will allow 
                                your users to send Auto Messages of up 
                                to 4 lines. Supports aliases, keeps an 
                                optional log of messages sent and uses 
                                @-Color Codes. This version has 
                                RIPScrip support and an optional
                                AUTOPOST.BAD file can be used to 'lock 
                                out' up to 10 users from the door.
                                Freeware by Hugues Scarlata.
tatmnu10.zip   16262 08-05-2024 TriAddToMNU 1.0  A small
                                freeware util that will
                                update all of your TriBBS
                                .MNU files in every language
                                all at one time.  Great for
                                multi-language BBS's who
                                want a fast way to update
                                their menu choices.
                                (c) 1995 Green Software
tb2b_26s2.zi       0 01-01-1980 TB2B&S - The TRIBBS.SYS to DOORFILE.SR
                                converter. A quick and efficient program
                                to enable easier setup of the Baron
                                Realms Elite and Solar Reals Elite door
                                games on a TriBBS BBS. Written on
                                January 2, 1994 at 0110 by Paul Hirsch.
                                Version 2.0 - Fixed bug with TBAV and
                                other heuristic scanners thinking it was
                                a virus, due to the fact of my
                                encryption program (PROTEXCM 4.0).
tb2b_26s2.zip    5448 08-05-2024 TB2B&S - The TRIBBS.SYS to DOORFILE.SR
                                converter. A quick and efficient program
                                to enable easier setup of the Baron
                                Realms Elite and Solar Reals Elite door
                                games on a TriBBS BBS. Written on
                                January 2, 1994 at 0110 by Paul Hirsch.
                                Version 2.0 - Fixed bug with TBAV and
                                other heuristic scanners thinking it was
                                a virus, due to the fact of my
                                encryption program (PROTEXCM 4.0).
tb2wwiv1.zip    6175 08-05-2024 TB2WWIV - The TRIBBS.SYS to CHAIN.TXT
                                converter. A quick and efficient program
                                to enable easier setup of door games
                                requiring CHAIN.TXT on a TriBBS BBS.
                                Written on January 16th, 1993 at 0230 by
                                Paul Hirsch. Version 1.0.
tback201.zip   26659 08-05-2024 TriBack 2.01 - A callback verification door
                                for TriBBS.  A simple, yet effective way to
                                verify callers.  This minor update provides
                                compatibility with TriBBS 5.01.
tball10.zip    21756 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                    TriBBS 10.0/Pro User Hard Copy    
                                  This utility will generate a hard   
                                  copy report of all your users on    
                                   your BBS. This report will show    
                                    User's Name, City, State, and     
                                  security level. A trailer at end    
                                 of report shows how many users were  
                                            By B&K Soft               
tbanc101.zip   51625 08-05-2024 TBAnnounce 10.01 for TriBBS 10.x
                                by Marc Brooks. This is a TriBBS
                                Utility that sends announcements
                                to users on active nodes when
                                someone new logs onto the BBS.
                                For TriBBS 10.x ONLY. Source
                                available for $5.00. FREEWARE.
tbank41.zip    60643 08-05-2024 TriBank v4.1 - The TriBBS TimeBank door
                                This version fixes a few bugs...The local
                                console will no longer allow 'beeps', unless
                                the current user is at the local console.
                                TBEdit has been updated--during the last
                                release, I forgot to include the new TBEdit.
                                Author: Randal C. Hunt
tbanounc.zip   35044 08-05-2024 
tbapi51.zip    80764 08-05-2024 The TriBBS API 5.1 - This is a library of
                                C/C++ routines for accessing the TriBBS data
                                files, including the compressed message base.
                                Libraries are provided for Borland C++ 3.1,
                                4.0, and DOS extended 4.0, Symantec C++,
                                Turbo C++.  This new version updates the
                                library for TriBBS 5.1 and also includes
                                new routines for buffered text file input.
tbapib3.zip    42649 08-05-2024 =======================================
                                  Turbo Pascal API for TriBBS 10.0
                                This is the Turbo Pascal version of the
                                API.  This version includes FAREA.DAT,
                                MCONF.DAT, USERS.DAT, USERS.SPM,
                                USERS.SPF, NETWORK.DAT, DOORS.TMP,
                                M####.HDR & DAT.
                                    ProSoft Productions 1996
tbbs111.zip  1133448 08-05-2024 TriBBS v11.1 - TriBBS is the most feature
                                packed, shareware BBS program on the market.
                                Features multinode support, RIPscrip
                                graphics, Zmodem, full-screen, editor,
                                extensive netmail support, extensive door
                                support, alias support, extensive CD-ROM
                                support, indexed file areas, caller id
                                support, and more. Try TriBBS Today!          
                                Sysops upgrading from earlier versions,
                                please read the 10XTO111.DOC.
                                By Freejack's Software
tbcanpag.zip   64791 08-05-2024 
tbcbv12.zip    98071 08-05-2024 TriBBS CallBack Verifier version 1.2. Works
                                with modems 2400-14400. Multinode capable.
                                Unlimited baud rate for locked ports. Unusual
                                comm port addresses supported. Will dis-allow
                                long distance callback. Won't drop local
                                callers upon completion. Allows user to
                                correct phone and reports change in 
                                CALLERS.LOG. Supports ANSI color. Now checks
                                for lost carrier and duplicate phone numbers.
                                For TriBBS 2.11A or later. Now $15 reg. fee.
tbcmk301.zip   15990 08-05-2024 =======================================
                                 TriBBS Conference Maker Version 3.00
                                Enhanced your Message Conference with
                                this small SHAREWARE Utility! This
                                version creates a MSGALL.BBS for TriBBS.
                                This utility uses a 2 column display
                                with a small key to show if the
                                conference is Private, Aliases Allowed,
                                or is a Echoed Conference. Much like the
                                one for PCBoard(tm)! Try TBCMKR Today!
                                New Option - Long Screen with # of Msgs,
                                Status, and Network Displayed.
                                Faster then ever!
                                ProSoft Productions - SHAREWARE
tbcpg10.zip    67534 08-05-2024 TBCanPage 10.0 for TriBBS 10.x
                                by Marc Brooks. This is a TriBBS
                                Utility that sets the page avai-
                                lability for each user as they
                                logon based on Sec Level, Time
                                of day, by name or any combo of
                                those three. This is for TriBBS
                                10.x ONLY. Source available for
                                $5.00. FREEWARE.
tbd35b1.zip    14082 08-05-2024 =======================================
                                 TriBBS Directory Maker Version 3.50
                                Enhanced your Directories with this
                                small SHAREWARE Utility! Shows number
                                of files and how many bytes are in
                                each directory with a professional style
                                of look.  This release offers complete
                                customization of all colors using the
                                PCB AT Color Codes to create a *.BBS for
                                TriBBS.  With an easy to use color
                                editor this is the *BEST* directory
                                enhancer for the TriBBS Bulletin Board
                                System. This beta provides 10.0 compatibility
                                with TriBBS. ****Beta 1****
                                ProSoft Productions - SHAREWARE!
tbd35b2.zip    13244 08-05-2024 =======================================
                                 TriBBS Directory Maker Version 3.50
                                Enhanced your Directories with this
                                small SHAREWARE Utility! Shows number
                                of files and how many bytes are in
                                each directory with a professional style
                                of look.  This release offers complete
                                customization of all colors using the
                                PCB AT Color Codes to create a *.BBS for
                                TriBBS.  With an easy to use color
                                editor this is the *BEST* directory
                                enhancer for the TriBBS Bulletin Board
                                System. This beta provides 10.0 compatibility
                                with TriBBS. ****Beta 2****
                                ProSoft Productions - SHAREWARE!
tbdel101.zip   35113 08-05-2024 TBDelUser 10.1 for TriBBS 10.x
                                by Marc Brooks. This is a TriBBS
                                Utility that allows the sysop to
                                mark users for deletion based on
                                how many days it's been since
                                their last call. Runs on command
                                line. This is for TriBBS 10.x
                                10.1: Ignores 'zapped' users with
                                blank last-call date.
                                Source available for $5.00
tbdelusr.zip   37046 08-05-2024 
tbdmk300.zip   27097 08-05-2024 TriBBS Directory Maker V3.00 Enhanced your
                                Directories with this small SHAREWARE
                                Utility! Shows number of files and how many
                                bytes are in each directory with a
                                professional style of look. This release
                                offers complete customization of all colors
                                using the PCB AT Color Codes to create a
                                *.BBS for TriBBS.
tbdup10.zip    31327 08-05-2024 TBDupePhone/Birthdate/Password 10.0
                                for TriBBS 10.x by Marc Brooks. This
                                is a TriBBS User Info Search Engine
                                that allows sysops to identify with
                                ease users that have the exact same
                                phone number, birthdate and/or pass
                                word. Ideal for catching duplicate
                                accounts or confused users.This is
                                for TriBBS 10.x ONLY. Source for 
                                $5.00. FREEWARE.
tbdupph.zip    34062 08-05-2024 
tbdwn1b1.zip   12784 08-05-2024 =======================================
                                 TriDown Version 1.00 Beta
                                TriDown is a TriBBS 5.10+ compatible
                                file download counter that inserts
                                the number of times a file has been
                                downloaded. TriDown is fully compatible
                                with the 'new' file lists.
                                TriDown is FREE for registered users
                                of TicIt
                                ProSoft Productions - SHAREWARE
tbgm111.zip    43424 08-05-2024 TBGM 1.11 for TriBBS.
                                Official Release.
                                Send text files as messages 
                                into TriBBS Messages Areas.
                                5 operations modes :
                                Direct,By Sec Level,
                                to New User, to Current User,
                                to a list of User, 
                                to a User's number.
                                Very configurable and fast.
tbgm20b3.zip   51441 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                  TBGM v2.00b3 for TriBBS 10.0   
                                        Beta Release.            
                                  Send text files as messages    
                                 to TriBBS 10.0 Messages Areas.  
                                     Several mails modes.        
tbgmview.zip   24799 08-05-2024 =======  TBGMView  ==========
                                TBGMView is a graphical shell for use 
                                with TBGM.  Through the use of prompts
                                and picklists, it creates the command
                                line options required to have TBGM send
                                a message to a user and displays it on
                                screen before running TBGM.  Includes 
                                support for DOS EDIT.COM to create 
                                messages. PostcardWare by Peter Hanmore.
tbmg40.zip     24636 08-05-2024 TriBBS Modem Guide v4.0 revised 01-03-94     
                                Now in HyperText format for easier/faster    
                                finding of inits! Just type GO after you      
                                after you unzip this archive!  FREE for  
                                all BBS Sysops.  Works with TriBBS and 
                                just about all bbs software!  We hope   
                                this helps you get setup alot sooner!    
                                         -=*>WBS Presents<*=-           
tbmsg10.zip    44093 08-05-2024 TBMsgCall 10.0 for TriBBS 10.x
                                by Marc Brooks. This is a TriBBS
                                Utility that allows the sysop to
                                know which users have a specific
                                POST to CALL ratio so that they
                                may be compensated for their
                                efforts. Runs on command line.
                                This is for TriBBS 10.x ONLY.
                                Source for $5.00. FREEWARE.
tbmsgcal.zip   46425 08-05-2024 
tbnf13.zip     22175 08-05-2024 TBNF v1.3
                                Works with TriBBS 5.00
                                TriBBS New File Lister
                                Make an ascii list of all
                                the files uploaded for the
                                last 15/30 days.
tbnk10_0.zip   62023 08-05-2024 TriBank v10.0 - The Original TriBBS TimeBank
                                Door.  Now has TRIBBS 10.0+ compatability!!!
                                You've been waiting for it....here it is!
                                This version has just a few minor additions.
                                Author: Randal C. Hunt
tbratio.zip    59069 08-05-2024 TBRatio Version 1.0                   
                                A TriBBS 5.1 utility to automate the 
                                sliding file-ratio system.  This
                                will raise and lower a user's security
                                level based on the files/bytes uploaded
                                or downloaded.  Credit can be given for
                                messages posted.  A message is sent to
                                the user telling them of the level
                                change.  Does NOT affect levels not in
                                RATIOS.DAT.  Enables the 5.0 ratio
                                behavior.  Registered users get source.
                                Written with TBAPI, multinode-safe.
                                Registration only $15.00!
                                By Marc C. Brooks, Phydeaux Software
tbsec10.zip    29646 08-05-2024 TBSecure 10.0 for TriBBS 10.x
                                by Marc Brooks. This is a TriBBS
                                Utility changes the security level
                                of a TriBBS NODE on the command
                                line. Great for closing nodes for
                                specific hours to lower level users.
                                This is for TriBBS 10.x ONLY.
                                Source for $5.00. FREEWARE.
tbsec101.zip   26709 08-05-2024 TRISEC.EXE v10.1 - TriBBS BBS User     
                                Security Level and Time Adjustment     
                                Program.  Used with a Call Back        
                                Verifier, TRISEC.EXE will make these   
                                adjustments for the newly verified     
                                caller while the caller is on-line.    
                                Compatible with TriBBS v10.0           
                                Sagerquist Micro Engineering           
tbsen10.zip    60250 08-05-2024 TBSentry 10.0 for TriBBS 10.x
                                by Marc Brooks. This is a TriBBS
                                security utility that verifies
                                a users phone number and birthdate
                                as they login and kicks them off if
                                they fail to enter the correct info.
                                This is good for catching users who
                                open fake accounts with bogus info.
                                This is for TriBBS 10.x ONLY.
                                Source for $5.00. FREEWARE.
tbsentry.zip   71286 08-05-2024 
tbsn10_0.zip   31313 08-05-2024 SendNote v10.0 - Lets your users send 10 line
                                notes to each other that will be shown to the
                                other person at their next logon.  This new
                                version adds TriBBS v10.0 compatability!!
                                You've been waiting for it...here it is!
                                DO NOT USE THIS WITH VERSIONS OF TRIBBS PRIOR
                                TO VERSION 10.0!!
                                Author: Randal C. Hunt
tbsurf10.zip    5848 08-05-2024 The Surfer Language File! For TriBBS
                                versions 5.0 and up. From the ultra-cool
                                mind of Paul Hirsch - The North Pole BBS
                                - (301)540-3654 - 14.4k v.32bis - TriBBS
                                #305 - TriBBS Support Board!
tbtb10.zip     38683 08-05-2024 RDR Time Bank (C) Copyright 1997 by Rob Ross
                                Designed for use with TriBBS BBSes (v10.0-
                                11.0).  This program is needed for several
                                other doors that modify users' Time Bank
                                accounts, such as RDR Black Jack, RDR Lotto
                                and Time Transfer. * Shareware *
tbuti30.zip   131182 08-05-2024 TriBBS UTI 3.0 - Universal Text Interface for
                                TriBBS.  Let's TriBBS systems use PCRelay and
tbzcd103.zip   60634 08-05-2024 TBZchatDooRWaY 10.3 for TriBBS 10.x
                                by Marc Brooks. This is a TriBBS
                                ZChat-Specific doorway that imitates
                                TriBBS's internal Telechat Menu so
                                that users can invite other users
                                to telechat as they enter the ZChat
                                Telechatting Door. Sends chat pages
                                to specific nodes or to whole BBS.
                                --10.3 Added paging hours support--
                                This is for TriBBS 10.x ONLY.
                                Source for $5.00. FREEWARE.
tbzcdr12.zip   59625 08-05-2024 ************ TBZCDRWY 1.2 ***************
                                TriBBS Z-Chat Doorway 1.2: This program
                                runs immediately before Z-Chat to
                                emulate the normal TriBBS Chat Menu.
                                Allows users about to enter chat to page
                                other users online, see what they are
                                doing, and properly update the WHOSON
                                file to show that the user is in chat.
                                1.1: Opens WHOSON in shared mode.       
                                1.2: Fixes broken cross-node pages.     
                                ---------- Freeware with source! --------
                                ********** by Phydeaux Software *********
tbzsinfo.zip    1693 08-05-2024 
tb_2dger22.z       0 01-01-1980 TB-GER22, the German language file for 
                                TriBBS 5.1. It contains an updated 
                                language.002, the corresponding menues and
                                the following display files: DONTWANT,
                                FSCREEN, NOTTHERE, PENDING, SEARCH, SORRY,
                                SYSCHAT, TCHAT and TOOMANY. The exclamation
                                mark in the Message Menu is used to call
                                the batch for Randy Hunt's SendNote. So if
                                you install SendNote or a similar program
                                the translation is there. In the files menu
                                I added the "A" for my users to call the
                                door program Ultimate File Request.
tb_2dger22.zip   11948 08-05-2024 TB-GER22, the German language file for 
                                TriBBS 5.1. It contains an updated 
                                language.002, the corresponding menues and
                                the following display files: DONTWANT,
                                FSCREEN, NOTTHERE, PENDING, SEARCH, SORRY,
                                SYSCHAT, TCHAT and TOOMANY. The exclamation
                                mark in the Message Menu is used to call
                                the batch for Randy Hunt's SendNote. So if
                                you install SendNote or a similar program
                                the translation is there. In the files menu
                                I added the "A" for my users to call the
                                door program Ultimate File Request.
tb_2dital.zi       0 01-01-1980 ===> ITALIAN format language <===
                                Language for TriBBS 5.x, put
                                language in Italian.
                                Include Menus (.M05)!!
tb_2dital.zip   15111 08-05-2024 ===> ITALIAN format language <===
                                Language for TriBBS 5.x, put
                                language in Italian.
                                Include Menus (.M05)!!
tb_mst3k.zip   10563 08-05-2024 **** Mystery Science Theatre 3000 *****
                                ****  ---Language For TriBBS----  *****
                                Contains ALL the *.MNU files for TriBBS    
                                v5.XX and up. This version also contains
                                the SysOp menus, all as they are set up
                                on the South Carolina BBS, (where they
                                were written & drawn up). This language is
                                one of many support languages written by 
                                the SysOp. Call 803-552-5459 for Demos.
                                Also look for Rude, Mystic, Adult, and
                                Beavis & Butthead, with more coming!
tcbas10.zip    40783 08-05-2024 TriCallersByChatStatus v1.0
                                Released - 12-02-1997. Creates
                                a statistical screen showing the
                                ages & how many are in each age
                                group of all your callers.
                                TriBBS 10.x and up.
tcbbs10.zip    40783 08-05-2024 TriCallersByBirthdayStats v1.0
                                Released - 12-09-1997. Creates
                                a statistical screen showing the
                                months & how many of your users
                                were born in each month.
                                TriBBS 10.x and up.
tcbcqs10.zip   44085 08-05-2024 TriCallersByConferenceQueueStats v1.0
                                Released - 12-11-1997. Creates a
                                statistical screen showing the
                                conference queue status of all your
                                callers. TriBBS 10.x and up.
tcbcs10.zip    39620 08-05-2024 TriCallersByChatStatus v1.0
                                Released - 11-29-1997. Creates
                                a statistical screen showing the
                                initial chat status of all your
                                callers. TriBBS 10.x and up.
tcbdp10.zip    40687 08-05-2024 TriCallersByDefaultProtoCol v1.0
                                Released - 12-13-1997. Creates
                                a statistical screen showing the
                                default protocol of all your
                                callers. (Won't crash if EXTPROT.MNU
                                exists!) TriBBS 10.x and up.
tcbes10.zip    40512 08-05-2024 TriCallersByEditorStats v1.0
                                Released - 12-04-1997. Creates
                                a statistical screen showing the
                                default editor status of all your
                                callers. Supports external editor
                                name. TriBBS 10.x and up.
tcbfc10.zip    40786 08-05-2024 TriCallersByFirstCall v1.0
                                Released - 12-10-1997. Creates
                                a statistical screen showing
                                how many of your users were
                                new users in each month.
                                TriBBS 10.x and up.
tcbfs10.zip    40368 08-05-2024 TriCallersByFilesStats v1.0
                                Released - 11-30-1997. Creates
                                a statistical screen showing the
                                number of files downloaded &
                                uploaded and how many callers
                                performed the uploads & downloads
                                TriBBS 10.x and up.
tcblc10.zip    43650 08-05-2024 TriCallersByLastCall v1.0
                                Released - 12-13-1997. Creates
                                a statistical screen showing the
                                number of days since the last
                                call of all your callers.
                                TriBBS 10.x and up.
tcbmp10.zip    40344 08-05-2024 TriCallersByMessagesPosted v1.0
                                Released - 12-07-1997. Creates
                                a statistical screen showing the
                                number of messages posted by all
                                your callers. TriBBS 10.x and up.
tcbnc10.zip    40614 08-05-2024 TriCallersByNumberofCalls v1.0
                                Released - 12-06-1997. Creates
                                a statistical screen showing the
                                number of calls of all your
                                callers. TriBBS 10.x and up.
tcbsl10.zip    41424 08-05-2024 TriCallersSecurityLevel v1.0
                                Released - 12-15-1997. Creates
                                a statistical screen showing the
                                security levels & number of users
                                in each level of all your callers.
                                TriBBS 10.x and up.
tcbss10.zip    43552 08-05-2024 TriCallersByStateStats v1.0
                                Released - 01-03-1998. Creates
                                a statistical screen showing the
                                states that all your callers are
                                calling from. TriBBS 10.x and up.
tcbts10.zip    41498 08-05-2024 TriCallersByTownStats v1.0
                                Released - 01-27-1998. Creates
                                a statistical screen showing the
                                cities & states of all your
                                callers. TriBBS 10.x and up.
tcbxm10.zip    40095 08-05-2024 TriCallersByExpertMode v1.0
                                Released - 12-05-1997. Creates
                                a statistical screen showing the
                                number of Novice, Expert, and
                                Super-expert callers to your
                                TriBBS board. TriBBS 10.x and up.
tcdep11.zip   181375 08-05-2024 Tri CD-ROM Enhancer Package v1.1 - 3
                                Utilities for TriBBS 10+ Sysops with CD-ROMs!
                                Tri Offline File Requests - copies from CD to
                                Hard Drive, adds to FILES.LST, and inserts a
                                message to user. ToggleCD - Toggles any CD
                                Online or Offline. Delete Old File Requests -
                                (Self Explanatory).
tcfg100.zip    14209 08-05-2024 ------=======TriConfig 10.0=======------
                                TriConfig is an all new utility made for
                                new SysOps who don't want to go thru all 
                                the mess of using a DOS editor to make  
                                the Config files for TriMail, TriNet, 
                                TriDog and TriToss, all v10.0! TriConfig 
                                is the first release from Dragoon Soft! 
                                Give it a try! This version added 
                                support for TriBBS v10.0 Utils----------
                                TriConfig v10.0   Copyright Dragoon Soft
tciwmenu.zip    3542 08-05-2024 @X0FHEY @X0E@FIRST@@X0F! ARE YOU A SYSOP?
                                @X09IF SO THEN CHECK THIS OUT!
                                @093 NEW MENU'S FOR TRIBBS.
                                MAINALL.ANS, FILEALL.ANS, AND MESSALL.ANS.
                                MAIN MENU DISPLAYS THE SYSOP'S
                                NAME AND REGISTRATION NUMBER, ALONG WITH
                                THE BOARD NAME.  FILE MENU DISPLAYS
                                LAST TIME CALLER CHECKED FOR NEW FILES.
                                MESSAGE MENU DISPLAYS CALLERS TOTAL NUMBER
                                OF MESSAGES POSTED.
                                @X04 FOR TRIBBS v5.11 AND v10.0
                                @X09FROM@X86 The Crack In The Wall BBS
                                box 295 
                                Wakefield Quebec 
tclog102.zip   32596 08-05-2024 TRICLOG v1.02 - "Who Called Today" bulletin
                                or logon screen generator for TriBBS v5.x.
                                Uses @-codes.  Optional reporting of local
                                logons. Has the ability to exclude sysop or
                                other user from the output file.  Freeware
                                from Lawrence Gordon.
tdate10.zip    24946 08-05-2024 TRIDATE 10.0 A TriBBS 10.x utility.
                                Add more information to your file list.
                                TriDate will examine a ZIP archive an
                                ad to your lists description one line
                                with the number of files in the archive
                                as well as the oldest and newest file
                                dates.  Supports the new list structures
                                of TriBBS 10.0.
                                Files: 5 Oldest: 10-07-95 Newest: 10-07-95
tdel1002.zip   27465 08-05-2024 TriDel v10.0.  (Beta 2) by Robert Meier.
                                * * * only TriBBS 10.0 compatible * * *
                                A TriBBS utility that must be used in
                                conjunction with TriPack to keep a
                                certain number of messages in a
                                conference, similar to the way other
                                BBS packages do.  Currently TriBBS only
                                allows for messages to be packed/deleted
                                after a certain number of days.
                                by Robert Meier : robert@fc.co.za
tdihdino.zip    2182 08-05-2024 Instructions for using the PCBoard Program 
                                from TDIH_V13.ZIP with TriBBS. A "This Day 
                                in History" and daily Witticism generator 
                                uses @X codes in a LOGONx.BBS screen. 
tdoors16.zip   60829 08-05-2024 TriDoors  v1.6 - Is for use with TriBBS
                                Bulletin Board Systems.  TriDoors  will
                                track usage  of up to 100 door programs
                                and create ANSI and MONO screens, which 
                                list the name  of each door program and 
                                the number of times each has been used.  
                                Also, will allow you  to track only the 
                                doors you  want to track.  TriDoors can  
                                track  usage of TriMail program when it 
                                is executed from the Message Menu. This
                                ver. of TriDoors  has new improvements.  
                                Please read the README.1ST  file before 
                                using this version.  From: FC Software.
texmex.zip      6083 08-05-2024 South Texas Spanglish. A very common language
                                in South Texas a mix of Spanish, Mexican, and
                                English Very interesting for those who have
                                never heard it, and for those who have. For
                                Tribbs ver 10.0+.
tfam14.zip    178322 08-05-2024 TFAM v1.4 - Tribbs CDRom oriented File Area  
                                Manager. Installs/Deletes CD's including     
                                creating the TRIBBS file areas. Will install 
                                OFFLINE CD's including creating the index    
                                files required. Can change the order of areas
                                in the FAREA.DAT. Registered version will do 
                                Global Dupe Checking. Creates FILES.LST files
                                either automatically or manually. Complete   
                                file area editing functions.  Shareware from 
                                Browning &  Rogers $20
tfb10.zip      34621 08-05-2024 TriFileBaseStats v1.0. FINALLY
                                one that works as promised!
                                Creates a screen of the sysop's
                                choice showing the each file
                                area name, number of files &
                                bytes in each, and overall files
                                & bytes on the BBS. For TriBBS
                                10.x and higher.
tfb21.zip      41577 08-05-2024 TriFileBaseStats v2.1. FINALLY one that
                                works as promised! Creates a screen of
                                the sysop's choice showing each file
                                area name, number of files & bytes in
                                each, private flag, and overall files
                                & bytes on the BBS. NEW - Much Nicer
                                bulletin is created. For TriBBS 10.x
                                and higher.
tfdir107.zip   28643 08-05-2024 TRIFDIR v1.07 - simple file directory display
                                utility for TriBBS v5.x. Creates DIRSx.BBS
                                any security level passed on the command line
                                Freeware from Lawrence Gordon.
tfds100.zip    15815 08-05-2024 ---------------------------------------------
                                          TriFDS version 10.0
                                A TriBBS 10 specific utility to update your
                                file listings with the correct date and size.
                                >> DO NOT USE THIS VERSION WITH TRIBBS 5.11<<
                                This utility is FREEWARE.  Use this to update
                                a FILES.LST file in the current directory
                                with the correct File Date and Size.
                                Make sure you read the DOC and understand
                                what this utility does, before you use it!
tfixus20.zip   17646 08-05-2024 TriFixUS 2.0 - This utility program is used
                                to repair a corrupted USERS.SUP file.  This
                                program can either repair the entire
                                USERS.SUP file or an individual record in the
                                USERS.SUP file.
tflm40.zip     27452 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                    TriFLM Version 4.0 From PowerSoft      
                                 TriFLM is a master files list maker       
                                 for Mark Goodwin's TriBBS 10.0 and        
                                            -=- Features -=-               
                                  Configuration allows multiple lists     
                                  Automatic list archiving                
                                  Deletes ASCII lists as an option        
                                  Places lists in download directory      
                                  Security shown in area header           
                                  CD-ROM flag shown in area header        
                                  Private flag show in area header        
                                  File/Byte count shown in area header    
                                  BBS advertisement at top of list        
                                  Better looking than other list makers   
                                  Table of contents at top of files list  
tflop111.zip   32559 08-05-2024 TRIFLOP v1.11 - simple file list output
                                utility for TriBBS v5.x. Creates files lists
                                based upon configuration file passed on the
                                command line. Automatically creates an
                                archived file with your choice of
                                compression. Now allows short or long file
                                Freeware from Lawrence Gordon.
tflop201.zip   34492 08-05-2024 TRIFLOP v2.01 - file list output utility for
                                TriBBS v10.x. Supports multiple configurations
                                Optional creation of archived file with your
                                choice of compression. Allows short or long
                                descriptions. Optional support for FILE_ID
                                creation or insertion into archive.
                                Freeware from Lawrence Gordon.
tfp102.zip     25814 08-05-2024 ---------------------------------------------
                                TriFPack - TriBBS File List Packer           
                                A TriBBS 10 specific utility to Delete old
                                files from your harddrive and FILES.LST. 
                                >> DO NOT USE THIS VERSION WITH TRIBBS 5.11<<
                                Please note that this utility could delete 
                                ALL files off your BBS if used with TriBBS 
                                5.11 or below as the file dates are stored in
                                different places within the FILES.LST file.
                                TriFPack will check each file on your BBS
                                unless you have specifically told TriFPack to
                                skip that file or file area.  Should TriFPack
                                find a file that is older than or equal to 
                                the date you specified, it will first of all
                                be deleted from your harddrive and then from 
                                the file list.  Before you use this Utility,
                                set the STATUS to LOG inside the CFG file
                                and check which files will be deleted first.
tfrscrn.zip     1503 08-05-2024 LOGON2.BBS - This is a colorful logon screen
                                that I made for my bbs.  Use it as you see
thepag19.zip   46323 08-05-2024        ҷҷַַ
                                         Ƕ       ǽǶ
                                      Ľ v1.9 For TriBBS ķ
                                ThePage v1.9 Page The Sysop BBS Door.
                                Sysop Can Configure By Event When The
                                Page Bell Is On Or Off, Configure Up To
                                3 "PRIORITY" Users Who Can Page Even
                                When The Pager Is Turned Off And Sysop
                                May Create A Bulletin For The Users. The
                                Users Have The Option To Leave Message
                                To Sysop During "OFF" Hours. Includes
                                An Easy To Use Configuration Program To
                                Get Your Door Up And Running In Just A
                                Few Minutes. Allows Users To Leave A
                                Message To Sysop Or Co-Syop That Will Be
                                displayed At Logon
thint20.zip    41843 08-05-2024 TRIHINT VERSION 2.0
                                For TriBBS 10.x. If you've 
                                ever wanted a utility to place 
                                helpful hints or one-liners in 
                                the language files, this is it. 
                                This program allows you to 
                                configure it's data files to 
                                your system and tailor it to your 
                                needs. This is distributed under 
                                the shareware concept and is 
                                limited to 5 hints. 
                                Registration is only $5.00.
                                Written and Compiled by
                                Marvin Parsons using Qbasic.
thub301.zip    97823 08-05-2024 TriHub 3.01 - A QWK-based hub for TriBBS
                                boards that are part of a QWK network.
                                advantage over TriMail is that it handles all
                                mail processing offline and performs all
                                QWK and REP transfers with HS/Link.  TriHub
                                now supports multiple compression utilities,
                                has better dupe checking, and a number of
                                other new features.  This .01 version fixes
                                a bug in MakeQWKs.
tic128a.zip   124244 08-05-2024 TicToss for TriBBS, v1.28a *BETA* This
                                version is TriBBS v10.0 compatible
ticann10.zip   29388 08-05-2024 TICANN10.ZIP v1.0 - the quick and easy way to
                                announce file arrivals! For use with Tick.
                                Freeware by Kerry Vinson, 1:100/591
timetst2.zip   19433 08-05-2024 
time_30.zip    27256 08-05-2024 The newest version of Time Teller.
                                This version will work with TriBBS
                                5.0 and hopefully all newer versions.
                                This fixes most bugs that were present 
                                in the previous versions.  This
                                version only supports ANSI & ASCII
                                but hopefully before too long I
                                will have a version for RIPscripts.
                                Written By: Andy Villers
tiphints.zip   19468 08-05-2024 
tkey.zip       23701 08-05-2024 Key Generator for Tfam CD installer, The
                                Author gave it to me to upload to the
                                Bouy for all to use, He will no longer
                                support it.
tkey101.zip    49000 08-05-2024 TriKey 1.01 - This door allows a caller's
                                security level and time remaining to be
                                updated by uploading a valid TriBBS key
                                file.  This minor updated provides
                                compatibility with TriBBS 5.01.
tkey111.zip    47690 08-05-2024 TriKey 11.1 - Can be used to validate
                                registered TriBBS  sysops with TriBBS 10.x
                                or higher registration  codes.  TriKey can
                                optionally  raise  the   caller's security
                                level, grant the caller more  time, and/or
                                give the caller  access to a  private file
                                area. This version is an update to accept
                                the new TriBBS v11.0 registration codes.
tlgn10.zip     72753 08-05-2024 TRILOGON.EXE 1.0 by C-Cubed Software
                                Logon door for TriBBS 10.0 +. Allows
                                caller to go directly to sysop, main,
                                files, message, doors menu's, or to
                                logon normally. The option to go to the
                                sysop menu is controlled by a setting
                                in the CFG file - if the user doesn't
                                possess the security level, then the
                                option won't be displayed or acted
                                Freeware. :)
tlist10.zip    29059 08-05-2024 TRILIST 10.0 a TriBBS 10.x allfile list
                                maker.  Make your list by security level
                                include/exclude private file areas, and
                                add an optional header file to your list.
tlmit202.zip   79402 08-05-2024 TriLIMIT v2.02 (Update To D LIMIT v1.0) -
                                TriLIMIT Makes an @x Colour Display Showing
                                The Various Security Levels On Your TriBBS
                                Bulletin Board, Using DLIMITS.DAT As It's
tlockv10.zip   34506 08-05-2024 @X01<@X07TriLock V1.0 By Leon Gray@X01>
                                @X0BSFC Brings You A  Breakthrough In 
                                Dupe  Account  Checkers  For  TriBBS! 
                                Everytime A New  User Logs On To Your
                                BBS, TriLock Will Check To See If The
                                User  Already Has  An Account. If  So  
                                The  Second Account  Is Automatically
                                Locked  Out! Therefore Only  Allowing
                                Them  One Account! TriLock  Is  GREAT 
                                For  Keeping Abusive Users Locked Out 
                                For   Good.  Can  Also   Be  Used  To 
                                Compile  Your  User   Lists  In  Text 
                                Format! TriLock  Is By  Far  The Best  
                                And  Only Lockout Program  For TriBBS 
                                Systems That Keeps Unwanted Users OUT
                                FOREVER!   Also  Features   Log  File 
                                Support! So You Can Let Abusive Users
                                Walk  All Over You... Or You  Can Use
                                TriLock!! It's Your Choice! 
tlog10b1.zip   21117 08-05-2024 Tri-LOG v10.0 (b1).  by Robert Meier.
                                *** For TriBBS / TriToss(/Pro) 10.0 ***
                                Tri-Log is a TriBBS utility for you to
                                run on a weekly basis to gather
                                statistical information about mail
                                activity in networks processed by
                                TriToss or TriToss/Pro.
                                by Robert Meier : robert@fc.co.za
tlst10b2.zip   13059 08-05-2024 Tri-List v10.0 (Beta 2) - Master File
                                List creator for TriBBS 10.0.  Sub
                                totals and totals for entire listing.
                                by Robert Meier : robert@fc.co.za
tlwall30.zip   37133 08-05-2024 TriLogon Wall v2.0 for TriBBS 5.x BBS 
                                Systems.  The best graffiti wall to 
                                date!  TriLogon Wall is a collection 
                                of the past Quotes that users have 
                                written.  Very Configurable.  Each
                                Logon Wall can look diffent!  Includes 
                                use of a Joker.dat file to lock out 
                                problem users and a log file to keep 
                                track of which users leave which quotes.
                                A must have for your BBS!
tmagi104.zip   26752 08-05-2024 Tri@X04M@X02a@X0Ag@X0Ci@X03c Verison 10.4
                                This little FREEWARE utility creates
                                a FREQ'able list for various mailers
                                from your file lists. Imagine auto
                                creation of a text list of all your
                                files. For TriBBS 10.X.
                                Includes Dupe Checking, small text
                                interface, and ALIAS support.
                                By Green Software.
tmail111.zip   83241 08-05-2024 TriMail v11.1 - QWK mail door for TriBBS 10.x
                                or higher. Let's your callers use a QWK mail
                                reader like TriQwk, SLMR, OLX, Session Manager
                                EZ-Reader, etc. to read and enter mail offline
tmailscr.zip    7644 08-05-2024 TriMAIL ANSI and ASCII screens for TriBBS.
                                Just rename the pair you like to TMAIN.ANS
                                and TMAIN.BBS and place them in your main
                                TriMAIL Directory.
tmast25.zip    16695 08-05-2024 TriMast v2.5 - Master File List creator for
                                TriBBS.  This new version of TriMast just
                                allows for more file areas to be supported.
                                For some reason, 150 was the maximum before.
                                It is now set to 1000.  This should be enough
                                for a while.  Do _NOT_ use this program with
                                versions of TriBBS prior to v5.0!
                                Author: R.C. Hunt
tmbc10.zip     49585 08-05-2024 ͸
                                   TriBBS Message Base Custodian  v1.0   
                                        for TriBBS 10.x and 11.x         
                                 From time to time something will happen 
                                 to disrupt certain TriBBS records,      
                                 namely, the "message pointers". This    
                                 program is designed to completely       
                                 repair the problem and have everything  
                                 back in working order.   FREEWARE!!     
                                brought to you by SaltySoft
tmcbl11.zip    46022 08-05-2024 TriMessageConferencesByLevel v1.1
                                Released - 12-14-1997. Creates
                                a statistical screen showing a
                                birds eye view of all your message
                                conferences. Shows name, alias flag,
                                network flag, private flag, post &
                                read security levels. TriBBS 10.x
                                and up. (v1.1 is a display bug-fix)
tmdir106.zip   29131 08-05-2024 TRIMDIR v1.06 - simple message directory
                                display utility for TriBBS v5.x. Creates
                                MSGx.BBS for any security level passed on
                                the command line. Freeware from Lawrence
tmenu.zip      28435 08-05-2024 TMENU - Creates Menus for TriBBS. Use one of
                                the 13 different templates included, or you
                                can add a template of your own. It can also
                                be ran in random mode, so that each caller
                                will get a different style of menu.
tmenu12.zip    35351 08-05-2024          TMENU v1.2 
                                 - Creates Menus for TriBBS -
                                Use one of the 35 different templates 
                                included, or you can add a template 
                                of your own.  It can be ran in random
                                mode, so that each caller will get a
                                different style of menu.  Now has
                                support for different languages
tmenu14.zip    35407 08-05-2024           TMENU v1.4 
                                 - Creates Menus for TriBBS -
                                Use one of the 37 different templates 
                                included, or you can add a template 
                                of your own.  It can be ran in random
                                mode, so that each caller will get a
                                different style of menu.  Now has
                                support for different languages, and
                                no longer requires security levels in
                                bulletin menus.
tmnu10b1.zip   13957 08-05-2024 Tri-Menu v10.0 (Beta 1) - TriBBS Menu
                                Maker. This utility creates .BBS screens
                                from your TriBBS default menus, for all
                                your different security levels, in all
                                your different languages, using a
                                template of your choice.
                                by Robert Meier : robert@fc.co.za
tmsg10_3.zip   31554 08-05-2024 Tri-Message for TriBBS 10.0 will allow
                                you to send messages to users from the
                                command line or batch file.  Send the
                                message to one user, all users, all
                                users with a certain security level, or
                                the user currently on a specific node.
                                Version 10.2 (added var. to From field)
tmst10_0.zip   16760 08-05-2024 TriMast v10.0 - Master File List creator for
                                TriBBS 10.0+. This version adds a few minor
                                enhancements.  DO NOT USE ON VERSIONS OF
                                TRIBBS PRIOR TO 10.0!!
                                Author: Randal C. Hunt
tnc112a.zip    16542 08-05-2024 ***TriNet Configurator v1.12*** is 
                                a program which is designed to allow 
                                you to quickly and easily create or edit 
                                TriBBS TriNet configuration files.  
                                Great for anyone who wants to use TriNet 
                                or who already uses TriNet.  This 
                                program is great for a beginner.  
                                It will take you through the process 
                                of making a TriNet configuration file 
                                with fill in the blank questions for 
                                each configuration option.  This program 
                                also allows you to edit, add, delete, 
                                sort, and renumber the conferences in 
                                your TriNet configuration file with ease.  
                                V.1.12 adds a couple of bug fixes.
tncv10.zip     34261 08-05-2024 @X06<@X08TriNewCall V1.0 By SFC@X06>
                                @X0BIn Your Time As  A Sysop You  Have  
                                Probably Seen Many  Different New User
                                Notifiers... Well  Now SFC  Brings You
                                The Very Best In  New User  Notifiers.
                                TriNewCall  Will  Send  You  The Sysop 
                                (Or Anyone Else You  Choose)  A  Logon
                                Display Screen Every  Time A New  User
                                Logons On Informing You  Of The  Users
                                Name , Alias , Phone Number , Baudrate
                                Wether Or Not They Had ANSI Graphics ,
                                Password , And Much More... This Is By
                                Far THE BEST New User Notifer Ever!!!!
                                And Last But Not Least IT'S FREE!!  No
                                Registration Needed! Download It Now!
tnewsv14.zip   37767 08-05-2024 @X08<@X01TriNews V1.4 By Leon Gray@X08>
                                @X0BIncredible TriBBS Bulletin Maker 
                                Ever Have Important Info You Want Your
                                Users To Know Quickly ?? Of Course, We
                                All Do And That's What TriNews Is For!
                                TriNews Will Create A Logon Screen  Or
                                A Bulletin (It's Up To You)  That Will
                                Display A  Sysop Defined  Message With
                                Important  Info That  You Want Them To
                                Know!  Has Optional  Log File  Support
                                Which Can Save Every Bulletin In A Log
                                File So At  Anytime You Can Review The
                                News  Bulletins  You Have  Created  On 
                                Previous Occasions. Best Of All.......
                                IT'S FREE!!  Why ??  Cuz I  Love  Free 
                                Things And I'm Sure You Do Too!! Check
                                Out  TriNews  Today!  I Guarantee  You 
                                Won't Be Disappointed!!  This  Version
                                Fixes A Minor Bug In The Last Realease
tnflop22.zip   31635 08-05-2024 TNEWFLOP v2.02 - New Files List Program for
                                TriBBS v10.x.  Generates a new files list
                                bulletin or other display file using
                                colorful @codes.  Easy configuration.
                                Definable security levels and private file
                                flags.  Now supports long and short file
                                descriptions. Freeware from Lawrence Gordon.
tngen100.zip   28692 08-05-2024 TNEWSGEN v1.00 - simple TriBBS newletter
                                generator.  Compiles a simple ASCII text
                                file into a TriBBS BBSNEWS.BBS file. No fancy
                                stuff, just a crisp, clean newsletter for
                                your BBS.
                                Freeware from Lawrence Gordon.
tntfnd10.zip   18749 08-05-2024 
tolm11.zip     75232 08-05-2024 Tri On-Line Message 1.1 for TriBBS.
                                On-line message door from Atlantis Software.
                                Send on line messages between nodes without
                                going into full chat. Useful for exchanging
                                comments while browsing files or messages.
                                See who's on the other node, what they're
                                doing and view their profile if you have
                                The Guest Registry installed! TriBBS only!
tolm30.zip     51949 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                                TriOnlineManual  3.0  (c) 1994 by Fireside
                                Productions! New  version  now  introduces
                                totally  new features! New user interface,
                                Desqview/Windows/OS2 aware, and much more.  
                                Easy  to setup  and  supports 5  different 
                                door drop files. Shareware  by Chris McNew 
                                & Keith Hamilton! 
                                Fireside BBS (301) 989-4066 1200-14400 Bps
tpage10.zip     1889 08-05-2024 TriBBS (R) page bell toggle utility.
                                Now for version 10!
                                Small but smart utility to change
                                the state of the Sysop page bell.
                                Built in help when run without
                                any parameters. Place in TriBBS
                                root dir and call with action of
                                your choice. Page +(on), -(off),
                                T(toggle state).
                                Must be able to access Node.dat
                                Now even smaller! (only 337 bytes 
                                total size.)
                                Freeware from Steve Thielemann.
                                The Red Dwarf BBS (813)844-3087.
tpost100.zip   14137 08-05-2024 TriPost v10.0.  by Robert Meier.
                                * * * * * For TriBBS 10.0 ONLY * * * **
                                A TriBBS utility to post a text file to
                                the TriBBS message base.Has the
                                ability to post in any message
                                conference, from any user, to any user,
                                with any subject, public or private.
                                by Robert Meier : robert@fc.co.za
tqm10.zip      66827 08-05-2024    -= TriQuoteMe v1.0 By Don Sausa =-
                                Let users leave a one-line quoting using
                                GOODBYE.BAT, compatible with TriBBS 10.0
                                and free to all TriBBS sysops.  Friendly
                                user-interface.  Network  support, multi
                                node  support, and even  the  users  can
                                choose  their own  colors.  FREE  to all
                                TriBBS sysops, $5 registration  for  any
                                other type of BBS software.  Distributed
                                under CyberWare! Software.
tqm11.zip      66812 08-05-2024 TriQuoteMe v1.1 - Let users leave a one-line
                                quoting using GOODBYE.BAT, compatible with
                                TriBBS 10.0 and free to all TriBBS sysops.
                                Friendly user-interface. Network support,
                                multi node support, and even the users can
                                choose their own colors. Free to all TriBBS
                                sysops, $5 registration for any other type of
                                BBS software. Minor bug fix from v1.0.
tqry101.zip    67747 08-05-2024 ========= TriQuery v10.1 ==========
                                Questionnaire door for TriBBS 10.x
                                TriQuery allows the sysop to create 
                                questionnaires for getting information 
                                from callers (up to 30 questions). 
                                Supports mandatory/optional date, 
                                numeric, boolean, alphanumeric, and 
                                phone no. data types. Can modify sec. 
                                levels/time online, log caller off. 
                                Nested questions up to 10 levels deep. 
                                Can use multiple questionnaire files.
                                Supports customized intro screen. 
                                Minor update to provide better error
                                checking.  Written by: Peter Hanmore
                                ** SHAREWARE Only $10.00 **
tquote10.zip   28756 08-05-2024 TRIQUOTE v1.00 - Quote-of-the-day bulletin
                                or logon screen generator for TriBBS. Uses
                                @-codes for output display. Includes sample
                                quotes file to get you started.
tr2bullv.zip   20684 08-05-2024 TriBull.Zip Contains Three seperate Bulletin
                                TopDoor..Door usage.
                                CDList..EZrom D\L.
                                DownLoads..HD D\Ls.
                                All Three are written for TriBBs and use
                                Tribbs Color Codes..
                                For TriBBS 5.x and above..Regisrtation $10 for
                                all three.
                                This version includes a fix for CDList..
treklang.zip    7064 08-05-2024 This is a Star Trek Language File with
                                appropriate *.MNU files included.  This is
                                distributed under the Freeware Concept.
                                However, if you like it and wish to donate
                                some money to me, I will accept it :) From
                                Mike Boynton, The Direct>Fido MSG converter.
                                This utility let's TriBBS boards join any
                                FidoNet-technology network.  Features
                                include, support for points, interzone mail,
                                and for a fake address for Fido to UUCP
                                converters. This version is a repackaged
                                version showing  the new  company name
                                Freejack's Software, with updated doc's,
tridum10.zip   37451 08-05-2024 TriDeleteUserMessage v1.0  -  A  utility
                                for TriBBS 5.x and above. Take  care  of
                                problem posters once and for all. If the
                                last caller to your system is  found  in
                                the twit file, TriDUM will automatically
                                delete  any  messages  the  user  posted
                                during his online session. TriDUM is the
                                first utility  in  the  TriBBS  Security
                                Series by Doug Henderson, and it's free!
triedt09.zip   54996 08-05-2024 
trifds10.zip   39493 08-05-2024 TriFilesDatabaseStatistics v1.0 - TriFDS
                                generates  a  bulletin   that   displays
                                area  number,  area  description,   file
                                count, and  byte  count  for  each  file
                                directory on your BBS and then  a  total
                                file count and total byte count.  TriFDS
                                is TriBBS enhancement software  by  Doug
                                Henderson, and it's free!
triflm30.zip   33735 08-05-2024 |  TriFLM Version 3.0  From PowerSoft  |
                                | TriFLM is a master files list maker  |
                                | for Mark Goodwin's TriBBS 5.0 and    |
                                | up.                                  |
                                | Features include:                    |
                                |   More Than 150% Faster              |
                                |   Multible Files Lists               |
                                |   Automatic List Archiving           |
                                |   Deletes ASCII Lists As Option      |
                                |   Place Lists In Download Directory  |
                                |   Security Shown In Area Header      |
                                |   CD-ROM Flag Show In Area Header    |
                                |   Private Flag Show In Area Header   |
                                |   BBS Advertisement At Top Of List   |
                                |   New Look In This Version           |
                                |   File/Byte Count At Top Of Header   |
                                |   Table Of Contents                  |
                                |   More                               |
trigns30.zip   43540 08-05-2024 TriGenerateNetworkScreen v3.0 - A TriBBS
                                utility  for  v5.x  and  above.   TriGNS
                                combines all  message  conferences  that
                                are in the same  network  and  generates
                                MSGALL.BBS to display the  networks  and
                                their  appropriate  conferences   in   a
                                2-column format.  NEW IN v3.0!!!  A  new
                                display; Sort conferences numerically or
                                alphabetically;   Customize  the  screen
                                colors;     Restricted    and    private
                                conferences are now left completely  out
                                of   the   display.   TriGNS  is  TriBBS
                                enhancement software by  Doug Henderson,
                                and it's free!
trignu11.zip  104034 08-05-2024 Tri-Greet New User Program 1.1 is a little
                                utility that was written for the purpose of
                                welcoming NEW USERS to your BBS! It is
                                designed to run from your NEWUSER.BAT file!
                                The message that is sent to your users is
                                TOTALLY configurable by you. It will also
                                support X-CODES and variables that TriBBS
                                does! The message is sent to the user BEFORE
                                TriBBS checks for messages so that the will
                                get your greeting on their first logon
trigrh25.zip   54882 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                      >>>>> TriGraph Ver.2.5 <<<<<        
                                Caller bar graph display generator that    
                                reads TRIBBS CALLERS.LOG & builds display 
                                files from calls received by Number per   
                                hour, Number per baud, Number at peak     
                                times. It will read all nodes & compile   
                                this graph on a total of your BBS systems 
                                activity, Now Adding Days. TriGraph will  
                                build ANSI & ASCII display files by name  
                                of your choice. This Version allows Sysop 
                                Configuration of BAUD Rates & FULL COLOR  
                                Options CFG file! Version also allows all 
                                BAUD RATES to be configured to system.     
                                NOW WITH "MAX CALLS SHOWN BY DAYS OF WEEK" 
trigrt10.zip   37390 08-05-2024 TRIGREET v1.0 (C)1993 KingSoft - TriGreet
                                is a simple utility designed to generate
                                a logon screen, both ansi and monochrome,
                                that has a personal touch to it: A user
                                will be greeted, based on the time of day,
                                with "Good morning", "Good afternoon", or
                                "Good evening". As options, TriGreet can
                                also provide the time of day in 12-hour
                                format and the caller number for the day
                                in a unique format.
trigue1s.zip    9964 08-05-2024 TriGUE - TriBBS Graphical User Editor. Used
                                with Windows 3.x+ Version 2 will be a
                                difference of 16-bit or 32-bit.
triguesw.zip    9858 08-05-2024 TriBBS Graphical user Editor for windows 3.x
                                and up Edits the Users Files in Windows.
                                Good for sysop who wants to run a program
                                with little resources used. Works with only
                                TriBBS 10.x
trihbd11.zip   55155 08-05-2024 TriHappyBirthday (v 1.1) - A program for
                                use with  TriBBS Bulletin Board Systems,
                                which creates both ANSI and MONO screens
                                which contain the name or alias of up to
                                175 users of your BBS that do have their
                                birthday during the current month. Also,
                                listed is the location of each user, and
                                their DOB.  At the bottom of each screen
                                is the total birthdays for current month
                                and % of all BBS users. SysOp configures
                                to list the  real name or alias  of each
                                user. New! Ver 1.1 sorts the information
                                displayed in the screens based upon DOB.
                                Plus, the number of users  listed in the
                                screens, has been increased  from 150 to
                                175.  DonationWare from FC Software!        
trihlp10.zip  337126 08-05-2024 TriBBS Help / Online Manual for Win95/NT.
                                This is a converted/updated copy of the
                                TriBBS.Doc file into a true Win95/NT Help
                                file format. This will make it easier for
                                sysops currently running TriBBS in Windows
                                to add this to their system for instant
                                TriBBS references and help. Just unzip
                                and run Setup.exe for quick installation.
                                By Freejack's Software
trihub11.zip  121348 08-05-2024 TriHub 11.0 - A QWK-based hub for TriBBS
                                boards that are part of a QWK network.
                                advantage over TriMail is that it handles all
                                mail processing offline and performs all
                                QWK and REP transfers with HS/Link.  TriHub
                                now supports multiple compression utilities,
                                has better dupe checking, and a number of
                                other new features.  This version is a
                                repackaged version showing  the  new
                                company name Freejack's Software, with
                                updated doc's..etc.
trijkr.zip     31036 08-05-2024 TRIJOKER v1.0. Unique way to add
                                to your JOKER.DAT. Allows you to
                                send a message to the person &
                                then automatically adds their
                                name to JOKER.DAT after they read
                                your notice.
trijmp10.zip   37483 08-05-2024 @X0F
                                @X0F @X0CTriJump 10.00  Allows you to @X0F
                                @X0F @X0Cjump  from menu  to menu  in @X0F
                                @X0F @X0CTriBBS 10.00  without  going @X0F
                                @X0F @X0Cthrough  the Main. And it's: @X0F
                                @X0F          @X04Absolutly           @X0F
                                @X0F     @X0CĿ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ      @X0F
                                @X0F     @X0C               @X0F
                                @X0F     @X0C              @X0F
                                @X0F    @X04(Source Code Included)    @X0F
trilang.zip    18935 08-05-2024 TriLANG 1.00 - TriBBS Language Editor
                                Translates PCB Color Codes and @cr@
                                commands to show you what it'll look
                                like on your board. Easy to use! Shareware
                                Written By: David Alger
trilci10.zip   47564 08-05-2024 TriLastCallerInfo  (v 1.0)  -  Use with   
                                TriBBS Bulletin Board Systems.  Creates 
                                ANSI & MONO screens, which contain some 
                                statistics about  the activities of the
                                last caller of your BBS.  Statistics do
                                include the last caller's name, time of
                                logon, time of logoff, baud rate, mode,
                                node, new user or not, # uploads during
                                last call, # of downloads  during  last 
                                call, # doors entered, # messages  that
                                were posted, # bulletins  read, dropped
                                carrier or not, exceeded  timelimit  or
                                not, keyboard timeout or not, and more!
                                SysOp can configure  for creation  of a
                                log file  of last callers & their info.
                                Also, the SysOp's name and stats can be 
                                included or excluded  from  screens and 
                                the log file.  -== From FC Software ==- 
trilcv10.zip   33989 08-05-2024 @X0F<@X02TriLastCall V1.0@X0F>
                                @X0BHere's Another Incredible Utility 
                                From SFC!  TriLastCall Is One  Of The
                                Best   Last  Caller  Bulletin  Makers
                                Ever Made.  Just  Execute TriLastCall
                                In Your  BETWEEN.BAT File Everytime A
                                User  Logs  Off You  BBS And  It Will 
                                Create  A  Colorful  Logon  Screen Or
                                Bulletin (Your Choice) With  The Last
                                Caller's Alias , City , Baudrate ect.
                                A Utility  Like This One Makes A  BBS  
                                Complete And MUCH More Interesting To 
                                Users When They  Know A  Little About
                                The Last Caller! But That's  Not It ,
                                TriLastCall Can  Be  Set  To  Ingore 
                                Local Logons Also!!!!  Another  Great
                                Util From SFC Comes Your Way So Check 
                                It Out!!! JAN-13-1995
trilog10.zip   28020 08-05-2024 TriLog 1.0 by Shawn Berg
                                TriLog is a program that allows
                                you to log any text you want to the
                                TriBBS CALLERS.LOG file! Very handy 
                                in use w/ doors, and so on! Only $5
                                registration! Terrific deal! Call
                                POWER HOUSE BBS at 813-848-1981 for
                                support and the newest version!
trilol10.zip   85435 08-05-2024 TriLogonLotto (v 1.0)  A program for use
                                with TriBBS Bulletin Board Systems.  The
                                TriLogonLotto, (TriLOL), program creates
                                ANSI & MONO screens, which contain three
                                numbers,( 0 thru 9), as  selected by the 
                                SysOp, and the three numbers, (0 thru 9) 
                                randomly  selected  by TriLOL.  If the 3
                                numbers  selected by  TriLOL match the 3
                                numbers selected by the SysOp the caller
                                wins the prize  designated by the SysOp.
                                As the name implies, TriLOL  is meant to
                                be used as  a logon screen, and executed
                                after  each  caller logs  off, resulting
                                in TriLOL  randomly selecting  three new
                                numbers each time.   The program creates
                                a log  file, so SysOp can  easily verify
                                winners. The registration is only $3.00.
                                For TriBBS boards from FC Software!
triltc10.zip   43108 08-05-2024 TriLastTimeCalled v1.0  -  A statistical
                                program which groups  your  users  based
                                on the number of days that have  elapsed
                                since their last call. TriLTC  generates
                                .ANS and .BBS screens to  display  "Days
                                Ago" categories,  the  number  of  users
                                that fall into each  category,  and  the
                                percentage of  users,  illustrated  with
                                a  bar  graph,  that  fall   into   each
                                category. TriLTC is  TriBBS  enhancement
                                software by  Doug  Henderson,  and  it's
trimak11.zip   49517 08-05-2024 TriMake v1.1 - An NMAKE-like utility for
                                TriBBS SysOps. Now supports TriBBS
                                binary files if you choose. Reads
                                FAREA.DAT and spots date and time
                                differences between file areas and
                                indexes and calls MAKEIDX for just the
                                IDX files that need to be updated. This
                                version adds the /A command line parm to
                                optionally call ASCTOBIN whenever
                                MAKEIDX is called. Great for running in
                                a BAT file. Saves ALOT of time if you
                                mass synchronize with the /ALL option on
                                MAKEIDX and ASCTOBIN. For the SysOp that
                                always updates their file areas with a
                                program or text editor (without using
                                TriBBS or FILEMAN). Author: Lawrence O
                                Kilgore, SysOp of GeoFract BBS (219)
trimal60.zip   84754 08-05-2024 TriMail 6.0 - QWK mail door for TriBBS.
                                Let's your callers use a QWK mail reader like
                                SLMR, OLX, Session Manager, EZ-Reader, etc.
                                to read and enter mail offline.  This new
                                version provides complete compatibility with
                                TriBBS's internal and external protocols.
                                Including support for bidirectional protocols
                                like HS/Link.
trimb11.zip   105304 08-05-2024 TriMessageBrowser v1.1 - TriMB is a door for
                                TriBBS v10.x that allows your users to quick
                                scan multiple message headers at once in the
                                current message conference. Each header shows
                                the message number, the post date, who the
                                message is from, who the message is to, and
                                the subject. Features: change conferences
                                within the door; read messages. NEW!! List
                                conferences by network; follow message
                                threads; start reading new messages beginning
                                with the last message read; updates last
                                message read pointers.
trimbs20.zip   47291 08-05-2024 TriMessageBaseStatistics v2.0  -  Statistical
                                software for TriBBS v10. Let your users  know
                                how active your  message  areas  are.  TriMBS
                                generates a bulletin that ranks your  message
                                areas based on the number of messages in each
trimem20.zip   44429 08-05-2024 
trimpo30.zip  258479 08-05-2024 @X0FTri-Main Post Office v.3.0
                                @X0EATTENTION@X0C @FIRST@
                                @X0BTriMPO is a Main Post Office
                                front end that will allow your users
                                to access your TRIMAIL program from
                                your logon.bat file.  When they are
                                finished with their mail it will
                                also give them the option of logging
                                off of the BBS from this door.  Don't
                                take my word for it.@X8F  You be the
                                JUDGE!@X0B  Just download this program
                                edit your TRIMPO1.CFG file with your
                                system info and then run LOCAL.BAT.
                                This is another quality program by
                                Flightware Software. This version is
                                compatable with TriBBS v 10.0 & UP!
trims22a.zip   56468 08-05-2024 TriMS V2.02A  Exclusively for TriBBS 
                                systems.  This what you've been looking
                                for!  A Message Subject Scanner.  It
                                will show the message number, who the
                                message is from and what it's about.  
                                GREAT for Echoed Message Bases... 
                                Information on 17 messages on 1 PAGE!
                                Low Registration of $5!! 
trimst15.zip   10047 08-05-2024 
trinet11.zip   84941 08-05-2024 TriNet 11.0 - QWK networking utility for
                                TriBBS.  Let's TriBBS boards join one of
                                the many QWK-based netmail networks. This
                                version is a repackaged version showing
                                the new company name Freejack's Software,
                                with updated doc's..etc.
trinew11.zip   32774 08-05-2024 TriNew 1.1: Handy new program for 
                                novice & expierenced TriBBS 5.x
                                SysOps! It will manage the TriBBS
                                callers.log. You can both view,
                                delete & backup the callers.log.
                                You can also load TriBBS 5.1 from
                                it. It is just a handy little
                                utility that your com can start
                                up with or you can just run it
                                manually. FreeWare By JG_SOFT `94
                                Look for other JG_SOFT Programs.
trinlt80.zip   20836 08-05-2024 Tri-Newlet - New User Validation Letter
                                Program v8.0 (c) by Donny
                                Brand.  NOW WITH NEW SYSOP DEFINABLE ANSI AND
                                MONO WELCOME
                                SCREENS!!!!!! This programs adds a new level
                                of security to your 
                                BBS...A NEW USER VALIDATION LETTER!!!! Your
                                new users are 
                                prompted to..type a letter to the SysOp. 
                                SysOps now can write 
                                their own instructions!!! ***FREEWARE DigCrtn
trint111.zip   84818 08-05-2024 TriNet 11.1 - QWK networking utility for
                                TriBBS.  Let's TriBBS boards join one of
                                the many QWK-based netmail networks.
                                Fixes Tagline bug. By Freejack's Software
trinua10.zip   33741 08-05-2024 TriNUA v1.0 -- TriBBS New User
                                Alert.  This utility creates a
                                user-defined display screen
                                telling the sysop that there 
                                is atleast one new user since
                                his/her last call. FREEWARE!
                                ScottWARE SoftWARE 
trinuw10.zip   49168 08-05-2024 @X0F
                                @X0F @X0ATriNUWW 10.0   TriBBS/TriBBS @X0F
                                @X0F @X0APro  New  User Welcome Wagon @X0F
                                @X0F @X02Ever wanted to send your new @X0F
                                @X0F @X02users  a  special  welcome ? @X0F
                                @X0F @X02Well... This program sends a @X0F
                                @X0F @X02customizable @-coded welcome @X0F
                                @X0F @X02screen to them through their @X0F
                                @X0F @X02n.BBS user specific  display @X0F
                                @X0F @X02screen.  A DIRT CHEAP $3 fee @X0F
                                @X0F @X02entitles you to a registered @X0F
                                @X0F @X02copy of this, and all future @X0F
                                @X0F @X02versions  of  TriNUWW.  Tech @X0F
                                @X0F @X02Support can be obtained from @X0F
                                @X0F @X02Deep 13 BBS at (616)781-9030 @X0F
                                @X0F @X02or   via  InterNet   E-Mail. @X0F
                                @X0F @X0AAnother  Quality  MatrixWare @X0F
                                @X0F @X0ATriBBS Addon Program Made By @X0F
                                @X0F @X0ABubbajoe & Calitius 10/21/95 @X0F
triomr20.zip   62242 08-05-2024 TriOfflineMessageReader v2.0  - TriOMR  is  a
                                utility for TriBBS v10  that  allows  you  to
                                read messages from the DOS prompt. No  longer
                                do you have to log onto your BBS to read mail
                                in your favorite conferences, or download QWK
                                packets to use  some  other  offline  reader.
                                There are too many features to list them  all
                                here. TriOMR is TriBBS  enhancement  software
                                by Doug Henderson. Shareware.
trion10.zip    62516 08-05-2024 TRION.EXE - TriBBS Specific Logon 
                                Door. For TriBBS 10.0. Allows users
                                of the SysOps choice to choose their
                                method of logging on. Users can choose
                                Direct to Main, Door, or Message Menus
                                or choose the Normal Logon. General
                                Release Edition!! v1.0.
trion31.zip    63064 08-05-2024 The ORIGINAL TriBBS logon door!
                                Version 3.1. Allows users of
                                the sysop's choice to logon
                                DIRECT to the Main, File, Door
                                or Message Menu...or just logon
                                regular. Crazy Nights Software.
trion32.zip    69111 08-05-2024 The ORIGINAL TriBBS logon door!
                                Version 3.2. Allows users of
                                the sysop's choice to logon
                                DIRECT to the Main, File, Door
                                or Message Menu...or just logon
                                regular. Crazy Nights Software.
trip10b1.zip   12677 08-05-2024 TriMenu v10.0 (Beta 1) - TriBBS RIPScrip
                                MenuMaker. This utility creates .RIP
                                screens from your TriBBS default menus,
                                for allyour different security levels,
                                in allyour different languages, using a
                                RIPScrip template of your choice.
                                by Robert Meier : robert@fc.co.za
tripage5.zip  274789 08-05-2024 TriPage 5.0
                                (C) 1996 JG_SOFT
                                A great Page Bell replacement for
                                TriBBS 5.11 only!  The TriBBS 10.0
                                version will be available soon! This
                                archive contains TBCanPage, which
                                allows you to toggle the page bell
                                according to what time a user is on.
                                You can set personal hours, and more!
                                TriPage works with ANY page bell
                                toggler.  Supports Local and Remote
                                RIPScrip Graphics!  It allows use
                                of the asterisk in the right corner
                                of the user status window.  Full and
                                Split Screen CHAT MODES!
                                Check it out!!!
tripf10a.zip   46838 08-05-2024 ͸
                                  = TriBBS Profanity Filter v1.0a =  
                                         for TriBBS 10.x and 11.x          
                                 Filters profane words/phrases from your   
                                 message base, searching the Subject line  
                                 of messages as well. Configurable         
                                 options such as filtering only certain    
                                 conferences, not filtering private mail,  
                                 and what to do when profanity is found.   
                                brought to you by SaltySoft
tripif.zip     17709 08-05-2024 My PIF file for running a single-node
                                high speed TriBBS system under Windows 3.1.
                                A brief readme file is included, as is
                                a screen snapshot of my 386Enh settings.
tripro1.zip    26740 08-05-2024 This is an Exciting, New Version of Tri-Disc
                                Pro! This Version has
                                exciting new features from DigCrtn Software
                                including Locking Out users
                                who do not enter code/password correctly,
                                Selecting your own passwords/
                                codes, Selecting your own Prompts!.  But most
                                of all, this is once
                                again a FREEWARE utility from DigCrtn Software
triprot.zip    57726 08-05-2024 
                                Tri-Prot is a utility for
                                TriBBs that install's 17
                                external protocals!  They are:
                                Ymodem       Ymodem-G
                                Xmodem       Xmodem (CRC)
                                Xmodem 1k    Xmodem (Relaxed)
                                Kermit       Super Zmodem
                                Zmodem (Moby-Turbo Enabled)
                                MPT (Puma)   Jmodem
                                HyperP       Tmodem
                                HS/Link      Lynx
                                Bi-Modem     Hydra
tripts12.zip   66705 08-05-2024 ============  TriPts v1.2  ============
                                A TriBBS points system for controlling
                                access to any door program on your BBS.
                                Points can be awarded for posting mail
                                messages, uploading files or both. The
                                # of points required for access to each
                                door is configureable, as is the min.
                                security level for exemption from the
                                system.  The sysop can also create a
                                unique message telling users how to gain
                                points. Works with any of the major 
                                door drop file types.  Very easy to
                                install using the included installation
                                program. Unregistered version will only
                                restrict access on the first 20 users.
                                Written by: Peter Hanmore
                                ******** Shareware $10.00 ***********
triqd10.zip    32830 08-05-2024 TriQD v1.0 - This program will create
                                a user defined display screen  
                                reminding the sysop/co-sysop that  
                                there are new questionnaire's needed
                                to be viewed.  This program is  
                                compatible with TriBBS 5.0 and up.
                                This program is considered FREEWARE.
                                ScottWare Product
triqir10.zip   48034 08-05-2024 ****** TriQwkInsertionReport v1.0 ******
                                TriQIR  takes   any   insertion   report
                                created by TriNet and generates  a  new,
                                colorful,   more   informative   report.
                                Features:   Conferences    grouped    by
                                network;  Displays  area  number,  name,
                                and total  messages  imported  for  each
                                conference     in     a      two-column,
                                alphabetized  format;  Totals at the end
                                of the report for each network including
                                the total number of conferences in  each
                                network, the  number of  conferences  in
                                each network  receiving  mail,  and  the
                                number of messages  imported  into  each
                                network as  well  as  the  total  number
                                of messages imported  for  the  session.
                                TriQIR is  TriBBS  enhancement  software
                                by Doug Henderson. Shareware.
trird10.zip    27830 08-05-2024 TriRD V1.0 Exclusively for TriBBS/ RomBrain
                                systems. What you've been looking for in a
                                download bulletin generator! TriRD has the
                                ability to exclude certain CD's from your
                                download bulletin. TriRD also includes the
                                filename along with the CD-ROM name where the
                                down was from.
trirfl26.zip   15151 08-05-2024 TriRFL version 2.6 => Bug Fix for v.2.5
                                A TriBBS specific utility to Reconstruct your
                                FILES.LST. This version has been upgraded to
                                conform with the new TriBBS 10 data files.
                                >> DO NOT USE THIS VERSION WITH TRIBBS 5.11<<
                                TriRFL will check your Hard Drive against
                                your Files List and remove/add any files not
                                found or found. TriRFL will remove File 
                                Descriptions if you delete files from your 
                                HDrive, or when you remove a CD from your 
                                system. In addition it will remove dupe 
                                entries in your Files List, sort your files 
                                list in many ways, such as reversed file date
                                TriRFL NEEDS VERNON BUERGS "SORTF" UTILITY TO
                                WORK (not included). This Beta version is 
                                still Freeware and is a bug fix of 2.5.
                                From the Digital Ham Shack +1(414)251-6599
trirfl27.zip   15166 08-05-2024 TriRFL version 2.7 => Bug Fix for v.2.6
                                A TriBBS specific utility to Reconstruct your
                                FILES.LST. This version has been upgraded to
                                conform with the new TriBBS 10 data files.
                                >> DO NOT USE THIS VERSION WITH TRIBBS 5.11<<
                                TriRFL will check your Hard Drive against
                                your Files List and remove/add any files not
                                found or found. TriRFL will remove File 
                                Descriptions if you delete files from your 
                                HDrive, or when you remove a CD from your 
                                system. In addition it will remove dupe 
                                entries in your Files List, sort your files 
                                list in many ways, such as reversed file date
                                TriRFL NEEDS VERNON BUERGS "SORTF" UTILITY TO
                                WORK (not included). This Beta version is 
                                still Freeware and is a minor bug fix of 2.6
                                From the Digital Ham Shack +1(414)251-6599
tririp01.zip    4846 08-05-2024 TriBBS 5.0 RIPscript Screens. Drawn 
                                With RIPaint FOR TriBBS Sysops! Main,
                                Message,File. 2 Security Levels; New
                                User & Verified.
tririps1.zip    8502 08-05-2024 A collection of generic RIPS used on my TriBBS
                                system. Feel free to use or 
                                modify them. The screens will adjust to your
                                BBS name so no modifications are
                                needed. To see what the look like call The
                                Nightstalker at 298-2664.
trirpt10.zip   50446 08-05-2024 TriReport v1.0 - Standard Version!
                                This version has the look and feel
                                like Triman in TriBBS. Easy to use!
                                A TriBBS Printer/Report Utility that 
                                will Report System, Node, User, Message 
                                Area, File Area, Events, Dlimits 
                                information in a Text mode to either 
                                Screen, Printer or File. FREEWARE!
                                Freejack's Software By Gary Price
trirsp20.zip  232525 08-05-2024 @X0FTri-Remote Sysop Paging!
                                @X0BATTENTION@X8E @FIRST@
                                @X8CNEW & HOT@X0B from Flightware
                                Software! TRIRSP 2.0!  TriRSP 2.0
                                is a direct replacement for the
                                TriBBS page bell.  It will allows
                                users to page you when you have
                                office hours as well as when
                                you do NOT!  It has the same
                                interface as TriBBS in the chat
                                mode.  It also sport a nice RIP
                                interface as well.  Compatable
                                with TriBBS 10.0 & up only!
                                @X0ADon't take my word for it!
                                @X0FYou be the JUDGE!@X0B  Give
                                TRIRSP a try today!
trirum20.zip   38240 08-05-2024 TriRumors v2.0  Copyright 1996 WBS!  
                                The Best One-Liners Program Around! With
                                Full Joker.dat file support.  10 Lines 
                                of rumors. Great colors, random headers,
                                and more! NOW Supports @x Color Codes to
                                spruce up those oneliners!.
                                ShareWare ONLY $5!
triryu30.zip   77612 08-05-2024 TriRankYourUsers v3.0  -  A utility  for
                                TriBBS 5.x. Do you want an  active  BBS?
                                Make BBSing more  fun  for  your  users!
                                TriRYU will let your users compete in  a
                                door-style  rank  system,  letting  them
                                obtain  higher  access  by  posting  and
                                uploading! Customize the colors  in  the
                                display screen, configure the number  of
                                lines  to  display  per  screen,  ignore
                                anyone at a specific security  level  or
                                higher, award a special  security  level
                                with additional privileges to the person
                                ranked  number  one!   NEW  FOR  v3.0!!!
                                Display aliases, display  Top  ##  users
                                instead of the entire  user  base  (good
                                for logon  screens).  TriRYU  is  TriBBS
                                enhancement software by Doug  Henderson,
                                and it's free!
tris0510.zip   41171 08-05-2024 List of registered TriBBS boards as of
triscq20.zip   47072 08-05-2024 TriSetConferenceQueues v2.0   -   TriSCQ
                                allows  the   TriBBS   SysOp   to   turn
                                conference  queues  on/off,   set   last
                                message read pointers, repair  corrupted
                                accounts, and turn  access  to   private
                                conferences on/off  while  offline.  The
                                user interface is very  similar  to  the
                                user  interface  for  TriMail.  NEW   IN
                                v2.0!!! Displays the last date that each
                                user called; When registered, the TriBBS
                                SysOp can turn  entire  networks  on/off
                                for any user with the press of a button.
                                TriSCQ is TriBBS enhancement software by
                                Doug Henderson. Shareware.
trisfr11.zip   39988 08-05-2024 @X0F     ATTENTION----> @X0C @FIRST@ 
                                @X0ETri-Sysop File Request Program! 1.1 @X0C
                                Tri-Sysop File Request Program is a
                                little utility that was written for the
                                purpose of detecting when a user has
                                requested an @X0A OFFLINE @X0B file!
                                This is desinged to run from your
                                GOODBYE.BAT file.  It will send you
                                @X0C@FIRST@ @X0B the sysop a message in the
                                TriBBS message base letting you know that
                                there has beed an @X0F OFFLINE @X0Bfile
                                request. This is @X0E FREEWARE @X0Bproduct
                                from @X8FFLIGHTWARE@X0B  provided that the
                                TriBBS SUBSCRIPTION FEATURE is turned OFF!
                                If not then registration is only $3.00!
                                It is very simple to set up and run.  Try it
                                This version is a MINOR bug fix.
trisim.zip     50459 08-05-2024 --            TriSim v1.0           --
                                If you are having problems with TriBBS
                                Bulletin Board System.  This Program will
                                Help you in all the options that are
                                available to you on your Local BBS without
                                Dialing the Modem and waste your valuable
                                time on the BBS.
trisl11.zip    88057 08-05-2024 TriSandL 1.1-TriBBS 10.x TimeBank-FREEWARE!
                                Balance-Deposit-Withdrawal. Customize
                                MaxBalance, MaxDeposit/day,
                                MaxWithdrawal/day, MaxWager 3 time gambling
trisnds1.zip    4910 08-05-2024 TriSounds vol.1 is a collection of sound
                                files that can be added to your bbs batch
                                files to alert the sysop that specific
                                actions are taking place. Actions such as:
                                Any user logging on/off, specific security
                                level or specific users logging on/off,
                                doors being opened/closed, new users about
                                to fill out your questionnaire or use your
                                callback verifier. Be alerted when one of
                                those pesky little bbs twits logs on. Can
                                be used anywhere on anything you want to
                                keep an eye on or be alerted to. **FREE**
                                DOS 5.0+ and QBASIC.EXE required.........
trisrd11.zip  393134 08-05-2024 @X8F     ATTENTION NEW & HOT!!! 
                                @X0ETri-Software Registration Door v11.0 RIP!
                                Have you ever wanted to COLLECT money for
                                @X0A SERVICES @X0B and @X0A PRODUCTS @X0B
                                ONLINE? Well now you can with TRISRD!
                                TriSRD collects YOUR MONEY through a
                                900 number service! It has TOO MANY NEW
                                features to list here. Just
                                @X0C DOWNLOAD @X0B this program and
                                view file named FEATURE.DOC! There are
                                over @X8C 40 @X0B features included
                                in this release! @X0F YOU @X0B be the
                                judge! @X8F DARE TO COMPARE... @X0B
                                Compatable with MOST BBS FORMATS!
                                TriSRD now support @X0F RIP @X0B in the
                                local format as well as remotely!
                                Another quality product from
                                @X09FLIGHTWARE SOFTWARE!!!
trisrd_1.zip  241343 08-05-2024 @X8D       ATTENTION PROGRAMMERS & SYSOP'S!!!
                                @X0ETri-Software Registration Door v10.0 RIP!
                                Have you ever wanted to COLLECT money for
                                SERVICES and PRODUCTS ONLINE?  Well now you
                                can with TRISRD!  TriSRD collects YOUR MONEY
                                through a 900 number service!  Not just an
                                for TriBBS 10.0, but rather a MAJOR FEATURE
                                update! It has TOO MANY NEW features to list
                                here.  Just DOWNLOAD this program and view
                                file named FEATURE.DOC!  There are over 30
                                features included in this release! YOU be
                                the judge!  @X8F DARE TO COMPARE....@X0B
                                It also supports RIP SCREENS in the LOCAL
                                MODE!  Compatable with MOST BBS FORMATS!
                                Another quality product from
                                @X8E FLIGHTWARE!!!
trista11.zip   52250 08-05-2024 TRISTAT (V 1.10) - A program for use with
                                TriBBS Bulletin Board Systems, which will
                                analyze the CALLERS.LOG of your TriBBS BBS,
                                and generate both ANSI and ASCII bulletins
                                which contain various statistics concerning
                                the operation of your TriBBS Bulletin Board.
                                Statistics include Total Calls, # Calls per
                                baud rate, # Calls by Time of Day, and much
                                more!     From FC Software!
trista21.zip   55418 08-05-2024 TriStat v2.1 - Use with TriBBS Bulletin
                                Board Systems.    Creates ANSI and MONO
                                bulletins which contain many statistics
                                about the usage of your TriBBS BBS. The
                                stats include  Total Number of Calls, #
                                of Calls per Node, Uploads & Downloads,
                                Calls by Time of Day,  # Door  Programs
                                Opened, # Messages Entered, # Bulletins
                                Read, # of New Users, Average Number of 
                                Calls per Day,  Bad  Uploads Attempted,
                                and  much, much more!   NEW!  Number of 
                                Calls per Hour,  Number of calls for up 
                                to 5 nodes, Only node numbers which are
                                applicable, are displayed in bulletins.
                                Registration: Only $6.00  :)
triswap2.zip   36839 08-05-2024 @X08=-=-=-=-=-TriSwap v2.0-=-=-=-=-=
                                @X07Truely the Only Ansi Screen 
                                @X07Swapper.  Easy to Use and
                                @X07Not a Cheap Program like another
                                @X07Swap Program.  Before you use
                                @X07any other Swap Program use this
                                @X07because its @X04FREEWARE.
                                @X01A S@X09ur@X0Fge@X09So@X01ft @X07Program
triswp11.zip   53626 08-05-2024 @X0F
                                @X0F @X09TriSwap 1.1   Random display @X0F
                                @X0F @X09rotater  for   TriBBS   5.11 @X0F
                                @X0F @X01TriSwap   has  the simplest, @X0F
                                @X0F @X01quickest setup of any TriBBS @X0F
                                @X0F @X01screen rotation utility With @X0F
                                @X0F @X01TriSwap you  can rotate  any @X0F
                                @X0F @X01number  of  TriBBS  screens, @X0F
                                @X0F @X01unlike other cheep knockoffs @X0F
                                @X0F @X01that  only  let  you  rotate @X0F
                                @X0F @X01GOODBYE.*  DIRT CHEAP $5 fee @X0F
                                @X0F @X01entitles you to a registered @X0F
                                @X0F @X01copy of this, and all future @X0F
                                @X0F @X01versions of TriSwap. Another @X0F
                                @X0F @X09Quality  MatrixWare  program @X0F
                                @X0F @X09By Bubbajoe.    Dated 1/3/96 @X0F
                                @X0F @X09This replaces  version  1.00 @X0F
                                @X0F @X09The 10.0 compatable  version @X0F
                                @X0F @X09is available as  SWAP10A.ZIP @X0F
tritabs1.zip  350830 08-05-2024 @X8F           NEW & HOT!
                                ---> @X0FTri-TABS 900 Number Door!@X09 <---
                                @X0BIntroducing the @X8CBEST@X0B 900
                                number software available for TRIBBS!
                                It has way too many features to list here,
                                but you can @X0EDOWNLOAD@X0B this program
                                and read @X8EFEATURE.DOC!@X0B  It has over
                                @X0A25@X0B built-in features. Don't take
                                my word for it!  You be the @X8FJUDGE!@X0B
                                It is very EASY to SETUP and INSTALL!  This
                                version is compatable with TRIBBS 10.0 & up.
                                It also includes ALL of the information
                                necessary to setup you TABS account.
                                Another quality product from
                                @X0EFLIGHTWARE SOFTWARE!
tritdl11.zip   51095 08-05-2024 TriToday'sDownloads (v 1.1) For use with 
                                TriBBS Bulletin Board Systems.   Creates
                                both ANSI and MONO bulletins, which list
                                files that  have been downloaded "today"
                                from the BBS, & the number of times each
                                file  was downloaded.  This program will
                                become registered, using a  renamed copy
                                of your registered TriTop60 key file. If
                                you  have, or you do register  TriTop60,
                                you in fact, register  this program too.
                                Please read the README.1ST file  that is
                                included within this archived file. This
                                version fixes a bug which caused some of
                                the files downloaded, via a  CD-ROM door
                                to not be included in screens created by
                                TriTDL.  From: FC Software!
triten21.zip   20127 08-05-2024 
tritime.zip    38413 08-05-2024 TriBBS Sysops. Great new way to
                                greet your callers. The greeting
                                is determined by the time of day.
tritip11.zip   42940 08-05-2024 TRITIPS  v 1.1 - TriTips (without rice)
                                is a program for use  with TriBBS BBSs,
                                which  generates ANSI and MONO screens,
                                which contain "Tips and Advice"  to the
                                users  of  your BBS about  the usage of
                                your BBS.  Now, twenty-five  pieces  of
                                "Tips and Advice" are rotated, offering
                                your users needed information about the
                                features  of your BBS.  The  25  pieces
                                of tips,  each two  lines long, can  be
                                changed by the Sysop.  Great as a Logon
                                screen!...... TriTips (without rice) is
                                DonationWare from  FC Software, but you
                                must provide the rice and gravy.  :)   
                                Note:  There are changes for the better
                                from  version 1.0, so be  sure  to read
                                the *.DOC files prior to use.
tritlgd.zip     9134 08-05-2024 TriBBS 5.1x language which emulates 
                                Telegard BBS Software commands as closely
                                as is possible with TriBBS. This language
                                is a large deviation from TriBBS standard
                                menu options and message prompts. It is
                                definitely ONLY for users well aquainted
                                with Telegard BBS Software. Includes 
                                sample .MNU files & .ANS files for menus.
                                From Fire Escape's BBS Directory HQ
                                (314) 741-9505. TriBBS #350.
tritus10.zip   49869 08-05-2024 TriTopUsersStats (v 1.0) - A program for
                                use with  TriBBS Bulletin Board Systems, 
                                which creates both ANSI and MONO screens  
                                which  contain a listing of the "Top 10"
                                users of your BBS in the Total of Calls,
                                Total Messages, Total Uploads, and Total
                                Download categories.  Will list the real 
                                name or alias of users. Can configure to 
                                include or exclude the SysOp, as well as 
                                the Co-SysOp  from the  created screens.
                                DonationWare from FC Software!
triu100.zip     9861 08-05-2024 TRIUSE - A user management program for TriBBS
                                  sysops. TRIUSE allows you to edit/view user
                                  information. You can even add addresses and
                                  zip codes. It also will generate several
                                  user reports with output to the CRT Printer
                                  or a Disk File. Not crippled and only $5.00
                                  registration. My House BBS Inc 708-739-9355
triuau10.zip  109040 08-05-2024 @X0F     ATTENTION----> @X8C @FIRST@ 
                                @X0ETri-User Anniversary Utility! 1.0 @X0B
                                is a little program that was written for
                                the purpose of recognizing @X0FUSER(S)
                                ANNIVERSARYS@X0B on your BBS!  It is designed
                                to run from your @X0ANIGHTLY EVENT@X0B file!
                                The message that is sent to your users is
                                @X0ETOTALLY@X0B configurable by you.  It will
                                also support @X8CX-CODES@X0B and @X0FALL@X0B
                                variables that TriBBS does!  There are too
                                many features to list here.  Just download
                                TRIUAU.  Read the FEATURE.DOC and you be the
                                @X89JUDGE!@X0B This is another @X0EQUALITY
                                @X0B product from @X8FFLIGHTWARE@X0B  It is
                                compatable with TriBBS 10.0 & up! It is very
                                simple to set up and run.  Try it today...  
triubu10.zip  108752 08-05-2024 @X0F     ATTENTION----> @X8C @FIRST@ 
                                @X0ETri-User Birthday Utility! 1.0 @X0B
                                is a little program that was written for
                                the purpose of recognizing @X0FUSER(S)
                                BIRTHDAYS@X0B on your BBS!  It is designed
                                to run from your @X0ANIGHTLY EVENT@X0B file!
                                The message that is sent to your users is
                                @X0ETOTALLY@X0B configurable by you.  It will
                                also support @X8CX-CODES@X0B and @X0FALL@X0B
                                variables that TriBBS does!  There are
                                too many features to list here.  Just
                                TRIUBU.  Read the FEATURE.DOC and you be the
                                @X89JUDGE!@X0B This is another @X0EQUALITY
                                @X0B product from @X8FFLIGHTWARE@X0B  It is
                                compatable with TriBBS 10.0 & up! It is very
                                simple to set up and run.  Try it today...  
triui101.zip   73877 08-05-2024 TriBBS_Usage_Information_Bulletin_Maker.
                                Compiled:_07/20/93_01:30 PM_____________
                                Note:_fixes the memory conflicts._______
triuti10.zip  175625 08-05-2024 TriBBS UTI 10.0 - Universal Text Interface fo
                                TriBBS.  Let's TriBBS systems use PCRelay,
                                Postlink, and MegaMail.
triutil3.zip   35971 08-05-2024 
triwcat.zip     9252 08-05-2024 TriBBS 5.1x language which emulates 
                                Wildcat BBS Software commands as closely
                                as is possible with TriBBS. This language
                                is a large deviation from TriBBS standard
                                menu options and message prompts. It is
                                definitely ONLY for users well aquainted
                                with Wildcat BBS Software. Includes 
                                sample .MNU files & .ANS files for menus.
                                From Fire Escape's BBS Directory HQ
                                (314) 741-9505. TriBBS #350.
triwcr23.zip   65382 08-05-2024 TriWhoCalledRecently (v 2.3)  -  For use
                                with TriBBS Bulletin Board Systems which
                                creates ANSI and MONO  screens that list
                                the recent callers of your BBS.  Screens
                                list up to  50  different callers, where
                                each call  is from, the  number of times
                                each has called  during the day, and the
                                time of their last call. Also the number
                                of different callers of the day, and the
                                total  number of calls  for  the day are  
                                displayed. It will list the real name or
                                alias of all callers.  Version 2.2 fixes
                                a bug which at times caused problems for
                                the program when reading data from large
                                USERS.DAT file.  From: FC Software!  
triwild2.zip   11927 08-05-2024 TRIWILD v2.0 - This is a LANGUAGE file
                                that will allow your users to choose
                                menus very similar to those found on
                                the popular Wildcat! BBS systems. With
                                the popularity and wide use of Wildcat!
                                BBS's out here on the west coast, I
                                decided to allow my users to choose from
                                a menuing option that they are familiar
                                with. This program has good documentaion
                                on setting up a language file for TriBBS
                                v5.0X using TRIWILD as an example.
                                VERSION 2.0 fixes the Language.003 file
                                that displayed my Casino Language.
                                Origin: Deuces Wild BBS 714-953-4493.
                                TriBBS SysOp #260 - Enjoy....
triwin95.zip    8179 08-05-2024 This is a text file of my setup for
                                running TriBBS under Win `95.  Although
                                I use TriBBS as an example, these
                                settings "should" work well with any DOS
                                based BBS software!  Extensive testing
                                on my own board to obtain these settings
                                resulted in a fast, but reliable setup!
triwnu22.zip   64720 08-05-2024 TriWelcomeNewUsers   (v 2.2)  -  For use
                                with the TriBBS  Bulletin Board Systems.
                                Creates both ANSI and MONO screens which
                                list the new users of your BBS.  It will
                                list up to 125 new users. Can be used as
                                Logon  screens, or  as Bulletins.  SysOp
                                can specify the date  TriWNU  will begin
                                its search  for new users.  Screens list
                                new users' name, location, and the first
                                date called. Also, will search for users
                                alias, instead  of  real name.  Displays
                                the total number  of new users that have
                                called since specified search date, etc.
                                Version 2.2 fixes  a bug, which at times
                                caused  a problem  during execution when
                                reading data  from large USERS.DAT file.
                                From: FC Software!
triwo101.zip   25500 08-05-2024 TriWhosOn 1.01: TriBBS 5.x LOGON
                                Screen generator. TriWhosOn will
                                make a LOGON bulletin of who's on
                                your nodes at the time they logon
                                on.  Just put in LOGON.BAT!!
triwod10.zip  100977 08-05-2024 @X0ETri-Whos On Data Program 1.0 @X0B
                                TRIWOD is a little utility that I
                                written to allow TRIBBS Sysops to change
                                the message that is diplayed in the
                                WHOS ON function on the TRIBBS Main Menu.
                                TRIWOD allows you to insert up to a 60
                                character message in your WHOSON.DAT file.
                                This program is GREAT for declaring local
                                nodes or nice if you are using it for a
                                FRONT END MAILER.  Tri-WOD is a FREEWARE
                                utility. This is another @X0EQUALITY@X0B
                                product from @X8FFLIGHTWARE@X0B  It is
                                compatable with TriBBS 10.0 & up! It is
                                very simple to set up and run.
                                Try it today...
triwoi11.zip   50515 08-05-2024 TriWordsofInspiration   (v 1.1)  -  For
                                use with TriBBS Bulletin Board Systems.
                                TriWordsofInspiration (TriWOI), creates
                                MONO, ANSI, & RIP bulletins, containing
                                "Words of Inspiration" in the form of a
                                verse  from the Bible.  TriWOI randomly
                                selects  and displays a verse each time
                                the program is executed.  Included with
                                TriWOI, is a  data  file containing  50
                                different Bible verses.   The data file
                                can be  edited, so you can use your own
                                favorite Bible verses.  Use the screens
                                created by TriWOI as a logon  screen to
                                greet  the users of  your BBS when they
                                logon.  NEW! with this version:  TriWOI
                                now creates a RIP bulletin. You can now
                                specify  the number  of different Bible
                                verses available for rotation.   Please
                                read all  documention for  upgrading to
                                this version.  From FC Software!  
triwow10.zip   59606 08-05-2024 TriWordsOfWisdom  (v 1.0) - For use with 
                                TriBBS Bulletin Board Systems only.  The
                                TriWordsOfWisdom (TriWOW), creates  MONO 
                                and ANSI  screens, containing  "Words of 
                                Wisdom".  TriWOW  randomly  selects, and 
                                displays  a  piece of  "Words of Wisdom"
                                each time  that the program is executed.
                                Included  with  TriWOW, is a  data  file 
                                containing 300  different pieces  of the 
                                "Words of Wisdom".  The data file can be 
                                edited, so you can use your own. Use the 
                                screens created as logon screen to greet  
                                the users  of your BBS  when they logon.
                                From: FC Software!                   
triwrp12.zip   11400 08-05-2024 TriWRaP  version 1.2  =>  This  utility will
                                Word Wrap  your converted pre TriBBS 10 vers.
                                FILES.LST  descriptions  to  the new  45 CHR$
                                format.  This version will also RIGHT JUSTIFY
                                descriptions as an option.  This may save you
                                a few megs on your harddrive  and  also  make
                                the description field  look  better  to  your
                                users.   TriWRP12 beta  will  NOT  wrap   any
                                "Uploaded By:" or  "# Downloads:"  lines,  in
                                addition you may define two  more re-occuring
                                lines which you may not like to  see wrapped.
                                This beta is fully  functional  and  Free  to
                                all registered TriBBS Sysops.
                                From  the  Digital Ham Shack  +1(414)251-6599
triwwiv.zip     9786 08-05-2024 TriBBS 5.1x language which emulated WWIV
                                BBS Software commands as closely as is
                                possible with TriBBS. This language is
                                a large deviation from TriBBS standard
                                menu options and message prompts. It is
                                definitely ONLY for users well aquainted
                                with WWIV BBS Software. Includes sample
                                .MNU files and .ANS files for menus.
                                From Fire Escape's BBS Directory HQ
                                (314) 741-9505. TriBBS #350.
triyo511.zip   30676 08-05-2024 TriYo! Paging Door version 5.11 -- An
                                extremely functional page door
                                for TriBBS 5.11, 10.0, and most DOOR.SYS
                                systems.  Allows a password,
                                twitting, and more!
trizdn51.zip   32319 08-05-2024 TriBBS Zmodem Download! Hang this off a menu
                                for easy access to the latest copy of TriBBS!
                                Now anyone can get the latest copy without
                                waiting to be validated, and you don't need
                                to grant anyone file area access! Initiates
                                an instantaneous Zmodem download of v5.1.
                                Freeware by Kerry Vinson, 1:100/591
tri_26inet.z       0 01-01-1980 A collection of help-files that
                                might be of interest to TriBBS
                                Sysops who are wanting to bring
                                Internet email and newsgroups
                                into their boards.  Prepared by
                                Ben Askew as a way of saying
                                "Thanks" to several people who
                                helped him out during his attempt
                                at getting onto the Net.
tri_26inet.zip   42699 08-05-2024 A collection of help-files that
                                might be of interest to TriBBS
                                Sysops who are wanting to bring
                                Internet email and newsgroups
                                into their boards.  Prepared by
                                Ben Askew as a way of saying
                                "Thanks" to several people who
                                helped him out during his attempt
                                at getting onto the Net.
tri_2dicon.z       0 01-01-1980 
tri_2dicon.zip     980 08-05-2024 Portuguese Language for TriBBS v.10
tri_2dpor2.z       0 01-01-1980 Portuguese Language for TriBBS v.10
tri_2dpor2.zip   10060 08-05-2024 Portuguese Language for TriBBS v.10
tri_boot.zip    3646 08-05-2024 A pair of batch files to help
                                avoid TSR & IRQ conflicts with
tri_im.zip      7494 08-05-2024 These HELP screens were downloaded courtesy
                                of The E Street BBS! TriBBS 5.XXX and
                                10.XX\Pro Support Board.  InterMail and
                                IntrEcho Support also available.. FIDONet
                                1:107/452  Node 1 1-908-775-8100 24 hour
                                Operations..NetMail and file Requests BBS
                                Open from 6:00 am until 3:00 am nightly..
                                These are basic screens for InterMail, BGFAX,
                                Request Processor and TriBBS. They also
                                include basic IMRUN.BAT files. While this
                                file is NOT meant to replace IM's docs, It is
                                a HELP file to better setup TriBBS w\
                                InterMail.... Good luck in your
trmcs12.zip    55562 08-05-2024 TriMessageConferenceStats v1.2
                                Released - 12-18-1997. Creates
                                a statistical screen showing the
                                network & number of messages in
                                each of your message conferences.
                                TriBBS 10.x and up.
ts10.zip       27036 08-05-2024 Change the "minimum security level" for ANY
                                node via a DOS command line. Great for batch
                                file use. For TriBBS 10.0 only!
tsb101.zip      7526 08-05-2024 TriSecBaud v1.01 - 
                                ---For TriBBS(R) VERSION 10.X ONLY!!!---
                                This small util is run in LOGON.BAT or any
                                other TriBBS Batch file, and changes the
                                callers security level, based on the baud
                                rate of the caller.  It could be used to
                                restrict the file menu, for example, to
                                only 9600 baud callers and above.
                                FREEWARE!   Enjoy!   Support BBS:
                                Cyberlink BBS (301.869.1467) (1:109/750)
tsort43.zip   114706 08-05-2024 =-=-=-=-=-=-=- TriSort v4.3 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
                                ********* By Freejack's Software ***********
                                !!!!!!!!!! Now Fully Functional !!!!!!!!!!!!
                                A Sorting Utility for TriBBS 10.x  & TriSort
                                Pro.  TriSort will Sort Users  Data Records, 
                                File Areas  and   Message  Conference   Data 
                                Records.  Sysop's  can  run  TriSort   in  a 
                                Nightly  Event  Batch  file  to  Sort   User 
                                Records and  allows you to sort  Alias names
                                when sorting the Users Records. Unregistered
                                versions of TriSort will only  allow Sorting
                                of the User's Base.  Registered versions  of
                                TriSort  will  allow  additional  Sorting of
                                File Areas, & Message Conferences.
tspro100.zip  149893 08-05-2024 =-=-=-=-=-=- TriSort Pro v10.0 -=-=-=-=-=-=-
                                ********* By Freejack's Software ***********
                                A Sorting Utility for TriBBS 10.x  &  TriBBS
                                Pro.   TriSort  Pro  will  Sort  Users  Data
                                Records, File Areas and  Message  Conference
                                Data Records.  Sysop's can  run  TriSort Pro
                                in a Nightly Event Batch file  to Sort  User 
                                Records and  allows you to sort  Alias names
                                when sorting the Users Records. Unregistered
                                versions  of  TriSort  Pro  will only  allow
                                Sorting  of  the  User's  Base and not allow
                                the  use  of  the Utility Pack.   Registered
                                versions of TriSort  will  allow  additional
                                Sorting of File Areas & Message Conferences.
                                TriSort  Pro  will  create  the  needed data
                                files for the NEW TriSort Utility Pack  that
                                comes  in  this  Archive  for  Updating your
                                TriToss's Data, TriNet & TriDog Config Files
                                after Sorting your Message Conferences.
tspts101.zip  157661 08-05-2024 ====  TriPts/TriSubPts v10.1 beta =====
                                ** For Use with TriBBS v10.x and up **
                                TriPts is a points system for controlling
                                access to any door program on your BBS.
                                Points can be awarded for posting mail
                                messages, uploading  and downloading 
                                files or any combination. Many options!
                                TriSubPts is a points subscription 
                                system. Callers subscriptions will last
                                until their points run out instead of 
                                on a specific date. Very easy to install 
                                using the included installation program. 
                                Minor update to provide better error
                                checking.  Written by: Peter Hanmore
tsp_2ddist.z       0 01-01-1980 Neat little utility that adds "sponsors" to
                                the end of your TriBBS
                                goodbye screen!
tsp_2ddist.zip   10003 08-05-2024 Neat little utility that adds "sponsors" to
                                the end of your TriBBS goodbye screen!
tsrch12.zip    18559 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                 TriSearch v1.2                      
                                 Handy little utility to search your 
                                 users database by security level,   
                                 record number, name, date of birth, 
                                 city and now...phone number.        
                                 >!< FREEWARE >!< by Dan Higgins     
tstat_10.zip   36694 08-05-2024 TRISTATS.EXE v1.0 - TriBBS Statistical
                                Information Bulletin Creator.  Data 
                                from SYSDAT1.DAT and USERS.DAT is 
                                gathered, then placed into ASCII and
                                ANSI files suitable for BBS bulletins.
                                This version is released with the
                                intent to generate user input and
                                suggestions for appearance and data
                                Sagerquist Micro Engineering
                                BBS (805) 723-6908
ttabs10.zip    86174 08-05-2024 Mystic TABS v1.0 for TriBBS 10.x.
                                This program will use your
                                existing sids and screens.
                                Follow the instruction in the
                                TTABS.DOC for setup.
                                Future versions will provide
                                options for allowing users to
                                get registration codes instead 
                                of system access.
                                This Software written at
                                Mystic Tome BBS. 
ttalk10a.zip   73225 08-05-2024 -- TRITALK v.1.0a by Shawn Stanley --
                                This is the TriBBS specific version
                                of Talk.  It is a COMPLETE telechat
                                replacement door exclusively for
                                TriBBS systems. This version does it
                                all!  New features include:  Telechat
                                menu including node to node paging,
                                "who" listing of nodes not even in the
                                door, the ability to page nodes not in
                                the door from inside telechat. Other
                                features: Full action capabilities, color
                                customization, private node sends.
                                Support COM ports 1-9 and up to 30
                                nodes. DesqView and Windows aware. New
                                version adds support for non-standard
                                IRQ's and fixes version number.
                                (6/20/95).  From TNSLB SoftCo.
ttalm011.zip   71488 08-05-2024 
ttbank20.zip   94860 08-05-2024 THE TIME BANK v2.0 - This is a TriBBS-
                                specific time bank.  Easy to install.
                                Recognizes system events and will not
                                allow withdrawals if one is pending.
                                Easily Sysop-configurable.  New version
                                now supports RIP graphics.  Can now be
                                set up with different maximum allowed
                                times for different security levels.
                                Still only $5!  ShareWare from Studio,
                                Eh? Productions.
ttdelu10.zip   45451 08-05-2024 
ttia100.zip    26476 08-05-2024 ---------------------------------------------
                                          TriTIA version 10.0
                                A TriBBS 10 specific utility to update your
                                file listings with the correct date and size.
                                >> DO NOT USE THIS VERSION WITH TRIBBS 5.11<<
                                Please note that this utility could make your
                                file listings unreadable by versions of
                                TriBBS lower than 10 as the date and size are
                                stored in different places within the
                                FILES.LST file.
ttlog100.zip   28466 08-05-2024 TTLOG v1.00 - Logging utility for TriBBS
                                systems using TriToss.
ttlvl20.zip    45902 08-05-2024 
ttn0492.zip     8267 08-05-2024 
ttnewm11.zip   33555 08-05-2024 
ttools13.zip   51140 08-05-2024 TTOOLS v1.3 - The TriBBS Tool Box is designed
                                to incorporate many popular  options  into  a
                                single program, thus eliminating the need  to
                                use several small utilities.  NEW FEATURES in
                                v1.3: Check status of the page bell at  logon
                                and  inform  user  if  the  SysOp  is/is  not
                                available for chat;  Turn  page  bell  on/off
                                from the  command  line;  Turn  300/1200/2400
                                baud access on/off  from  the  command  line;
                                A minor bug fix with the  Master  Files  List
ttop1520.zip   30307 08-05-2024 TriTop15 v2.0 is a Top 15 user bulletin  
                                maker for TriBBS 5.x systems.  TriTop15
                                shows the top fifteen callers, message
                                posters, downloaders, and uploaders.
                                Custom configurable.  You can show 
                                a user's alias or real name in the
                                bulletin.  FAST!  Easily runs in your
                                BETWEEN.BAT file or as a daily  
ttop6030.zip   53262 08-05-2024 TriTop60  v3.0 - Is for use with TriBBS
                                Bulletin Board Systems. TriTop30 is now 
                                TriTop60!  TriTop60  will  create  both 
                                ANSI and MONO bulletins, which list the 
                                "Top 60" files  on your  BBS based upon  
                                the  number  of times  the  files  were 
                                downloaded.   Please READ  all  of  the 
                                documentation files (*.DOC) for  proper 
                                installation, and update from TriTop30.
                                From FC Software!
ttoss11.zip    47575 08-05-2024 TriToss v11.0 - A FidoNet tosser/scanner
                                written specifically for TriBBS.  Besides
                                tossing and scanning Fido PKTs, TriToss also
                                has built-in AreaFix compatibility.  This
                                is a fully functional shareware program.
                                This version is a repackaged version showing
                                the new company name Freejack's Software,
                                with updated doc's..etc.
ttossp11.zip  328626 08-05-2024 TriToss Professional v11.0 - Is a full
                                feature tosser/scanner for TriBBS. It
                                is a 32-bit DOS extended program and
                                requires a 386SX or better to run on.
                                This version is a repackaged version
                                showing the new company name Freejack's
                                Software, with updated doc's..etc.
ttpmp11.zip    11893 08-05-2024 
ttquote2.zip    8480 08-05-2024 Tribbs Utility - Easy to setup Quote display
                                for Tribbs Sysops.
ttrandom.zip   29148 08-05-2024 
ttrans10.zip   42258 08-05-2024 Time Transfer ver 0.1b door for
                                use with the RDR Time Bank door.
                                Allow your users to transfer
                                their Time Bank account time
                                to another user's account.
                                * Shareware *
ttread21.zip   34519 08-05-2024 
tts101.zip     34244 08-05-2024 TriTrailingSpaces v10.1 By Don Sausa
                                Attention all  sysops,  writers, or
                                publishers, TTS is the  answer that
                                you've been looking for!  Door .CFGs
                                will not work if it has any trailing
                                spaces, nor  will  you  have the
                                professional  look  without  taking
                                those trailing  spaces  out  of your
                                articles or documents.  So check
                                this out now!  Freeware.
ttsn21.zip     28656 08-05-2024 
ttuli010.zip    5391 08-05-2024 
tul14.zip      43177 08-05-2024 TriUserList v1.4 - [Released 08/14/94]
                                Replacement for TriBBS's internal user
                                list. TriUserList can search for users
                                by simply entering part of a name.      
                                [Added "Total Calls" to listing]            
                                >!< FREEWARE >!<  by Dan Higgins      
tulv222.zip    25860 08-05-2024 TriULV 2.22 -=- TriULV is a replacement for
                                the internal user list viewer in TriBBS that
                                adds the ability to search for a user by NAME
                                CITY, or by a sound alike name called a
                                SOUNDEX. -=- TriULV is FREEWARE from PowerSoft
                                Fixed multi-node problem found in 2.21 found
                                Leslie Jaggers.  Thanks Leslie! :)
tulv30.zip     25625 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                    TriULV Version 3.0 From PowerSoft      
                                 TriULV is a replacement for the internal  
                                 user list viewer in TriBBS 10.x that adds 
                                 the ability to search for a user by Name, 
                                 City, or Sound-Ex (sounds like the name). 
                                          New for version 3.0              
                                     Now includes RIPScrip menus          
                                     Now has "Today's Callers" option     
                                            TriULV is FREEWARE             
tulv301.zip    25429 08-05-2024 TriULV Version 3.01 -  TriULV is a
                                replacement for the internal user list viewer
                                in TriBBS 10.x that adds the ability to
                                search for a user by Name, City, or Sound-Ex
                                (sounds like the name). New for version 3.01:
                                Now includes RIPScrip menus. Now has "Today's
                                Callers" option. Fix the file sharing
tuser10.zip    19378 08-05-2024 TRI-USER is a TriBBS 10.x utility that
                                will print an alphebetized user list
                                to an ascii file.  The users name, alias,
                                address, and phone are included in the
                                report. Free to registered TriBBS sysops.
tvamp2.zip      7242 08-05-2024 Vampire Language v2.0 for TriBBS
                                5.11. Also contains corresponding
                                Main, File and Message menus.
                                Courtesy of Theater of the Vampires
                                BBS 314-845-6752
tvote10.zip    68592 08-05-2024 Tri-Vote a TriBBS 10.0 voting booth door.
                                Have up to 200 questions for your users to
                                vote on.  Allow them to add questions also
                                or only allow yourself to answer.  If you
                                are looking for a voting booth, take a look
                                at this one.
tvote20.zip    38035 08-05-2024 ******** TriVote v2.0 ***********
                                This Is Version 2.0 Of The TriBBS
                                Voting Booth Door!  Many Updates
                                Have Been Made And A New Way Of
                                Handling Sreens Has Been Added!
                                Registration: ONLY $5!!!!!!
twall21.zip    57139 08-05-2024 TriWall 2.1 - Bug fix - TriWall is a 
                                graffiti wall for TriBBS 5.x, where 
                                your users can post anonymous 
                                OneLiners. It will display up to 9 
                                OneLiners, accepts @-Color codes, and 
                                is completely SysOp configurable. 
                                Freeware by Hugues Scarlata.
twct103.zip    31994 08-05-2024 --------------------------------
                                    Tri Who Called Today.
                                User definable screen output.
                                Use this only with TriBBS 10.0
                                or TriBBS/Pro as it reads info
                                out of the USERS.DAT file and
                                older versions of this file
                                are not compatible.
                                Written by Onno Vrijburg.
tweath12.zip   44252 08-05-2024 TriWeather v1.2 -  For use with TriBBS
                                Bulletin  Board  Systems.   TriWeather
                                creates both  ANSI and MONO  bulletins
                                which  contain the local weather fore-
                                cast as entered by the sysop.   Use as
                                a logon screen to offer  the users  of
                                your  BBS  the local weather forecast.
                                Simple to set up & use.  Has automatic
                                creation of the  TWEATHER.CFG  and the 
                                TWEATHER.DAT  files  by entering  data
                                when  prompted  via  internal  program 
                                commands.   Read TWEATHER.HIS file for  
                                information regarding  changes made to
                                v 1.2. TriWeather is DonationWare from
                                FC Software!
twitdef.zip    10594 08-05-2024 TWITDEF  is a hilarious Sysop  definition
                                of the  TWITS and LAMERS that call BBSes.
                                It provides a bit of humor for the reader
                                and makes him stop to  reflect and see if
                                he may be the one being described!  These
                                two  colorized  screens  are TriBBS-ready
                                to be used as bulletins or logon screens.
                                Simply rename the included  .ANS and .BBS
                                screens and you are ready to go.  Another
                                set of freeware screen from Stalag 13 BBS
twzn102.zip    46913 08-05-2024 This is version 1.2 of 'Twilight Zone'
                                Langauge file.  Real twisted and
                                fun for all.
t_2drip10.zi       0 01-01-1980 T-RIP V1.0 - RIP Menu Maker for TriBBS.    
                                A Must for any TriBBS sysop who would like
                                to add RIP graphics to their BBS.  T-Rip
                                will automatically create colorfull File,
                                Main, Message, Door, and Bulletin menus.
                                Nagware: Only $6 registration.
t_2drip10.zip   80026 08-05-2024 T-RIP V1.0 - RIP Menu Maker for TriBBS.    
                                A Must for any TriBBS sysop who would like
                                to add RIP graphics to their BBS.  T-Rip
                                will automatically create colorfull File,
                                Main, Message, Door, and Bulletin menus.
                                Nagware: Only $6 registration.
t_it21a1.zip   62264 08-05-2024 TicIt 2.1 Alpha 1 This release is a
                                complete write up from scratch. I lost
                                2.0 in a source and had to do this. Many
                                features not implemented yet but does do
                                MOST processes of the importation of
                                TIC's, the extras are not in place.
                                Supports WILDCARD Area Import, REPLACE
                                Verb reconition, FILE_ID.DIZ import,
                                Conversions to ZIP/ARJ/LZH..more coming,
                                Virus scanning and much more!
t_it25b4.zip   99761 08-05-2024 TicIt 2.50 Beta 4 - All NEW Version of TicIt!
                                Supports 64,000 Areas! Convert,Scan, and
                                Process Archives for each Area! GEcho like
                                Setup program makes it a snap! Supports
                                ZIP/ARJ ZOO/LZH/PAK/RAR archive formats.
                                Inserts ZIP Comments. Beta 4 provides greatly
                                improved memory management routines. Includes
                                all new MSGAPI for better handling of ALLFIX
                                messages! Try it today! The best TIC
                                processor for TriBBS & TriBBS/Pro 10.0.
t_it25b7.zip  129633 08-05-2024 TicIt 2.50 Beta 7 - All NEW Version of TicIt!
                                Supports 64,000 Areas! Convert,Scan, and
                                Process Archives for each Area! Easy Setup
                                program makes it a snap! Supports
                                ZIP/ARJ/ZOO/LZH/PAK/RAR archive formats.
                                Inserts ZIP Comments. Try it today!
t_mail18.zip   34409 08-05-2024 {T_MAIL} v1.8 -- a {COMMO} script for
                                automating mail and file runs w/up to 9
                                TriBBS Bulletin Board systems. Totally menu
                                driven -- no need to know anything about
                                COMMO. Supports: DSZ/GSZ/VZ/HSLink, aliases,
                                more. Archive has been updated to add the
                                TINSTALL.COM program which was omitted in
                                version 1.7.
t_tabs10.zip  350925 08-05-2024 @X8F           NEW & HOT!
                                ---> @X0FTri-TABS 900 Number Door!@X09 <---
                                @X0BIntroducing the @X8CBEST@X0B 900
                                number software available for TRIBBS!
                                It has way too many features to list here,
                                but you can @X0EDOWNLOAD@X0B this program
                                and read @X8EFEATURE.DOC!@X0B  It has over
                                @X0A25@X0B built-in features. Don't take my
                                word for
                                it!  You be the @X8FJUDGE!@X0B  It is very
                                EASY to SETUP and INSTALL!  This version
                                is compatable with TRIBBS 10.0 & up.
                                It also includes ALL of the information
                                necessary to setup you TABS account.
                                Another quality product from
                                @X0EFLIGHTWARE SOFTWARE!
t_utls04.zip  237204 08-05-2024 The SME TriBBS Utility Package, Release 4
                                Compatible with TriBBS v10.0, includes:  
                                DUPES11  ZIP*Duplicated user finder.     
                                FLIST11  ZIP*Master Files List creator.  
                                M_CHG12  ZIP*TriBBS Menu Changer.        
                                PAGE13   ZIP*Toggles sysop page bell.    
                                S_NEWS13 ZIP*News Letter creator.        
                                TBSEC104 ZIP*Security & Time adjustments.
                                TSTAT21  ZIP*BBS Stats bulletin creator. 
                                V!LST100 ZIP*Lists caller & phone number.
                                More programs to be added upon request!  
                                Sagerquist Micro Engineering
udreset.zip    14774 08-05-2024  -- Up/Download Ratio Reseter --
                                Someone wanted a program to reset the
                                up & download Ratios for all there
                                users at once... So here it is....
                                And that's what it does :)
                                  Free ware from S&M Shareware.
ugrade11.zip   44227 08-05-2024 @X00-----------------------------------
                                @X0EUPGRADE v1.1 FOR @X84UPGRADING@X00-
                                @X0EFROM TriBBS v5.11 TO v10.0.@X00----
                                @X0EThis is the utility that was left
                                @X0Eout of the TRIBBS10.ZIP archive.@X00
                                @X0ETHIS IS MEANT FOR TriBBS SYSOP'S WHO
                                @X0ECURRENTLY RUNNING TriBBS v5.11 AND
                                @X0EARE LOOKING FOR AN EASY WAY TO DO
                                @X0ETHE BIG UPGRADE!@X00----------------
                                @X08FREEWARE FROM TmS Conspirators 1996
                                @X08The Crack In The Wall BBS@X00------
ultrak13.zip   25911 08-05-2024 ULTrack  version 1.3
                                Upload Tracker will let you know who has
                                uploaded that file that didn't pass your
                                file scanner so you can check with them
                                about that file.
                                Written by Adam Zuckerman
upcomp.zip      7484 08-05-2024 UPCOMP changes the upload compensation
                                time for TriBBS with command line
                                parameters.  Freeware by Bob Dunnell,
                                Fido 1:100/340.
update13.zip   75054 08-05-2024 ***** TriBBS Caller Record Updater v1.3 *****
                                ========== By Freejack's Software ===========
                                For TriBBS v10.x & TriBBS PRO Only! This Door
                                is for helping  Sysops to bring  the  Callers
                                Records  up  to  date  with  the  New  TriBBS
                                Caller's  Record Format.  It will  prompt the
                                user  only  if  information  is  missing from
                                their Caller Records & also will request them
                                to  verify other information is still correct
                                Checks   the  Street  address,  City,  State,
                                Zip Code, Phone Number & Birth Date.  Can  be
                                set up to  US Style  format forcing input for
                                all questions  ask,  or  Set to International
                                format  so  calls  from  outside  the  US may
                                bypass State &  Zip Code questions,  and  use
                                a Non-US Phone Number Format.  *FREEBIE WARE*
                                NEW! : Now allows for Street Address Line 2!
upload10.zip   18270 08-05-2024 UPLOAD allows you to change the 
                                Upload Time Compensation Ratio 
                                on a TriBBS BBS via the command 
                                line or an event.  Free to all 
                                registered TriBBS Sysops.
                                Compatible with TriBBS 10.0 only.
upto11.zip     28876 08-05-2024 UPTODAY.EXE v. 1.1 by C-Cubed Software This is
                                a TriBBS utility that will create a bulletin
                                and/or logon screen that shows your recently
                                uploaded files, or any hard drive file area's
                                files you wish. The colors are
                                customizable. MORE! Freeware
upto12c.zip    30299 08-05-2024 UPTODAY.EXE 1.2C by C-Cubed Software
                                This should be the final release of
                                UPTODAY unless there are user requests
                                for changes/additions. UPTODAY is a
                                TriBBS utility to generate an "@X.."
                                coded screen (bulletin and/or logon)
                                that shows the files in a directory.
                                It can be used to show recent uploads,
                                special file areas, etc. It accepts
                                multiple config files, so you can run
                                it for as many file areas as you wish.
                                This is a maintenance release with code
                                added to delete the bulletin/logon
                                screen if there are no files in the
                                specified file area when the program is
                                run. It masks out "FILES.*" files.
                                Freeware from C-Cubed Software
us1011.zip     81748 08-05-2024 UserScan 11.0 for TriBBS 10.x/11.x. TriBBS
                                Sysop Utility Door for searching and editing
                                of the user data files. Allows searching by
                                Name/Alias, Password, Phone Number, Security
                                Level(s), Birthdate, Subscription Expiration,
                                Private Conf/File Area Access, Co-Sysop Priv.
                                Allows editing of all user fields, automatic
                                validation based on sysop defined parameters.
                                11.0: Now allows the 'V' (validate) function
                                to also Zap the user for the day's calls.
                                PostCardWare. Source for $20.00. By Marc
                                Brooks. Phydeaux Software, Inc.
us108.zip      80730 08-05-2024 UserScan 10.8 for TriBBS 10.x. TriBBS
                                Sysop Utility Door for searching and editing
                                of the user data files. Allows searching by
                                Name/Alias, Password, Phone Number, Security
                                Level(s), Birthdate, Subscription Expiration,
                                Private Conf/File Area Access, Co-Sysop Priv.
                                Allows editing of all user fields, automatic
                                validation based on sysop defined parameters.
                                10.8: Added output to file at individual user
                                menu. Added security level to output file.
                                Added append or overwrite option to output
usconst_.zip   30812 08-05-2024 This is a copy of the Constitution 
                                of the United States of America
                                Complete with Ammendments for use 
                                as a display screen on TriBBS(R) 
                                Bulletin Board Systems. Both RIP
                                and BBS (w/@X codes) versions
                                are included.
                                Free from Daves mESs BBS.
used10.zip     56950 08-05-2024 USEREDIT 10.0 for TriBBS 10.0
                                View your users from a remote logon and edit
                                their sec level, deletion status, locked off
                                status, password, and other information.
                                Search for user's by number, name, soundex
                                search, or partial name search.  Not a
                                replacement for Triman, just a utility for
                                the sysop that needs to occasionally check
                                on users remotely.  
used101.zip    59634 08-05-2024 USEREDIT 10.1 for TriBBS 10.0
                                View your users from a remote logon and edit
                                their sec level, deletion status, locked off
                                status, password, and other information.
                                Search for user's by number, name, soundex
                                search, or partial name search.  Not a
                                replacement for Triman, just a utility for
                                the sysop that needs to occasionally check
                                on users remotely.  
userd101.zip   52588 08-05-2024 User Deleter Version 10.1 - This is a TriBBS
                                utility will Go through your Callers log and
                                mark callers for deletion that haven't been
                                active for a specified period of time. It has
                                a very easy to use user interface. No editing
                                text files. Features include exemption by
                                name or alias as well as exempt Security
                                Levels. All of which is Sysop defined. Can be
                                added to the Sysop screen for local use,
                                activate from the command line, or run from
                                batch files.
userd30.zip    31532 08-05-2024     User Deleter Version 3.0
                                This is a TriBBS utility will Go
                                through your Callers log and mark
                                callers for deletion that haven't
                                been active for a specified period
                                of time. Offers exemption list as
                                well as exepmt Security Levels.
                                From S&M Shareware.
users10.zip    14405 08-05-2024 Users v1.0 will scan your USERS.DAT
                                file and create a USERS.TXT which is
                                formatted to hold 4 users per page
                                with a tab indention for easy binding
                                and the users infomation in an easy
                                to read format! @X8F*****FREEWARE!*****
                                Freejack's Software by Gary Price
userv20.zip    48403 08-05-2024 Userver v2.0 - Now is Multi-Node
                                functional!. Added Message base
                                support using Mark Goodwin's
                                TBAPI library. Still FREEWARE!
                                From the mind of Bruce Farley
usn102a.zip    31209 08-05-2024  Usernote Version 1.02a; allows
                                 Tritel/Tribbs users to send notes to
                                 each other quickly and easily.
                                 Shareware. Usernote 1.02a  Handles the
                                 newer version of TriBBS which requires
                                 the @vars.
usr2cma.zip    10154 08-05-2024 Exports TriBBS 5.1 user database to a
                                ASCII file.  Includes Borland Pascal source
                                Freeware from Bob Dunnell, Fidonet 1:100/340.
usrch102.zip   68855 08-05-2024 USER SEARCH 10.2 for TriBBS 10.0 - User
                                search is a utility which will allow your
                                users to search for another user when they
                                can't remember the exact spelling of their
                                name. Three searching patterns are used.
                                Soundex, Ratcliff\Obershelp, and partial
                                string. If the user can spell the name or
                                alias fairly accurately the user will be
                                found. (Multi-node bug fix)
usrdat10.zip   82085 08-05-2024 uSeR DaTa v1.0 is designed to replace the
                                original User Stat program in TriBBS 10.0.
usrlst10.zip   77133 08-05-2024 uSeR LiSTeR is a program that displays
                                the user directory in TriBBS 10.x. This is
                                a rewrite of the default TriBBS user
                                directory listing.
usrlst11.zip   40154 08-05-2024 kvUserList! v1.1-produces an ASCII index file
                                of your users. For TriBBS! Fixes bug that
                                would cause it to error out if there were no
                                null characters in the city record. Features
                                Optional printing, sleek interface.
                                Freeware by kv_Soft!
wason20.zip    49294 08-05-2024 WAS-ON version 2.0, the famous
                                last-caller utility for TriBBS.
                                This newest release supports
                                user-defined screen files, and
                                it also supports MULTIPLE
                                LANGUAGES, from English to
                                French to Swedish, and even
                                PIG LATIN if you like.
                                Another useful shareware
                                program by Kevin Procter.
wbsltc10.zip   11339 08-05-2024             --=*>WBS Presents<*=--       
                                Last Ten Callers v1.0 TriBBS Utility!    
                                This program creates a very nice looking
                                last 10 callers screen using @X codes.
                                Includes User Name, Location, Baud, Date,
                                Time on, & Graphics Type.
wc3tri10.zip   28436 08-05-2024 WC3TOTRI - WildCat 3.x to TriBBS 5.x user
                                file converter.  Handy for switching from
                                WildCat to TriBBS.
whoct22.zip    37026 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>> Who Called Today v2.2 <<<<<<<<<<<<
                                -=-=-=-=-= By Freejack's Software =-=-=-=-=-=
                                This program compares your  computer's system
                                date  to  the  date  of  the  last call for a
                                caller in the users records and will create a
                                custom screen showing caller's Real Name, (if
                                Registered,  then  will allow  you  to select
                                Alias Name), location of call coming from, if
                                caller  is New to  BBS,  time of call,  & how
                                many calls  this caller  has made to your BBS
                                that day. For TriBBS 10.x or higher!
whoson.zip     30451 08-05-2024  Tri/Who's Online
                                   Version 1.0
                                 For TriBBS 10.x
                                FREE * FREE * FREE
                                This utility runs in the logon.bat
                                file, and creates a @CODE screen
                                for your choice, displaying who's
                                Enjoy!  (C) 1996 JG_SOFT
whoson10.zip   44659 08-05-2024 Whoson Data File Message Changer v1.0 - This
                                is a simple but effective utility that will
                                allow a sysop to write a custom message to a
                                certain node number's record within the
                                Whoson.dat file. It will take the place of
                                the Callers Name Line and enter a predefined
                                message from your config file. You can have
                                up to 6 different predefined messages. This
                                really requires 2 or more nodes to be
whoson20.zip   31223 08-05-2024 
                                            WHO'S ON 2.0              
                                  A door replacement for TriBBS's     
                                  default who's on.  Displays each    
                                  node's caller, baudrate, location,  
                                  and chat status in ANSI colors.     
                                  Easily set up.  Change default      
                                  colors with $5 registration.        
                                    Completely SysOp configurable.   
                                    Can exclude your local node.     
                                    A must for multinode systems!    
                                 Stormfront Software 
win_tips.zip   11120 08-05-2024 Tips on running TriBBS 5.1 with Windows.
                                A few suggestions and opinions submitted
                                by Steven J. Coker on May 7, 1994.
wsnews14.zip   44088 08-05-2024 WS-NEWS 1.4 - der einfache Newsgenerator fuer
                                TriBBS 5.x & TriBBS 11.x Mailboxen, sowie 
                                jede andere Mailbox welche @X-color generiert
                                Simple news generator for TriBBS 5.x & 
                                TriBBS 11.x and any other BBS that can gene-
                                rate @X-color code. Create a BBSNEWS.BBS or 
                                LOGONx.BBS file, using @X-color code. 
                                @X0E      Freeware from Werner Sidler
wsquot11.zip   44379 08-05-2024 WS-QUOTE 1.1 - Zitate- oder Witze Generator
                                fuer TriBBS 5.x & TriBBS 10.x Mailboxen,
                                sowie jedes andere Mailboxsystem welches 
                                @-color Code generiert. Gut konfigurierbar.
                                WS-QUOTE 1.1 - Quote or joke generator for 
                                TriBBS 5.x & TriBBS 10.x and any other BBS 
                                that can generate @-color code. Create a 
                                LOGON, GOODBYE or BULLETIN screen, using 
                                @X-color code.          Very configurable!
                                @X0E       Freeware from Werner Sidler.
wstoday.zip    41899 08-05-2024 WS-TODAY 1.0 - Datum Screen Generator
                                fuer TriBBS 5.x & TriBBS 11.x Mailboxen,
                                sowie jedes andere Mailboxsystem welches 
                                @-color Code generiert. Gut konfigurierbar.
                                WS-TODAY 1.0 - Date screen generator for 
                                TriBBS 5.x & TriBBS 11.x and any other BBS 
                                that can generate @-color code. Create a 
                                LOGON, GOODBYE or BULLETIN screen, using 
                                @X-color code.          Very configurable!
                                @X0E       Freeware from Werner Sidler.
wwp35.zip      34873 08-05-2024 [[[[[[[[[Who/Where/Page v3.5]]]]]]]]]]]
                                Often imitated, never duplicated!  This
                                is a __MUST HAVE__ door for anybody out
                                there running a multinode TriBBS board.
                                Allows your  callers to see what others
                                are doing at your place, and will allow
                                them to page each other. Logs all notes
                                between callers, very sysop configable.
                                Internal  key  file  routines  changed!
                                [[[[[[[[Registration only $10]]]]]]]]]]
                                From: CraigerWare Enterprises
xd100.zip     147957 08-05-2024 @X8Cͻ@X07
                                @X8C@X0FINTRODUCING @X0AX-DRAW        
                                @X0ETriBBS SysOps will throw away their
                                @X0Eold ANSI editors after trying X-DRAW.
                                @X0DX-Draw edits TriBBS @x coded .BBS
                                @X0Dfiles. @X0BUsing X-DRAW will save you
                                @X0BDisk Space and Screen Development
                                @X0Btime because you now only have to
                                @X0Bwrite COLOR .BBS Display Screens!
                                @X0CThere is no longer a need to write
                                @X0Can .ANS screen for your ANSI Users.
                                @X0AIf you're a TriBBS SysOp, then
                                @X0FYOU @X8CNEED@X0F@X07 @X0FX-DRAW!
                                @X1FANSI-2-X Conversion Included!@X07
                                @X09@X0F VERSION 1.0    Public Release
zine0497.zip  313844 08-05-2024 After Months of Waiting, and me Fighting
                                off Tourist Season, the New Edition of
                                the TriBBS E-Zine is now Available. This
                                edition take a look at the Future of
                                TriBBS, and the changes made for providing
                                support. Articles include a look at QWKNews,
                                Programs to add Email and Usenet to your
                                BBS, as well as a Top Ten Utility list
                                for the New (and seasoned) TriBBS Sysop.
                                Included in this Archive is a Zip file
                                with Gary Prices 21 Steps to setting
                                up TriBBS under WIN95. The TriBBS E-Zine
                                is published by PsyDuck Publishing.
ziplog.zip     36677 08-05-2024 This is a neat little utility that
                                i wrote to help me zip up my callers logs.
                                This program can be run as a weekly event
                                and makes life very simple for Tribbs sysops
                                who like to zip their logs.
                                THIS PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED FREEWARE!!!!!!!!!
                                BUT DONATIONS ARE WELCOMED
zoom144.zip     1469 08-05-2024 NRAM settings for setting up
                                the Zoom 14.4 Fax/Modem with
                                TriBBS - these are what I 
                                use on The Family Connection
zsxbat2.zip     3416 08-05-2024 ZSX is a bbs transfer protocol driver that
                                effectively replace all TTPROT protocols with
                                highly efficient routines. ZSX works very
                                on any TriBBS board, under DOS, OS/2 and
                                This archive contains all receive and send
                                files as well as the EXTPROT.MNU file needed.
                                Just obtain the ZSX archive and you're up and
                                running.  Replaces ZSXBAT.ZIP!!               
                                The batch files were written by Steve Switzer
                                sysop of Binary Hurricane BBS, 1:2613/405 and
                                assembled here by David Moufarrege,
zyr_2dtrib.z       0 01-01-1980 ----===[ Zyrion to TriBBS help ]===----
                                .    .    .    .    .    .    .   .   .
                                These are the batchfiles and walk-thru
                                of setting up the "Super-Fast" & FREE
                                Zyrion v4.0x file transfer protocol on
                                your TriBBS bulletin board!  Zyrion
                                doesn't like the @EBATCH.DAT file, so
                                a special "send.bat" had to be written!
                                Compliments of:  Brazen's HELL!   #745
zyr_2dtrib.zip    2303 08-05-2024 ----===[ Zyrion to TriBBS help ]===----
                                .    .    .    .    .    .    .   .   .
                                These are the batchfiles and walk-thru
                                of setting up the "Super-Fast" & FREE
                                Zyrion v4.0x file transfer protocol on
                                your TriBBS bulletin board!  Zyrion
                                doesn't like the @EBATCH.DAT file, so
                                a special "send.bat" had to be written!
                                Compliments of:  Brazen's HELL!   #745

                   Area 116 - UG-RA Crow                  

crw_2dansi.z       0 01-01-1980 --------.
                                ۲       ۲  
                                          ܲ         ߱
                                 c            r               
                                ߲     ۲         w 
                                   ۲    ۲   ޲    
                                      o    ޲  ܱ
                                ۲         co!
                                -[CROW CODING DIVISION PRESENTS]-|
                                   Application form for Ansi Artists       
crw_2dansi.zip    5772 08-05-2024 --------.
                                ۲       ۲  
                                           ܲ         ߱
                                 c            r               
                                 ߲     ۲         w 
                                   ۲    ۲   ޲    
                                      o    ޲  ܱ
                                ۲         co!
                                +-[CROW CODING DIVISION PRESENTS]-|
                                   Application form for Ansi Artists       
crw_2dapp.zi       0 01-01-1980                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                CROW Coding Division Presents
                                Application utility v1.0
                                Download this program if you
                                want to join crow or become
                                dist site or beta site
                                Code: Rezaad  
                                Ansi: Rezaad & Nosebone
crw_2dapp.zip   13442 08-05-2024                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                    CROW Coding Division Presents
                                      Application utility v1.0
                                      Download this program if you
                                      want to join crow or become
                                      dist site or beta site
                                      Code: Rezaad  
                                      Ansi: Rezaad & Nosebone
crw_2dapp2.z       0 01-01-1980 
                                ,a$Y$@m, mPY$@m,Y@s,  `~Y@m,_
                                d$P'   l$$$$b $   l$$$b  `Y$$b`$$P  `Y$$@m,
                                j$l    j$$F$$P $  j$$E$P,  l$A$l`l     l$R$$b
                                $$:    "~'a$  ~"   :$$$l :     :$'`$$
                                Y$b     FEARb $y ;$$$l     j$$$'jl  $  l$bd$P
                                `~amm$$$P'a$$  `Y$$@mmm@$$P'a$$@mm@$$$P'
                                            %proudly presents%          !
                                      Application program by Rezaad     :
                                :                                        |
crw_2dapp2.zip   51701 08-05-2024 
                                  ,a$Y$@m, mPY$@m,Y@s,  `~Y@m,_
                                 d$P'   l$$$$b $   l$$$b  `Y$$b`$$P  `Y$$@m,
                                j$l    j$$F$$P $  j$$E$P,  l$A$l`l     l$R$$b
                                $$:    "~'a$  ~"   :$$$l :     :$'`$$
                                Y$b     FEARb $y ;$$$l     j$$$'jl  $  l$bd$P
                                 `~amm$$$P'a$$  `Y$$@mmm@$$P'a$$@mm@$$$P'
                                 |            %proudly presents%          !
                                       Application program by Rezaad     :
                                 :                                        |
crw_2dcall.z       0 01-01-1980                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                CROW Coding Division Presents
                                Lastcall, the ONLY lastcall DOOR     
                                around. Inludes Today's callers,   
                                Yesterday's caller, baud stat and
                                caller statistic. 
                                Code: Rezaad  Ansi: Tosh10
crw_2dcall.zip   22205 08-05-2024                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                    CROW Coding Division Presents
                                      Lastcall, the ONLY lastcall DOOR     
                                      around. Inludes Today's callers,   
                                      Yesterday's caller, baud stat and
                                      caller statistic. 
                                      Code: Rezaad  Ansi: Tosh10
crw_2ddisc.z       0 01-01-1980                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                 crwDISCLAIM v1.0   for   RA 2.oX & 2.5 
                                     -" The Ultimate Disclaimer "-      
                                  DISPLAYS AN ANSI WITH RULEZ & STUFF  :
                                  DONT EXITS UNTIL THE USER HAS AGREED 
                                   TO THE RULEZ BY TYPING YES OR OK OR  
                                   WHATEVER (SYSOP DEFINABLE).          |
                                  NO LAME LIGHTBARS                    
                                  EASY TO SETUP AND VERY CONFIGURABLE  
crw_2ddisc.zip   29064 08-05-2024                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                 crwDISCLAIM v1.0   for   RA 2.oX & 2.5 
                                     -" The Ultimate Disclaimer "-      
                                  DISPLAYS AN ANSI WITH RULEZ & STUFF  :
                                |  DONT EXITS UNTIL THE USER HAS AGREED 
                                   TO THE RULEZ BY TYPING YES OR OK OR  
                                   WHATEVER (SYSOP DEFINABLE).          |
                                  NO LAME LIGHTBARS                    
                                  EASY TO SETUP AND VERY CONFIGURABLE  
crw_2ddos.zi       0 01-01-1980 
                                ,a$Y$@m, mPY$@m,Y@s,  `~Y@m,_
                                d$P'   l$$$$b $   l$$$b  `Y$$b`$$P  `Y$$@m,
                                j$l    j$$F$$P $  j$$E$P,  l$A$l`l     l$R$$b
                                $$:    "~'a$  ~"   :$$$l :     :$'`$$
                                Y$b     FEARb $y ;$$$l     j$$$'jl  $  l$bd$P
                                `~amm$$$P'a$$  `Y$$@mmm@$$P'a$$@mm@$$$P'
                                       %crow produchunz presents%       !
                                   crwDOS v1.0 for RemoteAccess 2.xx    :
                                     cool "DOS SHELL" styled login      
                                  built-in chatter - leave msg 4 sysop  
                                :         coded by fREEJACK/crOw         
crw_2ddos.zip   46609 08-05-2024 
                                  ,a$Y$@m, mPY$@m,Y@s,  `~Y@m,_
                                 d$P'   l$$$$b $   l$$$b  `Y$$b`$$P  `Y$$@m,
                                j$l    j$$F$$P $  j$$E$P,  l$A$l`l     l$R$$b
                                $$:    "~'a$  ~"   :$$$l :     :$'`$$
                                Y$b     FEARb $y ;$$$l     j$$$'jl  $  l$bd$P
                                 `~amm$$$P'a$$  `Y$$@mmm@$$P'a$$@mm@$$$P'
                                 |       %crow produchunz presents%       !
                                    crwDOS v1.0 for RemoteAccess 2.xx    :
                                      cool "DOS SHELL" styled login      
                                 |  built-in chatter - leave msg 4 sysop  
                                 :         coded by fREEJACK/crOw         
crw_2dfaou.z       0 01-01-1980 
                                ,a$Y$@m, mPY$@m,Y@s,  `~Y@m,_
                                d$P'   l$$$$b $   l$$$b  `Y$$b`$$P  `Y$$@m,
                                j$l    j$$F$$P $  j$$E$P,  l$A$l`l     l$R$$b
                                $$:    "~'a$  ~"   :$$$l :     :$'`$$
                                Y$b     FEARb $y ;$$$l     j$$$'jl  $  l$bd$P
                                `~amm$$$P'a$$  `Y$$@mmm@$$P'a$$@mm@$$$P'
                                       %crow produchunz presents%       !
                                   a program for  all INIQUITY sysops   :
                                  this is just a 50% designable util ;( :
                                :   it's a... FILE AREA OVERVIEW UTIL    |
                                :   NOTE! no door, just ANSi outputs     :
                                !            v1.50             .
                                : [chastisement of crow]      [96-o8-o2] |
crw_2dfaou.zip   16384 08-05-2024 
                                  ,a$Y$@m, mPY$@m,Y@s,  `~Y@m,_
                                 d$P'   l$$$$b $   l$$$b  `Y$$b`$$P  `Y$$@m,
                                j$l    j$$F$$P $  j$$E$P,  l$A$l`l     l$R$$b
                                $$:    "~'a$  ~"   :$$$l :     :$'`$$
                                Y$b     FEARb $y ;$$$l     j$$$'jl  $  l$bd$P
                                 `~amm$$$P'a$$  `Y$$@mmm@$$P'a$$@mm@$$$P'
                                 |       %crow produchunz presents%       !
                                    a program for  all INIQUITY sysops   :
                                   this is just a 50% designable util ;( :
                                 :   it's a... FILE AREA OVERVIEW UTIL    |
                                 :   NOTE! no door, just ANSi outputs     :
                                 !            v1.50             .
                                 : [chastisement of crow]      [96-o8-o2] |
crw_2dfina.z       0 01-01-1980                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                 crwFINA v1.0  RemoteAccess 2.oX & 2.5o 
                                 -" Number of files in area importer "- 
                                  IMPORTS NUM OF FILES IN AREA TO THE  
                                   AREA NAME ([dist] crOw        <76>)  
                                  EASY TO SETUP (UNPACK AND EXECUTE)   
crw_2dfina.zip   14481 08-05-2024                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                 crwFINA v1.0  RemoteAccess 2.oX & 2.5o 
                                 -" Number of files in area importer "- 
                                  IMPORTS NUM OF FILES IN AREA TO THE  
                                |   AREA NAME ([dist] crOw        <76>)  
                                  EASY TO SETUP (UNPACK AND EXECUTE)   
crw_2dfk12.z       0 01-01-1980 .---------
                                ۲       ۲ 
                                 c            r              
                                 ߲     ۲         w
                                   ۲    ۲   ޲   
                                      o    ޲ 
                                ۲         co
                                -[CROW CODING DIVISION PRESENTS
                                 FakeFD v1.23, fake mailer for all systems  
                                    SiMULATES MAiLER SOFTWARE              
                                    CONFiGURABLE "Press .." MESSAGE   
                                    CONFiGURABLE NUMBER OF ESC KEYPRESSES  
                                    VERY EASY TO iNSTALL AND SETUP         
                                    SOURCE iNCLUDED! SOURCE iNCLUDED!      
crw_2dfk12.zip   23513 08-05-2024 .---------
                                |۲       ۲ 
                                | c            r              
                                 ߲     ۲         w
                                |   ۲    ۲   ޲   
                                      o    ޲ 
                                ۲         co
                                +-[CROW CODING DIVISION PRESENTS
                                 FakeFD v1.23, fake mailer for all systems  
                                    SiMULATES MAiLER SOFTWARE              
                                    CONFiGURABLE "Press .." MESSAGE   
                                    CONFiGURABLE NUMBER OF ESC KEYPRESSES  
                                    VERY EASY TO iNSTALL AND SETUP         
                                    SOURCE iNCLUDED! SOURCE iNCLUDED!      
crw_2dfu12.z       0 01-01-1980                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                crOw coding division           
                                 FIND-Uploader v1.2  for  RemoteAccess  
                                  A DOS UTILITY FOR SYSOPS             
                                  DISPLAYS WHAT FILES A SPECIFIED USER 
                                   HAS UPLOADED!                        
                                  SELECT [ONE AREA] OR [ALL AREAS]     
                                  WILL SHOW TOTAL BYTES UPLOADED       
crw_2dfu12.zip   16165 08-05-2024                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                    crOw coding division           
                                 FIND-Uploader v1.2  for  RemoteAccess  
                                  A DOS UTILITY FOR SYSOPS             
                                |  DISPLAYS WHAT FILES A SPECIFIED USER 
                                   HAS UPLOADED!                        
                                |  SELECT [ONE AREA] OR [ALL AREAS]     
                                |  WILL SHOW TOTAL BYTES UPLOADED       
crw_2diu03.z       0 01-01-1980 
                                ,a$Y$@m, mPY$@m,Y@s,  `~Y@m,_
                                d$P'   l$$$$b $   l$$$b  `Y$$b`$$P  `Y$$@m,
                                j$l    j$$F$$P $  j$$E$P,  l$A$l`l     l$R$$b
                                $$:    "~'a$  ~"   :$$$l :     :$'`$$
                                Y$b     FEARb $y ;$$$l     j$$$'jl  $  l$bd$P
                                `~amm$$$P'a$$  `Y$$@mmm@$$P'a$$@mm@$$$P'
                                       %crow produchunz presents%       !
                                  iniquity inactive user remover v0.30  :
                                  a sysop utility  for you who want to  :
                                :         remove inactive users!         |
                                :  chastisement of crow        96-07-29  |
crw_2diu03.zip   17127 08-05-2024 
                                  ,a$Y$@m, mPY$@m,Y@s,  `~Y@m,_
                                 d$P'   l$$$$b $   l$$$b  `Y$$b`$$P  `Y$$@m,
                                j$l    j$$F$$P $  j$$E$P,  l$A$l`l     l$R$$b
                                $$:    "~'a$  ~"   :$$$l :     :$'`$$
                                Y$b     FEARb $y ;$$$l     j$$$'jl  $  l$bd$P
                                 `~amm$$$P'a$$  `Y$$@mmm@$$P'a$$@mm@$$$P'
                                 |       %crow produchunz presents%       !
                                   iniquity inactive user remover v0.30  :
                                   a sysop utility  for you who want to  :
                                 :         remove inactive users!         |
                                 :  chastisement of crow        96-07-29  |
crw_2dkw2_21       0 01-01-1980                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                -[CROW Coding Division Presents]-ij
                                   KiWi Final! A onliner for DOOR.SYS   
                                   over 10 diffrent options, example:  
                                   Censoring, Comment Editor/Nuker     
                                   Customize toplist, make own header  
                                   Ban bad users from writing          |
                                   Coded by Rezaad                     
                                <>Cyber Station<>Crow WHQ<>46-226-20119<>
crw_2dkw2_21.zip   50375 08-05-2024                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                -[CROW Coding Division Presents]-ij
                                   KiWi Final! A onliner for DOOR.SYS   
                                   over 10 diffrent options, example:  
                                |   Censoring, Comment Editor/Nuker     
                                   Customize toplist, make own header  
                                   Ban bad users from writing          |
                                   Coded by Rezaad                     
                                <>Cyber Station<>Crow WHQ<>46-226-20119<>
crw_2dlo11.z       0 01-01-1980                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                 crwLOGIN v1.1  for  RemoteAccess 2.xX  
                                 -------------------------------------- !
                                :  BUG FIXED: No more "Too many chars!"  
                                  LET USERS LOGIN WITH BIG-ANSI-CHARS  :
                                  FULL 80 CHARS SCROLL WHILE LOGIN!    |
                                  99% CONFIGURABLE WITH YPOS,COL,ANSI  
crw_2dlo11.zip   83092 08-05-2024                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                 crwLOGIN v1.1  for  RemoteAccess 2.xX  
                                 -------------------------------------- !
                                :  BUG FIXED: No more "Too many chars!"  
                                  LET USERS LOGIN WITH BIG-ANSI-CHARS  :
                                |  FULL 80 CHARS SCROLL WHILE LOGIN!    |
                                  99% CONFIGURABLE WITH YPOS,COL,ANSI  
crw_2dm100.z       0 01-01-1980                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                 crwMENU v1.0  RemoteAccess 2.oX (2.5o) 
                                 ---" the PCBoard main-menu clone "---  
                                  MULTI-CHAR COMMANDS (BYE) (Z CROW)   
                                  CUSTOMISE YOUR OWN COMMANDS          
                                  L-BAR NEWFILE [LAST] [TODAY] [OTHER] 
                                  L-BAR KEYWORD [GLOBAL] [GROUP] [AREA]
                                  ANIMATED PROMPT IN THE MENU          
                                  SUPPORT FOR RANDOM WISEWORDS         |
                                  FULL STATUS BAR F1-F9, ALT-C, ALT-E  
                                  100% CONFIGURABLE WITH X,Y,COL,ANSI  
                                  SECURITY AND FLAG CHECK ON COMMANDS  
                                  MENU ANSI SUPPORTS ^K AND ^F CODES   
crw_2dm100.zip   58065 08-05-2024                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                 crwMENU v1.0  RemoteAccess 2.oX (2.5o) 
                                 ---" the PCBoard main-menu clone "---  
                                  MULTI-CHAR COMMANDS (BYE) (Z CROW)   
                                |  CUSTOMISE YOUR OWN COMMANDS          
                                  L-BAR NEWFILE [LAST] [TODAY] [OTHER] 
                                |  L-BAR KEYWORD [GLOBAL] [GROUP] [AREA]
                                  ANIMATED PROMPT IN THE MENU          
                                  SUPPORT FOR RANDOM WISEWORDS         |
                                  FULL STATUS BAR F1-F9, ALT-C, ALT-E  
                                  100% CONFIGURABLE WITH X,Y,COL,ANSI  
                                  SECURITY AND FLAG CHECK ON COMMANDS  
                                |  MENU ANSI SUPPORTS ^K AND ^F CODES   
crw_2dmadd.z       0 01-01-1980                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                 RealTime Clock  for crwMENU 1.0 
                                   View a RealTime Clock in your menu  
                                   Hint to correct prompt color errors 
crw_2dmadd.zip   52956 08-05-2024                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                 RealTime Clock  for crwMENU 1.0 
                                   View a RealTime Clock in your menu  
                                   Hint to correct prompt color errors 
crw_2dmo10.z       0 01-01-1980 --------.
                                ۲       ۲  
                                          ܲ         ߱
                                 c            r               
                                ߲     ۲         w 
                                   ۲    ۲   ޲    
                                      o    ޲  ܱ
                                ۲         co!
                                -[CROW CODING DIVISION PRESENTS]-|
                                 Mango v1.0, a Today's Uploads for RA 2.ox 
                                   Shows todays upload(s)                 
                                   Make your own ansi                     
                                   Animated prompts                       
                                   Coded by Rezaad / Crooooooooooow       
crw_2dmo10.zip   27230 08-05-2024 --------.
                                ۲       ۲  
                                           ܲ         ߱
                                 c            r               
                                 ߲     ۲         w 
                                   ۲    ۲   ޲    
                                      o    ޲  ܱ
                                ۲         co!
                                +-[CROW CODING DIVISION PRESENTS]-|
                                 Mango v1.0, a Today's Uploads for RA 2.ox 
                                   Shows todays upload(s)                 
                                   Make your own ansi                     
                                |   Animated prompts                       
                                   Coded by Rezaad / Crooooooooooow       
crw_2dnb96.z       0 01-01-1980 [?7h[255D[8C[0;1;30m
                                 [32m [30m
                                 [32m        [30m
                                 [32m          [30m
                                 [32m      [30m
                                 [32m [30m
                                  [0;31m[1;30mT0TaLLY C0NFiGURaBLe![0;31m
                                   [0;31m[1;30mKiLLiNG eLiTe STYLe[0;31m 
                                  [0;31m[1;30mSUPP0RTS M0ST C00L![0;31m 
                                  C0DeD BY RaZZLeR 1996  ļ
crw_2dnb96.zip   78555 08-05-2024 [?7h[255D[8C[0;1;30m
                                  [32m [30m
                                  [32m        [30m
                                  [32m          [30m
                                  [32m      [30m
                                  [32m [30m
                                    [0;31m[1;30mT0TaLLY C0NFiGURaBL
                                ![0;31m [1;30m 
                                     [0;31m[1;30mKiLLiNG eLiTe STYLe[0;31m
                                      [0;31m[1;30mSUPP0RTS M0ST C00L![0;31m
                                    C0DeD BY RaZZLeR 1996  ļ
crw_2dnfo9.z       0 01-01-1980                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                 nfoIMPORTER v0.90  for RA and Palmscan 
                                  ---" the PCBoard nfo/diz clone "---   
                                  IMPORTS DIZ, NFO, OLD AND NEW DATE   
                                  IMPORTS NUMBER OF FILES IN ARCHIVE   
                                  100% CONFIGURABLE .DIZ INFO LINE     
crw_2dnfo9.zip   17628 08-05-2024                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                 nfoIMPORTER v0.90  for RA and Palmscan 
                                  ---" the PCBoard nfo/diz clone "---   
                                  IMPORTS DIZ, NFO, OLD AND NEW DATE   
                                |  IMPORTS NUMBER OF FILES IN ARCHIVE   
                                  100% CONFIGURABLE .DIZ INFO LINE     
crw_2dqpb2.z       0 01-01-1980                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                -[CROW Coding Division Presents]-ij
                                 QUICKLOGIN 2.0b2 PROFESSIONAL 4 RA2.o2 
                                   Users can customise there own login 
                                   100% configurable with x,y,col,ansi 
                                   Lightbar movements and ALT-C chat   
                                   Read .doc file before running it!   |
                                 code: [tHeB|G-A/crOw] logo: [nOsebOne] 
crw_2dqpb2.zip   47508 08-05-2024                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                -[CROW Coding Division Presents]-ij
                                 QUICKLOGIN 2.0b2 PROFESSIONAL 4 RA2.o2 
                                   Users can customise there own login 
                                |   100% configurable with x,y,col,ansi 
                                   Lightbar movements and ALT-C chat   
                                   Read .doc file before running it!   |
                                 code: [tHeB|G-A/crOw] logo: [nOsebOne] 
crw_2drq21.z       0 01-01-1980                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                -[CROW Coding Division Presents]-ij
                                 RAQUEST 2.01 request door for RA 2.xx  
                                   Scrolling Lightbars and fade-texts  
                                   Y-Pos,Color options on lightbar     
                                   ScrollSpeed and Handle options      
                                   Nice ansi style example included    |
                                 code: tHeB|G-A/crOw ansilogo: nOsebOne 
crw_2drq21.zip   47120 08-05-2024                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                -[CROW Coding Division Presents]-ij
                                 RAQUEST 2.01 request door for RA 2.xx  
                                   Scrolling Lightbars and fade-texts  
                                |   Y-Pos,Color options on lightbar     
                                   ScrollSpeed and Handle options      
                                   Nice ansi style example included    |
                                 code: tHeB|G-A/crOw ansilogo: nOsebOne 
crw_2dsp11.z       0 01-01-1980                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                CROW Coding Division Presents
                                Space v1.1, this program display
                                how many bytes free and total space
                                you have on your harddrives in a 
                                nice way. Code: Rezaad  Ansi: Zix
crw_2dsp11.zip   23524 08-05-2024                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                    CROW Coding Division Presents
                                      Space v1.1, this program display
                                      how many bytes free and total space
                                      you have on your harddrives in a 
                                      nice way. Code: Rezaad  Ansi: Zix
crw_2dtv16.z       0 01-01-1980                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                c ߲                
                                r O                    
                                ----  -
                                  tfcVOTE v1.6 for RemoteAccess 2.xx   
                                  - the only new user voter for RA -   
                                   PROTECTS YOUR BOARD FROM LAMERS   
                                     NEW "ABSTAIN"-VOTING OPTION     
                                   ASKS FOR/DISPLAYS VOTE REASONS    
                                     LOGFILE + EVEN MORE OPTIONS     |
                                   COMES WITH A NIZE SETUP UTILITY   
                                     CODED BY FREEJACK OF CR0W     
crw_2dtv16.zip   50687 08-05-2024                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                c ߲                
                                 r O                    
                                ----  -
                                  tfcVOTE v1.6 for RemoteAccess 2.xx   
                                  - the only new user voter for RA -   
                                   PROTECTS YOUR BOARD FROM LAMERS   
                                |     NEW "ABSTAIN"-VOTING OPTION     
                                   ASKS FOR/DISPLAYS VOTE REASONS    
                                     LOGFILE + EVEN MORE OPTIONS     |
                                   COMES WITH A NIZE SETUP UTILITY   
                                     CODED BY FREEJACK OF CR0W     
crw_2dus20.z       0 01-01-1980                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                -[CROW Coding Division Presents]-ij
                                            UserStat v2.00              
                                   Show the user a 100% configurable   
                                    screen with stats!                  
                                   Use your own ANSi                   
                                   A lamer could install this and make 
                                    it work!                            |
                                   NOW SUPPORTS BACKGROUND COLORS      
                                    IN YOUR ANSi (v2.00)                
                                   Coded by Chastisement of Crow'96    
crw_2dus20.zip   16971 08-05-2024                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                -[CROW Coding Division Presents]-ij
                                            UserStat v2.00              
                                   Show the user a 100% configurable   
                                    screen with stats!                  
                                |   Use your own ANSi                   
                                   A lamer could install this and make 
                                    it work!                            |
                                   NOW SUPPORTS BACKGROUND COLORS      
                                |    IN YOUR ANSi (v2.00)                
                                   Coded by Chastisement of Crow'96    
crw_2dwl10.z       0 01-01-1980 
                                ,a$Y$@m, mPY$@m,Y@s,  `~Y@m,_
                                d$P'   l$$$$b $   l$$$b  `Y$$b`$$P  `Y$$@m,
                                j$l    j$$F$$P $  j$$E$P,  l$A$l`l     l$R$$b
                                $$:    "~'a$  ~"   :$$$l :     :$'`$$
                                Y$b     FEARb $y ;$$$l     j$$$'jl  $  l$bd$P
                                `~amm$$$P'a$$  `Y$$@mmm@$$P'a$$@mm@$$$P'
                                       %crow produchunz presents%       !
                                          Wall 1.o for System/X         :
                                :           code by Weizzt/crOw          |
crw_2dwl10.zip   36288 08-05-2024 
                                  ,a$Y$@m, mPY$@m,Y@s,  `~Y@m,_
                                 d$P'   l$$$$b $   l$$$b  `Y$$b`$$P  `Y$$@m,
                                j$l    j$$F$$P $  j$$E$P,  l$A$l`l     l$R$$b
                                $$:    "~'a$  ~"   :$$$l :     :$'`$$
                                Y$b     FEARb $y ;$$$l     j$$$'jl  $  l$bd$P
                                 `~amm$$$P'a$$  `Y$$@mmm@$$P'a$$@mm@$$$P'
                                 |       %crow produchunz presents%       !
                                           Wall 1.o for System/X         :
                                 :           code by Weizzt/crOw          |
crw_2dyob.zi       0 01-01-1980                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                -[CROW Coding Division Presents]-ij
                                       Yogi v1.0, Update, Bugfix        
                                   I had forgot to include the prompt  
                                    so all you got was a runtime error, 
                                    here is the prompt only.            
                                   Coded by Rezaad                     
crw_2dyob.zip    4984 08-05-2024                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                -[CROW Coding Division Presents]-ij
                                       Yogi v1.0, Update, Bugfix        
                                   I had forgot to include the prompt  
                                    so all you got was a runtime error, 
                                |    here is the prompt only.            
                                   Coded by Rezaad                     
crw_2dyog2.z       0 01-01-1980 
                                ,a$Y$@m, mPY$@m,Y@s,  `~Y@m,_
                                d$P'   l$$$$b $   l$$$b  `Y$$b`$$P  `Y$$@m,
                                j$l    j$$F$$P $  j$$E$P,  l$A$l`l     l$R$$b
                                $$:    "~'a$  ~"   :$$$l :     :$'`$$
                                Y$b     FEARb $y ;$$$l     j$$$'jl  $  l$bd$P
                                `~amm$$$P'a$$  `Y$$@mmm@$$P'a$$@mm@$$$P'
                                       crOw produchunz presents       |
                                    Yogi v2.0, LastCaller for RA2.xx    
                                 Full featured Lastcaller for RA    !
                                    Can display 11 diffrent actions    :
                                    Animated prompts / configurable    
                                    Supports ext./comp. log (RA2.50)   
crw_2dyog2.zip   54098 08-05-2024 
                                  ,a$Y$@m, mPY$@m,Y@s,  `~Y@m,_
                                 d$P'   l$$$$b $   l$$$b  `Y$$b`$$P  `Y$$@m,
                                j$l    j$$F$$P $  j$$E$P,  l$A$l`l     l$R$$b
                                $$:    "~'a$  ~"   :$$$l :     :$'`$$
                                Y$b     FEARb $y ;$$$l     j$$$'jl  $  l$bd$P
                                 `~amm$$$P'a$$  `Y$$@mmm@$$P'a$$@mm@$$$P'
                                 |       crOw produchunz presents       |
                                     Yogi v2.0, LastCaller for RA2.xx    
                                 |                                        :
                                     Full featured Lastcaller for RA    !
                                     Can display 11 diffrent actions    :
                                 |    Animated prompts / configurable    
                                     Supports ext./comp. log (RA2.50)   
crw_2dyo_21.       0 01-01-1980                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                -[CROW Coding Division Presents]-ij
                                       Yogi v1.0, lastcaller for RA     
                                   Supports up to 50 diffrent screens  
                                   Make your own screens               
                                   Can display 11 diffrent things      
                                   Supports animated enter prompts     
                                   Have for example DidWhat            |
                                   Coded by Rezaad                     
crw_2dyo_21.zip   42612 08-05-2024                 
                                ۲ ߲      zx       
                                -[CROW Coding Division Presents]-ij
                                       Yogi v1.0, lastcaller for RA     
                                   Supports up to 50 diffrent screens  
                                   Make your own screens               
                                |   Can display 11 diffrent things      
                                   Supports animated enter prompts     
                                   Have for example DidWhat            |
                                   Coded by Rezaad                     

                   Area 117 - UG-RA Eoh                   

dozip151.zip   58600 08-05-2024   .[ QZip & DoZIP! v1.51 ].   
                                 Fastest ZIP Processors around!
                                 CommandLine & Online version
                                 Quick Stripping of Unwanted Files
                                 Quick Info Adding (as FileNames!)
                                 Get FILE_ID.DIZ (ANS/PCB also!)
                                 Nice Layout for Online Processing
                                 QZip To be Used with DOS
                                 DoZIP! is for RA 2.xx & FDL v5.xx
                                 Ofcourse made by Synopsis
                                Fixed Multiple files. Includes CLEAR.DAT
                                and REMLINE.LST. No default NFO anymore!
                                   Release Date: 26 - 02 - 1996      
hchat_2111.z       0 01-01-1980 [0;35m     .[ [0;1;35mHexaChat! v1.10
                                [0;1;34m         - 
                                [0;1;34m      -    - 
                                [0;1m     RealTime Windowed MultiNode Chatter
                                [0;1;33m      Fast Chatting and Up to SIX
                                [0;1;33m         Customizable ChatScreens
                                [0;1;33m   Real MultiColor Chat, Selectable
                                [0;1;33m         Actions and Macro Support
                                [0;1;33m        Whisper and Invisible mode
                                [0;1;33m     Buildin Who's on and Send
                                [0;1;33m       Fast Fossil and UART Routines
                                [0;1;33m     To be used with RA 2.0x or RA 2
                                [0;1;33m         Ofcourse made by Synopsis
                                [0;1;35mMajor Revision, Multicolor chat,
                                [0;1;35m      Chatscreens, Action commands
                                [0;1;30m      Release Date: 03 - 17 - 1997   
hchat_2111.zip   82492 08-05-2024 [0;35m     .[ [0;1;35mHexaChat! v1.1
                                [0;1;34m         - 
                                [0;1;34m      -    - 
                                [0;1m     RealTime Windowed MultiNode Chatter
                                [0;1;33m      Fast Chatting and Up to SIX
                                [0;1;33m         Customizable ChatScreens
                                [0;1;33m   Real MultiColor Chat, Selectable
                                [0;1;33m         Actions and Macro Support
                                [0;1;33m        Whisper and Invisible mode
                                [0;1;33m     Buildin Who's on and Send
                                [0;1;33m       Fast Fossil and UART Routines
                                [0;1;33m     To be used with RA 2.0x or RA 2
                                [0;1;33m         Ofcourse made by Synopsis
                                [0;1;35mMajor Revision, Multicolor chat,
                                [0;1;35m      Chatscreens, Action commands
                                [0;1;30m      Release Date: 03 - 17 - 1997   
logon135.zip  289363 08-05-2024 [0;35m   .[ [0;1;35mLogon! Matrix v1.3
                                [0;1;34m         - 
                                [0;1;34m      -    - 
                                [0;1;33m    Very Fast Login to RA 2.0x with
                                [0;1;33m        NewUser Application with NUP
                                [0;1;33m            UserAccessChecker
                                [0;1;33m     SysopFeedback (Hudson Support)
                                [0;1;33m     SplitScreen Chatter (w/ Hotkey!)
                                [0;1;33m           Download/Upload Area
                                [0;1;33m     Fast and Easy Configuration Util
                                [0;1;33m      Cewl and Fast Internal ZModem!
                                [0;1;33m       Fast Fossil and UART Routines
                                [0;1;33m     To be used with RA 2.0x or RA 2
                                [0;1;33m         Ofcourse made by Synopsis
                                [0;1;35m New Configprogram and lot of small
                                [0;1;35m    New URL: www.edge-of-honor.demon
                                [0;1;30m      Release Date: 03 - 20 - 1997   
online10.zip   23361 08-05-2024 [0;35m     .[ [1;35mOnline! v1.00 [0;35m
                                [1;33m    OnlineMessages with Reply Option
                                [1;33m OnlineMessage Editor with WordWrapping
                                [1;33m       Up to Six Nodes on Screen
                                [1;33m The Same Who's Online as in PhotoChat
                                [1;33m       Very Fast Fossil Routines
                                [1;33m   To be used with RA 2.0x or RA 2.5x
                                [1;33m       Ofcourse made by Synopsis
                                [1;35m     The First OnlineMessage System
                                [1;35m           with Reply Option
                                [1;30m   Release Date:  04 - 21 - 1996     
pchat131.zip  141807 08-05-2024 [0;35m     .[ [0;1;35mPhotoChat! v1.3
                                [0;1;34m         - 
                                [0;1;34m      -    - 
                                [0;1;33m    Definable ChatScreens (with
                                [0;1;33m   Real MultiColor Chat, Selectable
                                [0;1;33m     Internal ZModem with AutoDownload
                                [0;1;33m   Sysop can Send/View files within
                                [0;1;33m          Extensive macro support
                                [0;1;33m      Pager with Random Moving
                                [0;1;33m   Pager sound can be
                                [0;1;33m     (Optional) Lemming Pager included
                                [0;1;33m       Fast Fossil and UART Routines
                                [0;1;33m     To be used with RA 2.0x or RA 2
                                [0;1;33m         Ofcourse made by Synopsis
                                [0;1;35m             Some small Fixes
                                [0;1;35m    New URL: www.edge-of-honor.demon
                                [0;1;30m      Release Date: 03 - 17 - 1997   
prompt10.zip  201896 08-05-2024 [0;35m      .[ [0;1;35mPrompts v1.0
                                [0;1;34m         - 
                                [0;1;34m      -    - 
                                [0;1;33m      Library with 247 EnterPrompts!
                                [0;1;33m       Library with 19 MorePrompts!
                                [0;1;33m         Util to test new prompts
                                [0;1;33m         Util to handle AnsiLibs
                                [0;1;33m      Structs for Prompts and Ansilib
                                [0;1;33m         Includes ShowAns! v1.20
                                [0;1;33m     Includes some of our Handy Tools
                                [0;1;33m         Ofcourse made by Synopsis
                                [0;1;30m     Release Date:  01 - 01 - 1997   
ring_2110.zi       0 01-01-1980         .[ Ring! v1.00 ].        
                                      -    -    
                                The ultimate frontend for RA and Logon!
                                CallerID grabbing and passing to Logon!
                                Support for Terminal and Local login
                                Nice ScreenLayout with lightbar
                                Lastcallers Userbase browsing Realtime
                                cFos, Fossil and Uart Support
                                To be used with RA 2.0x or RA 2.5x
                                Ofcourse made by Synopsis
                                Supports CallerID when used with Logon!
                                      Release Date: 05 - 21 - 1997       
ring_2110.zip   84005 08-05-2024         .[ Ring! v1.00 ].        
                                      -    -    
                                   The ultimate frontend for RA and Logon!
                                   CallerID grabbing and passing to Logon!
                                    Support for Terminal and Local login
                                      Nice ScreenLayout with lightbar
                                   Lastcallers Userbase browsing Realtime
                                       cFos, Fossil and Uart Support
                                     To be used with RA 2.0x or RA 2.5x
                                         Ofcourse made by Synopsis
                                  Supports CallerID when used with Logon!
                                      Release Date: 05 - 21 - 1997       
synbp10.zip   342209 08-05-2024 [0;35m       .[ [0;1;35mSynBP v1.0
                                [0;1;34m         - 
                                [0;1;34m      -    - 
                                [0;1;33m        Finally a new SynBP package
                                [0;1m    Includes FULL sourcecode for the
                                [0;1;33m    zmodem, doors, ra, fastbase, uart,
                                [0;1;33m    config, language, adlib, file_id,
                                [0;1;33m              and much more...
                                [0;1;33m     Linux support for tty and pipes
                                [0;1;33m          writing doors for dos !
                                [0;1;33m         Ofcourse made by Synopsis
                                [0;1;30m      Release Date: 02 - 25 - 1998   
synzm10.zip    55431 08-05-2024 [0;35m       .[ [0;1;35mSynZM v1.0
                                [0;1;34m         - 
                                [0;1;34m      -    - 
                                [0;1;33m         High Performance ZModem
                                [0;1;33m            Nice Screen layout
                                [0;1;33m            A lot of Counters
                                [0;1;33m           User info on screen
                                [0;1;33m       Realtime UserDoes.X Updating!
                                [0;1;33m            8K Blocks (ZedZap)
                                [0;1;33m           Timeslice releasing
                                [0;1;33m       Remote Access 2.xx Supported
                                [0;1;33m       Fast Fossil and UART Support
                                [0;1;33m         Ofcourse made by Synopsis
                                [0;1;30m      Release Date: 01 - 01 - 1996   
upc110.zip     18314 08-05-2024 [0;35m        .[ [0;1;35mUPC v1.10 [0;35m
                                [0;1;34m         - 
                                [0;1;34m      -    - 
                                [0;1;35m      Universal Program Cracker v1.10
                                [0;1;33m      Unpack *ALL* Files Created with
                                [0;1;33m        Borland/Turbo Pascal 7.0/6.0
                                [0;1;33m            Borland/Turbo C(++)
                                [0;1;33m            Microsoft C(++)/QB
                                [0;1;33m               WatCom C++
                                [0;1;33m               Zortech C++
                                [0;1;33m       Auto Internal Overlay Support
                                [0;1;33m          Only 3.071 Bytes Long!
                                [0;1;35m  New: Install Program and Busy Mark
                                [0;1;35m    some Small Fixes and Enhancements
                                [0;1;30m     Release Date:  06 - 25 - 1997   
wt_21061.zip  310167 08-05-2024 [0;35m      .[ [0;1;35mWarezTag! v0.6
                                [0;1;34m         - 
                                [0;1;34m      -    - 
                                [0;1;33m          The Ultimate Filelister
                                [0;1;33m     Supports Both FastBase and
                                [0;1;33m            All Lightbar driven
                                [0;1;33m   Language File and Customizable
                                [0;1;33m Internal build file Nuker/Comment
                                [0;1;33m           Fast Internal Viewer
                                [0;1;33m      Optimized Internal build Zmodem
                                [0;1;33m    Keyword/Filesearch,
                                [0;1;33m Freaking Fast Configurable Allfiles
                                [0;1;33mTo be used with Remote Access v2.xx &
                                [0;1;35m      A lot of Enhancements and Fixes
                                [0;35mNew: Move! works with Rabase, TagFile
                                [0;1;30m     Release Date:  07 - 02 - 1997   

                   Area 118 - UG-RA Ftal                  

farea09.zip    64866 08-05-2024                              _.   __
                                   _________________________/ |  / /\
                                   \___ ___|_  \___  |___  \  |  \  /
                                     /  __/ _   \/   |  _   \ |___\/
                                     \  _|__|_  /\  _|__|_  / ___//\
                                       < FATAL!AREA v0.9 >
                                  HERE COMES THE FATAL! AREA CHANGER
                                  JUST LIKE SOME OTHERS OUT THERE
                                  BUT THIS ONE IS  F R E E W A R E !
                                  VERY EASY TO INSTALL IN CONJUNCTION
                                  WITH FATAL! MENU BECAUSE NO NEED
                                  TO FIX UP THE RA AREA NAME PROBLEM!
                                  IF USED WITHOUT FATAL! MENU THERE
                                  IS AN INSTALL EXAMPLE INCLUDED !
                                  *NO* CODED BY MESSAGE *AT ALL* !
                                 < ANOTHER FREEWARE HIT FROM FATAL! >
fcnf15.zip     52679 08-05-2024                            _.   __
                                 _________________________/ |  / /\
                                 \___ ___|_  \___  |___  \  |  \  /
                                   /  __/ _   \/   |  _   \ |___\/
                                   \  _|__|_  /\  _|__|_  / ___//\
                                  FATAL!CONFIG FOR REMOTEACCESS   
                                  CODER: ELECTRON                 
                                 -FINALLY IT'S HERE! THE LONG     
                                  AWAITED LIGHTBAR USER-CONFIG    
                                  PROGRAM THAT MAKES YOUR BBS     
                                  LOOK PROFESSIONAL               
                                 -Very easy to install :)         
                                 -Where else can you get ALL THIS 
                                  for only 10.- ??        v1.5    
fdrs12.zip     87377 08-05-2024                              _.   __
                                   _________________________/ |  / /\
                                   \___ ___|_  \___  |___  \  |  \  /
                                     /  __/ _   \/   |  _   \ |___\/
                                Ŀ  \  _|__|_  /\  _|__|_  / ___//\ Ŀ
                                    FATAL!DOORS FOR REMOTEACCESS    
                                    CODER: ELECTRON / FaTaL!        
                                    Make your own cool-looking      
                                    CURSOR-KEY LIGHTBAR MENUSYSTEM  
                                    Everything definable: CTL-File  
                                    Make your own LOGOFF, BBS ADDS, 
                                    QUiCK LOGiN, COMMENT 2 SYSOP... 
                                    Reg'd Key Bug fixed (?)    v1.2 
                                ij          ijĿ
flg131b.zip   144179 08-05-2024                   
                                  ۲             ۲
                                  ۲          ۲
                                  aC!      ۲
                                    < FATAL! LOGIN v1.31b >
                                  This is the latest Fatal!Login
                                  release, still some docs
                                  missing but since I have to go
                                  to military service now,
                                  it's better to release it as it
                                  is rather than not at all...
                                  So have phun with this "new"
                                  one and remember: updates WILL
                                  follow although it may take
                                  a little time :-)
                                        Electron / FaTaL!
flist100.zip   70696 08-05-2024                              _.   __
                                   _________________________/ |  / /\
                                   \___ ___|_  \___  |___  \  |  \  /
                                     /  __/ _   \/   |  _   \ |___\/
                                Ŀ  \  _|__|_  /\  _|__|_  / ___//\ Ŀ
                                    FATAL!DOORS FOR REMOTEACCESS    
                                    CODER: ELECTRON / FaTaL!        
                                    Make your own cool-looking      
                                    CURSOR-KEY LIGHTBAR MENUSYSTEM  
                                    Everything definable: CTL-File  
                                    Make your own LOGOFF, BBS ADDS, 
                                    QUiCK LOGiN, COMMENT 2 SYSOP... 
                                    Reg'd Key Bug fixed (?)    v1.2 
                                ij          ijĿ
fmnu11h.zip   113169 08-05-2024                              _.   __
                                   _________________________/ |  / /\
                                   \___ ___|_  \___  |___  \  |  \  /
                                     /  __/ _   \/   |  _   \ |___\/
                                     \  _|__|_  /\  _|__|_  / ___//\
                                       < FATAL!MENU v1.1h >
                                 ! HERE COMES THE NEW VERSION OF DA !
                                 ! ALREADY GOOD KNOWN LIGHTBAR MENU !
                                  -EXTERNAL MSG-EDITOR BUGFIX
                                  -INTERNAL MESSAGE FUNCTIONS/EDITOR
                                  -SECURITY AND FLAG CHECKS
                                  -MENU JUMPS AND KEYBOARD STUFFING
                                  -SUB DOORS, SHOWANSI, ANIM.PROMPTS
                                  -INFO LINES, AUTOEXEC LIGHTBARS
                                  -PCB COLOR CODE SUPPORT
                                  -RA CONTROL-CODE SUPPORT WITH
                                   AREA-NAME BUGFIX 4 CHANGERS
                                   AND RA2.5 COMPATIBLE SYNTAX
                                  -GOTO/GOSUB/RETURN COMMANDS
                                  -HOTKEYS AND ESC-KEY DEFINABLE
                                  -RELEASE DATE 18.05.96
frsn10.zip    104780 08-05-2024                              _.   __
                                   _________________________/ |  / /\
                                   \___ ___|_  \___  |___  \  |  \  /
                                     /  __/ _   \/   |  _   \ |___\/
                                     \  _|__|_  /\  _|__|_  / ___//\
                                      < FATAL!REASON v1.0 >
                                  COOL SYSOP PAGER DOOR FOR RA 2.xx
                                  JUST LIKE THE PAiN PAGER FOR PCB
                                  WITH MELODY-PAGETUNE, VIPTUNE
                                  EMERGENCY PAGE, MESSY TO SYSOP
                                  FREE DEFINABLE AS ALWAYS AND OF
                                  COURSE IT'S  F R E E W A R E  !!
ftlnmail.zip   19850 08-05-2024                            _.   __
                                 _________________________/ |  / /\
                                 \___ ___|_  \___  |___  \  |  \  /
                                   /  __/ _   \/   |  _   \ |___\/
                                   \  _|__|_  /\  _|__|_  / ___//\
                                  FATAL!NEWMAILSCAN FORRA        
                                  CODER: SiNUS                    
                                 -IT'S A NICE LOOKING REPLACE-    
                                  MENT FOR YOUR NEWMAILSCAN!      
                                 -VERY EASY TO INSTALL (2 MIN)    
                                 -GIVES YOUR BOARD A NEY STYLE    
                                 -FREEWARE !!!              V1.0  
ftlra129.zip  114042 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                FATAL!RA 1.29r for REMOTEACCESS 2.xx 
                                 -RA 2.5 and PROBOARD 2.15 support   
                                *The Multifunction utility for RA/PB!
                                 -User Statistics    -User Editor    
                                 -File Statistics    -Lastcaller     
                                 -Level Upgrading    -And more :)    
                                 -JAM/Hudson Messages                
                                 -The best User per location  3-30   
                                 -Level Upgrade and Downgrade nach   
                                  Arbeit in den letzten 3-30 Tagen   
ftl_21lseq.z       0 01-01-1980                            _.   __
                                _________________________/ |  / /\
                                \___ ___|_  \___  |___  \  |  \  /
                                /  __/ _   \/   |  _   \ |___\/
                                \  _|__|_  /\  _|__|_  / ___//\
                                  FATAL!LOGOUT SEQUENZE FORRA    
                                  CODER: SiNUS                    
                                 -IT'S A NICE LOOKING REPLACE-    
                                  MENT FOR YOUR LOGOFF ANSI!      
                                  VERY EASY TO INSTALL (1 MIN)    
                                 -GIVES YOUR BOARD A NEW STYLE    
                                 -MULTILINE SUPPORT!              
                                 -FREEWARE !!!              V1.0  
ftl_21lseq.zip   19665 08-05-2024                            _.   __
                                 _________________________/ |  / /\
                                 \___ ___|_  \___  |___  \  |  \  /
                                   /  __/ _   \/   |  _   \ |___\/
                                   \  _|__|_  /\  _|__|_  / ___//\
                                  FATAL!LOGOUT SEQUENZE FORRA    
                                  CODER: SiNUS                    
                                 -IT'S A NICE LOOKING REPLACE-    
                                  MENT FOR YOUR LOGOFF ANSI!      
                                  VERY EASY TO INSTALL (1 MIN)    
                                 -GIVES YOUR BOARD A NEW STYLE    
                                 -MULTILINE SUPPORT!              
                                 -FREEWARE !!!              V1.0  
fulby12.zip    67825 08-05-2024                   
                                  ۲             ۲
                                  ۲          ۲
                                  aC!      ۲
                                      < FATAL! ULBY v1.2 >
                                 ANOTHER RA PREMIERE FROM FATAL!
                                 Let your users define their
                                 OWN (COLOURED) ULBY-LINE which
                                 is added to the file description
                                 of each upload! Just like PCB!
                                 User interface with LIGHTBARS
                                 PCB CODES (@-codes) SUPPORTED!
                                 FAST ULBY-LINE PREVIEW,
                                 PCB-CODE SYNTAX HIGHLIGHTING
                                 Use YOUR OWN file_id importer
                                 ALWAYS A BREAKTROUGH - FATAL!
fwho13c.zip    64845 08-05-2024                               
                                  ۲             ۲            
                                  ۲          ۲            
                                  aC!      ۲            
                                      < FATAL! WHO v1.3c >                 
                                 -NEW: Full color configurable!              
                                 -English and German DOX                     
                                 Cool looking,full lightbar driven           
                                 full configurable, pcb-style                
                                  WHO IS ONLINE DOOR 4 RA 2.oX               
                                 Send/Receive online messages                
                                 View/Kick users on other lines              
                                 External chat program supported             
                                 USERDOES user info supported                
                                 Replace specific program infos              
                                 Idle line definition                        
                                 Local speed definition                      
                                 Auto-updating every few secs                
                                 MAILER SEMAPHORES SUPPORTED                 
                                         << FREEWARE >>                    
f_21prot10.z       0 01-01-1980                              _.   __
                                _________________________/ |  / /\
                                \___ ___|_  \___  |___  \  |  \  /
                                /  __/ _   \/   |  _   \ |___\/
                                \  _|__|_  /\  _|__|_  / ___//\
                                < FATAL!PROTOCOL v1.0 >
                                A solution to the nasty prot RA-BUG
                                when using an external LOGIN.
                                Automatically sets the user's
                                default protocol with RA's INTERNAL
                                routines. (FATAL! LOGIN reqired).
                                 NEVER LOSE YOUR TRUST IN FATAL! 
                                ORIGINAL FROM MYSTERIOUS WORLDZ BBS!
f_21prot10.zip   18639 08-05-2024                              _.   __
                                   _________________________/ |  / /\
                                   \___ ___|_  \___  |___  \  |  \  /
                                     /  __/ _   \/   |  _   \ |___\/
                                     \  _|__|_  /\  _|__|_  / ___//\
                                      < FATAL!PROTOCOL v1.0 >
                                 A solution to the nasty prot RA-BUG
                                 when using an external LOGIN.
                                 Automatically sets the user's
                                 default protocol with RA's INTERNAL
                                 routines. (FATAL! LOGIN reqired).
                                  NEVER LOSE YOUR TRUST IN FATAL! 
                                 ORIGINAL FROM MYSTERIOUS WORLDZ BBS!
f_21show10.z       0 01-01-1980                   
                                 ۲             ۲
                                 ۲          ۲
                                 aC!      ۲
                                < FATAL!SHOW v1.0 >
                                Our answer to all the more or
                                less LAME animated-enter show
                                doors out there. So we hit ya
                                with this nice FREEWARE tool
                                that doesn't get on the poor
                                user's nerves showing lame
                                "copyright" strings after EACH
                                ANSI displayed !
                                 TAKE iT FROM FaTAL! 
f_21show10.zip   71015 08-05-2024                   
                                  ۲             ۲
                                  ۲          ۲
                                  aC!      ۲
                                      < FATAL!SHOW v1.0 >
                                  Our answer to all the more or
                                  less LAME animated-enter show
                                  doors out there. So we hit ya
                                  with this nice FREEWARE tool
                                  that doesn't get on the poor
                                  user's nerves showing lame
                                  "copyright" strings after EACH
                                  ANSI displayed !
                                      TAKE iT FROM FaTAL! 
f_21ulby12.z       0 01-01-1980                   
                                 ۲             ۲
                                 ۲          ۲
                                 aC!      ۲
                                < FATAL! ULBY v1.2 >
                                ANOTHER RA PREMIERE FROM FATAL!
                                Let your users define their
                                OWN (COLOURED) ULBY-LINE which
                                is added to the file description
                                of each upload! Just like PCB!
                                User interface with LIGHTBARS
                                PCB CODES (@-codes) SUPPORTED!
                                FAST ULBY-LINE PREVIEW,
                                PCB-CODE SYNTAX HIGHLIGHTING
                                Use YOUR OWN file_id importer
                                ALWAYS A BREAKTROUGH - FATAL!
f_21ulby12.zip   68972 08-05-2024                   
                                  ۲             ۲
                                  ۲          ۲
                                  aC!      ۲
                                      < FATAL! ULBY v1.2 >
                                 ANOTHER RA PREMIERE FROM FATAL!
                                 Let your users define their
                                 OWN (COLOURED) ULBY-LINE which
                                 is added to the file description
                                 of each upload! Just like PCB!
                                 User interface with LIGHTBARS
                                 PCB CODES (@-codes) SUPPORTED!
                                 FAST ULBY-LINE PREVIEW,
                                 PCB-CODE SYNTAX HIGHLIGHTING
                                 Use YOUR OWN file_id importer
                                 ALWAYS A BREAKTROUGH - FATAL!
f_21vt100.zi       0 01-01-1980                              
                                 ۲            ۲            
                                 ۲          ۲            
                                 aC!      ۲            
                                < VIPTRAER v1.00 >                  
                                Great ZiP handing utility.                 
                                Featurez inclued:                          
                                Virus ScanningAdd ID Comment               
                                Add Files/Remoe Intros by CRC              
                                Remove Files b Name/ID-LiST                
                                Add ZiPCommentFind BAD ZiPs                
                                Maximize ZiPs nd more...                   
                                ALWAYS A BREKTROUGH - FATAL!             
f_21vt100.zip  138262 08-05-2024                              
                                  ۲            ۲            
                                  ۲          ۲            
                                  aC!      ۲            
                                      < VIPTRAER v1.00 >                  
                                 Great ZiP handing utility.                 
                                 Featurez inclued:                          
                                 Virus ScanningAdd ID Comment               
                                 Add Files/Remoe Intros by CRC              
                                 Remove Files b Name/ID-LiST                
                                 Add ZiPCommentFind BAD ZiPs                
                                 Maximize ZiPs nd more...                   
                                   ALWAYS A BREKTROUGH - FATAL!             
lgs126b5.zip   89606 08-05-2024                            _.   __
                                 _________________________/ |  / /\
                                 \___ ___|_  \___  |___  \  |  \  /
                                   /  __/ _   \/   |  _   \ |___\/
                                   \  _|__|_  /\  _|__|_  / ___//\
                                 THE FATAL!-LOGIN FOR REMOTEACCESS
                                 -Full working Shareware! v1.265
                                 -NEW: System password!
                                 -IEMSI support!
                                 -ANSI/AVT/RIP detect/support
                                 -Lastcalls,Events,HD Stats etc.
                                 -Frontdoor and Standalone mode
                                 -Free defineable ANSIs
                                 -Registration free (thanx DMA)
lo12b.zip      41939 08-05-2024                            _.   __
                                 _________________________/ |  / /\
                                 \___ ___|_  \___  |___  \  |  \  /
                                   /  __/ _   \/   |  _   \ |___\/
                                   \  _|__|_  /\  _|__|_  / ___//\
                                THE FATAL!LOGOFF FOR REMOTEACCESS 
                                  Coded by Electron of MyWO Soft  
                                 -Nice Style for your BBS!        
                                 -Cursor key support              
                                 -Adverts for friends' BBS        
                                 -Supports external Doors!        
                                 -Cool animations. Check it out!  
                                 -Easy to install      - v1.2 -  

                Area 119 - UG-RA Novastorm                

ns_21_2da101       0 01-01-1980        .sS$$Ss.   .sS$Ss.     s$.
                                .$$$$$$$$s s$$$$$$$$s .$$$$
                                $$$$s$$$s$$$'  `$$ $$$$$
                                $$$ s$$$$ $$$$s      $$$$$
                                `$' $$$$  $$$$$$s   $$$$
                                 s$.$$$s `$$`$$$s `$$'Ϳ
                                 .$$$ $$$s .ss.  s$$$        
                                  $$$$  $$$$ $$$$.s$$$$ .s$$.  
                                 $$$  $$$ `$$$$$$$' s$$$$  
                                ۲۲                             ۲
                                   >     HOMEPAGE v1.01!     <   
                                    homepage-program for your bbs    
                                   let your users create their own   
                                  homepage, using a script-language  
                                          *** FREEWARE! ***          
                                ޲  [NS!] [PRG] [#o89] [15-07-97]  
ns_21_2da101.zip  100929 08-05-2024        .sS$$Ss.   .sS$Ss.     s$.
                                      .$$$$$$$$s s$$$$$$$$s .$$$$
                                      $$$$s$$$s$$$'  `$$ $$$$$
                                      $$$ s$$$$ $$$$s      $$$$$
                                      `$' $$$$  $$$$$$s   $$$$
                                 s$.$$$s `$$`$$$s `$$'Ϳ
                                 .$$$ $$$s .ss.  s$$$        
                                  $$$$  $$$$ $$$$.s$$$$ .s$$.  
                                 $$$  $$$ `$$$$$$$' s$$$$  
                                ۲۲                             ۲
                                   >     HOMEPAGE v1.01!     <   
                                    homepage-program for your bbs    
                                   let your users create their own   
                                  homepage, using a script-language  
                                          *** FREEWARE! ***          
                                ޲  [NS!] [PRG] [#o89] [15-07-97]  
ns_21_2dapp3       0 01-01-1980 [1;30mڿڿ
                                1 [0;36m     [1;30m1
                                9 [0;36m       [1;30m9
                                9 [0;36m        [1;30m9
                                6 [0;36m      [1;30m6
                                [0;36m S  T  O  R  M [1;30m
                                 [0;36mis proud to present [1;30mĿ
                                :[1;36m   APP-GEN v1.00   [1;30m:
                                [0;36m     NOVA STORM iS     [1;30m
                                [0;36m       SEARCHiNG       [1;30m
                                [0;36m  MUSiCiANS, ARTiSTS,  [1;30m
                                [0;36m   CODER, TRADER AND   [1;30m
                                [0;36m  DiSTRiBUTiON-SiTES!  [1;30m
                                [0;36m   *** JOiN NOW! ***   [1;30m
                                : [0;36m[1;30m :
                                :  [0;32mRELEASED : 13-01-96  [1;30m:
                                 [0;36m[1;30m [0m
ns_21_2dapp3.zip   46136 08-05-2024 [1;30mڿڿ
                                1 [0;36m     [1;30m1
                                9 [0;36m       [1;30m9
                                9 [0;36m        [1;30m9
                                6 [0;36m      [1;30m6
                                [0;36m S  T  O  R  M [1;30m
                                 [0;36mis proud to present [1;30mĿ
                                :[1;36m   APP-GEN v1.00   [1;30m:
                                [0;36m     NOVA STORM iS     [1;30m
                                [0;36m       SEARCHiNG       [1;30m
                                [0;36m  MUSiCiANS, ARTiSTS,  [1;30m
                                [0;36m   CODER, TRADER AND   [1;30m
                                [0;36m  DiSTRiBUTiON-SiTES!  [1;30m
                                [0;36m   *** JOiN NOW! ***   [1;30m
                                : [0;36m[1;30m :
                                :  [0;32mRELEASED : 13-01-96  [1;30m:
                                  [0;36m[1;30m [0m
ns_21_2db095       0 01-01-1980 [1;31m 
                                [1;31m  S  T  O  R  M -
                                [0m iS pR0Ud t0 pReSeNT 
                                [0;1;30m [17C [[0mRA[0;1;30m]
                                   [0;1mB 0 A R D L i S T E R
                                [0;1m BBS LiSTER WiTH CURS0R-M0VMENT!
                                -= FREEWARE! =-
                                   [0m[ RELEASED : 06-09-95 ][1;30m   
ns_21_2db095.zip   45107 08-05-2024 [1;31m 
                                [1;31m  S  T  O  R  M -
                                   [0m iS pR0Ud t0 pReSeNT 
                                  [0;1;30m [17C [[0mRA[0;1;30m]
                                     [0;1mB 0 A R D L i S T E R
                                [0;1m BBS LiSTER WiTH CURS0R-M0VMENT!
                                        -= FREEWARE! =-
                                    [0m[ RELEASED : 06-09-95 ][1;30m   
ns_21_2db103       0 01-01-1980  
                                 S  T  O  R  M -
                                 iS pR0Ud t0 pReSeNT   
                                   B 0 A R D L i S T E R     
                                HEY, D0 U NEED A CEWL     
                                BBSLiSTER WiTH CURS0R-M0VEMENT?
                                YES? THEN iNSTALL THiZ 0NE!  
                                THE BEST BBS-LiSTER      
                                U HAVE EVER SEEN!       
                                > FULL C0NFiGURABLE <   
                                -= FREEWARE! =-        
                                   [ RElEASED : 28-09-95 ]   
ns_21_2db103.zip   64875 08-05-2024  
                                  S  T  O  R  M -
                                    iS pR0Ud t0 pReSeNT   
                                     B 0 A R D L i S T E R     
                                      HEY, D0 U NEED A CEWL     
                                 BBSLiSTER WiTH CURS0R-M0VEMENT?
                                   YES? THEN iNSTALL THiZ 0NE!  
                                       THE BEST BBS-LiSTER      
                                        U HAVE EVER SEEN!       
                                      > FULL C0NFiGURABLE <   
                                         -= FREEWARE! =-        
                                    [ RElEASED : 28-09-95 ]   
ns_21_2dc101       0 01-01-1980  
                                 S  T  0  R  M -
                                 iS pR0Ud t0 pReSeNT   
                                       SeCURiTY CHECk        
                                THiZ FiNe d00R WiLL SH0W    
                                THe USeRS SeCURiTY LeVeL    
                                AND iT'S MeANiNg        
                                -[FULL C0NFiGURABLe!]-
ns_21_2dc101.zip   40779 08-05-2024  
                                  S  T  0  R  M -
                                    iS pR0Ud t0 pReSeNT   
                                         SeCURiTY CHECk        
                                    THiZ FiNe d00R WiLL SH0W    
                                    THe USeRS SeCURiTY LeVeL    
                                        AND iT'S MeANiNg        
                                    -[FULL C0NFiGURABLe!]-
ns_21_2de059       0 01-01-1980 [1;30mڿڿ
                                1 [0;36m     [1;30m1
                                9 [0;36m       [1;30m9
                                9 [0;36m        [1;30m9
                                6 [0;36m      [1;30m6
                                [0;36m S  T  O  R  M [1;30m
                                 [0;36mis proud to present [1;30mĿ
                                :[1;36m USERSET.DOOR 0.59[1;30m:
                                [0;36m NiCE USERSETTiNG-DOOR [1;30m
                                [0;36m (REMOTE ACCESS STYLE) [1;30m
                                [0;36m    LiGHTBAR-DRiVEN    [1;30m
                                [0;36m   CTL-CONFiGURATiON   [1;30m
                                [0;36m                       [1;30m
                                [0;36m   *** FREEWARE! ***   [1;30m
                                : [0;36m[1;30m :
                                :  [0;32mRELEASED : 02-04-96  [1;30m:
                                 [0;36m[1;30m [0m
ns_21_2de059.zip   78986 08-05-2024 [1;30mڿڿ
                                1 [0;36m     [1;30m1
                                9 [0;36m       [1;30m9
                                9 [0;36m        [1;30m9
                                6 [0;36m      [1;30m6
                                [0;36m S  T  O  R  M [1;30m
                                 [0;36mis proud to present [1;30mĿ
                                :[1;36m USERSET.DOOR 0.59[1;30m:
                                [0;36m NiCE USERSETTiNG-DOOR [1;30m
                                [0;36m (REMOTE ACCESS STYLE) [1;30m
                                [0;36m    LiGHTBAR-DRiVEN    [1;30m
                                [0;36m   CTL-CONFiGURATiON   [1;30m
                                [0;36m                       [1;30m
                                [0;36m   *** FREEWARE! ***   [1;30m
                                : [0;36m[1;30m :
                                :  [0;32mRELEASED : 02-04-96  [1;30m:
                                  [0;36m[1;30m [0m
ns_21_2de063       0 01-01-1980          
                                   > USER-SETTiNG DOOR v0.63 <   
                                ޲ [ra2.50-tool] 
                                         *** FREEWARE! ***         
                                  [NS!] [PRG] [#o57] [09-04-96]  
ns_21_2de063.zip   85763 08-05-2024          
                                    > USER-SETTiNG DOOR v0.63 <   
                                ޲ [ra2.50-tool] 
                                           *** FREEWARE! ***         
                                   [NS!] [PRG] [#o57] [09-04-96]  
ns_21_2df055       0 01-01-1980        .sS$$Ss.   .sS$Ss.     s$.
                                .$$$$$$$$s s$$$$$$$$s .$$$$
                                $$$$s$$$s$$$'  `$$ $$$$$
                                $$$ s$$$$ $$$$s      $$$$$
                                `$' $$$$  $$$$$$s   $$$$
                                 s$.$$$s `$$`$$$s `$$'Ϳ
                                 .$$$ $$$s .ss.  s$$$        
                                  $$$$  $$$$ $$$$.s$$$$ .s$$.  
                                 $$$  $$$ `$$$$$$$' s$$$$  
                                ۲۲                             ۲
                                   >       FLAG 0.552       <   
                                          *** FREEWARE! ***          
                                ޲  [NS!] [PRG] [#o62] [28-05-96]  
ns_21_2df055.zip   80754 08-05-2024        .sS$$Ss.   .sS$Ss.     s$.
                                      .$$$$$$$$s s$$$$$$$$s .$$$$
                                      $$$$s$$$s$$$'  `$$ $$$$$
                                      $$$ s$$$$ $$$$s      $$$$$
                                      `$' $$$$  $$$$$$s   $$$$
                                 s$.$$$s `$$`$$$s `$$'Ϳ
                                 .$$$ $$$s .ss.  s$$$        
                                  $$$$  $$$$ $$$$.s$$$$ .s$$.  
                                 $$$  $$$ `$$$$$$$' s$$$$  
                                ۲۲                             ۲
                                   >       FLAG 0.552       <   
                                          *** FREEWARE! ***          
                                ޲  [NS!] [PRG] [#o62] [28-05-96]  
ns_21_2df057       0 01-01-1980        .sS$$Ss.   .sS$Ss.     s$.
                                .$$$$$$$$s s$$$$$$$$s .$$$$
                                $$$$s$$$s$$$'  `$$ $$$$$
                                $$$ s$$$$ $$$$s      $$$$$
                                `$' $$$$  $$$$$$s   $$$$
                                 s$.$$$s `$$`$$$s `$$'Ϳ
                                 .$$$ $$$s .ss.  s$$$        
                                  $$$$  $$$$ $$$$.s$$$$ .s$$.  
                                 $$$  $$$ `$$$$$$$' s$$$$  
                                ۲۲                             ۲
                                   >       FLAG 0.571       <   
                                          *** FREEWARE! ***          
                                ޲  [NS!] [PRG] [#o70] [23-08-96]  
ns_21_2df057.zip   60118 08-05-2024        .sS$$Ss.   .sS$Ss.     s$.
                                      .$$$$$$$$s s$$$$$$$$s .$$$$
                                      $$$$s$$$s$$$'  `$$ $$$$$
                                      $$$ s$$$$ $$$$s      $$$$$
                                      `$' $$$$  $$$$$$s   $$$$
                                 s$.$$$s `$$`$$$s `$$'Ϳ
                                 .$$$ $$$s .ss.  s$$$        
                                  $$$$  $$$$ $$$$.s$$$$ .s$$.  
                                 $$$  $$$ `$$$$$$$' s$$$$  
                                ۲۲                             ۲
                                   >       FLAG 0.571       <   
                                          *** FREEWARE! ***          
                                ޲  [NS!] [PRG] [#o70] [23-08-96]  
ns_21_2dg085       0 01-01-1980        .sS$$Ss.   .sS$Ss.     s$.
                                .$$$$$$$$s s$$$$$$$$s .$$$$
                                $$$$s$$$s$$$'  `$$ $$$$$
                                $$$ s$$$$ $$$$s      $$$$$
                                `$' $$$$  $$$$$$s   $$$$
                                 s$.$$$s `$$`$$$s `$$'Ϳ
                                 .$$$ $$$s .ss.  s$$$        
                                  $$$$  $$$$ $$$$.s$$$$ .s$$.  
                                 $$$  $$$ `$$$$$$$' s$$$$  
                                ۲۲                             ۲
                                   >       RETAG v0.85      <   
                                          *** FREEWARE! ***          
                                ޲  [NS!] [PRG] [#o74] [21-09-96]  
ns_21_2dg085.zip   57320 08-05-2024        .sS$$Ss.   .sS$Ss.     s$.
                                      .$$$$$$$$s s$$$$$$$$s .$$$$
                                      $$$$s$$$s$$$'  `$$ $$$$$
                                      $$$ s$$$$ $$$$s      $$$$$
                                      `$' $$$$  $$$$$$s   $$$$
                                 s$.$$$s `$$`$$$s `$$'Ϳ
                                 .$$$ $$$s .ss.  s$$$        
                                  $$$$  $$$$ $$$$.s$$$$ .s$$.  
                                 $$$  $$$ `$$$$$$$' s$$$$  
                                ۲۲                             ۲
                                   >       RETAG v0.85      <   
                                          *** FREEWARE! ***          
                                ޲  [NS!] [PRG] [#o74] [21-09-96]  
ns_21_2dh09c       0 01-01-1980        .sS$$Ss.   .sS$Ss.     s$.
                                .$$$$$$$$s s$$$$$$$$s .$$$$
                                $$$$s$$$s$$$'  `$$ $$$$$
                                $$$ s$$$$ $$$$s      $$$$$
                                `$' $$$$  $$$$$$s   $$$$
                                 s$.$$$s `$$`$$$s `$$'Ϳ
                                 .$$$ $$$s .ss.  s$$$        
                                  $$$$  $$$$ $$$$.s$$$$ .s$$.  
                                 $$$  $$$ `$$$$$$$' s$$$$  
                                ۲۲                             ۲
                                   >    CHAT v0.99^beta3!    <   
                                          *** FREEWARE! ***          
                                ޲  [NS!] [PRG] [#o80] [01-02-97]  
                                The Crazy Lemming BBS - 0161 282 6965
                                For All Your RA & BBS Needs 
ns_21_2dh09c.zip   71850 08-05-2024        .sS$$Ss.   .sS$Ss.     s$.
                                      .$$$$$$$$s s$$$$$$$$s .$$$$
                                      $$$$s$$$s$$$'  `$$ $$$$$
                                      $$$ s$$$$ $$$$s      $$$$$
                                      `$' $$$$  $$$$$$s   $$$$
                                 s$.$$$s `$$`$$$s `$$'Ϳ
                                 .$$$ $$$s .ss.  s$$$        
                                  $$$$  $$$$ $$$$.s$$$$ .s$$.  
                                 $$$  $$$ `$$$$$$$' s$$$$  
                                ۲۲                             ۲
                                   >    CHAT v0.99^beta3!    <   
                                          *** FREEWARE! ***          
                                ޲  [NS!] [PRG] [#o80] [01-02-97]  
                                The Crazy Lemming BBS - 0161 282 6965
                                For All Your RA & BBS Needs 
ns_21_2dh101       0 01-01-1980    +++ Nova Storm is back again! +++
                                .sS$$Ss.   .sS$Ss.     s$.
                                .$$$$$$$$s s$$$$$$$$s .$$$$
                                $$$$s$$$s$$$'  `$$ $$$$$
                                $$$ s$$$$ $$$$s      $$$$$
                                `$' $$$$  $$$$$$s   $$$$
                                 s$.$$$s `$$`$$$s `$$'Ϳ
                                 .$$$ $$$s .ss.  s$$$        
                                  $$$$  $$$$ $$$$.s$$$$ .s$$.  
                                 $$$  $$$ `$$$$$$$' s$$$$  
                                ۲۲                             ۲
                                   >       CHAT v1.01!       <   
                                          *** FREEWARE! ***          
                                ޲  [NS!] [PRG] [#o97] [12-01-99]  
ns_21_2dh101.zip   72883 08-05-2024    +++ Nova Storm is back again! +++
                                       .sS$$Ss.   .sS$Ss.     s$.
                                      .$$$$$$$$s s$$$$$$$$s .$$$$
                                      $$$$s$$$s$$$'  `$$ $$$$$
                                      $$$ s$$$$ $$$$s      $$$$$
                                      `$' $$$$  $$$$$$s   $$$$
                                 s$.$$$s `$$`$$$s `$$'Ϳ
                                 .$$$ $$$s .ss.  s$$$        
                                  $$$$  $$$$ $$$$.s$$$$ .s$$.  
                                 $$$  $$$ `$$$$$$$' s$$$$  
                                ۲۲                             ۲
                                   >       CHAT v1.01!       <   
                                          *** FREEWARE! ***          
                                ޲  [NS!] [PRG] [#o97] [12-01-99]  
ns_21_2dl143       0 01-01-1980 [1;30mڿڿ
                                1 [0;36m     [1;30m1
                                9 [0;36m       [1;30m9
                                9 [0;36m        [1;30m9
                                6 [0;36m      [1;30m6
                                [0;36m S  T  O  R  M [1;30m
                                 [0;36mis proud to present [1;30mĿ
                                :[1;36mLC-SCREEN-GEN v1.43[1;30m:
                                [0;36m    4 REMOTE ACCESS    [1;30m
                                [0;36m     SOME FEATURES:    [1;30m
                                [0;36m COLOR/BAUD/TXT-CONFiG [1;30m
                                [0;36m *** NOW FREEWARE! *** [1;30m
                                : [0;36m[1;30m :
                                :  [0;32mRELEASED : 22-03-96  [1;30m:
                                 [0;36m[1;30m [0m
ns_21_2dl143.zip   69322 08-05-2024 [1;30mڿڿ
                                1 [0;36m     [1;30m1
                                9 [0;36m       [1;30m9
                                9 [0;36m        [1;30m9
                                6 [0;36m      [1;30m6
                                [0;36m S  T  O  R  M [1;30m
                                 [0;36mis proud to present [1;30mĿ
                                :[1;36mLC-SCREEN-GEN v1.43[1;30m:
                                [0;36m    4 REMOTE ACCESS    [1;30m
                                [0;36m     SOME FEATURES:    [1;30m
                                [0;36m COLOR/BAUD/TXT-CONFiG [1;30m
                                [0;36m *** NOW FREEWARE! *** [1;30m
                                : [0;36m[1;30m :
                                :  [0;32mRELEASED : 22-03-96  [1;30m:
                                  [0;36m[1;30m [0m
ns_21_2dm100       0 01-01-1980 [255D[40m
                                 S  T  O  R  M -
                                [0m iS pR0Ud t0 pReSeNT 
                                [1;30m [17C [[0mRA[1;30m]
                                [5C[37mUSER MEETiNG D00R
                                [7C[0mUMD iS A D00R 4 U'R
                                [5C..  USER MEETiNGS  ..
                                [0m CURS0R M0VEMENT, ANiMATED 
                                 PR0MPTS, QL GRAPHiX, FULL |
                                : C0NFiGURABLE AND FREEWARE :
                                [0m   [ RElEASED : 14-08-95 ]   
ns_21_2dm100.zip   47249 08-05-2024 [255D[40m
                                  S  T  O  R  M -
                                   [0m iS pR0Ud t0 pReSeNT 
                                  [1;30m [17C [[0mRA[1;30m]
                                  [5C[37mUSER MEETiNG D00R
                                [7C[0mUMD iS A D00R 4 U'R
                                [5C..  USER MEETiNGS  ..
                                  [0m CURS0R M0VEMENT, ANiMATED 
                                  | PR0MPTS, QL GRAPHiX, FULL |
                                  : C0NFiGURABLE AND FREEWARE :
                                 [0m   [ RElEASED : 14-08-95 ]   
ns_21_2dn102       0 01-01-1980        .sS$$Ss.   .sS$Ss.     s$.
                                .$$$$$$$$s s$$$$$$$$s .$$$$
                                $$$$s$$$s$$$'  `$$ $$$$$
                                $$$ s$$$$ $$$$s      $$$$$
                                `$' $$$$  $$$$$$s   $$$$
                                 s$.$$$s `$$`$$$s `$$'Ϳ
                                 .$$$ $$$s .ss.  s$$$        
                                  $$$$  $$$$ $$$$.s$$$$ .s$$.  
                                 $$$  $$$ `$$$$$$$' s$$$$  
                                ۲۲                             ۲
                                   >   NEWS_scroller v1.02   <   
                                  use this little door to scroll ya  
                                  messages/news from right to left!  
                                   cursor-movement and ctl-config!   
                                          *** FREEWARE! ***          
                                ޲  [NS!] [PRG] [#o95] [05-04-98]  
ns_21_2dn102.zip   54383 08-05-2024        .sS$$Ss.   .sS$Ss.     s$.
                                      .$$$$$$$$s s$$$$$$$$s .$$$$
                                      $$$$s$$$s$$$'  `$$ $$$$$
                                      $$$ s$$$$ $$$$s      $$$$$
                                      `$' $$$$  $$$$$$s   $$$$
                                 s$.$$$s `$$`$$$s `$$'Ϳ
                                 .$$$ $$$s .ss.  s$$$        
                                  $$$$  $$$$ $$$$.s$$$$ .s$$.  
                                 $$$  $$$ `$$$$$$$' s$$$$  
                                ۲۲                             ۲
                                   >   NEWS_scroller v1.02   <   
                                  use this little door to scroll ya  
                                  messages/news from right to left!  
                                   cursor-movement and ctl-config!   
                                          *** FREEWARE! ***          
                                ޲  [NS!] [PRG] [#o95] [05-04-98]  
ns_21_2do096       0 01-01-1980 [1;30mڿڿ
                                1 [0;36m     [1;30m1
                                9 [0;36m       [1;30m9
                                9 [0;36m        [1;30m9
                                6 [0;36m      [1;30m6
                                [0;36m S  T  O  R  M [1;30m
                                 [0;36mis proud to present [1;30mĿ
                                :[1;36m  ONELiNER v0.96  [1;30m:
                                [0;36m                       [1;30m
                                [0;36m  KEWL ONELiNER WiTH   [1;30m
                                [0;36m HiGHSCORE, CURSORMOVE [1;30m
                                [0;36m MENT, NiCE D-SiGN AND [1;30m
                                [0;36m  CONFiGURATiON-FiLE!  [1;30m
                                [0;36m                       [1;30m
                                [0;36m   *** FREEWARE! ***   [1;30m
                                : [0;36m[1;30m :
                                :  [0;32mRELEASED : 02-03-96  [1;30m:
                                 [0;36m[1;30m [0m
ns_21_2do096.zip   74639 08-05-2024 [1;30mڿڿ
                                1 [0;36m     [1;30m1
                                9 [0;36m       [1;30m9
                                9 [0;36m        [1;30m9
                                6 [0;36m      [1;30m6
                                [0;36m S  T  O  R  M [1;30m
                                 [0;36mis proud to present [1;30mĿ
                                :[1;36m  ONELiNER v0.96  [1;30m:
                                [0;36m                       [1;30m
                                [0;36m  KEWL ONELiNER WiTH   [1;30m
                                [0;36m HiGHSCORE, CURSORMOVE [1;30m
                                [0;36m MENT, NiCE D-SiGN AND [1;30m
                                [0;36m  CONFiGURATiON-FiLE!  [1;30m
                                [0;36m                       [1;30m
                                [0;36m   *** FREEWARE! ***   [1;30m
                                : [0;36m[1;30m :
                                :  [0;32mRELEASED : 02-03-96  [1;30m:
                                  [0;36m[1;30m [0m
ns_21_2do101       0 01-01-1980        .sS$$Ss.   .sS$Ss.     s$.
                                .$$$$$$$$s s$$$$$$$$s .$$$$
                                $$$$s$$$s$$$'  `$$ $$$$$
                                $$$ s$$$$ $$$$s      $$$$$
                                `$' $$$$  $$$$$$s   $$$$
                                 s$.$$$s `$$`$$$s `$$'Ϳ
                                 .$$$ $$$s .ss.  s$$$        
                                  $$$$  $$$$ $$$$.s$$$$ .s$$.  
                                 $$$  $$$ `$$$$$$$' s$$$$  
                                ۲۲                             ۲
                                   >      ONELiNER 1.01      <   
                                          *** FREEWARE! ***          
                                ޲  [NS!] [PRG] [#o69] [13-08-96]  
ns_21_2do101.zip   78770 08-05-2024        .sS$$Ss.   .sS$Ss.     s$.
                                      .$$$$$$$$s s$$$$$$$$s .$$$$
                                      $$$$s$$$s$$$'  `$$ $$$$$
                                      $$$ s$$$$ $$$$s      $$$$$
                                      `$' $$$$  $$$$$$s   $$$$
                                 s$.$$$s `$$`$$$s `$$'Ϳ
                                 .$$$ $$$s .ss.  s$$$        
                                  $$$$  $$$$ $$$$.s$$$$ .s$$.  
                                 $$$  $$$ `$$$$$$$' s$$$$  
                                ۲۲                             ۲
                                   >      ONELiNER 1.01      <   
                                          *** FREEWARE! ***          
                                ޲  [NS!] [PRG] [#o69] [13-08-96]  
ns_21_2dp102       0 01-01-1980        .sS$$Ss.   .sS$Ss.     s$.
                                .$$$$$$$$s s$$$$$$$$s .$$$$
                                $$$$s$$$s$$$'  `$$ $$$$$
                                $$$ s$$$$ $$$$s      $$$$$
                                `$' $$$$  $$$$$$s   $$$$
                                 s$.$$$s `$$`$$$s `$$'Ϳ
                                 .$$$ $$$s .ss.  s$$$        
                                  $$$$  $$$$ $$$$.s$$$$ .s$$.  
                                 $$$  $$$ `$$$$$$$' s$$$$  
                                ۲۲                             ۲
                                   >      PiNBOARD 1.02      <   
                                          *** FREEWARE! ***          
                                ޲  [NS!] [PRG] [#o79] [22-12-96]  
ns_21_2dp102.zip   70585 08-05-2024        .sS$$Ss.   .sS$Ss.     s$.
                                      .$$$$$$$$s s$$$$$$$$s .$$$$
                                      $$$$s$$$s$$$'  `$$ $$$$$
                                      $$$ s$$$$ $$$$s      $$$$$
                                      `$' $$$$  $$$$$$s   $$$$
                                 s$.$$$s `$$`$$$s `$$'Ϳ
                                 .$$$ $$$s .ss.  s$$$        
                                  $$$$  $$$$ $$$$.s$$$$ .s$$.  
                                 $$$  $$$ `$$$$$$$' s$$$$  
                                ۲۲                             ۲
                                   >      PiNBOARD 1.02      <   
                                          *** FREEWARE! ***          
                                ޲  [NS!] [PRG] [#o79] [22-12-96]  
ns_21_2dr110       0 01-01-1980  
                                 S  T  O  R  M -
                                 iS pR0Ud t0 pReSeNT 
                                       RATi0 D00R   v1.1   
                                THiS D00R WiLL SH0W THE
                                USERS CURRENT RATi0-STATiSTiC
                                WiTH UP & D0WNL0ADS, RATi0,
                                  CREDiTS AND DAiLY LiMiT  
                                     ANiMATED PR0MPTS!     |
                                :     FULL C0NFiGURABLE     :
                                       AND FREEWARE!       
                                   [ RElEASED : 15-09-95 ]   
ns_21_2dr110.zip   48330 08-05-2024  
                                  S  T  O  R  M -
                                    iS pR0Ud t0 pReSeNT 
                                         RATi0 D00R   v1.1   
                                     THiS D00R WiLL SH0W THE
                                   USERS CURRENT RATi0-STATiSTiC
                                    WiTH UP & D0WNL0ADS, RATi0,
                                     CREDiTS AND DAiLY LiMiT  
                                   |     ANiMATED PR0MPTS!     |
                                   :     FULL C0NFiGURABLE     :
                                          AND FREEWARE!       
                                    [ RElEASED : 15-09-95 ]   
ns_21_2ds101       0 01-01-1980  
                                 S  T  O  R  M -
                                 iS pR0Ud t0 pReSeNT   
                                THiZ T00L 4 RA 2.0x GENERATEZ 
                                A KEWL ANSi WiTH THE BEST   
                                UPL0ADERZ AND LEECHERZ!    
                                FULL CONFiGURABLE       
                                -= FREEWARE! =-        
                                   [ RELEASED : 17-05-95 ]   
ns_21_2ds101.zip   23303 08-05-2024  
                                  S  T  O  R  M -
                                    iS pR0Ud t0 pReSeNT   
                                  THiZ T00L 4 RA 2.0x GENERATEZ 
                                    A KEWL ANSi WiTH THE BEST   
                                     UPL0ADERZ AND LEECHERZ!    
                                        FULL CONFiGURABLE       
                                         -= FREEWARE! =-        
                                    [ RELEASED : 17-05-95 ]   
ns_21_2dt104       0 01-01-1980 [1;30mڿڿ
                                1 [0;36m     [1;30m1
                                9 [0;36m       [1;30m9
                                9 [0;36m        [1;30m9
                                6 [0;36m      [1;30m6
                                [0;36m S  T  O  R  M [1;30m
                                 [0;36mis proud to present [1;30mĿ
                                :[1;36mTiMELOG-SCR-G. 1.04[1;30m:
                                [0;36m ANSi-SCREEN-GENERATOR [1;30m
                                [0;36mTO REPLACE THE iNTERNAL[1;30m
                                [0;36mSYSTEM-USAGE-GRAPH FROM[1;30m
                                [0;36m     REMOTE ACCESS     [1;30m
                                [0;36m                       [1;30m
                                [0;36m   *** FREEWARE! ***   [1;30m
                                : [0;36m[1;30m :
                                :  [0;32mRELEASED : 22-03-96  [1;30m:
                                 [0;36m[1;30m [0m
ns_21_2dt104.zip   39997 08-05-2024 [1;30mڿڿ
                                1 [0;36m     [1;30m1
                                9 [0;36m       [1;30m9
                                9 [0;36m        [1;30m9
                                6 [0;36m      [1;30m6
                                [0;36m S  T  O  R  M [1;30m
                                 [0;36mis proud to present [1;30mĿ
                                :[1;36mTiMELOG-SCR-G. 1.04[1;30m:
                                [0;36m ANSi-SCREEN-GENERATOR [1;30m
                                [0;36mTO REPLACE THE iNTERNAL[1;30m
                                [0;36mSYSTEM-USAGE-GRAPH FROM[1;30m
                                [0;36m     REMOTE ACCESS     [1;30m
                                [0;36m                       [1;30m
                                [0;36m   *** FREEWARE! ***   [1;30m
                                : [0;36m[1;30m :
                                :  [0;32mRELEASED : 22-03-96  [1;30m:
                                  [0;36m[1;30m [0m
ns_21_2du101       0 01-01-1980  
                                 S  T  O  R  M -
                                 iS pR0Ud t0 pReSeNT   
                                D0N'T YA LiKE THE iNTERNAL   
                                THEN iNSTALL THiZ 0NE     
                                FULL CONFiGURABLE WiTH MAKR0S 
                                -= FREEWARE! =-        
                                   [ RELEASED : 11-05-95 ]   
ns_21_2du101.zip   20245 08-05-2024  
                                  S  T  O  R  M -
                                    iS pR0Ud t0 pReSeNT   
                                   D0N'T YA LiKE THE iNTERNAL   
                                      THEN iNSTALL THiZ 0NE     
                                  FULL CONFiGURABLE WiTH MAKR0S 
                                         -= FREEWARE! =-        
                                    [ RELEASED : 11-05-95 ]   
ns_21_2dw089       0 01-01-1980 [1C[1;31m
                                 S  T  O  R  M -
                                [0m iS pR0Ud t0 pReSeNT 
                                [0;1;30m [17C [[0mRA[0;1;30m]
                                [7C[0;1mGRAFFiTi WALL
                                [5C[0mTHiZ iS A D00R 0FFERiNG
                                A WALL, WHERE THE USERS CAN
                                SCRiBBLE LiTTLE PAiNTiNGS 0N!
                                [5C- FULL CURS0R-M0VEMENT
                                [5C- CHANGE FG & BG-C0L0R
                                [9C-= FREEWARE! =-
                                   [0m[ RElEASED : 01-10-95 ]   [1;30m
ns_21_2dw089.zip   40397 08-05-2024 [1C[1;31m
                                  S  T  O  R  M -
                                   [0m iS pR0Ud t0 pReSeNT 
                                  [0;1;30m [17C [[0mRA[0;1;30m]
                                  [7C[0;1mGRAFFiTi WALL
                                [5C[0mTHiZ iS A D00R 0FFERiNG
                                   A WALL, WHERE THE USERS CAN
                                  SCRiBBLE LiTTLE PAiNTiNGS 0N!
                                [5C- FULL CURS0R-M0VEMENT
                                [5C- CHANGE FG & BG-C0L0R
                                [9C-= FREEWARE! =-
                                    [0m[ RElEASED : 01-10-95 ]   [1;30m
ns_21_2dx102       0 01-01-1980    +++ Nova Storm is back again! +++
                                .sS$$Ss.   .sS$Ss.     s$.
                                .$$$$$$$$s s$$$$$$$$s .$$$$
                                $$$$s$$$s$$$'  `$$ $$$$$
                                $$$ s$$$$ $$$$s      $$$$$
                                `$' $$$$  $$$$$$s   $$$$
                                 s$.$$$s `$$`$$$s `$$'Ϳ
                                 .$$$ $$$s .ss.  s$$$        
                                  $$$$  $$$$ $$$$.s$$$$ .s$$.  
                                 $$$  $$$ `$$$$$$$' s$$$$  
                                ۲۲                             ۲
                                   >    LASTCALLER v1.02!    <   
                                          *** FREEWARE! ***          
                                ޲  [NS!] [PRG] [#o98] [12-01-99]  
ns_21_2dx102.zip   65044 08-05-2024    +++ Nova Storm is back again! +++
                                       .sS$$Ss.   .sS$Ss.     s$.
                                      .$$$$$$$$s s$$$$$$$$s .$$$$
                                      $$$$s$$$s$$$'  `$$ $$$$$
                                      $$$ s$$$$ $$$$s      $$$$$
                                      `$' $$$$  $$$$$$s   $$$$
                                 s$.$$$s `$$`$$$s `$$'Ϳ
                                 .$$$ $$$s .ss.  s$$$        
                                  $$$$  $$$$ $$$$.s$$$$ .s$$.  
                                 $$$  $$$ `$$$$$$$' s$$$$  
                                ۲۲                             ۲
                                   >    LASTCALLER v1.02!    <   
                                          *** FREEWARE! ***          
                                ޲  [NS!] [PRG] [#o98] [12-01-99]  
ns_21_2dy100       0 01-01-1980        .sS$$Ss.   .sS$Ss.     s$.
                                .$$$$$$$$s s$$$$$$$$s .$$$$
                                $$$$s$$$s$$$'  `$$ $$$$$
                                $$$ s$$$$ $$$$s      $$$$$
                                `$' $$$$  $$$$$$s   $$$$
                                 s$.$$$s `$$`$$$s `$$'Ϳ
                                 .$$$ $$$s .ss.  s$$$        
                                  $$$$  $$$$ $$$$.s$$$$ .s$$.  
                                 $$$  $$$ `$$$$$$$' s$$$$  
                                ۲۲                             ۲
                                   >      SYSTiME v1.00      <   
                                          *** FREEWARE! ***          
                                ޲  [NS!] [PRG] [#o78] [07-12-96]  
ns_21_2dy100.zip   67172 08-05-2024        .sS$$Ss.   .sS$Ss.     s$.
                                      .$$$$$$$$s s$$$$$$$$s .$$$$
                                      $$$$s$$$s$$$'  `$$ $$$$$
                                      $$$ s$$$$ $$$$s      $$$$$
                                      `$' $$$$  $$$$$$s   $$$$
                                 s$.$$$s `$$`$$$s `$$'Ϳ
                                 .$$$ $$$s .ss.  s$$$        
                                  $$$$  $$$$ $$$$.s$$$$ .s$$.  
                                 $$$  $$$ `$$$$$$$' s$$$$  
                                ۲۲                             ۲
                                   >      SYSTiME v1.00      <   
                                          *** FREEWARE! ***          
                                ޲  [NS!] [PRG] [#o78] [07-12-96]  

                  Area 120 - UG-RA Others                 

20_photo.zip   10129 08-05-2024                         
                                      AA-Util   ۲      
                                    ܲ       ޲ ܲ
                                  Library of 20 Photo's for PhotoChat!  
                                      Complete with Install Routine     
2prompts.zip   68212 08-05-2024 Over 200 animated ENTER/MORE prompts, for use
                                     with Logon!/Show-Ansi/RA/whatever
a4a.zip        43147 08-05-2024   ܲ  ܲ ܲ  ܲ  ܲܲ ܰ 
                                ߲ܱ߲߰ܲ߱۲ ߱۲ ߲[RA]ݲ
                                    ۲  ߲
                                ۰߲ܰܲ    ߲ܱ۲߲ܱܰܰ
                                                         ߱ ߲
                                 XPRESS MOddiNG PRESENtS fOR YOU... ޲
                                     the areaselector-enhancer    
                                             bY POTi              
aatag3.zip     15582 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      .yy.      .yy.       
                                     a$$a    a$$a      
                                    a$    $a  a$    $a     
                                  aA        $A        $a   
                                 "Oh Bother", Said Pooh... 
                                       Version Three!      
                                 Hilarious compilation of  
                                Taglines for your favourite
                                Text Editor/Off Line Reader
                                   BlueWave Compatible.    
aa_2dfax.zip   15675 08-05-2024                         
                                      AA-dOOr   ۲      
                                    ܲ       ޲ ܲ
                                    Frontend for BGFax - allows you to  
                                       send faxes from FrontDoor etc    
aa_buzz2.zip   42836 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      .yy.      .yy.      
                                     a$$a    a$$a     
                                    a$    $a  a$    $a    
                                  aA        $A        $a  
                                       Version 2.0        
                                 'BuZZ' - Rumour door for 
                                 RA2.xx and RAF-Menu 0.96 
                                 Coded in turbo Pascal v7 
                                 Source Code included for 
                                       version 1.0        
aa_distr.zip    5199 08-05-2024                         
                                    ܲ       ޲ ܲ
                                     official distro ansi for AA-Doors  
acmail.zip      5977 08-05-2024      ķ
                                Ķ AC Mailscanner v1.0 ķ
                                    Ľ    п
                                     New-Mail-Scanner fuer     A
                                   Remote Access 2.00 - 2.50   L
                                 .... nicht hypercool...  ;)   P
                                 ... und ohne Elite-Schrift ;) H
                                   Sieht auch bei schnellen    A
                                 Rechnern und grosser Mailbase  
                                   noch proffessionell aus.    C
                                  Ersetzt RA Language-Prompts  E
                                  259, 260 und 261. Nur fuer   N
                                       reg. User von RA.       T
                                 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A
                                  The Registration Fee is: 0,0 U
                                         -= FREEWARE =-        R
                                 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I
                                Ķ Written in der Kaffepause Ľ
addval.zip    229832 08-05-2024           ADDRESS VALIDATOR v1.00.g1
                                  A door written to deal with the fact that
                                 RA will accept blank records in it's address
                                   fields (Sad) This program will display no
                                  copyright information to the remote so it
                                 appears as part of the board. Designed to be
                                  at home on professional styled systems, if
                                   you want "TeXt LiKE ThIS In 90 DiFFerEnt
                                           CoLOrs" keep on looking.
                                        FREEWARE from T.C.W. Software.
ad_2dgroup.zip   14531 08-05-2024  Ŀ
                                :      :
                                .      .
                                .     .
                                :      :
                                 -- PRESENTS: --
                                :   GRouP aPPLy   :
                                 a KeWL Ra DooR  
                                   100% oRiGNaL
                                |                 |
                                :   KeWL aNZi     :
                                :   aDD + RePLy   :
                                :   EaZy iNSTaLL  :
airbr40b.zip  165586 08-05-2024      **************************
                                     * AIRBRUSH GRAFFITI-WALL *
                                  !Die etwas andere Graffiti-Wall!
                                VERSION : 4.00 (Open-Beta)
                                AUTOR   : (C)atbytes Software
                                - Eigene ANS/AVT-Screens
                                - Cursorsteuerung
                                - User kann Farbe selbst waehlen
                                - Statistiken (Top Ten usw.)
                                - Lamer-User
                                - Verbotene Woerter
                                - Makro Woerter (aus WARM wird KALT) ;-)
                                - Echtes Elite (fuer unsere cewlen User)
                                - ANSI Generierung fuers LOGIN-Menue
                                - Feiertags- und Geburtstagsueberpruefung
                                - Messagefunktion
                                - User koennen _ONLINE_ ein ANSI painten
                                - "Spruch des Tages"-Funktion
                                - "Message an naechsten User"-Funktion
                                - Unterstuetzt direkt Remote Access
                                - Unterstuetzt DOOR.SYS, DORINFO?.DEF
                                  und DORINFO1.DEF
ansi_2dfaq.zip   22561 08-05-2024 ܲ        
                                   ۲ ܰ       ۰  
                                    ۲ ۰ ۲     
                                 ܲ        ߲ 
                                         ۲    ۰   
                                 ANSi-FAQ ** ANS+ASC Version 
arealist.zip    9640 08-05-2024 @X03 @X08-@X0DWare! @X08* @X0DRudeSoft
                                (c) [tm] '98@X03
                                @X03 @X07Purpose: makes simple lists, 
                                @X03 @X07containing the paths from
                                @X03 @X07FDB-areas (bbs-file-dirs)..  
                                @X03 @X07May come handy when you let  
                                @X03 @X07your users request (im/fd)   
                                @X0B  /  \    ַַ    /  \  
                                @X03       ӷӷ      
                                @X08/      \  ӽӽ  /      \
                                @X0F ַ 1  0       ַ  ַַ  
                                @X07+   -   1 8 4-Ӷ0    3
                                @X08 ӽ             ӽ  ӽ   
                                @X0DonLy beTWeEn 09:00 and 22:00!!!
arn_2darea.zip   95137 08-05-2024    Arnow File Area Selector  
                                ޱ Support until 60 areas per group     
                                ޱ Auto detect all current group areas  
                                ޱ For Ra 2.xx - The only area selector 
                                ޱ The faster area selector for Ra 2.xx 
                                ޱ       Easily configurable !!!        
                                ޱ          ShareWare v1.0              
arn_2dlast.zip   57976 08-05-2024  ¿ڿ¿        ¿¿  ¿¿ڿ
                                ٳ       .   ٳ 
                                     aRNoW       V1.10   
                                [] ToTaLLy CoLoR CoNFiGuRaBLe
                                [] eXCLuDe SySoP FRoM LiST
                                [] The ANSi is more beautiful
                                   [] FReeWaRe aS eVeR []
arn_entr.zip   52299 08-05-2024                     
                                 ARNOW ENTER v1.0b - CoDeD By LOUSE 1995(c)
                                 THE BEST ANIMATED ENTER PROGRAM !!! 
                                 THE EASIEST CONFIGURATION ENTER PROGRAM !!
                                 DOWNLOAD IT NOW !!!          -[=LOUSE=]-
arn_estc.zip    6684 08-05-2024 ...___._____.._....._..____..___......___
                                .../     _  \  \. / __ \   ....   |
                                ../ /  |_|  \   /..\ \  / /\ \  /.
                                ./ /_   __/.    ..  |/ __ \| .
                                / /ij  \\..  \  \__/    ..   .
                                |_|..|_|_|.\\.|_|.\ |_|\____/..\_/....\_/..
                                A New Animation Of "Press ENTER"!         
                                For Use In Entah program.                 
                                Made By NS                                
arn_flam.zip   84585 08-05-2024                     
                                     Arnow Flame v1.0 - Coded By NS      
                                   Totally Configurable                 
                                   User Can Change Color Of The Line    
                                   Randoming Hacker And Greek Style     
                                   Name, Handle, Or Anonymous Option    
                                   Totally Used With Light Bar          
                                   Arnow Presents  Released 16-04-95    
arn_last.zip   39127 08-05-2024 [][]
                                ޱ                 CoDeD By L0U$ ޱ
                                ޱ    Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ     ޱ
                                ޱ                ޱ
                                ޱ    Ĵ Ŀ         ޱ
                                ޱ          _ __  ޱ
                                ޱ      ޱ
                                ޱ          LaSTCaLLERS           ޱ
                                ޱ                     ޱ
                                ޱ   > SHoW 10 LaST CaLLeRS     ޱ
                                ޱ   > FuLLy CoNFiGuRaBLe       ޱ
                                ޱ   > FoR RemoteAccess 2.xx    ޱ
arn_li20.zip   65682 08-05-2024 [?7h[255D[0;1;30m[47m[40m[47m[40m
                                 [0maRNoW LiNeRs v2.0 - By L0U$
                                   Include new features
                                   Now you can select your
                                    own ANSi file.
                                   Now, new text STyLe,Ha-
                                    CKeR STyLe.
arn_menu.zip   74250 08-05-2024 [.oO]-Arnow Presents-[Oo.]
                                ޲  Arnow Light Menu v1.0   
                                ޲   FoR Ra 2.xx - By NS    
                                ޲  Now Your Menus Will Be  
                                ޲  Run With a Light bar!!  
                                ޲ Another Arnow release,   
                                ޲ FREEWARE as ever, select 
                                ޲ your own options, easily 
                                ޲ configuration, made by   
                                ޲ the best group.          
arn_sta1.zip   65402 08-05-2024 đ
                                [          ARNOW STATS V1.01          ]
                                [ Arnow Statistics Program for Ra 2.x ]
                                [    = Coded By Louse for Arnow =   ]
                                [  = Generates users stats online = ]
                                [ Top Callers, KB Leechers,KB suckers ]
                                [ Files Leechers, Files suckers, msgs ]
                                [ poster and a COOL ansi  by VaLoCiTy ]
arn_turb.zip   37128 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 Arnow Turbo Login v1.0 
                                 -  Colour configuration
                                 -  Supports 6 doors    
                                 -  Easy to CONFIGURE   
                                 -  FreeWare !!!        
                                 -  Coded By LOUSE !!!  
ays_ansg.zip   13894 08-05-2024  
                                     A Gr8 XED For Displaying   
                                    Hey Its My First .XEDDont  
                                           Judge Me!            
                                      Made By RatMan^A.Y.S      
ays_appl.zip   21233 08-05-2024  
                                      Apply XED For A.Y.S       
                                    Yepp! a XED for applying    
                                   Isnt That Original Or What!  
                                      Made By RatMan^A.Y.S      
ays_hate.zip   26006 08-05-2024  
                                       Hate And Insult 1.0      
                                    Are You REEALY Pissed Off   
                                  On A (L)user And Want REVENGE 
                                   For All The Trojans He Sent? 
                                    Well Then This Is For You!  
                                  Install This Door And Insult  
                                          Your Users=)         
                                   Acctually Its Quite Fun=)   
                                      Made By RatMan^A.Y.S      
ays_orde.zip    6326 08-05-2024  
                                      WAREZ CD ORDERiNG v1.0    
                                    A Gr8 XED for selling cd's  
                                        and ather stuff         
                                      Made By kZ^MP^A.Y.S       
ays_page.zip   37788 08-05-2024  
                                   AyS Pager for RemoteAccess   
                                         easy to install        
                                    Made By Tha Alakhai A^Y^S   
batdisc.zip    39045 08-05-2024          
                                 [Conde] Presents:    
                                 Legal Disclaimer For 
                                 COOL ANSi..Just like 
                                 in PCB..Features :   
                                 Animated Faces & Hot 
                                 keys...A MUST!!!!!!  
bbscall.zip     7434 08-05-2024 
                                      by Madman!       
                                 Gut zum bescheissen   
                                 der User unter RA,    
                                 man kann ganz einfach 
                                 die gesamten Calls    
                                 der Box ndern!!!!!!  
black20b.zip   57860 08-05-2024  
                                 BlackBoard  v2.00 
                                     Dieses BBS-Door      
                                 ermglicht es den Usern  
                                 einer Mailbox, eine bis  |
                                 zu 4 Zeilen lange Nach-  |
                                 richt an andere User zu  
                                 V2.00 , mit vielen neuen 
                                  Features, verbesserten  
                                   Routinen und mehr...   
                                | Luft unter GSBOX + RA , 
                                | und unter vielen anderen 
                                  Einfache Installation.  
blstbbs.zip   731997 08-05-2024 Speed BBS filelist builder (DOS.OS/2-NT)
                                DOS.DPMI.OS/2-NT version. 
                                Support OS/2 & Windows95 longnames.
                                Must work on freq only station.
                                File manager inside (remane/copy/delete).
                                Make announce new files in PKT file.
                                Support DIZ file import.
                                Support HTML out.
                                Support fullpath in files.bbs.
                                Support serach new files.
                                ClipArt areas mask (40 examples). 
                                Auto search new areas. 
                                True sort filename in files.bbs.
                                Delete not exist filenames from
                                Update text areas config for other
                                   BBS software.
                                Support Seal, RemoteAccess, Maximus,
                                   SuperBBS,T-Fix, AllFix 4.3x,
                                   AllFix for OS/2 1.0, PCBoard, NEF.
                                Inside PKT2UUE/CRK extractor.
bmbln098.zip   54558 08-05-2024 Ŀ                      Ŀ
                                    --    --   -  Ĵ   
                                |       A-bomB  Crew       :
                                .    -   -    -      |
                                 -   BomBliner 0.98   - Ĵ
                                |         Easy setuP         :
                                .       Custom colorz!       :
                                :       Lots o optionS       .
                                         Crewl layouT 
                                |           Rulez!           |
                                      4 fuckin ra 2.xX      
                                 - -- -  -  - -   
bo_2dscan1.zip    6676 08-05-2024        
                                   MAIN ERSTER VERSUCH 
                                   EiNEN NEWMiL SCAN  
                                       zU MAcHEN       
                                  JUST DOWNLOAD IST'S  
                                     A -=FREEWERE=-    
                                 WRL0RD'S  BTTLFiLD 
bpr0009.zip    68410 08-05-2024             
                                    ۲ ޲۲ ۲    
                                     ۲ ޲۲ ޲۲ ޲
                                    ޱ ޱ ޱ޲    
                                   ް۰ް ްޱ߲    
                                     ۰ ް۰ ް۰ ް
                                   ޱ ޱ۱ ޱ    
                                  ޲ ޲۲ ۲   
                                    ۲ ޲    ޲ ޲ 
                                    TAG CHECKER V1.02   
                                    FOR REMOTE ACCESS    
                                  CHECKS IF DA USER HAS  
                                      TAGGED FILES      
                                       AT DA LOGOFF        
bpr0046.zip    42665 08-05-2024        
                                   ۲  Ŀ
                                   ۲  ۰4
                                 ۲ݰ޲۲ ޲۲ݰݰ 
                                    Lamer        01/01
                                 Killer 0.91b        
                                   for Remote Access         
                                                     by m0! 
                                 -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-
brd_21ws2o.zip   33940 08-05-2024  ܲܲܲ
                                  ߲   ۲
                                 ߲  ۲        
                                    ߱  ߲   ܲ
                                   bREEd! PRESENtZ:       
                                         wiSdOMER 2.o       
                                  wiSdOMER iS a dOOR wHERE thA  
                                  cALLERS cAN lEAVE A lASt      
                                  wiSdOM 2 dA nEXT uSER. thERE  
                                  aRE sUM mORE nEAT fEAtURES..  
                                  soOoo fiND oUT...aNd haVE fUN
                                   -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-
bspngm11.zip    9337 08-05-2024  ۲  ۲۲
                                 ۰ ۰
                                 ۰ ۰ ۰
                                 ۲  ۲
                                 PiNG  MODULE 
                                 version  1.1 
                                  Add-on for  
                                to check pings
                                (the .png pix)
                                 (c)  tribble 
                                cROWDEdhOUZe +49-30-98639296v34/x75
bya_2dc170.zip   40097 08-05-2024 ---------------------------
                                ---͸ ] bOSCo pRESENTs [---͸
                                ][      ---  --      ][
                                ][     LST CLLRS V1.7o!     ][
                                  :        * BUG FIXED! =) *        :  
                                Ը   .nice effects/alternate text.    վ
                                Ծ :     .style & great artwork.     : Ծ
                                ո =for RA 2.5x. .free as always!= ո
                                Գ  -=(o2/o9/98 by bOSCo / yCe)=-  Գ
                                Ծ----] BYA98 [---;Ծ
bya_2dc200.zip   40062 08-05-2024 ---------------------------
                                ---͸ ] bOSCo pRESENTs [---͸
                                ][      ---  --      ][
                                ][     LST CLLRS V2.oo!     ][
                                  :     * SMALL BUGS FIXED =) *     :  
                                Ը   .nice effects/alternate text.    վ
                                Ծ :     .style & great artwork.     : Ծ
                                ո =for RA 2.5x. .free as always!= ո
                                Գ  -=(o2/15/98 by bOSCo / yCe)=-  Գ
                                Ծ----] BYA98 [---;Ծ
bya_2dhsc1.zip   18287 08-05-2024 -------------------
                                ---͸ ] bOSCo pRESENTs [---͸
                                ][      ---  --      ][
                                ][       Converter v1.o        ][
                                  :   .this little util converts.   :  
                                Ը  file/message areas/groups names   վ
                                Ծ :     .to elite HaCk style!!.     : Ծ
                                ո  registration: $182.89 bucks!!   ո
                                Գ-=[29/o1/98 mADE bY bOSCo^bYa!]=-Գ
                                Ծ----] BYA98 [---;Ծ
b_21lmscn2.zip    5255 08-05-2024           
                                 bloody looser
                                 matrix screen
                                 easy to setup
                                  cool ansis
                                 readable docs
                                  for ra 2.xx
                                   dark demon
b_21l_2dlst1.zip   23209 08-05-2024       
                                     b l o o d y   l o o s e r s !
                                are lame kids who incorrectly spell RA as
                                "Remote Access" with a space in between the
                                words. This is a TXT that supposidly tells
                                you how to make your RA 2.xx look better.
b_21l_2dmsc1.zip    5687 08-05-2024         
                                        Bloody Loosers 
                                are lame kids who incorrectly spell RA as
                                "Remote Access" with a space in between the
                                words.This is supposed to be a  New Mail
                                Scanner for RA, but its just a lame ANSi.
b_21l_2dmtx1.zip    4800 08-05-2024       
                                    [Bloody Fucking Looser]
                                *so called Matrix Logon 1.0* for RA, but it's
                                really not a matrix logon at all, just a lame
                                ansi drawn by a looser. ANSis by : Dark Demon
cat_2ddc31.zip   59651 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                      ߱         PrESENtS:     
                                          Disclaimer  V0.31 
                                             Protect your  BBS 
                                            from da FEDS  put 
                                          this in yur start 
                                          up to keep em all 
cat_2dlk13.zip   60769 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                      ߱         PrESENtS:     
                                          Lamer Killer V1.3 
                                             Do you hate those 
                                            anoying lamers??  
                                          Have no fear, use 
                                          this to flush out 
                                        the buggers!      
cat_2dlo11.zip   64103 08-05-2024       
                                Ĵ         Ŀ
                                   PrESENTZ - LoGOFF! 1.1   
                                 Groovy NeW lOGOff sEQuENce 
                                 tHAt ShOWz a CuStOM AnZI + 
                                 tHeN tUrNS iT oFF lIKE oNE 
                                 oF ThOSE tV ThINGS :)      
                                 SiMPLE, bUT yET vERy KeWL! 
                                 (c)1997 CaT ^ PhIBER OpTIX 
cat_2dlp10.zip  220615 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                  ۳ ۳ ۳ '
                                  ۳ ٲ۳ ۳ 9
                                  ijڿ۳ ۳ 7
                                  CaT LeMMING PaGER v1.oo
                                 The Ultimate Pager for all
                                   Remote Access Sysops!!
                                Supports HSC/ICE Format Page
                                 Alert, Inbuilt Messagebase
                                Posting, Security Overrides,
                                and of course, configurable!
                                 (Oh HSC is SoundBlaster!!)
cat_2dnw31.zip   71675 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                      ߱         PrESENtS:     
                                           News Door V0.31  
                                             The GREATEST News 
                                            Door in the world 
                                          is here! Upto 999 
                                          items, selectable 
                                        by a LIGHTBAR!    
                                 [Phiber Optix 1997]   CHANGE EVERYTHING!
cat_2dpin.zip    9857 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                      ߱         PrESENtS:     
                                          Remote Access Pin 
                                             Make your RA BBS  
                                            almost hack-proof 
                                          by putting this   
                                          kewl proggy on to 
                                        it. Really Works! 
cat_2dqd31.zip   91361 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                      ߱         PrESENtS:     
                                          Quote Of The Day  
                                             Kewl little prog  
                                            that will show ya 
                                          users a Quote for 
                                          the day!!         
cat_keys.zip  184163 08-05-2024 ͸
                                      (C)atbytes Software      
                                    --== KEY GENERATOR ==--    
                                  Fuer folgende Programme:    
                                  - AIRBRUSH (Graffiti-Wall)   
                                  - IBO      (Homepage-System) 
                                  - CNEWS    (News-Generator)  
                                 Diese Programme sind ab jetzt 
                                        !! FREEWARE !!         
                                   (Entwicklung und Support    
                                     wurden  eingestellt)      
                                 (c)Copyright by Armin Gilliar 
                                   (C)atbytes Software 1997    
cb_21sc10.zip   53136 08-05-2024 
                                   ( SECURiTY CHECKER 1.o ) 
                                      [ ] ASC       [ ] DOS     
                                      [ ] ANS       [ ] PPE     
                                      [X] RA        [ ] RIP     
                                       rATiNG []      
                                       rELeAZE n0: 009          
                                     rElEAze dAtE: 25/11/96     
                                                   BRG 96  
cfe_2d1l10.zip   59421 08-05-2024  S$$S$$ S$$S$$ S$$S$$
                                 $$$   $$$ $$$   $$$ $$$  $$$
                                 $$$  $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$ $$$       
                                 $$$   $$$    $$$   $$$ -----.
                                 $$$       $$Ssa     $$SsasS$     coffee |
                                 $$SsssSSS S$$      $$Sssass  produkshon 
                                   -- -- -   -- - ----------- 
                                 :  sQUAREHEAD cOFFEE mAN pRESENTS :      |
                                 |                                 /\     :
                                  1liner 1.0,  a one day thing  <'oo`>   |
                                  by onion. rEaLLy animated, a  /`\/'\   
                                 | simple liner that looks gr8! `/|  |\'  |
cfe_2ddb11.zip   55358 08-05-2024 
                                 S$$S$$ S$$S$$ S$$S$$
                                 $$$   $$$ $$$   $$$ $$$  $$$
                                 $$$  $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$ $$$       
                                 $$$   $$$    $$$   $$$ -----.
                                 $$$       $$Ssa     $$SsasS$     coffee |
                                 $$SsssSSS S$$      $$Sssass  produkshon 
                                     -- -   -- - ----------- 
                                 : .s@SS@s.  wHOOPS cOFFEE mAN pRESENTS : |
                                 | SS'Oo`SS                               :
                                  SS /\ SS  dabest 1.0 was wrong, this   |
                                  SSs  sSS  is the *real* release under  
                                 | '    `  version 1.1.                 |
cfe_2ddis2.zip   75014 08-05-2024 
                                 S$$S$$ S$$S$$ S$$S$$
                                 $$$   $$$ $$$   $$$ $$$  $$$
                                 $$$  $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$ $$$       
                                 $$$   $$$    $$$   $$$ -----.
                                 $$$       $$Ssa     $$SsasS$     coffee |
                                 $$SsssSSS S$$      $$Sssass  produkshon 
                                     -- -   -- - ----------- 
                                 : tIRED cOFFEE mAN pRESENTS  _.,,._      |
                                 |                          .xXXXXXXx.    :
                                  the ultimate disclaimer  XXX'--`XXX  z |
                                  it looks great, it works lXX  . XXl Zz 
                                 | great, just use it!@# tn! `\__/' ZZ  |
                                 `-------------|  |--'
cfe_2ddisc.zip   64553 08-05-2024 
                                 S$$S$$ S$$S$$ S$$S$$
                                 $$$   $$$ $$$   $$$ $$$  $$$
                                 $$$  $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$ $$$       
                                 $$$   $$$    $$$   $$$ -----.
                                 $$$       $$Ssa     $$SsasS$     coffee |
                                 $$SsssSSS S$$      $$Sssass  produkshon 
                                     -- -   -- - ----------- 
                                 :  __/\__   mR sTAR cOFFEE mAN pRESENTS: |
                                 |  \ oO //                               :
                                  //_--_\  disclaimer door v1b for ra.   |
                                     \/    one or two new features,  but 
                                 |  _/||\_  just a basic disclaimer. poi! |
cfe_2dlog2.zip   78267 08-05-2024 
                                 S$$S$$ S$$S$$ S$$S$$
                                 $$$   $$$ $$$   $$$ $$$  $$$
                                 $$$  $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$ $$$       
                                 $$$   $$$    $$$   $$$ -----.
                                 $$$       $$Ssa     $$SsasS$     coffee |
                                 $$SsssSSS S$$      $$Sssass  produkshon 
                                     -- -   -- - ----------- 
                                 :  __/\__   mR sTAR cOFFEE mAN pRESENTS: |
                                 |  \ oO //                               :
                                  //_--_\   coffee logoff matrix v2 for  |
                                     \/     ra, featuring rumour and     
                                 |  _/||\_   note entry. coded by poison  |
                                c o f f e e  r o c k s  r i t e  n o w !
cfe_2dltz1.zip   80871 08-05-2024  S$$S$$ S$$S$$ S$$S$$
                                 $$$   $$$ $$$   $$$ $$$  $$$
                                 $$$  $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$ $$$       
                                 $$$   $$$    $$$   $$$ -----.
                                 $$$       $$Ssa     $$SsasS$     coffee |
                                 $$SsssSSS S$$      $$Sssass  produkshon 
                                     -- -   -- - ----------- 
                                 : sMILING cOFFEE mAN pRESENTS:  .xXXXXx. |
                                 |                               XX'Oo`XX :
                                  turbo login door where user   XX \/ XX |
                                  gets to pick the doors. wiv   XXx  xXX 
                                 | save settings.    by onion!   '    ` |
                                coffee rockin the universe for summa 97!
cfe_2dmail.zip   54489 08-05-2024  S$$S$$ S$$S$$ S$$S$$
                                 $$$   $$$ $$$   $$$ $$$  $$$
                                 $$$  $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$ $$$       
                                 $$$   $$$    $$$   $$$ -----.
                                 $$$       $$Ssa     $$SsasS$     coffee |
                                 $$SsssSSS S$$      $$Sssass  produkshon 
                                     -- -   -- - ----------- 
                                 :     cOFFEE mAN pRESENTS:      .xXXXXx. |
                                 |                               XX'Oo`XX :
                                  a cool mail scanner for reg'd XX  . XX |
                                  remote access, all shite done XXx  xXX 
                                 |      by triton of coffee!     '    ` |
cfe_2dmenu.zip   33207 08-05-2024  S$$S$$ S$$S$$ S$$S$$
                                 $$$   $$$ $$$   $$$ $$$  $$$
                                 $$$  $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$ $$$       
                                 $$$   $$$    $$$   $$$ -----.
                                 $$$       $$Ssa     $$SsasS$     coffee |
                                 $$SsssSSS S$$      $$Sssass  produkshon 
                                     -- -   -- - ----------- 
                                 :    ,ss,      sNOWMAN cOFFEE pRESENTS:  |
                                 i   l Oo l                               i
                                 l   `*..*'    a set of funky  menus ( a  ;
                                 |  ,gSSg,   main, file  and mail ) to  :
                                  i$$$$$$$$i  be used for your bbs. use  |
                                  l$$$$$$$$l  without phear. [wARNING]   
                                 | `4S$$SP'  these ansis are too cool.  |
                                     [*] official christmas release [*]
                                these texts could do with your editing! 
cfe_2dms02.zip   46243 08-05-2024  S$$S$$ S$$S$$ S$$S$$
                                 $$$   $$$ $$$   $$$ $$$  $$$
                                 $$$  $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$ $$$       
                                 $$$   $$$    $$$   $$$ -----.
                                 $$$       $$Ssa     $$SsasS$     coffee |
                                 $$SsssSSS S$$      $$Sssass  produkshon 
                                     -- -   -- - ----------- 
                                 : hEADPHONE cOFFEE mAN pRESENTS: .ss.  |
                                 |                               () Oo () :
                                   the most animated and best    |  . |  |
                                  mail scanner for regged remote `\__/'  
                                 |   access - by kalik of cfe!     |  |   |
cfe_2dnn14.zip   67791 08-05-2024  S$$S$$ S$$S$$ S$$S$$
                                 $$$   $$$ $$$   $$$ $$$  $$$
                                 $$$  $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$ $$$       
                                 $$$   $$$    $$$   $$$ -----.
                                 $$$       $$Ssa     $$SsasS$     coffee |
                                 $$SsssSSS S$$      $$Sssass  produkshon 
                                     -- -   -- - ----------- 
                                 : `Xx.xXXx. bAD aSS bASEbALL cAP cOFFEE  |
                                 |   `"^^" mAN (+ aPOLOGIES!) pRESENTS: :
                                     X Oo X                              |
                                       .   nutnote 1.4 here. fixes the 
                                     `\__/'  scroller  'feature' in  the 
                                 |     |  |   original release. by onion! |
cfe_2dpage.zip   97497 08-05-2024  S$$S$$ S$$S$$ S$$S$$
                                 $$$   $$$ $$$   $$$ $$$  $$$
                                 $$$  $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$ $$$       
                                 $$$   $$$    $$$   $$$ -----.
                                 $$$       $$Ssa     $$SsasS$     coffee |
                                 $$SsssSSS S$$      $$Sssass  produkshon 
                                   -- -- -   -- - ----------- 
                                 :  releaser: onion       date: 29/10/98  |
                                 |                                        :
                                   cfe-page, another pager for ra, uses  |
                                 |  new system cfeaway(tm) to detect the  
                                 |  sysop. easy setup no flags pure cfe!  |
cfe_2dpl20.zip  129028 08-05-2024  S$$S$$ S$$S$$ S$$S$$
                                 $$$   $$$ $$$   $$$ $$$  $$$
                                 $$$  $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$ $$$       
                                 $$$   $$$    $$$   $$$ -----.
                                 $$$       $$Ssa     $$SsasS$     coffee |
                                 $$SsssSSS S$$      $$Sssass  produkshon 
                                   -- -- -   -- - ----------- 
                                 :  ,s. ,g.   pUTTY cOFFEE mAN pRESENTS : |
                                 |  $s$ $.$                               :
                                  ,`'.`', putty 2.0 from onion!!! over |
                                  $$$$4$$ 20 improvements, this is the 
                                 | `4$$ss$$' first ReAl putty release man |
                                 `-- ~~  ------------'
cfe_2dpl2f.zip   55531 08-05-2024  S$$S$$ S$$S$$ S$$S$$
                                 $$$   $$$ $$$   $$$ $$$  $$$
                                 $$$  $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$ $$$       
                                 $$$   $$$    $$$   $$$ -----.
                                 $$$       $$Ssa     $$SsasS$     coffee |
                                 $$SsssSSS S$$      $$Sssass  produkshon 
                                   -- -- -   -- - ------ ,s. ,g.  
                                 :  sTUPID cOFFEE mAN pRESENTS   $s$ $.$  :
                                 |                              ,`'.`', :
                                  there was a bug in putty 2.0 $$$$4$$ |
                                  validation system. this will `4$$ss$$' 
                                 | fix it. original screwed by o! ~~   |
cfe_2drude.zip   58483 08-05-2024  S$$S$$ S$$S$$ S$$S$$
                                 $$$   $$$ $$$   $$$ $$$  $$$
                                 $$$  $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$ $$$       
                                 $$$   $$$    $$$   $$$ -----.
                                 $$$       $$Ssa     $$SsasS$     coffee |
                                 $$SsssSSS S$$      $$Sssass  produkshon 
                                     -- -   -- - ----------- 
                                 :  sANTA cOFFEE mAN pRESENTS: *`4x,._   |
                                 |                                `XXXX"  :
                                  a rude and funny text, with a  ' Oo `  |
                                  funky scroller.its xmas again  X  . X  
                                 | eat, drink and spew lots! =)   `XxxX'  |
                                c o f f e e  r o c k s  r i t e  n o w !
cfe_2dschk.zip   76244 08-05-2024  S$$S$$ S$$S$$ S$$S$$
                                 $$$   $$$ $$$   $$$ $$$  $$$
                                 $$$  $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$ $$$       
                                 $$$   $$$    $$$   $$$ -----.
                                 $$$       $$Ssa     $$SsasS$     coffee |
                                 $$SsssSSS S$$      $$Sssass  produkshon 
                                     -- -   -- - ----------- 
                                 : .s@SS@s.  pERMED cOFFEE mAN pRESENTS : |
                                 | SS'Oo`SS                               :
                                  SS  . SS  sec check a security checker |
                                  SSs  sSS  for ra, original design and  
                                 | '    `  ansi by triton rest by onion |
                                live life to the max! live life to the m
cfe_2dstat.zip   56124 08-05-2024  S$$S$$ S$$S$$ S$$S$$
                                 $$$   $$$ $$$   $$$ $$$  $$$
                                 $$$  $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$ $$$       
                                 $$$   $$$    $$$   $$$ -----.
                                 $$$       $$Ssa     $$SsasS$     coffee |
                                 $$SsssSSS S$$      $$Sssass  produkshon 
                                     -- -   -- - ----------- 
                                 : aFRO cOFFEE mAN pRESENTS:    _.,,._    |
                                 |                            .xXXXXXXx.  :
                                  a wicked user-stats door   XXX'Oo`XXX  |
                                  for remote access, simple  lXX  . XXl  
                                 | but looks great. by triton  `\  /'   |
                                 `--------------|  |-'
cfe_2dsys1.zip   42179 08-05-2024  S$$S$$ S$$S$$ S$$S$$
                                 $$$   $$$ $$$   $$$ $$$  $$$
                                 $$$  $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$ $$$       
                                 $$$   $$$    $$$   $$$ -----.
                                 $$$       $$Ssa     $$SsasS$     coffee |
                                 $$SsssSSS S$$      $$Sssass  produkshon 
                                     -- -   -- - ----------- 
                                 : fLAT-tOP cOFFEE mAN pRESENTS:  xxxxxx  |
                                 |                                'Oo`  :
                                   a cool remote access system   l  . l  |
                                  editor... cheat like everyone  `\__/'  
                                 | else about your stats! gAMbITT  |  |   |
cfe_2dxm01.zip  187914 08-05-2024  S$$S$$ S$$S$$ S$$S$$
                                 $$$   $$$ $$$   $$$ $$$  $$$
                                 $$$  $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$ $$$       
                                 $$$   $$$    $$$   $$$ -----.
                                 $$$       $$Ssa     $$SsasS$     coffee |
                                 $$SsssSSS S$$      $$Sssass  produkshon 
                                     -- -   -- - ----------- 
                                 :  $R*a._  mUSICAL cOFFEE mAN pRESENTS: :
                                 |  SS Oo SS  from deep within the music  ;
                                  ,SS  . SS   archives comes: cfe-xm01   |
                                  `'   ,SS                              
                                 |       `'   semi-breathe in xm format  |
cfe_2dxmas.zip   36014 08-05-2024 
                                 S$$S$$ S$$S$$ S$$S$$
                                 $$$   $$$ $$$   $$$ $$$  $$$
                                 $$$  $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$ $$$       
                                 $$$   $$$    $$$   $$$ -----.
                                 $$$       $$Ssa     $$SsasS$     coffee |
                                 $$SsssSSS S$$      $$Sssass  produkshon 
                                     -- -   -- - ----------- 
                                 :  __/\__   mR sTAR cOFFEE mAN pRESENTS: |
                                 |  \ oO //                               :
                                  //_--_\   a christmas surprise release |
                                     \/     from coffee. make a whisky   
                                 |  _/||\_   cake with this recepie! poi  |
                                   [*] most official xmas release yet [*]
chat201b.zip  174151 08-05-2024 -----Ŀ
                                           <--- P L U S --->             
                                Ĵ STD-CHAT Plus v2.01b Ĵ
                                Splitscreen-Chatter fuer viele BBS-Progs.|
                                |(RA, PB, GSBOX, ...), MOD-Paging, Up-/   
                                Download, Swap-DosShell, Autozensur,     
                                Makros, Chatzeiten, Special-Users, Proto-
                                kollfunktionen, BootLog-Datei. MOD's     
                                waehrend des Chattes abspielbar. Alle    
                                Systemfarben frei definierbar. Zeitschei-|
                                benunterstuetzung f. Windows 3.x/95,     
                                |DesqView und OS/2. Mit CFG-Programm.     
                                Komplett neu programmierte Version mit   
                                Scrolling und variabler Fenstertechnik.  |
chngeadd.zip   27668 08-05-2024      ChangeADD  V1.02b     
                                  Change Banners and BBS-  
                                  Adds fast and easy. For  
                                  RA2.0X. Some/All Areas.  
                                  Remove old Banners and   
                                   Adds. Ligtbar-driven.   
                                   Absolutely No Need of   
                                     *** FREEWARE ***      
                                       Coding: DARK        
chsn0w.zip      3000 08-05-2024                    4                  
                                 dEViL's lAsT WisH    9                  
                                 SN0W    '96   4                  
                                 liTTlE "SYS0P WANTS    4                  
                                 T0 CHAT" - ANiMATi0N   9                  
                                  0NLY 4 RAXXEZZ    0                  
                                  [ SEARCHiNG 4 MEMBAZ ]                   
ch_bye1.zip     4930 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                 .oO chaos devision Oo. 
                                  a cool goodbye ansi   
                                      check it out!     
                                  very easy install! ;) 
                                    done by EiKi^CH!    
                                   released: 31-10-96   
                                     ** FREEWARE **     
                                 WRL0RD'S  BTTLFiLD 
ch_bye2.zip     9468 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                 .oO chaos devision Oo. 
                                  another cool goodbye  
                                  ansi, with userinfos! 
                                   !% download now %!   
                                    done by EiKi^CH!    
                                   released: 31-10-96   
                                     ** FREEWARE **     
                                 WRL0RD'S  BTTLFiLD 
ch_file1.zip    5521 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                 .oO chaos devision Oo. 
                                  a nice newfilesscan   
                                      ansi for ra+      
                                  very nice blue d-sign 
                                    done by EiKi^CH!    
                                   released: 31-10-96   
                                     ** FREEWARE **     
                                 WRL0RD'S  BTTLFiLD 
ch_nfo02.zip    3390 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                 .oO chaos devision Oo. 
                                  the newest inphofile  
                                  with all hq's numbas  
                                     new version !!     
                                    done by EiKi^CH!    
                                   released: 30-10-96   
                                    ** TRADEWARE **     
ch_rmnd.zip    10633 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                 .oO chaos devision Oo. 
                                  a new ansi for ra2.5  
                                    it will be shown,   
                                    when a user leaves  
                                    the board, without  
                                     downloading the    
                                      tagged files!     
                                      RA 2.50 ONLY!     
                                    done by EiKi^CH!    
                                   released: 31-10-96   
                                     ** FREEWARE **     
                                 WRL0RD'S  BTTLFiLD 
ch_scan1.zip   11977 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                 .oO chaos devision Oo. 
                                  the best newmailscan  
                                  for ra 2.xx! easy to  
                                    install. get it!    
                                    done by EiKi^CH!    
                                   released: 30-10-96   
                                     ** FREEWARE **     
                                 WRL0RD'S  BTTLFiLD 
ch_scan2.zip    5062 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                 .oO chaos devision Oo. 
                                 a new mailscan for ra! 
                                c00l lookin'blue d-sign 
                                     leech it now!      
                                    done by EiKi^CH!    
                                   released: 29-10-96   
                                     ** FREEWARE **     
                                 WRL0RD'S  BTTLFiLD 
ch_stc1.zip     9852 08-05-2024 
                                  % chaos devision % 
                                    the best user    
                                   statistics ansi   
                                  very nice look'in! 
                                   with german dox!  
                                  released: 05-11-96 
                                     by EiKi^CH!     
cnllin10.zip   17576 08-05-2024    __________ :_:_ _______
                                  /     /|   \| _/ \_    /
                                _/  |__/ | \  \ |   /   /__
                                \   |  \ |  \   | _/   /   \
                                 \______\|  |\__| \  /|   /
                                   THE   |__|COUNCiL\_____/
                                   Prezents a OneLiner 
                                      Multi Colored    
                                     Eazy to Install   
                                   Fully configurable  
                                   Kewl enter prompts  
                                      Nice Menu-Bar    
                                      NO RADU USED!    
                                         All done by
                                     The Mysterious Man
                                     +31  (0)23-5420597
cnum195g.zip   57858 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                        CallNo V1.95         
                                 NEW! Configuration file support  
                                 Desqview Support, Bug-Fixes,     
                                 Message notifying sysop of a     
                                 certain caller number (eg for    
                                 prizes) and much more !!         
                                         This creates a           
                                 real BIG caller number ANSI and  
                                 ASCII screen to display on the   
                                 BBS. Useful to show users how    
                                       busy the system is !       
                                     Written in South Africa      
                                       A FastLight product        
                                          ** FreeWare **          
cnumbu22.zip   20978 08-05-2024 CNUMBU.EXE Caller Number Backup
                                utility for RemoteAccess 2.xx
                                - Also distributed as part of the
                                RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
                                by McSoft Corp. 
connfo10.zip   15418 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                 CONFUSION PRODUCTIONS 
                                 PRESENTS: Ķ
                                     ConInfo  v1.0     
                                 A Remote Access door. 
                                 Displays users:       
                                 - Security level      
                                 - KB. left today      
                                 - Time left today     
                                  With lamer-killer!   
                                @X0A    D  Z   F  L    P  S S  D    
                                @X02  -  N  P  L M    S S  U L T  -  
                                @X0A   + 3 | ( o ) | o . 4 8 4 | | 2 8   
cont_ra.zip     7371 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ ڿ Ŀ Ŀ  Ŀ  
                                     Ŀ ٳ   Ŀ  Ŀ  
                                |// TRiBAL iNC. Proudly \\|
                                    CONTROL CODES TO USE iN RA.     
                                    EASYiER TO READ, SMALL FiLE!    
                                [33m :diZ WENT TRHu:
                                [33m  +31/10/4566030
convert2.zip   18883 08-05-2024 This is a simple, quick 'n' dirty utility to
                                allow you to run doors written
                                for RA 1.11 with the new RA 2.0/Gamma release.
                                 Any fool can run it, but
                                since fools are so ingenious according to Mr.
                                Murphy, we have documentation.
cop_2dai1.zip    4140 08-05-2024              ͻ
                                 CuMMiNG?  0F  PRS0NLiTY ĺ
                                      iS PR0UD T0 PRSNT      
                                    LL-iN-0N-MNU-NZi 1.0   
                                   VRY NiC MNUNZi, WHiCH   
                                   iNCLUDS Fil-, MSSG-,   
                                   USR- ND SYSTM0PTi0NS.    
                                 21.o9.95          BY SCHUSSL 
                                 iT'S FR ͼ
cop_2dauto.zip   36008 08-05-2024     
                                     Automatic LogOff     
                                     Tool for RA 2.oX      
                                 BY MARiNE FiGHTER^COP^RAT 
cop_2dbios.zip    7198 08-05-2024 
                                   CuMMiG o PeRSoaLiTY 
                                  BioS-LoGi      BY SHeeP
                                    aZi-aiM     :        :
cop_2dblue.zip   10928 08-05-2024 
                                  \_                                _/
                                    \-- CuMMiNG oF PeRSoNaLiTY --/
                                  ___\-    PRouDLY PReSeNTZ    -/
                                 /     ------------------------
                                         /  BLue HeaVeN   \   
                                      --/ JuST a KeWL FoNT \--
                                       /   FoR 'THeDRaW'    \ 
                                 \_             ---BY SHeeP:
cop_2dcv10.zip    7537 08-05-2024              ͻ
                                 CuMMiNG?  0F  PRS0NLiTY ĺ
                                      iS PR0UD T0 PRSNT      
                                      CHT TXT-SHLL v1.0      
                                 KWL TXT-SHLLS T BGiN ND  
                                   T ND 0F  CHT-SSSi0N.   
                                            BY SHP           
                                 iT'S FR ͼ
cop_2ddist.zip   15608 08-05-2024 [?7h[255D[0;1;30m
                                 [0;34m [1;44m[0;34m
                                [1;44m[0;34m  [1;30m۰
                                 [34;44m[0;34m [1;44m[0;34m
                                [1;44m[0;34m [1;44m[0;34m
                                [1;44m[0;34m [1;44m[0;34m [1;30m
                                 [34;44m[0;34m [1;44m[0;34m
                                [1;44m[0;34m [1;44m[0;34m
                                [1;44m[0;34m [1;44m[0;34m [1;30m
                                 [34;44m[0;34m  [1;44m[0;34m
                                [1;44m[0;34m [1;44m[0;34m
                                [1;44m[0;34m [1;30m
                                [1;44m[0;34m [1;44m[0;34m
                                 [34;44m[0;34m  [1;44m[0;34m
                                [1;44m[0;34m [1;44m[0;34m
                                 [34;44m[0;34m [1;44m[0;34m
                                [1;44m[0;34m [1;44m[0;34m
                                [1;44m[0;34m [1;30m
                                 [34;44m[0;34m [1;44m[0;34m
                                 [1;44m[0;34m [1;30m
                                 [0;34m [1;30m
                                [0;34m [1;30m
                                [11C[34mTH[0;34me [1mN[0;34me[1mW[0;34me[1mST
                                [12C[34mF[0;34mo[1mR C[0;34m0[1
                                [14C[34mD[0;34mo[1mNe B[0;3
cop_2ddu10.zip   15981 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                CuMMiG o            
                                :PeRSoaLiTY        :
                                :                 :
                                 for RA        
                                :           :
                                    Delete certain
                                    users from your
                                :                             :
                                 BY MAF/COP^RAT^JKS          
cop_2ddw1.zip   43066 08-05-2024              ͻ
                                 CuMMiNG?  0F  PRS0NLiTY ĺ
                                      iS PR0UD T0 PRSNT      
                                          WHY-DW v1.00         
                                       SKS F0R  RS0,      
                                     BF0R PSSiG S0M0     
                                        T0 Y0UR D00RWY.       
                                    LFT Da POLAMiDON BBS    
                                 19.1o.95              BY LoC0 
                                 iT'S FR ͼ
cop_2dfake.zip   10848 08-05-2024 
                                :   ۿ
                                  PRouDLY PReSeTZ :
                                     : > FaKE <
                                   A liTTle L0Goff  :
                                 anImAti0n f0r RA ! 
                                 BY WZL  11/11/95
                                iT's SmPly ReeWaRe 
cop_2dfs1.zip   10319 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                       CuMMiNG oF PeRSoNaLiTY       
                                 JuST NiCe LooKiNG FiLE-SCaN ANZiS. 
                                 LooKS ReaLLY GReaT, LeeCH NoW   
                                 DoNe BY SHeeP    DaTe: 16/o3/96   
                                FReeWaRe! oF CauZ, WHaT eLSe? ͼ
cop_2dklog.zip   10044 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                  CuMMiNG? 0F PRS0NLiTY  
                                     PR0uDLY PRSNTZ      
                                    NiMTD L0GiN 4 R   
                                    D0N BY KiLLR^C0P     
cop_2dla.zip   11960 08-05-2024     _________ _________  __________
                                   /        //_____    \ \______   \_
                                 _/   |____/ /   _/     \ |  __/    /
                                 \    |    \           /  |  \_____/
                                \_________\\________/|    :Ļ
                                  CUMMiN OF PERSONALiTY :____| '95
                                         LOGOFF  ANiMATiON         
                                   THiS iS  A FUNKY  LOGOFF ANiM-  
                                   ATiON  FOR  RA. iT  TAKES  NOT  
                                   LONG  TO      SHOW DiZ  LiTTLE  
                                   ANiMATiON, BUT iT LOOKS REALLY  
                                   GREAT. SO  DON'T MiSS TO LEECH  
                                   AND USE THiS FiLE!              
                                         (c) 1995  BY MiK          
                                      REACH ME AT DA COP WHQ       
cop_2dlav1.zip   40030 08-05-2024              ͻ
                                 CuMMiNG?  0F  PRS0NLiTY ĺ
                                      iS PR0UD T0 PRSNT      
                                      COP-LASTCALL v1.00       
                                     DiSPLAYS Y0UR T0DAYS      
                                     Y0U CA US Y0UR OW      
                                 11.1o.95              BY LoC0 
                                 iT'S FR ͼ
cop_2dlog.zip   10997 08-05-2024     _________ _________  __________
                                   /        //_____    \ \______   \_
                                 _/   |____/ /   _/     \ |  __/    /
                                 \    |    \           /  |  \_____/
                                \_________\\________/|    :Ļ
                                  CUMMiN OF PERSONALiTY :____| '96
                                     PC-LOGiN-PENTIuM 120MHz!      
                                   CHECK iT OUT 4 MORE PPE PHUN... 
                                       /FOR PCBOARD 15.21\
                                    (c) 1996 by bLaCK gRiffiN      
cop_2dlogf.zip   11344 08-05-2024     _________ _________  __________
                                   /        //_____    \ \______   \_
                                 _/   |____/ /   _/     \ |  __/    /
                                 \    |    \           /  |  \_____/
                                \_________\\________/|    :Ļ
                                  CUMMiN OF PERSONALiTY :____| '96
                                     a KeWL lOgOff aNimAtiON!      
                                      With the SOURCE CODE...      
                                       /FOR PCBOARD 15.21\         
                                    (c) 1996 by bLaCK gRiffiN      
cop_2dlv10.zip   12584 08-05-2024              ͻ
                                 CuMMiNG?  0F  PRS0NLiTY ĺ
                                      iS PR0UD T0 PRSNT      
                                     L0GiN NiMTi0N  v1.0     
                                     KWL L0GiN NiMTi0N     
                                            BY SHP           
                                 iT'S FR ͼ
cop_2dmap1.zip    6634 08-05-2024              ͻ
                                 CuMMiNG?  0F  PRS0NLiTY ĺ
                                      iS PR0UD T0 PRSNT      
                                      MNU-NZi PACK v1.o      
                                      THiZ R MNU-NZi       
                                        S0LLUTi0NS F0R         
                                            - MiNMNU
                                           - FiLMNU          
                                           - MSSGMNU       
                                 N01 DK R B0RD: +45 36724669 
                                 2o.o9.95             BY SHP 
                                 iT'S FR ͼ
cop_2dmenu.zip   31933 08-05-2024   
                                  :PuPLiC CoP-ReLeaSeĿ
                                  :  THis TiME SoMe CooL   :
                                    MeNuaNZi'S  iN iCe-,  
                                     FiRe,  GReeN-CoLoRS
                                      - MaiNMeNu
                                     - MeSSaGeMeNu        
                                  :   - FiLeMeNu           :
                                   DaTe o1/o4/96 Ŀ
                                   BY SHeeP 
cop_2dmsc.zip    6155 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                        WMiL NiMTi0        
                                    TH BST WMiL iMTi0   
                                        i HV VR D0        
                                 o1.1o.95              BY SHP  
                                        LFT JuST4CHa0S BBS      
                                  FRWR ͼ
cop_2dmts1.zip    5434 08-05-2024              ͻ
                                 CuMMiNG?  0F  PRS0NLiTY ĺ
                                      iS PR0UD T0 PRSNT      
                                     MSS-TXT SHLLS v1.o      
                                 2 NiC NiMTi0NS, WHiCH R  
                                 SH0WN FTR TH NWMiL-SCN. 
                                 1 F0R 'N0 NW MiLS' ND      
                                 1 F0R 'NW NW MiLS'         
                                 2o.o9.95             BY SHP 
                                 iT'S FR ͼ
cop_2dnew.zip   27898 08-05-2024 ۲
                                 THe MoST WiKiD NeW USeR QueSTioNNaiRe 
                                       FoR ReMoTe aXS eVeR!!!!!        
                                           YoU MuST See iT!            
                                            LeeCH iT *NoW*             
cop_2dnewu.zip   22985 08-05-2024 ۲
                                     C0P NeWUSeR aXS FoRM UPDaTe!!!    
                                    LeeCH NoW To SoRT THe BuG iN THe   
                                           oRiGiNaL ReLeaSe!!          
                                       SoRRY FoR THe PRoB DewDz!       
cop_2dnfs1.zip    6438 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                      PR0uDLY PRSNTZ       
                                    NWFiL SCNNR 4 R    
                                   T0TLY NiMTD !!! BY    
                                     DiZ D0N BY KiLLR      
                                 N01 R B0RD: +45 3672 4669 
cop_2dnfs2.zip    4462 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                   CuMMiNG? 0F PRS0NLiTY   
                                      PR0uDLY PRSNTZ       
                                    NWFiL SCNNR 4 R    
                                   T0TLY NiMTD !!! BY    
cop_2dnv10.zip    6929 08-05-2024              ͻ
                                 CuMMiNG?  0F  PRS0NLiTY ĺ
                                      iS PR0UD T0 PRSNT      
                                       NWMiL SCN v1.0       
                                     VRY NiC NWMiL SCN   
                                            BY SHP           
                                 iT'S FR ͼ
cop_2dov10.zip   52362 08-05-2024              ͻ
                                 CuMMiNG?  0F  PRS0NLiTY ĺ
                                      iS PR0UD T0 PRSNT      
                                          0VVW v1.0        
                                   N, FU 0NFGUB,    
                                 'BLND' F0 0U R B0D   
                                        BY HD$QUN       
                                 iT'S FR ͼ
cop_2dprmt.zip    4976 08-05-2024              ͻ
                                 CuMMiNG?  0F  PRS0NLiTY ĺ
                                      iS PR0UD T0 PRSNT      
                                  4 NEW PROMPTS FoR MAF'S SA   
                                    THiZ ARE 4 LiTTLE ENTER    
                                   PRoMPTS FoR MAFs SHoWANSi
                                    (iNCLUDiNG SHoWPRoMPT!)    
                                 24.o9.95      BY SHADOWRUNNER 
                                 iT'S FR ͼ
cop_2dripr.zip    9286 08-05-2024 [?7h[255D[0;1;30m
                                 [0;34m [1;44m[0;34m
                                [1;44m[0;34m  [1;30m۰
                                 [34;44m[0;34m [1;44m[0;34m
                                [1;44m[0;34m [1;44m[0;34m
                                [1;44m[0;34m [1;44m[0;34m [1;30m
                                 [34;44m[0;34m [1;44m[0;34m
                                [1;44m[0;34m [1;44m[0;34m
                                [1;44m[0;34m [1;44m[0;34m [1;30m
                                 [34;44m[0;34m  [1;44m[0;34m
                                [1;44m[0;34m [1;44m[0;34m
                                [1;44m[0;34m [1;30m
                                [1;44m[0;34m [1;44m[0;34m
                                 [34;44m[0;34m  [1;44m[0;34m
                                [1;44m[0;34m [1;44m[0;34m
                                 [34;44m[0;34m [1;44m[0;34m
                                [1;44m[0;34m [1;44m[0;34m
                                [1;44m[0;34m [1;30m
                                 [34;44m[0;34m [1;44m[0;34m
                                 [1;44m[0;34m [1;30m
                                 [0;34m [1;30m
                                [0;34m [1;30m
                                [7C[34mK[0;34mew[1mL N[0;34me[1
                                F[0;34mo[1mNT F[0;34mo[
                                [14C[34mD[0;34mo[1mN[0;34me [1m
                                [14C[34mL[0;34mee[1mCH N[0;34mo[1mW[0;34m
cop_2dscn.zip   12066 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                CuMMiG o            
                                :PeRSoaLiTY        :
                                :                 :
                                :           :
                                          oR YaR    
                                :                  Ra-BoaRD   :
                                 BY KYP/CoP                  
cop_2dsl1.zip   11613 08-05-2024 
                                        LoGi aiMaTio      
                                        oR Ya Ra-BoaRD      
                                  B SHP                   
cop_2dstyl.zip   16001 08-05-2024   
                                  /\/\ CUMMiG 0F PRS0LiTY  /\/\ 
                                 :  0 LiTTL T00L T0 STYL Y0UR    
                                   MiLS BF0R Y0U UPL0AD THM T0  
                                    MiLB0X.                       :
                                   FTR STYL Y0U HV  GRT     
                                   D-SiG i LL Y0UR MiLS 0R      
                                 :  0THR TXTFiLS.                 
                                   THiZ FiL iS F0R LiT 0LY!    
                                       C0DR: SUPR0V / C0P       
cop_2dtd05.zip   18196 08-05-2024              ͻ
                                 CuMMiNG?  0F  PRS0NLiTY ĺ
                                      iS PR0UD T0 PRSNT      
                                        T0NDiL vO.5!        
                                 D0  Y0U  0FTN  CLL VMB'S 0R 
                                 SUCH  STUFF?  THN  Y0U  ND 
                                 THiS BBY!  Y0U CN SV Y0UR 
                                 CCSS  C0DS  0R JUST 'FR- 
                                 DiL'  THM ;)  JUST TRY 0UT! 
                                       BY MRiN FiGHTR       
                                 iT'S FR ͼ
cop_2dtele.zip    8236 08-05-2024 
                                      TeLeKoM TaRie '96    
                                      ReaD THiZ TeXT        
                                      LeeCH iT NoW          
                                  B SHP                   
cop_2d_21log.zip    5855 08-05-2024 
                                   ۲    ۲   ޲
                                  ۱  ޱ  ۱߱  ޱ   ߱
                                 ް      ް   ް ް   ܰ
                                 ޲      ޲   ޲ ޲
                                  ۱  ޱ  ۱ܱ  ޱ
                                   ۰    ۰   ް
                                            LoGIN FoR RA
                                                        ^ ReG OnlY       
                                       -= FREEWARE! =- WaS SoNST ;)
                                         [ RElEASED : 10-10-95 ]
cop_fake.zip    6655 08-05-2024 
                                :   ۿ
                                  PRouDLY PReSeTZ :
                                     : > FaKE <
                                   A liTTle L0Goff  :
                                 anImAti0n f0r RA ! 
                                 BY WZL  11/11/95
                                iT's SmPly ReeWaRe 
cotln320.zip   21287 08-05-2024 
                                     ۲    ۲  
                                .--- ܲ ۲ ۲ ---.
                                |                             |
                                | NME....: COT LINERZ        |
                                |           Version 3.20 eta |
                                : CRET0R.: DELT RY         |
                                | TYPE....: R UTiL (LiNERZ)  |
                                | DTE....: 12-03-96          :
                                | NF0.....: Colors & Top Six! |
                                :           No Config Needed! |
                                |           4 Censor Modes!   |
                                |           Local Editting!   :
                                |           Real Name/Handle  |
                                :           *BUGFiXED* Colors |
                                |           *BUGFiXED* Top 6  |
                                :                             |
                                    --- Ultimate Linerz ---
cotwfm10.zip   22467 08-05-2024          ߲
                                      ۲    ۲  
                                .---- ܲ ۲ ۲ ----.
                                |                               |
                                | NME....: Weekly File Maniacs |
                                : CRET0R.: Delta Ray^COT       |
                                | TYPE....: RA 2.50 Util        |
                                | DTE....: 19 April 1996       :
                                | NF0.....: Creates screen with |
                                :           best uploaders or   |
                                |           downloaders of the  
                                |           week. (RA 2.50)     |
                                |                               :
coz_2dlgin.zip    4101 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                  COZ-LOGIN  V1.0  
                                   Released by  CRAZY OZ   
                                  A professional Logon for RA 2.02+  
                                  Logon-Screen with User-Info and    
                                  based on RAT-AL10.ZIP by Thrasher  
                                 Crazy Oz          Datum: 05.11.1995 
                                  Komplett in Deutsch  
crccal12.zip   21875 08-05-2024         
                                    ۰۰  ޲
                                            ۲      ޲
                                   AddCrcCalc v1.2o 
                                    Jungleboy^DiMeNSioN X 
                                 This Program Calculates The 
                                 CRC Of All Files In One Dir.  
                                 And Puts Them In SKULLCHK.CRC 
                                 Takes A Lot Of Work Out Of  
                                    Your Hands When Using   
                                      SkullCheck. And You  
                                         Hate BBS Adds  
                                New! : - dupe-crc check.
                                       - command-line wildcard support.
                                --[ add's down thiz line ]---
crccalc1.zip   21540 08-05-2024         
                                    ۰۰  ޲
                                            ۲      ޲
                                    AddCrcCalc v1.o  
                                    Jungleboy^DiMeNSioN X 
                                 This Program Calculates The 
                                 CRC Of All Files In One Dir.  
                                 And Puts Them In SKULLCHK.CRC 
                                 Takes A Lot Of Work Out Of  
                                    Your Hands When Using   
                                      SkullCheck. And You  
                                         Hate BBS Adds  
credit.zip     36696 08-05-2024         
                                    ۰۰  ޲
                                            ۲      ޲
                                    Credit v.o.o.!  
                                    Jungleboy^DiMeNSioN X 
                                 Award users with a Upload-  
                                   Credit when you use Logon!  
                                   from Synopsis! -Freeware,   
                                 -Configurable, -Nice layout 
                                      -Works with flags!    
                                     Just use it and wheep 
credits.zip    44480 08-05-2024         
                                    ۰۰  ޲
                                            ۲      ޲
                                    Credit v.o.o.!  
                                    Jungleboy^DiMeNSioN X 
                                 Award users with a Upload-  
                                   Credit when you use Logon!  
                                   from Synopsis! -Freeware,   
                                 -Configurable, -Nice layout 
                                      -Works with flags!    
                                     Just use it and wheep 
crilast.zip    13280 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                   CRTiCaL BRiNGS Ya :                    
                                  CRi lASTCALLLER V 1.0                    
                                [.]  PRoGGie  [.]  MS-DoS                  
                                [.]  MuSiC    [X]  Ra                      
                                [.]  DeMo     [.]  PCe                     
                                [.]  XM       [.]  S3M                     
                                [.]  MoD      [.]  DMF                     
                                 cODING bY                                 
                                  tHE mYSTERIOUS mAN [CRI]                 
critc_26l.zip   23002 08-05-2024 ---Ŀ
                                |  ۳
                                |     ۳
                                    CRTiCaL BRiNgS Ya    
                                   LiNeRZ & CaLLeRZ v1.1  
                                 MaDe By            TDD 
                                | TYPe          DooRS |
                                 FoR        RA 2.xx 
                                 FiLe   CRIT????.EXE 
                                  aDDeD DeFiNaBLe aNSi'S  
                                 iN BoTH LiNeRZ & CaLLeRZ 
critline.zip   24087 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                   CRTiCaL BRiNGS Ya :    
                                 CRiTiCaL - LiNeRZ    v1.0 
                                [x]  PRoGGie  [.]  MS-DoS  
                                [.]  MuSiC    [x]  Ra      
                                [.]  DeMo     [.]  PCe     
                                [.]  XM       [.]  S3M     
                                [.]  MoD      [.]  DMF     
                                 a VeRY CooL oNeLiNeR WiTH 
                                 FaDiNG & FLaSHiNG LiNeZ   :
                                : uSe CoLoR iN YaR LiNeRZ!! 
crylogin.zip   46396 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 h0t sT柟  0m CysT 
                                > psntZz <
                                        f0r RA 2.X
                                N0th 0gn   y Bb$
                                    Full German service
                                 sYzP 0 p0nTb [wHQ] 
                                > +49-30-363-7954 <
                                  > DCD 23 - 07 Uhr <
csf_2dlc10.zip   58176 08-05-2024    .
                                      ͻ  -=[CRT0RS]=-
                                               -=[0F TH]=-
                                |                -=[SHD0W]=-
                                :             :  -=[F0RC!]=-
                                .             :   -=[CSF!]=-
                                     Ľ   -   - --Ŀ
                                .       CSF LAST CALLERS v1.0     
                                      DiSPLYS TH LST 11 CLLRS       
                                :      L0CL CLLS MY  B DiSBLD       |
                                :        N0 C0NFiGURTi0N NDD          :
csf_2dli10.zip   59967 08-05-2024    .
                                      ͻ  -=[CRT0RS]=-
                                               -=[0F TH]=-
                                |                -=[SHD0W]=-
                                :             :  -=[F0RC!]=-
                                .             :   -=[CSF!]=-
                                     Ľ   -   - --Ŀ
                                .         CSF LINER v1.0          
                                   TH BST LiNR Y0U'V VR SN       
                                :   KWL NSi ND NiMTi0NS, S DS     |
                                :   DTCTi0N, N0 C0NFiGURTi0N NDD!   :
                                |   LCH iT N0W iF Y0U RN'T A LMH!   
csf_2dnm10.zip   23878 08-05-2024       _ _________  _____  _ ________.Ŀ
                                      _ ____    \_  __/___ _________|      
                                        /    |____/_____   \_  ___/         
                                .      <     |   \/    /    /   |   wM!     
                                         CSF RNMR v1.0         
                                :    RNMS X FiLS T0 RND0M NMS    
                                :   UT0MTiCLLY. US THiS iN Y0UR BBS   |
                                |       DM0 T0 MK iT UNDTCTBL      :
                                |   BY S0M UPL0D CHCKRS - cSF rULEZ   
                                - -   -       - - -  Ϳ
csf_2dnm11.zip   28989 08-05-2024       _ _________  _____  _ ________.Ŀ
                                      _ ____    \_  __/___ _________|      
                                        /    |____/_____   \_  ___/         
                                .      <     |   \/    /    /   |   wM!     
                                         CSF RNMR v1.1         
                                :    RNMS X FiLS T0 RND0M NMS    
                                :   UT0MTiCLLY. US THiS iN Y0UR BBS   |
                                |       DM0 T0 MK iT UNDTCTBL      :
                                |       NSTY DiRCT0RY BUG FiXD !       
csf_2dran1.zip   29639 08-05-2024    .
                                      ͻ  -=[CRT0RS]=-
                                               -=[0F TH]=-
                                |                -=[SHD0W]=-
                                :             :  -=[F0RC!]=-
                                .             :   -=[CSF!]=-
                                     Ľ   -   - --Ŀ
                                .      CSF RND0M NSi 1.0        
                                   THiS PR0GRM DiSPLYS  RND0M NSi   
                                :   G00D T0 US S L0G0 NSi iN NY BBS   |
                                :   iT'S N0T A D00R, S0 iT W0RKS iN NY   :
                                |   BBS SYSTM, VN N0T USiNG NY BBS.   
csf_2dsp10.zip   72931 08-05-2024    .
                                      ͻ  -=[CRT0RS]=-
                                               -=[0F TH]=-
                                |                -=[SHD0W]=-
                                :             :  -=[F0RC!]=-
                                .             :   -=[CSF!]=-
                                     Ľ   -   - --Ŀ
                                .         CSF SPEED v1.0          
                                   ST0P USiNG TH0S LMH QUiCK L0GiNS   
                                :   N0W Y0UR USRS CN MK THR 0WN     |
                                :   CUST0M L0GiN BY TGING/UNTGiNG TH   :
                                |   D00RS THY WNT T0 B L0DD! CSF96   
csf_2dul10.zip   64975 08-05-2024     
                                  ߲ ߲  ۲  
                                   ۲  ۲  ۲  ۲  ۲  ޲۲
                                  ۲޲۲     ۲     ۲ ۲ ۲
                                      ۲ ߲   
                                     ۲  ۲   ۲ 
                                 ۲       Csf User List v1.0 eta       
                                       The best RA user list ever     
                                 ܲ   Users can fully browse trought   
                                   the list with no lamah next page   
                                    prompts. Level Comment, Leecher   
                                    meter, and many other features     
                                    Easy configuration, just the      
                                 ۲     best by the best group.:)      
cs_logon.zip   35735 08-05-2024 [0;1;33m[37m[0m[1;30m--
                                [0m [0;31m[1;37m[0;31m[1;33m 
                                [0;31m[1;32m [0;31m[40m[K
                                [0m [1;43m[33
                                [0;31m[1;33;42m[40m[42m[40m [31m
                                [0;31m [1;32;46m[
                                [30m [37;43m[40m [33;42m[40m
                                [31;45m[40m [32;46m[40m [34;41m[33;40m
                                [30m: [0;31m [1;45m[33;40
                                [0;31m [1;34;41m[33;40m [0;31m[40m[K
                                  [0;35mCYB[1me[0;35mR L[1mo[0;35mG[1mi[0;35mN
                                [1;37m [0;35mV[1me[0;35mR [1mi[0;3
                                [0mS[1mee i[0mT [1ma[0mT [1;34mTHe BLaC
                                       [0;35m3[0;31mRD [0;36mM[1ma[0;36m
cybcal10.zip   52672 08-05-2024 CyBiCPRODUCTiONSķ
                                ǰCYBCALLް ݰ
                                Phillip Klien 00Ľ
                                 The best TODAY CALLER door
                                 ever!  Has following options
                                   Local baud rate masking
                                   Sysop in/out of listing
                                   Use handles
                                   FULL color configurability
                                 100% FREEWARE!  FOR RA v2.xx
cybcig10.zip   32491 08-05-2024 CyBiC PRODUCTiONS AUTOMATIC SIG ADDITIONER
                                -             -
                                -                    -
                                -                   -
                                -               -
                                -   v1.0-
                                  Automatically add your signature to   
                                  your  OLXSLMRBWAVE  messages  and   
                                  and customize the  QMPro  the way   
                                  YOU want it ! Now supports Multiple   
                                  signatures, optional HaCKeR conver-   
                                  sion and many others! 100% FREEWARE   
                                -> CyBiC PRODUCTiONSPhillip Klien <-
cybmkb11.zip   65850 08-05-2024  ܿ
                                    CyBMSG-KB RaTiO   
                                  No  messages?  Force 
                                  users to  write msgs 
                                  or  else   no  files 
                                  access. KBYTE -> MSG 
                                  ratio    controller. 
                                  For RA 2.xx  ONLY !! 
                                  V1.1!  Bugs Fixed!!! 
cybmtrxv.zip    3413 08-05-2024 
cybprmpt.zip    4791 08-05-2024 
cybqzar.zip    33405 08-05-2024 CyBiC ----
                                ۲   ܲ ۲ ۱
                                ۱   ۱ ۱  ۰ 
                                Generates random QUOTE
                                OF THE DAY, but of the
                                worse things  that can
                                happen to you!  Really
                                Funny,  all users will
                                love it.  -[FREEWARE]-
cybst10.zip    27550 08-05-2024 ܰ߰߰߰ܰ
                                ܲ ޲  ޲   ޲޲ ܲ
                                     [CyBiC PRODUCTiONS]
                                   Top 10 User Statistics
                                    For REMOTE ACCESS 2.xx.
                                    Generates   best looking
                                   screens  ever for  TOP-10
                                  Statistics program........
cybtag10.zip   51895 08-05-2024   CyBTaG v1.0 
                                Adds taglines to msgs
                                written online.   For
                                RA 2.xx.  FREEWARE by
                                CyBiC PRODUCTiONS '94
cyc_2ddz11.zip   24479 08-05-2024 ķ
                                 FREEWARE by Nixxon/Cyber Circus 
                                 The Final FILE_ID.DIZ Processor 
                                 [DiZZLY 1.1O] 
                                  Adds/removes taglines to/from  
                                  FILE_ID.DIZ. Very easy to use  
                                  with your current file upload  
                                  processor (step by step guide  
                                  for installation  with Remote  
                                       Automatic archive        
                                       ZIP/RAR dates intact     
                                       Informative logging      
                                [ Replica ]Ķ
                                [ +46-490-35123 ]Ľ
cyc_2dnup_21.zip   18861 08-05-2024 [ C Y B E R C i R C U S ]
                                   Ŀ            Ŀ
                                [ N U P 4 R A   V 1 . 1 ]
                                The  final new user password door
                                for use with Remote  Access. Very
                                easy to use and almost 100% sysop
                                configurable.  Custom  ANSi-pics,
                                colors, positons, texts and mucho
                                more! And of  coz it's  freeware!
                                -[ CODED BY fREEJACK ]
                                [XPECT MORE][JOiN US][DL NOW]
darknote.zip   59359 08-05-2024   ߰   ߰ ߰ ߰ ۰
                                ~~~  ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~    ~~
                                         the first release of
                                      DarkNote v1.0 for RA v2.xx
                                  DarkNote is a door for RemoteAccess
                                 DarkNote generated bulletins/news in
                                   a simple or multiform. Simple to
                                configure and in minutes ready to use !
                                            ! LEECH ME NOW !
                                Some of the functions are:
                                 - Cursor.- and lightbardriven !
                                 - simple.- or multibulletins/news
                                 - mail to SysOp option
                                 - logoff option
                                 - SysOp's set the min. securitylevel
                                   to add new bulletins/news
                                 - option to view the bulletins/news
                                 - Colorconfiguration possible
                                 - RA-Logentry possible
                                - Can now show an external DarkNote.a*
                                - Choicewindowposition can now set by
                                  the SysOp
                                - Lightbarcolor can set by the SysOp
                                        ! SupportSites needed !
                                       ! Packed with RAR v2.0 !
dbfonl10.zip   38690 08-05-2024 Ŀ Ŀ
                                 Ŀ  Ŀ  Ŀ   
                                     Ŀ  Ŀ ڳ Ŀ 
                                         T O O L S         
                                        DBF - Online       
                                Online  DBF-Browser for all
                                BBS-Systems, supporting    
                                DOOR.SYS Completely Cursor-
                                controlled. Great search-  
                                options. For every DBF-File
                                No limit in length of DBF- 
                                 File. Quick installation! 
                                    The new standard in    
                                    *** Coding DARK ***    
dcfnuk12.zip   52400 08-05-2024 
                                  THE DECAF NUKER / CREDZER 1.2
                                  For Remote Access 2.50 (Onl
                                 This is a file nuker / credzer
                                 that lets you nuke and credit
                                 files that a user has uploaded
                                 by removing/adding UL Kb to
                                 his user-record. It deletes the
                                 file (if nuked), sends a message
                                 to the user and more...
                                 All file-descriptions and messages
                                 are user-editable and has support
                                 for certain macros.
                                 Bugfix version, fixed some nasty
                                 bugs in version 1.1. Do not use
                                 that version, DOWNLOAD THIS AND
                                          DOWNLOAD NOW!
                                     -( ansi diz stripped )-
dcfreq11.zip   61503 08-05-2024 
                                  THE DECAF REQUESTER VERSION 1
                                  for Remote Access 2.50 (Onl
                                 This is a program that lets
                                 users request files, reply to
                                 requests, upload files and
                                 notifying staff by sending a
                                 message to them. Messages will be
                                 sent to the users requesting the
                                 file if a reply is made, and much
                                 Fixed Nasty Bug With LIMITS.RA
                                 Very Userfriendly, and very
                                 configurable, so download it and
                                          DOWNLOAD NOW!
                                  /\/DViLS H/LL\/\
                                     -( ansi diz stripped )-
dcftag11.zip   51138 08-05-2024 
                                  THE DECAF TAG EDITOR VERSION 
                                  for Remote Access 2.50 (Onl
                                 This is a program that will
                                 the built in tag-editor in Remote
                                 acess. This editor will also sa
                                 the files when a user logs off,
                                 and reload them again when the
                                 user logs on. Now you don't 
                                 to be jealous of those (fools)
                                 running ProBoard anymore!
                                 Very Userfriendly, and very
                                 useable! Sp download it and
                                          DOWNLOAD NOW!
                                     -( ansi diz stripped )-
dentah.zip     10069 08-05-2024 ........
                                ..   ߲         ۲߱   ..
                                ..:      ߲DMa۲      :..
                                ..:        ߲  ۲߱        :..
                                ..:         ܱ۲      VL :..
                                ...:   ޱ      ߲ܲ         :...
                                ...:    ߲ܲܲ     ۲ܲ    :...
                                ...:. DENTAH :  Code By Valocity  .:...
dfs_10g1.zip   87042 08-05-2024 Ŀ Ŀ  Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ
                                       Ŀ     Ĵ   
                                   DER FILEBASESCANNER!  
                                 FR RA 2.0X       v1.0.g1 
                                  Keyword Search          
                                  Wildcard Match          
                                  Hide unwanted files     
                                  Hacklist Support        
                                  Warn Uploaders by MSG   
                                  LogLevel 1 - 7          
                                  Post Log in any HUDSON &
                                   JAM Area (!)            
                                  Monthly Index Updates   
                                  Exclude Usernames       
                                  Up to 32 Include-Files  
                                  Automatic Index recomp  
                                  SHARWARE NORMAL 20.- DM  
                                TILL 14.11.96 ONLY 10 DM!
dgraff.zip     13112 08-05-2024 ........
                                ..   ߲         ۲߱   ..
                                ..:      ߲DMa۲      :..
                                ..:        ߲  ۲߱        :..
                                ..:         ܱ۲      VL :..
                                ...:   ޱ      ߲ܲ         :...
                                ...:    ߲ܲܲ     ۲ܲ    :...
                                ...:'DGRAFF v1.o Code By Valocity `:...
                                ...: Delete All Liners, Use Dgraff :...
                                ...: An Online-Ansi-Editor !       :...
dhop.zip        8666 08-05-2024 ........
                                ..   ߲         ۲߱   ..
                                ..:      ߲DMa۲      :..
                                ..:        ߲  ۲߱        :..
                                ..:         ܱ۲      VL :..
                                ...:   ޱ      ߲ܲ         :...
                                ...:    ߲ܲܲ     ۲ܲ    :...
                                ...:. DHOP : Damnation's HopJoke  .:...
did_2ddc10.zip   15527 08-05-2024         
                                .[      ].Ŀ
                                 Digital Converter v1.00 By Intruder 
                                 Great util to convert boring ascii- 
                                 files into cool 'elite'-files.      
                                 Digital Donkeys - We Aim To Please! 
                                .[ FREEWARE! ].
did_2ddq11.zip   57185 08-05-2024                     
                                   Digital Quest v1.o1 By Intruder         
                                 Nice & goodlooking questionary for        
                                 your new users. Cool design & ansi.       
                                 New users have to answer some cool        
                                 questions. Just leach this one!           
                                 Lots of bugs fixed! all of them!?         
                                 Digital Donkeys - We Aim To Please!       
did_2dql10.zip   91882 08-05-2024 ۲ DiGiTaL LoGiN v1.0 By Marauder  
                                 aN iNCReDiBLe Quick-LoGiN FoR RA 2.x! 
                                  LeTs ThE USeR Skip CeRTAiN PaRTS iN  
                                              ThE LoGiN!               
                                  Digital Donkeys - We Aim To Please!  
                                ۲   A DiGiTaL DoNKeY ReLeaSe!     
                                      -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-
did_2dwl11.zip   82241 08-05-2024 ۲ DiGiTaL WaLL v1.1 By Marauder 
                                KiLLeR WaLL FoR RA 2.x! NiCe LooKiN' 
                                 DeSiGN. LoTs Of iMPRoVeMeNTS SiNCe  
                                            v1.0! DL NOW!            
                                 Digital Donkeys - We Aim To Please! 
                                ۲   A DiGiTaL DoNKeY ReLeaSe!   
                                     -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-
die_lem2.zip   82032 08-05-2024  ܰ         ͸
                                  ۲۲  ۱       
                                   ۱   ۲  ۲   
                                 ۲  ۲  ۲   ۲  ۲  ۲  ۲
                                  ߰߱   ߲߱۱ 
                                  Lemmings Pager For RA! ߰    
                                  By: FuSioN &Xer0 of Damage Inc!   
                                   v1.2b / 29.o6.96  BUGFIXED!    
                                               GET THIS NOW
disclaim.zip   30340 08-05-2024                        [RA]
                                    ۲  ߲
                                ۰߲ܰܲ    ߲ܱ۲߲ܱܰܰ
                                                         ߱ ߲
                                 XPRESS MOddiNG PRESENtS fOR YOU... ޲
                                    NO LAMER - DiSCLAiMER 1.20    
                                    bY POTi   Source Code Incl.   
dizzy10.zip    18127 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                   \--\ \-/ /-/ /-/ \  / 
                                   |  |  |   /   /   \/  
                                   /--/ /-\ /-/ /-/  /   
                                         DIZZY v1.0        
                                   The Remote Access 2.xx  
                                    FILE_ID.DIZ Importer   
                                   Runable in RAMGR & DOS  
                                       By Dimension X      
dlast21.zip    11107 08-05-2024 ........
                                ..   ߲         ۲߱   ..
                                ..:      ߲DMa۲      :..
                                ..:        ߲  ۲߱        :..
                                ..:         ܱ۲      VL :..
                                ...:   ޱ      ߲ܲ         :...
                                ...:    ߲ܲܲ     ۲ܲ    :...
                                ...:. DLaST 2.1 :Code By Valocity .:...
dmaln100.zip   62503 08-05-2024                                              
                                    ۲   ۲             
                                       ۲    ۲             
                                       ۲    ۲             
                                       ۲    ۲             
                                     ۲    ۲             
                                [DMA presents]Ŀ             
                                ij    LAWLiNER V1.00                 
                                    A FULLY CONFiGURABLE                 
                                   LiGHTBAR DRiVEN MATRiX                
                                   ALiKE ONELiNER FOR RA                 
                                     AND COMPATiBLES.                    
                                ij   CODED BY MADCAT    ڳĿ             
dmaln200.zip   86412 08-05-2024                                   )\
                                 ___________  /\_________________( /______
                                _\__  \ ___/\/  \  ___/___  _/  ________  |
                                |  /   _/\ \/   \ _/\     /   \  | /    l
                                l_____\____\||_______\__\ /\___l__|  l__|
                                |         DEMENTiA LAWLiNERS v2.0         |
                                | Highly configurable lightbardriven wall |
                                |   for RemoteAccess 2.x and compatible   |
                                | systems. Complete recode, new features. |
                                |::::::[  e x p e c t   m o r e  ! ]::::::|
dmardl10.zip   75120 08-05-2024 ........
                                ..   ߲         ۲߱   ..
                                ..:      ߲DMa۲      :..
                                ..:        ߲  ۲߱        :..
                                ..:         ܱ۲      VL :..
                                ...:   ޱ      ߲ܲ         :...
                                ...:    ߲ܲܲ     ۲ܲ    :...
                                ...:     REQUEST DOWNLOAD V1.0     :...
                                ...:                               :...
                                ...:   Door for RA which lets a    :...
                                ...: user download requested files :...
                                ...:  includes a filemanager for   :...
                                ...: adding and deleting the files :...
                                ...:                               :...
dma_2dchk1.zip   77297 08-05-2024           
                                        ۲   Ŀ  ڿ
                                 |- dEMENTIA                  ٳ
                                 |  pROUDLY rEJECTS:                  
                                 |  dCHECK! o.o.1 by vertigo.         
                                 |  A lame door for RA 2.5x to check  
                                 |  if the sysop is available.        
                                 :  Includes full pascal sourcecode!  
dma_2dcht1.zip   46701 08-05-2024                                   )\
                                 ___________  /\_________________( /______
                                _\__  \ ___/\/  \  ___/___  _/  ________  |
                                |  /   _/\ \/   \ _/\     /   \  | /    l
                                l_____\____\||_______\__\ /\___l__|  l__|
                                %    DAMCHAT GENERATION 1 CODED BY TDD    %
                                %                                         %
                                %     Split screen chatter for RA and     %
                                %     PcBoard featuring multiple chat     %
                                %     screens, fully configurable x/y     %
                                %     colors and very fast scrolling.     %
                                %                                         %
dma_2ddead.zip    3160 08-05-2024  ___________  /\__________________________
                                _\__  \ ___/\/  \  ___/___  _/  ________  |
                                |  /   _/\ \/   \ _/\     /   \  | /    l
                                l_____\____\||_______\__\ /\___l__|  l__|
                                %                                         %
                                %   "the flame has died"      |           %
                                %                          ---+---        %
                                %          r.i.p              |           %
                                %         dementia            |           %
                                %         1995-1996           |           %
                                %                                         %
                                ---[ dementia has left the building ]----
dma_2ddp02.zip   68126 08-05-2024  )\
                                 ___________  /\_________________( /______
                                _\__  \ ___/\/  \  ___/___  _/  ________  |
                                |  /   _/\ \/   \ _/\     /   \  | /    l
                                l_____\____\||_______\__\ /\___l__|  l__|
                                :::dEMENTiA pRESENTS::/__/::::::::/____|:::
                                |:: dpage! o.o.2 - a small pagedoor for ::|
                                |:: remoteaccess 2.5x or compatible.    ::|
                                |:: including the sourcecode in pascal. ::|
dma_2dmnus.zip   35884 08-05-2024 ........
                                ..   ߲         ۲߱   ..
                                ..:      ߲DMa۲      :..
                                ..:        ߲  ۲߱        :..
                                ..:         ܱ۲      VL :..
                                ...:   ޱ      ߲ܲ         :...
                                ...:    ߲ܲܲ     ۲ܲ    :...
                                ...:          MENUS v1.0           :...
                                ...:                               :...
                                ...:   Source code from the menu   :...
                                ...: unit I use for my new config  :...
                                ...:           proggies.           :...
                                ...:                               :...
                                ...: Makes it real easy to create  :...
                                ...: RACONFIG look-alike proggies. :...
                                ...:                               :...
                                ...:. MENUS :  Code By Archangel  .:...
dma_2dstat.zip   19306 08-05-2024 [DEMENTIA]
                                    ۲   ۲
                                       ۲    ۲
                                       ۲    ۲
                                       ۲    ۲
                                     ۲    ۲
                                [DMA presents]Ŀ
                                ij    DMA STATiSTiX     
                                      SiX TOP TEN LiSTS   
                                     USER DEFiNABLE ANSi  
                                    USER DEFiNABLE COLORS 
                                ij   CODiNG: DELTA RAY  ڳĿ
                                ĴTHiS iS DMA!
dma_2dto11.zip   80067 08-05-2024   _ ___________  __  __ ________       
                                    \______    \>  \  \ ____   \- :
                                  : -_/  \>    >       \+     \-> .o
                                   ->\_______/___|\/    >___|    >>-
                                    DEMENTIA THEONE 1.10 BY VERTIGO 
                                 ONELINER DOOR FOR REMOTEACCESS MADE TO
                                  MIMIC ONELINER 1.06 BY D-VIBE/REBELS
                                    INCLUDES FULL PASCAL SOURCECODE
                                  LOTS OF BUGS FIXED, FEATURES ADDED
dma_2dts.zip   39115 08-05-2024 ........
                                ..   ߲         ۲߱   ..
                                ..:      ߲...۲      :..
                                ..:        ߲  ۲߱        :..
                                ..:         ܱ۲      VL :..
                                ...:   ޱ      ߲ܲ         :...
                                ...:    ߲ܲܲ     ۲ܲ    :...
                                ...:'     TEMPLE SYSTEM V1.O      `:...
                                ...:  VALOCiTY'S NEWEST ASSKiCKER  :...
                                ...:  A Menu-System With Internal  :...
                                ...:  Pager/Chatter/AreaSelector   :...
                                ...:  EnterPrompt/RumourDoor       :...
                                ...:  Jumper/ConferenceJumper Etc. :...
                                ...:  ALL IN ONE EXE OF 4O KB !    :...
dma_2dvlfd.zip  132016 08-05-2024 [DEMENTIA]
                                    ۲   ۲
                                       ۲    ۲
                                       ۲    ۲
                                       ۲    ۲
                                     ۲    ۲
                                [DMA presents]Ŀ
                                ı  aN aNSi PaCK MaDe   
                                IJ     By VaLoCiTy      ڲĿ
dmenu23.zip    15373 08-05-2024 ........
                                ..   ߲         ۲߱   ..
                                ..:      ߲DMa۲      :..
                                ..:        ߲  ۲߱        :..
                                ..:         ܱ۲      VL :..
                                ...:   ޱ      ߲ܲ         :...
                                ...:    ߲ܲܲ     ۲ܲ    :...
                                ...:. DMENU23 : Code By Valocity  .:...
dp_21_2dla13.zip   34995 08-05-2024 
                                 : LASTCALL V.13 (By C.RABE) :
                                 : Lastcaller Door modified  :
                                 :    with cool Design.      :
                                 : For DORINFO%.DEF SYSTEMS! :
                                 :  FREEWARE - GERMAN ONLY!  :
                                 : DEEP RELEASE OCTOBER 1995 :
dp_21_2dmail.zip   18421 08-05-2024 
                                DV' VY VG PSCHTC
                                      proudly presentz ya        
                                  -> the DP WML SCR <-   
                                 including these ansi animationes: 
                                 DP!-MAIL.ANS <- nm scan 4 all sys 
                                 DP!-NO!.ANS  <- no nm wait. 4 RA  
                                 DP!-YEP.ANS  <- nm for ya   4 RA  
                                 + BONUS ansi animaton:            
                                 DP!-LOAD.ANS <- loading anim 4 RA 
                                   D0N by Ma/dP! RL. DC 95!     
dp_21_2dscrn.zip   11636 08-05-2024 
                                   2 New cool screens for
                                   LASTCALL. Rename the
                                   screen you want to
                                   Lastcall.ans and put it
                                   in your LASTCALL dir.
                                   DEEP RELEASE OCTOBER 1995
dreg03.zip     71679 08-05-2024 ../\______../\_________../\______......
                                :/\_____  \/\________  \/\_____  \::L:
                                :\/\  \/\  \/\  \\  \\  \/\  \_\ a\::::
                                ::\ \  \ \  \ \  \\m \\  \ \   __  \:::
                                :::\ \d \_\  \ \  \\  \\  \ \  \ \  \::
                                ::::\ \______/\ \__\\__\\__\ \__\ \__\:
                                |              Dreg 0.3               |
                                :                                     :
                                :       The Ultimate Reg Door         :
                                :                                     :
                                :.   Confusions first DMA Relaese    .:
dtaggab.zip    27785 08-05-2024 ........
                                ..   ߲         ۲߱   ..
                                ..:      ߲...۲      :..
                                ..:        ߲  ۲߱        :..
                                ..:         ܱ۲      VL :..
                                ...:   ޱ      ߲ܲ         :...
                                ...:    ߲ܲܲ     ۲ܲ    :...
                                ...:.   Dtagga-Beta-Release 1.o   .:...
dtinfo.zip     36852 08-05-2024 --    
                                |'&  d0UBL tR0UBL'96  &`
                                 --      --Ĵ
                                 .&.&.  dtiNF0 1.o  .&.&. 
                                $ 4 R - 4 Y0U $ 
                                .&~ Th USR iNF0RMR ~&.
                                :&%.>   FRWR!   <.%&
                                -     -
dtlame12.zip   38252 08-05-2024 -     --ķ
                                .%&$ d0UBL tR0UBL $&%.
                                |.#&$ PR0UDL PRSTS $&#.
                                ~-_.%& dtLAMR 1.2 &%._-~
                                :> tH LMRKiCKR 4 R 2.x <
                                !&%. OW X/Y-STUP! .%&!|
                                |~\_/> US YR AZiS! <\_/~|
                                 .%&$ iT'S FRWR $&%. 
dtlamer.zip    37668 08-05-2024 -     --ķ
                                .%&$ d0UBL tR0UBL $&%.
                                |.#&$ PR0UDL PRSTS $&#.
                                ~-_.%& dtLAMR 1.1 &%._-~
                                :> tH LMRKiCKR 4 R 2.x <
                                 .%&$ iT'S FRWR $&%. 
dtquest.zip    43706 08-05-2024 --    
                                |q$b d0UBL tR0UBL'96 d$p
                                 --      --Ĵ
                                 &.&. dtQUST 1.2 .&.&. 
                                $ 4 R - 4 Y0U $ܳ
                                &~WUSR QUSTi0iR~&
                                !b LiGhTBR ' RULZ d!
                                .$p KWL GX & -iG q$.|
                                :&%.>  MiLWR!   <.%&
dtroum.zip     60224 08-05-2024         d0UBL tR0UBL
                                 =              =
                                        dtR0UM0R 1.O       
                                 add your roumors and funny 
                                  lines with an oneliner-   
                                      alike interface!      
                                  display those lines in a  
                                 random order in your menus 
                                   - CTLfile - MAiLWARE -   
dtuser.zip     42002 08-05-2024  
                                 .%&$$& dtUSR 1.0 &$$&%. :
                                . "!b    d!" |
                                 .#p\_/~ MiLWR ~\_/q#.
                                .    -
dtwoh10a.zip   24890 08-05-2024 -   -Ŀ
                                /.%& d0UBL tR0UBL &%.\
                                  -- -
duedit10.zip   60293 08-05-2024 
                                :/\_____  \/\________  \/\_____  \::L:
                                :\/\  \/\  \/\  \\  \\  \/\  \_\ a\::::
                                ::\ \  \ \  \ \  \\m \\  \ \   __  \:::
                                :::\ \d \_\  \ \  \\  \\  \ \  \ \  \::
                                ::::\ \______/\ \__\\__\\__\ \__\ \__\:
                                |              DUEdit 1.0             |
                                :                                     :
                                :       Change User Settings Door     :
                                :             With EXE cfg            :
                                :          Coded by Confusion         : :.
                                .: `============EXPECTMORE============'
dvselect.zip   50267 08-05-2024               _______  _______   ,----,
                                       _______\______\|     _/   |    |
                                 DvS  /         /    \\     \___ |    |
                                 ,-- /_________/______\        / `----'
                                 `--[- [DVS] RuLEZ!-]--\      /--,----,,
                                 ,---------> pRESENTs: \____/   `----'|
                                 |    DVS!  " Select Area/Group "      |
                                 |                                     |
                                 |                                     |
                                 |    DVSelect reas and groups...    |
                                 |    Easy instalation Cool ANSi      |
                                 |    Select Files and Messages!      |
                                 |    Version final 2.1               |
                                 |                                     |
                                 |  Coded By Devil                     |
                                             Bug Fixed! ;)
dvsliner.zip   67669 08-05-2024               _______  _______   ,----,
                                       _______\______\|     _/   |    |
                                 DvS  /         /    \\     \___ |    |
                                 ,-- /_________/______\        / `----'
                                 `--[- [DVS] RuLEZ!-]--\      /--,----,,
                                 ,---------> pRESENTs: \____/   `----'|
                                 |    DEViL " DVSLiNERZ "              |
                                 |                                     |
                                 |                                     |
                                 |    Linerz for Remote axs 2.xx      |
                                 |    Very easy instalation           |
                                 |    New generation of linerz        |
                                 |                                     |
                                 |                                     |
                                 |  Coded By Devil                     |
dvslogin.zip   37715 08-05-2024               _______  _______   ,----,
                                _______\______\|     _/   |    |
                                DvS  /         /    \\     \___ |    |
                                ,-- /_________/______\        / `----'
                                `--[- [DVS] RuLEZ!-]--\      /--,----,,
                                ,---------> pRESENTs: \____/   `----'|
                                |    dVs!  " dVs! Login for ra"       |
                                |                                     |
                                |                                     |
                                |    Full Customized Login !         |
                                |    For RemoteAxs 2.02 or 2.50      |
                                |    Thiz Version is Restrict !      |
                                |      (see the file login.doc)       |
                                |                                     |
                                |  Coded By Devil                     |
dvsnewz.zip    48176 08-05-2024               _______  _______   ,----,
                                       _______\______\|     _/   |    |
                                 DvS  /         /    \\     \___ |    |
                                 ,-- /_________/______\        / `----'
                                 `--[- [DVS] RuLEZ!-]--\      /--,----,,
                                 ,---------> pRESENTs: \____/   `----'|
                                 |    dVs!  " Newz Generator"          |
                                 |                                     |
                                 |                                     |
                                 |    Coolest program for news !      |
                                 |    Easy instalation !              |
                                 |    Version [SHAREWARE]             |
                                 |    Read 1st NEWS.DOC               |
                                 |                                     |
                                 |  Coded By Devil                     |
dwall201.zip   13710 08-05-2024 [DEMENTIA] 
                                    ۲   ۲ 
                                       ۲    ۲ 
                                       ۲    ۲ 
                                       ۲    ۲ 
                                     ۲    ۲ 
                                [DMA presents]Ŀ 
                                ij    DWALL v2.01        
                                     A Fun-Wall For RA       
                                     New Wall Featuring      
                                ij   Code By Valocity   ڳĿ 
dwallxo.zip    19866 08-05-2024 .::::::::DEMENTIA::::::::.
                                ...:_/ |\  \:.::/ \:.::/  _|   \:...
                                ...:/   |-\  \::/    \:///___    \:...
                                .../    |--\  \:/      \__/    /      \...
                                ...|    |---)  \/        Y \    \      /...
                                ...|    |--/   /      \_/   \    \    /:...
                                ...|    |-/   /        |     \__.\__/:...
                                ...:\___|____/\________|      /bld:::...
                                ...:           : DWALL X.0 :           :...
                                ...:                                   :...
                                ...:  JUST ANOTHER FUN-WALL FOR RA..   :...
                                ...:  prepare for DaMNaTioN releases   :...
dwrinfo.zip     1743 08-05-2024 .::::::::DEMENTIA::::::::.
                                ...:_/ |\  \:.::/ \:.::/  _|   \:...
                                ...:/   |-\  \::/    \:///___    \:...
                                .../    |--\  \:/      \__/    /      \...
                                ...|    |---)  \/        Y \    \      /...
                                ...|    |--/   /      \_/   \    \    /:...
                                ...|    |-/   /        |     \__.\__/:...
                                ...:\___|____/\________|      /bld:::...
                                ...:           : DRWINFO   :           :...
                                ...:    INFO UPDATE FOR RUMOUR-DOOR    :...
                                ...:    AND FOR DWALL .. GET THOSE     :...
                                ...:     BABES ONLINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :...
dxlame2.zip   207375 08-05-2024             
                                <> DiMeNSioN X <>            
                                ____________  ___            
                                \______ \\   \/  /            
                                 |    |  \\     /             
                                 |    |   \/     \             
                                /_______  //___/\  \            
                                > LamerKiller 2.o <            
                                Fuck those biguglysoneofabitch            
                                This door for RA 2.xx does it            
                                all! It'll detect a lamer in a            
                                lamer list, drop carrier and            
                                lock 'em out forever!            
                                Or even delete them!            
                                + Delete Option Now Works.                 
                                + Lamer Will Be Locked-Out!                
                                + Self Definable Ansi.                     
                                + Nice Config Program Added.               
                                Now2 Nice Utils Included.            
                                + Pleed & Report 1.o                       
                                  (Pleed or Report a Lamer)                
                                This you GOT to have on yar            
                                   The Ultimate Lamer Killer               
dxlast1.zip    83800 08-05-2024             
                                <> DiMeNSioN X <>            
                                ____________  ___            
                                \______ \\   \/  /            
                                 |    |  \\     /             
                                 |    |   \/     \             
                                /_______  //___/\  \            
                                > LastCallers 1.o <            
                                This door for RA 2.xx will            
                                show you the lastcallers of            
                                that day!            
                                Hidden? No Display!            
                                10.000 callers? You just get an            
                                More? (Y/n) prompt! So your            
                                users can see ALL callers!            
                                Cewl baud stats!            
                                This you GOT to have on yar            
                                 The Ultimate LastCallers Door             
                                Coding: Jungleboy            
efc_21fong.zip   31807 08-05-2024 ߲߱߱ ߲ ߱
                                     ߲  ۲   ߲     
                                 .:: ::::::::::. 
                                :                    :
                                [:.::..::. .:..::::::.:]
                                excessive force
                                           p h o n g           
                                  realtime ansi phong shading  
                                      for ra 2.50/pb 2.10+     
                                  -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-
efc_21list.zip   42051 08-05-2024 ߲߱߱ ߲ ߱
                                     ߲  ۲   ߲     
                                 .:: ::::::::::. 
                                :                    :
                                [:.::..::. .:..::::::.:]
                                excessive force
                                        excess!list v1.0       
                                    lightbar controlled bbs    
                                   lister, 100% configurable.  
                                  3 example configs included!  
                                    coded by paranoid man!     
                                  -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-
efc_ent3.zip   70683 08-05-2024 ߲߱߱ ߲ ߱
                                     ߲  ۲   ߲     
                                 .:: ::::efc'96. 
                                :             lives! :
                                [:.::..::. .:..::::::.:]
                                EXCESSIVE FORCE
                                         KickEnter 3.0         
                                   ra/pb rolling enter prompt  
                                 enter prompt with moreprompt, 
                                     pcb codes decoder and     
                                        random prompting       
                                [35m*Leeched on SiLK!!
emp_2dulst.zip   17241 08-05-2024 
emp_ul16.zip   96150 08-05-2024     
                                    ۲۲   ۲
                                  tHE EMPiRE PRoUDLY PRESEnTZ: 
                                    EMPiRE  UsERLiST   
                                     vERSiON 1.60  (for RA)    
                                   AN UsERLiST 4 yOUR BB$ !    
                                   WiTH bRANDNEW TECHNiQUES!   
                                     THiZ iS aN iMPORTANT      
                                  uTiLiTiE 4 aLL RA SySTEMZ !  
                                  KEWL FeaTuRES & KEWL ANSiS ! 
                                 FREEWARE! FREEWARE! FREEWARE! 
entah.zip      38394 08-05-2024 -[ RoLLiNG eNTeR PRoMPT ]-
                                 -[MaDe By THuNDeRHaWK]-
exd_2dclog.zip    8528 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 DGiN        XCaLBuR 
                                  eXD-LoGCuTTeR V1.0  겲
                                  a GeNeRiC LoGCuTTeR FoR aLL 
                                  TeXTBaSeD LoGS you CaN CuT  
                                  iT To SPeCiFieD NuMBeR oF   
                                         LiNeS oR KB'S        
                                      -=> KiLL HiRoSCHiRaC <=-      
                                1 oF 1
exd_2dcuon.zip    2125 08-05-2024 
exd_2dstuf.zip    5140 08-05-2024 
ex_2denter.zip    4162 08-05-2024  ۲
                                  ܲ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ 
                                  ۱ ۲  ۲ ۲۲ ޲ 
                                  ۰  ۱۲ ۲  
                                   ۲ ۲   
                                  ۲ ۲ ۲߱ ۲  ۲
                                  ۱  ۲  ޲
                                 ۱ ߰    ߲ ߲ ۲۱
                                          % eXPeRieNCe %          
                                   3 very nice entha prompts for  
                                         remote axxs 2.xx         
ex_2dmail1.zip    2769 08-05-2024 
                                     VRY NiC & FAST  
                                     FORRA [RG'ONLY] 
                                   PASSD DA WONDRFUL 
                                    -=* MiCROBBS *=-  
ez_2darea.zip   19847 08-05-2024  -Ware! * RudeSoft (c) [tm] '98
                                 > Ez-Area v0.27 <
                                 a GREAT util to change your   
                                 area-names the real easy way  
                                 your sysop-life will never be 
                                 the same.. it RULES! trust me 
e_2ddisc.zip   37777 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 tAK۲ ۲        
                                  ޱ  ۱  ޲             
                                 ޲   ۰   ޱܲ           
                                    ۲   ް           
                                 ۲ ۲             
                                           C0D: NTiTY           
                                   C0M0N  tAK  tH  'S      
                                 -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-       
e_2delite2.zip    7832 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  ------ --+-------- --      
                                 ----   -  -|       (__)        
                                 :-- -:  $$$    U  $$$$            
                                 $$$$"$$$$  |--  --,  $$$$$$$$$   
                                 $$$$$$$$$ $$$$ $$$$  :-  --      
                                 $$$$      $$$$      $$$$$$$$$  :-- 
                                  -.  $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$    
                                 -  --:  $$$$.$$$$ $$$$.$$$$     
                                 $$$$.$$$$  .-  -:                
                                 :--  --:  TTe CopyShite(C) 1996 
                                 - 1997   :-  --+  ---   -   -- 
                                 ---- -----  ------  ---[     
                                 DaTE :12/11/96 ]-- --  ----  --  
                                 :-  -:   The New TTe eLiTe ascii 
                                 Code  |-- -       Generator!     
                                 Will impress    -   --.  You   
                                 With wikid Fading e'fects  --     
                                 -,          and animation          
                                 .--  --:           [] KaM []   
                                 :-  --|                          
                                 |-   -+[ fReeWaRE LiKE AlwAyz 
                                 ]-  ------ -= WRL0RD'S        
                                 BTTLFiLD =-                     
e_2dlame02.zip   84850 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 tAK۲ ۲        
                                  ޱ  ۱  ޲             
                                 ޲   ۰   ޱܲ           
                                    ۲   ް           
                                 ۲ ۲  tAG  tAG   
                                 A TAG / TT PR0DUCTi0N!           
                                       LAMR CHCKR V0.2        
                                  C0M0N  tAK  tH  'S        
                                 -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-       
e_2dmail4.zip    4491 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                    ۲ ۰۲     
                                 ۲۲   ۱         
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲   ۰ 
                                   ۱  ۱  ۱     
                                   ۱ ۱  ۱  
                                 ۱     ۱ ۰ ߱ 
                                 ۰  ۰  ۰    ۰  
                                       TAKE  THE  E'S!  
                                         eCSTACY mAIL sCANNER v4 
                                 ۲ ۱                              
                                              aOTHER oNE!        
                                         tHE cREATOR / kAMAKASI  
                                 ۱ ۱                               
                                       AN ECSTACY         
                                 PRODUCION      ۱               
                                  -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD   
e_2dmenu2.zip    4744 08-05-2024       kAMTTe  /\  WHQ +44(o)118_9626_026
                                 ------ --+-------- --   ----   -
                                   -|       (__)                      :--
                                    -:  $$$    U  $$$$      $$$$"$$$$  |--
                                  --,  $$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ $$$$ $$$$  :-
                                  --   $$$$      $$$$      $$$$$$$$$  :--
                                  -.  $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$        -
                                 --:  $$$$.$$$$ $$$$.$$$$ $$$$.$$$$  .- 
                                    -:                                 :--
                                  --:  TTe CopyShite(C) 1996 - 1997   :-
                                  --+  ---   -   -- ---- -----  ------
                                  ---[ DaTE :06/11/96 ]-- --  ----  --
                                 --|                                 :-
                                   -:          - BBs MeNUS -          |--
                                    -                                   -
                                  --.     SoRTa eLiTe / KeWL MeNUs!    --
                                    -,    FoR ALL Ya FiRST TiMe SYZoS  .--
                                  --:           [] KaM []           :-
                                  --|                                 |- 
                                  -+[ fReeWaRE LiKE AlwAyz ]-  ------
e_2dmtnd2.zip   36737 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 tAK۲ ۲        
                                  ޱ  ۱  ޲             
                                 ޲   ۰   ޱܲ           
                                    ۲   ް           
                                 ۲ ۲             
                                 MeSSy To NeXT DeWd 1.0.2          
                                       GeNeRaLY MuCH BeTTeR       
                                      AnSi MatIoNs (MENU)         
                                  C0M0N  tAK  tH  'S        
                                 -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-       
fake10.zip     40197 08-05-2024         Ŀ
                                 F  A  K  E   -   1.0 
                                |CoDeD By : THUNDERHAWK |
                                |A FAKE DooRWaY FoR RA  |
                                2.0+ DoWNLoAD iT NoW!!!
                                LeT THe BBS HaCKeRS    
                                THiNK THeY aRe iN YouR 
                                MS-DOS 6.2 (Nederlands)
fanmail.zip     8208 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                  FUCKING ANARCHIST NUTTERZ PRESENTZ   
                                   A NEW MAIL SCAN DOR REMOTE AXXESS   
                                    W M 뀒  M XX   
                                      !KEWL FAN MAIL FOR SYSOPZ!       
                                  From The Fuckin' Anarchist Nutterz.  
                                  CHVD ND L_D' BY PC      
                                  PD TH0UGH P0PHT 0 G BB  
                                 P  WN (01XXX)D韟 :) 
fastinf2.zip   49024 08-05-2024 Ļ
                                 Fastinfo v2.0.1 
                                 (c)Copyright 1996 Dimension X 
                                This RA 2.0x door will show your 
                                users all they want to know about
                                them and the BBS!                
                                 Totaly new layout!!            
                                 Configurable language files!   
                                 Totaly FREEWARE!               
                                 Also eLiTe!!!                  
                                 Just try it! And love it! 
                                 Download it NOW! 
faston12.zip   35279 08-05-2024 [THe FouR GiVeS You]Ŀ
                                 FaST LoGoN V1.2        
                                THiS iS oNe oF THa FiRST
                                FiRST aSKS FoR a FaST   
                                LoGoN, aND iF No iS     
                                SeLeCTeD THeN THa uSeR  
                                CaN MaKe iTS oWN LoGoN  
                                WiTH oNLY WHaT He oNeS  
                                SaVeS THeM TiMe aND CaSH
                                aND MaKeS Da uSeRS HaPPY
                                [MaDe BY M.P.]
fa_21_2dblue.zip    4224 08-05-2024 
                                   fREAKY aCADEMY '96   
                                  pR0UDLY pRESENTS 
                                      bLUE cHECKER  
                                   a NiCE mAiLSCAN 
                                       f0R rA 2.xx   
                                     bY sHEEP^fA! 
fa_21_2den_231.zip    6130 08-05-2024      
                                    fREAKY aCADEMY    
                                       ] eNTA-pR0MPTS [       
                                   tHiS tiME 3 diFFERENT sTYLED   
                                    eNTER pR0MPTS iN 3 c0L0RS.    
                                     f0R rA'S lANGUAGE fiLE.      
                                   d0NE bY sHEEP oF fA!   
fa_21_2den_2d1.zip    5350 08-05-2024      
                                    fREAKY aCADEMY    
                                       ] eNTA-pR0MPTS [       
                                   tHiS tiME 3 diFFERENT sTYLED   
                                    eNTER pR0MPTS iN 3 c0L0RS.    
                                     f0R rA'S lANGUAGE fiLE.      
                                   d0NE bY sHEEP oF fA!   
fa_21_2dgrey.zip    4188 08-05-2024      
                                    fREAKY aCADEMY    
                                         ] gREYSCAN [         
                                   a vERY niCE nEWMAiL aNiMATi0N  
                                   iN gREY dESiGN! lEECH iT n0W!  
                                   d0NE bY sHEEP oF fA!   
fa_21_2dinfo.zip   34166 08-05-2024    
                                   FREAKY ACADEMY RELEASE !   
                                 Leech this little tool to    
                                 make your releases look much 
                                 Cu !                      
                                 CoDED BY ONi^FA^XTRM  
                                   -( ansi diz stripped )-
fa_21_2djell.zip    4067 08-05-2024 
                                 , a$$$$$$$$$$$,a$$$$$"$$$$n. .
                                ,a $:.:.$$ `$$$$'$.:.:$ $.:.:$ $Fa.
                                $$ $:::::$  `' $::::$ $::::$ $$$$
                                $$ $iiiii$ ,i,   $iiii$%$iiii$ $$$$
                                $$ $IIIII$%$$$   $IIII$ $IIII$, $$$
                                $$ $PPPPP$',aaa. $PPPP$ `$PPPP$n $$
                                $$" FReaKY aCaDeMY PReSeNTs :  "$$
                                ::'  a nEW fUCKiNG tH*DRaW fONt `::
                                ii   dONe bY aN aNONym0US aNSi   ii
                                II cREAtOr... jELLY!... a rEAlly II
                                PP   sLiMEy fONt vOMitEd bY **!  PP
fa_21_2dla.zip    5747 08-05-2024 
                                   fREAKY aCADEMY   
                                  pR0UDLY pRESENTS  
                                 a l0G0FF aNiMATi0N 
                                     f0R rA 2.xx    
                                 bY sHEEP^fA!
fa_21_2dlc11.zip    5303 08-05-2024              
                                  fREAKY aCADEMY'96 
                                  wE aRE pR0UD t0 pRESENT a nEW rELEASE
                                       [ lEVEL cHECKER v1.1 ]     
                                   c0MPLETE aNSi-dRiVEN lEVEL cHECKER 
                                   f0R rA. eNJ0Y!                      
                                       bY sHEEP
                                         -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-
fa_21_2drip.zip    5434 08-05-2024 
                                 fREAKY aCADEMY '96 
                                 a f0RMER diST-siTE 
                                  oF fA! riPPED a   
                                  t00L oF twIsTed.  
                                  rEAD tHE fACTS.   
                                 [eNGLiSH tEXTFiLE] 
                                bY sHEEP^fA!
fa_21_2dscan.zip    3888 08-05-2024 
                                   fREAKY aCADEMY '96   
                                 pR0UDLY pRESENTS 
                                    mAiLSCANNER v1.o 
                                  a kEWL nEWMAILSCAN
                                       f0R rA 2.xx    
                                  bY sHEEP^fA!   
fe_2dls20.zip   13382 08-05-2024     Ŀ                        Ŀ
                                Ŀ _________/\__.______/\__Ŀ Ŀ
                                  |0   --  |     -  ||  
                                       ||         '|         ;|    
                                       |:    \\____|    \\____|    
                                       |     ___|o      .____|    
                                       |.    :|  |;      /   :|    
                                       |     |  |.          |    
                                       |.  ___|  |______/\_   |    
                                        \_/                \_/     
                                         0   Login v.oo    0      
                                         !                  !      
                                         :   KiCKiN' ANSi   :      
                                   |        LoGiN SeQueNCe        |
                                   :             4 Ra             :
                                          Based on RAT-AL10
fe_2dnu10.zip    4260 08-05-2024     Ŀ                        Ŀ
                                Ŀ _________/\__.______/\__Ŀ Ŀ
                                  |0   --  |     -  ||  
                                       ||         '|         ;|    
                                       |:    \\____|    \\____|    
                                       |     ___|o      .____|    
                                       |.    :|  |;      /   :|    
                                       |     |  |.          |    
                                       |.  ___|  |______/\_   |    
                                        \_/                \_/     
                                         0 NeW uSeR QueSSY! 0      
                                         !      V1.oo       !      
                                         :   KiCKiN' ANSi   :      
                                   |           NeW uSeR           |
                                   :      QueSTioNNaiRe 4 Ra      :
fe_2dnu20.zip   19002 08-05-2024     Ŀ                        Ŀ
                                Ŀ _________/\__.______/\__Ŀ Ŀ
                                  |0   --  |     -  ||  
                                       ||         '|         ;|    
                                       |:    \\____|    \\____|    
                                       |     ___|o      .____|    
                                       |.    :|  |;      /   :|    
                                       |     |  |.          |    
                                       |.  ___|  |______/\_   |    
                                        \_/                \_/     
                                         0 NeW uSeR QueSSY! 0      
                                         !      V.oo       !      
                                         :   KiCKiN' ANSi   :      
                                   |           NeW uSeR           |
                                   :      QueSTioNNaiRe 4 Ra      :
fhandle.zip    16776 08-05-2024                        [RA]
                                    ۲  ߲
                                 ۰߲ܰܲ    ߲ܱ۲߲ܱܰܰ
                                                         ߱ ߲
                                 XPRESS MOddiNG PRESENtS fOR YOU... ޲
                                   This changes all the realnames in
                                   the RA filebase into handles.
                                   Sorry for the german only docs.
                                   Freeware by X-press modding.
filezrat.zip   44737 08-05-2024   ߰   ߰ ߰ ߰ ۰
                                ~~~  ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~    ~~
                                   The FilezRatio v1.1 for RA v2.x
                                 FilezRatio is a little nice tool that
                                giff the User a complete know about his
                                 filezratio in number _and_ graphic !
                                NEW: StartUpScreen _complete_ removed !
                                 Animated graphics! Animationspeed can
                                set by the SysOp! If it's reg. it will
                                 display an external FilezRat.a* ! :-)
                                     FilezRatio is _not_ a ANSI !
                                        Regfee : only a CM ! :)
                                       ! SupportSites needed !
                                      ! Packed with RAR v2.0 !
fld175.zip     62939 08-05-2024 ͸
                                    FLD fr DOS + OS/2    ۲
                                       Version 1.75       ۲
                                 - FLD bindet Diffs von File-     
                                   listen ein. Somit sind die     
                                   Listen immer auf dem neuesten  
                                   Stand. (fr Points und Nodes)  
                                 - FLD generiert Diffs der        
                                   eigenen Fileliste. (fr Nodes) 
                                   Automatisierung incl.          
                                   (C) 1997 by Mark Eggenstein    
                                         & Thomas W. Mller       
floginv2.zip   99052 08-05-2024         Final-
                                 LOGiN MATRiX FOR RA 2.xx  
                                ! ACHTUNG ! Not for American Lamerz!
frat101.zip    70873 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                FRAtio 1.01 fr RA 2.0x             
                                *Die moderne Ratio-Door              
                                 -Jetzt 3 Layouts dabei              
                                  (2 "normal", eins fr FATAL!RA)    
                                 -Animierte Enter-Prompts fr        
                                  "normale" Layouts                  
                                *Erweiterte Funktionen mit FATAL!RA  
                                 -Informationen ber nchsten Level  
                                 -Darstellung der letzten 30 Tage    
                                *In 5 Minuten installiert !          
freax_2d01.zip    4675 08-05-2024                    ܱ 
                                  ۲ ۱ ۱     ۱ ߱ ߱ 
                                            ۰     ߱
                                      pr s  t s   :         
                                  wmls 簞mts(gg)
                                  !!! Kwl lk     s t stll !!!
                                hz s  st ls, j t !!!
                                       ls  13.09.1995 ..
freedl02.zip   35685 08-05-2024  /(______________/\_____________)\
                                .\_____  \____  _/\____    ____   \_
                                |   _:/  _/ ___   \_ |/      |/    /
                                |    |    \_ |/    / |    /  |    /:
                                ==========( R A D D )======[JIG]
                                   REMOTE ACCESS DOOR DEVELOPMENT
                                          'FREE DL VO.O2'
                                SET THE 'FREEDL' FLAG FOR ALL FILES
                                   IN ONE OR MORE SELECTED AREAS
                                 THIS TOOL FIXES THE RA INTERN BUG
                                 WHEN A FILEAREA IS SET TO FREE DL!
                                        FREEWARE AS EVER BY:
                                         IV TRACKS^ArT^RaDD
fs_mail.zip     9065 08-05-2024 <$uCDe$FRee$WHYNTKLLYuR$eLF?>
                                 a FuCKiNGKeWL Ra MaiL SCaNNeR!!!
                                        WiTH NiCe eFFeCTS
                                --------SP HoMePaGe---------
ftag10.zip    146786 08-05-2024     Online-Filetagger fuer RA 2.*
                                           FILETAG V 1.0
                                  - Online komfortabel Gruppen und
                                    Areas wechseln
                                  - Auswahllisten mit Rollbalken-
                                  - suchen nach neuen Files
                                  - suchen nach Dateinamen
                                  - suchen nach Stichworten
                                  - viele interessante Features
                                  - einfache Installation mit einem
                                    eigenen Installationsprogramm
                                  - 45-Tage-Testkey requestbar
ftlmod.zip     10678 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  MSTR F DSSTR  
                                  Proudly Presents:   
                                  w FuCkG         
                                      TRPRMPTS   ڴ
                                   4 FTL!R       
                                Dstrbute by M.I.S.C.
fz_2dfs10.zip   24500 08-05-2024 [?7h[255D[2C[0;36mַַַķҷ
                                [0m[1;36m ǽֽ  Ӻ[37m
                                [36mF[0;36mREE-[1mS[0;36mPACE [1mv[35m1[37
                                .[35m0 [37mĿ
                                [0m[1;30m-- [0m[1m[0m[1;30m
                                [0m[1m[0m[1;30m- [0m[1m[0m[1;30m-
                                   [36mN[0;36mice [1mU[0;36mtil [1mT[0;36m
                                 [36mS[0;36mpace [1mO[0;36mn [1mD[0;36mrives.
                                [1mN[0;36mice [1mL[0;36mayout [1mA[0;36mnd
                                [1mANSI G[0;36mraphics[1m!   [37m
                                [0m[1;30m [34mB[0;34my [1mT[0;34mh
                                [1mT[0;34mhought[1m! I[0;34mn [1m1[0;34m99[1m6
gil_2drcrc.zip   35679 08-05-2024 DI ۱ ۱ ۱     ۱  ۱
                                    ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱  ۱
                                 pRSenTieRt     \|/?    [22.07.1996]
                                <====[o1 oF o1]=============================>
                                  RA/RENEGADE BBS PASSWORD HACKER V1.0 BY SHS
gl_2dlcall.zip   36713 08-05-2024   ܲ  ܲ ܲ  ܲ  ܲܲ ܰ 
                                ߲ܱ߲߰ܲ߱۲ ߱۲ ߲۲[RA]۲
                                    ۲  ߲
                                ۰߲ܰܲ    ߲ܱ۲߲ܱܰܰ
                                                         ߱ ߲
                                 XPRESS MOddiNG PRESENtS fOR YOU... ޲
                                    RA LAStCAllERS REPlACEMENt    
                                            bY GRENDEl            
gl_2dnote.zip   31982 08-05-2024   ܲ  ܲ ܲ  ܲ  ܲܲ ܰ  
                                ߲ܱ߲߰ܲ߱۲ ߱۲ ߲[dOOR]
                                    ۲  ߲
                                ۰߲ܰܲ    ߲ܱ۲߲ܱܰܰ
                                                         ߱ ߲
                                 XPRESS MOddiNG PRESENtS fOR YOU... ޲
                                        xPRESS NOtE v1.0         
                                  for: RA/RBBS/QUiCk/PCB15/fORCE  
                                            bY GRENdEl            
gl_2dnuq.zip   14602 08-05-2024   ܲ  ܲ ܲ  ܲ  ܲܲ ܰ  
                                ߲ܱ߲߰ܲ߱۲ ߱۲ ߲[RA]ݲ
                                    ۲  ߲
                                ۰߲ܰܲ    ߲ܱ۲߲ܱܰܰ
                                                         ߱ ߲
                                 XPRESS MOddiNG PRESENtS fOR YOU... ޲
                                   New User Questionaire for RA   
                                            bY Grendel            
gmac2006.zip   54425 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                 ˿ ˿ ˿ ˿ 
                                   ˿    δ       
                                     V 2.006 vom 12.11.1996     
                                     Das erste Tool das die      
                                 Messages Areas in RA 2.xx       
                                ͻ                      ͼ
                                         Areas taggen    
                                        Gruppen taggen   
                                         Areas lschen   
                                         Area einfgen   
                                        MIT BESONDERHEIT   
                                       Areas Sortierung  
                                      globale nderungen 
                                   ͼ                      ͻ
                                     Support von 65535 Areas  
                                   ͻ                     ͼ
                                 ͼ                     ͻ
                                      (c) D.Zimmer Software     
gm_font1.zip    3668 08-05-2024 The Green Mushroom ANSi Font 1
gm_font2.zip    4067 08-05-2024 The Green Mushroom ANSi font 2
gm_mid10.zip   30776 08-05-2024 ..$$$...$$$$.$$$.$.$$$$.j$$$.. $$$$$
                                : $$$ mmgysg $$$ $ $$$$ $$$$ :.$$$$$..
                                : $$$   $$$$ $$$   $$$$ $$$$mmm$$$$ :
                                : $$$   $$$$ $$$   $$$$ $$$$         :
                                : $$mmm$$*' $$   $$*' $$$         :
gm_scrol.zip   10817 08-05-2024 ..$$$...$$$$.$$$.$.$$$$.j$$$.. $$$$$
                                : $$$ mmgysg $$$ $ $$$$ $$$$ :.$$$$$..
                                : $$$   $$$$ $$$   $$$$ $$$$mmm$$$$ :
                                : $$$   $$$$ $$$   $$$$ $$$$         :
                                : $$mmm$$*' $$   $$*' $$$         :
gti_2ddc20.zip   17618 08-05-2024          -=:) Devils Chat v2.0 (:=-
                                             By: -=Devils Eye=-
                                    __ ____________  __________  __________  
                                ///_//_______    /_/    _    /_/_________/_/_
                                .-----/    \/_____/     /     /           /--
                                |::::/     /     /_____/     /           /:::
                                |:::/     /     /:::::/     /           /::::
                                   Start End ACiD for SysOp Chat.
                                   For Use 0n RemoteAccess vX.XX
                                   Rating []
                                   Type   [RA ANIM]
                                   SizE   [4.6 Kb]
                                   GrEETz t0 ll GTI MemberS!
gti_2dns30.zip   19234 08-05-2024         -=:) NewMail Scan v3.0 (:=-
                                             By: -=Devils Eye=-
                                    __ ____________  __________  __________  
                                ///_//_______    /_/    _    /_/_________/_/_
                                .-----/    \/_____/     /     /           /--
                                |::::/     /     /_____/     /           /:::
                                |:::/     /     /:::::/     /           /::::
                                   NewMail Scan ANiMATiON for RA vX.XX
                                   Rating []
                                   Type   [RA ANIM]
                                   SizE   [25.4 Kb]
                                   GrEETz t0 ll GTI MemberS!
gti_2dts20.zip   17975 08-05-2024         -=:) Telefone Scan v2.0 (:=-
                                             By: -=Devils Eye=-
                                    __ ____________  __________  __________  
                                ///_//_______    /_/    _    /_/_________/_/_
                                .-----/    \/_____/     /     /           /--
                                |::::/     /     /_____/     /           /:::
                                |:::/     /     /:::::/     /           /::::
                                   AnotHER Telefone Scan for RemoteAccess vX.
                                   Rating []
                                   Type   [RA ANIM]
                                   SizE   [6.9 Kb]
                                   GrEETz t0 ll GTI MemberS!
ha_2dnewm.zip    6138 08-05-2024 
                                    tHiZ iS THe   
                                    FroM HaMMeR   
                                    LEECH NOW ... 
                                      LEFT BY 
                                     HAMMER BBS 
ha_2dnewm1.zip    8689 08-05-2024 
                                    tHiZ iS The   
                                    FroM HaMMeR   
                                    LEECH NOW ... 
                                      LEFT BY 
                                     HAMMER BBS 
hokuspok.zip   17215 08-05-2024  ͻ
                                  HOKUSPOK ist ein Freeware-Tool 
                                  fr RemoteAccess-Sysops. Hier- 
                                  mit ist es mglich,  ein ANSI- 
                                  Bild zu erzeugen, das dem User 
                                  einen persnlichen "Horoskop"- 
                                  text prsentiert. Mit ausfhr- 
                                  licher Anleitung !             
                                  Freeware ! (C) VVS Berlin 5/97 
hook_21ays.zip   10242 08-05-2024  
                                       The A.Y.S Hooker 1.0     
                                       Manages the modem OH     
hpn_2ddo1.zip   45774 08-05-2024  __.___:\_________________.__  ___
                                |  | / | \__. \_ . \ .\   (__)/ ._|p
                                |  _ \__. \ __/  |  \| \/ /  Y  |__a
                                |__!______/_|:|__|_ /__/  \__!____/x
                                 |    BBS Download Cycler V 1.0   |
                                 |      by dEADliNER/hYPNOtiC     |
hpn_2dpag.zip   42593 08-05-2024  __.___:\_________________.__  ___
                                |  | / | \__. \_ . \ .\   (__)/ ._|p
                                |  _ \__. \ __/  |  \| \/ /  Y  |__a
                                |__!______/_|:|__|_ /__/  \__!____/x
                                 |STYLE PAGER V1.0 FOR any BBS    |
                                 |       by zELtoR/hYPNOtiC       |
hr_2dlog2.zip    4899 08-05-2024                      [RA]
                                            LoGIN FoR RA
                                                        ^ ReG OnlY       
                                       -= FREEWARE! =- WaS SoNST ;)
                                         [ RElEASED : 17-11-96 ]
                                       Hatch by Contaminated Network
hr_mail1.zip    4189 08-05-2024 
hs_2dalt_2dl.zip    5334 08-05-2024        HS-ALT-L.ZiP
                                | HABS STYLE R.A+ ۲|
                                 KiCK USER MiT ANiMATiON 
                                |  WER SiCH NiCHT AN DiE  |
                                 REGELN HALTEN KANN MUSS 
                                 NUN MAL ERMAHNT WERDEN  
                                        FEB: 1996        
                                   FREEWARE    ۲
hs_2dansis.zip   10068 08-05-2024         
                                      HBS STYL R      
                                |  FUR UR ANSiSCRNS  |
                                |    MSSG.S/SC    |
                                    PSSD 06871/5545    
hs_2dbadpw.zip    8498 08-05-2024           
                                   T         T
                                   o       o
                                   P       P
                                  fOR REMOT ACCESS  ſ
                                   ERSCHEiNT WENN EiN   
                                ۳   USER MEHRMALS SEiN   ۳
                                   PASSWoRT VERGESSEN   
                                   HATTE AUF'M SCREEN   
                                 Ŀ   -FREEWARE-   
                                  ͳHOLGiS ABSͳ
hs_2dblitz.zip    9787 08-05-2024           
                                   T         T
                                   o       o
                                   P       P
                                  fOR REMOT ACCESS+ ſ
                                -SAUBERE EFFEKTANiMS!-
                                ۳    -----------     ۳
                                   - GooDBYE BoNUS -  
                                   -SAUG MiCH JETZT-  
                                 Ŀ   -FREEWARE-   
                                  ͳHOLGiS ABSͳ
hs_2dboey.zip   10625 08-05-2024           
                                   T         T
                                   o       o
                                   P       P
                                  fOR REMOT ACCESS+ ſ
                                -EiN LoGiN DER SEiNES-
                                ۳-GLEiCHEN NoCH SUCHT!-۳
                                 -EiNFACH BoAH EYYY-  
                                  -SAUG MiCH JETZT-   
                                 Ŀ   -FREEWARE-   
                                  ͳHOLGiS ABSͳ
hs_2dbrea1.zip   10108 08-05-2024   Break for Chat Ansi Nr.1
                                  |      HS-BREA1       |
                                    fOR RMOT CCSS  
                                      BREAK FoR ChAT     
                                      ANiMATiON BEiM     
                                     DRCKEN VON ALT-C   
                                   GENiALER ANiM-EFFEKT  
                                      SUG MiCH JTZT    
                                  |      FRWR       |
hs_2dbrea2.zip    5005 08-05-2024  Der BreakForChat berhaupt...!
                                  |      HS-BREA2       |
                                    fOR RMOT CCSS  
                                      BREAK FoR ChAT     
                                      ANiMATiON BEiM     
                                     DRCKEN VON ALT-C   
                                     MiT GENiALEM FoNT    
                                   DAS MuSS MAN HABEN B) 
                                      SUG MiCH JTZT    
                                  |      FRWR       |
hs_2dbreak.zip    5238 08-05-2024      Break for Chat Ansi
                                  |      HS-BREAK       |
                                    fOR RMOT CCSS  
                                      BREAK FoR ChAT     
                                      ANiMATiON BEiM     
                                     DRCKEN VON ALT-C   
                                    C00LER ANiM-EFFEKT   
                                      SUG MiCH JTZT    
                                  |      FRWR       |
hs_2dcolog.zip   12467 08-05-2024 Der beste Login aller Zeiten von HABS
                                |   HS-COLOG Nr.1    |
                                  fOR RMOT CCSS+ 
                                   HS-COLOG iST EiNE   
                                      ON SCRN       
                                    LOGiN VRiNT     
                                     MiT USRDATEN     
                                  UND GENiALEN ANIM'S  
                                 DER BESTE SEiNER ZEiT 
                                |      FRWR       |
                                  ToP LOGiN FrOM HABS  
hs_2ddatei.zip    5584 08-05-2024        
                                |      HS-Dti       |
                                  fOR RMOT CCSS  
                                 HS-Dti.ZIP iST iN 
                                   Di BSCHRiBUNGN  
                                   ANiMiRT ZU SCNN  
                                    SUG MiCH JTZT    
                                |      FRWR       |
                                  PSSD HOLGiS BS  
hs_2dfast.zip    4938 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  Hiermit knnen Deine 
                                  User entscheiden ob  
                                  Sie einen Fastlogon  
                                   oder lieber einen   
                                 normalen Logon in der 
                                      Box machen       
                                  Klein aber Fein ;-/  
hs_2dfast1.zip    5410 08-05-2024        HS-FAST1.ZiP
                                | HABS STYLE R.A+ ۲|
                                 FASTLoGoN iN DEiNE BBS  
                                |  USER KANN ENTSCHEiDEN  |
                                  OB ER INS DATENMENUE   
                                  ODER INS MESSAGEMENUE  |
                                | ODER usw  WECHSELN SOLL |
                                |  23 APRiL 19HUNNERT96   |
                                   FREEWARE    ۲
hs_2dfast3.zip    4848 08-05-2024   HS-FAST2.ZiP Fastlogin ohne Door.... Saug
                                | HABS STYLE R.A+ ۲|
                                 FASTLoGoN iN DEiNE BBS  
                                |  USER KANN ENTSCHEiDEN  |
                                  WiE ER SiCH EiNLoGGT   
                                  KEiN DooR MENuE+ANSi   |
                                |    IHTS CUHWL MHN      |
                                |  27 JUHNi 19HUNNERT96   |
                                   FREEWARE    ۲
hs_2dfile.zip    5373 08-05-2024 
                                |      HS-FiL        |
                                  fOR RMOT CCSS  
                                   HS-FiLE iST iN    
                                    NTT GRFiSCH    
                                    LiSt FiL NiM     
                                    SUG MiCH JTZT    
                                |      FRWR       |
                                  PSSD HOLGiS BS  
hs_2dfile1.zip    5762 08-05-2024         
                                 |     HS-FiL n1     
                                   fOR RMOT CCSS+ 
                                    HS-FiLE FiXD V.1   
                                     C00LE GRFiSCH    
                                     LiSt FiL NiM     
                                      NOCH SUBRR     
                                  !!!! UND GOiLER !!!!! 
                                     SUG MiCH JTZT    
                                 |      FRWR       |
                                   PSSD HOLGiS BS  
hs_2dfilef.zip    5544 08-05-2024        
                                |      HS-FiLF       |
                                  fOR RMOT CCSS  
                                   HS-FiLE FiXD V.    
                                    NTT GRFiSCH    
                                    LiSt FiL NiM     
                                     NOCH SUBRR     
                                    UND DTiLiRTR   
                                    SUG MiCH JTZT    
                                |      FRWR       |
                                  PSSD HOLGiS BS  
hs_2dfound.zip    5658 08-05-2024        
                                |       HS-FOUND      |
                                  fOR RMOT CCSS  
                                    ZiGT DM USR     
                                  TWAS NDERST DS    
                                 R POST BKOMMEN HT  
                                   iN NTTES DSIGN   
                                    SUG MiCH JTZT    
                                |      FRWR       |
                                  PSSD HOLGiS BS  
hs_2dfsear.zip    7562 08-05-2024           
                                   T         T
                                   o       o
                                   P       P
                                  fOR REMOT ACCESS+ ſ
                                  SUCHE NACH FiLENAMEN  
                                ۳  StYLE BLAUSCHATTEN  ۳
                                  FoNT NOPE THEDRAW  
                                  BoNUS BADuSER.ANS  
                                 Ŀ   -FREEWARE-   
                                  ͳHOLGiS ABSͳ
hs_2dfulo.zip    6908 08-05-2024        
                                |       HS-FULO       |
                                  fOR RMOT CCSS  
                                   HS-FULO iST iN     
                                 LOGiN iN iNM SCRN 
                                    SiHT NTT AUS     
                                    SUG MiCH JTZT    
                                |      FRWR       |
                                  PSSD HOLGiS BS  
hs_2dgeil.zip    8346 08-05-2024        
                                |       HS-GiL       |
                                  fOR RMOT CCSS  
                                   HS-GiL iST iN     
                                 LOGiN iN iNM SCRN 
                                    SiHT GiL AUS     
                                    SUG MiCH JTZT    
                                |      FRWR       |
                                  PSSD HOLGiS BS  
hs_2dgood.zip    6391 08-05-2024         
                                      HBS STYL R      
                                    GOODBY NiMTiON    
                                |                         |
                                  LOGGT DiN USR MiT   
                                | iNR NTTN NiMTiON  |
                                   US DiNR MiLBOX    
                                    PSSD 06871/5545    
hs_2dgood1.zip   10231 08-05-2024 GOODBYE ANIM FUER REMOTE ACCESS
                                        HBS STYL R      
                                      GOODBY NiMTiON    
                                    LOGGT DiN USR MiT   
                                  |  EiNR GOILE NiMTiON  |
                                     US DiNR MiLBOX    
                                      PSSD 06871/5545    
hs_2dguest.zip    7604 08-05-2024           HS-GUEST
                                  |      HS-GUEST       |
                                    fOR RMOT CCSS  
                                   VOLL ANIMIERTE LAUF-  
                                     SCHRIFT FUER DIE    
                                    GAESTE DEINER BBS   
                                      SUG MiCH JTZT    
                                  |      FRWR       |
hs_2dinf1.zip    8561 08-05-2024     iNFOS FUER DEiNE USER
                                  |   HS-iNF1  ۲ |
                                   iNFOANSi (ANiMATED) 
                                     ZEiGT DEN USERN   
                                   iNFORMATiONEN UEBER 
                                     iHREN BoXSTATUS   
                                     SAUG MiCH JETZT   
                                  |      FREEWARE       |
hs_2dinfo.zip    4637 08-05-2024          
                                      HBS STYL R+     
                                       NSi FUR R      
                                   ZiGT DM USR KLiN 
                                   iNFOS UBR SiCH UND  
                                        Di MiLBOX      
                                    !!SUG MiCH JTZT!!  
hs_2dkabon.zip    6998 08-05-2024           
                                   T         T
                                   o       o
                                   P       P
                                  fOR REMOT ACCESS+ ſ
                                    - HS-kaBon -    
                                - SUCHE NACH KEYWoRT -
                                ۳    -SUPERDESiGN-     ۳
                                 -PLUS BoNuS MAiNANS- 
                                  -SAUG MiCH JETZT-   
                                 Ŀ   -FREEWARE-   
                                  ͳHOLGiS ABSͳ
hs_2dkeyv1.zip    5667 08-05-2024        
                                |       HS-KEYV1      |
                                  fOR RMOT CCSS  
                                    RSETZ DiE ODE    
                                  KYWORTiNGBE Bi   
                                 RMOT ACCSS, DURCH  
                                   iN NTTES DSIGN   
                                    SUG MiCH JTZT    
                                |      FRWR       |
                                  PSSD HOLGiS BS  
hs_2dkeyv2.zip    5961 08-05-2024        
                                |       HS-KEYV2      |
                                  fOR RMOT CCSS+ 
                                    RSETZ DiE ODE    
                                  KYWORTiNGBE Bi   
                                 RMOT ACCSS, DURCH  
                                   iN NTTES DSIGN   
                                    SUG MiCH JTZT    
                                |      FRWR       |
                                  PSSD HOLGiS BS  
hs_2dlimit.zip    7522 08-05-2024    iD: HiNZ PRiGG
                                  SySOP oF LUFFEN BoX
                                |      HS-LiMiT       |
                                 > KiCK C00L TiMOuT < 
                                  NiMiRTS NSiBiLD  
                                     DS DM USR      
                                  NCH BLUF SiNR   
                                    ONLiNZiT US     
                                    DR BoX KiCKT!!    
                                    SUG MiCH JTZT    
                                |      FRWR       |
                                  PSSD HOLGiS BS  
hs_2dlog2.zip    8417 08-05-2024        
                                |    HS-LOGiN Nr.2   |
                                  fOR RMOT CCSS+ 
                                   HS-LOGiN iST iN   
                                    ->ON SCRN<-     
                                    LOGiN VRiNT     
                                   ->MiT USRDATEN<-   
                                    SUG MiCH JTZT    
                                |      FRWR       |
                                  PSSD HOLGiS BS  
hs_2dlog3.zip   10743 08-05-2024        
                                |    HS-LOGiN Nr.3   |
                                  fOR RMOT CCSS+ 
                                   HS-LOGiN iST iN   
                                    ->ON SCRN<-     
                                    LOGiN VRiNT     
                                   ->MiT USRDATEN<-   
                                  BEST - SCHAU SELBER  
                                    SUG MiCH JTZT    
                                |      FRWR       |
                                  PSSD HOLGiS BS  
hs_2dlog4.zip    8798 08-05-2024 Neuer Login von Habs - Blue/Design
                                  fOR REMOT ACCESS+ ſ
                                    -MiT USERDATEN-    
                                ۳ -CooLEM SCANBALKEN-  ۳
                                   -CooLEM D-SiGN-    
                                  -SAUG MiCH JETZT-   
                                 Ŀ   -FREEWARE-   
                                  ͳHOLGiS ABSͳ
hs_2dlogin.zip    9213 08-05-2024 
                                |      HS-LOGiN       |
                                  fOR RMOT CCSS  
                                   HS-LOGiN iST iN   
                                    NTT GRFiSCH    
                                    LOGiN VRiNT     
                                    SUG MiCH JTZT    
                                |      FRWR       |
                                  PSSD HOLGiS BS  
hs_2dlogo_21.zip    4980 08-05-2024           
                                 |- ANSi -|
                                     FUER BoARDS DiE    
                                   HABS ANSiS ANBiETEN  
                                ۳    MEiN ERSTES LoGo!   ۳
                                 Ŀ   -FREEWARE-   
                                  ͳHOLGiS ABSͳ
hs_2dlog_2d1.zip    9504 08-05-2024 
                                |    HS-LOGiN Nr.1   |
                                  fOR RMOT CCSS  
                                   HS-LOGiN iST iN   
                                    NTT GRFiSCH    
                                    LOGiN VRiNT     
                                    SUG MiCH JTZT    
                                |      FRWR       |
                                  PSSD HOLGiS BS  
hs_2dmega.zip    8937 08-05-2024 "MEGA"_geiler Login von HABS...
                                  fOR REMOT ACCESS+ ſ
                                 ToP  -HS-MEGA.-  ToP 
                                 - SPACE-LooK-LoGiN - 
                                ۳ -WER iHN NiCHT SAUGT-  
                                 -WiRD STRAFRECHTLiCH-  
                                  -VERFoLGT :)))))-   
                                  -SAUG MiCH JETZT-   
                                 Ŀ   -FREEWARE-   
                                  ͳHOLGiS ABSͳ
hs_2dmesfi.zip   17332 08-05-2024 Komplettes Messcan Paket von HABS
                                  fOR REMOT ACCESS+ ſ
                                 -FRAGE -> PoSTSUCHE-  
                                ۳     -PoSTSUCHE-      ۳
                                  -FRAGE -> NEWSSUCHE-
                                  -SAUG MiCH JETZT-   
                                 Ŀ   -FREEWARE-   
                                  ͳHOLGiS ABSͳ
hs_2dmix.zip   19515 08-05-2024  Neues und geiles von HABS
                                | HABS STYLE R.A+ ۲|
                                 2 NEUE VoRLoG'S + NEUE  
                                | LoGoFF ANSiS + MAiNMENU |
                                  ANSi + DiVERSE ANDERE  
                                  NETTE ANSiS DiE DEiNE  |
                                | BBS VERSCHoENERN SoLLEN |
                                |   ->IHTS CUHWL MHN<-   |
                                | +o1 JUHLi 19HUNNERT96+  |
                                   FREEWARE    ۲
hs_2dnesca.zip   10914 08-05-2024           
                                  fOR REMOT ACCESS+ ſ
                                 WiE iMMA CooL ANiMiERT 
                                ۳      -TEST iT-       ۳
                                  BoNUS: CHATBREAKANSi  
                                  -SAUG MiCH JETZT-   
                                 Ŀ   -FREEWARE-   
                                  ͳHOLGiS ABSͳ
                                      -= HTCHD T =-
                                 -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-
hs_2dnmsc1.zip    6636 08-05-2024        
                                |       HS-NMSC1      |
                                  fOR RMOT CCSS  
                                      Di MSSGS     
                                   ANiMiRT ZU SCNN  
                                    SUG MiCH JTZT    
                                |      FRWR       |
                                  PSSD HOLGiS BS  
hs_2dnmsc2.zip    7460 08-05-2024     Newmailscaner N2
                                |       HS-NMSC2      |
                                  fOR RMOT CCSS  
                                     HS-NWMiL N2    
                                      Di MSSGS     
                                   ANiMiRT ZU SCNN  
                                    SUG MiCH JTZT    
                                |      FRWR       |
                                  PSSD HOLGiS BS  
hs_2dnmsc3.zip    7098 08-05-2024     Newmailscaner N3
                                |       HS-NMSC3      |
                                  fOR REMOT ACCESS  
                                     HS-NEWMAiL N3    
                                      DiE MESSAGES     
                                   ANiMiERT ZU SCANEN  
                                *******THE BEST********
                                    SAUG MiCH JETZT    
                                |      FREEWARE       |
                                  PASSED HOLGiS ABS  
hs_2dnmsc4.zip    9747 08-05-2024     Newmailscaner N4
                                |       HS-NMSC4      |
                                  fOR REMOT ACCESS  
                                     HS-NEWMAiL N4    
                                      DiE MESSAGES     
                                   ANiMiERT ZU SCANEN  
                                 ***** COMiCART *****  
                                    SAUG MiCH JETZT    
                                |      FREEWARE       |
                                  PASSED HOLGiS ABS  
hs_2dnmsc5.zip    4267 08-05-2024   Newmailscaner von HABS
                                |       HS-NMSC5      |
                                  fOR REMOT ACCESS  
                                     HS-NEWMAiL N4    
                                      DiE MESSAGES     
                                   ANiMiERT ZU SCANEN  
                                 ***** MooN-ART *****  
                                    SAUG MiCH JETZT    
                                |      FREEWARE       |
                                  PASSED HOLGiS ABS  
hs_2dnmsca.zip    6918 08-05-2024        
                                |       HS-NMSCA      |
                                  fOR RMOT CCSS  
                                      Di MSSGS     
                                   ANiMiRT ZU SCNN  
                                    SUG MiCH JTZT    
                                |      FRWR       |
                                  PSSD HOLGiS BS  
hs_2dnonaz.zip    6987 08-05-2024   Anti Rechts Ansi von Habs
                                  |      HS-NONAZ       |
                                   FUER ANSi BBS-SYSTEME |
                                   KEiNE RECHTSRADiKALEN 
                                   KLEiNES ANSi DAS DiE  
                                   USER DARAUF HiNWEiSEN 
                                    SOLL - NO ANiMATiON  
                                      SaUG MiCH JeTZT    
                                  |      FReeWRe       |
hs_2dnotsy.zip    5793 08-05-2024        
                                |       HS-NOTSY      |
                                  fOR RMOT CCSS  
                                     ZiGT DM USR    
                                   DS R iM FLSCHN  
                                    MiLBRTT N DN   
                                  SYSOP SCHRIBN WiLL 
                                  SHR NTTE NiMTiON 
                                    SUG MiCH JTZT    
                                |      FRWR       |
                                  PSSD HOLGiS BS  
hs_2dolpak.zip    9936 08-05-2024       
                                    ۳    Ŀ  ۲
                                    ۳      ۲
                                    ۳ ڿ   ۲
                                    ۳   Ŀ۲
                                    A HL^P/HABS TooL   
                                   oNELiNER BoNUS PACK.1   
                                ۳- iNCLUDE 4~ ANSiZ FoR DA -۳
                                ۳  - GREAT HLP/HABS LiNER - ۳
                                ۳     Ŀ     ۳
                                ۳    ó BLuE...D_SiGN     ۳
                                ۳    ó RED....D_SiGN     ۳
                                ۳    ó GREEN..D_SiGN     ۳
                                ۳    ó COoL...D_SiGN     ۳
                                ۳          ۳
                                  and mOOre  
                                   RELEASE : 15.12.1996    
                                 [ FREEWARE ] 
hs_2dpromp.zip    6179 08-05-2024         
                                    HABS STYLE RA+     
                                | ZUM EiNBiNDEN iN DiE  |
                                 16.02.1996 FREEWARE 
hs_2dralf.zip    4462 08-05-2024        
                                |       HS-RLF       |
                                 ZUSTZ _> RALF001.ZiP 
                                  HS-RLF.ZIP iST iN  
                                  NiMiRTS NSiBiLD  
                                  FUR RLF001.ZiP   
                                    SUG MiCH JTZT    
                                |      FRWR       |
                                  PSSD HOLGiS BS  
hs_2drules.zip   30755 08-05-2024     Regeln in der BBS
                                |       HS-RULES      |
                                  fOR REMOT ACCESS  
                                     ANSIS + MENUE     
                                  ZEIGT DEINEN USER'N  
                                     EINIGE REGELN     
                                  MEGACOOLE ANiMATiON  
                                    SAUG MiCH JETZT    
                                |      FREEWARE       |
                                  PASSED HOLGiS ABS  
hs_2dscan.zip    6464 08-05-2024        
                                |       HS-SCAN       |
                                  fOR RMOT CCSS+ 
                                 SHR NTT GRFiSCH  
                                   ANiMtiON Bi DR   
                                   SUCH NCH NUN,   
                                   ODR NCH DTUM-    
                                  iNGB DiNR BBs   
                                    SUG MiCH JTZT    
                                |      FRWR       |
                                  PSSD HOLGiS BS  
hs_2dsetup.zip    4499 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 Ein Tool zum aendern 
                                  der eigenen Daten   
                                  Mit Menue und Ansi  
hs_2dsuppa.zip    9837 08-05-2024           
                                   T         T
                                   o       o
                                   P       P
                                  fOR REMOT ACCESS+ ſ
                                   FiNEST NEWMAiLSCAN   
                                ۳        CHECK iT        ۳
                                  iSS ECHT AFFENSCHARF  
                                     iTS FANTASTiCA     
                                 Ŀ   -FREEWARE-   
                                  ͳHOLGiS ABSͳ
hs_2dtagg.zip    5771 08-05-2024      TAGGED ANSI RA 2.5
                                | NUR FUER RA 2.5 ۲|
                                 ANiMiERTES ANSi DAS DEN 
                                | USER BEI VERLASSEN DER  |
                                 MAILBOX DARAUF HINWEIST 
                                   DAS ER NOCH DATEIEN   
                                | MARKIERT HAT. ANZAHL +  |
                                 GROEE DER DATEi(EN) iM 
                                     ANSi INTEGRiERT     
                                   FREEWARE    ۲
hs_2dtele.zip    4124 08-05-2024        
                                |       HS-TLE       |
                                  fOR RMOT CCSS  
                                   SCNT M ND DS   
                                  MiT TWS NiMTiON  
                                 NCH > TLFONNUMMRN 
                                    SUG MiCH JTZT    
                                |      FRWR       |
                                  PSSD HOLGiS BS  
hs_2dtraum.zip   10957 08-05-2024           
                                   T         T
                                   o       o
                                   P       P
                                  fOR REMOT ACCESS+ ſ
                                ۳    !ALLERFEiNSTEN!   ۳
                                   NEUE ANiMAEFFEKTE  
                                 THE BEST iS NoW BoRN 
                                 Ŀ   -FREEWARE-   
                                  ͳHOLGiS ABSͳ
hs_2dt_2d96.zip    8767 08-05-2024        TRiFRFORM 96
                                      HBS STYL R      
                                |   iNE MNu+NS/SC    |
                                  THM TRiFRFORM 96   
                                  GiBT USRN KoSTiNFoS   
                                |   iNFCH ML TStN    |
hs_2dups.zip    8791 08-05-2024      Upload Animation
                                |        HS-UPS       |
                                  fOR REMOT ACCESS  
                                     ANSi + MENUE      
                                  ANiMATiON MiT iNFOS  
                                     BEiM UPLOADEN     
                                    SAUG MiCH JETZT    
                                |      FREEWARE       |
                                  PASSED HOLGiS ABS  
hs_2dvor.zip    6263 08-05-2024           
                                       HBS STYL R+      
                                  |  iNE LOGiN-NiMATiON   |
                                   i DR BSTN !!!!!!  
                                    -> iNFCH GiL <-   
                                  |       27.12.1995        |
hs_2dvor1.zip   11307 08-05-2024    Vorlog Animation von HABS
                                       HBS STYL R       
                                  |  iNE LOGiN-NiMATiON   |
                                   MiT NEUER ANiMATiONSART 
                                    -> iNFCH GiL <-   
                                  |       23.04.1996        |
hs_2dwel2.zip    7435 08-05-2024 Animierter Welcome Screen
                                |        HS-WEL2      |
                                  fOR REMOT ACCESS  
                                   WELCOME ANIMATiON   
                                  ANiMATiON MiT iNFOS  
                                   BER DEiNEN USER    
                                    SAUG MiCH JETZT    
                                |      FREEWARE       |
                                  PASSED HOLGiS ABS  
hs_2dwel3.zip    6771 08-05-2024           
                                  fOR REMOT ACCESS+ ſ
                                  ZWEi SCREENS iM PAKET 
                                ۳      -TEST iT-       ۳
                                  BoNUS: MAiNMENUE-ANSI 
                                  -SAUG MiCH JETZT-   
                                 Ŀ   -FREEWARE-   
                                  ͳHOLGiS ABSͳ
hs_2dwelc1.zip    4524 08-05-2024         
                                      HABS STYLE RA      
                                |   WELCOME ANSISCREENS   |
                                 EINFACH INS VERZEICHNIS 
                                |  DEINER ANSIS KOPIEREN  |
                                  ZEIGT DEM USER EINIGE  
                                 19.07.1996 FREEWARE 
hs_2dwelco.zip    5304 08-05-2024         
                                      HABS STYLE RA      
                                |   WELCOME ANSI + ANIM   |
                                 EINFACH INS VERZEICHNIS 
                                |  DEINER ANSIS KOPIEREN  |
                                  ZEIGT DEM USER EINIGE  
                                  INFOS UND DEN HINWEIS  
                                   SEINE POST NACH DEM   
                                    LESEN ZU LOESCHEN    
                                 27.01.1996 FREEWARE 
hs_2dxmas.zip    6040 08-05-2024           
                                        HBS STYL R+     
                                  |   iNE LOGiN-NiMATiON  |
                                    MiT TWAS X-MS D-SiGN 
                                     iNFCH ML TStN    
                                  |       22.12.1995        |
hs_2dyups.zip    9772 08-05-2024           
                                   T         T
                                   o       o
                                   P       P
                                  fOR REMOT ACCESS+ ſ
                                     - HS-YUPS -    
                                -EiN LoGiN DER SEiNES-
                                ۳-GLEiCHEN NoCH SUCHT!-۳
                                 -EiNFACH YuPSi... -  
                                  -SAUG MiCH JETZT-   
                                 Ŀ   -FREEWARE-   
                                  ͳHOLGiS ABSͳ
hs_fatze.zip   12886 08-05-2024           
                                   T         T
                                   o       o
                                   P       P
                                  fOR REMOT ACCESS+ ſ
                                -NEUER CooLER LOGiN!!-
                                ۳    -----------     ۳
                                 -EiNFACH FiTZE FATZ- 
                                  -SAUG MiCH JETZT-   
                                 Ŀ   -FREEWARE-   
                                  ͳHOLGiS ABSͳ
hur_2drep.zip    2423 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                    ACHTUNG !     
                                   Dies ist ein   
                                  sehr wichtiger  
                                  Report! Bitte   
                                 in JEDE Mailbox  
                                  Danke! MaDMaN   
h_2drips_2dt.zip   23568 08-05-2024 -=====================-
                                Hurricane rips Twisted!
                                 Ripping rules in the
                                  RA 'Scene', too :(
                                 Just compare the two
                                 releases and see for
ickbye.zip      5193 08-05-2024     __
                                   /_|     ~\
                                       __  | |\
                                    /|/ _, | |/ /
                                   / |  ||_|   <
                                  <  |  \__  \ \
                                    \|\____|- |__\
                                |                 |
                                |unreaLogoff anim.|
                                |                 |
                                 [ mrd^ick ]
icklogon.zip    3025 08-05-2024 SSSSSSSSSSS  iBANez
                                $""$ySSSSSS  $$$ $$
                                $yy$  .p, `  $P 4$$
                                j"`$  j$$    T$PSS$
                                $  $  T$P    gp, `$
                                gg   animated    gg
                                $$    login!     $$
                                $$     for       $$
                                $$ RemoteAcess!  $$
                                $$$Ss.       .sS$$$
ickmail.zip     2985 08-05-2024 SSSSSSSSSSS  iBANez
                                $""$ySSSSSS  $$$ $$
                                $yy$  .p, `  $P 4$$
                                j"`$  j$$    T$PSS$
                                $  $  T$P    gp, `$
                                gg   animated    gg
                                $$ New Mail Scan $$
                                $$     for       $$
                                $$ RemoteAcess!  $$
                                $$$Ss.       .sS$$$
ickmscan.zip    3547 08-05-2024     __
                                   /_|     ~\
                                       __  | |\
                                    /|/ _, | |/ /
                                   / |  ||_|   <
                                  <  |  \__  \ \
                                    \|\____|- |__\
                                |                 |
                                |SikMailScan anim.|
                                |                 |
ickscan.zip     4970 08-05-2024     __
                                   /_|     ~\
                                       __  | |\
                                    /|/ _, | |/ /
                                   / |  ||_|   <
                                  <  |  \__  \ \
                                    \|\____|- |__\
                                |                 |
                                |SikFileScan anim.|
                                |                 |
ickstat2.zip    3374 08-05-2024 SSSSSSSSSSS  iBANez
                                $""$ySSSSSS  $$$ $$
                                $yy$  .p, `  $P 4$$
                                j"`$  j$$    T$PSS$
                                $  $  T$P    gp, `$
                                gg               gg
                                $$  USER STATS   $$
                                $$      FOR      $$
                                $$ RemoteAccess! $$
                                $$ C0DED :iBANEz $$
                                $$ v2.0 [FiNAL]  $$
                                $$$Ss.       .sS$$$
ick_2dnup.zip   78648 08-05-2024 ,---------------------------------,
                                | [iCK] NUP! - New User / System  |
                                | Password door for Ra/Ele/Pb/Pcb.|
                                |          Code : iBz             |
                                | **FULLY INTERNAL RA NUP! DOOR** |
                                | Drop Carrier on those lamers :) |
idscdc41.zip   19801 08-05-2024   ss ss~s.   s~$~$$Hb.
                                  $   $ $   $   $ . $ .:$   :::$$
                                  $   $ $   $   $  $ $.:i$    :.:$
                                  $   $ $   $   $  $ $iii$      ~
                                  $  .$ $  .$   $ .$ S$$$s.sS~s
                                  $ .:$ $ .:$   $.:$         $   $
                                  $.:i$ $.:i$   $:i$ ss   $  .$
                                  $iii$ $iii$   $i$$ $ .:$   $ .:$
                                  $$$$$ $$$$$   $$$$ $.:i$   $.:i$
                                  $$$ $$$$s.s$$$$ $iii$   $iii$
                                    iNFiDELS  ~S$ $$$$$   $$$$$
                                  PROUDLY PRESENT `$ SWW$s.s$$$S
                                ~$Sssss..sss.s . . s.sss..sssssS$~
                                  $   iDS CD-Changer v4.1    $
                                   $  Very easy to use proggie  $
                                   $  to setup 2+ CD'S in only  $
                                   $  one CD-Drive! For RA2.5x  $
                                   $  No Configuration Needed!  $
                                  d$b      Coded by bOSCo      d$b
                                .sSP'' ~o3/27~ $IDS'98$Ss.
idswc220.zip   58604 08-05-2024   ss ss~s.   s~$~$$Hb. 
                                  $   $ $   $   $ . $ .:$   :::$$
                                  $   $ $   $   $  $ $.:i$    :.:$
                                  $   $ $   $   $  $ $iii$      ~
                                  $  .$ $  .$   $ .$ S$$$s.sS~s
                                  $ .:$ $ .:$   $.:$         $   $
                                  $.:i$ $.:i$   $:i$ ss   $  .$
                                  $iii$ $iii$   $i$$ $ .:$   $ .:$
                                  $$$$$ $$$$$   $$$$ $.:i$   $.:i$
                                  $$$ $$$$s.s$$$$ $iii$   $iii$
                                    iNFiDELS  ~S$ $$$$$   $$$$$
                                  PROUDLY PRESENT `$ SWW$s.s$$$S
                                ~$Sssss..sss.s . . s.sss..sssssS$~
                                  $  iDS WORM CALLERS V2.2o  $
                                   $ A LastCallers for RA 2.5x! $
                                   $  Very Cool Effects, Calls  $
                                   $ Statistics,Hides Sysop and $
                                   $ Local Calls,It's Not Fully $
                                   $ Configurable but it r0Cks! $
                                   $   =) All ArtWork by yCe.   $
                                  d$b      Coded by bOSCo.      d$b
                                .sSP'' ~o5/o4~ $IDS'98$Ss.
ids_2dansi.zip   44490 08-05-2024   .    i       d        s      .
                                    $$$$$$$ $$$$S#s, $$$$$$Ss. .
                                  . $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ ;.
                                  ;. $$$$$ $$$ $$$$$ $$$ $$$$$ i:
                                  il $$$$$ $$$ $$$$$ $$$ $$$$$ li
                                  l$ $$$$$ $$$ $$$$$ $$$gggggg $l
                                  $$ $$$$$ $$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$
                                  $$ $$$$$ $$$ $$$$$ $$$ $$$$$ i$
                                  $$ $$$$$ $$$ $$$$$ $$$ $$$$$ P$
                                  $ $$$$$ $$$ $$$$$ $$$ $$$$$ H$
                                  $ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ $$
                                  $ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ $$
                                  $s  infidels brings you ...  $$
                                  $$S#s,.                  .s#S$$
                                  $$ infidels ansi thingy v2.0 $$
                                  $$   this exe will show an   $$
                                  $$   ansi and then... well,  $$
                                  $$       check it out!       $$
                                  l$$"~     [97-11-05]    ~"$$l
ids_2dbaud.zip   33214 08-05-2024 --------------------------
                                  $$$""$$$$b  $$$$$$$$$
                                 $$$$$g$$$$$$  $$$$$$$$$$
                                 $$$b   $",~  $","$$$$
                                 $$$$   $  $   $, ~"$$$$
                                  $$P   $, ",  $,".$$$
                                    FAKE BAUD DETECTOR
                                 This ansi-animation will
                                  make your remoteaccess
                                login look just like PCB's
                                 No EXE, just plain ANSI!
                                    Animated by Angus
ids_2ddisc.zip   53579 08-05-2024 --------------------------
                                  $$$""$$$$b  $$$$$$$$$
                                 $$$$$g$$$$$$  $$$$$$$$$$
                                 $$$b   $",~  $","$$$$
                                 $$$$   $  $   $, ~"$$$$
                                  $$P   $, ",  $,".$$$
                                 infidels disclaimer v1.0
                                 protect your system with
                                     this great door!
                                 coded by phanteon & angus
                                 ansi by exorcist & poison
ids_2ddud1.zip   45176 08-05-2024   ss ss~s.   s~$~$$Hb.
                                  $   $ $   $   $ . $ .:$   :::$$
                                  $   $ $   $   $  $ $.:i$    :.:$
                                  $   $ $   $   $  $ $iii$      ~
                                  $  .$ $  .$   $ .$ S$$$s.sS~s
                                  $ .:$ $ .:$   $.:$         $   $
                                  $.:i$ $.:i$   $:i$ ss   $  .$
                                  $iii$ $iii$   $i$$ $ .:$   $ .:$
                                  $$$$$ $$$$$   $$$$ $.:i$   $.:i$
                                  $$$ $$$$s.s$$$$ $iii$   $iii$
                                    iNFiDELS  ~S$ $$$$$   $$$$$
                                  PROUDLY PRESENT `$ SWW$s.s$$$S
                                ~$Sssss..sss.s . . s.sss..sssssS$~
                                  $    iDS LAST DUDES v1.o   $
                                   $ this  is  a  really   nice $
                                   $ "last  caller"  door  for  $
                                   $ ra 2.5 with nice features! $
                                   $ fading text and mutch more $
                                   $ Damn good looking ansi and $
                                   $ almost 1oo% configurable!  $
                                  d$b      coded by rancor     d$b
                                .sSP'' ~     ~ $IDS'97$Ss.
ids_2dnews.zip   38901 08-05-2024   ss ss~s.   s~$~$$Hb.
                                  $   $ $   $   $ . $ .:$   :::$$
                                  $   $ $   $   $  $ $.:i$    :.:$
                                  $   $ $   $   $  $ $iii$      ~
                                  $  .$ $  .$   $ .$ S$$$s.sS~s
                                  $ .:$ $ .:$   $.:$         $   $
                                  $.:i$ $.:i$   $:i$ ss   $  .$
                                  $iii$ $iii$   $i$$ $ .:$   $ .:$
                                  $$$$$ $$$$$   $$$$ $.:i$   $.:i$
                                  $$$ $$$$s.s$$$$ $iii$   $iii$
                                    iNFiDELS  ~S$ $$$$$   $$$$$
                                  PROUDLY PRESENT `$ SWW$s.s$$$S
                                ~$Sssss..sss.s . . s.sss..sssssS$~
                                  $   iDS SYStEM NEWS v1.o   $
                                   $  this door will show your  $
                                   $  users the latest news on  $
                                   $ your remote xs 250 system! $
                                   $ configurable and nice ansi $
                                  d$b      coded by angus      d$b
                                .sSP'' ~     ~ $IDS'97$Ss.
ids_2dpage.zip   71296 08-05-2024   ss ss~s.   s~$~$$Hb.
                                  $   $ $   $   $ . $ .:$   :::$$
                                  $   $ $   $   $  $ $.:i$    :.:$
                                  $   $ $   $   $  $ $iii$      ~
                                  $  .$ $  .$   $ .$ S$$$s.sS~s
                                  $ .:$ $ .:$   $.:$         $   $
                                  $.:i$ $.:i$   $:i$ ss   $  .$
                                  $iii$ $iii$   $i$$ $ .:$   $ .:$
                                  $$$$$ $$$$$   $$$$ $.:i$   $.:i$
                                  $$$ $$$$s.s$$$$ $iii$   $iii$
                                    iNFiDELS  ~S$ $$$$$   $$$$$
                                  PROUDLY PRESENT `$ SWW$s.s$$$S
                                ~$Sssss..sss.s . . s.sss..sssssS$~
                                  $      iDS-PAGER v1.o      $
                                   $  Nice pager for Remote XS! $
                                   $ With built-in chatter and  $
                                   $    cOol flashing text!     $
                                   $  With ANSi from 3 artists  $
                                  d$b      Coded By AnguS      d$b
                                .sSP'' ~     ~ $IDS'97$Ss.
ids_2dph1.zip   50665 08-05-2024   ss ss~s.   s~$~$$Hb.
                                  $   $ $   $   $ . $ .:$   :::$$
                                  $   $ $   $   $  $ $.:i$    :.:$
                                  $   $ $   $   $  $ $iii$      ~
                                  $  .$ $  .$   $ .$ S$$$s.sS~s
                                  $ .:$ $ .:$   $.:$         $   $
                                  $.:i$ $.:i$   $:i$ ss   $  .$
                                  $iii$ $iii$   $i$$ $ .:$   $ .:$
                                  $$$$$ $$$$$   $$$$ $.:i$   $.:i$
                                  $$$ $$$$s.s$$$$ $iii$   $iii$
                                    iNFiDELS  ~S$ $$$$$   $$$$$
                                  PROUDLY PRESENT `$ SWW$s.s$$$S
                                ~$Sssss..sss.s . . s.sss..sssssS$~
                                  $  phuckoff  hackers v1.o  $
                                   $                            $
                                   $ protect your remoteaccess  $
                                   $ board against hacker's! a  $
                                   $ secound password sercuriy  $
                                   $ system that kick's hard if $
                                   $ someone tries to hack      $
                                  d$b      coded by rancor     d$b
                                .sSP'' ~     ~ $IDS'98$Ss.
ids_2dstat.zip   66550 08-05-2024   ss ss~s.   s~$~$$Hb.
                                  $   $ $   $   $ . $ .:$   :::$$
                                  $   $ $   $   $  $ $.:i$    :.:$
                                  $   $ $   $   $  $ $iii$      ~
                                  $  .$ $  .$   $ .$ S$$$s.sS~s
                                  $ .:$ $ .:$   $.:$         $   $
                                  $.:i$ $.:i$   $:i$ ss   $  .$
                                  $iii$ $iii$   $i$$ $ .:$   $ .:$
                                  $$$$$ $$$$$   $$$$ $.:i$   $.:i$
                                  $$$ $$$$s.s$$$$ $iii$   $iii$
                                    iNFiDELS  ~S$ $$$$$   $$$$$
                                  PROUDLY PRESENTS`$ SWW$s.s$$$S
                                ~$Sssss..sss.s . . s.sss..sssssS$~
                                  $   USER STATISTICS v1.o   $
                                   $        For RA 2.50         $
                                   $ One of the best ever made! $
                                   $  You Can Choose Between 2  $
                                   $ Different Ansis! Check it! $
                                  d$b   Coded by: tHE sHADOW   d$b
                                .sSP'' ~     ~ $IDS'97$Ss.
ids_2dwal1.zip   65969 08-05-2024   ss ss~s.   s~$~$$Hb.
                                  $   $ $   $   $ . $ .:$   :::$$
                                  $   $ $   $   $  $ $.:i$    :.:$
                                  $   $ $   $   $  $ $iii$      ~
                                  $  .$ $  .$   $ .$ S$$$s.sS~s
                                  $ .:$ $ .:$   $.:$         $   $
                                  $.:i$ $.:i$   $:i$ ss   $  .$
                                  $iii$ $iii$   $i$$ $ .:$   $ .:$
                                  $$$$$ $$$$$   $$$$ $.:i$   $.:i$
                                  $$$ $$$$s.s$$$$ $iii$   $iii$
                                    iNFiDELS  ~S$ $$$$$   $$$$$
                                  PROUDLY PRESENTS`$ SWW$s.s$$$S
                                ~$Sssss..sss.s . . s.sss..sssssS$~
                                  $     GRAFFiTiWALL v1.o    $
                                   $   for remoteaccess 2.xx    $
                                   $   let's the users write    $
                                   $     whatever they want     $
                                   $   multicolor, 100% config  $
                                   $    cool, east to install   $
                                  d$b     coded by: rancor     d$b
                                .sSP'' ~     ~ $IDS'97$Ss.
imailv10.zip    3453 08-05-2024 * IceMail v1.0 * animated "mail-scanner"
                                screens for RemoteAccess 2.02 & 2.50 *
                                This is not a mail scanner, just some
                                animated ansi screens. Free of course.
inlogin.zip    46906 08-05-2024 ĿĿ
                                   iNSANE PRODUCTIONS   
                                ::[ iNSANE Turbo Login ]::
                                ::[ A new Release of RA Doors ]::
                                ::[ For R.A. v.2.xx BBSs only]::
                                ::[ With CTL configuration ]::
                                ::[ Beatyfull Color Ansi ]::
                                ::[ UNLIMITED # OF DOORS ]::
                                ::[ LiGHT BAR driven ]::
                                ::[ SysOp has total Control! ]::
                                ::[ By Devil Flame - 1995 JUL ]::
                                [ iNSANE ]
ins_21ques.zip    6037 08-05-2024 
invrum22.zip   38831 08-05-2024 .dSSb..aS$$$$$$$$$Sa..a%a.',a%a.
                                $$$$$$ $$$$$$'$$$$$$ `$$$$b.`4'.d$$$$'
                                $$$$$$ $$$$$$   $$$$$$ .`4$$$$b..d$$$$P'.
                                $$$$$$ $$$$$$ : $$$$$$ $b.`4$$$$$$$$P'.dS
                                -  -  - V -  -  - $ -  -  -  
                                -  P - R - E - S - E - N - T - S  
                                   R    U    M    O    U    R   
                                 RUMOUR V2.002 Pcb colour code suport 
                                 Elite and fade modes pcb promts and a 
                                 lot more besides !                    
                                 Inversion  28-12-97  by  :  Nemesis   
in_2ddiz.zip   11089 08-05-2024 ĿĿ
                                   iNSANE PRODUCTIONS   
                                ::[ iNSANE _DIZ Append ]::
                                ::[ Add yor BBS number in ]::
                                ::[ FILE_ID.DIZ, with this ]::
                                ::[ easy/use program you can ]::
                                ::[ do it easy and fastly ! ]::
                                ::[ By Devil Flame - 1995 JUL ]::
                                [ iNSANE ]
in_2dlmail.zip   37108 08-05-2024               _______  _______   ,----,
                                       _______\______\|     _/   |    |
                                 iN!  /         /    \\     \___ |    |
                                 ,-- /_________/______\        / `----'
                                 `--[-iNSANE RuLEZ!-]--\      /--,----,,
                                 ,---------> pRESENTs: \____/   `----'|
                                 |    iNSANE Light Mail v 1.0          |
                                 |                                     |
                                 |   Light Bar driven prompt for mail |
                                 |    check R.A. v2.xx questions.      |
                                 |   Easy to install & Use.           |
                                 |   Using Configurable Flags.        |
                                 |   Ra v2.xx compatible.             |
                                 |                                     |
                                 |  Coded By Devil Flame.              |
in_2dmchk.zip   46894 08-05-2024 ĿĿ
                                   iNSANE PRODUCTIONS   
                                ::[ iNSANE Mail Checker ]::
                                ::[ Totally Configured Color ]::
                                ::[ Totally Configured String]::
                                ::[ Easy to Install/Use ]::
                                ::[ By Devil Flame - 1995 JUN ]::
                                [ iNSANE ]
                                [0;36mV34? +3|-35693-7816/2860/17xx[0m
                                [0;36mE-Mail: eoh@eoh.idn.nl[0m
in_2dtl110.zip   41327 08-05-2024               _______  _______   ,----,
                                       _______\______\|     _/   |    |
                                 iN!  /         /    \\     \___ |    |
                                 ,-- /_________/______\        / `----'
                                 `--[-iNSANE RuLEZ!-]--\      /--,----,,
                                 ,---------> pRESENTs: \____/   `----'|
                                 |                                     |
                                 |    insane productions presents      |
                                 |         TURBO LOGiN 1.10            |
                                 |   Horizontal/Vertical moves        |
                                 |   Configurable ansi/txt/color      |
                                 |   Use 2 different ansi screens     |
                                 |   5 different cls animation        |
                                 |   Disable/Enable Flashing Prompt   |
                                 |   All known bugs removed           |
                                 |                                     |
                                 [ Devil Flame ]
in_2dturbo.zip   41245 08-05-2024 ĿĿ
                                   iNSANE PRODUCTIONS   
                                ::[ iNSANE Turbo Login ]::
                                ::[ A new Release of RA Doors ]::
                                ::[ For R.A. v.2.xx BBSs only]::
                                ::[ With CTL configuration ]::
                                ::[ Beatyfull Color Ansi ]::
                                ::[ UNLIMITED # OF DOORS ]::
                                ::[ LiGHT BAR driven ]::
                                ::[ SysOp has total Control! ]::
                                ::[ By Devil Flame - 1995 JUL ]::
                                [ iNSANE ]
                                [0;36mV34? +3|-35693-7816/2860/17xx[0m
                                [0;36mE-Mail: eoh@eoh.idn.nl[0m
ipd_v160.zip  119887 08-05-2024   IPD -Internet Post Door - Version 1.60.0
                                 IPD easily integrates Internet eMail, from
                                 a Fidonet gate, into your Bulletin Board
                                 System.  Features include: 
                                      external editor support
                                      JAM, Squish & Fido Msg support!
                                      address book feature
                                      easy integration into BBSs!
                                 (c) Copyright 1995, 1997 of Greg Contesti
jb_tp1.zip      6163 08-05-2024          
                                 DiMeNSioN X Presents 
                                      Turbo Pascal      
                                 Programming Examples 
                                  -(- Jungleboy! -)- 
                                 * Includes:          
                                   - Cewl TextModeFades 
                                   - RA Unit            
                                  - Conv. *C Strings  
                                  - RADU Keys+Lock   ܲ
jesfx101.zip   65786 08-05-2024 ---Ļ
                                  STR Productions ۲ 
                                     JESTER!-FX'ter v1.01     
                                Animation show creator. Write 
                                    little ANSI animation     
                                 sequences with many built-in 
                                effects and key functions  and
                                compile them into EXE or C !! 
                                    >>>>> SHAREWR <<<<<     
                                 Released: 21/10/95   TR/JES 
                                    Ļ  ¼ T00LS  
                                 ļļļ ļ 
jesjk100.zip  370986 08-05-2024 ---Ļ
                                  STR Productions ۲ 
                                        JESJOKES! v1.OO       
                                   Jokes Door mit ber 2000   
                                     >>>>> SHRWR <<<<<    
                                 Released: 19/03/96  VIP/JES 
                                    Ļ  ¼ T00LS  
                                 ļļļ ļ 
jesmn100.zip   65445 08-05-2024 ---Ļ
                                  STR Productions ۲ 
                                      JESTER!-MINE v1.00      
                                 Online-game for RA. A little 
                                gnome has the task to kill all
                                   enemies in a little cave   
                                 system with stones and walls.
                                 The user may bet his online  
                                 minutes and/or kilobytes !!! 
                                 Released: 30-01-96   TR/JES 
                                    Ļ  ¼ T00LS  
                                 ļļļ ļ 
jesnb100.zip   29842 08-05-2024 ---Ļ
                                  STR Productions ۲ 
                                     JESTER!-NOBOMB v1.00     
                                  Scans whole directories of  
                                  ANSI picture for so called  
                                  ANSI BOMBS or ANSI VIRUSES  
                                 and deletes them! Recursing  
                                   into sub-dirs possible!    
                                     >>>>> FREEWR <<<<<     
                                 Released: 30/01/96   TR/JES 
                                    Ļ  ¼ T00LS  
                                 ļļļ ļ 
jesprv12.zip   26946 08-05-2024 ---Ļ
                                  STR Productions ۲ 
                                     JESTER!-PRESENT v1.2     
                                 Gret vertisement Util o 
                                 R 2.0X!! This Program shows 
                                 defined Strings to BBS-USR's
                                 in  kewl style (PCB like)!  
                                     >>>>> FRWR <<<<<     
                                 Released: 25/09/95   MM/JES 
                                    Ļ  ¼ T00LS  
                                 ļļļ ļ  
jestype.zip    31835 08-05-2024 ---Ļ
                                  STR Productions ۲ 
                                      JESTER!-TYPE v1.01      
                                 Kewl Type command with many  
                                 features includerogram shows 
                                defined Strings to BBS-USR's 
                                 in  kewl style (PCB like)!  
                                    >>>>> SHAREWR <<<<<     
                                 Released: 23/09/95   TR/JES 
                                    Ļ  ¼ T00LS  
                                 ļļļ ļ  
jesvt121.zip   65753 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                    Jester Voter V1.21    
                                   Voll konfigurierbare    
                                 Voting Door! Just try it! 
                                 - Multinode Support       
                                 - Lightbar Steuerung      
                                 - Normal/sC-sTYLD     
jeswt130.zip   40352 08-05-2024 ---Ļ
                                  STR Productions ۲ 
                                      JESTER!-WAIT v1.30      
                                RA tool that allows the sysop 
                                 to use his bbs line also as  
                                telephone line. If any caller 
                                rings only once, the BBS will 
                                    stand by for a while.     
                                Now EVENTS and FAXES possible!
                                    >>>>> SHAREWR <<<<<     
                                 Released: 30/11/95   TR/JES 
jeswt150.zip   72820 08-05-2024 ---Ļ
                                  STR Productions ۲ 
                                      JESTER!-WAIT v1.50      
                                   Highly multi talented RA   
                                 tool, that allows the sysop  
                                 to use his box line also as  
                                telephone line. If any caller 
                                rings only once, the BBS will 
                                    stand by for a while.     
                                MANY OTHER FEATURES INCLUDING 
                                FAX reception, VOICE mode +LOG
                                    >>>>> SHAREWR <<<<<     
                                 Released: 12/01/96   TR/JES 
                                    Ļ  ¼ T00LS  
                                 ļļļ ļ 
jng_2dcall.zip   28277 08-05-2024    _______ _ _ _  ___________/_
                                   \    _____________       /
                                    \   \____.       \     /
                                _____\__    \   __   /  __/_____
                                \____   \  __\  /   /  /  .____/
                                   \    ___\___/   /____    /
                                    \__|MLN!  /   /     |__/
                                  ----/\/ J U N G L E \/\----
                                |    CALLERS For Ra x.x       |
                                |   Callers Made By CAVEMAN   |
                                |       easy to install       |
                                |Generates a cool ansi screen |
                                |   Use your own header       |
                                |      Shows baud stats       |
                                |Shows last 10 or ALL callers |
                                |     99% configurable        |
                                 ----/\/ P R O D I G Y \/\----
khl_2dbet.zip   39021 08-05-2024     Ŀ                        Ŀ
                                Ŀ ____KHL'97/\___   __/\__Ŀ Ŀ
                                  |0 |  /  ' o|  |-  ||  
                                       || |  /   |  ;|  |    ;|    
                                       |: |/ \\_/|  .|__|     |    
                                       |     ___|   ____     |    
                                       |.    :|  |   |  |    :|    
                                       |   |\ |  |   |  |    |    
                                       |.  | \|  |___/   \_   |    
                                        \_/   |  \______   \_/     
                                         0     \_______/    0      
                                         !                  !      
                                         : KHL Betting Door :      
                                   |                              |
                                   :       Betting Door for       :
                                          RemoteAccess 2.xx        
                                    23 April 1997  
khl_2dcall.zip   40712 08-05-2024     Ŀ                        Ŀ
                                Ŀ ____KHL'97/\___   __/\__Ŀ Ŀ
                                  |0 |  /  ' o|  |-  ||  
                                       || |  /   |  ;|  |    ;|    
                                       |: |/ \\_/|  .|__|     |    
                                       |     ___|   ____     |    
                                       |.    :|  |   |  |    :|    
                                       |   |\ |  |   |  |    |    
                                       |.  | \|  |___/   \_   |    
                                        \_/   |  \______   \_/     
                                         0     \_______/    0      
                                         !                  !      
                                         : KHL Last CallerZ :      
                                   |            V1.02             |
                                   :             for              :
                                          RemoteAccess V.0       
                                    18 April 1997       
khl_2dd101.zip   35129 08-05-2024     Ŀ                        Ŀ
                                Ŀ ____KHL'97/\___   __/\__Ŀ Ŀ
                                  |0 |  /  ' o|  |-  ||  
                                       || |  /   |  ;|  |    ;|    
                                       |: |/ \\_/|  .|__|     |    
                                       |     ___|   ____     |    
                                       |.    :|  |   |  |    :|    
                                       |   |\ |  |   |  |    |    
                                       |.  | \|  |___/   \_   |    
                                        \_/   |  \______   \_/     
                                         0     \_______/    0      
                                         !                  !      
                                         KHL Disclaimer V1.01      
                                   |                              |
                                   :       Cool  Disclaimer       :
                                          for RA 2.xx - with       
                                            definable ANSi         
                                     30 January 1997 -  
khl_2dl006.zip   49721 08-05-2024     Ŀ                        Ŀ
                                Ŀ ____KHL'97/\___   __/\__Ŀ Ŀ
                                  |0 |  /  ' o|  |-  ||  
                                       || |  /   |  ;|  |    ;|    
                                       |: |/ \\_/|  .|__|     |    
                                       |     ___|   ____     |    
                                       |.    :|  |   |  |    :|    
                                       |   |\ |  |   |  |    |    
                                       |.  | \|  |___/   \_   |    
                                        \_/   |  \______   \_/     
                                         0     \_______/    0      
                                         !                  !      
                                         :KHL-LinerZ  V0.06:      
                                   |                              |
                                   :      KHL 1 Liners V0.06      :
                                          eta testers only!       
                                          RemoteAccess V2.xx       
                                    28 February 1997 -  
khl_2ds144.zip   38078 08-05-2024     Ŀ                        Ŀ
                                Ŀ ____KHL'97/\___   __/\__Ŀ Ŀ
                                  |0 |  /  ' o|  |-  ||  
                                       || |  /   |  ;|  |    ;|    
                                       |: |/ \\_/|  .|__|     |    
                                       |     ___|   ____     |    
                                       |.    :|  |   |  |    :|    
                                       |   |\ |  |   |  |    |    
                                       |.  | \|  |___/   \_   |    
                                        \_/   |  \______   \_/     
                                         0     \_______/    0      
                                         !                  !      
                                         : Nite-Stat V1.44  :      
                                   |                              |
                                   :        Stats door for        :
                                          RemoteAccess V2.xx       
                                     27 January 1997 -  
khl_2dsk14.zip   39170 08-05-2024     Ŀ                        Ŀ
                                Ŀ ____KHL'97/\___   __/\__Ŀ Ŀ
                                  |0 |  /  ' o|  |-  ||  
                                       || |  /   |  ;|  |    ;|    
                                       |: |/ \\_/|  .|__|     |    
                                       |     ___|   ____     |    
                                       |.    :|  |   |  |    :|    
                                       |   |\ |  |   |  |    |    
                                       |.  | \|  |___/   \_   |    
                                        \_/   |  \______   \_/     
                                         0     \_______/    0      
                                         !                  !      
                                         :Speed Killer V1.40:      
                                   |                              |
                                   :       Kicks ppl off if       :
                                          slow or no ANSi!!!       
                                          RemoteAccess V2.xx       
                                     27 January 1997 -  
khl_2dtod.zip    7036 08-05-2024     Ŀ                        Ŀ
                                Ŀ ____KHL'97/\___   __/\__Ŀ Ŀ
                                  |0 |  /  ' o|  |-  ||  
                                       || |  /   |  ;|  |    ;|    
                                       |: |/ \\_/|  .|__|     |    
                                       |     ___|   ____     |    
                                       |.    :|  |   |  |    :|    
                                       |   |\ |  |   |  |    |    
                                       |.  | \|  |___/   \_   |    
                                        \_/   |  \______   \_/     
                                         0     \_______/    0      
                                         ! TiMe oF DaY V1.0 !      
                                         :                  :      
                                   |      Quick little VB ap      |
                                   :       to give Nodelist       :
                                       coordinators the current    
                                         day/date of the year      
                                     27 January 1997 -  
kh_2dv_2dsec.zip   39724 08-05-2024     Ŀ                        Ŀ
                                Ŀ ____KHL'97/\___   __/\__Ŀ Ŀ
                                  |0 |  /  ' o|  |-  ||  
                                       || |  /   |  ;|  |    ;|    
                                       |: |/ \\_/|  .|__|     |    
                                       |     ___|   ____     |    
                                       |.    :|  |   |  |    :|    
                                       |   |\ |  |   |  |    |    
                                       |.  | \|  |___/   \_   |    
                                        \_/   |  \______   \_/     
                                         0     \_______/    0      
                                         !& ViBE Co-Release !      
                                         :                  :      
                                   |       SeCuRiTY CHeCKeR       |
                                   :            FoR               :
                                          ReMoTeaCCeSS .o        
                                    24 February 1997 -  
k_cas100.zip   75337 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 .  .  . 
                                 --== S I M U L A T I O N ==-- 
                                    --== S U P P O R T ==--    
                                          VERSION 1.00         
                                  By (C)atbytes Software 1997  
                                     CODE'r : Armin Gilliar    
                                  CASINO Spielautomat         
                                  Geschrieben mit KID (1.5x)  
                                  Zusatzdoor fuer KIOSK       
                                  DV-Aware (WIN, OS/2 usw.)   
                                  EXITINFO.BBS, DORINFO1.DEF, 
                                   DORINFO?.DEF, DOOR.SYS      
                                        *** FREEWARE ***       
                                   KIOSK wird vorausgesetzt!   
lame095b.zip   32017 08-05-2024 
lamer_2797.zip   52115 08-05-2024 ,d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b.
                                $$$"'  `"$$' `$$'`$'`$$"'  `"$$' `$$'"$$
                                $$' ,s.   $    `$  $.,$'       $    `$  $$
                                $$  $$$$  $  .  `  $$$$  ,s.   $  .  `  $$
                                $$  `$$'  $  $s    $'`$  $$$$  $  $s    $$
                                $$.      ,$  $$$.  $  $. `$$' ,$  $$$.  $$
                                $$$.    ,$$.,$$$$.,$.,$$.    ,$$.,$$$$.,$$
                                $$-[LaMeR '97..................]-[1.05]-$$
                                $$ lAMER sCANNER wITH rEALTIME cHEKBAR, $$
                                $$ nICE sTYLE, aDD lAMER oPTION wITH... $$
                                $$ sYSOP vERIFIER. lAMER.lst IS tEXT,.. $$
                                $$ sO cAN bE mANUALLY eDITED, lEECHmE!. $$
                                $$  Ra [X]       DoS [.]      aNSi [X]  $$
                                $$s.                                  ,s$$
                                `Y$$$|    STaRTeD LiFe aT [tPb]   |$$$Y'
lamochec.zip   35614 08-05-2024     
                                         NUCLEAR RA-TOOLS
                                  LAMORCHECK 1.0   BY BLACK MAGIC
                                  LAMERCHECKER TO GET SURE SOME   
                                 FUCKING LAMERS DON'T GET ON YAR  
                                 BORED. ALMOST EVERYTHING IS      
                                @X0D        i  W  N T  T H R U          
                                @X05  !  N  P  L M    S S  U L T  !  
                                @X0D   + 3 ! ( o ) ! o . 4 8 4 ! ! 2 8   
lastcall.zip   38682 08-05-2024                        [RA]
                                    ۲  ߲
                                ۰߲ܰܲ    ߲ܱ۲߲ܱܰܰ
                                                         ߱ ߲
                                 XPRESS MOddiNG PRESENtS fOR YOU... ޲
                                       A Simple LastCaller for RA.
                                           Source included!
ldsn0w.zip      3657 08-05-2024                   
                                 's   猇k    
                                 SN0W    '96  
                                       A liTTlE        
                                 `L0ADiNG - ANiMATi0N' 
                                     0NLY 4 RA     
lgsn0w.zip      4790 08-05-2024                                       
                                 dEViL's lAsT WisH                       
                                 SN0W    '96                      
                                  A littlE "GooDBYE"                       
                                  0NLY 4 RAXXEZZ                       
lk_2dprmpt.zip   11042 08-05-2024   ܲ  ܲ ܲ  ܲ  ܲܲ ܰ  
                                ߲ܱ߲߰ܲ߱۲ ߱۲ ߲[iNiQ]
                                    ۲  ߲
                                ۰߲ܰܲ    ߲ܱ۲߲ܱܰܰ
                                                         ߱ ߲
                                 XPRESS MOddiNG PRESENtS fOR YOU... ޲
                                     10 ANiMAtED PAUSE PROMPtS    
                                        bY LiGhtNiNG kNiGht       
lmansi1.zip    19677 08-05-2024       oOo THe DaZZLe TeaM oOo            
                                         oOo PReSeNTS: oOo               
                                 oOo SoMe CeWL MaiNMeNU aNSi'S oOo       
                                oOo FoR THe Logon! Matrix 1.21. oOo      
                                           oOo v1.o oOo                  
                                      oOo By: JuNGLeBoY! oOo             
                                       oOo eXPeCT MoRe! oOo              
lmansi2.zip    34664 08-05-2024  
                                 <> DiMeNSioN X <>
                                  ____________  ___ 
                                  \______ \   \/  /
                                  |    |  \     /
                                  |    |   \    \
                                  /_______  /_/\  \
                                 <> PReSeNTS: <>
                                 SoMe CeWL MaiNMeNu aNSi'S
                                 FoR LoGoN! MaTRiX 1.21.
                                 By JuNGLeBoy.
                                  24 NeW aNSi'S! 
lnuker17.zip   40124 08-05-2024 [255D[9C[0;1;36;46m[40m[46m[0;36m [1m
                                [9C[1;46m[0;36m [1;32;46m[0;36
                                [1;46m[0;36m [1;46m[0;36m    ܲ
                                [9C[1;46m[0;36m [1;46m[0;36m
                                [1;32;46m[0;36m [1;46m[0;36m
                                [1;46m[0;36m ۰
                                 [7C[5C   Presents
                                [1;30m[0;36m   [1;30;46mܲ[1C[40m
                                   [8C[37mRAF-SPY! v1.0[11C[30m
                                   [36mRaf-spy v1.0 enables the users 
                                   [36mto be like james bond! and spy 
                                [5C[36mon other users statistics![5C[30m
                                    [33mcode! : Vascular[16C[30m
                                [16C[33mdesign : kenetic    [30m
                                [1;30m [0;36mVascular   [34m
                                [1;30m [34m22[0m/[1;34m09[0m/[1;34m9
                                [0;34m   [1m[44m[0;34m [37m
                                [1;47m[0m  [1;47m[1C[0;34m
                                [1;44m[0;34m [37m [1;47m[0
                                [1;47m[0m [34m
                                [1;30m [0;34m  [1m[44m[0;34m
                                [37m  [1;47m[0m[1;47m[1C[0;34m
                                 raf's not a [0;34m[1m[44m[0;34m
                                [37m  [34m
                                 [1;30mbelieve!... its
                                [34m[44m[0;34m [1;30mfeeling
                                @X0F[@X07I'VE SEEN DBG'S LIGHT@X0F]
login_2dgx.zip    6018 08-05-2024 Gx-Login V 1.0 (erster Versuch)
                                Animiertes Login fuer RA 2.02
                                Funktioniert nur in registriertem RA.
logoff13.zip  153984 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  ް ް       ް ް 
                                       ޲ ޲  ޲ ޲ 
                                 LOGOFF - MATRiX VER 1.30 
                                  BEST TOOL FOR  SERIOUS  
                                  SYSOPS - REPLACES YOUR  
                                 OLD LOGOFF-MENU WITH THE 
                                   FOLLOWiNG  FEATURES:   
                                LIGHTBARS, EXTERNAL/INTERNAL
                                 MESSAGE POSTING,  EXTERNAL 
                                INTERNAL BOARD LISTER, FULLY
                                CONFIGURABLE - WORKS  ON ALL
                                ALL BBS SYSTEMS AND iS FREE!
                                  F  R  E  E  W  A  R  E  
logrd07.zip    21251 08-05-2024  %mLn% ܲ   
                                ۲߲ ۲۲
                                ۲۲۲۲۲ IJ
                                ۲ ۲۲۲ ܲ
                                  ۲  ۲ ۲ 
                                  ۲  ۲۱ 
                                ܲ ߲ ۲ܲ
                                %R E M OT E A C CE S  F O R C E%
                                ߲           PRESENTS           
                                    RAF-LAME NUKKER 0.01.7    ߲
                                 Door to hangup all lamers on   
                                 your board. Fully configurable.
                                 Use your own ansi's and text.  
                                 Now includes a names list!     
                                   16-07-97    ܲ
luser11.zip    93954 08-05-2024 [DEMENTIA] 
                                    ۲   ۲ 
                                       ۲    ۲ 
                                       ۲    ۲ 
                                       ۲    ۲ 
                                     ۲    ۲ 
                                [DMA presents]Ŀ 
                                ij    DMALUSER V1.10     
                                     A DOOR TO VIEW THE      
                                     USERLIST IN RA IN       
                                        AN EASY WAY.         
                                ij   CODED BY MADCAT    ڳĿ 
                                Ĵ EMPTY   
lwnews10.zip   42567 08-05-2024  LAWLESS PROGRAMMING 
                                  oO LAWNEWS Oo  
                                   A revolutionary   
                                  newsreader for all 
                                 RA systems versions 
                                       2 and up      
                                 LAWLESS PROGRAMMING 
madadd18.zip   92358 08-05-2024 -----
                                 MD BBS ADDY        RA 2.5x 
                                - --    --  -  
                                 Version Number - 1.1.8      
                                 Program Type   - Door       
                                | Release Date   - 01-03-1997 
                                | Coded For      - Ra 2.50+   
                                 Short Description           |
                                 Sysops of other boards can  |
                                 put there bbs inf in here.  
                                 Users can view the addy's.  
                                 Changes + Install Program   
                                         + General Update    
                                 Main Coder - Texico of MD  
                                   - --      - -Ĵ
                                  Home of MD: Boomerang BBS  
                                      DIZ fixed by pcmicro    
madans17.zip   70199 08-05-2024 -----
                                 MD ANSI SHOW       RA 2.5x 
                                - --    --  -  
                                 Version Number - 1.1.7      
                                 Program Type   - Door       
                                | Release Date   - 03-01-1997 
                                | Coded For      - Ra 2.50+   
                                 Short Description           |
                                 Shows an ansi with an ansi- |
                                 mated cursor.               |
                                 Changes + Install Program   
                                         + General Changes   
                                 Main Coder - Runtime Error  
                                   - --      - -Ĵ
                                  Home of MD: Boomerang BBS  
                                      DIZ fixed by pcmicro    
madcal02.zip   66999 08-05-2024 -----
                                 MD TOTALCALLERS      MAILER 
                                - --    --  -  
                                 Version Number - 1.o2       
                                 Program Type   - Door       
                                | Release Date   - 03-01-1997 
                                | Coded For      - Front End  
                                 Short Description           |
                                 Shows howmuch callers there |
                                 have called in big letters. |
                                 Changes + Install Program   
                                         + General changes   
                                 Main Coder - Runtime Error  
                                   - --      - -Ĵ
                                  Home of MD: Boomerang BBS  
                                      DIZ fixed by pcmicro    
madcht29.zip   75402 08-05-2024 -----
                                 MD PAGER/CHATTER   RA 2.5x 
                                - --    --  -  
                                 Version Number - 1.2.9      
                                 Program Type   - CHATTER    
                                | Release Date   - 03-01-97   
                                | Coded For      - RA 2.50    
                                 Short Description           |
                                 A chatter with pager what   |
                                 uses HSP music instead of   |
                                 a build-in speaker.         
                                 Changes + Install Program   
                                         + General Update    
                                 Coders   - Runtime Error    
                                          - Texico of MD    
                                   - --      - -Ĵ
                                  Home of MD: Boomerang BBS  
                                      DIZ fixed by pcmicro    
madjok02.zip  207850 08-05-2024 -----
                                 MD JOKE            RA 2.5x 
                                - --    --  -  
                                 Version Number - 1.o2       
                                 Program Type   - Door       
                                | Release Date   - 03-01-1997 
                                | Coded For      - Ra 2.50+   
                                 Short Description           |
                                 Shows the user a joke out   |
                                 of a file. More than 2000   |
                                 jokes in here!              
                                 Changes + Install Program   
                                         + General Changes   
                                 Main Coder - Runtime Error  
                                   - --      - -Ĵ
                                  Home of MD: Boomerang BBS  
                                      DIZ fixed by pcmicro    
madlam27.zip   81583 08-05-2024 -----
                                 MD LAMER           RA 2.5x 
                                - --    --  -  
                                 Version Number - 1.2.7      
                                 Program Type   - Door       
                                | Release Date   - 03-01-1997 
                                | Coded For      - Ra 2.50+   
                                 Short Description           |
                                 Disconnect the user from    |
                                 your bbs if he is in the    |
                                 lame list.                  
                                 Changes + Install Program   
                                         + General Update    
                                 Main Coder - Runtime Error  
                                   - --      - -Ĵ
                                  Home of MD: Boomerang BBS  
                                      DIZ fixed by pcmicro    
madln504.zip   72656 08-05-2024 -----
                                 MD LINER           Ra 2.5x 
                                - --    --  -  
                                 Version Number - 1.5o.4     
                                 Program Type   - Door       
                                | Release Date   - 03-01-1997 
                                | Coded For      - Ra 2.50    
                                 Short Description           |
                                 Yes, another liner but this |
                                 one is coded by us. Hope ya |
                                 like it.                    
                                 Changes + Install Program   
                                         + General Update    
                                 Main Coder - Runtime Error  
                                   - --      - -Ĵ
                                  Home of MD: Boomerang BBS  
                                      DIZ fixed by pcmicro    
madlog47.zip   84445 08-05-2024 -----
                                 MD LOG             RA 2.5x 
                                - --    --  -  
                                 Version Number - 1.47       
                                 Program Type   - Door       
                                | Release Date   - 03-01-1997 
                                | Coded For      - Ra 2.50+   
                                 Short Description           |
                                 Let the user choose if he   |
                                 wants a quick or slow login |
                                 (Starry background incl.)   
                                 Changes + Updated Docs      
                                         + Interface Update  
                                         + Install program   
                                 Main Coder - Runtime Error  
                                   - --      - -Ĵ
                                  Home of MD: Boomerang BBS  
                                      DIZ fixed by pcmicro    
madlst31.zip   72940 08-05-2024 -----
                                 MD LAST CALLER     RA 2.5x 
                                - --    --  -  
                                 Version Number - 1.3.1      
                                 Program Type   - Lastcaller 
                                | Release Date   - 02-13-97   
                                | Coded For      - RA 2.50+   
                                 Short Description           |
                                 Displays the lastcaller     |
                                 to the user                 |
                                 Main Coder - Texico of MD  
                                   - --      - -Ĵ
                                  Home of MD: Boomerang BBS  
                                      DIZ fixed by pcmicro    
madlv105.zip   69444 08-05-2024 -----
                                 MD LEVEL           RA 2.5x 
                                - --    --  -  
                                 Version Number - 1.o5       
                                 Program Type   - Door       
                                | Release Date   - 01-01-1997 
                                | Coded For      - Ra 2.50+   
                                 Short Description           |
                                 Display the user level and  |
                                 some user info with ansi-   |
                                 Changes + Install program   
                                         + Added doxfiles    
                                         + General Bugfixes  
                                 Main Coder - Texico         
                                   - --      - -Ĵ
                                  Home of MD: Boomerang BBS  
                                      DIZ fixed by pcmicro    
madmst07.zip   68374 08-05-2024 -----
                                 MD MOST WANTED     RA 2.5x 
                                - --    --  -  
                                 Version Number - 1.0.7      
                                 Program Type   - Door       
                                | Release Date   - 03-01-1997 
                                | Coded For      - Ra 2.50+   
                                 Short Description           |
                                 Let your users know what    |
                                 things or which files you   |
                                 Changes + Install Program   
                                         + General Update    
                                 Main Coder - Runtime Error  
                                   - --      - -Ĵ
                                  Home of MD: Boomerang BBS  
                                      DIZ fixed by pcmicro    
madmt125.zip   71383 08-05-2024 -----
                                 MD MTNC            RA 2.5x 
                                - --    --  -  
                                 Version Number - 1.2.5      
                                 Program Type   - Door       
                                | Release Date   - 12-25-1996 
                                | Coded For      - Ra 2.5o    
                                 Short Description           |
                                 Leave message 2 next caller |
                                 has 2 windows to write in,  |
                                 only one per user. rulez!   
                                 Changes + Added Doxfiles    
                                         + Install Program   
                                         + General Updates   
                                 Main Coder - Runtime Error  
                                   - --      - -Ĵ
                                  Home of MD: Boomerang BBS  
                                      DIZ fixed by pcmicro    
madnws28.zip   81005 08-05-2024 -----
                                 MD NEWS            RA 2.5x 
                                - --    --  -  
                                 Version Number - 1.2.8      
                                 Program Type   - Door       
                                | Release Date   - 03-01-1997 
                                | Coded For      - Ra 2.50+   
                                 Short Description           |
                                 This door shows the user a  |
                                 number of ansi-pages with   
                                 news and info.              
                                 Changes + Install Program   
                                         + General Changes   
                                 Main Coder - Texico of MD  
                                   - --      - -Ĵ
                                  Home of MD: Boomerang BBS  
                                      DIZ fixed by pcmicro    
madpwt05.zip   70040 08-05-2024 -----
                                 MD Password Thing  RA 2.5x 
                                - --    --  -  
                                 Version Number - 0.5        
                                 Program Type   - Door       
                                | Release Date   - 12-18-1996 
                                | Coded For      - RA 2.50+   
                                 Short Description           |
                                 Protection door for menus   |
                                 and doors. Looks like an    |
                                 one armed bandit.           
                                 Main Coder - CReZo of MD   
                                   - --      - -Ĵ
                                  Home of MD: Boomerang BBS  
                                      DIZ fixed by pcmicro    
madqst02.zip   69847 08-05-2024 -----
                                 MD QUESTIONAIRE    RA 2.5x 
                                - --    --  -  
                                 Version Number - 1.o2       
                                 Program Type   - Door       
                                | Release Date   - 03-01-1997 
                                | Coded For      - Ra 2.50    
                                 Short Description           |
                                 You can use this door to    |
                                 let users re-fill in a      |
                                 new users questionaire if   
                                 not filled in correctly or  
                                 Changes + Install Program   
                                         + General Update    
                                 Main Coder - Texico of MD  
                                   - --      - -Ĵ
                                  Home of MD: Boomerang BBS  
                                      DIZ fixed by pcmicro    
madstu27.zip   70307 08-05-2024 -----
                                 MD STUPID           Mailer 
                                - --    --  -  
                                 Version Number - 1.27 Beta  
                                 Program Type   - Door       
                                | Release Date   - 03-01-1997 
                                | Coded For      - as frontend
                                 Short Description           |
                                 Display some info about     |
                                 the connected speed and if  
                                 you are away/asleep.        
                                 Changes + Install Program   
                                         + General Update    
                                 Coders - Texico and Runtime 
                                   - --      - -Ĵ
                                  Home of MD: Boomerang BBS  
                                      DIZ fixed by pcmicro    
madsyp02.zip   67515 08-05-2024 -----
                                 MD SYSOP PASSY     RA 2.5x 
                                - --    --  -  
                                 Version Number - v1.o2      
                                 Program Type   - Door       
                                | Release Date   - 03-01-1997 
                                | Coded For      - Ra 2.50    
                                 Short Description           |
                                 If you are calling remote,  
                                 this door will ask you to   
                                 enter a password. If the    
                                 password is guest wrong a   
                                 number of times the sysop   
                                 account will be disabled    
                                 to prevent illegal access   
                                 into your board.            
                                 Changes + Install Program   
                                         + General Update    
                                 Main Coder - Runtime Error  
                                   - --      - -Ĵ
                                  Home of MD: Boomerang BBS  
                                      DIZ fixed by pcmicro    
madtim22.zip   68633 08-05-2024 -----
                                 MD TIMER           RA 2.5x 
                                - --    --  -  
                                 Version Number - 1.22       
                                 Program Type   - Door       
                                | Release Date   - 03-01-1997 
                                | Coded For      - Ra 2.50+   
                                 Short Description           |
                                 Show the time in a BIG      |
                                 font to the user. Seconds/  |
                                 Minutes and Hours.          
                                 Changes + Install Program   
                                         + General Update    
                                 Main Coder - Runtime Error  
                                   - --      - -Ĵ
                                  Home of MD: Boomerang BBS  
                                      DIZ fixed by pcmicro    
madtop02.zip   66318 08-05-2024 -----
                                 MD TOP CALLERS     RA 2.5x 
                                - --    --  -  
                                 Version Number - 1.02 Beta  
                                 Program Type   - Door       
                                | Release Date   - 03-01-1997 
                                | Coded For      - RA 2.50    
                                 Short Description           |
                                 Shows best callers. This    |
                                 version is only a test one  |
                                 and nothing special.        
                                 Changes + Install Program   
                                         + General Update    
                                 Main Coder - Runtime Error  
                                   - --      - -Ĵ
                                  Home of MD: Boomerang BBS  
                                      DIZ fixed by pcmicro    
madvip27.zip   81346 08-05-2024 -----
                                 MD VIPPER          RA 2.5x 
                                - --    --  -  
                                 Version Number - 1.2.7      
                                 Program Type   - Door       
                                | Release Date   - 03-01-1997 
                                | Coded For      - Ra 2.50+   
                                 Short Description           |
                                 Checks if a user is a VIP.  |
                                 if he is the door will make |
                                 a sound with the speaker    
                                 Changes + Install Program   
                                         + General Update    
                                 Main Coder - Texico of MD  
                                   - --      - -Ĵ
                                  Home of MD: Boomerang BBS  
                                      DIZ fixed by pcmicro    
madwiz12.zip  108341 08-05-2024 -----
                                 MD WIZE            RA 2.5x 
                                - --    --  -  
                                 Version Number - 1.1.2      
                                 Program Type   - Door       
                                | Release Date   - 03-01-1997 
                                | Coded For      - Ra 2.50+   
                                 Short Description           |
                                 Selects a wize remark from  |
                                 the WIZE library and shows  |
                                 it to the user.             
                                 Changes + Install Program   
                                         + General Update    
                                 Main Coder - Runtime Error  
                                   - --      - -Ĵ
                                  Home of MD: Boomerang BBS  
                                      DIZ fixed by pcmicro    
madyes17.zip   67678 08-05-2024 -----
                                 MD YES/NO SELECT   RA 2.5x 
                                - --    --  -  
                                 Version Number - 1.1.7      
                                 Program Type   - Door       
                                | Release Date   - 12-19-1996 
                                | Coded For      - Ra 2.50+   
                                 Short Description           |
                                 Your users may select one   |
                                 out of two options.         
                                 The door uses flags.        
                                 Changes + Install Program   
                                         + General Changes   
                                 Main Coder - Texico of MD  
                                   - --      - -Ĵ
                                  Home of MD: Boomerang BBS  
                                      DIZ fixed by pcmicro    
mailbox.zip     5017 08-05-2024 ۲
                                           DeaTH ZoNe         
                                        MaiLBoX  MaTRiX       
                                  MaiLBoX MaTRiX FoR Ra_2.02  
                                  RePLaCeS Ra MaiL SCaN WiTH  
                                  a NeW aNSi MaiLBoX SCaN...  
                                  CooL aNSi. DoCS iNCLuDeD..  
mayday06.zip    4592 08-05-2024 
                                    >> PSZ <<    ķ
                                        WMiL iMTiO 4 R 2.0x      
                                    >> W <<    Ľ
ma_2dbaro.zip   36527 08-05-2024   ܱ ߱     
                                ڱ  ıܱıııĿ
                                LEVEL BAROMETER v0.2Ĵ
                                 Kewl looking Userlevel    
                                 Barometer. Reads the      
                                 Userlevel and gives out a 
                                 short information.        
                                    RELEASED 26/12/95      
                                       by Fireball         
ma_2dicel.zip   16104 08-05-2024   ܱ ߱     
                                ڱ  ıܱıııĿ
                                 Ice Language Ĵ
                                 Directly from da North    
                                 Pole into ya kewl BBS ... 
                                 The most Icy Language     
                                 file for Ra 2.0x you've   
                                 ever seen.                
                                    RELEASED 21/o2/1996    
                                        by Fireball        
ma_2dlist.zip   35388 08-05-2024   ܱ ߱     
                                ڱ  ıܱıııĿ
                                USER LISTER v1.0Ĵ
                                 The BEST User Lister for  
                                 Ra 2.0x ever.             
                                 High quality kewl styled  
                                 ANSI's. High Speed User   
                                 Handle / Location search. 
                                    RELEASED 31/12/95      
                                       by Fireball         
mc_2ddc111.zip   60605 08-05-2024                        
                                 ۲ M  y  Z  T  i  C         
                                         dAChANGE v1.11                
                                   A MAiL/fiLE GRoUP/AREA ChANGER          
                                   foR REMotE ACCESS 2.50 ANd 2.0X           
                                    LiGhtbAR dRiVEN ANd fULLY CoN-           
                                   fiGURAbLE. WiLL ALSo ChECk foR          
                                  NEW MESSAGES. REAd WhAtSNEW.111!         
                                       CodE bY hARdAttACk              
                                 ۲ C  o  d  i  N  G         
mc_2ddl100.zip   56672 08-05-2024                        
                                 ۲ M  y  Z  T  i  C         
                                         dALiNAh v1.oo                 
                                   SUM LiNER thiS tiME! SUPPoRtS:          
                                    UPto 2oo LiNES + SCRoLLbACk =]        
                                    RoLLiNG ENtER PRoMPt                  
                                       CodE bY hARdAttACk              
                                 ۲ C  o  d  i  N  G         
mc_2dra100.zip   11686 08-05-2024                        
                                 ۲ M  y  Z  T  i  C         
                                         RANdANSi v1.0                 
                                   CUtE LiL' PRoGGY thAt PiCkS           
                                       A RANdoM LiNE fRoM SUM              
                                      kiNdA tEXtfiLE ANd MAkES             
                                     A VAGUE ANSi-ANiM oUttA             
                                      dA Shit.. USAbLE foR               
                                  RANdoM WAitPRoMPtS oR So..         
                                 ۲ C  o  d  i  N  G         
mge_diz1.zip   33316 08-05-2024               _______         ______
                                  _________  /  _____>_____  /  __  \______
                                 <____     \/  /\________  \/  / /  /  ____>
                                . /  /  /  /  <__  \  /_/  /  /_/  /  /__mGE
                                :/  /  /  /  /__/  / _____/\___   __>__  \95
                                /  /\_/\__\____/  /\_______   >\_/   ____/:.
                                      DiZZAD v1.0 (c) MAGiC WALKER^mGE
                                - ADDS/REMOVES TAG-LiNES TO/FROM FILE_ID.DIZ
                                - ADDS/REMOVES ARCHIVE COMMENTS
                                - CREATES A FILELIST
                                - AND SOME MORE FEATURES! CHECK iT OUT!
mge_dizz.zip   11372 08-05-2024               _______         ______         
                                  _________  /  _____>_____  /  __  \______  
                                 <____     \/  /\________  \/  / /  /  ____> 
                                . /  /  /  /  <__  \  /_/  /  /_/  /  /__mGE 
                                :/  /  /  /  /__/  / _____/\___   __>__  \95 
                                /  /\_/\__\____/  /\_______   >\_/   ____/:. 
                                 DiZZER 95 - FAST FiLE_ID.DiZ ADVERT ADDER  
                                     TH UNDRGROUND RBLLiON '95     
mge_join.zip  111821 08-05-2024 [MALODOROUSGRiFFiNENTANGLEMENT]ķ
                                  CONF/AREA JOiNER FOR REMOTE ACCESS 2.+  
                                   PCB STYLE/LiGHTBARS (CODED BY .McW.)   
mge_onra.zip   44214 08-05-2024               _______         ______
                                  _________  /  _____>_____  /  __  \______
                                 <____     \/  /\________  \/  / /  /  ____>
                                . /  /  /  /  <__  \  /_/  /  /_/  /  /__mGE
                                :/  /  /  /  /__/  / _____/\___   __>__  \95
                                /  /\_/\__\____/  /\_______   >\_/   ____/:.
                                    mGE oNELiNER 1.0 FOR REMOTE ACCESS!
                                 NiCE FADiNG/TOP WRiTERS - THE BEST FOR RA!
                                -= PssD the  BB$ =-
                                    ͵LCHD d 0 LMR BBs   
ml200b3.zip   254937 08-05-2024    MADLOGIN v2.00.3 (02.08.98) 
                                External Login for the mailbox software
                                remoteACCESS (or EleBBS), which is
                                indispensable due to its numerous options
                                and features. Plug in for RA/ELE!
                                 -> Complete Modem administration
                                 -> IEMSI Support incl. Debug Mode
                                 -> ISDN CallerID Support
                                 -> Integrated Request Prozessor
                                 -> Integrated Login Matrix
                                 -> Displays the User-Passwrter
                                 -> Neu User / System password
                                 -> Automatic Event-Verwaltung
                                 -> 100% configurable (SetUp)
                                 -> Animated PcBoard Enter-Prompts
                                 -> Efficient DoorUnit with a RA-Look
                                **German only doks , but easy to under-
                                stand it unless you are a complete fool.
                                ** This must be unzipped with -d
mliner20.zip   25855 08-05-2024 .____  ____________ ______  ___/\_________
                                |    \/  ________ ( )_ __/__\_____ __    /_.
                                |    \/   Y    -   Y )\\___ Y    \/Y   _/  |
                                |    /  .:|      .:|      .:|    .:|     .:|
                                        THiS iS A MGiC PR0dUCTi0N
                                            MGiC LiNERZ v 2.0
                                   Nice oneliner for the most bbs-systems
                                    Now totaly rewritten in 1oo% pascal
                                    Nice ansi, |XX pipe color support!!
mlogv112.zip  253767 08-05-2024               
                                 MADLOGIN V1.12 byMadman Ŀ
                                  externes Login und Systemverwalter  
                                  fr Remote Access. Alle Funktionen  
                                  von RA werden vom Login bernommen  
                                  Neuuser Passwort / Systempasswort,  
                                  Lastcaller editor / Events /Iemsi  
                                  Fax / Multiline / Auto Line detect  
                                  Alle Passwrter von Usern sind mit  
                                  Hilfe des Login jederzeit abrufbar  
                                  Onlinezeiten festlegbar (ideal fr  
                                  Mailboxen, welche nicht 24h Online  
                                  sind. Durch den neuen File Request  
                                  Processor knnen User auch 'OHNE!'  
                                  Mailer Files requesten.  bugfixed!  
                                   > Mit integriertem Login Matrix!  
mmd262.zip    239493 08-05-2024  $'^~%^---------------^
                                .  ;'     ,n$$%   blue  sonic  |
                                `..,.     `%$$$$%proudly presents|
                                %n,,.._  ""$$$%                |
                                %;"" ``#;    ;$% the  ultimate  |
                                %'  @@  ;.       ,$%    MAD!MUD     |
                                %'  @@ ."$$$$$$$$$$%     v 2.6.2    |
                                %   _.'   ;$$$$$$$$$$%                |
                                %;'  @@@  |$$$$$' `:%    The first   |
                                %    @@@ ;$$$$    ;  official beta |
                                %$$n,,.._  ,$$$$;.  `. after 2 Years  |
                                %$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:.     coding and   |
                                |testing. The mostly best Onlinegame as |
                                |ever. .( You can play it also local ). |
                                |                                       |
                                |    contact TRiBBLE if any questions   |
                                |         (tribble@deathsdoor.com)      |
                                |          DOWNLOAD NOW! ITS FREE       |
mpdlamer.zip   38840 08-05-2024 .____  ____________ ______  ___/\_________
                                |    \/  ________ ( )_ __/__\_____ __    /_.
                                |    \/   Y    -   Y )\\___ Y    \/Y   _/  |
                                |    /  .:|      .:|      .:|    .:|     .:|
                                        THiS iS A MGiC PR0dUCTi0N
                                   Disklamer v 1.oo for RemoteAccess 2.ox
                                    and 2.5o.. almost 1oo% configureable
                                    and with lightbars, customable ansis
mpenter.zip     2751 08-05-2024 .____  ____________ ______  ___/\_________
                                |    \/  ________ ( )_ __/__\_____ __    /_.
                                |    \/   Y    -   Y )\\___ Y    \/Y   _/  |
                                |    /  .:|      .:|      .:|    .:|     .:|
                                         THiS iS A MaGiC PRoDUCTioN
                                 A cool enter prompt for RA for you who
                                 Wants enter prompts as cool as PCB's..
mphandle.zip   33097 08-05-2024 .____  ____________ ______  ___/\_________
                                |    \/  ________ ( )_ __/__\_____ __    /_.
                                |    \/   Y    -   Y )\\___ Y    \/Y   _/  |
                                |    /  .:|      .:|      .:|    .:|     .:|
                                        THiS iS A MGiC PR0dUCTiON
                                 If you have a door witch you only can use
                                 the users realname and not the handle...
                                 Then use this little program to change
                                 the users name to his handle *TEMPORARY*
                                  ********ONLY FOR DOOR.SYS DOORS*********
                                 [DOOR UTIL][07/27/97]
mpmailny.zip    6385 08-05-2024 
                                 ܱ߲   ܰ
                                ޲  ۲ ޲  ܲ
                                ۰۲   ۲۲ܲ
                                    ۲ ۱  kZ!
                                 A new-mail scan animation
                                      for RemoteAccess
                                       Made by kLEFZ!
                                    Leech This! It rewlz
                                 tHA hiDEOUT  +46-19-6112313 
mprequpd.zip   73188 08-05-2024 .____  ____________ ______  ___/\_________
                                |    \/  ________ ( )_ __/__\_____ __    /_.
                                |    \/   Y    -   Y )\\___ Y    \/Y   _/  |
                                |    /  .:|      .:|      .:|    .:|     .:|
                                        THiS iS A MGiC PR0dUCTi0N
                                        MGiC REQUEZTZ v 1.1 UPDATE
                                     Gr8 file-requester for the most 
                                   bbs-systems, Light bars, Nuke function
mp_21pause.zip    5362 08-05-2024 .____  ____________ ______  ___/\_________
                                |    \/  ________ ( )_ __/__\_____ __    /_.
                                |    \/   Y    -   Y )\\___ Y    \/Y   _/  |
                                |    /  .:|      .:|      .:|    .:|     .:|
                                        THiS iS A MGiC PR0dUCTi0N
                                       Some pause prompts for iTC
mp_21wall.zip   17416 08-05-2024 .____  ____________ ______  ___/\_________
                                |    \/  ________ ( )_ __/__\_____ __    /_.
                                |    \/   Y    -   Y )\\___ Y    \/Y   _/  |
                                |    /  .:|      .:|      .:|    .:|     .:|
                                        THiS iS A MGiC PR0dUCTiON
                                          A iNSTiNCT WALL BY kZ^MP
                                        a nize wall for instinct 3.0
                                    get thiz and make your cool itc board
                                                even cooler..
mp_dl1o1.zip   39246 08-05-2024 .____  ____________ ______  ___/\_________
                                |    \/  ________ ( )_ __/__\_____ __    /_.
                                |    \/   Y    -   Y )\\___ Y    \/Y   _/  |
                                |    /  .:|      .:|      .:|    .:|     .:|
                                        THiS iS A MGiC PR0dUCTi0N
                                   Disklamer v 1.o1 for RemoteAccess 2.ox
                                    and 2.5o.. almost 1oo% configureable
                                    and with lightbars, customable ansis
mp_lam.zip     37253 08-05-2024 ۲ LAMER  V 1.o ۲
                                  This is a Lamer Detector  
                                        for RA 2.x          
mp_lastc.zip    8325 08-05-2024 .____  ____________ ______  ___/\_________
                                |    \/  ________ ( )_ __/__\_____ __    /_.
                                |    \/   Y    -   Y )\\___ Y    \/Y   _/  |
                                |    /  .:|      .:|      .:|    .:|     .:|
                                         THiS iS A MGiC PR0dUCTiON
                                          Magic Lastcaller ETA 1
                                      A Cool last caller for RA 2.xx
mp_mail2.zip    3748 08-05-2024 .____  ____________ ______  ___/\_________
                                |    \/  ________ ( )_ __/__\_____ __    /_.
                                |    \/   Y    -   Y )\\___ Y    \/Y   _/  |
                                |    /  .:|      .:|      .:|    .:|     .:|
                                         THiS iS A MaGiC PRoDUCTioN
                                 A New mail scanner for ra..
                                 Exactly as the other one but faster..
mp_mails.zip    3911 08-05-2024 .____  ____________ ______  ___/\_________
                                |    \/  ________ ( )_ __/__\_____ __    /_.
                                |    \/   Y    -   Y )\\___ Y    \/Y   _/  |
                                |    /  .:|      .:|      .:|    .:|     .:|
                                         THiS iS A MaGiC PRoDUCTioN
                                 A New mail scanner for ra..
mp_nup.zip      5068 08-05-2024 .____  ____________ ______  ___/\_________
                                |    \/  ________ ( )_ __/__\_____ __    /_.
                                |    \/   Y    -   Y )\\___ Y    \/Y   _/  |
                                |    /  .:|      .:|      .:|    .:|     .:|
                                        THiS iS A MGiC PR0dUCTiON
                                  This little PPE is gr8 for all who wants
                                   to keep the lamers away from your cool
                                   board! 100% backdoor free almost 100% 
mp_oline.zip    6475 08-05-2024 
                                 ܱ߲   ܰ
                                ޲  ۲ ޲  ܲ
                                ۰۲   ۲۲ܲ
                                    ۲ ۱  kZ!
                                 MAGiC LiNERZ PPE VER. SOURCE
                                ez source for an oneliner for
                                 pcb. just make your own ansi
                                    and then just use it!!
mp_order.zip    7737 08-05-2024 .____  ____________ ______  ___/\_________
                                |    \/  ________ ( )_ __/__\_____ __    /_.
                                |    \/   Y    -   Y )\\___ Y    \/Y   _/  |
                                |    /  .:|      .:|      .:|    .:|     .:|
                                        THiS iS A MGiC PR0dUCTiON
                                 Ascee ordering ppe for PCB 15.3, nice and
                                 clean ascee ordering ppe, use this if you
                                       don't need any other crap :).
mp_ordrx.zip   36191 08-05-2024 .____  ____________ ______  ___/\_________
                                |    \/  ________ ( )_ __/__\_____ __    /_.
                                |    \/   Y    -   Y )\\___ Y    \/Y   _/  |
                                |    /  .:|      .:|      .:|    .:|     .:|
                                        THiS iS A MGiC PR0dUCTiON
                                    Ascee ordering door for System/X 1.5
                                 clean ascee ordering door, use this if you
                                       don't need any other crap :).
mp_req.zip     73271 08-05-2024 .____  ____________ ______  ___/\_________
                                |    \/  ________ ( )_ __/__\_____ __    /_.
                                |    \/   Y    -   Y )\\___ Y    \/Y   _/  |
                                |    /  .:|      .:|      .:|    .:|     .:|
                                        THiS iS A MGiC PR0dUCTi0N
                                            MGiC REQUEZTZ v 1
                                     Gr8 file-requester for the most 
                                   bbs-systems, Light bars, Nuke function
msgtrunc.zip   31404 08-05-2024 @X03 @X08-@X0DWare! @X08* @X0DRudeSoft
                                (c) [tm] '98@X03
                                @X03 @X07Use This Real Cool Util With 
                                @X03 @X07GoldED. It Cleans Up The Msg 
                                @X03 @X07Before Replying 100% CfgAble 
                                @X03 @X07+ It's Also  Possible To Rip 
                                @X03   @X07Out Taglines To A File..   
msh_2dhydr.zip  133088 08-05-2024                 _______
                                 _______   ____/       \_____ _______
                                _ __    \_/    ___ \____ _   |___ __ _
                                   s|  \   /  |   \_   \|   _|   \
                                   l|   \_/   |_       _|   \_    \
                                 __n|    |_____/\_____/\_____|     \___
                                 \_\_____| m o o n s h i n e |______/_/
                                  How to install HYDRACOM protocol in
                                 WAREZTAG(batfiles included!)&FRODOTERM
                                 UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD/CHAT  (Hydra included)
                                --[Foxivision]----------[ 27/07/96 ]---
ms_21nms96.zip    9361 08-05-2024        _ ___
                                       \\\__\  ______ __  _______
                                       .    \\/___ \\/  '  ___/__
                                .------|     \/ '    \_______,  \------.
                                |      l______________(,/_________(!CE   |
                                |     m a c a b r e   s t u d i o s     |
                                |                .presents.               |
                                |                                         |
                                |   New Mail Scanner For Remote Access    |
                                |                                         |
                                |   Ascii/Animation by Stahn              |
                                |                                         |
                                `[ (c) Macabre Studios ltd. ]-------[1996]'
ms_2d100ba.zip    4482 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 * MailScan v1.00.bA *  
                                 Animated mail-scan for 
                                 use with RA 2.50, both 
                                 gamma's and final 2.50 
                                 version. Easy install. 
                                 First   public   beta- 
mto1time.zip  310649 08-05-2024 
mtoarum.zip   123767 08-05-2024 
mtolog2.zip   131134 08-05-2024 
mtospy.zip    123525 08-05-2024 
mtostats.zip  141574 08-05-2024   
                                 ۲  ۲ 
                                   ۲          ۲ 
                                 _/> mToStatics 1.3 <\_ 
                                  Online Statics; Let Your Users   
                                  Brows Into All Kind Of Statics   
                                     From Remote Access. It's      
                                  Configable And Easy To Install!  
                                     Don't Wait, Leech It Now!     
                                   Coded Without List Limits!     
                                    [] Ra Door 
                                     Coded By MAGiC MANiAC^mTo     
mtotdl12.zip  157393 08-05-2024   
                                 ۲  ۲ 
                                   ۲          ۲ 
                                 _/> mToTDL 1.2 <\_ 
                                 Lets Scan The Ra-Filebase For The 
                                   Todays Downloads And Let Them   
                                  Browsing Into The List With The  
                                 Powerfull Lightbars, And More...  
                                       Try This, Or Be Lame!       
                                   New!: Fast Scan Option,        
                                         For The Sysops Without A 
                                         P200-Mmx ;)              
                                    [] Ra Door 
                                     Coded By MAGiC MANiAC^mTo     
mtoup1st.zip  128840 08-05-2024 
ncmfad12.zip   34040 08-05-2024 NN CMPS MNTiS 
                                ۰     ۰   
                                ۱     ۲   
                                ۰     ۰   ۰
                                      PRSNTS NCM FDR V1.2
                                  iT GiVS YR SR FDiNG TXT
                                    ND Y CN CHS WHT TXT
                                       Y WNT T FD iN.
                                NW Y CN LS S N NSi WiTH iT
                                      CDD BY PLSR^NCM
ncmpag16.zip   42797 08-05-2024 NN CMPS MNTiS 
                                ۰     ۰   
                                ۱     ۲   
                                ۰     ۰   ۰
                                        PRSNTS PGR V1.5
                                 PGR WiTH NSi'S. iT CN B SD
                                  WiTH YR FVRiT CHT PRGGY
                                           CDD BY PLSUR
ndn_2drtio.zip   33571 08-05-2024      
                                   -->> raTio CHeCK V1.0 <<--  
                                           OnlY 4 ra 2o2
                                        MakE YouR OwN AnzI!
                                            NoT 4 LameR
                                      Ndn_rtio.doK ->> GermaN
new2lion.zip    3138 08-05-2024 -----------¸
                                ڴ         ÿ
                                ڴ  i      ÿ
                                ڴ  N      ÿ
                                --nEWMAILSCAN 2͵
                                   nEWMAIL & nOTMAIL     
                                ÿ  oNLY fOR rEG rA  ڴ
new2mail.zip   62631 08-05-2024 [23][10][95]-DSK[01/01]
                                NeWMAIL  For R.A. 2.0X <<--     
                                ELiTE NEWMAiL ANiMATiON
newfileg.zip    3737 08-05-2024 
                                     ô ¿           
                                     eWiLeSC   V 1.0    
                                      MDe B 6UeeX         
                                   SS0P MSeR B0RD DUeRe 
                                   02421-931244 V34          
                                   02421-931245 X75          
newm20.zip      4953 08-05-2024  
                                 .  .    
                                 | NEWMAiLSCAN v2.0 1996 by SN0W |
                                 |                                |
                                 | KEWL ANiMATi0NS   [ LEECH ME ] |
                                 : FREEWARE          [ NOW! I'M ] |
                                 . EASY T0 iNSTALL   [ FREEWARE ] :
newmsg11.zip  132791 08-05-2024          
                                schmeiss den ra msgscan weg:
                                 newmail scanner/reader RA2
                                 untersttzt HUDSON/JAMbase
                                 file attaches,reply & mehr
                                 100% Lightbar gesteuert!:)
                                 neu: Msg an "ALL" bugfixes
news.zip       45218 08-05-2024                        [RA]
                                    ۲  ߲
                                ۰߲ܰܲ    ߲ܱ۲߲ܱܰܰ
                                                         ߱ ߲
                                 XPRESS MOddiNG PRESENtS fOR YOU... ޲
                                         NEWS DOOR 1.201         
                                  fancy design and nice features  
                                  bY POTi  Source Code included   
newuser.zip     7938 08-05-2024                        [RA]
                                    ۲  ߲
                                ۰߲ܰܲ    ߲ܱ۲߲ܱܰܰ
                                                         ߱ ߲
                                 XPRESS MOddiNG PRESENtS fOR YOU... ޲
                                  For RA 2.xx. Gives the newusers 500k
                                  uploads automatically. this is for
                                  ratio-systems. Source Included!
                                          Freeware as always.
niven020.zip   25962 08-05-2024                 
                                ۱      ۰
                                ۱        C h  A  t        
                                ۲    (C) 1996 byN0ViCE/P0W  
                                         :           ް
                                P0WPRESENtS A NEW ChAttER !!!!!!!!!!!!
                                       -=[ NiVEN ChAt V0.20 ]=-      
                                -thESYS0PCANChANGEEVERYANSi SCREEN
                                -thEChAt-WiNd0WSCANbE ChANGEd iV EVE
                                -thEUSER/SYS0PbACk- ANd f0REGR0UNd C0
                                 l0R CANbE ChANGEd                    
                                -thEACtiVitiES 0f thE ChAttER Will bE 
                                -thEkEYiSGRAtiS !!!!!!!             
                                -N0W Y0UCANdEfiNE A tiME t0 WAit At  
                                -ChAttiMES ARE dEfiNEd iNdAYS &hours
                                -M0REfEAtURES C0MMiNGS00N            
                                 .        it'S A P0WPR0dUCt       .
nlb_2dadd.zip   56934 08-05-2024                           ___:               
                                    ___nail_  _ _________/___|___            
                                  _/   \bomb _ ________________  \_          
                                 \     \\_______/_   |/      |/    \\\       
                                \\\_____\\     /   __|_____  |     /         
                                .        \____/_  |       \_______/ .        
                                . 1995       /_______    /          .        
                                | Aug 26th     sF!\_____/ -/Phenomic|        
                                |***** Addy v1.0 A Door For RA *****|        
                                | A BBS-Addy Lister, just like PCB. |        
                                | Let users place BBS-commercials in|        
                                | the Addy-database. Many options   |        
                                | like long-list, short-list, add & |        
                                | several search-features. Nice ANSI|        
                                | screens, animations and moving    |        
                                | prompts!                          |        
nlb_2dbbs.zip   18877 08-05-2024                           ___:
                                    ___nail_  _ _________/___|___
                                  _/   \bomb _ ________________  \_
                                 \     \\_______/_   |/      |/    \\\
                                \\\_____\\     /   __|_____  |     /
                                .        \____/_  |       \_______/ .
                                . 1995       /_______    /          .
                                | Aug 22th     sF!\_____/ -/Synopsis|
                                |******* RA/PCb BBS Selector *******|
                                | Now Let Your Users Choose Between |
                                |       Your Ra Or Pcb System       |
                                |      Ofcourse With Lightbars      |
nlb_2dfdl1.zip   10794 08-05-2024                           ___:
                                    ___nail_  _ _________/___|___
                                  _/   \bomb _ ________________  \_
                                 \     \\_______/_   |/      |/    \\\
                                \\\_____\\     /   __|_____  |     /
                                .        \____/_  |       \_______/ .
                                . 1995       /_______    /          .
                                | Sep 30th     sF!\_____/ -/Synopsis|
                                |        FDL_ID v1.10 Ra 2.XX       |
                                | Import The File_id.diz Of A Upped |
                                | File In Your Files.BBS. Now Users |
                                | Don't Have To Type The Description|
                                | Themselves! Use This Util With Ra |
                                |             And Filedoor          |
                                [1;30m[0;37m[1m [0;36m
nlb_2dfhd.zip   19408 08-05-2024                           ___:               
                                    ___nail_  _ _________/___|___            
                                  _/   \bomb _ ________________  \_          
                                 \     \\_______/_   |/      |/    \\\       
                                \\\_____\\     /   __|_____  |     /         
                                .        \____/_  |       \_______/ .        
                                . 1995       /_______    /          .        
                                | Aug 26th     sF!\_____/ -/Synopsis|        
                                |****** FreeHD, A Door For RA ******|        
                                | Let Users Show How Much HD Space  |        
                                | Is Still Available On Your Board  |        
nlb_2dlin1.zip   61319 08-05-2024    ______  ______  /(  ___
                                :/  />  )/  />  ) )/  /:
                                :/  //  //    (/  (/  (/  >
                                LogiN 1.00
                                Some Features: 
                                NewsAnsi, Lastcaller
                                Who's Online?, OneLiners
                                Made By Synopsis      
                                > RELEASE dATE: 02/06/95 <
                                [0;35mHungry? +31-35693-7816/2860[0m
nlb_2dmw1.zip   27159 08-05-2024                           ___:
                                    ___nail_  _ _________/___|___
                                  _/   \bomb _ ________________  \_
                                 \     \\_______/_   |/      |/    \\\
                                \\\_____\\     /   __|_____  |     /
                                .        \____/_  |       \_______/ .
                                . 1995       /_______    /          .
                                | Sep 23th     sF!\_____/ -/iMPURE  |
                                |     MindWarp V1.00 For Ra 2.XX    |
                                |   A Local Downloader For Ra 2.xx  |
                                |    With Use Of Easttag Ofcourse   |
nlb_2doei_21.zip    8641 08-05-2024 |-----------------------------------|
                                |  Random Password Char Changer/Ra  |
                                |  This util changes your password  |
                                |  echo char every time you run it  |
                                |   a *MUST* for random lovers ;)   |
nlb_2dplas.zip   17503 08-05-2024 FOOD FIGHT BBS Door Game ver 4.6 - Addictive,
                                Colorful, Fast-paced, fun.  A popular game on
                                every board.  Very simply, the callers find
                                money, buy food, and throw it.  You get
                                points if hit, and lose points if you miss.
                                There is a bank to save your money, get loans
                                and protect yourself from robbery.
                                There is protection to help you out.
                                Food items, protection and a dozen other
                                options are 100% configurable by the sysop.
                                Supports DOOR.SYS, PCBOARD.SYS, CALLINFO.BBS
                                and DORINFOx.DEF.  NO EXPIRE, no keys.
                                Author: Michael Wilson
                                The Village (support) BBS: 408-229-0706
nlb_2dqzp2.zip   11835 08-05-2024                           ___:
                                    ___nail_  _ _________/___|___
                                  _/   \bomb _ ________________  \_
                                 \     \\_______/_   |/      |/    \\
                                \\\_____\\     /   __|_____  |     /
                                .        \____/_  |       \_______/ .
                                .            /_______    /          .
                                |              sF!\_____/ -/        |
                                |          QuickZip! V1.21          |
                                |       New Quickzip For Fast       |
                                |      OffLine ZIP-Processing!      |
                                |  This One Is Faster, With SubDir  |
                                |   Support, Better Av-Stripping.   |
                                |         And OS/2 Support!         |
                                |          Done By Synopsis         |
                                [0;35mHungry? +31-35693-7816/2860[0m
nlb_2drap.zip   19968 08-05-2024    ______  ______  /(  ___
                                :/  />  )/  />  ) )/  /:
                                :/  //  //    (/  (/  (/  >
                                ----Ra Password Guesser!----
                                        DONE Tweak
                                > RELEASE dATE: 17/03/95 <
nlb_2drc3.zip   12326 08-05-2024    ______  ______  /(  ___
                                :/  />  )/  />  ) )/  /:
                                :/  //  //    (/  (/  (/  >
                                Random Copier V3.0
                                DONE BY Synopsis/NLB
                                > RELEASE dATE: 03/03/95 <
                                [1;32m [0;36mEdgeOfHonor WHq [1;32m
nlb_2dsa11.zip   53604 08-05-2024                           ___:               
                                    ___nail_  _ _________/___|___            
                                  _/   \bomb _ ________________  \_          
                                 \     \\_______/_   |/      |/    \\\       
                                \\\_____\\     /   __|_____  |     /         
                                .        \____/_  |       \_______/ .        
                                . 1995       /_______    /          .        
                                | Aug 18th     sF!\_____/ -/Synopsis|        
                                | **** ShowAns! v1.10 For RA2 ***** |        
                                |  New Updated Version Which Works  |        
                                | Much FASTER, Also PCBCode Support |        
                                |        Runs Also Under OS/2       |        
                                |    101 Enter & 9 More Prompts !   |        
nlb_2dtud.zip   13684 08-05-2024                           ___:
                                    ___nail_  _ _________/___|___
                                  _/   \bomb _ ________________  \_
                                 \     \\_______/_   |/      |/    \\\
                                \\\_____\\     /   __|_____  |     /
                                .        \____/_  |       \_______/ .
                                . 1995       /_______    /          .
                                | Aug 19th     sF!\_____/ -/PHeNoMiC|
                                | ** Today Up/Download AnsiMaker ** |
                                | Makes 2 Ansiscreens of the todays |
                                | uploads and downloads. Customable |
                                | ansiheader, multinode support,    |
                                | totals etc. For FileDoor-Systems! |
nlb_2dwt1.zip   27514 08-05-2024                           ___:
                                    ___nail_  _ _________/___|___
                                  _/   \bomb _ ________________  \_
                                 \     \\_______/_   |/      |/    \\\
                                \\\_____\\     /   __|_____  |     /
                                .        \____/_  |       \_______/ .
                                . 1995       /_______    /          .
                                | Aug 16th     sF!\_____/ -/iMPURE  |
                                | *** WEEKTOP FOR REMOTE ACCESS *** |
                                | Let the competition begin on YOUR |
                                | Board, With this upload/download  |
                                | bulletin generator from NAILBOMB! |
nm_part1.zip    3889 08-05-2024                
                                Get the Special Newmail Scan Animation
                                for Ya Ra Board,100% PCB Style by Sol.
                                   No Lame Logos included 
nsg_pow1.zip   42293 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                       Door Division       
                                       proudly presents    
                                       PowerPrompt 1.1         
                                 + animierte (Enter)Prompts unter    
                                   Ra 2.0x                           
                                 + 50 Prompts im Archiv enthalten    
                                 + keine nervenden "Coded by Bla"    
                                   Meldungen fr den User zu sehen   
                                 + einfach Installation              
                                 + Freeware                          
                                    * NewSystemGeneration  1995 *    
ntr_2dlog.zip    4098 08-05-2024        
                                          NiTRATE PRESENTS           
                                            LOGiN PROMPT             
                                   LOGiN PROMPT FOR REMOTE ACCESS    
                                     LEECH NOW AND TRY iT OUT!       
                                           ANSi BY BAY-BEE           
                                [ .oO FREEWARE Oo. ]
ntr_2dlog2.zip    3511 08-05-2024        
                                          NiTRATE PRESENTS           
                                          LOGiN PROMPT (2)           
                                   LOGiN PROMPT FOR REMOTE ACCESS    
                                     LEECH NOW AND TRY iT OUT!       
                                           ANSi BY BAY-BEE           
                                [ .oO FREEWARE Oo. ]
                                [0m  [1m- FoRTRESS  8-7788 -[0m
oozin1.zip     38891 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      .yy.      .yy.      
                                     a$$a    a$$a     
                                    a$    $a  a$    $a    
                                  aA        $A        $a  
                                       Version 1.0        
                                   'ooZin' a 'Who's In'   
                                    Door for  RA v2.xx    
                                 Coded in turbo Pascal v7 
oozin11.zip    38762 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      .yy.      .yy.      
                                     a$$a    a$$a     
                                    a$    $a  a$    $a    
                                  aA        $A        $a  
                                       Version 1.1        
                                   'ooZin' a 'Who's In'   
                                    Door for  RA v2.xx    
                                 Coded in turbo Pascal v7 
oxadv13.zip    49591 08-05-2024 
                                    __________   _____/__\_____  __    
                                    \      /  \/    /   /     \/  \   
                                   /   .   \   :   _/   /__ .   \   \  
                                  /    |    \  |    \   \/  |   /   /  
                                  \_________/_/ \____\__/______/\__/\  
                                       OXD Presents:    \____/  
                                      OXD-BB$-ADVERT  V1.3    [1/1]   
                                 [ BB$ ANSi ADVERT 4 REMOTE ACCESS  ]
                                 [ VERY EASY 2 iNSTALL              ]
                                 [ WiTH 5 RANDOM ANIMATED ENTERS    ]
                                 [ FULL CONFIGURABLE X/Y SETUP      ]
                                 [ FREEWARE!!                       ]
                                        ooo OXD ooo k 4 ...       
pac_2dae10.zip   26722 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  WRITTEN WITH THE NEW PACMAN  
                                 DOOR KIT!                           
                                 =-=-\-   ___                       
                                 ___   \ |     |       |   \ |      
                                 |     \      \|  خ      |    
                                 \|    |                            
                                 .NUTRZ -            P P 
                                 =-=-=- = Pacman Ansi+Animated Enter 
                                 Prompt 1.0 - - WRITTEN WITH THE NEW 
                                 PACMAN DOOR KIT! = = Does Not       
                                 Require Exitinfo..Run b4 LM! - -    
                                 LEECH THIS FILE NOW!!!!!!!!      =  
                                 =- = -       From The People At     
                                 pACMAn       = = Archived And       
                                 File_ID' By PascalRascal - -        
                                 Door Kit Coded By PascalRascal      
                                 = =     Tool Written By             
                                 PascalRascal      -                 
                                  -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD    
pac_2drsu.zip   58138 08-05-2024 /-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\
                                -            P P            =
                                =Remote Sysop Utils Door For RemoteAxs! -
                                = -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -
                                -       From The People At PACMAN       =
pac_2dsec.zip   55253 08-05-2024 /-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\
                                -            P P            =
                                =                                       -
                                - Password Security Level Door For RA!! =
                                =        Kewl Door, Grab Now!           -
                                -                                       =
                                = -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -
                                -       From The People At PACMAN       =
page_120.zip  439345 08-05-2024   NEU: ALPHA-TEST-VERSION VOM 17.02.97   
                                Ĵ STD-PAGE v1.20alpha4 Ĵ
                                Ermoeglichen Sie Ihren User die Erstel-  |
                                |lung von Homepages in Ihrer Box. Dabei   
                                koennen sich die User einer komfortablen 
                                Script-Sprache bedienen und haben den    
                                vollen Funktionsumfang einer integrieren 
                                Programmiersprache (FastScript PL).      
                                Let your users create their own homepages
                                in your BBS. They can use a very comfor- |
                                table script-language and they have the  
                                |full functions of an integrated program- 
                                ing language (FastScript PL).            |
                                   NEW: ALPHA-TEST-VERSION OF 17.02.97   
pa_2dpmt.zip   10572 08-05-2024   ܲ  ܲ ܲ  ܲ  ܲܲ ܰ  
                                ߲ܱ߲߰ܲ߱۲ ߱۲ ߲[ ra ]
                                    ۲  ߲
                                ۰߲ܰܲ    ߲ܱ۲߲ܱܰܰ
                                                         ߱ ߲
                                 xPRESS MOddiNG PRESENtS fOR YOU... ޲
                                  iniq style menu prompts for ra  
                                           easy install           
                                           by parasite!           ޲
pb_2dlogin.zip    8031 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 A NEW LOGIN-ANIMATION 
                                 dEsIgnEd bY g.shUmwAY 
                                 This new Animation is 
                                 very Easy to Use in   
                                 your BBS-System.      
                                 You'll like it!       
                                 With very cOOl Colour 
pb_mscan.zip    7847 08-05-2024       MAiLSCaN Pro Fer RA 2.o2+   [1/1]
                                      LeT Ya Board Set the Pace
perfind2.zip    7191 08-05-2024        
                                ııı ۰ıı
                                -[      PERiAH PRSTS:       ]-ij
                                           FILE SEARCH ANSi'!           
                                   WSoM ANSi!  10o%  ORg!!!!        
                                |   C B FOR BoTH KYWORD oR NoRMAL   
                                   KiLLa ANiMATiON!                    
                                   MD iN GOOD oL' "CD!!"         |
                                   BY ^PERiAH^LoF^SiP       
                                           diz fixed by thrasher
pf10.zip       25582 08-05-2024 PM!
                                 ۲    ߲   
                                  ۲ ۲   ߲   ۲
                                ܲ߱   ۱
                                ݱ PrivateFile v1.o ۲ PrivateFile v1.o 
                                ݰ This neat little program will search     
                                ݰ (offline) for private files in your      
                                  RA 2.xx file-base. So you don't have to  
                                  check your upload area's everyday. This  
                                  program just writes a msg to you that he 
                                  found a file with info about the file.   
                                  * Features:                              
                                  - Configure up to 100 file area's to     
                                    search in.                             
                                  - Area to post msg in is configurable.   
                                  - Post msg in JAM or Hudson.             
                                  - Very fast processing!!                 
                                  - Makes the file d/l counter 1 to prevent
                                    from processing again.                 
                                         Released: o9o297          
                                ߲    Coded By: Jungleboy^DiMeNSioN X    
phn_2dent1.zip    6682 08-05-2024 
                                [     ]
                                [   ]
                                M: T PR0MPTS
                                HR R S0M RLLY C00L 
                                PR0MPTS F0R SH0WSi...
                                GT THiS 1o TS N0W !
                                PiNTD BY SH^PH
phn_2dfile.zip    5302 08-05-2024 
                                [     ]
                                [   ]
                                M: WMiL-SC
                                DiZ iS  C0MPLTLY iMTD
                                FiL LiST iMTiO F0R R-
                                SYS0PS. JUST  PHUY WY T0
                                SH0W LiSTD FiLS ...
                                PiNTD BY SH.PH^PAi
phn_2dlog.zip    3970 08-05-2024 
                                [     ]
                                [   ]
                                M: L0G0N
                                 FULL iMTD L0G0 F0R LL
                                SYS0PS  WH0  RU  R  RG'D.
                                SY  T0 iSTLL  D  WiTH  
                                FW  XTRS.  LCH  iT N0W !
                                PiTD BY SH.PH^PAi
phn_2dmail.zip    7028 08-05-2024 
                                [     ]
                                [   ]
                                M: WMiL-SC
                                DiZ iS 0THR iMTD 
                                WMiL-SC F0R R-SYS0PS.
                                TH FiRST 0 WS SHiT, THiZ
                                SH0ULD L00K BTTER ...
                                PiNTD BY SH.PH^PAi
phn_2dnm_21.zip    6211 08-05-2024 
                                [     ]
                                [   ]
                                M:  WMiL-SC 3 
                                0Ki - DiZ SH0ULD B TH LST 
                                0 F0R  L0G L0G TiM...
                                0T S0 BiG, BUT THiS TiM iT
                                L00KS MUCH BTTR :-) 
                                PiNTD BY SH.PH^PAi
phn_2dpush.zip    3423 08-05-2024 
                                [     ]
                                [   ]
                                M: PR0MPTS F0R R
                                i DiZ PCKG Y0U GT 2 W
                                PR0MPTS F0R DiRCT BUiLD-i
                                i RM0T CCSS... N0 M0R
                                SH0WSi RQUiRD.
                                PiNTD BY SH^PH
phn_2dstat.zip   44297 08-05-2024 
                                [     ]
                                [   ]
                                M: PH-STTiSTiCS
                                PH STTiSTiCS SH0WS S0M 
                                STTS, USR iF0S D SiT
                                iF0S T0 TH USR.
                                LiGHTBR C0TR0LLD !
                                C0DD BY SCHLUMPFKiLLR^PH
powfck01.zip   14824 08-05-2024                         
                                    ۱   ۲       
                                   ۱ ۱        
                                  ۱     ۱  
                                        ۱ ۰
                                ۱        ۲   ۱۱
                                =>presents a new RA2.x Tool<=Ŀ
                                |                                     |
                                :          FAKECHECKER V.1           :
                                .   -=>----coded by N0ViCE----<=-     .
                                 Diese kleine bescheidende Tool fragt
                                 den User nach dem Xten Mal einloggen
                                nach der Tele.oder Modem Nummer und  
                                :wenn er eine andere als beim ersten  :
                                |mal eingibt, wird er gekickt.        |
                                --        Features:           -
                                 - einfache Konfiguration
                                 - fasst alles frei definierbar
                                 - Keygebhr :nix
po_2ddi125.zip   33988 08-05-2024                       
                                -+---     -----   ----  ۲
                                  ߲  ܲ     
                                    ۲   ߲   
                                xpress modding ߰  xxxxxxxxxx fossil
                                no-lamer-disclaimer 1.25 by poti
po_2ddl101.zip   47938 08-05-2024                       
                                -+---     -----   ----  ۲
                                  ߲  ܲ     
                                    ۲   ߲   
                                xpress modding ߰  xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ra
                                download door 1.01 by poti.  
po_2dlc11.zip   42832 08-05-2024                       
                                -+---     -----   ----  ۲
                                  ߲  ܲ     
                                    ۲   ߲   
                                xpress modding ߰  xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ra
                                lastcaller 1.1o by poti
po_2dnelit.zip   13297 08-05-2024   ܲ  ܲ ܲ  ܲ  ܲܲ ܰ 
                                ߲ܱ߲߰ܲ߱۲ ߱۲ ߲[ALL]ݲ
                                    ۲  ߲
                                ۰߲ܰܲ    ߲ܱ۲߲ܱܰܰ
                                                         ߱ ߲
                                 XPRESS MOddiNG PRESENtS fOR YOU... ޲
                                    unkewlize file_id.diz-files   
                                             bY POTi              
po_2dnws13.zip   43281 08-05-2024   ܲ  ܲ ܲ  ܲ  ܲܲ ܰ 
                                ߲ܱ߲߰ܲ߱۲ ߱۲ ߲[RA]ݲ
                                    ۲  ߲
                                ۰߲ܰܲ    ߲ܱ۲߲ܱܰܰ
                                                         ߱ ߲
                                 XPRESS MOddiNG PRESENtS fOR YOU... ޲
                                          NEWS DOOR 1.30          
                                  fancy design and nice features  
                                             bY POTi              
po_2dxferp.zip   40029 08-05-2024   ܲ  ܲ ܲ  ܲ  ܲܲ ܰ 
                                ߲ܱ߲߰ܲ߱۲ ߱۲ ߲[RA]ݲ
                                    ۲  ߲
                                ۰߲ܰܲ    ߲ܱ۲߲ܱܰܰ
                                                         ߱ ߲
                                 XPRESS MOddiNG PRESENtS fOR YOU... ޲
                                           XFERPROT 1.0           
                                  replaces the protocol-selector  
                                             bY POTi              
pp104swv.zip   17844 08-05-2024                                   )\
                                 ___________  /\_________________( /______
                                _\__  \ ___/\/  \  ___/___  _/  ________  |
                                |  /   _/\ \/   \ _/\     /   \  | /    l
                                l_____\____\||_______\__\ /\___l__|  l__|
                                 PowerProt v1.004 by ScSi2 (C) 1996 ScSi2
                                  Best  defence in protecting your programs
                                  that are  written  in: TP 7.xx ,  BP 7.xx
                                                         Delphi 1.xx
                                 Blue Nose Productions 
pprompt.zip    37502 08-05-2024   ________         ________    
                                 /        \  ____ /        \   
                                 \    \___/ /     \    \___/   
                                   \___   \|  /\  |\___   \   
                                   /   \    \ \_/  |/   \    \ 
                                   \________/\____/ \________/ 
                                  PlYR oR tRPRoMPtS   
                                |  WhiCh WR USd i Pc,    
                                  R, d So o.             
                                .  iClUd 5 XMplZ...      |
                                      LCh d joY it      
projectx.zip 1833489 08-05-2024          ߲  ߲߲ 
                                          ۰      ܲ
                                          ߰ ۰      
                                          ߰ ۰
                                   ܲ  ܰ     
                                 almost All Pope-X's Sources!    
                                           (and exefiles)           
                                      Here are the sources to:      
                                  2 of serialkiller's sources also  
                                    included (liner/usereditor!)    
                                   THIS WILL BE THE LAST DOSBASED   
                                 RELEASE OF ME!, AND RAFORCE IS NOW 
                                           OFFICIALY DEAD           
                                  Pope-X        ܰ߰    
                                 28/04/98 ް      
prompts.zip     6117 08-05-2024                       
                                 13 TiY TR-PRoMPT ASiS 
                                 oR US WiTh R, Pc,  ... 
                                   do Y CY / S.o.S   
psp_2ddiz2.zip   16738 08-05-2024 
                                    ۰ ۰ ۰    
                                    ۰ ۲ ۰  ۰ ۲    
                                    ۱ ۱ ۱     ۱ ۱    
                                    ۱۰ ۲ ۱۰    
                                    ۲     ۲ ۱ ۲        
                                    ۲     ۲ ۰ ۲        
                                       PLT $TL P0DUCT0N$       
                                        ARJ-DIZZY & ZIP-DIZZY        
                                 for editing File_id.diz in ARJ/ZIPs 
                                 TiTLe:[ARJ & ZIP DiZZY v1.0] 
                                 BY:[VauXHaLL] DaTe:[05/06/96] 
                                     -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-
                                     -= 2:2448/310 - S Y0U  =- 
psp_2dnfs1.zip    7198 08-05-2024 
                                    ۰ ۰ ۰    
                                    ۰ ۲ ۰  ۰ ۲    
                                    ۱ ۱ ۱     ۱ ۱    
                                    ۱۰ ۲ ۱۰    
                                    ۲     ۲ ۱ ۲        
                                    ۲     ۲ ۰ ۲        
                                       PLT $TL P0DUCT0N$       
                                   NeW FiLe SCaN aNSi'S FoR Ra       
                                 TiTLe:[FiLe SCaN aNSi'S           ] 
                                 BY:[St|nG         ] DaTe:[01/02/96] 
psp_2dol12.zip   50465 08-05-2024 
                                    ۰ ۰ ۰    
                                    ۰ ۲ ۰  ۰ ۲    
                                    ۱ ۱ ۱     ۱ ۱    
                                    ۱۰ ۲ ۱۰    
                                    ۲     ۲ ۱ ۲        
                                    ۲     ۲ ۰ ۲        
                                       PLT $TL P0DUCT0N$       
                                          ..oMeN LiNeR!..                   
                                 Just unzip, read the DoX Run it! :) 
                                 TiTLe:[oMeN LiNeRV1.2  LiGHTBaRZ!] 
                                 BY:[ST|NG] DaTe:[29/01/96] 
psp_2dpage.zip   43876 08-05-2024 
                                    ۰ ۰ ۰    
                                    ۰ ۲ ۰  ۰ ۲    
                                    ۱ ۱ ۱     ۱ ۱    
                                    ۱۰ ۲ ۱۰    
                                    ۲     ۲ ۱ ۲        
                                    ۲     ۲ ۰ ۲        
                                       PLT $TL P0DUCT0N$       
                                 XLLTPGTLMT X$ 
                                 LL꟭GDMG PG
                                 BY:[FuJY]      DaTe:[26/03/96] 
psp_2dsat2.zip   39002 08-05-2024 
                                    ۰ ۰ ۰    
                                    ۰ ۲ ۰  ۰ ۲    
                                    ۱ ۱ ۱     ۱ ۱    
                                    ۱۰ ۲ ۱۰    
                                    ۲     ۲ ۱ ۲        
                                    ۲     ۲ ۰ ۲        
                                 --PLT STL PDTS- 
                                  NeW TV1000. KeYs aND .oBJ CoDe..   
                                  aLSo eNCLoSeD PiC.eXe aNd SCHeMa'S 
                                  To eNaBLe Ya Ta PRoGRaM THe NeW    
                                  CoDeS iNTa Ya PiRaTe CaRD!         
                                 TiTLe:[NeW TV1000 CoDeS/KeYS.] 
                                 TYPE:[SaT-HaCK (D2MaC)] 
                                 BY:[----] DaTe:[06/06/96] 
                                     -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-
                                     -= 2:2448/310 - S Y0U  =- 
psp_2dstat.zip   74989 08-05-2024 
                                    ۰ ۰ ۰    
                                    ۰ ۲ ۰  ۰ ۲    
                                    ۱ ۱ ۱     ۱ ۱    
                                    ۱۰ ۲ ۱۰    
                                    ۲     ۲ ۱ ۲        
                                    ۲     ۲ ۰ ۲        
                                       PLT $TL P0DUCT0N$       
                                  XLLT L $TT$ MK    
                                   MT $$, W KWL D!     
                                 BY:[FuJY]      DaTe:[27/03/96] 
psp_2d_2dfs1.zip    6628 08-05-2024 
                                    ۰ ۰ ۰    
                                    ۰ ۲ ۰  ۰ ۲    
                                    ۱ ۱ ۱     ۱ ۱    
                                    ۱۰ ۲ ۱۰    
                                    ۲     ۲ ۱ ۲        
                                    ۲     ۲ ۰ ۲        
                                       PLT $TL P0DUCT0N$       
                                     FiLe SeaRCH aNSi'S FoR Ra       
                                 TiTLe:[FiLe SeaRCH aNSi'S         ] 
                                 BY:[St|nG         ] DaTe:[01/02/96] 
qrtstat2.zip   59362 08-05-2024         
                                ۲  ۲ ۲  ۲۲۲ 
                                ޲ݰ   ޲ݲ AS!
                                ޱݱ   ޲ݱ 
                                ޱ   ޱݱ   
                                 ް     ްݱ  ۲
                                  ܰ ۰  ް
                                           QRT-STATS 2.00        ۲
                                     STATS DOOR FORRA2.xx      ۰
                                  ۲   99% CONFIGURABLE            
                                  ۲   SCROLL-LOCKSUPPORT FOR      
                                       SYSOP HEREORNOT            
                                      NICEANSIS INCLUDED          
                                  ۱   CODED BY ACESCREAMER       
                                    QUARANTINE 1997 
qrt_2dls2.zip   41962 08-05-2024 
                                 QUAR/NTINE LOGIN SELECT 2.00  
                                 o LOGIN SELECTOR 4 RA 2.xx     
                                 o LET THE USERS SELECT WITCH   
                                   DOORS THEY WANT TO LOAD WHEN 
                                   THEY LOGIN                   
                                 o WITH SCROLLING LIGHTBAR      
                                 o VERY NICE ANSI INCLUDED      
                                 o INCLUDES A CONFIGABLE        
                                   SCROLLING LINE               
                                 o UP TO 5 RANDOMLY CHOSEN      
                                   SCROLLING LINES              
                                 o AND MORE SEE 4 YOUR SELVE    
qrt_2dpuke.zip   63429 08-05-2024   
                                        PUKE LINER 0.99         
                                 o LINER WITH BUILD IN GRAFFITI 
                                 o FOR RA 2.xx                  
                                 o INCLUDING TOP WRITERS        
                                 o NICE ANIMATED PROMPTS        
                                 o CONFIGRABLE ANSI             
                                 o AND MORE SEE 4 YOUR SELVE    
quitance.zip   40024 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      .yy.      .yy.      
                                     a$$a    a$$a     
                                    a$    $a  a$    $a    
                                  aA        $A        $a  
                                       Version 1.0        
                                   'QuiTanCe' Disclaimer  
                                     Door for RA v2.xx    
                                 Coded in turbo Pascal v7 
                                 Source Code included for 
                                        version 0.5       
rafl07b8.zip   99628 08-05-2024 <<   RemoteAccess Force Presents   >>
                                  What       : RAF-LINER 0.70b8   
                                  When       : 22-03-1996         
                                  Who        : Serialkiller/Pope-X
                                  Description: 100%configurable   
                                  the damn best oneliner ever     
                                  written and 100% configurable   
                                  with some examples!             
raflc101.zip   36557 08-05-2024           
                                Filename: RAFLC101.ZIP                
                                Desc    : Last Callers                
                                Size    : 31k                         
                                Version : 0.10.1                      
                                Coder(s): JauR                        
                                With this program your able to display
                                your Last Callers. You can define your
                                own screens and fields. This version  
                                has also the option to display the    
                                total callers and the total time used.
                                New in this version is the random     
                                ansi displayer! Cewl Util!            
raflnr05.zip   69761 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      RemoteAccess Force         
                                          RAF-LINER v0.5         
                                 Coder : Serialkiller            
                                 Bytes : 60k                     
                                 What  : A Lightbar driven liner 
                                         for ra with colors and  
                                 new   :                         
                                 remembers status balk           
                                 lightbar stands on quit ipv     
                                 new line, macrocolor configable 
                                [ Brought to you by PCM ]
rafnws1.zip    40158 08-05-2024  %mLn% ܲ   
                                ۲߲ ۲۲
                                ۲۲۲۲۲ IJ
                                ۲ ۲۲۲ ܲ
                                  ۲  ۲ ۲ 
                                  ۲  ۲۱ 
                                ܲ ߲ ۲ܲ
                                %R E M OT E A C CE S  F O R C E%
                                ߲            PRESENTS          
                                  RAF-NEWS BULLETIN DOOR 0.02 ߲
                                 This door displays a news      
                                 bulletin to your users. You   
                                 can select different text      
                                 styles like eLiTe, lower, UPPER
                                 and other styles. Also PCB code
                                 support included               
                                   31-03-97    ܲ
rafspy10.zip   81285 08-05-2024    ܲ  ܰ     
                                           RAF-SPY! v1.0           
                                   Raf-spy v1.0 enables the users   
                                   to be like james bond! and spy   
                                     on other users statistics!     
                                    code! : Vascular                
                                                design : kenetic    
                                 Vascular       ܰ߰    
                                 22/09/97             ۰
                                 raf's not a    
                                  believe!... its a   feeling
rafst132.zip   49435 08-05-2024 RaF STYLe CHaNGeR FoR Ra 2.XX V 1.32
                                WIth thIS prOGrAM YOU'rE AblE tO
                                CHaNGe THe STYLe FoR aLL YouR uSeRS
                                iN YouR uSeRS.BBS
                                very easy to use when your bbs is
                                ALSO IN THIS KIND OFF STYLE!
                                You're able to choose from:
                                FUnY StYlE- eLiTe STYLe- ElItE 2 stylE
                                UPPER CASE - lower case - Name case
                                       CReaTeD BY JauR FRoM JD'S
rafz043.zip    38822 08-05-2024  sSb              .sSP"
                                 $$$g%%g,  _Kn!$$$g%%g,SP"
                                 S$$       l$g%%g$$b,_ _,d$``^T$S
                                 `T$b,_ _,d$P^``T$$`^"""^` Sb,_ _,d$P
                                :.. `^"^"^`Tb,_ _,d$P  ...... `^"""^`  .
                                :           `^"""^`         :.RaForce!.:
                                :                                      :
                                .- ( RAF-ZAP v0.43 beta release )- :
                                :                                      .
                                :       ! MINOR BUGFIX RELEASE !       .
                                :                                      :
                                .       +Fixed bidirectional bug       .
                                :.. .. ..  ....  . . .  ..(.26-1-98.)..:
raf_2dchat.zip   72742 08-05-2024  %mLn% ܲ   
                                ۲߲ ۲۲
                                ۲۲۲۲۲ IJ
                                ۲ ۲۲۲ ܲ
                                   ۲  ۲ ۲ 
                                   ۲  ۲۱ 
                                 ܲ ߲ ۲ܲ
                                 R E M OT EA C CE S S F O R C E
                                 ߲  < RAF-PAGE Version 1.o >  
raf_2dnot2.zip   54531 08-05-2024   %mLn% ܲ   
                                 ۲߲ ۲۲
                                 ۲۲۲۲۲ IJ
                                 ۲ ۲۲۲ ܲ
                                   ۲  ۲ ۲ 
                                   ۲  ۲۱ 
                                 ܲ ߲ ۲ܲ
                                %R E M OT E A C CE S S F O R C E%
                                 ߲  < !RAF-NOT! Version 2.00 > 
                                     Tell's You're Users if    
                                      You Are Home Or Out ..     
                                       So Get Rid Off Them      
                                    Useless Pages When you're    
                                    Gone! Works with Remote XS!  
                                    Muchos More Configurable!   
                                    Use Scroll- or Num- Lock!  
                                        Examples included!      
                                   [ 19-o7-'96 ]  ܲ
                                         Note: RAF Sucks!
raf_2drun.zip    8478 08-05-2024           ܲ
                                 ۲   ۲۲
                                  ۲  ۲۲۲۲ IJ
                                  ۲  ۲۲۲
                                    ۲  ۲ ۲
                                    ۲   ۲۱
                                %R E M O T E A C C E S S F O R C E%
                                 ߲         < RUNTIME >         
                                    Tells you wich runtime error 
                                            is what...           
                                    01-01-96    ܲ
raf_2dyell.zip   40682 08-05-2024   %mLn% ܲ   
                                 ۲߲ ۲۲
                                 ۲۲۲۲۲ IJ
                                 ۲ ۲۲۲ ܲ
                                   ۲  ۲ ۲ 
                                   ۲  ۲۱ 
                                 ܲ ߲ ۲ܲ
                                %R E M OT E A C CE S S F O R C E%
                                 ߲  < RAF-YELL! Version 1.o > 
                                   Use this one when you also 
                                    use Raf-Not. It will either 
                                     start Raf-Not or you're    
                                  pager/chatter inside the Bbs!  
                                  Also controlled by Scroll-Lock 
                                     Very easy to use and to   
                                      prevent useless paging!   
                                   [ o8-o6-'96 ]  ܲ
raf_scr1.zip   33062 08-05-2024  %mLn% ܲ   
                                ۲߲ ۲۲
                                ۲۲۲۲۲ IJ
                                ۲ ۲۲۲ ܲ
                                  ۲  ۲ ۲ 
                                  ۲  ۲۱ 
                                ܲ ߲ ۲ܲ
                                %R E M OT E A C CE S  F O R C E%
                                ߲            PRESENTS          
                                       RAF-SCROLLER 0.02      ߲
                                 This door display an ansi with 
                                 text that's scrolls from right 
                                 to left.                       
raf_smw1.zip   39897 08-05-2024           
                                Filename: RAF_SMW1.ZIP                
                                Desc    : Sysops Most Wanted          
                                Size    : 28k                         
                                Version : 1.0                         
                                Coder(s): JauR/Pope-X                 
                                With this door you're able to tell    
                                your users what you need. You able to 
                                use 9999 different ansi screens.      
                                The text will be fading and you can   
                                also use a random char style like     
                                UPPERCASE, lowercase, eLiTe, ElItE 2  
                                and fUN CaSE.                         
raf_smw2.zip   47686 08-05-2024   %mLn% ܲ   
                                 ۲߲ ۲۲
                                 ۲۲۲۲۲ IJ
                                 ۲ ۲۲۲ ܲ
                                   ۲  ۲ ۲ 
                                   ۲  ۲۱ 
                                 ܲ ߲ ۲ܲ
                                %R E M OT E A C CE S S F O R C E%
                                 ߲  < RAF-SYSOPS MOST WANTED > 
                                         VeRSioN 2.01         ߲
                                 With this door you're able to  
                                 tell your users what you need. 
                                 You able to use 9999 different 
                                 ansi screens. This will be     
                                 displayed in random order. The 
                                 text will be fading and you can
                                 also use a random char style   
                                 like UPPERCASE, lowercase, eLiTe
                                 ElItE 2 and fUN CaSE.           
                                   [ 04-o9-'96 ]  ܲ
raf_u4me.zip   15707 08-05-2024  %mLn% ܲ   
                                ۲߲ ۲۲
                                ۲۲۲۲۲ IJ
                                ۲ ۲۲۲ ܲ
                                  ۲  ۲ ۲ 
                                  ۲  ۲۱ 
                                ܲ ߲ ۲ܲ
                                %R E M OT E A C CE S  F O R C E%
                                ߲            PRESENTS          
                                         RAF-U4ME 0.04        ߲
                                  (Util for message editors)  
                                 This program removes 'crap'    
                                 text before editing a message. 
                                 It put's an originline, tag-   
                                 line and a tear-line in the    
                                 message. For use with almost   
                                 any message editors. Tested    
                                 with GoldEd, TIMed and an      
                                 external editor.               
                                   14-04-98   ܲ
ranup.zip      39566 08-05-2024      
                                                WORLD WiDE
                                    ------     ͵
                                               R A - N U P
                                            RemoteAccess Tool.
                                  Mit RA-NUP kann New Usern ber ein NUP
                                  ein besonderer Userlevel/Status gegeben
                                  werden. Somit ist es mglich bestimmten
                                  NEW USERN einen besseren AXS Level zu
                                  geben. Ya don't need to know German.
                                              Thrasher Rocks!
                                    ------     ͵
raptflc.zip    41576 08-05-2024             
                                 ۰ ۰ ۰۲ 
                                        28/O4/97 c
                                %======( rEMOTE%aCCESS%pISS%tAKERS )======%
                                The Shit's Gonna Hit The Roof With This One
                                            Flush The Floater....
                                         A Random Upload Crediter.
                                         Coded By Peanuts Of rAPT.
                                   (Updated Version Sysop Configurable)
raptsta.zip    42132 08-05-2024             
                                 ۰ ۰ ۰۲ 
                                        06/O5/97 c
                                %======( rEMOTE%aCCESS%pISS%tAKERS )======%
                                Rapt-Stats..New Version.Compltely ReWritten
                                     Includes..Last Callers.User Stats.
                                        Time Graph And Total Calls.
                                       Coded By Peanuts Version 1.0
                                    (This ones actualy  got it in it :)
rapt_2dbet.zip   41147 08-05-2024             
                                 ۰ ۰ ۰۲ 
                                        23/O4/97 c
                                =======( rEMOTE%aCCESS%pISS%tAKERS )=======
                                         KHL And rAPT Co-Release..
                                   The One The Only Betting Door Around
                                         Coded By Peanuts Of rAPT
rapt_2dlnr.zip   42508 08-05-2024             
                                 ۰ ۰ ۰۲ 
                                        25/O4/97 c
                                %======( rEMOTE%aCCESS%pISS%tAKERS )======%
                                The Latest In rAPT Technology Brings you...
                                           The Scrolly Liner...       
                                     Completely Sysop Configarable
                                        (This One i Much Faster)
rapt_2dml.zip    3724 08-05-2024             
                                 ۰ ۰ ۰۲ 
                                        12/11/96 c
                                %======( rEMOTE%aCCESS%pISS%tAKERS )======%
                                  Every new group has their  own new mail
                                  scanner. This is ours and it wipes some
                                         shit heads off the face..
                                        ( RA 2.XX registered only )
rapt_2dshp.zip   22532 08-05-2024             
                                 ۰ ۰ ۰۲ 
                                        20/10/97 c
                                %======( rEMOTE%aCCESS%pISS%tAKERS )======%
                                  After Weeks Of Development It's Finaly
                                  Completed.....rAPT's Happy Shopper....
                                        Written By Peanuts Of rAPT
rapt_2dsta.zip   37151 08-05-2024             
                                 ۰ ۰ ۰۲ 
                                        07/O4/97 c
                                %======( rEMOTE%aCCESS%pISS%tAKERS )======%
                                               ! rAPT-STaTS !
                                     The First Door By Peanuts Of rAPT
                                  Lists Users and  Last Callers with user
                                       Stats thrown in for a laugh.
                                               Version  1.00
rapt_2dtv.zip   40008 08-05-2024             
                                 ۰ ۰ ۰۲ 
                                        12/O4/97 c
                                %======( rEMOTE%aCCESS%pISS%tAKERS )======%
                                             ! rAPT Tv-Lister !
                                    The BBs Tv Guide Has arrived at last.
                                      The Only Guide you'll ever need.
                                               Version  1.00
raquestz.zip   39776 08-05-2024 RAQUEST 1.3 BETA  FOR   REMOTEACCESS 2.o2 
                                [.request door with scrolling lightbars.]
                                [........including PCB-look Ansi........]
                                   _____     _______   _____
                                <=|'   `\===/' |   `|=/'   `\===========>
                                  |      \ /   |    |/       \ phenOmena
                                  |   _   \         /    _    \  [pHa]
                                  |       /    _    \    |    /
                                  |   ___/|    |    |\   |   / [24fEb96]
                                <=|   |===|____|____|=\__|__/===========>
                                  |___| k i c k i n g  s i n c e  ' 8 5
ra_2dsc14.zip   46493 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                       Door Division       
                                       proudly presents    
                                 + animierte (Enter)Prompts unter    
                                   Ra 2.0x                           
                                 + 50 Prompts im Archiv enthalten    
                                 + keine nervenden "Coded by Bla"    
                                   Meldungen fr den User zu sehen   
                                 + einfach Installation              
                                 + Freeware                          
                                    * NewSystemGeneration  1995 *    
ra_2dstats.zip   37170 08-05-2024             
                                 ۰ ۰ ۰۲ 
                                        07/O4/97 c
                                %======( rEMOTE%aCCESS%pISS%tAKERS )======%
                                               ! rAPT-STaTS !
                                     The First Door By Peanuts Of rAPT
                                  Lists Users and  Last Callers with user
                                       Stats thrown in for a laugh.
                                               Version  1.00
ra_tk215.zip  116638 08-05-2024 ķ
                                       --- RATEKO V2.15g ---        
                                  Lauffaehig unter RA2.0x & RA2.5x  
                                 RaTeKo ist eine Telefonkostendoor  
                                 fuer RA 2.xx, welche es den Usern  
                                 ermoeglicht online ihre Telefon-   
                                 kosten zu berechnen.               
                                 Darueber hinaus bietet RaTeKo      
                                 monatliche Gesamtuebersichten als  
                                 Mail, frei Gestaltungsmoeglichkeit 
                                 aller Masken, Multilinefaehigkeit, 
                                 schreibt Statistiken und einiges   
                                 Komplett in deutsch, Shareware.    
rdrumour.zip   49600 08-05-2024          we're not rude...
                                 soft      ۳
                                      thats just an attitude!
                                   diz one will blow away all   
                                   other runmour-door progs !   
                                   the best to use rumour-door  
                                 hardline, hardline after hardline
                                          a must have         
                                        (saves rumours in       
                                       ANSi or PCB format!)     
read082a.zip  114241 08-05-2024 PM!
                                 ۲    ߲   
                                  ۲ ۲   ߲   ۲
                                ܲ߱   ۱
                                ݱ ReadMsg vo.82  ۲  ReadMsg vo.82 
                                ݰ  Replaces the entire harcoded message    
                                ݰ  read & newmail scan part of RA 2.xx!    
                                   this is a unique door! download this!   
                                   after 3 years of developing, readmsg    
                                   is released! be aware: it is a BETA     
                                   version. so don't expect to much from   
                                            the configuration!             
                                   * REAL hudson & jam newmail scan!!      
                                   * scanning is allmost 3x as fast as RA! 
                                   * lightbar interface.                   
                                   * download msg's.                       
                                   * handy msglister.                      
                                   * build-in area/group changer.          
                                   * much much more! just download & see!  
                                         Released: 030598          
                                ߲    Coded by: Jungleboy^Dimension X    
remem100.zip   43585 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                       (C)atbytes Software presents        
                                           Ŀ¿¿ڿ ڿ            
                                            \ij ij ij\            
                                               Version 1.00                
                                 - Erkennt, ob User Files getaggt haben! - 
                                 - Tagliste  kann  gespeichert   werden! - 
                                 - Tagliste kann wieder  geladen werden! - 
                                       ** FOR REMOTE ACCESS 2.0X **        
                                         --== 1oo % FREEWARE ==--          
repack02.zip    9386 08-05-2024 @X03 @X08-@X0DWare! @X08* @X0DRudeSoft
                                (c) [tm] '98@X03
                                @X03 @X07Easy to use util that will   
                                @X03 @X07Re-Zip Zip-Archives to get   
                                @X03 @X07rid of -AV problems.. Even   
                                @X03 @X07those not fix-able with      
                                @X03 @X07StripAv :)) Just try it..!   
                                @X0B  /  \    ַַ    /  \  
                                @X03       ӷӷ      
                                @X08/      \  ӽӽ  /      \
ringding.zip   12278 08-05-2024       SYMPATHY              
                                |       RING              
                                   ܲ    DING              
                                 coded by          GoD               
                                 ringding is a little tsr                  
                                 witch will send you an ansi |              
                                | and a phone bell if a call                
                                 comes in. i use it on my own              
                                 when the musik is louder                  
                                | than my phone.  (fuck t.s.)               
                                        -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-
                                        -= 2:2448/310 - S Y0U  =- 
rmclogin.zip    5784 08-05-2024    __________ :_:_ _______
                                     R/\\c Presents    
                                     Logon prompts     
                                   For Remote access   
                                    8 new ansiz        
                                    Made by Reaper.....
                                @X0D        i  W  N T  T H R U          
                                @X05  !  N  P  L M    S S  U L T  !  
                                @X0D   + 3 ! ( o ) ! o . 4 8 4 ! ! 2 8   
rmenu096.zip   65060 08-05-2024  %mLn% ܲ   
                                ۲߲ ۲۲
                                ۲۲۲۲۲ IJ
                                ۲ ۲۲۲ ܲ
                                  ۲  ۲ ۲ 
                                  ۲  ۲۱ 
                                ܲ ߲ ۲ܲ
                                %R E M OT E A C CE S  F O R C E%
                                ߲            PRESENTS          
                                         RAF-MENU 0.96!       ߲
                                 Added Futures!                 
                                 Heavy Multiline suport,All Pcb 
                                 macros,prompt in menu,more!    
                                     100% Coded By Pope-X     
                                   16-10-96    ܲ
rmenub.zip      9401 08-05-2024 .::::::::DEMENTIA::::::::.
                                ...:_/ |\  \:.::/ \:.::/  _|   \:...
                                ...:/   |-\  \::/    \:///___    \:...
                                .../    |--\  \:/      \__/    /      \...
                                ...|    |---)  \/        Y \    \      /...
                                ...|    |--/   /      \_/   \    \    /:...
                                ...|    |-/   /        |     \__.\__/:...
                                ...:\___|____/\________|      /bld:::...
                                ...:           : RMENU 1.0b:           :...
                                ...:                                   :...
                                ...: DMENU'S RANDOM SEEKER/CHOOSER ... :...
                                ...:                                   :...
rrr007.zip     74964 08-05-2024        
                                      ۲   ۲    ۲
                                     ۲  ۲   ۲
                                      RAVEN SYSTEM RESERVE v1.0       
                                  FOR REMOTE ACCESS.RESERVE YOUR BOARD
                                  FOR A SPECiFiC GUY! NiCE LOOKS, FAST
                                   CODE, EASY TO CONFiG, OVERRiDE P/W
                                    AND DiSABLE AFTER CALL FUNCTiON!
rstat04b.zip   71878 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                       RemoteAccess Force        
                                      RAF-STATISTICZ v0.40       
                                 Coder : Pope-X                  
                                 Bytes : 124k                    
                                 What  : a nice programm to view 
                                       ! warestag layout !       
                                     Another fine PCM Import    ]
rtd_upd.zip    51247 08-05-2024 _____________________________
                                \______   \__    ___/\______ \
                                 |    _/ |    |    | |  \
                                 |    |   \ |    |    |    `   \
                                 |____|_  / |____|   /_______  /
                                 \/---   \/
                                  PR0GRAM : UPDATES           
                                  FiLNAME : RTD_UPD.ZiP      
                                 | RELEASED 0 : 03-09-96      
                                 | TYPE : UPDATES              
                                  WRiTER : MR WiCKED          
                                  iF0 : UPDATES F0R RTD_P0RT |
                                  AND RTD_ADDY2 THEY DiDN'T   |
                                  SEEM T0 W0RK 0N S0ME        |
                                   C0MPUTERS! WiTH THE         
                                   PR0TECTi0N PR0GRAM "EFP"    
                                    - --      - -Ĵ
                                   -=>  RiSES T0 DEMAND <=-  
rud_vote.zip  110487 08-05-2024          we're not rude...
                                ııı Ŀ
                                      thats just an attitude!
                                     let your users vote on     
                                   other users to get access    
                                   99% cfg-able vote-door 4 RA  
                                  we say jump, you say how high !
                                        a proud release       
                                    coded by jungleboy, tcr &   
rumor_s.zip    12070 08-05-2024 [                   ]
                                [   Rumor's for     ]
                                [    your owm       ]
                                [   BBS  (>600)     ]
                                [                   ]
                                WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD
rumour20.zip   17740 08-05-2024 .::::::::DEMENTIA::::::::.
                                ...:           :RUMOUR 2.0b:           :...
                                ...:     THE LATEST RUMOUR VERSION     :...
                                ...:     PREVIOUS VERSIONS CONTAINED   :...
                                ...:     BUGS .. THIS ONE DOESN'T...   :...
r_2dyell11.zip   43657 08-05-2024    %mLn% ܲ   
                                 ۲߲ ۲۲
                                 ۲۲۲۲۲ IJ
                                 ۲ ۲۲۲ ܲ
                                    ۲  ۲ ۲ 
                                    ۲  ۲۱ 
                                 ܲ ߲ ۲ܲ
                                %R E M OT E A C CE S S F O R C E%
                                 ߲  < RAF-YELL! Version 1.1 > 
                                   Use this one when you also 
                                    use Raf-Not. It will either 
                                     start Raf-Not or you're    
                                  pager/chatter inside the Bbs!  
                                   Controlled by Scroll, Num or  
                                     Caps-Lock (Configurable)    
                                     Very easy to use and to   
                                      prevent useless paging!   
                                    [ o7-o1-'97 ]  ܲ
                                    <<< Small Time-Bug Fixed >>>
r_onli11.zip   59079 08-05-2024          ߲  ߲߲ 
                                          ۰      ܲ
                                          ߰ ۰      
                                          ߰ ۰
                                   ܲ  ܰ     
                                          Who's Online V1.1        
                                         Coded by Pope-X         
                                  A cewl door to show other users   
                                     who are currently online!      
                                 Pope-X         ܰ߰    
                                 13/06/97 ް      
sc_2dent_a.zip   73141 08-05-2024 ķ
                                      EnterAd v1.1 BBS Door     
                                  (c) 1997 by -=SculCracker=-   
                                  With this door you can let    
                                  your users add their adverts  
                                  to your board and let others  
                                  read them. Compatible with RA 
                                  2.50 for sure - RA 2.xx       
                                  probably. Bilangual...        
                                  Dutch and English!            
sc_2dent_r.zip   73334 08-05-2024 ķ
                                     EnterReq v1.1 BBS Door     
                                  (c) 1997 by -=SculCracker=-   
                                  With this door you can let    
                                  your users add their file-    
                                  request to your board and     
                                  let others read them.         
                                  Compatible with RA 2.50 for   
                                  sure - RA 2.xx probably.      
                                  Bilangual; Dutch and English! 
sc_2dpage.zip   29776 08-05-2024 ķ
                                 Pager Music Player for RA 2.xx 
                                  (c) 1997 by -=SculCracker=-   
                                  This proggie plays your       
                                  standard PAGE.RA file. RA     
                                  2.50's PAGE.RA demo is        
sdi_2dart1.zip   53499 08-05-2024     -Ļ
                                *SDI#       no:0001     21:04.1995
                                      ۰  ۰       
                                      ۲۱۲޲۰  ܰ
                                   ۲ ߲ ۲۰  
                                 ۲۲۰    ۲ ۲۰۲
                                ۲  ۲  ۱۲ ۲۰۱
                                 ۲۱۲  ۲۲۱   ۲
                                  ۱۲۲   ۱  ۰۰ 
                                 ߲۲    ߱    ۰ 
                                      s   u   s   p   e   c   t
                                    Da 1st ARTpack&RELEASE of SDI
                                   ever. Grab this to inform you  
                                   about da new group.            
                                - -   -   -   
sdi_2dchat.zip    6293 08-05-2024 
                                     REMOTE  ͹  ACCESS      
                                     *sdi#   13.06.95   no 0006    
sdi_2dcmgr.zip   46553 08-05-2024          ______       __
                                        /  ____\ /\__/  /_\
                                      _/__\   \ /  _   /____
                                     /   /_)   \   /   \    \
                                |      title: chat-manager       |
                                | bbs-system: ra + compatible    |
                                |     author: atom ant           :
                                :    comment: if you have 2-5    .
                                .             different chatter
                                              (or other toolz)
                                              in u're bbs the    .
                                              user can select
                                .             them with this     .
                                :             tool. Random       :
                                |             functions included |
                                |  *sdi# no:oo41 date: 04.dec.95 |
sdi_2dcps3.zip   20019 08-05-2024  
                                 climb to mountains high and spread SDi
                                   ۲ ۱
                                  ۲ ܲ۲   
                                  *SDI# proudly presents an improved  
                                     ..[R]emote [A]ccess [F]ile..     
                                      Show Users CPS.. now with       
                                       Configurable ANSI & Viri free  
                                                  :0008   14.07.1995
                                [0m [44m    [[ $$ $  ׭ ]]  
sdi_2dfdan.zip    9673 08-05-2024   ߲  ߱  
                                     ޲    ޱ    
                                  ۰     ް     
                                   ް   ޲  Ŀ
                                    ޱ    ۲      
                                  FD L00KiNG  L0GiN ANiMATi0N  
                                            v 1.OO             
                                  this is a very nice looking  
                                  login-animation for all your 
                                  ra and pb running systems    
                                  which uses the logo.ans ansi 
                                   TRY THiZ 0UT T0 MAKE Y0UR   
                                   B0ARD  L00KiNG A BiT M0RE   
                                      (c) 1995 by MiK/SDi      
sdi_2dlog.zip    7196 08-05-2024 
                                 *SDI#  N:0007 13.06.95
                                        small      ۺ
                                        combined   ۺ
                                  ANSI       ۺ
                                       CHECKER    ۺ
                                        and        ۺ
                                  LOGIN      ۺ
                                    ANIMATION  ۺ
                                  [X] 4 RA   ۺ
                                Remote  [X] 4 YOU  ۺ
                                Access  [X] BYME  ۺ
                                Files              ۺ
sdi_2dseen.zip   35682 08-05-2024             Thrasher brings you:
                                          RAF [remoteaccess file]    
                                            SECRET  ENTRY DOOR      
                                        eng docs!   100% backdoorfree
sdi_2dsta1.zip   38446 08-05-2024 SDI        
                                  RemoteAccess Filez  
                                         USER STATs 1.10          
                                          (sTATUS DOOr)           
                                      nOW 190% CONFIGURABLe       
                                      aND ANSI-GRAFIX-STATs       
sdi_2dstat.zip   37707 08-05-2024        ______________
                                       ______  ______\
                                    |____  ||     |    |
                                    -----| |      >    |
                                   |     | |      |    |
                                   |     | |      |    |
                                + -|__________________\- +
                                |                          |
                                |    REMOTEACCESSFILE    |
                                |  ----------------------  |
                                |     LIGHTBAR DRIVEN      |
                                |       STATUS DOOR        |
                                |                          |
                                + ======================== +
                                | no:001101.08.1995*SDI# |
                                + ------------------------ +
sdi_2dtl12.zip   67212 08-05-2024             .. NEW VERSiON ..
                                     ij  TLiST v1.2 - for RA 
                                         LiGHTBARS SCROLL   
                                        CHANGE NAME/HANDLE  
                                         SYSTEM STATiSTiC   
                                      by THuNDER^SDi    
                                   [28.03.96] > AMPERAGEBBS <
                                [No:048][SDi]  +49-2171-714986 Ŀ
sdi_2dtr10.zip   52862 08-05-2024 
sdi_2dts12.zip   61218 08-05-2024          Ŀ
                                    T-SCRoLL v1.2   RA 
                                    SCROLL MESSAGE   
                                  MESSAGESTO NEXT  
                                   100% CONFiGURABLE  
                                   Just leechz it!   
                                     ONLY FORREMOTEACCESS   
                                        By THuNDER [SDi]     
sdi_2dud13.zip   12485 08-05-2024  
                                    RA section   
                                  -USERDUPE v1.3-  
                                  This little      
                                  Program helps to 
                                  find out fake-  
                                   -- -  
                                  THE PaInTEr/SDi  
                                  no:0002  21.04.95
sec1.zip       44558 08-05-2024           ( Sec v1.o )
                                Let Your Users See The SEC.ANS
                                 Files You Made When You Wasn't Running
                                 The Logon! Matrix Or An Other Program
                                That Let You Start RA Like This: RA -R.
                                     Works With RemoteAccess 2.xx.
                                  Made By: Jungleboy In 5 Seconds. ;) 
                                [DiMeNSioN X]
                                     Released Date: 27 - 04 - 1996
secure70.zip  145609 08-05-2024 Ļ
                                 SeCuRiTy SySTeM V7.0 PRo eLiTe  
                                 (C)CoPyRiGHT 1995 DiMeNSioN X   
                                 THiZ iS THe BeST SeCuRiTy       
                                 SySTeM FoR youR Ra 2.0X BBS.    
                                 aGaiN? yeZ a NeW VeRSioN aGaiN, 
                                 BuT THiZ TiMe ToTaLy ReWRiTTeN. 
                                 you CaN NoW uSe youR oWN aNSiS! 
                                 CooL aNSi SeTuP PRoGRaM iNCL.   
                                 THiZ TiMe iT'Z ToTaLy FRee To   
                                 ReGiSTeR. So DoWNLoaD iT NoW!!! 
                                 aND ReGiSTeR FoR oNLy $0 !      
                                 PRoGRaMMeD By....  BuCKSHaG    
                                 STaNDaRD aNSiS By  FRaNSi      
                                Ŀ  JuNGLeBoy   
selekt11.zip   58537 08-05-2024 PM!
                                 ۲    ߲   
                                  ۲ ۲   ߲   ۲
                                ܲ߱   ۱
                                ݱ Selektor v1.1  ۲  Selektor v1.1 ٰ
                                ݰ  this is a new version of the good-old   
                                ݰ area/group selector for RA 2.50. but it  
                                  has some new options that makes it cewl. 
                                  * Features:                              
                                  + change mail/file area's/group's with   
                                    a scrolling prompt. 2 windows version. 
                                  ! one window for the groups & one for    
                                    the area's.                            
                                  ! new cfg lines added!!                  
                                  ! looods more.. read the doc!            
                                             *!* BUGFIXED *!*              
                                         Released: 191o97          
                                ߲    Coded By: Jungleboy^Dimension X    
sensei10.zip   43280 08-05-2024           
                                        ۲   Ŀ  ڿ
                                 |- dEMENTIA                  ٳ
                                 |  pROUDLY rEJECTS:  SENSEI v 1.0    
                                 |  fully  configerable  news door    
                                 |  oldskool style in ninja spirit    
                                 |  runs  on any  door.sys  system    
                                  cb zanda
setupldr.zip   10737 08-05-2024  -Ware! * RudeSoft (c) [tm] '98
                                 Small Handy Util To Either    
                                 Set Certain Uploader Names    
                                 (Given By You :)              
                                 Or To Erase Uploader Names    
                                 From Whatever Area(s) COOL !  
                                @X03ehh.. just do something 
                                @X0Bwith +31-184-490373..
                                @X03but only between 9-22!!
shr_2dma10.zip    6830 08-05-2024    ĿĿ
                                         ڿ         Ĵ
                                |         MeNu aNSi'S          
                                  SoMe CeWL MaiNMeNu aNSi'S   
                                    FoR LoGoN MaTRiX 1.21     
                                |        VerSiOn__1.OO         
                                ---      -
sh_2dbreak.zip    4133 08-05-2024 
                                Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ
                                ܰ۰ܳ ܰ  ۳ ܰ۰۳
                                     ߳    ۳       
                                 ۰۰  ۰۳ ۰ Ĵ
                                   ۳ ۰   ۳ ۰    ۳
                                ߰  ۰  ۳ ۰۳
                                 KICK USER ANIMATION FUER PB U.RA
                                 KICK DEN USER PER ALT+L AUS DEIN
                                 ER BOX MIT NEM COOLEN ANIMATONS 
                                    ****SAUG MICH JETZT****      
                                   ICH BIN EIN FREEWARE TOOL!    
                                 LEECH IT NOW NO COSTS FREEWARE  
                                 THIZ FILES PSSD THDRK HLL
                                 F0R M0R STUFF CLL:0821/517533!
sh_2dnfile.zip    5893 08-05-2024                         
                                     PRSNT            PRSNTZ  
                                       MY FIRST NWFILSCNNR.
                                       I ThInK It`S N0 So Bd  
                                       BuT 0nlY Y0u Cn Tll   
                                       M Tht! S0 ClL My BBS 
                                       RD NoW VrY CrfuLLy 
                                       DRK HLL..:0821/517533:
                                        THIZ FIL PSSD DRK.H 
sh_2dnmail.zip    5870 08-05-2024                         
                                     PRSNT            PRSNTZ  
                                       MY FIRST NWMISCNNR..
                                       I ThInK It`S N0 So Bd  
                                       BuT 0nlY Y0u Cn Tll   
                                       M Tht! S0 ClL My BBS 
                                       RD NoW VrY CrfuLLy 
                                       DRK HLL..:0821/517533:
sik_2dconv.zip   10901 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                | =(Smokers In Krime)=
                                   SiK-CoNVeRT 1.3    
                                 uTiL FoR Ra SYSoPS To ۳
                                  CoNVeRT Ra FiLeBaSe  ۳
                                 To eXTeNDeD FiLeS.BBS ۳
                                        FiLeS.         ۳
                                + BY RiPJaCK 03.02.95 +۳
sik_2dmtrx.zip   15285 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                | =(Smokers In Krime)=
                                 UseR DeFiNaBLe MaTRiX ۳
                                   FoR ReMoTeAcceSS    ۳
                                  BY RiPJaCK iN 1994   ۳
                                +                     +۳
sik_2dppak.zip   56419 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                -=( Smokers In Krime )=-͵
                                   BRaND NeW aNSiPaK FoR     
                                 25 PReCoNFiGuReD PRoMPTSeTS 
                                    :LUCiFER:  16/02/95    
sik_2drapr.zip   20127 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                -=( Smokers In Krime )=-͵
                                        Ra PRoMPT          
                                   uSeR-DeFiNaBLe [eNTeR]    
                                       PRoMPTS FoR Ra        
                                      CoDeD BY RiPJaCK       
                                       ReLeaSeD 12:01        
                                        JaN 1 1995         
sik_2drpan.zip    8071 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                  ݳ  Ŀ
                                 ݳ =-=-=-=- 
                                  KeWL AnSIz For ........ 
                                         RaPrOMPT 19/1/95 
                                  By: Da MeSSiAH !!!!!!   
                                 QuAnTuM LeAp/44-01908-211805/28 K 
                                [0;36mEdg[1meOfHo[0;36mnor WHq
                                +31-2260-20127 [_DaMN_] +31-2260-20780
sik_2drule.zip   39425 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                | =(Smokers In Krime)=
                                   L/ST 10 RULERZ   
                                  SHOW Y/R L/ST TEN  ۳
                                 C/LLERS OF Y/R BBS  ۳
                                 DEFiN/BLE /NSi ENZ  ۳
                                 CODED BY THUNDERH/WK ۳
                                +       11/02/95      +۳
                                +31-2260-20127 [_DaMN_] +31-2260-20780
skcchk10.zip   11222 08-05-2024 ͵ SKC Check v1.0 (c) Madman ͸
                                 Ersetzt Uploadernamen der RA2 
                                 Filebase durch andere Namen:) 
                                 Gut brauchbar fr SKC/ALLFIX. 
sld_2dente.zip   29438 08-05-2024                      ۲         
                                            ۲      ݱ
                                   ۲۱     ۰ 
                                   ޲ ߲۲   ܱ  ۱
                                mD ޲  ۲߰ ۲ 
                                   ޲   ߲  ۲ 
                                        P R E S E N T S       
                                     COMPLETE NEW ENTER for RA!!
                                        56 EXAMPLE PROMPTS
                                        EASY PROMPT CREATING
                                        SIMPLE TO UNDERSTAND
                                       CODED BY THUNDERH/WK
slogin12.zip   50068 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  ڿ   ڿĿڿ  ڿĿ  
                                  ô   ôô  ô  ôô    
                                         Presents :         
                                    Ŀ ĿĿĿ       
                                       ĿĿ  Ŀ        
                                Coder   : Sb Zr()         
                                Function: Elite Login for   
                                          RemoteAccess 2.0x 
                                          better than the   
                                          normal RAlogin.  
                                Features: Defineable ANSIS, 
                                          many functions,   
                                          NewUser door,    
snp_5018.zip  189360 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 SNP&ACT   V.5.018             
                                 SNP&FILE  V.5.018  for RA 2.50
                                    1st release (17.02.1997)
                                Statistik und Virentestprogramm
                                fuer RemoteAccess V2.50.
                                - Erstellung von Statistiken
                                  z.B.: Baudraten/User/File/
                                        Msg/Up- & Downloader/
                                        usw. ...
                                - Beschreibungs Import/Export,
                                  (FILE_ID.DIZ / DESC.SDI) 
                                - Loeschen von Werbefiles
                                - jedes FileArea getrennt
                                - mehrere Banner & Werbedateien
                                - Virentest (bis zu 20 Viren-
                                  scanner frei whlbar),
                                - Behandlung von fehlerhaften &
                                  virenbefallenen Files,
                                - Umpacken von Archiven,
                                - Flaghandling, div. Kriterien,
                                - ONLINE u/o OFFLINE Virentest,
                                - Vielfaeltige Einstellungs-
                                - Unterstuetzt:
                                  AMD, BMP, FMT, GIF, JPG, MOD,
                                  PCX, TGA, WAV, TIF
                                  ARJ, HPK, LZH, LHA, ZIP, PAK,
                                  ARC, RAR, SQZ, UC2, ZOO
sn_2dnfile.zip    4699 08-05-2024     
                                        [PREZENTZ 4 U] 
                                    New-File ANiMATiONs fOR RA 2.o2
                                             DiSK [o1/o1]
                                                RELEASED ON AUGUST'95
sn_2dtscan.zip    4143 08-05-2024     
                                         [PREZENTZ 4 U] 
                                   Phone Prompt ANiMATiONs FOR RA 2.o2
                                             DiSK [o1/o1]
                                                RELEASED ON AUGUST'95
sol_2ddate.zip    3869 08-05-2024           
                                 TxT Sheels RA BUGFIX beim Anzeigen
                                 des DATUMSFORMATES in Remote Access
                                 also das [D-MM-YY] anstatt [DD-MM-YY]
                                 wird hiermit KORREKT angezeigt!
                                 by Sol of Number One - FMP -
sol_2dli01.zip   14673 08-05-2024            
                                      RA LOGIN  "Light"   
                                    Professional Login     
                                    Proccedure for Ya Ra   
                                    Board NO DOOR komplett 
                                    in ANSi. It's Fast :)  
                                    Get this,it's the best 
                                    by Sol of Number One   
                                     Make ya Ra good look !
sol_2dpro2.zip    5386 08-05-2024         
                                -    -
                                   NEWMAIL SCAN PRO   
                                   PART OF 5MINUTES   
                                   PRODUCTIONS BY     
                                   SOL OF NUMBER ONE  
                                 make ya ra good look 
styximp1.zip   29191 08-05-2024 >STYXIMP1.ZIP<ͻ
                                [STYX-IMPORT 1.1 by ByteBandit/STYX]Ĵ
                                         It looks after upload          
                                 into archive - if it has a file_id.diz 
                                       it skips the Description.        
                                 Support for : ZIP,ARJ,RAR & LZH/LHA    
                                [ RELEASE-DATE: 17.01.96 ]ͼ
su_chat.zip     3194 08-05-2024 [32m           
                                    iC Zi 0R R 2.0x     
                                   [41m [37mZYZGOD bREAK'N iN fOR cHAT[40
su_ech.zip     11234 08-05-2024 [1;35m           
                                 [30m26.09.'95            (C) '95 [1;35m   
                                     [41m [1;37mPSSWORD ECHO CHNGER [40
                                    [ ] pATCH        [ ] dMF     
                                    [[5;1;37mx[0;1;30m] rA 2.xx      [ ] tXT 
                                [1;37m     [1;30mdONT 4gET   pCB sUXXXX ;
                                          [1;30mbY   RMON ! [1;37m  
su_fscan.zip    4199 08-05-2024            
                                      iC WiLSC 0R      
                                           R 2.0X               
                                        VRSi0 1.00 ;-)         
                                  Greetz to all SUkUrA Memberz ! 
                                       Call SUkUrA  WHQ         
                                       Bluebox  HQ  BY         
                                 Dont4get   PCB SUXXXXXX ;-)    
su_labf.zip    12633 08-05-2024            
                                      KWL L6U6ğiL 0R    
                                         [X] R                  
                                         [X] 0U...;)            
                                         [X] KWL B0RDZ         
                                    BUGFIX ! BUGFIX ! BUGFIX !   
                                     6RZ L 0 LL SUKUR    
                                     MMBRS , .D. D LL     
                                       0HR KWL 6R0UPZ         
                                  D0 46  PCB SUXXXXXXXXX ;)  
su_lan.zip     12667 08-05-2024            
                                      KWL L6U6ğiL 0R    
                                         [X] R                  
                                         [X] 0U...;)            
                                         [X] KWL B0RDZ         
                                      iCLUD iC Zi       
                                     6RZ L 0 LL SUKUR    
                                     MMBRS , .D. D LL     
                                       0HR KWL 6R0UPZ         
                                  D0 46  PCB SUXXXXXXXXX ;)  
su_loin.zip    35372 08-05-2024            
                                      iC L06i  i0 0R     
                                          W UZRZ              
su_quick.zip    3264 08-05-2024            
                                           pRESENT :             
                                   qUiCK LOGOFF fOR  [x] rA      
                                                     [x] yOU     
                                          [41m [37mvERSiON 1.0 [40m         
syn_21120.zip    5152 08-05-2024 |------------------------------------|
                                | SYNRGY PR0DCTi0NS FiRST RLS! |
                                | S0M NiC NW SR PPLY F0RMS F0R |
                                |     TH NW L0G0N MTRiX 1.20      |
                                | N0 M0R B0RiN SiNGL SCRN PPLY  |
                                | N0W S THiS WiTH MLTi SCRN +   |
                                | DiSCLiMR.. JST LCH ND S!   |
s_2dm_2dba20.zip   82344 08-05-2024     
                                 ߲   ۲ ۲ 
                                 ۲ ۲ & ۲  ۲ 
                                BBSADDER 2.0ޱ
                                creator: stonefist^S&Mޱ
                                   type: dorinfo1.def ޱ
                                awesome adding experience        ޱ
                                ansi+color configurable          ޱ
                                change lightbar position+text!   ޱ
                                 from system error, +46.303.49242 
                                    -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-
s_2dm_addr.zip   85855 08-05-2024     
                                 ߲   ۲ ۲  presents...    
                                    ۲ ۲ & ۲  ۲
                                İ ߱  ߲  ߲ İ
                                  if this archive isn't .ZIP, trash it!
                                 ** THIS IS AN UPDATE, .BAT FILE NOW **
                                             ** INCLUDED **
s_2dm_ba11.zip   76056 08-05-2024     
                                 ߲   ۲ ۲  presents...    
                                    ۲ ۲ & ۲  ۲
                                İ ߱  ߲  ߲ İ
                                  if this archive isn't .ZIP, trash it!
                                                RAR sucks!
s_2dm_la15.zip   62886 08-05-2024     
                                 ߲   ۲ ۲  presents...    
                                    ۲ ۲ & ۲  ۲
                                İ ߱  ߲  ߲ İ
                                  if this archive isn't .ZIP, trash it!
                                                RAR sucks!
s_2dm_last.zip   63686 08-05-2024                       
                                 ۲ & ۲ 
                                     ۲   ۲       presents
                                     ۲   ۲p
                                ** NEW UPDATED VERSION, A SERIOUS BUG WAS **
                                                ** REMOVED **
s_2dm_pa10.zip   63429 08-05-2024     
                                 ߲   ۲ ۲   presents...    
                                    ۲ ۲ & ۲  ۲                    
                                İ ߱  ߲  ߲ İ
s_2dm_us10.zip   74849 08-05-2024     
                                 ߲   ۲ ۲  presents...    
                                    ۲ ۲ & ۲  ۲
                                İ ߱  ߲  ߲ İ
                                userlister v1.0bforra2.5x
                                unzip with -d
                                  if this archive isn't .ZIP, trash it!
                                               RAR sucks!
s_2dm_us22.zip   78045 08-05-2024     
                                 ߲   ۲ ۲ 
                                 ۲ ۲ & ۲  ۲ 
                                USERLiST 2.02ޱ
                                creator: stonefist^S&Mޱ
                                   type: RA 2.50 Util ޱ
                                now the top-stats will be updatedޱ
                                with switch of name/handle       ޱ
                                 from system error, +46.303.49242 
                                    -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-
tagline.zip    55454 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                        SPOiLED KiDS PRESENTS       
                                    TAGLINE      VER 1.00   
                                  - What are you waiting 4? 
                                          TAG this file NOW!        
                                   MAKES YOUR USERS SEE DIFFERENT   
                                      TAGLINES IN YOUR LOGOFF!      
                                          ONLY FOR RA 2.XX          
ta_2dlog1.zip   11336 08-05-2024 
                                 Ϳ aNaRCHY  
                                 :                             :
                                            a LiTTLe            
                                 :        LoGi aiMaTio        :
                                 ĿReLeaSe ͹
                                   :  DaTe  :                   
                                 ʹ14/11/95   ReeWaRe   
                                                 BY SHeePͼ
tcn_2dch13.zip   66236 08-05-2024         .   .         .    :
                                 _______:___+   ______:   /|___
                                \._/ /  |\__| /  |\__|  /'  .  \
                                   /`   |   /`   |____/'    :   '\
                                 /'     | /'     |   `\.    |     `\
                                `\      |`\      '    | \___|     /'
                                 / \.___| _ \._______/| ___ |___/c\
                                .       +             |     +    o :
                                :       . TUSCON '96! :     .      :
                                  [] Changer Light/Pro 1.3 []   
                                 + go with lightbars through ya   
                                   file and messageareas          
                                 + change to a new area with a    
                                 + get a infotext, nr. of files   
                                   and kByte for each area/group  
                                 + show an ansilogo for each area 
                                 + background 100% configurable   
                                 + coloreditor for ya own style   
                                 + easy installation (setuptool!) 
                                 + english & german docs          
                                :   :                          :   :
tcn_2dl22.zip   44608 08-05-2024  _______:___+   ______:   /|___
                                \._/ /  |\__| /  |\__|  /'  .  \
                                   /`   |   /`   |____/'    :   '\
                                 /'     | /'     |   `\.    |     `\
                                `\      |`\      '    | \___|     /'
                                 / \.___| _ \._______/| ___ |___/c\
                                .       +             |     +    o :
                                :       . TUSCON '96! :     .      :
                                      [] LastCaller 2.2 []      
                                 + powerfull LastCaller with      
                                   funky flash-effects            
                                 + ShowAction => Shows the actions
                                   off ya lastcallers in ya bbs!  
                                 + animated prompts               
                                 + background 1oo% configurable   
                                 + textpositions 1oo% configurable
                                 + colors 1oo% configurable       
                                 + shows handles or realnames     
                                 + no "coded by"-lines for user   
                                   with fucking delays            
                                 + easy to install                
                                 + works with multinodessystems   
                                 + Freeware (I know you like this)
                                :   :                          :   :
tcn_2dup05.zip   12865 08-05-2024          
                                    Up_It 0.5 HandleUpdater     ۲
                                  Changes the UploaderRealnames ۱
                                  in ya Ra-Filebase into the    ۰
                                  handle of ya users.           ۰
tdb_2dap10.zip   31757 08-05-2024                         
                                               TDGR0P PRST: 
                                      aPPLY FoR NeW MeMBeRS v1.0     
                                         Release Date: 03-08-97        
                                        "We DoN'T KNoW THe RuLe...     
                                             We MaKe THe RuLe"         
                                     You DoN'T NeeD aNY DeSCRiPTioN   
                                 By Mr_Ed & JoHNNY DiaBLo FoR TDBGroup 
tdb_2dlc10.zip   54231 08-05-2024                         
                                               TDBGROUP PRST: 
                                     LaST CaLLeRS 1.0 FoR RA 2.XX    
                                         Release Date: 30-07-97        
                                        "We DoN'T KNoW THe RuLe...     
                                            We MaKe THe RuLe"          
                                              > iMTD 0PTi0S :-) 
                                  RFRCS: > iTRL CHT        
                                              > KWL FCTS          
                                              > DFiiL Si       
                                 BY JoHNNY DiaBLo & Mr_Ed FoR TDBGroup 
tdb_2dlt12.zip  104861 08-05-2024                         
                                               TDGR0P PRST: 
                                   LoOK THaT v1.2 - FoR FRoNTDooR x  
                                         Release Date: 04-22-97        
                                                              Ŀ 100 
                                  > VR S 2 iSTLL.     ܳ     
                                  > CHG 0UR 0RD-L0Gi  ۳     
                                      D0iG DiFRT VRTiM ۳     
                                  W i THiS VRSi0:         ۳     
                                   + S0M iTRL BUG'S FiXD    0%
                                   MaDe By JoHNNY DiaBLo FoR TDBGroup  
tdb_2dnm10.zip   20421 08-05-2024                         
                                              TDBGROUP PRST:  
                                     NeWMaiL SCaN 1.0 FoR RA 2.xX    
                                        Release Date:  13-11-97        
                                       "We DoN'T KNoW THe RuLe..       
                                           We MaKe THe RuLe"           
                                              > S T0 iSTLL :-)  
                                  RFRCS: > PR0GRSS R         
                                              > KWL FCTS          
                                              > iC C0L0RS          
                                     BY JoHNNY DiaBLo FoR TDBGroup     
tdb_2dpp01.zip   29823 08-05-2024                         
                                               TDGR0P PRST: 
                                  TDBGroup PaCK 01 oF aNiMaTeD eNTeR 
                                    PRoMPT'S To uSe WiTH SHoWaNSi!   
                                         Release Date: 04-21-97        
                                  RFRCS:                  Ŀ 100%
                                  > NiCeoNeS aND uGLYoNeS    ۳     
                                  > oNLY NeeD SHoWaNSi.      ۳     
                                  > iNCLuDeS aN uTiLiTY TO   ۳     
                                      VieW PRoMPT's iN DOS.    ۳     
                                   MaDe By JoHNNY DiaBLo FoR TDBGroup  
tmc_inf.zip    39374 08-05-2024 
                                 TmC UserInfo With  
                                   For Ra2.xx       
                                 Coded By Rafael    
                                Of The Molotov Crew 
tmc_lame.zip   39567 08-05-2024 
                                      Lamer Killer v0.01         
                                          For RA2.xx              
                                    Coded By Rafael of TMC        
tmc_spw.zip    39644 08-05-2024  ܱ۲߲  ߲߲  ܲ۲߲۲
                                 ߱     ۱
                                         ۲  ܲ
                                 - pROUDLYpRESENTZ -Ŀ
                                  Want a 100% lamefree b0ard?     
                                  Then use this fine SPW Proggy   
                                  With a New SPW every month!     
                                  Thats right 12 Passwords        
                                  one for each month with         
                                  Config File Of cuz.             
                                  For RA2.xx      Coded by Rafael 
                                 - dizbyjIDAN 
totw04.zip     28455 08-05-2024 Ŀ Ŀ
                                 Ŀ  Ŀ  Ŀ   
                                     Ŀ  Ŀ ڳ Ŀ 
                                         T O O L S         
                                  TIME OF THE WORLD  V0.4  
                                  Weltzeit-Door fuer alle  
                                 Box-Systeme, die DOOR.SYS 
                                   unterstuetzen. Online   
                                 24(!) laufende Uhrzeiten  
                                lokale Orts-Angabe und Ab- 
                                     weichung von UTC      
                                 NEU - Lightbar-Steuerung  
                                  Info-Screen fuer alle    
                                    angegebenen Orte.      
                                    Lokal lauffaehig       
                                     *** FREEWARE ***      
totw05.zip     20530 08-05-2024 
trilog.zip     38989 08-05-2024 -// TRiBL (iNC) '95 PRSNTS: \\-
                                    Something By Rapid Fire     ;
                                 Your Very Own Fast,Slow Login! ;
                                :  No Name Stuff.. Freeware     !
                                :  Has A Moving Bar
                                |  Shows Info About Option
                                |  AND SOURCE FILE INCLUDED!
                                 \___  ______  /___i  _   /______/
                                   /:   \ !/  /    i  / /__ :>___
                                  / .    \ _  \    |  _\  / .    ;
                                   \ _____|/___\___|_____/______/
                                    \ [DATE: o9.16.95]
                                   [HaTCHeD THRu TRiBAL-NeT]
tri_door.zip   54075 08-05-2024 ͸
                                     RiBL     ٴ
                                  APPLiCATiON DOOR   
                                  4 Remote Access    
                                 (Compatible BBS's)  
                                 DT: 29.o5.'95     
tri_inl.zip     4145 08-05-2024 @X08-// @X0FTRiBL (iNC) '96 PRSNTS:
                                @X08.     @X03 @X07TR!BL Login ANSi 1.o
                                @X08;   @X03@X0B@X03 @X07TRi_iNL.ZiP.
                                @X08:   @X03@X0B@X03 @X07A Cewl Ansi LoGiN
                                @X08|   @X03@X0B@X03 @X07Ansi And Cewl
                                @X08|   @X03@X0B@X03 @X07Fun Ra AnS.
                                @X08:   @X03@X0B@X03 @X07Done By SteVie RaY
                                @X03 \___  ______  /___i  _   /______/
                                @X03   /:   \ !/  /    i  / /__ :>___
                                @X03  / .    \ _  \    |  _\  / .    ;
                                @X03   \ _____|/___\___|_____/______/
                                @X03        \@X08[@X07DT: @X0F28o896@X08
tri_menu.zip   83144 08-05-2024 -// TRiBL (iNC) '95 PRSNTS: \\-
                                     ^Tri Menu Version 1.xx^    ;
                                :  Moving Ansi Things           |
                                :  A Ra 2.xx Door               !
                                |  A Moving Enter Prompt        ;
                                |  HighLighted Options
                                :  Multi-Line Aware! 
                                 \___  ______  /___i  _   /______/
                                   /:   \ !/  /    i  / /__ :>___
                                  / .    \ _  \    |  _\  / .    ;
                                   \ _____|/___\___|_____/______/
                                    \ [DATE: o6.27.95]
                                   [HaTCHeD THRu TRiBL-NeT]
tri_ranl.zip   11437 08-05-2024 -// TRiBL (iNC) '95 PRSNTS: \\-
                                +:  . RA NODE DELIMITTER .  ;
                                +;   [1;32m[0mTRi_RANL.ZiP
                                +:   [1;32m[0mNode Delimitter
                                +|   [1;32m[0m4 RMOT XXSS
                                +|   [1;32m[0mDone By TH LW
                                +:   [1;32m[0;1mY[mouNameIT
                                +:   [1;32m[0;1mW[me'VeGotIT
                                + \___  ______  /___i  _   /______/
                                +   /:   \ !/  /    i  / /__ :>___
                                +  / .    \ _  \    |  _\  / .    ;
                                +   \ _____|/___\___|_____/______/
                                +    \[DT[1;32m:[0mo912'95]
tr_2dann11.zip   51171 08-05-2024        Announce v1.1
                                 tHE RemoteAccess pROGRAMMERS
tr_2dcc05b.zip   22643 08-05-2024 [0;1mCheesy Chatter v0.5b            [22-12]
                                [0mThe most cheese looking chatter around,
                                damn  simple  to  install,  can be used
                                from inside DOS shells, as direct-sysop
                                chatter and much more.
                                [0;1m   - tHE RemoteAccess pROGRAMMERS -
                                [0m$$$$$$$b. $$$$$$$b.  ,od$$$$$ $$$$$$$b.
                                 $$$b $$$$ $$$D d$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$D
                                     $$$$ $$$$$$$P' $$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$P'
                                     $$H! $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$
                                [0;1m  RemoteAccess utilities at the *MAX*   
tr_2din11b.zip   28517 08-05-2024 [0;1m
                                iNLiNERS v1.1b =(bug-fix)========== [O1/O1]
                                $&%;.$'  """$$P"     $   , "?$     "?$.;%&$
                                $&%;.$   $"""P   $       "   ?   $   $.;%&$
                                $&%;.$   $       $yyy$   y       $   $.;%&$
                                $&%;.$   "   y   $$$$$   $   $      ,$.;%&$
                                ====== tHE rEMOTEaCCESS pROGRAMMERS =======
                                ever dialed a pcboard and looked at their
                                oneliners and wondered why there wasn't a
                                single RA oneliner that looked alike, then
                                grab iNLiNERS, PCB@ (not only PCB-colours)
                                support, fully lightbar'd, USERDOES and
                                much more, and the price is ridiculous low
                                just send a postcard to the author!
                                ======= tRAP - wHEN qUALITY cOUNTS ========
                                http://www.image.dk/~hitech hitech@image.dk
                                       -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-
                                       -= 2:2448/310 - S Y0U  =- 
tr_2dlin12.zip   51495 08-05-2024       tRAp LiNER v1.2
                                 tHE RemoteAccess pROGRAMMERS
tr_2dlpl11.zip   24195 08-05-2024      Last People v1.1
                                  the RemoteAccess PROGRAMMERS
                                -Creates a nice last callers screen-
tr_2dml20.zip   69264 08-05-2024  ͵ (g v휖ŭ  
                                 ܲ  ܲ   ܲ   ܲ
                                 T e C h n o L o g Y  R e V o L u T i o N
                                             P R e S e n T S             
                                      New Mail Scanner For RA 2.xx (2)  
                                  This is not an animation! it's an exe  
                                  That makes it possibly to change ansis 
                                   X/Y Positions and colors! about 90 %  
                                 configurable! 2 Different Ansis to chose
                                 | cODED bY: ShaDoW                       |
                                        -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-
tr_2dncl10.zip   14745 08-05-2024  No. of Calls Upgrader v1.0
                                 tHE RemoteAccess pROGRAMMERS
tr_2dpwd.zip   21223 08-05-2024 [0;1m
                                password v1.1 ===================== [O1/O1]
                                $&%;.$'  """$$P"     $   , "?$     "?$.;%&$
                                $&%;.$   $"""P   $       "   ?   $   $.;%&$
                                $&%;.$   $       $yyy$   y       $   $.;%&$
                                $&%;.$   "   y   $$$$$   $   $      ,$.;%&$
                                ====== tHE rEMOTEaCCESS pROGRAMMERS =======
                                Password is designed to give sysops a way
                                to have SystemPassword (SPW) / NewUser -
                                Password (NUP) even though their bbs/matrix
                                does not support it
                                http://www.image.dk/~hitech hitech@image.dk
                                       -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-
                                       -= 2:2448/310 - S Y0U  =- 
tr_2drc110.zip   46388 08-05-2024  ͵ (g v휖ŭ  
                                 ܲ  ܲ   ܲ   ܲ
                                 T e C h n o L o g Y  R e V o L u T i o N
                                             P R e S e n T S             
                                     RATiO CHECKER v110 FOR RA 2.??      
                                       cOOl Design With LightBars        
                                         And Configurable ANSI           
                                        Your uSers Will Love It!         
                                 |                         CodeD By AnguS |
                                        -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-
tr_2dscl10.zip   25523 08-05-2024 [0;1m
                                sLOW cALLERS v1.O ================= [O1/O1]
                                $&%;.$'  """$$P"     $   , "?$     "?$.;%&$
                                $&%;.$   $"""P   $       "   ?   $   $.;%&$
                                $&%;.$   $       $yyy$   y       $   $.;%&$
                                $&%;.$   "   y   $$$$$   $   $      ,$.;%&$
                                ====== tHE rEMOTEaCCESS pROGRAMMERS =======
                                have you ever thought that it was a waste
                                to let 9k6 and 14k4 users use your 19k2 and
                                28k8 nodes ? then just add this program, it
                                will hangup or warn users if their baudrate
                                is to low for the current node also usefull
                                in singlenode boards to disable callers
                                that calls with a baudrate there is to low
                                ======= tRAP - wHEN qUALITY cOUNTS ========
                                hQS/sITES must contact wHQ before O1/O7/96!
tr_2dufo11.zip   56144 08-05-2024 [0;1mUser File Organizer v1.1 (bfix) [23-12]
                                [0mGreat utility  to keep  the users  from
                                having  empty  fields  in  their   user
                                record, total configurable
                                [0;1m   - tHE RemoteAccess pROGRAMMERS -
                                [0m$$$$$$$b. $$$$$$$b.  ,od$$$$$ $$$$$$$b.
                                 $$$b $$$$ $$$D d$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$D
                                     $$$$ $$$$$$$P' $$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$P'
                                     $$H! $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$
                                [0;1m  RemoteAccess utilities at the *MAX*   
tr_2dusr10.zip   13517 08-05-2024 [0;1m
                                uSER rESET v1.O =================== [O1/O1]
                                $&%;.$'  """$$P"     $   , "?$     "?$.;%&$
                                $&%;.$   $"""P   $       "   ?   $   $.;%&$
                                $&%;.$   $       $yyy$   y       $   $.;%&$
                                $&%;.$   "   y   $$$$$   $   $      ,$.;%&$
                                ====== tHE rEMOTEaCCESS pROGRAMMERS =======
                                does your new users have access to private
                                areas because remoteaccess maps their file/
                                msg areas/confs if the are zero, then look
                                no further - lEECH uSER rESET tODAY!
                                ======= tRAP - wHEN qUALITY cOUNTS ========
                                hQS/sITES must contact wHQ before O1/O7/96!
tsi_ul10.zip   38916 08-05-2024     .d                      d$$b
                                  .d$$                      ?$$P
                                  $$$$bm.       .d$$$$$b.     .d
                                  $$$$$$$b     d$$P        .d$$
                                  $$$$         ?$$$$b.    .d$$$$
                                  $$$$.  d$$P    ?$$$$b    $$$$
                                 / $$$$$Ptsi?$$$$$$P  d$$$$$$b\
                                +  p   r   e   s    e   n   t   s  +
                                | -------------------------------- |
                                |      SIMPLE UPLOAD TOOL v1.0     |
                                |         for RemoteAccess         |
                                |                                  |
                                |  Shows the UL rules & makes the  |
                                | lUsers type definable strings if |
                                |   they wanna upload public or    |
                                |             private              |
                                | -------------------------------- |
                                | keywords: RA                     |
                                + -------------------------------- +
                                 \EVERYTHING BELOW THIS IS ADVERTS/
tuc_2drum1.zip   52080 08-05-2024     /(__________________)\
                                    lThM                  l
                                    \_    __ /( )\__/(__)\
                                     |  l  |  |  .       l
                                     |  l  |  |  .       l
                                     |  l  |  |       ___/
                                    /    \/   ^  .   <    \
                                     RUMOUR 4 RA 1.01
                                   THIS IS AN EXACT COPY
                                    OF THE RUMOUR 4 PCB
                                    LEECH NOW AND ENJOY
twt_2dcm11.zip   13210 08-05-2024 /^\/.\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\
                                /- -\ | \   \ \-\- -\  ~\|  \
                                \   / | /   /-\ /   / -/|  /
                                       cOM-mENU v1.1       
                                 wOULD yOU lIKE tO hAVE a  
                                  pCB lIKE mENU sYSTEM??  
                                  wELL.. hERE iT iS sKIP  
                                 tHE hOTKEYS uSE cOMMANDS. 
                                  cODE bY tHE nECROMANCER  
                                ( fwA  oFcUZ )
twt_2dcw11.zip   11512 08-05-2024 /^\/.\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\                
                                /- -\ | \   \ \-\- -\  ~\|  \                
                                \   / | /   /-\ /   / -/|  /                
                                     wALL oF cRAP v1.1                     
                                 pCB lIKE cRAP wALL. lETS                  
                                  uSERS mOVE aROUND oN dA                  
                                   wALL, aND eNTER tHEIR                   
                                   cRAP wHERE tHEY wANT.                   
                                  cODE bY tHE nECROMANCER                  
                                ( fwA  oFcUZ )                
                                .:(C0URiEd BY THE 0UTER LiMiT III):.         
twt_2ddd11.zip   15619 08-05-2024 yy ========= dH!b ==== yy =========== yy
                                $$""  $$ y $b`'$$" $$""  $$"$b $$"$$
                                $$ $$ $$ $ $$ $$  ""$b $$ $$ $$""" $$ $$
                                $y$$ $y$y$$ $$ $$y$$ $y$$ $y$$ $y$$
                                ===========( CODER SECTION )============
                                         download delayer v1.1
                                skip those fucking ul-enforcers, and use
                                this door instead! if a user dl's too
                                much, he will have to look at an anoying
                                delay =). that should get the fucker to
                                upload! hehe.
                                        code by the necromancer
twt_2dea11.zip    5823 08-05-2024 /^\/.\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\
                                /- -\ | \   \ \-\- -\  ~\|  \
                                \   / | /   /-\ /   / -/|  /
                                   eNTER aNIMATIONS v1.1   
                                    tIRED oF rA'S eNTER    
                                 pROMPT?.. wELL dON'T uSE  
                                  iT aNYMORE, uSE oNE oF   
                                  tHESE kEWL aNIMATIONS   
                                    bY tHE nECROMANCER     
                                ( fwA  oFcUZ )
twt_2dfc13.zip   13429 08-05-2024 /^\/.\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\
                                /- -\ | \   \ \-\- -\  ~\|  \
                                \   / | /   /-\ /   / -/|  /
                                  fULLsCREEN cHATTER v1.3  
                                  gOOD lOOKING fULLsCREEN  
                                  cODE bY tHE nECROMANCER  
                                ( fwA  oFcUZ )
twt_2dfl12.zip   16846 08-05-2024 yy ========= dH!b ==== yy =========== yy     
                                $$""  $$ y $b`'$$" $$""  $$"$b $$"$$     
                                $$ $$ $$ $ $$ $$  ""$b $$ $$ $$""" $$ $$     
                                $y$$ $y$y$$ $$ $$y$$ $y$$ $y$$ $y$$     
                                ===========( CODER SECTION )============     
                                            filelister v1.2                  
                                replacemant for ra's filelister, lets        
                                you move up 'n down in the file list.        
                                        code by the necromancer              
                                .:(C0URiEd BY THE 0UTER LiMiT III):.         
twt_2dnd11.zip   11397 08-05-2024 /^\/.\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\
                                /- -\ | \   \ \-\- -\  ~\|  \
                                \   / | /   /-\ /   / -/|  /
                                    nEWS dISPLAYER v1.1    
                                 lET yA uSERS sCROLL uP/dN 
                                    iN yA sYZTEM nEWS.     
                                       cODE bY vOLAR       
                                ( fwA  oFcUZ )
twt_2don14.zip   14114 08-05-2024 yy ========= dH!b ==== yy =========== yy
                                $$""  $$ y $b`'$$" $$""  $$"$b $$"$$
                                $$ $$ $$ $ $$ $$  ""$b $$ $$ $$""" $$ $$
                                $y$$ $y$y$$ $$ $$y$$ $y$$ $y$$ $y$$
                                ===========( CODER SECTION )============
                                              linerz v1.4
                                kewl looking onelinerz. including who
                                wrote function.
                                             code by volar
twt_2dsc11.zip   17453 08-05-2024 yy ========= dH!b ==== yy =========== yy
                                $$""  $$ y $b`'$$" $$""  $$"$b $$"$$
                                $$ $$ $$ $ $$ $$  ""$b $$ $$ $$""" $$ $$
                                $y$$ $y$y$$ $$ $$y$$ $y$$ $y$$ $y$$
                                ===========( CODER SECTION )============
                                       Split-Screen chatter v1.1
                                Split Screen chatter.
                                           code by The Raven
twt_2dsi11.zip   14146 08-05-2024 /^\/.\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\
                                /- -\ | \   \ \-\- -\  ~\|  \
                                \   / | /   /-\ /   / -/|  /
                                       sYSiNFO v1.1        
                                 wITH tHIS nICE pROGGY yOU 
                                  cAN sHOW yOUR uSERS hOW  
                                   mANY fILES/bYTES hAVE   
                                 bEEN pUMPED, lEECHED, aND 
                                 mUCH mORE. kEWL lOOKING  
                                  cODE bY tHE nECROMANCER  
                                ( fwA  oFcUZ )
twt_2dsp11.zip   11322 08-05-2024 /^\/.\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\
                                /- -\ | \   \ \-\- -\  ~\|  \
                                \   / | /   /-\ /   / -/|  /
                                   sYSTEM pASSWORD v1.1    
                                  kEEP uNWANTED uSERS oUT  
                                 oF yA kEWL bOARD, iNSTALL 
                                   tHIS pROGGIE wILL aSK   
                                  eVERY uSER fOR a sYSTEM  
                                  cODE bY tHE nECROMANCER  
                                ( fwA  oFcUZ )
twt_2dtc11.zip    5243 08-05-2024 yy ========= dH!b ==== yy =========== yy
                                $$""  $$ y $b`'$$" $$""  $$"$b $$"$$
                                $$ $$ $$ $ $$ $$  ""$b $$ $$ $$""" $$ $$
                                $y$$ $y$y$$ $$ $$y$$ $y$$ $y$$ $y$$
                                ===========( CODER SECTION )============
                                          todays callers v1.1
                                nice todays callers. asks the users
                                about their occupation, and displays it
                                together with thier names, ul, dl, and
                                        code by the necromancer
tw_2dbecht.zip    5367 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                $$     _____ ___  _   _     $$
                                $$    |_   _|  _|| |/ /     $$
                                $$      | | |  _||   \      $$
                                $$      |_| |___||_|\_|     $$
                                $$     W     a      R     $$
                                $$                          $$
                                $$       TW-BECHT 1.o       $$
                                $$   LoS MeJOReS EnD-CHaT   $$
                                $$  Y StARt-ChAt ANSIS Que  $$
                                $$    HaLLaS ViStO En TU    $$
                                $$           VIdA           $$
                                $$                          $$
                                $$.    MaDe By:NaGUiLUm    ,$$
                                $$Ss,.                  .,sS$$
tw_2dlastc.zip   37818 08-05-2024  .,sS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Ss,.
                                ,.$' __________ ____  ___  ___`$.,
                                $..$ (___    ___)  __)|   |/  / $..$
                                $ .$    |    |     ___)      \  $. $
                                $..$    |____| \_______)__|\__) $..$
                                $.:$  W           a           R $:.$
                                $:;$                            $;:$
                                $;i$   -=[ LaStCaLLs o.99 ]=-   $i;$
                                $il$                            $li$
                                $l$$  ThE BeTa VerSiOn oF ThE   $$l$
                                $$$$   LaSTCaLLeRs. ThE BeSt    $$$$
                                $$$$   One. Look, iNCReDiBlE    $$$$
                                $$$$ AnSiS, iNCReDiBlE FeAtUReS $$$$
                                $$$$     RePoRT AnY BugS...     $$$$
                                $$$$                            $$$$
                                $$$$     MaDe By: NaGUiLUm      $$$$
tw_2dlogo1.zip    8440 08-05-2024  .,sS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Ss,.          
                                ,.$' __________ ____  ___  ___`$.,         
                                $..$ (___    ___)  __)|   |/  / $..$         
                                $ .$    |    |     ___)      \  $. $         
                                $..$    |____| \_______)__|\__) $..$         
                                $.:$  W           a          R  $:.$         
                                $:;$                            $;:$         
                                $;i$         [Logon #1]         $i;$         
                                $il$                            $li$         
                                $l$$  Logon #1, bastante lindo  $$l$         
                                $$$$  Con animaciones por todos $$$$         
                                $$$$    lados... :) No puede    $$$$         
                                $$$$ dejar de estar en tu board $$$$         
                                $$$$                            $$$$         
                                $$$$    Made By: Yerva          $$$$         
tw_2dmq.zip     7391 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                $$     _____ ___  _   _    $$
                                $$    |_   _|  _|| |/ /    $$
                                $$      | | |  _||   \     $$
                                $$      |_| |___||_|\_|    $$
                                $$     W     a      R    $$
                                $$                         $$
                                $$    MaiL QuEStiOnairE    $$
                                $$  LiNdOS ansiS, LiNdaS   $$
                                $$      aNiMaciOnES...     $$
                                $$                         $$
                                $$.    Made By: YeRvA     ,$$
                                $$Ss,.                 .,sS$$
tw_2dnf.zip     4899 08-05-2024  .,sS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Ss,.          
                                ,.$' __________ ____  ___  ___`$.,         
                                $..$ (___    ___)  __)|   |/  / $..$         
                                $ .$    |    |     ___)      \  $. $         
                                $..$    |____| \_______)__|\__) $..$         
                                $.:$  W           a          R  $:.$         
                                $:;$                            $;:$         
                                $;i$      [New Files Scan]      $i;$         
                                $il$                            $li$         
                                $l$$   Espectacular New files   $$l$         
                                $$$$  scanner... Lindos ansis   $$$$         
                                $$$$  linda animacion, etc. No  $$$$         
                                $$$$  puede faltar en tu board  $$$$         
                                $$$$                            $$$$         
                                $$$$    Made By: NaGUiLUm       $$$$         
tw_2dnm1.zip    5834 08-05-2024 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$S$$$$$$$$
                                $$     _____ ___  _   _     $$
                                $$    |_   _|  _|| |/ /     $$
                                $$      | | |  _||   \      $$
                                $$      |_| |___||_|\_|     $$
                                $$     w     a      r     $$
                                $$                          $$
                                $$  Mail Scanner #1!!!!!!!  $$
                                $$     (Ra: Txt-Shell)      $$
                                $$     Hecho por: Yerva     $$
                                $$.   Ratio [....]   ,$$
                                $$Ss,.                  .,sS$$
tw_2dnm2.zip    7126 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                $$     _____ ___  _   _    $$
                                $$    |_   _|  _|| |/ /    $$
                                $$      | | |  _||   \     $$
                                $$      |_| |___||_|\_|    $$
                                $$     W     a      R    $$
                                $$                         $$
                                $$     MaiL ScaNNeR #2     $$
                                $$                         $$
                                $$  LiNdOs aNsis, liNda    $$
                                $$       aNiMaciON...      $$
                                $$                         $$
                                $$.    Made By: YeRvA     ,$$
                                $$Ss,.                 .,sS$$
tw_2dnu2.zip    4876 08-05-2024  .,sS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Ss,.          
                                ,.$' __________ ____  ___  ___`$.,         
                                $..$ (___    ___)  __)|   |/  / $..$         
                                $ .$    |    |     ___)      \  $. $         
                                $..$    |____| \_______)__|\__) $..$         
                                $.:$  W           a          R  $:.$         
                                $:;$                            $;:$         
                                $;i$ [New User Questionnaire 2] $i;$         
                                $il$                            $li$         
                                $l$$   Un Ansi bastante groso   $$l$         
                                $$$$  con animaciones lindas,   $$$$         
                                $$$$  etc... Que no te falte..  $$$$         
                                $$$$                            $$$$         
                                $$$$     Made By: Juancho       $$$$         
tw_2dpcha2.zip   11095 08-05-2024   ,sS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Ss,
                                $$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$`$$$$$$$  $Ss.`$$$$
                                $$$ $$$`$$$`$$$ ,`S$$$$ ,`$$S,`$$$
                                $$$ $$',$ $$$ $,`$$ $s S$$S $ ;$$$ $$$
                                $$$ $',$$ $$$ $$,`$ $$,`$$$ $ ;$$',$$$
                                $$$,`,$$$ $$$ $$' ' `$' ;$S,,,s$,$$$$
                                $$$$$$$$',$$$ `.,$$$S,` ;$$S$S$,`$$$$
                                $$$$$$$';$$$$ ,$$'''' ;$$ ,, $$;`$$$
                                $$$$$$$S,`$$$ $$$Ss $$' $$$ $$ $$$ $$$
                                $$$$$$$W$,`$$ $$;,,,s ',$$$,`$ $$S $$$
                                $$$$$$$$A$,`$ `S$$$$' .S$$$S.`,$$Ss`$$
                                $$$$$ 7 W FCS F0R PH0T0 CHT $$$$$
                                $$S'`                          `'S$$
                                $$  YP.. W'R BCK, D W BRiG  $$
                                $$    PRSTS.. ;) JU... 7 W    $$
                                $$  D C00L FCS F0R PH0T0 CHT!  $$
                                $$,                                ,$$
                                $$Ss,. THNKS T0: YRV         .,sS$$
tw_2dpchat.zip    7466 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                $$     _____ ___  _   _    $$
                                $$    |_   _|  _|| |/ /    $$
                                $$      | | |  _||   \     $$
                                $$      |_| |___||_|\_|    $$
                                $$     W     a      R    $$
                                $$                         $$
                                $$  10 NuEvAs cArAs pArA   $$
                                $$    El PhoTo ChAt!!!     $$
                                $$                         $$
                                $$.    Made By: YeRvA     ,$$
                                $$Ss,.                 .,sS$$
t_2d_log2.zip    4000 08-05-2024 
                                      IC L0GI 4 R+ !!   
                                      THIS IS TH FIRST      
                                      RLS BY TW IT'S   
                                      JUST  TST 0T M0R  
                                       C0TCT M T         
                                            tWA ĺ
ulf_2dpcbm.zip   62203 08-05-2024  
                                     ,sS$$ ,$$$$ ,sS$$     ,sS$$$$$
                                    ,$$$$',$$$$',$$$$'    $$$$'
                                   ,$$$$',$$$$',$$$$'    $$$$$sS$
                                   $$$$',$$$$',$$$$.,s$ $$$$'
                                   $$$$$$$' $$$$$$$$$ $$$  uNLiFe
                                   ULF-PCBM2: TH PC MNU CL0N!!
                                 HV  NCE  FULL FATURD MNU THT
                                 CL0NES  PCB'S  STYLE ! WTH KYW0RDS
                                 ND  SCRN CHNGNG (RND0M 0R N0T)
                                 BL  T0  CHNG  FR0M  1o DFFRNT
                                 NSZ!  SY  T0  STUP  ND  FULLY
                                 UNLF'S M00D/STYL! S0 D0WNL0D T!
                                 (C)1997-NtN^uLF - BST STUFF R0UND
                                    -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-
ult_call.zip   38013 08-05-2024 
                                               ް  ް      
                                       ޲  ޲                  
                                   Ultradoors Freeware Productions   
                                    Callers a last 12 callers door   
                                        for RemoteAccess 2.xx        
                                    Another release from Ultradoors. 
                                   BY: The Driller   DaTe: 18/01/98  
ult_d008.zip   20147 08-05-2024 
                                               ް  ް      
                                       ޲  ޲                  
                                      The Latest Ultradoors Info     
                                            Info pack No 8           
                                   Another release from Ultradoors   
                                  BY: The Driller DaTe:   07/03/98   
ult_last.zip   35539 08-05-2024 
                                               ް  ް      
                                       ޲  ޲                  
                                      The Last call to the board     
                                      For RemoteAccess Ver 2.xx      
                                   Another release from Ultradoors   
                                  BY: The Driller DaTe:   03/10/97   
ult_line.zip   43758 08-05-2024 
                                               ް  ް      
                                       ޲  ޲                  
                                     Color lines one liner door      
                                      For RemoteAccess Ver 2.xx      
                                   Another release from Ultradoors   
                                  BY: The Driller DaTe on 10/08/97   
ult_logu.zip   31608 08-05-2024 
                                               ް  ް      
                                       ޲  ޲                  
                                   Logon Matrix + new user prompts   
                                  For RemoteAccess Ver 2.xx regged.  
                                   Another release from Ultradoors   
                                  BY: The Driller DaTe:   07/03/98   
ult_lott.zip   36176 08-05-2024 
                                               ް  ް      
                                       ޲  ޲                  
                                   Lotto for RemoteAccess Ver 2.xx   
                                   A lottery number generator door   
                                   Another release from Ultradoors   
                                 BY:  The Dr!ller    DaTe:[26/06/97] 
ult_not2.zip   37494 08-05-2024 
                                               ް  ް      
                                       ޲  ޲                  
                                    Note to next caller door V.2     
                                      For RemoteAccess Ver 2.xx      
                                   Another release from Ultradoors   
                                   BY: The Driller DaTe: 27/06/97    
ult_note.zip   37283 08-05-2024 
                                               ް  ް      
                                       ޲  ޲                  
                                      Note to next caller door.      
                                      For RemoteAccess Ver 2.xx      
                                   Another release from Ultradoors   
                                   BY:{ Driller }  DaTe:[23/05/97]   
ult_ques.zip    6760 08-05-2024 
                                               ް  ް      
                                       ޲  ޲                  
                                    New User Questionaire Ver 1.0    
                                      For RemoteAccess Ver 2.xx      
                                    First release from Ultradoors    
                                   BY:{ Driller }  DaTe:[19/03/97]   
ult_word.zip   36764 08-05-2024 
                                               ް  ް      
                                       ޲  ޲                  
                                 Wiseword for RemoteAccess Ver 2.xx  
                                  A rumour adding door for Rafmenu   
                                   Another release from Ultradoors   
                                 BY:{ The Dr!ller }  DaTe:[26/05/97] 
usap11.zip    121659 08-05-2024   ߰   ߰ ߰ ߰ ۰
                                ~~~  ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~    ~~
                                   UserApplication v1.1 for RA v2.0x
                                 (a version for RA v2.5g coming soon)
                                 UserApp is a Online-User-Application.
                                only send the userappl. us mail to the
                                SysOp if the user complete fill out....
                                mail to a user who not completed the
                                userapplication...EndScreen removed....
                                little problem with the language.a*
                                  fixed ! :) little alteration of the
                                    outfit of the mail to the SysOp
                                can write a welcomemail to the user in
                                english and german...can set the level
                                and the time of the users new (only if
                                the appl. filled out complete)....user
                                  choose the language...user write a
                                 comment to the SysOp....can post the
                                application us mail to the SysOp.......
                                UserApp is in english and german....per
                                   language the SysOp can place two
                                questions additional....the graphics of
                                the UserApp can the SysOp selfmade.....
                                  Mails possible in this types: Fido/
                                JAM/Hudson and Squish...the data of the
                                application can stored in the userbase
                                RemoteAccess logentry possible...Start-
                                UpScreen only in the unregistered vers.
                                          TAKE ME NOW !!! :-)
                                        ! SupportSites needed !
                                       ! Packed with RAR v2.0 !
valsrc.zip    105205 08-05-2024 ........
                                ..   ߲         ۲߱   ..
                                ..:      ߲DMa۲      :..
                                ..:        ߲  ۲߱        :..
                                ...:   ޱ      ߲ܲ         :...
                                ...:    ߲ܲܲ     ۲ܲ    :...
                                ...:    SOURCECODE BY VALOCITY     :...
                                ...:                               :...
                                ...:   This pack contains all the  :...
                                ...:   sources in pascal from the  :...
                                ...:     doors made by Valocity,   :...
                                ...:  like Dmenu, Dlast, Rumours,  :...
                                ...:  Dchat, Dentah, Dtagga, etc.  :...
                                ...:                               :...
                                ...:    Released 15 october 1997   :...
vapdist.zip    11272 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                   VaP!DiSTRo  v1.0   
                                   VaP DiSTRo FoRM    
                                   aND THe  DiSTRo    
                                    aNSi  aS FRoM     
                                     1 JuLY 1997      
                                    R []   S [] 
                                 H.P. [ ]   DooR [ ] 
                                  MS [ ]   TxT [] 
vaplinr.zip    36727 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                   VaP!LiNeR  vi.2    
                                 a KeWL oNe LiNeR FoR 
                                   ReMoTeAcCeSS v2.x  
                                    R []   S [ ] 
                                 H.P. [ ]   DooR [] 
                                  MS [ ]   TxT [ ] 
vaplog.zip     12999 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                   VaP!LoGoN v1.0    
                                  CHaNGeS RA'S LoGiN  
                                  iNCLuDiNG THe NeW   
                                   uSeR iNFoRMaTioN   
                                    aND QueSTioNS     
                                    R []   S [] 
                                 H.P. [ ]   DooR [ ] 
                                  MS [ ]   TxT [ ] 
vaprans.zip    60731 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                   VaP!RaMDoM vi.0     
                                 RaNDoMLY CHooSeS FRoM 
                                 a LiST oF aNSiS aND   
                                 LeTS U DiSPLaY iT!!   
                                 MuLTi-CoNFiG SuPPoRT! 
                                    R []    S [ ] 
                                 H.P. [ ]    DooR [] 
                                  MS [ ]    TxT [ ] 
vaprumr.zip    36177 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                   VaP!RuMouR v0.4   
                                  a uTiLiTie  FoR RA  
                                    WHiCH WiLL aDD    
                                   a oNeLiNe RuMouR   
                                     To YouR MeNu     
                                    R []   S [ ] 
                                 H.P. [ ]   DooR [] 
                                  MS [ ]   TxT [ ] 
vapstat.zip    36368 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                    VaP!STaT  vi.0   
                                  a QuiCK aND SiMPLe  
                                 LaSTCaLLR LiSTeR BuT 
                                     LooKZ KeWL!!     
                                    R []   S [ ] 
                                 H.P. [ ]   DooR [] 
                                  MS [ ]   TxT [ ] 
vapturbo.zip   40912 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                    VaP TuRBo v1.0    
                                  a KeWL TuRBo LoGiN  
                                  PRoGRaM WiV SoRTeD  
                                 aNSIS. eaSY To SeTuP 
                                    !! FReeWaRe !!    
                                    R []   S [ ] 
                                 H.P. [ ]   DooR [] 
                                  MS [ ]   TxT [ ] 
vibe_dis.zip   32655 08-05-2024                        _______
                                            ___________|     |    ___________
                                ____________\__________     |____\_   _____/
                                \________    _/      \_             __/___
                                      THE ViBE DiSCLAiMER DOOR FOR RA2.?      
vos_2ddza2.zip   12507 08-05-2024     |\      |\      |\
                                   _| \    _| \    _| \
                                  /%|  \  /%   \  /%   \
                                 /% |   \/% |   \/%.___/_
                                //  |   //  |   //       \
                                \       \   |   \_____.  /
                                \  \___/\  ____/_  ____/
                                 \ |     \ |     \ |    
                                  \|      \|      \|    
                                .oO viCTiMs oF sOCiETy Oo.
                                [ pROUDLy pRESENTiNg ]
                                [DiZ-APPENDER v0.999]
                                [viCTiMs oF sOCiETy]ٳ
                                __/\__    dATe[04/05/96] 
                                \ -- /    diSk[64/34]    
                                /_ O_\
                                 -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-
                                 -= 2:2448/310 - S Y0U  =- 
vos_2dnm_21.zip   24498 08-05-2024     |\      |\      |\
                                   _| \    _| \    _| \
                                  /%|  \  /%   \  /%   \
                                 /% |   \/% |   \/%.___/_
                                //  |   //  |   //       \
                                \       \   |   \_____.  /
                                \  \___/\  ____/_  ____/
                                 \ |     \ |     \ |    
                                  \|      \|      \|    
                                .oO viCTiMs oF sOCiETy Oo.
                                [ pROUDLy pRESENTiNg ]
                                [WMiL iMTi0S]
                                [F0R RGGD R 2.X!]ٳ
                                [3 nice ansis for]
                                [cool boards only;)]
                                 [start nm-inst.exe]
                                [for 'how2install' ]ٳ
                                [ by SH^V0S]
                                [viCTiMs oF sOCiETy]ٳ
                                __/\__    dATe[10/04/96] 
                                \ -- /    diSk[01/01]    
                                /_ O_\
vos_2dpass.zip   13574 08-05-2024     |\      |\      |\
                                   _| \    _| \    _| \
                                  /%|  \  /%   \  /%   \
                                 /% |   \/% |   \/%.___/_
                                //  |   //  |   //       \
                                \       \   |   \_____.  /
                                \  \___/\  ____/_  ____/
                                 \ |     \ |     \ |    
                                  \|      \|      \|    
                                .oO viCTiMs oF sOCiETy Oo.
                                [ pROUDLy pRESENTiNg ]
                                [Passing 2 BBS]
                                [Just another Passing]
                                [to BBS Ansimation.]
                                [Easy 2 Install]
                                [by Crusader^VoS!]
                                [viCTiMs oF sOCiETy]ٳ
                                __/\__    dATe[21/05/96] 
                                \ -- /    diSk[01/01]    
                                /_ O_\
                                 -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-
                                 -= 2:2448/310 - S Y0U  =- 
vos_log.zip    15562 08-05-2024     |\      |\      |\
                                   _| \    _| \    _| \
                                  /%|  \  /%   \  /%   \
                                 /% |   \/% |   \/%.___/_
                                //  |   //  |   //       \
                                \       \   |   \_____.  /
                                \  \___/\  ____/_  ____/
                                 \ |     \ |     \ |    
                                  \|      \|      \|    
                                .oO viCTiMs oF sOCiETy Oo.
                                [ pROUDLy pRESENTiNg ]
                                [   ANIMATED LOGIN   ]
                                [4 REGGED RA 2.X 1ly]ٳ
                                [ Animated Enter your]
                                [Name,password Tool]
                                 [4 Build in Ra's]
                                [Language Files...]ٳ
                                [ by SANDMAN^V0S]
                                [viCTiMs oF sOCiETy]ٳ
                                __/\__    dATe[07/04/96] 
                                \ -- /    diSk[01/01]    
                                /_ O_\
vpra.zip        6284 08-05-2024 Vir-Prot, ANTI Remote Access Hackvirus
                                (c) '96 Thorsten Piper, PIPE AV Soft
vul_2dnewm.zip    5723 08-05-2024 
vul_2dnm2.zip    4939 08-05-2024 
vul_2dsani.zip    4997 08-05-2024 [?7h[255D[0;1;30m
                                [0m [1;30m
                                         [0m  [1;30m   
                                [37m[12C[30m[0m  [1m
                                [30m  [0;32m[3
                                [36m[32mR[36m[32m [0;31m[32m 
                                [1;30m[37m [30m
                                [35m$[31mTT[35m-[31m [35m4 U[31
                                [35m[31mHTT  [1;30m [0m
                                [0m  [31C[1m [30m[37m[30m
                                [37m[30m [37m  [0;36m5 V[1m
                                [0;36mG[1m00 [0;36mZ[1mZG [0;36m[1mHTT
                                [0;36m4  [37m [1;30m[37m [30m
                                [37m   [30m[0m[31C [1;30m  [0m
                                    [36m[1m 2.oX - [0;36mH[1m0P
                                [0;36mU H[1mV [0;36mP[1mHU[0;36m!  [37m
                                [1m[30m [31C  
                                [37m   [30m[0m [1;30m[37m
wao_v1.zip     59344 08-05-2024  ۲    ߲   
                                  ۲ ۲   ߲   ۲
                                 ݱ wao v1.o  ۲  wao v1
                                 ݰ  Great On-Line door for RemoteAccess!   
                                   * Features:                             
                                   + Write messages to other nodes         
                                   ! Use your own header (or default one)  
                                   + Easy to use, very easy..              
                                   ! Incl. a multi-chat adder that adds    
                                     multichat to the config.ra! (great)   
                                          Released: 271297         
                                 ߲    Coded By: Jungleboy^Dimension X   
wawa_2dold.zip   14236 08-05-2024  Ŀ
                                W  OFFLINE  DOWNLOADER  W
                                    Das weltweit erste  
                                       Programm zum     
                                  von beliebigen Files  
                                   aus allen Mailboxen  
                                W KEINE GEBHREN  W
                                  Nutzt eine nicht doku-
                                    mentierte Funktion  
                                A der Schnittstelle NUL A
                                   Kompatibel zu allen  
                                  gngigen BBS-Systemen 
                                 (z.B. RA 2.xx, PCB etc)
                                 NEU! RETROSPEKTIV-WARE!
                                  WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD 
weektop.zip    31007 08-05-2024                           ___:
                                    ___nail_  _ _________/___|___
                                  _/   \bomb _ ________________  \_
                                 \     \\_______/_   |/      |/    \\\
                                \\\_____\\     /   __|_____  |     /
                                .        \____/_  |       \_______/ .
                                . 1995       /_______    /          .
                                | Aug 16th     sF!\_____/ -/iMPURE  |
                                | *** WEEKTOP FOR REMOTE ACCESS *** |
                                | Let the competition begin on YOUR |
                                | Board, With this upload/download  |
                                | bulletin generator from NAILBOMB! |
                                 .-=> L BUNDY BBS  030-6918539 <=-.
write22s.zip   93057 08-05-2024 PM!
                                 ۲    ߲   
                                  ۲ ۲   ߲   ۲
                                ܲ߱   ۱
                                ݱWriteMsg v2.2o  ۲  WriteMsg v2.2o
                                ݰ Replaces the hardcoded Type 27 (Write a  
                                ݰ new message) of RA 2.xx. You don't have  
                                  to use ansi's in your RA language file!  
                                      ҷַ ַַ  ַҷַҷַ       
                                       Ǻ ǽ  ǽǺ          
                                       ӽ-ӽ  ӽ н  ӽ       
                                     If WriteMsg didn't work before..      
                                               He now will!                
                                           ** MAJOR CHANGES! **            
                                      Read WHATS.NEW for more info!        
                                            ** BETA VERSION **             
                                    Official release will follow soon!     
                                         Released: 17o696          
                                ߲    Coded By: Jungleboy^DiMeNSioN X    
writem21.zip  107535 08-05-2024 PM!
                                 ۲    ߲   
                                  ۲ ۲   ߲   ۲
                                ܲ߱   ۱
                                ݱ WriteMsg v2.1o  ۲  WriteMsg v2.1o 
                                ݰ Replaces the hardcoded Type 27 (Write a  
                                ݰ new message) of RA 2.xx. You don't have  
                                  to use ansi's in your RA language file!  
                                  * New:                                   
                                  - Full JAM & Hudson Support!!!           
                                  - Graphical Configuration Program.       
                                  - Upload Message.                        
                                  - Attach File(s) to Message.             
                                  - Language File.                         
                                  - Log User Off After Writing A Message.  
                                  - Correct 'To' Name Reading.             
                                  - Autodetect RA version.                 
                                  - Cool Fades Added.                      
                                  - Muchos More! Read 'WHATS.NEW'!         
                                         Released: 211o96          
                                ߲    Coded By: Jungleboy^DiMeNSioN X    
xferprot.zip   38086 08-05-2024                        [RA]
                                    ۲  ߲
                                ۰߲ܰܲ    ߲ܱ۲߲ܱܰܰ
                                                         ߱ ߲
                                 XPRESS MOddiNG PRESENtS fOR YOU... ޲
                                           Xfer Protocol
                                 A LightBar Protocol Selector for RA or
                                 even ProBoard. Source Code Included!
                                          Freeware as ever.
xop_2df01.zip    4613 08-05-2024  Ŀ
                                ɳ   ٻ
                                 DiZ TiM, M0! 0F X0P  
                                 WNN PRSNT Y TH  
                                 X0P-FONT-01 F0R TH-  
                                 DRW.  NiC BL0CK-   
                                 F0NT WHiCH iS QUiT   
                                    LCH iT N0W!      
                                  X0P MMBS WNTD!   
                                 ( RD D iNFO FiL ) 
xop_2dnm02.zip    7034 08-05-2024  Ŀ
                                ɳ   ٻ
                                 DiZ TiM, M0! OF XOP  
                                 WNN PRSNT Y TH  
                                 NUMMR0 2! IT'S N0T   
                                 D SME B0RiNG SHIT!  
                                 ( iCLUDS 3 NSiS )   
                                    LCH iT N0W!      
                                  X0P MMBS WNTD!   
                                 ( RD D iNFO FiL ) 
xps_2d1196.zip  171552 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                    -+---     -----    
                                 ----  ۲   ߲  ܲ  
                                 ۲   ߲       
                                  xPRESS mODDING ߰  BBS Utils     
                                 [11/96] -\/\-                       
                                 obv2/iniq/pcb/ra/illusion -/\/- -= 
                                 WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-           
xps_2da110.zip   48243 08-05-2024   ܲ  ܲ ܲ  ܲ  ܲܲ ܰ 
                                ߲ܱ߲߰ܲ߱۲ ߱۲ ߲[RA]ݲ
                                    ۲  ߲
                                ۰߲ܰܲ    ߲ܱ۲߲ܱܰܰ
                                                         ߱ ߲
                                 XPRESS MOddiNG PRESENtS fOR YOU... ޲
                                          ANSi4AREA 1.10          
                                     the areaselector-enhancer    
                                             bY POTi              
xps_2dblre.zip   14074 08-05-2024                       
                                -+---     -----   ----  ۲
                                  ߲  ܲ     
                                    ۲   ߲   
                                xpress modding ߰  xxxx wir96release
                                brainless-tag-remover by poti.  
xps_2ddlb7.zip   49895 08-05-2024   ܲ  ܲ ܲ  ܲ  ܲܲ ܰ 
                                ߲ܱ߲߰ܲ߱۲ ߱۲ ߲[RA]ݲ
                                    ۲  ߲
                                ۰߲ܰܲ    ߲ܱ۲߲ܱܰܰ
                                                         ߱ ߲
                                 XPRESS MOddiNG PRESENtS fOR YOU... ޲
                                       DOWNLOAD DOOR 0.997       
                                  the taglist-editor for your ra  
                                             bY POTi              
xps_2dn130.zip   47749 08-05-2024   ܲ  ܲ ܲ  ܲ  ܲܲ ܰ 
                                ߲ܱ߲߰ܲ߱۲ ߱۲ ߲[RA]ݲ
                                    ۲  ߲
                                ۰߲ܰܲ    ߲ܱ۲߲ܱܰܰ
                                                         ߱ ߲
                                 XPRESS MOddiNG PRESENtS fOR YOU... ޲
                                          NEWS DOOR 1.30          
                                  fancy design and nice features  
                                             bY POTi              
xps_2dprs1.zip   39308 08-05-2024   ܲ  ܲ ܲ  ܲ  ܲܲ ܰ 
                                ߲ܱ߲߰ܲ߱۲ ߱۲ ߲[RA]ݲ
                                    ۲  ߲
                                ۰߲ܰܲ    ߲ܱ۲߲ܱܰܰ
                                                         ߱ ߲
                                 XPRESS MOddiNG PRESENtS fOR YOU... ޲
                                          XFERPROT 0.991         
                                  replaces the protocol-selector  
                                             bY POTi              
xps_2dpr_e12.zip   44647 08-05-2024   ܲ  ܲ ܲ  ܲ  ܲܲ ܰ 
                                ߲ܱ߲߰ܲ߱۲ ߱۲ ߲[RA]ݲ
                                    ۲  ߲
                                ۰߲ܰܲ    ߲ܱ۲߲ܱܰܰ
                                                         ߱ ߲
                                 XPRESS MOddiNG PRESENtS fOR YOU... ޲
                                          XFERPROT 0.992         
                                  replaces the protocol-selector  
                                             bY POTi              
xps_2duldl.zip    3140 08-05-2024 ܲ
                                ۲ ܲ      
                                    ۲  ߲
                                ݳ BBS Upload/Download ansi screens        
                                ݳ by -=D$RYR=-   (kickin ass in '98!) 
xtcpro1.zip    62798 08-05-2024                      
                                  ް  ް  ް  ް  ް ް
                                 ޱ  ޱ     
                                 ޲޲ ܲ    
                                  ޲  ޲            ޲ ޲
                                      eXTReMe TeRRoR CoRPS
                                         Coding Devision
                                Program :     XTC Prompt 1.0  
                                CReaToR:          Serialkiller
                                Environment:           Ra 2.XX
                                KiND oF:   cewl moving prompts
                                 Great moving ENTER prompt for
                                 RA 2.xx! Small bug removed...
xulist.zip     28641 08-05-2024                             
                                    ۲  ߲
                                ۰߲ܰܲ    ߲ܱ۲߲ܱܰܰ
                                                         ߱ ߲
                                 XPRESS MOddiNG PRESENtS fOR YOU... ޲
                                    XULIST UserLister. One of the  
                                 coolest i've seen. Source Code Incl
x_mnti20.zip   56740 08-05-2024    ܲ     ܲ  ܲ  
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲   ۲ ۰ ۲ 
                                 ܱ  ۲ ܱ  ۲ ۲  ߲  
                                 ۲  ۲߰ ܲ        
                                 ܲ   ߲   ۲   
                                 ߲߲   ߲    ߲߰  
                                           Excalibur Presents           
                                              MaintIt 2.0               
                                      Thiz Is A Fully Configurable      
                                   Maintenance Program For Both BBSs    
                                 Allfiles Once Every 14 Days Or Running 
                                   A Night Maintenance For Some Door    
                                  Games Or For Checking Tha Userlist !  
                                   Or For A Virusscanner Once Every 2   
                                   Days... And So On... Everything is   
                                      Possible With Thiz Program !      
                                  -]Coded By ThunderStrike[- 
                                       -= WRL0RD'S  BTTLFiLD =-
x_prov10.zip   60088 08-05-2024    ܲ     ܲ  ܲ  
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲   ۲ ۰ ۲ 
                                 ܱ  ۲ ܱ  ۲ ۲  ߲  
                                 ۲  ۲߰ ܲ        
                                 ܲ   ߲   ۲   
                                 ߲߲   ߲    ߲߰  
                                           Excalibur Presents           
                                       Proverb ANSI Generator v1.0      
                                 Thiz Program Choces Randomly A Proverb 
                                  From Tha List File, And Makes A Very  
                                           Nice ANSI Of It...           
                                   Supports : - Multiline Proverbs      
                                              - Background ANSIs        
                                              - Configurable Colours    
                                  Some Sample Background ANSIs Included 
                                  -]Coded By ThunderStrike[- 
                                       -= WRL0RD'S  BTTLFiLD =-
x_unwant.zip   24697 08-05-2024    ܲ     ܲ  ܲ  
                                 ۲ ۲ ۲   ۲ ۰ ۲ 
                                 ܱ  ۲ ܱ  ۲ ۲  ߲  
                                 ۲  ۲߰ ܲ        
                                 ܲ   ߲   ۲   
                                 ߲߲   ߲    ߲߰  
                                           Excalibur Presents           
                                            Unwanted Lite !             
                                  One Of The Fastest Board-Add Removerz 
                                     In The Scene ! Just Leech Thiz     
                                      ZIP File And See 4 Yarself !      
                                  -]Coded By Bytelock[- 
                                       -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-
yellin01.zip   42675 08-05-2024                         
                                      AA-dOOr   ۲      
                                    ܲ       ޲ ܲ
                                  Companion door to AA's ooZin for RA2.x
                                     Intercept out of hours Paging      
zeurdoos.zip   59446 08-05-2024       ͸
                                    ZEURDOOS v1.0 DeLuXe    
                                 YeZZZ, eiNDeLijK iSTie aF!!! 
                                 De ZeuRDooS VooR Ra v2.0x.   
                                 De uSeRs HeBBeN Nu EiNDeLijK 
                                 De KaNS oM eeNS LeKKeR Te    
                                 ZeuReN. iNCLuDeS:            
                                  uSeRS KuNNeN KLeuReN KieZeN
                                  ZeeR GRoTe WooRDeN DaTaBaSe
                                  CooLe aNSi'S               
                                  eLiTe STyLe                
                                 DeZe DooR iS eeN MuST VooR   
                                 De SySoP'S eN uSeRS !!!      
                                 (C)CoPyRiGHT 1995 THe DaZZLe 
                                 TeaM, aLL RiGHTS ReSeRVeD.   
zoansi01.zip   14532 08-05-2024 [  ZoNE oNE ANSi PACK 01  ]
                                Date : 97 / 09 / 08 .........
                                This is our first ANSi Pack..
                                The Ansis within this archive
                                is known to most users on our
                                wHq since some of them are in
                                use for that board...........
                                But we have included some new
                                ANSi's aswell................
                                Some are free to use for you!
                                And some are made for Boards!
                                ZoNE oNE wHq, +46-54-568007..
zod_kill.zip   62116 08-05-2024                                 
                                    ZoD-KiLLeR V0.8                       
                                   FuLLy CoNFiGuRaBLE                      
                                      LaME KiLLeR,                         
                                    KewL ANiMATioNS!                       
                                  SHoWS USeRS iNFo To!                     
                                      GReaT CoLoRS                         
                                   !FOR RA 2.50 ONLY!                      
                                CoDeD By THe GaTe KeePeR                   
                                @X01%                                   %    
zofed10.zip     3035 08-05-2024 .=[  Made by Shadow  ]=.
                                  FAKE EMUL DETECToR 1.0  
                                 This is a animated intro 
                                 for Proboard 2.1x....... 
                                 That makes your intro on 
                                 the board look just like 
                                 the PCB Detect Emulation 
                                 Made by Shadow  97-09-02 
                                 PCB Style EMUL DETECTOR! 
                                 Support & ANSi Help Call 
zofscn10.zip    3186 08-05-2024 .=[  Made by Shadow  ]=.
                                 ZoNE oNE FiLESCANNER 1.0 
                                 This is an animation for 
                                 Proboard 2.1x Filescan.. 
                                 Made by Shadow  97-09-01 
                                 An ELiTE Style Filescan! 
                                 Support & ANSi Help Call 
zomscn10.zip    3649 08-05-2024  .=[ Made by Shadow ]=.
                                 ZoNE oNE MAiLSCANNER 1.0 
                                 This is an animation for 
                                 Proboard 2.1x Mailscan.. 
                                 Made by Shadow  97-09-01 
                                 An ELiTE Style Mailscan! 
                                 Support & ANSi Help Call 
zorafe10.zip    3115 08-05-2024 .=[  Made by Shadow  ]=.
                                    FAKE REMoTE ACCESS    
                                 EMULATioN DETECToR v.1.0 
                                 This is a animated intro 
                                 for Remote Access 2.x... 
                                 That makes your intro on 
                                 the board look just like 
                                 the PCB Detect Emulation 
                                 Made by Shadow  97-10-07 
                                 PCB Style EMUL DETECTOR! 
                                 Support & ANSi Help Call 
zoralgn.zip     5405 08-05-2024 .-[LoGoN MATRiX FoR RA 2.x]-.
                                This is a logon Matrix for RA 2.x
                                One of the BEST ANSi Animations
                                you can find for your RA board...
                                Made by SHADoW  ZoNE  oNE -- 1997
                                SHADoW ZoNE BBS +46-54-568007
                                f.r.o.m. 1997 - 07 - 02
                                28k8  24hrz  II Nodes
_21logon.zip   40507 08-05-2024    Ŀ
                                   L0G0N v0.90 BT/QUiCK!   
                                |  Ĵ
                                : R D00R THT SKS TH USRS 
                                . F0R  QUiCK 0R N0RML L0G0N 
                                 WiTH:  C0UNT D0WN!         
                                        C00L NSi!          
                                        CURS0R M0VMNT!    .
                                        HLP!               :
                                        L0G LiN DD!       
                                        N0 XiT DLY!      
                                        ND M0R...         
                                     DiGiTL UNDRWR     
                                @X0D        i  W  N T  T H R U          
                                @X05  !  N  P  L M    S S  U L T  !  
                                @X0D   + 3 ! ( o ) ! o . 4 8 4 ! ! 2 8   
_21newmail.zip    3675 08-05-2024    New mail scanner for RA
                                     M A G i C   P R 0 D
                                ް  ߰ް  
                                ݱޱݱ kZ
_28r96_29002.zip   36751 08-05-2024        
                                      ۲   ۲    ۲
                                     ۲  ۲   ۲
                                       RAVEN SUCKER FUCKER 4 RA       
                                      LiTTLE TOOL TO KiCK UNWANTED   
                                   USERS iN THE GERMAN TRADiNG HOURS    
                                           FROM YOUR NODEZ                    
                                  COPY OF BBS-Locker from ROY^PEANUTS         
                                        READ DOC FOR MORE NFO         

                   Area 121 - UG-RA RAT                   

cn_adb02.zip   58515 08-05-2024 Į-- ----- Ŀ
                                :               :
                                .             1997  :
                                ----[ SUiCiDE S PAiNLESS ]----
                                :  aDDbOARDtOlOGOFFv0.5bforRA2.xX   :
                                updated and bugfixed version..view the 
                                :  adds using cursors + more cool stuff  :
cn_bdisc.zip   34085 08-05-2024   Į-- ----- Ŀ
                                  :               :
                                  .             1997  :
                                ----[ SUiCiDE S PAiNLESS ]----
                                :  small and very basic disclaimer door  :
                                to put *before* your bbs loads up. force
                                :  users to type 'yes'. includes source  :
                                [0;1;31m(o) < official file_id.diz red-nose! >
cn_cfg01.zip   52011 08-05-2024 <$uCDe$FRee$WHYNTKLLYuR$eLF?>
                                SP-NoTe VeRSioN 1.o
                                BRiLLiaNTNeW LiGHTBaReDMSG
                                To NeXTCaLLeRDooRFoRReMoTe
                                aCCeSS...LeeCH iTRiGHTNoW!
                                 PHiLe STaRTeD iTS LiFe aT WHiTe iCe 
cn_clk01.zip   87315 08-05-2024 
                                $$,.$$g.`$$$$`$$$$$'$ .$$g.`$$$$$$$
                                $ $$$$$$'"$&#%g. %.   .%$$$$$$$'"$&#%g.`$
                                $b'$$$$$ $   .$$g '$$$$$ $ $$$$$$ $
                                $$ $$$$$#g%$$$$b, $$$$$$'a $$$$$#g%$$$$$P $
                                $$,`"`"$$$$$$ '$$$$$ $ $$$$$`""' $$
                                $$,$$$$$,$.$$$$$$  $$$$$ $,$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$
                                $$$$$$$$$:[ SUiCiDE S PAiNLESS ]:$$$$$$$$$
                                $                                         $
                                $ RELEASED BY: [CoNDoR^SP]$
                                $                                         $
                                $['BRAiN' ANSi CLOCK v1.2b]$
                                $[LET YOUR USERS KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS]$
                                $[IN FULL ANSI! CUSTOMIZABLE, TOTALLY]$
                                $[COOL STYLE....HAS ANSI ANIMATIONS!!]$
cn_clk02.zip   38785 08-05-2024 
                                $$,.$$g.`$$$$`$$$$$'$ .$$g.`$$$$$$$
                                $ $$$$$$'"$&#%g. %.   .%$$$$$$$'"$&#%g.`$
                                $b'$$$$$ $   .$$g '$$$$$ $ $$$$$$ $
                                $$ $$$$$#g%$$$$b, $$$$$$'a $$$$$#g%$$$$$P $
                                $$,`"`"$$$$$$ '$$$$$ $ $$$$$`""' $$
                                $$,$$$$$,$.$$$$$$  $$$$$ $,$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$
                                $$$$$$$$$:[ SUiCiDE S PAiNLESS ]:$$$$$$$$$
                                $                                         $
                                $ RELEASED BY: [CoNDoR^SP]$
                                $                                         $
                                $[AN EXTRA SET OF ANSiS FOR]$
                                $['BRAiN', THE SP ANSi CLOCK]$
cn_conv_21.z       0 01-01-1980 
                                $$,.$$g.`$$$$`$$$$$'$ .$$g.`$$$$$$$
                                $ $$$$$$'"$&#%g. %.   .%$$$$$$$'"$&#%g.`$
                                $b'$$$$$ $   .$$g '$$$$$ $ $$$$$$ $
                                $$ $$$$$#g%$$$$b, $$$$$$'a $$$$$#g%$$$$$P $
                                $$,`"`"$$$$$$ '$$$$$ $ $$$$$`""' $$
                                $$,$$$$$,$.$$$$$$  $$$$$ $,$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$
                                $$$$$$$$$:[ SUiCiDE S PAiNLESS ]:$$$$$$$$$
                                $                                         $
                                $ RELEASED BY: [CoNDoR^SP]$
                                $                                         $
                                $[uSERCONV v1.0a]$
                                $[cONVERT uSERS.BBS --> aSCII tEXT]$
cn_conv_21.zip   10743 08-05-2024 
                                $$,.$$g.`$$$$`$$$$$'$ .$$g.`$$$$$$$
                                $ $$$$$$'"$&#%g. %.   .%$$$$$$$'"$&#%g.`$
                                $b'$$$$$ $   .$$g '$$$$$ $ $$$$$$ $
                                $$ $$$$$#g%$$$$b, $$$$$$'a $$$$$#g%$$$$$P $
                                $$,`"`"$$$$$$ '$$$$$ $ $$$$$`""' $$
                                $$,$$$$$,$.$$$$$$  $$$$$ $,$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$
                                $$$$$$$$$:[ SUiCiDE S PAiNLESS ]:$$$$$$$$$
                                $                                         $
                                $ RELEASED BY: [CoNDoR^SP]$
                                $                                         $
                                $[uSERCONV v1.0a]$
                                $[cONVERT uSERS.BBS --> aSCII tEXT]$
cn_dc02.zip    51450 08-05-2024 <$uCDe$FRee$WHYNTKLLYuR$eLF?>
                                            CoNDoR/SP ۲ 
                                   ReMoTE aCCeSS DOOR
                                   DiSCLAiMER, CURSOR CONTROL!
                                   COOL ANiMATiON AND FULLY
                                   [DM] [29/o3/96]
                                 FiLe CaMe THRu WHiTe iCe BBS 
cn_dc03.zip    67885 08-05-2024 <$uCDe$FRee$WHYNTKLLYuR$eLF?>
                                            CoNDoR/SP ۲ 
                                   ReMoTE aCCeSS DOOR
                                   ANOTHER DiSCLAiMER WiTH CURSOR
                                   CONTROL...NiCE ANiM SiMiLAR TO
                                   THE 'EYES' ONE..CUSTOMiZABLE ETC
                                   [DM] [o3/o4/96]
                                 R.i.P - KURT COBAiN 
cn_del01.zip   10890 08-05-2024   Į-- ----- Ŀ     
                                  :               :     
                                  .             1997  :     
                                ----[ SUiCiDE S PAiNLESS ]----   
                                :  list of 252 filenames to put as your  :   
                                 THD nuke list...all mostly recent ads,    
                                : from mostly UK boards. free up MBs! :) :   
                                   "Go on...wash the strength back in!"
cn_fnt05.zip   13859 08-05-2024 <$uCDe$FRee$WHYNTKLLYuR$eLF?>
                                  CoNDoR/SP ۲ 
                                "ReD JeaLouSY" 
                                a BRiLLiaNT NeW ReD aSCii 
                                FoNT FoR THeDRaW...LeeCH iT! :) 
                                [DM] [12/o5/96] 
                                 TiMe BaNDiT SuCKS MeN! FuCK oFF TB! 
cn_getpw.zip   25862 08-05-2024   Į-- ----- Ŀ
                                  :               :
                                  .             1996  :
                                ----[ SUiCiDE S PAiNLESS ]----
                                :  view/change the keyboard password in  :
                                 raconfig with this program. great if u 
                                : forget the pwd... includes source code :
                                        "free beer for everyone!"
cn_ms01.zip    23322 08-05-2024 <$uCDe$FRee$WHYNTKLLYuR$eLF?>
                                            CoNDoR/SP ۲ 
                                   ReMoTE aCCeSS uTiL
                                   NEW MAiL SCAN...NiCE STYLE,
                                   FAST ANiMATiON.. EASY
                                   TO iNSTALL ETC.
                                   [DM] [05/o3/96]
                                 THiZ FiLe LoST iT aT WHiTe iCe BBS 
cn_ms02.zip    16485 08-05-2024 <$uCDe$FRee$WHYNTKLLYuR$eLF?>
                                 We'Re ReCRuiTiNG...JoiN uS NoW! 
cn_ms03.zip    16653 08-05-2024 
cn_mtx01.zip   19852 08-05-2024 
                                $$,.$$g.`$$$$`$$$$$'$ .$$g.`$$$$$$$
                                $ $$$$$$'"$&#%g. %.   .%$$$$$$$'"$&#%g.`$
                                $b'$$$$$ $   .$$g '$$$$$ $ $$$$$$ $
                                $$ $$$$$#g%$$$$b, $$$$$$'a $$$$$#g%$$$$$P $
                                $$,`"`"$$$$$$ '$$$$$ $ $$$$$`""' $$
                                $$,$$$$$,$.$$$$$$  $$$$$ $,$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$
                                $$$$$$$$$:[ SUiCiDE S PAiNLESS ]:$$$$$$$$$
                                $                                         $
                                $ RELEASED BY: [CoNDoR^SP]$
                                $                                         $
                                $[cOOL aNSI lOGIN mATRIX]$
                                $[fOR rEMOTEaCCESS...iN tHE sTYLE]$
                                $[oF nOVELL nETWARE v4.11! nORMAL]$
                                $[sERVICE wILL rESUME iMMEDIATELY! :)]$
cn_nfo02.zip   22569 08-05-2024 
                                $$,.$$g.`$$$$`$$$$$'$ .$$g.`$$$$$$$
                                $ $$$$$$'"$&#%g. %.   .%$$$$$$$'"$&#%g.`$
                                $b'$$$$$ $   .$$g '$$$$$ $ $$$$$$ $
                                $$ $$$$$#g%$$$$b, $$$$$$'a $$$$$#g%$$$$$P $
                                $$,`"`"$$$$$$ '$$$$$ $ $$$$$`""' $$
                                $$,$$$$$,$.$$$$$$  $$$$$ $,$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$
                                $$$$$$$$$:[ SUiCiDE S PAiNLESS ]:$$$$$$$$$
                                $                                         $
                                $ RELEASED BY: [CoNDoR^SP]$
                                $                                         $
                                $[a fULL lIST oF aLL oFFICIAL SP]$
                                $[rELEASES...aLL hQS mUST hAVE tHESE!]$
cn_rum01.zip   45347 08-05-2024   Į-- ----- Ŀ
                                  :               :
                                  .             1997  :
                                ----[ SUiCiDE S PAiNLESS ]----
                                : small and very basic rumour door to go :
                                       with crowmenu and ra 2.xX,       
                                :      including pascal source code      :
cn_sm02.zip    66300 08-05-2024 
                                $$,.$$g.`$$$$`$$$$$'$ .$$g.`$$$$$$$
                                $ $$$$$$'"$&#%g. %.   .%$$$$$$$'"$&#%g.`$
                                $b'$$$$$ $   .$$g '$$$$$ $ $$$$$$ $
                                $$ $$$$$#g%$$$$b, $$$$$$'a $$$$$#g%$$$$$P $
                                $$,`"`"$$$$$$ '$$$$$ $ $$$$$`""' $$
                                $$,$$$$$,$.$$$$$$  $$$$$ $,$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$
                                $$$$$$$$$:[ SUiCiDE S PAiNLESS ]:$$$$$$$$$
                                $                                         $
                                $ RELEASED BY: [CoNDoR^SP]$
                                $                                         $
                                $[sCROLLY mSG dOOR vERSION 0.5b]$
                                $[mINOR bUGFIXED vERSION, pLUS mANY cOOL]$
                                $[iMPROVEMENTS, iNCLUDING mORE]$
                                $[cONFIGERATION aND lIGHTBARS!]$
cn_tut_2d1.z       0 01-01-1980 Ŀ
                                 gRAPHICS iNyOURpASCAL         
                                 prOGRAMS....aLLyOUnEED tO   
                                 -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-       
cn_tut_2d1.zip    4739 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 gRAPHICS iNyOURpASCAL         
                                 prOGRAMS....aLLyOUnEED tO   
                                 -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-       
cn_tut_2d2.z       0 01-01-1980 Ŀ
                                 phILESiN yOURpASCAL          
                                 -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-       
cn_tut_2d2.zip   17662 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 phILESiN yOURpASCAL          
                                 -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-       
cn_tut_2d3.z       0 01-01-1980 Ŀ
                                 asCIItXT fILEStOhIGH-aSCII 
                                 'eLITE'sTYLE... *    
                                 -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-       
cn_tut_2d3.zip   13320 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 asCIItXT fILEStOhIGH-aSCII 
                                 'eLITE'sTYLE... *    
                                 -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-       
cn_tut_2d4.z       0 01-01-1980 Ŀ
                                 yOUvIEW dAfILE_iD.dIZiNaN 
                                 aRCHIVEwITHOUT hAVING 
                                 -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-       
cn_tut_2d4.zip    7548 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 yOUvIEW dAfILE_iD.dIZiNaN 
                                 aRCHIVEwITHOUT hAVING 
                                 -= WRL0RD'S BTTLFiLD =-       
cn_tut_2d5.z       0 01-01-1980 pROGRAMtOcHANGEtHEvALUESsTOREDiN
cn_tut_2d5.zip    6715 08-05-2024 pROGRAMtOcHANGEtHEvALUESsTOREDiN
fs_lame.zip    48714 08-05-2024 
                                $$,.$$g.`$$$$`$$$$$'$ .$$g.`$$$$$$$
                                $ $$$$$$'"$&#%g. %.   .%$$$$$$$'"$&#%g.`$
                                $b'$$$$$ $   .$$g '$$$$$ $ $$$$$$ $
                                $$ $$$$$#g%$$$$b, $$$$$$'a $$$$$#g%$$$$$P $
                                $$,`"`"$$$$$$ '$$$$$ $ $$$$$`""' $$
                                $$,$$$$$,$.$$$$$$  $$$$$ $,$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$
                                $$$$$$$$$:[ SUiCiDE S PAiNLESS ]:$$$$$$$$$
                                $                                         $
                                $ RELEASED BY: [FUSiON^SP]$
                                $                                         $
                                $[lAME mETER DOOR fOR rA v1.0]$
                                $[lETS yA uSERS kNOW hOW lAME (oR kEWL)]$
                                $[tHEY aRE  wITH c00l tHERMOMETER tHING]$
                                $[aND wIKID aNSI/aNIMATIONS sTYLE eTC.]$
fs_leech.zip    8406 08-05-2024 [?7h[255D[0;1m
                                ۲  [1;30m[0;31m   [1;37m
                                  [0;31m [1;41m[30;40m[0;31m
                                [1;30m[0;31m[1;30m[0;31m۲  [1;37m
                                [5C[31m     [7C[9C[37m
                                [5C   [0;3
                                Ŀ  [0;3
                                [1;37mB[0mR[1mi[0mN[1mG[0mZ  [1mY[0mo[1m
                                [0;34m۲  [1;37m
                                [7C [0;31m[1;37mSP LeeCH[0;31m
                                [7C [0;31m[1;37muTiL FoR Ya BBS[0;31m
                                [7C [0;31m[1;37mTHaT aNNoYS uSeRS[0;31m
                                [7C [0;31m[1;37mWHo LeeCH Too MuCH[0;31m
fs_mtx.zip      8635 08-05-2024 <$uCDe$FRee$WHYNTKLLYuR$eLF?>
                                            FuSioN/SP ۲ 
                                   LOGON MATRiX ANSi SET
                                   U KNOW THE SORTA THiNG
                                   BUT THiS ONE RULEZ!!
                                   [DM] [o4/o5/96]
                                 FiLeS LiFe WaS DeSTRoYeD aT WHiTe iCe 
fs_nte11.zip   53807 08-05-2024 <$uCDe$FRee$WHYNTKLLYuR$eLF?>
                                SP-NoTe VeRSioN 1.o
                                BRiLLiaNTNeW LiGHTBaReDMSG
                                To NeXTCaLLeRDooRFoRReMoTe
                                aCCeSS...LeeCH iTRiGHTNoW!
                                 PHiLe STaRTeD iTS LiFe aT WHiTe iCe 
fs_rum2.zip    50707 08-05-2024 <$uCDe$FRee$WHYNTKLLYuR$eLF?>
                                           FuSioN/SP ۲ 
                                  Update to Rumor Door  
                                      Kewl new ANSi Animation  
                                 [DM] [o6/13/96]
fs_sec.zip     48381 08-05-2024 [?7h[255D[0;1;30m<[0;31m[37m$[1;30muCDe[0;3
                                [10C  [0m 
                                [10C[1;30m [34m [37mFuSioN/SP [34m۲
                                [9C[0m  [1;30m Ĵ
                                [16C[0mSeC CHeCK!!
                                   [0m[35m[37mTeLLS uSeRS WHaT SeCuRiTY
                                THeY [35m[1;30m
                                   [0m[35m[37mHaVe aND CoMMeNTS oN
                                   [35m[37mLeVeL.. WiTH aN aNi
                                   [1;30m[0;35m[37mNiCe eNTe
                                  [37m FiLe CoNCeiVeD aT WHiTe iCe BB
fs_super.zip   51112 08-05-2024 <$uCDe$FRee$WHYNTKLLYuR$eLF?>
                                           FuSioN/SP ۲ 
                                   Super Leechers
                                    ANNOY USERS ON YER BOARD THAT
                                   LEECH TOO MUCH!!!!!!!
                                   An enhanced version of Leecher
                                   [DM] [o4/03/96]
fs_user.zip    67260 08-05-2024 
                                $$,.$$g.`$$$$`$$$$$'$ .$$g.`$$$$$$$
                                $ $$$$$$'"$&#%g. %.   .%$$$$$$$'"$&#%g.`$
                                $b'$$$$$ $   .$$g '$$$$$ $ $$$$$$ $
                                $$ $$$$$#g%$$$$b, $$$$$$'a $$$$$#g%$$$$$P $
                                $$,`"`"$$$$$$ '$$$$$ $ $$$$$`""' $$
                                $$,$$$$$,$.$$$$$$  $$$$$ $,$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$
                                $$$$$$$$$:[ SUiCiDE S PAiNLESS ]:$$$$$$$$$
                                $                                         $
                                $ RELEASED BY: [FUSiON^SP]$
                                $                                         $
                                $[uSERLISTER dOOR fOR rA v0.5]$
                                $[lETS yA uSERS lIST aLL yER uSERS.]$
                                $[aLSO hAS eXTENDED nFO vIEWER,]$
                                $[lIGHTBARS, aNIMATIONS, aND c00L aNSI]$
fs_woop.zip    58045 08-05-2024 [0;1;30m[40m[K
                                [0ms[1;30mUiCiDe [0mi[1;30mS [0mF[1;30mRe
                                [0mS[1;30mo [0mW[1;30mHY [0mN[1;30m
                                [0mKi[1;30mLL [0mY[1;30mouRSeLF?[40m[K
                                            [0m [40m[K
                                          [1;30m [34m [37mFUSiON/S
                                [34m۲ [30m[40m[K
                                         [0m  [1;30m
                                             [35m=[  [33mS[0;33m[0;35mP
                                [0;31mW[0;35m00[1mp! ]=[40m[K
                                   [0m   [1;30m 
                                [1;37mWICKID T
                                   [0;35m[1;37mDOOR FER RA 
                                   [0;35m[1;37mKEWL ANSI AN
                                   [0;35m [0;5;36mGET THIS NOW!
                                s[1;30mUiCiDe [0mi[1;30mS [0mF[1;30mR
                                [0mS[1;30mo [0mW[1;30mHY [0mN[1;30m
                                [0mKi[1;30mLL [0mY[1;30mouRSeLF?[40m[K
                                [0;30mhaha SECRET![40m[K[0m
rp_pager.zip   63952 08-05-2024 
                                $$,.$$g.`$$$$`$$$$$'$ .$$g.`$$$$$$$
                                $ $$$$$$'"$&#%g. %.   .%$$$$$$$'"$&#%g.`$
                                $b'$$$$$ $   .$$g '$$$$$ $ $$$$$$ $
                                $$ $$$$$#g%$$$$b, $$$$$$'a $$$$$#g%$$$$$P $
                                $$,`"`"$$$$$$ '$$$$$ $ $$$$$`""' $$
                                $$,$$$$$,$.$$$$$$  $$$$$ $,$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$
                                $$$$$$$$$:[ SUiCiDE S PAiNLESS ]:$$$$$$$$$
                                $                                         $
                                $ RELEASED BY: [RiP/FUSiON^SP]$
                                $                                         $
                                $[SP PAGER V1.0]$
                                $[ C00L EXTERNAL PAGER FOR RA. KEWL]$
                                $[ ANSI, CUSTOMIZABLE, COOL STYLE,]$
                                $[ RECOGNISES PAGING HOURS]$
sip_frq1.zip   19458 08-05-2024 Į-- ----- Ŀ
                                :               :
                                .             1997  :
                                ----[ SUiCiDE S PAiNLESS ]----
                                :  list of all the releases that are    :
                                available for freq from paradox's den  
                                : bbs, of course including magicnames   :

                   Area 122 - UG-RA SIP                   

matrix01.zip   55628 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLAS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                         55 ASi MATRiX SCRNS         
                                    LCH THiS GRAT C0LLCTiO 0W!    
                                 .ooOO[ FRWAR AS VR ]OOoo. 
newmail1.zip    5123 08-05-2024 --   -Ϳ
                                 RAT rELEASE 
                                 NEWMAIL  SCAN 
                                    f0R RA     
                                  D-SIGN bY MiK
prmpts01.zip   10039 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                  RAT proudly presents :  
                                 11 Animated Press Enter  
                                  Prompts for SHOWANSI !  
                                 Design  : MiK  Date:    
                                 Packaged: MaF  04/10/95 
prmpts02.zip    8990 08-05-2024         ܲ
                                                ߱ ߱
                                   Proudly            by MiK
                                  ļ           ͻ          
                                  For use With SHOWANSi          
                                    ͼ    ͼ
                                          10 BrandNew Enter Promptz
                                  Distr by RAT Traderz AttitudeWare 
prmpts03.zip   10502 08-05-2024          
                                 Prompt Art Pack For SHOWANSI 
                                 [10 New Prompts]         #o3 
                                    TRADED by  RAT-MEMBERz    
                                   D-SiGN & Package  by MiK   
prmpts04.zip   20771 08-05-2024              
                                -      -
                                 pROMPT aRT pACK fOR SHOWANSI 
                                 [10 NEW PROMPTS]         #o4 
                                  BETTER THEN  EVER BEF0RE  
                                  Incl.  ShowPrompt 1.oO  
                                    tRADED bY  RAT-MEMBERZ    
                                   D-SiGN & pACKAGE  bY MiK   
                                 Imported by Thrasher 
prmpts05.zip   17777 08-05-2024 
prmpts06.zip   28167 08-05-2024              
                                -      -
                                 PR0MPT ART PACK F0R SH0WANSi 
                                 [1O NEW PR0MPTS]         #O6 
                                 <>      PUR D0P       <> 
                                    HR W G0 LiT    
                                      RAT DAT: O3.1O.95      
                                   D-SiGN & PACKAGE  BY MiK   
                                 lEFT  sUCKERZ uNiTED 
rat_2d1l21.z       0 01-01-1980    ۲   ۲  ߲
                                   ۲  ۲   
                                     ݲ ۱ 
                                 ۱   ۱   ߲ 
                                  ۲    h!  
                                  +             +  ܲ
                                ======= rEMOTEaCCESS tRADERS ======
                                1LINER 2.O1 by WENDiGO
                                Bugfixed version of our oneliner.
                                Features nice letter fading, easy
                                config program and lightbars!
                                ============= 22.11.96 ============
rat_2d1l21.zip   40739 08-05-2024    ۲   ۲  ߲
                                    ۲  ۲   
                                     ݲ ۱ 
                                 ۱   ۱   ߲ 
                                  ۲    h!  
                                  +             +  ܲ
                                ======= rEMOTEaCCESS tRADERS ======
                                       1LINER 2.O1 by WENDiGO
                                 Bugfixed version of our oneliner.
                                 Features nice letter fading, easy
                                   config program and lightbars!
                                ============= 22.11.96 ============
rat_2da130.z       0 01-01-1980     ߲               ܲ
                                ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                 ߰۲   ۲  
                                ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLAS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                        ADDRSS V1.3O BY MAF/RAT        
                                 CHCKS iF TH CURRT USR HAS TRD 
                                 HiS  MAiLiG  ADDRSS  C0RRCTLY!  F0R 
                                 RA  2.OX  0LY! J0i TH RiSiG F0RC! 
                                 .ooOO[ FRWAR AS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2da130.zip   36911 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLAS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                        ADDRSS V1.3O BY MAF/RAT        
                                 CHCKS iF TH CURRT USR HAS TRD 
                                 HiS  MAiLiG  ADDRSS  C0RRCTLY!  F0R 
                                 RA  2.OX  0LY! J0i TH RiSiG F0RC! 
                                 .ooOO[ FRWAR AS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dah10.z       0 01-01-1980     ߲               ܲ
                                ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                 ߰۲   ۲  
                                ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 ANTiHACK v1.O by MAF ---- o9.o3.96 
                                 Makes  the SysOp Account *UNHACKABLE*! 
                                 Will only work with RemoteAccess 2.5g1 
                                      Swedish Chicks are horny! :)      
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dah10.zip   27318 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 ANTiHACK v1.O by MAF ---- o9.o3.96 
                                 Makes  the SysOp Account *UNHACKABLE*! 
                                 Will only work with RemoteAccess 2.5g1 
                                      Swedish Chicks are horny! :)      
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dal10.z       0 01-01-1980          
                                   Animated Logon 1.oo by Thrasher   
                                 A professional looking logon system 
                                 for RemoteAccess. Prompts for users 
                                 name and password in a way you have 
                                 to see to beleve! As seen on PCM!   
rat_2dal10.zip   13325 08-05-2024          
                                   Animated Logon 1.oo by Thrasher   
                                 A professional looking logon system 
                                 for RemoteAccess. Prompts for users 
                                 name and password in a way you have 
                                 to see to beleve! As seen on PCM!   
rat_2dan10.z       0 01-01-1980       
                                     ANTiLAMER v1.O by MAF/RAT     
                                 This  great  Tool gets rid of all 
                                 Lamers applying on your cool BBS! 
                                 You  can  define  a maximum of 10 
                                 Acronyms.  If the User enters not 
                                 enough correct answers he will be 
                                 kicked out! > For RA 2.oX only! 
rat_2dan10.zip   38748 08-05-2024       
                                     ANTiLAMER v1.O by MAF/RAT     
                                 This  great  Tool gets rid of all 
                                 Lamers applying on your cool BBS! 
                                 You  can  define  a maximum of 10 
                                 Acronyms.  If the User enters not 
                                 enough correct answers he will be 
                                 kicked out! > For RA 2.oX only! 
rat_2dap10.z       0 01-01-1980     ߲               ܲ
                                ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                 ߰۲   ۲  
                                ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 nEW uSER aPPLY v1.O bY mAF  o6.12.95 
                                 nICE aPPLY tOOL fOR yOUR rA 2.OX! eASY 
                                 tO sETUP aND nEARLY 1OO% cONFIGURABLE! 
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dap10.zip   38288 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 nEW uSER aPPLY v1.O bY mAF  o6.12.95 
                                 nICE aPPLY tOOL fOR yOUR rA 2.OX! eASY 
                                 tO sETUP aND nEARLY 1OO% cONFIGURABLE! 
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dappg.z       0 01-01-1980     ߲               ܲ
                                ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                 ߰۲   ۲  
                                ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 aPPLICATION gENERATOR ---- o1.o1.96 
                                 dO yOU wANT tO jOIN gERMANYS fIRST aND 
                                 mOST aCTIVE rA cODER gROUP? yES? lEECH 
                                 tHIS aPPLICATION gENERATOR. vGA/mUSIC! 
                                   1996 - aNOTHER yEAR, aNOTHER fIGHT   
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dappg.zip   20869 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 aPPLICATION gENERATOR ---- o1.o1.96 
                                 dO yOU wANT tO jOIN gERMANYS fIRST aND 
                                 mOST aCTIVE rA cODER gROUP? yES? lEECH 
                                 tHIS aPPLICATION gENERATOR. vGA/mUSIC! 
                                   1996 - aNOTHER yEAR, aNOTHER fIGHT   
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dc110.z       0 01-01-1980       
                                       CALLS v1.1o by MAF/RAT      
                                 This tool  adds the  total number 
                                 of calls your users have made and 
                                 writes  it to SYSINFO.BBS.  Great 
                                 for daily maintenance! - RA 2.oX! 
                                 With  a  new  and  hot Feature ;) 
rat_2dc110.zip   12320 08-05-2024       
                                       CALLS v1.1o by MAF/RAT      
                                 This tool  adds the  total number 
                                 of calls your users have made and 
                                 writes  it to SYSINFO.BBS.  Great 
                                 for daily maintenance! - RA 2.oX! 
                                 With  a  new  and  hot Feature ;) 
rat_2dchat.z       0 01-01-1980           ܱ
                                  ߱   ߱   ߱
                                     ܰ          '95L
                                  SPEZIAL BEGiN AND END    O
                                    ANIMATION FOR YOU      N
                                 <    CHATTER iN RA    >    
rat_2dchat.zip   16011 08-05-2024           ܱ
                                     ߱   ߱   ߱
                                     ܰ          '95L
                                  SPEZIAL BEGiN AND END    O
                                    ANIMATION FOR YOU      N
                                 <    CHATTER iN RA    >    
rat_2dcp10.z       0 01-01-1980       
                                       CPS v1.oO by MAF/RAT        
                                 This  little  Tool fixes a Bug of 
                                 RATE by The Painter^SDi. Use this 
                                 if  you  have  external Protocols 
                                 installed  in  your  RA 2.oX BBS! 
rat_2dcp10.zip   33944 08-05-2024       
                                       CPS v1.oO by MAF/RAT        
                                 This  little  Tool fixes a Bug of 
                                 RATE by The Painter^SDi. Use this 
                                 if  you  have  external Protocols 
                                 installed  in  your  RA 2.oX BBS! 
rat_2ddi11.z       0 01-01-1980     ߲               ܲ
                                ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                 ߰۲   ۲  
                                ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLAS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                     DiSCLAiMR V1.1 (C) BY MAF/RAT     
                                 DiSPLAYS  A  ASi T0 Y0UR WUSR AD 
                                 ASKS  HiM iF H AGR T0 Y0UR RULS 0R 
                                 0T.  FULLY  C0FiGURABL AD LiGHTBAR 
                                 DRiV!  0  "C0DD BY"-LiS AYM0R! 
                                 .ooOO[ FRWAR AS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2ddi11.zip   36159 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLAS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                     DiSCLAiMR V1.1 (C) BY MAF/RAT     
                                 DiSPLAYS  A  ASi T0 Y0UR WUSR AD 
                                 ASKS  HiM iF H AGR T0 Y0UR RULS 0R 
                                 0T.  FULLY  C0FiGURABL AD LiGHTBAR 
                                 DRiV!  0  "C0DD BY"-LiS AYM0R! 
                                 .ooOO[ FRWAR AS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2ddied.z       0 01-01-1980    ۲   ۲  ߲
                                   ۲  ۲   
                                     ݲ ۱ 
                                 ۱   ۱   ߲ 
                                  ۲    h!  
                                  +             +  ܲ
                                ======= RemoteAccess Traders ======
                                AT died - RAT died - RAT died - RAT
                                died - RAT died - RAT died - RAT di
                                ============= 29.O3.97 ============
rat_2ddied.zip    3093 08-05-2024    ۲   ۲  ߲
                                    ۲  ۲   
                                     ݲ ۱ 
                                 ۱   ۱   ߲ 
                                  ۲    h!  
                                  +             +  ܲ
                                ======= RemoteAccess Traders ======
                                AT died - RAT died - RAT died - RAT
                                died - RAT died - RAT died - RAT di
                                ============= 29.O3.97 ============
rat_2ddl10.z       0 01-01-1980     ߲               ܲ
                                ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                 ߰۲   ۲  
                                ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 dELLOCAL v1.O bY mAF ---- o9.o2.96 
                                 tHIS  lITTLE tOOL wILL sTRIP aLL lOCAL 
                                 cALLS fROM yOUR lASTCALL.BBS  fILE. sO 
                                 yOU cAN  uSE  tHE mACRO fOR dISPLAYING 
                                 tHE nUMBER oF cALLERS uNDER RA 2.50G1! 
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2ddl10.zip   27510 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 dELLOCAL v1.O bY mAF ---- o9.o2.96 
                                 tHIS  lITTLE tOOL wILL sTRIP aLL lOCAL 
                                 cALLS fROM yOUR lASTCALL.BBS  fILE. sO 
                                 yOU cAN  uSE  tHE mACRO fOR dISPLAYING 
                                 tHE nUMBER oF cALLERS uNDER RA 2.50G1! 
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2deb10.z       0 01-01-1980     ߲               ܲ
                                ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                 ߰۲   ۲  
                                ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 eASY bACKUP v1.O bY mAF -- 28.o1.96 
                                 wITH  tHIS  lITTLE tOOL yOU cAN eASILY 
                                 bACKUP  yOUR  eNTIRE  bOARD iN a dAILY 
                                 eVENT.  yOU  cAN  uSE  yOUR  fAVOURITE 
                                 aRCHIVER. - wITHOUT aNY bACKDOORS :) 
                                   1996 - aNOTHER yEAR, aNOTHER fIGHT   
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2deb10.zip   29287 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 eASY bACKUP v1.O bY mAF -- 28.o1.96 
                                 wITH  tHIS  lITTLE tOOL yOU cAN eASILY 
                                 bACKUP  yOUR  eNTIRE  bOARD iN a dAILY 
                                 eVENT.  yOU  cAN  uSE  yOUR  fAVOURITE 
                                 aRCHIVER. - wITHOUT aNY bACKDOORS :) 
                                   1996 - aNOTHER yEAR, aNOTHER fIGHT   
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2deb11.z       0 01-01-1980      ۲   ۲  ߲
                                   ۲  ۲   
                                     ݲ ۱ 
                                 ۱   ۱   ߲ 
                                  ۲    h!  
                                  +             +  ܲ
                                ======== rEMOTEaCCESS tRADERS =========
                                EASY BACKUP v1.1O BY MARiNE FiGHTER
                                backup your whole system with this gr8
                                tool. you can easily run it in a daily
                                event. you can even use your favourite
                                archiver to create your backup files.
                                =============== 1O.O8.96 ==============
rat_2deb11.zip   44219 08-05-2024      ۲   ۲  ߲
                                      ۲  ۲   
                                       ݲ ۱ 
                                   ۱   ۱   ߲ 
                                    ۲    h!  
                                    +             +  ܲ
                                ======== rEMOTEaCCESS tRADERS =========
                                  EASY BACKUP v1.1O BY MARiNE FiGHTER
                                backup your whole system with this gr8
                                tool. you can easily run it in a daily
                                event. you can even use your favourite
                                 archiver to create your backup files.
                                =============== 1O.O8.96 ==============
rat_2denta.z       0 01-01-1980     ߲               ܲ
                                ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                 ߰۲   ۲  
                                ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                  TWo eNTeR PRoMPTS BY MaF  15.11.95  
                                 JuST TWo NeW eNTeR PRoMPTS FoR Ra 2.oX 
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2denta.zip    5682 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                  TWo eNTeR PRoMPTS BY MaF  15.11.95  
                                 JuST TWo NeW eNTeR PRoMPTS FoR Ra 2.oX 
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dha10.z       0 01-01-1980     ߲               ܲ
                                ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                 ߰۲   ۲  
                                ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 HANDLE v1.O bY MAF ----- o1.o4.96 
                                 Do you use Tools that only support the 
                                 realnames of your users? Then you need 
                                 this Tool! Fast and easy! For RA 2.5O! 
                                     Our iNET address has changed!      
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dha10.zip   27498 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 HANDLE v1.O bY MAF ----- o1.o4.96 
                                 Do you use Tools that only support the 
                                 realnames of your users? Then you need 
                                 this Tool! Fast and easy! For RA 2.5O! 
                                     Our iNET address has changed!      
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dhdd1.z       0 01-01-1980 ߲ܲ
rat_2dhdd1.zip   40480 08-05-2024 ߲ܲ
rat_2did01.z       0 01-01-1980    ۲   ۲  ߲
                                   ۲  ۲   
                                     ݲ ۱ 
                                 ۱   ۱   ߲ 
                                  ۲    h!  
                                  +             +  ܲ
                                ======== rEMOTEaCCESS tRADERS =====
                                iDENTiFY vO.1 BY ROGUE
                                is a little util that helps  you to
                                identify  up to 38  different  file
                                formats. Useful if you want to make
                                your personal upload processor.. :)
                                ============= 22.O9.96 ============
rat_2did01.zip   35752 08-05-2024    ۲   ۲  ߲
                                    ۲  ۲   
                                     ݲ ۱ 
                                 ۱   ۱   ߲ 
                                  ۲    h!  
                                  +             +  ܲ
                                ======== rEMOTEaCCESS tRADERS =====
                                        iDENTiFY vO.1 BY ROGUE
                                is a little util that helps  you to
                                identify  up to 38  different  file
                                formats. Useful if you want to make
                                your personal upload processor.. :)
                                ============= 22.O9.96 ============
rat_2dko10.z       0 01-01-1980     
                                 USER KiCKOUT v1.oO by MAF/RAT 
                                 Get your Lines free with this 
                                   little Door for RA 2.oX!    
                                 Use RANDOM Ansis for kicking! 
                                       EASY to install!        
rat_2dko10.zip   38134 08-05-2024     
                                 USER KiCKOUT v1.oO by MAF/RAT 
                                 Get your Lines free with this 
                                   little Door for RA 2.oX!    
                                 Use RANDOM Ansis for kicking! 
                                       EASY to install!        
rat_2dlan1.z       0 01-01-1980 
                                   LKSi-PCk 1    
                                  4 VRY NiC ZiS  
                                 F0R D LMRKiLLR. 
                                  H0P Y0u LiK iT  
                                 SHP      17.1o.95 
                                LFT JuST4CHa0S BBS
rat_2dlan1.zip    6881 08-05-2024 
                                    LKSi-PCk 1    
                                   4 VRY NiC ZiS  
                                  F0R D LMRKiLLR. 
                                   H0P Y0u LiK iT  
                                  SHP      17.1o.95 
                                 LFT JuST4CHa0S BBS
rat_2dlanm.z       0 01-01-1980 ͻ
                                     PRouDLY PRSNTZ     
                                    NW NiMTD LoGN   
                                           4 R           
                                       BY KiLLR^RT      
                                    DiZ DoN BY KiLLR    
rat_2dlanm.zip    7920 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                     PRouDLY PRSNTZ     
                                    NW NiMTD LoGN   
                                           4 R           
                                       BY KiLLR^RT      
                                    DiZ DoN BY KiLLR    
rat_2dlcb.zi       0 01-01-1980     ߲               ܲ
                                ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                 ߰۲   ۲  
                                ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 LOGiN v1.O by Code Buster - 12.o4.96 
                                 Nice  and  easy  to use login tool for 
                                 RA. 1OO% configurable. - Get it now! 
                                     Our iNET address has changed!      
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dlcb.zip   14582 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 LOGiN v1.O by Code Buster - 12.o4.96 
                                 Nice  and  easy  to use login tool for 
                                 RA. 1OO% configurable. - Get it now! 
                                     Our iNET address has changed!      
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dld12.z       0 01-01-1980     ߲               ܲ
                                ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                 ߰۲   ۲  
                                ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 LASTDUDE v1.2 bY MAF ---- o1.o4.96 
                                 Shows  the  very  last  caller to your 
                                 users. Needs RemoteAccess 2.5g1 to run 
                                 Nice  Enhancements  since version 1.1! 
                                     Our iNET address has changed!      
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dld12.zip   55230 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 LASTDUDE v1.2 bY MAF ---- o1.o4.96 
                                 Shows  the  very  last  caller to your 
                                 users. Needs RemoteAccess 2.5g1 to run 
                                 Nice  Enhancements  since version 1.1! 
                                     Our iNET address has changed!      
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dle11.z       0 01-01-1980      ۲   ۲  ߲
                                   ۲  ۲   
                                     ݲ ۱ 
                                 ۱   ۱   ߲ 
                                  ۲    h!  
                                  +             +  ܲ
                                ======== rEMOTEaCCESS tRADERS =========
                                LOGON ENHANCER v1.1 BY MARiNE FiGHTER
                                displays some short information before
                                the logon of your users.
                                =============== 1O.O8.96 ==============
rat_2dle11.zip   43949 08-05-2024      ۲   ۲  ߲
                                      ۲  ۲   
                                       ݲ ۱ 
                                   ۱   ۱   ߲ 
                                    ۲    h!  
                                    +             +  ܲ
                                ======== rEMOTEaCCESS tRADERS =========
                                 LOGON ENHANCER v1.1 BY MARiNE FiGHTER
                                displays some short information before
                                       the logon of your users.
                                =============== 1O.O8.96 ==============
rat_2dli10.z       0 01-01-1980     ߲               ܲ
                                ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                 ߰۲   ۲  
                                ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                  LoGiN-TooL BY LoN/RaT      19.1o.95  
                                 aNoTHeR  GReaT  LooKiNG LoGoN TooL FoR 
                                 YouR  GReaT BoaRD! ReaLLY NiCe aNSiS & 
                                 STuFF!   LeeCH   NoW  To  BeLieVe  iT! 
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dli10.zip    8361 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                  LoGiN-TooL BY LoN/RaT      19.1o.95  
                                 aNoTHeR  GReaT  LooKiNG LoGoN TooL FoR 
                                 YouR  GReaT BoaRD! ReaLLY NiCe aNSiS & 
                                 STuFF!   LeeCH   NoW  To  BeLieVe  iT! 
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dlk12.z       0 01-01-1980      Ŀ
                                      Ĵ            LAMER-
                                   LAMER KiLLER v1.2O by SHD/RAT  
                                 Protect your RA 2.OX BBS against 
                                 lamers!  This Tool  kicks  Users 
                                 found in the Lamer-List. Another 
                                 mode  is  Adding/Erasing/Viewing 
                                 door. With  this  your  user can 
                                 add new Lamers, view the list or 
                                 request the deletion of a lamer. 
                                      Full ANSi configurable!     
                                           VERSiON 1.2 !          
                                    Now fully lightbar driven!    
                                ---   BUGFiXED   -
rat_2dlk12.zip   46420 08-05-2024      Ŀ
                                           Ĵ            LAMER-
                                |   LAMER KiLLER v1.2O by SHD/RAT  
                                | Protect your RA 2.OX BBS against 
                                 lamers!  This Tool  kicks  Users 
                                 found in the Lamer-List. Another 
                                | mode  is  Adding/Erasing/Viewing 
                                | door. With  this  your  user can 
                                | add new Lamers, view the list or 
                                 request the deletion of a lamer. 
                                      Full ANSi configurable!     
                                |           VERSiON 1.2 !          
                                    Now fully lightbar driven!    
                                ---   BUGFiXED   -
rat_2dlm1.zi       0 01-01-1980           ޲  ް ۲
                                 ߱  ߱  ߲
                                    3 W ZiS 0R      
                                    D RT-LMRKiLLR  :  
                                  :        ReeWaRe Ŀ   
                                   aS eVeR        
                                   MD BY SCHUSSL.   
                                 LFT JuST4CHa0S BBS    :
                                  22.1o.95          :
rat_2dlm1.zip    7290 08-05-2024           ޲  ް ۲
                                          ߱  ߱  ߲
                                       3 W ZiS 0R      
                                       D RT-LMRKiLLR  :  
                                     :        ReeWaRe Ŀ   
                                      aS eVeR        
                                      MD BY SCHUSSL.   
                                       LFT JuST4CHa0S BBS    :
                                        22.1o.95          :
rat_2dlo14.z       0 01-01-1980       
                                      LOGOFF v1.4O by MAF/RAT      
                                 Here it is: the latest Version of 
                                 RAT LOGOFF! You can do EVERYTHiNG 
                                 you want! It's 1oO% compatible to 
                                 the internal Routines of RA 2.oX! 
                                 Forget  the  older Versions! This 
                                 one is better - Leech it ... now! 
rat_2dlo14.zip   43332 08-05-2024       
                                      LOGOFF v1.4O by MAF/RAT      
                                 Here it is: the latest Version of 
                                 RAT LOGOFF! You can do EVERYTHiNG 
                                 you want! It's 1oO% compatible to 
                                 the internal Routines of RA 2.oX! 
                                 Forget  the  older Versions! This 
                                 one is better - Leech it ... now! 
rat_2dlp10.z       0 01-01-1980          
                                -      ij
                                      L0Gi PHAS (v1.OO)     
                                      KWL L00KiG L0Gi      
                                     AiMATi0 - i THiK,     
                                      0THi' F0R LAMRS      
                                    TRADD BY  RAT-MMBRS    
                                       (C) 1995  BY MiK       
rat_2dlp10.zip   22971 08-05-2024          
                                -      ij
                                      L0Gi PHAS (v1.OO)     
                                      KWL L00KiG L0Gi      
                                     AiMATi0 - i THiK,     
                                      0THi' F0R LAMRS      
                                    TRADD BY  RAT-MMBRS    
                                       (C) 1995  BY MiK       
rat_2dma10.z       0 01-01-1980     ߲               ܲ
                                ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                 ߰۲   ۲  
                                ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLAS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                         MAiLR V1.O BY MAF/RAT         
                                 JUST A iC MAiLR F0R RA 2.OX SYSTMS 
                                        TRY iT - JUST F0R FU ;)        
                                 .ooOO[ FRWAR AS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dma10.zip   35457 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLAS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                         MAiLR V1.O BY MAF/RAT         
                                 JUST A iC MAiLR F0R RA 2.OX SYSTMS 
                                        TRY iT - JUST F0R FU ;)        
                                 .ooOO[ FRWAR AS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dmc1.zi       0 01-01-1980       
                                KWL NWMiLSCN
                                 MY FiRST 0N  
                                    D0N BY     
rat_2dmc1.zip    9846 08-05-2024       
                                KWL NWMiLSCN
                                 MY FiRST 0N  
                                    D0N BY     
rat_2dms1.zi       0 01-01-1980     ߲               ܲ
                                ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                 ߰۲   ۲  
                                ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 NeW MAiL ScAN oR RA v2.xx  o3.14.96 
                                 NiCE ad aSY tO USe, NeW MiL SCaeR 
                                   v12.2  1OO% CoiGuRaLe! ANSi's   
                                            y : Code Buster            
                                     Our INET Address Has Changed!      
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dms1.zip   11648 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 NeW MAiL ScAN oR RA v2.xx  o3.14.96 
                                 NiCE ad aSY tO USe, NeW MiL SCaeR 
                                   v12.2  1OO% CoiGuRaLe! ANSi's   
                                            y : Code Buster            
                                     Our INET Address Has Changed!      
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dmtx2.z       0 01-01-1980     ߲               ܲ
                                ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                 ߰۲   ۲  
                                ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 NeWuSeR MaTRiX V2.o BY MaF  11.11.95 
                                 GReaT  LiGHTBaR  DRiVeN MaTRiX FoR aLL 
                                 SYSoPS  WHo  DoN'T WaNT THeiR NeWuSeRS 
                                 To  HaVe  aCCeSS  To  THe  BoaRD uNTiL 
                                 THeY  aRe  VaLiDaTeD  BY VoiCe CaLL oR 
                                 SoMeTHiNG SiMiLaR.  THeY oNLY CaN PaGe 
                                 THe  SYSoP aND u/L SoMe PRiVaTe FiLeS. 
                                 SoMe  MoRe FeaTuReS SiNCe VeRSioN 1.o! 
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dmtx2.zip   48529 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 NeWuSeR MaTRiX V2.o BY MaF  11.11.95 
                                 GReaT  LiGHTBaR  DRiVeN MaTRiX FoR aLL 
                                 SYSoPS  WHo  DoN'T WaNT THeiR NeWuSeRS 
                                 To  HaVe  aCCeSS  To  THe  BoaRD uNTiL 
                                 THeY  aRe  VaLiDaTeD  BY VoiCe CaLL oR 
                                 SoMeTHiNG SiMiLaR.  THeY oNLY CaN PaGe 
                                 THe  SYSoP aND u/L SoMe PRiVaTe FiLeS. 
                                 SoMe  MoRe FeaTuReS SiNCe VeRSioN 1.o! 
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dna11.z       0 01-01-1980          
                                -      -
                                    WMAiL AiMATi0 1.1O    
                                         A VRY NiCE          
                                  WMAiL-AiMATi0 WHiCH iS  
                                  SH0WN AT  TH WMAiL-SCA  
                                    TRADD BY  RAT-MMBRS    
                                       (C) 1995  BY MiK       
                                 LFT  JuST4CHa0S BBS 
rat_2dna11.zip    8173 08-05-2024          
                                -      -
                                    WMAiL AiMATi0 1.1O    
                                         A VRY NiCE          
                                  WMAiL-AiMATi0 WHiCH iS  
                                  SH0WN AT  TH WMAiL-SCA  
                                    TRADD BY  RAT-MMBRS    
                                       (C) 1995  BY MiK       
                                 LFT  JuST4CHa0S BBS 
rat_2dnew.zi       0 01-01-1980     ߲               ܲ
                                ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                 ߰۲   ۲  
                                ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ rlaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                  aNoThEr NeWmAiL sCaNnEr By LOn/rAt   
                                 tHiS  oNe  DiSpLaYs MoRe InFoS oF yOuR 
                                 uSeR! OnLy FoR rEgIsTeReD rEmOtEaCcEsS 
                                 .OoOo[ fRwAr aS VR ]OoOo. 
rat_2dnew.zip    7156 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ rlaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                  aNoThEr NeWmAiL sCaNnEr By LOn/rAt   
                                 tHiS  oNe  DiSpLaYs MoRe InFoS oF yOuR 
                                 uSeR! OnLy FoR rEgIsTeReD rEmOtEaCcEsS 
                                 .OoOo[ fRwAr aS VR ]OoOo. 
rat_2dnf11.z       0 01-01-1980       
                                  NEW FiLES SCAN v1.1O by MAF/RAT  
                                 Great NewFilesScanner for RA 2.oX 
                                 Let your Users scan for new Files 
                                     since the last xXx Days!      
                                 GERMAN & ENGLiSH Language support 
rat_2dnf11.zip   38822 08-05-2024       
                                  NEW FiLES SCAN v1.1O by MAF/RAT  
                                 Great NewFilesScanner for RA 2.oX 
                                 Let your Users scan for new Files 
                                     since the last xXx Days!      
                                 GERMAN & ENGLiSH Language support 
rat_2dnm11.z       0 01-01-1980     ߲               ܲ
                                ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                 ߰۲   ۲  
                                ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 pWD cONVERTOR v1.O bY mAF -- 13.o1.96 
                                 tHIS   lITTLE  tOOL  wILL  pATCH  yOUR 
                                 eXITINFO.BBS. iF yOU pRESS f6 fROM tHE 
                                 cONSOLE yOU'LL sEE tHE uSERS pASSWORD! 
                                 nOTE: yOU nEED fATAL!LOGIN tO uSE tHIS 
                                   1996 - aNOTHER yEAR, aNOTHER fIGHT   
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dnm11.zip   52287 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 pWD cONVERTOR v1.O bY mAF -- 13.o1.96 
                                 tHIS   lITTLE  tOOL  wILL  pATCH  yOUR 
                                 eXITINFO.BBS. iF yOU pRESS f6 fROM tHE 
                                 cONSOLE yOU'LL sEE tHE uSERS pASSWORD! 
                                 nOTE: yOU nEED fATAL!LOGIN tO uSE tHIS 
                                   1996 - aNOTHER yEAR, aNOTHER fIGHT   
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dnms1.z       0 01-01-1980     
                                        NEWMAIL SCAN v1.0      
                                     KWL NWMAiL-NiMTi0N    
                                 LFT JUST4CHa0S BBS 
rat_2dnms1.zip    7315 08-05-2024     
                                        NEWMAIL SCAN v1.0      
                                     KWL NWMAiL-NiMTi0N    
                                 LFT JUST4CHa0S BBS 
rat_2dnmsc.z       0 01-01-1980 ͻ
                                     PRouDLY PRSNTZ     
                                   NW NiMTD NWMiL  
                                           4 R           
                                       BY KiLLR^RT      
                                    DiZ DoN BY KiLLR    
rat_2dnmsc.zip    7362 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                     PRouDLY PRSNTZ     
                                   NW NiMTD NWMiL  
                                           4 R           
                                       BY KiLLR^RT      
                                    DiZ DoN BY KiLLR    
rat_2dp100.z       0 01-01-1980       
                                   SYSOP ACCESS v1.oO by MAF/RAT   
                                 Protect  your RA 2.oX BBS against 
                                 Hackers! This Tool  checks if the 
                                 current User has  SysOp-Level and 
                                 asks for a password. Cool D-Sign! 
rat_2dp100.zip   39705 08-05-2024       
                                   SYSOP ACCESS v1.oO by MAF/RAT   
                                 Protect  your RA 2.oX BBS against 
                                 Hackers! This Tool  checks if the 
                                 current User has  SysOp-Level and 
                                 asks for a password. Cool D-Sign! 
rat_2dpc10.z       0 01-01-1980     ߲               ܲ
                                ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                 ߰۲   ۲  
                                ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 pWD cONVERTOR v1.O bY mAF -- 13.o1.96 
                                 tHIS   lITTLE  tOOL  wILL  pATCH  yOUR 
                                 eXITINFO.BBS. iF yOU pRESS f6 fROM tHE 
                                 cONSOLE yOU'LL sEE tHE uSERS pASSWORD! 
                                 nOTE: yOU nEED fATAL!LOGIN tO uSE tHIS 
                                   1996 - aNOTHER yEAR, aNOTHER fIGHT   
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dpc10.zip   26448 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 pWD cONVERTOR v1.O bY mAF -- 13.o1.96 
                                 tHIS   lITTLE  tOOL  wILL  pATCH  yOUR 
                                 eXITINFO.BBS. iF yOU pRESS f6 fROM tHE 
                                 cONSOLE yOU'LL sEE tHE uSERS pASSWORD! 
                                 nOTE: yOU nEED fATAL!LOGIN tO uSE tHIS 
                                   1996 - aNOTHER yEAR, aNOTHER fIGHT   
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dpdze.z       0 01-01-1980    ۲   ۲  ߲
                                   ۲  ۲   
                                     ݲ ۱ 
                                 ۱   ۱   ߲ 
                                  ۲    h!  
                                  +             +  ܲ
                                ======= rEMOTEaCCESS tRADERS ======
                                PDZmodem Enhancer by MARiNE FiGHTER
                                ============= O3.11.96 ============
rat_2dpdze.zip   21946 08-05-2024    ۲   ۲  ߲
                                    ۲  ۲   
                                     ݲ ۱ 
                                 ۱   ۱   ߲ 
                                  ۲    h!  
                                  +             +  ܲ
                                ======= rEMOTEaCCESS tRADERS ======
                                PDZmodem Enhancer by MARiNE FiGHTER
                                ============= O3.11.96 ============
rat_2dpg12.z       0 01-01-1980  ܲ
                                  ave     ܲ    
                                  ߲       ߰
                                 ۲  ߰ ۲  ߰  ۲ 
                                ۲ Pager v1.2      by MAF 26.O5.96
                                ۲ This is a gr8 looking replacement 
                                ۲ for  the  internal  SysOp  Pager. 
                                ۲ Nice looking  Ansi by Wiktor/WSP! 
rat_2dpg12.zip   59339 08-05-2024  ܲ
                                  ave     ܲ    
                                  ߲       ߰
                                 ۲  ߰ ۲  ߰  ۲ 
                                ۲ Pager v1.2      by MAF 26.O5.96
                                ۲ This is a gr8 looking replacement 
                                ۲ for  the  internal  SysOp  Pager. 
                                ۲ Nice looking  Ansi by Wiktor/WSP! 
rat_2dpkg1.z       0 01-01-1980     
                                      YH HR iT C0MS     
                                        NSi PCKG v1.0      
                                 iT C0NTiNS:                  
                                 - S0M KWL MNU-NSi'S       
                                -  NiC NWMiL-NiMTi0N
                                 - ND  GRT L0GiN NiMTi0N 
                                     BY SCHUSSL ND SHP     
                                         JuST4CHa0S BBS        
                                ---[ FRWR ]-ͼ
rat_2dpkg1.zip   14808 08-05-2024     
                                      YH HR iT C0MS     
                                        NSi PCKG v1.0      
                                 iT C0NTiNS:                  
                                 - S0M KWL MNU-NSi'S       
                                  -  NiC NWMiL-NiMTi0N
                                 - ND  GRT L0GiN NiMTi0N 
                                     BY SCHUSSL ND SHP     
                                         JuST4CHa0S BBS        
                                ---[ FRWR ]-ͼ
rat_2dpr10.z       0 01-01-1980       
                                    SHOWPROMPT v1.oO by MAF/RAT    
                                 Use  this little tool to  display 
                                 SHOWANSi's animated  prompt files 
                                 locally! > NO (!) BBS needed! 
rat_2dpr10.zip   11210 08-05-2024       
                                    SHOWPROMPT v1.oO by MAF/RAT    
                                 Use  this little tool to  display 
                                 SHOWANSi's animated  prompt files 
                                 locally! > NO (!) BBS needed! 
rat_2dptba.z       0 01-01-1980 
                                 PSS T0 BBS - AiMTi0 
                                  NiC L0GiN iMTi0   
                                        BY SHP         
                                 05.10.95 ͼ
rat_2dptba.zip   11070 08-05-2024 
                                 PSS T0 BBS - AiMTi0 
                                  NiC L0GiN iMTi0   
                                        BY SHP         
                                 05.10.95 ͼ
rat_2dq121.z       0 01-01-1980     ߲               ܲ
                                ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                 ߰۲   ۲  
                                ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLAS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 QUiCK L0Gi V1.21 -BUGFiX!- BY MAF/RAT 
                                 LT  Y0UR  USRS CH00S iF THY WAT A 
                                 0RMAL 0R A QUiCK L0Gi T0 Y0UR SYSTM 
                                 WiTH   LiGHTBARS   AD  A  iC  (100% 
                                 C0FiGURABL!)  ASi LAY0UT! 0 "C0DD 
                                 BY"LiS AYM0R!  F0R RA 2.0X 0LY! 
                                 .ooOO[ FRWAR AS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dq121.zip   37031 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLAS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 QUiCK L0Gi V1.21 -BUGFiX!- BY MAF/RAT 
                                 LT  Y0UR  USRS CH00S iF THY WAT A 
                                 0RMAL 0R A QUiCK L0Gi T0 Y0UR SYSTM 
                                 WiTH   LiGHTBARS   AD  A  iC  (100% 
                                 C0FiGURABL!)  ASi LAY0UT! 0 "C0DD 
                                 BY"LiS AYM0R!  F0R RA 2.0X 0LY! 
                                 .ooOO[ FRWAR AS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dq175.z       0 01-01-1980               
                                -      ij
                                     QUSTi0 1.75  ALPHA      
                                   i H0P WiTH  THiS VRSi0   
                                  TH PR0BLMS WiTH TH CR/LF  
                                           AR FiXD           
                                 TH M0ST C0MPLTLY W-USR  
                                 QUSTi0 D00R i'V VR S  
                                 MAiN QUSTi0S MUST B AS-   
                                 WRD, CRTAi 0THR QUST-   
                                 i0S 2 iF0RM TH SYS0P 'B0UT 
                                 TH USR AD HiS QUALiFiCAT-  
                                 i0S. A MUST 4 ALL RA-SYS0PS  
                                 KWL D-SiGN F0R TH0SE P0PL  
                                 WH0 WAT 2 MAK THiR B0ARD   
                                 BTTR. 0THi' 4 LAM B0ARDS 
                                       (C) 1996  BY MiK        
                                      RAT DAT: 2O.O2.96       
                                 LFT  JuST4CHa0S BBS 
rat_2dq175.zip   37805 08-05-2024               
                                -      ij
                                     QUSTi0 1.75  ALPHA      
                                   i H0P WiTH  THiS VRSi0   
                                  TH PR0BLMS WiTH TH CR/LF  
                                           AR FiXD           
                                 TH M0ST C0MPLTLY W-USR  
                                 QUSTi0 D00R i'V VR S  
                                 MAiN QUSTi0S MUST B AS-   
                                 WRD, CRTAi 0THR QUST-   
                                 i0S 2 iF0RM TH SYS0P 'B0UT 
                                 TH USR AD HiS QUALiFiCAT-  
                                 i0S. A MUST 4 ALL RA-SYS0PS  
                                 KWL D-SiGN F0R TH0SE P0PL  
                                 WH0 WAT 2 MAK THiR B0ARD   
                                 BTTR. 0THi' 4 LAM B0ARDS 
                                       (C) 1996  BY MiK        
                                      RAT DAT: 2O.O2.96       
                                 LFT  JuST4CHa0S BBS 
rat_2dqe17.z       0 01-01-1980          
                                -      ij
                                  QUSTi0 1.7O  PR0FSSi0AL  
                                 TH M0ST C0MPLTLY W-USR  
                                 QUSTi0 D00R i'V VR S  
                                 MAiN QUSTi0S MUST B AS-   
                                 WRD, CRTAi 0THR QUST-   
                                 i0S 2 iF0RM TH SYS0P 'B0UT 
                                 TH USR AD HiS QUALiFiCAT-  
                                 i0S. A MUST 4 ALL RA-SYS0PS  
                                 KWL D-SiGN F0R TH0SE P0PL  
                                 WH0 WAT 2 MAK THiR B0ARD   
                                 BTTR. 0THi' 4 LAM B0ARDS 
                                       (C) 1995  BY MiK        
                                      RAT DAT: 18.11.95       
                                 LFT  JuST4CHa0S BBS  
rat_2dqe17.zip   38080 08-05-2024          
                                -      ij
                                  QUSTi0 1.7O  PR0FSSi0AL  
                                 TH M0ST C0MPLTLY W-USR  
                                 QUSTi0 D00R i'V VR S  
                                 MAiN QUSTi0S MUST B AS-   
                                 WRD, CRTAi 0THR QUST-   
                                 i0S 2 iF0RM TH SYS0P 'B0UT 
                                 TH USR AD HiS QUALiFiCAT-  
                                 i0S. A MUST 4 ALL RA-SYS0PS  
                                 KWL D-SiGN F0R TH0SE P0PL  
                                 WH0 WAT 2 MAK THiR B0ARD   
                                 BTTR. 0THi' 4 LAM B0ARDS 
                                       (C) 1995  BY MiK        
                                      RAT DAT: 18.11.95       
                                 LFT  JuST4CHa0S BBS  
rat_2dr130.z       0 01-01-1980     ߲               ܲ
                                ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                 ߰۲   ۲  
                                ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 REMiNDER v1.3 BY MAF ---- o1.o4.96 
                                 With this little tool you can save the 
                                 tagged  files  on a RA 2.xx System. If 
                                 the  Carrier drops the user can easily 
                                 restore  the  taglist. He can even fly 
                                 through the list.  Tested (and works!) 
                                 on  multiline  systems. You can define 
                                 the  colors, too.  Get it today, dude! 
                                     Our iNET address has changed!      
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dr130.zip   55383 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 REMiNDER v1.3 BY MAF ---- o1.o4.96 
                                 With this little tool you can save the 
                                 tagged  files  on a RA 2.xx System. If 
                                 the  Carrier drops the user can easily 
                                 restore  the  taglist. He can even fly 
                                 through the list.  Tested (and works!) 
                                 on  multiline  systems. You can define 
                                 the  colors, too.  Get it today, dude! 
                                     Our iNET address has changed!      
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2draan.z       0 01-01-1980     
                                      R-Ni by SHP/RAT      
                                            THiZ iS            
                                   A LiTTL L0G0N-ANiMATi0N    
                                           F0R RA.2x           
                                 LFT JuST4CHa0S BBS 
rat_2draan.zip    9754 08-05-2024     
                                      R-Ni by SHP/RAT      
                                            THiZ iS            
                                   A LiTTL L0G0N-ANiMATi0N    
                                           F0R RA.2x           
                                 LFT JuST4CHa0S BBS 
rat_2drh10.z       0 01-01-1980     
                                      L0GiN ANiMTi0N 1.0      
                                        L0GiN NiMTi0N        
                                          F0R R 2.0x          
                                          by SHP/RAT         
                                 LFT JuST4CHa0S BBS 
rat_2drh10.zip    8666 08-05-2024     
                                      L0GiN ANiMTi0N 1.0      
                                        L0GiN NiMTi0N        
                                          F0R R 2.0x          
                                          by SHP/RAT         
                                 LFT JuST4CHa0S BBS 
rat_2drl11.z       0 01-01-1980 -----
                                  RT LiR 1.10 by SHD0W of RT 
                                 FiLLY iT'S HR !  TH CWLST 
                                 D BST L00KiNG 0NLiER 0UT S0 
                                 FR!  CH00S 0UT 0F 10 DiFFRT 
                                 C0L0UR SHMS ETC... , WiTH CWL 
                                 FDiG.. TST iT, 0LY F0R LiT 
                                   F0R REM0TECCESS 2.02 & 2.50   
                                ---   FREEWARE   -
rat_2drl11.zip   42442 08-05-2024 -----
                                |  RT LiR 1.10 by SHD0W of RT 
                                | FiLLY iT'S HR !  TH CWLST 
                                 D BST L00KiNG 0NLiER 0UT S0 
                                 FR!  CH00S 0UT 0F 10 DiFFRT 
                                | C0L0UR SHMS ETC... , WiTH CWL 
                                | FDiG.. TST iT, 0LY F0R LiT 
                                |   F0R REM0TECCESS 2.02 & 2.50   
                                ---   FREEWARE   -
rat_2ds100.z       0 01-01-1980       
                                      SAFETY v1.oO by MAF/RAT      
                                 Let  your users check if somebody 
                                 hacked their accounts.  RA 2.oX! 
rat_2ds100.zip   40293 08-05-2024       
                                      SAFETY v1.oO by MAF/RAT      
                                 Let  your users check if somebody 
                                 hacked their accounts.  RA 2.oX! 
rat_2dsa16.z       0 01-01-1980     ߲               ܲ
                                ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                 ߰۲   ۲  
                                ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLAS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                      SHOWASi v1.6 (c) by MAF/RAT      
                                 iC TOOL TO DiSPLAY ASi/AVATAR FiLS 
                                 (V  AiMATiOS!)  WiTH  A 1oO% FR 
                                 COfiGURABL  AiMATD PROMPT! B SUR 
                                 TO  LCH  THiS  AS  FAST AS POSSiBL! 
                                 O "CODD BY"-LiS! -> FOR RA 2.oX! 
                                 .ooOO[ FRWAR AS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dsa16.zip   42891 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLAS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                      SHOWASi v1.6 (c) by MAF/RAT      
                                 iC TOOL TO DiSPLAY ASi/AVATAR FiLS 
                                 (V  AiMATiOS!)  WiTH  A 1oO% FR 
                                 COfiGURABL  AiMATD PROMPT! B SUR 
                                 TO  LCH  THiS  AS  FAST AS POSSiBL! 
                                 O "CODD BY"-LiS! -> FOR RA 2.oX! 
                                 .ooOO[ FRWAR AS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dsl10.z       0 01-01-1980  ܲ
                                  ave     ܲ    
                                  ߲       ߰
                                 ۲  ߰ ۲  ߰  ۲ 
                                ۲ Scrollie LogOff by RiP O8.O7.96
                                ۲ This is the best logoff door ever 
                                ۲ for  RA - includes scrolling text 
                                ۲ prompts  controllable  with arrow 
                                 keys! You MUST have it! Get it!!! 
                                .o%ADVERTS iN DA .DiZ SUCK BiGTiME!!%o.
rat_2dsl10.zip   70428 08-05-2024  ܲ
                                  ave     ܲ    
                                  ߲       ߰
                                 ۲  ߰ ۲  ߰  ۲ 
                                ۲ Scrollie LogOff by RiP O8.O7.96
                                ۲ This is the best logoff door ever 
                                ۲ for  RA - includes scrolling text 
                                ۲ prompts  controllable  with arrow 
                                 keys! You MUST have it! Get it!!! 
                                .o%ADVERTS iN DA .DiZ SUCK BiGTiME!!%o.
rat_2dsm01.z       0 01-01-1980  ܲ
                                  ave     ܲ    
                                  ߲       ߰
                                 ۲  ߰ ۲  ߰  ۲ 
                                ۲ SCROLLiE MAiL  by RiP 11.O5.96 
                                ۲ AN  ASCii STYLE MAiL SCANNER WiTH 
                                ۲ SCROLLiNG  TEXT iN iT! LEECH NOW! 
rat_2dsm01.zip   27663 08-05-2024  ܲ
                                  ave     ܲ    
                                  ߲       ߰
                                 ۲  ߰ ۲  ߰  ۲ 
                                ۲ SCROLLiE MAiL  by RiP 11.O5.96 
                                ۲ AN  ASCii STYLE MAiL SCANNER WiTH 
                                ۲ SCROLLiNG  TEXT iN iT! LEECH NOW! 
rat_2dsm02.z       0 01-01-1980  ܲ
                                  ave     ܲ    
                                  ߲       ߰
                                 ۲  ߰ ۲  ߰  ۲ 
                                ۲ SCROLLiE MAiL  by RiP 13.O5.96 
                                ۲  BUGFiX OF THE ORiGiNAL SCROLLiE  
                                ۲      MAiL RELEASE! LEECH NOW!     
rat_2dsm02.zip   27654 08-05-2024  ܲ
                                  ave     ܲ    
                                  ߲       ߰
                                 ۲  ߰ ۲  ߰  ۲ 
                                ۲ SCROLLiE MAiL  by RiP 13.O5.96 
                                ۲  BUGFiX OF THE ORiGiNAL SCROLLiE  
                                ۲      MAiL RELEASE! LEECH NOW!     
rat_2dsp10.z       0 01-01-1980       
                                        SPW v1.oO by MAF/RAT       
                                 1oO%  configurable Systempassword 
                                 for RA 2.oX! --- Get it now! 
rat_2dsp10.zip   36928 08-05-2024       
                                        SPW v1.oO by MAF/RAT       
                                 1oO%  configurable Systempassword 
                                 for RA 2.oX! --- Get it now! 
rat_2dspy1.z       0 01-01-1980      ۲   ۲  ߲
                                   ۲  ۲   
                                     ݲ ۱ 
                                 ۱   ۱   ߲ 
                                  ۲    h!  
                                  +             +  ܲ
                                ======== rEMOTEaCCESS tRADERS =========
                                SPY ON USER v1.OO BY MARiNE FiGHTER
                                gives your online users the possibility
                                to spy on other ones accounts. Great!
                                =============== 11.O8.96 ==============
rat_2dspy1.zip   69427 08-05-2024      ۲   ۲  ߲
                                      ۲  ۲   
                                       ݲ ۱ 
                                   ۱   ۱   ߲ 
                                    ۲    h!  
                                    +             +  ܲ
                                ======== rEMOTEaCCESS tRADERS =========
                                  SPY ON USER v1.OO BY MARiNE FiGHTER
                                gives your online users the possibility
                                 to spy on other ones accounts. Great!
                                =============== 11.O8.96 ==============
rat_2dtr10.z       0 01-01-1980     ߲               ܲ
                                ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                 ߰۲   ۲  
                                ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 tRACE v1.O bY mAF ----- 2o.o2.96 
                                 tHIS  tOOL cAPTURES aLL iMPORTANT dATA 
                                 fROM yOUR uSERS.  wORKS  bEST  wITH aN 
                                 eXTERNAL lOGIN tOOL aND rEMOTEAXX 2.5! 
                                          (: FASTNACHT SUX! :)          
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dtr10.zip   27750 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 tRACE v1.O bY mAF ----- 2o.o2.96 
                                 tHIS  tOOL cAPTURES aLL iMPORTANT dATA 
                                 fROM yOUR uSERS.  wORKS  bEST  wITH aN 
                                 eXTERNAL lOGIN tOOL aND rEMOTEAXX 2.5! 
                                          (: FASTNACHT SUX! :)          
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2du200.z       0 01-01-1980       
                                      UPLOAD v2.oO by MAF/RAT      
                                 Fully Lightbar driven Upload Tool 
                                 for  RA  2.oX! Use your own Ansis 
                                 and Stuff! Quite easy to install! 
                                 Including    Zippy   Search   and 
                                 great  X-fer  Protocol  Changing! 
                                 You  can even use external Tools! 
rat_2du200.zip   79049 08-05-2024       
                                      UPLOAD v2.oO by MAF/RAT      
                                 Fully Lightbar driven Upload Tool 
                                 for  RA  2.oX! Use your own Ansis 
                                 and Stuff! Quite easy to install! 
                                 Including    Zippy   Search   and 
                                 great  X-fer  Protocol  Changing! 
                                 You  can even use external Tools! 
rat_2duc11.z       0 01-01-1980      Ŀ
                                      Ĵ            USER-
                                 RAT-USERCONFiG 1.1 by SHD of RAT 
                                   Userconfig door for RA 2.OX!   
                                 With  RAT-USERCONFiG  your users 
                                 can easily change their settings 
                                 e.g.: Handle,Location.  Replaces 
                                     the old styled USERSET!      
                                 Feautures: Full Lightbar driven, 
                                 no big config-file, x/y and ANSi 
                                 configurable and cewl D-Sign !!! 
                                ---   BUGFiXED   -
rat_2duc11.zip   42862 08-05-2024      Ŀ
                                           Ĵ            USER-
                                | RAT-USERCONFiG 1.1 by SHD of RAT 
                                |   Userconfig door for RA 2.OX!   
                                 With  RAT-USERCONFiG  your users 
                                 can easily change their settings 
                                | e.g.: Handle,Location.  Replaces 
                                     the old styled USERSET!      
                                | Feautures: Full Lightbar driven, 
                                | no big config-file, x/y and ANSi 
                                 configurable and cewl D-Sign !!! 
                                ---   BUGFiXED   -
rat_2due11.z       0 01-01-1980     ߲               ܲ
                                ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                 ߰۲   ۲  
                                ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 u/L eNFoRCeR V1.1 BY MaF/RaT  13.1o.95 
                                 WiTH  THiS  LiTTLe  TooL You CaN FoRCe 
                                 YouR uSeRS To uPLoaD!  FoR Ra 2.oX! 
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2due11.zip   34528 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 u/L eNFoRCeR V1.1 BY MaF/RaT  13.1o.95 
                                 WiTH  THiS  LiTTLe  TooL You CaN FoRCe 
                                 YouR uSeRS To uPLoaD!  FoR Ra 2.oX! 
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dui10.z       0 01-01-1980  ܲ
                                  ave     ܲ    
                                  ߲       ߰
                                 ۲  ߰ ۲  ߰  ۲ 
                                ۲ UL-Info v1.O    by MAF 28.O4.96
                                ۲ This  little  tool will scan your 
                                ۲ upload  directory  for  unchecked 
                                ۲ files and will switch on SCRLOCK. 
rat_2dui10.zip   26864 08-05-2024  ܲ
                                  ave     ܲ    
                                  ߲       ߰
                                 ۲  ߰ ۲  ߰  ۲ 
                                ۲ UL-Info v1.O    by MAF 28.O4.96
                                ۲ This  little  tool will scan your 
                                ۲ upload  directory  for  unchecked 
                                ۲ files and will switch on SCRLOCK. 
rat_2duk16.z       0 01-01-1980       
                                 USER KiLLER v1.6 -BF!- by MAF/RAT 
                                 Kicks every User out if his Baud- 
                                 rate is too slow. 3 great looking 
                                 Kickways included! You can use an 
                                 Ansi or Avatar, too! For RA 2.o2! 
rat_2duk16.zip   35123 08-05-2024       
                                 USER KiLLER v1.6 -BF!- by MAF/RAT 
                                 Kicks every User out if his Baud- 
                                 rate is too slow. 3 great looking 
                                 Kickways included! You can use an 
                                 Ansi or Avatar, too! For RA 2.o2! 
rat_2dul10.z       0 01-01-1980     ߲               ܲ
                                ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                 ߰۲   ۲  
                                ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 UZERLiST v1.O BY WeNDiGo -- 25.o3.96 
                                 Nice  looking  and  quite configurable 
                                 Userlister  for  your  RA  2.xx Board! 
                                      Swedish Chicks are horny! :)      
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dul10.zip   34956 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 UZERLiST v1.O BY WeNDiGo -- 25.o3.96 
                                 Nice  looking  and  quite configurable 
                                 Userlister  for  your  RA  2.xx Board! 
                                      Swedish Chicks are horny! :)      
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dvc11.z       0 01-01-1980     ߲               ܲ
                                ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                 ߰۲   ۲  
                                ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 VOiCE v1.1 by MAF ----- 25.o3.96 
                                 Force your new users to enter the real 
                                 voice number. Works with RA 2.ox/2.5x! 
                                      Swedish Chicks are horny! :)      
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dvc11.zip   54426 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                 VOiCE v1.1 by MAF ----- 25.o3.96 
                                 Force your new users to enter the real 
                                 voice number. Works with RA 2.ox/2.5x! 
                                      Swedish Chicks are horny! :)      
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2dwt11.z       0 01-01-1980    ۲   ۲  ߲
                                   ۲  ۲   
                                     ݲ ۱ 
                                 ۱   ۱   ߲ 
                                  ۲    h!  
                                  +             +  ܲ
                                ====== rEMOTEaCCESS tRADERS =======
                                WEEKTOP v1.1O BY POTi! BUGFiX
                                the ultim8ive weektop for ra 2.xx
                                my guest-release for rat
                                ============= O4.O8.96 ============
rat_2dwt11.zip   84419 08-05-2024    ۲   ۲  ߲
                                    ۲  ۲   
                                     ݲ ۱ 
                                 ۱   ۱   ߲ 
                                  ۲    h!  
                                  +             +  ܲ
                                ====== rEMOTEaCCESS tRADERS =======
                                   WEEKTOP v1.1O BY POTi! BUGFiX
                                 the ultim8ive weektop for ra 2.xx
                                     my guest-release for rat
                                ============= O4.O8.96 ============
rat_2d_23001       0 01-01-1980     ߲               ܲ
                                ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                 ߰۲   ۲  
                                ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                  iNFO sECTION - mAF - #001 - 28.11.95  
                                 hOW  tO  tAG aLL nEW fILES oN a rEMOTE 
                                 aCCESS sYSTEM. rEALLY eASY! lEECH nOW! 
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2d_23001.zip   12793 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                  iNFO sECTION - mAF - #001 - 28.11.95  
                                 hOW  tO  tAG aLL nEW fILES oN a rEMOTE 
                                 aCCESS sYSTEM. rEALLY eASY! lEECH nOW! 
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2d_23002       0 01-01-1980     ߲               ܲ
                                ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                 ߰۲   ۲  
                                ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                  iNFO sECTION - mAF - #002 - 17.12.95  
                                 iNCLUDED iN tHIS sMALL aRCHIVE aRE tHE 
                                 oFFICIAL RA-32 mESSAGES fROM aNDREW    
                                 mILNER! --- eNJOY tHE nEW fEATURES! 
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2d_23002.zip   23414 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                  iNFO sECTION - mAF - #002 - 17.12.95  
                                 iNCLUDED iN tHIS sMALL aRCHIVE aRE tHE 
                                 oFFICIAL RA-32 mESSAGES fROM aNDREW    
                                 mILNER! --- eNJOY tHE nEW fEATURES! 
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2d_23003       0 01-01-1980     ߲               ܲ
                                ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                 ߰۲   ۲  
                                ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                  iNFO sECTION - mAF - #003 - 20.12.95  
                                 tHE  fILE  rAT-#002.ZIP wASN'T aN oFF. 
                                 rAT rELEASE - sO pLEASE nUKE tHE fILE! 
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2d_23003.zip    2325 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                  iNFO sECTION - mAF - #003 - 20.12.95  
                                 tHE  fILE  rAT-#002.ZIP wASN'T aN oFF. 
                                 rAT rELEASE - sO pLEASE nUKE tHE fILE! 
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2d_23004       0 01-01-1980     ߲               ܲ
                                ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                 ߰۲   ۲  
                                ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                  iNFO sECTION - mAF - #004 - 22.12.95  
                                 hOW tO iNSTALL sMODEM iNTO rA  dO iT! 
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2d_23004.zip   14391 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                  iNFO sECTION - mAF - #004 - 22.12.95  
                                 hOW tO iNSTALL sMODEM iNTO rA  dO iT! 
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2d_23005       0 01-01-1980     ߲               ܲ
                                ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                 ߰۲   ۲  
                                ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                  iNFO sECTION - mAF - #005 - 31.O1.96  
                                 tHE  mARiNES  bBS  wILL sOON gET a nEW 
                                 pHONE nUMBER  iNFOS aBOUT tHE uPCOMING
                                 rA 2.5 rELEASES fROM RAT! - gRAB nOW! 
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2d_23005.zip   29976 08-05-2024     ߲               ܲ
                                   ܰ۲      ܲ  
                                  ߰۲   ۲  
                                   ޱܰ   ۰ ۲ 
                                 ۲  ߲ޱ ް      Ŀ
                                     ݰ      ܲ RLaS 
                                -       ܲ   -
                                  iNFO sECTION - mAF - #005 - 31.O1.96  
                                 tHE  mARiNES  bBS  wILL sOON gET a nEW 
                                 pHONE nUMBER  iNFOS aBOUT tHE uPCOMING
                                 rA 2.5 rELEASES fROM RAT! - gRAB nOW! 
                                 .ooOO[ FRWaR aS VR ]OOoo. 
rat_2d_23006       0 01-01-1980  ܲ
                                  ave     ܲ    
                                  ߲       ߰
                                 ۲  ߰ ۲  ߰  ۲ 
                                ۲ Info Section #6 by MAF 28.O6.96
                                ۲ Included  in  this ZIP you find a 
                                ۲ complete list of all official RAT 
                                ۲ Releases. Needs an ansi viewer... 
                                .o%ADVERTS iN DA .DiZ SUCK BiGTiME!!%o.
rat_2d_23006.zip   34944 08-05-2024  ܲ
                                  ave     ܲ    
                                  ߲       ߰
                                 ۲  ߰ ۲  ߰  ۲ 
                                ۲ Info Section #6 by MAF 28.O6.96
                                ۲ Included  in  this ZIP you find a 
                                ۲ complete list of all official RAT 
                                ۲ Releases. Needs an ansi viewer... 
                                .o%ADVERTS iN DA .DiZ SUCK BiGTiME!!%o.
rat_2d_23007       0 01-01-1980    ۲   ۲  ߲
                                   ۲  ۲   
                                     ݲ ۱ 
                                 ۱   ۱   ߲ 
                                  ۲    h!  
                                  +             +  ܲ
                                ======= rEMOTEaCCESS tRADERS ======
                                iNFO PACKAGE #OO7 BY MARiNE FiGHTER
                                RAT is expanding! Apply now..
                                ============= O2.1O.96 ============
rat_2d_23007.zip   37194 08-05-2024    ۲   ۲  ߲
                                    ۲  ۲   
                                     ݲ ۱ 
                                 ۱   ۱   ߲ 
                                  ۲    h!  
                                  +             +  ܲ
                                ======= rEMOTEaCCESS tRADERS ======
                                iNFO PACKAGE #OO7 BY MARiNE FiGHTER
                                   RAT is expanding! Apply now..
                                ============= O2.1O.96 ============

            Area 123 - Virtual Advanced Scripts           

610_2dpcr.zi       0 01-01-1980 
610_2dpcr.zip    5178 08-05-2024 
6_2dnoabrt.z       0 01-01-1980 6-NOABRT VBBS 6.1 Source Modification
                                This mod increases the flexibility of
                                the Vscript command EF (echofile) by
                                allowing you to prevent the user from
                                aborting the output with the spacebar.
                                Note that you can use EF to print out
                                files normally without changing your
                                existing scripts.  Excellent for news
                                and important message output.
6_2dnoabrt.zip    2058 08-05-2024 6-NOABRT VBBS 6.1 Source Modification
                                This mod increases the flexibility of
                                the Vscript command EF (echofile) by
                                allowing you to prevent the user from
                                aborting the output with the spacebar.
                                Note that you can use EF to print out
                                files normally without changing your
                                existing scripts.  Excellent for news
                                and important message output.
6_2dscnmsg.z       0 01-01-1980 
6_2dscnmsg.zip    2043 08-05-2024 
abvtb.zip       8477 08-05-2024 A BETTER VIRTUAL TIMEBANK
                                By Barnabus Collins
                                2@1215015 Virual Net
                                This is a VSCRIPT MOD that
                                offers a HUGE improvement
                                over the time bank provided
                                with VBBS.  It graphically
                                represents a user's current
                                balance, and also displays
                                the user's CREDIT balance
                                SECURITY LEVEL, which
                                normally aren't easily
                                accessible to the user.
                                VERY EASY TO SET UP!  :)
ansiart1.zip    2454 08-05-2024 
ansi_inf.zip    2207 08-05-2024 
apply.zip       2628 08-05-2024 
batbday2.zip   32805 08-05-2024          
                                      BaT Birthday Menu
                                  This Program creates a Cool
                                  Birthday Bullentin of User's
                                       Whos Birthdays Are
                                  Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow.
                                         * FREE WARE *
                                      (Works with 7.xx)       
bbsinfo2.zip   41382 08-05-2024 
bbslist.zip    10788 08-05-2024 
bbspage2.zip   40891 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 BBSPage.EXE v1.2g Ŀ
                                   Virtual Pager for your BBS system ! 
                                   This program will automatically page
                                   you on your beeper when a user needs
                                   to speak with you ASAP! Great for   
                                   people on the go, and even sysops   
                                   that have companies.                
                                Author: Corley Efurd    FREEWARE! 
                                 V-Pro Industries                 
bday100.zip    36611 08-05-2024 
bdaybull.zip    1918 08-05-2024 
bd_lst30.zip   56734 08-05-2024         Ŀ   BoardList v3.0
                                                          The best bbslist
                                              script that
                                              many features.
                                                Scrolling menus,
                                               fully changeable
                                TECHNOLOGIES menu position,
                                          and background.
bh_call1.zip   33431 08-05-2024    Bat Callers v1.0  Ŀ
                                    This Program Takes your Callers.Lst   
                                    and makes a Exact Copy of it, Just    
                                    in alot CooLer Colors..               
                                    Also Makes a Cool Last Five Callers   
                                    This Is a Beta Release, KooLer Vers   
                                |    Coming SOON.                          |
                                :                    BaT House Programmed:
binary.zip      1848 08-05-2024 
birdcall.zip    3082 08-05-2024 BIRDCALL 1.0  written by:
                                 Steve Runkle aka "Birdy"
                                 1@1614001  VirtualNET
                                  Smuggler's Wharf
bl21_2dva.zi       0 01-01-1980 [AT2k] - BoardList v3.1 for VADV
                                This is the best BBS listing program
                                available for Virtual ADV. Contains: Sysop
                                customization, lightbar menus, does not allow
                                duplicate entries, allows users to download
                                the BBS list, and much more...
                                Aspect Technologies 2k
                                telnet: at2k.dhs.org
bl21_2dva.zip   37325 08-05-2024 [AT2k] - BoardList v3.1 for VADV
                                This is the best BBS listing program
                                available for Virtual ADV. Contains: Sysop
                                customization, lightbar menus, does not allow
                                duplicate entries, allows users to download
                                the BBS list, and much more...
                                Aspect Technologies 2k
                                telnet: at2k.dhs.org
bl30_2dva.zi       0 01-01-1980         Ŀ   BoardList v3.0
                                    The best bbslist
                                            script that offers
                                            many features.
                                              Scrolling menus,
                                             fully changeable
                                TECHNOLOGIES menu position,
                                       and background.
bl30_2dva.zip   49200 08-05-2024         Ŀ   BoardList v3.0
                                                          The best bbslist
                                              script that
                                              many features.
                                                Scrolling menus,
                                               fully changeable
                                TECHNOLOGIES menu position,
                                          and background.
blackjak.zip    2795 08-05-2024 
blaklist.zip    1967 08-05-2024 
blist_41.zip   18458 08-05-2024 BBS LIST v4.1 - The new version now reflect's
                                DOMINION's changes. All new displays that
                                make it even more user friendly! The same
                                awesome features can still be found. Checks
                                for duplicate phone numbers to prevent
                                duplicate entries, many BBS types to choose
                                from, or tell it your own. Easy to read
                                displays and menus. Get this!
                                                              October 1994
                                DOMINION Technical Support - (615) 572-9164
blondfun.zip    8541 08-05-2024 
bplmtdl2.zip    2923 08-05-2024 
bpremind.zip    3163 08-05-2024 
bslogoff.zip    2838 08-05-2024 
bttle101.zip    9072 08-05-2024 Written by the Sysops of Resurrection UES,
                                this script will allow your
                                users to bet credits, and play the typical
                                BattleShip type game.  They
                                can send 1 line messages to each other as they
                                fire missiles trying to
                                sink each others'ships to win the pot. It will
                                work for any two players
                                on any size BBS...  Watch for more large game
                                Scripts from us!
                                VERSION 1.01 - A spelling error in v1.00
                                caused the "You Can't Hit anything
                                bug."  If you find ANY more bugs, please Email
                                me at the number given for
bulcmstr.zip    3909 08-05-2024 
bull16.zip      2303 08-05-2024 
bullstat.zip    2489 08-05-2024 
bulstat2.zip    2553 08-05-2024 BULSTAT2  Detailed user statistics script
                                This is script #2 of my series of detailed 
                                user statistics scripts with cool ansi.  
                                It comes with a "Registered To:" line that 
                                says you are a registered user immeadiately! 
buserinf.zip    2027 08-05-2024 
callimit.zip    3957 08-05-2024 ͸
                                           "We Don't Make VBBS...  
                                     We Just Make It Better!"
                                    Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ           
                                               Industries (c)VPI 1994 
                                    CALLIMIT v1.0 - Daily Calls Limiter
                                 VScript included for easy modification
                                 Informs users of today's number of logons
                                 Limits certain security levels to a preset
                                  number of logons per day
cave13e.zip   111878 08-05-2024      The L.O.R.D. Cavern v1.3e LORD IGM
                                For LORD 3.25+ - Fix to RHP system.  13
                                different random actions, plus the ability
                                for you to make your own, called RHPs!  This
                                is the LAST PROJECTED VERSION (Again!)! 
                                SETUP installs and uninstalls in seconds!
                                Does not need a BBS dropfile and uses non-
                                standard Com ports!  SHAREWARE, $5.
caverhp1.zip    9744 08-05-2024         The L.O.R.D. Cavern RHP set 1
                                For The L.O.R.D. Cavern 1.3+ - 5 new RHP
                                programs!  Some may require v1.3a+ or v1.3c+.
                                From the author of The L.O.R.D. Cavern.
cbv_2dasst.z       0 01-01-1980 *****************************************
                                SCRIPT NAME: The CBV Assistant   
                                AUTHORS:     Nola Savickas 
                                & William Hassinger
                                PROGRAMS REQUIRED: 
                                Baloo's ReadUser Utility
                                This script is used to create
                                /maintain the restrict.cbv and the
                                Allowed.cbv files for VBBS's 
                                internal call back verifier.  
                                1 - Allows easy additions to either 
                                the restrict, or allowed.cbv files.
                                2 - Lists numbers of verified callers 
                                to the restrict.cbv file to help
                                prevent those ever popular DUPE 
                                3 - Will check for new user security 
                                before adding to the restrict.cbv.
                                4 - Allows you to reset the entire 
                                restrict.cbv, or append to it from
                                where it left off when last run.
                                5 - In the instance you choose to over 
                                write the entire restrict.cbv
                                it allows for the inclusion of a 
                                restrict.sav file, which should
                                contain the numbers of your local 
                                police, 911, fire, etc. and any
                                numbers of callers that are 
                                permanantly disallowed.
                                6 - Maintains a complete log of what 
                                was done and when.
                                7 - Will create a list of all 
                                unverified callers.
                                8 - Will estimate time required for 
                                the running of the script, & allow
                                you the option of aborting if it's 
                                more time then you've got.
                                9 - Viewing of the User Listing.
cbv_2dasst.zip    9131 08-05-2024 *****************************************
                                 SCRIPT NAME: The CBV Assistant   
                                 AUTHORS:     Nola Savickas 
                                              & William Hassinger
                                 PROGRAMS REQUIRED: 
                                              Baloo's ReadUser Utility
                                     This script is used to create
                                     /maintain the restrict.cbv and the
                                     Allowed.cbv files for VBBS's 
                                     internal call back verifier.  
                                  1 - Allows easy additions to either 
                                      the restrict, or allowed.cbv files.
                                  2 - Lists numbers of verified callers 
                                      to the restrict.cbv file to help
                                      prevent those ever popular DUPE 
                                  3 - Will check for new user security 
                                      before adding to the restrict.cbv.
                                  4 - Allows you to reset the entire 
                                      restrict.cbv, or append to it from
                                      where it left off when last run.
                                  5 - In the instance you choose to over 
                                      write the entire restrict.cbv
                                      it allows for the inclusion of a 
                                      restrict.sav file, which should
                                      contain the numbers of your local 
                                      police, 911, fire, etc. and any
                                      numbers of callers that are 
                                      permanantly disallowed.
                                  6 - Maintains a complete log of what 
                                      was done and when.
                                  7 - Will create a list of all 
                                      unverified callers.
                                  8 - Will estimate time required for 
                                      the running of the script, & allow
                                      you the option of aborting if it's 
                                      more time then you've got.
                                  9 - Viewing of the User Listing.
ck_2dlogin.z       0 01-01-1980 --=[Cloudkid's Lightbar Matrix Login Menu]=--
                                A great lightbar script set using VSTRING for
                                VBBS.  Choose from Login,  Guest Account, New
                                User,  Feedback,  Page Sysop,  and  Hang  up.
                                Includes  .v   source   files  for   complete
                                configuration of the entire program. Ver 1.00
ck_2dlogin.zip    4796 08-05-2024 --=[Cloudkid's Lightbar Matrix Login Menu]=--
                                A great lightbar script set using VSTRING for
                                VBBS.  Choose from Login,  Guest Account, New
                                User,  Feedback,  Page Sysop,  and  Hang  up.
                                Includes  .v   source   files  for   complete
                                configuration of the entire program. Ver 1.00
cleanhc2.zip    6030 08-05-2024 Heart Cleaner! Removes Duplicate
                                heard codes! Get this now for
                                faster ANSI displays for your
                                BBS! - HScripts - Free
clr1_1.zip      5045 08-05-2024 Colorize 1.1 - VBBS Script/String File
                                This script will add a LOT of life
                                to your VBBS message bases!  Random
                                paterns of colors will be added!
                                A must have for Registers SysOps!
                                OFFICAL THANKSGIVING CONTEST SCRIPT!
                                by Aladdin 1994
cmv2.zip       55130 08-05-2024 
coolcht2.zip   40695 08-05-2024 CHAOScripts - CoolChat v2.1
                                Sysop/User Chatting program with
                                EliteMode toggle and more!!!!
                                Free! !eerF Free! !eerF
                                Works with ANY bbs!
co_2dfiles.z       0 01-01-1980 CoSysop File Editor - CHAOScripts
                                Got CoSysops? Want them to be able
                                to actually DO something? Use this
                                script. It will let them edit
                                specific files that are useful,
                                but won't give complete access to
                                your system to the user. FREE!
co_2dfiles.zip    3263 08-05-2024 CoSysop File Editor - CHAOScripts
                                Got CoSysops? Want them to be able
                                to actually DO something? Use this
                                script. It will let them edit
                                specific files that are useful,
                                but won't give complete access to
                                your system to the user. FREE!
cpage50.zip    41464 08-05-2024 CHAOSpage - Awesome pager for VADV!
                                Quality Stuff!
crclist1.zip    2317 08-05-2024 THE         Ŀ
                                :     R  E  A  L  I  T  Y   :
                                  CREW  ͼ
                                  ANSi   CyberList's BBS Logo  VGA
crdretrn.zip    5890 08-05-2024 
cr_70ac.zip    13991 08-05-2024        Ŀ
                                         ۲        :
                                 ܲ       ߲   
                                   :      ͻ
                                   The Cyber Reality Crew    
                                 VBBS v7.o  Source Modification 
                                 Add a New Script Command! Now   
                                 Allows Easier "MATRIX" Menus &  
                                 User Cursor Movement! And will  
                                 now Echo the users input!       
                                         By  CyberTron          
cr_70dr.zip    35997 08-05-2024        Ŀ
                                         ۲        :
                                 ܲ       ߲   
                                   :      ͻ
                                   The Cyber Reality Crew    
                                 VBBS v7.o  Source Modification 
                                 Removes the Code to Display the 
                                 File_Id.diz at Upload, but will 
                                 Still Display Line #1 ......    
                                         By  CyberTron          
cr_70lj.zip    12442 08-05-2024        Ŀ
                                         ۲        :
                                 ܲ       ߲   
                                   :      ͻ
                                   The Cyber Reality Crew    
                                 VBBS v7.o  Source Modification 
                                 Have ya Noticed how VBBS 7.o    
                                 Left Jusifies all the new up's  
                                 FILE_ID.DIZ? If you have.. Run  
                                 this, it removes that and makes 
                                 FILE_ID.DIZ's look normal!      
                                         By  CyberTron          
cr_app10.zip   76758 08-05-2024 
                                ۳             THE             '94
                                   :   |  |        
                                ڳ۲            CREW              
                                   Application Generator  v1.o    
                                 Apply to Become Dist/Member Affils 
cr_cl03.zip     5858 08-05-2024 ---  VBBS VScript: (CR_CL03.zip)--Ŀ
                                        CR A Cyber Reality Release       
                                  Awesome Last Callers Script!  Allows you 
                                 to config seven different security levels 
                                 and there desciptions. You can even use   
                                 VBBS heart codes in your config file!     
                                  5/16/94  Bug Fix (Now works with start.v 
                                ---  Version  00.03--
cr_cl45.zip   110240 08-05-2024 CR CyberList v4.5o  CyberTron  CR
                                ۿۿ۳ ߿ٺ
                                ۿ ۱ٲñ  .ñۿ
                                  R  E  A  L  I  T  Y 
                                 100% Replace VBBS's Listing of Files
                                   Has DIZ Searching/New Scanning!   
                                : Very Graphical, Configurable, Very  :
                                : Fast.. All User Cursor Controlled!  :
                                 View in ZIPS/Virus Scan/CRC test!!  
                                 ViSiON/2/X  Obv/2 Listing Styles.. 
                                 Change all Colors and ANSI's Around 
                                 Version  4.5o ͽ
cr_cmg01.zip  235698 08-05-2024                 Ŀ
                                 st ܱܲ       ܱܲ   
                                 : ܱ ۲   ܱ ۲ :
                                    ޲ܱ     ޲ܱ
                                  ۰    ߲ ۰    ޲
                                  ޲ܰ  ܰ ޲ܰ    :
                                  ۲  ۲ ۲        
                                  ݰ ޱ    cyber  
                                   ߰      ߰   reality
                                 :  ߰ ܲ      ߰    mag  
                                      CyberMag  Issue #1 (July/95) 
cr_db10.zip    50577 08-05-2024 CR  Database v1.oo  CyberTron  CR
                                ۿۿ۳ ߿ٺ
                                ۿ ۱ٲñ  .ñۿ
                                  R  E  A  L  I  T  Y 
                                 Replace VBBS's Database Select with 
                                : CR's New Cursor Control Database  :
                                : Select, Replace's FILE/MESSAGE DB   :
                                 Default Selection Menu(s) ...       
                                : Version  1.oo :ͽ
cr_lc10.zip    46397 08-05-2024 CR Last Callers v1.o  CyberTron CR
                                ۿۿ۳ ߿ٺ
                                ۿ ۱ٲñ  .ñۿ
                                  R  E  A  L  I  T  Y 
                                 Displays Last Few Callers, Uses own 
                                : External Program to Gather Info on  :
                                : User, and has User Scrollable List- :
                                 ing Feature! Really Neat..          
                                : Version  1.oo :ͽ
cr_ml11.zip    53799 08-05-2024 CR   MasterList Creator v1.1o   CR
                                ۿۿ۳ ߿ٺ
                                ۿ ۱ٲñ  .ñۿ
                                  R  E  A  L  I  T  Y 
                                 Create MasterLists Online for VBBS  
                                 v7.xx!   Will Create a List with    
                                : Area Statistics, and FILE_ID.DIZ    :
                                : Extended Descriptions! Try it out.  :
                                   New version 100% Speed increase   
                                : Version  1.1o :ͽ
cr_mx99.zip     7460 08-05-2024 
                                :                            '95:
                                        :    :     
                                     :    :       
                                ڳ               CREW            ۳
                                  Matrix Logon v.99  eta/Alpha   
                                  Side Scrolling Animated Matrix    
                                  Logon as seen by OBV setups.     
                                  Logon, Apply, Feedback, Logoff    
                                :      Program By: Mortal        :
cr_ol10.zip    12136 08-05-2024 CR    Kickin Oneliners v1.oo    CR
                                ۿۿ۳ ߿ٺ
                                ۿ ۱ٲñ  .ñۿ
                                  R  E  A  L  I  T  Y 
                                  Alternative oneliners script for   
                                  VBBS 6.xx / 7.xx.                  
                                     Arrow Key selection support    
                                :     Cool ANSI interface            :
                                     Cussword Checking (Optional)   
                                :   By: Sd   :ͽ
cr_pc10.zip    53953 08-05-2024 ---  VBBS Utility: PsYcHoChaT!  --Ŀ
                                             By PsYcHo KiLLER              
                                        CR A Cyber Reality Realease      
                                           A Fully configurable            
                                *VERTICAL* *FADING* VBBS CHAT REPLACEMENT!!
                                ---  Version  1.0  --
cr_pg10.zip    35060 08-05-2024 CR  Password Generator  v1.oo  CR
                                ۿۿ۳ ߿ٺ
                                ۿ ۱ٲñ  .ñۿ
                                  R  E  A  L  I  T  Y 
                                 Prevent Unwanted Hacking! Force ALL 
                                : Users to have Computer Generated    :
                                : Passwords! All Users will have all  :
                                 unhackable Passwords! (8 Chars)     
                                :  by: CyberTron  :ͽ
cr_rl121.zip   10650 08-05-2024 
                                ---  VBBS VScript: (RazList 1.21)--Ŀ
                                        CR A Cyber Reality Release       
                                   New and Improved version of Razlist!!   
                                       *** BUGFIX *** BUGFIX ***           
                                       By RaZoR                            
                                ---  Version  1.21 --
cw_2dmods.zi       0 01-01-1980 
cw_2dmods.zip    3827 08-05-2024 
cybergr.zip    48069 08-05-2024 
darmnu.zip     27071 08-05-2024 
datescan.zip   18084 08-05-2024 DATESCAN.V - VBBS New Files Scan replacement
                                DATESCAN.V, revised 11-04-1994 
                                  By Grak Ockton #1 @ 1619045 VirtualNET 
                                Written with VBBS v6.10a in mind, DATESCAN.V 
                                allows your Users to enter a valid date when 
                                performing a New Files Scan.  It will also 
                                accept the usual number of days back as well. 
                                Features include, in part: 
                                  - choice of three different "date styles" 
                                  - preservation of the last file scan 
                                     performed at the discretion of the User 
                                  - flexible inputting routines
                                  - useful screen display
                                  - configurability for the Sysop 
dcp_2dlist.z       0 01-01-1980 DCP-List v1.5
                                This is an extended file list
                                script which includes user
                                choice of Single, Double,
                                and Extended lists.  A New
                                files scanning script using
                                the users choice of list
                                type is also included.  And a
                                small script to allow the user
                                to change their listing type.
                                Written by Khamsin
                                1 @ 1916006
dcp_2dlist.zip    5210 08-05-2024 DCP-List v1.5
                                This is an extended file list
                                script which includes user
                                choice of Single, Double,
                                and Extended lists.  A New
                                files scanning script using
                                the users choice of list
                                type is also included.  And a
                                small script to allow the user
                                to change their listing type.
                                Written by Khamsin
                                  1 @ 1916006
diceroll.zip    1616 08-05-2024 DiceRoller v1.0 - CHAOScripts
                                Simple dice rolling script.
                                Good for those on-line D&D
                                type games. Get it.
dkdos10.zip    14724 08-05-2024                          Ŀ
                                 DarkDOS v1.0 Ŀ
                                 The Ultimate Simulated DOS Login  
                                 For VBBS. Very Sysop Configurable,
                                 Easy to Use, High Quality Ansi's  
                                 Throughout, ViSiON-X Style Color  
                                 Scheme, a Must For All Sysop's    
                                 Wanting an Elite Looking DOS      
                                 Matrix Login.                     
                                  [Release By]    Darkside       
                                D/Rk Technologies
dkpost11.zip   12422 08-05-2024                        Ŀ
                                Dark Post v1.1Ŀ
                                 Awesome VBBS AutoPost System    
                                 That Is SysOp Configurable, &   
                                 Users May Enter 4 Lines Of Text 
                                 Instead Of 3, SysOp Deleting,   
                                 User Deletions Of Their Own     
                                 Posts, Fixed A Bug, Internal    
                                 DKPOST.CFG Editing, & MORE!     
                                 [Release By]   The Leviathan    
                                D/Rk Technologies
dl1liner.zip   19588 08-05-2024 dl oNEliNeRz v1.00
                                  - frEewaRe -
                                Most configurable
                                oneliners ever.
                                Supports most BBS's.
                                FeaR - 3i5.472.5726
dlf301.zip      3961 08-05-2024 
dlfmbar1.zip    2777 08-05-2024 dl's mesg/file scan
                                 lightbars v1.00
                                   - frEewaRe -
                                FeaR - 3i5.472.5726
dlp10_2dva.z       0 01-01-1980         Ŀ   Download Plus v1
                                    A very powerful
                                            and easy to use
                                            file database.
                                              Many features!
                                             For VBBS.
dlp10_2dva.zip   42381 08-05-2024         Ŀ   Download Plus v1
                                                          A very powerful
                                              and easy to use
                                              file database.
                                                Many features!
                                               For VBBS.
dlp11_2dva.z       0 01-01-1980 [AT2k] - Download Plus v1.1 for VADV
                                DLP is a file area replacement program for
                                Virtual ADV. It allows an unlimited number of
                                files to be displayed in an unlimited number
                                of databases. Supports description searching
                                and file tagging, plus much more!
                                Aspect Technologies 2k
                                telnet: at2k.dhs.org
dlp11_2dva.zip   31416 08-05-2024 [AT2k] - Download Plus v1.1 for VADV
                                DLP is a file area replacement program for
                                Virtual ADV. It allows an unlimited number of
                                files to be displayed in an unlimited number
                                of databases. Supports description searching
                                and file tagging, plus much more!
                                Aspect Technologies 2k
                                telnet: at2k.dhs.org
dlplus10.zip   47043 08-05-2024         Ŀ   Download Plus v1
                                                          A very powerful
                                              and easy to use
                                              file database.
                                                Many features!
                                               For VBBS.
dl_2dnuf1.zi       0 01-01-1980 dl's forced new user
                                feedback v1.00
                                - frEewaRe -
                                FeaR - 3i5.472.5726
dl_2dnuf1.zip    2946 08-05-2024 dl's forced new user
                                  feedback v1.00
                                   - frEewaRe -
                                FeaR - 3i5.472.5726
doorc10.zip    19280 08-05-2024 CHAOScripts - Door Usage Counter! (VADV)
                                Counts the times a door has been accessed
                                and creates a nice little menu for viewing.
                                Easy setup, very useful.
doors20.zip    21693 08-05-2024 Version 2.0 of the BEST Online Doors Script
                                Do you have too many doors to fit on the
                                default VBBS doors system?  Are you
                                sick and tired of having to modify and
                                recompile the script, and then modify
                                the menu every time you add a new door to your
                                Well, this script allows for in-script editing
                                  It creates the 3-D menus
                                for you, all you do is tell it what you want
                                on it.  You don't want a door
                                anymore?  Just go into the script, edit the
                                doors and delete it.  It will
                                be removed from the menu and the other doors
                                will be moved up to replace
                                the gap.
                                Multiple menus are fully supported and
                                encouraged!  You can interlink the
                                menus in any way you wish.  You can even run
                                other scripts and FB's from
                                this doors interface!
                                New in Version 2.0:
                                   - D)elete Item option
                                   - M)ove Item option
                                   - Credits Support Bug Fix
                                   - Now includes sample configurations
doscript.zip    1831 08-05-2024 
dpact423.zip   65570 08-05-2024 
                                [VPI] DupeAcct 4.23 Duplicate Account Checker
                                DupeAcct v4.23 checks your VBBS  UserFile for
                                duplicate accounts during new-user signup. If
                                a duplicate account is detected with the same
                                Handle, Real Name or  Phone Numbers, the user
                                is  issued  a  warning,  and   the  SysOp  is
                                informed of the possible  duplication.   If a
                                duplicate  password  is  found,  the SysOp is
                                informed, but the  user is not  (for security
                                reasons). Almost 100% of the program's output
                                can  be  customized!    DupeAcct also  allows
                                "TWITTING".  Twitting is automatic adjustment
                                of a  duplicate accounts'  Security, Credits,
                                Flags, and Extra Fields.                    
                                Freeware.  Copyright (c) 1994 Richard Glidden
                                Based on Chris Uzdavinis' DupeAcct 3.1      
drop.zip        4152 08-05-2024 
dstats11.zip   20188 08-05-2024 Top Day Statistics version 1.1!
                                This VBBS Utility is written for sysops
                                that run Vbbs 6.x / 7.x. It computes the High
                                Calls, Nets, Posts, Emails, Downloads, Uploads
                                Activity, Idle time and Duty Cycle by QUARTER,
                                the YEAR. PLUS it also computes the averages
                                each of those categories. It generates
                                bulletins for
                                each year your board has been online, PLUS it
                                generates All-time bulletins. In the
                                Unregistered version
                                the Bulletin colors are preset, BUT if
                                registered (for a
                                small fee!) the colors are configurable to
                                make the
                                bulletins reflect your bbs's color scheme!
                                Release: March 18th 1995.
editstat.zip   27278 08-05-2024 
em_pager.zip   13038 08-05-2024              [Emeraldise  [Em_userl.zip   
                                Ver i.0 ]-
                                              Filename:Em_Pager.zip   Ver.:i
                                              Author  :STiX          
                                Date:Sept 3,1996
                                                      [File Description]     
                                              This is the newest script from
                                the mind 
                                              of STiX... this pager has
                                              times paged, and very NiCE
filesbbs.zip    2132 08-05-2024 
file_id.zip     3158 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 Enhances your default file lister 
                                   to include FILE_ID.DIZ in the   
                                  description. Up to 12 lines of   
                                By: Emissary
fsetest.zip     2103 08-05-2024 FSETEST.V Prompt user to use Full Screen
fx_2dch412.z       0 01-01-1980 -- FX-CHAT Version 4.12 --
                                A definite [FiXx] production!
                                VBBS 5.5x through VBBS 7.00
                                Highly configurable pager with
                                all sorts of options and fea-
                                tures.  Universal configuration
                                file for compatibility with
                                FX-CHAT 4.00 and above.  Has
                                a scrollable menu, SysOp menu,
                                the TroubleShooter, and FiXx
fx_2dch412.zip   17189 08-05-2024 -- FX-CHAT Version 4.12 --
                                A definite [FiXx] production!
                                 VBBS 5.5x through VBBS 7.00
                                Highly configurable pager with
                                all sorts of options and fea-
                                tures.  Universal configuration
                                file for compatibility with
                                FX-CHAT 4.00 and above.  Has
                                a scrollable menu, SysOp menu,
                                the TroubleShooter, and FiXx
gshop_30.zip   17089 08-05-2024 THE GRAFFITI SHOP v3.0 - Users can easliy
                                post messages on the 'bulletin board'. It
                                allows eight lines of ads, conversation, or
                                pure madness to be posted. Users then can
                                post a new message or read what has been
                                posted. Sysops can reset the messages at any
                                time. Fully compatible with the DOMINION
                                Maintenance Script. Sysops can also easliy
                                edit the messages with an ascii editor. From
                                DOMINION.                       October 1994
hang22b.zip     4382 08-05-2024 
hanoi.zip       5532 08-05-2024 The Towers of Hanoi - CHAOScripts
                                Play one of the most challenging
                                games on the planet! Solve the
                                puzzles, win the glory! Brought to
                                you by who else? CHAOScripts.
                                Download this today sysops!
hookey1b.zip    6571 08-05-2024 HOOKEY1B.ZIP v1.0 Beta
                                This script will catch students (18 or under)
                                playing hookey on school days (Mon-Fri). The
                                code is included for exit changes. By NeXuS.
horsey2.zip     4216 08-05-2024 
immdemoe.zip    8970 08-05-2024 IMMORTAL DEMO v'E'
                                The Immortal by NeXuS is a gruesome fighting
                                game made completely in the VScript language.
                                You are immortal and all of your foes are
                                too, so you just beat the crap out of each
                                other till one of you is knocked out. A
                                favorite here, and version 1.0 WILL be
                                released at the end of January 1994!
jail.zip        2825 08-05-2024 
letemno.zip     2322 08-05-2024 
listbbs.zip     2349 08-05-2024 
loadcd.zip      1762 08-05-2024 
loglot2.v       7680 08-05-2024 
lordst15.zip   41987 08-05-2024     LordStat v1.5 LORD Bulletin Generator  
                                For LORD 3.15+ - Bug fix for deleted players!
                                Makes 11 different bulletins of various LORD
                                attributes.  Player Rankings, Romantic
                                Warriors, Death Knight, Mystical, Theiving
                                Rankings, The Dragon Slayers, Super Warriors,
                                Money Grabbers, a Marrage Listing, Where Are
                                They, and a new IGM listing.  Multi-node
                                compatible!  Renegade, Wildcat! and RA pause
                                code support!  FREEWARE Jason Brown.
lststyle.zip   23662 08-05-2024 
mcicode.zip     1723 08-05-2024 
mem.zip        34001 08-05-2024 
mem2021.zip     4480 08-05-2024 VirtualScript Utility named MEMTYPE/MEMTEST 2
                                has been released morning of 30-June-1994 at
                                2:00 am! You will
                                find some added features in this version of a
                                that I have found quite useful!
                                VirtualScript Utility MEMTYPE/MEMTEST 2.02.1
                                Path Not Found Error, and adds some "luxuries
                                ."  2.02.1
                                released 02-July-1994 17:15 Eastern Time.
                                There are a few requirements to make this
                                run properly.
                                1. Create a Subdirectory under your main VBBS
                                   called USR.  My VBBS runs C:\VBBS\USR\ as
                                the path
                                   for all user membership files.
                                2. The XX.ULO file in the VBBS main directory
                                is one that
                                   provides a log of users who logged on for a
                                given month.
                                   This can be altered to other specifications
                                 and can be
                                   used for and by other utilities.  (Where XX
                                is the number
                                   of the month, 1 through 12, inclusive).
                                3. Set up in daily maintenance a cleanup
                                procedure for the
                                   C:\VBBS\USR\ directory.
                                4. MEM2.V is required. This has been changed
                                in 2.02.1!
                                5. Follow the Vstring instructions, located in
                                the comment
                                   section of MEMTEST.V.  You must have
                                Vstring and Source
                                   Registration in order for this to work
                                There may be something I forgot, and if you
                                can't get it to
                                work, which shouldn't be the case, email me
                                through Vnet,
                                1@1203020 or [VSB]net (same address).
                                Call the Adrenalin Underground Circuit of
                                -1- Adrenalin Underground I    [203] 972-8114 
                                Vnet 1203020
                                        SysOps: Plastikman, CCH
                                -2- Adrenalin Underground Cafe [203] 322-7668 
                                Vnet 1203010
                                        SysOps: CCH, Plastikman
                                HOME OF USALLIANCE NETWORK AND [iRF]
                                SCRIPT/ANSI GROUP!!!!!
mg_help.zip    11213 08-05-2024 3ĴUHELP.V ver 
                                3 AHave your users ever have problems
                                figuring out your 3
                                3 ABBS? Do you answer endless how to
                                questions? Then    3
                                3 Athis script is for you! This script allows
                                users to  3
                                3 Aget help with out asking you. They just
                                use the easy 3
                                3 Ato use menus to get info on anything about
                                your BBS. 3
mg_liner.zip    3198 08-05-2024 03ĴUONELINER.V ver 
                                3 AThis is a great oneliner last words script
                                 Now your 30
                                3 Ausers can leave a oneliner when they
                                logoff or where 30
                                3 Aever you want them to. Plus it now
                                includes a color3   0
                                3 Acoding option.                            
mg_pass1.zip   11781 08-05-2024 PassWord ver 1.00 beta
                                        A simple password program to keep
                                certain people from accessing
                                        areas of your computer. Freeware!
mj_adacc.zip    7928 08-05-2024                
                                               ڿMaJiK ScRiPtS       mj
                                _adacc.zip  ڿĿ
                                               |  FiLe: Mj_adacc.zip  
                                VeRSiOn: 1.oo   |
                                               :    AuTHoR: Sinjin Hawk       
                                               .    DaTe: Oct 20, 1996        
                                                       ڿ     ڿ         ڿ  
                                                  Adult Access Script for VA 
                                               .  ڿ                          
                                        ڿ  .
                                               ٳ     MaJiK ScRiPTs
mj_info1.zip    2333 08-05-2024                
                                               ڿMaJiK ScRiPtS       mj
                                _dmenu.zip  ڿĿ
                                               |  FiLe: Mj_Info1.zip  
                                VeRSiOn: 1.oo   |
                                               :    AuTHoR: Gandolf           
                                               .    DaTe: Nov 18, 1996        
                                                       ڿ     ڿ         ڿ  
                                                 User Information Script.
                                Let's users     
                                               .  Know who they are, Credits
                                and many      .
                                               :  Many more things.....       
                                               .  ڿ                          
                                        ڿ  .
                                               ٳ     MaJiK ScRiPTs
mj_med1a.zip    7253 08-05-2024                ڿMaJiK ScRiPtS       mj
                                _Med1a.zip  ڿĿ
                                               |  FiLe: Mj_Med1a.zip  
                                VeRSiOn: 1.oo   |
                                               :    AuTHoR: Gandolf           
                                               .    DaTe: Nov 6, 1996         
                                                       ڿ     ڿ         ڿ  
                                                Medieval Tagline Generator
                                for  Virtual   
                                               . Advanced Software....        
                                               .  ڿ                          
                                        ڿ  .
                                               ٳ     MaJiK ScRiPTs
mj_med20.zip   11210 08-05-2024                ڿMaJiK ScRiPtS       mj
                                _Med20.zip ڿĿ
                                               |  FiLe: Mj_Med20.zip 
                                VeRSiOn: 2.00   |
                                               :    AuTHoR: Gandolf           
                                               .    DaTe: Mar 15, 1997        
                                                       ڿ     ڿ         ڿ  
                                                Medieval Tagline Generator
                                for  Virtual   
                                               . Advanced Software....Version
                                2.0 has      .
                                               : made it possible for MORE
                                tags            :
                                               .  ڿ                          
                                        ڿ  .
                                               ٳ     MaJiK ScRiPTs
mj_sug1.zip     4987 08-05-2024                
                                               ڿMaJiK ScRiPtS       mj
                                _sug1.zip  ڿĿ
                                               |  FiLe: Mj_Sug1.zip  
                                VeRSiOn: 1.oo    |
                                               :    AuTHoR: Gandolf           
                                               .    DaTe: Mar 30, 1997        
                                                       ڿ     ڿ         ڿ  
                                                    Your users will Love this
                                               . script. Allows them to make
                                suggestions   .
                                               : for your BBS and a special
                                section for    :
                                               . door games. Even leaves you
                                feedback      .
                                               . for both.                    
                                               .  ڿ                          
                                        ڿ  .
                                               ٳ     MaJiK ScRiPTs
mltmenu.zip     2273 08-05-2024 
mlver11.zip     2704 08-05-2024 Internet Email Verifier v1.1
                                This script will take the place of the
                                call-back verifier for users who
                                telnet to the bbs... it sends internet email
                                to users with their
                                verification code.  The next time they call
                                they are asked for the code.
                                If they enter their code correctly, then their
                                access is upgraded.
multimen.zip   25056 08-05-2024 
musiquiz.zip    3095 08-05-2024 
ncallid.zip     3216 08-05-2024 NCALLID Script to pseudo check for callid
                                This script has excellent graphics
                                and will show them that you have
                                callerid on your bbs.
newgames.zip    5411 08-05-2024 
newsflsh.zip    2255 08-05-2024 
newyear.zip     3609 08-05-2024 NEWYEAR.V Count down days until New Year's
niftdl.zip      3607 08-05-2024 
nl20_2dva.zi       0 01-01-1980         Ŀ   NewsList v2.0
                                    Great program
                                            that displays
                                            important files
                                              to users. Fully
                                TECHNOLOGIES Easy to use.
                                       Allows file
nl20_2dva.zip   17850 08-05-2024         Ŀ   NewsList v2.0
                                                          Great program
                                              that displays
                                              important files
                                                to users. Fully
                                TECHNOLOGIES Easy to use.
                                          Allows file
nmaint21.zip   26503 08-05-2024 NEXUS MAINTENANCE SCRIPT v2.1
                                NeXuS Maintenance Script allows the sysop to
                                maintain all of NeXuS's scripts. Allows easy
                                configurablity, clean up the bulletins and it
                                is also the first script to include the
                                HRace Generator! A must for any NeXuS script
noratio.zip     2273 08-05-2024 NORATIO  Nag specific users who have not
                                NORATIO is a short script which checks 
                                for specific users who have uploaded 
                                nothing to the bbs, and asks them to 
                                consider uploading. This script 
                                requires the use of Tom Hightower's 
                                Readuser utility.
num_730.zip    29318 08-05-2024 THE NUMBER GAME v7.3
                                The Number Game by NeXuS is a script written
                                entirely in the VBBS Script language. The
                                Number Game allows users to guess the
                                computer's number, if they do guess it, then
                                the user recieves credits based on which game
                                they played. Try it out...it is my most
                                popular script! Now has multinode support
                                without any bugs!!!
nunotify.zip    1971 08-05-2024 
nwslst20.zip   20851 08-05-2024         Ŀ   NewsList v2.0
                                                          Great program
                                              that displays
                                              important files
                                                to users. Fully
                                TECHNOLOGIES Easy to use.
                                          Allows file
okcalled.zip    2165 08-05-2024 OKCALLED  Add callback verified numbers to the
                                restrict.cvb file
                                This script will add a user's phone 
                                to the RESTRICT.CBV file after
                                callback verfiication is successful.
online21.zip    6192 08-05-2024 O N L I N E   V E R S I O N   2
                                This is a Adopt a door V-Script for your
                                on-line games section..
                                You can put in the registration fee...
                                Has a 5 second unregistered pause to help get
                                users to register a game for
                                your BBS..
                                New Sysop Menu allows you to Add, Modify, and
                                Delete online games.
                                More Error Checking added and more logs...
                                Easily Configured now with a few bug fixes...
                                Version 1 By: gav WorM  Tequila Sunrise 
                                Version 2 By: Joshua      Malbecco BBS    
outs12.zip     95553 08-05-2024       The Outlands Tavern v1.2 LORD IGM
                                For LORD 3.50+ - Minor bug fix, and back to
                                the basics!  A nice little place to visit or
                                perhaps to stay the night! Keeps users
                                (mostly) save and warm during the night, plus
                                they can talk and PARTY!  Uses LORD v3.55
                                BADWORDS.DAT and includes a hard to get in
                                Back Room!  FREEWARE, from the author of
                                LordStat and The L.O.R.D. Cavern.
parse.zip       2335 08-05-2024 PARSE  Script to parse the Last Callers
                                This script separates calls into 
                                human calls and network calls.
pauselnk.zip    2423 08-05-2024 
pcr1.zip        5782 08-05-2024 
ppage.zip       2180 08-05-2024 
pp_2dct124.z       0 01-01-1980 
pp_2dct124.zip  242251 08-05-2024 
pp_2dmm11.zi       0 01-01-1980  Ŀ       Ŀ
                                ij P L A T I N U M :Ĵ
                                 :   Message Managaer    
                                    By: PsYcHo KiLLER    
                                   Scans Mesages        
                                   Searches for messages
                                    to you              
                                 :   \ersion: 1.1     : 
                                :                   ijĴ
pp_2dmm11.zip    9290 08-05-2024  Ŀ       Ŀ
                                 ij P L A T I N U M :Ĵ
                                  :   Message Managaer    
                                     By: PsYcHo KiLLER    
                                    Scans Mesages        
                                    Searches for messages
                                     to you              
                                  :   \ersion: 1.1     : 
                                 :                   ijĴ
pp_2dmn01b.z       0 01-01-1980  Ŀ       Ŀ
                                ij P L A T I N U M :Ĵ
                                 :  MULTi-MENUS vO.1    
                                       By: Spawn         
                                 Lets you have multiple  
                                 menus and users can     
                                 pick the one they want  
                                 to use...               
                                 :  \ersion: O.1     : 
                                :                   ijĴ
pp_2dmn01b.zip    9098 08-05-2024  Ŀ       Ŀ
                                 ij P L A T I N U M :Ĵ
                                  :  MULTi-MENUS vO.1    
                                        By: Spawn         
                                  Lets you have multiple  
                                  menus and users can     
                                  pick the one they want  
                                  to use...               
                                  :  \ersion: O.1     : 
                                 :                   ijĴ
pp_2don10.zi       0 01-01-1980  Ŀ       Ŀ
                                ij P L A T I N U M :Ĵ
                                 : ONE LINER'S SCRIPT    
                                       By: SPAWN         
                                   Fully Customizable    
                                   One Liner for VBBS    
                                   6.12 and up...        
                                     Cool Grafx!         
                                 :  \ersion: 1.o      : 
                                :                   ijĴ
pp_2don10.zip    3638 08-05-2024  Ŀ       Ŀ
                                 ij P L A T I N U M :Ĵ
                                  : ONE LINER'S SCRIPT    
                                        By: SPAWN         
                                    Fully Customizable    
                                    One Liner for VBBS    
                                    6.12 and up...        
                                      Cool Grafx!         
                                  :  \ersion: 1.o      : 
                                 :                   ijĴ
pp_2dpag05.z       0 01-01-1980  PLATiNUM page .o5 6.xx-7.oo compat,loaded!!
                                Ŀ       Ŀ
                                ij P L A T I N U M :Ĵ
                                 : Platinum Page v.o5   
                                    By: Palmore          
                                  Great Colors           
                                  Great Graphx           
                                  Configurable Epage Pass
                                  SysOp Config Util      
                                  Scroll Lock Toggler    
                                   7.oo/6.xx Compat!     
                                 :  \ersion: .o5     : 
                                :                   ijĴ
pp_2dpag05.zip   26404 08-05-2024  PLATiNUM page .o5 6.xx-7.oo compat,loaded!!
                                 Ŀ       Ŀ
                                 ij P L A T I N U M :Ĵ
                                  : Platinum Page v.o5   
                                     By: Palmore          
                                   Great Colors           
                                   Great Graphx           
                                   Configurable Epage Pass
                                   SysOp Config Util      
                                   Scroll Lock Toggler    
                                    7.oo/6.xx Compat!     
                                  :  \ersion: .o5     : 
                                 :                   ijĴ
pp_2dpv10.zi       0 01-01-1980 PP PsYcHoViEW ARCHiVE v1.0 by PsYcHo KiLLER
                                Ŀ       Ŀ
                                ij P L A T I N U M :Ĵ
                                 :  PsYcHoViEW ARCHiVE   
                                    By: PsYcHo KiLLER    
                                   Accessable from      
                                   [D]ownload or [V]iew 
                                    any file in any      
                                 :   \ersion: 1.0     : 
                                :                   ijĴ
pp_2dpv10.zip    8805 08-05-2024 PP PsYcHoViEW ARCHiVE v1.0 by PsYcHo KiLLER
                                 Ŀ       Ŀ
                                 ij P L A T I N U M :Ĵ
                                  :  PsYcHoViEW ARCHiVE   
                                     By: PsYcHo KiLLER    
                                    Accessable from      
                                    [D]ownload or [V]iew 
                                     any file in any      
                                  :   \ersion: 1.0     : 
                                 :                   ijĴ
pp_2drm10.zi       0 01-01-1980  Ŀ       Ŀ
                                ij P L A T i N U M :Ĵ
                                 :    VBBS Rumours       
                                       By: Spawn         
                                   cool rumours script! 
                                   menu to see rumours! 
                                   make anonymous!      
                                 :  \ersion: 1.o      : 
                                :                   ijĴ
pp_2drm10.zip    6104 08-05-2024  Ŀ       Ŀ
                                 ij P L A T i N U M :Ĵ
                                  :    VBBS Rumours       
                                        By: Spawn         
                                    cool rumours script! 
                                    menu to see rumours! 
                                    make anonymous!      
                                  :  \ersion: 1.o      : 
                                 :                   ijĴ
pp_2dtc10.zi       0 01-01-1980  Ŀ       Ŀ
                                ij P L A T I N U M :Ĵ
                                 : Todays Callers List   
                                       By: Vyren         
                                   Fairly simple VBBS    
                                 VScript...  After each  
                                  caller, the caller is  
                                   added to the list!    
                                 :    \ersion: 1.o    : 
                                :                   ijĴ
pp_2dtc10.zip    5044 08-05-2024  Ŀ       Ŀ
                                 ij P L A T I N U M :Ĵ
                                  : Todays Callers List   
                                        By: Vyren         
                                    Fairly simple VBBS    
                                  VScript...  After each  
                                   caller, the caller is  
                                    added to the list!    
                                  :    \ersion: 1.o    : 
                                 :                   ijĴ
pp_2dvqs10.z       0 01-01-1980  Ŀ       Ŀ
                                ij P L A T I N U M :Ĵ
                                 :     PP-VQS10          
                                    By: Space Ghost      
                                  Makes Selecting Your   
                                  qscan Subs A Breeze    
                                  An Actual Door Using   
                                 :  \ersion: 1.o      : 
                                :                   ijĴ
pp_2dvqs10.zip   15144 08-05-2024  Ŀ       Ŀ
                                 ij P L A T I N U M :Ĵ
                                  :     PP-VQS10          
                                     By: Space Ghost      
                                   Makes Selecting Your   
                                   qscan Subs A Breeze    
                                   An Actual Door Using   
                                  :  \ersion: 1.o      : 
                                 :                   ijĴ
profile2.zip    6682 08-05-2024 Suplemental User Profile Script (C) written by
                                Robin Daniels and Gerald White.
                                This script will let a user answer certain
                                personal questions about
                                themselves, and their answers will be posted
                                in a configurable message area.
                                Revised edition created on November 10, 1994 -
                                Profile 1.2
qlogme.zip      3500 08-05-2024 
qscanmsg.zip    2093 08-05-2024 QSCANMOD VBBS 6.1 Source Modification
                                - modification to the message-reading 
                                  command menu that will allow a user 
                                  to select/de-select a message base 
                                  while reading it (similar to the 
                                  "B"pass command)...                         
                                -Written by Neuromancer 1@1601009
quickdl1.zip    4858 08-05-2024 
quote22.zip     3830 08-05-2024 ---------------------------
                                Vortex Quote v2.2 By Agave Worm
                                Tequila Sunrise (701)281-8037
                                Vortex Quote surrounds quoted
                                text (E-mail or Posts) with a
                                SYSOP defined box. Up to 9 boxes
                                can be made for the user to choose
                                from.  Also the SYSOP can make up
                                to 9 header phrases for the box for
                                users to choose from. And the users
                                can choose there own color for the
                                VSTRING is needed for this script.
                                GREAT SCRIPT!!!
quoteday.zip    2392 08-05-2024 
quotes11.zip    9299 08-05-2024 This is a VBBS Script that will add a
                                Tagline/Quote to the bottom of a user's
                                E-Mails and posts (if he/she wants it to,
                                obviously).  It's 100% user-
                                configurable... try it out!
razlst4.zip     4498 08-05-2024 - ------  6RazLIST 1.4 beta - -------
                                2This is absolutely the coolest file
                                lister to ever come about!  It will
                                allow PcBoard-like file Tagging,
                                plus other awesome Features.  One 
                                of the Best RAZprogs Ever!!!
                                Has it's own config file now and more
                                features on the way.  Doesn't use VBBS
                                routines anymore.  Whew!
                                From: Razors Edge (402)553-1168
                                - --------------------------------
request.v       2008 08-05-2024 
rndmsg1.zip     3837 08-05-2024 
rumor1.zip      2664 08-05-2024 
savail.zip      3095 08-05-2024 
savebar.zip     2898 08-05-2024 FX-Savebar  Arrow driven savebar for the Full
                                Screen Editor
                                This script called from a string
                                spiffs up the options screen in
                                VBBS' full screen editor by allowing
                                use of the arrow keys to make
sb060594.zip   29620 08-05-2024 SBFS-Silly Boy's Famous Scripts FROM 01-03-94
                                TO 06-05-94 for VBBS 
                                Reginald Kinnaman    
                                MainStreet VBBS
                                503-830-3295 and 503-826-8799  BOTH ZOOM 24K
                                        1 @ 1503005 VirtualNET
                                Silly Boy has been writing scripts for VBBS
                                for over 2 years
                                as a FREE service to those who run a VBBS
                                board.  The accomplishments 
                                over the last two years have been mind
                                boggling... with such
                                releases as 
                                SBMODPUL.V - a script that will (with the help
                                of a small
                                external util) read the Name from inside of an
                                AMIGA MOD FILE, ZIP the
                                module, then upload and show the real name in
                                the description;
                                CHEAP THRILLS - a Interactive Ansi Keypad that
                                allows keypresses to be
                                seen as a caller presses them, thus commanding
                                various menu actions;
                                CELLULAR MAIL - a Interactive Ansi Keypad
                                designed to look like a cellular
                                phone, as you press the numbers, they appear
                                in the readout as digital
                                characters, and thus a email address for local
                                This ZIPPING Includes:
                                  SBVALID.10V  Silly Boys Validation
                                Questionaire with VirtualNET and WWIVnet
                                               AuTO Validations
                                  SB-TEEN.V    Toggles all accounts between
                                set ages for access to message
                                  SBLOGENH.V   Log Enhancement that adds the
                                users phone number and real name
                                               for a quick reference for the
                                sysop who is troubleshooting.
                                  SB-BULK. V
                                  SBBYEBYE.V   Two Scripts that allow a sysop
                                to run a Donation BBS that 
                                               gives a user a set BULK amount
                                of time for a trial period
                                               and also per donation.  I look
                                for these to become very 
                                               popular amount the vbbs world
                                like SBVALID and CHEAPTHRILLS
                                               have done.
                                  SBVALMAK.V   Calendar Maker, Lets the sysop
                                assemble the months calendar
                                               of events for his/her users to
                                view and know when the bbs
                                               will be down, or changes will
                                  SBGIFTSH.ZIP Silly Boys Gift Shop & Deli,
                                Multi-line fun of throwing FOOD
                                               to users on other nodes, or
                                doing various actions. includes
                                               the ability for your users to
                                add more actions to a seperate
                                               file, and allows the sysop to
                                validate them with ease.
                                  SBCD-RAW.V   Gives a RAW file format of a
                                CD-ROM that doesnt have a simple
                                               way to use it online.  very
                                flexible and NOT FOR THE NOVICE
                                               SYSOP!  requires alot of
                                editing and testing to fit the 
                                               advanced sysops needs.
                                I Hope you enjoy this package and it helps
                                make VBBS an even better BBS 
                                system to use.
sbinform.zip    3298 08-05-2024 
sbpager.zip     2491 08-05-2024 SBPAGER  Sound Blaster Page Script for OS/2 or
                                This script shows how to interface
                                the Soundblaster sound board to page
                                the sysop.
sbv82293.zip  365227 08-05-2024 
sb_2dtcon1.z       0 01-01-1980 
sb_2dtcon1.zip    2883 08-05-2024 
sconv6_7e1.z       0 01-01-1980 Version 1.1!
                                SCONV.EXE will convert VBBS 6.12 .S files to
                                VBBS 6.14 .S files.  You
                                have the option for the program to import your
                                old STORM.TXT, NETONLY
                                TOOSLOW.TXT and LEAVEFB.TXT into the string
                                file.  Once you run this
                                all you have to do is edit the string (if you
                                want to), then compile it
                                the NEW Vstring.EXE.
                                The old .S file will be named .OLD.  The added
                                strings will be EXACTLY
                                same as the ones that are in the standard 6.14
                                DEFAULT.S (except one
                                there was a typo in the 6.14 DEFAULT.S, this
                                program will not add that
                                If you choose to import the .TXT files, they
                                need to be in your
                                directory, and the text in that file will be
                                imported into the
                                places in the .S file.
sconv6_7e1.zip   39948 08-05-2024 Version 1.1!
                                SCONV.EXE will convert VBBS 6.12 .S files to
                                VBBS 6.14 .S files.  You also
                                have the option for the program to import your
                                old STORM.TXT, NETONLY.TXT,
                                TOOSLOW.TXT and LEAVEFB.TXT into the string
                                file.  Once you run this program,
                                all you have to do is edit the string (if you
                                want to), then compile it with
                                the NEW Vstring.EXE.
                                The old .S file will be named .OLD.  The added
                                strings will be EXACTLY the
                                same as the ones that are in the standard 6.14
                                DEFAULT.S (except one string,
                                there was a typo in the 6.14 DEFAULT.S, this
                                program will not add that typo).
                                If you choose to import the .TXT files, they
                                need to be in your VBBS\TXT
                                directory, and the text in that file will be
                                imported into the apropriate
                                places in the .S file.
secmal16.zip   46450 08-05-2024 SecureMail - CHAOScripts
                                The only e-mail program designed for VADV
                                that offers encryption and security.
                                Sysops: Download this now!
send12.zip     16493 08-05-2024 VBBS/VADV Send-A-Message v1.2:
                                This is for sending messages to your users
                                without logging into the BBS.
                                Features: configurable colors & SysOp's name,
                                sends messages to node 0,
                                sends messages to all nodes at once... now has
                                who's-on display.
slidlang.zip   23754 08-05-2024 
stats11.zip    33146 08-05-2024 Virtual BBS User Stats v1.1
                                If you have users that usally
                                ask you to change something in
                                their account, either their
                                phone number or address then
                                this is the program for you.
                                The Game Master
                                1@1905001 VirtualNET
strip.zip      32452 08-05-2024 STRIP: The Heart Ripper v1.0 -CHAOScripts
                                Removes all the HEART-CODES from
                                menus and any other file you wish.
st_2dcalls.z       0 01-01-1980 
st_2dcalls.zip    2022 08-05-2024 
techhelp.zip    2953 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                   This script will help you
                                 the VBBS Sysop keep in     
                                 close relationships with   
                                 your users. And help them  
                                 know what to do if an error
                                 should occur on your system
tgalsub.v       4534 08-05-2024 
tgq21.zip      11201 08-05-2024 
tg_2dnag.v      3558 08-05-2024 
thewall.zip     1875 08-05-2024 The Wall - CHAOScripts
                                Yet another writing wall, done
                                in typical CHAOScript style:
                                Always Quality Never Crap.
                                Get it.
timprmpt.zip    3731 08-05-2024 
timpromt.zip    1860 08-05-2024 
timzone.zip     1939 08-05-2024 
tmburn.zip      5186 08-05-2024 
toplotto.zip    2787 08-05-2024 
topten10.zip   30134 08-05-2024 CHAOScripts - Top Ten List Generator
                                Recognizes VADV and VBBS setups!
                                Free! !eerF Free! !eerF
                                Makes NINE different lists!
trans1.zip      5824 08-05-2024 Credit Transfer - CHAOScripts
                                Let your users give their credits
                                away! Download this script now!
trivia.zip      4535 08-05-2024 
trivia20.zip    5928 08-05-2024 
tstats2.zip    19644 08-05-2024 Top User Statistics version 2.0! IMPROVED!
                                This VBBS Utility is written for sysops
                                that run Vbbs's 6.14+. It computes the Top
                                Users, Callers, Posters, Uploaders(#,K),
                                Downloaders(#,K), Credit Holders and Total
                                Time Users.  In the Unregistered version
                                the Bulletin colors are preset, BUT if
                                registered(for a small fee!) the colors
                                are configurable to make the bulletins
                                the bbs's color scheme!  This Utility is
                                to work with an UNLIMITED amount of USERS in
                                Userfile.  January 1st 1995.
twitv.zip       2188 08-05-2024 
ub100.zip       8327 08-05-2024 
ultchat.zip     3784 08-05-2024 
un110.zip      12947 08-05-2024 
unval.zip       3613 08-05-2024 UNVAL   Makes unvalidated users read about bbs
                                 This script will check the users security 
                                level, and if it is a level that you have 
                                set for unvalidated users, it will pause for 
                                an adjustable amount of time. This gives the 
                                caller a chance to view the "unvalidated" 
                                users screen and it then gives the user a 
                                chance to E-Mail the Sysop.
upmenu2.zip     3225 08-05-2024 
                                         Upload Menu             
                                 By Jim Taylor 8-19-94           
                                 Windsor Manor BBS 203-688-4973  
                                 An Upload Menu in Ansi and      
                                 Ascii with the upload FB.       
                                 Included is a Beep.ans          
                                 to use in your *.v files        
                                 to sound a beep to your         
                                 remote caller.....              
uq110.zip       7134 08-05-2024 *****  UnderWare Quoter 1.10  *****
                                The long-awaited update to the
                                famous UnderQuote is finally here!
                                Quote from WITHIN the full screen
                                editor! Now with a new interface.
                                This is also an official entry of
                                Sidekick 2@1508011 to the Vscript
userage.zip    28903 08-05-2024 
uuhndl1.zip     5631 08-05-2024 UUHNDL.V - VBBS INTERNET ALIAS GENERATOR
                                This script automatically creates
                                the HANDLES.UIP file needed to
                                correctly route Internet mail to
                                users on a VBBS board. It allows 
                                users to choose an appropriate
                                alias for use on Internet. 
vacom140.zip   72965 08-05-2024 * VACOM 1.40 VBBS>VA Script Converter *
                                Converts VBBS scripts to the new Virtual
                                Advanced format.  This version is intended
                                for use with VA13 only.  Give it a try!
valpha.zip     16277 08-05-2024 VALPHA and VALPHA2  ver 1.00
                                VALPHA and VALPHA2 (OS/2 version) will
                                alphabetize your file databases.
                                Several options are available including
                                logging of all activities, single database
                                alphabetization, and excluding database
                                groups from alphabetization (good for CD's)
vamatrix.zip    2559 08-05-2024  dl's vamatrix
                                  - frEewaRe -
                                Great working lightbar
                                matrix for VA BBS's
                                FeaR - 3i5.472.5726
vavg1.zip       9955 08-05-2024 CHAOScripts - VAverages v1.0
                                Freeware program that calulates
                                averages of various user stats.
                                Includes script for displaying.
                                Only for VADV/VBBS systems.
vbbslg01.zip    2672 08-05-2024 THE         Ŀ
                                :     R  E  A  L  I  T  Y   :
                                  CREW  ͼ
                                  ANSi   CR's VBBS Logo #1   VGA
vbday101.zip    6885 08-05-2024  [Birthday Verification Script v1.01] 
                                           for VBBS 6.10+
                                Adds a Birthdate verifyer to VBBS. Lots
                                of options, including 3 different 
                                methods of detection, e-mail to user
                                and/or sysop, and special sysop setup
                                utility for Sysop menu.
                                             Written by
                                 Jeremy Tillis  1@1205525 VirtualNet
vcarr203.zip   15893 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 Dennis Murphy's LATEST VBBS Utility! 
                                     V C A R R I E R   2 . 0 3        
                                 Stop those carrier droppers! Scans   
                                 the BBS LogFile and detects carrier  
                                 droppers.. Sends 'em a message!! :)  
                                            ... For VBBS ONLY (now).  
                                 $5 to Register!      $5 to Register! 
vfree101.zip   18072 08-05-2024 VFREE v1.01 - FREEDL.TXT generator for VBBS.
                                VFREE automates the process of maintaining a
                                FREEDL.TXT files.   This is extremely useful
                                in situations where  you have large  numbers
                                of files  that should  be available for free
                                download,  but also  have  a large number of
                                files that you wish to "charge" for.       
                                Freeware. Copyright (c) 1994 Richard Glidden
vidmode.zip     2115 08-05-2024 VIDMODE.V Prompt user to choose his video
vlist241.zip   21835 08-05-2024 VLIST-][ v4.10 - A Free-Scrolling  LIST clone
                                that  fully  supports all  VBBS Heart  Codes.
                                Features  include  a  Forward/Reverse  Search
                                Function,   Tab   Character  Expansion,  Free
                                Motion  Scrolling and  Online  Help.  Version
                                4.10  solves  File Sharing conflicts, reduces
                                memory  requirements,  and  further  enhances
                                performance speed.                          
                                Freeware. Copyright (c) 1994 Richard Glidden
vorigin.zip    33256 08-05-2024 VOrigin
                                VOrigin Allows you to change
                                the *Origin: Line in VFIDO!
                                Source Code Included!
                                VOrigin is Copyright (C) 1994 
                                By Intertech Software
vpcalc10.zip    7050 08-05-2024 VPCALC.V  Freeware Online Calculator
                                           "We Don't Make VBBS...  
                                     We Just Make It Better!"
                                    Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ           
                                               Industries (c)VPI 1995 
                                 FREEWARE Vscript by KoZmiK KaTman!
                                 Provides Five Basic Math Functions Online
                                 Designed for use with VBBS v7.00
vpcidmod.zip    4044 08-05-2024 VPI_CID.MOD  Displays Caller ID on WFC!
                                           "We Don't Make VBBS...  
                                     We Just Make It Better!"
                                    Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ           
                                               Industries (c)VPI 1995 
                                 FREEWARE Source Code Modification!
                                 Dispays Caller ID to your WFC
                                 Designed for use with VBBS v7.00
vpconx21.zip   11120 08-05-2024 ͸
                                           "We Don't Make VBBS...  
                                     We Just Make It Better!"
                                    Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ           
                                               Industries (c)VPI 1994 
                                 VCONNEX2 v2.1 VBBS Callers Listing Utility
                                 Replaces VBBS "Today's Calls" Lister
                                 Supports RIP, ANSI, and ASCII Video Modes
                                 List By Users, Nets, Search String, More
                                 Built-in Configuration Program
                                 Written in VScript for VBBS Compatibility
                                 Designed for use with VBBS v6.14
vpconx24.zip   12006 08-05-2024 VCONNEX2 v2.4  Callers Listing Utility
                                           "We Don't Make VBBS...  
                                     We Just Make It Better!"
                                    Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ           
                                               Industries (c)VPI 1994 
                                 Replaces VBBS "Today's Calls" Lister
                                 Supports RIP, ANSI, and ASCII Video Modes
                                 List By Users, Nets, Search String, More
                                 Built-in Configuration Program
                                 Written in VScript for VBBS Compatibility
                                 Designed for use with VBBS v6.xx or v7.xx
vpcs109b.zip   65711 08-05-2024 
vpdate10.zip   17269 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 VPDate v1.0 V-Pro Date/Time Interrogator 
                                 This program allows you to interrogate   
                                 your system to get time/day/week/month   
                                 and more! Statistics are returned in     
                                 text readable form and in the form of an 
                                 ERRORLEVEL so that you can run batch     
                                 files along with it!           FREEWARE! 
vpiavail.zip    4213 08-05-2024  VPIAVAIL.MOD  Scroll Lock pager key!
                                           "We Don't Make VBBS...  
                                     We Just Make It Better!"
                                    Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ           
                                               Industries (c)VPI 1994 
                                 FREEWARE Source Code Modification!
                                 Toggle Sysop Pager without WFC "A" Key
                                 Observe Pager Status without WFC
                                 Designed for use with VBBS v7.00
vpi_ansi.zip    7052 08-05-2024 ͸
                                           "We Don't Make VBBS...  
                                     We Just Make It Better!"
                                    Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ           
                                               Industries (c)VPI 1994 
                                VPI_ANSI - VScript Auto-ANSi/RIP Detection
                                 Kickoff 1995 Script Contest Entry
                                 Auto Senses & Sets All User Video Modes
                                 Requires VStrings Modification
                                 Optionally Gives Animated Login Prompts
vprge102.zip   24839 08-05-2024 
                                [VPI] VPurge v1.02 Automatic VBBS User Purger
                                VPurge is  an automatic user purger for VBBS,
                                which will allow you to  purge users based on
                                various aspects of the user record including,
                                but not  limited to,  date  since  last call,
                                PCR, File Ratio,  total KB uploaded, total KB
                                downloaded, and more!                       
                                Freeware. Copyright 1994/95,  Richard Glidden
vpwfcmod.zip    4388 08-05-2024 VPI_WFC.MOD Source Mod for nicer looking WFC
                                           "We Don't Make VBBS...  
                                     We Just Make It Better!"
                                    Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ           
                                               Industries (c)VPI 1994 
                                 FREE Source Code Modification
                                 Improves the appearance of VBBS 7.0 WFC
                                 Step by step instructions included
                                 Designed for use with VBBS v7.00
vrc0963c.zip    5148 08-05-2024 VRC 0.963c - 9-19-1994
                                by CtG 1@1615004 Vnet
                                ctg@wiw.org Internet
                                VRC is a Teleconference
                                replacement written in
                                vscript and modeled after
                                the Internet's IRC.
                                This script is still under
vscx.zip      126454 08-05-2024 
vsdoor1.zip    14854 08-05-2024 CHAOScripts - Virtual Door Switcher v1.0
                                Randomizes the order of your doors!
                                Keep your users on their toes, virtually
                                force them to play other games!
                                Another wonderful CHAOScript!
vuser12.zip    11908 08-05-2024 Old user deleter! - By HScripts
                                Recognizes VADV and VBBS setups!
                                Free! !eerF Free! !eerF
vvedit2.zip     2358 08-05-2024 
vxaap20b.zip    4768 08-05-2024         Alternative Autoposter v2.0    
                                        Multiple Windows            
                                        Compatible with Old A-posts 
                                        New Word Wrapping Feature   
                                    ۲      Source V Included         ۲   
vxsbpage.zip    4086 08-05-2024 Ŀ    Ŀ                              
                                  Ŀ    Ŀ
                                            Scripts & On-Line Games   
                                       Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ
                                        Ŀ   Ŀ  Ŀ  
                                   VorteX SoundBlaster Talking Pager v1.0 
                                Emergency Password
                                Small and Easy to Edit
                                Fun for Sysops With a SoundBlaster
                                Very Configurable
                                Another Great VorteX Vscript...
                                By: Joshua of Falken`s Maze #1@1 VorNET
vx_2dlst31.z       0 01-01-1980 Ŀ    Ŀ                              
                                  Ŀ    Ŀ
                                           Scripts & On-Line Games    
                                     Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ
                                     Ŀ   Ŀ  Ŀ    
                                3.1                     Ŀ
                                 Multi-Windowed BBS Lister  V3.1
                                Sysop-Friendly Menus and Support
                                More Sysop Options
                                Very Configurable
                                Great ANSI Color Schemes
                                Easy to Setup and Use
                                New Great User Support
                                Users can Add, Verify, and Delete their BBS's
                                New User Modify BBS added
                                Tons of Error Checking added with version 2.0
                                Even More with Version 3.0!
                                NEW SCROLL BAR MENU OPTIONS!!
                                Version 3.1 Local Scrollbar Bug Fix
                                The ULTIMATE BBS LISTER FOR VBBS!!
                                Over 40 Hours Work went into this Vscript!
                                T R Y  I T ! ! !
                                By: Joshua of Falken`s Maze #1@1 VorNET
vx_2dlst31.zip   16534 08-05-2024 Ŀ    Ŀ                              
                                  Ŀ    Ŀ
                                            Scripts & On-Line Games   
                                       Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ
                                        Ŀ   Ŀ  Ŀ  
                                3.1                     Ŀ
                                   Multi-Windowed BBS Lister  V3.1
                                Sysop-Friendly Menus and Support
                                More Sysop Options
                                Very Configurable
                                Great ANSI Color Schemes
                                Easy to Setup and Use
                                New Great User Support
                                Users can Add, Verify, and Delete their BBS's
                                New User Modify BBS added
                                Tons of Error Checking added with version 2.0
                                Even More with Version 3.0!
                                NEW SCROLL BAR MENU OPTIONS!!
                                Version 3.1 Local Scrollbar Bug Fix
                                The ULTIMATE BBS LISTER FOR VBBS!!
                                Over 40 Hours Work went into this Vscript!
                                T R Y  I T ! ! !
                                By: Joshua of Falken`s Maze #1@1 VorNET
vx_2dpagea.z       0 01-01-1980  VorteX Pager 1.0 
                                SysOp pager Vscript for VBBS
                                SysOp script controlling many things,
                                like choosing which paging screen you'd
                                like users to see when they page you,
                                a personalized message stating why
                                you may not be available, and more..
                                Options enabling or disabling some
                                options including allowing a user to
                                leave a reason for chat, or to enable/
                                disable your personalized reason
                                that you are unavailable
                                Programmed By: J. Hjelmstad
                                Host Board#:  (701)293-0207
vx_2dpagea.zip    8662 08-05-2024  VorteX Pager 1.0 
                                     SysOp pager Vscript for VBBS
                                  SysOp script controlling many things,
                                 like choosing which paging screen you'd
                                  like users to see when they page you,
                                   a personalized message stating why
                                  you may not be available, and more..
                                   Options enabling or disabling some
                                  options including allowing a user to
                                 leave a reason for chat, or to enable/
                                    disable your personalized reason
                                        that you are unavailable
                                Programmed By: J. Hjelmstad
                                Host Board#:  (701)293-0207
v_2dbday1.zi       0 01-01-1980 Birthday List Generator
                                Recognizes VADV and VBBS setups!
                                Free! !eerF Free! !eerF
v_2dbday1.zip   11322 08-05-2024 Birthday List Generator
                                Recognizes VADV and VBBS setups!
                                Free! !eerF Free! !eerF
weekcall.zip    3156 08-05-2024 
who20.zip       4995 08-05-2024 
wrongpw.zip     2353 08-05-2024 
wrong_23.zip   32657 08-05-2024 WRONG V1.0 FOR VBBS & VA
                                If you get users who logon using false
                                phone numbers and you only allow users
                                who have used the CBV to use your BBS
                                then this is for you.  This program
                                will let users input their proper # so
                                they don't have to bug you to do it.
                                By: Andrew McKinnon from Canada
_21cybchat.z       0 01-01-1980 ---   VBBS VScript: Cyber-Chat  --Ŀ
                                                 By RaZoR                  
                                        CR A Cyber Reality Realease      
                                       Configurable Chat script with       
                                   scroll bar, emergency chat, security!   
                                          BUGFIX AND ADDED FEATURES        
                                ---  Version  1.1  --
_21cybchat.zip    8222 08-05-2024 ---   VBBS VScript: Cyber-Chat  --Ŀ
                                                 By RaZoR                  
                                        CR A Cyber Reality Realease      
                                       Configurable Chat script with       
                                   scroll bar, emergency chat, security!   
                                          BUGFIX AND ADDED FEATURES        
                                ---  Version  1.1  --
_231haunt.zi       0 01-01-1980 
_231haunt.zip   20893 08-05-2024 

               Area 124 - Voting Booth Doors              

avb26.zip     115737 08-05-2024 ANSI Voting Booth Door v2.6 - for all BBS
                                types! Supports COM1-15, DESQview aware,
                                non-standard IRQ's, colorful ANSI screens.
                                This is great for online competition
                                between your users on their favorite ANSI
                                screens. Keeps a tally of votes for each
                                screen, etc... Also has support for
                                fossil drivers T&J Software!
chp_21svd1.z       0 01-01-1980 
                                     Scoop Vote-Door     
                                    And a Couple MORE!   
chp_21svd1.zip   54919 08-05-2024 
                                     Scoop Vote-Door     
                                    And a Couple MORE!   
cvote1b3.zip   67590 08-05-2024      
                                     CyberVote v1.0b3       
                                 Super Vote-Door fuer RA    
                                 - Komplett deutsch         
                                 - Lightbar-Steuerung       
                                 - inkl. Fragen - Editor    
                                 - mit Antwort-Zwang-Mode   
                                 * Balken-Statistik         
                                 * Loesch-Moegl. der Fragen 
                                 * Bugfixes                 
                                 - SHAREWARE > 20,-DM -   
                                  (C) 1995 by CyberProd     
                                Ole Schley
cvte1b22.zip   64004 08-05-2024       
                                    CyberVote v1.0b2.2    
                                 Super Vote-Door fuer RA  
                                 - Komplett deutsch       
                                 - Lightbar-Steuerung     
                                 - inkl. Fragen - Editor  
                                 - mit Antwort-Zwang-Mode 
                                       * Bugfixes *       
                                * ML-Unterstuetzung verb.*
                                    * Komplette Doku *    
                                 - SHAREWARE > 20,-DM - 
                                  (C) 1995 by CyberProd   
                                Ole Schley
dctvd040.zip  126093 08-05-2024 DCT Voting Door v0.40 Deluxe voting door for
                                any BBS which supports the DORINFO1.DEF or
                                DOOR.SYS drop file. Features include:
                                Optional user censoring, auto-deletion of old
                                booths & inactive users, problem user lock
                                out, the lightbar selector, amazingly FAST &
                                EASY setup, bar graphs/percentages when
                                displaying results, AutoVote, language
                                support, plus much more!
dvb320.zip     88185 08-05-2024 Dream Voting Booth v3.20- The most
                                full-featured voting door available...
                                Supports the standard Door.sys dropfile -
                                MultiNode Systems - SysOp Editor - Very SysOp
dvbsp320.zip   88410 08-05-2024 Dream Voting Booth v3.20 (Spanish) - The most
                                full-featured voting door available...
                                Supports the standard Door.sys dropfile
                                MultiNode Systems - SysOp Editor - Very SysOp
dvote200.zip   53980 08-05-2024  DoorVote Ŀ
                                 version 2.00  by SaltySoft 
                                  When a user exits a door, this program
                                  asks how s/he liked it. The user
                                  selects an answer from a list of
                                  choices. A vote tabulation bulletin and
                                  a voting log bulletin is generated,
                                  showing how well users like the door!
dvote_15.zip  190477 08-05-2024        
                                 ۲  S    O    F    T   '95
                                 DeltaVOTE 1.5                        
                                   Easy-to-use votedoor program for
                                    SBBS/Concord/RA & Compatibles
                                   No configuration needed, just
                                    put in your menu
                                New from 1.1:
                                   Better result-display
                                   Better outlook
                                   Fixed some bugs
                                   SysOp keys & Statusbar
                                Call to our support-BBSĿ
                                The Blue Express  +358-0-888 287124h
eday301.zip    89229 08-05-2024 ELECTION DAY! 3.01 (DOS) from Jimmy Rose
                                Popular style Voting Booth door for all BBS
                                systems. Supports user created questions and
                                responses. Shows author of question along
                                with regular voting statistics. Extremely
                                configurable, with Sysop editor included.
                                Easy setup with colorful displays. Multi
                                node & nonstandard comport support.
                                New 1999 Version! * Atlantis Software
edayw301.zip  168124 08-05-2024 ELECTION DAY! 3.01 32Bit Windows version!
                                Popular style Voting Booth door for all BBS
                                systems. Supports user created questions and
                                responses. Shows author of question along
                                with regular voting statistics. Extremely
                                configurable, with Sysop editor included.
                                Easy setup with colorful displays. Multi
                                node & nonstandard comport support.
                                Brand New 1999 Version! * Atlantis Software
evote130.zip   39283 08-05-2024     ______________
                                  % \   ____   | _/ %
                                 %% /  ____|   |  \ %%
                                  _/       |   |   \_
                                 _\____    |    ____/_
                                |      \___:___/      :
                                :     evote v1.30     |
                                .       by garf       :
                                Electronic Voting Booth
                                :                     .
                                   very configurable
                                 external voting booth
                                 has multinode support
                                 requires: door.sys or
ezvote61.zip   96861 08-05-2024 EZVote 6.1 Advanced Online BBS Voting Door.
                                EZVote allows users to create questions for
                                others to vote on, and is very flexible.
                                The EZVote Voting Door allows up to 400
                                questions to be created and voted on. EZVote
                                can be configured to allow changing answers
                                after voting, to force users to vote on new
                                questions, and many more options. Questions
                                can allow voting on multiple options, and
                                users can add new options to some questions.
fastvote.zip  173641 08-05-2024 *FastVote* v3.30 -- NEW! Updates include
                                better multi-tasking support and more!
                                Great Voting System for almost ANY BBS
                                System. Includes internal BBS support,
                                full communications routines, multi-node
                                support, attractive ANSI graphed results,
                                and access-level security. Allows users
                                to create, edit and delete booths, add
                                choices, change votes, and much more.
                                EASY SETUP!
fvb20.zip      99616 08-05-2024 FVB v2.0 - External Voting Booth  (08/31/96)
                                This software is a voting booth that can
                                be executed as a door, as a logon event or
                                internally to replace the stock one. Nice
                                graphical interface, easy to use. To use
                                with the WWIV Bulletin Board System.
                                (C) 1994-1996 by French Mod Division Software
fvote350.zip  158911 08-05-2024 *FastVote* v3.50 -- NEW! (4/94)
                                Great Voting System for almost ANY BBS!
                                Updates include DigiBoard support,
                                non-standard IRQs, Mandatory Voting,
                                no-results-until you vote, and more!
                                Includes internal BBS support, full
                                communications routines, multi-node
                                support, attractive ANSI graphed results,
                                and access-level security. Allows users
                                to create, edit and delete booths, add
                                choices, change votes, and much more.
                                EASY SETUP!
fvote_31.zip   96533 08-05-2024 FrEevOtE FREEWARE voting door v3.1
                                Up to 400 polls and LOTSA features
                                like  users add questions,  forced
                                voting  on new,  up to  15 answers
                                per question, answers can be added
                                can  delete old questions!  Allows
                                user  to  choose   more  than  one
                                answer  if  the  question  creator
                                allows   it.    Anonymous posting!
                                Made  to  compare  and  beat other
                                Voting  doors you had  to pay for!
                                Very Configurable! Sysop Friendly!
                                Now  with  SYSOP QUESTION  EDITOR!
                                BUG  FIXED  IN  ADDING  ANSWERS!!!
                                Hard   to   believe   it's   FREE!
ivb100.zip    169770 08-05-2024 InterLink Voting Booth v1.0.0 - InterBBS
                                Voting at it's finest! Very SysOp configurable
                                 up to 32000 booths per league. Supports most
                                BBS formats.
kpv31r2.zip   106580 08-05-2024 
nwbth128.zip   65181 08-05-2024 NewBooth 1.28 - Companion Program For
                                Use With Voter Plus Versions 1.93 And
                                Greater.  Run as a Login Door, Will 
                                Notify The Caller If A New Voting Booth 
                                Has Been Added Since Their Last Call. 
                                Optionally, The Caller May Go Directly
                                To The Voter Plus Door.  FREEWARE!    
                                From The Author Of Voter Plus.       
opn_314.zip    80870 08-05-2024 
pbv_210.zip   165020 08-05-2024 
poll110.zip   146083 08-05-2024         The Polling Place 1.10
                                The Best Voting Booth for Remote Access.
                                Many new update from version 1.03. The 
                                Voting Booth with more features than any other
provb100.zip   67162 08-05-2024 
rpe_312.zip    63150 08-05-2024 
rvb_10.zip    188179 08-05-2024 RIP Voting Booth Door! v1.0 -- Users vote
                                for their favorite RIP graphic screens!
                                Supports COM0-15, DESQview and Network
                                ready, fossil drivers, easy setup and
                                configuration via the RIPUTIL program!
                                Will run on ANY BBS that supports Doors!
                                End users must use a RIP compatible com
                                program. From T&J Software!
survey10.zip  159520 08-05-2024 SURVEY  -     Door Utility      v1.0        .
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                Take SURVEYS or VOTE on issues. Allows for up
                                to 10 Surveys, up to 25 questions per Survey,
                                up to 10 choices per question, & up to 10
                                lines of user FREE-FORM text comments. Sysop 
                                sets the length of time Survey is to be 
                                active. Will show number of responses for 
                                each question choice as well as the 
                                percentage of total vote count per question. 
svy3012.zip    39180 08-05-2024 
thepolls.zip   82178 08-05-2024 [ The Polls ]Ŀ
                                 The Polls is a simple and effecient 
                                 voting booth with superb ANSI       
                                 graphics.  Virtually unlimited      
                                 number of polls can be set up!      
                                 Easy to setup and maintain!  FREE   
                                 lietime updates and upgrades!       
                                 Supports DOOR.SYS/DORINFOx.DEF drop 
                                 files.  ShareWare $15(U.S.)         
tpsv099a.zip  100911 08-05-2024 The Polling Station Voting Door 0.99a
turbop4b.zip   82386 08-05-2024 
tv110a.zip     99351 08-05-2024 ޳    TurboVOTE Version 1.10a    ޳
                                 Mikerosoft Productions' online voting 
                                 door is here!  For RemoteAccess & all 
                                 other DOOR.SYS / DORINFO1.DEF compat- 
                                 ibles.  Features include support  for 
                                 an UNLIMITED number of  booths,  over 
                                 60 items per booth,  bar graphs, per- 
                                 centages, color codes (for the  user, 
                                 too!), multitasker compatibility (for 
                                 OS2/Win/DV/DblDOS/NW), the  profanity 
                                 filter, and TONNES of other options!  
vbooth.zip     34401 08-05-2024 Voting Booth (C)1994 Jean Gaudreau
                                The door was compiled using RMDoor
                                by Randy Hunt and Mark Goodwin.
vbox201f.zip   38819 08-05-2024 ** VOTEBOX Version 2.01 FREEWARE! **
                                Can have to 10,000 topics to vote on
                                Has command line options to  display 
                                number of unanswered booths. Can set
                                security needed  to  create a booth.
                                A renumber booth command also added. 
                                Now also shows results graphically!!
                                No longer requires a fossil driver!!
                                Sets up in seconds and looks great!!
vote.zip       54897 08-05-2024  * * * Another Damn Voting Door * * * 
                                Works on most major BBS types, easy to
                                set up and use.  Very versatile, your
                                users will have a blast.  Seriously.
                                RIP,ANSI,ASCII, lotsa neat options!
                                Freeware from No Quarter!!!  Yahoo!
vote100.zip    54174 08-05-2024  * * * Another Damn Voting Door * * * 
                                Works on most major BBS types, easy to
                                set up and use.  Very versatile, your
                                users will have a blast.  Seriously.
                                RIP,ANSI,ASCII, lotsa neat options!
                                Freeware from No Quarter!!!  Yahoo!
vote11.zip     76893 08-05-2024 
vote1_28c_29       0 01-01-1980  The Voting Works 1.0C  
                                The Premier Voting Booth Door 
                                Supports :
                                Wildcat! version 2.x, 3.x and 4.x
                                PCBoard  version 12 and 14.x or above
                                PCBoard  verion 15.x
                                GAP      any version
                                RBBS     any version
                                QBBS     any version
                                WWIV     version 2.x or above
                                Ultra    systems
                                SpitFire systems
                                Auntie   systems
                                Tri-BBS  systems
                                This Voting Works door is the best
                                available and cost ONLY $5.00 to
vote1_28c_29.zip  117071 08-05-2024  The Voting Works 1.0C  
                                The Premier Voting Booth Door 
                                Supports :
                                Wildcat! version 2.x, 3.x and 4.x
                                PCBoard  version 12 and 14.x or above
                                PCBoard  verion 15.x
                                GAP      any version
                                RBBS     any version
                                QBBS     any version
                                WWIV     version 2.x or above
                                Ultra    systems
                                SpitFire systems
                                Auntie   systems
                                Tri-BBS  systems
                                This Voting Works door is the best
                                available and cost ONLY $5.00 to
vote2.zip      49006 08-05-2024 eware Voting Booth v2.0
                                A voting booth door  for
                                ANY BBS Software!
                                Includes both DOS and OS/2
vote300.zip    33093 08-05-2024     Voter++ v3.0 - User Voting [PPE]
                                       *Many New Options For You!*
                                 A full featured Voting door for your PCB
                                 15.1 (or better) system.  Complete sysop
                                 control on all questions and answers.
                                 Unlimited Voting Booths! Great Graphics!
                                     Two minute setup, no maintenance!
                                   View results in Chart or Text format!
                                   **GO/4 Software**  *Download today!*
votedr01.zip   40582 08-05-2024 *** VoteDoor v1.0 by T.F.F. Utilities ***
                                State of the art online voting booth
                                that allows users to add questions,
                                vote, display results and add there
                                own answers to questions. Features:
                                 FOSSIL com 1 - 8
                                 Seamless multinode support
                                 DESQview/OS2/Windows aware
                                 DORINFOx.DEF and DOOR.SYS support
                                 And Much More!
voteme12.zip   67716 08-05-2024 Vote Me! v1.2 Multi BBS compatible voting
                                booth. FREEWARE 16550 UART compatible, built
                                in ANSI emulation, auto-detects FOSSIL.
                                Allows users to create and vote on topics of
                                their choosing. Supports DOOR.SYS, Wildcat!,
                                PCBoard, TriBBS, SpitFire, RBBS, and WWIV.
                                Written by Matthew Wilson
voter196.zip  208049 08-05-2024 Voter Plus 1.96 - Wide Area eta Test Version
                                See ETA.DOC and VOTER.HST for changes and
                                information.  Please report any problems.
vote_40.zip    50143 08-05-2024 
yvc200.zip     63526 08-05-2024 

           Area 125 - Walls and liners msg Doors          

10_wall.zip    74698 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-=-   THeWaLL 1o.o   -=-=-=-=-=-
                                ****************[ Beta ]****************
                                Just get it. You won't be sorry. .... ..
                                and if you are, well .... um.
                                @X0EThis program is brought to you by ..
11line.zip      3486 08-05-2024 1Line v1.1
                                The *BEST* oneliners wall script for
                                Telegard BBS v3.02 just got better!
                                New look! Ugly output bug fixed!
14nlinez.zip   26003 08-05-2024   -  -\/\-[ NiTe LiNeRz v1.4 ]-/\/-  - 
                                  THe BeSt OnE-LiNeRs DooR FoR TeleGard  
                                   Or Any (DOOR.SYS) Compatible System.  
                                 Features Light-Bars, 7 SysOp Selectable 
                                   or Random Color Schemes, and More!    
                                 Req: Fossil Driver, Door.Sys Compatible 
                                    [FreeWare From NiTe ProDucTionS]     
                                              [By: WoLFy]                
                                  -  -/\/-[ ReLeAsE InFo ]-\/\-   -  
                                     Totaly Re-Designed, NeW Look!       
                                        16 Lines, 7 Color Schemes        
                                           (Even Brown! Yuk!)            
                                       ...And Much More! Enjoy!          
                                  -  -\/\-[ NiTe LiNeRz v1.4 ]-/\/-  - 
1graf.zip     111077 08-05-2024 The Electric Wall! v1.0 A Graffitti Wall that
                                SysOp can control.
                                Some of the program options:
                                     SysOp can:
                                        Can Change Griffitti Display Screen
                                        Can Change Any Post A User Enters.
                                        Know Who Posted What Throw The On-Line
                                SysOp Menu.
                                        Can Add User To A Bad Names List So
                                The User Can't Post Any More.
                                I made this Graffitti Wall with Turbo Pascal 7
                                0. I make this program 
                                because I think it's about time SysOp's have
                                control over there Graffitti
                                board and not have to worry all the time if
                                John Doe is going to log on 
                                again and leave a dirty message.
                                By: Troy Phillips
                                Electric Kool-Aid BBS (405)242-7435  2400-14.4
1linev12.zip  178638 08-05-2024  One Linerz  v1.2 ۲
                                FINAL *FREEWARE* RELEASE!
                                Here's your chance to let people know
                                what you have to say!  Each month enter
                                your BEST One Liner and VOTE for your
                                favourite One Liner.  On the 1st of each
                                month a DRAW will be made automatically
                                and you could be the lucky winner of the
                                PRIZE determined by the Sysop!  
                                Throughout the month check out the TOP 
                                10 LIST to see how YOUR line is doing 
                                in the competition!  Included support 
                                for built-in color codes and Sysop 
                                defined BAD WORDS.  Automatically sees 
                                Sysop and asks for PRIZE SETUP.
                                Now includes support for DOOR.SYS, 
                                DORINFOx.DEF, PCBOARD.SYS, SFDOORS.DAT 
                                and CALLINFO.BBS.  Download One Linerz 
                                today and encourage user participation 
                                and competition on your BBS!   
                                (C)1996 Lounge Software
3lnrblwd.zip   35110 08-05-2024 
                                  Excellent 3 liner door.   
                                This one has it all - users 
                                can enter a 3 liner to all  
                                callers and then input is   
                                written to an ANSi file.    
                                Features include: Y/n ques- 
                                tion, advanced logging pro- 
                                cedure and 'Anonymous' op-  
                                tion...  The quickest three  
                                liner availible!            
                                (c) 1994 Crystal Cavern Sft.
aal10.zip      87951 08-05-2024 
acolnr30.zip   43800 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                     AcoLyte Presents     
                                AcoLiner v3.0Ĵ
                                   THE ULTiMATE ONELiNER!   
                                  No configuration needed! 
                                  Thrilling layout!        
                                  Supports Name/Handle,etc 
                                  Simple to install!       
                                |  And much more..          
                                .                            :
                                 [] CBERi +31-71-79O411 []
ag118.zip      28040 08-05-2024   ACiD GRAFiTTi, Users place
                                  grafitti for other users
                                  to see/change.
                                ߱     ߱
                                    ߲   ߱
                                   cid       rafitti  
                                    ܲ  ܱ
                                ܱ     ܱ
                                   Grafitti Wall for RA/PB
                                   or any other DOOR.SYS/
                                   DORINFO1.DEF capable BBS
am410s.zip     92266 08-05-2024 AutoMessager v4.10 - Automessage door for
                                virtually every BBS system! Registration
                                enables creation of RIP, PCBoard, Wildcat,
                                ANSI, and ASCII type screens, supports
                                aliases, duel messages, bad users,
                                and more. Registration only $10.00!
                                Written by Paul Sullivan. Copyright
                                (c) 1995 Paul Sullivan.
apost32.zip    25339 08-05-2024 An awesome AutoPost door, v3.2.
                                Sysop config. colors, security for posting,
                                No.# of posts before deleting, allows handles.
                                All configurable by the sysop.
                                Completely self-maintaining. Support for 
                                TriBBS, PCBoard, Spitfire, RBBS, Wildcat!,
                                GAP (Door.Sys) & WWIV.  $10.00 reg fee.
arsenic.zip     6826 08-05-2024 The Arsenic Wall of Poison! v1.0 Simple
                                little grafitti wall meant to replace the
                                standard walls that we see. As more releases
                                are let loose you will see some new and
                                exciting additions to this wall that you have
                                never seen in a grafitti wall before.
at12.zip       43700 08-05-2024 Digital Genesis's 'After Thoughts' v1.1 -
                                FOSSIL support - ANSI support - door.sys and
                                Message to next caller door. Very configurable
awall10.zip   285740 08-05-2024 A-Wall v1.0 One-Liner door.
                                -Full ANSI Support                     
                                -Supports COM1 - 4                     
                                -Complete Logging                      
                                -Badwords filter                       
                                -Lockout Feature                       
                                -300 - 115k Baud                       
                                -DESQView Aware!                       
                                -FREE Registration!!!                  
                                -A MUST for SysOps!                    
                                Written by: Billy                      
                                Sargent Support BBS (812)897-8757      
awall154.zip   79966 08-05-2024 
awall20.zip    62555 08-05-2024 Here you go! A-Wall v2.0! Newest
                                and best One-Liner Door! Version
                                1.0 was NOTHING like this! TOTAL
                                REWRITE OF VERSION 1.0! REG IS
                                100% FREE! FREE! FREE! Download
                                me NOW! Written by Billy Sargent!
awall211.zip  129063 08-05-2024 ALLEY-WALL v2.11; A graffiti\bulletin door
                                for PCBoard 14.x and compatible systems.
                                Alley-Wall features: user selectable colors,
                                user selectable bulletin format, and more!
                                Other features include an easy to use setup
                                program, SYSOP commands, TOP or BOTTOM
                                bulletin placement, automatic old bulletin
                                removal, and a maximum number of entries.
bbsq_v10.zip  133964 08-05-2024  Future Shock BBS Quips v.1.0Ŀ
                                 --                     --Ĵ
                                  One-liner door for most BBS's     
                                  This will let users write up      
                                  one-liners to get some small talk 
                                  going on your BBS. Once registered
                                  ($10) you can completely customize
                                  the look. Supports DORINFOx.DEF   
                                 DOOR.SYS, PCBOARD.SYS, CALLINFO.BBS
                                 --                     --
beelz15u.zip  154689 08-05-2024  .666666666666666666666666666666.
                                666 lzbb v1.5u - 13/02/97 666
                                999                            666
                                666 "DVL$HL GD L" 999
                                999                            666
                                666  NEW - Censor & Log File  999
                                999  Great FREE Oneliner      666
                                666  Scrolling / Lightbars    999
                                999  Random Quotes            666
                                666  Top Ten Score List       999
                                999  Inbuilt Macro's          666
                                666  Produces Bulletins       999
                                999  Shows Writers, Time/Date 666
                                666  Multi-Coloured Lines     999
                                999  Allows 50 Chars. / Line  666
                                666  Includes Sysop Editor    999
                                999  Twitlist & VIP Files     666
                                666                            999
                                999 (c) 1997 TwoDogs Computing 666
                                666          & FLUffY Freeware 999
blood105.zip  229570 08-05-2024 |---------------------------------|
                                |    Blood-Lines   -   Oneliner   |
                                |     Ver 1.00     -     H-Cl     |
                                |        Hydro-Chloric AppZ       |
                                |  Add an infamous Oneliner to    |
                                |  Your renegade bbs WITHOUT a    |
                                |  complicated setup process!!!!  |
bmb_2dln15.z       0 01-01-1980 _________________   /\  ______________:
                                _______     ____ \ /  \_\_______     /:
                                :|:  _/   _/   :\ Y ______/:  _/   _/::
                                :|    \   \     \ /    \_    \   \:
                                :|_________/      Y_______/_________/:.
                                ::.     /_________| [ A-BOMB CREW ]  :
                                : %]  YAR BOMBLiNER 1.5 FOR 'RA  [% ::
                                :: %]   NOW CENSORiNG BBS ADDS!   [% :.
                                . %]  AND HAS GOT SOM LiGHTBARZ  [% .
bmb_2dln15.zip   45499 08-05-2024 _________________   /\  ______________:
                                _______     ____ \ /  \_\_______     /:
                                :|:  _/   _/   :\ Y ______/:  _/   _/::
                                :|    \   \     \ /    \_    \   \:
                                :|_________/      Y_______/_________/:.
                                ::.     /_________| [ A-BOMB CREW ]  :
                                 : %]  YAR BOMBLiNER 1.5 FOR 'RA  [% ::
                                :: %]   NOW CENSORiNG BBS ADDS!   [% :.
                                 . %]  AND HAS GOT SOM LiGHTBARZ  [% .
carnwa10.zip   94298 08-05-2024      --==Carange Wall 1.0==--
                                            Written By: Brent Fraliex
                                 A oneliner with colorcodes and
                                 writes the name of the person
                                 who wrote the text before his/her
cbrwal46.zip  103738 08-05-2024 CYBERWALL v4.6 Great Wall
                                Program! Supporting: 
                                 o Sysop Commands
                                 o Supports 7 Drop Files
                                 o Optional Replace System
                                 o Optional Menu System
                                 o Built in Config Program
                                 o And MORE!
                                 ** NOW SUPPORTS SYNCHRONET'S XTRN.DAT **
cfe_2d1l10.z       0 01-01-1980  S$$S$$ S$$S$$ S$$S$$
                                $$$   $$$ $$$   $$$ $$$  $$$
                                $$$  $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$ $$$       
                                $$$   $$$    $$$   $$$ -----.
                                $$$       $$Ssa     $$SsasS$     coffee |
                                $$SsssSSS S$$      $$Sssass  produkshon 
                                  -- -- -   -- - ----------- 
                                :  sQUAREHEAD cOFFEE mAN pRESENTS :      |
                                                                 /\     :
                                 1liner 1.0,  a one day thing  <'oo`>   |
                                 by onion. rEaLLy animated, a  /`\/'\   
                                 simple liner that looks gr8! `/|  |\'  |
cfe_2d1l10.zip   16832 08-05-2024  S$$S$$ S$$S$$ S$$S$$
                                 $$$   $$$ $$$   $$$ $$$  $$$
                                 $$$  $$$ $$$  $$$ $$$ $$$       
                                 $$$   $$$    $$$   $$$ -----.
                                 $$$       $$Ssa     $$SsasS$     coffee |
                                 $$SsssSSS S$$      $$Sssass  produkshon 
                                   -- -- -   -- - ----------- 
                                 :  sQUAREHEAD cOFFEE mAN pRESENTS :      |
                                 |                                 /\     :
                                  1liner 1.0,  a one day thing  <'oo`>   |
                                  by onion. rEaLLy animated, a  /`\/'\   
                                 | simple liner that looks gr8! `/|  |\'  |
cmbbsl12.zip   42623 08-05-2024 CMBBSLST v1.1; A door for Remote access
                                users to let other sysop/cosysops write
                                theire bbs in a list ,with options like:
                                /NEWUSER to let the new user ask if he wants
                                his bbs into the list after the questionaire
                                with info like baud rate (ZyXEL support)
                                system type ,remarks REMOTE ACCESS v2.00
cnote101.zip   44060 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                     CyberNote v1.01       
                                 Super Mess-to-next-caller 
                                 Door fuer Remote-Access.  
                                 - Komplett deutsch        
                                 - Lightbar-Steuerung      
                                 - hnl. I*E-NOTE :)       
                                  **** ES LOHNT SICH ****  
                                       - FREEWARE -        
                                  (C) 1995 by CyberProd    
                                Ole Schley
                                [0m[1m    [30mtR[0;32mADED[1;
                                [1m          [30m[37m [30m4[0;32m9[37
cone103.zip    79180 08-05-2024 --        - -͸
                                       CooL OneLiner V1.03        
                                  Eigenes Ansi definierbar       
                                  Coole "PRESS ENTER"-Prompts !!!
                                  Sehr leicht zu konfigurieren   
                                  Nur DM 10,- Registrierung      
                                  (c) by Andreas v. Haaren       
                                --      -;
cotln320.zip   19142 08-05-2024 
                                     ۲    ۲  
                                .--- ܲ ۲ ۲ ---.
                                |                             |
                                | NME....: COT LINERZ        |
                                |           Version 3.20 eta |
                                : CRET0R.: DELT RY         |
                                | TYPE....: R UTiL (LiNERZ)  |
                                | DTE....: 12-03-96          :
                                | NF0.....: Colors & Top Six! |
                                :           No Config Needed! |
                                |           4 Censor Modes!   |
                                |           Local Editting!   :
                                |           Real Name/Handle  |
                                :           *BUGFiXED* Colors |
                                |           *BUGFiXED* Top 6  |
                                :                             |
                                    --- Ultimate Linerz ---
crazylin.zip   12265 08-05-2024 ---=== Crazy Line v1.0 ===---
                                The funniest  onelinerboard U
                                have ever seen.Lots of colors
                                and built-in high-performance 
                                ANSI display system.  For use
                                with  ProBoard 2.0x,  RA 2.xx
                                and each   other DORINFO1.DEF
                                supporting  BBS s/w.  This is
                                100% german quality freeware!
crewline.zip   37906 08-05-2024                        _____                 
                                    ______________    /  __/_______          
                                    \             \  /   \        /          
                                     \    ____     \/     \_     /           
                                ______\   \  /            //    /____        
                                \      \   \/            //    /     /       
                                 \          \   /\      //          /o       
                                  \_________/__/  \____//__________/ O       
                                  |  tHe jUNGLe sLAMMs yOu wITh     |        
                                  |                                 |        
                                  |         cREWLLINERs             |        
                                  |                                 |        
                                  |  tRy tHIs oNE iTs 100% cREWL    |        
                                  | aLL cODINg wHAs dONe bY cAVEMAn |        
                                                   --dIz By mAILMAN--        
critc_26l.zi       0 01-01-1980 ---Ŀ
                                    CRTiCaL BRiNgS Ya    
                                   LiNeRZ & CaLLeRZ v1.1  
                                 MaDe By            TDD 
                                 TYPe          DooRS |
                                 FoR        RA 2.xx 
                                 FiLe   CRIT????.EXE 
                                  aDDeD DeFiNaBLe aNSi'S  
                                 iN BoTH LiNeRZ & CaLLeRZ 
critc_26l.zip   21985 08-05-2024 ---Ŀ
                                |  ۳
                                |     ۳
                                    CRTiCaL BRiNgS Ya    
                                   LiNeRZ & CaLLeRZ v1.1  
                                 MaDe By            TDD 
                                | TYPe          DooRS |
                                 FoR        RA 2.xx 
                                 FiLe   CRIT????.EXE 
                                  aDDeD DeFiNaBLe aNSi'S  
                                 iN BoTH LiNeRZ & CaLLeRZ 
crzlnr9.zip    70131 08-05-2024 -----
                                 CREZY ONE LINER      RA 2.5x
                                - --    --  -  
                                 Version Number - 1.09      
                                 Program Type   - One Liner  
                                | Release Date   - 04-01-97   
                                | Coded For      - RA 2.50+   
                                 Short Description           |
                                 Let the user write a line   |
                                 or change the header in     |
                                 the one liner               
                                 Changes + Install Program   
                                         + General Update    
                                 Main Coder - Crezo of MD   
                                   - --      - -Ĵ
                                  Home of MD: Boomerang BBS  
                                      DIZ fixed by pcmicro    
cwall10.zip   113135 08-05-2024      -= Cool Wall 1.00 =-
                                  New advanced onliner wall.
                                  you can laught,cry,wink
                                  and much more. Full multi
                                 node support. Uses Door.sys,
                                 DorinfoX.def, Chain.txt,
cyblin10.zip   65632 08-05-2024 CyBLiNE v1.0: BEST ONELINER DOOR EVER! Custom
                                Screen + Colors; Special HaCKeR STyLe; Color
                                degrading; Cursor Keys; 100% configurable.
                                FOR REMOTE ACCESS 2.XX
davesbar.zip  102862 08-05-2024 DAVESBAR.  A conversation door where caller's
                                can use a full screen
                                 editor to leave up to three lines in a
                                message.  This is an ANSI based
                                 door with a full-screen ANSI editor.  Random
                                messages from "Dave the
                                 bartender" are inserted at random as callers
                                read messages.  Callers
                                 have the option to "colorize" messages they
                                 Run DDSETUP to configure the door (drop file
                                 Call BARMAINT xx in your batch file using
                                "xx" as the number of messages
                                   you want to retain in the database. 
                                BARMAINT will eliminate earlier
                                   messages so your callers don't wade through
                                messages from 1989.
                                 DOOR6.BAT is an example batch file which runs
                                the program and then trims
                                   the database to 20 messages afterward.
dctnu005.zip   58504 08-05-2024 DCT Note to the Next User v0.05 * A full-
                                featured message to the next user door 
                                compatible with any BBS which creates a 
                                DORINFOx.DEF or DOOR.SYS drop file.  
                                Features include the lightbar selector, 
                                blacklisting of problem users, the user 
                                censor, user logging, colour codes, plus 
                                more.  Can be configured to look any way 
                                you want so that it matches your board's 
                                theme.  Setup is fast and easy.  FreeWare 
                                by Dan Traczynski.
dedend10.zip   65878 08-05-2024 DEAD END 1.0 + The wall that bites
                                RIP/ANSi/ASCII graffiti wall that makes all
                                other lame, limp wall doors look like
                                complete crap.  Complete/flexible config and
                                more attitude than you can eat.  GET IT LAMER
digi11.zip    107323 08-05-2024 DigiMessage is a Message to Next Caller
                                program for any BBS that uses
                                PCBOARD.SYS, USERS.SYS, DOOR.SYS,
                                CALLINFO.BBS, USERINFO.DAT, SFDOORS.DAT,
                                GTUSER.DAT, TRIBBS.SYS or DORINFOx.DEF.
                                *FREEWARE* from Digital Software Ent.
                                1:2285/30 - The Digital Escape -
dkpost40.zip   55136 08-05-2024 DarkPost v4.0 - Graphical BBS Autopost Door
                                This enhanced BBS autopost system has a lot
                                of incredible features like, post deleting,
                                random emotions, user lockouts, MCI color &
                                display codes, language checker, and a 100%
                                editable display system. It's FREEWARE too!
                                - Copyright (C) 1996-97 Dark Technologies -
dl1liner.zip   19437 08-05-2024 dl oNEliNeRz v1.00
                                  - frEewaRe -
                                Most configurable
                                oneliners ever.
                                Supports most BBS's.
                                FeaR - 3i5.472.5726
dl60_2df.zip   59861 08-05-2024 --_/--.^-\-_-/.\-*^.,-^._\/--.^--
                                      dA LiNERz 6.0 (*Final*)     
                                  all bugs fixed. filtering. more
                                    config and string  options.
                                  great oneliner program for most
                                   bbs softwares! try  this out!
                                  LoRd NiKoN (LogikTECH Software)
dl61_2dbf.zi       0 01-01-1980 --_/--.^-\-_-/.\-*^.,-^._\/--.^--
                                dA LiNERz 6.1 (*Bug Fix*)     
                                reg.key bug  fixed, oneliner loop
                                bug, and  backdoor bug fixed!
                                read readme.txt for more!
                                LoRd NiKoN (LogikTECH Software)
dl61_2dbf.zip   20691 08-05-2024 --_/--.^-\-_-/.\-*^.,-^._\/--.^--
                                     dA LiNERz 6.1 (*Bug Fix*)     
                                 reg.key bug  fixed, oneliner loop
                                   bug, and  backdoor bug fixed!
                                     read readme.txt for more!
                                  LoRd NiKoN (LogikTECH Software)
dline100.zip  123384 08-05-2024 [0;1m[0m[1;30m
                                [0m [1mDeath Liners v.1.00.kick.hiney
                                [30m [0mReally the BEST Oneliner Door!
                                [1;30m Fully Configurable! Fades!
dlmnext.zip    38101 08-05-2024        DLM Next Version 1.5 
                                DLM Next is a Message to Next User
                                utility, very easy to setup and
                                install.  Config file creator
                                 Registration status:  FREEWARE!  
dmaln200.zip   86412 08-05-2024                                   )\
                                 ___________  /\_________________( /______
                                _\__  \ ___/\/  \  ___/___  _/  ________  |
                                |  /   _/\ \/   \ _/\     /   \  | /    l
                                l_____\____\||_______\__\ /\___l__|  l__|
                                |         DEMENTiA LAWLiNERS v2.0         |
                                | Highly configurable lightbardriven wall |
                                |   for RemoteAccess 2.x and compatible   |
                                | systems. Complete recode, new features. |
                                |::::::[  e x p e c t   m o r e  ! ]::::::|
dtwll122.zip  200124 08-05-2024 ͵     D T - W A L L   v1.2.0      ͸
                                     An InterBBS Grafitti Wall       
                                        <<<< Features >>>>           
                                  Inter BBS Capable *{ REGISTERED }* 
                                  Bad Word Filtering.                
                                  Bad User Lockouts.                 
                                  Bad User Twitting.                 
                                  Global Twitting via Inter BBS      
                                  Sysop Defined Lockout Period.      
                                  Five Different Backdrops.          
                                  Single or Multiple Input Modes.    
                                  Multiple Text Colours.             
                                  Top 15 Twits List.                 
                                  Maintainance Utility.              
                                  Deletes quotes older than 30 days. 
                                  Deletes dead posters after 30 days.
                                  Plus Much More.                    
                                 REGISTRATION $10.00 NZ ;
dwall130.zip   80200 08-05-2024 Latest version of Dementia Wall with support
                                for a full page of multi-color grafitti.
                                Still the best Grafitti wall available.
dwall141.zip  112142 08-05-2024 
dwall_24.zip   99907 08-05-2024 Dirty Wall v2.4 FREEWARE!
                                The ultimate WALL door ....
                                Looks like a real wall,
                                with bricks and everything
                                can do ANSI/ASCII/AVATAR/RIP
                                use handles or real names!
                                Limit tags per day!
                                MORE COLORS THEN 2.2
                                multinode aware!
ebs_2dfx15.z       0 01-01-1980       _____/(     ____       ______)\
                                /     __/___|    |____ /    ___/
                                \    _/     |    _    \___    \
                                \_____     |_________/___     |
                                ---- \__  | --- \__  | --Ŀ
                                :              \(  FXLiNER V1.5   )/      |
                                 Door for any BBS like PCB or RA!        
                                : This OneLiner Door is 100% Different of 
                                 Any Other!                              |
                                 You Can Put a Line With FX's Like Fades,:
                                : Scrolls, TypeWritter & MORE!            
                                 Fully LightBar Driven!                  
                                 You can Change all the ANSi's!          :
                                : DOWNLOAD iT NOW!                        |
                                 EBSEBSEBSEBSEBSEBSEBSEBSEBSEBS :
ebs_2dfx15.zip   47739 08-05-2024       _____/(     ____       ______)\
                                     /     __/___|    |____ /    ___/
                                     \    _/     |    _    \___    \
                                      \_____     |_________/___     |
                                ---- \__  | --- \__  | --Ŀ
                                :              \(  FXLiNER V1.5   )/      |
                                | Door for any BBS like PCB or RA!        
                                : This OneLiner Door is 100% Different of 
                                 Any Other!                              |
                                 You Can Put a Line With FX's Like Fades,:
                                : Scrolls, TypeWritter & MORE!            
                                 Fully LightBar Driven!                  
                                | You can Change all the ANSi's!          :
                                : DOWNLOAD iT NOW!                        |
                                | EBSEBSEBSEBSEBSEBSEBSEBSEBSEBS :
ezwall10.zip   62119 08-05-2024 E-Z Wall v1.0: Another Graffiti Wall for your
                                users to write their mindless ramblings on.
                                E-Z Wall supports most BBS dropfiles. E-Z
                                installation will have you up and running in
                                minutes, even on multi-node systems!
                                Multi-node playable!  Full fossil support for
                                com1 thru com99. Allows unlimited entrys.
                                Direct write and read options. Full Language
                                support. Supports locked baud to 115,200.
falkwall.zip   31657 08-05-2024 
fantwv22.zip  148970 08-05-2024 FANTASY WALL  v2.2  
                                Adult Sexual Stories BBS Door!
                                Users can read Fantasy Wall stories
                                or enter\read user Adult Sexual 
                                Adventures.  Explore the world of Adult 
                                Literature and have some fun too!  
                                NOT FOR ANYONE UNDER AGE!
                                Now supports DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF,       
                                PCBOARD.SYS, SFDOORS.DAT and 
                                Copyright (C)1996 Lounge Software
flamet11.zip   30719 08-05-2024 
flw10.zip      37727 08-05-2024 Famous Last Words v1.0
                                A very good program to have
                                your users leave messages
                                to the next caller! Great
                                program, extremely simple
                                to use!
fmtnc110.zip   44824 08-05-2024 (v1.10) Fantasy Software Message To Next    
                                Caller door!! Cardware MTNC door. It does not
                                handle only one message! It can handle up    
                                to -FOUR- messages! Special Sysop function.  
                                Output ansi/ascii, also a twit function!     
                                Cardware/Shareware by Pascal van Rossum      
fnote133.zip   46446 08-05-2024 FootNote v1.33 -=- By Richard Currier
                                Add a One-liners door to your system.
                                Supports multi-node and many bbs 
                                packages. Allow your user to post one
                                liners to other users publicly. Simple
                                setup, Self-maintaining door.  Nice 
                                user interface. Multi-Tasker Aware.
                                Intro Ansi option added. OnLine Help
                                Ansi added. Now supports some @codes
                                for colors.  @NAME@, @FIRST@ and
                                pseudo @PASSWORD@.  Also, has logfile
                                capability.  See Bugs.fix for more
                                info on color codes and how to
                                activate the log file.
                                  -= Only $10.00 to register. =-
freelinr.zip   20038 08-05-2024 A very simple comment wall.
                                My first door written in
                                TurboPASCAL 7.0.  Freeware,
                                of course!  (C) 1998 Sean
ftnote10.zip   40343 08-05-2024 FootNote v1.00 -=- By Richard Currier
                                Add a One-liners door to your system.
                                Supports multi-node and many bbs 
                                packages. Allow your user to post one
                                liners to other users publicly. Simple
                                setup, no maintenance door.  Nice 
                                user interface. Multi-Tasker Aware.
                                -= Only $10.00 to register. =-
ftnote12.zip   41281 08-05-2024 FootNote v1.21 -=- By Richard Currier
                                Add a One-liners door to your system.
                                Supports multi-node and many bbs 
                                packages. Allow your user to post one
                                liners to other users publicly. Simple
                                setup, Self-maintaining door.  Nice 
                                user interface. Multi-Tasker Aware.
                                Now Runs Faster in DesqView.
                                -= Only $10.00 to register. =-
funkwal2.zip   59688 08-05-2024 ThE FuNkY WaLl 2.0
                                A Complete ReWrite Of
                                The Funky Wall..
                                10x More Cooler
                                The Best Wall Door Out
                                There.. Check It Out
                                It Even Has Random
                                Colors.. For Door.sys
                                and Dorinfo.def
fwall22d.zip  144386 08-05-2024 FANTASY WALL v2.2 AKA: Faithfull Witness
                                      FINAL *FREEWARE* RELEASE!
                                Christian oriented Stories BBS Door!
                                Users can read Fantasy Wall stories
                                or enter\read user Christian Testimonies  
                                Stories or Adventures. Explore the world
                                of Christian Literature and have some
                                fun too!  Now supports DOOR.SYS,
                                DORINFOx.DEF, PCBOARD.SYS, SFDOORS.DAT
                                and CALLINFO.BBS
                                Copyright (C)1996 Lounge Software
gheto251.zip    8577 08-05-2024             GHeTTo WaLL
                                The best oneliner program out! works
                                on wildcat! 4.10+ systems. Features
                                   * Cool scrolling Technique developed by
                                   * Optional Cuss Word Filter
                                   * Who Called Today Option Built In
                                   * New Files Since and Read New Mail Built
                                   * Auto Name Posting for added security
                                   * Non-Encrypted data file for easy editing
                                of OneLiners
                                   * Allows WC! AT (@) color codes
                                   * MUCH More!
                                Registration only $7!
gl_2dnote.zi       0 01-01-1980   ܲ  ܲ ܲ  ܲ  ܲܲ ܰ  
                                ߲ܱ߲߰ܲ߱۲ ߱۲ ߲[dOOR]
                                    ۲  ߲
                                ۰߲ܰܲ    ߲ܱ۲߲ܱܰܰ
                                                         ߱ ߲
                                 XPRESS MOddiNG PRESENtS fOR YOU... ޲
                                        xPRESS NOtE v1.0         
                                  for: RA/RBBS/QUiCk/PCB15/fORCE  
                                            bY GRENdEl            
gl_2dnote.zip   31982 08-05-2024   ܲ  ܲ ܲ  ܲ  ܲܲ ܰ  
                                ߲ܱ߲߰ܲ߱۲ ߱۲ ߲[dOOR]
                                    ۲  ߲
                                ۰߲ܰܲ    ߲ܱ۲߲ܱܰܰ
                                                         ߱ ߲
                                 XPRESS MOddiNG PRESENtS fOR YOU... ޲
                                        xPRESS NOtE v1.0         
                                  for: RA/RBBS/QUiCk/PCB15/fORCE  
                                            bY GRENdEl            
gplus2.zip     83850 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      Graffiti Plus version 2.0         
                                [ By: Nik Bauer ]Ĵ
                                  This is the BEST Graffiti Wall! It    
                                  includes options such as:             
                                   Light Bar post menus                
                                   Up to 6 line posts                  
                                   Add color to your posts             
                                   Anonymous options                   
                                   Sysop menus and configurable        
                                   Configurable amount of posts        
                                   ANSi only                           
                                   100% FREEWARE                       
gplus21.zip    84746 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      Graffiti Plus version 2.1         
                                [ By: Nik Bauer ]Ĵ
                                  This is the BEST Graffiti Wall! It    
                                  includes options such as:             
                                   Light Bar post menus                
                                   Up to 6 line posts                  
                                   Add color to your posts             
                                   Anonymous options                   
                                   Read just todays new postings       
                                   Jump to any post                    
                                   Sysop menus and configurable            
                                   Configurable amount of posts        
                                   ANSi only                           
                                   100% FREEWARE                       
                                   Bug fixes and more from version 2.0 
graf22.zip     86915 08-05-2024 The Graffiti Door v2.2. Your Users will
                                want to write, or read what others write.
grafit22.zip   61243 08-05-2024     GRAFITI WALL 2.2        
                                A great wall for all of your user's
                                graffiti!  Customize the amount of
                                lines, max num of posts, users can
                                colorize their aliases, read new
                                posts since last time, and much more!
                                The only wall that doesn't suck, with
                                ANSI/ASCII!!!  From No Quarter!
graf_202.zip    3383 08-05-2024 
graph20b.zip   72013 08-05-2024 RedWall Graphitti - Version (2.0):
                                 | Supports SPITFIRE, Telegard, Force!, 
                                 | Pcboard, Gap, WildCat!, Genesis, WWIV, 
                                 | QuickBBS, | Remote Access, SuperBBS, & 
                                 | RBBS. Also | ANSI/ASCII/AVATAR/0+ 
                                 | support!  Most COM ports, any baud 
                                 | rate!  FREEWARE! Supports Fossil or
                                 | non-fossil.  NOW SUPPORTS COLORABLE 
                                 | TEXT!! & Multiple .CFG files!
grfiti20.zip   73120 08-05-2024 Grafitti Wall For Any DOOR.SYS BBS!
                                Sysop Configurable!       DV Aware!
                                Version 2.00 -> NEW RIP Graphics! <-
                                From FireHawk SoftWare.
gwall303.zip   73600 08-05-2024  
                                   Graphity Wall  V.3.03   
                                 This is a door offering a 
                                 wall for your users, where ´
                                 they can scribble little 
                                 paintings on. Supporting ´
                                 DORINFO.DEF & DOOR.SYS. 
                                 ANSi & Avatar support ´
                                 Icymode or user colors. 
                                 Paint your own wall ´
                                 Elite font on demand 
                                  Internal chat (nice!;) ´
                                 Chat only mode 
                                 Mutinode configuration. ´
                                 Timeslicing with Tasker 
                                 Carrier and Timeleft Check ´
                                 Language and color conf.
                                  ShareWare:  $15 / DM 20,-  
                                   by Grischa Brockhaus    ۲
gworld20.zip  109180 08-05-2024 Graffiti World Version 2.0 - BBS door
                                Includes many features not in conventional
                                graffiti doors. RIP support local and remote,
                                with local mouse support! Registration $5.
high200.zip   172032 08-05-2024 
honli108.zip   35676 08-05-2024 Hectomowick-Crew FINLAND Presents:
                                ۰Hectomowick-Crew's ONE-LINER v1.08ް
                                  THIS IS THE BEST: THE FASTEST AND  
                                   THE MOST USER-FRIENDLY ONELINER    
                                   AVAILABLE ON THIS PLANET!!         
                                  COLORCHANGE THROUGH CURSORS!       
                                  COLORLINE AND STRING CONFIGURABLE! 
                                  * DOWNLOAD! * INSTALL! * SPREAD! *  
                                 DORINFO?.DEF -BASED SYSTEM, WORKS ON 
                                 SuperBBS(all hudsons), HyperBBS,     
                                 BaSSeBBS, NorthBBS, MBBS, BBBS, PCx, 
                                 HectoBBS, T.A.G, TG and ofcourse ... 
                                 ANY BBS WITH DORINFO?.DEF SERVICE!!! 
                                 * DOOR.SYS SUPPORT NOW AVAILABLE! *  
ids_2dwal1.z       0 01-01-1980   ss ss~s.   s~$~$$Hb.
                                $   $ $   $   $ . $ .:$   :::$$
                                $   $ $   $   $  $ $.:i$    :.:$
                                $   $ $   $   $  $ $iii$      ~
                                $  .$ $  .$   $ .$ S$$$s.sS~s
                                $ .:$ $ .:$   $.:$         $   $
                                $.:i$ $.:i$   $:i$ ss   $  .$
                                $iii$ $iii$   $i$$ $ .:$   $ .:$
                                $$$$$ $$$$$   $$$$ $.:i$   $.:i$
                                $$$ $$$$s.s$$$$ $iii$   $iii$
                                iNFiDELS  ~S$ $$$$$   $$$$$
                                PROUDLY PRESENTS`$ SWW$s.s$$$S
                                ~$Sssss..sss.s . . s.sss..sssssS$~
                                $     GRAFFiTiWALL v1.o    $
                                $   for remoteaccess 2.xx    $
                                $   let's the users write    $
                                $     whatever they want     $
                                $   multicolor, 100% config  $
                                $    cool, east to install   $
                                d$b     coded by: rancor     d$b
                                .sSP'' ~     ~ $IDS'97$Ss.
ids_2dwal1.zip   65969 08-05-2024   ss ss~s.   s~$~$$Hb.
                                  $   $ $   $   $ . $ .:$   :::$$
                                  $   $ $   $   $  $ $.:i$    :.:$
                                  $   $ $   $   $  $ $iii$      ~
                                  $  .$ $  .$   $ .$ S$$$s.sS~s
                                  $ .:$ $ .:$   $.:$         $   $
                                  $.:i$ $.:i$   $:i$ ss   $  .$
                                  $iii$ $iii$   $i$$ $ .:$   $ .:$
                                  $$$$$ $$$$$   $$$$ $.:i$   $.:i$
                                  $$$ $$$$s.s$$$$ $iii$   $iii$
                                    iNFiDELS  ~S$ $$$$$   $$$$$
                                  PROUDLY PRESENTS`$ SWW$s.s$$$S
                                ~$Sssss..sss.s . . s.sss..sssssS$~
                                  $     GRAFFiTiWALL v1.o    $
                                   $   for remoteaccess 2.xx    $
                                   $   let's the users write    $
                                   $     whatever they want     $
                                   $   multicolor, 100% config  $
                                   $    cool, east to install   $
                                  d$b     coded by: rancor     d$b
                                .sSP'' ~     ~ $IDS'97$Ss.
inote100.zip   91502 08-05-2024 IceNote v1.00 * Note To All Users Door *
                                MAJOR ADDITIONS IN THIS NEW VERSION!
                                Some features include note censoring,
                                colour configuration, message database,
                                BBS alias/definable alias, random/defined
                                expressions, reading pause delay, colour
                                pipe codes, single/multi/scrolling
                                messages, lightbar menus, automated
                                internal database viewer, and much more!
                                Official release date: 03/08/97
in_2dliner.z       0 01-01-1980 ĿĿ
                                   iNSANE PRODUCTIONS   
                                ::[ iNSANE Liner v.10 ]::
                                ::[ A new Release of RA Doors ]::
                                ::[ For R.A. v.2.xx BBSs only]::
                                ::[ Totally Configurable !!! ]::
                                ::[ With beautyfull Screens ]::
                                ::[ With some new features . ]::
                                ::[ Total of 4 menu options ]::
                                ::[ SysOp has total Control! ]::
                                ::[ By Devil Flame - 1995 JUL ]::
                                [ iNSANE ]
                                [0;36mV34? +3|-35693-7816/2860/17xx[0m
                                [0;36mE-Mail: eoh@eoh.idn.nl[0m
in_2dliner.zip   47516 08-05-2024 ĿĿ
                                   iNSANE PRODUCTIONS   
                                ::[ iNSANE Liner v.10 ]::
                                ::[ A new Release of RA Doors ]::
                                ::[ For R.A. v.2.xx BBSs only]::
                                ::[ Totally Configurable !!! ]::
                                ::[ With beautyfull Screens ]::
                                ::[ With some new features . ]::
                                ::[ Total of 4 menu options ]::
                                ::[ SysOp has total Control! ]::
                                ::[ By Devil Flame - 1995 JUL ]::
                                [ iNSANE ]
                                [0;36mV34? +3|-35693-7816/2860/17xx[0m
                                [0;36mE-Mail: eoh@eoh.idn.nl[0m
iolina3.zip    18985 08-05-2024 Interactive Oneliner
                                 v1.0 alpha 3
                                 a oneliner program
jp_2dzl10.zi       0 01-01-1980 zeroliners v1.0.. (freeware)
                                by jack phlash of demonic
jp_2dzl10.zip   24518 08-05-2024 zeroliners v1.0.. (freeware)
                                 by jack phlash of demonic
katwll20.zip   68545 08-05-2024 ***************************
                                *         Kat-Wall        *
                                *       Grafitti Wall     *
                                *       Version 2.00     *
                                *                         *
                                *    Supports most BBS    *
                                *        Packages         *
                                *                         *
                                *   Written using DDPLUS  *
                                *                         *
                                *     By Sharon Sparks    *
                                *    Cool Dude the Kat    *
                                *     +61-07-288-7680     *
                                *     +61-07-288-7681     *
klt_2dspn3.z       0 01-01-1980 Siphon V.1.0.3.E. - Kult
                                The BEST One Liners DOOR EVER!
                                Has cross shading ansi effects!
                                Now has up to 8 COM PORTS support!
                                Optional Fossil Driver support!
                                Most kickass 1-liner door ever!
                                Now comes with an E-Z INSTALL program!
                                And BEST of ALL it's FREE!
klt_2dspn3.zip   44685 08-05-2024 Siphon V.1.0.3.E. - Kult
                                The BEST One Liners DOOR EVER!
                                Has cross shading ansi effects!
                                Now has up to 8 COM PORTS support!
                                Optional Fossil Driver support!
                                Most kickass 1-liner door ever!
                                Now comes with an E-Z INSTALL program!
                                 And BEST of ALL it's FREE!
kpws11r2.zip  117778 08-05-2024 
linerz.zip     33037 08-05-2024 VOiD One-linerz
                                Clark Ent '96
linerz2.zip    87198 08-05-2024 >>>>>>>>>>LiNERZ  VERSION 2<<<<<<<<<<
                                         The  Original         
                                )() LiNERZ V2.0 ()(ʹ
                                 Is It Still Freeware? .. YEZ! 
                                RA 2.00+ DOOR : Users May Add  
                                A Line On A Page Where All The 
                                Lines Of Other Users Are Stored
                                 NEW FEATURES!!! :             
                                 + BBS-Advertise-Detection!    
                                 + Custom ANSI Screen / Colors 
                                 + Scroll Back Buffer          
                                 + MUCH Much More!!!!          
logbrain.zip  108622 08-05-2024 LAST CALLER LOGON.BAT GRAFITTI PROGRAM
                                Here's a program you can run with the LOGON
                                .BAT option found in GAP.
                                This program will create a spiffy last caller
                                file and an optional
                                Grafitti Comment Wall. Creates a plain text
                                ASCII and a fancy ANSI file.
                                Sysop can configure how many last calls to
                                show (1-20). Shows last caller's
                                node, name, city, and a choice of baud, times
                                on, or call date.
                                This demo is fully functional and easy to use!
                                 Registration only $20.
                                From Brainex Systems 310-275-2344 /
lp_2dcbw2l.z       0 01-01-1980 [ CyberWall v2.0L ]Ŀ
                                 Smaller  version  of  the  popular  door 
                                 CyberWall.   Simple  and  easy  to  use, 
                                 really  cool ANSi. Not  as many features 
                                 as  the  full  version,  but  this  is a 
                                 freeware copy if you don't wanna pay for 
                                 the   full   version.   Freeware   Copy. 
                                        --- LiQUID pRODUCTIoNS ---        
                                 MegaStuff BBS % (317) 873-5173 % 8am-5pm 
lp_2dcbw2l.zip   76851 08-05-2024 [ CyberWall v2.0L ]Ŀ
                                 Smaller  version  of  the  popular  door 
                                 CyberWall.   Simple  and  easy  to  use, 
                                 really  cool ANSi. Not  as many features 
                                 as  the  full  version,  but  this  is a 
                                 freeware copy if you don't wanna pay for 
                                 the   full   version.   Freeware   Copy. 
                                        --- LiQUID pRODUCTIoNS ---        
                                 MegaStuff BBS % (317) 873-5173 % 8am-5pm 
lwnews10.zip   43214 08-05-2024  LAWLESS PROGRAMMING 
                                  oO LAWNEWS Oo  
                                   A revolutionary   
                                  newsreader for all 
                                 RA systems versions 
                                       2 and up      
                                 LAWLESS PROGRAMMING 
mbln301.zip    77484 08-05-2024 MoRBiD Linerz 3.01 - A great new one-
                                liners program! Great look, user can
                                choose to be anonomous, but sysop
                                always sees real name. - By CHA0Soft
mge_onra.zip   43703 08-05-2024               _______         ______
                                  _________  /  _____>_____  /  __  \______
                                 <____     \/  /\________  \/  / /  /  ____>
                                . /  /  /  /  <__  \  /_/  /  /_/  /  /__mGE
                                :/  /  /  /  /__/  / _____/\___   __>__  \95
                                /  /\_/\__\____/  /\_______   >\_/   ____/:.
                                    mGE oNELiNER 1.0 FOR REMOTE ACCESS!
                                 NiCE FADiNG/TOP WRiTERS - THE BEST FOR RA!
                                -= PssD the  BB$ =-
                                    ͵LCHD d 0 LMR BBs   
mline150.zip  127245 08-05-2024 MsLinerWall (tm) v1.50 For Most BBS Systems
                                -=-=-=-=-=-[ Freeware Releases ]-=-=-=-=-=-
                                This is a cool message wall, use for people
                                write message to all people which have most
                                of oneliners functions. Easy Configuration.
                                Compatible 20+ BBS Softwares: RemoteAccess,
                                QuickBBS, ProBoard, SuperBBS, TriBBS, WWIV,
                                PCBoard, Phoenix, Spitfires, Telegard, etc.
                                -=-=-=-=-=-=-=[ What's News ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
                                + Added Multi-Languages : English, Chinese,
                                  Spanish on Configration and Main Program.
                                + Added External Ansi Background Support.
                                * Speedup when checking drop files.
                                * Musical Configuration program.
                                + Added a Rainbow Color on color selection.
                                + Speedup when showing message.
                                + Under black messages on showing names.
                                (c) 1992-1998 Mercury Soft Technology, Inc.
mmess10b.zip  103861 08-05-2024  Mystic Messages Version 1.0b By Mike Snyder
                                 A "Graffiti Wall" for your BBS that can    
                                 maintain 1000 ongoing conversation, have   
                                 other "walls" put in (sort of like IGM's)  
                                 and LOTS more!  From the author of Lunatix.
mmm_2dset1.z       0 01-01-1980 
                                A set of 4 extra MMM Ansi's for Mystic
                                Includes BROWNJAR, WIDOW1, BLUEGRAY, SHIFTED1
mmm_2dset1.zip    5272 08-05-2024 
                                 A set of 4 extra MMM Ansi's for Mystic
                                  Includes BROWNJAR, WIDOW1, BLUEGRAY,
mtac_102.zip   44080 08-05-2024 MTAC v1.02 - Message To All Callers Door.
mtac_103.zip   43282 08-05-2024 
                                ް MTAC v1.03             
                                ް Message To All Callers 
                                ް .EXE Update from v1.02 
                                ް Now Uses ONLY DOOR.SYS 
                                ް Alias Usage, Emotion   
                                ް Definition, Emotion    
                                ް Randomization, Pick An 
                                ް Alias, Pick Borders,   
                                ް Pick Colors and More!! 
                                ް From S&G Sotware      
mtnc_200.zip   38399 08-05-2024 
nd_2duwall.z       0 01-01-1980     ________________________________
                                \:::    . _____ ____ ____ .____/_____
                                /::  . |     /:: . ____ __ ___._____/
                                /:: .   |  .  \:.  _____|:::    .  \
                                /______________/:      . \::  .  |   \
                                __ _________\______________/: |   .|    \_
                                \________ ____________________|____|_____/
                                demonic bbs productions 1997 presents:
                                %  uNF wALL  %
                                a totally original new 'wall' type door
                                _____________ by natedogg _______________
nd_2duwall.zip   23795 08-05-2024     ________________________________
                                    \:::    . _____ ____ ____ .____/_____
                                    /::  . |     /:: . ____ __ ___._____/
                                   /:: .   |  .  \:.  _____|:::    .  \
                                  /______________/:      . \::  .  |   \
                                __ _________\______________/: |   .|    \_
                                \________ ____________________|____|_____/
                                  demonic bbs productions 1997 presents:
                                              %  uNF wALL  %
                                  a totally original new 'wall' type door
                                 _____________ by natedogg _______________
newsc9c.zip    53356 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                           NEWSCAST V1.9c            
                                   Create colourful NEWS.A?? files   
                                   for RemoteAccess BBS's quickly    
                                   and simply from a plain text      
                                   file with this program. Fully     
                                    * UK BBS support available *     
                                      * Author Colin Birch *         
                                      Sysop The Dog House BBS        
                                       (01443) 400327 24hrs          
                                    Latest files - 16 Feb 1995       
next101.zip    69465 08-05-2024 ͸
                                Next 1.01,   The Bug-Fix version,   
                                This door has many features like :  
                                - Writing message to Next user      
                                - Writing message to Next user      
                                - Writing message to another node   
                                - View if there are another node's  
                                - Writing message to another node   
                                - Self definable ANSI               
                                - Writing message to sysop's printer
                                Also the user can yell you,         
                                he can download the next-user msg.  
nlinez13.zip   22743 08-05-2024  -   -\/\-[ NiTe LiNeRz v1.3 ]-/\/-   -
                                  THe BeSt OnE-LiNeRs DooR FoR TeleGard
                                  And Any (DOOR.SYS) Compatible System.
                                 Features Light-Bars, 5 User Selectable  
                                   or Random Color Schemes, and More!
                                 Req: Fossil Driver, Door.Sys Compatible
                                    [FreeWare From NiTe ProDucTionS]
                                              [By: WoLFy] 
                                  -   -/\/-[ ReLeAsE InFo ]-\/\-    -
                                    Support For TeleGard 3.02 Style
                                             Color Codes!
                                      Room For 1 More NiTe LiNeR
                                 -   -\/\-[ NiTe LiNeRz v1.3 ]-/\/-   -
nsanewal.zip   64047 08-05-2024     > Wall o Insanity <
                                  > by ShhkTch Software <
                                 Guaranteed to be one of the 
                                 best walls programmed. Fully 
                                 sysop configurable, 21 random
                                 screens, color input prompts,
                                 anonymous options, replace,
                                 delete, insert commands with 
                                 external tagline help.
                                 Unregistered Version is very 
nsw152r2.zip   92606 08-05-2024 ͸
                                ۳  Wall of Insanity v1.52.2  ۳
                                  [ ShehkTech Software ]  
                                 The COOLEST graffiti wall  
                                     program available!!    
                                 Tons of options for almost 
                                  unlimited configuration   
                                  possibilities.  Supports  
                                  random background ANSi's. 
                                 Sysop features include the 
                                 ability to copy, move, and 
                                 erase messages off of the  
                                 wall.  Nearly all prompts  
                                     are configurable.      
                                  Registration is only $6!  
ntsfw303.zip  184544 08-05-2024 FireWall v3.o3       NeoTeksoft (c) 1997,98
                                Program and Design by :  Frank Yi Feng Chen
                                ==---( *FINAL* )-------------------------==
                                Looking for a Wall With Style? Here is one:
                                A 222 Line OneLine With 10 Color Shading FX
                                Plus 10 Shading Colors As Your Users Please
                                Multi-Node Fully Fontional, AND Y2K-READY!!
                                Works With Any ANSI-BBS: RG,TG,WC,RA,WWIV..
                                ==-------------------------( *FINAL* )---==
olg_2dv12.zi       0 01-01-1980 On Line Graffiti v1.20 Minor update. Supports
                                nearly all the major BBS drop files. SysOp 
                                configurable. Fast and simple to setup. A 
                                full-featured graffiti or one-liners door 
                                that allows users to list their favorite 
                                sayings or quotes. SysOps may limit the 
                                number of days that listings are to remain 
                                active in the database. Users have the 
                                ability to kill or update the listings they 
                                originally entered.
olg_2dv12.zip  135455 08-05-2024 On Line Graffiti v1.20 Minor update. Supports
                                nearly all the major BBS drop files. SysOp 
                                configurable. Fast and simple to setup. A 
                                full-featured graffiti or one-liners door 
                                that allows users to list their favorite 
                                sayings or quotes. SysOps may limit the 
                                number of days that listings are to remain 
                                active in the database. Users have the 
                                ability to kill or update the listings they 
                                originally entered.
ol_113.zip     62075 08-05-2024 One Liner is a FREEWARE BBS door that
                                allows your users to leave one-line
                                messages.  Perfect for placement is
                                menus as auto-execute entries (eg. can
                                be run from TOP.MNU on some systems).
                                Sysop may define the number of One
                                Liners that will be maintained.  An
                                editor makes for easy configuration.
ol_2d113.zip   62075 08-05-2024 One Liner is a FREEWARE BBS door that
                                allows your users to leave one-line
                                messages.  Perfect for placement is
                                menus as auto-execute entries (eg. can
                                be run from TOP.MNU on some systems).
                                Sysop may define the number of One
                                Liners that will be maintained.  An
                                editor makes for easy configuration.
one100jk.zip   10965 08-05-2024 THE BEST ONELINER/GRAFFITI WALL FOR RA?
                                Features: use your own ANSIs,  log file
                                including users name, GERMAN & ENGLISH,
                                change the color using the cursor keys,
                                lock out users,  censor  file,  macros,
                                cool colors, easy installation program!
                                CHECK THIS OUT! SMALL REGISTRATION FEE!
oneduck.zip    16549 08-05-2024      ڿ ڿ ڿ      ڿ ڿ ڿ
                                Ĵ             Ŀ
                                   CoDD By THe CR/ToR '96    
                                FREE-NO REGISTERING-FREE-NO REGI
                                This ONELiNER is not just a one-
                                liner. It has some nice Func-   
                                tions like :                    
                                * History                       
                                * Who Wrote What                
                                * Write Line with Alias         
                                * Etc. Etc.                     
                                Duck-Productions '96            
                                FREE-NO REGISTERING-FREE-NO REGI
onelin1b.zip   55593 08-05-2024 Add a random ONE LINER to your BBS at log-on
onelin40.zip   27922 08-05-2024 Oneliner version 4.0 Written Odie..  
                                Uses Door.sys, run it when someone logs on 
                                to your BBS.  New and improved.
oneline1.zip   42322 08-05-2024 The One Liner v1.0
                                A neat little One Liner door for your
                                BBS!  Comes with an Editor for the lines and
                                works with any systems that can produce
                                DOOR.SYS!  Written by Brainy - RPS
oneln1_0.zip   88044 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                          ONELINE V1.0             
                                  Oneline comment wall. Let your   
                                  callers leave oneline messages   
                                  to the next caller.              
                                  *  FOR REMOTEACCESS BBS ONLY  *  
                                   * UK BBS support available *    
                                     * Author Colin Birch *        
                                     Sysop The Dog House BBS       
                                      (01443) 400327 24hrs         
                                   Latest files - 10 June 1996     
onelpr25.zip   30626 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ      Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ
                                            Ŀ Ŀ Ŀ            
                                      Oneliner Proffesional 2.50      
                                 OneLiner Pro Is a Oneliner Door For  
                                 RemoteAccess 2.xx, It is the Best    
                                 Ever written, Full with features,    
                                        Oneliner Pro Support:         
                                  Desqview + MultiLine + Ansi/Avatar  
onep100.zip    32373 08-05-2024            .   
                                > Renegade Oneliners - Pro 1.00<
                                >   The BEST Oneliners In The  <
                                > Business.  Check Em Out!!!!! <
                                > Copyright 96 BMC Productions <
onev120e.zip  106054 08-05-2024   _________  ______ .____  _______
                                 /_____    \ |     \|  _/ /  ____/
                                 /   _/     \|   \  \  |_/  __>/\
                                |          / |    \    |\__ | /  \
                                 \________/  |    |\___|   \______\
                                  OiRv1.20By[DR i]
onlin300.zip  138033 08-05-2024 ,d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b.
                                $$$"'  `"$$' `$$'`$'`$$"'  `"$$' `$$'"$$
                                $$' ,s.   $    `$  $.,$'       $    `$  $$
                                $$  $$$$  $  .  `  $$$$  ,s.   $  .  `  $$
                                $$  `$$'  $  $s    $'`$  $$$$  $  $s    $$
                                $$.      ,$  $$$.  $  $. `$$' ,$  $$$.  $$
                                $$$.    ,$$.,$$$$.,$.,$$.    ,$$.,$$$$.,$$
                                $$-[oNLIN - bRAND nEW rEVAMPED!]-[3.00]-$$
                                $$ oNIONLINERz iS bACK wITH nEW aNSI,.. $$
                                $$ cOLOUR sCHEMES, bETTER fEEL, mACRO'S $$
                                $$ aND lITTLE oTHER bITS.. nEW dEFAULTS $$
                                $$ sET iN oNLINCFG fOR eASE............ $$
                                $$  Ra [x]       DoS [.]      aNSi [x]  $$
                                $$s.                                  ,s$$
                                `Y$$$|    STaRTeD LiFe aT [tPb]   |$$$Y'
ov_2d1linr.z       0 01-01-1980 |111Liners for Renegade |04v0.03
                                08CoDED By OVRlord|09!|08DoRE |15(c) |071996
                                08With Auto Install capability, a plus for
                                08lazy asses. 
ov_2d1linr.zip   58642 08-05-2024 |111Liners for Renegade |04v0.03
                                |08CoDED By OVRlord|09!|08DoRE |15(c) |071996
                                |08With Auto Install capability, a plus for
                                |08lazy asses. 
pbmsg103.zip   67112 08-05-2024 
pline046.zip   49830 08-05-2024    -= Psych0Liner oneliner v.46 =-
                                Full featured oneliner for everyone.
                                Multinode, powerful language file, MCI
                                codes, easy to use, freeware, and more.
                                Released: 5/1/96.  MAJOR BUG FIXES.
pol100.zip     94104 08-05-2024      Piranha Oneliners Version 1.0
                                  P  i        H    
                                     Piranha Oneliners  VER. 1.0     
                                     with killer special effects     
                                     Supporting all BBS software     
                                          Easy installation          
                                  . New from Piranha Software .  
pow_wa10.zip   15075 08-05-2024    Ŀ              
                                  Ŀ   ڿ  
                                      PoW-WALL V1.0     
                                |        for RA2.0x       |
                                   Eine OneLiner Wall    
                                + bis zu 500 Zeilen      
                                + Lightbar gesteuert     
                                + 15 Top-User            
                                + Realname/Handle switch 
                                + der Key ist *gratis*   
                                ---                   --
pray101.zip    27692 08-05-2024 PRAYER LINE v1.01
                                Christian one-liner that allows your users to
                                leave prayer requests. Also, allows them to
                                download the prayer list for future
                                reference. Works with practically any BBS
                                software. FREEWARE!!!
prlst122.zip   46950 08-05-2024 ProLast 1.22 - Door That Will Allow Your
                                Users To Leave A Message To The Next
                                Caller To Your BBS.  Allows Configurable
                                SysOp Report File, ANSI, ASCII, PCB @X
                                Macros.  Can Be Used With PCBoard Security
                                Files Or Any Other File You Wish.  Now
                                Supports PCBoard/ProDoor & SpitFire Fully !!!
                                ShareWare From Greg Parsons
prp_21tlnr.z       0 01-01-1980     ________________________________
                                \:::    . _____ ____ ____ .____/_____
                                /::  . |     /:: . ____ __ ___._____/
                                /:: .   |  .  \:.  _____|:::    .  \
                                /______________/:      . \::  .  |   \
                                __ _________\______________/: |   .|    \_
                                \________ ____________________|____|_____/
                                dEMONIC bBS pRODUCTIONZ 1997 pRESENTZ:
                                tliners [oneliners] (w/pascal source!)
prp_21tlnr.zip   29291 08-05-2024     ________________________________
                                    \:::    . _____ ____ ____ .____/_____
                                    /::  . |     /:: . ____ __ ___._____/
                                   /:: .   |  .  \:.  _____|:::    .  \
                                  /______________/:      . \::  .  |   \
                                __ _________\______________/: |   .|    \_
                                \________ ____________________|____|_____/
                                  dEMONIC bBS pRODUCTIONZ 1997 pRESENTZ:
                                  tliners [oneliners] (w/pascal source!)
pshot102.zip   54552 08-05-2024 Parting Shots is a door that allows
                                users to leave a message for the next 7
                                callers.  They can leave it in color if
                                they wish using LORD style color codes.
                                Uses the same registration key as
                                Socrates' Shop.  Shareware from
pub2_2_2d3.z       0 01-01-1980 ThePub ][ v2.2 OneLiners - MOST DROPFILES 
                                READ WHATS.NEW!!  SysOp Utilities!!!
                                Lock out bad callers/Disable BadWords 
                                Lock out Security levels. Reg. $7.50 
                                CTRL L (Clearscreen)/G (Beep) Disabled
                                Highly configurable & colorful!
pub2_2_2d3.zip   42566 08-05-2024 ThePub ][ v2.2 OneLiners - MOST DROPFILES 
                                READ WHATS.NEW!!  SysOp Utilities!!!
                                Lock out bad callers/Disable BadWords 
                                Lock out Security levels. Reg. $7.50 
                                CTRL L (Clearscreen)/G (Beep) Disabled
                                Highly configurable & colorful!
pwall10.zip    74768 08-05-2024 Power Wall v.1.0.  Power Wall is a very
                                colorful wall door for any BBS that supports
                                CHAIN.TXT, DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF, and
                                TRIBBS.SYS dropfiles.  Very easy to setup and
                                use. This version adds multinode capabilities
                                and updates a few internals.  Official NON-
                                Beta release.  By Joe Hutley
qrt_2dpl10.z       0 01-01-1980 ۲           
                                        PUKE LINER 1.00        ۲
                                    LINER WITH BUILD IN        ۰
                                ۲     GRAFFITI WALL              
                                ۲    ANIMATED CURSOR             
                                     3 NICE ANSIS INCLUDED       
                                     TOP WRITER STATS            
                                ۰    SEVERAL BUGFIXES DONE       
                                ۱    CODED BY ACE SCREAMER      
                                  QUARANTINE 1997 
qrt_2dpl10.zip   63009 08-05-2024 ۲           
                                        PUKE LINER 1.00        ۲
                                    LINER WITH BUILD IN        ۰
                                ۲     GRAFFITI WALL              
                                ۲    ANIMATED CURSOR             
                                     3 NICE ANSIS INCLUDED       
                                     TOP WRITER STATS            
                                ۰    SEVERAL BUGFIXES DONE       
                                ۱    CODED BY ACE SCREAMER      
                                  QUARANTINE 1997 
q_note20.zip    8560 08-05-2024 Quick Note Another "Note to All Users"
                                A *very* elaborate Q-A setup for RemoteAccess
                                This Setup requires NO external ANSI screens.
                                The only external program used is a BATch
                                that uses the DOS copy command. This is a
                                elaborate setup for the professional RA SysOp
raflnr01.zip   65726 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                      Remote Access Force        
                                          RAF-LINER v0.1         
                                 Coder : Serialkiller            
                                 Bytes : 60k                     
                                 What  : A Lightbar driven liner 
                                         for ra with colors and  
                                 new   :                         
                                 remembers states balk           
ragrw200.zip  143097 08-05-2024 -=[RemoteAccess Ultra-Graffiti Wall]=- v2
                                By RemoteAccess Ultra-Software.
                                A graffiti wall that will allow people to
                                anonymously write messages, but the user's
                                messages and the name of the user are
                                posted to a logfile.  This is a complete
                                re-write of v1.01 because the code was
                                lost to a hard drive crash.  If ANY
                                features are left out that you would like
                                to see, feel free to let me know!
rulez10.zip    23665 08-05-2024 Rulez 1.0 - The message-to-the-other-users
                                add-another-line comment-to-the-next-dude
                                door that _RULEZ_! Completely configurable
                                for your own taste, various samples
                                included. RemoteAccess 2 only.
rvnts100.zip  174218 08-05-2024 The Rev's Useless Bunch of Online Notes!
                                Version 1.00 FINAL RELEASE! New ansi's, etc!
                                This door is for USERS (not the pesky sysops)
                                to write a note to the next caller!
                                It supports virtually all drop files!
scrl425a.zip  130481 08-05-2024 
                                ޳     Scrawl! Version 4.25a     ޳
                                 Scrawl! is Mikerosoft Productions'  on-
                                 line grafitti door,  featuring  message
                                 writing,  reading,  keyword  searching,
                                 aliases, news,  InterBBS echomail-style
                                 messaging,  and more!  Compatible  with
                                 RemoteAccess and any other DORINFOx.DEF
                                 or DOOR.SYS BBS systems.         [SB96]
sewall29.zip   94056 08-05-2024 See-Wall 2.9
                                Very simplified grafitti
                                wall program for those tired
                                of endless pauses and
                                registration delays.
                                Supports LORD style color codes
                                <<<< FREEWARE >>>>
                                Released 04/16/1999
sfpost20.zip   30435 08-05-2024 [SF-POST  v2.0]͸
                                 SF-Post is a logon autopost program for 
                                 use with ANY BBS software!  It has been 
                                 designed to allow a user to enter up to 
                                 a 3 line message for all callers to see 
                                 at logon.  Very EASY to setup! Supports 
                                 ANSI/ASCII callers.  This is a MUST for 
                                 ALL SysOps!   MAJOR UPDATE!       01/96 
                                 (C) 1996 Brian Leiter       *SHAREWARE* 
sline200.zip  163543 08-05-2024 SuperLine v2.00 - A small door program that
                                allows users to post one-line messages that
                                may be read by others at logon. Supports
                                Wildcat 3.x, RA 1.x, 2.x, QuickBBS 2.7x,
                                2.8x, SuperBBS 1.1x, ProBoard 1.x, 2.x and
                                many others. Now includes a menu driven
                                configuration program with mouse support and
                                word filter.
sline250.zip  244042 08-05-2024           SuperLine v2.50
                                A small door program that allows users
                                to post one-line messages that may be
                                read by others at logon. Supports
                                Wildcat 3.x, 4.x, RA 1.x, 2.x,
                                QuickBBS 2.7x, 2.8x, SuperBBS 1.1x,
                                Concord O.O1, ProBoard 1.x, 2.x and
                                many others. Includes a menu driven
                                configuration program with mouse
                                support, word filter, & multitasker
                                support. Now has BBS message-base
                                support (HMB, JAM, Squish & *.MSG)
                                and bulletin generating capabilities.
                                MUCH INPROVED! Written by Steve Planck
sone103.zip    30420 08-05-2024 Spots BBS Oneliners 1.03
                                Pottsware by Simeon Potts, 1997
                                A simple, sophisticated
                                Oneliners Program.  Ten lines.
                                Nice ANSI board. 
spkout10.zip   53987 08-05-2024 Speak Out!  Anonymous message door.
                                Find out what your callers *really*
                                have to say by allowing them to
                                exercise their right to free speech.
                                Very popular and easy to use, yet has
                                many advanced features.  Multinode
                                support.  Uses DORINFOx.DEF.  Or use
                                standalone on your LAN.
                                By California ClipArt
st0ned.zip      7286 08-05-2024 T-X-^P-R-0-D-U-C-T-i-0-N-SĿ
                                ._______/\__ _____,____   ij
                                 /        \ !    /    \    
                                 /           \|   /|   |  \    
                                  \___   ____/     \|   |   \ .  
                                    /'   |/   |    \        \   
                                   _/     |    :     \_ :     \ 
                                  \_____,|__________/______/ ڳ
                                 NME : ST0NED LiNER............ 
                                 WHT : 0NELiNER................ 
                                 C0DED : PURE SSEMBLER......... 
                                 UTH0R : DR BL0W............... 
                                 SUPP0RT : R 2.x / 0BLiVi0N.... 
                                 DESC : FST!!.. FDiNG C0L0RZ!. 
                                 CN BE FULL CUST0MiSED......... 
                                 >TX WHQ - +31 (o)7O - 3254113<
stn105.zip     69431 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                SIMPLY THE NEXT 1.05  fr RA 2.0x    
                                *Die moderne Messi-2-Next Caller Door
                                 -2 Mega-Fonts !!                    
                                 -User knnen die letzten 16         
                                  Nachrichten lesen                  
                                 -Gre und Position der Textfenster 
                                 -Persnliche Visitenkarte           
                                 -Farben/Titel der Nachricht         
                                *In 5 Minuten installiert !          
swall2.zip    109502 08-05-2024 
swallv18.zip   47270 08-05-2024    
                                       The School Wall v1.8 Final          
                                     Excellent multinode wall door.        
                                      Users can select text color,         
                                     and use high ASCII characters.        
                                 Sysop functions included.Badwords.txt     
                                All Sysops who run or are looking to run   
                                 a graffiti wall or oneliner door will     
                                      want to check this one out!          
                                  Written by BC Software Glenn Sutton      
                                Website http://www.homestead.com/bcsoftware
tf_2dol050.z       0 01-01-1980 
                                f i s h i e s
                                O n e l i n e   v 0 . 5 0
                                BBS Oneliner Door
tf_2dol050.zip   29810 08-05-2024 
                                              f i s h i e s
                                        O n e l i n e   v 0 . 5 0
                                            BBS Oneliner Door
tgd210.zip    159310 08-05-2024 ** The Graffiti Door - Version 2.10  **
                                Supports RIPscrip Graphics on both the user
                                user AND Sysop Side!  Concurrent Multi-Node
                                Support; Fossil, Uart (including Fifo's), &
                                DigiBoard support.  Also supports locked
                                bps rates, hrdwre flow control, & non-
                                standard ports.  Works as regular door OR 
                                login door.  Comes with an editor, setup
                                program, & sysop chat. Only $10!
                                Released 11-26-93 by T.E. Morgan - 1:301/3
tmtnc32.zip   114329 08-05-2024 *********************************
                                TMTNC v3.1 Release
                                Tmtnc is a Message to next caller
                                door with many features.
                                Users are allowed to upload their
                                messages or write manually with
                                the build-in full-Screen editor.
                                TMTNC can run on almost every
                                bbs systems wich supports the
                                DORINFO1.DEF and/or DOOR.SYS
                                User-Dropfile .
                                Tmtnc has tha abbillity to
                                use own-style menu system .
                                And many more features .
                                Cheap registration .
tnywal20.zip   49486 08-05-2024 Tiny's Wall of Babble 2.0
                                **Freeware** May 29 1998
                                The Best Wall door around.
                                Very Popular with your users!
                                DOS and OS/2 Versions, with 
                                both Pipe and LORD Colour Codes.
toilet10.zip   74770 08-05-2024       TOILET STALL 
                                A grafitti wall door with a twist!
                                All posts are displayed in the 
                                bowl of a toilet...when you select 
                                the next post, the previous one is
                                flushed! Multi-node operation,
                                non-standard com ports, no FOSSIL
                                required, sysop paging, MUCH more.
                                   >> Registration only $5! <<
tpcliner.zip   30505 08-05-2024   TPC LINER V. 1.0!! 
                                 ´ ڿ  ٳ        
                                 [ TREND PIRAZY CREW 95' ]
                                TPC Liner Pro is an One-Liner
                                program for RemoteAccess 2.xx
                                   SUPERB FREE-WARE!
trirum14.zip   36116 08-05-2024           --=*>WBS Presents<*=--        
                                TriRumors v1.4   OneLiners door program
                                supporting almost any bbs.  Great 
                                graphics!  Full logging of what the user
                                enters.  Added Random Headers in this   
                                release!  New Reg. routines as well!!!!!!
                                ShareWare $5
trock_10.zip   81302 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                             The Rock v1.0             
                                     (c) `94' By: Nicholas Harbour     
                                   A New style of grafitti wall with   
                                ANSI graphics like you'd never belive! 
                                each Quote or "Carving" is displayed in
                                a random color overtop of picture of a 
                                rock to give the feel of Spray Painting
                                  Supports almost all drop files I know
                                of. DORINFO#.DEF, DOOR.SYS, INFO.BBS,  
                                  CALLINFO.BBS, SFDOOR.DAT, CHAIN.TXT,   
                                  PCBOARD.SYS, and even DOBBS.BAT for  
                                Front Door to load before it loads the 
                                BBS!   Reg Fee.  US $8  Can 10$        
tsi_2dwl10.z       0 01-01-1980    .d                      d$$b
                                .d$$                      ?$$P
                                $$$$bm.       .d$$$$$b.     .d
                                $$$$$$$b     d$$P        .d$$
                                $$$$         ?$$$$b.    .d$$$$
                                $$$$.  d$$P    ?$$$$b    $$$$
                                / $$$$$Ptsi?$$$$$$P  d$$$$$$b\
                                  p   r   e   s    e   n   t   s  +
                                 -------------------------------- |
                                           WALL v1.0              |
                                  A very nice wall door for any   |
                                  BBS system that can generate    |
                                         EXITINFO.BBS.            |
                                 Save with handle/name/anonymous  |
                                  Change colour with upkey/dnkey  |
                                    Use your own ansi, control    |
                                          eVeRyTHiNG          |
                                 -------------------------------- |
                                 keywords: ONELINER               |
                                 -------------------------------- +
                                \EVERYTHING BELOW THIS IS ADVERTS/
tsi_2dwl10.zip   50369 08-05-2024    .d                      d$$b
                                  .d$$                      ?$$P
                                  $$$$bm.       .d$$$$$b.     .d
                                  $$$$$$$b     d$$P        .d$$
                                  $$$$         ?$$$$b.    .d$$$$
                                  $$$$.  d$$P    ?$$$$b    $$$$
                                 / $$$$$Ptsi?$$$$$$P  d$$$$$$b\
                                +  p   r   e   s    e   n   t   s  +
                                | -------------------------------- |
                                |           WALL v1.0              |
                                |                                  |
                                |  A very nice wall door for any   |
                                |  BBS system that can generate    |
                                |         EXITINFO.BBS.            |
                                | Save with handle/name/anonymous  |
                                |  Change colour with upkey/dnkey  |
                                |    Use your own ansi, control    |
                                |          eVeRyTHiNG          |
                                |                                  |
                                | -------------------------------- |
                                | keywords: ONELINER               |
                                + -------------------------------- +
                                 \EVERYTHING BELOW THIS IS ADVERTS/
ts_2dmarma.z       0 01-01-1980  ..oo0 TRiNiTY 0oo.. ͻ
                                    MaRMaLiNeRS oNe LiNeRS     
                                   PRoGRaM FoR aNY DooR.SYS    
                                  BBS. CaN HaNDLe CoLoR CoDeS  
                                  aNSi, 19 LiNeS oF oNeLiNeRS  
                                 NoT CRiPPLeD iN aNY WaY. HaS  
                                   15 DiFFeReNT CoLoR CoDeS    
                                  PLeaSe ReaD ReaDMe.1ST!!!    
                                 ..oo0 FReeWaRe 0oo.. ͼ
ts_2dmarma.zip   92667 08-05-2024  ..oo0 TRiNiTY 0oo.. ͻ
                                    MaRMaLiNeRS oNe LiNeRS     
                                   PRoGRaM FoR aNY DooR.SYS    
                                  BBS. CaN HaNDLe CoLoR CoDeS  
                                  aNSi, 19 LiNeS oF oNeLiNeRS  
                                 NoT CRiPPLeD iN aNY WaY. HaS  
                                   15 DiFFeReNT CoLoR CoDeS    
                                  PLeaSe ReaD ReaDMe.1ST!!!    
                                 ..oo0 FReeWaRe 0oo.. ͼ
twall23.zip    88484 08-05-2024 The Graphitti Wall v2.2
twall43.zip   130935 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                 ¿   Ŀ     Ŀ         v4.3  
                                    Ĵ     ³ Ĵ       coded by
                                 THE WALL is a bbs door program, a com- 
                                 ment door. There a two types of walls: 
                                 (1) classic wall with many colors  and 
                                 (2) a wall with elite design and  fade 
                                 effects.  This  program  is  FREEWARE. 
                                 Works with nearly all BBS-Programs but 
                                 ANSI is required. German & English doc 
twall60.zip    26294 08-05-2024 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
                                *          Version 6.0                *
                                *     A Great Grafitti Wall Door.     *
                                *  Very configurable, easy to setup.  *
                                *  User friendly, Auto-maintenance.   *
                                * New Screens, 5 Lines and NOW with   *
                                * SCROLL BACK for viewing older lines *
                                *      (C)1997 F.U.S.S. Software      *
                                * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
twt_2don14.z       0 01-01-1980 yy ========= dH!b ==== yy =========== yy
                                $$""  $$ y $b`'$$" $$""  $$"$b $$"$$
                                $$ $$ $$ $ $$ $$  ""$b $$ $$ $$""" $$ $$
                                $y$$ $y$y$$ $$ $$y$$ $y$$ $y$$ $y$$
                                ===========( CODER SECTION )============
                                linerz v1.4
                                kewl looking onelinerz. including who
                                wrote function.
                                code by volar
twt_2don14.zip   14114 08-05-2024 yy ========= dH!b ==== yy =========== yy
                                $$""  $$ y $b`'$$" $$""  $$"$b $$"$$
                                $$ $$ $$ $ $$ $$  ""$b $$ $$ $$""" $$ $$
                                $y$$ $y$y$$ $$ $$y$$ $y$$ $y$$ $y$$
                                ===========( CODER SECTION )============
                                              linerz v1.4
                                kewl looking onelinerz. including who
                                wrote function.
                                             code by volar
twt_on14.zip   15109 08-05-2024 yy ========= dH!b ==== yy =========== yy
                                $$""  $$ y $b`'$$" $$""  $$"$b $$"$$
                                $$ $$ $$ $ $$ $$  ""$b $$ $$ $$""" $$ $$
                                $y$$ $y$y$$ $$ $$y$$ $y$$ $y$$ $y$$
                                ===========( CODER SECTION )============
                                              linerz v1.4
                                kewl looking onelinerz. including who
                                wrote function.
                                             code by volar
ult_line.zip   43758 08-05-2024 
                                               ް  ް      
                                       ޲  ޲                  
                                     Color lines one liner door      
                                      For RemoteAccess Ver 2.xx      
                                   Another release from Ultradoors   
                                  BY: The Driller DaTe on 10/08/97   
wall.zip       33257 08-05-2024 Anonymous Graffiti wall **FREEWARE** by Daniel
wall101.zip    71132 08-05-2024 THE WALL v1.01! -*- NOW SysOps have a
                                way to get a response out of their
                                gaming, file sponging users!  AUTOMATIC
                                install for Maximus-CBCS SysOps, EASY
                                install for anyone else!  EXTENSIVE
                                SysOp features include a profanity
                                filter, automatic purging of old
                                messages, and MORE!  Updated version.
wall16.zip     16342 08-05-2024 
wall2.zip      42183 08-05-2024 The Wall!  (c) 1997 enigma
                                A small door for you users
                                to leave little one-line
                                messages. Easy Setup!
                                Includes both DOS and OS/2
wall20.zip     24934 08-05-2024  
                                       The A.Y.S Wall 2.0       
                                         A Nice OnLiner         
                                       Now With Pipe Codes      
                                      Made By RatMan^A.Y.S      
wall201.zip    44206 08-05-2024 The Wall  - v2.01 - Compiled on Jan 23, 1992
                                ***  Another Greate Vampyre Bar! BBS Door ***
                                The Grafitti Wall is a fun utility for _ANY_
                                BBS program! It allows your users to post 
                                thier own pieces of "wisdom" for all to see
                                and share...
wall30.zip     75381 08-05-2024 WALL OF WISDOM 3.0   By Jimmy Rose
                                The Most Colorful and Most Configurable
                                Wall Writer around! Sysop editor and
                                configuration utility built in! This
                                version has many features including full
                                line editing when entering comments and
                                Sysop configurable line characters.
                                Every BBS can have a unique look! This
                                program is user friendly! Popular BBS door
                                for TriBBS, Wildcat, RA, Spitfire, Renegade,
                                PC Board, Gap, and ALL other major BBS's.
                                Brand new 1998 release! DOS version.
                                (c)1994-1998 ATLANTIS SOFTWARE.
wall310a.zip   52153 08-05-2024 The Wall  - v3.1a - Compiled on Jun 10, 1992
                                ***  Another Greate Vampyre Bar! BBS Door ***
                                The Grafitti Wall is a fun utility for _ANY_
                                BBS program! It allows your users to post 
                                thier own pieces of "wisdom" for all to see
                                and share...
wall35.zip     43982 08-05-2024 The Graffiti Wall v3.5 (C) Copyright 1994.
                                A Tronix Developer's production by CJ aka
                                Charles Sperber ...
                                The Graffiti Wall v3.5 is a freeware
                                production by Tronix Developers.
                                This onliner is compatible with several BBS
                                types and serves as an
                                entertaining method of writing anonymous
                                comments to other users of your
                                system. Download me, I'm freeware!
wall522.zip    26009 08-05-2024 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
                                *          Version 5.2.2              *
                                *     A Great Grafitti Wall Door.     *
                                *  Very configurable, easy to setup.  *
                                *  User friendly, Auto-maintenance.   *
                                * Support for most door drop formats. *
                                *  (C)1997 F.U.S.S. Software          *
                                * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
wallsrc.zip   143930 08-05-2024 
wi_21lc101.z       0 01-01-1980  [WIZARD] 
                                ۲    ۲
                                [Wizard presents]Ŀ
                                ij  LASTCALLER  V1.01   
                                   A LASTCALLER WITH    
                                   CEWL ANSI DESIGN &   
                                    DEFINE YOUR OWN     
                                      ANSI LAYOUT       
                                ij Codes by Alex Bruch  ڳĿ
                                    & Daniel Diehl   ڳ 
wi_21lc101.zip   40124 08-05-2024  [WIZARD] 
                                ۲    ۲
                                 [Wizard presents]Ŀ
                                ij  LASTCALLER  V1.01   
                                     A LASTCALLER WITH    
                                     CEWL ANSI DESIGN &   
                                      DEFINE YOUR OWN     
                                        ANSI LAYOUT       
                                ij Codes by Alex Bruch  ڳĿ
                                    & Daniel Diehl   ڳ 
wklinerz.zip   11991 08-05-2024   Ŀ
                                   -= DA WICKED LINERZ!!! =- 
                                  DA FIRST LINERZ WITH A FONT!!
                                THiZ WaRPeD THRue THe SKY oF FiRe
                                 Ŀ-= 02260-13830 =-  
wordwal4.zip   85622 08-05-2024 A door that allows users to veiw
                                22 one-liners and add add a one of 
                                their own. Ver 2.0. From Paragon
ww103b.zip     59828 08-05-2024 Wacky Wall Graffiti Wall v1.02b!
                                A GREAT graffiti wall door
                                allowing users to fully colorize
                                their messages. Powerful SysOp
                                options, easy to install and use.
                                Please try this program and
                                distribute it EVERYWHERE!!
xpost10.zip    81288 08-05-2024       ExPost Version 1.0
                                     Freeware from ExSoft
                                  If you've been looking for
                                  a good autoposter for your
                                BBS this is the program to get.
                                        Even has color!
xwall.zip      59843 08-05-2024     eXtreme Wall!
                                Your basic One-liner,
                                great for log-off and
                                log-on! Easy set-up,
                                100% configurable!!!
                                  By David Hudson
_10wall.zip    38214 08-05-2024 Another Brick In The Wall v1.0 - Excellent
                                new graffiti wall door packed with features.
                                Users can select text color, background
                                color, random color, flashing text, and use
                                high ASCII characters.  Sysop functions
                                include profanity filter, size control,
                                truncation, deletion, a reprimand feature
                                to warn troublesome users, and more!  All
                                Sysops who run or are looking to run a
                                graffiti wall or oneliner door will want to
                                check this out.  Only $5 to register!
_2115wall.zi       0 01-01-1980 Another Brick In The Wall v1.5 -
                                Excellent multinode graffiti wall door
                                packed with features.  Users can select
                                text color, background color, random
                                color, flashing text, and use high
                                ASCII characters.  Sysop functions
                                include profanity filter, size control,
                                line deletion, a reprimand feature to
                                warn troublesome users, and more!  All
                                Sysops who run or are looking to run a
                                graffiti wall or oneliner door will
                                want to check this out.
_2115wall.zip   46775 08-05-2024 Another Brick In The Wall v1.5 -
                                Excellent multinode graffiti wall door
                                packed with features.  Users can select
                                text color, background color, random
                                color, flashing text, and use high
                                ASCII characters.  Sysop functions
                                include profanity filter, size control,
                                line deletion, a reprimand feature to
                                warn troublesome users, and more!  All
                                Sysops who run or are looking to run a
                                graffiti wall or oneliner door will
                                want to check this out.
_21mx_on.zip    6581 08-05-2024 ĿĿ
                                  Ŀ    -O-N-L-I-N-E-R-
                                          -= 0.3 =-
                                  ij  -S-H-A-R-E-W-A-R-E-
                                 - Create a LogBook (RA 2.xx) 
                                 - Use your own Ansis         
                                 - Allow Macros (next User)   
                                 - Eazy 2 install             
                                 - Less than 10KB of HD-Space 
                                 - NO Fossil-Driver needet    
                                 - Made by Immortal Arrogance 
                                 Independence Rulez    Ŀ 
                                   BE YOURSELF OR        
                                 die like a Lemming    ij 

               Area 126 - Wildcat 4.x Utils               

1whocald.zip    8991 08-05-2024 Who Called Today! by CR Software. (3/96). 
                                Written in wcCODE 4 For WildCat 4.11.
                                Displays a list of the current day's callers.
                                List automatically resets every day.
                                COMPLETELY CUSTOMIZABLE!! Choose from 1 to 8
                                categories to be displayed, AND what color
                                each field is to be displayed in. Automati-
                                cally sizes categories across screen. Use as
                                part of log on sequence or as menu item!
                                Register: $4.00  AVAILABLE SOON FOR WC 5!!
aaapag31.zip    9292 08-05-2024 **AAAPage v3.1 for Wildcat! 4.01+ ONLY***
                                Wildcat System Page Replacement. For Sysops
                                who want to be notified ONLY in case of an
                                emergency.  This will make the user think
                                That you are available 24hrs a day. However
                                If you are not in front of the computer
                                or somewhere you can see the screen you will
                                only know that you were paged from the log.
                                This Pager Turns the bell on or off depending
                                on the page type. Also Logs the reason for
                                Page. Now supports Sysop Defineable
                                for the comments to sysop.
                                Supports the use of an AI pager as the Asst
                                Written in WCCODE v4.11 by Wayne Braswell
                                MANY NEW improved Features plus
                                Password Entered is now echoed back as
abitwgr5.zip   11016 08-05-2024 -=[M O R E  ABITW  A N S i  SCREENS]=-
abitwl13.zip    5146 08-05-2024 ABiTW - LOGON V1.3 (WCX) - For WC4.10/11/12+
                                Compiled with WCcode 4.12
                                Please read the DOC for additional information
abitwlf1.zip    4838 08-05-2024 ABiTW - LogOff V1.1 - A WcCode LogOff option
                                for WC 4.10/4.11/4.12+, Cool Graphix!
acode100.zip    6128 08-05-2024 Area Code! Allows Users To Update Their New
                                Area Codes
afinst_1.zip   11194 08-05-2024 * ALLFIX! for WC Icon Installation Program *
                                  AFINST! Creates an OS/2 Work Place   Ŀ
                                 Shell Folder for those running ALLFIX! Ŀ
                                  for WildCat! under OS/2 and Attaches   
                                   Icons to ALLFIX.EXE, ASETUP.EXE,      
                                   HATCH.EXE, FCOMP.EXE, FIXUTIL.EXE     
                                   UPDATE.EXE, BAKE.EXE, COOKIE.TXT      
                                   and WHATSNEW.DOC.                     
afx_110e.zip  678311 08-05-2024 ALLFIX! for WildCat! v1.10 Evaluation
                                Version. ALLFIX is the most complete
                                FileEcho utility available. No other
                                program offers the large number of features
                                that are part of the ALLFIX package.
                                * Full support for WildCat! 4.xx. It can
                                  write directly to the WildCat! file
                                  database and to the message conferences
                                * Full support for Zones, and 4D points.
                                * Support for domains (5D addressing).
                                * Ability to disable sending a TIC file.
                                * Ability to put all of the TIC files with or
                                  without the accompanying archive into one
                                * Support for multiple compression formats.
                                * User friendly setup program. ALLFIX does
                                  not require any configuration files used
                                  by any other program.
                                * Supports XMS, EMS and disk swapping.
                                * Supports DESQview, OS/2, and other
                                * Writes FD/WildCat!/BinkleyTerm/PoP
                                  compatible log file.
                                In conclusion: Very HIGH quality performance,
                                Very LOW registration fee.
allfl_20.zip   95156 08-05-2024 All Files Lister for Wildcat! 4.01+
                                Version 2.0  (proFILES)
                                No more hassles trying to capture a list of
                                all your files, or trying
                                to configure hard-to-use, outdated programs! 
                                Create file lists and
                                now allow your users create their own
                                personalized list and download
                                it online!  Features (for a complete list see
                                - Coded in wcCODE for a fast, smooth interface
                                with Wildcat!.
                                ! NEW: OnDemand lets users create their own
                                ! NEW: ANSI menu interface and 3D interface.
                                ! NEW: "NEWFILES" list creation.
                                ! NEW: Faster than ever before.
                                ! NEW: FIVE different file listing methods.
                                - Online configuration program with context
                                sensitive help.
                                - SysOp defined file area headers.
                                - Word wrapped descriptions for easier reading
                                - Multiple Configurations let you create more
                                than one file list.
                                - Create compressed file using ANY packer
                                - Include and exclude certain file areas and
                                file types.
                                - Installation program for easy setup into ANY
                                - No limits and fully SysOp configurable.
                                - Many other features...
asend100.zip    4556 08-05-2024 Autosend v1.00 - Add-on for Listserv.  Send
                                a message to all subscribers.  Designed to
                                be used as an event for sending messages on
                                a regular basis, such as mailing list info,
                                FAQs, etc.  Compiled for Wildcat v4.10+,
                                includes source code.  From the author of
                                Listserv for Wildcat.
avu1r6.zip    165005 08-05-2024 Archive View 1.6 for Wildcat 4.1x.
                                wcCode app runs in place of viewcomp.bat
                                and displays .ZIP and .TXT files. Also
                                supports .ZIP within .EXE if found.
                                Uses freeware Unzip (included). Freeware.
                                Compiled using wcCode 4.12.
a_menu35.zip   80806 08-05-2024 A-MENU v3.5,wcCODE,Ver. 4.11 by DYS Software
                                *** POWERFUL Online & Remote MENU-MAKER! ***
                                * Configure A-MENU Screens "on the fly!" 
                                * 44 Menu Options/Screen; 60 different Types 
                                * Configure A-MENU Access by Security Level 
                                * Copying & Moving A-MENU Screens - Allowed 
                                * Displays Static or Ticker-tape Banner Ads 
                                * Displays additional info for Ad on demand 
                                * Supports Arrows and FULL-MENU Hot Keys 
                                * Runs Online EDITOR and wcDRAW from inside 
                                * Offers User-friendly Messages on bottom 
                                * Supports access to your Sub-Menu/Programs   
                                Download this file and be REAL glad you did!
bbslist.zip     3479 08-05-2024 ABiTW BBS (WCX) Lister. ! FREEWARE !
                                BBS lister for WC 4.10,11,12
                                compiled with WCcode 4.12
bday100.zip    10311 08-05-2024 wcBIRTHDAY v1.0 -[WCX] Create a bulletin
                                of all the users who have birthdays today!
                                (Run as a daily event).
                                Wildcat! SysOps Only - wcCODE v4.12
boards.zip     10427 08-05-2024 Boards - WCX v4.12
                                This is another BBS Lister
                                It's simple but effective.
                                Configuration allows only
                                certain Security Profiles
                                to Add a BBS ad!
                                It's FREEWARE!
                                Hidden Paradise Software
                                Hidden Paradise
                                BBS (716)-345-9800
bouncer.zip    70278 08-05-2024 REMAIL version 1.00 for Wildcat 4.x
                                This utility will send "bounce" messages
                                to people who write to selected users
                                in your internet conference.  It uses
                                Wildcat!'s UTIIMPRT program for reliable
                                import processing.
bssdunge.zip   23791 08-05-2024 BBS Dungeon! For Wildcat 4.12 w/ wcCODE please
                                read info
bsslgman.zip    5581 08-05-2024 LogonManager for Wildcat 4.12 made w/ wcCODE
catchya4.zip    4739 08-05-2024 Catchya 4.0 by Rob Mooney
                                A total rewrite of the infamous
                                Catchya Goodbye replacement module
                                for Wildcat 4.10 and above BBS's!
                                Compiled using WCCODE 4.20
                                Now includes FULL ansi graphics!
catlist1.zip    9126 08-05-2024 Catlist 1.0 - A cool BBS lister,
                                good graphix, users are able to
                                download short or long lists,
                                will produce a bulletin or hello
                                file, multinode compatible.
                                A wcCode Application for WC 4.12+!
                                Catlist 1.0 for Wildcat 4.12+
                                by Paul Elson 03/07/96
cgfwc_14.zip   17540 08-05-2024 Conference Groups for WildCat! v.1.4
                                A WcCode application that enables
                                the creation of Message Area Groups.
                                No more scrolling through pages of
                                areas.  A string search feature adds
                                to the user friendliness of this utility.
                                Now includes complete .prm file support.
                                Support for cnf#.bbs files.
                                Support for group#.bbs files
                                Optional custom Group Menu file.
                                Fast!! conference listings!
                                This demo version expires 2/30/96.
                                Brought to you by Beggar's Banquet.
                                Compiled 10/07/95 with wcc 4.11
cnd_tday.zip    9913 08-05-2024 C-N-D Tday v2.24 WCX pgm for WC! v4.12
                                C-N-D Tday creates display files of
                                those that have called your system
                                Today, and Yesterday.  Features include
                                *Special Display for First Time Callers
                                *Special Display if Caller's Birthday
                                *TOTALLY Sysop Configurable
                                *Create Secondary Displays for use in
                                 other BBS areas!
                                  Initial Release is FREEWARE!!!!
                                   Chip -N- Disk BBS: (414) 862-6221.
cpro401.zip   113229 08-05-2024 CPro Now Supports Multi-Node Wildcat! Systems
ctrl105.zip    13975 08-05-2024 wcCONTROL v1.05 [03/12/96] - [WCX] 
                                Control BBS Features according to Security 
                                Levels - Complete rewrite, includes easy-to-
                                use Configuration Utility!
                                Wildcat! SysOps Only - wcCODE v4.12
edevent.zip    70791 08-05-2024 EDEVENT version 1.21 for Wildcat! 4.x.
                                For Wildcat 4.x EVENT files ONLY. Insert,
                                Delete, and Edit NODE events outside of
                                Note: Wildcat! version 3 users should
                                see EDEVENT3.ZIP for an earlier version.
editme.zip      1930 08-05-2024 EDITME.WCC/WCX - Quick Note Editor for
                                Wildcat v4.12 SysOps!       [03/24/96]
eyechall.zip    5761 08-05-2024    EyeChallenge v1.0
                                Number Challenge game for time online.
                                the user bets time that they will complete
                                the challenge and get it right within
                                the time allowed. Very challenging
                                compiled with WcCode 4.01 app. for 
                                  Wildcat 4.01-4.12
eyejail2.zip   12047 08-05-2024      EyeInJail v2.1
                                for WC 4.01-4.12,WcCode4.01 app.
                                Put Users That are bad in Jail, right after
                                the bad user logs on. 
                                Force Membership form for security 
                                level NEWUSER.
                                Jail With a twist. They have to beat
                                the game or Cry like a baby to you the
                                Sysop of your Bbs. Read Ejail.Doc for
                                Installation. Works as logon.wcx 
                                        Program by
                                Rick Quayle of Intimate Eyes Bbs
fair266a.zip  297212 08-05-2024 The Faire 2.66a - If your users love LORD..
                                .This is just as cool!
                                10 levels, wander the streets, rob the bank,
                                try to survive long enough
                                to make it to the faire, kill other users,
                                write mail to them, find hidden
                                maps, a master player level, and more. This
                                game will always be growing!
                                You can even add your own 'other areas' to the
                                game. I even provide a 
                                player datafile structure so you can write
                                your own external apps!
                                Includes versions for Wc4.01, 4.11, 4.12 !!
                                Coming soon The Faire for Wildcat 5.0!    <<-
                                Should be by 2-28-96
                                Another great WcCode app from :
                                          Carl Tice
                                       THE BAD BOY BBS!
filesbbs.zip   67837 08-05-2024 FILESBBS version 2.00 makes FILES.BBS
                                lists from Wildcat! 4.x and 3.x data,
                                for use with d'Bridge and other FIDO
                                For Versions 3.x thru 4.x of Wildcat!
freedoor.zip   42924 08-05-2024 FREEDOOR 1.0 For WC 4.x Systems
                                Allow users to play door games
                                without subtracting from their
                                online time.  FREEWARE!
fstlg204.zip   13571 08-05-2024 FASTLOG 2.04 - wcCODE 4.10 -
                                For Wildcat! 4.10 and later! Prompt for
                                Fast, Normal, Maildoor, and DoorMenu logon.
                                Force Normal logon if user hasn't called in
                                # days. Normal logon after # calls.  Check
                                for updated newsletter even if Fast / Normal
                                logon. Check mail at logon. Check for U##
                                files. Check for WARN##.BBS files.
                                Configurable for up to 10 security levels.
                                Allows up to 20 HELLO and HELLO#N screens.
                                Now supports QUESDATE questionnaire.
                                Supports RIP. Allows user defined menus when
                                registered. More sysop configurable options.
fullw95.zip    93649 08-05-2024 Revision 2.01! Want to set up your BBS under
                                Win95 but not sure where to begin?
                                FULLW95.ZIP contains everything you'll need
                                from start to finish to get your DOS-Based
                                up and running under Windows 95 with minimal
                                downtime. FULLW95 includes sample batch files
                                FOSSIL drivers, and anything else needed to
                                you on your way!  Revised 10/17/95.
inetr120.zip    5884 08-05-2024 Internet Newsgroup Requester v1.20
                                INETREQ is a WCX program that allows
                                SYSOPS that carry Internet Newsgroups
                                to let thier users browes thru the
                                newsgrp.txt file and request newsgroups
                                to be added to the message base on thier
                                systems.  Easy configuration WCX added
                                A search function has been added to this
                                version.  User may d/l the newsgrp.txt
                                file. FREE! FREE! to all.  Call the
                                Desert Stealth BBS (505)479-0781
ishprm1.zip    61882 08-05-2024  Wildcat 4.12 prompts! (real wild)
                                 This is a copy of the wildcat.prm
                                       that I use on my BBS!       
                                it's got some RAD&COOL colors in it
                                        ISH (501)760-2444         
isl37.zip      14996 08-05-2024 InterNet Site List 3.7 for Wildcat! 4.01 &
                                Above. wcCODE App that stores seperate lists
                                of FTP, WWW, IRC, TelNet, UseNet and E-Mail
                                sites. Your users can add new sites online,
                                list the available sites, search for a site,
                                or download the lists for later use. SysOp
                                configurable to allow lockout of upto three
                                Security Levels and Users that will NOT have
                                access. Use your own personalized menu in
                                registered version. Easy to install!
is_iw_12.zip   24466 08-05-2024 INTELEC/INBASKET/INTELAPP.WCX   Version 1.2
                                Intelec Database and Application  Generator
                                For use with our IN_yymm.ZIP & INB_yymm.ZIP
                                information  files.  Contains  Application,
                                Inbasket, and Database WCX.     wcCode 4.10  
                                Intelec Software
jagdown.zip    23401 08-05-2024       JAGDOWN v4.12 PASSWORD UTILITY
                                ==== A Wild Password Utility for WC 4.x ====
                                  * When activated, it informs users that 
                                    your BBS is "Down for Maintenance"!
                                  * Requires password from users for access!
                                  * Runs as a PRELOG.WCX but will also run
                                    any prelog.wcx that you already use!
                                  * Start/End JAGDOWN from your Sysop Menu!
                                  * Displays your "Goodbye" .BBS!
                                  * Graphics included are  A w e s o m e!
                                  * Displays your BBS Name at the bottom!
                                  * Keeps it's own activity & error logs.
                                  * Registration gets you Free wcCode!
                                Download this file and be REAL glad you did!
                                   -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jagger.zip    291938 08-05-2024  JAGGER'S v4.12 ANIMATION PACK FOR WILDCAT
                                == An Awesome wcCode Pack for Wildcat 4.x ==
                                 JAGBYE-goodbye menu  JAGDOOR-doors menu
                                 JAGCHAT-sysop chat util  JAGDOWN-down for
                                maintenance util  JAGDUMP-dumps bad users
                                 JAGNOTE- comment to Sysop  JAGPAGE- page
                                the Sysop  JAGKILL- kills a list of files
                                 JAGFEED- file sender that scrolls messages
                                 JAGPOST- 5 notes to jot anything on
                                 JAGPASS- turns BBS into a password BBS
                                 JAGREAD - a file viewer  JAGRUN- Freeware
                                .WCX/BAT runner  JAGSTAT- stats  JAGTICK-a
                                message scroll  JAGTIME-time bank  JAGUSER
                                Download this file and be REAL glad you did!
                                  -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jagkill.zip     4463 08-05-2024      JAGKILL v4.12 FILE KILLER UTILITY
                                ++++ A FREEWARE Utility for Wildcat 4.x ++++
                                   * Kills up to 10 files!!
                                   * Run multiple copies if needed!
                                   * Perfect if your log files to kill!
                                   * Perfect for ANY files to kill!  
                                   * FREEWARE to sample the Jagger wcCode!
                                Download this file and be REAL glad you did!
                                   -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jagpass.zip    22781 08-05-2024       JAGPASS v4.12 PASSWORD UTILITY
                                ==== A Wild Password Utility for WC 4.x ====
                                  * When activated, it informs users that 
                                    your BBS is "a private BBS system"!
                                  * Requires password from users for access!
                                  * Runs as a PRELOG.WCX but will also run
                                    any prelog.wcx that you already use!
                                  * Start/End JAGPASS from your Sysop Menu!
                                  * Displays your "Goodbye" .BBS!
                                  * Graphics included are  A w e s o m e!
                                  * Displays your BBS Name at the bottom!
                                  * Keeps it's own activity & error logs.
                                  * Registration gets you Free wcCode!
                                Download this file and be REAL glad you did!
                                   -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jagread.zip    22566 08-05-2024     JAGREAD v4.12 ANIMATED FILE VIEWER 
                                ***** An Awesome Viewer for Wildcat 4.x ****
                                  * Light bar menu, scrolling read displays.
                                  * Configure 8 files to read quickly!
                                  * Keeps it's own database so each user
                                    has their own list of 8 default files!
                                  * Edits and/or kills your 8 default files!
                                  * You can pick any file to read!
                                  * Reads and/or kills your Activity logs!
                                  * Displays your BBS Name at bottom!
                                  * Keeps it's own activity & error logs.
                                  * Installation .WCX for easy setup!
                                  * Registration gets you Free wcCode!
                                Download this file and be REAL glad you did!
                                   -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jagrun.zip      5712 08-05-2024    JAGRUN v4.12 .BAT/.WCX RUNNER UTILITY
                                ==== A FREEWARE Utility for Wildcat 4.x ====
                                   * Runs up to 20 .BAT or .WCX files!
                                   * Use as a prelog.wcx, logon.wcx, or
                                     as a postcall.wcx!
                                   * Sends a Sysop message if you forget 
                                     to configure any portion of JAGRUN.
                                   * Performs all the usual logon routines
                                     if JAGRUN is used as a logon.wcx!
                                   * FREEWARE to sample the Jagger wcCode!
                                Download this file and be REAL glad you did!
                                   -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jaguser.zip    21555 08-05-2024         JAGUSER v4.12 USER LISTER 
                                ++ An Awesome User Lister for Wildcat 4.x ++
                                   * Lists your users by Name or Alias!
                                   * Along with Name or Alias, will list
                                     users' "From" & "Last Called" fields!
                                   * Loaded with rich graphics!
                                   * Will search your users' "Name" and
                                     "From" fields for a match!
                                   * Prints a hardcopy of your user list,
                                     including your choice of limited or 
                                     extended info on each user printed!
                                   * Can display hardcopy of your users!
                                   * Registration gets you Free wcCode!
                                Download this file and be REAL glad you did!
                                   -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
l32b5.zip     101534 08-05-2024 Listserv v2.92 - lets you run multiple
                                Internet mailing lists from your WC4 BBS
                                Compiled for Wildcat v4.10+ Features:
                                open/closed/other mailing lists, automatic
                                add/drop requests, custom messages for
                                add/drop/etc requests with built-in editor,
                                sysop can add/drop subscribers manually,
                                archived message storage and retrieval,
                                view/edit/delete pending messages before
                                processing, optional confirmation message
                                when a message is sent to a list, purge old
                                sent mailing list messages, dump skipped
                                messages to a file for review, retrieve
                                subscriber lists and more!
                                FREE registration!
lapage.zip      6699 08-05-2024 LaPage for WC4.xx - LaPage, by Larry
                                Anderson. Features include: Comment
                                to Sysop, Page other nodes, Page Sysop,
                                Who's online, "reason for page", log
                                file for "reason for page" with users
                                name, date, time and reason recorded,
                                SysOp functions while online allow to
                                view or delete log.  Writes Page
                                reason to activity log. Free program,
                                User defined screen, supports Rip,
                                Text and Ansi. Ready to run.
                                Source available for $5.00.
                                Release Date: January 3, 1996
list277.zip    39883 08-05-2024 Listserv v2.77 - lets you run multiple
                                Internet mailing lists from your WC4 BBS
                                Compiled for Wildcat v4.10+ Features:
                                open/closed/other mailing lists, automatic
                                add/drop requests, custom messages for
                                add/drop/etc requests with built-in editor,
                                sysop can add/drop subscribers manually,
                                archived message storage and retrieval,
                                view/edit/delete pending messages before
                                processing, optional confirmation message
                                when a message is sent to a list, purge old
                                sent mailing list messages, dump skipped
                                messages to a file for review, retrieve
                                subscriber lists and more!
                                FREE registration!
list291.zip    44892 08-05-2024 Listserv v2.91 - lets you run multiple
                                Internet mailing lists from your WC4 BBS
                                Compiled for Wildcat v4.10+ Features:
                                open/closed/other mailing lists, automatic
                                add/drop requests, custom messages for
                                add/drop/etc requests with built-in editor,
                                sysop can add/drop subscribers manually,
                                archived message storage and retrieval,
                                view/edit/delete pending messages before
                                processing, optional confirmation message
                                when a message is sent to a list, purge old
                                sent mailing list messages, dump skipped
                                messages to a file for review, retrieve
                                subscriber lists and more!
                                FREE registration!
massmail.zip    4936 08-05-2024 MassMail v1.10  WCX v4.12
                                Allows you to send mail to
                                everyone with a certain
                                security profile or to
                                ALL of your users at once!
                                Configurable too!
                                Hidden Paradise Software
                                It's FREE!!!!!
mbox112.zip    31239 08-05-2024 WCX (v4.10) gives users individual mailboxes!
                                This wcCODE program (v4.10 or later) not only
                                simplifies keeping track of incoming email,
                                but also greatly simplifies sending Internet
                                email for your users.  Address book feature
                                allows each user to store frequently used
                                email addresses.  Mailbox automatically scans
                                your email conferences and builds a list of
                                private messages for each user -- no more
                                searching through the conferences to find
                                that message you already read but now need.
                                Automatically quotes on replies.  Supports
                                SIGNATURE files.  Now comes with both English
                                and French language prompt files!
                                Unregistered version is fully functional.
mb_lgn1a.zip    4515 08-05-2024 LOGON.WCX  v1.01              [Dec'95]
                                compiled with wcCODE for Wildcat v4.11+
                                This wcCODE application will allow you
                                to run up to 50 others during the logon
                                process.  Easy to setup and use.  
                                 Added the ability to display files! 
                                 FREEWARE!          coded by: HoUDiNi
mb_p_412.zip   55489 08-05-2024 MAGiCBOX.PRM                   [Nov'95]
                                WiLDCAT.PRM replacement: Wildcat! v4.12
                                This is the current PROMPTs that are  
                                used on the MAGiC BOX! BBS.  Since it
                                is an ANSi only system, the RIP prompts
                                were not updated.  The color scheme is
                                blue and cyan, with a couple ANSi's to
                                add a great look to any WC!4.12 system!
                                3o1.681.7782        updated by: HoUDiNi
mb_rot20.zip   18449 08-05-2024 RotatoR [WCX] v2.00.412        [Mar'96]
                                compiled with wcCODE for Wildcat v4.12+
                                This wcCODE application  will allow you
                                to rotate screens  on your system.  Can
                                be used for  virtually any  screens you
                                want - including the PRELOG screens!
                                Doesn't copy or rename your screens, so
                                it's safe to use on Multi-Node systems.
                                 Shareware          coded by: HoUDiNi
mb_tmw12.zip   12185 08-05-2024 MB-WALL.WCX v1.24.410        [Jan'96]
                                compiled with wcCODE for Wildcat v4.10+
                                This wcCODE application will allow your
                                callers to leave one-line messages on a
                                wall.  Customizable screens, bad words
                                filter, set security access, and more!
                                 FREEWARE           coded by: HoUDiNi
mb_tmw13.zip   25155 08-05-2024 MB-WALL.WCX v1.31.412          [Feb'96]
                                compiled with wcCODE for Wildcat v4.12+
                                This wcCODE application will allow your
                                callers to leave one-line messages on a
                                wall.  Customizable screens, bad words
                                filter, set security access, and more!
                                 FREEWARE           coded by: HoUDiNi
mb_usr11.zip    4462 08-05-2024 USERLIST.WCX v1.15.41o         [Jan'96]
                                compiled with wcCODE for Wildcat v4.1o+
                                This wcCODE application is a USERLIST
                                command replacement.
                                 FREEWARE           coded by: HoUDiNi
mb_who14.zip    6921 08-05-2024 WHOSON.WCX v1.4o.41o           [Jan'96]
                                compiled with wcCODE for Wildcat v4.1o+
                                This wcCODE application is a WHOSONLINE
                                command replacement.  It allows your
                                callers to page other users, and gives
                                them a smart-ass response if they page
                                 FREEWARE           coded by: HoUDiNi
mb_xms10.zip    8999 08-05-2024 Christmas Countdown   v1.00    [Dec'95]
                                compiled with wcCODE for Wildcat v4.11+
                                Requested by my users to display a days
                                left until Christmas, I took it 1-step
                                further.  This is the best Christmas
                                countdown program that you'll EVER see!
                                 FREEWARE!          coded by: HoUDiNi
msgr10.zip      5378 08-05-2024     The Messenger v 1.0
                                This program will add messages
                                 in up to 15 sysop definable
                                  conferences. This makes it
                                 easier to post your BBS Ads
                                  in different Message Nets.
                                 You can run this as an event
                                 every month and it will post
                                  your ad in your definable
                                conferences. FREEWARE!!! From
                                    KIKSTAND Software. For
                                       Wildcat!v 4.12.
mstat.zip      66554 08-05-2024 MSTAT ver. 1.30, utility for Wildcat!
                                version 4.x makes up to 10 display files
                                showing conference statistics ... high
                                and low msg #, total active messages,
                                new and old message dates.
                                NOTE: Wildcat! version 3.x users should
                                locate MSTAT3.ZIP for similar displays.
mvp12.zip      12861 08-05-2024 Most Valuable Participants v1.2 (WCX) for WC!
                                4.1+.  An excellent way to get users involved
                                on  the BBS.  Assign different "point values"
                                to certain activities (DL's, UL's, DC's, etc)
                                and  sit back and watch them fight  to get on
                                the  colorful TOP 10  list.  Features include
                                the ability to exclude certain users based on
                                Name or Security Level.  Sysop defined custom
                                activities can be also setup.  
                                (c) 1995-96, KeySoft & Gerard Johnson
nascar68.zip   15796 08-05-2024 NASCAR racing schedules, team lists etc.  
                                All Done as Wildcat @ Screens for online 
                                posting.  Will be updated as needed during 
                                the upcoming racing season with Winners of
                                each race and current points standings.  
                                Includes Winston Cup, Grand National, and 
                                even the NEW Super Truck series!  GREAT 
                                Color @ code Graphics.  Totally FREEWARE!!
netbull.zip    85835 08-05-2024 NETBULL Version 2.54 makes screens of
                                echomail activity from wcGATE,wcECHO,
                                TNET, wcGATE, wcECHO, wcUUCP, GOMAIL,
                                WILDMAIL, POSTLINK and PLATINUM XPRESS,
                                including detailed bulletin, summary,
                                HELLO screen, and a wcMAIL or Tomcat
                                opening display screen.
op_118.zip     19475 08-05-2024 opPAGE -[WCX] Operator Page v1.18 [03/12/96]
                                SUPER SysOp Page Module for Wildcat v4.12+
                                Many features & options!  Deny specific
                                users and/or security levels access to
                                Page The SysOp!  Configuration Utility
                                Included!  Personalize your own screens!
                                Wildcat! SysOps Only - wcCODE v4.12
pager41.zip     9214 08-05-2024 Custom SysOp Pager 4.1 for Wildcat! 4.01 &
                                Above. wcCODE App that replaces the standard
                                SysOp Page function. It will prompt the user
                                for a two line reason as to the nature of
                                their page. Twit filter allows the SysOp to
                                select upto three seperate Sec Levels and
                                Users that will NOT have access to the Pager.
                                Will write to the activty log showing you
                                their reason for the page. Create and use
                                your own menu in the registered version!
platnium.zip    6098 08-05-2024 
                                            "PLATNIUM PRELOG" Ver. 1.0        
                                       A complete PRELOG.WCX for Wildcat!     
                                       Ver. 4.20, 4.12, 4.11, 4.10, 4.01.     
                                     Let's callers Login, See Who's On-line,  
                                     Download a BBS Info Package, or Logoff   
                                     all externally to Wildcat!.              
                                     No Delays, Nag's, or Demo Key's.  Just a 
                                     really slick interface to ADD to your own
                                     BBS.  Installs in 5 Min's or less.       
                                      Donate-ware  "Well Worth the Download" !
                                                 Copyright 1996               
                                          Revolving Door Software Canada      
qpage11.zip     5109 08-05-2024 QUICK PAGE v1.1 for Wildcat 4.x systems only.
                                Released as Freeware with source incl. Define
                                a "pick list" of  reasons to  choose from  or
                                enter your own.  Displays a configurable MOTD
                                or system message while waiting for the sysop
                                to  respond.  Keeps  a track of the number of
                                times  each "pick list" option  was  choosen.
                                NEW, UNIQUE and best of all FREE from KeySoft
rc201.zip     133858 08-05-2024 RC Registration Center v2.01 - (wcCODE 4.11) 
                                the best Wildcat! registration program
                                available! Support
                                for Calender and credit registrations.  Full
                                with sales reports, cash receipts reports,
                                voiding sales
                                entries, and manual sales entry.  Handles
                                sales by user 
                                credit, checks, and credit cards. Flexible
                                profile handling, with full internal
                                intelligent adult 
                                access support. Supports BBS display files for
                                all security 
                                profiles.  Allow callers to purchase credit on
                                another user's
                                account. Online documentation.  Full support
                                of statements,
                                and invoices, including e-mailing copies to
                                sysop and caller,
                                as well as the ability to download the same. 
                                Support for
                                MAPP credit card program for building the
                                "MULT" catch file.
                                Misc sales support.  Item specific sales tax
                                more! If you run a Wildcat! BBS as a business,
                                this is a must
                                see!  Reg. $20 {USD} Free Updates!  Not
remail.zip     68618 08-05-2024 REMAIL version 0.50eta for Wildcat 4.x
                                WC4.x utility forwards new mail for
                                selected users from selected conferences
                                to your internet conference.  Uses
                                Wildcat!'s UTIIMPRT program for reliable
                                import processing.
rnvte41f.zip   12357 08-05-2024   Here's a FREEWARE Voting Booth Door for
                                WildCat 4.xx Systems. Compiled w/ WCCODE 4.0
                                Courtesy of RonWaReZ Software House.
                                (c) Copyright 1996 RonWaReZ Software House
rstat410.zip   49434 08-05-2024 RonsSTAT v4.10 - File Database Overview
                                Bulletin Generator (FREEWARE).
                                A powerful tool for creating an attractive
                                and colorful File database overview Bulletin.
                                * Wildcat! Multi-node support.
                                * Wildcat! 4.1 File Group database support.
sbbslst1.zip    6178 08-05-2024 SIMPLE BBS LISTER 1.0 - It just doesn't get
                                and easier than this!  Written in *.wcx code
                                for Wildcat! 4.x.  Works like a charm! It is
                                very simple to install & maintain.  Takes
                                very little space on your HD.  Outputs a
                                bulletin in @CODE@.  If you want a bulky 
                                database type lister, keep looking.  If you
                                want a great small lister, this is it.
scall133.zip   21570 08-05-2024 ͸
                                 SystemCallers v1.33 ۲
                                 View Todays Callers to the BBS and  
                                 what calls that has been made with  
                                 the  mailer.  Works with Ra v2.xx,  
                                 FrontDoor v2.xx or InterMail v2.xx  
                                 * Now with full multiline support * 
                                 *          Now CardWare!          * 
shadymsg.zip   54689 08-05-2024 Shady Message 1.01 For WC 3.x and 4.x
                                Allow users to leave a message
                                to the next caller.  Now enables
                                the SysOp to define the color
                                of the message.  Another Fine
                                Product from Shady Shurtleff
simplwc1.zip    3293 08-05-2024 Here is a very simple set of WC4.x
                                menus created using WcDraw. Includes
                                a main, message, and file menu. Edit
                                them to suit your needs. A new set
                                coming each month to MSI HQ bbs
                                compliments of Daniel Swink. (Simple
                                menus for a simple Sysop)
sprpage4.zip    6708 08-05-2024 The ONLY Sysop PAge WCX you will EVER Need!
                                Sprpage 4.0 is a replacement Sysop Paging
                                module for Wildcat 4.20 and Below BBS's
                                Compiled using WCCODE 4.20
                                ALL Future upgrades are FREE!
squot201.zip   65224 08-05-2024 PROGRAM SHADY QUOTES 2.1
                                for Wildcat 3.x and 4.x
                                The BEST Quotes program made!
                                Allow your users to add their
                                quotes and words of wisdom to
                                your "quote of the day" file.
                                Full Date/time/user logging,
                                with full Wildcat! color codes.
ssec311a.zip  117529 08-05-2024 SS-SECURITY v3.11a for Wildcat!4.11 & 4.12
                                Super Security program uses Caller-ID for
                                caller verification. Compiled w/WcCode 4.11
                                * Eliminates expense of a Call Back Verifier
                                * Keeps a permanent Security.log file
                                * Optionally  logs  off  caller  for  having
                                  Caller-ID blocked.
                                * KNOW where your credit card transactions
                                  are coming from..
                                * SysOp can have  SSS  automatically  log  a
                                  caller off by  placing  their phone no. in
                                  the BADPHONE.DAT file
                                * SysOp configurable to Log Caller-ID result
                                  to a field in the WC! caller database.
                                * Now includes HITMAN for extra Security..
ssecure.zip   129361 08-05-2024 SS-SECURITY v3.2 for Wildcat!4.11 & 4.12
                                 Verify and upgrade your callers using 
                                  Caller-ID. Compiled w/WcCode 4.11
                                 Eliminates expense of a Call Back Verifier
                                 Keeps a permanent Security.log file
                                 Optionally  logs  off  caller  for  having
                                  Caller-ID blocked.
                                 KNOW where your credit card transactions
                                  are coming from..
                                 SysOp can have  SSS  automatically log a
                                  caller off VIA Caller ID by placing their 
                                  phone no.in the BADPHONE.DAT file
                                 Automatically upgrade a callers security
                                  with a valid Caller-ID result using the 
                                  new SS-Hitman module.
stock15.zip    35658 08-05-2024 THE STOCK EXCHANGE - Version 1.5
                                (C) Copyright 1996 Sapphire Software
                                Author: Scott J. Bradbury     Released April
                                Written using WC-Code v4.12
                                The Stock Exchange is a unique stock market
                                that lets your users
                                purchase and sell stocks in three companies
                                you create.  All shares
                                of stock purchased are stored in the Wildcat!
                                user-record database.
                                Using @-codes you can create custom .BBS
                                screens to display this
                                information anywhere on your system. 
                                Configuration allows you to
                                choose which "Comment" fields in the user
                                record to store the
                                information.  You can also choose to have a
                                broker's fee, set the
                                maximum values of the stock, the maximum the
                                index can change, etc.
                                Most display files are customizable using
                                wcDRAW by MSI.
                                Extremely easy to setup in minutes!
                                Support BBS    THE CORAL REEF - (517)
                                894-0729    3 Nodes
sup288pn.zip    1904 08-05-2024 SupraExpress PNP 28.8 *.MDM 
                                External For Wildcat 4.10M
                                This Modem File Seems to work Just
                                Fine with my system, Running under 
                                Qemm 7.5 & Dv 2.5 on all nodes.
                                I am also using a High speed Serial
                                Internal Card.
                                If you Just want to see whats up
                                In Iowa, Just Call Dan's BBS 24hrs.
                                A DAY, At 319-752-7231. If you have
                                A better mdm file for this Modem,
                                Please share it with us all!
                                Thanks. Dan T. Morris
tb_v150.zip    81898 08-05-2024 Time Bank (TB) For Wildcat! 4.xx.
                                Time Bank Door. Let Your Callers
                                Save Or Transfer Time, Take Out
                                A Time Loan, Or Play TimeSlots.
                                SysOp Configurable Options. Low
                                Cost Registration Of $10.00 {US}
                                EZSoft Software.
ticker.zip      7798 08-05-2024 TICKER v1.2a  - Silent Radio Scrolling
                                   NEW & IMPROVED!      Smoother Scrolling!
                                Scroll up to 100 custom messages across the
                                of your caller's screen.  Allows you to
                                an optional .BBS file below the message. 
                                messages by simply editing a text file.  All
                                messages may be up to 80 characters in length
tmbank2e.zip   20728 08-05-2024 Time Bank 2.0e - Awsome and Easy used 
                                Time Bank for Wildcat 4! only..
                                The Best easiest program ever made
                                with simple setup.. No BIG MANUAL to 
                                read.. Truly looking ANSI Menu and 
                                easy to read.. Also comes with Ver.
                                4.10 wcx Apps and 4.20 too.! SHAREWARE! 
                                $10 to Reged. Written by: Anthony, 
                                Pleasant BBS! 510-689-0519,,22
topten11.zip    9714 08-05-2024 TOP TEN v1.1(WCX)- Create up to 6 attractive
                                display files for WC 4.01-4.11 automatically.
                                  1)  Top 10 callers by # of calls
                                  2)  Top 10 callers by # of Uploads
                                  3)  Top 10 callers by # of Downloads
                                  4)  Top 10 callers by Upload Kb
                                  5)  Top 10 callers by Download Kb
                                  6)  Top 10 callers by messages entered
                                Another *FREE* Wildcat! utility from KeySoft
                                & Gerard Johnson (C) 1995.
t_atm401.zip   17098 08-05-2024 Ŀ
                                TimeBank-ATM v1.5  An ATM-styled time bank 
                                  written in wcCode for your Wildcat BBS.  
                                   It gives your users the look and feel   
                                 of an Automatic Teller Machine for saving 
                                     their online time for later use.      
                                   This version features a Sysop menu to   
                                  allow local or remote configuration and  
                                   the ability to exclude access levels.   
                                   Now with Scratch-Off Lottery tickets    
                                 to allow your users to gamble their time. 
                                       A great addition to your BBS!       
                                      >>>> wcCode v4.01 VERSION <<<<       
                                  Another product of GadgetSoft Solutions  
uwt32_10.zip   19953 08-05-2024 uWait32 -- This is intended as a quasi-
                                clone of the wcWait utility that ships
                                with Wildcat! 4.x.  The difference is
                                that this is a Win32 console app, and
                                it handles the CPU nicely instead of
                                grabbing 100% of the CPU's attention.
                                This does not replicate all of the
                                Wildcat!-specific functions regarding
                                node status, but it will wait a given
                                number of seconds or wait until a given
                                time using the same syntax for those as
                                wcWait.  Not exactly a drop-in fix, due
                                to the node-oriented parameters that
                                this does not handle, but it's pretty
wb_tagme.zip  115348 08-05-2024 * ADD TAGLINES TO YOUR BBS MENUS* DON'T
                                DOWNLOAD this file Unless You are able to
                                change batch files and menus to fit your own
                                system. Several batch files included
                                and sample menus and all necessary programs.
                                Not for every sysop! Wild Bee's BBS
wcalg14a.zip   55489 08-05-2024 WCALOG v1.4a. A complete graphical
                                Activity log display that features bar
                                graphs for usage by hour, day of the week
                                and busy %. Runs in POSTCALL.BAT or as a
                                nightly event. WCALOG is able to keep
                                running totals even after the activity log
                                is deleted. Has the ability to reset with
                                your Log Archive or Deleting Utility or
                                can Delete or Backup your logs for you in
                                a weekly or monthly event. Requires WILDCAT
                                4.1x or later. ShareWare - Reg.is FREE.
                                From Micro Assistance Co. 12/30/95.
                                (Document/Contact Info Updated Only)
wcchg46d.zip  153906 08-05-2024 WC-CHARGE v4.06 ++ Dragon Business  Services 
                                version! ++ Upgrades level with Wildcat 3.x.  
                                Upgrades users Level and Expiry with Wildcat
                                4.xx Full support for WCBill Billing Credits
                                transactions. Accept MC, JCB, Visa, Discover
                                Diners Club, and AMEX credit cards + CHECKS. 
                                Full credit card number checking.  Maintains
                                charge logs,  activity logs, and will create
                                receipts for purchases.   GlassWare Software
                                Shareware $40.00 (610) 376-1819 BBS
wcchg46o.zip  151338 08-05-2024 WC-CHARGE v4.06 ++ Online Financial Services 
                                version! ++ Upgrades level with Wildcat 3.x.  
                                Upgrades users Level and Expiry with Wildcat
                                4.xx Full support for WCBill Billing Credits
                                transactions. Accept MC, JCB, Visa, Discover
                                Diners Club, and AMEX credit cards + CHECKS. 
                                Full credit card number checking.  Maintains
                                charge logs,  activity logs, and will create
                                receipts for purchases.   GlassWare Software
                                Shareware $40.00 (610) 376-1819 BBS
wccntrl.zip     6920 08-05-2024  wcCONTROL v1.03 - 11/28/95 
                                Allows the sysop security access control
                                over menu options.
                                When a user tries a menu command that
                                he/she does not have access to - it is 
                                ignored.  wcCONTROL allows the sysop to
                                let the user know that they cannot use
                                that command (yet).
                                You may specify a .BAT, .EXE, .COM, .WCX
                                or a MENU, along with up to TEN security
                                profiles *not* allowed access!
wcsr101.zip     8137 08-05-2024 wcSEARCH v1.01 -[WCX] Search ASCII files for
                                specified data (case sensitive).  Results 
                                are logged to file.
                                Cosmetic fix - input display.
                                Wildcat! SysOps Only - wcCODE v4.12
wcsss28.zip    60073 08-05-2024 Shuttle Software Suite 2.8 for Wildcat! 4.01
                                & Above. Contains 7 seperate wcCODE (WCX)
                                apps to enhance your Wildcat! BBS. Programs
                                included are Time Banker 4.5, InterNet Site
                                List 3.7, Liners 2.4, User Alias Lister 3.1,
                                Custom SysOp Pager 4.1, Post 2 File Credits
                                2.0, All Users List 2.0. ALL of these apps
                                will run on Wildcat! v4.01/v4.10/v4.11/v4.12
                                systems.  Easy to install!  Not crippleware!
wcst_104.zip   14156 08-05-2024 * wcSITES v1.04 - 11/29/95 *
                                Fixed a MAJOR pain with the unregistered
                                delay, and added a second line for HTTP 
                                wcSITES is a user-friendly, internet 
                                site-sharing lister.  Supporting Telnet, 
                                HTTP, and FTP sites, along with newsgroups 
                                and e-mail addresses.
                                (Compiled with wcCODE 4.11, protected mode)
whocall3.zip    6753 08-05-2024 WHOCALL 3.0 is a Wildcat 4.x WCC 
                                program to create a bulletin (or other 
                                display file) of today's callers. 
                                Source code included!
wizprm20.zip   60679 08-05-2024 New more colorful prompts for Wildcat 4.12. 
                                With flashing check marks in the file area 
                                for better viewing.  Main colors are blue 
                                with yellow.  A lot better than yellow and 
                                white!  Lots of special looks in Message 
                                area also.  Updates will be available as 
                                well as new prompts that we are currently 
                                working on.  The WIZARD  Wizard's Castle BBS 
wvtdlx13.zip   30248 08-05-2024 WVTDLX v1.3 The ULTIMATE Postcall WCX for WC!
                                4.12 and above - GUARANTEED! Reads anything 
                                in the activity log and respond to it in up 
                                to 23 different ways!!
                                - 23 powerful ActionWords define responses
                                - Bypass callers by Name, Level or Location
                                - Single/Combined Call/Drop Carrier Displays
                                - Selectable Real name/Alias/Time On/Time Off
                                - Send Messages/Attachments based on anything
                                - Update User's time, Credits, Security level
                                - Ring bell, Lockout User, and more...
                                UNLEASH THE POWER OF Who Visited Today Deluxe

               Area 127 - Wildcat 5.x Utils               

32fish13.zip  113135 08-05-2024 32 Fish v1.3 - A new high/low type card game
                                based an old DOS favorite.
                                Bet that the next card shown is going to be
                                higher or lower than the
                                face card. (Wc5 WcCode)
                                Another great WcCode app from :
                                            Carl Tice
                                     THE FAMILY INTERNET BBS!
                                 WWW/FTP/Telnet us at vacsew.com
a1cbv2a.zip    34140 08-05-2024 A1 CALLBACK VERIFIER VERSION 2.0a! For WC5.
                                Sorry for the goof! This one has the A1CB.MSG
                                file that I accidentally  left out of the 
                                A1CBV2.ZIP file. All the other featurs are 
                                the same! Please use this version instead!
                                The previous version was issuing an error
                                during configuration setup because this
                                file was missing.
a1thetb2.zip  152836 08-05-2024 THEBANKR(R) Ver 1.197 WcCODE 5.0 THIS IS THE
                                REGISTERED VERSION
                                A TIME BANK THAT USES ITS OWN DATA BASE TO
                                STORE INFO.HAS SYSOP
                                UTIL TO EDIT AND AND USERS.MAKES IT'S OWN LOG
                                AND CAN PRINT USER 
                                LISTINGS. MANY MORE FEATURES. THIS PROGRAM
                                WILL EXPIRE ON 12/15/96
                                IF NO REGISTRATION NUMBER IS FOUND.
                                * build date 12/1/96
                                * Added ability for Sysop to add amount to
                                ZERO balance user.
                                * Now does HTML's and Bulletins
                                * One program for both Sysop and User
                                * Rebuild automatically Deletes and Adds
                                * Keeps it's own Data Bases
                                * Superlative Graphics
                                * Keeps it's Own Log
                                * Generates pertinant info to Activity Log
                                * No Begging Screens
                                * Fully Functional durring Trial Period
                                * Added Percent Bar to show how much has been
                                * Corrected spelling in log file
                                * Added carrier check to close and reset logs
                                and databases
a1thetl1.zip  150241 08-05-2024 THELISTR(R) Ver 1.185 WcCODE 5.0 This is the
                                REGISTED Version.
                                A Graphical BBS LISTING program for the SYSOP
                                and users. A fully functioanal
                                program that creates sorted bulletins and
                                * Back to school we went and you get the
                                * Docs done in Microsoft Word for easy viewing
                                * One program for both Sysop and User
                                * Rebuilds Database automatically 
                                * Creats Sorted Listings by Name and Phone #.
                                * Creates HTML for Listings
                                * Keeps it's own Data Bases
                                * Superlative Graphics
                                * Another fine THE program
                                * Fully Multi User
                                * Keeps it's Own Log
                                * Generates pertinant info to Activity Log
                                * Single Character Driven
                                * No Begging Screens
                                * Fully Functional durring Trial Period
                                * ADDED HTML FOR LINKS
                                * Build 185 11/23/96
acmstrb9.zip  216622 08-05-2024 ACCOUNTMASTER - Version 1.0 For Wildcat
                                Web/ANSI Side billing software. The Finest
                                Billing program 
                                available to date. Allows Sysop to select up
                                to 9 different 
                                subscription types for Credit cards, Online
                                Checks, and 1-900 
                                codes. Fully interactive user editor with
                                automated functions. 
                                Creates an output file that can be imported to
                                your current billing 
                                software (provided that is an option).
                                All the bugs are fixed.
                                Thanks to all of the Beta testers
                                See it in action at WWW.handcuff.com, or WWW
addquote.zip   12609 08-05-2024 ADDQUOTE 1.0 - wcCODE 5 utility. Allows
                                callers to add own entry to the "Quote Of
                                The Day". However, it does more than that!
                                With ADDQUOTE you can customize the colors
                                that the "Quote Of The Day" is displayed
                                with. Each line can have its own color, or
                                all lines can have the same color, or color
                                sequences can be repeated. Callers quotes
                                are randomly displayed along with the regular
                                "Quote Of The Day". Register $4.00.
addsize.zip    27318 08-05-2024 ADDSIZE - WC5 utility. Changes the default
                                file attachment message from: "The file
                                FILENAME.EXT is attached to this message",
                                to: "The file FILENAME.EXT is attached to
                                this message. Size:  1,234,567 bytes".(or
                                whatever the file size is). Lets your cal-
                                lers decide if they want to take the time
                                to download the attachment now, or wait.
                                DONATION-WARE! (i.e., if you like it, let
                                me know with a little donation!)
ads5.zip       62092 08-05-2024 ads_HTML v5.6 (wcCODE5)  D-HTML Classifieds! 
                                See Info. 
                                     Add graphical HTML database to your BBS
                                home page!!!!!
                                            UNLIMITED Database Tables - Only
                                 Create snazzy image map links to your
                                database!  Sample included!
                                Supports multiple database tables with unique
                                security & display
                                properties.  Dynamic display modules read
                                directly from data tables!
                                Allow users to ENTER, REVISE, SEARCH, and
                                DELETE records according
                                to security level.  Charge per-ad through
                                automatic account deduction.
                                Fully network aware! ACTIVE/EXPIRED status
                                checking!  Auto-purge after
                                sysop-specified number of days! E-Z setup and
af95v14.zip    30057 08-05-2024    AF95 v1.4            (FAST!) All Files List
                                Maker for Wildcat! 5
                                   Developed By Crazy Larry's Online Art 
                                Support BBS: 503-357-2710
                                   E-Mail:  cloa@europa.com       WWW:
                                   This program makes an All Files List
                                specifically for Wildcat 5!
                                   Another added feature of this program is
                                that it can also create
                                   a bulletin of your choice listing your file
                                areas statistics.
                                   The All Files list will automatically be
                                added and/or updated in
                                   your Wildcat! File database everytime the
                                program is run. Create
                                   an All Files list unattended by using the
                                command-line parameter
                                   "/RUN".  Running the program without the 
                                command line parameter
                                   gives the user the opportunity to create
                                all files lists on the
                                   fly!  Complete online help is available.  
afg_b021.zip  689768 08-05-2024      ALLFIX! for WildCat! gamma version
                                ALLFIX is the most complete FileEcho utility
                                available. No other program offers the large
                                number of features that are part of the
                                ALLFIX package.
                                This gamma version only works for those
                                people who have registered ALLFIX.
ai50.zip       24613 08-05-2024 Artificial Intelligence - v5.03 (Wc5.x.wcx)
                                Very simple - What this program does is to ask
                                a user a 
                                question. It then prompts the user to ask A.I.
                                a question. When the user 
                                responds to the first question - his response
                                is written as a message to 
                                the user who asked the first question. The
                                next user that logs in is asked 
                                the question) writen by the previous user!
                                The Family Internet BBS
                                http/ftp/telnet us at vacsew.com
aladdin5.zip   49058 08-05-2024 ALADDIN MAGIC LAMP TEXT ADVENTURE WC5
                                wcCODE game for Wildcat! 5 (WINS)
                                Can you summon the Djinni and escape
                                from the mystic grotto? Weird,
                                fun, exciting text adventure. No
                                save/load games in this unregistered
                                version, otherwise fully functional.
                                From Brainex 310-275-2344.
all_2dicp.zi       0 01-01-1980 
all_2dicp.zip 1003811 08-05-2024 
all_2dwc5.zi       0 01-01-1980 
all_2dwc5.zip 9463664 08-05-2024 
alrv2cr.zip     9111 08-05-2024 Activity log reader for Wildcat 5.00, reads
                                logs, last caller 1st.  FREEWARE,
                                Activity log reader V1.0 is a Sysop utility
                                for Wildcat V5.00.  This program
                                allows you to view the activity log(s) with
                                the most recent events first.
                                This program is freeware and the source code
                                is included.
                                ** This is an updated version that fixes a
                                long filename problem I created
                                   using an old version of pkzip for dos
                                instead of WinZip 95. Sorry      **
anet_2dn2.zi       0 01-01-1980 [ Anet NEW-USER Questionier  v2.0 
                                http://anet1.ml.org ]
                                Files Included:
                                This program is FREEWARE, Feel Free to pass it
                                around, or
                                change what you wish to it. Please feel free
                                to take a
                                look around our BBS @ anet1.ml.org or our Web
                                This program is brought to you by Anet
                                Internet Providers
                                of Florida. 2 Offices in Citrus County, 2
                                Office in 
                                Gainsville, and another in Tallahasee.
                                E-Mail Sting.Ray@anet1.ml.org for more info.
anet_2dn2.zip    2602 08-05-2024 [ Anet NEW-USER Questionier  v2.0 
                                http://anet1.ml.org ]
                                Files Included:
                                This program is FREEWARE, Feel Free to pass it
                                around, or
                                change what you wish to it. Please feel free
                                to take a
                                look around our BBS @ anet1.ml.org or our Web
                                This program is brought to you by Anet
                                Internet Providers
                                of Florida. 2 Offices in Citrus County, 2
                                Office in 
                                Gainsville, and another in Tallahasee.
                                E-Mail Sting.Ray@anet1.ml.org for more info.
anet_2dnew.z       0 01-01-1980 [ Anet NEW-USER Questionier  v1.02 
                                http://anet1.ml.org ]
                                Files Included:
                                This program is FREEWARE, Feel Free to pass it
                                around, or
                                change what you wish to it. Please feel free
                                to take a
                                look around our BBS @ anet1.ml.org or our Web
                                This program is brought to you by Anet
                                Internet Providers
                                of Florida. 2 Offices in Citrus County, 2
                                Office in 
                                Gainsville, and another in Tallahasee.
                                E-Mail Sting.Ray@anet1.ml.org for more info.
anet_2dnew.zip    2336 08-05-2024 [ Anet NEW-USER Questionier  v1.02 
                                http://anet1.ml.org ]
                                Files Included:
                                This program is FREEWARE, Feel Free to pass it
                                around, or
                                change what you wish to it. Please feel free
                                to take a
                                look around our BBS @ anet1.ml.org or our Web
                                This program is brought to you by Anet
                                Internet Providers
                                of Florida. 2 Offices in Citrus County, 2
                                Office in 
                                Gainsville, and another in Tallahasee.
                                E-Mail Sting.Ray@anet1.ml.org for more info.
anounce.zip     6303 08-05-2024 Anounce v1.00
                                Released: (02/26/97)
                                * Will Announce to all nodes that a user just
                                logon and what node it was
                                Written in WcCode, and compiled with v5.0
arat15.zip     10983 08-05-2024 Aragon's Cave v1.5 (WcCode 5.x) IGM for
                                WT-LORD 2.0+ - Freeware from the folks
                                that brought you Food Fight II, A.I., The
                                Faire, Wild Wild West, BJ-Sysop Menu.
                                The Family Internet BBS
                                e-mail : info@vacsew.com
areacode.zip    3459 08-05-2024 Fixed file for wcPRO to be placed in your 
                                main Wildcat directory.  This adds 19 NEW
                                area codes that were added since last fall 
                                and also fixes some mistakes made on the
                                other ones.  Send any more fixes to me on
                                Wildcat Echo or call my BBS 704-434-8220!
                                I have over 200,000 files online and more
                                being added almost daily.                 
arrarule.zip   19639 08-05-2024 Adventurers of Renown Game System(TM) Rules.
                                   New WCCode multi-player game
                                 shareware rules. Descriptions and guidelines
                                   for this popular gaming series.   FREE!
                                    Copyright (C)1972-1996, Stephen Gose.
                                             All Right Reserved.
                                  For complete rule booklet or Game Kit ...
                                  Call MegaComm(sm) BBS (540) 829-Big1
ars10.zip      31455 08-05-2024 Auto Response  System -  v1.0 -  Wildcat!   /
                                WINS - ARS is a simple DOS based program that
                                will extract  the information  regarding your
                                auto  responses  from  your  wcmail.log file.
                                Freeware from lostbbs.dynip.com!
asknav20.zip   15818 08-05-2024 PS-AskNav 2.0 - Asks users if they'd like to
                                download Navigator (FREE!)
                                PS-AskNav is a freeware program that prompts
                                your users to download
                                Navigator.  They can also chose not to be
                                asked the question anymore.
                                Has a /FORCE parameter to bypass database
                                checking, so it will ask
                                them no matter what (Good for putting the
                                program off a menu).  Comes
                                with LOGON.WCX to prompt users at login.  Now
                                lets you customize names
                                and filenames of everything, and add up to 10
                                programs to download.  No
                                more playing with text files to configure,
                                it's all built in!
                                Programmed by Mike Christensen.
astro1.zip     25362 08-05-2024 >-> WCX (WC5) Stars v1.1 By Chris Stubbs <-<
                                This wcCODE program allows users to select 
                                a constellation and then shows the stars in
                                that constellation together with the RA/DEC
                                Magnitude and Name (if they have one)
                                FREEWARE ASTRONOMY PROGRAM BY Chris Stubbs
                                For WC5/Winserver BBSs
attach10.zip   22722 08-05-2024 
attachd5.zip    6581 08-05-2024 ATTACHED 1.0 (5/96) lists all file attach-
                                ments to messages in all conferences.The 
                                following information is presented: 
                                Conference Number; Msg Number; Msg From; 
                                Msg To; File Name; File Size; Total Number
                                of files; Total bytes of attached files. 
                                Different users see different results de-
                                pending on the conferences available to 
                                them. In the REGISTERED version, the sysop
                                has the option to print to the printer. 
                                Register: $3.00
aup.zip       205246 08-05-2024 
auto10.zip     22452 08-05-2024 AutoMessage v1.0 - By Sweet Dreams Software
                                and Aaron Wornom!  This program for Wildcat 
                                5.0 systems is a quite simple little program 
                                that allows your users to quickly write/post 
                                ad's, messages, and or comments to the bbs, 
                                sysops and other users.
auto5.zip      67398 08-05-2024 auto_HTML v6.0 (wcCODE5)  Autos For Sale! 
                                HTML/CGI Output! 
                                     Add graphical HTML database to your BBS
                                home page!!!!!
                                 Create snazzy image map links to your
                                database!  Sample included!
                                Supports multiple database tables with unique
                                security & display
                                properties.  Dynamic display modules read
                                directly from data tables!
                                Allow users to ENTER, REVISE, SEARCH, and
                                DELETE records according
                                to security level.  Charge per-ad through
                                automatic account deduction.
                                Fully network aware! ACTIVE/EXPIRED status
                                checking!  Auto-purge after
                                sysop-specified number of days! E-Z setup and
autome11.zip    7179 08-05-2024 //==== AutoMESSAGE v1.1 ====\\  - a WcCode for
                                Wildcat! 5 - 
                                 BBS: (713) 852-3982      
                                 EMAIL: textor@ganja.org  
                                     AutoMESSAGE for      
                                        Wildcat! 5        
autosyso.zip   16948 08-05-2024 AUTO-SYSOP for Wildcat 5!
avalon21.zip   17220 08-05-2024 "The Mines of Mt. Avalon" v2.1 -=- IGM for
                                WT-LORD in 32bit wcCODE!
                                "WT-LORD v2.0 READY" for WT-LORD v2.0 and
                                Higher ONLY! 
                                Explore the Mines and watch out for Runaway
                                Minetrains and Mud Slides!
                                Will you been the first to discover the MOTHER
                                Another fun *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                FEATURES:  SUPPORTS Multiple WT-LORD Games
                                           EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
                                           EASY ONLINE Registration with VISA
                                and MASTERCARD!
avvqwk13.zip  908635 08-05-2024 
a_nav13.zip    12698 08-05-2024 A_NAV13.ZIP Auto-Navigator for Wildcat 5
                                DeNekim Software 1996
                                Version 1.3  wc5.xx FREEWARE!
                                wcCode Version 5 Only
                                A LOGON.WCX to allow your callers to
                                automatically download WC NAVIGATOR!
                                REMOVED CPU Robbers. Fixed Time Problem
                                if download aborted.
                                FEATURES - Free Download to Users
                                - Will not allow 2400 baud callers
                                - Options for Win3.11 or Win95/NT Ver.
                                - Option to bypass download
                                - Option to bypass and not get prompted
                                - Option to Fast Logon
                                - All Hello, Bulletin, and Greetings
                                  are activated after the download.
                                - Once the download is complete, users
                                  are never prompted again.
                                See History.txt for fixes from Prior
backdoor.zip   28727 08-05-2024 wcBackDoor a Telnet verifier
                                Compiled for Wins or WC5 v1.0 Beta2
                                wcBackDoor is a verifier for telnet users, it
                                sends a email
                                message with a password to the user for
bank.zip       52721 08-05-2024 
bapnew23.zip   31473 08-05-2024 New Users Bulletin Generator.  Another edition
                                in the BapWarez! 
                                Collection. v2.30  Updated: (01/11/97)
                                * Makes Hello/HTML/bulletin showing new users
                                in the last XX days.
                                  (Indefinate amount of days....Configurable)
                                * Displays Stats on the sex of the callers.
                                * Displays Stats on the Number of callers, and
                                how many have been verified
                                  as other than newusers.  (Used CBV, or paid
                                or what not)
                                * Displays the average age of the callers.
                                Written in WcCode, and compiled with v5.0
bapwal13.zip   13524 08-05-2024 BapWall v1.30.  Graffiti Wall for WC v5.x BBS
                                Systems. (12/14/96)
                                Allow your callers to leave a little note on
                                the Wall.
                                -- Runs as either a Menu Hook or can be used
                                as a logon function
                                -- Use Aliases (Configurable)
                                -- Bad Words Checking
                                -- Message Colors are optional (Picked by user
                                -- Show's 7 Field Entries (Who, When, and a 2
                                line What)
                                -- Full HTML Output bulletin
                                -- Not Crippled
bapwc21.zip    10465 08-05-2024  Who called today and yesterday 
                                compiled with WcCode v5.0.
                                Written by: Mark Bappe.
                                Who called today and yesterday is a .WCX
                                postcall program.
                                * Automatically knows when to switch days and
                                start over.
                                * Configurable bulletins, for today and
                                * Detects NewUsers, Donators, Time they called
                                 time they logged off
                                  Baud Rate, Caller name, Caller from, and if
                                it was their Birthday.
                                * Configurable Securirty level you can exclude
                                * Configurable Nodes you can exclude.
                                * Configurable Dupe Checking for callers that
                                log on more than once a day.
                                * Bad Names checker (Won't log them if in the
                                Another in the collection of BapWarez!
barakv2.zip    70877 08-05-2024 Barak's House 2.0 - Released 10/25/97
                                The classic IGM redone for WT-LORD 2.0
                                Registration is .. FREE.
                                by IceRage Technologies
barber14.zip   25936 08-05-2024 Lord County Barber Shop v1.4 -=- IGM for
                                WT-LORD in 32bit wcCODE!
                                "WT-LORD v2.0 READY" for WT-LORD v2.5 and
                                Higher ONLY! 
                                You are able to get the most stylish hair cut
                                in the game!  Watch
                                out the barber has good and bad days!
                                An IGM by Aaron Wornom & Sweet Dreams Software
                                FEATURES:  SUPPORTS Mutiple WT-LORD Games
                                           Random cases of haircuts
                                           Fair Cases
                                           EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
                                           Reflects the SDwarez Name Change!
                                           This is the update released
bath.zip        7554 08-05-2024 Public Bath (E)xternal (G)ame (M)odual for
                                GORE RPG.  FREEWARE
bbs5.zip       47450 08-05-2024 bbs_list_HTML v5.2 (wcCODE5)  BBS Listings
                                     Source Code Version Available!  New Low
                                   Add a graphical HTML page to your BBS home
                                Each database application allows users to
                                ENTER, REVISE, SEARCH,
                                and DELETE records according to security level
                                  Charge per-ad
                                through automatic account deduction.  Export
                                all records to HTML
                                page for use with wcNAV or your favorite web
                                browser.  Email
                                replies to advertisers!  Callers can download
                                a formatted text
                                data sheet that is created internally during
                                record entry.
                                Full file attachment support!  Fully network
                                aware!  ACTIVE/EXPIRED
                                status checking!  Auto-purge after
                                sysop-specified number of days!
                                E-Z setup and operation!   Easy Upgrade
bcbv307.zip    58109 08-05-2024 Down and Dirty Call Back Verifier v3.00 for
                                WCv5.X ONLY!
                                (Updated 05/31/98) (Another creation of
                                -- Attempts to dial up to 3 times
                                -- Dupe Number Checking (Configurable)
                                -- Long Distance/Local call back (Configurable
                                -- Up to 5 local area codes can be configured
                                for local callback
                                -- Included DupeNumber Database creator.  For
                                already existing
                                   dupe number checking
                                -- Full activity log entries (Track
                                   (Each Node Log)
                                -- Two different versions in one.  You can
                                either use wildcat's
                                   numbers (Phone/Data), or you can have the
                                caller enter in a
                                   nuber to get called back (Fully
                                -- Logs the number into the User's DataNumber
                                -- Sends a configurable message to the NEW
                                -- MANY MANY MORE FUNCTIONS
                                -- Telnet, and Navigator smart.
bday23.zip     29750 08-05-2024 Who's Birthday Today v2.30.  Another edition
                                in the BapWarez! 
                                Collection.  Updated: (01/11/97)
                                * Will display a list of birthdays, and how
                                many in either a bulletin,HTML,or
                                  a hello screen.
                                * Sends a Private preformatted message to the
                                Birthday caller. (configuarable)
                                * Fixed Double Message when more than 1
                                Written in WcCode, and compiled with v5.0
bdfind1b.zip   19567 08-05-2024 Birthday Finder v1.0a
                                Released: (01/27/97)
                                * Will display a list of Users with birthdays
                                  in either a bulletin,HTML,or a hello screen
                                * Sends a Private preformatted message to the
                                Birthday       caller. (configuarable)
                                * Written in Wccode v5
                                * Written by Chuck Sinclair Copyright 1997
bjmenu11.zip   19986 08-05-2024 The Bo-Jack 1.1 - Bo-Jack Sysop Menu Program.
                                A fake, fully functional 'sysop'
                                menu program. Users will think they hacked
                                into your bbs! 
                                Freeware! WcCode (Wc5.0).
                                Another great WcCode app from :
                                            Carl Tice
                                     THE FAMILY INTERNET BBS!
                                 WWW/FTP/Telnet us at vacsew.com
blkwng18.zip   65226 08-05-2024 32 bit IGM written for WTLORD and compiled
                                with WCCODE.
                                Blackwing's Cove, where you can sell your
                                horse, steal gold from
                                Blackwing, or find the lost cavern and the old
                                pirates treasure.
bobs28.zip     57802 08-05-2024 Bob's Beer! v2.8 -=- IGM for WT-LORD in 32bit
                                wcCODE for WC5! for WT-LORD v2.5 and Higher!
                                Another fun *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                Y2K Aware. Supports multiple WT-LORD Games!
                                Stop in and see Bob. Drink a few cold ones
                                but don't drink to much! :)  A fun IGM for
                                Wildcat Tournament LORD with hidden features
                                and options! Push the "J" key from main menu.
                                FEATURES:  EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
bpscdesc.zip    7494 08-05-2024 bpsChangeDesc, This changes File Descriptions
                                Command Line ONLY (wcrun -r bpsChangeDesc)
                                This will allow you to Change File
                                Descriptions for ONE File area
                                at a Time. All Files in the Area or Just Files
                                with NO Description!
                                Shareware from Bulletproof Software
bpsddown.zip    5455 08-05-2024 bpsDirectDown, a Utility to Allow a Direct
                                Download of ANY File!
                                MENU add-on to allow you to Download ANY File
                                To a remote system.
                                Lots of EXTRAS! Lots of Error Testing!
                                Shareware from Bulletproof Software
bpsdirup.zip    7642 08-05-2024 bpsDirectUp,  Utility to Allow a Direct Upload
                                of ANY File.  
                                YOU Choose the Directory to Upload to! You
                                Choose WHERE the
                                file will be COPIED to. Reade a CONFIG File
                                for Uploads!
                                NOT Built in like Most! Has the Option to Copy
                                the Uploaded
                                file to ANY Directory/Drive YOU Choose!
                                Shareware From Bulletproof Software 
bpsdlnav.zip    7340 08-05-2024 bpsDLNav, This will allow your Users do
                                Download the Correct
                                Wildcat navigator for thier systems. No MATTER
                                How many times MSI 
                                Changes the File Names, Types or Number
                                (remember when there were 
                                only 2 Wildcat Navigators? Now (12-27-96)
                                there are 9! They have 
                                gone from ZIP to EXE and Now  back to ZIP.
                                How do I do that? 
                                Well YOU the Sysop Create ONE Configuration
                                TWO Lines for Each Navigator.
                                    Line One has YOUR Path and the File Name.
                                    Line Two has A SHORT Description!
                                Shareware from Bulletproof Software!
bpsfcng.zip    10293 08-05-2024 bpsFileChange, Changes File Attributes for ALL
                                Files in ANY File areas
                                you Choose! You can change the Following file
                                information in your Database
                                for Every File in the file areas you Select.
                                a)  Free File             Mark or Clear All
                                Files as Not counted for downloads.
                                b)  Never Delete          Mark or Clear All
                                Files as Never Delete.
                                c)  Failed Scan           Mark or Clear All
                                Files as Failed Scan.
                                d)  Off-line              Mark or Clear All
                                Files as off-line.
                                e)  Never-Overwrite       Mark or Clear All
                                Files as Never Overwrite.
                                f)  Copy Before Download  Mark or Clear All
                                Files Copy Before Download .
                                g)  Free Time             Mark or Clear All
                                Files as Free Time (D/L Time does 
                                                            NOT count against
                                user's time).
                                h)  File Cost             Change the Files
                                Cost (in credits) to Any amount 
                                                           (0 is Legal!)
                                Shareware from Bulletproof Software
bpsfdel.zip    11078 08-05-2024 bpsFileDelete deletes files from your Wildcat
                                5 File Database
                                 1. It will delete EVERY File in Any/All
                                Selected File Areas.
                                 2. It will Delete all Files in the Wildcat 5
                                database that it can NOT Find
                                 3. Delete Files NOT Downloaded in (XX) Days
                                that are OLDER than (mm/dd/yy)
                                    (This WILL Delete Files from your Hard
                                Shareware from Bulletproof Software.
bpsfileu.zip   47136 08-05-2024 10 FREE Wc5 FILE Utilities WcCode (.wcx)
                                Bulletproof Software's Win Server File
                                Database Utilities.
                                bpsAreaList, Makes a TEXT File list of all
                                file areas.
                                bpsChangeDesc, Changes File Descriptions.
                                bpsDirectDown, Utility to Allow a Direct
                                Download of ANY File
                                bpsDirectUp, Utility to Allow a Direct Upload
                                of ANY File.  
                                bpsDLNav, USER MENU Utility will Allow your
                                Users to
                                                      Download the Wildcat
                                bpsFileBBS, Creates a FILES.BBS in Each File
                                bpsFileChange, Changes Download Files
                                bpsFileDelete, Deletes Files.
                                bpsFileList, Creates File Lists for
                                bpsKillEm,   Deletes All File's not found, no
                                user action!
bpsflist.zip   12549 08-05-2024 bpsFileList, This creates an Unlimited Number
                                of File Lists for downloading.
                                This program will create as many file lists as
                                you want/need. It NOW
                                Displays YOUR BBS Name in the File Header!. IT
                                Reads a Configuration file
                                to create YOUR selected File Lists. Included
                                is a BATCH FILE that I use
                                to Call this Program and Create the ZIP Files
                                for Users to Download.
                                Shareware from Bulletproof Software
bpsutil.zip    55684 08-05-2024 10 FREE Wc5 FILE Utilities WcCode (.wcx) With
                                Source Code
                                Bulletproof Software's Win Server File
                                Database Utilities.
                                bpsAreaList, Makes a TEXT File list of all
                                file areas.
                                bpsChangeDesc, Changes File Descriptions.
                                bpsDirectDown, Utility to Allow a Direct
                                Download of ANY File
                                bpsDirectUp, Utility to Allow a Direct Upload
                                of ANY File.  
                                bpsDLNav, USER MENU Utility will Allow your
                                Users to
                                                      Download the Wildcat
                                bpsFileBBS, Creates a FILES.BBS in Each File
                                bpsFileChange, Changes Download Files
                                bpsFileDelete, Deletes Files.
                                bpsFileList, Creates File Lists for
                                bpsKillEm,   Deletes All File's not found, no
                                user action!
bpswc5fw.zip   30764 08-05-2024 Area Lister, File Lister, Desc Changer, File
                                Deleter, Files.bbs Creator!
                                Bulletproof's Wildcat 5 'wcx' Utilities
                                a_list   Makes a list of all file areas.
                                chgdesc  This changes file descriptions.
                                f_del    This Deletes Files.
                                filelist This creates File Lists for
                                file_bbs This create a FILES.BBS in Each File
                                FREEWARE! All run from the Command Line OR
brsys22.zip   171448 08-05-2024 
bss23.zip      12607 08-05-2024 The Blacksmith's Shop! v2.3 -=- IGM for
                                WT-LORD in 32bit wcCODE for WC5!
                                "WT-LORD v2.0 READY"  Another fun *FREEWARE*
                                by Joseph Watson
                                 Stop in and see the Blacksmith! He can
                                reForge your Weapon
                                 and Armour increasing their Strength! You can
                                also rename
                                 your Weapon and Armour if you wish!
                                          NEW ANSI Coding for this release!
                                          Requires WT-LORD v2.5 or above!
btriv16.zip    48695 08-05-2024 ADVANCED Bible Trivia v1.6 in wcCODE for WC5! 
                                Advance Bible Trivia is a trivia game based on
                                both the Old and New
                                estaments of the Bible! Includes over 500
                                questions in the data pack!!!!
                                ***This Game is NOT Crippled in anyway***
                                     VERY EASY SETUP!
                                     Good Christian Fun!
                                     NOW SUPPORTS Door Logging in BapStats and
                                     NOW Resets automatically the 1st time
                                it's played each month
                                     NOW Maintains an "ALL TIME CHAMPION
                                     NOW Supports Sysop defined Bulletin File!
                                (post those scores)
                                     NOW Supports Sysop defined number of
                                plays per day
                                     NOW Supports Sysop defined "Style" of
c4m_20.zip   1262689 08-05-2024 Chek-4-Mail v2.0 Intial release.  WC!5
                                utility that scans the message bases and
                                notifys the SysOp that new personal mail is
                                waiting.  Tired of having to logon your BBS
                                to see if you have new mail?  Here is what
                                you have been looking for.  Easy to setup, no
                                maintenance, lots of features.  Written 
                                in Visual Basic v5.0.  Full 32-bit
                                software That has been tested on Windows 95
                                and NT4. Brought to you by C&S Software.
                                Registration: $15.00
ca32_111.zip   72497 08-05-2024 Classified Ads/32 v1.11  Maintenance Release.
                                This is a full featured Ads listing door for
                                WC!5.  Fully SysOp configurable with
                                ANSI/ASCii and HTML output files.  Lots of
                                SysOp options.   Written in wcCode for WC!5.
                                Shareware $15.  A C&S Software Door Program.
calendar.zip  105271 08-05-2024 Win Server wcCode
                                =     WC5 code Dynamic Calendar v1.0 for    =
                                =             WINServer/Wildcat 5           =
                                From the creators of the Most popular Dynamic
                                HTML WINServer applications including:
                                Dynamic HomePage Generator, Dynamic HTML
                                WALL, Postcards, Guest Book and more.
                                Bring more potential Customers to your Site!
                                Yes, you can have your own Dynamic Calendar
                                Event(s). They are very effective in
                                promoting your Web site as well, and your
                                users can have as many Events as they want
                                unless you configure it otherwise.
                                The purpose of this program is to show events
                                in a calendar format.  You can Add to the
                                Calendar, Birthdays, Holidays, Activities,
                                System down times and anything else you wish
                                to add ( limited only to your imagination!).
                                Email feature to provide a link to the poster
                                so people can get more info and send that
                                poster questions, etc...  Same with the URL.
                                Like if you wanted to have a Chat on a BBS
                                you could put the URL to that BBS or anything
                                else you want to use it for (again limited to
                                your imagination).
                                2 minutes one-time set-up on your part. 
                                Little or no maintenance by you or your users.
                                Simple form based interface - Zero learning
                                Three levels of access: 
                                *Public/anonymous - can only view events 
                                *User - can add/view any event and
                                events posted ONLY by same User. 
                                *Admin - can view, add, modify and remove  
                                any events and users. 
                                An Email forwarding account 
                                (YourCalendar@OurCalendar.com) for calendar
                                Single or Multiple day events handled
                                Hypertext links can be embedded in event
                                Your own customized graphics with your logo.
                                Secure - Calendar Data and User files are 
                                protected (via Winsever) 
                                Dynamic Calendar will let you or anyone
                                create an Event for any Month/Year.  A user
                                simply fills out the Calendar form, and a
                                Dynamic Event is created for him/her.  The
                                Event can be Viewed, Edited/Modified at
                                anytime you wish (until the day after the
                                Plus Much More!  Please read the DOCs and CFG
                                files for full details and Enjoy this program
                                (I'm sure you will)!  Another fine program
                                from "Architech Design Group" (ADG)!
callback.zip    2086 08-05-2024 
carnal15.zip  172247 08-05-2024 Carnal Knowledge v1.5 -=- IGM for WT-LORD in
                                32bit wcCODE for WC5! Adult type IGM for
                                WT-LORD v2.5 and Above ONLY! Y2K Aware.
                                Another fun *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                Test your Knowledge of the Carnal World? It's
                                a lot more than just SEX! This IGM contains
                                ADULT CONTENT and is for ADULT'S ONLY!
                                FEATURES: EASY Setup
                                          SYSOP Configurable Access
                                          BUILT in Maintenance
catstat.zip   199598 08-05-2024 cAtSTAT is a Windows 95,NT application for
                                Wildcat 5.
                                CatStat was designed to take the place of the
                                "Waiting For Call" screen.  It displays user's
                                on the last caller to each node. CatStat
                                allows you to
                                write notes about each user and to print out
                                user information.
                                CatStat is FreeWare. CatStat (c)1996 RA
                                Development. 513-745-0159
cc20.zip       62879 08-05-2024 Castle Coldrake(wcCODE 5) Wt-Lord 2.1+ ready
                                 An excellent IGM for Wildcat Tournament Lord
                                 This IGM is a more indepth view at the REAL
                                 Coldrake in Lord. Fight your way in, then
                                 the castle. Visit the Alchemist, Climb the
                                tower and 
                                even talk to King James. Fully interactive
                                                  secret passage! 
                                       Joe Marcelletti, James Cornman 1997
cevnt_12.zip  192594 08-05-2024 Current Events/32 v1.20  A BBS door program
                                that allows users to list upcoming Events and
                                happenings.  Fully SysOp configurable and
                                self maintaining.  Creates a full color
                                Bulletin using WC! color codes and an HTML
                                file.  Written in wcCode for WC! 5.x. No
                                Expiration!  Another WC!5 BBS door program
                                from Skip MacWilliam and C&S Software.
cgi4vb.zip     39828 08-05-2024 CGI4VB version 1.4 - CGI for VB
                                * CGI interface written in Visual Basic 4 
                                * Will work with any standard 32-bit web
                                * Does not require a winHttpd-compliant
                                * Uses STDIN and STDOUT to communicate
                                  between server and cgi program.
                                * Does not use temp files.
                                * Supports both the POST and the
                                  GET methods.
chpnet10.zip   23649 08-05-2024 CheapNet v1.0 - The Poor SysOps InterNet
                                             CheapNet allows
                                Ŀ     Ŀ      SysOps with only
                                 heap       InterNet EMail access
                                 ĿĿ  Ŀ     to offer FTP, Finger,
                                ٳ    et   WWW, Archie, Whois,
                                                 and Web Searches to
                                               their users.  All
                                 processes are done
                                via EMail through a number of public
                                servers.  CheapNet is written for WC5
                                using WCCode.  CheapNet is not crippled
                                in any way and source code is available!
christ20.zip   14302 08-05-2024 "Merry Christmas" v2.0 -=- IGM for WT-LORD in
                                32bit wcCODE for WC5! for WT-LORD v2.0 and
                                Higher! *FREEWARE*
                                Another fun *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                Open your Stocking and see what Santa has
                                for you!
                                FEATURES:  EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
                                           IT's FREEWARE!
class7.zip    151695 08-05-2024 Online Classified v7.00 - for Wildcat 5.0 NOW
                                SUPPORTS DHTML!
                                Online Classified program written in WcCode 5
                                .0. 18 different categories
                                are user defined. Can be items for sale,
                                looking to buy, announcements,
                                just about anything you want. Registered
                                version allows unlimited items
                                to be listed. Options include the ability to
                                reply to the sender, person
                                that entered the classified can edit it and
                                delete it. Full log report,
                                uses Wildcat's built in editor to create ads.
                                Very nice looking screens.
                                Easy to use, no maintenance required. Groups
                                can be configured to show
                                different areas depending on your security
                                level. Secondary user profiles
                                allowed. Read only mode is configurable.
                                Creates nifty html screens with
                                optional sound. The BEST classifieds program
                                NOW SUPPORTS DHTML, user can create items
                                while on the HTML screen.
                                Written by Larry Anderson!
                                Copyright(c) 1996/1997 Express Computers
cleanews.zip   49819 08-05-2024 CLEANEWS 1.3 - WINS/WC5 Newsgroup Anti-SPAM by
                                David Arcand - WCX/WCC
                                A wcCODE application to read a KILLFILE and
                                compare the contents of
                                all newsgroup conferences against this list. 
                                Those that match are
                                deleted from the message base.  Ideal for
                                running after a Usenet 
                                Newsgroup run with wcNEWS and imported with
                                This version includes many requested features
                                such as skipping
                                previously scanned messages, scanning only the
                                author & subject,
                                activity indicator, clean abort, query before
                                kill, and lots more.
                                FREEWARE - Released to the public by the
                                author.  Includes source code.
clintn20.zip   30606 08-05-2024 Ask Clinton v2.0 for WT-LORD by Janet Terry &
                                Joseph Watson. A 32 bit IGM for WTLORD.
                                Ask the President about this SEX Scandal!
                                Hear Al Gore's new Agenda! Now includes
                                Monica and the Chinese! Just for fun.
clntnv1.zip    12287 08-05-2024 
                                A 32 bit IGM for WTLORD. Question the
                                President about this SEX
                                Scandal! No points or rewards. Just for fun.
                                Free IGM. Try it. 
                                If you like it send me email. 
                                Send me cash too if you like, and we will
                                expand it into a real 
                                stand alone for WC5 with more options!
clsads32.zip 1993231 08-05-2024 
cm50.zip      152078 08-05-2024 Charge Master v5.0 (WCX32)-   THE OnLine 
                                Sales/Subscription module for Wildcat! v5.
                                Total integration, ease of  use,  tons  of  
                                unique features, and the most bang for the 
                                buck is what sets Charge Master apart from 
                                the  others.  From  handling  Credit cards 
                                Checking  accounts, TABS codes, and Custom 
                                codes to using multiple levels of Security
                                Detailed logging, and Caller Id detection,
                                CM is always on the lookout for fraudulent
                                purchases.  Too many features to be listed
                                here. I CHALLENGE ANYONE TO FIND  A BETTER  
                                APPLICATION IN THE SAME $ RANGE. IF YOU DO 
                                I WILL GIVE YOU A FREE CM REGISTRATION!
coffee.zip      2424 08-05-2024 Coffee Break.WCX is a simple (we
                                might even call it DUMB) little
                                program for WC5/WIN Server, which
                                allows the SysOp logged in with
                                wcLocal to put the system "on hold"
                                for him/her. The program asks for a
                                "node activity" (which can be
                                anything, and defaults to "Coffee
                                Break"), and then simply waits for
                                a keystroke. Be creative, have
                                fun, and if you appreciate our
                                miniscule effort in this, please
                                drop by the Official Unofficial
                                Wildcat! Web Page at:
conflist.zip    6937 08-05-2024 
contact5.zip   41851 08-05-2024 contact_HTML v5.2 (wcCODE5)  User Directory
                                     Source Code Version Available!  New Low
                                   Add a graphical HTML page to your BBS home
                                Each database application allows users to
                                ENTER, REVISE, SEARCH,
                                and DELETE records according to security level
                                  Charge per-ad
                                through automatic account deduction.  Export
                                all records to HTML
                                page for use with wcNAV or your favorite web
                                browser.  Email
                                replies to advertisers!  Callers can download
                                a formatted text
                                data sheet that is created internally during
                                record entry.
                                Full file attachment support!  Fully network
                                aware!  ACTIVE/EXPIRED
                                status checking!  Auto-purge after
                                sysop-specified number of days!
                                E-Z setup and operation!   Easy Upgrade
contra10.zip   32584 08-05-2024 ************ CONTRA10 1.0  *************
                                -=-=-=Contraband   Runner   1.0=-=-=-=- 
                                Written  in  32  bit  WCCode  for  WC5. 
                                You  are  a  Smuggler  of goods.  Travel
                                From  country  to  country  making  your
                                fortune.   Watch  out  for  the  law!!!!
                                By:        Martin     Von     Cannon    
                                Misconception's BBS (253) 472-0796 
countv10.zip   47533 08-05-2024 DoorCount v1.0 for WILDCAT 4xx Systems
                                DoorCount is a simple and easy to use
                                Door tracker for WILDCAT Systems.
                                DoorCount will keep a running total of
                                how many times each of your Doors are
                                accessed and create an ANSI display
                                screen that can be put up on your BBS
                                as a bulletin or logon screen.  No 
                                need to edit all of your DOORx.BAT 
                                files either. 
                                (C)Copyright 1996 Lounge Software
cps10wc5.zip  206171 08-05-2024 Consumer Product Safety Door v1.00 for
                                WC5! (32-bit wcCode Program) Contains
                                info for consumers on various product
                                recalls and notices. Regular data-
                                base updates for the door are available
                                free of charge from T&J Software at
                                (717) 325-9481. Part of the T&J Software
                                info door collection.
crzbbs13.zip   31931 08-05-2024 Crazed BBS Lister! v1.3     [WC5 WCX] NOW
                                Supports HTML!
                                 * Add as many BBS's to the LIST
                                 * Text search through the BBS LIST
                                 * Download the BBS LIST
                                 * View the BBS List
                                 * Now Supports HTML!
                                 * Three more Fields Added to the Lister! [WWW
                                 [TELNET] [FTP]
                                     Author: brent.foti@juno.com
                                    Support: crazed.lister@juno.com
                                 Home Board: Unlawful Entry! (713) 852-3982
                                        WWW: http://www.tmssupport
                                     TELNET: 207.1.230.??  - ?? = 40 thru 50
                                Last IP Changes.
                                        FTP: 207.1.230.??  - ?? = 40 thru 50
                                Last IP Changes.
cs_102.zip     14843 08-05-2024 CheckSec v1.02 - [WC5 WCX] Check security
                                profiles before running menu options!
                                Works with other WCXs, Doors, and default 
                                menu commands!
                                Deny access to menu commands, but inform
                                users WHY they cannot access that feature!
                                [06/20/96 - Wildcat wcCODE v5.x]
ctnews54.zip   70216 08-05-2024 CATNEWS! v5.4 COOL WC5/WC4/WC3 Newsltr Maker
                                in RIP/WC Codes. NEW Feature* This Utility
                                a cool "VGA LOOKING" Wildcat! Newsletter for
                                your Users. Having Trouble keeping em Up to
                                Date? Catnews! is for you then. Auto-trim
                                keeps the newsletter from growing too large
                                (in date) For WC5/WC4/WC3, Catnews! also
                                will create the HTML Newsletter for WC5!
                                Has Built-in Editor or use the .WCX interface
                                CATNEWS.WCX which allows you to create it
                                using the WC! internal editor so Spell check,
                                message importing is all available. Use the
                                LOGON.WCC included, and the newsletter is
                                FORCED to your users when updated.
                                NEWSLETTER. This is a FREE UPGRADE to
                                Registered Sysops. Catnews! is Shareware by:
                                Maddog Productions  William Mantz
ctnw18.zip     73980 08-05-2024 CATNEWS! for Wildcat5 v1.8 (wcc5) COOL WC5
                                Newsltr HTML/ANSI Maker
                                CATNEWS! for Wildcat5 v1.8 (wcc5) creates a
                                "VGA LOOKING" Wildcat! Newsletter for you in
                                HTML and ANSI.  One program does it all.  It
                                uses a
                                wcCODE interface program, or you can run it
                                direct using
                                the built-in editor. The CTNEWS.WCX allows you
                                to create
                                the NEWSLETTER ONLINE! and uses the WC!
                                internal Editor.
                                WC4 and WC3 USER SHOULD NOT USE THIS VERSION.
                                This is a FREE UPGRADE to Registered Sysops
                                using Catnews!
                                Simply the Best the Newsletter Creator for
                                See why Hundreds of Sysops are using Catnews!
                                NOW with it's own LOGON.WCC/WCX to Force the
                                Shareware by: Maddog Productions  William
ctrtopdl.zip    4517 08-05-2024 
cw_2datm.zip   31695 08-05-2024 CW-ATM - CharpenWare Creations ATM
                                Time Bank in ATM Style for WCCODE for WC5
                                Copyright 1996
                                Programmed by: Chuck Charpentier
                                This program is not crippled except for time
                                delays.  Registration is only $5.  Check it
                                It is a time bank that is setup to look like
                                ATM Machine.
                                Includes DHTML program
                                Chuck Charpentier
                                CharpenWare Creations
cw_2dbw.zip    22780 08-05-2024 CW-BW - CharpenWare Creations Brik-Wall
                                WCCODE for WC5
                                Copyright 1997
                                Programmed by: Chuck Charpentier
                                This program is made to allow a user
                                to place a oneliner on the wall.  This
                                program will operate without being
                                registered.  With registration of $5.00
                                you will be able to use the Cuss Word
                                Chuck Charpentier
                                CharpenWare Creations
cw_2dcbv.zip   67648 08-05-2024 CW-CBV - CharpenWare Creations Call-Back
                                Callback Verification for WCCODE for WC5
                                Copyright 1996
                                Programmed by: Chuck Charpentier
                                Program is crippled, but only $15 for
                                registration.  With registration you get
                                previous verified checking, auto-welcome
                                message, auto-
                                message to sysop with information on newuser,
                                expiration days, Subscription credit upgrades,
                                upgrades, and more...   Program is very
                                graphical, and
                                professional looking.  Features previous
                                list (if you delete a locked out user, they
                                will not
                                be able to complete verification.)  Give it a
                                Chuck Charpentier
                                CharpenWare Creations
cw_2ddcp.zip   79158 08-05-2024 CW-DCP - CharpenWare Creations Door Coach PRO
                                A Door Manager for WC5 written in 32-bit
                                Copyright 1996
                                Programmed by: Chuck Charpentier
                                This program features  unlimited menus and
                                You can allow  users to see  who  last played
                                door and when.  You may also  make  your own
                                screens  from  within  Door Coach.  You  may 
                                security settings for some of the menus,
                                you  to  keep  certain  eyes  away  from 
                                programs.   You  may   also   your  
                                for  example, on  my system  LORD's quick-word
                                LORD, so anywhere within  Door Coach you may
                                LORD and it will load the door.
                                Chuck Charpentier 
                                CharpenWare Creations
cw_2ddos.zip   21487 08-05-2024 WCCODE5 - CW-DOS v1.0 - FREEWARE
                                Copyright 1998
                                Programmed by: Chuck Charpentier
                                This program is a drop-to-dos
                                emulator.  It has all the functions
                                for DOS, except running EXE, COM,
                                and BAT files, it runs WCX files
                                as if they were the before mentioned
                                files.  Download and upload files
                                to directories as if you were on the
                                system locally!!!
                                Chuck Charpentier 
                                CharpenWare Creations
cw_2dlgn.zip    5725 08-05-2024 CW-LGN - CharpenWare Creations Alternative
                                WCCODE for WC5
                                Copyright 1996
                                Programmed by: Chuck Charpentier
                                This program allows sysop to make up to 20
                                WCCODE program per option, before default
                                are run (like check for new mail), after the
                                programs, always run (even if quick logon is
                                Setup for this program is REAL EASY
                                This program is FREEWARE
                                Chuck Charpentier
                                CharpenWare Creations
cw_2dpage.zi       0 01-01-1980 WCCODE5 - CW-PAGE rewrite
                                Split Screen Chat 0.8b
                                Copyright 1998
                                Programmed by: Chuck Charpentier
                                This Split-Screen Chat program has
                                been completely rewritten and fixed
                                all errors.  Word-wrap now works.
                                You can page other users for split-
                                screen chat and more...
                                Chuck Charpentier 
                                CharpenWare Creations
cw_2dpage.zip   87524 08-05-2024 WCCODE5 - CW-PAGE rewrite
                                Split Screen Chat 0.8b
                                Copyright 1998
                                Programmed by: Chuck Charpentier
                                This Split-Screen Chat program has
                                been completely rewritten and fixed
                                all errors.  Word-wrap now works.
                                You can page other users for split-
                                screen chat and more...
                                Chuck Charpentier 
                                CharpenWare Creations
cybrwal.zip     6690 08-05-2024 
dc203110.zip   53298 08-05-2024 DuCall 2.03.110! for Wildcat 5.0! 32 bit
                                WcCode call back verifier.
                                This version is SHAREWARE (a nice coffee cup
                                will do! ) or $10.00.  Not
                                crippled in anyway.  Let your conscience be
                                your guide.
                                - Stores user's password in a user record
                                comment field (sysop defined)
                                - Scans user database for duplicate phone
                                number checking. No need for a
                                  separate dupe file!
                                - Can scan a local prefix file (one for
                                Cincinnati, OH included) for local
                                  number/long distance number checking
                                (optional).  Ducall can
                                  now automatically create and maintain this
                                - FULL logging capability
                                - can work in conjuction with time banks that
                                use the user subscription balance
                                  to give new callers a time bank bonus.
                                - Long Distance calling is supported between
                                specified hours
                                - Creates messages to the new users and to the
                                - Support for LA, California style l/d phone
                                - Can set user expiration date/verified
                                security level (usefull for setting
                                  up trial BBS memberships)
                                - TelNet connection aware!
                                - Very user friendly!
                                - Fixed problem with new message notification
                                & cleaned up user interface boiler
                                - now has a configurable dialing string
                                - went back to 8x3 file names for those Win/NT
                                - can use a BADNUM.CTL file to check for phone
                                numbers that you do not want called
                                - not cripled in any way.  True shareware.
dchat19.zip    52136 08-05-2024 
dclass11.zip  137270 08-05-2024 Win Server wcCode
                                =   WC5 code Dynamic Classifieds v1.1 for   =
                                =           WINServer/Wildcat 5             =
                                From the creators of the Most popular Dynamic
                                HTML WINServer applications including:
                                Dynamic HomePage Generator, Dynamic HTML
                                WALL, Postcards, Guest Book and more.
                                Bring more potential Customers to your Site!
                                Dynamic Classifieds DHTML database
                                driven Classified Ads Program. Written
                                in 32 bit wcCode.
                                * Professional look with beutiful graphics.
                                * Unlimited Sysop defined categories
                                * HTTP Pictures Upload - No Messy FTP
                                * Out-of-the-box Template Driven, Plus you
                                  modify any aspect including text and
                                * Users can Edit or Delete their own Password
                                  protected Ads!
                                * Sysop can Edit/Delete any Ad.
                                * Configurable Auto Expiration of Ads,
                                  a "delete-old-ads" utility to run as an
                                2 minutes one-time set-up on your part. 
                                Little or no maintenance by you or your users.
                                Simple form based interface - Zero learning
                                Plus Much More!  Please read the DOCs and CFG
                                files for full details and Enjoy this program
                                (I'm sure you will)!  Another fine program
                                from "Architech Design Group" (ADG)!
deemenus.zip    9269 08-05-2024 Menus used on Dee's Dungeon.
denkey11.zip  117868 08-05-2024 New Release from DeNekim Software c1996
                                File Name:  DENKEY11.ZIP
                                Name: DeN-Key Security Systems v1.1
                                Usage: Application Key Encryption
                                Released 10/27/96
                                Developed for Wildcat5! wcCode5
                                Application Developers....
                                This application allows you the developer
                                to put KEY security into your applications.
                                It will allow you to create Keys for
                                Demo, User Version, and Singular Versions
                                of your software. If you always wanted to
                                protect your software, here is the way
                                to do it. This is a wcCode5 only program.
                                You must own a copy of wcCode5, or this
                                program will be of no use to you. It will
                                not run unless you have a copy. This Demo
                                Version allows you to create fully
                                functional keys for your system only.
                                Creates wcCode5 code that you insert
                                into the top of your application to read
                                the (yourapp.key).
dgwall.zip     27899 08-05-2024 wc5 code Dynamic Graffiti Wall for Wildcat 5
                                Version 1.0 
                                Architech Design Group 1997 (c)
                                This Edition is fully-functional but
                                limited to 5 users. Low cost registration with
                                free gifts.
                                 Dynamic Graffiti Wall is a wcCode version 5
                                .0+ program that will create HTML Graffiti
                                wall. A user simply fills up an HTML form, and
                                voila  - a Graffiti wall entry  is created for
                                him on the fly.
                                 Dynamic Graffiti Wall uses DHTML (Dynamic
                                HTML) the state-of-the-art technology.
                                 Novices and experts can intuitively use this
                                 A built in Dynamic Sysop option to delete
                                the content of the wall and start from fresh
                                 A built-in profanity filter (Will not catch
                                all the bad words in the world, but will do a
                                pretty good job)
                                 An optional Log file that logs any creation
                                of a new entry. It will log also any attempt
                                to write profanity (per the limited built-in
                                profanity filter)
                                 Up to 3 security profiles can be denied.
                                 Webmaster can block or allow HTML tags.
                                (prevent cross links, Java, and other security
                                 Webmaster can allow/deny public users from
                                writing on the wall. 
                                 Easy to setup for Novice Sysops/Webmasters
                                Much more to come...
dhpg3.zip     103543 08-05-2024 wc5 code Dynamic HomePage Generator for
                                Wildcat 5
                                Version 3.0 
                                Architech Design Group 1997 (c)
                                This Edition is fully-functional but limited
                                to 5 users.
                                Now you can add up to 10 fields to the form.
                                Your users want to have a HomePage,But they
                                don't know HTML, don't want to pay to a
                                professional web designer or are just too lazy
                                Here comes Dynamic HomePage Generator:
                                Your users can create and manage their own
                                homepages without sysop Intervention.
                                Everything is done via the ubiquitous HTML
                                Interface and a WWW browser.
                                Users Fill up a form, choose predefined
                                Background Color or Graphics and/or optionally
                                upload additional graphics.
                                Voila... - A professional Home Page is created
                                on the fly, along with an Email link, hits
                                counter, favorite sites links and much more...
                                and all that in less then 5 minutes.
                                SYSOP FEATURES - No Maintenance at ALL!
                                Ability to limit access by security profile.
                                Homepage listing updated on the fly as new
                                users create their sites.
                                Takes 5-10 Min. to setup
                                USER FEATURES - Robust Interface, ability to
                                upload files to their own site directory.
                                No messy FTP, Telnet to get their
                                pages updated. 
                                Much more to come...
direct5.zip   105258 08-05-2024 Direct Access v5 better than DROPDOS.BAT!
                                Makers Of Bestcall
                                    v5.00 for Wildcat v5.x in (wcCODE) with
                                RUN.WCX code launcher!
                                   New ANSI GOLD display is just like your
                                favorite DOS file manager!
                                   Master Sysop can access directories and
                                files without DROPDOS.BAT
                                    D/L, U/L, Copy, Delete, Move, Rename, Edit
                                 View, Create Directory
                                   NEW DOS SHELL MODE with 35 commands for
                                maximum control!
                                   Access Unlimited number of Files.  Long
                                Display Option - Date/Time 
                                   Password protection for extra security. 
                                Excellent online help!
                                   Match files by DateSpec Eg. >01-12-95 or
                                <01-01-96 or =11-12-96   
                                   Choose up to 5 *.* File Masks at the same
                                time to help find files.
                                   Detailed activity log.    Runs any .WCX
                                program under Wildcat 5.
                                    Daycorp Inc. Software (Since 1989)
                                    By David Birchansky
                                    Makers of Bestcall (c) 1994-1996
                                    BBS: 305-598-1357
displays.zip    7596 08-05-2024 Displays Utility Modual for WC5!  FREEWARE! 
                                Try it!
dlnav11.zip     7173 08-05-2024 Download the Navigator
                                    By: SDwarez
                                Allows your users to
                                Download the Wildcat
                                The BEST Downlaod the
                                Navigator Program out
                                A MUST for SysOps 
                                running Wildcat 5.0 
dlnav32.zip     3579 08-05-2024 A very simple way to help your callers
                                download the WILDCAT NAVIGATOR. And best
                                of all it's FREE. 
dl_2dnav41.z       0 01-01-1980 Download Nav v4.1 *Read Full Description* 
                                Kenneth Hines Software,
                                Download Nav v4.1 is a logon.wcx to prompt
                                callers to download the 
                                Wildcat! Navigator. Now supports running
                                multiple logon.wcx's, log off
                                and postcall.wcx's, all six versions of the
                                Wildcat! Navigator, 
                                ability to upgrade callers Security level
                                after downloading, "Never 
                                Ask Again" option, "Info" screen for the
                                newuser to read & download
                                and individual "Info" screens for each version
                                of wcNav. Also features
                                a Save Marked Files function in the included
                                log off.wcx and 
                                automatically saves marked files when carrier
                                is lost with the included
                                postcall.wcx. When the caller saves their
                                files at log off, the next 
                                call they are prompted to download their saved
                                marked files. Display 
                                files and Log off prompt may be edited.
                                Shareware 32-bit WCX for 
                                Wildcat!5 and WINS only. 
dl_2dnav41.zip   29395 08-05-2024 Download Nav v4.1 *Read Full Description* 
                                Kenneth Hines Software, 1996
                                Download Nav v4.1 is a logon.wcx to prompt
                                callers to download the 
                                Wildcat! Navigator. Now supports running
                                multiple logon.wcx's, log off.wcx's
                                and postcall.wcx's, all six versions of the
                                Wildcat! Navigator, 
                                ability to upgrade callers Security level
                                after downloading, "Never 
                                Ask Again" option, "Info" screen for the
                                newuser to read & download
                                and individual "Info" screens for each version
                                of wcNav. Also features 
                                a Save Marked Files function in the included
                                log off.wcx and 
                                automatically saves marked files when carrier
                                is lost with the included 
                                postcall.wcx. When the caller saves their
                                files at log off, the next 
                                call they are prompted to download their saved
                                marked files. Display 
                                files and Log off prompt may be edited.
                                Shareware 32-bit WCX for 
                                Wildcat!5 and WINS only. 
dl_2dnew.zip    4272 08-05-2024 DL-NEWUSER v1.0 (c) 1997, Dark Lands
                                This is a new user questionaire for Wc5
                                Awesome Color Setup, Free, And a very nice
                                to any Wc5 BBS. Download This And Check It out
dl_2done14.z       0 01-01-1980 DL-Oneliner v1.4 For WC5 * 32Bit WcCode 
                                This is a Great Oneliner program for WINS
                                Please, Download and check it out. Its FREE!
                                Contact JERRE ROSE or read the sysop.doc for
                                other contact information.
                                Written At: Dark Lands BBS
                                -= Updated 07/04/97 =-
dl_2done14.zip    7191 08-05-2024 DL-Oneliner v1.4 For WC5 * 32Bit WcCode 
                                This is a Great Oneliner program for WINS
                                Please, Download and check it out. Its FREE!
                                Contact JERRE ROSE or read the sysop.doc for
                                other contact information.
                                Written At: Dark Lands BBS
                                       -= Updated 07/04/97 =-
dl_nav30.zip   22805 08-05-2024 Download Nav v3.0  This program will prompt
                                after they have entered their name and
                                password to 
                                download the Wildcat! Navigator. Now supports
                                "Fast Logins",
                                downloading a "Full" or "Minimum" copy of the
                                Win95 or 
                                Win 3.x versions of the Wildcat! Navigator,
                                ability to
                                upgrade callers Security level after
                                downloading, "Never Ask 
                                Again" option, "Info" screen for the newuser
                                to read &
                                download, Also features a Save Marked Files
                                function in the
                                included log off.wcx. When the caller saves
                                their files at
                                log off, the next call they are prompted to
                                download their
                                saved marked files. Sysop configured Display
                                files for ALL 
                                the display screens. Shareware 32-bit WCX for
                                Wildcat!5 only. 
dmail10.zip    15879 08-05-2024 Win server wcCode
                                =    Dynamic Mailer 1.0     =
                                =  for WINServer/Wildcat 5  =
                                Send Email to all your users or to
                                selected profiles via the convenience
                                of your web browser.
                                From the creators of the Most popular 
                                "Dynamic" HTML WINServer applications 
                                This version is fully functional but 
                                Will append a shareware footer to each Email
doorreq.zip     9403 08-05-2024 DOOR REQUESTER - A Wildcat 5.0 Utility
                                which allows callers to post requests
                                for doors that they would like to see
                                the sysop add to the BBS. This is a
                                very handy utility for sysops to see
                                what your users would like you to add
                                to your BBS. Created by Iezzi Software.
                                Only works on Wildcat 5.0 BBS Software.
                                Registration is $5.00
dpost.zip     165696 08-05-2024 wc5 code Dynamic Postcards Generator for
                                Wildcat 5
                                NEW - From the creators of the most popular
                                WinServer app
                                "Dynamic HomePage Generator"!!!
                                Version 1.0 
                                Architech Design Group 1997 (c)
                                This Edition is fully-functional but limited
                                to 5 postcards.
                                Yes, you saw it on other platforms - Now you
                                can have your own Dynamic Postcards. It is a
                                very effective to promote your Web site
                                because there is a link to it on each Postcard
                                Dynamic  Postcards Generator will create HTML
                                Postcards for your users. A user simply fills
                                up an HTML form, and voila - a Digital
                                Postcard is created for him on the fly. This
                                Postcard will reside on your server for a
                                configurable period of time, and an iIn the
                                tradition of DHPG, this app is easy to setup,
                                use and is fully configurable 
                                Per your request - all the docs are now in
                                ASCII format.
dpost22.zip   174978 08-05-2024 Win server wcCode
                                = WC5 code Dynamic Postcards Generator 2.2  =
                                =         for WINServer/Wildcat 5           =
                                From the creators of the Most popular Dynamic
                                HTML WINServer applications including:
                                Dynamic HomePage Generator, THE WALL, Dynamic
                                upload Manager, dynamic Guest Book and many 
                                Now working on a non-standard HTTP Port
                                (That's for sysops that runs IIS along with 
                                *WHY RUN A DIGITAL-GREETING-CARD OR POSTCARD
                                SERVER SERVICE ON YOUR WEB SITE/BBS (THAT YOU
                                DON'T HAVE ANY CONTROL OVER REALLY) WHEN YOU
                                CAN RUN YOUR OWN?  AND HAVE *FULL* CONTROL
                                OVER IT AS WELL!!!  GRAPHICS, THEMES,
                                ETC...ALL CUSTOMIZED TO YOUR LIKING, THAT
                                WILL BRING 'EM TO *YOUR* SYSTEM!  NOT THEIRS!
                                Bring more potential Customers to your Site!
                                Yes, you saw it on other platforms - Now you
                                can have your *OWN* Dynamic Postcards. It is
                                Very effective in promoting your WEB Site &
                                BBS because there is a link to it on each
                                Postcard!  Once they click the link they're
                                now on YOUR system (not another server)!
                                Dynamic  Postcards Generator will create HTML
                                Postcards for your users. A user simply fills
                                out an HTML form, and voila - a Digital
                                Postcard created on the fly (*NEW* Now with
                                up to 99 THEMES (EG., Anniversaries,
                                Birthdays, Holidays, Get Well, Just to say
                                Hello, etc...(limited only by your
                                imagination!) Fully Configurable by you!!!).
                                You supply the graphics for whatever theme(s)
                                you want.  From 1 to 99 pictures per theme
                                (configured by you)!
                                This Postcard will reside on your server for
                                a configurable period of time, and an
                                invitation will be E-mailed to it's addressee
                                to "come to your server" and "pick it up" In
                                the tradition of our Dynamic Applications,
                                this program looks and feels Sophisticated,
                                BUT is VERY easy to setup, use and is fully
                                configurable.  Anyone can do it that's the
                                best part!!!
                                Plus Much More so please check out the DOCS
                                and CFG files for full details and Enjoy this
                                program (I'm sure you all will)!
dposttp1.zip  749684 08-05-2024 Win server wcCode
                                =        WC5 code Dynamic Postcards         =
                                =               Themes Pack#1               =
                                Required Dynamic-Postcards ver 2.0 
                                Bring more potential Customers to your Site!
                                32 Themes with many many graphics to spruce
                                your Dynamic-Postcards enabled site.
                                You'll find here:
                                Anniversaries,Batman & Robin, Birthdays,
                                Holidays, Get Well, 
                                Garfield, Flowers, Men, Women and many many
dq_26a1.zip    21525 08-05-2024 Developer Q&A Sheet-Vol  in MS Word format.
                                Questions and answers compiled from questions
                                sent to me via email or conference #48 from
                                January 1997 through April 1997.  Contains
                                answers and code snippets to some of the most
                                asked developer questions.  Uploaded by Bob
                                Dalton, Developer Relations Manager for
                                Mustang Software Inc. Another must have!
drcttran.zip    2489 08-05-2024 
dread.zip      10449 08-05-2024 Club Dread (E)xternal (G)ame (M)odual for GORE
                                RPG.  FREEWARE
dregst11.zip  105476 08-05-2024 Win server wcCode
                                =  Dynamic UserRegistry 1.1   =
                                =    for WINServer/Wildcat 5  =
                                - this version supports systems that
                                  do not have full-time internet
                                - Allows your users to create unique 
                                  user registries.
                                - Uses only a browser to gather
                                  input from your users.
                                - Users can upload their pictures
                                  Via the browser
                                - Extensive Search Engine
                                - Sharp looking graphics and GUI
                                - 5 minutes setup
                                This version is fully functional but 
                                limited to 5 registries.
                                From the creators of the Most popular 
                                Dynamic HTML WINServer applications 
                                Dynamic HomePage Generator, 
                                Dynamic Postcards THE WALL, 
                                Dynamic Upload Manager, 
                                Dynamic Guest Book and many more... 
                                Plus Much More so please check out the DOCS
                                and CFG files for full details and Enjoy this
                                program (I'm sure you all will)!
drifters.zip   69860 08-05-2024 SPACE DRIFTERS for WC5!  A Space Warfare
                                Trading game!
dtr5017.zip    24380 08-05-2024 Deep Thought Generator v1.7  - Wc5.0 (WCX
                                FreeWare - By Carl Tice - vacsew.com
dubank2.zip    16469 08-05-2024 DuBank 2.00! by Dimensions Unlimited
                                This version is FREEWARE (of course if you
                                feel inclined,
                                you can always send me a nice coffee cup
                                - Designed as a mate to DuCall Call Back
                                  (but you do not need to use DuCall)
                                - Simple, easy and Quick for the users to
                                - MultiNode compatable
                                - Does not use an external datafile and hence
                                does not require a
                                  user maintenance utility!
                                - Uses the SubscriptionBalance field of the WC
                                internal user record
                                - Source Code included
dubirth1.zip    6519 08-05-2024 DuBirth.WCX by David Kuhn & Dimensions
                                This program generates an Ansi Hello Screen of
                                the callers who have a birthday
                                on the current day. It also leaves them a
                                custom message.
                                Run it from a batch file under WcEvent!
                                Freeware/Source code  - Enjoy!
duquote1.zip   11360 08-05-2024 DuQuote V1.0, by Ed Williams Copyright
                                1997 Ed Williams, All Rights Reserved
                                -DuQuote, a multiple Quote file display
                                WCX utility for WC5!  As many Quotes
                                files as you like!  Very configurable,
                                easy to install, not crippled! $10!
                                -Perfect for folks with WC5, place in
                                your Logon.wcc or Log off.wcc! Have a
                                welcome and a goodbye Quote!  Full
                                instructions included!
                                -Uses your own Prompts and Quotes!
                                Complete quick and easy quote file
                                formatting instructions included!
d_2dldnav.zi       0 01-01-1980 
d_2dldnav.zip    6075 08-05-2024 
d_2dupld11.z       0 01-01-1980 Win Server wccode Dynamic-Upload Add-On for
                                Dynamic HomePage
                                Version 1.1 Architech Design Group 1997 (c)
                                finally! the long awaited Add-on for DHPG is
                                This Edition is fully-functional but limited
                                to 10 KB user site space.
                                Users create and manage their own Web-Site
                                without Sysop Intervention.
                                Using only their Web browsers they can Upload,
                                Download, and Delete
                                files from their own site directory. No messy
                                FTP, Telnet or WinClients
                                to get their pages updated. See changes
                                on-tOnce a user creates his/her
                                first HomePage using DHPG, he/she can upload
                                any allowed file into
                                their directory and use it.
                                SYSOP FEATURES - No Maintenance at ALL! limit
                                access by security
                                profile. Limit type of files uploaded. Limit
                                size of User site globally
                                and individually.
                                Takes 5-10 Min. to setup
                                NOTE: AUP from 7/24 or later is required for
                                the HTML-Upload to work
                                Much more to come...
d_2dupld11.zip   24216 08-05-2024 Win Server wccode Dynamic-Upload Add-On for
                                Dynamic HomePage Generator
                                Version 1.1 Architech Design Group 1997 (c)
                                finally! the long awaited Add-on for DHPG is
                                This Edition is fully-functional but limited
                                to 10 KB user site space.
                                Users create and manage their own Web-Site
                                without Sysop Intervention. Using only their
                                Web browsers they can Upload, Download, and
                                Delete files from their own site directory. No
                                messy FTP, Telnet or WinClients to get their
                                pages updated. See changes on-tOnce a user
                                creates his/her first HomePage using DHPG,
                                he/she can upload any allowed file into their
                                directory and use it.
                                SYSOP FEATURES - No Maintenance at ALL! limit
                                access by security profile. Limit type of
                                files uploaded. Limit size of User site
                                globally and individually.
                                Takes 5-10 Min. to setup
                                NOTE: AUP from 7/24 or later is required for
                                the HTML-Upload to work
                                Much more to come...
d_2dwho.zip     7279 08-05-2024 
easter11.zip   20898 08-05-2024 Easter Egg Hunt v1.1 -=- IGM for WT-LORD in
                                32bit wcCODE!
                                "WT-LORD v2.0 READY" for WT-LORD v2.5 and
                                Higher ONLY! 
                                In this IGM you are able to search for a
                                suprise easter egg
                                and stay the night in this IGM!
                                An IGM by Aaron Wornom & Sweet Dreams Software
                                FEATURES:  SUPPORTS Mutiple WT-LORD Games
                                           Stay overnight
                                           Animation support!
                                           EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
                                           This is the update released
email2fx.zip    6368 08-05-2024 HTML-Email2Fax v1.0 for WC5/WINS - FREEWARE
                                Send faxes to any remote fax from WC5 
                                using a simple HTML form.
employ5.zip    46285 08-05-2024 employment_HTML v5.2 (wcCODE5)  Employment
                                Listings Database 
                                     Source Code Version Available!  New Low
                                   Add a graphical HTML page to your BBS home
                                Each database application allows users to
                                ENTER, REVISE, SEARCH,
                                and DELETE records according to security level
                                  Charge per-ad
                                through automatic account deduction.  Export
                                all records to HTML
                                page for use with wcNAV or your favorite web
                                browser.  Email
                                replies to advertisers!  Callers can download
                                a formatted text
                                data sheet that is created internally during
                                record entry.
                                Full file attachment support!  Fully network
                                aware!  ACTIVE/EXPIRED
                                status checking!  Auto-purge after
                                sysop-specified number of days!
                                E-Z setup and operation!   Easy Upgrade
ersch22.zip    54237 08-05-2024 Erschlagenhalle, is a 32 bit IGM for WTLORD,
                                where the player can 
                                get a job, get healed, get a fairy. The user
                                can Flirt, Steal a Horse.
                                Medieval in content.
esd10wc5.zip  111894 08-05-2024 Endangered Species Door v1.00 (32-bit
                                verion for Wildcat! 5) from T&J Software.
                                Allows users to view and search for
                                endangered species online. Regular
                                database updates will be available
                                to download from T&J Software BBS at
                                (717)325-9481 or FREQ ESDATA from
                                1:268/400. Latest door version can
                                be FREQ'ed as ESDOOR5.
etmail10.zip    6033 08-05-2024 //===== ETmailer v1.0 =====\\  - a WcCode for
                                Wildcat! 5 - 
                                   |- Eagle Technologies -|
                                      ETmailer v1.0 Beta
                                 BBS: (713) 852-3982       
                                 EMAIL: textor@ganja.org   
                                 Mass Mailer for Wildcat!5 
                                   ETmailer v1.0 = $5.00   
etuser10.zip    2775 08-05-2024 //====== ETuser v1.0 =======\\  - a WcCode for
                                Wildcat! 5 -
                                Eagle Technologies
                                       ETuser v1.0 
                                This WCX Program outputs all your users into
                                one HTML file, it also tells
                                the total number of users on your BBS.
                                Cost to Register: $5.00
                                  BBS: (713) 852-3982
                                EMAIL: textor@ganja.org (changes can be made,
                                just leave me a message)
etwall11.zip    6450 08-05-2024 //====== ETwall v1.1 ======\\  - a WcCode for
                                Wildcat! 5 - 
                                   |- Eagle Technologies -|
                                         Etwall v1.1
                                 BBS: (713) 852-3982      
                                 EMAIL: textor@ganja.org  
                                    WALL FOR WILDCAT! 5   
                                 SOURCE CODE: $10.00      
ever17.zip    193050 08-05-2024 "EverGreen Cemetery" v1.7 -=- IGM for WT-LORD
                                in 32bit wcCODE! for WT-LORD v2.5 and Higher!
                                ENTER the Gates of EverGreen and you will
                                never be the same! Included Y2K Date Checking
                                Another fun *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                FEATURES:  SUPPORTS Mutiple WT-LORD Games
                                           Allows Players to SLEEP in the IGM
                                           Lots of Hidden Stuff!
                                           EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
fa50283c.zip  452033 08-05-2024 The Faire 2.83c - If your users love LORD..
                                .This is just as cool!
                                10 levels, wander the streets, rob the bank,
                                try to survive long enough
                                to make it to the faire, kill other users,
                                write mail to them, find hidden
                                maps, a master player level, and more. This
                                game will always be growing!
                                You can even add your own 'other areas' to the
                                game. I even provide a 
                                player datafile structure so you can write
                                your own external apps!
                                Another great WcCode app from :
                                          Carl Tice
                                       THE BAD BOY BBS!
faire401.zip  486994 08-05-2024 The Faire 4.00 - RPG game - can be used as an
                                IGM to WT-LORD! Has 10 levels, wander the
                                streets, rob the bank, try to survive long
                                enough to make it to The Faire, kill other
                                users, write mail to them, find hidden maps,
                                a master player level, and more. This game
                                will always be growing! You can even add your
                                own 'other areas' to the game. I even provide
                                a player datafile structure so you can write
                                your own external apps!
fansi_2d03.z       0 01-01-1980 FanciANSI Version 0.3 (beta) Freeware
                                A WCX CGI script for displaying Wildcat 5
                                .BBS text files (WC @Code format ANSI) to
                                HTML callers.
fansi_2d03.zip    3873 08-05-2024 FanciANSI Version 0.3 (beta) Freeware
                                A WCX CGI script for displaying Wildcat 5
                                .BBS text files (WC @Code format ANSI) to
                                HTML callers.
faq4.zip       13759 08-05-2024 
feeder5.zip    29164 08-05-2024 FEEDER5 wcCODE v5.0 A 150 File Download Menu
                                for WC 5.x!
                                FEEDER5 150 FILE DOWNLOAD MENU FOR WILDCAT5!
                                This program allows you to configure up to
                                150, yes 150 files for download on a down-
                                load menu.  You design the screen, you
                                configure the files, you configure the menu
                                keys!!  An extra copy is also included!!!
                                Another awesome product of CJCS!
                                CJCS's URL: http://pages.prodigy.com/jagger
ff600.zip     765008 08-05-2024 Food Fight II - v6.00 (WC5 WcCode) - 32 bit
                                game for WC5. Can also 
                                now be used as an IGM for WT-LORD!
                                Check this one out!
                                The Realm of Vandora
fidohelp.zip    2676 08-05-2024 My Suggestions for a FidoNet Setup by WC
filereq.zip     9108 08-05-2024 FILE REQUESTER - A Wildcat 5.0 Utility
                                which allows callers to post requests
                                for files that they are searching for
                                so that other callers may upload them.
                                Created by Iezzi Software. Only works
                                on Wildcat 5.0 BBS Software.
                                Registration is $5.00
file_2ddel.z       0 01-01-1980 
file_2ddel.zip   10372 08-05-2024 
fonebook.zip   71373 08-05-2024 FONEBOOK WC5 Online Address Book 
                                WCX file for Wildcat! 5. Let's
                                your non GUI callers have their
                                own personal address book for
                                Internet E-Mail and BBS user
                                names. Auto sends all Internet
                                E-mail to forum 0, and BBS messages
                                to any forum. Not crippled!
                                From Brainex 310-275-2344.
freewcxs.zip    9253 08-05-2024 FREEWCX
                                Compiled for Wins
                                Who is online replacement.
                                Page another user replacemnt.
                                THERE FREE
gbook2.zip     40712 08-05-2024 Win Server wccode
                                Dynamic Guest Book for Wildcat 5
                                Version 2.0 
                                Architech Design Group 1998 (c)
                                This Edition is fully-functional but
                                limited to 5 entries.
                                Added Web site URL and Title
                                Added "where did you find us?"
                                Removed hardcoded ADG and Iconet banners. 
                                Aren't you sick of all the generic CGI guest
                                ever tried to configure one and gave up?
                                Dynamic Guest Book is written in 32 bit native
                                language utilizing state-of-the-art DHTML.
                                Dynamic Guest Book DHTML (Dynamic HTML) and
                                to allow you to customize the look and feel in
                                an unlimited way.
                                Novices and experts alike can set up their own
                                homepage on your 
                                server within 2-5 minutes.
                                - Easy to setup for Novice Sysops/Webmasters
                                Regiser for only $15.00 and get for free ($ 10
                                00 worth)
                                1. A utility to extract Email addresses from
                                Guest books.
                                2. A great Quote of the day file.
gbyewcx1.zip    7410 08-05-2024 Another Great Product from DC Computing!
                                This file will allow your callers to :
                                Hangup -- disconnect from the system and
                                display a GOODBYE.BBS screen
                                Return To BBS -- Go back to the Main Menu
                                Comment To Sysop -- displays the COMMENTS.BBS
                                screen then prompt to leave
                                Download The WcNavigator -- Prompt for a
                                protocol and download their selected
                                version of WcNavigator (WIN 3.1, 95, OR NT)
geterr.zip      2871 08-05-2024 
getnav.zip      6023 08-05-2024 GetNav version 1.01 -- a SIMPLE .wcx to prompt
                                users to download
                                the Wildcat! Navigator. NOT a logon.wcx
                                replacement, but designed
                                to be called by a logon.wcx file or from a
                                menu. Check it out --
                                SOURCE CODE INCLUDED!!
goldstat.zip   31618 08-05-2024   GOLD STATS for Wildcat!5 
                                sysop stats such as # callers,
                                 bauds, u/ls and d/ls, pages
                                 and more! Creates Bulls too!
                                  Stop digging through that
                                   activity file for data!
gore1_4.zip   150506 08-05-2024 GORE RPG v1.4 for Wildcat 5.  It's time to get
                                midEVIL on your...
gotcha21.zip   44802 08-05-2024 GOTCHA! v2.01 for WC5+
                                Gotcha! is a joke program that let's users
                                "stumble" into a fake user editor.  Once in
                                the editor they can make changes to their
                                "fake" user record.  When they quit and
                                save, GOTCHA!  Optionally creates ANSI BBS
                                and HTML "Hall of Shame" bulletins.
grave20.zip    44664 08-05-2024 The Graveyard (wcCODE 5) Wt-Lord 2.5+ ready
                                 An EXCELLENT IGM for Wildcat Tournament Lord
                                 Explore the Graveyard, fight different
                                 monsters, RESURRECT People (Done SAFELY does
                                 NOT ruin game, is limited), dig up graves,
                                 get laid, chat on the wall, sell gems,
                                 and find out the secret of the old lady. 
                                       IceRage Technologies - 01/01/98 v2.0
guestbk.zip     5454 08-05-2024 
hacker11.zip  243487 08-05-2024 HACKERS! for WC5, v1.1 
                                Hackers for WC5, is the best multinode hacking
                                You can Hack Programs, Sell Codes, Visit the
                                Crash BBS's, Break into the Bank. And most of
                                all try 
                                to become to TOP HACKER!
hang005.zip   989527 08-05-2024 New Graphical Hangman BETA for Wildcat!
                                 - $25.00 or $12.50 upgrade from Worldgroup
                                 - Awsome graphics
                                 - Hang Jesse James or Wild Bill Hickok
                                 - Dictionary with 15,000 common words
                                 - Supports both the mouse and keyboard
                                 - Keeps score of the top ten users
                                 - Jesse and Wild Bill talk to you
                                 - Includes an Active HTML Interface so
                                   your users can use it from the web
                                 - * NEW * Active HTML support!
                                The Labyrinth Design & Development
                                Voice: (818) 449-2852
                                Telnet: wildcat.labyrin.com
happen2.zip    13557 08-05-2024 THE HAPPENINGS v2.0 -=- Alternate Message
hilow51.zip    19900 08-05-2024 HI LOW v5.1 (WCX32) - FREE "plug-n-play" card
                                game for WC5.  Can you get all the way thru
                                without encountering the Joker?  If you are
                                looking to add 32-bit doors to your new 32-
                                bit BBS, here is a good one to grab. Top 10
                                scores, definable jokers in pack, random bet
                                values, and more.  Best of all it doesn't
                                cost you anything!
                                (c) 1995-96, Gerard C. Johnson & KeySoft.
hits.zip        4328 08-05-2024 Hits                      ver 1.00
                                WildCat 5!, Web page hits monitor!
                                      by JHL Consulting.
                                         Free version.
                                Written in wcCODE 5 exclusivily for
                                WildCat! 5.0. Used monitor if you have
                                had visits to your web page.
                                Supports multiple page counters.
                                Shows total hits and hits since program
                                Inclused free wcc source code.
hp2_2dlog.zi       0 01-01-1980 LOG 'EM (Light Edition 1.0a) for WINS
                                by HP2 Software
                                This replacement will keep track all of your 
                                logons to a single log file for easy archiving
                                Includes Caller/Telnet ID, and PASSWORD
hp2_2dlog.zip   17354 08-05-2024 LOG 'EM (Light Edition 1.0a) for WINS
                                by HP2 Software
                                This replacement will keep track all of your 
                                logons to a single log file for easy archiving
                                Includes Caller/Telnet ID, and PASSWORD
hp2_2dwho.zi       0 01-01-1980 WHOS ONLINE (Shareware) for WINS
                                by HP2 Software
                                This program will replace the stock Who is
                                online.wcx that comes with wildcat!  It has
                                numerous functions including, node/sex/age,
                                from/name/time online.  Easy Setup! Only $2!
hp2_2dwho.zip   10559 08-05-2024 WHOS ONLINE (Shareware) for WINS
                                by HP2 Software
                                This program will replace the stock Who is
                                online.wcx that comes with wildcat!  It has
                                numerous functions including, node/sex/age,
                                from/name/time online.  Easy Setup! Only $2!
hpman24.zip   308856 08-05-2024 HPMAN24.ZIP HomePage Manager for Wildcat 5
                                DeNekim Software 1996
                                Version 2.4  wc5.xx 5 User Demo Edition
                                NEW! Secondary Security Access Editor
                                HPManager can now use Access Levels
                                Allows users to create and manage their
                                own HomePages without Sysop Intervention.
                                SYSOP FEATURES - No Maintenance at ALL!
                                Ability to limit Bytes by user.
                                BBS Homepage Listing updated on the fly
                                as new users create their sites.
                                Extensive HPMANAGE.HLP Windows Help file
                                for ease of setting up. Takes 10 Min.
                                USER FEATURES - Robust Interface
                                Ability to Upload, Download, and Delete
                                files from their own site directory.
                                No messy FTP, Telnet to get their 
                                pages updated. See their changes after
                                uploads with Navigator Browser. The
                                ability to totally remove their homepage
                                from the BBS site and start fresh with
                                no Sysop Intervention. Full Online Help
                                for the users. Much more to come...
htmlnode.zip    6125 08-05-2024 CGI Node Manager For WINS!
                                html-node will allow sysops to manage
                                nodes, and kick out unwanted users
                                all from a web browser! Does everything
                                that wcnode can. *FREEWARE*
                                WCCODE for version 5.0
html_2ddel.z       0 01-01-1980 
html_2ddel.zip    2046 08-05-2024 
ieab_501.zip   19239 08-05-2024 IEAB v5.00.01 Internet EMAIL Address Book for
                                Wildcat (WCX5).
                                Allows your users to quickly compose Internet
                                EMAIL and has the
                                ability for each user to store their EMAIL
                                addresses in their
                                own personal address book.  Excellent UUCP
                                companion.  Comment
                                field, Customized signatures for your UUCP
                                users, Online help
                                and soft goodbye command.
iemab.zip    1869610 08-05-2024 IEMAB v1.0  COOL! HTML - CGI - database 
                                driven Address Book for your Users. Written
                                in VB5 and Uses an MS Access Database.
                                Seperate address books for your users with
                                'LIVE' Click on Links for Email or Web Pages.
                                Shareware $15 from C&S Software
in100.zip    1182082 08-05-2024 IceNotify - Logon/Logoff Notifier for WINS
                                (wcSDK) -
                                 Great Windows95/NT GUI addon to allow users
                                to have
                                customized messages when other users log on or
                                the system. Includes ANSI client to allow
                                users to
                                set them up. Also, Sounds can be set up to be
                                at certain events, such as when a specific
                                user logs
                                on, or when any user in general,logs on. A
                                must have
                                       for any serious WIN Server SysOp!
                                         Download and Register today!
                                          Registration is only 15$!
                                       -= IceRage Technologies 1998 =-
inbox.zip       1568 08-05-2024 Replacement Inbox.htm that only shows your new
                                messages, rather than all messages to you. 
                                Plus, it automatically re-freshes once every 5
                                NOTE: Due to WINS returning newmail=y,
                                consistently with inbox.htm, this doesn't show
                                you a "no new messages" screen.  
inbox101.zip   14688 08-05-2024 
inetutil.zip    3323 08-05-2024 
jac11.zip     194497 08-05-2024 Jacob's Ladder for INS v1.1 -=- A Wonderful
                                Christian Game
                                written in 32bit wcCODE for Wildcat 5! Test
                                your knowledge
                                of Bible Verses in this FUN Challenging Game!
                                FEATURES: Supports DOOR Logging in wcREPORTS
                                and BapStats!
                                          Writes High Scores Bulletin / Sysop
                                          Easy ONLINE REGISTRATION with VISA
                                or MASTERCARD!
                                          This is an Authorized PORT of the
                                Original game
                                          called "Jacob's Ladder" by Nannette
                                NEW THIS RELEASE: Fixed a slight timing
                                problem. The Game now will
                                         run much faster without taking up a
                                lot of CPU time.
jagbye5.zip   123417 08-05-2024 JAGBYE5 wcCODE v5.0 Animated Goodbye Utility
                                for WC 5.x systems!
                                     JAGBYE5 v5.0 ANIMATED GOODBYE MENU
                                == A Wild Goodbye Utility for Wildcat 5.x ==
                                * Offers option of checking for marked files
                                  for download or a fast user logoff!
                                * Offers option to save marked files!
                                * Displays your BBS Name at top!
                                * 3 screens and 3 goodbye messages that will
                                  change depending on the time of day!
                                * Choose Conference # for all messages.
                                * Runs your wcCode Pager, Comment, and your
                                  Time Bank utilities if you have them!
                                * Displays your Goodbye screen!
                                * Registration gets you Free wcCode!
                                CJCS's URL:  http://pages.prodigy.com/jagger
                                -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jagbye50.zip  122584 08-05-2024      JAGBYE5 v5.0 ANIMATED GOODBYE MENU
                                ** A Wild Goodbye Utility for Wildcat 5.x **
                                   * Offers option of checking for marked 
                                     files for download or a fast logoff!
                                   * Offers option to save marked files!
                                   * Displays your BBS Name at top!
                                   * 3 screens and 3 goodbye messages that 
                                     change with the time of day!
                                   * Choose Conference # for all messages.
                                   * Runs your wcCode Pager, Comment, or
                                     Time Bank Utilities!
                                   * Displays your Goodbye screen!
                                   * Registration gets you Free wcCode!
                                Download this file and be REAL glad you did!
                                   -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jagchat5.zip   16052 08-05-2024 JAGCHAT5 wcCODE v5.0 Sysop-User Chat Module
                                for WC 5.x!
                                    JAGCHAT5 v5.0 SYSOP-USER CHAT MODULE
                                == An Awesome Sysop Chat Module for WC5.x ==
                                * For Wildcat 5 for Windows 95/NT!!!
                                * Displays Sysop-user chat within a frame.
                                * Makes Sysop chat sessions easier to view!
                                * Option to keep a FULL multi-node log file
                                  of your Sysop-user chat session.
                                * YOU configure colors used for Sysop chat!
                                * Fully aware of ANSI and non-ANSI users!!
                                * Registration gets you Free WC5 wcCode!
                                CJCS's URL:  http://pages.prodigy.com/jagger
                                Download this file and be REAL glad you did!
                                -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jagdoc5.zip   353912 08-05-2024 JAGDOC5 5.0 Catalog - http://pages.prodigy
                                   JAGDOC5 CATALOG AND REGISTRATION - WC5  
                                === Enhanced Catalog and Registration =====
                                We NOW offer *ONLINE REGISTRATION* at  our 
                                web site (and $5 off!).   The URL is......
                                If any trouble, access from links at.......
                                Wishing Well Sysop's Corner (in WC section)
                                JAGDOC5 simply contains catalog and regstrn
                                forms with graphic examples of our progs!!!
                                -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jagdor5b.zip  179177 08-05-2024 JAGDOOR5 wcCODE v5.0 Animated Doors Menu
                                System for WC 5.x!
                                  JAGDOOR5 v5.0 ANIMATED DOORS MENU SYSTEM
                                ============ MODIFIED VERSION ==============
                                * MODIFIED version to log doors run to your
                                  activity logs, for use with wcStats!!
                                * 5 copies included, each w/ own DATABASE!!!
                                * 1 single editor to easily edit all 5!!
                                * Runs up to 100 .WCX or .BAT Doors!
                                * Configure each door individually!
                                * Exclude 3 profiles for individual doors!
                                * Set MINIMUM AGE to enter individual doors!
                                * Runs all .WCX Doors that use parameters!!!
                                * Very easy installation and setup!!!
                                * Registration gets you Free wcCode!
                                CJCS's URL:  http://pages.prodigy.com/jagger
                                -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jagdump5.zip   58219 08-05-2024 JAGDUMP5 wcCODE v5.0 Deletes bad users,
                                creates .BBS & HTML!
                                      JAGDUMP5 v5.0 BAN A USER UTILITY 
                                = A Free Utility for Jagger's wcCode Users =
                                * For Wildcat 5 for Windows 95/NT!
                                * A WC 5 .WCX Free ONLY to purchasers of any
                                  Jagger Wildcat 5 wcCode product!
                                * Deletes annoying, bad users and adds them
                                  to BADNAMES.LST in one shot!
                                * Option to send Sysop message confirming
                                  that the user has been "dumped".
                                * Full HTML output screen, as well as a BBS
                                  Hello or Bulletin screen will be created
                                  displaying the latest user to be banned!
                                * Keeps it's own error and log files!
                                CJCS's URL:  http://pages.prodigy.com/jagger
                                -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jagdump6.zip   54890 08-05-2024       JAGDUMP5 v5.0 BAN A USER UTILITY 
                                = A Free Utility for Jagger's wcCode Users =
                                   * A WC 5 .WCX Free ONLY to purchasers
                                     of any Jagger Wildcat 5 wcCode product!
                                   * Deletes annoying, bad users and adds 
                                     them to BADNAMES.LST in one shot!
                                   * Option to send Sysop message confirming
                                     that the user has been "dumped".
                                   * Full HTML output screen, as well as
                                     a .BBS Hello or Bulletin screen will
                                     be created displaying the latest user
                                     to be banned from your BBS.
                                   * Keeps it's own error and log files!
                                Thanks for your purchase of Jagger's wcCode!
                                   -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jagfeed5.zip  149041 08-05-2024 JAGFEED5 wcCODE v5.0 File Sender Utility for
                                WC 5.x systems, WILD!
                                     JAGFEED5 v5.0 FILE SENDER UTILITY 
                                 An Awesome File Sender for Wildcat 5.x 
                                * You design the screen and what the prompt
                                  says, it's all completely configurable!
                                * Place the download prompt on any row!!
                                * Offers options to upgrade users, set their
                                  expiration dates, and conference number!
                                * Exclude up to 5 Security Profiles!
                                * Updates total downloads for users.
                                * Run an extra copy of JAGFEED5 if needed!
                                * Offers a "[N]ever ask again" option!
                                * EXTRA copy is included in this archive.
                                * Registration gets you Free wcCode!
                                CJCS's URL:  http://pages.prodigy.com/jagger
                                -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jagger5.zip  1435542 08-05-2024 JAGGER'S wcCODE v5.0 Animation Pack for
                                Wildcat 5.x systems, WILD!
                                  JAGGER'S v5.0 ANIMATION PACK FOR WILDCAT
                                == An Awesome wcCode Pack for Wildcat 5.x ==
                                 JAGBYE5- goodbye menu JAGDOOR5-doors menu
                                 JAGCHAT5-chat with Sysop  JAGPAGE5- pager
                                 JAGDUMP5- deletes bad users & creates HTML
                                 JAGNOTE5- comment   JAGKILL5 - kill files
                                 JAGNEW5- newuser utility, HTML/BBS creator
                                 JAGPASS5- password JAGREAD5-a file viewer
                                 JAGRUN5- runs 100 WCX's JAGLIST5-AllFiles
                                 JAGPOST5-jot notes on JAGSTAT5-stats .WCX
                                 JAGFEED5- file sender JAGNEWS5-newsletter
                                 JAGTIME5- time bank JAGUSER5- user lister
                                CJCS's URL:  http://pages.prodigy.com/jagger
                                -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jagger50.zip 1152493 08-05-2024   JAGGER'S v5.0 ANIMATION PACK FOR WILDCAT
                                == An Awesome wcCode Pack for Wildcat 5.x ==
                                 JAGBYE5- goodbye menu JAGDOOR5-doors menu
                                 JAGCHAT5-sysop chat util  JAGPAGE5- pager
                                 JAGDUMP5- deletes bad users & creates HTML
                                 JAGNOTE5- comment   JAGKILL5 - kill files
                                 JAGNEW5- new user HTML & .BBS creator, and
                                ..sends Newuser file JAGREAD5-a file viewer
                                 JAGRUN5- will run up to 50 .WCX's at logon
                                 JAGPOST5-jot notes on JAGSTAT5-stats .WCX
                                 JAGFEED5- a file sender with many features
                                 JAGTIME5- time bank JAGUSER5- user lister
                                Download this file and be REAL glad you did!
                                  -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jagkill5.zip    8697 08-05-2024 JAGKILL5 wcCODE v5.0 A File Killer Utility for
                                WC 5.x systems!
                                     JAGKILL5 v5.0 FILE KILLER UTILITY
                                ++++ A FREEWARE Utility for Wildcat 5.x ++++
                                * For Wildcat 5 for Windows 95/NT!
                                * Kills up to 20 files that you configure!
                                * Perfect to kill your overloaded log files!
                                * Perfect for ANY files to kill!  
                                * Runs easily as an event or on Sysop Menu!
                                * FREEWARE to sample the Jagger wcCode!
                                Download this file and be REAL glad you did!
                                CJCS's URL:  http://pages.prodigy.com/jagger
                                -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jaglist6.zip   54658 08-05-2024 JAGLIST5 wcCODE v6.0 HTML All Files List
                                Generator for WC 5.x!
                                JAGLIST5 v6.0 HTML ALL FILES LIST GENERATOR 
                                ============== Version 6.0 =================
                                * This version excludes UNLIMITED areas!!!!!
                                * The premium Net Server File Lister with
                                  FULL HTML Allfiles List output, unreal!!
                                * Prints list similar to how Wildcat file
                                  listings display when you're online!!!!
                                * Choose Single/Double/Full line listings!
                                * The FASTEST All Files Lister for WC5!!
                                * Can create an All Files .LST or .ZIP file!
                                * Zip extra comment files into your .ZIP!
                                * Post the list into a File Area you choose!
                                * Runs as an event or on Sysop/User menus!
                                CJCS's URL:  http://pages.prodigy.com/jagger
                                -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jaglog5.zip    27390 08-05-2024 JAGLOG5 wcCODE v5.0 Configurable logon, runs
                                100 .WCX's! FREEWARE!
                                    JAGLOG5 v5.0 THE CONFIGURABLE LOGON
                                ==== A FREEWARE Utility for Wildcat 5.x ====
                                * A logon that runs up to 100 .WCX progs!
                                * 3 logon types (Sysop, Normal, and Fast)!
                                * Each logon type is edited with an editor!
                                * It's ALL configured by you!
                                * Runs all .WCX's that use parameters!!!
                                * Similar to JAGRUN5 but more configurable!
                                * FREEWARE to sample the Jagger wcCode!
                                CJCS's URL:  http://pages.prodigy.com/jagger
                                Download this file and be REAL glad you did!
                                -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jagnew5.zip   112879 08-05-2024 JAGNEW5 wcCODE v5.0 Newuser Utility for WC 5.x
                                       JAGNEW5 v5.0 NEWUSER UTILITY 
                                ==== An Awesome Utility for Wildcat 5.x ====
                                * Can create Newuser .BBS\HTML displays!!!
                                * Will scan back for Newusers the number of
                                  days that you configure, up to 999 days!!
                                * Option to send Newusers a file, such as
                                  your BBS subscription packet!!!
                                * Option to use "[N]ever ask again"!!
                                * Upgrades users' profiles, conference #'s,
                                  and can set users' expiration dates!
                                * Option to send Newusers a "Welcome" messg!
                                * Option to send Sysop messg w/Newuser info!
                                Download this file and be REAL glad you did!
                                CJCS's URL:  http://pages.prodigy.com/jagger
                                -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jagnew50.zip  105552 08-05-2024        JAGNEW5 v5.0 NEWUSER UTILITY 
                                **** An Awesome Utility for Wildcat 5.x ****
                                 * Option to create Newuser Hello/Bulletin
                                   screens as well as an HTML Newuser page!
                                 * Will scan back for Newusers the number
                                   of days you configure, up to 999 days!
                                 * Option to send Newusers a file, such as
                                   your BBS subscription packet. Also, an
                                   option to add [N]ever ask again to menu!
                                 * Upgrades users' profiles, conference
                                   number, and can set expiration dates!
                                 * Option to send Newusers a "Welcome"
                                   message so they have mail on 1st call!
                                Download this file and be REAL glad you did!
                                   -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jagnews6.zip   57371 08-05-2024 JAGNEWS5 wcCODE v6.0 .BBS/HTML Newsletter
                                Generator for WC 5.x!
                                JAGNEWS5 v6.0 .BBS/HTML NEWSLETTER GENERATOR 
                                ============== Version 6.0 =================
                                * Easily creates or updates your Newsletter!
                                * NEW VERSION has improved HTML output!!!
                                * Option to create both ANSI and HTML!!
                                * Date colors of ANSI screen are configured!
                                * Creates displays w/ most current news 1st!
                                * Uses the standard WC5 full-screen editor!
                                * Update your Newsletter remotely!!
                                * Create your Newsletter updates OFFLINE!!
                                * v6.0's HTML is made for all resolutions!
                                Download this file and be REAL glad you did!
                                CJCS's URL:  http://pages.prodigy.com/jagger
                                -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jagnote5.zip   51790 08-05-2024 JAGNOTE5 wcCODE v5.0 Animated Comment Utility
                                for WC 5.x systems!
                                  JAGNOTE5 v5.0 ANIMATED COMMENT UTILITY 
                                 An Awesome Comment Menu for Wildcat 5.x 
                                * For Wildcat 5 for Windows 95/NT!
                                * Choose up to 5 different conference #'s
                                  to post the comments in, names to send
                                  comments to, & 5 comment subject titles!
                                * Recognizes the flags for your conferences!
                                * Users can make comments public\private &
                                  receive return reciept if your conference
                                  allows this & ONLY if conference allows! 
                                * Updates users "messages written" field!
                                * The graphics are truly UNMATCHED!
                                * Registration gets you Free wcCode!
                                CJCS's URL:  http://pages.prodigy.com/jagger
                                -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jagnote6.zip   64445 08-05-2024   JAGNOTE5 v5.0 ANIMATED COMMENT UTILITY 
                                 An Awesome Comment Menu for Wildcat 5.x 
                                   * Choose up to 5 different conference 
                                     #'s to post the comments in, names to
                                     send comments to, and comment subject 
                                     titles for your Comment Menu!
                                   * Offers users the option of making
                                     comments public or private and of
                                     receiving a return receipt or not!
                                   * Once ended, brings user back to 
                                     their original conference number!
                                   * The graphics are UNMATCHED!
                                   * Registration gets you Free wcCode!
                                Download this file and be REAL glad you did!
                                   -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jagpage5.zip   85625 08-05-2024 JAGPAGE5 wcCODE v5.0 Animated WAV Pager for WC
                                5.x, UNREAL!
                                      JAGPAGE5 v5.0 ANIMATED WAV PAGER 
                                ===== An Awesome Pager for Wildcat 5.x =====
                                * Offers option of setting paging times!!
                                * DIFFERENT WAVS for page & emergency page!
                                * Sends message with the reason for page!
                                * Emergency page will page the Sysop no
                                  matter what & uses your Sound Card!
                                * Displays your BBS Name at top of menu!
                                * Choose Conference # for all messages.
                                * Every feature has UNREAL animation!!
                                * Exclude up to 5 Security Profiles.
                                * Runs your wcCode Comment Utility!
                                * Registration gets you Free wcCode!
                                CJCS's URL:  http://pages.prodigy.com/jagger
                                -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jagpage6.zip   94449 08-05-2024        JAGPAGE5 v5.0 ANIMATED PAGER 
                                ***** An Awesome Pager for Wildcat 5.x *****
                                   * Offers option to set paging times.
                                   * Sends message with reason for page!
                                   * Emergency page will page the Sysop no
                                     matter what, using your Sound Card!
                                   * Displays your BBS Name at top!
                                   * Choose Conference # for all messages.
                                   * Every feature has UNREAL animation!!
                                   * Exclude up to 5 Security Profiles.
                                   * Runs your wcCode Comment Utility!
                                   * Keeps it's own activity & error logs.
                                   * Registration gets you Free wcCode!
                                Download this file and be REAL glad you did!
                                   -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jagpass5.zip   32157 08-05-2024 JAGPASS5 wcCODE v5.0 A Password Utility for WC
                                5.x systems!
                                       JAGPASS5 v5.0 PASSWORD UTILITY
                                ==== A Wild Password Utility for WC 5.x ====
                                * Requires password from users for access!
                                * Password can be up to 14 characters long!
                                * Runs easily at logon.
                                * For added security for your BBS!!
                                * Displays your "Goodbye" .BBS!
                                * Registration gets you Free wcCode!
                                Download this file and be REAL glad you did!
                                CJCS's URL:  http://pages.prodigy.com/jagger
                                -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jagpost5.zip   36424 08-05-2024 JAGPOST5 wcCODE v5.0 Quick Note Utility for WC
                                5.x systems!
                                      JAGPOST5 v5.0 QUICK NOTE UTILITY
                                = A Free Utility for Jagger's wcCode Users =
                                * For Wildcat 5 for Windows 95/NT!
                                * Free ONLY to purchasers of any Jagger
                                  wcCode product.
                                * Instantly access 5 notes for editing!
                                * Configure menu titles for the 5 notes!
                                * Jot messages, lists, ideas, or anything
                                  into your JAGPOST5 quick notes!
                                * Edits notes with a full-screen editor.
                                * Installation .WCX for easy setup!
                                CJCS's URL:  http://pages.prodigy.com/jagger
                                -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jagread5.zip  128178 08-05-2024 JAGREAD5 wcCODE v5.0 Animated File Viewer for
                                WC 5.x systems!
                                     JAGREAD5 v5.0 ANIMATED FILE VIEWER 
                                ===== An Awesome Viewer for Wildcat 5.x ====
                                * Light bar menu & scrolling read displays.
                                * Can use Win95's NOTEPAD to read files!!!
                                * Configure up to 8 files to read anytime!
                                * Keeps it's own database so each user has
                                  their own list of 8 default files to read!
                                * Edits and/or kills your 8 default files!
                                * You can also pick any file to read!
                                * Reads and/or kills your Activity logs!
                                * Displays your BBS Name at bottom!
                                * Installation .WCX for easy setup!
                                * Registration gets you Free wcCode!
                                CJCS's URL:  http://pages.prodigy.com/jagger
                                -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jagrun5.zip    17637 08-05-2024 JAGRUN5 wcCODE v5.0 A Multiple .WCX Runner
                                Utility!  FREEWARE!
                                 JAGRUN5 v5.0 MULTIPLE .WCX RUNNER UTILITY
                                ==== A FREEWARE Utility for Wildcat 5.x ====
                                * Runs up to 100 .WCX files from a single
                                  logon.wcx!  A must have utility!
                                * Runs all .WCX's that use parameters!!!
                                * Performs all the usual logon routines
                                  while your .WCX programs are run!
                                * Allows for WC5 fast logons!!!!
                                * The Sysop will have an extra fast logon!
                                * FREEWARE to sample the Jagger wcCode!
                                Download this file and be REAL glad you did!
                                CJCS's URL:  http://pages.prodigy.com/jagger
                                -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jagsite.zip    14422 08-05-2024 JAGSITE -CJCS wcCode site- http://pages
                                  JAGSITE - v2 - THE CJCS WCCODE WEB SITE
                                == An Awesome Web Site for Wildcat users! ==
                                * Over 40 wcCode utilities online!
                                * wcCode for both DOS & Net Server Wildcat!
                                * A savings on our wcCode packs!
                                * Members only section w/source code & tips!
                                * Real time, private wcCode Java chat!
                                * Now using JScript, VBScript, Java & more!
                                CJCS's URL:  http://pages.prodigy.com/jagger
                                -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jagstat5.zip   20905 08-05-2024 JAGSTAT5 wcCODE v5.0 Animated Stats Display
                                for Wildcat 5.x!
                                        JAGSTAT5 v5.0 STATS DISPLAY 
                                = A Free Utility for Jagger's wcCode Users =
                                * For Wildcat 5 for Windows 95/NT!
                                * Free ONLY to purchasers of any Jagger
                                  wcCode product.
                                * Shows users the main system stats and can
                                  show all their personal account stats!
                                * A w e s o m e  A n i m a t i o n!
                                * Runs easily like a "Hello" screen!
                                * Users can choose to view ALL of their 
                                  personal account stats!
                                CJCS's URL:  http://pages.prodigy.com/jagger
                                -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jagstat6.zip   34419 08-05-2024         JAGSTAT5 v5.0 STATS DISPLAY 
                                = A Free Utility for Jagger's wcCode Users =
                                   * For Wildcat 5 for Windows 95/NT!
                                   * Free ONLY to purchasers of any Jagger
                                     wcCode product.
                                   * Shows users the main system stats
                                     and their personal account stats!
                                   * A w e s o m e  A n i m a t i o n!
                                   * Runs like a "Hello" screen!
                                   * Users can choose to view ALL of their 
                                     personal account stats!
                                Thanks for your purchase of Jagger's wcCode!
                                   -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jagtime5.zip   88780 08-05-2024 JAGTIME5 wcCODE v5.0 Animated Time Bank for WC
                                5.x systems!!
                                     JAGTIME5 v5.0 ANIMATED TIME BANK 
                                 An Awesome Time Bank for Wildcat 5.x 
                                * Keeps it's own database with balances!!
                                * All transaction amounts and bank balances
                                  are completely configured by you!
                                * Includes an editor .WCX to edit, add, and
                                  print your JAGTIME5 user list!! 
                                * Displays your BBS Name at the bottom!
                                * Exclude up to 5 Security Profiles.
                                * Keeps it's own activity & error logs.
                                * Inlcudes an installation .WCX!
                                * Graphics that catch user's attention!
                                * Registration gets you Free wcCode!
                                CJCS's URL:  http://pages.prodigy.com/jagger
                                -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jaguser5.zip   40495 08-05-2024 JAGUSER5 wcCODE v5.0 Animated User Lister for
                                WC 5.x systems, WILD!
                                     JAGUSER5 v5.0 ANIMATED USER LISTER 
                                == An Awesome User Lister for Wildcat 5.x ==
                                * Loaded with smooth, rich graphics!
                                * Lists users with a scrolling display!
                                * Also lists "From" & "Last Called" fields!
                                * Pages a user from the JAGUSER5 main menu!
                                * Searches your users' "Name" and "From"
                                  fields for a match to your search input!
                                * Prints a hardcopy of your user list, will
                                  include your choice of limited or extended
                                  info on each user printed!!
                                * Can display hardcopy of your users!
                                * Registration gets you Free wcCode!
                                CJCS's URL:  http://pages.prodigy.com/jagger
                                -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
jaguser6.zip   87252 08-05-2024      JAGUSER5 v5.0 ANIMATED USER LISTER 
                                == An Awesome User Lister for Wildcat 5.x ==
                                   * Loaded with rich graphics!
                                   * Lists users with a scrolling display!
                                   * Also lists "From" & "Last Called"!
                                   * Pages a user from the main menu!
                                   * Searches your users' "Name" and "From"
                                     fields for a match to your input!
                                   * Prints a hardcopy of your user list,
                                     including your choice of limited or 
                                     extended info on each user printed!
                                   * Can display hardcopy of your users!
                                   * Registration gets you Free wcCode!
                                Download this file and be REAL glad you did!
                                   -= Chris Jagger Creative Services =-
joseph10.zip   46281 08-05-2024 Joseph's Revenge v1.0  An IGM for WT-LORD in
                                32bit wcCODE for WC5!  "WT-LORD v2.0 READY"
                                for WT-LORD v2.5 and Above ONLY!  Another fun
                                *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson.  Use Joseph's
                                Revenge to steal from other players!
                                Includes Y2K Date Checking, EASY Setup, BUILT
                                in Maintenance, EASY ONLINE Registration with
                                VISA or MASTERCARD
jwlr16.zip     65325 08-05-2024 The Jeweler, is a WcCode game for WC5, where
                                the player can cash in 
                                his/her gems. The user can also have quite an
                                adventure in the game ..
                                and his/her honesty can be generously rewarded
kbtime12.zip   15215 08-05-2024 -=->* KB-Time v1.2 *<-=- for WC5
                                Awesome Time Bank for Wildcat 5 
                                Keeps it's own database with balances!  
                                All transaction amounts and bank balances are
                                configured by you! Allows user to Deposit, 
                                Withdraw, & Gamble for time! They can even
                                try a fun game of Crack the Safe!
                                Keeps its own activity and error logs. 
                                Easy Installation, LOW REGISTRATION PRICE!
kbtime22.zip   19768 08-05-2024    KB-Time 2.2a   REGISTER.TXT Form! 
                                Awesome Time Bank for Wildcat 5 
                                Keeps it's own database with balances!  
                                All transaction amounts and bank balances are
                                configured by you! Allows user to Deposit, 
                                Withdraw, & Gamble for time! They can even
                                try a fun game of Crack the Safe!
                                Keeps its own activity and error logs. 
                                Now limits Gambles and Cracks per day
                                Updated Ansi Screens
                                Updated Reg. Features, and time limits!
                                Easy Installation, LOW REGISTRATION PRICE!
                                ALL NEW ANSI's!! 
                                ALL BUGS FIXED! ;)
kbwall15.zip    9055 08-05-2024 -=->* KB-Wall *<-=- v1.5 for WC5 
                                This is a Great Oneliner/Wall program for
                                WC5.  Built in cuss word filter 
                                Great color selction menus,
                                your users will love it, mine did ;)
                                Very low REGISTRATION COST!!
                                Easy Installation
                                Title1 string, now when
                                wall is erased it displays
                                topic legibly!
kbwall17.zip    9448 08-05-2024 KB-Wall v1.7 for WC5  -MAX LINES UPDATE!!  
                                This is a Great Oneliner/Wall program for
                                WC5.  Built in cuss word filter 
                                Great color selction menus,
                                your users will love it, mine did ;)
                                Very low REGISTRATION COST!!
                                Easy Installation
                                Title1 string, now when
                                wall is erased it displays
                                topic legibly!
keywrd11.zip   10329 08-05-2024 
keywrd12.zip   12707 08-05-2024 
km1p14.zip     75499 08-05-2024 KityMail ver 1.14
                                WildCat 5!, FIDO Mail tosser/scanner!
                                      by JHL Consulting.
                                      Evaluation version.
                                Written in wcCODE 5 exclusivily for
                                WildCat! 5.0. Used to interface your FIDO 
                                front end to the Wc5 message base.
kwall.zip       3522 08-05-2024 Kewl Wall - 5 Line Note/Message/Logon Message
l32b4.zip      95915 08-05-2024 Listserv/32 Beta 4 - Internet Mailing List
                                wcCODE for Wildcat 5
labunch.zip  1945482 08-05-2024 LaBunch - Wildcat 5.0 programs and games
                                Collection of Larry Andersons 'La' programs.
                                The latest versions of all
                                the programs. Included in this archive are:
                                CLASS7   ZIP       152,495  01-22-97  3:53p
                                LAGAME   ZIP       849,498  05-15-97 11:53p
                                LASTORY2 ZIP        66,348  01-14-97 12:01p
                                LAPIMP   ZIP       409,749  05-12-97 10:33p
                                LAWHO2   ZIP        97,600  02-10-97  2:24p
                                LATELNET ZIP        59,229  04-28-97  7:20p
                                LAWALL   ZIP        23,339  10-18-96  5:03p
                                TOP20DL1 ZIP       104,696  09-27-96 10:54a
                                TOP20_1  ZIP       175,910  12-22-96 11:02p
                                LABUNCH  ZIP     1,943,785  05-15-97 11:54p
                                Copyright (c) 1997 Express Computers
                                Soon to have Internet Access!
lachwcxs.zip    4345 08-05-2024 Lachrymator HTML wcCODE programs for
                                use with many different configurations.
                                Read Readme.doc for config options.
                                Written by Eric Kramber for Mark Bappe
laftp.zip    1314181 08-05-2024 LaFTP v. 1.00 - Wildcat! 5.0 FTP
                                This program replaces Wildcat! 5.0's built in
                                FTP program with a
                                database that has over 2,600 sites in the
                                database. Easy to use,
                                includes searches and each user can build
                                personal menus. Includes
                                online help for the users that explains how to
                                use FTP and how it
                                works. FREE registration till the end of the
                                Copyright (c) 1996 Express Computers - Written
                                by Larry Anderson
land5.zip      49222 08-05-2024 land_HTML v5.2 (wcCODE5)  Land For Sale
                                     Source Code Version Available!  New Low
                                   Add a graphical HTML page to your BBS home
                                Each database application allows users to
                                ENTER, REVISE, SEARCH,
                                and DELETE records according to security level
                                  Charge per-ad
                                through automatic account deduction.  Export
                                all records to HTML
                                page for use with wcNAV or your favorite web
                                browser.  Email
                                replies to advertisers!  Callers can download
                                a formatted text
                                data sheet that is created internally during
                                record entry.
                                Full file attachment support!  Fully network
                                aware!  ACTIVE/EXPIRED
                                status checking!  Auto-purge after
                                sysop-specified number of days!
                                E-Z setup and operation!   Easy Upgrade
lastat.zip     17921 08-05-2024 LaStat 1.0 - Wildcat 5.0 WcCode program
                                FREEWARE!! Source included. This program is a
                                log on screen that tells
                                your user information about their statistics.
                                Days old, files d/l, etc.
                                A file is created for each user that is
                                compared the next time they
                                call and shows them how many new files, new
                                messages and new calls since
                                their last call.
                                Written by Larry Anderson
                                Copyright(c) 1997 Express Computers
lastory2.zip   44314 08-05-2024 LaStory v2.01 - for Wildcat 5.0 (Never Ending
                                Story) Shareware
                                Written in WcCode, this version replaces V1.0,
                                this is a complete rewrite.
                                Users may add to 36 stories, each story is
                                configurable to be Adults only,
                                each is also configurable for the ability for
                                the user to post anonymously,
                                and each story is configurable for the number
                                of lines that the user can
                                add. Built in swear word checker for the non
                                adult stories. Non Adult users
                                cannot even see the Adult titles. Ansi screens
                                and HTML screens produced.
                                Up to 76 different security levels for each
                                story, all sysop functions
                                built in, no maintenance needed. Export
                                stories routine built in, many
                                more options for viewing and editing. Built in
                                spell checker.
                                Written by Larry Anderson, author or The
                                Classifieds and The Top Twenty
                                Minor bug release.
                                Copyright(c) 1996 Express Computers
latelnet.zip   59944 08-05-2024 LaTelnet v1.20 -  Wildcat 5.0 WcCode Program
                                LaTelnet is a program that will replace your
                                current built in telnet
                                outbound program. Easy to install, easier to
                                use. Just move the cursor
                                the system you want to telnet to and press
                                ENTER. Pack with features
                                such as:
                                Menus based on Security Levels or Individual
                                user menus, Manual outbound
                                adds to menu automatically, logs all activity
                                to it's own log file keeps
                                track of Log ons for each site keeps track of
                                errors, timeouts, not
                                found and refusals for EACH SITE. Can handle
                                2000 sites for each user.
                                Sysop configurable,  set limit on what sites
                                users can go to and how
                                many different ones based on their security
                                level, nice ansi display,
                                Hot keys, phrase search and much, much more.
                                Now features sorted
                                listings based on most popular sites. Users
                                can share menus by uploading
                                and downloading menus. Great log tracking and
                                viewing now built in.
                                Now supports file transfer. /t command forced
                                Ooops.. this fixes the release I just released
                                that did not work.
                                Express Computers (c) 1996 by Larry Anderson
lavote.zip     36968 08-05-2024 LaVote v2.10 - The Voting Booth - WcCode 5.0 
                                LaVote is a voting booth with up to 9
                                different voting booths that are
                                sysop configurable. Results are displayed
                                while answering the questions.
                                Easy to install, easy to use. Minor fixes and
                                sysop commands added!
                                Minor bug fix and now produces HTML output!!
                                Written by Larry Anderson, author of The
                                Classifieds, LaWord, LaStory,
                                Offline, Requester, Top 20 Generator, Top 20
                                Download and NewsCenter.
                                Added an optional screen to give credit to the
                                user that registered
                                it. Up to 10 screens available for display.
                                Copyright(c) 1996, 1997 Express Computers
lawall.zip     21878 08-05-2024 LaWall 1.0 - Wildcat 5.0 WcCode log on
                                This is a log on program that will display a
                                wall with writing on it.
                                Each time the user logs on the board, they
                                will have the chance to
                                display the wall, or a chance to never display
                                the wall again. The wall
                                can hold up to 10 messages and the oldest one
                                gets deleted when a new
                                one gets added. The 11th gets added to a old
                                wall file and users
                                can view the old writings on the wall. There
                                is a built in swear word
                                checker, which you can easily add words to,
                                and also a full log. All
                                entries are added to the log, with user, date
                                and time along with the
                                message. Colors are configurable by the sysop
                                with a built in routine
                                that allows WYSIWYG to make the wall look like
                                a part of your system.
                                Sysop functions built into the program. User
                                can configure program to
                                never see the wall if they are not into walls.
                                Integrates smoothly with
                                your system.
                                Copyright (c) 1996 Express Computers Written
                                by Larry Anderson
lawho2.zip     44683 08-05-2024 LaWho v2.10 - WcCode 5.0 - Super Whos
                                Online/Page User/Sysop Menu
                                LaWho is 3 programs in one. It replaces your
                                current Whos online, 
                                and also your Page another User. It also could
                                replace your sysop 
                                menu. Some of the features are:
                                COMPLETE SCREEN DISPLAY REWRITE - LESS
                                CLUTTERED - MORE INFORMATION
                                Supports 250 nodes
                                Scrollable node display - 16 nodes at a time
                                Can scroll up or down
                                Automatically updates screen
                                Configurable update time
                                Colorful display
                                Check File Request Data
                                Page user without typing his/her name
                                See more information about user
                                Ability to change activity information
                                Design Dynamic sysop menu
                                Views Activity log
                                Deletes Activity Log\Wildcat.log
                                Hangup User real fast without or without a
                                message (even on HTTP)
                                Check offline file request status
                                Hooks to Live Chat
                                Hooks to Node Management and Sysop User Editor
                                and File Editor
                                Search for user function (NEW)
                                Easier to install (of course)
                                Nag screen is shorter now
                                A must have for all Wildcat 5.0 systems. You
                                and your users will
                                love it.
                                Written by Larry Anderson, creator of The
                                Classifieds with DHTML, Top20DL,
                                LaStory, LaWord, Offline, Top 20 Generator,
                                Copyright (c) 1997
lem10wc5.zip   53386 08-05-2024 Lemonade! Door v1.00 (32-bit) for Wildcat! 5
                                BBS Platforms from T&J Software.
logonoff.zip    3751 08-05-2024 Logon/off notifier for WC5 Win Server
                                This is a logon/off notifier that sends a
                                message from the system when
                                someone logs on/off the BBS. Even shows
                                peoples IP address upon login.
logwc5.zip      8078 08-05-2024 LOGON.WCC/WCX for WC5 with wcNAV and
                                Newsletter force (Free)
                                LOGON.WCC/WCX for WC5 with wcNAV and
                                Newsletter force (Free)
                                This program has SOURCE CODE included and
                                allows Users
                                to get a message and opportunity to DOWNLOAD
                                wcNAV at login.
                                It also force-feeds the NEWSLETTER when
                                updated.  This program
                                is part of the Catnews! for Wildcat 5 package.
                                 SEE CTNW16.ZIP
lqtsv100.zip    6555 08-05-2024 [LQTSv100] LittleQuotes v1.00 07/01/96
                                Allows Users To Create And Save Their
                                Own "Quotes" To "QUOTES.BBS"
lsd01.zip      17952 08-05-2024 Low Speed Disconnect [LSD] allows Sysops to
                                set a minimum connect speed
                                for their dial-in callers. Configuration file
                                for setting speed and for
                                10 line Informational message of your choice.
                                Feb 27, 1997 MAIN.WCX is
                                included for calling the LSD.WCX. Just add
                                MAIN.WCX, LSD.WCX and LSD.CFG
                                to your WC5 subdirectory and its ready to go!
                                Written in wcCode 5.0 2/27/97
                                release - Shareware! $2.32
lwcc25b.zip    22325 08-05-2024 Last WC Callers v2.5b. WC4 utility to
                                make a display file of the last callers
                                to your BBS (up to 2,000,000,000!).
                                Handy utility to keep your callers
                                informed. !!FREEWARE!!
                                By Lazor Software
maddog13.zip   28868 08-05-2024 The Mad Dog v1.3 -=- an IGM for WT-LORD in
                                32bit wcCODE for WC5! for WT-LORD v2.5 and
                                Above! A *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                BEWARE the wrath of the Mad Dog! Unleash
                                him on other players and watch as he rips
                                them a new ass.
                                FEATURES: Includes Y2K Date Checking
                                          EASY Setup
                                          BUILT in Maintenance
                                          Dog is more VICIOUS than before!
madm21.zip     52356 08-05-2024 "The Mad Mage's Tavern" v2.1 -=- IGM for
                                WT-LORD in 32bit wcCODE for WC5! for WT-LORD
                                v2.0 and Higher ONLY! A fun *WT-LORD IGM* by
                                Joseph Watson
                                Stop by the Mage's Tavern and have a warm
                                and a cool drink! Visit the waiter or
                                and chat with the Mad Mage! Another IGM for
                                Wildcat Tournament LORD!
                                FEATURES:  EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
                                           NEW: Supports Multiple Games
                                                Bathroom / Wall
                                                Players can Sleep in IGM
                                                Added a lot to Mad Mage Chat
                                                More Food and Drink!
mailcfg.zip     2681 08-05-2024 Offline Mail Settings for WC5 -- allow callers
                                go straight to their OLMR Settings from HTML
mailto.zip      4732 08-05-2024 Creates a dynamic HTML User Mailto List.
                                Each name is linked to the message client
                                so your users can click on a name
                                and leave a message to that user.
                                Both mailto.wcc and mailto.wcx included.
main1.zip      14196 08-05-2024 
mbpro19e.zip 1371179 08-05-2024 ModemBase Pro On-Line DataBase
                                Management System (MBPRO DBMS)
                                Release 1.90 - All NEW easy-to-use
                                design & setup!  SYSOPS MUST HAVE!
                                dBase III+ DBF & xBase compatible!
                                Works with MOST Online Systems,
                                BBS's, Works with New Wildcat! 5
                                Complete communications built-in
                                with multi-user access & security!
                                Display and/or take information
                                from anyone online. Full 30 day
                                working version.
mmount22.zip   49590 08-05-2024   The Mystical Mountain 2.0
                                The Mystic Mountain is an IGM
                                  exclusively for WT-LORD.
                                Can you make it to the top of 
                                the mountain? Face many tasks
                                  while trying to scale the
                                mountain. Unregistered version
                                  only supports levels 1-6
                                    -|Wt-Lord 2.0 Ready|-
                                    Hybrid Software 1997
mmpro163.zip   73147 08-05-2024 MicroMelt ProUpload v1.63/0922 Upload
                                Dup checks, Auto Diz, diz cleaner, now
                                the complete upload, 24 setup options, AWESOME
                                Don't run a board without it! CRC test, age 
                                test, virus scan, add & remove files, show
                                areas, hd space, notify uploaders, change
                                descriptions, zip comment, auto overwrites! 
                                This program replaces ALL Scanmaster versions
                                wcCODE app compiled w/ v5.0.431.1
mmprohlp.zip   89164 08-05-2024 MicroMelt ProUpload SETUP Help Pack 
                                Included files - 
                                4 .JPG examples of what your properties
                                  setting should be.
                                2 Examples of add and remove lists.
mmtestit.zip    4951 08-05-2024 *MicroMelt* TestIt v1.1 build 212 Run any WCX
                                file or display any .BBS file from your \DISP
                                directory. We all need one of these.
                                wcCODE app compiled w/ v 5.0.431.1
mmtmbnkr.zip   11029 08-05-2024 *MicroMelt* TimeBanker v1.2 build 212 Time
                                TimeBanker will allow your users to stash
                                some time for later. Sysop configurable
                                max account/transaction time. Automaticaly
                                corrects inacurate accounts.
                                wcCODE app compiled w/ v 5.0.431.1
mmwisewd.zip    7657 08-05-2024 *MicroMelt* WiseWord v1.0 build 227 One Liner
                                Users can leave a 1 line msg for others to see
                                12 lines displayed, users can select a color
                                use the random color. Best use during login.
                                wcCODE for WC5 compiled w/ v 5.0.431.1
mmxciter.zip   28051 08-05-2024 *MicroMelt* X-Citer v1.2 build 213 File 
                                Manipulator Use your marked list to move
                                files from many areas to one. Mass upload
                                without running wcFile. Use marked list to 
                                remove files from many areas. Remove file and
                                remove from the users u/l & kbyte count.
                                To much to list!
                                wcCODE app compiled w/ v5.0.431.1
molun11.zip    48016 08-05-2024 32 bit IGM written for WTLORD and compiled
                                with WCCODE.
                                Molun's Tavern, is a quaint little inn in the
                                deep dense
                                forest. You are enticed to enter by the aroma
                                of fresh 
                                baked bread.
mortge5.zip    44197 08-05-2024 mortgage_HTML v5.2 (wcCODE5)  Mortgage
                                Interest Rate Database 
                                     Source Code Version Available!  New Low
                                   Add a graphical HTML page to your BBS home
                                Each database application allows users to
                                ENTER, REVISE, SEARCH,
                                and DELETE records according to security level
                                  Charge per-ad
                                through automatic account deduction.  Export
                                all records to HTML
                                page for use with wcNAV or your favorite web
                                browser.  Email
                                replies to advertisers!  Callers can download
                                a formatted text
                                data sheet that is created internally during
                                record entry.
                                Full file attachment support!  Fully network
                                aware!  ACTIVE/EXPIRED
                                status checking!  Auto-purge after
                                sysop-specified number of days!
                                E-Z setup and operation!   Easy Upgrade
mpond2.zip     15123 08-05-2024 Magic Pond - EGM for Gore - MAJOR UPDATE!
msg2n403.zip   61625 08-05-2024 MSG2NEW v4.3 for WC5+
                                Message to New User will send a Sysop
                                defined welcome message to new users and
                                optionally send a notification message to
                                the Sysop. Options to create a mailing list
                                of new users, a New users in the last x days
                                bulletin (BBS/HTML) and a set conference
msgr_116.zip    9819 08-05-2024 Messenger v1.16 - Pre-addressing messenger
                                utility for Wildcat! Interactive Net Server
                                (Wildcat 5).  A WcCode application designed
                                to allow a user, in a simple one step
                                process, to write a pre-addressed message to
                                whom it is configured for, thus eliminating
                                the need for the user to enter to whom the
                                message is for and what subject is.
mtnews5.zip    63625 08-05-2024 *-=-=-=-=-=-*  Make The News  *-=-=-=-=-=-*
                                    ANSI and HTML Newsletters Generator
                                           for Mustang Products
                                    Wildcat! v5.xxx BBS and WIN Servers
                                    Written entirely using wcCode v5.0!
                                * Creates and updates all your Newsletters!
                                * Options to create in both  ANSI and HTML!
                                * Uses the  Wildcat! v5 full-screen editor!
                                * Update your latest  Newsletters remotely!
                                * Creates your  Newsletter updates OFFLINE!
                                * Registration gets you a clear conscience!
                                * FULL details included in README.TXT file!
                                **** Copyright(c)1996 Nbasic Software *****
mvwsts10.zip 2009629 08-05-2024 Most Visited Web Sites Version 1.0
                                for Wildcat! 5 This program will
                                generate a web page from your
                                user's Most Visited Web Sites.
                                You can filter by Word, Minimum
                                hits, numeric filtering,
                                configable footer and header for
                                your web page.
mwave110.zip   51117 08-05-2024 
mwdump.zip     15208 08-05-2024 
mystic35.zip   55705 08-05-2024      The Mystic Bar 3.5
                                 The Mystic Bar is an IGM made
                                 exclusively for WT-LORD. Start
                                 bar fights, get laid, gamble, 
                                       and much more! 
                                      Check it out now! 
                                      Hybrid Software 1998
                                     -|Wt-Lord 2.0 Ready|-
namechg.zip     3890 08-05-2024 NameChange - A wcCode program for the WIN
                                This nifty program changes the users name to
                                anything they wish, it even has upper and
                                case abilities.
                                *****TonyTown Software
                                (Cool graphics i might add)
nascar6f.zip   14972 08-05-2024 NASCAR racing schedules, team lists etc.  
                                All Done as Wildcat @ Screens for online 
                                posting.  Will be updated as needed during 
                                the upcoming racing season with Winners of
                                each race and current points standings.  
                                Includes Winston Cup, Grand National, and 
                                even the NEW Super Truck series!  GREAT 
                                Color @ code Graphics.  Totally FREEWARE!!
navterm4.zip    4947 08-05-2024 WC5 wcCODE to allow running 16 bit doors, and
                                wccode files that require
                                parameters from HTML screens ++FREEWARE++
                                ==Source Included==
nav_2ddl.zip    3150 08-05-2024 NAV-DL(wcc & wcx for WC5.x) "Download WildCat!
                                Navigator at Logon" 
                                This was made using WcCode 5 for allowing a
                                choice for downloading
                                WCNAV.EXE at logon, right after the user
                                enters their name & password.
                                It does not ask New Callers or NewUsers on
                                their first call,
                                It will ask on a Users Second call visit to
                                the BBS.
                                This is FREEWARE! Download, Edit & Compile to
                                your Wishes............
ndacv100.zip    5925 08-05-2024 
newcmd.zip     10232 08-05-2024 **WILDCAT 5 CMDLINE.WCX REPLACEMENT!**
                                 This makes most annoying @ codes
                                 lowercase (@ LOGOFF @) to @logoff@
                                 By IceRage Technologies
newuse1b.zip    7564 08-05-2024 WcNewuser v1.0b
                                Released: (02/4/97)
                                * Sends a Private preformatted message to the
                                  Newuser as they sign on.(configuarable)
                                * Sends a Private preformatted message to the
                                  Sysop telling them that a New user   sign  
                                * Minor bug fix
                                Written in WcCode, and compiled with v5.0
nlw22.zip      71199 08-05-2024 NEWSLETTERWRITER (NLW) v2.2 for WC5+
                                NLW is the easy way to write and update your
                                newsletter files (both BBS & HTM). The ANSI
                                newsletter created has a fancy 3D look.
notify1.zip     6644 08-05-2024 -=Log on/off Notifier v1.0=- 
                                For Wildcat v5.x BBS's ONLY
                                |Lets your users know when someone is logging
                                |on or off your System!  This is a pre-release
                                |registration is only $2!! Free Updates for
                                |who register version 1.0!!  Version 1.0 will
                                |include the option to allow for new file
                                |at log on, the ability to save marked files
                                |at log off until another call or to download
                                |log off and the ability for callers to save
                                |own log on/off messages! v2.0 will be $5.
                                *Written in and compiled in WcCode v5.0 by
                                *Night Ranger,  http://TNRO.COM
nutm.zip        4199 08-05-2024 NUTM - WCX v4.12
                                This program will make a display
                                file of your choice of your new
                                users for the current month.
nventtrv.zip   25624 08-05-2024 Entertainment Trivia v5.4 from Nerdville
                                WCX5.0 - You can download this and many more 
                                great trivia doors at ftp://bbs.nerdville.com
                                telnet to bbs.nerdville.com or 219.736.4957
                                This version adds viewing of Monthly reset and
                                months winner and squashes a another random 
                                question bug.
offline.zip     6847 08-05-2024 
ogde10.zip      4591 08-05-2024 One Good Download Enforcer   1.0
                                  This will make new users
                                 download certain files you 
                                select. Like applications then
                                 upgrade them to a specified
                                security level. If they refuse
                                to download them, they will be
                                logged off. You can make them
                                download up to three different
                                files. From KIKSTAND Software at
                                The KIKSTAND BBS (423) 698-3363
                                For Wildcat! 4.12
old11.zip      33795 08-05-2024 OneLiner 1.1 - ANSI/DHTML OneLiner door for
                                Written by Pisces Software.  This is a great
                                looking OneLiner door for WINS.  It has an
                                version and a DHTML version and is very
                                to setup.
olt_13.zip    109506 08-05-2024 OnLine Trivia/32 V1.3 for WC5. A trivia
                                door with 1750 questions on various topics.
                                Written in wcCode for WC!5 so that no drop
                                file is needed.  Fast and fun to play.
                                Creates full-color bulletin.  A 32 bit door
                                from C&S Software.
oneliner.zip    4319 08-05-2024         Bobby's World BBS - 8 Nodes of FREE
                                  Office Phone: (407)359-8922         BBS:
                                  Options:   Configure via custom CFG file.
                                Ability to set
                                         Prefix, Suffix, Prompts, Maximum
                                Width, Maximum
                                         Entries,Location of Header File and
                                much more! 
                                           This Pgm Also detects Users Screen
                                           Shows More Oneliners if they can
                                see more!
                                         Try it for absolutely nothing! FREE!
                                          NON CRIPPLED SOFTWARE - NO BUGS - NO
                                 Written for Wildcat using WCCode  - 
                                Expressly for Use as WCX
                                 Program For Details or WCC Original Source
                                Code Call our BBS
onode241.zip   26650 08-05-2024 Who's online v2.40 (Wildcat v5.x BBS's ONLY)
                                Another in the line of BapWarez!
                                * Configurable Node Config messages
                                * Scroll up and down through a one page
                                * Has the ability to see if your mail node is
                                tossing or processing mail
                                * Shows that the mailer node is up and waiting
                                for calls.
                                * Allows Page Another User (By NODE!!!!).
                                * Allows live chat from menu.
                                * Shows callers time left, current date and
                                * Snoop Function, to allow callers a little
                                more information!
                                * Includes "PageUser.wcx" to replace your
                                default User Pager.
                                  (This pages by NODE Number instead of User
                                * Configurable "SHOW LOCAL NODES" option
                                * Configurable Chat program.  Allows you to
                                select what chat program to run
                                  from ONODE.
                                * Many Many More
                                Written in WcCode, compiled with v5.0
op5_105.zip    19027 08-05-2024 opPAGE5 v1.05 [WC5 WCX] - Operator Page!
                                        New features added!
                                See OPPAGE5.NEW, and OPPAGE5.UPG!
                                SysOp Page Replacement Module -
                                Requires a reason from user before paging,
                                reason logged to node's Activity Log.
                                [06/25/96]  Wildcat! v5.0+ SysOps Only
os2util.zip    95254 08-05-2024 Warp OS/2 utilities for Wildcat! 4.1x.
                                Easily display OS/2 system information from
                                within Wildcat! Shows process list, shared
                                memory list, module list, thread list,
                                semaphore list. Uses Hstart & GO_15, both
                                supplied. WCcode 4.12, with source.
                                From Mildew Hall Online Services/2.
otown27.zip   171098 08-05-2024 Our Town! v2.7 -=- IGM for WT-LORD in wcCODE
                                for WC5! A FUN *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                Stop by "Our Town" and check out the Locals!
                                Visit the Local High School, Church, Barber
                                Shop, Bar-B-Que Shack, Tattoo Parlor, Druggy
                                Store and more!
outbnd11.zip  157157 08-05-2024 
ox32v310.zip 1658902 08-05-2024 Iron Ox 3.10 32-bit for Wildcat 5!
                                Finally, the exciting online strategy
                                game is available in a 32-bit Windows
                                version just for Wildcat! 5/WINS.
                                Easy Windows-based configuration
                                program; ultra-fast client-server
                                database code is twenty times faster
                                running multinode.  Stop wasting your
                                32-bit horsepower on 16-bit doors!
pagema11.zip    5445 08-05-2024 //==== Page Master v1.1 ====\\  - a WcCode for
                                Wildcat! 5 - 
                                 BBS: (713) 852-3982      
                                 EMAIL: textor@ganja.org  
                                   Pager for Wildcat!5    
pagemast.zip    9853 08-05-2024 Page Master V. 2.0  For WC5 Sysop's only!
                                A True 32 bit WCX, writen in Wc-Code Ver. 5.
                                Page Master is a very helpful paging prog-
                                -gram, it has full sound-card support for
                                Win 95 users and activity logging to help
                                Sysop productivity. Page Master acually
                                serves as your bbs's secretary...
                                Program By: CW Computer Services..
pagsysop.zip    5065 08-05-2024 -The CONFIGURABLE Page The Sysop- (WCX32,
                                Wildcat 5.x)
                                -Allows YOU to configure almost ALL
                                 of what the user sees.
                                -Allows YOU to open up wcView on ANY
                                 machine in your network, if YOU want to.
                                -Allows YOU to set how long the page bell
pdmnu332.zip  104122 08-05-2024 PDMENU v.3.30               Stunning wcCode
                                Pull-Down Menu System
                                Give your BBS a professional user-friendly
                                look and feel with the
                                new 32-bit version of PD Menu. This program
                                replaces the built-in
                                Wildcat! menu system, by producing
                                3-dimensional pull-down menus.
                                You will never have to edit another menu
                                display file, as PD Menu
                                reads your menu configuration from wcMenu to
                                display each menu.
                                The menu editor (included) allows you to
                                configure the properties
                                for each pull-down menu.   Allows your users
                                to select from eight
                                pre-made, customizable background ANSI menus!!
                                 Put an end to all
                                the work required to run a BBS!  You must Try
                                it to believe it!
                                Developed by Bitwise Computers  PO Box 829
                                Forest Grove, OR 97116
                                24 hour support BBS -Crazy Larry's Online Art 
person5.zip    44978 08-05-2024 personals_HTML v5.2 (wcCODE5)  Personals Ads
                                     Source Code Version Available!  New Low
                                   Add a graphical HTML page to your BBS home
                                Each database application allows users to
                                ENTER, REVISE, SEARCH,
                                and DELETE records according to security level
                                  Charge per-ad
                                through automatic account deduction.  Export
                                all records to HTML
                                page for use with wcNAV or your favorite web
                                browser.  Email
                                replies to advertisers!  Callers can download
                                a formatted text
                                data sheet that is created internally during
                                record entry.
                                Full file attachment support!  Fully network
                                aware!  ACTIVE/EXPIRED
                                status checking!  Auto-purge after
                                sysop-specified number of days!
                                E-Z setup and operation!   Easy Upgrade
pgvalt11.zip    8644 08-05-2024 PageVault v.1.0 a secure online document
                                utility for WINS.  PV is a powerful yet
                                easy to use wcCode utility that limits
                                access to selected HTML documents using
                                the WINS security profiles. With PV it is
                                possible to set up secure pages for your
                                important clients.  Documents you create
                                are dynamically displayed.  No templates.
                                No PV imposed limits on document size or
                                content. PageVault is a shareware utility
                                brought to you by the folks at Beggar's
pickfile.zip    2980 08-05-2024 Allows you to select a Drive and Directory
                                for DIRECT downloads.  Great for Sysops or
                                Systems.  Allows you to select the drive and
                                then will display a list of the files in that
                                for downloads.
plog404.zip    77948 08-05-2024 Power Logon v4.04                Developed by
                                Crazy Larry's Online Art
                                Powerful Scripting utility for customizing
                                your logon sequence!!  This
                                program allows you to modify the logon for
                                each access profile, and/or
                                individual users!  Now Includes a built-in
                                "Who Called Today" program!
                                Display any file, run any questionnaire,
                                wcCode application, show your
                                hello files, check for new files, check for
                                waiting mail, and the list
                                goes on.  You can even PLAY A .WAV FILE of
                                your choice when a specific
                                caller, or callers with a specified access
                                level, are logging on!  See
                                why hundereds of Wildcat! SysOps are using
                                this product!  Once you try
                                it, you won't know how you ran your BBS
                                without it!    From the author
                                of PD Menu!
                                A product of Bitwise Computers, PO Box 829
                                Forest Grove, OR 97116-0829
                                BBS: 503-357-2710    E-Mail: cloa@europa.com  
pmdbadip.zip    8385 08-05-2024 IP/Domain-Name Banning Utility for Wildcat! v5
                                This is a useful utility for WC5 sysops that
                                troublesome people logging in from specific IP
                                Features include:
                                Add/Edit the bad IP list.
                                View the bad IP login logfile.
                                Ban specific IP Addresses or entire Domains.
                                Sysop profile can not be locked out.
                                Send comments/bug reports to par@pmd.parrett
                                Telnet to pmd.parrett.net to see a working
                                Will only block one IP/Domain until registered
printwc5.zip   95713 08-05-2024 
produpe.zip     4991 08-05-2024 Dupe user checker!  Most powerful WCX for it's
                                size!  ProCall!
                                  v1.1 for WIN Server (Wildcat v5.x) in wcCODE
                                  THIS IS PERHAPS THE MOST ADVANCED AND USEFUL
                                PROGRAM FOR IT'S SIZE 
                                  EVER WRITTEN IN wcCode v5.x by a 3rd party
                                  Happy holidays from the Makers of Bestcall
                                for Wildcat v4.x and 
                                  Procall for WIN Server! (c)1997
                                    Fully optimized for fastest possible
                                    Watch wcCODE work a warp speed to find
                                all of your dupe users!
                                    Place in home directory and run!  No Nags
                                or Delays!  
                                For THE BEST CALLback Verifier download
                                BESTCALL.ZIP at 305/598-1357 
psbbsl10.zip   68977 08-05-2024 PS-BBSList 1.0 (wcCODE) - Full featured BBS
                                Lister for WINS!
                                PS-BBSList has all the features you would
                                expect from a great
                                BBS Listing program.  Your users will be able
                                to add/edit/delete
                                their own entries, download lists, search the
                                database, and
                                view other entries in short or detailed mode. 
                                The program
                                outputs both ANSI and HTML bulletins.  The
                                sysop can configure
                                most any aspect of the program.  Includes a
                                cuss word and
                                at-code filter, setting for maximum records in
                                the database
                                and maximum records per user.  Also works with
                                any Who's
                                Online program.  No configuration files and
                                very easy to
                                setup, just like all Pisces Software products.
                                Programmed by Mike Christensen (hiawatha@znet
psol20.zip     60185 08-05-2024 PS-OnLine 2.0 - Who's Online replacement for
                                WINS.  (wcCODE)
                                PS-OnLine is a great Who's Online replacement
                                for Wildcat!
                                Interactive Net Server.  It will allow your
                                users to use
                                the arrow keys to select a node.  When the
                                cursor is on
                                a node, they can page the person on that node
                                or view info
                                on them.  They can also enter Live Chat.  A
                                lot of information
                                is also displayed.  There is a sysop menu
                                where the sysop
                                can configure just about any option you can
                                think of.
                                Works as a /W option in chat as well (Won't
                                let you reenter
                                chat multiple times).  It also can recognize
                                multiple mailer 
                                nodes, and force those nodes as Up and waiting
                                for calls/mail.
                                Shareware $10 to register.  Programmed by Mike
                                E-Mail at hiawatha@znet.com
psold20.zip    53689 08-05-2024 PS-OneLiner 2.0 - ANSI/DHTML OneLiner door for
                                Written by Pisces Software.  This is a great
                                looking OneLiner door for WINS.  It has an
                                version and a DHTML version and is very
                                to setup.  Supports duplicate checking (So
                                don't add the same OneLiner by pressing the
                                button), cuss word filtering, sysop editing
                                user editing, and much more!  Great looking
                                interface with light bars to select OneLiners
                                Your users will love it!  Programmed by
                                Mike Christensen.  Cost: Freeware! (wcCODE)
psst10.zip     48094 08-05-2024 Pisces Software Story Teller 1.0 (wcCode)
                                If you are familiar with the old game "Round
                                the Robin", well this is a web based
                                of the game. The idea is, the first person
                                to write a story about whatever he or she
                                They then conceal all but the last line of
                                they wrote, and the next person continues the
                                only able to see the last line of what the
                                person wrote. The process continues, each
                                writing as much as they wish. In the end,
                                have a crazy story making almost no sense, but
                                for a laugh. In this version, web surfers can
                                the last line of what the last person wrote,
                                continue the story in the same manner.  You
                                be disappointed!  Programmed by Mike
pstb10b2.zip  117698 08-05-2024 PS-TimeBank 1.0 Beta 2 allows your users to
                                bank and gamble time.
                                Games include blackjack, horse race, number
                                guess, and time
                                raffle.  Built in sysop configuration, ALL
                                variables may be
                                set my sysop or specified Time Door moderators
                                  Built in
                                powerful user account editor, configuration
                                manager.  Lets
                                you define default account settings by
                                security level or for
                                any user.  Configurable menus and welcome
                                screen.  Fully
                                operational when unregistered.  Built in help
                                EXTREMELY customizable and easy to setup.  If
                                you are looking
                                for the best Time Bank program ever made
                                PERIOD, get this
                                NOW!  Unzip with an Unzip utility that
                                supports long file names,
                                such as WinZip.  Programmed by Mike
                                Christensen - Registration is $25.
psvote12.zip  134378 08-05-2024 PS-Vote 1.2 InterBBS SMTP/DHTML Voting Booth
                                for WINS.
                                This is the world's first InterBBS via SMTP
                                voting booth program for Wildcat! 5.  This
                                program has 
                                all the quality you would expect from Pisces
                                Users can add booths and vote.  Statistics
                                display, results,
                                list booths.  Great looking and easy to use
                                Comes with a utility to check for new booths
                                at login,
                                and full sysop controls!  This version now has
                                a fully
                                working Dynamic HTML version so that you can
                                allow your
                                web surfers to vote and create new booths. 
                                You need to
                                see this program run to believe it. 
                                Registration is
                                extremely cheap and easy.  Join our growing
                                network of
                                WINS BBSs around the country and exchange
                                Programmed by Mike Christensen (hiawatha@znet
ps_pong2.zip    9707 08-05-2024 PS_PONG2.ZIP -=- Pong for Wildcat 5!
ptb.zip         7582 08-05-2024 Page The Boss is a cool little pager 
                                that will give your bbs just more of
                                a somebody is there feel. It's True
                                32 bit and writen in WC-CODE 5.0!
                                by Acid Produtions!
puser5.zip      9759 08-05-2024 PUSER5.WCC/WCX - Print your userbase to file
                                or import user(s) from file!     Wildcat v5!
qfl.zip         3433 08-05-2024 QFL v1.02  WCX v4.12
                                This file will display to your
                                callers the a quote from the
                                QUOTES.BBS file one by one.
                                Simple little program by
                                Hidden Paradise Software
                                It's FREE!!!!!
quesnew5.zip   41047 08-05-2024 NEW USER QUESTIONNAIRE for Wildcat 5.x, 
                                gotta' see!
                                NewUser Questionnaire for Wildcat 5.x!!
                                The most comprehensive Newuser Question-
                                naire available for Wildcat 5.x!  Also
                                uses over 12 ANSI screens with all the
                                @Codes needed to make it look like it's
                                truly a part of your BBS.  Asks all info
                                needed and updates the user's account 
                                info.  Made to catch your Newusers' 
                                attention!    - FREEWARE -
                                A product of Jagger Creative Services!!
quewins.zip  1932196 08-05-2024 Quick User Editor for WINS Version 2.0
                                Down and Dirty User Editor for WINS with
                                "Write to User" and Change Password 
                                Capability and enhanced Search for User!
                                Written in VB 5.0 for Win95 or WinNT. 
                                Shareware $15
qwkhold1.zip   45613 08-05-2024 QWKHOLD1.ZIP is a FREE Package which
                                allows callers to control the
                                automatic creation of QWK packets
                                during the Sysop's mail run.
                                The WcCode 4.12 source code is
                                included for all program modules.
                                This release replaces one known as
                                QWK2PACK.ZIP which should no longer
                                be used.
rabidace.zip    6333 08-05-2024 ACEY DUCEY 32 BIT                    [XX/XX]
                                THE--------+--------+-----------+[  IN DA  ]
                                |      o   |        |__       __|[ *U*S*A* ]
                                |      +---+        | |       |  [ 610-623 ]
                                |______|   |________| |_______|  [  -1041  ]
                                FROM RABIDS PIT BBS SOFTWARE
realty5.zip    59654 08-05-2024 realty_HTML v5.2 (wcCODE5)  Real Estate For
                                Sale Database 
                                     Source Code Version Available!  New Low
                                   Add a graphical HTML page to your BBS home
                                Each database application allows users to
                                ENTER, REVISE, SEARCH,
                                and DELETE records according to security level
                                  Charge per-ad
                                through automatic account deduction.  Export
                                all records to HTML
                                page for use with wcNAV or your favorite web
                                browser.  Email
                                replies to advertisers!  Callers can download
                                a formatted text
                                data sheet that is created internally during
                                record entry.
                                Full file attachment support!  Fully network
                                aware!  ACTIVE/EXPIRED
                                status checking!  Auto-purge after
                                sysop-specified number of days!
                                E-Z setup and operation!   Easy Upgrade
recipe5.zip    71391 08-05-2024 recipe_HTML v5.6 (wcCODE5)  D-HTML Recipe
                                Database!  See Info. 
                                     Add graphical HTML database to your BBS
                                home page!!!!!
                                            UNLIMITED Database Tables - Only
                                 Create snazzy image map links to your
                                database!  Sample included!
                                Supports multiple database tables with unique
                                security & display
                                properties.  Dynamic display modules read
                                directly from data tables!
                                Allow users to ENTER, REVISE, SEARCH, and
                                DELETE records according
                                to security level.  Charge per-recipe through
                                automatic account deduction.
                                Fully network aware! ACTIVE/EXPIRED status
                                checking!  Auto-purge after
                                sysop-specified number of days! E-Z setup and
redax1_1.zip   60284 08-05-2024 RED AXE v1.1 -=- wcCODE Online Door Game RPG
                                for Wildcat! 5/WIN SERVER!
rentals5.zip   59669 08-05-2024 rentals_HTML v5.2 (wcCODE5)  Real Estate For
                                Lease Database 
                                     Source Code Version Available!  New Low
                                   Add a graphical HTML page to your BBS home
                                Each database application allows users to
                                ENTER, REVISE, SEARCH,
                                and DELETE records according to security level
                                  Charge per-ad
                                through automatic account deduction.  Export
                                all records to HTML
                                page for use with wcNAV or your favorite web
                                browser.  Email
                                replies to advertisers!  Callers can download
                                a formatted text
                                data sheet that is created internally during
                                record entry.
                                Full file attachment support!  Fully network
                                aware!  ACTIVE/EXPIRED
                                status checking!  Auto-purge after
                                sysop-specified number of days!
                                E-Z setup and operation!   Easy Upgrade
resume5.zip    46377 08-05-2024 resume_HTML v5.2 (wcCODE5)  Resume Database 
                                     Source Code Version Available!  New Low
                                   Add a graphical HTML page to your BBS home
                                Each database application allows users to
                                ENTER, REVISE, SEARCH,
                                and DELETE records according to security level
                                  Charge per-ad
                                through automatic account deduction.  Export
                                all records to HTML
                                page for use with wcNAV or your favorite web
                                browser.  Email
                                replies to advertisers!  Callers can download
                                a formatted text
                                data sheet that is created internally during
                                record entry.
                                Full file attachment support!  Fully network
                                aware!  ACTIVE/EXPIRED
                                status checking!  Auto-purge after
                                sysop-specified number of days!
                                E-Z setup and operation!   Easy Upgrade
rfm_b3.zip     30970 08-05-2024 Remote File Manager(RFM) for WINserver (WC5)
                                verion: 0.6 build #3
                                RFM is a Wildcat 5 wcCode program that allows
                                you to remotely access any file on your
                                RFM's interface is similar to a DOS shell.
                                RFM is an inexpensive way to access your
                                through your BBS.  RFM supports: CD, COPY, DEL
                                DIR, MKDIR, RMDIR and others, plus added
                                like PUT and GET to transfer files, and LD and
                                LDRIVE to list available directories and
                                An RA Development product.  No key needed. 
                                Starting at only $15.00 for Hobby boards.
rmp.zip         1918 08-05-2024 
rotate10.zip    8669 08-05-2024 ROTATE ver 1.0, Rotate your Displays
                                For all BBS Systems including Wildcat
                                Interactive Net Server and all versions
                                of Wildcat.  Fast and Powerful!  If your
                                System needs display or HTML screens
                                rotated then this one is for you.
rtb101.zip     16808 08-05-2024 RealTime Billing version 1.01
                                WCCode program for Billing users by
                                hours/month. A must get for an opperator
                                running an ISP.
                                * Tracks user usage per minute per month, thus
                                allowing better billing flexability
                                * Base billing amount for accounts
                                * Can be configured for an unlimited number of
                                Security Profiles
                                * Runs at login to update user accounts
                                * Includes a once a month WCCode program to
                                give you a billing log
                                * E-Mails users their bill at the end of the
                                * SysOp configurable Billing E-Mail Header
                                * Daily reports e-mail to sysop
                                * Users can request logon/logoff logs via
                                * Users can view their current balance/free
                                time remaining
rue13.zip     221054 08-05-2024 "The Rue Morgue" v1.3 -=- An IGM for WT-LORD
                                in 32bit wcCODE! The Morgue will change your
                                life forever! This contains ADULT situations
                                and is not intended for Minors! Another fun
                                *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                FEATURES:  EASY Setup
                                           SUPPORTS Mutiple WT-LORD Games
                                           SYSOP can restrict access by SL
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
russ10.zip     13411 08-05-2024 "Russian Roulette" v1.0 -= An IGM for WT-LORD
                                in 32bit wcCODE! Try you luck at a game of
                                roulette. A fun *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph
                                FEATURES:  EASY Setup
                                           SUPPORTS Mutiple WT-LORD Games
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
rvalf101.zip   34090 08-05-2024 RvAlf Version 1.01 for Wildcat 5.0 / WINS
                                - A fully configurable allfiles lister for 
                                  Wildcat 5.0 / WINS.
                                - V1.01 fixes two bugs in V1.00
                                - Fully configurable output format
                                - Optional features include:
                                  - Archived version of list.
                                  - File area utilisation bulletin.
                                  - Exclude complete file areas.
                                  - Exclude individual files.
                                  - Include/Exclude CD Areas.
                                  - Replace missing descriptions.
                                  - Import file area header display files
                                    allfiles list.
                                  - Run in interactive or batch mode.
                                - Registration 10.00 GBP or $15.00 USD
rw_2d20.zip   120195 08-05-2024 REALTY:WEB for Wildcat! 5 v2.0 (wcCODE5) 
                                DYNAMIC-HTML REAL ESTATE MLS 
                                  Add a graphical HTML real estate listing
                                service to your BBS!
                                 Create snazzy image map links to your
                                database!  Sample included!
                                Supports multiple database tables with unique
                                security & display properties.
                                Dynamic display modules read directly from
                                data tables!  Allow users to ENTER,
                                REVISE, SEARCH, and DELETE records according
                                to security level.  Charge per-ad
                                through automatic account deduction. Fully
                                network aware! ACTIVE/EXPIRED
                                status checking!  Auto-purge after
                                sysop-specified number of days!
                                E-Z setup and operation!  
scanfile.zip    3395 08-05-2024 
scanfle.zip     3962 08-05-2024 This is another Fine  Product of DC Computing
                                Have a scan for Virii on your WINS System!
                                Scans all uploads for possible infections!
                                Logs activity and scan procedure!
                                Configurable Options! Updated 05/02/97
scar12.zip     79751 08-05-2024 "Scarlett and the Vandoran Knights", is about
                                the female first
                                knight in a realm called "Vandora"! 32 bit IGM
                                written for 
                                WTLORD and compiled with WCCODE.
scr10wc5.zip  164840 08-05-2024 Scramble! Door v1.00 (32-bit) for Wildcat! 5
                                BBS Platforms from T&J Software. Unscramble
                                the words for points! 30,000+ dictionary
sdmlo10.zip     6904 08-05-2024 WINS Matrix Logoff Menu - By Sweet Dreams
                                This program is made to be placed in place of
                                your normal 
                                logoff and it has the Scroll Bars
                                (Litebars/Matrix) look 
                                and feel.  Gives the users the logoff options
                                of Logging 
                                off, Page the SysOp, Comment to the sysop, and
                                exit back.
                                FEATUES:  FREE!!!!!!!
                                  Easy Setup
                                  Editable ansi screens
sdsb14.zip      9844 08-05-2024 SDSmart Beeper v1.4 -=- WINS Add-On in 32bit
                                wcCODE!  SysOp Pager for Wildcat 5 systems.
                                This pager prompts the user for each page
                                given to the sysop so you know if it is
                                worth answering or not.  The Smart Beeper
                                also logs each page reason in the Activity
                                Log.  Now the sysop can also define how the
                                pages look with the option of the Wildcat
                                default numbers or a own personalized string.
                                Another wonderful utility by Aaron Wornom!
                                FEATURES:  EASY Setup  SysOp Configfigurable
                                Prompts for page reason.  Logs page reason
                                Easy online ordering.  This is the update
                                released 7/23/99
sdtb16.zip     34750 08-05-2024 SDTime Bank v1.6 -=- WINS Add-On in 32bit
                                wcCODE!  Time Bank for WINS Systems, allows
                                user to store their time in a safe place
                                guarded by a user configured access code.
                                Now equipped with a sysop editor, so all
                                sysop's can maintain a clean database!
                                Users now have the option to transfer time to
                                other users and rob the bank.  Completely
                                sysop configurable! A MUST download for
                                every WINS system!!!  Another wonderful
                                utility by Aaron Wornom!  FEATURES:  EASY
                                Setup  Tight Security  Quick Accessable SysOp
                                Editor  Ability to transfer time from user to
                                user  Ability for users to rob the bank!
                                This is the update released 7/23/99
sdwio17.zip    12701 08-05-2024 Who's Online? v1.7 -=- Who's Online
                                Replacement for WINS!  The Who's Online that
                                allows the users and sysops to get around
                                much easier and faster.  Contains user
                                functions such as page other users, chat (now
                                with support of Icerage's wcTELE!!).  Also
                                has sysop funtions that are fast and easy to
                                use!  Another program by Aaron Wornom & Sweet
                                Dreams Software.  FEATURES:  ONLINE
                                registration  SUPPORTS Mutiple NODES  Wildcat
                                5 Update Ready  EASY Setup  This is the
                                update released 7/23/99
secure.zip     19153 08-05-2024 SECURE CALL! V2.0 (CALL BACK VERIFIER) WC5
                                SYSOP'S ONLY
                                Secure Call V. 2.0
                                This is a small list of the features that
                                CALL! has to offer...Change verified users
                                profile, log's phone number that user put's in
                                SECURE CALL! to call back, writes a message to
                                sysop letting you know that user has been
                                lets you specify a file for user to d-load
                                the up-grade, and much more!!! Program by
                                     CW Computer Services...
seekingu.zip   40189 08-05-2024 "SeekingU" is a multi-featured collection of
                                utilities combined into a single 
                                program.  This unique program provides
                                detailed information about Who is 
                                Online, provides the ability for users to page
                                each other with a single key stroke, 
                                allows users to easily enter into chat with
                                each other, and combines many of the 
                                features of a standard SYSOP Menu making
                                remote monitoring and maintenance of your 
                                WINServer BBS a breeze! 
                                Written and distributed by PC Pursuits 
                                Support site: The Pursuit of Happiness at
                                              Dial-up BBS: (301) 695-5260
seeya.zip      39090 08-05-2024 SEEYA wcCODE v5.0 Goodbye menu for Wildcat 5.x
                                SEEYA Goodbye Menu for Wildcat 5.x systems!!
                                = checks for marked files & can SAVE them!
                                = 2 .BBS screens used that you can edit!
                                = displays your Goodbye .BBS screen!
                                = very easy installation and setup!
                                = NO configuration file is needed!
                                = http://pages.prodigy.com/jagger
sgglob1.zip    49290 08-05-2024 
sgglob_1.zip   23121 08-05-2024 Add Global Commands to WC5 (fixes "SGCHAT not
                                found" bug)
sgreg12.zip    25742 08-05-2024 Stargate User Registries v1.2 (wcCODE 5 .WCX)
sgreg16.zip    50426 08-05-2024 Stargate Registries v1.6 - ANSI/HTML User
                                Registries for WC5
                                Stargate Registries lets users to profile
                                themselves for other users to
                                view.  Users can attach files, and the sysop
                                can define up to 20
                                different questions!  This program is 100%
                                configurable, you could
                                even set it up to profile products instead of
                                people.  Users can
                                view the registries in ANSI mode, using the
                                Navigator, or with any
                                WWW Browser.  Stargate Registries is written
                                in wcCODE for Wildcat 5
                                [This version fixes all installation bugs]
shangai2.zip   20766 08-05-2024 Shangai's Cabin - EGM for Gore - MAJOR UPDATE
shop4e.zip    130301 08-05-2024 
signup.zip      3759 08-05-2024 
skad100f.zip  140909 08-05-2024 skAceyDuecy - HTML Acey Duecy Game v1.00f
                                Only US$10 Registration. This game is based
                                on the classic acey duecy game where the
                                user gets to bet on whether the next card
                                shown is going to be between the cards
                                shown. It is totally HTML driven and the
                                sysop can customise all of the HTML
                                templates used by the game.
skall.zip    1375539 08-05-2024 skall.zip - An archive of all skWare's Win
                                Server addons in wcCode
                                This archive includes:-
                                skAceyDuecy, skDayQuote, skFileFinder
                                skFileMailer, skHangMan, skHit
                                skLogon, skNextCard, skRollTheDice
                                skSaw, skTbank, skTopTenfiles
                                skUserFinder, skUserMail, skUserStats
                                skWhosOnline, skXft
skdq100d.zip   40933 08-05-2024 skDayQuote v1.00d - A wcCode HTML Quote
                                Of the Day Program - US$10 Registration
                                skDayQuote is a program that will use
                                your QUOTES.BBS file and produce a HTML
                                page on the fly so that a user can get
                                a quote of the day with a Browser.
skff100f.zip   51282 08-05-2024 skFileFinder v1.00f - HTML File Finder for
                                Wildcat 5 in WCX - US$15 Registration
                                skFileFinder is a HTML driven file finder
                                search engine for a Wildcat5
                                BBS. It is written in wcCode for speed and
                                ease of integration. The user
                                can specify up to 5 words to search for and
                                use and/or to join the words
                                that they are looking for.
                                If the user is logged into the system
                                skFileFinder will return a html page
                                that allows them to download one or more of
                                the files found.
                                If the user is not logged into the system
                                skFileFinder will return a html
                                page that shows them the files that could be
                                downloaded if they were
                                logged on.
                                In the registered version the sysop can
                                customise the headers and footer
                                of the html pages. The help page displayed is
                                also customisable.
skfm100b.zip   21586 08-05-2024 skFileMailer v1.00b - File Mailer program in
                                wcCode - US$10 Registration
                                This program will allow the sysop to mail
                                files as attachments to any
                                valid email address as required.
                                As skFileMailer is invoked by wcRun it can be
                                used in batch files to
                                automate the distribution of files.
skhi100d.zip  105725 08-05-2024 skHit v1.00d - A Home Improvement Trivia Game
                                in wcCode - $10USD Registration
                                skHit is a trivia game based on the Home
                                Improvement TV series.
                                Users can play the trivia game using a
                                traditional ansi interface.
                                Users can play the trivia game using a browser
                                and a html interface.
                                It comes with 50 questions.
                                In the registered version the sysop can:-
                                - Get rid of the nag screens.
                                - Add their own questions and/or modify the
                                supplied questions.
                                - Customise the html headers and footers.
skhm100h.zip  285523 08-05-2024 skHangMan - HTML Hang Man Game v1.00h
                                Only US$10 Registration
                                A hangman game that uses a browser. The
                                sysop can modify all html templates used
                                by the game. In the registered version
                                the sysop can add their own words. The
                                word list supplied has over 25,000
skir101c.zip  230152 08-05-2024 skIRC - ANSI IRC Client - v1.01c  This is an
                                ANSI Based IRC Client written in wcCode for
                                WINS.  It supports all of the commands in the
                                rfc and also other commands as requested by
                                the beta team.  It has a server address book
                                which users can modify.  Users are also able
                                to change colours of messages and specify
                                commands to send to the irc server when they
                                connect.  User can also send mail in the
                                registered version.  Also includes an IDENT
                                server to speed up IRC server logons.
                                - $US35 Registration
sklo100b.zip   17200 08-05-2024 skLogon v1.00b - A configurable logon
                                processor in wcCode - $10USD Registration
                                skLogon is a program that allows the sysop to
                                customise the logon process
                                without having to have or use wcCode.
                                All standard routines used by WildCat!'s logon
                                routine are supported.
                                The registered version allows the sysop to add
                                external .wcx routines
                                such as file download routines to add extra
                                features to the logon process.
sknc100b.zip  140057 08-05-2024 skNextCard - HTML Next Card Game v1.00b
                                only US$10 Registration. This is a game
                                where the user bets on whether the next
                                card drawn is higher, lower or the same
                                as the card currently shown. This game
                                is totally HTML driven and the Sysop
                                can totaly customise the HTML display.
                                You can also customise the total games
                                per day and the number of points that
                                the user can start with.
skrd100e.zip   75109 08-05-2024 skRollTheDice - HTML Roll The Dice Game
                                v1.00e - US$10 Registration
                                skRollTheDice is a HTML Roll The Dice
                                Game written in wcCode that allows the
                                user to bet on whether the next dice
                                rolled is going to be higher, the same
                                or lower than the current dice shown.
                                The user interface is totally html
                                driven. The sysop can also customise
                                the all of the html templates if they
skse008a.zip  189974 08-05-2024 skSearchEngine - HTML Search Engine Alpha
                                Release (v0.08a)
                                skSearchEngine is a search engine for Wildcat5
                                BBS's that allows the
                                user to search html pages on the BBS. It is
                                primarily written in wcCode
                                for speed and ease of integration. It works
                                with Win95/NT.
                                Please note that this is alpha release 0.08a
                                of this software and will
                                expire on 30/11/1997. It is however fully
                                functional and not shareware
sksw100d.zip   25944 08-05-2024 
sktb100f.zip   72406 08-05-2024 SKTBank v1.0f full featured Timebank for
                                Wildcat! 5 in WCX
sktb100k.zip  104818 08-05-2024 sktBank v1.00k - Time Bank for Wildcat 5 in
                                WCX - US$20 Registration
                                A Time Bank that can be completely customised
                                and seamlessly integrated
                                into your Wildcat 5 BBS.  Completely written
                                in wcCode for performance
                                and reliability in a Wildcat 5/Win32
                                Caller Options include:
                                - Open Account
                                - Deposit Time, Files and Kbytes
                                - Withdraw Time, Files and Kbytes
                                - Account Status
                                - Loan Application
                                - Rob Bank
                                Sysop Options Include:
                                - Config display
                                - Edit user
                                - Statistics display
                                Supports Multiple Languages
                                Supports Wildcat Navigator via Terminal
                                Supports Native HTML without need of terminal
sktt100e.zip   46246 08-05-2024 skTopTenFiles v1.00e - HTML & TEXT Format Top
                                Ten Files - US$10 Registration
                                skTopTenFiles is a program that produces an
                                HTML page for Navigator
                                callers. This page will list the hottest ten
                                files on your system, and
                                will include their description and size, etc.
                                Also it creates a link to
                                each file so that your callers will only have
                                to click on the file name
                                to download the file. It also is able to
                                produce a TEXT file of the top
                                ten file downloads.
                                Please note that unlike a number of other "top
                                ten" file listers, this
                                program searches through your activity logs
                                for downloads. It does not
                                simply find the 10 files in the database with
                                the most downloads. This
                                way your top ten page will list what is hot
                                right now.
                                Once the program is registered you can specify
                                a header file that will
                                be inserted into the output page. This can
                                include whatever graphics you
                                want to keep with your BBS theme, and can
                                include custom backgrounds,
                                etc.  The program can be set up to run as an
                                event each night or you
                                can run it manually at any time.
                                After Registration
                                After you register skTopTenFiles you will find
                                - The NAG text on the html page produced is
                                - You can select the number of files listed.
                                - You can create a header file to customise
                                the output html page.
                                - You can create a footer file to customise
                                the output html page.
skuf100f.zip   48881 08-05-2024 skUserFinder v1.00f - HTML User Finder for
                                Wildcat 5 in WCX - US$15 Registration
                                skUserFinder is a HTML driven user search
                                engine for a Wildcat5 BBS.
                                It is written in wcCode for speed and ease of
                                integration. The user
                                can specify a word to search for.
                                If the user is logged into the system
                                skUserFinder will return a html page
                                that allows them to send email to one or more
                                users found on the system.
                                If the user is not logged into the system
                                skUserFinder will return a html
                                page that shows them the users that could be
                                sent email if they were
                                logged on.
                                In the registered version the sysop can
                                customise the headers and footer
                                of the html pages. The help page displayed is
                                also customisable.
skum100f.zip   92143 08-05-2024 skUserMail v1.00f - User Mail lister in html -
                                US$10 Registration
                                This program will produce a html index of all
                                users that can be used
                                to allow browser users to send mail. Depending
                                on how it is configured
                                it will either create one page for all users
                                or a main index page and
                                26 sub pages for each letter of the alphabet.
                                The sysop can also generate a html page
                                dynamically if they want.
                                You can produce a list sorted by first or last
                                In the registered version you can add your own
                                header and footers
                                to the index page and also seperate header and
                                footer for the sub
skus100b.zip   40322 08-05-2024 skUserStats v1.00b - HTML User Stats Viewer
                                US$10 Registration.
                                skUserStats is a program that produces an
                                HTML page on the fly for callers using a
                                browser. This page will show the caller
                                their statistics such as:-
                                    - Total Messages Written
                                    - Total Number of Calls
                                    - User Since Date
                                    - Last Call Date
                                    - Last New Files Date
                                    - Downloads in files and kbytes
                                    - Uploads in files and kbytes
                                    - Date User Account Expires On
                                    - Account Balance
                                    - Netmail Balance
                                    - Security Level
skwo100g.zip   43112 08-05-2024 skWhosOnline v1.00g - HTML Who's Online
                                Viewer - US$10 Registration
                                skWhosOnline is a program that produces
                                an HTML page on the fly for callers using
                                a browser. This page will show the current
                                people online and allow them to send any
                                caller currently  online caller email if
                                they want. The template used by the program
                                can be fully customisable by the sysop.
skxf100d.zip  103541 08-05-2024 skXft v1.00d - A X-Files Trivia Game in wcCode
                                - $10USD Registration
                                skXft is a trivia game based on the X-Files TV
                                Users can play the trivia game using a
                                traditional ansi interface.
                                Users can play the trivia game using a browser
                                and a html interface.
                                It comes with 50 questions.
                                In the registered version the sysop can:-
                                - Get rid of the nag screens.
                                - Add their own questions and/or modify the
                                supplied questions.
                                - Customise the html headers and footers.
slr20.zip      17189 08-05-2024 StripLog REMOVER v2.0. Removes that
                                ANNOYING comment added to the ACTIVITY
                                log by StripLog v2.1.
                                By Lazor Software
smf.zip         8553 08-05-2024 
st116_ws.zip 1120012 08-05-2024 SysTop - 1.16 Win95,NT App for WinServer.
                                Build #36
                                SysTop IS NOT A WCCODE (wcx) PROGRAM! It's a
                                32bit .EXE! SysTop is Desktop utility for WINs
                                Basic Features:
                                * Monitors Nodes and Users in real-time 
                                * Quickly Change Any Users Settings  * Print
                                * Full Featured Event Mgr  * Sysop Pager
                                * WCX Manager  * Set WAV Event Sounds ..Plus
                                * add-ons like: stMailer and stFile Manager!!
                                Run SysTop from your WC5 server or any other
                                on your network. Manange files with ST add-ons
                                CHECK THIS ONE OUT! An RA Development Product.
                                Only $16.00 for Hobbies. Now totally Unlocked
stfm_11.zip   270573 08-05-2024 stFileManager. v1.1  build 16 for WinServer.
                                stFM is a File Management Utility for WC5.
                                Compiled with
                                Delphi 2.0 this 32bit Windows 95/NT
                                application cooks!
                                You can Add, Delete, Modify and Search for
                                Files. You
                                can Mass MOVE and DELETE files from Multiple
                                file areas.
                                Drag-n-Drop to add files from your desktop. 
                                All File Lists. Run from any computer on your
                                An RA Development product.  Starting at only
                                $15.00 for
                                hobby boards, this application for
                                WC5/WinServer ROCKS!
stickfu.zip    10065 08-05-2024 "Stick Fu" (E)xternal (G)ame (M)odual for GORE
                                RPG.  FREEWARE
supers51.zip   23086 08-05-2024 SUPER SCRAMBLE v5.1 (WCX32) - FREE word
                                game for WC5. Ships with 450+ words, 30+
                                categories, and best of all add your own
                                easily!  See how fast you can unscramble
                                the word before the timer runs out.  The
                                quicker you do it, the larger the jackpot
                                you win.  Hint feature makes it playable
                                across all levels. If you are looking to
                                add 32-bit doors to your new 32-bit BBS,
                                here is a good one to grab. Keeps top 10
                                scores and more.  Best of all it doesn't
                                cost you anything!
                                (c) 1996, Gerard C. Johnson & KeySoft.
swactlog.zip   11656 08-05-2024 SWACTLOG v1.0 wcCODEv5 Automail your ACTIVITY
                                logs and QUESNEW.x.
                                2 or 16 line version FREE to Wildcat! sysops
                                from SouthWest Consulting.
                                Why hunt down your activity logs and new
                                questionnaires when you can mail
                                them to yourself or Co-Sysop(s) with this free
                                utility? This FAST wcCODE v.5
                                program will mail your logs as an event.
sw_secup.zip    7926 08-05-2024 SW_SECUP v.1.2 wcCODEv5 Allow callers to
                                upgrade themselves to trial status.
                                FREE to Wildcat! sysops from SouthWest
                                With this utility, you can allow a caller to
                                read your rules file, and
                                upgrade themselves to a temporary/trial
                                Security level without Sysop
sysoff.zip     14271 08-05-2024 Sysop's Office V. 2.1  For WC5 Sysop's only!
                                A True 32 bit WCX, writen in Wc-Code Ver. 5.0
                                Sysop's Office is a very helpful Menu prog-
                                -gram, it has full sound-card support for
                                Win 95 users and activity logging to help
                                Sysop productivity. It helps you clean up
                                those heavily used and crowded Main Menu's. 
                                Also gives you the option to add your own
                                file or application to gain access to your bbs
                                A must for sysop's with big Main Menus! 
                                Program and Design by CW Computer Services....
sysview.zip     1671 08-05-2024 
tad200b.zip    10405 08-05-2024 TonyAdvertise - A wcCode5 program for da
                                -Perfect for advertising products or BBSes on
                                your BBS!
                                -Good look
                                -Can purschase the source code for $25!
                                -=-=-=-=-=-=-= TonyTown Software =-=-=-=-=-=-
tbank590.zip   15427 08-05-2024 TonyBank 3000 5.90 Pro - A wcCode5 timebank
                                for WINS
                                Some new features in this version -
                                * A sysop command has been added
                                * Its easier to install.
                                * 1-900 Number Registration is available.
                                Bugs : tmbrtmbr@flash.net
tdylst50.zip    7816 08-05-2024 This simple utility will scan your Wildcat
                                files database
                                and create a message listing new uploads in
                                your specified
                                areas. The areas and dates for the scan are
                                easily changed.
                                Version 5.00, Rewritten in wcCODE for WC5
telefi11.zip   38702 08-05-2024 
telnet4u.zip   56947 08-05-2024 Telnet4U v1.00 is a User Telnet Menu Program
                                for your WINServer/Wildcat! 5.0 BBS with the
                                ICP package.  Telnet4U is an add-on that will
                                replace the built in telnet outbound program.
                                It is easy to setup, and easy to use. It
                                provides a user configurable Menu of
                                "Telnetable" sites.  You can allow your users
                                to Add, Change, and/or Delete sites to create
                                their own custom menu, or you can restrict
                                them to use only the sites that you define!
                                Lots of controls, features and extras for
                                both the SYSOP and the users!  Provides
                                detailed logging on what sites are being
                                accessed and by whom.
theyroff.zip  125527 08-05-2024 "They're Off!" Version 1.1, horse racing game
                                for Wildcat!/Winsever
                                "They're Off" is a high action Horse Racing
                                game, jam packed with 
                                features for use on your WINServer/Wildcat! 5
                                BBS. This unique Horse
                                Racing game has over 100 different horses, 6
                                furlongs of racing
                                action, 10 horses per race, randomly generated
                                horses, smooth action,
                                highly configurable add-ons, Off Track Betting
                                 a lounge with more 
                                games, a full sysop control center, and much
                                Written and distributed by PC Pursuits 
                                Support site: The Pursuit of Happiness at
                                              Dial-up BBS: (301) 695-5260
tlc_2dall.zi       0 01-01-1980 
tlc_2dall.zip   31107 08-05-2024 
tonypage.zip    8914 08-05-2024 TonyPage 2000 - A wcCode Program for da WIN
                                -Replaces the "Page the Sysop" option
                                -Really good look
                                -Makes user input a reason for the page
                                -75% orginal source
                                -ITS FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                -=-=-=-=-= TonyTown Software =-=-=-=-=-
top20dl1.zip  105411 08-05-2024 Top20dl/NewsCenter V1.1 - Designed for Wildcat
                                5.0 in WcCode
                                Creates a top 20 based on number of times a
                                file has been downloaded,
                                allows you to set what areas are included in
                                this list. Easy selection
                                from an Ansi selector. Also creates optional
                                allfiles.txt files. Create
                                a template of several areas and run during
                                nightly maintenance. Very
                                fast program with a lot of options. Very
                                useful to find out what areas
                                are getting the most action on your BBS.
                                Newscenter is a place where you can store all
                                your bulletins and let
                                the users view them. Works in conjunction with
                                Top20dl. Displays all BBS
                                type files, converts them to have a long file
                                name. No need to create a
                                link, automatically creates the links.
                                Written by Larry Anderson, author of LaWord,
                                LaStory, The Classifieds,
                                Offline, Requester, LaPage, and the Top Twenty
                                Copyright (c) 1996 Express Computers Larry
top20_1.zip   176586 08-05-2024 Top Twenty Generator v 1.01 - for Wildcat 5.0
                                WcCode program written by Larry Anderson
                                Top Twenty Callers, Uploads, Downloads,
                                UploadKB, DownloadKB, Messages Posted,
                                Minutes online, average minutes per call,
                                Yesterday, Today and Tommorow Birthdays,
                                Yesterdays callers. All or any can be
                                disabled. Html screens also are created.
                                Fully configurable. Skip certain users,
                                change the way the title for each 
                                screen looks. Change the way the HTM
                                looks, so you can add your own
                                graphics. THIS VERSION REPLACES VERSION 1.0
                                Copyright(c) Express Computers
topten01.zip  248725 08-05-2024 Topten (Ansi/HTML) v0.01 for WinServer 5.x
                                This topten program makes lists of To Uploads,
                                Kbyes&Files, Total Downloads in Kbyes/Files,
                                Msgs sent, Total Callers, Total minutes used,
                                it makes the screens in HTML and ANSI.
topten51.zip   33199 08-05-2024 TOPTEN v5.1 (WCX32)- Create up to 12
                                display files for Wildcat v5 automatically.
                                Generates ANSI *and* HTML display files all 
                                in one easy to setup and run program.
                                  1)  Top 10 callers by # of calls
                                  2)  Top 10 callers by # of Uploads
                                  3)  Top 10 callers by # of Downloads
                                  4)  Top 10 callers by Upload Kb
                                  5)  Top 10 callers by Download Kb
                                  6)  Top 10 callers by messages entered
                                Another *FREE* "plug-n-play" Wildcat! utility
                                from KeySoft & Gerard Johnson (c) 1995-1996.
track21.zip    43767 08-05-2024 "Across the Tracks" is a WTLORD 2.5+ IGM. It
                                is FREEWARE!
                                This is the latest version as of 08/04/99.
                                Coded by John Winter at Night Fire Software.
                                It features
                                Ted, The Drugged Out Roadie. You can play
                                games with him,
                                offer him a job, and feed him. Tons of fun and
                                put the game out of balance! "wtlord.tzo.com"
                                Night Fire Software
ttft180.zip     9182 08-05-2024 TTFT.WCX, version 1.75, for WC5.
                                List top 10 files (per downloads).
                                HTML output to stand-alone page
                                with file information displayed in
                                a table, where filenames are
                                download links. Ignores offline files.
                                Designed to run in non-interactive
                                (batch) mode. Processes about
                                10,000 files per minute on a
                                486/50 under Windows NT with other
                                processes active. Very inexpensive
                                shareware w/ nice registration
ucf11.zip      53854 08-05-2024 "Up Country Fishing" v1.1 -=- an IGM for
                                WT-LORD in wcCODE!
                                "WT-LORD v2.0 READY" for WT-LORD v2.5 and
                                Higher ONLY! 
                                Take a break from all that fighing in the
                                Forest and enjoy a
                                relaxing afternoon fishing. Sell your catch or
                                eat it, it's
                                all up to you! Another fun *WT-LORD IGM* by
                                Joseph Watson
                                FEATURES:  SUPPORTS Multiple WT-LORD Games
                                           EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
                                           EASY ONLINE Registration with VISA
                                and MASTERCARD!
ucf15.zip      66728 08-05-2024 "Up Country Fishing" v1.5 -=- an IGM for
                                WT-LORD in wcCODE!
                                "WT-LORD v2.0 READY" for WT-LORD v2.5 and
                                Take a break from all that fighing in the
                                Forest and enjoy a
                                relaxing afternoon fishing. Sell your catch or
                                eat it, it's
                                all up to you! Another fun *WT-LORD IGM* by
                                Joseph Watson
                                FEATURES:  SUPPORTS Multiple WT-LORD Games
                                           EASY Setup
                                           BUILT in Maintenance
                                           EASY ONLINE Registration with VISA
                                and MASTERCARD!
                                           NOW INCLUDES Y2K Date Checking
                                           TONS more fish in the stream!
udfiles.zip     4365 08-05-2024 
ultrek15.zip   52654 08-05-2024 ULTIMATE "TREK TRIVIA" v1.5 in wcCODE 5 -=-
                                Resistance is FUTILE!
                                You will be Assimilated!  Written in 32bit
                                wcCODE for Wildcat 5!
                                How well do you know your TREK? ST:TOS, ST:TNG
                                 ST:DS9, ST:Voyager,
                                MOVIES and more!
                                   Extremely EASY Setup!
                                   Sysop can Set the Allowed Plays per Day!
                                   Maintains an ALL TIME HIGH SCORE Record
                                   Sysops can configure an external High
                                Scores Bulletin!
                                   NEW: Supports Door Counting in BapStats and
                                   NEW: Automatically RESETS with the 1st
                                Player of each month!
                                   Registered version contains 450+ ULTIMATE
                                TREK TRIVIA QUESTIONS!
umfu150.zip    14312 08-05-2024 UMFU.WCX, version 1.50, for WC5.
                                UniNova's Mail Forwarding Utility
                                forwards private mail in Conference 0.  
                                For example, if mail comes in for
                                Joe User, a user who no longers calls
                                your system, the simple configuration:
                                joe user > juser@some.new.com
                                ...will send the mail on to his new
                                address.  Several nice, new features
                                in this version!  Now handles file
                                UniNova Shareware, $10.
umfu160.zip    15920 08-05-2024 UMFU.WCX, version 1.60, for WC5.
                                UniNova's Mail Forwarding Utility
                                forwards private mail in Conference 0.  
                                For example, if mail comes in for
                                Joe User, a user who no longers calls
                                your system, the simple configuration:
                                joe user > juser@some.new.com
                                ...will send the mail on to his new
                                address.  Handles file attachments!
                                Lots of customization options!
                                UniNova Shareware, $10.
updown.zip      2769 08-05-2024 
ureg400.zip    35188 08-05-2024 
uslister.zip    4293 08-05-2024 USlister v1.00  WCX v4.12
                                This program will allow you
                                to list users with a certain
                                security profile.
                                Hidden Paradise Software
                                It's FREE!!!!!
usrlist.zip     3781 08-05-2024 FREEWARE From Just For Giggles & Laughs
                                BBS.  This file makes a user list of
                                the users on a Wildcat 4.xx version
                                BBS.  rename it to groupx.lst and
                                you can send distrubed mail 
usrrg20u.zip   67008 08-05-2024 HTML User Registries WC5 wcCode 
                                - Allows your users to create unique 
                                  user registries.
                                - Uses ANSI Terminal client to gather
                                  input from your users.
                                - Produces both ANSI and HTML output
                                  of each user's registry as well as
                                  ANSI and HTML lists of users who
                                  have filled out their registry.
                                - Writtin completely in WC5 wcCode.
                                (C) 1996 Sensational Software and
                                    Evolution Communications, Inc.
uwt32_10.zip   19953 08-05-2024 uWait32 -- This is intended as a quasi-
                                clone of the wcWait utility that ships
                                with Wildcat! 4.x.  The difference is
                                that this is a Win32 console app, and
                                it handles the CPU nicely instead of
                                grabbing 100% of the CPU's attention.
                                This does not replicate all of the
                                Wildcat!-specific functions regarding
                                node status, but it will wait a given
                                number of seconds or wait until a given
                                time using the same syntax for those as
                                wcWait.  Not exactly a drop-in fix, due
                                to the node-oriented parameters that
                                this does not handle, but it's pretty
vb5date.zip     3108 08-05-2024 
verify10.zip   73629 08-05-2024 WS-Verify & WS-WebVerify
                                Telnet and http verifiers for the WINS system
                                Great way to keep tabs on your users.
                                Both programs keep database of email addresses
                                will set an expire date, sends message to
                                to notify of upgraded user, also sends welcome
                                message to user. Keeps users email address in
                                user record for reference, and allows sysop
                                choose security profiles to allow the user to
                                upgraded to. Many more features! See the help
                                for all the features.
                                wcCode from WS-Software! 
viewcmp1.zip   22551 08-05-2024 A compressed file viewing util for WINS.
                                This wcCode utility extends the file
                                view option built into the WINS ansi
                                interface.  Features include the reading
                                of text files within archives, searching
                                of text files, hex view of binary files,
                                viewing of archives within archives, the
                                downloading of files from within archives.
                                Shareware brought to you by the folks at
                                Beggar's Banquet.
viewlog.zip     2086 08-05-2024 WILDCAT.LOG viewer for wc 5.X SYSOP's  Version
                                0.1 WCCode (8-13-1996) 
virtualp.zip    5914 08-05-2024 help files for virtual port setup WC5 doors
                                with sample bat files
                                for my  door  configurations. 
vpconfig.zip    2345 08-05-2024 
vp_fix.zip      2237 08-05-2024 
w5hap1_1.zip    7910 08-05-2024 W5PHAPS.ZIP aka THE HAPPENINGS ver1.1 -=- User
                                Interactive Notepad/Newsletter
w5pza1_1.zip    4294 08-05-2024 BBS AD v1.1 by PhazeSoft.  This program pits
                                SysOp vs. SysOp!
                                How?  Read the docs!
w5pzlist.zip    2722 08-05-2024 W5PZLIST.ZIP is a wcCODE BBS Lister Program,
                                and FREEWARE.
wallz4.zip     20597 08-05-2024 2 WC5 wcCODE walls - 1 Adult, 1 Standard -
                                HTML output - FREEWARE
wc53pr20.zip   91409 08-05-2024 3-Pair Poker Door (32-BIT Wildcat! 5)    v2.0
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                Play Poker against the computer. Will you get
                                3-Pair first? Makeup games missed, during the
                                month. Automatic game reset and Hall of Fame
                                bulletins, at end of month. Send/Receive 
                                MESSAGES from other players AND send EMAIL to
                                the Door Author!                             
                                ************** INTERBBS - Capable ***********
wc5ab12.zip    97794 08-05-2024 ADDRESS BOOK      (32-BIT WINServer)     v1.2
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  ** 
                                Caller can create and maintain their own 
                                database. Add/Delete/Edit all entries. Send 
                                Email or Local mail to database entries. Send
                                Email to Groups of entries in the database. 
                                Add signature lines to messages. Import 
                                database entries. Backup and restore database
                                from files stored on the caller's PC. Plus 
                                send/receive MESSAGES to/from other players 
                                AND send EMAIL directly to the Door Author!   
wc5acy24.zip   88113 08-05-2024 ACEY DEUCEY - Door (32-BIT Wildcat! 5)   v2.4
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  ** 
                                An all time favorite! Fast-paced, challenging
                                card game. How many times can you get into 
                                the Hall of Fame? Makeup games missed during 
                                the month. Progressive Jackpot. SEND/RECEIVE 
                                MESSAGES from within the DOOR including EMAIL
                                directly to the Door Author!!                
                                ********* InterBBS capable *************
wc5bbd16.zip   89381 08-05-2024 BASEBALL DICE  - (Wildcat! 5 32-BIT)     v1.6
                                **  Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                Play an addicitve and sometime frustrating
                                game of BaseBall with a roll of the dice!!
                                Make your own Roster of players. Fast-paced
                                and fun for all ages! Now with MAKE-UP-DAYS!
                                Automatic score reset at end of month.
                                Send and receive messages to/from other BBS
                                users or players AND send EMAIL messages to
                                the Door Author!
wc5bday.zip    10274 08-05-2024 WILD BIRTHDAY'S v1.3 Generate a birthday list
                                in ANSI and RIP format, either as a bulletin
                                or hello screen.  For WILDCAT v5.+ only.  It
                                will also write a message to the user wishing
                                them a Happy B-DAY.  No expiration.
                                BIRTHDAY USER WILDCAT LIST wcCODE WC5
                                Danny Davis/The Lighthouse BBS [209] 325-0278
wc5bet21.zip   99722 08-05-2024 BETSY ROSS  - Door - (32-BIT Wildcat! 5) v2.1
                                **  Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                Move the cards from the grid and the deck to
                                the 4 foundations. Fast-paced, addictive and
                                very hard to beat! Makeup games missed,
                                during the month. Automatic game reset and
                                Hall of Fame bulletins, at end of month.
                                Send/Access the BBS Message base from within 
                                the Door AND send Email directly to Door
                                Author! Now an option to win EXTRA Points!!!
                                *********** INTERBBS-Capable ****************
wc5bj14.zip    89763 08-05-2024 BLACKJACK  -Door- <32-Bit WINSServer)    v1.4
                                **** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection ****
                                BLACKJACK is a fast play game that follows
                                most of the regular Blackjack rules. The game
                                includes a few other ways in which to obtain 
                                money you will need to play!
                                *************** InterBBS Capable ************
wc5blo12.zip   83343 08-05-2024 BLOCK Solitaire     (32-BIT Wildcat! 5)  v1.2
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                Move ALL the RED and BLUE blocks to opposites
                                ends of the grid. Send/receive MESSAGES 
                                to/from other players AND send EMAIL directly
                                to the Door Author!                           
wc5bxd24.zip   93243 08-05-2024 BOX DICE - Door Game    (WINServer)      v2.4
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                Remove all 24 boxes from the grid, based on
                                the roll of the dice. Fast-paced, frustrating
                                and VERY hard to beat!! Makeup games missed
                                during the month. Automatic game reset & Hall
                                of Fame bulletins, at end of month. NOW with
                                'POOL' points and REAL-TIME scoring! SEND and
                                RECEIVE MESSAGES to/from other players AND
                                send Email directly to Door Auhtor! Includes
                                a chance to win extra points!
                                **************  INTERBBS - Capable **********
wc5cc14.zip    65039 08-05-2024 CHECKS & CHARGES   -Door-   (WINServer)  v1.4
                                **** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection ****
                                Now you can accept Credit Cards and Checks 
                                online. Validates bank routing numbers and 
                                credit card numbers. Sysop/Administrator 
                                defined receipts. Present caller with any
                                subscription options (optional). Automatic
                                Security Profile upgrades (optional). Display
                                extended descriptions for each option 
                                (optional). Supply your own Opening Screen.
wc5chr33.zip  259509 08-05-2024 CHAIN REACTION    (WC5!/Winserver>       v3.3
                                ****  Part of the Sunrise Door Collection *** 
                                Chain Reaction is a challenging new word game
                                based on the TV game show of the same name. 
                                Players must guess words based on the 
                                relationship with the preceeding and 
                                following words. A fun and Educational game. 
                                ******** INTER-BBS  CAPABLE *****************
wc5col11.zip  164064 08-05-2024 COLONIES  -RPG Door-  (32-Bit WINServer) v1.1
                                ***  Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  ***
                                War Style Strategy Game! Players run own 
                                Colony to populate the planet Mars. Players 
                                can form alliances with others.  Internal 
                                battles, global messaging, automatic message 
                                quoting, alliances, agreements, peace 
                                treaties & much more. 
wc5con23.zip  100880 08-05-2024 CONCENTRATION  Door (Wildcat! 5 32-BIT)  v2.3
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                A very challenging game where caller must
                                guess the hidden 5-digit number. Sounds
                                easier than it really is since the hidden
                                numbers are not conventional. Makeup games
                                missed during the month. Automatic game
                                reset & Hall of Fame bulletins, at end of
                                month. Send/receive MESSAGES to others
                                including the DOOR Author! Now a random 
                                chance to win extra points
                                ************** INTERBBS - Capable ***********
wc5czy20.zip   92316 08-05-2024 CRAZY 8's - Door (32-BIT Wildcat! 5)     v2.0
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                An all time favorite! Fast-paced, challenging
                                card game. Automatic game reset & Hall of 
                                Fame bulletins, at end of month. Makeup games
                                missed, during the month.  SEND/RECEIVE
                                MESSAGES from within the DOOR including EMAIL
                                directly to the Door Author!!
                                ********** INTERBBS-Capable *****************
wc5dom26.zip  100653 08-05-2024 DOMINOES - Door - (32-BIT Wildcat! 5)    v2.6
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                An all time favorite! Fast-paced, challenging
                                simulation of the ever popular game played by
                                everyone. Automatic game reset & Hall of Fame
                                bulletins, at end of month. Makeup any games
                                missed during month. Send/Receive MESSAGES
                                to/from other players AND send EMAIL to the  
                                Door author directly! Chance to win EXTRA pts
                                ************  INTERBBS-Capable **************
wc5gro22.zip   85613 08-05-2024 GROAN  DICE -  Door (32-BIT WINServer)  v2.2
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                A fast paced, challenging dice board game.
                                Makeup games missed during the month.
                                Automatic game reset & Hall of Fame
                                bulletins, at end of month. REAL TIME scoring
                                and POOL points. Send MESSAGES to other 
                                players AND to the Door Author!!!            
                                ********** INTERBBS - Capable ***************
wc5gro23.zip   86011 08-05-2024 GROAN  DICE -  Door (32-BIT WINServer)  v2.3
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                A fast paced, challenging dice board game.
                                Makeup games missed during the month.
                                Automatic game reset & Hall of Fame
                                bulletins, at end of month. REAL TIME scoring
                                and POOL points. Send MESSAGES to other 
                                players AND to the Door Author!!!            
                                INTERBBS - Capable
wc5gw18.zip   151228 08-05-2024 GANGLAND WARS   RPG Door  (32-Bit WINS)  v1.8
                                ***   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection ***
                                Do battle with Street Punks, Recruit Gang 
                                Members, visit the Gangland Boss, Rob Local 
                                Stores, play Blackjack & much more!  
                                Includes a GANGLAND WARS AIP Module that adds
                                10 Computer Players to your game
                                AUTOMATICALLY Do you have what it takes to be
                                the Top Gang Leader?  Now with AUTOMATED
                                Maintenance as well as AUTOMATED computer
                                players turns!
wc5hac13.zip  101967 08-05-2024 HACKARAMA!   RPG-Door  32Bit/WINServer   v1.3
                                **** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection ****
                                The BEST BBS HACKING RPG! Can you compete to 
                                become the TOP HACKER? Hack program codes, 
                                visit the HIGH HACKER, hack into bank 
                                accounts, ripoff hack codes and more.
wc5hello.zip    2178 08-05-2024 WC5 - ANSI USER statistics screen - READY TO
                                Colorful user stat's screen for WILDCAT 5!
                                gives: USER DOWNLOADS, UPLOADS, MESSAGES
                                USER's TOTAL CALLS - LAST NEW FILES DATE, USER
                                ID #,
                                YOUR BBS NAME, VERSION #! FREEWARE
                                FROM - SHAREWARE PLUS! BBS - (218)543-4424 
wc5hex23.zip  132787 08-05-2024 HEXX WARS  -  Door    v1.7
                                **** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection ****
                                Fully multinode RPG style Door! Here's your 
                                chance to finally be a D.J. and have your own
                                radio show. Play requests, have contests, do 
                                promotional appearances, SPIN-OFF with other 
                                D.J.'s, accept payola in the Underground 
                                Operations and much more!
wc5shu15.zip   81932 08-05-2024 Word Shuffle  - (Wildcat! 5 32-BIT)      v1.5
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                Word letters are shuffled and the player must
                                unscramble them. Includes a database/event
                                manager. Send messages to other players as 
                                well as to the Door author!
wc5sm15.zip    92930 08-05-2024 SUN MENU - Menu System (For WINServer)   v1.5
                                ***  Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  ***
                                A Master Menu system for WINServer systems to
                                organize the Sunrise Door Collection on ONE 
                                menu. Allows the caller to run the Sunrise 
                                Doors from the Master Menu and return to the 
                                Master Menu after completion of the selected 
                                Door.  !******** FREEWARE ********!
wc5sta16.zip   73885 08-05-2024 STATES         Door (Wildcat! 5 32-BIT)  v1.6
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                The computer guesses the State you have
                                selected by asking you a series of questions.
                                READ and SEND MESSAGES from within the Door.
wc5sty24.zip  232531 08-05-2024 STAIRWAY - Door Game (32-BIT Wildcat! 5) v2.4
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                A word game that will put your vocabulary 
                                skills to the test. The computer selects the
                                starting letter and player must make words
                                ranging from 2-7 letters. Dictionary is
                                included! Makeup games missed during the 
                                month. Automatic reset & Hall of Fame. 
                                SEND/RECEIVE MESSAGES to other players AND
                                directly to the Door Author! Random chance to
                                earn extra points at end of game. 
                                ************ INTERBBS - Capable *************
wc5swp18.zip   88022 08-05-2024 SWEEPSTAKES  DICE  (32-Bit Wildcat!5)    v1.8
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                A fast paced, challenging dice game where you
                                bet on the outcome of the roll of 6 dice.
                                Automatic game reset & Hall of Fame
                                bulletins at end of month. Makeup games
                                missed during the month. REAL TIME scoring
                                and JACKPOT points !!!!! Send/receive msgs to
                                other callers & send EMAIL to Door author!   
                                *********** INTERBBS - Capable **************
wc5tb20.zip    77421 08-05-2024 TIME BANK - Door (32-BIT Wildcat! 5)     v2.0
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                Allows the caller to BANK their call time
                                remaining, WITHDRAW time from their account,
                                and GAMBLE for extra time. These options are
                                under the control of the Sysop via the CFG
                                file. Caller can send messages to other
                                system users and/or EMAIL to the TIME BANK
                                author! Banked time can be reset on a 
                                periodic basis, automatically!
wc5tip10.zip   48862 08-05-2024 Wc5Tips v1.0
                                Tips & Tricks for WINServer (Wc5).
                                This version includes:
                                Comment to Sysop,
                                Guestbook for Http,
                                Java script for updating 
                                the "Page Last Modified"
                                Uploaded & complied by
                                Thomas Kloos -=-SysOp-=- The CatHouse,
                                An online community for Wildcat! SysOps.
wc5tri20.zip   95515 08-05-2024 TRIANGLE Solitaire  (32-BIT Wildcat! 5)  v2.0
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                Remove all cards from the pyramid in Pairs
                                that equal 13. Fast-paced solitaire game.
                                Makeup games missed during the month. Auto 
                                game reset & Hall of Fame bulletins, at end 
                                of month. Send/receive MESSAGES to/from
                                other players AND send EMAIL directly to the
                                Door Author!
                                ************  INTERBBS-Capable  *************
wc5tt15.zip   127425 08-05-2024 TIME TRAVEL  RPG-Door (32-Bit WINServer) v1.5
                                **** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection ****
                                You find yourself trapped between 3 different
                                times: Prehistoric, Present and the Future.  
                                You must find the 10 codes to enter into the 
                                Time Piece in order to return to your own 
                                time!  Battle cavemen, convicts, aliens and 
                                other time travellers.  Spin the Time Dial, 
                                play the Hi\Lo Card game, find the SECRET 
                                answers to the bartenders riddles and enter 
                                them into the Time Computer and much more!  
wc5ty22.zip    98928 08-05-2024 TRIPLE YAHTZEE   (32-BIT Wildcat! 5)     v2.2
                                **  Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                Great Dice game. Plays like the popular board
                                game and is VERY ADDICTIVE! One of the top 5
                                Door games in the world. Makeup games missed,
                                during the month. Automatic game reset and
                                Hall of Fame bulletins, at end of month.
                                Send/Access the BBS Message base from within 
                                the Door AND send Email directly to Door     
                                ************* INTERBBS - Capable ************
wc5vid17.zip   97433 08-05-2024 VIDEO POKER         (32-BIT Wildcat! 5)  v1.7
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
                                Play VIDEO POKER like they do in the casinos.
                                Includes a PROGRESSIVE JACKPOT (non-InterBBS
                                play). Fast-paced!! Makeup games missed 
                                during the month. Auto game reset & Hall of 
                                Fame bulletins, at end of month. Send/receive
                                MESSAGES to/from other players AND send EMAIL
                                directly to the Door Author! 
wc5wof24.zip  109117 08-05-2024 WHEEL of FORTUNE - (Wildcat! 5 32-BIT)   v2.4
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                Plays like the popular TV game show. Includes
                                puzzle database manager! Puzzles are changed
                                AUTOMATICALLY WITHOUT running nightly event!
                                Players can supply Sysop with puzzles, at end
                                of game, online. Send/Read MESSAGES from the
                                Door using the WC message bases AND send 
                                EMAIL to the Door Author directly!
wc5ww25.zip   233901 08-05-2024 WORD WAR   -  Door (WildCat! 5 32-BIT)   v2.5
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                The object of Word War is to create as many 
                                words as you can from 15 randomly chosen 
                                letters. Dictionary is included! Makeup games
                                missed during the month. Automatic reset & 
                                Hall of Fame. SEND MESSAGES to other players
                                and directly to the Door Author!             
                                *********** INTERBBS - Capable **************
wc5wwp24.zip  480797 08-05-2024 WORD WARP  -  Door (WildCat! 5 32-BIT)   v2.4
                                **   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection   **
                                Word Warp is a fun, fast paced word game in 
                                which you must create 25   words from another
                                8 letter word within a specified time limit. 
                                A  fun, and educational game for all ages.  
wc5_2dreg.zi       0 01-01-1980 
wc5_2dreg.zip    4737 08-05-2024 
wcafx101.zip   18279 08-05-2024 WcAllFix Version 1.00 for Wildcat 5.0 / WINS
                                - An Echomail 'FileFind' processor written
                                  for Wildcat 5.0.
                                - Reads and processes echomail filefind type
                                  messages, generating a reply back to the
                                  original author listing matches found in
                                  the Wildcat 5.0 / WINS file database.
                                - Fully configurable message header and
                                - Unregistered copy limited to 15 matches,
                                  Registered copy fully configurable.
                                - Registration 10.00 GBP or $15.00 USD
wcb_2d250.zi       0 01-01-1980 wcBackup v3.0, backup your important WIN
                                Server files in  
                                seconds!  This program will find, compress &
                                all of the important files that a normal tape
                                drive will miss if your backing up your BBS's
                                while your BBS is running.  Now this program
                                includes a 
                                restore utility.  Run this program on a
                                regular basis, 
                                "Because when your BBS crashes... it will be
                                to late".  
                                This file was developed by the: 
                                CompuNet Information Network: 732-316-9584 or
wcb_2d250.zip   25369 08-05-2024 wcBackup v3.0, backup your important WIN
                                Server files in  
                                seconds!  This program will find, compress &
                                all of the important files that a normal tape
                                drive will miss if your backing up your BBS's
                                while your BBS is running.  Now this program
                                includes a 
                                restore utility.  Run this program on a
                                regular basis, 
                                "Because when your BBS crashes... it will be
                                to late".  
                                This file was developed by the: 
                                CompuNet Information Network: 732-316-9584 or
wcchat10.zip   57319 08-05-2024 
wcchn19.zip   395166 08-05-2024  CHAIN REACTION v1.9wc 32 Bit wcCODEĿ
                                         INTERBBS CAPABLE!!          
                                 Chain Reaction is a challenging new 
                                 word game by Mace Software based on 
                                 the TV game show of the same name.  
                                 Players must guess words based on   
                                 the relationship with the preceeding
                                 and following words. A fun and Edu- 
                                 cational game. This version is for  
                                 Wildcat 5! BBS software only and    
                                 takes full advantage of the 32 bit  
                                 platform. Mace Software,Inc. $15.00 
wcconf16.zip  194302 08-05-2024 
wccuv10.zip    52079 08-05-2024 Wildcat @-Code Utility Version 1.0:
                                     This is a program that can do many things
                                  It can convert Wildcat
                                     @-Codes into ANSI, or ANSI into Wildcat
                                @-Codes.  It can also Display
                                     Wildcat @-Code Screen on your screen with
                                color!  Now you don't need
                                     to go into a Wildcat @-Code drawer, or
                                Wildcat itself just to see a
                                     certain screen.  It is like DOS's TYPE
                                when you have a ANSI emulator
                                     loaded up.  It is a very powerful utility
                                  Try it out.
                                     This program is from Future Enhancements
                                by Michael C. Chen.
wcdel10.zip   200027 08-05-2024 
wcdemopr.zip  422450 08-05-2024 
wcdrm12.zip   131852 08-05-2024 WcDrm Developer DLL Series -  * Vers 1.2 *
                                New function added to this version! These
                                compiled 16 & 32 bit dlls will make
                                Client/Server programming and developement
                                much easier for the WIN Server. Includes
                                help files, source code and much more for
                                use with 16 and 32 bit versions of Visual
                                Basic, Delphi or  Visual C++.  Designed by
                                Bob Dalton and Tim Rider. A supplement to
                                the wcSDK. Copyright 1997 by Mustang
                                Software Inc.
wcdupchk.zip   15052 08-05-2024 Wildcat 5 wcDupeChecker (Unregistered)
                                - Searches your WC5 user database
                                  for duplicate user records.
                                - Compares Real Name, Address1 and
                                  Voice Phone numbers of all your
                                - Generates output list file of all
                                  duplicate accounts (Unregistered 
                                  version will only display first 
                                  three duplicate records).
                                - Registration fee $5.00 (Registration
                                  FREE when you register any other 
                                  Sensational Software product). 
                                - Written completely in WC5 wcCode.
                                (C) 1996 Sensational Software and
                                    Evolution Communications, Inc.
wceu37.zip   4410347 08-05-2024 WCEmail Utils v3.7  A 32 bit Wildcat Utility
                                to send Users a message when they have New
                                Mail waiting for then on your System. Can
                                forward Mail and attachments to another Email
                                Address! Many other features. A Must Have 
                                Utility for WINS. Limited Trial.  Another 
                                WC!5 program from Skip MacWilliam 
                                and C&S Software.
wcfinger.zip    4149 08-05-2024 
wchome10.zip   12473 08-05-2024 
wcirc.zip      18245 08-05-2024 
wcjoke.zip     26077 08-05-2024 EZ Joke Version  1.0 (c)  1996  by  John 
                                Fisher.  Written for Wildcat! 5.  EZ for
                                a sysop to setup and EZ for the user  to
                                use.  Supports long file names.  Startup
                                jokes included, sysop can add their own.
                                Users can submit jokes(when registered).
                                Requires  no  configuration file.  Auto-
                                matically  detects  the joke files.  $20
wclookup.zip    6226 08-05-2024 wcLookUp is a Freeware 32-bit wcCode Winsock
                                application which 
                                performs a "real time" NS-like look up on a
                                user supplied IP 
                                address or host name. 
                                Extra! Extra! Extra!
                                Need help calculating the correct IP address
                                configuration for wcPPP
                                or any other IP addressing scheme? Visit
                                and resolve it online!
wcm40.zip     973351 08-05-2024 wcMailer v4.0   *Read Full Description*  
                                Kenneth Hines Software, 1997
                                WcMailer v4.0 for Wildcat! Interactive Net
                                Server. 32-bit 
                                Visual Basic program to send messages (with
                                file attachments) 
                                addressed to "All" or to a Single user, a
                                Security Profile, 
                                All users, a Selected Group of Users, a List
                                of Users in a 
                                text file, a Internet Email Address, a List of
                                Internet Email 
                                Addresses in a text file or a Selected Group
                                of Internet Email
                                Addresses. Features include: Spell Checking,
                                User Defined 
                                Subject Lists, User Defined Tagline List &
                                Tagline support, 
                                User Defined Function Keys, Drop & Drag
                                support, Ability to 
                                Import Text, Save & Print. Also has built in
                                function when 
                                mailing to a Single User or a Selected Group
                                of Users, to 
                                view users by Login & Real Name. Great for
                                ALIAS systems! 
                                Logs directly into the WINS server. Online
                                Shareware for Wildcat! Interactive Net Server
wcmzap.zip   4323218 08-05-2024 WCMail Zap! v1.0  A 32 bit Wildcat Utility
                                to forward Mail (Email and Conferences) to 
                                an Email address! Great for traveling Sysop's
                                and as a Perk for your Users. Very
                                and Database driven. Online
                                SHAREWARE $15. Another Visual Basic program 
                                for WINS From Skip MacWilliam and C&S Software
wcnavdl.zip    12341 08-05-2024 NavDown Ver 1.03 Download the Wildcat
                                Navigator from a Menu. WCX 5.0
                                NavDown - WcCode 5.0 - Gives your users the
                                option to download the
                                full Navigator with all Clients or just the
                                Basic Version without 
                                the Clients.
                                Sysop configurable file names and paths
                                Has Full Activity Logging So you can track
                                Which Version Your 
                                Users are Downloading...
                                Shareware only $5.00 
                                PovertySoft (707)437-2261/0639
wcnntp10.zip  893520 08-05-2024 
wcor1_0b.zip    8937 08-05-2024 THE MAGIC ORACLE Beta- A freeware magic
                                oracle (a la the Magic 8 Ball(tm))
                                that will help you and your users
                                solve the mysteries of the universe!
                                Will only work with Winserver software!
                                Extremely simple to set up and use.
                                Another Realms-Online production!
                                (C) 2000 Frank Rauhuff
                                (a member of Elysium Software)
wcping.zip      4545 08-05-2024 
wcqq50.zip     10960 08-05-2024 wcQQ 5.0 (WCX32) - FREE wcQuick Quotes for
                                Wildcat! v5 systems. Fantastic incentive for
                                users to enter short quotes or funnies that
                                will be saved and displayed to others. Some
                                of the features include:
                                 - Automatic Language checking (vulgar words)
                                 - Add initials automatically or be anonymous
                                 - Quotes are randomly colorized
                                 - Setup in 3< minutes with Zero maintenance
                                 - Quick 32-bit WCX for your 32-bit BBS/OS
                                 - best of all - IT'S FREE!
                                (c) 1994-96, Gerard C. Johnson & KeySoft.
wcrdr10.zip   406506 08-05-2024 WcRdr VB Service Toolkit DLL-Vers 1.0 (BETA)
                                WIN Server Visual Basic Developer support
                                has arrived! This archive contains a Visual
                                Basic 32 bit Service writing toolkit,
                                compiled copies of the example client and
                                service, source code for both the examples
                                and the toolkit, and a windows format help 
                                file. For use with Visual Basic 4.0 (16 &
                                32 bit). Designed by Tim Rider and and Bob
                                Dalton. A supplement to the wcSDK.
                                Copyright 1997 by Mustang Software Inc.
wcrndpas.zip    2880 08-05-2024 ͻ
                                  Random Password Generator  
                                        for Wildcat 5        
wcsand16.zip  116320 08-05-2024 Sandtiger's Bar v1.6 (WcCode 5.x) IGM for
                                WT-LORD 2.0+ - A porting from the
                                original Pascal... with some modifications
                                The Family Internet BBS
                                e-mail : info@vacsew.com
wcsbil12.zip  747865 08-05-2024 WCS Bill v1.2-Dynamic HTML subscription
                                system for Wildcat 5/WINS systems.  Template
                                driven web pages, so sysop can customize the
                                appearance of pages.  Allows user to select
                                recurring billing option (auto bill) and will
                                send expiration notices to users before their
                                accounts expire.  Shareware, $25 to register.
                                New version with improved editor, and more
                                complete help file.
                                Rob Williams, WCS Software, (c) 1998
wcsearch.zip   18013 08-05-2024 wcSearch for WINS
                                32 Bit - Data Search Program  for WC5
                                Provides Sysops  a way to  search for
                                duplicate  data  in  specified  areas
                                Address 1-2, Voice & Data Phone,  and
                                Comment Fields 1-6.    ANSI hardcoded 
                                graphics. Written in WC5 32 Bit Code
                                No More Duplicate Logons to your WINS
                                Full Tech Support and Free Upgrades
                                for all future versions of wcSEARCH.
                                 -=TLC Net Server  &  Hp2 Software=-
wcshell.zip    54384 08-05-2024 wcSHELL For Wildcat! 5 - Version 5.0997
                                32-Bit WCX!  New Version now includes ANSI
                                Interface with
                                Security options for each directory.  Allows
                                configuration so users in ANSI Interface can
                                directories, edit files, copy, move, kill,
                                rename and so
                                on.  Users can mark files for these options as
                                well as
                                download or upload from any directory.  No
                                need to work
                                with DOS command anymore, it's all just
                                pushing the right
                                buttons.  Also includes the original command
                                for use like a "fake-DOS" prompt, allow
                                security is not
                                checked in that mode. Registration only $10
                                which allows
                                all 20 commands including Sysop Upload and
                                Download to
                                ANY directory available on your system and the
                                new ANSI
                                Interface.  This Demo expires on December 31st
wcsp10.zip      5584 08-05-2024 wcSysop Pager v1.0          Freeware from
                                Kenneth Hines Software, 1996
                                wcSysop Pager v1.0 is a Page Sysop replacement
                                that allows the Sysop to 
                                use a wav file instead of the Default beep or
                                sound used by the original
                                Wildcat!5 Page Sysop. Sysop defined wav file,
                                number of times the wav is
                                played, Hot Key to answer the Page with, and a
                                display file to show 
                                caller while he or she is Paging the Sysop.
                                Must have a sound card setup 
                                in Windows. Freeware.
wcstrv11.zip 2796951 08-05-2024 WCS Trivia v1.1-It's brain-strain made fun!  
                                Challenge your associates and coworkers with 
                                WCS Trivia!  Puzzling and entertaining
                                test your users and/or employees each day. 
                                Trivia! is presented with engaging sights and
                                -- and a touch of  humor.  The game takes only
                                minutes to play and it automatically keeps a
                                of high scores for lively system-wide
                                Also features easy No-hassle installation and
                                automatic maintenance features.
                                This game is the first graphical WINS
                                navigator client 
                                from WCS Software and supports full
                                presentation on the client side.  You have to
                                see it
                                to believe it!
                                This version 1.1 fixes a problem with
                                different date 
                                formats causing a server abend.  It should
                                affect international callers.
wctb_v11.zip    7916 08-05-2024 Time Bank For Wildcat! Net Server 5.0.
                                Time Bank Is A WCX Program To Let Your
                                Callers Save Time. Auto LogOff Feature
                                With Friendly Activity Log Awareness.
                                SysOp Configurable Options. FREEWARE
                                From EZSoft Software.
wcthtml.zip    41707 08-05-2024 Who Called Today - HTML version! (1/20/97).
                                Who Called Today now automatically creates
                                an on-the-fly HTML file for use with Web
                                browsers. Comes with the ANSI version of Who
                                Called Today (formerly "A1 Who Called To-
                                day"). ANSI version completely sysop config-
                                urable as to colors and fields. HTML version
                                configurable as to background and foreground
                                .gifs and directories. Easy to set up and
                                use! Register: $6.00. CR Software.
wctoday.zip     6958 08-05-2024 
wctrace.zip     4547 08-05-2024 
wct_v04b.zip  439537 08-05-2024 WCToday For Wildcat Net Server Version 5.0.
                                Who Called Today Is A Daily Statistics Log
                                Analyser Which Displays The Following:
                                - Shows Caller Statistics 
                                - Detailed Caller Activity Log Entries
                                - Door Game Statistics And Usage
                                - Total Statistics For The BBS
                                - Detailed Server Log Viewer
                                - Built-In Activty And Server Log Trimmer
                                - Built-In Activity Log Editor
                                - Generates ANSI And HTML Output Screens
                                From EZSoft Software. SHAREWARE $10.00 US
wcu12.zip    1039579 08-05-2024 WCUSERS v1.2 B. 40  WCUsers is an external
                                user editor for WC5/WINS system
                                administrators.  It allows you to Edit or Add
                                Users or any part of a Users profile or
                                delete multiple users at once.  You can sort
                                users by First Name, Last Name, ID, Last
                                Call, Security Access, and their Real Names.
wcuser.zip    323330 08-05-2024 WCUSERS v1.0 B. 34  WCUsers is an external
                                user editor for WC5/WINS system
                                administrators.  It allows you to Edit or Add
                                Users or any part of a Users profile or
                                multiple users at once.  You can sort users
                                First Name, Last Name, ID, Last Call,
                                Security Access, and their Real Names.
wcwhois.zip     9433 08-05-2024 wcWhoIs is a 32-bit wcCode Winsock application
                                which performs a 
                                "real time" whois search against InterNIC's
                                whois database and 
                                returns the results in a display file
                                available for download. 
wcxf26.zip     66085 08-05-2024 The wcX-FILES! v2.6 -=- IGM for WT-LORD in
                                32bit wcCODE for WC5! for WT-LORD v2.0 and
                                ABOVE. Another *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                You're the EXPERT! Help Agents Mulder and
                                Scully solve an X-File if you dare! A fun IGM
                                for Wildcat Tournament LORD!
                                FEATURES: EASY Setup
                                     NEW: SUPPORTS Multiple WT-LORD Games
                                          Added MAX FENIG/Tempus Fugit
                                          Added Dana Scully Codes
                                          Interacts with other IGMs
wdant20.zip   135431 08-05-2024 
wdhome.zip     82185 08-05-2024 
wdirc.zip      51220 08-05-2024 
wdpeople.zip   92220 08-05-2024 
wdsub20.zip    77857 08-05-2024 
whcv18.zip     62144 08-05-2024 Who Has Called Version 1.8 By Michael C.
                                     Who Has Called is a program that shows a
                                list of all the callers.
                                   The difference between other programs and
                                this is that you can
                                   make your own header file, or edit it.  And
                                there is also a option 
                                   to display yesterday's callers.  It is
                                compatible with Wildcat
                                   version 2.61 TD and above.  Programmed by
                                Michael C. Chen of Future
whoarc.zip      4817 08-05-2024 
whobrain.zip   12909 08-05-2024 WHOBRAIN WC5 .WCX Who is Online 
                                The Who Brain is a replacement
                                for the built in Who is online
                                module of WINS (Wildcat! 5).
                                The Who Brain offers options
                                for paging other callers,
                                entering live chat, and showing
                                only active lines. Not crippled!
                                Does not require ANSI emulation.
                                From Brainex 310-275-2344.
whov100.zip    14344 08-05-2024 -= Who's Online from J.I.S.T  =- 
                                   (Release Date:      06/20/97)
                                FreeWare Replacement for built in Who's 
                                Online. Displays only active nodes. For 
                                Wildcat Interactive Net Server.
wibbs23.zip   196915 08-05-2024 INTERBBS       32-Bit/WINServer          v2.3
                                **** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection ****
                                INTERBBS module for Wildcat! 5/WINServer!! 
                                Let your callers compete against other 
                                players on BBS' around the world. Packets can
                                be transmitted TO/FROM the Sunrise-80 BBS HUB
                                via EMAIL File Attach or FTP! EVERYTHING is 
                                automated... both INBOUND and OUTBOUND! 
                                **** NEW IMPROVED SETUP! *****
wildbday.zip    5551 08-05-2024 
wildf1_2d1.z       0 01-01-1980 * WildFile *  for WIN Server
                                - Release 1.1 - New File IO-
                                WildFile is the tool WIN Server Sysops have
                                been waiting for.
                                This tool is designed to run as an event. With
                                an easy-to-use
                                configuration window you can have WildFile
                                configure each file area to either Add, Delete
                                 or Move files
                                and List files for file areas. You can
                                test-run configurations
                                before setting them up as events.  Key feature
                                of WildFile 
                                allows you to automatically scan actual file
                                area directories
                                for new file and add them to the WC file
                                database, including
                                its description.  With drive mapping WildFile
                                can be run from
                                other machines on your LAN.  
                                More info goto http://wildcat.cincare.com/
wildf1_2d1.zip  379341 08-05-2024 * WildFile *  for WIN Server
                                - Release 1.1 - New File IO-
                                WildFile is the tool WIN Server Sysops have
                                been waiting for.
                                This tool is designed to run as an event. With
                                an easy-to-use
                                configuration window you can have WildFile
                                configure each file area to either Add, Delete
                                 or Move files
                                and List files for file areas. You can
                                test-run configurations
                                before setting them up as events.  Key feature
                                of WildFile 
                                allows you to automatically scan actual file
                                area directories
                                for new file and add them to the WC file
                                database, including
                                its description.  With drive mapping WildFile
                                can be run from
                                other machines on your LAN.  
                                More info goto http://wildcat.cincare.com/
wildmud.wcx    23328 08-05-2024 
wildmud.zip    23427 08-05-2024 
wincht13.zip   18006 08-05-2024 Windowed Chat v1.3 wcCode for Wildcat! 5 
                                Unique Chat Alternative!
                                This program offers you a unique Windowed
                                sysop-user chat. It will
                                display your chat session in a Window,
                                centered on the screen from
                                anywhere on your BBS.   All conversations  are
                                recorded in a node-
                                specific log file for viewing offline later if
                                desired. Your users
                                will love it!   
                                Crazy Larry's Online Art 24-hour Support BBS:
                                503-357-2710 USR v34
                                WWW: http://www.europa.com/~cloa          
                                E-Mail: cloa@europa.com
wishl11.zip     8410 08-05-2024     The Wishlist v 1.1    
                                Do you run a BBS that serves
                                as support BBS for programs
                                or other products that are
                                being updated constantly? If
                                so this is for you. Users
                                can enter wishes and bug
                                fixes for future updates of
                                your product. Very
                                configurable. FREEWARE!!!
                                from KIKSTAND Software.
                                For Wildcat! v 4.12
witch27.zip    92946 08-05-2024 The Witch Doctor's Hut! v2.7 - IGM for
                                WT-LORD in 32bit wcCODE for WC5! for WT-LORD
                                v2.0 and Above!  Y2K Aware. Another fun
                                *WT-LORD IGM* by Joseph Watson
                                Kamala is the MASTER of ALL! Drink a potion
                                or have him CURSE or HEX your enemies! A fun
                                IGM for Wildcat Tournament LORD with lots of
                                fun options!
                                FEATURES: EASY Setup
                                          BUILT in Maintenance
                                          Many New Options & Hidden Features
wizdun.zip     43290 08-05-2024 Wizard's Dungeon - a little dungeon crawl for
                                This is a fun program that evolved from a game
                                the 16K Exidy Sorcerer. It's free - try it!
                                Umbramancer (405) 670-1367
wmp98f2f.zip 3893564 08-05-2024 Web Messaging Professional 98, Version F.2
                                WMP98 is the essential add-on for any WIN
                                Server system that makes extensive use of
                                the DHTML interface. Adds essential features
                                like spell checking, an address book, file
                                attachment uploading, threaded messaging,
                                multiple bug fixes, and much MUCH more! 
                                WMP98F2f.ZIP - full version with VB5 setup
                                WMP98F2s.ZIP - standard version
                                WMP98F2u.ZIP - upgrade from version F.1
                                Shareware with $49 registration fee
wsvpkg.zip     73629 08-05-2024 WS-Verify & WS-WebVerify
                                Telnet and http verifiers for the WINS system
                                Great way to keep tabs on your users.
                                Both programs keep database of email addresses
                                will set an expire date, sends message to
                                to notify of upgraded user, also sends welcome
                                message to user. Keeps users email address in
                                user record for reference, and allows sysop
                                choose security profiles to allow the user to
                                upgraded to. Many more features! See the help
                                for all the features.
                                wcCode from WS-Software! 
wswho10.zip    10296 08-05-2024 WS-Who v1.0
                                Who's Online Replacement that includes
                                a refresh option, and a direct node
                                page option. $5 US Shareware!
                                wcCode from WS-Software! 
wtlord28.zip  696331 08-05-2024 -= Wildcat Tournament LORD v2.80  =- 
                                (Release Date: 03/31/98) $20 Registration
                                Adventure, friendship & fantasy combine to
                                create the most powerfull version of the
                                award winning hit door, Legend Of The Red
                                Dragon.  For Wildcat Interactive Net Server.
                                Up to 200 players in one game - hotkeys -
                                globals work anywhere - chat room with
                                directional & whisper support - in game
                                sysop controls/editor - Monster Editor -
                                Weapon Editor - Interplayer marriage -
                                and kids - unlimited nodes - unlimited trial
                                period - new text - easy to configure!
wtshel11.zip   25183 08-05-2024 Wt-Shell v1.1 - Shell for WT-LORD. Will allow
                                you to run event .wcx's, 
                                NPC's, etc before and after running WT-LORD.
                                Now supports up to 3 games.
                                The Family Internet BBS
wt_2dfd13.zi       0 01-01-1980 WT-Food Fight II - v1.3  - IGM for WT-LORD( 2
                                The Family Internet BBS
wt_2dfd13.zip  324130 08-05-2024 WT-Food Fight II - v1.3  - IGM for WT-LORD( 2
                                The Family Internet BBS
wup_2dfile.z       0 01-01-1980 New wcNAVIGATOR FILE CLIENT with Y2K fix,
                                fixes file searches by date.  SYSOPS should
                                place this file in your \WC5 directory and
                                then run CLIENTINSTALL.EXE to place it in
                                your clients directory.  When wcNav users
                                connect to your system, the system will then
                                automatically send them the new client update.
wup_2dfile.zip  172929 08-05-2024 New wcNAVIGATOR FILE CLIENT with Y2K fix,
                                fixes file searches by date.  SYSOPS should
                                place this file in your \WC5 directory and
                                then run CLIENTINSTALL.EXE to place it in
                                your clients directory.  When wcNav users
                                connect to your system, the system will then
                                automatically send them the new client update
wvpage11.zip   23356 08-05-2024 WAVE PAGER v1.1                 Developed by
                                Crazy Larry's Online Art
                                Wave pager is a complete Sysop Pager
                                replacement, that allows  you to
                                optionally play wave files when you are being
                                paged by  your callers.
                                This is to replace Wildcat! 5's use of a
                                standard "Beep" which sounds
                                your "Default Beep"  as defined in Win95, 
                                and/or the PC speaker beep
                                in WinNT.   Wave Pager also includes a Windows
                                 program that notifies 
                                you of who is  paging you,  and let's you
                                bring up wcView with single
                                click of your mouse!   This program also
                                displays the  paging process 
                                in a window, centered on the users terminal,
                                just as you would expect
                                from CLOA.  You have to try it to believe it!!
                                 [Sound Card Required]
                                A product of Bitwise Computers, PO Box 829
                                Forest Grove OR 97116-0829
                                BBS: 503-357-2710  E-Mail: cloa@europa.com 
                                WWW: www.europa.com/~cloa
wvtdlx12.zip   29892 08-05-2024 WVTDLX v1.2 The ULTIMATE Postcall WCX for WC!
                                4.12 and above - GUARANTEED! Reads anything 
                                in the activity log and respond to it in up 
                                to 22 different ways!!
                                - 22 powerful ActionWords define responses
                                - Bypass callers by Name, Level or Location
                                - Single/Combined Call/Drop Carrier Displays
                                - Selectable Real name/Alias/Time On/Time Off
                                - Send Messages/Attachments based on anything
                                - Update User's time, Credits, Security level
                                - Ring bell, Lockout User, and more...
                                UNLEASH THE POWER OF Who Visited Today Deluxe
wwest203.zip  351186 08-05-2024 Wild Wild West v2.03 - Wc5.0 - An RPG game
                                from Vandora Software, 
                                and Janet Terry, proud owner of The Faire, and
                                some great IGMS
                                for WTLORD. IGM List: Blackwing's Cove, The
                                Jeweler, Ask Clinton 
                                and Erschlangenhall.
                                In Wild Wild West there are Caves, Canyons,
                                Hills, Trails, and Mines 
                                to explore. Find the gold, love, and much more
                                 Author: Carl Tice
                                         OPENHOUSE BBS
                                         Vandora Software
                                         Programmer/Owner Janet Terry
                                         BBS (513)583-9905  Voice (513
                                         http/ftp/telnet us at vandora.com
xfiles16.zip   58615 08-05-2024 THE "X-FILES" Trivia v1.6 for Wildcat 5! -=-
                                written in 32bit
                                wcCODE for Wildcat 5!  Dana Scully, Fox Mulder
                                 Walter Skinner,
                                The Lone Gunman, Marita, Emily, HOME, CSM, X
                                and MUCH!
                                SEASONS: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!
                                   The Truth is Out There! Your callers WANT &
                                NEED This Game!
                                   FEATURES: EASY SETUP and it's a Lot of Fun
                                to Play!
                                   Sysop can limit the number of Plays Per Day
                                   Sysop can limit Questions per day!
                                   Sysop can configure Score Bulletin!
                                   Supports wcReports and Bapstats Door
                                   EASY ONLINE Registration is Available with
xicgenie.zip    9944 08-05-2024 Xicama's Genie EGM for GORE RPG, running on
                                Wildcat 5
xrwall2.zip    30308 08-05-2024 XrWall 2.0 for WC5 - 5 line a entry wall.
                                Major Bug fixes. 
                                Graffiti Wall that offers 5 lines of writing
                                per entry. Each can be color
                                set to the users liking, forground and
                                background. Forward and backword
                                scrollable. SysOp ability to BAN certain users
                                by name from writing on the
                                wall. Check it out! brought to you by XrSoft
yrwall20.zip   14860 08-05-2024 YOURWALL WcCode Wall of Wisdom 2.0
                                Fully Online configurable, many options.
                                One of which being you can name the
                                wall whatever you want, up to 70
                                characters (Registered Version only)
                                Only $10 to register. Version 2.0
                                Will work with WildCat! version 4.01,
                                4.10, 4.11 and 4.12 

                   Area 128 - WWIV Utils                  

422mods.zip   417773 08-05-2024 
autos123.zip  163989 08-05-2024 AutoSend v1.23 - A WWIV Net Sub Host Utility
                                 - Sends old posts to new subscribers
                                 - Posts sub rules and subscription lists
                                 - Post sub ads, rules, etc. on any sub
                                 - Send e-mail to sub subscribers
                                 - Removes unknown systems from N*.NET files
                                 - Scans DEAD.NET for dead posts and e-mail
                                 - Configuration program for easy setup
                                 - Graphical packet scanning
                                 - And MUCH, MUCH, more!
bredit10.zip   31518 08-05-2024 
                                               BREdit Version 1.0            
                                      Full Screen Message Editor For WWIV    
                                 Copyright 1999 Art Johnston, Robert
                                    Based on the code from FEditby Rob Raper 
                                     Portions Copyright 1993-1999 Rob Raper  
dbase107.zip   56305 08-05-2024 
dblst15.zip    61812 08-05-2024 [ Digital BBSList v1.5 : ShareWare ]
                                Easy to install BBSList Door.  Reqs 
                                |NO DROP FILE!  Now includes SysOp   |
                                :utils: external editor & ASV loader!:
                                Features include a String Search,   
                                 List full list or by Area Code only. 
                                 Customizable menus.  Scrollbar Matrix
                                 Random BBSList ANSI Screens using    
                                 PIPE Codes!  Downloadable BBSList!!  
                                Shareware: $5  (Must see for SysOps)
                                :Great Support! By Frank(1@1.DigiNet):
dfrag301.zip   66414 08-05-2024 DEFRAG v3.01 - WWIV Message Base/EMAIL.DAT
                                compression/repair utility --- 02/27/96
                                Repairs and converts to/from Type 0, 1, 2
                                and 5 message bases while removing "dead"
                                space from message/mail files.  Bashes
                                through 10+ Mb per minute on a 486DX/33!!
                                Repairs exploding EMAIL.DAT files, message
                                bases with bad msgs (no text, cross-linked
                                msgs, etc.) and more, all while freeing up
                                loads of drive space being wasted by your
                                WWIV message base files.
                                Registration: $15 US, includes all future
                                versions. Unregistered version is not
                                crippled in any way!. (-AV .ZIP from author)
dfxedit.zip    52376 08-05-2024 
dlog105.zip    71597 08-05-2024 CEREBRUM Software's DLog
                                - Displays modem speed graph
                                  upon logon
                                - Configurable via WWIV.INI
                                - Ability to create printout
                                  suitable for GFILES
                                - Shareware (see docs)
                                - >FREE< to all WWIVLock
                                  registered users!
dmm111.zip     27461 08-05-2024 CEREBRUM Software's DMM v1.11
                                -  Mails >ALL< users on the bbs!
                                -  Configurable via WWIV.INI
                                -  Writes directly to email.dat,
                                   so it's >INCREDIBLY< faster
                                   than it's competitors!
                                -  Shareware, $5
                                -  >FREE< to all registered DMAIL
dmpst111.zip   31664 08-05-2024 CEREBRUM Software's DMpost v1.11
                                -  Post messages on subboards
                                   without needing the bbs
                                -  Posts to either local or
                                   networked subs
                                -  Writes directly to the message
                                   base so it doesn't need network2
                                   to toss the posts
                                -  Configurable via WWIV.INI
                                -  Shareware, $5
                                -  >FREE< to all registered DMAIL
dnum111.zip    27288 08-05-2024 CEREBRUM Software's DNUM v1.11
                                -  Sends New User Mail
                                -  Configurable via WWIV.INI
                                -  Writes directly to email.dat,
                                   no more mods/network2 needed!
                                -  Shareware, $5
                                -  >FREE< to all registered DMAIL
ev_2dw4mnu.z       0 01-01-1980   schlick wwiv ansi menuset by -everlast- of 
                                /   /    )   ___)  __   )   /   )    ___)\
                                /  /  /  /   ___/    /  /   /   /__     / /
                                (__/__/__/______(____/__/_______(_______/ /
                                ========== an .ash. production ===========
                                my dopeazz menus each have there own ansi
                                header...no templates here beeeitch..yeyeye
                                --| Millennium Bytes [8i8] |--į
ev_2dw4mnu.zip   23763 08-05-2024   schlick wwiv ansi menuset by -everlast- of 
                                  /   /    )   ___)  __   )   /   )    ___)\
                                 /  /  /  /   ___/    /  /   /   /__     / /
                                (__/__/__/______(____/__/_______(_______/ /
                                 ========== an .ash. production ===========
                                   my dopeazz menus each have there own ansi
                                 header...no templates here beeeitch..yeyeye
                                --| Millennium Bytes [8i8] |--į
fbwwiv.zip     20124 08-05-2024 
flg_2dw11f.z       0 01-01-1980 -=-=-=-=-File List Generator/WWIV-=-=-=-=-
                                Due to restrictions on my time, I am no
                                longer able to maintain this program.
                                Therefore, I am releasing the source to
                                the public domain.  The source is in
                                QuickBASIC v4.5.  No support from the
                                author is avaliable.          Version 1.10
flg_2dw11f.zip   52276 08-05-2024 -=-=-=-=-File List Generator/WWIV-=-=-=-=-
                                Due to restrictions on my time, I am no
                                longer able to maintain this program.
                                Therefore, I am releasing the source to
                                the public domain.  The source is in
                                QuickBASIC v4.5.  No support from the
                                author is avaliable.          Version 1.10
fvb20.zip      99364 08-05-2024 FVB v2.0 - External Voting Booth  (08/31/96)
                                This software is a voting booth that can
                                be executed as a door, as a logon event or
                                internally to replace the stock one. Nice
                                graphical interface, easy to use. To use
                                with the WWIV Bulletin Board System.
                                (C) 1994-1996 by French Mod Division Software
gnwbre30.zip   93310 08-05-2024 
hs_421.zip      1267 08-05-2024 
link39b1.zip  114964 08-05-2024 Linker v3.91 Multi-Network Sender/Support
                                Written by Hellfire 1@1 Apex / 1@20750
                                Linker v3.91 the latest version of linker.
                                This Version has a whole host of features
                                including File Sending, Back Issue Sub Sending
                                file list requests, a Graphical Interface
                                and Dead.Net Purging. All available through
                                GREENWARE registration.
                                Supported by Net34!! This will save you $$$!!
ndcmp110.zip   13318 08-05-2024 
net28.zip     172173 08-05-2024 
net33.zip     223678 08-05-2024 
netanl10.zip   20169 08-05-2024 NetAnalyze v1.0 - A WWIV network analysis
                                program intended for use by NCs, GCs, and
                                ACs.  Detects errors in the connect files
                                for WWIV networks.  A must have for every
                                network administrator.
netm101.zip    37812 08-05-2024 NetMeter v1.01 - Keeps track of network posts
                                going to/through your system.  It tracks subs
                                by sub type, which allows you to see how much
                                traffic is coming through on a per sub basis.
                                Also tracks the amount of posts going to each
                                system you connect with, as well as the total
                                size of the posts (in kilobytes).  Useful for
                                servers and hubs that would like to see where
                                all the posts are going.  Requires WWIV v4.23
                                or higher.  Written by JAFO.   Date: 08/04/96
pbfile21.zip  123494 08-05-2024 1PBFILES v2.10 Pp ሃr's master files lister
                                5  The *BEST* master file listing program for
                                5 WWIV. The most configurable & fastest! Only
                                5 one with WWIV<>lister interface included so
                                5  your users can get on the spot lists with
                                5 most of the list options available to them.
                                5 List by date, file mask, insert color codes
                                5 strip ASCII, include extended descriptions.
                                5 Now with a full-featured config. editor,
                                5        GIF file resolution reporting!
                                2      MORE, MORE, MORE! Shareware - $10
                                6                  [01/21/96]
                                     4    -=*> A CEREBRUM release <*=-    0
pbs_v15.zip   197091 08-05-2024   1PBstring v1.50 2-- 5String remover -
                                5 saver extrodinaire!  FASTER, SAFER, and
                                5  COMPLETE than *any* other string remover.
                                5   Handles C's escape codes and replacement
                                5  parameters properly. You gotta see this to
                                5  believe it. Comes with SETUP.EXE, a string
                                5    replacement, and configuration editing
                                5       programs.  !!! NON-CRIPPLED !!!
                                5Mega-flexible.  Non-WWIV source code capable
                                5  Shareware-$20                  [05-18-96]
                                   4     -=*> A CEREBRUM RELEASE! <*=-    0
pbue_v23.zip  153774 08-05-2024 1      PBuedit v2.30 WWIV 4.24+ (*only*)
                                5      *THE* external user editor written
                                5specifically to take the place of the
                                5one.  Now with *FULL* QWK setting adjustments
                                5user toggles, default protocol, and MORE
                                5   for this NEW 4.24 version!  SPV-066*.MOD
                                5   included to tell you how to replace the
                                5internal editor. FASTER, and more flexible
                                5  *ANY* other editor, internal or external!
                                6        !!!!! No longer crippled !!!!!
                                5  Shareware-$20                  [01-21-96]
                                    4    -=*> A CEREBRUM RELEASE! <*=-    0
ping101b.zip   38183 08-05-2024 PING 1.01
                                A command-line utility for WWIV sysops
                                to get up-to-date SUBS.LST info.
                                This file may be distributed freely
                                to any and all sysops, but should not
                                be misused in violation of network
pkschat2.zip   29117 08-05-2024 
pppprj12.zip  189081 08-05-2024 PPP Project v1.2 Freeware from Cerebrum
                                Transfer WWIV-type network packets via
                                Internet email. Integrated into WWIV's
                                normal network routines.  Retrieves and
                                stores archives, images and net packets.
                                Transparent to normal network routines.
regions.zip     2776 08-05-2024 REGIONS.DAT for WWIV.  Complete and
                                Up-to-Date, including Area Codes that
                                have yet to become active.
                                This file is updated as infromation is
                                obtained from the TeleCommunications
sdswwiv.001     3180 08-05-2024 
sinm10b2.zip   91490 08-05-2024 SinMail v1.0B2 Shareware - Internet/WWIV
                                ===[ SinMail v1.0 Beta 2 - Shareware Version 
                                The first real Internet/WWIV UUCP interface
                                handling newsgroups and email.  SinMail is
                                easy to
                                setup and will work for any WWIV BBS through
                                UUCP connection to an internet service
                                Also includes special finger service for
                                users to maintain plan files.  With direct
                                SinMail is professionally designed for raw
                                Copyright Singe, 1995-1996.  All Rights
subchk14.zip   29117 08-05-2024 SubCheck v1.4 - A WWIV network sub inactivity
                                checker.  This program will keep a log of all
                                network subs on your system that are inactive
                                for a sysop defined number of days.  It sends
                                e-mail to the sysop as well, telling you what
                                subs are inactive.  This e-mail tells you the
                                status of each sub (sub not listed in SUBS.*,
                                host is unknown, or host is isolated).  Local
                                subs can be checked, and auto-requests can be
                                sent to sub hosts.
tam118.zip    248593 08-05-2024 
tlm_2dtic.zi       0 01-01-1980 TLM-Tic - .TIC Processor for WWIV
                                A .TIC processor for WWIV BBS's.
                                This one will handle as many
                                areas as you have memory,
                                requires approximately 50k to
                                load, with an extra 1k for every
                                10 areas. Freeware.
tlm_2dtic.zip   19591 08-05-2024 TLM-Tic - .TIC Processor for WWIV
                                A .TIC processor for WWIV BBS's.
                                This one will handle as many
                                areas as you have memory,
                                requires approximately 50k to
                                load, with an extra 1k for every
                                10 areas. Freeware.
tnc304d.zip   121663 08-05-2024 The Network Coordinator v3.04 for WWIV.
                                Demo Version.  Run your own WWIV Net.
                                Registration Now Only $20.  We accept
                                Visa, Mastercard, and Checks by phone,
                                fax, BBS, and mail.   01/06/96.
ufpcbk12.zip   10957 08-05-2024 CODEBACK 1.2
                                Specific program for automated backup of
                                source code
                                files for Registered WWIV SysOps.
                                All *.BAK files are deleted, and all *.C, *.H,
                                *.MAK and
                                *.ASM files are backed up to a specified
                                That location will be accepted as a
                                command-line parameter
                                or interactively.
                                Supports PKZIP, ARJ, LHA, RAR, and UC2
                                archiving programs.
ustat40.zip    61129 08-05-2024 UserStat ver 4.0 - Generate user
                                statistic files and BBS statistic files
                                for your BBS.  New things added are: more
                                automatic stuff, .CFG file, new activity
                                file, plus more. For use with WWIV
                                ver 4.22 and above.
wed24b_a.zip  281376 08-05-2024 
wedit25b.zip   54474 08-05-2024 
wedit25g.zip   47772 08-05-2024 WWIVedit w/OS2/Desqview/Windows Time Slicing
                                This is WWIVedit v2.5B updated by Goose to
                                time-slicing under OS/2, Desqview and Windows
                                This prevents other running processes from
                                noticably when someone is using WWIVedit.
                                7/21/96 versions adds support for Windows.
                                NOTE - This is only the updated EXE file.  You
                                need to install WWIVedit 2.5B first (WEDIT25B
winfo110.zip   11608 08-05-2024 WWIVinfo v1.10 - JiffMods Modding Group
                                An External YourInfo for WWIV - Replace the
                                internal YourInfo, or use as a chain
wmail60b.zip   75097 08-05-2024 WWIVMail/QWK v6.0B (Service Pack)
                                WWIV 4.24-4.30 QWK Off-Line Mail Door
                                BRWare Web Site: http://www.brware.com
                                WWIVMail/QWK is an installable WWIV chain
                                generates Industry Standard .QWK compatable
                                packets for numerous offline readers.
                                support for Bulletins, Newsfile, New Files
                                Sysop-defined Extraction and Communications
                                engines, Fossil Support, On-Line Help and
                                user selectable options. Updated 
                                ** No modification to WWIV source is required.
                                Note, this is a Service Pack which requires
                                WWIVMail 6.0 to be installed first.
wmch11.zip     38234 08-05-2024 WMChat v1.1
                                Replacement WWIV multinode chatroom!
                                Compiles directly into the source
                                code for maximum speed possible.
                                Whispering, directing, 10 channels,
                                SYSOP-CONFIGURABLE ACTIONS, sysop
                                invisibility, and MUCH, MUCH MORE!
wstat666.exe   34938 08-05-2024 
wsys17.zip    413338 08-05-2024 WWIVsys v1.7 - WWIV SysOp Utilities -
                                External utility for the modern WWIV Sysop,
                                the all-in-one tool that will replace any
                                configuration software for your WWIV BBS and
                                internet Sysop commands by a very well
                                and powerful user friendly interface tool,
                                many unique options. One of the most popular
                                WWIV utilities ever did to date. Shareware
                                (C) 1994-1996 by French Mod Division Software
wuucp10.zip    90894 08-05-2024 WUUCP v1.0 -=- WWIV <-> UUCP Gateway Software
                                WUUCP is a program that parses
                                newsgroups and email to and from the
                                formats that WWIV understands. This
                                is the first release version.
                                (c) 1995-1996, TLM Software
wv20.zip       20683 08-05-2024 7            ڿ    ڿ ڿ   ڿ
                                7             ڿ     
                                7              ٳ
                                7            ڿ 
                                7            ٳٳ   
                                6     WWIV Color File Viewer for DOS!
                                9 A Shareware Utility for World War IV BBS
                                9           brought to you by
                                1             On-3 Software
                                6        Written By: Lord Dragon
ww4pal.zip     21652 08-05-2024 
ww4warp2.zip   29275 08-05-2024 WW4suOS2.ZIP is a collection of files/Icons
                                SetUp info: by several different Authors. ALL
                                Provided *AS IS* Only. Files have been Edited
                                &/or made By: " The Animal " #1@ Bushidokai
                                BBS. 1@1201.WWIVnet, 3094.IceNET/TerraNET, &
                                More. WW4WARP.TXT was authored by Pug aka
                                Kronlage, OS2WARP.CFG was Authored by " Sam "
                                of Sam's BBS (FAQ from Sam's BBS of OS/2).
                                Others taken form other helpful doc's/texts
                                If NOT stated They are authored by The Animal
                                PLEASE Read EVERYthing before use of any file
wwived23.zip  278333 08-05-2024 
wwivnews.zip  664560 08-05-2024 
wwivtips.dat   11966 08-05-2024 
wwivtoss.zip  197471 08-05-2024 WWIVTOSS : WWIV/Fido Mail Tosser v1.30
                                WWIVTOSS is a WWIV/Fidonet Mail Tosser
                                and translator that takes the incoming
                                packet, tosses and translates messages
                                on the fly directly into LOCAL.NET.
                                Handles full email gateing between
                                WWIV Networks and Fido Networks
                                Includes program to convert WFIDO/WWIVGATE
                                data files to WWIVTOSS format!
                                Shareware $20.00 US
                                ** Released 10/19/96 **
wwivw95.zip     7027 08-05-2024 Setting WWIV 4.XX under Window 95.
                                Written by Razorblade at Winfree's
                                Lair BBS. (716)359-3296.
wwivw95a.zip    9284 08-05-2024 
wwln104.zip    44968 08-05-2024 Cerebrum's LastNet v1.04 network summary at
                                 Displays a list of recent network activity,
                                 sorted by time of connection, during the   
                                 logon. Fully supports mailer activity using
                                 FrontDoor, InterMail or compatible mailers.
                                 Runs as either a logon event or standalone 
                                 to create the ANS/MSG files to display.    
                                 v1.02 includes a configuration utility to  
                                 enable changing colors and header style!   
                                        $5 shareware from Cerebrum!         
wwmail41.zip  264921 08-05-2024 
wwsrt122.zip   52941 08-05-2024 WWIVSort 1.22 - WWIV Transfer Sort/List
                                 Copyright (C)1993-1996 by K. Harris / CMI
                                Sorts .DIR files forward or reverse on any of
                                different specs, generates file listings,
                                patches bad
                                'daten' timestamps.  Easily configurable and
                                fast!  [WWIVSort is significantly faster than
                                //SORT command and offers more sort options.]
wwtips11.zip  109992 08-05-2024 WWIVtips v1.1 - Logon Event by FMD
                                WWIVtip will show your user a tip
                                on WWIV each time they log on, so
                                they can learn more about WWIV and
                                some commands they might don't know.
                                Useful to inform your users about
                                your source code modifications.
                                (C) 1996 FMD Software - Shareware
                                Web Site: http://www.wwiv.com/fmd

       Area 140 - [whq] zer0net infopacks (zer0net)       

ZER0NET.ZIP    24039 21-03-2025 ____/\      ______       _____      ___/\\ xz

       Area 141 - [whq] zer0net nodelists (zer0net)       

ZERONET         7765 21-03-2025 Current Zer0net Nodelist (FTN Format)

              Listed 20201 files,  191024655k